LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, N. J. PURCHASED BY THE Mrs. ROBERT LENOX KENNEDY CHURCH HISTORY FUND. F159 .T65 HS 1925 Hinke, William John, 1871- 1947. A history of the Tohickon lInian Church Roadminsetar pag vt vide? has Whe ‘ shy i tir.*ft irre * ¥ yg L “a pe 7 ¢ MOY Se) eA pea paleo! Ee Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library gon OF PRiNgE » NOV 16 1926 Bye Cy ogioar sew Q History OF THE / Tohickon Cnion Church BEDMINSTER TOWNSHIP, BUCKS COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA WITH COPY OF CHURCH RECORDS REFORMED CONGREGATION 1745-1869 LUTHERAN CONGREGATION 1749-1840 PREPARED AND TRANSLATED AT THE REQUEST OF The pPennsyplbanta German Doctetp REV. WILLIAM JOHN HINKE, Ph.D) DD, Professor of Semitic Languages and Religions in Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, New York MEADVILLE, PA. 1925 CopyricHutT 1925 BY THE PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN SOCIETY AUTOGRAPH EDITION, 200 COPIES No. es “4 9) Ys f f , ‘ ‘ we / JitKKA val fb ee va S PRESS OF THE TRIBUNB PUBLISHING COMPANY M@ADVILLE, PA. — = ry 3 mpetonageries PREFACE “Remember the days of old; consider the years of many generations” OHICKON Union Church* is beautifully situated near the village of Keelersville, in the extreme western corner of Bedminster township, Bucks county, Pennsylvania, on the Old Bethlehem road, half a mile from its intersection with the Ridge road. It is three-tenths of a mile south of Weisel postoffice and four-tenths of a mile south of the point where the Old Beth- lehem road crosses the Tohickon creek. The church stands on the east side fronting on the Old Bethlehem road, which is the dividing line between Bedminster and Rockhill town- ships. About 1745 a log church was erected on the Rock- hill township side of the road, but the deed for the land, 1 acre 56 perches, did not pass until September 1, 1753. In 1766 a stone church was built on that property, and it was not until 1838 that a church was erected on the Bedminster * This church is built of native “new red sandstone,” its size is 50 feet by 75 feet on the outside. It is unique in having two en- trance doors in front, one belonging to each denomination, the one farthest south is inscribed above the door “Tohickon Peace Evan- gelical Lutheran Congregation,” and over the north door “Tohickon Saint Peter’s Reformed Congregation.” All honor to the people of the Tohickon Union Church and to the many other Lutheran and Reformed denominations throughout Pennsylvania, who have worshipped together in the same churches in Christian unity and Christian love for nearly two centuries. iv The Pennsylvania-German Society. side of the road, where the present church stands. The old burying-ground is in the church-yard back of the church, but extending for some distance both north and south thereof, the northern part extends out the public road. This old cemetery appears to be reasonably well cared for and is enclosed by a substantial stone wall. As is usual in old cemeteries, many of the earliest burials are not marked, while others are marked only with sandstone markers without inscriptions of any kind. The new ceme- tery (which is incorporated) lies on the west side of the road in Rockhill township, immediately across from the church and facing its front entrance. But if all old graves were marked, and all old church records and documents preserved, there would be but very little research work left for the church historian. This is equally true of all research work, which affords many people a great deal of pleasure. Many of our graveyards are sadly neglected, with markers falling into decay, and many of the inscrip- tions slowly but surely becoming illegible. Much work is being done however by members of our local historical societies and others in copying tombstone-inscriptions in order to preserve them, but much still remains to be done. Fortunately the records of the Tohickon Reformed con- gregation begun in 1745, and therefore the earliest in Bucks county, and the Lutheran records begun in 1750, are at hand, and we are able to present the translations thereof in this volume. As will be seen the Lutheran records are not as full and complete as those of the Reformed congre- gation; they consist mostly of births and baptisms, with but four communion lists, viz—for the years 1826-28-30 and 34. There are no records of either marriages or deaths; if such records were kept, as would seem likely, they must have been recorded in some other book which has not been discovered, or the pastors may have kept private records, which did not become the property of the church. Thanks Preface v are due to Rev. C. R. Fetter pastor of the Lutheran congre- gation and to Rev. Samuel E. Moyer pastor of the Re- formed congregation for the generous aid they have given to Dr. Hinke in placing their church books and documents at his disposal. The good people of the Reformed church are to be con- gratulated in knowing that Dr. Hinke, although now a member of the Presbyterian church, is willing to give his time and talents to the study and writing of their church history, but they can never know or appreciate the great amount of labor that such intelligent research requires. With him it has been truly a labor of love. In connection with this work he has traced the history of many ministers back into Germany and Switzerland, thus getting reliable information concerning their early life and antecedents, and also particularly about their education before coming to America, and in general he has added much entirely new material to the history of the Reformed church and its min- isters. In this connection I want to invite special attention to his exhaustive “History of Goshenhoppen Reformed Charge,” published by this society in Volumes 27 and 28 of its proceedings; also to his translation of the Minutes of Coetus of the Reformed Church, discovered in the archives of the General Synod of the Dutch Reformed Church at the Hague in Holland, which has filled a gap in the history of the Reformed church.7 I was told by a former librarian of the Pennsylvania His- torical Society, that a large part of its patrons was made up of those who were studying their family genealogies. I mentioned this fact to one of our neighboring librar- ians, who said that that was true not only of historical society libraries, but of public libraries as well. This inter- + See “Minutes and Letters of the Coetus of the German Reformed Congregations of Pennsylvania, 1747-1792.” Reformed Church Pub- lication Board, Philadelphia, 1903. vi The Pennsylvania-German Society. est is due primarily to love of family, but often from a de- sire for membership in some patriotic society, such as the Daughters of the American Revolution, Sons of the Amer- ican Revolution, or the Pennsylvania German Society, to become eligible for which their forebears must have arrived in this country prior to 1800. These church records are a great storehouse of information for genealogists, and it is hoped that the publication of other records will be made, not only of the Reformed and Lutheran churches, but of all other denominations as well. Much difficulty has been experienced in getting posses- sion of some of the old Reformed church records, in fact some have become lost or mislaid, while at least three of them are known to have been destroyed by fire, viz—Done- gal Reformed in Lancaster county; Lynn at New Tripoli and Weisenberg both in Lehigh county. Among other Reformed records that cannot be located are Brownbacks in Chester county; White Oak in Lancaster county (found by Rev. D. C. Tobias in 1874, but now again lost) and Kreutz Creek church in York county. In an address before the Historical Society of the Re- formed Church at Lancaster, in 1920, (See Reformed Church Review, Vol. XXIV, page 257), Dr. Hinke deplored the loss of the Springfield, Bucks county and the Lower Saucon, Northampton county records, these we are happy to state, have both since been found and both have been translated by Dr. Hinke; several typewritten copies have been made, thus preserving and protecting their contents against loss. It is hoped that both of these interesting and valuable records can be published at an early day. The changing of church officers often leads to the loss of records, and moreover some people are very indifferent about preserving old books and documents. This proceed- ure is all wrong, and very selfish, and it is hoped that the officers of the churches, of whatever denominations, will Preface vii in time see the wisdom of depositing these valuable books in central places where they can be preserved in fire-proof vaults, and become accessible to all who may want to con- sult them. I have often thought too, when looking over some of the imperfectly kept church records of the present day, that it would be a wise movement for the synods to employ someone, specially skilled in keeping such records, to visit the congregations and instruct the pastors or sec- retaries in the art of keeping them correctly, for they too will become of great historic value as the years go by. For the users of the Tohickon church records it may be helpful to state, that the translator has adopted the Eng- lish forms of all Christian names, except when they were rare German names, not in use in English, such as Dietrich, Balthaser, Ludwig or Cunigunda. An exclamation mark after a name means that it is unintelligible to the editor, but is reproduced exactly as it stands in the original. In the case of the surnames or family names, no attempt has been made to substitute forms in use at present, except in a few cases, where obvious scribal errors were corrected, the sur- names are reproduced exactly as found in the original, in- cluding all the scribal variations. The index will help to indicate these variations. While these Tohickon church records are published by the Pennsylvania German Society, their publication was first suggested by Calvin I. Kephart, Esq., of Washington, D. C., whose forebears worshipped in this church, many of whom lie buried in the churchyard. He and some of his relatives, all tracing to the same fountain-heads, have con- tributed liberally and helped to make their publication pos- sible. It is therefore due to these loyal friends of old To- hickon church, that we desire to make this slight recogni- tion of their generosity. The gentlemen contributing are as follows: viil The Pennsuluania-German Society. Calvin I. Kephart, B.S., B.C.S., LL.M., Washington, D: C.; Ralph C. Kephart, Ensign, U. S. Navy, Pacific Coast; Paul Reed, Bedford, Pa.; William A. Weisel, Bedford, Pa.; W. R. Weisel, Tacoma, Washington; John M. Weisel, Akron, Ohio; Lieut. Col. Ermund T. Weisel, Washington, D. C.; Clayton E. Weisel, Minneapolis, Minn.; James Har- old Weisel, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Winfield O. Weisel, Doyles- town, Pa.; Elmer P. Weisel, Philadelphia, Pa.; Oscar W. Weisel, Philadelphia, Pa. We are indeed glad to present a portrait of Rev. Dr. Hinke, the etching of which was placed in this volume without consultation with him. [AF Fackulitaee Riegelsville, Pennsylvania. Table of Contents ix TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I History of the Tohickon Reformed Congregation Page ETLTOCUCULON weiss acioetetaieterdtetsiclelsin ls sus acctene ora cretais is wiaia) atsi's 1 1. Ministry of Rev. John Conrad Wirtz, 1745-48......... 3 2. Ministry of Rev. John Jacob Riess, 1750-56........... 14 3. Ministry of Rev. John Egidius Hecker, 1756-62....... 29 4, Ministry of Rev. John Christopher Gobrecht, 1766-70. 38 5. Ministry of Rev. Caspar Wack, 1771-81..........-+.-- 44 6. Ministry of Rev. John Theobald Faber, 1782-86....... 47 7. Ministry of Rev. John Michael Kern, 1787-88......... 52 8. Ministry of Rev. John William Ingold, 1788-90........ 54 9, Ministry of Rev. John Nicholas Pomp, 1790-97....... 56 10. Ministry of Rev. Jacob Senn, 1799-1818...........++-- 59 11. Ministry of Rev. John A. Strassburger, 1818-54 e 3s 61 PART II Tohickon Reformed Church Records I. Baptismal Records 1. Baptisms by Rev. John Conrad Wirtz................ 65 2. Baptisms by Rev. John Jacob Riess................. 67 3. Baptisms by Rev. John Hgidius Hecker.............. Hts 4. Baptisms by Rev. John Christopher Gobrecht........ 118 5. Baptisms by Rev.-Caspar Wack.............sess.0- 126 6. Baptisms by Rev. John Theobald Faber............. 140 7. Baptisms by Rey. John Michael Kern............... 147 8. Baptisms by Rev. John William Ingold.............. 148 9. Baptisms by Rev. Nicholas Pomp............-+-+++0+. 151 10. Baptisms by Rev. Jacob Semn........... ee eee eeeeees 164 11. Baptisms by Rev. John A. Strassoureercn scent tee « 198 12. Baptisms by Rev. Peter S. Fisher.............++-. 210 II. Marriage Records 1. Marriages by Rev. John Egidius Hecker............. 212 2 Marriages by Rey. Caspar) Wack sco .)ctc du. «js e)s.s semis e 216 3. Marriages by Rev. John Theobald Faber............. 218 4. Marriages by Rev. John Michael Kern............... 219 5. Marriages by Rev. John William Ingold............. 219 6. Marriages by Rev. Nicholas Pomp............+-.+.e:. 219 7. Marriages by Rev. Jacob’ Senn... 2.02 oe. seas 221 8. Marriages by Rev. John A. Strassburger............. 234 The Pennsylvania-German Society. III. Burial Records IV. CD ed as tal Go Ce SOF BO et) ed ae cet Burials by Rev. TORT BH SICIUS WE OCHO arcaeiciis erate enelerels Buriaisipyp Reva Caspar aCko ceiisistantariers sis stelelsleveceunlene Burials by Rev. Burials by Rey. Burials by Rev. Burials by Rev. Burials by Rev. Burials by Rev. of of of of of of of of Catechumens Catechumens Catechumens Catechumens Catechumens Catechumens Catechumens Catechumens VOUDMEMEODAIG WaADe weil wslo vene eriees FOUN Michael Kern yess eislestel sie cials se Fonnawilliam In old Wacics cvela sis sie aleree Nich olasoPOmM Pir ae ei ieisiats s pateteters JACOD: SONU vemickie ae ble crate ino ale sales relate JOON (AS SULAaSsDULECLcn eres ieisis cise s slat ecords of Catechumens Rev. John HEgidius Hecker.......... Rev. John Christopher Gobrecht..... Rev. Caspar owWack ose wacca uence Rey. John Theobald Faber........... Rev. John = Williamyingolde 2,3. ...8 Revi Nicholas) Pompince... eee er Rev J acop Sen wie. ses vier ec reerenete Rev. John A. Strassburger.......... PART III History of Tohickon Lutheran Congregation Introduction eee Ministry of Rev. Ministry of Rev. Ministry of Rev. Ministry of Rev. Ministry of Rev. Ministry of Rey. Ministry of Rev 1798 eee ween Ministry of Rey. i John Martin Schaefer, 1750-53...... Jacob Frederick Schertlein, 1754-1755 John Joseph Roth, 1755-58.......... John Wolt)Lizel.1'760-6b- 2.7. os «0 « . Philip Henry Rapp, 1765-72......... Conrad Roeller, 1774-1795........... . Frederick Wm. Geissenhainer, 1795- eee eer were eee eee ee essere e eee eseeeeeeeee PART IV Tohickon Lutheran Church Record I. Baptismal Records cf Baptisms by an UDENOWD NaNUss acai e s Ua AR Tie 2. Baptisms by Rev. John Martin Schaefer............. Baptisms by Rev. Jacob F. Schertlein............... 3. 337 339 314 342 344 345 351 352 355 Table of Contents xi Page 4, Baptisms by Rev. John Joseph Roth...............-. 361 5. Baptisms by Rev. John Wolf Lizel................-:. 364 6. Baptisms by Rev. Philip Henry Rapp.............. 368 7. Baptisms by Rev. Conrad Roeller................+.-. 372 8. Baptisms by Rev. Frederick Geissenhainer.......... 394 9. Baptisms by Rev. John George Roeller............-- 397 TIA Pinancial Statements: ae cictacssetals siatersi versie + osrelahaielalieisysys els 435 THD eB CatechtUmens;.1826-34 vec ccntieh ast ctevalers sc<'ate's aiviyers) ania a= ni 437 xii Table of Contents ILLUSTRATIONS Autographs Page DOUNT CONTIGO WATUA ete cisls o> uc ice chare tac tereaaate Uh ets ot ti oneusner ctenetal srekete 13 TONNES 1 CUSPELOCIK OL Mae cies iclsicielelspete: severe stein hors oleae vereitiatctal a ateietcte 33 JONNY DHCODALGUIN AMET fe oc idnere o osk cs clouaile sis ‘aya ove ew talstshoneveroisvedater severe 49 ODDIE LLN LS OL Mato levac stale s.spss sh oh osisieletere ss syeters/atalsrorecs ensislenciatetelt 55 List of Title Pages and other Plates Hoven williamedse Hinke + Pie Ds pst emis sce ts cise lerelerstente Frontispiece Memorial Tablet of Rev. John Conrad Wirtz In -eLrormed CHUTCH PAL Wy Ol isp La cle cis siete ti cists e einieravarere ote 14 TOMDSLONG OL RC VenU ACOD MIVICSZets are cisilcrelelaisusleneystelelareieltr sista levee 24 Tombstone of Rev. John Christopher Gobrecht................ 44 Fragment of Autobiography by Rev. Nicholas Pomp.......... 56 TOMDSLONGLOLNROVT NICU OLAS: COMI. seraieie stern is iarenste siealetel sista venshs 58 TombDStOnNeLOLy Revs J ACOD SOlil ca ciatakuis et ciedvorsc wictolele sicleiete elstaters 58 PortraitzoteUlrich (2wineli— 1484-1 5S ea een aicisrs ctecscenelelelsieereiele 63 Title. Pave Dy Reva AcoDLRGlszi tl (49-0... e eis ao sicle wyoistenarstavsie is 68 Title Page by Rev, John Hes Heckers L162 inies wile os a eaie es we 78 Hntriesshy; Rev. John Os Goprechtsl (662. -1c nine «0 tissu ier 118 AULSCHGIN OL; JONN A GAM el inmate aye wie eres elec} t cio fthe si slalehel tierce ares 130 Entries by Rev. Faber and Rev. Ingold, 1782...............0.- 138 Baptismal Entries by John Theobald Faber................2e. 140 Bntriea: by: dtev..Caspar Wacky 1772.0 ecu dws base ake oes cs ok eke Tohickon Union) Churehs) Hrected tiny Uss8nn we aise coe eiese ee 336 Tohickon Union Church, Renovated and Enlarged, 1918....... 356 Portrait.,ot Martin (Duther—1483-1Lb4G0. ws. sce oe oe vsiesic ate 440 HISTORY OF THE TOHICKON REFORMED CON- GREGATION, BEDMINSTER TOWNSHIP BUCKS COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 1745-1854. HE first Reformed people to appear in Bucks county! were the Dutch Reformed. They settled ea in the southern part of the county, along the Nes- fete baminy creek, near the present village of Church- ville, where they organized a Dutch Reformed congregation as early as 1710. The pastors of this congregation preached occasionally to their German Reformed brethren in Phila- delphia county, as, for example, Paulus Van Vlecq at Skip- pack and Whitemarsh during the years 1710-1713. The German Reformed settlers in Bucks county followed the Dutch a decade or two later, for the first traces of a considerable number of German Reformed people, in what was then Bucks county, do not appear until the year 1734. In that year the Rev. John Philip Boehm wrote a letter to Holland, in which he plead for four ministers for Pennsyl- vania. The fourth minister, he wrote, “would greatly be needed at Goshenhoppen, about 36 miles from Philadelphia. He might conduct services there every three weeks, and i It must be remembered that Bucks county extended originally north- ward to the Kittatiny mountains or “as far as the land might be pur- chased from the Indians”. In fact it comprised all territory in Pennsyl- vania north of Philadelphia county. In 1752 Northampton county was erected out of Bucks and until 1812 that county included all territory north of the present boundaries of Bucks county. Lehigh county was erected in 1812 out of part of Northampton. 1 2 The Pennsylvania-German Society. use the rest of the time to feed the poor sheep, at end of the wilderness, in the above-mentioned Saucon, Macungie, Maxatawny and Great Swamp”.? Saucon was then at the end of the wilderness. But already Reformed people from this distant region had been to see Boehm at Whitpain and had asked for his pastoral services. There is a baptism by Boehm at Egypt on record for September 23, 1734. Saucon and Egypt appear again in 1736, when the boy preacher, John Henry Goetschy, entered the Goshenhoppen region. On his circuit, as outlined on the title page of the New Goshenhoppen record, Saucon and Egypt (both then in Bucks county) are mentioned among his preaching sta- tions. Goetschy probably supplied these outlying districts with occasional preaching during the years 1736-1739. With the latter year his ministry in Pennsylvania came to an end. His preaching points in the then Bucks county in- cluded at least Egypt, Great Swamp, Macungie and Sau- con. Goetschy was followed by Peter Henry Dorsius, pas- tor at Neshaminy from 1737-1748, who, although he preached at Neshaminy to the Dutch Reformed people, was a German by birth and visited the German congregations repeatedly. A visit to Saucon by Dorsius is on record for the year 1740. But the full tide of German immigration into the upper parts of Bucks county did not set in till about the year 1740. Beginning with that year and all through the fol- lowing decade numerous new congregations appear, such as Heidelberg in what is now Lehigh county and Salis- bury in the same region. At the latter place John William Straub took out a deed for the church land in 1741. A few years later, in 1746, Michael Schlatter found him at Indian Creek. About the same time the first traces of church life mani- fest themselves at three other places, namely at Springfield, 2 See Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 252f. Tohickon Reformed Church, 3 Tohickon and the Forks of the Delaware. The first pas- tor of these churches was John Conrad Wirtz, who deserves a great deal more credit for his pastoral activity than he has thus far received from Reformed historians. The history of these congregations has often been written in county histories and church papers, but, if must be con- fessed, with a remarkable disregard to historical facts and a surprising neglect of the church records. It has been stated by nearly all writers, even former pas- tors, that the deed for the Tohickon church land was given on September 1, 1743, by Blasius Boyer to the trustees of the Calvanist church in Rockhill township, for fifteen shill- ings. But, as there is no such deed in existence and as Blasius Boyer did not own the land in question till 1747, and furthermore all the facts stated in connection with this deed apply to the actual deed still on record, given on Sep- tember 1, 1753, we may dismiss this earlier deed as an his- torical fiction. The earliest date in connection with the Tohickon con- gregation occurs in the old Reformed church record, whose careful and minute study has been sadly neglected in the past, to the detriment of its history. I: THE MINISTRY OF REV. JOHN CONRAD WIRTZ June 1745 to July 1748. One of the later pastors of the Tohickon congregation, the Rev. John Egidius Hecker, entered into the record twenty-one baptisms, to which he prefixed the following heading: “The following children were baptized by Dominie Con- rad Wiirze.” These baptisms extend from June 16, 1745, to July 17, 1748. Hence we may conclude, with some de- gree of probability, that the ministry of John Conrad Wirtz 4 The Pennsylvania-German Soctety. extended from about June 1745 to about July 1748. More- over, there is every reason to think that he was the first pastor of the congregation and as such its founder. John Conrad Wirtz (originally spelled Wirtz by him, but later changed to Wirtz) was born at Zurich, Switzer- land, on November 30, 1706. He was the son of Rev. John Conrad Wirtz, Sr.2 The elder Wirtz was born May 5, 1661. He was pastor at Kloten and later at Neukirchen. In 1711 he became administrator of the charitable foundation of the Great Minster, the chief church at Zurich, but lost this po- sition in 1728, because of mismanagement. He died May 4, 1730. He was married November 3, 1685, to Magdalena Klingler. This union was blessed with fourteen children, eight of whom died in infancy. They were as follows: 1—Anna Ursula, b. Dec. 28, 1686; died 1691 2 — Magdalena, b. Nov. 27, 1688; died 1731 Aisi ata twins, b. 1690; died young 4 — Conrad, Fe SOntTad, b. May 24, 1691; died 1691 O=- Conrad, b. Aug. 7, 1692; died 1693 7 — Jacob, b. Jan.. 2, 1694; died 1773 8 — Ursula, b. Feb. 12, 1696; died about 1740 9 — Elizabeth, b. Sep. 19, 1697; died 1736 10 — Anna, b. Aug. 27, 1699; died 1703 11 — Conrad, b. Dec. 4, 1701; died 1702 12 — Anna, b. Jan. 16, 1703; died 1704 16 oonrad, b. Nov. 30, 1706; emigrated to Pennsylvania 14— Rudolf, b. Mch. 9, 1709; died 1709 3 According to a sketch of the Wurts family, entitled ‘‘The Ancestry of Theodore F. Wurts and his wife Anna Vanuxen", by John S. Wurts, of Philadelphia, which the author kindly placed at the disposal of the writer, John Conrad Wirtz was not only the son of a minister, but he was descended from a line of three ministerial ancestors, all of whom bore the name John Conrad. His great-grandfather, 1606-1667, entered the ministry 1628; his grandfather, 1631-1682, in 1654; and his father, 1661-1730, in 1682. A more elaborate sketch of the Wirtz (Wurtz) family is found in Chambers, Early Germans of New Jersey, (1895) pp. 561-567, & 596. Tohickon Reformed Church. 5 This list shows that five of their sons had been named Conrad, four of whom died in infancy. The thirteenth child was Conrad or John Conrad, Jr., the subject of this sketch. He no doubt received his training in the Latin school at Zurich, where Henry Goetschy, who later became his brother-in-law, was educated. When he reached hi$ early manhood he went to Holland, where he entered the service of the Dutch navy, as a cadet. He was perhaps induced to make this choice by the fact that the husband of a sister was in the Dutch service, being stationed at The Hague. Soon, however, he gave up his military career and returned to Zurich where he began to practice law. He left Zurich in October 1734, with a large colony of emigrants.* One of his traveling companions, Ludwig Weber, who left the party in Holland and returned to Switzerland, has published a lively account of the diffi- culties which the emigrants had to face and overcome, as they traveled down the Rhine. Wirtz served as commis- sary of the expedition. When the party came to Neuwied, in the neighborhood of Coblenz, four couples, among whom were John Conrad Wirtz and Anna Goetschy, the daughter of the Rev. Maurice Goetschy, the leader of the colony, were married. A recent investigation of the church records at Neuwied shows that the event took place on October 28, 1734.° 4 For a more extensive account of this emigration see the writer’s History of the Goshenhoppen Charge, Lancaster 1920, pp. 96-110, in Vol. XXVII of the Pennsylvania German Society’s proceedings. 5 The entry in the records at Neuwied is as follows: “On the 28th of October 1734, the following persons, members of a Swiss colony, coming from Zurich and traveling to Carolina in America, were joined in mar- riage here in our church: (1) Johann Conrad Wirtz, leader of the above-mentioned colony, and son of the late Johann Conrad Wirtz, De- canus of the reverend college of canons, and archdeacon of the church of the Great Minster at Zurich and minister of the divine Word there, and his bethrothed, Miss Anna Goetschi, daughter of Maurice Goetschi, min- ister of the Word of God, pastor and head of the above-mentioned colony ; (2) John Conrad Giweiler, of Stein on the Rhine and Miss Regula Wein- mann, of Herrliberg, both of the Canton of Zurich; (3) Hans Jacob Rath- 6 - The Pennsylvania-German Society. After many difficulties and trying experiences the colony finally reached Philadelphia on May 29, 1735, by the ship “Mercury”, Captain William Wilson, from Rotterdam. “Conrad Wiirtz” was the first to sign the oath of allegiance in the courthouse at Philadelphia. Exhausted by the fa- tigues of the long and slow journey, the Rev. Maurice Goetschy died on the day of their landing in Philadelphia. Both his son, John Henry Goetschy and his son-in-law, John Conrad Wirtz, became preachers and ministered to the Reformed settlers in Pennsylvania. The early activity of Wirtz is described by the Rev. John Philip Boehm, who in his last report to Holland, in the year 1748, writes: “He was accepted at Old Goshenhoppen to teach school. But they soon got tired of him and sent him away. Afterwards the Men- nonites in Cannastocka accepted him for the same work, but he was dismissed by them just as quickly.’ Later we find Wirtz preaching to the Reformed people jn Lehigh and Bucks counties. From September 1742 to December 1743, he was preaching and baptizing at Egypt, Lehigh county, where he headed a series of nine baptisms in the church record with the statement: “The beginning was made in 1742. Baptized by me, John Conrad Wuertz, V.D.M. Helvetico-Tigurinus.””” In 1745, he appears at Saucon and Allemaengel. On August 29, 1745, the minutes of the Moravian Helpers’ Con- ference at Bethlehem, Pa., report: “The pastor at Saucon, who has had oil made for him- self, confesses that he would like to be a brother.” This is geb, of Walliselen and Barbara Haller of Walliselen, of the Canton of Zurich, (4) Hans Conrad Hiiff, of Walliselen and Catharine Issler, of Haller, of the canton of Zurich.” This extract was secured through the kind assistance of Prof, Dr. L. Lemme, of Heidelberg University. 6 See Life and Letters of Boehm, p. 447f. 7 See the Egypt Record, as printed in the Pennsylvania Archives, 6th series, Vol. VI, p. 7. Tohickon Reformed Church, 7 corroborated by the Lower Saucon church record, in which “Mr. Wurtz” heads the list of ministers of that congrega- tion, which was drawn up about 1792 by the Rev. John Mann, a later pastor. When Michael Schlatter came to Pennsylvania, Wirtz went to see him, October 14, 1746. About this interview Schlatter writes in his private diary :* “One of these days there came to me a certain man, named Wirtz, of Zurich, a son-in-law of the old Goetschi, who died in this country. He visited me with his wife in Philadelphia, to recommend him- self to me and to ask my counsel. He was very frank, confess- ing his fault of having presumed to act as a minister, without ordination, but he had done so only because of his need and poverty and at the solicitation of the farmers. But now, having heard my commission, he was perfectly willing to submit to my directions and instantly cease administering the holy sacraments, if I were willing and able to help him to obtain a meagre subsistence. Finally he asked humbly whether there were no possibility for him of being ordained to the ministry. Whereupon I answered him that I did not know him, nor had any positive information about his conduct, life and teaching and the disposition of the people toward him. Further- more, I told him, I would do nothing against my conscience, nor act to the detriment of the church of God. But next summer I would carefully investigate his case and then, if it seemed feasible, submit it to the Reverend Fathers and await their reply. With this he seemed to be well satisfied.” During the following summer Schlatter carried out his intention and visited Saucon on June 28-29, 1747. He came from Maxatawny, a distance of twenty-five miles. He de- scribes his visit in his diary :° “T left soon after the sermon, and went twenty-five miles farther to Sacony, a congregation which is served by a certain Mr. J. C. 8 Published by the writer in the Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society, Vol. III, p. 120. In his Life of Schlatter (p. 137) Dr. Harbaugh gives October 15th as the day of this visit, but in the German text before the writer it is October 14th. It is given correctly in Harbaugh, Fathers, Vol. I, p. 388. The account of the interview, as given by Schlatter in the journal published by him in 1751, differs only in some minor details from that given above from his private journal. 9 Harbaugh, Schlatter’s Life and Travels, p. 162. 8 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Wirtz, to whom I have already referred. Here I preached on the 29th, and, when after the services I laid my instruction before them, I asked them, whether they would have Mr. Wirtz, who was also present, as their minister, in case he should be regularly qualified by the Reverend Christian Synod? The congregation was not en- tirely unanimous; some desired rather to have another regular min- ister, in order that full unity might be restored in the congregation.” On the same day Schlatter visited Springfield, nine miles from Lower Saucon, to which Wirtz ministered also, and where he found the same condition as at Lower Saucon. The Coetus minutes of 1747 (p. 37) state that: “In Saucon, Forks, Springfield, etc., the people are well satisfied with Conrad Wirtz, of Zurich, some few excepted. Poverty hurts the man much in his ministry, but because he means well and no one can speak evil of him, therefore the circumstances with regard to this person and said congregations shall be favorably reported to Holland.” This quotation adds another congregation to those men- tioned before, namely Forks, or Forks of the Delaware, now part of Easton, where an early Union church stood on the south side of the Lehigh river in Williams township, near where the South Easton water works are located." A fifth congregation of Wirtz is mentioned in the minutes of the Helpers’ Conference, already referred to. They state under date September 13, 1745: “Conrad Wirtz, a Re- formed preacher at Allemaengel, who has been against us, is now in favor of us.” The Tohickon records add Tohick- on also to the charge of Wirtz. Hence his field consisted of at least six congregations. There may have been still others, where we cannot now trace his presence through historical documents.” 10 That it was a union church is definitely stated in an article, which appeared in the ‘Weekly Messenger’, of February 8, 1837, and was written most likely by the Rev. Thomas Pomp, from 1796-1850 pastor of the Reformed church at Easton. In it occurs this statement: “The first church in which the Easton congregation worshipped stood at the foot of Morgan Hill, about a mile and a half from town, a little to the left of the old Philadelphia road’. 11 A seventh congregation of Wirtz may have been one which Schlatter Tohickon Reformed Church. 9 If a statement of the well-known historian Prof. I. Daniel Rupp,’? can be trusted, Conrad Wirtz was a probationer at the Coetus in 1749. If this is correct, the ministry of Wirtz in all these congregations extended from 1745-1749. Failing to receive the approval of the Fathers in Holland, under whom the Coetus of Pennsylvania was then carrying on its work, Mr. Wirtz turned to the Presbyterians. On September 27, 1750, the Synod of New York received a pe- tition from the “High Dutch” congregation of Rockaway, in the township of Lebanon, New Jersey. The minutes of the Synod state: “The High Dutch congregation of Rockaway, in the township of Lebanon, applied to the Synod that they may be taken under the care of this Synod, and that a certain person now preaching among them may be taken under examination, and if approved, ordained a minister to them. The Synod, in order to clear their way to trans- act anything with said people, do appoint Mr. Pemberton to make inquiry of the Dutch ministers in New York, whether said people belong to their jurisdiction; and he is to acquaint a committee of the Synod how that matter is. And the Synod appoints Messrs. Pierson, Burr, Arthur, Smith and Spencer, their committee, to sit at such time and place as they shall appoint, and transact in said affair, according as things shall then appear to them.’’?3 At the meeting of the Synod of New York on September in his diary calls ‘Lehigh’. On June 24-26, 1747, he visited the congrega- tions in Manatawny [read Maxatawny], Magunschy [Ziegel], Egypt and near the Lehigh [bey der Lechouw], a circuit of 45 miles, after which he came to Bethlehem. On the 30th, Schlatter mentions, in connection with Springfield, “in this region are four or five small congregations, namely Saccony, Forks of Delaware, Springfield and Lehigh, which would be able to contribute about 35 pounds or 233 Dutch guilders for the support of a minister’. As Wirtz supplied the first three, it is probable that he sup- plied also the fourth. But what congregation is Lehigh? It has been suggested (Reformed Church Review, XX, 1916, 89) that it was Stone Church, Northampton county. But, according to Schlatter’s diary, it should be on the road from Egypt to Bethlehem. This would fit Eastern Salisbury, Salisbury township, Lehigh county, where a union church was built in 1759, “after the Indians had again ceased to burn and to kill in this neighborhood”. It may well be that there was an earlier organiza- tion in this neighborhood. 12 Rupp, History of Berks and Lebanon Counties, p. 444. 13 Records of the Presbyterian Church, Vol. I, pp. 242 and 245. 10 The Pennsylvania-German Society. 26, 1751, the committee reported that “difficulties arising in their way from time to time they have not been able to do anything in it.” But they recommend that the matter be referred to the Presbytery of New Brunswick, “to transact in it according as they shall judge best, when matters are fully before them.” As the action of the Presbytery of New Brunswick regarding Mr. Wirtz has never been published in full, we shall insert a full statement of the case. As the last sentence of the Synodical minutes intimates, the matter had already been laid before the Presbytery, when the Synod took action in 1751, committing the whole case to the Presbytery for final decision. At its meeting at Woodbury, on the second day of the sessions, September 3, 1751, the minutes state :** “Mr. Wortz having applied to the Presbytery to be taken under trials and the Presbytery having considered the case, and heard something of his Christian experience, and examined him in some parts of learning, are willing to encourage him, and for further trial do appoint him to make a sermon in Latin on John III: 3, and an exegesis on that question, an justitia Christi justificamur,’® to to be delivered to the Presbytery that will sit at Neshaminy the first Wednesday of November.” When the Presbytery met at Neshaminy, November 6, 1751, the minutes give us the following information about the case of Mr. Wirtz: “Mr. Wortz attended the Presbytery and gave in the pieces of trial assigned to him by our last, viz.: a sermon in Latin on John III: 3, and an exegesis on the question, an justitia Christi justi- ficamur, and the Presbytery, having taken them under considera- tion, do agree to sustain them. But the Presbytery, having received a letter from the German Coetus, containing some complaints against Mr. Wortz’s conduct (for which he made a suitable retrac- tion to our Presbytery) yet do judge it necessary for promoting peace and order of the churches, that Presbytery suspend their 14 These extracts from the Ms. minutes of the New Brunswick Presby- tery were made for the writer by the present Stated Clerk of that presby- tery, the Rev. George H. Ingram of Trenton, N. J. 15 i. e., “Whether we are justified by the righteousness of Christ’? Tohickon Reformed Church. II further proceedings till the matter be more thoroughly inquired into, and do agree to send a letter to the above said brethren, as soon as may be, in order to have said difficulty removed out of the way, and do appoint Mr. Beatty to draw up a letter and bring it unto the Presbytery the next sederunt.” “The 7th day at 10 o’clock, Mr. Beatty brought in the letter according to appointment, and it was approved, and ordered to be translated into Latin by the moderator, and sent to them.” At the next meeting of Presbytery at Cranbury, May 27, 1752, the case of Wirtz was finally brought to a successful conclusion. The minutes state: “Mr. Wortz brought into the Presbytery a letter from our breth- ren of the German Coetus, in answer to what was sent them by or- der of our Presbytery that sat last fall, wherein they declare that they have received full satisfaction from him with regard to his former proceeding in the ministry, and do recommend him to us under the divine blessing, wishing us to forward him to the glory of God and edification of His Church.” “The people of Rockaway supplicate the Presbytery for the speedy ordination fo Mr. Wortz, if the Presbytery see their way clear.” “The affair of Mr. Wortz resumed:—The Presbytery finding all difficulties as to his ordination removed, do think it may be for the interests of religion in that congregation to expedite his ordina- tion and therefore do appoint Friday the 8th day of June next to be the day of his ordination, to be attended at Rockaway at 11 of the clock, and do appoint Messrs. McCrea, Byram, Lewis and Kennedy to attend it, and Mr. Lewis shall preach the sermon and Mr. McCrea preside in said affair.” Mr. Wirtz ministered to the Reformed people at Rocka- way, N. J., till 1761. He does not seem to have taken his duties as a Presbyter very seriously. From 1752 to 1761, he attended the meetings of the Synod of New York only twice, in 1752 and 1753. In 1754, he complained to Pres- bytery “with respect to the deficiency of his congregation.” On October 21, 1761, he was given a letter of dismission and thus he passed out of the Presbyterian church. He had accepted a call from the German Reformed church at York, Pa., but he did not move into his new field of labor I2 The Pennsylvania-German Society. till May 1762. After having entered his new charge, he made the following interesting entry into the church record at York: “On the 2ist of August, of the year of our dear Redeemer, Jesus Christ, 1761, I, John Conrad Wirtz, minister of the Word of God, and installed preacher and teacher in the congregation of Rock- away and Valley in Jersey, received a letter from this congregation through Mr. Balthasar Spengel [Spangler] in which I was re- quested to preach to them, in the hope that the Merciful God would lovingly unite my heart with that of this forsaken flock, to the end that they might be thus again supplied with a faithful pastor and teacher. Under the divine protection and by His gracious will I consented to this request and concluded to undertake this journey with the above-mentioned Mr. Spangler. Accordingly we set out on our journey on August 27th, and arrived safely, and in good health, on the 1st day of September. On the Sunday following I preached my first sermon, which together with three or four additional dis- courses the Father of Lights blessed in such a way that the re- spected congregation unanimously manifested their love towards me and showed such perfect confidence in me that they requested me to accept their call, inasmuch as Mr. Lischy had left them and they were without a pastor.” “A call was therefore handed to me, signed by the then elders and members of the congregation, dated September 13, 1761, which call I was unable to decline, but accepted it in the name of God, but on this condition, that I secure the consent of my congrega- tions and the Reverend Presbytery of New Brunswick, by which I had been ordained to the holy ministry.” “Subsequently, after obtaining the consent of my congregations and receiving a dismission from the Reverend English Presbytery of Brunswick, dated the 21st of October, 1761, I removed to this place in the name of the Lord Jesus, and arrived on the 5th day of May 1762 in this congregation. On the following Sunday, being the 9th of May, I preached my introductory sermon from Revela- tions 10:10, that I might henceforth serve this congregation, ac- cording to the grace of God granted to me, with the preaching of the Word and administration of the Sacraments. To this end may the Merciful God, for the sake of Jesus, grant and communicate the grace, strength and assistance of His holy Spirit. May 12th, 1762. John Conrad Wirtz, V. D. M.” The ministry of Wirtz at York was of short duration. A Tohickon Reformed Church. 13 later entry in the record at York, states: “The Reverend Conrad Wuertz died on the 21st of September 1763, and was buried on the 23rd.” He entered 83 baptisms into the York record, the last one on August 14, 1763, from which we can infer that he was sick only a short time.*™ In 1902, Charles P. Wurts, Sr., of Chicago, compiled and published a “Wurts Genealogy” which shows the many de- scendants of Rev. John Conrad Wirtz,** some of whom be- came prominent in the affairs of our country. Mr. Wurts however fails to mention his great-great grandson, Hon. George Theodore Werts, who became governor of New Jersey in 1893, and who was descended through the follow- fe We We Signature of the Rev. John Conrad Wirtz, from the Kreutz Creek record. ing line: (1) Peter Wurts, son of Rev. John Conrad, mar- ried February 3, 1774, with Eleanor Roelofson, daughter of Hermanes Roelofson, they had children as shown by the record of the Reformed church of Lebanon, N. J., one of whom (2) Hermanes, born October 5, 1776, married Je- mima Wilmot. Their son (3) Peter Werts was born in 1804 at Somerville, N. J., and died at Bordentown, N. J.; he 15a Mr. Wirtz ministered not only at York, but also in the neighboring Kreutz Creek, as his signature in the church record of that congregation plainly shows. 16 According to Mr. John S. Wurts of Philadelphia, John Conrad Wurts had six children, one daughter and five sons, namely: (1) Anna Maria Magdalena, born August 17th and baptized August 20, 1735, at Christ Church, Philadelphia; (2) Conrad, who died in Roxbury, N. Jo AEG T leaving a widow, Anna, and several daughters; (3) John, born June 30, 1744, probably in Bucks county. He married, June 8, 1778, Sarah Grandin. He became a successful iron manufacturer, who died September 14, 1793; (4) George; (5) Peter, one of whose prominent descendants is traced above, and (6) Maurice. See also Chambers, lc., p. 596. 14 The Pennsylvania-German Society. married Mary Vanatta, daughter of Stephen Vanatta of Morristown, N. J., and their son was (4) Gov. George Theo- dore Werts, who was born March 24, 1846, at Hacketts- town, N. J. He was admitted to the bar in 1867, was mayor of Morristown 1886-1892; senator from Morris county 1886- 1892, serving in 1889 as president of the senate; then in 1893-96 governor of New Jersey. He died January 17, 1910, and lies buried at Morristown. Rev. John Conrad Wirtz was buried under the altar of the old First Reformed church at York, Pa., the floor of the church not having been laid at that time. On May 9, 1914 his body was removed to Zion’s Reformed church at York, and a bronze tablet placed over his grave of which the etching shown herewith is a copy. Il. THE MINISTRY OF REV. JOHN JACOB RIESS August 1749 to March 1756. The successor of Wirtz at Tohickon was Jacob Riess, an- other independent Reformed minister, who was never a member of the Coetus of Pennsylvania. Jacob Riess, or, to give him his full name, John Jacob Riess, was born April 10, 1706, in Germany, but the exact place of his birth has not yet been ascertained. He arrived in the port of Philadelphia with the ship “Robert and Alice,” Hartley Cussack, master, from Rotterdam, and qual- ified September 24, 1742.17 With him came John George Riess, perhaps a brother, and Philip Fackenthal, the an- cestor of Dr. B. F. Fackenthal, Jr., of Riegelsville, Pa. In. August 1749, Riess appears as pastor at Tohickon. On August 27, 1749, he entered his first baptism into the record, heading it with the following superscription: 17 See Rupp’s Thirty Thousand Names, p. 157. In this place his name appears as “John Jacob Riess’. nirs 419) 3{0)9) ()2 93) REVEREND. JOHN CONTIN Memorial Tablet of the Rev. John Conrad Wirtz, erected in Zion’s Reformed Church, York, Pa., May 9, 1914 Tohickon Reformed Church. 15 “Church Record for the Reformed congregation on the Tohickon in Bedminster Township. By me were entered these children, whom I, Jacob Riess, have baptized.” From August 27, 1749, to March 28, 1756, Riess entered 165 bap- tisms into the Tohickon record. No marriages or burials were recorded by him. It was during his ministry that the first church land was bought at Tohickon. .As the deed*® is an important document for the history of the congrega- tion, we insert it in full: DEED OF THE TOHICKON CHURCH LAND, SEPTEMBER 1, 1753. This Indenture made the first day of September in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and fifty three Between Blasius Boyer alias place of Tretiffrin Township in the County of Chester Innholder and Catharine his wife of the one part and Jacob Rees of Rockhill Township in the County of Bucks, Clerk, Martin Shaffer of the same place, Clerk, Ludwig Wildanger of Bed- minster Township in the said County Yeoman Adam Dany of Hill- town, in the said County Yeoman, Frederick Salendin of Bedmin- ster aforesaid Yeoman, Nikolas Weichel, of Rockhill aforesaid, Yeo- man, Rudolph Drach of Bedminster aforesaid Yeoman, and Bal- thasar Ehrbach of Hilltown aforesaid Yeoman, of the other part. Whereas the Honorable the Proprietaries of the Province of Penn- sylvania and Counties annexed by their patent or Grant under the great Seal of the said Province bearing Date the fourteenth day of January Annogque Domini 1743 for the consideration therein men- tioned did give grant bargain release and confirm unto Peter Gruber of Rockhill in the County of Bucks aforesaid Yeoman certain One Hundred and fifty acres of Land, situate on a Branch of Tohickon Creek called Three Mile Run in the said County by meets and Bounds in the said patent specified, Together with the Appurten- ances To hold to him the said Peter Gruber his Heirs and Assigns for ever under the yearly Rent of one half penny Sterling or Value thereof in Coin Current etc. as in and by the said recited Patent Recorded at Philadelphia in the Rolls Office in Patent Book A Vol. 13, page 167 etc., if a Relation being thereunto had may more at large appear, 18 We owe this copy of the deed to the kindness of the present pastor of the Tohickon Reformed Church, the Rev. S. E, Moyer of Perkasie, Pa. 16 The Pennsylvania-German Society. And Whereas by Indenture Bearing Date the second day of April Annoque Domini 1747 made or mentioned to be made by and Be- tween the said Peter Gruber and Barbary his wife of the one part and John Philip de Berthold of Germantown in the County of Philada, Surgeon, of the other part, he the said Peter Gruber and Barbary his wife for the Consideration therein mentioned did grant Bargain Sell release and confirm unto the said John Philip de Berthold and to their Heirs and Assigns all that above recited One Hundred and Fifty acres of Land together with the Appurtenances To Hold to him the said John Philip Berthold his Heirs and As- signs for ever by said recited Indenture Recorded or Intended to be recorded in the Office for Recording of Deeds for the County of Bucks, Relation being thereunto had may more at large appear. And Whereas by Indenture bearing date the twenty-seventh day of April Annoque Domini 1747 aforesaid, made or mentioned to be be made by and between the said John Philip de Berthold and Anna Catharine his Wife of the One part and the said Blasius Boyer of the other part, He the said John Philip de Berthold and Marie [sic] Catharine his wife for the consideration therein mentioned did grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said Blasius Boyer and to his Heirs and Assigns all that the above mentioned and recited One Hundred and Fifty Acres together with the Appur- tenances, To hold to him his Heirs and Assigns for ever as by said recited Indenture Recorded or Intended to be recorded in the Office for Recording of Deeds for the County of Bucks, relation being thereunto had may more at length appear. Now this Indenture Witnesseth that the said Blasius Boyer and Catharine his wife for and in consideration of the sum of fifteen Shillings Lawful Money of Pennsylvania unto them in Hand well and truly paid by the said Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Salendin Niclas Weichel Rudoiph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach at and Before the Sealing and de- livery hereof the receipt whereof they the said Blasius Boyer and Catharine his wife do hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Salendin Nicolas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach their Heirs and assigns, by these presents have granted bargained sold released and Confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain Sell Release and Confirm unto the said Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Salendin Nicholas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach and to their Heirs and assigns a certain Messuage or Tene- Tohickon Reformed Church, 17 ment and piece or Tract of Land situate Lying and Being in Rock- hill in the County of Bucks on a Branch of Tohickon Creek called the Three Mile Run aforesaid and part of the above mentioned One Hundred and fifty Acres of Land, Beginning at a post in William Armstrong’s Line and from thence Extending northwest twenty four perches to a post on the great Road, Thence along the said road South twenty four perches to a post, thence Hast twenty eight degrees north eighteen perches to the place of Beginning, Containing One Acre one quarter of an acre and sixteen perches of Land, be the same more or less, Together also with all and singular other the Buildings Improvements Ways Woods Waters Water courses Rights Liberties Privileges Hereditaments and Appurtenances what- soever thereunto belonging or in any wise Appertaining and the Reversions and Remainders thereof and all the Estate Right Title and Interest property Claim and Demand whatsoever of him the said Blasius Boyer and Catharine his wife of in and to the Prem- ises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted or in any part thereof, To have and to Hold the said Messuage or Tenement and one acre and one quarter of an acre and sixteen perches of Land Hereditaments and premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the Appurtenances unto the said Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Sallendin Nicolas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach, their Heirs and As- signs To the only proper Use and Behoof of them the said Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Sal- lendin Nicolas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach, their Heirs and Assigns for Ever, Under the proportionable part of the yearly quit rent hereafter accurring [sic] for the hereby granted Premises to the Chief Lord of the Fee thereof, And the said Blasius Boyer doth hereby covenant Promise and Grant for him and his Heirs and for the said Catharine his Wife and her Heirs to and with the said Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Sallendin Nicolas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach and their Heirs and Assigns That the said Blasius Boyer and his Heirs the said Land and premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the Appurtenances unto the said Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Sallendin Nicolas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Bal- thasar Ehrbach their Heirs and Assigns against him the said Blasius Boyer and his Heirs and against the said Catharine his wife and her Heirs and against all other person & Persons whatsoever, lawfully Claiming or to Claim by from and under him, them or 18 The Pennsylvania-German Society. any of them, shall and will Warrant and forever Defend by these presents. In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have in- terchangeably set their Hands and Seals Hereunto. Dated the day and year first above Written. Sealed and delivered in the presence of Blasius Boyer (seal) John Heny and Simons Irwing her Catharine B Boyer (seal) mark The twentieth day of November 1758, Before me, Simon Butler, Esq., One of the Justices of the peace for the County of Bucks Came Henry Heany Adam Tony and Nicolas Wigle who upon their Re- spective Solemn Oaths did Swear and Declare that they and each of them saw the within named Blasius Boyer and Catharine his wife Sign Seal and Deliver the within Written Indenture or Con- veyance as their Act and Deed. Witness my hand and seal the day and year above said. Recorded the 15th of February 1768 S. Butler (Seal) (Recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, Doylestown, Bucks County, Deed Book 12 D, Vol. 3, No. 12, pp. 51-52.) There is only one point in this deed which needs to be emphasized. It is, that the first two persons to whom Blasius Boyer and his wife sold this land, Jacob Rees and Martin Shaffer, were the Reformed and Lutheran pastor respectively. They, together with the six men associated with them in buying this land, acted in their private ca- pacity when they secured this land. This appears from a second deed, or declaration of trust, which was executed a few days later, by which they transferred the land to four trustees of the two congregations. Although this deed is the more important document, it has been strangely over- looked by all earlier historians. To bring out its import- ance and to render it accessible to all interested in the his- tory of the congregation, we present it in full. It reads as follows: DEED OF CHURCH LAND GIVEN TO TRUSTEES, SEPTEMBER 6, 1758. This Indenture made the Sixth Day of September of the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven [Hundred] and fifty three Between Tohickon Reformed Church, 19 Jacob Rees Clerk and Martin Shaffer Clerk both of Rockhill in the County of Bucks, Ludwig Wildanger of Bedminster Yeoman, Adam Dany of the said County Yeoman, Frederick Sallendin of Bedmin- ster aforesaid Yeoman, Nicolas Weigel of Rockhill in the said County Yeoman, Rudolph Drach of Bedminster aforesaid Yeoman and Balthasar Ehrbach of Hilltown in the said County Yeoman of the One part and Jacob Rohr yeoman and John Worman yeoman and Michael Lot!82 yeoman all of Rockhill in the said County and John Bernhard of the same place yeoman, of the other Part, Whereas by a certain Indenture Bearing the date the first day of September Instant made or mentioned to be made between Blasius Boyer of Tretiffrin Township in the County of Chester Innholder and Catharine his wife of the one part and Jacob Rees Martin Shaf- fer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Sallendin Nicolas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach aforesaid by the other part he the said Blasius Boyer and Catharine his wife for the Consideration therein mentioned did grant Bargain Sell release and Confirm unto the said Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Sallendin Nicolas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach and their Heirs and Assigns a certain Mesu- suage or Tenement and piece of ground thereunto belonging in the said Indenture particularly described as by the said Recited In- denture Relation being thereunto had may more at large appear. Now this Indenture witnesseth that the sd. Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Sallendin Nicolas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach for and in consider- ation of the Special Trust and Confidence which the Members of the Lutheran and Calvinist Congregations in these parts do put in them and for certain causes and Intentions hereinafter mentioned as also for and in consideration of the sum of five shillings unto them well and truly paid the Receipt whereof they do hereby Ackwnowledge Have granted bargained sold released and confirmed and by these presents do grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said Jacob Rohr John Worman Michael Lot and John Bernard and to their Successors Trustees of the Lutheran and Calvinist Congregation aforesaid all that the Above mentioned Messuage or Tenement and Tract of Land thereunto belonging Situate in Rock- hill aforesaid on a Branch of Tohickon Creek Beginning at a post in William Armstrongs Line and from Thence Extending North West twenty four perches to a post in the great Road thence along 18a The correct name of this trustee was no doubt Michael Ott, who ap- pears in the baptismal records repeatedly, beginning with the year 1749. 20 The Pennsylvania-German Society. the said Road south twenty four Perches to a post Thence East Twenty eight Degrees North Highteen perches to the place of Be- ginning Containing One Acre one quarter and sixteen perches of Land or thereabouts be the same more or less Together with all and singular other the Buildings Improvements Ways Woods Waters Water Courses Rights Liberties Privileges Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining and the Reversions and Remainders thereof, which Messuage or Tenement is now converted and erected into a church and forever Hereafter to be called or known by the name of St. Peters Church, upon special Trust and Confidence and to the End and Intent that the premises hereby granted or mentioned or in- tended to be hereby granted with the Appurtenances shall for ever hereafter be to and for the only use Benefit and Behoof of the Lutheran and Calvinist Congregations and to and for no other Use and Intent whatsoever that is to say: To have and to hold The one full equal and undivided moiety or half part of the above named St. Peters Church Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the Appurtenances unto the said Jacob Rohr and John Worman and their successors Trustees of the Lutheran Congregation and for ever to have and to hold the other one full equal and undivided Moiety or half part of the above named St. Peters Church Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted or mentioned to be granted with the Appurtenances unto the said Michael Lot and John Bernard and their Successors Trus- tees of the Calvinist Congregation for Ever Under the Proportion- able part of the yearly Quit Rent hereafter accurring [sic] for the Hereby granted Premises to the Chief Lord of the Fee thereof and the said Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Sallendin Nicolas Weigel Rudolph Drach & Balthasar Ehrbach do covenant promise and Grant to and with the said Jacob Rohr and John Worman Michael Lot and John Bernard and their successors respectively that they the said Jacob Ress Martin Shaf- fer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Sallendin Nicholas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach and their Heirs re- spectively the said Messuage or Tenement Hereditaments and Prem- ises hereby Granted or mentioned to be granted with the Appurte- nances unto the said Jacob Rohr John Worman Michael Lot and John Bernard and their Successors against them the said Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frederick Sal- lendin Nicholas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehrbach and their Heirs and against all other Person and Persons what- Tohickon Reformed Church, 21 soever Lawfully claiming or to Claim by from or under them or any of them shall and will warrant and for Ever Defend by these Presents. In witness whereof the said parties to these presents have inter- changeably set their Hands and Seals Hereunto. Dated the day and year first above written. Ludwig Wildanger (seal) Adam Dany (seal) Jacob Rees (seal) Frederick Sallendin (seal) Nicolas Weigel (seal) Martin Shaffer Rudolph Drach (seal) his (seal) Balthasar X Ehrbach (seal) mark The twentieth day of November Anno Domini 1758 Before me, Simon Butler, Esq. one of the Justices etc. came the within named Jacob Rees Martin Shaffer Ludwig Wildanger Adam Dany Frede- rick Sallendin Nicolas Weigel Rudolph Drach and Balthasar Ehr- bach and acknowledged the above written Indenture to be their Act and Deed respectively and desired that the same may be Re- corded as their Deed. Witness my hand and Seal the day and year aforesaid. Recorded the 16th of February 1768. S. Butler (Seal) In this deed there are several points to which attention may be directed. When the deed was first drawn up, in September 1753, a church building was already standing on the church land, and the church was known from the be- ginning as St. Peter’s church. The first trustees were: Jacob Rohr and John Worman for the Lutheran congrega- tion, Michael Ott and John Bernhard for the Reformed congregation. Finally, the area of the church land was one acre and fifty-six perches, and it was situated in what was then Rockhill township. But the activity of Mr. Riess was not confined to To- hickon. It embraced a number of neighboring congrega- tions. One of them was Lower Saucon. Into the To- hickon record John Egidius Hecker entered twelve bap- tisms which Riess performed at Saucon from January 1750 to July 1752, although it is likely that the ministry of Riess at Saucon extended, as at Tohickon, from 1750-1756. 22 The Pennsylvania-German Society. The charge of Riess comprised also Indian Creek. He preached there apparently from June 1753 to August 1766. Between these two dates he entered 256 baptisms into the Indian Creek record. In 1760, Riess became pastor of Springfield, in Spring- field township, Bucks county, near Pleasant Valley post- office. He baptized the first child there August 24, 1760, and the last one November 2, 1763, officiating during that period at 47 baptisms. It is probable that here also, as at Indian Creek, his ministry extended to 1766, for no suc- cessor to Riess appears at Springfield till the latter year. In 1764, Riess accepted several other congregations farther south, in the Goshenhoppen region. At New Gosh- enhoppen his baptismal entries run from October 1765 to January 1766, though it is certain from other evidence that his pastorate there began earlier and ended later. The minutes of the Coetus of May 8-9, 1765, report Riess at Goshenhoppen. At Old Goshenhoppen he seems to have entered his first baptism on June 5, 1764, and his last on March 15, 1766. That was probably the extent of his min- isterial activity in the Goshenhoppen region. Although his name does not appear in the Great Swamp record, we know that he preached there, for the Coetal minutes of Septem- ber 3-4, 1766, report that “Old Goshenhoppen, as well as Great Swamp, has dismissed their shoemaker, Ries by name. They earnestly request that we provide them with a minister.” When this report reached the Fathers in Hol- land they replied under date June 26, 1767, advising that Mr. Frederick Daelliker be sent as pastor to these congre- gations. This suggestion was, however, not carried out. On September 24, 1760, Jacob Rees, of Rockhill town- ship, Bucks county, was naturalized by the Supreme Court, held on that date at Philadelphia.*® 19 These naturalizations are printed in full in the Publications of the Huguenot Society of London, Vol. XXIV, Manchester, 1921. Tohickon Reformed Church, 23 After the year 1766 Riess probably retired from the ac- tive ministry, for his name is not found in any church rec- ord after that date. However, he continued his interest in his churches, for at his death he left £10 to the trustees at Indian Creek, for the instruction of poor children.?? To judge from his entries in the various records the work of Riess was done faithfully and to the best of his ability. At any rate he supplied churches which but for his preaching would have been for years without any pastoral care. For- merly these independent ministers were looked down upon as being religious tramps, without any training and conse- cration. Some no doubt deserve this harsh judgment, but others did a useful work, even though they did not enjoy official recognition. Riess lived, probably in retirement, on his farm in Rock- hill township. His tomb is in the Tohickon cemetery. The inscription on his tombstone reads: : Hier Ruhet in Gott JACOB RIESZ. Gewessener Reformirter Prediger Gebohren den 10. April 1706. Gestorben den 23. December 1774. Nach Ausgestandener Miihsamkeit und Ruh meine Schrifften darzu Bis sich der liebe jiingste Tag Nahet herzu. As the seventh line is unintelligible, we can only guess at the meaning of the latter part of the inscription. The whole seems to mean: “Here rests in God Jacob Riess, late Reformed preacher, born April 10, 1706, died December 23, 1774. After enduring earthly troubles now I rest from my labors [?] until the dear last day approaches.” From all appearance Riess deserves his humble place in Reformed church history. 20 The receipt of this money is noted in the account book of the Indian Creek church, see Lieut. Col. Jacob Reed, by Dr. W. H. Reed, Norristown 1905, p. 158f. 24 The Pennsylvania-German Society. A short time ago the writer discovered the last will and testament of Mr. Riess in the Register of Wills Office at Philadelphia. It was signed by Riess on October 13, 1769, and was probated on January 3, 1775. As this document gives us an interesting insight into his family life, we publish it in full. It reads as follows: THE WILL OF JACOB RIESS, OCTOBER 13, 1769. In the name of God, Amen. I Jacob Rees?! of Rockhill Township in the County of Bucks and Province of Pennsylvania, being sick in body but of sound and perfect memory, thanks be to Almighty God, and calling to re- membrance the uncertain Estate of this transitory Life and that all flesh must yield unto Death when it shall please God to call, do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say: First, I give and devise to my dear wife Mary Catharine the sum of Eighty two pounds Current lawful Money of Pennsylvania to be paid on the next 27th of November after my Decease, besides one bond of Highteen Pounds from Adam Goar which was payable in the year 1756 the said Bond to be delivered to my said wife when demanded after my decease and I also give and devise unto my said wife one of my best cows and one of my best Heiffers and I also further give and Devise to my said wife my bed and beddings and her choice of as much household goods as she shall stand in need of and also two books, viz. Zollenkoffers Prayer Book and a Psalm Book. I also give and devise unto my son-in-law Peter Henry all the Rest and Residue of my goods Chattels and Personal Estate what- soever after my just Debts and Legacies aforesaid are paid. I also give and devise unto my said son-in-law Peter Henry all that my Messuage Tenement or Plantation with the Appurtenances situate in Rock Hill Township wherein we now live to hold to him the said Peter Henry his Heirs and Assigns for Ever. Provided never- theless that my said wife shall live in the House wherein we now live continuing her natural life and shall have the one half of the 21 The name has sometimes (Good, History, p. 521) been spelled “Reiss”, but there is no justification for that. He himself spelled it con- sistently “Riess”. It is so given on his tombstone. His will has “Rees”, which indicates the proper pronunciation. Hier Ruhet win Gott. JACOB. RIESZ. GCeweffener Reformirter Pred iget| Gebehren, den lO Appril! 706. | Geforbenden 23. decemberl7 74. Nach Aufoeftandener Milifanikejt, | 3 ; \und Rukh meine Sehriffren darzuy, oe ; ts Bit Heh der Itelse Jungfte lag, 43 Nahet Her mip yi” & lis Tombstone of Rey. Jacob Reisz, in Tohickon Cemetery. Tohickon Reformed Church. 25 garden which now is on the said Premises and she shall likewise have four apple trees which she may choose yearly when and where she please on the said Premises continuing her natural life and my said wife shall also have the new Stable to put her chattle in and my said son-in-law Peter Henry shall provide good Hey on the said stable loft sufficient to winter the said chattle yearly and every year during her natural Life and when my said wife is not able to feed her said chattle then my said Son-in-law shall feed them or cause them to be fed Feed and my said wife shall like- wise have Liberty to take Grass for her chattle within 10 Poles from her said stable towards the meadow on the said Premises when and as often as she please and shall likewise have Liberty of keeping four fowls on the said Premises and it is further my Will that my said Son-in-law Peter Henry shall give yearly and every year unto my said wife continuing her natural Life Highty pounds of good and Marketable Pork and Highty Pounds of good and Marketable Beef and six Bushels of good and marketable wheat and six Bushels of good Rye one Bushel of good Indian Corn and three bushels of Buck Wheat and shall carry all the above quantity of Grain to Mill and after ground take the Meal and Bran Home to her again, and shall all be delivered unto her when Demanded and my Son-in-law Peter Henry shall also give unto my said Wife yearly during her Life One Barrel of Good Sider and further my said Son-in-law shall deliver her as much fire wood at her said house as she shall have need for and cut the same small to suit a Pipe Stove and other fiers likewise continuing her Natural Life, and it is further my will that my son-in-law Peter Henry shall provide good and sufficient pasture for two chattle for my said Wife during her natural Life and further I also make and ordain him my said Son- in-law Peter Henry Executor and my said daughter Mary Executrix of this my Last Will and Testament, in trust for the Intents [and] Purposes in this my Last Will contained and I make my loving friend George Enough of Springfield in the County aforesd. over- seer of this my Will to take care to see the same performed ac- cording to my true intent and Meaning. In witness whereof I the said Jacob Rees have to this my last Will and testament set my hand and seal this the thirteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-nine. 1769. Jacob Riess (Seal) Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the testator Jacob Rees as and for his Last Will and testament, in the presence of us, who 26 The Pennsylvania-German Society. have subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereunto. In the Pres- ence and at the Request of the said Testator. her Mary Catharine X Rees mark Pinsel Motz Valentine Bergstresser Peter Shepherd Conrad Stringer. Philada. Jan. 3rd 1775. Personally appeared Valentine Berg- stresser and Conrad Stringer, two of the Witnesses to the fore- going Will and on Oath did declare That they saw and heard Jacob Rees the Testator therein named Sign seal publish and declare the same will for and as his last Will and Testament and that at the Execution thereof he was of sound disposing Mind memory and understanding to the best of their knowledge and Belief. Coram Benjamin Chew, Regr. Genl. Be it remembered that on the 3rd day of January 1775 The last Will and Testament of Jacob Rees deceased in due Form of Law was proved and Probate and Letters Testamentary were granted to Peter Henry and Mary [his wife] Executors in the said Will named, they being first duly sworn well and truly to administer the said Deceased’s Estate and bring an Inventory thereof unto the Register Generals Office at Philadelphia on or before the 3rd day of February next and render a true and just account of the said administration on or before the 3rd day of January 1776 or when thereto legally required. Given under the seal of said office. pr. Benjamin Chew, Regr. Genl. The inventory of the estate of the Rev. Jacob Riess, of Rockhill township, Bucks county, appraised December 27, 1774, was filed January 3, 1775, in the Register’s of Wills Office, Philadelphia, 1775, No. 74. It reads as follows: INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF JACOB RIESS. “An inventory of the Goods and Chattles of Jacob Rees, late of Rockhill Township Bucks County Deceased and appraised by us, this the 27th Day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy four, 1774. Conrat Stenger Valentine Bergstresser. Tohickon Reformed Church. £ LO CASl Geysh: sn ee rele et Mer Cree te 74 To a bond of Conrad Zimmerman ..... 100 To a note of Caspar Cramer ........... 0 o.a pond of \Philip) Correliv 4.2... ens. 15 To a bond of Jacob Gruber with 4 years Interestiny.cae ec ek. 18 To a bond of Philip Smith with one years interest ..0.803 02. 26 To a bond of Isaac Sumany and one years interest) 22 usc). 53 To a bond of John Jamison with 1 years ‘interest ):i.\..s..6 21 fora pond) of Henrye Traugh 2. ee 15 To a bond of Solomon Gruber ........ 10 PANUTOwWaOH] perros sare tik eats at Ween eee 15 ‘ova pond of, Josia, Bryand 2 o one. 50 To a bond of George Henry Knight ... 50 LOeanpDOndPULnJONN Pilots tee ees tee 50 To a bond of Valentine Bergstresser... 100 To a bond of Henry Hertzel ........... 30 LoOwtnee plantation. oo eee eee 200 LOMLWOMITELIO) DOXISM yearn ies cies 0 Poca littios table gee, vite eee nae ool, 0 DOVE =ClOSGL PLCS. Se eek oe hee eee te 1 To 3 coats 2 jacots 2 pair of briches 1 WORE COATING. 5c ti cee 8 To a grate coat a pair of lether priches one hat one pair of trousers one wes coat... 2 LOnDsDAITS TF OLRSLOCKINGS =. hee see ee ee 0 Lora Clockand “8. ,CASGI Auch ck oh cee 8 TVOraLcomoe se miller 5 oe. ats at ee 0 FLOBLOUTS JCHEOTHE tata tn oo naa te ee 0 LOcas DIDS SSOVECHK Ee ts LL soto e cee 2 UO rah CH DS tet astt ene ng tite ate onc chiens RT 0 WOVLSPSHITisaerecas oo sas ce fst eee 4 To 4 white caps 2 west coats 9 stockings 0 Olan Old sCHIAt ei asc cok es soe 0 To two gimlets combes awl and sondres. 0 To a pair of tongs and shovel ......... 0 LODtWOU DIANKGtS . occ occa eee ee ses 0 12 10 eonwoeeoeeoeoeceqoocdccd we Oo fo] on Ss 10 10 10 are & 1 0 bP 12 Oo oooococcoooooce oO ooo nf a ooo eo noc coco cc8eo oN So 27 28 The Pennsylvania-German Society. th n To a fether coverled ........----++eee> To a pair of Cresers .....--++eeee seers To a pair of boots ........--eeeee cere To a pair of SHOES .....-.-eeeeeereeres To 2 bells and collers for bells .......- To a pair of cords and Sith Woyoeiely here To an old chist and watering pot ...... MOMAURODC Mia meicie sie siete coeiee's ss ele,0i lo sepa To a bed and bedsted .......-+-+--++-- To shoemakers instruments to 2 augers MOLIEDTIG LES aiicis a 6 eteie sa sfotele elsie oheshelel st akaseis AMSA Eb deeb 10.0 Acie SORA IDIOIOe to ola Cay Chcigus toupi ay onrPnuwmeowonw-: _ oO poow Fal 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 To an iron ketle and pot.........------ 1 To a pot rake & bras ketle .........--- 0 To 2 frying pans and mead hatchet..... 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 3 ecoomoocoonansconmnnmroocoososc To 7 peuter plats one dish ..........-- To a sugar box tee box milk pot coffee pe ARTA R oa dita Co Gower To 2 iron pots 1 roasting pan ........-. To three glas botles 2 stone bottles ... To an old crubing how 1 iron wedge... mauk 2 cours hatchels ..........-. COW -DINGINGS Jc ge oe cise sei dung fork 1 dung hook .........-- how 1 turnop knife .............. peuter dish .......s6ceseceeeeens cagges 3 barrels ........+-++-+ees hand saw and butcher knife ...... IRL OS eid ahve ckavetal cheratat otetaltanshole Lege omta ta aie black and white cow ............- brown and white heifer .......... 10 coor rR RH NY PH WD DD fe! ° pope kre PD bw pw i oO wlecooconmeoonaoasce | i=) or » — th oo ~] Q ~ o Cunrad Stenger, Valentine Bergstresser. Appraisers sworn by B. Chew, Regr. Genl. These two interesting documents relating to the family and estate of Jacob Riess do not call for much comment. We note, however, that the Christian name of his wife Tohickon Reformed Church. 29 was Mary Catharine. He had only one daughter, Mary, who at the time of his death was married to Peter Henry. The inventory shows that Riess was a fairly well-to-do man, according to the standard then prevailing, and it also corroborates the statement of the Coetus minutes that he was a shoemaker by trade, for his shoemaker’s tools are mentioned in the inventory. tT THE MINISTRY OF REV. JOHN EGIDIUS HECKER, April 1756 to February 1762. The next pastor who appears in the Tohickon record is John Egidius Hecker. His baptismal entries are headed by the statement: ‘Begun April 19, 1756, by John Egidius Hecker, hoc tempore Reformatae Religionis Pastor, Do- hicken,” i. e., “at this time pastor of the Reformed religion, Tohickon.” Hecker is another independent Reformed pastor, whose history has been sadly neglected by Reformed historians. Dr. Harbaugh evidently knew little about him, for he re- fers to him only incidentally in the sketch of his grandson, the Rev. Henry Koch (Fathers, III, 299). Dr. Dubbs added a little more to our knowledge in his Manual (p. 395). Dr. Good (History, p. 520) presents additional facts, secured by the researches of the present writer, which he carried on in 1898 at Dillenburg, the home of Hecker. From the church records at Dillenburg the following facts have been gleaned about Hecker. John Egidius Hecker was born at Dillenburg, the capital of the then principality of Nassau-Dillenburg, January 26, 1726. He was the son of John Wigand Hecker and of his wife Anna Juliana, who was of noble descent, because in one place of the records she is called: “Thro hochfiirstliche 30 The Pennsylyania-German Society. Durchlaucht”, i. e., “her princely Highness”. John Wigand Hecker was equerry to Prince Christian, the last of the Nassau-Dillenburg princes, who reigned 1724-1739. The following children of this couple are found in the records: 1. Anna Catharine, b. March 8, 1708; bapt. March 10th. . August Christian Frederick, b. Jan. 9, 1712; bapt. Jan. 15th. . Christian, b. May 8, 1714; bapt. May 11th. . John Jacob, b. Dec. 29, 1715; bapt. Jan. 4, 1716. . Johanna Elizabeth, b. June 7, 1718; bapt. June 15th. . John George, b. April 12, 1721; bapt. Apr. 19th; died soon. 7, John George, and (8) John Egidius??, twins, b. January 26, 1726; bapt. Jan. 29th. The name John HEgidius was taken from that of his sponsor, John Egidius Eberhorn of Wallen, in Hesse-Darm- stadt. A certificate, dated June 1751, was in existence till re- cently in Allentown, in the hands of one of his descend- ants,2 which showed that John Egidius had studied in the University of Herborn. The matriculation book of the uni- versity, covering this period, is unfortunately lost, so that the exact time when he entered Herborn can no longer be determined. Hecker emigrated to Pennsylvania and landed in Phila- delphia in the ship “Neptune,” Captain James Wier, from Rotterdam via Cowes, on September 23, 1751. On Octo- ber 23, 1752, he appeared before the Reformed Coetus of Pennsylvania, at its meeting in Lancaster. The minutes state (p. 76): “A certain young man was present by the name of Hecker, who arrived in this country last year, and has begun to preach without ordination. He requested that he might be examined and ordained by us, so that hereafter he might go on laboring with honor and quietness of conscience in his so-called congregations. He received this answer, that although he might produce good testimonials, our ao»rk WwW DY 22 The name Egidius, more correctly Aegidius, is derived from the Latin word aegis, the shield, which in turn is borrowed from the Greek aigis, the shield of Jupiter and Minerva. Hence Aegidius means “shield bearer’, or “protector’’. 23 See The Penn Germania, Vol. I, p. 555; old series, Pennsylvanta Ger- man, Vol. XITT. Tohickon Reformed Church. 31 Coetus could not possibly grant his desire, but according to its in- structions [from Holland] it was obliged not only to refuse his re- quest, but also dissuade him from continuing his preaching, further beseeching and admonishing him not to keep on in such unadvised conduct, but to conduct himself peacefully and as a Christian.” In view of the scarcity of ministers then prevailing, this was very shortsighted advice to give, for as the Coetus as well as the Fathers in Holland could have foreseen, Hecker kept right on with his preaching even without official ap- proval, while such approval would have added greatly to his effectiveness. One of the members of the Coetus, the Rev. John Wald- schmidt, had the courage of his convictions and on Novem- ber 22, 1752, wrote the following recommendation to Depu- ty Hoedmaker at The Hague :?* “There has been with us a student [of theology] named Hecker, from Dillenburg, as you can learn from Professor Arnoldi. He knows some Hebrew, Greek and Latin and therefore would be better qualified to act and teach thoroughly, but in order to avoid dis- order, I do not wish to recommend him to you further. But I want to submit this as also the other matters to your consideration.” The place of Hecker’s early activity is somewhat obscure, but there are several documents that throw light upon it. In a history of the Stone Church, Allen township, North- ampton county, which the Rev. J. C. Becker entered into the church record there in 1835, he states with regard to the origin of the earliest congregations in Northampton county: “About 85 years ago [about 1750] there existed three small Ger- man congregations in this neighborhood, namely one in Moore- township, one at Indian Creek and one on the Indian Land, which because of the sparse population were only very small and on ac- count of the poverty of the members were unable to support a set- tled minister. They were, therefore, compelled, because of lack of well-trained ministers, who were in connection with a Synod, to be 24 The letter of Waldschmidt is printed in full in the writer’s “In Memory of the Rev. John Waldschmidt” in the Reformed Church Review, Jan. 1916, pp. 31-33. — 32 The Pennsylvania-German Society. satisfied with itinerant preachers, who belonged to no organization and merely pretended to be ministers.” The earliest preacher in these churches was Mr. Hecker. This appears from a letter which an elder of the Stone Church, Simon Dreisbach, Jr., wrote in January 17/73, tothe Rev. John Henry Helffrich. He writes:* “About seventeen years ago [1755-1756] when I began to reside here, church services or church attendance was very irregular, the preacher [Hecker] appeared only half of the time when he had an- nounced services. Then the people who met had to return home most of the time, without hearing a sermon, which displeased them very much.” Then the writer traces the history of the congregation to the end of Mr. Gross’s ministry in 1765. Continuing he writes: “Through his removal the people became very much dissatisfied, and hence they returned again to their former preacher, Hecker.” As there is a distinct tradition (See Penn Germania, Vol. I, p. 551) that Hecker was the first pastor of the congrega- tion and as his pastorate came to an end about 1755, it is probable that the ministry of Hecker extended from about 1751 to 1755. It was brought to an end, most likely, by the Indian incursions in 1755-56, which seem to have compelled him, like many others, to leave Northampton county, cross the Lehigh river and serve congregations to the south of the Lehigh. The first tangible trace of Hecker in the southern field occurs in the Lower Saucon record, which he opened on March 1, 1756, prefacing it with the following heading: Church Record of the congregation in Saucon, begun in the year of Christ 1756, by me, John Egidius Hecker, pastor of the Re- formed religion there. Opened in the year of Christ 1756, on the first of March. Hecker’s last entry in the Saucon record is dated March 265 The letter of Dreisbach was published by the Rev. John B. Stoudt, in the Reformed Church Review, Vol XVIII, (1914) pp. 206-218; see p. 209, for the passge quoted above. Tohickon Reformed Church. 33 30, 1766. Between these two dates, 1756 and 1766, he en- tered 32 baptisms. Most of Hecker’s pastoral activity is recorded in the Tohickon record. Between August 1756 and February 1762, he entered 586 baptisms, besides these, 133 marriages, from October 1755 to February 1762, and 90 burials from June 1756 to January 1762. During the same period, 1756-1762, Hecker officiated also at Upper Milford. His parish included a fourth congregation during this time, namely Springfield, where he performed 13 baptisms from May 18, 1766, to May 6, 1767. In the year 1767, Hecker gave up all of his congregations south of the Lehigh, being succeeded everywhere by min- isters of the Reformed Coetus of Pennsylvania. Just as the Indians pushed him southward in 1755 so the Coetus joe Signature of Rev. John Egidius Hecker, from the Lower Saucon record. ministers pushed him northward again in 1767. Crossing the river Hecker settled in Moore township, from which as a center he ministered to at least three congregations, namely Indianland, in Lehigh township, Indian Creek in Allen township and Emmanuel’s Church in Moore town- ship. In the church record of the last-named congregation his baptismal entries begin May 14, 1769, and end May 9, 1773, during which time he entered 17 baptisms. The last dated entry which Hecker made in this record was on Oc- tober 8, 1773, when he signed the financial statement for that year. He died in Moore township in November 1773. His widow applied for letters of administration in the county court at Easton on November 30, 1773, when she and Jost Dreisbach signed a bond of fifty dollars to insure 34 The Pennsylvania-German Society. the faithful administration of the estate. Unfortunately no settlement or inventory of the estate is now on record. Mr. Hecker was married, but thus far only the Christian name of his wife, Catherine, is known. They had seven children, three sons and four daughters. The following are found in the Tohickon record: 1. John Adam, b. July 27; bapt. August 1, 1756. 2. Anna Maria, b. Nov. 19; bapt. Dec. 17, 1758. 3. Catharine Margaret, b. June 25; bapt. July 12, 1761. In the Moore township record is entered: 4. Jost William, b. Oct. 7; bapt. Oct. 17, 1769. Besides these there were three other children, namely: 5. Elizabeth Magdalena, b. March 20, 1754. 6. Sibylla Veronica, b. July 6, 1767; and 7. Jonas, b. November 12, 1771. The last three birthdates are taken from tombstones. As a considerable number of Reformed ministers are descended from Mr. Hecker, it will be of interest to add a short ac- count of his descendants. The data have been furnished by two friends, the Rev. John Baer Stoudt of Allentown and Mr. Charles R. Roberts of Allentown. The record of the children is as follows: John Adam Hecker, resided in Lehigh township, North- ampton county, where he died June 24, 1815. He there possessed a farm of 150 acres. He was married in 1781 to Susanna Engel, who was born October 4, 1759, and died August 1, 1842. Their children were: Jacob, John, Henry, Kate, Mrs. Laudenschlager and Mrs. Riegley. Jost William Hecker, removed to Whitehall township, Lehigh county, where he died in March 1821. To him and to his wife Regina, née Seem (who died in February 1827, buried in Zion’s churchyard near Kreidersville north of Catasauqua) were born ten children, as follows: Adam, Elizabeth, Paul, John, Egidius, Jacob, Mary, Mrs. Wood- ting, Mrs. Butz, Mrs. Kreiling. Tohickon Reformed Church. 35 Jonas Hecker, was born Nov. 12, 1771, and died June 29, 1842. He was married, July 2, 1793, to Maria Magdalena, daughter of Martin Mickley, who was born February 19, 1772, and died January 15, 1854. They resided in White- hall township and reared there a family of eight children: Daniel, William, Joseph, Jeremiah, Charles, Juliana, Peter and Maria Magdalena. Peter Hecker married Eliza New- hard. Their issue: Lewis P., William F., and Jane, the last of whom was married to Alfred W. DeLong, the father of the Rev. P. A. DeLong. Elizabeth Magdalena Hecker, was born, according to her tombstone at the Stone Church (Zion’s Reformed) near Kreidersville, on March 20, 1754. She died October 21, 1825. She was married to John George Koch, who was born July 27, 1744, and died September 2, 1811. This union was blessed with eleven children, John the oldest was born Nov. 7, 1772, died March 15, 1858; he married Eva Catha- rine Edelman. The other children were Sarah, Anna Maria, Eve, Christina, George, Daniel, Elizabeth, Henry and Regina. Their youngest son Henry was born August 21, 1795. He was confirmed by Rev. Thomas Pomp and studied under the Rev. F. W. Vandersloot, Rev. C. L. Becker and Rev. Jacob S. Becker. He was ordained to the Christian ministry September 9, 1819. The story of his pioneer work in establishing the Reformed Church in what is now Clarion county has recently been recounted in an address by the Rev. H. H. Wiant, at the “Henry Koch Memorial” and the One Hundredth Anniversary of Trinity Reformed Church, Alcola, Pa., August 4-5, 1920.*° Anna Maria Hecker, was married to Adam Troxell, of Whitehall township, Lehigh county. She died February 8, 1812. Their children were: Nicholas, Peter, Christian, Hanna and Jonas. Hannah became the wife of the Rev. 26 See “Reverend Henry Koch, A Memorial Address’, by H. H. Wiant, in the Reformed Church Review, Vol. XXIV, (1920) pp. 393-404. 36 The Pennsylvania-German Society. John Gobrecht, for many years (1801-1831) pastor of the Egypt charge. Catharine Margaret Hecker, according to the inscription on her tombstone, was born June 24, 1761, and died April 2, 1844. Her husband, Henry Bartholomew, was born Sep- tember 23, 1758, and died February 23, 1829. They re- sided near the Stone Church and had the following chil- dren: Henry, Jonas, Philip, Susannah (married to Kilian Reimer), Elizabeth (married to Isaac Siegfried), Sallie (mar- ried to John Danner) and John, who died in infancy. Among her descendants were the following Reformed min- isters: Rev. Abraham Bartholomew (1833-1903), and his brother, the Rev. Dr. Allen R. Bartholomew, secretary of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church; Albert O. Bartholomew, now (1924) pastor in Allentown and Calvin E. Bartholomew, Joshua S. Bartholomew (1863- 1921) and his nephew Nevin D. Bartholomew a Presbyter- ian minister, now residing in Buffalo; and Oscar Bartholo- mew, a Lutheran minister and cousin of Dr. Allen R. Bar- tholomew. Sibylla Veronica Hecker, was married to Peter Troxell, a brother of Adam Troxell, the husband of her sister Anna Maria. She died March 8, 1844. They had seven children: John, Magdalena (married to Jacob Jones), Peter, Susanna, Catharine and Solomon. The record as given above shows that there are ten known ministers among the descendants of John Egidius Hecker. In 1873, at the (so-called) 150th anniversary of the found- ing of the church, a large monument*’ was erected to the memory of Mr. Hecker in the graveyard adjoining Em- manuel’s Church at Petersville, Pa. It bears the following inscription: 27 A picture of this monument is published in Penn Germania, Vol. I, p. 556. Tohickon Reformed Church. 37 To the memory of REV. JOHN E. HECKER, who was pastor of this Reformed congregation one hundred years ago and is buried here. After the departure of Hecker from Tohickon in 1762, the congregation was not without a leader. It was sup- plied with preaching by a layman, who was teaching school and also studying theology with the Rev. John George Al- sentz, pastor of the Reformed congregation at German- town. This man was John Christopher Gobrecht. Even before he was ordained in 1766 he preached at Tohickon. It was during the period of his lay activity that an im- portant step was taken by the two united congregations, a stone church was erected to take the place of the log church, in which they had been worshipping. It was dedicated on May 8th, 1766. The Tohickon Luth- eran record gives us the following information about this important event: “Anno 1766, May 8th, on the festival of the ascension, our newly built stone church was publicly dedicated by myself and Mr. Al- sentz, on the Reformed side. I took my text from I Kings 8:28-29, and gave the church the name “Friedens Kirche,” i. e. Church of Peace. The text of the Reformed preacher was from Isaiah 56:7, the last words. Attested by Philip Rapp, Lutheran pastor.” From this entry it is evident that Gobrecht had asked his teacher Alsentz to officiate for him at this historic oc- casion.2® This stone church, tradition asserts, was at first, like the log church that had preceded it, without floor and stoves, which were put in later on. It had galleries on three sides. It was in use till 1838, when it was succeeded by the third building, also a stone church, 50 by 60 feet in size, 28 Alsentz was repeatedly called upon to dedicate churches in the ab- sence of regular pastors. On May 13, 1764, he preached the first sermon in the new stone church of the Reformed congregation at Reading. See Daniel Miller, History of the Reformed Church in Reading, Reading 1905, p. 42. 38 The Pennsylvania-German Society. with galleries on three sides. This last building was re- modeled in 1884. With the coming of Gobrecht the congregation passed definitely under the control of the Reformed Coetus of Pennsylvania. IV. THE MINISTRY OF REV. JOHN CHRISTOPHER GOBRECHT, October 1766 to December 1770. On October 12, 1766, Gobrecht appears in the church record definitely as pastor of the Tohickon congregation. Like the preachers who had preceded him he began his ministerial activity as a lay preacher. John Christopher Gobrecht was born in the village of Angerstein, near the city of Goettingen, in what was then the Kingdom (now the Province) of Hannover, on October 11, 1733, and was baptized there October 18th, the son of Daniel Gobrecht, a cowherd.”® Nothing is known of his youth except that he was a weaver by trade. He arrived in Philadelphia September 11, 1753, in the ship “Queen of Denmark,” George Parish, captain. He signed his name to the oath of allegiance as “Joh. Christoph Gobrecht, Jr.” With him came another passenger, John Christian Go- brecht, who may have been his brother. Having been in this country about ten years, Gobrecht began teaching school. On the fly leaves of a catechism, which he once owned and which is now in the collection of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, he entered his financial accounts, beginning with the year 1763. From these entries it appears that in 1763 he was conducting a 29 These new facts regarding Gobrecht are taken from a recent letter of the Reformed pastor at Bovenden, Hannover, to which Angerstein be- longs ecclesiastically. Tohickon Reformed Church. 39 day school as well as a night school. As nothing has been published thus far about Gobrecht’s activity as a school- teacher, it will be of interest to present a few extracts: 1763, November 26th. Sue shy Adam Dietz owes me for the day school........... 16 TOUS thEyCAtECHISIN yee. cence 1 William Billesfelt owes me for the day school ...... 16 John Jung owes me for the day school............. ay tte for the night school ........... 2 LOLA, COVED tatierenciieteak ele a oieieis ee 5 LOM ANOtHEr COVER. eke sae escvers 2 FIST DET EEL IN I CY ae tal cans cis nen ticny S arate sisi ere re sate ee eialer 28 Bornnard gs OCH. Am wl OWane sistete cise Gi eis ctelottieteca sien 7 MACHU BRASS AL tes ercia deieleit nie ota ne a Eea What ote etal etna 15 PU Ege eet tthe a a clonic! favehatel Ale fete apisre eouak a cle eriele aus 5 MAING Wi PANSCHOILG i aciseracisits seieret tle olitins te alelei eiete es 1 John Mueller, for John Arndt’s True Christianity, witch hey DOUSDESELrOMT ME. sepia. ee sueretmcle me ueets 7 1764, the evening school, with which a beginning was made December 27th. Those who attended my evening school are: William Kuhl Philip Kuhl Christian Kuhl Peter Hoffman, who owes me 10 1764, January 9th. Christian sent his son Christian to the schcol Margaret Pohk ) Adam Pohk, for the book I sold him, owes me..... 5 In the evening school are: AMAM SEUMIMGIIAS tacss cele sina t cnn felt unis @ eters 2 FLSrPSr es ELUM MCT ye. ti cra veels ale cies: turd reeie setae le 2 TSR Ty HTN Sac wa ale hehe ehnth Ciatale aot oily cloaks ena ee ere ye 2 PACOWF UD Sees Ce ne eee Sle in ata er cee, areca te ieee ans 2 WVALIERIT MATION erento tec act hercaie aoe me ater eigtene sake 2 SACOUMIM OY Ole re se eee a eee ate Pecraie state cipal eee 2 2 John Kuhl and J. Juengsts servant .......... Another interesting entry reads: Peter Aller owes me for weaving and what I have OAT OC me INI ct ee acta co ene ech oe dinero ere ap are £4 4gsh. 3p 40 The Pennsylvania-German Society. The gloves and stockings have been paid, but the 12 lbs. tobacco, which are 4sh., are to be deducted from the above sum Hence there remains the sum of............. £4 and 3 pence This entry shows that Gobrecht was engaged in teach- ing and weaving in this country, before he began his pas- toral activity. About the same time Gobrecht began to feel a desire to enter the ministry. With this end in view he studied for two years with the Rev. John George Alsentz, who was then pastor of Germantown, Worcester and Witpen. In September 1766, at the meeting of the Coetus held at Read- ing, the following reference was made to Gobrecht and his activity : “There is a congregation [Tohickon] much ruined by’an adven- turer [Hecker]. The good element had to withdraw and the other part learned at last to realize its mistake. These people come and desire aid from the Coetus and a regular minister. They cannot raise more than thirty pounds, and to unite the congregation with others is impracticable, because it is located out of the way, and the nearest congregation [Springfield] is still under the influence of the adventurer. We cannot call a minister, because of the small salary; but there is a person [John C. Gobrecht] converted by God’s Spirit, who has a good knowledge of theoretical and practical the- ology, is able to explain the principles of Holy Scripture and is well qualified to build up a congregation through his example and preach- ing. He lived two years with a minister [J. G. Alsentz] in order to be better qualified. The said congregation hears this man, sees the difference between a sincere and well instructed man and an adventurer. The congregation wants to call that person. He wishes to accomodate them, but not without the order of the Coetus. They appear before Coetus with the request to examine and ordain him. To send him to Holland is impracticable; the candidate dreads the sea voyage; the congregation cannot wait so long, since the ad- venturer, who resides in the vicinity, still has and seeks adherents in the congregation, by which course confusion and division would certainly arise. The person referred to above and his qualifications being well known to us through personal contact, we have the best Tohickon Reformed Church. 