\: ^^^^^.v-f^ r^ #*' J^ ) THE ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY / M. L'ABBE FLEURY, THE SECOND ECUMENICAL COUNCIL TO THE END OF THE FOURTH CENTURY. TRANSLATED, WITH NOTES, AN ESSAY ON THE MIRACLES OF THE PERIOD. OXFORD : JOHN HENRY PARKER. RIVINGTONS. LONDON. MDCCCXLII. OXFORD : PRINTED BY I. SHRIMPTON. ADVERTISEMENT. The publication of a portion of Fleiiry's elaborate work in English has been undertaken in consequence of the growing interest which is felt at this time in the history of the Church, and the want of w orks in our language Avhicli may be con- sidered to satisfy it. The learned, Mosheim, who is most familiarly known to the English reader, has not, properly speaking, written a history; unless, indeed, that deserves the name, which contains no action, pursues no liuc of nar- rative, discovers no curiosity about individual character and its influence upon the course of events, and tlu'ows no light upon the philosophy of doctrine and its developments. We are presented with a vast multitude of isolated facts in their external aspect; without any relief of the oppression they create from ethical tone, eloquence of style, or skill in com- position, on the part of the narrator. His work, therefore, is rather fitted for reference than for reading. A similar judgment has been pronounced by one, whose memory is very dear to the writer of these lines. " Let any one take up " Mosheim," says Mr. Rose in his Second Divinity Lecture dehvered at Durham, " — and I mention his name \Aithout " any disrespect, for he has done whatever could be done in " his way, by actually wedging and driving in one fact after " another into his pages till they bristle w ith facts, and the " heart and the imagination are alike beaten down and " crushed to pieces — and see, Avhen one has read his careful " and laborious conglomeration of facts, what more we know a2 iv ADVERTISEMENT. " of Christianity, as a rule of life intended to influence botli " individuals and nations, gradually to operate upon laws and " customs, and institutions and manners, and gradually to " clieer and bless all the sons of men. " We toil through his pages with a reluctant and weary " spirit, -R-ithout ever going beneath the surface, or beyond " drv details, withoiit one movement of the heart for the cause " which he is recording, and with lively pleasure only when " we can lay the book out of om- hands. " In a word, in jNIosheim there is no love of the cause, or, *' if the man had a heart, the writer thought it his duty to " overlay his feelings with dry details of barren facts, without " the record of a single moral lesson to which they can lead, " or a feeling which they can inspire.^^ Nor is a work Hke Milner's better calculated to supply the deficiency ; for though he writes in a tone of piety and seriousness, and with an evident desii'e to do justice to the great Saints of Christendom, and to illustrate the power of Christian principles in their lives and writings, he falls into the opposite extreme, and has adopted a style between IMeditations and Biography. His learning, moreover, is very inadequate to his undertaking ; and he is driven to introduce his private religious views into his narrative as a sort of compensation for this disadvantage ; judging of persons, not by their actual circumstances and opinions, but by his own view of Scripture teaching, and thinking to ascertain, estimate, and dispose of historical facts, not by research into the existing sources of information, but by the theory of Calvinism. Yet, in con- sideration of the love he bore to the Fathers in an age when few voices were raised even in apology for them, he is ever to be mentioned with kindness and honour. Neander's historical works are written, as even a slight acquaintance with them Avill suffice to shew, with an abundance of learning and thought, and great gratitude is due to the AUVKRTlSEMEiNT. V persons avLo luivc liikcii upon tlicmselvos the laLoiIous tii.sk of ti'auslating i)ortious of them for the benefit of those wlio are not German schohirs ; hut his Ilistor^'^ of tlie Three First Centuries is so full of theories, and those cliaraeteristic of his countiy, and facts arc stated with so little attention to historical order and connection, that, valuable or rather necessary jis his vork is to the theological student, he does not come up to the demand of the present times, when men want to be put into possession of the plain state of things, as it existed in ancient times, with the lil)erty of judging of them for themselves. The Life of St. Clirysostom, however, translated by Mr. Stapleton, is written on a different