BV 4070 .L76 A3 1890 ^ Southern Baptist Theologica Seminary. Southern Baptist Theologica SOUTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. THE FIRST THIRTY YEARS. 1859-1889. JOHN R. SAMPEY, D. D. BALTIMOKE: WHARTON, BARRON & CO., 1890. PREFACE, This Book contains a short history of the Semi- nary, brief biographical sketches of the professors, a list of the trustees, and an alphabetical list of all the students that have attended the Seminary, from its organization at Greenville, S. C, in 1859, until the end of the ses- sion in 1889, at Louisville, Ky. The particulars given respecting the students are : 1. The name of the student. 2. Place and date of birth. 3. College attended and degree .obtained, if any. 4. Time in Seminary and the Schools graduated in. 5. Where and when ordained. 6. Honorary degrees received. % 7. Institutions of learning that the student has been connected with. 3 4 Preface. 8. Pastorates and other ministerial duties. Notwithstanding the untiring efforts that have been made to get the necessary data to make the Catalogue complete, there are still many deficiencies. Let all notices of corrections and additions be sent to John R. Sampey, Louisville, Ky. Much of the labor connected with the preparation of this Catalogue has been cheerfully performed by Rev. Jas. L. Sampey. Prof. A. T. Robertson has also given valuable assistance. The Author, however, aasumes all responsibility for mistakes. July, 1890. HISTOEIOAL SKETCH. BY PRESIDENT JOHN A. BROADUS. THE opening of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was the result of a movement which began in 1845, when the Southern Baptist Convention was founded. A special conference of brethren held at that time led to various similar private discussions in the years that followed, and to a formal convention in April, 1856, at Augusta, Georgia. Several of the Bap- tist Colleges in the various Southern States had theo- logical departments ; but there was commonly only a single professor for this department, who had to teach all the subjects of the theological course ; and in that year the largest number of students in any such depart- ment throughout the South was seven. Leading breth- ren in many Southern States were very anxious to establish a general Theological Seminary. , They had no purpose nor desire to antagonize the various theolo- gical departments of the Colleges, and indeed believed that some of these would be strengthened by the new interest awakened in the general subject, as proved to be the case. But their wish was that such students for the ministry as desired it should have access to a full theological course, with several different professors, and with a large number of students from all parts of the 6 6 Southern Baptist Theological Seminar]/. South, who would stimulate each other to diligent and delighted study, and whose personal acquaintance and friendship would prove a valuable element in future denominational work. They also wished to adapt the methods of instruction in such a Seminary to those ideas of the ministry which have always prevailed among Baptists, and have been especially dominant in the Southern States. These aims in regard to special adaptation to the Baptist ministry were rendered much more definite and decided by a remarkable inaugural address given in June, 1856, by James P. Boyce, who had already for a year been professor in the theological department of Furman University, at Greenville, South Carolina. The address was entitled, " Three Changes in Theological In- stitutions.'^ It urged that existing theological seminaries had aimed almost exclusively at the regular training of a limited college-bred class of students, while the great mass of our most useful Baptist ministers had been, and must continue to be, men who had enjoyed no such extended and regular preparation. The first change he proposed was therefore that a theological institution should welcome to its instruction men who had only an ordinary English education, if they found it impracti- cable, or could not be induced, to take a previous college course. The second change was that the best qualified men should be more thoroughly trained, and carried over a wider range of scholarly study. The third change, that a certain " declaration of doctrine " should Historical Sketch, 7 be set forth, and every person becoming theological professor should bind himself to teach in accordance with, and not contrary to, these doctrinal statements. Bat it was not at all proposed that this abstract of doc- trine should be imposed upon the students, or in any authoritative way brought to their notice. Professor Boyce believed that the first and second changes could be carried out in the same institution. In 1857 another educational convention was held in Louisville, Kentucky, in connection with the session of the Southern Baptist Convention. To this convention Professor Boyce brought a proposition from the State Convention of the Baptist denomination in South Caro- lina, that a general Theological Seminary should be established at Greenville, South Carolina, for which the South Carolina Baptists would contribute one hundred thousand dollars towards its endowment, upon condi- tion that another hundred thousand should be raised elsewhere. This proposition was accepted by the edu- cational convention at Louisville, and provision made for another special convention at Greenville, South Carolina, in April, 1858. At each of these three spe- cial educational conventions the president was B. Manly, D.D., father of the present Professor in the Seminary. Among the other older and widely known brethren who took a deep interest in the movement and did much to further it were J. B. Jeter, A. M. Poindexter, E. B. C. Howell, J. L. Burrows and J. B. Taylor, of Virginia ; G. W. Samson, of Washington City ; J. W. ^ Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. M. Williams, of Baltimore ; J. O. B. Dargan and R. Furman, of South Carolina; J. H. DeVotie, of Geor- gia; J. M. Pendleton, of Tennessee; S. L. Helm, of Kentucky. The lists of delegates at the several con- ventions also show the names of various younger men who have since become generally known ; and several distinguished brethren attended one of the conventions, who could not go to them all. When the Convention met at Greenville in 1858, Professor Boyce reported that he had raised the hun- dred thousand dollars from South Carolina in cash and good pledges, and plans were set on foot for raising the corresponding sum in other States. Through the labors of a committee which had been appointed at Louisville, the Greenville Convention was prepared to adopt a general Plan of Organization. The Fundamental Laws, which by the charter were to be made perpetual, in- clude an excellent Abstract of Doctrinal Principles, to which every professor at his inauguration has sub- scribed. The Plan of Instruction was not placed among the lundamental regulations, and so admits of being altered ; but it was as originally adopted almost ex- actly the same as to-day. The idea had been suggested that Professor Boyce^s views, as set forth in his '' Three Changes,'^ could be carried into effect by dividing the usual range of study into a number of distinct ^^ Schools," after the manner of the University of Virginia, which had become the most widely known and influential in- stitution of learning in the Southern States, and had Historical Sketch. 9 caused many to think favorably of the elective method, incorporated into that institution from the beginning by Mr. Jeiferson. When a Theological Seminary adopts a fixed curric- ulum, pre-supposing a College course, it must always be inconvenient to have numerous students who are desti- tute of College training, and do not propose to study the original Scriptures. With this difficult combination of elements our Baptist institutions have always strug- gled, making a variety of experiments, and with vary- ing results. It was believed, at the foundation of this Seminary, that these difficulties would be largely over- come by adopting a thoroughly elective method ; and it is proper to state that beyond the expectation of those who drew up the plan, this result has been accom- plished. The teaching might of course have been much better done. But it has been clearly shown that men of the highest scholarship, pursuing as wide a range of theological study as can be found anywhere, and some of them adding a variety of special outlying studies, can by this thoroughly elective method live and work in the same institution with others who take the ordinary theological studies except the original Scriptures, and yet others who attend for only a single session, and study only w^hat they are prepared for and desire. Some who enter as College graduates, but have really little knowledge of languages and little talent therefor, soon find it best to study only the English Scriptures, and the rest of the usual theological studies ; lO Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. some who came for only these English studies become fired with a desire to know the original Scriptures, and through extra M^ork and added years go forth as good Biblical scholars. The elements move freely up and down, and in and out. The scholarly men are not in the least hindered in their special studies by the pres- ence of many others in the same institution ; while in the classes for the study of the English Scriptures, and several other classes, students of every variety of prep- aration sit side by side with far greater advantage than disadvantage. The Seminary did not begin its operations in 1858, because two of the professors elected felt compelled to decline. The gifted and scholarly Dr. E. T. Winkler would have been a valuable addition to the Faculty. A year later one of those who had declined was led to reconsider, and Dr. William Williams was added. So in October, 1859, the Seminary went into operation with Professors James P. Boyce, John A. Broadus, B. Manly, Jr. and William Williams. Through the wise management of Dr. Boyce and the Board of Trustees no money was at the outset invested in buildings, the idea being to provide first the endowment necessary for the support of Professors before investing anything in buildings. At the Greenville Convention in 1858, Rev. William Curtis, D.D., of South Carolina, expressed his hearty approval of Professor Boyce's project in this respect, by a quaint phrase which has been often re- peated. Dr. Curtis was an able and scholarly English- Historical Sketch. 1 1 man, said to have been associated with Coleridge the Poet, in editing the London Encyclopsedia ; and was in 1868 conducting a Female Institute in South Carolina. What he said was nearly as follows : " The requisites for an institution of learning are three, — three B's : Bricks, Books, Brains. Our brethren often begin at the wrong end of the three B's. They spend all their money for bricks, have nothing for books, and must take such brains as come along. Our brethren ought to begin at the other end of the three B's." Dr. Boyce leased an unoccupied church, and by inexpensive parti- tions made it furnish two lecture-rooms and a library ; and these met the wants of the Seminary as long as it remained in Greenville. The students at first all boarded in families. After the war, a hotel which had been occupied by the military authorities was pur- chased and fitted up for a boarding hall, with the per- suasion that it could be afterwards sold for more than it cost, as proved to be the fact. The number of students the first session was twenty- six, being ten from Virginia, nine from South Carolina, three from North Carolina, two from Alabama, one from Florida, and one from Missouri. A good many other States were represented the second session, and the whole number of students was thirty-six; This was a far larger beginning than any other theological seminary in America of whatsoever denomination had enjoyed for its first two years. Meantime the second hundred thousand dollars had been secured in cash and good 12 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. pledges from other States, The prospects of the semi- nary were exceedingly bright. But before the end of the second session came the War. The number of students entering for a third session was much reduced, and during its progress several left to enter the army. At the close of this session in June 1862, it was thought best to suspend the work of the Seminary, an interruption which con- tinued till the autumn of 1865. The professors were earnestly requested to continue their connection with the institution, and their salaries continued to be paid, in Confederate money, with the understanding that they would engage in such other pursuits as they deemed ad- visable, without resigning their professorships. Dr. Boyce was for some months chaplain to a Confederate regiment, and afterwards an active and influential mem- ber of the South Carolina Legislature. Drs. Manly and Williams established themselves as country pastors in Abbeville District, South Carolina. Dr. Broadus became pastor of country churches within reach of Greenville ; in the summer of 1863 preached several months as missionary in General Lee's army, and after- wards to the end of the war was corresponding secretary of a Sunday-School Board, which the Southern Baptist Convention had established (at its meeting in Augusta, May, 1863), and located at Greenville, of which Board Dr. Manly was president. When the war had closed, and the professors assembled in Greenville in the summer of 1865, it was a grave Historical Sketch. 13 question whether the Seminary could venture to open its doors for another session. Much of the subscribed en- dowment had been paid during the war in Confederate money ; the rest remained in bonds of planters, as good as gold before the war, but now practically worthless. The only available property was five thousand dollars in bonds of the Georgia Eailroad, which could be sold for nearly par. Dr. Boyce volunteered to add a thousand dollars for a new session, though his own affairs had been of course greatly deranged by the war, and the financial future was utterly uncertain. Fortunately there was no debt, such as an opening attempt to erect buildings would have entailed. But there was very little hope that contributions could be obtained for current support from a people dwelling amid the wide- spread wreck of the war, those who had formerly been rich being now comparatively poor, everybody as it were beginning life anew, with an utter derangement of the industrial system, with no government but that of distant military officials and petty garrisons here and there, and with a tremendous social change for which history furnished no parallels and gave little encourage- ment or hope. Who could expect that a people thus situated would not only sustain their churches and local schools and one or more Colleges in every State — nearly all practically ruined as to their finances — but would also contribute for the support of this new institution, which had had no time to establish itself in the affections of the churches before the destroying flood ? Yet it was 14 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. properly enough suggested that the Seminary was in ex- istence, and possessed something of prestige and promise ; and that if we abandoned it then, a whole generation must elapse, at the least, before any like effort would be made. Some one said, " The Seminary may die, but suppose it be understood that we'll die first." And very quietly this became the understanding. For the first session, 1865-6, there were seven students in all ; but every subject that any one of them wished to study was regularly taught. The professor of Homiletics, it is remembered, gave a pretty full course of instruction and entirely in the forui of lectures to one student, who was blind. We were working for the future ; and by God's merciful blessing the future came. The number of students slowly increased every year, till in our last session at Greenville, 1876-7, it reached sixty-five, perhaps one or two more. As to the finances there was a long period of struggle and suffering, darkened by the frequently recurring fear of ultimate failure. At one time the salaries were a whole year in arrears, with no certainty that they could ever be paid. Several of the professors made long trips to serve country churches, frequently bringing back part of their compensation in food for the family. But many of the students had passed through the stern school of war; and even where they were lacking in literary attainment and exact knowledge, they were often true men, full of noble impulses and kindling aspirations, and it was de- lightful to teach them, to supplement their various Historical Sketch. 15 deficiencies and sympathize with their higher aims. There was also great encouragement in the generous contributions made by churches and individuals in different parts of the Southern country. People who could not calculate with any great confidence upon meet- ing the wants of their own households for the coming year were often willing to help the Seminary. Men who were just becoming well started in business, and who had a right to value every dollar for what they might hope to make out of it in the years to come, often gave and sometimes largely. Dr. Boyce made perpetual and unceasingly diligent exertions, by correspondence and by personal application. About five years after the war, some generous Baptists at the North began to give aid, at first for the personal expenses of students, and afterwards for the current support of the professors. As the South revived. Dr. Boyce was able twice over to organize a general subscription of so much a year for five years, to meet the current expenses. But w^hen this had a second time been secured, and it became evident that efforts must be made to obtain a permanent endow- ment, the conclusion was slowly and reluctantly reached that it would be necessary to remove the Seminary to some other point in the South. The State feeling was in all cases so strong that we could not hope to obtain any large general contribution for endowment, unless half or more than half could be drawn from the State in which the Seminary was situated, as had been the case at its foundation. In South -Carolina this was not 16 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. now possible ; or at any rate the effort to secure it would have hopelessly interfered with similar efforts then pressingly needed in behalf of Furman Uni- versity. For several years the question of removal was earnestly considered ; and propositions were made by friends in several Southern cities. It was finally de- cided to remove to Louisville, Kentucky, where Dr. Boyce had already been residing for several years, devoting himself to the work of endowment. The necessity of removal was a grief to all the professors, especially to Dr. Boyce, who was leaving the State he loved so well. It was accepted by the South Carolina brethren only after long consideration, but at length with that chivalrous generosity which characterizes the Carolina people. The brethren in Kentucky gradually rose to the occasion in a very remarkable manner, their personal pledges at length reaching the sum of three hundred thousand dollars, out of the half a million that it was thought would be needed for endowment and buildings. So in the autumn of 1877 the Seminary was removed to Louisville. The number of students increased somewhat the first year, and has gone on in- creasing till it has reached 164. A considerable part of the endowment subscribed in Kentucky and elsewhere not having been collected, and the expenses being necessarily increased by removal to a large city, the in- come from endowment has never sufficed to support the institution ; and several years after the removal there Historical Sketch. 1 7 was serious danger that after all it might perish. But a new movement was begun by an extraordinary and unexpected gift from Hon. Joseph E. Brown, of Georgia, seconded by various friends in Louisville, New York City and elsewhere, which at length gave a per- manent endowment such as to furnish assurance that the institution could not perish ; and at this writing it is hoped that the income will within another year become sufficient to meet the expenses of the Seminary as at present organized. It is hoped that thoughtful friends will continue to make special contributions and bequests such as to meet the ever-growing needs of a rapidly- growing institution. A part of the existing endowment consists of fifteea thousand dollars bequeathed by D. A. Chenault, Esq.^ and ten thousand bequeathed by W. F. Norton, Esq., the income from which is applied to aid such students as need it in paying their board. Ever since 1867 annual collections have been made for this purpose , by one of another of the professors, and such collections have tq be still made on a large scale, in addition to the income from the fund. ; The same policy as to buildings which had proved so wise and fortunate in Greenville was pursued in Louis-^ villealso, rooms being rented for the lectures and library,! and a hotel rented as a home for the students. In thei spring of 1886 an extraordinary contribution was madq by generous friends in New York City and vicinity for, the erection of a seminary building, which is known as 2 18 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, New York Hall, about an equal amount having been given by friends in Louisville to pay for the centrally located and admirable grounds on which it is situated, and which will afford space for other important build- ings in the future. A separate and beautiful library building is in process of erection as the gift of Mrs. J. Lawrence Smith, of Louisville. Two families from among the seminary's most generous friends in the city have promised a large sum to erect a hall for lecture- rooms, etc., so soon as the general endowment reaches a certain necessary figure. The continued increase in the number of students will not probably for several years surpass the capacity of New York Hall as a dormitory, and when another such hall shall become necessary, the ground is waiting to give it a front upon one of the noblest streets in the city. The theological library of Furman University, South Carolina, was transferred to the Seminary, and some valuable \Yorks from the library of Columbian College (now University) in Washington City. Important be- quests of books were made by Prof W. E. Bailey of South Carolina, Rev. B. Manly, Sr., and others, and purchases were effected every session, so far as the finan- cial situation would allow, of carefully selected works in the various departments of theological inquiry. The late President, Dr. Boyce, bequeathed all the theological portion of his noble collection, and the library of the Seminary now comprises about fifteen thousand volumes. Historical Sketch, 19 state from which appointed. South Carolina Virginia . . . Georgia . . . Maryland . . North Carolina South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina South Carolina Alabama . . Florida . . Mississippi . Louisiana Texas . . . Tennessee . Kentucky Missouri . . Arkansas . . Virginia . . Virginia . . Virginia . . North Carolina North Carolina North Carolina South Carolina South Carolina & South Carolina South Carolina Trustees. *Rev. Basil Manly, Sr., D.D. *Rev. J. B. Jeter, D.D. . . Time of service . . .'59-70 . . . '59-'80 ^Hon. Thomas Stocks '59-72 Rev. G. W. Samson, D.D. ..... '59-71 *Rev. J. L. Prichard '59-? *Rev. W. B. Johnson, D.D '59-? Rev. J. C. Furman, D.D '59- *Rev. J. M. Chiles. . • '59-'61 *Rev. I. L. Brookes ........ '59-'60 ^Rev. J. G. Landrum '59-'72 *Rev. J. E. Keiidrick '59-? *Thomas P. Lide, Esq '59-'80 *e!harles J. Elford, Esq '59-? B. C. Pressley, Esq. '59-'69 *A. Waller, Esq. . • '59-'61 *Hon. W. P. Chilton '59-'70 *Hon. James E. Broome '59-? *M. W. Philips, M.D '59-'80 ^James H. Lowe, Esq 59-? Rev. R. C. Burleson, D.D '59-? *Rev. K. B. C. Howell, D.D '59-? *Rev. D. K. Campbell, LL.D. . . . '59-? *Wm. M. McPherson, Esq '59-? Rev. A. L. Hay '59-? ^Rev. A. M. Poindexter, D.D. . . '68-'72 *Rev. W. F. Broaddus, D.D '68-'76 Rev. J. L. Burrows, D.D. . . '68-'74, '77- *Rev. W. M. Wingate, D.D '68-'80 Rev. Thos. H. Pritchard, D.D. . '68-'83, '85- W. J. Palmer, Esq '68-'71 ^Rev. K. Furman, D.D '68-'72 Ala.^Rev. E. T. Winkler, D.D. . '68-'73, '78-'84 J. C. Smith, Esq '68- Rev. J. K. Mendenhall '68-'80 20 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. state from which appointed. Time of service. South Carolina . . . Thomas P. Smith, Esq '68- South Carolina . . . Wm. G. Whilden, Esq '68-72 South Carolina . . . Rev. J. Scott Murray . . . '68-'72, '81- Georgia *Rev. P. H. Mell, D.D., LL.D. . . . '68-'78 Alabama Hon. Thoma.s H. Watts '68-'72 South Carolina & Va . Rev. W. D. Thomas, D.D. . '68-'71, '75- Mississippi *Hon. T. G. Blewett '68-'70 Tennessee & Georgia . Rev. T. E. Skinner, D.D. . . '68-'78, '79-'81 Tennessee Rev. M. Hillsman '68-'82 Kentucky Rev. George Hunt '68-'79 Kentucky *Rev. S. L. Helm, D.D '68-'79 Missouri *Rev. A. P. Williams, D.D '68-'70 Missouri Rev. J. T. Williams '68-'89 Missouri "'^D. H. Hickman, Esq '68-'70 Georgia Rev. H. Allen Tiipper, D.D '70-'71 Alabama ...... ^Rev. S. Henderson, D.D '70-'90 Alabama *Rev. W. H. Mcintosh, D.D '70-'71 Mississippi *Rev. M. P. Lowrey '70-'75 Missouri J. B. Wornall, E?q '70-'80 Missouri Rev. J. H. Luther, D.D '70-'80 Virginia Hon. J. \.. M. Curry, LL.D '72-'80 North Carolina & S. C. Rev. J. C Hiden '72-'75, '79-'81 Maryland Hiram Woods, Esq '72-'80 South Carolina . . . *Rev. T. J. Earle '72-'78 South Carolina . . . *Rev. J. O. B. Dargan, D.D '72-'82 South Carolina . . . James A. Lawton, Esq '72-'80 South Carolina . . . Rev. L. H. Shuck, D D 72-'83 South Carolina . . . *Rev. J. L. Reynolds, D.D '72-'78 Georgia Hon. Joseph E. Brown . '72-'77, '80- Georgia Judge D. A. Vason '72-' 78 Alabama & Georgia . Rev. D. W. Gwin, D.D. . . '72-'76, '77-'85 Alabama & Georgia . I. T. Tichenor, D.D .... '72-'83, '83- Tennessee Rev. T. G. Jones, D.D '74-'83 North Carolina ... J. M. Heck, Esq '75-'81, '83- South Carolina . . . Rev. J. A. Cliambliss, D.D. . . '75-'83 Historical Sketch. 21 state from which appointed. Time of s rvice. Mississippi Rev. E. D. Miller 7o-'84 South Carolina . . . *Wra. Thayer, Esq '78-'86 Kentucky J. D. Allen, Esq '77-78 Kentucky *W. F. Norton, Esq 77-'78, '35-'87 Kentucky Arthur Peter, Esq 77-78. '85- Kentucky ..... J. B. McFerran, Esq. . . . 77-78, '87- Kentucky . » . . . Rev. J. M. Weaver, D.D '77-'83 Kentucky Rev. J. W. Warder, D.D. . '77-'83, '84- Georgia & Alabama . Rev. M. B. Wharton, D.D. . '78-'82, '89- Kentucky Rev. B. Manly, Jr., D.D., LL.D. . . '78-'79 Kentucky Rev. T. N. Wise, M.D '78-'82 Kentucky *Rev. T. G. Keen, D.D '78-'82 Kentucky *D. A. Chenault, Esq '78-'86 Kentucky Prof. Leslie Waggener, LL.D. . . . '78-'83 Kentucky ^Danforth Thomas, Esq '78-'82 Virginia Rev. W. E. Hatcher, D.D '79- North Carolina . . . Rev. J. S. Purifoy '79-'83 North Carolina . . . Rev. John Mitchell, D.D '79- Kentucky ... . *Rev. Samuel Baker, D.D '79-'85 Kentucky ... - Rev. Cleon Keyes '79-'83 Kentucky Rev. R. M. Dudley, D.D '79-'83 Missouri Rev. A. J. Emerson '79-82 Maryland Joshua Levering, Esq '80- Virginia & Georgia . Rev. Henry McDonald, D.D.'80-'82, '82- Virginia H. K. EUyson, Esq '80- Virginia Rev. T. S. Dunaway, D.D '80- South Carolina ... C. H. Judson, LL.D '80- South Carolina . . . ^B. W. Edwards, Es(i '80- Missouri *Rev. A. Sherwood, D.D 79-'80 Texas *Rev. W. C. Crane, D.D '79-'84 Mississippi John Powell, Esq '80-83 Georgia J C. C. Black, Esq '80- Georgia Nathan J. Bussey, M.D '80-'83 Georgia Rev. A. T. Spalding, D.D '80-'82 Georgia *Rev. H. H. Tucker, D.D '80-'89 22 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. state from which appointed. Time of service. Missouri Angus C. Avery, Esq '80- Maryland ^Rev. W. T. Brantly, D.D '81-'82 Maryland Rev. C. C. Bitting, D.D '81-'84 South Carolina . . . Rev. Charles Manly, D.D '81- Georgia *Rev, Sylvanus Landrum, D.D. . . . '81-82 Georgia Rev. A. J. Battle, D.D '81-'83 Maryland Rev. F. H. Kerfoot, D.D '82-'83 South Carolina . . . Rev. J. A. W.Thomas, D.D '82- Tennessee Edward L. Jordan '82- Georgia Rev. Henry D. McDaniel '82- Georgia Rev. J. E. L. , Holmes, D.D. . . .'82- Kentucky Rev. W. H. Felix, D.D '82- Kentucky *Nimrod Long '82-'85 Kentucky W. C. Hall '82- Kentucky Rev. T. T. Eaton, D.D '82- Missouri Rev. Geo. W. Hyde '82- Maryland Geo. O. Manning '83- North Carolina . . . W. A. Graham '83-'84 North Carolina & S. C. Rev. J. A. Mundy, D.D. . . . '83-'84-'85 South Carolina ... W. L. Durst '83- South Carolina . . . J. N. Brown '83-'84 Mississippi Rev. J. L. Johnson, LL.D '83-'84 Alabama Rev. A. B. Woodfin, D.D '83-'84 Georgia Hon. J. D. Stewart '83- Kentucky Rev. W. M. Pratt, D.D '83- Kentucky Rev. J. Pike Powers '83- Kentucky Rev. T. C. Stackhouse '83- Kentucky 'Theodore Harris, Esq '83- Tennessee John W. Thomas '83-'89 Alabama Hon. Jonathan Haralson, LL.D. . . '84- Alabama Rev. Geo. B. Eager, D.D '84-'87 Mississippi Rev. J. B. Gambrell, D.D '84- Maryland Rev. A. C. Dixon '85- Georgia Rev. J. H. Kilpatrick ...... '85- North Carolina . . . Rev. C. Durham '84- Historical Sketch. 23 state from which appointed. Time of service. 85-'89 85- 85-'89 86- 87-'88 88- 88- 89- 89- Texas A. M. Dunn, Esq Texas R. J. Sledge, Esq Kentucky ^G. W. Norton, Esq South Carolina . . . Rev. John Stout ..... Alabama *Rev. J. J. D. Renfroe, D.J). Georgia Rev. E. W. Warren, D.D. Georgia H. H. Hickman, Esq. . . Missouri Rev. J. P. Greene, D.D. . . Texas ....... Rev. A. J. Holt, D.D. . . . Tennessee W. W. Woodruff, Esq. . . Presidents of the Board of Trustees. *Rev. Basil Manly, Sr., D.D '59-'68 *Rev. J. B. Jeter, D.D '68-'80 Rev. T. G. Jones, D.D '80-'83 Hon. Joseph E. Brown '83- Professors. *Jaraes P. Boyce, D.D., LL.D., President '59-88 John A. Broadu?, D.D., LL.D., President '89- / James P. L Boyce, D.D., LL.D., Prof. '59-'88 John A. Broadus, D.D., LL.D., Prof. '59- - Basil Manly, D.D., LL.D., Prof. '59-'71, '79- ^William Williams, D.D., Prof. '59-'77 Crawford H. Toy, D.D., LL.D., Prof. '69-'79 William H. Whitsitt,D.D., LL.D., Prof. '72- Rev. A. J. A. Jaeger, Assistant Prof. '75-77 ^George W. Riggan, D.D., Assistant Prof '81-'85 John R. Sampey, D.D., Assistant Prof '85- ^ Franklin H. Kerfoot, D.D., Prof. '87- A. T. Robertson, A.M., Assistant Frof. '88- 24 Southern Baptist Theological Seminwy. BIOGEAPHIOAL SKETCHES. JAMES P. BOYCE, D.D., LL.D. BY WILLIAM H. WHITSITT, D.D., LL.D. On the third day of last October, it was thirty years since the Seminary commenced operations at Greenville, S. C Counting the instructors in elocution, twelve per- sons have been regularly connected with its teaching force. Of that number three have died, each of them being in office at the time of his decease. Prof. Wil- liams passed away on the 20th of February, 1877, Prof. Riggan on the 18th of April, 1885, and President Boyce on the 28th of December, 1888. He had been in service continuously in connection with the chair he occupied in the Seminary since the month of May, 1858, although various circumstances prevented the w^ork of instruction from being inaugurated till October, 1859. More than thirty years were filled with untiring exertions and sacri- fices on the behalf of the enterprise that lay so near his heart. James Petigru Boyce was born at Charleston, S. C, on the 11th of January, 1827, and lacked only a few days of closing the sixty-second year of his age. His youth and early manhood covered the golden age of Southern prosperity. His family stood with the best of his native city and State, and there were none whose social connections were more eminent or desirable. His Biographical Sketches. 25 mother was a sister of Hon. Jos. Johnston, of the Su- preme Bench of South Carolina. His father, the Hon. Kerr Boyce, was one of the most successful and influential men of business, well known in all sections of Carolina and of the Southern country. At the time of his birth, Mr. James Petigru, one of the leading lawyers of the country, was in the fullness of his powers and his tri- umphs at Charleston. The relations between Kerr Boyce and the great jurist were of an intimate and endearing nature, and Mr. Petigru received the compliment of hav- ing the oldest son of his friend and business associate named in his honor. It was one of the best names on the annals of recent Carolina history, and it has been worthily borne by the namesake through all these three- score years. The educational opportunities of Dr. Boyce were of the highest order. His earliest mental training was re- ceived at Charleston College, where he studied from 1843 to 1845. After finishing his course there, the young man neit resorted to Brown University, which was then the foremost Baptist seat of learning in America- Dr. Francis Wayland was its renowned president, the fame of whose learning and character was well estab- lished both in the North and South. His graduation at Brown occurred in the summer of 1847, just after he had turned the 20th year of his age. Dr. Boyce was early a subject of profound and lasting religious impressions. His mother was a devoted member of the First Baptist Church of Charleston, and in early 26 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, childhood he was brought under the influence of one of the most remarkable of the men who have served as pastors of that historic organization. The year after his birth Dr. Basil Manly, Sr., entered upon the duties of the pastorate, and was the first Christian minister that Dr. Boyce became acquainted with. Christian life among the Baptist people of Charleston in those days was a different thing from what we are now accustomed to, and his plastic mind readily yielded to the influences that were cast about him. The impress of Dr. Manly and of the sentiments that prevailed in the First Church were visible upon Dr. Boyce till the close of his life. The year before his graduation he received baptism at the hands of Dr. Richard Fuller, at that time pastor of the church at Beaufort, who was conducting a series of meetings in Charleston. It may be perceived at a glance that his youthful history was connected with the best names in recent Baptist annals : Manly, Brantly, Way- land and Fuller were leaders of the hosts in both sec- tions of the country. There could hav^ been no more favorable auspices, or more desirable influences. Having decided to devote his life to the Christian ministry, he was licensed by the First Church shortly after his return from Brown University. His powers were so highly esteemed that the next year he was ap- pointed to be editor of the Southern Baptist, a journal that was issued in connection with the Southern Baptist Publication Society, which had its seat in Charleston. Retaining that office for more than a year, he at length Biographical Sketches. 27 concluded to pursue bis theological studies at Princeton, then, as now, one of the leading theological schools of the country. At the end of two years he quitted Prince- ton and entered upon the pastorate at Columbia, the capital of bis native State. His period at Columbia, which lasted from 1851 to 1855, was one of extensive useful- ness and marked success. It was given to his exertions to make a decided adv^ance by building a new house of worship, a large portion of the expense being contributed from his own resources. In 1855 the position of Professor of Theology at Furman University was offered to him, and he consid- ered it was his duty to accept it. Furman University has had a lengthy and worthy record, but it never had a name connected with it that sheds more lustre upon it. Dr. Boyce signalized his entrance upon the labors of the new office by delivering an introductory lecture entitled " Three Changes in Theological Education," which, for the results that followed it, has become a famous per- formance. The principles laid down there were a few years later embraced in the plan upon which was con- structed the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The project of organizing a Theological Seminary for the entire South had been discussed tor a number of years : it was brought forward upon the organization of the Southern Baptist Convention in August, 1845, and from time to time had received a measure of attention at different sessions of that body. Finally in 1855, just before Dr. Boyce removed to Greenville, an Educational 28 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Convention was called by the Convention in session at Montgomery, Ala., to assemble at Augusta in 1856, for the purpose of consultation. No definite plan was con- certed, and another Educational Convention was called to assemble at the session of the Convention in 1857 with the Walnut Street Church of Louisville. Meanwhile Dr. Boyce had induced the brethren of the South Caro- lina Baptist Convention to offer one hundred thousand dollars towards the endowment of a Seminary, provided the other Southern States would raise a like amount ; and further provided that the institution should be estab- lished at Greenville, South Carolina. This offer was accepted on condition that the money should be raised by the 1st of May, 1858. A third Educational Conven- tion was called to meet in Greenville on the 30th of April, 1858, where Dr. Boyce was able to report that the proposed condition had been fulfilled. The Convention then proceeded to arrange fundamental laws for the government of the new enterprise, and to select a faculty of instruction. Certain members of the proposed faculty declining the positions offered them, it was impossible to begin work in the autumn of 1858, and the matter had to be deferred another year. Only three sessions were completed before the war rendered it impracticable to proceed. From the Lst of June, 1862, until the 2d of October, 1865, the Seminary was closed. Much worse than the disaster of closing the doors was the other disaster of losing the endowment. NearlV' all of the available funds were swept away. It Biographical Sketches. 