41 prospects of saving the congregation. What should Coetus in this case be allowed to do? These things are not fiction, but the real truth and nothing but the truth.” On October 12, 1766, Gobrecht began his entries in the Tohickon record, prefixing them with the following head- ing: “The children whom I, John Christopher Gobrecht, Reformed minister in Bedminster township, have baptized, are as follows, beginning with October 12, 1766.” Ac- cording to Dr. Harbaugh (Fathers, II, 146) Gobrecht was ordained in the Tohickon Church, September 28th, 1766. From that date to December 9, 1770, Gobrecht entered at Tohickon 112 baptisms. His charge included also Indian Creek, or Indianfield, as it is frequently called in the Coetus minutes. There he baptized 73 children, from February 15, 1767, to September 23, 1770. As his financial statements, recorded in the catechism quoted above, throw light on his stay in the Tohickon charge, we shall present a number of them: “IT Christopher Gobrecht, have received from the Tohickon con- gregation, for the year: c Ssiecrd TSS mONTANSUSte a kore Seer. ottecel stearate mre claves Lh 3 On October 7, received from F. Salyte. 4 14 6 On October 25, from Philip Fluck...... 4 Lie.6 On October 30, from Philip Fluck...... 7a 6 On November 27, in addition.......... 10 invaddition yes. .e5\s. 10 Everything has been paid, a total of.. LZ Tan 6 November 13, from Philip Fluck as SAlAryiw ntact 11 6 Philip Fluck paid for hay... ie S. December from Philip Fluck..... i 1770, January 10, from Philip Fluck...... yy ae Mis February 23, from Philip Fluck...... 20 April 12, from Zacharias Haller.. 1 July 8, from the elders at To- hicKOne saycieie eee 2 5e.G 42 The Pennsylvania-German Society. £ a Tia October 271s NOC VEC Wetec era ots vhs cy exeieltey 15 TOCAL Miata tae Sea ane 28 Binie Similar sums are reported from Indian Creek. During part of this time, from at least September 1769 to September 1770, Gobrecht preached also at a congrega- tion, called Great Swamp in the minutes of the Coetus (Minutes, pp. 290, 301). But, as Mr. Faber was the pastor at Great Swamp, in Lower Milford township, Lehigh county, this Great Swamp must have been in Bucks county. The solution of the apparent contradiction is that the latter is Trumbauer’s church.*® This is not only located near the Swamp Creek, but from the minutes of the Coetus of 1772 it is certain that Gobrecht preached at Trumbauer’s. When in that year Tohickon and Indianfield refused to let their pastor preach at Trumbauer’s, the latter congregation com- plained to Coetus and stated that “Do. Gobrecht, the for- mer pastor, had supplied the congregation.” ‘This is sup- ported by Gobrecht’s financial record, which contains for the year 1770, the following statements regarding the con- gregation in the “Swamp:” 25, Foal. 1770, February 25, I received in the Swamp from Peter Bleiler as my salary..... BP March 18, from Benjamin Siegel ........ 10 March 11, received in the Swamp from the Old era wae e's che aistecale elelaieheint Satis March 25, from/Mre Hertzelancnse > sete ciets 10 May 24, from Jacob*Hertzelsi.. 3255 as. ae al) TOCCLVECATUTTHER erage ce eaten ce 15 On March 6, 1770, Gobrecht makes the following entry: “T, Christopher Gobrecht, still owe to Philip Fluck for meals and service, during the past year, 3£ Ish. 6p.” This 30 This identity can also be inferred from the Coetus minutes, for in 1782 the charge is said to consist of Tohickon, Indianfield and Great Swamp (Minutes, p. 378), while in 1783 Indianfield, Tohickon and Trum- bauer’s Church are enumerated as belonging to the same charge (Minutes, p. 382). Tohickon Reformed Church. 43 seems to imply that, as Gobrecht was still unmarried in 1770, he was boarding with his elder, Jacob Fluck. At the meeting of Coetus, held September 19-21, 1770, at Philadelphia, “a call came from the congregations at Muddy Creek, Cocalico, Seltenreich and Reyer’s Church for Mr. Gobrecht. But, because he had many scruples about leaving his congregations, four weeks time for con- sideration was given him and he was charged to report his decision to the Reverend Coetus.” Shortly afterwards Go- brecht decided to accept the call and he removed to his new field of labor in December 1770. On December 15, 1770, Gobrecht began his entries in the Cocalico record. While he was pastor of the Cocalico charge Gobrecht was married, May 28, 1771, to Elizabeth Sands,** of Berks county. This union was blessed with seven sons and three daughters. The following are en- tered into the Cocalico record: Daniel, born June 13, bap- tized June 19, 1772; John, born December 10, baptized De- cember 30, 1773; David, born October 3, baptized October 8th, 1775; William, born October 17, baptized November 18, 1777. The second of these sons, John Gobrecht, 1773- 1830, became a minister of the Reformed church, while a younger son, Christian Gobrecht, 1785-1844, was a dis- tinguished engraver, who from 1840 to 1844 was chief en- graver in the United States Mint, at Philadelphia. Gobrecht remained pastor of the Cocalico charge till De- cember 1779, when he was called to Hanover, Christ Church (near Littlestown), Abbotstown and Bermudian. There he ministered from 1779 until 1806, when increasing infirmity of the body compelled him to retire from the ministry. He 81 The name is not Elizabeth Lentz, as Harbaugh (Fathers, II, 146) gives it, but Elizabeth Sands. She was the daughter of John Sands of Reading and his wife Catharine, née Greiner. They were Episcopalians. What is still more surprising is that her sister Catharine was married to another Reformed minister, the Rev. Frederick J. Berger, from 1765-68 pastor at Reading. When John Sands died in 1775, his daughters, Eliza- beth Gobrecht and Catharine Berger, were mentioned in his will. 44 The Pennsylvania-German Society. died at Hanover, Pa., November 6, 1815, and was buried in the cemetery of Immanuel’s Reformed Church, Han- over. His tombstone bears the following inscription: Sanft schlummert einer frdhlichen Auferstehung entgegen der Ehrw. Johann Christoph Gobrecht viel jahriger reformirter Prediger Geboren in Deutschland den 1iten October 1733 Gestorben den 6ten November 1815 Seines Alters 82 Jahr 3 Wochen und 5 Tage. Alongside of him lie his wife Elizabeth, born November 2, 1746, died October 2, 1801, and his daughter Sarah, who died February 21, 1860, aged 69 years and 3 days. V.. THE ‘MINSTRY OF THE REV. CASPAR WACK, November 1771 to August 1781. After a vacancy of nearly a year the congregations called the Rev. Caspar Wack as their next pastor. He began his ministry at Tohickon and Indian Creek in November 1771. Caspar Wack is said to have been the first young man, born in America, who was ordained by the authorities of the Reformed church in this country (Harbaugh, Fathers, II, 174). Strictly speaking this is not correct, inasmuch as Jonathan Du Bois, who was born at Pittsgrove, New Jer- sey, December 3, 1727, was ordained by the Reformed Coetus at Lancaster on October 21, 1752 (Minutes, p. 75). But as Du Bois became the pastor of a Dutch Reformed church at Neshaminy, Bucks county, under the Reformed Coetus of Pennsylvania, Wack may well be regarded as the first German Reformed pastor, born in America, to be or- dained in this country. Bee ee gst SAD Seg Tombstone of Rey. John Christopher Gobrecht at Hanover, Da. ~—- a “a i > br a, a, i < sl \ = ie 5 Tohickon Reformed Church, 45 His father, John George Wack, arrived in Philadelphia with the ship “Patience,” John Brown, master, and quali- fied there September 16, 1748. In the original ship list his age is given as twenty-three. Hence he was born in 1725. His birthplace was, according to Dr. Harbaugh, the city of Wittenberg, in Germany. If that is correct he was orig- inally a Lutheran. The father settled in Philadelphia, where he became an elder of the Reformed church and where he married soon afterwards, for his son, Caspar Wack, was born there August 15, 1752. As young Wack showed signs of talents, his pastor, the Rev. Caspar Wey- berg, interested himself in him and took charge of his edu- cation. After several years of study Wack was sent in 1770 by the Coetus to Lancaster as a catechist. (Minutes, p. 298.) In October 1771, the Coetus held at Reading, examined and licensed him. The minutes of that meeting refer to him as follows: “Do. Gobrecht, concerning whom it was reported in the last minutes, that the congregation of Mr. Wittner had given him a call, accepted the call. His congregations, which were vacant from that time, this year called Mr. Wack. Concerning Mr. Wack the Rev- erend Fathers were given a short statement in last year’s minutes, namely, that he had been under the instruction of Mr. Weyberg. He is now far enough advanced, through training, to be able to serve a congregation. The congregations of Lower Tohickon and Indianfield, which have thus far been cared for by his ministry, and, according to their statement, have also been edified by his preaching, have shown such a desire for him as to give him a unani- mous call. Mr. Wack was therefore first examined in the divine truths and the way of salvation, and, after he had given satisfac- tion to the Reverend Coetus, it was resolved that Mr. Wack, for the time being, should continue to serve these congregations with preaching and catechizing as before, but we will defer the ordina- tion until the Reverend Fathers have first been notified. Whatever they will advise in the matter will be done by us with regard to Mr. Wack.” (Minutes, p. 315f.) At the Coetus of June 1772, held at Lancaster, Wack 46 The Pennsylvania-German Society. with four other candidates, Weber, Neveling, Wagner and Steiner, Jr., was once more examined and shortly after- wards all these candidates were ordained (Minutes, p. 328). Mr. Wack’s ministry began in the Tohickon charge on November 23, 1771, when he baptized the first child. Be- tween that date and August 26, 1781, he entered 186 bap- tisms, 55 marriages and 9 burials into the Tohickon record. At Indian Creek his baptismal entries do not begin till Sep- tember 19, 1772. They continue there till September 9, 1781. In 1772, the Trumbauer’s congregation complained to Coetus, that the congregations at Tohickon and Indianfield would not permit Wack to preach for them, although Mr. Gobrecht, the former pastor, had supplied them. They, therefore, asked that Mr. Wack be permitted to preach for them every third Sunday on condition that they pay one third of his salary. Coetus allowed this arrangement. In 1773, Nockamixon asked Coetus to allow Mr. Wack to serve them. Coetus directed that he “serve this congre- gation from time to time, as far as he may do so without neglecting his other congregations.” While pastor at Tohickon Mr. Wack was married, on April 18, 1776, to Barbara, daughter of Jacob Leidy, Jr., of Franconia township, one of his officers in the Indian Creek church. Mr. Wack and his wife resided for a while in Hill- town township, Bucks county, within convenient distance of his congregations. . Mr. Wack remained pastor of Tohickon and neighboring congregations till 1782, when he accepted a call to German Valley, Fox Hill and Rockaway, in New Jersey. These congregations he served from 1782 to 1809. From there he went to Germantown, Pa., where he was the first to intro- duce English preaching into the services of that congrega- tion. Together with Germantown he served also White- marsh, from 1809 to 1821, and, after resigning Germantown, Tohickon Reformed Church. 47 he continued at Whitewarsh to 1823, when declining strength compelled him to retire. During the last few years of his life he resided with his son, Dr. Philip Wack, at the Trappe, where he died July 17, 1839. He was a most active and faithful pastor, who by his incessant labors for his parishioners endeared himself greatly to his people. He lies buried in Leidy’s graveyard, alongside of his wife. Their tombstones bear the following inscriptions: Sacred Sacred to the memory of to the memory of Revd. Casper Wack Barbary Wack who departed this life who departed this life the 17th of July A. D. 1839 the 9th of August A. D. aged 87 years. 1842 aged 86 years 3 months and 22 days. bi Re THE MINISTRY OF THE REV. JOHN THEOBALD FABER, July 1782 to April 1786. At the Coetus held at Reading May 1, 1782, “the congre- gations Tohickon, Indianfield and Great Swamp, which by the departure of Mr. Wack had become vacant, asked, through delegates, for another minister. The Reverend Coetus could do nothing but give these congregations the liberty to call a minister.” (Minutes, p. 378.) Shortly afterwards the Rev. John Theobald Faber, then pastor at Lancaster, accepted a call to Tohickon, Indian- field and Trumbauer’s, for on July 28, 1782, he entered his first baptism into the Tohickon record. At Indianfield his first baptism is dated July 14, 1782. John Theobald Faber was born February 13, 1739, at Zozenheim, south of Bingen, at one time in the Palatinate, 48 The Pennsylvania-German Society. but now in Rhenish Hessia. He was the son of the Rev. John Faber, from 1730-1754 pastor of the Reformed congre- gation at Zozenheim. The younger Faber matriculated at the University of Heidelberg, February 5, 1760. His ex- amination as a candidate of theology took place at Heidel- berg April 20, 1763. Three years later he left the Palatinate for Holland. At his departure the Consistory of the Pala- tinate gave him a certificate, dated April 28, 1766, by which his return to his native land was not only permitted to him, but he was also guaranteed special consideration for his advancement, in case of his return.” On May 27, 1766, Mr. Faber with two other candidates, Carolus Lange and John George Wittner, appeared before the Deputies of the Synods of North and South Holland at The Hague, where they were examined in the Cloister Church. Each candidate had first to preach a sermon. Faber preached from I Cor. 6:11. They were then ex- amined, for more than three hours, in the principal doc- trines of theology. Finally they had to write an exegesis of the Hebrew text of Psalm I and of the Greek text of Il Tim. 2. After passing these examinations to the satisfac- tion of the examiners, they were required to sign the Dutch creeds and were then given fifty guilders each for their traveling expenses to Holland. Later each one of the can- didates received fl. 250 as traveling expenses to Pennsyl- vania. Their ship “Catharine,” captain Nathaniel Lorentz, left Rotterdam for New York June 10, 1766. They ar- rived in Philadelphia in September 1766. Mr. Faber was sent to the Goshenhoppen charge, consist- ing of New Goshenhoppen, Old Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp. He began his ministry there in October 1766. At first he made his home with Colonel Daniel Hiester. This was his residence most likely till he was married, August 18, 1770, to Barbara Rose, daughter of Erhart Rose, of 32 Printed in Dr. Weiser’s Monograph of the New Goshenhoppen and Great Swamp Charge, p. 63f. Tohickon Reformed Church. 49 Reading.**2 After his marriage he moved into the parson- age built on the church farm near the New Goshenhoppen church. His ministry at Goshenhoppen extended from Oc- tober 1766 to October 1779. Through his faithful labors his membership increased largely. In 1768, he reported 30 families at Old Goshenhoppen, 90 at New Goshenhoppen and 30 at Great Swamp. In 1773, the total number of his families was 260. Signature of Rev. John Theobald Faber, from Old Goshenhoppen record. The ability of Faber as a preacher was soon recognized by other churches. Hence frequent calls came to him from other fields. Lancaster alone called him three times, in 1770, in 1775 and again in 1779. Finally in the last year Faber accepted the call of the Lancaster congregation, to the great sorrow of his people at Goshenhoppen. He left Goshenhoppen in October 1779. His ministry at Lancaster was, however, of short duration, lasting only three years, 82a Dr. Weiser (Monograph, p. 66) tells a romantic story of Mr. Faber having been entertained as a guest at the home of Mr. Erhardt Rose, at Reading, at a Synodical meeting, and that he met at that time his later wife, Barbara Rose. Unfortunately, the story cannot be correct in all its de- tails, because there was no meeting of the Coetus at Reading from the latter part of September, 1766, when Faber arrived in Pennsylvania, till August 1770, when he was married. Faber arrived shortly before the 19th of September 1766, when Alsentz addressed a letter to him (see Goshen- hoppen History, p 216f). He just missed the meeting of Coetus, which had been held at Reading, September 3-4, 1766. There is no reference to him in the minutes of that meeting. After 1766, Coetus did not meet at Reading till 1771, after Faber had been married. Hence Faber could not have met Miss Rose at a meeting of the Coetus at Reading. But, in 1768, a special committee of the Coetus, of which Faber was a member, met in Reading to investigate the case of Mr. Berger. It may have been at that occasion that he was entertained at the home of Mr. Rose. and met then for the first time his daughter Barbara, whom he married in 1770. 50 The Pennsylvania-German Society. 1779-1782. The city life contrasted evidently unfavorably in his mind with the quiet life of his former, rural, charge. When, therefore, the Tohickon charge became vacant in February 1782, through the removal of Wack, Faber ac- cepted a call to this field, which was only fifteen miles from his first home. On July 28, 1782, Faber made his first baptismal entry at Tohickon. From that time till June 20, 1784, he entered 57 baptisms into the first Tohickon record. On July 4, 1784, he began the second church record at Tohickon, a large folio volume, entering into it from that date till April 23, 1786, thirty-one baptisms. At Indian Creek he entered 58 baptisms from July 1782 to April 1786. His marriages at Indian Creek extend from August 1782 to March 1786. On May 17, 1786, the minutes of the Coetus report that Faber had left Indian Creek and Tohickon and had returned to his former congregations in the Goshenhoppen region. . It was a happy reunion with his first congregations, which caused much mutual joy and satisfaction. Unfortunately his second pastorate at Goshenhoppen was very brief. Faber died suddenly and unexpectedly on No- vember 2, 1788. Under date November 26, 1788, the “Lan- caster Zeitung” had the following account of his death :** “On the last Sunday [November 2, 1788] Mr. Faber, apparently well and healthy, proceeded to the New Goshenhoppen church, to hold services there. To the surprise of the schoolmaster and many members of the congregation, he gave out the funeral hymn: “Ach Herr lehre mich bedenken,” [i. e., O Lord, cause me to remember]. Then he read the lesson for the Sunday as his text and began to preach from it. He pointed, with special emphasis, to the comfort- ing words of the Saviour: “The maid is not dead, but sleepeth.” When he had finished the first part of the sermon and was passing to the second, he stopped his discourse, for he seemed to become weak. The elders came to his assistance and carried him from the 83 This account of Faber’s death was written by the Rev. Wm. Hendel, of Lancaster, Pa., as appears from a letter of Hendel to Abr. Blumer, dated November 17, 1788, now in the archives of the Historical Society of the Reformed Church at Lancaster. Tohickon Reformed Church, 51 pulpit into the schoolhouse, where they laid him on a bed. There he passed away within 45 minutes, in the 49th year of his age. General sorrow and consternation spread over the whole congre- gation. On last Tuesday [November 4th] his body was buried in the church, before the pulpit. Several neighboring ministers, together with a very notable, numerous congregation, of various denomina- tions, followed his coffin to the grave. The Rev. Mr. Blumer de- livered an impressive and edifying sermon from the text, Hebrews 13:17. The congregations, which were under his pastoral care, mourn together with the deeply afflicted family the loss of a hus- band, father and teacher.” Faber left a widow and seven children, the oldest of whom, John Theobald Faber, Jr., entered the ministry and became his father’s successor.*** Rev. Daniel Weiser had a memorial tablet placed on his tomb, whose epitaph reads as follows: Tritt leise! i. e., “Approach softly! Hier ruhet der Here rest the Ehrw. Joh. Theob. Faber; Rey. John Theob. Faber, Ehemals gewesener Prediger late pastor of Dieser Gemeinde. this congregation. Geboren den 13ten Feb. 1739. Born Febr. 13, 1739. Starb den 2ten Nov. 1788. Died Nov. 2, 1788. Alter 49 Jahr 8 Mon. und 18T. Age 49 yrs. 8 mos. 18 days.” After the removal of Faber from 'Tohickon and affiliated congregations, in April 1786, they were apparently supplied by neighboring ministers. At Tohickon, the Rev. Frederick Daelliker, who was then pastor at Falkner Swamp, entered a baptism on Nov. 3, 1786, which evidently implies a visit and preaching service. At Indian Creek, the Rev. Herman Winkhaus, then pastor at Witpen and Trappe, baptized 38a Mr. Faber had the following children: (1) John Teobald, Jr., b. Sept. 24, 1771;-(2) Daniel, b. August 3, 1773; (3). Eva, b. Aug. 28, 1775; (4) George, b. Febr. 1, 1778; (5) Catharine, b. March 9, 1780; (6) Eliza- beth, b. June 20, 1782; (7) Anna, b. July 6, 1787. The first four and the last of his children were born and baptized at Goshenhoppen; the fifth and sixth at Lancaster. The baptisms of the latter are recorded in the Lan- caster Reformed record, see Vol. V of the Pennsylvania German Society’s Proceedings, pp. 222, 227. 52 The Pennsylvania-German Society. children on July 26th and December 2, 1786; Caspar Wack did the same on May 20, 1787. VII. THE MINISTRY OF THE REV. JOHN MICHAEL KERN, May 1787 to February 1788. The next minister at Tohickon has left the following superscription to his baptismal entries: “During the min- istry of John Michael Kern, V.D.M., the following were baptized.” This heading introduces us to another inde- pendent Reformed minister, about whom little was known till recently. The first trace of Mr. Kern in Europe was discovered last year at Heidelberg. He matriculated at the University of — Heidelberg November 21, 1753, as coming from Mannheim, in the Palatinate. Investigations carried on at Mann- heim** have disclosed the fact that John Michael Kern was born there August 31, 1730, and was baptized September 3, 1730. He was the son of John Leonard Kern, tailor, and his wife, Anna Eva, both of whom were members of the Reformed church at Mannheim. He probably studied at Heidelberg three years from 1753-56. What became of him afterwards we do not know at present. When we hear next of him he is pastor of the German Reformed church in the city of New York, which he served from 1763-1771." He was then called to Montgomery, N. Y., where he preached from 1771 to 1776. Being an ardent loyalist, he was com- pelled to leave the State of New York. He then betook himself for safety to Halifax, Nova Scotia, where he stayed from 1778 to 1787. In 1787 he is reported to have been at 84 These investigations were made with the assistance of Prof. Dr. L. Lemme, of Heidelberg University. 85 For Kern’s ministry in New York state see Dr. Corwin’s Manual of the Reformed Church in America, 4th ed., 1902, p. 549. Tohickon Reformed Church. 53 West Camp and Rhinebeck, N. Y. In the following year he came to Pennsylvania and accepted a call from the To- hickon charge. There were a number of Kern families in the Tohickon congregation. Hence it is not impossible that Kern fol- lowed the invitation of his relatives to come and settle among them. As early as 1750 Christian Kern and his wife Anna Mary were members at Tohickon. In 1769, we find Adam Kern and his wife Catharine, in 1789 Philip Kern and his wife Catharine, in the membership of the congregation. But the ministry of Mr. Kern in his new field of labor was very brief. At Tohickon he baptized the first child on May 16, 1787, and the last on February 24, 1788. At Indian Creek, his first baptism is recorded on December 7, 1787, his last on March 13, 1788. He died suddenly and unex- pectedly in Rockhill township March 22, 1788, and was buried in the graveyard of the Indian Creek Church. The inscription on his tombstone reads: In Memory of Rev. John Michael Kern. Born in Germany 1736. Died March 22, 1788. Comparing his birthdate on the tombstone with the rec- ord obtained from Mannheim, there can be no doubt that either the stonecutter or the person who ordered the in- scription made a mistake. It is not the only instance in which a mistake is found on the tombstone of a Reformed minister.*® 4 36 Another instance of such a mistake on a tombstone of a Reformed minister is that of Rev. John W. Neveling, who died January 18, 1844, and is said, on his tombstone in West Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia (also in Harbaugh, Fathers, II, 207) to have been 94 years of age at the time of his death. The records of his home town in Germany show that he was born August 4, 1754. 54 The Pennsylvania-German Society. VIII. THE MINISTRY OF THE REV. JOHN WILLIAM INGOLD, June 1788 to July 1790. The next pastor at Tohickon introduced his entries with the statement: “Children who were baptized by me, John William Ingold, pastor pro tem.” Ingold is another minister, like Kern, about whose ante- cedents in Europe it was very difficult to get any definite information. At last, through the kind co-operation of Prof. Dr. L. Lemme, of Heidelberg, this obscurity has been dispelled. John William Ingold was born October 4th and was baptized October 8, 1734, at Simmern, near Coblenz. His father was the Rev. John William Ingold, Sr., who from 1735-1764 was the second Reformed pastor at Sim- mern. The younger Ingold matriculated at the University of Heidelberg August 8, 1754.°7 He was ordained at Heidel- berg May 10, 1762. In June 1774, Ingold appeared before the Deputies of the Holland Synods at The Hague. He submitted to them the following testimonials: (1) His certificate of ordination, dated Heidelberg, May 10, 1762; (2) a letter of recommendation from F. C. Hospital, Con- sistorial Councillor at Heidelberg, dated May 23, 1773; and (3) a letter from the consistory of the German Reformed Church at London, dated February 20, 1774, where Ingold had preached for four months. Ingold was given fl. 150 as traveling expenses to America and a letter of recommenda- tion to the Coetus of Pennsylvania, dated June 9, 1774. Shortly afterwards he left for Pennsylvania, where he ar- rived in the fall of 1774. Ingold had a checkered career in Pennsylvania, filled 97 Ingold matriculated at Heidelberg August 8, 1754, not August 4th, as formerly given by the writer in History of the Goshenhoppen Charge, p. 224; see Matrikel der Universitit Heidelberg, 1903, Vol. IV, (1704- 1807) p. 166. Tohickon Reformed Church. 55 with troubles and difficulties. His name occurs in the min- utes of Coetus from 1775 to 1790. During these fifteen years he served at least seven different charges. Shortly after his arrival he became pastor at Witpen and Worcester, in Montgomery county. At Witpen, (now Boehm’s Church at Blue Bell) his baptisms run from No- vember 7, 1774, to May 25, 1775. At Worcester (now Wentz’s Church) his ministry began November 10, 1774, as shown by a receipt for salary. At the close of the first year his congregations refused to continue his salary at £75. “His brethren were sorry for him and helped him to Sau- %? con,” writes the secretary of the Coetus. There he stayed Agree Signature of Rev. John Wm. Ingold, from Old Goshenhoppen record. for a few months in the year 1776, without leaving any traces in the church record, and then departed for Easton. Here his entries begin August 25, 1776, and ‘continue till March 17, 1786. In 1781, when Goshenhoppen became va- cant, the two smaller congregations, namely Old Goshen- hoppen and Great Swamp, allowed him to preach in their churches, but New Goshenhoppen refused to admit him. Hence he left Goshenhoppen again in November 1781. After he gaye up Easton in 1786, he accepted a call from Reading, which is dated September 14, 1786. His stay there, lasting a year and a half, was filled with quarrels. Hence was compelled to leave in April 1788. Coetus does not want to put all the blame on him, but states rather se- verely: “A repulsive conduct is likely to bring about such consequences.” From Reading Ingold went to Tohickon, Indian Creek and Trumbauer’s. At Tohickon his baptisms 56 The Pennsylvania-German Society. - begin July 6, 1788, and end June 3, 1790. At Indian Creek they extend from June 19, 1788, to November 1, 1789. While pastor of these churches he lost his wife. He himself en- tered the notice of her burial into the Indian Creek record: “1789, March 29th [buried] Mrs. Catharine Barbara In- gold, wife of the minister, aged 40 years, 6 months, 3 weeks and 4 days.” She was buried in the Indian Creek cemetery. The date of death on her tombstone is given as March 27th, 1789, which shows that the date in the record must be the date of burial. She left four children. At the meeting of the Coetus, held at Falkner Swamp in June 1790, Ingold is reported to have been “rejected by his congregation.” After that he became an independent Re- formed minister, who did not attend the meetings of the Coetus, nor, after 1793, the meetings of the Synod of the Reformed Church in Pennsylvania. From July 1790 to May 1793, Ingold was ministering to Spiess Church, in Berks county, an independent Reformed congregation, and from 1791 to 1796 to Amity Reformed Church, another independent congregation. After the year 1796 we lose trace of him, although he was still living, for in the year 1801 Synod informed him that, because of his continued absence, he had excluded himself from the Synod. When and where he died is as yet unknown, but his son, John M. Ingold, was a Reformed pastor in Pitts- burgh, from 1819-1821.** IX. THE MINISTRY OF THE REV. NICHOLAS POMP, August 1790 to September 1797. After an interval of a few months Tohickon and neigh- boring congregations secured a new pastor in the person of the Rev. Nicholas Pomp. His entries in the Tohickon record are prefaced by the following heading: “N. Pomp, ~ 8 See Heisler, Fathers of the Reformed Church, Vol. IV, p. 472. eG > Fragment of Autobiography by Rev. Nicholas Pomp. Tohickon Reformed Church. 57 having been called to Tohickon and having accepted the congregations of Indianfield and Tohickon, entered upon his work at Tohickon the first of August, in the year 1790, and continued this book in the following order.” Nicholas Pomp, or to give him his full baptismal name, John Nicholas Pomp, was born January 20, 1734, at Mam- bachel, then in the Duchy of Zweibriicken, now in the “Regierungsbezirk” Trier, a part of the Rhine Province. His parents were Peter Pomp (written Bomb in the rec- ords) and Anna Elizabeth Thomser. They had been mar- ried at Baumholder (the center of the parish, of which Mambachel was a part) November 28, 1726. The couple had seven children, of whom John Nicholas was the fourth.*° During his early youth Nicholas was a sickly child, and even afterwards seems to have suffered from ill- health. After leaving public school his father urged him to take up the tailoring business. But it undermined his health and as a result he gave it up after a few years. When twenty years of age he began his preparation for the min- istry, by going to a higher school, where he studied the an- cient languages. At twenty-four he entered the University of Marburg, matriculating there April 25, 1757. While studying at Marburg a call came from the Synods of Hol- land for preachers in Pennsylvania. Pomp responded to this call and was ordained in the city of Cassel. He ap- peared before the Deputies of the Synods in March 1765, and was by them commissioned for Pennsylvania on March 27, 1765. Sometime afterwards he started for Philadelphia, where he arrived December 7, 1765. His first charge consisted of Falkner Swamp and Vin- cent, which he served with great acceptance from 1765 to 1783. In the latter year he accepted a tcall to the Reformed church at Baltimore. His departure from Falkner Swamp 39 The new data presented above were secured through Prof. Dr. L. Lemme, of Heidelberg. 58 The Pennsylvania-German Society. caused much sadness and even bitterness among his parish- ioners there, while his new congregation caused him much worry and labor. There were at that time two factions in the church at Baltimore, which disagreed over the erection of anew church. Pomp was unable to heal the division and to reconcile the contending parties. He, therefore, left Bal- timore in 1789 and went to Goshenhoppen to become there the successor of Faber. But, when accepting the call, in October 1789, he stipulated that he would serve the con- gregations only until they could secure the services of the younger Faber, who was studying for the ministry. Hence the stay of Pomp at Goshenhoppen was brief, from Novem- ber 1789 to July 1790. At the latter date young Faber was ready to take his father’s place. On August 1, 1790, Pomp began his ministry at Tohickon and Indianfield, or Indian Creek, as it is now called. At Tohickon Pomp baptized 239 children, from June 1790 to September 1797. At Indian Creek he baptized during the same time 126 children. During part of this period, namely from April 1794 to August 1795, he was also preaching at Witpen, now Boehm’s Church at Blue Bell, as is evident from his entries in the record of that congregation. In 1797, Pomp retired from the ministry after a pastoral activity of thirty-two years. He went to live with his son, Thomas Pomp, at Easton, where the latter was pastor of the Reformed congregation. He died at Easton September 1, 1819. He lies buried, alongside of his wife, in the ceme- tery at Easton. Their tombs bear the following inscrip- tions: Revd. Nicholas Pomp who was born Elizabeth Pomp January 20. A. D. 1734 Wife of Rev. Nicholas Pomp and departed this life Born Feb. 9, 1734 September 1. A. D. 1819. Died May 20, 1812 Aged 85 years 7 months Aged 78-2-11. and 12 days. = ie a | REV® NICHOLAS POMP. WHO VILS ROR SENORRY 20.6. 0.172%. AND GEPLRTER THIS LIFE GEFPTEMGCER fi rm. 1219. PED 26 YERRS 7 IAnTKS : rin 12 MkYS. ee ian « Pe eae pe ea ee a LO i sae baetoe ht nah ITS NS ME SAUL Ce ‘Crertsrce ree Onn or Thr Pounoere Gf owt errtne Pererren ceupcmor pericns. -* weer To THe BOMNTey Tt forts Storr ry Prete Ser tehop Ar ener i THe rrr izeoleee teceerro ¢e F Crcror cree. oprer, ~ " reid Ans s Tombstone of Rev. Nicholas Pomp, at Easton, Pa. Pes . 4 . ey Mammary a the Rev? JA COB SE NN wlhiewas born June ® 4774 dep arte 1s Be Pe ee ee Jaw wid 23° 1818.Aéed 43 Years Imo days was Whinis fj of + ibe Chur] ny Daf fas dwick P nd Years andat Doaliet ' wsield & Swany i8¢¥: Tombstone of Rev. at Indian Creek. Jacob Senn, ‘ a } oY. 21 Tohickon Reformed Church. 59 Pomp was one of the more prominent members of the Coetus, for he was repeatedly its clerk and its president. In 1774, while pastor at Falkner Swamp, he published an able treatise against the Universalists.* X. THE MINISTRY OF THE REV. JACOB SENN, October 1799 to January 1818. After the retirement of Pomp the congregations were without a regular pastor for more than a year. There was, however, an unknown person supplying them, for in the Indian Creek record there are 22 baptisms, entered by an unknown hand, from September 1798 to September 1799. The next pastor, who began his ministry in October 1799, was the Rev. Jacob Senn, a man about whom little is known thus far. He was born June 1, 1774, but the place of birth is unknown. He received his education in the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, graduating from that institution with the degree of A.B. in the year 1792, and receiving the degree of A. M. in 1795.“ At the meeting of the Reformed Synod, convened at Falkner Swamp, May 3-5, 1795, “Messrs. Wack and Pomp made application for the examination and ordination of the candidates Wack, Pomp and Senn, and requested Synod to have the matter attended to in the fall through a commit- tee. The request was acceded to and a committee was appointed for the purpose consisting of Messrs. Dalliker, Blumer, Helffrich, Hendel and Herman.” At the meeting of Synod, held in April 1796, in Philadelphia, the commit- tee reported that “they had attended to the duty assigned them and were perfectly satisfied with their knowledge of 40 The title page of this book is reproduced in the writer’s History of the Goshenhoppen Charge, p. 248. 41 These facts are given in the General Alumni Catalogue of the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 1922, p. 11. 60 The Pennsylvania-German Soc ety. theology, the languages, etc., and accordingly have or- dained them to the ministry. It was resolved that the Synod is well satisfied with what was done.” According to Dr. Harbaugh (Fathers, II. 406) the ordination of all the three men, Thomas Pomp, John Jacob Wack* and Jacob Senn, took place at Indianfield on September 23, 1795. Jacob Senn’s first pastorate was in New Jersey, where he labored for four years at Knowlton, Stillwater and Sussex- town, in Sussex county. While pastor there he was mar- ried, September 19, 1798, to Elizabeth Markel. He came to Tohickon in October 1799. His baptismal entries at To- hickon begin November 2, 1799, his marriage records No- vember 17th, and his burial records October 12, 1799. He remained pastor of this charge to the day of his death, which took place January 28, 1818. His funeral sermon was preached by the Rev. Frederick W. Van der Sloot, pastor of the Goshenhoppen charge, from the text: “I am dis- tressed for thee, my brother Jonathan,” II Sam. 1:26. He lies buried in the cemetery attached to the Indian Creek Church. His widow, Elizabeth Senn, died more than 54 years later, on October 30, 1872, at the age of 90 years, 10 months and 7 days. She was buried beside her husband, the Rev. Jacob Kehm preaching her funeral sermon. The inscriptions on their tombstones read: In Memory of In the Revd. JACOB SENN Memory of who was born June ist 1774 Elizabeth Senn. departed this life January 28th wife of 1818. Aged 43 years 7 months Rev. Jacob Senn. & 27 days; was Minister of the Born Dec. 23, 1781. Refor. Churches in Sussex Hard- Died Oct. 30, 1872. wick & Nolltown 4 Years and at Aged 90 yrs. 10 mo. Dohicken Indianfield & Swamp & 7 days. 18% Years. 42 It was not George Wack, as stated by Dr. Harbaugh, Fathers, II, 406, for he was not ordained till 1801, see Harbaugh, Fathers, III, 111. Tohickon Reformed Church. 61 XI. THE MINISTRY OF THE REV. JOHN A. STRASS- BURGER, April 1818 to July 1854. Jacob Senn was followed almost immediately by John Andrew Strassburger, who preached for the first time in the charge on Easter 1818. Although only a theological student at that time, he began soon afterwards to preach to these congregations regularly. John Andrew Strassburger was the son of John Andrew Strassburger, Sr.,** who had been born in Oberingelheim, in the Palatinate, January 24, 1754, and had come to Penn- sylvania with his father, arriving in Philadelphia October 13, 1769. In 1780 he married Eva Jaeger. They had seven children, of whom John Andrew, Jr., was the fourth. He was born in Upper Milford township, Lehigh county, Octo- ber 3, 1796. He studied theology under Dr. Samuel Helf- fenstein in Philadelphia. After three years of study he ap- peared before the Synod which met at Carlisle, September 6-9, 1818, was examined by a committee and licensed Sep- tember 9, 1818. In the statistics for the year 1818 he ap- pears already as the pastor of Indianfield, Tohickon and Great Swamp. This is another case, in which Great Swamp is used for Trumbauer’s Church. At the meeting of Synod held at Lancaster, September 5-9, 1819, Strassburger was examined once more and, with thirteen other candidates, ordained in the evening of Sep- tember 9, 1819.** It is at first sight surprising that his bap- tisms begin shortly after he had received his licensure, at 43 For the ancestors of John Andrew Strassburger see the account of the Strassburger Family, in Dotterer’s Historical Notes, I, 92f. 44 This corrects the statement of Dr. Heisler, Fathers of the Reformed Church, Vol. IV., p. 127 note, that Strassburger was ordained on Septem- ber 23, 1819. The printed minutes show that the Synod of 1819 was held on September 5-9, 1819. The ordination of the candidates took place on Thursday evening, September 9th. See Minutes, 1819, p. 22. 62 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Tohickon on October 4, 1818, and at Indian Creek on De- cember 13, 1818. His marriages start at Tohickon Septem- ber 13, 1818. This would be against present day church law, but according to the constitution of 1793, which was then in force, licentiates were granted license to perform all the ministerial acts. Strassburger was pastor of these con- gregations for thirty-six years, from April 1818 to July 1854. On July 14, 1854, he handed to his consistories the following resignation, which was printed :* “After due notice, the Consistories of the four united congrega- tions, to wit: Indianfield, Charlestown, Tohickon and Ridge Road, assembled in Ridge Road Church, on Saturday afternoon, at 1 o’clock, on which occasion the Pastor of said charge handed in his resignation, viz. On account of bodily and mental debility, I J. A. Strassburger, resign my ministerial charge amongst you, after a servitude of thirty-six years and three months; during which time about three thousand children were received by infant holy Baptism; fifteen hundred and ninety-five members by Confirmation, after catecheti- cal instruction; twelve hundred and thirty-five couple were insti- tuted in the holy bonds of wedlock, by matrimonial ceremony; one thousand and forty-four committed to their long and solitary home, on which occasions funeral addresses were delivered. That the great Shepherd of his flock may soon bless you again with a pious and faithful Pastor, is the solemn wish and humble prayer of yours affectionately in the Lord. J. A. Strassburger. Ridge Road Church, Rockhill tsp., Bucks Co., July 14, 1854.” Strassburger was much beloved by his people, who looked upon him as their father. After his resignation he retired to his farm at Bridgetown, Bucks county, where he died May 2, 1860. He is buried in the graveyard adjoining the Indian Creek Church. 45 The original of this resignation was written in German, of which a copy is before the writer. It was translated most likely by one of the elders into this, rather queer, English. ve ———— Tohickon Reformed Church, 63 The pastors that succeeded Strassburger to the present time were as follows: 1854-1857, Rev. Joshua H. Derr, 1857-1871, Rev. Peter S. Fisher, 1871-1905, Rev. Jacob Kehm, 1907-date, Rev. Samuel E. Moyer. ULRICH ZWINGLI 1484 — 1531 64 The Pennsylvania-German Society. THE TOHICKON REFORMED CHURCH RECORDS VOLUME I, 1745-1784 The first volume of the Tohickon Reformed records is a book 8 by 6% inches in size, bound in boards and contains at present (1924) 97 leaves or 194 pages, some of which are blank. It was be gun in 1749 by Jacob Riess, but some earlier baptisms, performed by John Conrad Wirtz, from 1745-1748, were entered, in the rear of the book, by John Egidius Hecker, during the latter’s ministry, 1756-1762. As the entries in the book are badly mixed up, it seemed desirable to rearrange them for this edition in chronological order. The following is the contents of volume I, in chronological order: I. BAPTISMS: uf 2. 3. 4 Pe 21 by John Conrad Wirtz, 165 by John Jacob Riess, 588 by John Egidius Hecker, 112 by John Christopher Gobrecht, 186 by Caspar Wack, 15 by supplies, 57 by John Theobald Faber, 1144 baptisms. II. MARRIAGES: Wesco routs 133 by John Egidius Hecker, 1 by John Christopher Gobrecht, 55 by Caspar Wack, 6 by John Theobald Faber, 195 marriages. III. BURIALS: 1G 2. 3. 90 by John Egidius Hecker, 9 by Caspar Wack, 5 by John Theobald Faber, 104 burials. Pages in original: 1745-1748, 1749-1756, 1756-1762, 1766-1770, 1771-1781, 1781-1782, 1782-1784, 1755-1762, 1769, 1772-1781, 1782-1784, 1756-1761, 1772-1781, 1782-1784, pp. 22-24, rear pp. 1-22, rear pp. 1-36, 90-108 pp. 50-51, 89, pp. 109-119 pp. 119-140 pp. 140-141 pp. 142-147 pp. 56-66 p. 82 pp. 82-86 p. 76 pp. 44-50 pp. 25-27, rear p. 161 Tohickon Reformed Records. 65 IV. CATECHUMENS: 1. 136 of John Egidius Hecker, 2. 106 of John Christopher Gobrecht, 38. 95 of Caspar Wack, (also 86 communicants ) 4, 30 of John Theobald Faber, 367 catechumens. [I. 1784, Pages in original: 1756-1760, pp. 37-43 1766-1770, pp. 44, 66-68 1772-1776, pp. 69-75 p. 52 BAPTISMAL RECORDS.] [1. Baptisms By Rev. JoHN ConRAD WirTZ,! 1745-1748.] The following children were baptized by Domine Conrad Wiirze. Parents Peter Gruber and Anna Barbara Valentine Renner and Magdalena Herman Junghenn and Magdalena William Hammer- rich and Anna Magdalena Wendel Lentz and Sophia John Matthias Mul- ler and Anna Maria Conrad Heister and Gertrude John Niemand and Elizabeth Chris- tine Children Maria Elizabeth, b. Apr. 27; bap. May 19, 1746? John Peter, b. May 16, 1744; bap. yJune 16, 1745. Abraham, b. Oct. 2, 1745; bap. May 19, 1746 Maria Catharine, b. Sept. 19; bap. Dec. 15, 1745. Maria Barbara b. Jan, 12; bap. Feb. 9, 1746 John, b. Feb. 2; bap. Feb. 4, 1746 John, b. Sept. 7, 1745; bap. May 25, 1746 John Peter, b. June 22; bap, Sept. 3. 1746 Witnesses Peter Lederman and wife Peter Hans and wife Anna Lucia The father himself Philip Kruger, Maria Catharine Maurer, Maria Schumann Balthasar Stuber and Barbara John Riffert and Elizabeth Kron The parents Peter Hans and Lucia, his wife 1 These baptisms are in the handwriting of John Egidius Hecker. 2 The original reads: 1756. 4 . 66 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Nicholas Popp and Maria Catharine Valentine Nicolaus and Elizabeth Peter Trompauer and Maria Casper Alles and Anna Margaret Solomon Leibkeipy and Catharine Adam Gans and Maria Elizabeth Peter Geiser and Veronica Anthony Hens and Apollonia Herman Junghenn and Magdalena Jacob Heintz and Magdalena Frederick Salade* and Barbara Children Frederick, b. June 14; bap. Sept. 8, 1746 John Balthasar’, b. June 5, 1746; bap. 15th inst. Anna Barbara, Db. Aug. 3; bap. Sept. 8, 1746 Anna Hlizabeth, b. Aug. 3; bap. Sept. 8, 1746 Hlizabeth, b. June 23; bap. Sep. 23, 1746 John Jacob, b. July 13; bap. Sept. 23, 1746 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 26; bap. Sept. 23, 1746 George Michael, b, July 20; bap. Oct. 20, 1746 Magdalena, b. Feb. 5; bap. July 17, 1748 Catharine, b. Jan. 4, 1748; bap. July 17, 1748 Jacob, b. Jan. 22, bap. July 17, 1748 Witnesses Frederick Salade and Barbara Balthasar Stuber and Barbara Adam Peischer and Anna Barbara Anna Elizabeth and Margaret Hans Blasius Beyer and Elizabeth John Jacob Sorber and Maria Engel, his wife George German and Barbara George Michael Weissel Barbara Marx Michael Weissel Catharine Angene Jacob Weissel and Marg. Schist 3 Most of the German Christian names have been given in their cor- responding English form, except some of the more uncommon names, aS Melchior, Diedrich, Ludwig, Lorentz, etc. 4 Frederick Salladé came from the Canton of Basle, Switzerland. Emi- grated by ship “Queen of Denmark”, qualifying at Philadelphia Oct. 4, 1751. Naturalized Sep. 1765. He belonged to a French Huguenot family of good lineage, long established in the ancient province of Provence, but owing to persecutions became exiles in Switzerland. The Bessonet family that settled in Bristol, Bucks county, about 1720, came from Dauphiny, the adjoining province of Provence. Tohickon Reformed Records. 67 Parents Anthony Heintz and Apollonia Adam Duy and Maria Magdalena Children Jacob, b. Oct. 21, 1747; bap. July 17, 1748 Jacob, b. Oct. 13, 1747; bap. July 17, 1748 Witnesses Jacob Hauck and wife Conrad Duy [2. BAPTISMS BY REV. JACOB RIESS, 1749-1756.] Church Record for the Reformed Congregation on the Tohickon in Bedminster Township. By me were entered those children whom I, Jacob Riess, have baptized, beginning August 27, 1749. Parents John Niemand and Christina Eliza- beth Ludwig Linden- schmit and Mary Elizabeth Conrad Nagel and wife John Riffert and Mary Catharine John Riffert and Mary Catharine Michael Ott and Catharine Peter Wickert and Mary Margaret John Hoenig and Anna Nicholas Hatrig and Christina Valentine Vliegel and Anna Eliza- beth Nicholas —— and Catharine Barbara Children John, bap. Aug. 27, 1749 Maria Magdalena, bap. Noy. 19, 1749 Carl, bap. Nov. 30, 1749 John, bap. Nov. 30, 1749 Christian, bap. Nov. 30, 1749 John, bap. Dec. 3, 1749 John Paul, bap. Dec. 7, 1749 Susan, bap. Dec. 17, 1749 John Peter, bap. Dec. 26, 1749 Carl, bap. Jan. 14, 1750 Henry Ludwig, bap. Mar. 25, 1750 Witnesses John Bauschler and Dorothea Bob George Henry Seibel and Mary Magda- lena Carl Geres and Catharine John Hoenig and Anna Christian Kern and Anna Maria John Gallman John Paul Wickert, Mary Catharine Riess John Wurman and Susan John Peter Hatrig, Dorothea Bauscher Carl Kiichlein and Mary Magdalena Rul Ludwig Crob, Eliza- beth Croman, Anna Catharine Wildanger 68 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Jacob Huber and Elizabeth George Bergstrasser and Veronica Peter Geischer and Veronica Peter Gorg and Anna Margaret Valentine Rohr and Barbara Frederick Salete and wife Ludwig Rudolph and Elizabeth Jacob Roth and Charlotte Christian Kern and Anna Mary Michael Messer and Anna Margaret Philip Fluck and Barbara John Bernd and wife John Wildanger and Amelia Henry Eckel and Susan George German and wife Blasius Beyer and Elizabeth Christopher Ziegen- fuss and wife Children Magdalena, bap. Mar. 25, 1750 Philip. b, Oct. 31, 1749; bap. Apr. 8, 1750 John Peter, bap. Apr. 8, 1750 John Jacob, bap. Apr. 16, 1750 John Jacob, bap. — May 16, 1750 John, bap. May 20, 1750 John Adam, bap. May 20, 1750 John Peter, bap. July 15, 1750 Anna Elizabeth, bap. July 15, 1750 Lorentz [Lawrence] bap. Oct. 28, 1750 John, b. Aug. 30, 1750; bap. Dec. 30 John, bap. Dec. 30, 1750 Catharine, bap. Jan. Pian erga Catharine, bap. Jan. 23, 1751 John Michael, bap. Jan. 27, 1751 Anna Barbara, bap. Feb. 3, 1751 John George, bap. Feb. 10, 1751 Witnesses Peter Stemm and Magdalena father and mother John Peter Jung and wife John Jacob Roth and Charlotte John Jacob Weissel John Hoenig and Anna John Adam Bauscher and Barbara John Peter Gorg and Anna Margaret John Riffert and Anna Elizabeth Lorentz Berson and Elizabeth John Fluck and Anna Maria John Bernd and Elizabeth Mar- garet, the grand- parents. Ludwig Wildanger and Catharine parents John Michael Cop- pelberger and Anna Margaret parents John George Tesch and Anna Bliza- beth } nid ny pao! pe , ener ingle see aries dedi pL EAS Tse gi Marga eg te lal joria aa = é poe, Wein Sfp pp fe daca Pry TEE er enn me eR aD . ge PHY Tete es vp pelt pee Np Of le es Sle be fra ETS Title page of Tohickon Reformed record, written by Rey. Jacob Riess, August 27, 1749. Tohickon Reformed Records. 69 Parents George Riegel and wife Adam Dani and Christina Matthias Diensch- man and Elsa Catharine Martin Colp and Catharine ’ William Pannen- becker and Anna Jacob Weissel and Anna Margaret George Ihmig and Mary Elizabeth Michael Wietrecht and Magdalena Peter Staud [Stoudt] and Mary Catha- rine John Ernest Glenk- hart and Catharine Wife of John Brend, Jr. Valentine Renner and Magdalena John Niemand and Christina Anthony Schneider and Anna Mary Jacob Fasbenner and Sewille [Sibylla] John Kieffer and Elizabeth Peter Funk and Mary Eva Children (1) John George, (2) Mary Elizabeth (3) Anna bap. Feb. 17, 1751 John Adam, bap. Mar. 24, 1751 John, bap. Apr. 8, 1751 Catherine, bap. Apr. hea lrg k Anna, bap. Apr. 8, 1751 Frederick, bap. Apr. 2151751 John George, bap. Apr. 21, 1751 Mary Barbara, bap. May 5, 1751 Elizabeth, bap. May 5, 1751 Maria Christine, bap. May 5, 1751 Anna Magdalena, bap. May 27, 1751 John Adam, bap. May 26, 1751 Joseph, bap. June 2, 1751 John Conrad, bap. June 16, 1751 Henry, bap. June 16, 1751 John, bap. June 16, 1751 John Peter, bap. July LOL 5 Cilia, an abbreviation of Caecilia. Witnesses The parents John Adam Beuscher and Anna Barbara John Frey, Doro- thea Bob The parents The parents Blasius Beyer and Elizabeth George Bergstresser, Jacob Riess and wife, Catharine Frederick Salete and Maria Barbara Peter Faust, Eliza- beth Croman Arnd Althaus and Anna Maria father and mother- in-law John Adam Beuscher and Anna Barbara Joseph Stegle and Mary Veronica John Conrad Dui and Anna Maria John Bernd and Anna Magdalena John Wurman and Susan Peter Wohner, Cilia® Russ, Mary Mar- garet Riess 70 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Felix Felter and wife Peter Jorg and Anna Margaret Sebastian Stein and Anna Catharine Peter Nuss and Barbara Peter Resch and wife Jacob Huber and Elizabeth Jost Reess and wife John Erhart Ros and wife Peter Kurtz and Sophia George Wildanger and Christina Peter Hatrig and wife Conrad Kother and wife, Elizabeth Valentine Vliegel and Anna Elizabeth Jacob Schleif and wife Valentine Rohr and Barbara Frederick Kern and Anna Margaret Children (1) Mary Elizabeth, (2) Catharine Bar- bara, bap. July 14, 1751 Mary Charlotte, bap. Aug. 11, 1751 Daniel, bap. Aug. 18, 1751 John, bap. Aug. 18, 1751 John Conrad, bap. Sept. 15, 1751 Mary Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 6, 1751 ‘John Henry, bap. Oct. 20, 1751 Maria Barbara, bap. Oct. 20, 1751 Maria Catharine, bap. Nov. 1, 1751 Magdalena, bap. Nov. 3, 40bL Philip Wendel, bap. Dec. 22, 1751 Catharine Elizabeth, bap. Mar. 1, 1752 Anna Apollonia, bap. Mar. 15, 1752 Anna Maria, bap. Mar. 30, 1752 John George, bap. Mar. 30, 1752 Anna Margaret, bap. April 5, 1752 Witnesses John Nickel Nick- lauss and Catha- rine Bon Jacob Roth and Charlotte parents Lorentz Schwenck Anna Margaret john Conrad Dui and Anna Maria John Peter Sayn and Magdalena Diel John Henry Rees and Christine Frederick Salete and Maria Barbara Peter Wohner, Maria Margaret Wickert, Catherine Eliza- beth, wife of Peter Miller Michael Weisel and Magdalena Philip Wendel Har- ing, Mary Mar- garet Riess Blasius Beyer and wife Valentine Kramer, Anna Apollonia Sponemer Conrad Dui and Anna Maria John George Wild- anger and Chris- tina parents Tohickon Reformed Records. 71 Parents Christian Kern and Anna Mary George Hertzel and Barbara Zacharias Heller® and Anna Conrad Has and Mary Catharine Ludwig Linden- schmidt and Eliza Peter Winkler and Margaret Philip Fluck and Barbara Jacob Roth and wife Samuel Kirch and Charlotte William Kroh and Margaret George Riegel and Elizabeth Frederick Salete and Barbara Arend’ Althauser and Anna Maria John Bernd and Magdalena Blasius Beyer and Elizabeth Children Anna Margaret, bap. April 5, 1752 Anna Maria, bap. May 31, 1752 Mary Elizabeth, bap. June 14, 1752 Mary Catharine, bap. July 12, 1752 Mary Hlizabeth, bap. July 26, 1752 Margaret, bap, July 26, 1752 Christopher, bap. Nov. 12, 1752 Anna Elizabeth, bap. Nov. 12, 1752 Magdalena, bap. Nov. 19, 1752 John Stephan, bap. Dec. 3, 1752 (1) John Jacob, (2) John Henry, (twins), bap. Dec. 17, 1752 John Manuel, bap. Feb. 4, 1753 John Jost, bap. Mar. 4, 1753 Susan, bap. Mar. 18, 1753 John, bap. April 8, 1753 6 Zacharias Heller was born in 1724. Witnesses Frederick Kern and wife George Rau and Anna Maria Ham- man Balthaser Erbach and Mary Elizabeth Conrad Hut and Catharine Trub Balthaser Erbach and Mary Elizabeth George Rau and Mar- garet Schaeffer Christopher —— and Magdalena parents Jacob Kirch and Magdalena John Stephan Acker- man, Christian Steinbach and wife Dorothea (1) John Jacob Riess and Mary Catha- rine (2) John Henry Her- ing and Eliza Margaret parents John Jost Volmer and Magdalena Jacob Fasbenner and Sibylla, parents He emigrated to Pennsylvania in ship “Royal Judith”, arriving at Philadelphia Sep. 8, 1742. 7 Arend, usually written Arndt, from the old German word arn, the eagle. 72 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Jacob Huber and Elizabeth John Fluck and Anna Mary Michael Ott and Catherine Adam Dani and wife Matthias Wildanger and Judith William Pannenbeck- er and Catharine Peter Jorg and Anna Margaret Martin Colp and wife Peter Staud and Mary Catherine Nicholas Hatrig and Christina Peter Bender and Catharine John Niemand and Christine Eliza- beth John Wildanger and Amelia Anthony Schneiter and Anna Maria Anthony Schneiter and Anna Maria Zacharias Heller and Anna Jacob Heintz and wife. John Kieffer and Elizabeth Michael Weissel and Magdalena Children John Jacob, bap. Apr. 15, 1753 Anna Mary, bap. Apr. 15, 1753. Anna Catharine Bar- bara, bap. April 23, 1753 Sarah, bap, Apr. 28, 1753 Anna Barbara, bap. Apr. 23, 1753 William, bap. Apr. 28, 1753 John Peter, bap. Apr. 28, 1753 Mary, bap. Apr. 28, 1753 John Peter, bap. May 27, 1753 Blizabeth, bap. May 27, 1753 Christian, bap. June 10, 1753 Anna Mary, bap. June 24, 1753 Anna Dorothea, bap. Aug. 5, 1753 John Jacob, bap, Aug. 5, 1753 John George, bap. Aug. 5, 1753 Barbara, bap. Aug. 19, 1753 John Henry, bap. Sept. 2, 1753 Anna Elizabeth, bap. Sept. 2, 1753 Mary Elizabeth, bap. Oct. 14, 1753 Witnesses John Jacob Riess and Mary Catha- rine Conrad Dui and Anna Mary Adam Beuscher and Barbara parents Frederick Salete and Anna Barbara parents parents parents John Wildanger and Amelia Philip Stein and wife parents Peter Hatrig and Anna Mary Martin Ayer, Doro- thea Beuscher Conrad Dui and Anna Mary John George Nees, Catharine Benter Marx Wannenmach- er and wife Peter Schaeffer, Mary Margaret Ries Michael Holl, Apol- lonia Sponemer Rudolph Drach and wife Tohickon Reformed Records. 73 Parents John Frey and Dorothea John Hoenig and Anna Balthasar Erbach and Mary Eliza Jacob Ziegenfuss and wife —— Sturm and wife John Honinger and wife Jacob Fasbenner and Sibylla Matthias Diensch- man and Bliza Catharina Nicholas Frey and wife Conrad Haas and wife Marx Wannenmach- er and wife John Kraut and wife Frederick Schwenck and Elizabeth Peter Hatrig and Maria Martin Colp and Anna Michael Jost and Wilhelmina Catha- rine Martin Herbster and Anna Maria Ver- onica- Ernest Glenkhart and wife Children John Conrad, bap. Dec. 23, 1753 Mary Barbara, bap. Mar. 3, 1754 Anna, bap. Mar. 4, 1754 John George, bap. Mar. 17, 1754 John, bap. Mar. 31, 1754 John Leonard, bap. Apr. 7, 1754 John Peter, bap. Apr. 14, 1754 John Peter, bap. Apr. 14, 1754 Hlizabeth, 14, 1754 Elizabeth, 14, 1754 bap. Apr. bap. Apr. John Jacob, bap. Apr. 14, 1754 Daughter, bap. Apr. 28, 1754 Margaret, bap, May 22, 1754 Anna Elizabeth Christine, bap. May 26, 1754 Anna Barbara, bap. May 26, 1754 Maria Christina Philistina, bap. June 3, 1754 Anna Wilhelmina Catharine, bap. June 3, 1754 Son, bap. June 3, 1754 Witnesses John Dietrich Frey and Catharine Frederick Salete and Mary Barbara John Hoenig and Anna John George Tesch and Anna Eliza John Frey and Dor- othea John Leonard Abel and Salome John Bernd and Anna Magdalena parents Peter Bender and wife William Schaeffer and Elizabeth Kramer John Jacob Ruhl Andrew Gottschall and wife Jacob Ernst and Margaret Stroh John Niemand and Anna Elizabeth Christine Adam Bauscher and Anna Barbara Philip Stiber and Maria Christina Michael Jost and Anna Wilhelmina Catharine John Glenkhart 44 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Jacob Schleif and Catharine George Henry Seybel and Mary Magda- lene George Hertzel and wife John Leil and Maria Margaret Andrew Kiichlein® and Susan Philip Lohr and Anna Christina George Wildanger and Barbara Christian Kern and Anna Maria Michael H6ll and Apollonia Valentine Renner and Magdalena John Schaydecker and Frike [Frede- ricka] Jacob Roth and Charlotte Children Christina, bap* June 9, 1754 Christina, bap. June 9, 1754 Mary Elizabeth, bap. June 9, 1754 Thomas, bap. June 9, 1754 Abraham, bap. June 16, 1754 John Hubert, bap. July 7, 1754 John Ludwig, bap. July 7, 1754 John Adam, bap. July 7, 1754 John Christian, bap. Aug. 11, 1754 Michael, bap. Sept. 1, 1754 (1) Benjamin, (2) John Jacob, age 7 weeks 2 days, bap. Sept. 1, 1754 John Henry, bap. Sept. 22, 1754 Witnesses Adam Dani and Christina Adam Dani and Christina George Rau and Mary Elizabeth Gruber Thomas Haman and Susanna Michael Coppelberg- er and wife John Hubert Lohr and Amelia, wife of Arnold Schu- man John Ludwig Wild- anger and Catha- rine John Adam Dani and Christine John Christian Kern and wife Michael Ott and Catharine Jacob Riess and Maria Catharine parents s Andrew (Andreas) Kiichlein was born in Germany ; he emigrated to America and was naturalized Sept. 1760. He wasa captain in the Revolu- tionary war. He is believed to have been a brother of Colonel Peter Kachlein of Easton, Pa., a colonel of a regiment in the “Flying Camp.”, who took part in the battle of Long Island. They were the sons of Johann Andreas Kachlein who was born at Listal, Switzerland, Feb. 1680, and died at Kirchheim Sep. 23, 1722. Col. Peter Kachlein was born at Kirchheim in Nassau Weilburg, Germany, Oct. 8, 1722. He emigrated to Pennsylvania by ship “Francis and Elizabeth”, and qualified at Philadelphia Sep. 21, 1742. Tohickon Reformed Records. 75 Parents Philip Fluck and Barbara Hartman Ditmer and Anna Catharine Ludwig Linden- schmit and Eliza Godfrid Schnelger and Christine Peter Jorg and Margaret Peter Esch and wife Jacob Freyer and wife Christian Trager and Barbara Arnold Schuman and Amelia George Riegel and wife Peter Reppert and wife John Peter Gruber and wife Nicholas Kuns and wife Arend Althaus and wife John Bos and Clara Sebastian Stein and Catharine Sebastian Stein and Catharine Henry Eckel and wife Children Ludwig, b. Sept. 6, 1754; bap. Sept. 22, 1754 Anna Catharine, bap. Sept. 29, 1754 Eva Eliza, bap. Oct. 12, 1754 Anna Maria, bap. Nov. 10, 1754 John Adam, bap. Dec. 15, 1754 John, bap. Dec. 23, 1754 Daughter, bap. Jan. 5, 1755 (1) John, (2) Lud- wig William, bap. Feb. 2, 1755 Eva, bap. Feb. 26, 1755 Maria Margaret, bap. Mar. 30, 1755 Peter, bap. Mar. 30, 1755 Philip Peter, bap. Mar 30, 1755 Felix, bap. Apr. 13, 1755 Magdalena, bap. May 22, 1755 John, bap. June 8, 1755 John, b. Feb. 7, 1753; bap. Jan. 18, 1756 David, b. May 10, 55; bap. Jan. 18, 1756 i John, b. Jan. 14, 1756; bap. Feb. 1, 1756 Witnesses Ludwig Fluck and Maria Jacobina Kern Henry Hertzel and Margaret Balthasar Erbach and Mary Eliza Jacob Clos and Anna Maria John Adam Jorg, Ursuia Bdoschertz John Waltz and Elizabeth Henry Lohra and wife John Niemand and Christina Eliza. Ludwig William Trager and Bliza Philip L6hr and Eva Schuman Peter Henrich and Maria Margaret parents Philip Conrad Stre- ber George Philip Schu- man and wife parents parents parents parents 76 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Peter Schaeffer and Anna Eliza Daniel Ott and wife Peter Staut [Stoudt] and wife John Jost Althaus and wife Children Anna Clara, bap. Feb. 8, 1756 Maria Catharine, bap. Mar. 18, 1756 John Jacob, bap. Mar. 28, 1756 Mary Margaret, bap. Mar. 28, 1756 Witnesses Anna Clara Schaef- fer Petur Henrich and Mary Margaret John Jacob Riess and Mary Catha- rine Peter Henrich and Maria Margaret The following children were baptized by Jacob Riess at Saucon. George Scheib and Apollonia Conrad Muller and Eva Jacob Dettemer and Elizabeth Frederick Scholl and Barbara Jacob Freyman and Maria Elizabeth Gottfried Premaner and Maria Mar- garet Anthony Lerch and Margaret Philip Jacob Koch and Anna Barbara Jacob Seem and Barbara Zacharias Heller and Anna Conrad Haas and Maria Catharine Ludwig Linden- schmit and Eliza- beth Christopher, bap. Jan. 17, 1750 George Henry, bap. Feb. 18, 1750 Anna Margaret, bap. Feb. 18, 1750 John George, bap. Apr. 1, 1750 Maria Sophia, bap. Apr. 1, 1750 John Frederick, bap. Apr. 15, 1750 Anthony, bap. Apr. 15, 1750 Carl Ludwig, bap. May 27, 1750 Anna Magdalena, bap. June 24, 1750 Maria Elizabeth, bap. June 14, 1752 Maria Catharine, bap. July 12, 1752 Maria Elizabeth, bap. July 26, 1752 Christopher Wagner and wife George Henry Unangst Martin Lahr, Mar- garet Scholl John George Hertzel and wife Christopher Wagner and wife John Frederick Scholl and wife Carl Ludwig Keiper and wife Georg Peter _Gauft and Anna Magda- lena Scholl Balthasar Erbach and wife Conrad Huth and Catharine Trub Balthasar Erbach and wife 9 The entries were made by John Egidius Hecker, on pp. 21-22 of the original. Tohickon Reformed Records. 77 Church Record of the Congregation of Dohicken,!° in which are entered the children who have been baptized and con- firmed by me, as also those who have been married by me, and those who were buried by me, divided into four parts: The first part contains the children who were baptized. It be- gins in the beginning and continues to the 20th leaf. The 2nd part begins with the 20th leaf and contains the children who were confirmed, to the 25th leaf. The third part begins with the 25th leaf and continues to the 35th. It contains those that were married. The fourth part begins with the 35th leaf and extends to the end. It contains those who died and were buried by me. Begun April 19, 1756, by me, John Egidius Hecker, hoc tempore Reformatae Religionis Pastor Dohicken.12 [8. BAPTISMS BY REV. JOHN EGIDIUS HECKER, 1756-1765.] Parents John Egidius Hecker V.D.M. and Catha- rine Ulrich Stoller and Elizabeth Michael Mayer and Magdalena Christian Rincker and Maria Catha- rine Michael Ott and Catharine Peter Schaeffer and Elizabeth Children John Adam, b. July 27; bap. Aug. 1, 1756 Andrew, b. May 12; bap. July 26, 1756 John Adam, b. Oct. 28, 1756; bap. Nov. 14 Christopher Abra- ham, b. Feb. 28, 1756; bap. Feb. 6, 1757 Benjamin, b. Oct. 31, 1756; bap. Feb. 12, 1757 Adam, b. Mar. 21; bap. Apr. 10, 1757 10 Entries made by John Egidius Hecker. 11 It is actually p. 36. Witnesses John Hoenig and Anna, Adam Thany and Christina Andrew Muller and wife Adam Bibel, Anna Maria Odenwdalder Christopher Kette- man parents Adam Schaffer and Catharine Dany 12 i, e. at this time pastor of the Reformed religion, Tohickon. 78 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Anthony Schneider and Elizabeth Adam Butz and Margaret Jacob Weissel and Margaret Martin Kolb and Anna Maria Conrad Schaub and Adriana Daniel Schlappich and Anna Margaret Nicholas Meloth and Ottilia Frederick Zollner and Maria Barbara Zacharias Heller and Anna Jacob Hoffheintz and Anna Elizabeth John Conrad Croo [Kroh] and Anna Maria Michael Butz and Maria Children Anthony, b. Apr. 1; bap. Apr. 25, 1757 John Christopher, b. July 13, 1756; bap. Aug. 15, 1756 Anna Catharine, b. Mar. 18, 1756; bap. June 6, 1756 Catharine Elizabeth, b. Mar. 11, 1756; bap. June 20, 1756 Conrad, b. July 7, 1754; bap. Aug. 31, 1756 Anna Christina, b. Aug. 12, 1756; bap. Sept. 9 Catharine, b. Dec. 26, 1755; bap. Jan. 8, 1757 John Conrad, b. Oct. 11, 1756; bap. Jan. 3, L157 John Christian, b. Oct. 19, 1756; bap. Jan. 8, 1757 John Daniel, b. July 30, 1756; bap. Aug. 15 John Diedrich, b. June 4; bap. Sept. 26, 1756 Christian, b. Dec. 18, 1756; bap. Feb. 6, 1757 battle, hence “brave in battle’. Witnesses John Riffert and wife Christopher Rauch and Mary HEliza- beth Geres Jacob Frey, Catha- rine Beyer Catharine Beischer John Hoenig John Ladenmacher and Anna Chris- tine Hoffman Jacob Muller and Catharine Conrad Lipold and Kunigunda!® Christian Kern and Anna Maria Daniel Schlappich, Daniel Gucker, Anna Margaret Leibgeb John Diedrich Frey and wife Christian Schuck and wife 13 An ancient German name, from kuon-kiihn, i. e. brave and gund, yo hin ee Aind. hs Mba Aut PPR frog al fr iGs Shae ioe aad iy ft haga @s / 4 % Sree itSvon be ape" Gn Dit cnn err = Eee oe ails re poe | iow fo Bad Wa? de. my Web den thy han fe ¢ hpi =~ js . } / 4 wh ofp Let, £36 Uln.c te qt a One. ga, we Oba. 7. teh ; ts ‘ete bie: te oe Ss So AO orl NW ev ro Fed Go a Title page of Tohickon Reformed record, written by Rev. John E. Hecker, April 19, 1756. { wid sre ig ee ee , 4 ' ms ‘ : a . a A ; A ¥ ; 7 244 P ) eS ae | : - eS re ? mia” 4 i. q ae 17. ree ns Tohickon Reformed Records. 79 Parents Caspar Doll and Margaret Philip Fluck and Barbara Simon Jacob Diehl and Maria Eliza- beth Lorentz Remmy and Veronica Children Anna Catharine, b. Jan; is) bap. Feb. 22, 1757 John Christian, b. Feb. 8; bap. Feb. rai gona WETS | Carl Peter, b. Feb. 25; bap. Mar. 7. 1757 John Caspar, b. Feb. 10; bap. Apr. 13, 1757 Witnesses Jost Edelman and Christina Christian Kern and Anna Maria —., Anna Apollonia Caspar Doll and wife Christian Lederach, a young man, about 22 years old, was bap- tized by me, April 23, 1757, after he had made a previous confession of faith, before the public congregation. Jacob Blum and Catharine Simon Rohrig and Barbara Jacob Esch and Catharine George Frey and Christina William negress and a Conrad Klein and Anna Maria Nicholas Fischer and Elizabeth John Bender and Margaret George Hickman and Eva Catharine Elizabeth, b. Sep. 12, 1756; bap. Sep. 19 John Conrad, b. Feb. 23; bap. Apr. 17, 1757 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 29, 1757; bap. Apr. 25 Conrad, b. Apr. 16, 1757; bap. May 1 Elizabeth, illegiti- mate, b. Apr. 1, 1757; bap. May 1 Anna Magdalena, b. Feb. 13, 1757; bap. May 8 Anna Catharine, b. Aug. 2, 1756; bap. May 8, 1757 Hannah, b. Dec. 4, 1756; bap. Dec. 26. George Adam, b. Aug. 28; bap. Sept. 19, 1756 Jost Edelman and Hlizabeth Merckel Conrad Schiitteler and Barbara Si- mon John Wals and wife Conrad Rossly and wife Adam Guckert and wife Conrad Huth, Mag- dalena Georg Frederick Wambold and wife . Henry Bartholmae and Hannah Adam Edelman and wife 80 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Arnold Schuhman and Anna Amelia Henry Bachman and Blizabeth William Wagner and Margaret Lahr Richard Dixon and Catharine Philip Gross and Margaret Henry Reinhard and Anna Maria Michael Weissel and Magdalena George Burckhart and Maria Chris- tine Peter Laux!‘ and Catharine Daniel Grilly and Maria William Kemmel and Margaret Children John Herbert, Db. Sept. 28; bap. Oct. 19, 1756 John George, b. Oct. 14; bap. Dec. 28, 1756 John George, illegiti- mate, b. May 17, 1756; bap. Jan. 22, 1757 Hamilton, b. Apr. 6, 1755; bap. Apr. 6, 1757 George Daniel, b. Mar. 26, 1757; bap. Apr. 11 John George, b. Feb. 22; bap. Apr. 17, 1757 Maria Catharine, b. Dec. 3, 1755; bap. Apr. 19, 1756 Magdalena, b. Mar. 15; bap. Apr. 11, 1757 John, b. Dec. 14, 1756; bap. Apr. 23, 1757 John, b. Jan. 1, 1749; bap. Sept. 12, 1756 Johannetta, b. July 24, 1755; bap. Oct. 13, 1756 14 Peter Laux was born at Miinster in 1726. vania in ship “Patience”, qualifying at Phila belonged to an old French Huguen members of which fled to Hesse Nassau in Germ Henry IV in 1610, which became members of the French Reformed His wife Catharine was a Heunz (Heutz) of Franconia township, Montgomery country. Died Feb. 16, 1799. Aug. 18, 1798. Witnesses John Herbert Lohr and Hva George Dreisbach, Maria Eliz. Buch- eckern Balthasar Lahr and wife The parents George Hertzel and wife Peter Mirsenheimer and wife John Keller and Anna Maria John Nicol Michel and Maria Riegel parents parents John Arnd Althaus and wife He emigrated to Pennsyl- delphia Sep. 16, 1748. He ot family in the southwest of France, any after the death of a, favorite asylum for the persecuted Church. He was naturalized in 1765. daughter of Johannes She died Tohickon Reformed Records. 81 Parents Nicholas Bach and Barbara Martin Herbster and Sophronica Jacob Schleiff and Anna Maria Jacob Scheumer and Elizabeth George Scheib and Apollonia Conrad Mittman and Barbara Peter Hederich and Maria ; Valentine Rohr and Anna Barbara George Haman and Maria Magdalena Diderich Erhard and Anna Maria Daniel Grilly and Maria Paul Flick and Catharine John George Hertzel and Barbara Jacob Freyer and Elizabeth Ernest Klincker and Catharine Children John Jacob, b. Mar. 12, 1755; bap. Nov. 21, 1756 John, b. Nov. 27, 1756; bap. Jan. 16, 1757 Jonn,. Ds) Octar 14; 1756; bap. Feb. 3, 1757 John, b. Feb. 18; bap. Apr. 3. 1757 John, b. Feb. 28, LibieenDapaA Dies John, b. Mar. 2, 1757; bap. Apr. 10 Maria Magdalena, b. June 1, 1756; bap. Aug. 15 Michael, b. Mar. 9, 1756; bap. July 10 Maria Catharine, b. June 20, 1756; bap. July 11 Maria Charlotte, b. June 14, 1756; bap. July 11 Maria, b. Jan. 8, 1752; bap. Sept. 12, 1756 Anna Margaret, b. Aug. 18; bap. Oct. 6, 1756 Maria Margaret, b. Oct. 31; bap. Nov. 14, 1756 Maria Elizabeth, b. Oct. 7, 1756; bap. Nov. 21, 1756 Maria Magdalena, b. Dec. 20, 1756; bap. Dec. 25 Witnesses Jacob Freyer John Beischer, Anna Margaret Drach John Riffert and wife John Melcher and wife John Appel and wife John Beischer, Bar- bara Ott John Beischer, Maria Magdalena Gruber, single Jacob Rohr and wife John Haman, Catha- rine Gilger Jacob Roth and wife Philip Wendel Her- ing and wife John Vogle, Anna Margaret Fabian: Conrad Hess and wife Peter Haug and Maria Elizabeth Jost Voller and Maria Magdalena 82 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Children Wicnesses Peter Benner and Ludovicus, b. Mar. 4; Ludovicus Benner Catharine bap. Aug. 15, 1756 and Magdalena Jacob Konig and Matthew, b. Sept. 29; Matthew Konig and Catharine bap. Oct. 16, 1756 wife Adam Many and Maria Dorothea Conrad Nagel and Anna Margaret Michael Messer and Margaret Conrad Stenger and Catharine Michael Schumach- er, Maria Catha- rine Ludwig Winckler and Christina Thomas Bond and Elizabeth Thomas Bond and Elizabeth Josiah Balduin and Sarah Thomas Melvin and Elizabeth John Oulen and Ger- trude John Michael, b. Nov. 24; bap. Dec. 14, 1756 Anna Margaret, b. Jan. 1; bap. Feb. 33) LYb7 Anna Maria, b. Nov. 10, 1756; bap. Feb. 2, 1757 Anna Magdalena, b. Jan. 24; bap. Feb. 13, 1757 Anna Margaret, b. Jan. 26; bap. Feb. 22, 1757 Anna Margaret, b. Feb. 19; bap. Mar. 6, 1757 John George, b. Feb. 17, 1757; bap. Feb. 24 Anna, b. Feb. 20, 1753; bap. Feb. 24, 1757 Moses, b. Mar. 16, 1756; bap. Feb. 24, 1757 Abigail, b .Mar. 13, 1756; bap. Feb. 24, 1757 Anna Martha, b. Feb. 9; bap. Mar. 20, 1757 Michael Lutz and wife, Philip Oden- walter and wife parents parents Ludwig Benner and wife Jacob Guckert and wife, Jacob Scheimer, Mar- garet Ridiger Philip Grossge and Anna Margaret George Bergstraser and Veronica parents parents parents Michael Huppack and Anna Martha Tohickon Reformed Records. 83 Parents Simon Heller!> and Louisa George Henrich and Elizabeth Andreas Kndodler and Anna Philip Lehr and Anna Christine Philip Fluck and Barbara Anthony Lerch and Margaret Conrad Jacoby and Anna Maria Adam Rieser and Maria Elizabeth John Frey and Doro- thea Peter Hefft and Elizabeth Joseph Sebitz and Clara Catharine George Labach and Anna Margaret Conrad Haas and Maria Children John Michael, b. Janev2se Dap Apry 11, 1757 Anna Maria, b. Apr. 11, 1757; bap. Apr. ily Maria Philippina, b. Nov. 21, 1756; bap. Apr. 17, 1757 Maria Magdalena, b. May 4; bap. June al aly Asyrg Christian, b. Feb. 8, 1757 Nicholas, b. Mar. 30, 1757; bap. April 11 John Philip, b. Dec. 2, 1755; bap. June 20, 1756 John Paul, b. Dec. 27, 1756; .bap. Feb. 22, 1757 John Philip, b. Mar. 20, 1757; bap. Apr. 10 Peter, b. May 2, 1757; bap. May 18 Sibylla Christina, b. Aug. 9; bap. Oct. 27, 1756 Susanna, b. Nov. 27, 1756; bap. Dec. 13. Susanna Maria, b. May 25, 1756; bap. JanwsLyeyroy Witnesses Michael Heller and wife Adam Thomas, Anna Maria Burger Philip Seger and wife Daniel Dallwig, Maria Magdalena Schumann Christian Kern and Anna Maria Nicholas Michel, Marie Melcher Philip Sponheimer, Anna Magdalena Riegel Paul Rieser and wife Philip Schreyer and Barbara Popp Peter Diehl, Magda- lena Gruber Michael Deter and Sibylla Christina Christian Labach and Susanna ’ William Manderbach Susanna Maria Braunewell 15 Simon Heller, born June 18, 1721, at Petersheim in the Palatinate of the Rhine, Germany; came to Pennsylvania with his father Christopher Heller in the ship “‘Winter Galley’, qualifying at Philadelphia Sep. 5, 1738. He married in 1744 with Louisa Dietz of Milford township, Bucks county. She was born in 1726 and died April 13, 1768. Simon Heller removed to Plainfield township, Northampton county, and later to Hamilton township, where he died May 20, 1783. He was prominent in the organization of the Reformed congregations of Plainfield and Hamilton townships. 84 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Henry Rutschy and Anna Peter Eychert and Susanna Frederick Frutschy and Anna Margaret Rudolph Oberle?® and Margaret George Kiihn and Maria Barbara Henry Bucher and Hannah Henry Bucher and Hannah Jacob Fassbenner and Sibylla Jost Vollmer and Maria Magdalena Valentine Haus- wirt and Anna Maria Abraham Lefeber and Elizabeth Balthasar Hess and Catharine Valentine Renner and Catharine George Schellham- mer and Elizabeth Matthew Kern and Christina Children Sarah, b. Dec. 27, 1756; bap. Feb. 1, 1757 Susanna, b. Jan. 28; bap. Feb. 2, 1757 Sibylla Margaret, b. Feb. 25; bap. Mar. 6, 1757 Rudolph, b. Jan. 17; bap. Feb. 6, 1757 Anna Catharine, Db. Mar. 13; bap. May 14, 1757 John, b. June 30, 1754; bap. May 22, 1757 Anna Barbara, b. Dec. 22, 1755; bap. May 22, 1757 Anna Maria, b. Apr. 6; bap. June 5, 1757 Jacob, b. Apr. 28; bap. June 5, 1757 Anna Maria, b. Apr. 11, 1757; bap. June 5 Balthasar, b. May 8; bap. June 12,1757 Susanna, b. May 28; bap. June 12, 1757 Maria Elizabeth, b. Mar. 30; bap. June 18, 1757 Anna Catharine, b. May 26; bap. July 5, 1757 Rosina, b. June 18; bap. June 26, 1757 Witnesses Vernonica Schuck Lorentz Bierson and Elizabeth Matthew Gorth and Sibylla Lorentz Bierson and wife Catharine Leydy John Friedt and Henrica Peter Dautfuss and Sibylla Anna Maria Born Ernest Klincker and Catharine John Wolfinger and wife Melchior Hey and Susanna Susanna Hey Rudolph Drach and wife Henry Roeder, Cath- arine Wahr Adam Hay, Rosina Seib 16 Rudolph Oberle was born in Alsace, June 8, 1712, died Feb. 17, 1780. Buried in the old graveyard at Lower Saucon Church. Tohickon Reformed Records. 85 Parents Gerhard Mohr and Phoebe Conrad Wagner and Eva Margaret Simon Peter Geres and Maria Valentine Kraemer and Anna Maria Peter Lerch and Anna Eva Nicholas Best and Elizabeth Cath- erine Frederick Dick and Hlizabeth Philip Henry Scholl and Margaret Adam Johe and Christine John Hahn, Maria Magdalena Benner Peter Stadel and Anna Catharine Jacob Neyhard and Anna Eva Henry Frantz and Maria Susanna Children Elizabeth, b. July 3; bap. July 10, 1757 Christopher, b. June 20; bap. July 10, 1757 Maria Elizabeth, b. July 2; bap. July 17, 1757 Anna Elizabeth, b. Mar. 14; bap. July lei, Sbrdiy) Anna Maria, b. July 2; bap. July 24, 1757 Juliana Elizabeth, b. July 13; bap. July 24, 1757 Sibylla Catharine, b. June 26, 1757; bap. July 24 Maria Barbara, b. June 26; bap. Aug. (ear aay Susanna, b. June 21, 1757; bap. Aug. 9 George Henry, b. July 16; bap. Aug. LaLa Maria Christina, b. Apr. 18; bap. Aug. 14, 1757 Jacob Caspar, b. June 7; bap. Aug. 20, 1757 John Jacob, b. Aug. 3; bap. Aug. 20, 1757 17 Cratias is intended for Pancratius, For the full name see baptism under date March 18, 1759. powerful.” a Greek name, meaning Witnesses Michael Mohr and wife Christopher Gange- wer and wife Peter Geres, Hliza- beth Schaeffer Herman Stump and Elizabeth Cratias [!] Lerch? and wife Nicholas Mensch and Sarah Elizabeth Philip Dick and wife Barbara Scholl Melchior Hay and Susanna George Henry Lohra and Catharine Nicholas Hess and wife Jacob Duncky and wife, Frederick Volck and wife Jacob Jeradin, Cath- arine Jeradin “all 86 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Ludwig Eygener and Christina Michael Wilhelm and Margaret Jacob Weiss and Margaret Jacob Lang and Catharine Philip Henry Scholl and Anna Mar- garet Daniel Grilly and Maria Daniel Grilly and Maria Jacob Meyner and Catharine Bartholomaeus Hoff- man and Anna Maria John Engel Roeder and Anna Mar- garet Anthony Ashauer and Sarah John Schneider and Elizabeth Emmanuel Berge and Maria Chris- tina Children Henry Jacob, b. July 29; bap. Aug. 21, 1757 Maria Veronica, b. Apr. 29; bap. Aug. 21, 1757 Anna Elizabeth, b. June 12, 1757; bap. Aug. 21 Eva Margaret, b. Aug. 4; bap. Aug. 28, 1757 Maria Barbara, Db. June 26; bap. Aug. LLC t .John Nicholas, b. Feb. 27, 1755; bap. Sept. 18, 1757 Elizabeth, b. May 27; bap. Sept. 18, 1757 John Jacob, b. Nov. 22, 1756; bap. Sep. 18, 1757 John, b. Aug. 9; bap. Sep. 18, 1757 Catharine Elizabeth, b. Aug. 14; bap. Sep.. 18, 1757 Elizabeth Christina, b. July 26; bap. Sep. 18, 1757 Anna Christina, b. June 30; bap. Sep. 18, 1757 Catharine, b. Aug. 10; bap. Sep. 25, 1757 Witnesses Jacob Scheumer, Barbara Raub Jacob Meixel, Vero- nica Zimmerman Adam Gucker and wife Eva Margaret Ham- man Barbara Scholl Frederick Scholl Adam Gucker and wife George Reimel and Elizabeth John Horn and Ger- trude, Henry Jung and Elizabeth ‘Adam Johe and Christina Adam Johe and wife Lawrence Mayer and Catharine Tohickon Reformed Records. 87 Parents Matthias Bruch and Anna Barbara Wendel Eberhard and Susanna Wendel Eberhard and Susanna Wendel Eberhard and Susanna Wendel Eberhard and Susanna John Jaeger and Elizabeth Valentine Scherer and Barbara John Drum and Maria Michael Eberreuther and Margaret Conrad Bachman and and Catharine Magdalena Michael Lantz and Susanna Matthew Wildanger and Judith Christian Kern and Anna Maria Christopher Willet and Christina Children Susanna Catharine, b. Sep. 4; bap. Oct. 2, 1757 John Wendel, b. Dec. 22, 1749; bap. Oct. 8, 1757 John, b. Nov. 2, 1752; bap. Oct. 8, 1757 Abraham, b. Oct. 3, 1754; bap. Oct. 8, 1757 Elizabeth Catharine, b. Aug. 26; bap. Oct. 8,.:1757 John, b. Aug. 31; bap. Oct. 16, 1757 John Adam, b. Oct. 10, 1757; bap. Oct. 16 Maria Catharine Bar- bara, b. Sep. 16, 1752; bap. Oct. 16, 1757 Maria Elizabeth, b. Octet Lip te nbap: Oct. 23 John Conrad, b. Oct. 5; bap. Oct. 24, 1757 John George, b. Sep. 21; bap. Nov. AP L76T. John, b. Sep. 29; bap. Nov. 6, 1757 John Jacob, b. Sep. 16; bap. Nov. 6, 1757 Anna Barbara, Db. Aug. 13; bap. Nov. 6, 1757 Witnesses Jacob Best and wife Carl Zion John Strohschneider Abraham Graff Catharine Hecker John Moor and Eva Elizabeth Adam Rieser and wife John Bossan, Bar- bara Drum George Emig and wife Conrad Leisering and Sibylla parents John Beischer, Sophia Jost Jacob Ruhl, lonia Falck Apol- Philip Fluck and Barbara 88 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Henry Steiner and Dorothea Felix Velte and Anna John Jacob Radelein and Anna Mar- garet Peter Best and Anna Georg Vass and Mar- garet John Niemand and Christina Eliza- beth Matthew Koenig and Christina Henry Schaeffer and Blizabeth John Haas and Cath- arine William Vollbrecht and Christina John Wollenschlag- er and Maria Eliz- abeth Samuel Brodt and Salome Anthony Schmidt and Catharine Children Maria Barbara, b. Dec. 25, 1756; bap. Nov. 10, 1757 Anna Magdalena, b. Feb. 12, 1756; bap. Nov. 10, 1757 Cunigunda, b. Oct. 31; bap. Nov. 10, LST, Jeremiah, b. Oct. 24; bap. Nov. 13, 1757 Anna Barbara, Db. Sep. 3; bap. Nov. 14, 1757 John Jacob, b. Oct. 19; bap. Nov. 20, 1757 John Jonathan, b. Oct. 31; bap. Nov. 27, LT57 John Jacob, b, May 28; bap. Nov. 27, 1757 Elizabeth Catharine, b. July 16; bap. Nov. 27, 1757 John William, b. Nov. 20; bap. Nov. 28, 1757 Philip Daniel, b. Oct. 26; bap. Dec. 5, 1757 Anna Christina, b. Nov. 10; bap. Dec. 10, 1757 John Jacob, b. Oct. 28; bap. Dec. 26, 1757 Witnesses Barbara Huth Conrad Leopold and Cunigunda Conrad Leopold and Cunigunda Jeremiah Drexler, Elizabeth Knauss, Leonard Knecht, Catharine Gotthard Christian Bender, Anna Barbara Knecht Jacob Ahlem [?] and wife John Hertzel, Cath- arine Schlauch Jacob Frolig, Anna Margaret Leibkeipi Elizabeth Catharine Rexer John William Kehl, and Maria Magda- lena Philip Geres and wife Jacob Sterner and wife John Jacob Hoff- man Tohickon Reformed Records. 89 Parents John Mann and Anna Catharine Jost Rees and Anna Margaret Philip Jacob Ober- beck and Maria Sarah Jacob Leibleiter and Margaret Lawrence Mager and Catharine Matthew Stier and Maria Jacob Gross and Magdalena — Michael Schorz and Margaret Michael Ott and Catharine John Arbegast and Rebecca Jost Dreisbach and Elizabeth Henry Ulrich and Catharine Frederick Eysen and Maria Children John, b. Dec. 19; bap. Dec. 26, 1757 Anna Margaret, b. Dec. 12; bap. Dec. 26, 1757 John George, b. Dec. 15; bap. Dec. 27, 1757 1758 Anna Sibylla, b. Dec. 16, 1757; bap. Jan. 1, 1758 Anna Margaret, b. Nov. 13, 1757; bap. Jan. 1, 1758 John George, b, May 16, 1757; bap. Jan. 6, 1758 John George, b. Dec. 30, 1757; bap. Jan. 8, 1758 Tobias, b. Dee. 8, 1757; bap. Jan. 22, 1758 Anna Dorothea, b. Dec. 3, 1757; bap. Feb. 1, 1758 John Jacob, b. Jan. 25; bap. Feb. 2, 1758 John Jost, b. Oct. 26, 1757; bap. Feb. 8, 1758 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 29, 1757; bap. Feb. 8, 1758 Frederick William, . b. Nov. 15, 1757; bap. Feb. 9, 1758 Witnesses Peter Mann and wife Michael Eberreuter and Anna Mar- garet John George Ober- beck and wife Conrad Jacoby and Hanna, Sibylla Loch Christian Buss and wife parents George Hertzel and wife Tobias Scholl, Eliza- beth Oberlin Christian Steinbach and Dorothea Jacob Weisel and Eliza Bayer William Deter and wife John Dreisbach, Elizabeth Wald- man Frederick Nagel an Maria go The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents William Schaeffer and Veronica Philip Shaeffer and Anna Elizabeth Anthony Mueller and Barbara Henry Hartman and Elizabeth Michael Heller and Helena Daniel Heller and Elizabeth George Aest and Anna Magdalena Ludwig Heller and Anna Margaret Erasmus Althaus and Catharine Herman Stumpff and Philippina Balthasar Lahr and Maria Catharine Richard Lyh and Anna William Taylor and Maria Arnd Althaus and Maria Children Elizabeth, b. Jan. 1; bap. Feb. 12, 1758 Maria Christina, b. Dec. 12, 1757; bap. Feb. 13, 1758 John George, b. Jan. 2, 1758; bap. Feb. 15, 1758 John Michael, b. Dec. 23, 1757; bap. Feb. 16, 1758 John Michael, b. Nov. 1757; bap. Feb. 19, 19, 1758 Jeremiah, b. Dec. 15, 7, 1757; bap. Feb. 1758 Maria Elizabeth, b. Nov. 14, 1757; bap. Feb. 19, 1758 Anna Maria, b. Feb. 13> bap. hebweL9, 1758 John David, b. Jan. 11; bap. Feb. 22, 1758 Anna Barbara, b. Jan. 6; bap. Feb. 26,1758 Margaret, b. Dec. 31, 1757; bap. Mar. 5, 1758 Richard, b. Apr. 4, 1753; bap. Mar. 5, 1758 Isaac, b. Mar. 4, 1754; bap. Mar. 6, 1758 John Jacob, b. Dec. 29, 1757; bap. Mar. 12, 1758 Witnesses Anna Clara Schaef- fer Philip Geres, Maria Elizabeth Emig John Hauskipper, Martha Hauskip- per Michael Koppelberg- er and wife Valentine Warg, Catharine Koch George Christopher Heller and wife Daniel Heller and wife George Gangewehr, Anna Maria Mel- cher David Gerich, Cath- arine Bauer John George Schaef- fer and Barbara Balthasar Lahr and wife Adam Kockert and Elizabeth Christian Schmitt and wife Jacob’ Rauh Tohickon Reformed Records. gl Parents John Schweitzer and Catharine John Boos and Clara Michael Butz and Maria Elizabeth Jacob Raber and Anna Elizabeth Christian Laffer and Susanna Peter Behr and Cath- arine Elizabeth George Terry and Rachel Philip Michael and Maria Catharine Simon Davis and and Maria Sarah Peter Seyler and Margaret Philip Odenwilder and Anna Maria Valentine Clether and Catharine John Van Etten and Margaret Ulrich Schleppy and Eva Diderich Hertzel and Catharine From Kruck- schreck’s mill Children Leonard, b. Feb. 11; bap. Mar. 19, 1758 John Jacob, b. Feb. 20; bap. Mar. 26, 1758 Maria Elizabeth, b. Feb. 19; bap. Mar. 27, 1758 Catharine, b. Feb. 28; bap. Mar. 27, 1758 John Adam, b. Feb. 10; bap. Mar. 29, 1758 John Jacob, b. Dec. 17, 1757; bap. Apr. 2, 1758 Magdalena, b. June 1, 1746; bap. Apr. 3, 1758 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18; bap. Apr. 9, 1758 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 29, 1757; bap. Apr. 9, 1758 Veronica, b. Feb. 21; bap. Apr. 9, 1758 George Ludwig, b. Mar. 25; bap. Apr. 9, 1758 Christina, b. Mar. 9; bap. Apr. 15, 1758 John, b. Feb. 11; bap. Apr. 15, 1758 Peter, b. Feb. 19; bap. Apr. 15, 1758 George, b. Apr. 1; bap. Apr. 16, 1758 A negro child— Christina, b. Aug. 8, 1757; bap. Apr. 16, 1758 Witnesses Leonard Vogel, Maria Rexer Jacob Bernhard and wife Maria Elizabeth Oberbeck Isaac Weyerbach, Catharine Ditt- hard Adam Dreisbach and wife Jacob Behr, Juliana Hoffmann Adam Kockert and wife Michael Menninger and wife Philip Drum and Elizabeth Barthol- mae Jacob Meixel and Veronica George Maisch and wife Melchior Stecher and wife John Lefeber Peter Kocher and wife George Hickman and wife Matthew Koenig and Christina 92 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Arnd Bald and Christine Christopher Acker- man and Magda- lena Philip Marckert and Catharine Maria Blasius Beyer and Elizabeth Nicholas Frey and Blizabeth Peter Benner and Catharine Conrad Guth and Eva Michael Weisel and Magdalena Michael Drittenbach and Anna Valentine Mag and Anna Maria John Lahr and Mag- dalena Michael McCarmel and Catharine William Mory and Maria Catharine Joseph —— and Julia Children Anna Margaret, b. Mar. 13; bap. Apr. 16, 1758 John Christopher, b. Mar. 25; bap. Apr. 19, 1758 John Peter, b. Apr. 18; bap. Apr. 19, 1758 Hannah, b. Dec. 20, 1756; bap. Apr. 22, 1758 John, b. Feb. 28; bap. Apr. 23, 1758 John Jacob, b. Feb. 23; bap. Apr. 23, 1758 Catharine Margaret, p. Apr. 5; bap. Apr. 238, 1758 Veronica, b. Mar. 15; bap. Apr. 238, 1758 Andrew, b. Dec. 9, 1757; bap. Apr. 27, 1758 Anna Margaret, b. Feb. 15; bap. Apr. 30, 1758 Philip Peter, b. Mar. 4; bap. Apr. 30, 1758 Anna Margaret, b. Apr. —, 1757; bap. Apr. 30, 1758 Maria Elizabeth, b. Jan. 24; bap. Apr. 30, 1758 Jacob Andrew, b. Oct. 1, 1756; bap. Apr. 30, 1758 Witnesses George Wm. Becker and Marg. Abeler Christopher Schropp and Henrica Jacob Klein, Magda- lena Lantz Jacob Weisel and wife John Niemand and wife William Cressman and Catharine John Beischer, Mar- garet Acker William Chaffer [7] and wife Daniel Dalwig Jacob Weiss and wife Peter Lahr and wife Paul Frantz and wife Maria Eliz. Buch- ecker Jacob Koenig and wife Tohickon Reformed Records. 03 Parents George Sheverel and Elizabeth Frederick Conrad and Sophia Valentine Rohr and Barbara Matthew Schoener and Joumis!§ Henry Knecht and M. Catharine Henry Happel and and Catharine Christian Schmitt and Maria George Beck and Elizabeth John Richard and Johanna John Weber and Sarah Christopher Wagner and Anna Maria Henry Hegeman and Catharine Bernhard Gilbert and Catharine Jost Bibighaus and and Elizabeth Children John George, b. Apr. 15, 1757; bap. May 1, 1758 Anna Maria, b. Dec. 29, 1757; bap. May 7, 1758 John, b. Jan. 13; bap. May 20, 1758 Helena Catharine, b. May 5; bap. May 28, 1758 Magdalena Margaret, b. May 16; bap. May 27, 1758 Maria Margaret, b. May 5; bap. May 28, 1858 Maria Aphrosina, b. Mar. 21; bap. May 28, 1758 John Henry, b. Mar. 31; bap. May 28, 1758 Jacob, b. Apr. 26; bap. May 28, 1758 John Peter, b. May 1; bap. June 12, 1758 Christopher, b. Apr. 8; bap. June 25, 1758 John, b. Dec. 20, 1756; bap. July 2, 1758 John, b. May 27; bap. July 2, 1758 Maria Magdalena, b. Apr. 5; bap. July 2, 1758 Witnesses John Schweitzer John Vogt and wife John Mann and wife Michael Heller and wife Philip Meixel, Mag- dalena Knecht Maria Dietz William Lowall, Aph- rosina Paulicher Henry Roéder and wife Ulrich Schleppi and wife Peter Seib and Anna Maria parents parents John Beischer, Maria Bender Maria Magdalena Mayer is For Joumis the Biblical name Eunice was probably intended. 94 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Martin Gruber and Maria Catharine Frederick Siegel and Anna Mary Jacob Koenig and Catharine George Peter Gauff and Maria Eliza- beth Adam Butz and Catharine Nicholas Weickel and Elizabeth Simon Heller and Louisa Conrad Roessle and Maria Magdalena Anthony Schneider and Elizabeth Frederick Salade and Elizabeth William Groo [Groh] and Catharine George Haman and Catharine George Bechtel and Catharine George Weisel and Maria Jacob Weisel and Margaret Children Maria Catharine, b. June 17; bap. July 8, 1758 John Peter, b. Oct. 3, 1757; bap. July 9, 1758 ™ Anna Maria, b. June 25; bap. July 9, 1758 Anna Margaret, b. May 25; bap. July 9, 1758 John Jacob, b. June 25: bap. July 23, 1758 Maria Catharine, b. July 30; bap. July 31, 1758 Anthony, b. Feb. 1; bap. Aug. 6, 1758 John, b. July 27; bap. Aug. 6, 1758 John, b. May 27; bap. Aug. 13, 1758 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 26; bap. Aug. 13, 1758 Eva Maria, b. July 17; bap. Aug. 138, 1758 Anna Barbara, Db. June 26; bap. Aug. 13, 1758 John, b. May 4; bap. Aug. 13, 1758 John, b. Apr. 5; bap. Aug. 20, 1758 John, b. July 6; bap. Aug. 20, 1758 Witnesses Jacob Gruber, Maria Eva Mueller Peter Philip Hahn John Meixel, Anna Maria Illig Frederick Frutschy and wife John Jacob Rauch George Nees and wife Anthony Lerch and Anna Margaret John Weyerbach, Margaret Abeler John Riffert and wife parents John Popp, Eva Maria Steinbach Valentine Rohr and wife John Hauskipper and wife parents Blasius Beyer and wife Tohickon Reformed Records. 95 Parents Melchior Hertzel and Anna Maria Peter Ross and Sarah Peter Erhard and Sophia Nicholas Hederich and Christina Philip Schwarzlind- er and Maria Agnes William Pannebeck- er and Maria Jaco- bina Andreas Kochleéin and Susanna John Scharfenstein and Barbara Ludwig Dittman and Anna Maria Joseph Zimmerman and Elizabeth George Adam Ebert and Christina Daniel Scherer and Anna Sophia John Schaeffer and Anna Herman Schuman and Eva John Schwartz and Elizabeth Children Henry, b. Oct. 10, 1757; bap. Aug. 27, 1758 Elizabeth, b. July 27, 1758; bap. Aug. 27 Dorothea, b. July 27, 1758; bap. Aug. 27 Hlizabeth Christine, b. June 15, 1758; bap. Aug. 27 Cunigunda, b. June 17, 1758; bap. Aug. 27 Anna Margaret, b. Aug. 21; bap. Aug. 29 Jacob, b. Mar. 10, bap. Sept. 10, 1758 Anna Maria, b. Aug. 5, 1758; bap. Sept. 18, 1758. Anna Christina, b. Sept. 1, 1758; bap. Sept. 18 Elizabeth Catharine, b. Aug. 7,°1758; bap. Sept. 18 Anna Maria, b. June 19, 1758; bap. Sept. 18 John Jacob, b. Sept. 28, 1758; bap. Oct. 8 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 16, 1758; bap. Oct. 15 Anna Emilia, b. Oct. 5, 1758; bap. Oct. 20 George, b. July 29, 1758; bap. Oct. 22 Witnesses parents George Desch and wife Ulrich Seller and wife John Niemand and wife Conrad Leopold and wife Frederick Kern and wife The father Peter Seyler and wife Joseph Rosenberger and wife Jacob Follenweyder, and Elizabeth Eb- erhard Jacob Hahn and wife Jacob Menninger and Catharine Barthol- may Jost Edelman and Christina Arnold Schuman and wife parents 96 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Michael Jost and Catharine Wilhel- mina Henry Wolff and Juliana Nicholas Rippel and Anna Maria Conrad Klein and Anna Maria Jacob Hirtzel and Barbara Jacob Hirtzel and Barbara Valentine Marsch and Margaret Paul Flick and Catharine Frederick Schwenck and Elizabeth Jacob Ruhl and Apol- lonia Peter Lahr and Mag- dalena George Stump and Agnes Michael Class and Catharine Paul Frantz and Anna Maria Christopher Miiller and Anna Chiidren Anna Sibylla, b. — ——" bap. —— John Henry, b. Apr. 26, 1758; bap. Nov. 12, 1758 John Michael, b. Oct. 6; bap. Oct. 29, 1758 John William, b. Sept. 29; bap. Oct. 29, 1758 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 9; bapt. Oct. 10, 1758 Anna Maria, b. Sept. 9; bap. Oct. 10, 1758 John, b. Sept. 30; bap. Nov. 14, 1758 John Caspar, b. June 22, 1758; bap. Nov. 14 Jacob, b. Oct. 31; bap. Nov. 13 John Christian, b. Sept. 28; bap. Nov. 12, 1758 Anna Maria, b. Oct. 3, 1758; bap. Nov. 27 Philip, b. June 25; bap. Dec. 3, 1758 Maria Elizabeth, b. June 19; bap. Sept. 3, 1758 John George, b. July 10; bap. Sept. 3, 1758 William, b. Aug. 21; bap. Dec. 5, 1758 Witnesses The parents Michael Heller and wife William Wirth and wife Henry Ritter and wife Caspar Ritter and wife John Dreisbach, Elizabeth Wald- mann Caspar Fabian, Bar- bara Waldmann parents Christian Kern and wife John Lahr and wife Philip John and Mar- garet Michael Koch and wife George Bender and Magdalena William Mory and wife Tohickon Reformed Records. 97 Parents Christian Rincker and Catharine Eg. Hecker, pastor and Catherine George Wildanger and Barbara Nicholas Schneider and Elizabeth John Schlegel and Catharine Gottlieb Dornblaser and Anna George Leydy and Catharine Henry Seibel and Magdalena Frederick Frutschy and Anna Mar- garet Caspar Erb and Mag- dalena Daniel Schlappich and Anna Mar- garet John William Voll- brecht and Chris- tina John Nicholas Mich- el and Dorothea Adam Thany and Christina Children Lydia Gertrude, b. Oct. 18, 1749; bap. Dec. 10, 1758 Anna Maria, b. Nov. 19, 1758; bap. Dec. 17 John, b. Oct. 29; bap. Dec. 17, 1758 Susanna, b. Nov. 23; bap. Dec. 13, 1758 (1) Philip, (2) John, b. Dec. 10, 1758; bap. Dec. 14 John Jost, b. Sept. 7; bap. Dec. 25, 1758 Maria Magdalena, b. Oct. 19, 1758; bap. Dec. 25 George Henry, b. Dec. 1, 1758; bap. Jan. 1, 1759 John, b. Jan. 4, 1759; bap. Jan. 7 William Lawrence, b. Dec. 24, 1758; bap. Jan. 9, 1759 Anna Margaret, b. Jan. 15; bap. Feb. 4, 1759. John William, b. Nov. 19, 1756; bap. Nov. 29, 1756 Elizabeth Margaret, b. Jan. 27;. bap. Feb. 18, 1759 John Christian, b. Mar. 3, 1759; bap. Mar. 6 Witnesses Frederick Scholl, Gertrude Merckel Christian Kern and wife John Beischer and wife Christian Lauffer and wife Philip Drum and Hannah, Frederick Nagel and Maria Jost Erdman and wife Michael Mayer and wife parents John Lerch, Eliza Freyman William Lawall William Becker and wife William Kehl and Maria Magdalena Henry Hering and wife Christian Kern and wife 98 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents George Labach and Margaret Pancratius Lerch and Anna Maria Philip Fluck and Barbara Ulrich Stoller and Elizabeth Thomas Melvin and Elizabeth John Kueffer and Elizabeth Diderich Erhard and Anna Maria John Frey and Doro- thea William Bassinger and Barbara Michael Lantz and Susanna Valentine Hauswirth Anna Maria Jacob Schaub and Veronica Peter Schaffer and Elizabeth Conrad Jacoby and Hannah Michael Itterle and Catharine Children John Michael, b. Nov. 22, 1758; bap. Mar. 27, 1759 Eva Barbara, b. Jan. 16, 1759; bap. Mar. 18 John Caspar, b. Dec. 24, 1758; bap. Mar. 25, 1759 Maria Apollonia, b. Dec. 24, 1758; bap. Mar. 25, 1759 John, b. Oct. 15, 1758; bap. Mar. 25, 1759 Catharine, b. Nov. 1, 1758; bap. Apr. 8, 1759 Maria Magdalena, b. Jan, 24; bap. Apr. 8, 1759 John George, b. Jan. 31, 1759; bap. Apr. 8, 1759 Maria Catharine, b. Feb. 13; bap. Apr. 10, 1759 John, b. Feb. 26; bap. Apr. 10, 1759 Jacob, b. Dec. 2, 1758; bap. Apr. 16, 1759 Lawrence, b. Jan. 18; bap. Apr. 18, 1759 Margaret, b. Jan. 22; bap. Mar. 11, 1759 Peters) Di, Janes: bap. Apr. 22, 1759 Jacob, b. Dec. 3, 1758; bap. May 6, 1759 Witnesses Michael Roeder Eva Barbara Neu- kommer Caspar Fluck, Helena Kern Jacob Ruhl, Apol- lonia Ruhl parents Michael Wurman, Catharine Bayer Michael Groman, Margaret Mayer George Bob, Catha- rine Beischer Philip Drum and wife parents Jacob Fr6élich, Cath- rine Leipkeib Lawrence Bierson and wife Marg. Cappelberger Peter Scheffer and wife Jacob Nunnemacher and wife Tohickon Reformed Records. 