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Apologetic lectures on the |
caving truths of
Just Published, in Crown 8vo, price 46..."
In Crown 8vo0, price 33s.,
Professor of Theology, University of Utrecht.
In Crown 8vo, price 4s.,
In Crown 8v0, Sixth Edition, price 7s. 6d.,
In Crown 8vo, price Dye
Works by Chr. Ernst Luthardt.
In Crown 8vo, price 5s., Cloth,
Author of ‘Commentary on St John’s Gospel.’
‘We have never met with a volume better adapted to set forth the
evidences of Christianity in a form suited to the wants of our day.
There is no obscurity in the thoughts or in the style; the language is
simple, the ideas clear, and the argument logical, and generally, to
our mind, conclusive. . . . . The whole of this vast argument
is illustrated by various and profound learning in ancient and modern
writers, and the notes themselves are an interesting study. We con-
fidently recommend these valuable lectures, both to the student and
the general reader, as containing an unusual amount of thought and
information conveyed in elegant and forcible language.’—Gwardian.
‘Tuthardt is the very man to help those entangled in the thickets
of Modern Rationalism. We do not know just such another book as
this; it is devout, scholarly, clear, forcible, penetrating, compre-
hensive, satisfactory, admirable. The topics are all ably handled.’—
Evangelical Magazine.
In Crown 8vo, price 5s.,
‘A finer theme for popular and instructive discourse it is not easy
to have; and in the illustration of this theme there is much in this
volume of suggestive truth, finely and impressively described.’—
‘It would be impossible, within a narrow compass, to give the
reader an adequate idea of the value of this small volume. It is
replete with great principles, popularly and eloquently expounded.’
Translated from the Second German Edition by
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THE Lectures which I last winter delivered on the
‘Saving Truths of Christianity, in continuation of my
former series of Apologetical Lectures, are here pre-
sented, with very few additions and alterations.
I confess that it was not without hesitation that I
undertook this work; for the more sacred and serious
the themes which I had to discuss, the greater was my
responsibility—a responsibility which I have never lost
sight of. I have found, also, but little assistance from
the works of others, from the fact that these very
questions are just those which have been much less
treated by apologetical writers, than those more general
religious questions which form the subject of my
former series. If, however, I may venture to draw
a conclusion from the unusual and sustained interest
bestowed upon them, God has not suffered these Lec-
xii Preface.
tures to be entirely without success. May they do
their work in their present form also.
I have provided these, as well as the former series,
with notes, chiefly of a literary and theological charac-
ter, and designed especially for such as may desire
more accurate information concerning the various
matters discussed.
This work is sent forth to the world with the prayer,
that the blessing which God has so abundantly be-
stowed on the former series may accompany this
Lerpsic, July 1, 1867.
The Subject-—Christianity the Absolute Religion—Heathenism—
The Religion of the Old Testament—Christianity, the Fact
Jesus Christ—Former Views of Christianity—Christianity,
Certainty of Saving Truth—Grounds of this Certainty—Means
of this Certainty —Faith and Knowledge,
Universality of Suffering and Death—Univer sality of Sin—Origin
of Sin—Universality of its Consequences—Internal Discord—
Selfishness the Essence of Sin—Impotence of the Will with
Respect to Sin—Guilt, . Re
A Remedy Needed—Vanity of Human Remedies—Need of For-
giveness—Grace Needed—Grace Certain—Grace Uniyersal—
Xiv Contents.
The Operations of Grace, Secret Operations—Education for
Grace, . ; : : ‘ ; ; oh, 165
The Question of the God-man—The Man, Christ Jesus—His Sin-
lessness——Jesus Christ, a Miracle—The Son of Man—The Son
of God—Confession and Denial of His Divinity—Necessity of
the God-man—Possibility of the God-man—Reality of the
God-man—The Self-abnegation of the Son of God—The Con-
trasts of His Life, : : ; : 2.90
The Three Offices of Christ—The Development of Jesus—His
Prophetic Office—His Rejection—His Atoning Sacrifice—Need
of Atonement—Substitution ; its Possibility and Reality—
Vicarious Suffering—The Last Hours of Christ—The Cross, 144
The Resurrection of Christ—Its Reality—The Exaltation of
Christ to be the Ruler of the World—The Holy Spirit—The
Conclusion of the Work of Redemption—The Trinity—The
Possibility of Understanding it—The Trinity of the Divine
Revelation—The Trinity of the Divine Nature—Faith in the
Trinity, : ‘ : : : . 139
The Church a Fact—Antipathy to the Church—The Intolerance
attributed to the Church—The Supposed Superfluousness of
the Church—The Nature of the Church—The Contrast of
Catholicism and Protestantism—Catholicism—Protestantism
—Difference and Unity of Churches,
Estimation of the Old Testament—Origin and Collection of the
New Testament Scriptures—Regard paid to Scripture by the
Church—Principles of Protestantism concerning Scripture—
Universal Importance of Scripture—Religious Importanee of
Scripture—Necessity of Holy Scripture—Matter of Holy Serip-
ture—The Understanding and Interpretation of Holy Scripture
—Inspiration of Holy Scripture—The Certainty of Inspiration
—Faith and Criticism—Duty towards Holy Scripture,
The Agency of Grace—The two Means of Grace, Word and’
Sacrament—The Word—Law and Gospel—The Law—The
Gospel—The Doctrine of Justification by Faith—The Sacra-
ments—The two Sacraments, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper
—Baptism—Confirmation—The Lord’s Supper,
The Goal of Perfection for Individuals—Belief in the Immovr-
tality of the Soul—Evidence of the Immortality of the Soul—
. 163
. 190
ee at
XVi Contents.
State of the Soul after Death—The Resurrection of the Body—
The Future.of the Church—The Conversion of the Nations—
The ssbperety = Hamity against the Church—The Victory of
Eternal Perdition—Eternal Salvation—Retrospect,
Notes To Lecture L.,
Nores to Lecrvre I1.,
Nores to Lecrurz IIL,
Nores To Lecture IV.,
Notes To LECTURE V.,
Nores to Lecture VI.,
Nores To Lectures VIL,
Nortrs to Lecture VIIL.,
Nores To Lecture IX.,
Notes To Lecture X.,
emer TT 1)N J addressed you from this place, a few
A) years’since, it was upon Zhe Fundamental
Truths of Christianity. Starting from
those questions of the human heart and
intellect which press upon every serious and thinking
man, from the anomalies apparent in the moral world,
from the enigmas of our entire existence, I showed you
how all these demand a living and a personal God, and
‘His revelation in Christ Jesus. It is only in the
religious view of the world, in Christianity, that these
anomalies are reconciled, these questions answered.
For it is only in God that we can understand either
the world or ourselves, Thus, everything that sur-
rounds us, and we ourselves, furnish actual testimony
to the necessity and the truth of religious faith.
18 Lecture I, The Nature of Christianity.
Such is, in few words, a summary of the former
The road which we then traversed together, led us
but to the door of the inner sanctuary. I now invite
you to follow me into this sanctuary itself, and to
contemplate its holy mysteries. It is not my inten-
tion again to speak of the elementary doctrines of
religion, but of Christian truth itself. I shall this
time assume a belief in the fundamental propositions
of religious faith, and address you as those who are
convinced that the God of whom we cannot help think-
ing, is also the living and personal God, whom we
are designed and called to acknowledge; to honour,
and to love;.that He has revealed Himself to us, has
directed us to religion as our highest destination ; and
that Jesus Christ is His complete and supreme mani-
festation. It is, then, on The Saving Truths of Chris-
tianity that I propose to expatiate: and to explain
and justify these will be my present object.
The road on which we shall travel together is
narrower than the former—perhaps, too, it is more
lonely. Very many who were willing to accompany
us on that, may possibly hesitate to follow us now.
And yet what I am now about to lay before you 1s
but the necessary consequence of the great general
truths which then occupied us,
Those truths come everywhere in contact with
human thought and experience. The doctrines which
I have now to bring before you move in a much
narrower field of observation. Indeed, it is not so
Christianity the Absolute Religion. 19
much the connection with human knowledge in gene-
ral, as the limited nature of this knowledge, which
becomes evident from the central station of Christian
I am well aware of the difficulty of my present task,
but I undertake it with the hope that. God will not
deny me His assistance and blessing.
How far I shall succeed in satisfying the ee
ments of such a subject, I know not; but whatever
may be the weakness of my words, I beg you to
believe—and this is the only thing I ask you to take
on my word—that the cause itself is far stronger than
its advocate.
Christianity was the goal of the former, it is the
starting-point of the present course. I shall therefore
begin by speaking of The Nature of Christianity ; and
this will form the subject of our first lecture. (’)
And what, then, is Christianity? It is a world of
thoughts, which have been working and fermenting in
the minds of men up to the present hour; it is an all
affecting change in our mode of thought and observa-
tion; it is a transformation of our entire social system ;
it is a renewal of our inner life; in short, it is a world
of effects, which are matters of. daily experience.
Wherever we may be, and wherever we may go, we
encounter this new world of Christianity, even when
we do not recognise it, even when we ignore or deny
it. But, above all, Christianity is religion. The Chris-
tian religion is the source from which that stream of
blessings flows, of which even they who oppose or
20 Lecture I., The Nature of Christianity.
despise the Christian faith partake. As religion, how-
ever, it is connected with all those religions which
have preceded it, and that not merely as one of them,
but as their truth, their aim, as simply religion.
Christianity is the absolute religion—the only true and
intrinsically valid religion, Such is the pretension
with which it entered the world, and which it con-
stantly maintains. This may, perhaps, be called
exclusiveness and intolerance; but it is the intoler-
ance of truth, As soon as truth concedes the possi-
bility of her opposite being also true, she denies —
herself. As soon as Christianity ceases to declare
herself to be the only true religion, she annihilates
her power, and denies her right to exist, for she denies
her necessity. The old world concluded with the
question, What is Truth? The new world began with
the saying of Christ, ] am the Truth. And this saying
is the confession of Christian faith.
The forms which the Christian faith assume may
alter; the human notions by which it seeks to express
itself may change; but Christian faith must declare
itself to be the unchangeable truth. It must affirm
that this truth is the answer to the old questions of
human nature, and that all the religions which have
been its predecessors were merely preliminary and pre-
paratory, and have found in it their aim and goal.
Heathenism was the ‘seeking religion, J udaism the!
hoping religion ; Christianity is the reality of what
Heathenism sought, and Judaism hoped for. (’) |
Let us first consider Heathenism.(°) To seek God
Heathenism. 21
is the origin of all religion—is the truth even of
heathenism. For this feeling, this attraction towards
God, exists in every man. Man cannot cease from
seeking and inquiring after God. No period of history
can be mentioned as that in which men began to seek
God. At no time, and in no place, have men been
_ found without religion. (*) It is the distinctive mark
of humanity. Homer delights to call men speaking or
inventive beings. He might have called them reli-
gious beings; and this would have been entirely in his
spirit.(°) It is true that individuals may deny all reli-
gion, just as individuals may deny all human affection.
But these are exceptions. It is as essential to man to have
a religion as it is to man to love. As man cannot live
without his fellow-men, so can he not live without God.
Individuals may resolve to renounce all human com-
panionship; but we could not but call this an unnatural
resolution. And they who should carry it into execu-
tion, would do so at the cost of their own minds, which
would be stunted by the process. So, also, an individual
might resolve to renounce all communion with God;
but this, too, would be an unnatural resolution, to the
detriment of his own soul, which would be impoverished
and stunted by the experiment. Nor would any one
be capable of fully carrying it into execution. As he
who seeks solitude carries with him, nevertheless,
thoughts of that world and that human society from
which he flees into the desert; so does he who wants
to know nothing of God, nevertheless bear about with
him everywhere thoughts of God, and inquiries after
22 Lecture I. The Nature of Christianity.
Him. We cannot forget God. This inquiry and search
after God is the origin of religion, and the truth even
of heathenism. .
Tn all its various forms, from the most elevated and
refined to the most revolting, it is equally the religious
sentiment and the religious craving which impels men
to seek after God. They do not, indeed, find Him,
because they seek amiss. The heathen mind has
sought God in the variety of nature,—in the stars of
heaven and in the powers of earth; but the heart has
always aimed at the one God. Religions are poly-
theistic: the religious craving is always monotheistic.
The heart seeks God, but the mind goes astray in the
way, and thus the true God is not found. y
‘However beautiful the thoughts, or elevated the
words, found in heathen poets and philosophers (°) con-
cerning the Deity, they always exhibit a twofold defi- _
eiency: they know neither the Creator nor the holy
Creator and creature, God and the world, stand on
the same level in their ideas. Either the divinity is
the highest product of the great process by which the
world and mankind were brought forth, or the world
is an emanation of the Divine essence, and proceeds
from God, much as thoughts involuntarily arise from
the mind, or like dreams of the night. The former is
the system of Greek, the latter of Jewish thought.
But if they know not the Creator, still less do they
know the holy God. It is after the likeness of sinful
man that they have imagined their gods, with the
Heathenism. — . 3a
weaknesses and passions of mortals. Where the notion
of the Divine holiness is wanting, there is wanting also
the highest standard of moral judgment, and a super-
ficial morality takes its place. All heathen worship iS
a testimony to this; for nothing but a superficial
morality could think of atoning for sin, or propitiating
the Deity, by its own works and sacrifices. There
is, it is true, a certain elegance of sentiment in the
honour rendered by the Greek woman to her goddess, in
an offering of fruits and flowers. Such worship might
well be imagined acceptable, if there were no such
thing as sin. The heathen religions may be religions
of beauty; but they are deficient in moral truth and
moral seriousness. I know well that heathen worship
has its dark as well as its bright side. Tull far down
the stream of time, even till the time of the Roman
emperors, human sacrifices were offered. (‘) We turn
away shuddering from such a worship; and yet it
is founded on a true feeling—the feeling that life is
forfeited by sin, and that sin can only be expiated by
life. This horrible distortion of truth—what else is it
but the cry of the heart seeking after a propitiated
God? Heathenism is the seeking religion ; but it seeks
without finding, and without the hope of attaining to
The religion of the Old Testament is the religion
of Hope. ‘The first quality which raises the Old
‘Testament far above heathenism, is faith in God the
Creator. An atmosphere of Divine majesty, before
which the creature is but dust and ashes, pervades the
24 Lecture I. The Nature of Christianity.
whole of the Old Testament. The Almighty, whom
the heaven of heavens cannot contain, whose throne
is heaven and the earth His footstool, who speaks and
it is done, who commands and it stands fast, is exalted
high above all created beings. And the other par-
ticular which raises Israel above the heathen world, is
the knowledge of the Divine holiness. Nowhere else
are found such poignant confessions of sin; among no
other nations are heard tones so pathetic as in the
penitential psalms of Israel; (*) nowhere else does a ~
like consciousness of the impassable abyss, separating
sinful men from the holy God, exist. No human
being can bridge it over; grace alone is able to do
this. It is true that the Israelite offered sacrifice, and
underwent purification; but he well knew that these
could not purge his conscience, that they were
symbolic images of inward plety—ty pes of the future.
It was upon this future that Israel lived. To it they
looked for the fulfilment of all God’s promises—the
satisfaction of the soul’s cravings. But their hope of
hopes was this, that God would make a new covenant
with His people,—a covenant of hearts,—to be founded
upon propitiation and forgiveness. This was the great
prediction of Jeremiah (xxxi, 31-34.),
Israel was the nation of hope, and its religion the
religion of hope. The hope of Israel became a fact in
Jesus Christ. This is the essence of Christianity. Its
essence consists not in an idea, not in mere thoughts,
but in a fact.
About thirty or forty years since, it was thought
Christianity, the Fact Jesus Christ. 25
that the key to the knowledge of the essence of
Christianity was found, when it was said to be the
most sublime idea of the reason.
The era of illumination and rationalism, which re-
duced the whole essence of Christianity to a scanty
history of the wise and virtuous Jesus of Nazareth,
and to some general elementary truths concerning
...God, virtue, and immortality, had preceded this.
When the deeper spirit of speculative philosophy
revived in the great philosophers of the present cen-
tury, it declared for the most’ unsatisfactory notion of
Christianity that was possible. It affirmed that the
deepest thoughts which occupy every thinking mind
had been here deposited in the popular form of
figurative language—that the thought of thoughts
which forms the mystery of Christianity is the unity
of God and man,—that God is the truth of man, and
man the reality of God. To the external perception
of the understanding, the two are indeed distinct ;. but
to the inner perception of the reason they are one.
Man is not merely the finite being he seems to the
external senses; he is rather a manifestation of the
Infinite. When man thinks of God, he is thinking
of his own higher truth, and thus combining with
God. This last is the highest thought of reason, and
this is also intended by the Christian doctrine of the
God-man. Such were the notions then taught by
_the philosophic schools of Schelling and Hegel. (°)
Well, it is now acknowledged that all this is a total
misconception of the proper meaning of Christian
26 Lecture I. The Nature of Christianity.
doctrine (*), and these notions of the age of philosophy
are generally abandoned. We have learned that philo-
sophy is not religion, and that it cannot take the place |
of religion. But what does modern so-called Pro-
testantism, designating itself as the necessary progress
of the human mind,—what does that self-named liberal
or free movement in theology, which has taken upon
itself to reconcile Christianity with the knowledge of
the age,—what does it put in the place of the philoso-
phical idea? A religious one—the idea of religious
and moral perfection. This, it is now asserted, is the
essence of Christianity. It is said to be the Jewish
stand-point to adhere to historical facts, which have
no signification for our reason. The truth of Chris-
tianity is made to consist only in the idea. (”)
We grant that Christianity has ideas: it is more
rich in ideas than the whole body of ancient philo-
sophy; and the thoughts of a Christian are deeper
than those of a Plato or an Aristotle. Yet it is not in
these, but in a fact (")—the fact of the atonement—
that the essence of Christianity consists. For sin is a
fact—the most potent fact on earth. Now, if a fact is
to be done away with, it must be, not by mere ideas,
but by facts. But Christianity is the doing away with,
sin-—the Divine answer to human sin. Therefore, it is,
a fact, the fact of atonement. For this alone, and not
an idea, can give us the peace of conscience we are
seeking. |
Our whole mental life rests upon facts. All here.
is governed by the mighty facts of history; and why
— Christianty, the Fact Jesus Christ. 27
should not religion be so too? All religions appeal to
facts—except, indeed, so-called natural religion, which
has no existence but in books. (”)
The fact constituting the essence of Christianity is
Jesus Christ. His person denotes the essence of Chris-
tianity; for Christ is related to Christianity in a different
manner from that in which Mohammed is related to
Mohammedanism. He has not merely an historical
but a religious significance with respect to the religion
called after Him; He is not merely its founder, but its
object ; He is one with it,—in fact, He is himself Chris-
tianity; and He has united it for all times to His person.
It is impossible to forget Himself in His cause. In
other cases it may often happen; and this is, indeed,
the ordinary course of events, that, in progress of time,
a cause gets separated from the person to whom it owes
its origin. Gratitude will, indeed, cherish the memory
of those who have been the benefactors of mankind;
but the time may come when their benefits will be
enjoyed and themselves forgotten. And who can be
certain of never being forgotten? Jesus Christ will
not be forgotten. (") He has made Himself the centre
of His religion; and Christendom has in all ages so re-
garded Him, as the whole history of the Church testi-
fies. The controversies of the different centuries have
all concerned the person of Christ. All worship is a
glorification of Christ. All church hymns praise Him.
Christian art celebrates His triumph when she lays at
His feet her choicest and loveliest treasures. And if
the conflict of our age turns upon the religious signifi-
28 Lecture I. The Nature of Christianity.
cation of Jesus Christ, what is this but another testi-
mony that He is the central point of the Christian
religion? He has indissolubly united it to His person.
Christianity being then a fact, and that fact Jesus
Christ, we proceed to inquire— Wherein the essence of _,
Christianity consists,
Various ages and Churches have given various
answers to this question.
The ancient Greek Church saw in it the revelation of
the highest truth—the manifestation of absolute reason.
The teachers of the Greek Church were nourished on
the great poets and philosophers of Greece. Hence
their desire to associate these great spirits of antiquity
with Jesus Christ, the King of spirits. They saw scin-
tillations of truth dispersed on all sides; they saw in
Christ the Sun of truth, in His teaching the highest
philosophy, the absolute reason. Such were the notions
of the Greek dogmatists. They express a truth, but not
the whole truth. 3 |
~The Western Church inherited that practical turn,
that talent for government, which had been manifested
by ancient Rome. It affirmed that Christianity had
brought into the world the Divine kingdom of grace
and life, that this kingdom is in the Church, that Chris-
tianity is the Church. He, then, who would partake
of the grace of the kingdom, must submit to the ordi-
nances of the Church. Hence, Christian piety is
obedience to the Church. We cannot but admire the
energy with which Rome secured for ‘Christianity a
safe refuge within the Church, during the tempests
Former Views of Christianity. 29
of national disturbances in the West. Yet we cannot
find in her the full truth and essence of Christianity.
Lhe Leformation proceeded from the anxiety of the
conscience for salvation—from the heart’s craving for
assurance. In it was repeated the old question: What
must I do to be saved? and the old assurance: Be-
lieve in the Lord Jesus Christ! It should never be
forgotten that such was the origin of the Reformation
and of Protestantism, which places the essence of
Christianity in the salvation of the sinner by Christ
Jesus, of which we are assured by faith.
This, its essence, is, too, the seal of its truth. For
it is hereby that it as much abases man through the
announcement of his sinfulness and ruin, as it elevates
him by the declaration of that Divine grace which
saves him. No other religion so deeply humbles man,
yet none so truly comforts him, as Christianity. In
all others we have but part of these truths; and man
is either degraded to the level of the brutes, or made a
god. The Gospel is the whole truth; and it is this
truth through its preaching of Jesus Christ. For it is
this that shows us the greatness of our ruin, through
the greatness of the means necessary to remedy it. It
shows us how sorely we need salvation, and, at the
same time, that this is offered to us by the grace of
God. (28)
Christianity, then, is, on the one side, the salvation
of sinners in Christ Jesus; on the other, the faith
which assures us hereof. For faith requires assurance.
Theology may sometimes be occupied with doubtful
30 Lecture I. The Nature of Christianity.
opinions and views, but faith requires certainty ; and
it is its nature to do so, Pe
Upon what, then, does this certainty depend? It may
be answered: Upon the authority of the Church. And
this is the answer of the Romish Church, which affirms :
What the Church teaches is true, for the Church is
infallible; she has the spirit of truth, she is inspired.
But what if she is not infallible? What if she be not
free from error? if she have erred? if these assertions
fail when tested by the facts of history? What would
then be the consequence? Then, faith must fall to-
gether with the Church’s infallibility; for it rests upon
her authority, ‘and is, in truth, faith in her. This,
then, cannot be the ultimate foundation of faith. Let
us go a step farther backwards than the Church.
Behind the Church stands Holy Scripture. . Does our
faith, then, rest upon Holy Scripture? Well, we
believe, and are sure, that’ in the Scripture we have
the Word of God, that it teaches us the way of salva-
tion, and is a safe guide to heaven. And yet, can the
Scriptures be the ultimate foundation of our religious
faith, and of our certainty? How, then, if certain
individual errors be pointed out; if certain contradic-
tions are shown us, in Scripture, to which we know
not how to reply; if we are made uncertain about
single books of Holy Scripture, and become perplexed
about them; would our faith itself also become uncer-
tain, should we be perplexed about Christianity ? By
no means. The letter of Scripture cannot be the
ultimate foundation of our faith. Our faith is not
Grounds of this Certainty. 31
ymere faith in Scripture, but, above and beyond
this, in the matter of which Scripture informs us.
And this matter, if we would name it by one word,
jis Jesus Christ. We believe in Jesus Christ, not
merely on account. of the Scriptures; for rather do we
believe in the Scriptures on account of Jesus Christ.
It is true that it is the Christ of the Scriptures, and
none other, in whom we believe. But.we believe in
Him on His own account. This faith is not a merely
Historical, but a religious one. There are historical,
and there are moral and religious truths. We can
only be certain of historical truths in historical ways ;
- other truths are matters of internal conviction. That
Cesar was killed by Bratus, that Napoleon I. died at
St Helena—these are historical truths. No well-
informed, no intelligent man doubts these facts. But
what have they to do with our inner life? And who
would hazard his life for them? They are casual his-
torical facts, without significance for our inner life.
We are certain of them; but this is but an historical
certainty—no inward assurance, no moral conviction.
That Jesus lived; that He was born during the reign
of Augustus and of Herod; that He died under Pontius ©
Pilate, etc..—these, too, are historical truths, of which
we are certain in an historical manner. But they are
not of merely historical, but of religious importance to
our faith. It is this religious importance which is the
peculiar matter of our faith. The history of Jesus
Christ is the history of our redemption. The facts of
His life are to us truths for our inner life. These
o2 Lecture I. The Nature of Christianity.
require an inward assurance. Of these we have not
merely an historical but a moral conviction. It is our
conscience which testifies that this Christ, His death
and resurrection, is just what we are seeking and .
needing ; and he who lets himself be guided by this
testimony of his conscience, will have, in his own
heart, the testimony of the Spirit of truth to ibe truth
of this faith.
Such is the religious certainty of faith. How, then,
do we arrive at this certainty? Not by the way of
evidence, but of inward experience,
We do, indeed, bring forward proofs of the truth of
Christianity. We deliver apologetic lectures. But
what do all these effect? They may indeed refute
and do away with the assertions of unbelief; they may
remove the stumbling-blocks which lie in the way of
faith ; but they cannot create the inward certainty of
faith itself. Faith is not the result of evidence. If faith
were a mere victory gained over the understanding by
means of evidences, it would be without moral worth
and significance. But it is a moral act. I can so de-
monstrate a geometrical proposition, that the under-
standing of another is obliged to accept it.. I can
compel another to acknowledge the truth of the Pytha-
gorean proposition, if he only possesses suflicient un-
derstanding to follow the process of proof. But who
will say that this concession is of any moral import-
ance to man? It is the necessary act of his reason—
not the free choice of his will We attain certainty
either by means of the conviction of the senses, or by
Faith and Knowledge. 33
means of the operations of the reason; but the former
are of no avail, and the latter totally insufficient in the
case of moral truths. For, in matters of faith, it is not
the reason only which speaks, but the heart and con-
science also, Faith is the act of the whole man, and
hence it comes to pass, not merely by an act of the
understanding, but by a vital process, in which the
whole man concurs. It is not a matter of demonstra-
tion, but of inward experience.
I may talk never so much of the beauty of colour to
a blind man, whose eyes have never beheld the light—
it will be but a foreign language to him. Not till his.
eyes are opened will he understand my words—will he
be in a condition to judge of the colours of the light.
And so is it in the present case. If our eyes are closed
to the world of God’s light and truth—the world of
faith—no talking, no proofs will avail. I can get so
far as to feel my want, to desire light; but I shall not
see and understand it till my eyes. are opened to be-
hold it. It is a vital process by which I attain to the °
knowledge of faith. As we only know of this world
in which we live, because we were born and live in it;
so can we only know of that world of faith when we
enter and live in it. And as we have direct and un-
questionable certainty about this world in which we
are placed, because it is matter of experience; so are
we directly and unquestionably certain of that other
world of faith, when it also becomes matter of expe-
rience. For, as surely as we have experience of this
world, may we also have experience of that. As truly
34 Lecture I. The Nature of Christianity.
as the world of sense comes in contact with us, and
enters into our minds, so truly does the invisible
world come in contact with us, and enter into our
minds. And thus we attain to the certainty of faith.
But can there be certainty of faith, and is there such
a thing as knowledge in matters of faith? Are not
faith and knowledge opposed to each other? So it
is said. Allow me, then, to speak to you, for a few
moments, on knowledge and faith.
I can have just as much certainty of the existence
of the world which I do not see, as I have of this world
which I do see. If there is a world of eternal good-
ness and truth, and if we are created for it and pie
only for this transitory world, we must be as suscép- ‘
tible of the former as the latter, and as capable of
observation and inward experience with respect ito the
one as the other. It is upon this that the certainty
of faith depends. This certainty is not one of lower
degree than other certainties, but it is one of another .
kind. It comes to pass and is exercised in another
way, and that way is neither the conviction of the
senses nor demonstration to the reason, but moral con-
viction, 7.¢., faith. ‘Are we not certain of the existence
of God? That God exists is as certain to me as that
I myself, or the things that I see and feel, exist, or
that two and two make four. Nay, far more so; for
the former may be a delusion, but God can be no
delusion. One of the greatest mathematicians, the
philosopher Cartesius, said: ‘The existence of God is
more certain than the most incontestible geometrical
Fath. 35
proof. But this is a certainty of faith. I know that
God is, but I only know it because I believe it. I must
believe that God is, for I do not see Him; but I do
believe in Him, for I experience Him. As surely as I
am certain of what I see, so surely am I also certain,
through faith, of what I do not see. Faith is a certain
_ confidence of what is hoped for, and doubts not of
that which is not seen’ (Heb. xi. 1).* Faith concerns
-the invisible world. But the invisible world is no less a
reality than this visible one; we belong to it as much as
to that which is the object of our senses; and we are in
effect as truly in contact with the former, and thereby as
“certain of its existence, as is the case with respect to
the latter. We have only to raise ourselves in spirit
towards it; and it is faith which gives wings to the
spirit, and bears it into that eternal world, in which
it becomes by faith as much at home as in this visible
one. But that invisible world can be understood only
according to its own nature and its own laws, They
~ who mentally transfer this world to that, and measure
and judge thereof by such a standard, will never com-
prehend it. But where are we bidden to make this
world the standard of the eternal world 2 Everything
has its own laws, and must be measured by its own
standard. The laws of mathematics do not avail to
explain the freedom of the will; nor can the standard
of this world avail to furnish a conception of the
eternal world, which must be measured by its own
* ‘Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things
not seen.’—4, V.
36 Lecture I. The Nature of Christianity.
standard. When Darius, pressed by Alexander the
Great, sued for peace, and offered him the half of his
empire, Alexander’s friend, Parmenio, exclaimed: “Were
I Alexander, I would accept it” ‘So would I) replied
Alexander, ‘were I Parmenio. The actions of Alex-
ander surpassed the notions of Parmenio, and he would
be obliged to raise his mind to the level of Alexander's
to understand them. The present case is similar.
And what is the greatness of any human conception,
in comparison with God and the world of God? It
far surpasses our notions, and must be judged by its
own standards. But when our spirit raises itself to
the height of that eternal world, it_can conceive it.
It is not our reason, our powers of thought, our know-
ledge, that must be laid aside; it is only this world
which must be expelled from our minds, if we would
soar in spirit to the other. It is faith which gives
wings to the spirit.
Can it be that faith is. so irreconcilable with en-
lightened thought, that Jacobi was right when he said
that he was in heart a Christian, but in head a heathen ?
Could the consistent conclusions of sober reason be
opposed to what his heart had accepted by faith? In
that case, faith would certamly be confined to senti-
mental or poetical natures, and dispensed with by clear
heads and logical reasoners. What kind of a faith
would that be which should depend on certain natural
dispositions? Truly a faith of no great value. And
what kind of a life, too, would that be which should
bear within itself so irreconcilable a schism, which
Faith and Knowledge. 37
should have cravings of the heart entirely opposed to
the demands of the thinking head? But this is not
the case. Faith is not merely an unenlightened feeling,
nor religion merely a matter for the sentimental. Faith
is the firm and joyful certainty of the heart which
_knows what it believes. Faith is not the opposite of
knowledge, but the highest kind of knowledge, which is
more worth being known than any other. Those who
believe and those who know, are not so opposed that
the former belong to one, the latter to another party, or
that they must be abandoning the world of faith who are
advancing towards knowledge. A man does not cease
to be a scholar because he becomes a believer. Does
our knowledge of God dispense with our believing in
Him? Nay, we only know of Him in proportion as
we believe in Him. What else do we know of the
grace of God in Christ. Jesus, but what we believe ?
All our religious knowledge depends on and requires
faith, and faith again requires knowledge. Just as
much as faith becomes the vital principle of the will,
does it become the reasoning principle of the mind.
For faith includes both. It is a fact of the inner life,
and it is a conviction of the mind ; and hence it begets
both life and knowledge: for it is as much an intel-
~lectual_faculty as a moral_power, but one which is
exercised within the world of faith.
Tt will, then, be my task to exhibit in these lectures
the truths of Christian faith. These truths form that
sanctuary within which the reasoning powers of the
Christian man are exercised. When we enter it, let
38 Lecture I. The Nature of Christianity.
us do so with that reverence with which we enter one
of those mighty fanes whose very stones speak of the
mysteries of the kingdom of God.
Two main pillars support the majestic temple of
Divine revelation, and these are the sin of man and
the grace of God. The first of these will form the
subject of my next lecture.
| SIN.
GaN and grace are the two great facts about
IN | which the whole system of Christian
S| doctrine revolves. He who understands
human sin and Divine grace, understands
Christianity ; for it is upon these that Christianity
depends. ()r 26 ;
I am to-day to address you upon Sin, Sorrow, and
Guilt. These three vital powers are intimately con-
We cannot think of sin without our mind being
occupied with the sorrow and suffering under which
mankind has for centuries been groaning.
It is true there are moments in which the sensation
of these vanishes—moments of pure joy and pleasur-
able existence, in which the whole wide world appears
as bright and beautiful as though no shadow of mourn-
ing had ever passed across either it or our own souls.