29 was a gloomy time on the 2d of October, 1865, when the work was begun anew with almost no resources and almost no students. Few people are acquainted with the anxieties, trials and labors that pressed upon Dr. Bojce for a long course of years after the war. It was finally made apparent that the enterprise could not be permanently sustained in Greenville, and a decision was reached to remove it to Louisville. Dr. Boyce came to Kentucky in 1872 to prepare the way for it; but in 1873 the financial panic took place, which for a season placed everything in jeopardy. After herculean toils, that peril was surmounted, but in 1879 the institution was again in straits that were as serious perhaps as any that it had ever encountered. In the nick of time. Senator Joseph E. Brown came for- ward with a contribution of fifty thousand dollars and rescued it from threatened extinction. Two years before his death, it began to be observed that Dr. Boyce's health was failing. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees in May, 1886, arrangements were made by which he might obtain partial relief, but it came too late ; nothing could allay the symptoms that now began to exhibit themselves. His decline was watched with affectionate solicitude by multitudes of people in all sections of the country. Finally he resolv- ed to seek rest and recuperation in foreign travel, and in August, 1888, he embarked with his family on a journey to Europe. At first there were hopeful tidings, but at length there came a change. We waited with the 30 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. utmost anxiety for every fresh item of information, un- til, on the morning of December 28th, in the midst of universal sorrow, the dreadful message was delivered in- forming us we should see his face no more. Dr. Boyce has received exceptional honors during his long and laborious life from all sorts of people. The Baptists, for whom he toiled so faithfully, were* always delighted to show their appreciation. He was annually elected to the highest office in their gift, the Presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention, from 1872 to 1879. Again in 1888 he was elevated to the same dignity, and died in possession of it. In May, 1888, the office of President of the Seminary was created and bestowe?! upon him. He received the honorary title of D.D. in 1859 from Columbian University of Washington, D. C. ; in 1872 the degree of LL.D. w^as conferred by Union University, Murfreesboro', Tenn., and again in 1887 by Brown University. When the Slater Fund Commis- sion was organized a few years ago, by the express desire of the founder, he was appointed one of its directors for the South. During the war between the States, although he had been opposed to the secession of South Carolina, he entered the army and served for a year as Chaplain of the Sixteenth Regiment of South Carolina Volunteers ; from 1862 to 1865 he was a member of the Legislature of South Carolina, and for the last two years of that period was a member of the staff of Gov. McGrath, and of the council of State. At the close of the war, in Biographical Sketches. 31 1865, he was also a member of the Convention that was assembled for the reconstruction of the State. In his family he was exceptionally fortunate. Early in life, perhaps during his residence at Princeton, he married Miss Elizabeth Ficklin, of Washington, Geor- gia. She was a faithful helpmeet through the years of his manhood and struggle, and survives to mourn her irreparable loss. There are three daughters. Misses Lizzie, Fanny and Lucy — all of whom, with their mother, accompanied him to Europe, and were present to comfort his parting moments. The town of Pau, in the Pyrenees, will evermore have a mournful interest for them and for thousands of others who revered and loved the noble husband and father. Dr. Boyce was the author of a number of addresses, sermons, review and newspaper articles. He likewise published a brief catechism of Bible doctrine at Green- ville in 1863, of which the last edition appeared at Louisville in 1884. His chief literary performance was his Abstract of Theology, which was first issued for the use of his classes, but was revised and formally publish- ed in the summer of 1887. It is used as a class-book in the Seminary, and has been\widely read by Baptist and other scholars. One of the noblest leaders of Southern Baptists has fallen. He easily takes a place in the galaxy where shine Furmau, Fuller, Manly, Poindexter, Jeter and Taylor. A sturdy, honest, godly man ; an elevated and genial character ; a safe and wise counselor ; who can 32 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. tell all we have lost in our departed friend and Presi- dent ! JOHN ALBERT BROADUS, D.D., LL.D. Born in Culpeper County, Va., January 24, 1827. His father was for a number of years a prominent member of the Virginia Legislature. Dr. Broad us took, in 1850, the degree of A.M. from the University of Virginia — a degree which he prizes more highly than all the honorary titles which have been subse- quently conferred upon him. In 1851 he became Assistant Professor of Latin and Greek at his Alma Hater, holding this position for two years. He was pastor of the Baptist Church in Charlottesville from 1851 till 1855, when he became chaplain of the Uni- versity, and served two years. From 1857 to 1859 he was for a second time pastor at Charlottesville. Dr. Broad us was elected to a professorship in the Seminary in 1859. He has been wedded to the institution ever since, having frequently declined tempting offers to preach and teach elsewhere. Dr. Broadus teaches Homiletics and the interpretation of the New Testament in Greek and in English. He also organizes special classes for the study of Patristic Greek, Textual Criti- cism of the New Testament, Foreign Hymnology, Coptic, Modern Greek, etc. In 1863 Dr. Broadus did evangelistic work in Lee's army. During the last two years of the war he was Biographical Sketches. 33 corresponding secretary of the Sunday-School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Broadus has written extensively for religious news- papers and reviews. His larger treatises include a *' Commentary on Matthew/' " Sermons and Addresses,'^ " Preparation and Delivery of Sermons/' " History of Preaching/' and '' Jesus of Nazareth.'' Among numer- ous smaller treatises we may name^ " Three Questions as to the Bible/' " Authority of the Bible," " Duty of Baptists/' ''Christian Baptism/' " Should Women Speak in Mixed Public Assemblies ? " BASIL MANLY, D.D., LL.D. Born in Edgefield District, S. C, December 19, 1825. In his boyhood Dr. Manly attended a preparatory school in Charleston, S. C, and was graduated at the Alabama State University in 1843. He studied for a while at Newton Theological Institution, but graduated at Princeton Theological Seminary in 1847. He was ordained at Tuscaloosa, Ala., in January, 1848. After preaching for nearly three years to churches in Ala- bama, he accepted a call in September, 1850, to the First Baptist Church, Richmond, Va. In 1854 he founded the Richmond Female Institute, and was its first president. Dr. Manly became one of the original professors of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1859. In 1871 he was elected to the presidency of Georgetown College, Ky. He held this position until 34 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 1879, when he returned to the Seminary to occupy the chair of Old Testament Interpretation and Biblical In- troduction. He teaches classes in English Old Testa- ment, Senior Hebrew and Biblical Introduction. He also teaches Assyrian and Aramaic, whenever a sufficient number of students wish to work in these languages. For many years Dr. Manly was treasurer of the fund to aid needy students, which was raised annually by the personal efforts of Professors Manly and Broadus. In addition to the publication of several addresses, Dr. Manly has given to the religious w^orld a carefully prepared treatise on the ^^ Bible Doctrine of Inspira- tion." He has also issued two hymn-books, one in 1850, in connection with his father. Dr. Manly, Sr., ^^The Baptist Psalmody," which obtained an extensive circu- lation ; the other, "Baptist Chorals," a smaller book published in 1857. WILLIAM WILLIAMS, D.D., LL.D. BY BASIL MANLY, D.D., LL D. The Rev. William Williams, one of the original faculty of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, was born in Eatonton, Georgia, March 15, 1821. His parents, William and Rebecca Williams, had ample means and gave him every advantage of education. At an early age he joined the Baptist Church at Athens, Ga., in 1837. Attending the State University of Biographical Sketches, 35 Georgia, he graduated there in 1840, and decided to de- vote himself to the study and practice of the law. In pursuance of this plan, after marrying Miss Ruth Bell, August 26, 1845, he finally went to Harvard University, where he graduated in Law in 1847. His mind had meanwhile been turned to the question whether he ought not to preach ; and the conviction of duty grew upon him until, in 1857, his decision w^as reached and he entered the ministry, his first pastorate being at Auburn, Ala. The severe discipline and training which his mind had received during the prosecution of his legal studies- left their impress upon his style and ^is character. He was always remarkable for his skill in discovering and exhibiting clearly the salient points of every question he discussed, for grasping the details so as to sum them up in a comprehensive unity and making his conclusion so clear that the listener could hardly help believing that that was exactly the way he had always thought and felt upon the subject in hand. From a quiet and successful pastorate he was sum- moned, in 1856, to become Professor of Theology at Mercer University; and in 1859, when the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary was established at Green- ville, S. C, he was made Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government and Pastoral Duties. In the year 1872, owing to the necessary absence of Dr. James P. Boyce in endeavoring to make an endow- ment in Kentucky, he was transferred to the chair of Systematic Theology, which had originally been assigned 36 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. to Dr. Boyce, and this he filled with great energy and acceptance till the time of his death. He was for a time Vice-President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and delivered its annual sermon at St. Louis in 1871. His modesty prevented his taking as prominent a part in the counsels of his brethren and in various public activities as his abilities would have justified, and as the esteem in which he was held by those who knew him would have sanctioned. He preferred retirement, but whenever summoned forth proved himself equal to the occasion. A warm friend, a fervid and vigorous preacher, a teacher of singular clearness and attractive- ness, a Christian of deep and simple piety, he served his generation by the will of God. He fell asleep at Aiken, S. C, February 20, 1877, and was buried at Green- ville, where a monument erected by his loving students marks his grave. • CRAWFORD H. TOY, D.D., LL.D. This distinguished scholar was born in Norfolk, Va., March 23, 1836. Dr. Toy received his early training at Norfolk Academy, and studied four years at the Uni- versity of Virginia, taking the degree of A.M. in June, 1856. In 1859 he attended the Seminary, remaining one session, after which he entered the Confederate Army as a private and became a chaplain in 1863 ; but was taken prisoner and confined for several months at Fort McHenry. He was elected Professor of Old Testa- Biographical Sketches. 37 ment Interpretation in the Seminary in 1869, which position he held for ten years, resigning in 1879. He is now Professor of the Semitic Languages in Harvard University. WILLIAM HETH WHITSITT, D.D, LL.D. Prof Whitsitt was born near Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 25, 1811. He graduated in Union University in 1861. He entered the cavalry service in the Confederate Army during the first year of the war, serving first as a pri- vate soldier and afterwards as chaplain. In 1866 he entered the University of Virginia for one session. He came to the Seminary at Greenville in 1867, and re- mained two sessions. This course was followed by a residence of two years in Germany, where he pursued his studies at Leipsic and Berlin. In February, 1872, he accepted a call to Albany, Ga. In September, 1872, he accepted the Professorship of Ecclesiastical History and Biblical Introduction in the Seminary. He still re- tains the chair of Church History, but has exchanged Biblical Introduction for Polemic Theology. In 1888 Prof AVhitsitt published a small volume on the '' Origin of the Disciples of Christ." He has in manuscript a large work on " Mormonism," which may be published at some future time. 38 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. GEORGE WASHINGTON RIGGAN, D.D. Born in Isle of Wight County, Ya., February 22, 1855. He spent his early youth living with his widowed mother near Norfolk, Va. He received his early train- ing in the public schools of Virginia. At the age of seventeen he attended the school of Rev. J. W. Ward for ten months, where he won marked distinction. After this he entered Richmond College, and at the end of five years of hard study graduated with the degree of Master of Arts. He took the full course in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary from 1878 to 1881. Dr. Riggan was ordained at Leigh Street Baptist Church in Richmond, Va., in October, 1875, and preached to churches near Richmond while attending college. During his seminary course he was pastor of Carlisle Church in Kentucky. He was the beloved pastor of Forks of Elkhorn Church, in Woodford County, Ky., about five years. The members of the church were devoted to him, especially a distinguished physician, who left his practice and remained at his bedside with untiring devotion to the end. Dr. Riggan was elected assistant instructor of Hebrew, Greek and Homiletics in the Seminary in 1881, and after two years was made Assistant Professor, whicii position he held at the time of his death. He was happily married to Miss Sallie Garland in June, 1882. Dr. Riggan possessed an acute and powerful intellect, but his physical strength was not sufficient to bear up Biographical Sketches. 39 under such heavy burdens as were imposed upon it; consequently he was frequently ill during his college and seminary course. He preached his last sermon at night in Glenview Chapel, near Louisville, Ky. Riding home with his garments all wet with perspiration, he was taken sick, and confined to his bed about two weeks. He died April 18, 1885, aged thirty years, one month and twenty-six days. We close with a brief quotation from the funeral sermon by Dr. Broadus : " We cannot but regret that this bright and inspiring example of what ambitious youth may hope to achieve amid diffi- culties, should be dimmed by so early a death. Yet far better even thus than to have lived inglorious, un- developed, inefficient, through many years. Better to blaze and flame and set things on fire through a little time, than to smoulder long without power to warm or illumine, and then die unnoticed and unknown." FRANKLIN HOWARD KERFOOT, D.D. Born in Clarke Co., Ya., Aug. 29th, 1847. He re- ceived his early education at schools in Berryville. Though quite young, he entered the Confederate service before the close of the war. In 1866 he entered Columbian University, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Philos- ophy, and in 1869 he took the degree of Bachelor of Law. He studied in the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary for a year and a half, when, his health failing, he was compelled to rest for nearly a year. In 1871 40 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. he entered Crozer Theological Seminary, and after one session's work graduated. For some time he traveled in Europe, Egypt and Palestine, and studied one year at the University of Leipsic. On his return to the United States he became pastor of Midway and Forks of Elkhorn Churches in Kentucky, Feb. 1, 1875. In 1877 he became pastor of Eutaw Place Baptist Church, Baltimore, Md., continuing until 1883, when he accepted the pastoral care of Strong Place Church, Brooklyn, N. Y. He became crippled in 1886, and resigned. He re-entered the Seminary in 1886, and attended one session. Dr. Kerfoot was elected Co-Pro- fessor of Systematic Theology in the Seminary in 1887, and full Professor of Systematic Theology, Pastoral Duties and Church Government in 1889, which position he now holds. JOHN RICHARD SAMPEY, D.D. Son of Rev. James L. Sampey, was born in Lowndes County, Ala., near Fort Deposit, on the 27th day of Sept., 1863. His early training was at Ramer High School in Montgomery County, Ala. At the age of six- teen he entered Howard College at Marion, Ala., from which he graduated with the first honors of his class in 1882, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts. He entered the Seminary in 1882 and was made a full graduate in 1885. He was ordained at Forks of Elk- horn Church, Woodford Co., Ky., Sept. 27, 1885, and Biographical Sketches. 41 became pastor of that church, preaching two Sundays in each month. In September, 1889, he accepted the care of Glen's Creek Church for two Sundays in each month. On the death of the lamented Dr. Riggan, in 1885, Mr. Sarapey was elected assistant instructor in Hebrew, Greek and Homiletics in the Seminary, and aftei^two years was made Assistant Professor. He teaches classes in Junior Hebrew and assists in Homiletics. He also teaches Arabic when a sufficient number desire to study that language. ARCHIBALD THOMAS ROBERTSON, A.M. Born near Chatham, Pittsylvania Co., Va., November 6, 1863. AYhen he was twelve years of age his father, Dr. John Robertson, moved to North Carolina. At the age of sixteen he entered Wake Forest College, N. C, to prepare himself for the ministry and graduated in June, 1885, with the degree of Master of Arts. He was missionary in Liberty Association, N. C, during the summer of 1885. He entered the Seminary in October, 1885, and became a full graduate in 1888, taking diplomas in seven extra classes. He supplied, while a student at the Seminary, Hendersonville Church, N. C, in the summer of 1886, and the First Church at Coving- ton, Ky., from March to October, 1887. Professor Robertson was ordained at New Castle, Ky., in July, 1888, and served the church at that place as pastor from June 1, 1888 to January 1, 1889. He supplied Ninth 42 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Street Church, Cincinnati, O., from March 9 to June 8, 1890. He was elected assistant instructor of Greek and Homiletics in the Seminary in 1888, and after two years was appointed Assistant Professor. Professor Robertson teaches classes in Junior Greek and assists in Homiletics. * Alphabetical List of Students. 43 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF STUDENTS Abbreviations. B. Int School of Biblical Introduction. O. T. Eng School of Old Testament Interpretation, English. Heb. Jr School of Old Testament Hebrew, Junior Class Heb Sr . School of Old Testament Hebrew, Senior Class. N. T. Eng School of New Testament Interpretation, English. Gk. Jr School of New Testament Greek, Junior Class. Gk. Sr School of New Testament Greek, Senior Class. Syst. Eng School of Systematic Theology, English. Syst. Lat School of Systematic Theology, Latin. Pol School of Polemic Theology. Horn School of Homiletics, or Preparation and Delivery of Sermons. Ch. Hist School of Ecclesiastical History. Ch. Gov School of Church Government. Past. D. and P. P School of Pastoral Duties and Parliamentary Practice. Pat. Gk Class in Patristic Greek. Pat. Lat Class in Patristic Latin. Text. Orit Class in Textual Criticism. Ger Class in German. Hist. Docts Class in History of Doctrines. Copt Class in Coptic. For. Hymn Class in Foreign Hymnology. b Born. p Pastor. ord Ordained. presb Presbytery. grad Graduated. prin Principal. pres President. prof. Professor. mod Moderator. * Indicates the deceased. t Indicates attendance at Seminary '89-90. — Separates two dates, or indicates that a certain engage- ment continues at present. Sem. (1-) Means less than one session. Sem. (3) Means attended the Seminary three sessions. Sem. (2-f) Means more than two sessions. 44 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Abbitt, George Chapman. b. Appomattox Co., Va., Jan. 23, '60 ; Richmond College, M. A.; Sem. (4) '83-87, Full Graduate in '86, also in '87 grad. Ger., Pat. Gk., Hist. Docts., Text. Crit.; ord. Liberty ch., Appomattox Co., Va., Apr. 29, '83 ; p. Liberty, Va., June 1, '87 — ; prof. Louisville Rugby School, '84-87. Abraham, "Wickliffe Yancey. b. Buckingham Co., Va., June 8, '50 ; Richmond College (2) ; Sera. (2) '76-78, Eng. Graduate; ord. Goshen, Rockbridge Co., Va., Mar. 30, '79 ; p. Deerfield, Augusta Co., Va., '78-79 ; Craigsville, Va., '79-81; Fincastle, New Bethel, Pleasant Hill, Va., '82-83; Craigsville, Va., '83-85; Greenville, Va., '85-86. Abrahams, St. George Tucker. b. Powhatan Co., Va., '49 ; Richmond College (3) ; Sem. (2) '75- 77, grad. Gk. Jr., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov. and Past. D.; ord. Muddy Creek ch., Powhatan Co., Va., fifth Sunday in Jan., '76; mod. Concord Association, '82-85; p. Rappahannock Station, Mt. Holly,Fauquier Co.,Va., '77-80; Oakland, Culpeper Co., 1 yr., Clarksville, Mecklenburg Co., Va., 3 yrs., Boydton ch., Mecklen- burg Co., 2 yrs.. Bethel ch. 4 yrs., Williamsburg 1 yr., Saluda, Urbanna and Harmony Grove chs., Middlesex Co., Va., 2 yrs. ; sick and without charge during past sixteen months, Acree, Robert Rowland. b. King and Queen Co., Va., Nov. 12, '52; Richmond College; Sem. (1) '77-78; grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Hom., Syst. Eng.; ord. Bruington, King and Queen Co., Va., Aug., '75 ; p. Waterford and North Fork, '75-76 ; College Hill, Lynchburg, Va., June, '78-, Oct. 1, '87 ; First ch., Petersburg, Va., Oct 15, '87—. Adams, John. Sem. '85-88, from Wellington, Kan., Eng. Graduate. Adams, Joseph Quincy. b. Edgefield Co., S C, Aug. 7, '55 ; Furman University, B. Ph.; Sem. (li) '79-81, grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng.; ord. Greenville, S. C, Alphabetical List of Students. 45 Dec 25, '81 ; p. Ebenezer, S C, Jan., '82-Jan., 'SQ; Kock Hill,S.C., Jan., '86—. Adams, Samuel Marion. b. Boone Co., Ky., Sept. 30, '51 ; University, Lexington, Ky., also Ohio Med., at Cinn., M.D.; Sem. (1-) '88-89 ; ord. Big Bone ch., July 26, '89 ; p. Beaver Lick, Boone Co., Ky., Aug. 1, '89— *Adkins, John T. Sem. '81-83, from Lagrange, Ky., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng.; died about '86, near Turner's Station, Ky. Aiken, James Robert. b. Gowensville, S. C, Oct. 23, '61 ; Furraan University ; Sem. (2) '86-88, Eng. Graduate ; ord. East ch., Louisville, Ky., May 23, '88; presb. Dr. W. H. Whitsitt, Dr. J. R. Sampey, Eev. J. M. McFarland and Rev. M. D. Jeffries; prof. Gowensville Academy, S. C, '89 ; Taylor's H. S , S. C.,'90 ; p. Little River and Lock Creek chs., Fair- tield, S. C, '88-89 ; Gowensville and Taylor's, '90—. *Alderman, A. B. Sem. '75-76, from Pt. Caswall, N. C; studied O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng , B. Int., Ch Gov. and Past. D. ; died at Hawley's Store, N. C, July 8, '89. Alderman, Edward Sinclair. b. Wilmington, N. C, July 27, '61 ; Wake Forest College, A. B.; Sem. (3) '83-86, Full Graduate ; ord. Wilmington, N. G, July 4, '86 ; p. Chapel Hill, N. C. ; Paris, Ky.; Woodlake, Ky. Alderson, Thomas C. b. Rassell Co., Va., Dec. 26, '41 ; Richmond College ; Sem (3) '73-76, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Hem., Pol., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Gk. Jr ; in mission work Norfolk, Va., '84-85 ; ord. Freemason St. ch., Norfolk, Va., Feb. 16, '85 ; p. Ringgold ch., Va., Oct., '85—. Alexander, Charles "Wheeler. b. Doddridge Co., W. Va., July 27, '56 ; Southwest Baptist College, Mo., B. S.; Sem. (2) '86-88, Eng. graduate except Ch. Hist.; ord. 46 Southern Baptist Theologieal Seminary. Ladonia, Mo., Apr. 23, '83 ; prof. Southwest Baptist College, Mo., '85-86 ; p. Galveston, Ind., Mar., '87-Oct., '87 ; Sharpsburg, Ky., July, '88-Oct., *89 ; Hannibal, Ladonia and Antioch chs.. Mo., Oct. 1, '89—. Alexander, William Joseph. b. Taliaferro Co., Ga., Sept. 26, '48 ; Mercer University, A. B. and A. M.; Sem. (3) '70-71, '74-76, grad. in several schools; ord. White Plains, Ga., '74; p. Edgefield, S. C, 76; Darlington, 8. C, '77-82; D.D. from Furman University, S. C ; Prof. University of S. C, Sept., '82—. Allen, John Sanford. b. Mill Town, Chambers Co., Ala., Nov. 30, '54; Waco Univer- sity ; Sem. (3) '83-86, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. and P. P., Ch. Hist. ; ord. Rehoboth ch., Fannin Co., Tex., Aug., '83; p. Mill Creek, Sharon, Stokesland and Axton chs., Va., '86-88; Cooper, Tex., 1 yr. ; Iowa Park, Harrold, Beaver and Sunset chs., Tex., '89 — . Allison, J. T. Sem. '83-84, from Shelby ville, Tenn. Amos, John £. Sem. '6 •5-67, from Ga. Anderson, George S. b. Pittsylvania Co., Va., Feb. 5, '47; Richmond College; Sem. '69-70, '71-72 ; ord. Madison, Fla., 4th Sunday in May, 72; Prin. West Inst., S. C, 4 yrs. ; p. Madison, Fla., 2 yrs. ; agent Furman University 2| yrs. ; p. West Springs, Cedar Springs, Jonesville chs., S. C, 4yrs. ; Newberne, Uniontown, Demopolis, Ala., 7 yrs.; Fort Deposit, Lowndesboro and Hayneville, Ala., 2 yrs. Anderson, Jefferson Davis. b. Dumas, Tippah Co., Mis.s. ; Mississippi College and State Uni- versity ; Sem. (2) 72-74; ord. Academy ch., Tippah Co., Miss., Alphabetical List of Students. 47 '73; A. M. from Southwestern Bapt. U., Tenn ; p. Temperance Hill, Clear Creek, New York, Mt. Moriah, Shady Grove, Ashland, Pleasant Hill, Longtown, Single Springs, Mt. Lebanon, Byhalia, Lewisburg, Red Banks, Abbeville, Cofleeville, Miss. ; Germantown, Eudora, Central, Collierville and Bartlett, Tenn. ; at present, Macon, Mt. Pisgah, Millington and Big Creek, near Memphis, Tenn. Anderson, John Henry. b. L^gan Co., Ky., Jan 9, '49 ; Union University and Bethel College; Sem. (1) 77-78, grad. N. T. Eng., Horn., Heb. Jr; ord. Springfield, Tenn., Sept., '74 ; p. Springfield, New Bethel, Rutland, Rocky Valley, La Guardo, Leeville, Bell Buckle, Hartsville, Third ch., Nashville, all in Tenn. ; sec. State Missions in Tenn., July 26, '87—. Anding, Isaac Ham. b. Copiah Co., Misf., Feb. 18, '47; Mississippi College, grad. June, '77, in a class of ten, 1st honor in A. B. course ; Sem. part of (2) '82-84; ord. Philadelphia ch., Copiah Co., Miss., July 14, '72, presb. Elders Solomon, Buf kin and Chas. M. Gordon ; prof. White Lane Acad'y, '78 ; financial sec. of Miss. College, July, '84-July, '85 ; p. Philadelphia, Pleasant Hill chs., Miss., '73-74; Bethany, White Sand, Mt. Zion and Bethel, '78 ; Bethel, Gallman, '79-82; Corinth, Cherry Creek, Union, '84 ; Gallman, Ferry and New Zion, '85 — . Andrews, John D. b. Orangeburg, S. C, Mar. 30, '60 ; Sem. (1) '82-83, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past D. ; ord. Foreston, S. C, May, '84 ; p. Foreston, Kingstree, S. C ; Monroe City, Mo. ; Butte City, Mon- tana. Andrew^s, Reddin. b. La Grange, Fayette Co., Tex., Jan. 18, '48 ; Baylor University, Independence, Tex., '66-71, A.M.; Sem. (2) '71-73; ord. Shiloh ch., Fajette Co., July 16, '71, presb. Elders P. B. Chandler and John Rudd ; D.D. from La Grange College, Mo., May 14, '75 ; prof. Bay- 48 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. lor University, 75-78 ; principal Greenwood Masonic Inst., Round Rock, Tex., '78-79 ; president Baylor University, Feb., '85-Jan., '86 ; prof. Baylor University, Waco, Tex., Jan., '86-June, '88 ; v. pres. S. B. Convention '85 ; p. Navasota, Hempstead and Millican, Tex., '73-75; Millican, Hempstead and Gay Hill, Tex., '75-78; Calvert, Tex., '79-81 ; Ty Per, Tex , '81-85; Caldwell and Dawson, '86-88 ; Lampasas, Tex., '90—. fAnthony, Alexander Hunter. b. New Albany, Ind., January 25, '60 ; Sera. (1) '88-89, grad. O. T. Eng. ; ord. Broadway ch., Louisville, Ky., May 19, '89. Anthony, "William Linn. b. Chatham, Pittsylvania Co., Va., Dec. 6, '42 ; Semple and Broaddns College; Sem. (1) '68-69, grad. O. T. Eng, ; ord. Union City, Er;e Co., Pa., July, '72 ; p. Union City, Pa., '72-77 ; Her- nando, Desoto Co., Miss., '78-'81 ; Durhamville, Tenn., '82; Pen- sacola, Fla., '83-84 ; Durhamville, Tenn., '85-. Arnold, J. W. Sem. (4) '81-85, Full Graduate, from Milton, Ky. Ashburn, Amaziah Jefferson. b. Northumberland Co., Va., Aug. 29, '57; Columbian College, D. C. ; Sem. (2) '82-84, grad. O. T. Eng., Gk. Jr. ; ord. Tuscumbia, Ala., Aug. 31, '84; p. Tuscumbia, Ala., '84; Princeton, Ky., '86 ; Grapevine and Milford chs., Tex., '88-89 ; First ch., Beaumont, Tex., Sept., '89-. Ashurst, A. P. Sem. '71-72, '73-74, from Columbus, Ga., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int. Askew, George N. b. BlacksviUe, Barnwell Co., S. C,' May 8, '38 ; Sem. (2J) '67-70, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Hom., Ch. Gov., Past D. ; ord. Healing Springs, Barnwell Association, Dec, '71 ; p. Healing Alphabetical List of Students. 49 Springs, '72-75 ; Rosemary, '74 ; Gents Branch, '76 ; Treadway, 2 yrs. ; Matlock, 3 yrs. ; Double Pond and Ready Branch, '85-90 ; Mt. Arnon and Mt Olivet, 10 yrs., '80—. Austin, John P. Sem. '70-71, from Lexington, Mo. f Aylor, Robert Edward Lee. b. Rappahannock Co., Va., Dec. 11, '60 ; A. and M. College, Va., A. B.; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. B. Int., N^ T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Heb. Jr. ; ord. Pocahontas, Va., Dec, '89 ; primary instructor A . and M. College, Va., '87-88; p. Mount Calvary, Auburn and Blackberry chs., Montgomery Co., Va., June, '89-Sept., '89; Poca- hontas, Oct., '89- Jan., 90. Baars, Friedrich Diedrich. b. Hamburg, Germany, July 29, '59 ; Mississippi College, '81-83 ; Cin. Conser. of Music ; Sem. (1) '83-84, grad. Past. D. ; ord. Sanders- ville, Miss., Oct., '85; p. Quitman & Desoto, '85-86; State Evan, for Gen. Asso. Miss., '86-87 ; Columbia & Monticello, Miss., '87-88; prin. Sandersville Acad'y, '85-86; Prof. Music & Ger., Blue Moun- tain Female College, Miss., '88 — . Baber, W. D. Sem. '76-77, from Bridgeton, Mo. Baer, Jerome R. Sem. '79-81 & '85-86, from Glendale, Va., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng, Bagby, Harry Ashby. b. King & Queen Co., Va., Nov. 23, '63 ; Bethel College, Ky., A. M. ; Sem. (3) '84-87, Full Graduate ; ord. Broadway ch., Louis- ville, Ky., July, '87 ; p. Cynthiana & Union chs., '87-90 ; Cynthiana ch., Harrison Co., Ky., '90; Suffolk, Va., '90—. Bagby, John R. b. Powhatan Co., Va., Dec, '32; Sem. (1) '60-61, grad. N. T. Eng., Horn. ; ord. Mt. Moriah ch., Powhatan Co., Va., May, '66; p. 4 50 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Mt. Moriah ch., Powhatan Co., '65—; Muddy Creek, Powhatan Co., '67—; Union ch., Amelia Co., '75—; Sandy Creek, Amelia Co., '78— ; Richmond College, A.B., '60. Bailey, H. "W. Sem. '84-85, from Louisville, Ky. f Baird, John J. b. Baird's Mill, Wilson Co., Tenn. ; Santa Fe Institute, Maury Co., Tenn., B.S. ; Sem. (1-) '88-89 ; supt. Pub. Schools, Wilson Co., Tenn., '87-88. Baker, Franklin Nelson. b. Amissville, Rapp Co., Va., Feb. 12, '56; California College ; Sem. (1-) '87-88 ; ord. Willows, Colusa Co., Cal., June 19, '87 ; p. Willows. Cal., 1^ yrs., ending Sept. 30, '87 ; Maxwell, Cal., 2 yrs., '87-88 ; Orland, Cal., '88—. Baldy, Edward Vincent. b. Starkville, Lee Co., Ga., Feb. 4, '61 ; Mercer University, Ga. A.B., post. grad. A.M. ; Sem. (3) '85-87, '88-89, Full Graduate, also grad. Pat. Gk., Hist. Docts. ; ord. First ch., Macon, Ga., last Sunday in June, '85 ; p. assistant First ch. Macon, (xa., 1 yr., '87- 88 ; p. Perry ville, Ky., 1 yr., '88-89 ; tern. p. First ch , Nashville, Tenn. ; p. Cuthbert, Ga., '90—. Balentine, "W. J. Sem. '68-69, from Brewerton, S. C. Ball, Martin Lewis. b. Cherry Creek, Pontotoc Co., Miss., Sept. 13, '51 ; University of Misrt., A.M. in '70; Sem. (2) '72-74, grad. Gk. Jr., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Ch. Hist., Past. D. ; ord. Cherry Creek, Pontotoc Co , Miss., '72 ; principal Sumter High School, S. C, '78-79 ; p. Cherry Creek & Sharon, Miss., '75-76 ; Mayesville, Wedgefield & Lynch- burg, S. C, '76-82 ; St. Stephens, S. C, '83-84 ; Fayetteville, Ark., '85-87; Jonesboro, Ark., '88—. Alphabetical List of Stvdents. 51 Ballard, Samuel Henry. b. Sevierville, Tenn., Apr. 11, '5S ; Carson College, A.B. & A.M.; Sem. (1) '82-83; principal Huntsville Seminary, Mo., '86-88; pres. Burlington College, Iowa, 1 yr., '88-89 ; prof. Latin & Eng., Pierce City College, '89—. ^Ballard, William L. Sem. '59-60, from Greenville District, S. C. Ballard, W. S. b. Edinboro, Montgomery Co., N. C, May 11, '53; Wake Forest College; Sem. (1) '85-86; ord. Wake Forest College, N. C, June, '84 ; p. Hamlet, Richmond Co., N. C, '84-85 ; Franklin, N. C, '87-89 ; Southport, '89—. Baptist, Edward L. b. Mecklenburg Co., Va., Mar. 13, '37 ; Hampden Sidney & William & Mary, A.B. ; Sem. (1-) '67-68, ord. Bethel, Concord Asso., '69 ; p. New Hope, Boydton, Tussekiah, Olive Branch, Mt. Horeb, Ebenezer, Ephesus, Concord chs. in Concord Asso. ; principal Mecklenburg Institute. Barclay, Hugh Gaylord. b. Talladega, Ala.. Feb. 3, '51 ; Stonewall Institute, Dallas Co., Ala. ; Sem. (1^) '78-80, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn. ; not ord. Barger, Lorenzo T. Sem. (2) '82-84, from Columbus, Ky., grad. Syst. Eng. Barker, John Alexander. b. Waverly, Sussex Co., Va., Aug. 27, '54; Richmond College; Sem. (2) '84-85, '87-88, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb. Jr, Gk. Jr., Syst. Eng., Syst. Lat., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Salem ch., Chesterfield Co., Va., June 21, '85 ; teacher Chester Female In- stitute, (2) '85-87 ; p. Salem & Enon chs., Chesterfield Co., Va., '85. 87 ; missionary to Brazil, Sept., '88-Sept., '89 ; Drummondton & Pungoteague chs., Accomac Co., Va., Jan., '90 — . 52 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Barnes, James Ed-ward. b. Smithland, Livingston Co., Ky., June 6, '28 ; Sem. (1) 72-73 ord. Uniontown,Cal., Feb. 8, '57 ; moderator of Asso. several times agent Cal. College at Vacaville ; p. Uniontown, Spanish Flat Georgetown, Johnstown, '57-58; Toads Valley & Uniontown, '59-60 Knight's Landing, '61-63 ; Silvay ville, '63-70 ; Napa City, '73-76 Grand Island, '77-78; Missionary, '78-83 ; Chico, '84-87 ; Evan- gelist at present. Barnett, J. E. Sem. '87-88, from Cato, Miss. Barrett, Eli Barrygrove. b. Anson Co., N. C, Apr. 1, '48 ; Wake Forest & Judson ; Sem. (1) '86-87 ; ord. Ansonville, Anson Co., N. C, Oct., '89 ; p. Mineral Spring & Pleasant Grove. Barrett, James Leigh Richmond. b. Bishopville, S. C, July 7, '40; Sem. (2) '68-70, grad. B. Int.; ord. Lawrenceville, Ga., Mar. 13, '74, presb. Kevs. W. T. Thornton & T. E. Kenerly ; missionary Second ch., Atlanta, '72-73 ; p. Law- renceville, Ga., '74 ; Hebron ch., Ga., '75-76 ; Lebanon, '77-78 ; Maysville, Ga., '80-81; Buford, Ga., '82-86; Belton, '84-85; Pen- dergrass & Lawrenceville, '83-87 ; Lula, Clarksville & Suwanee chs., '88-90^; missionary of Ga. Bapt. State Convention from Sept., '82—. Barrett, John Tally. b. Attala Co., Miss., Nov. 18, '55 ; Mississippi College, B.S. ; Sem. (3) '86-89, English Graduate ; associate prin. Carthage High School, '81-82; prin. EUisville High School, Miss., '83-'86 ; ord. Carthage, Leake Co., Miss., Aug. 20, '82 ; p. Midway, Leake Co., Miss., '82; EUisville, Claiborne & Enterprise, Miss., June, '83-Oct., '86; Hat- tiesburg, Miss., '86; Bradfordsville, Ky., June, '87-Sept., '87; Waynesburg & McKinney, Ky., Sept., '87-June, '89; Cor. Sec. State Bd., La., '90—. AlphahdiGal List of Studerils. 53 Barry, E. A. Sem. (1) '72-73, from Oxford, Miss. Barry, John. , t^ , , b. Cross Kevs, Unioa Co.. S. C. ; Sem. (2) '67-69; ord. Bethel ch., Newberry' Co., S. C, '69 ; p. Bethesda, Little River Co., Ark '71-79, Palestine, '74-79, Hopewell, '72-79; Mt. Pisgah, Mil- ler Co., Ark., '87 ; P. O. Richmond, Ark.—, Bass, Listen Disico. b. Marion (now Florence) Co., S. C. Mar. 10. '54; Furman Uni- versitv S C • Sem. (2) '78-80, English Graduate, some other studie's'taken; ord. Hebron ch., Florence Co., S. C. ; p. Ti^^^ons- ville, CartersviUe, Magnolia, High Hill, Midway, Peniel, S.C; Manning, Summerton, Dudley, Zoar, S. C. ; Greenville, A a.; Greenville, Mich.; HuntsviUe, Ala., Apr. 1, '90-; D.D. from Urn- versity of Ala., '89. Battle, Henry "W. b. Tuskegee, Ala., .July 19, '56 ; Mercer University ; Sem. (1) '77- 78 grad. Syst. Eng. ; ord. Tuskegee, Ala., '79 ; p. Columbus, Miss. ; Bennettsville, S. C. ; Wadesboro, N. C. ; Newberne, N. C. Bayless, W. C. Sem. (2) '75-77, from Madisonville, Tenn., grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. Bayne, VT. S. Sem. (1) '88-89, -from Mt. Olivet, Ky., grad. B. Int., N. T. Eng. Beale, Frank Brown. b Westmoreland Co., Va., '52; Richmond College ; Sem. (1) '82- 83 grad O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn ; ord. Machodoc ch Westmoreland Co., Va., '73; Clk. Rappahannock Asso. 2 yrs.; president S. S. Con. 4 yrs. ; p. Nomini & Manokin chs., Westmore- land Co., Va., June, '73-Sept., '89, Machodoc ch., '79-«9. Centennial^ Essex ci., '76-79 ; Centennial & Ephesus, '89—. 54 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Beale, George "William. b. Westmoreland Co., Va., Aug. 21, '42 ; Fleetwood Acad'y, Cul- peper Mil. Inst., Piedmont Acad'y; Sem. (1) '67-68, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. ; ord. Machodoc ch., Westmoreland Co., Va., Oct. 18, '68 ; president Va. Bapt. Hist. Society, '79-89 ; p. Pope's Creek & Machodoc chs., Westmoreland Co., Va., Nov., '68 -Nov., '74 ; Gay Street, Georgetown, D. C, Nov., '74-Apr., '79; Beth Car & Black Walnut, Halifax Co., Va., Apr., '79-Dec., '82 ; Buchanan, Botetourt Co., & Enon, KoanokeCo., Va., Jan. 1, '83 -. Beam, J. A. b. Cleveland Co., N. C, '58 ; Wake Forest, A.B.; Sem. (1-) '85- 86 ; ord. New Bethel ch., Cleveland Co., May, '86 ; p. Bethel, Olive Branch, Eed Mt. chs., Person Co., N. C. & Cross Roads ch., Halifax Co., Va., at present; conducting Bethel Hill Institute 2h yrs.