99 Parents John Mill and Mag- dalena Peter Resch and Maria Peter Resch and Maria Peter Resch and Maria Simon Heller and Louisa Anthony Lerch and Margaret John Haas and Maria Catharine Frederick Nagel and Maria Conrad Bauer and Margaret Peter Eichert and Susanna Henry Ritschy and Susan George Ammelhauser and Catharine Peter Lehr and Elizabeth Rudolph Oberle and Margaret John Schwinck and Christina Children Solomon, b. Apr. 10; bap. May 6, 1759 John George, b. May 18, 1755; bap. May 6, 1759 Anna Elizabeth, b. May 25, 1753; bap. May 6, 1759 Anna Margaret, b. Nov. 3, 1758; bap. May 6, 1759 Catharine, b. Mar. 4, 1759; bap. May 13 Frederick, b. Apr. 17; bap. May 13, 1759 Anna Catharine, b. Feb. 8, 1759; bap. May 13 Frederick William, b. Apr. 22; bap. May 16, 1759 John Philip, b. Feb. 23; bap. May 20, 1759 John George, b. Apr. 23; bap. May 24, 1759 Jacob, b. Apr. 15; bap. May 24, 1759 John Christian, b. Dec. 12, 1758; bap. May 24, 1759 Joseph, b. May 3; bap. May 24, 1759 John Jacob, b. Apr. 6; bap. May 27, 1759 John Michael, b. May 8; bap. May 27, 1759 Witnesses Solomon Gruber and wife George Desch and wife Elizabeth Desch Elizabeth Desch Elizabeth Dietz Frederick Frutschy and wife parents John Schlegel Martin Hersch and wife George Oberbeck Jacob Shupp Caspar Ammelhauser parents Jacob Schéumer and wife Michael Schwinck and wife 100 Parents Conrad Mittman and Barbara Caspar Kramer and Elizabeth Henry Steiner and Dorothea Henry Strunck and Maria Catharine Henry Strunck and Maria Catharine John Engel Strunck and Gertrude John Engel Strunck and Gertrude Philip Henry Scholl and Anna Mar- garet John Lahr and Maria George Scheib and Apollonia George Frey and Elizabeth Conrad Stenger and Catharine Zacharias Heller and Anna Christian Kern and Maria Children Elizabeth, b. Mar. 8; bap. June 3, 1759 Maria Christina, b. Sept. 29, 1758; bap. June 3, 1759. Maria Barbara, b. May 15; bap. June 3, L009 John, b. Apr. 9, 1754; bap. June 12, 1759 John Henry, b. Oct. 3, 1756; bap. June 12, 1759 John William, b. Apr. 6, 1756; bap. June 12, 1759 John Henry, b. May 27; bap. June 12, 1759 John Frederick, b. Feb. 27; bap. June TOO Elizabeth, b. Apr. 30; bap. June 17, 1759 Anna Elizabeth, b. June 19; bap. July 8, 1759 John Abraham, b. June 22; bap. July 8, 1759 Conrad. De ADI ae £us bap. July 15, 1759 Zacharias, b. June 18° bap. oly Lo, 1759 John Jacob, b. May 28; bap. July 15, 1759 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses John Niemand and wife Valentine Kramer and wife Barbara Popp Jacob Oberbeck Nicholas Hess and wife Philip Jacob Ober- beck John Egidius Heck- er, Maria Sarah Oberbeck Frederick Scholl and wife Elizabeth Schaeffer Jacob Diehl, Wagner Agnes Abraham Oedinger and wife Martin Hausman and wife parents Jacob Ruhl and wife Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents John Peil and Anna Margaret Philip Gross and Margaret Peter Heintz and Margaret Henry Ulrich and Catharine Henry Schaeffer and Elizabeth Philip Lang and Catharine Philip Schneider and Elizabeth Peter Bleymehl and Magdalena Henry Schneider and Susan William Winne and Margaret John Dege and Anna John Fried and Hen- rica John William Deter and Elizabeth Jacob Stroh and Maria Catharine John Fein and Eliza- beth Children Catharine Elizabeth, b. June 18; bap. July 15, 1759 Maria Magdalena, b. July 1; bap. July 17, 1759 Catharine, b. Apr. 17; bap. July 22, 1759 Catharine, b. June 12; bap. Aug. 3, 1759 John Martin, b. Jan. 29; bap. Aug. 5, 1759 Elizabeth, b. July 7; bap. Aug. 8, 1759 John Conrad, b. July 17; bap. Aug. 5, 1759 John Michael, b. Dec. 5, 1758; bap. Aug. 6, 1759 John Henry, b. June 10; bap. Aug. 6, 1759 Elizabeth, b. July 11; bap. Aug. 6, 1759 John Jacob, b. May 33 DAD. AU: ola, 1759 Anna Catharine, b. June 20; bap. Aug. 12, 1759 Juliana, b. May 20; bap. Aug. 18, 1759 Regina, b. July 7; bap. Aug. 18, 1759 Margaret, b. Dec. 23, 1758; bap. Aug. 19, 1759 IOI Witnesses Catharine Elizabeth Oberbeck Jacob Gross and wife parents John Schlegel and wife parents Ludwig Lang and wife Conrad Roéssle and wife Michael Dasch Henry Brechbiihl, Marg. Insula Elizabeth Barthol- may Jacob Derflinger, Barbara Sponheim- er Catharine Haman Adam Marsch and wife Jacob Layenberger and wife Gottfried Melich and wife 102 Parents George Ensule and Anna Christopher Willet and Christine Conrad Wagner and Eva Frederick Schaeffer and Elizabeth Frederick Schaeffer and Elizabeth Frederick Schaeffer and Elizabeth Frederick Schaeffer and Elizabeth Joseph Graff and Susan Joseph Graff and Susan Joseph Graff and Susan Felix Velte and Anna Conrad Haas and Anna Maria Michael Remberg and Magdalena Abraham Benet and Maria Philip Lehr, and Christina Children Christopher, b. May 27; bap. Aug. 19, 1759 Jacob, b. July 4; bap. Aug. 26, 1759 John George, b. July 18; bap. Sept. 2, 1759 Sarah, b. Mar. 4, 1748; bap. Sept. 2, 1759 Rachel, b. Apr. 25, 1751; bap. Sept. 2, 1759 Maria Magdalena, b. Mar. 22, 1753; bap. Sept. 2, 1759 Anna, b. Apr. 27, 1755; bap. Sept. 2, 1759 Anthony, b. Apr. 28, 1752; bap. Sept. 2, 1759 John, b. July 29, 1756; bap. Sept. 2, 1759 Barbara, b. Jan. 17; bap. Sept. 2, 1759 Barbara, b. Apr. 9; bap. Sept. 5, 1759 Anna Maria, b. Feb. 23; bap. Sept. 5, 1759 John, b. July 24; bap. Sept. 6, 1759 Maria, b. Oct. 12, 1758; bap. Sept. 6, 1759 Eva, b. Aug. 30; bap. Sept. 6, 1759 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Christopher Ensule Catharine Klein Jacob Nagel George Scheib and wife Ludwig Heller and wife Christopher Mueller and wife Nicholas Frantz and wife Paul Frantz and wife Jost Erdman Conrad Leopold and wife William Manderbach Maria Freytag parents parents Herbert Lehr, Eva Lehr Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Christian Lauffer and Susan David Marsch and Sophia George Michael Beltz and BEliza- beth John Waterson and Catharine Nicholas Schneider and Elizabeth Leonard Schmitt and Barbara David Schmitt and Anna Maria William Albert and Elizabeth Peter Geiser and Veronica John Dreissbach and Elizabeth Matthew Koenig and Christina Jacob Gross and Magdalena Coniad Mueller and Barbara Hadrian Schwartz and Maria Children Henry, b. Aug. 14; bap. Sept. 16, 1759 David, b. Nov. 1, 1758; bap. Sept. 16, 1769 Anna Barbara, b. Aug. 19; bap. Sept. 16, 1759 Christian Oblinger, b. Dec. 12, 1736; bap. Sept. 16, 1759 Blizabeth Schneider, b. July 8, 1738; bap. Sept. 16, 1759 Simon, b. Apr. 12, 1747; bap. Sept. 16, 1759 Nicholas, b. June 24; bap. Sept. 16, 1759 William, b. Sept. 22, 1756; bap. Sept. 22, 1759 Ambrosius, b. July 28; bap. Sept. 22, 1759 Barbara, b. July 25; bap. Sept. 22, 1759 Maria Magdalena, b. Aug. 31; bap. Sept. 23, 1759 John Adam, b. Sept. 29 eDAD mOCULEs 1759 Susanna, b. Sept. 12; bap. Oct. 14, 1759 John, b. Aug. 1; bap. Oct. 14, 1759 Regina, b. Aug. 29; bap. Sept. 31, 1759 Jacobus, b. July 11; bap. Oct. 21, 1759 103 Witnesses Henry Beck and wife Peter Altman, Marg. Schwartz Abraham Frantz, Barbara Strahl Nicholas Kern and wife William Geyser and wife Ambrosius Remely and wife parents Adam Adamy and wife Adam Dreissbach and wife Jacob Breucker and wife John Hirtzel John Appel and wife parents 104 Parents Peter Drach and Catharine Michael Leibgeb and Maria Magd. Jost Vollmer and Magdalena Wendel Eberhard and Margaret Nicholas Doll and Margaret John Beischer and Magdalena Peter Schmitt and Catharine Arnd Bald and Christina Adam Gumbert and Elizabeth Frederick Schaeffer Elizabeth William Schaeffer and Veronica Henry Drach and Anna Maria Ernest Klinckhard and Catharine Hartman Dettemer and Catharine Martin Kolb and Maria Children Anna Margaret, b. Aug. 31; bap. Oct. 21, 1759 Catharine, b. Oct. 8; bap. Oct. 21, 1759 Catharine Christina, b. Sept. 7; bap. Oct. 21, 1759 Christina, b. July 14; bap. Oct. 24, 1759 Susanna Margaret, b. Sept. 24; bap. Oct. 26, 1759 Anna Barbara, b. Sept. 28; bap. Nov. 4, 1759 John Nicholas, b. Aug. 27; bap. Nov. 11, 1759 Catharine Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11; bap. Nov. 26, 1759 George William, b. Nov. 11; bap. Nov. 26, 1759 Jesse, b. Oct. 19; bap. Nov. 26, 1759 John, b. Oct. 15; bap. Nov. 18, 1759 John Rudolph, b. Oct. 16; bap. Nov. 18, 1759 Catharine, b. Sept. 29; bap. Nov. 18, 1759 Catharine Magda- lena, b. Apr. 18; bap. Nov. 18, 1759 Maria Magdalena, b. Mar. 1, 1758; bap. Nov. 18, 1759 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Ludwig Schaub and wife Solomon Leibgeb and wife Christina Bibighaus Adam Graff and wife Peter Doll and wife Adam Beischer and wife Nicholas Helm and wife Christian Schmitt and wife George William Becker parents John Boos and wife Rudolph Drach and wife Catharine Hecker Adam Schmitt, Sophia Catharine Jost Michael Widderrecht and wife Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Philip Bierson and Elizabeth John Voégele and Catharine Henry Bachman and Elizabeth Henry Bachman and Elizabeth John Boos and Anna Clara Philip Sponheimer and Magdalena John Schaub and Susanna Adam Adamy and Anna Maria Nicholas Neelig and Margaret Peter Eyseman and Maria Catharine William Mory and Maria Catharine Blasius Beyer and Catharine Eliza- beth Balthasar Stiehl and Christina ‘Jacob Fassbenner and Sibylla John Wolfinger and Anna Maria Children Henry} bi Oct.29; bap. Dec. 2, 1759 John, b. Dec. 3; bap. Dec. 7%, 1759 John, b. Oct. 12; bap. Dec. 10, 1759 Henry, b. Oct. 12; bap, Dec. 10, 1759 John Henry, b. Oct. 30; bap. Dec. 16, 1759 Anna Margaret, b. Oct. 26; bap. Dec. 16, 1759 John, b. Oct. 15; bap. Dec. 16, 1759 John, b. Nov. 3; bap. Dec. 17, 1759 John Paul, b. Dec. 21; bap. Dec. 23, 1759 Anna Elizabeth, b. Oct11; bap. Dec: 23, 1759 Margaret, b. Aug. 29, 1759; bap. Jan. 1, 1760 Benjamin, b. June 6, 1759; bap. Jan. 6. 1760 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 27, 1759; bap. Jan. 27; 1760 Jacob, b. Aug. 20, 1759; bap. Feb. 14, 1760 Solomon, b. Dec. 17, 1759; bap. Feb. 24, 1760 105 Witnesses Henry Gut, Margaret Oberbeck John Deter and wife George Dietz and wife Henry Buchecker Henry Eckel and wife Peter Georg and wife John Haman, Cath. Dithard Paul Reymond, Ger- trude Wolfinger Gerlach Paul Flick and Catharine George Acker and wife Valentine Buchecker and wife parents Henry Jacoby Jacob Simketh and wife Solomon Leibgeb and wife 106 Parents Michael Diemer and Elizabeth Ulrich Breucker and Apollonia John Riffert and Elizabeth John Berthold and Barbara Philip Mann and Magdalena Ludwig Shaub and Margaret John Lahr and Elizabeth Nicholas Fry and DBlizabeth Matthew Wildanger and Judith John Klinckhart and Maria John Van Seitz and Sarah John Van Seitz and Sarah John Van Seitz and Sarah John O’Neil and Johanna Jacob Rédelein and Margaret Children Elizabeth, b. Jan. 26; bap. Feb. 24, 1760 Andrew, b. Feb. 23; bap. Mar. 16, 1760 John Jacob, b. Jan. 18; bap. Mar: 23, 1760 Anna Maria, b. Dec. 27, 1759; bap. Apr. 2, 1760 Anna Sabina, b. Mar. 27; bap. Apr. 6, 1760 Henry, b. Feb. 15; bap. Apr. 7, 1760 Anna Margaret, b. Jan. 30; bap. Apr. 7, 1760 John George, b. Mar. 10S sbpaps Aprende 1760 Matthew, b. Jan. 5; bap. Apr. 8, 1760 John, b. Nov. 27, 1759; bap. Apr. 20, 1760 Samuel, b. Nov. 22, 1752; bap. Apr. 18, 1760 Abraham, b. Sept. 14, 1754; bap. Apr. 13, 1760 Jacob, b. June 19, 1758; bap. Apr. 13, 1760 William, b. Feb. 2; bap. Apr. 15, 1760 Susanna, b. Nov. 4, 1759; bap. Apr. 15, 1760 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Matthew Herman, Gertrude Wolffing- er Andrew Breucker and wife Jacob Roth and wife Frederick Nagel and wife George Fryman and wife Henry Ott Peter Georg and wife George Mill and wife George Wildanger and wife parents John Peil and wife John Seyfert Solomon Leibgek Christian Schmitt and wife Christian Schmit and Susanna Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Gabriel Philips and Hannah Jacob Lechleiter and Catharine Jost Bibighaus and wife Conrad Huth, Marg. Fryman Ludwig Kob and Anna Maria Ludwig Kob and Maria Daniel Heller and Elizabeth George Aest and Margaret Philip Drum and Johanna Frederick Siegel and Anna Margaret John Van Etten and Margaret Jacob Sorber and Engel Ulrich Knecht and Catharine Paul Frantz and Maria Children Susanna, b. Sept. 27, 1759; bap. Apr. 15, 1760 Barbara, b. —, 1760; bap. Apr. 20, 1760 Anna Margaret, b. —; bap. Apr. 20, 1760 (1) Frederick (2) Margaret, b. Jan. 8; bap. Apr. 27, 1760 John, b. Feb. 16, 1758; bap. Apr. 27, 1760 Ludwig, b. Sept. 22, 1759; bap. Apr.. 27, 1760 John Dieter, b. Jan. 1; bap. Apr. 27, 1760 John George, b. Dec. 9, 1759; bap. Apr. 27, 1760 John Henry, b. Feb. 1; bap. May 1, 1760 Anna Margaret, b. Feb. 13; bap. May 2, 1760 Abraham, b. Apr. 5; bap. May 2, 1760 Elizabeth Margaret, b. Mar. 20; bap. May 2, 1760 Maria Margaret, b. June 3; bap. July 6, 1760 Michael, b. May 7; bap. July 6, 1760 19 Dieter stands for Dietrich. 107 Witnesses parents George Klein, Bar- bara Sponheimer Frederick Frutschy, Margaret Lerch John Eschbach and wife Ludwig Heller and wife Dieter!? Gaufi John George Weber and wife Henry Shupp and wife Margaret German- ton Abraham Lefeber and wife Nicholas Miiller, Eliz. Marg. Doll Leonard Knecht and wife Michael Scholl, Maria Bender 108 Parents Jacob Shuty and Anna Valentine Warg and Anna Valentine Rohr and Barbara Henry Cratzer and Elizabeth Jost Dreisbach and Elizabeth Henry Bucher and Hannah Henry Bucher and Hannah Adam Butz and Anna Margaret Martin Kolb and Maria Henry Hegeman and Catharine Peter Benner and Catharine Christian Benner _ and Barbara Jacob von der Weyd and Maria Michael Craus and Barbara Michael Heller and Helena ‘Rachel, Children (1) Jacob, (2) Maria Barbara, b. June 16; bap. July 6, 1760 Regina, b. June 11; bap. Aug. 20, 1760 Valentine, b. May 3; bap. Aug. 20, 1760 Hannah Salome, b. June 19; bap. Aug. 24, 1760 Simon, b. July 18; bap. Sept. 22, 1760 Sarah, b. Feb. 17, 1758; bap. Sept. 13, 1760 Hannah, b. June 29; bap. Sept. 13, 1760 Adam, b. Aug. 30; bap. Sept. 14, 1760 Anna Maria, b. May 1; bap. Sept. 21, 1760 Bernet?9, b. Mar. 14; bap. Aug. 20, 1760 Henry, b. Apr. 4; bap. Aug. 22, 1760 Anna Elizabeth, b. Nov. 12, 1759; bap. Aug. 22, 1760 Anna Catharine, b. Feb. 1; bap. May 18, 1760 Maria Veronica, b. May4; bap. May 18, 1760 De Deck: 1759; bap. May 18, 1760 20 Bernet is intended for Bernhard. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses parents and Rudolph Schmit John Appel and wife John Haman and wife Peter wife Fuchs and Simon Dreisbach and wife Andrew Rickert and wife John Fried and wife Simon Jacob Diehl parents parents Ludwig Benner Anna Maria Wil- helmi Philip Shreyer and wife Peter Geisser and wife Diederich Heller, Catharine Beyer Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Shepp and Jinny George Adam Ebert and Maria George Dietz and Catharine Christian Weber and Barbara John Lander and Martha Christian Schmit and Margaret Arnold Shuman and Amelia George Peter Gauff and Maria Balthasar Lahr and Catharine Melchior Hertzel and Maria Peter Schwab and Maria George Henry Knecht and Margaret Diter Schmetzer and Magdalena Children negro child—Susanna, Da Apr. bap: May 18, 1760 Catharine, b. Sept. 17, 1759; bap. May 18, 1760 Margaret, b. May 15; bap. May 30, 1760 Sarah, b. ——, 14, 1759; bap. June 1, 1760 Barbara Dixon, ne- gro child, b. ——, 1760; bap. —— Ezra?1, b. July 21; bap. June 12, 1760 Anna Margaret, b. June 17; bap. June 22, 1760 John Peter, b. June 22; bap. June 26, 1760 Maria Elizabeth, b. 1760; bap. June 8, 1760 Balthasar, b. May 18; bap. June 9, 1760 Elizabeth, b. June 10; bap. Aug. 20, 1760 Eva Catharine, b. Sept. 16; bap. Oct. 10, 1760 Jacob, b. Sept. 27; bap. Oct. 26, 1760 Helena, b. July 1; bap. Oct. 26, 1760 109 Witnesses Michael Heller and wife Adam Sorber, Mar- garet Mombauer parents parents Arnd Bald and wife Peter Shuman Ph. H. Scholl and wife parents parents Engel Dunges, Cath- arine Langsdorf Jacob Arnd and wife Michael Heller and wife 21 The dates of birth and baptism should probably be reversed. IIo Parents Valentine Hauswirth and Maria George Oberbeck and Margaret Ulrich Schleppi and Hva Conrad Zettel and Maria Adam Marsch and Judith Michael Kreuter and Catharine John Kreuter and Barbara Simon Heller and Louisa Andrew Berns and Catharine Henry Schipfel and Christina William Manderbach and Maria Nicholas Loch and Barbara Conrad Seybel and Hannah George Labach and Margaret Reinhard Labach and Margaret Children Maria Salome, b. Sept. 12; bap. Oct. 5, 1760 John, b. Sept. 10; bap. Oct. 5, 1760 Eva Elizabeth, b. Nov. 19, 1759; bap. Oct. 7, 1760 Maria Magdalena, b. June 2; bap. Oct. 12, 1760 Susanna, b. Aug. 21; bap. Oct. 12, 1760 David, b. Jan. 14, 1758; bap. Nov. 16, 1760 John Jacob, b. Aug. 1, 1759; bap. Nov. 16, 1760 Anna Maria, b. Nov. 18; bap. Nov. 23, 1760 (1) Henry, (2) John b. Nov. 22; bap. Nov. 24, 1760 Maria Dorothea, b. Nov. 3; bap. Nov. 25, 1760 John Egidius, b. Nov. 21; bap. Nov. 26, 1760 Jacob, b. Sept. 9; bap. Dec. 25, 1760 Jacob, b. Dec. 19; bap. Dec. 28, 1760 Adam, b. Aug. 25; bap. Sept. 28, 1760 Susanna, b. Aug. 15; bap. Sept. 28, 1760 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Michael Fr6lich, Sa- lome Hauswirth John Henrich and wife Conrad Kocher and his sister Peter Zettel, Maria Schneider Christian Lafer and wife parents Jacob Leydy Christopher Wagner and wife Henry Berns and wife, John Lutz and wife Michael Guth, Eliza- beth Shaup Egidius Hecker and wife parents Henry Seybel and wife Adam Kockert and wife Christian Labach Tohickon Reformed Records, Parents Leonard Knecht and Margaret Valentine Edelman and Elizabeth Valentine Edelman and Elizabeth Zacharias Heller and Anna George Weisel and Anna Maria Josiah Balduin and Sarah Christopher Wagner and Maria Tobias Scholl and Anna John Haman and Maria Gerhard Zeissloff and Catharine Henry Schoner and and Elizabeth Peter Deiss and Anna Margaret Peter Deiss and Anna Maria Children Maria Margaret, b. Nov. 17; bap. Dec. 21, 1760 Jacob Frederick, b. Sept. 14, 1757; bap. Oct. 30, 1760 Maria Barbara, Db. June 26; bap. Oct. 30, 1760 Anna Barbara, Db. Sept. 26; bap. Nov. 9, 1760 Catharine, b. Sept. 5; bap. Nov. 9, 1760 1761 Josiah, b. May 11, 1760; bap. Jan. 17, 1761 Abraham, b. Aug. 5, 1760; bap. Jan. 18, 1761 Anna Maria, b. Dec. 5 1760) ban Jan, 1S Ok Eva Margaret, b. Jan. 6; bap. Feb. 4, 1761 John Henry, b. Jan. 8; bap. Feb. 10, 1761 Henry, b. Feb. 2; bap. Feb. 10, 1761 Anna, b. Apr. 15, 1747; bap. Feb. 13, 1761 Catharine, b. Apr. 19, 1749; bap. Feb. LoL TOL EDT Witnesses Philip Groos and wife Frederick Zollner and wife Barbara Zollner Philip Fluck and wife parents parents parents Conrad Hess and wife Eva Margaret Ha- man Henry Schoner and wife George Weber and wife parents II2 Parents Peter Deiss and Anna Maria Peter Deiss and Anna Maria Philip Henry Scholl and Margaret Peter Jung and Cath- arine Conrad Rossly and Maria Magdalena Philip Stiber and Elizabeth Peter Laux and Cath- arine Peter Laux and Cath- arine Bernard Mueller and Eva Diderich Herzel and Catharine William Mory and Maria Catharine Michael Leibgeb and Magdalena Peter Drach and Catharine Michael Schick and Margaret Children Salome, b. Nov. 17, 1751; bap. Feb. PSG Peter, b. Apr. 15, 1755; bap. Feb. 13, 1761 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 10, 1760; bap. Feb. 16, 1761 Susanna, b. Jan. 29; bap. Feb. 22, 1761 John Henry, b. Feb. 17; bap. Mar. 1, 1761 Henry, b. Dec. 24, 1760; bap. Mar. 7, 1761 John Jacob, b. Mar. 16, 1759; bap. Mar. 10, 1761 John Peter, b. Dec. 19, 1760; bap. Mar. 10, 1761 Jacob, b. Mar. 8; bap. Mar. 20,1761 Eva Catharine, b. Dec. 13, 1760; bap. Mar. 20, 1761 Maria Catharine, b. Feb. 22; bap. Mar. 21, 1761 John George, b. Jan. 21; bap. Mar. 23, 1761 Catharine, b. Feb. 15; bap. Mar. 23, 1761 Catharine Barbara, b. Mar. 2; bap. Mar. 23, 1761 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses parents Blizabeth Bachman Rudolph Drach and wife Henry Frey, Mar- garet Weyerbach Henry Keller and wife Jacob Clemens and wife parents George Henry Un- angst and wife John Hickman and wife Elizabeth Buchecker George Oberbeck and wife Peter Jung and wife Catharine Barbara German Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Jacob Schub and Veronica John Schaeffer and Elizabeth Christopher Neyhard and Elizabeth Felix Velte and Anna John Keller and Catharine Solomon Leibgeb and Catharine Paul Reymund and Margaret George Fehr and Eva Peter Eichert and Susanna Johannes Boss and Clara Philip Fluck and Barbara Christian Kern and Maria Jacob Grub and Elizabeth John Fried and Hen- rica Pancratius Lerch and Anna Maria Abraham Transu and Magdalena Philip Schneider and Elizabeth Children Veronica, b. Jan. 29; bap. Mar. 23, 1761 John, b. Mar. 12; bap. Apr. 26, 1761 Salome, b. Feb. 14; bap. Apr. 26, 1761 John Frederick, b. Feb. 22; bap. Apr. 31 [!], 1761 Anna Barbara, Db. Feb. 28; bap. Apr. 31, 0h GL Maria Elizabeth, b. Apr. 1; bap. May 3, 1761 John, b. Apr. 20; bap. May 3, 1761 John, b. Feb. 20; bap. Apr. 5, 1761 Henry, b. Mar. 16; bap. Apr. 5, 1761 Peter, b. Apr. 12; bap. Apr. 19, 1761 John Frederick, b. Feb. 11; bap. Apr. 19, 1761 John Philip, b. Mar. 26; bap. Apr. 19, 1761 John, b. Mar. 12; bap. Apr. 12, 1761 Andrew, b. Mar. 15; bap. May 3, 1761 Tobias, b. Mar. 15; bap. May 10, 1761 Melchior, b. Feb. 9; bap. May 10, 1761 Anna Elizabeth, b. Apr. 27; bap. May 10, 1761 113 Witnesses Henry Schiebel and wife Jost Edelman and wife Ulrich Hauser, Sa- lome Neyhard Frederick Zdéllner and wife ‘Nicholas Gross and wife Valentine Hauswirth and wife Adam Adamy and wife John Hugo, Mar- garet Schubb Henry Bierson, Eliza- beth Oberbeck Peter Renner Frederick Kern and wife Philip Fluck and wife John Koch Andrew Riickert and wife Philip Baal, Eliza- beth Freyman Melchior Bender, Gertrude Peiffer Abraham Oedinger and wife 114 Parents John Lehr and Maria Christopher Mueller and Anna Peter Stein and Margaret Philip Sponheimer and Magdalena Peter Schaeffer and Elizabeth Hadrian Schwarz and Maria Conrad Jacobi and Hannah John Ulmer and Barbara Jacob Weisel and Margaret Peter Hederich and Maria John Niemand and Barbara Wendel Schenck and Charlotte Peter Oedinger and Margaret Nicholas Hederich and Christina John Mill and Mag- dalena Andrew Grub and Maria Children Helena, b. Apr. 10; bap. May 10, 1761 Susanna, b. Mar. 15; bap. May 10, 1761 Margaret, b. Apr. 22; bap. May 11, 1761 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 22; bap. May 17, 1761 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 8; bap. May 17, 1761 Henricus [Henry], b. Oct. 22, 1760; bap. May 31, 1761 John, b. May 18; bap. June 6, 1761 John Peter, b. June 7; bap. June 14, 1761 George, b. Jan. 29; . bap. June 14, 1761 John, b. May 14; bap. June 14, 1761 John, b. Apr. 15; bap. June 14, 1761 George Diedrich, b. Apr. 11; bap. June 21, 1761 William, b. May 25; bap. June 21, 1761 John, b. May 19; bap. June 28, 1761 Maria Kunigunda, b. Apr. 5; bap. June 28, 1761 Maria Elizabeth, b. June 5; bap. July 5, 1761 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Michael Heller and wife Susanna Gangewer John Schick and wife Frederick Sponheim- er and wife John Klein and wife parents John Melcher and wife Peter Michel and wife George Weisel and wife Diderich Erhard and wife John Keller and wife Diederich?2? and wife Bucher William Neiss and Elizabeth Oberle John Niemand and wife George Mill and wife Elizabeth Freyman 22 The spelling of this name varies in the original. Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Michael Flechser and Catharine John Egidius Heck- er, minister, and Catharine John Kiffer and Elizabeth Nicholas Michel and Catharine Lawrence Bierson and Elizabeth Conrad Stenger and Catharine Conrad Wagener and Eva John Renner?* and Maria Hlizabeth Abraham Oedinger and Elizabeth George Reser and Maria Elizabeth Jacob Roth and Charlotte William Dihl and Catharine George Frey and Christina Children Anna Maria, b. July 2; bap. July 5, 1761 Catharine Margaret, b. June 25; bap. July 12, 1761 Susanna, b. Dec. 29, 1760; bap. July 12, 1761 Catharine, b. June 20; bap. July 5, 1761 Peter, b. July 14; bap. July 26, 1761 Elizabeth Barbara, b. —, 1761; bap. July 26, 1761 Maria Elizabeth, b. July 22; bap. July 19, 176128 Maria Magdalena, b. Feb. 26, 1763; bap. Anna Margaret, b. June 27; bap. Aug. 2, 1761 Maria Elizabeth, b. July 12; bap. Aug. 9, 1761 Catharine, b. July al: bap... Aug, 9; 1761 Anna Elizabeth, b. July 12; bap. Aug. Oe LiOL Elizabeth, b. Apr. 14; bap. Aug. 9, 1761 II5 Witnesses Peter Werst, Maria Koch George Hertzel, Cath- arine Hertzel; Philip Gross, Mar- garet Gross parents John Owen and wife Peter Hichert, Eliza: beth Oberbeck Elizabeth Wagner George Popp and Maria Magdalena Margaret Becker Frederick Sponheim- er and wife parents Anthony Schmit and wife John Hugo, Eliza- beth Oberbeck 23 Dates of birth and baptism are probably reversed. 24 This entry was made by Gobrecht at the foot of p. 108 of the record. 116 Parents John Schick and Margaret Henry Schaeffer and Elizabeth Peter Stamm and Magdalena John Klincker and Magdalena Ulrich Stoller and Elizabeth Andrew Kochlein and Maria John Bernet and Agnes Adam Edelman and Elizabeth Peter Dick and Bar- bara John Schwarz and Blizabeth John Schwenck and Christina Michael Remberg and Helena Ludwig Eygener and Christina William Anderson and Malle [Molly] Rudolph Oberle and Margaret Samuel Brodt and Salome Zacharias Heller and Anna Children Anna Margaret, b. June 14; bap. Aug. 9, 1761 Solomon, b. Apr. 17; bap. Aug. 27, 1761 Hannah, b. June 6; bap. Sep. 6, 1761 Maria Magdalena, b. Aug. 3; bap. Sept. 6, 1761 Ulrich, b. July 11; bap. Sept. 26, 1761 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27, 1760; bap. Sept. 20, 1761 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 6; bap. Sept. 20, 1761 Elizabeth Barbara, b. Sept. 20; bap. Oct. P1761 Elizabeth Barbara, b. Sep. 15; bap. Oct. 25, 1761 Jacobus, b. Aug. 19; bap. Nov. 1, 1761 John George, b. Oct. 162 papa NOVa is; 1761 Michael, b. Oct. 22; bap. Nov. 22, 1761 George Ulrich, b. Oct. 2; bap. Nov. 23, 1761 Maria, b. Aug. 2; bap. Nov. 23, 1761 Frederick, b. Oct. 22; bap. Nov. 23, 1761 Susanna, b. Nov. 21; bap. Nov. 25, 1761 Daniel, b. Sept. 27; bap. Nov. 28, 1761 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Jacob Schick, Mar- garet Fuhr parents Jacob Hieber and wife parents Peter Laux and wife parents Philip Shreyer and wife George Miiller and wife John Vogel and wife parents George Hertzel and wife Eg. Hecker and wife Catharine . Ulrich Lutz and wife parents Frederick Nungasser and wife parents Christian Kern and wife Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents William Pannebeck- er and Jacobina Diederich Erhard and Maria Jost Bibighaus and Elizabeth Valentine Rohr and Barbara Peter Resch and Catharine George Popp and Magdalena George Wildanger and Barbara Adam Kumpert and Elizabeth Jacob Juncker and Christina Ulrich Knecht and Catharine Jacob Fassbenner and Sibylla Henry Jacoby and Maria Conrad Klein and Maria Children John William, b. Oct. 2; bap. Nov. 28, 1761 John Peter, b. Oct. 8; bap. Nov. 28, 1761 Maria Catharine, b. Oct. 19; bap. Dec. 4, 1761 Maria Magdalena, b. Nov. 28; bap. Dec. 18, 1761 Jacob, b. Dec. 2; bap. Dec. 27, 1761 Barbara Brandt, a grown up person, bap. Oct. 13, 1761 1762 Jacob, b. Oct. 30, 1761; bap. Jan. 1, 1762 + John George, b. Dec. 13, 1761; bap. Feb. 1, 1762 John Henry, b. Dec. 16, 1761; bap. Jan. 3, 1762 Nicholas, b. Oct. 28, 1761; bap. Jan. 3, 1762 Barbara, b. Dec. 12, 1761; bap. Jan. 5, 1762 Margaret, b. Oct. 16, 1761; bap. Jan. 28, 1762 John, b. Dec. 11, 1761; bap. Jan. 28, 1762 Daniel, b. Dec. 18, 1761; bap. Feb. 2, 1762 107 Witnesses John Wals and wife Peter Hederich and wife Peter Hederich and wife Maria Magdalena Haman Hgidius Hecker and Catharine Jacob Renner and Susanna Popp George Desch and wife Henry Frey Nicholas Lantz Diderich Heller and wife parents John Berns parents 118 Parents John Dewald and Christina Caleb That and Mar- garet Henry Strunck and Catharine Philip Fluck?> and Barbara Philip Fluck?® and Barbara John Renner?> and Maria Elizabeth Children Christian, b. Nov. 21, 1761; bap. Feb. 7, 1762 Caleb, b. Dec. 25, 1761; bap. Feb. 7, 1762 Jacob, b. Sep. 26, 1761; bap. Feb. 8, 1762 John Philip, b. Jan. 7, 1763; bap. Feb. 20 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 24, 1765; bap. Feb. 17, 1766 John Peter, b. Sep. »4, 1765; bap. — The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Christian Groos and wife John Schweitzer and wife Samuel Brodt grandparents John Riffert and wife Peter Renner, Bar- bara Schwartz [4. BAPTISMS BY REV. JOHN CHRISTOPHER GOBRECHT, 1766-1770.] The Children, whom {f, John Christopher Gobrecht, Reformed Minister in Bedminster Township, have baptized, are as follows, be- ginning October 12, Parents Philip Emig and Barbara Valentine Bergstrias- ser and Elizabeth Alexander Negley and Anna Maria George Weisel and Maria 1766: Children John Nicholas, b. Sept. 15; bap. Oct. 12, 1766 John Henry, b. July 8; bap. Oct. 12, 1766 John Jacob, b. Aug. 28; bap. Oct. 26, 1766 John Peter, b. Aug. 10; bap. Nov. 16, 1766 Witnesses Michael Coppelberg- er and wife John Henry Leh, Barbara Penner Jacob Leh, Hannah Huber John Peter Henrich and Anna Maria 25 These two baptisms were entered by Gobrecht, in 1766. 26 This is the last baptism entered by Hecker. 4 ihe * ‘ He} eee i: 7 ee sat. ef jae hf 3: ae * ayo ane we Se ey See Ph ~ Z Dy ge BAZ Leh. 1265. fatf CN AO COL fp TE ; ete POS eae ete ae pe Boke AL Son 2 Boge £5 eb fiarca KEP ba $7 ive bow 61566. S-fE cus ee e oe ss ae 1 ae: sp ig ep ies Tis ge y Do ae ter damm cage ve a ti-Be ? , to fe: . ; toma es dette $ pfmneere ¥ - fiat Pfs ise pA FD Cora A fis y CIOS gee tr eee rere es ee is x. Be jC 2 prt "76 Pager rk 27 £CY Baptismal entries of the Rev. John Christopher Gobrecht, begun October 12, 1766. Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents John Peter Hahn and Magdalena Frederick Salate and Barbara Jacob Penter and Catharine John Niemann and Barbara John Hoenig and Catharine John Peter Kern and Catharine Jacob Bergstrasser and Rosina Nicholas Loch and Barbara Christian Kern and Anna Maria John Jost Folmer and Magdalena Carl Zeller and Anna Maria John Boos and Anna Clara Jacob Schermer and Gertrude Nicholas Heddrich and Christine 1767 Children Anna Maria, b. Nov. 26, 1766; bap. Jan. ale he abe (vy Benjamin, b. July 15, 1766; bap. Jan. pM le rdf Jacob, b. Oct. 29, 1766; bap. Jan. 11, 1767 John Peter, b. Dec. 29, 1766; bap. Jan. 25, 1767 Anna Magdalena, b. Feb. 11; bap. Feb. 22, 1767 Anna Margaret, b. Mar. 5; bap. Mar. 16, 1767 George Frederick, b. Jan. 18; bap. Mar. 22, 1767 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 30, 1766; bap. Apr. 2, 1767 Catharina, b. Mar. 27; bap. May 3, 1767 John George, b. Feb. 17; bap. May 17, 1767 John, b. Dec. 31, 1766; bap. May 17, 1767 Michael, b. Jan. 16; bap. May 18, 1767 John Jacob, b. Apr. 12; bap. June 14, 1767 Maria Barbara, b. June 28; bap. Aug. 23, L767 119 Witnesses John Peter Henrich and Anna Maria John Peter Keller — Lorah and wife Frederick Kern and Anna Margaret George Frederick Jordan, Elizabeth Seibel Peter Otto, Elizabeth Veronica Schaef- fer Peter Kern and Cath- arine John George Folmer and Anna Catha- rine Valentine Schellig and Elizabeth Michael Ott Jacob Meesmer and Elizabeth Andrew Rentz and Maria Barbara Parents J. George Mill and Maria Elizabeth Henry Eckel and Magdalena Jacob Gruber and Catharine Michael Weisel and Magdalena Ulrich Stoller and wife Henry Ott and Bar- bara John George Legleit- er and Maria Valentine Bergstras- ser and Elizabeth John George Berg- strasser and Eliza- beth Henry Dreisbach and Anna Maria Herbert Loher and wife Thomas Hutschents and Elizabeth Peter Schaeffer and Anna Elizabeth Philip Fluck and Barbara Jacob Fassbenner and Sibylla Ernest Klincker and Catharine Children Eva Catharine, b. Sep. 12; bap. Oct. 18, 1767 Johanna, b. Nov. 2; bap. Nov. 10, 1767 Jacob, b. Oct. 29; bap. Nov. 10, 1767 John, b. Aug. 28; bap. Nov. 29, 1767 Elizabeth, b. —; bap. Dec. 13, 1767 John, b. Nov. 2; bap. Dec. 13, 1767 John, b. May 27; bap. Dec. 27, 1767 Christine Margaret, b. Nov. 2, 1767; bap. Jan. 17, 1768 John George, b. Nov. 13, 1767; bap. Jan. 17, 1768 Anna Catharine, b. Jan. 6; bap. Mar. 6, 1768 Child, b. —; bap. Apr. 2, 1768 John George, b. Sep. 18, 1767; bap. Apr. 17, 1768 John Peter, b. Dec. 12, 1767; bap. Apr. 17, 1768 John Adam, b. Mar. 31, 1768; bap. May 1 Susanna, b. Mar. 9; bap. May 1, 1768 Maria Elizabeth, b. Nov. 16, 1767; bap. May 25, 1768 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Peter Renner, Eva Catharine Staut Johanna Mozer John Keller and wife John Jacobus, Mag- dalena Gruber John Bergstrasser, Christine Margaret Leh parents Andrew Stein and Anna Barbara Philip Herbel and wife John Fassbenner and Barbara Geri John Peter Hahn and Elizabeth John Adam Kern, Anna Maria Fluck Susanna Ebelin, widow John Renner and Maria Elizabeth Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents John Renner and Maria Elizabeth John Philip Spone- mer and Lena Andrew Emrig and Maria Magdalena John Meyer and Maria Catharine Caspar Fluck and Elizabeth Andrew Kiichlein and Susanna Jacob Penter and Catharine John Steeger and wife Peter Kern and Catharine William Pannebeck- er and Maria Sa- bina William Luck and Maria Catharine Peter Renner and Elizabeth George Weisel and Anna Maria John Jacob Ruhl and Maria Braun Philip Emig and Barbara John Wilhelm and Catharine Children Maria Elizabeth, b. Apr. 3; bap. May 15, 1768 John, b. —, 1768; bap. May 15, 1768 John Andrew, Db. Mar. 28; bap. May 23, 1768 Maria Catharine, b. June 9; bap. July 9, 1768 John, b. June 14; bap. July 24, 1768 John, b. Feb. 26; bap. July 24, 1768 John Henry, b. Feb. 29; bap. Aug. 21, 1768 Child, b. —; bap. Oct. 2, 1768 John Frederick, b. Aug. 26; bap. Oct. 9, 1768 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 27; “bap. Oct, 9; 1768 John, b. Sep. 13; bap. Oct. 16, 1768 John, b. Sep. 4; bap. Oct. 16, 1768 John, b. Sep. 9; bap. Oct. 30, 1768 John Peter, b. Oct. 13; bap. Nov. 6, 1768 Maria Magdalena, b. Oct. 20; bap. Nov. 13, 1768 John, b. Aug. 30; bap. Nov. 27, 1768 I21I Witnesses Henry Renner, Chris- tina Althaus, single John Jacobus, Char- lotte George, single Eberhard Weyde- maier and wife John Dany and Han- nah Peter Ott, Charlotte George John Frederick Sponemer and Anna Elizabeth Peter Pannebecker, Elizabeth Kern John Fluck, Mar- garet Weickel John Boos and Anna Clara parents Peter Ruhl and Sarah Peter Hahn and Maria Magdalena John Benner, Cath- arine Dorflinger, single I22 Parents Nicholas Loch and Barbara Peter Laux and Catharine Carl Zeller and Anna Maria Peter Hahn and Magdalena Jacob Ott and Han- nah Felix Leh and Mag- dalena Zacharias Haller and Anna Zacharias Haller and Anna Jacob Bergstrasser and Rosina Felix Nagely and wife John Karl and Lowina John Boos and Anna Clara Justus Follmer and Maria Magdalena Jacob Weisel and Anna Margaret John Penter and Magdalena Children Catharine, b. Nov. 25; bap. Dec. 11, 1768 Andrew, b. Nov. 5; bap. Jan. 23, 1769 John Carl, b. Nov. £8) .DaDp ss Jalicos 1769 Peter, b. Mar. 2; bap. Mar. 16, 1769 Hannah, b. Jan. 28; bap. Mar. 24, 1769 John Jacob, b. Feb. 26; bap. Apr. 2, 1769 Christina, b. Apr. 15, 1766; bap. Apr. 1769 John, b. Nov. 9, 1764; bap. Apr. —, 1769 John Philip, b. Mar. 26; bap. Apr. 30, 1769 John Peter, b. —;3 bap. June 25, 1769 Anna Maria, b. June 13; bap. July 9, 1769 Catharine, b. May 30; bap. Aug. 6, 1769 John Justus, b. Aug. 1; bap. Oct. 1, 1769 Maria Elizabeth, b. —; bap. Oct. 1, 1769 John Adam, b. Sep. 13; bap. Oct. 16, 1769 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses John Jacobus, Cath- arine Ott, single Jacob Penter and Catharine John Far and Doro- thea Christopher Magel and Magdalena Jacob Huber and wife, the child’s grandmother Simon Schmieg and Christina John Zielis and Eva John Philip Berg- strasser, Eva Dor- othea Meyer John Peter Scheib and Christina Frederick Koenig and Anna Maria Catharine Ott, widow John Follmer and Barbara George Weisel and Maria John Adam Dorn- berger and Maria Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Valentine Bergstras- ser and Elizabeth Philip Fluck and Barbara John Jacob Roth and Veronica George Mill and Elizabeth Henry Eckel and Magdalena Valentine Wirth and Elizabeth Caspar Fluck and Elizabeth Philip Person and Elizabeth Peter Kern and Catharine John Roth and Mar- garet George Wildanger and Barbara Peter Vatel and Anna Maria William Hending and Rachel Henry Dreisbach and Anna Maria Henry Deiss and Anna Maria Children Veronica, b. Sep. 11; bap. Oct. 22, 1769 Catharine, b. Oct. 31; bap. Nov. 9, 1769 1770 John, b. Jan. 21; bap. Mar. 18, 1770 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 5; bap. Mar. 18, 1770 Susanna, b. Dee. 17, 1769; bap. Mar. 18, 1770 Margaret, b. Jan. 1; bap. Mar. 18, 1770 Barbara, b. Feb. 22; bap. Mar. 24, 1770 Maria Catharine, b. Mar. 14; bap. Apr. 15 Anna Elizabeth, b. Mar. 19; bap. Apr. 18 Catharine Elizabeth, -b. Mar. 19; bap. Apr. 18 Anna Barbara, b. Apr. 12; bap. May rari, Take (rd, JACOD DA Jan 14: bap. May 27, 1770 Anna, b. Jan. 6; bap. May 27, 1770 Anna Maria, b. May 1; bap. May 12, 1770 John, b. June 26; bap. June —, 1770 123 Witnesses Jacob Roth and Ver- onica Matthias Hartman and Catharine Valentine Bergstras- ser and Hlizabeth John Gery and Eva Catharine Margaret Wirth Philip Fluck and Barbara Adam Graff and Catharine Frederick Sponemer and Anna Eliza- beth Catharine Elizabeth Soller Barbara Beischer Jacob Nunenmacher and Catharine Bauer, single Matthias Ziegenfuss and Margaret John Fried and Han- nah 124 Parents Leonard Soller and Barbara Philip Emig and?7 Barbara Peter Scheib and Christina Simon Kohder and Maria Adam Drach and Eva Jacob Miiller and Anna Margaret Ludwig Wildanger and Maria Jacob Penter and Catharine Jacob Funterweit and Anna Maria John Engel and Catharine Jacob Klemens and Susanna Adam Schaeffer and Anna Catharine Peter Ott and Cath- arine Michael Ott?® and Elizabeth Children Elizabeth, b. Apr. 22°) bap. July 1770 Henry, b. Nov. 11, 1770; bap. — Elizabeth, b. Aug. 13; bap, Sep. 16, 1770 Christina, b. Aug. 10; bap. Sep. 16, 1770 John Rudolph, b. Aug. 19; bap. Oct. 91770 Anna Maria, b. Aug. 26; bap. Oct. 14, 1770 Frederick, b. Aug. 19; bap. Oct. 14, 1770 Jacob, b. Oct. 29, 1769; bap. Oct. 17, 1770 Frederick, b. Oct. 3, 1769; bap. Oct. 17, 1770 John, b. Jan. 8; bap. OcterG LG Barbara, b. Mar. 15; bap. Oct. 17, 1770 Jacob, b. June 12; bap. Dec. 9, 1770 John, b. Sep. 12; bap. Dec. 9, 1770 John, b. Nov. 11; bap. Dec. 9, 1770 27 Entered by the Rev. Caspar Wack. 28 This is the last baptism entered by Gobrecht. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Jacob Leh, Elizabeth Scheib Jacob Wolff and Christina John Rudolph Drach and Maria Eliza- beth John Jacoby, Miss : Ruppert Frederick Salite, Eva Schuman Karl Nagel, Eliza- beth Geres Frederick Salyte and Elizabeth Kraut- hamel parents Diedrich Rudy, Bar- bara Laux Jacob Ruhl and Apollonia John Ott, Eva Line- schmit Tohickon Reformed Records. 125 Parents Children Witnesses 29 Jacob, b. May 9; bap. Jacob Ruhl and wife JUV Ae Herbert Loher?® and Jacob, b. July 7; bap. Jacob Saledi, Bar- wife July 9, 1771 bara Laux Caspar Megly2® and Child, bap. May 1, Jacob Leh, Elizabeth wife 1771 Popp Children who were baptised by me, but do not belong to the Con- gregation at Tohickon, of which I, Christopher Gobrecht, am the pastor: 1. John Frederick, son uf Caspar Carl and wife Elizabeth; b. Mar. 15, 1767; bap. Mar. 20, 1767; witnesses John Frederick Koe- nig and wife. Baptized in Tinicum 'Township and elsewhere: 2. John Anthony, son of Anthony Loher and wife Maria Catharine; b. Oct. 15, 1766; bap. Apr. 8, 1767; witnesses John Hobrig and wife Eva Christina. 3. John, son of Michael Wormann and wife Catharine; b. Dec. 22, 1766; bap. Apr. 8, 1767; witn John Wormann and wife Cath- arine. 4. Maria Clara, da. of Arnold Schumann and wife Annimala [!]; b. Nov. 4, 1766; bap. Apr. 8, 1766; bap. Apr. 8, 1767; witn. Maria Lohr. 5. Maria Magdalena, da. of John Schumann and wife Maria Eliza- beth; b. Jan. 4, 1767; bap. Apr. 8, 1767; witn. John Peter Schumann and wife Maria Magdalena. 6. John Frederick, son of David Schmit and wife Anna Maria; b. Sep. 15, 1766; bap. July 26, 1767; witn. John Frederick Altamoos and wife Susanna. 7. Daniel, son of John Kiifer and wife Elizabeth; b. Sep. 7, 1767; bap. Feb. 18, 1768; with. Ludwig Lang and wife Elizabeth. 8. John Jacob, son of Ludwig Wiltanger and wife Maria Mag- dalena; b. Dec. 23, 1767; bap. Feb. 18, 1768; witn. Jacob Far and Miss Margaret Schumann. 9, John Henry, son of David Schmit and wife Anna Maria; b. Sept. 15, 1766; bap. July 26; witn. John Frederick Altamoos and wife Susanna. 29 These three baptisms. were entered by an unskilled hand. 126 The Pennsylvania-German Society. 10. Elizabeth, da. of Conrad Klein and wife Anna Maria; b. Jan. 19, 1769; bap. May 27; witn. Elizabeth Wiirth. Peter Schaeffer and wife Anna Elizabeth had the following children?° 1. Adam, b. Mar. 21, 1757; witn. Adam Schaeffer and wife Catharine. 2. Margaret, b. Jan. 8, 1759; witn. Michael Coppelberger and wf. Margaret. 3. Elizabeth, b. Mar. 8, 1761; witn. John Klein and wf. Mar- garet. 4, Michael, b. July 18, 1763; wt. Margaret. 5. Anna Maria, b. Feb. 10, 1766; witn. John Keller and wf. Margaret. witn. Michael Coppelberger [5. BAPTISMS BY REV. CASPAR WACK, 1771-1781.] Parents Peter Hahn and Maria Magdalena Caspar Fluck and Elizabeth Matthias Hartman and Catharine William Wilhelm and Catharine John Bibighaus and Maria Magdalena George Weidemeyer and Barbara Henry Eckel and Magdalena Valentine Wirth and Elizabeth Children Maria Magdalena, b. Aug. 29; bap. Nov. 23, 1771 John Adam, b. Oct. 1; bap. Nov. 23, 1771 John Philip, b. Oct. 3; bap. Nov. 23, 1771 John William, b. Sep. 19; bap. Nov. 23, 1771 John, b. Aug. 1; bap. Nov. 23, 1771 John, b. July 28; bap. Nov. 23, 1771 1772: John, b. May 27; bap. Aug. 16, 1772 Valentine, b. June 14; bap. Aug. 16, 1772 30 Entered by the Rev. John C. Gobrecht. Witnesses Michael Weisel and wife John Adam Kern, Anna Maria Fluck, single John Nicholas Hart- man and wife, grandparents John Benner, Cath- arine Benner John Romert and Maria Elizabeth John Bergstrasser, Magdalena Wild- anger parents parents Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Peter Kern and Catharine Valentine Bergstras- ser and Elizabeth John Philipp and wife George Mill and Maria Blizabeth Conrad Messemer and Elizabeth Alexander Negley and Anna Anthony Lehr and Catharine John Hertzel and Maria George Kohl and Catharine Henry Walter and Anna Barbara Peter Ott and Cath- arine Michael Ott and Elizabeth Philip Emig and Barbara Melchior Weyde- meyer and Anna Maria John Mull and Maria Magdalena Children Catharine, b. Dec. 11, 1771; bap. Aug. 18, 1772 Maria Catharine, b. Apr. 26; bap. Sep. aleyy Trdg: Catharine Elizabeth, b. —; bap. —. John, b. May 24; bap. Sep. —, 1772 Anna Maria, b. July 10; bap. Sep. 27, 1772 Maria Elizabeth, b. Feb. 16; bap. Sept. 27, 1772 Arnold, b. Sept. 4; bap. Oct. 11, 1772 Catharine, b. Apr. 7; bap Octwl1 41772 John, b. Oct. 7; bap. Oct; 2551772 Catharine, b. Aug. 29; bap. Nov. 22, 1772 John Peter, b. Mar. 2; bap. Nov. 22, 1772 John Michael, b. Aug. 21; bap. Nov. 22, 1772 Catharine, b. Nov. 25; bap. Dec. 4, 1772 Anna Maria, b. Oct. 14; bap. Dec. 8, 1772 Maria BHlizabeth, b. July 11; bap. Dec. 8, 1772 127, Witnesses ° parents Conrad Menger and Catharine John Gehres and Hlizabeth Michael Jost, Anna Catharine Stein Valentine Bergstras- ser and Elizabeth Arnold Schuman and Anna Immel Nicholas Bopp and Catharine John Dieter, Maria Magdalena Kohl Frederick Haffner and Catharine parents Michael Weisel, Catharine Geres, single Maria Magdalena Hert grandfather and mother of child Nicholas Kruger and Gertrude 128 Parents Peter Mull and Maria Dorothea Frederick Saleti and Elizabeth Matthew Hauskieper and Anna Catha- rine Adam Shaffer and Anna Catharine Adam Drach and Eva Abraham Borger and Hannah Philip Engert and Elizabeth Philip Engert and Elizabeth Henry Mill and Mar- garet Philip Ludwig Fluck and Barbara Jacob Wenhold and Susan Adam Scherer and Magdalena Children Maria Catharine, b. — 19; bap. Dec. 8, 1772 Immanuel, b. Nov. 8; bap. Dec. 25, 1772 Hannah, b. Aug. 11; bap. Dec. 26, 1772 Anna Catharine, b. Sep. 3; bap. Dec. 26, 1772 1773 John Peter, b. Nov. 4, 1772; bap. Jan. Sbiae Catharine Magda- lene, b. Nov. 26, 1772; bap. Jan. 3, 1773 William, b. ——;3 bap. Jan. 27, 1773 Peter, b. —; bap. Jan, 27, 1773 John David, b. Oct. 23, 1772; bap. Feb. 14, 1773 Jacob, b. Dec. 9, 1772; bap. Feb. 15, aides: Anna Catharine, b. Nov. 10, 1772; bap. Mar. 14, 1773 (1) Magdalena, b. Apr. 25, 1770, (2) Elizabeth, b. Mar. 13, 1773; bap. Apr. —, 1773 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Daniel Althaus, Anna Maria Michel, single Immanuel Saleti, Catharine Geres, single Michael Shneyder and Maria Matthew Hauskieper and Anna Catha- rine Peter Drach and Catharine John Adam Renner, Catharine Dede- mann, single Peter Deger and Catharine Peter Deger and Catharine David Gehry and Anna Dorothea Jacob Fluck, single John Adam Schutz and Anna Catha- rine parents Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Michael Wormann Catharine Peter Feyn and Bar- bara John Kiiffer and Blizabeth Ludwig Lang and Maria Elizabeth John Engel Oerter and Anna Catha- rine Charles Zollner and Anna Maria Jacob Clemens and Catharine John Pfeil and Mar- garet Henry Schaub and Susan Michael Weisel and Magdalena Philip Fluck and Anna Barbara Henry Person and Catharine Philip Person and Elizabeth Henry Roth and Catharine Philip Thoma and Regina Children John Henry, b. Feb. 20; bap. May 3, 1773 Simon, b. Apr. 7; bap. May 3, 1773 Abraham, b. Jan. 27; bap. May 3, 1773 Joseph, b. Apr. 9; bap. May 3, 1773 John Peter, b. Dec. 6, 1772; bap. Apr. 25, 1773 Catharine, b. Apr. 4; bap. Apr. 25, 1773 Christina, b. Apr. 6, 1772; bap. Apr. 25, 1773 Sarah, b. Feb. 23; bap. May 20, 1773 Lawrence, b. Dec. 5, 1772; bap. May 20, 1773 George Ludwig, b. Mar. 11; bap. June 20 UTS John Adam, b. June 20; bap. July 4, 1773 John Peter, b. July 11; bap. July 18, a Uy rs: Margaret, b. June 2; bap. Aug. 1, 1773 Anna Maria, b. Mar. 23; bap. Aug. 4, 1773 Susanna, b. Apr. 4; bap. Aug. 15, 1773 129 Witnesses Arnold Schuman and Anna Immel Herman Schuhman and Eva George Adam Hille- bart and Maria Philippina Michael Wormann and Catharine John Peter Lang, Elizabeth Baal, single Peter Laux and Catharine parents Anthony Graeser, Sarah ——, single Lawrence Parson and Elizabeth George Ludwig Sei- pel and Catharine John Adam Kern, single Peter Jung and Catharine Jacob Guth and Elizabeth Jacob Roth and Charlotte, grand- parents Susanna Philipp 130 Parents George Weit and Maria John Hoenig and Catharine Peter Kern and Catharine Michael Dieterle and Barbara Michael Dieterle and Barbara Michael Dieterle and Barbara Michael Dieterle and Barbara Henry Steinbach and Dorothea Jacob Lechleiter and Margaret Jacob Lechleiter and Margaret George Weidemeyer and Anna Barbara Peter Laux?! and Catharine Peter Hahn and Maria Magdalena 81 This baptism was omitted. Children Maria Elizabeth, b. July 14; bap. Aug. 15, 1773 Christina, b. Apr. 4; bap. Aug. 16, 1773 Maria Magdalena, b. Aug. 4; bap. Aug. 16, 1773 Michael, b. Jan. 6, 1772; bap. Aug. 16, 1773 Maria, b. Dec. 4, 1768; bap. Aug. 16, LTT Henry, b. Aug. 21, 1770; bap. Aug. 16, 1773 John, b. Oct. 17, 1772; bap. Aug. 16, 1773 Michael, b. July 10, 1773; bap. Aug. 29, 1773 Peter, b. Mar. 4, 1770; bap. Aug. 29, 1773 John Ludwig, b. June 20; bap. Aug. 29, 1773 Maria Barbara, b. Aug. 15; bap. Sep. ie ha Wires John Adam, b. —, 1771; bap. Sep. 3, 1773 Christian, b. Aug. 12; bap. Sep. 26, 1773 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Michael Hoffman and Maria Eliza- beth parents Maria Magdalena Hartman, single parents parents parents parents Michael Steinbach and Barbara parents Ludwig Fluck and Maria Barbara Martin Riddelmayer, Margaret Wildan- ger, single Frederick Salade and Barbara Christian Kern and Anna Maria It is taken from an illuminated certifi- cate, in the hands of the great-grandson of John Adam, the Hon. James B. Laux, of New York City. EL | oss on | ae ™~, pnt ‘xney wepy uyor é mirtaat "1 LOBED Sef eng ME jo a}BOYUTWID [eusydeg sat ape Ae se _ a em An’ ay, ee : * hts sip 114i gM — Bn gman ak oe oe ar 3, le 8 i i 2 f bs [: t | f t ~ FOL Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Henry Kemmer and Elizabeth John Nolten and Eva John Hugus and Margaret Conrad Cother and Maria Catharine John Bopp and Cath- arine Matthias Hartman and Catharine Henry Leh and Anna Michael Grosman and Eva Maria Conrad Stenger and Catharine Philip Emig and Barbara William Wilhelm and Catharine Caspar Fluck and Elizabeth Adam Bruchhauser and Anna Maria Jacob Ruhl and Apollonia Children Catharine, b. Aug. 9; bap. Sep. 26, 1773 John, b. Aug. 30; bap. Oct. 10, 1773 Magdalena, b. Sep. 17; bap. Oct. 10, 1773 Conrad, b. Sep. 21; bap. Oct. 10, 1773 Maria Barbara, b. Oct. 247517133) bap: Nov. 2, 1773 Anna Maria, b. Nov. 13; ‘bap. | Dec: 5, 1773 Anna Barbara, b. Oct. 11; bap. Dec. 5, 1773 Maria Margaret, b. Nov. 16; bap. Dec. 5, 1773 John Philip, b. Oct. 25; bap.) Dec. 19, 1773 Barbara, b. —;. bap. Dec. 19, 1773 1774 John Jacob, b. Dec. 23, 1773; bap. Jan. 2, 1774 Jacob, b. Dec. 6, 1773; bap. Feb. 12, 1774 Maria Magdalena, b. Dec. 29, 1773; bap. Feb. 27, 1774 Christina, b. —; bap. Feb. 27, 1774 131 Witnesses Nicholas Bopp and Catharine George Fuhrer and Eva Henry Schibele and Veronica Conrad Cother and Maria, grandpar- ents John Wiltanger, Maria Barbara Bopp, grandpar- ents Christian Kern and Anna Maria Valentine Bergstras- ser and Elizabeth Peter Henrich and Maria John Philip Lam- bach and Barbara Philip Lambach and Barbara Peter Benner and Catharine Jacob Fluck, single John Dieter, Maria Magdalena Kohl, single Christina Herr, single 132 Parents Valentine Bergstras- ser and Elizabeth John Bibighaus and Maria Magdalena George Vollmer and Sophia Daniel Althaus and Anna Maria John Boss and Anna Clara Henry Krauthamel and Catharine Daniel Vollmer and Maria Elizabeth Peter Ott and Cath- arine Jacob Orth and Mar- garet Jacob Salleti and Barbara George Emig and Anna Margaret John Fassbenner and Barbara Ulrich Stoller and Elizabeth Nicholas Loch and Barbara John Jacobi and Anna Michael Jost and Maria Magdalena Joseph Stumpf and Elizabeth Children Anna Christina, b. Mar. 1; bap. Mar. 27, 1774 John Conrad, b. Apr. 6; bap. May 8, 1774 John Jacob, b. Mar. 24, 1774; bap. May 8 Catharine Elizabeth, b. Apr. 20, 1774; bap. May 8 Michael, b. —; bap. May 8 Andrew, b. June 28, 1772; bap. — Maria Magdalena, b. Apr. 6, 1774; bap. Henry, b. Nov. 27, 1773; bap. — George, b. Sep. —, 1773; bap. — Catharine, b. Mar. 7, 1774; bap. — George, b. Apr. 23, 1774; bap. — Maria Catharine, b. Apr. 4, 1774; bap. John William, b. Mar. 30, 1774; bap. Susanna, b. —, 1774; bap. — John, b. June 26, 1774; bap. July 31 John, b. —; bap. July oie 1774 Anna Catharine, b. Apr. 12, 1774; bap. July 31 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Peter Scheib and Christina John Conrad Stenger and Anna Catha- rine Jacob Ruff and Anna Elizabeth Jacob Leh, Elizabeth Sheib, single parents parents Michael Weisel, Catharine Geres, single Henry Otto and Bar- bara George Emig and Anna Margaret Peter Laux and Cath- arine Anthony Lerch and Margaret Jacob Fassbenner and Sibylla William Wilhelm and Catharine grandmother Joseph Niemand, Elizabeth Eberhart John Ernest Lincker and Catharine John Stenger, Cath- arine Benner Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Valentine Wirth and Elizabeth Anthony Lehr and Maria Catharine ‘Jacob Leh and Anna Stephen Groh and Catharine . Henry Eckel and Magdalena Andrew Heller and Elizabeth Henry Laux and Barbara John Bergstrasser and Anna Jacob Geres and Eva Michael Renner and Catharine Peter Ruhl and Sarah Peter Kern and Cath- arine Peter Laux and Catharine Philip Schambach and Margaret Peter Scheib and Christina Children — Christian, b. Aug. 17, 1774; bap. — Maria Magdalena, b. —; bap. — John Peter, b. Oct. 27, 1774; bap. Dec. 4 Catharine, b. —; bap. Dec. 4, 1774 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 11; bap. Dec. 19, 1774 1775 Maria Charlotte, b. —; bap. Apr. 26, lar gsy Elizabeth, b. Jan. 20, 1775; bap. Apr. 26 John Jacob, b. Feb. Oe Los Dal. meee Dr. 26 Maria Catharine, b. Jan. 3, 1775; bap. May 25 John, b. Apr. 4, 1775; bap. May 25 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 27, 1775; bap. May 25 Peter, b. June 8, 1775; bap. July 2 Maria Magdalena, b. June 11, 1775; bap. July 2 Elizabeth, b. July 5, 1775; bap. July 30 John Peter, b. July 19, 1775; bap. Aug. 13 133 Witnesses Christian Kern and Anna Maria Herbert Lehr, Maria Magdalena Shu- man Peter Stein, Eliza- beth Dege, single Frederick Stroh- schneider and Catharine parents John Wambold and Maria Charlotte Emmanuel Salleti, Elizabeth Kiifer Jacob Huber and wife, grandparents Carl Geres and Maria Catharine, grandparents John Dedemer, Eliz- abeth Resch, single Elizabeth Ruhl, single parents Emmanuel Sallade, Elizabeth Roth, single Carl Haas and Elizabeth Valentine Bergstras- ser and Blizabeth 134 Parents Daniel Althaus and Anna Maria Daniel Althaus and Anna Maria John Vollmer and Maria Elizabeth George Mill and Elizabeth Jacob Mayer and Barbara John Bibighaus and Maria Magdalena Michael Weisel and Catharine Peter Lang and Maria George Vollmer and Sophia Ludwig Fluck and Barbara Ludwig Fluck, Anna Marg. Huber Stephen Groh and Catharine Caspar Fluck and wife Michael Weisel and Magdalena Children Daniel, b. Oct. 9, 1775; bap. Nov. 5 John, b. Oct. 9, 1775; bap. Nov. 5 Maria Magdalena, b. Oct. 14, 1775; bap. Nov. 5 Sarah Magdalena, b. Apr. 4, 1775; bap. Nov. 5 John Jacob, b. Sept. 20, 1775; bap. Nov. 19 1776 Maria Magdalena, b. Dec. 27, 1775; bap. Feb. 25, 1776 Susanna, b. Jan. 22; Mar. 10, 1776 Jacob, b. Jan. 31; bap. Mar. 10, 1776 Catharine, b. Feb. 28, 1776; bap. Apr. 7 Henry, b. —; bap. Aptinipeti6 Anna Barbara, b. May 8; bap. May i BVO Michael, b. Jan. 30; bap. May 19, 1776 Christian, b. —; bap. July 28, 1776 Maria Magdalena, b. June 23, 1776; bap. Aug. 11 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Jost Vollmer and Maria Magdalena John Bibighaus and Maria Magdalena Martin Scheib, Jr. and Magdalena Peter Staut and wife, grandparents John Michael, Catha- rine Schissler, single Jacob Huber, Maria Magdalena Lang Michael Weisel and Magdalena, grand- parents Jacob Fassbender and wife, grand- parents Henry Ruff, Catha- rine Klincker, single Henry Huber and Anna Margaret Philip Fluck and Anna Barbara, grandparents Michael Haller, Eva Groh, single Jacob Berndt and Maria Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Henry Dauty and Anna Elizabeth Jacob Clemens and Susanna Daniel Vollmer and Elizabeth Herbert Lehr and Maria Magdalena Caspar Wack and Barbara Martin Sheib, Jr. and Magdalena Philip Parson and Elizabeth Henry Leh and Anna Jacob Ott and Han- nah Henry Ott and Cath- arine John Philip Hed- derich and wife John Kiifer and Anna Eva Peter Kern and Catharine Frederick Salatin and Elizabeth Michael Ott and Elizabeth Children Maria Magdalena, b. Aug. 3, 1776; bap. bap. Sep. 29 Magdalena, b. May 7, 1776; bap. — Daniel, b. Sep. 7, 1776; bap. — John Peter, b. Jan. 2, 1776; bap. — 1777 John George, b. Mar. 1; bap. Mar. 16, 1777 Jacob, b. Mar. 18; bap. Apr. 3, 1777 John Philip, b. Feb. 25; bap. Apr. 6, 1777 John, b. Mar. 17; bap. May 4, 1777 Maria Elizabeth, b. Mar. 18; bap. May 8 aly Gi Peter, b. Feb. 18; bap. May 4, 1777 John Philip, b. —; bap. May 13, 1777 Eva, b. Nov. 20, 1776; bap. June 1, 1777 Susanna, b. Mar. 16; bap. June 2, 1777 John, b. June 1, 1777; bap. July 27, Henry, b. Mar. 11; bap. Aug. 18, 1777 135 Witnesses John Kifer and Elizabeth, grand- parents Valentine Marsteller and Magdalena John Bibighaus and and wife parents George Wack and Elizabeth, grand- parents Jost Vollmer and Magdalena Michael Schuck and Margaret John Ott and Mar- garet John Renner and Maria Elizabeth Peter Ott and Bar- bara parents Arnold Shuman and Anna Immel, grandparents parents John Sallatin and Elizabeth Geres, single Henry Ott and Cath- arine 136 Witnesses Peter Lang and Anna Maria Jacob Vollmer and Anna Sibylla Matthias Hartman and Catharine George Emig and wife John Peter Scheib and wife Ludwig Fluck and Margaret Philip Boehm and Anna Maria Caspar Nagle and Elizabeth John Ott and Mar- garet John Klincker and Anna Maria Henry Dauty and Elizabeth Daniel Althaus and Anna Maria Martin Scheib and Magdalena John Fassbenner and Barbara Henry Leh and Anna John Kiifer and Anna Eva 1778 Children Anna Magdalena, b. Aug. 8, 1777; bap. FANE Lee Abraham, b. Dec. 18, 1777; bap. Jan. 25, 1778 Jacob, b. Jan. 7; bap. Jan, 25, 1778 Child, b. —; bap. Feb. 8 John Peter, b. Feb. 9, 1778; bap. Mar. 8 John, b. Feb. —, 1778; bap. Mar. 22 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 15, 1778; bap. Mar. 29 John George, b. Mar. 15, 1778; bap. Apr. 19 Jacob, b. —; bap. Apr. 19 Maria Magdalena, b. Apr. 6, 1778; bap. Apr. 19 John, b. Mar. 2; bap. John Martin, b. June 14, 1778; bap. July 12 Jacob, b. June 13, 1778; bap. July 12 John Frederick, b. June 1, 1778; bap. Sep. 6 Anna Maria, b. Aug. 16, 1778; bap. Sep. 6 John Herman, Db. ADP HPL Ss pap. Sep. 27 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Anna Magdalena Stenger, single Abraham Jost, Chris- tina Vollmer, single Caspar Wack and Barbara Valentine Bergstris- ser and wife John Fluck and Magdalena Elizabeth Jost George Fuhr and wife Jacob Jung, Hliza- beth Sallatin, single Michael Jost and wite parents Martin Scheib, Jr. and Maria Magda- lena Jacob Scheib and Catharine parents Bernard Danner and Magdalena Herbert Schuhman, Catharine Kiifer, single Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Henry Eckel and Magdalena Henry Roth and Catharine John Fluck and Dorothea Caspar Fluck and Elizabeth Peter Staut, Jr. and Maria Salome Peter Kern and Cath- arine Peter Lang, and Anna Maria John Fluck and Magdalena Daniel Follmer and Elizabeth Henry Huber and Anna Margaret Jacob Schermer and Gertrude Ludwig Fluck and Barbara Christian Beck and Elizabeth Michael Weisel and Catharine Caspar Wack, minis- ter, and Barbara Children Catharine, b. Aug. 4, 1778; bap. Sep. 27 1779 John, b. Jan. 3, 1779; bap. Feb. 25 Abraham, b. Feb. 15; bap. Mar. 14, 1779 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 15, 1778; bap. Mar. 16, 1779 Hlizabeth, b. Jan. 26, 1779; bap. Apr. 4 Hannah, b. Feb. 3, 1779; bap. Apr. 4 Susanna, b. Mar. 5, 1779; bap. Apr. 25 Barbara, b. —; bap. Apr. 25 JOUN Dw Apr: a; 1779; bap. July 4 John Jacob, b. June 3, 1779; bap. Aug. 1 John b. May 16, 1779; bap. Aug. 1 Abraham, b. June 23, 1779; bap. Aug. 14 Anna Elizabeth, b. June 26, 1779; bap. Aug. 15 Anna Magdalena, b. Aug. 21, 1779; Sep. 26 John Jacob, b. Sep. 8; 1779: bap: ‘Sep. 26 137 Witnesses parents John Spruss, Catha- rine Roth, single parents parents Jacob Rauch and wife, grandparents parents Conrad Stenger, Susanne Selss, single Caspar Wack and Barbara Henry Pfeil and Catharine Henry Huber and Susanna, grand- parents William Wilhelm and Catharine parents Henry Leh and Han- nah Michael Weisel and Anna Magdalena, grandparents Jacob Leydy and Barbara, grand- parents 138 Parents Ludwig Fluck and Margaret Benjamin Ott and Magdalena John Bergstradsser and wife Henry Dauty and wife John Adam Kern and Catharine George Sheib and wife John Klages and Rosina Frederick Gehres and Catharine Henry Leh and Han- nah John Ott and Mar- garet Adam Sherer and Magdalena Peter Sheib and Christina Matthias Herman and Maria BEliza- beth Martin Farber and Anna Maria Michael Jost and Magdalena Christian Hackman and Susanna Cath- arine Children John Henry, b. Oct. 24, 1779; bap. Nov. 21 JOUN, sD. UNOVarLES 1779; bap. Dec. 5 1780 John Frederick, b. —; bap. Jan. 30, 1780 Child, b. —; Jan. 30 John, b. Dec. 15, 1779; bap. Feb. 13 Anna Catharine, b. bap. Feb. 13, 1780 Valentine, b. Jan. 16; bap. Feb. 21, 1780 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 1, 1780; bap. Mar. 26 Hannah, b. Apr. 21, 1780; bap. May 20 John, b. Mar. 26, 1780; bap. May 20 Jacob, b. Mar. 13, 1780; bap. July 2 George, b. June 23, 1780; bap. July 23 Benjamin, b. Oct. 15, 1780; bap. Dec. 4 bap. 1781 Jacob, b. Nov. 12, 1779; bap. Jan. 8 Susanna, b. Mar. 14, 1781; bap. May 13 Sarah, b. Sep. 12, 1780; bap. Aug. 5 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Witnesses Henry Huber and Susanna, grand- _ parents John Ott and Mar- garet John Benner and wife Martin Sheib, Jr. and wife Valentine Klages and Catharine, grandparents Joseph Mufile, Cath- arine Gehres parents John Fluck and Dor- othea parents George Sheib and Juliana Benjamin Siegel and Maria Charlotte Jacob Lutz, Eliza- beth Braun, single Philip Stein, Eliza- beth Klinckhard, single Emmanuel Ott, Marie Barbara Reeser et eb Gola) a. aed) 3 fr a ie ety fle on§: lesef ING ; fhm neee eG, vee yo deck! ny bg 9h fled MaI2)9 Sf food A [oA 5 5 Pea, PP we IG RTI Soret Fichegrya tyes) Fa (eae Fe: A ete $e fen A 2% ke ) | Lx, eo! | yh OPS PED We PARA ee, ios beled oe a Melle: | i t ' ‘ge : Be L, Gif . eee es ead ee ea. ee ee : : Se Or Lek ee Entries made by Messrs. Faber and Ingold in 1782. Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents John Bibighaus and Maria Magdalena Frederick Wack33 and Elizabeth Henry Dauti%4 Jacob Nes34 John Ott34 David Vollmer34 Henry Huper?4 John Henig?5 Emmanuel Salate35 and wife Emmanuel Salate?5 and wife Peter Staut35 and wife Samuel Fuhrmann36 and Catharine Children Henry??, b. Aug. 2, 1781; bap. Aug. 26 John George, b. Jan. 10; bap. Feb. 21, 1782 Petrus, b. Nov. 22, 1781 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 29, 1781 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 13, 1782 Jacob, b. Mar. 15, 1781 Philip, b. July 20, 1782 (1) Jacob, b. Mar. 2, 1774 (2) Sarah, b. Mar. LG (3) Abraham, b. Feb. TORE TS (4) Philip, b. Dee. 1, 1779 (5) Esther, b. Mar. 15, 1782 Elizabeth, b. June 13, 1778 Susanna, b. Mar. 29, 1781 Petrus, b. July 25, 1782 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 18, 1781; bap. on East- er 139 Witnesses Henry Pfeil and Anna Catharine John George Scheiw [Sheib] and Juli- ana parents Henry Berge, Eliza- beth Fluck Michael Ott parents Philip Kern Andrew Heller and Elizabeth 32 This is the Reformed minister, Rev. Henry Bibighaus, 1781-1851. It is the last entry made by Caspar Wack. 33 Entry made by an unskilled hand. 384 These entries were made by an unknown hand, though evidently a minister. It was perhaps John Theob. Faber. 35 These eight entries were made by John Theo. Faber. 386 This entry was made by John Wm, Ingold. 140 The Pennsylvania-German Society. [6. BAPTISMS BY REV. JOHN THEOBALD FABER, 1782-1784.] Children who were baptized by me, John Theobald Faber, in the year 1782. Y Parents Frederick Geres and wife Conrad Mittman and wife William Wilhelm and wife John Geres and wife Valentine Wirth and wife Peter Scheib and wife Jost Follmer and wife Samuel Furman and wife Ludwig Benner and wife Caspar Fluck and wife — George Scheib and wife Children Elizabeth, b. Mar. 24; bap. July 28 John, b. Apr. 28; bap. July 28 Maria Elizabeth, b. July 2; bap. July 28 Maria Magdalena, b. July 5; bap. Aug. 18, 1782 John Laux, b. Aug. 22, 1776 Henry Laux, b. Apr. 23, 1778 Daniel Laux, b. Jan. 1, 1780 Jacob Laux, b. Dec. 12, 1782 John Adam, b. Sep. 14; bap. Oct. 20, 1782 Martin, b. Oct. 8; bap. Nov. 10, 1782 Susali na, b. Sep. 30; bap. Nov. 10, 1782 John Jacob, b. Oct. 22; bap. Dec. 1, 1782 Catharine, b. Sep. 26; bap Dec. 1, 1782 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 1bs> bap Jale 1783 John Peter, b. Nov. 30, 1782; bap. Jan. 12 Lise Witnesses Michael Weisel and wife John Fluck and wife Elizabeth Dorflinger parents Adam Magel, Eliza- beth Kraemer Martin Scheib and wife Ludwig Benner and wife Jacob Rodt Peter Benner Elizabeth Fluck Peter Scheib and wife Eee er eaten RL ge Mee eRe se Nate { Crqvn Ph, litpon v5 c- LPT L F j in J GRATIS: cad Ga of ee A Cetateth, prereset bef ys! i 1 en Aug . tite engages y iS r ' ~ P rey are. “ . te ve pee emt y Rbiniay ite ibe on at Baptismal entries by the Rev. John Theobald Faber, begun July 28, 1782. he “é Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Daniel Althaus and wife Henry Lehe and wife Peter Kern and wife Christian Fluck and wife Peter Ott and wife George Diemer and wife George Scheib and wife Christian Kern and wife Nicholas Geres and wife John Fluck and wife John Fassbenner and wife Michael Ott and wife Henry Roth and wife Jacob Edelman and wife Christian Hehl and wife Henry Laux and wife Abraham Seller and wife Matthew Hauskipper and wife Children Anna Maria, b. Dec. 5, 1782; bap. Jan. 16, 1783 Anna Margaret, b. Nov. 18, 1782; bap. Mar. 16, 783 Jonny aps vans 6: 1783; bap. Mar. 16 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 7, 783; bap. Mar. 26 Frederick, b. Nov. 10, 1782; bap. Mar. 29, 1783 Hannah, b. July 1780; bap. —, 1783 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 14, LiSsc0 bapa Apr. 6 Christian, b. Mar. 15, 1783; bap. Apr. 6 Susanna, b. Mar. 1, 1783; bap. Apr. 27 Henry.7 De ADELE: bap. May 18, 1783 John Peter, b. Mar. 20; May 18, 1783 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 7; bap. May 29, 1783 Petrus, b. May 8; bap. June 29, 1783 John, b. June 1; bap. June 29, 1783 Jacobus, b. Mar. 21; bap. June 29, 1783 Catharine, b. May 4; bap. July 20, 1783 Sarah, b. Aug. 10; bap. May 26, 1783 Matthew, b. Apr. 14, 1781; bap. Aug. 18, 1783 I4I Witnesses Martin Sheib and wife Jacob Allen and wife parents Elizabeth Fluck parents Philip Kern and wife Christian Kern and wife Christian Kern and wife Jos. Leer and wife Henry Ott and wife Peter Scheib and wife Adam Drach and wife Peter Benner, Mag- dalena Ott John Benner, Bar- bara Bergstrasser Jacob Laux, Magda- lena Breian Jonas [?] Jost and wife parents parents 142 Parents Morris Debi and wife Benjamin Ott and wife Philip Nais and wife Peter Mickli and wife ‘ Emmanuel Salate and wife Peter Kiefer and wife Jacob Salate and wife Michael Rohr and wife Henry Eckel and wife Martin Scheib and wife Henry Ott and wife Joseph Lehr and wife Jacob Mayer and wife John Bergstrasser and wife Children Catharine, b. June 17, 1783; bap. Aug. 18 Jacobus, b. July 9, 1783; bap. Aug. 31 Magdalena, b. Aug. 3, 1783; bap. Oct. 12 Maria Magdalena, Db. July 17, 1783; bap. Oct. 12 Catharine, b. June 25, 1783; bap. Oct. 12 Anna Elizabeth, b. Aug, 7, 1783; bap. Oct. 12 Peter, b. Sep. 24, 1783; bap. Nov. 23 John Michael, b. Dec. 24, 1782; bap. Nov. 26, 1783 Henry. poe Oct: ac; 1783; bap. Dec. 14, 1783 Daniel, b. Sep. 21; bap. Dec. 14, 1783 Maria Margaret, b. Sep. 17; bap. Dec. 14, 1783 John, b. Oct. 8, 1783; bap. Dec. 14 Maria Elizabeth, b. Nov, 24, 1783; bap. Dec. 26 1784 Catharine, b. Dec. 12, 1783; bap. Feb. 15, 1784 The Pennsylvania-German Soctety. Witnesses Matthew Hauskipper and wife Jacob Alm, Eliza- beth Ott John Fluck and wife John Ott and wife John Salate and wife John George Lang, Catharine Rieser Peter Laux, Hannah Eckel John Michael Schmeck and wife parents Daniel Follmer, Anna Maria Mayer John Ott and wife parents John Follmer, Maria Elizabeth Klinger Caspar Fluck and wife Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents John Klincker and wife Andrew Alms and wife Conrad Mittman and wife John Reis and wife Jacob Nes and wife Michael Weisel and wife All these were baptized before the last Coetus. new report. Parents Peter Ott and wife Henry Leh and wife Andrew Jiingling and wife Cornelius Ottenin and wife Children John, b. Dec. 25, 1783; bap. Feb. 15, 1784 Henry, b. Jan. 25; bap. Feb. 15, 1784 Maria Elizabeth, b. Jan. 12; bap. Mar. 7, 1784 Catharine, b. Dec. 14, 1783; bap. Mar. 28 Sarah, b. Aug. 12, 1783; bap. Mar. 28, 1784 Eva, b. Dec. 22, 1783; bap. Mar. 28, 1784 1784 Children Maria Catharine, b. Feb. 8; bap. Apr. 18, 1784 Maria Susanna, b. Mar. 7; bap. May 9, 1784 Abraham, b. Dec. 11, 1783; bap. May 9, 1784 Anna Maria‘, b. Feb. 15, 1784; bap. June 20 87 This is the last baptism of Faber. 143 Witnesses George Scheib and wife Henry Hertzel, Christina Giesse parents John Schaub, Mar- garet Kern Henry Laux and wife Adam Drach and wife Now begins a Witnesses Frederick Laux and wife Jacob Alm and wife Jos. Stump and wife Daniel Follmer, Maria Klinger 144 The Pennsylvania-German Society. THE TOHICKON REFORMED CHURCH RECORDS VOLUME II, 1784-1869 The second volume of the Tohickon Reformed church records is a large, leather-bound, folio volume, 12% by 8% inches in size. It has at present (1924) 182 leaves or 364 pages, many of which are blank. The title page of the record, entered by the Rev. John Theo- bald Faber, reads as follows, in an English translation: “Church Record of the Reformed Congregation, on the Dohicke, which was begun by me, John Theobald Faber, at present pastor. In this church record were recorded: (1) The baptized children. (2) The married couples. (3) The buried members. (4) The confirmed members. Anno 1784, the 4th of July.” In accordance with this statement of Faber the contents of the record is as follows: I. BAPTISMS: Pages in original: 1. 33 by John Theobald Faber, 1784-1786, pp. 3-5 2 7 by John Michael Kern, 1787-1788, pp. 5-6 3. 40 by John William Ingold, 1788-1790, pp. 6-9 4. 240 by Nicholas Pomp, 1790-1797, pp. 11-30 5. 477 by Jacob Senn, 1799-1817, pp. 31-68 6. 8 by supply, 1817-1818, p. 68 7. 214 by John A. Strassburger, 1818-1852, pp. 69-88 8. 32 by Peter S. Fisher, 1864-1869, pp. 89-92 1051 baptisms. II. MARRIAGES: 1 3 by John Michael Kern, 1787-1788, p. 170 2 7 by John William Ingold, 1788-1790, p. 170 38. 59 by Nicholas Pomp, 1790-1797, pp. 235-237 4. 481 by Jacob Senn, 1799-1817, pp. 238-251 5. 1217 by John A. Strassburger, 1818-1855, pp. 251-291 1766 marriages. III. BURIALS: 19 by John Theobald Faber, 3 by John Michael Kern, 10 by John William Ingold, 47 by Nicholas Pomp, 270 by Jacob Senn, 961 by John A. Strassburger, esa iy el Tohickon Reformed Records. 145 1310 burials. IV. CATECHUMENS: -1. 36 of John W. Ingold, 2 58 of Nicholas Pomp, 3. 352 of Jacob Senn, 4. 296 of John A. Strassburger, (also 11 communicants) 742 catechumens. Pages in original: 1784-1786, pp. 214 1787, p. 215 1788-1790, p. 215 1790-1797, pp. 217-219 1799-1817, pp. 345-355 1818-1854, pp. 355-364 pp. 316-336 1788, Domut 1791-1797, pp. 118-125 1800-1816, pp. 121,126-131 1819-1827, pp. 132-141 [6. BAPTISMS BY THE REV. JOHN THEOBALD FABER, JULY 1784-APRIL 1786.] Those children who were baptized by me, John Theobald Faber, in the year 1784: Dates b. May 19 bap. July 4 b. July 4 bap. Aug. 1 b. June 16 bap. Aug. 1 b. Feb. 28 bap. Aug. 24 b. July 15 bap. Aug. 28 b. Aug. 14 bap. Sept. 12 Children Parents Sponsors Catharine Adam Kern and Catharine Eliza- Elizabeth wife beth Hunsch- berger Magdalena Fred. Geres and John Hellebach, wife Anna Bibighaus Frederick Daniel Althaus Daniel Follmer, and wife Barbara Lucin [Lutz] Margaret Jacob Ort and Catherine Bam wife [Boehm] Catharine Jacob Dege and parents wife John Philip John Fluck and Philip Neis and wife wife 146 Dates b. Sept. 28 bap. Oct. 23 b. Oct. 22 bap. Dec. 5 b. Nov. 20 bap. Dec. 26 Dates b. Aug. 18, 1784 bap. Jan. 8, 1785 b. Jan. 15,1782 bap. Jan. 8,1785 b. May 25, 1784 bap. Jan. 8, 1785 b. Oct. 24, 1784 bap. Jan. 15, 1785 b. Apr. 26, 1784 bap. Jan. 15, 1785 b. Sept. 15, 1784 bap. Jan. 16, 1785 b. Dec. 18, 1784 bap. Mar. 20, 1785 b. Jan. 21, 1785 bap. Mar. 20, 1785 b. May. 20, 1785 bap. July 3, 1785 b. May 16, 1785 bap. July 3, 1785 b. Feb. 5, 1785 bap. July 4,1785 b. Aug. 14, 1785 bap. Sep. 4, 1785 b. Sep. 4, 1785 bap. Nov. 11, 1785 b. Sep. 13, 1785 bap. Nov. 6, 1785 Children Maria Mag- dalena John John Children Hannah Elizabeth Christina Salome Elizabeth Maria Cath- arine Catharine Daniel Philip John Maria Char- lotte John Frederick Maria Bar- bara 38 The original reads plainly Mittman, see Feb, 24, 1788. Parents John Ott and wife John Fluck and wife George Scheib and wife 1785 Parents Caspar Fluck and wife Caspar Fluck and wife Peter Ruhl and wife Peter Staut Daniel Staut John Feige and wife Peter Mickli and wife Peter Ott and wife Christian Fluck and wife Caspar Fluck and wife Samuel Furman and wife Peter Scheib and wife — Croner and wife Conrad Witt- man’ and wife Wittman, The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Peter Mickli and wife John Ott and wife Christian Kern and wife Sponsors parents parents parents parents parents John Stump, Cath- arine Leer Henry Keller, Catharine Reck Michael Ott and wife Philip Fluck, Eliz. Schelleberger George Bergstrdas- ser and wife Jacob Roth and wife John Fassbenner and wife Michael Ott and wife Henry Bernt and wife but probably mispelled for Tohickon Reformed Records. 147 1786 Dates Children Parents Sponsors b. Aug. 20, 1785 John Jacob Bucher John Eckel _bap. Jan. 8, 1786 and wife b. Dec. 8, 1785 John Daniel Arnold Haupt Henry Drach and bap. Jan. 29, 1786 and wife wife b. Mar. 2, 1785 John George Weisel parents bap. Feb. 28, 1786 and wife b. Dec. 10, 1785 Magdalena John Reis and John Lutz and bap. Mar. 12, 1786 and wife wife b. Dec. 12, 1785 Jacobus Isaac Gerhard Jacob Alem and bap. Mar. 12, 1786 and wife wife b. Oct. 11, 1785 Hannah Abraham Baal Christian Fluck bap. Apr. 11, 1786 wife and wife b. Mar. 15, 1786 Sarah John Ott and Henry Ott and bap. Apr. 23, 1786 wife wife b. Dec. 14, 1785 Magdalena Michael Ott and John Fluck and bap. Apr. 23, 1786 wife wife b. Oct. 7, 178639 Susanna Adam Kern and Jacob Wenhold bap. Nov. 3 Catharine and Susanna b. May 28,178749 John - George Roeser, Frederick Kern, bap. Aug. 12 Anna Mar- Apollonia Roes- garet er {7. BAPTISMS BY THE REV. JOHN MICHAEL KERN, MAY 1787 TO FEBRUARY 24, 1788.] 1787 b. —— Anna Cath- Peter Staut and George Wittemay- bap. May 16 arine Maria Salome er and Catha- rine b. Nov. 19, 1786 —_— Ludwig Weyl parents bap. May 30 and Anna During the ministry of John Michael Kern, V.D.M. the following were baptized: 1788 b. Oct. 10, 1787 Henry Peter Scheib Henry Trumbor bap. Jan. 1, 1788 and Christina and Hannah 39 This baptism was entered by the Rev. Frederick Delliker. 40 Entered by the Lutheran pastor, the Rev. Conrad Roeller. 148 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Dates Children Parents Sponsors b. Dec. 16,1787 Frederick John Fluck and Frederick Fluck bap. Jan. 6, 1788 Dorothea Catharine b. —— Maria Eliza- ——- Jacobi and ——— bap. Feb. 3 beth wife b. Apr. 5, 1786 Elizabeth Jacob Trumbor Philip Fluck, bap. Feb. 3 and Magda- Elizabeth Kern, lena daughter of Peter Kern b. Sep. 8, [1787] John George Conrad Mid- Matthew Hart- bap. Feb. 24 mann and man and Cath- [1788] Elizabeth arine b. Feb. 12,178841 John Samuel Fuhr- John Seller and bap. May 1 mann and Anna Maria Catharine [8. BAPTISMS BY THE REV. JOHN WILLIAM INGOLD, JULY 1788-JUNE 1790.] Children who were baptized by me, John William Ingold, Pas- tor pro tem. Dates Children Parents Sponsors b. Apr. 16, 1788 Philip Caspar Fluck, Philip Fluck, Eliz- bap. July 6 Catharine abeth Jacobi, single b. May 31, 1788 Hannah Philip Neiss, John Leidi and bap. July 6 Elizabeth Elizabeth b. June 30, 1788 Susanna Henry Weisser, Philip Schelle- bap. July 27 Eva berger and Sus- anna b. Aug. 5, 1788 Anna Mar- John Fassbend- Henry Paul and bap. Sept. 28 garet er and Bar- Anna Margaret bara b. Apr. 20, 1788 Anna Maria Peter Lang, George Weissel bap. Sept. 28 Anna Maria and Anna Maria b. Aug. 25,1788 John Jacob Jacob Berger Henry Berger, bap. Sept. 28 and Maria and Elizabeth Catharine b. Mar. 28, 1788 Elizabeth Ludwig Benner Susanna Giesse, bap. Sep. 28 and Gertrude cingle 41 Entered by Rev. John W. Ingold. Tohickon Reformed Records. 149 Dates Children Parents Sponsors b. Aug. 31 John George Leonhard Weid- Leonard Hinckel bap. Oct. 19 ner and Maria and Maria Eliz- Elizabeth abeth b. Jan. 8, 1787 Sarah Henry Merkel Jacob Ruhl and bap. Oct. 21 and Elizabeth Maria Apollonia b. Sept. 22 Maria Mag- John Hedderich John Benner and bap. Nov. 8 dalena and Catharine Maria Magda- lena, the grand- parents b. Aug. 8, 1788 Samuel John Ott and John Fluck and bap. Nov. 9 Margaret Magdalena b. Oct. 29, 1788 Maria Mag- Michael Kolp John Fluck and bap. Nov. 9 dalena and Magda- Maria Magda- lena lena b. Sep. 27, 1788 Catharine Andrew Trom- Cath. Elizabeth bap. Dec. 14 Elizabeth bor and Mar- Hundschberger, garet grandmother b. June 27, 1786 William George Peiffer parents bap. Oct. 30, 1788 and Eva b. July 23, 1788 Frederick same same bap. Oct. 30, 1788 b. June18,1788 Samuel George Weissel Michael Weissel bap. Aug. 17 and Elizabeth and Catharine 1789 b, Nov. 5, 1788 Henry John Beringer, Henry Beringer bap. Feb. 12, 1789 Elizabeth and Maria b. Aug. 24, 1788 John Jacob Henry Jansen, John Jacob Leh, bap. Feb. 12,1789 Elizabeth Catharine Braz, single b. Jan. 10, 1789 John Andrew Algerd, Philip Wemmer bap. Apr. 5 Magdalena and Catharine b. Feb. 7, 1789 Jacob Adam Kern, Jacob Wenhold bap. Apr. 13 Catharine and Susanna b. Feb. 5, 1789 John Henry Jacob Deh, Mag- parents bap. Apr. 18 dalena b. Oct. 16, 1788 John Martin Scheib, John Mayer, Cath- bap. Apr. 26 Magdalena arine Vollmer b. June 27, 1788 Conrad Daniel Althaus, John Peil, Mar- bap. Apr. 26 Juliana garet 150 Dates b. bap. June 6 b. Jan. 6, 1789 bap. June 6 b. Jan. 14, 1789 bap. June 7 b. June 11,1789 bap. July 19 b. June 1, 1789 bap. July 19 b. Mar. 27, 1789 bap. July 19 b. June 27, 1789 bap. Aug. 9 b. July 7, 1789 bap. Aug. 30 b. Aug. 10, 1789 bap. Sep. 20 b. July 27, 1789 bap. Sep. 20 b. May 29, 1789 bap. Oct. 10 b. Sep. 4, 1789 bap. Oct. 11 b. Oct. 17, 1789 bap. Nov. 1 b. Aug. 24, 1787 [bap. Nov. 1] b. Oct. 14, 1789 bap. Dec. 6 b. Jan. 20, 1790 bap. June 3 b. Mar. 12, 1789 bap. June 3, 1790 Children Peter Anna Maria Frederick John John Henry John Peter Tobias Anna Maria Samuel Samuel Jost John Peter Carl Catharine John Isaac Anna Bar- bara Parents Daniel Staut, Sibylla Peter Staut, Sa- lome Valentine Geres, Charlotte Philip Kern, Catharine Henry Fassben- ner, Catharine George Reser, Anna Mar- — garet John Fluck, Dorothea Balthaser Stein- bach, Anna Maria Philip Fluck, Elizabeth Jacob Salate, Barbara Jost Vollmer, Elizabeth John Fluck and Magdalena Christian Fluck, Hannah Christian Fluck, Hannah Nicholas Riegel, Catharine 1790 Caspar Fluck, Elizabeth Jacob Trombor, Magdalena The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors parents John Geres and Elizabeth Michael Weissel, Jr. and Catha- rine John Fluck and Magdalena John Fluck, Maria Fassbenner, single Peter Kern, Cath- arine, grand- parents Caspar Fluck and Catharine Adam Lizeberger and Anna Maria Conrad Jacobi and Hannah John Ott and Margaret parents Matthias Hart- man and Catha- rine Carl Leidi and Catharine Matthias Hart- mann and Cath- arine John Dreissbach, Elizabeth Rie- gel, single parents parents Tohickon Reformed Records. 151 [9. BAPTISMS BY THE REV. NICHOLAS POMP, JUNE 1790-SEPT. 1797.] N. Pomp, having been called to Tohickon and having accepted the congregations of Indianfield and Tohickon, entered upon his work at Tohickon on the first of August in the year 1790, and con- tinued this book in the following order: Dates b. Apr. 22 bap. June 3 b. July 14 bap. Aug. 22 b. Aug. 20 bap. Oct. 3 b. Aug. 8 bap. Oct. 3 b. Aug. 8 bap. Oct. 3 b. June 10 bap. Oct. 3 b. Aug. 18 bap. Sep. 7 b. Oct. 10, 1790 bap. Dec. 5 b. Sept. 18 bap. Dec. 5 b. Dec. 2 bap. Dec. 25 b. 14 yrs. this mo. bap. Dec. 26 b. Dec. 24, 1790 bap. Feb. 5 b. Nov. 21, 1790 bap. Feb. 6 Children Philip Joseph Samuel Samuel Samuel Susanna Maria-Bar- bara Catharine William Andrew Hannah Elizabeth Henry 1790 1791 Dp. sp. Dp. Sp. Parents and Sponsors . Peter Scheib and Christina . Philip Neiss and wife . Daniel Sallaty and Maria Bar- bara . Jacob Sallaty and wife . Jacob Berger and Catharine . Adam Labach and wife . Leonard Weidner and Christina . Isaac Gerhard and Magdalena . Samuel Brod, Susanna Mayer . Henry Huber and Catharine . Nicholas Weickert and wife . Philip Neiss and Blizabeth . Peter Scheib and wife . Caspar Flug and Catharine a . Jacob Ott and Magdalena . Philip Muth and wife . Andrew Trombaur and Mar- garet Her grandfather, Isaac Hunds- berger, her mother, Barbara Hundsberger Christian Ruhl and Johanna Jacob Ruhl and wife Nicholas Frantz and Christina Henry Kramer and wife I 52 Dates b. July 4, 1789 bap. Feb. 6 b. Oct. 9, 1790 bap. Mar. 3 b. Dec. 24, 1790 bap. Feb. 5 b. Feb. 5 bap. Mar. 20 b. Mar. 4 bap. Apr. 25 b. Oct. 9 bap. Apr. 19 b. Feb. 16 bap. May 1 b. Mar. 22 bap. May 1 b. Mar. 28 bap. Apr. 10 b. Mar. 5 bap. —— b. Mar. 22, 1791 bap. May 22 b. Jan. 17, 1791 bap. May 22 b. Jan. 14 bap. June il b. Apr. 19 bap. June 12 b. Feb. 20 bap. June 12 b. May 8, 1791 bap. June 12 b. May 2, 1791 bap. July 3 Children Magdalena John Peter Elizabeth Elias Veronica Martha Salomon . Juliana John George Jacob Margaret Barbara Anna Eliza- beth Anna Maria Michael John Sarah The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Sponsors . John Schaub and Magdalena . William Wilhelm . William Heft and Maria Sarah . Peter Heft and wife . Christian Ruhl and Johanna . Jacob Ruhl and wife . John Fluck and Dorothea . parents . Samuel Fuhrmann and Catha- rine . Jacob Roth and Veronica . Cornelius Uttenne and Hannah . Anna Elizabeth Beyscher . Jacob Riegel and Mary . Jacob Schneider . Henry Heft and Eva . George Scheib and wife . Henry Weissel and Eva . George Scheib and wife . Nicholas Riegel and Catharine . Jacob Wiltanger and Magd. Dreisbach . Emmanuel Sallaty and Magda- lena . John Ott and Margaret Dieder . John Schwartz and Anna Mar- garet . Michael Diederle and wife . George Resener and Anna Mar- garet . John Honig and Anna Maria . Leonard Hinckel and wife . Daniel Althaus and Juliana . Michael Kolb and wife . Benjamin Jacoby and Maria Elizabeth . Conrad Jacoby . Henry Sallate and Catharine . Daniel Sallate and wife Dates b. May 19, 1791 bap. July 3 b. Apr. 23, 1791 bap. June 12 b. June 16, 1791 bap. July 4 b. Oct. 12, 1790 bap. July 4 b. June 27, 1791 bap. July 4 b. May 20 bap. July 24 b. May 6 bap. Aug. 14 b. June 26 bap. Aug. 14 b. Mar. 16 bap. Aug. 30 b. July 14 bap. Sept. 24 b, June 10, 1791 bap. Oct. 8 b. Sep. 15 bap. Oct. 16 b. Aug. 5 bap. —— b. Dec. 9, 1790 bap. Oct. 16 b. 7 mos. ago bap. Oct. 16 b. 6 weeks ago bap. Oct. 16 b. Oct. 20 b. May 14 bap. Nov. 6 bap. Nov. 6 b. Oct. 12 bap. Nov. 24 Children Elizabeth Anna Maria Martin John Jacob Susanna Isaac Abraham Henry Susanna John Catharine Susanna Elizabeth Christina Susanna Michael Jacob Maria Cath- arine Maria Mar- garet Tohickon Reformed Records. Dp. . Peter Schuhman and wife . Jacob Weiss and Elizabeth . John Kohler and Eliz. Jost . Martin Scheib and Magdalena . parents . Adam Mohrhead and Catharine . Darents . George Scheib and Juliana . Catharine Mayer . John Ott and Margaret . Jacob Sallate and wife . John Housekeeper and Cath- Sp. . John Hedrich and Maria Cath- Sp. 153 Parents and Sponsors John Zo6llner and Catharine arine . grandparents . Christian Fluck and Hannah . Henry Leidig and wife . John Riegel and Elizabeth . Peter Kern and wife . John Peter Mill and Magdalena . parents. - Henry Huber and Anna Mar- garet . parents . George Vollmer and Sophia . Daniel Vollmer and wife . Henry Gut and Catharine . Solomon Wolfanger and wife . Peter Walter and Margaret . Nicholas Riegel and wife . Peter Staut and Salome . Jacob Rau and wife . Michael Kolb and Magdalena . John Muth and wife . Jacob Bernd and Barbara . Jacob Ott and wife . George Schambach and Cath- arine John Appell and wife arine Jacob Orth and wife 154 Dates b. Oct. 5, 1791 bap. Jan. 20 b. Dec. 31, 1791 bap. Jan. 29 b. Nov. 20, 1791 bap. Jan. 29 b. Dec. 8, 1791 bap. Jan. 29 b. Dec. 16, 1791 bap. Feb. 14 b. Jan. 11 bap. Feb. 19 b. Dec. 20, 1791 bap. Feb. 19 b. Oec. 6, 1791 bap. —— 1792 Children John Peter p. sp Maria D. sp Isaac p. sp Henry Dp. SD. Conrad (il- PD. legitimate) Sp. Samuel Dp. sp. Hannah Dp. sp. John Dp. . John Wilhelm and Sophia Cop- The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Sponsors Peter Meyer and Salome . parents John Worman and Susanna . parents John Fassbender and Barbara . Conrad Jost Gabriel Kieffer and Elizabeth Henry Habach and wife Catharine Benner Michael Hauser and wife Henry Eckel and Magdalena parents Peter Schmid and Magdalena Conrad Schmid and Hannah Weickert John Schaub and Magdalena pelberg Henry Benner and his wife Julia brought their children to bap- tism as follows: John, b. Feb. 6, 1792; bap. Mar. 23, 1792 Catharine, b. July 31, 1789; bap. Mar. 23, 1792 Thomas, b. May 25, 1787; bap. Mar. 23, 1792 b. Jan. 2, 1792 bap. Apr. 1 b. Mar. 22 bap. Apr. 1 b. Sep. 1, 1791 bap. Apr. 1 b. Feb. 13 bap. Apr. 15 b. Dec. 20, 1791 bap. Apr. 22 b. Mar. 5 bap. Apr. 22 Anna Bar- D. bara Sp. John Jacob Dp. . Samuel Fuhrman and wife sp Matthias Dp. sp John Adam p. sp Sibylla p. George Bergstrasser and Cath- arine Barbara Bergstrasser and Jacob Wilhelm John Roth and Eva Ludwig Roth and Anna Bliza- beth . Matthias Bald John Adam Kern and Catharine . parents Peter Lang and Maria . Jacob Fassbender Henry D. . Henry Ott and wife Conrad Mitman and Elizabeth Dates b. Feb, 14 bap. Apr. 22 b. Dec. 30, 1791 bap. Apr. 22 b. Jan. 6 bap. Apr. 22 b. Nov. 10, 1791 bap. May 12 b. Mar. 3 bap. May 12 b. May 4 bap. June 3 b. Mar. 19 bap. June 3 b. Feb. 15 bap. June 3 b. Mar. 26 bap. June 24 b. Feb. 2 bap. —— b. Jan. 3 bap. June 24 b. June 9 bap. July 15 b. June 3 bap. July 15 b. Feb. 11 bap. Aug. 5 b. Feb. 28 bap. Aug. 5 b. Mar. 9, 1792 bap. Aug. 5 b. July 6 bap. Sep. 16 b. Nov. 20, 1789 bap. Aug. 26 b. May 29 bap. Aug. 26 Tohickon Reformed Records. Children Elizabeth Jacob Philip Elizabeth Esther Catharine Jacob Sarah Abraham Catharine Samuel Daniel John Tobias Jacob Maria Juliana William Elizabeth 155 Parents and Sponsors . George Weissel and Elizabeth . Darents . Henry Blien and Elizabeth . Jacob Sallate . Philip Comparie and Catharine . parents . Peter Mickle and Eva . Darents . Jacob Fluck and Margaret . parents . John Fluck and Magdalena . Frederick Fluck and wife . John Schwartz and Anna Mar- garet . Jacob Debisman and wife . Joseph Mofle and Elizabeth . Jacob Berge and wife . Ernst Klincker and Catharine . Jost Vollmer and wife . Jacob Dreisbach . Jacob Trombor and Catharine . Abraham Wienhold and Sus- anna Stump . Michael Weissel and Catharine . parents . George Seyn and Margaret . John Wirth and wife . John Frantz and Catharine . Paul Frantz and wife . Paul Frantz, Jr. and Maria . George Frantz and Anna Eliza- beth . Isaac Gerhard and Magdalena . George Scheib and wife . Isaac Williams and Maria . Simon Hoffert and wife . John Seller and Maria . Peter Sommer and Elizabeth Roller 156 Dates b. June 26 bap. Oct. 7 b. June 29 bap. Oct. 7 b. May 11 bap. Oct. 7 b. May 7 bap. Oct. 7 b. Aug. 18 bap. Oct. 7 b. Sep. 23 bap. Oct. 27 b. Sept. 25 bap. Nov. 18 b. Feb. 5 bap. Nov. 18 b. Dec. 16, 1792 bap. Feb. 10 b. Jan. 24 bap. Mar. 24 b. Jan. 8 bap. Mar. 24 b. Apr. 4 bap. May 24 b. Dec. 31, 1792 bap. May 5 b. Nov. 25, 1792 bap. May 5 b. Feb. 25 bap. June 16 b. Apr. 21, 1793 bap. June 16 b. Feb. 28 bap. June 16 The Pennsylvania-German S ociety. Children Henry Joseph Jacob Sarah Frederick Elizabeth John Barbara Maria Susanna Frederick John John John Henry Sarah Peter Parents and Sponsors . Jacob Lee and Elizabeth . Henrich Lee and Hannah Scherer . Michael Friedrich and Cath- arine . Joseph Stump and Maria Fried- rich . Henry Kratzer and Margaret . Conrad Jacobi and wife . Michael Ott and Elizabeth . Jacob Ott and wife . John Zéllner and Catharine . Frederick Kern and wife . John Fluck and Christina . grandfather . Jacob Berge and Barbara . parents . Peter Benner and Barbara . Barbara Lambach . John Fluck and Dorothea . Henry Ott and Maria Fluck . Caspar Fluck and Catharine . Henry Hertzel and wife . Arnold Haupt and Elizabeth . Frederick Honig . John Weissel and Sarah . John Honig and wife . Leonard Weidner and Chris- tina . Leonard Hinckel and wife . Daniel Staut and Sibylla . John Gerit and wife . Andrew Trombor and Margaret . Henry Neess and Elizabeth Weenhold . Peter Staut and Salome . parents . Peter Walter and Margaret . parents Dates b. Mar. 28 bap. June 16 b. Mar. 14 bap. June 16 b. July 10 bap. July 28 ‘b. May 25 bap. July 28 b. Dec. 4, 1792 bap. July 28 b. Mar. 25 bap. July 28 b. June 2 bap. Aug. 18 b. June 9 bap. Aug. 20 b. Aug. 13 bap. Aug. 20 b. June 8 bap. Sep. 8 b. June 18 bap. Sep. 1 b. June 10 bap. Sept. 29 b. Aug. 13 bap. Oct. 16 b. Apr. 10 bap. Oct. 16 b. Sep. 3 bap. Oct. 16 b. Aug. 1 bap. Nov. 10 b. Oct. 14 bap. Nov. 10 b. Aug. 24, 1793 bap. Nov. 10 b. Sept. 15 bap. Nov. 10 b. Dec. 1 bap. Dec. 18 Tohickon Reformed Records. Children Anna Bar- bara John Joseph Catharine Jacob Maria Eliza- beth Jacob Anna Maria Elizabeth Elizabeth Jacob Susanna Catharine Sarah Samuel Jacob Barbara John John Magdalena 157 Parents and Sponsors . Jacob Sallate and Barbara . grandfather Sallate . Nicholas Frantz and Christina . grandfather Paul Frantz . Henry Weissel and Eva . Darents . Jacob Riegel and Maria . Jacob Schneider and wife . Joseph Heller and Margaret . Christopher Heller and wife . Frederick Gerith and Catharine . Daniel Vollmer . John Dreissbach and Elizabeth . Jacob Diemer and wife . Henry Huber and Anna Maria . Christian Kern and wife . The late Philip Nusspickel and Catharine . Elizabeth Nusspickel . John Mayer and Catharine . Frederick Drehmauer and wife . Ludwig Weil and Anna . Jacob Wienhold and wife . Daniel Magel and Maria . Caspar Kremer and wife . George Weissel and Elizabeth . Catharine Weissel . Peter Mieckle and Eva . John Fluck and wife . Martin Scheib and Magdalena . George Scheib and wife . Daniel Althaus and Juliana . Frederick Geres and wife . George Sayn and Margaret . John Sayn and wife . John K6chlein and Elizabeth . parents . Jacob Degen and Elizabeth . parents . Christian Fluck and Elizabeth . John Fluck and wife 158 Dates b. Nov. 2, 1793 bap. Jan. 15 b. Sept. 30, 1793 bap. Jan. 22 b. June 28, 1793 bap. Jan. 22 b. Apr. 9 bap. Apr. 21 b. Sep. 22, 1793 bap. Apr. 21 b. Mar. 24 bap. Apr. 21 b. Nov. 10, 1793 bap. Apr. 21 b. Oct. 13, 1793 bap. Mar. 21 b. Feb. 28 bap. Apr. 21 b. Jan. 17 bap. Apr. 21 b. Feb. 19 bap. Apr. 21 b. Feb. 23 bap. Apr. 21 b. Mar. 28 bap. June 8 b. Mar. 23 bap. June 7 b.Aprid bap. June 8 b. May 10, 1794 bap. July 20 b. May 10 bap. July 20 b. —— bap. July 20 Children George Catharine Anna Maria Henry Elizabeth Jacob John Magdalena Michael Elizabeth Catharine Peter Jacob Maria Elizabeth Joseph Catharine Barbara 1794 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Sponsors . Peter Ott and Catharine . parents . George Frantz and Elizabeth . John Frantz and wife . Paul Frantz and Anna Maria . Michael Schneider . Philip Theiss and Christina . Henry Messemer and Elizabeth Benner . John Ott and Magdalena . Jacob Allum and wife . John Mast and Maria Magda- lena . Jacob Wildanger and wife . Emmanuel Sallate and Magda- lena . John Honig and wife . John Reith and Susanna . Caspar Kroner (?) and wife . Jacob Ott and Magdalena . Michael Ott and wife . Jacob Schaffer and Margaret . Elizabeth Schaffer . John Fluck and Dorothea . Peter Ott and wife . John Ott and Margaret . parents . Peter Benner and Barbara . Jacob Benner and wife . George Scheib and Juliana . George Heft and wife . John Ratzel and Elizabeth . George Metzger and wife . Henry Trombor and Veronica . Peter Benner and Elizabeth Philip . Jacob Staut and Catharine . Peter Staut and wife . Daniel Vollmar and Catharine . Jacob Sallate and wife Dates b. June 22 bap. Aug. 11 b. Nov. 18, 1793 bap. Aug. 10 b. Feb. 26 bap. Aug. 9 b. June 19 bap. Sep. 21 b. Nov. 10 bap. Dec. 28 b. Feb. 22, 1794 bap. Jan. 21 b. June 13, 1791 bap. Jan. 21 b. 18 w. ago bap. Feb. 15 b. Nov. 14, 1794 bap. Feb. 24 Tohickon Reformed Records. Children Catharine Dp. . Peter Kern and wife John Peter Dp. . Peter Laux and wife Maria Cath- p. arine sp. Maria D. sp Samuel p. sp 1795 Castoner(?) p. sp. Nicholas p. Sp. Catharine D. sp. Joseph p. sp. 159 Parents and Sponsors George Reser and Anna Maria Henry Breyan and Blizabeth Jacob Klincker and Anna Maria parents Martin Hoffart and Anna . John Fluck and wife Adam Kern . Andrew Trombor and wife Silas Jones and Margaret parents Silas Jones and Margaret parents Anthony Odonnel and Catharine Daniel Vollmer and wife Joseph Heller and Margaret John Scheib and wife Jacob Traxel and his wife Elizabeth have the following chil- dren and have had them entered here as an evidence of their baptism. Jacob, b. Dec. 8, 1781 Elizabeth, b. July 30, 1787 Catharine, b. Sept. 18, 1789 Magdalena, b. Feb. 27, 1792 Margaret, b. Feb. 24, 1794 Dates b. Feb. 1, 1794 bap. Mar. 22 b. Feb. 27, 1795 bap. Apr. 3 b. Oct. 20, 1793 bap. May 8 b. Nov. 138, 1794 bap. June 21 b. Mar. 20 bap. June 21 Children Catharine Dp. sp Barbara Dp. sp Jacob p. sp Catharine Dp. sp Joseph D. Parents and Sponsors Frederick Kern and Hannah . Peter Kern and wife Caspar Fluck and Catharine . parents Peter Lang and Anna Maria . Jacob Fassbender and wife John Benner and Anna Maria . John Hedrich and wife Michael Strauss and Anna Catharine . Michael Kolb and wife 160 Dates b. Nov. 30, 1794 bap. May 25 b. Aug. 29, 1794 bap. May 25 b. Oct. 26, 1794 bap. May 25 b. Feb. 25 bap. May 25 b.) Apr. 10 bap. May 25 b. Feb. 25 bap. May 25 b. Feb. 22 bap. May 25 b. Mar. 1 bap. May 25 b. May 23 bap. May 25 b. May 25 bap. Sep. 14 b. July 24, 1795 bap. Oct. 4 b. July 6, 1795 bap. Oct. 4 b. Aug. 26 bap. Oct. 24 b. Sep. 17, 1794 bap. Oct. 25 b. July 20 bap. —— b. July 12 bap. Aug. 21 b. Oct. 1, 1796 bap. Nov. 10 Children Anna John Hannah Eva Susanna Jacob Blizabeth Samuel Jacob Catharine Susanna Susanna Frederick Valentine Catharine Catharine Catharine The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Sponsors . Jacob Trombor and Magdalena . Jacob Kremer and wife . John Mayer and wife . parents . Benjamin Jacoby and Maria Elizabeth . Hannah Jacoby . Peter Staut and Salome . Jacob Neess and wife . George Bergstrasser and Cath- arine . Peter Scheib and wife . Daniel Staut and Sibylla . Jacob Staut and wife . Jacob Wildanger and Elizabeth . John Fluck and Magdalena . Henry Ott and wife . John Koéchlein and Catharine . Jacob Phillips and Sarah K6ch- lein . Nicholas Frantz and Christina . Daniel Kremer and Catharine Schneider . Michael Weisel and Maria . Jacob Bissy and Susanna Wor- man . John Reit and Susanna . Philip H. Schreyer and Susanna Meyer . Jacob Sallate and Barbara . parents . John Rothlein and Susanna . Valentine Thoman and wife . Conrad Sein and Elizabeth . John Mayer and Catharine Neisler . John Eckel and Magdalena . John Hedrich and Catharine . parents Dates b. Sep. 9 bap. Nov. 15 b. Sept. 10 bap. Nov. 15 b. Mar. 28 bap. Nov. 15 b. 5 mos and 2 weeks ago bap. Nov. 15 b. Apr. 2 bap. —— b. Dec. 4, 1795 bap. Jan. 20 b. Dec. 3, 1794 bap. Jan. 20 b. Nov. 4, 1795 bap. Jan. 17 b. Dec. 11, 1795 bap. Feb. 28 b. Dec. 16, 1795 bap. Feb. 28 b. Nov. 12, 1795 bap. Feb. 28 b. Jan. 29 bap. Mar. 29 b. Oct. 10, 1795 bap. Mar. 29 b. Dec. 27, 1795 bap. Mar. 29 b. Jan. 16 bap. Mar. 29 b. Jan. 30 bap. Apr. 5 b. Nov. 30, 1795 bap. Apr. 10 Tohickon Reformed Records. Children Jacob p. sp. Joseph p sp Margaret p. sp. Samuel p. (1) Maria p. 161 Parents and Sponsors Conrad Mitman and Elizabeth Daniel Vollmer and Catharine . Jost Vollmer Peter Walter and Margaret Frederick Geretz and Catharine . Emmanuel Sallate Philip Stieber and Maria Eliz- . (2) Sarah abeth sp. Philip Allum 1796 George p. George Frantz and Elizabeth : sp. Michael Schneider and wife John p. Paul Frantz and Anna Maria sp. John Schneider and Rebekah Schneider, single Peter p. Peter Samsel and Elizabeth sp. parents John . p. Jacob Allum and Hlizabeth sp. John Ott and wife Sibylla p. John Fassbender and Barbara sp. Jacob Fassbender and wife Anna p. Philip Frantz and Margaret Magdalena p. sp. Ludwig p. sp Margaret p. sp. Maria Dp. sp John p. . Ludwig Bender and wife John Henry p. Henry Weissel and Eva Christian Aderhold and Cath- arine Henry Benner and Catharine : Ludwig Benner and wife George Weissel and Elizabeth Joseph Hoffart and Maria . John Honig Jacob Bernd and Barbara . Andrew Muth 162 Dates b. Nov. 30, 1795 bap. Apr. 10 b. Nov. 30, 1795 bap. Apr. 25 b. Feb. 6 bap. May 21 b. Dec. 16, 1795 bap. May 1 b. 11 weeks ago bap. May 1 b. Mar. 13 bap. June 26 b. Jan. 16 bap. July 3 b. Mar. 1 bap. July 3 b. Mar. 20 bap. July 3 b. Apr. 22 bap. July 3 b. Dec. 20, 1795 bap. July 10 b. Feb. 21 bap. July 25 b. May 29 bap. Aug. 12 b. July 11 © bap. Aug. 12 b. May 11 bap. Aug. 21 b. Sept. 12 bap. Nov. 6 b. Aug. 8 bap. Nov. 6 b. Sep. 1 bap. Nov. 6 Children Philip Dp. Henry sp. Joseph p. SD. (1) Peter (2) p. Catherine sp. Sarah p. sp Peter p. sp Maria p. sp John Dp. sp Christian D. sp Maria Bar- Dp. bara sp. John p. 8D Elizabeth Dp. . Michael Ott and wife Maria Magd. Dp. Catharine Dp. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Sponsors Henry Hoffert and Susanna Henry Fassbender and Peter Lang and Maria Jacob Fassbender and wife Martin Scheib and Magdalena Peter Scheib and wife, Chris- tian Aderhold and wife Bernhard Weidner and Chris- tina . parents Magdalena Dp. The late Daniel Althaus and Juliana . John Lutz Jacob Degen and Maria Magda- lena . Peter Staut Henry Sallate and Catharine . Emmanuel Sallate John Zollner and Catharine . parents Christian Fluck and Hannah . parents Henry Ott and Catharine Henry Ott Henry Breian and Elizabeth . Jacob Lutz John Ott and Dorothea John Ott and Maria Michael Jost and Catharine sp. Conrad Jost Maria p. Jacob Seltzer and Susanna sp. Henry Fassbender Elias p. Henry Trombor and Veronica sp. parents Enosh p. Philip Jacobi and Catharine sp. —— Samuel p. John Fluck and Christina p. Henry Trombor and Veronica Dates b. —— bap. Nov. 13, 1796 b. Nov. 7 bap. Nov. 27 b. Sept. 21 bap. Dec. 25 b. Oct. 20, 1796 bap. Feb. 25 b. Sep. 8, 1796 bap. Jan. 8 b. Dec. 3, 1796 bap. Feb. 9 b. Nov. 3, 1796 bap. Feb. 19 b. Oct. 14, 1795 bap. Apr. 17 b. Apr. 1 bap. May 25 b. Oct. 14, 1796 bap. Apr. 14 b. Nov. 14, 1795 bap. May 25 b. Apr. 5 bap. May 25 b. Aug. 11, 1795 bap. May 25 b. Jany3 bap. May 25 b. May 12 bap. June 4 b. Oct. 25, 1796 bap. June 7 b. May 24 bap. June 11 Children Maria Elizabeth John Abraham Elizabeth Samuel Jacob Magdalena Michael Isaac John Jacob Elizabeth Hannah John Magdalena Sarah Tohickon Reformed Records. 163 Parents and Sponsors . Jacob Hackman and Elizabeth . Henry Ott and wife . Henry Mesemer and Elizabeth . Christian Fluck and Magd. Benner . Philip Theiss and Christina . John Benner and Elizabeth Benner . Peter Benner and Barbara . Abraham Bruner . Jost Vollmer and Margaret . Daniel Heft and wife . Daniel Sangmeister and Marg. . Jacob Sangmeister and Barb. Ruhl . Peter Staut and Salome . Andrew Trombor and Magda- lena . parents . John Ott and Margaret . The congregation . Frederick Kern and Hannah . Peter Kern . Jacob Wambold and Elizabeth . Jacob Trombor . Jacob Wambold and Elizabeth . John Wambold . Philip Reiss and Hannah . Christian Ruhl’ . Philip Reiss and Hannah . Jacob Wambold . Michael Ott and Susanna . parents . Daniel Magel and Maria . parents . Peter Samsel and Elizabeth . John Beitelman and Sarah Kochlein 164 Dates b. Feb. 22, 1797 bap. June 3 b. May 11 bap. July 25 b. May 5 bap. July 23 b. Feb. 2 bap. Aug. 6 b, July 7 bap. Aug. 27 b. July 12 bap. Aug. 27 b. Mar. 16 bap. Aug. 27 b. Aug. 24 bap. Sep. 3 b. May 28 bap. Sep. 25 b. bap. Sep. 25 [10. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Children Catharine Dp. . parents John George PD. Parents and Sponsors Michael Weisel and Maria George Reser and Anna Mar- garet sp. parents Michael p. Henry Neess and Catharine sp. Michael Neess and wife Daniel p. Joseph Heller and Margaret sp. parents Enosh p. Daniel Vollmer and Magdalena sp. parents Elizabeth p. Christian Aderhold and Cath- arine sp. parents Jacob p. Philip Frantz and Margaret sp. parents Maria Mag- p. George Weissel, Jr. and Mar- dalena garet sp. Margaret Weissel Jacob p. Jacob Klincker sp. Jacob Schneider John p. George Oberbeck and Elizabeth . John Bouden NOVEMBER 1799 TO NOVEMBER 1817.] BAPTISMS BY THE REV. JACOB SENN, Those children who were baptized by me, Jacob Senn. Child and Bapt. Abraham Nov. 2 Jacob Nov. Sarah Nov. 8 John George Dec. 15 10 a 1799 Parents and Witnesses Peter Staut and Salome . parents Henry Leh and Catharine . Philip Muth and Barbara Jacob Staut and Elizabeth . parents George Weissel and Margaret . George Sheib and Elizabeth Date of Birth Oct. Wass 179s Sept. 27, 1799 May 8, 1799 Nov. 8, 1799 Child and Bapt. Hannah (bapt. by Herman) Enosh Jan. 24, 1800 Anna Catha- rine Jan. 24, 1800 Paulus Jan. 24, 1800 Thomas Jan. 24, 1800 Elizabeth Jan, 24, 1800 Michael Feb. 16 Jacob Feb. 16 Hannah Mar. 4, 1800 John Jacob Mar. 4 John Nicholas Jan. 12, 1800 Sarah Mar. 24 [?] John Same day Hannah Same day Samuel Mar. 30, 1800 Susanna May 30, 1800 Magdalena May 30, 1800 Samuel May 30, 1800 See geet 0 ee SAS ee Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents and Witnesses Christian Fluck and Hannah W. parents Andrew Erdman and Susanna . George Franz and Anna Eliza- beth Andrew Hrdman and Susanna . Jacob Sneider and Catharine Paul Franz and Anna Maria . parents Paul Franz and Anna Maria John Franz and Catharine George Franz and Elizabeth Andrew Erdman and Susanna Conrad Benner and Elizabeth . Michael Friedrich and Catharine John Ott and Dorothea . Jacob Keller and Elizabeth Ott Jacob Cope and Maria Henry Herzel and Anna Maria Jacob Kremer and Anna parents Henry Resch and Christina John Funk and Magdalena Philip Tristler and Maria parents Philip Tristler and Maria . parents Philip Tristler and Maria . parents Jacob Fluck and Elizabeth . Christian Fluck and Magd. Danhauer Jacob Bernd and Barbara W. John Keller and Margaret Henry Berge and Magdalena W. parents Jacob Scheib and Barbara W. Peter Scheib and Christina 165 Date of Birth June 24, 1798 Aug. 31, 796 Feb. 26, ’98 Aug. 3, ’98 Sepasa co? Oct. 3, 799 Jan. 7, 1800 Sep. 9, 1799 July 18, 1799 Oct. 16, 1799 Dec, 9; 1799 Sept. 24, 1792 June 18, 1795 Oct. L697 Jan. 22, 1800 Jan. 5, 1800 Feb. 25, 1800 Jan. 2, 1800 166 Child and Bapt. Anna Elizabeth Apr. 20 Carl Apr. 20 Sarah Apr. 20 John Apr. 20 John George Elizabeth May 10, 1800 Maria Magda- lena May 10 Joseph May 10 Jacob May 30 John May 30 John Peter Aug. 3 Elizabeth Oct. 5 45 4s = The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses Jacob Ott and Maria Margaret . Andrew Muth and Elizabeth Jacob Pader and Elizabeth . Gertrude Dedderer Jacob Troxel and Elizabeth . parents John Scheib and Catharine . John Schellenberg and Elizabeth Henry Sylvius and Catharine . George Scheib and Juliana Abraham, Aderhold and Cath- arine Henry Jacobi and Rachel Adam Laux and Elizabeth W. Henry Ott and Maria S254 Sa = Ww. Abraham Kieffer and Elizabeth . Jacob Ott and Christine Cober Jacob Dingler and Sophia . Jacob Solida and Barbara Jacob Dingler and Sophia . Peter Ott and Catharine Andrew Laux and Maria . Matthias Hartman and Cath- arine Christian Bloom and Catharine John Drach and Elizabeth Ott On October 15, 1798, the following children were the congregation was without a pastor42 Jacob Catharine Oct. 3, 1798 John Jacob John Conrad Sehem and Hliza- beth W. Jacob Schmid and wife Conrad Benner and Elizabeth W. John Benner and Magdalena Walder Henry Mesemer and Elizabeth Nov. 16, 1800 W. John Benner and Elizabeth Date of Birth Noy. 18, ’99 May 15, ’98 July 31, 98 Feb. 19, 1800 Apr. 4, ’99 Oct. 6, ’99 Jan. 8, 1800 Mar. 19, 1800 Feb. 1, 1800 Feb. 1, 1800 Apr. 18, 1800 Aug. 8, 1800 baptized while Sep. 9, 1798 Oct. 12, 1800 42 The two baptisms that follow this heading took place before the ministry of Senn began, in October 1798, but they were entered by him in November 1800. Tohickon Reformed Records. 