But in such moments we are occupied with what seems,
not with what is: we are but forgetting the Sorrows
of life, they have not therefore departed from the
earth. When we descend from those heights from
4.0 Lecture IT, Sin.
which the world appeared so bright and fair, to the
realities of life, we find them full of pain, sorrow, and
It is said that there is peace in nature. But this is.
not true. An ancient and profound philosopher called
strife the father of all things; and the observation of
natural life teaches us that the same conflict, the same
cruelty, prevail here as in human life. The destruc-
tive forces are incessantly- at work; and he whose ~
mind is absorbed in such contemplations, might well
doubt the wisdom and goodness of God. (‘) The
Apostle Paul depicts, in affecting language, how even
the irrational creation groaneth and travaileth for a
future redemption (Rom. viii. Ue
If it be objected that we are but transferring to
nature the feelings of our own souls, this is, never-
theless, an admission that such feelings are in us, and
that, therefore, evil is a universal fact in human nature.
As long as men have lived upon earth, ever since they
began to think, the question concerning the origin of
evil has exercised their minds. Whence comes evil ?
Whence comes pain? It may be said that all religions,
especially the most’ ancient and profound, are attempts
at a satisfactory solution of this problem. The most
ancient philosophy is the Indian philosophy of the _
Vedas. Their theme is the fact of evil. The most
widely-spread religion is that of Buddha. Its origin
is the sorrow of earthly existence. The latest philo-
sophy of our age is that of Schopenhauer, the solitary _
philosopher of Frankfort. His “mind is constantly
Universality of Suffering and Death. 4]
exercised with the question of evil. Leibnitz has laid
down the doctrine of the best world. Schopenhauer
calls this a bitter contempt for the numberless suffer-
ings of human nature. The theme of his philosophy is
the sorrow of life.(") But whatever we may think of
the various schemes of philosophy, and the various
religions, the fact is at least certain, and this is suffi-
cient for our purpose, that our life is the path to
_. death,
Witnesses to the dominion of death surround us on
all sides. A constant dying, which strikes the senses
of all, is ever taking place throughout the realm of
nature. The natural religions of the ancient world,
when the glories of spring disappeared, held funeral
lamentations over the deceased favourite of the gods
and of men. What was it but dying nature that they
mourned ? (') Our feelings on this subject are not so
vivid as theirs were, in those days of old; yet we are
not able wholly to banish the feeling of melancholy
from our minds; and the poets of our own times are
ever singing dirges on the perishableness of earthly
things: ‘Vergdnglichkett wie rauschen deine Wellen!’ *
But it is not the realm of nature alone which is
subject to this law of death. We see it rule also over
that of history. What now remains of the magnificent
works of man in past ages? A few ruins, a little
dust, the sport of the winds. It is amidst the rubbish-
heaps of the, desert that the researches of scholars into
the history of the great empires of antiquity have to
* “Perishableness, how do thy waves roar! ’
492 Lecture II. Sin.
be carried on. We are everywhere treading upon the
dust of the past.
And ourselves, however prosperous and happy our
life may have been, however long it may have lasted—
an instant, and it is extinct. And what remains even
of the most fortunate? A handful of dust, moistened
with a few tears. Such is our end. We, too, are
passing away.
But we pass away not merely like the fading flower
or the unreasoning animal. We know that we die, and
that we have to go through the sensation of dying ;
and not of dying alone, but of the many tortures by
which it is often accompanied. We celebrate the
heroes who have died for their country upon the field
of battle; but who knows the horrors, the unspeak-
able horrors of a battle-field, which are covered by
the veil of night, or illumined by the rays of the
morrow’s sun? Nor is what the eye can see the most
dreadful of these horrors; there is, besides, the secret
suffering, the dumb despair, which perhaps seeks
death as a: deliverance from insupportable anguish !
And who counts the tears of the bereaved, or takes
cognisance of the desolated families, and their ruined
happiness? But we need not tread the bloody field
of battle to ‘become acquainted with death. It is
everywhere in our path,—every day tells us, and every
departure from life announces to us what death is.
And it is not merely the bare act of death. Dying
is not a single act, but a process—a process reaching
through the whole life. Our life is a continual dying ;
Uniwwersality of Suffering and Death. 43
‘nothing but a delayed death. Our whole life is but
a life of pain, whether of mind or body. The life of
one may be less painful than that of another, but none
is absolutely free from pain. A life without pain
would be a life without love, for love is sympathy.
Poetry is the mirror of life. Well, suppose all the
sorrow were taken away from poetry, what would
remain? All true poetry is sad, for life is sad.
Proudhon, the socialist, called his system, Za Philo-
sophie de la Misére. Socialism and Communism may
be dreams, but they are founded upon a postulate which
is no dream, but a reality—the reality of human woe.
The triumph of modern Christianity is the inner mis-
sion; and what else is this great and blessed work,
but a conflict with manifold suffering? yet, on the
whole, an impotent conflict; for suffering is the
mightier, and often what heart-rending suffering,—
that of the poor, the forsaken, the proscribed, the
fallen! If any one could take in at a single glance
the whole sum of human misery which surrounds him,
and feel at once all the pity which such misery
demands, I believe he would die of it, for it surpasses
computation. (°)
_- Are we to say that this is a right state of things ?
Such an assertion is at variance with -the deepest
feeling of our hearts. There is a voice within us
which tells us that our suffering is connected with
our sin; that God has made sorrow the attendant of
sin ; that His moral government has indissolubly united
44 Lecture II. Sin.
But I should be forgetting the most essential feature
in this picture of human woe, if I were to omit all
mention of the moral evil which meets us in so many
and so various forms.
Society is engaged in a continual warfare with a
determined and dangerous foe, over which it never
obtains complete mastery,—and that is crime. There
are times and circumstances in which it raises its head
more boldly than at others; but at no time does it
wholly cease to be a terror to the well-disposed, and a
temptation to the abandoned. Its forms are various;
for manifold are the passions which slumber in the
human breast, and break forth in acts of malice in the
rapaciousness of avarice, in the fever of lust. There
are individual crimes, and there are national crimes ;
there are histories of single families and of races pur-
sued by the curse of crime; and there is the history
of the human race, everywhere marked by crime.
And if we confine ourselves to the narrowest circles,
how many crimes does even one of our great and
brilliant cities enclose! how many does one single
night cover with the veil of darkness! (°)
Is it said, in reply, that these are but single ulcers in
the body of humanity ? Well; do not these testify that
the humours of the body are corrupt? We may not be
the criminals, but the criminals are our own flesh and
blood. They testify, at least, how deeply human nature
can sink,—of what it is capable. This could not be
unless it were already fallen. There would be no
crime if there were no sin, But sin is a universal power.
Universality of Sin. 45
“To prove that sin is a universal power, would surely
be like pouring water into the sea. The poets and
thinkers of all ages describe and lament its dominion.
All religions have been occupied with the question of
sin, of its origin, of its abolition. The human mind
has ever been proposing to itself the inquiry, Whence
is evil? The answer furnished by Christianity is the
simplest and the only possible one. For if we say God
made man sinful, we deny both His holiness and His
‘love; and if we say that moral purity is the goal of
man, but not his starting-point, we should be attribut-
ing to God the principle which the Apostle Paul con-
demns: Let us do evil that good may come, Sin is
not original. Many treatises have been written on the
origin of evil, but not one on the origin of good. And
why is this, but because it is involuntarily taken for
granted that good is one with the origin itself. (’)
Therefore, sin and sorrow are not original, but took
place as events.
— Whence, then, came sin? Is it a necessary product
of our sensuous nature? Such is the assertion of
Rationalism; but an erroneous one. No one, indeed,
can ignore the power of sensuousness. We all feel it.
Fleshly lusts overthrew the old world, and are still
destroying very many. They form one great province
—of sin; but.not the whole. Arrogance, ambition, pride,
self-righteousness, egotism, are not sins of the flesh.
The roots of sin penetrate more deeply than to the
mere body and its members: it_is a spiritual power,
dwelling no less in our minds than in our bodies ; it
46 Lecture II. — Sin.
is the perversion of our will; it belongs to our moral,
not to our physical nature, otherwise our conflict with it
would be not a moral but a physical one. But however
we may ill-use our bodies, we cannot thereby destroy
sin; nay, even if we kill ourselves, we cannot thereby
kill sin, since we cannot kill the soul. Sin does not
spring from sensuousness.
Does it, then, spring from our jinite nature? Are we~
sinful because we are imperfect beings, because we are
creatures and not God? Such has been the teaching
of philosophers such as Jacobi, and such is the mean-
ing of the ordinary lauguage which finds an excuse
for sin in the weakness of human nature. How then ?
Must I needs be God to be sinless? We long for
deliverance from this most ignoble bondage, and we
hope that the time of our freedom from it will come.
But even in eternity we shall remain finite creatures.
In what does moral perfection consist? In loving God
with the whole heart, and bearing His image and like-
ness. It is not, then, our finiteness but our sinfulness
which is our hindrance in this matter; it is not because
we are creatures, but because we are fallen creatures,
that we cannot attain to it. Sin does not spring from our
finite nature. Js 2, then, a necessary law of human-
existence ? the inevitable opposition in the path to per-
fection? So does the school of Hegel teach. All life,
it is said, consists in opposition,—in yea and nay,—and
so also does moral life. Yea and nay is bad theology,
says Shakespeare. Sin is that which ought not to
exist; 1t cannot, therefore, be necessary. Let its neces-
— Origin of Sin. 47
sity be ever so ingeniously proved, our conscience will
ever deny it. Sin is not the highway to good, but the
opposite of good ; evil is not the shadow of good, but its
opponent; and good is not, as it were, the parent of evil,
but its judge. Proud words have indeed been spoken,
and the assertion made, that man did not come to the
consciousness of his freedom, nor become man, in the full
sense of the term, till the first sin. Even Schiller fell into
this error, and the school of Hegel hailed it as wisdom. (*)
But sin is not the exaltation of man, but his fall,—not
the dignity of man, but his disgrace. It does not raise
him from the animal to the human being, but lowers
him from the man to the brute. It is an act of his
freedom, but it is its abuse. And it is in these words
that we find an answer to the inquiry after the origin
of evil. It is the abuse of freedom. Freedom is essen-
tial to human nature. It embraces the possibility of
opposition to God. But this possibility is not necessity.
By an act of his freedom, man made this possibility a
reality. Freedom was the gift of God; but the abuse
of freedom was the deed of man. (°)
The remembrance, more or less obscure, of a fall at
the beginning of history, survives among all nations.
We everywhere meet with legends of a better state in.
the early days of our race, with echoes of the Scripture
narrative of a temptation from without, and of a
yielding thereto on the part of man, entailing fatal
consequences on the race of man and his earthly
abode. (”) They are but obscure and confused remi-
niscences, that have been preserved in the memories
48 Lecture II. Sin.
of the various nations; yet they are reminiscences,
and, when compared with the Scripture narrative,
we easily perceive how they contribute to its con-
formation. The unadorned simplicity of the Biblical
account plainly testifies that the tradition here
deposited is the source of all the traditions which
have in their course, through the various countries
and tribes, sometimes taken so fantastic a form.
Even ancient philosophy bears similar testimony, after.
its fashion. Plato speaks of remembrances which the
soul bears within her,—remembrances of original higher
intuitions of celestial beauty,—the echo of which, dur-
ing this dark earthly existence, accompany her in the
mysterious depths of her inner life, and are raised to
consciousness as soon as the certain word is uttered
by which those slumbering ideas are awakened. He
has but transferred to the individual man that which
applies to the whole race; for we certainly all bear
within us, so to speak, the memory of a lost home.
We feel like exiles, longing for the native land from
which they have been driven; a craving for a better
future, a home-sickness for a lost home, everywhere
accompanies us. in old age it often takes the form of
a melancholy regret for the days of childhood. Yet
this is, in truth, not a regret for the days of our
individual childhood, but for the childhood of the race.
Whatever of good or noble, human nature may bear
within it, its ideas of the good, its moral efforts, its —
higher, nobler feelings, are the ruins of a past great-
ness. We are all walking among such ruins. They
Origin of Sin, 49
are bearing testimony to what has been; and we
involuntarily receive their testimony. Man is neither
an angel nor a mere animal, but a fallen child of God;
and he feels his fall. He has at least preserved
remembrances of his dignity. It is true that he now
goes about, as it were, in rags; but, beggar as he is, he
once wore a crown. It is too evident that he was born
aking. Is it to be wondered at that he should long
to recover his crown 2 ()
Scripture declares that man suffered himself to be
seduced into disobedience to God, into longing after
~forbidden enjoyments; that he thus became sinful
and radically corrupt. Is this so strange? Does it
not rather solve the problem of sin, and alone explain
the fact of our corruption ? (*)
Sin is the affair of the will; it belongs to the sphere
of the intellectual and moral life, and, consequently, to
that of liberty. Man is not obliged to sin, but he
chooses to sin; it is an act. But it is not merely an
act, it is a quality of the will, which produces acts of
sin; it is a state which precedes acts. It is an act,
then, which produced this quality, and placed us in
this state. It was by this primary act that we became
Well, we are not merely sinful, we are also capable
of redemption. We may be saved—we are to be
saved. We are not absolutely lost, for we are not
absolutely in unison with sin. We may be freed
from it. It is not one with our nature; it did not
_arise from our nature; it came to us from without.
50 Lecture II. Sin.
We are seduced beings, fallen beings through seduc-
tion. It is a comfort to know that we have been thus
seduced and led astray, for in this fact lies the pos-
sibility of our deliverance. The primary source of
sin is beyond and not within us. There must, then,
be a sinful power beyond and above us, through
whose seduction we became sinful. It is not the
power of bad example; for whence did this bad
example itself originate? It is not a mere tendency
of the human mind; for whence did it arise? It is
not the mere power of events; for how did events
attain this power? Sin appertains to the sphere of
liberty, not of necessity, for it appertains to the mind -
and the will. The primary source of sin must there-
fore lie in a free and spiritual_power, and in its free
act, whereby it made its will a sinful one. Serip-
ture calls this spiritual power of evil the enemy of
God, or Satan. :
This is certainly the extent of our knowledge, for it
is the extent of our experience. It is enough to know
that there is a power of evil beyond the sphere of
human will and capacity. They who yield themselves
‘to the dominion of sin, yield themselves to its dominion.
Our sin is not: confined to our narrow limits; it is
linked by connecting ties with the kingdom of evil
and the inimical power of evil. It is the shadow of
this dark power which falls upon our soul. It is this
which is the serious feature of sin.
When man fell, it was through this power,—he fell
seduced, but in a state of freedom. It was an act of
Internal Discord. 51
obedience to his seducer; but it was an act of his free
will that he renounced obedience to God. And it was
a momentous act.
Its consequences have reached to all. The lot of each
of us was decided by the act of our progenitor,
for it was not merely the act of an individual, but
—that of the representative of the entire race. Hence
it was not merely of individual, but of universal
import. It is reckoned the act. of us all, for we all
~form a great unity. Each is mysteriously inter-
woven with the whole. No one can isolate himself
therefrom, and say, What does that concern me?
Whether we understand it or not, whether we acknow-
ledge or resist it, it is yet a fact that the fatal con-
sequences of that first act extend to us all. It is
esteemed a joint debt, binding upon the whole race of
mortals. Nor are we insensible to this fact. Poets
express their conviction of it; the asceticism of the
penitent is an expression of the feeling that human life
is infected with guilt; and sacrifices are offered, not
merely for individual acts of sin, but for the cult of
the whole race. If you call this thought a gloomy one,
- you thus, at least, confess that it is a true one, But
let us not forget that there is not merely an act of sin,
which is the act of all, but also an_act of redemption,
which was effected for all.
We all experience the consequences of this act by
that power of sin which we bear within us. No one
can deny it. No one is really good by nature. Rous-
seau, indeed, maintains that we are so, and founds
52 Lecture II, Sin.
upon this notion his ideas concerning the reformation
of social life. But his own life refuted his maxim.
He must but ill have known human nature and his
own heart, who knew not what dark spirits inhabit the
human breast. (”)
We have lost our unity—the harmony of our nature.
A deep-discord runs through our whole being—a dis-
cord between the judgment and the will, between the
will and the power. This inward schism in our nature
constitutes our unhappiness. In modern times it is
greater than ever, for Christianity has done away
with the times of ignorance, and made it impossible
for us to be deceived about ourselves. Its light has
penetrated the dark abysses of our nature. And if we
do not let this painful knowledge heal us, it makes us
only the more unhappy.
~ Let us now cast a glance over one province of intel-
lectual life—that of modern poetry.
The tone of this internal rent runs through the whole
body of modern lyric poetry, from Byron down to Heine. __
Poetry has been regarded as a power which glorifies
and redeems life, as a power which can take the place
of religion and of the Gospel. But what we hear from
the mouths of modern poets is a heart-piercing wail
over the pain caused by this schism. And this wail is
not something merely got up; it is truth. It is not the
utterance of a morbid temperament, but testimony to a
deep-rooted disease. The disease of our soul is, that it
has lost God. (") |
For this it is which makes man so unhappy, even
Selfishness the Essence of Sin. 53
separation from God. God should be our all in all,
and it is in Him only that we can be happy,—in Him
we find the harmony of our being, and He is the true
centre of our life. (°) But the sin of man is, that he
makes himself the centre of his thoughts and wishes,
—that he refers everything to himself, and shuts him-
self up in himself. ‘Iam myself alone’ This saylng
of Shakespeare’s Richard IIL, this inherent fault, is
the confession of sin.
It is a question which has at all times been discussed,
Wherein consists the essence: of sin? What constitutes
_ the essential nature of sin? No more correct answer
can be given than that it consists in selfishness. If
the essence of virtue consists in the love of God,—in
the surrender of self to the God of holiness and love,—
the essence of sin consists in refusing God that love of
the heart for which we were made, and which is our
happiness, and in placing self in God’s place, and
making it the idol of our thought and will. It is true,
the sin of man does not always appear to us as the
love of himself, but rather as a perversion of his affec-
tions. Man has chosen the world of transitory good
and joy, and seeks therein the satisfaction of his heart,
the happiness of his soul The attractive power of
love remains, but he has erred,—he has turned to
vanity, instead of to eternal possessions and to the
Highest Good, which is God himself. But if we would
be quite honest towards ourselves, we must own that all
the perishing possessions of this world with which we
seek to allay the ever-gnawing hunger and thirst of our
54 Lecture II. Sin.
souls, even the fellow-mortals whom we outen so pas-
sionately love, are, after all, but the means, not the end,
It is not they whom we love; it is ourselves that we
love and seek in them. Even the most passionate
love, nay, that especially, is but selfishness. We are
in all that we desire. It is our own self and its satis-
faction which is the ultimate aim of our life, our
thoughts, our wishes. This constitutes the essence of
sin. We may often be unconscious of it, we may be
deceived about ourselves, we may esteem ourselves
more unselfish than we are; but even, though uncon-
sciously, selfishness lies at the root of all sin; and when
sin appears in its true colours, it appears as selfishness.
The magnates of the kingdom of sin have been the
magnates of selfishness.
Certainly it is not our vocation to deny or to annihi-
late our personal self. How should man be capable of
the everlasting love of the Holy God, if he were not
a personality, if he were not a self? It is for this
very cause that we are personal,—that we may love
God, receive Him into ourselves, and be filled with
Him. He isto be the centre of our whole existence,
the end of all our powers of thought and will. This
is holy self-love. But secretly to alienate ourselves
from Him, to banish Him from our hearts and put self
in His place, so as no longer to love Him before all
things, and ourselves for Him, but ourselves above all
things, and all things for ourselves—this is the sin of
selfishness. We are made for God; hence our nature
finds its unity, its peace, its happiness in Him. With-
Selfishness the Essence of Sin. 55
out Him we are in a state of unhappiness and discord,
—we have lost our unity and peace. (**)
We are also made to find in God the satisfaction of
.our moral nature. We cannot find it in ourselves; we
are unhappy in ourselvesalone. We love, yet flee from
ourselves, and are not happy in our own society. Even
the daring one whom Shakespeare depicts cannot bear
~being alone; he flees from and hates himself. And
one needs not be a Richard III. to experience a like
The word of the age is Humanity, 2.¢., harmonious
human nature. It is quite true that the harmony of
our nature is our task. But is it our attainment? It
has never yet been attained, and least of all in the
present times. It has often been said that our age
resembles that of the Roman Cesars. I, too, think it
does. Well; the historian of that age was, as you know,
Tacitus. And whoever is acquainted with his writings
knows what an expression of contempt for human
nature plays about his mouth. I have often observed
that contempt for human nature increases just in pro-
portion as knowledge of human nature does. Talk of
harmonious human: nature! Certainly, we shall not
know peace till we have found the moral harmony of
our nature. But how shall we attain it? Is our very
disharmony to bring forth harmony from its own bosom?
Only God can bestow it upon us, for He is the end for
which we are destined, and in Him our souls find
their unity and peace.
Truly man is a mysterious being. Nothing is more
56 ~ Lecture II, Stn.
powerful than man; and yet, what are we? Slaves
of death,—slaves of sin. We bear about within us a
discord, and cannot get free from it. We know the
good, yet choose it not; and even when we do choose
it, we do it not. Such is the affecting complaint of
the Apostle Paul, which finds an echo in thousands of
hearts. (”) :
We boast of the power of the will, I would be the
last to underrate it, for we need to have the will
strengthened and not discouraged. But does our will
really possess within itself the strength to free itself
from the power of sin? It has ever been one special |
offence of Christian doctrine, that it maintains that
man is of himself incapable of good. This is called
underrating man, and offending against his dignity.
Certainly, if Christianity can be no other way justified
than by an undue depreciation of human nature, we
would rather renounce all attempts to justify it. But
we are not depreciating but exalting human. nature,
for we do not content ourselves with a low standard of
morality, but lay down the very highest; we set
before man the highest moral aim, for it was for this
that he was made. They who teach him to be
satisfied with a lower degree of morality, and to find
therein the ultimate aim of his efforts, are they who
really degrade and depreciate him. Truly, if we know
no higher moral standard than the ordinary integrity
of social life, man is capable of attaining to it. But is
this all? Is this the whole duty of man? He who
sets before him no higher aim than this does indeed
Impotence of the Will with Respect to Sin. 57
degrade him. This all?—to do no harm, not even to
do good, still less to be good!
We are capable of self-government. But self-govern-
ment neither changes our opinions nor purifies our
hearts. It would be but a scanty morality which should
go no farther than self- government. We may submit to
the command of moral law, but this submission is not
that free consent of the will to the law, wherein alone
true morality consists. For a morality which is the
result of constraint, though of a constraint which we
impose upon ourselves, is no morality at all in the
strict sense of the word. Morality is to be found only
where there is freedom—true freedom of will; not the
victory of duty over inclination, but the free consent
_ of inclination to duty. True morality is love. Kant
founds morality upon the commands of duty, but
leaves no room in his system for love; and naturally so,
for everything can be commanded but love. It is the
freest of all things, and yet it alone is true morality.
‘Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart,
with all thy mind, and with all thy strength; and thy
neighbour as thyself’ Such is morality, as the Holy
Scriptures and the Church understand it. And it is
of this that we-say that man is not able of his own
power to perform it. It is beyond his power. We
may feel our inward obligation, we may bitterly
lament the chains of the sin which is nevertheless
dear to us, we may seek freedom and long for it, but
we cannot make ourselves free, for we cannot funda-
mentally alter our nature. However much we may do
58 Lecture II. Sin.
that is good, this doing will not make us to be really
good. Who is capable of uprooting the selfishness
from his own breast ? (”°)
In thus speaking, we are not lowering man,—nay,
we are but directing him to his highest aim,—but we
are establishing a fact. And this fact is the power of
sin, from which we can only be delivered by an opera-
tion of Divine power. But sin is not merely a power
which has dominion over us; it 1s also our guilt. It is
not merely the suffering which we endure, the evil
which we have to bear; it is our own free act for
which we are responsible, for which our conscience
makes us responsible,—it is guilt.
The attempt has lately been made to do away with
the whole question of sin upon statistical grounds. (”)_
It has been thought demonstrable, that even the most
apparently free, the most arbitrary acts, are governed
by a certain conformity to law, and occur according to~
a definite order; therefore it is inferred a law of
nature, and not the free determination of the will,
prevails in this matter also. This conformity to law
has been especially pointed to in the case of suicide.
Its numbers show a certain equality of fluctuation,
and, in their distribution among the various races and
countries, manifest a variety which is, on the whole,
constant. But does it follow that this act ceases
therefore to be one of free choice? It only follows
that there are certain predisposing causes of this act-
which make it cease to be a purely arbitrary one,
and that these causes, whether they lie in external
Guilt. , 59
circumstances or natural dispositions, are variously
distributed. But the decision of the will, which is
influenced by these causes, is not thereby freed from
responsibility. How long has freedom meant eround-
less and arbitrary action? It was noticed, to adduce
an example, that in the year 1847 considerably fewer
marriages took place than usual. And why? Because
made the establishment of a home more than usually
difficult. This was a matter for the consideration of
the individual. But did his decision therefore cease
to be a free act? And the case in point is similar.
In criminal acts, the ultimate decision does not lie in
external circumstances, but in the moral quality of
the_will, in its degree of moral strength or weakness,
and in the lability to temptation occasioned thereby ;
and these fall under the moral sentence of respon-
sibility. It is true that this moral quality itself is
not independent of those external circumstances in
which the man is placed, often against his will, and
that even the power of temptation, which external
circumstances exercise upon our seducible nature, is
a varying one. But what follows? That the course
of human affairs is not merely the work of our will,
—but that it is guided by a higher hand. God did not
relinquish the guidance of the threads of history when
He allowed us to sit with Him at the loom of time,
and to furnish the woof in the fabric of the Divine
government. How the two—the Divine guidance and
human freedom—are to be reconciled, who can pre-
60 Lecture IT. Sin.
tend to explain? This is that great problem of
history which we shall never be fully capable of
solving. It is enough for us to know that the one
does not abolish the other. Human freedom is not
destroyed by the fact that conformity to law prevails
in human affairs; nor does it follow that the spon-
taneity of the human will ceases because God governs
the world. The one is a fact as well as the other.
Whether we understand or not how the two combine,
the fact itself does not depend upon our understand-
ing it. We bear within us the consciousness of our —
responsibility; and this consciousness is as much a
fact as any other, and is as_certain to our reason,
through the inward experience we all have of it, as
all the figures of statistics, which can never persuade
us that we are not responsible for the decisions of
our will.
Again, our consciousness of responsibility rests upon
our consciousness of the moral contrast between good —
and evil. No sophism can ever talk us out of this, or
make us believe that good and bad are alike.
There is a modern movement—prevalent especially
in France, but having also disciples among ourselves—
which abolishes the standard of the moral judgment.
And yet this standard is the highest, and that which is |
most worthy of man. In its place is put the understand- ~-
ing of motives and of connection. That which appears
evil to us, it is said, appears so only if we isolate it,
and regard it independently. To understand all is to
justify all; all is right because it is. But what does
Guilt. 61
such a theory lead to? To a judgment according to
results; for then what succeeds is moral, what fails
is immoral. This is not merely preaching the logic
of facts, but also the absolute justification of facts.
There could then be no more crimes in history; the
moral feeling would have no right to revolt, and the
conscience would be condemned to silence. The
result, moreover, is the homage of mere power; and
Nero is quite as good as St Paul, and the horrors of
the French Revolution as its noblest victims. Such
a view of history is that of a slave, who knows no
higher authority than that of his master: it gives the
lie to our moral sense, and denies all that is best in
- our nature. Ignoble temptations, mean thoughts and
emotions, at times flash through us all. Are we to
place these on a level with our noblest feelings and
resolves? Would not this be offering the greatest
~insult to ourselves? Then repentance would be a
folly, for nothing would any longer be wrong. But
so long as there is a conscience in the world, it will
protest against such doctrine; and so long as goodness
is loved, evil will be hated. Nor shall.we ever cease
to use the terms. good and evil, virtue and vice,
morality and sin, honour and disgrace, as contrasts ;
these can never become the obsolete expressions of a
past age. () i
As long as we distinguish between good and evil, so
long shall we esteem the evil which we will or do as
guilt; for if all other judges are silent, there is one who
will not be silent—our conscience! Its accusations
62 LecturelI. Sin.
pursue every sinner, imbitter his life, and turn his joy
into sorrow.
There is preserved in Tacitus a letter addressed
by the Emperor Tiberius to the Roman senate. (*)
Nothing can be more melancholy than its words. But
that which dictated this melancholy language was a
cuilt-burdened conscience. It is this which does exe-
cution, even before sentence is passed. It seems as if
there were certain seasons when the sense of guilt and
of the Divine wrath revive with special energy. The
heathen author Plutarch wrote a separate treatise ‘On
the Fear of the Gods, in which he depicts, in affecting
terms, the anxiety of mind and the fear of the Divine
wrath, which, in his days, took possession of many, and
rendered their lives unhappy. . The Flagellants of the
Middle Ages, amounting, both in Northern Italy and
Germany, during the thirteenth and fourteenth cen-
turies, to many thousands, who went about practising
their horrible penance, are examples, though morbid
ones, of a sense of guilt in a state of active excite-
ment.(~) But the feeling itself is independent of
change of times and variety of disposition. For the
moral sense is independent of these, and is part of the
nature of man. This is the point at which God begins
His work of deliverance in man; but here, too, is that
place of inward torture which can_ become a hell to
Our poets have exhausted themselves in the most
mournful descriptions of the unhappiness of a guilty
conscience. Take up Lenau; you find everywhere this —
Guilt. 63
complaint, and the vain longing for forgetfulness.
Turn to Platen; his description of a guilty man is
one of his most affecting poems. And when Goethe,
in his ‘Wilhelm Meister,” makes the old harper sing
one of his lays, its subject is the unhappiness of the
guilty. (°)
And who is free from guilt? Nowhere is life
without guilt, for nowhere is it without fault. When
the great dramatists, whether heathen or Christian,
place before us a picture of the intricacy of human
destiny, it is ever guilt which ties the knots.
Antipathy to the Church. 169
of art. Our nation would suffer an irrecoverable loss
in the whole province of its intellectual life. Nor let
it be thought that this would befall only the lower
classes and the masses of the people. We know not
by how many thousand threads our whole mental life
is interwoven with the Church, and dependent upon it.
It is generally the case, that no possession is adequately
esteemed till it is lost, and we should prove this to
be true in this matter also. But this intellectual loss
would be the least result. The moral surpasses the
intellectual life. Well: let the churches which occupy
in our towns so many a costly site, which might be
better bestowed, be demolished, and what might be
expected? It does not need much reflection to say,
that for every demolished church a prison would have
to be erected, for each church forms a hearth whence
a moral influence is diffused throughout its neighbour-
hood. Ifthe churches were no more, we should soon
feel that a moral force had vanished from our life; for
the mental and moral forces of life are greater than its
material ones. In short, they who look upon things
with only worldly reason cannot but own that the
Church is a necessary moral institution, which nothing
else can replace, and that it would be the most short-
sighted economy to try and save here. But all who
truly know the Church, know that she is not only this,
but something more: the proclaimer of God's grace,
the dispenser of Divine consolation, the counsellor of
the erring, the consoler of the afflicted, the source of
moral strength, a blessing to the living, a blessing in
170 Lecture VII. The Church.
death. Whence, then, this wide-spread antipathy to
the Church ?
She is reproached with intolerance. Toleration 1s
the triumph of modern times, and the Church, it is
said, sins against this progress of humanity, for she
allows nothing to be truth but her own dogmas; she
declares that which she announces to be the only way
of salvation, and thus denies salvation to all who do
not agree with her; she delights in condemnation.
This is what is said of her. Is it true? What is her
preaching ? and what is her behaviour? The subject
of her preaching is the grace of God in Christ Jesus
for all—the grace which desires not to condemn, but
to save. And her action is unwearyingly to proclaim
this in all possible forms, and to bring it near to all
men, that they may let themselves be saved by God's
grace. Nor does it content her to announce this word
of grace, and to carry on this work of saving souls
within her own limits; wherever there is life in the
Church, there is also the missionary work of bearing
far beyond the boundaries of the Church to those
poorest of the poor, to the heathen, the message of
God’s fatherly love as manifested in Christ Jesus. Let
it be candidly said, whether it is a spirit delighting in
condemnation, or a spirit_of love, which is here mani-
But, it is said, the Church is still intolerant, for she
professes herself to be the sole possessor of truth, and
her doctrine to be the_sole way of salvation. If this
is intolerance, then truth is, by its very nature, in-
Intolerance of the Church. 171
tolerant, 2.e., exclusive; for every truth is the denial
God, says: ‘My glory will I not give to another, nor my
praise to graven images.’ If Christ had a right to say:
‘I am the way, the truth, and the life’ (John xiv. 6),
then the apostles had a right to say: ‘ Neither is there
salvation in any other’ (Acts iv. 12). And if the
Church is the announcer of the truth of Jesus Christ,
she must speak so too. As Christ said of Himself:
‘No man cometh to the Father, but by Me’ (John xiv.
6); so must the Church say of ‘it, ae. of the faith in
Christ which she preaches: No man cometh to the
Father but through it; that is, she must maintain the
exclusiveness of her truth, or she is denying her own
Let us be quite clear about this matter. If the
_ Church were to demand unique and exclusive privileges
in the world of civil life, she might be justly reproached
with intolerance ; ‘but when she ascribes to herself ex-
clusive truth, in the world of faith, concerning the
question of the soul’s salvation, she is but doing what
she cannot help doing so long as she believes in her-
self ; and, when she no longer believes in herself, what
right has she to exist any longer ? (’)
—~ We boast of freedom of conscience. But to whom
are we indebted for freedom of conscience? Its first
advocates were the first preachers of Christianity.