— . Bean, B. M. b. Russell Co., Ala., Aug. 18, '46 ; Sem. (1) '75-76, from Leona, Leon Co., Texas. ; ord. Ebenezer ch , Limestone Co., Tex., July 23, '74; p. Bethel, Leon Co., Tex., '74-75 ; Rocky Creek, Edgefield Co., S. C, '77-78 ; Buvard, N. C, '80-83 ; Siloam, Mt. Pleasant, Bullock Co., Ala. & Pine Level, Montgomery Co., Ala., '83 ; Pine Level, Siloam and Liberty, '84; Pine Level, Macedonia & Perote, '85-86; Perote, Mt. Pleasant, Siloam & Greenwood, '87 ; Perote, Siloam, Greenwood & Liberty, '88 ; Lake Weir, Anthony, Wild- wood & Whitney, Fla., '90—. Beauchamp, Harvey. ^ Sem. '88-89, from Paris, Mo. Bedell, D. J. Sem. (1) '67-68, from Ala. Bell, James Austin, Sr. b. Rehoboth, Edgefield Co., S. C, June 25, '49 ; Baylor Univer- sity, A. B. in '"76; Sem. (1) '83-84; ord. Independence, Tex., June 5, '76 ; prof. High School, San Antonio, Tex., '78-79 ; p. Hearne Alphabetical List of Students, 55 and Palestine, Tex., '76-78 ; Victoria, Tex., part of ;79 ; Los^C^^^^^^ ch., Tex., '79-83; two village clis. and Kehoboth in b. L., fe4-«/ , Rehoboth and Trenton, '87—. Bell, Montgomery Heard. b. Tuscaloosa Co., Ala., Oct. 10, '34; Sem. (1-) '60-61 ; ord. Fay- ette C. H., Ala., fall of '62; p. Fayetteville, New Lexington and Mt. Tabor, Ala., over 1 yr.; Blanco, Tex., 20 yrs.. Love Creek, Tex., 7 yrs., Kound Mountain, Tex., 3 yrs.. Pleasant Valley, Tex., 7 yrs., Johnson City, Tex., 2 yrs. ; P. O. Blanco, Tex. Bell, Theodore Percy. b Beaufort, S. C, Feb. 25, '52 ; University of S. C. and Furman University ; Sem. (4) '74-76, Eng. Grad.,'78-80, Full Graduate ; ord. Standing Spring ch., Greenville Co., S. C, June '.5 ; p. Stand- ing Spring ch.. May, '75-Jan. 1, '78. Rocky Creek ch.,_Greenville Co., S. C, Jan., '77-Jan., '78, WiUiamston, S.C., June, '/b-Jan 7/; Elizabethtown ch, Ky, Nov., '79-May, '80 ; Anderson, S. C, July '80-July, '86 ; Assistant Cor. Sec. Foreign Mission Board, So. Bapt. Con., Aug., '86—. Bennett, John A. Sem. '80-81, from Birk City, Ky. Benson, G. G. Sem. '74-75, from Nashville, Tenn. Benton, George Dana. b. Stewart Co., Ga., Apr. 9, '47 ; Oak Bowery H. S., Chambers Co Ala • Sem. (1) '72-73; ord. Corinth ch., Chilton Co., Ala., Apr. 14, '72* Mod. Tuskegee Association, '85-87; p. Pleasant Hill, Ebene- zer'and New Georgia, Macon Co., Ala., Concord, Mt. Moriah, Uchee, Ala., Sept., '75-Dec., '81, Crawford, Ala., 8 yrs. ; Farmers- ville Tex., Nov, '87-Sept., '88; County Line and Philadelphia chs., Lee Co., Ala., and New Hope, Russell Co, Ala., and Pleasant Grove, Stewart Co., Ga., '88—. 56 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. f Berry, Charles Louis. b. Clarke Co., Ind., Apr. 12, '64 ; Hanover College, Ind. ; Sem. (3 m.) '88-89 ; ord. Poplar Ridge ch., Trimble Co., Ky., Sept. 1, '88; p. Antioch and Bedford, Ky., Oct., '88-Sept., '90. Berry, John D. b. OIney, Md., May 20, '64; Sem. (1) '87-88, from Olney, Md., grad. B. Int.; Washington Technical School, also Crozer Sem., Pa.; ord. Rockville, Md., Aug. 21, '89; p. Mt. Olivet and Timber Ridge, Va., June, '89— Berry, Julius Simpson. b. Tippah Co., Miss., Dec. 9, '44 ; Sem. (1) '74-75 ; ord. Baldwyn Co., Miss., July, '75 ; p. Shannon, Miss., '76-77, Baldwyn, Miss., '76-82, Pleasant Ridge, Miss., '70-81, Mt. Olive, '76, Meadow Creek, '77-81, Sardis and Batesville, '83-84 ; Cherry Creek, '85, Guntown and Verona, '85-86, Rienzi, '85-86, Jacinto, '85-86 ; Egypt, '87 ; Jericho, '87-88,— all in Miss. ; Baldwyn, Miss.,—. Berry, William Edwin. b. Tippah Co., Miss., Jan. 19, '47; Mississippi College, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '75-76, grad. N. T. Eng., Hom. ; ord. Baldwyn, Lee Co., Miss., fourth Sunday in July, '75; p. Bethlehem, Benton Co., Miss.; Canaan, Benton Co., 77-78, Pine Grove, Benton Co., '77-79, Beulah, Union Co., '77-79, Central, '78-80, Amaziah, Union Co., '79-82, Mt. Moriah, Tippah Co., '80-85, also '88-90, Fellowship, Tippah Co., '81-90, Ashland, '87, Flat Rock, '88-90, all in Tippah Association, except Amaziah ; A.M. from Miss. College, '78 ; prof. Gk. an Latin, BluepMountain Female Institute, '76-88 ; business manager of the Institute, '88 — . Betts, John Thomas. b. Black Walnut, Halifax Co., Va.. Apr. 14, 'o6 ; University Va. ; Sem. (4) '80-84, pastor Smithfield, Ky. same time, English Grad- uate ; ord. Ephesus ch.. Person Co., N. C, July 13, '79 ; p. Milton and Ephesus, Person Co., N. C, July, '79-Oct., '80 ; Ashland and Alphabetical List of Studenf.s. 57 Glen Allen, Va., Oct., '84--Apr., '87 ; Glen Allen and Four Mile Creek, Apr., '87-90 ; Bethany and Carmel, Caroline Co., Va. — . Be-wick, Ebenezer D. b. Windsor, Dane Co., Wisconsin, Dec. 9, '51 ; Wisconsin Univer- sity ; Sem. (1) '81-82, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eug., N. T. Eng., Horn. ; ord. Beatrice, Nebr., Apr., '83 ; p. Beatrice, June, '82-May, '85 ; Palmyra, Nebr., May, '85-Feb., '89 ; North Platte, Feb., '89—. Bibb, Martin Luther. b. Fayette Co., W. Va., March 21, '50; ^V'illiam Jewell College 3^ yrs.; Sem. (1) '75-76, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn. ; ord .Mt. Horeb ch., Montgomery Co,,Mo., Sept. '77 ; p. Mont- gomery City, Vandalia, Fulton, Warrensburg, Ladonia, Willisville, Paris^ Mo. ; al^ several country chs. in the meantime. Biggs, James Duval. b. Ralls Co., Mo., Oct. 17, '43 ; Georgetown, Ky., A.B. and A.M ; Sem. (1) '69-70; ord. Salem ch., Ralls Co., Mo, June 20, '69; pres. La. Bapt. College '73-75 ; mod. Salt River Association '84- 83; p. Millersburg, Bourbon Co., Ky., July, '70-June, '72; Louisi- ana, Pike Co., Mo., July, '72-Oct., '75 ; Springfield, Mo., Oct., '75- Aug., '78; Bowling Green, Ralls Co., Mo., Aug., '79-Oct., '81; Kirkwood, St. Louis, Oct. '81-Mar , '83 ; Bowling Green, Mo., Mar., '83—. Bilbro, William. b. Jackson, Miss., July, '58; Miss. College and McMaster Univer- sity, Toronto, Canada; Sem. (2) '83-85, English Graduate; ord. Keota, Iowa, Dec, '87; p. Keota, Iowa; Meadville, Mo. Billington, B. F. Sem. '80-81, from Clinton, Ky. Billington, Charles B. Sem. (2) '82-84, grad. N. T. Eng., Ch. Hist., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Pol., Ch. Gov. and Past. D. 58 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Bishop, J. "W. Sem. (1) '79-80, from Hardeeville, S. C. Blackwelder, Wilson Monroe. b. Dudleyville, Tallapoosa Co., Ala., Oct. 18, '57 ; A. & M. Col- lege, Auburn, Ala. ; Sem. (3) '85-88, English. Graduate ; ord. County Line ch., Chambers Co., Ala., '80; p. Antioch, Chambers Co., Ala., '81-85, Rock Spring, Chambers Co., Ala., '83-85, Auburn, Ala., '81- 82, Farraville, Lee Co., Ala., '81-85; Port Royal and Pleasure- ville, Henry Co., Ky., '86-87; North Port, Ala., '87-89 ; Decatur, Ala., '89—. fBlake, Preston. b. Matthews Co., Va., Feb. 28, '60 ; Randolph Macon College, Va. ; Sem. (2) '85-87, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov., Past. D. and P. P. ; ord. Walnut St., Louisville, Ky., Jan., '87 ; p. Glenview, '86-88 ; Kirksville, Waco and Republican, '88- 90 • Richmond, Ky., '90—. Blake, William Packer. b. Martinsburg, Blair Co., Pa., Nov. 14, '57 ; Sem. (2) '78-80, English Graduate ; ord. Weldon, Halifax Co., N. C, Dec. 12, '80; p. Weldon, N. C, July, '80-Mar., '83; missionary to Creek and Seminole Indians Mar., '83-Sept., '85 ; Herington, Kas., Nov., '85-87 ; sup't. Seminole Female Academy., Nov. 14, '87 — . Blalock, F. M. Sem. (1) '71-73, from Fort Valley, Va. Blalock, Pinckney Pattillo. b. Edgefield Co., S. C, Nov. 11, "63 ; Sem. (*) '86-87, from Fair Forest, S. C. ; Institution for the Blind at Cedar Spring, S. C, for C yrs. ; ord. Oak Grove ch., Spartanburg Co., S. C, Aug. 24, '84; supplied Fair Forest ch., Spartanburg Co., S. C, '88; p. Bethany, Danville and Plum Branch, Edgefield Co., S. C, '89—. Alphabetical List of Students. 59 Boatwright, Reuben Baker. b. Buckingham Co., Va., Jan. 23, '31 ; Richmond College; Sem (1) '59-60, grad. vSyst. Eng; ord. Mt. Zion ch., Buckingham Co. Va., '57 ; prof. High School, Marion, Va. ; p. Enon ch., Bucking ham Co., Va., '57-59; Scottsville ch., Albemarle Co,, Va., *60 Brown's ch., Cumberland Co., Va., '62; Lewisburg ch., W. Va., '66 Marion and Sugar Grove chs., Srnyth Co., Va., '69 ; Bristol, Tenn. '72; Peterville and Fine Creek chs., Powhatan Co., Va., '83; Mt Hermon, Hunting Creek, Big Island and Ivy chapel, Buford Co. Va., '89—. f Bohannon, C. H. Sem. (1) '88-89, from Louisville, Ky. Boldridge, John Henry. b. Culpeper Co., Va., Mar. 31, '55; Kichmond College, grad. Gk., Lat., Ph.; Sem. (4) '81-85, Full Graduate, also Pat. Gk. ; ord. Bethel ch., Shiloh Asso., Va., June, '78; p. Alum Spring and Woodville chs., Shiloh Asso., Va., '78-80; Burkville and Sandy River chs., Appomaltox Asso., Va, '85-88; Batesburg, S. C, Mar., '88—. fBomar, Edw^ard Earle. b. Spartanburg, S. C, June 3, 'dl ; VVofford College, S. ('., A.B. and A.M., University Va. (1) '79-80; ord. Sept., '89 at Spartan- burg, S. a ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Hom., Gk. Jr. Bomar, Paul Vernon. b. Spartanburg Co., S. C, Sept. 9, '63 ; Wofford College, S. C, A.B. in '82; Sem. (3) '85-88, Full Graduate, also Ger. ; ord. Spartanburg, S. C, June 15, '88 ; W. E. Hatcher, D.D. preached ord. ser. ; teacher in Anson Institute, Wadesboro, N. C, Sept., '82- May, '83 : principal Wellford High S., May, '83-Dec., '83 ; teacher in Cape Fear Mil. Academy, Jan., '84-July, '85 ; p. Camden, S. C, June 17, '88—. 60 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Boone, Arthur Upsha-w. b. Elkton, Ky., Sept. 7, '60 ; Sera. (3-) '85-88, grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn. ; ord. Elkton, Ky., Jan. 5, '87 ; p. Elkton, Ky., June, '86-Oct., '87; Leitchfield and Smith's, Ky., Mar. 1, '88-Mar., '90; Smith's, Mar., '90—. Boone, Jesse Bynum. b. Northampton Co., N. C, Oct. 1, '36 ; Wake Forest College, N. C. ; Sem. (2-) '69-71 ; grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Galatia ch., Northampton Co., N. C, Feb. 9, '68; pres. Judson College, N. C, Sept. 15, '83-June, '89; pres. Western N. C. Bapt. Con., '85-87; p, Galatia ch., Northampton Co., N. C, '68-69 ; Hebron ch., Northampton Co., N. C, and Hebron ch. in Southampton, Va., '69; Charlotte, N. C, Oct., '71-Oct., '73; Independence Hill, N. C, '73-81, South Mills, S. C, '74-75, States- ville ch., N. C, '75-82, Salisbury ch., N. C, '76-83, Henderson- ville, N. C, '86-87; Moberly, Mo., June 29, '89—. Boone, R. M. b. Simmesport, La., Oct. 9, '59; Miss. College, B.S. ; Sem. {\) '87-88 ; ord. Evergreen, La., Oct., '86 ; p. Monroe, La., May, '89- Jan., '90; Editor of Bapt. Chronicle, Ruston, La., Jan. 1, '88 — . Booth, Joseph Augustus. b. Orange Co., N. Y., July 4, '48 ; Georgetown College, A. B. ; Sem. (1) '77-78 ; ord. Clear Creek ch., Woodford Co., Ky., June 25, '76; p. Clear Creek ch., Woodford Co., 2 yrs., beginning Oct., '77 ; Forks Dix River ch. IJ yrs., beg. Oct., '79 ; Buck Run ch., Franklin Co., Ky., 5 yrs., beg. Nov., '80, Stamping Ground ch., Scott Co., Ky., 5 yrs., beg. Jan., '81 ; Little Mt, ch. 1 yr., beg. Mar., '88, Taylorsville and Little Union chs., Jan. 1, '86 — . Borum, William Archer. b. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 22, '64; Richmond College; Sem. (1) '88- 89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int. ; ord. Harrodsburg, Ky., June 30, '89 ; p. Harrodsburg, Ky., June 1, '89—. Alphabetical List of Students. 61 Bostick, F. J. Sem. '59-60, from Marion Dist., S. C. Bostick, George P. b. Rutherford Co.. N. C, May 29, '58 ; Wake Forest, N. C, A.B. ; Sem (3) '83-86, Full Graduate, also Pat. Gk.; ord. New Hope ch., Wake Co., N. C. ; p. New Hope, Wake Co., N. C ; Harrod s Creek and Pewee Valley, Ky. ; Concord, N. C. ; Durham, N. C, leaving there Feb., '89, to become missionary to China, at lung Chow. *Bothwell, S. 'W. Sem. '71-75, from Augusta, Ga., grad. B. Int., Pol.; died sev- eral years ago. Boush, Nathaniel. Sem. '79-80, from Alexandria, Va. Boyet, John H. b. Tipton Co.,Tenn., Aug. 11. '47 ; Sem. (1-) '77-78 ; ord. Post Oak Grove, Lamar Co., Tex., June, '73; D.D. from Keachie Col- lege La., '88; p. Honey Grove, Tex., '74-81 ; Paris, Tex., '82-8o ; Sulphur Springs, Tex., '84-88 ; Honey Grove, Tex., '88 ; evangel- ist, '89; p. Owensboro, Ky., '90—. Boynton, M. B. Sem. '68-71, from Barnwell Co., S. C. fBradley, George Younger. b. Powhatan Co., Va., July 28, '56 ; Richmond College, Va. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Syst. Eng., Pol., Gk., Heb. Bradley, Leonidas Milton. b. Jackson, Ala., Dec. 25, '53; Howard College, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '87-88 grad. O. T. Eng., Hom., Syst. Eng.; ord. McKinley, Ala., Dec.3, '82; p.Rehobothand Shiloh, '83 ; Perry viUe, Ala., '84-87 ; Jasper, Ala., '90 — . 62 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Breaker, Manly Juhan. b. Newbern, N. C, Mar. 9, '50 ; Woftbrd College, S. C, Washing- ton University, Mo., William Jewell College, Mo., A.M.; Sem. (3) '70-73, Full Graduate, also several post grad. studies ; ord. St. Jos- eph, Mo., June 18, '71; D.D. from La Grange College, Mo,, '89 ; pres. Mt. Pleasant College, Mo., Aug., '76-Jan., '79 ; p. Clear Spring, and Standing Spring, S. C, '72-73; Glasgow, Mo., '73-76; Hunts- ville, Mo., '76-78; Fayette, Mo., '78-79, at same time Mt. Zion, Mt. Moriah and Mt. Pleasant country chs. ; First oh., Austin, Tex., Aug., '80-Nov., '80 ; Marshall, Mo.—. Brewton, John Carter. b. Haw Pond, Ga., Jan. 15, '55 ; Excelsior High School ; Sem. m) '80-81, '83-84, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. ; ord. Excelsior, Ga., Mar. 21, '80 ; p. Excelsior, Ga., Jan. 1, '82-June 80, '87; Perry, Ga., July 1, '87—. Briant, E. S. V. Sem. '74-75, from Carters vi He, Ga. Briscoe, "William Rufus. b. Mt. Washington, Bullitt Co., Ky., June 29, '51 ; Bethel College, Ky , A.B. in '79 ; Sem. (3), 81-84, Full Graduate; ord. Houston, Tex., Feb. 4, '85; principal Mt. Washington Academy, '80-81; p. Palestine, Tex., '84-86 ; Sabine Pass, Tex., Jan., '87-Feb.,'89 ; West Point, Ga., Feb., '89-Mar., '90 ; Dayton, Tenn., '90—. fBrite, Sterling Price. b. Pierce City, Lawrence Co., Mo., Mar. 31, '62; William Jewell College, A.B.; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr. Britton, T. C. Sem. '86-88, from Woodland, N. C, grad. B. Int., 0. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb., Gk., Syst. Lat., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; sailed for China, Nov., '88, missionary at Soochow, China—. Alphabetical List of Students, 63 Britton, 'William Nathan. b. Green Co.. Tenn., Jan. 16. '60 ; Carson College, Mossy Creek, Tenn., and Richmond College ; Sem. (I) '86-87, grad. B. Int.. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Past. D. and P. P. ; colportage work.- Broaddus, Andrew, Jr. b White Plains, Caroline Co., Mar. 29, '53; Richmond College, B L. ; Sem. (1) '74-75, grad. O. T. Eng.. N. T. Eng., Horn.. Syst. En-. ; ord. Salem ch., Caroline Co., Va , Sept. 12, '75 ; p. Fluvanna Co.;Sept., '75-May, '78 ; Northampton Co., May 78-May, '81 ; Lan- caster Co., May '81-Apr., '85 ; Caroline Co., Apr., '85—. ^Broaddus, Luther. b. White Plains, Caroline Co., Va., July 16, '46; University Va. (I) • Sem. (3) '66-69, Full Graduate; ord. Edgefield C. H., S. C, '69- Sec. S. C. Bapt. State Con. , Statistical Sec. and State repre- sentative of Home Board, So. Bapt. Con. ; p. Mt. Tabor, Johnston's and Edgefield C H., S. C, '69-76 ; Ninety Six, Fellowship and Si- loaai,'76-78 ; Newberry, S. C, from '78. till his death, Oct. 21, '85. Broaddus, Maurice B. b. Sparta, Caroline Co.. Va., July 8, '49 ; Oakland Academy, Essex Co., Va.; Sem. (3) '72-76, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng.. Syst. Eng., Ch. Hist., Cft. Gov., Past. D., B. Int., Heb. Jr., Pol ; ord. Reedy River ch.. Greenville Co., S. C, 75, presb. J. A. Broad- us, D.D., Rev. W. J. David and ,Rev. W. A. Nelson ; associate pres. of Hardin College, Mexico, Mo. ; p. Reedy River, S. C, Syrs., while a student ; Bush River. S. C, '77-81 ; Camden, S. C, '81-85; Clinton, Mo., '86-88; Boonville, Mo.; Colombia. Mo.—. Brooks, Charles William. b. Morrisville, Fauquier Co., Va., Apr. 27, '74; Richmond Col- lege • Sem. (I) '84-85 ; ord. Grove ch., Potomac Asso., Fauquier Co., Va., June, '82 ; p. Mt. View, W. Va., '83 ; Ramoth, Stafi-ord Co., Va., '84 ; Zoar, '88 ; Berea, '89—. Brooks, James Pascal. b.Hart Co., Ky.. Aug. U, '49; Sem. (|) '77-78; ord. Monroe ch.. Hart Co., Ky., Nov., '73; p. Monroe, Three Springs, Lonoke 64 Southern Baptist Theologieal Seminary. and Cedar Cliff, Hart Co., Ky., Seven Gums and Liberty, Union Co., Ky., Smith Mills and Corydon, Henderson Co., Ky., Oak For- est, Warren Co., Ky., South Fork and other chs., Barren Co., Ky.— . *Brooks, "W. L. Sem. (1) '87-88, from Columbia, Ala.; died at Columbia, Ala., Sept. 2, '88. Broome, Thomas H. Sem. '59-60, from Fernandina, Fla. Brown, Clinton Capers. b. Barnwell, S. C, Feb. 2, '52 ; Washington & Lee University, Furman University ; Sem. (2) 72-74, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Gk., Heb. ; ord. Barnwell, S. C, July 26, '74; prof. Lat. and Math. Sumter Eclectic Female College 3 yrs., '86-89 ; p. Sumter, S. C, '75—. Brown, E. Z. Sem. '59-60, '68-69, from Williamston, S. C, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng. *Brown, H. D. Sem. (1) '88-89, from Fairview, N. C. ; died at Black Mountain, N. C, Nov., '89. Brown, Joseph S. Sem. '60-61, from Amherst Co., Va. Brow^n, James Alfred. b. Konald, Montgomery Co., Va., Aug. 24, '56 ; Richmond Col- lege, '79, A. M.; Sem, (4) '80-84, Full Graduate, '83, post grad., '84 ; ord. Blackstock, S. C, June 15, '84; sec. S C. Bapt. Ministers' Conference past 3 yrs. — ; p. Blackstock and Hopewell chs., S. C, Jan. 1, '84-Jan. 1, '88 ; Dae West, Abbeville C. H. and Donals chs., Jan. 1, '88— ; P. O. Due West, S. C. Brown, Thomas P. Sem. '80-81, from Hudson's Mill, Va. Alphahdieal List of Students. 65 Brown, W. C. Sem. (2) '86-88, from Savoy, Tex., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. Brown, W. L. Sem. '68-70, from Glenn Springs, S. C fBrownson, Olean Leander. b. Decatur, UL, Dec 14, '56; Southwest Bapt. College Bolivar, Mo., B.S.; Sem. '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng., Horn. ; M.S from Southwest College, June, '85; ord. Vernon Co., Mo., Jan. 17 80; p. Appleton City and Montrose, Mo, '^3-84 ; Shelbina, Mo., 80-88. Bruce, John Morgan. b. Danville, Ky., Apr. 17, '51; Center College, Danville, Ky. AB • Sem. '73-76, '79-80, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng.,Pol., byst Eng.,'ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. near Danville, Ky., Oct., '76; p. Stan ford, Ky., Jan.,'77-Oct., '87; Kearney, Mo., June, 'SS-Mar., '89 Glasgow, Ky., Sept., '89—. Brunson, H. M. Sem. '71-73, from Big Bend, La. Brunson, John Alexander. b. near Darling C. H., S. C, Apr. 17, '62; Furman University, A M. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. N. T. Eng, O. T. Eng., Ch. Hist., Horn., B. Int.; ord. Greenville, S. C, Nov. 18, '86; supplied one summer at Cheraw, S. C, one at Darlington, S. C, and one at Society Hill, S. C. ; at present missionary in Japan. Brunt, "William. b. 1837 ; Wake Forest College, A.B. and A.M. ; Sem. (3) '67-70, Full Graduate ; p. several country chs. in S. C. over 2 yrs. beginning in '67; First ch., Fayetteville, N. C, Aug., '70-Mar., '74; country chs. '74— ; conducting academies for last 13 yrs., except one ; White Oak Academy at present; Supt. Public Instruction in Bladen Co., N. C— . 5 QQ Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Bryan, Robert Thomas. b. Kenansville, Duplin Co , N. C, Oct. 14, '55 ; University of N. C, A.B. ; Sem. (2J) '82-85, Full Graduate ; ord. Gary, N. C, Mar., '81 ; p. Gary, Lystra, Ghatham Go., N. C., and Antioch, Orange Go., N. G., '81-83 ; Cliinkiang, China, Sept., '86.—. Buckner, E. D. Sem. '71-72, from Martinsville, Ind. *Burge, J. C. Sem. '61-62, from N. G. Burnett, James Jehu. b. Big Greek, Gocke Co., Tenn., Jan. 22, '54; Carson College, Mossy Greek, Tenn., A.B.; Sem. (4) '79-83, Full Graduate; ord. Sevierville, Sevier Co., Tenn., Sept. 20, '78; p. Winchester, Tenn., '77-78; Greensburg, Indiana, '83-84; Cameron, Mo., '84-85; Weston, Mo., '85-88 ; Tarkio, Mo., '88—. Burnett, Nathaniel Chapman. b. Bedford Co., Va., '51; Richmond College; Sem. (2-) '78-79, '81-82, grad. Gh. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Auburn, Montgomery Co., Va., Sept. '28, '77 ; p. Blacksburg, Ronald, Auburn, Radford, Mont- gomery Co., Va., Bell Spring, Pulaski Co., Va., Walnut Grove, Bedford Co., Va., Lawrinburg, N. G — . ■(■Burriss, Riley Horatio. b. Anderson Co., S. G., Oct. 17, '62 ; Furman University, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. B. Int., Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Gh. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Mountain Greek ch., Anderson Co., S. C, Sept. 7, '89 ; p. Foustville ch., Greenville Co., S. C, from Mar. to Oct., '88 ; licesville, Lexington Co., S. C, and Salem ch., Edgefield Co., S. C— f Burroughs, James Overstreet. b. McCracken Co., Ky., June 27, '61 ; Clinton College, Ky., A.B. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. Gk. Jr., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Alphabetical List of Students. 67 Pol. ; ord. Clinton, Ky., Aug., '86 ; p. Vernon, Ind., Jan., '87-Jan., '89, Westport, Ind., Oct., '86-Aug., '87, Paris Crossing, Ind., Jan., '87-Jan., '89, Wirt and Lett's Corner, Ind., Jan., '88—. Busb, Thomas DeLoach. b. Simpson Co., Miss., Apr. 26, '44 ; Sem. (2m.) '87-88 ; ord. Juni- per Grove ch., Hancock Co., Miss. ; Missionary State Board Misy., '77-79 ; p. Aniioch ch., Marion Co., Miss., '80 ; Monticello, Crooked Creek, Leaf Eiver, Silver Creek chs.. Miss., '81-85 ; Stonewall ch., Lawrence Co., Miss., '85 ; Poplarville, '86 ; Ellisville, Nicholson, Estabutchie, Augusta and Union, Miss., 3 yrs., '86-89, at same time missionary at Pearlington, Miss., and Slidell, La. ; evangelist, North La. Asso., Jan. 1, '89 — . Bassey, B. "W. Sem. '66-67, from Ga. ; p. Coliseum Place, N. O., La. ; D.D. Busaey, George Washington. b. Edgefield Co., S. C, Sept. 14, '45 ; Furman University ; Sem. (2) '71-73, English Graduate ; ord. Ked Oak Grove, Edgefield Co., S. C. ; p. eleven chs. in Edgefield Co., S. C, serving some of the same chs. at present. Butler, James Henry. b. Henderson Co., Ky., Apr. 23, '48 ; Georgetown College, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '78-79, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb. Jr. ; ord. Hart- wood, Scott Co., Ky. ; p. Gallatin, Tenn., '74-75 ; Clinton, Ky., '76- 78 ; Versailles, Ky., '79-82 ; Vincennes, Ind., '83-86 ; Covington, Ky., '87-. f Callaway, Thomas Merrill. b. near West Point, Harris Co., Ga., Nov. 10, '66 ; Mercer Uni- versity, A.B. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr., Syst. Eng., Past. D. ; ord. West Point, Ga., Sept. 25, '87 ; p. Dalton summer of '89. Campbell, Archibald Neil. b. Harnett Co., N. C, Aug. 23, '38; Sem. (2m.) '77-78; ord. Lib- erty, Johnston Co., N. C. ; p. churches in Harnett, Wake, Moore, Johnston and Cumberland counties, N, C, 4 chs. per year. 68 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Campbell, Harry Ellis. b. Hamilton, Butler Co., O., Jan. 14, '55 ; Miami University, O. and Cornell University, N. Y. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, Eng. Grad. ; ord. First ch., Covington, Ky., Sept. 24, '89 ; p. Whitesboro, Tex.—. Campbell, J. A. Sem. (3) '77-79, '86-87; from Georgetown, Ky. f Campbell, Thomas Heaiy. b. Urbanna, Middlesex Co., Va., Apr. 10, '61 ; Richmond High School ; Sem. (1) 88-'89, grad. Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. and P. P., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng. ; p. Newland, Ind., and Salem, Ky., Oct., '89—. Campbell, "William Tinsley. b. Searcy Co., Ark., Mar. 9, '52; William Jewell College; Seiu^ (2-) '78-80; ord. Liberty, Mo., Jan. 26, '76; Sec. Blue River Asso.,' '85 ; p. Portland ch., Louisville, 15 m.; Westport, Ky., Mar., '80-82; missionary in Kansas City, Jan., '82-Jan.,'84 ; p. Olive st. ch., Kan- sas Citj,Mo., '84—. Carlin, James W. Sem. '80-82, '83-84, '88-89, from Carlisle, Ky., Full Gradu- ate ; missionary at SAvatow, China — Carney, Francis Whitefield. . b. near Clarksville, Montgomery Co., Tenn. ; Sem. part of (2) '81-83; ord. Humphries Co., Tenn., Oct. 14, '78; prin. of Union Graded High School, Farmes, Rowan Co., Ky., '85; p. Harney, Perry Co., Tenn., 3 yrs., 79-82; White River, Ind., 3 yrs., '82-85 ; missionary Boone Asso., Ky., and Bracken ASso., Ky., '85; New Providence, Tenn., Oct., '86-()ct., '89 ; missionary of Indian Creek Asso. in Summer of '86 ; p. Fayetteville, Tenn., Jan., '90 — Carney, Robert Edvsrard. b. Lisbon, Bedford Co., Va., July 1, '53 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (2) '78-80, grad. Ch. Gov., P. P., Pol., Hom., N. T. Eng., O.T.Eng., B. Int. ; ord. Hope ch., Louisville, Ky., June, '79 ; p. Cold Springs, Alphabetical List of Students. 69 Ky., Sept, '81-Sept,'82; Tolono, III, Sept., '82-Nov, '84; Grant. Ky, Nov, '84r-Sept, '85; Portsmouth, O, Sept, '85-July, '88; Troy, O, Sept, '88—. Carpenter, James Howard. b. Burke Co., Ga., Oct. 3, '58 ; Hephzibah High School, Ga. ; Sem. (1) '82-84, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng.; ord. Rocky Creek eh., Burke Co., Ga., July 8, '83 ; p. Telfairville, Burke Co., Ga., July to Oct., '83; Calvary, Augusta, Ga., Oct, '83-Apr., '84; Mayesvilleand Lvnchburg, Sumter Co., and Bethel, Clarendon Co, S. C, Apr., '84- M'ay, '86; Winnsboro, S. C, May, '86- Jan, '88; First ch. Hot Springs, Ark., Jan., '88-Sept., '89 ; West Point, Ga, Sept., '89—. Carpenter, J. T. b. Spottsvlvania Co, Va., Aug. 29, '36 ; Washington College, Richmond College; Sem. (1) '61-62; Chaplain of Post, Richmond, Va., '63-Apr., '65 ; ord. Hopewell ch., Fayette Co, W. Va, Dec, 75; p. Hopewell, Fayette Co, AV. Va., Lick Creek ch. Summers Co.| W. Va., Bethel, Greenbrier Co., and Mill Brook, Fayette Co.,W. Va.', '75-78 ; Union, Monroe Co., W. Va.,'78 ; Cotton Hill, Fayette- ville. Oak Hill, Mossy Creek chs., Fayette Co., W.Va., '79-81 ; Buffalo ch., Putnam Co., and Graham Station, Mason Co., W. Va, '81-82 ; in employ of the A. T. S., '83—. Carpenter, "William Thomas. b. Henry Co., Ky., July 2, '52 ; Bethel College ; Sem. (2-) '84-86, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past, D., B. Int. ; ord. Emi- nence, Kv, Oct. 6, '78 ; p. West Port, Ky., '78-82, Elizabeth 1 yr., New Prospect 2 yrs., Wirt 2 yrs., Byker's Ridge 1 yr.. Union 2 yrs.. New Bethel 1 yr,— all in Ind., i time at each, Elletsville and Stan- ford, Ind, Oct., '82-Oct, '84, Union, Ind., (2d time) nearly 4 yrs., Spring Branch 3 yrs., Macedonia 4 yrs., Center Square 1 yr. Patriot 2 yrs.,— all in Ind, i time at each ; Orland, June, '88-Aug., '89 ; Sturgis, Mich.. Aug., '89 — . Carrick, Thomas, b. Davidson Co, N. C, Apr. 11, '50; Wake Forest, A.B. ; Sem. 70 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. (2) '75-77 ; ord. Lick Creek ch., Davidson Co., N. C. ; p. Greenville, N. C, May, '77-May, '87 ; Lexington, N. C, May, '87—. Carswell, C. M. Sem. (2) '74-76, from Hephzibah, Ga., grad. Ch. Gov. Cars'w^ell, Egiuardus Ruthven, Jr. b. Locust Grove, Burke Co., Ga., June 3, '50; Mercer University, Oa., A.B.and A.M.; Sem. (3-) '71-73, '74-75, grad.Syst. Eng.,Ch. Gov., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Ch. Hist.', B. Int., Past. D. ; ord. Hephzibah, Ga., May 19, '72 ; p. La Place and Tuskegee* Ala. ; some country chs. in Anderson Co., S. C. ; Calvary ch., Au- gusta, Ga. ; Thomson, Eatonton, Elberton, Congers, Douglasville, and a number^of country chs., among tliem Harmony ch., Putnam Co., Ga. ; editor of the Standard Expositor, Atlanta, Ga. — ; principal Harmony High School, Ga., '69, '70, '71 and '85; principal Cars- well Institute, S. C, '74-78 ; principal Stellaville High School, Ga., '79-80. Carsw^ell, J. Hamilton. b. Burke Co., Ga., Jan. 29, '49; Mercer University, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '75-76, grad. O. T. Eng, N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Gk. Jr.; ord. Hopeful ch., Burke Co.,Ga., Aug., '76 ; p. of from one to four country chs. at the time, McBean ch., Burke Co., Ga., Feb., '77 — , also at present Mt. Zion, Richmond Co., Hopeful, Bottsford and Telfair, Burke Co., Ga. — . Carter, Cassius Morton. b. Livonia, Ind., Feb. 23, '61 ; Franklin College, Ind., A. B. ; Sem. (1-) '88-89; ord. Mitchell, Ind., July 12, '89; p. Mitchell, Ind., June, '89 — . Carter, George Henry. b. Lynnville, Tenn., Aug. 26, '46 ; Union University, Tenn.; Sem. (2J) '74-77; ord. Union Hill, Giles Co., Tenn., '72 ; p. Laurens C. H., S. C, two yrs.; Walhalla, S. C, 4 yrs. ; Greenwood and Ninety Six, S. C, 6 yrs. Alphabetical List of Students. 71 Carter, J. M. Sem. '84-86, '87-88, from Salem, Ind. * Carter, James P. Sem. '70-71, from Enterprise, Miss. Carter, Simon Louis. b. Old Store precinct, Chesterfield Co., S. C, Dec. 15, '49 ; Anson- ville Graded School, S. C. ; Sem. (1-) '77-78 ; ord. Woodward Val- ley ch., Sept. 9, '79, presb. Eev. J. S. Coleman, mod., Rev. A. G. Davis and others ; Gen. Missionary for Daviess Co. Asso., Sept., '79 -Mar., '80 ; p. Pleasant Hill, Jackson Co., 111., '81-82, Limestone, '81-86, Dutch Eidge, '81-82, Alto Pass., '83-86, Big Creek, '86-90, Friendship, '88-90, all in 111., Dongola, 111., '85—. *Carter, W. P. Sem. (2) '78-80, from Pontotoc, Miss., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Syst. Eng, ; died several years ago, while President of Mt. Lebanon University, La. Cartin, R. G. C. Sem. '77-78, from Hamburg, S. C. Caspari, "William C. Sem. (1) '59-60, from Farmville, Va., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Ch. Hist. Cave, William Davis. b. Marion Co., Mo., Jan. 30, '45 ; La Grange College, Mo. ; Sem. (4m.) '76-77 ; ord. South Union ch., Lewis Co., Mo., Oct., '75; pres. Bd. Trustees of La Grange College for 5 yrs. ; mod. Wyaconda Asso. for5yrs.;p. Knox City, Mo., '75-76; South Union, Mt. Olivet, Gilead, Dover, Durham, Shiloh, Providence, all in Lewis Co.J%[o., Alexander, Clark Co., Mo. , Emerson, Marion Co., Mo., between '76 and '85 ; Kahoka, Mo., '85 — . Chambliss, John Alexander. b. Athens, Georgia, Aug. 30, '40 ; Georgetown College, Ky., How- ard College, Ala., A.B. and A.M. ; Sem. (2) '59-61, Full Grad- 72 Southern Baptist TheologiGol Seminary. uate; pres. Warrenton Inst., Va., '82-84; prof. Lat. and Lit. in Md. Agr. College, '85-89; D.D. from Bethel College, Ky., 75 ; p. Sumter, S. C, June, '61-Apr., '64; Aiken, S. C, Jan., '66-May, '67; Richmond, Second ch., May, '67-July, '71; Charleston, S. C, Citadel. Square, Sept., '72-Sept., '82; First ch., East Orange, N. J., Sept., '89—. ^Chandler, Thomas Judson. b. Fayette Co., Tex., Feb. 15, '53 ; grad. Baylor University ; Sem. (2) '76-78, grad. O. T. Eng, N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Gk., Horn., Ch. Gov.; ord. Independence, Washington Co., Tex., Sept. 27, '78; prof. Natural Science and Eng. in Baylor University, Independence, Tex., for several years ; p. Mt. Zion, Bethlehem, Chapel Hill, while teach- ing at B. U., p. Turnersville and asst. p. at Gatesville, Coryell Co., Tex., '86 ; died in Coryell Co., Tex., Feb. 15, '88. Chaney, E. B. Sem. '73-75, from Laurel Grove, Va. *Chaney, Junius L. Sem. (1) '86-87, from Bayette, Tex., grad. Past. D. ; died in Tex- Chapman, James Davis. b. Cave Spring, Ga., Apr. 3, '61 ; Mercer University, Ga., A.B. ; Sem. (3) '84-87, Full Graduate; ord. at First ch., Macon, Ga., Apr., '84 ; p. Beechland ch.. Pleasure Ridge Park, Ky., Sept., '85- May, '87 ; Milledgeville, Ga., June, '87—. Chappell, Leroy Norcross. Sem. '86-88, from Forestville, N. C, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. :^t., Heb., Gk., Hom., Syst. Eng. ; sailed for China, Feb., '89 ; missionary at Shanghai, China — . Chastain, James Garvin. b. Itawamba Co., Miss., Dec. 18, '53 ; Mississippi College, A.B., also 1 yr. in University of Miss., grad. in Eng. and Metaphysics; Sem. (3) '85-88, Full Graduate ; ord. Hopewell ch., Itawamba Co., Miss., Second Sunday in June, '75 ; supplied Antioch ch., War- Alphahetkal Ust of Stvdents. 73 .„ CO., MUs., B ». in of 79 ; p. Black JacU eh.. Y-c, Co AT- .an-cnnnlied Port Gibson ch. 3 m. V>L , p. vvimaixi t,, Mrs:^ ;Co-i M.,'83&'84; Scaffold Lick at ^co«Co.,ind.,'86; Milton, Ky., '87 ; Matehuala, Me.., 89- *Cheney, Isaac P. Sem. '83-84, from Glennville, Ala. Cheves, J. B. ' Sem. '76-77, from Bethel, Ga. Childress, Sidney A. ^ , j n t Fncr Sem. (2) '82-83, '88-89, from Jonesville, Cal., grad. O. T., N. T. Eng., S>st. Eng., Past. D. Clark, John A. Sem. '80-81, from Hickman, Ky. Clark, Willis Gaylord. b.Trov, Oakland Co., Mich., Dec 16, '53 ; Kalamazoo Michel Sem. (U '81-83, grad. O. T. Eng., N' T. Eng Ho. Ch.Gov Syst. Eng.; ord. Cheboygan, Mich., June 6 83 P^f^;^ ^J^^^ Traverse Asso., '84 ; p. Cheboygan, Mich., Apr., '83-Apr 86 Char levoix,Mich.,Apr.,'86-Nov.l5, '89, Plymouth. Mich., ^ov. 15, '89—. Claybrook, Frederick W. b. HeathsviUe, Northumberland Co., Va., Aug^ 3, '44 ; grad. Va Mil. Inst., '64; Sem. (2^) '73-74; p. Oak Grove and Popes Cre k. W stmoreland Co., Va., from time of ord at Machodoc oh June '75, until Feb., '80 ; Lebanon oh., Lancaster Co., Va.. and Earn- ham ch.; Richmond Co., Va., Feb.. '80-Apr., '86; Morathio oh., Lancaster Co., Va., Apr. 1, '86—. Clayton, James Benjamin. Sem (1-), '88-89, from Washington, D. C. ; b.Washington, D C, Feb'" '67; Columbian University, D. C. ; ord. Washington, Apr. 12, '89 ; p. Norfolk, Va., '89-. 74 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, f Cleveland, William Calloway, Jr. b. Dallas Co., Ala., Sept. 2, '59; Public School, Selma, Ala.; Sem. (3) '86-89, grad. B. Int. O. T. Eng., Past D., Ch. Hist., Ch. Gov. ; ord. First ch., Nashville, Tenn., June 9, '89 ; p. Cedar Creek ch., Jefferson Co., Ky., Little Flock ch. and Shepherdsville, Bullitt Co., Ky.— . Clopton, Samuel Cornelius. b. Canton, China, Jan. 26, '47 ; Kichmond College, grad. Eng. and Ph.; Sera. (4) '73-77, Full Gra])U ate; ord. Leigh St. ch., Richmond, Va., May 17, '76 ; p. Clay St. ch., Richmond, Va., June, '77—; visit to Palestine, '86. Cobb, John Joshua. b. Seymour, Jackson Co., Ind., Sept. 20, '59 ; Franklin College, Ind., B.S. ; Sem. (4m.) '87-88; S. S. work in country districts. Cody, Zechariah Thornton. b. near Franklin, Henry Co., Ala., May 21, '58 ; Mercer Univer- sity, Mossy Creek College, and Bowdon ; Sem. (4) '83-87, Full Graduate ; ord. Second ch., Atlanta, Ga., July, '85 ; p. Portland ch., Louisville, Ky., June 1, '85-Jan. 1, '87 ; Buck Run ch., Frank- lin Co., Ky., Jan. 1, '87-June 1,'87 ; May 's Lick ch., Mason Co., Ky., June 1, '87-Mar. 1, '90 ; Georgetown, Ky., Mar, 1, '90—. Colbert, James C. Sem. (2) '78-80, from Eufaula, Ind. Ter., grad. Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov. Cole, John B. b. Sullivan Co., Tenn., Nov. 6, '58 ; Carson College ; Sem. (2) '87-89, English Graduate ; ord. Blonntville, Tenn., Nov. 1, '81 ; p. Pilot Point, Tex., Apr., '82-June '85, Mustang, June '83-Dec., '84, Auberry, '83-85 ; Lebanon, June, '85-Sept., '87, Providence, '85- '86; Westport and Middle Creek, Ky., 8m. in '88 and '89; Louis- ville and Grapevine, Tex., Aug., '89 — . Alphabetical List of Students. 75 fCole, S. W. Sem. (1) '88-89, from Culpeper, Va. ; b. Culpeper Co., Va., July 6, '61. Cole, Walter Iverson. b. Madison Co., Fla., May 19, '59; William Jewell College, Mo., Sem. (2) '82-84, English Graduate; ord. Hollettsville, Tex., '84 ; p. Victoria, Tex., '84 ; Elm Grove, Platte Co., Mo., '86 ; South 6th St. ch., St. Joseph, Mo., '87 ; Savannah Avenue ch., St. Joseph, Mo. ; Sept., '88—. Coleman, James Monroe. b. Appomattox Co., Va., Jan. 11, '57 ; Richmond College, grad. Eng. ; Sem. (1) '86-87, grad. O. T. Eng. ; ord. Hopewell ch.. New Kent Co., Va., Apr., '87 ; p. in New Kent Co., Va., Mar., '87—; P. O. Quinton, Va. Compere, William Lee. b. Copiah Co., Miss., Sept. 24, '65 ; Buckner College ; Sem. (3) '86-89, English Graduate ; supplied Blue River ch., near Salem, Ind., Sept. '88-89, Huntington, Ark., July, '89 — , Sulphur Springs, Sebastian Co., Ark., Jan., '90 — . Comstock, Oliver Ethan. b. New Albany, Ind., Dec. 28, '54; Sem. part of '88-89 ; licensed by 22d and Walnut st. ch., Louisville, Ky., Sept. 26, '88; Mission work at SheflSeld, Ala. — . Connally, J. K. Sem. '74-76, from Richmond, Va. Conner, J. S. Sera. '78-79, from Chillicothe, Mo., grad. N. T. Eng. Conrad, Francis Sidney. b. on Yadkin River, Yadkin Co., N. C, Sept. 24, '46 ; Wake For- est College; Sem. (2J) '73-76, grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Enon ch., Yadkin Co., N. C, in '74, presb. Elders 76 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Wm. Turner, W. G. Harman and M. Baldwin; p. Greensboro, N. C, nb-77, Jerusalem and Mocksville, Davis Co., '77-81, Lewisville, '82-87, Lexington, '82-84, Abbott's Creek, Davidson Co., '81-82, Farmington and Eaton's, Davis Co., '81-85, Waughtown, 1 yr., Ked Bank^ Forsyth Co., 2 yrs., Mt. Tabor 3 yrs., West Bend, 4 yrs., Huntsville, 2 yrs., Forbush 1 yr.. Broad Street, Winston, 1 yr., Walnut Cove, '89—. Cook, John Ernest. b. New Liberty, Owen Co., Ky. ; Lagrange College, Mo., A.B. ; Sem. (3) '84-87, grad. B. Int., Sjst. Eng., Gk., Heb. Jr., Pol., Horn., Ch. Gov., Past. D., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. ; ord. St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 18, '87 ; p. Water Tower ch., St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 1, '87—. Cook, Strother Moses. b. Mercer Co., Ky., May 13, '51 ; Nat. Normal U., Lebanon, O., A.B.; Sem. (1) '83-84; ord. Mt. Moriah ch., Mercer Co., Ky., Sept. 21, '84 ; p. Lagos, Africa, Dec. 12, '84-May 24, '86 ; lecturing on missionary work in Africa ; P. O. Burgin, Ky. Cooper, Robert Alanson. b. Midway, Hinds Co., Miss., Feb. 26, '55 ; Mississippi College, B.S. ; Sem. (4m.) '86-87 ; ord. Palestine ch., Hinds Co.,; while at College supplied Antioch and Pilgrim's Rest, Copiah Co., Lud- low, Scott Co., Salem and Chapel Hill, Hinds Co., Miss. ; p. Salem, Cha))el Hill, Raymond and Utica, Hinds Co., New Albany and Myrtle in Union Co., Cherry Creek and Pontotoc, Pontotoc Co., Miss. f Cope, William Cassander. b. Louisville, Ky., Dec. 4, '66; Georgetown College, Ky. ; Sem, (2-) '87-88 ; ord. Sidell, 111., Mar. 4, '90 ; p. Hickory Grove and Sidell, 111., Jan., 1, '90—. ' fCorr, Thomas Read. b. Roadview, Gloucester Co., Va., Feb. 11, '63; Richmond Col- lege, A.M. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., t. Lat., Gk., Heb., Ch. Hist., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D.