plan, and, as being a simple .account of his teaching and conduct, Avith copious extracts from his writings, certainly does answer, as regards the biography of that eminent Father, the purpose which Fleury Avill be found to fulfil on the whole as regards the History of the Church. What we meet with in Fleury^s work is a minute and exact narrative of the course of ecclesiastical events, as they oc- cm-red ; and this, from the plan of their histories, is not found in !Mosheim, Milner, Gibbon, Neander, Milman, or Dollingcr, great as are the merits of these authors in various ways. And another excellence thence resulting, which has already been hinted at, is this : that his particular religious opinions exert a far less influence upon his relation of facts than those of the abovenamed authors, one of whom was not even a be- liever in Christianity, and all of whom put forward a theory, or write as apologists or controversialists. Of course it is not denied that Fleury Avrites as a Roman Catholic, nor is it intended to place his creed on a level with that of Calvin or with Protestantism or Rationjilism generally ; and it is un- doubtedly an advantage in itself, where there is but a choice of evils, to select an author who belongs to the Church Ca- tholic in preference to others who do not Ijclong to it, or wdio deny its existence ; yet it is a still greater advantage, when VI ADVERTISEMENT. the circumstauces of our theological literature oblige us to look abroad for instructors in history, to find one who does not prominently put forward the characteristics of his Church, but mainly contents himself with setting before the reader facts, opinions, characters, and writings, as he finds them, without comment of his own. It may be added, that since Fleury is of the Gallican school, where he does intro- duce his own \dews, it is commonly in reduction of those characteristics of his communion, which are \aewed among ourselves as exaggerations or perversions of Christian truth. The faults, on the other hand, which are incident to a history such as Fleury's, are obvious, and some of them not inconsiderable. A bare relation of facts without system or philosophical view, however ethical, personal, and, as it were, lining they may be in then* character, is apt to become tedious and wearisome . And to many minds it is a source of much painful perplexity, to have a variety of deeds, sentiments, measm'cs, and persons, set before them, without any clue to guide them how far each of these is true, and how far faulty, where they are at liberty to praise and where they are bound to blame. A still more ob^dous fault is the prolixity which is the necessary attendant on such a history. This is so serious a consideration in the present publication, that it is a question whether, in au}^ subsequent portions to which it may proceed, some attempt might not advantageously be made at abridgment. The portion contained in the present Volume commences with the Second Ecumenical Council, held at Constantinople, A.D. 381 J and has been selected under the idea that it is a part of histoiy less known to theological students than the times which precede it. The matters treated in the Council in question, which was convened on the accession of Theo- dosius to settle the distm-bances to which Aiianism had given rise, are carried into two subsequent Councils held at Con- Al)VKKTISEMi:\T. Vll stantinople, and two coutemporaueous Councils at Aquileia and Rome. At this time tlic two most eminent Fathers in the East and AVcst^ were St. Gregory Nazianzcn and St. Am- brose ; the latter of whom Avas the leading Bishop at Aquileia, and the former presided at Constantinople after the death of St. Meletius. St. Gregory of Nyssa, St. Amphilochius of Iconium, and St. Cyril of Jenisalem were also present at Con- stantinople; in the AVcst St. Martin was at the same date nearly in the middle of his Episcopate, and about sixty-five 3'ears old. St. Jerome was about forty, and at this time secretary to Pope Damasus. St. Paulinus was still in the world, filling the high oflices of state. St. Chrysostom was a few years past thirty, and at Antioch in his Diaconate ; St. Augustine still a Manichee, teaching rhetoric at Carthage, but soon about to pass into Italy and to be converted by St. Ambrose. These Fathers form the principal subject of the following books ; especially St. Ambrose, Avhose Episcopate is contained in them nearly entii'e down to his death. Other chief subjects which occur are the history of St. ]Martin and the Ithacians, the sedition at Antioch, the conversion of St. Augustine, and his elevation to the See of Hippo, that