Heathenism terminated in doubt and fanaticism,—a
fanaticism which Christianity experienced, for the very
right of existence was denied her. ‘Non Jacet esse vos’
172 Lecture VII, The Church.
was the watchword in the battle waged against her
in her youthful days. (°) Doubt was allied with this
fanatic intolerance, for doubt cannot suffer pretensions
to absolute truth to exist. The philosophic scepticism
of the heathen world could not endure that unphilo-
sophic Christianity should declare itself to be supreme
truth, and intolerant doubt replied to this exclusive-
ness of truth by persecution. Christ said: ‘I am the
truth ;’ and Pilate asked: ‘What is truth?’ In the
one case we see exclusiveness, in the other scepticism.
But on which side was persecution—on Christ’s, or on
Pilate’s? It is an erroneous, though a widely spread
notion, that while scepticism is tolerant, belief in the
truth makes a man intolerant.(") I concede, indeed,
that religion has often served as a pretext for intoler-
ance; but should the abuse of anything do away with .
its lawful use? It is said: Persecutions have arisen in
the name of religion; let religion be done away with
and persecutions will cease. Might we not as reason-
ably say: Conflagrations have arisen by means of fire ;
let fire be done away with and conflagrations will
cease? Certainly they will, but then men will be
frozen. (")
If truth is a valuable possession, it must maintain
itself against error. If it were to treat error as of
equal authority with itself, it certainly would no longer
exist. To declare everything equally true means to
declare everything equally false, and nothing certain ;
and this would be not charity, but cruelty; for we
need truth, we want certainty. We owe truth to our-
Intolerance of the Church. 173
selves and to others. We forfeit our right to conviction
when we have none. They who have convictions are
certain of their truth; and they who are certain of
truth cannot but deny its opposite. They who value
, their own opinion no more than its opposite, are in-
- different about truth; and to be indifferent about
‘truth is not a virtue, but a crime. Scepticism is not
‘strength, but weakness of mind. To be unable to
-arrive at any certainty, through mere doubts, is the
mark of a race in a state of degeneracy and decay.
The old world finished with scepticism, and was
ruined by it. Christianity began with certainty, and
triumphed thereby. To be tolerant through doubt
does not denote elevation of mind, but is a sign of
degradation and a forerunner _of ruin. Moreover, if
we can really declare it a matter of indifference to us
whether we are Christians or not, why, then, should
we be Christians? If we can be all things, we are
nothing. As long, therefore, as the Church believes in
herself, her declarations must be exclusive. But if she
no longer believes in herself, how can she require faith
in others? And if she can no longer venture to do
this, what is the use of her ?
What, indeed, it is said, is the use of her? The
Church is superfluous. The history of the Church is
the history of her gradual dissolution, There is a
time for all things. The Church has had her day, and
the signs of the times declare to us that the Church's
day is over. Well: this has been often said before,
and the Church has survived the announcements of
174 Lecture VII. The Church.
her death. And if the prediction is renewed at the
present day, it does not seem likely that the Church
will on that account do these prophets the favour of
But perhaps our opponent Separates Christianity
from the Church, and says: < Christianity is not to
cease, but it will cease to exist in the form of the _
Church.” In what form, then, is religion to exist?
Is it to be the affair of the State? The State belongs
to an entirely different province of life. The State
administers justice; the Church announces Divine
grace. The State ministers to temporal life; the
Church ministers to eternal life and the salvation of
souls. Every province of intellectual life requires its
appropriate organism. The State cannot be the organ-
ism of the Church, a
Or is it meant to confine religion to the heart and _
to the private life of the individual 2
It is true that religion has its inmost dwelling in
the heart of the individual. But man was made, not
for solitude, but_for society. He may occasionally ..
flee from the distractions of life, or the corruptions of
society, and take refuge in solitude, but he cannot
endure ‘it for ever, nor ought he to do go. Man was
made for society. Minds seek each other; souls unite
with each other; and when the same religious life
exists in many, it will combine them into a com-
munity possessing religious life. This is a law of our
nature, and a necessity of our earthly existence. But
the Church is a community possessing religious life :
Nature of the Church. 175
so long, therefore, as this is not superfluous, a.¢., never,
the Church will not be superfluous.
Having now considered the fact of the Church’s
Bae once, at the grounds on vated it has a pa to
* “The Church is, as it has been said, an Romntion
possessed of religious life. But it is not merely a
human association, it is more: It is a creation of God,
-a work of the Holy Ghost.
The birth-day of the Church was the day of Pente-
cost, the festival of the Holy Ghost. The book of
Acts relates the foundation of the Church by relating
_ the sending of the Holy Ghost into the hearts of the
disciples. You are all acquainted with the narrative
(chap. ii.). The Holy Ghost—for this is the meaning
~of the account—inwardly renewed the hearts of the
apostles, and bestowed upon them all needful gifts for
the ministry of the Word, thus becoming the power of
their new life, and the inward bond of their associa-
tion, Thus did the Church originate—as a creation of
God, as a work of His Spirit. What, then, do we
—Jearn from this? That it is not external forms and
customs, but the Holy Ghost that makes the Church
really the Church. He is the soul that fills and ani-
mates her, and combines all her individual members
‘into the unity of one body.
Externally viewed, indeed, the Church consists of
weak and sinful men. But that which appears is not
the essential nature of the Church. Her nature is
_spiritual. The first Church consisted of fishermen and
176 Lecture VIL The Church.
publicans, and its first increase was chiefly from the
lower classes: ‘Not many wise, not many mighty,
says the apostle (1 Cor. i. 26.) (°) And yet how soon
did this poor and despised band, with their foolishness
of preaching, conquer the world! We have here a
contradiction between means and end similar to what
we saw in Jesus Christ, whose home was the despised
town of Nazareth, yet whose inheritance was the
whole world. But that which the eye can see is not
the essence of the matter. We believe in Jesus Christ,
ze. we do not stop at the visible, but seize on the
invisible; we mentally grasp His hidden nature, and
‘behold therein what He truly is. We believe in one
Holy Catholic Church, 2.e, we do not esteem that
which our eyes behold, but that which she secretly
is, to be her very nature.(“*) Now, the essential in-
eredient of her nature, which makes the Church truly
the Church, is the possession of the Holy Ghost. It
was He who made the disciples certain and joyful in *
their faith; made them the one flock of Jesus Christ,
the members of which are united by faith and love to
their Head in heaven, and to each other on earth.
It has become one of the requirements of human
nature to see in every mana brother. But the notion .
of brotherhood is not enough without the fact. In
her all men are equal, for she views all with respect «
to God. Here it is that all distinctions cease. Let
the Church be banished from the world, and it would
be again plunged into those national animosities which
Christianity found in existence, but which she over-
' Nature of the Church. 177
_came by méans of that great organisation of fraternity
and equality which we call the Church.(”) The
Church is the great institution of unanimity. As we
pass through the world, we meet with riothing but
mere diversity. What is law in one place, has no
authority in another; and what is here esteemed truth,
is there rejected as error. Space separates minds, and
opinion varies with distance. (") It is the Church
which joins the differing minds of all zones and agés in
one thought, and unites them all to one truth. Let her
disappear from the earth, and that bond of mental
union, which nothing else can replace, is destroyed. It
is true that she also belongs to history, and is subject
to change; but, underlying all change, is that secret
unity of the One Spirit which fills all, of the one truth
which all advocate, and which, after periods of declen-
sion and decay, ever renews her youth,(") Herein
_consists her inward unity, in the midst of every change
of outward form. Wherever there are Christians, wher-
ever there are members of the Church, they have a
wide realm of thoughts and views in common, and
meet each other in a world of similar feelings and
émotions. Thus the Church is that bond of unanimity
among mankind, which keeps the world together, as
the soul does the members of the body. |
If the fate of the world be contemplated, merely from
.the point of view afforded by the interests of civilisa-
tion, it must be confessed that’ the Church, even by
this organisation of unanimity among mankind, isan in-
finite Dlessing and an indispensable. necessity to our race.
178 Lecture VII. The Church.
But this office of the Church depends upon its
religrous office. This unanimity is the result of unity
of faith. If she ceased to effect this, she would no
longer be able to fulfil the former office. Many as are
the changes which the Church has experienced in the
course of time in the age of the apostles and the
period of the catacombs, as well as in the days of her
worldly power or in the period of Protestantism, her
faith has ever remained essentially the same, and her
worship ever similar. Her faith is belief in the Triune.
God. From the time of her foundation to our own
days, all Christians, however they may be designated,
however their opinions on other matters may differ, if
called upon to confess their faith, would exclaim with
one mouth and in one sense: ‘I believe in God the
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.’ All Christians glory
in the grace of God; all acknowledge the Saviour Jesus
Christ; all honour the Crucified. His name is the
central point of the Church’s worship, His praise the
soul of her devotion. Her hymns celebrate Him, her
very stones speak of Him. Much as Christians and
churches may dispute and quarrel with each other,
this essential unity of faith still underlies all their
contention ; and there is one_place where all Chris-
tians find themselves to be of one mind, and that
is the cross, Herein consists the unanimity of the
Apparently, indeed, there exists more separation
than union.
Allow me to speak to you of that great contrast in
Catholicism and Protestantism. 179
the Church, which we are accustomed to designate by
the names of Catholicism and Protestantism.
That diversities should prevail in the Church, is not
contrary to, but in conformity with, her nature. The
preaching of the Gospel on the day of Pentecost in the
various languages, by the apostles, signified that the
_Church was to become the Church of the nations, to
speak to each nation in its own language, and to conform
to its special kind of mind. The Church was to take
one form among the people of the South, and another
among the nations of the North; one form in the East,
the world of constancy, another in the West, the leader
of progress. But these are only diversities, not con-
trasts; multiplicity in unity, not separation. It is not
on natural but on moral grounds that a separation
through diversity of faith and confession takes place
in the Church. It is the different measure of obedi-
ence to the Word of God which has called forth these
The difference between North and South, between
the German and Roman nations, is insufficient to ex-
plain the difference between the Romish and Protestant
Churches. Such differences may account for variations
in the form and colour of Christianity, and in its eccle-
siastical appearance, but not for diversities of faith.
The South has produced the unpictorial worship of the
Reformed, as well as the pictorial worship of the
Romish Church. And when Italy fell away from the
Pope, he ever found faithful adherents in Germany.
The difference between Romish and Protestant Chris-
180 "Lecture VIT. The Church.
tianity is of deeper nature than can be accounted for
by. national diversity.
Wherein, then, does it consist ?
The difference consists in totally opposite turns of
site religious Views.
The opposite mental tendencies are sometimes desig-.-
nated as authority and liberty.() Catholicism repre-
sents authority ; Protestantism represents liberty. The
former advocates legitimacy; the latter, the rights of
historical progress. The former, says Protestant con-
troversy, is stagnation; the latter, says Romish contro-
versy, is the spirit of revolution, though revolution has ~
ever had her seat in Romish lands.
Rome advocates authority, we advocate the principle
of liberty and criticism ; and history is fulfilling her
ends by the co-operation of these two great powers of
all historical movement. But authority makes its
power felt among us also. The masses always follow
authority; and how much do all of us accept upon
authority? The greatest part of what is believed is
believed because others have believed it. Certainly, we
do demand the right of criticism; and it may be true
that it is, as has been said, a Protestant spirit which is
going through the world; the spirit of criticism having
obtained the preponderance in the present time. But
one cannot live upon criticism. It is truth.which is
the food of the mind; and the duty of criticism is to
establish truth. But truth lays claim to authority.
We do not, then, reject authority ; we require only the
Catholicism. 181
authority of truth. The highest authority of all
belongs to Divine truth; and this it is which Pro-
testantism confesses. Protestantism is not merely
method, but substance. Its substance is Divine truth ;
and this truth is the grace of God in Christ Jesus.
Herein lies that distinction which we are seeking.
Catholicism and Protestantism are not merely gene-
ral mental tendencies. They are this; but beyond this
they are religious powers, differing conceptions of
What then, first, is the system of Catholicism? I
will endeavour to ‘represent it as objectively as I pos-
sibly can.(") Its train of thought is as follows :—
Man’s supreme want is truth. I must have cer-
tainty about truth. In the strife of opinions I am a
prey to comfortless uncertainty as to what may be
truth and what may be error, if truth cannot be made
a certainty to me. Howam I to become certain about
it? One says one thing; another, another. Where shall
I get information that I may rely on? The Church is
the possessor of truth. I must hear the Church; she
must know what is truth. When Christ was pleased
to bring truth into the world, He was at the same time
pleased to found a Church to possess and impart the
truth, and to guarantee it to individuals. If, then, she
is to guarantee the truth to me, she must be so con-
stituted as to be able to do this. If I am to ask and
to hear the Church, I must be able to ask and to hear
her. I must know where the Church is; I must find
her; I must see and hear her; I must be able to learn
182 Lecture VII. The Church.
with unequivocal certainty what her answer is. Hence
the Church cannot be something invisible, which can
neither be laid hold of nor comprehended; it must be
a visible and tangible institution, which can speak to
me, which I can hear; it must have its accredited
organs, to whom I can apply, and who can speak to
me; it must be an organism having members; it must
be a hierarchy; it must have a judicial tribunal, to
decide on doubtful or contested points; it must have
a supreme head, a voice whose utterance is decisive.
Now, if I am to be certain that what the Church says
is truth, it must be infallible, must have within it the
Spirit of Truth; must be enlightened by Him, inspired
by Him. The Holy Ghost is infallible. He also
makes the Church infallible. If it were not so, I
should be ever wandering upon a sea of comfortless
uncertainty. The Church is not- inspired and in-
fallible in all her members. She must be so only in
her organs, in her supreme tribunal. The mouth of
the Church must speak truth. What the Church
says through her supreme representatives, the Holy
Ghost says. If, then, I want to know what is truth,
I only need to know what the Church authorises, If
an ecclesiastical council is legitimately convoked,
has legitimately come to its decisions; if its decisions
are confirmed by the supreme head, the Pope; if the
Pope has decided with papistic plenipotence,—the
decision is truth, and is spoken by the Holy Spivrit.
No subjective criticism avails here, but obedience
alone, A Christian’s first duty is obedience to the
Catholicism. 183
Church ; his greatest sin, disobedience to the Church’s
authority. The root of all sin, and the chief sin, is to
want to know anything better than the Church does.
The individual has no rights apart from the Church—
no right of private judgment, of private conscience.
There is no Christian independence apart from the
Church—no independent conviction of truth, no inde-
pendent assurance of a state of grace, no independent
appeal to Scripture; ,but every Christian, as regards
his faith, his spiritual life, his assurance, and his
understanding of Scripture, is ever dependent upon the
Church—the Church of the Bishop of Rome.
Such is the system of Catholicism; and we cannot
but confess that it is both logical and_ consistent.
Many have been caught by the snare of its logic; and
as for the reality of this system itself,—the Church of
Rome,—who can deny that it is the most magnificent
edifice which the human mind has ever erected? Its
superstructure, based upon the broadest foundations,
rises, by the gradations of Episcopacy, up to its supreme
head, the Bishop of Rome, the servant of the servants
of God, the vicegerent of Jesus Christ, the vice-God,
the sub-God, as he has been called. (”)
Rome has been. accustomed to govern the nations:
(Tu regere imperio populos Romane memento). (") It is
true that it is but the ruins of the Forum and of its
imperial palaces which now speak to us of her ancient
greatness, but her universal sway has_revived under a
Christian garb. The Romish Church has taken the
place of the Roman empire; she has inherited from
Tea, Lecture VII. The Church.
old Rome both ‘her administrative talent and imperial
destiny, and has added spiritual to secular authority.
The circle of her sway embraces not only the nations:
she governs also the relations of life, and the con-
sciences of mankind.
She has undergone many transformations and ex-
perienced many changes, but her pretensions have
ever been the same. Formerly, the Bishop of Rome
asserted that he bore in his hands two swords, the
secular as well as the spiritual, and that the empire
and all secular dominion was only held in fief of —
himself. (“) It is true that he no. longer appoints
and deposes princes, that the treaty of Westphalia,
the new order of things, endure despite his pro-
tests, and that even his excommunication seems to
have lost its influence; but_his pretensions are still
the same that they were of old; for not a stone
may be taken out of the firmly compacted edifice,
and his spiritual authority has for a long time suffered
no diminution. There was a time when it seemed
undecided who was to Have the supreme power
the Pope, or a general council; and the great
councils of the Middle. Ages attributed the most
extensive powers to themselves. (*) But consistency
ef principle has resulted in the ascription of the
supreme authority to the Pope; and he has already
begun to establish new, dogmas without the assent ..
of a council.) The Pope, as. the sole depository of
supreme ecclesiastical power, is the. top stone of the
Catholicism. 185
Logic and consistency must, indeed, be conceded
to such a system; but as for truth, we deny that it
possesses it.
It is not my business here to treat of controversial
matters: I only wanted to bring before you the charac-
teristics of the system. I therefore content myself
with giving, in few words, our reasons for protesting
against’ these assumptions. (°) slave!
When the Romish Church says that she is the sole
Church, we oppose to this statement the fact that;
__ beyond the limits of her sway, the Holy Ghost carries
on His work, and Christians have a locality ; and that,
hence, the Church of Jesus Christ is not’ confined
within her boundaries.
When the Romish Church says that she is inspired
in her organs, and that what she says and lays down
is infallible, we oppose to this the fact, that councils
and popes have erred from the days of the heretical
pope Liberius, whom an Athanasius, ‘the soul of ortho-
doxy? ‘condemned, down to Pius IX. and his dogma
of the Immaculate’ Conception of Mary—a dogma
eevee not only by Scripture, but by tradition.
And, finally, when the Romish Church says that the
first thing is to be certain of the place where truth is
to be sought and found, that we may thus be certain
of the truth itself, we answer, that God would not
have made the knowledge and certainty of the truth
so slight a matter, that nothing more should be need-
ful. Dontk to apply to the right address and to get
supplied. with the article. Certainty about truth is
186 Lecture VII, The Church.
not a question of law, but_a question of conscience ;.
it is not outwardly but inwardly that I must have
assurance of it. Truth is not proved by its place, but
by itself. I do not believe in Christ because I believe
in the Church, but I believe in the Church because I
believe in Christ. Conviction of truth is a work of
the Holy Ghost, which is not carried on in the way of
a juristic logic, but by His answers to the inquiries of
the conscience after salvation.
It was from such inguiries that the Reformation
arose; it is in such inquiries that Protestantism is
rooted. It was the felt need of salvation, the inquiry
after assurance of salvation, which was the soul of
Luther’s life and work, the power of his influence upon
minds, the strength of early Protestantism, and which
will ever be the secret of its power. They who would
have a Protestantism founded on aught else, annihilate
its truth and destroy its future.
The word Protestantism has at all times been much
abused. () Protestantism is not a mere negation. Truly.
it is anegation—the negation of falsehood setting itself
up for Divine truth—the negation of human authority
usurping the place of Divine; yet this negation rests
upon an affirmation which is its premiss, viz., the
supreme authority of the Word of God and His truth_
in matters of salvation. Protestantism is not merely
a constant struggle, search, and inquiry. It is true that
it arose from inquiry, and that inquiry and research
belong to its nature. For truth is infinite, and no one
possesses it who is not constantly acquiring it. Truth
Protestantism. 187
is not dead capital which a man may lay up in a
napkin, but a living possession and a living blessing.
Protestantism, moreover, is not a mere search after
truth, but its possession. It is not merely an inquiry
after salvation; it is also the answer to this inquiry.
For it is not merely a school, but_a church; not merely
a society of investigators or doubters, but_of believers.
And the answer to that great inquiry of the conscience
concerning the soul’s salvation, from which Protestant-
ism and the Protestant Church were born, is that saying
_of the apostle: ‘ Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and
thou shalt be saved’ (Acts xvi. 31). It was the ex-
perience of Luther, that neither works of penitence,
nor obedience to the Church, nor any other thing,
could take away sin and give peace to the conscience
and assurance of salvation to the soul; but only faith
.in Christ Jesus, who has atoned for and expiated our
ouilt, and reconciled us to God. It is faith in Christ
Jesus as our Saviour and Reconciler, and assurance of
the mercy of God and the forgiveness of sins, even
our own sins, which alone make Christians really
such. This faith is not a mere fiction of the mind,
but an_actof the will; it is not a mere effort of the
understanding, but a communion of the heart with
Jesus Christ.
And it is this which, according to Protestant teach-
ing, constitutes the nature of the Church. The Church
is not a merely external institution ; it is the people of
God upon earth, the communion of believers, the assem-
bly of all God’s children below. (“) Wherever there
188 Lecture VII. The Church.
are believers, let them be called by what names they
may, there is the Holy Catholic Church of Christ.
And though our eyes may see little or nothing of them,
yet by faith we know that in all places Jesus Christ
has a people who are spiritually united to Him by
faith and love, and who form one great union of souls
with each other. This vast, wide, ample communion
of all believers is no pleasant dream, but_a reality. (*)
For while all else is subject to death, and will fade
and pass away, this invisible community, this hidden
Church, will abide for ever. It forms the » germ of all
the several visible churches. Through it the several
churches are truly churches. But it assumes a dif-
ferent appearance in different churches, an appearance
brighter or more obscure in proportion as the signs and
forms by which the invisible Church becomes visible
and comprehensible, viz., the preaching of the Word and
the Sacraments, are preserved and administered in more
or less purity, 7.2. in more or less conformity to Holy
Scripture, as the sole rule and pattern of the Church’s
doctrine and practice,
It is in this respect that individual churches differ.
For we cannot but reproach the Church of Rome for
having in essential, particulars forsaken Gospel truth,
or at least obscured it by self-invented doctrines and
worship. And to the Reformed Church, nearly as we
are related to it, we must object that, at least wher-
ever she has adhered to her principles and carried
them out consistently, she has, in her doctrine of the
Divine predestination of individuals to salvation or
Difference and Unity of Churches. 189
condemnation, adopted an error which casts its ob-
scuring shadow over the whole circle of her doctrine,
and has a prejudicial effect upon peace of conscience. ba
In saying this, we are not giving utterance to words of
haughtiness; we are but mindful of our obligation to
But while churches differ, and our hearts are often
sorely pained to see the one Church of Jesus Christ
broken up into separate churches, we yet know that
- every Church has its special gift, with which it is
to labour in the building of the kingdom of God, and
that each is to minister to the other with the gift it
has received. And wherever we find a Christian,
whether under the sway of Rome or among the dis-
ciples of Calvin, there we know that we greet a
brother in Christ, an heir of salvation. Let us rejoice
in that unity of faith and spirit which exists in
spite of all differences, until it shall please the Lord
to bring us’to perfect communion of mind and har-
mony of thought. Till then, we must walk in the
path which God sets before us, following that light
which illumines it. This light to our path is Holy
Scripture, to which my next lecture will call your
eos tT Christian Church has never been without
Nal Holy Scripture. Before the New Testa-
ment was written and collected, she pos-
sessed the Old Testament, and reverenced
it as the Word of God.
Our Lord himself often appealed to it.(") He quoted |?
passages from almost every book of the Old Testament.
He made use of the Old Testament Scriptures as a
weapon against temptation, as a means for the in-
struction of the people and His disciples, and as the
expression of His own inmost feelings in the very
moment when His heart was most deeply moved. It
is evident that Scripture was the atmosphere in which \
He lived and moved, the sanctuary in which His soul
ever dwelt.
His disciples, too, took up the same position with
respect to the Old Testament Scriptures as their Master
had done. They had known them from their youth;
for Jewish boys were early instructed in the Scriptures.
‘From a child thou hast known the Holy Scriptures,
writes St Paul to Timothy (2 Tim. iii.15). For he had
Origin of the New Testament. on
a Jewish mother, who had early initiated him in the
sacred writings. And the Jewish historian Josephus
tells us of the high respect in which Scripture was
held by the Jews. Every one, he assures us, would
be ready to lay down his life for the Scriptures ; for
to revere them as the Holy Word of God seemed, as it
were, innate.(*) To the disciples of Christ they had,
besides, a special importance, as the prophetic testi-
_mony to Jesus Christ. ‘They are they which testify
of Me, had they heard their Master say (John v. 39);
and such had they themselves found them to be. The
risen Saviour, we are told (Luke xxiv. 27-45), ex-
pounded to them the Scripture, to show them that,
from first to last, He was their aim and object. Hence
the Old Testament, supported by the authority of
Christ and His apostles, was transmitted by the Jews
to the Christian Church.
To this, in the course of time, was added the New
Testament, Jesus left no writings; for He was sent to
proclaim grace and truth iby t the ae of His mouth, and
to redeem us by His death and resurrection. He was
_.not to be the author but the subject of Holy Scripture.
It was to treat of Him, not to be written by Him.
Even His apostles were sent by their Lord, not chiefly
. to write, but to preach the Gospel: ‘Go and teach all
nations’ (Matt. xxviii. 19); ‘Preach the Gospel to every
creature’ (Mark xvi. 15). The Word is the chief
matter in Christianity; and the first form of the
ea is oral teaching. It is by this that soul speaks
directly to soul, mind to mind. The written Word
192 Lecture VIII, Holy Scripture.
is an expedient to supply the lack of it, but a neces-..
gary one. ane se ea
How did the composition of the New Testament
Scriptures take place ?
Christian instruction began with the narration of =
the Gospel history. But it is the nature of history to
be recorded. Such records soon arose, and, among
them, our four Gospels were distinguished as the most,
genuine documents of that sacred history. When St
Matthew, as we are informed, after having for many
years preached the Gospel in Palestine, was about to_
visit other countries, he desired to leave in the hands
of the Christians dwelling in J udea, a written com-
pendium of his evangelical preaching, that they might
be able to defend themselves against Jewish attacks.
The Gospel preaching of St Peter in heathen lands
was collected by his “companion St_ Mark; and in_
order that Christians among the heathen, ha desired
more exact information, might no longer be forced to
content themselves with fragmentary and less trust-
worthy records, Luke wrote his great historical work, ~
the Gospel, and Acts of the Apostles. St John, more-~
over, before the close of his life, was prevailed upon by
the elders of the Church of Ephesus to commit to
writing, in the Gospel which bears his name and con-
cludes the series, those reminiscences of the life of
Jesus Christ which he had frequently delivered to his
Ephesian flock. Such was the origin of the four
Gospels, and the Acts of the Apostles. (’°)
The Epistles were occasioned by the special diffi-.
Collection of the New Testament. 193
culties, dangers, or necessities of the churches or indi-
viduals to whom they were addressed. When any
church received an apostolic epistle, it did not regard
it as its own private property, but communicated it to
the neighbouring churches. The close of the Epistle
to the Colossians (chap. iv. 16), shows how St Paul
—himself was solicitous for such mutual communication
of his Epistles. Hence, copies of the several Epistles
“arose, and a collection was gradually | formed. It was
a matter of rejoicing to possess such a compensation for
the preaching of their absent teachers, and the Epistles
. were frequently - read for the edification of the assembled
Church. The last sacred writing, the Revelation of
St John, was written for the instruction and consola-
» tion of the Church during that period of sore trial
which was approaching, and during which there would
be no apostle to exhort and comfort her.
Thus the New Testament Scriptures were designed
both to support and to compensate for the want of the
oral teaching of the apostles, and to invest it, as it
~were, with abiding influence and presence in the
Christian Church.
The separate sacred writings were early collected
and combined into a whole. A collection of our
“Gospels had already taken place at the close of the
first and beginning of the second century. (‘) From
the conclusion of the Second Epistle of St Peter
(2 Pet. iii. 16), it is evident that there was, when it
‘ was written, already a collection—even if an incom-
plete one—of the Pauline Epistles ; and, according to
194 Lecture VIIT, Holy Scripture.
indisputable testimony, the New Testament itself, as
we now have it, existed, with the exception of a few
books concerning whose canonicity universal con-
viction has not yet been attained, towards the end of
the second century, in both the Eastern and Western ..
Churches. (°) Christians were persuaded that in these
writings the Holy Ghost had spoken with as much
purity and power as in the Old Testament Scriptures.
Thus this New Testament collection was added to the~
Old, which had been received by means of Israel, and
the whole regarded, as the one Holy Bible, the. one
Word of God.
It is true that at that period oral tradition was: still
ample and uncorrupt. Certain disciples of the apostles,
or at least disciples of theirs, were still living. In the~
Churches founded or instructed by the apostles, the
remembrance of these great teachers was still vivid.
If any one, then, desired to become acquainted with the
Christian faith, he had but_to resort. to. the localities
and holders of primitive tradition. The greatest
teachers of the West, a Tertullian and an Ireneeus,
could, in opposing the heretical teachers who distorted —
the Word of God according to their own fancies, appeal ,,
to this genuine, tradition, and thus put an end to all
further dissension with them concerning the true |
meaning of Scripture. But, together with this primi-
tive tradition of the then proximate times of the
apostles, there co-existed the apostolic, teaching dle-«
posited in writings, which, while they bore incon-
testable testimony to their doctrine, were also regarded
fegard paid to Scripture by the Church. 195
as of Divine authority, and as the work of the Holy
Spirit. A series of testimony to the high regard in
which the New Testament Scriptures were held,
has descended to us from the earliest times, clearly
proving that, even in those days in which the stream
of tradition was still pure and abundant, decided
- authority was attributed to them. (°)
This regard continued, in theory at least, till modern
times. Never has it yet been denied in the Christian
Church, that the decision of all questions of faith
\ belongs to Holy Scripture. (°) In practice, however,
it has been otherwise, in proportion as tradition (so-
~ called) has been increasingly respected and diffused.
Under this name were soon included, not merely such
acts and words as were supposed to have descended
from Christ and His apostles, although orally trans-
mitted instead of recorded in writing—but also the
_Whole circle of dogmas and practices which had
— been instituted by Church councils, and recognised by
the Church. As the Church itself—this visible pre-
sence of Christ, as it was esteemed—became the
/ supreme authority to Christians, its word and com-
mands were regarded as ultimately decisive in all
questions. Hence it came to pass, that. while in
theory the decision was declared to rest with the
Scriptures, in practice it was in the hands of the
“i ecclesiastical ‘authorities, () until it was shown, at the
‘time of the Reformation, that the corrupt stream of
supposed tradition had_no innate power..of purifying
itself from. those disturbing elements which either
196 Lecture VIII. Holy Scripture.
impeded or destroyed the power of the word of
salvation. .
It was this experience which, at the era of the Refor-
mation, led to the conviction that the remedy for all
the corruptions of ecclesiastical tradition lay only in:
the judicial authority of Holy Scripture. With a
clearness and decision never before known, Holy
Scripture was declared by the Reformation, and is
declared by the Protestant Church, to be the sole
wmpire in matters of Christian faith and practice.
Thus Scripture has obtained among us an importance
radically differing from that which it possesses in the
Church of Rome. Hence, our own Church, too, lays
special stress upon the study of Holy Scripture, and
regards it as the foundation of all theology. Never
and nowhere has so much self-sacrificing diligence
been devoted to the investigation of Scripture as since ,
the Reformation, and in the Protestant Church ; for
this importance of Scripture forms part of the very
being of our Church. If the Romanists say: The
ultimate decision rests with the Church, for she is the
infallible vehicle of the Holy Spirit; we Protestants
say: The ultimate decision rests with Holy Scripture,
for it is the authentic testimony of Jesus Christ. The
whole essence of Protestantism, and the whole creed of
the Protestant Church, may be summed up in these
twofold sayings: None but Christ! and nothing but
Scripture! Is it asked: Where is salvation to be
found, and wherein does it consist 2 Our answer is: In
none but Christ; He alone is the propitiation for our
The Principle of Protestantism. 197 |
sins; and faith in Him alone makes us righteous
before God. And is it asked: Where have we certain
testimony to Jesus Christ, and an ultimate decision in
questions of salvation and of the way of salvation ?
Our answer is: In Scripture alone, for it is the rule of
faith and practice for the Church of Jesus Christ and
for all Christians. These are the two chief truths and
principles of Protestantism. (’)
But these are also the two leading questions of the
day, the two most contested maxims of Christian doc-
trine: the question of Christ, and the question of Holy
Scripture. Is Christ the Son of God? Are the Scrip-
tures the Word of God? Is not Christ a mere man,
though an extraordinary man? Is not Scripture merely
the work of man, though an important work? Amidst
the various arguments and counter-arguments, it has
come to this, that many know not what else to say of
Christ than: ‘We know not who He was;’ nor of Scrip-
ture than: ‘We know not what to think of it.’ Others,
again, have done with Christ and with Scripture alto-
gether, and rejected both the one and the other. They
who do not believe in Christ do not believe in the
Scriptures which testify of Him. The two stand or
fall together. Yet here lies the critical point; for as
Christ is decisive for the history of mankind, so is
Scripture of decisive importance to our whole religious
and intellectual life.
Having, then, made this brief historical survey, let us ©
\»proceed to consider the tmportance of Holy Scripture
to the Church and to individual Christians.