— . Alphabetical List of Students. • 77 Covert, James Elmore. b. 6 miles N. W. of Franklin, Johnson Co., Ind., Feb. 16, '57 ; Franklin College, Ind. ; Sem. (2) '86-88, grad. B. Int., Ch. Gov., Syst. Eng. ; ord. First ch., Jeffersonville, Ind., July 10, '88 ; p. Kus- sell Springs, Logan Co., Kan., Aug. 1, '88-Jan., '89 ; Beulah ch., near Winfield, Henry Co., Iowa, and Yarmouth ch., Des Moines Co., Iowa, Apr. 1, '89—. Covington, B. G. b. Richmond Co., N. C, Sept. 24, '36 ; Wake Forest College ; Sem. (1) '67-68, grad. Hom., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Cross Eoads ch., Montgomery Co., N. C, Oct., '60; mod. Pee Dee & B. Creek Asso- ciation in N. C, York Asso., S. C. ; missionary in Eastern Asso., '71-73; p. Wadesboro, & Monroe, N. C, '73-75 ; Flint Hill, S. C, Aug., '76-Mar., '78 ; Maysville, '78-84 ; Florence, S. C, '84-. Covington, John Edmond. b. Buckingham, N. C, Feb. 5, '50; Sem. (2|) '80-83, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov.; ord. Mineral Springs ch., Marlboro Co., May, '84 ; p. Yorkville & Union C. H., S. C— . Cowherd, Powell Hill. b. Albemarle Co., Va., June 1, '38 ; University of Va. ; Sem. (1) '60-62, grad. Ch. Gov. & Past. D. ; ord. Leakey, Edwards Co., Tex., Dec. '84, prof. Locust Dale Acad'y, Madison Co., Va., '67-68 ; prof. Baylor LTniversity, Tex., '89 — ; p. Lavernia & Prairie Sea, Tex., '86 ; Belmont '87-88, Hill's Prairie, '87 ; Leesville, '88, Union & Sardis, '88-89. "fCowsert, Vernon Hayes. b. Goodma)!, Miss., Nov. 18, '66 ; Miss. College, Clinton, Miss., A .B. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. B. Int., Heb., Gk., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Syst. Lat., Pol. ; ord. Goodman ch., Aug. 7, '87 ; p. Rocky Springs, Yazoo Co., Miss., '86; Ferry ch., Miss., Jan.' 86-Sept., '87; Canton, Miss., summers of '88 and '89; Warsaw, Ky,, Jan.- May, '89, and Oct., '89-May, '90; Bloomington, Ind., Oct., '89- May, '90. */ 8 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Cox, Christopher Christian. b. Baltimore, Md., Dec 26, '^% ; Baltimore City College 3 yrs. ; Sem. (4) '85-89, Full Graduate, also grad. Copt., Ger., Hist. Docts. ; ord. Carlisle, Ky., Friday, June 14, '89 ; p. Gratz, Ky., Jan., '88-Mar., '89 ; Carlisle, Ky., Ivinsville and Locust Grove, June, '89—. Cox, Thomas B. Sem. '60-61, from Brandon, Miss. Cox, William James Ed-ward. b. Norfolk, Va., Nov. 25, '58 ; Richmond College; Sem. (2) '82- 84, English Graduate ; ord. Leigh St. ch., Richmond, Va., June 1 5, '84; p. Midway, Ky. ; Georgetown, Ky. ; now at Maysville, Ky. Craighead, T. B. Sem. '78-81, from Marion, Ala., grad. Horn. Crawford, John T. Sem. '82-83, from Marlin, Tex. Crawford, Peter F. b. Talbot Co., Ga., Nov. 18, '54 ; Mercer University, A.B. ; Sem. (1^) '88-89 ; ord. South Macon ch., Macon, Ga., June 22, '84 ; prin. Franklin Inst., '86-88 ; prin. Pleasant Grove High School, '89 ; p. South Macon ch., June-Get,, '81 ; Warren chapel, Macon, Ga., Oct., '85-July, '86 ; Carnesville, Martin, Pleasant Grove, Lavonia, Ga., Jan., '87-Jan., '88 ; New Carnesville, Red Hollow and Pleasant Grove, '88 ; Red Hollow, Lavonia, Bowman, Ga., and Bio, Hart Co., Ga., '90—. Crawley, James Washington. b. Milltown, Adair Co., Ky., Apr. 18, '55 ; Sem. (6m.) '82-83 ; ord. Pleasant Valley ch., Hart Co., Ky., Aug. 24, '79 ; p. Cedar Cliff ch., Hart Co.,Ky., Oct., '83-Oct., '84; Monroe ch., Hart Co., Ky., '83-86; Macedonia, Green Co., Ky., '86-88 ; Pleasant Ridge, Green Co., Ky., Mar., '88—. Alphabetical Lid of Students. 79 fCrockett, Stephen. b. London, England, Sept. 15, '66 ; Bible Workers, N. Y. City, Rev. G. W. Samson, D.D., prest.; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. O. T. Eng., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Franklin St. ch., Louisville, Ky., Oct. 24, '89 ; p. Goshen ch., Fairmount, Vermilion Co., 111. — . t Crouch, James Brown. b. Hammondsville, Hart Co., Ky., July 20, '59; Sem. (2J) '86-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Hom., B. Int., Past. D., Syst. Eng., Pol.; ord. Hammondsville, Ky., Mar. 18, '86; p. Barren Run, Larue Co., Ky., 3 yrs., Munfordsville, Hart Co., Ky., 2 yrs., Buffalo, Larue Co., 1 yr., Bethel, Hardin Co., Ky., 1 yr. fCroxton, Albert Marion. b. Lancaster Co., S. C. , Nov. 24, '61 ; Furman University, A.M. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Pol., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Fork Hill ch., Lancaster Co., S. C, Apr. 15, '88; p. Spring Hill ch., Tradesville, S. C, Jan., 1-Sept. 30, '88. Croxton, John Spencer. b. Lancaster Co., S. C, May 6, '31 ; prepared for college by Rev. Peter Nicholson; Sem. (*) '74-75 ; ord. Fork Hill ch., S. C, Jan. 8, '62; p. Catawba ch., '61, Wax Haw ch., N. C, '61-67, Beaver Creek ch., '63-90, Mt. Pisgah, '64-67, Sand Hill, '64-67, Hopewell, Chester Co., '68-71, Fork Hill, Moriah Asso., '67-90, Bethany, '68-71, Laurel Hill '83, Texahaw, '85-90, Pleasant Plain, '86, White Plains, '80, '81 and '83, Spring Hill, '88-90; Mod.' Moriah Asso., S. C, '74-. Crutchfield, G. W. Sem. '86-87, from La Grange, Ky. Crymes, Thomas. Sem. '67-68, from Ga. Curry, J. H. Sem. '75-77, from Mobile, Ala., grad. O. T. Eng., Hom., Ch. Gov. 80 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Curry, "William Lewis. b. Dec. 20, '36; Furman University ; Sem. (2) '59-61, grad. N. T. Eng., Pol., Horn., Cli. Hist., Ch. Gov. and Past. D. ; ord. Big Stev- ens Creek ch., Edgefield Co., S. C, Sept., '60 ; p. Pendleton, S. C, '60 ; Mt. Moriah eh., Abbeville Co., S. C, '61; Milford, Baker Co., Ga., '65 — ; served following chs. since '65, some of them many years : Evergreen, Mitchell Co., Bainbridge, Decatur Co., Blakel^ and Bluffton, Early Co., Morgan, Calhoun Co., S. C. Curtis, F. O. S. Sem. '76-77, from Waterboro, S. C. Curtis, Louis M. b. Moore Co., N. C, June 23, '52 ; Eutherford College, N. C. ; Sem. (1) '87-88, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Sysi. Eng., Hom., Ch. Gov., Past. D.; ord Bethel ch., Sampson Co., N. C, first Sunday in Feb., '86 ; p. Bethel ch., Boykin Chapel, Ebenezer, Sampson Co., N. C, Johnson ch., Duplin Co., N. C, Shiloh, Pender Co., N. C, Scot- land Neck mission, Halifax Co., N. C, '89—. Cuttino, Edward Homes. b. Camden, S. C, Nov. 11, '43; Sem. (2m.) '74-75; ord. Santee ch., Orangeburg Co., S. C, June, '76; p. St. James', St. John's, Was- amsaw, Briner, Bethel, Point Comfort, Goose Creek, all in Berke- ley Co., S. C. ; Ebenezer and Peniel, Darlington Co., and Mizpah, Marion Co., '87-90 ; Ebenezer, Peniel and High Hill, S. C, '90—. Daniel, Francis Marion. b. Butler Co., Ala., Sept. 12, '34 ; Howard College ; Sem. '60-62, grad. Syst. Eng., Ch. Hist. ; ord. Unity ch., Pickens Co., Ala., Nov. 23, '62 ; mod. Stone Mountain Asso. ; p. Newnan, Ga., Dec, '64- Nov.,'69; Cuthbert, Nov., '69- July, '71; Central, Atlanta, Aug., '71-Aug., '75 ; Dalton, Aug., '75-Aug., '76; Central, Atlanta, Aug., '76-Jan., '84; Cartersville, Jan., '84-Oct., '86 ; Griffin, Ga., Oct., '86—. Daniel, Henry Thomas. b, Jefferson Co., 111., July 26, '51 ; Georgetown College, A.B. ; Alphabetical List of Students, 81 Sem. (H) 76-78, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Gk. Jr., Syst. Eng.; ord. Christiansburg, Shelby Co., Ky., July 24, '74; p. Clear Creek, Woodford Co., June, '74-June, '76 ; Pleasureville, Henry Co., Sept., '77-Mar., '79; Long Ridge, Owen Co., Jan., 79-Apr., '82, Greenup's Fork, Owen Co., Feb., '79-May, '81, White's Run, Carroll Co., 6 m. in the year '79, Dallasburg, Owen Co., May, '81-July, '82 ; Rich- mond, Madison Co., Aug., '82-Jan., '87, Republican, Madison Co., Aug., '82-July, '86, Viney Fork, Madison Co., 6 m. in '86; Glas- gow, Barren Co., May, '87-June, '89, all in Ky ; Paris, Bourbon Co., Ky., Feb., '90—. Daniel, John Robert. b. near Salem, Roanoke Co., Va., Feb. 18, '55; Richmond College; Sem. (2) '85-87, English Graduate ; ord. June 26, '87 ; p. Cumber- land ch., Cumberland Co., 16 m. '84-85; Scotts^ille, Albemarle Co., and Maysville, Buckingham Co., June 1, '87 — , Fluvanna, Fluvanna Co., Nov. 1, '87—, and Enon, Buckingham Co., Va., Mar., '89—. Dargan, Ed'win Charles. b. Springville, Darlington Co., S. C, Nov. 17, '52; Furman University, A.M., June, '73 ; Sem. (4) '7o-77, Full Graduate ; ord. Greenville, S. C, Apr. 16, '76; D.D. from Washington and Lee University, '88 ; vice-president S. C. Bapt. State Convention, '88 and '89; p. Enon ch., Botetourt Springs, Va., and missionary stations at Roanoke and Bonsack, Aug. 1, '77-Ang. 1, '81 ; first oh., Peters- burg, Va., Sept. 1, '81-July 17, '87 ; Dixon, Cal., Sept. 1, '87-Nov. 1, '88 ; Citadel Square, Charleston, S. C, Nov. 10, '88—. *Dargan, John Hugh. b. Springville, Darlington Co., S. C, Oct. 20, '46; Furman Uni- versity, B.Ph., Columbian College; Sem. (3) '69-72,Full Graduate; taught at Spring Creek, Tenn., in a college now defunct, '67 ; ord. Black Creek ch., Darlington Co., S. C, last Sunday in June, '72 ; p. several chs. in Marlboro Co., S. C, '72-74 ; Damascus and other chs., Abbeville Co., S. C, '76-77 ; died in Darlington Co., 8. C, Dec. 6, '77. 6 82 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. '^Davault, Elijah Enos. b. near Bristol, Sullivan Co., Tenn., Mar. 31, '56; Carson College, Tenn., A.B. ; Seru. (4) '80-84, Full Graduate ; ord. Walnut St. ch., Louisville, Ky., June 1, '84, set apart aa missionary to China; ar- rived in China, Dec. 16, '84, and preached regularly to Whang Hien ch., China, till death at Tung Chow, China, Oct. 4, '87. David, Francis Columbus. b. Harris Co., Ga., Mar. 10, '37 ; Sem. (2-) '72-74; ord. Antioch ch., Harris Co., Ga., '62 ; p. Girard, Ala., '68 ; Rocky Mount, Lee Co., Ala., '69-70; Rocky Mt,, Beulah, County Line and Union Grove, Lee Co., '71-72; Rocky Mt., County Line and Salem, '75-77 ; dis- trict missionary in East Ala., '78-80; missionary in North Ala. and miss. p. at Decatur, Leighton and Madison Station, Ala., '81-82; p. Owltewah and Little Hopewell, Tenn., '85; Gallatin, Tenn., '8B and '87 ; Cleveland, Tenn], '88 and '89. Davidson, Judson Carey. b. Appomattox Co., Va., Feb. 2, '49; Union Acad'y; Sem. (3) '68-72, English Graduate, also Gk. Jr., and Heb. ; ord. First ch., Lynchburg, Va., Oct. 30, '72, presb. C. C. Bitting, D.D., J. C. Kin- canon, D.D. and W. A. Montgomery, D.D. ; pres. Shenandoah Asso. 3 yrs., while at Winchester, Va.; p. First ch., Sedalia, Mo., '72-80; First ch., Hannibal, Mo., '81-83; Winchester, Va., '84-Nov., '89; Grace ch., Baltimore, Md., Nov., '89 — . Davis, B. F. J. Sem. '77-78, from Rose Bud, Ark., grad. B. Int. Davis, Benjamin J. b. New Liberty, Ky., June 17, '49 ; Southwestern Bap^ Univer- sity, Tenn., A.B.; Sem. (3) '79-81, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Hom. ; ord. Friendship, Crockett Co., Tenn., Dae. 8, '74, Dr. J. R. Graves was mod. of presb. ; mod. of district associations and sec. of home missions in several associations; p. Pisison ch., 5 yrs., GoaLs- bury, 2 yr^., Pleasant Plains, 1 yr., Oak Grove, 1 yr., Grand Junc- tion, ^ yr., Salem, Ind., 3 yrs., Orleans, Ind., 3 yrs., Mitchell, Ind., Alphabetical List of Students. 83 3^ yrs., Emporia Avenue ch., Wichita, Kan., 2 jrs., New Liberty^ Ky., 1 yr.— . Davis, John M. Sem. '74-75, '82-83, from Morgan Hill, N. C. f Davis, M. L. Sem. (1) '88-89, from Jefferson, Tex.—. Dawes, Bourbon A. b. near Kirksville, Madison Co., Ky., Oct. 18, '61; Georgetown College, A.B. in '86; Sem. (1) '87-88, grad. N. T. Eng., B. Int., Syst. Eng.; ord. Kirksville cb., Ky., May, '87 ; p. Junction City ch., June, '88-May, '89, Salvisa ch., Ky.,Jan. 1, '87—. fDawson, Lemuel Orah. b. Waverly, Lee Co., Ala., Apr. 24, '65; Howard College, A.B.; Sem. (3) '86-89, Full Graduate, also Ger. and Pat. Gk.; ord. Mt. Pleasant ch.. Chambers Co., Ala., Aug., '88; supplied Hopewell cli., Perry Co., Ala., in summer of '86; p. Hopewell, Henry Co., Ky., Jan., '88-Jan., '90, Mt. Vernon, Woodford Co., Ky., Jan., '89—. tDay, John Atison. b. near La Grange, Lewis Co., Mo., Dec, '57 ; La Grange Col- lege ; Sem. short time, '88-89; ord. Dover ch., Lewis Co., Mo., Sept., '89 ; p. Antioch, Clark Co., Mo. Decker, "Walker J. b. Spottsylvania Co., Va., May 25, '41; Richmond College; Sem. (2|) '81-84, English Graduate; ord. Zoan ch., Spottsylvania Co., Va., Nov., '75 ; p. Salem, Va., '75—, Zoar, Orange Co., Va., June, '84—, Orange C. H., Va., June, '84-Oct, '86, North Pamunkey, Orange Co., Va., Oct., '86—. Dean, James O. Sem. (1) '80-81, from Independence, Iowa, grad. B. Int., O. T Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. 84 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Deans, Joseph Franklin. b, Norfolk Co., Va., May 20, '39 ; Columbia College, A.B. in '59, A.M. in '66 ; Sera. (2^) '60-61, '66-68, Full Graduate ; ord. Byrne St. cb., Petersburg, Va., Dec, '63; chaplain Con. States Army, '62-65 ; p. Northwest ch., Norfolk Co., Va., and Weldon oh., N. C, '66 ; Bainbridge ch., Manchester, Va., Mar., '66-Dec., 72 ; mission work, Portsmouth Asso., Va., '73-74; Smithfield and Whitehead Grove ch^., Oct., '75-Oct., '79; Whitehead Grove, Windsor and South Quay, '80-84, Black Creek ch, '81-84 ; White- head Grove, Windsor, Black Creek and Great Fork chs., Va., '84 — ; principal Churchland High School, Norfolk Co., Va., '59-60; prin- cipal Windsor High School, Isle of Wight Co., Va., '78 — . Derieux, William Thomas. b. Essex Co., Va., May 26, '53 ; "Richmond College ; Sem. (2) '78- 80, English Graduate; ord. Manchester, Va., second Sunday in Oct., '80 ; p. Manchester, Va., Oct. 1, '80-Sept. 30, '84 ; First eh., Spartanburg, S. C, Oct. 1, '84—. Derrick, "W. P. Sem. '73-74, from Scottsboro, Dershanski. Ludwig. Sem. '88-85, from Louisville, Ky., grad. Heb. Jr., Pol. Dicken, Charles 'William. b. Campbell Co., Ky., Nov. 24, '42 ; Georgetown, A.M. ; Sem. (3) '69-71, '74-75; ord. Twelve Mile ch., Pendleton Co., Ky., July 14, 'i88 ; while attending Sem., p. Belton, Williamston and Ninety Six, S. C. ; in '71 became pastor of Forks of Elkhorn and Glen'fi Creek chs., Ky. ; principal of Hardin Academy, '76 ; in '78 became pres. Murray Inst., Calloway Co., Ky ; p. Big Spring ch., Larue Co., Ky., 76; Allensville and Elkton chs., Todd Co., Ky., '79; Auburn, Franklin, Pleasant Grove, '82 ; Spring Creek, Tenn., and Mt. Pleas- ant, Ky., '85 ; Gheot, Ky., Apr, 1, '89—. Af/phahetica,! List of Students. 85 Dickerson, La-wrence. b. Wayne Co., West Va., Jan. 24, '60; Sem. (1) '87-88; ord. Wayne Co., W. Va., Apr., '85 ; p. Cassville, '85-87 ; Tabor's Creek, '87, Buffalo, '87—, Concord, '89—. Dickinson, Alfred James. b. Louisa Co., Va., '64; Sem. (2) '86-88, grad. N. T. Eng,, ' Gk., Past. D. and P. P., Ch. Gov., Horn., Syst. Lat., Text. Crit.; ord. Walnut St. ch., Louisville, Ky., May, '88 ; prof. Math, in Mr. Almond's school, Louisville, Ky., '87-88; also prof. Math, and Physics in Rugby School, Louisville, Ky., '87-88 ; Richmond Col- lege, A.M.; p. Central ch., Memphis, Tenn., May 1, '88-Nov. 1, '89; First ch., Selma, Ala., Nov. 1, '89—. "fDickinson, Jeter George. b. Louisa Co., Va., Aug. 25, 'QQ; Richmond College, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. B. Int., Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr., O. T. Eng., N. T.Eng. ; ord. Parkland, Ky., Sept., '89 ; p. Lyle's and Beulah chs., Fluvanna Co., Va., June, '87-Jan., '88 ; Parkland, Ky., Oct. 1, '89—. Dickinson, James Taylor. b. Richmond, Va., August 4, '61 ; Richmond College, several diplomas; Sem. (3) '82-85, Full Graduate; ord. Grace St. ch., Richmond, Va., June 28, '85 ; supplied East ch., Louisville, Ky., Oct., '84-May, '85 ; p. Lyle's, Fluvanna, and County Line, Va., June, '85-Feb., '86 ; North Orange, N. J., Mar., '86—. Dill, Edward, Jr. Sem. '59-60, from Greenville District, S. C. Dill, Jacob Smiser. b. Carlowville, Dallas Co., Ala., May 9, '56 ; Howard College* A.B., class '75; Sem. (3) '76-79, Full Graduate; ord. Marion^ Dec. 5, '75; p. Montevallo, Ala., Sept.. '75-Sept., '76; Auburn, Ala., May 25, '79-Dec. 1, '81; Union Springs, Ala., Dec. 1,'81-Mar. 1, '84; Tuscaloosa, Ala., Mar. 1, '84-Mar. 1, '88; Goldsboro, N. C, Mar. 1, '88— . 86 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dingle, James Shannon. b. Palmyra, Mo,, Nov. 11, '48; La Grange College, Mo., A.M.; Sem. (IJ) 74-76, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng.; ord. Bethel cli., Marion Co., Mo., 71 ; prest. Palmyra Sem., Mo., '80-84; and Mon- roe Inst., '84r-87 ; p. Macon City, Mo., 76 and 77 ; Shelbina, Mo., 78-83, Bethel, Marion County, Mo., '78-83 and '85-87, Providence, Mo., 84-87 ; Glasgow, Mo., '87—. Bixon, A. C, D.D. Sem. 75-76, from Shelby, N. C. ; p. Immanuel ch., Baltimore, Md. Dobbs, Charles Edwin "Willoughby. b. Portsmouth, Va., Aug. 12, '40; Sem. (6m.) '60-61; ord. Court St. ch., Portsmouth, Va., Mar. 6, '64, presb. Dr. T. G. Jones, H. J. Chandler, J. O. Elwell and Richard Allen ; recording sec. Gen. Asso. Ky., May, '68-May, '81, Sec. S. Bapt. Con., May, '78-May, '81 ; prin. Bowling Green Sem., '79-80; D.D. from Baylor University, 78; p. Court St., Portsmouth, Va., June, '62-May, '64; Kemps- rille, Princess Ann County, and Salem, Norfolk Co., Va., Oct., '65- Apr., '66; Waco and Tate's Creek, Republican Co., Ky., and Provi- dence, Clark Co., Ky., July, '66-Jan.. '67; Athens, Fayette Co., Jan., '67, and Richmond, Oct., '67-Dec., '68; East Hickman and South Elkhorn, Fayette Co., Ky., '69-74; Bowling Green, Ky., Jan., '74-Apr., '80; Madison, Ind., Oct., '81-Mar., '85; Columbus, Miss., Apr., '85 — . f Dobbs, Gilbert. b. Richmond, Ky., Dec. 6, '67 ; Bethel College, Ky., A.B., '87; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Heb., Gk., Syst. Eng., Past. D. ; ord. Mayfield, Ky., Aug. 16, '87 ; supplied Mayfield, Ky., June-Sept., '87, and Holly Springs, Mi.-^s., June-Sept., '89. Doggett, "W. T. Sem. '84-85, from Brown Summit, N. C. Donaldson, C. N. b. Greenville Co., 8. C, Oct. 2, '49; Furman University and Alphabetieal List of Students. 87 Richmond College; Sen.. (2) 70-73, grad. O T Eng., Ch. Gov Past. D.; in Eoches.ev The. Sem., 78-80 ; ord, Colamb.ach, Green- ville Co., S.C.; p. Atlanta, Ga.,74; Waverly, Va., 75 and 76; Brookfield, N. Y., '80-82; Florence, S. C, '82-84 ; Portsmouth, Va., '84-88; Smithfleld, Jan., 'SS-Jnne, '89 ; Winton, N. C, Oct., 89-. Downey, Alvan Adalaska. b.Eochester, Noble Co., O., Apr. 15, '56 ; Ind. Central Norma College, and Franklin College, Ind. ; Sem. (1) '86-87 ; ord. Pleasant Hill cb., near Pike's Peak, Brown Co., Ind., May 6, '83 ; Secretary Mt. Zion Asso., '87-88 ; p. Salem Ch., Milford, Ind., '84-8o ; Little Flatrock ch., Downeyville, Ind., '85-86; Pleasant Hill ch.,Pike« Peak, Ind., '87 ; New Salem ch., Paragon, Ind., '88—. Dozier, P. C. Sem. (2) '60-62, from Williamsburg District, S. C; prof., at Los Angeles, Cal. — . Drake, Edwin R. Sem. (2) '86-88, from Deland, Fla. ;at Deland, Fla., in bad health. Duncan, James Franklin. b. near GoklsviUe, Tallapoosa Co., Ala., Dec. 12, '52 ; Baylor Uni- versity, A.B., '77 ; Sem. (2) '86-88, English Graduate; attended University of Louisville; M.D. from Ky. School of Medicine 81; principal Mount Calm Masonic Institute, '87-88; ord. Dec. 26, /b, atClarksville, Tex., presb. T. W. Anderson, J. B. Starke and J. W. Moore- p Olive Branch and Galinda ch?., McLennan Co., /b-/», Wolfe City church. Hunt Co., '82-83 ; Baird City Ch.,'84-85 ; Savoy church, Texas, '85-86; Franklin St. ch., Louisville, Ky., 87-89; First ch., Baton Kouge, La., '89—. f Duncan, Perry Orloff. b. Tipton Co., Ind., Aug. 24, '61 ; Franklin College, Ind., A.M. ; Sem. (1) '87-88, grad. Hom., Syst. Eng., Gk. Jr.; ord. Lexington, N C Aug. '86; p. Lexington, N. C, Aug., '86-June, '87; Flat Eock,' Bartholomew Co., Ind., July, '87-Jane, '88; Mt. Pleasant, Johnson Co., Ind., July, '87—. 88 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Eager, George Boardman. b. Jefferson Co., Miss., Feb. 22, '47; Oakland College, Miss. (2 s.), Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss., A.M. ; Sem. (3-) 72-74, 75-76, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb., Gk., Horn., Syst. Eng., Ch. Hist., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Clinton Miss., 71; D.D. from University of Tenn., '80, and Howard College, '81 ; missionarf p. Lake Village, Ark., 71 -72 ; and Bastrop, La., '74-75 ; p. Lexing- ton, Va., 76-79; Knoxville, Tenn., 15m., '79-80; St. Francis St. ch., Mobile, Ala., '80-87 ; First ch., Danville, Va., 2J yrs., '87-89; Parker Memorial ch., Anniston, Ala., Oct., '89 — . Eager, John Howard. b. Jefferson Co., Miss., Den. 18, '49 ; Mississippi College, A.B. ; Sem. (4) '75-79, Full Graduate; ord. Clinton, Miss., '74; p. Ray- mond, Mis?., while in college, (sessions '78-74) ; Vicksburg, Miss., 74-75; two country churches in S. C, i=;ummer of '76; First ch.» Memphis, Tenn., summer of '77; Midway, Ky., '78-79; Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md., summer of '79; Manchester, Va., '79-80; Rome, Italy, '80—; D.D. from Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss., '90. Easley, J. W. Sem. '78-79, from Louisville, Ky. Eason, Frederick W. Sem. (1) '73-74, from Darlington, S. C, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Hom., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov. *East, R. V7. Sem. (1) '61-62, from Va., grad. Heb. Jr., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; died before 1869. Ebeltoft, Theodore William Andrew. b. Mobile, Ala., July 22, '48 ; Sem. (5) '69-72, '74-76, Full Graduate; ord. St. Francis St. ch.. Mobile, Ala., under pastorate of Rev. J. O' B. Lowry ; p. Mansfield, La., '76-80 ; also agent for for- eign missions in Grand Cane Asso.; p. Fayetteville, N. C, April, '81- Aug., '83; forbidden by physicians to preach since '83. Alphabetioal List of Students. 89 Eden, John F. b. Americus, Sumter Co., Ga., Aug. 19, '58; Mercer Universitjr, Macon, Ga,, A.B., afterwards received A.M.; Sem. (5m.) '82-83; ord. Lebanon ch., Sumter Co., Ga., Sept. 19, '80 ; pres. State Board of Missions of Florida Bapt. Con., Nov., '88-Apr., '89 ; mod. Houston Asso., Ga., '88 ; p. Eatonton and Harmony, Putnam Co., Ga., Feb., '82-Oct., '82; Cairo, 111., Oct., '83-Nov., '84; Bunker Hill, HI., Nov., '84-Jan., '86; Gainesville, Fla., Aug., '86-Apr., '88; Hawkinsville, Ga., Apr., '88—. Edwards, Charles H. Sem. (5) '80-85, from Crawford, Ga., grad. Ch. Gov., Past. D., B. Int., O. T. Eng. Edwards, Joab, b. near Mt. Willing, Edgefield Co., S. C, Aug. 11, '47; Sem. (2Jm.) '72-73 ; ord. Sardis ch., Edgefield Co., S. C, Aug. 9, '73 ; p. Sardis, Salem, West Creek, '74-78 ; Lee's, '83-89, Samaria, '84-86, Convent, '85-87, Bethlehem, '87-88 ; missionary and colporteur cf Ridge Asso., '89 ; Woods — . Edwards, Jesse Hartwell. b. Society Hill, Darlington Co., S. C, Apr., 4, '53 ; Columbian University, A.M., '68-73; assistant prof, in Columbian University, 73-75; Sem. (3) '75-78, Full Graduate; ord. Welsh Neck ch., Darlington Co., S. C, May 13, '77 ; p. Rock Hill, York Co., S. C, and Harmony ch., Chester Co., S. C, June, '78-Mar., '83, Catawba ch., '78-80; Oxford ch., La Fayette Co., Miss., Apr., '83-Jan. 1, '89; Cheraw and Chesterfield C. H., S. C, Jan. 1, '89—. Edwards, J. N. Sem. '73-74, from Archer's Station, Fla. Edwards, O. T. b. Moon's Chapel, Chatham Co., N. C, Oct. 7, '45 ; Wake Forest College ; Sem. (3) '77-80, English Graduate ; ord. Moon's Chapel, May, '80; p. Moon's Chapel 3 yrs., Rocky 4 yrs., Bear Creek 3 rrs., 90 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Rive's Chapel 8 yrs., Love's Creek 6 yrs., Gum Springs 6 yrs., Fall Creek 3 yrs., Pittsboro 1 yr., Jonesboro 1 yr,, Crane's Creek 1 yr., Moon's Chapel 2 yrs.; principal Mt. Vernon Springs Academy, N. C, 5 yrs. fElder, Joseph Ayers. b. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 27, '66 ; College of the City of N. Y., A.B.; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad B. Int., O. T^ Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb., Gk., Ch. Hist., Syst. Eog. Elder, John Franklin. b. Athenx, McMinn Co., Tenn., Oct. 7, '54 ; Mossy Creek College ; Sem. (f) '87-88 ; ord. Shoal Creek ch., Tenn., May, '78 ; principal Grand Prairie High School, Tex., 3 yrs.; p. Harmony and Shiloh, Tenn., Grand Prairie, Bare Creek, Prairie Valley, Hopewell, Sa- lem, Alvard, Liberty, Bowie, Tex. — . Elliott, Judson A. b. Hamilton Co., O., Sept. 15, '55; South West Bapt. College, Mo., B.S., '83, also M.S. in '85; Sem. (1) '87-88; Fin. Sec'y Bd. of Trustees of S. W. Bapt. Coll., '84; ord. Mt. Zion ch., Labette Co., Kan., May, '80; p. Deer Park ch., Lasalle Co., 111., '85-86; Rozetta and Oquawka chs., Henderson Co., 111., '86-87 ; 8up;jlied a few months at Monticello, 111., and Jeffersonville, Ind. ; Fairfield, 111., Sept. 15, '8j— Elliott, "William Jackson. b. Harpersville, Shelby Co., Ala., Sept. 15, '60 ; Howard College; Sem. (1) '85-S6, grad. Past. D., Ch. Gov.; ord. Harpersville, Ala., June 6, ^^Q\ assistant prof. Elocution in Howard College, '83-84; p. Brierfield, Ala., June 7, '86-Nov., '87 ; Pine Apple, Nov., '87—. Ellison, G. "W. Sem. (1) '85-86, from Jersey City, N. J., grad. Past. D. Elmoie, H. B. . Bern. (1) '78-79, from Cullman, Ala., grad. O. T. Eng.. N. T. Eng. Alphabetical List of Students. 91 f Elsom, Percy Garland. b. Howardsville, Albemarle Co., Va., July 15, '60; Richmond College; Sem. (2) '86-88, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb., Gk., Horn., Ch. Gov., P^st. D.; ord. Stanford, Ky., Jan., '87 ; while at college, 6up. Fulton Bapt. ch., Richmond, Va., over 3 yrs. ; while at Sem., sup. Stanford, Ky., two sessions; p. Quitman, Ga., 1 yr. fEnlow, Joseph. Sem. (I) '88-89, from Underwood, Ind. Engstrom, Charles John. b. Karlstad, Varmland, Sweden ; State College, Karlstad, Sweden, between 4 and 5 yrs.; Sem. (1^) '87-89, grad. Heb. Jr., O. T. Eng. ; not ordained. Entzminger, J. N. Sem. '73-74, from Dako, S. C. *Eoff, James E. Sem. (2) '80-82, English Graduate; died in Tex.; came from Jackson, Tenn. Ervin, Clarence Pa^w^ley. b. Darlington, S. C, May 11, '54; Furman University, '69-73, A. B. ; Sem. (2) '77-79, grad. B. Int., Horn., Ch. Hist., O. T. Ens., N. T. Eng., O. T. Heb., N. T. Gk. ; ord. Pendleton, S. C, '82; p. Pen- dleton, S. C, and other chs., '82-85 ; Bamberg, S. C, and other chs., '86 — ; tutor in Furman University, '79-81. Eates, Belton Parks. b. Halseville, Chester Co., 8. C, Apr. 9, '64; Furman University ; Sem. (2) '84-86, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Pol , Horn., Ch. Gov., Past. D.; ord. Beaver Creek, Chester Co., S. C, July 20, *86; teacher Midway High School, Barnwell Co., S. C, '86-87; p. Midway ch., Barnwell Co., S. C, Aug., '86-Aug., '87; Mt. Carmel ch., Orangeburg Co., S. C, Jan., '87-Jan., '89, Fort Malte, Orange- burg Co., S. C, Jan., '88-89, Pendleton, Anderson Co., S. C, Jan., '89-90; Long Run, Rock Creek, Buffalo and Honnor chs., Fairfield Co., S. C, Jan., '90—. 92 Southern Baptist Theobgical Seminary. Eubank, Peyton Adams. b. Clark Co., Ky., Jan. 13, '57 ; Winchester High School, Ky., and Medical department of Mo. University; Sem. (3^) 78-82, Full Graduate; ord. Winchester, June 23, '82; missionary in A.beo- kuta, Africa, Aug., '82-Mar., '84; Lagos, Africa, Mar., '84-Oct., '89; Abeokuta, Africa, Oct., '89 — Evans, T, A. Sem. '82-83, from Florence, S. C. Ewing, Peter Robert. b. Eufaula, Ind. Ten, Dec, '60; William Jewell Ck)llege; Sem. {3m.) '80-81 ; sec. Muscogee Seminole Bapt. Asso. ; not ord. Ezell, Humphrey Kimsey. b. Algood, Spartanburg Co., S. C, May 22, '56 ; Sem. (6m.) '81-82 ,' ord. Bethel ch., at Woodruff, Spartanburg Co., S. C, Dec. 30, '83; p. Beulah, Lawrence Co., S. C, '84-85, Lower Duncan's Creek, New- berry Co., '84 and 6m. '85, Lower Fair Forest, Union Co., 3 yrs., '84 -87, Mt. Joy, Union Co., 3^ yrs., '85-88, Hebron, Union Co., '87-88; Pleasant Grove, Brushy Creek and Corinth, Greenville Co., '89; Pleasant Grove, Brushy Creek and Bethuel, Greenville Co., S. C, '90—. Ezell, Landrum C. b. near Limestone Springy S. C, May 16, '43 ; Sem. (1) '72-74 ; ord. Buffalo ch., York Co., S. C, fourth Sunday in Aug., '67 ; p. Bethel, Woodruff Co., S. C, '73-83, Padgett's Creek, Cross Keyg, S. C, '73— Pleasant Grove, '73-74; Cedar Grove, '75-80; Cedar Springs, '81-83; Raburn Creek, '84-88 ; Abner's Creek and Milford, '89-' 90. Fackler, J. "W. P. Sem. (1) '74-75, from Blakely, Ga. Fant, James King. b. Anderson Co., Ga., Jan. 19, '51 ; Furman University, A.B.; Sem. (2) '75-77, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Got., Alphabetieal List of Stvdents. 9^^ PastD., Horn., Syst. Eng., Gk. Jr. ; ord. BeltoD, S. C, Jan. 27, '75 ; p. Beaver Dam, Lawrence Co., S. C, '76 and '77 ; Harmony, S. C, '77; Greenwood, S. C, '78 ; Sardis, Miss., '79 and '80; Mountain Creek, Gilgal, Rehoboth and Bethany, Edgefield Co., S. C, '81-85 ; Flint Hill, York Co., S. C, '85-88; Wadesboro, N. C.,'88— . Farmer, John James. b. Coweta Co., Ga., June 29, '61 ; Mercer University, A.B. ; Sem. (2-) '86-88, grad. Syst. Eng., O.T. Eng., B. Int., Past. D. and P. P., N. T. Eng. ; ord. Macon, Ga., June, '85 ; principal Toccoa High School, '85; p. Butler and Reynolds, Ga.; Belford, Ind., Blue Ridge, Ind. ; Eatonton and Harmony, Ga. ; Elberton, Ga. Farmer, William Madison. b. Senatobia, Miss., March 19, '53 ; Mississippi College, Clinton, Miss.; Sem. (2) '81-83, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., B. Int., Horn. ; ord. Senatobia, fall of '80 ; p. Longtown, '83-84, Spring Hill, '83-87, Union, '85-90, Bold Springs, '88—. Farrior, "W. M. Sem. '76-78, from Clayton, Ala., grad. Ch. Gov. Farriss, Charles S. Sem. '80-81, '84-85, from Raleigh, N. C, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Hist, Gk. fPerguson, Henry Grady. b. Greenville, S. C, April 9, '66; Furman University, A.M.; S^m. (2) '87-89, grad. Gk., Heb., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Pol., Syst. Eng. ; ord. First ch., Greenville, S.C., Sept. 15, '89. *Figh, Rufus- b. Tuscaloosa, Ala., July 23, '32; Howard College; Sem. (2) '59- 01, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng. ; ord. Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 16, '59 ; prof. West Point College, Ga. ; Cor. Sec. of S. S. Con., Tex., '80; p. Montevallo, Ala., '61-68; West Point, Ga.; Hearne, Ander- son, Navasota, Tex., '77-83 ; Rancho, Tex., '84 ; Salem ch., '86-88 ; died at Lavernia, Tex., Aug. 17, '89. 94 SoidJiern Baptist Theological Seminary. fFinch, John Silas Miles- b. Spartanburg Co., S. C, Dec. 26, '62; Furman University, A.B. ; Sem. '88-89. Fisher, J. A- Sem. '81-82, from Hartford, Conn. Fitzpatrick, Samuel New^ton- b. Montevallo, Shelby Co., Ala., Feb. 13, '59 ; University of Tenn. ; Sem. greater part of '87-88 ; ord. New Salem ch.. Smith Co., Tenn^ Oct. 13, '84 ; prof. Math., Bloominton College, '85 : pres. of a High School in '88 ; Missionary in Barren River Asso., Ky., before attend- ing Sem. Fizer, John R. b. Bedford Co., Va., Apr. 29, '66; Richmond College, Johns Hop- kins; Sem. (3-) '84-87, English Graduate; ord. Ivy Creek ch., Bedford Co., Va., Nov. 19, '81 ; p. in Bedford Co., Va., '81-84; again '87-88 ; in Ky., while at Sem., '86-87 ; Supply at Brantly Memorial, Baltimore, '86-89 ; p. West Point, Va.— Fleming, Ray S. Sem. (1) '8a-84, from Whitesville, Ky. Folk, Edgar Estes. b. Haywood, Co., Tenn., Sept. 6, '56 ; Wake Forest College, A.M. ; Sem. (4) '78-82, Full Graduate, also took post grad. course ; ord. Marfreesboro, Tenn., June, '82; p. Miirfreesboro, Tenn., May,! '82-Oct.. '85; Millersburg and Falmouth, Ky., June, '86-Jan., '87; Albany, Ga., Jan., '87-Dec., '88; ed.^ap^. Reflector, Dec, '88-Aug., '89 ; ed. Baptist and Reflector, Aug., '89—. Ford, Rufus. b. Marion Co., S. C, Aug. 22, '52 ; Wake Forest, A.B. ; Sem. (if '78-79, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn. ; ord. Bear Swamp ch., Marion Co., S. C, Aug. 13, '78 ; p. Olive Branch, Wake Co., N. C, Beaverdam, Bruton's Fork, Mineral Spring, Brownsville, Salem, Marlboro Co., S. C, Antioch, Marion Co., S. C. Alphabetical List of Students. 95 Forrester, Eldred John. b.'St. Peter's Parish, Beaufort District (now Goethe Township, Hampton Co.), S. C, Nov. 14, '53 ; Furman University, A.B ; Sem. (3) '75-78, FoLTi Graduate; ord. Beech Branch ch., Hampton Co., S. C, May, '77 ; member State Mission Board, Ala., '83 ; also Sec. State Board of Ministerial Education ; member of Executive Board of S. C. Bapt. Con., Dec, '85— ; p. Bethsaida, at Snow Hill, Wilcox Co., Ala., Carlowville and Pleasant Hill, Dallas Co., Ala., June, '78-Jan., '80 ; Pleasant Hill, Dallas Co., and Macon, Hale Co., '80 and '81 ; Bethel, at Fort Deposit, and Hayneville, Lowndes Co., Ala., '82 ; Selma, Ala., Nov., '82-Jan., '84; Harts- ville, S. C, Jan., '84—. Foster, Joshua Hill, Jr. b. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Mar. 3, '62 ; University of Ala., A.B., also re- ceived A.M. in '83; Sem. (3) '85-88, Full Graduate, also Hist. Docts., Assyrian, Ger.; ord. Tuscaloosa, Ala , June, '87 ; pres. Hearne Institute, Cave Spring, Ga., Sept., '82-June, '84 ; p. Union Springs, Ala., June 15, '88—. Foster, Lovelace Savidge. b. 10 miles south of Tuscaloosa, Ala., Dec. 18, '47 ; University of Ala., '64 and '65; Sem. (4) '68-70, '73-75, Full Graduate; ord. Starkville, Miss., Jan., '71 ; associate ed. Western Recorder, '30 and '81 ; also Bapt. Record, '86 ; principal Starkville Male Academy, Miss., '77 and '78 ; p. Mayhew Prairie ch., Oktibbeha Co., Miss., '72 ; Seneca Cit}^, Oconee Co., S. C., '74 ; Okolona, Miss., '75 ; Cam- den, S. C, '76 ; Louisville, Miss., '78-84 ; Fellowship and Rodney, Jefferson Co., Miss., '84 and '85 ; CarroUton, Miss., '87 — . Fountain, Charles Perkins. b. near Carlowville, Dallas Co., Ala. ; Howard College ; Sem. (4) '76-80, Full Graduate ; ord. Fisherville, Ky., '79 ; p. Jefferson, Tex., '80-81; Camden, Ala., '81-83; Greenville, Ala., '83-86; pres. Keachie Male and Female College, Keachie, La., '86-89 ; preaching and teaching at A. and M. College of Texas : 96 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. TovQ-lei, Harrison. Sera. '08-70, from Greenville Co., S. C. Fowler, John Melvin. b. Boston, Mass., Sept. 30, '57 ; Sem. (3) '82-84, '8r)-86, English Graduate; ord. Port Royal, Ky., Dec. '83; p. Bethel, Owen Co., Ky., Jan., '84-85 ; Port Royal, Henry Co., Ky., Jan., '84-87 ; Phre- nix, Arizona, Jan., '87-88 ; Christiansburg, Ky., Feb., '88—. Pox, U. J. Sem. '81-82, from Dalton, Ky. French, James Adolphus. b. near Ballsville, Powhatan Co., Virginia, March 11, '49 ; Rich- mond College and University of Va. ; Sem. (3) '74-77, English Graduate; ord. Leigh St. ch., Richmond, Va., June 25, '76; p. Hampton, Va., May 24-Sept. 5, '76 ; Gordonsville, Va., June, '77- Nov., '82, Beaver Dam, Fluvanna Co., Va., Sept., '77-Dec., '78, Orange, Va., Nov., '78-Nov., '82; Paris, Ky., Nov., '82-July, '85 ; Shelbyville, Ky., '85—. Fuente, Jose Maria De La. Sem. (3) '84-87, from Saltillo, Mexico. Fuller, Samuel Thompson. b. near Macon, Ga., March 31, '42 ; Sem. (3 and part of 3) '69- 72, '81-83, English Graduate, also Heb. ; ord. Hamilton, Ga., Oct. 1, '74; principal Male Seminary, Hamilton, Ga., Feb. 1, '74-Nov. 1, '74; p. Hamilton, Ga., Nov., '74-Nov., '80 ; city missionary, while attending Sem., in Louisville ; p. Aiken, S. C, May, '83-84 ; gen. evangelist 6 mos. ; Lancaster, S. C, Oct., '84-Julv, '88 ; Mar- tinsville, Va., July, '88—. Fuller, Thomas Benjamin. b. Talbot Co., Ga., Feb. 14, '55 ; Mercer University, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '82-83, grad. N. T. Eng., Gk. Jr.; ord. Mt. Zion ch., Wilcox Co., Ga. ; p. Abbeville, '87 and '88, Bethlehem, '88 and '89, Mt. Zion. '89—, Ashburn, '90—. Alphabetical List of Students. 97 Fullbright, Thomas L. Sem. '82-84, from Macon, Tenn., grad B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn. Fuqua, W. W. Sem. (1) '77-78, from Liberty, Va., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng , Hem., Syst. Eng. Furman, S. Sem. '71-72, from Newberry, S. C. Gaines, Tilman Rowland- b. Greenville Co , S. C, Oct. 27, '34 ; Furman University, A.B. ; Sem. (2) '60-62, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past..D. ; ord. Greenville Co., Aug., '62 ; Chaplain in C. S. Army, '61 and '62 ; p. Shelby, N. C, '63-66 ; Yorkville, S. C, '67-69 ; Pres. Female Sem., Shelby, N. C, '63-69; ed. Working Christian, '68-73. Gaines, "William Arnold- b. Greenville Co., S. C, Feb. 28, :31 ; Academy Temple of Health ; Sem. (1 m.) '61-62; ord. First Creek ch., Anderson Co.; p. in Ab- beville Co., Beulah, '«3-'66, Coronaca, '84-'85, Mt. Carmel, '89-90, Lowndtville — ; in Newberry Co., Cross Roads, '66-68, Enoree, Fair- view, L. D. Creek, '79 ; in Edgefield Co., Salem, Sister Springs, Good Hope, '68-70, Rocky Creek, Gilgal, '86, Antioch, '81-83, Republi- can, '81, Bold Spring, '88; in Anderson Co., Union, '66, Eureka, '89 ; in York Co., Yorkville, '71, Fort Mill, '71-72, Pleasant Val- ley, '72, Mt. Bethel, '72; in Chester Co., Brushy Fork and Liberty, '72-76, Woodward and Beaver Creek, '73-75, Cedar Grove and Blythewood, '76, assistant p. Chester C. H., '73, Calvary, '74-75. f Galphin, R. P. Sem. (2) '87-89, from Orangeburg, S. C, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past D. Galphin, Thomas Milledge. b. Liberty Hill, Edgefield Co., S. C, Apr. 25, '55 ; Sem. (3) '78- 81, English Graduate, also Gk. and Heb. Jr. ; ord. Abbeville C. H., 7 98 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, S. C, third Sunday in Mar, '81 ; p. Orangeburg C. H., S. C, June, ♦81-Oct.^ '86 ; St. Matthew's and Four Holes, Jan., '87—. Gardner, Charles Spurgeon. b. Gibson Co., Tenn., Feb. 28, '59; South West Bapt. University and Richmond College ; Sera. (1) '82-83, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Horn., Gk. ; ord. New Castle, Ky., in spring of '83 ; p. Tren- ton, Tenn., Nov., '83-Dec., '84 ; Brownsville, Tenn., Dec. 1, '84-Feb. 1, '86; Edgefield ch., Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 1, '86—. Gardner, Francis W. Sera. '80-82, from Paris, Tenn., grad. N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov. Gardner, George William. b. Orangeburg Co., S. C, Aug. 5, '51 ; Furman University, B. S. ; Sem. (2) '76-78, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Hom., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past D., B. Int., Gk. ; ord. Sardis ch., Lexington Co., S. C, Aug. 15, '75; business manager of Baptist Courier, '78 ; pres. Alumni Asso. of Furman U., '88—; p. Lancaster C. H., S. C, '80-84; Union C. H., S. C, '84-86 ; Hickory, N. C, '87; Harmony, S. C, '88-89; Oxford, Miss. — Gardner, Thomas S. Sem. (2) '68-70, from Russellville, Ky., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn., Ch. Gov. Garr, B. W. Sem. '88-89, from Wellington, O. *Garrett, Hosea L. b. Washington Co., Tex., June 28, '54; Baylor University, A.B. ; Sem. '77-80, grad. N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., O. T. Heb., B. Int. ; died Oct. 3, '87. Garrett, Richard Baynham. b. Caroline Co., Va., Nov. 22, '54; Sem. (2) '79-81, English Grad- uate; ord. Carlisle, Ky., Jan. 25, '82 ; p. Carlisle and Flemingsburg, Ky., Oct., '81-Apr., '84; Maysville, Ky., Apr., '84-Sept., '89; First ch., Austin, Tex.^ Sept., '89—. Alphabetical List of Students. 99 fGarrett, William A. b. Lee ("o., Tex., Feb. 27, '58 ; Tex. State Normal Institute and Baylor University, Waco, Tex., A. B. ; Sera. (1) '88-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn., Past. D., Ch. Gov.; ord. Hamilton, Tex., Aug. 15, '86; vice-president and prof. Hamilton College, Tex., '85- 86 ; p. Hamilton ch., Tex., Aug., '86-88 ; Pleasant Grove, Ky., Fish- erville, Ky., '89-90 ; Bryan, Tex.