of St. Chrysostom to the Sec of Constantinople, the destruction of the heathen temples in Egj^t, and some considerable pas- sages in the History of the Monastic Life, as seen in St. Paida and other ladies at Rome, in St. Jerome her spiritual guide, in St. ]Martin in Gaul, in the Monks in the ^lountains near Antioch, and in those of Egypt. It only remains to be observed in addition, that Herbert's translation (London, 1728) has been followed; but with so careful a rensiou, that as far as trouble is concerned, it may almost be said to be a new one ; thoiigh the style retains marks of a former century. It has been carefully compared throughout with the original ; and Flcury's marginal re- ferences have been all verified; wlicrc he docs not mention vni ADVERTISEMENT. the edition he has used, other references are added, which, as well as other additions whether in the text or margin, are inclosed within brackets. The notes are confined, as far as possible, to matters of fact; the longer ones are generally engaged in tracing the history of rites and doctrines men- tioned in the text. The Index to the text is translated from the French, with additions ; and an Index to the notes has been subjoined. For the trouble which these various improvements have in- volved, the Edition is indebted to Albany J. Christie, M.A., Fellow of Oriel CoUege. J. H. N. Littiemore, June 4, 1842. 'VTS'-y-C^?-'"* EDITIONS OF THE AUTHORITIES, USED IN THE FOLLOWING VOLUME. Africa Christiana. See MurccUi. Albaspini de fit. Eccl. Hit. Par. 1623. Ambrose, St., Bened. Par. HJ8G— 1«90. Ammianns MarceUinus Gronov. Lug. Bat. 1G93. Anastasiiis Bihliothccarins Hist. Ecclcs. J'abrot. Par. Kilf). Asteriiis, Bisliop of Aniasa?a. See Com- hcjis. Aitct. Athanasius, St., Bened. Paris. 1098. Augustine, St., Bened. Paris. I(i79 — 1()80. Cumhefisii Aurtariutn. Novum. Bill. P.P. G. L. fol. Par. 1(J4«. Concilia; Lal)b. Florent. 1759, &c. and Mansi. Lut. Par. 1(J71 — l(i72. Ci/prian, St., Bened. Par. 172(i. Cyril, St., of Jerusalem. O.xford. 1703. D. Damasiis, Pope Si. Sarazan. 4to. Rom. 1638. Dionysius Ej:iguus. Paris. 1661. B. Balsnmon, ap. Bevereg. Pandect. O.xf. 1672. Basil, St., Gam. et Bened. Par. 1721. Baudrand, Geographia. fol. Par. 1681 — 1682. Bellarmiui Opfra. Ingolst. 1601-1617. Bibliotheca Magna V.V. P.P. De la Bigne, 1677. Bona, Res Liturg. 4to. Paris. 1672. Ephracm of Antioch. ap. Photii Biblioth. Epiphanius, St., fol. Colon. 1682. Epist. Rom. Pontif. Par. 1721. Constant. Espen, J'an. Opera. Lovan. 17'J3. Eucholog. Grtvc. axKd. 1621. Pinell. Eunapius. Boissonad. 8vo. Anist. 1822. Eusebius, S^c. Reading. 1 720. C. Capitularia Regum Fraiicor. Baluz. Par. 1677. Cassander, fol. Par. 1616. Chronic. Euseb. Ilier. Marcell. S(c. Ron- cal. Ito. Patav. 1787. Chronic. Paschale, fol. Paris. 1688. Chnjsostom, St., Bened. 1718—1738. and Savil. Eton. 1612. Claudian, 8vo. Bipont. 1781. Clement of Alexandria, Potter. Oxon. 1715. Codex Justinian. Gothof. Frankof. ad Maen. 1688. Coder Theodos. Gothof. et Sirm. Lips. 1736—1711. Fiicuiidns. 8vo. Paris. 1629. Cranioisy. Ferrandi, Breviar. Canonum. p. 4+8. Justelli Bibl. jur. Can. fol. Par. 1661, G. Gaudentius, St., apud Collcet. \.\. P.P. Brix- Eccles. a Galeard. Brix. 1738. Gennadins ap. S. llier. toni. v. j). 29. Goar, Euchologium, fol. Lilt. Par. 16-17. Greeori/, St., Nazianzen, Bcncd. 1778. l'8i(i. A>WH. fol. Par. Bened. 1638. the Great, fol. Par. Bcncd. 1705. -- Turoncnsis. Lut. Par. 1699. EDITIONS or THE AUTHORITIES, &C. H, Harmenopulus, ap. Leunclav. Jus. Gr. Rom. 1596. Francof. Hermant, Vie de S. Jean Chrysost. 8vo. Par. 16-(J9. Hilary, St., Bened. fol. Par. 1693. HohteniHS CoUectio Rom. Vet. Mon. 8vo. Rom. 1662. Codex Reguhirum. 4to. Rom. 1761. Hospinian, Tiguri 1593. I. & J. Idacii Chronic. Ed. Sirmond. Jerome, St., Bened. Paris. 1693—1706. Jrenaus, Feuard. et Grab. Par. 1710. Isidorus Hispal. Col. Agr. 1617. Du Breuil. Pelusiot. Rittersh. Commel. 1605. Julian. Imp. Spanh. 8vo. Lips. 1696. Justin Mart. fol. Par. 1742. OriensChristianus. LeQuien. Par. 1740. Origen. Bened. Par. 1733—59. Orosius. Havercamp. 4to. Lvig. B. 1 738. Pagi. fol. Col. Allob. 1705. Panegyrici Veteres. 8vo. Norimb. 1779. Paulinus, St., of Nola. Fol. Ver. 1736. Pfiilostorgius, apud Euseb. ^-c. ed. Rea- ding. Cantab. 1720. Possidius, ap. S. Aug. torn. 10. p. 257. Prosperi Cbronicon. ap. Chronic. Ron- call. 4to. Patav. 1787. Oyjera, Bassau. 1782. 4to. Prudent ins. Areval. Rom. 1788. R. Rosweydi, Fit. P.P. 1617. Ri{ffinus. Bas. 1528. Lugd. L. Leal., Magnus, Papa. 4to. Paris. 1675. Allatius de Ecc. Oc. et Or. P. Cons. Col. Ag. 1648. Libanius. Morell. fol. Par. 1606, 27. M. MahiUon. 4to. Par. 1687. Macrobiu.