198 Lecture VIII. Holy Scripture.
Scripture is of supreme importance to our whole
wntellectwal life. |
The whole range of Christian culture and mental
wealth springs from two roots which are found in
the past: one in the lands of Rome and Greece, the
other in the land of God’s people. From the one we
derive our intellectual culture, from the other our
religion. And it is our religion which, together with
the secular cultivation of Greece and Rome, and the
national spirit of our people, forms that one great
whole which we call Christian civilisation. The in- ~
strument, however, of all intellectual cultivation is
literature. As the spirit of those great nations of
civilisation speaks to us through the writings of their
authors, by means of which, too, such works of art as
have been transmitted to us become intelligible, and
speak in a language which we can comprehend, so
has the religion of Israel and of Christendom each its
literature. It is in this that the religious spirit of that
home of religion speaks to us. Side by side with the
literature of secular culture, we possess this sacred
literature of religion. Nor need this sacred literature
shrink from ranging itself by the side of the secular
literature of civilisation. Even apart from its religious
importance, and regarded only from a human point of
view, the Bible is the most magnificent literary work
existing in the whole world—as great through the
touching simplicity and historical_importance of its
narratives, as it is through the fulness and depth of its
thoughts, the power and variety of its discourses, and
Religious Importance of Scripture. 199
the abundance and beauty of its poetry. Long ere
Pindar celebrated in his odes the Olympic victors, had
David composed those psalms whose soaring thoughts
and powerful words still refresh our souls. And long
before Homer charmed the enraptured ears of the
youthful nation on the coasts of Asia Minor by the
deeds of the heroes of Troy, had Moses and his sister
sung their songs of victory on the overthrow of the
Egyptian monarch, and Deborah celebrated in her bold
metaphors the victory of Israel. When the founda-
tions of Rome, the world’s future metropolis, were being
laid upon the hills by the Tiber, the prophets of Israel
were surveying, with a glance enlightened by the Spirit,
the fate of the nations, and predicting their future
destiny ; while, with a power of eloquence surpassing
that of Demosthenes, and with flights of poetry more
lofty than those of Aischylus, they announced the judg-
ments of God upon the sins of their nation, or spoke
of His grace in tones sweeter than the sweet numbers
of a Sophocles. There is no single note in the whole
scale of human emotion, from the thunders of holy
indignation or the heart-rending cry of despair, to the
softest accents of mercy or the ardent lays of love, which
does not find expression in Scripture. We keep in
memory the names and sayings of the seven wise men
of Greece; but what is their wisdom to the treasures
_ of practical wisdom laid up in the Proverbs of the Old
Testament? We dive into the depths of Plato’s views,
and admire the nobleness of his ideas; but the Scrip-
tures speak of the world of the eternal ideal, as of the
200 Lecture VIII. Holy Scripture.
well known home of their spirit, and express the
deepest thoughts and most comprehensive views with
as much certainty and simplicity as though they were
treating of the simplest truths in the world, or of those
self-evident principles which all acknowledge. Truly,
when viewed only from a human point of view, as a
mere work of the human mind, Scripture far surpasses
all the literary productions of all nations and of every
period. Let us but imagine that we had never pos-
sessed the Bible, and that it had but just now been for
the first time discovered in the corner, perhaps, of
some library—and what an impression would such a
discovery make! It would create the greatest sensa-
tion which a literary discovery could create; a far
greater one than if Homer's lays, Shakespeare’s plays,
or Goethe’s poems should for the first time suddenly
appear. The wonderful book would form the topic of
conversation in all society, professorships would be
founded for its interpretation, and to know and read it
would form a part of every education. For it contains
within, itself a whole world of thoughts; it is a uni-
verse of mind. Reyille,an advocate of modern French
rationalism, concludes an essay in the Revue des deux
Mondes (1864) with the following words: ‘One day
the question was started in an assembly, What book a
man condemned to a life-long imprisonment, to whom
but one would be allowed, had better choose to take
into his cell with him? The company consisted of
Catholics, Protestants, philosophers, and even ma-
terialists ; but all..agreed that his choice would fall
Religious Importance of Scripture. 201
only on the Bible:’(°) a distinguished tribute to the
Bible—a tribute not merely to its intellectual excel-
lence, but also to its religious importance.
In speaking of other writings, we are wont to ex-
patiate upon the enjoyment they have afforded us, or
the admiration they have called forth, when we would
convey a notion of the impression they have made upon
us. In the Scriptures, however, we breathe another
atmosphere. They do indeed elicit our admiration,
and afford us a high degree of intellectual enjoyment ;
but if we are to declare the peculiar effect they pro-
duce upon us, we must say: It is the spirit of religion
which moves us, and which we here meet with in a
power and purity found nowhere besides. Here is
the original source whence flows the religious spirit.
os Hither, therefore, does the religious life ever return as
to its fountain, What else was the Reformation than
a return to the sources of religious life? As at the
Reformation era there was a return to the original
sources of intellectual culture, so was there also to the
original sources of religion. The former were sought
in the literature of Greece and Rome, the latter in
Holy Scripture. The former movement was the result
of the studies called Humanities, especially the classics ;
_the latter of the Scriptural principles of the Reforma-
tion. In certain individuals, as in Melancthon and
others, both were united; and the union became an
‘indissoluble one for the Protestant Church, for the
- languages and the Gospel are intimately united. God
himself hath joined them together; for it was He
202 Lecture VITT. Holy Scripture.
who caused the Old Testament to be written in Hebrew,
the New in Greek. ‘The languages,’ says Luther, ‘are
the scabbard in which the sword of the Spirit is
hidden.’ (") But the spirit which speaks to us from
the Holy Scriptures in these languages is not the
human spirit, but the spirit of religion itself. It is in
the Scriptures that we hear the original utterances of
religion. A return to Scripture is in every age the
revival of its religious life. When, in the first decade
of the present century, the religious spirit, reviving
from the mutilation and shallowness of rationalism,
stirred the depths of men’s inner life, it was the return
to. Scripture which gave strength, health, and a future,
to this renovation of religion. Then, as at the era of
the Reformation, it was the Epistle to the Romans
more especially which seized upon and ruled the
thoughts and feelings of men. And how frequently
has it happened that when, at special seasons and
places, the study of Scripture has been diligently culti- ;
vated, a revival of religious life and evangelical Chris-
tianity has resulted therefrom. (”) Scripture is the
primitive source of religion, and herein lies its necessity.
How. far, then, may Scripture be said to be neces-
sary? Certainly it cannot be said that the individual
Christian cannot be saved without it. (") Many have
been saved who have never read the Bible, who have,
perhaps, never known it. Irenzus tells us of Chris-
tian congregations on the banks of the Rhine, towards
the end of the second century, who, though not
possessing the Word of God in the Scriptures, never-
Necessity of Scripture. 203
theless bore it in their hearts. There is assuredly but
one thing necessary to salvation: to believe in the
Lord Jesus Christ. We can, then, conceive an in-
dividual Christian just able to exist without Scripture.
But if he would really be certain of his subject, and
independent in matters of faith, he cannot dispense
with it. As in common life a man who cannot read
_is ever, to a certain degree, dependent upon. others, so
is it also in religious life. It is indispensable to the
independence and maturity of religious faith and life,
to be able to ascertain for oneself, as it is said of the
Bereans (Acts xvii. 11), whether these things are so.
Although the Christian is referred, in the first instance,
to the preaching and instruction of the Church, yet he
is not to believe merely upon the Church’s word, but
is to search and to convince himself. For this pur-
pose he needs the Scriptures; for all religious teaching
must be tested by this primitive source of religious
’ truth. In this sense, then, Scripture is indispensable
even to the individual Christian. To the Church,
however, and its office of instruction, it is of the first
and most absolute necessity; for the Church must
have a rule for her guidance in faith and practice,
and for the resolution of those doubts and questions
which may arise during the course of her history.
But what is this rule and standard to be? What else
but that revelation of God by which He has made
known to the world His purposes of love? It is this
which is the foundation of religion and of the Church,
it is this which should be the Church’s rule of judg-
204 Lecture VIIT. Holy Scripture.
ment, and it is this which is deposited in Holy
Scripture. For what is the matter of the Bible, but
those acts and words of God in which He has opened
His very heart, and disclosed to us His purposes of
salvation—that whole, great, glorious history in which
His thoughts of love have been revealed and fulfilled 2
For the Bible is no mere collection of maxims, and
precepts, or religious truths, but. that great_history_of
salvation which, commencing with the first beginning
of our race, was continued through the times of the
patriarchs and prophets, culminated in Jesus Christ
and the events of His death and resurrection, and
will be completed in that future world which is
promised us.
It is this which forms the matter of Scripture. Its
first pages tell of the creation of heaven and earth, its
last of the new heavens and the new earth. Between
this beginning and ending is contained this whole, full
history, whose central point is the cross. The cross
casts a light upon all that precedes and follows it,
Jesus Christ, crucified and risen,‘is the end towards
which all the ways of Divine revelation tend, and
from which they again proceed. He is the centre, the
essence of the whole Bible. To Him alk events relate,
—some more nearly, some more distantly,—and hence
some are more and some are less important; but all
are connected with Him, and therefore should be
profitable to us, All Scripture testifies of Him, and
‘all Scripture is. given by inspiration of God, and
is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction,
The Understanding of the Scripture. 205
for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God
may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good
works’ (2 Tim. iii. 16).
Under this light must all that Scripture contains be
viewed. From this central point and aim it is that
all must be understood.
We hear much of the obscurity of Scripture, and
this is often advanced as a reason for neglecting it.
It is true that we must bring a certain degree
of historical knowledge to its perusal, to be able to
understand that which is peculiar to it; but this is
more or less necessary with every book, even of human
authorship, relating to historical events, whether of
the present or the past. And even when we under-
stand ever so clearly the historical circumstances to
which the peculiarity relates, and are ever so skilful
in the language, there will still be much that will
remain obscure to every reader. We theologians are
best able to judge of this, and the history of biblical
interpretation bears witness to it. This obscurity lies
not only in the difficulties presented _by the language,
or in the want of the necessary historical knowledge, but
in the matter itself. But even if a greater portion were
sealed to us, we might still say, with far more justice
than_Socrates, when speaking of the writings of the
heathen philosopher Heraclitus, surnamed the Obscure,
‘What I understand of it is so excellent, that I can draw
conclusions from it concerning what I do not under-
stand’ And the deeper we dive into Scripture, the
more we shall understand of it. Itis the case with every
206 Lecture VILL. Holy Scripiure.
really great work, that it ever becomes increasingly
valuable and important to us. A work which a first
perusal will exhaust, can have no very special depth and
fulness; while one which is ever disclosing new thoughts
and beauties, is alone of real importance. The Bible is
an inexhaustible treasury. The New Testament. may
be classed among the small books. We can carry it in
our pockets. And yet, though it has been studied, ex-
plained, and preached upon for eighteen hundred years,
who can say he has mastered it? Only the superficial
could imagine such a thing. It is, as Luther once
said, like a great tree, on which, when we have shaken
and beaten it ever so much, we still find more fruit.
We must, indeed, bring a right state of heart and _
mind to the Scriptures, if we are to understand them.
Susceptibility is an ingredient necessary for compre-
hension. They who would understand an author
must, as Goethe says, go into the author’s country.
And they who would understand the book of religion,
must bring a mind open for its reception. As God
in Nature only speaks to those who know Him, and
have eyes and ears for His manifestation therein, so
they alone hear His voice in Scripture whose heart is
open to His revelation. If any one fails to find_God
therein, it is no fault of Scripture; it is not sealed; it
is his heart which is closed against it. In order. to
understand it, we must take up a right position with .
respect to it. We must surrender ourselves to it, with > .
an absence of self-consciousness, desiring only to hear
what it has to say to. us, and not to find ourselves in it.
Inspiration of Scripiure. 207
It has been often said, that the Bible is the book in
which every one finds what he chooses. Certainly, he
who desires to find hig own notions in it will so find
them. But is this the fault of Scripture, or of the
man who will find without seeking, who first brings in
what he afterwards brings out? The best_remedy for
this abuse of Scripture, is Scripture itself. We need
but to search it with an absence of self-opinion, and
a desire of discovering what it contains. This is the
testimony of Jesus Christ, the history of God’s revealed
way of salvation; and this is what we want,
The Church of Rome requires that Scripture should
be interpreted according to tradition, according to the
teaching of the Church. But what if tradition is dis-
cordant? What if the Church’s teaching is unscrip-
tural? No one can find the Romish mass in. the
Scriptures who does not first place it there, and no
one can support the latest dogma of the Romish
Church by Scripture without misinterpreting it. This,
then, is no remedy for arbitrary interpretation. In
fact, there is no external remedy for error and self-
will, but only an inward, moral, and spiritual one.
The remedy for an arbitrary spirit _is obedience to
the truth, the subjection of self to the Word of truth ;
and the remedy for error is the gradual conquest. of”
~error by the Spirit, who, by means of Scripture, leads
from one truth to another. It is our_own fault, and
not the fault of Scripture, if we fail of attaining a
correct perception of truth, For in it, as in a register
of the kingdom of God, is deposited the whole revela-
208 Lecture VIII. Holy Scripture.
tion of God. Hence it is at all times the Church’s
safe guide in all dangers and duties. (")
Is it, then, so certain and reliable ? This has been
disputed. Certainly, if Scripture is to be a correct and
trustworthy account of the great drama of the Divine
revelation, as we believe, and as the Church at all
times has believed, it cannot have originated in the
fallible human mind, but must be in truth the Word
of that same Spirit who effected and presided over the
revelation itself. If Scripture is, as we believe, a
necessity for the Church, then is it also both the
demand and the conviction of faith, that God would not
have left it to accident whether such Scripture should
be produced, nor have committed its composition
merely to men, but would Himself have ordained and
effected its existence. It is not a fact originated by
the choice of man, not merely a work of the human
mind, but of the Spirit of God, @.¢., it is inspired. The
whole Christian Church believes in and teaches the
Divine inspiration of Holy Scripture. The New
Testament asserts it of the Old; the Lord and His
apostles often designate it as the Word and Work of
the Holy Ghost; and the Church believes the same of
the New Testament, for this is even more perceptibly
pervaded by the presence of the Spirit of God.
Recently, however, the doctrine of the Divine inspira-
tion of Holy Scripture has been made the subject of
special attack.
Do we understand inspiration aright? It does not
mean that no room is left for the agency of the human
Inspiration of Scripture. 209
mind. To maintain this is to_ contradict evidence.
They who say so are setting themselves in opposition
to evidence. The biblical writers made researches,
collected, and sifted, as other writers do. The prophets,
as Luther says, studied the more ancient Scriptures.
And when the Apestle Paul writes one of his epistles,
his mental powers are all as much at a stretch as when
he delivers one of his great speeches, such as that
before the Areopagus at Athens (Acts xvii). The
doctrine of the Divine inspiration of Scripture is not
to be understood as excluding human mental activity,
The authors of the books of the Bible are authors, and
not mere scribes. What they wrote was not dictated
to their pens, but it passed through their own minds.
Yet it was no mere production of their own minds, but
~they being moved and filled by the Spirit of God; and it
was out of this Spirit, that they spoke and wrote. The
Spirit of God controlled their mental activity by re-
vealing truth, illuminating their minds, and directing
their words, so that they said the right thing in. the
right words ; and, so said, it was adapted to the use, not
only of their own times, but of the Church at all times.
The fact that the Holy Spirit acted upon their minds
did not spare their labour, but required it. God did
not treat them as mere machines, for it was only by
the most concentrated energy of their own minds that
they became organs of the Spirit who speaks to us
through their mind. And that which He thus says
_to_us is not arbitrary instructions and information, but
the revelation of salvation and the Divine counsels
210 Lecture VIII, Holy Scripture.
for our happiness. Scripture is not a collection of
human sciences, but the Divine charter. It will not
spare us the labour of investigation in matters of
secular science, but it will answer our inquiries con-
cerning the way of salvation; it will afford us no
solutions to the problems of physical science, but it
will furnish us with the solutions which we need con-
as Cardinal Baronius says, how heaven moves, but it
will teach us how to get there. It was for this pur-
pose that it was inspired by God. (”)
But are these things so? Can we be certain of this
inspiration? It is a decisive question, but we are able
This certainty has three degrees.
When we approach the Scriptures, and. give our-
selves to their contemplation, the first thing which
produces an overpowering effect is their magnificent
unity, their wonderful harmony. We admire a Gothic
cathedral, the splendour of the original conception, the
richness, the consistency, the adaptation and harmoni-
ousness of its several parts. Holy Scripture is such a
cathedral, and more than this. It includes the greatest
variety. In it is contained a multiplicity of ideas, of
knowledge, of facts. But one thought runs through _
the whole. It is the_same religious spirit which
breathes upon us in all its several parts. It is one
and the same teaching which it carries on in all its
several books ; one and the same truth which it every-
where proclaims; one and the same way of salvation
Certainty of Inspiration. 211
which it everywhere bids us walk in; one and the
same purpose of God for our eternal happiness which
it everywhere declares, with greater or less distinctness,
and in various stages of accomplishment, but ever one
and the same. This unity of Scripture cannot but
excite both wonder and admiration, when we consider
that we have here, in fact, the whole national literature
of Israel, a literature descending from remote ages,
diffused over a period of about 1600 years, the work of
the most diverse authors, written under the most widely
differing circumstances and events, for the most opposite
purposes, in the greatest variety of form—and yet what
wonderful unity of spirit and opinion! Where, in the
whole world, where, in the whole circle of literature, can
anything be found which even distantly approaches it ?
Nor is it this unity only which excites our admira-
_tion, but still more the harmony existing between its
different parts. For Scripture forms one great whole.
It is not like a collection of writings—it is like a single
book; it is an organism in which each part is neces-
sary, and none incidental or superfluous, but each ser-
“viceable to the whole, from the first page to the last,
from the creation to the renewal of the world; and the
centre of this great whole is Jesus Christ and His
cross. We cannot but confess that this could never
have been done by men ; for they who wrote the several
parts often knew nothing of each other; they knew
nothing of that whole for which they were labouring.
Neither accident nor human intention brought this to
pass, but a higher Spirit. Scripture is a wonderful
212 Lecture VIIT. Holy Scripture.
structure—a structure to which there must have been
an architect. It is a ruling mind alone which knows
how to utilise and combine individual efforts. It is
the ruling mind which profits by the offices of indivi-
dual members. (”)
And every one may experience that this Spirit here
speaks to us with original power and truth. A series
of Christian writings, from the period immediately
following that of the New Testament writings, has
come down to us: an epistle of Clement of Rome, one
of St Paul’s disciples, to the Corinthians; letters of
Ignatius, bishop of Antioch; a letter of the venerable
Polycarp of Smyrna, one of St John’s disciples; and
various others. No one can read these writings of the
disciples of the apostles, of the most respected Chris-
tian teachers and representatives of the Church of their
age, without being seized with astonishment at the
wonderful difference between the New Testament.
Scriptures and these writings of the apostolic dis-
ciples. Even a Schelling found in this remarkable ,
difference the strongest proof of the inspiration of the »
New Testament. (”)
Thus, then, has the Church in all ages testified to
Scripture, not only as a declaration of the truth, but
as the primitive and standard. proclamation to all
ages. Never has the Church hesitated in her con-
fidence in Holy Writ. Ever has she lived in the cer-_
tainty of possessing therein that Word of God which
she needs. And this her certainty is no arbitrary idea,
no unfounded assertion, but the universal belief of all
Faith and Criticism. 218
Christians and of all Churches; universal, because in-
separable from the very nature of the Church herself.
And this her faith is no product of her own reasoning ;
it is effected in her by the Spirit of God, by that
same Spirit who produced the Scriptures, that they
might furnish the Church, which is His creation, with
the light she needs. As the Spirit of God bears testi-
mony to our spirit that the proclamation of Jesus
Christ is the truth which will save us, so has the same
Spirit ever testified to the Church that the word of
Scripture is that word of God which will guide her
into all truth. And this faith has been progressively
confirmed to Christendom. Men have experienced, in
the course of ages, that they really possess in Scripture
what faith assured them that they did, viz., the sure
euide and unerring standard of God’s word. The
whistory of Scripture is but a history of its progressive
corroboration. (*)
And having this experience, she will not let herself
be led astray; her faith will not be.shaken even by
modern criticism.
Allow me a few words on this subject.
We live in the age of criticism. Many have had
their faith in Scripture shaken by criticism, but with-
out reason; for what is it that is objected to Scripture ?
As it replied, that its matter is a stumbling block? We
ask: Why ? Because it speaks of the sun in a manner
inconsistent with the Copernican system? Scripture
is not designed to make us astronomers, but Christians.
Or because it contradicts history? Far rather do
214 Lecture VIII. Holy Scripture.
historical researches corroborate Scriptural statements.
There was a time when the narrative of the sojourning
of Israel in Egypt was regarded as a fable. Now the
papyrus rolls and ancient wall paintings of Egypt
testify to its reality; and in the Pillar Court of the
Berlin Museum there is an ancient sitting figure of
King Rameses II., which was undoubtedly beheld by
Moses. (”) Doubt has been cast upon the accuracy of
the descriptions of Nineveh in the book of Jonah, and
of the Babylonish court in that of Daniel; but the
researches of our days have but served to confirm
them. (°) And if we descend to the New Testament,
every man of information must confess that its descrip-
tions fully correspond with what he elsewhere learns
of the historical condition of its era. (*) To
Objection has been made to the matter of Holy
Scripture. Objections of taste: But what is more
subjective than taste? Frederick II. of Prussia, as is
well known, pronounced the plays of Shakespeare
barbarous. We think rather differently of them now.
Objections in a moral point of view: It is indis-
putable that Scripture is a source of moral renovation.
Objections to the miracles it narrates: (”) But this
is a question of principle, a cardinal question, in which
different views of the universe are concerned.
Modern investigation has especially delighted to
occupy itself in inquiry as to the periods and authors
of the several books of the Bible. And it is chiefly
the results, the real or supposed_results, of such in-
vestigations which have caused anxiety to many
Faith and Criticism. 215
minds. But such anxiety is needless. There are
few provinces of mental activity in which errors more
_ easily occur than in that of literary criticism. Philo-
logists, whose special concern such criticism is, will
_. readily confirm this. Schleiermacher was versed, as
few others have been, in the writings of Plato, and
yet he erroneously rejected many of Plato’s discourses.
And shall we theologians be free from this law of
error in the province of biblical criticism? And
even if a negative criticism should be correct in many
instances, this alone does not touch our faith. The five
books of Moses retain their value and importance even
if we are obliged to concede to criticism that longer
or shorter_component parts were added by other men
of God to what Moses himself wrote, that this work
might thus attain the completeness necessary, to fulfil
its purpose for the Church of after ages. Our faith
does not depend upon the decision of the question:
Whether the Gospel according to St Matthew, in the
form in which we possess it, is the work of St Matthew
himself, I believe that it is so; but it would not, in
the slightest degree, affect my faith if I were forced to
yield to the conviction, that the earlier sketch made
by this apostle had_been enlarged by additional nar-
. ratives of events in the life of Christ by some other
witness of the apostolic era. I cite these examples to
show that the question of authorship alone is not a
question of faith. Certainly this has its limits; and
oP be wal
Be engés SP riatanes itself, are impeached. To all
216 Lecture VIII. Holy Scripture.
criticism which denies these, we will oppose the in- |
pression made by Scripture upon every unprejudiced \
reader, that the very Spirit of truth is here addressing _
us with a power and purity nowhere else met with,
and will then put more faith in this spirit of the truth
of Scripture than in the arguments of criticism. And
even if we were obliged, which we are not, to give up
one or another book of the Bible, our faith would not
be given up with it. One school of criticism, the
Tiibingen school, has left us but four of all the Pauline
epistles—that to the Romans, the two to the Corin-
thians, and the Epistle to the Galatians. And yet we
cannot but assert that, if we had but these four, we
should still have the whole of Christianity. We might
lament that we had no more, but we should be able to
obtain from these the knowledge of Jesus Christ, of
His redemption, and of our salvation. But, thank
God, we have more. It is now universally acknow-
ledged that this school of criticism has dealt far
too arbitrarily, and uprooted far too rashly. Much
will have to be acknowledged which criticism is
now perhaps questioning A true and a still
seasonable saying was written twenty-seven years
ago by the venerable Roman Catholic theologian
Hug, in his opinions of the Strauss’s ‘Leben Jesu’ |
of his days (p. 59): ‘It has become customary among
us, for any one who desires to earn the fame of
scholar, in the department of theology, to bring into
the market some striking and audacious attack on the -
sacred.monuments of our faith, and to outdo all his
Faith and Criticism. 217
predecessors in this kind of ware. The audacity
supplies the place of solidity. A sharp and flippant
proposition, which stakes everything, will procure
the same fame among us as a well placed witticism in
We should not find these attacks so imposing, if we
_were more familiar with Scripture, if we more lived in
fit. And yet the purpose for which Scripture was
given to us is, that we may make our heart and mind
intimately acquainted with it, and not that we may
consider it and treat it merely as an object of critical
operations. Scripture.is supported by a very fertile
history—a history not merely of the criticism it has
undergone, and from which it has ever come forth
victorious, but of the experience which has been made
of it by the Church. During the course of ages, the
Church has not become less certain, but more certain
about the Scriptures; and they who take up a right
position with respect to them, will share in this ex-
perience of the Church, and progressively increase
in affection for them. It is true, in all cases, that
love grows in the way of duty. Our duty to the
Scriptures is to read them and live in them; and
this, too, is the way of attaining certainty concern-
ing them. |
And whom does it more become to be intimate with
Holy Scripture than us, the Protestant Christians of
Germany? Luther’s translation of the Bible is the
pride of our nation, and the pearl of our ee Pu
218 Lecture VIII. Holy Scripture.
our greatest intellects have written and spoken. It
has made the Bible a national book, in a degree which
it never was before. It is the common ground on
which men of all ranks, and of every degree of cultiva-
tion, from the highest to the very lowest, meet. The
Bible forms an intellectual bond between all classes of
the people, in a far greater degree than the poems of
Homer did among the Greeks. And what a bond!
It is in the highest concerns of the soul, in the
greatest questions of the intellect, in the holiest
thoughts and feelings, that we here find a meeting
place. Here, too, it is that our souls ever meet with
new refreshment. Scripture is a fountain’ of living
water, in which our souls may bathe. Hither let us ,
resort from the distractions of the world, from the
noisy pursuits of the age, from the strife of thought
and feeling; here will our souls be tranquillised, here
are we surrounded by the breath of eternity, here is
the sanctuary of God. Let us learn to live in the
Scriptures, and we shall thus learn also to love the
- Scriptures.
And the more we lovingly dive into them and make
them the nourishment of our spirits, the more will
they awaken within us desires for that Divine grace
of which they testify, and which is brought to us
in those means of grace which the Church is appointed
to administer, namely, in the preaching of the Word
and in the Sacraments.
eH purpose of God is our redemption, %.¢.,
Use nal our fellowship with Himself. It is this
R@ fee| for which we were destined, and in which
we find our truth. By the person and
work of Christ this redemption was effected, the
Church possesses this treasure, and Scripture furnishes
documentary evidence concerning it. What is thus
presented to us externally, must now be made our own
But as it is with Christianity, so is it with the
individual Christian. The world could receive Chris-
tianity, but could not itself produce it. It was a
new act of God, effected within our history; and
the Christian is no less a work of God within our
soul. Christianity.is a new creative principle in the
history of the world: hence a new creative spiritual
power must enter into combination with our moral life,
if we are to be Christians. This is the nature of grace
and of its agency in man. It is not merely a doctrine,
an admonition, or a precept; it does not merely set up
_an ideal, and give us new ideas; it is an actual fact, a
220 Lecture IX, The Means of Grace.
creative power which takes possession of our thoughts
and wills, and calls forth new thoughts and emotions
within us. Itis true that it does not enter without
means into our inner life. It has its preparatives, its.
points of connection; it enters into combination with
the productions of our own moral efforts and powers.
It is no production of our own moral strength, but is a
renovation thereof. We can long for it, but we cannot
procure it; it must draw near to us and communicate
itself to us. It is true that it does not carry on its
work without us, for it carries it on within us. The
moral work which each man has to do cannot be done
for him by another, not even by God; he must perform
it himself. Nevertheless, all our fellow working with
God rests upon the foundation laid by the work of
God within us. God himself must begin that which
is new within us, must deposit in us its germ, must
impart to us the new moral power. As redemption |
through Jesus Christ was the act and work of God
without us, so is the appropriation of redemption His _
work within us. It is the Spirit of God which works
upon our spirits. |
All the intellectual activity of man, all influence of
one man upon another, requires its appropriate instru-
mentality. The two great means by which man works
upon man are his word and his deed. And the Spirit _
of God, too, clothes Himself in these forms, and makes
them the means of His grace: word and transaction.
The Church has ever designated these two the Word
and Sacraments, as the means of grace by which the
The Word and Sacrament. yA! 4
agency of the Spirit of God draws near and enters
into us.
~The power of mind is greater upon earth than
physical power, and it has ever been new and great
thoughts which have set the world in motion. All
other powers and forces do but subserve the power of
mind. When the proud structures which absolute
power or armed force has erected are overthrown and
in ruins, mind rises above the ruins, and bears its
thoughts from century to century. They alone endure ;
all else decays. They are the instruments which con-
vey the produce of history to succeeding generations.
They form a communication between minds separated
from each other by millenaries. They constitute the
projectile force of the mind, awaken the energy of the
will, and kindle that fire of enthusiasm which is the
soul of all great deeds, and the secret of success. But
the outward form of mind, and the garment in which
thought clothes itself, is speech.
Speech is the revelation of the mind by which it
becomes incorporate. The revelation also of God has
from the beginning clothed itself in speech. Zhe word
is become the expression for revelation itself. Truly
mind can clothe itself in various forms; it can choose
anything as its means for speaking to us and influenc-
ing us. It addresses us by the whole wide world of
symbolism. But still speech is its most appropriate
incorporation; and to all else which it uses to give
expression to its notifications, to all signs and symbol-
ism, the interpreting word must first draw near and
222 Lecture LX. The Means of Grace.
liberate the mind which is, so to speak, confined
within the visible forms of the sign, before it can
thereby speak to our mind. Hence it is speech which
is the means of mental intercourse, and the power of
mental influence. It is true that there is also a speech-
less intercourse and a silent influence. But these, too,
rest upon words. Words form the tie of connection ,
between mind and mind, which then carries on its ’
work in silence.
It was because God would show to men the pur-
poses of His heart for their salvation, and deliver ~
their souls from the evil of sin, that He revealed
Himself by His Word. At every stage of His revela-
tion we see a fresh word of God uniting itself to what
had been handed down thus far, and carrying it still
farther onwards. It is thus that the word and its
effects are propagated from generation to generation.
Upon this word, then, rests, in the first instance, the
written record, whose object is to renew and exhibit to ~
each age the word which was delivered. Every pre-
Christian word of God had for its object Him who is -
called ‘The Word’—even Christ Jesus. When the
evangelist sought the most comprehensive, the fullest
expression for Jesus Christ, he called Him simply
‘The Word’ (John i1). That is to say: He is the
absolute revelation. In Him God has laid up and
expressed to us His whole heart, His whole will
towards us. He who is the substance of the Old
Testament, and the soul of the New, is simply the
Word, the absolute revelation of God. The form,
The Word. O25
moreover, of His revelation, and the means of His
agency, was again the Word in which He delivered
Himself to us.
It is true that Jesus did also signs and miracles,
and that His very person exercised a powerful in-
fluence upon the minds of those susceptible of it.
But when He would pour forth His whole heart,
and seize men’s hearts and stir them to their very
depths, He clothed His testimony in word. And it
was this, His word, which gave to His signs and
wonders, and to His person, their special significance
and influence. We all know what heart-stirring
power dwelt in the words of the Lord Jesus. And
it was the Word which He pointed out to His dis-
ciples as the power by which they were to lift the
world off its hinges. Their office was to be the
preaching of the Word: ‘Go and teach all nations ;’
‘Preach the Gospel to every creature” And since
the time of that first preaching, on the day of Pente-
cost, the proclamation of the Word. has been going on
throughout the world.
The Word is the power of the Church. When the
knights of Germany offered their swords to Luther
for the service of his cause, he refused them, with the
.. declaration: The Word shall do it. (’)
. The Word is the power of the Church, and the
means by which it is to be extended. Many a time,
indeed, have ambition and selfishness entered into
alliance with the missionary work of the Church, and
placed their secular resources at her disposal. Yet
224 Lecture IX. The Means of Grace.
the preaching of the Word has ever been the special
power of missions. When the Gospel is carried to the
heathen, it brings not merely religion but civilisation.
Missions are of eminent importance with regard to
civilisation, of far greater than those imagine who
despise them and stigmatise their work as pietistic.
And the ultimate basis of all this salutary agency is
the Word.
The Word comes before us under various forms.
When the mother teaches her child to pray, or ex-
plains Bible pictures to him; when the teacher of the
young gives instruction in Bible history; when from
the professor's chair we develop before our young
theologians the mysteries of Christian doctrine, or
when I speak to you_here on matters of Christian
faith,—all these are but the announcement of the
Word under various forms. But its special form still
is its public declaration by preaching. It is here that
it concentrates its whole strength, and will exercise
its full influence.
But then it must be really the preaching of the;
Word of God. It must be no mere twisting and)
turning of phrases, no dressing up of the dry chips of |
human wisdom, no exhibition of the preacher's own,
wisdom, intellect, or eloquence. We are to preach,
“not ourselves’ and our gifts or our poverty, but the
Word of God, ie, Christ Jesus. Nor are men to
want to hear us, and our thoughts or smooth words,
but the Word of God, «2, Jesus Christ. But when
preaching really is what it ought to be, it is the most
The Word. 225
answerable, most special, and most efficient form of
the Word of God.
» Preaching was the chief occupation of Christ during
His earthly life, and He appointed preaching to be
the chief duty of His disciples after His ascension.
Preaching was the office of the great prophets of the
Old Testament; preaching was the business of Christ’s
apostles; the religions of the ancient world and their
opposition to Christianity were overcome by the
power of preaching; and the history of the Church
has told us of many who have wielded this sword
of the Spirit with wide-spread efficiency. Preaching
is a heart-stirring, a world-stirring power. Luther’s
preaching introduced and gave a tone to a new era,
kindled a new light and life in the souls of individuals,
and poured into the minds of the desponding the con-
solations of Divine grace. Hence our Church has ever
distinguished and treated preaching as the chief matter
in public worship, or at least has insisted that it should
be so treated by those who are called upon to preach.