—. *Gates, Elbert C. b. Franklin Co., Miss., Aug. 7, '59 ; Mississippi College ; Sem. (2) '79-91, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. ; ord. Franklin Co., Miss., '75 ; p. of chs. in Miss., Tenn., Ky., Tex. ; Cor. Sec. State Board, Tenn. ; died Nov. 1, '88. f Gates, Franklin P. b. near Walnut Hill, Hamilton Co., O., Aug. 12, '53 ; Sem. (|) '88-89; ord. New Harmony ch., May 17, '88; p. Underwood, Walesboro, assistant p. New Harmony. Gaunt, John Lewis. b. Scott Co., Ind., Oct. 9, '50; Bethel College; Sem. (4) '80-84, English Graduate, also Heb., Gk. Jr. ; ord. Fisherville, Jefferson Co., Ky., Dec. 3, '81 ; p. Vienna, "Scott Co., Ind., '81-83; mission stations, agent for books, S. S. and colportage work, and evangelist. f Gay, William Davis. b. Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 8, '67 ; University of Ala., A.B. ; 'Sem. (2) '87-89; ord. First ch., Montgomery, Ala., Jan. 13, '89 ; supplied Pine Level, Ala., June and July, '87 ; First ch., Montgomery, Ala., Sept., '87 ; London, England, at the Scandinavian Sailors' Home, Aug., '88; p. Furman, Carlowville and Pleasant Hill chs., Ala. — . Geiger, Byrd Alexander. b. near Ocala, Marion Co., Fla., Nov. 8, '59; Mercer University, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. Ch. Gov., Past D. and P. P.; ord. McRae ch., Telfair Co., Ga., August, '87 ; principal Moxley High School, Ga. — ; p. McRae, Telfair Co., Ga., New Providence ch., Wilkinson Co., Ga., Wadley, Jefferson Co., Ga. — . 100 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Getsinger, Joseph J. b. Barnwell Co., S. C, Oct. 19, '35 ; Furman University; Sem. (1) '66-67 ; ord. Broadmouth ch., Anderson Co., S. C, Aug., '65 ; presi- dent Barnwell S. S. Con., '76-81 ; S. S. Missionary, Saluda Asso., '65 and '%Q ; p. Talatha, Mt. Calvary, Dean's Swamp and Taberna- cle chs., '67-70; Hunter's chapel, Canaan, Ebenezer and Graham's, '70-74; Canaan, Ebenezer, Midway and Double Ponds, '76-81; Harmony, Bethlehem and Fairmount, '82-84; Fairmount, Bull Swamp, Providence and Salem, '83-87 ; Red Hill, Modoc, Eepubli- can and Bethany, '88 and '89; Berean ch.. West End, Augusta, Ga.— . Giles, Benjamin Franklin. Sem. (3) '82-85, English Graduate ; Howard College, B.S. ; prof. Howard College, '87 — ; b. Tallapoosa Co., Ala. ; ord. Salem, Ind. ; p. Salem, Ind., '84-87 ; A.M. from Howard College, '90. Gilliam, G. W. Sem. '75-76, from Jamestown, Tex. Given, George W. Sem. (3) '67-70, from Marietta, Ga., grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., N. T. Eng., Ch. Hist, Ch. Gov., Syst. Eng., Pol. Goddard, J. W. Sem. '76-77, from Jacksboro', Teim. Gold, P. D. Sem. '61-62, from S. C. Golden, Erasmus Zeruleus Franklin. b. Wilkinson Co., Ga., Ma> 11, '53; Mercer University, A.B., '76, also A. M. in '81 ; Sem. (2 m.) '80-81 ; ord. Liberty ch., Wilkinson Co., Ga., '76 ; p. Irwinton and Bethel chs., '75-76 ; South Macon and Irwinton, '77 ; S. Macon, till Dec, '78 ; Thomasville, Dec. 1, '78 -Dec. 31, '82; South Macon, Jan., '83-Feb., '84; Central ch., Atlan- ta, Feb., '84-Feb. 15, '86 ; organized Valance St. ch., N. O., staying 4J raop. ; next six mos. in Texas ; Brunswick, Ga., Dec. 1, '86 — . Alphabetical List of Students. 101 Golden, William Cornelius. b. near Lovelaceville (but in Graves County), Ky., Sept. 27, '58; Clinton College, Ky. ; Sem. (2) '83-85, English Graduate ; ord. New Concord ch., Graves Co., Ky., Oct. 24, '84 ; teacher Milburn High School, '81 ; janitor in Clinton College to pay his way ; sec. Coffee Creek Asso., Ind., '86; Moderator Friendship Asso., Ark.,.'89 — ; p. Hopewell ch., Volga, Ind., Jan., '85-Dec., '86, Lancaster, Ind., Apr., '85-Dec., '86, Wirt, Ind., Sept., 85-Dec., '86, Paris Crossing, Ind., Jan., '86-Dec., '86; First ch., Bellefontaine, O., Jan., '87-Dec. 31, '89 ; Sixth Ave. ch.. Pine Bluff, Ark.—. Goldsmith, Peter Hair. b. Greenville, S. C, Nov. 23, '65 ; Greenville Military Institute and Furman University; Sem. (4) '84-88, Full Graduate; ord. Greenville, S. C, June 12, '87 ; p. Gallatin, Tenn., Jan. 1, '88-Jan. 1, '90; Versailles, Ky., Feb. ], '90—. Goodwin, Hugh. b. Louisa Co., Va., July 19, '55 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (2) '81 -83, grad. Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov., Past D., Horn., Pol. ; ord. South Anna ch., Louisa Co., Va., May 27, '83 ; Missionary State Mission Board of Va., '83-86, in Lebanon Asso., Va.; '86-83, in Shiloh Asso., Va. ; p. of three chs. in Rappahannock Co., Va., '88—. Gordon, Eugene C. Sem. '68-70, from Columbus, Ga., grad. Ch. Gov. Gordon, William Taylor. b. seven miles east of Springfield, Washington Co., Ky., Oct. 30, '48; Lynnland Inst., Hardin Co., Ky., Georgetown College; Sem. part of each of (3) '77-80 ; ord. Bethlehem ch., Washington Co., Ky., May 11, '73; p. Hardin's Creek, Washington Co., Ky., '73; Milton, Trimble Co., Ky., '74-75, Liberty, Oldham Co., Ky., '74-77, Covington, Oldham Co., Ky., 75-78; Charleston ch., Clark Co., Ind., '78-80, Utica and Uniontown, Ind., '78-80 ; Missionary of S. B. Con. to the following chs. in Fla. : Tampa, '82-83, Bartow (6 m.) '83, 102 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Leesburg (9 mos.), '84, Umatilla, '87-88, Astatula, '85-89, West Apopka, '86, Bloom field, Lake Co., Fla., '85—. Gower, Claude Elwin. b. Wade Co., N. C, July 30, '54 ; Wake Forest College ; Sem. (1) '81-82, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Hom.; ord. Cane Creek, N. C, presb. C. Durham, W. L. Wright, M. D. Jeffries andE. A. Patterson ; p. Graham, Mobansville and Cane Creek, '83-84 ; Mocksville, Jeru- salem and Fork, '85-88; Mt. Olive, Faison, Falling Creek and Johnson, '88-89 ; Magnolia, Dobson's, Sharon and Johnson, '89 — , all in N. C. Grant, Robert L. J. Sem. '70-71, from Atlanta, Ga. Graves, Alvin "White. b. Orange Co., Va., Sept. 15, '50 ; Kichmond College, grad. Latin, Greek, Eng., also Full Graduate Df Crozer Theo. Sem.; Sem. (1) '86-87, postgrad.; ord. Baltimore, Md., July 4, '77, presb. Drs. C. C. Bitting, W. T. Brantly, O. F. Flippo and others; p. Hamp- den, N. Baltimore, Md., '77-79 ; Newburg and Nansimoy chs., '79- 81 ; Hebron, King and Qneen Co., Va., Horeb, Caroline Co., Va., and Hanover C. H., Va., '81-83 ; Healing Springs, Woodland, Williams- ville, Deerfield and Horeb, Bath Co., Va., '83-86 ; Simpsonville, Ky., and Smithfield, Ky., '86—. Gray, Baron De Kalb. b. near Waynesboro', Wayne Co., Miss., June 18, '55; Mississippi College, A.M.; Sem. (4) '79-83, Full Gra])uate, also Pat. Gk.; ord. Salem ch., near Waynesboro, Miss., July, '78 ; p. Mound Bluff and New Hope chs., Madison Co., Miss., July, '78-July, '79 ; Mid- way, Ky., Nov.,'79-May, '80; Buffalo Lick, near Bagdad, Ky., Nov., '81-Oct., '82; East ch., Louisville, Ky., Oct., 'S2-May, '84; Clinton, Miss., Oct., '84-Dec., '87 ; Hazlehurst, Miss., Jan., '88—; D.D. from Miss. College, Clinton, Miss., '90. Greathouse, "W. W. Sem. '80-81, from Augusta, Ky. Alphabetical List of Students, 103 Green, Charles Cunningham. b. Parkville, Platte Co, Mo, Sept. 1, '54 ; Georgetown College ; Sem. pari of (3) '79-81, '82-83; ord. Madison, Fla., Apr. 3, 81; p. Madison, Fla., Feb.l5, '81-Feb. 15, '82 ; Lorain, O., Dec^S, 82-Oct. 1 '84- Logan's Creek ch., Lincoln Co., Ky., May 1, '8o-Mar. 15 87, C'rab Orchard, Ky., Jan. 1, '8H-Jan. 1,'87 ; Sealy, Tex. Apr. 2 '87-, and missionary p. at Richmond, Belleville and Eagle Lake, lex.— Green, Charles Henry. b. Copiah Co, Miss, Mar. 31, '61 ; Gillsburg College, Miss., and Mississippi College, B.S. ; Sem. (2-) '85-87, grad. N. T Eng O. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov, Syst. Eng. ; ord. Gillsburg, Dec. 17, '84 ; p. Worthville, Ky., May, '86-Jan. 1, '87, Bethel, Owen ^o Ky, May, '86-Dec., '87, Florence, Ky., Feb., '87-April, 88; Lud- low, Ky., April 1, '88—. Green, F. W. Sem. '82-84, '85-86, from La Guardo, Tenn. Green, Jesse M. b. Qnitman Co., Ga.; Howard College; Sem. (2) '82-84, grad. B. Int, Hom., N. T. Eng, Pol, Syst. Eng, Ch. Gov, Past. D. ; ord. Brundrige, Ala., Api. 10, '79 ; four years missionary m ISorthern Arizona, under the Amer. Bapt. Home Miss. Society, Is. Y. ; P- Prescott, Arizona ; Avondale, Ala., — . Green, George "Washington. b. Wautauga Co., N. C, June 29, '52 ; Wake Forest College, A.B. ; Sem (4) '70-71, '72-75, Fult. Graduate; ord. Wake Forest, N. C Dec, '71 ; S. S. Sec. Bapt. State Con. of N. C, '75 ; Rec. Sec. Bapt. State Con. of N. C, '78, '85-89 ; p. Hickory, N. C, '75-76, Tarboro, N. C, '80-90, Moravian Falls, K C, '86-; principal Moravian Falls Academy, '77 -. Greene, John Priest. b. Scotland Co., Mo., Aug. 20, '49 ; La Grange College ; Sem. (4) '75-79, Full Graduate; ord. Dover ch., Scotland Co, Mo. 104 Southern Baptist Theological Seminai^y. Gregston, Collin Hodge. b. Caldwell Co., Ky., Feb. 22, '54; Bethel College; Sera. (1) '82- 83, grad. O. T. Eng. ; ord. White Sulphur Springs ch., Oct., '79 ; p. Liberty Point, Trigg Co., Ky., Oct., '79-Sept., '82, Canton, Trigg Co., Jan., '80-81, Locust Grove, Trigg Co., June, '80-Sept., '82, Little River, Christian Co., Nov., '79-Sept., '82; Shady Grove and Marion, Crittenden Co., Jan., '84-85 ; in Union Co., Ky., Seven Gams and Little Union, '85—, Little Bethel, '86—, Woodland, '85-88, Morganfield, Ky., Jan., '89—. Gresham, George Thomas. b. King and Queen Co., Va., Aug. 7, '49 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (3) '74-77, Full Graduate; ord. Ocala, Fla., June, 77 ; p. Ocala, Fla., May, '77-Apr., '79 ; Walhalla, S. C, Apr., '79-Apr., '80; Hayneville, Ala., Jan.-Oct., '81 ; South Union, S. C, Jan., '82- Feb., '87, Pendleton, S. C, Feb., '86-May, '87 ; Harrisonburg, Va., May, '87-Jan., '90; Dry Creek, S. C, Jan., '90—. Grimsley, Isaac M. b. Summershade, Oct., '68 ; Bowling Green College, B.L. ; Sem. il) '88-89 ; not ord. ; p. Salem ch.. Green Co., Ky. Gunn, R. N. Sem. '67-68, from Ga. Gwin, J. T. Sem. '65-66, from S. C. *Gwin, Thomas D, Sem. '59-62, from Greenville, S. C. *Haddick, Hiram T. b. Warren Co., Miss., May 10, '45 ; Mississippi College; Sem. (2) '72-74, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., B. Int., Horn., Ch. Gov.; p. Grenada, Miss., '71-78; died of yellow fever at Grenada, Miss., Aug. 28, '78. • Hagan, Benjamin F. b. Meade Co., Ky., Feb. 12, '56 ; Sem. (2) '87-89 ; ord. Forks of Alphabetical List of Students. 105 Otter Creek ch., Hardin Co., Ky., Feb., '83; p. Centralia ch., Mo., Feb., 83-July, '87, Pleasant View, Mo., Nov., '83-Nov., '84, Sugar Creek, Mo., June, '83-Dec., '86, New Providence, Mo., Nov., '84- Dec, '85, Bethleham, Mo., Jan., '86-June, '87, Hopewell, Mo.) Feb., '86-June, '87, Prairie Grove, Mo., Jan., '87- June, '87, Forks of Otter Creek, Ky., July, '87— Slithton, Ky., Jan., '88-Jan., '90, Mill Creek, Ky., Mar., '89— Blue Bale, Ky., Jan., '90— Middle Creek, Ky., Feb., '90—. Hailey, Isham Anderson. b. Elbert Co., Ga., Aug. 11, '49 ; Mississippi College, A.B. ; Sem. (2) '79-81, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng , Horn., Ch. Gov., N.T.Gk., Syst. Eng., Ch. Hist. ; ord. Beulah ch., Newton Co., Mis8. ; princi- pal Prep. Dep. of Miss. College, '77 ; p. Utica, Miss., Jan., '76- Sept., '79, Chapel Hill, '76-79, Harmony, '77, missionary p. Hands- boro, Biloxi, Bay St. Louis, Miss., 4 mos., '80 ; Scranton, Moss Point and Ocean Springs, Mar., '81-Jan., '83; Danville, 111., Oct., '83-Oct., '87; Tuscola and Bourbon, 111., Dec. 1, '87—. Hailey, Orren Linco. b. near Somerville, Fayette Co., Tenn., June 21, '52 ; McKenzie College, Tenn., Henderson M. and F. Institute, A.M., S. W. Bapt. University, Tenn., A.B. and honorary A.M. ; Sem. part of '79-80 and (3) '81-84, Full Grat^uate; ord. Trenton, Tenn., May 19, '79 ; prof Peabody High School, Trenton, Tenn., '78-79 and '80-81 ; V. P. Home Missions of Tenn., Oct., '85— ; p. Hickory Grove, Gib- son Co., '79 ; Centre, Eldad and Hickory Grove ch*'., Gibson Co., Tenn., '80 and first part '81, Gibson Station, '80-81 ; Mt. Pleasant, Shelby Co ,• Ky., '81-84, La Grange, Ky., '82-84, Salem, Shelby Co., Ky,, '83-84; Aberdeen, Miss., June, '84-Aug., '85; Second ch., Knoxville, '85—. Haislip, Walter Bell. b. Louisa Co., Va., May 7, '54; Richmond College ; Sem. (2) '84r- 86, English Graduate ; ord. Effort ch., Fluvanna Co., Va., 3d Sun- day in Feb., '82; p. Mountain Plain, Albemarle Co., Va., Dec. 1, '81-Sept. 1, '84, Sharon, Albemarle Co., Va., Nov., '82-Dec., '83, 106 tSouthern Baptist Theological Seminary. Pisgab, Prince Edward Co., Va., June, '86-June, '88, Ash Camp, Charlotte Co., Va., June, '86-Dec., '89; Boydton, Mecklenburg Co., Va., Dec. 1, '89—. Hale, Frederick Douglas. b. Apr. 10, '55 ; University of Ala. ; Sem. (3) '82-85, English Graduate; ord. Starkville, Miss., June 29, '79; p. North Port, Tuscaloosa Co., Ala., July, '79-Aug., '82, Salem ch., Fayette Co., Ala., Aug , '79-Aug., '81, Big Creek ch., Tuscaloosa Co., Ala., 1 yr., Aug., '81-82 ; New Liberty and Sparta, Owen Co., Ky., Feb., '83-July, '84 ; Taylorsville, Spencer Co., and Little Union, Nelson Co., Ky., 1 yr., July, '84-85 ; 22d and Walnut St. ch., Louisville, ^j., July, '85—. Hale, Philip Thomas. b. New Market, Madison Co., Ala., Aug. 18, '57 ; Howard Col- lege, A.B. ; Sera. (4) '79-83, Full Graduate, also Pat.Gk. and Ger. ; ord. Starkville, Miss., June 29, '80 ; p. New Liberty, Ky., Jan., '81- Feb., '84 ; Danville, Ky., Feb., '84-Sept., '89 ; Birmingham, Ala., South Side ch., Sept., '89 — ; Editor Birmingham Baptist^ — . Hall, Ferdinand Henrie. b. Kilmarnock, Lancaster Co., Va., July 19, '47 ; Sem. (1-) '74- 75 ; ord. Harmony Grove ch., Middlesex Co., Va., Mar. 4, '83 ; p. Providence, Gloucester Co., Va., Feb., '83 — ; Poroporone, King and Queen Co., Va., Nov., '88 — . Haman, Philip Augustus. b. Hinds Co., Miss., Feb. 11, '45 ; Erskine College, S. C. ; Sem.' (1) '70-71 ; ord. Auburn, Hinds Co., Miss., Mar. 31, '72 ; moderator Grand Prairie Asso., Ark., 78-79, and sec. of missions in the same, '88 ; p. Harmony, Indian Creek and Utica chs., Hinds Co., Miss., '72 ; Liberty ch., Prairie Co., Ark., '74-76, '79-81 and '83-85, De Vall's Bluff, Prairie Co., Ark., '75 and '77, Prairie Grove ch., Prairie Co., '75 and '76, Shiloh ch., Lonoke Co., Ark., '76, Little Lagrue ch.. Ark. Co., '77, De Witt, Ark. Co., '77 and '80, Rising •Sun ch.. Ark. Co., '81, Des Arc, Prairie Co., '83 and '84, Oak Alphabetical List of Students. 107 Grove ch., Lonoke Co., '85 ; Hazen ch., Prairie 'Co., '87 and '88, Carlisle, Lonoke Co., '87—. Hammer, John Jackson. b. Glasgow, Barren Co., Ky., June 2, '58; Glasgow Normal School, scientific and classical degrees-; Sem. (3) '84-87, English Graduate and Heb., Gk., also 1 yr. at Kochester The. Sem. ; ord, Wolcott, N Y., June 14, '88 ; p. Wolcott, N. Y., June 1, '88—. Hamner, James "Walter. b. Daviston, Tallapoosa Co., Ala., Dec. 1, '63; Howard Col- lege, B.S., '87 ; Sem. (I) '87-88, grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., Syst. Eng. ; ord. Dadeville, Ala., Sept. 22, '87 ; prin. Farmers' High School, Five Points, Ala., '86 ; assistant prof. Elocution, Howard College, '87 ; p. Louina, Randolph Co,, Ala., and Bethlehem, Chambers Co., Ala., Nov., '88 — , Antioch ch., Chambers Co., Ala., Nov., '89—. Hanks, Robert Taylor. b. Olney, Pickens Co., Ala., Apr. 23, '50 ; Howard College, Rich- mond College; Sem. (2) '70-72 and part of 76-77, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Hom., Pol., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Dalton, Ga., '72; p. Berea, S. C, '72 ; Pickensville, Ala., '73 ; Louisa C. H., Va., '74- 75 ; preached 3 ra. at Petersburg, Va., and 11 weeks at 1st ch., Richmond, Va. ; p. Dalton, Ga., '76-80 ; Albany, Ga., '80-83 ; Dal- las, Tex., '84—; V. Pres. Bapt. Gen. Con. of Texas, '87—; one of the proprietors and editors of Western Baptist, Dallas, Tex. — . Harda-way, John Steger. b. Amelia Co., Va., Aug. 23, '52 ; Richmond College, diplomas in Latin and Physics; Sem. (1) '75-76, and part of 76-77 and '80-81, grad. B. Int., Ch.Gov.; ord. Mt. Tabor ch., Amelia Co., Va., '77 ; missionary colporteur in Middle District Asso., '77 ; p. Clarksville and Boydton, Va., Jan., '78-July, '80; Oxford, N. C, Jan., '83—. Hard-wick, Joel F. Sem. '60-61, from Pittsylvania Co., Va. 108 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Hardie, E. B. Sera. '67-G9, from Chestnut Hill, Ala. Hare, W. B. Sem. (2) 77-79, from Montevallo, Ala., grad. N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Pol., Ch. Gov., Ch. Hist. Harman, George Wiseman. b. Davidson Co., N. C, Mar. 29, '47 ; New Garden College, N. C. ; Sem. (4) '70-74, Full Graduate ; ord. New Friendship ch., Forsyth Co., N. C, Aug. 28, '71 ; p. Wadesboro, N. C, Jan. 1, '75- Oct. 1, '81; Marion, N. C, Oct. 1, '81-Mar. 1, '84; Miami, Mo., Apr. 1, '84-Oet. 1, '85 ; Cheraw, S. C, Nov. 1, '85-June 1, '88 ; Hillsboro, N. C, June 1, '88—. Harper, James Henry. b. Fulton Co., Ky., Dec. 28, '56 ; Clinton College, Ky.; Sem. (1^) '83-85, grad. Horn., Pol.; ord. Poplar Grove ch., Fulton Co., Ky., July, '81 ; p. Cedar Creek ch., Jefferson Co., Ky., Oct., '84:-June, '85, Little Flock ch., Bullitt Co., Ky., Nov., '84-Sept., '85; Sun Set ch., San Antonio, Tex., May- Aug., '87; Loma Vista ch., Zavalla Co., Tex., Sept..-Dec., '87. Harper, Robert D. b. near Castalia, Nash Co., N. C, May 29, '55 ; Wake Forest Col- lege ; Sem. (J) '77-78 ; ord. Free Chapel, Nash Co., N. C, 4th Sun- day, Nov., '79 ; p. Free Chapel, Tar River Asso., '81, '82, '85-89, Pleasant Grove, '82, '83, Antioch ch.. Tar River Asso., '82-86, Sharpsburg, '87 and '88, Mount Lebanon, '87 — , Free Chapel, Elm Grove and Sharpsburg — . Harrell, James Blount. b. Gates Co., N. C, Feb. 20, '57 ; Wake Forest, A.B., '85; Sera. (1) '88-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. and P. P., Hom. ; ord. Wake Forest College, '83 ; p. Perry's Chapel, Franklin Co., N. C , '83-fall, '85 ; Mt. Olive, N. C, Mar., '86-Oct., '88, for most of this time p. Faison, Bear March and Falling Creek ; Kinston, N. C, July, '89—. Alphabetical List of Students. 109 Harrington, J. D. Sem. '79-80, from Scott's Station, Ky. Harrington, Samuel Henry. b. Sumter Co., S. C, Jan. 25, '51 ; Sumter Academy ; Sem. (2) 72-74; ord. Waynesville, N. C, '75 ; associate principal Waynes- ville High School, N. C, '75 ; Holly Springs High School, N. C '76-79; principal Bakersville High School, N. C, '80-83; p. Waynesville, N. C, '75 ; Coweeta, Macon Co., '76-80 ; Bakersville. N. C, '80 and '81 ; Franklin, N. C, '82-85 ; Highlands, N. C, '85—. ^Harris, Jasper. b. Lafayette, Chambers Co., Ala. ; State Normal College, Flor- ence, Ala., certificate to teach 1st grade Pub. School ; Sem. (1) '88- 89, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng. ; not ord. ; principal Montevallo High School, Ala.-, '87-88. Harris, J. M, Sem. '88-89, from Shelby ville, HI. Harris, J. T. Sem. '75-77, from Pacific, N. C. * Harris, Sidney W. b. Knoxville, Crawford Co., Ga., May 15, '61; Medical College, Macon, Ga., M.D. ; Sem. (|) '82-83; ord. Crawford, Russell Co., Mar., '88; p. Crawford, Hurtsboro', Hatchechubbee, Euchee, New. Hope, Providence. Harris, William Francis. b. Caroline Co., Va., Feb. 16, '53; Sem. (3) '78-81, Full Grad- uate ; Richmond College, A.M.; ord. Covington, Va., June, '81; p. Covington, Va., '81-82; Glasgow, Mo., '82-84 ; Huntsville, Mo., '84-89 ; Palmyra, Mo., '89—. Harrison, Richard. Sem. '70-72, from Boone ville, Mo., grad. N. T. Eng. 110 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Harriss, John William. b. Bolivar, Tenn., Oct. 21, '49; Southwestern Bapt. University, A.B.; Sem. (1) '83-84; ord. Saulsbury, Tenn., Dec, '72; p. Byhalia, Miss., '78-83 ; Hope, Ark., '85 ; Washington, Ark., '86 ; Searcy, Ark., '87 and '88; since '88, supplying destitution on E. Eoads; Pres. Shover Springs Institute, '86 ; prof, of Ethics in Searcy College, '88 ; Pres. Searcy M. and F. Academy, Ark. — . Harrott, Thomas Jefferson. b. Schuylkill Co., Pa., Jan. 30, '62; Baylor University, Tex.; Sem. (1) '87-88, grad. Past D. and P. P., Ch. Gov.; ord. Jamestown, Tex., Dec. 23, '86 ; p. Pirtle ch., Rush Co., Tex., Reedch., Cook Co., Tex. Harrow, John W. Sem. '59-60, from Middlesex Co., Va. Hart, Joseph Washington. b. King and Queen Co., Va , Feb. 19, '42; Richmond College; Sem. part of '83-84 ; ord. Mattaponi ch.. King and Queen Co., Va., Apr. 20, '69; p. Hebron, King and Queen Co., Va., and Horeb, Caroline Co., Va., '69-73 ; Mt. Hermon and Providence, Caroline .Co., '73-80, Howerton's, Essex Co., Va., '75-84; Waverly and New- ville, Sussex Co., Va., '84—, Old Shop, Prince George Co., Va., 88 — . Hart, Thomas William. b. Hartsville, Darlington Co., S. C, Apr. 19, '47 ; Furman Uni- versity ; Sem. (1) '67-68 ; ord. Darlington, S. C, Aug., '70; p. Brees- pori, N. Y. ; Cheraw ; Florence; Ebenezer, Mispah, S. C. ; Green- ville; Tuskegee ; Fort Deposit; Uniontown, Demopolis, Ala. Hartzog, Henry Simms. b. Barnwell Co., S. C, July 17, '66; S. C. Military Acad'y, grad. '86 ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. O. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Ger. Jr. ; ord. Hartzog, S. C, Dec. 8, '89; principal Allendale High School and Hunter's Chapel Calisthenic Academy ; p. Graham's and Hunter's Chapel, S. C, '89—. Alphabetical List of Students. Ill Harvey, D. J. Sem. 73-74, from Buena Vista, Ga. Harvey, Wiley W. b. Hancock Co., Ind., Nov. 26, '51 ; Sem. '82-84 ; sailed for Afri- ca, '84, missionary at Abeokuta (P. O. Lagos), Africa^-. Hatch, D, H. Sem. '60-62, from Jackson, Misg., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. Hatcher, Hilary Eugene. b. Bedford Co., Va., Nov. 8, '32 ; Richmond College, A.B. ; Sem. (2) '59-61, grad. N. T. Eng., Gk., O. T. Eng., Heb., Syst. Eng., Lat., B. Int., Ch. Gov. and Past. D. ; ord. Mt. Hermon ch., Bedford Co., Va., '59 ; Chaplain 61st Reg. Army Northern Va., '63-65 ; set- tled at Orange C. H., Va., '66 ; preaching to several country chs. — . Hatfield, William James. b. Smithville, Sumter Co., S. C, April 4, '36 ; Sem. (1) 73-74 ; ord. Pisgah ch., Sumter Co., S. C, Jan., '68; missionary Sumter Union, '68 ; p. Beaver Dam and Pine Grove chs., '69-72 ; miss. Moriah Asso., '72 ; p. Cross Roads, Piney Grove, Chesterfield and Flat Rock, Kershaw Co., S. C, '75 ; Bethany, Sumter Co., '76 ; New Hope, Sumter Co., '78-82 ; Black River, Williamsburg Co., '89—. Hawes, Thompson McDonald. b. Jan. 21, '56 ; Prof. Elocution in Bellewood Sem., Anchorage, Ky., '86— ; Prof. Elocution in South. Bap. Theo. Sem., '84—. Hawkins, Perry. b. Greenville District, S. C, Dec. 1, '40 ; Furman University ; Sem. (1) '66-67 ; ord. Pleasant Grove ch., '60 ; pres. of Jefferson Col- legiate Inst., '67-70 ; prin. Mt. Vernon Seminary, '73-74 ; Chaplain C. S. Army, '61-65; p. four chs. near Greenville, S.C, '65-67; Pleasant Grove, Tex., '68-70 ; Towash, Tex., '70-72 ; Mt. Vernon, 112 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Tejf., '73-74; Collecting Agt. S. C. State Bd., '75 ; Queen City, Tex., '76-86 ; Key's Valley and Nolanville, Feb., '86—. Ha-wkins, Pinkney. Sem. (3) '72-75, from Greenville, S. C, grad. N. T. Eng., B. Int., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov. Haynes, John A. b. Breckinridge Co., Ky., Dec. 28, '51 ; Georgetown College ; Seni. (3) '82-85, English Graduate, also Gk. ; ord. Lost Kiver, Ind., July 30, '84 ; p. Lost Kiver, Ind., May, '84-May, '85 ; Utica, Ind., Mill Creek, Hardin Co., Ky., Belmont, Bullitt Co., Ky., fall '85-Sept., '88; Macedonia, Spring Branch, Patriot and Union chs., in Long Kun Asso., Ind., Sept., '88 — . f Haynsworth, "William. b. Sumter, S. C, July 30, '65 ; S. C. College at Columbia, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. B. Int., Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. ; not ord. ; supplied Mayesville ch., S. C. (3 m.), summer '89 ; principal Varnville Acad'y, '85 87, and Panola Acad'y, Nov. 1, '87- July, '88. Head, John Calvin. b. Polk Co., 111., Mar. 31, '45 ; Sem. (2) '73-75, grad. Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Dogwood Valley ch., Catoosa Co., Ga., Jan., '73 ; p. Friend- ship, Walker Co., Ga., '75-77, '88-90, Mill Creek, Whitfield Co., '75- 77, '78-85, '87-90, Salem, Catoosa Co., '75-77, Tunnel Hill, Whitfield Co., Ga., '76-77, Dogwood Valley, Catoosa Co., '78-79, '87-89, Anti- och, Whitfield Co., '79-84, '86-88, Rocky Face, Whitfield Co., '81- 89, Ebenezer, Catocsa Co., '84-85, Swamp Creek, Whitfield Co., *79- 84, '85, '86, '88-90, Dug Gap, Whitfield Co., '79-84, '86-88, Poplar Springs, '85, and Tilton, Whitfield Co., '87, all in Ga.; East Armer- chee, Walker Co., Ga. — . Hemby, John Patrick SteTArart. b. Franklin Co., Miss., July 2, '54 ; Mississippi College; Sem. (2 m.) '88-89 ; ord. Union ch., Franklin Co., Miss., July 27, '79 ; p. Union and Hopewell chs., Franklin Co., '78 ; Wall St. ch., Alphabetical Lid of Students. 113 Natchez, '79 ; Sardis and Antioch cbs., Copiah Co., '80-81 ; West- ville, Stonewall, Mt. Zion and Hebron chs., Simpson Co., '82-85; Fannin, Jerusalem and Liberty, Kankin Co., '86-87 ; Kudnev, Fel- lowship and Sims chapel, Jefferson, '88, — all in Miss. ; Gloster, Am- ite Co., Miss.—. Henderson, Charles Kennon. Mercer University, A.B., Kochester Theo. Sem., N. Y., B.D. ; Sem. (l) '84-85 ; ord. Uchee, Ala., Dec, 72; principal Cedartown High School, '75; p. Cedartown, '75-Oct., '79; Pike, N. Y., '82-85; Gadsden, Ala., '86-87 ; Cedartown, Ga., '88—. Henderson, William Shires. b. Tuskegee, Ala., Nov. 8, '57 ; A. and M. College, Auburn, Ala.. Sem. (2) '82-84, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int. ; ord. Alpine! Ala., Dec. 13, '85 ; p. Palmetto, Fla., '85 and '86 ; mission work in Ruhama, Tuscaloosa, Sylacauga, Ala., — ; .temporary p. Hollins, Ala., '89. *Hendrickson, W. D. Sem. (2) '80-82, from Lewis Co., Ky., English Graduate ; died in Lewis Co., Ky., July 17, '89. "("Henson, Lle"wellyn Lafayette. b. 6 miles from Benton, Marshall Co., Ky., Aug. 3, '62 ; Clinton College, Ky., A.B., '84, and honorary A.M., '88; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., (:^k., Heb., Syst. Eng., Pol. ; ord. Walnut St. ch., Louisville, Ky., Oct. 7, '88 ; prof. Lowe's High School, Ky., '81 and '82, President of Farmington Inet., '84 and '85 ; Prof. Wentworth Male Academy, Lexington, Mo., '85 and '86 ; as- sistant, Clinton College, '82-84; supply at Hope, Ind., summer, '88; North Vernon and Frankfort, Ind,, Apr. 15, '89 — . Herndon, Charles T. b. Fauquier Co., Va., '57 ; Richmond College; Sem. (2) '79-81, English Graduate, ord. Pleasant Vale ch., Fauquier Co., Va., '81 ; p. Leesburg and Waterford chs., Va., '81 — . 114 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Herring, David Wells. b. Long Creek, Pender Co., N. C, July 13, '58; Wake Forest College, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '82-85, Full Graduate; ord. Wake For- est, June, '84 ; p. Mt. Washington, Ky., '83-85, Plum Creek, Ky., '84-85 ; missionary at Shanghai, China, '85 — , Herring, Joseph Eaton. b. near Decatur, Morgan Co., Ala., Apr. 15, '60 ; Howard College; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. O. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Syst. Eng., Horn. ; ord. Mt. Pisgah ch., Morgan Co., Ala., May 16, '86 ; p. Eutaw and Clinton, Green Co., Ala., Mar., '86-Sept. 30, '87, Fork- land, Green Co., Ala., Mar., '86-Jan., '87 ; Sumterviile, Sumter Co., Ala., Feb., '87-Oct., '87 ; Salem, Ind., Nov., '87-June, '89 ; Tuscum- bia, Ala., June, '89 — . • Hiatt D. W. Sem. '75-76, from Walterboro, S. C. fHibbs, Henry H. b. Birdsville, Livingston Co., Ky., Mar. 6, '62 ; Bethel College, Ky.; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Hom. ; ord. Smithland, Ky., Jan. 29, '88 ; p. Blooming Grove ch., Jan., '88-Oct., '89. Hickson, F. C. b. Barnwell Co., S. C, July 14, '56 ; Furman University; Sem. '79-80, from Williston, S. C. ; sailed for China, '84 ; missionary at Macao, China, to Dec, '86, when he returned to U. S. Hill, C. C. Sem. '77-81, from Louisville, Ky., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb., Pol. Hines, "Walter P. b. Windsor, Va., Nov. 1, '59 ; Kichmond College ; Sem. {}) '83- 84 ; ord. Court St. ch., Portsmouth, Va., Nov. 23, '85 ; p. Surry C. H., Va., Nov. 1, '85-Dec. 31, '87 ; Kempsville, Va., Jan. 1-Dec. 31, '88 ; Atlantic City ch., Norfolk, Va., '89—. AlpJiabdical List of StvdentrS. 115 Hitchcock, M. M. Sem. '86-87, from Chapel Hill, Tex., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn. Hix, William Gough. b. Bent Creek, Appomattox Co., Va., June 28, '55 ; A. and M^ College of Va. and Richmond College ; honorary A.M. from Howard College, '89; Sem. (1) '83-84, grad. Heb. Jr., B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Gk. Jr. ; Instructor in Howard College, '80-81 ; asst. principal Macon Female Sem., Miss., '81-82 ; principal Clanton H'gh School, Ala. ; Moore Academy, Pine Apple, Ala., '89 — . Hizcn, Thomas J. Sem. '76-79, from Crawfordsville, Ga., grad. Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., 0. T.'tng., N. T. Eng., Pol., Ch. Hist. Hobbs, C. H. Sem '75-76, from Milburn, Ky. Hobday, George Jonadab. b. Portsmouth, Va., Feb. 15, '47 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (1|) '72-74, grad. N. T. Eng., Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Salem ch., Chesterfield Co., Va., July 30, '71; p. Salem ch., Chesterfield Co., Va., Aug. 1, '71-Sept. 1, '72 ; Hebron ch , Southampton Co., Hicksford, Greenville Co., Mar. 1, '73-Nov. 1,-76; Byrne St., Petersburg, Nov. 1, '76-July 13, '78 ; Waverly and Newville, Sussex Co., Shiloh, Prince George Co., Old Shop, Surry Co., Feb. 1, '79-Oct. 1, '82; Berkley Ave., Norfolk Co., Oct. 1, '82 — ; Statistical* Sec. Gen. Asso. of Va., '87 — , and Recording Sec, '85—. Holcombe, Stephen P. b. Shippingport, Ky., Aug. 25, '35 ; Sem. '81-82; Union Gospel Mission, Louisville, Ky. ; Evangelist — . Holmes, J. E. L. b. Southampton Co., Va., Jan. 7, '45 ; Richmond College, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '71-74, Fuli^ Graduate ; ord. Four Mile Creek oh., Hen- rico Co., Va., Feb. 12, '71 ; D.D. from Mercer University, Ga., '84 ; 116 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, p. Danville, Va., June 1, '74-Aug. ], '81 ; Savannah, Ga., Oct. 1, '81—. Holt, Adoniram Judson. b. Somerset, Ky., Dec. 1, '47 ; Sem. '74-75, '76-77, '81-83, Eng- lish Graduate; ord, Forksville, La., Oct., '69 ; p. Forksville, La., to Feb., '70 ; D.D. from Keachi, La., '87, and another Keachi, La., '88, and from Baylor University, Tex., '88; Sec. State Missions, Tex., June, '82-Oct., '89; p. Webberville, Tex., Mar., '70-June, '74; missionary to Indians to '78 ; Denison, Tex., to '80 ; Portland Ave., Louisville, '80, '81, '82 ; Superintendent of Missions, Tex., '82-89 ; visit to Palestine, '89-90. Holtzclaw, William Jeziab. b. Lincoln Co., Ky., Oct. 2, '53; Georgetown College; Sem. '84- 85, '86-89, English Graduate ; ord. Salvisa eh., Apr. 24, '84; sup- ply at Salvisa ch., 5 mos., '84; p. Mt. Hebron, Garrard ^o., Bethel, Washington Co., '84; Shelby City and North Eolling Fork, Boyle Co., '85 ; Springfield, '86 ; New Hope and Shepherdsville, '87 ; Springfield and New Hope, Ky., Sept., '89 — ; principal Enterprise High School, Johnson Co., Ky., Jan., '90 — . HcpkinB, Frank L. Sem. '87-89, from Worcester, Mass. Hopkins, William John. b. Bullitt Co., Oct. 10, '44; Sem. (1) '79-80;. ord. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 25, '74 ; p. Hope ch., Louisville, Ky., Oct., '74-Aug., '81 ; En- field, Conoconary and Dawson's, Halifax Co., N. C, Dec, '81-Dec., '82 ; Conoconary until autumn of '84 ; Farmington and Eaton's, Davie Co., N. C, Mar., '85-Oct., '87 ; Statesville and Society, Iredell Co., N. C, Nov. 1, '87-Oct. 31, '88; Mooresville, Society and Bethel chs., Iredell Co., N. C, Nov. 1, '88—. *Horne, E. W. Sem. (2) '60-62, from Edgefield Dist., S. C, grad. O. T. Eng., Heb., N. T. Eng. ; b. Edgefield Co., S. C, Sept. 30, '29 ; Furman Alphabetical List of Students. 117 University, A.M. ; ord. Philippi, S. C, May 17, '57 ; p. Philippi Edgefield Co., S. C, '57 ; Mt. Pleasant, Dry Creek and Ridge Spring, '66-71 ; Miami, Mo., '72-75 ; Savoy and Mt. Zion, Tex. '75-76; Mt. Pleasant and Philippi, S. C, 77-82; died Jan. 2, '83. Houchens, Fielding Wilhite. b. Randolph Co., Mo., Sept. 2, '52; Mo. State University, A.B., '77, and A.M., '80, attended Harvard, '82-83; Sem. (3) '79-82, Full Graduate ; ord. Columbia, Mo., June 7, '77 ; prin. of Mex- ico High School, '86-87 ; Pres. Morrill College, Kan., '89— ; p. Taos ch., Buchanan Co,, Mo., June, '78-Aug., '79, and Sept., '83- Sept., '84, Osborn, Mo., Jan., '84-Jan., '86, Smith's Fork, Clinton Co, Mo., Jan., '84-85, Lebanon, Clinton Co., Mo., Jan., '84-86; Morrill and Hamlin chs., Brown Co., Kan., Jan., '88 — . Howard, J. A. Sem. '76-78, from Montgomery, Ah., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng. f Howe, Robert Bruce. b. Hillsboro, Coffee Co., Tenn. ; Oak Hill Sem , Tenn. ; Sem. (U m.) '88-89; ord. Brandon, Tex., 1st Sunday in Aug., '88, and p. of same, '88 — . Howell, D. F. Sem. '77-78, from Bowling Green, Ky., grad. Horn. Howland, Thomas. b. Whitley, Prov. Ont., Canada, Apr. 3, '44 ; grad. Woodstock College, '77, and Toronto Bap. College, '85, Chicago Bapt. Un. Theo. Sem., B.D. ; Sem. (1) '75-76; ord. Fitzroy, Ont., Canada, Feb. 12, '77 ; p. East Grove, Ont., Canada, March, '77-Mar., '79 ; Mitchell and Fullerton, Mar., '79-Apr., '84; Clayton, N. Y., Mar., '84-Oct., '86; Kalkaska, Mich., Oct., '86-Sept., '89 ; Sandwich, 111.—. Hoye, J. T. Sem. '77-79, from Harrisonville, Mo., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Hi?t. 118 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. f Hubbard, Robert Clarendon. b. Halifax Co., Va., Nov. 2, '60; Richmond College, grad. Gk., Lat., Eng., Cheni., and proficient in Math. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng, Pol. ; ord. Shockoe, Pittsylvania Co., Va., Apr. 30, '88 ; p. Edge Hill ch., Pittsylvania Co., Mulberry ch. and Millstone ch., Halifax Co , Va., Nov., '87-Oct., '88, Repub- lican Grove ch., Halifax Co., Apr., '88-Oct., '88; Jeffersontown, Ky., Apr., '89, and Sanders ch., Ky., June, '89 — . Hubbard, ^ViUiam H. b. Baltimore Co., Md., Sept. 22, '61 ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng., Past. D. and P. P., Ch. Gov., B. Int. ; ord. Evansville, Ind., May 23, '89 ; p. Longwood and Cordova, ?tld.. Mar. 6-Sept. 6, '88 ; Calvary Bap. Tabernacle, Evansville, Ind., Apr. 21, '89 — , Hubble, David Shelton. b. Seven Mile Ford, Smyth Co, Va., Dec. 20, '51; Richmond College; Sem. (1) 77-78, grad-. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Hom. ; ord. South Fork, Smyth Co., Va., '80 ; p. Maiden Spring, Washington Co., Va., '81-83; Mountain View, Washington Co., Va., Riverside, Smyth Co., and Young's chapel, Grayson Co., '83-88; Pamplin, Red House, Falling River, Bethel in Appomattox Asso., '88-89 ; Red House, Falling River, Bethel and Reedy Spring, Appomattox Asso., Va., 'b9— . Hudson, Jason Carson. b. near Greenville, S. C, Apr. 5, '47 ; Gowensville High School ; Sem. (3) '70-73, grad. N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng , Hom., Past. D., B. Int. ; ord. Mountain Creek ch., six uoiles from Greenville, May 3, '72; p. Cedar Grove ch., Tvaurens Co., S. C, '72-74, Washington ch.^ Greenville Co., S. C, '72-75 ; Central and Easley, Pickens Co., and Clear Spring ch., Greenville Co., S. C, '74-76 ; Flat Rock, Pickens Co., S. C, '77-79, Cross Roads, Anderson Co., '78-80, Deerbon Creek ch., Laurens Co., '80-81, Harmony ch., Laurens Co., '81 ; Welcome ch., near Greenville, '82-84, Grove Station ch , G. and C. R. R., '82-83, Mt. Tabor ch., Pickens Co., '82-84; Easley, S. C, '85 ; Woodlawn, Ala., '86 ; Pratt Mines, Ala., '86-87 ; Florence, Ala., '88-89; East Florence and Russellville, Ala.—. Alphabetical List of Students. 1 1 9 Hudson, Samuel T. ^ „ ^ i, b. Rap;ahannock Co., Va., June 2, '45 ; William Jewell College, Mo.; Sem. (3) '80-83, English Graduate; ord. Salisbury, Mo., Nov, '83; prin. Huntsville Sem., Mo., '88-89 ; p. Salisbury, 8. Fre Fer '84; Fre Fer, Antioch, Chesterfield and Salem, So, Charleston, '86-87; Spencer Creek, '89 ; Spencer Creek, Atlenber, Mt. Tabor and Blaflf, Mo.—. Hudson, "William T. Sem. '83-84, from Tillotoba, Miss. Huff, Lewis Jurey. b. Goshen Bridge, Rockbridge Co., Va., Jan. 5, '61 ; Richmond Cc^lege, grad. Gk. Lat. and French ; Sem. (3) '80-82, '83-84, FuL. Graduate; ord. Roanoke Citv, Va., Aug., '82; p six months at Roanoke City, '82; prof, of Modern Languages in the University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt.— . Huggins, Josiah Du Bose. zsx ,dq b. Dubose's Bridge, Sumter Co., S. C, June 10, '56 ; Sem. (t) 83- 84- ord. Crooked Run ch., Fairfield Co., S. C, Mar. 4, '83; p. two chJ. in Fairfield Co., '83; three chs., Chester Co., '84; 2 f. Ches- ter Co., '85; in Newberry Co., Feb. 1, '86-Dec. 31, '90; Trough Shoals and Clifton chs., Spartanburg Co., S. C— . fHughes, Samuel Moses. r r^ ^? b. Cedar Grove, Laurens Co., S. C. ; Davidson College, N. C, Fur- man University, A.M., '87 ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. N. T Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Heb., Gk., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. and P. P.; licensed at Abner's Creek, S. C, Feb., '85 ; State missionary, Orange- burg Asso., vacation of '88 ; Supt. 17th and Main St. Mission, Louis- ville, Ky., Mav, '89-Nov., '89 ; supplied Arnon, Ind., 3 mos. in 89 ; assistant prof. Almond School in spring of '88; prof. Math, in Lou- isville Rugby School, Sept., '88-Nov. 14, '89. Hughes, William J. •. a t^ . b. Wilkinson Co., Ga., Sept. 15, '49; Mercer University A. B. , Sem. (1) '70-71; ord. Irwinton, Ga.,Mar., '74; p. Friendship ch.. Twiggs Co., Ga., '74-77 ; Mt. Zion ch., Twiggs Co., Ga., '76, Mican- 120 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. opy, Fla., and Mt. Arnon, Marion Co., Fla., for half the time, other half to missionary work in Alachua Asso., Fla., '77 ; Leesburg, Fla., half time to missions, 78-81, Brooksville ch., Fla., '81 ; first and last has served Id chs. in Alachua Asso., FJa. Humphreys, Samuel Carpenter. b. July 29, '46 ; Georgetown College, Univers.ity of Louisville, M.D. ; Sem. (3) '76-79, English Graduate ; ord. Bardstown, Ky., '75 or '76 ; prin. Ward Schools, Louisville, Ky., '70-75 ; prin. Spen- cer Co. Male and Female Institute, Taylorsville, Ky., '79 and '80 ; p. Cadiz, Ky., '81-82; Glasgow, Ky., '82-86; Lancaster, Ky., Forks Dix Hiver, Garrard Co., Ky. ; present p. Forks Dix Eiver, Mt. Hebron and Liberty chs., P. O. Marksburg, Ky. Hunt, H. A. b. Kingston, Canada West, Nov. 13, '60 ; William Jewell College, Mo. ; Sem. (f ) '88-89 ; ord. People's ch., Boone Co., Iowa, July 15, '83 ; p. People's ch. and North Union, Boone Co., Iowa, Dallas Cen- tre, Dallas Co., Iowa, South Coon ch., Guthrie Co., Iowa, Mt. Ver- non and New Hope, Clay Co., Mo., Lawson, Ray Co., Mo., Mt. Zion, Clinton Co., Mo., and Kidder, Caldwell Co., Mo. ; P. O. Platte City, Mo. Hunter, Alsey D. b. near Apex, Wake Co., N. C, July 15, '56 ; Wake Forest Col- lege; Sem. (2) '81-83, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng.. Hom., B. Int., Pol., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Holly Springs ch., Wake Co., N. C, June, '82; p. Manly, Cary, Apex, Pleasant Grove, Shady Grove, Lystra, New Hope chs., up to Dec. 31, '89 ; Greenville, Factolus, and Bethel, Pitt Co., N. C— . Hunter, Robert Macon. b. Bladen Springs, Choctaw Co., Ala., Apr. 20, '53; Howard Col- lege; Sem. (1) '85-86, grad. Syst. Eng., Past. D. ; ord. McKinley, Marengo Co., Ala., Dec. 20, '83; p. Camden and Rock West, Wil- cox Co., Ala., June, '86-June, '89 ; Wetumpka, Elmore Co., and Prattville, Autauga Co., Ala., Oct. 15, '89 — . Alphabetical List of Students. 