167 Child and Bapt. Parents and Witnesses Date of Birth Abraham Jost Folmer and Magdalena Oct. 10, 1800 Nov. 16 W. Abraham Jost and Christina Abraham Christian Fluck and Hannah Oct. 25, 1800 Nov. 16 W. Conrad Sheleberg and Eva Henry Adam Renner and Elizabeth Nov. 13, 1800 — W. John Henry Scheib and Maria John George George Leyde and Barbara Oct. 5, 1800 Nov. 30 W. George Mumbauer and Catha- rine Henry John Eckel and Magdalena Oct. 24, 1800 Dec. 14 W. Henry Worman and Maria Her- zel Sarah Henry Peil and Maria Gertrude Sep. 31, 1800 Dec. 28 W. John Born and Blizabeth Hauser Anna Maria Henry Staut and Elizabeth Nov. 9, 1800 Dec. 28 W. Adam Kern and Anna Maria 1801 Samuel Jacob Fassbender and Catharine Dec. 28, 1800 Mar. 22,1801 W. John Fassbender and Barbara Abraham Jacob Benner and Magdalena Agog ale, aleyend Apr. 12 W. Abraham Benner and Fanny Titulon Michael Ludwig Weil and Catharine Dec. 3, 1800 Apr. 12 W. Michael Friedrich and Catharine Joseph David Aderhold and Maria Feb. 16, 1801 May 14,1801 W. Jost Folmer and Magdalena Michael Henry Jacoby and Rachel Mar. 14, 1801 May 14 W. Henry Caufman and Elizabeth Abraham George Folmer and Catharine Feb. 17, 1801 May 14 W. Abraham Jost and Christina Maria Leonard Weidner and Christina Oct. 10, 1801 May 14 W. parents John Peter Henry Sylvius and Catharine Mar. 14, 1801 May 14 W. Peter Scheib and Christina Jacob Jacob Zelser and Susanna Jan. 30, 1800 May 20,1801 W. —— Joseph Joseph Heffert and Maria Oct. 5, 1800 May 20 Ww. — 168 Child and Bapt. John May 20 Jacob May 20 John May 20 Elizabeth May 20, 1801 Jacob May 20 John June 16 Jesse June 16 Joseph June 29 Samuel July 5 Isaac Aug. Enoch Aug. Sarah Sept. 6 Catharine Sep. 6 30 30 Josiah George Jacob David —_ John Dec. 25 The 4 4 AS 4 Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses Christian Ott and Elizabeth . John Drach and Polly Ott George Sheib and Elizabeth . Jacob Sheib and Barbara George Sheib and Elizabeth . Martin Sheib and Magdalena Carl Bissy and Sarah . parents Philip Hartman and Catharine Jacob Lauks [Laux] and Maria Abraham Aderhold and Catha- arine W. David Aderhold and Maria Jacob Henig and Rebekah W. Jacob Sheib and Rachel House- = Se A =i) Seater an keeper Henry Benner and Catharine . Joseph Stump and Hlizabeth Henry Sein and Elizabeth . parents Andrew Trumpor and Margaret parents Andrew Trumpor and Margaret . parents Jacob Stout and Catharine . Michael Streepy and Magdalena Daniel Craut and Elizabeth Henry Benner and Catharine Benner Christian Clinker and Catharine . parents George Mast and Maria Magda- lena George Neid and Anna Maria Daniel Stout and Sibylla Jacob Scheib and Barbara . John Fluck and Magdalena Date of Birth Aug. 23, 1800 Oct. 6, 1799 Mar. 19, 1801 Sep. 29, 1800 Jan. 3, 1801 Jan. 2, 1801 Mar. 22, 1801 Dec. 16, 1800 July 14, 1798 May 3, 1800 July 12, 1801 July 5, 1801 June 17, 1799 May 6, 1801 July 4, 1801 Aug. 20, 1801 Dec. 13, 1801 Tohickon Reformed Records. 169 1802 Child and Bapt. Parents and Witnesses Date of Birth Adam Conrad Benner and Elizabeth Nov. 12, 1801 Jan.1,1802 W. Adam Benner and Magd. Miller a John Geres and Magdalena Oct. 5, 1801 W. Nicholas Stier and Elizabeth Catharine Peter Thiel and Elizabeth Sept. 5, 1801 Jan. 30 W. Abraham Stever and Maria John Peter John Z6lner and Catharine Oct. 6, 1801 Mar. 14,1802 W. Peter Kern and Catharine Jonas Frederick Fassbender and Sus- Dec. 18, 1801 Mar. 14 anna Ww. — Samuel Daniel Ott and Catharine Dec. 14, 1801 ose A W. Ludwig Benner and Gertrude Anna Cath- Henry Bibighaus and Maria Feb. 28, 1802 arine W. Adam Jost and Catharine Zum- Apr. 4, 1802 stein Magdalena Joseph Makel and Elizabeth June 21, 1799 Apr. 4 W. George Getman and Magdalena Hannah Joseph Makel and Elizabeth Dec. 1, 1800 Apr. 4 W. Thomas Makel and Elizabeth Henry Adam Laux and Elizabeth Jan. 19, 1802 Apr. 25 W. Henry Breyen and Elizabeth Barbara Henry Breyen and Elizabeth Dec. 12, 1801 Apr. 25 W. John Ott and Magdalena Laucks Joseph Jacob Fluck and Elizabeth Mar. 4, 1802 W. John Kiichlein and Elizabeth Michael George Weissel and Margaret Feb. 18, 1802 Apr. 25 Ww. — Anna Maria John Solida and Catharine Dec. 30, 1801 Apr. 25 W. John Adam Kern and Maria Esther Sebastian Benner and Abby [!] July 17, 1799 — W. Peter Sheib and Christina John Abraham Henig and Hannah May 16, 1802 —— W. parents Anna Maria George Hinkel and Maria Nov. 26, 1801 Oct. 10 W. Leonard Hinkel and Maria Anna Jacob Stout and Elizabeth June 25, 1802 Oct. 10 W. John Roth and Eva Carl Abraham Ott and Maria Aug. 22, 1802 Oct. 31 W. Ludwig Benner and Gertrude 170 The Child and Bapt. Samuel Oct. 31 Anna Catharine Martha George 4 Joseph Mar. 7, 1803 Joseph Mar. 20 Juliana Mar. 20 Rosina Mar. 27, 1803 Peter Mar. 27 Hannah Mar. 27 Sse a 4 Samuel Apr. 10 Sophia May 29 Samuel May 29 Dinah May 29 Samuel May 29 Anna May 29 Catharine W. W. Fees pages fee peeve Pree eae Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses John Eckel and Magdalena Henry Eckel and Hannah Her- zel Jacob Benner and Magdalena Barbara Lambach Amos Miner and Christina W. Michael Blank and Elizabeth Amos Miner and Christina . George Beringer and Magdalena 1803. Jacob Sheib and Maria . Martin Sheib and Magdalena Jacob Rule and Maria . father Jacob Rule and Maria . Peter Rule and Sarah Jacob Detisman and Elizabeth . Henry Burger Ludwig Weil and Catharine . Peter Ziegefus and Catharine Henry Peil and [Maria Ger- trude] Jacob Lutz and Elizabeth Ben- ner Michael Jost and Catharine Henry Fluck and Catharine . Henry Fassbender and wife Henry Stout and Elizabeth . Samuel Seibel, Elizabeth Fluck Joseph Makel and Elizabeth Henry Trumpore and wife David Aderhold and Maria Abraham Jost and wife Daniel Makel and Maria . parents John Schiissler and Margaret . John Hirschfeld and Catharine Date of Birth Sept. 23, 1802 Aug. Dec. June 18, Dec. Sept. 24, Mar. Jan. 25, 1802 18, 1798 1801 31, 1802 1800 23, 1802 8, 1803 Oct. 5, 1802 Dec. Mar. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Nov. Jan. 2, 1802 ily 1803 7, 1803 7, 1803 15, 1803 4, 1803 25, 1802 24, 1803 Child and Bapt. Christina Catharine Philip Enosh June 15 Tobias June 15 Elizabeth June 15 Jacob Abraham Anna Maria Elizabeth Jan. 15 Jacob Jan. 16 Tohickon Reformed Records. 4 Bea pate aa ar Parents and Witnesses John Schtissler and Margaret . John Schiissler and Christina Nepper Jacob Henig and Margaret . Philip Henig and Anna Schiitz Philip Shtitz and Elizabeth . Jacob Keller and Caty Kiichlein Nicholas Frantz and Christina . George Frantz and Elizabeth Jacob Frantz and Sophia . Tobias Frantz and Sarah George Folmer and Catharine . David Aderhold and Maria Christian Getman and Magda- lena W. parents = A4e5 4 - s 4 4 Henry Jacobi and Rachel . Abraham Jacobi and Elizabeth Ott Michael Steinbach and Magda- lena . Henry Burger and Eva Tieter George Ort and Elizabeth . Henry Fluck and Catharine Peter Kern and Susanna . parents Martin Althaus and Catharine . Matthias Ziegefus and Anna Margaret Joseph Heffer and Maria . Jacob Fluck and Elizabeth Conrad Benner and Elizabeth . parents 1804 Jacob Algart and Christina . Matthias Hartman and Catha- rine Henry Ziegefus and Anna . Matthias Ziegefus and Margaret 171 Date of Birth Jan. 24, 1803 Jan. 28, 1803 May 3, 1803 Apr. 2, 1803 Apr. 31, 1803 Feb. 27, 1803 June 3, 1803 June 20, 1803 May 6, 1803 Aug. 23, 1803 Aug. 1, 1803 Oct, 16, 1803 Dec. 10, 1803 Sept. 14, 1803 Aug. 3, 1803 Oct. 18, 1803 172 Child and Bapt. Catharine Feb. 1 Michael Feb. 1 Elias Feb. 5 Susanna July 10, 1803 John July 10 Maria July 10 Catharine Mar. 18, 1804 Jacob Apr. 8 Henry Apr. 8 Anna Barbara Apr. 8 Henry May 19 Lydia May 20 Lydia May 20 Samuel May 20 Anna May 20 Elizabeth May 20 Martin May 20 John May 20 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses Henry Worman and Maria . parents Henry Worman and Maria . parents Henry Sylvius and Catharine . Adam Ziegefus and Catharine by Mr. George Wack Jacob Selzer and Susanna Sebastian Horn and Catharine . John Roth and Eva Daniel Krout and Elizabeth . Henry Benner and Catharine George Hartman and Elizabeth . Matthias Hartman and Catha- rine Jacob Stout and Catharine W. Jacob Ott and Magdalena Jacob Sheib and Barbara W. Henry Ott and Maria Christian Fluck and Hannah W. George Leyde and Anna Bar- Ane bara Henry Sein and Elizabeth parents Henry Trumpore and Veronica . Geo. Sheib and Maria Trum- pore Abraham Kiifer and Elizabeth . Christian Nicolaus and Susanna Andrew Walter and Magdalena . George Smith and wife Christian Ott and Elizabeth . Emmanuel Solida and wife Adam Laux and Elizabcth . Leonard Jacobi and Elizabeth Jacob Fassbender and Catharine . parents George Affiebach and Dorothea . Peter Litzeberger and Eliz. Geiger Date of Birth Dec. Apr. Sept. Apr. May Jan. Dec. Nov. Jan. Feb. Sep. Nov. Mar. Dec. Feb. Jan. Feb. Nov. 28, 1803 3, 1802 17, 1803 6, 1803 23, 1803 17, 1803 30, 1803 15, 1803 20, 1804 10, 1804 28, 1803 5, 1803 20, 1804 26, 1803 26, 1804 13, 1804 7, 1804 27, 1803 Child and Bapt. Christian May 20 Elizabeth John Hannah July 22 Adam Nov. 4 Dinah Nov. 4 Blizabeth Nov. 14 John Nov. 18 Samuel Nov. 25 Magdalena Nov. 25 Henry Anna Maria Jan. 1, 1805 Thomas Jan. 7 Maria Feb. 17 Hannah Feb. 17 Tohickon Reformed Records. 4 = #243: Wi Gee ee a Se ee Parents and Witnesses Frederick Geres and Catharine . John Wirth and Catharine John Solida and Catharine . Henry Stout and Elizabeth Jacob Strohm and Sarah John Kiichlein and Elizabeth Jacob Willader#? and Elizabeth parents Jacob Fluck and Elizabeth Adam Fluck and Catharine Nicholas Frantz and Christina parents John Heterich and Catharine . Elizabeth Benner John Huth and Gertrude John Kern and Maria Martin Althouse and Catharine Jacob Jost and Maria Althouse Jacob Stout and Blizabeth . Tobias Ruh and Margaret Stout Henry Peil and Maria Gertrude . Henry Kilmer and Eliza Losina John Ort and Sophia Adam Strayer and wife Jacob Benner and Maria . John Benner and Elizabeth 1805 John Rogers and Anna . Michael Ott and Susanna Leonard Jacobi and Elizabeth . John Ott and Margaret Abraham Henig and Hannah . parents Peter Koch and Elizabeth John Roth and Eva 43 Should probably be Willower, see entry in 1806. 44 Probably June 30th was intended. 173 Date of Birth Oct. 22, 1803 Jan. 28, 1804 Feb. 26, 1804 Apr. 28, 1804 June 20, 1804 June 2, 1804 June 31, 180444 Sept. 24, 1804 Oct. 16, 1804 Aug. 29, 1804 May 30, 1804 June 29, 1804 Sept. 5, 1804 July 12, 1804 Dec. 7, 1804 Sept. 30, 1804 Oct. 17, 1804 174 The Child and Bapt. Lydia Feb. Peter Feb. John Feb. 17 Catharine 17 17 Michael May 11 John May 12 Samuel May 12 Maria May 12 454-52 5a Samuel May 12 = Susanna May 12 Samuel May 12 Joseph May 12 Jesse June 23 Thomas John Peter July 13 Samuel July 13 Elizabeth July 25 Sees sere 440-4 3 Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses Henry Ott and Maria . John Fluck and Magdalena Daniel Blume and Catharine . Peter Ott and Catharine Daniel Folmer and Catharine . John Ott and Margaret John Fassbender and Elizabeth Peter Fassbender and Cath. Geres Abraham Ott and Maria . Michael Ott and Elizabeth John Eckel and Magdalena . Henry Eckel and Magdalena Joseph Folmer and Catharine . Jacob Ruff and Sarah Zumstein George Sheib and Elizabeth . John Sylvius and Maria Alt- house Jacob Sheib and Maria . Samuel Seibel and Magdalena Sheib George Folmer and Catharine Daniel Folmer and Catharine Henry Fluck and Catharine . Philip Shrawer and wife Peter Sheib and Magdalena . Peter Sheib, Sr. and Christina Jacob Selzer and Susanna . parents Daniel Housekeeper and Hliza- beth . Matthias Housekeeper and Catharine Fluck Peter Theil and Elizabeth . John Emig and Margaret David Rinker and wife . Geo. Sheib and Catharine Hagar Joseph Heffert and Maria . parents Date of Birth Jan. Nov Nov Nov Feb. Mar Nov Mar Dec. Dec. Oct. Mar Feb. 3, 1805 . 29, 1804 . 21, 1804 . 19, 1804 9, 1805 . 2, 1805 . 22, 1804 . 16, 1805 7, 1804 25, 1804 31, 1804 . 1, 1805 6, 1805 June 7, 1805 Feb. Feb. Dec. 2, 1805 2, 1805 7, 1804 Child and Bapt. Catharine July 4 Daniel July 4 John July 4 Sabina Oct. 6 Abraham Sarah Oct. 6 Catharine Oct. 6 Magdalena William Israel Magdalena May 26 George Oct. 27 Michael INOVo La John Nov. 17 Mar. 16, 1806 Tohickon Reformed Records. = Sy 3). 48S ea ae A ee Parents and Witnesses Andrew Laux and Maria . Peter Ott and Catharine David Aderhold and Maria . Daniel Folmer and Catharine George Weissel and Elizabeth —_——— Jacob Brecht and Susanna . Michael Ackerman and Maria George Ort and Elizabeth . Peter Rule and wife Daniel Makel and Maria . parents Abraham Gerhart and Margaret . Adam Kern and Catharine Henry Stout and Eliza . John Fluck and Hannah Stout Ludwig Algart and Barbara . Jacob Beisher and Catharine Mikley Jacob Barns and Barbara . John Ott and Margaret Christian Getman and Magda- lena Philip Hartman and Catharine . George Hartman and Eliza David Alem and Hannah . Michael Alem and Margaret Adam Laux and Elizabeth . Christian Bloom and Catharine 1806 Joseph Maugel and Elizabeth . parents Joseph Stump and Christina . Jacob Razel and Maria John Razel and Elizabeth . Peter Henrich and Margaret Peter Ruth and Maria Elizabeth . Henry Peil and Maria Gertrude John Ott and Dorothea . Jacob Wambold and Elizabeth 175 Date of Birth May 22, 1805 Apr. 14, 1805 Apr. 1, 1805 June 15, 1805 Jan. 13, 1805 Jan. 25, 1805 July 25, 1805 July 5, 1805 June 20, 1805 Mar. 21, 1805 May 26, 1805 July 10, 1805 Oct. 11, 1805 Oct. 13, 1805 Aug. 6, 1805 Jan. 23, 1803 Feb. 25, 1806 Jan. 19, 1806 Dec. 12, 1805 176 Child and Bapt. Abraham Mar. 23 Anna Barbara —_—_—_—— Susanna Apr. 23 Samuel Apr. 23 Michael Apr. 23 John Apr. 23 John Levi May 4 Lydia May 25 Joseph May 25 Jesse May 25 Hannah Hannah July 27 Sophia July 27 Catharine Jacob —_ Lydia —__—_ Eliza Blizabeth Barbara —_ a ee ee eee gies i te The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses Abraham Kiefer and Blizabeth . Abraham Cober and Christina John Kern and Magdalena _ Abraham Gerhart and Anna Barbara George Makel and Magdalena . parents George Makel and Magdalena George Makel and Magdalena ——aes George Makel and Magdalena —_—— Henry Sylvius and Catharine . Peter Sheib and Rachel John Ott and Magdalena . Henry Ott and Maria Andrew Walter and Magdalena . Henry Fluck and Catharine Peter Stout and Magdalena . George Krauthammel and Catharine John Sylvius and Maria . Maria Sylvius Peter Sheib and Magdalena . Jacob Fluck and wife Peter Koch and Elizabeth . Jacob Dany and Eliza Lessig Henry Ott and Catharine . parents Peter Solida and Magdalena . Jacob Solida and Barbara Christian Spies and Catharine . John Sylvius and Maria Henry Trumpore and Veronica . parents Jacob Strohm and Sarah John Razel and Elizabeth Samuel Herwick and Susanna . Herman Jost and Catharine Date of Birth Nov. Jan. 5, 1805 17, 1806 Oct. 7, 1795 Apr. Aug. Aug. Jan. Mar. Dec. Mar. Mar. Mar. Jan. Apr. Apr. Dec. May Jan. Feb. 1, 1798 8, 1800 26, 1804 6, 1806 1, 1806 18, 1805 28, 1806 14, 1806 18, 1806 25, 1806 6, 1806 15, 1806 15, 1805 19, 1806 20, 1806 27, 1903 Child and Bapt. Catharine Maria Margaret Sep. 7, 1806 Enosh Sept. 7 Elizabeth Sept. 7 John Sept. 7 Maria Sept. 7 Susanna Oct. 19 Ephraim Oct. 19 Maria Magda- lena Nov. 9 Andrew Nov. 9 Jacob Margaret Nov. 30 Robert Nov. 30 Jacob Noy. 30 Frank Hannah Feb. 1, 1807 Tohickon Reformed Records. W. W; 4 ws to Pee: Pea baat: Ce eae Parents and Witnesses Samuel Herwick and Susanna John Meyer and Catharine John Boehm and Rosina John Schiissler and Marg. Elisa Jost Folmer and Catharine . David Aderhold and Maria John Ort and Sophia . Henry Fassbender and Cath- arine George Ort and Elizabeth . John Ort and Sophia John Althouse and Catharine . John Sylvius and Maria Christian Ott and Elizabeth . Peter Ott and Susanna Solida Abraham Henig and Hannah Jacob Benner and wife Adam Wenhold and Magdalena Lewis Henry Sein and Elizabeth . Andrew Colp and Maria Magd. Folmer Jacob Willower and Elizabeth . Jacob Alem and Eliza Philip Tristeler and Maria John Stoneback and Elizabeth Jacob Henig and Elizabeth . Emmanuel Solida and Magda- lena Daniel Ott and Catharine . Abraham Ott and Magdalena 1807 Jacob Fluck and Elizabeth . John Dannehauer and Hannah Fluck 177 Date of Birth Apr. 15, 1804 July 22, 1806 July 31, 1806 June 29, 1806 May 11, 1806 June 9, 1806 July 30, 1806 Aug. 15, 1806 Aug. 27, 1806 May 23, 1806 June 5, 1806 Sept. 13, 1804 Sept. 20, 1806 Oct. 5, 1806 Aug. 27, 1806 Aug. 8, 1806 178 The Child and Bapt. Matthias Feb. 1 Jacob Susanna Apr. 22 Israel May 17 Joseph May 17 Enosh May 17 Anna May 17 Joseph May 17 Rachel May 17 Elizabeth John June 7 Andrew June 7 Tobias June 7 Elizabeth June 7 Maria June 7 Peter June 7 Elizabeth June 7 Catharine 4 oS fas = a eee So Sg a ee Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses Jacob Hartman and Maria . Matthias Hartman and Catha- rine John Solida and Catharine . Jacob Solida and Barbara Daniel Stout and Sibylla . parents Henry Kramer and Sarah . John Kramer and Anna Lutz Henry Fluck and Catharine Geo. Smith and Catharine Jacob Sheib and Barbara . Philip Fluck and Eliza Witman Jacob Sheib and Maria David Alem and Hannah Samuel Emich and Maria Geo. Emich and Margaret Jacob Weierbach and Margaret . Jacob Apple and Elisa Wol- shlager Conrad Benner and Blizabeth W. parents John Trumpore and Margaret W. John Blank and Maria Trum- pore Andrew Laux and Maria . parents Martin Althouse and Catharine . Abr. Jost and Christina Adam Jost and Sarah J hn Folmer and Elizabeth George Folmer and Catharine . Peter Thiel and Eliza George Razel and Susanna . Peter Ott and Catharine Samuel Herwick and Susanna . John Smith and Barbara Shaver Daniel Housekeeper and Eliza- beth . Catharine Housekeeper Date of Birth Dec. 17, 1806 Oct. 16, 1806 Nov. Dec. Oct. Dec. Feb. Feb. Apr. Oct. Apr. Jan. Mar. Apr. Feb. Apr. . 23, 16, 1806 7, 1806 6, 1806 1, 1806 15, 1806 23, 1806 1806 10, 1806 8, 1807 1, 1806 17, 1807 2, 1807 27, 1807 5, 1807 2, 1807 25, 1807 Child and Bapt. Benjamin July 19 John William July 19 John Aug. 9 Enosh Aug. 9 Christina Aug. 9 Daniel Aug. 10 John Aug. 10 Peter Aug. 10 Susanna Aug. 10 Rachel Aug. 10 Eva Aug. 10 Susanna Rebekah David John Sep. 20 Sophia John Isaac Nov. 1 Amos Nov. 22 Mary Ann Nov. 22 Tohickon Reformed Records. {Ses ae Se piesa ets Seen So ay Ss eee as SS Parents and Witnesses John Sylvius and Maria . Jacob Sheib and Maria George Hartman and Elizabeth David Aderhold and Maria . John Adam and Esther Peter Sheib and Magdalena . Geo. Sheib and Catharine Philip Theis and Christina John Coffel and Maria Lewis Geo. Theil and Catharine . Philip Detesman and Maria Elizabeth Daniel Thiel and Magdalena John Mayer and Catharine John Swarz and Margaret John John John Christian Fluck and Hannah parents Peter Thiel and Eliza Samuel Emich and wife Nicholas Frantz and Christina Swarz and Margaret Swarz and Margaret Swarz and Margaret 7 Ludwig Algard and Barbara . John Ott and Magdalena John Fassbender and Maria John Ort and Sophia Jacob Gruber and Maria Marg. Doris Rudy and Elizabeth Rudy Jacob Stout and Elizabeth _— Leonard Jacoby and Elizabeth . Christian Sneider and Sarah Christian Sneider and Sarah . Michael Sneider and Margaret 179 Date of Birth May 15, 1807 Mar. 5, 1807 Apr. 19, 1807 June 5, 1807 Feb. 2, 1807 July 4, 1807 May 12, 1807 Feb. 1797 Feb. 1797 Sept. 22, 1794 Nov. 1, 1800 Mar. 29, 1807 Sept. 2, 1806 Mar. 30, 1807 July 5, 1807 June 5, 1807 Sept. 6, 1807 June 27,'1807 Aug. 30, 1807 Sept. 14, 1807 180 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Child and Bapt. Parents and Witnesses Maria Magda- Isaac Bean and Catharine lena W. Henry Crauthammel and Chris- Nov. 22 tina Enosh Jacob Kramer and Blizabeth noe W. John Kramer and Margaret John Abraham Kiefer and Elizabeth a W. John Fluck and Magdalena Philip Samuel Emich and Magdalena — W. Michael Andrew Walter and Magdalena —— W. Michael Fassbender and Cath- arine Heller 1808 Rachel Joseph Heffert and Maria aah Wye Peter Archibald Lester and Catharine — W. Solomon Rumfeld and Caty Weber Michael Michael Reimer and Catharine Apr yt Young W. John Young and Maria Hannah Henry Stout and Elizabeth Apr. 17 W. Henry Weissel and Eva John John Kern and Magdalena W. John Folmer and Barbara Libya [!] John Ort and Sophia May 29 W. Geo. Smith and Catharine Lydia Abraham Shrayer and Cath- May 29 arine W. John Hering and Maria Lydia Adam Laux and Elizabeth May 29 W. Frederick Ott and Elizabeth Coder Magdalena John Bibighaus and Sophia May 29 M. Michael Colp and Maria Magd. Susanna Joseph Makel and Elizabeth June 19 W. Thomas Henry George Cope and Lydia — W. Henry Cope Date of Birth July Aug. Nov. Oct. Nov. Oct. Dec. Jan. Dec. Nov. Mar. Apr. Mar. Apr. Sept. Aug. 1, 1807 18, 1807 8, 1807 24, 1807 8, 1807 17, 1807 17, 1807 23, 1808 27, 1807 11, 1807 31, 1808 18, 1808 12, 1808 17, 1808 29, 1807 9, 1807 Child and Bapt. Anna Margaret Margaret Elizabeth Hannah Magdalena Aug. 21 Israel Aug. 21 Jacob Aug. 21 Sarah Aug. 21 Charles Aug. 21 Matthias Aug. 21 Catharine Elizabeth Samuel Jacob Jacob Jonas Isaac Tohickon Reformed Records. = iW Sa a ae a) ae 4 Parents and Witnesses Paul Cope and Magdalena . Daniel Lander and Margaret William Cope and Magdalena . John Cope and Margaret Cooker John Henge and Elizabeth . Peter Nase and Elizabeth Beaver Sebastian Althouse and Maria Peter Kern and Susanna Frederick Fassbender and Sus- anna Frederick Kern and Anna John Zolner and Catharine John Zolner and Catharine Andrew Laux and Maria . Matthias Hartman and Cath- arine Jacob Sheib and Barbara . Michael Frederick and Cath- arine Tobias Rule and Margaret . Jacob Stout and Elizabeth Jacob Henig and Elizabeth . — Knecht and Elizabeth George Ratzel and Susanna . Jacob Ratzel and Maria Jacob Fluck and Elizabeth . Peter Ott and Elizabeth Benjamin Beach and Eliza . Geo. Krouthammel and Cath- arine Benjamin Beach and Eliza . Andrew Krouthammel and Eliza 181 Date of Birth Mar. 17, 1808 Feb. 2, 1808 Mar. 29, 1808 July 2, 1808 June 24, 1808 Dec. 1, 1806 Jan. 26, 1808 Sept. 8, 1803 June 4, 1807 Apr. 7, 1808 Apr. 18, 1808 Mar. 5, 1808 Jan. 13, 1808 June 22, 1808 Aug. 8, 1808 Aug. 9, 1806 June 9, 1808 182 Child and Bapt. Jonas Dec. 4 Maria Anna Christina Libia [!] John William Levi Apr. 30, 1809 Isaac Apr. 30 Ada Apr. 30 Joseph Aaron Daniel May 21 Anna June il Esther June il Larch [!] June il Catharine June 11 Maria June 11 Simon The z= choice - ar rah ae = ae eee Ses ee Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses Jacob Hartman and Maria . parents George Klein and Maria . John Henig and Maria 1809 George Sheib and Catharine . Peter Sheib and Christina John Fluck and Catharine . Catharine Kuchlein John Hartman and Hannah parents Abraham Henig and Hannah Ludwig Algard and Barbara George Scheib and Elizabeth . Daniel Jost and Susanna Syl- vius Adam Benner and Magdalena Daniel Stout and Susanna John Kramer and Susanna Martin Althouse and Catharine . Daniel Althouse and Marie Ziegefus Joseph Folmer and Catharine . Jacob Folmer and Sibylla Jacob Sheib and Maria . Daniel Sheib and Eliza Coder Samuel Emich and Magdalena . Herman Jost and Eliza Abraham Benner and Hannah . Geo. Keller and Elisa Kiichlein John Wambold and Susanna . John Roth and Eva Christian Sneyder and Eliza- beth Date of Birth Sept. 20, 1808 Dec. 9, 1808 Dec. 16, 1808 Jan. 24, 1809 Jan. 15, 1809 Feb. 2, 1809 Jan. 28, 1809 Sept. 30, 1807 Mar. 31, 1809 Nov. 22, 1808 Mar. 2, 1809 Mar. 5, 1809 Jan. 30, 1809 Apr. 18, 1809 Mar. 3, 1809 Mar. 12, 1809 Feb. 13, 1809 Feb. 19, 1809 Child and Bapt. Jesse Thomas July 2 Anna July 2 Tobias July 2 Christian July 2 Jacob Samuel Aug. 13 John Sept. 24 Sarah Matilda Sept. 24 Ludwig William Samuel Nov. 5 John Nov. 26 = = = wi: Bea ee era eae Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents and Witnesses Jacob Kramer and Elizabeth W. Adam Nunemaker and Barbara Michael Frederick and Cath- arine W. Jacob Sheib and Barbara Henry Ott and Maria John Fassbender and Magda- lena W. John Rotzel and Blizabeth Daniel Housekeeper and Eliza- beth W. Christian Fluck and Hannah Daniel Folmer and Catharine . Jacob Solida and Barbara Daniel Folmer and Catharine W. Samuel Solida and Magdalena Sheib Peter Koch and Blizabeth Ww. — Peter Koch and Elizabeth . John Wampold and Susanna John Kramer and Barbara . Henry Nunemaker and Marg. Solida Samuel Harwick and Susanna . Soloman Litzeberger and Sus- anna Coder Daniel Makel and Maria Henry Kramer and Sarah . Martin Sheib and Hannah Muth Abraham Durn and Catharine . John Ratzel and Elizabeth John Mitman and Elizabeth . Conrad Mitman and Eliza John Sylvius and Maria . Martin Althouse and Catharine John Steiner and Eliza . John Weber and Eliza 183 Date of Birth Jan. 23, 1809 Feb. 8, 1809 May 7, 1809 Feb. 11, 1809 May 25, 1809 June 22, 1803 May 18, 1809 Aug. 8, 1807 Apr. 23, 1809 June 18, 1809 Mar. 19, 1809 July 15, 1809 Apr. 25, 1809 May 3, 1809 July 26, 1809 Aug. 14, 1809 Heb. 17, 1799 184 Child and Bapt. Samuel Nov. 26 Hannah Barbara Dec. 25 David Jan. 7 Anna Apr. 14 Sarah Apr. 22 Elias Apr. 22 Catharine May 12 Martin May 12 Sarah Anna Magdalena June 3 Jesse June 3 Maria June 3 Peter Maria Anna Abraham Jesse Maria Aug. 5 = W. W. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses John Weber and Eliza John Peter Solida and Magdalena Weber and Eliza . Jacob Solida and Barbara 1810 John Steinbach and Elizabeth . Jacob Baker and Polly Tristler John Hugh and Elizabeth Wet- zel . Henry Trumpore and Catharine George Folmer and Catharine . Daniel Sheib and Elizabeth Coder Joseph Weissel and Catharine . John Ort and Sophia John Solida and Catharine . George Solida and Blizabeth John Bibighaus and Sophia . parents Robert Darrah and Elizabeth Tobias Ruhl and Margaret Matthias Housekeeper and Catharine . Peter Sheib and Rachel George Ratzel and Susanna Frederick Ott and wife Eva Jacob Kiichlein and Maria David Aderhold and Maria W. W. W. W. Frederick Ott and Eva Jacob Stout and Elizabeth Anthony Willower and Eva Jacob Dill and Elizabeth Peter Thiel and Elizabeth Geo. Folmer and Catharine Date of Birth Sept. 6, 1804 Nov. 20, 1806 Sept. 21, 1809 June 10, 1809 Aug. 8, 1809 Sept. 24, 1809 Oct. 7, 1809 Nov. 6, 1809 Dec. 31, 1809 Oct. 29, 1809 Feb. 10, 1810 Apr. 22, 1810 Dec. 31, 1809 June 5, 1809 Jan. 1, 1810 Jan. 28, 1810 May 14, 1809 Jan. 15, 1810 Child and Bapt. Barbara Aug. 5 Samuel Aug. 5 Thomas Aug. 5 Maria Magd. Isaac Sept. 16 Jacob Sept. 16 Maria Sept. 16 Delilah Sept. 16 Elizabeth Sept. 16 Elizabeth Sept. 16 Lydia Oct. 28 Maria Oct. 28 John Dec. 30 Barbara David Catharine Apr. 14, 1811 Jacobus Apr. 14 Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents and Witnesses Peter Ott and Eliza W. Abr. Benner and Barbara Fluck 4 4 4 4 4 co ies ee oe eat Jacob Hartman and Maria John Hartman and Barbara . Matthias Hartman and Cath- rine Andrew Laux and Maria Abraham Gerhart and Margaret . Isaac Gerhart Adam Laux and Elizabeth . Christian Nicholas and Susanna Jacob Henig and Elizabeth . Jacob Becker and Susanna Hagar Dennis Wismer and Maria . Henry Krouthammel and Chris- tina Benjamin Bache and Elizabeth . John Rech and Margaret Solida John Nunkesser and Maria . John Ott and Margaret Charles Leyde and Margaret . Jacob Cressman and Anna Solida Andrew Walter and Magdalena . Joseph Stump and Maria Joseph Makel and Elizabeth David White and Elizabeth . John Smith and Barbara Mit- man Jacob Wildanger and Elizabeth . David White and Elizabeth 1811 Frederick Ott and Eva . Peter Ott and Catharine Ludwig Algard and Barbara . Samuel Ott and Elizabeth Weierbach 185 Date of Birth Jan. 12, 1810 June 7, 1809 May 29, 1810 Nov. Aug. July 15, 1810 Dec. May 31, 1810 Aug. 18, 1810 Sept. 30, 1809 July 29, 1810 May 28, 1810 Feb. 19, 1810 Sept. 26, 1810 Nov. 11, 1810 Dec. 28, 1810 Oct. 18, 1810 186 Child and Bapt. Michael Apr. 14 Catharine Apr. 14 Elizabeth May 5 Anna Maria May 5 Maria Anna May 5 Dina May 5 Elizabeth May 5 Elizabeth May 5 Enosh Eli May 3 Judith May 16 Catharine May 16 John July 7 John July 7 Jeremiah July 28 Aaron July 28 Susanna Aug. 18 Francis Aug. 18 Henry Aug. 18 The Pennsylvania-German Society. 4 See Parents and Witnesses Moses Kolp and Catharine . Michael Ott and wife Daniel Makel and Maria . parents Henry Stout and Elizabeth Joseph Folmer and Catharine . Henry Bibighouse and Maria John Fassbender and Magda- lena W. Joseph Stump and Maria John Fluck and Catharine W. Margaret Fluck = as ce pea Pere pee oe epee eee Martin Althouse and Catharine . Daniel Ott and wife Frederick Althouse and Sus- anna . Jacob Stout and Elizabeth Daniel Housekeeper and HEliza- beth Jacob Kremer and Elizabeth . George Kremer and Susanna Kremer Abraham Kuffer and Elizabeth . John Keller and Margaret Daniel Stout and Susanna . Ludwig Roth and Elizabeth Philip Fluck and Susanna John Fluck and Magdalena Henry Kramer and Sarah Joseph Ott and Maria Haas Abraham Worman and Barbara parents Henry Worman and Maria Henry Ott and Maria . Philip Fluck and Susanna John Steinbach and Elizabeth . Jacob Keller and Sarah Christian Ott and Elizabeth . Henry Ott and Catharine Date of Birth Nov. Jan. Sept. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. May Apr. Oct. Apr. Apr. May Apr. June Apr. July Apr. Oct. 25, 1810 15, 1810 16, 1810 29, 1811 7, 281d 4, 1811 aoe 21, 1810 6, 1811 22, 1810 10, 1811 9, 1811 16, 1811 12, 1811 26, 1811 13, 1811 1811 1811 1810 Child and Bapt. Lydia Aug. 18 Lydia Aug. 18, 1811 Jacob Aug. 18 Maria Barbara Sept. 8, 1811 Maria Magd. Sept. 8 Aaron Sept. 8 Sarah Sept. 8 Elizabeth Sept. 29 Charles Henry John Catharine Oct. 19 Thomas David Blizabeth Dec. 1 Catharine Dec. 1 John Dec. 1 Philip Feb. 9, 1812 Tohickon Reformed Records. W. 4 W. a td el ee ee oe Aa a eS Parents and Witnesses Daniel Solida and Elizabeth . Emmanuel Solida and Magda- lena Peter Stout and Maria John Swarz and Margaret Frederick Koder and Magda- lena . Jacob Koder and Esther Fluck Adam Frankenfield and Maria Cath, . John Mitman and Elizabeth John Shellenberg and Elizabeth . Michael Colp and Magdalena John Heckel and Magdalena Enoch Davis and Magdalena . Daniel Folmer and Maria Elisa Fred’k Fluck and Sarah Peter Mickley and Elisa Ott Henry Bibighouse and Maria . Theodore Ludwig Hoffeditz Jacob Fluck and Elizabeth Abr. Benner and Barbara Fluck Philip Hartman and Catharine . Matthias Hartman and Catha- rine John Sheib and Elizabeth . George Sheib and Julianna Jacob Sheib and Barbara David Aderhold and Maria . Daniel Ott and Catharine John Eckert and Catharine . Philip Theiss and Christina John Eckart and Catharine . Philip Teiss and Christina 1812 Jacob Gerhart and Elizabeth Philip Herzel and Elizabeth 187 Date of Birth May 6, 1811 Oct. 9, 1810 Apr. 19, 1811 May 3, 1811 June 29, 1811 June 23, 1811 July 22,°1811 Sept. 4, 1811 Aug. 11, 1811 Aug. 14, 1811 Sept. 1, 1811 Sept. 28, 1811 June 23, 1811 —— 28, 1810 May 31, 1811 Dec. 5, 1811 188 Child and Bapt. Aaron Mar. 20 Israel Apr. 5 Peter Apr. 5 Anna Apr. 5 Jacob May 17 Joseph May 17 John May 17 John George May 17 4 4 4 Charles June 2 Susanna June 2 Elizabeth June 7 Jesse June 7 George June 12 Henry Philip William Samuel Elizabeth Aug. 9 Hannah Aug. 9 Peter 4 Sarah Nov. 1, 1812 Amelia Nov. 22 a2 3 See ee oe The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses John Bergstrasser and Barbara . John Mayer, grandfather John Thiel and Sarah John Fluck and Catharine Daniel Folmer and Catharine . Peter Solida and Magdalena Daniel Folmer and Catharine . John Jost and Anna Solida George Solida and Elizabeth . Jacob Solida and wife John Mitman and Elizabeth . David Wight [White] and Eliza Dennis Wismer and Maria John Resh and Barbara Mitman Fred’k Ott and Eva Peter Strom and Catharine Swarz Jacob Kiichlein and Maria Michael Ott and Susanna . Henry Leidig and Elizabeth John Trumpore and Catharine . Elizabeth Blank Jacob Fike [Fiege] and Susanna Wm. Sylvius and Susanna Thomas Davis and Catharine Henry Baker and Hannah . Philip Henig and Anna Henry Baker and Hannah . Samuel Sellers and Catharine Peter Sheib and Maria . Philip Dannehauer and Eliza Sheib Jacob Fassbender and Catharine W. John Benner and Catharine Abr. Titolow and Catharine . Peter Lewis and Maria John Weber and Elizabeth . Mich’] Frederick and wife Matthias Housekeeper and Cath- arine Date of Birth Jan. Aug. Dec. Dec. Mar. Dec. Nov. Feb. Sept. Apr. Dec. Apr. Jan. Oct. Oct. Apr. Apr. May 17, 1812 15, 1811 28, 1811 28, 1811 2, 1812 5, 1811 28, 1811 26, 1812 26, 1810 3, 1811 21, 1811 17, 1812 22, 1811 1, 51811 aes eet 8, 1812 18, 1812 18, 1812 June 11, 1812 Sept. 16, 1812 Child and Bapt. John Henry Dec. 13 Elizabeth Dec. 13 Joseph Dec. 13 Samuel Dec. 13 John Dec, 17 George Wash- ington Dec. 17 Thomas Dec. 25 Maria Dec. 25 Enosh Jan. 1, 1813 Samuel Jan, 1 Jesse Jan, 1 Maria Jan. 3 Catharine May 9 Sarah May 29 Maria May 30 Samuel May 30 Tohickon Reformed Records. 4 4 4 444 44 4 Parents and Witnesses Philip Fluck and Susanna . John Henry Weissel and Eva Joseph Stump and Maria . Joseph Friedrich and Eliza- abeth Micky Jacob Friederich and Elizabeth . Michael Friederich and Cath- arine Andrew Walter and Magdalena . George Smith and Maria Wm. St. Clair and Maria . John Eckel and Salome Wm. St. Clair and Maria . Michael Frolich and Catharine Benjamin Jacoby and Blizabeth . John Ott and Margaret Jacob Snabel and Magdalena 1813 Adam Durn and Margaret . Henry Berndt and Catharine John Gerhart and Margaret . George Leyde and Maria John Fluck and Sophia . Michael Nase and Elizabeth John Nunkesser and Maria . Sam’l Sherer and Elizabeth Micky George Ratzel and Susanna . Andrew Fett and Catharine Jost Vollmer and Catharine . Elizabeth Zumstein Abraham Thiel and Elizabeth . Henry Allem and Hannah Jacoby Joseph Aderhold and Susanna . Samuel Ott and Blizabeth Jacoby 189 Date of Birth Sept. 28, 1812 Oct. 2, 1812 Aug. 15, 1812 July 13, 1812 Sept. 24, 1810 Sept. 29, 1812 July 26, 1812 July 26, 1812 Oct. 6, 1812 Sept. 27, 1812 Nov. 18, 1812 Oct. 2, 1812 Nov. 13, 1812 Mer. 3, 1813 ADP alohe8is Jan. 1, 1813 Igo Child and Bapt. Thomas May 30 Rebekah July 11 Susanna July 11 Enosh July il Margaret July 11 Elizabeth Samuel Aug. 1 Maria Aug. 1 Elizabeth Aug. 22 Levy Sept. 12 Maria John Oct. 3 Lydia Oct. 3 Aaron Oct. 18 Samuel Oct. 24 Charles Nov. 9 Henry Dec. 5 Aaron Dec. 5 W. WwW W. WwW W. 4 = =e same Seta een a The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses Frederick Althouse and Sus- anna Christian Ott and Elizabeth Adam Laux and Elizabeth Peter Keller and Maria Ott Henry Stout and Elizabeth George Sein and Margaret . Daniel Althouse and Elizabeth Daniel Housekeeper and HEliza- beth Dennis Wismer and Maria . Andrew Krouthammel and Elizabeth Peter Ott and Elizabeth Jacob Stout and Elizabeth Moses Kolp and Catharine . John Yost and Sarah Ott Peter Koch and Elizabeth . Samuel Shelly and Maria Hete- rich Enoch Davis and Magdalena . Ludwig Roth and Hlizabeth George Weissel and Catharine . Henry Weissel and Eva Adam Kern and Sarah Adam Kern and Catharine Peter Stout and Maria . Emmanuel Solida and Magda- lena Wheeler Clark and Elizabeth W. Christian Spies Robert Derrach and wife John Solida and Catharine W. John Shellenberg and Barbara Folmer Date of Birth Aug. 3, 1812 Nov. 16, 1812 May 5, 1813 Apr. 17, 1813 Feb. 10, 1812 Apr. 9, 1813 Mar. 26, 1813 Mar. 27, 1813 Apr. 5, 1813 Mar. 4, 1813 July 17, 1813 Oct. 18, 1812 Aug. 11, 1813 June 5, 1813 July 7, 1813 Feb. 25, 1813 Apr. 14, 1812 July 31, 1813 Child and Bapt. Elizabeth Dec. 5 Tobias Dec. 26 Peter Mar. 30 Maria Apr. 1 Hannah May 1 Elijah May 1 Anna May 1 Elizabeth May 21 Charles May 22 Elias June 1 George June 12 Maria June 12 Awles [!] June 12 Reuben June 12 William June 19 John July 8 John Aug. 14 John Aug. 14 Tohickon Reformed Records. = Se ee cS 4 ene a ee Parents and Witnesses John Hartman and Hannah Daniel Sheib and Elizabeth . Abr. Ziegefus and Catharine Sheib 1814 Abraham Keefer and Elizabeth . parents Sebastian Althouse and Maria . Jacob Fassbender and Catharine Abraham Stout and Magdalena . Henry Herzel and Hannah Fred’k Ott and Eve . George Mitman and Maria Ott John Shellenberg and Elizabeth . Henry Shellenberg and Barbara Philip Fluck and Maria . Daniel Housekeeper and Eliza- beth John Sein and Magdalena . William Sein and Barbara Sein Martin Althouse and Catharine . John Ott and Maria Magdalena Jacob Sheib and Barbara . George Weissel and Catharine John Stoneback and Catharine . Philip Henig and Hannah Samuel Emich and Magdalena . John Allem and Catharine John Fluck and Catharine . George Keller and Elizabeth Abraham Sellers and Catharine Peter Fluck and Barbara . John Fluck and wife, grandpar- ents John Stout and Susanna . Joseph Ott and Susanna Thomas Housekeeper and Maria . Jacob Baker and Susanna IQI Date of Birth Sept. 4, 1813 Oct Lie L813 Dec. 26, 1813 Sept. 18, 1813 Dec. 30, 1813 Nov. 25, 1813 Mar. 19, 1814 Feb. 3, 1814 Dec. 10, 1813 Apr. 18, 1814 Feb. 1814 Aug. 1813 Aug. 2, 1813 Aug. —, 1813 Jan. 3, 1814 June 10, 1814 May 21, 1814 May 4, 1814 192 Child and Bapt. Thomas Sept. 4 Joseph Sept. 4 John Sept. 4 Pennina Sept. 4 Magdalena Sept. 4 Henry Sept. 5 Daniel Sept. 25 Catharine Sept. 25 Susanna Jan. 8, 1815 John Jan. 27 Daniel Jan. 29 Samuel Jan. 29 Elias Jan. 29 Anna Feb. 19 Anna Apr. 20 John May 14 Elizabeth June 3 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses Jacob Henig and Elizabeth . George Hager and Lydia Sheetz Abraham Durn and Catharine . Joseph Stump and Maria John Fassbender and Magda- lena W. Philip Weikel and Catharine John Shiitz and Elizabeth W. Abr. Housekeeper and Catha- c 4 Se a eS rine Wack Isaac Fluck and Elizabeth . Jacob Fluck and Elizabeth Henry Leister and Elizabeth Daniel Folmer and Catharine . Daniel Yost and Veronica Daniel Folmer and Catharine . John Solida and Catharine 1815 Daniel Solida and Elizabeth . Jacob Baker and Susanna John Folmer and Barbara . Adam Kern Daniel Longeneker and Sarah . parents Matthias Housekeeper and Catharine . parents Frederick Althouse and Sus- anna . parents Peter Solida and Magdalena . Jacob Gerhart and Anna Jacob Nunemaker and Catha- rine . Adam Sax and Anna Jacob Fike and Susanna . Philip Teiss and Christina Matthias Roth and Magdalena . Ludwig Roth and Elizabeth Date of Birth Sept. 5, 1813 July 10, 1814 June 8, 1814 July 16, 1814 Oct. 18, 1813 Jan. 26, 1814 July 19, 1814 July 19, 1814 July 21, 1814 Oct. 27, 1814 Oct: (1,7:1814 Oct. 9, 1814 1814 1814 July 12, 1814 Nov. 15, 1814 Child and Bapt. Samuel June 3 Catharine June 4 Henry June 25 Elias July 16 Barbara Aug. 6 Samuel Aug. 27 Peter Aug. 27 Anna Aug. 27 Magdalena John Sept. 17 Susanna Sept. 8 John Oct. 29 Israel Oct. 29 Maria Anna Nov. 21 Simon Dec. 10 Anna Dec. 10 Hannah Dec. 25 Catharine Dec. 26 Tohickon Reformed Records. 4 4 = 4a Ae ea Parents and Witnesses Andrew Laux and Maria . parents Daniel Althouse and Elizabeth . John Althouse and Catharine Dennis Wismer and Maria . Henry Krauthammel and Chris- tine Joseph Ott and Susanna . Elias Ott and Susanna Haas George Solida and [Elizabeth] . Henry Shellenberg and wife John Trumpore and Catharine Jacob Hartman and Maria Philip Fluck and Susan John Solida and Catharine . Peter Solida and wife Jacob Graff and Maria Magda- lena W. John Folmer and Barbara 4 42844 Benjamin Beach and Elizabeth . George Krouthammel and Cath- arine George Hagar and Elizabeth . Jacob Baker and Susanna Martin Althouse and Catharine . Abr. Zigefus and Catharine Frederick Fluck and Sarah . Henry Ott and Maria Daniel Sheib and Elizabeth . John Fluck and Catharine Jacob Schnabel and Magdalena . Abr. Schnabel and Eliza Com- fort Daniel Housekeeper and HEliza- beth . Hannah Fluck Tobias Rool [Ruhl] and Mar- garet 193 Date of Birth Mar. 31, 1813 Feb. 19, 1815 Jan. 6, 1815 May 27, 1815 May 17, 1815 Nov. 3, 1814 June 19, 1815 July 21, 1815 Jan. 17, 1815 July 26, 1815 Dec. 14, 1814 Aug. 21, 1815 Sept. 1, 1815 Sept. 19, 1815 Sept. 21, 1815 Apr. 6, 1815 Oct. 26, 1815 Dec. 22, 1813 194 Child and Bapt. Michael Jan. 14, 1816 Catharine Jan, 14 Margaret Jan. 14 Thomas Feb. il Lydia Mar. 9 Francis Mar. 14 Elizabeth Mar. 24 Eleonora Apr. 15 Maria Magd. Apr. 15 Maria May 5 Blizabeth May 5 Maria May 5 Euphemia May 5 Maria Anna May 5 Carolina May 14 Daniel May 20 W. W. The Pennsylvania-German Society. 1816 Parents and Witnesses Samuel Baum and Catharine . David Lessig and wife Sam’l Baum and Catharine . Henry Baum and Katy Hen- dricks Sam’] Mayer and Maria . Wm. Heineman and Katy Wen- hold Peter Sheib and Maria . Peter Sheib, Sr., and Susanna Jacob Fluck and Elizabeth . Elizabeth Danehauer, grand- mother John Hartman and Hannah . Michael Friederick and Cath- arine Isaac Fluck and Elizabeth Henry Teiss and Maria Wen- hold John Sheip and Elizabeth . Henry Sheip and Elizabeth Masomer George Weissel and Catharine Abr. Stout and Magdalena . Margaret Kucker George Krouthammel and Cath- arine . Jacob Resh and Elizabeth Yost Michael Althouse and Susanna . Jacob Althouse and Maria Kern Jacob Wampold and Elizabeth George Miller and Elizabeth John Wampold and Elizabeth . Henry Trumpore and Anna Trumpore Peter Ott and Elizabeth . Susanna Ott Christian Ott and Elizabeth . parents Date of Birth June 25, 1813 Sept. 1, 1815 Aug. 9, 1815 Oct. 26, 1815 Nov. 12, 1815 Sept. 28, 1815 Oct. 1, 1815 Dec. 14, 1815 Feb. 8, 1816 Oct. 10, 1815 Oct. 20, 1815 Jan. 11, 1816 Nov. 8, 1815 Nov. 24, 1815 Mar. 6, 1816 Mar. 19, 1815 Child and Bapt. Samuel May 26 Enosh May 26 Lydia May 26 Elias June 16 Elizabeth June 16 Joseph June 16 Jacob June 16 Susanna July 7 Samuel July 7 Daniel July 7 James July 7 John July 7 Isaac July 7 Rachel Aug. 18 Maria Aug. 18 Carolina Aug. 18 Elizabeth Sept. 29 Catharine Oct. 20 William Oct. 20 Francis Sel- lers Oct. 20 So 3 ar a aoe Siete gion 4. a as Ses ST 4 cS Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents and Witnesses John Sheip and Magdalena Moses Colp and Catharine . Abr. Jacobi and Magdalena Henry Stout and Elizabeth Samuel Sheib and Juliana Martin Sheib and Marg. Mayer John Stout and Susanna Wm. Ott and Louisa Peil Jost Folmer and Catharine John Folmer and Elizabeth Charles Leyde and Margaret Peter Roudenbush and Catha- rine Frederick Ott and Eve . John Dieterly and Maria Henry Ott and Maria . Christian Bloom and Catharine Adam Laux and Elizabeth Daniel Folmer and Catharine Andrew Walter and Magdalena John Fluck and Catharine Philip Fluck and Maria . John Ott and Elizabeth Philip Sheib and Elizabeth . Philip Allem and Sarah Thomas Wrathman and Maria Peter Sheip and Rachel Thomas Housekeeper and Maria . Joseph Stump and Maria Jacob Sems and Elizabeth Thiel David Mumbauer and Hannah John Stoneback and Elizabeth . Jacob Stoneback and Elizabeth Matthias Roth and Magdalena . Jacob Stout and Catharine Jacob Henig and Elizabeth . Martin Sheib and Eliza John Resh and Lydia . Henry Krouthammel and Chris- tina 195 Date of Birth Apr. 1, 1816 Oct. 26, 1815 Jan. 16, 1816 Dec. 6, 1815 Mar. 8, 1816 Jan. 8, 1816 Feb. 12, 1816 May 12, 1816 May 16, 1816 Mar. 15, 1816 Jan. 23, 1816 Feb. 27, 1816 May 18, 1816 July 8, 1816 Apr. 17, 1816 May 3, 1815 June 19, 1816 July 14, 1816 July 2, 1815 Sept. 15, 1816 196 Child and Bapt. George Nov. 10 Alexander Nov. 10 Elizabeth Nov. 10 Fayetta Dec. 1 Joseph Dec. 25 Jacob Dec. 25 Catharine Mar. 16, 1817 Isaac Apr. 6 Elizabeth Apr. 6 Lovina May 18 Lydia May 18 David May 18 Francis May 18 Lydia May 18 Enosh May 18 Sarah May 18 Michael June 8 The = oes Se ed ae Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents and Witnesses Jacob Graff and Magdalena . George Nase Peter Sellers and Susanna . Henry Wenhold and Elizabeth Shiitz Peter Solida and Magdalena . George Solida and Blizabeth John Fluck and Catharine . John Allem and Catharine Abraham Laux and Maria . Daniel Ott and Catharine Hef- fert Jacob Kramer and Elizabeth . Jacob Lutz and Margaret 1817 George Hagar and Elizabeth . Philip Hagar and Caty Mayer John Sheip and Hannah . Peter Sheip and Marie Jacoby Samuel Theil and Maria Widow Heist John Sheip and Elizabeth John Folmer and Elizabeth John Kekert and Catharine . Michael Friedrich and Catha- rine Abraham Maringer and Han- nah . John Ott and Elizabeth Abraham Gerhart and Hannah . John Stonebach and Elizabeth George Gerhart and Susanna . Jacob Berndt and Magdalena Adam Kern and Sarah . parents Abraham Stout and Magd. John Trumpore and Catharine . Henry Kramer and Cath. Dreis- bach Date of Birth Aug. July Sept. Aug. Mar. Sept. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Oct Mar. Apr. Dec. Nov. Nov. Apr. 22, 1816 26, 1816 20, 1816 17, 1816 30, 1815 21, 1816 8, 1816 31, 1816 20, 1817 Lions 15, 1816 9.71817 6, 1817 27, 1816 10, 1816 3, 1816 LT ea817 Child and Bapt. Samuel June 29 Catharine Anna Aug. 10 Aaron Aug. 10 James Aug. 31 Jacob Aug. 31 Sarah Aug. 31 John Aug. 31 Charles Sept. 21 Levi Sept. 21 Elias Nov. 23 Hannah Feb. 26 Lydia Dec. 4 Immanuel Aug. 5 Elias Mar. 20 Carolina May 11,1818 W. Carolina Apr. 20,1818 W. 45 This is the last entry of Jacob Senn. Tohickon Reformed Records. 4 4 -- re - re - a Parents and Witnesses Daniel Althouse and Elizabeth . Michael Snyder and Margaret George Keller and Elizabeth . Anna Kiichlein Peter Mickley and Maria . John Ott and Magdalene Jacob Henig and Elizabeth . Henry Wenhold and Eliz. Wil- lower Peter Stout and Maria Henry Mitman and Maria . Henry Ott and Catharine John Sein and Maria . John Fassbender and Elizabeth Abraham Durn and Catharine . Peter Ziegenfoos and Catharine Matthias Housekeeper and Cath- arine John Sheip and Magdalena#> W. Christian Fluck and Eliza Sheip George Weissel and Catharine W. parents W. WCE W. Daniel Housekeeper and Eliza- beth William Fluck and Catharine Heffert Christian Ott and Elizabeth Jacob Hartman and Maria Frederick Smith and Elizabeth John Bangen and Maria David Fluck and Rebekah Henry Ott and Mary were entered by an unknown hand. 197 Date of Birth Apr. 14, 1817 May 29, 1815 May 25, 1817 June 10, 1817 June 5, 1817 June Ist, 1817 Jan. 15, 1817 June 26, 1817 Oct. 5, 1817 Noy. 29, 1817 June 20 June 20 June 21 June 21 June 21 The following eight baptims 198 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Child and Bapt. Parents and Witnesses Date of Birth Thomas Jacob Fluck and Elizabeth June 21 Apr. 14,1818 W. Michael Friedrich and Cath- arine Francis Martin Althouse and Catharine June 21 Apr.1,1818 W. Joseph Stump and Mary {[11. BAPTISMS BY REV. JOHN ANDREW STRASSBURGER, OCTOBER 1818 TO NOVEMBER 1852.] Those children who were baptized by me, John Andrew Strass- burger in the year A. D. 1818: Dates Children Parents Sponsors b. July 25 Elias Frederick Fluck, parents bap. Oct. 4 and Sarah b. Aug. 4 Saul Henry John Resh and Philip Henry and bap. Oct. 4 Lydia Anna b. May 31 Elizabeth Jacob Swarzand parents bap. Oct. 4 Sarah b. July 1 Mary Magda Joseph Ott and parents bap. Oct. 4 lene Susan b. June 2 Mary Sarah Daniel Folmer Henry Bernt and bap. Oct. 4 and Catharine Magdalene b. Mar. 29 Samuel John Salladay Joseph Weissel bap. Oct. 4 and Catharine and Mary b. Apr. 27 Henry Abraham Staut Henry Bernt bap. Aug. 2 and Magda- lene b. June 19 Joseph Thomas House- Henry Fluck and bap. Oct. 25 keeper and Catharine Mary b. June 5 Joseph Joseph Weisel Andrew Snyder bap. Oct. 25 and Catharine and Mary b. May 6 Elias Peter Wyerbach Henry Wyerbach bap. Nov. 15 and Susan and Susan b. —— Elias Joseph Friede. Michael Friede- bap. Nov. 15 rich and Mary rich and Catha- rine b. Sep. 17, 1816 Elias Peter Wyerbach Bastian Horn and bap. Nov. 15, 1818 and Susan Catharine b. Feb. 11 Elizabeth Moses Kolp and John Ott and bap. Nov. 15 Catharine Elizabeth Dates b. —— bap. Nov. 15 b. Nov. 2 bap. Dec. 27 b. Oct. 23 bap. —— b. Feb. 9, 1818 bap. Feb. 7, 1819 b. —— bap. —— b. Dec. 25, 1818 bap. —— b. Dec. 9, 1818 bap. —— b. Jan. 20, 1819 bap. —— b. Oct. 22, 1818 bap. —— b. May 7, 1819 b. Apr. 4, 1819 b. Apr. 6, 1819 b. May 9, 1819 b. Sept. 11, 1816 b. May 24, 1819 b. Oct. 19,1818 b. May 8, 1818 b. Aug. 7, 1819 Tohickon Reformed Records. Children Samuel Catharine Anna John Hannah Henry Elizabeth Samuel Caroline Elias Jacob Benjamin Peter Levi Levi Hannah Franciscus Franciscus Levi Parents George Heager and Elizabeth Tobias Gerhard and Barbara Robert Johnson and Barbara Isaac Fluck and Elizabeth Joseph Funck and Maria Daniel Hoffert and Susan Henry Mitman and Maria John Hartman and Hannah Henry Nees and Blizabeth Joseph Kramm and Maria John Shipe and Hannah John Stout and Susan Abraham Ger- hard and Han- nah Matthias House- keeper and Catharine Matthias House- keeper and Catharine John EKckert and Catharine Henry Sauercool and Maria Peter Mickly and Maria 199 Sponsors Samuel Mayer, Sarah Rinker Daniel Folmer and Catharine Michael Snyder and Margaret Michael Keller and Nancy Tobias Franz and Catharine J. Keller, Catha- rine Hoffert Conrad Mitman and Elizabeth Andrew Laux and Maria Joseph Huber and Christina Frank Henry Driesbach and Dorothea Mile Benjamin Jacoby and Catharine Henry Kroutham- mel and Chris- tina Michael Althouse and Susan Hannah Fluck Michael Lutz and Mary Magdalene Jonah Zellner , Maria Beringer John Keller and Anna Ott 200 Dates b. Aug. 7, 1819 b. July 15, 1819 b. Apr. 19, 1819 b. Aug. 14, 1819 b. Aug. 14, 1819 . May 31, 1819 . Aug. 12, 1819 . Sept. 27, 1819 . Jan. 5, 1818 . Aug. 5, 1910 . Dec. 19, 1812 . Mar. 3, 1816 . Nov. 28, 1819 . Oct. 20, 1819 . Sep. 22, 1819 . Jan. 22, 1820 . Oct. 14, 1819 . Dec. 31, 1819 . Dec. 26, 1819 Children Nero Anna Maria Mary John Blizabeth Reuben Hannah John Sophia Levi Sarah Mary Mag- dalene Edmund Abraham Samuel John Hannah Hannah John Parents The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors J. A. Strassburg- parents er and Catha- rine Samuel Kidny and Hannah Samuel Fluck and Catharine John Shellen- berger and Elizabeth John Shellen- berger and Elizabeth George Sallady and Elizabeth David Allem and Hannah David Fluck and Margaret Jacob Strom and Sarah ditto ditto ditto Jacob Follmer and Elizabeth David Mum- bauer and Hannah Jacob Stout and Elizabeth John Shive and Magdalene George Gerhard and Sarah Christian Fluck and Mary George Weisel and Catharine Mary Hoffert Conrad Yost and Catharine parents parents parents Henry Hertzel and Susan John Fluck parents ditto ditto ditto Henry Leidy and Elizabeth Abr. Mumbauer and Barbara Fluck parents Jacob Merckel and Rachel Abr. Gerhard and Hannah David Mumbauer and Hannah John Fluck Dates b. Nov. 19, 1819 b. July 21, 1816 b. Feb. 9, 1820 b. Dec. 30, 1819 b. Jan. 17, 1820 b. Apr. 10, 1820 b. May 16, 1820 b. Mar. 14, 1820 b. Jan. 31, 1820 b. June 25, 1820 b. July 18, 1820 b. July 31, 1820 b. July 14, 1820 b. Sept. 15, 1820 b. July 6, 1820 b. Sept. 4, 1820 o . Sept. 21, 1820 Children Abraham Henrietta Lydia Elizabeth Christine Levi Eve Tobias Andrew Peter Jacob Maria Catharine Samuel Jesse George Maria Elias Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents Abraham Stout and Magda- lena Henry Althouse and Anna Joseph Fried- rich and Mary Michael Alt- hous and Susan Charles Ziegler and Hannah George Muth and Sarah Philip Fluck and Susan John Geres and Sarah Tobias Fratz and Catharine Robert Johnson and Barbara Jacob Althouse and Magda- lena Abr. Dorn and Catharine Joseph Weisel and Mary Daniel Shive and Elizabeth Samuel Fluck and Catharine Jacob Heny and Elizabeth John Tressler and Margaret Peter Fassbend- er and Hannah Sponsors parents Magdalene Seibel George Shive and Julia Michael Lutz and Maria Daniel Mayer and Mary Abr. Ott and Maria Henry Weissel and Eve Henry Krouthouse and Christina Andrew Krout- hammel and Eliz. Peter Swayer Jacob Wenhold and Hannah Friederich Jeter Silvius and Susan parents John Shive and Hannah John Fluck John Kreamer and Susan Henry Zep and Sarah Tressler George Markel, Sibylla Fass- bender 202 b. b. b. b. Dates . Jan. 8, 1821 . Nov. 25, 1820 . Nov. 24, 1820 . Dec. 13, 1820 . May 23, 1821 . May 18, 1821 . May 24, 1821 . May 27, 1821 . June 1, 1819 . Aug. 19, 1821 . Apr. 1, 1821 . Aug. 4, 1821 . Sept. 27, 1821 Sep. 28, 1821 Nov. 30, 1821 Nov. 27, 1821 Nov. 5, 1821 Children Jacob Cath. Anna Susanna Elizabeth Ephraim Hannah William Maria Elizabeth John Joseph Levi Levi Catharine Anna Cath- arine Jesse William Parents John Angeny and Magda- lena Henry Mitman and Maria The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Frederick Kern and Hannah parents J. A. Strassburg- parents er and Catha- rine Samuel Kidny and Hannah Michael Alt- house and Susan Peter Mickley and Maria Michael Schel- lenberger and Elizabeth John Resch and Lydia George Miller and Elizabeth Christian Fluck and Magda- lene John Hartman and Hannah John Folmer and Blizabeth David Fluck and Rebecca George Ott and Maria Abr. Gerhard and Hannah John Schive and Hannah Robert Johnson and Barbara parents George Maugel and Catharine Schussler Samuel Deaterly and Hannah parents John ? and Elizabeth Elizabeth Miller John Steher and Magdalene parents George Folmer and Sarah Geyer [7] Martin Althaus and Catharine Catharine Ott Samuel Cressman and Anna Daniel Schive and Elizabeth George Sain and Hannah Dates b. Dec. 17, 1821 b. Feb. 9, 1821 b, July 22, 1822 b. Feb. 26, 1822 b. Oct. 27, 1822 b. Mar. 11, 1823 b. Mar. 16, 1823 b. Dec. 14, 1822 b. Oct.1, 1823 b. Sep. 15, 1823 b. Dec. 8, 1823 b. Feb. 3, 1824 b. Feb. 2, 1823 b. Mar. 13, 1824 b. Dec. 21, 1824 Children William Catharine Anna Anna Maria Hannah Aaron Gideon Sophia Levi Ludwig Carolina Reuben Louisiana Peter Isaiah Maria Amos Mary Anne Tohickon Reformed Records. Parents David Mum- bauer and Hannah Jacob Fulmer and Elizabeth John Deis and Elizabeth Isaac Hunsberg- er and BEliza- beth Matthias House- keeper and Catharine J. A. Strassberg- er and Catha- rine John Gerhard and Margaret Henry Eckel and Maria Philip Fluck and Susan Jacob Stout and Elizabeth J. A. Strassburg- er and Catha- rine David Fluck and Rebekah Peter Saladay and Magda- lene Peter Mickly and Maria Samuel Eckert and Elizabeth Joseph Fried- rich and Mary Peter Fassbend- er and Anna 203 Sponsors parents parents Ludwig Benner and Anna Maria Jacob Hunsberger and Susanna Benner Daniel House- keeper and Elizabeth parents parents John Eckel and M. Magdalene Henry Ott and Mary S. Krouthammel and Rebekah parents parents parents Frederick Rool and BPlizabeth John Keller and Elizabeth Eck- ert Peter Ziegenfus and Catharine Jacob Fassbender and Catharine 204 Dates b. Jan. 9, 1824 b. Apr. 22, 1823 b. Aug. 17, 1825 b. Feb. 25, 1826 b. Feb. 6, 1826 b. Dec. 26, 1825 b. Jan. 15, 1826 b. Feb. 22, 1826 b. Jan. 26, 1826 b. Noy. 14, 1825 b. May 30, 1826 b. Sept. 6, 1826 b. Feb. 25, 1826 b. Sep. 21, 1826 b. Sep. 26, 1826 b. Aug. 23, 1826 b. Dec. 30, 1826 Children Parents The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Maria Anna Abraham Leidy parents Franciscus Samuel Elizabeth Samuel Sophia Emmanuel Lydia Blizabeth George Hannah Isaiah Elizabeth Matthias Catharine William Aaron and Elizabeth Abr. Gerhard and Barbara Abr. Gerhard and Barbara J. A. Strassburg- er and Catha- rine David Fluck and wife Jacob Hartman and Maria John Salladay and Hannah Jacob Althouse and Magda- lena John Stover and Hannah George Haeger and Elizabeth Michael Alt- house and Susanna Samuel Mayer and Elizabeth J. A. Strassburg: er and Catha- rine Martin Althouse and Catharine Henry Shive and Anna Henry Slighter and Magda- lena Henry Eckel and Magdalena parents Samuel Sholl and Susanna Henry Stout and Elizabeth Samuel George and Barbara Adam Wetzel and Susanna John Ott and wife John Frd, Chris- tina Shissler J. A. Strassburger and Catharine Jacob Markel and Rachel Abr. Gerhard and Hannah Peter Heager and Susanna Henry Stout and Elizabeth Benj. Jacoby and Catharine George Kroutham- mel and Catha- Trine parents parents Dates . Oct. 17, 1827 . Sept. 25, 1827 . Nov. 2, 1827 . Jan. 30, 1828 . Feb. 7; 1828 . Apr. 4, 1828 . June 14, 1828 . Jan. 20, 1828 . Jan. 16, 1829 . May 17, 1829 . Feb. 8, 1829 . Oct. 28, 1829 . May 13, 1829 . July 7, 1829 . Apr. 20, 1829 . Oct. 16, 1829 . June 4, 1830 . Mar. 3, 1830 Tohickon Reformed Records. Children Dinah Henry Stout Ludwig Elias Samuel Israel Thomas Mary Ann Henrietta Emmanuel Tobias John Elizabeth Peter Catharine Magdalena Mary Anne Parents Abr. Gerhard and Hannah George Heager and Elizabeth J. A. Strassburg- er and Catha- rine Samuel Ekel and Catharine John Follmer and Elizabeth George Cress- man and Hliza Samuel Hckert and Elizabeth David Mum- bauer and Hannah Michael Shellen- berger and Elizabeth Samuel Ott and Elizabeth George Heager and Eliza George Reiff and Sarah Jacob Gaubel and Anna — Philip Fluck and Susanna John Been and Sarah Peter Stout and Mary Samuel Weissel and Catharine Jacob Atherhold and Susanna 205 Sponsors Peter Kern and Susan Andrew Krout- hammel and Elizabeth Henry Stout and Elizabeth John Ekel and Maria George Cressman and Elizabeth John Follmer and Elizabeth parents parents parents Peter Mickly and wife Enosh Kroutham- mel and Catha- rine Fassbenner Tobias Sholl and Catharine Joseph Stierly and Elizabeth parents Joseph Stump and wife Henry Mitman and wife Peter Salladay and Magdalena Andrew Been and Sarah Follmer 206 Dates b. May 23, 1830 b. July 20, 1830 b. Jan. 30, 1828 b. May 14, 1830 b. May 30, 1831 b. Dec. 5, 1831 b. Aug. 11, 1832 b. Aug. 3, 1832 b. Nov. 29, 1832 b. Oct. 23, 1832 b. Oct. 28, 1832 b. Oct. 7, 1832 b. Nov. 16, 1832 b. Dec. 30, 1832 b. Oct. 31, 1832 b. Apr. 26, 1833 b. May 27, 1833 Children Dorothea Anna Samuel Ludwig William Jonathan Peter Susanna Henrietta Mary Anne Francis Benjamin Lydia Catharine Mary ‘Jacobus Henry Sarah Anne Parents John Sellers and Mary David Mum- bauer and Magdalena Samuel Ekel and Catharine Joseph Mast and Sarah Abr. Fluck and Lydia Samuel Fassben- ner and Eliza Jacob Hartman and Catharine David Mum- bauer and Hannah John Sellers and Mary Anna Samuel Weissel and Catharine George Ott and Magdalena George Heager and Elizabeth J. A. Strassburg- er and Catha- rine Thomas Frede- rick and Christina Henry Deis and Sarah Charles Sellers and Magda- lena Christian Gerris and Maria The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Jacob Worman and Elizabeth Christian Fluck and Hannah John Ekel and Maria William Mast and Sarah parents Michael Keller and Catharine Hartman John Keller and wife parents Henry Ott and Mary Henry Ekel and Mary John Follmer and Elizabeth Samuel Henny and Elizabeth parents John Frederick and Magdalena Philip Deis and Christina Thomas Creamer and Catharine Haeger parents b. b b. b. Dates Aug. 31, 1833 Oct. 3, 1833 Nov. 11, 1833 Feb. 9, 1834 . Dec. 12, 1833 . Jan. 22, 1834 . Nov. 9, 1833 . Feb. 17, 1834 . June 23, 1832 . Feb. 7, 1834 . July 12, 1834 June 28, 1834 . Apr. 24, 1834 . Aug. 15, 1834 Oct. 14, 1834 Oct. 2, 1834 . Sep. 3, 1834 . Nov. 11, 1834 Dec. 8, 1834 Oct. 12, 1834 Tohickon Reformed Records. Children Levina Samuel Jonas Henry Levina Mary Mag- dalena Carolina George Israel Ezra John Henry Daniel Mary Hlvina Cath: arine Mary Levi Elizabeth Eli Peter Catharine Anna Parents 207 Sponsors Samuel Heft and George Heft and Sarah John Been and Sarah Charles Moore and Veronica Peter Shive and Catharine Henry Mitman and Maria Jacob Althouse and Maria Samuel Fassben- ner and Eliza- beth Elias Gerhard and Esther Elias Gerhard and Esther William Moore and Hannah Henry Eckel and Mary Matthias Laux and Catharine Charles Deterly and Hliza Samuel Ekel and Catharine Enoch Davis and Sarah John Follmer and Catharine Eli Thomas and Eliza Michael Ott and Barbara John Wirebach and Mary Jonas Althouse and Susanna wife George Allum and wife Peter Mickly and wife John Shive and Hannah parents Jacob Fassbenner, Mary Althouse Jacob Althouse and Maria parents Abr. Gerhard and Hannah Samuel Keller and Sarah parents parents Henry Mitman and Magdalena David Spinner and Catharine Michael Hetrich and Elizabeth parents Saul Schlichter, Elizabeth Dorn Peter Mickly and Mary John Sellers and Mary Charles Dieterly and Elizabeth 208 Dates b. Dec. 17, 1835 b. Dec. 17, 1835 b. Dee. 27, 1835 b. Feb. 23, 1836 b. Apr. 8, 1836 b. Oct. 16, 1836 b. Jan. 12, 1837 b. Jan. 14, 1837 b. Jan. 1, 1837 b. Mar. 14, 1837 b. Dec. 6, 1836 b. July 20, 1837 b. May 20, 1837 b. Sept. 13, 1836 b. Mar. 19, 1837 b. Mar. 1, 1838 b. Jan. 9, 1838 b. May 21, 1838 b. May 27, 1838 b. July 9, 1838 Children Parents Ellowina [!] Samuel Weissel Caroline Lewis Kratz Noah Isaac Catharine Anna Sarah Sarah Joseph John Mary Sarah Raymondus Maria Anna Hannah Gideon Carolina Catharine Anna Mahlon Jacob and Catharine Samuel Weissel and Catharine Enosh Stout and Catharine J. A. Strassburg- er and Catha- rine John Stover and Hannah Solomon Teiss and Catharine Samuel Fluck and Catharine John Wirebach and Mary Enosh Stump and Blizabeth George Hartman and Maria Philip Fluck and Magdalene John Ott and Susanna Jacob Resh and Catharine Jacob Gerhard and Mary Christian House- keeper and Hannah John Stover and Hannah Samuel Saladay and Catharine Samuel Follmer and Caroline John Laux and Elizabeth Jacob Deiss and Hannah The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors parents Joseph Weissel and Susanna parents parents parents Elizabeth House- keeper parents John Been and Sarah Joseph Stump and Maria Michael Althouse and Susanna parents Daniel Ott and Elizabeth Martin Yost and Rachel parents parents parents parents J. Follmer and Mary parents Samuel Eckert and Elizabeth Tohickon Reformed Records. 209 Dates Children Parents Sponsors b. July 12, 1841 Anna Samuel Fluck parents and Catharine b. July 5, 1841 Hannah John Stover and parents Hannah b. Oct. 24, 1841 Sarah Eliza- George Ott and Daniel Ott and beth Magdalena Elizabeth b. Dec. 5, 1841 Amanda Henry Ekel and parents Maria b. Dec. 28, 1841 Elizabeth William Moore parents and Hannah b. Dec. 2, 1841 John John Steahrand parents wife b. June 15, 1842 John Daniel Appenzel- parents ler and Mary b. Nov. 22, 1842 Levina Henry Ott and David Missmer Mary and Anna Klinker b. Dec. 5, 1842 Isaac Jacob Gerhard parents and Mary b. May 21, 1843 Allen Enosh Stout and parents Catharine b. Dec. 27, 1843 Anna Adam Fluckand parents May b. Aug. 5, 1844 Maria David Creamer parents and Lydia b. Nov. 28, 1844 Hannah William Moore parents and Hannah b. Aug. 24, 1843 Mary John Stover and parents Hannah b. Jan. 13, 1846 Jonas John Stover and parents Hannah b. Nov. 27, 1847 Jairus William Moore parents and Hannah b. Dec. 17, 1847 George Augustus Fish- George Hartman Augustus er, Maria and wife Hartman b. May 2, 1848 Hannah Isa- John Lewis and Samuel Hinkel bella Mary and Hannah b. Nov. 21, 1852 Mary Jane Peter Bachman parents and Susanna 210 The Pennsylvania-German Society. {The following four baptisms were entered by another hand.] Dates Children Parents Sponsors b. Apr. 6,1844 Petrus Michael Fried- John Friedrich bap. July 7 rich and Sar- and wife ah Ludwich | b. July 2, 1848 John An- Michael Fried- John Friedrich bap. Oct. 22 drew rich and Sar- and wife ah Ludwich b. Sept. 27, 1851 Anna Maria ditto Cornelius Schontz bap. July 4, 1852 and wife b. Nov. 21, 1858 Catharine ditto Reuben [?] Sang- bap. Mar. 27, 1859 mester and wife [12. BAPTISMS BY REV. PETER S. FISHER, 1864-1869.] On p. 143 of the record is the following entry about the be- ginning of Mr. Fisher’s ministry. “On Saturday, the 20th of June, 1857, the Rev. Peter S. Fisher of Centre County delivered a sermon as a visitor in the Tohickon Church and on Saturday following he was al- most unanimously elected in this congregation, as well as at Indian Creek and Charlestown, as pastor of these three congregations. On Sunday, October 18, 1857, he entered upon his office as minister in this congregation and preached from Corinth, 3:11. On Dec. 25, 1757, he was in- stalled by a committee appointed for this purpose. It con- sisted of W. T. Gerhard, A. L. Dechant, A. J. Strassburger.” Dates Children Parents Sponsors b. Nov. 1, 1863 Anna Mary Samuel Miller parents and Catharine b. Jan. 14, 1864 Samuel Michael Hart- parents man and Mary b. Dec. 14, 1863 Allen Samuel Ratzel parents ; ; and Mary b. Mar. 17, 1864 Hannah Adam Reider parents bap. Aug. 20, 1864 and Maria b. June 2, 1864 Marcellinus Wm. S. Wismer parents bap. Aug. 4 b. Oct. 30, 1864 Lewis Abr. Hartman parents and Elizabeth Dates b. Oct. 3, 1864 b. Nov. 16, 1864 b. Jan. 16, 1865 b. Dec. 18, 1865 b. Mar. 20, 1865 b. Aug. 1, 1865 b. Dec. 22, 1865 b. May 19, 1866 bap. Aug. 26 b. Aug. 13, 1866 bap. Sep. 16 b. July 19, 1866 bap. Sep. 16 b. Nov. 13, 1865 bap. June 24, 1866 b. June 28 bap. Sep. b. Dec. 20, 1865 bap. Oct. 28 b. Sept. 19, 1866 bap. Nov. 6 b. Sep. 12, 1866 bap. Nov. 18 b. Nov. 26,1866 bap. Mar. 3, 1867 Children Livia John Mary Etta Mary Sus- anna Henry Con- rad Rosa Hmma Elmer Allen Henry Rachel Francis Hr- win Elizabeth Michael Thomas Henry Er- win Mary Quintus Parents Jacob D. Mitman and Sarah Henry Angeney and Lucy Anne —— Stover Philip Fluck and Christina Samuel Miller and Catharine John B, Loux and Barbara Samuel Dim- steab Francis J. Wei- cel, Sarah von Harpel Eli Stoudt, Rachel Schwartz William Ziegen- fus, Amanda Mangel William Mangel, Lucinda Fox Michael Hart- man, Mary Walter Jacob Fulmer, Elizabeth Kel- mer Louis K. Stout, Levina Alt- house Samuel Alt- house, Sarah Crouthamer Benjamin Ott, Susanna Kramer Tohickon Reformed Records. Sponsors parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents parents to - to The Pennsylvania-German Society. Dates Children Parents Sponsors b. Aug. 22, 1866 Emma Jane Oliver Mayer, parents bap. Mar. 3, 1867 Mary Jane Stever b. June 27, 1868 Mary Susan Levi Mitman, parents bap. Sep. 20 Hannah Steely b. July 23, 1868 Francis William S. Wis- parents bap. Nov. 2, 1868 Henry mer and Mary Landes b. Dec. 14, 1866 Elizabeth Aaron Sine and parents Carolina b. Aug. 18, 1866 Pearson Thomas Frede- parents bap. May 4, 1867 rick and Bliz- abeth Helfert b. Aug. 22, 1866 Anna William Shive, parents bap. July 28, 1867 Elizabeth née Nace b. Apr. 1, 1867 Emma Jane Franklin Mit- parents bap. Sep. 7, 1867 man and El- lemina [!] b. June 28, 1868 Emma — Stover and parents bap. Jan. 1869 wife b. Sep. 17, 1868 Servetus Franklin K. parents bap. Dec. 13, 1868 Sine and Amanda b. Dec. 1, 1868 Abi [!] Jesiah K. Sine parents bap. Jan. 24, 1869 and Elizabeth [II. MARRIAGE RECORDS.] [1. Marriages By Rev. Jonn Eqrptus Hecxer, 1755-1761.) Enoch Weber and Catharine van Cambe were married by me on Oct. 9, 1775, after a three-fold proclamation.‘ 1755, Oct. 28, Gerlach Paul Flick married to Catharine Fabian. 1775, Nov. 7, Nicholas Schneider and Elizabeth Oblinger. 1755, Oct. 29, Henry Ulrich and Catharine Dreisbach. 1755, Nov. 5, Michael Pottler and Gertrude Pannebecker. 1756, Jan. 1, Peter Stattler and Anna Catharine Hollwein. 46 This is the usual form of Hecker’s marriage entries. To save space we have simplified them. 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1756, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1757, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, Apr. May 3, ~ ay ie Lil's sey Ark x . 28, 18, 2, June 20, Aug. Aug. 8, 29, Tohickon Reformed Records. John George Ammelhauser and Catharine Vas. John Herbert Loehr and Eva Schuhmann. Philip Daniel Gross and Margaret Schlauch. Herman Schuman and Eva Hirsch. Zacharias Seyler and Maria Barbara Wagner. George Stautinger and Catharine Cunckel. John Jacob Lang and Maria Catharine Haman. Caleb That and Margaret Williams. Conrad Muller and Barbara Hauser. Nicholas Keppel and Maria Williams. Melchior Hertzel and Barbara Lauder. Richard Dixon and Catharine Gruscher. Samuel Brodt and Maria Salome Steckel. John Breunig and Anna Regina Wiister. John Sebastian Henn and Catharine Tschirmly. John Conrad Klein and Anna Maria Huth. John Wollenschlager and Maria Elizabeth Geres. Nicholas Kiifer and Maria Magdalena Morrison. Jost Edelman and Christina Schaeffer. Matthew Rigel and Catharine Leydi. John Adam Georg and Maria Sophia Schneider. John Arnd Bald and Christina Becker. Eberhard Reichman and Elizabeth Stahl. Henry Ferber and Maria Eva Miiller. Adam Schaeffer and Catharine Dany. John Jacob Zoerle and Anna Margaret Siegfried. John Jacob Meixel and Veronica Zimmerman, John William Bossan and Barbara Drum. Philip Peter Lahr and Magdalena Kern. 1758. John Hoch and Hannah Laux. John Jacob Ruhl and Apollonia Falck. Joseph Graff and Barbara Frantz. Jacob Bernhard and Susanna Schaub. George Jacob Jung and Barbara Huth. Andrew Brencker and Sarah Bayer. Henry Hulde and Maria Hauck. Christopher Neyhard and Elizabeth Hauser. Michael Remberg and Magdalena Salade. John Althaus and Gertrude Valte. Philip Sponheimer and Magdalena Georg. 213 214 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1758, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1759, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, 1760, Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec, Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Mar. Mar. Jan. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. June June June July July July July Aug. Sept. Sep. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Apr. Apr. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Hadrian Schwartz and Maria Hegeman. Philip Meixel and Magdalena Illig. John Meixel and Anna Marg. Illig. John Dreisbach and Hlizabeth Waldman. Gabriel Philipps and Hanna Brower. Peter Drach and Catharine Schaeffer. Nicholas Pax [?] and Barbara Vogely. Valentine Warg and Anna Marie Ziegler. John Beischer and Magdalena Riegel. 1759. John Loh and Elizabeth Klein. Reinhard Labach and Margaret Bayer. Henry Phuhl and Susanna Schwartz. Frederick Scholl and Gertrude Merckel. John Renner and Elizabeth Althaus. Peter Bender and Catharine Babb John William Wagner and Margaret Lahr. Ulrich Brencker and Apollonia Bayer. Conrad Huth and Elizabeth Schantz. Henry Bitz and Elizabeth Weber. Andrew Bernt and Cath. Gladfeld. Jacob Reiss and Christina Gladfeld. Michael Schick and Marg. Guth. Ulrich Knecht and Catharine Schlauch. William Beehl and Eliz. Marx. John Bernhard and Agnes Gries. George Mill and Kunigunda Franck. Christian Bender and Christina Pfeifer. Peter Hoxfort and Marg. Thomas. Casper Hauser and Marg. Wolfing. 1760 ¢ Leonhard Knecht and Marg. Schlauch. Tobias Scholl and Anna Hess. Conrad Seybel and Hannah Cressmann, Henry Beuteler and Maria Blem. William Manderbach and Maria Freytag. Jacob Simketh and Maria Berns. . Peter Stein and Margaret Dieman. John Lutz and Magdalena Schwenck. John Haman and Maria Wildanger. Apr. Apr. May Tohickon Reformed Records. John William Mellinger and Martha Hauskipper. Ludwig Ruffgarten and Anna Brunner. Paul Reymund and Margaret Schick. Michael Feleker and Catharine Koch, Jacob Grub and Elizabeth Koch. James Juhs and Rebeka Schwartz. Frederick Hesser and Catharine Doll. Leonard Doll and Marg. Stoltz. Nicholas Geysle and Catharine Koch. Jacob Gruber and Catharine Leibgeb. Michael Wurman and Catharine Hertzel. David Mellinger and Catharine Cressman. John Benner and Magdalena Bos. Simon Jacob Diehl and Agnes Odenwalder. John Schmit and Catharine Odenwalder. Michael Kocher and Eliz. Desloch. Peter Resch and Maria Jann. 1761 Jacob Shirmer and Gertrude Dorflinger. Robert McFarlin and Eliz. Simbel. Christopher Ketteman and Marg. Lawall. Melchior Hertzel and Margaret Zorlin. Henry Dorfflinger and Eva Margaret Haman. Peter Labach and Christina Berckenstock. Georg Bopp and Magdalena Renner. Jacob Beuteler and Eva Eliz. Heist. Casper Bleuler and Barbara Margaret Hert. John Albrecht Girmer and Marg. Ruffgarten. Jacob Eberhard and Eliz. Zimmerman. Adam Greischer and Gertrude Althaus. John Mueller and Maria Fabian. Michael Wolff and Apollonia Weber. John Philip Baal and Catharine Ditthart. Andrew Feltzinger and Margaret Wagner. George Seits and Gertrude Lawall. Thomas Baxter and Catharine Bierle. Jacob Hauswirth and Barbara Brand. Henry Hauser and Eva Doll. Christopher Schweigert and Louisa Gilger. Thomas Miens and Agnes Janson [Johnson]. John Schuman and Elizabeth Becker. 215 216 1761, Nov. 24 1761, Nov. 24, 1761, Dec. 1, 1761, Dec. 21, 1761, Dec. 22, 1761, Dec. 24, 1761, Dec. 18, ~ 1762, Jan. 5, 1762, Feb. 2, 1761, Dec. 31, 1769, Nov. 9, The Pennsylvania-German Society. Frederick Frutschy and Catharine Gettert. Melchior Bender and Catharine Bohm. Jacob Mayer and Eliz. Freymann. Richard Hoy and Catharine Glieser. Matthias Hauskipper and Catharine Manderbach. Caspar Bleuler and Catharine Gilbert. Christopher Kotz and Catharine Felt. 1762 Diedrich Heller and Barbara Knecht. Elias Bender and Susanna Vos. John Wagner and Agnes Gass. Matthew Hartman and Catharine Wagner?’. [2. MARRIAGES BY REV. CASPAR WACK, 1772-1781.] List of the persons who were joined in marriage by me, Caspar Wack, minister here: 1772, Sept. 8, 1772, Dec. 8, 1772, Dec. 24, 1772, Dec. 27, 1773, Feb. 2, 1773, Feb. 2 1773, Feb. 16, 1773, May 11, 1773, June 8, 1773, June 10, 1773, June 22, 1773, Aug. 31, George Schmidt, son of Sebastian Schmidt, and Maria Barbara Beyschley, da. of Casper Beyschley. Daniel Offerbach, son of Henry Offerbach, and Doro- thea Wiltanger, da of John Wiltanger. Nathaniel Sample, and Susanna Bower. Jacob Scheib, son of Martin Scheib, and Catharine Mack, da. of William Mack. 1773 John Glincker, son of Ernest Glincker, and Anna Maria Bob, da. of George Bob. John Michael Jost, son of John Michael Jost, and Maria Magdalena Glincker, da. of Ernest Glincker. John Geres, son of Carl Geres, and Elizabeth Stout, da. of Peter Stout. John Millner, son of Isaac Millner, and Mary Huff, da. of John Huff. Jacob Leibgeb and Elizabeth Shibler. Jacob Sallate, son of Frederick Sallate, and Barbara Laux, da. of Peter Laux. Henry Wilhelm and Anna Eva Hoffman. Stephen Groh and Catharine Rickert. 47 Entered by Gobrecht. 1773, Sept 1773, Oct. 1773, Oct. 1773, Oct. 1773, Nov. 1773, Nov. 1773, Nov. 1774, Mar. 1774, Mar. 1774 Apr. 1775, Apr. 1775, May 1775, May 1775, Dec. 1775, Dec. 1776, Apr. 1776, May A777, cADY: 22 - = Tohickon Reformed Records. 217, Daniel Althaus and Anna Maria Scheib. Martin Riddelmayer, son or the late Martin Riddle- mayer, and Margaret Wildanger, da. of Matthias Wildanger. Peter Koffel, son of late Jacob Koffel, and Elizabeth Renner, da. of Valentine Renner. George Sholl, son of Frederick Sholl, and Anna Maria Dedderer, da. of Conrad Dedderer. Jacob Geres, son of Charles Geres, and Eva Schuh- man, da. of Arnold Shuhman. Adam Kern, son of Frederick Kern, and Catharine Huntschberger, da. of Isaac Huntschberger, Peter Schreiner, son of Abraham Schreiner, and Mar- garet Faust, da. of —— Faust. 1774 William Andig, son of William Andig, and Christina Dantfuss, da. of Peter Dantfuss. John Fluck, son of Philip Fluck, and Magdalena Ley- di, da. of Jacob Leydi. Andrew Heller, son of Ludwig Heller, and Elizabeth Roth, da. of Jacob Roth. 1775 John Kohl, son of Conrad Kohl, and Magdalena Ber- son, da. of Lawrence Berson. Jacob Renner, son of Valentine Renner, and Elizabeth Wildanger, da. of George Wildanger. John Leinberger, son of John Leinberger, and Eliza- beth Heffelfinger, da. of Henry Heffelfinger. Jacob Graff, son of Jacob Graff, and Elizabeth Hiibner, da. of Melchior Hiibner. Adam Renner, son of Valentine Renner, and Magda- lena Wildanger, da. of George Wildanger. 1776 Ludwig Fluck, son of Philip Fluck, and Anna Mar- garet Huber, da. of Henry Huber. Peter Stemm and 1777 Jacob Leydi, son of Carl Leydi, and Catharine Com- fort, da. of Christian Comfort. 218 The Pennsylvania-German Soctety. 1777, Apr. 24, John Hogland and Hannah Huff. 1777, Apr. 13, John George Weydemeyer and Elizabeth Wentz. 1777, Apr. 29, John Ott, son of Michael Ott, and Mar- , m. by Rev. garet Jung, da. of Peter Jung. i Roeller. 1777, May 13, John George Scheib and Juliana Hefft. 1777, —— —, John George Adami and Christina Schissler. 1779 1779, Mar. 23, Edward Berson and Elizabeth Blakeledge. 1779, Mar. 30, Moses Pettit and Hester Crow. 1779, Mar. 30, Philip Trumbauer and Catharine Huber. 1779, Mar. 30, John Bruch and Anna Barbara Geist. 1779, Apr. 6, Jacob Leydy and Veronica Schell. 1780 1780, Feb. 8, Philip Jacobi and Catharine Klincker. 1780, Feb. 15, Peter Lang and 1780, Mar. 4, Christian Nicolai and Susan Kifer. 1780, Oct. 26, John Griess and Elizabeth Krouthammel. 1780, Oct. 31, Philip Riedt and Hlizabeth Sallate. 1781 1781, Jan. 30, Christian Fluck and Hannah Leydi. 1781, Feb. 6, John Shelleberger and Elizabeth Sorber. 1781, Feb. 27, Conrad Mitman and Elizabeth Resh. 1781, Mar. 6, John Sallate and Elizabeth Hinckel. 1781, Mar. 20, Caspar Fluck and Catharine Huber. 1781, Mar. 20, Nicholas Gehres and Susanna Huber. 1781, Mar. 27, Martin Weber and Maria Elizabeth Pfeil. 1781, Apr. 2, William Loyd and Susanna Haycock. 1781, Apr. 3, Christian Becker and Magdalena Adams. 1781, Apr. 3, George Henry Leydi and Eliza Barbara Raudebusch. 1781, Apr. 5, Michael Striby and Maria Magdalena Klinkhart. [3. MARRIAGES BY REV. JOHN THEOBALD FABER, 1782-1784.] 1782, Dec. 3, Jos. Leer and Elizabeth Geres. 1783, Jan. 21, Arnold Haupt and Elizabeth Germin. 1783, June 29, Daniel Althouse and Juliana Schwenck. 1783, Aug. 12, Henry Schreiber and Widow Elizabeth Bergstrasser. 1783, Dec. 2, John Feige and Anna Maria Benner, widow, both liv- ing in Rockhill Township. Tohickon Reformed Records. 219 1784, June 20, Abraham Baal, living in Vincent Township, and Elizabeth Fluck, living in Hill Township. [VOL, II OF RECORDS.] [4. MARRIAGES BY THE REV JOHN MICHAEL KERN, 1787-1788.] The following were married by Johann Michael Kern, during his ministry: 1787 Dec. 8, Jacob Kraemer with —— Bibighaus. 1788 Jan. 8, George Weissel and Elizabeth Hoenig. Mar. 2, John Benner and Maria Beringer. [5. MARRIAGES BY THE REV. JOHN WILLIAM INGOLD, 1788-1790.] The following were married by John William Ingold: 1788 July 27, Andrew Allgerd and Magdalena Wimmer. Aug. 17, Philip Fluck and Elizabeth Jacobi. Nov. 2, John Riegel and Elizabeth Kern. 1789 Jan. 29, Jacob Ott and Magdalena Muth. Mar. 26, Henry Salate and Catharine Reppert. Dec. 15, John Adami and Christina Klincker. 1790 Apr. 15, Michael Jost and Catharine Vollmer. [6. MARRIAGES BY THE REV. NICHOLAS POMP, 1790-1797.] Record of those persons, who in the congregation in Tohickon, were lawfully married during my ministry: N. Pomp. 1790, Dec. 7, Andrew Bucher and Anna Maria Bop. 220 Feb. Apr. Apr. Apr. Oct. Dec. Jan. Jan. Apr. Apr. May June Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. Apr. Apr. Apr. Aug. Oct. Nov. Dec. Mar. Apr. Aug. Nov. Jan. Mar. Apr. Li, a1 The Pennsylvania-German Society. 1791. John Worman and Susanna Kochlein. Henry Dreissbach, a widower, and Susanna Maria Neess, a widow. Philip Rieth, a widower, and Christina Schneider, single. Ernest Klincker, a widower, and Catharine Hutchinson, single. Christian Gann and Susanna Kochlein. John Fluck and Christina Hoenig. 1792. Henry Habach and Maria Worman. Michael Friedrich and Catharine Stump. Jacob Leh and Elizabeth Scherer. John Mayer and Catharine Emig. George Heft and Elizabeth Gut. John Weissel and Sarah Honig. Philip Theiss and Christina Benner. Daniel Vollmer and Catharine Sallate. Henry Leh and Susanna Stump. John Kochlein and Elizabeth Kepler. 1793. Jacob Harthman and Anna Stout. Jacob Schaffer and Margaret Muth. Jacob Diemer and Magdalena Dreissbach. Henry Trombor and Veronica Bergstrasser. Benjamin Sallate and Margaret Kramer. Joseph Hinckel and Anna Marshal. Jacob Vollmer and Eva Catharine Jorger. 1794. John Eckel and Magdalena Hertzel. Friedrich Kern and Hannah Hunsberger. Michael Weissel and Maria Habach. Frederick Brod and Magdalena Stibel. 1795. Jacob Hackman and Elizabeth Schaffer. Henry Ott and Catharine Neelig. Henry Diederle and Catharine Zeltner. Tohickon Reformed Records. 221 Apr. 21, Peter Sommer and Elizabeth Vollmer. May 12, Michael Otto and Susanna Rothrock. July 7, Henry Jacoby and Rachel Hausser. Aug. 16, Jacob Selzer and Susanna Fassbender. Aug. 18, Christian Aderhold and Catharine Vollmer. Oct. 6, Jacob Koop and Anna Maria Rothrock. Sept. 13, Jacob Willy and Hannah Magel. Aug. 23, Henry Benner and Catharine Benner. Nov. 17, Jost Vollmer and Magdalena Zumstein. Dec. 17, Adam Wagener and Elizabeth Wehnhold. 1796. Jan. 17, Henry Mesemer and Elizabeth Betollomey. Feb. 20, Peter Henrich and Margaret Ratzel. Feb. 20, Jacob Roth and Elizabeth Philip. Mar. 15, Henry Ott and Maria Fluck. Mar. 20, Carl Biissy and Sarah Davis. Apr. 5, Jacob Hénig and Rebekah Housekeeper. Apr. 12, Daniel Heft and Elizabeth Vollmer. Apr. 12, John Adam Laux and Elizabeth Ott. Apr. 19, George Weissel and Margaret Scheib. Apr. 19, John Diederle and Marie Zollner. Sept. 29, John Weissel and Margaret Schneider. Sept. 11, Philip Hartman and Catharine Gross. Nov. 27, Adam Fluck and Catharine Beydeman. 1797. Jan. 8, George Texter and Maria Fluck. May 14, John Carl and Catharine Neess. July 31, Conrad Benner and Elizabeth Walter. Sept. 12, Frederick Weber and Maria Bibighaus. [7. MARRIAGES BY THE REV. JACOB SENN, 1799-1817.] Record of all persons, who were lawfully married during my min- istry, in all my congregations: Jacob Senn. 1799. Nov. 17, Ludwig Weil and Catharine Friedrich. Nov. 19, Ludwig Algard and Barbara Ackerman. 222 Feb. Apr. May May May July Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May June July Aug. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 18, The Pennsylvania-German Society. 1800. Abraham Tosh and Maria Henricksen. - Jacob Bergstress and Susanna Frey. Joseph Stump and Christina Rotzel. Daniel Zo6lner and Catharine Holderman. Christian Ott and Elizabeth Solida. Abraham Henig and Hannah Kern. Jacob Fassbender and Catharine Conrad. Jacob Frantz and Susanna Lewis. Joseph Rothrock and Margaret Been. Abraham Klotz and Catharine Smith. 1801. Jacob Henge and Magdalena Gerhardt. Jacob Jost and Elizabeth Seipel. Henry Kaufman and Elizabeth Hauser. Philip Sellers and Hannah Roberts. Henry Ott and Elizabeth Schafer. Jacob Strohm and Sarah Ness. Henry Worman and Maria Herzel. Henry Gumrein and Catharine Kuntz. Henry Althouse and Anna Heissler. Jacob Ott and Molly Eckel. Fred’k Fassbender and Susanna Kern. John Ziegefus and Anna Cath. Gangweyer. John Henge and Elizabeth Hagar. John Wampold and Susanna Koch. Michael Cope and Margaret Seller. Adam Dorn and Margaret Fuhrman. Henry Fluck and Catharine Fassbender. Daniel Ott and Catharine Benner. Jacob Seipel and Elizabeth Sheib. Henry Leister and Elizabeth Neiss. Daniel Merkel and Hannal Herzel. 1802. Jacob Sheib and Marian Kerney. Henry Mayer and Susanna Souder. Michael Eckert and Eva Alem, Peter Jacobus and Margaret Dorn. Jacob Seipel and Catharine Sheib. Adam Benner and Magdalena Miller. Tohickon Reformed Records. 223 Mar. 21, Jacob Solida and Esther Henig. Mar. 21, Christian Berger and Elizabeth Weierman. Apr. 6, Conrad Worman and Maria Leyde. Apr. 6, Samuel Harwick and Susanna Meyer. Apr. 15, Abraham Ott and Maria Benner. May 5, John Kunius and Polly Unrad, both of Germantown. May 5, John Madery and Mary Frances, Northern Liberties, Phila. July 7, Jacob Shuck and Maria Hagar. July 25, John Huth and Magdalena Pilger. Aug. 1, Jacob Coffel and Magdalena Rosenberg. Aug. 10, George Folmer and Maria Stauver. Aug. 15, Christopher Hetrich and Catharine Shup. Sep. 12, George Groman and Elizabeth Paff. Oct. 10, Adam Miller and Maria Weber. Nov. 2, John Seipel and Elizabeth Brion [Bryan]. Nov. 31, Martin Althouse and Catharine Ziegefus. Dec. 5, Jacob Gerhart and Hlizabeth Zangmaster. Dec. 19, Abraham Durstein and Elizabeth Furman. 1803. Jan. 2, Peter Raudebush and Catharine Cressman. Jan. 4, Jost Folmer and Catharine Zumstein. Jan. 11, Jacob Algart and Christina Bernt. Jan. 11, Abraham Overholzer and Elizabeth Stout. Jan. 30, Abraham Worman and Barbara Leide. Feb. 24, Henry Trumbower and Catharine Bleyler. Mar. 3, Peter Kern and Susanna Lutz. Mar. 6, George Sheib and Barbara Gerhart. Mar. 13, John Leyde and Maria Grove. Mar. 20, George Hartman and Elizabeth Jacobi. Mar. 24, Henry Ruth and Maria Swartz. Mar. 31, John Frey and Sophia Cope. Mar. 31, Jacob Welker and Margaret Shellenberg. Apr. 7, Abraham Benner and Susanna Brecht. Apr. 10, Michael Sneider and Magdalena Stout. Apr. 11, Peter Smith and Jemimah Vanhorn. May 3, John Clemer and Elizabeth Funk. May 5, John Martin and Hannah Jemison. May 19, Michael Resh and Elizabeth Crouthammel. May 22, John Kern and Polly Gerhart. May 26, Abraham Jeckel and Molly Souder. June 16, John Wass and Anna Stauver. 224 June Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May June July Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Mar. May The Pennsylvania-German Society. Andrew Walter and Magdalena Fassbender. Michael Heller and Eve Thiel. Jacob Carl and Catharine Dieter. Christian Souder and Elizabeth Overholzer. John Emich and Margaret Hess. Daniel Landes and Margaret Cope. John Fassbender and Elizabeth Geres. Elias Gruber and Margaret Diemer. Samuel Emich and Maria Jost. John Eckart and Catharine Coffel. John Folmer and Anna Elizabeth Sneider. 1804. John Ort and Sophia Fassbender. Wendel Weiss and Margaret Fowler. Jacob Trumpore and Barbara Hager. Leonard Jacobi and Elizabeth Ott. Henry Springer and Elizabeth Schwartzlander. John Althouse and Catharine Wismer. Henry Cremer and Catharine Fried. Peter Koch and Elizabeth Bender. Philip Henig and Anna Shutz. Christopher Reinwald and Barbara Henrich. Adam Jost and Sarah Sneider. John Berger and Magdalena Weierman. Peter Sheib and Magdalena Danehower. Peter Merkel and Hannah Housekeeper. Abraham Cope and Elizabeth Mayer. David Alem and Hannah Herzel. Joseph Stover and Barbara Overholzer. Edward Hacock and Elizabeth Sheib. Henry Wagner and Catharine Kern. Jacob Heterich and Sarah Henricks. Michael Ackerman and Maria Sherer. Charles Leydi and Margaret Cressman. John Snare and Anna Colp. John Funk and Maria Clemer. 1805. George Dexter and Maria Trumpore. Abraham Gerhart and Maria Croll. Henry Yourdan and Rachel Clemens. June Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Noy. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May June June June Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Tohickon Reformed Records. 225 John Sylvius and Maria Althouse. Peter Stout and Maria Resh. : Peter Ruth and Maria Elis. Peil. © John Gerhart and Margaret Leyde. Peter Solida and Magdalena Gotschalk. Jesse Fitzgerald and Sarah Seller. William St. Clare and Catharine Cupp. John Fluck and Hannah Stout. Peter Berndt and Susanna Herzel. Jacob Trager and Margaret Shellenberg. Jacobus Yocum and Maria Ruth.” John Bergstress and Barbara Mayer. John Stoneback and Elizabeth Tristle. 1806. Henry Remsy and Elizabeth Crout. Wendel Weiss and Magdalena Leyde. Jacob Weierbach and Margaret Wolshlager. Jacob Weiss and Martha Fowler. Jacob Henig and Elizabeth Hager. Jacob Hartman and Maria Jacobi. Daniel Ptolema and Maria Ott. Harry Stricker and Susanna Rothrock. Frederick Shull and Hannah Sneider. Christian Cressman and Catharine Teyss. Andrew Heller and Mirah McCarty. Peter Sheib and Rachel Housekeeper. Abr. Crauthammel and Catherine Solida. , Abr. Jacoby and Maydalena Ott. Jacob Maas and Margaret Lewis. Jacob Shull and Catharine Leyde. John Keil and Elizabeth Ness. George Swenk and Margaret Althouse. Jacob Ruth and Maria Overholtz. “ George Ratzel and Susanna Ott. John Mitchell and Sally O’Dannel. William Jenkins and Susan Walker. John Humphrey and Nancy Baurer. John Brunner and Elizabeth Kern. Joseph Heft and Magdalena Johnson. John Trumpore and Catharine Blank. Isaac Smith and Hannah Heacock. 226 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May June June June Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Christian Sneider and Sarah Ott. Frederick Coder and Maria Fluck. Rees Stroud and Mary Berndt. John Fluck and Katy Kichlein. George Cope and Anna Strickler. Abr. Gerhart and Hannah Leyde. George Sheib and Catharine Hager. Henry Fuhrman and Hannah Mayer. John Fassbender and Maria Ness. 1807. David Brecht and Anna Bechtel. David Ruth and Susanna Allebach/ Jacob Kremer and Hlizabeth Benner. Jacob Gerhart and Catharine Been. Geroge Coder and Susanna Sylvius. Adam Lechner and Anna Fried. Isaac Gerhart and Mary Sholl. Jacob Schnabel and Magdalena Comfort. Isaac Delp and Catharine Laux. Andrew Reed and Maria Hartman. John Gerhart and Catharine Gebhart. Jacob Rohr and Anna Nusspickel Christian Swartz and Sophia Ruth> Joseph Fretz and Magdalena Delp. Jacob Appezeller and Elizabeth Olp. Henry Overholzer and Catharine Cassel. . George Cope and Lydia Berger. Jacob Krout and Elizabeth Swertley. Eleazer Fowler and Sarah Crame. Sebastian Althouse and Maria Conrad. Peter Gruber and Margaret Sneider. Isaac Seller and Maria Bachman. Henry Kramer and Barbara Stauver. Paul Cope and Maria Hunsberg. Jacob Swarzlander and Elizabeth Cope. John Wirt and Eva Shellenberg. John Bivighouse and Sophia Smith. Jacob Beideler and Susanna Krout. Conrad Wintling and Rebekah Lewis. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May May May May June June July Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 21, Tohickon Reformed Records. 1808. John Krether and Catharine Swartz. John Koffel and Maria Lewis. Andrew Erdman and Margaret Cope. John Laux and Anna Angeny. Abraham Benner and Hannah Kiichlein. George Klein and Polly Henig. Abraham Durn and Katy Micky. Matthias Housekeeper and Katy Fluck. Peter Lewis and Maria Coffel. Conrad Worman and Hannah Fluck. Jacob Ruth and Margaret Delp... John Mitman and Elizabeth Fogel. Peter Bleyler and Elizabeth Smith. Henry Herzel and Hannah Herzel. Abr. Herzel and Hannah Felman. Peter Ott and Elizabeth Fluck. John Kremer and Susanna Solida. Henry Stouver and Catharine Hilgard. George Delp and Susanna Gottshalk. Daniel Stout and Susanna Shiitz. Jacob Overholzer and Catharine Resh. John Kern and Catharine Coder. John Heller and Catharine Geres. John Hagar and Catharine Stout. Peter Benner and Catharine Overholzer. Isaac Overholzer and Rachel Stouver. Christian Weierman and Hannah Price. John Hartman and Hannah Fluck. John Jost and Christina Rees. Jacob Schafer and Barbara Overholz. Adam Needler and Maria Sellers. 1809. Abel Kerr and Maria Cressman. Isaac Keil and Elizabeth Mayer. William Samby and Barbara Hendricks, John Kremer and Barbara Solida. John Shellenberger and Elizabeth Kolp. John Engleman and Maria Strasberg. John Nice and Barhara Ott. Benjamin Ferrel and Maria Fluck. 227 228 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Feb. 28, Benjamin Allebach and Hannah Housekeeper. Mar. 5, John Fluck and Sophia Ziegler. Mar. 5, Daniel Longenecker and Sarah Cressman. Apr. 2, Paul Herzel and Elizabeth Young. Apr. 2, Jacob Cope and Maydalena Mayer. Apr. 16, Abraham Benner and Sarah Crow. Apr. 20, Jacob Kiichlein and Polly Peiffer. May 14, Jacob Swartz and Polly Ruth. ~— May 21, Jacob Leide and Hannah Sellers. June 13, David Williams and Sophia Mayer. June 18, Abraham Tdumpore and Magdalena Getman. July 9, Andrew Kunzer and Eliza Swartz. Aug. 15, Joseph Weissel and Katy Heller. Aug. 15, Lester Rich and Maria Wasser. Aug. 20, John Hackman and Katy Berger. Sept. 17, Jacob Krop and Maria Swarz. Oct. 17, Fred’k Fluck and Sarah Folmer. Nov. 2, Henry Sneider and Elizabeth Harwick. Nov. 5, Anthony Pelz nad Margaret Benner. Nov. 19, Andrew Ptolemay and Sarah Baringer. Nov. 19, Henry Hetrich and Eliza Berndt. Nov. 21, John Overholz and Abigail Jeckel. Nov. 21, Josiah Thomas and Eliza Hoffman. Dec. 10, John Haldeman and Catharine Benner. Dec. 17, Joseph Stump and Maria Ziegefus. Dec. 24, George Sellers and Magdalena Sneider. 1810. Jan. 11, Daniel Rosenberg and Dorothea Hunsberg. Jan. 14, John Benner and Magdalena Fuhrman. Jan. 28, Samuel Wessel and Mary Elizabeth Miller. Feb. 26, Henry Detweiler and Elizabeth Ruth. Mar. 8, Jacob Wasser and Hlizabeth Hobein. Mar. 11, Fred’k Althouse and Susanna Schlichter. Mar. 15, Peter Stout and Mary Geres. Mar. 18, Isaac Schlichter and Maria Price. Mar. 20, Jacob Stover and Esther Zuck. Mar. 20, George Jenkins and Catharine Savercool. Mar. 20, Moses Kolp and Catharine Ott. Mar. 20, Frederick Ott and Eva Dieterly. Apr. 8, Christian Souder and Maria Groff. Apr. 12, Daniel Harley and Catharine Groff. ~ ADT AL is Apr. 22, Apr. 24, May 8, May 8, May 15, May 29, June 7, June 12, June 12, June 14, July 15, July 29, Aug. 19, Aug. 21, Sept. 16, Octamats Octet: OctaeLie Oct. 30, Dec. 2, Deckers Decwa.y; Ag TR hey Feb. 10, Marcy <3 Mar. 10, Mar. 12, Mar. 12, Mar. 31, Mar. 31, ADT 4s ADT eas ADT ony ils ADTs. PMaye, 8s Apr. 14, Apr. 16, May 28, June 6, Tohickon Reformed Records. 229 Jacob Shrager and Maria Frederick. Henry W. Conrad and Eliza Kendall. Philip Fluck and Susanna Weissel. Abraham Keensey and Susanna Kolp. John Groff and Anna Rath. Frederick Bergstraser and Margaret Fry. John Drake and Maria Cassel. Wm. Mayer and Susanna Overholz. Abraham Nash and Maria Herpel. Daniel Berger and Catharine Weaver. John Sholl and Hannah Bleyler. Henry Wasser and Elizabeth Cope. Jacob Dill and Elizabeth Cramm. John Kramer and Anna Maria Tush. Jacob Clemens and Susanna Durstein. Abr. Landes and Barbara Berger. Abraham Berger and Elizabeth Groff. Jonathan Sholl and Catharine Gerhart. Emmanuel Swarz and Anna Henricks. Abraham Detweiler and Elizabeth Clemer. Andrew Trumpore and Elizabeth Getman. Daniel Solida and Elizabeth Makel. Jesse Smith and Elizabeth Weil. 1811. Samuel Durstein and Anna Horning. Henry Nunemaker and Elizabeth Rosenberg. John Sheib and Elizabeth Housekeeper. Abraham Roth and Magdalena Kramer. Isaac Krop and Sarah Mayer. Henry Means and Barbara Swartz. Joseph Fretz and Maria Souder. Abr. Server and Sarah Berndt. Henry Overholz and Elizabeth Fisher. George Solida and Elizabeth Shellenberg. Christian Souder and Catharine Nice. David Shiitz and Catharine Hering. . John Jones and Catharine Sink. John Shellenberg and Catharine Berndt. John Benner and Elizabeth Holdeman. William Mayer and Sarah Stout. Jacob Wetzel and Catharine Shrager. 230 July July Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May June Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. The Pennsylvania-German Society. John Lear and Catharine Bergstrass. Abraham Titolow and Catharine Lewis. Charles Leyde and Dorothy Kunzer. Andrew Schlichter, Esq., and Maria Rohr. Jonathan Zane and Catharine Comfort. Jacob Fike and Susanna Sylvius. Samuel Landes and Margaret Cope. Peter Gerhart and Catharine Shellenberg. John Benner and Elizabeth Mayer. Andrew Herzel and Margaret Fassbender. Jacob Frederick and Elizabeth Benner. Peter Gerhart and Catharine Shellenberg. Henry Cope and Margaret Cope. Abraham Dannehouer and Barbara Trumpore. Henry Krout and Susanna Kremer. John Frederick and Sarah Benner. 1812. Michael Niederrauer and Barbara Miller. Sam’l Berger and Maria Treichler. Abraham Smith and Catharine Heist. Henry Cope and Anna Maria Shellenberg. Daniel Althouse and Elizabeth Wirt. William Herzog and Maria Sherry. Joseph Krout and Catharine Aderhold. Adam Gerhart and Elizabeth Shellenberger. George Miller and Eliza Applezeller. George Shiitz and Esther Fluck. Jacob Trager and Hannah Shellenberger. George Weissel and Catharine Fluck. David Herr and Maria Bean. Adam Huber and Elizabeth Shantz. Henry Masomer and Margaret Heft. John Cassel and Susanna Henricks. George Thiel and Catharine Rosenberg. John Hockman and Margaret Clemer. Philip Fluck and Maria Ott. David Worman and Anna Stouver. John Sein and Magdalena Geres. Jacob Worman and Elizabeth Schleifer. Daniel Cooper, Esq., and Margaret Brunner. Michael Maurer and Catharine Berndt. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May June June July July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. > -_ @ 23, by Tohickon Reformed Records. Abraham Clemer and Sarah Smith. William Gotschalk and Susanna Fry. Martin Sheib and Elizabeth Hager. John Haycock and Mary Kremer. John Merkel and Elizabeth Fried. George Weiss and Elizabeth Shanzebach. Nicholas Mumbower and Rachel Cressler. 1813. John Bachman and Elizabeth Cope. John Souder and Catharine Snyder. Christian Berger and Maria Souder. Jonas Borse and Elizabeth Gotschalk. Jacob Gerhart and Anna Solida. Adam Kern and Sarah Shrayer. Peter Fluck and Barbara Mitman. Jacob Keil and Anna Detweiler. John Harley and Elizabeth Stang. Jacob Fry and Maria Gotschalk. Philip H. Dell and Elizabeth Wissler. Isaac Benner and Catharine Swarz. Abraham Stout and Maria Berndt. Jacob Swarz and Susanna Tristle. Michael Swertley and Catharine Delp. Jacob Baringer and Barbara Landes. Rev. Henry Gerhart and Elizabeth Leidy. John Stover and Hannah Worman. Henry Gerhart and Catharine Weil. Jacob Hummel and Catharine Shnabel. John Drach and Catharine Leyde. Francis Hendricks and Rachel Swarz. Jonas Herzel and Mary Housekeeper. Christian Comfort and Maria Schnabel. Samuel Clark and Catharine Groff. Abraham Springer and Anna Morris. Levy Thiel and Catharine Hendricks. John Stout and Susanna Geres. Berndt Heller and Eve Shellenberger. Matthias Roth and Magdalena Stout. Thomas Housekeeper and Maria Fassbender. 231 23, Pik § tS) Se 18, The Pennsylvania-German Society. 1814. Thomas Buskirk and Catharine Schlichter. Benjamin Sholl and Elizabeth Unerkoffel. Tobias Gerhart and Barbara Folmer. John Sheib and Hannah Jacoby. John Folmer and Elizabeth Jacoby. David Spinner and Catharine Eckel. Henry Leidy and Margaret Cope. Martin Swertley and Magdalena Delp. Philip Weikel and Catharine Sherer. Peter Sheib, Sr., and Susanna Haycock. George Krop and Elizabeth Stang. Jacob Brunner and Catharine Bry. Fred’k Diefenbach and Elizabeth Sherer. Abraham Gerhart and Maria Blank. Jacob Pleem and Maria Hockman. John Rohr and Margaret Lear. Joel Lewis and Hannah Grove. Jacob Keesy and Sarah Hummel. Jacob Mayer and Catharine Coder. Christian Aderhold and Elizabeth Ruth. Abraham Stouver and Catharine Hockman. Samuel Sheib and Juliana Longeneker. George Hagar and Elizabeth Mayer. Samuel Kramer and Sarah Mickley. Frederick Huber and Elizabeth Seidel. Jacob Stouver and Maria Groff. 1815. Abraham Durstein and Maria Rinker. Andrew Ruth and Magdalena Ruth- . Joseph Frederick and Catharine Wismer. John Swartley and Maria Mayer. John Shellenberger and Catharine Sneyder. Abraham Weierman and Anna Rosenberger. Henry Leidy and Sarah Gerhart. Philip Cope and Susanna Fassbender. Abraham Laux and Maria Heffert. Sam’l Ott and Elizabeth Mikley. Yost Folmer and Magdalena Nash. Adam Sox and Anna Shellenberger. Philip Sheib and Elizabeth Allem. June June June Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Tohickon Reformed Records. 233 Christian Benner and Sarah Hunsberger. John Wampold and Hlizabeth Trumpore. Conrad Althouse and Barbara Delp. Michael Aithouse and Susanna Mackel. Samuel Mayer and Elizabeth Hoffman. Jacob Benner and Elizabeth Delp. Wm. Mayer and Sarah Schafer. Henry Bartholoma and Anna Bleam. Joseph Ruth and Anna Souder. —— John Lap and Anna Lap. Henry Kidney and Maria Darrach. Michael Yost and Catharine Follmer. Isaac Delp and Anna Weierman. John Resh and Lydia Sheetz. Christian S. Laux and Magd. Fretz. 1816. John Boarse and Hannah Bitting. Rev. Samuel Stehr and Catharine Wolfinger. David Mumbower and Hannah Fluck. John Gerhart and Maria Ziegler. Christian Ruth and Maria Rinker. John Jacoby and Elizabeth Weikel. Peter Mikley and Maria Ott. Jacob Smith and Catharine Sheip. Peter Drake and Maria Mayer. Samuel Diehl and Maria Heist. Joseph Kram and Maria Mill. Tobias Frantz and Catharine Krouthammel. Abr. Housekeeper and Elizabeth Heist. George Baringer and Catharine Landes. Henry Smith and Catharine Miller. Sam’l Shelly and Elizabeth Shelly. Henry Mitman and Maria Ott. Jacob Lederman and Barbara Hockman. 1817. Jacob Brecht and Catharine Teiss. Conrad Schlicht and Sarah Gloss. Samuel Shelly and Sarah Dreisbach. John Wasser and Hannah Master, Sam’l Fluck and Catharine Yost. 234 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Mar. 20, Joseph Friderick and Mary Sheib. Mar. 30, John Syder and Anna Weidener. Apr. 20, Isaac Haycock and Hannah Diehl. Apr. 22, John Uromy and Susanna Funk, Apr. 27, Casper Johnson and Catharine Frederick. June 8, John Fry and Elizabeth Bean. Oct. 5, Jacob Kiichlein and Christina Schleifer. Nov. 4, George Herzel and Hannah Miller. Nov. 238, Charles Zeigler and Hannah Mackel. Nov. 3, John Sellers and Maria Schleifer. Dee. 2, David Fluck and Margaret Gorger. [MARRIAGES BY THE REV. JOHN A. STRASSBURGER, 1818-1855.] Record of all those persons who were lawfully married during my ministry: John Andrew Strassburger. 1818. Sept. 13, Daniel Hoffert and Susanna Mangel. Oct. 15, Abraham Becker and Susan Swartz. Oct. 18, Samuel Kydney and Hannah Hoffert. Nov. 1, Jacob Roudenbush and Magdalena Crossman. Nov. 8, Jacob Leidy and Elizabeth Roudenbush. Dec. 6, Jacob Scheib and Elizabeth Horn. Dec. 27, Peter Franz and Mary Sellers. 1819. Feb. 7, Martin Scheib and Eva Horn. Feb. 9, Jacob Reed and Maria Wolfert. Feb. 21, Solomon Ruth and Fanny Leidy. Mar. 4, Abraham Woodward and Elizabeth Berge. Mar. 28, David Schelly and Susan Stouver. Apr. 7, Peter Silvius and Susan Steer. Apr. 25, Abraham Obrist and Hannah Brunner. May 13, Joseph Scherer and Maria Steer. May 23, Isaac Kolp and Magdalena Berge. May 25, Henry Cressman and Mary Stout. Sept. 26, Jacob Althouse and Magdalena Wenhold. Sept. 26, John Angeny and Magdalena Kern. Sept. 26, Henry Shipe and Elizabeth Weaver. Oct. 28, John Kechline and Magdalene Rinker. Oct. Novy. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar, Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May June June July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Tohickon Reformed Records. George Herr and Catharine Ruth.” John Henry and Elizabeth Delp. Isaac Hunsberger and Hlizabeth Deis. Michael Hoot [Huth] and Elizabeth Fry. Philip Swertley and Maria Smith. Jacob Frick and Nancy Landes. 1820. John Hetrich and Elizabeth Rees. Peter Fassbender and Hannah Strom. Philip Gerhard and Sarah Bayer. Jacob Treichler and Sarah Drumbouer. Michael Ott and Maria Dice. Henry Friedrich and Susan Rodenberger. Samuel Leidy and Lydia Gerhard. Samuel Kramer and Maria Magel. Abraham Heistand and Elizabeth Fretz. Henry Swertley and Elizabeth Hackman. John Dimmig and Sarah Rinker. Jacob Benner and Nancy Delp. Isaac Oberholzer and Elizabeth Hunsberger. James Zellner and Elizabeth Roberts. John Blyler and Anna Maria Althouse. Samuel Gerhard and Barbara Gerhard. Adam Gerhard and Maria Markel. William Herzel and Maria Wambold. John Friedrich and Maria Keller. Henry Weissel and Elizabeth Seibel. Lewis Hunsman and Charlotte Pears. [?] Christian Spies and Elizabeth Weil. Henry Eckel and Maria Weisel. Samuel Bollinger and Catharine Swartz. George Roudenbusch and Barbara Bernt. George Geiger and Elizabeth Scheetz. Michael Hoffert and Elizabeth Hill. Aaron Hendrich and Margaret Hertzel. John Gerhard and Margaret Mayer. 1821. Anthony Been and —— Weil. Benjamin Markel and Sarah Brumback. Samuel Frederick and Mary Wessel. 235 236 Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May July July Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. July July Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Dec. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Henry Mumbauer and Elizabeth Blanck. Daniel Huldeman and Magdalena Mayer. Charles Reinhard and Magdalena Heycock. John Hunsberger and Magdalena Jordan. Charles Leidy and Sarah Stout. David Snyder and Elizabeth Schelly. John Gerhard and Elizabeth Bissy. George Conveur and Sarah Stelwagen. Frederick Scholl and Catharine Grob. David Tressel and Catharine Benner. Daniel Stonebach and Bretisien [!] Kerlin. Abr. Apple and Maria Klein. Ludwig Benner and Anna Maria Althouse. John Schelly and Anna Landes. John Houseman and Catharine Mayer. James Cossida and Anna Senn. John Stine and Maria Jacoby. Samuel Eckart and Elizabeth Willower. 