It is true that the public announcement of the Word
is not the only preaching. ._N ature, too, preaches to
; the religious decorations of our churches and of
our houses Predaitio us. But the means by which
God_most specially and directly speaks to us, spirit to
spirit, heart. to heart, is still by the Word; and the
most special form of that Word is its public announce-
ment by preaching.
, What, then, is the the subject matter of the Word? It
may be a single text text which strikes us. Perhaps it
226 Lecture IX. The Means of Grace.
penetrates our whole being in_a single moment, per-
haps it sets the seal to and concludes a long course
of preparation ; yet ‘still we need the whole Word, that
whole Word which is made up of law and Gospel...
If we are to be possessed of a sound Christianity,
and fully to appropriate the blessing of redemption,
both must produce their appropriate effect upon us.
With the whole human race, no less than with each
individual, God deals in the way of a_ progressive...
course of instruction. History is the education of the~
human race; and this law of the whole is repeated in
the case of the individual. Now, the moral law of all
education is: through law to liberty! When the
evangelist would point out the contrast between the
Old and New Testaments, he says: ‘The law was given
by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.’
When the Apostle Paul would characterise the ditf-
ference of the ages, he designates it by the words law
and liberty; and it is a fundamental doctrine of our
Church to give due emphasis to this difference between
the law and the Gospel. Certainly they stand not
merely in contrast, but also in relation to each other.
The Apostle Paul calls the law our schoolmaster to
bring us to Christ. Thus it is that the law subserves
the Gospel, and leads us beyond itself to the liberty of
the Gospel, Yet still this relation in which they stand
to each other depends upon their difference. We all
know that a new age began with Christianity. The
age of the law gave place to the age of grace. True it
is that God has been in all ages the God of grace, and
Law and Gospel. 227
that we find the Gospel even in the Old Testament.
The very soul of the Old Testament is the promise of
Christ. Yet it is still only a promise. The Gospel is
the future of the Old Testament, the law its present.
When we read the precepts of the law in the Old Tes-
tament, it may perhaps seem to us incomprehensible
~Wwhy they should extend to all those details and ex-
ternals which are, according to our notions, so indif-
ferent, instead of being confined to great moral truths,
It would be incomprehensible, nay, it would be arbi-
trary, if the law had not been intended to serve for the
\purpose of education. It was to be felt as law; it was
to be a yoke upon the neck; it was to demand the
allegiance of the whole man, to confine every step,
every action of the whole life, within the bounds of
obedience. We often command certain things to our
own children which are not necessary. It may be
perhaps indifferent in itself whether they do this or
that; yet, because we have commanded it, they are to
do it,—not for the sake of the thing itself, but for the
sake of our command. They must learn obedience.
A time may perhaps come to them, too, when they
may be delivered from this strict discipline of law,
and act as they like; but not till they are ripe for this
liberty. It is the very use of law to ripen them for it.
_Law is needful to us all. It is said in Scripture
(Lam. iii, 27): ‘It is good for a man that he bear the
yoke in his youth.” He who has not learned to obey
has not learned to command. He whose self-will is
not restrained and broken in his youth, will not in
228 Lecture IX. The Means of Grace.
after years know how to make a wise use of liberty.
The law is a necessary stage of moral development.
If any one overleaps it, or would, from false tender-
ness, exempt another from it, an undisciplined and
arbitrary character will be the result. It is, however,
the high road to freedom. Many, indeed, never get
beyond the law; they always remain under the law,
either in their external or their inner life. What they
need is to get beyond it, and to be free from it; as the
apostle expresses it: through the law to die to the law.
How, then, does the law serve to lead us on beyond
itself? Its first office is to bring us under discipline.
It restrains the outbreaking of our passions, and
opposes its prohibitions to their motions. We must
learn to control ourselves and our appetites by the
power of our wills. It cannot, indeed, annihilate our
appetites, nor of itself exterminate our sinful inclina-
tions. Laws cannot change the heart; inclination
cannot be commanded, nor love prescribed. The law
is not a remedy against sin, it only makes us con-,
scious thereof; for it is Just when we strive to control.
ourselves, and to bring ourselves into subjection to the
commandment, that we feel most forcibly the opposi-
tion offered by’our sinful inclination. He who deals
most strictly with himself, most feels and acknowledges
his impotence against that power of sin which rules
within. It is true that we ought to labour diligently
in the work; but all our severity towards ourselves,
and all our moral effort, will not change us. We
ought to contend against our faults, and to strive after —
The Law. 229
virtue; but when we have conquered ever so many
faults, and acquired ever so many virtues, and done
ever so many good works, and are ever so legal in our
whole deportment, we do not thereby become other
men. Certainly, it is better to form serious purposes
than to lead a life of thoughtlessness and frivolity.
But good purposes alone will not bring a man to
heaven. It is a pleasant thing to behold youthful
enthusiasm following after the moral ideal ever hover-
ing before its eyes, and rising above that low level of
morality to which so many of our young people have
sunk. There is something lovable in the noble moral
efforts of youth. You all know the narrative of the
rich young man in the Gospel, who approached our
Lord with the question, ‘What must I do to inherit
eternal life?? He was such a youth, a youth filled
with enthusiasm for the ideal. And there stirred
within the Lord’s heart, as there does in ours, the
feeling of delight at the moral nobility of human
nature. He beheld the youth, we are told (Mark x.
21), and loved him. And yet this very history shows
that the moral ideal alone cannot help us. We can
never thereby overcome the discord which we bear
within us. I am bold to appeal to the experience of
every one who has trodden it, whether the path of his
own moral effort has led to true freedom. You know
what was the morality developed in the ancient world.
Does there exist a more sublime or nobler moral
enthusiasm than we meet with in Plato’s world of
thought, and in his ideal of the true and good under the
230 Lecture IX. The Means of Grace.
form of beauty? And what is it, in the ancient world
of Greece and Rome, which so powerfully kindles
our youthful ardour, and will continue to betray the
youthful mind into enthusiasm so long as it is true
to itself? What but that ideal atmosphere of moral
beauty by which that world is pervaded, that noble
spirit of moral effort and struggle which appeals to
our mind by the deeds of its great men ? And yet to
what did the old world attain? It was her office, after
having developed and exhausted all the possibilities
latent in human nature, to recognise its impotence.
It was, and continues to be her-office: to be an ever
loud-tongued memento of human limitation. ew!
say nothing of that defilement of sin into which so
many sank. I am only speaking now of her nobler
representatives ; and the lower we descend the stream
of time, the more numerous are the voices bewailing
the unhappy discord which we are incapable of over-
coming. (°)
The experience of all who have trodden this path is:
we would, yet cannot; we will, and yet we will not;
we struggle to be free, yet are not free; we are ever
making new resolutions, and yet never fulfilling them.
‘Oh, wretched man that I am!’ exclaims the Apostle
Paul, in that touching lament in the seventh chapter
of Romans, in which he is describing this inward
discord, and the impotence of his own will against the
supremacy of nature’s sinfulness. And every one who
travels by the same path reaches the same end. The
experience of all who walk therein is: We have felt
The Gospel. 231
profoundly unhappy. (*) And so it was meant we
should; for this is the end and aim of the law. It
is then that the Gospel steps in. ‘When the fulness
of the time was come, says the apostle, ‘God sent
forth His Son’ (Gal. iv. 4). He means the time.of the
-law. Both Israel and the heathen world had their
time of law. What the Mosaic law was to Israel, the
ideal of philosophic morality was to the heathen world ;
and when the fulness of the time was come, God sent
forth His Son, is repeated in the case of every indi-
vidual. When the law has fulfilled its office in him,
it gives place to the Gospel.
The Gospel, however, is Jesus Christ. He is the
substance of Christian preaching» He preached Him-
self, His apostles preached Him, and we, too, preach
What is meant by preaching Jesus Christ? It is to
preach the grace of God, the forgiveness of sin, and
peace of conscience, If we would fix upon the very
essence of Christ’s preaching, we should all mention
such sayings as: ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labour
and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’ (Matt.
xi. 28); or such words of comfort as He spake to the
‘woman which was a sinner:’ ‘Go in peace; thy sins are
forgiven; thy faith hath saved thee’ (Luke vii. 48-50);
or if we were thinking of parables, upon that prince of
parables, the Prodigal Son (Luke xv.). If we inquire
what was the essence of the apostolic preaching, St
Paul will answer us: ‘ We preach Christ crucified ;’ ‘I
determined not to know anything among you, save
232 Lecture IX. The Means of Grace.
Jesus Christ, and Him crucified’ (1 Cor. i. 23; ii. 2).
The preaching of the cross, however, is the preaching
of reconciliation: ‘God was in. Christ, reconciling the
world unto Himself, not imputing their trespasses unto
them; and hath committed unto us the word of recon-
ciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as
though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in
Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. For He hath
made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we
might be made the righteousness of God in Him’
(2 Cor. v. 19-21). If we inquire, moreover, what was
the preaching of Luther, and what is the fundamental
doctrine of our Church, we find it, in accordance with
the teaching of the Apostle Paul, to be: justification by
faith; in other words, the appropriation of reconcilia-
tion, 7.¢., of the forgiveness of sins, and Divine adoption,
by the believing reception of the grace of God. Itis
this which is preaching Christ.
It is true that the doctrine of justification through
faith has ever been accused of being prejudicial to
morality, of separating religion from practice, of
weakening moral seriousness and zeal. Even St Paul
had to experience such attacks, and they formed the
object against which the battle of his life had to be
waged. Not faith, but works, said his opponents, are
the way of salvation. Faith and works, said a sub-
sequent age. Not faith, but reason, says rationalism.
Not faith only, but chiefly the feeling and the works
of love, teaches the Church of Rome.
While the Romanist says: justification is to be
The Doctrine of Justification. 233
attained by the way of sanctification; we say: sanc-
tification is to be attained in the way of justification.
Not till we are certain of His mercy, shall we be able
to give to God the glad affection of our hearts! Not
till we are reconciled to God, can we live in friendship
with Him; and all holy obedience is but a grateful
response to the gift of His grace. But it is by faith
alone that we become certain of His grace. Such
is the teaching of our Church.(°) For the heaviest
burden which oppresses us is guilt, and the conscious-
ness of guilt; and the first and foremost of all our
wants is forgiveness of sins and certainty of God’s
mercy. |
It is said that the doctrine of justification is pre-
judicial to morality, and yet it is an expression of
moral seriousness. for the degree of the strength and
vitality of each man’s moral consciousness is the
standard of his morality. Moral consciousness, how-
ever, feels first of all the guilt of sin, and then its
power; feels it first as the burden which oppresses the
conscience, then as the power which controls the will.
Before our will can undertake the work of reformation,
at least before it can undertake it with joy and with
the prospect of success, our conscience must know and
feel itself free from the burden of guilt. We must
have the right to forget the things which are behind,
that we may reach forth to those things that are
before. God, however, alone can give us the right to
forget our sin; for it is against Him only that we
have sinned. It is He only who can forgive us, and
234 Lecture IX. The Means of Grace.
not we ourselves. We must have His forgiveness, if
our hearts are to feel health and freedom.
When a child has offended its parents, it seeks
forgiveness before it begins a new life. Until it
receives pardon it is unhappy, the burden of its guilt
oppresses it, nor can it cheerfully enter upon a fresh
course of conduct. Its first, its chief desire, is pardon.
And even if it is punished, it knows that this does
not undo its fault ; even then its deepest want is for-
civeness. Nor does it expect forgiveness because it
promises future amendment, for it is at all times
bound by its duty to its parents and to God to do
what is right. Not without amendment, yet not
because of amendment, does it receive forgiveness,
a forgiveness bestowed only because the parents
choose of their free kindness to bestow it. It is true
that it is morally impossible for us to assure our
children of forgiveness unless we see in them an
earnest purpose of amendment; but the ground of
pardon lies not in the child but in the parents.
So, too, in our case. It is not we that make amends
for our sin and guilt by our good works or good dis-
positions. We can make no amends, for we owe the
very best that we can either will or do. It is not
because we promise improvement, not because we
condemn our sin and inwardly forsake it, not because
our dispositions are changed and our hearts converted,
that God forgives us. We cannot earn forgiveness, we
cannot deserve it. It is God’s free gift, but a gift
which He will not bestow unless there takes place
The Doctrine of Justification. 235
in us a change of disposition. An earnest purpose of
amendment is indeed a condition of forgiveness, but it
is not.its cause. The cause of forgiveness is in God
alone and in His free. mercy. It is this which for-
gives us for the sake of Christ and His redemption.
It is through this that God’s holiness has made it
possible to itself to forgive us. But it is our faith
which lays hold upon this grace, for it is a faith in the
grace of redemption. It is by faith that we obtain
| forgiveness ; for, as Luther says, What thow believest,
that thou hast. Not that the ground of forgiveness
lies in our faith, as though it were so meritorious an
act, so good a work, that God must reward it; nor in
our love which proceeds from faith, nor in our repen-
tance which begets it; it is not in us, but only in God
and in the atoning death of Jesus Christ. It is erace
valone, and_nothing else, which induces God to pro-
nounce our pardon and to receive us as His children.
It is this which, with the Apostle Paul, we call justi-
fication, 2.e. our acquittal from all guilt and punish-
ment, and our admission to the rights of sonship.
Not because we are not sinners, but though we are
sinners; nay, just because we are sinners, and believe
in His pardoning grace, are we pronounced free, guilt-
less, and just, and received into favour.
Justification, then, is not a change which takes
place in us, but, if we may so speak, an occurrence
which takes place in God, a change in the sentence
He passes upon us, in His view of us, in our value in
His sight. He chooses to regard and treat us as
236 83.. Lecture LX. The Means of Grace.
His children; for the Spirit of God bears witness
with our spirits that we are the children of God,
bears this witness through the Word of God, which
addresses us in those loving terms: My son, my
daughter, be of good comfort, thy sins are forgiven
thee; thy faith hath made thee whole. Thus does the
Spirit, by means of the Word, produce in our hearts
the glad, the God-reposed assurance which a Christian
must possess if he is to live and die as a Christian
should; for from this alone can grow a happy child-.
like love to God, a grateful obedience in life, and a
joyful hope in death. These are the aim of God’s
Word, and its triumph.
In the case, indeed, of each individual Christian,
this assurance passes through many fluctuations, and.
is subject even to declensions and revivals. But the
Word of God is stronger than our weakness; it is,
moreover, accompanied by those attendants on the
Word which God has ordained to support its agency
and to assist the weakness of our faith, namely, the
What are the Sacraments ?
They are, first, symbolical transactions.
No religion is without symbols, nor is the Christian
religion. Symbolism meets a want of human nature...
Puritanism, which is acquainted only with bare walls,
mistakes human nature. Truth delights in taking a
visible form, and the Word clothes itself in a shape
which may strike the senses. (*) Our whole life is
interwoven with symbolism. The thoughts of our
The Sacraments. | 237
minds, the inclinations of our hearts, all seek a sym-
bolical expression. And why should not those of our
religious life? No worship can exist without sym-
bolism. All worship is a sacred symbolism. And do
we not involuntarily carry symbolism into our whole
life? When we fold our hands, when we bow or raise
our heads, when we bend our knees—what are these
but symbolical actions, sensible expressions of that
which is not sensible? We ever delight in surrounding
ourselves with what is symbolical. We have made
the cross the universal symbol of Christendom, Every
picture of our Saviour is a symbol. Nay, there is
symbolism in all art, for art never fully rises to its
subjects. The more elevated its subjects, the more is
art but a mere indication thereof. It strives indeed to
become the perfect expression of its subject, but 1s ever
forced to confess that it is far from attaining its end.
Never will a painter succeed in adequately depicting
the grace and truth that shone in the countenance of
Jesus Christ. All true art contains an element of
symbolism. It is by this very feature that it becomes
_a guide to lead us out of this visible into the invisible
world. (’) And we need such helps even in religion.
No religion has ever been without symbolism, nor is
the Christian religion without it.
. But a symbolical action is a higher or more concen-
trated kind of symbolism than a symbolical object.
We find symbolical acts ‘in every religion, and also
in the Christian religion. They are involuntary. If I
bless another. I involuntarily place my hand upon his
238 Lecture IX. The Means of Grace.
head. Worship is a system of symbolical actions, and
so too is Christian worship. Where they are absent,
it becomes cold and bare. They meet a want of our
nature. There is, however, a difference between the
pre-Christian and Christian religions. The former were
the religions of prediction; the latter is the religion of
fulfilment. The symbols of Christianity do not direct
us to something which is future, and beyond them-
selves; but they speak to us of that which is present,
and which the highest of symbols, viz., the Sacraments,
bear within them. The Sacraments are symbolic
actions; but they are pregnant symbols; they possess
the thing which they signify.
We reckon but two Sacraments: Baptism and the
Lord’s Supper. The Romish Church reckons seven—a
number first established in the Middle Ages. In earlier
times the number fluctuated ; for the notion of a sacra-
ment was itself a fluctuating one. But Baptism and
the Lord’s Supper have ever been regarded as _ pre-..
eminent. (°) And this is the ground we go upon. We,
too, have many sacred and important Church acts; we
too, have confirmation, confession, the celebration of
matrimony, the consecration of the ministers of the
Church, and the pronunciation of the Church’s blessing
over her departed members. But none of these acts
are equal in dignity and importance to Baptism and
the Holy Supper. These rest on the express institu-
tion and ordainment of Christ himself; and we believe
that what they signify they also contain and impart.
Before Christ took leave of His disciples, He ordained
Baptism. 239
,Baptism as the act by which all should be received
among the number of His disciples, and into the
fellowship of His future Church, who should be willing
to be so.() Baptism is the Sacrament of reception.
Its external form was not entirely new. It succeeded
earlier ceremonies. Washings and purifications were
prescribed in the Old Testament, and John the Baptist
had used water baptism, the symbol of repentance and
forgiveness of sins, as a preparation for the appearance
of the kingdom of God. But Christ imtroduced new
_matter into this form, viz., that confession of the Father,
and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which was hence-
forth to be combined with this rite. Baptism was to
be reception into communion with the Triune God, and
into participation in His redemption. But the central
point of the revelation of redemption is the atonement
on the cross, the forgiveness of sins. It is this which is
signified in this act. It isan emblem. Its emblematic
character lies in the element employed, and in the act
itself, Water is the means of purification, and the act
of washing the act of purification. Baptism signifies
purification from sin,—not only that we are to cleanse
ourselves, but that God will cleanse.us. (") But it does
not merely signify. this; it gives what it signifies; it
“lays the foundation of Christian life. A Christian life
is a life of communion with God. The obstacle to this
communion is the guilt of sin. Our first, our chief
want is the forgiveness of sin. Baptism is the Sacra-
ment of the cleansing of. the conscience from guilt.
But it is this for the purpose of uniting us with God.
240 Lecture IX. The Means of Grace.
The bond of our communion with God is the Holy
Spirit. The Spirit of reconciliation unites Himself -
with the water of purification, and Baptism is the
covenant of a good conscience with God. (")
With us, Baptism has become Jnfant Baptism. As
long as the Church remains at the missionary stage,
she naturally directs her preaching, and consequently
offers her baptism, chiefly to adults. As soon, how-
ever, as she has obtained any firm footing, she looks
upon such children as are born in her bosom as her
own, and receives them into that communion of re-
demption of which she is the bearer. In the Acts we
are often told that St Paul baptized whole house-
holds. (”) “For Christianity would be the soul, not
merely of individual, but also of domestic life. The
baptism of infants is but the expression of this prin-
ciple. It is true that when our children are baptized,
they know nothing of the transaction ; for their mental
life is then still lying in that dreamy slumber from
which it but gradually awakens. But still it exists,
and still they belong to their God and Father. And
are they not also to be brought to their Saviour? Do
we not pray for our children? Do we not bear them
on our hearts in intercessory prayer? And who could
doubt but that this is something more than mere form
and empty words? Once, when Jewish mothers
brought their children to Jesus to bless them, and the »
disciples would have repelled them because these little
children understood as yet nothing of the matter, Jesus
expressly reproved them, and took the children in His
Baptism. 241
arms, laid His hands upon them, and blessed them. (*)
And why should not we, too, bring our children to
Him, and feel certain that He receives them, and gives
them His blessing? It is of this that Baptism is the
Certainly, children have as yet committed no actual
sin; we delight to call them innocent. But still they
belong to that human race upon which there lies the
old common guilt. And that their innocence has its
limits is shown as soon as the mind awakens from its
first slumber, and with it all those evil tempers from
which sin is developed. Children need the grace of
God no less than adults. ;
It is true that our children have no consciousness of
what takes place at their baptism, for they have as yet
no consciousness at all. But does it follow that no
real transaction can therefore as yet take place within
them? Are not the germs of all its subsequent mental
and physical development latent in the newly born
infant? And who could determine the time at which
these really begin to be called into activity? The
first commencement of our inward mental life lies
far beyond the boundaries of our consciousness. And
even still later, how much there is which lies beyond
the limits of our consciousness and never enters into
it! The limits of our consciousness are far narrower
than those of our mental life. How manifold are the
influences, the intellectual and moral influences, which
we unconsciously experience! And who would set
-limits to the Holy Spirit, over which it should be said
242 Lecture IX. The Means of Grace.
that He could not pass? He has His work in the souls
of children, as well as in the souls of adults. Yet
we evant that this communion with God must become
a matter of consciousness. And it is for this reason
that we follow Baptism by Conjirmation,—not to com-
plete Baptism, for it-is complete already; not to renew
it, for it is a beginning once for all; but that the
baptized may express, with his own mouth, that con-
fession of faith upon which he was baptized, that his
covenant with God in Baptism may be the covenant
of his conscious choice, and that he may receive the
blessing at the very time of his moral development
and his moral danger. With Confirmation we combine
the first reception of the Lord’s Supper, and consequent
full membership in the Christian Church.
In remembrance of the deliverance of Israel from
Egypt, a lamb was offered every year at the feast of
the Passover, and a sacred meal partaken of amidst
solemn rites, in commemoration of the deliverance
from Egypt, and as_a_ pledge of the gracious com-
munion of God with His people. This custom was
observed by the Lord J esus, in company with His
disciples. When He celebrated His last Passover
with them, on the evening before His death, at the
time when His soul was most deeply moved by the
prospect before Him—the prospect of His own death
as a sacrifice for the world of sinners, the prospect of
bidding farewell to His disciples whom He was leaving
alone in the world—we read that He took bread, gave
thanks, broke it, and gaye it to His disciples, saying,
The Lord's Supper. 243
‘Take, eat; this is My body. In the same manner
also He took the cup, after supper, and said, Take and
drink ye all of it; this cup is the new testament in My
blood, which is shed for you, and for many, for the
remission of sins: this do, as oft as ye drink it, in re-
membrance of Me’ (Matt. xxvi. 26-28; Mark xiv.
22-24; Luke xxii. 19-20; 1 Cor, xi, 24-25).
So spake the Lord, and this was the legacy He left
to His Church, and as such has Christendom at all
times esteemed it. Christians haye ever regarded the
Lord’s Supper as the highest of all transactions, as a
most holy mystery, and have ever, in accordance with
their Master’s words, believed that they had therein
His body and blood. Hence, the form of celebration in
the ancient Church was, for the clergyman to say, at
delivering the elements to each individual: The body
of Christ! the blood of Christ! the receiver answering :
Amen. And this is still the confession of the Church
of Christ in all places. But in what sense, indeed, the
Sacrament is the body and blood of Christ, is a matter
of contention; and the feast of communion has become
the signal of separation.
The Romish Church sinks the earthly element in
the heavenly; it is miraculously changed by the
consecration of the ordained priest. It is no longer
bread and wine, it only seems bread and wine; it is,
in truth, only the body and blood of Christ. The
Reformed Church makes the earthly element only a
Sign and pledge of an inward spiritual communion of
‘believers with Christ; it is not the body and blood of
244 Lecture LX. The Means of Grace.
Christ, it only signifies and assures His body and
blood, %.e., communion with Christ and the fruit of
His death. (“) Our Church (the Lutheran) believes
itself obliged to take Christ’s words as they stand, and
as St Paul understood them when he said: The
bread is the communion of the body of Christ, the
cup is the communion of the blood of Christ—that is
to say, that the reception of bread and wine is the
reception of the body and blood of Christ.
My respected hearers! The Lord’s Supper is the
last legacy of the departing Saviour. Even to our
natural feelings it would be a sacred thing, as the
testament of a dying man. But to a Christian it is
more than this; it is that most sacred of all acts of
the Christian Church, an act which our thoughts
cannot approach without awe. Whether or not our
minds are capable of fully rising to it, the chief matter
is to receive, with a humble and believing mind, what
is here given us, and to obtain the blessing which is
here pronounced. It is a legacy of love. We shall...
only be able to understand it in proportion as we seek
to understand what love is. The nature of love is to
give itself. Hence, we must see_ in it the love which *
communicates itself. This is the road which our
thoughts must take if they would understand this holy
The Lord took bread and wine. These are the two
noblest and commonest productions of the earth for
the food of man, and therefore did our Master choose
them; both of them. We have no right to omit
The Lord's Supper. 245
either. No arts of reasoning can suffice to alter the
testament of the Lord, and to justify the denial of the
cup to the laity. (”)
Bread and wine, moreover, are viands to be par-
taken of. And for this was the Lord’s Supper in-
stituted: for reception, not for adoration. Take, eat;
take, drink. We have no right to alter this appoint-
ment. (’*)
They must be received as an image and parable.
Bread gives strength, wine gives gladness and courage.
It is strength and gladness which our faith and life
must derive from the Lord’s Supper. What the
Sacraments signify they bestow. The matter of this
Sacrament is expressed by our Lord’s saying con-
cerning His body and blood: He gave His body to
death for us, He shed His blood for us. But He who
died upon the cross now lives in heaven, in glorified
human nature. He is risen, He is gone into heaven,
and has promised: ‘Lo, I am with you alway, even
unto the end of the world’ He has not merely sent
His Spirit, He will Himself also be present with us.
He, the same Jesus who once walked upon earth, who
once died upon the cross, and now sits at the right
hand of God, and is ever near to His people; He, the
Son of Man, the exalted Saviour, will be with us, and
impart Himself to us in the way of communion. We
do not stand in a merely spiritual fellowship with
Him; it is a complete one; it is not merely the virtues
of His Divine nature which we receive, it is also in
His human nature that He gives Himself to us.
246 Lecture IX. The Means of Grace.
Our communion with Him is to be a complete. one.
This is the object of love. We must understand what
love, supreme love, is, if we would understand this
And what is the purpose for which He gave Himself
to us? He died upon the cross; He is now glorified.
He died to atone for our sins; He lives in Heaven
that He may one day receive us into the fellowship of
His life. Sin is to be forgiven us; our future glory is
to be guaranteed to us. The former is our consolation
when we look back at the past, the latter is our hope
when we look forward to the future. We ourselves
are standing in the present. We are journeying from
the world of sin to the world of future glory, from the
life of death to the life of the resurrection. The
Lord’s Supper is the meal of our pilgrimage. When
we are tired, when we feel our weakness, when the
comfort of forgiveness vanishes, when our faith grows
weak, and our hope faint, then let us come to this
feast, then let us obtain strength and refreshment,
then let the body and blood of Christ assure us that
our sins are forgiven and our eternal life certain. For
this purpose let us, as we eat this bread and drink
this cup of the Lord, show forth His death till He come -
(1 Cor. xi. 26). His death is our comfort, His coming
our hope.
ici Pa subject of my present and last lecture,
wd bx) ©=my respected hearers, is: The Last Things,
ae. the end of history and of the whole
course of the world. That end is perfec-
_tion—our perfection, the Church’s perfection, the
world’s perfection; for we are to be inheritors of
eternal life. The Church is to be God’s perfect king-
dom, His imperishable and glorious world. This is
>the goal ot all ee ; for the yeaa has a goal Loree
well as of the Church, a goal which it is to attain;
and our life has a goal, in reaching which it is to find
rest and arrive at its truth.
AL would speak to you, on the present occasion, of
First, a ‘goal is un before us ; for it is not from this
earthly existence that we can expect the fulfilment
of our hopes. While there is life there is hope. A
life without hope is not worthy the name of life. But
pur hope directs us beyond this life to a life to come.
This earthly life awakens hopes, but it by no means
248 Lecture X. The Last Things.
fulfils them; it gives promises, but it does not keep
them. It deludes us with the expectations which it
holds out. How many disappointed hopes lie about
the path of every human life! In youth, perhaps,
the first soarings of the human mind promise a bold
and distant flight; but how seldom do succeeding years
fulfil the promise of youth! In youth, perhaps, such
was the effervescence of the mind, that it seemed about
to overflow on all sides. How narrow, how poor did
it afterwards become! In early spring the trees are
white with the snow of blossoms. A little while, and
the blossoms are almost all underfoot, few ripening into
fruit; and if some, few come to maturity. And as itis .
with the inner life of mental development, so is it in a
far greater degree in the province of external events. It
is full of disappointments. This is the complaint most
frequently repeated, the deepest ground of the vexa-
tion which but too often increases with increasing
years; for the ills which are the inevitable result of
departing powers are but the lesser sufferings of age.
Far bitterer are the disappointments, the misconcep-
tions, the neglects, which age so often has to experi-
ence. How seldom is even the happiest life followed
by a pleasant evening! And -how difficult is it—how
far more difficult than the young suppose—to grow
old with grace and dignity! (')*«~<
It matters not whether we have a right to cherish
the hopes with which we deceive ourselves or not, the
complaint is still the same: life has not kept its pro-
mises. It may be that there are some few fortunate
Belief in the Soul’s Immortality. 249
individuals to whom age fully yields what youth
desired; but if they were far more numerous, the
unfortunate ones who see themselves deceived in their
expectations would still be in the majority. And is
not an unhappy one worth as much as a happy one 4
And, after all, who is happy ? (’)
An element of profound melancholy is mingled in the
whole of life. This melancholy is inseparable from
it, inseparable from our feelings. (*) It is the frailty
and transitoriness of all earthly things, it is the per-
ception of the nothingness of all the possessions and
enjoyments of this life, which spreads this tone of
mourning throughout our life. The king of Israel,
who possessed mental wealth beyond all others, and
all the enjoyments of life in a degree attained by few,
sums up the product of his life in one word: ‘ All is
vanity. (*‘) And the Roman emperor who had com-
manded a world, when he came to die, exclaimed: ‘I
was everything, and have found that everything is
nothing.’ }
And even if it were something, one moment. ex-
tinguishes all. We die! Have we considered what
this means? They, indeed, who know what it means
cannot tell us, and we who speak of it do not yet
know, but we feel it in anticipation. We complain
of life, yet flee from death. ‘We live hating life, yet
full of fear to die” (*) And is this to be the end?
Life is ever pointing us onward towards the future,
each day towards the succeeding one ; we are ever
hoping from to-morrow what to-day and yesterday
250 Lecture X. The Last Things.
have failed to fulfil. However much may have been
granted us, there is always something left to desire,
which ever appears the chief matter. Thus each day
directs us to the next, until at last the day of death
comes. And where, then, is the fulfilment of our
hopes? If death is only death, life is a cruelty, and
hope but irony. Life, then, directs us to a life beyond
death; for this earthly life does not satisfy the crav-
ings of our spirits, and least of all the cravings of a
Hence arose a belief in immortality. It is as uni-_
versal as belief in God. It has prevailed among all
nations of high mental attainments, while others have
had at least a notion of it. (() Everywhere death and
the resting places of the dead have been objects of
reverent awe, and the laws which treat of duties to
the dead have ever been among the most sacred. It
was for the sake of fulfilling such duties that Antigone
did not hesitate to risk her life by transgressing the
law of the State. Duty to the dead was to her more
sacred than obedience to the living. To defend the
eraves of ancestors was as pressing an interest as
to defend hearths and altars. They seemed to be
the tie which bound the people and their country
together, and progenitors were ever regarded as those
guardian spirits of their descendants, whom it was con-
sidered not merely a domestic but a patriotic duty to
honour by sacrifices, Art, too, has ever delighted to
adorn, and thus to honour, the resting places of the de-
parted ; while it has ever been customary to erect them
Immortality of the Soul. 251
near the dwellings of the living. An intercourse, more-
over, between the living and the dead has been insti-
tuted by means of the inscriptions by which the latter
have been made to address the former. The dead have
never been looked upon as having ceased to exist, but
as living in another world. If later times have re-
garded this as a mere living in the memory of survivors,
this was a declension from primitive opinion. The
very custom of having the resting places of the dead
in such near vicinity to the homes of the living, and
thus keeping up, as it were, a tie of connection between
them, is a memorial of the ancient belief, that the
deceased were not the dead but the living. (')
This belief is universal; it was this belief which in
Egypt built the pyramids, and which yet bears testi-
mony to its own existence in the mummies; it was
this which bestowed upon the Germanic nations the
joyful courage with which they met death in the field
of battle; it was this which gathered the noblest of the
Greeks about those secret doctrines of the Eleusinian
mysteries, which would give them that consolation
in death which their religion did not give them.
It is true that it was Christianity which first
—yaised this belief to a certainty; yet still it is as
universal as belief in God, and is the inheritance of
every nation.