121 Hart, George "William. b. Powhatan Co., Va., Dec. 15, '57; Richmond College, grad. Gk., Lat., Chemistry ; Sem. (3) '83-86, Full Graduate ; ord. Mt. Mo- riah, Powhatan Co., Va., Aug., '84; p. Portland Ave., Louisville, Ky., Jan., '84-June, '85; New Salem, Nelson Co., Ky., July, '85- Dec, '87, Elizabethtown, July, '85—, Younger's Creek, Hardin Co., Jan., '87—.. Hyde, George W. b. Spottsylvania Co., Va., May 25, '38 ; State University of Mo., A.B. and A.M.; Sem. (3) '59-62, Full Graduate; ord. Pated- ville ch., Powhatan Co., Va., July, '63 ; Chaplain Con. Army in Powhatan Co., Va., Nov., '62, to close of the war; p. Keytesville and Brnns>vick, Chaiiton Co., Mo., '67 and '6S, Mt. Nebo, Beulah, Concord, Mt. Hermon and Pleasant Hill ch?.. Cooper Co., Mo., at different times from '68 till '78; Booneville, Mo., '78-81 ; Asst. Cor. Sec. and agent of State missions in Mo., '81-85 ; Pres. and Gen. Agt. Home Mission Board S. B. Con. for Mo., '85-89 ; at present Gen- eral Agent of Home Miss. Board S. B. Con. for Oklahoma, Ind. Ter. and Tex. Ingman, Abner Smith. b. Marion Co., Mo., Mar. 12, '55 ; La Grange College, Mo. ; Sem. (1) '83-84; ord. First Bapt. ch., Bolivar, Mo., Apr. 18, '80; prof. Southwest Bapt. College, Bolivar, Mo., July 23, '78-Aug. 1, '80 ; Pres. Southwest Bapt. College, May 27, '85-Mar. 1, '86 ; p. First ch., Kahoka, Mo., Sept. 1, '80-Jan. 1, '82; Bethel ch., Marion Co., Mo., June 1, '82-June 1, '83; 1st ch., Bolivar, Mo., Sept. 1, '86-Sept. 1, '87 ; South Union and Mt. Olivet chs., Lewis Co., Mo., Jan. 1, '88 — , Bethel ch., Marion Co., Jan. 1, '89 — . *l8om, J. A. Sem. '76-78, from Oxford, Miss., grad. B. Int., Ch. Gov., Syst. Eng., N. T. Gk. Israel, L. Y. Sem. '74-75, from Buncombe Co., N. C. 122 Southern Baptist Theolo(/hal Seminar i/. Ivey, T. H. b. Nortli Carolina; Wake Forest College, A.B. and A.M.; Sem. a short time, '60-61 ; ord. Fayettevilie, N. C, '63; prin. Riddleville High School, Washington Co., Ga. ; D.D. from Wake Forest Col- lege, '81 ; p Athens, Ga., '63-73; Goldsboro, N. C, '76-82 ; Eiber- ton, Ga., '85 and '86, Hendry's, Hart Co., Ga., '86 ; Greensborough, Ga., '88 and '89, Smyrna, Green Co., Ga., '88 ; P. O. Lexington, Ga. Jackson, J, A, Sem. '82-83, from Clio, S. C. Jackson, Lorenzo D. Sem. '78-81, from Galveston, Tex., grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., Horn., Ch. Gov., Pol., Ch. Hist. Jackson, M. C. Sem. '80-81, from Greenbush, Ga. *Jackson. R. S. Sem. '73-74 and part of '74-75, from Bastrop, La., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. ; died while a student in Greenville, S. C, session of '74-75. Jackson, Thomas Mitchell. b. Hernando, Miss., Aug. 12, '50; Bethel College, Ky., A.B. ; Sem. parts of (4) '77-81, English Graduate ; ord. Milan, Tenn., 3d Sunday, July, '76 ; p. Gray's Creek, De Soto Co., Miss , '78 ; Uniontown, De- coven, Mt. Olive, Union Co., Ky , '83 ; Bold Springs, De Soto Co., Miss., '85 ; Eudora, De Soto Co., Miss., '88 (the above dates give the beginning of pastorates) ; Conway, Faulkner Co., Ark., '89 — . James, Charles Fenton. b. Loudoun Co., Va., N(.v 13, '44 ; Columbian College h ses., Richmond College, A.B., '70; Sem. (3) '70-73, Full Graduate; ord. Ebenezer ch., Loudoun Co., Va., June 29, '73 ; D.D. from Richmond College, '86 ; p Buciianan, Va., June 8, '73-Oct. 31, '82, during this pastorate served the following ch^., Jennings Creek, 3 yrs., Natural Bridge, 2 yrs., New Prospect, 1 yr. and 7 mos., Walnut Alphabetical Lid of Students, 123 Grove, 9 mos.Justat the close; p. Culpeper, Va., Nov. 1, '82-July 31, '89 ; Principal of Alleghany Institute, Roanoke, Va., '89—. James, Fleet Henderson. b. Round Hill, Loudoun Co., Va., Dec. 3, '44 ; Richmond Col- lege, grad. Nat. Sciences, Eng. and Gk.; Sem. (3) '71-74, Full Graduate; ord. Ketoctinch., Loudoun Co., Va., 1st S., Nov., '74 ; p. Staflbrd Co, Va., Berea, Nov., '74-Sept., '78, Falmouth, Sept., '76-June, '78, Ramoth, May, '77-Sept., '78, Rock Hill. July, '77- Sept., '78; Powhatan Co., Va., Jetervilleand Fine Creek, Jan., '79- Nov., '80; Fauquier Co., Va. (also Stafford and Culpeper Cos.), Berea, Apr., '81-Apr., '84, and Oct., '84-Apr., '85, Mt. Holly, Apr., '81-May, '88, Rappahannock, July, '82-May, '88, Laol, Mar., '85—, Bealeton, Mar., '87-Mar., '88 ; Louisa Co., Va., Louisa, Berea and Mechanicsville, June, '88 — . *James, John Robert. b. Danville, Ky., Dec. 3, '58 ; Centre College, Danville, Ky., A. M. ; Sem. (1) '82-83, grad. Syst. Eng. ; ord. Lancaster, Ky., June, '83; p. Lancaster, Ky., '83 ; Waco, Kirksville, Freedom and Viney Fork, Madison Co., '84 and '85 ; Somerset, Ky., 1 J yrs. ; Paris, Ky., Nov., '87, was there just 3 weeks, when he was killed by runaway horse. Jameson, James Drane. b. Muscogee Co., Ga. ; Miss. College, Clinton; Sem. (1) '74-75; ord. Dec. 8, '72 ; p. Magnolia, Camden, Hot Springs, Ark.; Santa Rosa, Cal. ; Corinth and Macon, Miss.; Sec State Missions of Ark. Con., '80 ; sore throat at present. Jameson, Samuel T. Sem. (2) '80-82, from Westminster, S. C, English Graduate. Jasper, Thomas Edwin. b. Waterford, Spencer Co., Ky., Sept. 26, '50; Bethel College, Ky. ; Sem. (3) '78-80, '87-88, English Graduate; ord. Plum Creek, Spencer Co., Ky., 5th S., Dec, '80 ; p. Helena, Ark., '81-82 ; Terrell, Tex., '83-84 ; Wichita Falls, Tex., '85-87 ; Blackville, S. C, '88—. 124 Southern Baptist TJieological Seminary. Jenkins, J. B. Sem. '76-77, from Hinesville, Ala. Jeffries, Millard Dudley. b. Culpeper Co., Va., Nov. 18, '55 ; M.D. from medical depart- ment University Va., also attended Jefferson Med. Coll., Philadel- phia; Sem. (3) '78-81, Full Graduate ; ord. Blacksburg, Va., June 12, '81; p. Blacksburg, Va., June 1-Dec.31, '81 ; Chapel Hill, N. C, June 1, 'S2-Aug. 1, '85; East ch., Louisville, Kv., Sept. 1, '85—. Jewell, George F. Sem. (1) '80-81, from Brandon, Iowa, grad. B. Int , O. T. Eng. Johns, O. R. Sem. '60-61, from Amite Co., Miss. Jobns, R. E. Sem. (4) '71-73, 76-78, from Russellville, Ky., Full Grad- uate. Johnson, C. Sem. '88-89, from Clarksville, Texas. Johnson, Livingston. b. Richmond Co., N. C, Nov. 7, '57 ; Wake Forest College; Sem. (f) '88-89; ord. Spring Hill, Richmond Co., N. C, Apr. 27, '89; p. Rockingham, N. C. — • Johnson, Tillman Bowden. b. Water Valley, Ky., Sept. 20, '59; Clinton College, Ky., A.B.; Sem. '83-84 and part of '84-85, crad. Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng.; ord. Clinton, Ky., Sept. 28, '83; p. Clinton, Ky., Jan., '85-Aug., '86; Newton Theo. Inst. (1) '86-87 ; p. Salem, N. H., Aug., 87-Dec., '88; Laconia, N. H., Dec. 16, '88—. Johnson, William James. b. Siluria, Shelby Co., Ala., May 17, '64; Sem. (3) '83-86, Full Graduate ; ord. Concord ch., Grant Co., Ky., July 24, '84 ; p. Con- cord, Grant Co., Ky., June, '84-June, '85, Liberty, Grant Co., July, '8 1-June, '85 ; Junction City, Nov., '85-July, '86 ; Wilmington, Alphahetical List of Students. 125 Kenton Co., Dec, '86-Dec., '87, Harmony, Owen Co., Dec, '86-Apr., '87, also Dec, '87-Apr., '88, Caney Fork, Owen Co., Nov., '87-Sept., '88, Dry Run, Scott Co., Oct., '86-Oct., '88 ; Williamsburg, Feb., '89 — ; principal Williamsburg Institute, Ky., Mar. 20, '89 — . Johnson, W. M. Sem. '74-75, from Pioneer Mills, N. C. Johnson, John T. M. b. Boone Co., Mo., Mar. 17, '56; Ashland High School, also grad. of Jones Commercial College, St. Louis, Mo. ; Sem. (2) '85-87, grad. Horn., Ch. Hist., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Ashland, Mo., Aug., '^'o ; p. Jefferson City, Mo., Oct. 1, '87 — ; chaplain Mo. State Senate. f Johnston, Rufus Perry. b. New Cambria, Macon Co., Mo., June 9, '61; William Jewell College, A.M. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr. ; ord. Clifton Hill, Mo., Aug. 29, '86; p. Roanoke, Mo., Mar., '87-Aug., '88, Lathrop, Mo., May, '87-May, '88. Joiner, James M. b. De Kalb Co., Ga., Jan. 10, '49 ; Miss. College at Clinton, Miss. ; Sem. '81-84, grad. Syst. Eng., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr., Hom. ; appointed missionary to China, '84; returned with impaired health, '88; p. Fort Payne, Ala. — . Jones, Calvin Graves. b. Leaksville, N. C, May 1, '63; Wake Forest College, B.L. ; Sem. (1) '83-84; ord. Reidsville, N. C, July, '84; second V. Pres. Home Mission Bd. for the State of Va. ; p. Trinity, Providence and Lea-Bethel chs., N. C, and Ringgold, Va., Sept., '84-Sept., '85 ; Mar- tinsville, Stuart and Cascade chs., Va., Sept., '85-Nov., '87 ; College Hill ch., Lynchburg, Va., Nov., '87 — . Jones, Carter Helm. b. Nelson Co., Va., Nov. 30, '61; Richmond College, grad. Lat., Gk., Fr., Eng., also special course in Moral Philosophy and Logic in Lniversity of Va.'; Sem. (3) '82-85, Full Graduate; ord. Isi cb., Richmond, Va., Aug. 10, '84 ; p. New Castle & Burk's Branch chs.. 126 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Ky., June 1, '84- June 1, '85; Mechanicsville & Berea cbs., Va., July, '85-Feb., '86 ; 1st ch., Elizabeth, N. J., Feb. 1, '86-Mar. 1, '89 ; 1st ch., Knoxville, Tenn., Apr. 1, '89—. Jones, Charles T Sem '80-81, from Meadow View, Va. tJones, Edloe Pendleton. b. Oakley, Nelson Co., Va. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, English Graduate ; ord. June 30, '90; p. 10th ch., Atlanta, Ga— . Jones, Julius Peek. b. near Taylorsville, Ga., June 5, '58 ; Mercer University ; Sem. '80-82; ord. Taylorsville, Ga., '82; p. Mt. Carmel ch., near Seney, Ga., '83; Pleasant Valley ch., Floyd Co., Ga., '84-85; Mt. Pleas- ant ch., Floyd Co , Ga., '86; Bethesda ch., Gordon Co., Ga., '89. Jones, John "William. b. Louisa C. H., Va., Sept. 25, '36 ; University of Va., grad. in several school ; Sem. (1) '59-60, grad. N. T. Eng., Hom., Syst. Eng., B. Int., Ch.Gov., Past. D.; ord. Charlottesville, Va., June, '60, under appointment as miss'y to China; D.D., from Washington & Lee University, '74 ; p. Little Kiver, Louisa Co., Va., Jan.-May, '61 ; Chaplain in Con. States Army, May, '61 — Apr., '65 ; p. Goshen Bridge, Va., Oct., '65-Oct., 'm ; Lexington, Va., Oct., '6o-July, '71 ; Agent for Sem. 1 yr. ; gen. supt. Va. Bap. S. S. & Bible Board, June, '72— June, '74; p. Ashland, Va., West Point, Va., Berea & Lyle's ; Assistant Sec. H. M. Board S. Bapt. Con., Atlanta, Ga., June, '87 — ; author of Personal Eeminiscences of Gen. K. E. Lee, Christ in the Camp, Life of PrCvSident Jefferson Davis, etc. Jones, Nathaniel Sidney. b. nearEaleigh, Wake Co., N. C, Aug. 1, '57 ; Wake Forest College ; Sem. (1) '84-85; ord. Apex ch., Wake Co., N. C, June 28, '84; p. New Bethel, near Kaleigh, N. C, July, '85-88, Concord, 4 yrs., Bayleaf, 4 yrs., Swift Creek, 2J yrs., Mt. Vernon, 2 yrs. Jones, Richard W. Sem. '82-84, '85-87, from West Union, Ky., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Past. D. Alphabetical List of StudeMs. 127 Jones, W, B. Stm. '66-69, from Clayton, N. C. Jones, "William C. b Fairfield, Ky., Mar. 27, '31 ; Georgetown College, A.M ; Sem. (12.) '77-79; ord. Elizabethtown, Ky., Nov., '60 ; p. Elizab thtown, 4 yrs., Owenton, Ky., 2 yrs., Dallasburg, 2 yrs., Walton, 1 yr., and other country chs.; principal Wallonia Institute, Trigg Co., Ky.; Harmony Academy, Caldwell Co., Ky. ; Bloomfield Female College, Ky. Jones, "Wilbur Moore. b. Florida, Mo., Aug. 27, '65; Prichett Institute & St. Charles College; Sem. (3) '86-89, Full Gkaduate; ord. Trenton, Mo., Nov. 17, '89; supplied Wentzville, Mo., '86 ; Glenview, Ky., Apr., '88 -May, '89; p. Trenton, Mo., Sept., '89—. Jones, "William Thomas. b. Wilmington, N. C, Sept. 26, '55 ; W^ake College, B L., '81; Sem. (1) '81-82, grad. O. T. Eng., Horn., Syst. Eng. ; ord. 1st Bapt. ch., Wilmington, N. C, June, '82, presb. Kevs. J. B. Taylor, J. B. Barlow, W. M. Kennedy; p. Wilson, N. C, '82-83; More- head City and Beaufort, N.C., Jan.. '84-Nov., '86 ; Mt. Pleasant and Manoah chs., Charles City Co., Va., Dec, '86-Apr., '88 ; Hereford, Md., Apr., '88-Jan., '89 ; Cumberland, Md., Mar., '89—. Jordan, H. P. Sem. (1) '78-79, from Simpsonville, Ky., grad. O- T. Eng., N. T. Eng. Jordan, Joshua Seaver. b. Dexter, Maine, '35 ; Sem. (2+) '72-75 ; grad. O. T. Eng., Horn., Ch. Gov., Syst. Eng., Ch. Hist. ; ord. Mt. Pleasant, Franklin Co., Ky., '66; p! Mount Pleasant, Franklin Co., Ky., '66-67; Metamora, Woodford Co., III., '67-68, Cape Girardeau, Mo., '67-72; Standing Spring, Greenville Co., '73-74; Atlanta, Ga., '75; Greenwood, S. C, '76-77; Damascus, ^\bbeville Co., S. C, '78-90, Mt. Moriah, '78-85, Bed Spring, Edgefield Co., '79-83 and '85-87, Bradley, Abbe- ville Co., S. C, '88—. 128 Southern Baptkt Theological Seminary. Kailin, Joseph Matthew, b. Mobile, Ala., Dec. 3, '59; Howard College, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '87- 88; ord. Stanton, Ala., Sept., '87; p. Clayton, Ala., summer of 88 ; Ada, Ala., '89—. Kell, G. C. Sem. (1) '88-89, from Kahoka, Mo., grad.O.T. Eng , N.T.Eng., Past. D., Ch. Gov., Horn. Kelly, Gilby Campbell. b. Carter Co., Ky., Nov. 19, '51; Kentucky Wesleyan College, A.B.,'70, A.M., '74; Sem. (3m.) '88-89; ord. Deacon, Harrodsburg, Ky., Sept. 8, '72, Elder, Mt. Sterling, Ky., Sept. 20, '74 ; D.D. from Kentucky Wesleyan College, '88; p. Catlettsburg, Ky., '70; Green- wich Circuit, Bourbon County, Ky., '71; Milton ct , '72; Carlisle, Ky., '73-75; Winchester, Ky., '76-79; Covington, Ky., '79-84; Frankfort, Ky., '84-87 ; Broadway, Louisville, Ky., 87 — . Kelly, William Willis. b. near Newnan, Coweta Co,, Ga., Jan. 14, '47; High School, Newnan, Ga. ; part of '73-74 in Sem.; ord. Mt. Zion, Carroll Co., Ga., Dec, 30, '72; pres. of Carrollton Asso., '76&'77; p. Whites- burg, Ga., '74^78, New Hope, Coweta Co., '75-85, Corinth, Heard Co., '77-80, New Lebanon, Coweta Co., '76-80, Providence, Troup Co., '78-85, Providence, Coweta Co., '74, Hogansville, Troup Co., Ga., '79-80, Friendship, Douglass Co., Ga., '75 & 76 , Western, Heard Co., '85, Luthersville, Meriwether Co., '79-85, Central Hatchie, Heard Co., '86-88, Pleasant Hill, Heard Co., ''88— , Ephesus, Car- roll Co, '88— , Sardis, Campbell Co., Ga., '86— . Keltner, John William. b. Carroll Co., Mo.; William Jewell, A.B. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, English Graduate; ord. Keytesville, Mo., July 12, '85; p. Kejtesville, Car- roll Co., June, '85-Sept., '87, Union and Bethlehem chs., June, '86 -Sept., '87; Mt. Pleasant ch., Shelby Co., Ky.,Apr., '88— July, '89- Kemp, Harry Ward. b. Baltimore, Md., Sept. 12, '58 or '60 ; Eichmond College ; Sem. Alphabetical List of Students. 129 (2) '87-89, English Graduate; ord. High st. ch., Baltimore, Md., June 16, '89; p. Gunpowder and Forest chs, Baltimore Co., Md. ; assistant p. Franklin Square Bapt. ch., Baltimore, Md. — . Kemper, James Foley. b. "VVoodville, Rappahannock Co., Va., May 20, '46; Va. Military Institute; Sem. (2) 7-1-76, English Graduate; ord. Mt. Salem ch., Eappahannock Co., Va., July 2, '76 ; p. Glasgow, Mc, Oct., '76- July, '77 ; Harrisonburg, Va., Sept. 1, '78-June, '81 ; Louisiana, Mo., Apr. 1, '82-Feb. 1, '90; supplied 1st ch., Lynchburg, Va., Sept. 1, '77-June 1, '78 ; also Danville, Va., July & Aug., '78 ; p. Maryville, Mo., Feb. 1, '90—. Kendall, Henry Quitman. b. near Baldwin, Tishamingo (now Lee) Co., Miss.; Baylor Uni- versity, Tex.; Sem. (t) '88-89; licensed Oct., '84; Sunday-school missionary and colporteur of Salado Asso., 5 months. Kendall, John Gray. b. Carroll Co., Miss., Oct. 2, '46; Shelby College, Ky.; Sem. (2) '68-70, English Graduate; ord. Graysville ch., Todd Co., Ky., May 30, '70; p. Verona and Centre Hill, Miss., '71-72; Shannon," Miss., '72; Washington, Ark., '73; Elkton, Ky., '74-79, Guthrie, Ky., '79-83, Xew Union, Ky., '76-78, New Providence, Tenn., '74-76, Blooming Grove, Tenn., '80-85, Dripping Spring, Ky., '80-81, Adams' Station, Tenn., '83-84, Adairville, Ky., '82, Oli- vet, Ky., 84—, Locust Grove, Ky., '86—, Casky, Ky., 'S6—. Kendrick, Charles A. Sem. '69-71, from Atlanta, Ga., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov. Kennard, George Shelby. b. Batesville, Ark., Mar. 9, '58 ; Bethel College ; Sem. (3) '84- '87, FrLL Graduate, also Ger., Pat. Gk., Pat. Lat., Hist. Docts., For. Hymn. ; ord. LaCrosse, Ark., Oct. 2, '81 ; p. Batesville, Ark., Melbourne, Ark., Anson, Tex.; Eureka Springs, Ark., June, '87- Dec. 31, '87; Pine Bluff, Ark., Jan. 1-Oct. 15, '88; Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 1, '88—; teacher, Bentonville High School—. 9 130 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Kerfoot, Franklin Howard. b. Clarke Co., Va., Aug. 29, '47; Columbian University, D. C, B.Ph. and B.L. ; University at Leipsic, Ger. ; Crozer Theo. Sem., Clies- ter, Pa., Full Graduate ; Sem. (2^) '69-71, '86-87, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Gk., Text. Crit. ; ord. Midway, Ky., Spring of '75; A.M., from Columbian University, D.D., from Uni- versity of N. C; p. Midway and Forks of Elkhorn, Ky., '75-77 ; Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md., '77-83 ; Strong Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., '83-86; Midway, Ky., '86-90; Hillsboro, Ky.— ; taught Ger. a short time in Georgetown, Ky., '75 ; Co-Prof, of Syst. Eng. in Southern Bap. Theo. Sem., '87-89, Prof, of Ch. Gov., Past. D. and Joseph Emerson Brown Prof, of Syst. Eng., '89 — . f Kesler, Martin Luther. b. Iredell Co., N. C, Aug. 25, '58 ; Wake Forest, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr., Past. D., Ch. Gov. ; ord. New Hope ch., Iredell Co., N. C. ; p. Junction City, Ky.-. Key, Daniel Webster. b. Apr. 14, '54 ; Carson College, Tenn., A.M.; Sem. (2) '80-82, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Gk. Jr., B. Int., Past. D., Ch. Hist., Syst. Eng.; ord. Jamison, S. C, Aug., '82 ; pres. of a County S. S. Con., '86— ; p. Jamison, S. C, May, '82-Dec., '84 ; Williston, S. C, Jan., '85—. Kimbrew, J. R. Sem. '75-77, from Mosely Hall, Fla. King, B. "W. b. Douglass, Nacogdoches Co., Tex., '55 ; Marvin College, Tex.; Sem. (2) '87-89, English Graduate. King. E. E. Sem. '74-76, from Brownsville, Miss., grad. O. T. Eng. fKing, William Duncan. b. Macon, Ga., Apr. 11, '65; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., N. T. Eng., Heb. Jr., Ch. Hist., Syst. Eng. Alphabetical List of Students. 131 Kingston, W. E. Sem. '88-89, from Louisville, Ky. *Kirby, S. S. Sem. (1) '60-61, from Darlington Dist., S. C, grad. B. Int., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Pol., Ch. Gov., Past. D.; died before '69. Kirk, James Oscar. b. Lancaster Co., Va., May 7, '38; Columbian University, D. C, A.B. and honorary A.M. ; Sem. (1) 73-74, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng. ; ord. Lebanon ch., Lancaster Co., Va., Mar. 24, '67 ; prin- cipal Churchland High School, Norfolk Co., Va., '60-61 ; clerk of Kappahannock Asso., '87 ; mod. Concord Asso., Va. — ; p. Brooks- ville and Germantown, Ky., '67-72 ; Winchester, Va., '74-75 ; Shiloh and Potomac chs.. King George Co., Va., '76-87 ; Clarksville and vicinity, Mecklenburg Co., Va. — . *Kirtley, Eusebius. b. Burlington, Boone Co., Ky., Mar. 11, '47 ; Georgetown College, full course '77; Sem. (2) 'W-78, '79-80, grad. N. T. Eng., Heb. Jr. ; ord. Bullittsburg ch., May, '77 ; supplied Dry Run and War- saw chs., while a student at Georgetown ; p. Clear Creek, Woodford Co., Ky., '77 ; Carrollton ch.*, 2 yrs., while in the Sem.; Vevay, Ind., June, '80-Aug., '85 ; died Nov. 8, '85. Kirtley, James Samuel. b. Saline Co., Mo., Nov. 9, '55; Georgetown College, Ky., A.B.; Sem. (2) '8^86, grad. Gk., Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Hist., Hom. ; ord. Bullittsburg, Boone Co., Ky., Nov., '79; p. Florence, Boone Co., and Dry Creek, Kenton Co., Ky., Jan., '80-Jan., '82; Ver- sailles, Ky., May, '83-Feb., '89 ; Delmar Ave., St. Louis, Mo., Feb., '89-. Knight, Graves Laurens. b. Spartanburg Co., S. C, Feb. 13, '60; Furman University ; Sem. (2) '85-87, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Past. D. and P. P., Hom., Syst. Eng., Pol.; ord. Harmony ch., Laurens Co., S. C, Sat. preceding 1st S. in Apr., '82 ; p. Harmony and Durbin chs., Lau- 132 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. rens Co., S. C, and Fountain Inn ch., Greenville Co., S. C, '82- Sept., '85,Donaldsvillech., Abbeville Co., S. C, 5 mos. in '83; Gran- iteville, Aiken Co., S. C, Xov. 1, '87 — . ^Knight, W. E. Sem. (1) '84-85, from Lexington, Ky., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng. Kuykendall, "W. M. b. Columbia, Boone Co., Mo., June 5, '52; Kentucky Military Inst., '72, and Georgetown College, '74 and '75; Sem. (1) '88-89; ord. Waco ch., Madison Co., Ky., '77 ; Mod. of Enon Asso., Tenn. ; p. Waco., 6 mos., '77 ; Hartsville, Tenn., '81-82, Greensburg, Ky.> '77-81, Friendship, Tenn., '81-87, Carthage, Tenn., '82-87; Leb- anon, Tenn., '87-88 ; JefFersontown, Ky., 7 mos., '89; Mt. Wash- ington and Plum Creek, Ky., '89 — . Lamar, Abner Whatley. b. Edgefield Co., S. C, Mar. 30, '47 ; Furman University ; Sem. (U) '69-71; ord. Mt. Zion ch., Newberry Co., S. C, Jan. 15, '71 ; associate pres. Blythewood Female College, Fairfield Co., S. C, 1 yr. p. Mt. Zion ch., S. C, '71-72; Sec. of State Missions, S. C, '72- 80; p. Camden, S. C, '81-83; South Macon, Ga., 9 mos., '83; Central, Memphis, Tenn., Oct., '83-Apr., '87 ; Omaha, Neb., Apr.,; '87 — ; pres. of Omaha Bapt. Miss. Union, 3 yrs. Lamberth, Joseph Henry. b. Keidsville, Packingham Co., N. C, June 4, '54 ; Wake Forest College; Sem. (2) '83-85, English Graduate; ord. Wake Forest College (with four others) June 8, '84 ; p. Koxboro, Person Co., N. C, and three other chs. in the same Co., viz., Clement, Ephesus and Mill Creek, July 1, '85—. Lambright, M. Sem. '75-77, from Douglassville, Tex. Lampley, BenjaminC. b. Bennettsville, S. C, Feb. 11, '49 ; Furman University ; Sem. (2) '75-77, grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. ; Alphabetical List of Students. 133 ord. Bennettsville ch., S. C, June 24, 77 ; p. Bethel ch., Sumter Co., S. C, May 19, '78-Jan. 13, '89, in connection with this work, served Providence, Jan. 12, '79-Jan. 1, '81, Lewisvillech., Orange- burg Co., Jan., '80-83, Wedgefield, Sumter Co., '83-89, Zoar, '83, Home Branch, Clarendon Co., '86-89, Graham's, Sumter Co., '87- 89, Union C. H., Union Co., S. C, Jan., '89 — , also Beulah, Philippi and Lower Fair Forest, all in Union Co., S. C. Laadrum, William Warren. b. Macon, Ga., Jan. 18, '53 ; 2} yrs. at Mercer University, Brown University, A. B. in '72 ; Sem. (2) '72-74, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch.Hist., Horn., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr. ; ord. Jefferson, Tex., May, '74; D.D. from Washington and Lee University, Va., '75; member For. Miss. Bd. S. Bapt. Con.; trustee Richmond College ; p. Shre^eport, La., May, '74-Feb., '76; 1st ch., Augusta, Ga., Feb., '76-Dec., '82 ; 2d ch., Eichmond, Va., Dec, '82—. fLaue, Joel Hansford. b. Steen's Creek, Rankin Co., Miss., Oct. 9, '62 ; Mississippi Col- lege, honorary A.B. in '89; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng,, Syst. Eng., Horn. ; ord. Salem ch., Simpson Co., Miss., Jan. 30, '85 ; p. Strong River ch., '86; Magnolia and McComb City chs., '88; Jeffersonville, Ind., '89; Osyka, Amite City and East Fork chs.. La. — . Iiangston, William James. b. Laurens Co., S. C, Mar. 22, '54; Furman University ; Sem. (3) '81-84, Full Graduate; ord. New Prospect ch.,S.C., June 9, '84; prin. Mt. Gallagher High School, Laurens Co., '76-77, and at Waterloo, '78 & '79 ; p. Bush River and Mt. Zion, Newberry Co., S. C, June, '84—. Lattimore, W^alter Compere. b. Macon, Miss., Sept. 15, '56, Sem.*(3) '84r-87, English Graduate; Miss. College ; ord. Oak Grove ch., Holmes Co., Miss., May, '76 ; p. Hernando, Miss., '82-84; Cane Run, Fayette Co., Ky., '85-87; Dayton, Ky., '87-88 ; Starkville, Miss., '88—. 134 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Laugblin, R. J. Sera. '82-83, from Princeton, Ky. Lawless, John Lee. b. Bedford Co, Va., Nov. 3, '48; Kichmond College; Sem. (3) '74 -75, '76-78, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Pol., Ch. Hist.; ord. Mt. Olivet ch., Bedford C>., Va., May 14, '75 ; p. three country chs., in Bedfor:! Co., Va., '79-80 ; Bowling Green, Va., '81-84 ; 1st ch., St. Joseph, Mo., '85—. League, Thomas J. Sem. '87-89, from Greenville, S. C, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr., Ger. Jr., Syst. Eng., Ch. Hist., Horn.; sailed for China, Oct., '89, missionary at Tung Chow, China — . Leavell, Zachary Tay'or. b. Cherry Creek, Miss., Aug. 30, '47 ; University of Mississippi ; Sem. (3) '70-73, grad. B. Int., Pol., Ch. Gov., Horn. ; ord. Cherry Creek, Miss., Aug., '72; p. Dalton, Ga., '74-75; Murfreesboro, Tenn., '77-83; Natchez, Miss., '83-89 ; Carrollton Female College, Miss., '89—. Leavelle, "William Hayne. Sem. '67-69, from Newberry, S. C.,grad. B. Int., Syst. Eng., Pol., Horn. fLee, John Alfred. b. Harmony, Owen Co., Ky., Apr. 28, 'QQ ; Georgetown College ; Sem. (1) '85-86; ord. Harmony ch., Owen Co, Ky., Sept. 18, '88; p. Pleasant Home, Owen Co., Ky., and Vine Run, Grant Co., Ky. — . Lee, James Wigfall. b. Jasper Co., Miss., Dec. 23, '60 ; Mississippi College, at Clinton, Miss., B.S. ; Sem. (|) '86-87^ grad. B. Int. ; ord. Blue Mountain, Miss., May, '86 ; prof. Blue Mountain Male Academy, '85-86, and part of '86 — 87; p. country ch. in Tippah Co., Miss., 1 yr., Hernan- do and Cold Water, Miss., '87—. Alphabetical List of Studeyits. 135 Lee, M. D. Sem. '81-82, from SiafFord, Va. Lemon, William Leachman. b. Houston Mines, Botetourt Co., Va., Feb.l, '64; Richmond College; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. O. T. Eng., S.-st^ Eng., B^ nt Ch Gov., Past. D.; ord. Mill Creek ch., Botetourt Co , \ a, July 5, '85 ; missionary p., under the Va. State Board, of Mt. Carr^el Tus- sekiah chs., Lunenburg Co., Va., and Mt. Horeb and Ohvet ch., Mecklenburg Co., Va., Oct., '85-Oct., '87; associate p. Erie, :N. Y., Sept. 1, '89— ; business manager of " The Erie Harbor — . Leslie, Josephus A. b. Botetourt Co., Va., Aug. 16, '54; Richmond College ;Serr.a) '78-79; ord. Buchanan, Va., Aug., '75 ; p. Chesterfield Va., ,9, Prince Edward Co., Va., '80-84; Tarboro, N. C, '8o-89 ; Tazewell C. H., Va.— . fLevi, "W. J. Sem. '88-89, from Pageville, Ky. Lewis, J. A. Sem. '77-78, from Ashland, Ky. Lide, Robert Wilkins. b. Springville, Darlington Co., S. C, Dec. 16, '52; Furman Uni- versity • Sem. (2) '73-75, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Go;., Hom.; ord. Darlington C. H., S. C, June '75; p. Chei-aw, S C, June. '75-Nov., '77 and Dec, '78-80; Newbern, ^.C., Nov., '77-Mav '78- Antioch and Swift Creek chs., Darlington Co., b. U, '80-83;" Antioch and Black Creek, '83-Dec., '87 ; 1st ch., Charleston, S. C, Dec, '87—. Lide, Thomas Parks. b. Darlington, S. C, Dec 14, '45 ; Furman University, B.Ph. ; Sem. (3) '67-70, English Graduate, also Heb ; ord. Mechanics- ville ch., Darlington Co., S. C, Oct. 15, '70; p. Marion C^H., S. C, Jan. 1, '71-Jan. 1, '78, also Reedy Creek, Terrel's Bay, Friendship 136 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. andGapway; Antioch, Jan. 1,71- Jan. 1, '8-3, Lake City and Kings- tree, 2 yrs., Conway, S. C, 1 yr., Mnllins, S. C, Jan., '78-Jan., '88, except two yrs., also 12 yrs. at Bethel and 3 yrs. at Mizpah, Wilson, N. C, 1 yr., Santee and Corinth chs., Feb. 1, '89—. liigon, T. D. Sem. <1) '71-72, from Columbus, Ga., grad. O. T. Eng., X. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov. Lile, Waller Burton. b. Hardyville, Hart Co., Ky., Jan. 9, '60 ; William Jewell College ; Sem. (l)'81-§2; ord. Prairie View ch., Shelby Co., Mo., Dec. 28, '82; p. Prairie View, Mo., '82-83; Mattoon, 111., '83-84 ; Orion, 111., '84-85; evangelist nearly 3 yrs. in 111., Mo., Iowa; chairman Missouri River Asso. — ; p. Leavenworth, Kan., Mar., '89 — . Lindsay, W. C. b. Louisa Co., Va., Feb. 15, '40; Hanover Academy, Richmond Medical College ; Sem. (4) '66-70, Full Graduate ; ord. Hope- ful ch., Hanover Co., Va., Aug., '70; D.D., from Washington and Lee University, Va. ; pres. of S. C. State Board of Missions, '77-79 ; p. Wilson, N.' C, Oct., '70-Mar., '71 ; Barnwell, S. C, Oct., '71- Jan., '76; agent in S. C. forS. B. T. Sem. and Furman University, Jan., '76-Jan., 77; p. Columbia, S. C, Aug., '77 — . Lipsey, Plautus I. b. Independence, De Soto Co., Miss. ; So. W. Bap. University, Jackson, Tenn., University of Miss., A.B. ; Sem. (3) '86-89, Full Graduate, also Pat. Gk., Copt., Ger., Hist. Docts. ; ord. Columbus, Ind., June 4, '89 ; p. Columbus, Ind., June 4, '89 — . Listen, Daniel Perry. b. Lewis, Clay Co., Ind., Mar. 17, '53; Sem. (1-) '88-89; ord. Friendly Grove, Clay Co., Ind., Nov. 1, '89; p. Pleasant Valley, Vigo Co., Ind., '88 ; Pimento, Vigo Co., Shelburn, Little Flock and Friend- ship cbs., Sullivan Co., Ind. — . Little, L. H. Sem, '85-87, from Hyter's Gap, Va. Alphabetical List of Studeyits. 137 Lively, W. Sem. 72-73, from Ellerslie, Ga. lilewellyn, William T. Sem. '82-85, from Dobson, N. C, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Heb., Gk. Jr., Ch. Gov., Past. D., N. T. Eng., Horn. Lloyd, William Edward. b. Edgefield Co., S. C, June 3, '36 ; Sem. {h) '67-68 ; ord. Ebene- zer ch., Macon Co., Ala., Nov., '58; p. Mt. Meigs, Tuskegee, Ope- lika, Salem, Seale, Notasulga, Loachapoka, Auburn and Cusseta, — all in Ala, ; D.D., from Howard College, '85. Loper, H. P. Sem. '79-80, from Spencer Co., Ind. Love, D. T. Sem. '68-69, from Haywood Co., Tenn. *Lovelace, Frank. Sem. '79-82, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr., from Massack, Ky. ; died Feb. 19, '82. Loving, A. G. b. Fluvanna Co., Va., Aug. 6, '54; Richmond College; Sem. (1) '81-82; ord. Albemarle Co., Va., Feb. 3, '74; p. Lawrenceburg, Ind., '82-84 ; Louisa C. H., Va., '84-89 ; Winchester, Va., '89—. Loving, John W^heeler. b. ("Granite Hills") P. O. Wilmington, Fluvanna Co., Va., Dec. 16, '60; Richmond College, A.B., '84; Sem. (4) '84-88, Full Grad- uate, '87, also Text. Crit., Pat. Lat., Ger., Hist. Docts., Pat. Gk., For. Hymn. ; ord. Lyles, Fluvanna Co., Va., June 13, '86 ; p. New Castle and Burk's Branch, Ky., July 1, '66-Mar. 1, '88 ; New Lib- erty, Ky., Mar. 1, '88-Mar. 1, '89; Lewisburg ch. (P.O. North Fork), Ky., Mar. 1, '89—. Lowrey, William Tyndale. b. Meadow Creek, Tishomingo Co., Miss., Mar. 3, '58 ; Mississippi 138 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. College, A.B., honorary A.M., '85 ; Sem. (3^) '81-85, grad. Gk., Heb., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Horn., Syst. Eng., B. Int. ; ord. Blue Mountain, Miss., July, '82 ; p. Simpsonville, Ky., Feb., '82-Nov., '83 ; Cane Kun, Fayette Co., Ky., Nov., '83-Feb., '85 ; President Blue Mountain Female Colle2:e, Tippah Co., Miss., Mar. 3, '85 — ; p. Eipley and Blue Mountain, Miss., Mar., '85 — . Lowry, Jennings O'Bannon. b. Louisville, Ga., Jan. 10, '51 ; Erskine College, A.B. — later A.M.; Sem. (3) '70-73, Full Graduate; ord. Barnwell, S. C, '71 ; p. St. Francis St. ch., Mobile, Ala., Dec, '74-Dec., '79 ; Coliseum Place ch., N. O., La., Dec, '79-Aug., '81 ; Calvary ch., Kansas City, Mo., Feb., '82—. Luck, Julian Marcellus. b. Bedford Co., Va., Dec 4, '47 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (2) '73-75, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Hom., Pol., Ch. Hist., Gk. Jr.; ord. Mt. Zion ch., 4th S., May, '75, in Bedford Co., Va. ; missionary of the State Board of Va., 10 yrs. and 5 mos,, in Pulaski, Giles and Montgomery Cos., Va. ; p. South Boston, Hal- ifax C. H., Black Walnut and Vernon Hill chs., Halifax Co., Va., 2 yrs. and 7 mos. ; Alleghany ch., Montgomery Co., Va., and Pulaski City, Pulaski Co., Va., July, '88—. Lumbley, William Turner. b. Mechanicsburg, Yazoo Co., Miss., Dec 29, '53 ; Miss. College ; Sem. (2) '86-88, grad. B. Int., Ch. Gov., Past. D. and P. P. ; ord. Ogden ch., Yazoo Co., Miss., July 31, '81 ; p. country chs. near Ham- burg and Monticello, Ark., Jan., '83-Dec, '85 ; missionary of Sta e Mission Board of Miss., '86 up to Sept. ; Missionary to Africa, at Ogbomashaw (P. O. Lagos)—. *Lunn, "William J. Sem. '65-66, from S. C. ; died before '69. Lusk, Thomas Ne-wton. b. Choctaw Co., Miss., Aug. 19, '53 ; Miss. College, Clinton, B.S.; Alphabetical List of Students. 139 Sem. (1) '84-85, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng.; ord. Mulberry ch., Montgomery, Miss., Sept. 2, '83; principal. New Liberty High School, '85, 'S6, '87 ; p. Pleasant Grove, Grenada Co., Miss., '85-88, Harmony, '85-89, Bluff Springs, '86 and '87, Shiloh, Miss., '87—. Lynch, John Thomas. b. Portland, Maine, Nov. 25, '58; Richmond College; Sem. (f) '86-87 ; ord. Scottsville, Albemarle Co., Va., Feb. 28, '72; p. Scotts- ville, Jan. 1, '72, H yrs.. Hardware, Apr. 1, '72, 1^ yrs.. Rocky Mount, Edgecombe Co., Toisnah, Wilson Co., Halifax, Halifax Co., Feb. 1, '74, 9 months; Alma, Red Springs, Mt. Moriah, Robeson Co., N. C, Nov. 1, '74, 1 yr. ; Hopewell and Emmon?, New Kent Co., Va., 9 months. Black Creek, Hanover Co., Va., Jan. 1, '75, 6 mos. ; Beulah and Sharon, King William Co., Va., July 1, '76, 1st 13 mos., 2d, 1 yr.; Mt. Hermon, Caroline Co., Va., Oct. 1, '76, 9 mos.; Citra, Marion Co., Fla., Feb. 1, '89 — . Lynch, James 'William. b. Henry Co., Va., Jan. 20, '68 ; Wake Forest, N. C, A.M.; Sem. (3 mos.) '88-89 ; ord. Wake Forest, N. C, '86 ; p. New Castle, Ky. ; Danville, Ky. — . Lynn, Benjamin Franklin. Sem. '86-88, from Portsmouth, O. Lyon, David Gordon. b. Benton, Ala., May 24, '52; William Jewell College, Mo.; How- ard College, Ala., A.B., '75; University of Leipsic, Germany, Ph.D. ; Sem. (3j '76-79, grad. N. T. Eng., Ch.Gov., B. Int., Syst. Eng., Gk., Heb., Hom., Pol., O. T. Eng. ; Hollis Prof, of Divinity in Harvard University, Sept., '82 — ; Recording Sec. American Oriental Society, May, '86—. *Macfee, Willie V. Sem. (3) '84-87, from Charlotte Co., Va., grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., Hom., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Hist. Magee, Homer. Sem. '84-86, from St. Louis, Mo., grad. O. T. Eng. 140 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Maget, William L. Sem. '70-72, from Hertford Co., N. C. Mahan, James Lafayette. b. Durham, Lauderdale Co., Tenn., Feb. 16, '65 ; Lauderdale In- stitute, Eipley, Tenn., South Western L^niversity, Tenn. ; Sem. (1^) '87-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int. ; not ordained; sup- plied Johnson Grove, Tenn., '85 ; Sestville, Ky., '88-89 ; Elk Lick and Mt. Vernon, Ky, — . f Mahan, Robert Adonis. b. Lowes, Graves Co., Ky., June 16, '64; Clinton College, Ky. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int.; licensed Sept., '%^, at Clinton, Ky. Mahoney, Richard B. b. Clarendon Co., S. C, Mar. 12, '57 ; Furman University ; Sem. (2-) '82-84 ; ord. Middleburg, Ky., spring of '82 ; p. Timmonsville, S.C, '84-86; Republican ch., Ky., '86-87 ; Millersburg, Ky., '87- 88; Newport, '88; Columbia, Tenn.— . Manly, George "Whitfield. b. Richmond, Va., Nov. 26, '58 ; Georgetown College, A.M.; Leip- sic, Germany, Ph.D.; Sem. '78-82, Full Graduate; ord. Aiken, S. C, May 31, '82; p. Aiken, S. C, May 31, '82-April 30, '83 ; Wake Union ch., near Wake Forest, N. C, Jan. 1, '87-Jan. 1, '89, Mt. Vernon ch., Wake Co., N. C, Jan. 1, '88-Jan. 1, '89 ; Prof, of Ldtin, Wake Forest College, July 17, '^Q)—. Markland, William T. b. Greensburg, Decatur Co., Ind., Oct. 29, '52 ; Hartsville and Danville Schools, Ind. ; Sem. (1) '86-87 ; ord. Adams, Ind., Oct. 10, '87; p. Lancaster, Ind., May 8, '87-Apr. 29, '88 ; Jamestown and Caesar Creek, O., May 27, '89-Oct. 20, '89; Lawreuceburg, Ind., Oct. 27, '89-. Marsh, Robert Henry. b. Chatham Co., N. C, Nov. 8, '37 ; University of N. C, A.M. ; Alphabetical List of Students. 141 Sem. (2) '59-61, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Gk., Horn., Ch. Hist., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Ealeigh, Sept. 1, '61 ; chaplain 26th Reg. ]S^. C. troops, '61 ; p. Tally Ho, Concord, Mountain Creek and Grassy Creek, '63-65; Oxford, N. C, '69-72, Henderson, '79-82, Hesters, N. C, '69—, Poplar Creek, '82— ; D.D. from Wake Forest College, '86. Marshall, C. C. Sem. '88-89, from Coffee, Ind. Martin, James Allen. b. Laurens Co., S. C, Feb. 23, '50 ; Medical Department, Univer- sity of Ga., M.D. ; Sem. (|) '84-85; ord. Warrior's Creek ch., Laurens Co., S. C, Mar. 24, '83 ; p. Friendship, Durham's Creek, Unity, '83 ; Durham's Creek, Unity, Cedar Shoal and Union, '84 up to Sept. ; Cedar Slioal, Easly, Mt. Pleasant, New Prospect, '85 ; Mt. Pleasant, New Prospect, Hurricane and Clinton, Laurens Co., S. C, '86—. Maitin, John A. Sem. '82-83, from Laurens Co., S. C. f Martin, Thomas Theodore. b. Smith Co., Miss., Apr. 26, '62; Mississippi College, A.B., with first honor ; Sem. '88-89 ; ord. 1st ch., Belton, Tex., May 27, '88 ; taught Math, and Nat. Sciences in Baylor Female College, Belton, Tex., '86-88 ; p. Pendletonville, Bell Co., Tex., July, '87-July, '88, Harmony ch., Wilson Co., Tex., Oct., '87-Aug., '88 ; Glenview ch., Jefferson Co., Ky., since June, '89. Mason, Wylie Alfred. b. Wetumpka, Ala., June 3, '46 ; University of Ala. ; Sem. (2) '68-70, grad. Ch. Hist., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Tuskegee, Ala., May, '69 ; p. Okolona, Miss., '70-73 ; Grenada, '73-74 ; Canton, '75- 79 ; Monroe, La., '79-85 ; Crystal Springs, Miss., '86— ; Mod. Co- piah Asso., Miss. — , Vice-pres. Home Mission Bd. S. Bapt. Con. for Miss. — . 142 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Matheny, Matthew Pierce. b. Cookville, Tenn., Oot. 18, '52 ; Georgetown and Bethel Col- leges, Ky. ; Sem. (1) 77-78 ; ord. Hainmonsville, Kj., May, '76 ; cor. sec. S. S. Missions, Mo., '81 and '82: assistant Supt. of Missions, Tex., '85 and '86 ; p. Oak Hill, Kj., 2 yr.