1822. John Laux and Barbara Funk. Jacob Appenzeller and Susan Been. William Dreisbach and Elizabeth Scholl. John Angeny and Catharine Schessler. Jacob Widener and Maria Althouse. Michael Henge and Barbara Benner. John Swenk and Rachel Murphy. Abraham Gerhard and Barbara Fluck. John Godshalk and Catharine Clemens. Samuel Herzel and Elizabeth Herzel. Abr. Benn and Anna Maria Herzel. Abr. Roth and Elizabeth Rosenberg. Christ. Hunsberger and Esther Oberholzer. Jacob Kehier and Catharine Creamer. George Maugel and Lydia Ott. George Zuck and Magdalena Sterner. Abr. Mayer and Margaret Snyder. George Shellenberger and Catharine Sholl. Jacob Gabel and Anna Benner. Martin Wissler and Magdalena Delp. John Shive and Catherine Frankenfield. Thomas Seller and Elizabeth Gerhard. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May June June Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Jan, Jan. Mar. May May May June Tohickon Reformed Records. 237 George Prise and Maria Gergis. Tobias Buissy and Elizabeth Drisebach. 1823. Henry Landis and Magdalena Allderfer. Frederick Allderfer and Anna Friderick. Samuel Sechler and Magdalena Krout. John Delp and Rachel Swager. John Server and Maria Savacool. Jacob Klinker and Magdalena Koffel. Henry Shive and Nancy Krouthammel. George Folmer and Catharine Drumbauer. Nicholas Rush and Maria Young. George Deaterly and Barbara Mikly. Abr. Herzel and Catharine Dietz. Peter Bloom and Christina Heller. Abr. Benn and Hannah Fluck. Henry Schellenberger and Elizabeth Bietelman. Jacob Schott and Maria Klein. Thomas Marshall and Hannah Shaeffer. Samuel Ritter and Elizabeth Trechler. Abr. Gerhard and Catharine Drumbar. Jacob Groff and Mary Stout. Joseph Benner and Elizabeth Kassel. Samuel Shryver and Catharine Roether. Jacob Shumaker and Jane Dunbar. John Hackman and Anna Frederick. Jelis [Julius] R6ssel and Hannah Shipe. Jacob Gerhard and Sophia Scholl. Benjamin Becker and Catharine Markel. Jesse Smith and Sarah Blyler. 1824. Michael Kolp and Magdalena Kessel. Joseph Fry and B. Miller. John Yotter and Susanna Souder. Philip Scholl and Sarah Scholl. John Slotter and Sibylla Fassbender. George Mumbauer and Anna Shellenberger. Abr. Fisher and Mary Dettweiler. John Dettweiler and Susanna Detweiler. Jacob Stoltz and Susanna Kern. 238 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Aug. 22, Jacob Sloop and Catharine Hunsberger. Sept. 5, William Roudenbush and Elizabeth Beghtel. Sept. 26, Andrew Ache and Margaret Nees. Sept. 26, Abraham Mayer and Rachel Drake. Sept. 26, Charles Ott and Catharine Ott. Nov. 18, Jacob Becker and Hannah Kieper. Nov. 21, Jacob Althouse and Eva Heist. Dee. 5, Henry Renner and Maria Kuhnser. Dec. 21, John Reiff and Anna Buchhammer, Dec. 26, Henry Hertzel and Mary Hertzel. Dec. 26, William Read and Catharine Kuhnser. 1825. Jan. 23, Philip Cressman and Magdalena Stout. Jan. 27, Adam Weider and Anna Zellner. Feb. 6, Abraham Fluck and Lydia Gerhard. Feb. 6, John Hartman and Catharine Nees. Mar. 6, John Allebach and Elizabeth Henge. Apr. 3, Peter Bloom and Sarah Robberst. Apr. 3, Henry Antony and Susanna Berge. Apr. 28, Michael Been and Catharine Berge. May 1, John Stouver and Hannah Stout. May 16, Jacob Salladay and Hannah Shipe. May 28, Enosh Oberholzer and Catharine Wireback. July 31, John Hertzel and Elizabeth Cressman. Aug. 11, Jacob Johny and Sarah Snoufer. Sept. 18, Samuel Sloop and Eve Miller. Sept. 18, George Lewis and Margaret Rosenberger. Sept. 18, Michael Hunsberger and Margaret Bitting. Oct. 16, Samuel Sholl and Susan Fluck. Oct. 23, Michael Savacool and Margaret Herzel. Oct. 25, Godshalk Berge and Catharine Ziegler. Oct. 30, Michael Hetrich and Elizabeth Nees. Nov. 138, Isaac Wissler and Anna Sellers. Nov. 27, Samuel Weil and Esther Hisenberger. Nov. 24, Richard Hollenbush and Margaret Welker. Dec. 11, Peter Shive and Catharine Ott. 1826. Jan. 1, Daniel Zellner and Susanna Souder. Jan. 22, John Rosenberger and Maria Hackman. Jan. 22, Samuel Mayer and Anna Ott. w on Tohickon Reformed Records. 239 Andrew Weiss and Maria Swertly. Enosh Sellers and Elizabeth Johnson. Jacob Rush and Catharine Hoffert. George Reiff and Sarah Shull. Samuel Mayer and Magdalena Deetz. George Mitman and Susanna Fretz. Abraham Bieler and Susanna Bieler. Samuel Maugel and Sarah Ott. Henry Bachman and Lydia Breish. John Wagner and Magdalena Wissler. Samuel Fassbender and Elizabeth Keller. Abraham Berger and Catharine Markel. Thomas Winhold and Magdalena Gerhard. John Kern and Mary Smith. Jacob Clemmer and Catharine Clemmer. Tobias Johnson and Maria Salladay. Cornelius Sellers and Rachel Kelly. , Jacob Follmer and Mary Craemer. Jacob Aderhold and Susanna Follmer. John Shell and Carolina Keller. Jacob Hertzel and Catharine Hartman, Peter Ott and Magdalena Nungesser. Henry Frick and Sarah Mininger. Jacob Allum and Hannah Fluck. Samuel Frick and Mary Landis. William Bernts and Elizabeth Henge. Abraham Roudenbush and Magdalena Sholl. George Eberhard and Salome Cope. John Muth and Catharine Mann. Philip Herzel and Elizabeth Kerr. Jacob Scholl and Hannah Bernt. 1827. John Allum and Margaret Ratzel. Samuel Colp and Hannah Koch. George Shellenberger and Barbara Detweiler. Peter Miller and Susanna Hering. John Eckhard and Mary Freed. John Fluck and Maria Allum. David Davis and Elizabeth Cope. Isaac Drumbaur and Anna Stout. Enosh Drumbaur and Magdalena Hetrick. 240 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May June Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. May June 20, 27, 31, The Pennsylvania-German Society. Thomas Schlichter and Catharine Koffel. Enosh Hunsberger and Sarah Herzel. Patrick Kork and Hannah Gerhard. Jesse Frantz and Catharine Ritter. Henry Craemer and Hannah Lester. Samuel Stover and Anna Godshalk. Henry Salliday and Catharine Benner. Samuel Hetrick and Elizabeth Mumbauer. George Seibel and Magdalena Gerhard. John Yost and Margaret Hoot. Joseph Drake and Elizabeth Althouse. Peter Metz and Elizabeth Godshalk. Jesse Shelley and Anna Clemmer. Samuel Treichler and Susanna Clemmer. John Follmer and Catharine Craemer. Adam Fluck and Mary Koffel. John Ache and Catharine Groff. Leonard Delp and Elizabeth Detweiler. Joseph Freed and Magdalena Berge. Isaac Lewis and Anna Eckhard. John Funk and Mary Becker. Daniel Oel and Sarah Stoll. 1828. Jacob Roudenbush and Hannah Cressman. Daniel Markel and Hannah Dirstine. John Mayer and Dorothea Weishe. Henry Gerhard and Rebekah Keller. Enoch Davis and Magdalena Fetter. William Allum and Anna Ott. Jacob Musselman and Anna Ruthy~* Jacob Deis and Elizabeth Eckert. Philip Harpel and Mary M. Shellenberger. Peter Henrich and Susanna Henry. George S. Fry and Catharine Schwenk. Samuel Detterly and Barbara Salliday. Thomas Engelman and Juliana Heist. Martin Bechtel and Sophia Eckert. Abraham Gehman and Maria Rosenberger. Jacob Buchhammer and Elizabeth Zane. Jacob Berge and Sophia Koch. Charles Gerhard and Barbara Solliday. July July Aug. Aug. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May May June Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 15, 22, Tohickon Reformed Records. John Hoffman and Elizabeth Streier. Enosh Watz and Margaret Billger. Jacobus Drake and Elizabeth Mayer. Michael Craemer and Catharine Frantz. John Shissler and Elizabeth Benner. Absalom Bieler and Sarah Bender. John Shot and Catharine Freud. Christian Detweiler and Catharine Allebach. Joseph Smith and Catharine Gerhard. John Frantz and Mary Bitting. John Henge and Hannah Hunsberger. Abraham Koffel and Susanna Dreisbach. 1829. Samuel Atherhold and Rebekah Fry. Samuel Funk and Magdalena Fretz. John Godshalk and Anna Henge. Henry Derstein and Mary Oberholzer. Samuel Detweiler and Barbara Stover. John Swarzlender and Sarah Berge. John Been and Sarah Wireback. Jacob Ott and Maria Ratzel. Abr. Crook and Maria Wireback. John Shelly and Juliana Rool. Enosh Shive and Henrietta Shive. Jacob Elias and Hannah Hunsberger. Jacob Snyder and Susanna Wonner. Tobias Herr and Sophia Hertzel. Samuel Eckhard an dHannah Gross. Samuel Weissel and Catharine Soliday. John Ratzel and Susanna Cope. Nathan Thomas and Hannah Renner. Elias Hoch and Sophia Snyder. William Clark and Sophia Benner. Jacob Klinker and Ellemeira [!] Huldeman. Bnosh Craemer and’ Anna Shaeffer. Henry Fredrick and Magdalena Drumbor. Abraham Roudenbush and Elizabeth Stout. Joseph Shive and Elizabeth Ackerman. Christian Hunsberger and Rachel Delp. Isaac Hege and Eliz. Kassel. William Kidney and Susanna Haas. 241 242 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. May June June July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Noy. Dec. 19, 19, 28, 3, 24, 26, 23, 5, The Pennsylvania-German Society. John Sloop and Hannah Koonser. John Laux and Bliz. Bryan. Jacob Klein and Elizabeth Weil. Seno [!] Weil and Catharine Gerhard. George Mayer and Sarah Hiltebeitel. William Moore and Hannah Eckert. Abr. Follmer and Sophia Klein. Jacob Getman and Anna Shellenberger. Jacob Salladay and Maria Hertzel. Joseph Mies and Lydia Ruch. 1830. John Kindig and Maria Hunsberger. Michael Reiff and Rebekah Gaubel. Benj’n Miller and Margaret Cope. Michael Hertzel and Maria Wambold. David Wambold and Martha Senn. William Keller and Lydia Heney. Michael Trollinger and Elizabeth Newman. Jesse Been and Margaret Wenhold. William Mohr and Susanna Hertzel. Joseph Gerhard and Sarah Henge. Abr. Hackman and Catharine Borch. Michael Hertzel and Sarah Wirebach. Joseph Maugel and Catharine Betts. Abr. Gerhard and Elizabeth Moyer. Henry Bachman and Sarah Bitting. Joseph Grob and Elizabeth Funk. John Fretz and Elizabeth Klein. John Shell and Hannah Dreisbach. John Bartels and Hannah Rees. Amos Jacoby and Sophia Springer. Thomas Frederick and Christina Deis. Henry Swenk and Rebekah Renner. ~ Henry Kern and Elizabeth Althouse. Samuel Sloop and Sarah Snair. John Delp and Anna Detweiler. John Yeakel and Margaret Mayer. Matthias Laux and Catherine Yost. Enoch Davis and Sarah Hetrich. Charles Clark and Maria Laux. Abraham Mayer and Elizabeth Delp. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan, Feb. Mar. Apr. Apr. May May May May Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May 30, Tohickon Reformed Records. 243 Frederick Hartman and Maria Ziegenfuss. Michael Beck and Elizabeth Swartz. Joel Buck and Margaret Buchhammer. John Erdman and Delina [!] Good. 1831. Abraham Klein and Lydia Musselman. Jacob Herr and Margaret Clemmer. Jacob Stout and Christina Fetter. Nelson Michener and Elizabeth Huldeman. Joseph Fluck and Elizabeth Strom. John Derstine and Marie Ruth.” William Hartley and Maria Shot. Tobias Althouse and Eliz. Craemer. Adam Stichler and Anna Kern. Elias Gerhard and Hetty Cope. Samuel Herr and Sarah Anne Rool. George Yost and Susanna Ott. Paul Hertzel and Sarah Cressman. Samuel Swertly and Barbara Ruth.— Isaac Kratz and Elizabeth Butler. David Sellers and Sarah Scholl. Abr. Bieler and Anna Berns. Manasseh Been and Hannah Herr. Peter Sherer and Sarah Hartman. Martin Lup and Susan Hottel. John Gehman and Lydia Slyver. John Heaney and Rachel Bernt. Joseph Drumbor and Sarah Koch. 1832. Benjamin W. Landes and Elizabeth Jacoby. John Fellman and Elizabeth Benner. William Reiff and Salome Stem. Samuel Wasser and Anna Hertzel. Samuel Kern and Catharine Yelles. Samuel Stehr and Lydia Clemmer. Samuel Allebach and Susanna Heller. Jonas Ott and Catharine Ratzel. Jesse Gerner and Margaret Godschalk. Thomas Eckert and Rebekah Gamel. Absalom Markel and Magdalena Frank. 244 The Pennsylvania-German Society. June 3, Peter Heistler and Catharine Blyler. June 5, Henry Sallady and Magdalena Mayer. Sept. 2, Jacob Ziegler and Elizabeth Landis. Sept. 25, Charles Sellers and Mary Henig. Sept. 30, Jacob High and Hannah Heller. Oct. 7, William Yerger and Mary Wolfinger. Oct. 28, George Frederick and Catharine Stauffer. Nov. 4, Michael Sholl and Lydia Leidy. Nov. 4, Samuel Follmer and Caroline Ekert. Dec, 16, John Drumbore and Lydia Lutz. Dec. 23, Jacob Fellman and Hannah Been. Dec. 30, John Wirebach and Magdalena Gerhard. 1833. Jan, 13, John Benner and Mary Frederick. Jan. 29, Samuel Fluck and Sarah Wenhold. Feb. 12, Christian Hunsberger and Hannah Rosenberger. Mar. 3, Daniel Drumbouer and Catharine Drumbouer. Mar. 10, George Delp and Susanna Ruth. Mar. 24, Peter Frick and Susanna Smith. Mar. 31, John M. Rosenberger and Elizabeth Eckhard. May 2, Jesse Cope and Maria Leidy. May 9, Christian Hetrich and Susan Brunner. June 6, Samuel Reser and Sarah Strom. June 13, Joseph S. Fretz and Margaret Schrager. June 13, Abraham King and Sarah Wildanger. June 30, Adam Scherer and Christina Hetman. July 21, Enosh Keil and Elizabeth Stout. July 28, Tobias Heange and Lydia Landis. Aug. 4, Samuel Heft and Sarah Anna Fetter. Aug. 25, Henry Heft and Mary Anna Heacock. Oct. 6, Solomon Hetrich and Hannah Hotraut. Oct. 20, John Dixy and Sarah Miller. Nov. 3, Alfred Chapman and Lydia Ott. Nov. 17, Eliezer Russel and Anna Freed. Nov. 24, Conrad Miller and Anna Keller. Dec. 1, Abraham Heange and Hannah Gerhard. Dec. 8, Henry Moyer and Sarah Gerhard. Dec. 22, Solomon Fries and Catharine Housekeeper. Dec. 22, Henry Abelbach and Catharine Corner. Dec. 26, Daniel Huber and Sophia Eberhard. Dec. 26, Jesse Craemer and Sarah Werthington. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. June Aug. - Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan, Jan. 16, 23, 7, 4, Tohickon Reformed Records. 1834. Thomas Hartman and Maria Housekeeper. Daniel Reeder and Lena Rosenberger. Michael Gerhard and Catharine Nyce. Jacob Bender and Juliana Reed. Enosh Renner and Caroline Diehl. Tobias Shull and Rebekah Groff. Henry Wismer and Anna Ott. David Appenzeller and Mary Bean. Abraham Godshalk and Mary Reiff. John Ott and Elizabeth Fluck. John K. Tyson and Mary Gerhard. Peter Hoffman and Sophia Swink. David Herr and Christina Shellenberger. Samuel Salladay and Catharine Fretz. Christian Clemmer and Mary Keil. Charles Ruth and Mary Klein. ~ Jacob Fisher and Hetty Berge. John L. Shellenberger and Elizabeth Savacool. George Stiefel and Mary Wambold. Jacob Gooker and Catharine Landis. Jacob Fluck and Mary Althouse. Reuben Taylor and Sarah Graeber. Michael Wiess and Sarah Snyder. John Roth and Sarah Hertzel. Ephraim Heany and Eliza Shellenberger. Peter P. W. Lewis and Caroline Wasser. Enosh Frantz and Annie Batts. Philip Rees and Margaret Weiss. Enosh Stout and Catharine Kratz. Enosh Roudenbush and Catharine Follmer. Henry Sauder and Hannah Hunsberger. William Jones and Hannah Hetrich. Jacob Cope and Juliana Hertzel. Frederick Rudy and Elizabeth Daub. Jonas Nees and Lydia Fretz. Charles Swenk and Catharine Hertzel. Tobias Roeller and Hannah Bisse. 1835. Israel Yokum and Margaret Diehl. Thomas Leister and Lena Landis. 245 246 Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May May May May June Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May June Aug. Aug. Sept. rhe 28, The Pennsylvania-German Society. Abraham Craemer and Mary Klinker. Samuel Orr and Elizabeth Heage. John Frantz and Catharine Ziegenfus. Isaac Hunsberger and Catharine Stover. Jesse Willower and Sarah Heist. Jonas Angelmayer and Elizabeth Fluck. Amos Fluck and Mary Hoot. Samuel Lewis and Hannah Fluck. John Allebach and Mary Lewis. John Casper Wack and Catherina Funk. Elias Freed and Elizabeth Rool. Michael Walter and Rebekah Drumbor. Peter Dillinger and Citian [!] Ann Rooth. Jacob Sellers and Sarah Hoot. John Ruth and Magdalena Weissel..- Jesse Moore and Anna Kern. John Althouse and Mary Levi [Leidy]. Henry Kraut and Lydia Dieterly. Thomas Althouse and Anna Roudenbush. Abraham Stout and Lydia Cressman. Isaac Stout and Hannah Nace. David Craemer and Lydia Staut. Martin Detweiler and Sarah Rosenberger. Samuel Yeakel and Anna Mayers. George Delp and Catharine Gehman. Jacob Clymer and Deborah Clymer. 1836. Nathan Beitler and Mary Krout. George Delp and Maria Fluck. Christian Housekeeper and Hannah Yost. Henry Herzel and Sophia Drumbore. Amos Hendricks and Elizabeth Mientz. Peter Frankenfield and Susan Ott. Michael Derstine and Elizabeth Herr. Henry Maurer and Elizabeth Koffel. John Thomas and Maria Murphi. Benjamin Wireback and Catharine Bitting. John Kindig and Elizabeth Kratz. Jesse Hoot and Magdalena Wieand. Abraham Funk and Susanna Berge. Isaac Fellman and Catharine Follmer. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Apr. May May June Aug. Aug. Sept. Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Tohickon Reformed Records. John Lentman and Anna Funk. Abraham Kinsey and Sarah Hoch. John Weiand and Susan Snyder. George Everhard and Hannah Sholl. Jesse Fluck and Ellemiard [!] Wambold. Enosh Cassel and Mary Gerhard. Samuel Drumbore and Rebekah Ott. Aaron Berge and Lena Berge. Philip Fretz and Eliza Fretz. Joseph Ratzel and Catharine Laux. Jacob Bach and Anna Ruth. Samuel Landis and Catharine Detweiler. Samuel Stover and Annie Beitler. Jacob Charles and Elizabeth Hackman. Enosh Cressman nad Sarah Heany. 1837. Isaac Rosenberger and Eva Shellenberger. Elias Herr and Christina Cope. Abraham Ott and Christina Krouthammel, Henry Grob and Margaret Kindig. John Hunsberger and Sarah Krout. Henry N. Huebner and Margaret Weil. George Swenther and Elizabeth Mittman. John Smith and Mary Huebner. Moses Wagner and Lydia Delp. Enosh Sellers and Elizabeth Kern. Abraham Mayer and Mary Rice. David Deily and Elizabeth Housekeeper. Joseph Kratz and Anna Heage. Edward Roberts and Catharine Keil. Simon Frederick and Maria Nees. Thomas Heany and Barbara Ott. John Heange and Anna Drumbouer. Isaac Kratz and Sibylla Duke. Simon Sholl and Anna Cressman. Samuel Weil and Catharine Hartzel. Solomon Hoover and Catharine Kittelman. 1838. William Jenkins and Anna King. Jacob Deis and Hannah Eckert. John Klein and Anna Newkommer. 247 248 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Feb. 18, John Gehre and Catharine Mumbauer. Feb. 18, Anthony Iffrich and Catharine Hartman. Feb. 25, Henry Troxel and Elizabeth Blyler. Feb. 27, Henry Benner and Maria Moyer. Mar. 29, William Fretz and Anna Moyer. Mar. 8, Jacob Young and Mary Hoover. Mar. 8, Jonas Krout and Susanna Nicklaus. Apr. 22, George Shantz and Catharine Craemer. Apr. 22, Isaac Wineman and Barbara Rosenberger. June 3, George Drumbor and Catharine Stover. June 10, Michael Been and Catharine Althouse. July 8, George Resor and Levina Hillagas. Aug. 28, Abraham Mayer and Annie Shimmel. Sept. 23, Samuel Gehman and Elizabeth Hering. Sept. 29, Henry Hertzel and Esterline Roudenbush. Sept. 29, Samuel Ott and Hannah Allum. Sept. 29, John Hetman and Elizabeth Heany. Oct. 7, Isaac Shive and Anna Stover. Oct. 7, Daniel Rosenberger and Maria Benner. Oct. 21, Jacob Sauder and Phoebe Woodward. Oct. 21, John Fellman and Anna Deahl. Oct. 21, John Kinsey and Catharine Sallady. Oct. 21, Tobias Fluck and Anna Staut. Oct. 21, Jacob Stout and Catharine Wambold. Oct. 21, Tobias Gerhard and Maria Mann. Oct. 28, Daniel Follmer and Lydia Housekeeper. Noy. 11, John Renner and Catharine Craemer. Nov. 25, Abraham Kratz and Sarah Swertly. Nov. 25, Samuel Krout and Magdalena Kern. Nov. 25, Michael Godshalk and Hannah Weissel. Dec. 2, Daniel Strom and Elizabeth Hofler. Dec. 9, John Hering and Blizabeth Berge. Dec. 23, Jacob Leidy and Lydia Herzel. Dec. 23, Adam Nice and Lydia Renner. Dec. 23, John Swartz and Anna Mayer. Dec. 23, Daniel Berge and Mary Sauder. Dec. 23, Jacob Swartly and Anna Ruth. Dec. 30, Jacob Delp and Catharine Clemmer. 1839. Jan. 13, Jesse Housekeeper and Hannah Stever. Jan. 13, Christian Allebach and Barbara Rosenberger. - Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May July Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. 21, 22, 26, 26, ad Tohickon Reformed Records. 249 Henry Kunser and Maria Renner. John Apple and Anna Wireman. Henry Leny and Sarah Krout. John Groh and Veronica Godschalk. Benjamin Mayer and Hannah Appenzeller. Charles W. Eberhard and Elizabeth VanBuskirk. John Krout and Elizabeth Kinsey. David Roberts and Lydia Drumbore. Samuel Gehman and Barbara Wireman. John Mast and Catharine Krouthamel. Simon Gooker and Sarah Mumbauer. Michael Sold and Sarah Yelles. John High and Veronica Fretz. Samuel Diehl and Mary Hilligas. Henry Wissmer and Susanna Ott. Hillary Senn and Eliza Gerhard. Jesse Dubs and Maria Creaver. Samuel Althouse and Sarah Mitman. Jacob Cassel and Maria Snyder. Charles Haycock and Catharine Yerger. Franklin Nees and Sophia Worman. Samuel Roudenbush and Hannah Cressman. Elias Hertzel and Louisiana Strassburger. Lewis Jones and Lydia Frederick. Jacob Fretz and Susanna Beitler. Isaac Drumbore and Hannah Markel. William Jones and Catharine Hartzel. Henry Fluck and Mary Salladay. Jesse Roudenbush and Rachel Farmer. Leidy Gerhard and Lydia Cressman. Tobias Miller and Sarah Funk. Abraham Keil and Hannah Hoover. Tobias Heange and Mary Drach. Joel Thomas and Catharine Herr. 1840. Matthias Smith and Barbara Newkomer. Elias Althouse and Maria Dietz. Joseph Wimmer and Nancy Moyer. Daniel Rickert and Mary Swartly. Samuel Godshalk and Elizabeth Mayer. Levi Sheard and Elizabeth Stoll. 250 Apr. May Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. May June June June Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. 16, 10, The Pennsylvania-German Society. J. S. Worman and Mary Finbiner. William Johnson and Elizabeth Shellenberger. Henry Shellenberger and Levina Atherhold. Jacob Althouse and Maria Hertzel. George Woodward and Elizabeth Shutt. Neri Bernt and Hannah Lutz. John Fretz and Sarah Leatherman. John Shadinger and Catharine Slutter. Charles Cassel and Mary Newcomer. Samuel Laux and Lydia Weissel. John Frederick and Rachel Beer. Samuel Freed and Salome Hunsberger. Christian Fretz and Elizabeth Fretz. Elias Nees and Hannah Weidenmayer. James Heany and Catharine Seams. William Hamssing and Sophia Fillman. John Thomas and Margaret Meyer. John Sellers and Catharine Hager. Levi Craemer and Mary Dieterly. Samuel Heany and Lydia Graff. Jacob Oberholzer and Barbara Meyer. Joseph Clemmer and Hannah Landis. Abraham Fretz and Sarah Detweiler. 1841. Levi Leidy and Elizabeth Shellenberger. Jeremiah Nice and Catharine Hoot. Susanna Kraft and Catharine Berge. Elias Hetrick and Fayetta Leister. John Meyer and Sarah Frankenfield. Peter Yost and Eve Fluck. Samuel Sholl and Mary Ann Wambold. William Maugel and Magdalena Shellenberger. Aaron Beitler and Susan Kratz. Abraham Delp and Catharine Fullmer. Jacob Moyer and Mary Anna Winhold. Enosh Sanders and Juliana Hartzel. Peter Hartman and Susanna Craemer. David Levi and Sophia Hillegas. Joseph Lines and Leanna Klein. Michael Sholl and Catharine Leidy. Jonas Fretz and Mary Ann Stover. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Apr. May May May May May June June Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. 26, 26, Tohickon Reformed Records. David Kinsey and Catharine Hartman. Abraham Landis and Maria Ott. Alphaeus Carver and Mary Slotter. Benjamin Krupp and Elizabeth Clemmer. Jonas Gerhard and Caroline Walt. Daniel Althouse and Maria Springer. Henry Knaus and Catharine Clemmer. Charles Nunemaker and Mary Stout. Samuel Mayer and Hannah Oberholzer. David Newcomer and Christina Godshalk. John Mayer and Rachel Hendricks. Abraham Groff and Elizabeth King. Henry Gehman and Hannah Landis. John Swartley and Nancy Ruth. —- Franciscus Sholl and Mary Follmer. Solomon Snyder and Dorothea Swartz. 1842. David Rickert and Levina Swartz. Henry K. Moyer and Barbara Kratz. John Seibel and Catharine Angeny. Jacob Freed and Leah Been. Hillary Gerhard and Hannah Bernt. Jacob Slotter and Leah Hackman. Jeremiah Worman and Maria Nehs. David Gibson and Catharine Erdman. Aaron Hunsberger and Margaret Herzel. Henry Creamer and Sarah Lambert. Samuel Stout and Eliza Stoneback, Daniel Ott and Mary Creamer. Jacob Kern and Barbara Seibel. Samuel Hottel and Barbara Drinsley. Enosh Laux and Amy Rickert. Jonas Loh and Catharine Hartzel. Washington Doll and Anna Musselman. Abraham Benner and Mary Anna Wilson. John Godshalk and Mary Fuhrman. Joseph Zeigler and Sophia Nice. Jacob Berge and Elizabeth Konig. Elias Hunsberger and Sarah Benner. Henry Fretz and Barbara Rosenberger. Jacob Ruth and Susanna Boarch. 251 252 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Oct. 16, Tobias Grain and Sarah Fellman. Oct. 23, Philip Griebel and Hannah Allderfer. Oct. 30, Samuel Fullmer and Christina Groff. Nov. 6, Isaac Mayer and Anna Barbers. Nov. 6, Henry Berge and Elizabeth Clemmer. Nov. 6, John Allbright and Mary Bryan. Nov. 8, George Swertley and Catharine Funk. Noy. 13, Joseph Frederick and Magdalena Shelly. Nov. 20, David Herr and Elizabeth Sorwer. Dec. 8, Elias Frederick and Eliza Hartzel. Dec. 18, Samuel Sain and Sarah Straus. 1848. Jan. , Dillman S. Spare and Eliza Anna Widener. Jan. , Balthasar Moeller and Elizabeth Drach. 1 8 Jan. 8, John Adam Wideman and Maria Bartels. Feb. 5, George Reiff and Mary Swartley. Feb. 5, Jacob Ratzel and Elizabeth Scholl. Feb. 5, Noah Summers and Christina Brockter. Feb. 12, John Ferrel and Lydia Roth. Feb. 26, Eva Wiegner and Maria Gehman. Mar. 9, Reuben Schleiffer and Polly Ann Wood. Mar. 12, Samuel Heager and Elizabeth Salladay. Apr. 2, Charles Leidy and Catharine Wright. Apr. 16, Joseph Drumbore and Anna Koffel. May 21, Michael Frederick and Sarah Lewis. May 25, Samuel Ely and Mary Godshalk. May 28, John Mayer and Blizabeth Mayer. June 11, John Althouse and Anna Weaver. Aug. 13, Simon Gooker and Anna Snyder. Aug. 27, John Gehman and Barbara Lena Shelly. Aug. 31, John Oberholzer and Anna Treissel. Sept. 3, James Rothrock and Eliza Anna Beitelman. Oct. 8, Jacob Bartholomew and Catharine Shearer. Oct. 8, Jeremias Griebel and Susanna Muenchinger. Oct. 15, Noah Drumbore and Hannah Kinsey. Oct. 8, Thomas Shive and Mary Yost. Oct. 15, Levi Mickly and Louisiana Worman. Oct. 29, Jacob Swartz and Susanna Snyder. Oct. 27, Henry Gehman and Elizabeth Hockman. Nov. 5, William Young and Margaret Berge. Nov. 5, Henry Dorn and Maria Weil. Noy. Noy. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May June July Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Tohickon Reformed Records. 253 Eli Laux and Hannah Grob. Aaron Appenzeller and Mary Ann Herr. William Gerhard and Catharine Oberholzer. David High and Elizabeth Moyer. James Willgoos and Sarah Creamer. John Fluck and Catharine Heffner. William Hilligas and Lucy Ann Schantz. John Sein and Elizabeth Klein. Martin Cassel and Catharine Godshalk. Elias Derr and Eliza Shankweiler. John Haldeman and Catharine Leatherman, John Neis and Salome Gerhard. Benjamin Hendricks and Susanna Leatherman. 1844. John Drumheller and Elizabeth Leifer. Samuel Stout and Rebekah Nunamaker. Henry Geller and Mary Stoll. John Kolp and Eliza Heange. Levi Sheard and Catharine Stoll. Reuben Schantz and Emilia Hilligas. , Daniel Gotwaltz and Sarah Fretz. Henry Hertzel and Dinah Drumbore. Joseph Bieler and Hannah Kern. Jonas Kern and Elizabeth Gerhard. Jacob Beidler and Mary Ann Funk. Samuel Kindig and Catharine Rittenhouse. Andrew Frantz and Isabella Maugel. Franklin Umstead and Levina Been. Daniel Gross and Hannah Funk. Henry Jones and Peninnah Shive. Jacob Kohr and Elizabeth Covens. Aaron Hackman and Mary Ann Groman. Joseph Miinchinger and Sarah Johnson. Franklin Scholl and Sarah Snyder. Francis Scheetz and Catharine Fretz. Jesse Rudy and Hannah Gerhard. Michael Sold and Sarah Hartzel. Aaron Shive and Elizabeth Clemmer. Levi Shive and Sarah Anna Hetrich. James Harris and Margaret Hackman. Reuben Frederick and Catharine Fluck. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Wm. Bruner and Sarah Clemmer. Henry Fretz and Elizabeth Landis. Jesse Fluck and Anna Maria Allen. John Shellenberger and Eliza Swartz. Henry Frantz and Sarah Nunemaker. Samuel Darrach, Esq., and Amanda Byard. Abraham Clemmer and Anna Huebner. Tobias Hetrick and Elizabeth Sauder. Solomon Brunner and Barbara Shelly. John Kratz and Lena Swertley. Jesse Hunsberger and Elizabeth Lewis. Joseph Beitler and Maria Bibighouse. William Frederick and Susan Preston. Jacob Fassbender and Hannah Fluck. John Detweiler and Maria Leatherman. Peter Neis and Susan Lewis. Abraham Gerhard and Elizabeth Gerhard. Aaron Frederick and Sarah Fluck. John Haldeman and Hannah Allebach. Jacob Stauffer and Carolina Swartz. 1845. Joseph Kinsey and Magdalena Drumbor. George Swartz and Mary Moyer. Jesse Dreisbach and Sarah Schantz. Jacob Slotterer and Sarah Treichler. Anthony Lengert and Hannah Heffner. Joseph Wirebach and Hannah Trexler. Henry Sholl and Catharine Ann Gerhard. Eli Leatherman and Sarah Godwaltz. Isaiah Herzel and Barbara Benner. Francis Gooker and Catharine Stricker. John E. Green and Mary Ann Warge. Frederick Fluck and Elizabeth Leidy. Levi Fullmer and Mary Hartman. Jacob Bachman and Caroline Leidy. William Drumbore and Sophia Hartman. Andrew Christ and Catharine Clemens. Levi Leidy and Catharine Weissel. John Clemmer and Christina Mayer. James Althouse and Livia Deitz. Henry Drumbore and Susanna Hunsberger. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Noy. Dev. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan, Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May June June Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Tohickon Reformed Records. 255 Ephraim Althouse and Sarah Smith. Elias Fellman and Mary Bearinger. Enosh Klein and Fayette Gerhard. Benjamin Rosenberger and Sarah Frick. Francis Gerhard and Barbara Mayer. Tobias Swartz and Elizabeth Snyder. Jesse Gerhard and Mary Amanda Nes. Samuel Fluck and Susanna Bolinger. Aaron Summer and Maria Troxel. Joseph Trissel and Mary Busher. Isaac Landis and Rebekah Bechtel. Enosh Housekeeper and Caroline Gerhard. Henry Kratz and Mary Godshalk. 1846. Henry Shellenberger and Hannah Wirth. Joseph H. Laux and Lydia Ann Hackman. George Keiper and Anna Maugel. Lafayette M. Creamer and Mary Ann Nees. Aaron F. Shelly and Elizabeth Strassburger. John Orr and Sophia Geiger. Seno Frantz and Elizabeth Singmaster. Ezekiel Hartzel and Sarah Stoneback. Jacob Sutter and Magdalena Steiner. Elias Fretz and Esther Leatherman. Leonard Detweiler and Elizabeth Bibighaus. William Mitman and Lydia Althouse. Frederick Dortner and Hannah Lengert. Aaron Griebel and Catharine Wissler. John Haldaman and Ann Clemmer. Samuel Detweiler and Magdalena Shadinger. Benjamin Allderfer and Mary Mayer. Philip Swertly and Mary Godshalk. Joseph Funk and Rebekah Garges. Samuel Souders and Mary Thomas. William Allebach and Sarah Price. Reuben Hartzel and Margaret Heange. Jacob Leatherman and Jane Carver. Reuben Cressman and Sophia Roudenbush. Jacob Herr and Sophia Nace. William Mayer and Mary Schichter. Francis Frantz and Anna Shellenberger. 256 The Pennsylvania-German Soctety. Nov. 8, John High and Rebekah Fry. Nov. 15, Henry Hartzel and Elizabeth Derr. Nov. 21, John Clymer and Matilda Roudenbush. Nov. 21, Elias Shellenberger and Carolina Cressman. Nov. 22, Samuel Rees and Rebekah Ruth.>- Nov. 22, Charles Swenk and Mary Wambold. Nov. 26, Calvin Tyson and Anna Keiper. Nov. 29, Nathaniel Heany and Mary Wambold. Dec. 6, John Kratz and Eliza Hiestand. Dec. 6, Valentine Clemmer and Sarah Holdaman. Dec. 21, Casper Custer and Sarah Mayer. 1847. Jan. 3, Joseph Oberholzer and Angelina Davees. Jan. 21, Reuben Y. Strassburger and Elizabeth Schwenk. Jan. 24, Henry Bradford and Sarah Mann. Feb. 7, Abraham Sorwer and Maria Leidy. Mar. 22, Philip Ott and Susanna Winhold. Apr. 25, Samuel Griebel and Levina Wagner. Apr. 25, Peter Gerhard and Anna Althouse. May 25, Samuel Hartman and Louisa Myson. July 4, Joseph Hartman and Margaret Cope. July 25, Jacob Herzel and Sophia Nace. Aug. 1, John Davis and Esther Ermy. Aug. 15, Samuel Young and Sarah Gehman. Aug. 15, Jesse Klein and Anna High. Sept. 19, Henry Groff and Magdalena Sauder. Sept. 19, Ephraim Rickert and Mary Ann Fretz. Sept. 23, Jacob Wismer and Sophia Laux. Sept. 23, Abraham Leatherman and Rachel Geisinger. Sept. 23, Valentine Clymer and Mary Ann Swertly. Oct. 3, Benjamin Moyer and Ann Musselman. Oct. 10, Abraham Rosenberger and Elizabeth Kessel. Oct. 10, Michael Shellenberger and Matilda Ott. Oct. 24, Abraham Moyer and Catharine Ann Fretz. Oct. 24, Levi Bliem and Esther Groff. Oct. 24, James Brader and Martha Yewston. Oct. 31, Daniel Gerhard and Mary Ann Weil. Oct. 31, George Heins and Sarah Weiss. Oct. 31, Samuel Delp and Eliza Clemmer. Nov. 7, Paul Hartzel and Catharine Nace, Nov. 21, Jacob Allderfer and Susanna Swertly. Noy. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May May May May June June June July Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Tohickon Reformed Records. Jacob Laux and Hannah Rittenhouse. Reuben Moyer and Hannah High. Solomon Huttel and Ann Fly. Henry H. Snyder and Sarah Samby. George Seine and Susanna Slutter. 1848. Melchior Schlamb and Magdalena Klos. William Hertzel and Eliza Jones. Henry Clemmer and Mary Colp. Abraham Landis and Maria Ott. Henry Schnabel and Maria Rudy. George Heager and Louisiana Applebach. Jacob Landis and Mary Eckert. Abraham Schneck and Mary Minsinger. Jacob Seibel and Anna Bryan. Charles Leidy and Margaret Gerhard. Jesse Larkins and Sarah Dorn. John Weisel and Christina Ziegler. Joseph Horning and Susan Landis. Ralph Shelly and Maria Roades. Daniel Frederick and Hannah Hunsberger. Josiah Snyder and Sarah Rudy. Israel Ruth and Mary Hunsicker. . John Rosenberger and Catharine Stouffer. Abraham Kratz and Elizabeth Dedesman. John Schissler and Margaret Keller. Levi Heange and Mary Amanda Cope. William Acker and Sarah Leidy. Albert Weis and Rachel Klein. William Sholl and Leah Leidy. Jonathan Benner and Catharine Bernt. Jacob Cassel and Matilda Shellenberger. Levi Cassel and Sarah Ann Been. John Clemmer and Lena Musselman. George Heange and Elizabeth Landes. Jonas Leidy and Elizabeth Cressman. Christian Moyer and Sarah Landes. Levi Moyer and Barbara Fretz. Enosh Hartzel and Lydia Fuhrman. Abraham Hartzel and Catharine Gerhard. Enosh Housekeeper and Hannah Stricker. 257 258 Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. May May May May July Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 21, no > 23, 25, 25, 20, 24, 24, 22, 2 29, 29 30 30, 21, 28 28, 28 - - ~ - - The Pennsylvania-German Society. Jesse Shive and Susan Walp. Samuel Fluck and Levina Creamer. David Moyer and Margaret Hendricks. Lewis Myson and Catharine Fly. Levi Swartly and Catharine Holdaman. Joseph Groff and Hannah Dimig. Samuel Hackman and Isabella Hackman. Ephraim Hendricks and Mary Rosenberger. Jones F. Godshalk and Susan Delp. Joseph K. Landis and Anna Rosenberger. John Sorwer and Maria Cressman. Michael Fry and Mary Ann Smith. John Alderfer and Sarah Swartly. John Kratz and Margaret Oberholtzer. Isaac Detweiler and Elizabeth Swartly. Isaac Gehman and Catharine Landes. James Holebein and Mary Ann Aker. 1849. Samuel Hetrick and Maria Sechler. Abel Horning and Mary Moyer. Henry Weber and Caroline Mauk. John F. King and Mary Godshalk. Emanuel Salladay and Mary Fetter. Levi Godshalk and Sophia Frick. Francis Weisel and Sarah Ann Harpel. George Groff and Elizabeth Sauder. John Wireman and Catharine Fisher. Dilman Hunsicker and Amanda Wagner. Francis Hetrick and Lydia Lee. Henry D. Wissmer and Elizabeth Leatherman. Amos Moore and Fayetta Frederick. Ephraim Hackman and Anna Darrach. Abraham Wireman and Isabella Wagner. William Schlichter and Mary Maugel. Jesse D. Hartzel and Mary Strassburger. Matthias Althouse and Lydia Anna Leh. Israel Eckert and Leanna Ruth. Jacob Killmer and Elizabeth Fluck. William Derr and Caroline Housekeeper. Aaron Heange and Levina Leidy. Samuel Gerhard and Sibylla Henry. Tohickon Reformed Records. 259 Oct. 28, John Landis and Barbara Mayer. Oct. 28, Samuel Kiensy and Maria Kie[n]sey. Oct. 28, Aaron Gerhard and Catharine Smith. Oct. 28, Lewis Apple and Mathilda Ott. Nov. 1, Christian Leatherman and Sarah Heager. Noy. 4, Enosh Bishop and Mary Ann Been. Nov. 6, Dr. George Clymer and Margaret Detweiler. Nov. 18, Elias Hartzel and Barbara Eckert. Nov. 18, Thomas B. Woodward and Sarah Culp. Nov. 22, John Moyer and Barbara Moyer. Nov. 24, John Stout and Mary Ann B. Hill. Nov. 25, Jonas Moyer and Anna Minchinger. Nov. 25, Joseph Fox and Margaret Follmer. Nov. 25, Charles Young and Sarah Sauder. Noy. 25, Joseph High and Rachel Gehman. Nov. 25, Clemens Stover and Salome Stover. Dec. 23, Abraham Mayer and Susanna Bahm, Dec. 23, Jacob Shelly and Leanna Kern. 1850. Jan. 1, Isaiah Miller and Margaret Rees. Jan. 3, William Kichleine and Elizabeth Lukens. Jan. 6, Andrew Schleichter and Caroline Fretz. Mar. 9, Leidy Baker and Elizabeth Ziegler. Mar. 12, John Moyer and Mary Nunemaker. Mar. 14, Milton Kern and Eliza Ann Drumbauer. Mar. 24, Jacob Gehman and Catharine Clemmer. Mar. 24, William Hartzel and Leanna Sheetz. Mar. 24, Edwin Hartzel and Hannah Sloop. Mar. 31, Isaac Moyer and Ann Yerg. Apr. 21, Enosh Meyer and Mary Hunsberger. Apr. 28, Samuel King and Hannah Cressman. May 7, Jeremiah Fetter and Elizabeth Ruth... May 11, Mark Hartzel and Catharine Gerhard. May 19, Charles Sigfried and Christian Gerhard. May 21, Thomas Hedman and Elizabeth Mitman. May 23, Charles Hoot and Amandy Shellenberger. May 26, Henry Creamer and Agnes Bryon. June 10, Reuben Keisin and Amanda Lay. June 16, Roeden Snyder and Mary Oberholtzer. June 16, Peter Barthollomew and Catharine Bernt. June 21, Isaac G. Stauffer and Elizabeth Hunsicker. 260 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Aug. 4, Christian Benner and Susanna Drumbore. Aug. 4, John Stocker and Veronica Sarah Kurtz. Aug. 18, Jonas Geisinger and Lena Muselman. Aug. 18, Levi Clemmer and Mary Shipe. Aug. 25, Isaac Deerstine and Catharine Frederick. Sept. 15, Henry Stout and Ann Oberholtzer. Sept. 29, Francis Baker and Mary Anne Hartman. Oct. 3, John Hechler and Mary Colp. Oct. 6, Allen Drumbore and Mary Eckert. Oct. 13, Silas Deterly and Amanda Fluck. Oct. 13, John Kulp and Frances Clemmer. Oct. 13, Peter Bachman and Susanna Fluck. Nov. 2, Philip Becker and Elizabeth Creamer. Nov. 3, Tobias Scholl and Susanna Leidy. Nov. 3, Aaron Fullmer and Eliza Sheetz. Nov. 3, Levi Fluck and Matilda Sloop. Noy. 14, Daniel Hering and Anna Swartley. Nov. 16, Francis Hartzel and Catharine Ann Shellenberger. Nov. 16, Josiah Frantz and Lena Ott. Nov. 24, Henry Hertzel and Mary Amanda Fillman. Noy. 30, Thomas Gooker and Levina High. Dec. 1, Emanuel Heager and Hannah Salladay. Dec. 1, Tobias Clemmer and Anna Weil. Dec. 22, Cornelius Weisel and Hlizabeth Detweiler. Dec. 31, Hiram Yeakel and Elizabeth Allbright. 1851. Jan. 5, Roland Hartzel and Catharine Hetrich. Jan. 15, John L. Deemer and Hllen Martin. Jan. 19, Jacob Hendricks and Anna Moyer. Jan. 25, George Keiper and Elizabeth Freed. Feb. 9, Abner Gerhard and Mary Cressman. Feb. 9, Charles Huldeman and Mary Kratz. Feb. 9, Jacob Shellenberger and Catharine Rudy. Feb. 16, Jacob Groff and Hannah Moore. Feb. 18, Charles Wm. Kern and Mary Ann Althouse. Mar. 11, John M. Kemmerly and Maria Meiser. May 10, J. Henry Roudenbush and Maria Mann. May 18, Amos Pannebecker and Eliza Hendricks. July 5, Allen Henge and Elizabeth Heffner. Aug. 3, Edward Sheetz and Susanna Mill. Aug. 28, Nathan Beitler and Elizabeth Swartly. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec, Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Tohickon Reformed Records. John Moyer and Catharine Gerhard. William Moll and Angelina Dimmig. Benjamin Rosenberger and Sophia Derr. Jonas Bieler and Matilda Delp. Isaac Seachrist and Leah Frantz. Levi Fassbender and Elizabeth Atherhold. Jacob Sorwer and Katy Anne Hering. William Gerhard and Magdalena Cressman. Jesse Reder and Mary Welker. Jacob Fellman and Lydiann Shellenberger. Martin Shive and Catharine Sorwer. Francis Sellers and Elemina Frantz. John Fluck and Amanda Deterly. Peter Saladay and Ann Stover. Philip Hartman and Mary Freed. Levi Gerhard and Ann Keller. Enoch Deerstine and Mary Roudenbush. Lefenus [!] Gerhard and Sarah Ann Weikel. Isaac Landes and Mary Freed. Nathan Prise and Elizabeth Angelmayer. Samuel Weisel and Catharine Ann Cover [Kober]. Aaron Brunner and Sarah Ann Reiff. Samuel Weil and Deborah Scholl. Joseph D. Rosenberger and Mary Ann Shutt. Joseph Nash and Elizabeth Benner. Samuel Ratzel and Mary Weissel. Alexander Hoot and Leah Hillagas. Jacob Fluck and Catharine Fretz. Joseph Wissemer and Sophia Shupe. Charles Grau and Sophia Roth. Francis Eckhard and Sarah Delp. Henry Heebner and Catharine Shutt. Abraham Althouse and Sarah Kindig. Benjamin Bruner and Sarah Wisler. Daniel Rickert and Hannah Moyer. Seno [!] Gerhard and Sarah Horning. 1852. Enosh Moyer and Magdalene Swartley. David Savacool and Louisiana Frank. Abraham Kratz and Rachel Moyer. Jeremiah Thomas and Sarah Hetrich. 261 262 Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. _ Apr. May May May June June June Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. 1g 26, 27, 25, The Pennsylvania-German Society. John Derstine and Sarah Landes. Henry Worman and Hannah Ruth, Peter Keller and Angelina Eckert. Enosh Gooker and Helena Keiper. Jacob Gerhard and Eliza Sheetz. John Drumbore and Elizabeth Hartman. John Heist and Eliza Creaver. Isaac M. Wismer and Elizabeth Leatherman. David Herr and Susanna Frantz. Eli Moyer and Sarah Ann Smith. George Hackman and Mary Mitman. George Heager and Catharine Trissel. Joseph F. Moyers and Mary Hunsicker. Jesse Follmer and Mary Dedery. John Slotter and Magdalena Gerhard. George Springman and Wilhelmina Rummel. William Sheetz and Susanna Mary Ziegler. Levi Snobel and Levina Hertzel. Peter Keller and Mary Leidy. Jacob Angeny and Lydiann Fluck. William Heange and Annie Geisinger. Aaron Lewis and Eliza Musselman. Abraham Delp and Ann Kassel. Elijah Dennis and Caroline Shelly. Henry Swartz and Sarah Clemmer. John Ginder and Dina Delp. Isaac Benner and Sarah Weil. Samuel Fluck and Henrietta Roudenbush. John C. Moyer and Catharine Kolp. Elias Nice and Hannah Krupp. Benjamin Young and Rebekah Nees, Benjamin Cran and Maria Markel. Samuel Shellenberger and Hannah Gerhard, Franklin Hendricks and Anna Freed. Thomas Groff and Maria Strunk. Valentine Kratz and Sarah Kratz. Joseph Moyer and Barbara Bernt. Valentine Albert and Barbara Epes. John B. Walfort and Angelina Wohnsittler. John Barner and Elizabeth Wimmer. Jacob Saseman and Elizabeth Nicklaus. Isaac Delp and Mary Rhoack. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan, Mar. Mar. Apr. May May May June July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 25, 26, Tohickon Reformed Records. 263 Jacob W. Swartz and Susanna Hiestand. John Detweiler and Catharine Delp. Henry Kratz and Sarah Delp. 1853. Levi Nees and July Ann Bryon. John Moyer and Sarah Landis. Henry Angelmeyer and Elizabeth George. Augustus Shieler and Frederika Peter. Amos Harpel and Mary Fullmer. Henry Rickert and Elizabeth Hunsberger. Joseph Kratz and Elizabeth Haege. Enosh Kulp and Susanna Fretz. John Cassel and Elizabeth Hunsicker, Francis Schwartz and Mary Ruth. Jacob N. Groff and Elizabeth Berge. Henry Kries and Mary Spees. Charles Scherer and Angelina Koch. John Gerhard and Mary Laux. [Rev.] Alfred A. S. Dubs and Elizabeth Jacoby. Samuel Keller and Bliza Sholl. Jacob Hetrich and Matilda Musselman. Simpson R. Lewis and Elizabeth Sherer. Levi Jacoby and Catharine Rool. Samuel Sauders and Catharine Krouthammel. George Smith and Eliza Sellers. Philip Walz and Eliza Linder. John Boars and Mary Ann Grob. Andrew Laux and Lydia Scheaffer. Daniel Nice and Eliza More. Ferdinand Kleson and Elizabeth Alderfer. Seno Gerhard and Sarah Ann Gerhard. William Fluck and Elizabeth Fluck. Benjamin Rosenberger and Rachel Benner. Samuel Gerhard and Llydia Ann Moyer. Elias Roth and Annie Frabel. Silas Billger and Elizabeth Schlichter. Samuel Weil and Mary Shellenberger. John Allderfer and Elizabeth Krout. Lewis Ott and Maria Bentz. John F. Long and Magdalena Rieser. Jacob Keller and Eliza Bryon. 264 Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Apr. Apr. Apr. May Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan, The Pennsylvania-German Society. Thomas Leidy and Catharine Hartzel. Jacob Stout and Hannah Housekeeper. Philip Bell and Mary Krier. Jacob Been and Mary Shutt. Eli Hechler and Anna Drake. Henry Godshalk and Anna Gehman. Simon Jacoby and Abigail Yost. Charles Hunsicker and Amanda Heaney. 1854. Seneca Gerhart and Elizabeth Eckart. Tobias Fox and Catharine Fluck. William Hartman and Susanna George. William Sheit and Dorothea Roth. Charles Schlichter and Maria Hartzel. Samuel Hunsberger and Catharine Fretz. Edward Wittemer and Lydia Amanda Klein. Abraham Heange and Susanna Geisinger. Dr. H. S. Jacoby and Caroline Hinkel. Peter Hoot and Eliza Grain. Jacob Keehm and Catharine Roth. Samuel Detweiler and Anna Bibighouse. Jacob Delp and Susanna Sloop. Aaron Weisel and Maria C. Cover [Kober]. George Specht and Catharine Horlacker. William Housewerth and Mary Kindig. Charles Baum and Elizabeth Aaron. Lewis Phillips and Veronica Roth. Abraham Bibighouse and Elizabeth Fretz. Reuben Stover and Eliza Fretz. Abraham Ziegler and Sarah Hunsberger. William Fretz and Catharine Hoffert. Henry Hackman and Catharine Benner. John L. Frick and Susan Swartly. Ephraim Landis and Catharine Rosenberger. Henry Fretz and Mary Fretz. Henry Hartzel and Matilda Roudenbush. Levi Dreisbach and Catharine Kreamer. 1855. William Fretz and Mary Bernts. Francis Klee and Gertrude Kleinkoof. Tohickon Reformed Records. 265 Jan, 27, Thomas Fluck and Caroline Creaver. Feb. 17, Tobias Swertly and Margaret Delp. Mar. 20, John Jarret [!] Huber and Christine Hensenring. Mar. 24, John Frederick and July Ann Kratz. Apr. 1, William Hafener and Catharine Ernst. June 9, Martin Beck and Magdalena Peiffer. Sept. 3, Joseph Bieler and Christine Long. {1lI. BURIAL RECORDS.] {1. BURIALS BY REV. JOHN EGIDIUS HECKER“, 1756-1762.] Child of Anthony Cressman, died June 15, 1756, buried June 16. Child of Conrad Guth, died Aug .18, 1756, buried Aug. 19. Child of John Boss, died Dec. 21, 1756, buried Dec. 22. Child of John Hoenig, died Jan. 4, 1757, buried Jan. 6. Son of John Wurman, died Jan. 29, 1757, buried Jan. 31. Child of Matthias Wildanger, died Mar. 2, 1757, buried Mar. 4. Child of Frederick Schwenck, died Mar. 14, 1757, buried Mar. 15. Daughter of Peter Starn, died Aug. 11, 1757, buried Aug. 13. Andrew Brencker’s wife, died Dec. 7, 1757, buried Dec. 8. Child of Adam Thany, died Jan. 25, 1758, buried Jan. 26. Child of Frederick Weisel, died Jan. 26, 1758, buried Jan. 27. George Crether’s wife, died Feb. 4, 1758, buried Feb. 6. Child of Philip Jacob Oberbeck, died Feb. 12, 1758, buried Feb. 14. John Michael Biihlheimer died Feb. 13, 1758, buried Feb. 15. Child of Zacharias Heller, died May 14, 1758, buried May 15. Christopher Angne, an old man, died July 15, 1758, buried July 16. Child of Martin Herbster, died July 28, 1758, buried July 29. Child of Michael Weisel, died July 30, 1758, buried July 31. Child of Melchior Hirtzel, died July 31, 1758, buried Aug. 1. Child of Christian Kern, died Aug. 1, 1758, buried Aug. 2. Child of Conrad Kother, died Aug. 2, 1758, buried Aug. 3. Arnd Althaus died Aug. 6, 1758, buried Aug. 7. Henry Steiner’s son, died Aug. 8, buried Aug. 9, 1758. Arnd Althaus’s child, died Aug. 9, 1758, buried Aug. 10. Henry Steiner’s son, died Aug. 13, 1758, buried Aug. 14. George Salade’s child, died Aug. 11, 1758, buried Aug. 12. Nicholas Weickel’s child, died Aug. 15, 1758, buried Aug. 16. 44 Entered on pp. 44-50 of original record. 266 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Michael Jost’s child, died Aug. 16, 1758, buried Aug. 18. Jacob Weisel’s child, died Aug. 18, 1758, buried Aug. 20. Henry Nonnemacher’s child, died Aug. 20, 1758, buried Aug. 21. Peter Ross’s child, died Sept. 16, 1758, buried Sep. 17. Frederick Frutschy’s child, died Sep. 23, 1758, buried Sep. 24. Michael Ott’s child, died Sept. 30, 1758, buried Oct. an John Hausknecht, died Oct. 22, 1758, buried Oct. 23. Ludwig Lang’s child, died Oct. 4, 1758, buried Oct. 5. Michael Butz’s wife, died Nov. 23, 1758, buried Nov. 25. Peter Lahr, died Nov. 23, 1758, buried Nov. 27. Balthasar Lahr’s wife, died Dec. 4, 1758, buried Dec. 5. Nicholas Rippel’s child, died Dec. 23, 1758, buried Dec. 25. John Metzler’s child, died Dec. 26, 1758, buried Dec. 28. Peter Lerch, died Jan. 2, 1759, buried Jan. 4. Samuel Brodt’s child, died Feb. 4, 1759, buried Feb. 5. Christopher Maugel’s child, died Feb. 25, 1759, buried Feb. 26. John Meckerle’s wife, died Mar. 18, 1759, buried Mar. 19. Balthasar Lahr, died April 11, 1759, buried April 12. Adam Thany’s child, died Apr. 19, 1759, buried April 20, Tobias Baal, died May 10, 1759, buried May 12. Frederick Schwenck’s child, died June 1, 1759, buried June 2. John Philip Gauff, died June 2, 1759, buried June 4. Henry Seibel’s child, died June 6, 1759, buried June 7. Adam Gumbert’s two children, died Dec. 4, 1759, buried Dec. 6. Christian Schweigelmeyer, died Dec. 7, 1759, buried Dec. 9. 1760. William Jeysser, physician in Tinicum, died Dec. 30, 1759, buried Jan. 2, 1760. Anna Maria Schaeffer, died Feb. 6, 1760, buried Feb. 8. Jacob Horst, a servant of Christian Bachman, died Feb. 17, 1760, buried Feb. 18. Jacob Simketh, died Feb. 20, 1760, buried Feb. 21. Anna Maria Berns, died Feb. 25, 1760, buried Feb. 27. Simon Heller’s child, died March 17, 1760, buried Mar. 19. Peter Resch’s wife, died Mar. 26, 1760, buried Mar. 27. Sarah Doll, died April 3, 1760, buried April 4 Jacob Fassbender’s child, died Mar. 28, 1760, buried Mar. 29. Henry Schaeffer’s child, died April 5, 1760, buried Apr. 6. Christopher Wagner’s child, died April 25, 1760, buried April 26. Christopher Mueller’s child, died May 15, 1760, buried May 17. Peter Stern’s child died. Tohickon Reformed Records. 267 George Miisse, the old glassblower died, buried June 21, 1760. Henry Schaeffer’s child died. Jacob Roth’s child died. Jacob Shoup’s child died. Jacob Seem’s wife died. Wendel Eberhard’s wife died. Melchior Hertzel’s wife buried Nov. 24. Conrad Sheumer died. John Fried’s child died. Matthias Diirr’s child died. John William Kahl, an old man, died. 1761. Frederick Frutschy’s wife, died Jan. 6, 1761, buried Jan. 7. Peter Schmitt’s child, died Jan. 20, 1761, buried Jan. 21. Henry Schoener’s wife, died Feb. 12, buried Feb. 13, 1761. William Mory’s child, died Mar. 20, buried March 21. George Mesemer, died Mar. 20, buried Mar. 22, 1761. Christopher Gaul, died Mar. 22, buried Mar. 23. Frederick Frutschy’s child, died Mar. 29, 1761, buried Mar. 30. Jost Mollmer’s mother-in-law, died May 7, 1761, buried May 9. Andrew Filtzinger’s wife, died June 17, 1761, buried June 18. Henry Emig’s child, died Aug. 12, 1761, buried Aug. 13. Abraham Oedinger’s child, died Sept. 12, 1761, buried Sept. 13. Michael Wolff, died Sept. 27, buried Sep. 29, 1761. George Hertzel both drowned at Easton, Jan. 21, [1762], George Huckman } buried Jan. 24. Adam Kumbert’s child, died Jan. 24, buried Jan. 26, [1762]. [2. BURIALS BY REV. CASPAR WACK, 1772-1781.] List of those who died in the congregation of Tohickon. LN OL June 1, died Maria Salome, da. of Peter Hahn and wife, Magdalena, age 8 yrs. 4 months, 10 days. June 11, died Jacob Fréhlich, son of Michael Frohlich, born 1721, age 51 years. ——, Jacob Ruhl’s child. ——, Frederick Kern. ——, Henry Ott’s son. 268 The Pennsylvania-German Society. 1773. Jan. 3, died Andrew, son of Andrew Kuchlein, age 9 years, 8 months, 2 weeks. 1774. Feb. 10, died John, son of John Bibighaus and wife, Maria Magda- lena, age 2 years, 6 months, 7 days. 1776. May 17, died Maria Angela Wienholt, age 69 years, 7 months. 1781. Jan. 2, died John Bender. [3. BURIALS BY REV. JOHN THEOBALD FABER, 1782-1874.] 1782. Oct. 3, was buried a da. of Mr. Kiichlein, age 12 years, 8 months, 4 days. Oct. 12, was buried Frederick Salate, age 37 years, 1 month, 3 days. 1783. Jan. 16, was buried wife of Mr. Althaus, age 32 years, 9 months, 14 days. May 13, was buried a child, ——, age 4 years, 8 months, 4 days. 1784. Jan. 30, Was buried the old Mr. Gilian, age 76 years. (Volume II, of Church Record.) [3] Those persons who were buried by me, JOHN THEOBALD FABER. 1784. Aug. 22. Child of Jacob Nes, 3 yrs., 3 mos., 3 weeks. Aug. 24. Child of Jacob Ort, 13 yrs. less 2 mos. Aug. 31. The three children of Jacob Ort buried at the same time. Oct. 24. Wife of Mr. Melinger, 39 yrs., 7 mos., 3 weeks. Noy. 29. Child of Mich. Kolb, 10 mos., 2 days. 1785. Jan. 31. Child of John Ott, 4 mos., 1 day. Mar. 23. Child of Mr. Schaufer, 1 mo., 14 days. Tohickon Reformed Records. 2609 Apr. 4, Daughter of the old Schaufer, 22 yrs. Apr. 18. Child of Mr. Laux, Jr., 2 mos. May 19. Mr. Miltaner, 71 yrs. May 22. Child of Widow Moyers, 4 yrs., 3 mos., 6 days. May 30. The old Mrs. Huper, 72 yrs., 8 mos. July 23. The burnt wife and child of the young Mr. Kramer*®. The wife was 22 yrs., 2 mos., 3 weeks. The child was 1 yr., 3 mos., some days. Nov. 11. Child of the young Staut, 1 mo. Dee. 2. Child of John Beringer, 6 mos., 2 weeks, 3 days. 1786. Feb. 3. Old Mrs. Sponemer, 77 yrs., 5 weeks. [BURIALS BY REV. JOHN MICHAEL KERN, 1787.] [4] By the Reformed pastor, JOHN MICHAEL KERN, the fol- lowing were buried during his ministry: 1787. Dec. 11. John Hoenig, 62 years. Dec. 20. Widow Leh, 68 years. Dec. 26. Maria Berson, 18 years. [BURIALS BY REV. JOHN WILLIAM INGOLD, 1788-1790.] [5] JOHN WILLIAM INGOLD, pastor, buried the following: 1788. Nov. 26. Frederick Geres’ son, 2 yrs., 4 mos., 2 days. 1789. Jan. 11. George Pfeiffer’s da., 5 yrs., 4 mos., less one day. June 7. Philip Schmidt, son of Philip Schmidt, 28 yrs., 1 mo., 7 days. Aug. 22. Daughter of Jacob Weiss, 11 mos., 2 weeks, 3 days. Oct. 7. Son of Leonard Weidner, 1 yr., 5 weeks, 2 days. 45 This was Mrs. Lawrence Kramer, nee Catharine Laux, daughter of Peter Laux. With her infant son Peter she was brutally murdered by a man named John McDonald, while defending her honor, who had been em- ployed by her husband as a care-taker. Her home was set on fire for the purpose of concealing the crime. McDonald was captured and hanged on the gallows at Newtown, then the county-seat of Bucks county. 270 Jan, Feb. Mar. Apr. Apr. 15. 19. The Pennsylvania-German Society. 1790. Frederick Jacob Laux, 68 yrs., 2 mos., 2 weeks, 5 days. Philip Fluck, 27 yrs., 1 mo., 6 days. Magdalena Jost, 33 yrs., 3 mos., less several days. Anna Maria, da. of Henry Dreisbach, 19 yrs., 11 mos., 1 day. Daughter of Henry Leh, 2 yrs., 11 mos., 2 weeks, 4 days. [BURIALS BY REV. NICHOLAS POMP, 1790-1797.] [6] The following persons were buried by the Reformed pastor, NICHOLAS POMP, who began his ministry at Tohickon on August 1, 1790. 1790. Date of Burial. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. May June Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Jan. Mar. Mar. July Catharine Elizabeth, wife of Ernest Klinger, 62 yrs., 11 mos., 7 days. Hannah, da. of Philip Neiss, 2 yrs., 3 mos., 7 days. Jacob Schwartz, a Catholic, 60 yrs., about. Martin Scheib, 73 yrs., 5 days. 1791. Catharine Elizabeth, widow of Mr. Malter, 65 yrs. Philip Stein, a Lutheran, 74 yrs., 7 mos., 10 days. Barbara Rohr, widow, 68 yrs. Anna Catharine, wife of Peter Heft, of Springfield Church, 23 yrs., 15 days. Jacob Roth, 73 yrs., 1 mo., 13 days. John Philip Kern, 30 yrs., 2 mos., 9 days. Margaret Nagel, widow, 82 yrs., 5 mos. Youngest child of Peter Ruhl, 2 yrs. John, son of Peter Ruhl, 4 yrs., 8 mos. Magdalena, wife of John Hinckel, 27 yrs., 8 mos., 1 day. Elizabeth, da. of George Resener, 7 mos., 14 days. Charlotte Roth, widow of late John Roth, 71 yrs. John Peter, son of George Resener, 2 yrs., 5 mos., 21 days. 1792. Maria Margaret, wife of Frederick Paul, 75 yrs., 10 mos., 1 day. Catharine Ott, widow of Michael Ott, 72 yrs., 10 mos. Elizabeth, da. of Christian Ruhl, 1 yr., 3 mos. Catharine, da. of Henry Huber, 1 yr., 23 days. Aug. Sept. Feb. Feb. Mar. Aug. Sept. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. June Dec. Dec. Mar. June July Aug. Jan. Apr. July [7.] Oct. 15. 29. Tohickon Reformed Records. 271 David, son of Michael Weissel, 2 yrs., 7 mos., 12 days. Son of Isaac Gerhard, 2 yrs. 1793. John Lauder, 65 yrs., 4 mos., 17 days. Philip Nusspickel, 29 yrs., 4 mos., 2 yrs. Hannah Trombor, wife of Henry Trombor, died in child- birth, 32 yrs., 6 mos., 9 days. Peter Hederich, 70 yrs., about. Elizabeth, da. of John Fretz, 3 yrs., 2 mos., 1 day. Hannah, da. of Peter Laderich, 5 yrs., 6 mos. Jacob Fluck, 48 yrs., 4 mos. Henry, son of Christian Fluck, 2 yrs., 5 mos. 1794. Catharine, da. of Jacob Kramer, 1 yr., 11 mos. Elizabeth, da. of George Weissel, 1 yr., 11 mos. Michael, son of Michael Kolb, 2 yrs., 4 mos. Peter Benner, 80 yrs., 2 mos. John George, son of Peter Mill, 1 yr., 5 mos. 1795. Conrad Jacobi, died of dropsy, 64 yrs., 9 mos., 17 days. Phoebe Jungling, 73 yrs., 4 mos., 18 days. Conrad Mitman, 73 yrs., 2 mos. Daniel Althaus, through an accident. 1796. Elizabeth Sallate, wife of Fred. Sallate, 66 yrs. Michael Weissel, 76 yrs. Joseph, son of Daniel Vollmer, 9 mos. Elizabeth Sackreiter, 84 yrs., 5 mos. 1797. Anna Maria Mauer, widow of the late Andrew Maurer of Goshenhoppen, 90 yrs. Jacob Weissel, 72 yrs. Thomas, son of Henry Benner, 10 yrs., 1 mo. [BURIALS BY REV. JACOB SENN, 1799-1817.] Those persons who were buried by me, JACOB SENN, Re- formed pastor: 1799. 12. Widow Emich, Springfield. 272 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Nov. 8. Widow Sterner. Dec. 9. Mr. Bibighouse’s wife, Tohickon. Dec. 10. Mr. Ruth’s child, Springfield. Dec. 11. Conrad Hess’ father, Springfield. Dec. 28. Old Widow Fluck, Springfield. 1800. Jan. 5. John Frantz’s child, Indianfield. Jan. 26. Henry Resh, Tohickon. Jan. 29. John Fluck, Springfield. Feb. 9. Widow Herr, Indianfield. Mar. 7. Widow Shellenberg, Indianfield. Mar. 8. Henry Sylvius, Tohickon. Mar. 23. Old Sellner, Tohickon. Mar. 25. Peter Heft’s wife, Springfield. Apr. 2. John Gruber’s child, Springfield. Apr. 12. Old Mr. Kiefer, Tohickon. Apr. 15. Widow Fluck’s daughter, Springfield. June 4. Henry Nes’s wife, Swamp. July 6. Michael Werner, Springfield. July 17. Hartman Keil. Aug. 3. Jacob Henig’s child, Tohickon. Aug. 11. Gobel’s son, Ridgewell. Aug. 22. Wm. Heft’s child, Springfield. Sep. 17. Henry Shellenberg’s child, Indianfield. Oct. 6. Martin Heffert’s child. Oct. 7. Peter Wollback’s wife. Oct. 14. Martin Heffert’s child. Oct. 16. Jacob Comfort’s child. Oct. 18. Jacob Comfort’s child. Oct. 26. Abr. Gerhart’s child. Dec. 14. Christian Getman’s child. 1801. Jan. 5. Widow Trumpore, Indianfield. Jan, 25. Old Mr. Geres, Springfield. Jan. 26. Peter Henry’s child. Feb. 5. Abel Bitting’s child. Feb. 27. Christian Kern. Mar. 4. Jacob Stout’s child. Mar. 13. Joseph Long, Schoolmaster. Mar. 14. Jacob Ptolemay’s son. Tohickon Reformed Records. John Ruth. Isaac Weaver’s wife, Tinicum. John Ruth’s widow, Springfield. John Sheib’s child. Ludwig Berndt’s wife. James Crossley’s child. Henry Benner’s child. Solomon Mill’s 2 children, Solomon Mill’s one child. George Folmer’s wife. Joseph Applebach’s child. Abraham Kiiffer’s child. Widow Erhart. Henry Erhart’s child. Philip Hartman’s child. Joseph Fry’s servant boy. Henry Sein’s child. John Fretz’s child. Christopher Kesler’s wife. Henry Dotterer’s servant girl. Jacob Weiserbach’s child. Christian Nicholas’ child. Jost Folmer’s child. . Widow Wasser. 1802. Fred’k Conrad’s son, Skippack. John Ott’s child. Ludwig Algart’s child. Widow Matheis. Jost Folmer’s wife. George Weissel. Henry Kilmer’s child. Widow Riegel. Peter Rule’s son. Jacob Herzel. Old Mr. Fassbender. Charles Leyde. Jost Folmer, Sr. 1803. Henry Peil’s son. Simon Gucker, 273 274 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Feb. 10. Joseph Stump’s wife. Apr. 19. Phillis, a negro woman. Apr. 21. Jacob Rule’s child. Apr. 28. Old Widow Blank. May 19. Jacob Solidas’ child. May 27. Widow Ekel. May 30. Mr. Housekeeper. June 23. Old Mr. Heft. Aug. 3. Jacob Nunemaker. Aug. 7. George Trumpore’s daughter. Aug. 8. Nicholas Frantz’s child. Aug. 17. Peter Diel’s child. Sept. 3. Abr. Gerhart’s child. Oct. 7. Jacob Henig’s wife. Oct. 17. Old Mrs. Mast. Oct. 26. Jacob Mann’s child. Dec. 4. Daniel Yost’s child. Dec. 20. John Mayer. Dec. 20. Daniel Stout’s child. Dec. 21. David Rinker’s child. Dec. 25. Widow Gann. 1804. Jan. 15. Daniel Markel’s child. Jan. 28. Jacob Ort. Mar. 15. Old Mr. Paul. Mar. 17. George Folmer’s daughter. May 20. John Ziegefus’ child. June 24. Old Mr. Solida. July 10. John Frederick’s wife. July 26. George Eckert’s child. July 28. Henry Masomer’s child. Aug. 6. Old Mrs. Reed. Aug. 7. Old Mrs. Althouse. Aug. 26. Henry Fakenthal*®. Oct. 3. Jacob Frantz’s child. Oct. 4. Philip Heft’s son. Nov. 9. Peter Sommers. Dec. 15. John Herstein’s child. 46 Son Philip Fackenthal, born May 13, 1760. A soldier of the Revo- lution. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May June June June June July July July Aug. Aug. Sept. Sep. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May Tohickon Reformed Records. 1805. Jacob Appleseller. Wendel Weiss’ wife. Jeremias Raudebush. Andrew Walters’ child. Henry Ott, Sr. Henry Ott’s child. Jacob Weierbach’s wife. Henry Stout’s child. Martin Althouse’s child. John Adam Frankenfield’s child. Peter Ziegefus’ child. Peter Gobel, Sr. Elijah Watt’s child. John Althouse’s child. John Mayer’s child. Tobias Frantz’s child. Leonard Seller. George Hess’s child. Samuel Seller’s child. Henry Burgy’s child . Jacob Wasser’s child. Jacob Wasser’s 2 children. Abr. Henig’s child. Magdalena Shellenberg. John Brunner’s daughter. Peter Bauman, Goshenhoppen. Peter Thiel’s child. Peter Thiel’s child. Old Widow Gerhart. 1806. David Herr’s child. John Fluck, Jr.; John Fluck, Sr. Jacob Troxel. Jacob Cope’s child. Benjamin Solida’s child. Jacob Rule. Old Widow Rees. Daniel Housekeeper’s child. Jacob Samsel’s child, Abr. Stever’s child. Jacob Lutz. 275 276 The Pennsylvania-German Society. May 6. Daniel Weidner’s child. May 6. Peter Huber’s daughter. May 21. Old Widow Fluck. May 25. Jacob Selzer’s child. May 30. Martin Althouse’s child. June 5. John Sylvius’ child. Aug. 21. Philip Zangmaster’s daughter. Aug. 22. Paul Herzel. Sept. 17. Isaac Gerhart’s child. Sept. 26. Joseph Stump’s child. Dec. 7. Isaac Gerhart’s child. Dec. 18. Peter Gerhart’s widow. Dec. 31. George Hilligas, Goshenhoppen. 1807. Jan. 12. Peter Stout’s wife. Feb. 3. Widow Gross. Feb. 6. Henry Benner’s child. Feb. 7. Old Peter Stout. Mar. 13. Philip Fluck, Springfield. Mar. 24. Peter Stout, Jr. May 5. Peter Stout’s child. May 28. George Sheib’s child. June —. John Shiisler’s child. July 5. Benjamin Solida’s child. Aug. 7. Henry Sein’s child. Aug. 10. John Fluck’s child. Aug. 30. Conrad Jost’s child. Sept. 10. Philip Stang’s wife, Skippack. Sept. 11. Adam Jost’s child. Sept. 12. Old Mr. Niceler. Oct. 11. Conrad Mitman’s son. Nov. 4. Peter Benner’s Widow. Nov. 11. Frederick Geres’ wife. Nov. 30. Andrew Schlichter’s wife. 1808. Jan. 3. Widow Resh’s child. Jan. 5. Philip Bauman. Jan. 7. Widow Wenhold. Jan. 8. Old Mr. Dreisbach. Jan. 29. Widow Creasmer, Goshenhoppen, 94 yrs. Jan. Jan, 17. 21. Tohickon Reformed Records. Peter Heists’s wife, Goshenhoppen. Philip Lessig’s child. Abraham Kiichlein’s wife. Samuel Emich’s child. Jacob Herzel’s apprentice, Saucon. Conrad Hefletrager’s wife. Jacob Teis’s child. Daniel Folmer’s son. Henry Bleiler. Old Widow Klein. Jacob Loh’s son. Rees Stroud’s child. John Fassbender’s child. Henry Seipel. John Loh’s wife. Philip Sellers’ Saucon, 84 yrs. Widow Sellers, 78 yrs. Will, a black man—Wm, Lewis’s. Ludwig Micky’s wife. Jacob Nunemaker’s widow. John Kern’s child. Ludwig Fluck’s widow, Springfield. John Shiissler’s child. 1809. Anthony Cressman’s widow. John Dieter Miller’s child. John Comfort. Michael Bleyler. Jost Folmer’s widow. Peter Henry. John Kidney’s daughter. John Hartman’s child. Christian Fluck. John Leister’s wife. Conrad Bender’s wife. George Makel’s child. David Lessig’s wife. Peter Sheib’s wife. 1810. Henry Bartle’s child. Samuel Harwick’s wife. 277 278 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Mar. 4. Jacob Henge’s child. July 5. George Eckart’s wife, Hilltown. July 22. Henry Masomer’s child, Flats. Aug. 6.) reter Hagar’s child. Aug. 11. David Aderhold’s child. Sept. 7. Jacob Fluck’s child. Sept. 25. Henry Cope. Sept. 26. Widow Long, Tinicum. Oct. 7. John Hackman’s child, Flats. Nov. 8. Henry Paft’s child. Nov. 11. Jacob Gobel’s child. Nov. 14. Elizabeth Shoup’s daughter. Nov. 25. Jacob Stout’s child. 1811 Jan. 8. Jacob Sheib’s wife. Jan. 10. John Mitman’s child. Jan. 11. Conrad Worman, Tinicum. Feb. 2. Abraham Bean’s child. Feb. 19. Jacob Sheib’s child. Feb. 22. Widow Durn. Feb. 28. Adam Shrayer’s wife. Mar. 4. George Trumpore. Mar. 12. Old Mr. Row, 91 yrs., Haycock, Apr. 4. Jacob Applezeller’s child. May 12. John Bibighouse. May 14. Henry Masomer’s wife, Flats. Aug. 24. James Crossley’s wife. Oct. 2. Peter Smith, Springfield. Oct. 12. Peter Ott’s child. Nov. 10. Abraham Stout’s wife. Nov. 18. David Spinner, Esq. Nov. 23. Widow Fassbender. Dec. 12. Jacob Ott’s son. Dec. 15. Philip Fluck’s child. Dec. 19. Jacob Renner’s wife. Dec. 22. George Wunderly, 81 yrs. Dec. 24. Samuel Harwick’s child. 1812. Feb. 14. Gabriel Shuler, Old Goshenhoppen. Mar. 1, Jacob Henig’s child. Mar. 14. Rudolph Berger. Tohickon Reformed Records. Widow Kieffer. John Bergstrass, Tinicum. Widow Housekeeper. Widow Walt, Old Goshenhoppen. Abraham Herzel’s child. John Benner, 76 yrs. Abraham Stout, 72 yrs. George Zangmeister’s wife, 77 yrs. Widow Fluck’s child, Springfield. Michael Sholl’s wife. John Leidy’s child. Philip Herzel’s child. Henry Trumpore’s child. Jacob Summer, Tinicum. Henry Fassbender. Jacob Sheib’s child. 1813. Martin Althouse’s child. Martin Althouse’s child. Widow Cope—Adam’s. George Gerhart’s child. Henry Berger. Widow Heterich. Peter Koch’s child. Jacob Ptolema, 70 yrs. Widow Laux, 87 yrs. Samuel Watts, 19 yrs. Jacob Server, son of David, 23 yrs. Jacob Henge’s wife, 68 yrs. George Mackel’s son, 13 yrs. George Gerhart’s child, 2 wks. 1814. Jacob Sneider’s wife. George Leyde’s child, 2 yrs. Andrew Trumpore’s child, 8 yrs. Peter Koch’s child, 7 mos. Daniel Berger, 28 yrs., 2 mos. Henry Berndt’s wife, 53 yrs., 3 mos. Frederick Fluck’s child, 2 mos. Jacob Gerhart, 35 yrs., 3 mos., 18 d. Martin Althouse’s child, 6 weeks, 5 d. 279 280 July July Aug. Aug. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. May May May June June July July Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Jan. Apr. May May June Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Dec. The Pennsylvania-German Society. John Leyde’s wife, 28 yrs., 10 mos. John Fried’s wife, 50 yrs. Peter Ott’s child, 3 weeks, 4 d. Peter Fluck’s wife, 28 yrs., 11 mos., 13 d. George Weissel’s child, 3 mo. George Makel’s son, 22 yrs., 8 mos., 2 wk. 1815. David Wampold, 25 yrs., 9 mos., 2 wks. Adam Durn’s child, 3 mos., less 5 d. Ludwig Hering, 50 yrs., 4 mos., 10 d. Jacob Sherer’s child, 16 d. Philip Rumfeld’s child, 4 mos., 10 d. Jacob Herzel, 47 yrs., 3 mos., 2 wks. Henry Fried’s son, 12 yrs., 1 mo., 16 da. John Christian Sackrider, 80 yrs., 5 mos., 6 d. Jacob Solida, 67 yrs., 2 mos., 2 wk. Joseph Himmelright’s son, 3 yrs., 9 mos., 2 wks. Christian Comfort, 25 yrs., 10 mos., 6 d. Jacob Shellenberger, 51 yrs., 3 mos., 10 d. Michael Eckert’s child, 1 yr., 2 mos. William Weil’s son, 10 yrs., 10 mos., 3 wks. Samuel Ziegler’s son, 3 yrs. Peter Seller’s child, 8 mos., 4d. Jacob Dreisbach’s wife, 49 yrs., 5 mos., 2 wks. Henry Weiss, 75 yrs., 3 mos. Henry Dietz’s widow, 68 yrs., 2 MOs., 8 d. Abr. Stever’s son, 7 yTs., 7 mos., 10 d. Peter Kern’s wife, 69 yrs., 10 mos., 1 d. Philip Fluck’s child, 4 mos. John Eckel’s servant’s child, 2 yrs., 8 mos. 1816. Yost Frederick, 68 yrs., 3 wks. Andrew Reed’s Esq., daughter, 15 yrs., 5 mos., 5 d. George Smith’s wife, 53 yrs., 9 mos. Benjamin Hoot, son of John Hoot, 17 yrs., 9 mos., 8 d. Jeter Jacobus, 35 yrs., 9 MOS., 26 d. Widow Herpel, 82 yrs., 8 mos., 3 d. Peter Sholl’s wife, 58 yrs., 4 mos. John Sheip’s child, 7 mos., 2 wks. Jacob Henge, 78 yrs., 3 Mos., 9d. Philip Fluck’s child, 10 wks., 1 d. Feb. Mar. Mar. Apr. May June June Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. 12. 5. 14. 6. 10. 3. 15. 10. 14. 17. 20. 21. 12. 29. it ie 23. 28. 9. 27. Al; Tohickon Reformed Records. 281 1817. Philip Lessig’s child, 10 mos., 2 wks., 3 d. Adam Laux’s wife, 40 yrs., 3 mos., 10 d. Jacob Fluck’s child, 1 yr., 4 mos. Henry Trumpore’s child, 2 yrs., 1 mo., 3 wks., 1 d. Jesse Smith’s wife, 27 yrs., 7 mos., 11 d. Eleanore Applezeller, 64 yrs., 5 mos., 12 d. Andrew Werner, 72 yrs., 2 mos., 12 d. Samuel Baum’s child, 2 yrs. less 1 mo., 4 d. Jacob Shonecker, 35 yrs. Joseph Weissel’s son, 7 yrs., 10 mos., 8 d. Samuel Sellers, Esq., 52 yrs., 3 mos., 10 d. George Sholl, 61 yrs., 11 mos., 2 wks., 2 d. Joseph Emicher’s wife, 31 yrs., 6 weeks. John Fluck’s child, 1 yr., 1 mo., 11 d. John Althouse’s wife, 70 yrs., 9 mos., 10 d. John Jacob Herr, 67 yrs. Ludwig Benner’s step-daughter, 15 yrs., 6 mo., 1 d. John Wenhold, 38 yrs: Jacob Race’s son, 20 yrs., 6 mos. Widow Weiss. Widow Bartholoma, 64 yrs., 8 mos. [BURIALS BY REV. JOHN A. STRASSBURGER, 1818-1854.] [8.] Those persons who were buried by me, J. A. STRASSBURG- ER, Reformed pastor: Apr. May July July Oct. Dec. Dec. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. 23. 4, 10. 16. 15. 24, 29. 30. 1818. Catharine Herr, 55 yrs., 3 mos., Indianfield. Magdalena Herr, 17 yrs., 6 mos., 2 d., Indianfield. Abraham Gerhard, 72 yrs., 7 mos. Catharine Bartholomew, 6 yrs., 10 mos., 2 wks. Elizobeth Schuetz, 55 yrs., 10 mos., 6 wks. Michael Scholl, 1 yr., 10 mos., 3 wks., 4 d. Jacob Renner, 83 yrs., 9 mos., 5 d. 1819. Mary Magdalene Scholl, 44 yrs., 5 mos., 3 wks., Goshen- hoppen. Samuel Schuler, 55 yrs., 3 mos., 5 wks., Goshenhoppen. Elizabeth Geiger, 17 yrs., 5 mos., 17 d. Eleonora Scheib, 3 yrs., 8 mos. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Henry Hertzel, 65 yrs., 10 mos., 3 wks., 5 d. Charles Leidy, 36 yrs., 5 mos., 1 wk., 5 da. Christian Spees, 62 yrs., 2 mo., 3 wks., 5 d. Catharine Ziegenfus, 46 yrs., 19 d., Tohickon. Michael Broughler, 68 yrs., 10 mos., Swamp. Margaret Heft, 61 yrs., 5 mos., Springfield. Catharine Kratz, 46 yrs., 4 mos., 9 d., Goshenhoppen. Henry Huber, 1 yr., 8 mos., less 1 da., Indianf. Joseph Fry, 74 yrs., 3 mos. less 3 da., Springfield. Raymond Charles, 80 yrs. Philip Henry, 39 yrs., 6 mos., 16 d. John Follmer, 84 yrs. Sophia Trollinger, 73 yrs., 3 wks. Maria Henge, 4 mos., 3 days. Louisa Shipe, 2 yrs., 6 mos., 2 wks., 2d. Barbara Benner, 37 yrs., 6 mos., 24 d. Daniel Pannebecker’s child, 17 days. Old Mrs. Blank, 58 yrs., 10 mos., 2 d. John Adam, 16 yrs., 10 mos., 4 d. John Drumbore, 71 yrs. Barbara Folmer, 74 yrs., 11 mos. Magdalena Stout, 75 yrs. Rachel Finck, 24 yrs., 1 mo., 17 d. Catharine Eckert, 37 yrs. Widow Brunner, 72 yrs., 6 mos. 1820. Widow Yost, 55 yrs., 5 mos., 5 d. Peter Seller, 84 yrs. Martin Shive, 68 yrs., 1 mo. Elizabeth Ott, 70 yrs. less 2 d. Peter Seller, 30 yrs. less 13 d. Mr. Miller. Widow Billger. Peter Kern, 79 yrs., 1 mo., 2 d. Abr. Derstein’s child, 7 yrs. Ludwig Heller’s child, 9 yrs. Jacob Stout, 45 yrs., 6 mos., 7 d. Widow Pepper, 78 yrs. Abr. Seller’s child, 3 yrs. Abr. Seller’s daughter, 16 yrs., 6 mos. Peter Ott, 73 yrs., 6 mos. Tohickon Reformed Records. 283 Elizabeth Swertly, 18 yrs., 4 mos., 6 d. Old Eckert. Magdalene Schive, 26 yrs., 26 d. Jacob Read, 90 yrs., 4 mos. John Tressler, 25 yrs., 6 mos. Magdalena Fair, 70 yrs. Samuel Henge, 16 yrs., 11 mos., 8 d. John Gerhard, 24 yrs. Catharine Murphy, 29 yrs. Hannah Seitz, 24 yrs. John Bruner’s child, 1 yr., 4 wks. July Ann Reed, 15 yrs., 10 mos. Caroline Weisser, 5 yrs., 7 mos., 12 d. Elizabeth Drumbor, 9 yrs., 2 d. Elizabeth Krout, 15 yrs., 8 mos. 1821. John Drumbor, 54 yrs. less 20 d. Old Widow Resh, 66 yrs. Magdalena Angeny, 22 yrs. Peter Schive, 77 yrs., 5 mos., 7 d. Joseph Renner, 7 yrs., 10 mos. Widow Cope, 79 yrs., 5 mos., 2 wks., 2 d. Old Mrs. Folmer, 76 yrs. Michael Maurer, 3 yrs., 8 mos., 3 wks. William Hertzel’s child, 5 mos. Sarah Schlight, 34 yrs. Elizabeth Drumbour. Old Ruth, 68 yrs. Elizabeth Scholl, 72 yrs. James Heffelfinger, 2 yrs., 5 mos., 2 d. Anna Catharine Scholl, 3 yrs., 9 mos. Gottlieb Ruff’s child. John Sholl, 38 yrs. Blizabeth Stout. Adam Gerhard, 36 yrs. 1822. Old Low, 87 yrs. Joseph Wydenmeyer, 14 yrs. Jacob Sechler’s wife, 45 yrs. Lawrence Creamer. Adam Renner. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Catharine Reess. Old Mr. Kern. Jacob Gerhard’s child, 8 yrs. David Frantz. Wm. Gerhard’s child, 3 yrs. Philip Fluck’s child, 3 yrs. Henry Ekel’s child, 1 yr. Henry Drumbouer’s child, 12 yrs. George Sendey’s child, 3 yrs. Widow Stoll, 74 yrs. F. Housekeeper’s child, 2 yrs. Elizabeth Ott, 44 yrs. Benner’s child, 2 mos. Widow Ott, 78 yrs. Henge’s child, 2 yrs. Philip Hertzel, 5 yrs. Catharine Hertzel, 2 yrs. Matthias Housekeeper’s child, 2 yrs. Henry Fuhrman, 70 yrs., 3 wks. George Silvius, 33 yrs. Widow Silvius, 67 yrs. Widow Lechner, 68 yrs. Robert Johnson’s child. Catharine Roudenbush, 81 yrs., 2 mos., 6 d. Barbara Mayer, 58 yrs. Philip Bernt’s wife, 68 yrs. Susanna Stout, 16 yrs. Franciscus Sechler, 9 yrs. 1823. Paul Frantz, 61 yrs. Apollonia Rool, 86 yrs., 10 mos., 3 d. Henry Fluck, 45 yrs. Miss Fassbender. Joseph Dreisbach’s son, 14 yrs. Casper Johnson’s child. Jacob Heany’s child, 8 mos., 24 d. John Blyler. Christian Ott’s child, 8 mos., 2 d. Jacob Spees, 21 yrs., 7 mos., 5 d. John Ott, 7 yrs., 2 mos., 8 d. Widow Spees. Tohickon Reformed Records. Jacob Sechler, 19 yrs., 2 mos. Adam Gerhard’s child, 3 yrs. Paul Herzel’s child, 2 wks., 3 d. Sebastian Althouse, ——. Jacob Wasser, 77 yrs., 1 mo. David Mumbauer’s child. A. Bernd’s child. D. Mumbouer’s child. Thomas Housekeeper’s child. Widow Hoffert. Christian Doll, 75 yrs. John Heffelfinger. Henry Gerhard’s child. Old Coonser. Hannah Ziegler, 30 yrs. Peter Ratzel, 16 yrs. Philip Fluck’s child, 8 mos., 18 d. Jacob Drumbouer’s wife, 70 yrs. Henry Althouse, 48 yrs. Old Widow Wasser. 1824. George Maugel, 70 yrs., 8 mos. Widow Shipe. Jacob Gerhard’s son. Maria Wambold, 26 yrs. Jacob Swarz’s child. Margaret Shellenberger, 66 yrs. George Sholl, 75 yrs. Samuel Mayer’s child. Aaron Hendrick’s child. Jacob Lee, 58 yrs. 1825. Peter Ott’s wife, 44 yrs. Jacob Haine’s wife. John Hetrick. Henry Shipe’s child. Matilda Senn, 8 yrs. Jacob Henge’s child, 6 mos. Catharine Scheive, 24 yrs., 4 mos., 11 d. Old Salladay’s wife, 66 yrs. Eve Heller, 36 yrs. 285 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Reuben Gerhard, 12 yrs., 2 d. Maria Sloop, 29 yrs. Michael Scholl, 83 yrs., 2 mos., 12 d. Maria Henge, 20 yrs. George Heager’s child, 4 yrs., 9 mos., 12 d. Jacob Hartman’s son, 7 yrs., 7 mos. Jacob Convers’ wife. Isaac Heacock’s child, 3 yrs. George Shellenberger’s wife, 30 yrs. Sarah Mangel, 19 yrs. George Henger’s child. Matthias Hartman, 82 yrs., 7 mos., as 1826. Veronica Leidy, 70 yrs. Maria Bernt, 24 yrs. Jacob Salladay, 19 yrs. Eve Christina Shellenberger, 66 yrs., 3 mos. Old John Freed. John Shive’s son, 14 yrs., 8 mos., Us ets Abraham Samsel, 60 yrs. Joseph Weissel’s child, 1 yr., 9 mos. Daniel Follmer, 61 yrs., 10 mos. Daniel Panebecker’s child, 1 yr., 6 mos. Daniel Panebecker’s child, 3 yrs., 10 mos. Jacob Ott, 86 yrs. Jesse Thomas’ child, 6 yrs., 2 mos., rib Jacob Liester’s child, 2 yrs., 2 mos., 24 d. Salome Bernt, 26 yrs. Peter Stout’s child, 6 mos. Aaron Ekel, 15 yrs., 5 mos. 1827. Paul Frantz’s child, 10 mos. Elizabeth Henge, 18 yrs., 10 mos., 13 d. Daniel Rees, 22 yrs. Michael Hoffert’s child, 11 mos. George Gerhard, 23 yrs. Isaac Hunsberger, 35 yrs. Samuel Bollinger’s child, 2 wks. George Heist’s child, 1 yr., 4 mos. Simon Gooker’s child, 3 wks. Tohickon Reformed Records. Fisher’s child, 5 wks. Widow Wirebach’s son, about 6 yrs. Catharine Seibel, 45 yrs. Peter Mickly, 73 yrs. Peter Bloom’s child, 7 mos. Charles Roeller’s child, 1 yr., 3 mos. Abr. Cressman’s wife, 66 yrs., 10 d. Jacob Groff’s child, 2 yrs. Sarah Margold, 24 yrs. Henry Hertzel, 57 yrs., 10 mos, Frederick Fluck, 40 yrs. 1828. John Althouse, 84 yrs., 8 d. John Frederick, 90 yrs., 10 mos., 5 d. Christian Keil, 38 yrs. Mary May Weissel, 29 yrs. Maria Watz, 27 yrs. Samuel Leidy’s child, 4 wks. Jesse Frantz’s child, 6 wks. Jacob Solliday, 17 yrs. Joseph Mast’s child, 1 yr., 7 mos. Barbara Gerhard, 24 yrs., 3 mos., 10 d. Susan Ott, 33 yrs., 5 mos. Maria Snyder, 35 yrs., 5 mos. Susanna Klein, 34 yrs., 4 mos., 16 d. Michael Sees, 55 yrs., 6 mos., 14 d. Elizabeth Haupt, 75 yrs., 10 mos., 11 d. Henry Cope, 60 yrs., 5 mos., 4 d. Peter Kern, 53 yrs., 2 mos., 15 d. Isaac Gerhard, 52 yrs. George Herr, 35 yrs. Widow Welker, 88 yrs., 2 mos., 6 d. John Yost’s child, 2 mos. Barbara Conrad, 47 yrs. Michael Colp’s child, 1 yr., 9 mos. John Rinker, 68 yrs. Jacob Herwig, 79 yrs. Elizabeth Fluck, 15 yrs. George Mitman, 41 yrs., 2 mos., 3 d. Enosh Henge, 23 yrs. Old Widow Benner, 84 yrs. 287 The Pennsylvania-German S ociety. Abr. Herzel’s ch 1d. Henry Gerhard’s child, 3 wks. Isaac Cressman’s child, 1 yr. 1829. John Hartman, 58 yrs. John Ott’s wife, 74 yrs., 10 mos. Jacob Dee’s child, 5 mos. Widow Copley, 91 yrs., 7 mos., 3 d. Widow Salladay, 75 yrs. Widow Benner, 81 yrs. Lydia Frantz, 38 yrs. Old Emig’s wife. Sarah Weissel, 55 yrs. Hannah Housekeeper, ——. Anthony Shipe, 28 yrs. Jacob Roedline’s wife, 69 yrs. Jacob Sholl, 28 yrs. Samuel Wright’s child, 1 yr., 4 mos. Philip Shive, 39 yrs., 3 mos. John Gerhard, 75 yrs. Henry Hertzel, 22 yrs. Elizabeth Senn, 33 yrs. Christian Drumbour’s child, 2 yrs. Jacob Gerhard, 78 yrs. Benj. Weil’s child, 3 wks. Abr. Ott’s wife, 37 yrs. 1830. Old Ruchstele’s daughter, 29 yrs. Henry Barthalomew’s daughter, 12 yrs. John Shive’s child, 4 yrs. Abr. Fluck’s child, 13 mos. Benj. Becker’s child, ——. Old Millan, 82 yrs. Jacob Follmer’s child, about 2 yrs. Henry Weissel, 68 yrs. George Hartman’s child, 10 mos. George Roudenbush’s child, 2 yrs., 10 mos. Mr. Geesse’s child, 1 yr., 6 mos. Adam Kern, 80 yrs., 10 mos., 19 d. Salome Klein, 48 yrs., 6 mos., 21 d. Enosh Hendrick’s child, 1 yr., 9 mos. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan, Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Apr. Apr. July Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Tohickon Reformed Records. 1831. Isaac Huber’s child, 1 yr., 7 mos., 8 d. Blizabeth Maugel, 52 yrs. Henry Dreisbach’s child, 4 yrs., 4 mos. Jacob Wiedenmayer, 49 yrs. John Gerhard’s child, 2 yrs. Samuel Yost’s child, 9 yrs. Catharine Krouthammel, 50 yrs. David Mumbauer’s child. Widow Shive, 78 yrs. Magdalena Frederick, 34 yrs. Samuel Sechler’s child. Samuel Steven’s child. Henry Gerhard’s child. Peter Stout’s son. Anthony Emig’s child. Thomas Seller’s child. Michael Ziegler. Michael Colp, about 80 yrs. Henry Miller’s wife, 38 yrs. 1832. William Hertzel’s child, 1 wk. John Adam Hoover, 38 yrs. Patrick Rhoack’s child. Catharine Creamer, 36 yrs. John Ott, about 75 yrs. Susanna Berger, ——. John Gerhard, 35 yrs. Frederick Rohr, about 75 yrs. Maria Hunsberger, 70 yrs. Daniel Housekeeper, 56 yrs. Enosh Drumbor’s child, 1 mo., 2 wks. Carolus Shellenberger, 82 yrs. Jacob Shellenberger’s child, 1 yr. Catharine Fluck, 83 yrs. Clara Sies, 94 yrs., 8 mos., 16 d. Frederick Fluck, 72 yrs., 6 mos. Elizabeth Seibel, 77 yrs., 6 mos. Matthew Jordan’s wife, 33 yrs., 5 mos., 15 d. John Angeny’s child, 3 yrs. Peter Gerhard’s child, 3 yrs. George Frederick, 56 yrs. The Pennsylvania-German Society. 1833. Joseph Mees’ child, 2 yrs. Julian E. Laux, 82 yrs., 10 mos., 10 d. Sarah Anne Jacoby, 17 yrs., 3 mos., 20 d. Tobias Bissey’s child, ——. Dr. Lunn’s child, ——. Israel Althouse, 17 yrs. John Shissler’s child, 1 yr., 5 mos. Aaron Hendrick’s child, 1 yr., 7 mos. Aaron Hendrick’s child, 5 yrs., 6 mos. Elizabeth Rosenberger, 26 yrs,, 7mos., Lo G- George Convere’s son, about 11 yrs. Samuel Ott’s child, 3 yrs. Jesse Lunn’s child, 9 yrs. Peter Gerhard’s child, 3 yrs. Samuel Shelley’s daughter, 15 yrs., 8 mos. Conrad Mitman, 70 yrs. Mr. Marckley’s child, ——. Old Rohr, : J. Benner’s child, ——. CG. Clark’s child, ——. S. Kidney’s child, ——. Henry Ott, 59 yrs. Peter Gerhard, 56 yrs. John Diese’s child, 11 yrs., 7 mos. Joseph Frederick, 37 yrs., 7 mos. 1834. Jacob Heange’s child, 11 yrs., 7 mos. John Fluck’s child, 9 yrs., 6 mos., 20 d. Philip Fluck, 49 yrs. George Leidy’s child, 4 mos., 9 d. (of smallpox). John Swartz, 69 yrs. Abraham Young, 36 yrs. Jacob Leidy, 75 yrs., 3 mos., 2 d. Jacob Klinker’s child, 10 mos. Jacob Stout, 72 yrs. Samuel Maugel’s child, ——. John Allebach’s wife, ——. George Frantz, 38 yrs. Matilda Renner, 5 yrs. Henry Dreisbach’s child, 5 wks. Tohickon Reformed Records. Sophia Stoll, ——. Abr. Creamer’s child, 6 mos. David Fluck’s child, 6 yrs. John Hoot’s child, 1 yr., 6 mos. Thomas Gaubel’s wife, 26 yrs. Samuel Eckel’s wife, 26 yrs. Anna Maria Hoover, 81 yrs., 2 d. Solomon Nunemaker’s son, 18 yrs., 6 mos., 2 d. Jacob Rees, 35 yrs. Jonas Hoot, 27 yrs., 2 mos. John Shessler, 96 yrs., 7 mos., 21 d. Henry Fassbnener, 83 yrs., 6 mos., 8 d. Reuben Sellenberger, 11 yrs., 4 mos., 7 d. Michael Colp’s child, 2 mos., 23 d. Henry Wissmer’s child, ——. Samuel Hertzel’s child, 2 yrs., 4 mos. Widow Tressler, 71 yrs. John Hoot, 65 yrs., 6 mos., 12 d. Andrew Bartholomew, 55 yrs., 4 mos. Peter Heager, about 65 yrs. Henry Shive’s child. 1835. Widow Mitman, 65 yrs. Widow Hartman, 87 yrs., 1 mo. Joseph Hilligas, 27 yrs. Joseph Hilligas’s child, 1 yr., 4 mos. Daniel Stout, 77 yrs. Henry Renner’s child, ——. 1836. Christian Hetrick’s child, 10 yrs. Michael Hetrick’s child, ——. Elizabeth Diehl, 29 yrs. George Frantz, 75 yrs., 7 mos., 3 d. Abr. Stahler’s child, 3 yrs. Philip Reese’s child, 2 yrs. Anna Creamer, 70 yrs. Old Jacob Allum’s wife, 81 yrs. Saulus Siebel, 13 years. Widow Rees, about 65 years. Tobias Gerhard’s wife, 43 yrs. Hannah Watz, 35 yrs. 2g1 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Christian Hetrich, ——. Abraham Gerhard, 48 yrs. Charles Afflerbach, 25 yrs., 6 mos., 44. Enosh Erdman’s child, 9 mos. Henry Weissel’s child, 1 yr., 3 mos., 3 wks., 1 d. Widow Roth, 78 yrs. Robert Stonebach’s child, 3 wks. Henry Gerhard’s child, 2 yrs. Eli Hoot, 70 yrs. Thomas Housekeeper, 48 yrs. 1837. Rachel Housekeeper, 86 yrs. William Satcher, 24 yrs. — Widow Hoot, 70 yrs. Widow Gerhard, about 64 yrs. Margaret Bissy, 62 yrs. Christian Housekeeper’s child, 3 wks. John Hertzel, 68 yrs. Widow Shellenberger, 74 yrs. Elizabeth Sellers, 30 yrs., 2 mos., 8 d. Charles Levi’s child, 6 mos. Andrew Bernt’s wife, about 42 yrs. Jacob Schliver’s child, 9 mos., 1 d. Elizabeth Albright, 44 yrs., 10 mos., 3 d. Jacob Schliver, 67 yrs., 4 mos. Jonas Althouse’s child, 9 mos. Jacob Rees, son, 7 yrs., 3 mos. Peter Lewis, 82 yrs., 3 mos. Rachel Frederick, 19 yrs., 3 wks. Leonna Heist, 18 yrs. Henry Drumbouer, 45 yrs. John Hertzel, 60 yrs. Matthew Housekeeper, 48 yrs. Abraham Been, 58 yrs. Abraham Shipe, 78 yrs. Michael Ott’s child. Samuel Fluck’s child. Frederick Scholl, 58 yrs., 6 mos. Sarah Davis, 26 yrs., 4 mos. Samuel Fluck’s child, 2 wks. Anna Wissmer, 33 yrs., 4 mos. 10. 13. Tohickon Reformed Records. Susanna Geres, 74 yrs., 10 mos., 22 d. Abraham Kichline, 85 yrs. William Jones’ wife, 32 yrs. George Afflerbach, 65 yrs. 1838. Michael Creamer’s child, 8 yrs., 1 mo. Christina Rool, 64 yrs., 16 d. Henry Hertzel’s wife. Anna Hackman, 5 yrs., 10 mos., 21 d. Philip Fluck, 56 yrs. Samuel Shellenberger’s son, 11 yrs., 4 mos., 23 d. Tillman Martin Temple, 6 yrs., 11 mos., 4 d. John Hetrick’s child, 3 yrs. Catharine Colp, 17 yrs., 3 mos., 4 d. Widow White, 91 yrs., 4 mos., 6 d. Old Sheetz’s wife, 74 yrs., 4 mos., 10 d. Frank Hertzel, 5 yrs., 3 mos., 25 d. Thomas Sholl’s son, 2 yrs., 7 d. Enosh Drumbore’s son, 4 yrs., 3 mos. Henry Hetrich, 71 yrs. Jacob Seiler’s child, 6 yrs. Fred Hoover’s child, 4 mos. Jacob Diese, 34 yrs. Alpheus Nunemaker, 27 yrs. Magdalena Ekel, 65 yrs. David Stahler’s wife, 29 yrs. Michael Walter, 61 yrs. John Ekel, 66 yrs., 2 mos. Henry Weissel’s child, 5 yrs. Joseph Hetrick’s child, 10 mos. Mary Ott, 61 yrs., 11 mos. Thomas Frederick’s child, ——. Thomas Frederick’s child, 2 yrs., 7 mos. John Frantz’s child, 2 yrs. John Sorwer’s child, 4 yrs., 11 mos., 12 d. Jacob Heange’s child, 2 yrs. John Angeney’s child, 3 yrs. John Widenmeyer’s child, 12 yrs. John Adam Dorn, 638 yrs. Mary Weissel, 67 yrs. John Weidemeyer’s child, 2 yrs. 293 The Pennsylvania-German Society. John Leidy, 58 yrs., 6 mos., 13 d. Christine Clemer’s child, 2 yrs. Paul Hertzel, 62 yrs., 11 mos. Absalom Markel’s child, 5 mos. Samuel Follmer, 29 yrs., 5 mos. Barbara Fluck, 67 yrs. Henry Mitman’s son, 10 yrs., 3 mos., 3 d. Old Widow Hertzel, 76 yrs. Henry Hertzel, 50 yrs., 5 mos. Jacob Sholl’s wife, 54 yrs., 5 mos., 20 d. 1839. Old Widow Eckert, 83 yrs. William Luken’s child, 1 wk. Frederick Kern’s wife, 65 yrs. Peter Neess’ wife, 46 yrs. Henry Weissel’s wife, ——. Conrad Shellenberger, 85 yrs., 7 mos., 2 d. Abraham Gerhard’s wife, Christian Housekeeper’s child, 1 yr., 4 mos., 11 d. William Kidney, 42 yrs. Abr. Stahler’s child, ——. Martin Althouse, 58 yrs. Michael Haeger’s child, —— John Sorwer’s child, Old John Bender, 76 yrs. Joseph Maugel’s child, ——. Laux’s child, 2 yrs. Michael Eckert, 62 yrs. Old Henry Frederick, 75 yrs. John Thomas’ wife, 21 yrs., 8 mos. Jacob Hartman, 62 yrs. 1840. Mary Anne Yerger, 2 yrs., 4 mos. Michael Colp’s child, 3 yrs. Jacob Fetter, 54 yrs. Jesse Wambold’s child, 2 yrs. Fred Ott, 64 yrs. Jacob Heange, 65 yrs. Jacob Yost’s son, 24 yrs. Mr. Reeser, 68 yrs. SAM Sowmag Tohickon Reformed Records. 295 John Follmer’s wife, 37 yrs. Adam Ziegenfus, 64 yrs., 6 mos., 2 wks. Jacob Weidenmeyer’s son, 10 yrs., 3 mos, Jesse Dubs’ child, 3 wks. Jacob Sorwer, 23 yrs., 5 mos., 12 d. Widow Wert, 75 yrs. Mrs. Drumbauer, 65 yrs. Mr. Lewis’ child, 2 yrs. Mr. Hilligas, 26 yrs. Henry Herman, 70 yrs. 1841, Sarah Leidy, 38 yrs. Catharine Frantz, 68 yrs. Philip Rees, 40 yrs., 9 mos., 15 d. Frederick Esterline, 81 yrs., 9 mos. (He was blind 76 yrs.) Christian Housekeeper, 1 yr., 3 mos., 3 wks., 6 d. Tobias Sholl, 66 yrs., 21 d. (7 months no funeral.) Catharine Bartholomew, 19 yrs., 3 mos., 7 d. Jacob Stoll, 72 yrs. Adam Sherer’s wife, 25 yrs. Mary Diehl, 69 yrs. Charlotte Herr, 77 yrs., 9 mos., 15 d. John Groff, 83 yrs. John Nees, 81 yrs. Samuel Worman, 25 yrs. John Rudy, 28 yrs., 6 mos., 11 d. John Fluck, 91 yrs., 3 mos., 10 d. Anna Maria Kern, 85 yrs.,-10 mos., 28 d. Levi Althouse, 19 yrs., 7 mos., 28 d. Barbara Maurer, 21 yrs., 3 mos. 1842, Henry Hartzel’s child, 4 mos., 17 d. Jacob Sholl’s child, 3 mos., 27 d. Henry Button’s child, 6 mos., 16 d. Christian Yost, 82 yrs., 4 mos. John Frantz’s child, 10 mos., 20 d. Abraham Steever, 65 yrs., 1 d. Isaac Gerhard, 31 yrs., 6 mos. less 6 d. Sophia Frantz, 43 yrs., 10 mos., 25 d. Enosh Dorn’s son, 2 yrs., 7 mos. The Pennsylvania-German Soctety. Michael Klup’s child, 1 yr., 2 mos., 13 d. Elizabeth Drumbore, 17 yrs. Old Gotshalk and wife, 88 yrs. and wife 79 yrs. in one grave. Sarah Anna Troxel, 2 yrs., 5 mos., ad: William Amey’s wife, 31 yrs., 6 mos. Henry Weissel, 46 yrs., 1 mo., 7d. John Althouse's wife, 22 yrs. Henry Stonebach, 20 yrs. David Sholl’s wife, 29 yrs. John Heager, 24 yrs. Samuel Soliday, 26 yrs. William Read’s child, 2 yrs., 6 mos. Isaac Shive’s child, 6 mos., 2 d. Old Widow Robert, ——. Wm. Thompson, about 35 yrs. Henry Fuhrman’s wife, 50 yrs. . Simon Gooker’s wife, 23 yrs. Abr. Stout, 32 yrs. Elizabeth Creamer, 51 yrs. John Lutz’s wife, 27 yrs. Anna Maria Laux, 68 yrs., 10 mos. Conrad Althouse, 55 yrs. Henry Ekel, 8 yrs. Jesse Frantz, 20 yrs., 8 mos. Jacob Rouse’s wife, 78 yrs. John Heange’s da., 10 yrs. Daniel Shellenberger, 43 yrs., 5 mos., 21 d. Widow Heager, 69 yrs., 8 mos., 10 d. Elizabeth Rudy, 54 yrs., 14 d. Jonas Hartman, 34 yrs., 2 mos., 10 d. Benjamin Shive, 23 yrs., 8 mos. Jacob Bartholomew, 54 yrs., 6 mos., 26 d. Daniel Stoneback, 43 yrs., 8 mos., 20 d. 1843. Sarah Hertzel, 42 yrs., 5 mos., 20 d. Hannah Schleifer, 41 yrs., 11 mos., 18 d. Samuel Eckel, 40 yrs., 2 mos. Elizabeth Sheard, 35 yrs., 3 mos., 27 d. Hannah Fluck, 81 yrs., 4 mos., 12 d. Nicholas Frantz, 92 yrs., 19 d. Elias Herr’s child, 10 mos., 29 d. Tohickon Reformed Records. Maria Ott, 75 yrs., 4 mos. Enosh Dorn’s son, 2 yrs., 2 mos., 10 d. Maria Shipe, 75 yrs., 5 mos. Peter Shipe, 65 yrs., 1 mo., 19 d. John Frantz, 79 yrs., 12 d. Abraham Gerhard’s da., 8 yrs. Walp’s child, 4 mos., 10 d. Margaret Creamer, 82 yrs., 7 mos. Christian Herr, 89 yrs. Sarah Creamer, 22 yrs. John Adam Cressman’s wife, 63 yrs., 8 mos., 7 d. Elizabeth Althouse, 32 yrs., 3 mos., 2 d. Benjamin Salladay, 77 yrs., 1 mo., 4 d. Catharine Maugel, 32 yrs. Old Widow Stout, 69 yrs. Henry Snyder’s wife, 52 yrs., 3 mos. Henry Slyver’s wife, 78 yrs. John Seller’s child, 2 mos., 25 d. Old Widow Watz, 73 yrs. Catharine Follmer, 69 yrs., 4 mos. Levina Shellenberger, 29 yrs., 2 mos., 11 d. Catharine Keiper, 45 yrs., 8 d. Daniel Maugel, 84 yrs., 8 mos. Sarah Fauller, 83 yrs. Samuel Saine’s child, 4 mos. Sarah Stout, 83 yrs. Henry Shellenberger’s child, 4 mos. Enosh Fassbenner, 17 yrs., 8 mos., 15 d. Michael Sholl, 54 yrs., 25 d. Lydia Frantz, 18 yrs., 10 mos. 1844. John Creamer, of Montg. Co., 44 yrs., 8 mos., 17 d. Henrietta Harwig, 32 yrs., 2 mos., 24 d. Enosh Seller’s child, 4 yrs. Thomas Frederick’s child, 13 d. Hannah Hertzel, 57 yrs. Charles Lunn, 20 yrs., 2 d. Barbara Shellenberger, 78 yrs. Catharine Housekeeper, 80 yrs., 25 d. William Maugel, 49 yrs., 1 mo. Jacob Freed, 28 yrs. Jacob Freed’s child, 1 yr., 6 mos. 297 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Mr. Blank, 25 yrs. William Corner’s da., 19 yrs. Widow Snyder’s son, 3 yrs., 2 mos. T. Loux’s son, 2 yrs. John Krouthammel’s wife, 64 yrs., 5 mos. Abr. Been’s child, 8 d. David Mumbauer, 56 yrs., 8 mos., 26 d. Philip Hartman, 72 yrs., 9 mos., 27 d. Adam Sherer’s wife, 87 yrs. Enosh Seller’s child, 2 yrs. Paul Cope, 73 yrs. John Ott’s son, 8 yrs. Isaac Fellman’s child, 2 yrs. Old Widow Stout, 83 yrs., 2 mos., 13 d. Old Isaac Gerhard’s wife, 70 yrs. Reuben Erdman, 4 yrs., 9 mos. Barbara Weil, 70 yrs. Henry Boyer’s child, 3 mos., 8 d. Mr. Barche’s two sons, 9 yrs. and 5 yrs., Hilltown. Jonas Roudenbusch, 6 yrs., 7 wks., 3 d. Daniel Wittmer, 17 yrs., 1 mo., 3 d. Jonas Gerhard, 32 yrs., 2 mos. Thomas Williams, about 70 yrs. Susan Mittman, 46 yrs., 9 mos., 24 d. Patrick Roock’s child, 3 yrs. Theodore Gerhard, 4 yrs., 11 mos., 20 d. 1845. Allen Althouse, 3 mos., 12 d. Sarah Klein, 42 yrs., 4 mos., 20 d. Jacobus Augustus Cope, 12 yrs., 2 mos., 5 d. Neander Peixoto, son of Rev. Englebert Peixoto, 2 yrs., 4 mos., 9 d. Martha Mars, 5 yrs., 1 mo., 7 d. William Heaney, 35 yrs., 5 mos., 15 d. Sarah Jane Buchecker, 2 yrs., 2 mos., 15 d. Old Mother Griffith, about 80 yrs. Old Mother Rosenberger, 75 yrs. Samuel Mayer, 75 yrs., 11 mos., 1 d. Enosh Shearer’s child, 4 mos., 3 weeks, 3 d. Isaac Stoll’s child, 2 yrs. Thomas Seller’s wife, 51 yrs., 6 mos., 5 d. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May May May May June June July July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Tohickon Reformed Records. Samuel Hartzel’s daughter, 15 yrs. Peter Gerhard, 43 yrs. Aaron Allem’s child, 3 yrs. Christian Housekeeper, 35 yrs., 9 mos., 12 d. Joseph Young, 14 yrs., 3 mos., 14 d. Maria Fisher, 48 yrs., 3 mos., 20 d. Mr. Billger’s 3 sons, in one grave. Widow Housekeeper, 53 yrs. Andrew Laux, 78 yrs. Thomas Hartzel’s child, 2 mos. Widow Eckert’s daughter, 7 yrs., 10 mos., 11 d. Henry Albright’s child, 3 yrs., 6 mos., 2 wks., 3 d. Elizabeth Himmelright, 27 yrs., 3 wks., 2 d. Dr. Charles Everhard’s do., 4 yrs., 10 mos., 18 d. Dr. Charles Everhard’s da., 1 yr. less 4 da. Michael Walters, 2 yrs., 7 mos. James Dreisbach, 16 yrs., 7 mos. Thomas Dungan’s child, 1 yr., 8 d. Samuel Shive, 8 yrs., 8 mos., 20 d. William Shive, 5 yrs., 6 mos., 25 d. Tobias Frantz, 53 yrs., 3 mos., 27 d. Anna Margaret Welker, 69 yrs., 4 mos., 25 d. Elizabeth Stoll, 71 yrs., 1 mo., 26 d. George Lambach, about 67 yrs. Mr. Seachrist’s child, 1 yr., 2 mos. Elizabeth Stout, 61 yrs., 3 mos. Widow Penrose, 79 yrs., 5 mos. Henry Hertzel, 83 yrs., 11 mos. Michael Hertzel’s child, 1 yr., 10 mos. Philip Dise, 74 yrs. John Gehman’s child, 2 yrs. Old Jacob Allum, 86 yrs. David Wieand’s child, 1 yr., 5 mos. Joseph Maugel’s child, 3 yrs., 11 mos. Joseph Maugel’s son, 5 yrs., 1 mo., 17 d. John Kern, 65 yrs., 9 mos., 6 d. Samuel Gehman, about 78 yrs. Noah Gerhard, 21 yrs., 27 d. Charles Sine, 32 yrs. Philip Berger, 75 yrs. Sophia Gerhard, 23 yrs., 3 wks., 5 d. Peter Shive’s child, 2 mos. 299 300 Novy. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May June Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Widow Singmaster, 87 yrs., 1 mo., 5 d. Widow Ott, 92 yrs., 10 mos., 25 d. Sarah Yohney, 43 yrs., 4 mos., 16 d. Barbara Wohnsitler, 80 yrs., 7 mos., 3 d. 1846. Aaron Allebach’s child, 13 d. Old Widow Young, 83 yrs., 2 mos., 5 d. Anna Barbara Erdman, 79 yrs., 22 d. Jacob Groft’s son, 5 mos., 10 d. Levi Mickley’s daughter. John Stover’s son, 16 yrs., 2 mos., 2 wks., 4 d. John Clemmer’s wife, 23 yrs. Charles Thacher, 79 yrs., 6 mos., 5 d. Elizabeth Schissler, 38 yrs., 10 mos., 22 d. John Schissler’s son, 1 yr., 8 mos., 3 d. Jacob Widener, 52 yrs., 5 mos., 13 d. Anna Margaret Drees, 79 yrs., 4 mos., 17 d. Mary Magdalene Fretz, 34 yrs., 3 mos., 12 d. John Mayer, 83 yrs., 7 mos., 11 d. William Reed, 46 yrs., 1 mo., 26 d. Old Widow Gerhard, 88 yrs., 1 mo., 20 d. Catharine Swenk, 34 yrs., 2 mos., 19 d. George Gerhard, 54 yrs., 7 mos., 28 d. Catharine Frank, 45 yrs., 11 mos., 1 d. John Althouse, 33 yrs., less 15 d. Henry Frantz, 55 yrs., 4 mos., 24 d. Franklin Frantz, 21 yrs., 9 mos., 7 d. Thomas Leidy, 18 yrs., 6 mos., 6 d. Anna Frantz, age not known. Samuel Herr’s child, 2 yrs., 6 mos., 6 d. Hilarius Dreisbach, 13 yrs., 9 mos., 28 d. Enosh Gerhard’s child, 2 mos., 2 wks., 2 d. Elizabeth Stout, 26 yrs., 9 mos., 3 d. Elizabeth Heange, about 68 yrs. Henry Hertzel’s child, 7 mos., 2 d. Jonas Kern’s child, 1 yr., 1 mo., 17 d. Aaron Hunsberger’s child, 1 yr., 4 mos., 16 d. Jesse Nees’s child, 10 mos., 21 d. Noah Drumbore’s child. Jacob Yeakel, 75 yrs., 21 d. Andrew Drumbore, 88 yrs., 8 mos., 15 d. Tohickon Reformed Records. 301 Jacob Dreisbach, about 84 yrs. Isaac Stout, 21 yrs., on the day. John Weidenmeyer’s child, 1 yr., 6 mos. Elizabeth Heager, about 47 yrs. David Weil, 14 yrs. Alfred Weil, 8 yrs. William Drumbore’s child, 6 mos. Rebekah Weil, 47 yrs. John Weidenmeyer’s child, 7 mos. Old Widow Deer, about 88 yrs., Hilltown. David Herr’s son, 9 yrs. Adam Schreyer’s wife, 78 yrs. Magdalena Kuhnser, 49 yrs., 10 mos., 12 d. Old Widow Fullmer, 77 yrs. Henry Schleiffer, 88 yrs. Reuben Worman, 31 yrs., 9 mos., 13 d. Christian Allebach, 78 yrs. John Jacob Wechter, 84 yrs., 9 mos. Abraham Reiff, 80 yrs., of Phila. Mary M. Maugel, 85 yrs. George Sechler, 38 yrs., 8 mos. Henry Drumbore, 27 yrs., 4 mos., 8 d. John Worman, 80 yrs., 5 d. 1847. Abraham Stover, 84 yrs., 4 mos., 16 d. Philip Scholl, 84 yrs., 8 mos., 26 d. Levi Fluck’s child. Charles Gerhard’s child, 8 mos., 21 d. Maria Hackman, 51 yrs., 3 mos., 10 d. Samuel Moyer, Sr., 84 yrs. Leonard Detweiler’s child, 2 mo., 2 wks., 2 d. Catherine Nunemaker, 80 yrs., 2 mos. John Leh, 47 yrs., 7 mos., 2 d. John Sellers, 56 yrs., 4 mos. Samuel Shelly, 53 yrs. Samuel Fluck, 47 yrs., 4 mos., 12 d. John Drach, 58 yrs., 10 mos. Elizabeth Gooker, 17 yrs., 8 mos., 12 d. John Stover’s child, 1 yr. William Weil’s son, 2 yrs., 6 mos., 7 d. Henry Herzel’s son, 2 mos., 20 d. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Christianna Meisler, 46 yrs., 5 mos. Hilary Gerhard’s son, 2 yrs., 6 mos., 9 d. Michael Been’s son, 1 yr., 4 mos. Enosh Klein’s son, 8 mos., 21 d. Hilary Gerhard’s son, 4 yrs., 7 mos., 4 d. Christian Fluck, 51 yrs., 4 mos., 7 d. Andrew Lock’s child, about 1 yr. Seno Weil’s child, 1 yr. Isaac Afflerbach’s child, about 1 yr. Jacob Billger’s child, 1 yr., 8 mos., 8 d. Charles Keil’s child, 1 yr., 16 d. Sophia Gerhard, 44 yrs., 2 mos., 13 d. Andrew Lock’s son, 8 yrs. Jacob Smith’s child, 1 yr., 16 d. Simon Frederick’s daughter, 6 yrs., 1 mo., 26 d. Simon Frederick’s son, 3 yrs., 7 mos., 3 d. Michael Herzel’s daughter, 10 yrs., 9 mos. George Heange, 79 yrs., 2 mos., 13 d. Samuel Fluck’s child, 3 yrs., 5 mos., 5 d. Leonard Creamer’s child, 3 yrs., 9 mos., 26 d. Samuel Fluck’s child, 1 yr., 8 mos., 21 d. Henry Hertzel, 56 yrs., 7 mos., 1 d. George Maugel, 53 yrs., 8 mos., 2 d. Sarah Keller, 20 yrs., 5 mos., 7 d. Laura, da. of Rev. Engelbert Peixoto, 11 yrs., 2 d. Jacob Ratzel’s child, about 3 wks. 1848. Magdalene Groff, 43 yrs., 5 mos., 10 d. Samuel Weissel’s child, 3 mos., 9 d. Samuel Diehl’s child, 1 yr., 6 mos. less 5 d. Henry Scholl’s child, 1 yr., 5 mos. Reuben Frederick’s child, 2 yrs., 4 mos., 9 d. Hlizabeth Schissler, 83 yrs., 3 mos., 28 d. Rebekah Siegfried, 19 yrs., 5 mos., 22 d. Sarah Keller, 4 yrs., 4 mos., 9 d. Samuel Keller, 2 yrs., 5 mos. George Shellenberger, 62 yrs. Mary Lewis, 35 yrs., 5 mos., 7 d. Susanna Althouse, 56 yrs. Elias Frederick’s child, 1 yr. Abr. Hertzel’s wife, 62 yrs. June June June June July Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. Sept. Oct. Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar, Mar. Apr. May June June July July July July Aug. Aug. Aug. Tohickon Reformed Records. Solomon Katz’s child, 2 yrs. Elizabeth Fluck, 70 yrs., 3 mos. Ellen Woodward, 4 mos., 8 d. Henry Hertzel’s child, about 3 mos. Frank Hartman’s wife, 37 yrs., 7 mos., 13 d. Charles Zellner, 78 yrs., 9 mos., 12 d. Abraham Stout, 61 yrs., 11 mos., 14 d. Henry Schellenberger, 86 yrs., 10 mos., 2 d. Levi Wessel’s child, 2 yrs., 10 d. Melchonus [!] Hoover’s child, 1 yr., 1 mo., 25 d. Samuel Heany’s child, about 3 yrs. Hilarius Senn, about 35 yrs. Susan Woodward, 19 yrs. Susanna Creamer, 49 yrs. Lawrence Kern, 52 yrs., 2 mos., 21 d. Catharine Klein, 28 yrs., 3 mos., 11 d. Jane Rebekah Hedman, 10 yrs., 6 mos., 11 d. 1849, Philip Hartzel, 79 yrs., 4 mos., Indianfield. Charles Gerhard’s child, 7 mos., 1 d., Flowertown. Jacob Rool, 78 yrs., 8 mos., 16 d. Sarah Tressler, about 57 yrs. John Andrew Frantz, 13 yrs., 4 mos., 8 d. Peter Althouse, 4 yrs., 4 mos., 18 d. Michael Frederick, 80 yrs., 3 mos., 26 d. Balthasar Moeller’s da., 5 yrs., 5 d. .. Maria Wiegner, about 26 yrs. Maria Nees, 19 yrs., 8 mos., 21 d. Maria Schellenberger, 19 yrs., 5 mos., 10 d. Diana Troxel, 4 yrs., 3 d. less. Maria Troxel, 2 yrs., 6 mos. less 1 d. Old Widow Dedesman, 91 yrs., 3 mos., 7 d. Mr. Gold’s child, about 9 mos. Peter Krouthamel’s child, 2 yrs., 8 mos., 11 d. Hearing’s child, 3 yrs., 6 mos. Henrietta Drumbouer, 33 yrs. William Hartzel’s child, 3 wks., 4 d. Elizabeth Leidy, 66 yrs., 3 mos., 1 d. Catharine Frederick, 85 yrs., 6 mos., 16 d. Amanda Ott, 10 mos., 1 d. Widow Ott, 72 yrs., 5 mos., 6 d. 393 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Margaret Stout, 45 yrs., 2 mos., 21 d. Balthaser Moeller’s son, 4 yrs. Michael Ziegler’s child, 1 yr., 1 mo. Jacob Fellman’s wife, 44 yrs. Andrew Walter’s wife, 67 yrs. Ephraim Althouse’s child, 2 yrs., 5 mos., 2 d. Thomas Thomas, 9 yrs., 3 mos. John Stauffer, 2 yrs., 2 d. Morris Leidy, 11 mos., 10 d. Eliza Blank, 30 yrs., 28 d. Isaiah Micklaus’ child, 17 d. Joseph Stump, about 80 yrs. Peter Laux, 50 yrs., 3 mos. William More, 46 yrs., 10 mos., 14 d. David Herr, 58 yrs., 8 mos., 29 d. 1850. Isaac Heacock, 55 yrs., 3 mos., 21 d. Henry Rosenberger, 24 yrs., less 10 d. Peter, son of Jacob and Catharine Scholl, 3 mos., 8 d. Joseph Maugel’s son, 6 yrs., 3 mos. Elizabeth Keyser, 72 yrs., 1 mo., 4 d. Joseph Maugel’s son, 4 yrs., 3 mos., 11 d. Daniel Althouse, 75 yrs., 5 mos. Catharine Bernt, 63 yrs. Old Moll, 80 yrs. Frederick Hoover’s wife, about 50 yrs. Isaac Fellman’s child, 8 mos., 5 d. Peter Krauthamel’s son, about 17 years. Jacob Gerhard, 74 yrs., 7 mos., 27 d. Catharine Cassel, 74 yrs., 4 mos., 11 d. Mary Magdalene Graff, 59 yrs., 10 mos., 14 d. Thomas Althouse’s child, 3 mos., 22 d. Widow Gerhard, 80 yrs., 9 mos. Jacob Gerhard’s wife. Matthias Althouse’s child, 2 mos, 18 d. Tobias Hetrick, 29 yrs., 7 mos., 18 d. Michael Been’s child, about 5 yrs. Isaac Fluck’s wife, 62 yrs. Elizabeth Dorn, 42 yrs., 10 mos., 10 d. Jacob Althouse’s daughter, about 16 yrs. Samuel Roof’s wife, about 21 yrs. Tohickon Reformed Records. 305 Dec. 8. Christian Weissel, 30 yrs., 10 mos., 18 d. Dec. 14. James Heany’s son, 7 yrs., 8 mos., 3 d. Dec. 15. John Strom’s son, 3 yrs., 9 mos., 12 d. Dec. 16. John Hoot, 68 yrs., 6 mos., 24 d. Dec. 26. James Heaney’s wife, 27 yrs., 6 mos., 15 d. 1851. Jan. 12. Magdalena Salladay, 65 yrs., 9 mos., 11 d. Feb. 4. John Fluck, 30 yrs. Feb. 5. Jacob Swartz, 59 yrs. Feb. 9. Catharine Detweiler, 22 yrs. Feb. 10. Conrad Miller’s 2 children; da. 5 yrs., 10 mos., 3 d.; son, 3 yrs., less 19 d. Feb. 17. Elizabeth Renner, 74 yrs., 3 mos., 27 d. Feb. 27. Old Widow Hartman, 75 yrs. Mar. 11. Samuel Heager’s son Peter, 1 yr., 3 mos., 17 d. Mar. 30. Jacob Hetrick, about 67 yrs. Apr. 14. John Dreisbach, 84 yrs., 9 mos., 1 d. Apr. 18. Barbara Heany, 31 yrs., 9 mos., less 2 d. Apr. 24. Frances Rush’s son, 1 yr., 3 mos. May 4. Bartelson Jones’ son, 3 mos. less 8 d. May 18, Elizabeth Geiger, 53 yrs., 9 mos. June 3. Daughter of Samuel Stout, 1 mo., 18 d. June 16. Ephraim Ott, 45 yrs., 9 mos. June 18. Francis Sellers, 49 yrs., 11 mos., 7 d. June 18. Jacob Leidy, 65 yrs., 3 mos. Aug. 3. Caroline Krouthamel, 33 yrs., 3 mos., 9 d. Aug. 18. David Steer, 12 yrs., 9 mos., 12 d. Aug. 26. Samuel Kern, 56 yrs., 10 mos., 14 d. Aug. 28. Jacob Sholl, 70 yrs., 4 mos., 26 d. Aug. 29. Samuel Roof’s child, 11 mos., 5 d. Aug. 31. Elizabeth Musselman, 32 yrs., 5 mos., 23 d. Sept. 12. David Allum, 71 yrs. Sept. 24. Hannah Allum, 66 yrs., 8 mos., 16 d. Oct. 1. Samuel Krout’s son, 1 yr., 8 mos. Oct. 7. Edward Sheetz, 22 yrs., 9 mos., 3 wks., 2 d. Oct. 10. Amanda Leatherman, 1 yr., 4 d. Nov. 2. Jonas Sheetz, 50 yrs., 2 mos., 26 d. Nov. 9. Jacob Winhold, 55 yrs., 9 mos., 21 d. Dec. 2. Reuben Frederick’s child, 1 yr., 1 mo., 8 d. Dec. 3. Anna Kreamer, 52 yrs., 6 mos., 15 d. 306 The Pennsylvania-German Society. 