This universality proves it to be a necessary idea of
the human mind; necessary not only for the reason,
but for the life. For there is no need of proof that a
belief in immortality is one of the most essential sup-
252 Lecture X. The Last Things.
ports of the morality of social life. If we remove this
faith from the circle of human truths, we remove the
moral idea from social life. We are told, indeed, that
we must do good for the sake of goodness. But what
is goodness? Is it not God? And if there is a God,
is He not the Judge? We must all appear before His
judgment seat. And our moral consciousness itself
demands a final reckoning which none can escape, and
in presence of which no deception can avail. And
even without this, it is of the highest practical import-
ance that life should have an aim, since according to
this will its whole tendency be determined. (*) But it
has no aim unless there is an immortality, an immor-
tality of the individual, and not merely of the species.
Evidence of the immortality of the soul has at all
times been adduced.
The very existence of the idea of immortality is an
evidence of its truth. For experience shows us only
death and transitoriness. Whence, then, do we get
the notion of immortality and its universality and
certainty? If our soul did not bear imperishable
existence within it, it would not have the notion of
imperishableness. We call ourselves mortals. Why ?
Why else than because we know ourselves to be im-
mortal? Is not this the very reason that we are
constantly reminding ourselves that we are mortal ? (’)
for consciousness of our immortality is itself a proof
of its truth. Special.evidences have been adduced
in justification of this direct consciousness. (") And
these, like the evidences of the existence of God,
Evidences of the Soul’s Immortality. 253
are a testimony that the consciousness exists. And it
is herein that their importance consists.
The soul’s immortality has been proved from its
nature. It is not material, not compound, like natural
objects, and therefore not subject to dissolution. To
acknowledge the truth of this proof is to say: Man is
a personal being, and therefore created for God and
for eternity.
It has been proved, too, from the destiny of man. .
Every one bears within him, in the gifts and powers
of his mind, in his stock of knowledge, in his thirst
after truth, in his efforts after moral excellence, more
germs than ever come to maturity in this life. The
truth of this is, that as long as we live we strive, and
that our striving is after that which is infinite; its aim
lies beyond this life.
We all bear within us an ideal perfection, for we
bear within us an eternity. Hence, also, is it that we
strive as those who strive after eternity. This it is
which gives strength and impulse to the moral labours
of all noble minded men, who have either striven after
moral perfection or sacrificed themselves in the service
of others. (") Eternity, moreover, is in God. We are
immortal because we are for God, who is not the God
of the dead but of the living. It is Him that man’s
soul wants. We all carry about with us a home-
sickness for our true home. This home sickness is the
soul’s flight. But here her wings, which shall one
day be free, are bound. ‘Blessed are they which are
home sick, for they shall reach their home.’
254 Lecture X. The Last Things.
There was a time—it is not long ago—when the
whole of religion was placed in belief in immortality.
But this doctrine is only a weak remnant of the
Christian doctrine of eternal life.
For the mere certainty of immortality neither helps
nor comforts us. It involves quite as much of terror
as of comfort; for if we were to inquire in the
world, I believe we should find just as many who
would wish that all should be over with them with
this life, as who comfort themselves with the hope of
another life. The great question is how we shall con-
tinue to exist.
There is no inquiry which awakens so much interest
as that concerning the state of the soul after death ;
and it is remarkable that there is scarcely any in-
quiry concerning which Holy Scripture gives us so
few particulars. We cannot but conclude from this
that our inquiries on this subject are for the most
part unprofitable questions of curiosity, and not of
religious exigency. We are plainly told all that is
necessary for us to know, and what we are told is of
an extremely serious nature. (")
Death is a break in the history of our life, As long
as we live in the body we pass imperceptibly from one
stage of existence to another. Death separates by an
abrupt break this life from the next. The dissolution
of the tie which united body and soul severs also the
thousand threads which bound us to the possessions
and employments of this visible world. We are
separated from the world and cast upon ourselves. <
State of the Soul after Death. 255
This life belongs to work; but the night cometh
when no man can work.” This life appeals to us from
without; that night of rest leads us within. This
life belongs to the duties and things of this world;
after death we belong to ourselves alone, and our
world is our inmost self and our reminiscences. Work
is a benefit, but it is also a temptation. We flee from
ourselves, not merely by surrendering ourselves to the
distractions of pleasure, but by rushing into the tur-
moil of work. Death casts us back upon ourselves,
and makes us tarry in our own presence. This world
of the senses casts about our mind a motley veil in
which we hide from ourselves. Death rends asunder
this veil of the senses, and presents us_unveiled to
ourselves. Here the manifold voices of this world
surge around us, and too often drown the voice of
truth within us. Death leads us into the world of
voiceless silence, into which none of the sounds of,
this earthly life can penetrate, and in which we can
hear nothing but the voice of our own heart and the
accusations of our own memory. And who will be
able to endure this?) They only who, even while in
the body, have lived a spiritual life; who, in this
deceptive world of sense, have submitted themselves
to the jurisdiction of truth; who, in this perishing
world, have lived as natives of the eternal world.
~ Death leads us out of the world to God. We are
then brought into His presence. Here, on earth, a
thousand delusions interpose between us and God.
There, we shall be placed in His immediate presence,
256 Lecture X. The Last Thongs.
as we are, not as we seem to be, not as perhaps we
mean to be, but as we really are. We may deceive
men, we may delude ourselves; but in God's presence
every deception vanishes, and all self delusion ceases.
There is truth. Who will be able to bear the presence
of God, the presence of inflexible truth? Only they
who have here become the friends of God. For the
great distinction will be between those who have been
His friends and those who have lived without Him.
But this is decided in this life. ‘It is appointed unto
all men once to die, but after this the judgment’
(Heb. ix. 27). Thatis to say: the decision takes place
in this life. We are not to comfort ourselves with the
hope of being able to retrieve there what we have
neglected here. The very purpose for which this life
in the flesh is bestowed upon us is, that our lot may
be therein decided. The design of the manifold trials
and duties of this life is, that through them and in
them we may seek and find God. Though the moral
consciousness of any man may seem to have been ever
so slightly developed, though the life of an individual
may have been passed in ever so dream-like a manner,
there is still that in the depths of every man’s heart
which is decisive. It is the fact, whether God has or
has not been the portion of his soul, which will deter-
mine his eternal lot; for he who has not found fellow-
ship with God here, will not attain it there. ‘ No one
becomes blessed (selig) by being buried’* And this
* Selig, saved or blessed, is the ordinary epithet by which the de-
parted are mentioned, ¢.g., Mein seliger vater = my late father. (Tr.).
The Resurrection of the Body. 257
blessedness it is which is our chief concern; not merely
immortality, but a blessed immortality !
But the way to blessedness, to salvation, is Jesus
Christ. He who has Him‘‘has eternal life? and he
who has not eternal life in this world will not find it
in the next. The happiness of the life after death con-
sists in communion with Jesus Christ. Death removes
us indeed from the joys and possessions of the world,
but it takes us also from its temptations, and from the
sins of the flesh. As long as we live here, it is our
complaint that we never get rid of the body of sin,
and are never so completely united to the Lord as the
loving soul desires. The happiness that awaits us is
to be at home with Him. This isa foreign land; there
is our home, for He is our home.
Such is the Christian’s hope. But this blessedness
has its gradations of development. It passes through
a history, and does not come to perfection till the
— resurrection. So long as soul and body are separated,
their happiness is imperfect; for we were created for
a union of soul and body: The body is not the mere
prison in which the soul is confined, nor the garment
in which it is clothed, but its home and necessary
instrument. All mental activity, whether internal or
external, is carried on by means of the body. So long
as it is deprived of this organ of its agency, it is rele-
gated to a state of repose. But the spirit is destined
—and made for activity. Eternal life must be a life of
activity, if it is to afford us the satisfaction which we
seek. It must, therefore, be a life in the body, if it is
258 Lecture X. The Last Things.
to be the perfection for which we are destined. In
death we surrender our body, in the hope that we shall
receive it again from death ; and that not to be again
subject to death, but for ever rescued from death, and
translated into a life of liberty; no longer a constraint
and obstruction to the spirit, but its fitting instrument;
a body which will be perfectly adapted to our use,
fully fitted to our state of perfection; a glorified and
spirit-serving body.
It was a notion entirely new to the ancient world,
that the body was destined for eternity ; but it was
also a new notion that it was called to be a temple of
the Holy Ghost (1 Cor. vi. 19). They who see in the
body merely the medium of sensuous perception,
can indeed regard it only as the prey of corruption ;
put they who know that it is called to sanctification,
know, too, that it is destined for eternity. (°)
How, indeed, it is to be restored’ from death to a —
new life we are not able to say. We leave this to God.
The apostle compares the body which we deliver to
the earth to a seed (1 Cor. xv. 36, etc.). The seed
capable of following, is indeed only the dissolution
and transition of its component elements into other
forms of life. How are we, from this dissolution of
its elements, to receive again our body, which is no
going a perpetual change of its elements, while yet it
remains the same, held together and governed by the
The Future of the Church. 259
same idea, which is also the groundwork of its form ?
And why should not this be the case when the soul
again fashions to itself a new organism from the
—matter of the renewed world? It is with this pros-
pect that the Christian creed concludes: ‘I believe in
the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting’
But this perfection of the individual depends upon
the perfection of the Church of Jesus Christ, and of
the world. For it is only in connection with the
whole that the individual will be perfected. We
belong to the Christian Church, and we belong to
the world, and our future is connected with the future
of the world and of the Church.
What, then, is the future of the Church ?
The word of prophecy in Holy Scripture contains
copious disclosures on this subject. These, indeed,
sound at first strange to us, and are opposed to our
ordinary notions; but their truth will be justified to
our deeper observation. (“)
We meet with two very plain predictions concern-
ing the future of the Church in Holy Scripture. The
/ one is, that the Gospel 7s to be preached in all the world,
and that the fulness of the Gentiles, and afterwards
the nation of Israel, are to enter into the Church. The
other is, that a great apostac y will arise, out of which
the last form of sin will be developed. When we
bring before our minds the state of things in the time
when these events were predicted,—when we consider
how small was then the number of Christians, how
insignificant their means, how oppressed their condi-
260 Lecture X. The Last Thongs.
tion—we cannot but say that the boldness of this
elance into the future—a glance which not only beholds
the era of universal propagation as already present,
but even looks past it to a time of denial—is itself
something astonishing; and when we look around us,
we are obliged to confess that both are on the road to
their fulfilment.
For, first of all, it is unquestionable that Christianity
will yet become the universal religion. However
slowly the work of missions may advance, every
heathen religion is pervaded by the feeling that its
hours are numbered. (“) It is true that the fire of its
ancient fanaticism still burns in Mahomedanism ; but
its very irritation against everything Christian, shows
that it thinks itself endangered by the Gospel. Cer-
tainly, it will not be everywhere a conviction of the
‘truth of the Gospel which will procure it the victory.
What missions will not do, the supremacy of European
civilisation will effect. With this Christianity will
enter into various lands as the religion of the domi-
nant race; and thus even secular interests will become,
in God’s hands, the means of gathering the nations into
the Christian Church, so that the ends of the earth
will be also the limits of the Church.
But the hope that even Israel will submit to the
Crucified may seem to us the strangest of all; and yet
we must all confess that the very existence of this
wondrous people shows that God has spared them for
a future. If the future, then, belongs to Christ, so
does Israel. There will be a conversion, not merely—
The Apostacy. 261
we are told in prophecy—of individuals, but of the
whole nation. And the intimate connection still exist-
ing between the several portions of this nation, makes
it evident that, when once a religious movement takes
place among these people, it will easily become general.
When this will take place, God only knows. As yet,
their eyes are holden, and their senses blinded, so that
they cannot recognise in Jesus Him whom yet their
prayers desire and their hopes expect. For though so
many of this people are lost in the service of Mammon
and the fleeting interests of the day, the hope of their
fathers still survives in the nation’s heart. “When once
the sore discipline under which God has kept them
shall have worked its intended end, the scales will fall
from their eyes, and they will know whom they cruci-
fied. And the longer they have despised Him who
yet was the fulfilment of their hopes, the deeper will
be their humiliation, and the more sincere their faith
and love.
With this future of Israel will coincide, according
to the word of prophecy, an era of indifference and
_apostacy among other nations; and no very great pene-
tration is needed to see that such an era is already in
_ preparation. For the state of affairs evidently points
to an approaching spiritual separation. Times of
indifference and enmity to Christianity have indeed
often appeared before; but at no period has non-
Christian opinion been so systematic, definite, and
consistent. It has developed into a connected view
of the universe, which is in conscious and definite
262 Lecture X. The Last Things.
opposition to the Christian view. Religious custom
was, in former times, a power which often placed an
outward constraint upon opposition, or at least a veil
which concealed it. Now, one religious custom after
another is abandoned in the public life of civil society.
This may be lamented, but it is an unceasing process,
and the opposition of differing opinions 1s but brought
out into bolder relief. We are evidently approach-
ing an age in which the hitherto Christian world
will separate into two camps, the Christian and non-
Christian. When this will take place, God alone
knows. Delays may arise which may yet for a long
time postpone the event; but it is certain that the
process of separation has begun.
But when the non-Christian camp shall have placed
itself in determined opposition to the Christian, it is
vain to hope that the spirit of toleration will permit
each individual to live at peace in the possession of his
own faith. Though the enmity of the great moral
contrasts which form the motive powers of history
seems to slumber, it is ever breaking forth anew. Nor
must too much be hoped for from the natural goodness
of the human heart. Scripture at least speaks of a
time of persecution which will at last extend to all
who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. It may, per-
haps, seem incredible to many of us that such a state
of things should be possible. But should we have
esteemed it possible that opposition to Jesus could
have reached such a pitch of deadly hatred as it did
in Israel? And did not the Christians of the first
The Church and the World. 263
century in vain demand the right of liberty of con-
science? And who can affirm that hatred to Chris-
tianity has quite died out ? (”)
Scripture describes this time of persecution as a
time of grievous trial to all who believe in Christ.
Not only power, but also public opinion and the
march of the natural intellect will be enlisted against
the confession of Christ. It was this which formed so
grievous a feature in the lot of the primitive Christians,
that they found themselves not only exposed to martyr-
dom, but also excluded from extensive departments of
public life, and of general education, or at least obliged
to exclude themselves. To bear this needed more
strength and assurance of faith than are generally found
among us whose cherished and legitimate ideal of life
is the union of Christianity and cultivation.
Scripture places this development of the religious
spirit in connection with the course of the history of
the nations. It holds out the prospect of a time of
tremendous efforts at union on the part of the dif-
ferent nations, after their long period of separation.
The time of the great monarchies of the ancient world
will return, and at last reach its goal in a great uni-
versal ruler, who will call the earth his kingdom.
But his arrogance will be as great as his power, and,
like the ancient Roman emperors, he, too, will lay
claim to Divine honour. This will be the official
religion of his kingdom, and all who refuse to con-
form thereto will be esteemed enemies of the State.
264 Lecture X. The Last Thangs.
Such is the tenor of prophecy; and it adds, that
the persecution of believers in the latter days will
have reached go intolerable a height, that direct Divine ~
interposition will take place. When things have gone
to extremities, when the Church of Christ seems at
the point of extinction, when all whose faith is but
external or hesitating shall have separated from it
for the sake of avoiding persecution, when the Church
shall thus have been cleansed from all impure ele-
ments,—then will Christ, her Lord and King, appear,
to the condemnation of all enmity against His name,
and for the victory and recognition of His Church in
the world. The path of the Church of Jesus Christ
is like that of her Lord and Saviour: through the
cross to the crown! Let her know it, let her comfort
herself thereby ; for the coming of Christ is the time ~
of her perfection.
The word of prophecy describes, under many dif-
ferent images, the future and victorious days of the
Church. It is scarcely possible here to distinguish
between figure and reality, for the whole subject lies
entirely beyond our present experiences. It is not
this, however, which is of the first importance. Our
chief concern is with the admonitions which it is the
purpose of prophecy to give; for its design is not so.
much to unveil the details of future events as to be a
word of exhortation and comfort: of exhortation to be ©
faithful i in suffering, even when the way seems to lead
to the darkness of death; of comfort, by the assurance
of deliverance from tribulation, out of which the
The Last Judgment. 265
Church of Jesus Christ will be awakened to a new
and higher life, and to communion with her risen
Lord. It is this which it is the chief design of
prophecy to inculcate. (”)
But not only is the Church to be perfected, the
world itself is to become God’s perfect and eternal
world; for history is neither a constant cycle of inces-
sant repetitions, nor an endless and aimless progress.
It could not be really history, nor could any develop-
ment be effected therein, unless it were advancing
towards an appointed end. This development, how-
ever, is not merely that of the beneficial agencies
which are powerfully working amidst the course of
events; there is also a development of the power of
sin, and of enmity against God, which no efforts of the
good will ever be able to abolish or conquer. These
two powers of history will be progressively brought
into sharper distinction; the power of evil will be
ever more and more decidedly opposed to the power
of good and to the kingdom of God. Though fre-
quently this power of evil may seem to be restrained
or subdued, it is ever breaking forth afresh, Such a
breaking forth of evil will, as Scripture teaches, bring
about the world’s. final catastrophe at the last judg-
ment, when God will for ever sever all moral contrasts.
It is said: the world’s history is the world’s judg-
ment. And truly a Divine judgment is executed in
history, for the Divine justice presides over it. But
this is the very reason that all the judgments of his-
tory are but a prophecy of God’s final judgment. This
266 Lecture X. The Last Things.
will be the universal judgment. History is a great «
drama. Every drama is a struggle between contrasts ;
but every drama requires a solution. Nor can the —
great drama of history be without a solution. (")
Divine justice must have the last word. It has long
suffered men, suffered sinners, to speak. But the last
word will be its own; and this word must be a word
of retribution, for it is the word of a Judge.
Scripture draws powerful and touching pictures of
this last judgment, and tells how the mouth of the
Judge will pronounce the sentence which will decide
the eternal lot of each. ‘Depart,’ will He say to those
who are lost; ‘ Come, to those who are saved. He will
pronounce the condemnation or salvation of all.
The thought of condemnation is an overwhelming
one. It is true that He who occupies the judgment-
seat is Infinite Love, but He is Holy Love. It is Jesus
Christ, our Redeemer, who holds the final assize; but
the Redeemer is also the Judge. He proclaimed this
His future office while He was yet on earth. The
fact that it is Jesus who will judge us may assure us
that Divine justice will not pronounce the final sen-
tence until eternal pity is exhausted. But then even
pity will give place to justice. It is difficult to us to
conceive that God, who is infinite love, can eternally
condemn. But when eternal mercy has exhausted
itself upon a sinner, and all has been in vain, what
more can be done? Such is the greatness of human
freedom, that it is capable of resisting even God.
Such is our great, but also our sad privilege, that our
Perdition and Salvation. 267
sinful hearts may be unconquerable even by God.
The whole world, indeed, must bow before Omnipo-
tence, but the heart of man takes upon itself not to
bow to the mercy of the Almighty. With men a
request is generally more powerful than a command ;
and he who will not yield to force will find himself
powerless to resist a humble supplication. But what
is human entreaty compared with the entreaty of the
Almighty, or the silent power of human love com-
pared with the supreme power of a crucified Saviour’s
eternal love! And yet the heart of man resists it!
In this respect there are limits to the power of God,
limits which He has Himself ordained. We need to
wonder not that God can condemn, but that man can
so obstinately resist. Certainly, none will be lost who
will let himself be saved, who offers even the slightest
hold to Divine grace. But for him who wholly and
finally closes his heart, who chooses to know nothing
of God, who is in entire unison with all that is opposed
to God, the mouth of Divine justice has no other
word than the complaint: ‘And thou wouldst not.’
As truly as God is the Holy One, and as truly as His
holiness can have no fellowship with sin, so truly is
he who has chosen sin for his portion excluded from
God and from communion with Him, 2.e., unsaved.
For this is perdition: to be far from God, and from
communion with Him who alone can appease the
ever gnawing hunger of the soul, who alone can allay
the anxiety of the guilty conscience by the forgiveness
of sin; to be separated from God, who alone is the
268 Lecture X. The Last Things.
source of life, and without whom all is vanity and
emptiness, who alone is the light of our souls, and
without whom all is darkness, who alone is our joy
and consolation, and without whom existence is joy-
less and comfortless; to be separated from God and
excluded from His world, to the bright purity of
which sin and enmity against God can have no access ;
separated from that world of true possessions which
are the joy of life, and from that communion with the
good which is the great enjoyment of the soul; sepa-
rated from God and God’s world, and cast upon oneself
alone, in deep and perpetual solitude, in that dark and
deadly silence, where the sinful soul has no society
but the torment of memory and the night of despair,—
to be thus alone, and eternally alone, this is perdi-
tion. (”) .
Even to conceive this, even to utter it and to
hear of it, is almost more than we are able to bear.
And yet these are but feeble words. What, then, will
it be to be obliged to endure the fact? And yet even
the lost will be constrained to acknowledge, and their
very perdition will testify to, the holy justice of eternal
love; and it is this which reconciles the consciousness
of the saved to the fact.
But how can I adequately speak of the salvation of
the saved? Our thoughts are far too narrow to com-
pass the greatness of this subject in any other way
than by the images furnished by our heart’s antici-
pations, and our speech far too poor to be able to
clothe those anticipations in appropriate words. We
Eternal Perfection. 269
shall always speak of it with stammering speech until
we proclaim in heaven, with new tongues, the unveiled
mystery of infinite love.
‘And God shall wipe away all tears from their
eyes ;’"—it is thus that the holy prophet describes that
eternal life of blessedness,—‘and there shall be no
more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall
there be any more pain: for the former things are
passed away’ (Rev. xxi. 4).
And what is even more, there shall be no more sin.
This longing of all saints, this fervent desire of our
best hours, this wish so repeatedly arising when we
feel the degrading slavery of sin, when our weakness,
it may be, succumbs to it, and the bitter grief takes
possession of our souls, and we sigh for deliverance,—
this longing will then be fulfilled, and there shall be
no more sin.
On the other hand, whatever of greatness or nobility
may have been found in our souls, all the true ideals
of our lives, which here have but hovered like thin
shadows before our mind’s eye, will then be realised,
and realised in ws.
As long as we live, a contradiction runs through our
whole being. We bear within us the original image of
ourselves, the Divine idea of our nature, but we are
not its realisation. This is our unhappiness, that we
are not in harmony with ourselves, that our know-
ledge and will, our will and power, our power and
deed, are in contradiction to each other. But then
our existence will be the harmony of our nature, for
270 Lecture X. The Last Things.
we shall be in harmony with God. This is our
destiny which will then be fulfilled. This will be
true life, a life of true freedom, a life of activity to
all eternity.
And our harmony with ourselves will correspond
with the harmony of the world. Now, discord is the
law of existence, and strife the form of life; then the
world will be in happy unison with itself. No discord
will any longer mingle in the hymns of the spheres.
But this world was created for man. Now it obeys
him only through constraint and violence, and avenges
itself for such obedience by pain and suffering, by the
destructive forces, and by becoming a medium of
temptation and seduction; then it will fulfil its des-
tiny, being no longer against but for him: and
then will man’s vocation in the world be fulfilled,
made as he was, to be its prophet, priest, and king.
It will be all light and clear to him then, and its silent
speech will be perfectly intelligible to his spirit. In
the characters of the glorified world he will read the
great deeds of God. As we now read in Scripture the
history of our redemption, so will God’s perfected
world be then the loud-voiced memorial, and the ever
full and new Scripture of the great deeds of infinite
love; while, at the same time, it will be to us a place
over which we shall hold happy sway, a sway which
will be a priestly service to God, in a world which has
become His temple. Thus will man’s destiny be ful-
filled in the world.
We shall be, moreover, in the society of the saved ;
Lternal Perfection. 271
for all the saints who have departed from this world
since its commencement will be united to form one
great people of God. We shall see them, the mag-
nates of God’s kingdom, the sacred ideals of our
minds, the beloved of our hearts. It will be an ever
new meeting and recognition; and in their midst
will be He who united Godhead and manhood in one,
who, by His obedience to death, even the death of the
cross, saved the world of sinners, and made us the
children of God. Then will His work be completed,
His office fulfilled, and He will deliver the redeemed
world into the hands of the Father, and God will be
all in all (1 Cor. xv. 28).
All that is transitory is but a parable: what it
signifies finds its truth in God. Even the utmost
that earth can offer is but a shadow; the reality of
allis God. All the great thoughts which charm our
minds are but broken rays of that eternal light whose
source is God. He is the whole vast truth. He is
the aim of our spirit, for He is the origin of our
spirit. We shall have attained our aim, for we shall
be with God.
And God will be all in all. He will be amidst all
the thousand times ten thousand forms and shapes of
the glorified world, and in all that we see we shall
see Him. (”) Then shall we read the answer to all
the questions of our mind, then shall all the enigmas
of this existence be solved, and all the anomalies of
this world abolished, in the perfected life of the world
of glory, and in its Divine harmony.
272 Lecture X. The Last Things.
This is the aim of all things; this, too, is our aim,
the aim of our mind’s inquiries, of our heart's desires.
Let us take a retrospect!
The contradictions of this existence are the goad
which will not let us rest, which urges our mind to
the questions to which this world furnishes no answer,
and arouses in our heart the aspirations which this
world cannot satisfy. But the contradiction of all
contradictions is sin, with its consequent cuilt. This
rends our nature in its inmost depths, and fixes be-
tween us and the eternal love of the holy God a chasm
which no labour of our own efforts is able to fill. Only
eternal grace could bridge it over, that God in Christ
might come to us, that we might come to Him. What
the counsel of eternal love in the heart of God decreed
for our deliverance, became a fact in Jesus Christ and
on the cross, and becomes our own experience by the
work of God’s Spirit in our hearts. From this hidden
mystery of the inner man proceeds that renovation
“which has its kingdom below in the hearts of God’s
children, its ultimate aim in the perfected life of God’s
eternal kingdom, when both body and soul will rejoice
in the living God.
Such is the doctrine of Christianity, which I have
brought before you in these Lectures. It does not
consist in certain precepts and views, but is glad
tidings, the announcement of a great history, embrac-
ing both heaven and earth, whose origin is in God’s
eternal counsels, whose end is in the eternal world of
glory, whose centre is Jesus Christ, the crucified and
Retrospect. 273
risen Saviour. In Him, the Son of God, did eternal
grace enter into time; in us, the children of God,
does it begin that eternal work whose perfection we
hope for.
‘Now are we the sons of God; and it doth not yet
appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He
shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see
Him as He is’ (1 John iii. 2). This is the consumma-
tion, and with this glance at the future I conclude
these lectures. No one can feel more strongly than
myself how inadequately my words correspond with
the magnitude of the subject they treat on; but He
who did not despise the gifts of the woman ‘ which
was a sinner, when she offered her tears and her
ointment, will not disdain even this small gift which
is laid at His feet. May He accept, bless, and use
it according to His good pleasure !
(’) A treatise, which has since become famous, was
published by Ullmann in the year 1845, entitled, Das
Wesen des Christenthums (Sth edit., 1865). In this,
Christianity, as is indeed usual in the treatment and
Oe a
which every other religion has striven after, but none
attained; and from this creative centre, by doctrine
and moral influence, by redemption and reconciliation,
restores the individual and the human race to their
true destiny, to that true communion, to that union
with God in which all that is human is sanctified and
glorified’ (p. 68, 1845). Compare also Martensen’s
‘Christian Dogmatics, p. 17.* The nature of Chris-
tianity does not differ from that of Christ himself.
The founder of the religion is Himself the matter of
the religion. He is not merely the historical founder
of a religion, one whose person may be separated from
the doctrines He proclaimed; the person of Jesus
Christ, on the contrary, has a constant, an ever present
* Translated in Clark’s Foreign Theological Library. 1866.
276 Notes.
importance to the human race. As the Mediator and
Atoner, the holy point, of union between God and the
sinful world, He is also continually the Redeemer of
the sinful race of man, ete. |
() Similarly does Martensen (Dogm., p. 15, etc.) re-
present the relation of the religions. ‘The deepest
conceivable contrast between the natures of God and
man, is the contrast between Creator and creature,
between the Holy’God and sinful man. If we con-
sider the different religions, with respect to this funda-
mental problem, we may say that heathenism knows -
not the problem; that Israel is living in the problem
and awaiting its solution; but that Christianity alone
- gurmishes the true solution, “through its Gospel,” of the
incarnation of God.’ It is also the fundamental idea of
the introduction in Dorner’s ‘ History of the Develop-
ment of the Doctrine of the Person of Christ,’ * that ‘the
more completely we survey the whole province of pre-
Christian religion, the more evident will become, on
the one side, the historical necessity of Christianity,
and the preparation. for it in other religions ; on the
other, its novelty and originality ;’ and that the whole
course of religious history before Christ teaches ‘how
the pre-Christian world was tending towards Chris-
tianity, how the common enigma of all pre-Christian
religion is solved thereby, and how its fundamental
idea furnishes the, key by which all these religions
may be better understood than they understood them-
selves’ (p. 3, etc.). ‘Thus the whole course of pre-
Christian religious history becomes, in the grandest
sense, a preparatio evangelica, and serves as a proof
that Christianity expresses what all religions seek, but
not less a proof that the idea of the God-man; ‘which
is so especially characteristic of Christianity, must have
arisen within and not without Christianity. This idea
is original and essential in Christianity. The fact first
* Translated in Clark’s Foreign Theological Library. 5 vols.
Notes. 274
took place, and the fact gave the knowledge’ (vol. i,
p- 40). I have in the text omitted Mohammedanism,
because it forms no independent stage in the history
of religious development, but a retrogression to the
stand- _point of a monotheism which knows no future,
and is therefore no power capable of advancing and
elevating the human intellect to a higher platform.
‘Tt has often been remarked that Islamism occupies the
position of an anachronism in the history of religions;
a religion declaring certain external usages thoroughly
essential, and knowing nothing of the steat principle of
love, etc., appearing subsequently to Christianity, and
aspiring to become the universal religion.’ ‘To reconcile
Islamism with humanity is, in my opinion, impossible’
(Noldeke, in Herzogs Theol. Reclencycl, xviii., 815, 816).
() On Heathenism, compare the passage in ‘ Lec-
tures on the Fundamental Truths of Christianity,’
Lect. VIII. (Clark’s Translation, p. 212, etc.); also,
Stirm, Apologie (Letter X., pp. 355-392); Wuttke, Ges-
chichte des Heidenthums, 1852; Tholuck, Der Stttliche
Charakter des Heidenthums nach der heil. Schrift.
(3d edit.), 1867; and Vortrag tiber das Heidenth. nach
der heil. Se chrift., 1853. Dillmann, too, in his Rede
diber den Ursprung der alttest. Religion, 1853, has some
excellent remarks on the naturalism of the heathen
religions (p. 7). ‘The essential principle of the heathen
notion of divinity does not ‘consist, first and chiefly
in the plurality of gods, but in the resolving of the
divinity into nature, of which polytheism is but a
consequence. The heathen religions are, one and all,
the religions of nature; their principle i is the deification
of nature : their gods are originally nothing but the
powers of nature, etc. Compare also Rom. i, 23-25,
Négelsbach, in his well known work on the Homeric
and post-Homeric theology, has some very forcible
and valuable references to the seeking character of
the religious and moral views of the old Grecian world.
278 Notes.
(‘) Ihave, in my ‘Lectures on Fundamental Truths,’
Lect. VI, p. 142, etc., and Lect. III, p. 41 (with which
compare the present remarks), brought forward what i
was needful on the originality and universality of
religion. This thought is well carried out by Naville _
in Der Nimmlische Vater, seven discourses, trans.,
Leipzig, Hiissel, 1865, p. 11, etc.: ‘The idea of the
one God is original and fundamental; Polytheism is
but derived. ~A forgotten monotheism slumbers under
the multiform worship. It is the secret stock from
which the latter grew; but the exuberant offshoot con-
sumed the whole strength of the parent tree’ (p. 17).
_ () Compare the beautiful and well known line of
Homer's Odyssey, li. 48: weavres 08 Deciv yareous cvSeurTor +
(‘ All men need the gods’). 3
(°) Some of the finest effusions of the religious spirit
both of the Eastern and Western worlds, which may
not, perhaps, be familiar to all readers, may serve to
corroborate what is here expressed. A hymn to Zeus,
by the ancient stoic Cleanthes (260 B.C.), has been
preserved, in which the philosopher soars above the ~
limits of the popular religion of Greece, and praises in
Zeus the universal spirit of the world, though not, —
indeed, without pantheistic notions : 3
‘Supreme immortal god, many-named eternal gover-
nor, ruling in nature, thou that guidest the universe
according to laws, Hail! It 1s granted to every human
being to speak with thee, for we are of thy race. One
key-note was given to the voices of each of the beings )
who live and who work upon earth. With this will I
praise thee and ever exalt thy authority. Each of the
worlds, revolving on high about the earth, follows
where thou leadest, and willingly bows to thy com-
mand, Without thee, O mighty one, no one thing
exists, either on earth or in the divine heights of aérial
space, or in the sea, except what the wicked effect in
Notes. 279
their own mental blindness. But thou knowest how
to turn evil into good. Thou canst make deformity
beauty. Thou dost impart pleasantness to what is
unpleasant. Therefore didst thou dispose all things to
one end, evil to good, that there might be for ever one
single all-prevailing word to all, from which only the
wicked among mortals seek to escape. Madmen! who,
ever striving after the attainment of good, never per-
ceive that common decree of god, never understand
that which by wisely obeying they might enjoy a
happy life; but they rush past the beautiful, after
this and that. One covets in his heart honour and
fame ; another lays prudent plans, and stirs up strifes;
others seek after pleasures and bodily enjoyments,
hurrying forward with all their might, labouring to
attain the attractive end; but, O god, the giver of
all, the cloud-covered, the ruler of the lightning, O
y father, deliver mankind from the mad folly, strip it
from their mind, and let them find that rule of con-
duct to which thou dost.conform, who rulest all accord-
ing to eternal justice, that we, honoured by thee, may
render honour to thee, ever praising thy deeds in song,
as becomes the mortal born; for there is no higher
dignity bestowed, whether on gods or men, than to
praise in righteousness the decree common to all’
(From Knapp’s ‘ Christoterpe, 1844, p. 80).