^, Gronov. 8vo. Lond. 1694. MarceUini et Faustini Ubellus. ap. Sir- jnond. Op. Marcellinus, Amntianus. Gronov. 4to. Lugd. Bat. 1693. Martyrologium Romanum. 4to. Yen. 1661. Mercator Marius. Baluz. 8vo. Par. 1684. Morcelli, Africa Christiana. 4to. Brix. 1816, 7. Muratori Anecd. Gr. 4to. Patav. 1709. Nicephortis, Callistus. Paris. 1630. NiectasChonial. Thes. Orth.F. Lut. 1580. Schelstrate. Ecclesia Africana. 4to. Par. 1679. Severus, Sulpicius. 4to. Hier. de Prat. Ver. 1741—54. Sirmondi 0pp. fol. Paris. 1696. App. Cod. Th. 8vo. Par. 1631. Socrates, Sozomen, Sic. Reading. Cantab. 1720. Symmachus. Par. 1634. Synesii Epist, Colon. Tertullian, Semler. 8vo. Halae. 1769-76. Theodoret, Paris 1642. and Reading. Cantab. 1720. Theophylact. Venet. 1754—1763. Triodion Grcsc. c^xic'. 1620. Victor, ArtreUus. Arntzen. Ito. Anist. 1733. Victor Vitensis el Vigilius Thapsensis. 4to. Divion. 1664. Voetius, Comment, ad Pandect, fol. Hag. Com. 1707. O. Optalus, St., Albaspin. Paris. 1679. Zosimus, Hejne. 8vo. Lips. 1784. ■' /-, ESSAY ■•^_, ON THE MIRACLES RECORDED L\ ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. SECTION I. INTRODUCTION. Sacred History is distinguished from Profane by the na- ture of the facts which enter into its composition, and Avhich arc not always such as occur in the ordinary coiu-se of tilings, but are extraordinary and diAine. jMiraclcs are its charac- teristic, whether it be viewed as scriptiu'al or ecclesiastical : as the history of a reign or dynasty more or less approximates to biogi'aphy, the history of a wandering tribe passes into romance or poetry, and a constitutional history borders on a philosophical dissertation, so the history of religion is ne- cessarily of a theological cast, and is occupied with the super- natural. It is a record of " the kingdom of heaven,^' a manifestation of the Hand of God ; and " the temple of God " being opened" and "the ark of His testament," there arc "lightnings and voices," the momentaiy yet recurring tokens of that conflict between good and evil which is waging in the world of spirits from age to age. This su- pernatiu'al agency, as far as it is really revealed to us, is from" its very nature the most important and an'csting of the characteristics of sacred history, and the very rumour of its manifestation will interest the Christian mind from the ccrtaintv of its existence, lint since the miraculous XU INTRODUCTION. accounts which are presented to us are often not mere reports or surmiscs_, but essentitil to the narrative^ it is plain that to treat anj'- such portion of histor}', (for instance, that of the Jews, or of tlie rise of Christianity, or of the Cathohc Church,) without taking them into account, is to profess to write the events of a reign, yet to he silent aboiit the monarch, — to overlook as it were his personal character, and professed principles, and indu-ect influence, and imme- diate acts. Among the subjects then which the history contained in these Volumes brings before us, and which are apt more or less to startle those who "ndth modern ideas commence the study of Church history generally, — such as the relation and connection maintained in ancient times between the secular and ecclesiastical poAvers, the monastic rule, the view then taken of the poor and of poverty, the honour paid to celibacy, the prevailing belief in the power of the keys, the received methods and principles of teaching and disputing, and the like, — it seems right to bestow attention in the first place on the supernatural narratives which occur in the course of it, and of which various specimens are found in that portion of it which is now presented to the reader*. It will naturally suggest itself to him to form some judgment upon them, and a perplexity, perhaps a painful perplexity, may ensue from the difficulty of doing so. This being the case, it is in- considerate and almost wanton to bring such subjects before him, without making at least the attempt to assist him in disposing of them. Accordingly the following brief remarks have been written in discharge of a sort of dut}'^ which a work of ecclesiastical history involves, — not indeed without a deep sense of the arduousness of such an essay, or of the extreme incompleteness and other great defects of its execution, but at the same time, as the wTiter is bound to add, without any » E. g. pp. 104', 158, '211, 297, &c, Vi:l. in Index, Miracles, Relics. INTRODUCTION. Xlll apology at all for discussing in his own way a subject wliicli demands discussion, and which, if any other, is an o\wn question in the ]'hii;lish Church, and has only during the last century I)t>cn viewed in a li;