1852. Jan. 1. Philip Hartzel, 51 yrs., 10 mos., 15 d. Jan. 9. Matthias Althouse’s child, 2 mos., 3 d. Jan. 14. Catharine Eddinger, 57 yrs., 8 mos., 2 d. Jan. 22. Frederick Althouse, 69 yrs., 6 mos., 3 d. Jan. 23. Hannah Raushenberger, 36 yrs., 11 mos., 10 d. Feb. 7. William Weil, 85 yrs., 1 mo., 15 d. Feb. 19. Widow Markel, 74 yrs., 11 mos., 17 d. Feb. 21. Enosh Schlighter, 54 yrs., 10 mos., 1 d. Feb. 22. Elias Gerhard, 35 yrs., 5 mos., 5 d. Feb. 23. Henry Wissmer, 37 yrs., 15 d. Mar. 7%. Charles Hefler’s child, 8 mos., 12 d. Mar. 8. Peter Stout’s wife, 58 yrs. Mar. 15. Paul Bernt’s wife, 19 yrs., 7 mos., 9 d. Mar. 22. Jacob Bartholomew’s child, 1 yr., 3 d. Mar. 24. Samuel Kilmer, 51 yrs., 6 mos., 9 d. Apr. 3. Samuel Fluck, 30 yrs., 8 mos., 9 d. Apr. 5. Joseph Weissel’s wife, 51 yrs. Apr. 16. Henry Bartholomew’s son, 4 d. Apr. 19. Catharine Cope, widow, 88 yrs., 3 mos., 13 d. Apr. 25. Henry Hernig, about 60 yrs. May 3. Peter Bachman’s child, 1 yr., 3 mos. May 7. Martin Seechrist, 8 yrs., 4 mos., 13 d. May 7. Wm. Seechrist, 5 yrs., 3 mos., 4 d. May 7. Frederick Seechrist, 3 yrs., 4 mos., 26 d. May 8. Catharine Eckel, 75 yrs., 11 mos., 19 d. May 10. John Lee, 50 yrs., 5 mos., 6 d. May 25. Balthasar Miller’s child, 3 mos., 7 d. May 28. Henry Gerhard, 69 yrs., 2 mos., 5 d. June 16. Christina Jacoby, 26 yrs., 12 d. June 19. Levina Hoff, 31 yrs., 8 mos., 2 d. July 11. John Boyer’s child, 4 yrs., 4 mos., 25 d. July 13. Philip Gerhard, 53 yrs., 2 mos., 17 d. July 13. Alexander Seller’s child, 5 mos., 13 d. July 16. Maria Hockman, 21 yrs., 3 mos., 3 d. July 23. John Kichline, 84 yrs., 3 mos., 24 d. July 25. Samuel Hartman’s child, 10 mos., 17 d. July 26. Catharine Gerhard, 24 yrs., 10 mos., 24 d. Aug. 9. John Beltz’s child, 3 wks. Aug. 16. Hannah Stauffer, 69 yrs., 8 mos., 6 d. Aug. 23. Lawrence Kern, 21 yrs., 1 mo., 11 d. Aug. 30. Isaac Stover’s da., about 7 yrs. Tohickon Reformed Records. 307 George Nees’ wife, about 65 yrs. Wm. Hendry’s child, 1 yr., 1 mo., 3 d. Elizabeth Drake, 44 years, 10 mos., 4 d. Francis Paff’s daughter, 8 yrs., 24 d. William, s. of Samuel Smith, 17 yrs., 3 wks., 4 d. Henry Fluck, s. of Henry, 10 yrs., 10 mos., 9 d. Charles, s. of Peter Bartholomew, 1 yr., 1 mo., 28 d. Jacob Hetrick’s child, about 1 yr., from Phila. Elizabeth Kilmer, 27 yrs., 11 mos., 20 d. Old Mother Reiff, 80 yrs., 20 d. 1853. Jacob Groff, 62 yrs., 5 mos. Jacob Kilmer’s child, 1 mo., 15 d. Charles Ott’s wife, 47 yrs., 9 mos., 5 d. Frederick Willecke, 17 yrs., 2 mos., 2 wks., 2 d. Eliza Ann Worman, 24 yrs., 4 mos., 15 d. David Stahler, about 48 yrs. Samuel Been, 16 yrs., 7 mos., 3 d. Louisianna Eckert, 22 yrs., 4 mos., 1 d. John Kilmer, 22 yrs., 7 mos., 7 d. Thomas Groff’s child, 5 wks., 2 d. Charles Grain’s child, 3 mos., less 5 d. Amanda Hinkel, 9 yrs., 10 mos., 12 d. Elizabeth Derstine, about 39 yrs. Elizabeth Fellman, 75 yrs., 4 mos., 13 d. Samuel Leidy’s da. Hannah, 7 yrs., 10 mos., 23 d. Pierce Paul, son of Fred Rudy, 1 yr., 29 d. Levi Shipe’s da., 1 yr., 11 mos., 5 d. Mary Ann Allum, 18 yrs., 5 mos., 17 d. Jacob Fluck’s wife, 23 yrs. Jacob Hetrich, 31 yrs., 3 mos., 2 d. Maria Creamer, 40 yrs., 9 mos. Elizabeth Salladay, 22 yrs., 5 mos., 15 d. Old Fellman, about 75 yrs. Samuel Haeger’s son, 1 yr., 10 mos., 24 d. Maurice Housekeeper’s son, 1 yr., 6 mos., 25 d. Valentine Opp, 85 yrs., 7 mos. Samuel Hartman’s da., 3 yrs., 6 mos., 14 d. Margaret Dorn, 73 yrs., 7 mos. Henry Fluck, 2 yrs., 2 mos., 18 d. Mary Fluck, 2 yrs., 2 mos., 23 d. Twins. 308 Sept. Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov. Nov. Jan. Jan. Jan, Jan. Feb. May (2: aa (e 20. The Pennsylvania-German. Society. Mary Magd. Fluck, 16 yrs., 8 mos., 12 d. Elizabeth Lutz, 41 yrs., 6 mos., 13 d. Jesse Housekeeper, 43 yrs., 5 mos., 6 d. Lewis Stahr, 20 yrs., 9 mos., 23 d. Hilarius Shellenberger’s da., 2 yrs., 1 mos., 10 d. Blias Gerhard, 44 yrs., 3 mos., 4 d. Margaret Rool, 75 yrs., 4 mos., 10 d. Tobias Gerhard, 65 yrs., 9 mos., 12 d. Peter Bernt’s wife, 69 yrs., 11 mos., 5 d. 1854. Anna Maria Koffel, 68 yrs., 10 mos., 17 d. Samuel Moyer’s son, 4 yrs., 8 mos., 10 d. George Roudenbush, 83 yrs., 8 mos., 21 d. Emmanuel Heager’s son, 1 yr., 2 mos., 18 d. Elizabeth Seechrist, 68 yrs., 3 mos., 18 d. William Deetz’s son, 3 yrs., 2 mos., 26 d. [IV. RECORDS OF CATECHUMENS.] CATECHUMENS oF Rey. JonN Ecipius Hecker, 1756-1760.47] List of those children who were confirmed by me on Pentecost 1756, at the Doheck [Tohickon]. John Peter Diehl Simon Jacob Diehl Jacob Bender Barbara Ruhl John Peter Kern Catharine Dany John Haman Maria Salome Bender _ John William Berns Maria Elizabeth Jacob Ott Sponheimer sisters John Renner Barbara Sponheimer John Philip Brand Catharine Gladfeld Christina Gladfeld { sisters Helen Kern Anna Maria Berns Barbara Ott Magdalena Renner Catharine Haman } brothers 47 Entered on pp. 37-43 of the original record. Tohickon Reformed Records. 309 At Doheck [Tohickon] on Easter, 1757, the following was con- firmed: Christian Lederach At Doheck [Tohickon] on Easter, 1758, the following were con- firmed: John Jost Lindenschmidt Michael Wurman Jacob Kraemer Catharine Dany Eva Seibel Elizabeth Althaus Magdelena Boss Magdalena Salade Martha Hauskipper At Dryland were confirmed on April 15, 1758. Michael Kocher Conrad Kocher John Peter Kocher Bernhard Weyer Christian Braun Ulrich Hauser John Schmitt Eva Barbara Weyer Elizabeth Hauser Susanna Lefeber Veronica Hauser In Heidelberg Township on the Sunday following Easter 1757, the following were confirmed: Conrad Muller Philip Mertz Martin Roder John Peter Foller William Fenstermacher Peter Kocher Maria Barbara Daubenspeck Anna Elizabeth Blos Maria Susanna Mertz Maria Barbara Kocher Anna Margaret Blos Anna Margaret Mertz Anna Jager Catharine War Christina Kocher Juliana Hoffmann On the second Sunday before Pentecost 1757, the following were confirmed on the Forx [Forks] near Easton: John Frederick Merckel John William Hess Michel Bruch John Beyer Jacob Hauser Anna Hess Gertrude Merckel Anna Catharine Best Anna Catharine Hertzel Elizabeth Catharine Doll Elizabeth Hertzel 310 The Pennsylvania-German Society. In Lohr Sacconheim [Lower Saucon] Township were confirmed on Pentecost 1757: John Hertzel Jonas Hertzel Ulrich Lutz John George Knecht Michael Scholl John Koch Christopher Kocher Elizabeth Koch Anna Frey Christina Oedinger Margaret Beyer Barbara Knecht Elizabeth Freyman Elizabeth Oberle Elizabeth Melcher At the Gucks Crick [Cooks’ Creek] the following children were confirmed on September 23, 1757: William Diehl George Ruth Michael Diehl Philip Mann Daniel Diehl On April 2, 1758, were confirmed Lawrence Wabr Conrad Neff Samuel Schneider Peter Wageman Dewald Hunsicker Nicholas Wageman Anna Catharine Ruth Maria Charlotte Stein Anna Maria Weiherbach Catharine Dithard Hlizabeth Catharine Schaeffer Elizabeth Stein Elizabeth Schaeffer at Heidelberg: Anna Barbara Weckman Anna Catharine Kempfer Anna Catharine Widderstein Anna Catharine Kumbert Christina Widderstein Anna Maria Krantz Anna Maria Corell Veronica Schopp Margaret Scheuer Elizabeth Scheuer On Haster 1760 were confirmed at Sacconheim [Lower Saucon.] Jacob Beyer Conrad Labach Henry Frey Philip Hertzel Christopher Eschbach Frederick Labach William Reiffschneider Conrad Beyer Catharine Beyer Anna Maria Rauch Magdalena Bittinger Elizabeth Margaret Theiss Maria Elizabeth Baal Maria Elizabeth Fryman Clara Schlauch Elizabeth Beyer . Tohickon Reformed Records. 311 Balthasar Buckecker Henry Reichert Jacob Rippel Caspar Rippel John Knecht Margaret Lerch Anna Maria Koch Elizabeth Koch Maria Magdalena Mann Anna Catharine Velte [2. CATECHUMENS OF REV. JOHN CHRISTOPHER GOBRECHT, 1766-1770.] The following children at Tohickon, were instructed by me, Christopher Gobrecht, in the year 1766, and confirmed by Rev. Mr. Alsentz: . Frederick Salite . Henry Renner . Michael Renner . Peter Ott . Peter Hedrich . Joseph Nieman . John Walte[r] . John Adam Haller 9. George Henry Haller 10. Jacob Leh 11. John Fluck 12. John Peter Roth 13. John Heyniman 14. John Jacob Georg oN AOR & bh eH 15. Catharine Hoenig, Sr. 16. Susanna Hoenig 17. Catharine Hoenig At Tohickon were confirmed by in the year 176748: Valentine Bergstrasser John Bergstrasser Philip Bergstrasser three brothers 18. Barbara Wildanger 19. Barbara Witterecht 20. Christina Althaus 21. Elizabeth Hedrich 22. Catharine Panter 23. Sarah Dani 24. Elizabeth Kern 25. Anna Margaret Kern 26. Maria Charlotte Georg 27. Elizabeth Roth 28. Maria Magdalena Panne- becker 29. Christine Hertzel 30. Maria Elizabeth Willepin 31. Elizabeth Seipel 32. Christian Klincker 33. —— Schaub me for the first time on Easter Magdalena Eckel, wife of Henry Eckel Catharine Eckel Barbara Hoenig Christina Leh Catharine Ott 48 The catechumens of 1767-1770 are entered on pp. 66-68 of the origi- nal. 312 The Pennsylvania-German Society. On Easter 1768, were confirmed the following at Tohickon: John Fassbender Maria Catharine Gery John Henry Fass- brothers Anna Maria Scheib benner Maria Eva Riffert Jacob Scheib Maria Elizabeth Weisel Frederick Weisel Magdalena Wildanger Michael Weisel Margaret Ebenreiter Carl Nagel Catharine Dege On May 13, 1769, on Pentecost, were confirmed by me at Tohicon: 1. Ludwig Fluck 19. Barbara Laux 2. John Adam Kern 20. Susanna Wenhold 3. William Pannebecker 21. Maria Elizabeth Haller 4. Henry Soller 22. Anna Margaret Haller 5. Christian Hell From Swamp and Tinicum 6. Christian Fluck the following: 7. Michael Dany 23. Margaret Schmitt 8. John Boos 24. Elizabeth Graffert 9. Jacob Boos 25. Anna Eva Schuman 10. Jacob Mill 26. Elizabeth Loher From the Inschenfiel [Indian Field] Congregation the following: 11. Conrad Schellenberger 27. Elizabeth Nicolaus 12. Peter Gerhard 28. Barbara Scheib 13. Henry Seipel 29. Christina Seipel 14. John Reess 30. Magdalena Leydi 15. Jacob Trombauer 31. Elizabeth Schmitt 16. John Trombauer from 32. Catharine Zeller Tinicum 33. Catharine Haas 17. Arnold Loéher 34. Elizabeth Haas 18. John Loher The children who were confirmed on April 14th, 1770, are the following: 1. John Ott 9. Elizabeth Fassbenner 2. Jacob Wilhelm 10. Catharine Fassbenner 3. Jacob Weisel 11. Anna Margaret Hornecker 4, Emanuel Salite 12. Eva Lindeschmitt 5. John Wildanger 13. Margaret Kiichlein 6. John Stenger 14. Magdalena Fluck 7. John Klincker 15. Magdalena Follmer 8. Joseph Hornecker 16. Magdalena Klincker 17. Magdalena Althaus 18. Elizabeth Dege Tohickon Reformed Records. 313 [8. CATECHUMENS OF REV. CASPAR WACK, 1772-1775.] The children who on October 11, 1772, were admitted to the Lord’s Supper for the first time, after having been confirmed by me, Caspar Wack??, Tohickon 1772: 1. Andrew Stoller 7. Dorothea Groin 2. Jacob Vollmer 8. Elizabeth Kuffer 3. Andrew Alitgert ' 9. Elizabeth Renner 4. Henry Roth 10. Maria Elis. Drach 5. Michael Renner 11. Maria Apollonia Haller 6. John Pfeil 12. Margaret Rohrer At Indian Field, 1772: 1. John Gerhardt 1. Elizabeth Gerhardt 2. Philip Riedt 2. Elizabeth Rees 3. Jacob Leydy 3. Elizabeth Scheib 4, Jacob Abbezeller [Appen- 4. Anna Maria Benner zeller] 5. Barbara Leydi 5. George Ludwig Trumbauer 6. Margaret Leydi i 6. Andrew Trumbauer 7. Eva Leydi } SISters 7. Matthias Wildanger &. Catharine Schneyder 8. John Seller 9. Anna Christina Brodt 9. Henry Abbezeller i0. Anna Maria Seller 10. John Jost Zeller 11. Blandina Weitner 11. Conrad Zeller 12. Anna Maria Magdalena Weil 12. John William 18. Susanna Fissler 14, Margaret Geres The children who on Easter 1773 were admitted for the first time to the Lord’s supper at Tohickon, as follows: 1. Adam Melchior 11. Anna Maria Hertzel 2. Caspar Fluck 12. Anna Maria Fassbenner 3. John Sallete 13. Catharine Steiner 4. Jacob Boos 14. Dorothea Ott 5. Conrad Schaub 15. Elizabeth Mittman 6. John Mittman 16. Anna Marg. Pannebecker 7. Jacob Niemand 17. Eva Lehr 8. Henry Hahn 18. Eva Groin 9. Kilian Gerich 10. Anna Marg. Ebhart 10. Peter Hein 49 The catechumens of Rev. Caspar Wack, 1772-75, are recorded on pp. 69-75 of the original. 314 The Pennsylvania-German Society. The children who on Sunday after Easter, in the year 1774, went for the first time to the Lord’s supper: John Kufer Elizabeth Resch Peter Staut Elizabeth Sallete Benjamin Ott Catharine Klincker Jacob Staut Christina Follmer Henry Heft Margaret Schaeffer Jacob Laux Maria Margaret Hafner Emmanuel Ott Maria Eliz. Pfeil Herbert Shurmann George Sheib Daniel Staut John Laux Carl Frederick Althaus The persons who on Sunday before Easter, in the year 1775, were present at the Lord’s Supper at Tohickon: Adam Kern and wf. Catharine Adam Faulman Andrew Altgert Annie Kern Caspar Fluck and wife Anna Kemp Christian Fluck Anna Maria Fluck Christian Benner Anna Margaret Resch Eberhardt Weidemayer Anna Maria Ebhart Ernst Klincker and wife Apollonia Stoller Felix Leh Catharine Kruber George Emig and wife Catharine Schuck Henry Dreisbach Catharine Fett Henry Eckel and wife Catharine Haffner Henry Ott Catharine Ott Henry Laux Catharine Benner Henry Rees Catharine Heck Henry Hefft Catharine Klincker Henry Schuhman Christine Follmer Jacob Sallade and wife Dorothea Groin John Henig and wife Elizabeth Huber John Bibighaus and wife Elizabeth Dres John Fassbenner Elizabeth Bergstrasser John Klincker Elizabeth Mesemer John Schwerdtle Elizabeth Weisel John Fluck and wife Elizabeth Kifer Ludwig Wiltanger Elizabeth Resch Ludwig Benner Elizabeth Mittman poe p pe — bat ont feces, wtf 1 Ct yalelin™ : MW Le MAS aha? Parte, Che Jn & get Kay h eacoed atl. 00 mw 6 mas gectn + Dee i ve aa prt f POET ; 7 2 3.8 fi aa ~ gai tav & adien ie CLs ate . tether i ae Aba! vie ites ya nt 6/ ; os Aa aw es He ay GZ Zasie paces i oe “tens ee? So fea oi: 7 he Entries by the Rev. Casper Wack, made in 1772. “7s << v, x Loerie 4 ar. 2 ; a °~@. f : .*. Tohickon Reformed Records. 315 Martin Scheib, Jr. and wife Emig Michael Weisel, Sr. Eva Leydi Peter Hans Juliana Hefft Peter Ott Magdalene Kappelberger Peter Scheib Magdalene Jost Peter Schuck Margaret Resch Peter Heinrich Maria Heniger Peter Hefft Maria Eliz. Pfeil Philip Correll and wife Ursula Blanck Philip Fluck and wife Philip Berson and wife Total 87 Philip Hefft Valentine Bergstradsser and wf. William Diehl Those who this year (1775) were admitted to the Lord’s Supper per for the first time: George Stenger Catharine Kern Henry Benner Christina Hunsberger Henry Berson Elizabeth Geres Jacob Kern Anna Margaret Nagel John Jacob Herr Anna Barbara Geres John Jacob Benner Dorothea Blanck John Henig Catharine Kiifer John Klincker Catharine Huber Leonard Gerich Catharine Pfeil Peter Kiifer Elizabeth Henig Elizabeth Kiichlein Elizabeth Rul [Ruhl] Elizabeth Dreisbach Elizabeth Rees Magdalene Henig Magdalene Klincker Magdalene Klein Maria Conradt Maria Magd. Hefft Margaret Diehl 316 The Pennsylvania-German Society. [4. CATECHUMENS OF REV. JOHN THEOBALD FABER, 1784.] Those children who were confirmed by me, John Theobald Faber, on April 17, 1784, in the Tohickon Church*: Boys: Age: Girls: Age: 1. Peter Scholl 18 1. Barbara Mayer 19 2. Abraham Seller 15 2. Salome Brod 15 3. Jacob Roscher 18 3. Margaret Hoffman ia 4. John Roscher 17 4. Catharine Reid 15 5. Samuel Mayer 15 5. Margaret Bergstraisser 16 6. Henry Mayer 17 6. Catharine Wilhelm 15 7. Sebastian Simon 20 7. Elizabeth Kiichlein 17 8. Henry Furman a 8. Susanna Fassbinder 16 9. Henry Bergstrasser 17 9, Maria Fries 16 10. John Weisel 17 10. Christine Schmidt 14 11. Carl Kiichlein 16 11. Sophia Kopelberger 15 12. Michael Bleiler 16 12. Elizabeth Kroll 17 13. Conrad Schmidt 15 13. Anna Elizabeth Kehler 14 14. John Nais 15 14. Catharine Bischof 16 15. John Peter Schweiss- forth 15 16. Elias Hirsch 15 [5. CATECHUMENS OF REV. JOHN WILLIAM INGOLD, 1788°°.] (1.) In the year 1788, October 18th, the following adults were baptized by me, John William Ingold, pastor, after preceding in- structions. (1) Conrad Schaub and Maria Schaub; parents, John Schaub and wife Susanna; sponsors, Peter Kern and wife Catharine. (2) Anna Staut; parents, Abraham Staut and wife Magdalena; sponsor, Elizabeth Kern, single On the same day, the following were confirmed at the preparatory service for the Holy Communion: Sons: Age: Daughters: Age: Philip Hartman 17 Anna Ott 18 John Eckel 15 Magdalena Vollmer 14 Adam Morhard 23 Susanna Wamboid 18 Andrew Laux 19 Catharine Kern 16 Jacob Ruhl 15 Magdalena Kern 14 * Bntered on page 52 of the original record. 50 The following catechumens are entered in Vol. II of the records. Tohickon Reformed Records. 317 Sons: Age: Daughters: Age: Conrad Schaub 16 Christina Ruhl 13 Adam Laux 16 Anna Staut 15 Jacob Wildaner 20 Maria Hartman 15 Henry Ott 15 Maria Schaub ay John Ott 17 Catharine Salate 14 George Gut 17 Elizabeth Scheib 17 Jacob Ott 16 Veronica Bergstrasser 18 Jacob Scheib 15 Susanna Stumb 15 Jacob Strom 16 Susanna Kiichlein 18 John Ott 17 Hannah Ott 14 George Sein 17 Margaret Bersen 15 John Wilhelm 16 Philip Reiss 18 Henry Ott 15 [6. CATECHUMENS OF THE REY. NICHOLAS POMP, 1791-1797.] List of the young people who after preceding instruction in the Christian truth, as found in the Heidelberg Catechism, were con- firmed on Pentecost, in the year 1791, and admitted to the Holy Communion: Males: Age: Parents: George Weissel 16 Michael Weissel Jacob Stout 15 Abraham Stout Adam Fluck 19 Caspar Fluck Jacob Fluck 17 Caspar Fluck Frederick Haas 18 the late Dieder Haas Peter Kern 15 Peter Kern Henry Jacobi 15 Conrad Jacobi Michael Ott 17 Michael Ott Jacob Wilhelm 16 William Wilhelm Henry Wilhelm 14 William Wilhelm George Hartman 16 Matthias Hartman Jacob Hertzel 16 Jonas Hertzel Simon Seyn 18 Peter Seyn Christian Ott 16 Henry Ott Joseph Weissel 16 George Weissel John Reith, married Andrew Bucher, married Jacob Mayer 21 the late Lawrence Mayer Peter Ott 16 Peter Ott 318 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Females: Age: Parents: Rebekah Houskieper 16 Matthias Houskieper Anna Houskieper 18 Matthias Houskieper Sarah Ott 17 Jacob Ott Maria Nees 17 Jacob Nees Elizabeth Mill 17 John Mill Susanna Mill John Mill Maria Fluck 14 John Fluck, Jr. Catharine Zollner 16 Carl Zollner Anna Maria Zollner 14 Carl ZoHner Margaret Ruhl 14 Jacob Ruhl Susanna Schaub 16 John Schaub Maria Magd. Bibighaus 16 John Bibighaus Magdalena Fluck 14 John Fluck Margaret Kern 15 Adam Kern Elizabeth Schmid 15 Philip Schmid Hannah Stump 15 Joseph Stump Maria Bucher adult wife of Andrew Bucher Elizabeth Bop 15 John Bop Elizabeth Bender 16 John Bender Anna Elizabeth Bender 16 John Bender Barbara Mayer 16 Lawrence Mayer Sarah Honig 16 John Honig Elizabeth Vollmer 16 Jost Vollmer Maria Vollmer 14 Jost Vollmer Elizabeth Emrich 16 the late Andrew Emrich Catharine Fassbender 16 Henry Fassbender Elizabeth Diel 15 Henry Diel All these young people had been baptized in infancy except two, namely Jacob Stout and Susanna Schaub, who, after making their confession of faith, received holy baptism in church and then com- muned with the other communicants, on the following Sunday. 1793. List of the young people, who, from Easter to Pentecost of this year went to catechetical instruction and on the first Sunday after Pentecost were admitted to the Lord’s Supper, after having been confirmed on the preceding Saturday at the preparatory service. Males: Age: Parents: John Trombor 15 Jacob Trombor Jacob Hartman 15 Matthias Hartman Philip Pirson 15 Philip Pirson Tohickon Reformed Records. 319 Males: Age: Parents: Ludwig Blear - 15 the late Andrew Blear George Scheib 17 Martin Scheib John Sallate 16 Jacob Sallate John Ort 15 Jacob Ort Henry Staut, also baptized 16 Abraham Staut Nicholas Seyn 17 Peter Seyn Abraham Honig 16 the late John Honig Emmanuel Sallate 20 the late Frederick Sallate Jacob Ott 14 John Ott Henry Ott 15 Michael Ott Christian Fluck 15 Caspar Fluck Jacob Fassbender 17 John Fassbender ee taae Joan 1} antl atta Jacob Roth 14 Henry Roth Jacob Schaffer, married Adam Schaffer Peter Ott, 16 Henry Ott John Frederick ul John Frederick Jacob Romer 17 Benjamin Romer Peter Walter, an aged man Females: Age: Parents: Catharine Trombor 15 Jacob Trombor Maria Bibighaus 15 John Bibighaus Christina Klemens 20 the late Jacob Kiemens Elizabeth Eckel 15 Henry Eckel Anna Maria Vollmer 20 Jost Vollmer Sarah Davis 20 Morris Davis Magdalena Laux 17 Peter Laux Elizabeth Ort 15 Jacob Ort Maria Staut 16 Peter Staut Elizabeth Staut 14 Peter Staut Elizabeth Geres 16 John Geres Magdalena Lang 15 Peter Lang Elizabeth Bergstrisser 16 the late Valentine Berg- strasser Elizabeth Weissel 15 Michael Weissel Elizabeth Ott 17 Peter Ott Catharine Ott 14 Peter Ott Elizabeth Althaus 19 Sa Maria Ott 16 Jacob Ott Susanna Kern 16 Peter Kern 320 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Females: Age: Parents: Hannah Kern 14 Peter Kern Elizabeth Kochlein adult wife of John Kochlein . Elizabeth Roth 16 Henry Roth Elizabeth Schaffer 18 Adam Schaffer Catharine Bop 14 John Bop Magdalena Kieffer 16 John Kieffer Elizabeth Ruhl 16 Peter Ruhl Elizabeth Theiss 18 Frederick Theiss Barbara Fluck 14 John Fluck Barbara Wildanger 20 George Wildanger Salome Staut adult wife of Peter Staut Among these young people were three sets of twins, namely; 1. Jacob and Catharine Trombore, age 15 2. John and Daniel Althaus, age 17 3. John and Elizabeth Ort, age 15 1795. Beginning with March 81st, 1795, the following children came to me for catechetical instruction in the Tohickon Church, twice a week, until the first Sunday after Pentecost, when they were ad- mitted to the Lord’s Supper, after having been confirmed at the pre- ceding preparatory service. Males: Age: Parents: John Fluck 16 the late Jacob Fluck Peter Scheib 16 Peter Scheib George Scheib 14 Peter Scheib Philip Honig 15 the late John Honig Frederick Fassbender 16 John Fassbender Jacob Kéchlein 18 the late Carl Kéchlein Jacob Sallate 16 Jacob Sallate Jacob Trombor 16 Jacob Trombor Martin Althaus 16 Daniel Althaus George Althaus 14 Daniel Althaus Jacob Scheib 16 Martin Scheib Tobias Ruhl 16 Jacob Ruhl Conrad Worman 18 Michael Worman Leonard Jacobi 16 the late Conrad Jacobi John Kern 15 Adam Kern, Sr. Daniel Hauskieper 15 Matthias Hauskieper Christian Aderholt 20 the late William Aderholt Tohickon Reformed Records. Males: John Bergstrasser Jacob Bergstrasser Philip Bergstrasser Females: Catharine Fluck Elizabeth Sallate Maria K6echlein Elizabeth Scheib Susanna Lang Elizabeth Fassbender Magdalena Wessel Christina Bergstrasser Blizabeth Kern Catharine Kern Margaret Staut®1 Anna Reiss®1 Elizabeth Romer Sibylla Haas adult 1797. 321 Parents: John Bergstrasser Parents: the late Jacob Fluck Emmanuel Sallate the late Carl K6echlein George Scheib Peter Lang Henry Fassbender Michael Wessel the late Valentine Berg- strasser Adam Kern, Jr. Adam Kern, Jr. Abraham Staut wife of Philip Reiss Benjamin Romer Dieder Haas Those young people who were admitted this year to the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday after Pentecost, after having been in- structed and having made their confession of faith. Age: Males: Henry Bibighaus John Vollmer John Fassbender John Hartman Henry Trombor John Ott Abraham Ott Abraham Worman Daniel Ott Daniel Zollner George Miltz Females: Susanna Sallate Elizabeth Gehry 15 18 16 16 16 17 17 18 16 17 19 Age: 16 17 Parents: John Bibighaus Daniel Vollmer John Fassbender Matthias Hartman Jacob Trombor John Ott Michael Ott Michael Worman Henry Ott Carl Zdllner George Miltz Parents: Emmanuel Sallate Frederick Gehry 51 These two were baptized before their confirmation. 322 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Females: Age: Parents: Esther Honig 16 the late John Honig Elizabeth Fluck 15 Christian Fluck Magdalena Fassbender 16 Henry Fassbender Elizabeth Scheib 16 Martin Scheib Catharine Benner 14 Ludwig Benner Catharine Scheib afr George Scheib Elizabeth Walter 20 Peter Walter Christian Bernhard 18 Conrad Bernhard Elizabeth Jost 15 John Jost Catharine Sallate 17 Frederick Sallate Elizabeth Ott 15 John Ott Rachel Houskieper 16 Matthias Housekieper Catharine Scheib 16 George Scheib [7. CATECHUMENS OF THE REV. JACOB SENN, 1800-1816.] The following children were confirmed by me Jacob Senn, in the year 1800: Males: Age: Females: Age: Philip Fluck 16 Maria Trumpore 18 Daniel Sheip 16 Maria Ott 17 Martin Sheip 16 Hlizabeth Fluck 17 Peter Sheip 17 Anna Ott 15 John Fluck 17 Catharine Solida 17 Philip Fluck 15 Polly Melona 18 Leonard Willdaler 17 Christina —— 16 Abr. Rool 18 Catharine Kern 16 John Sylvius 21 Anna Maria Sylvius 16 Abr. Jacoby 18 Sarah Stout 15 Peter Stout 18 Elizabeth Mitman 16 John Mitman 17 Barbara Mitman 15 John Kern 16 Susanna Ott 23 Peter Fassbender i be Anna Maria Ott 18 Henry Kilmer 17 SarahElizabeth Sheip 20 Henry Sylvius 24 Sophia Fassbender 18 Peter Solida 16 Susanna Zolner LT Fred’k Ott 17 Magdalena Zolner 14 Daniel Ott 14 Elizabeth Stout ae George Roth 18 Sarah Nace LT John Peil 16 Magd. Mickly 17 Andrew Kolp 19 Catharine Mickly 15 Jacob Folmer LZ Catharine Resh 19 Tohickon Reformed Records. Males: David Aderhold Christian Trumpore Age: 18 16 Females: Elizabeth Resh Christine Resh Susanna Folmer Esther Aderhold Elizabeth Ott Catharine Geres Magd. Geres Maria Ott Hannah Stout Catechumens at Tohickon 1803. Males: Frederick Althouse John Fassbender Jacob Mickley George Solida Frederick Fluck Michael Fassbender John Sheib Jost Peil George Mitman Joseph Worman Emanuel Worman Jacob Gerhart Females: Elizabeth Peil Elizabeth Benner Catharine Fluck Maria Trumpore Magd. Sheib Sarah Ott Magd. Ott Elizabeth Stout Barbara Solida Susanna Ott Maria Trumpore Catharine Weil Barbara Ott Polly Resh Elizabeth Trumpore Eva Wack Age: 18 18 16 ' 16 16 18 17 14 15 21 20 Father: Daniel Henry Peter Jacob John John Peter Henry Conrad Michael Michael Father: Henry Ludwig Christian Henry Martin John Michael Jacob Emmanuel Peter Henry Ludwig Henry Henry Jacob Frederick 323 Age: 18 17 Li 18 17 18 16 16 17 324 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Females: Polly Wack Sarah Gorger Susanna Kern Maria Langdale Magd. Colp Catechumens at Tohickon in 1805. Males: George Folmer Peter Mickly Samuel Ott Henry Hetrick Abr. Fluck Isaac Fluck Jacob Kern Abr. Stout Abr. Trumpore Daniel Solida Christian Roth Daniel Stout Adam Clemens John Sheib Females: Maria Henig Susanna Kiichlein Maria Fluck Susanna Mickly Eliza Trumpore Barbara Trumpore Sarah Trumpore Susanna Weissel Catharine Shellenberg Elizabeth Shellenberg Maria Eliza Miller Mary O’Donnel Mary Fassbender Catharine Ort Eliza Mickly Margaret Fassbender Susanna Folmer Catharine Jacoby Age: 16 17 Age: 18 187 16 20 17 15 16 18 18 16 17 18 26 17 Age: 14 16 17 15 19 16 16 16 16 15 17 21 18 17 15 17 16 16 Father : Frederick Frederick Adam Michael George Father: George Peter John Philip Caspar Caspar Adam Abraham Andrew Emanuel Ludwig Daniel George Father: John Abraham Jacob Peter Jacob Jacob Henry Henry Henry Henry Henry Anthony Henry Jacob Ludwig John George Benjamin Tohickon Reformed Records. Females: Magdalena Stout Margaret Stout Sarah Stout Christina Wollschlager Elizabeth Blackberry Catharine Trumpore Age: 15 20 18 17 19 16 Father: Abraham Philip Philip Philip Andrew Catechumens at Tohickon in 1807. Males: John Rohr George Rohr John Sheib Henry Fassbender Andrew Trumpore Michael Althouse Wm. Sylvius Henry Sheib Isaac Worman Martin Wack Philip Sheib John Sein Wm. Sein Adam Kern Samuel Solida George Weissel Isaac Ott Peter Stout Joseph Ott Peter Jorger Peter Fluck Age: 18 20 18 17 16 16 20 17 20 16 15 20 16 15 17 Ly, 15 18 17 20 18 Father: Michael Michael Martin Henry Andrew Daniel Henry Peter Michael Jacob Peter Henry Henry Adam Jacob Henry John Daniel Jacob Frederick John Females: Susanna Hager Susanna Sylvius Magdalena Sein Elizabeth Mackel Elisa Kiichlein Maria Stout Margaret Solida Maria Overpeck Elisa Overpeck Catharine Fluck Eliza Mickly Sarah Robert Sarah Folmer Maria Stout Susanna Stout Catharine Stout Catechumens for the year 1809. Males: Samuel Kuchlein Samuel Ott John Follmer Matthias Roth Martin Gruber Conrad Althouse Daniel Heffert Michael Heffert Jacob Worman Age: Ly 17 18 18 19 21 18 16 21 Father: Females: Abraham Magdalena Fluck John George Ludwig Jacob Daniel Joseph Joseph Michael Anna Shellenberger Anna Solida Christina Spies Frederica Spies Maria Ott Catharine Stout Sarah Mickly Eliza Ott Age: 18 15 ly 17 17 16 15 18 15 15 15 20 17 18 16 20 Age: 16 16 16 16 18 16 15 16 15 325 Father : Emmanuel Henry Henry George Abraham Daniel Em] George George John Peter George Peter Peter Peter Father: Christian Henry Jacob Christian Christian John Jacob Peter John 326 Males: Age: Henry Mitman 16 Joseph Weissel 16 Henry Shellenberg 17 Joseph Friedrich a ty Catechumens at Males: Age: Alexander Ott ally Jacob Swarz 19 George Ott 17 Samuel Kern 16 Henry Trumpore 18 Frederick Folmer 16 George Fluck 20 Jacob Resh 16 John Stout 18 John Resh 19 John Solida aby Wm. Ott 19 Sam’] Fluck 16 Martin Sheib 19 Daniel Folmer 16 19 16 18 Sam’l Wollschlager John Mayer Cornelius Sellers Fred’k Geres 21 Henry Mackel 22 Joseph Solida 21 John Benner 25 Father: Conrad Henry Henry Michael Father: Females: Age: John Susanna Shellenberg 15 John Catharine Eckel 16 Peter Barbara Folmer 16 Adam Catharine Heffert 16 Andrew Susanna Kolp 17 George Eliza Sein 17 Jacob Eliza Mayer 18 Henry Maria Rosenberg 18 Daniel Susanna Rosenberg 16 Henry Barbara Sein 18 Em’! Jane Cammel 26 Jacob Eliza Swartz 17 John Catharine Raser 19 Martin Catharine Steiner 17 George Eliza Ott 15 Philip Susanna Geres 19 John Maria Ott 15 Abraham Susanna Rinker 19 FrederickHannah Mackel 16 George Catharine Swarz 22 Daniel Eva Stout 16 Daniel Hannah Jacoby 16 Rachel Swarz us Hannah Mickly 16 Catharine Benner 17 Maria Benner 20 Magd. Frederick 17 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Females: Age: Sarah Ott 16 Eliza Jacoby 16 Catharine Wack 16 Magdalena Heft 16 Julianna Heft 18 Susanna Fassbender 17 Tohickon in 1811. Father: Michael Benjamin Frederick Henry Henry John Father: Henry John Daniel Joseph Michael Henry John Jacob Jacob George John George John John Fred John John Daniel John Peter Benjamin John Peter John John Jost Susanna Stout, wf. of Dan’l Stout Catechumens in Flatland, Nov. 1813. Males: Age: Samuel Sheib 19 Peter Sheib 17 Father: Martin Martin Females: Age: Catharine Sheib a Ky Elizabeth Fried 15 Father: Martin Henry Males: John Weber Henry Berger Jacob Berger Joseph Smith Henry Heft Samuel Fluck Philip Heft Tohickon Reformed Records. : Father: Jost John John Peter Henry Jacob Henry Females: Sarah Fried Elizabeth Masomer Catharine Masomer Elizabeth Berger Maria Sheib Sarah Green Sarah Fluck Mary Smith Mary McMollen Hannah Smith Maria Weierbach Anna Treichler Elizabeth Beideler Catharine Folmer Magdalena Emich Mary Fisher Age: 17 te 16 16 14 16 Catechumens at Tohickon, May 22, 1814. Males: David Mackel Henry Weissel Jacob Mitman David Fluck Henry Teiss Ludwig Benner John N. Solida Frederick Tingler Sam’l Kidney Sam’! Ott Henry Kidney Adolph Hufnagel Peter Mackel Jacob Althouse John Frederick Peter Swarz Abraham Durn Michael Ott Samuel Solida Age: 23 18 17 16 20 18 19 19 18 16 24 22 21 20 18 16 28 18 21 Father: Daniel Henry Conrad John Philip Henry Daniel Jacob John Henry John Adolph George Daniel Michael John Adam Jacob Daniel Females: Anna Trumpore Mary Heffert Hannah Heffert Magd. Mackel Maria Darrah Hannah Fluck Elizabeth Teiss Susanna Mackel Magd. Kern Maria Folmer Charlotte Shissler Susanna Mackel Magd. Fassbender Maria Ott Maria Mickly Fanny Ott Maria Ott Elizabeth Folmer Catharine Laux Elizabeth Solida Sibylla Fassbender Sarah Ott Louisa Peil Age: 19 18 16 17 21 16 16 20 16 15 22 18 24 17 17 15 17 327 Father: Henry Henry Henry John George John Philip John John John Isaac John John George George Jacob Father : Jacob Joseph Joseph Daniel Robert Christian Philip Daniel Frederick Daniel John George wf. of John Jacob Peter John Henry Joseph Adam Henry John John Christian 328 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: Maria Applebach 15 George Catharine Stout 15 Henry Catharine Frederick 15 Michael Catharine Summer 17 Peter Catharine Althouse 27 wf of John Catechumens at Tohickon May 26, 1816. Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: John Teiss 18 Philip Maria Mackel 17 Joseph John Heffert 17 Joseph Hannah Mackel 16 Joseph George Makel 22 George Sarah Stout 17 Jacob Henry Stout 18 Daniel Sarah Sheip 17 George Michael Colp 19 Michael Sarah Watts 19 Eliza Samuel Stout 16 Daniel Maria Watts 16 Eliza Isaac Trumpore 18 Andrew Catharine Watts 14 Eliza Samuel Mayer 18 John Maria Friederich 15 Michael John Fetter 18 Christian Maria Stout 15 Henry Thomas Sellers 18 Samuel Esther Benner 17 Peter Enosh Schlichter — Andrew Elizabeth Applebach 15 George Barbara Mickly 17 Peter Barbara Solida 16 John Susanna Swarz 18 John Sarah Rinker 16 David Sarah Dreisbach 18 Jacob Elizabeth Dreisbach 16 Jacob Catharine Mayer 16 John Magdalena Jacobi 15 Benjamin Susanna Althouse 25 Frederick Maria Stout 21 Peter Elizabeth Sheetz — Philip Maria Senn 17 Jacob Tirzah Sellers — Abraham [8. CATECHUMENS OF REV. J. A. STRASSBURGER, 1819-1827.] Catechumens at Indianfield, May 9, 1819. The following young people were instructed and confirmed by me, Rev. J. A. Strassburger: Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: John Henge 20 George Barbara Fluck 15 Christian Mich’! Hertzel 19 Henry Mary Hartzel 17 Henry Jacob Roudenbush 16 Peter Elizabeth Henge 18 George Tohickon Reformed Records. 329 Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: Samuel Scholl 17 Tobias Margaret Shipe 18 Abraham Jonathan Gerhard 16 Isaac Catharine Shipe 16 Abraham Henry Renner 18 Adam Lydia Gerhard 15 Jacob Ephraim Seller 17 Abraham Elizabeth Seibel 15 Jacob Philip Rees 19 Jacob Maria Conver 17 Jacob John Henge 16 Abraham Margaret Conver 15 Jacob John Scholl 17 Philip Sarah Scholl 15 Tobias George Leidy 18 George Elizabeth Henge 16 Jacob Peter Gerhard 17 Isaac Salome Scholl 17 George Abr. Young a Catharine Stout 17 Thomas Catharine Wirebach 17 Isaac Sarah Wirebach 18 Isaac Catharine Spees 16 Christian Elizabeth Been 16 Abraham Catharine Henge 15 John Catharine Rees 17 Jacob Elizabeth Hoot 16 John Elizabeth Seller 15 Abraham Anna Shellenberger 17 Conrad Mr. Adam Renner’s wife Catechumens at Tohickon, May 23, 1819. Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: Peter Laux 19 Andrew Christine Folmer 17 Daniel Samuel Fluck 19 John Maria Shellenberg 16 Henry Samuel Benner 19 Henry Maria Weissel 17 Henry Joseph Magel 19 Daniel Christine Rinker 16 David John Hartman 19 Philip Nancy Magel 16 Daniel John Trisler 23 Philip Christine Magel 16 Joseph Sam’l Appenbach 17 George Nancy Kern 16 Peter Henry Ekel 19 John Eva Swartz 18 John Samuel Sechler 17 Jacob Sarah Wirebach 15 Peter Jacob Ott 19 John Christine Schissler 17 John Henry Mayer 20 Jacob Hannah Friderich 15 John John Herr 18 FrederickLydia Ott 14 Henry Jacob Deis 18 Philip Hannah Tressler 20 Philip Samuel Fassbender 18 Jacob Hannah Schissler 22 John Joseph Hoffert 18 Joseph Sarah Trissler 22 Philip Nicholas Resh 19 Henry Nancy Ruth 22 Isaac-— Jacob Ott 17 Jacob Maria Stout 15 Jacob Daniel Stonebach 19 Michael Nancy Stout 17 Jacob 330 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: Samuel Magel 19 George Nancy Ott 17 John John Heny 19 Jacob Hannah Ott 17 John John Ott 18 Christian Maria Mayer 17 Jacob Charles Ott 16 Abraham Catharine Heny 16 Jacob David Trissler 18 Philip Maria Sallady 17 John John Laux 16 Andrew Maria Deis 16 Philip Samuel Colp 16 Michael Hannah Strom 17 Jacob Samuel Ott 17 Daniel Sophia Fluck 17 Henry William Kidney 20 John Hsther Grow 18 George Peter Silvius 24 Henry Hannah Fluck 18 Peter Abraham Kichline Nancy Althouse 16 Conrad Catechumens at Charlestown, October 30, 1819. Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: Isaac Huber 18 Henry Mrs. Elizabeth Moll Joel Blyler 18 Jacob Mrs. Elizabeth Hertzel David Witener 18 Daniel Anna Huber 21 Henry Solomon Hetrich 18 Abraham Sarah Hertzel 18 Jacob Jacob Hertzel 18 Jacob Hannah Stoll 17 Jacob Joseph Hetrich 16 Christian Mary Willower 15 Anthony Catharine Magel 17 Daniel Hannah Blyler 17 Jacob Maria Jacoby 17 Peter Maria Widener 16 Daniel Susan Aple 16 —— Catechumens at Tohickon, October 12, 1820. Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: Michael Shellenberg 24 Philip Sarah Frederick 17 Henry Jacob Follmer 17 Daniel Elizabeth Hoffert 16 Joseph Jesse Heny 20 Jacob Sarah Drumbor 17 Andrew Samuel Hckel 18 John Catharine Deis 17 Philip Jacob Follmer 21 Joseph Lydia Ott 15 John Jonas Althouse 17 Martin Anna Smith 15 Jacob Samuel Weissel 16. Henry Catharine Ott 15 Henry William More 18 Jesse Christine Geris 17 Fred Michael Ott 16 Abraham Elizabeth Salladay 17 John Martin Fassbenner 17 Jacob Catharine Gerhard 15 Abraham John Adam Fluck 16 Jacob Sophia Brecht 15 John Samuel Kern 17 Fred Margaret Tressler 16 Philip Jonathan Gerhard 18 Abr. Sarah Geres 24 George Samuel Mayer 16 Samuel Hannah Applebach 15 George Tohickon Reformed Records. 331 Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: George Ernst 16 George Magdalene Stout 15 Henry Samuel Hartman 17 Philip Anna Ott 16 Christian Jesse Hoffert 17 Joseph Susan Benner 23 Henry Jacob Stout 17 Jacob Anna Yeakel 23 Jacob John Hoot 16 John John Geris 24 Frederick John Applebach 17 George Henry Benner 18 Henry Abr. Gerhard 20 Abraham John Angeny 24 Jacob Catechumens at Indianfield April 20, 1821. Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: George Gerhard 17 Jacob Mary Dorn 15 Adam Abr. Roudenbush 17 Peter Elizabeth Dreisbach 16 John Abr. Roudenbush 17 George Magdalena Gerhard 16 Isaac John Widenmeyer 17 John Margaret Hoot 16 John Jacob Hartman 17 Philip Elizabeth Shipe 16 Abraham Henry Gerhard 17 Isaac Barbara Hertzel 16 Philip Philip Drisebach 17 John Anna Kern 15 John Jacob Welker 17 Jacob Marg. Henge 15 George George Henge 17 George Sarah Renner 16 Adam John Watz 16 Elisha Marg. Welker 16 Jacob Abr. Henge 16 Jacob Magdalena Widdig 20 —— Enosh Frantz 18 John Elizabeth Weaver an adult William Reiff 18 BenjaminElizabeth Herr 17 David Michael Reiff 19 Benjamin Margaret Herzel 19 Henry Jacob Althouse 19 Henry MariaShellenberger 16 Jacob Henry Kern 17 John Anna Renner 17 Adam Catechumens at Charlestown, October 23, 1821. Males: Age: Father: Females: Age: Father: Michael Hiltebeutel 21 Jacob Magdalene Grossly 16 James Jonathan Levi 17 Adam Maria Hetrich 16 Christian John Hetrich 17 Jacob Susanna Dreisbach 16 Jacob Charles Nicholas 16 Joseph Hannah Dreisbach 17 Jacob Jonas Merkel 16 Daniel Juliann Stuvert 19 Charles William Hetrick 15 Jacob Magdalene Kellise 25 Conrad Henry Watz 22 Elisha 332 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Catechumens at Indianfield, April 20, 1822. Males: William Herzel John Sloop Michael Hertzel William Weil Enosh Henge Joseph Gerhard Daniel Rees Jesse Been Jacob Buchhammer Tobias Leidy Age: 22 Father: Henry Conrad Henry William John Jacob Jacob Abr. John George Females: Hannah Gerhard 15 Cornelia Gerhard 16 Catharine Gerhard 14 Maria Gerhard 17 Magdalena Gerhard 16 Henry Althouse 17 Rachel Gerhard 15 Hannah Koch 19 Sophia Koch aby Catechumens at Tohickon, October 22, 1822. Males: Jacob Salladay John Follmer Samuel Leidy Andrew Laux Peter Brecht John Eckel Peter Bloom Joseph Shive Enosh Shive Samuel Rinker Enoch Davis Age: 16 17 ily 15 15 17 18 17 17 17 Father: Females: Age: Peter Catharine Heller 15 Daniel Catharine Ott 16 Charles Hannah Fluck 16 Andrew Susanna Fluck 16 Jacob Magdalena Kern 15 John Sarah Maugel 15 ChristophiSusanna Ott 16 Peter Elizabeth Neis 14 Peter Catharine Laux 17 David Christine Dise 16 adult Catharine Benner 17 Rachel Hoffert 15 Elizabeth Leidy — Catharine Salladay 15 Hannah Shive 16 Hannah Stout 15 Magdalena Shive ae Catechumens at Tohickon, October 30, 1824. Males: George Hartman Levi Leidy Jacob Ratzel Tobias Applebach Jonas Hartman Christian Hous- keeper Age: 19 16 16 an 16 16 Father: Philip Charles George George Jacob Daniel Females: Age: Catharine House- keeper 18 Barbara Salladay 15 Lydia Gerhard 16 Eliza Rool 16 Maria Reeder 18 Eliz. Ott 16 Age: Father: Isaac Abraham Abraham Henry John Henry Jacob Peter Peter Father: Ludwig Henry Jacob Christian Peter Joseph Christian Daniel Andrew Philip Henry Joseph adult Peter Peter Henry adult Father: Daniel Peter Abraham Tobias John Christian Males: Age: John Strom 20 Tobias Drumbour 18 Isaac Stout Li Jacob Kern 16 Tobias Althouse a bry Charles Gerhard 17 John Ott 20 Samuel Follmer 19 Enosh Follmer ily John Drumbour 17 Enosh Sholl ake; Simon Sholl 16 Catechuments Males: Age: Abraham Obrist 23 Michael Gerhard 16 Franklin Read 19 John Wunderlich 16 Father : Jacob Andrew Jacob Frederick Martin Abraham John Joseph Joseph John Frederick Frederick Tohickon Reformed Records. Females: Age: Hannah Follmer 18 Elizabeth Strom 18 Catharine Fassben- ner 19 Lydia Laux 16 Maria Wolfinger 16 Anna Ott 15 Maria Colp —— SKE! Father : Jacob Jacob John Adam John Henry adult at Charlestown, November 20, 1824. Father: Abraham Isaac Andrew George Females: Age: Caroline Read 16 Lydia Markel 18 Elizabeth Gerhard 17 Eliz. Bartholomew 15 Maria Widener Catharine Huber Miss Moll Catechumens at Indianfield, May 15, 1825. Males: Jesse Roudenbush Samuel Renner Tobias Henge Zeno Meile George Seibel Tobias Sholl Ephraim Heny John Kern John Stover Age: 18 Father: George Adam George William Jacob Jacob Abraham John adult Females: Elizabeth Althouse 17 Catharine Swenk 18 Sophia Swenk 17 Maria Herzel 17 Lydia Herzel 18 Hannah Herzel 16 Hannah Fluck 16 Hannah Weil 16 Eliz. Henge 1% Eliz. Sholl 16 Sophia Herzel 16 Lydia Henge 16 Catharine Renner 15 Anna Follmer 15 Catharine Follmer 16 Catharine Gerhard 16 Age: Father: John Daniel Isaac Andrew adult Father: Henry George George Henry Henry Philip John William John Jacob Henry Jacob Adam John John John Father: The Pennsylvania-German Society. Females: Age: Eliz. Klein 15 Hannah Dreisbach 16 Sarah Reiff 15 Sophia Reiff 16 Eliz. Bender 16 Hannah Reiff Margaret Buchham- mer 16 Catechumens at Tohickon, Sept. 26, 1826. 334 Males: Age: Males: Age: John Shessler 21 Samuel Fluck 20 Jesse Housekeeper 16 Samuel Heny 17 Elias Gerhard 17 Henry Lechler ily Abr. Appelbach 17 Samuel Follmer 17 Sam. Hartman 16 Fred Hartman 18 Abr. Rinker — John Maugel 17 Tobias Heller 18 Lazarus Sholl 16 Samuel Eckert Catechumens at Indian Creek, April 13, 1827. Males: Age: David Appenzeller 18 Tobias Herr 17 Father: John Henry Matthias Jacob Abraham Jacob John Daniel Jacob Philip adult Joseph Ludwig Fred adult Father: Jacob David Females: Age: Rebekah Cammel 16 Christina Fluck 15 Anna Follmer 15 Maria Ratzel 16 Elizabeth Stout 16 Lydia Leidy 16 Maria Heany 16 Lydia Heany 15 Catharine Magel 16 Magd. Rool 16 Magdalena Shellen- berger 16 Caroline House- keeper 17 Margaret Ott aly; Barbara Ott 17 Elizabeth Althouse 15 Catharine Hartman 16 Lydia Fluck 18 Marg. Drumbaur 16 Susan Ott 15 Elizabeth Fluck 15 Sarah Hetrick 22 Delilah Wissmer 17 Magd. Rinker 24 Elizabeth Althouse 16 Females: Age: Sarah Dorn 17 Hannah Gerhard 15 Father: Jacob John Benjamin Benjamin Adam adult John Father: Philip John Daniel George Henry Charles Jacob Jacob Daniel Tobias John Matthias John Peter Martin Philip John Abraham Henry Fred Peter Dennis John Fred Father: Adam John Males: Samuel Herr Benj. Wirebach Sam. Leidy Paul Hertzel William Heany Jacob Sholl John Hoot Tohickon Reformed Records. Age: 17 17 BK 17 17 16 17 Father: David Isaac Jacob Henry Jacob John Females: Catharine Herzel Elizabeth Dorn Catharine Herzel Maria Lutz Abraham Eliz. Leidy Eliz. Hetrich Hannah Rees Hannah Wirebach Rachel Jacoby Eliz. Reiff Age: 16 18 15 16 15 18 aby § 15 17 15 Catechumens at Charlestown, June 2, 1827. Males: Samuel Young Andrew Young Henry Hertzel Thomas Hartman Absalom Markel Jacob Stoll John Markel Augustus Drum- bauer Jonas Hillegas Jacob Blyler John Bender George Mayor Age: 17 16 18 LT, 19 19 18 20 19 17 17 21 Father: Females: Age: Christian Hannah Mumbauer — Christian Julianna Heest Hannah Hendricks Magd. Gooker Paul John Daniel Jacob Daniel Henry Henry Jacob Adam John Eliz. Stoll Hannah Hetrick Sarah Hertzel Hannah Frederick Anna Shellenberger 15 17 19 19 18 16 Le 21 Catharine Drumbaur 15 Euphemia Shive Catharine Blyler Anna Herr Sarah Herr Mary Bender Leanna Widener Marg. Kern Sarah Smith 15 17 19 16 15 19 335 Father: Philip Adam Henry Jacob Jacob Peter Jacob Isaac Peter Benjamin Father: adult John Henry Jacob Jacob Christian Paul George John Henry John Peter Jacob Jacob Adam Daniel adult adult TOHICKON UNION REFORMED AND LUTHERAN CHURCH ERECTED IN 1838, SIZE 50 FRET BY 60 FEET BS Gar HISTORY .OF THE TOHICKON LUTHERAN CON- _ GREGATION, BEDMINSTER TOWN- SHIP, BUCKS COUNTY; 1745-1840. N trying to write the history of the Tohickon Luth- eran congregation, the writer feels he cannot do full justice to his subject. The sources of Reformed church history in Pennsylvania, which he has been gathering for twenty-five years, fail him when he un- dertakes to write also the history of the Lutheran church. Hence he acknowledges himself as hampered for lack of documents. But since the Lutheran record published here- with calls for a treatment similar to that of the Reformed record, he must content himself with the sources that are at present available. These are mainly three: First, the minutes of the Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania, 1748-1821, printed in Philadelphia in 1898; secondly, the “Hallesche Nachrichten,” the great treasure house of Luth- eran church history in Pennsylvania, which consist of elab- orate reports, sent by the Lutheran ministers of Pennsyl- vania to the authorities of the institutions at Halle, Ger- many, presided over for years by the celebrated Dr. Francke. They were first published at Halle in 1787, but were reprinted in this country, in 1886-1895, in two large 1 Documentary History of the Evangelical Lutheran Ministerium of Pennsylvania and adjacent States. Proceedings of the Annual Conven- tions from 1748 to 1821. Philadelphia, 1898, Board of Publ. of the Gen- eral Council of the Evang. Lutheran Church in North America, IV, 619 pp. Quoted as Minutes. 338 The Pennsylvania-German Society. volumes, and provided with numerous and valuable anno- tations by Drs. Mann and Schmucker.? Our quotations are always taken from the American reprint. And last, but not least, the church record of the congregation, whose care- ful study, like that of the Reformed records, has been sadly neglected, to the detriment of the true history of the con- gregation. What is usually regarded as the earliest reference to the Tohickon Lutheran congregation is found in a letter of the Lutheran patriarch, the Rev. Henry Melchior Muhlenberg, dated June 18, 1754. Under that date he wrote as follows to the pastors at Halle: “At a river, called Tohicon, about twenty-two miles from Provi- dence, is a small congregation of High German Lutherans, who for about ten years past [1744-1754] have been visited as much as possi- ble by our Ministerium, and were last served by Messrs. Rauss and Schultz. But, inasmuch as the congregation is somewhat out of the way, is also too poor to support a minister alone, and is indeed not able to raise even the half or the third part of a sufficient salary, in union with other congregations. . . . we are much perplexed about it. The congregation has built with great efforts and costs a schoolhouse and parsonage. But we do not know how to help them, because the financial support is lacking. They are very sad that we cannot help them as we would like to do, and they believe that they are abandoned for other reasons” (H. N., II, 186). When we compare these statements with the Tohickon record we discover to our great surprise that no trace of either Rauss or Schultz can be found in the record. The Tohickon church record was opened on May 24, 1750, by an unknown hand, which entered six baptisms on that day. It could not have been either Lucas Rauss, pastor at Old Goshenhoppen, or Frederick Schultz, Muhlenberg’s assist- ant at New Hanover and Providence, for the simple reason "2 Nachrichten von den vereinigten Deutschen Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gemeinen in Pensylvanien. New edition, with historical annotations by Dr. W. J. Mann and Dr. B. M. Schmucker. Vol. I, Allentown, 1886; Vol. II, Philadelphia, 1895. Quoted briefly as Hallesche Nachrichten, abbre- viated as H. N. Tohickon Lutheran Church. 339 that neither of them came to Pennsylvania before the year 1751. Vs MINISTRY OF REV. JOHN MARTIN SCHAEFER, 1750-1753. On June 10, 1750, there begins another set of thirty-seven baptismal entries, which extend from that date to Decem- ber 3, 1753. These were made by John Martin Schaefer, who in a baptism of his own daughter, Magdalena Barbara, on June 3, 1753, calls himself “minister here.” These en- tries, all in the same handwriting, prove that from June 1750 to December 1753, John Martin Schaefer preached to the congregation. His ministry leaves no room for that of Rauss and Schultz. The only conclusion which we can draw from these facts is that the “Tohicon” of which Muhlenberg wrote in 1754 is not identical with the To- hickon of this church record. Hence there must have been two Lutheran congregations on the Tohickon creek at that time. This conclusion is corroborated by several other facts. In 1750, there were two delegates from the “To- hecka” present at the meeting of the Ministerium (Minutes, p. 28). This could not have been the Tohickon of the rec- ord which we now publish, because it was in 1750 under the care of an independent Lutheran minister, who was not recognized by the Ministerium. Again, in 1752, the Minis- terium resolved that “Old Goshenhoppen, Indianfield and Tohecka shall remain together, as they have been to the present, and be served by Mr. Rauss” (Minutes, p. 39). This passage is further proof that the “Tohecka” mentioned in the minutes of the Ministerium cannot be our Tohickon, because the latter was served from 1750-53 by Schaefer and not by Rauss. If there must be two Lutheran congregations on the Tohickon creek, the question naturally arises: 340 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Where is the second to be found? The answer is simple: It is Keller’s Church, also in Bedminster township,® and also on the Tohickon creek, but two and one-half miles southeast of the present Tohickon. It was this church on the “Tohecka” which sent delegates to the convention of Lutheran ministers, held in June 1750, at Providence, and it was this church which was under the pastoral care of Rauss. In the “Jubilee Volume” of the Norristown Con- ference, published in 1917,* occurs this statement about Keller’s Church (p. 93): “The first pastor of this congre- gation of whom there is any record was Lucas Rauss.” Thus assurance is made doubly sure that the Tohickon mentioned by Muhlenberg and in the minutes of the Minis- terium was not the present Tohickon Church, but rather Keller’s Church, whose record harmonizes perfectly with Muhlenberg’s description. Being thus, to our regret, deprived of the “earliest refer- ence” of our Tohickon, we are left in the dark as to the first pastor or pastors of the present Tohickon Lutheran congregation. It is probable, although by no means cer- tain, that the union of the Lutheran and Reformed people went back to the very beginning of church life in this com- munity, that is, the year 1745. When in the year 1753 the first church land was purchased, it was done by the two united congregations. Hence, we may perhaps conclude that the Lutheran congregation also reaches back to the year 1745. But while the founder of the Tohickon Lutheran congre- gation is unknown, the first known pastor was John Mar- tin Schaefer. This man was an independent Lutheran min- ister and an opponent of Muhlenberg. He came to Amer- 3 As a result Keller’s Church appears occasionally as “Bedminster” in the minutes of the Ministerium, see pp. 238, 332, 335. 4 1517-1917, Jubilee Volume, Norristown Conference of the Ministerium of Pennsylvania and adjacent States. Published by the Conference. No date, 312 pp. Tohickon Lutheran Church. 341 ica in the year 1750, having been originally a schoolmaster (H. N., I, 591). He was a student and adherent of the notorious John Conrad Andreae, pastor at Old Goshenhop- pen, and was probably ordained by him. From 1750-53, he was preaching at Tohickon and during his stay there took part in the purchase of the first church land on Sep- tember 1, 1753. In 1757, we find him at Upper Milford, where he entered the first baptism into the record. He had apparently accepted an invitation to preach at Upper Milford, but before the end of the year he received and ac- cepted a call from the German Lutheran congregation in New York City. He stayed in New York till 1761, when he removed to Waldboro, Maine, where he is said to have neglected his pastoral duties, but became rich as a physic- ian. He died there in 1794 (H. N., I, 631). 1M le MINISTRY OF REV. JACOB FREDERICK SCHERTLEIN, 1754-1755. During the years 1754 and 1755, we find a number of entries in the Tohickon record made by Jacob Frederick Schertlein. Thus, on December 1, 1754, there is a baptism of Anna Elizabeth, daughter of John David, and of his wife, Christina Barbara. This baptism was entered by “M. [Magister] Schertlein, minister in Maguncy.” Other bap- tisms were performed by Schertlein on May 8, 1755. Jacob Frederick Schertlein was born at Hornberg, in Baden, Germany. He became Magister at Tuebingen in 1717; was pastor at Zell and Altbach, near Esslingen, Wur- temberg, in 1733; was dismissed there in 1748; came to America, landing at Philadelphia September 27, 1752; was pastor in Heidelberg, Lehigh county, beginning in 1754, of 342 The Pennsylvania-German Society. the new church in Weissenberg in 1754, at Zionsville in Upper Milford in 1758. How long he served these congre- gations is not certain. The above extract from the To- hickon record shows that he was also at Macungy as early as 1754. In 1763, he was compelled to flee from his home because of the Indian incursions. At the meeting of the Ministerium in October 1763, at Philadelphia, a letter was read from Mr. Schertlein, in which he excused his absence “on account of his age and danger from the Indians,” with the added request to be remembered in prayer (Minutes, p. 71). In November 1768, Muhlenberg reports him® as hav- ing departed this life. Although Schertlein was not a regu- lar member of the Ministerium, Muhlenberg tried to culti- vate friendly relations with him, and invited him to attend the meetings of the Ministerium, as he expresses it, “in the hope that under the rough shell a good kernel might yet grow under the influence of suffering and through the work- ing of the good Spirit” (Minutes, p. 43). Schertlein was present at only one meeting, in 1754. AY MINISTRY OF REV. JOHN JOSEPH ROTH, 1755-1758. On August 17, 1755, another pastor was at Tohickon, heading his baptismal entries with a Latin sentence, which may be translated: “The deacon John Joseph Roth has begun to write the names of the baptized children.’ John Joseph Roth was, according to the statement of Muhlenberg (H. N., II, 434). in his youth a Roman Catho- lic student from Siegen, Westphalia. He is probably iden- “8 See Hallesche Nachrichten, I, 592; Schantz, Historical Discourse at the Sesqui-Centennial of the Jordan Hv. Luth. Congregation, Allentown, 1894, p. 14. 6 The original reads: Diaconus Johannes Josephus Roth incepit scri- bere nomina baptizantium. Tohickon Lutheran Church. 343 tical with the “Johannes Josephus Roth,” who qualified at Philadelphia September 22, 1752. He appears as a preacher first at Tohickon, in August 1755. From that date till April 15, 1758, he entered thirty-six baptisms into the To- hickon record. He preached also at Indianfield, where his baptismal entries begin February 15, 1756, and extend to March 18, 1764. Several of his own children appear in the Indianfield record. Thus, on March 18, 1757, John Marcus, “son of John Joseph Roth, pastor of this church, and Eliza- beth, his wife,” was born and baptized March 24th. An- other son of the pastor, John Michael Kilian, was born June 16th and baptized July 24, 1759, On December 8, 1761, Mr. Roth visited Muhlenberg, (H. N., II, 382) and asked to be received as a member of the Lutheran Ministerium. He was at that time pastor at Old Goshenhoppen, Indianfield and Upper Milford. He re- ported that he had notified Indianfield of his intention to resign, which intention, however, he did not carry out. If there were any difficulties, they were apparently overcome. Mr. Roth was examined by the Ministerium on June 29, 1762 (Minutes, p. 65), but his reception was postponed until more information could be secured about him. There must have been some doubt and hesitation about him, for when he was finally received on October 17, 1763, the delegates of Indianfield and Saucon were asked about his conduct and whether the congregations had expressed a desire for him. After satisfactory assurances had been given, the Ministerium received him on the following conditions: “1. That a necessary admonition be addressed to him before- hand. 2. That it be understood that we retain the right to exclude him for sufficient reasons. The President addressed the admonition to him, and the other members gave their assent and received him with the right hand and hearty con- gratulations.” (Minutes, p. 71.) Roth was pastor, at that time, of Indianfield, Saucon and Upper Milford. In the 344 The Pennsylvania-German Society. year 1763, he became also the first pastor of the newly organized Lutheran congregation in Allentown. He served these congregations till his death, which occurred in May 1764. On May 17, 1764, Muhlenberg received a letter from Saucon, containing the report that Deacon Roth had been buried on the preceding Sunday, May 13th. (H. N., II, 566.) He was buried in the graveyard of the Blue Church, Upper Saucon township, near Coopersburg, Pa." IV. MINISTRY OF REV. JOHN WOLF LIZEL, 1760-1765. The next Lutheran pastor at Tohickon was John Wolf Lizel. He was no doubt identical with “Joh. Wolfgang Leitzel,’ who on September 24, 1753, signed the oath of allegiance at Philadelphia.* He gave his age at that time as thirty years. Hence he was born in 1723. On July 16, 1754, “Johann Wolfgang Leitzel,” advertised as “deutscher Schul-und Rechen Meister” in Saur’s newspaper and an- nounced that he was conducting a night school, both in summer and winter, in Germantown.® He was probably engaged in teaching for some years. In 1760, he appears in Tohickon as preacher, heading his baptisms in the church record with the statement: “Baptized by me, John Wolf Lizel, of Nuremberg.” Very little is known about him. According to the annotations in the “Hallesche Nachrich- ten,” he was an adherent of the ill-famed Andreae (pastor at Old Goshenhoppen from 1743-50 and at Germantown from 1750-53) and was probably ordained by him. He was, ’ 7 See Proceedings of the Lehigh County Hist. Society, Vol I, p. 106. 8 See Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series, Vol. XVII, pp. 399 and 401. 9 Knauss, James O. Social Conditions among the Pa. Germans in the Eighteenth Century, Vol. XXIX, of the Proceedings of the Pa. German Society, p. 77. Tohickon Lutheran Church. 345 therefore, an independent Lutheran minister, who was never recognized by the Ministerium. At Tohickon, Lizel baptized the first child on December 8, 1760, and the last one on July 27, 1765. During that period he entered 84 baptisms into the record. One of the children baptized by him was his own daughter, Maria Helena, baptized January 1, 1765. He officiated also at In- dianfield, where from December 9, 1767, to May 15, 1769, he entered 18 baptisms into that record. In 1769, he was preaching in the Salisbury church, for in August of that year he entered a baptism in the records of that church (H. N., I, 593). After that his name disappeared. Ae MINISTRY OF REV. PHILIP HENRY RAPP, 1765-1772. Beginning with October 1765 a new pastor was active at Tohickon. It was Philip Henry Rapp. On January 16, 1766, he signed the financial statement for the year 1765, with the following signature: “Philippus Henricus Rapp, pastor loci.” Rapp came to Pennsylvania in 1750. Under date August 29, 1751, Muhlenberg reports in his diary: “Mr. Andreae has recommended some one else from here for New York, one who calls himself Rapp. With other Germans he came to this country a year ago.” (H.N., II, 29.) In his youth Rapp is said to have been engaged in a mercantile busi- ness (H. N., I, 630). When he came to Pennsylvania, An- dreae received and ordained him, and sent him to Macungy in Lehigh county, where he officiated from the fall of 1750 to October 1751. Andreae then recommended him to New York, where he served the party of Riess (a party hostile to Muhlenberg) till the end of 1753. After the death of Andreae, on January 1, 1754, he went to Germantown, 346 The Pennsylvania-German Society. where he stayed as pastor till 1762. At that time he be- come involved in a quarrel with his parishioners, who ap- pealed to Muhlenberg for assistance. In the following year Rapp was compelled to withdraw, as he failed to get a single vote in an election, which Muhlenberg had arranged (H. N., II, 650). Shortly afterwards he came to Tohickon, where he entered the first baptism on the 22nd Sunday after Trinity, i. e., in October 1765. From that date till 1772 (the exact date is not given) he entered forty-eight baptisms in the Tohickon record. It was during the ministry of Rapp that the first stone church was built at Tohickon. Several historians’? have stated that Muhlenberg contributed to this building. Let us examine the evidence. In his diary of 1763, Muhlenberg writes: “On February 2, 1763, towards evening several men from the Tohickon congregation came to me and asked for a collection for their new church building. I gave them my mite, but told them to look for more from other friends.” (H. N., II, 523.) Now, inasmuch as Rapp, the then pastor at Tohickon was not a member of the Ministerium and To- hickon itself had always been an independent congregation, it is much more likely, and indeed almost ‘certain, that this passage refers to the other congregation on the Tohickon, namely Keller’s Church, which had been for years an ob- ject of Muhlenberg’s solicitude and care.** Rapp himself has left us a record of the dedication of the Tohickon stone church: “Anno 1766, May 8th, on Ascension Day, our newly-built stone church was publicly dedicated by myself and Mr. Alsenz, as the Re- formed representative. I took as my text I Kings, VIII, vs. 28 and 29, and gave her the name ‘templum pacis’ or Peace Church (Fried- 10 See Hallesche Nachrichten, I, 268; Jubilee Volume, Norristown Con- ference, p. 246. 11 Moreover, it is unlikely that it took three years to build a stone church at Tohickon, 1763-1766. The correct inference from the diary of Muhlenberg is, that a stone church was built at Keller’s in 1763. Tohickon Lutheran Church. 347 enskirche). The text of the Reformed preacher was from Isaiah 56, v. 7, the last words. Testor Philipp Henry Rapp.” After Rapp left Tohickon in 1772 he probably served some neighboring congregation. The Tohickon congregation then seems to have been without a pastor for several years. In the minutes of the Ministerium for the year 1772 (p. 131) it is stated that “the remaining vacant congregations on the Tohecka,” cannot at present be cared for. This no doubt refers to Tohickon. Rapp resided in Nockamixon township, where he had purchased a farm probably in 1774. He made his will July 12, 1779, which was probated November 8, 1779. Hence he died shortly before the latter date. Muhlenberg records in his dairy, under date November 10, 1779, that Rapp had committed suicide. H. N., I, 591.) As the will of Rapp throws an interesting light on the membership of his family we insert it in full. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF PHILIP HENRY RAPP, July 12, 1779. In the name of the Lord, Amen! I Philip Henry Rapp of Naco- mixon Township Minister of the Gospel, being at present sick and weak of Body, but sound of Mind and Memory, thanks to the Lord, make this my will and Testament, viz., First, I resign my soul to my Redeemer Jesus Christ and my Body to the Earth, to be buried there in such a Manner as my Exec- utors shall think proper. Concerning my small temporal Estate it is my Will that first of all my legal Debts are to be paid, my son Philip Henry shall have the whole Plantation, excepted twenty five acres containing six acres meadow the remainder Wood and Plow Land which shall be the property of my son Frederick Christian. My Wife shall have the Mare and all the Household Goods, dur- ing the time she remains my widow, and also the use of Twenty five Acres of Land, during the time till Christian shall be [of] age; and it is my will, that the said Frederick Christian shall be put to a Trade as soon as suitable to his mother. Then it is my will that 348 The Pennsylvania-German Society. my daughter, who is married to Joseph Yost, and my daughter Catharine, who is married to John Rohrbach, shall each of them have fifteen pounds current money as it is at present received in Continental Payments in the State of Pennsylvania. But when my widow marries again, then she shall have her bed and apparel and half of the movables, the remainder shall be the Property of my both sons, for reason they had no proper education, as my said daughters, who had all the benefits for themselves, since they was able to work for themselves and contributed nothing for the Edu- cation of the said sons. For the true performance of this I appoint my son Philip Henry and my wife Mary his assistant to my sole executor and Executrix of this my last will and testament. Made this 12th Day of July 1779. Philip Henry Rapp. Signed, seal’d and pronounced as my will in the presence of us the subscribers Godfrey Miller, Bucks Co. The 8th Day of November 1779 appeared Godfrey Miller the wit- ness to the within writing purporting to be the last Will and Testa- ment of Philip Henry Rapp, decd. who on his solemn affirmation did declare and say That he was called by the said Testator to be an evidence to the same, when the said Testator produced the with- in Instrument already executed and declared the same to be his last will and that he signed it with his name as such and moreover pointed out to the Witness the Erasure in the Body of the Will of the Word Five and Interlineation above it of the words have fifteen, intimating that the same was done by himself. The said affirmant further saith that the said Testator was then of sound Mind, Memory and understanding to the best of his knowledge and be- lief; That the name Godfrey Miller underneath the said writing was wrote by him the affirmant as witness thereto; and also that he was well acquainted with the hand writing of the said Testator and verily believes that as well as the signature Philip Henry Rapp as the whole Body of the Will to be of his the Testator’s own proper Hand writing. Bucks Co. Be it remembered that on the 8th Day of November 1779 the within written last Will and Testament of Philip Henry Rapp, decd. was proved in the manner above shown, when Letters Testamentary were granted to Mary Rapp and Philip Henry Rapp the Executor and Executrix therein named, they being first duly affirmed well and truly to administer the Goods Chattels Rights and Credits of the sd. Decd. to exhibit within one month from the date hereof into the Registrar’s Office for the said County, a true Tohickon Lutheran Church. 349 Inventory and Conscionable appraisement of the same, & in one Year, or when thereunto lawfully required render a just account of their whole administration. In Testimony whereof I have here- unto set my Hand & affixed the Seal of sd. Office, the Day and Year above said. John Hart, D. Regr. ACCOUNT OF THE ESTATE OF PHILIP HENRY RAPP. Dr. Philip Rapp acting Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Philip Henry Rapp late of Nockamixon Township deceased, To the value of the personal eastate, as taken from the solemn affirmation of Philip Rapp Executor aforesaid, no in- LOYY DOIN Se mled = ee ae ten ae ae a aoe (oats toma ui By Cash for Probate of Will, &ct....... Be EY ar Dr. John Adams for making coffin per TOCEIDES! wohitheas bea race Sipe caches O75 4.3, 0 John Roarbach a Legacy ............ Dee Ovni O) JOSEDU 8d OSt DOL wae aus eclen aviators eae Dane Coe O Commission allowed when the whole administration is finished ......... Se Ole O Expenses attending this settlement... 1 9 Balance in Hands of Executor........ cl Wawa ka ee? ss £500 1002 0 Bucks Co. This account was examined and allowed January 19, 1790. James Hanna, Register. On May 15, 1787, his son; Philip Henry Rapp, Jr., exe- cuted a power-of-attorney as the only surviving heir of his deceased father, by which he appointed John George Ober- muller, of Neuwied, Germany, to be his attorney to recover all goods. dues and accounts coming to him from the estate of his grandfather, the Rev. Godfrey Rapp, of Sulz, in Lower Alsace, near Strassburg. This document is recorded in the recorder’s office at Doylestown, Bucks county. It proves that Rapp came from a ministerial family. The Rapp family tradition is that Rev. Philip Henry Rapp, emigrated from Sulz arriving America during 1750; that he located in Nockamixon township, where later he 350 The Pennsylvania-German Society. bought a farm; that he died on this homestead and was buried thereon. In 1893, his descendants erected a granite monument over his grave, which was unveiled on August 18th of that year, with appropriate ceremonies and a Rapp family reunion. This monument states that he died No- vember 10, 1779, which is evidently wrong, as his will was probated November 8, 1779. The power-of-attorney referred to above (a fragment of the original of which in German is in the hands of the writ- er), States that Philip Henry Rapp, Jr., was the only surviv- ing heir of his father, but the family tradition says that he had three sons, one Philip Henry, Jr., one son who died young, and George who was born shortly after his father’s death. Just why the document makes no mention of this posthumous son does not appear, but the family claims that he, George, became the founder of the Society of Harmon- ites of Economites at Economy, Beaver county, Pa.’? In re- cent years the Rapp family has laid claim to the property and assets of that society, which they say is valued at $10,- 000,000. Mrs. Rapp, widow of Rev. Philip Henry Rapp, afterwards married a Mr. Miller by whom she had children. Philip Henry Rapp, Jr., was a soldier of the Revolution, he lies buried in an unmarked grave in the Nockamixon Church burying-ground. 42 This claim of the family cannot be sustained in the light of well authenticated history. According to the article ‘“‘Rappists’” in M’Clintock and Strong’s Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological and Ecclesiastical Lit- erature, New York, 1894 (Vol. VIII, 911-13) the society of the Harmonites was founded by George Rapp, who was born at Iptingen, Wurtemberg, in October 1757. That was seven years after Philip Henry Rapp, Sr., had arrived in Pennsylvania. In 1803, George Rapp, accompanied by his son John and two other adherents, came to America. Within a year he was followed by 600 persons, who on Febr. 15, 1805, organized themselves into the ‘“‘“Harmony Society’. They had settled on 5000 acres of wild land, in the valley of the Conoquenessing, about 25 miles north of Pittsburg. This location did not suit them. Hence, after moving about for some time, they finally located along the Ohio river, near Pittsburg, where they built “Economy”. See also the more recent article ““Communistic So- cieties” in Hastings, Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics. Tohickon Lutheran Church. 351 VI. MINISTRY OF REV. CONRAD ROELLER, 1774-1795. In 1773, Indianfield and Tohickon petitioned the Minis- terium for a preacher, “who would suit their conditions, be- cause they do not as yet have a parsonage and can raise only a small salary.” (Minutes, p. 141.) It was then resolved that the minister of Old Goshenhoppen should visit these congregations. (p. 142.) As a result we find a new pastor at Tohickon March 1774, in the person of Conrad Roeller. He was born in Ger- many, educated in the University of Erlangen (H. N., II, 735), and came to this country in the year 1770, well sup- plied with excellent testimonials. He was cordially received by Muhlenberg, who at first made him his assistant at Philadelphia. Later, with Frederick A. C. Muhlenberg, he was sent to the congregations in the vicinity of Lebanon, Pa., (H. N., II, 104) and in 1772 became pastor at Old Goshen- hoppen and Indianfield. At Old Goshenhoppen his bap- tismal entries begin February 16, 1772, at Indianfield April 20, 1772. At Tohickon he did not begin to enter baptisms till March 1774. On June 12, 1774, he signed the financial statement for the first time. Sometime afterwards the three congregations constituting the parish united in buying a piece of land containing 160 acres near Tylersport, where Mr. Roeller settled and resided.1* He ministered to his people till 1795. On July 5, 1795, he entered his last bap- tisms both at Tohickon and at Indianfield. He probably retired at this time because of advancing age. Roeller was highly respected by Muhlenberg. In a re- port, dated October 31, 1778, Muhlenberg reports him as pastor at Old Goshenhoppen, Indianfield and Tohickon and then he adds: “He adorns his teaching with a Christian 18 Jubilee Volume, p. 248. 352 The Pennsylvania-German Society. life and is feared and loved by all, who show Christian feeling.” H.N., IH, 735.) and Again, in another report, dated December 6, 1782, Muhlenberg writes about Roeller: “He adorns the Christian doctrine with an edifying life” (H. N., II, 741). On May 31, 1795, and following days, Roeller attended for the last time the meeting of the Luth- eran Ministerium. He died in June 1799 and was buried under the altar of the Indianfield Church. Roeller was the first Lutheran pastor, of Tohickon, who during his pas- torate there was a member of the Ministerium. Up to the year 1772 the congregation and its ministers had been in- dependent. VII. MINISTRY OF REV. FREDERICK WILLIAM GEISSENHAINER, 1795-1798. A new pastorate began at Tohickon in November 1795, when Frederick William Geissenhainer entered his first bap- tism. He was born at Muelheim on the Ruhr, then in the Duchy of Berg, now in the Rhineprovince, on June 26, 1771 (H. N., I, 267). He studied three years at the Uni- versity of Giessen and two at Goettingen. Then he taught for two years as “Privatdozent”™* at the latter university. In 1793, he went to Philadelphia with his brother, Henry Geissenhainer. Induced to visit Goshenhoppen and Trum- bauer’s churches, he was called as their pastor. In June 1794, these congregations applied to the Ministerium for his reception as a member. Accordingly he was recognized as a licensed candidate in 1794. In 1798, he is mentioned in the minutes as an ordained minister. (Minutes, p. 297.) He stayed at New Goshenhoppen and Swamp (New Provi- 14 The position of ‘‘Privatdozent’’ corresponds to the instructor in an American university, with this difference, that the Privatdozent receives no salary from the university, but only the fees of the students who at- tend his lectures. Tohickon Lutheran Church. 353 dence) till 1808. It was during this time that Geissen- hainer preached at Tohickon and Indianfield. At the for- mer place his baptisms begin on November 29, 1795, and continue till June 17, 1797. On June 15, 1796, he signed a financial statement at Tohickon, which definitely proves his presence there. In the Indianfield record his baptisms ex- tend from August 23, 1795, to April 17, 1797. In Tohickon he continued as a supply till May 1798, until, as he states in the record, “George Roeller has finished his studies.” While at Goshenhoppen Geissenhainer married Anna Maria, daughter of Michael Reiter, one of his elders. He had six children, one of whom became a prominent Luther- an minister, the Rev. Dr. F. W. Geissenhainer. In 1808, Geissenhainer was called to New York City, where he min- istered till 1814. In the latter year he resigned the New York church to go for a number of years on a farm in Clearfield county, Pennsylvania. In 1818, he moved to Chester county, where he supplied several churches until 1823, when he returned to his former congregation in New York City. Here he labored till his death, May 27, 1838. Mr. Geissenhainer was a man of great learning and ability and as a result had much influence in the church. He edu- cated a number of young men for the ministry, among others was John George Roeller, the son of his predecessor and also his own successor at Tohickon. In 1826, the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania conferred the title of D.D. upon him.*® On August 20, 1797, a new hand appears in the Tohickon record which entered six baptisms on that date. The same hand appears also in the Indianfield record, beginning August 6, 1797, and continuing till December 1797, making in all thirteen entries over that time. As the “Hallesche Nachrichten” (I, 269) state that in 1797 August Henry 15 See the sketch of his life in Sprague, Annals of the American Pulpit, Vol. IX, (1869), pp. 104-6. 354 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Schmidt was pastor at Tohickon, it is tempting to identify the author of these entries in 1797 with Mr. Schmidt. There are, however, a number of difficulties in the way. In the first place, the ““Hallesche Nachrichten” state that Schmidt arrived in Tohickon in 1795, but, as we have seen, Geissen- hainer was entering baptisms into the Tohickon record from 1795-1797. His signature in June 1796 proves his pres- ence there. Moreover, it is stated that Schmidt was preach- ing at two places, Tohickon and Springfield. But the man who entered the baptisms in August 1797 at Tohickon was also preaching at Indianfield, as is shown by the same chirography there. Again, Schmidt refers to his predeces- sor as a man who was no theologian, for he was unable to learn the Latin declensions and the Greek alphabet. This cannot apply to Conrad Roeller. And finally, Schmidt states that his two congregations had never been in con- nection with the Ministerium. This could not be said of Tohickon, for Conrad Roeller had been for many years a member of the Ministerium. All this leads us to conclude that the congregation served by Schmidt is not identical with the Tohickon, whose record we publish. This is sup- ported by the minutes of the Ministerium, which in 1795 report Conrad Roeller as serving Old Goshenhoppen, In- dianfield and Tohecke (p. 278), while in the same year the vacant congregations of Springfield and at “Tohick” were to be offered by Mr. Helmuth to a certain Mr. Quitman, who had just arrived from the Danish West Indies (p. 280). All this shows once more that there were two Luth- eran congregations at the Tohickon creek, one the congre- gation now known as Tohickon, the other Keller’s Church. The records of the latter show that Schmidt was preceded _ by Anthony Hecht, a former schoolmaster, to whom the de- scription of Schmidt applies. However, it is possible that Schmidt, being pastor at the neighboring Keller’s Church, did pay Tohickon and Indian- Tohickon Lutheran Church. 355 field occasional visits in the year 1797, and thus supplied them for a short time. In 1796, Schmidt asked to be received into the Minis- terium, but his request was refused until more could be learned about his character. (Minutes, p. 286.) In 1798, Schmidt went to Easton, where he remained pastor of the Lutheran congregation there till 1801. While at that place he made another attempt to be admitted into the Minister- ium, but in 1802 the later definitely declined to have any- thing with him. (Minutes, p. 329.) He lies buried in the cemetery attached to the Indianfield church.'* VIII. MINISTRY OF REV. JOHN GEORGE ROELLER, 1798-1840. In March 1798, a new Lutheran pastor began his activity at Tohickon. It was John George Roeller, the son of the former pastor, Conrad Roeller. His father himself entered his birth and baptism into the Indianfield record. He was born May 16th and baptized May 25, 1775. In 1798, Indian- field, Old Goshenhoppen and Tohickon requested that Mr. Roeller be received into the Ministerium (Minutes, p. 301). As a result he was examined and placed as a catechist under the supervision of Mr. Fr. Geissenhainer (Minutes, p. 302), under whom he had studied. In 1799, Roeller was licensed (p. 306), but he was not ordained till June 12, 1805 (p. 361). During his pastorate the present church was built in 1837, at a cost of $3,000. He remained pastor at Tohickon for forty-two years, till his death, on March 27, 1840. One of his successors, the Rev. Frederick Waltz, entered the fol- lowing tribute to his predecessor into the record: “His faithful care in teaching the young through cate- chetical instruction found special recognition.” "16 See Jubilee Volume, p. 94. 350 The Pennsylvania-German S ociety. Mr. Roeller lies buried in the Indianfield graveyard, be- hind the church in which he preached, with a long German epitaph on his tombstone, of which the following is a translation: Here rest the bones of the Reverend John George Roeller Evangelical Lutheran minister. He was the son of the Rev. Conrad Roeller. He was born May 16th, 1775. After the death of his reverend father He took his place as minister and Held this office till his death He entered upon his ministry in the year 1798 And served his three congregations, Tohickon, Old Goshenhoppen and Indianfield, and this with the divine assistance and grace for a period of forty-two years. He was first married to Magdalena Wembold, on July 19th, 1798. He was widowed on July 31st, 1803. He married a 2nd time, to the now surviving Sarah Raudenbusch, widow, née Himmelreich, on June 18th 1805. In his first marriage he had three children, in the second five children. He died March 27, 1840, his age being 64 years, 10 months and 11 days. His funeral text was: Gospel of John, chap. 7, v. 24. His first wife, Magdalena Wembold, was born Septem- ber 7, 1779, died July 19, 1798. His second wife, Sarah Himmelreich, was born May 29, 1783, died October 28, 1856. With the pastorate of John George Roeller we close the history of the Tohickon Lutheran congregation. The later pastors, down to the present time, are: Engelbert Peixoto, 1841-1864. Frederick Waltz, 1865-1892. C. R. Fetter, 1893 to date (1924). TOHICKON UNION REFORMED AND LUTHERAN CHURCH RENOVATED AND ENLARGED IN 1918 SIZE 50 FEET BY 75 FEET, WITH TWO FRONT ENTRANCE DOORS Tohickon Lutheran Records. 357 THE TOHICKON LUTHERAN CHURCH RECORD. 1749-1840. This church record is a parchment covered book, 13 by 8% inches in size, which contains at present (1924) 233 pages of baptismal entries. Reversing the book there are 35 pages of financial ac- counts and lists of catechumens, the former extending from 1766- 1873, the latter from 1826-1834. The baptismal entries cover the years 1750-1880. The record has a title which may be translated as follows: “Church Record in Tohickon. May God grant his grace to all the children who are entered into this book.” The contents of the record is as follows: I. BAPTISMAL ENTRIES: ik 12 by an unknown hand, 1749-1750 2. 39 by John Martin Schaeffer, 1750-1753 (except two by Schertlein) 3 2 by Jacob Frederick Schertlein, 1755 4 36 by John Joseph Roth, 1755-1757 5. 3 by unknown hand, 1758-1759 6. 90 by John Wolf Lizel, 1761-1765 7 48 by Philip Henry Rapp, 1765-1770 8. 5 by different hands, 1772-1773 9. 393 by Conrad Roeller, 1774-1795 10. 3 by unknown hand, 1795 a 8 30 by Frederick Wm. Geissenhainer, 1795-1797 12. 12 by unknown hand, 1797 13. 13 by Frederick Geissenhainer, 1797-1798 14. 614 by John Henry Roeller, 1798-1840 1300 Total. II. FINANCIAL RECORDS, 1766-1839. lit. LISTS OF CATECHUMENS, 1826-1834. (TWELVE BAPTISMS BY AN UNKNOWN HAND.] 1750. Parents Children Sponsors Jacob Hahns and (1) John Henry, Henry Acker and wf. Magdalena (2) John Jacob, b. Jacob Loch and wf. Mar. 6; bap. May 24 358 Parents Christian Steinbach and Dorothea Rudolf Drach and Maria Elizabeth Philip Zimmer and Maria Margaret Thimon Evans and Sarah John Philip Weich- hard and Anna Maria Valentine Nicolaus and Elizabeth Valentine Nicolaus and Elizabeth Andrew Ziegenfuss and Anna Mar- garet John Christopher Ziegenfuss and Anna Catharine John Jacob Ziegen- fuss and Anna Margaret Children John Henry, b. Apr. 29; bap. May 24 Anna Maria, b. Apr. 8; bap. May 24 Philip Jacob, b. May 2; bap. May 24 William, b. Aug. 6, 1749; bap. May 24 Catharine Elizabeth, b. Mar. 19; bap. May 24 Jacob, b. Jan. 3; bap. Mar. 11 John, b. Nov. 14, 1748; bap. May 23, 1749 Maria Magdalena, b. Jan. 20; bap. Feb. 19, 1749. John George, b. Dec. 16,1750; bap. Jan. 21 John George, b. Feb. 28, 1754; bap. Mar. 17 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Henry Keller and wife Conrad Kohl, Maria Jacob Ziegenfuss, Maria Cath, Loch parents Anna Catharine Elizabeth Hansel Jacob Loch and wife parents Michael Teuber, Anna Maria Zie- genfuss John George Desch, Anna Elizabeth John George Desch, Anna Elizabeth [ENTRIES BY THE REV. JOHN MARTIN SCHAEFFER.] Parents John Flug and Maria Jacob Geyer and Maria Veronica Christopher Bender’s widow Christopher Willet and Christina 1750. Children John, b. May 8; bap. June 10, 1750 Maria Adrian, b. June 5; bap. July 22 George Christopher, b. Oct. 7; bap. Oct. 14 Anna Elizabeth, b. Oct. 4; bap. Oct. 28 Sponsors John Conrad Doe, Maria George Hahman, Adrian Hahman, Maria Reissenbach Jacob Geyer, George Hahman, Cath- arine Bender Valentine Fliigel, Elizabeth Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Nicholas Weichel and Elizabeth John Horn and Maria Gertrude Andrew Gottschall and Catharine Blizabeth Nicholas Weigel52 and Elizabeth Teimans [!] Ibans and Sarah Ibans Christopher Schemel and Elizabeth Matthias Georg and Catharine Gottfried Schmel- cher and Christina Henry Nunnemacher and Elizabeth John David®? and Christine Barbara John Martin Schaef- fer, minister here, and Maria Salome Christopher Willet and Christina Christopher Thoman and Anna Eva Children John Peter, b. Oct. 26; bap. Nov. 11 John Peter, b. Oct. 2; bap. Nov. 11 Maria Johanna, b. June 10; bap. July % Margaret, b. July 17; bap. Aug. 2 Joseph, b. Oct. 5, 1751; bap. Mar. 22, 1752 Conrad, b. Aug. 7; bap. Oct. 8, 1751 Christopher, b. Aug. 15, 1752; bap. Mar. 6, 1753 Dorothea, b. Dee. 9; bap. Dec. 31, 1752 John Emrich, b. Nov. 1; bap. Mar. 11, 1752 Anna Elizabetha, b. Dec. 1, 1754; bap. by M. Schertlein, minister in Ma- guncy 1753. Magdalena Barbara, b. May 12; bap. June 3, 1753 Christopher, b. Apr. 19; bap. May 7 Anna Catharine, b. Feb. 11; bap. Mar. 4 52 Baptism entered by Rev. M. Schertlein. 53 Baptism entered by Rev. M. Schertlein. 359 Sponsors John Peter Schneid- er, Catharine Ben- der Peter Schneider, Maria Catharine Jost Pfannekuchen wif, Maria Agnesia, and da. Maria Johanna Conrad Nagel, Mar- garet John Joseph, Eliza- beth Labborn, Tin- icum Township Philip Herbel, single Christopher Trubi, Maria Catharine Martin Eyer, Doro- thea Beuscher Andrew Kichlin, Maria Nunnemach- er, single Ludwig Schmid, Anna Elizabeth Adam Beuscher, Catharine Barbara parents Jacob Fuchs and wife 360 Parents Christopher Schemel and Elizabeth George Gab, and Maria Dorothea John Lange and Barbara Andrew Gottschal and Catharine Elizabeth Children John Jacob, b. Jan. 2; bap. Jan. 21 Maria Margaret, b. July 8; bap. July 22 John William, b. Mar. 11; bap. Apr. 1 Esther, b. May 7; bap. June 3 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors John Jacob Zeisler, single Henry Hering, Maria Margaret, both single. John William Lab- bar and wife Henry Jeckel and wife On June 6th, 17538, was baptized a father, mother and their nine children: James Hoepenny and wife Mary and their nine children. Sponsors were: John Martin Schaeffer and wife, Adam Beuscher and wife, Gottfried Schemcher and wife, Mr. Seubel and wife, Se- bastian Stein and wife, Martin Eyer and Dorothea Beuscher, Cas- par Stouter. Parents Jacob Wirt and Mar- garet Joseph Lang and Elizabeth Michael Witterich and Magdalena George Anthon Hons and Apollonia John Jacob Rau and Anna Sibylla John Jacob Rau and Anna Sibylla John David Fiess and Anna Maria Children John, b. Aug. 6; bap. Aug. 12 Anna Sarah, b. July 28; bap. Aug. 19 John Peter, b. May 22; bap. Sept. 9 George Anthony, b. June 3; bap. Oct. 3 Maria Salome, b. Dec. 7; bap. Dec. 10 Anna Wilhelmina Catharine, b. Dec. 7; bap. Dec. 10 Jacob David, b. Oct. 25; bap. Dec. 9 Sponsors John Lauter, Doro- thea Beuscher Anna Sarah and William Labbar, both single John Peter Tautfuss and Sibylla parents John Martin Schaef- fer and wife Sa- lome Michael Just and wife, Anna Wil- helmina Catharine Jacob Gloss and Anna Maria [The next three baptisms were entered by M. Schertlein.] Henry Nonnen- macher and Elsa Christine, b. Apr. 22; bap. May 8, 1755 Adam Dani and Christine Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Carl Goris and Catharine George Ness and Catharine Children John Nicholas, b. Oct. 26, 54; bap. May 8, 1755 Jacobus, b. Mar. 28; bap. May 8; bap. by M. Schertlein 361 Sponsors John Nicholas Wei- gel and Elizabeth Jacob Ness and Maria Binder [ENTRIES BY THE REV. JOHN JOSEPH ROTH, AUGUST 1755 TO FEBRUARY 1758.] The Deacon John Joseph Roth has begun to write the names of the baptized children.®+ Parents Martin Eyer and Dorothea Valentin Kremer and Anna Maria Michael Widerich and Magdalena Valentine Philip and Susanna Christopher Willet and Christina Caspar Beuschlein and Eva Frederick Dorflinger and Maria Eliza- beth Melchior Hertzel and Esther Melchior Hertzel and Esther Melchior Hertzel and Esther 54 The original reads: ere nomina baptizantium. Children John Adam, b. July 27, 1755; bap. Aug. 17 Anna Hlizabeth, b. July 5; bap. July 29, 1755 Jacobus, b. Mar. 25; bap. July 27, 1755 Jacobus, b. June 27; bap. July 31, 1755 Elizabeth, b. May 24; bap. June 15, 1755 Barbara, b. Mar. 16; bap. June 1, 1755 Cath. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 24, 1750; bap. Jan. 14 George, b. Apr. 18, 1752; bap. June 1 Jacob, b. Sept. 1, 1751; bap. June 1, 1755 Magdalena, b. Sep. 28, 1754; bap. June 1, 1755 Sponsors John Adam Beischer and Anna Barbara Jacob Nunnemacher, Ursula Boshertz Jacob Niess and and Agnes Mesmer Matthias Stier and Anna Maria John Joseph Roth, Elizabeth Kraem- er, single Nicholas Bob and Barbara Catharine Trubey, Anna Elizabeth Coppelberger parents parents Joseph Robel and Anna Maria Biaconus Johannes Josephus Roth incepit scrib- 362 Parents Frederick Salatin and Maria Barbara Ludwig Bender and Magdalena Conrad Guthlorret and Eva William Geiser and Anna Barbara Bernhard Sukman and Anna Clara Lawrence Schwing and Anna Mar- garet Peter Noss and Maria Barbara Herman Stumb and Elizabeth Frederick Dorflinger and Maria Eliza- beth John Truby and Esther John Henry Hart- man and Bliza John Jacob Redling and Margaret Jacob Klein and Anna Maria John Hoenig and Anna Children John, b. Apr. 9; bap. July 13, 1755 John Peter, b. June 13; bap. July 13, 1755 John, b. Aug. 6; bap. Aug. 18, 1755 John George, b. Aug. 28; bap. Nov. 9, 1755 Bernhard, b. Sep. 25; bap. Nov. 9, 1755 John Adam, b. Apr. 14; bap. Aug. 1 Anna Maria, b. Feb. 17; bap. Aug. 1, 1755 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 29; bap. Dec. 7, 1755 — 1756. John Joseph, b. Feb. 22; bap. Mar. 7, 1756 John Christopher, b. Feb. 1; bap. Mar. 26, 1755 John Henry, b. Feb. 14; bap. Mar. 28, 1756 John, b. May 7, 1756; bap. May 30 Anna Maria, b. Dec. 17, 1755; bap. May 9, 1756 John Adam, b. Mar. 14; bap. Mar. 29, 1756 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors John Hoenig and Anna John Peter Bender and Catharine Anna Elizabeth Desch, John Wage- ner John George Sukman and Barbara Bernhard Bisbinger and Anna Mar- garet George Adam Beck- holl, Anna Martha Hansgieber Anna Maria Haus- gieber Henry Hartman and Elizabeth John Joseph Roth, sacerdos John Christopher Trubi John Arwegast, Anna Catharine Gress- man John George Gerner and Maria Eva Elias Schneider, Anna Maria Noss John Adam Dany and Christina Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Frederick Schweng and Elizabeth Philip Haering and Elizabeth John Jacob Weil and Anna Margaret Christopher Knotel and Anna Maria John Philip Schwarz Lands and Maria Agnes Joseph Pannekuchen and Catharine Balthasar Erbach and Maria Eliza Caspar Kraemer and Maria Elizabeth Michael Jost and Elizabeth Catha- rine Michael Jost and Elizabeth Catha- rine Michael Jost and Elizabeth Catha- rine Martin Herbster®5 and Maria Ver- onica John Henry Nunne- macher®é Children Veronica, b. May 2; bap. May 30, 1756 John Michael, b. May 8; bap. May 15, 1756 Anna Maria, b. Mar. 20; bap. May 16, 1756 Maria, b. Dec. 17, 1755; bap. May 20, 1756 Conrad, b. Dec. 31, 1755; bap. May 10, 1756 Catharine, b. June 31; bap. Aug. 1, 1756 Jacob, b. May 15; bap. Aug. 22, 1756 1757. Anna Magdalena, b. Jan. 25; bap. Feb. 6, 1757 Abraham, b. Aug. 30; bap. Sep. 5, 1756 Isaac, b. Aug. 30; bap. Sept. 5, 1756 Jacob, b. Aug. 30; bap. Sep. 5, 1756 Barbara, b. Oct. 27, ’b7; bap. Apr. 15, 1758 Adam, bap. April 21 363 Sponsors George Bergstrasser and Veronica John Michael Kro- nau, Cath. Doro- thea Haering Valentin Bigel and Anna Maria Ernst Hausgeber and Maria Conrad Libold and wife Christopher Trubi, Catharine Dani, single parents Christopher Mackel and Magdalena Adam Beuscher and Barbara Rudolph Drach and Maria Elizabeth Jacob Frey and Elizabeth parents Adam Dany 55 This is the last baptism of Rev. Roth. The next was entered by a different hand. 56 Entered by Philip H. Rapp. 364 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Jacob Alem and Anna Margaret Jacob Alem and Anna Margaret Children Maria Elizabeth, b. Jan. 27; bap. —, 1758 John Jacob, b. May 4, 1759 Sponsors Rudolph Drach and Maria Elizabeth Jacob Huber and wife [ENTRIES BY REV. JOHN WOLF LIZEL, JAN. 1761-JULY 1766.] Baptized in the sacred name by me, John Wolf Lizel of Nurem- berg. Parents Leonard Mayer Nicholas Weigel Lorenz Schwinck Henry Bohringer Philip Detlesman Jacob Hilkert Martin Hausman Michael Jost John Kramer John Luz Michael Holder Peter Schmidt Conrad Seipel John Dege George Martin Children Anna Barbara, bap. Dec. 8, [1760] Maria Catharine, bap. Jan. 3, 1761 John, bap. Jan. 3, 1761 Rosina, bap. May — Catharine, bap. June 21 Maria Magdalene, bap. Aug. 15 Anna, bap. Aug. 15 John Conrad, bap. Oct. 20 Andrew, bap. Nov. 7 John Jacob, bap. Nov. 24 1762. John, bap. Jan. 3, 1762 George Jacob, bap. Jan. 3 Elizabeth, bap. Jan. 4 John Adam, bap. Mar. 8 Maria Elizabeth, ba. Apr. — Sponsors George Desch George Mess Nicholas Weigel Rosina Bohringer Philip Schreyer Dietrich Schmezer . Elizabeth Schwenck parents Andrew Pedmann Jacob Bernt John Joerger George Henry Seipel George Henry Seipel Adam Storr Maria Salome Bend- er Tohickon. Lutheran Records. 365 Parents Philip Hering —— Wilbern Lawrence Kramer David Beringer Martin Herbster — Renz John Peter Schnei- der Michael Weissel Hartman Dettmer Jacob Ahlem Adam Weber Frederick Schwenk Martin Eyer John Nees Caspar Car] Frederick Fuchs John Nees Michael Krohman John Fried John Reffert Leonard Meyer John Luz Children Maria Susanna, ba. Apr. — John, ba. Apr. 3 (a) Anna, (b) Cath- arine, ba. Apr. 3 Maria, ba. July 7 Maria Veronica, ba. July 7 son, ba. July 16 Marg. Barbara, ba. Aug. 1 Maria Margaret, ba. Aug. 1 son, ba. Aug. 15 John Philip, ba. Nov. — George Frederick, ba. Nov. — Juliana, ba. Sep. 26 Anna Barbara, ba. Sept. 26 John, ba. Dec. 5 Anna Maria, ba. Dec. 20 1763. John Frederick, ba. Jan, 6, 1763 Anna Maria, ba. March 12 Anna Catharine, ba. July 3 Maria Agnes, ba. July 3 John Peter, ba. July 3 Anna Catharine, ba. July 3 Catharine Elizabeth, ba. — Sponsors Valentine Philipp Henry Drach Michael Jost Peter Schneider parents Barbara Weigel Jacob Ahlem — Jost Philip Stein Jacob Ziegenfuss parents Adam Beischer John Bender, Eliza- beth Dorfler Anna Maria Laux Henry Schlucker Jacob Nees John Krohman Peter Kern Jacob Fuchs —— Stenger 366 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Parents Michael Holder Casper Kramer John Kramer Peter Laux John Nees Valentine Edelman Christopher Sig- mann Jacob Bilckert Philip Schreyer Jacob Ziegenfuss —— Hartman George Martin Henry Junkhen John Dege John Kenneff Philip Hering Ludwig Benner Philip Herzel Conrad Seiler Henry Petringer Children Maria, ba. Apr. 24 Anna Maria, ba. June 5 Henry, ba. June 5 Anna Catharine, ba. June 5 Elizabeth, ba. June5 Catharine, ba. June 5 Dorothea, ba. July 15 Maria Barbara, ba. July 15 Anna Barbara, ba. July 31 Anna Magdalena, ba. Aug. 28 1764. Anna Elizabeth, b. Jan. 4, 1764; ba. Feb. 28, 1764 Christina, ba. Feb. 28, 1764 Frederick, b. Oct. 15, 1763; ba. Feb. 24, 1764 Maria Charlotte, ba. Oct. 14, 1763 Anna Maria, ba. Oct. 14, 1763 (1) Anna Elizabeth, (2) Susanna, ba. Oct. 28, 1763 John Ludwig, ba. Dec. 5, 1763 Maria Magdalena, ba. Dec. 11, 1763 John Henry, ba. —, 1763 Michael Henry, ba. Sep. 21, 1763 Sponsors Jacob Nunnemacher William Wirth Henry Wald Philip Schreyer Elizabeth Dorfler Matthias Jorg Dorothea Schreyer Maria Bander Adam Beischer Andrew Ziegenfuss Frederick Spane- mer Simon Schmug Frederick Schmidt Jacob Dorflinger Conrad Duy George Desch Susanna Drach John Follmer Anna Maria Hensel son of Mr. Eckel, da. of Mr. Seipel Michael Holder Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Jacob Nees Leonard Hiingel John Carl Conrad Born Jacob Fuchs Hartman Dettemer John Keller Martin Eyer John Vetter Nicholas Weigel — Ludi Peter Jorg John Schwenck Jacob Ahlem Michael Krohman Peter Rebert Adam Fauchler Theobald Fuchs Peter Drach Andrew Renz Children John Jacob, b. Feb. 18; ba. Mar. 10, Maria Magdalena, ba. Mar. 11, 1764 John Jacob, b. Dec. 23, 1763; ba. Mar. 12, 1764 Philip, ba. Mar. 17, 1764 John Wolfgang, ba. Mar. 27, 1764 John Michael, ba. Apr. 18, 1764 John Conrad, ba. Apr. 22, 1764 Susanna, ba. May 7, 1764 Matthew, ba. May 7, 1764 John George, b. Apr. 23; ba. May 9, 1764 John Jacob, ba. May 20 John, ba. Aug. 12 Matthew, ba. Aug. 12 Gottlieb, ba. Aug. 12 Maria Susanna, ba. Sept. 9 George Michael, ba. Sept. 9 Christina, ba. Oct. 22 Sarah, ba. Oct. 23 Maria Magdalene, ba. Nov. 4 Jacob, ba. Noy. 4 Henry Philip, ba. Dec. 10 367 Sponsors George Nees Philip Hering Philip Stein John Wolf Lizel Michael Wettrich John Conrad Seipel Andrew Beischer, Susanna Popp Matthew Jorg George Nees John Jacob Jost father, who is serv- ant at John Hoe- nig’s Matthew Jo6rg Theophilus Hubler Maria Susanna Drach George Ackerman Dietrich Rudi parents Leonard Mayer Rudolph Drach Philip Hering 368 Parents George Nees Nicholas Giess Lawrence Kramer The pastor, John Wolf Lizel Michael Iderle Valentine Kramer Note. Chiidren Maria Salome, ba. Jan. 18, 1765 Catharine, ba. Jan. 18, 1765 Anna Maria, ba. May 4, 1765 Maria Helena, ba. Jan. 1, 1765 Andrew, ba. July 11, 1765 Anna Maria, ba. July 27, 1765 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors John Jacob Dor- flinger Catharine Nees Widow Kramer George Desch Andrew Rickert Conrad Koter and wife As the above children have been entered very irregularly, IT have entered the following list into the Church record, according to the information of those who had entered their age in Bibles or other books. Jacob Alem Jacob Alem Jacob Alem Jacob Alem [Note by Philip H. Rapp.] Michael, b. Oct. 27, 1760, ba. Nov. — Philip, b. Oct. 12, 1762; ba. 24th Sun- day after Trinity Maria Susanna, b. July 14, 1764; ba. Sept. 7 Maria Margaret, b. Febr. 8, 1766; ba. Sept. — Michael Weissel and Magdalena Philip Stein and Elizabeth George Seibel, Sus- anna Drach John Keller, Maria Margaret [ENTRIES BY THE REV. PHILIP HENRY RAPP, OCTOBER 1765 Parents John Maurer and Anna Maria Jacob Ness and Anna Maria Andrew Emerich and Maria Magda- lena TO APRIL 1773.] Children John, b. Sept. 29; ba. 22 Sunday after Trinity John, 3b, /Oct..028 ba, as above Lawrence, b. Oct. 17, 765; Sunday XXIII after Trinity, 1765 Sponsors John Wirth and wife John Neess, Eliza- beth Dedesmann Lawrence Sherer and Anna Maria Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Ludwig Benner and Catharine Jacob Beutelman and Elizabeth Mar- garet Martin Housmann and Margaret John Beusher and Catharine Leonard Hinckel and Maria Eliza- beth Philip Schreyer and Catharine Jacob Schwarz and Margaret Valentine Wirth and Maria Eliz. Jacob Rauh and Sibylla Philip Stein and Elizabeth Nicholas Baringer and Blizabeth Jacob Dorflinger and Magdalena John Maurer and Anna Maria 1766. Children Conrad, b. Nov. 8, 1765; ba. Jan. 1, 1766 Anna Elizabeth, b. Oct. 10, 1765; ba. Sept. —, 1766 Elizabeth Barbara, b. July 3, 1766; ba. July 27 Philip Henry, b. Sept. 1, 1766 Maria Margaret, b. Aug. 5, 1766 Philip Henry, b. May 26 John, b. — John, b. July 25, 1766 Anna Sophia Cath- arine, b. Oct. 24, 1766; ba. XXVI Sunday after Trin- ity Anna Maria, b. Oct. 7, 1766; ba. XXVI th after Trinity George Adam, b. Oct. 19, 1766; ba. 2nd after Epiphany 1767. John, b. March 2, 1767; ba. Pentecost John Peter, b. June 15; ba. 5th after Trinity . 