Beside this production of the Western mind may be
placed: some lines from a mystic poem (Pardbara-
.. Kanni) of the Tamul poet Tajuma-naver. Siva is
celebrated as the Supreme Being, and the union of the
soul with him spoken of in a manner recalling the
Christian mysticism of an Angelus Silesius (Grant,
Indische Sinnpflanzen, Erlangen, 1865, p. 187, ete.) :—
‘Thou standest on the summit of the universe.
Thou dost pervade and direct earth and all things,
Supreme Being! — ot
‘Is no way open for the pious to approach thee, who
come weeping and consumed with love ? Supreme One !
280 Notes.
‘He who would look at the sky ascends the hill;
the pinions of self-contemplation bear men towards
thee, Supreme One!
‘To deeply contemplative minds thou dost show
heavenly things as in a mirror, thou aérial mountain
of delight, thou Supreme One!
‘He who loves thee enough, just dies, and then
sleeps in a cradle of delight, thou Supreme One!
‘OQ thou the beloved, the dearly treasured of souls,
who look upon potsherds and jewels as one, Supreme
‘Tf I feel joyful and free, am I not still wandering
in the wilderness? Thy servant is driven in the
desert like a straw carried about by a whirlwind, O
Supreme One!
‘And yet I care not for the powers of the world, if
they do not fold their hands before thee, Supreme One!
‘The kine have pity on their young, Merciful
mother, bestow favour upon me, thy poor worshipper,
whatever evil I may be guilty of. Thou hast a ma-
ternal nature, art gentle and patient, thou Supreme
() On human sacrifices, even among the Greeks,
down to the time of Pausanias, compare Nagelsbach,
—Nachhomer. Theolog., p. 196,—in which reference 1s
also made to the researches of Friedr. Hermann,
Gerhard, etc.
(*) We need only refer to the touching fifty-first
Psalm, which traces sin to its first beginnings in the
individual life, to birth and conception, and that not
for the purpose of excusing it, but to point out the
sinful corruption of man as a radical one.
(’) So Schelling, in his ‘Lectures on the Method of
Academical Study’ (1802), Lecture IX. (3d edit.,
1830, p. 192): ‘Of the idea of the Trinity, it is clear
Notes. 281
that, unless speculatively understood, it is, in general,
devoid of meaning. Theologians explain the incar-
nation of God in Christ just as empirically, namely,
that God at a definite moment of time assumed human
nature, which is absolutely out of the question, since
God is eternal, beyond all time: therefore the incarna-
tion of God is an eternal incarnation” And with
respect to Hegel, Strauss, in his Glawbenslehre, 1, 214,
etc., has clearly decided. the question concerning his
particular opinion, Strauss is only drawing the con-
clusions of this philosophy when he thus reiterates and
sums up the fundamental notions of the closing dis-
cussion of his Leben Jesu: ‘If reality is ascribed to
the idea of the unity of the Divine and human
natures, is this equivalent to the admission that this
unity must once have been actually manifested, as
never before nor since, in an individual? This is not
the manner in which the ideal is realised; it 1s not
wont to lavish all its fulness in one specimen, and be
(°) It is one merit of Strauss’s Glaubenslehre to have
_ destroyed this illusion. In the introduction to this
work especially, he expresses himself in a very drastic
manner on the subject.
282 Notes.
(") So eg., Schweizer (of Ziirich), a chief promoter
of this movement, in his Christlachen Glaubenslehre, 1.,
1863, p. 117, in which it 1s pointed out, as an advance
made by Schleiermacher, that in the midst of all his
existing imperfections, ‘he has at least asserted that
principle upon which so much depends—the substitu-
tion of the idea of moral and religious perfection for —
the second person of the Trinity” So also (p. 121) he
speaks of the idea of absolute piety and happiness ever
reviving within us with increasing purity. On the
other hand, the necessity of facts as the foundation of
faith is ably and emphatically maintained by Stutz, a
non-theologian, in his excellent lectures, Die Thatsachen
des Glaubens, which he delivered in Ziirich against the
modern movement which is just now so fashionable
there (p. 28). For, as Luther says, “we have not a
pictured sin, and therefore not a pictured Redeemer.
This indifference to facts, which are thus surrendered to
criticism, is the distinctive feature of modern so-called
liberal theology in France. Also see, eg., Coquere .
fils, Des premieres transformations haistoriques du Chris-
tianisme (Paris, 1866, p. 49, etc.): ‘The divinity,
miracles, and resurrection of Christ, are, both as con-
cerns His whole work and our inner life, utterly without
significance. Compare NV. Evang. Kirchenz., 1866, No.
15; p. 229.
*) Schelling has some able remarks on this subject,
in his Philosophie der Offenbarwng, Lect. X., Samm.
WW. ii, 3, p. 195: ‘How frequently has not the his-
torical character of Christianity been declared to be
heathenish (not its external but its higher facts, eg.,
the pre-existence, the pre-mundane being of Christ,
His position as Son of God), and, on that account, as
that which is no longer compatible with modern
thought? Zhe very essence of Christianity as, however, rts
historical character, not the ordinary part of its history, —
_ as, eg., that its founder was born under Augustus, and
Notes. 283
died under Tiberius, but that higher history upon
which it properly rests, and which is its peculiar
matter. I call it a higher history, for the true subject-
matter of Christianity is a history in which divinity
_is implicated—a Divine history. That would be but
a poor explanation, and entirely destructive of the
peculiarity of Christianity, which should distinguish
between the doctrinal and the historical, and consider
the former the essential and special matter, and the
latter as mere form and clothing. The history is not
_merely incidental to the doctrine, it is the doctrine
itself. The doctrinal matter, which might perhaps
remain after the excision of the historical, as, eg., the
general doctrine of a personal God, such as even
rational theology sometimes admits, or the morality of
Christianity, would be nothing peculiar, nothing dis-
tinctive: it israther the history, which is the distinctive
feature of Christianity, that needs explanation. .
It is altogether incongruous to speak only of the teach-
ing of Christ. The chief matter of Christianity 1s
Christ himself, not what He says, but what He is,
.what He did. Christianity is not directly a body of
doctrine, it is a thing, an object; doctrine is but the
expression of the thing. Under this aspect even the
influence of Schleiermacher, to whom belongs the
merit of replacing the person of Jesus Christ in its
central position, in opposition to rationalism, which
reduces the whole of Christianity to His teaching, has
been important. For though his Christ is not in the
full sense the Christ of the Church, yet it is the actual
person Jesus Christ upon whom he founds the new
life of individuals in all ages, and by whom he admits
this life to have been—though but indirectly—effected.
Schleiermacher, at all events, insists upon the intrinsic
certainty of the main fact, namely, ‘the ideal perfec-
tion of the historical Christ. And this is something
quite different from that modern movement of so-
called liberal theology, which, after all, really sees
284 Notes.
nothing more in Christianity than a certain general
religious feeling, or the mere force of civilisation.
(°) This is confessed even by Edmond Scherer, an ~
advocate of the illumination movement in France.
(Essai: la crise du Protestantisme, in his Mélanges
@ Histoire Religieuse, 1866, p. 240) : ‘La religion natur-
elle neaiste que dans les livres, Les religions qua vwent
et qui agissent sont des religions positives, ete. Ndgels-
bach Nachhomer, Theol., p. 476: ‘Every religion ‘is
founded on facts; false religions upon supposed, true
religions upon actual facts.’
(*) So thought Fichte. Anweiswng zum seligen Leben:
‘Tt is only metaphysical, and by no means historical
truth, which makes a man happy; the latter only makes
him wise. If any one is really united with God, and
is in God, it is a matter of indifference to him by what
means he attained this; and it would be a very useless
and perverse employment to be ever recalling to mind
the means, instead of living in the thing itself’ If
Jesus could return into the world, it might be expected
that He would be perfectly contented to find Chris-
tianity ruling in the minds of men, whether His merit
in the matter were acknowledged or slighted; and this
is in fact the very least that could be expected from
such a man, who even while He lived sought not His
own honour, but the honour of Him who sent Him.’
The manner in which the position occupied by Christ .
with respect to Christianity is here viewed as a merely
external one, needs no remark, Schleiermacher, at an
earlier period, expresses himself in a nearly similar
manner (Reden tiber die Religion, Rede 5, WW. 1. 1,
1843, p. 432), in words which he subsequently thought
fit to correct in the notes. O. Bagge also strangely con-
cludes his strange book, Das Prinzip des Mythus um
Dienst der Christl. Position, 1865 (p. 418), with this
notion; What Schleiermacher once, in a sermon (ii, 10;
Notes. 285
compare Strauss, Der Christus des Glaubens, etc., p. 217),
designated a fable, viz., ‘that His (Christ’s) hour, too,
to be forgotten, must come; that if it were His serious
purpose to make the world entirely free, it must also
have been His will to make it free from Himself, that
God might be all in all—must be looked upon as the
end of the dealings of God’ ‘It is not blasphemy to
say that Christ, who founded the Church and made
Himself its Lord, will, the sooner the better, be dis-
pensed with, etc. But how little ground there is for
all this, Christ’s two institutions, Baptism and the
Lord’s Supper, suffice to prove.
(*) This conception of the nature of Christianity is
also the central thought of Pascal’s Apologie. Compare
ii. 136 (v. Faugére’s edition). Charactéres de la vrave
Religion, ii. 141, p. 145: ‘Lincarnation montre a Chomme
la grandeur de sa misere, par la grandeur dw reméde
qwil a fallu.’
(°) Compare on this subject, Pasc. Pens. 1. 108:
‘Nous connaissons la verité non seulement par la rarson,
Dieu a donné la religion par sentiment du ceur sont
bien hewreux et bien legitimement persuadés. Mars
ceux qui ne Pont pas, nous ne pouvons la donner que
par raisonnement en attendant qui Dieu la lewr donne
par sentiment de ceur, sans quot la for west qu’ humaine
et inutile pour le salut.’
(") This thought is ably carried out in Graul’s
‘Lecture on Faith as the Highest Reason’ (Gutersioh,
1865, p. 4, etc.). We are here also reminded (p. 20),
of the application which Schelling (Philos. der Offend.,
24 Lect., WW. ii. 4, p. 27) makes of the well known
286 Notes.
saying of Alexander the Great to Parmenio, with
respect to this thought, that the lower cannot be a
standard for the higher. ‘ When, after repeated over-
throws, Darius offered peace to Alexander, on the
advantageous condition of resigning to him a con-
siderable portion of his kingdom, and giving him his
daughter in marriage, etc, Parmenio thought, if he
had been Alexander, he would have accepted these
conditions, Alexander answered: “ Et ego, s. Parmenio
essem.”’ Alexander’s manner of acting surpassed the
notions of Parmenio, his most intimate friend. But
God is raised infinitely higher above men than one
man by the greatness of his mind can be above another.
In this sense alone, then, do the dealings of God in
revelation surpass all human conception. It 1s not
that we are utterly incapable of comprehending them,
but that, in order to do so, we must measure them
by a standard which surpasses all ordinary human
standards.’ Me
(") Compare Pascal, Pensées, ii. 10: ‘La foi Chrétienne
ne va principalement qu a établrer_ces deux choses: la
corruption de la nature, et la rédemption de Jésus Christ.
Pascal frequently returns to this thought. Compare
ii, 136, etc. It forms the central point of his Apology,
and is in his eyes the special justification of Christianity.
So also in the Charactéres de la vraie Religion, uu. 141.
Compare Lecture I., Note 15. These two truths form
also the foundation upon which the whole body of
Gospel divinity rests, and upon which, especially, the
first Protestant treatise on divinity (Melanethon’s loct) —
is founded. ;
Compare Réper (Professor of Natural History and
Botany at Rostock), Der Hriede in der Schopfung kein
Notes. 287
Friede in Christo, a lecture in the Lv. Kirchenzertung,
1864, No. 30. I will give the chief matter of this in-
teresting lecture by way of extract. The author begins
by saying ‘that poets, etc., direct the human heart, in
_its search after peace, to Nature and its peace. Is
~ peace, then, to be found in the vegetable and animal
kingdoms? A brilliant picture has been drawn of the
virgin beauty and exuberant luxuriance of uncultivated
nature in the primeval forests of Brazil. But the
obverse of this picture is to be found in the violent
_storms, the hurricanes, and the terrible devastation
_.they cause; the destructive operations of animals, of
apes, birds, and insects; in the manner in which the
largest trees, gnawed by ants, termites, and other
insects, suddenly break down, and the royal palms are
destroyed by the wretched palm-worm, while whole
plantations are eaten up by ants, and the largest tracks
-laid bare by locusts (whose hosts are estimated by
billions), and made so utterly barren that nothing
erows on these desolate places for many years. And
..not only animals, but plants, carry on, as it were, a
war against plants, and against their own descendants.
And chiefly the parasitical plants. The notorious hana,
a plant like our ivy, crushes the tops of the proudest
trees; others absorb the bark, or consume the vital
juices after the manner of fungi The magnificent
clusia, which grow upon the trees themselves, cover
them like coffins. And what an infinite number of
germs perish! In every acorn, besides the one seed
which is developed, are five germs, which are either
crushed to death or drained of their moisture. In
every cocoa-nut are at least three germs, one of which
kills the other two by consuming all the nourishing
milk, ete. In short, every plant lives by plundering
others, and destroys other formations to withdraw from
them the matter necessary to itself. A continual pro-
_cess of destruction and transmutation is going on in
every little cell; new cells being formed by the de-
288 Notes.
struction of old ones, etc. And then, finally, the
animal kingdom! Most beasts live upon animal, ....
some upon living food. Those who serve as food to
others are often slowly tortured to death. The pretty,
and in some varieties, tuneful_nine, murders, impale --
their prey—butterflies and other insects—upon thorns
and prickles, where they may live for days. And then
the great massacres of the little ants, who make regular
war on each other, unmercifully slaying their grown-
up adversaries, and bringing up the kidnapped larvee
as slaves. The ichneumon fly lays its eggs in cater-
pillars, etc., and the larvee consume the body of their
host. The wall-wasp brings each of its young maggots
from ten to twelve little caterpillars, wounded but not
dead, who live from ten to twelve days, and of which
one is devoured each day, till the maggots enter the
chrysalis state within fourteen days. Add to these
the horseflies, autumn flies, and gadflies in the low-
lands of the Danube—those torturers and slayers of
cattle, etc. And in the primeval forests—what enemies
of man! Then, too, among the lower organisms, the
lower its-grade of organisation, the more is the creature
infested by parasites. Many thousands of askarides ~
live in the entrails of the little land-tortoise, and in
the body of a living ear-wig a thread-worm was found
curled up, whose length when unrolled was three
inches. “We may boldly assert that the condition of
the rest of the organic creation entirely corresponds to
that of man, and is therefore by no means a peaceful
one.” Nor is it ‘otherwise in inanimate nature. Here, ..
too, a continual work of destruction, by physical and }
chemical agents, is going on. To mention only tempests
and earthquakes! And are we not living upon a sea
of fire? But the starry heavens? The so-called peace-
ful moon is as arid as pumice stone, scarcely surrounded
by an atmosphere, barren and desolate as the scene of
a conflagration. Jupiter’s sea of clouds is agitated by
the most fearful storms, etc. In short, here, too, nothing
Notes. 289
—1s permanent. Allis groaning for redemption. Nature
‘preaches the most crushing fatalism, the most inexorable
necessity and predestination.’ In God alone is peace.
From this point of view we can easily understand
~ how Perthes could write to Steffens (P. Leben, edit. 4.,
iii, 199). ‘Much has been done since Goethe to reveal
the depths and shallows of the human heart; but no
one has yet attempted to bring before the mind of the
~ present age a lively picture of the horrors of nature
and the cruelty of her operations, and to show that
they who would infer the existence of a God, from the
goodness and wisdom therein displayed, necessarily
fail unless they are satisfied with mere rhetoric: you
must write a thoroughly ungodly book for deists and
rationalists, one which would be a horror and an
abomination to both. A great blessing might rest on
such a book; it might give to many that only true key
‘to the knowledge of nature which is involved in the
apostle’s words (Rom. viii. 22), that nature severed
_ from God, through man and with man, is in a state of
_ disorder, and groaneth and travaileth in pain, together
~. with us, until now.’ Similarly, too, Auerbach, Auf die
fohe, edit. 3, 234 (Urma’s Tagebuch). Nature is
terrible, she labours so long at the production of a
being, and then suddenly and wantonly lets it perish.
~ ‘God is a God who hideth Himself’ Compare ‘Apol.
Lectures on Fundamental Truths, Lect. I, Note 9,
Pascal ii, 113. The existence of God cannot be
proved to unbelievers from nature. Ce west pas de
cette sorte que Vécriture, qui connait miewe les choses
qua sont de Dieu, en parle. Elle dit av, contraire que
Drew est un Diew caché, et que depwis la corruption de
~la nature, il les a laissées (les hommes) dans un aveugle-
ment dont is ne peuvent sortir que par Jésus-Christ.
The whole section treats of these thoughts, p, 118.
Je regarde de touts parts et ne vois partout gw _obscurité.
La nature ne nvofire rien qui.ne soit matiere de doute
et dinquietude.
290 Notes.
Victor Kip (Der Pessimismus und die Ethik Schopen-
hauers, Berlin, 1866) gives a sketch of the history of
pessimist views, in order to represent Schopenhauer as —
their chief advocate. Even in the Vedas, especially
the Upanischaden, ie., the extracts from the Brah-
manas, which form the second part of each Veda, are
found the fundamental features of pessimism. The
soul unborn and infinite as Brahma, nay, a part of
himself, gets into darkness in a corporeal covering, and
suffers torment, from which not even death releases
it, for it wanders from body to body and dies suc-
cessive deaths after continually renewed torments.
Deliverance from this suffering is only possible
through the pantheistic view of the union of Brahma...
with all that has emanated from him. By this means
man passes out of the world of the phenomenal and
enters into the Nirvana, w2., into a state of happiness _
( Schopenhauer’s Negation of the Will’). The Zend
religion sought to solve the contradiction by dualism, »
i.e, the twofold origin of good and evil. Heraclitus _
had already viewed the birth of man as something
calamitous, a birth only for death. The descent of the
reasoning power from the flaming heavens to earth
was the death of Divine life, and the animation of
mankind, who now, in circumscribed action, suffer want
upon earth. The subsequent philosophy of the Greeks —
is optimism ; the Oriental, pessimism; and so is also ,
the prevailing philosophy of the Christian era. Itis—
not till his later period that Fichte strikes a pessimist
chord; and it is to Schopenhauer that the complete
carrying out of pessimist views is owing. Some pas-
sages from his principal work (Dve Welt als Wille und
Vorstellung) may serve to prove this. He designates
his subject to be (§ 56, 3d edit., p. 366), that_all life 2s
essentially suffering. He then proceeds thus to describe
(§ 5Y, p. 367) the life of man: ¢ His proper existence is
only in the present, the unchecked flight of which into
the past is a constant transition to death, a continual
ai* = ih ae
Notes. 291
dying. The present, however, is continually becoming
the past; the future is quite uncertain, and always
short. Hence, his existence, viewed even under its
formal aspect, is a continual rushing of the present
into the dead past, a continual dying. Then, too, if
we look at it under its physiéal aspect, it is manifest
that, as our path is confessedly a continually checked
fall, so our bodily life is but a continually checked
dying, a still delayed death; and so, too, finally, is the
activity of our mind an ever repulsed tediousness.
Every breath we draw wards off the death which is
ever pressing towards us, and which we are thus fighting
against every hour. At length death must conquer, for
we are devoted to it by the very fact of our birth; and
it is only playing awhile with its prey before it de-
vours it.’ Sec. 59, p. 382: ‘The history of every life is
a history of suffering, for the course of life is generally
but a series of greater or less misfortunes. The real
matter of the world-famed monologue in Hamlet may
be thus summed up: Our condition is so wretched that
_utter annihilation would be decidedly preferable. So
also what the father of history adduces (Herodotus, vii.
46), viz., that no man ever existed who has not more than
once wished not to survive the following day, has never
yet been refuted. Hence, the so frequently lamented
shortness of life may perhaps be its best attribute.
If, finally, all the terrible pains and sorrows to which
his life is ever exposed could be brought before the
eyes of each, he would be seized with horror; and if
the most obstinate of optimists were led through the
hospitals, lazarettos, and surgical operation rooms ;
through the prisons, torture chambers, and slaveholds ;
over the fields of battle and places of execution; if,
then, those dark abodes of misery, where it creeps out
of the view of cold curiosity, were opened to him; and,
finally, a sight were afforded him of the starvation of
some Ugolino,—he would surely at last perceive what
kind of mezlleur des mondes possibles this is.
292 Notes:
Moreover, I cannot here refrain from the declaration
that_optimesm, where it is not the mere thoughtless
speech of those under whose low foreheads nothing
but words are lodged, seems to me not only an absurd, ,
put a truly wicked mode of thought, a bitter contempt.
for the numberless sorrows of mankind. Let it not for |
a moment be thought that Christian doctrine is favour-
able to optimism, for in the Gospels, on the contrary,
the terms world and evil are nearly synonymous ex-
pressions. Schopenhauer subsequently (ii. 46, p. 654)
gives a touching and partially true description ‘of the
vanity and sufferings of life” I extract a passage
from this section. ‘Life may be represented as a
constant cheat, both in small and great things. If it
makes promises, it never keeps them, unless to show
how undesirable is that which was desired. Thus
first hope, then the thing hoped for, disappoints us.
If it gives, it is but to take away. The charm of dis-
tance shows us a paradise, which vanishes like an
optic delusion if we suffer ourselves to approach it.
Hence happiness ever lies in the future or the past ;
and the present may be compared to a dark cloud,
which the wind drives over the sunny plain before it;
behind it there is brightness, but it is itself a con-
stant shadow. It is, consequently, ever_ unsatisfying,
the future being uncertain, the past irrecoverable.
Life, with its hourly, daily, weekly, and yearly, little,
ereater, and great disagreeables, with its disappointed
hopes and its mishaps, baffling all calculation, bears so
plainly the impression of something which is to be
spoilt to us, that it is difficult to conceive how this
could ever have been mistaken, and how any one
could have been persuaded that it was given to be
thankfully enjoyed, and that man was made to be
happy. Far rather does the continual disappointment
of hope, the disabusing of expectation, the general |
constitution of life, show that it 1s intended and caleu- |
jated to produce the conviction that nothing is worth |
“Notes. 293
our efforts, our energies, and our strugeles—that all
possessions are but vanity, that the world is bankrupt
in all quarters, and life a business which does not pay
its expenses,” Hence, satisfaction and prosperity are
merely negative, are but the absence of suffering.
‘We feel pain, but not painlessness; we feel care, but
not its absence; fear, but not security. We feel a
wish as we feel hunger and thirst; but, as soon as it is
eratified, it fares as the morsel we enjoy, which, the
moment it is swallowed, ceases to exist to our percep-
tion. We painfully feel the want of enjoyments and
pleasures as soon as they cease; but sorrows, even
when they cease after having long existed, are not
directly missed; for only sorrow and want can be
positively felt. “Prosperity, on the contrary, is merely
negative. Hence we are not conscious of the three
best possessions of life, youth, health, and freedom, as
such, so long as they are ours, and do not become so
till we have lost them, for then they are negations.
We do not perceive that certain days of our lives have
been happy till they have given place to unhappy ones.
If, then, there were a hundred times less sorrow in the
world than there is, its mere existence would be enough
to confirm a truth, which is expressed in various ways,
though always with some indirectness, namely, that the
existence of the world is not a matter of rejoicing, but
of grief, that its annihilation would be preferable to its
existence, that it is fundamentally something which
ought not to exist. Human life, far from wearing the
aspect of a gift, has.every appearance of an incurred
debt, the payment of which is exacted in the form of |
the urgent necessities, the tormenting desires, the un-
ceasing want which life involves. The whole period
of life is generally consumed in the liquidation of this
debt, and yet it is only the interest which is hereby
discharged, The payment of the capital is effected by
_death. And when was this debt contracted? At
conception. If we, consequently, regard man as a
294 Notes®
being whose existence is a punishment and a penance,
we shall be viewing him in a far more correct light.
The myth of the Fall is the only thing in the Old
Testament to which I can concede a metaphysical,
though only an allegorical truth. Modern Chris-
tianity, whose ethic spirit is that of Brahmanism and
Buddhism, has also, very wisely, fastened upon this
very myth.” ‘If we would measure the degree of guilt
with which our nature is infected, we must survey the
suffering which is united with it. Every great sorrow, |
whether bodily or mental, declares what is our desert,
for it could not come upon us if we did not deserve it.’
But enough! Fortlage has compared this pessimism ..
of Schopenhauer, and placed it side by side with the
opinions of the Christian martyrs. (Compare Frawen-
stadt, Briefe iiber die Schopenhauersche Philosophie, 1854,
p. 329, etc.). But that positive force, which they had
to oppose to this world of pain and suffering, escapes
him. ‘This positive force is not an ‘ideal, as Rudolf,
Seydel, who misses it in Schopenhauer, calls it in}
his treatise on Schopenhauer’s philosophical system
(Leipsic, 1857, p. 101, etc.), but the realities of atone-
ment and redemption, of God’s eternal world, and
of communion with Him, which are opened to us
thereby. ri
(*) Lasaulx— Ueber die Linosklage, Wurzburg, 1842—
though seeing chiefly in these myths and lamentations
(as the lamentations for Adonis in Syria, Egypt, etc.,
or for Narcissus and others) the lot of man himself
depicted, yet acknowledges that they have a refer-
ence also to the great catastrophes of natural life; to
spring, summer, autumn, and winter, to flowering and
fading, growth and decay—in short, to all those
sorrows and joys of nature with which the human
mind sympathises, p. 10. I may here perhaps be
allowed to refer to those well-known verses of Fried.
v. Schlegel :— |
———eoO oe
Notes. 295
‘ Es geht ein allgemeines Weinen,
f So weit die stillen Sterne scheinen,
Durch alle Adern der Natur.
Es ringt und seufzt nach der Verklérung
Entgegen schmachtend der Gewdhrung
In Liebesangst die Kreatur.’*
Also, a saying of Bettina v. Arnim, in Goethe's
Briefwechsel mit einem Kind, i, 33: ‘ When one stands
thus alone with nature, it seems as if she were a spirit
—praying to man for redemption. Is man then to re-
deem nature ?
(*) Compare the striking description of Vinet, in his
sermon on (Rom. iii. 11) St Paul’s criticism of human
reason (Evangelische Silberblicke, Reden, Predagten und
Studien, von Alex. Vinet,. translated by Lehman.
Zwickau, 1863, p. 25). Also, Pascal, ii. 40, Museére, p.
79, etc.; Grandeur et Mistre de 0 Homme, p. 136, etc.,
where he points out that Christianity alone is in. pos-
session of the true cure for human misery.
— (°) Similar reflections may be found in Pressensé’s
Jesus Christ, trans., 1866, p. 211.
() See Naville, Der himmlische Vater, p. 290,
(*) Schiller in the essay: Htwas tiber die erste Men-
schengesellschaft nach dem Leitfaden der mosarschen
Urkunde (from Schiller’s Lectures on Universal History
before the University of Jena, which first appeared in
the 11th No. of the Thalia Works, in 12 vols., 1867,—
vol. 10, p. 380, etc.): ‘Man was made complete as the
plant or the animal was. But he was ‘to work
himself upwards from a Paradise of ignorance and
vassalage, to a Paradise of knowledge and freedom.’
‘If we exchange the voice of God in Eden, forbidding
* One universal weeping goes through all the veins of nature
wherever the quiet stars shine: creation, yearning for security, sighs
and struggles for glorification in an agony of love.
296 Notes.
him the tree of knowledge, for the voice of his instinct
drawing him back from that tree, his supposed dis-
obedience to the Divine command is nothing else than
a fall from his instinct, and therefore the first expres- —
sion of his spontaneity, the first venture of his reason,
the first beginning of his moral existence. This fall
of man from his instinct, which indeed introduced
moral evil into creation, though only to make moral
good possible therein, is incontrovertibly the. most:
fortunate and greatest event in history; from this
moment man’s freedom dates, and it was here that the
first foundation stone of his morality was laid.’ It is
the same view which is expressed by Hegel and —
Strauss on this subject. Hegel (Philosoph. der Gesch. ro)
233) says: ‘The state of innocence, the Paradisaic
state, is an animal one. Paradise is a park in which
only animals, and not human beings, can remain.
Hence the Fall, whereby man became “truly. man, 1s a
universal myth.’ And, lastly, Strauss (Christl. Glau
benslehre, ii, 29): ‘Not God, who, as the primitive
spirit, would treat the human spirit made after his own
image in a spiritual and liberal manner, but only a
brutal subaltern, taking pleasure in impericusness
towards his inferiors, could have given such a com-
mand.’ a
-() Scarcely anything better could be said on this
matter than the words of Rousseau (Vicare Savoyard):
‘If man is active and free, his act is his own; what he
does of his own free will, forms no part of the system ~
of Providence, and. cannot be attributed thereto, Tt% * |
does not cause the evil which man commits, when he.
abuses the freedom bestowed upon him. It made him :
free, not that he might do evil, but good of his free ,
choice. To murmur ‘against God because He does not ©
hinder the practice of evil, means to reproach Him for |
giving to man a noble nature, and to his acts a moral /
nobility, for bestowing upon him a title to virtue.
Notes. 297
What! in order to restrain man from evil, was He to
. limit him to instinct, to make him a mere.animal ?
(Quoted by Naville, Der himml. Vater, p. 288.)
(”) Liiken has collected these traditions in his work,
Die Traditionen des Menschengeschlechts, 1856, p. 7A,
etc., a collection showing both the. ‘agreement of
national traditions with the biblical narrative, and the
great and undeniable superiority of the latter.
322 Notes.
away with in the very act of its consummation, the
latter is by its nature abiding.
(*) The notion of substitution is found in Aischylus’s -.
legend of Prometheus, v. 1026: ‘Hope not. for an end
to such oppression until a godappears as thy substitute »
in torment, ready to descend for thee into the sunless
realm of Hades, and the dark abyss of Tartarus:’
(compare ‘Lectures on Fundamental Truths,’ Lecture
VIIL, p. 209), and not less in Sophocles’ Gidipus in
Colonos, v. 498: ‘For one soul, I think, would suffice
to effect this, even for thousands, if it approaches with
a pure mind.” On which passage Wilhelm Henke, in
his clever brochure on the (Edipus of Sophocles, p. 29,
remarks: ‘They who would find in these two lines a
Messianic prediction, need no allegorical prediction to
help them. That only a pure soul is capable of effect-
ing an atonement for a guilt-laden family and race, is
the fine thought upon which Goethe’s Iphigenia in
Tauris is founded: |
‘ Soll dieser Fluch denn ewig walten? Soll
Nie diess Geschlecht mit newem Segen
Sich wieder heben ?
So hofft ich denn vergebens, hier verwahrt,
Von meines Hauses Schicksal abgeschieden,
Dereinst mit reiner Hand und reinem Herzen
Die schwer befleckte Wohnung zu entsiihnen’ (iv. 5).
(Is, then, this curse to last for ever? Is this race
never to rise up again with a new blessing? Then |
hoped in vain,,preserved here apart from the fate of
my family, one day, with pure hand and heart to make
an atonement for my deeply stained abode.)
() Certain facts of ancient history, such as the self-
sacrifice of Codrus at Athens, or of Curtius at Rome, -
are, in some sense, examples of such substitution in
suffering and action. Compare also Stahl, Fundamente,
etc., p. 157, on the idea of atonement in the death of
Antigone, as well as in other historical events.
Notes. 323
(") Compare Kritzler: Humanitdit und Christen-
thum, 1866, i. p. 87.
(") Compare a series of passages in Pascal, ii. 338,
ete.: ‘Le mystére de Jésus: Jésus cherche quelque
ils dorment, etc. Jésus est seul dans la terre, non
seulment qui ressente et partage sa peine, mais qui la
sache, le ciel et lui sont seuls dans cette connaissance.
Il souffre cette peine et cet abandon dans l’horreur de
la nuit.” And farther on, p. 314, where Pascal touch-
ingly sums up in a few words all the tragic circum-
stances in the life of Jesus: ‘De trente trois ans, il en
vit trente sans paraitre. Dans trois ans il passe pour
un imposteur; les prétres et les principaux le re-
jettent; ses amis et ses plus proches le méprisent.
Enfin il meurt trahi par un des siens, renié par l’autre
et abandonné par tous.’
(*) Compare, on this subject, Pascal, ii. 323: ‘Qui a
appris aux evangelistes les qualités d'une ame parfaite-
ment heroique, pour la peindre si parfaitement en
Jésus Christ? Pourquoi le font ils faible dans son
agonie? Ne savent ils pas peindre une mort constante ?
Oui, car le méme saint Luc peint celle de saint Etienne
plus forte que celle de Jésus Christ. Ils le font done
capable de crainte avant que la nécessité de mourir
soit arrivée, et ensuite tout fort. Mais quand ils le font
si troublé, c’est quand il se trouble lui méme, et quand
les hommes le troublent il est tout fort.’