369 Sponsors Conrad Stenger and Catharine Anna Elizabeth Allis Bernhard Heller, Elizabeth Heller Philip Schreyer and Catharine Adam Schiitz and Maria Margaret Martin Eyer and Dorothea John Renner and Elizabeth John Binder, Eliza- beth Kern Lawrence Kraemer and Anna Sophia Catharine Philip Herpel and Anna Maria George Adam Stohr and wife John Rifferd and Elizabeth George Gassinger and wife 379 Parents Philip Herpel and and Anna Maria Valentine Wirth and Blizabeth Adam Sherer and Maria Magdalena Adam Sherer and Maria Magdalena Jacob Brean and Barbara Philip Schreyer and Catharine Andrew Beischer and Anna Eliza- beth Philip Stein and Elizabeth Michael Gronman and Eva Maria Leonard Hinckel and Maria Elizabeth David Knerr and Anna Maria John Luz and wife Henry Mill and Mar- garet Valentine Kraemer and Anna Maria Children Conrad, b. May 30; ba. 3rd after Trin- ity Andrew, b. Oct. 7, 1767; ba. 17th after Trinity Johanna, b. Feb. 9, 1768; ba. — Gertrude, b. June 4, 1765; ba. — Anna Maria, b. Feb. 17, 1768; ba. Sun- day Rogate Maria Dorothea, b. Aug. 30, 1768; ba. 17th after Trinity John Adams, b. Oct. —, 1768; ba. 23rd after Trinity Anna Dorothea, b. Nov. 6; ba. 4th after Advent (1) Eva Maria, (2) Catharine Barbara: by, Apr, 13 ba, Apr: 23 Christina Margaret, b. March 15; ba. Apr. 23 John George, b. Dec. 6, 1768; ba. Apr. 23 1769. John, b. —; ba. Apr. 23 Joseph, b. Apr. 14; ba. Sunday Exaudi John Jacob, b. Feb. 9; ba. 2nd after Trinity The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Jacob Gerling and Elizabeth Andrew Beischer and Margaret parents parents Michael Schneider and Maria Balthasar Steinbach, Dorothea Schreyer John Adams Byer, Martin Eyer and Dorothea Martin Eyer and Anna Dorothea Eva Maria Acker- man, grandmother, John George Phil- lips, Catharine Eliz. Codron Matthias Ziegenfus and Margaret John George Naes, Anna Marg. Non: nemacher John Fassbinder, Barbara Pauli Joseph Niemandt and Magdalena Sarah John Jacob Brean and Barbara Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Henry Drach and wife George Nees and Catharine Jacob Alem and Anna Margaret Jacob Schwarz and Margaret Michael G6z and Eva Barbara Children Susanna, b. Apr. 30; ba. 2nd after Trin- ity Anna Margaret, b. July 3; 8th after Trinity Catharine, b. Aug. 18; ba. Nov. 6 John Jacob, b. Nov. 6; ba. Dec. 31, 1769 John, b. Dec. 26; ba. Jan. 1 371 Sponsors George Ludwig Seipel and Sus- anna Conrad Nagel and Anna Margaret Lawrence Meyer and Catharine John Jacob Renner, Elizabeth Stein John Hoefier, Maria Dorothea Rapp The following were baptized privately on March 15, 1770: Catharine Paul, b. April 30, 1752 Elizabeth Paul, b. Aug. 8, 1750 John Paul, b. May 138, 1757 Parents Andrew Beischer and Elizabeth John Wirth and Catharine Jacob Brean and Barbara Morris Devis and Maria Philip Herpel and Anna Maria Philiy Schreyer and Catharine Philip Kraemer and Margaret Jacob Brean and Anna Barbara John Schreyer and Anna Maria Children George, b. June 19; bap. 8th after Trin- ity Catharine Margaret, b. Oct. 25, 1770; ba. 8rd Sunday of Advent Henry, b. Nov. 21, 1769 Anna Maria, b. June to, ba LO Elizabeth Margaret, b. Mar. 24; ba. Mar. 29, 1771 John Adam, b. Nov. 19, 1770; ba. Dee. 9 Jacob, b. —; ba. 23 rd after Trinity John Jacob, b. Sept. 26, 1771; ba. Oct. Anna Catharine, b. Oct 1iT1l = pasOce. Witnesses: The parents Sponsors John George Desch and Elizabeth Michael Dany, Mar- garet Seiler Henry Nunnemacher and Anna Maria Henry Nunenmacher and Anna Maria Jacob Beukler and Elizabeth Marg. Andrew Beischer and Blizabeth Lawrence Kraemer and Catharine John Schreyer and Anna Maria Jacob Brean and Anna Barbara 372 Parents Jacob Beutelman®? and Elizabeth Marg. Jacob Ahlem and Anna Margaret John Huber and Susanna John Schwab and Magdalena Michael Lampel and Rosina Martin Weber and Catharine [ENTRIES OF REV. CONRAD ROELLER, Parents George Philip and Maria Henry Joerck and Dorothea Conrad Mesenheimer and Elizabeth John Carl and Cunigunda Henry Beringer and Anna Maria Jacob Alm and Anna Margaret Philip Schreier and Catharine Jacob Jost and Maria Elizabeth John George Philip Lishik and Maria Agathe Children Jacob, b. Dec. 10, 1771; ba. —, 1772 Susanna, b. May 12; ba. Nov. 28, 1772 Catharine Margaret, b. Nov. 19; ba. Nov. 29, 1772 Anna Margaret, b. Jan. 12; ba. Apr. 4 John, b. Dec. 30; ba. Apr. 4 John Jacob, b. Feb. 15; ba. Apr. 4 [1773] JULY 1795.] Children Peter, b. Jan. 29; Mar. —, 1774 Abraham, b. Apr. 14; ba. May 12 Anna Margaret, b. Mar. 28; ba. May 29 John, b. Jan. 25; ba. May 29 John Henry, b. Dec. 1773; ba. May 29 John George, b. May 19; ba. July 25 Anna Maria, b. July 15; ba. Aug. 21 John Jacob, b. Aug. 12; ba. Oct. 2 Anna Catharine, b. Sept. 7; ba. Sept. 13 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Abraham Beutelman, Blizabeth Schemel Barbara Peisch, widow Jacob Beidelman and Elizabeth Marg. Peter Lang, Barbara Kahler John Straus, Mar- garet Stein Jacob Pilger and Barbara MARCH 1774 TO Sponsors Jacob Philip, beth Herb Ludwig Miltaun and wife Andrew Rickert and Agnes Eliza- Jacob Carl and Cunigunda John Bosh and wife George Weisel and Maria Anna Maria Schreier grandmother parents grandmother 57 This is the last entry of Rev. Rapp. The following five entries were made by two different hands. Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Conrad Koder and Maria Catharine Ludwig Benner and Catharine John Huber and Susanna Frederick Salathe and Elizabeth George Wittemeier and Anna Cath- arine Andrew Schneider and Margaret Gottfried Henry Herpster and Catharine Henry Krauthammel and Eva Catharine Adam Drach and Eva Bernard Ruppert and Maria Jacob Nees and Anna Maria Philip Thoma and Regina Jacob Beideleman and Eliz, Margaret Same parents Peter Drach and Catharine Conrad Koder and Maria Catharine Same parents Children Conrad, b. Sep. 27, 1773 John George, b. Aug. 17 non Octiss Gertrude, b. Aug. 1; ba. Oct. 15 Frederick, b. Sept. 27; ba. Nov. 13 John Jacob, b. Sep. 22; ba. Nov. 13 1775. Andrew, b. Jan. 2; ba. Mar. 19 John, b. Apr. 6; ba. Mar. 19 John, b. Nov. 13; ba. Apr. 17 John Philip, b. Mar. 9; ba. Apr. 17 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 3; ba. June 11 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 24; ba. June 10 Maria Elizabeth, b. May 12; ba. June ve John, b. Apr. 26; ba. June 22 Catharine, b. Apr. 26; ba. June 22 Maria Elizabeth, b. Sept. 25, 1774 1776. —, b. Nov. 18; ba. Nov. 27, 1774 ——, b. Feb. 17; ba. Apr. 14, 1776 373 Sponsors Conrad Coder and Anna Maria George Tesch and Anna Elizabeth Philip Gruber, Ger- trude Schemel Frederick Geres, Elizabeth Salate Jacob Rauh and Si- bylla Andrew Stein Jacob Joehrling John Salade, Eliza- beth Krauthammel Philip Stieber and Elizabeth John Miiller, Apol- lonia Elizabeth Catharine Dedemer George Philip, Maria John Ott, Gertrude Schemler Rudolph Schiebler, Hlizabeth Herpel Maria Elizabeth Drach Elizabeth Koder, Philip Lessig Maria Barbara 374 Parents John Huber and Susanna Lawrence Kraemer and Sophia Cath- arine George Philip and Anna Maria Andrew Schneider and Margaret Andrew Schneider and Margaret Andrew Schneider and Margaret Adam Lautenschlag- er and Margaret Philip Lessig and Maria Agatha Jacob Nees and Eva Catharine Jacob Alm and Anna Margaret Philip Henrich and Eva Catharine John Luz and Mag- dalena John Benner and Anna Maria Jacob Wenhold and Susanna Andrew Schneider and Margaret Henry Joerck and Dorothea Christian Beck and Elizabeth Children Michael, b. Dec. 25, LTS ee Daa ADY AZo Abraham, b. Jan. 12; ba. Mar. 31 Elizabeth, b. June 14; ba. July 7 Frederick, b. Nov. 11, 1769 Elizabeth, b. July 13, ayer Catharine, b. June 2, 1773 Catharine, b. July 25; ba. Aug. 4 Conrad, b. July 25; ba. Aug. 18 John Peter, b. Aug. 2; ba. Sep. 29 Eva Elizabeth, b. Aug. 10; ba. Oct. 28 Philip Henrich, b. Sept. 24; ba. Nov. 10 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 2; ba. Nov. 10 1777. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 3; ba. Mar. 31 Jacob, b. Feb. 1; ba. Mar. 31 Margaret, b. Jan. 7; ba. Apr. 13 John Jacob, b. Mar. 25; ba. May 25 John, b. Mar. 8; ba. July 6, 1778 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Michael Huber and Anna Abraham Jost, Eliza- beth Kraemer Jacob Philip, Eliza- beth Marg. Schemel Frederick Eberhart and Elizabeth Maria Elizabeth Jacobi Nicholas Loch and Barbara Peter Schwerer and Elizabeth Conrad Coder and Anna Maria Peter Staudt and Salome Jacob Gut and Eva parents Michael Jung, Eliza- beth Krouthamel Christian Benner, Elizabeth Roth Peter Gerhardt and ‘Christina parents Valentine Bergstras- ser and Elizabeth John Dege and wife Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Jacob Beidelman and Blizabeth Margaret John Huber and Susanna Ludwig Benner and Catharine John Carl and Cunigunda John Luz and Mag- dalena George Seybel and Catharine Jacob Brean and Barbara George Wittemayer and Anna Cath. Wilhelmina Andrew Beischer and Anna Blizabeth Jacob Alm and Margaret Michael Jost and Magdalena George Prinz and Magdalena Jacob Jost and Maria Elizabeth Henry Krauthamel and Eva Catharine Nicholas Weicker and Susanna Andrew Schneider and Margaret 1778. Children Anna Margaret, b. Jan. 7; ba. Apr. 26 Magdalena, b. Oct. 28; Dec. 25, 1777 Henry, b. Oct. 1, 1777; ba. — John Jacob, b. Dec. 19, 1777; ba. June 6, 1778 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 15; ba. June 8 Elizabeth, b. June 6; ba. June 19 John Adam, b. June 10; ba. June 19 Maria Magdalena, b. Sep. 28; ba. Nov. 1 Anna Catharine, b. Sept. 26; ba. Nov. 1 John, b. Sept. 8; ba. Nov. 22 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 12; ba. Nov. 22 Anna Barbara, b. Oct. 29; ba. Nov. 21 1779. Abraham, b. Dec. 18, "78; ba. Jan. 24 John George, b. Jan. 12; Apr. 5, 1779 Dinah, b. Oct. 13, ’78; ba. Apr. 6 Maria Magdalena, b. Oct. 10, ’78; ba. Apr. 18 375 Sponsors Frederick Eberhardt and Elizabeth Mar- garet Philipina Stroh, Philip Herpel John Benner and Magdalena John Jacob Carl and Cunigunda Frederick Salade and Elizabeth Henry Seybel, Eliza- beth Scheib John Adam Nunne- macher, Elizabeth Kilamin John Jacob Schmidt, Maria Magd. Rauh Andrew Allgert, Catharine Wim- mert John Keller, Eliza- beth Weisel Manes [!] Jost and Elizabeth Jacob Brean and Anna Barbara Abraham Jost and Christina George Steinbach and Catharine John Egel and Elizabeth Frederick Eberhardt and Anna Eliza- beth 376 Parents Philip Schreier and Anna Catharine Lawrence Kraemer and Catharine Jacob Nees and Eva Catharine John Huber and Susanna Leonard Hinckel and Elizabeth Conrad Koder and Anna Maria Manes5$ Jost and Elizabeth John George Ziegen- fuss and Anna Maria Philip Kraemer and Margaret Philip Kraemer and Margaret Philip Kraemer and Margaret Philip Kraemer and Margaret Ludwig Benner and Catharine Conrad Messemer and Elizabeth John Luz and Mag- dalena Jacob Alm and Anna Margaret Alexander Jamison and Catharine Andrew Beischer and Anna Blizabeth Children Abraham, b. Mar. 18; ba. May 6 Magdalene, b. Apr. 4; ba. May 30 John, b. Mar. 13; ba. ba. May 30 Susanna, b. July 28; ba. Sept. 5 John George, b. Aug. 25 Christina, b. Oct. 13; Nov. 14 1780. Anna Maria, b. Jan. 8; ba. Mar. 19 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 15; ba. Mar. 19 John, b. Aug. 25, 1774 Philip Jacob, b. Apr. 11, 1776 Catharine, b. Mar. 4, 1778 John Adam, b. Mar. 20, 1780; ba. May 14, 1780 Maria Elizabeth, b. Apr. 14; ba. May 14 Andrew, b. Apr. 9; ba. June 4 Michael, b. Feb. 25; ba. May 13 John David, b. July 18; ba. Aug. 27 William, b. Oct. 21; ba. Nov. 19 Anna Susanna, b. Nov. 27; ba. Dec. 31 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors John Adam Eyer, Margaret Gut Michael Jost and Magdalena John Geres and Elizabeth John Strauss, Cath- arine Kruger John George Ziegen fuss and Anna Martin Conrad and Catharine Philip Stieber and Maria Elizabeth Isaac Jost and Eliza- beth John Kraemer and Christina Jacob Schneider and Catharine Jacob Schneider and Catharine Adam Nunnemacher, Catharine Kraemer Peter Benner and Anna Catharine Andrew Stein and Barbara parents Philip Herpel and Anna Maria Jacob Beidelman and Elizabeth Margaret George Wimmert and Susanna 58 Manes is perhaps an abbreviation of Hermannus. Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Andrew Schneider and Margaret John Benner and Elizabeth Henry Krouthamel and Eva Catharine Manes Jost and Elizabeth George Seybel and Catharine Christian Beck and Elizabeth Leonard Hinckel and Maria Elizabeth Frederick Jordan and Catharine John George Ziegen- fuss and Anna Isaac Jost and Anna Elizabeth Abraham Jost and Christina Andrew Altgaert and Anna Catharine Conrad Coder and Maria John Gries and Blizabeth Peter Lang and Magdalena Conrad Schreiber and Magdalena Lawrence Kraemer and Catharine Michael Weissel and Catharine 1781. Children John Henry, b. Jan. 17; ba. Mar. 4 John Ludwig, b. Mar. 14; ba. May 6 Dorothea Elizabeth, Dib MarweLien Das May 27 Catharine, b. Mar. 28; ba. June 17 John Jacob, b. June 3; ba. July 8 Charlotte, b. Aug. 26; ba. Sep. 30 Maria Sarah, b. Aug. 23; ba. Sept. 30 Henry, b. Aug. 17; ba. Oct. 21 Jacob, b. Aug. 17; ba. Nov. 11 Anna Catharine, b. Sept. 5; ba. Dec. 2 Jacob, b. Oct. 31; ba. Dec. 2 John Henry, b. Oct. 29; ba. Dec. 2 Jacob, b. Nov. 8; ba. Dec. 23 1782. Philip Henry, b. Nov. 30, ’81; ba. Feb. 24 John, b. Sept. 13, ’81; ba. Feb. 24 Andrew, b. Jan. 17; ba. Apr. 7 Susanna, b. Feb. 6; ba. Apr. 28 John Henry, b. Jan. 25; ba. Apr. 28 377 Sponsors parents Ludwig Benner and Catharine John Gries, Dorothea Elizabeth Krout- hamel Catharine Mayer Jacob Leydy and wife Michael Heiser and wf. Oshale [?] Jacob Ort and Maria Margaret Henry Egel and Mag- dalena Jacob Ziegenfuss, Catharine Schaef- fer John George Ziegen- fuss and Anna Jacob Jost, Elizabeth Schneider Henry Emig, Eva Wemmer Jacob Iderlein, Cath- arine Bliz. Koder Henry Krauthamel John Hinckel, Mar- garet Wilhelm Andrew Stetzel and Anna Margaret Conrad Jost, Maria Kraemer parents 378 Parents Clemens Davis and Catharine Jacob Huber and Anna Catharine Adam Nunnemacher and Barbara Jacob Beidelmann and Elizabeth Mar- garet Philip Kraemer and Margaret Jacob Orth and Mar- garet Cornelius O’Daniel and Hannah Cornelius O’Daniel and Hannah Joseph Mofflin and Elizabeth John Dannenhauer and Elizabeth Philip Schtiz and Magdalene Caspar Kraemer and Elizabeth Michael Jung and Catharine Philip Lessig and Maria Agatha John Egel and Eliza- beth Christian Beck and Elizabeth Andrew Algert and Anna Catharine Adam Drach and Eva Children Catharine, b. Sep. 1; ba. April 28 Catharine Elizabeth, b. —; ba. May 19 Anna Maria, b. Feb. 6; ba. May 19 Anna Maria, b. Apr. 10; ba. July 8 Abraham, b. Mar. 23; ba. July 8 Peter, b. Apr. 30; ba. June 30 Christine, b. May 20, 1780 Anna Maria, b. Jan. 18, 1782; ba. June 30 Catharine, b. May 15; ba. June 39 Sarah, b. Jan. 17; ba. July 21 John George, b. June 10; bap. July 21 John, b. June 1; ba. Sep. 1 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 11; ba. Sep. 22 Anna Maria, b. Sep. 9; ba. Oct. 12 Henry, b. July 17; ba. Oct. 13 1783. Maria Magdalena, b. Dec. 8; ba. Jan. 26 Jacob, b. Sep. 22; Feb. 16 Hannah Magdalena, b. Dec. 16; ba. Mar. 9 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Jacob Edelman, Clara Benner Lawrence Kraemer and Catharine Valentine Kraemer and Anna Maria Philip Herpel and Anna Maria Lawrence Kraemer and Catharine Peter Hedrich and Catharine John Niclas and Christina Philip Herpel and Anna Maria Catharine Mayer Jacob Bader, Sarah Dannenhauer George Schiiz, Cath- arine Hedrich Adam Magel, Eliza- beth Kraemer Frederick Koenig and Elizabeth Catharine Conrad Koder and Anna Maria Henry Egel and Mag: dalene Jacob Dege and Magdalene Jacob Algert [7] and Anna Maria Henry Weisel, Han- nah Egel Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Andrew Beischer and Elizabeth Jacob Brean and Barbara Jacob Jost and Maria Elizabeth Andrew Schneider and Margaret Philip Gruger and Maria Margaret Conrad Mahler and Catharine Henry Krauthamel and Catharine John Luz and Mag- dalena John Wirth and Catharine Frederick Salade and Elizabeth Abraham Jost and Christine John Eyer and Mar- garet George Wittenmayer and Wilhelmina Catharine John Dannenhauer and Maria Eliza- beth John George Kraem- er and Elizabeth Abraham Beidelman and Gertrude Jacob Fluck and Margaret George Seybel and Catharine Children John Jacob, b. Feb. 4; ba. Mar. 9 John Abraham, b. Feb. 19; ba. Mar. 30 John Philip Peter, b, Mar. 13; Apr. 20 John George, b. Mar. 23; ba. Apr. 11 John, b. Apr. 27; ba. June 1 John Frederick, b. Apr. 18; June 1 Abraham, b. Mar. 2; ba. June 1 Susanna, b. Apr. 9; ba. June 22 John, b. Apr. 29; ba. June 22 Frederick, b. Jan. 30; ba. July 13 Magdalena, b. June 22; ba. Aug. 3 Jacob, b. July 21; ba. Aug. 24 Susanna, b. May 30; ba. Oct. 5 John, b. Sept. 5; ba. Oct. 5 John George, b. Sep. 17; Oct. 26 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 13; ba.. Nov. 16 John Peter, b. Sept. 28; ba. Nov. 16 Samuel, b. Nov. 4; ba. Dec. 28 379 Sponsors Jacob Niclas and Elizabeth Jacob Salade and Anna Barbara John Philip Peter Daron and Sus- anna George Jacobi and Anna Maria John George Lang, Elizabeth Beidel- man parents George Steinbach and Catharine Michael Weisel and Magdalena Paul Franz and Anna Maria Frederick Geres and Catharine Jost Volmer and Magdalena Jacob Guth and Elizabeth Jacob Dege and Maria Magdalene Jacob Schneider and Anna Catharine John Kraemer and Christine Jacob Beidelman and Margaret Elizabeth Peter Dantfus and Sibylla George Scheib and Apollonia 380 Philip Schuz and Magdalene Michael Jung and Cath. Elizabeth George Niclas and Barbara Philip Stein and Elizabeth Conrad Coder and Maria Catharine Henry Miihl and Margaret Peter Lang and Anna Maria Abraham Walther and Catharine George Schaeffer and Barbara Henry Hering and Margaret Philip Stieber and Maria Blizabeth Henry Niclas and Maria Magdalena Philip Fas and Mar- garet Lawrence Kraemer and Catharine Michael Lambert and Rosina Jacob Niclas and Elizabeth John Rohl, Anna Marie Stiegel Jacob Huber and Catharine Elias Scholl and Catharine 1784. Henry, b. Nov. 24, 83; ba. Mar. 21 George William, b. JAN cos CADE LS Elizabeth, b. Feb. 13° barApraLl Elizabeth, b. Feb. 24; ba. Apr. 11 Maria Magdalena, b. Dec. 14, ’83; ba. Apr. 11 Catharine, b. Mar. 5; ba. May 2 John Peter, b. Oct. 12, 83; ba. May 2 George, b. Nov. 11, °83; ba. May 2 Catharine, b. —; ba. May 2 Susanna, b. Jan. 16; ba. May 23 John Peter, b. Dec. 18, ’83; ba. May 31 Elizabeth, b. May 4; ba. June 13 Maria Magdalena, b. Apr. 3; ba. June 13 Peter, b. Mar. 12; ba. July 4 John Leonard, b. Jan. 6; ba. July 4 John, b. —; ba. July 4 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 5; ba. July 25 Anna Catharine, b. Jan. 16; ba. June 14 Philip, b. July 2; ba. Aug. 15 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Henry Vetter, Eliza- beth Schitz William Koehler and Anna Maria Andrew Beischer and Elizabeth Bartholomew Weit parents Melchior Knepple and Catharine Peter Henrich and wife William Wilhelm and Catharine Jacob Nees and Eva Catharine Rudolph Schoch, Susanna Hering Peter Henrich and Elizabeth Mar- garet Valentine Niclas and Christine George Schambach and Eva Fas Peter Laux and Catharine Leonard Straus and Philippina Daniel Niclas and Catharine Valentine Roher, Elizabeth Herbst parents Philip Gruber and Margaret Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Jacob Beidelman and Elizabeth Margaret Philip Kraemer and Margaret John Niemand and Juliana Henry Heffert and Susanna Adam Scherer and Magdalena Jacob Gies and Eva Simon Heffert and Elizabeth George Seibel and Catharine Matthias Ziegenfuss and Margaret Conrad Koder and Maria Catharine Jacob Alm and Elizabeth Conrad Schemel and Magdalena Abraham Jost and Christina Frederick Bremauer and Catharine Christian Nicolas and Susanna Conrad Mahler and Catharine Balthasar Riedt and Maria Elizabeth Philip Stein and Elizabeth William Koehler and Anna Maria Children Sarah, b. Aug. 26; ba. Sept. 5 John William, b. July 21; ba. Oct. 17 Sarah, b. Sep. 7; ba. Oct. 28 1785. Barbara, b. Jan. 26;~ ba. Apr. 3 Magdalena, b. Nov. 13, 1784; ba. — Jacob, b. Aug. 24; ba. Apr. 24 John, b. Mar. 21; ba. Apr. 24 Abraham, b. Mar. 16; ba. June 5 Catharine, b. Mar. 10; ba. June 5 Martin, b. Apr. 15; ba. June 5 Maria Margaret, b. Feb. 3; ba. June5 Margaret, b. Apr. 28; ba. June 26 John, b. Aug. 19; Sept. 18 John, b. July 20; ba. Sep. 18 Joseph, b. July 21; ba. Sep. 18 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 4; ba. Oct. 9 John, b. Mar. 9; Oct. 9 John, b. Aug. 12; ba. Oct. 9 Elizabeth, b. Sep. 26; ba. Oct. 28 381 Sponsors Philip Gruber and Margaret Jacob Schneider and Catharine Michael Steinbach and Barbara Joseph Heffert, Barbara Ott Berndt Heller and Ursula Jacob Nees and Eva John Heffert, Mar- garet Wirth parents George Scheib and Catharine parents Jacob Alm, Maria Margaret Peter Henrich and Elizabeth Margaret Jacob Volmer and Jo- hauna Catharine Christian Niclas and Susanna Frederick Bremauer and Catharine Michael Schneider and Anna Maria Rudolph Drach and Elizabeth Christian Stein and Elizabeth Beidel- man Jacob Mast and Elizabeth 382 Parents Michael Jung and Catharine John Keller and Margaret Philip Vas and Mar- garet Henry Niclas and Maria Magdalene Andrew Schneider and Margaret Henry Krauthamel and Catharine Philip Deddesman and Maria Eliza- beth George Schaeffer and Eliz. Barbara Jacob Stetzel and Magdalene Same parents Same parents Andrew Beischer and Elizabeth Philip Schiiz and Magdalene George Nicola and Barbara Michael Jost and Magdalene Abraham Seller and Sophia John Fluck and Dorothea Children Anna Elizabeth, b. Oct. 11; ba. Nov. 20 Maria Elizabeth, b. Sept. 30, 1785; ba. Jan. 1. 1786. Margaret, b. Nov. 6; ba. Feb. 2 John, b. Jan. 6; ba. Feb. 12 John, b. Jan. 6; ba. Apr. 16 John Jacob, b. Jan. 28; ba. Apr. 16 Maria Margaret, b. Mar. 6; ba. Apr. 16 Eliz. Barbara, b. Dec. SOLUS e Dawe DI. 16 Maria Elizabeth, b. Dec. 5, 1785; ba. Apr. 16 Isaac, b. Jan. 9, 1784 Jacob, b. Jan. 9, 1784 John, b. Feb. 8; ba. Apr. 16 Anna Maria Cathar- ine, b. Apr. 4; ba. May 7 Maria Sarah, b. Apr. 12; ba. May 25 Abraham, b. Mar. 16; ba. June 5 Lydia, b. Nov. 26; ba. June 5 Susanna, b. Apr. 25; ba. June 18 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Jacob Philip and Anna Elizabeth Jacob Berndt, Mar- garet Keller Conrad Gerges and Margaret John Seyn and Bar- bara Conrad Jacobi and Hannah Jacob Geist and Eva Barbara Jacob Alm and Anna Margaret Elizabeth Barbara Gruber Michael Ott and Maria Elizabeth Andrew Hertzel and wife, Jacob Alm, Elizabeth Drach Jacob Junghein, Cath. Hatch Andrew Schiiz, Cath- arine Vetter Frederick Koenig, Dorothea Schreier Abraham Jost and wife parents Michael Heiser and Priscilla Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Jacob Gies and Eva John Adam Diimig and Anna Maria Jacob Nees and Eva Catharine Peter Lang and Anna Maria Jacob Brean and Barbara John Luz and Mag- dalene George Oberbeck and Elizabeth John Dannenhauer and Maria HEliza- beth Daniel Althaus and Juliana John Beringer and Elizabeth Immanuel Salade and Magdalene Jacob Clemens and Susanna Jacob Jost and Eliza- beth Frederick Geres and Catharine Daniel Staudt and Sibylla Peter Mickie and Eva Nicholas Franz and Christina John Nicholaus and Christine Henry Beringer and Anna Maria Children Magdalene, b. Dec. 23, 1785; ba. June 18 Catharine, b. May 2; ba. June 18 Daniel, b. Feb. 12; ba. July 9 Barbara, b. Mar. 15; ba. July 9 Catharine, b. May 25; ba. July 9 Anna, b. May 1; ba. July 30 John Adam, b. Apr. 16; ba. July 30 Abraham, b. July 7; ba. Aug. 20 Abraham, b. Jan. 19; ba. Aug. 20 John, b. July 18; bap. Aug. 20 Barbara, b. Jan. 12; ba. Aug. 20 John Adam, b. Oct. 18, 1778; ba. Sep. 31 Samuel, b. July 29; ba. Oct. 1 John, b. —; ba. Oct. 1 Daniel, b. Sep. 17; ba. Oct. 21 Jacob, b. Aug. 7; ba. Oct. 22 Anna Maria, b. Oct. 24-4 )ha, Deco 1787. John, b. Oct. 7; ba. Jan. 14 John George, b. Dec. i bas Jan. 14: 383 Sponsors Ludwig Benner and Gertrude Catharine Mayer parents John Fassbinder and Barbara John Wirth and Catharine parents John Adam Drach and Eva Abraham Dannen- hauer and Eliza- beth parents John Wasser, Cath- arine Beringer Jacob Salade and Barbara Henry Drach Herman Jost and Elizabeth John Geres and Elizabeth parents Jacob Alm and Elizabeth parents Jonas Herzel and Margaret John George Kraem- er and Elizabeth 384 Parents John Benner and Elizabeth Andrew Trumbauer and Margaret George Seybel and Catharine John Schoch and Elizabeth Elias Scholl and Catharine Ludwig Schambach and Catharine John Keller and Margaret Philip Stein and Elizabeth Daniel Wiegner and Elizabeth John Niemand and Juliana Philip Wenz and Anna Ursula Peter Reppert and Barbara Jacob Niclas and Blizabeth Conrad Messmer and Elizabeth John Nees and Elizabeth Matthias Ziegenfus and Margaret John Roedlein and Susanna Christopher Straus and Maria Conrad Koder and Maria Catharine Philip Grucher and Margaret Children Maria Catharine, b. Nov. 30; ba. Mar. 18 Abraham, b. Nov. 15; ba. Apr. 8 David, b. Dec. 30, 1786; ba. Apr. 8 Margaret, b. Dec. 1; ba. Apr. 8 Elias, b. Nov. 27; ba. Apr. 8 Margaret, b. Sep. 27, 1786; ba. Oct. 22 Henry, b. Mar. 14; ba. June 10 Henry, b. Mar. 11; ba. June 10 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 20, 1786; ba. June 10 John, b. May 22; ba. July 1 John, b. May 3; ba. July 1 Elizabeth, b. May 21; ba. June 10 John Henry, b. June 15; ba. July 22 Hannah, b. May 6; ba. July 22 Catharine, b. Apr. 23; ba. July 22 Anna Maria, b. June 10; ba. Aug. 12 Jacob, b. July 9; ba. Sep. 2 Samuel, b. 7 weeks ago today; ba. Sept. 2 Maria, b. Apr. 28; ba. Sep. 2 John George, b. Apr. 9; ba. June 11 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors John Stump, Cath- arine Benner Jacob Winhold and Susanna parents John Schwarz and Margaret Nicholas Kruger and Catharine Philip Fas and Mar- garet Henry Keller, Sus- anna Foegli Jacob Berndt, Doro thea Stein Frederick Premauer and Catharine John Keller and Margaret John Bleiler and Gertrude Jacob Beidelman and Elizabeth Margaret Nenry Niclas and Magdalena Benjamin Stein and Elizabeth Lorenz Kraemer and Catharine Leonard Hinckel and Maria Elizabeth Jacob Schneider, Susanna Roedlein Philip Stein and wife Philip Lessig and Maria John Lang, Maria Schuhmann Tohickon Lutheran Records. 385 Parents Adam Dumig and Maria John Feiger and Anna Maria Jacob Sterner and Catharine Jacob Ort and Mar- garet Henry Johnson and Blizabeth Arnold Haupt and Elizabeth Conrad Schemel and Magdalena Jacob Luz and Mag- dalena John Straus and Catharine Henry Oehmig and Barbara Peter Mickle and Eva William Koehler and Anna Maria Andrew Vetter and Catharine Jacob Hetzel and Magdalena Henry Straus and Maria Magdalene Michael Lambart and Rosina Rudolph Drach and Elizabeth Same parents Children John Peter, b. Sep. 2; ba. OcurLs Jacob, b. July 4; ba. Oct. 24 Adam, b. Aug. 24; ba. Nov. 3 Catharine, b. eight weeks ago today; ba. Nov. 3 Magdalena, b. 8 weeks before last Thursday; ba. Nov. 4 Henry, b. Oct. 3; ba. Nov. 4 Emmanuel, b. Sep. 19; ba. Nov. 25 John Jacob, b. Oct. 5; ba. Nov. 25 Sarah, b. Sep. 10; ba. Dec. 16 1788. Henry, b. Jan. 13; ba. Mar. 9 Peter, b. Dec. 29, 1787; ba. April 20, John, b. Feb. 26; ba. Apr. 20 Magdalena, b. Jan. 29; ba. May 1 George Henry, b. Apr. 19; ba. June 1 Maria Sarah, b. Mar. 25; ba. June 1 Elizabeth, b. May 26; ba. June 22 John, b. June 5; ba. July 13 Magdalene, b. Oct. 4, 1786; ba. — Sponsors Peter Maier, Cath- arine Alm Michael Heiser and _ Priscilla Jacob Ort and Mar- garet Jacob Sterner and Catharine parents Henry Schreiber and Elizabeth Philip Herpel and Anna Maria Jacob Brean and Barbara George Hoellebart, Rosina Beidelman Henry Laux and Barbara Henry Ott and Bar- bara John Mast, Maria Schuhmann Matthew Vetter, Magdalena Razel Henry Leister and Eva Elizabeth Abraham Beidelman Dorothea Stein Jacob Beidelman and Elizabeth Andrew Muth, Sus- anna Drach Henry Drach, Magda- lena Muth 386 Parents Ludwig Benner and Catharine Andrew Schneider and Margaret Philip Dedesman and Maria Eliza- beth Henry Krauthamel and Catharine Jacob Brean and Anna Barbara John Salade and Elizabeth Nicholas Franz and Christina George Seibel and Catharine John Benner and Hlizabeth John Schwarz and Margaret John Keller and Margaret John Lechleiber and Elizabeth John Hoefler and Barbara John Niemand and Juliana George Schneider and Blizabeth Adam Lizenberger and Anna Maria Peter Reppert and Barbara Children Jacob, b. July 1; July 23 Anna Maria, b. July 2; ba. Aug. 24 John, b. June 3; ba. Aug. 24 Samuel, b. May 19; ba. Aug. 24 John William, b. June 8; ba. Dec. 14 Maria Magdalena, b. Aug. 7; ba. Sep. 14 Hlizabeth, b. July 20; ba. Oct. 5 Martin, b. Aug. 22; ba. Nov. 16 1789. John Jacob, b. Mar. 16; ba. May 24 Elizabeth Catharine, b. Nov. 25, 1788; ba. May 24 Hannah, b. Feb. 19; ba. May 24 Jacob, b. Aug. 11, 1788; ba. June 14 Catharine, b. Mar. 23; ba. June 14 Samuel, b. May 24; ba. July 5 Jacob, b. June 11; ba. July 26 Elizabeth, b. May 18; ba. July 26 Joseph, b. May 15; ba. July 26 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Michael Heiser and Priscilla Melchior Kneppele and Catharine John Dedesman, Bar- bara Alm John Ott. Anna Christina Stein- bach Michael Schneider and Anna Maria Leonard Hinckel and Mina Elizabeth Michael Schneider and Maria parents Ludwig Benner and Elizabeth Catharine Schwartz Peter Berndt, Doro- thea Keller Jacob Pyse, Anna Knepple Catharine Pyse, John Jacob Leh parents Jacob Schneider and Catharine Michael Steinbach and Barbara Henry Salade, Cath- arine Reppert Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents John Straus and Elizabeth Catha- rine Philip Schellenberg- er and Susanna Henry Schmidt and Elizabeth Jacob Niclas and Elizabeth Simon Heffert and Elizabeth Caspar Borger and Magdalena Henry Kraus and Maria Magdalena Jacob Alm and Eliza- beth Peter Miickle and Eva Abraham Jost and Christine Leonard Geiger and Elizabeth Elias Scholl and Catharine Andrew Vetter and Catharine Frederick Koenig and Dorothea Philip Alm and Sarah Michael Weisel and Catharine George Niclas and Barbara Michael Blanck and Elizabeth Children Nicholas, b. Mar. 17; ba. Aug. 16 Maria Magdalene, b. May 20; ba. Aug. 16 George Philip, b. Feb. —; ba. Aug. 16 Samuel, b. Aug. 23; Oct. 18 Elizabeth, b. May 27; ba. Oct. 18 Rosina, b. Sep. 25; ba. Nov. 7 John, b. Sep. 24; Nov. 8 Henry, b. Nov. 3; ba. Nov. 30 Susanna, b. Aug. 30; ba. Dec. 20 1790. Daniel, b. Dec. 26; ba. Jan. 3 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 27; ba. Jan. 31 Maria Sarah, b. Oct. 9; ba. Jan. 31 John, b. Nov. 20; ba. Mar. 14 John, b. Feb. 16; ba. Mar. 14 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 18, ’89; ba. Feb. 26 David, b. Dec. 23, ’89; ba. Apr. 4 Susanna, b. Feb. 23; ba. Apr. 4 Anna Maria Cath., b. Apr. 28, ’86; ba. May 6 387 Sponsors Nicholas Straus and Anna Maria Michael Weisel and Maria Magdalene Philip Schmidt and Catharine George Niclas and Barbara Martin Heffert, Hliz- abeth Schneider Jacob Niclas and Elizabeth John Schupp, Mar- garet Pfeil Henry Ott and Bar- bara John Ott, Maria Magd. Keller Daniel Volmer, Eliz- abeth Beischer Peter Henrich and Elizabeth Frederick Wolfinger and Magdalene John Razel, Barbara Messemer John Koenig, Han- nah Kneppli Peter Henrich and Elizabeth parents Philip Henry Schrei- er, Catharine Oeh- mig Aaron Schiiz and Anna Catharine 388 Parents Michael Blank and Elizabeth Jacob Luz and Maria Magdalena Henry Hoerner and Barbara Henry Beringer and Anna Maria Jacob Berndt and Barbara Philip Stieber and Maria Hlizabeth Philip Herpel and Magdalene Jacob Klincker and Maria George Goethman and Magdalene Jacob Weiss and Elizabeth John Wirth and Catharine Same parents Peter Lang and Maria George Vogel and Elizabeth Henry Seyn and Elizabeth Jacob Stein and Catharine Henry Stoeckel and Christina Jacob Brean and Barbara Philip Stein and Elizabeth Children John Henry, b. Jan. 17, 90; ba. Mar. 14 Maria Magdalena, b. Mar. 8; ba. Apr. 25 Magdalena, b. Feb. 2; ba. Apr. 25 Sarah, b. Feb. 26; ba. May 16 Hannah, b. Nov. 10, ’*89; ba. May 16 John Joseph, b. Jan. 4; ba. May 21 Elizabeth Margaret, b. Apr. 8; ba. May 24 John, b. Jan. 29; ba. May 24 Magdalene b. Feb. —; ba. June 6 Susanna, b. Dec. 10, 89; ba. June 6 John, b. Apr. 18; ba. June 6 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 22, 788; ba. Apr. 1789 Sarah, b. Feb. 27; ba. June 27 Sarah, b. June 25; ba. July 18 Maria Magdalene, b. Apr. 14; ba. July 18 Adam, b. June 28; ba. Aug. 8 Samuel, b. June 4; ba. Aug. 8 Samuel, b. July 25; ba. Aug. 29 Magdalene, b. Sep. 25, 1788; ba. Aug. 29 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Henry Dreisbach John Luz and Maria Magdalena Caspar Berger and Magdalena Caspar Kraemer and Elizabeth John Ott and Han- nah Ott parents Jacob Wobhlfinger, and Margaret Her- pel John Wirth and Catharine parents Felix Ludwig, Sus- anna Kichlein John Wirth and Catharine Caspar Kraemer and Eva Elizabeth Philip Alm and Sarah Jacob Beidelman and Elizabeth Mar- garet Henry Niclas and Maria Magdalene Peter Niemand and Susanna Maier Matthew Stocekel, Barbara Steinbach John Luz and Mag- dalena John Luz and Doro- thea Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Christian Niclas and Susanna Henry Koder and Sabina Adam Frankenfield and Maria Cath- arine Matthias Ziegenfus and Margaret John Straus and Eliz. Catharine John Feig and Anna Maria Michael Lambert and Rosina Joseph Heffert and Polly John Kraemer and Margaret George Leitcoep and Dorothea John Reit and Sus- anna Michael Alm and Margaret Adam Diimy and Maria John Conrad Sem and Elizabeth Same parents Arnold Haupt and Elizabeth John Luz and Doro- thea James Schmidt and Barbara Children Elizabeth, b. May 30; ba, Aug. 29 Catharine, b. Aug. 10; ba. Aug. 29 Maria Magdalena, b. Aug. 26; ba. Sept. 19 Anna Christina, b. Aug. 16; ba. Oct. 31 John Leonard, b. June 24; ba. Oct. 31 Susanna Catharine, b. July 153" ba: Oct. 31 Magdalene, b. June 3; ba. Nov. 21 Daniel, b. 7 weeks ago; ba. Nov. 21 Susanna, b. Sep. 28; ba. Nov. 21 John, b. 6 weeks ago; Dec. 12 Margaret, b. July 13; ba. Dec. 12 1791. Jacob, b. Oct. 6, 1790; ba. Jan. 2 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 6; ba. Jan. 23 Henry, b. Dec. 9; ba. Jan, 23 John,"b., Oct; 9; ba: Nov. 9, 1788 Anna Maria, b. Dec. 30; ba. Jan. 23 Maria Magdalene, b. Oct. 28, 1790; Feb. 13 Susanna, b. Dec. 7, 1790; ba. Feb. 13 389 Sponsors Christopher Keller and Margaret Catharine Koder Conrad Mittmann and Elizabeth Peter Scheib and Anna Christina Leonard Straus and Anna Philippine Joseph Stump and Elizabeth Henry Straus and Magdalene parents Michael Heiser and Priscilla Balthaser Steinbach and Anna Maria John Adam Bender Susanna Kiichlein Manes Jost and Elizabeth Henry Berger and Elizabeth Henry Neisler, Elizabeth Knepple Stephen Neisler and Catharine Manes Jost and Elizabeth Jacob Luz and Maria Magdalene Christian Mann and Elizabeth 390 Parents Henry Hoffert and Susanna Jacob Hetzel and Magdalene John Hoffert and Margaret Peter Emerich and Blizabeth Michael Straus and Anna Catharine Andrew Schneider and Margaret Daniel Wiegener and Elizabeth Abraham Brey and Christina John Benner and Maria John Keller and Margaret Conrad Schemel and Magdalena Andrew Stier and Catharine Jacob Dege and Mag- dalena — Davis and HEliza- beth George Seybel and Catharine Andrew Fetter and Catharine Henry Straus and Maria Magdalene John Straus and Elizabeth Catha- rine Philip Dedesman and Maria Elizabeth Children Anna Eva, b. Nov. 22; ba. Feb. 27 Hannah Magdalene, b. Jan. 28; ba. Apr. 17 Sarah, b. Feb. 12; ba. Apr. 17 Samuel, b. Mar. 30; ba. Apr. 17 John Leonard, b. Feb. 9; ba. May 8 Susanna, b. Feb. 23; ba. May 8 Jacob, b. Dec. 31, 1790; ba. May 8 Christine, b. Feb. 18; ba. May 29 Anna Maria, b. Nov. 18, 1790; ba. May 29 John, b. May 1; ba. May 29 Anna Maria, b. Feb. 24; ba. June 19 Elizabeth, b. June 13° ba. July 3L Maria, b. May 30; ba. Aug. 21 Laetitia, b. July 10; ba. Aug. 11 George Ludwig, b. June 22; Oct. 2 Andrew, b. Aug. 13; Oct. 2 Anna Maria, b. Aug. 14; ba. Oct. 2 John Frederick, b. Sept. 10; ba. Oct. 23 Catharine, b. Sep. 25; ba. Nov. 13 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Anna Eliz. Beischer John Adam Drach and Eva Martin Hoffert, Bar- bara Ruhl Abraham Beidelman, Catharine Emer- ich Leonard Straus and Philippine George Jacobi and Anna Maria Jacob Niclas and Elizabeth parents Hannah Beringer and Anna Maria John Keller and Maria Jacob Philipp, Maria Reppert Jacob Alm and Eliza- beth Henry Leh, Maria Nes Jonn Pysy, Maria Schreier parents Andrew Stier and Catharine Philip Herpel and Anna Maria Frederick Wohlfing- er and Magdalene Andrew Stier and Catharine Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Henry Benner and Anna Maria Philip Alm and Sarah John Biirger and Elizabeth Andrew Kraemer and Magdalene Martin Hoffert and Hannah Leonard Geiger and Elizabeth Philip Herpel and Magdalene Michael Blanck and Elizabeth John Hoffert and Margaret Michael Baum and Catharine Jacob Jost and Maria Elizabeth Joseph Hoffert and Maria George Thoma and Rebekah John Conrad Sem Elizabeth Jacob Dengler and Sophia John Benner and Anna Maria Children Jacob, b. Aug. 25; ba. Nov. 13 Samuel, b. Nov. 5; ba. Dec. 4 Maria, b. Nov. 27; ba. Dec. 25 1792. Anna Maria Magda- lene, b. Dec. 12, 1791; ba. Feb. 5 Sarah, b. Dec. 5, 1791; ba. Feb. 5 John, b. Dec. 22, 1791; ba. Apr. 29 Blizabeth, b. Feb. 5; ba. Apr. 22 Maria Magdalena, b. Mar. 29; ba. May 20 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 23; ba. June 10 Sarah, b. Dec. 19, 1791; ba. June 10 Maria Sarah, b. May 23; ba. July 22 Michael, b. Apr. 6; ba. July 22 Philip, b. June 18; ba, Aug. 12 Samuel, b. Dec. 4; ba. Dec. 16 1793. Maria Catharine, b. Nov. 27, 1792; ba. Mar. 10 Sarah, b. Oct. 25; ba. Mar. 31 39! Sponsors John Beringer and Elizabeth Henry Herzel, Sus- anna Alm Christian Biirger, Barbara Alm Michael Schneider and Maria Jacob Schneider, Sarah Ott John Fluck and Christine Philip Herpel and Anna Maria | Abraham Winhold, Magdalena Dreis- bach parents Peter Ruhi and Sarah parents Michael Schneider, Catharine Haus- man Simon Hoffert and Elizabeth George Hoerner and Susanna Peter Ott and Cath- arine John Beringer and Elizabeth 392 Parents Elias Scholl and Catharine Eliza- beth Henry Hoffert and Susanna John Dewis and Catharine John Geres and Elizabeth Abraham Jost and Christine John Roédlein and Susanna Philip Stieber and Maria Elizabeth George Kraemer and Hlizabeth George Schneider and Elizabeth Matthias Ziegenfus and Margaret Henry Beringer and Maria Andrew Stier and Catharine Andrew Fetter and Catharine Henry Kraemer and Sarah John Nees and Eliza- beth Philip Alm and Sarah John Hinckel and Catharine Stephan Neisler and Elizabeth Children John Peter, b. Mar. 6; ba. Apr. 20 Samuel, b. Jan. 17; ba. May 12 Samuel, b. Mar. 5; ba. May 15 Joseph, b. Sept. 12, 1792; May 12 Samuel, b. Jan. 10; ba. May 12 Philip, b. Oct. 22, 1792; ba. May 12, 1793 Daniel, b. Oct. 17, 1792; ba. May 12 Jacob, b. Mar. 3; ba. June 23 Benjamin, b. June 1; ba. Aug. 4 Abraham, b. Apr. 25; ba. Sept. 15 Henry, b. July 23; ba. Sept. 22 John Philip, b. Aug. 22; ba. Sept. 22 Maria Catharine, b. Oct. 16; ba. Dec. 15 1794. Samuel, b. Sept. 17; ba. Jan. 5 Henry, b. Dec. 7, 1793; Feb. 20 Maria, b. Feb. 14; ba. Mar. 30 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 16, 1793; ba. Mar. 30 John, b. 4 mos. ago; ba. Mar. 30 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Philip Gruber and Margaret ’ Simon Hoffert and Elizabeth Carl Pysy, Elizabeth Geres parents Daniel Jost, Cath- arine Volmer Philip Brunner, Maria Thoma Manes Jost and Elizabeth Jacob Schneider, Margaret Kraemer John Danehauer and Elizabeth John Klingel and Elizabeth George Beringer and Magdalene Philip Dedesman and Maria Bliza- beth George Schiel and Catharine Caspar Kraemer and Elizabeth Henry Nees, Cath- arine Winhold Jacob Alm and Mar- garet Leonard Hinckel and Elizabeth Andrew Schneider and Margaret Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Isaac Gerhardt and Magdalene Henry Pyse and Mar- garet John Straus and Elizabeth Catha- rine John Hoffert and Margaret Abraham Frey and Christine Jacob Jaehrling and Magdalene John Kraemer and Margaret Michael Jost and Catharine Michael Blanck and Elizabeth Abraham Winhold and Margaret George Thoma and Rebekah Peter Moriz and Catharine Conrad Schemel and Magdalene Peter Reppert and Barbara Joseph Heffert and Polly Thomas Tobias and Catharine John Berge and Maria Elizabeth Jacob Nees and Cath- arine Margaret Children Adam, b. Feb. 7; ba. Mar. 30 John, b. Nov. 1, 1793; ba. Apr. 20 Anna Margaret, b. Oct. 30, 1793; ba. Apr. 20 Andrew, b. Dec. 30, 1793; ba. Apr. 20 Jonas, b. July 1, 1793; ba. June 8 Susanna, b. May 17; ba. July 22 Margaret, b. Apr. 4; ba. June 22 Michael, b. May 17; ba. June 22 Elizabeth, b. May 23; ba. Aug. 3 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 17; ba. June 22 Jacob, b. June 13; ba. Sept. 14 John, b. June 11; ba. Sep. 14 Elizabeth, b. May 27; ba. Nov. 27 Maria Elizabeth, b. June 5; ba. Nov. 27 Catharine, b. Oct. 4; ba. Dec. 7 Joseph, b. Oct. 22; ba. Dec. 28 1795. Susanna, b. Dec. 15; ba. Jan. 18 Jacob, b. Oct. 25; ba. Jan. 18 393 Sponsors Adam Schreier and Charlotte Manes Jost and Elizabeth Philip Gruber and Margaret Andrew Drollinger, Maria Conrad parents Philip Herpel and Magdalene John Fasbinder and Barbara John Volmer, Eliza- beth Rudi John Dreisbach and Elizabeth Henry Nees, Eliza- beth Winhold Valentine Thoma and Kunigunda John Veit and Mar- garet ' Frederick Schneider, Blizabeth Philip George Philip and Maria Elizabeth Matthew Hauskiper and Catharine Henry Seybel, Mag- dalene Pyse Jacob Berge and Catharine Jacob Nees and Eva Catharine 394 Parents Philip Gruber and Maria Margaret Arnold Haupt and Elizabeth Henry Niclas and Maria Magdalene Rudolph Drach and Elizabeth John Hinckel and Catharine Cornelius O’Daniel and Hannah George Kremer and Elizabeth Andrew Stier and Catharine Henry Kraemer and Sarah John George Benner and Anna Maria Children Adam, b. Dec. 14, 1794; ba. [Jan.] 28 Susanna, b. Dec. 18; ba. May 3 Maria Magdalene, b. b. Feb. 13; ba. May 14 Susanna, b. Jan. 20; ba. May 14 John, b. Feb. 20; ba. May 24 Cornelius, b. Apr. 20; ba. July 5 °9 Joseph, b. Jan. 21, 1795; ba. Oct. 4, 1795 Anna Maria, b. July 25; ba. Oct. 4, 1795 Magdalena, b. Aug. 1; ba. Oct. 4, 1795 John Ludwig, b. Sept. 20; ba. Oct. 4 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Ludwig Sommer and Catharine Daniel Jost, Susanna Fasbinder Abraham Niclas, Anna Maria Schreier Jacob Schaefer and Margaret John Neisler and Catharine Joseph Voelckel, Margaret Davis Daniel Kremer, Elizabeth Wert parents Jacob Ott and wife Ludwig Benner and wife [The following baptisms from Nov. 1795 to June 1797 are by the REV. FREDERICK GEISSENHAINER, as is evident from his sig- nature and handwriting on page 7 in the rear of the book.] Conrad Herbel and Lydia John Hoffer and Margaret Andrew Krauthamel and Elizabeth Abraham Wenhold and Margaret Nicholas Stehr and Elizabeth Andrew Fetter and Catharine 529 The entries of Rev. George Roeller stop July 5, 1795. John, b. Nov. 2; ba. Nov. 29, 1795 John, b. Sep. 25; ba. Nov. 29, 1795 Eva Catharine, b. Aug. 20; ba. Nov. 29 Jacob, b. Feb. 16; ba. Mar. 28, 1796 Susanna, b. Dec. 30; ba. Mar. 28 Margaret, b. Dec. 7; ba. Mar. 28 on Oct. 4, 1795, are by a well trained hand. Philip Herbel and Magdalena parents Henry Krauthamel and wife Jacob Wenhold and Susanna parents Peter Heinrich and Margaret The baptisms Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents George Schaeffer and Barbara George Nicola and Barbara Peter Drollinger and Magdalene George Schneider and Elizabeth Peter Luhs and Maria Stephen Neischler and Elizabeth Henry Beringer and Anna Maria John Benner and Anna Maria Philip Herbel and Magdalene John Hinkel and Catharine Henry Jacobi and Rachel Jacob Philips and Hannah George Sterner and Margaret Philip Allum and Sarah Thomas Devis and Catharine Henry Kremer and Sarah Thomas Mackel and Elizabeth George Kremer and Elizabeth Michael Baum and Catharine Children George, b. June 15; ba. Mar. 28 Juliana, b. Nov. 29, 1795; ba. Mar. 28 Catharine, b. Jan. Lita ban Mar. 2s George, b. Nov. 16, 95; ba. Mar. 28, 96 Magdalene, b. Jan. 8; ba. Mar. 28 John George, b. Feb. 3; ba. May 15, 1796 Maria Catharine, b. Janeucosy Daw sDDe 19, 1796 Hannah, b. Oct. 6; ba. Oct. 22, ’96 Joseph, b. Aug. 5; ba. Oct. 23 BHlias, b. June 20; ba. Oct. 23 Samuel, b. Sept. 25; ba. Oct 23 Lydia, b. July 22; ba. Oct. 23 Sarah, b. June 17; ba. Oct. 23 Magdalena, b. Sept. 26; ba. Oct. 23 Elizabeth, b. June 14; ba. Oct. 23 Joseph, b. Dec. 5; bap. Feb. 23, 1797 Joseph, b. Aug. 25, 96; ba. Feb. 23 Enosh, b. May 13; ba. June 19, 1797 Henry, b. Aug. 31, 796; ba. June 19 395 Sponsors parents Philip Schreyer and Catharine parents George Ekhard, Cath. Danauer, single Joseph Stumph, Mag- dalene Berner, single George Scheib and Juliana Jacob Bernt and Catharine John Benner and Magdalena Frederick Trager and Magdalene Peter Mickly and Eva George Volmer, Sarah Houser, single George Philipp and Maria Jacob Orth and Mar- garet Jacob Allum and Elizabeth John Berger and Elizabeth Jacob Bernt and Barbara Jacob Philipp and Hannah George Seibel and Catharine Jacob Bernt and Cath, 396 Parents John Ratzel and Elizabeth George Ziegenfus and Anna Peter Stiehle and Eva Daniel Stout and Si- bylla John Hoffert and Margaret Children Joseph, b. May 8; ba. June 19 John, b. Nov. 9, 796; ba. June 19 Maria, b. Nov. 10, 796; ba. June 19 Henry, b. June 1; ba. June 19, 1797 Joseph, b. Mar. 24; ba. June 19, 1797 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Joseph Stump, Christian Ratzel, single John Ziegenfus, Maria Klinker parents Henry Fasbinder and Catharine parents [A different hand entered the next six baptisms. ] Andrew Heutman and Christine John George Benner Anna Maria Josephus Hoffert and Maria John Reit and Susanna Jacob Breian and Barbara John Beringer and Blizabeth Henry, b. June 25; ba. Aug. 20, 1797 John, b. July 23; ba. Aug. 20 Hannah, b. June 17; ba. Aug. 20 John, b. June 17; ba. Aug. 20 Jacob, b. July 11; ba. Aug. 20 Hannah, b. June 1; ba. Aug. 20, 1797 Matthias Ziegenfus and Margaret John Bernd, Eliza- beth Benner, single Henry Ott and Maria John Wird and Catharine Henry Breian and Elizabeth parents Baptisms by F. GEISENHAINER, supply, until GEORGE ROELLER Andrew Stier and Catharine Nicholas Stier and Elizabeth Nicholas Franz and Christine Henry Peil and Maria Barbara George Nicolai and Barbara has finished his studies. Sebastian [7], b. Sep. 10; ba. Oct. 29, 1797 Henry, b. Oct. 13; ba. Oct. 29 Maria, b. Aug. 7; ba. Oct. 29 Priscilla, b. Sept. 5; ba. Oct. 29 Barbara, b. Sept. 1; ba. Oct. 29 parents parents John Wirth Michael Heuser and wife Adam Schreyer and Charlotte Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Jacob Nees and Catharine Frederick Schneider and Maria John Hinckel and Catharine Jacob Bernt and Catharine Adam Ziegenfuss and Catharine Children Tobias, b. June 13, 97; ba. May 19, 1798 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 6; ba. May 19, 1798 Jonahan, b. Dec. 1, "97; ba. May 20, 1798 Hannah, b. Jan. 19; ba. May 20, 1798 Jacob, b. Mar. 6; ba. May 20, 1798 397 Sponsors Henry Krauthamel and Catharine Andrew Schneider and Margaret parents Abr. Samsel and Hannah Henry Ziegenfuss, Hlisa Bender [ENTRIES BY REV. JOHN GEORGE ROELLER, MARCH 1798 Killian Schreier and Maria Carl Bissi and Sarah Peter Drollinger and Magdalena John Ott and Doro- thea John Hering and Mina Abraham Wenhold and Margaret Henry Kremer and Catharine John Carl and Cath- arine Henry Mesemer and Elizabeth Michael Jost and Catharine John Jost and Mag- dalena TO NOVEMBER 1839.] Philip, b. Mar. 30, 797; ba. Mar. 18, 1798 Christina, b. Nov. 15, ’97; ba. Mar. 18, 1798 Samuel, b. Jan. 10; ba. Mar. 18 Sarah, b. Oct. 30, ’97; ba. Mar. 18 Samuel, b. Jan. 29; May 8,.1798 Magdalene, b. Feb. 28; ba. May 8, 1798 Henry, b. Apr. 1, 1798 Susanna, ba. May 7, 1798 Abraham, ba. June 20, 1798 Barbara, ba. July 7, 1798 Jacob, ba. July 4, 1798 Philip Schreier and Catharine Carl [?] Hever and Maria parents Henry Ott, single Maria Ott, single Philip Hering and Priscilla Jacob Benner, Mag- dalena Cressman John Wert and wife Susanna Nes Abraham Brunner [?], Cath. Bartel- me John Folmer and wife Jacob Schneiter and wife 398 Parents Thomas Dewis and Catharine Adam Laux and Elizabeth Christian Getman and Magdalene John George Benner Anna Maria George Schneiter and Elizabeth George Ziegenfus and Anna Abraham Fry and Christina George Schefer and Barbara John Hoffert and Margaret Ludwig Benner and Hannah Peter Luis and Maria George Wickert and Maria John Keller and Margaret Andrew Krauthamel and Eliza George Leidkep and Dorothea Henry Peil and Maria Catharine Peter Mickli and Eva George Thoma and Rebekah Children Catharine, b. June 21, 1798 Peter, b. Apr. 30, 1798 Solomon, b. July 2, 1798 Maria Elizabeth, b. July 14, 1798 Elizabeth, b. —; ba. Sept. 23 Henry, b. July 28; ba. Sep. 23 Michael, b. July 8; ba. Sep. 23 Hannah, b. June 21; ba. Sept. 23 Samuel, b. July 4; ba. Oct. 13 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 3 Abraham, b. Aug. 1 Jonas, b. Oct. 12; ba. Dec. 26 Samuel, b. Dec. 12, 1798 Maria Magdalene, b. Oct. 17, 1798 Peter, b. Dec. 31, 1798 1799. Elizabeth, b. Jan. 26, 1799 Barbara, b. Nov. 12, 1798 John, b. Mar. 16, 1798 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Abraham Schreier, Catharine Fass- benner Peter Ott, Maria Laux William Getman and wife Joseph Stump, Eliza- beth Benner John Schneider, Elizabeth Danne- hauer Andrew Ziegenfus and wife parents John Adam F'iluck and wife parents Joseph Stumpf and wife Abraham Berndt, Elizabeth Bruner Matthias Ziegenfus and wife Michael Keller, Han- nah Drach John Lutz and Magdalene Peter Niemand and Barbara Jacob Scheib, Eliza- beth Scheib, single Jacob Ott, Barbara Ott John Hinckel and wife Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Henry Keller and Sarah Joseph Hoffert and Maria Abraham Jost and Christine Peter Keiber and Maria Jacob Schneider and Elizabeth Henry Abbel and Catharine Peter Bernd and Elizabeth John Kremer and Gertrude Andrew Muth and Eliza Daniel Kremer and Susanna Abraham Bissi and Margaret Jacob Wiltanger and Eliza Jacob Niclas and Eliza Jacob Selsor and Susanna Henry Seyn and Eliza John Beitelman and Sarah Henry Breian and Eliza Jacob Fluck and Eliza Daniel Staudt and Sibylla Children Marie, b. Mar. 14, 1799 John, b. Dee. 14, 1798 Eliza, b. Mar. 17, 1799 Catharine, b. Oct. 12, 1798 Hannah, b. — Elizabeth, b. Feb. 22, 1799 Sarah, b. Jan. 19, 1799 Samuel, b. Apr. 15, 1799 Sarah, b. Mar. 11, 1799 John, b. Apr. 21, 1799 Eliza, b. Mar. 25, 1799 Anna Elizabeth, b. Nov. 19, 1798 David, b. May 15, 1799 Isaac, b. Febr. 8 David, b. Feb. 8 John Henry, b. Jan. ff Jesse, b. June 4 Andrew, b. Mar. 27 Samuel, b. Jan. 1, 1799 Samuel, b. June 24, 1799 399 Sponsors George Weickert and wife John Benner and wife Mans [!] Jost and wife John Rosaberger and wife George Eckhart, Hannah Schneider Peter Licheberger, Elizabeth Geiger John Keller and wife Jacob Trumpor and wife Christian Blum, Maria Ott Nicholas Kraus and wife Carl Bissi and wife Henry Kilmer and wife Henry Ott and wife Jacob Orth and wife Frederick Fasben- ner, Elizabeth Scheffer parents Jacob Beitel and wife Andrew Laux and wife Jacob Orth and Maria Jacob Nes and wife 400 Parents Philip Frans and Margaret Henry Benner and Catharine Peter Nes and Chris- tine Jacob Leh and Eliza Henry Messimer and Eliza Nicholas Frans and Christine Jacob Abel and Barbara Rudolf Trach and Eliza John Benner and Catharine Philip Henry Schrei- er and Maria John Hering and Maria Philip Thetesman and Maria Eliza Anthony Daniel and Catharine George Alm and Eliza John Hinckel and Catharine Philip Ehmig and Christine Abraham Wenholt and Margaret Children Elizabeth, b. Jan. 31, 1799 Samuel, b. June 9, 1799 Jesse, b. Aug. 31, 1799 John, b. Aug. 6, 1799 Catharine, b. July 21, 1799 Susanna, b. Aug. 3, 1799 John, b. Oct. 4; ba. Nov. 16, 1799 Eliza, b. Oct. 8; ba. Nov. 16, 1799 Enosh, b. Oct. 30; ba. Nov. 16, 1799 Catharine, b. Aug. 3; ba. Feb. 26, 1799 John, b. Nov. 9; ba. Dec. 26, 1799 1800. John Jacob, b. Dec. 15, 1799; ba. Mar. 2, 1800 Herum [!], b. Oct. 21, 1799; ba. May 4, 1800 Jacob, b. Feb. 21; ba. May 4, 1800 Hannah, b. Dec. 12, 1799; ba. May 4, 1800 Samuel, b. Dec. 8, 1799; ba. May 25, 1800 Eliza, b. Mar. 5; ba. May 25, 1800 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Jacob Lutz and wife Michael Friedrig and Catharine parents Henry Ziegenfuss, Susanna Schorer Jacob Bartolme and — wife parents Martin Geiger and wife Philip Stieber and wife John Benner and wife Ludwig Benner and wife Jacob Abel and wife Jacob Alm and wife Michael Jost and wife Jacob Alm and wife Jacob Miller and wife Christian Nicolas and wife John Wenholt, Eliza Bender Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Jacob Straus and Eva Rosina John Conrad Seme and HElizabeth Peter Niemand and Barbara Michael Trach and Salome Michael Frankenfelt Eliza Henry Keller and Magdalena Philip Alm and Sarah George Wambolt and Margaret John Kremer and Catharine Henry Kremer and Catharine John Hoffert and Margaret David Weit and Bliza Jacob Neisli and Eliza Christian Eckert Susanna Michael Keller and Anna Frederick Geris and Catharine John Jans and Rosina George Leidkep and Dorothea Conrad Jost and Catharine Children Anna Margaret, b. Feb. 2, 1800; ba. May 25 John William, b. Mar. 11, 1800 Maria, b. Feb. 13, 1800 Jesse, b. — Catharine, b. Mar. 21, 1800 Samuel, b. May 10, 1800 Enes [!], b. June 29, 1800 John Jacob, b. Feb. 24 Abraham, b. July 27; ba. Sept. 6, 1800 Maria, b. Apr. 9; ba. Sept. 6, 1800 Thomas, b. Mar. 23, 1800 Abr.ham, b. Feb. 17, 1800 Catharine, b. May 4, 1800 Sarah, b. June 19, 1800 Samuel, b. June 14, 1800 Jacob, b. Apr. 25, 1800 Elias, b. Dec. 20, 1799; ba. Nov. 8, 1800 Joseph, ba. Nov. 9, 1800 Henry, b. July 22; ba. Nov. 9, 1800 401 Sponsors Jacob Sehr, Mar- garet Straus William Kern and Johanna Balthasar Stebach and wife Jacob Kob and wife Jacob Frankenfeld, Eliza Beitelman Abraham Nicolaus, Cath. Fluck George Leidi and Barbara John Jacob Benner and wife Abraham Kremer John Wert, Maria Conrad parents parents Peter Ziegenfuss,, Cath. Neisli Catharine Kremer parents parents John Beitelman Sarah Conrad Herpel and wife Peter Summer and Bliza 402 Parents Andrew Stier and Catharine John Benner and Eliza John Koenig and Barbara Michael Schneider and Magdalene Jacob Alm and Elizabeth John Krauthamel and Catharine Abraham Fuchs and Magdalene Peter Nes and Chris- tine John Benner and Catharine Abraham Kraemer and Catharine Abraham Frey and Christine Henry Kremer and Sarah George Ziegenfuss and Anna Michael Kremer and Barbara Jacob Karl and Maria Magdalene Jacob Jost and Eliza John Karl and Cath- arine Andrew Krauthamel and Eliza John Beitelman and Sarah 1801. Children Eva Ca‘harine, b. Oct. 22, 1800; ba. Jan. 1, 1801 Elizabeth, b. Dec. 20, 1800 Samuel, b. Nov. 28, 1800 John, b. Oct. 26, 1800 Jesse, b. Dec. 29, 1800 Philip Henry, b. Dec. 16, 1800 Eliza, b. Dec. 20, 1800 Hannah, b. Aug. 25, 1800; ba. Apr. 25, 1801 Isaac, b. Mar. 17, 1801 Eliza, b. Feb. 16, 1801 Samuel, b. Nov. 9, 1800 Anna, b. Dec. 1, 1800 Samuel, b. Feb. 20, 1801 Joseph, b. Apr. 12, 1801 Henry, b. Dec. 22, 1800 Jesse, b. May 24, 1801 Magdalena, b. Apr. 22, 1801 Joseph, b. May 20, 1801 Eliza, b. June 7, 1801 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors parents Matthias Ziegenfuss and wife Abraham Kiefer and wife John Klincker and Eliza Daniel Bartolme, Maria Ott Philip Henry Kraut- hamel and wife. Ludwig Benner and wife Catharine Kiglein Henry Lehr and wife Henry Nes and Cath- arine parents Margaret Ott, widow Adam Ziegenfuss and wife John Ditz and wife Henry Lehr Daniel Jost and wife John Nes, Magda- lena Karl Henry Krauthamel, Susanna Lutz Manes Jost and wife Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Nicholas Stier and Eliza Jacob Hartman, Maria Kunrat Jacob Brickert and Catharine Henry Heft and Eva Margaret Andrew Muth and Eliza Jacob Schneider and Eliza Daniel Hankmeister and Maria John Keller and Margaret Daniel Jost and Anna Same parents Same parents Henry Lehr and Eliza Same parents Henry Keller and Sarah John Drach and Catharine Michael Walter and Catharine Abraham Wenholt Margaret George Nicols and Barbara Henry Mesemer and Elizabeth Children Maria, b. June 10, 1801 Catharine, b. Apr. 10, 1801 Jesse, b. July 22, 1801 John, b. —, 1801 Jesse, b. Aug. 26, 1801 George, b. Oct. 12, 1801 Eliza, b. Sept. 2, 1801 Thomas, b. — 23, 1801 Mary, b. May 18, 1798 George Ludwig, b. Nov. 24, 1799 Martin, b. Nov. 2, 1801 Maria Catharine, b. Oct. 27, 1801 John Jacob, b. July 25, 1798 1802. Elias, b. Jan. 26, 1802 William, b. Feb. 25, 1802 Eliza, b. Dec. 27, 1801 Isaac, b. Feb. 17, 1802 Anna, b. Jan. 5, 1802 Sarah, b. Jan. 22; ba. May 9, 1802 403 Sponsors parents John Wert and wife John Keller, Barbara Schefer John Neisler and wife John Ott, Susanna Muth Michael Schneider and wife parents Philip Schutz Jacob Jost and wife parents John Ott John Benner and wife John Jacob Jung and wife John Fluck, Cath. Barger Adam Drach Philip Schietz Jacob Wenholt, Mag: dalene Benner John Horing ’ John Neisle 404 Parents John Ziegenfuss and Catharine Abraham Frey and Christine Henry Kremer and Catharine Leonard Ekert and Maria John Rothrock and Margaret Abraham Benner and Sophia Jacob Hackman and Barbara Adam Scherer and Margaret George Alm and Eliza Henry Benner and Catharine John Conrad Sem and Elizabeth John Alm and Catharine Philip Theis and Chloé Same parents Same parents Christian Eckert and Susanna Abraham Geres and Magdalene John George Benner and Anna Maria Children Magdalena, b. Jan. 3; ba. May 9, 1802 Samuel, b. Mar. 7; ba. May 30, 1802 Michael, b. Mar. 6; ba. May 30, 1802 Barbara, b. — Catharine, b. — Magdalene, b. — Barbara, b. Jan. 30, 1779; ba. June 5, 1802 Sarah, b. July 9, 1782 [?]; ba. June 9, 1802 Catharine, b. Apr. 21; ba. July 14, 1802 Henry, b. Apr. 8; ba. Aug. 14, 1802 Gabriel, b. Mar. 25; ba. Aug. 1, 1802 Enosh, b. June 12; ba. Aug. 1, 1802 Eliza, b. Nov. 3, 1798 Jacob, b. Sep. 14, 1800 Anna Maria, b. Apr. 12, 1802 John, b. Mar. 11, 1802 Henry, b. June 29, 1802 Ludwig, b. Aug. 6, 1802 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Jacob Wenholt, Cath. Losig parents Michael Schneider, Cath. Werth When she was con- firmed as wife of Michael Kraemer, 1802 When she was con- firmed as wife of John Drach, 1802 When she was con- firmed, 1802 When she was con- firmed When she was con- firmed John Feick Henry Benner, Bar- bara Wenholit Peter Ziegenfuss and wife Manus Jost and wife Ludwig Benner John Henrich, Magd. Benner John Benner John Nees Henry Ott Ludwig Benner, Sarah Dennel Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents George Wambolt and Margaret John Kremer and Margaret Michael Eckert and Eva Peter Ziegenfuss and Catharine Abraham Schreier and Catharine Andrew Fetter and Catharine John Benner and Eva Jacob Karl and Maria George Sterner and Margaret Same parents Same parents Abraham Bissi and Margaret Andrew Meyer Michael Kraemer and Barbara Jacob Alm and Elizabeth John Benner and Catharine Philip Alm and Sarah Jacob Breian and Barbara Children Eliza, b. Mar. 6; ba. Sept. 15, 1802 Eliza, b. Sep. 25; ba. Oct. 3, 1802 Jacob, b. July 17; ba. Oct. 3, 1802 Matthias, b. Aug. 12, 1802 Eliza, b. Aug. 18; ba. Oct. 3, 1802 George, b. Oct. 6, 1801; ba. Oct. 19, 1802 Sarah, b. Aug. 19; ba. Oct. 21 John, b. Aug. 1; ba. Oct. 21, 1802 Eliza, b. Oct. 12, 1798 Jacob, b. Apr. 20, 1800 George, b. Nov. 26, 1801 Tobias, b. Aug. 23; ba. Nov. 1, 1802 Eliza, b. Apr. 4, 1802 1803. Maria Catharine, b. Nov. 3, ’02; ba. Mar. 19, 1803 Jacob, b. Feb. 17; ba. Apr. 9, 1803 Hannah, b. Jan. 24; ba. Apr. 9, 1803 Jacob, b. Feb. 2; ba. Apr. 9 Barbara, b. Nov. 6, ’02; ba. Apr. 9 405 Sponsors Peter Kob, Eliza Bender George Kremer Jacob Alm and wife Matthias Ziegenfus Margaret Fluck parents John Feick John Jacob Lutz George Thomas and wife Jacob Sterner parents Tobias Ruhl, Bar- bara Fluck Valentin Rohr Maria Catharine Kremer, widow Christian Ott Abraham Benner, Hannah Hausgie- ber Philip Thetesman John Seipel and wife 406 Parents Isaac Bien and Catharine Adam Ziegenfuss and Catharine Michah Walter and Catharine George Grauthamel and Catharine David Weil and Elizabeth John Hinkel and Catharine Stephen Weimer and Maria John Kob and Catharine John Ziegenfuss and Catharine John Grauthamel and Catharine George Ziegenfuss and Anna John Seipel and Elizabeth John Alm and Cath- arine Jacob Ludwig and Maria Same parents James McQua and Catharine George Alm and Elizabeth Andrew Stier and Catharine Michael Ellert and Eva Children Jesse, b. Feb. 1, 1803 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 2, 1803 Barbara, b. Mar. 7, 1803 Anna, b. Mar. 27 Magdalene, b. Jan. 7, 1803 Jesse, b. June 16, 1803 John, b. Mar. 11; ba. Aug. 17 Enosh, b. Apr. 11, 1803 Abraham, b. Aug. 19, 1803 Eliza, b. July 19, 1803 David, b. Aug. 25, 1803 Magdalene, b. Aug. 23, 1803 Maria, b. May 5, 1803 John, b. Mar. 24, 1800 Jesse, b. Dec. 26 1804. Catharine, b. Feb. 10; ba. Apr. 1, 1804 Eli, b. Sep. 19, 1903; ba. Apr. 1, 1804 Jacob, b. Nov. 20, 1803; ba. May 13, 1804 Enosh, b. Dec. 17, 1803; ba. May 13, 1804 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Andrew Schneider John Benner and Elizabeth John Brunner and Margaret Christian Resch parents Henry Beringer John Neisler Henry Kob Andrew Grauthamel Andrew Grauthamel Jacob Bernd Jacob Lutz Samuel Emig Peter Ludwig George Alm Jacob Brickert Philip Tetesman and wife Jacob Alm and wife Henry Herzel Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Jacob Wenholt and Catharine John Ho6ring and Maria John Ho6ring and Maria Andrew Fetters and Catharine Jacob Schneider and Eliza John Beitelman and Sarah Jacob Wambolt and Barbara Samuel Baum and Catharine Abraham Schreier and Catharine John Konig and Barbara John Conrad Sem and Elizabeth Christian Eckert and Catharine Daniel Jost and Han- nah Magdalene Abraham Kremer and Catharine Jacob Bien and Mag- dalene George Sterner and Margaret Philip Herpel and Magdalene John Wenholt and Hannah Children John, b. Nov. 12, 1803; ba. May 13, 1804 Anna Maria, b. Feb. 14; ba. May 15, 1804 David, b. Sep. 12, 1801 Maria Agatha, b. Nov. 5, 1803; ba. May 24, 1804 Michael, b. Feb. 23; ba. May 29, 1804 Ephraim, b. June 10; ba, Aug. 6 Thomas, b. May 9; ba. Aug. 6 Eliza, b. Feb. 26; ba. Aug. 6, 1804 Jesse, b. May 26; ba. July 18 Catharine, b. Aug. 10; ba. Aug. 24, 1804 Bliza, b. July 2; ba. Sep. 2, 1804 Peter, b. Mar. 31; ba. Sept. 2 Enosh, b. July 22; ba. Aug. 22, 1804 Margaret, b. June 26; ba. Sept. 4, 1804 Enoch, b. Feb. 27; ba. Oct. 7, 1804 Maria, b. Nov. 21, 1803; ba. Oct. 7, 1804 Philip, b. Aug. 22; ba. Nov. 18, 1804 Thomas, b. Noy. 11; ba. Nov. 18, 1804 407 Sponsors John Drumbauer Philip Schreier and wife Henry Hau Jacob Ratzel Michael Schneider Jacob Beitelman, Cath. Kiglein Abraham Wambolt, Louise Wagner John Drumbauer John Drumbauer George Schmidt and wife Manus Jost Michael Kremer George Seipel Magdalene Brenner, widow Andrew Schneider Henry Brainer and wife Conrad Herpel parents 408 Parents Peter Ziegenfuss and Catharine Abraham Geres and Maria Conrad Schneider and Catharine Jacob Jost and Elizabeth George Grauthamel and Catharine Andrew Grauthamel and Elizabeth John Seipel and Elizabeth Jacob Alm and Elizabeth John Benner and Catharine John Benner and Elizabeth Isaac Bien and Catharine John Kremer and Margaret Adam Breian and Anna Philip Schreier and Maria John Fley and Susanna Adam Jost and Sarah Adam Ziegenfuss and Catharine Martin Althaus and Catharine John Ziegenfuss and Catharine Children Eliza, b. Sep. 29; ba. Dec. 9, 1804 1805. Eli, b. Sep. 24, 1804; ba. Mar. 24 Hannah, b. Nov. 26, 704; ba. Mar. 24 Tobias, b. Feb. 9; ba. Mar. 24, 1805 Tobias, b. Dec. 1, 1804 John, b. Feb. 7; ba. Apr. 12 Enosh, b. Jan. 7; ba. Apr. 12 William, b. Mar. 9; ba. May 5 Maria, b. Feb. 4; ba. May 5 Jacob, b. Feb. 24; ba. May 5 Susanna, b. Sep. 4, 704; ba. May 5 Magdalene, b. Nov. 20, 04; ba. May 26 William, b. Mar. 4; ba. May 26 Samuel, b. Jan. 16; ba. July 7 Susanna, b. Apr. 9; ba. July 27 Samuel, b. June 15; July 2 Maria Magdalene, b. Mar. 18; ba. June 15 John, b. Apr. 12; ba. May 5 Hannah, b. July 8; ba. Aug. 6 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors John Brenner and wife Nicholas Ster Abraham Jacobi, Hannah Schneider Jacob Jost Abraham Jost parents John Wert Conrad Witman John Wert, Magd. Benner Jacob Lutz George Alm Christina Kremer Jacob Lutz Frederick Konig John Werd Michael Jost Martin Scheib, Eliza Fluck Ludwig Algart and wife John Blank, Maria Ziegenfuss Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents George Ziegenfuss and Anna Jacob Brean and Barbara Jacob Wenholt and Catharine Michael Brenner and Barbara Jacob Bricker and Catharine George Alm and Elizabeth Philip Alm and Sarah John Grauthamel and Catharine Philip Rieser and Anna Same parents Samuel Baum and Catharine George Dextor and Maria Philip Jost and Susanna Frederick Lutz and Elizabeth John Seipel and Elizabeth Christian Eckert and Susanna John Eckert and Catharine Peter Ziegenfuss and Catharine Children Elizabeth, b. June 15; ba. Aug. 16 Joseph, b. Aug. 20; ba. Oct. 20 Maria Anna, b. Aug. 28; ba. Oct. 20 Maria, b. June 29; ba. Oct. 20 Lydia, b. Oct. 11; ba. Dec. 1 1806. Joseph, b. Nov. 23, 1805; ba. Mar. 15 Isaac, b. Feb. 21; ba. Apr. 5 Eva Catharine, b. Noy. 19, 705; ba. Apr. 5 Catharine, b. Jan. 30, ’01; ba. Aug. 9 Eliza, b. Jan. 20; ba. Apr, 27 Catharine, b. Dec. 15, 05; May 18 Maria Anna, b. Apr. 6; ba. July 6 Anna, b. May 9; ba. June 6 Enos, b. Apr. 29; ba. July 20 Elizabeth, b. June 17; ba. Aug. 10 Abraham, b. Apr. 28; ba. Aug. 20 Benjamin, b. Apr. Apr. 25; ba. Aug. 20 Sarah, b. May 27; ba. Sep. 20 409 Sponsors John Benner Andrew Grauthamel John Adam Wenholt, Anna Baum parents Jacob Jost, Eliza Steinbach David Alm David Alm and wife Daniel Folmer John Jost Jacob Stout John Blank, Eliza- beth Lesig John Fluck, Cath. Kiglein Daniel Jost parents Jacob Jost and wife Abraham Kremer George Wambolt Tobias Frans and wife 410 Parents Michael Walter and Catharine John Ziegenfuss and Catharine Christian Cresman and Catharine Michael Eckert and Eva John Koenig and Barbara George Grauthamel and Catharine Abraham Grautha- mel and Catharine John Benner and Catharine Daniel Jost and Hannah Abraham Jost and Eva Jacob Keller and Sarah Dietrich Muller and Elizabeth Carolus Koder and Mary John Benner and Elizabeth Michael Lutz and Maria Magdalene Henry Breian and Elizabeth Abraham Frey and Christine John Christein and Catharine Abraham Geres and Maria Children Ephraim, b. May 4; ba. Oct. 10 Enosh, b. Sep. 4; ba. Nov. 2 William, b. July 20; ba. Nov. 2 Hannah, b. Sep. 1; Nov. 2 1807. George, b. Dec. 8, 1806; Jan. 25 Henry, b. Jan. 9; ba. Apr. 18 Jacob, b. Oct. 21, 706; ba. Apr. 18 David, b. Mar. 16; ba. May 10 Isaac, b. Apr. 4; ba. May 10 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 19; ba. May 10 Carolina, b. Mar. 7; ba. June 20 Maria Anna, b. Apr. 7; ba. June 20 Carolus, b. Oct. 15, 706; ba. June 20 Magdalene, b. May 24; ba. July 12 John, b. Feb. 25; ba. July 12 Magdalene, b. Feb. 26; ba. July 12 Rebekah, b. Aug. 27, 706; ba. July 12 Barbara, b. Jan. 1; ba. July 12 Joseph, b. Feb. 23; ba. Aug. 2 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors parents John Benner Michael Schneider David Alm George Keller, Maria Steinbach Henry Grauthamel Emmanuel Salathe parents Abraham Jost Jacob Jost Manus Jost John Roth John Fluck Abraham Benner, Magd. Ludwig parents Andrew Grauthamel parents Henry Breian parents Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents George Alm and Eliza George Wambold and Margaret George Texter and Maria David Alm and Hannah George Nicholaus and Barbara Jacob Jost and Eliza John Brockstreser and Barbara John Seipel and Elizabeth Adam Ziegenfuss and Catharine John Grauthamel and Catharine Christian Eckert and Susanna Jacob Beitelman and Veronica Andrew Grauthamel and Elizabeth Jacob Breian and Erwey [!] Nicholas Stier and Eliza Samuel Baum and Catharine Adam Breyan and Anees [!] Leonard Eckert and Maria Magdalena Nagel, George Salathe Children Thomas, b. May 13; ba. Aug. 2 Jesse, b. Jan. 23; ba. Aug. 23 John, b. July 5; ba. Aug. 23 Magdalene, b. July 19; ba. Sep. 13 Carolina, b. June 27; ba. Sep. 13 George, b. Aug. 13; ba. Oct. 25 1808. Anna Catharine, b. Jan. 24; ba. Feb. 7 Anna, b. Mar. 20; ba. May 1 : Sarah, b. Nov. 18, 07; ba. May 1 Christine, b. Dec. 23, ’07; ba. May 1 Thomas, b. July 26, 07; ba. May 22 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 29; ba. May 22 Peter, b. May 2; ba. July 24 Isaac, b. Feb. 13; ba. July 24 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 7; ba. July 24 Hannah, b. Apr. 4; ba. July 24 Elizabeth, b. May 18; ba. Aug. 14 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 13; ba. Aug. 10 Tilia, b. Aug. 22, ’07; ba. Aug. 10 All Sponsors George Leide Daniel Klein John Kiglein John Eckel and wife Abraham Schreier Samuel Seipel, Elizabeth Keller Catharine Meyer Jacob Seipel Abraham Torn Henry Grauthamel Michael Kremer and wife Jacob Zumstein and wife Peter Stieber parents parents Philip Lesig and wife John Seipel Elizabeth Nagel mother 412 Parents George Ziegenfuss and Anna Michael Walter and Catharine George Dexter and Maria George Krouthamel and Catharine John Alm and Catharine Adam Jost and Sarah Michael Eckert and Eva George Hinckel and Maria Peter Ziegenfuss and Catharine Abraham Kremer and Catharine John Ziegenfuss and Catharine John Benner and Catharine Bernhard Mieson and Magdalene Frederick Lutz and Eliza John Benner and Eliza Jacob Bin and Mag- dalene Same parents Christian Eckert and Susanna John Seipel and Elizabeth Children Sophia, b. July 9; ba. Oct. 16 Rebekah, b. Feb. 21; ba. Oct. 16 Ephraim, b. Aug. 20; ba. Nov. 27 1809. Peter, b. Jan. 2; ba. Apr. 2, 1809 Ephraim, b. Feb. 10; ba. Apr. 25, 1809 Ephraim, b. Jan. 2; ba. May 14 Maria, b. Oct. 24, 708; ba. June 4 Sarah, b. Feb. 23; ba. May 28 Joseph, b. Oct. 10; ba. June 4 Catharine, b. Mar. 28; ba. June 25 John, b. Aug. 8 Jesse, b. May 19; ba. July 17 Anna Christina, b. Dec. 19, 1808 John, b. May 13; ba. Aug. 5 Elias, b. June 12; ba. Aug. 27 John, b. Oct. 5, 1805 Andrew, b. Oct. 22, 1808 Hannah, b. Mar. 27; ba. Oct. 27 Barbara, b. Sep. 9; »ba, Oct. 27 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors John Orth and wife parents George Schmidt and wife Martin Scheib, Eliz. Witman Philip Detesman and wife George Schneider Michael Kremer Jacob Trumbauer Henry Heller, Maria Ziegenfuss parents Henry Heller, Maria- Ziegenfuss parents David Eschenbach parents Martin Scheip, Maria Magd. Zie- genfuss John Hinckel Andrew Schneider and wife John Hartman Adam Nunnenmach- er and wife Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Jacob Beitelman and Veronica Abraham Kroutha- mel and Catharine Daniel Jost and Hannah John Koenig and Barbara Philip Alm and Sarah Jacob Setler and Eliza John Grauthamel and Catharine Jacob Grauthamel and Rebekah Philip Lassig and Catharine Conrad Schneiter and Catharine Joseph Stump and Maria Adam Breian and Angelica Andrew Erdman and Barbara George Texter and Maria Leonard Eckert George Grauthamel and Catharine John Kremer and Barbara Jacob Karl and Veronica 1810. Children Catharine, b. Feb. 7; ba. Mar. 25 Susanna, b. Oct. 27; ba. Mar. 25 Anna Catharine, b. Dec. 24; ba. Mar. 25 Abraham, b. Feb. 11; ba. Mar. 25 Henry, b. Jan. 7 Catharine, b. Nov. 23; ba. Apr. 15 Samuel, b. Feb. 5; ba. July 7 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 20; ba. July 7 David, b. July 7; ba. Aug. 19 Maria, b. Apr. 23; ba. Sep. 9 Enosh, b. Aug. 20; ba. Oct. 21 Barbara, b. Sept. 21; ba. Dec. 2 Israel, b. Oct. 13; ba. Dec. 2 1811. Moses, b. Oct. 27, 10; ba. Mar. 17, 1811 Christine, b. Jan. 24; ba. Mar. 22 Catharine, b. Apr. 3; ba. June 30 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 26; ba, June 30 Susanna, b. May 6; ba. June 30 413 Sponsors Adam Flick John Kremer parents Samuel Grauthamel Marg. Rohr Henry Ott John Werth Samuel Grauthamel and wife Andrew Grauthamel Samuel Baum Michael Schneider Michael Friedrich and wife Adam Nunnenmach- er and wife Jost Erdman John Trumbauer parents Adam Frankenfield Andrew Grauthamel Henry Matthias 414 Parents John Ziegenfuss and Catharine Samuel Baum and Catharine John Seipel and Elizabeth Frederick Lutz and Elizabeth Abraham Grautha- mel and Catharine Henry Nunnemacher and Hlizabeth John Schmidt and Maria Jacob Fetter and Blizabeth Abraham Schreier and Catharine John Kremer and Susanna Conrad Herbel and Lydia George Adam Alm and Elizabeth Abraham Dorn and Catharine Benjamin Ferrel and Maria Adam Jost and Sarah Jacob Grauthamel and Rebekah Daniel Jost and Hannah Michael Eckert and Eva Anthony Schlotter and Eliza Children Catharine, b. Dec. 2; ba. July 21 Carl, b. May 5; ba. July 21 George, b. Apr. 25; July 21 Lydia, b. Aug. 15; Sep. 22 Christine, b. Aug. 1; ba. Oct. 13 Elias, b. July 28; Oct. 13 Tobias, b. Sep. 23; ba. Nov. 24 Christian, b. Oct. 12; ba. Nov. 24 1812. Leah, b. Jan. 6; ba. Feb. 16, 1812 Thomas, b. Oct. 29; ba. Mar. 29 Samuel, b. Jan. 21; ba. Apr. 19 George, b. Dec. 15; ba. Apr. 19 John, b. Dec. 21; ba. Apr. 19 Samuel, b. Oct. 3; ba. May 9 Juliana, b. Feb. 15; May 12 Michael, b. Sept. 5; ba. May 13 Hannah, b. Apr. 16; ba. May 31 Caroline, b. Feb. 5; ba. June 21 Maria Magdalene, b. Mar. 16; ba. June 21 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Rosina Iterli Jacob Kern, Sarah Baum George Seipel, Maria Lutz, widow Jacob Lutz, Maria Fetter Henry Grauthamel Jacob Breian George Schmidt Andrew Fetter Jacob Koder, Esther Fluck parents Frederick Wolfinger Henry Herpel Henry Fluck Jacob Traut John Straus, Sarah Schneider Michael Schneider parents George Leidig Henry Kilmer Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Daniel Krouthamel and Eliza Michael Lutz and Maria Magdalene Philip Lessig and Catharine Peter Ziegenfuss and Catharine Henry Benner and Barbara Andrew Grauthamel and Elizabeth John Grauthamel and Catharine Michael Baum and Elizabeth John Eckert and Catharine George Hinckel and Maria Adam Breian and Anna Eliza John Trumbauer and Elizabeth George Grauthamel and Catharine David Alm and Hannah ' Abraham Jost and Eva Jacob Breian and Barbara Jacob Benner and Catharine Tobias Man [?] and Catharine John Seipel and Elizabeth Children Hannah, b. Oct. 26; ba. June 21 Maria Magdalene, b. Apr. 4; ba. July 12 Catharine, b. Mar. 15; ba. July 12 Hannah, b. Mar. 30; ba. Aug. 2 Michael, b. June 5; ba. Aug. 2 Barbara, b. July 1; ba. Aug. 25 Jacob, b. May 19; ba. Aug. 25 Michael, b. Aug. 17; ba. Nov. 25 Anna, b. June 18; ba. Nov. 24 Catharine, b. May 23 1813. Abraham, b. Jan. 29; ba. June 7 Anna, b. May 22; ba. July 6 William, b. Apr. 7; ba. July 6 Aaron, b. May 8; ba. July 6 Juliana, b. Apr. 8; ba. July 6 David, b. July 31; ba. Sept. 15 Aaron, b. June 17; ba. Sept. 5 Maria Magdalene, b. Dec. 27; ba. Aug. 15 Catharine, b. July 10; ba. Sep. 26 415 Sponsors Ludwig Benner parents Samuel Baum and wife Conrad Semm Philip Deis Abraham Schnabel, Barbara Folmer Henry Kremer, Cath. Grauthamel John Trumbauer Jacob Benner Henry Flick Jacob Breian parents Peter Salathe Jacob Herpel Samuel Jost, Hannah Jacobi parents Philip Deis parents parents 416 Parents George Schmidt and Maria John Kremer and Barbara Jacob Lutz and Margaret John Schmidt and Maria Jacob Grauthamel and Margaret Michael Kremer and Barbara John Eckert and Catharine George Dexter and Maria George Alm and Bliza Philip Jost and Susanna John Drach and Catharine Benjamin Ferrel and Maria Jacob Grant and Sarah Jacob Wenholt and Catharine Frederick Lutz and Elizabeth Jacob Nes and Eva Jacob Carl and Ver- onica Jacob Schmidt and Magdalene John Alm and Cath- arine Children Thomas, b. July 29; ba. Sep. 27 Elias, b. June 7; ba. Sep. 27 John, b. July 11; ba. Nov. 7 Samuel, b. Oct. 1; ba. Nov. 7 John, b. Aug. 27; ba. Nov. 7 David, b. July 25; ba. Nov. 28 Maria, b. Aug. 5; ba. Nov. 28 1814. Hannah, b. Sept. 22; ba. Jan. 9, 1814 John, b. Sep. 18; ba. Jan. 9, 1814 Enosh, b. Nov. 26; ba. Feb. 20 Bliza, b. Jan. 17; ba. Feb. 20 - Christina, b. Oct. 15; ba. Apr. 3 Daniel, b. Dec. 26; ba. Apr. 3 Henry, b. Nov. 8; ba. June 19 Samuel, b. Apr. 10; ba, June 19 Eva Catharine, b. Oct. 28; ba. June 19 Jacob, b. June 29; ba. Aug 28 Hannah, b. Aug. 26; pa Octe Catharine, b. Sep. 26; ba. Nov. 20 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors John Tetesman, Maria Schmidt parents John Kremer [?] Henry Seme, Magd. Barger John Jost, Cath. Cresman parents Maria Feick George Keber Jacob Keller Peter Mickli, Cath. Jost Rudolf Drach Henry Grauthamel Daniel Jost Henry Deis, Hannah Baum Samuel Alm, Cath. Grauthamel Cath. Carl Ludwig Heller and wife Widow Cath. Stie- ber Jacob Alm Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Adam Ziegenfuss and Catharine Jacob Kremer and Elizabeth Daniel Jost and Veronica Michael Eckert and Eva John Grauthamel and Catharine David Alm and Han- nah John Hecock and Magdalene John Eckert and Catharine Anthony Schlotter and Elizabeth Balthasar Stieber and Maria Daniel Grant and Elizabeth Jacob Ludwig and Maria George Schmidt and Maria Isaac Bien and Cath- arine John Nunnemacher and Eliza Jacob Grauthamel and Margaret John Kremer and Susan Jacob Masteller and Elizabeth Children Catharine, b. July 17; ba. Dec. 10 1815. Catharine, b. Oct. 9; ba. Feb. 1 Israel, b. Dec. 18; ba. Mar. 26 Ephraim, b. Apr. 15, 1814; ba. Apr. 16 John, b. Aug. 30; ba. Apr. 16 Jesse, b. Nov. 18; ba. Mar. 19 Ludwig, b. July 13; ba. May 7 Jacob, b. Feb. 1; ba. May 28 Jacob, b. Oct. 25; ba. May 28 Catharine, b. Mar. 11; ba. May 28 Samuel, b. Nov. 30; ba. June 18 Anna Maria, b. May 14; ba. Aug. 20 William, b. Sept. 3; ba. Noy. 13 Catharine, b. Mar. 24; ba. Nov. 13 Catharine, b. Aug. 27; ba. Nov. 13 George, b. June 19; ba. Nov. 13 1816. Levi, b. Nov. 19; ba. Mar. 17 Jacob, b. Nov. 12; ba. Mar. 17 417 Sponsors Martin Althaus George Seibel Abr. Jost Abr. Kremer John Jost, Maria Grauthamel Jacob Alm Peter Scheib Jacob Flick parents George Schmidt Samuel Meyer and wife Samuel Scherer, Magd. Ludwig George Schmidt Jacob Breyan Michael Schneider Andrew Grauthamel Samuel Sabelkuhl Saladin Heger and Maria 418 Parents Abr. Gremer and Maria Philip Jost and Susanna John Schmidt and Maria Benjamin Ferrel and Maria Peter Stout and Maria Adam Brean and Anna Elizabeth Solomon Nunne- macher and Anna George Alm and Hlizabeth Abraham Jost and Eva John Koenig and Barbara Samuel Alm and Maria Jacob Jost and Catharine John Seipel and Elizabeth George Hincksl and Maria Jacob Carl and Ver- onica Adam Benner and Magdalene Same parents Same parents Jacob Koder and Catharine Samuel Scherer and Sarah Philip Rieser and Anna Maria Children Leonard, b. Jan. 27; ba. Apr. 7 Henry, b. Jan. 30; ba. Apr. 28 Catharine, b. Jan. 22; ba. Apr. 28 Joseph, b. Sept. 8; ba. May 18 Peter, b. Sept. 25; ba. May 19 John, b. June 25; ba. May 19 Enosh, b. Mar. 31; ba. June 31 ; Sarah, b. Apr. 6; ba. June 31 Veronica, b. Apr. 15; ba. June 31 Joseph, b. Mar. 17; ba. June 31 Israel, b. Apr. 27; ba. .June 31 Anna Maria, b. Apr. 11; ba. June 31 Leah, b. Feb. 28; ba. June 31 Hannah, b. Mar. 26; ba. July 21 Daniel, b. July 25; ba. Aug. 11 Elias, b. Aug. 26, 1811 Martha, b. Feb. 20, 1814 Absalom, b. July 5, 1816 Jesse, b. —, 28; ba. Sept. 1 Reuben, b. Feb. 28; ba. Sep. 1 Anna Maria, b. June 18; ba. Sep. 22 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors parents Frederick Folmer, Eliz. Jost Christian Blum parents Henry Kremer, Re- bekah Salathe John Kremer Abr. Kremer John Alm Peter Mickli Jacob Mast Philip Alm Isaac Ott, Eliza Jost parents Peter Weierbach Daniel Hoffer, Eliza- beth Miller parents Peter Hefel, Cath. Miller John Flick August Schmidt, Eliz. Detesman Frederick Diefen- bach and wife John Nunnemacher Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents John Diehl and Sarah Adam Jost and Sarah John Richert and Elizabeth John Grauthamel and Catharine Samuel Sems and Susanna John Nunnemacher and Elizabeth Jacob Feick and Susanna John Kremer and Barbara John Kremer and Barbara Jacob Seller and Elizabeth Jacob Jost and Cath- arine Andrew Grauthamel and Elizabeth Abr. Grauthamel and Catharine John Stout and Susanna Michael Althaus and Susanna Abr. Kremer and Maria Isaac Heckock and Hannah Caspar Johnsen and Catharine Children Hannah, b. June 17; ba. Sep. 22 Sarah Anna, b. Sep. 4; ba. Nov. 24 Hannah, b. June 28, 1810 Joseph, b. Nov. 29; ba. May 11 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 20; ba. May 11 1817. Tobias, b. May 28; ba. Aug. 3 Elizabeth, b. May 23; ba. Aug. 24 Catharine, b. Apr. 17; ba. Aug. 24 Anna Magdalene, b. June 17, 1815 Samuel, b. June 7; ba. Sep. 14 Isaiah, b. June 14; ba. Sept. 14 Isaac, b. Aug. 27; ba. Nov. 16 Ephraim, b. Sept. 9; ba. Nov. 16 1818, Maria, b. Sep. 23; ba. Jan. 18 Jacob, b. July 2; ba. Feb. 8 Daniel, b. Jan. 28; ba. Mar. 12 Carolus, b. Noy. 10; ba. Mar. 12 Deborah, b. Dec. 19; ba. May 24 419 Sponsors Henry Heller and Maria Abr. Ziegenfuss Jacob Alm Peter Salathe Conrad Sems Philip Rieser and wife Jacob Fassbenner Emmanuel! Salathe John Jost John Heller Philip Jost and wife Isaac Ott, Maria Folmer Samuel Grauthamel William Sein [?], Maria Stout Joseph Magel, Marg. Kehr parents Martin Scheib Michael Friedrich 420 Parents Henry Sims and Eliza Adam Breian and Annalisa Solomon Nunne- macher and Anna John Seipel and Elizabeth John Koenig and Barbara Jacob Funk and Susanna George Gerhart and Susanna Abraham Jost and Eva Abraham Ziegenfuss and Catharine Frederick Lutz and Elizabeth David Seipel and Barbara Same parents George Wambolt and Margaret Jacob Schmidt and Maria George Hinckel and Magdalena John Sims and Catharine Samuel Diel and Maria George Alm and Elizabeth John Sein and Mag- dalene Adam Jost and Sarah Children Lucian, b. Feb. 3; ba. May 24 Joseph, b. Nov. 24; b. May 24 Maria, b. Jan. 11; ba. May 24 John, b. Mar. 5; ba. May 24 Aaron, b. Apr. 11; ba. June 14 Hannah, b. Feb. 28; ba. June 14 Sarah, b. Apr. 4; ba. June 14 Veronica, b. Apr. 8; ba. July 6 Carolina, b. Apr. 23; ba. July 6 Hannah, b. May 20; ba. Aug. 18 Samuel, b. Apr. 6; ba. Aug. 18 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 6; ba. Aug. 18 Hannah, b. Feb. 20; ba. Aug. 18 Samuel, b. June 15; ba. Aug. 16 Thomas, b. —; ba. Nov. 8 Hannah, b. Sep. 23; ba. Dec. 20 1819. Maria, b. Oct. 26; ba. Jan. 19 Jesse, b. Oct. 1; ba. Mar. 14 Elias, b. Nov. 16; ba. Apr. 25 Liege [!], b. Jan. 10; ba. Apr. 25 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Conrad Sems Jacob Lutz Michael Schneider parents Andrew Trumbauer George Funk, Bar- bara Jung Tobias Wenholt, Magd. Ludwig Philip Jost and wife Martin Althaus parents John Scheib Daniel Hoffert, Elizabeth Millar Michael Friedrich Jacob Folmer Jacob Bernd Henry Sems and wife Henry Heist, Maria Hinckel Jacob Alm Nicholas Fley, Bar- bara Sein Henry Leidi Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Michael Jost and Catharine Jacob Koder and Catharine John Nunnemacher Eliza John Kramer and Barbara John Grauthamel and Catharine Jacob Sems and Sarah George Grauthamel and Catharine John Steinbach and Elizabeth John Cresman and Magdalene Peter Hefler and Catharine Henry Alm and Sarah Samuel Emig and Magdalene Henry Benner and Barbara George Schmidt and Maria Jacob Merkel and Rachel Adam Breyen and Agnes Samuel Alm and Magdalene George Textor and Maria Children Elias, b. Dec. 29; ba. Apr. 25 Hannah, b. Nov. 6; ba. Apr. 25 Enosh, b. Dec. 24; ba. Apr. 25 Socrates, b. Dec. 24; ba. Apr. 25 Anna Maria, b. Nov. 20; ba. Apr. 25 Dorothea, b. Nov. 27; ba. Apr. 25 Isaias, b. Oct. 24; ba. Apr. 25 John, b. Dec. 21; ba. Apr. 25 Anna Maria, b. Apr. 22, 1806; ba. Apr. 25 Philip, b. Oct. 29; ba. Apr. 25 Magdalena, b. Mar. 2; ba. June 27 Maria, b. July 13, 1818; ba. July 18 Elias, b. May 24; ba. Aug. 8 Maria Magdalena, b. Sept. 14; ba. Nov. 21 1820. Jacob, b. Sep. 11, 1819; ba. Jan. 2 Maria, b. Nov. 28; ba. Apr. 16 John, b. Dec. 30; ba. Apr. 16 Catharine, b. Jan. 27; ba. July 9 421 Sponsors George Folmer Philip Detesman John Seipel parents Joseph Neisel John Ott Andrew Grauthamel Joseph Magel, Sarah Trissel John Stehr Philip Cresman Samuel Ott Henry Ott Abraham Gerhart Samuel Fluck, Maria Magd. Ablebach Adam Kremer, Christina Folmer Philip Rieser John Alm John Alm 422 Parents Abr. Klinker and Susan Abr. Jost and Sus- anna John Seipel and Elizabeth Michael Lutz and Maria Magdalene David Seipel and Barbara Jacob Fetter and Blizabeth Abraham Ziegenfuss and Catharine John Nunnemacher and Elizabeth Jacob Schneider and Magdalene Henry Sem and Elizabeth John Misson and Magdalene John Kremer and Barbara Solomon Nes and Elizabeth Jacob Kremer and Elizabeth Abraham Kremer and Maria George Beringer and Catharine Samuel Kremer and Maria Jacob Jost and Catharine Jacob Merkel and Rachel Children Abraham, b. Dec. 7, 1819; ba. July 9 Elizabeth, b. Apr. 21:)\ ba: July 9 Jacob, b. Mar. 20; ba. July 30 Anna Catharine, b. Aug. 23°bas,.O0ct. 2 Carl, b. May 8; ba. Dec. 3 Susanna, b. Aug. 27; ba. Dec. 3 Levi. b. Sep. 3; ba. Dec. 3 Levi, b. Sept. 19; ba. Dec. 3 Caroline, b. Aug. 10; ba. Dec. 24 1821. Blizabeth, b. Nov. 26; ba. Apr. 29, 1821 Anna Maria, b. Feb. 1; Apr. 29, 1821 Sarah Anna, b. Nov. 20; ba. May 20 Catharine, b. Oct. 22; ba. June 3 Joseph, b. Jan. 27, 1819; ba. June 10 Susanna, b. Mar. 4; ba. June 10 Maria, b. Apr. 19; ba. June 10 Aaron, b. Apr. 8; ba. July 1 Samuel, b. Apr. 18; ba. July 1 Elizabeth, b. May 19; ba. July 21 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors John Ott Samuel Ott and wife Jacob Jost parents John Seipel Henry Kremer, Sus- anna Nest Samuel Jost, Anna Ott George Sein George Schmid and wife John Ott Jacob Ludwig parents John Cop parents parents Philip Rieser parents Samuel Jost and wife Andrew Grauthamel Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents John Grauthamel and Catharine Adam Jost and Sarah Andrew Hetman and Elizabeth Bernhard Hetman and Maria Abraham Jost and Eva Henry Alm and Sarah Frederick Lutz and Elizabeth Jacob Grauthamel and Margaret Jacob Lutz and Margaret Joseph Magel and Hannah Jacob Carl and Veronica Same parents Same parents Adam Breian and Agnes Henry Benner and Barbara John Kremer and Barbara Henry Sims and Elizabeth Samuel Jost and Maria George Muth and Sarah Children Frederick Salathe, May 19; ba. Sep. 25 Eliza, b. Aug. 1; ‘ba. Oct. 14 Sophia, b. Apr. 2; ba. Oct. 14 Ludwig, b. Sep. 8; ba. Nov. 25 Catharine, b. Sep. 18; ba. Dec. 16 1822. Jesse, b. Oct. 24; ba. Mar. 10 Magdalena, b. Oct. 18; ba. Mar. 31 Jacob, b. Dec. 7; ba. Jaye PAL Jacob, b. Mar. 4; ba. July 14 Thomas, b. May 16; ba. July 14 Abraham, b. Mar. 16, 1818 Samuel, b. Jan. 23, 1820 Veronica, b. May 31, 1822 Samuel, b. Apr. 9; ba. — 17 Carolus, b. June 6; ba. — 15 Henry, b. Sep. 6; ba. Oct. 1 Alexander, b. Aug. 18; ba. Oct. 27 Aaron, b. Sept. 16; ba. Oct. 27 Diana, ba. Nov. 17 423 Sponsors Jacob Resch, Chris- tina Folmer John Herpel Joseph Stumpf Peter Ziegenfuss Peter Keller, Cath. Wack parents Jeter Salathe Jacob Merkel Frederick Lutz parents Abraham Kremer Samuel Grauthamel Joseph Hetrick, Cath. Mathes George Sein and wife Jacob Deis, Eliza- beth Eckert Henry Brenner, Christina Folmer Joseph Magel John Herbel and wife Isaac Ott, Christine Ott 424 Parents Daniel Scheib and Elizabeth — George Alm and Elizabeth Peter Dimmig and Margaret Samuel Kremer and Maria Henry Wenholt and Elizabeth John Seipel and Elizabeth Henry Wenholt and Elizabeth Abraham Bissy, Sus- anna Hunsberger Balthaser Stieber and Maria Tobias Wambolt and Elizabeth Adam Gruber and Elizabeth Jacob Merkel and Rachel George Texter and Maria Jacob Grauthamel and Margaret Joseph Scherer and Maria Samuel Keller and Sarah Peter Hefler and Catharine Children Anna Catharine, Db. Oct. 14; ba. Dec. 1 Lydia, b. Oct. 11; ba Nov. 19 Elizabeth, b. Sept. 15; ba. Dec. 29 Maria, b. Oct. 16; ba. Dec. 29 Maria Anna, b. Dec. 18, 1819 Silas, b. Nov. 16; ba. — 13 Sophia, b. June 11, 1822 1823. Charles, b. Oct. —, 1822, ba. May 4, 1823 Lydia, b. Mar. 1; ba. May 19 Jacobus, b. May 10; ba. June 14 Carolina, b. May 26; ba. Sep. 7 Simon, b. June 28; ba. Sep. 28 Alexander, b. Aug. 12; ba. Nov. 9 Maria, b. July 15; ba. Nov. 1 1824. Joseph, b. Nov. 30; ba. Mar. 14 Veronica, b. Feb. 20; ba. May 1 Carolus, b. Nov. 1; ba. May 1 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Andrew Trumbauer Daniel Horn Henry Ott Joseph Magel, Maria Kremer Charlotte Herr Abraham Kremer Henry Wenholt, Maria Hinckel parents George Schmidt Abr. Wenholt Elias Gruber parents Christopher Blum Samuel Jost and wife Joseph Stump and wife parents Peter Zankmeister Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents George Beringer and Catharine Samuel Kremer and Maria Jacob Benner and Cornelia Henry Nunnenmach- er and Elizabeth Samuel Staufer and Hannah Peter Dimmig and Margaret John Geres and Sarah John Fischer and Catharine Adam Jost and Sarah George Muth and Sarah Samuel Keller and Catharine John Fluck and Catharine Joseph Magel and Hannah Jacob Kremer and Eliza Peter Stout and Maria Benjamin Ferrel and Maria Same parents Same parents Children Amos, b. May 29; ba. Aug. 8 Margaret, b. June 25; ba. Sep. 19 Hannah, b. Aug. 12; ba. Oct. 10 Rebekah, b. Sept. 12; Nov. 21 Catharine, b. Sep. 12 Simon, b. Oct. 28 1825. Michael, b. Dec. 8; ba. Apr. 17 Susanna, b. Feb. 19; ba. Apr. 17 Leyirth [Layard], b. Oct. 22; ba. Apr. 17 Monroe, b. Dec. 6; ba. Apr. 17 Peter, b. Mar. 5; ba. Apr. 17 Anna Catharine, b. Feb. 5; ba. Apr. 17 Isabella, b. Mar. 19; ba. June 18 David, b. Jan. 8, ’24; ba. July 31 Isaac, b. Sep. 9; ba. Nov. 29 Benjamin, b. Sep. 15, ’22; ba. Nov. 13 Aaron Frederick, b. Aug. 1; ba. Nov. 13 Moses Frank, b. Aug. 1; ba. Nov. 13 425 Sponsors Jacob Nunnenmach- er John Kremer and wife Samuel Benner, Hannah Bernd Philip Rieser Peter Scheich Abraham Keller Joseph Dimmig, Hannah Scheib Jacob Resch, Rachel Kobelberger Samuel Eckel, Eliz. Kober Conrad Jost John Muth and wife Samuel Fassbenner, Elizabeth Keller Adam Benner and wife Jacob Ott, Caroline Keller parents Samuel Kilmer parents Frederick Ott Tobias Frans 426 Parents Adam Breyan and Anna Eliza Tobias Wambolt and Elizabeth Joseph Gruber and Elizabeth Jacob Benner and Cornelia Abr. Ziegenfuss and Catharine Samuel Sims and Susanna Samuel Segler and Magdalene Henry Wenholt and Elizabeth Andrew Cresman and Catharine Abraham Kremer and Maria John Hetman and Hannah Samuel Keller and Catharine Henry Sems and Elizabeth Adam Breyan and Anna Lisa Jacob Fetter and Elizabeth Samuel Kremer and Maria Jesse Alm and Elizabeth Jacob Fucks and Eliza Children Rachel, b. Sep. 1, 724; ba. Nov. 13 Magdalena, b. Oct. 14; ba. Dec. 25 1826. Reuben, b. Nov. 3, 725; Feb. 5 Maria, b. Nov. 7; ba. Apr. 9 Elizabeth, b. Oct. 22; ba. Apr. 9 Philip, b. Feb. 1; ba. Apr. 9 Samuel, b. Dec. 5; ba. Apr. 9 Samuel, b. Jan. 23; ba. Apr. 9 John, b. Mar. 1; ba. May 4 Abraham, b. Oct. 6; ba. — Peter, b. Nov. 21, 1825 Abraham, b. Apr. 7; ba. June 12 Maria, b. Mar. 3; ba. July 2 Sarah, b. Apr. 6; ba. July 2 Jeremiah, b. May 7; ba. Nov. 5 Catharine, b. July 31; ba. Nov. 5 Anna Maria, b. Sep. 9; ba. Dec. 17 1827. David, b. Feb. 3; ba. Apr, 1 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Jacob Lutz Samuel Keller John Keller, Cath. Mast Ludwig Benner Peter Ziegenfuss Philip Schreyer Enosh Scheib Samuel Wambolt Peter Emrig parents Peter Ludwig Abr. Wenholt Martin Jost, Barbara Christein George Sein Henry Grauthamel parents Jacob Alm Daniel Steinbach Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Jacob Ludwig and Anna Maria Philip Schreier and Elizabeth George Muth and Sarah Abraham Jost and Sarah Daniel Schults and Eva John Kremer and Barbara Jacob Alm and Maria Andrew Hetman and Elizabeth John Keller and Magdalene Jacob Merkel and Rachel Joseph Magel and Hannah Henry Braun and Elizabeth Samuel Keller and Sarah Joseph Scherer and Magdalene Benjamin Ferrel and Maria Abraham Jung and Sarah John Horn and Hannah William Braun and Catharine Henry Fried and Sophia Samuel Sims and Susanna Children Peter, b. Jan. 1; ba. Apr. 22 William, b. Dec. 13; ba. May 12 Jefferson, b. Mar. 7; ba. May 13 Veronica, b. Dec. 24; ba. May 13 Mathilda, b. Mar. 13; ba. May 13 Lydia, b. Jan. 8; ba. June 24 Tobias, b. Apr. 19; ba. June 24 Thomas, b. Nov. 18; ba. June 24 Sarah, b. Apr. 26; ba. June 24 Bencawel [!], b. Apr. 19; ba. Aug. 5 Elizabeth, b. Feb. 28; ba. Sep. 15 Hilarius, b. May 6; ba. Sep. 15 Susanna, b. Aug. 13; ba. Oct. 7 1828. Elizabeth, b. June 1; ba. Mar. 23, ’28 Lilly, b. Dec. 1; ba. May 25 Israel, b. Mar. 18; ba. May 25 Ephraim, b. Apr. 5; ba. June 15 Maria, b. Oct. 8; ba. May 25 Liewy [!], b. Dec. 23; ba. May 23 Henry, b. Apr. 16; ba. July 6 427 Sponsors Abr. Ludwig parents Moses Kolb Benjamin Jacoby John Nunnemacher John Kremer and Susanna Thomas Alem, Eliz. Horn Henry Heller parents Levi Merkel John Ott Tobias Wambolt Michael Keller John Anni Henry Grauthamel John Kremer Martin Fassbenner, Cath. Althaus Joseph Scheib, Eliza- beth Grauthamel Peter Ziegenfuss and wife Henry Heist and wife 428 Parents Jacob Schmidt and Elizabeth Henry Kremer and Margaret Abr. Ricker and Magdalene Jacob Grauthamel and Margaret Joseph Kremer and Catharine Adam Breyan and Anna Liza Joseph Magel and Hannah Jesse Alm and Blizabeth John Alm and Mar- garet William Alm and Anna Henry Sems and Blizabeth Jacob Kremer and Elizabeth Tobias Grauthamel and Elizabeth John Hand and Hannah Jacob Benner and Nelly Conrad Detesman and Catharine Tobias Wambolt and Elizabeth Abr. Ziegenfuss and Catharine Children Maria, b. Dec. 30; ba. July 6 Jacob, b. Sep. 19; ba. Nov. 9 Ephraim, b. Aug. 20; ba. Nov. 30 William, b. June 5; ba. Nov. 30 John, b. Oct. 27; ba. Dec. 21 1829. Anna Elizabeth, b. Oct. 20; ba. Jan. 1 John, b. Sept. 21; ba. Feb. 1 Catharine, b. Oct. 12; ba. Apr. 26 Isaiah, b. Dec. 6; ba. Apr. 26 Henry, b. Apr. 26; ba. July 19 Sarah, b. Apr. 23; ba. Aug. 9 William, b. Nov. 27, 1825 John George, b. Sep. 22; ba. Nov. 22 Maria Anna, b. Oct. 28; ba. Dec. 13 1830. Deby, b. Oct. 21; ba. Jan. 24 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 15; ba. May 9 Lydia, b. Apr. 18; ba. June 20 Aaron, b. Mar. 13; ba. June 20 The Pennsylvania-German Soctety. Sponsors Henry Ziegenfuss, Elizabeth Strom John Kremer and wife Philip Weickel Tobias Frans John Schwenker John Nunnemacher parents parents Frederick Ruh and wife Henry Ott George Muth parents George Grauthamel Widow Maria Con- rad George Wambolt George Alm John Nungesser Joseph Stumpf Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Jonas Beischer and Margaret Abr. Klinker and Susanna Samuel Jerger and Barbara Jacob Alm and Maria Samuel Reith and Maria Same parents Same parents Same parents Same parents Joseph Gruber and Elizabeth William Braun and Catharine John Carl and Bar- bara Abraham Jung and Sarah James Schmit and Elizabeth Joseph Scherer and Magdalene Jacob Benner and Nelly Jacob Alm and Maria George Muth and Sarah Jacob Fetter and Elizabeth Children Angelina, b. Apr. 1; ba. June 20 Sarah, b. Oct. 6; ba. June 20 Maria Barbara, b. Mar. 31; ba. July 11 Jacob, b. Apr. 22; ba. Aug. 22 Catharine, b. Feb. 23, 1817 John, b. April 10, 1819 Maria, b. June 23, 1821 Samuel, b. Mar. 10, 1828 Christina, b. June 7; ba. Aug. 22 Maria, b. July 14; ba. Sep. 12 Margaret, b. Feb. 17; ba. Sep. 12 Anna Catharine, b. Oct. 1; ba. Dec. 26 1831. Joseph, b. Nov. 13; ba. Mar. 20, 1831 Matthias, b. Sept. 12; ba. Nov. 6 Maria Anna, b. May 16; ba. Dec. 19 Samuel, b. Oct. 4; ba. Dec. 19 Simon, b. Sept. 30; Jan. 29, 1832 George, b. Feb. 27; ba. May 23, ’31 Maria, b. Apr. 8; ba. July 24, ’31 429 Sponsors Philip Reed parents John Konig George Alm Abraham Schnabel Joseph Stump Samuel Keller, Maria Cumfort Michael Kolb Henry Grauthamel William Mast Henry Kremer Samuel Salathe, Anna Keller Peter Ott Joseph Ziegenfuss, ‘ Sarah Ziegenfuss Philip Weickel Peter Scheich Jacob Horn Samuel Ott Frederick Ruf .430 Parents Abr. Klincker and Susanna Samuel Kremer and Magdalene Samuel Grauthamel and Margaret Jesse Alm and Eliza- beth Michael Leister and Maria Henry Kremer and Margaret Jacob Alm and Han- nah John Fischer and Catharine Peter Scherer and Sarah Henry Fried and Sophia Peter Grauthamel and Louisiana Abraham Ziegenfuss and Catharine Joseph Kremer and Catharine George Jost and Susanna Conrad Detesman Catharine Jacob Alm and Maria William Ferrel and Sophia Adam Nunnemacher Catharine Children Hannah, b. Apr. 5; ba. Aug. 14, 1831 Susanna, b. Mar. 26; ba. Sep. 4, ’31 Abraham, b. July 23; ba. Sep. 25, ’31 Elizabeth, b. Aug. 182) bac Oct:115)) 32 Catharine Anna, b. Oct. 8, ’30; ba. Oct. 15, ’31 1832. Daniel, b. Dec. 2; ba. Mar. 11, ’32 John, b. Dec. 2; ba. Apr. 7,732 Sarah, b. Mar. 5; ba. May 12, ’32 Isaiah, b. Jan. 7; ba. May 12, ’32 Samuel, b. Mar. 3; ba. May 12 Blamina [!], b. July 24; ba. Sep. 16 Lydia, b. Aug. 20; ba. Nov. 19, ‘32 Maria Anna, b. Sep. 15; ba. Nov. 19 1833. Blizabeth, b. Oct. 7; ba. Jan. 20, ’33 Jacob, b. Feb. 8; ba. Apr. 14, ’33 Daniel, b. Jan. 9; ba. Apr. 14, ’33 Amanda, b. Jan. 21; ba. Apr. 14 Maria Magdalene, b. Jan. 1; ba. Apr. 14 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors John Weimer, tin Texter parents Mar- Abr. Grauthamel Peter Mickle John Fetter Thomas Bartolmi, Hannah Kremer John Alm parents Jonas Hartman, Maria Folmer Samuel Fluck, Cath. Hartman Andrew Grauthamel Tobias Althaus and Elizabeth Enosh Grauthamel, Maria Anna He- cock Jacob Jost Jacob Detesman Daniel Horn, Maria Weimer George Ziegenfuss Philip Rieser Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents John Ludwig and Magdalene Philip Trumbauer Hannah Henry Fischer and Maria Enosh Kremer and Anna John Carl and Re- bekah Jacob Benner and Nelly John Keller and Magdalene Tobias Grauthamel and Elizabeth Henry Kremer and Margaret Peter Grauthamel and Louisianna Jacob Alm and Ila [!] Peter Scherer and Sarah Michael Schellen- .berg and Elizabeth Jesse Ludwig and Elizabeth Jesse Alm and Elizabeth George Muth and Sarah William Braun and Catharine Henry Fried and Sophia John Ludwig and Polly Daniel Detweiler and Maria Children Maria Anna, b. Feb. 19; ba. May 5 John Jacob, b. Mar. 2; ba. May 26 Sarah, b. Feb. 19; ba. May 26 Maria, b. Feb. 16; ba. May 26 Maria, b. May 12; ba. June 16 Enosh, b. May 14; ba. Aug. 18 Eber [!], b. Aug. 25; ba. Dec. 1, ’33 1834. Catharine, b. Sep. 25; ba. Feb. 23, ’34 Levi, b. Nov. 17; ba. Feb, 23 Absolom, b. Mar. 9; ba. May 18 Ludwig, b. Mar. 14; ba. June 1 Maria Anna, b. Jan. 16; ba. Mar. 29, ’34 Isaiah, b. July 31; ba. Nov. 10, ’33 Reuben, b. Jan. 19; ba. Apr. 5, ’34 Levi, b. Dec. 26; ba. Apr. 5;.°34 Charlotte, b. Jan. 25; ba. Apr. 27 Elizabeth, b. Jan. 6; ba. June 30 Lavina, b. Mar. 10; ba. June 30 Jacob, b. Jan. 22; ba. May 18 Elizabeth, b. Mar. 8; ba. Aug. 10 431 Sponsors Jacob Ludwig Jacob Lutz George Muth Samuel Kremer Henry Ott and wife Isaac Frankenfield Abr. Stieber and wife Henry Fluck, Cath. Grauthamel Samuel Jost Frederick Lutz Michael Ott Robert Steinbach, Lydia Worman Frederick Lutz Joseph Stumpf Jacob Alm Michael Ott and wife Jacob Grauthamel, Cath. Heger Jesse Ludwig Jacob Althaus John Steinbach 432 Parents Enosh Scherer and Blizabeth Same parents Same parents Jacob Alm and Maria Peter Grauthamel and Catharine Ephraim Texter and Caroline George Jost and Susanna Enosh Keil and Elizabeth Jacob Benner and Nelly Tobias Grauthamel, and Elizabeth Enosh Grauthamel and Maria Anna Jacob Hartman and Catharine Henry Grauthamel and Catharine Aaron Kremer and Elizabeth John Karl and Bar- bara Jacob Ziegenfuss and Sarah Henry Fried and Sophia Jesse Ludwig and Elizabeth Children Livy ‘fi Eb. Octal, 1829 Leannia [!], b. May 8, 1832 Henry, b. Aug. 16; ba. Oct. 12, ’34 Elizabeth, b. July 23; ba. Nov. 23, ’34 Jonas Frederick, b. Sep. 20; ba. Nov. 23 Catharine, b. Oct. 9; ba. Nov. 23 Maria, b. Oct. 4; Dec. 14, 1834 Sano [!], b. July 21; ba. Oct. 1 Aaron, b. Nov. 13; ba. — 15 1835. Aaron, b. Dec. 1; ba. Apr. 19, ’35 Reuben, b. Dec. 17; ba. Apr. 19 Jacob, b. Dec. 10; Daw ADTs Sarah, b. Dec. 16; ba. May 9 John, b. Apr. 25; ba. Aug. 2 Jacob, b. June 20; ba. Aug. 23 Absalom, b. July 8; ba. Oct. 4 Joseph, b. June 14; ba. Nov. 13 Jacob, b. Oct. 30; ba. Dec. 27 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Abraham Rinker Philip Weickel, Blizabeth Ludwig Tobias Keil, Eliza- beth Ludwig John Detesman Frederick Ott parents Maria Ott parents Henry Frederick parents parents parents Andrew Grauthamel John Kremer Jacob Carl, Hannah Niess John Frans Joseph Fluck Jacob Ludwig Tohickon Lutheran Records. Parents Samuel Staufer and Hannah Samuel Keller and Catharine William Alm and Anna Enosh Scherer and Elizabeth Ephraim Texter and Caroline John Fischer and Catharine Samuel Jerger and Barbara Joseph Magel and Hannah George Jost and Susanna Samuel Jost and Catharine Samuel Kremer and Maria Philip Jellich and Debia [!] Francis Steinbach Catharine Jacob Alm and Han- nah Jesse Alm and Elizabeth Abr. Ziegenfuss and Catharine Daniel Nicholas Catharine Jacob Benner and Nelly John Ludwig and Magdalene 1836. Children Quily [!], b. Nov. 11; ba. Apr. 17, ’36 Samuel, b. Oct. 3; ba. Apr. 17 Hannah, b. Dee. 1; ba. May 1 Lavina, b. Dec. 27; ba. May 1h John, b. Feb. 9; ba. May 1, 1836 Elizabeth, b. Nov. 30; ba. May 21 Anna, b. Oct. 29; ba. May 22 Dorothea, b. Jan. 28; ba. May 22 Jacob, b. Jan. 1; ba. June 12 Faietha [!], b. Feb. 13; ba. June 12 Anna, b. Feb. 26; ba. June 12 Faietha, b. Mar. 31; ba. June 12 Henry, b. Mar. 25; ba. July 3 Francis, b. Apr. 10; ba. July 24 Jacob, b. Apr. 7; ba. July 24 Catharine Anna, b. July 1, ba. Nov. 6 Maria Christine, b. July 8; Nov. 6 1837. Jacob, b. Sep. 24; ba. Feb. 19 Daniel, b. Oct. 2; ba. Jan. 29 433 Sponsors Caroline Wenholt Samuel Staufer Samuel Ott Isaac Frankenfelt August Schmidt David Nicolas Jacob Schwarz parents Jacob Jost Enosh Jost, Cath. Grauthamel John Eckert Samuel Eckert John Steinbach Adam Fluck parents parents Daniel Nicolas parents Jesse Ludwig 434 Parents Peter Grauthamel and Louisiana John Herbel and Elizabeth Jesse Jost and Cath- arine Peter Frankenfield and Susanna Michael Grauthamel and Barbara Jacob Alm and Maria Anna George Jost and Susanna Abr. Eckert and Henrietta Moses Dextor and Maria Enosh Grauthamel and Maria Anna John Lutz and Elizabeth Aaron Kremer and Eliza Jesse Ludwig and Elizabeth John Carl and Bar- bara Francis Steinbach and Catharine Ephraim Textor and Caroline Thomas Alm and Julianna William Rith and Catharine Abr. Ziegenfuss and Catharine Children Jeremias, b. Oct. 6; ba. Apr. 23 Thomas Conrad, b. Feb. 8; ba. Apr. 25 Lydia, b. Oct. 29; ba. May 14 Sarah Anna, b. Feb. 20; ba. June 4 Cornelius, b. Jan. 17; ba. June 4 George, b. June 14, 36; ba. June 27 Henry, b. May 5; ba. July 5, °37 Matilda, b. Mar. 18 [?]; ba. Aug. 5 Maria Amanda, Db. June 29; ba. Aug. 27 Sara Anna, b. July 26; ba. Oct. 29 Legeane [!], b. June . 