(°) According to Pressensé, p. 290. On the alteration
in Jesus before and after His victory over the fear that
came upon Him, compare Pascal, i. 323, etc. and
339: ‘Jésus _prie dans l’incertitude de la volonté du
Pere et craint la mort; mais l’ayant connue, il va au
devant soffrir a elle: eamus, processit (Johannes),’
324 Notes.
(*) On the punishment of crucifixion in the ancient
world, particulars will be found in Herzoe’s Theol.
Realencycl. viii. 65, etc. Zestermann has just published
a very sound and interesting article (die biblische
Darstellung des Kreuzes und der Kreuzigung Jesu
Christi historisch entwickelt, Pt. 1st): Das Kreuz vor
(*) The particulars will be found in the interesting
work of Fred. Becker: Das Spotterucifix der romaschen ~
Kuiserpaliste aus dem Anfang des 3 Jahrh. 1866. It
is also taken up according to its real meaning in a
second work of the same writer: Die Darstellung Jesu
Christi unter dem Bilde des Fisches auf den Monumenten
der Kirche der Katakomben, 1866.
(‘) On the question of Christ’s resurrection, compare
‘Lectures on Fundamental Truths, Lecture VIL,
would involve; and believes he can account for the
faith of the disciples in the resurrection by the hypo-
thesis that the disciples found the grave empty be-—
cause Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, who were
no disciples, had_removed the body to another place,
which remained unknown. In short, in the case of all
modern deniers of the fact of the resurrection, we find
that either doctrinal or philosophic premisses form the
Notes. 325
motive or furnish the necessity of denial. Zeller, in
his Vortrdgen und Abhandlungen geschichtslichen In-
halts (1865, p. 491), unreservedly declares that he and
those like-minded with him cannot possibly_believe
in the reality of such an event as the resurrection
of Christ, ‘however strong might be the testimony
(*) Discussions on this matter have, since the old
~rationalistic explanation of a trance could not be
maintained, even by Schleiermacher, been all con-
centrated into the question, whether we have here to do
“with a vision or an external and actual fact. Compare: .
Giider’s Apologetischen Beweisfiihrungen ; Beyschlag’s
Die Auferstehung Christi in Studien und Kritiken,
1864, i; Gebhardt’s Die Auferstehung Christi und
thre neuesten Gegner, 1864; and Stutz, Vortrdge, p. 146,
etc. Mosheim had already sufficiently refuted the
~. vision hypothesis. Compare Beweis des Glaubens,
1867, 1, p. 23.
() So Holsten, in the above mentioned articles, in
opposition to which Beyschlag brings forward all need-
ful considerations, and directs attention to the’ fact
that St Paul makes a very clear distinction between
—actual appearances like that near Damascus, and visions
(2 Cor. xil).
(*) So also Keim, Geschichtl. Christu, p. 133.
() It is, fundamentally, Schleiermacher’s view, that
a vital influence proceeded from the personality of
Christ, filled as it was with Divinity; that this in-
fluence, continuing within the Church, is experienced
by every individual who enters its communion. From
the fact of this experience, he argues as from an effect
to its cause, and demands and “constructs therefrom
the historical fact of Christ’s person; but the relation
326 Notes.
in which he makes Christ stand to the Christian
is not. that present and direct one which is unmis-
takably represented in Scripture to have been the
conviction of the Apostolic Church. Compare also
my Sermons, vol. iii, Das Wort der Wahrheit, 1866,
p. 16.
(’) What Cicero tells us of the poet_Simonides is ~
interesting. "When questioned concerning the nature
of God, he always requested more time for his answer,
because the more deeply he examined the matter, the
more obscure did it appear (De Nat. Deor., Wp Ee
Simonides ab Hierone Syracusarum tyranno inter-
rogatus, quid aut qualis sit deus, deliberandi causa
sibi unum diem, inde biduum postulavit. At quum
saepius dierum numerum duplicasset, admiranti cur id
faceret Hieroni; quia quanto, respondit, diutius con-
sidero, tanto mihi res videtur obscurior).
() The words of Nicolas, i. 83.
() This comparison was originally used by the
Romish Bishop Gregory the Great, who, in a letter to —
Notes. 327
Leander, Archbishop of Seville, applies these words to
Holy Scripture.
(") Starting with the Old Testament passages on
wisdom, Job xxviii, 13, etc.; Prov. viii. 22 (compare
Wisd. vii. 25), in which the Church has at all times
found allusions to the Trinity (see even Philippi’s
“Kirehl. Glaubenslehre, ii. 192); and with the Old
Testament statements concerning the word, a theory
was formed, especially,in the Alexandrine religious
philosophy, and, above all, by Philo, a contemporary
of our Lord and His apostles, of the Logos (2.e., word
or reason), a kind of impersonal intermediate being,
and the organ of all Divine revelation, whether na-
tural or spiritual. Compare Kahnis, Dogmatzk, 1. 316,
etc., where also the literature of this subject is ad-
duced. But this pre-Christian speculation was no
more a preparation or precursor of the New Testament
doctrine of the Trinity, than was the Son of God in
_Plato’s Zimdus. They are mere abstractions and not
realities. ‘The Christian doctrine of one God in three
centres of manifestation, which each in its own way
manifests the entire Divinity, did not originate in a
purely metaphysical manner, but was developed from
a belief in the fact of such manifestation’ (Martensen,
Dogmatik, p. 96, etc.). Still less has it anything in
common with the pretended Trinitarian traces in
heathen religions, as in the Indian Trimurti. These
are founded on entirely different notions, and are
symbolic forms of the process of natural life. They
are only worthy of mention, in so far as they exem-
_plify that law of the human mind, its tendency to
think of the process of life exclusively in a triple
manner. aa idk en
(") Traces (vestigia) of the Trinity have from of old
been sought in nature (¢g.,sun, ray, light); but a like-
“ ness thereof, though but a very remote one (imago non
328 Notes.
eequalis, imo valde longeque distans, August De civ.
Det, xi. 26; De trin., xv. 22) has been found only
in man; and, indeed, it is especially Augustine who -
struck out this path. He pointed out an image of the
Trinity in the elements of man’s nature: Being (esse or
consciousness, memoria), knowledge (nosse), will (velle).
Compare Confess. xiii. 11; De cw. Det xi. 26, 27;
memoria, intellectus, voluntas, De trin. xv. 21, 29,
He defines will, however, by a deeper word than love,
by dilectio_caritas : numquid est aliud caritas quam
voluntas? Thus, then, the Trinitarian process is an
inward mutual knowledge and will on the part of God.
Or he obtains from the very idea of love, which involves
self-knowledge as its postulate, the inward self-distine-
tion of God: Amans, amatus, mutuus amor., De tin, vill.
LD eres ies Subsequent Church teachers followed in
the steps of Augustine. The first mode of explanation
became the usual one in the Church; the other, that
which prevailed among the mystics. In the Reforma-
tion era, Melancthon “attempted to transfer this ex-
planation into the Protestant system of doctrine: ‘The
Son is the eternal self-thought of the Father, the Holy
Ghost the loving will of “both (Pater seternus sese
intuens gienit cogitationem sui, que est imago ipsius
non evanescens, sed subsistens communicata ipsi es-
sentia. Hec imago est secunda persona. LDicitur
Aéyos quia cogitatione generatur, dicitur imago, quia
cogitatio est imago rei cogitate. Ut antem filius
nascitur cogitatione, ita spiritus sanctus procedit a
voluntate patris et filii; voluntatis est enim diligere—
pater filium vult et amat eum, ac vicissim filius in-
tuens patrem vult et amat eum; hoc mutuo amore, qui
proprie est voluntatem, procedit spiritus sanctus).
Moderns have sought, partly by the idea of self-con--
sciousness, partly by that of love, to attain to that of
the Trinity. Lessing took the first course in a very
interesting treatise: Das Christenthum der Vernunft
(Works by Lachmann, xi. 604-607). ‘God, the all-per-
Notes. | 399
fect,’ says Lessing here, ‘from all eternity, thought
Himself, and could think nothing else’ (as Aristot.,
Metamorph. vii. 9, also says: ‘The Divine Spirit can
think nothing else than Himself; for all else is in-
ferior, is less than Himself; hence, if He thought any-
thing else, He would think what_is inferior, which is
impossible’). Now, to imagine, to will, to. do, is with
God_one and the same. God ’can think of Himself in
two manners; either as all perfections at once, or
separate. This self thought is the eternal Son. If we
think of God, we think of Him together with the latter,
because we cannot think of God apart from His imagi-
nation of Himself; He is God’s image, but an identical
image. Now, betweeit ‘two things which have all
qualities in common, 7.¢., which are but one, there is
the greatest harmony, ‘And this is the case here.
The harmony between these two is called the Spirit.
In this harmony is all that is in the Father and in the
Son; it, therefore, is God. None can be without the
other ; all three are one. The other manner of the
Divine thought is that in which God thinks of His
perfections as separated, 7.¢., creates beings of which
each has somewhat of His perfections. These together
form the world, etc. To rise to the idea of Trinity
from the idea of self-consciousness, and of its subjec-
tive process, became customary through the influence
of the Hegelian philosophy. Among modern _divines,
Twesten especially has taken this road ; a road, how-
ever, by which we can never succeed in attaining to
the personality of the third Divine Person, the Holy
Ghost; not even by such profound philosophic efforts
as those made by Weissenborn in his lectures on
Pantheism and Theism, 1859, p. 184, etc. Beginning
with love, and following in the steps of Augustine,
Sartorius (Die Lehre v. d. heal. Lnebe. i.), among others,
has sought in an interesting manner to attain to the
Trinity. But little as these attempts are capable of
affording actual support to faith in the Trinity of God,
330 Notes. ~
they yet show that an inward process of life and love
must be thought of in God, by means of which God is
ever causing Himself to exist, and which, by reason_of
revelation, has been known to be a triune one. For
it is opposed to Christian consciousness to imagine a
stiff unbending monotheism, and a God existing, so to
speak, in a state of isolation. This has ever been
maintained in the Church. Thus, eg. Athan. contra
spring. Hilar. de ¢rin., vii. 3: Non enim unum deum
pie possumus preedicare si solum. Vine. Lerin. Com-
monit, c. 17, against Photinus: ‘Dicit deum singulum
esse et solitarium et more Judaico confitendum. It is
for this very reason that God is self-sufficing and
blessed ; otherwise He would be in need of the world.
Thus a great defence against pantheism has ever been
found in the doctrine of the Trinity; for the former
causes God to exist by means of the world, while the
God of Christianity has His eternal being in Himself.
(”) That God can only be truly and savingly known
in Christ, is the constant maxim both of Luther and...
Pascal. Luther is ever returning to it in his exposi-
tion of the xiv., xv., and xvi. chaps. of St John, and of
the high-priestly prayer of Jesus. Thus he says, to
quote only one passage, on John xvii. 3: ‘Remark how
Christ intertwines and unites His knowledge of Him-
self and the Father, so that the Father can be known
only through and in Christ. For I have often said
this, and I will say it again, so that even when I am
dead it may be remembered, and men may beware of
all teachers, as led and guided by the devil, who, though
in the highest places, begin to teach and preach of God
alone and apart from Christ, etc. So, too, he was
fond of repeating, that if we would know God we
must begin at Christ's manger, unless we would be lost
in the labyrinth of the Divine Majesty (¢.g., Opp. lat.
Notes. Sok
Fri. ii. 170). Melancthon, too, introduces in his Locz,
1535, the discussion on the Divine nature, with the
remark that he can find no more fitting commencement
than the answer of Jesus to Philip, when he desired to
see the Father: ‘ He that hath seen Me, hath seen the
Father ;’ and that we are therefore to seek and to know
God in Christ: Ut discamus deum queerere in Christo,
in hoc enim volnit patefieri innotescere et apprehend ;
for otherwise we shall fall into terrible obscurity.
Pascal, too, often returns to the thought that, out of
Christ, God is a hidden God, and opposes mere deism
as much as atheism, etc., ¢g., ii. 113, etc. Only the
knowledge of God in Christ is at the same time true
self-knowledge, p. 115: «On peut bien connaitre Dieu
sans Sa misére et sa misére sans Dieu; mais on ne peut
connaitre Jésus Christ sans connaitre tout ensemble et
Dieu et sa misére. Et cest pourquoi je n’entrepren-
drai pas ici de prouver par des raisons naturelles, ou
Vexistence de Dieu; ou la Trinité, ou V’immoritalité de
lame, ni aucune des choses de cette nature— parce
que cette connaissance sans Jésus Christ, est inutile
et sterile. P. 116: ‘Le dieu des Chrétiens ne consiste
pas en un Dieu simplement auteur des vérités géome-
triques et de lordre des elements; c’est la part des
paiens et des épicuriens. I] ne consiste pas seulement
en un Dieu qui exerce sa providence sur la vie et sur
les biens des hommes ; c’est la portion des Juifs. Mais
—le Dieu des Chrétiens est un Dieu d’amour et de
consolation. C’est un Dieu qui remplit lame et le
coeur quwil posséde; c’est un Dieu qui leur fait sentir
intérieurement leur misere et sa misericorde infinie,’
ete. P.117: ‘Tous ceux qui cherchent Dieu hors de
Jesus Christ et qui s’arrétent dans la nature, ou ils ne
trouvent aucune lumiére qui les satisfasse, ou ils arri-
vent & se former un moyen de connaitre Dieu et de le
servir sans médiateur; et par la ils tombent ou dans
Vathéisme ou dans le déisme qui sont deux choses
que la religion Chrétienne_abhorre presque également.’
332 Notes.
(‘) So Nicolas, iii. 145-147.
() August. Znarr, in Psalm. 70, sermo 2, § 12, Nicolas,
iv. 512, etc.
(*) On the reproach_of novelty, compare Schaff,
Geschich. der alten Kirche, 1867, p. 181, 186. This
was one of the reproaches of Celsus, repelled by Origen -
(Contra Cels, vi. p. 329).
(*) Pase. 11. 200: ‘Il est venu enfin en la consom-
mation du temps; et depuis on a vu naitre tant de
schismes et d’hérésies, tant reverser d’etats, tant de
changements en toutes choses, et cette eglise qui adore
celui. qui a toujours été adoré a subsisté sans inter-
ruption. Et ce qui est admirable, “incomparable, et
tout a fait divin, est que cette religion qui a toujours
duré a toujours été,combattu. Mille fois elle a été a
la veille d’une destruction universelle; et toutes les
fois quelle a été en cet etat, Dieu l’a relevée par des
coups extraordinaires de sa puissance. C’est ce qui est
etonnant, et quelle s’est maintenue sans fiéchir et plier
sous la volonté des tyrans. Les états périsaient, si on
ne faisait ployer souvent les lois 4 la nécessité. Mais
jamais la religion n’a souffert cela et n’en a usé.’
() Naville, Der himmlische Vater, p. 60, adduces a
series of works of French_ scholars (Franck, Edgar
Quinet, Benjamin Constant), pointing out the import-
ance of religion as an instrument of civilisation.
() Excellent works on this subject were published
by several French authors, in consequence of a_prize
offered by the French Academy in 1849: Etienne
Chastel: Geneva. tudes historiques sur Cinfluence de
Notes. 333
la charité durant les premiers siécles Chrétiens, et con-
_ siderations sur son réle dans les socrétes modernes. Ou-
vrage cowronné en 1852, par l Académie Frangaise, dans
le concowrs owvert sur cette question; and Schmidt, Stras-
burg, upon the same subject (a work also rewarded by
the French Academy): La sociéte civile dans lancien
monde Romain, et sa transformation par la Chretienté.
) Compare ‘Lectures on Fundamental Truths,’
Lecture VI., Note 1.
_ () Eg. v. Schweizer, Zeitgeist wnd Christenthum,
1861, p. 196. Compare ‘Lectures on Fundamental
Truths, Lecture I, Note.9.
(°) Nicolas has a similar development of thought, 3,
283; and the paragraph following may also be com-
pared with his work. , Pfaff (Ueber das Wesen wnd
den Umfang der Toleranz im Allgemeinen. und der
christlichen Toleranz insbesondere) has some good re-
_ marks on toleration. |
(”) Compare Neander, Denkw. i. 39, Schaff Geschichte
der alten Kirche, p, 147. On the vindication of the new
notions of religion and freedom of conscience by the
~early Christian_apologists, compare Neander, Denkw.
i. 42, Schaff, p. 148, where various striking passages
are cited, especially Zert. ad Scap. c. 2: ‘Tamen humani
juris et naturalis potestatis est unicuique quod putaverit
colere, nec alii obest aut prodest alterius religio. Sed
. nec religionis est cogere religionem, que sponte suscipi
debeat, non vi’ -Apolog. 24: ‘Videte enim ne et hoc
ad irreligiositatis elogium concurrat, adimere libertatem
religionis et interdicere..optionem divinitatis, ut non
liceat mihi colere quem velim, sed cogar colere quem
nolim. Nemo se ab invito coli volet, ne homo quidem.’
Compare also, Ad. Schmidt, Geschichte der Denk- und
Gewissensfreiheit in den ersten Jahrh, der Kavserherr-
334 Notes.
schaft. 1847, and the fine passage in Naville, Der himml.
Vater, p. 68, ete.
(") Compare Naville, Der himml. Vater, p. 84: ‘Faith,..
when it seeks to gain adherents by force, acts in direct
antagonism to itself; the spirit of scepticism need only
walk according to the laws of its own nature, to become
a spirit of violence.
(”) See Naville, Der himml. Vater, p. 73.
(") It was the usual reproach of heathen controver-
sialists, ¢.g., of a Celsus, that Christians consisted chiefly
of the lower classes: ‘In other mysteries, it was..
customary for the herald to cry out: Whoso hath
clean hands and a good conscience let him enter!
But these cry: If any is a sinner, a fool, a child, a lost
man, he is received into the kingdom of heaven! We
see weavers, shoemakers, tanners, illiterate peasants,
men who do not. dare to open their mouths before men
of experience, if they can attract boys and foolish
women, relating to them their marvellous tales’ (Nean~»
der, Denkw. i. 21; Kritzler, Die Heldenzecten des Christ-
enthums, 1. 1856, p. 145).
bishop, a corporate body as visible and comprehen-
sible, as Bellarmine says, as the kingdom of France or
the republic of Venice, is Luther's view of the Church
when he dwells on the fact that the Church is an
Notes. 335
article of faith, and, therefore, by her very nature
something chiefly invisible; for we say: I believe one
holy Catholic Church, ‘for what is believed in is not
bodily or visible’ ‘If this article is true (viz, I
believe one holy Catholic Church), it follows that no
one can see or feel the holy Catholic Church, nor say,
lo here, or 10 there it is! for what we believe we do
not see or perceive; and, again, what we see or per-
ceive we do not believe’ (Greater Catechism Works,
Erl., edit. xxvii. 303). But she is not merely invisible;
_she has also a visibility which is of her own nature,
distinct from her empiric visible form and ordinance
in the world—that is, the Word and Sacraments by
which she may be recognised and discovered ; ‘for the
Word of God cannot be without the people of God,
nor again the people of God without the Word of
God” Hence, the Church is by her nature something
spiritual, the congregation_of believers, the flock which
the Holy Ghost has in the world, the people of God
in all places and at all times (compare the Greater
Catechism). So also does the confession of our Church
understand it. Compare Augsb. Conf, Art. vii, and
Apol: The Church is, first of all, a spiritual society
(Apol. p. 144, etc: Eccl. non est tantum societas ex-
ternarum rerum ac rituum sicut aliz politiz sed
principaliter est Societas fidei et spiritus sancti in cordi-
bus, quae tamen habet externas notas ut agnosci possit.
—Et haec ecclesia sola dicitur corpus Christi, quod
Christus spiritu suo renovat, etc. Quare illi in quibus
nihil agit Christus, non sunt membra Christi: Ecclesia
per spiritum sanctum). When, then, we speak of an
invisible, that is, a spiritual Church, we do not mean
that the Church is merely an idea or an ideal—as it
certainly has sometimes but erroneously been con-
sidered on the side of Protestantism—or nothing
more than a pleasant dream. The Protestant confes-
sion has, from the very first, expressly refuted such a
336 Notes.
notion (Apol., p. 148: Neque vero somniamus nos
Platonicam civitatem ut quidam cavillantur, in sed dici-
mus existere hanc ecclesiam, videlicet vere credentes
et justos sparsos per totum orbem. Lt addimus_notas ;
puram doctrinam evangelii et sacramenta), although our
doctrine has been thus misinterpreted on the part of ~
Rome down to the present time (Mohler Symbol, p. 347:
‘The idea of a merely invisible universally diffused
society, to which we are to belong, is a barren and
useless figure of the imagination and of misled feel-
ings. Dollinger, Kirche und Kurchen, 1861, p. 20:
‘Theologians, giving up in despair the article of the
one universal Church, fall back upon an abstraction, an
image of the mind, the so-called_invisible Church’).
But it is a reality, and, indeed, the highest reality.
(°) This is a thought, which Guizot especially fre-..
quently expresses: Histoire de la Ciwilisation en France,
i. p. 816; also in Nicolas, ii. 177, L’Hglese et la Socréte
Chrétiennes, 1816, p. 7-64. On the contrast of the
ancient world, he says elsewhere: ‘Dans lantiquité
paienne, méme sur ses plus beaux théatres et dans ses
plus beaux jours, les etrangers etaient des ennemis..
A moins que des conventions particulieres et precises
neussent été conclues entre deux nations, elles se
considéraient comme absolument étrangéres, lune a
Vautre et naturellement hostiles. A peine les plus
erands esprits de Vantiquité, Aristote et Ciceron en
ont, ils congu quelque idée, ete. Even Aristotle does
not rise above the limits of the ancient views, as his
well known theory about slaves proves. It was only «
the later stoic philosophy that had some slight pre-
sentiment of a universal society of mankind, but the
idea remained a merely barren notion.
(") Pase., ii, 126: ‘Chacun suive les mceurs de son
pays.—On ne voit presque rien de juste ou d'injuste
qui ne change de qualité en changeant de climat.
Trois degrés d’élévation du pole renversent toute la
Notes. 337
jurisprudence. Un meridien décide de la vérité; en
peu d’années de possession, les lois fondamentales
changent; le droit a ses époques. Vérité au deca des
Pyrénées, erreur au dela (Nicolas, iii. 543).
(") Compare Goethe’s apt expression, ‘Lectures on
Fundamental Truths,’ Lect. [X., Note 22.
(") The French mind, which delights in abstract
generalities, is fluent in thus representing the contrast
between Romanism and Protestantism. Guizot and.
Vinet frequently do so.
(°) What follows coincides especially with the repre-
. Sentation of Martensen (Dogmatik, p. 26, etc.); but in
Catholic theologians, and even in such modern ones ag
Mohler, corroboration might be found of each of the
propositions of the text. I refer, for the sake of
brevity, to the numerous passages with which Hase
has interspersed his statements, in his copious and
interesting Handbuch der Protest. Polemik gegen die
rom-kath. Kirche (2d edit, 1856, pp. 1-192). That
obedience to the Bishop of Rome.is necessary to sal-
vation was declared not merely by such popes as
Boniface VIII (+ 1303: Subesse Romano pontifici
omni humane creaturse declaramus esse de necessitate
salutis), but also, with reference to his declaration,
by the Lateran Council under Leo X., at its eleventh
sitting, in the bull issued by that Council: Pastor
Aiternus (Gieseler Kirchengesch, ii 4, 199, ete),
wherein, amonga other things, it is said: ‘Et cum
de necessitate salutis existat, omnes Christi fideles
Romano pontifici_subesse, prout divinee Scripture et
ss patrum testimonio edocemur ac constitutiones fel.
mem. Bonif. P. VIII, que incipit “Unam_ sanctam”
declaratur, ete. if
(°) To confirm what I have said, I adduce a series of
338 Notes.
expressions exalting the Pope and his power beyond all —
human measure. Innocent III, Lib. 1, Ep. 335: ‘Rom.
Pontefex non puri hominis sed veri Dei vicem gerit in
terris. Ep. 326: ‘Non hominis puri sed veri Dei vere
Vicarius appellatur” To John of England, 15th August
1215: ‘Quia vero nobis a domino dictum -est in pro-
pheta; constitui te super gentes et regna.” Bonif.
VIIL..to Philip of France, 1302: ‘ Christi _vicarius,
Petrique successor—judex a deo yivorum ac mortuorum
constitutus agnoscitur’ At the Lateran Council of
1516, in the ninth sitting, Antonius Puccius addressed
the Pope in the words of Ps. Ixxi.: Omnes reges terre
adorabunt te et tibi.servient, and ‘Omnes reges terre
sciunt quaenam potestas tibi data sit in coelo et in
terra’ In the first sitting, the Pope was addressed as
‘Vestra divina majestas’; in the ninth as ‘ Simillimus
deo, et quia populis adorari debet.’ At the sixth sit-
ting, Leo X. was called ‘Leo de tribu Juda et radix
David.’ Calov., Bibl. Illustr. on 2 Thess. ii. 5, 6, quotes
from the canon law (canon satis dist. 96 gloss. ad extr.
cum inter): ‘ Dominus Deus noster. Franc., Panigarola
ii, 1, calls the Pope ‘Unum illum dominum de quo
loquitur Paulus, Eph. iv. In the books of the canon-
ists it is repeatedly said that the Pope has ‘idem cum
deo consistorium, idem cum Christo tribunal.’—Gieseler,
ii. p. 229, quotes from Gerson: ‘Qui aestimant Papam
esse unum deum qui habet potestatem_omnem in ccelo
et in terra” Christoph. Marcellus, in an oration de-
livered at the fourth sitting of the Lateran Council,
Dec. 10, 1512, addresses Julius. IL as ‘Tu alter Deus
in terris. Gieseler again (p. 206) quotes Gerson (an
opinion which Gerson contraverts): ‘Sicut non est
potestas nisi a deo (Rom. xiii. 1), sic nec aliqua tempor-
alis vel ecclesiastica,’ ete., ‘nisi.a Papa in cujus femore
scripsit Christus: Rex regum, dominus dominantium
(1 Tim. vi. 15). De cujus potestate disputare mstar
sacrilegii est,’ ete.
Notes. 339
(*) The well-known saying of Virgil (En. vi. 85),
at the same time a prediction of future times.
+ () It was chiefly Gregory VII. (Hildebrand, + 1085)
as is well known, who maintained these notions, and
carried them out to a compact and consistent system.
In his epistles we read: ‘Quodsi sancta sedes apostolica
divinitus sibi collata principali potestate spiritualia
decernens dijudicat, cur non et sacularia ?—Sicut ad
mundi pulchritudinem, oculis carneis diversis tempo-
ribus repreesentandam solem, et lunam omnibus aliis
eminentiora disposuit luminaria; sic, ne creatura—
in erronea et mortifera traheretur pericula, providit ut
apostolica et regia dignitate per diversa regeretur officia,’
etc. From the Dictatus Pape: 9, Quod solius Pape
pedes omnes principes deosculentur: 11, Quod uni-
cum_est nomen in mundo: 12, Quod illi liceat impera-
tores. deponere: 27, Quod a fidelitate iniquorum
subjectos potest _absolvere, Gieseler, ii. 2, 5. And In-
ynocent III. speaks, if possible, still more decidedly
(+ 1216), Lib. 11, Ep. 209: ‘Dominus Pefro“non solum
universam ecclesiam, sed totum reliquit seculum
gubernandum.’ Lib. xvi. Ep. 131: ‘Hunc itaque reges
seculi propter deum adeo venerantur, ut non reputent
se rite regnare, nisi studeant ei devote servire.’ To the
ambassadors of Philip: ‘Principibus datur potestas in
terris, sacerdotibus autem potestas tribuitur et in ccelis:
lis solummodo super corpora, istis etiam super animas.
Unde quanto dignior est anima corpore, tanto dignius
est etiam sacerdotium quam sit regnum. The famous
comparison with the sun and moon, Lib. i. Ep. 401:
‘Sicut universitatis conditor deus duo magna luminaria
in firmamento coeli constituit, luminare majus, ut
preesset diei, et luminare minus, ut nocti preeesset ; sic
ad firmamentum universalis ecclesiae, quae coeli nomine
nuncupatur, duas magnas instituit dignitates, majorem,
quae, quasi diebus, animabus preesset, et minorem,
quae, quasi noctibus, preeesset corporibus: quae sunt
340 Notes.
pontificalis autoritas et regalis potestas. Porro sicut
luna lumen suum a sole sortitur, quae re vera minor
est illo quantitate simul et qualitate, situ pariter et
effectu: sic regalis potestas ab autoritate pontifical
suae sortitur dignitatis splendorem, etc. This com-
parison of the papacy and the empire to the sun and
moon was subsequently still more exactly defined, and
indeed so nicely computed, that it was asserted that
the pope was one thousand seven hundred and forty-
four times higher than the emperor and kings (papam
esse millies septingenties quadrigies quater imperatore
et regibus sublimiorem), G'eseler, 11. 2, 108.
(*) Even that most powerful of Popes, Innocent Tid.
acknowledged the privileges of a general council (com-...
pare Hase, Polemik, p. 163) ; while the councils of the
15th century, at Constance and Basel, decidedly sub-»
ordinated the Pope to ageneral council. See in Greseler,
ii. 4, 14, the views of Gerson, which have been taken
as a standard in this matter, eg., ‘Sed numquid tale
concilium, ubi papa non presidet, est supra papam ?
Certe sic. Superius in autoritate, superius in dignitate,
superius in officio. Tali enim concilio ipse papa in
omnibus tenetur obedire. Tale concilium jura papalia
potest tollere, a tali concilio nullus potest appellare,
tale concilium potest papam eligere, privare, deponere,
etc. '
(*) The opposition between the papacy and episco-..
pate, ze. between the ecclesiastical absolute monarchy
and the ecclesiastical aristocracy, 1s not. yet. decided
doctrinally (compare Hase, Polemik, p. 162, etc.), though,
it is practically in favour of the former. Even Pius II.
(AEneas Sylvius, + 1464) declared appeals to a general «
council heretical, a declaration frequently reiterated by
his successors (Hase, p. 164). The real importance,
too, of the latest new dogma, that of the immaculata
conceptio Maric, consists in the fact that it was laid
Notes. 341
down by the pope without a general council, and
was thus a step towards complete papal plenipotence
even in the authorisation of new doctrines, the protests
(*) Further details are found in Hase’s Polemik,
especially in the first_ sections.
(*) The word Protestantism is derived, as is well
known, from the protest of the Protestant States against
_the decree of the Imperial Diet in the year 1529,
which protests they founded, in their appeal, upon the
positive principle that matters being herein involved
‘which concern and touch the honour of God and the
decided and definite affirmation.
(”) On the Protestant doctrine of the Church, com-
pare above Note 14, and Luther’s Lehre von der Kirche,
by Kostlin, 1853.
(*) Compare also Note 14.
(*) Many treatises have lately been written on the
principles of the Reformed Church, and the difference
between it and the Lutheran Church (compare ‘Litera-
ture’ in my Kompend. der Dogm.,§ 13). To obtain a
correct impression of the peculiar nature of the Re-
_ formed Church, it should not be observed in Germany,
342 Notes.
where it has adopted many Lutheran elements, but in
countries which are entirely of this persuasion, as, per-
haps, Switzerland, ete. We should then easily perceive,
both that she has committed a far wider breach with
historical tradition than the Lutheran Church has done,
going to work in a far more radical manner, and falling
back more directly upon Scripture itself, and that
the doctrinal difference in her teaching concerning the
means of grace, as connected with the fundamental
doctrine-of predestination (the absoluteness, sole causa-
tion, and sole agency of God) has not merely a theo-
retical, but also a very decided practical influence in
the guidance of souls and the direction of the con-
() I have collected the surprisingly numerous quota-
tions made by our Lord, in the Stichs. Kirchen- und
Schulblatt, 1862, Nos. 24 and 25. The position which
Jesus takes up with respect to the Old Testament, and
the estimation in which He holds it, may be clearly
seen by the use He makes of it. He unquestionably
regards the Old Testament as absolutely the Word of .
God. Siig cae)
(*) Joseph. c. Apion. i. 8: ra dimaing Seta wemorevuéve
[ldior d: ojdurdy gor sd9dg ex ris mewrns yeveosws ’lovdalors
rd vomitew adrae Seod déymaura, xl TOUTOIS EMMEeVvEIY, Xa) Umree
ara, ei O01 bvnoxeiy GOEWS" -
() On the Gospels, compare ‘Lectures on Funda-
mental Truths, Lecture X., p. 254, etc., and Notes 5
and 6, Uhlhosm; Die Modernen Darstellungen, ete.,
. 69; Tischendorf, Wann Wurden unsre Evangelien
verfasst? 4th edition, 1866. A good and popular dis-
Notes. 343
cussion of these and kindred questions will be found
in the excellent work of Weber, Kurzgefasste Linlet-
tung in die heil. Schriften A. und N. Testaments, 2d
edition, 1867, p. 192, ete.
(‘) Compare Tischendorf’s above named work, p. 99,
encycl., vil. 270, etc.
». (°) As early as*the middle of the second century,
canonical authority was attributed to the books of the
New Testament, as may be gathered from the above-
named work of Landerer, p. 278. Hase, in his Polemk,
p. 68, etc., has shown that not only in the days of a
Tertullian and an Irenzeus, but also in those of an
Augustine and an Athanasius, the decisive authority
_of the Holy Scriptures was inculcated, and the members
of the Church exhorted.to read them, as is also stated
in the work of the well-known Catholic theologian,
L. Van Ess, Chrysostomus oder Stimmen der kirchvdter
tiber das niitzliche und erbauliche Bibellesen, 1824. A
learned work on this subject, entitled:
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