20; ba. Oct. 29 Jacob, b. Aug. 18; ba. Nov. 29 1838. ~ Joseph, b. Oct. 21; ba. Jan. 1 Ezekiel, b. Oct. 30; ba. Jan. 1 William, b. Sep. 1; ba. Jan. 21 Sarah, b. Nov. 15; ba. Mar. 25 Levi, b. Jan. 14; ba. Apr. 13 Hannah, b. Dec. 10; ba. Apr. 13 Jacobus, b. Sep. 6; ba. Dec. 23 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Sponsors Philip Jost parents parents Frederick Ott Isaac Grauthamel, Elizabeth Salathe parents parents William Mor George Dextor George Grauthamel, Anna Bartholmai Frederick Lutz parents Michael Friedrich John Friedrich Francis Keller, Elizabeth Stein- bach Moses Textor parents parents parents Tohickon Lutheran Records. 435 Parents Jacob Benner and Nelly Abr. Breyan and Elizabeth John Fischer and Catharine George Jost and Susanna John Keller and Lewy [!] William Mohr and Hannah Jacob Koffel and Catharine John Lutz and Elizabeth Isaac Grauthamel and Maria Peter Grauthamel and Louisianna Peter Grauthamel and Catharine George Schans and Catharine Children Reuben, b. July 7; ba. Dec. 2 1839. Catharine, b. Dec. 23; ba. Feb. 24 Michael, b. Dec. 8; ba. Feb. 24 Sarah, b, Jan. 13; ba. Apr. 6, ’39 Reuben, b. Jan. 22; ba. Apr. 16 Susanna, b. Mar. 5; ba. May 19 John, b. Sep. 16; ba. May 19 Van Buren, b. May Da a AS ed Leana [!], b. July 1; ba. Oct. 13, Elizabeth, b. June 7; ba. Oct. 13 William, b. Sep. 16; ba. Nov. 3 Catharine, b. Mar. 9; ba. Nov. 3 Sponsors Michael Benner, Peter Sies George Muth Michael Kolb parents parents parents John Seipel parents Andrew Grauthamel John Nicolaus Joseph ‘Nicolas, Maegd. Algart Jacob Lutz On p. 17 of the reverse of the book, Rev. F. Walz entered the following note regarding the death of Rev. George Roeller: “Pastor George R6ller died after a short illness on March 17, 1840, aged 75 years, after having been for about 43 years pastor of the three united congregations. His faithful care in teaching the young through catechetical instruction found special recognition, as was also true of his father, the Rev. Conrad Roller, who came from Germany. The funeral sermon of Rey. G. Roller was preached by Rev. Henry Schiller, from the text John 17:24.” [FINANCIAL STATEMENT.] [In the rear of the book are a series of financial statements, cov- ering the years 1766-1839.] p.l. “Anno 1766, the 16th of January, the financial account of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, which had been omitted for four 436 The Pennsylvania-German Society. years, was rendered in the parsonage, in the presence of us the sub- scribers. After deducting the approved expenses, Mr. Nicholas Weigel, as deacon, has still in hands 5£ 8 sh. 7 d. This we attest with our signatures. Ludwig Benner Philippus Henricus Jacob Ahlem ; Rapp, Martin Hyer pastor loci. Philip Hering Leonard Mayer Anno 1766, the 8th of May, on the festival of the Ascension, our newly built stone church was publicly dedicated through me and Mr. Alsentz, as the Reformed representative. I took as my text I Kings VIII, vs. 28 and 29 and gave her the name templum pacis or Peace Church. The text of the Reformed preacher was from Isaiah LVI, v. 7, the last words. Testor, Philip Henry Rapp. p. 2, 1767, on the III Sunday after Trinity the financial statement was entered by Ludwig Benner. Today, the 2nd of July, [1768] the assembled congregation made a rule that in future only such shall be regarded as true and right- ful members of this church who annually have their names in- seribed as contributors to the support of the congregation. 1770, July 1, the financial account was rendered by the treasurer, Philip Schreier. : The following men served as treasurers of the alms accounts: 1766—Nicholas Weigel 1767—Ludwig Benner 1768—Ludwig Benner 1769—Philip Schreyer 1770— . 1773—Jacob Jost 1774Jacob Jost 1775—Philip Schreier 1776—Andrew Schneider 1777—Nicholas Beringer 1779—Nicholas Beringer 1780—Philip Herpel 1781—Philip Herpel 1790—John Keller 1796—John Hinkel and Jacob ‘Allum 1797—Frederick Koenig 1798—John Benner 1799—John Benner, John Hinkel, Jacob Lutz 1800— . 1801—John Hinkel 1802—Jacob Lutz 1803—John Benner 1804—John Benner 1805—Conrad Herbel Tohickon Lutheran Records. 437 1806—Andrew Grauthamel 1822— . . 1807—Andrew Grauthamel 1824— , 1808—Andrew Grauthamel 1825— .... 1809—Andrew Grauthamel 1826—Jacob Merckel 1815—Andrew Grauthamel 1827—Jacob Merkel 1816—Andrew Grauthamel 1835—John Keller 1817—Michael Lutz 1836—John Keller 1818—Michael Lutz 1837—John Keller 1819—Michael Lutz 1838—Jacob Alm 1820—Michael Lutz 1839— . ... 1821—Michael Lutz A few statements in the financial accounts are of interest: On December 8, 1776, it is reported that “all the debts resting on the church are now paid off.” On May 11, 1794, Rev. Conrad Roeller reports: “At the beginning of my ministry the congregation still owed a large amount on the church, and then the church farm was bought. The alms were at all times used for church purposes. But now the church and the church farm are paid. Hence there remained of this year’s account the sum of two pounds, eleven shillings and 8 pence. On June 15, 1796, the account is signed by Fr. Geissenhainer, then a supply. A statement made on July 9, 1797, records the fact that the salary for the year 1796, had been paid to Mr. Geissenhainer in full. Rev. Philip Henry Rapp signed his first account on Jan. 13, 1766, the last on the 5th Sunday after Trinity 1771. Rev. Conrad Roeller signed his first account on June 12, 1774, the last on May 11, 1794. Rev. Fr. Geissenhainer signed an account on June 15, 1796. Rev. George Roeller signed his first account on July 9, 1797, his last on July 31, 1839. Names of the Catechumens for the year 1826. Ephraim Textor Maria Koply John Textor Maria Wambolt Isaac Breyan Margaret Kremer Joseph Ziegenfuss Lydia Wenholt George Nicolas Anna Benner Peter Grauthamel Dina Eckert Samuel Lutz Anna Eckert Ephraim Jost Caroline Eckert 438 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Amos Grauthamel Enos Grauthamel David Steinbach Aaron Kremer Isaac Alm Levi Keller John Lutz Jesse Ludwig Abr. Koffel Peter Schaub Isaac Wambolt Jacob Feick Abr. Kremer John Kremer George Schmidt Samuel Staufer Cath. Grauthamel Elisa Grauthamel Livia Eckert Barbara Seibel Eliz. Stein Cath. Keller Sophia Ziegenfuss Susanna Heller Elizabeth Keil Anna Ludwig Maria Ludwig Cath. Eckert Barbara Breian Anna Graut Susanna Graut Sarah Kremer Sarah Wambolt Anna Hetman Anna Kremer Susan Grauthamel Cath. Jost Christine Nicolas Catechumens for the year 1828. John Adam Scherer Elias Nunnemacher George Konig John Ziegenfuss George Seipel John Eckert Samuel Cresman Jesse Benner John Drumbauer John Kremer Joseph Graut Enos Keil Elias Cresman Moses Textor Tobias Keil Samuel Ferrel Peter Grauth John Wambolt Maria Lutz Lydia Lutz Barbara Graut Christian Feter Elizabeth Kremer Sarah Breyan Maria Glotz Cath. Grauth Christina Grauth Hannah Eckert Margaret Wambolt Mag. Eckert Cath. Ziegenfuss Sophia Schneider Hannah Ziegenfuss Anna Jost Maria Schlotter Maria Hegack [Hickok] Eliz. Stier Maria Althaus Sarah Graut Cath. Klincker Caroline Rieser Veronica Ferrel Tohickon Lutheran Records. 439 Catechumens for the year [1830(?)]. John Kremer Peter Ziegenfuss Joseph Ziegenfuss Sarah Ziegenfuss John Fetter Conrad Detesman Thenius Gabel Thomas Alm George Beringer Abraham Grauth Susanna Grauth Henry Sims John Keller Isaac Jost Levi Keller John Lutz Maria Seipel Henry Ziegenfuss George Jost Ephraim Textor John Hetman John Textor Marg. Kremer Cath. Neisler Sarah Keller Mag. Althaus Cath. Keil Mag. Dewis Elis. Magel Cath, Graut Hannah Lutz Cath. Kremer Elis. Eckert Sarah Kremer Maria Keller Anna Jost Hannah Eckert Barbara Eckert Eli Ott Rebekah Gerhart Anna Res Elis. Jost Cath. Jost Sophia Ziegenfuss Elis Alm Elis. Grauthamel Anna Frans Elizabeth Nicolaus Names of Catechumens for the year 1834. Isaac Grauthamel Levi Kremer Jacob Beyscher Frederick Diehl William Cop Reuben Zelner Jesse Alm Joseph Koenig John Hetman Michael Grauthamel Liwy [!] Ruhl Carl Nunnemacher John Beyscher Isaac Dieterly George Grauthamel Cath. Schmidt Caroline Ziegenfuss Maria Griem Hannah Stieber Mag. Klinger Sarah Steinbach Cath. Keller Eliz. Klein Hannah Misson Cath. Kremer Maria Jost Cath. Keil Hannah Kremer Rebekah Graut 440 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Jacob Schlot Samuel Mast Isaac Nunnemacher John Cresman Francis Kremer Francis Keller John Stieber Susanna Nicolaus Maria Nunnemacher Hannah Schefer Sarah Abel Eliza Ludwig Maria Hetman Elizabeth Ludwig Hannah Alm Maria Stierly Lucianna Sims Abe Blanck Hilarius Wambolt Daniel Kremer John Resner George Ziegenfuss MARTIN LUTHER, 1483-1546. RECORDS OF THE TOHICKON UNION CHURCH INDEX OF FAMILY NAMES In studying these church records, please note that the same family name often occurs more than once on the same page, in fact one page contains the same family name twelve times. These family names have been translated by Dr. Hinke and recorded with all their variations exactly as they appear on the records. As will be seen the spelling varies greatly, the same names often being spelled several different ways by the same dominie on the same page of his original record, in one instance the same family name is spelled twenty-two different ways. It must however be borne in mind that these early dominies were Germans, and therefore the German language to a great extent controlled their spelling, and moreover they often recorded the names as they sounded to them phonetically. The genealogist should not be guided by the spelling of family names as they appear on any old church record, for often all such spelling may be wrong. Tombstone inscriptions are more likely to have the family name spelled correctly. To determine the correct way of spelling family names, original signatures should be examined, or if of German or Swiss origin, the immigrant lists on file in the library at Harrisburg should be consulted. These immi- grant lists have been translated and published by Prof. Rupp in his “Thirty Thousand Names of Immigrants”, and also appear in the Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol. XVII, but many errors have crept in both of these translations. The Pennsylvania German Society is considering the question of having photoprints made of all immigrant lists on file at Harrisburg, and having them carefully edited for publication in its proceedings. B. F. F Jr. Aaron, 264 Abel (Apple ?), 73, 400, 440 Aderhold, Aderholt, Atherhold, 161, 162, 164, 166, 167, 168, 170, Abeler, 92, 94 Ache, 238, 240 Acker, Aker, 92, 105, 257, 258, 357 Ackerman, 71, 92, 175, 221, 224, 241, 367, 370 Adams, Adam, Adamy, Adami, 103, 105, 113, 130, 179, 218, 219, 282, 349 171, 175, 177, 179, 184, 187, 189, 205, 221, 230, 232, 239, 241, 250, 261, 278, 320, 323 Aest, 90, 107 Affilerbach, Afflebach, (see also Applebach), 172, 292, 293, 302 Ahlem, Alem, Allem, Alam, Al- lum, Ahlum, Alm, 88, 142, 143, 147, 158, 161, 175, 177, 178, 189, 442 191, 195, 196, 200, 207, 222, 224, 232, 239, 240, 248, 291, 299, 305, 307, 364, 365, 367, 368, 371, 372, 374, 375, 376, 381, 382, 383, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 395, 400, 401, 402, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 423, 424, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440 Albert, 103, 262 Albright, 252, 260, 292, 299 Alderfer, Allderfer, 237, 252, 255, 256, 258, 263 Algard, Algert, Algart, Algerd, Allgert, Allgart, Altgert, Alt- geart, 149, 171, 175, 179, 182, 185, 219, 221, 2238, 273, 313, 314, 375, 377, 378, 408, 435 Allebach, Allenbach, 226, 228, 238, 241, 243, 246, 248, 254, 255, 290, 300 Allen, 141, 254 Aller, 39 Alles, Allis, 66, 369 Alm, see Ahlem Alms (Ahlem?), 143 Alsentz, Alsenz, 37, 40, 49, 311, 346, 436 Altamoos, 125 Althouse, Althaus, Altshouse, Althauser, 69, 71, 75, 76, 80, 90, 121, 128, 182, 134, 136, 141, 145, 149, 152, 157, 162, 171, 173, 174, 177, 178, 181, 182, 183, 186, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 204, 207, 208, 211, 213, 214, 215, 217, 218, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 230, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 240, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, The Pennsylvania-German Society. 254, 255, 256, ,258, 260, 261, 265, 268, 271, 274, 275, 276, 279, 281, 285, 287, 290, 292, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300, 302, 303, 304, 306, 309, 311, 312, 314, 319, 320, 323, 325, 327, 328, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 383, 408, 417, 419, 420, 427, 430, 431, 438, 439 Altman, 103 Ammelhauser, 99, 213 Amey, Amie, &c., see Emich Anderson, 116 Andig, 217 Andreae, 341, 344, 345 Angeney, Angeny, Angne, 66, 202, 211, 227, 234, 236, 251, 262, 265, 283, 289, 293, 331 Anglemayer, 246, 261, 263 Anni, 427 Antony, 238 Appel, Apple, Appell, Aple, Ab- bel, (see also Abel), 81, 103, 108, 153, 178, 236, 249, 259, 330, 399 Appenzeller, Appezeller, Apple- seller, Abbezeller, 209, 226, 230, 236, 245, 249, 253, 275, 278, 281, 313, 334 Applebach, Appenbach, Abelbach, Ablebach, (see also Affler bach), 244, 257, 2738, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334, 421 Appolonia, 79 Arbegast, Arwegast, 89, 362 Armstrong, 17, 19 Arndt, Arnd, 39, 71, 109 Arnoldi, 31 Arthur, 9 Ashauer, 86 Atherholt, see Aderhold Ayer, 72 Index to Tohickon Church Records Baal, 113, 129, 147, 215, 219, 266, 310 Babb, Bob, Bopp, Bop, Popp, (Pope?), 66, 67, 69, 83, 94, 98, 100, 115, 117, 125, 127, 131, 214, 215, 216, 219, 318, 320, 361, 367 Bach, Bache, 81, 185, 247 Bachman, 80, 87, 105, 112, 209, ‘226, 231, 239, 242, 254, 260, 266, 306 Bader, Pader, 166, 378 Baker, 184, 188, 191, 192, 193, 259, 260 Bald, 92, 104, 109, 154, 213 Balduin, 82, 111 Bander, see Bender Bangen, 197 Barbers, 252 Barche, see Berge Baringer, Beringer, Bearinger, Bohringer, 149, 170, 199, 219, 228, 231, 233, 255, 269, 264, 365, 369, 372, 383, 388, 390, 391, 392, 395, 396, 406, 422, 425, 436, 439 Barger, see Berger Barner, 262 Barns, Berns, 175, 214 Bartels, Bartle, 242, 252, 277 Bartholomew, Bartholoma, Bar- tholmai, Bartholmay, Barthol- mae, Bartholmi, Bartholme, Barthelme, Betallomey, Ptol- ma, Ptolemay, 36, 79, 91, 95, 101, 221, 225, 228, 233, 252, 259, 272, 279, 281, 288, 291, 295, 296, 306, 307, 333, 397, 400, 430, 434 Bassinger, 98 Batts, 245 Bauer, Baurer, 90, 99, 123, 225 Baum, Bohm, 194, 216, 264, 281, 391, 395, 407, 409, 411, 413, 414, 415, 416 443 Bauman, 275, 276 Bauscher, see Beischer Bauschler, 67 Bayer, see Boyer Baxter, 215 Beach, 181, 193 Bean, Been, Bien, Benn, Ben, Bin, 180, 205, 207, 208, 222, 226, 230, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 248, 250, 251, 258, 257, 259, 264, 278, 292, 298, 302, 304, 307, 329, 332, 406, 407, 408, 417 Beatty, 11 Beaver, 181 Bechtel, Beghtel, 94, 226, 238, 240, 255 Beck, 93, 103, 137, 243, 265, 374, 377, 378 Becker, 31, 35, 92, 97, 104, 115, 185, 213, 215, 218, 234, 237, 238, 240, 260, 288 Beckholl, 362 Beehl, 214 Been, see Bean Behr, 91 Beidler, Beitler, 226, 246, 247, 249, 250, 258, 254, 260, 327 Beischer, Beyscher, Beuscher, Bisher, Bauscher, Peischer, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 73, 78, 81, 87, 92, 93, 97, 98, 104, 123, 152, 175, 214, 359, 360, 361, 363, 365, 366, 367, 369, 370, 371, 375, 376, 379, 380, 382, 387, 390, 429, 439 Beitel, 399 Beidelman, Beitelman, Beutel- man, Beydelman, Beydeman, 163, 221, 237, 252, 369, 372, 373, 375, 376, 378, 379, 381, 384, 385, 388, 390, 399, 401, 402, 407, 411, 413 444 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Bell, 264 Beltz, 103, 306 Bender, Benter, Bander, Panter, Penter, 72, 73, 79, 88, 93, 96, 107, 113, 119, 121, 122, 124, 161, 214, 216, 224, 241, 245, 268, 277, 294, 308, 311, 318, 334, 335, 358, 359, 362, 364, 365, 366, 389, 397, 400, 405 Benet, 102 Benner, Penner, 82, 85, 92, 108, PIUSMAZT 126 1alocmlos, sO, 141, 148, 149, 154, 156, 158, 159, 161, 163, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, COSTE TIGELT 2 Ma Om Ue Lon Loee 185, 187, 188, 203, 215, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 235, 236, 237, 240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 248, 251, 254, 257, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 271, 273, 276, 279, 281, 282, 284, 287, 288, 290, 313, 314, 315, 322, 323, 326, 327, 328, 329, 331, 332, 332, 334, 366, 369, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 383, 384, 386, 390, 391, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 408, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 412, 415, 418, 421, 423, 425, 426, 428, 429, 431, 432, 433, 435, 436, 437, 438 Bentz, 263 Berckenstock, 215 Beringer, see Baringer Berge, Barche, 86, 139, 155, 156, 165, 234, 238, 240, 241, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 263, 298, 393 Berger, Barger, Borger, Burger, 43, 49, 88, 128, 148, 151, 170, 171, 223, 224, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 239, 278, 279, 289, 299, 327, 387, 388, 389, 391, 395, 403, 416 Bergstresser, Bergstrasser, Berg- stress, Bergstrassy, Brockstres- ser, 26, 27, 28, 68, 69, 82, 118, 119, 120, 122, 126, 127, 131, 132, 133, 186, 138, 141, 142, 146, 154, 160, 188, 218, 220, 222, 225, 229, 230, 279, 311, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319, 321, 363, 374, 411 Bernd, Berndt, Bernt, (see also Bernet) 2.6879 6950 Ti vo; mes: 146, 153, 161, 165, 189, 196, 198, 214, 223, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 235, 250, 251, 257, 259, 262, 264, 278, 279, 284, 285, 286, 292, 304, 306, 308, 364, 382, 384, 386, 388, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 406, 420, 425 Berner, 395 Bernet, 116 Bernhard, 19, 20, 21, 91, 213, 214, 322 Berns, Bernts, 110, 117, 239, 248, 264, 266, 308 Berson, Bersen, Bierson, Person, Pirson, Parson, Pierson, 9, 68, S498 5105s 11S eho lose: 135, 217, 218, 269, 315, 317, 318 Berthold, 16, 106 Bessonet, 66 Best, 85, 87, 88, 309 Betts, 242 Beukler, 371 Beuscher, see Beischer Beuschlein, Beyschley, 216, 361 Beuteler (Butler?), 214, 215 Beyer and Bayer, see Boyer Bibel, 77 Bibighouse, Bibighaus, 93, 104, LOT, LL7, 126,°132; 134; 135, 139; 145, 169, 180, 184, 186, 187, 219, 221, 226, 254, 255, 264, 268, 272, 278 314, 318, 319, 321 Index to Tohickon Church Records Bilckert (see also Brickert), 366 Beiler, Bielar (Bleyer?), 239, 241, 243, 253, 261, 265 Bierle, 215 Bigel, 363 Billesfelt, 39 Billger, 241, 263, 282, 299, 302 Bin (Bean?), 412 Binder, 361, 369 Bisbinger, 362 Bishop, Bischof, 259, 316 Bissy, Bissey, Bissi, Bisse, Biisay, Bussy, Buissy, 160, 168, 221, 236, 237, 245, 290, 397, 399, 405, 424 Bitting, 233, 288, 241, 242, 246, 272 Bittinger, 310 Bitz, 214 Blakeledge, 218 Blank, Blanck, 170, 178, 188, 225, 232, 236, 274, 282, 298, 304, 315, 387, 388, 391, 393, 408, 409, 440 Blackberry, 325 Bleam, Bleim, Bliem, Blem, Blein, 155, 214, 233, 256 Blear, 319 Bleyler, Bleiler, Blyler, Bleuler, (see also Bieler), 42, 215, 216, 223, 227, 229, 235, 237, 244, 248, 277, 284, 316, 330, 335, 384 Bleymohl, 101 Blos, 309 Blume, Blum, Bloom, 79, 166, 174, 175, 195, 237, 288, 287, 332, 399, 418, 424 Blumer, 50, 51, 59 Boarch, Borch, Boarse, Boars, Borse, 231, 233, 242, 251, 263 Bob, see Babb Boehm, Bam, 1, 2, 6, 55, 136, 145, 177 445 Bolinger, Bollinger, 235, 255, 286 Bon, 70 Bond, 82 Borger, see Berger Born, 84, 267, 367 Boschertz, 75, 361 Bosh, 372 Boss, Bos, Boos, Buss, 75, 89, 91, 104/105, 113.119, 19101225139" 215, 265, 309, 312, 313 Bossan, 87, 213 Bouden, 164 Bower, 216 Boyer, Bayer, Beyer, 3, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 89, 92, 94, 98, 105, 108, 213, 214, 235, 298, 306, 309, 310 Brader, 256 Bradford, 256 Brainer, 407 Brand, Brend, 69, 215, 308 Braun (Brown), 45, 121, 138, 309, 427, 429, 431 Braunewell, 83 Braz, 149 Brean, see Bryan Brechbiihl, 101 Brecht, 175, 223, 226, 233, 330, 332 Breish, 239 Bremauer, 384 Brencker, Breucher, 103, 106, 213, 214, 265 Brenner, 407, 408, 409, 423 Breunig, 213 Brey, 390 Bricker, Brickert, 403, 406, 409 Brockter, 252 Brodt, Brod, 88, 116, 118, 151, 213, 220, 266, 313, 316 Premauer, 76, 381, 446 Broughler, 282 Brower, 214 Brown, see Braun Bruch, 87, 218, 309 Bruchhauser, 131 Brumback, 235 Brunner, Bruner, 163, 215, 225, 230, 232, 234, 244, 254, 261, 275, 282, 283, 392, 397, 398, 406 Bry, 232 Bryam, 11 Bryan, Breyan, Breian, Brean, Bryon, Bryand, Breyen, Byron, Brion, 27, 141, 159, 162, 169, 223, 242, 252, 257, 259, 263, 370, 371, 375, 379, 383, 385, 386, 388, 396, 399, 405, 408, 409, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415, 417, 418, 420, 421, 423, 426, 428, 435, 4387, 438 Buchecker, Bucheckern, 80, 92, 105, 112, 298, 311 Bucher, Bucker, 84, 108, 114, 147, 219, 317, 318 Buck, 243 Buckhammer, 238, 240, 243, 332, 334 Biihlheimer, 265 Burckhart, 80 Burger, see Berger Burgy, 275 Burr, 9 Busher, 255 Buskirk, 232 Buss, see Boss Butler, (see also Beutler), 18, 21, 243 Button, 295 Butz, 34, 78, 91, 94, 108, 266 Byard, 254 Cammel, Gamel, 243, 326, 334 Carl, Karl, 122, 125, 221, 224, The Pennsylvania-German Society. 865, 367, 372, 375, 397, 402, 405, 4138, 416, 418, 423, 431, 432, 434 Carver, 251, 255 Cassel, Kassel, Kessel, 226, 229, 230, 237, 241, 247, 249, 250, 253, 256, 257, 262, 263, 304 Caufman, see Kaufman Chaffer, see Shaeffer Chapman, 244 Charles, 247, 282 Chew, 26, 28 Christ, 254 Christein, 410, 426 Christian, 347 Clark, 190, 231, 241, 242, 290 Class, Clos, 75, 96 Clemens, Klemens, 112, 124, 129, 135, 224, 229, 236, 254, 319, 324, 383 Clemmer, Clemer, Clymer, 223, 224, 229, 230, 231, 239, 240, 243, 245, 246, 248, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 262, 294, 300 Clether, 91 Clinker, see Klinke1 Cober, Kober, Cover, 166, 176, 261, 264, 425 ; Coder, see Koder Codron, 370 Coffel, see Koffel Colp, Culp, see Kolb Cofmort, Cumfort, 193, 217, 226, 230, 231, 272, 277, 280, 429 Comparie, 155 Conrad, Conradt, Kunrat, 4, 93, 222, 226, 229, 273, 287, 315, 376, 393, 401, 408, 407, 428 Convers, Conveur, Conver, 236, 286, 290, 329 Cooker, see Kooker Coonser, see Koonser Index to Tohickon Church Records Cooper, 230 Cope, Cop, Cupp, 165, 180, 181, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 239, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 256, 257, 275, 278, 279, 283, 287, 298, 306, 422, 439 Copleberger, Coppelberger, Cop- pelberg, Kopelberger, Kobel- berger, Kappenberger, 68, 74, 90, 98, 118, 126, 154, 315, 316, 361, 425 Copley, see Kopley Correll, Correl, 27, 310, 315 Corner, 244, 298 Corwin, 52 Cossida, 236 Cother, 131 Covens, 253 Cover, see Kober Crab, 67 Cramm, Cram, Crame, see Kram Cran (Kram?), 262 Cramer and Creamer, see Kram- er Cratzer, see Kratzer Craus, see Kraus Craut, Crout, see Kraut Creasmer, 276 Creaver, 249, 262, 265 Cressler (Kressler), 231 Cressman, Cresman, Gressman, 92, 185, 202, 205, 214, 215, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 234, 238, 240, 243, 246, 247, 249, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 265, 277, 287, 288, 297, 316, 397, 410, 416, 421, 426, 438, 440 Crether, see Krether Crob, see Grob Croll, Kroll, 224, 316 Groman, see Kroman 447 Croner, see Kroner Crook, 241 Crossley, 273, 278 Crouthamell, see Krauthammel Crow, Croo, see Groh Cunckel, 213 Cupp, see Cope Cussack, 14 Custer, 256 Dalliker, see Delliker Dallwig, Dalwig, 83, 92 Danehauer, Dannehauer, Dan- auer, Danhauer, Dannehower, Danehower, Dannehauer, 165, 177, 188, 194, 224, 230, 378, 379, 383, 302, 395, 398 Dani, Dany, Thany, 15, 16, 17, 19, °20,' 21," 69,725.94. 972971 121, 176, 213, 265, 266, 308, 309, 311, 312, 360, 362, 363, 371 Daniel, Denniel, 400, 404 Danner, 36, 136 Dantfoos, 94, 217, 379 Darn, see Dorn Daron, 379 Darrach, Derrach, Darrah, 184, 190, 233, 254, 258, 327 Dasch, see Desch Daub, 245 Daubenspeck, 309 Dauti, Dauty, 135, 136, 138, 139 David, 341, 359 Davis, Devis, Davees, (see also Dewis), 91, 187, 188, 190, 207, 221, 239, 240, 242, 256, 292, 319, 332, 371, 378, 390, 394, 395 Debi, 142 Debisman, see Dedesman Dechant, 210 Dedderer, Dedery, 166, 217, 262 Dederman, Dedemann, 128, 368 448 Dedesman, Datesman, Detes- man, Detisman, Debisman, Detlesman, Deddesman, The- tesman, Tetesman, 155, 170, 179, 257, 308, 364, 382, 386, 390, 392, 400, 405, 406, 412, 416, 418, 421, 428, 430, 432, 439 Deemer, see Diemer Deer, see Derr Deetz, see Dietz Dege, 101, 133, 145, 312, 364, 366, 374, 378, 379, 390 . Degen, 157, 162 Deger, 128 Deh, Dee, 149, 288 Deily, 247 Deis, Deiss, Dise, Diese, Dice, Theiss, Teis, Thyes, Theis, TCVSS.7peL CISS fo0d LE ed Leos 158, 163, 179, 187, 192, 194, 203, 206, 208, 220, 225, 238, 235, 240, 242, 247, 277, 290, 298, 299, 310, 320, 327, 328, 329, 330, 332, 404, 415, 416, 423 Dell (Diehl?), 231 Delliker, Dalliker, 22, 59, 147 DeLong, 35 Delp, 226, 227, 231, 232, 233, 235, 236, 237, 240, 241, 242, 244, 246, 247, 248, 250, 256, 258, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265 Dengler, Dingler, 166, 391 Dennis, 262 Derflinger, Dorflinger, 101, 121, 140, 215, 361, 362, 366, 368, 369 Derr, Deer Diirr, 63, 2538, 256, 258, 261, 267, 301 Derrach, see Darrach Derstine, Dirstine, Durstein, Derstein, Deerstine, 223, 229, 232, 240, 241, 243, 246, 260, 261, 262, 282, 307 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Desch, Dasch, Tesch, 68, 73, 95, 99, 101, 117, 222, 229, 358, 364, 366, 367, 368, 371, 373 Desloch, 215 Deter, see Dieter Dettemer, Dedemer, Dettmer, Tettemer, Ditmer, 75, 76, 104, 133; 365,) 367, 373 Detweiler, Dettweiler, 228, 229, ' 231, 237, 289, 240, 241, 242, 246, 247, 250, 254, 255, 258, 260, 263, 264, 301, 305, 431 Dewald, 118 Dewis, Devis, (see also Davis), 392, 395, 398, 439 Dexter, Dextor, Texter, Textor, 221, 224, 409, 411, 412, 413, 416, 421, 424, 430, 432, 433, 434, 437, 438, 439 Dice, Dise, Diese, see Deis Dick, 85, 116 Diefenbach, 232, 418 Diehl, Deahl, Diel, Dihl, Dill, Theil, Thiel, 70, 79, 83, 100, 108, 115, 169, 174, 178, 179, 184, 188, 189, 195, 196, 215, 224, 229, 230, 231, 238, 234, 245, 248, 249, 274, 275, 291, 295, 302, 308, 310, 315, 318, 419, 420, 439 Dieman, Tiemans, 214, 359 Diemer, Deemer, 106, 141, 157, 220, 224, 260 Dienchman (Tinsman), 69, 73 Dieter, Deter, Dieder, Tieter, 83, SOS 101 105 127131) Lb oes e, 224 Dieterly, Detterly, Deterly, De- dery, Dieterle, Deaterle, Dei- derle, Deaterly, 130, 152, 195, 202, 207, 220, 221, 228, 237, 240, 246, 250, 260, 261, 439 Dietz, Ditz, Deetz, 39, 83, 93, 99, Index to Tohickon Church Records 105, 109, 237, 239, 249, 254, 280, 308, 402 Dill, see Diehl Dillinger, 246 Dimig, Dimmig, Diimig, 235, 258, 261, 383, 385, 424, 425 Dimsteab, 211 Dingler, see Dengler Ditthard, Ditthart, Dithard, 91, 105, 215, 310 Dittman, 95 Dixon, 80, 213 Dixy, 244 Doe, 358 Doll, 79, 104, 107, 215, 251, 266, 285, 309 Dorfler, 365, 366 Dorn, Durn, Darn, Torn, 183, 189, 192, 197, 201, 207, 222,227; 252, 257, 278, 280, 293, 295, 297, 304, 307, 327, 331, 334, 335, 411, 414 Dornberger, 122 Dornblaser, 97 Dorsius, 2 Dortner, 255 Dotterer, 273 Drach, Trach (Traugh), 15, 16, o1 he a0, 2h; QT Tee Ried: 104, 112, 124, 128, 141, 143, 147, 166, 168, 214, 231, 249, 252, 301, 313, 358, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 371, 373, 378, 381, 382, 383, 385, 390, 394, 398, 400, 401, 403, 404, 416 Drake, 229, 233, 238, 240, 241, 264, 307, 400, 401 Drehmauer, 157 Dreisbach, Dreissbach, 9, 32, 33, 80, 89, 91, 96, 103, 108, 120, 123, 150, 152, 155, 157, 196, 199, 212, 214, 220, 233, 236, 237, 241, 242, 449 254, 264, 270, 276, 280, 284, 289, 290, 299, 300, 301, 305, 314, 315, 328, 331, 334, 388, 391, 393 Dres, Dress, 300, 314 Drexler, see Trexler Drinsley, 251 Drittenbach (Trittenbach), 92 Drollinger, Trollinger, 242, 282, 393, 395, 397 Drum, 87,°91, 97, 98, 107, 213 Drumbauer, see Trombauer Drumheller, 253 DuBois, 44 Dubs, Dubbs, 29, 249, 263, 295 Dui, Diiy, 67, 69, 70, 72, 366 Duke, 247 Dumig, see Dimig Dumstein, see Zumstein Dtimy, 389 Dunbar, 237 Duncky, 85 Dungan, 299 Dunges, 109 Durn, see Dorn Durnbleaser, 97 Durstein, see Derstine Ebelin, 120 Eberhart, Eberhard, Everhard, Eberhardt, 87, 104, 132, 215, 239, 244, 247, 249, 267, 299, 374, 375 Eberhorn, 30 Eberreuter, 312 Ebert, Ebhart, 95, 109, 313 Eckel, Ekel, Egel, 68, 75, 105, 120, 123, 126, 133, 137, 142, 147, 154, 160, 167, 170, 174, 187, 189, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 220, 222, 232, 235, 274, 280, 284, 286, 291, 293, 296, 306, 311, 314, 316, Ebenreiter, 87, 89, 450 319, 326, 329, 330, 332, 366, 375, 377, 378, 411, 425 Eckert, Eckhard, Eckhart, Ekert, Eychert, Eckart, Ekhard, Hck- hert, Hichart, 84, 99, 113, 115, 187, 196, 199, 203, 205, 208, 222, 224, 236, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 247, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 264, 274, 278, 280, 282, 283, 294, 299, 307, 314, 334, 395, 399, 401, 404, 405, 407, 408, 410, 411, 412, 4138, 414, 415, 416, 417, 423, 433, 434, 437, 438, 439 Eddinger, Oedinger, 100, 113, 114, 115, 267, 306, 310 Edelman, 35, 79, 95, 111, 113, 116, 141, 213, 366, 378 Ehrbach, Erbach, 14, 15, 16, 19, YAN CAI MiB ray gas GLE: Hisenberger, 238 Elias, 241 Ellert, 406 Ely, 252 Emig, Emich, Ehmig, Emicher, Ihmig, Oehmig, Amey, 69, 87, 90, 118, 121, 124, 127, 131, 132, 136, 174, 178, 179, 180, 182, 191, 220, 224, 267, 271, 277, 281, 288, 289, 296, 314, 315, 327, 377, 385, 387, 400, 406, 421, 426 Emrich, Emerich, Emrig (Em- ery), 121, 318, 368, 390, 426 Engel, Engle, 34, 66, 124 Engleman, 227, 240 Engert, 128 Enough, 25 Ensule, see Insula Epes, 262 Erb, 97 Erbach, see Ehrbach Erdman, 97, 102, 165, 227, 243, 251, 292, 298, 300, 413 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Erhart, Erhard, 81, 95, 98, 114, 117, 278 Ermy, 256 Ernst, 73, 265, 331 Esch, 75, 79 Eshbach, 107, 310 Eschenbach, 412 BEsterline, 295 Evans, 358 Everhart, see Eberhart Byer, Ayer, 72, 359, 360, 361, 365, 867, 369, 376, 379, 436 Eygener, 86, 116 Eyseman, 105 Hysen, 89 Faber, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 58, 64, 65, 139, 140, 1438, 144, 145, 218, 268, 316 Fabian, 81, 96, 212, 215 Fackenthal, 14, 274 Falck, 87, 213 Farber, Ferber, 138, 213 Farmer, 249 Fas, see Vass Fassbender, Fasbender, Fasben- ner, Fassbinder, Fasbinder, 69, TL 373.5 84-0105. 11 Cel20es2: 134, 136, 141, 146, 148, 150, 154, 158, 159, 160, 161, 162, 167, 169, V70; 172, 174, LT7H1T9, 80 nist, 183, 186, 188, 191, 192, 197, 201, 203, 205, 206, 207, 221, 222, 224, 226, 230, 231, 232, 235, 237, 239, 254, 261, 266, 273, 277, 278, 279, 284, 291, 297, 312, 313, 314, 316, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 329, 330, 333, 370, 383, 393, 394, 396, 398, 399, 419, 425, 427 Fauchler, 367 Fauller, 297 Index to Tohickon Church Records Faulman, 314 Faust, 69 Fehr, Fér, Fair, 113, 122, 135, 283 Feige, Fiege, Feig, Feick, Fike, 146, 188, 192, 218, 230, 389, 404, 405, 416, 419, 438 Feiger, 385 Fein, Feyn (Fine), 101, 129 Feleker, 215 Fellman, Felman, Fillman, 227, 243, 244, 246, 248, 250, 252, 255, 260, 261, 298, 304, 307 Felt, 216 Felter, 70 Felzinger, Filtzinger, 215, 267 Fenstermacher, 309 Ferber, see Farber Ferrel, 227, 252, 414, 416, 418, 425, 427, 430, 438 Fett, 189, 314 Fetter, Feter, Fetters, Vetter, 240, 248, 244, 258, 259, 294, 328, 356, 367, 380, 382, 385, 387, 390, 392, 394, 405, 407, 414, 422, 426, 429, 430, 438, 439 Fiess, 360 Fike, see also Fiege, 188, 192, 230 Fillman, see Fellman Finbinder, 250 Finck, 282 Fischer, Fisher, 63, 79, 144, 209, 210, 229, 237, 245, 258, 287, 299, 327, 425, 430, 431, 433, 435 Fissler, 313 Fitzgerald, 225 Flechser, 115 Flick, 81, 96, 105, 212, 413, 415, 417, 418, 419 Fluck, Flug, 41, 42, 43, 68, 71, 451 (C5 FE IRE Ray Eve ty alah la ln ies 118, 120, 121, 123, 126, 128, 129, 130, 131, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 165, AGT PLES wLGO 1 tO libata. Lio, L74, 175; 176, 177, 178::179,/180, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 191, 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 209, 211, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 253, 254, 255, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 270, 271, 272, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 420, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 348, 379, 382, 391, 398, 399, 401, 403, 405, 409, 410, 414, 421, 425, 430, 431, 432, 433 Flugel, Vliegel, 67, 70, 358 Fly, Fley, 257, 258, 358, 408, 420 Fogel, see Vogel Follenweyder, 95 Foller, 309 Follmer, see Fulmer and Volmer Fowler, 224, 225, 226 Fox (see also Fuchs), 211, 259, 264 Frabel, 263 Frances, 223 Frank, Franck, Francke, 199, 214, 248, 261, 300, 337 Frankenfield, Frankenfelt, - 187, 452 236, 246, 250, 275, 389, 401, 413, 431, 438, 434 Frantz, Franz, Frans, 85, 92, 96, 102,103, 107, 151,'155, 157, 158, 160, 161, 164, 165, 171, 178, 179, 199, 201, 218, 222, 233, 234, 240, 241, 245, 246, 253, 254, 255, 260, 261, 262, 272, 274, 275, 284, 286, 287, 288, 290, 291, 293, 295, 296, 297, 299, 300, 303, 331, 379, 383, 386, 396, 400, 409, 425, 428, 432, 439 Frederick, Frederich, Friedrig, Friederich, 156, 165, 167, 181, 183, 188, 189, 194, 196, 198, 201, 203, 206, 210, 212, 220, 221, 229, 230, 232, 234, 235, 237, 241, 242, 244, 247, 249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 257, 258, 260, 265, 274, 280, 287, 289, 290, 292, 298, 294, 297, 302, 303, 305, 319, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 335, 400, 413, 419, 420, 432, 434 Freed, Fried, Friedt, Fretid, 84, 101, 108, 113, 123, 224, 226, 231, 235, 239, 240, 241, 244, 246, 250, 251, 260, 261, 262, 267, 280, 286, 297, 326, 327, 365, 427, 430, 431, 432 Fretz, Fratz, 201, 226, 229, 233, 235, 239, 241, 242, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 261, 253, 264, 271, 273, 300 Freiid, see Freed Freyer, 75, 81 Freymann, Fryman, 76, 97, 106, 113, 114, 216, 310 Freytag, 102, 214 Frick, 235, 239, 244, 255, 258, 264 Fried, see Freed The Pennsylvania-German Society. Fries, 244, 316 Frélich, Frolig, Frohlich (Fra- ley), 88, 98, 110, 189 267. Frutschy, 84, 94, 97, 99, 107, 216, 266, 267 Fry, Frey, 69, 73, 78, 79, 88, 92, 98, 100, 106, 112, 115, 117, 222, 223, 229, 231, 234, 235, 237, 240, 241, 256, 258, 273, 282, 310, 363, 393, 398, 402, 404, 410 Fuchs, (see also Fox), 108, 359, 365, 367, 402, 426 Fuhr, 116, 136 Fuhrer, 131 Fuhrman, Fuhrmann, Furman, 139, 140, 146, 148, 152, 154, 222, 223, 226, 228, 251, 257, 284, 296, 316 Fulmer, Fullmer, Fohlmer, Fol- mer, Follmer (see also Vol- mer), 119, 122, 137, 140, 142, 143, 145 167101, 174, Lb hie kaos 180, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 188, 190, 192, 193, 195, 196, 199, 299, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 211, 223, 224, 228, 232, 233, 237, 239, 240, 242, 244, 245, 246, 248, 250, 251, 252, 254, 259, 260, 262, 263, 273, 274, 277, 282, 283, 286, 288, 294, 295, 301, 312, 314, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 329, 330, 332, 333, 334, 366, 397, 409, 415, 418, 419, 420, 421, 423, 430 Funk, Funck, 69, 165, 199, 223, 224, 234, 236, 240, 241, 242, 246, 247, 249, 252, 243, 255, 420 Funterweit, 124 Gab, 360 Gabel, Gobel, Gaubel, 205, 242, 272, 275, 278, 291, 439 Gallman, 67 236, Index to Tohickon Church Records Gamel, see Cammel Gangewer, Gangweyer, wehr, 85, 90, 114, 222 Gann, 220, 274 Gans, 66 Garges, Gerges, Gergis, 237, 255, 382 Gass, 216 Gauff, 76, 94, 107, 109, 266 Gaul, 267 Gaweiller, 5 Gebhart, 226 Gehman, 240, 248, 246, 248, 249, 251, 252, 256, 258, 259, 264, 299 Gehry, see Gery Geiger, Gieger, 172, 235, 255, 281, 305, 387, 391, 399, 400 Geiser, Geischer, Geisser, Geyser, Keyser, 66, 68, 103, 108, 215, 304, 362 Geisinger, Gassinger, 256, 260, 262, 264, 369 Geissenhainer, 352, 353, 354, 355, 357, 394, 396, 437 Geist, 218, 382 Geller, see Keller George, Georg, Gérg (see also Jorg & Joerck), 68, 79, 105, 106, 121, 204, 213, 263, 264, 311, 350 Geres, Gehres, Gerris, Gares, Goris, Garis, 67, 78, 85, 88, 90, 124, 127, 128, 132, 183, 135, 138, 140, 141, 145, 150, 157, 169, 173, 174, 201, 206, 213, 216, 217, 218, 224, 227, 228, 230, 231, 237, 269, 272, 276, 293, 313, 315, 319, 323, 326, 330, 331, 361, 373, 376, 379, 383, 392, 401, 404, 408, 410, 425 Geretz, (Geres?), 161 Gerges, see Garges Gerith, Gerit, 156, 157 Gang- 453 Gerich, (see also George), 90, 318, 315 Gerhard, Gerhart, Gerhardt, 147, 151, 155, 175, 176, 185, 187, 189, 192, 196, 199, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 229, 230, 231, 232, 238, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 249, 251, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, 279, 281, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292, 294, 295, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 306, 308, 312, 313, 323, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 374, 393, 420, 421, 439 Gerling, 370 German, Germin, 66, 68, 112, 218 Germanton, 107 Gerner, 243, 362 Gery, Gehre, Gehry, Geri, 120, 123, 128, 248, 312, 321 Getman, 169, 171, 175, 228, 229, 242, 272, 398 Getter, 216 Geyer, 202, 358 Geyser, see Geiser Geysle, 215 Gibson, 251 Gies, Giesse, Geesse, Giess, Giest, 143, 148, 218, 288, 368, 381, 382 Gilbert, 93, 216 Gilger, 81, 215 Gillan, 268 Ginder, 262 Girmer, 215 Gladfeld, 214, 308 Glenkhart, 69, 73 Gliesser, 216 Glincker, see Klinker 454 Gloss, 233, 360 Glotz, 438 Goar, 24 Gobel, see Gabel Gobrecht, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 48, 44, 46, 64, 65, 115, 118, 124, 125, 126, 216, 311 Godschalk, Godshalk, Gottschalk, Gotschalk, Gotsschalk, 225, 227, 231, 236, 240, 241, 243, 245, 248, 249, 251, 252, 253, 255, 258, 264, 296 Godschall, Gottschall, 73, 359, 360 Goethman, 388 Goetschy, Goetschi, 2, 5, 6 Gold, 303 Good, see Guth Gooker, Gucker, Kocker Gorger, 234, 324 Gorth, 84 Gotthard, 88 Gotwaltz, Godwalz, 253, 254 Go6z, 371 Graeber, 245 Graesser, 129 Graff, Groff, 87, 102, 104, 123, 193, 196, 213, 217, 228, 229, 231, 232, 237, 240, 245, 250, 251, 252, 256, 258, 260, 262, 263, 287, 295, 300, 302, 304, 307 Graffert, 312 Grain, 252, 264, 307 Grandin, 13 Grant, 417 Grau, see Groh Graut, Grauth, 438, 439 Grauthammel, see Krauthammel Green, 254, 327 Greibel, 252, 255, 256 Greimer, see Kramer Greiner, 43 Cuckert, see The Pennsylvania-German Society. Greischer, 215 Greis, Greiss, 214, 218, 377 Griem (Grim or Kram ?), 439 Griffith, 298 Grilly, 80, 81, 86 Grob, Grub, Krob, Crob, 67, 113, 114, 215, 228, 229, 232, 236, 242, 247, 253, 263 Groff, see Graff Groh, Groo, Grow, Crow, Croo, Kroh, Grau, 71, 78, 94, 133, 134, 216, 218, 228, 249, 261, 330 Groin, 318, 314 Groman, Croman, Krohman, Gronman, 67, 69, 98, 223, 253, 365, 367, 370 Grosman, 131 Gross, Groos, 32, 80, 89, 101, 111, 113, 115, 118, 2138, 221, 241, 253, 276 Grossage, 82 Grossly, 331 Grove, 223, 232 Grub, see Grob Gruber, Kriiber, 15, 16, 27, 65, 74,5157 8150887 94,099, 120 nos 215, 224, 226, 272, 314, 325, 373, 380, 381, 382, 392, 393, 394, 424, 426, 429 Gruger, Grucher, see Kruger Gruscher & Grucher, see Kruger Gumbert, see Kumbert Gumrein, 222 Guth, Gut, Good, 24, 29, 92, 105, 110, 129, 153, 214, 220, 248, 265, 274, 317, 374, 376, 379, Guthlorret, 362 Haas, Has, 71, 73, 76, 83, 88, 99, 102, 133, 186, 193, 241, 312, 317, 321 Habach, 154, 220 Hackman, Hackeman, Hockman, Index to Tohickon Church Records Hickman, Huckman, 79, 91, 112, 138, 163, 220, 228, 230, 232, 233, 235, 237, 238, 242, 247, 251, 252; 253, 255, 258, 262, 264, 267, 278, 293, 301, 306, 404 Haff, 6 Haffner, Hafner, 127, 265, 314 Hager, Heager, Hagar, Heger, 174, 185, 192, 193, 196, 199, 204, 205, 206, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 231, 232, 250, 252, 257, 259, 260, 262, 278, 286, 291, 294, 296, 301, 305, 307, 308, 325, 417, 431 Hahn, 85, 94, 95, 119, 120, 121, 122, 126, 130, 267, 313 Haine, Hein, 285, 313 Haldeman, Haldaman, Holdaman, Huldeman, Holdman, Holder- man, 222, 228, 229, 236, 241, 248, 253, 254, 255, 256, 258, 260 Haller, see Heller Haman, Hamman, Hahman, 71, 74, 81, 86, 94, 101, 105, 108, 111, 117, 213, 214, 215, 308, 358 Hammerrich, 65 Hamssing, 250 Hand, 428 Hankmeister, 403 Hanna, 349 Hanscheld 39 Hansel, Hensel, 358, 366 Happel, 93 Harbaugh, 7, 29, 41, 43, 44, 45, 53, 60 Haring, see Hering Harley, 228, 231 Harpel, see Herbel Harris, 253 Hart, 349 Hartley, 243 Hartman, Hartmann, Harth- man, 90, 123, 126, 130, 131, 136, 455 148, 150, 166, 168, 171, 175, 178, 179, 181; 182; 185, 187, 191, 193, 194, 197, 199, 202, 204, 206, 208, 209, 210, 211, 216, 220, 221, 223, 225, 226, 227, 238, 239, 243, 245, 248, 250, 251, 254, 256, 260, 261, 262, 264, 273, 277, 286, 288, 291, 294, 296, 298, 303, 305, 306, 307, 316, 317, 321, 329, 331, 332, 334, 335, 362, 366, 403, 412, 430, 432 Hatrig, see Hedrick Hartzel, see Herzel Harwick, Herwick, Harwig, 70, 176, 177, 178, 183, 223, 228, 277, 278, 287, 297 Hatch, 382 Hau, 407 Hauch, Haug, 67, 81, 213 Haupt, (Houpt), 147, 156, 218, 287, 385, 389, 394 Hauser, Hausser, Heiser, Houser, 113, 154, 167, 213, 214, 215, 221, 222, 309, 395 Hauskeper, Hausgeber, &c., see Housekeeper Hausknecht, 266 Hausman, Hausemann, 100, 236, 364, 369, 391 Hauswirt, 84, 98, 110, 113, 215 Hay, Hey, Hoy, 84, 85, 216 Heacock, Haycock, Hegack, Hec- kock, Hecock, 218, 224, 225, 231, 232, 234, 236, 244, 249, 286, 804, 417, 419, 430, 438 Heany, Heney, Henig, Hoenig, Heny, Honig, Henny, 18, 67, 68, 73, 77, 78, 119, 130, 139, 152, 156, 158, 161, 168, 169, 171, 173, 177, 181, 182, 185, 188, 191, 192; 195, 197, 201, 206, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 248, 250, 256, 264, 4560 265, 269, 272, 274, 275, 278, 284, 298, 303, 305, 311, 314, 315, 318, 319, 320, 322, 324, 330, 333, 334, 335, 362, 367 Hechler, 260, 264 Hecht, 254 Heck, 314 Hecker, 3, 21, 29 to 38, 64, 65, 76, 77, 87, 97, 100, 104, 110, 115, 116, 117, 118, 212, 265, 308 Hedman, Headman, MHetman, Heutman, 244, 248, 259, 303, 396, 423, 426, 427, 438, 439, 440 Hedrick, Hetrick, Hedrich, Hed- drich, Hedderrich, Hatrig, Heterich, Hetrich, Hederich, CUAELO Saya ouolsnoOs PEs, mlids 119,/135,149,/153, 1595,160, 173, 190, 194, 207, 223, 224, 228, 235, 238, 239, 240, 242, 244, 245, 250, 253, 254, 258, 260, 261, 263, 271, 279, 285, 291, 292, 293, 304, 305, 307, 311, 324, 330, 331, 334, 335, 378, 423 Heebner, 261 Heest, 335 Hefel, 418 Heffelfinger, 217, 283, 285 Heffert, 167 Heffner, Hafner, 254, 260, 265 Hefler, see Hofler Hefeltrager, 277 Heft, Hefft, 83, 152, 158, 163, 207, 218, 220, 221, 225, 230, 244, 270, 272, 274, 282, 314, 315, 326, 327, 403 Hege, see Henge Hegeman, 93, 108, 214 Hehl, Hell, Holl, 72, 74, 141, 312 Hein, see Haine Heinman, 194 Hafener, 253, The Pennsylvania-German Society. Heintz, Heins, Hons, 65, 67, 72, 101, 256, 360 Heiser, see Hawser Heisler, Heissler, Hustler, Heist- ler, 56, 61, 222, 244 Heist, 196, 215, 230, 233, 238, 240, 246, 262, 277, 286, 292, 420, 427 Heister, Hiester, 48, 65 Helfenstein, 61 Helfert, 212 Helffrich, 32, 59 Hell, see Hehl Hellebach, 145 Heller, Haller, 6, 71, 72, 76, 78, 83, 90, 93, 94, 96, 99, 100, 102, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 114, 116, 117, 122, 133, 134, 139, 157, 159, 164, 180, 216, 217, 224, 225, 227, 228, 231, 248, 244, 265, 266, 282, 285, 311, 312, 313, 332, 334, 369, 381, 412, 416, 419, 427, 438 Helm, 104 Helmuth, 354 Hendel, 50, 59 Hending, 123 Hendricks, Hendrick, Hendrich, Henricks, 194, 224, 227, 229, 230, 231, 235, 246, 251, 253, 258, 260, 262, 285, 288, 290, 335 Heny, see Heany Henge, Heange, Heage, Hege, 181, 222, 236, 238, 239, 241, 242, 244, 246, 247, 249, 253, 255, 257, 258, 260, 262, 263, 264, 278, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 290, 293, 294, 296, 300, 302, 328, 328, 329, 331, 332, 333 Henger, Heniger, 286, 315 Henig, see Heany Henn, 213 Henrich, see Henry Henricksen, 222 Index to Tohickon Church Records Henry, Henrich, Hendry, 24, 25, 26, 29, 75, 76, 83, 110, 118, 119, 131, 175, 198, 201, 206, 221, 224, 235, 240, 258, 272, 277, 282, 307, 315, 330, 374, 380, 381, 387, 394, 404 Hensel, see Hansel Hensenring, 265 Herb, 372 Herbst, 380 Herbster, Herpster, 73, 81, 265, 393, 365, 373 Hering, Haring, Hearing, Haer- ing, 70, 71, 81, 97; 180, 229; 239, 248, 260, 261, 280, 303, 306, 360, 363, 365, 366, 367, 380, 397, 400, 436 Herman, 59, 106, 138, 295 Herpel, Herbel, Harpel, 120, 211, 229, 240, 258, 263, 280, 259, 369, 370, 371, 373, 375, 376, 378, 385, 388, 390, 391, 3938, 394, 395, 401, 407, 414, 415, 423, 434, 436 Herpster, see Herbster Herr, 131, 230, 235, 241, 243, 245, 246, 247, 252, 253, 255, 262, 272, 275, 281, 287, 295, 296, 297, 300, 301, 304, 315, 329, 331, 334, 335, 424 Hersch, Hirsch, 99, 213, 215, 316 Herstein, 274 Hert, 127, 215 Herwig, see Harwig Herzel, Hertzel, Hartzel, Hirtzel, Hetzel, 27, 42, 71, 74, 75, 76, 80, 81, 88, 89, 91, 95, 96, 103, 109, 112, 115, 116, 127, 143, 156, 165, 170, 187, 191, 200, 213, 215, 220, 222, 224, 225, 227, 228, 230, 231, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 457 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, 264, 265, 267, 273, 276, 277, 279, 280, 282, 283, 284, 285, 287, 288, 289, 291, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 299, 300, 301, 203, 303, 306, 309, 310, 311, 313, 317, 328, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 361, 366, 382, 383, 385, 390, 391, 406 Herzog, 230 Hess, 81, 84, 85, 100, 111, 214, 224, 272, 275, 309 Hesser, 215 Hetrick ,see Hedrick Heunz (Heutz), 80 Heutman (Hedman?), 396 Hever, 397 Heyniman, 311 Hickman & Huckman, see Hack- man Hieber, 116 Hiestand, Heistand, 235, 256, 263 High (see also Hoch), 244, 247, 249, 263, 256, 257, 259, 260 Hilgard, Hilkert, 227, 364 Hill, 235, 259 Hillebart, 129 Hillegas, Hilligas, Hillages, 248, 249, 250, 253, 261, 276, 291, 295, 335 Hiltebeitel, 242, 331 Himmelright, 280, 299 Hinkel, Hinckel, 148, 152, 156, 169, 209, 218, 220, 264, 270, 307, 369, 370, 376, 377, 384, 386, 392, 394, 395, 397, 398, 400, 406, 412, 415, 418, 420, 424, 436 Hirsch, see Hersch Hirschfield, 170 Hobein, 228 Hobrig, 125 Hoch, (See also High), 213, 241, 247 458 Hockman, see Hackman Hoefler, Hefiler, see Hofller Hoenig, 73, 77, 78, 119, 130, 219, 220, 362, 367 Hoepenny, 360 Hoerner, 388, 391 Hoff, see Huff Hoffeditz, 187 Hoffert, Hoffart, Hoffer, Heffer, 155, 159, 161, 162, 167, 171, 174, 180, 196, 197, 199, 200, 232, 234, 235, 239, 264, 272, 285, 286, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 381, 387, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 396, 398, 399, 401, 418, 420 Hoellebart, 385 Hoffheintz, 78 Hoffman, 39, 78, 86, 88, 91, 130, 216, 228, 233, 241, 245, 309, 316 Hofier, Hoefler, Hefler, 248, 306, 371, 386, 421, 424 Hogland, 218 Holder, 364, 366 Holderman, see Haldeman Holebein, 258 Holl, see Hehl Hollenbush, 238 Hollwein, 212 Honig, Hoenig, see Heany Honinger, 73 Hons, see Heintz Hoot, see Huth Hoover, 247, 248, 249, 289, 293, 303, 304 Horlacker, 264 Horn, 86, 172, 198, 198, 234, 259, 424, 427, 429, 430 Hornecker, 312 Horning, Horing, 229, 257, 261, 403, 407 Horst, 266 Hottle, Huttle, 243, 251, 257 291, 258, The Pennsylvania-German Society. Hotrauf, 244 Housekeeper, Houskieper, Haus- kiper, Hauskipper, Haus- gieber, Hausgeber, 90, 94, 128, 141, 142, 153, 168, 174, 178, 183, 184, 186, 188, 190, 191, 192, 193, 195, 197, 198, 199, 203, 208, 215, 216, 221, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 231, 233, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 255, 257, 258, 264, 274, 275, 279, 284, 285, 288, 289, 292, 294, 295, 297, 299, 307, 309, 318, 320, 332, 334, 362, 363, 393, 405 Housemann, see Hausman Houser, see Hauser Housewerth, Hauswirth, 113, 264 Hoxfort, 214 Hoy, 216 Hubener, Hiibner, Huebner, 217, 247, 254 Huber, Huper (See also Hoover), 68, 70, 72, 118, 122, 183, 134, 137, 188, 139, 151, 153, 157, 199, 217, 218, 230, 232, 244, 256, 269, 270, 276, 282, 289, 314, 315, 330, 333, 364, 367, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 378, 380 Hubler, 367 Huff, Hoff, 216, 218, 306 Hufnagle, 327 Hugh, 184 Hugo, 113, 115 Hugus, 131 Hulde, 213 Huldeman, see Haldeman Hummel, 231, 232 Hummer, 39 Humphrey, 225 Hiingel, 367 Hunsberger, Hunsberg, Hunds- berger, Huntschberger, Hunsch- berger, 145, 149, 151, 203, 217, Index to Tohickon Church Records 220, 226, 228, 233, 235, 236, 238, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 250, 251, 254, 257, 259, 263, 264, 286, 289, 300, 315, 424 Hunsicker, 257, 258, 259, 263, 264, 310 Hunsman, 235 Huppack, 82 Huston, Yewston, 256 Hutchinson, Hutschens, 120, 220 Huth, Hoot, Hut, 71, 76, 79, 88, 107, 213, 214, 223, 235, 240, 246, 250, 259, 261, 264, 280, 291, 292, 305, 329, 331, 335 Huttle, see Hottle Ibans, 359 Iderle, Itterle, Iterli, 98, 368, 377, 414 Iffrich, 248 Ihmig, see Emich Illig, Jellich, 94, 214, 433 Immel, 127, 129, 1385 Ingold, 54, 55, 56, 139, 144, 145, 148, 219, 269, 316 Ingram, 10 Insula, Enswle, 101, 103 Irwing, 18 Issler, 6 Iderlein, Jacoby, Jacobi, Jacobus, 83, 89, 98, 105, 114, 117, 121, 122, 124, 132, 148, 150, 152, 156, 160, 162, UGG TILGT, AT elie. 178179. a So. 195, 196, 199, 204, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 232, 233, 236, 242, 243, 263, 264, 271, 280, 290, 306, 317, 320, 322, 324, 326, 328, 330, 335, 374, 379, 382, 390, 395, 408, 415, 427 Jdeger, Jager, Jerger (Yeager), 61, 87, 244, 249, 294, 309, 433 459 Jamison, Jemison, 27, 223, 376 Jann, John, 96, 215 Jans, 401 Jansen, Janson, see Johnson Jarret (?), 265 Jcekel, (See also Yeakel), 223, 228, 360 Jellich (Illick), 433 Jenkins, 225, 228, 247 Jeradin, see Jordan Jeysser (Doctor), 266 Joehrling, 373, 393 Joerck, (See also George, Jorg & Yoreck), 372, 374 Johe (Yohe), 85, 86 John, see Jann Johnson, Jonsen, Jansen, Janson, 149, 199, 201, 202, 215, 225, 234, 239, 250, 253, 284, 385, 419 Johny, Yohney, 238, 300 Jones, 36, 159, 229, 249, 253, 257, 293, 305 Jordan, Jeradin, Yourdan, 85, 119, 224, 236, 289, 377 Jorg, (See also George & Joerck), 70, 72, 75, 366, 367 Jorger, Joerger, 220, 325, 364 Jost, see Yost Juengst, 39 Juhs, 215 Juncker, 117 Jung, see Young Jungling, 1438, 271 Junkhen, Junghenn, Junghein (Youngken), 65, 66, 366, 382 Just, 260 Kahl (Kohl ?), 267 Kahler, see Keller Kappenberger, see Coppelberger Karl, see Carl Kass, 39 460 Kassel & Kessel, see Cassel Katz, Kotz, 216, 303 Kaufman, Caufman, 167, 222 Kessy & Keensey, see Kinsey Kehm, Keehm, 60, 63, 264 Kieber & Keber, see Keiper Keil, Kehl, 88, 97, 225, 227, 231, 244, 245, 247, 249, 272, 287, 302, 432, 438, 439 Keiper, Kieper, Keiber, Keber, 76, 238, 255, 256, 260, 262, 297, 399, 416 Keller, Kehler, Kéadhler, Geller, SOM LLA ULLAL Oe P20 nee 26s 146, 165, 171, 182, 186, 190, 191, 197, 199, 208, 206, 207, 235, 236, 239, 240, 242, 244, 253, 257, 261, 262, 263, 302, 316, 358, 367, 368, 372, 375, 382, 384, 386, 387, 389, 390, 398, 399, 401, 403, 410, 411, 416, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 429, 431, 433, 434, 485, 486, 437, 439, 440 Kellise, 331 Kelly, 239 Kelmer, see Killmer Kemmel, 80 Kemmer, 131 Kemmerly, 260 Kemp, 314 Kempfer, 310 Kendall, 229 Kennedy, 11 Kenneff, 366 Kepler, 220 Keppel, 213 Kerlin, 236 Kern, 52, 53, 54, 67, 68, 70, 71, 74, 75, 78, 79, 83, 84, 87, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 103, 113, 116, 119, 120, 121, 123, 126, 127, 129, 130, 131, 133, 135, 137, 138, 139, 141, 143, The Pennsylvania-German Society. 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 156, 157, 159, 163, 167, 169, 171,173, 175, 176, 180,181, 190, 192, 194, 196, 202, 205, 213, 217, 219, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 231, 234, 237, 239, 242, 243, 246, 247, 248, 251, 253, 259, 260, 265, 267, 269, 270, 272, 277, 280, 282, 284, 287, 288, 294, 295, 299, 300, 308, 305, 306, 308, 311, 312, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 324, 325, 326, 327, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 365, 369, 401, 414 Kerney, 222 Kerr, Kehr, 227, 229, 419 Kesler, 273 Keyser, see Geiser Kichlein, Kiichlein, Kechlein, Kichline, Kachline, Kiglein, 67, 74, 95, 116, 121, 157, 160, 163, 169, 171, 178, 182, 184, 188, 197, 220, 226, 227, 228, 234, 259, 268, 277, 293, 306, 312, 315, 316, 317, 320, 321, 324, 325, 330, 359, 388, 389, 402, 407, 409, 411 Kidney, Kydney, Kidny, 200, 202, 238, 234, 241, 277, 290, 294, 327, 330 Kiefer, Kieffer, Kiffer, Keefer, Kiiffer, Kifer, Kueffer, 62, 72, 9855115, 22655129 1335135 e136, 142, 154, 166, 172, 176, 180, 186, 191, 213, 218, 272,273, 279, 318, 314, 315, 320, 402 Kiel, see Kell Kilamin, 375 Kilian, 343 Killmer, Kilmer, Kelmer, 173, 211, 258, 273, 306, 307, 322, 399, 414, 425 Index to Tohickon Church Records Kindig, 242, 246, 247, 253, 261, 264 King, (See also Koenig), 244, 247, 251, 258, 259 Kinsey, Kiensy, Keensey, Keesy, 229, 232, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 254, 259 Kirch, 71 Kittleman, Kettleman, 77, 215, 247 Klages, 138 Klee, 264 Klein, Kline, 79, 92, 96, 103, 107, 114, 117, 126, 182, 213, 214, 227, 236, 237, 242, 243, 245, 247, 250, 253, 255, 256, 257, 264, 277, 288, 298, 302, 303, 315, 334, 362, 411, 439 Kleinkoof, 264 Klemens, see Clemens Kleson, 263 Klingel, 392 Klinker, Klincker, Klinger, Klen- ger, Klenchard, Klenckhart, Klinckhard, Klincker, 4, 81, 84, 104, 106, 116, 120, 134, 136, 138, 142, 143, 155, 159, 164, 168, 209, 216, 218, 219, 220, 287, 241, 246, 270, 290, 311, 312, 314, 315, 388, 392, 402, 422, 429, 430, 438, 439 Klos, 257 Kloten, 3 Klotz, 222 Klup, see Kolb Knauss, Knaus, 88, 251, 344 Knecht, 88, 93, 107, 109, 111, 117, 1$15-21455216,03810 5311 Knepple, Kneppli, 380, 386, 387, 389 Knerr, 370 Knodler, 83 Knotel, 363 461 Kob (Kolb ?), 107, 401, 405, 406 Kober, see Cober, Cover Koch, 29, 35, 39, 76, 90, 96, 113, 115, 173, 176, 183, 190, 215, 222, 224 239, 240, 243, 263, 279, 310, Bll soe Kochlein, see Kichlein Kocker, Kocher, Kucker, Kock- ert, Gooker, Gucker, Cooker, 18, 79, 82, 86, 90, 91, 110, 181, 194, 215, 245, 249, 252, 254, 260, 262, 273, 286, 296, 301, 309, 310, 335 Koder, Koter, Kohder, Kother, Coder, 70, 124, 180, 182, 183, 184, 187, 226, 227, 232, 265, 368, 373, 376, 377, 378, 380, 381, 384, 389, 410, 414, 418, 421 Koenig, Konig, (See also King), 82, 88, 91, 92, 94, 103, 122, 125, 251, 378, 382, 387, 402, 407, 408, 410, 413, 418, 420, 429, 436, 438, 439 Koffel, Coffel, 179, 217, 223, 224, 247, 240, 241, 246, 252, 398, 435, 438 Rohh @Kahl, (127, 181723 7.367. 358 Kohler, Koehler, 372, 380, 381, 385 Kohr, 253 Kolb, Kolp, Kulp, Culp, Colp, 69, 72, 73, 78, 104, 108, 149, 152, 153, 159, 177, 180, 186, 187, 190, 195, 198, 224, 227, 228, 229, 234, 247, 239, 253, 257, 259, 260, 262, 263, 268, 271, 287, 289, 291, 293, 294, 296, 322, 324, 326, 328, 330, 333, 427, 429, 435 Koonser, Kuhnser, Kunzer, Coon- ser, 228, 230, 238, 242, 249, 285, 301 Kahler, 153, 462 Koop, 221 Kopley, Copley, 288, 437 Koppelberger, see Coppelberger Kork, 240 Kotz, see Katz Kraft, 250 Kram, Kramm, Cramm, Crame, Cran, Greim, Kraem, 199, 226, 229, 233, 262, 283, 439 Kramer, Kremer, Kreamer, Kreimer, Cramer, Creamer, Craemer, 27, 70, 73, 85, 100, 140, 151, 157, 160, 165, 178, 180, 182, 183, 186, 196, 201, 206, 209, 211, 219, 220, 224, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 235, 236, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 246, 248, 250, 251, 253, 255, 258, 259, 260, 264, 269, 271, 276, 283, 289, 291, 298, 296, 297, 302, 305, 307, 309, 361, 363, 364, 365, 366, 368, 369, 370, 371, 874, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383, 384, 388, 389, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 397, 399, 401, 402, 404, 405, 407, 408, 409, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 437, 438, 439, 440 Krantz, 310 Kratz, 248, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 261, 262, 253, 283 Kratzer, Cratzer, 108, 156 Kraut, Krout, Craut, Crout, 73, 168, 173, 225, 226, 230, 237, 246, 247, 248, 249, 263, 283, 305 Kraus, Craus, 108, 387, 399 Krauthamel, Krauthammel, Krouthammel, Krouthamel, Crouthammel, Crauthammel, Crouthamer, Grauthamel, 124, The Pennsylvania-German Society. 132, 176, 180, 181, 185, 190, 193, 194, 195, 199, 201, 208, 204, 205, 211, 218, 223, 225, 233, 237, 247, 249, 263, 289, 298, 308, 305, 373, 374, 375, 377, 379, 392, 386, 394, 397, 398, 402, 406, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 412, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 421, 423, 424, 426, 427, 428, 429, 480, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 437, 488, 4389 Kreling, 34 Krether, Kreuter, Crether, 110, 227, 265 Krier, 264 Kries, 263 Kroll, see Croll Kroman & Krohman, see Groman Krone, 65 Kroner, Kronau, 158, 363 Krop & Krob, see Grob Krout, see Kraut Krouthouse, 201 Kruber, see Gruber Krunckschreck, 91 Kruger, Gruger, Grucher, Gruscher, 65, 127, 213, 376, 379, 384 Krupp, 251, 262 Kuchlein, see Kichlein Kuffer, see Kiefer Kuhl, 39 Kuhn, 84 Kuhnser, Kunser & Kunzer, see Koonser Kulp, see Kolb Croner, 146, Kumbert, Kumpert, Gumbert, 104, 117, 266, 267, 310 Kunius, 223 Kunrat, see Conrad Kuntz, Kuns, 75, 222 Kurtz, 70, 260 Index to Tohickon Church Records Labach, Laubach, 83, 98, 110, 151, 214, 215, 310 Labbar, 360 Labborn, 359 Ladenmacher, 78 Laderich, 271 Laffer, see Lauffer Lahr, see Lehr Lambach, 131, 156, 170, 299 Lambart, Lambert, 251, 380, 385, 389 Lampel, 372 Lander, 109, 181 Landes, Landis, 212, 224, 229, 230, 231, 233, 235, 236, 237, 239, 243, 244, 245, 247, 250, 251, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264 Lands, 363 Lang, Long, Lange, 48, 86, 101, 125, 129, 184, 136, 137, 142, 148, 154, 159, 162, 213, 218, 263, 265, 266, 272, 278, 319, 321, 360, 372, 377, 379, 380, 383, 384, 388 Langdale, 324 Langsdorf, 109 Lantz, Lentz, 43, 65, 87, 92, 98, tha hy Lap, 233 Larkins, 257 Laubach, see Labach Lauder, Lauter, 213, 271, 360 Lauffer, Laffer, Lafer, Leifer, $1, 97, 110; 258 Laudenschlager, Lautenschlager, 34, 374 Laux, Loux, Lauks, 80, 112, 116, 122, 124, 125, 129, 130, 182, 133, 141, 142, 148, 159, 166, 169, 172, 175, 178, 180, 181, 185, 190, 193, 195, 196, 199, 207, 208, 211, 213, 216, 221, 226, 227, 232, 233, 236, 463 242, 247, 250, 251, 253, 255, 256, 257, 263, 269, 270, 279, 281, 290, 294, 296, 298, 299, 304, 312, 314, 316, 317, 319, 327, 329, 330, 332, 333, 365, 366, 380, 385, 398, 399 Lawall, Lowall, 93, 97, 215 Layenberger, 101 Lear, see Lehr Leatherman, Lederman, 65, 233, 250, 253, 254, 255, 256, 258, 259, 262, 305 Leichleiter, Legleiter, Lechlei- ber, Leibleiter, 89, 107, 120, 130, 386 Lechner, Lechler, 226, 284, 334 Lederach, 79, 309 Lee, see Leh Lefeber, 84, 91, 107, 309 Leh, Lehe, Lee, Lyh, Lay, 90, 118, 120, 122, 124, 125, 131, 132, 133, 135, 136, 137, 188, 141, 143, 149, 156, 164, 220, 258, 259, 269, 270, 285, 301, 311, 314, 386, 390, 400 Lehr, Laehr, Leer, Lear, Lahr, Lohr, Loéher, 74, 75, 76, 80, 83, 90 92, 96, 99, 100, 102, 106, 109, 114, 120, 125, 127, 133, 135, 141, 142, 146, 213, 214, 218, 230, 232, 265, 312, 313, 402, 403 Leibgeb, Leibkeipy, Leitcoep, Leidkep, Leipkeib, Leibkeipi (Lightcap), 66, 78, 88, 98, 104, 105, 106, 112, 118, 215, 216, 389, 398, 401 Leidy, Leyde, Leydy, Leydi, Leide, Ludi, Leidig, 46, 84, 97, 110, 137, 148, 150, 153, 167, 172, 185, 188, 189, 195, 200, 204, 213, 217, 218, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 230, 231, 232, 234, 235, 236, 244, 246, 248, 250, 252, 254, 256, 257, 464 258, 260, 262, 264, 273, 279, 280, 282, 286, 287, 290, 294, 295, 300, 303, 304, 305, 307, 312, 313, 315, 329, 332, 334, 335, 367, 377, 401, 411, 414, 420 Leifer, see Lauffer Leil, 74 Leinberger, 217 Leisinring, 87 Leister, Liester, 192, 222, 245, 250, 277, 286, 385, 430 Lemme, 6, 52, 54, 57 Lengert, 254, 255 Lentman, 247 Lentz, see Lantz Leny, 249 Leopold, Lipold, Libold, 78, 88, 95, 102, 3638 Lerch, 76, 83, 85, 94, 97, 98, 99, 107, 113, 132, 266, 311 Lessig, Lassig, Lésig, Lesig, 176, 194, 277, 281, 373, 374, 378, 384, 404, 409, 411, 413, 415 Lester (Leister ?) 180, 240 Levi, 246, 250, 292, 331 Lewis, Luis, Luhs, 11, 177, 179, 188, 209, 222, 225, 226, 227, 230, 232, 238, 240, 245, 246, 252, 254, 262, 263, 277, 292, 295, 302, 395, 398 Libold, see Leopold Lincker, 132 Lindenschmidt, Lineschmit, 67, 21-995, 76, 124, (150, 172, 283; 309, 312 Linder, 263 Lines, 250 Linn, see Lunn Lischy 12 Lishkik 372 Litzeberger, Litzenberger, Liche- berger, 150, 172, 183, 386, 399 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Lizel, 344, 345, 357, 364, 367, 368 ‘Loch, Lock, 89, 110, 119, 122, 132, 302, 357, 358, 374 Loh, Low, 214, 251, 277, 283 Lohr, Loehr, see Lehr Lohra, Lorah, 75, 85, 119 Long, see Lang Longeneker, Longenecker, 192, 228, 232 Lot (Ott ?), 19, 20 Loyd, 218 Lorentz, 48 Luck, see Lock Ludi, see Leidy Ludwig, Ludwich, 210, 388, 406, 410, 417, 420, 422, 426, 427, 431, 432, 433, 484, 438, 440 Lukens, 259, 294 Lunn (Linn), 290, 397 Lup, 243 } Luther, 440 Lutz, 82, 110, 116, 138, 145, 147, 162, 170, 178, 196, 199, 201, 214, 223, 244, 250, 275, 296, 308, 310, 335, 398, 400, 402, 403, 405, 408, 409, 410, 412, 414, 415, 416, 420, 422, 423, 426, 427, 431, 434, 435, 436, 437, 488, 439 Luz (Lutz), 364, 365, 370, 374, 375, 376, 379, 383, 385, 388, 389 Maas, 225 Mack, Mag, 92, 216 Mackel, see Magel Madery, 223 Magel, Makel, Meckel, Mackel, (See also Maugel), 122, 140, 157, 163, 169, 170, 175, 176, 180, 183, 185, 186, 221, 229, 233, 234, 277, 279, 280, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 363, 378, 395, 419, 421, 423, 424, 425, 427, 428, 433, 439 Index to Tohickon Church Records Mager, 89 Mahler, 379, 381 Maier, see Mayer Maisch, 91 Malter, 270 Manderbach, 838, 102, 110, 214, 216 Mangel (Maugel ?), 211, 286 Mann, Man, 7, 89,93, 106, 239, 248, 256, 260, 274, 310, 311, 338, 389, 415 Many 82 Marckert, 92 Marckley, 290 Margold, 287 Maringer, 196 Markel, see Merkel Martin, 223, 260, 364, 366 Mars, 298 Marsch, 96, 101, 103, 110 Marshal, 220, 237 Marsteller, Masteller, 135, 417 Marz, 66, 214 Masomer, Mesemer, Missmer, Messimer, Messmer, Mesmer, 119, 127, 158, 163, 166, 194, 209, 221, 230, 267, 274, 278, 314, 327, 361, 376, 384, 397, 400, 403 Mast, 158, 168, 206, 249, 274, 287, 381, 385, 418, 426, 429, 440 Master, 233 Matthias, Matheis, Mathes, 273, 413, 423 Maugel, (See also Mangel, Magel), 175, 202, 236, 239, 242, 250, 253, 255, 258, 266, 285, 289, 290, 294, 297, 299, 301, 302, 304, 332, 334 Mauk, 258 Maurer, 65, 230, 246, 271, 283, 295, 368, 369 idayer, Mayor, Meyer, Mayers, Maier, Mager, (See also Moyer 465 & Myers), 39, 77, 86, 93, 97, 98, 121, 122, 134, 142, 149, 151, 153, 154, 157, 160, 177, 179, 188, 194, 195, 196, 199, 201, 204, 212, 216, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 259, 274, 275, 284, 285, 298, 300, 316, 317, 318, 326, 328, 330, 335, 264, 365, 367, 371, 377, 378, 383, 385, 388, 405, 411, 417, 436 McCarmel, 92 McCarty, 225 McCrea, 11 McDonald, 269 McFarlin, 215 McMollen, 327 McQua, 406 Means, Miens, 215, 229, 246 Megley, see Mickley Meile, 333 Meiser, 260 Meisler, 302 Meixel, 86, 91, 93, 94, 213, 214 Melcher, Melchior, 81, 83, 90, 114, 310, 313 Melich, 101 Mellinger, Melinger, 215, 268 Melona, 322 Meloth, 78 Melvin, 82, 98 Menger, 127 Menninger, Mininger, 91, 95, 239 Mensch, 85 Merkel, Markel, Merckle, Merck- el, 60, 79, 97, 149, 200, 201, 204, 214, 222, 224, 231, 235, 237, 239, 240, 243, 249, 262, 266, 274, 294, 306, 309, 331, 333, 335, 338, 421, 422, 423, 424, 427, 437 A466 Mertz, 309 ' Mesenheimer, 372 Messimer, see Masomer Messer, 68, 82 Metz, 240 Metzger, 158 Metzler, 266 Meyer, see Mayer Meyner, 86 Michel, Michael, see Mitchell Michener, 243 Micklaus (Nicholas ?), 304 Mickley, Mickly, Mikly, Megly, Micky, Mickle, Mickli, Miickle, 35, 125, 146, 155, 157, 187, 189, 197, 199, 202, 208, 205, 207, 227, 232, 233, 237, 252, 277, 287, 300, 322, 328, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 383, 385, 387, 395, 398, 416, 418, 430 Mients, see Means Mies, Mees, Mess, 242, 290, 364 Mieson, Misson, Myson, 256, 258, 412, 422, 439 Mill, Mile, 99, 106, 114, 120, 123, 127, 128, 134, 153, 199, 214, 233, "260; 271; 273; 312; 318, 370 Millan, 288 Miller, Millar, 37, 169, 194, 202, 210, 211, 222, 223, 228, 230, 233, 234, 237, 238, 239, 242, 244, 249, 259, 277, 282, 289, 305, 306, 324, 348, 350, 400, 418, 420 Miliner, 216 Miltaun, 372 Miltz, 321 Miner, 170 Mininger, see Menninger Minsinger, 257 Mitchell, Michel, Michael, 80, 83, 91, 97, 114, 115, 128, 134, 225 Mitman, Mittman, Midman, 81, The Pennsylvania-German Society. 100, 140, 143, 146, 148, 154, 161, 183, 185, 187, 188, 191, 197, 199, 202, 205, 207, 211, 212,218, 227, 231, 238, 239, 247, 249, 255, 259, 262, 271, 276, 278, 287, 290, 291, 294, 298, 313, 314, 322, 323, 326, 327, 372, 389 Mirsenheimer, 80 Mofflin, 378 Mofile, Muffle, 138, 155 Mohrhead, Morhard, 153, 316 Moll, (See also Mull), 261, 304, 330, 333 Mollmer, 267 Moore, More, Moor, Mohr, Mor, 85, 87, 207, 209, 242, 246, 258, 260, 263, 304, 330, 434, 435 Morris, Moriz, 231, 393 Morrison, 213 Motz, 26 Mory, Morey, 92, 96, 105, 112, 267 Moyer, (See also Mayer), 15, 63; 242, 244, 248, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 269, 301, 308 Mozer, 120 Muenchinger, 253, 259 Muhlenberg, 338, 340, 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 351, 354 Mull, Muhl, (See also Moll), 127, 128, 380 Muller, Mueller, Moeller, 39, 65, 70, 76, 77, 78, 90, 94, 96, 102, 108, 107, 112, 114, 116, 124, 213, 215, 252, 266, 303, 304, 309, 373, 410 Mumbauer, Mombauer, Mum: bower, 109, 167, 195, 200, 203, 205, 206, 231, 233, 236, 237, 240, 248, 249, 285, 289, 298, 335 Murphy, Murphi, 236, 246, 283 Minchinger, 252, Index to Tohickon Church Records Miisse, 267 Musselman, Muselman, 240, 243, 251, 256, 257, 260, 262, 263, 305 Muth, 151, 153, 161, 164, 166, 183, 201, 219, 220, 239, 385, 399, 403, 423, 425, 427, 428, 429, 431, 435 Myson, See Mieson Nace, Nase, Nass, Nais, Nees, Neis, Nes, Ness, Nehs, Neiss, Nyce, Nice, Niess, Neess, Naes, 72, 94, 114, 139, 142, 145, 148, 151, 156, 160, 164, 181, 189, 196, 199, 212, 220, 221, 222, 225, 226, 227, 229, 238, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 253, 254, 255, 256, 262, 263, 268, 270, 272, 294, 295, 300, 303, 307, 316, 318, 322, 332, 361, 365, 366, 367, 368, 370, 371, 373, 374, 376, 380, 391, 383, 384, 390, 392, 393, 397, 399, 400, 402, 404, 416, 422, 432 Nagel, Negel, 67, 82, 89, 97, 99, 102, 106, 122, 124, 136, 270, 312, 315, 359, 371, 411 Nagley, Negley, 118, 122, 127 Nash, 229, 232, 261 Needler, 227 Neelig, 105, 220 Neff, 310 Neid, 168 Neisler, Neischler, Neiceler, Neis- li, Neisle, Neisal, 160, 276, 389, 392, 394, 395, 401, 403, 406, 421, 439 Nepper, 171 Nest, 422 Neveling, 46, 53 Newhard, Neyhard, 35, 85, 113, 213 Newkomer, Newkommer, New- comer, 98, 247, 249, 250, 251 407 Newman, see Niemand Nice, see Nace Nicholas, Nickolas, Necolaus, Nicholas, Nicolai, Niclas, Ni- cola, Nicholaus, 66, 70, 172, 185, 218, 248, 262, 273, 312, 331, 358, 378, 379, 380, 391, 382, 383, 384, 387, 388, 389, 390, 394, 395, 396, 400, 401, 407, 411, 433, 435, 437, 438, 439, 440 Niederrauer, 230 Niemand, Niemann, Niemant, Niemandt, Newman, 65, 67, 69, 72, 73, 75, 88, 92, 95, 100, 114, 119, 132, 242, 311, 313, 370, 381, 384, 386, 388, 398, 401 Nolten, 131 Noss, see Nuss Nunamaker, Nunnemaker, Nun- maker, Nounemacher, Nune- umacher, 98, 123, 183, 192, 229, 251, 253, 254, 259, 266, 274, 277, 291, 293, 301, 359, 360, 361, 363, 366, 370, 371, 375, 376, 378, 412, 413, 414, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 425, 427, 428, 430, 438, 439, 440 Nungresser, kesser, Nungd&sser, 189, 239, 428 Nuss, Noss, 70, 362 Nusspickel, 157, 226, 371 Nungrasser, Nun- LL Ger oDe Oberbeck, Overpeck, Overbeck, 89, 91, 99, 100, 101, 105, 110, 112, 113, 115, 164, 265, 325, 383 Oberholzer, Overholzer, Over- holtz, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 235, 236, 238, 241, 250, 251, 252, 253, 256, 258, 259, 260 Oberle, 84, 99, 114, 116, 310 Oberlin, 89 468 Obermiller 349 Oblinger, 212 Obrest, Obrist, 234, 333 O’Daniel, O’Daniel, Dennel, Odon- nel, O’Donnel, 159, 225, 324, 378, 394, 404 Odenweilder, Oldenwalter, Oden- walder, 77, 82, 91, 215 Oedinger, see Edinger Oehmig, see Emig Oel (Ohl), 27, 240 Offerbach, (See also Aflerbach), 216 Oerter, 129 Olp (Opp ?), 226 O’Neal, 106 Opp, 307 Orr, 246, 255 Orth, Ort, 132, 145, 153, 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 180, 184, 224, 268, 274, 319, 320, 324, 377, 378, 385, 395, 399, 412 Ott, (see Lot), 19, 20, 21, 67, 72, 74, 76, 77, 81, 89, 106, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 127, 132, 135, 136, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 233, 235, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 248, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, 256, 257, 259, 260, 263, 266, 268, 270, 273, 375, 278, 280, 282, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 294, 297, 300, 303, 305, 307, 308, 311, 312, The Pennsylvania-German Society. 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 373, 381, 382, 385, 386, 387, 388, 391, 394, 396, 397, 398, 399, 402, 403, 404, 405, 413, 418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 427, 429, 431, 432, 433, 434, 439 Ottenin, (See also Uttenne), 143, Otto, 119, 132 Oulen, 82 Owen, 115 Pader, see Bader Paff, 223, 278, 307 Panter (Bender ?) 311 Pannebecker, Pannenbecker, Panebecker, 69, 72, 95, 117, 121, 212, 260, 282, 286, 311, 312, 313 Pannekuchen, Pfannekuchen, 359, 363 Parish, 38 Paul, Pauli, 148, 270, 274, 370, Siyal Paulicher, 93 Pax ?, 214 Pears ?, 235 Pedmann, 364 Person, see Berson Pfeifer, Peiffer, 113, 149, 214, 228, 265, 269 Pfeil, Peil, Pile, 27, 101, 106, 129, 137,139) 1492167, 270. Lis: 175, 195, 218, 225, 273, 313, 314, $15, 322, 323, 327, 387, 396, 398 Peisch, 372 Peixoto, 298, 302, 356 Pelz, 228 Pemberton, 9 Penner, see Benner Penrose, 299 Penter, see Bender Index to Tohickon Church Records Pepper, 282 Peter, 263 Petringer, 366 Pettit, 218 Phillip, Phillips, Philips, Philip, Philipp, 107, 127, 129, 158, 160, 214, 221, 264, 361, 365, 370, 372, 378, 374, 382, 390, 393, 395 Phillis (Negro woman), 274 Phuhl (Pfeil ?), 214 Pierson, see Berson Pile, see Pfeil Pilger, 223, 372 Pleem, 232 Pohk, 39 Pomp, 8, 35, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 144, 145, 151, 219, 270, 317 Popp, see Babb Pottler (Butler ?), 212 Premauer, see Bremauer Preston, 254 Price, Prise, 227, 228, 237, 255, 261 Prinz, 375 Ptolma, Ptolemay, see Bartholo- mew Pyse, Pysy, 386, 390, 392, 393 Quitman, 354 Raber, 91 Race, 281 Radelein, see Roédelein Rapp, 37, 163, 268, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 357, 363, 368, 371, 372, 436, 437 Raser, see Reser Rath, 229 Rathgeb, 5 Ratzel, Rotzel, Razel, 158, 175, 176, 178, 181, 183, 184, 189, 210, 221, 222, 225, 239, 241, 243, 247, 469 252, 261, 285, 302, 332, 334, 335, 387, 396, 407 Rau, Rauh, Row, 71, 74, 90, 153, 278, 360, 369, 373, 375 Raub, 86 Rauch, 78, 94, 137, 310 Raudebusch, see Roudenbush Rauss, 338, 339, 340 Rebert, 367 Rech, Reck, 146, 185 Redling, 362 Reed, Read, Reit, Reith, Riedt, Rieth, Ried, 23, 158, 160, 218, 220, 226, 234, 238, 245, 274, 280, 283, 296, 300, 313, 316, 317, 333, 381, 389, 396, 429 Reeder, Reder, Reider, Réder, Roeder, 84, 86, 93, 98, 210, 245, 261, 332 Rees & Reese, see Riess Reichman, 213 ; Reiff, 205, 238, 239, 242, 245, 252, 261, 301, 307, 331, 334, 335 Reiffschneider, 310 Reimel, 86 Reimer, 36, 180 Reinhard, 80, 236 Reinwald, 224 Reiss, Rice, 163, 214, 247, 317, 321 Reissenbach, 358 Reith, Reit & Reith, see Reed Reiter, 353 Remberg, 102, 116, 213 Remely, 103 Remmy, 79 Remsy, 225 Renner, 36, 65, 69, 74, 84, 113, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 128, 133, 135, 167, 214, 215, 217, 238, 241, 242, 248, 249, 278, 281, 283, 290, 470 291, 305, 308, 311, 313, 329, 331, 3390, 309, ot Rentz, Renz, 119, 365, 367 Reppert, see Rupert Resch, Resh, 70, 99, 117, 133, 165, 188, 194, 195, 198, 202, 208, 215, 218, 223, 225, 227, 233, 266, 272, 276, 283, 314, 315, 322, 323, 326, 329, 406, 423, 425 Resener, see Reser Reser, Resor, Roeser, Rieser, Resner, Resener, 83, 87, 115, 138, 142, 147, 150, 152, 159, 164, 244, 248, 263, 270, 294, 326, 409, 418, 419, 421, 422, 425, 430, 438, 440 Rexer, 88, 91 Reymond, Raymund, 215 Rhoack, Roock, 262, 289, 298 Rice, see Reiss Rich, 228 Richard, 93 Ricker, 428 Rickert, Richert, 108, 216, 249, 251, 256, 261, 263, 311, 368, 419 Riddelmayer, 130, 217 Ridiger, 82 Riegel, Reigel, Rigel, 69, 71, 75, 80, 83, 150, 152, 153, 157, 213, 214, 219, 2738 Riegley, 34 Rieser, see Reser Riess, Rev. John Jacob, 14 to 28, 64, 67, 71, 72, 74, 76 Riess, Rees, Reis, Reese, 69, 70, 89, 148, 147, 227, 235, 242, 245, 256, 259, 275, 284, 286, 291, 292, 295, 312, 313, 314, 315, 329, 332 335, 345, 439 Rieth, Riedt, Rith, Reith, Reit, Read, Reidt, see Reed 105, 113, The Pennsylvania-German Society. Riffert, Rifferd, Reffert, 65, 67, 68, 78, 81, 94, 106, 118, 312, 365, 369 Rinker, Rincker, 77, 97, 174, 199, 232, 238, 234, 235, 274, 287, 326, 328, 329, 332, 334, 432 Rippel, 96, 266, 311 Rith, 434 Ritschy, 99 Rittenhouse, 253, 257 Ritter, 96, 237, 240 Roades, 257 Robel, 361 Roberts, Robert, Robberst, 34, 222, 235, 238, 247, 249, 296, 325 Rodelein, Rothlein, Rodelin, Roedlein, Radelein, 106, 160, 288, 384, 392 Roder, Roether, 237, 309 Rodenberger, 235 Rodt, see Roth Roeller, Roller, 147, 155, 218, 245, 257, 287, 351, 352, 353, 354, 855, 356, 357, 372, 392, 394, 396, 397, 435, 437 Roelofson, 13 Rother, see Roder Roeser, 147 Rogers, 173 Rohl, see Ruhl Rohr, 19, 20, 21, 68, 70, 81, 93, 94, 108, 117, 142, 226, 230, 232, 270, 289, 290, 325, 405, 413 Rohrbach, Roarbach, 348, 349 Rohrer, Roher, 313, 380 Rohrig, 79 Romer, 319, 321 Romert, 126 Rool, see Ruhl rc Roscher, 316 Rose, 48, 49 Rosenberger, Rosenberg, Rosa- Index to Tohickon Church Records berg, Rousenberger, 95, 223, 228, 229, 230, 232, 235, 236, 238, 240, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 251, 255, 256, 257, 258, 261, 263, 264, 290, 298, 304, 306, 326, 399 Ross, Ros, 70, 95, 266 Rossly, Rossle, Roessle, Réssel, G9,-94,°101, 112; 237 Roth, Rode, 68, 70, 71, 74, 81, 106, 115, 128, 129, 133, 137, 140, 141, 146, 152, 154, 169, 172, 173, 182, 186, 190, 192, 195, 217, 221, 229, 231, 236, 245, 252, 261, 263, 264, 267, 270, 292, 311, 313, 319, 320, 322, 324, 325, 342, 348, 344, 357, 361, 362, 363, 374, 410 Rothlein, see Rédelein Rothrock, 221, 222, 225, 252, 404 Rodenbush, Raudenbusch, Raude- bush, Rowdenbusch, 195, 218, 223, 234, 235, 238, 239, 240, 241, 245, 246, 248, 249, 255, 256, 260, 261, 262, 264, 275, 284, 288, 298, 398, 328, 331, 333, 356 Rouse, 296 Row, see Rau Ruch, Ruh, 173, 242, 428 Ruchstele, 288 Rickert, 113 Rudy, Rudi, 124, 179, 245, 253, 257, 260, 295, 296, 307, 367, 393 Rudolph, 68 Rufe, Ruff, Roof, Ruf, 132, 134, 174, 283, 304, 305, 429 Ruffgarten, 215 Ruh, see Ruch Ruhl, Rul, Ruhle, Rule, Rool, Rohl, 67, 73, 87, 96, 98, 100, 121, 124, 125, 131, 183, 146, 149, 151, 152, 163, 170, 175, 181, 184, 193, 203, 218, 241, 243, 246, 267, 270, 273, 274, 275, 284, 293, 303, 471 308, 315, 316, 317, 318, 320, 322, 332, 334, 380, 390, 391, 405, 439 Rumfeld, 180, 280 Rummel, 262 Rupp, 9, 14, 44 Ruppert, Reppert, 75, 124, 219, 373, 384, 386, 390, 393 Rush, 237, 239, 305 Russ, 69 Russel, 244 Ruth, Rooth, 175, 228, 225, 226, 227, 228, 232, 233, 234, 235, 240, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 251, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 263, 272, 273, 283, 310, 329 Rutschy, 84 Sabelktihl, see Savacool Sacreiter, Sackrider, 271, 280 Sain & Sayn, see Sein Salladay, Salliday, Sallady, Sala- day, Sallaty, Sallade, Salade, Sallate, Salate, Salleti, Saleti, Sallete, Salyte, Saledi, Salite, Sallatin, Salatin, Salendin, Salathe, Solliday, Soliday, Solida, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 41, GOmOS mod; mCO thie ome oO: 119, 124, 125, 128, 130, 132, 183, 135, 136, 139, 142, 150, 151, 152, 153, 155, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, LGGH169, 172,01%o, 1iG,dauet Se 183, 184, 185, 187, 188, 190, 192, 193, 195, 198, 200, 203, 204, 205, 208, 213, 216, 218, 219, 220, 222, 223, 225, 227, 229, 231, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 248, 249, 252, 258, 260, 261, 265, 268, 271, 274, 275, 276, 280, 285, 286, 287, 288, 296, 297, 305, 307, 309, 311, 312, 313, 314, 317, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 472 3380, 332, 362, 373, 375, 379, 383, 386, 410, 411, 415, 418, 419, 423, 429, 434 Samby, 227, 257 Sample, 216 Samsel, 161, 163, 275, 286, 397 Sanders, 250 Sands, 43 Sangmeister, see Singmaster Saseman, 262 Satcher, see Thatcher Sauder, see Souder Savacool, Sauercool, Sabelkihl, 199, 228, 237, 238, 245, 261, 417 Sax, see Sox Schaeffer, Shaeffer, Schafer, Schaefer, Schaufer, Schefer, Shaffer, Shaver, Cheffer, Schaf- fer oLoeto Zieh i 2alo.n (Ose cas 85, 90, 92, 95, 98, 100, 101, 102, 104, 113, 114, 116, 119, 120, 124, 126, 128, 158, 178,213, 214, 220, 222, 227, 233, 237, 241, 256, 263, 266, 267, 268, 269, 310, 314, 319, 320, 339, 340, 357, 358, 359, 360, 377, 380, 382, 394, 395, 398, 399, 403, 440 Schambach, 133, 153, 380, 384 Schaner, see Schoener Schantz, Schontz, Shantz, Schans, 210, 214, 230, 248, 253, 254, 435 Scharfenstein, 95 Schaub, Shaub, 78, 98, 104, 105, 106, 129, 143, 152, 154, 2138, 311, 318, 316, 317, 438 Schaumer (Scheimer), 99 Schaydecker, 74 * According to a family sketch by C. The Pennsylvania-German Society. Scheetz, Scheutz, Shiitz, Sheetz, Schutz, 192, 196, 233, 235, 253, 259, 260, 262, 281, 293, 305, 328, 403 Scheib, Sheib, (See also Sheip and Shive)*, 76, 81, 100, 102, 122; 124, 132133) ,134)135)' 136; 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 146, 147, 149, 151, 152, 153, 155, 157, 158, 159, 160, 162, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 174, 176, 178, 181, 182, 183, 184, 187, 188, 191, 193, 194, 195, 216, 217, 218, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 229, 231, 232, 234, 270, 273, 276, 277, 278, 279, 281,312, 313, 314, 316, 317, 319, 320, 321,.322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 375, 379, 381, 389, 395, 398, 408, 412, 417, 419, 420, 424, 425, 426, 427 Scheimer, (See also Scheumer, Schaumer, Schermer, Schir- mer, Sheumer), 82 Schell, Shell, 166, 218, 239, 242 Schellenberger, Shellenberger, Schelenberg, Shelenberg, Shel- berg, Schelleberger, 146, 148, 166, 167, 187, 190, 191, 193, 200, 202, 205, 218, 223, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 232, 236, 237, 239, 240, 242, 245, 247, 250, 254, 255, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 272, 275, 280, 285, 286, 289, 291, 292, 293, 296, 297, 302, 303, 308, 324, 325, 326, 329, 330, 331, 334, 335, 387, 431 Schellhammer, 84 Schellig, 119 I. Kephart, Esq., contained in The Perkiomen Region, Vol. 2, page 7, the Scheib, Sheip and Shive fam- lies are the same and all descendents of John Adam and Caterina Scheib, who arrived in Philadelphia by ship “Molly”, October 17, 1741. Index to Tohickon Church Records Schelly, Shelly, Shelley, 190, 233, 234, 236, 240, 241, 252, 254, 255, 257, 259, 262, 290, 301 Schem, 166 Schemel, Shimel, 248, 359, 360, 372, 373, 374, 381, 385, 390, 393 Schemcher, Schmelcher, 359, 360 Schemler, 373 Schenck, 114 Scherer, Schearer, Sherer, Sher- ry, Schorer, 87, 95, 128, 138, 156, 189, 220, 224, 230, 232, 234, 372, 373, 374, 381, 385, 390, 393 243, 244, 252, 263, 280, 295, 298, 368, 370, 381, 400, 404, 417, 418, 424, 427, 429, 430, 431, 432, 433, 438 Schermer, Shirmer (Scheimer 2), ES a yee Pals Schertlein, 341, 342, 357, 359, 360, 361 Scheuer, 310 Scheumer, Sheumer ert), 51,.86, 267 Schick, Scheick, Schuck, 112, 114, 116, 135, 214, 215, 425, 429 Schiebler, Schiebel, Shibele, 113, Ba eye: Schiel, 392 Schiller, 435 Schipfel, 110 Schissler, Schisser, Schiissler, Shessler, Shissler, Shésler, Shiissler, 134, 170, 171, 177, 202, 204, 218, 236, 241, 257, 276, 277, 290, 291, 300, 302, 327, 329, 334 Schist, 66 Schive, see Shive Schlamb, 257 Schlappich, 78, 97 Schlatter, Schlotter, Slotter, (Scheim- 473 Slutter, Slotter, 2, 7, 8, eo ay 237, 250, 251, 254, 257, 262, 417, 438 Schlauch, 88, 213, 214, 310 Schleif, Scheiff, 70, 74, 81 Scheiffer, Scheifer, Schliver, Sly- ver, 230, 234, 243, 252, 292, 296, 297, 301 Schlegel, 97, 99, 101 Schleppi, 93, 110 Schlicht, Schlight, 233, 283 Schlichter, Slighter, Schlighter, Schleichter, 204, 207, 228, 230, 232, 240, 255, 258, 259, 263, 264, 276, 306, 328 Schlot, 440 Schlucker, 365 Schmeck, Schmieg, 122, 142 Schmelcher, 359 Schmetzer, Schmezer, 109, 364 90, 93, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 115, 125, 154, 166, 215, 216, 267, 269, 309, 312, 316, 318, 359, 364, 366, 375, 387, 389, 407, 412, 414, 416, 417, 418, 420, 421, 422, 424, 428, 429, 433, 438, 439 Schmitt, Schmidt, Schmit, Schmid, (See also Smith), 88, Schmucker, 338 Schmug, 366 Schnabel, Shnabel, Snobel, 189, 193, 226, 231, 257, 262, 415, 429 Schneck, 257 Schneider, Schneiter, Sneider, Sneyder, Shneyder, Snyder, 69, 72, 78, 86, 94, 97, 101, 103, 110, 113, 128, 152, 157, 158, 160, 161, 164, 165, 179, 182, 197, 198, 199, 212, 213, 220, 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 228, 231, 232, 234, 236, 241, 245, 247, 249, 251, 252, 253, 255, 474 257, 259, 279, 287, 297, 298, 310, 313, 359, 362, 365, 370, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 379, 381, 382, 384, 386, 387, 390, 391, 392, 393, 395, 397, 398, 399, 402, 403, 404, 406, 407, 408, 410, 412, 418, 414, 417, 420, 422, 436, 438 Schmelger, 75 Schock, (See also Shuck), 380, 384 Schoener, Schoner, Schaner, 93, 111, 267, 319 Scholl, Sholl, Shull, 76, 85, 86, 89, 97, 100, 107, 109, 111, 112, 204, 205, 214, 217, 225, 226, 229, 232, 236, 237, 238, 239, 243, 244, 245, 247, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 257, 260, 261, 263, 279, 280, 281, 283, 285, 286, 288, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 301, 302, 304, 305, 310, 316, 329, 333, 334, 335, 380, 384, 387, 392 Schopp, see Schupp Schorer, see Scherer Schorz, 89 Schott, 237 ; Schrager, Shrager, 229, 244 Schreiber, 218, 377, 385 Schreiner, 217 Schreyer, Schrier, Schreier, Shrayer, Shrawer, Shreyer, Shreyer, Schwerer, 83, 108, 116, 160, 174, 180, 231, 278, 301, 364, 366, 369, 370, 371, 372, 374, 376, 382, 387, 390, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 400, 405, 407, 408, 411, 414, 426, 427, 436 Schropp, 92 Schuck, Shuck (Schick ?), 78, 84, 135, 223, 314, 315 Schuler, 281 Schultz, Schults, Schiitz, Schuz, The Pennsylvania-German Society. Shultz, 128, 171, 224, 227, 229, 230, 253, 338, 339, 369, 378, 380, 382, 387, 403, 427 Schuman, Schuhman, Schuh- man, Schumann, Shuman, 65, 74, 75, 80, 88, 95, 109, 124, 125, 127, 129, 138, 135, 186, 153, 213, 215, 217, 312, 314, 384, 385 Schupp, Shupe, Schub, Shupp, Shoup, Schopp, Shup, Shaup, 99, 107, 110, 118, 223, 261, 267, 278, 310, 387 Schuz, see Schultz Schwab, 109, 372 Schwartz, Swartz, Schwarz, Swarz, 95, 103, 114, 116, 118, 152, 155, 179, 187, 188, 198, 201, 211, 214, 215, 223, 226, 227, 228, 229, 231, 234, 235, 243, 248, 251, 252, 254, 255, 262, 263, 270, 285, 290, 305, 326, 327, 328, 329, 363, 369, 371, 384, 386, 433 Schwartzlander, Schwarzlander, Swarzlander, 95, 224, 226, 241 Schweigelmeyer, 266 Schweigert, 215 Schweissforth, 316 Schweitzer, 91, 93, 118 Schwenk, Schwinck, Schwenck, Swenck, Swenk, 70, 73, 96, 99, 116, 214, 218, 225, 236, 240, 242, 245, 256, 265, 266, 300, 333, 364, 365, 367 Schwenker, 428 Schwerdtle, 314 Schumacher, Shumaker, 82, 237 Schiitteler, 79 Schwing, Schweng, 362, 363 Seachrist, Seechrist, 261, 306, 308 Sebitz, 83 Sechler, see Ziegler 299, Index to Tohickon Church Records Seams, Sems, Sims, Seem, Sehm, Sem, Seam, Seme, 34, 76, 166, 195, 250, 267, 389, 391, 401, 404, 407, 415, 416, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 426, 427, 428, 439, 440 Sees, Sies, 287, 289, 435 Seger, 83 Segler, see Ziegler Sehr, 401 Seib (Seip), 84, 93 Seibel, see Seipel Seidel, 232 Seiler, Seyler, 91, 95, 213, 293, 366, 371 Sein, Seine, Seyn, Sine, Sayn, Sain, Saine, Zion, (See also Senn), 70, 87, 155, 157, 160, 168, 172, 177, 190, 191, 197, 202, 212, 230, 252, 253, 257, 273, 276, 297, 299, 317, 319, 325, 326, 382, 388, 399, 419, 420, 423, 426 Seipel, Seibel, Seybel, Sibel, Seubel, 67, 74, 97, 110, 119, 129, 170, 174, 201, 214, 222, 223, 235, 240, 251, 257, 266, 277, 287, 289, 291, 309, 311, 312, 329, 333, 360, 364, 366, 367, 368, 371, 375, 377, 379, 381, 384, 386, 390, 393, 395, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 411, 412, 414, 415, 417, 418, 420, 421, 422, 424, 435, 438, 439 Seitz, Seits, 215, 283 Sellers, Seller, Soller, 95, 123, 124, 141, 148, 155, 188, 191, 196, 206, 207, 222, 225, 226, 227, 228, 234, 236, 238, 239, 243, 244, 246, 247, 250, 261, 263, 275, 277, 280, 281, 282, 289, 292, 293, 297, 298, 301, 305, 306, 312, 313, 316, 326, 328, 329, 382, 419 Sells, 137 475 Seltzer, Selzer, Selsor, Zelser, 162, 167, 172, 174, 221, 276, 399 Sendey, 284 Senn, (See also Sein), 59, 60, 61, 144, 145, 164, 166, 197, 221, 236, 242, 249, 271, 285, 288, 303, 322, 328 Server, 229, 237, 279 Setler, 413 Seubel, see Seipel Seyfert, 106 Seyler, see Seiler Shadinger, 250, 255 Shankweiller, 253 Shantz, see Schantz Shanzebach, 231 Shaub, see Schaub Shaup (Schupp ? Ove) ee L1G Sheard, 249, 253, 296 Sheip, Shipe, (See also Scheib & Shive), 194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 233, 237, 238, 260, 280, 282, 285, 288, 292, 297, 307, 328, 329, 331 Sheit (Scheib ?), 264 Shell, see Schell Shellenberger, see Schellenberger Shelly, see Schelly Shepherd, 26 Shepp & Jinny (Colored), 109 Sherer & Sherry, see Scherer Shessler, see Schissler , Sheverel, 93 +} Shibler, 216 Ns Shieler, 263 Shimmel, see Schemel Shive, Schive, Scheive, (See also Scheib & Sheip), 200, 201, 202, 204, 207, 212, 236, 237, 238, 241, 248, 252, 2538, 258, 261, 282, 283, 285, 286, 288, 289, 291, 296, 299, 332, 335 Sholl, see Scholl 476 Shonecker, 281 Shot, 241, 243 Shup & Shupp, see Schupp Shrager, see Schrager Shrayer, see Schreyer Shryver, 237 Shuck, see Schuck Shuler, 278 Shull, see Scholl Shultz, see Schultz Shumaker, see Schumacker Shuman, see Schuman Shurmann, 314 Shutt, 250, 261, 264 Shuty, 108 Shiitz, see Scheetz Siegel, 42, 94, 107, 138 Sigfried, 36, 218, 259, 302 Sigman, 366 Simbel, 215 Simketh, 105, 214, 266 Simon, 316 Sims, see Seems Sine, Sein, Seyn, see Sein Singmaster, Sangmeister, Zang- master, Zangmeister, Zank- meister, 163, 210, 223, 255, 276, 279, 300, 424 Sink, 229 Slighter, see Schlichter Silvius, see Sylvius Sloop, 238, 242, 259, 260, 264, 286, 332 Slotter & Slutter, see Schlatter Slyver, see Schleiffer Smith, (See also Schmitt), 9, 27, 172, 178, 180, 185, 189, 197, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 229, 230, 231, 233, 237, 239, 241, 244, 247, 249, 255, 258, 259, 262, 263, 278, 280, 281, 302, 307, 312, 316, 318, 327, 330, 335, 354, 355 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Snare, Snair, 224, 242 Snobel, see Schnabel Snoufer, 238 Snyder, see Schneider Sold, 249, 253 Soller, see Sellers Solliday, see Salliday Sommers, see Summers Sorber, 66, 107, 109, 218 Sorwer, 252, 256, 258, 261, 293, 294, 295 Souder, Sauder, Sauders, Sow- ders, 222, 223, 224, 228, 229, 231, 233, 237, 238, 245, 248, 254, 255, 256, 258, 259, 263 Sox, Sax, 192, 232 Spangler (Spengler), 12 Spare, 252 Spees, Spies, 176, 190, 235, 263, 282, 284, 325, 329 Specht, 264 Spencer, 9 Spinner, 207, 232, 278 Sponheimer, Sponemer, Spane- mer, 70, 72, 83, 101, 105, 107, 114, 115, 121, 123, 213, 269, 308, 366 Sprague, 353 Springer, 224, 231, 242, 251 Springman, 262 Spruss, 137 Stadel, 85 Stahl, Stoll, 213, 240, 249, 253, 284, 291, 295, 298, 299, 330, 335 Stahler, 291, 293, 294, 307 Stahr, Stehr, Stohr, Steher, Ster (See also Stier), 202, 209, 233, 248, 308, 369, 394, 408, 421 Stamm, see Stem Stang, 231, 232, 276 Starn, Stern, 265, 266 Stattler, 212 Index to Tohickon Church Records Stauffer, Staufer & Stouver, see Stover Staut, see Stout Stautinger, 213 St. Clair, St. Clare, 189, 225 Stebach, 401 Stecher, 91 Steckel, Stoeckel, 213, 388 Steeger, 121 Steely, Stiehle, 212, 396 Stegel, Stiegel, 69, 380 Steibel, 220 Steiber & Stieber, see Stever Stiefer, 245 Stein, 70, 72, 75, 114, 120, 127, 133, 138, 214, 236, 270, 310, 360, 365, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 376, 380, 381, 384, 385, 388, 392, 438 Steinbach (See also Stoneback), 71, 89, 94, 130, 150, 171, 184, 186, 358, 370, 375, 379, 381, 386, 388, 389, 409, 410, 421, 426, 431, 433, 434, 438, 439 Steiner (Sterner ?), 46, 88, 100, 183, 255, 265, 3138, 326 Stelwagen, 236 Stem, Stemm, Stémm, 68, 116, 217, 243 Stenger, Stringer, 26, 28, 82, 100, 115, 131, 132, 136, 187, 312, 315, 365, 369 Sterner, (See also Steiner), 88, 236, 272, 385, 395, 405, 407 Stetzel, 377, 382 Stevens, 289 Stever, Stieber, Steever, Stiber, 78, 112, 161, 169, 212, 248, 275, 280, 295, 373, 376, 380, 388, 392, 400, 411, 416, 417, 424, 431, 439, 440 Sticher, see Stecher 477 Stichler, 243 Stiefel, 245 Stiehl (Stahl ?), 105 Stier, Steehr, Steer (Stahr EBS 89, 91, 169, 234, 305, 361, 390, 394, 396, 402, 403, 406, 411, 438 Stierly, 205, 440 Stocker, 260 Stocekel, see Steckel Stoll, see Stahl Stoller, 77, 98, 116, 120, 132, 313, 314 Stoltz, 215, 237 Stoneback (See also Steinbach), 177, 191, 195, 196, 225, 236, 251, 255, 292, 296, 329 Storr, 364 Stout, Staut, Stoudt, Staud, 32, 34, 69, 72, 76, 120, 134, 137, 139, 146, 147, 150, 153, 156, 158, 160, 162, 163, 164, 167, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 187, 188, 190, 191, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 208, 209, 211, 216, 220, 223, 225, 227, 228, 229, 231, 234, 236, 237, 238, 239, 241, 243, 244, 245, 246, 248, 251, 253, 259, 260, 264, 269, 272, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279, 282, 283, 284, 286, 289, 290, 291, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 303, 304, 305, 306, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 328, 329, 331, 332, 333, 334, 374, 383, 396, 399, 409, 418, 419, 425 Stouter, 360 Stover, Stouver, Stauver, Stout- fer, Staufer, Stauffer, 204, 208, 209, 211, 212, 223, 224, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 234, 238, 240, 241, 244, 246, 247, 248, 250, 254, 478 257, 259, 261, 264, 300, 301, 304, 306, 338, 425, 488, 438 Strahl, 103 Strassberger, Strasberg, 61, 62, 63, 144, 145, 198, 200, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 208, 210, 227, 234, 249, 255, 256, 258, 281, 328 Straub, 2 Strauss, Straus, 159, 252, 372, 376, 280, 384, 385, 387, 389, 390, 393, 401 Strayer, 173 Streber, 75 Strier, 241 Streepy, Striby, 168, 218 Stricker, Strickler, 225, 226, 254, 257 Stroh, 73, 101, 375 Strohschneider, 87, 133 Strom, Strohm, Strum, 73, 173, 176, 188, 200, 222, 235, 248, 244 248, 305, 317, 330, 338, 428 Stroud, 226, 277 Strum, see Strom Strunck, Strunk, 100, 118, 262 Stuber (Stever ?), 65, 66 Stump, Stumpf, Stumpff, Stumb, 85, 90, 96, 132, 148, 146, 155, 156, 168, 175, 185, 186, 189, 192, 195, 198, 205, 208, 220, 222, 228, 274, 276, 304, 317, 318, 362, 384, 389, 395, 396, 398, 413, 423, 424, 428, 429, 431 Stuvert, 331 Sukman, 362 Sumany, 27 Summers, Summer, Sommers, Somer, Sommer, 155, 221, 252, 255, 274, 279, 328, 394, 401 Sutter, 255 Swager, 237 Swartly, Swartley, Swertly, The Pennsylvania-German Society. 226, 231, 232, 235, 239, 243, 248, 249, 251, 252, 254, 255, 256, 258, 260, 261, 264, 265, 283 Swartz, Swarz, see Schwartz Swarzlander, see Schwartzlander Swayer, 201 Swenk, see Schwenk Swenther, 247 Syder, 234 Sylvius, Silvius, 166, 167, 172, 174, 176, 177, 179, 182, 188, 188, 201, 225, 226, 230, 234, 272, 276, 284, 322, 325, 330 Tautfuss, 360 Taylor, 90, 245 Teimans, 359 Teiss, see Deis Temple, 293 Terry, 91 Tesch, see Desch Tettemer, see Dettemer Teuber, 358 Texter & Textor, see Dexter Thacher, Satcher, 292, 300 Thany, see Dani That, 118, 300 Theiss, Theis, Thyes, Teis, Teiss, see Deis Thetesman, see Dedesman Theil & Thiel, see Diehl Thoma, Thoman, 129, 160, 359, 373, 392, 393, 398 Thomas, 88, 207, 214, 228, 241, 246, 249, 250, 255, 261, 286, 294, 304, 405 Thompson, 296 Thomser, 57 Tieter, see Dieter Tingler, 327 Tinsman, see Dienchman Titulon, Titolow, 167, 188, 230 Index to Tohickon Church Records Tobias, 393 Tony, 18 Torn, see Dorn Tosh, Tush, Tesch, see Desch Trach, see Drach Trager (Trauger), 75, 225, 230, 395 Transu, 113 Traut, 414 Treichler, Trechler, 237, 240, 254, 327 Tressler, Tristler, Tristeler, Tris- ler, 165, 177, 184, 201, 283, 291, 308, 329, 330 Trexler, Drexler, 88, 254 Tristle, Trissel, Trissel, Tressel, 225, 231, 236, 252, 255, 262, 421 Trittenbach, see Drittenbach Trollinger, see Drollinger Troxel, Troxell, Traxel, 35, 36, 159, 166, 248, 255, 275, 296, 303 A arl ey Vimy as) Trubey, Truby, Trubi, 359, 361, 362, 363 Trumbauer, Trombaur, Trom- bor, Trompauer, Trombauer, Trumbower, Trubor, Trumpor, Trumpore, Drumbaur, Brum- bour, Drumbore, Drumbauer, Drumbouer, Drumbor, 66, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156, 158, 159, 160, 162, 163, 168, 170, 172, 176, 178, 184, 188, 193, 194, 196, 218, 220, 228, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 233, 235, 237, 239, 241, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 259, 260, 262, 271, 272, 274, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283, 284, 285, 288, 289, 292, 293, 295, 296, 300, 301, 303, 312, 313, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 230, 235, 479 328, 330, 333, 334, 335, 384, 399, 407, 412, 413, 420, 424, 431, 438 Tschirmly, 213 Tush, 229 Tyson, 245, 256 Ulmer, 114 Ulrich, 89, 101, 212 Umstead, 253 Unangst, 76, 112 Unerkoffel, 232 Unrad, 223 Uromy, 234 Uttenne, 152 Vanatta, 14 Van Buskirk, 249 van Cambe, 212 Vandersloot, 35, 60 Van Etten, 91, 107 von Harpel, 211 Vanhorn, 223 Van Seitz, 106 Van Vilecaq, 1 Vass, Vas, Vos, Fas, 88, 213, 216, 382 Vatel, 123, 213 Veit, 393 Velte, Valte, 88, 102, 113, 213, 311 Vetter, (See also Fetter), 367, 380, 382, 385, 387 Vligel, see Fliigel Vogel, Végle, Végly, Vogele, Voelckel, Fogel, Faegli, 81, 91, 105, 116, 214, 227, 384, 394 Voelckel, see Végel Vogt, 93 Volck, 81 Vollbrecht, 88, 97 Voller, see Volmer 480 Volmer, Volimer, Vollmar, (See also Fulmer, Fullmer), 71, 81, 84, 104, 132, 134, 1385, 136, 139, 149, 150, 153, 155, 157, 158, 159, 161, 163, 164, 189, 219, 220, 221, 271, 313,316, 318, 319, 321, 379, 381, 387, 392, 393, 395 von der Weyd, 108 Wack, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 52, 59, 60, 64, 65, 118, 124, 126, 135, 136, 137, 139, 172, 192, 216, 246, 267, 313, 328, 324, 325, 326, 423 Wageman, 310 Wagner, Wagener, 46, 76, 80, 85, 93, 100, 102, 110, 111, 115, 213, 214, 215, 216, 221, 224, 239, 247, 256, 258, 266, 362, 407 Wahr, War, 84, 309, 310 Wald, see Walt Waldschmidt, 31 Waldman, 89, 96, 214 Walfort, 262 Walker, 225 Walp, 258, 297 Walt, Wald, 251, 279, 366 Walter, Walder, Walther, Wal- ters, 127, 153, 156, 161, 166, 172, 176, 180, 185, 189, 195, 211, 221, 224, 246, 275, 293, 299, 304, 311, 319, 322, 380, 403, 406, 410, 412 Waltz, Walz, Wals, 75, 79, 117, 263, 355, 356, 435 Wambold, Wampold, Wamboldt, 79, 133, 163, 175, 182, 183, 194, 222, 233, 235, 242, 245, 247, 248, 250, 256, 280, 285, 294, 316, 356, 401, 405, 407, 409, 411, 420, 424, 426, 427, 428, 438, 440 Wannemacher, 72, 73 Warg, Warge, 90, 108, 214, 254 Wass, 223 The Pennsylvania-German Society. Wasser, 228, 229, 233, 243, 245, 278, 275, 285, 383 Waterson, 103 Watts, Watz, Watt, 241, 275, 279, 287, 291, 297, 328, 331 Weaver (Weber), 229, 234, 252, 273, 331 Weber (Weaver), 5, 46, 93, 107, 109, 111, 180, 183, 184, 188, 212, 214, 215, 218, 221, 223, 258, 327, 365, 372 Wechter, 301 Weckman, 310 Weickel, Weichel, Weigel, Weikel, 155° 16,517,718, 19,2055 21,594, 121, 192, 232, 233, 261, 265, 359, 361, 364, 365, 367, 428, 429, 432, 436 Weicker (Wyker ?), 375 Weickert, Weichard, Weichhard, Wickert, 67, 70, 151, 154, 358, 398, 399 Weidemayer, Weidemeyer, Weidemaier, Wiedenmayer, Weidenmayer, Weidenmeyer, Widenmayer, §Wydenmeyer, Wittemayer, Wittenmeier, 121, 126, 127, 130, 147, 218, 250, 283, 289, 293, 295, 301, 314, 331, 373, 375, 379 Weidner, Widener, Weitner, 149, 151, 156, 162, 167, 234, 236, 252, 269, 276, 300, 313, 330, 333, 335 Weierbach, see Wirebach Weierman, 223, 224, 227, 232, 233 Weigel, see Weickel Weil, Weyl, 147, 157, 167, 170, 221, 229, 231, 235, 238, 242, 247, 252, 256, 260, 261, 262, 263, 280, 288, 298, 301, 302, 306, 313, 323, 332, 333, 363, 406 Weimer, see Wemmer Index to Tohickon Church Records Weishe, 240 Weit, 130, 380, 401 Weitner, see Weidner Weisel, Weissel, Weicel, Wessel, B62 68, 269), 70 720-78). 80,0 89. 92, 94, 111, 114, 118, 120, 121, 122, 126, 127, 129, 132, 134, 137, 140, 143, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 155, 156, 157, 160, 161, 164, 169, 175, 180, 184, 189, 190, 191, 194, 197, 198, 200, 201, 205, 206, 208, 211, 219, 220, 221, 228, 229, 230, 235, 241, 246, 248, 250, 257, 258, 260, 261, 264, 265, 266, 271, 273, 280, 281, 286, 287, 288, 292, 293, 294, 295, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 312, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319, 321, 324, 325, 326, 327, 329, 329, 330, 365, 368, 372, 375, 377, 378, 379, 387 Weiser, Weisser, 48, 49, 51, 148, 283 Weiserbach, see Wirebach Weiss, Weis, Wiess, 86, 92, 153, 224, 225, 231, 239, 245, 256, 257, 269, 275, 280, 281, 388 Welker, 223, 238, 261, 287, 299, 331 Wemmer, Wimmer, Weimer, 149, 219, 249, 262, 377, 406, 430 Wenhold, Wenholt, Winhold A Wehnhold, Wienholt, Wien- hold, Weenhold, 128, 147, 149, 155, 156, 157, 177, 194, 196, 197, 201, 221, 234, 239, 242, 244, 250, 256, 268, 276, 281, 305, 312, 374, 384, 391, 392, 393, 394, 397, 400, 403, 404, 407, 409, 416, 420, 424, 426, 433, 437 Wentz, Wenz, 218, 384 Werner, 272, 281 Werst, 115 481 Wert & Wirt, see Wirth Werthington, 244 Wetzel, 184, 204, 229 Weyberg, 45 Weyer, 309 Weyl, see Weil White, Wight, 185, 188, 293 Wiant, see Wieand Widderrecht, Witterecht, Witt- rich, Widerich, Wieterecht, 69, 104, 311, 360, 361, 367 Widderstein, 310 Widdig, 331 Wideman, 252 Widener, see Weidner Wieand, Weiand, Wiant, 35, 246, 247, 299 Wiegner, Wiegener, 252, 303, 384, 390 Wier, 30 Wilbern, 365 Wildaner, see Wildanger Wildanger, Wiltanger, Wiltaner, Wildaner (Wildonger), 15, 16, 17; 19, 20, 21, 67, 68, 70, 72, 74, 87, 97, 106, 117, 128, 124, 125, 126, 130, 131, 152, 158, 160, 185, 214, 216, 217, 244, 265, 269, 311, 312, 313, 314, 317, 320, 399 Wilhelm, 86, 121, 126, 131, 132, 137, 140, 152, 154, 216, 312, 316, 317, 377, 380 Willdaler, 322 Willecke, 307 Willepin, 311 Willet, 87, 102, 358, 359, 361 Willgoos, 253 Williams, William, 155, 213, 228, 298, 313 Willower, Willader, 173, 184, 197, 236, 246, 330 Willy, 221 yee 482 Wilmot, 13 Wilson, 6, 251 Wiltaner, see Wildanger Wimmer, see Wemmer Wimmert (Wimmer?), 375, 376 Wineman, Weinmann, 5, 248 Winhold, see Wenhold Winkhaus, 51 Winkler, Winckler, 71, 82 Winne, 101 Wintling, 226 Wird & Werd, see Wirth Wirebach, Wireback, Weierbach, Weiherbach, Weyerbach, Wyer- bach, Weiserbach, 91, 94, 112, 178, 185, 198, 207, 208, 225, 238, 241, 242, 244, 246, 254, 273, 275, 287, 310, 327, 329, 335, 418 Wirman & Wireman, see Wor- man Wirth, Werth, Wert, Werd, Wird, Wiirth, Wirt, 96, 123, 126, 133, 140, 155, 173, 226, 230, 255, 295, 360, 366, 368, 369, 370, 379, 381, 383, 388, 394, 396, 397, 401, 403, ‘ 404, 408, 413 Wirtz, Wurze, Wurts, Wirtz, Wortz, Wuertz, 3 to 14, 64, 65 Wisler, Wissler, 231, 236, 238, 239, 255, 261 Wismer, Wisemer, Wissemer, 185, 188, 190, 193, 210, 212, 224, 232, 245, 249, 256, 258, 261, 262, 291, 306, 334 Witman, Wittman, 146, 178, 408, 412 Wittemayer, see Weidemayer Wittmer, Wittemer, 264, 298 Wittner, Witener, 45, 48, 330 Wittrich, see Widderrecht Wohnsittler, Wohnsitler, 267, 300 262, The Pennsylvania-German Society. Wolfert, 234 Wolff, 96, 124, 215, 267 Wolfinger, Wolfanger, Wohlfin- ger, 84, 105, 106, 153, 214, 233, 244, 333, 387, 388, 390, 414 Wollback, 272 Wollenschlager, Wollenschlag, Wolhslager, Wollschlager, Wollshlager, 88, 178, 213, 225, 325, 326 Wonner, Wohner 69, 70, 241 Wood, 252 Woodring, 34 Woodward, 234, 248, 250, 259, 303 Worman, Wurman, Wirman, Wormann, Wireman, 19, 20, 21, 67, 69, 98, 125, 129, 154, 160, 167, 172, 186, 206, 215, 220, 222, 223, 227, 280, 231, 233, 249, 250, 251, 252, 258, 262, 265, 278, 295, 301, 307, 309, 320, 321, 323, 325, 431 Wrathman, 195 Wright, 252, 288 Wunderly, Wunderlich, 278, 333 Wiister, 213 Wyker, see Weicker Yeakel, (See also Jeckel), 242, 246, 260, 300, 331 Yelles, 243, 249 Yerg, 259 Yerger, Jerger, 244, 249, 294, 429, 433 Yewston (Huston ?), 256 Yohe, see Johe Yohney, see Johny Yokum, Yocum, 225, 245 Yost, Jost, 73, 87, 96, 104, 127, 132, 136, 138, 141, 154, 162, 167, 169, 170, 173, 176, 178, 182, 188, Index to Tohickon Church Records 190, 192, 194, 200, 208, 216, 219, 222, 224, 227, 233, 240, 242, 243, 246, 250, 252, 264, 266, 270, 274, 276, 282, 287, 289, 294, 295, 315, 322, 348, 349, 363, 364, 365, 367, 372, 374, 375, 376, 377, 379, 381, 382, 383, 387, 389, 391, 392, 393, 394, 397, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439 435, 486, 437, 438, 439 Yotter, 237 Young, Jung, 39, 68, 86, 112, 129, 136, 180, 213, 218, 228, 237, 248, 252, 256, 259, 262, 290, 299, 300, 329, 335, 374, 378, 380, 382, 403, 420, 427, 429 Youngken, see Junkhen Yourdan & Jeradin, see Jordan Zane, 230, 240 Zangmaster, Zangmeister, Zank- meister, see Singmaster Ziegenfuss, Zigefoos, Ziegefus, 68, 73, 123, 170, 171, 172, 182, 191, 193, 197, 203, 211, 222, 223, 228, 243, 246, 274, 275, 282, 295, 358, 365, 366, 370, 376, 377, 381, 384, 389, 392, 396, 397, 398, 400, 483 401, 402, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 414, 415, 417, 419, 420, 422, 423, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433, 434, 437, 438, 439, 440 Ziegler, Segler, Sechler, 201, 214, 228, 233, 234, 237, 238, 244, 251, 257, 258, 259, 262, 264, 280, 284, 285, 289, 301, 304, 329, 426 Zeisler, 360 Zeissloff, 111 Zellers, see Sellers Zellner, Zelther, Zeller, Zolner, Zelner, Zdllner, Selner, 78, 111, 113, 119, 122, 129, 153, 156, 162, 169, 181, 199, 220, 221, 222, 235, 238, 272, 303, 312, 313, 318, 321, 322, 439 Zelser, see Seltzer Zep, 201 Zettel, 110 Zielis, 122 Zimmer, 358 Zimmerman, 27, 86, 95, 213, 215 Zion, see Sein Zoerle, Zorlin, 213, 215 Zolner, see Zellner Zuck, 228, 236 Zumstein, Dumstein (Sumstone), 169, 174, 189, 221, 223, 411 Zwingli, 62 het a f ae ay dit ‘< Le ve Gu AY cad v ap ~ Ay A #,\) ‘ phe ibe Biss vane q 4 Hy Le ih) ‘Ths An: on bas ae ip il : Sn bh oc oMi “VV u ; hy i - pe rm