-=. ; Troy, Mo., 2 yrs., Salis- bury, Mo., 1 yr. ; Giddings, Tex., 1 yr.. Temple, Tex., 1 yr., Plono, Lurcuste and Ferris, Tex., 3 yrs. ; 2d cli., Dallas, 1 yr. ; Lincolnton, R a, Jan., '90—. Matlock, E. J. Sem. '87-88, from Woodburn, Ky. Matthews, John D. b. Tlmla, Green Co., Tenn., Nov. 26, '55 ; Carson College, Tenn. ; Stm. (1) '86-87 ; ord. Mossy Creek, Tenn., '84 ; p. Bellbuckle, Tenn., Sept., '85-Sept., '86 ; BeUeville, Kan., July, '87-July, '89 ; Blue Rapids, Kan. — . Maurer, John Joseph. b. Port Huron, St. Clair Co., Mich., Oct. 3, '58 ; William Jewell College, Mo., and Baylor University, Independence, Tex. ; Sem. (2^) '83-86, English Graduate; ord. Lawrenceburg, Ky., July 18, '85; p. Sunset ch., San Antonio, Tex., July, '86-Ja)i., '87, and Oct. 27, '87-Oct. 15, '88 ; missionary p. of 3 city stations in San Antonio^ Oct., '88-July, '89. Maxey, Virgil H. Sem. '86-87, from Crockett, Tex. Maxwell, Charles Fortson. b. near Talbctton, Talbot Co., Ga., May 11, '66; Baylor Univer- sity, Tex., and Texas University, Austin, Tex. ; Sem. part of (2) '85-86, '87-88 ; ord. Bremond, Tex., June 17, '88 ; teacher Franklin High School, Tex., Jan., '88-close of term ; p. Bremond, Tex., June- Sept., '88 ; Pendletonville and Slaughter's Branch, Bell Co.. Tex., Jan.-May, '89 ; Mexia and Fairfield, May 1, '89-Jan., '90 ; Groes- buck, Jan., '90— Alphabetical List of StvAents. 143 fMaynard, Nathan. b. Frederick Co., Md., Dec. 25, '58 ; public schools, Md. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Syst. Eng. ; li- censed by the Linganore ch., Frederick Co., Md., Oct., '88. Mays, E. J. Sem. '79-80, from Old Round Rock, Tex. McCall, William C. Sem. '70-73, from Halcyon Dale, Ga., grad. Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng., Pol., Cii. Gov. *McCants, F. C. Sera. '77-79, from Charleston, S. C, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov. ; died Feb. 17, '79. McCarty, W. S. Sem. (1) '85-86, from Jefferson, Ga., grad. Past. D. McClannahan, F. R. Sem. '74-75, from Pickens Co., S. C. McCollum, J. W. Graduated at Howard College with degree of A.B. in '86 ; Sem. '86-89, from Marion Junction, Ala., Full Graduate; sailed for Japan, Oct., '89, missionary at Kobe, Japan — . McComb, William Andrew. b. McDonald's Mill, Perry Co., Miss., Nov. 8, '60; Mississippi College, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '88-89; ord. Eastabuchie ch.. Miss., Aug., '86 ; p. Hermanville, Miss., May, '87-88, Learned, Miss., July, '87- 88 ; supply at Wyoming, N. Y.— . McConnell, Fernando Coello. b. Clay Co., N. C, Aug. 2, '56 ; Mercer University, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '79-82, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng.; ord. Hiawassee, Towns Co., Ga., Nov. 8, '80 ; holds Theo. Institutes in Hiawassee High 144 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. School, 2 mos. in each yr., '87 — ; p. Jefferson, Ind., '81-82; Toccoa, Clarksville, Head of Tennessee, Ga., and flayesville, N. C, '83-84 ; Jeffersonville, Byron, Antioch, Twiggs Co., Ga., '85-86 ; Eatonton and Harmony, Puinam Co., Ga., '87-89 ; Gainesville, Ga., '89 — . McCormick, Hugh Pendleton. b. L>over, Loudoun Co.. Va., Aug. 23, '60 ; Kichmond College ; Sem. part of (2) '82-83, '85-86; ord. Middleburg ch., '83; Prof. Howard College, Marion, Ala., '81-82 and '84-85 ; p. Hopewell ch., Perry Co., Ala., '81-82 ; Falls ch., Fairfax Co., and North Fork, Loudoun Co., Va., '83-84 ; Hopewell ch., Ala., '84-85 ; New Castle, Ky., and Burk's Branch, Shelby Co., Ky., '85-86 ; Zacatecas, Mex- ico, and several stations, '87 — . McCoy, Andrew J. b. Yorkville, S. C, Nov. 8, '49 ; Sem. (2J) '72-73, '76-79, Eng- lish Graduate; ord. Chester, S, C, May 18, '79 ; p. Catawba ch., York Co., Pleasant Valley, Lancaster Co., '80-81 ; Fort Mill, '82 ; Taxahaw and Union chs., Lancaster Co., '83-84, — all in S. C. McCrackan, William Alexander. b. near Ninety Six, Abbeville Co., S. C, Oct. 30, '46 ; Sem. (|) '72-73; ord. Red Oak Grove ch., Edgefield Co., S. C, Jan. 12, "J 2 ; assistant p. Red Oak Grove, Red Hill and Call! ban's chs., Edge- field Co., S. C, 8 mos., '72 ; p. Siloara ch., Abbeville Co., S. C, 6 mo3., '75 ; Sister Springs, Edgefield Co., S. C, '79 and '80 ; Langley, S. C, and Summer Hill, Aiken Co., S. C— . McDaniel, E. L. Sem. '76-77, from Sweetwater, Ga. McFarland, J. M. Sem. '87-89, from Taylor, Tex. ; at present pastor at Pewee Val- ley ch., Ky. McGaha, Arthur "W. Sem. '82-84, from Talladega, Ala., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov. ; p. Huntsville, Ala. ; East Lake, Ala. — . Alphabetical List of Students. 145 McGuire, Ulysses Mellville. b. Jennings Co., Ind., Apr. 6, '56 ; Hanover College, Ind. ; Sem, part of (1) '85-86; ord. Coffee Creek ch., Jennings Co., Ind., Sept. 5, '81 ; p. Coffee Creek, Mar., '81-Mar., '84, Lancaster, Jefferson Co., Ind., Apr., '82-Apr., '84, Uniontown, Jackson Co., Ind., Aug., '82- May, '85, Dupont, Jefferson Co., Ind., June-Dec, '83, Marion. Jen- nings Co., Ind., Nov., '84-Nov., '85 ; Bethany, Ind., Feb., '86-Fel., '87, New Harmony, Scott Co., Ind., Jan., '86-Oct., '87, Kensselaer, Jasper Co., Ind., Nov., '87 — , and Prairie Vine, Newton Co., Ind., Jan., '88—. * McLaughlin, D. Sem. '78-79, from Clarksburg, W. Va. > ' McLaughlin, Harvey. Sem. '78-79, '80-81, '82-83, from Perrysville, O. McLendon, Henry R. b. Fort Gaines, Ga., Mar. 21, '57; Mercer University; Sem. (3) '82-85, Full, Graduate; ord. Fort Gaines, Ga., Oct. 19, '79; prin- cipal Fort Gaines Academy, '86-87 ; p. principally of country and village chs., in S. W. Ga., including present pastorate at Lasser, Ar- lington and Georgetown, Ga. McLendon, John J. b. Anson Co., N. C, Dec. 4, '41 ; Sem. (3) '69-72, Full Grad- uate ; ord. Red Hill ch., Anson Co., N. C, Mar. 29, '73 ; prin. Car- olina Central Academy, Anson Co., N. C, '75-80, also Spring Hill Academy, Lancaster Co., S. C, '84 ; p. Edenton ch., Apr.-Nov., '73, Pleasant Plain ch.. Union Co., N. C.,'81, '82 and '87, Catawba ch., York Co., S. C, '82, Camp Creek ch., Lancaster Co., S. C, '84, Cane Creek ch., Union Co., N. C, '86 ; has done much missionary work. ^McLeod, L. T. Sem. '78-81, from Independence, Texas., grad. O. T. Eng., Ch. Gov. McManaway, Alexander Gilmer. b. Chamblissburg, Bedford Co., Va., Aug. 19, '52 ; Richmond Col- lege ; Sem. (J) '77-78; ord. Chamblissburg, Va., June 28, '74; p. 10 146 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Blacksburg, Va., June, '78-Feb., '81 ; Louisbarg, N. C, Mar., '81- Oct., '85 ; Charlotte, N. C, Nov., '85—. McManaway, James Meadow. b. near Chamblissburg, Bedford Co., Va., Dec. 8, '55 ; Richmond College; Sem. (2) '80-82, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. June 28, '74 ; p. Jerusalem, Southamp- ton Co., Va., Nov., '76-Nov.,'77 ; Black Creek, Southampton Co., Va., Oct., '77-Sept., '80 ; supply at 22d and Walnut, Louisville, Ky., win- ter of '80-81 ; Bedford, Ind., spring and su nmer, '81 ; p. Midway, Ky., Jan. 1, '82-Nov., '83; Wilson and Tarboro, N. C, Nov., '83- Nov., '84 ; Wilson, Nov., '84-Nov., '87 ; Shelby, N. C, Nov.,'87— . McMillan, R. T. Sem. '72-73, from Monroeville, Ala. McNatt, Berry. Sem. '83-84, from Shelbyville, Tenn. fMcNeece, T. L. b. Ontario, Canada, Dec. 25, '56 ; Sem. '85-89, from Chatham, Canada, grad. B. Int., Ch. Gov., O. T. Eng., Heb., Ch. Hist., Syst. Eng., Pol., Past. D. and P. P., N. T. Eng., Hist. Docts. ; ord. New Al- bany, Ind., Sept. 29, '89 ; p. New Albany, Ind., Sept. 29, '89—. McNemer, Robert N. b. Daviess Co., Ky., Jan. 13, '58 ; West Ky. Normal College and Bethel College; Sem. (f) '85-87; ord. Sorgho, Daviess Co., Ky., May 11, '86; p. Hawesville, Ky., Jan., '86-Oct., '86, Blackford ch., Hancock Co., Ky., Jan. 1-Oct. 1, '86, Eureka, Ind., '85-Oct. 1, '86; Cairo, 111., Oct. 1, '87—. Meath, P. G. Sem. '84-86, from Jefferson, Iowa. Menefee, Plournoy. b. Linn Co., Mo., Jan. 1, '54; William Jewell College, A.B. ; Sem. (2) '81-83, Full Graduate; ord. Platte Co., Mo., Aug., '77; sup- ply at Camden Point, Mo., June-Dec, '77 ; p. four country chs.. Car- Alphabetical List of Studeids, 147 roll Co., Mo., Mar., '78-Sep\, '81 ; Clinton, Mo., May, '83-May, '86 ; Pierce City, Mo.,Sept.'86-Mar., '88; Lexington, Mo., Mar., '88-June, '89 ; supplied for 1st ch., Baltimore, Md., during summer, '86 and '87 ; Pres. Bapt. Female College, Lexington, Mo., '88-90 ; Pres. Liberty Female <3ollege. Mo., June, '90 — . Mercer, Isaac Morton. b. Kichmond, Va., June 29, '57 ; Richmond College, A.M. ; Sem. (3) '80-83, Full Graduate ; studied in Ger., July, '85-Oc ., '86, at- tending University of Leipsic a portion of the time ; ord. 2d ch., Richmond, Va., June, '83; p. Halifax C. H., South Boston, Black Walnut chs., Halifax Co., Va., May, '83-May, '85 ; 1st ch., Alexan- dria. Va., Dec. 1, '86—. Merrill, Robert Winfred. b. near Hazlehurst, Copiah Co., Miss., Sept. 13, '60 ; Mississippi College, A.B. ; Sem. part of (2) '86-88 ; ord. Hays' Creek ch., Mont- gomery Co., Miss., '84; supplied Hardy, Miss., '83 and '84, Hays' Creek ch., Miss., '84 and '85, Bethlehem ch.. Miss., '85; p. Magnolia, Miss., Oct., '85-Oct., '87; Valence St. ch., N. O., La., Mar. 1, '88—. *Merri-wether, Ware. b. Edgefield Co., S. C. ; Furman University ; Sem. (2) '75-77, from Woodlawn, S. C, grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., Syst. Eng. ; died in summer of '77, before completing his course. Merryman, Charles Gosuch. b. Baltimore, Md,, December 31, '60; Full grad. of Baltimore City College and grad. in special course in Johns Hopkins University ; Sem. (3) '83-86, Full Graduate, also Pat. Gk., For. Hymn. ; ord. Eutaw Place Bapt. ch., Baltimore, Md., June 14, '86 ; mod. Augusta Asso., '88 ; p. Greenville, Va., June 18, '86—. Middleton, A. "W. Sem. '60-61, from Panola, Miss. Miller, Benjamin F. b. Barnwell Co., S. C, June 22, '40 ; Furman University ; Sem. (1) '68-69, grad. O. T. Eng.; ord. Ebenezer ch., Greenville Co., S. 148 Southern Baptist Theological Seminar'y. C, July, '69, by J. C. Furman, D.D., and William Williams, D.D. ; prin. Marietta High Schoal, '66 and '69-71; Ducusville High School, S. C, '67 ; Sec. of the Educational Institute of S. C, '69-74 ; p. Ebenezer, S. C, '69-71; Beulah, Abbeville Co., S. C, '72, Horeb and Buffalo, Abbeville Co., Jan., '72-80, McCormick, '78-82, Tur- key Creek, '82-83, Walnut Grove, '83-84, Bethabara, Laurens Co., S. C, '83, Bold Springs, '80-82, Bethany, '80-83, Providence, '84- 85, Midway, '84-87, Mt. Carmel, '87-88, Beulah, Abbeville Co., S. C, '85-87, Loundesville ch., '87-88, Mt. Moriah ch., '86—, Fellow- ship ch., '89—, Mountain Creek, Edgefield Co., S. C, '89—. Miller, Edmund Boston. b. Greenville, S. C, Feb. 3, '53 ; Union University, Tenn., S. W. Bapt. Universitji, Tenn., A.B., '80, honorary A.M., '83 ; certificate for 4 yrs. reading from Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle ; Sem. (3) '80-83, Full Graduate; ord. 5th S., June, '83, at Gren- ada, Miss. ; p. Grenada, Miss., Oct., '83 — . Miller, John. Sem. (1) '67-68, from Md., grad. B. Int. Miller, John Samuel. b. Livingston Co., Ky., Mar. 2, '57; Bethel College; Sem. (1) '78-79, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng.; ord. Friendship ch., Livingston Co., Ky., '74 ; p. Sexton Spring, Livingston Co., Ky., '76-77, Macedonia, Lyon Co., Ky.; '77-78, Calvert City, Ky., '81-84, Good Hope, Livingston Co., Ky., '81-85, Salem, Ky., '81- 82, Macedonia, Ky., '86—, Friendship and Smithland, Ky., '89 — .j Miller, J. W. Sem. '75-76, from Jacksonville, Ala. Mirze, J. H. Mitchell, W. J. Sem. (1) '69-70, from Hamilton, Ga., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov. Alphabetical List of Students. 149 MoflFett, John Roberts. b. Culpeper Co., Va., Oct. 16, '58 ; Sem. (4) '81-85, Full Grad- uate ; ord. Gourdvine, Culpeper Co., Va., 5th S., June, '84; p. New Salem, Nelson Co., Ky., Sept., '83-June, '85 ; Beulah and Sharon chs.. King William Co., Va., July, '85-July 1, '87, Her- mon, Caroline Co., Aug., '85-July, '87 ; North Danville, Va., July 1, '87—. Moody, James Franklin. b. Andrew Co., Mo., Oct. 8, '56 ; William Jewell College ; Sem. '81-82; ord. Mt. Zion ch., Platte Co., Mo., Dec. 26, '80; p. Prince- ton, Mo., Jan. 1, '82-Jan. 1, '84 ; Pomona, Cal., Aug. 1, '84-Jan. 1, '89 ; Ukiah, Cal., Mar. 1, '89—. Moore, Gordon Beverly. b. Amherst Co., Va., Apr. 1, '54; Richmond College; Sem. (3) '80-83, Full Graduate; ord. Elk Creek, Louisa Co., Va., Feb. 29, '80; p. Darlington, S. C, May 20, '83—. *Moore, Joseph F. Sem. '83-84, from Carthage, N. C. Moore, Thomas Andrew. b. Summerfield, Ala., Dec. 25, '45 ; Howard College, Ala., Missis- sippi College, B.S. ; Sem. (2) '83-85, grad. Syst. Eng., Horn., N. T. Eng., Ch. Hist., Pol.; ord. Kosciusko, Miss., Nov. 2, '79; Pres. Meridian Female College, Miss., '81-83 ; mod. Rio Grande Asso., Tex., July, '87-July, '89 ; p. Samaria and Yockanookany chs., At- tala Co., Miss., Nov. 1, '79-Nov. 1, '81 ; Lauderdale ch., Lauderdale Co., Miss., and Marion, Miss., Oct. 1, '82-Oct. 1, '83; Simpsonville, Ky., Jan. l-.June 1, '84; assistant p. Walnut St., Louisville, Ky., June 1, '84-85 ; Galveston, Tex., June 5, '85-Feb. 1, '87 ; Laredo, Tex., Mar. 1, '87-Apr. 1, '89 ; Uvalde and Del Rio, Tex., Apr. 2- Nov. 1, '89 ; San Antonio, Tex., Nov. 1, '89—. *Morgan, Fernando V7ood. b. Owen Co., Ky., Feb. 26, '64 ; Georgetown College, grad. Lat., Gk. and Eng.; Sem. (2) '86-88, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. 150 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Int., Horn., Past. D. and P. P., Syst. Eng. ; ord. Mt. Pleasant ch., Franklin Co., Ky., Nov. 13, '86; p. Mt. Pleasant, while in Sem. ; Terrell, Tex. : Honey Grove, Tex. ; died near White Sulphur, Ky,, June, '90. Morgan, S. D. Sem. '88-89, from Bosius, Ky. Morgan, Squire Helm. b. Elizabethtown, Hardin Co., Ky., Feb. 10, '54; Hambleton and Lynnland Institutes, A.M. from both ; Sem. (U) '77-79, grad. B. Int., Ch. Gov., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. ; ord. Elizabethtown, Ky., Jan. 9, '81 ; p. Lebanon Junction and Belmont, Bullitt Co., Ky., July, '80-81, Bath, Bullitt Co., Ky., '79-81 ; Keytesville, Mo., Jan. 1, '81-Jan., '82; Mahomet, 111., '82-Sept., '84; Lena, 111., Sept., '84- Apr., '85 ; Walnut St., Owensboro, Ky., Apr. 1, '85-87 ; Hutch- inson, Kan., '87-Sept., '88 ; Charleston, Mo., Sept., '88—. Morris, Francis Marion. b. Independence, Ky., Dec. 20, '59 ; Central Normal College, Danville, Ind.; Sem. (2) '85-87, grad. B. Int., Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. and P. P., Hom., Heb. Jr. ; ord. Pleasant Lake, Ind., July 7, '87 ; supplied Pleasant Lake, Ind., '87 ; p. Fort Howard, Wis., Feb. 1, '89—. Morris, J. M. Sem. (1) '88-89, from Stewartsville, Va., grad. B. Int.,O.T. Eng., N. T. Eng. Morris, William Edw^ard. b. Boone Co., Ky., Mar. 28, '59; Georgetown College; Sem. part cf (2) '84-85, '88-89 ; ord. Verona, Ky., Aug. 14, '85 ; p. Grant's Creek, Ind., Aug., '85 — , Olive Branch, Aug., '85-Aug.j '87, Long Run, June, '86-Feb., '89, Rising Sun, Ind., Mar., '89—. Morrison, L. "W. Sem. '80-81, from Mayfield, Ky. Alphabetical List of Students. 151 Morton, "Wilson Bunyan. b. Lilesville, N. C, Feb. 19, '56; Wake Forest, B.L. ; Sem. (1) '84-85; ord. Wake Forest College, June, '84; p. Weldon, N. C, July, '85—. Moseley, Hartwell Robert. b. Laurens C. H., S. C , June 20, '63 ; Furraan University, A.B., '83; Sem. (3) '85-88, Full Graduate; ord. Greenville, S. C, June, '87 ; Pres. Madero Institute, Saltillo, Mex., also director of Mex.Theo. Sem. and Boys' School— Zaragoza Institute ; )). Saltillo (State of Coahuila), Mexico. Mullins, Edgar Young. b. Franklin Co., Miss., Jan. 5, '60 ; A. and M. College of Tex. ; Sem. (4) '81-85, Full Graduate; ord. Harrodsburg, Ky., June, '85;'Harrodsburg, Ky., May 1, '85-Sept. 30, '88; Lee St. ch., Bal- timore, Md., Oct. 1, '88 — . Mullins, Stephen Gabriel- b. Morning View, Kenton Co., Ky., Aug. 11, '47; Sem. part of (1) '80-81; ord. Wilmington ch., Kenton Co., Ky., Feb. 25, '82; Sec. Associational Miss. Bd. of Campbell Co., '84-88, also clerk of Campbell Co. Asso., '85- ; p. Mt. Moiiah ch., '82-83, Willow Creek ch., '83-87, Palestine ch., '83-88, Blanket Creek ch., '83-87, Catawba ch.i '84-88, Lenoxburg ch., '87-88, Licking ch., '89, Licking Valley, Dry Ridge and Concord chs., '89— New Bethel ch.— , all in Ky. Munday, J. A. Sem. '76-77, from Norcross, Ga. Munn, Hector A. b. Hyman, S. C, May 4, '59; Furman University; Sem. (f ) '86- 87; ord. McNutt, Miss., Apr. 19, '87; p. McNutt, Miss. ; Hamburg, Ark., Waldo, Ark.; principal of High School, Mulberry, Ark., '88. Murphy, John K. Sem. '65-67, from Ala. 152 Southern Baptist Theohgical Seminary, Murrow, Rufus E. Sem. (1) '82-83, from Macon, Ga., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn, Musick, Elexious Ferrell. b. Kussell Co., Va., Oct. 4, '53 ; Sem. (|) '80-81, grad. O. T. Eng. ; ord. Independence ch., Kussell Co., Va., '89 ; p. Bethany ch., '80- 81 ; Sulphur Springs and Cedar Grove chs., '85-86, Independence ch., '85 and '89, Lewis Creek ch., 86—, all in Russell Co., Va. Myers, Edwin Carleton. b. Brighton, Lorain Co., O., Nov. 16, '65 ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Hom., Syst. Eng. ; ord. Huntington, Lorain Co., O., Aug. 15, '89 ; p. Huntington, O., June 1, '89—. Myers, Francis Marion. b. Harrison Co., Ky., Sept. 1, '55 ; Bethel College; Sem. (4) '79- 81, '82-84, Full Graduate ; ord. Walnut St. ch., Louisville, Ky., June 1, '84; p. Patos, Mexico, Dec, '84-May, '85 ; Augusta, Ky., Feb., '86-Feb., '89 ; Milford Centre, O., July, '89—, Tippecanoe City, O., Aug., '89—. Nash, Charles Edward. ■ b. N. Y. City, June 26, '62; High School, Baltimore, Md. ; Sem. (2J) '84-87, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. and P. P., Pol. ; ord. 1st Bap. ch., Birmingham, Ala., June 2, '86; p. Carrollton, Ky., Jan., '86-88 ; FalmOuth, Ky., Apr., '88—. Nash, Charles Harris. b. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 4, '54; Richmond College; Sem. (4) '85-89, Full Graduate; ord. High Hills ch., Sussex Co., Va., Jan. 10, '78 ; p. High Hills, Antioch, Sussex Co., Reedy Creek, Brunswick Co., and Hebron, Southampton Co., Va., '78-81 ; West End ch., Petersburg, Va., '81-85; Buck Run ch., Franklin Co., Ky., '85-86 ; Cable St., Portland Avenue, Louisville, Ky., '86-87; Bardstown, Ky., '88-90; Hopkinsville, Ky., '90—. Alphabetical List of Students. 153 Neel, Braxton Wade, b. Morgantown, Ky., Feb. 23, '55 ; Louisville Medical College ; Sera. (1) '80-81 ; ord. Cromwell, Ky., Mar. 15, '83 ; p. Number One ch., Ohio Co., Ky., '83-84, Salem, Butler Co., Ky., and New Har- mony, '83-85 ; Aurora and Poradin, Tex., '86-87 ; Springdale, Ark., '87-88 ; Auburn, Ky., and Spring Creek, Tenn., '89—. Nelson, Elisha. b. Gilmer Co., Ga., Mar. 12, '49 ; Sem. (|) '87-88 ; only licensed. Newell, George Washington. b. Fayetteville, N. C, Aug. 10, '41 ; Donaldson Academy, N. C. ; Sem. (2) '70-72, English Graduate; ord. Wilson, N. C, '73, Wm. Hooper, D.D., and Rev. J. C. Hiden, presb. ; p. Wilson, N. C, '72 and '73 ; Louisburg and Maplespring, N. C, '74 and '75; served the following country chs. in N. C, Cedar Rock, Franklin Co., Harris Chapel, Halifax Co., Reedy Creek, Warren Co., Peach Tree and Pleasant Grove, Nash Co. Newton, C. C. Sem. '78-79, from Herringsville, N. C. ; sailed for Africa, June, '89, missionary at Lagos, Africa — . Newton, J. D. Sera. '86-88, from Chapel Hill, N. C, grad. Past. D. Newman, Albert Henry. b. Edgefield Dist., S. C, Aug. 25, '52, Mercer University, A.B. '71, A.M. a few yrs. later; Sem. (1) '75-76, pursuing special studies, Heb., Chaldee, Syr., Arab., Talmud and Pat. Gk., having previously grad. in Rochester Theo. Sem. ; LL.D., from S. W. Bapt. U., '83, D.D., from Mercer U., '85; prof. Ch. Hist, in Rochester Theo. Sem., '77-81, and in Toronto Bapt. Theo. College, '81—. Nicholas, William Abner. b. Putnam Co., W. Va., June 28, '54 ; Shelton Institute, W. Va. ; Sem. part of (2) '85-87 ; ord. Mt. Moriah, W. Va., Oct. 3, '85 ; p. Guyandotte, W. Va., June 1, '87—. 154 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Nichols, "William Hite. b. Boone Co., Mo., Jan. 16, '52 ; State University of Mo. ; Sem. (1) '81-82, grad. Syst. Eng. ; ord. New Providence ch., Boone Co., Mo.; p. Hopkins, Mo., Nov., '82; Tallula, 111., Nov., '84; Sabetta, Kan., Apr., '86; Parla, Kan., '89; Oklahoma City, Ind. Ter., Apr., '90—. Nigels, William F. b. Prussia; Sem. (2) '59-61, grad. B. Int., N. T. Eng., O.T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Ch. Hist., Horn. ; ord. First Creek ch., Anderson Co., S. C, '64. Noland, T. W. T. b. Locust Valley, near Hamilton, Loudoun Co., Va., Sept. 1, '49 ; Richmond and Columbian Colleges; Sem. (3) 79-83, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov., Pol. ; ord. Ketocton, Loudoun Co., Va., first S., Nov., '83; p. Woodville, Va., Jan., '83- Apr., '84; Farmwell and Guilford, Apr., '84-June, '85; Lewisville, Mt. Carmel and Walnut Grove, S. C, June, '85-Feb., '86 ; Hebron, King William Co., Concord and Mt. Horeb, Caroline Co., Va., Feb., '86-Nov., '87; Occoquan and Beulah, Va., Nov., '87-Apr., '89, Woodlavvn, Va., Nov., '87—, Columbia, Va., Oct., '88—. Norton, Wm. Harrison. b. Lee Co., Ga., Oct. 17, '45 ; Mercer University, B.S.; Sem. (3) '7 1-74, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng , Ch. Gov.; ord. Thundering Spring ch., Lee Co., Ga., '84 ; p. Bethlehem and Louisville, Ala , '74-77, Clayton, Ala., '75-76, Georgetown, Ga., '75 and '76, Bethel, Benevolence, Ga., '76-78, Lumpkin, '78, Hlakely and Bluffton, '79 and '80, Madison, Ga., '81-83, Harmony, Putnam Co., '83 ; Thomp- son, Ga., and chs. in W^arren Co., '84-87 ; Augusta, Curtis, '87-88 ; Talbotton, Ga., and Ramah, Ala., '89 ; Fort Valley, Byron, Ga.— . Norvell, James Edwin. b. Saline Co., Mo., Apr. 12, '49; William Jewell College, A.M.; Sem. (3) '82-85, Full Graduate; ord. Good Hope ch.. Saline Co., Mo., July 8, '82 ; prof. Math, and Ger. in Mount Pleasant College, Alphabetical List of Students. 155 Huntsville, Mo., 79-82 ; p. Lamar, Mo., June,'85-June, '87 ; Keytes- ville, Mo., Oct., '87—. Nuttall, John P. Sem. '83-84, '86-88, from Louisville, Ky. *0'Bannon, J. B. Sem. '75-77, from Barnwell, S. C, grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov.; not ordained. Oliver, Hugh Forsyth. b. near Hayneville, Houston Co., Ga., Aug, 18, '52 ; Sem. (3) '68-71, Full Graduate; ord. Hayneville, Houston Co., Ga., Aug. 21, '70, presb. B. F. Tiiarpe, D.D., and Rev. Geo. R. McCall ; pres. Old Preachers' Bd. of Ga. Con., May, '71-Dec. 31, '75 ; pres. Curry- ton Bapt. High School, Sept., '78-Dec. 31, '80; p. Madison, Ga., June 1, '71-Dec. 31, '73; Harmony, Eatonton, Ga., Jan. 1, '74- Dec. 31, '75 ; Georgetown, S. C, Black River and Black Mingo, Jan., '76-Aug. 31, '78; Mt. Lebanon and Big Stephen's Creek chs., Edgefield Co., S. C, Jan. 1, '79-r)ec. 31, '80; Tuskegee, Ala., Jan. 1, '81-Dec. 31, '82 ; Georgetown, S. C, Black Mingo and Kingstree, '83 ; Mt. Lebanon and Big Stephen's Creek chs., '84 ; Curtis, Augusta, Ga., '85 ; in S. C, Greenock, Dudley, St. Stephens, Mt. Hope, Sam- field Station, Providence, Graham's and Home Branch, '87-89. Oliver, J. W. Sem. '78-79, from Eddyville, Ky. Oliver, William Benjamin. b. Bladen Co., N. C, Aug. 2, '61 ; Wake Forest College; Sem. (3) '84-87, grad. Gk., Heb. Jr., Hom., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int. ; ord. Mt. Olive, Wayne Co., N. C, 2d Sunday in June, '84 ; p. Mt. Washington, Ky., '85-86, Plum Creek, Ky., '85-87; Marion, S. C, July, '87-July, '88; Blackwell ch., Durham Co., N. C, '88-89 ; 1st ch., Fayetteville, N. C— . Osborne, Paul Jones Michael. b. Farmville, Va., Aug. 18, '59; Richmond College; Sem. (3—) '86-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr. ; ord. 156 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Brevard, Transylvania Co., N. C, Sept. 22, '89 ; p. Mt. Hermon ch., Caroline Co., Va., '84; Brevard ch., Transylvania Co., N. C, Aug. 11, '89—, Lima ch., Greenville Co., S. C, Nov. 3, '89—, Saluda ch., Greenville Co., S. C, Nov. 17, '89—. Osborne, "William Henry. b. Batesville, Ark. ; Wake Forest, A.M.; Sem. (1) '86-87; ord. Forest City, Ark., Feb. 5, '88 ; supplied Forest City in '88 ; p. Jonesboro, Tenn., Nov. 15, '88—. Owen, "William Henry. b. Clark Co., Mo., May 7, '56; Lagrange College, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '86-87, grad. Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng. ; ord. Pleasant Grove ch., Scotland Co., Mo., Apr. 2, '82 ; p. Indian Creek ch., Scotland Co., Mo., '82 ; Richland, Scotland Co., Ten Mile and Wya- conda chs., Lewis Co., Mo., part of the yrs. '85 and '86 ; miss. p. Pensacola, Fla., July 1, '87 — . O-wens, J. M. Sem. '80-81, from Covington, Ga. *Owens, Z. A, Sem. '74—75, from Levvisburg, Ky. ; p. Palmetto St., Mobile, Ala.; miss. p. Pensacola, Fla., where he died of yellow fever in '78. Pace, Julian Knight. b. Fluvanna Co., Va., May 24, '53 ; Baylor and Furman Universi- ties ; Sem. (3) '78-81, English Graduate, and Greek ; ord. Indepen- dence, Washington Co., Tex., Apr. 2, '74; p. Maysville, Ky., '81-83; Batesburg, S. C, Apr., '83-Nov., '87 ; 1st Bapt. ch., Little Rock, Ark., Dec, '87 — ; statistical sec. Ark. State Con. and rec. sec. of State Missions — . Painter, William Robert. b. Front Royal, Va., June 24, '38 ; Bethel College, Palmyra, Mo. ; Sem. (1) '69-70, grad. N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Horn. ; ord. Bethel ch., Marion Co., Mo., May, '60 ; p. Chariton ch., Howard Co., Mo... '67-79; Salt Pond and Mt. Leonard, Saline Co., Mo., '79-85 ; Higginsville, Mo., '85-88 ; Warrensburg, Mo., '89—. Alphabetical List of Students. 157 *Palmer, James M. Sem. (1) '69-70, from Louisville, Ky., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. Palmer, S. E. Sem. (1) 77-78, from McKinney, Tex., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. Parks, E, M. Sem. (1) '81-82, from Senatobin, Miss. Parler, W. R. Sem. '69-71, from Holly Hill, S. C, grad. Pol. Parrott, A. W. Sem. '67-69, from Darlington, S. C. Parsons, Joseph Gilpin. b. Lee Co., Va., Nov. 10, '52; Sem. (J) '87-88; ord. South Fork ch., Ky., Sept. 8, '79 ; p. Clear Creek ch., '83; Drowning Creek, '84 and '85; missionary work i-i the mountains of Ky.— . Patrick, Robert Goodlett. b. Greenville, S. C, Jan. 15, '66 ; Furman University, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '85-88, Full Graduate, and Assyrian ; ord. Greenville, S. C, June 12, '87 ; p. Yorkville and Union, York Co., S. C, June, '88—. Patterson, J. A. Sem. (1) '69-70, from Monroe Co., Ala., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Hom., Ch. Gov. Patton, Joseph "Wilson. b. Wilson Co., Tenn., June 2, '40 ; Cumberland U., Tenn., A.B. ; Sem. (If ) '73-75, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn., Ch.Gov., Past. I)., B. Int.; ord. Round Lick ch., Wilson Co., Tenn., July, '75; p. Rutland ch., Wilson Co., Tenn., Jan.-Dec, '77; Hickman ch.,' Smith Co., Tenn., June, '81-June, '82, Rock Spring ch.. Smith Co., Tenn., Nov.; '81-June, '82, Shop Spring ch., Wilson Co., Tenn., 158 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jan., '82-Jan., '83, Santa Fee ch., Maury Co., Tenn., Nov., '83— ; Carter's Creek ch., Maury Co., Tenn., Nov., '85-Nov., '87 ; Shop Spring ch., Wilson Co., Tenn., Jan., '88-Jan., '89 ; pres. Ewing Col- lege, 111., '75-76 ; prin. Eutland High School, Wilson Co., Tenn., '77; prof. Nat. Science and Latin, Hartsville F. Inst., '78; prin. Shop Spring Academy, Wilson Co., '79 ; Cherry Valley High School, '80 ; Monticello Academy, '81 ; Santa Fee Institute, Maury Co., Tenn., '82—. Payton, "William L. b. Hardy ville, Hart Co., Ky., July 8, '52; Bethel College; Sem. (2) '81-82, '83-86, grad. B. Int., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Ch. Hist., Horn. ; ord. Gilead ch., Hart Co., Ky., Aug., '81, presb. A. W. Kichardson and K. R. H. Gillock ; p. Cave Springs and Gil- ead, Hart Co., '82 ; Three Springs, Barren Co., '84 and '85 ; Big Springs, Larue Co., '85 — , Horse Cave, Hart Co., Ky., '88 — . Pearcy, John Hardy. b. Powhatan Co., Va., Apr. 18, '58 ; Richmond College, grad. Gk., Eng., Chem.; Sem. (2) '85-87, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Mulberry ch., Halifax Co., Va., July 21, '81; p. Salem, Goochland Co., Va., June, '83-June, '85; Flat Creek, Beulah and Bethel chs., in Campbell and Bedford Cos., Va., Nov., '87—. Pearson, W. A. b. Mt. Jackson, Shenandoah Co., Va., July 11, '45; Richmond College; Sem. nearly (2) '70-72, grad. Syst. Eng., B. Int., O. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. ; ord. Staunton, Va., Mar., '73 ; sec. S. S. and Bible Bd. Gen. Asso. Va., '81-83 ; p. Fulton ch., Richmond, Va., '68-70 ; Ridge Spring, S. C, Mar. 22, '73-May 1, '76 ; Barnwell C. H., S. C, May 5, '76-Feb. 10, '78; Rosemary and Mt. Arnon, Barnwell Co., S. C, Feb. 15, '78-Feb., '80 ; Byrne St., Petersburg, Va., Feb. 21, '80-May 1, '83; Smithfield, Moore's Swamp, Milfield, Central Hill, in connection with Mill Swamp, Isle of Wight Co., Va., May 8, '83-July 21, '89 ; Front Royal, Va., Aug. 1, '89—. Alphabetical List of Students. .159 Peoples, Edwin Wiley. b. Hampton Co., S. C, June 26, '45; Wofford College, A.B., '69 and A.M., 74; Sem. (3) '71-74, Full Graduate; ord. Hopewell ch., '72 ; miss. 1 yr. in Colleton Co., S. C, p. Little Saltkihatchie and St. John's chs. for 15 yrs ; Walterboro, S. C. ; Old Beech Branch ch., S. C. ; prin. Colleton High School 2 yrs. Pence, A. P. Sem. '87-88, from Tippecanoe City,'0. Perry-j Joshua "W. b. Lancaster Co., S. C, Dec. 10, '46; State Inst, at Gainesville, Fla. ; Sem. '71-75, English Graduate, Syst. Lat. and Heb. Jr.; ord. Standing Spring ch., Greenville Co., S. C, Mar. 29, '74; p. New- ville, Waverly, Shiloh and Old Shop chs., Va., '77-78; Manning, S. C, '79-83; Statesville, N. C, '84-Aug., '87 ; Ridge Spring, S. C, '87—. Perryman, George "Washington. b. Russell Co., Ky., May 15, '57 ; Bethel College ; Sem. (3) '82- 85, English Graduate; ord. Liberty ch., Russell Co., Ky., '80; p. Owenton ch., '85-86; Vevay, Ind., '87-Mar., '89 ; 1st ch., Newport, Ky., Mar., '89—. Pettigrew, John Lewis. b. near CarroUton, Pickens Co., Ala., Sept. 4, '34 ; Mississippi College, A.B. and A.M.; Sem. nearly (1) '60-61 ; ord. Liberty ch., Winston Co., Miss., Mar. 23, '62; p. Auburn (now Learned), Hinds Co., Miss., '67-69 and '84-85, Terry, Hinds Co , Miss., '68-69, Indian Creek (now Chapel Hill), '69, Clinton, Miss., '69-71, Raymond, Miss., '70-73 and '77-83, Mineral Springs, '80-83, Bethesda, Hinds Co., Miss., '73 — , Palestine, '74 — , Brandon, Rankin Co., Miss., '84 — Pelahatchie, '86—, New Prospect, Rankin Co., '87 — ; prin. Midway High School, Hinds Co., Miss., '67-69. Petty, William Oacar. b. Stafford Co., Va., Nov. 13, '48 ; Richmond College and Colum- 1 60 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. bian University; Sem. part of (1) '83-84 ; ord. Kockville, Md., 76 ; p. Germantown, Md., 75-79; Frostburg, Md., 79-84; Mt. Elon, S. C, '84— Phillips, W. E. Sem. '61-62, from S. C. ; died before '69. Pickard, "William Lowndes. b. Upson Co., Ga., Oct. 19, '61 ; Mercer University, A.B., hono- rary A.M., '89; Sem. (3) '84-87, Full Grai^uate; ord. Macon^ Ga., Oct., '83; p. Thomaston, Ga., Mar.-Oot., '84; Elk Creek and Fishervflle, Ky., Apr. 1, '85-Sept. 1, '87 ; 1st eh., Eufaula, Ala., *!Sept. 1,'87-Oct. 1, '89; 1st ch., Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 1, '89—; D.D., from University of Ala., '89. fPierce, Leonidas William. b. Fannin Co., Tex., Oct. 21, '64; Savoy College, Tex., A.B. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov., N. T. Eng., Ch. Hist., Past. D. ; ord. Elk Creek ch., under the auspices of East Bapt. ch., Louisville, Ky. ; instructor in Savoy College, '85-87. Pierce, W. L. Sem. '86-87, from Tramel's Creek, Ky. Pierson, D. T. b. Lewis, Sullivan Co., Ind., Nov. 22, '56; Sem. (1) '86-87 ; ord. Shelburn, Sullivan Co., Ind., May 3, '85; p. Mt. Zion, Vigo Co., and Pleasantville, Sullivan Co., Ind., '85 and '86 ; New Haven, Ky., '87 ; Veal's Creek and Wilson, Davies Co., Ind., '89 — . Pinckard, Alonzo Eden. b. Chambers Co., Ala., Jan. 26, '62 ; State Normal College ; Sem. (2) '86-88. grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Hom,, Syst. Eng., Pol., Ch. Gov., Past. D. and P. P.; ord. Shoal Creek ch., Jackson Co., N. C, Aug. 18, '89 ; prin. Normal High School, Hambur^^, N. C, Nov. 12, '88—. Pinson, James T. Sem. '82-83, from Dallas, Tex., grad. N. T. Eng., Syst, Eng., Ch. Hist. Alphabetical List of Students. 161 Pirkle, J. M. Sem. '81-82, from Flowerj Branch, Ga. Pittman, A. A. Sem. '81-82, from Cave Springs, Ga. Pittman, Alexander McArthur. b. Robeson Co., N. C, Mar. 14, '54 ; Wake Forest College ; Sem. (1) '79-80, grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. ; ord. Ashpole ch., Robeson Co., N. C, May, '88 ; teacher in Hillsboro High School, Marion Co., S. C, '73; prin. Hamilton High School, '78; p. Hamilton and Pine Grove, N. C, '77 and '78 ; El Bethel, Pacolet, Putman's, S. C, '81 and '82; Swift Creek, S. C, '83-87, Lake Swamp, S. C, '85 and '86 ; Winnsboro and Ridgeway, S. C, '88-89 ; Mt. Zion, Longtown, Beulah and Crooked Run chs., S. C. — ; mod. Fairfield Asso., S. C— . Pittman, N. R. b. Robeson Co., N. C, Jan. 26, '56 ; Sem. '81-82, from Wades- borough, N. C. ; Wake Forest College, B.Iv. ; ord. Flat Rock ch., N. C; p. Wadesborough, N. C, Oct., '81-Aug. '82 ; Macon City, Mo., Oct., '82-Apr., '84; Patee Park ch., St. Joseph, Mo., Apr., '84— Pittman, P. J. Sem. '87-88, from Decatur, Tex. Pittman, Thomas B. b. near Greenville, Green Co., Tenn., June 20, '61 ; Morristown Institute, Tenn. ; Sem (1) '83-84, grad. Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng., Hom., O. T. Eng. ; ord. Five Mile ch., near Dallas, Tex., Aug. 12, '83 ; assistant superintendent of Missions for State of Tex., Aug., '86 -Jan. 18, '87; p. Grapevine, Tex., June, '82-Jan., '83; Five Mile and Lancaster chs., Dallas Co., Tex., June-Sept., '83 ; Arlington and Ferris, Tex., Aug., '84-Jan. 1, '86 ; Decatur, Tex., Jan. 23- Sept. 30, '87 ; 1st ch., Houston, Tex., Oct. 2, '87—. Poindexter, Albert Sydney. b. Caddo Parish, La., Aug. 4, '57 ; Baylor University; Sem. (1^) 11 162 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. '84-86, grad. O. T. Eng., Heb. Jr. ; ord. Providence ch., Burleson Co., Tex., July 5, '80 ; p. Nelsonville, '80-83, Bellville, '81-83, San Felipe, '80-83, Wallis, '80-84, Sealy, '82-84; Alvin, '86-88, Hempstead, '87-88. f Pollard, Edward Bagby. K Stevensville, King and Queen Co., Va., Oct. 9, '64 ; Richmond College, A.B. and A.M.; Ssm, (2) '87-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Gk., Heb., Syst. Lat., Syst. Eng., Pol. *Pope, Thomas H. Ssm. '61-62, from S. C. Poteat, Edwin M. b. Caswell Co., N. C, Feb. 6, '61 ; Wake Forest College, A.B., '81; Sem. (4) '81-85, Full Graduate; Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, '86-88; ord. Wake Forest College, N. C, June 8, '84; assistant prof, of Ancient Lang., Wake Forest College, Jan.-June, '86 ; p. Pewee Valley and Mt. Pleasant chs., Shelby Co., Ky., Oct. 1, '84- Mar. 23, '85 ; Chapel Hill, N. C, Aug. 20-Dc^c. 20, '85 ; Lee St. ch., Baltimore, Md., Mar. 1, '87-Oct. 1, '88; Calvary ch., New Haven, Conn., Oct. 5, '88—. Fotts, Thomas Semmes. b. Clarksville, Tex., Feb. 14, '59; Waco University ; Sem. (4)'80- 84, English Graduate, and Gk. and Heb. ; ord. Louisville, Ky., June 4, '82; p. Hope ch., Louisville, Ky., Oct., '81 -July, '82 ; Florence, Boone Co., Ky., July, '82-June, '84, Dry Creek, Kenton Co., Ky., Jan., '83-June, '84 ; Bonham, Tex., July 4, '84—. Few, A. P. Sem. '72-73, from Chesterville, S. C. Powell, James Exum. b. Feb. 16, '58 ; Mercer University, A.B.; Sem. (2) '84-85, '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Hickory ch., Brooks Co., Ga. ; p. JefFersonviile, Ga., Nov., '82-Aug., '84; Con- cord, Madison Co., Fla., and Evergreen, Mitchell Co., Ga., Oct., '85 Alphabetical List of Students. 163 -Sept., '88,- Beulah, Brooks Co., Ga., Oct., '85-Oct., 86, 'Flint, Mitch- ell Co., Ga., Oct., '86-Oct., '88, Mt. Pleasant, Ga., Oct., '86-Sept., '88 ; Jonesboro', Ga., Dec, '89—. Powell, John "William. b. Sampson Co., N. C, Sept. 25, '54 ; Clinton Acad'y and Trinity College, N. C; Sem. (i) '87-88; ord. Mt. Gilead ch., Sampson Co.. N. C, May 30, '87 ; p. Rocky Mt., N. C, June 1, '88— , Enfield, '90—. *Powell, N. V. B. Sem. '59-61, from Milton, N. C, grad. O. T. Eng,, Heb., N. T. Eng., Horn. ; died before '69. f Powell, Theophilus Shuck. b. May 16, '55; Mississippi College, A.B. and A.M.; Sem. (3) '86-89, Full Graduate ; ord. Dry Creek ch., Rankin Co., Miss., May 15, '81 ; p. Zion Hill and Cana chs., Rankin Co., Gum Springs oh., Simpson Co., '81 ; Bethany and Monticello chs., Lawrence Co., Bunker Hill, Marion Co., and Solar, Covington Co., Miss., '82-86; Elizabeth ch., Jefferson Co., Ind., '88 ; Coffee Creek, Lancaster and Kent chs., Ind., '89—. Powell, "William David. b. Jackson, Miss., July 1, '54 ; Union University, South Western University, A.B. and A.M., honorary A.M. from Baylor Univer- sity; Sem. '72-74, grad. B. Int. and Gk. Jr. ; ord. Murfreesboro, Tenn., Jan., '74; D.D., from South Western U., '84; pres. Oak Dale Academy, Tenn., '75, and Mineola High School, '76-77 ; sup. S. S. Missions for Tex. Bapt. S. S. and Colportage Con,, Nov., '77-Oct. '82; p. Greenville, Miss., '74; Powell's Chapel and Etta's Chapel, Tenn., '75, Antioch, Tenn., '75; Mineola, Tex., 76-77; Saltillo, Mexico, '82-88 ; evangelist for all Mexico at present. Powers, John Pike. b. Westmoreland Co., Va., Jan. 4, '42 ; Georgetown College ; Sem. (2) '67-69, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Gk., Horn., Syst. Eng., 164 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Past. D., Ch. Gov.; ord. Augusta, Ky., June 10, '69; prin. Gwings- ville High School, Ky., '69-70 ; General Supt. S. S., Ky., 75-76; p. Mt. Sterling, 10 yrs., Carlisle, 2 yrs., Owenton, 4J yrs., Athens, 2 yrs., Mt. Glive, Ephesus and Providence, Clark Co., Ky., 2 yrs. each. fPowers, J. S. Sera. '88-89, from Todd's Point, Ky., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Past. D., Ch. Gov. Pratt, Robert Ne-wton. b. Abbeville Co., S. C, Get. 29, '49 ; Erskine College, S. C, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '69-72, grad. Horn.; ord. Little River ch., Abbeville Co., S. C, '71 ; p. Abbeville C. H., also served some of the chs. around, '71-84; Bennettsville, S. C, Sept. 15, '84—. Preston, Andrew Jackson. b. Delta, Clay Co., Ala., Dec 5, '59; Howard College; Sera. (1) '88-89, grad. G. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. ; ord. Rocky Mt., Clay Co., Ala., Get. 10, '86 ; p. Lineville, Clay Co., Ala., Get., '86-Gct., '88 ; Concord, New Shiloh, Gcmulgee, Pisgah and Pineflat, Perry Co., Ala., Jan. 1, '90—. Prestridge, John Newton. b. Selraa, Ala., Feb. 5, '53 ; Howard College ; Sem. (2) and part of a third, '79-83, grad. Horn., N. T. Eng., G. T. Eng., Pol., Past. D. and P. P., Gk. Jr. ; ord. Harpers ville, Ala. ; p. New Castle and Burk's Branch chs., Ky., May, '82-May, '84,- Hopkinsville, Ky., May, '84-May, '89 ; San Antonio, Tex., May-No v., '89, when health failed. Price, Abraham "Wilfred. b. Conway, Horry Co., S. C, Jan. 28, '58 ; Wake Forest College ; Sem. (1—) '81-82 ; ord. Reedy Creek ch., Marion Co., S. C, July 24, '82; p. Antioch and Terral's Bay, S. C, '82-84; MuUins, S. C, Whiteville and Spring Branch, N. C!., '84-86 ; Whiteville, Fair Bluff, Spring Branch, '86-87 ; Laurinburg, Alma and Spring Hill, N. C, '87—. Alphabetical List of Students. 165 Price, Thomas J. b. Darlington Dist., S. C, Dec. 12, '<>4 ; Furman University ; Sem. (If) '59-61, grad. O. T. Eng. ; ord. Congaree ch., Richland Dist., S. C, '62 ; p. Mt. Pleasant, Darlington Dist., S. C, '63-66 ; Pleasant Hill ch., Kershaw Co., '70, '86 and '87. Priddy, Samuel Carlyle. b. Mason Co., W. Va. (near BuflPalo, Putnam Co., West Va.), Sept. 4, '56 ; Sem. {i) '88-89 ; not ord. ; assistant p. Harmony ch., South Side, W. Va— . Probert, Thomas C. b. Youngstown, Mahoning Co., O., Aug. 5, '50 ; Sem. (3) '77-80, English Graduate; ord. Mt. Lookout ch., Cincinnati, O,, Dec. 16, '80; p. Mt. Lookout, Cin., O., Nov., '80-82; Somerset, Ky., Nov., '82-Nov., '83 ; Ironton, O., to Aug., '86 ; Pleasant Ridge, O., to May, '89 ; Garrettsville, O.— . Proctor, H. C. Sem. '77-78, from South Union, Ky. Provence, Samuel Moore. b. Jefferson Co., Tenn., Aug. 1, '44 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (3) '73-76, grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Pol., Ch. Gov., Past. D., N. T. Eng., Gk.; ord. Clarendon, Ark., Dec, '70 ; A.M. from Bethel College, Ky„ '86 ; prof. Moral Philosophy in Bethel College, 2 yrs., also taught Gk. 1 yr. ; supplied for the following chs.. Clarendon, Ark., New Bridge, Henrico Co., Va., Sapponi, Sussex Co., Va., Louisa, Va,, Pine St., Richmond, Va. ; p. Hot Springs, Ark., 18 mos. ; Brownsville, Tenn., 2j yrs. ; Natchez, Miss., 18 mos. ; Col- umbus, Ga., 1st ch., 22 yrs. ; Russellville, Ky., 2 yrs. ; Boonville, Mo., 6 mos.; Lake Weir, Fla., 1 yr. ; Monticello, Fla., Mar. 1, '90—. Pruitt, Cicero "Washington. b. Barrettsville, Dawson Co., Ga., Jan. 31, '57 ; North Georgia Ag- ricultural College and Furman University ; Sem. (3 yrs. and 2^ mos.) 166 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. 77-79, '80-82, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Horn., Pol., N. T. Eng., Heb., Gk. ; ord. Gainesville, Ga., Dec. 11, '81 ; missionary at Whang- Hien (P. O. Chefoo), China—. fPruitt, John Bunyan. b. near Williamsboro, Granville Co. (now Vance), N. C, Mar. 27, '57 ; Wake Forest College, B.L., '85; Sem. '88-89; ord. Wades- boro, N. C, Oct. 24, '85 ; assistant prof. Homer Mil, Acad'y, Hen- derson, N. C, during vacation, '83; Deep Creek, Gum Springs, An- sonville chs., Anson Co., N. C, Oct. 1, '85-Sept. 1, '88, Wadesboro a short time in '88 ; B St. ch., Louisville, Ky., Oct. 25, '88-Dec. 20, '89, assistant p. Walnut St. eh., Louisville, Ky., Nov. 12, '88-Dec. 20, '89; Onancock, Va., Jan. 22, '90—. Puckett, "William Richard. b. Abbeville Co., S. C, Sept. 11, '51 ; Sem. (2) '84-85, '86-87, grad. B. Int., Ch. Gov., Past. D., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng.; ord. Summerhill ch., Aiken Co., S. C, Oct. 8, '82 ; p. Kedron ch., S. C, Jan., '83-Oct., '84 ; Pleasureville, Ky., June 1, '85-Jan. 1, '87 ; worked for Slate Bd. Ky. some time ; served 5 country chs., in Brownstown Asso. , Ind. ; Cambridge City, 8 mos. ; Brownstown, Crothersville and Indian Creek, Ind. — ; pres. S. S. Con. of Browns- town Asso., May 13, '89 — . Pugh, Alison Perry. b. Edgefield Co., S. C, Feb. 26, '50 ; Richmond College, Furinan University, B.S. ; Sem. (2) '79-81, grad. Ch. Hist., Hom., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ok.; ord. New Bethel ch., York Co., S. C, Mar., '74; p. CarroUton, Miss., '81-84; Rock Hill, S. C, '84-86; Lexington, Miss., '86—. Pugh, Henry C Sem. '82-83, from Cuba, La. PuUiam, J. G. b. McDo\vell Co., N. C, Aug. 27, '57 ; Judson College, N. C; Sem. {\) '85-86; ord. Franklin, N. C, Mar., '85; p. Franklin, N.C., Feb. '86- Jan., '87 ; La Conner, Wash., Mar., '87-Sept., '89 ; pres. Alphabetical List of Students. 167 of Northwest Asso., Wash., June 15, '89 ; State Missionary of Mont., Nov. 26, '89—. Purser, John F. Sem. '82-85, from Hazelhurst, Miss., English Graduate; p. 1st ch., Troy, Ala. — . Quisenberry, Wiiliam Young. b. Belmont, Spdttsylvania Co., Va., Dec. 24, '61 ; Eichmond Col- lege; Sem. (3) '86-89, English Graduate; ord. Halifax C. H., Va., June 30, '89 ; several yrs. colporteur of Gen. Asso., Va. ; p. Leb- anon, Va., and two country chs., June 1, '89 — . Rabb, Robert Morris. b. Monticello, S. C, Nov. 6, '62; Furman University; Sem. (3) '86-89, Full Graduate, also Pat. Gk., Pat. Lat., Ger. ; ord. Mil- lersburg, Ky., July, '88 ; p. Millersburg, Ky., June 1, '88—, and Flemingsburg, May 31, '89 — . Ragsdale, Bartow Davis. b. near Lithonia, De Kalb Co., Ga., Feb. 7, '61 ; Mercer Univer- sity, A.B., '86 ; Sem. (2J) '86-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Hom., Gk. ; ord. 1st ch., Macon, Ga., June, '85 ; p. Warren Chapel, Macon and McKae, Ga., '85-86 ; Albany, Ga., '89 ; Quitman, Ga., '90—. Rain-water, Alva C. b. near Powelton, Ga., Aug. 24, '43 ; Sem. parts of (3) '72-75 ; ord Powelton, Ga., '74; p. Mt. Zion ch., Hancock Co., '76-77; Shoulder, bone, Hancock Co., Ga., '81-85, and '87-90, Mt. Steven?, Hancock Co., '87, Williams Creek, Warren Co., '80-81, and '90— Powelton, Ga., '83-85, Kaytown, Taliaferro Co., '88—. Rairden, John Ruel. b. Fayette Co., Iowa, Oct. 19, '59 ; Kansas State College; Sem. (2) '79-81, English Graduate; ord. Galveston, Ind., July 16, '81; p. Galveston, Ind., May, '81-Nov., '83; 1st ch., Jeffersonville, Ind., Nov., '83-Sept., '88 ; Walnut St. ch., Burlington, Iowa, Sept., '88— 168 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Rairden, Nelson Blackburn. b. Versailles, Ind., Nov. 29, '58 ; Kansas State Normal College and Franklin College, Ind. ; Sem. (2) 78-80, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn., Ch. Gov., B. Int. ; ord. Clyde, Kan., July 19, '76; p. Clyde, Kan., Mar., '76-Sept., '78; Jeffersonville, Ind., Nov. 1, '78-May, '80 ; Greenwood, Ind., May 1, '80-May 1, '81 ; Muncie, Ind., May 1, '81-May 1, '85; Washington, Iowa, May 1, '85-87 ; Sec. Iowa State Con. and Supt. Miss, for Iowa, of Ameri- can Bapt. Home Miss. Soc, May 1, '87 — . *Rakes, William D. Sem. '60-61, from Buckingham Co., Va. Ralls, H. B. Sem. '84-86, from Gadsden, Ala., grad. B. Int., N. T. Eng., Horn., Pol., Ch. Hist. Ramsey, David Marshall. b. Greenville, S. C, Oct. 10, '57 ; Kichmond College, grad. Lat., Gk., Eng., Chemistry and Ph.; Sem. (3) '84-87, Full Graduate; ord. Hillsboro ch., AVoodford Co., Ky., Apr., '87 ; p. Hillsboro and Glen's Creek chs., Woodford Co., Ky., Nov., '86-May 1, '88 ; Tusca- loosa, Ala., May 1, '88—. Rankin, Milledge TAThitfield. b. Edgefield Co., S. C, Jan. 8, '52; Furman University ; Sem. (^) '75-76 and (f) '81-82; ord. Pawn Creek ch., Aiken Co., S. C, Mar. 19, '82 ; p. two chs., Aiken Co., S. C, '82 ; different chs. in Lancaster, Chesterfield and Kershaw cos., S. C, '84—. Ray, David George. b. near Conyersville, Henry Co., Tenn., June 4, '52 ; Ewing Col- lege, 111., A.B. and A.M.; Sem. (3) '79-82, Full Graduate; ord. Upper Alton, 111., June, '88; tutor in Shurtlefi' College, Upper Alton, 111., '82-86, prof. Hebrew and Greek, '86—. Reamy, A. Judson. b. Richmond Co., Va., Apr. 19, '53 ; Richmond College; Sem. {\) Alphabetical List of Students. 169 '81-82 ; ord. Pope's Creek ch., Westmoreland Co., Va., Aug., 78 ; p. Red Lane ch., Powhatan Co., and Four Mile Creek ch., Henrico Co., Va., 79 and '80; Salem, Chesterfield Co., 1 yr. ; Bedford Co., Va., '82 and '83; Petersburg, Va., 6 mos. ; in Clarke and Warren COS., Va., '84 and '85 ; Northumberland Co., Va., '86—. Redd, A. F. Sem. (3) '69-72, from Lexington, Va., Full Graduate; prof, in University of N. C. several years; also prof. Chemistry and Physic? in Howard College, Marion, Ala., several sessions. Reddish, Ross. Sem. '79-82, from Fairfield, Ky. Reese, M. E. Sem. '67-68, from Ala. Reid, Charles Marshall. b. Lancaster, Garrard Co., Ky., July 11, '64; Georgetown Col- lege, A.M. ; Sem. (3) '86-89, Full Graduate ; ord. Lancaster, Ky., June 15, '87 ; p. Little Flock, Bullitt Co., Ky., Mar., '87-Sept., '89 ; Goshen, Breckinridge Co., Ky., Feb., '89—. Reid, Thomas Alfred. b. Hall Co., Ga., Nov. 23, '28 ; Mercer University, at Penfield, Ga. ; Sem. (2) '68-70; ord. Fort Valley, Ga., May 31, '57 ; p. Fel- lowship, Abbeville Co., and Cedar Grove, Greenville Co., S. C, while in Sem. ; Pine Bluff and Red Bluff, Ark., Oct., '72-Apr., '76; Lawrenceburg and Salvisa chs., Mar., '77-July, '79 ; Horeb and Buffalo, '80-83; Beaufort and Morehead City, N. C, '83; Skin- quarter and Tomahawk, Chesterfield Co., and Powhatan in Pow- hatan Co., Va., '85 and '86 ; Good Hope and Nanjemoy chs., Charles Co., Md., '87—; sailed from N. Y. for Yoruba, West Africa, Aug. 7, '57, and returned to N. Y. Aug., '65. *Reid, T. "W. Sem. '75-76, from Gowensville, S. C. ; died at Greenville, S. C, July 25, '89. 1 70 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Rexroad, J. C. Sem. '84-85, from Freemansburg, W. Va. Reynolds, R. N. Sem. 77-78, from Ashland, Ky. Reynolds, Willis "Washington. b. Cumberland Co., Va., Jan. 16, '64 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (1) '87-88, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng., Past. D. ; ord. ^[anoah ch., Charles City Co., Va., Sept. 7, '88 ; p. Mt. Pleasant and Manoah chs., Charles City Co., Va., June, '88 — . Rhoads, Patrick Wing. b. Muhlenburg Co., Ky., Dec. 11, '57 ; South CarroUton Institute, Ky. ; Sem. (2) '83-85, grad. Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov. and P. P., Pol. ; ord. Lost River, Ind., Aug., '85 ; p. Lost River and Mt. Horeb, Ind., June 1, '85-Dec., '88 ; East La Vegas, New Mex., Feb. 1-Oct. 1, '87 ; Roswell, New Mex., July, '89—. Rhymer, T. N. Sem. '75-77, from Crystal Springs, Miss., grad. B. Int. Rhynard, Peter. Sem. '85-89, from Defiance, O., grad. Past. D., Syst. Eng. *Rice, Edwin C. Sem. '69-72, from Dallas, Tex. Richardson, J. D. Sem. '88-89, from Brandenburg, Ky. Richardson, Samuel Mayrant. b. near Sumter, S. C, May 16, '39; S. C. College, A.B. ; Sem. (|) '68-69 ; ord. Sumter, S. C, Nov. 29, '68; prin. Sumter High School, '66 a)id '67 ; p. Sumter, S. C, '68-71 ; Mt. Pleasant and Lake Swamp chs., '72-74, Timmonsville and Mt. Elon chs., '73-80, Beu - lah, '79-83, Hebron, '81-83 and '85-87, Bethel, '82-83, Buffalo and Lowndesville, Abbeville Co., S. C, '84, Timmonsville, Carterville and Betljel chs., '86—, Lynchburg, S, C, '89. Alphabetical List of Students. 171 *Riggan, George Washington. b. near Smithfield, Isle of Wight Co., Va., Feb. 22, '55; Rich- mond College, A.M. ; Sem. (3) 78-81, Full Graduate; ord. Leigh St. ch., Richmond, Va., Oct , '75 ; p. near Ruther's Glen Station, Caroline Co., Va. ; Carlisle, Ky., during Sem. course ; Forks of Elkhorn, Woodford Co., Ky., '80-85; D.D., from Richmond Col- lege, '84 ; assistant prof. Heb., Horn., Gk. in S. B. T. Sem , '81-85 ; died Apr. IS, '85, at Crescent Hill, Louisville, Ky. Riggs, J. R. Sem. '67-68, from La. f Riggs, Milford. b. Kenton Co., Ky., Sept. 5, '66; Georgetown College, A.M.; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr., B. Int., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng. ; ord. Lockland, O., Aug. 23, '88 ; p. Lockland, 0„ July 8, '88—. Riley, Benjamin Franklin. b. Pineville, Monroe Co., Ala., July 1 6, '49 ; Erskine College, S. C-, A B. ; Sem. only a few weeks, '72-73, subsequently attended Cro- zer Theo. Seminary ; ord. Pineville, Ala., '72 ; D.D., from University of Ala., '85 ; p. Carlowville, Ala., '76 ; Albany, Ga., '77 ; Opelika, Ala., '79-82 ; connected with Ala. Baptist, '83 and '84 ; p. Livingston, Ala., '85-88 ; Pres. Howard College, '88—. Riley, Madison Monroe. b. near Dallasburg, Owen Co., Ky., Nov. 16, '46 ; Georgetown College, A.B. and afterwards A.M. ; Sem. (2) '77-79, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn., Ch. Gov., Syst. Eng., Gk., Heb. Jr. ; ord. New Liberty, Ky., Aug. 31, '72; p. New Liberty, Ky., Aug., '72- Mar., '74, Owenton, Aug., '72-Oct. 11, '73 and Mar., '74-Oct. 31, '83, Mayslick, Ky., Apr. 1, '74-Oct. 31, '83; Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 1,'83— . Riley, O. B. Sem. '81-82, '84-85, from Dallasburg, Ky. 172 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Riley, William B. b. Greene Co., Ind.. Mar. 22, '61 ; Hanover College, Ind., A.B., honorary A.M., '89; Sem. (3) '85-88, Fqll Graduate; ord. Dallas- burg, Ky., Dec, '84 ; p. Warsaw and Carrollton, Ky., Jan., '85- Jan., '87; Tabernacle ch., New Albany, Ind., Jan., '87-Jan., '88; 1st ch., Lafayette, Ind., Jan., '88 — . *Roaiie, John M. Sem. '61-62, from Va., grad. O. T. Eng., Heb., N. T. Eng., Gk., Syst. Eng. ; died before '69. • Roberts, Columbus T. b. near Hamlin, Lincoln Co., W. Va., Nov. 16, '47 ; Shelton Col- lege, W. Va.; Sem. '80-82, grad. Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng. ; ord. Trace Fork eh., W. Va., Mar. 7, '70 ; before entering the Sem., preached to 8 churches in W. Va., also preached as missionary in Lincoln and Logan cos., W. Va., and at Beulah and Pomariah chs. in O. ; after entering the Sem., served LaGrange, Poplar Kidge, Middle Creek, Locust, Indian Fork, Pleasureville, Ky.; Clayton, Mt. Pisgah, Missionary Union, Mt. Pleasant, Goodwill and Trafalgar, Ind., New Market and Mowrytown, O., continuing from 6 mos. to 4 yrs. at each place ; New Market and Mowrytown, O., and Trafalgar, Ind. — •. Roberts, Henry Clay. b. Brownsville, Ky., July 8, '52 ; Bethel College ; Sem. (2^) '78- 82, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Hom., Heb. ; ord. Salem ch., Barren Co., Ky., Jan. 30, '77; p. Cedar Grove, Rowan Co., Ky., '78-80; Cable St. (now Franklin St.), Louisville, Ky., May, '80-Oct., '84 ; New Liberty, Owen Co., Oct., '84- Aug., '87 ; Stamping Ground, Scott Co., Nov., '87—. Robertson, Archibald Thomas. b. Pitttylvania Co., Va., Nov. 6, '63 ; Wake Forest College, A.M. ; Sem. (3) '85-88, Full Graduate, also Pat. Gk., Assyrian, Coptic, For. Hymn., Text. Crit., Theol. Ger., Pat. Lat.; ord. New Castle, Ky., 5th S. July, '88; p. New Castle, Ky., June 1, '88-Jan. 1, '89; assistant instructor in S. B. T. Sem., '88-90 ; assistant prof. S. B. T. Sem., '90—. Alphabetical List of Students. 173 Robertson, Franklin Pierce. b. Albemarle Co., Va., Nov. 12, '54; Richmond College, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '78-81, Full Graduate ; ord. Eichmond, Va., '81 ; p. Grafton, W. Va., May, '81-May, '86; Martinsburg, W. Va., May, '86—. Robertson, Joseph M. b. Spring Garden, Cherokee Co., Ala., May 1, '48 ; Oxford Col- lege and Howard College, Ala. ; Sem. (2) '69-71, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov. and Past. D., Hom., Syst. Eng. ; ord. Liberty ch., Spring Garden, Ala., Aug., '69 ; p. Centre, Cherokee Co., Ala., '70 ; country chs. in Floyd, Chattooga and Walker cos., Ga., 7 yrs ; editor and proprietor of Baptist Reflector, Chattanooga, Tenn., '81- 88 ; D.D., from Carson College, Tenn., '82 ; pres. Planters' High School, Walker Co., Ga., '79; pres. Tenn. Bapt. Con., '84-88. Robertson, R. H. Sem. '69-70, from Chesterville, Miss. Robinson, J. N. Sem. '81-82, from Hampton, Ky. Robinson, S. G. Sem. '77-78, from Morganfield, Ky. Robinson, "W. L. Sem. '78-79, from Greentown, Mo., grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. Rockwell, James Chester. b. WhiteviUe, Columbus Co., N. C, Jan. 21, '68; Sem. (|) '88-89; ^rd. WhiteviUe, N. C, Sept. 29, '87 ; p. Bogue Chapel, Porter Swamp and Griffin's Cross Roads, Columbus Co.,N. C, and Antioch, Marion Co., S. C, '87-88 ; Waynesville, N. C, part of '89 ; 1st ch., Morristown, Tenn., Dec. 1, '89—. Rodrigues, Pablo. b. Villa De Mina, K Leon, Mex., Jan. 15, '58; Sem. (1^) 'BI- BS ; ord. Santa Rosa, Nuevo Leon, May 15, '81 ; p. Musquiz ch., July, '80-Dec., '81 ; Mexico City ch., '85-Nov., '86; assisting bro. Watkins since he arrived in Mex. ; sec. Coahuila Asso., Mex. 174 SoutJiern Baptist Theological Seminary. Rogers, Alfred E. b. Fauquier Co., Va., Sept. 26, '45 ; Sem. (4) '68-72, Full Grad- uate ; ord. Concord ch,, Cooper Co., Mo., Aug., '71 ; p. Charles- town, W. Va. ; 1st ch., Chattanooga, Tenn. ; Martinsburg, W. Va. ; Concord ch., Mo. ; Fulton, Mo. ; supplied Eutaw Place, Baltimore, Md., for two summers during Dr. Fuller's absence; P. O. Bunce- ton, Cooper Co., Mo. Rogers, "William Samuel. b. near Columbus, Ga., Nov. 18, '45; Sem. (1) '71-72, grad. Ch. Gov. and Past. D. ; ord. Ramah ch., Barbour Co., Ala., 4th S. in Oct., '72 ; p. Glennville, Ala., and other chs., '73-75 ; Seale, Hurts- boro, Ala., and other churches, '76-78; Midway, Ala., and other chs., '79-85 ; Clayton, Ala., and other chs., '86 ; Cuthbert, Ga., '87- 89; Barnesville, Ga., — ; pres. S. S. Con. Centennial Asso., — . Rollins, "W. G. Sem. '69-72, from Dove's Depot, S. C, and '76-77, from Hardee- ville, S. C, grad. Ch. Gov. and Past. D. Rooke, T. J. Sem. '70-73, from Charlotte, N. C, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn., Pol., Ch. Gov. Rosamon, Henry Clark. b. near Gadsden, Crockett Co., Tenn., Aug. 17, '54 ; South Western Bapt. University, Tenn.; Sem. (2) '82-84, English Graduate, also Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr. ; ord. Gadsden, Crockett Co., Tenn., Aug. 10, '78 ; p. Harmony, Stanton, Bethlehem, Elim and Woodland chs., Hay- wood Co., Tenn., Aug. 10, '78-Sept., '82; Somerset, Ky., June, '84- Mar., '85; Prescott, Ark., Mar. 5 — July 1, '85 ; Paris, Tex., July 1, '85—. Ross, Aaron Frank- b. Pearl Valley, Neshoba Co., Miss., Jan. 21, '51 ; Baylor Univer- sity : Sem. (2) '76-78; ord. Salem City, Ark., Sept. 29, '75; Mission- ary to Ind. Territory from Home Bd. S. Bapt. Con., organized 20 Alphabetical List of Students. 175 chs, p. at Scipio- ; prin. South Canadian Graded School, '86 ; pres. of S. S. Con., I. T., '84; mod. Choctaw and Chickasaw Associations, '85. Ross, B. S. Sem. '87-88, from Denver, Tex. Rowe, Abner Vernon. b. Lexington, Miss., Apr. 2S, '43 ; Mississippi College ; Sem. nearly (2) '72-74, grad. B. Int , N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr. ; ord. West's, Miss., Feb. 11, '72, presb. H. Pittman, H. W. Portwood, Matt. Lyon and H. F. Sproles; prof. Lat., Miss. College, Dec., '84- 85 ; p. Durant, Goodman, Lexington, Macedonia and Kosciusko, Miss., '74-82 ; Clinton, Edwards, Durant and Raymond, '82-85 ; Durant, West's, Bethel, '85-89 ; Winona, Durant and Bethel, Miss., '89—. *Rowan, Thomas Jefferson- b. Copiah Co., Miss., Dec. 9, '54 ; Mississippi College, A.B. ; Sem. (3^) '76-80, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., N. T. Eng., Ch. Hist., Hom., Pol., Gk.; ord. Jackson, La.; p. Central ch., Memphis, Tenn., from spring of '79- July, '82, at which time he died. Royall, "William Samuel. b Mt. Pleasant, Berkeley Co., S. C, June 26, '61 ; Union College, N. Y., and Wake Forest, N. C, A.B.; Sem. (2) '84-86, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Heb. Jr., Gk., Syst. Eng., Horn., Pol., N. T. Eng., For. Hymn.; ord. Citadel Square ch., Charleston, S. C, Aug. 1, '86 ; p. Liberty and Hebron chs., Appomattox Co., Va., June'86-Apr.. '88 ; Duffy St, ch., Savannah, Ga., Apr., '88—. Radd, Augustus Bartow. b. Chesterfield Co., Va., Feb. 24, '61; Richmond College, A.M., '84- Sem. (3) '84-86, '87-88, Full Graduate; ord. Skinquarter * ch.,' Chesterfield Co., Va., Dec. 30, '85 ; before ordination, served Mt. Hope and Arbor chs., Amelia Co., Red Lane, Powhatan Co., Winn's, Hanover Co., Waverlv and Newville, Sussex Co., Va. ; after ordina- 176 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. tion, p. Cedar Creek, Ky., '86; Newport News, Va., '86-87 ; Port- land Avenue, Louisville, Ky., '87-88; Parras, Mex., '88 — . *Runion, J. M. Sem. '59-60, from Greenville Dist., S. C. *Rupert, Laviro- Sem. '78-81, from Big Clear Creek, W. Va., grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov., Ch. Hist., Horn., Syst. Eng. *Rush, Richard I. Sem. '70-72, from Big Bend, La. fRust, John O'Brien. b. Hopkinsville, Ky., Sept. 6, '59 ; Bethel College, Russellville, Ky., A.M.; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn.; ord. Hopkinsville, Ky., 1st S. June, '89; taught in Bethel Female College, Hopkinsville, Ky., '81-83 ; p. Carrollton, Ky., supply at McFerran Memorial ch., Louisville, Ky., June, '90 — . Ryals, "William Henry. b. Buckingham Co., Va., Nov. 17, '52; Eichmond College, Va. ; Sem. (1) '82-83, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng. ; ord. Lyle's ch., Flu- vanna Co., Va., '77 ; p. Columbia and Beaverdam, Va., '79-80 ; Mt. Olivet, Ky., and New Providence, Tenn., '81-84; Trenton, Tenn., '85—. Ryland, Charles Hill. b. King and Queen Co., Va., Jan. 22, '36 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (2) '59-61, grad. O. T. Eng., Heb., Horn., Ch. Gov. and Past. D., Syst. Eng. ; ord. Bruington ch.. King and Queen Co., Va., Aug., '63 ; army colporteur, '61-62 ; depositary agent, army Colportage Bd., Richmond, '62-64 ; p. Burruss' ch., '64-66 ; genl. Supt. S. Schools in Va., '66-69; p. 1st ch., Alexandria, Va., '69-74 ; finan- cial Sec. Richmond College, '74 — , during this time p. of country chs., viz., Taylorsville, 11 yrs., Louisa C. H., 3 yrs.. Walnut Grove, 7 yrs., serving sometimes two at one time ; D.D., from Richmond College librarian Richmond College '83 — ; founder of the Va. Bapt. Histori- Alphabetical List of Students. 177 cal Society, '76 and Sec, '81 — ; member of For. Miss. Bd. and Va. Ed. Bd.— . Sammons Ellis Walker. b. Putnam Co., Ga., Sept. 24, '50; Sem. (2J) '73-76, grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng,, Ch. Gov. and Past. D., Pol., Gk. Jr. ; ord. Antioch, Morgan, Ga., 2d S. Jan., '78 ; teacher Braswell Academy, Morgan Co., Ga., '81 ; Clinton, Ga., '82-83 ; Curryton Academy, Edgefield Co., S. C, '88— ; p. Blountsville, Ga., '79-80 ; Elim, Jones Co., Ga., '82-84 ; Big Stephen's Creek and Mt. Lebanon, Edgefield Co., S. C, '85-86, with Ked Hill in '86 ; Big Stephen's Creek, S. C, '88 ; Big Stephen's Creek, Republican and Clark's Hill, '89; Big Stephen's Creek, Republican, Clark's Hill and Mt. Zion — . Sampey, John Richard. b. near Fort Deposit, Lowndes Co., Ala., Sept. 27, '63 ; Howard College, Marion, Ala., A.B., '82 ; Sem. (3) '82-85, Full Graduate ; ord. Forks of Elkhorn ch., Woodford Co., Ky., Sept. 27, '85 ; D.D., from Washington and Lee University, '&7 ; p. Forks of Elkhoro, Sept., '85—, and Glen's Creek ch., Woodford Co., Ky., Sept., '89—; Instructor Heb., Gk. and Hom. in S. B.T. Sem., May,'85-May, '87 ; Assist. Prof. Heb. and Hom. '87—. Sampson, J. T. Sem. '73-74, from Shelby Co., Ky. Saul, J. F. V. Sem. '87-88, from Wichita, Kan. Sanderlin, George "Washington. b. near Camden C. H., N. C, Feb. 22, '43 ; Wake Forest College ; Sem. (2) '65-67, grad. O. T. Eng., Heb., N. T. Eng., Gk., Syst. Eng., Horn., Ch. Hist., Ch. Gov. and Past. D. ; ord. Wake Forest College, N. C, Mar. 1, '68 ; assistant sec. N. C. Bapt. State Con., '69-70, Ist vice pres. of the same, Nov., '89; p. Goldsboro, N. C, Mar., '68- Jan., '71 ; Franklin Square ch., Baltimore, Md., Mar., '71-May., '76. 12 178 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Sanders, Robert Wilson. b. Barnwell Co., S. C, Sept. 12, '47; Furman University, B.Pli. ; Sem. (4) 71-75, Full Graduate; ord Mr. Olivet ch., Barnwell Co., S. C, July, '70 ; taught Gk. and Lat. in Chester graded school for 6 mos. in '78; vice pres. of Home Miss. Bd. of S. B. Con. for S. C. for 3 yrs. ; moderator of Chester Asso., 8 yrs.; vice pres. of Bapt. State Con. of S. C, 2 yrs. ; p. Chester C. H., S. C, June 15, 75—. *Sanders, W. "W. Sem. (2) 75-77, from Union Springs, Ala., English Graduate; p. Tuscaloosa, Ala., at the time of his death. Sanford, S. L. b. Lincoln Co., N. C, Oct. 10, '34; Mossy Creek College, Tenn. ; Sem. (1) '68-69 ; ord. Mossy Creek, Tenn., Sept. 26, '61 ; prof. Math, at Rocky Springs Academy, Tenn., '61 ; in the fall of '66 accepted pastorate of Mulberry, Norris Creek, Oak Hill and Charity chs., Lincoln Co., Tenn., served three first 7 yrs. and last 10 yrs. ; Big Springs, Bedford Co., Tenn., '73-81, Smyrna, Marshall Co., Tenn., 74-82, Salem, Franklin Co., Tenn., '76, Mt. Carmel, Rutherford Co., Teun., '78 and '79, Mt. Hermon, Rutherford Co., '80, El Bethel, Bedford Co., '76-81 ; Ukiah, Cal, '82-87 ; Centreville and Lakeport '88 and '89 ; Lakeport and Willits', Cal. — ; mod. Duck River Asso., '73-76, and Clear Lake Asso., Cal., '83-'86, '88 and '89. Satterwhite, Frank Millard. b. Goochland Co., Va., July 25, '55; Richmond College; Sem. pan of (2) '82-84; ord. Winn's ch., Hanover Co., Va., Oct., '78; p. Winn's ch., Va., '78-80, North Run ch., Va., '79 and '80 ; Mt. Her- mon and Hunting Creek, Va., 6 mos. in '81 ; Winn's ch., Va., '82 ; Marion, S. C, '84-87 ; Edenton, N. C, '87-89 ; p. in Welch Neck Asso., S. C— . Saunders, Samuel. b. Northampton Co., Va., Oct. 19, '43; Columbian College, Rich- mond College, grad. Lat., Gk., Fr., Nat. Sciences ; Sem. nearly (2) '71-72,73-74, grad. Gk., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov. and Past. D. ; Alphabetical List of Students. 179 ord let ch., Norfolk, Va., Sept. 12, 74 ; p. Nanjemoy and Good Hope, Charles Co., Md., Jan. 1, '75-Jan. 1,79; North Fork and Water Fork, Loudoun Co., Va., Jan. 1, 79-Feb. 1, '80 ; Wood- berry, Baltimore Co., Md., Feb. 1, '80-July 1, '81 ; Second ch., Washington, D. C, July 1, '81-June 1, '84; Suffolk, Va., June 1, '84-Jan. 1, '90, during this time preached 3 yrs. and 4 mos. at Tuck- er's Swamp, Southampton Co., and Beaver Dam ch., Isle of Wight Co., Va. ; Radford and Dublin, Va., Jan. 1, '90—. Savage, B. J. Sem. '77-80, from Baton Rouge, La., grad. O. T. Eng., Hom., Ch. Gov. ; missionary at Nowgong, Assam, India—. Scarborough, Charles "Wesley. b. Wake Co., N. C, July 29, '47 ; Wake Forest, A.B. ; Sem. (1) 78-79, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Horn., Syst. Eng.; ord. Wake Forest, 76; p. in Wake Co., N. C, Midway, 76-77 ; Mt. Vernon, '77-80, Wake Union, '79-81 ; in Franklin Co., N. C, Flat Rock ; in Greenville Co., N. C, Brassfields, '81-83; in Bertie Co., N. C, Sandy Run, '84-87, Aulander, '87; Murfreesboro, N. C, '84, Buck- horn, N. C, '89-90, Jackson, Northampton Co., N. C, '84-87, Rob- erts Chapel, '87-90 ; tutor of Math, in Wake Forest, '79-82 ; prof. Chowan Female Institute, N. C, '84—. Schmitz, J. J. Sera. '87-88, from Cincinnati, O., grad. 0. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Hom. Schramm, Henry Robert. b. Macon, Ga., Aug. 1, '52 ; Howard College, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '87- 88, grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Pine Flat, Perry Co., Ala., Apr. 15, '83 ; p. Pine Flat, '83-86 ; Glennville, Union and Mt. Zion, Ala., '85-87 ; assistant p. St. Francis St. ch., Mobile, Ala., also p. of Zion ch., near Mobile, and city missionary and col- porteur of Mobile, Ala., for 6 mos. in '88 ; Tullahoma, Tenn., '89 Bell Buckle, Tenn.—. 180 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. fScofield, A. P. b. Clieneyville, Rapiedes Parish, La., Feb. 12, '53; Baylor Uni- versity, Waco, Tex., A.B. ; Sen.. (1) '8^-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn. ; ord. 1st ch., Waco, Tex., 3d S. in Mar., 78 ; p. 3 yrs. at Lake Charles; 5 yrs. at Opelousas, La. ('80-88) ; Canto, Miss., Mar. 27, '90-. Scott, C. G. Sem. '79-80, from Hickory Creek, Fannin Co., Tex. Scott, Charles P. Sem. '82-83, from Gordonsville, Va., grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. Scott, George Rogers. b. Woodford Co., Ky., Mar. 1, '49 ; Georgetown College ; Sem. (1) '78-79; ord. Versailles, Ky., Nov. 24, '80; teacher in Franklin High School, La., '81 ; assistant Sapt. and Cor. Sec. of Missions, Gen. Asso. of Tex., '86 ; p. Flatonia and Schulenburg, Tex., '82 ; Round Rock, Tex,, '83; Lancaster and Ferris, Tex., '84; Corsi- cana, Tex., '85 ; Cedar Creek and Bethesda chs., Navarro Co., Tex., '86—. Scott, John Jay. b. Buncomb, Johnson Co., 111., Feb. 11, '49 ; Ewing College, 111., A.B.; Sem. (2) '79-81, '82-83, English Graduate; ord. Mt. Zion eh., Johnson Co., 111., 1st S. in Jiily, '74 ; p. Mt. Moriah, '87—, Red Springs, '87-89, Cheerful Hope, '88-, Providence, '88-90, and a mission station, '89 — , all in Robeson Co., N. C. Scott, J. M. Sem. '78-79, from Saltsburg, Pa. Scruggs, Luther Rice. b. Cowpens, S. C, Feb. 20, '41 ; Sem. '68-71, grad. O. T. Eng., Ch. Hist., Syst. Eng., Pol., Past. D. ; Waco University ; ord. Mar- shall ch., Tex., Dec, '67 ; p. Sherman, Tex., Jan. 1, '72-Nov., '74; Bremond, Tex., Feb., '75-Nov., '76 ; Corsicana, Tex., Nov.,'76-Nov., Alphabetical List of Students. 181 '77; Mondian, StephenviUe, IDuffaw, Te^., July, '78-Nov., '84. Nacogdoches, Tex., Jan., '84-Sept., '86 ; missionary in Dallas Co., Tex., Sept., '86—. Scruggs, William H. Sem. '73-74, from Whitman, Ga. Seymour, Robert "Williams. b. Charleston, S. C, July 30, '40; Furman University ; Sem. (1) '60-61 • ord. Liberty Hill, Edgefield Co., S. C, '62, presbytery Revs. John Trapp, D. D. Brunson and L. R. Gwaltney ; held pastorates in Edgefield, Abbeville and Laurens cos., S. C. Shank, Joseph Absalom. b. Wilkes Co., Ga., Oct. 29, '43; Sem. nearly (2) '71-73; ord. Greenwood ch., Lincoln Co., Ga., Dec, '75; p Flint ch 75-88 Hephzibah, Jan., '77-Dec., '81, Damascus, Jan., 79-Dec., 83, Cht- ford's Grove, '79, New Providence, Mar., '82-Apr., '83, Thomson, 85, Goshen, '79 and '83-Dec., '89,-all in Ga. ; DanielsviUe. Union and Black Creek, Madison Co., Ga., Jan., '89—. Sharrard, J. T. Sem. '77-79, from Louisville, Ky. Shearman, W. H. Sem '88-89, from Mouse Creek, Tenn. Shelton, William, Jr. b. Murfreesboro, Tenn., June 8, '56; West Tenn. College and Bethel College, Ky. ; Sem. (2^) '86-89, grad. N. T^ Eng , O. T. Eng., Horn., B. Int., Syst. Eng., Pol, Past. D. and P. P. ; ord. m 82; prin. Paris Female Sem., '77-78 ; also Belle Wood Academy, 81- 85; p. Hillsdale, Macon Co., Tenn, and Carthage, Smith Co., Tenn., »85and'86; Mt. Washington and Plum Creek, Ky., '87 and 88; Franklin St., Louisville, Ky., '89—. Shepherd, Thomas Benton. b.Fairview, Clarke Co., Va., Dec. 23, '36; Columbian Univer- 182 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, sity ; Sem. (1) '59-60, grad. O. T. Eng., Heb., Horn., Past. D., N. T- Eng., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Berry ville, Clarke Co., Va., Aug., '58 ; p* African ch., Alexandria, Va., '58-59; Charlestown, '60-79, while p. at Charlestown was also p. at Berryville 9 yrs., Ketoctin 4 yrs.> Waterford 1 yr.. Bethel several years, in connection with Berry- ville, p. Rockland 17 yrs., Front Royal, Pleasant Vale and Mar- shall for a shorter period. Sherman, Schuyler Albert. b. Ostrander, O., Feb. 28, '64 ; Denison University, O. ; Sem. (^) '88-89 ; ord. Willshire, O., June 4, '89 ; p. Willshire, O., Pleasant View, O., Pleasant Mills, Ind., Spencerville, O. Shields, C. P. . Sem. '85-86, from New Union, Ky. Shipman, Thomas Judson- b. Nelson Co., Va., Aug. 23, '62; Roanoke College, A.M. ; Rich- mond College; Sem. (4) '85-89, Full Graduate; ord. Green- ville, Augusta Co., Va., Mar. 29, '85 ; p. Liberty Station ch., Carroll Co., Ky., Feb., '87-Jnly, '89, Carrdllton, Carroll Co., Ky., Feb., '88- Oct.,*'89 ; Midway, Woodford Co., Ky., Oct., '89— Shipman, William Jordan. b. Level Green, Nelson Co., Va., Nov. 7, '36 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (1) '59-60, grad. Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov. and Past. D., Horn.; ord. Fairmount ch.. Nelson Co., Va., May 23, '60, presb. Revs. Chas. Wingfield, T. N. Johnson and J. A. Mundy ; p. Fairmount ch.. Nelson Co., Va., May, '60-May, '71, during that time there were associated with this ch. at different times, Walnut Grove, Min-* eral Springs, Mt. Shiloh, Nelson Co., Va., and Ebenezer, Amherst Co., Va. ; Salem, Roanoke Co., Va., Aug.,'71-Mar.,'83, Fort Lewis and Cave Spring were associated with this ch. for a while ; West Main St. ch., Richmond, Va., Apr., '83-Apr., '89 ; Halifax C. H., Apr., '89—. Shott, Gideon Morgan. b. Staunton, Va., Apr. 21, '55 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (1) '78- Alphabetical List of Students. 183 79, grad. Ch. Gov. and Past. D., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Pol. ; ord. Walnut St. ch., Louisville, Ky., June 29, '79; p. Hawesville, Ky., July 13, 79-May 1, '80 ; Newport, Ky., May 1, '80-May 1, '82; Urbana, 111., May 1, '82-June 1, '84 ; Wheeling, W. Va., June 1, '84-Apr. 1, '86 ; Zanesville, O., Apr. 1, '86-Dec. 1, '87 ; Dayton St., Cincinnati, O., Dec. 1, '87—. Shouse, Ernest G- b. Sulphur, Ky., June 6, '63; Fairmount College, B.S. ; Sem. (4) '84-88, Full Graduate ; ord. Sulphur, Ky., Aug., '86; p. Junc- tion City, Ky., and Galveston, Ind. — . Shousb, Francis Marion. b. Macon Co., Mo., Oct. 31, '58 ; William Jewell College ; Sem. part of (1) '87-88 ; ord. Centralia, Mo., Apr. 23, '87 ; p. Little Platte ch., Platte Co., Mo., '86 ; De Soto and Bismark, Mo., '87, Belleview, Mo., '87 — , Ironton and Fredericktown, Mo., '88 — . Sibley S. W. Sem. '78-80, from Clinton, Miss., grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. Simmons, Ezekias Z- b. near Corinth, Alcorn Co., Miss., Mar. 1, '47 ; Georgetown and Bethel Colleges ; Sem. (|) '77-78 ; ord. Kossuth, Miss., Oct. 3, '69 ; p. 1st ch.. Canton, China, Nov., '88-June, '89 (during Dr. Graves's absence from China) ; missionary at Canton, China. Simmons, Joseph Dallas. b. near Freemansburg, Lewis Co., W. Va., Apr. 26, '52 ; W. Va. University; Sem. (3) '76-79, English Graduate; ord. Brunson, Hampton Co., S. C, Aug. 17, '79; p. Brunson, S. C, with some other chs. near there, June 1, '79-Dec. 1, '80 ; Providence, Mt. Olive, Ephesus and Kiddville chs., Clark Co., Ky., June 1, '81- Oct., '87; Mt. Pleasant ch., Keene, Jessamine Co., Ky., Oct. 16, '87—. Simmons, "W. A. Sem. '79-80, '83-84, from Westfield, N. C. 184 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. ^Simmons, W. T. Sem. '85-86, from Jefferson, Ala. ; died at Jefferson, Ala., Feb. 22, '86. Simms, Baptist "Wriothelsey Noel. b. Culpeper Co., Va., Sept. 3, '49 ; Richmond College ; Sem. not quite (1) '86-87; ord. Mineral Springs, Ark., Jan., '80 ; p. for 4 mos. in '80 at Stone Chapel and Black Land, Howard Co., Ark., also 4 months at Brownstown ; Fayetteville, Ark., '81-83 ; Waxahachie, Tex., '83-88; Gonzales, Tex., Mar., '88— ; assistant prof. Mineral Spring Institute, Sept., '78-Jan., '80, also prin. of the High School at the same place, Jan. — June, '80 ; sec. S. S. and Colp. Con. of Tex. ; first sec of consolidated Con., Tex., '87. Sims, C. H- Sem. '78-79, from Deadleyville, Ala. Sims, Thomas Jefferson. b. Canton, Miss., Mar. 25, '50 ; University of Mississippi ; Sem. (4) '68-73, Full Graduate; ord. Canton, Miss., July, '72; p. Lexington, Miss., '73-74 ; McKinney, Tex., '74-77 ; pres. McKin- ney Institute, Tex. ; pres. Weatherford Female Institute, Tex., 9 yrs. — . Singleton, George Washington. b. Pickens Co., S. C, June 15, '42; Sem. (2) '71-73 ; ord. Forsyth Co., Ga., Dec. 30, '70; p. Cross Roads, Forsyth Co., Ga., '71-76; mis- sionary of S. C. State Board, '76; p. Mt. Carmel ch., Pickens Co., 8. C, and Siloam and Mounting Springs, Anderson Co., S. C. ; at present unable to preach on account of throat trouble. Sisk, £. L. Sem. '81-82, from Westminster, S. C. fSizemore, Alphonso Virgil. b. Waverly, Humphreys Co., Tenn., Mar. 21, '61 ; University of Miss.; Sem. (2^) '86-89, English Graduate; ord. Louisville, Ky., Apr. 24, '88 ; p. SouthgateSt. ch., Louisville, Ky., '88—. Skillman, C. G- Sem. '69-70, from Lexington, Ky. Alphabetical List of Students. 185 *Skipper, Lorenzo G. Seru. '83-86, from Greenville, Ala., grad. Pol., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov. and Past. D., Heb., Gk., B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng.; p. Verbena and Clanton, C;hilton Co., Ala.; Prattville, Autauga Co., Ala., Wetunipka, Elmore Co., Ala. ; died at Georgiana, Ala., May 15, '90. Sligh, J. E. Sem. '72-73, from Boston, Tex. Smith, Chas. E. b. Conway, Mass., July 1, '52; Judson University, Ark.; Sem. '81-84, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Syst. Eng. ; missionary to Ogbomashaw (P. O. Lagos), Africa — . Smith, Daniel Townsend. b. Edi^to Island, Aug. 9, '42 ; South Carolina College, Furman University, A.B., '67; Sem. (1) '68-69, grad. O. T. Eng., N.T. Eng., Gk., B. Int., Ch. Gov. ; prof, of ancient languages in Furman Uni- versity, '69-81. Smith, Hugh Cox. b. Petersburg, Va., Feb. 16, '54 ; Kichmond College, grad. Lat. and Gk.; Sera. (If) '77-79, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Gk. ; ord. Petersburg, Va., May 2, '79 ; p. Hebron and Hickford chs.,'79, in '81 gave up Hicksford and took High Hills, in '86 gave up High Hills and took Boykins, in '89 gave up Hebron and took Newsoms ; pre- sent field Boykins and Newsoms, Va, Smith, John Sanford. b. Burns township, Shiawassee, Co., Mich. ; Kalamazoo College, Mich. ; Sem. (f ) '82-83. Smith, Samuel Alden. b. Frankfort, 111., July 25, '58; William Jewell College, Univer- sity of Leipaic, Germany ; Sem. (2) '82-84, Full Graduate; ord. Princeton, Kan., July 29, '79 ; Ph.D., from National University, 186 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Jan., '90 ; prof. Heb. and cognate languages, National University, '89—; p. Gardner, Kan., '81-82; Derrv, N. H., '88; Grafton, W. Va., '88-. Smith, S. B. Sem. '77-79, from Elizabethtown, Ky., grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. Smith, Sanford P. b. Crawsfordsville, Ind,, Nov. 4, '50 ; Wabash College and Frank- lin College, Ind.; Sem. (1) '82-83, grad. N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn.; ord. Salem ch., near Crawfordsville, Ind., Oct., '76; taught Nickerson High School, '87 and '88 ; p. Crawfordsville, Ind., Sept. 1, '84-Sept. 1, '85; Nickerson, Kan., Mar. 1, '86-Mar. 1, '88 ; Burr- ton, Kan., Mar. 1, '88-Mar. 1, '89; Herrington, Kan., Apr. 1, '89—. Smith, William H. b. Evergreen, Ala., June 18, '59; Howard College, A.M.; Sem. (3) '84-87, Full Graduate ; ord. East Lake, Ala., Sept., '86 ; p. Salem, Ind., Oct., '86-Aug., '87 ; Huntsville, Ala., Nov., '87-Dec., '89; Florence, Ala., Dec, '89—. Smith, William Pinkney. b. Stribling, Spartanburg, Co.,S. C, Jan. 13, '48; Sem. (1) '78-79, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng.; ord. Philadelphia ch., at Stribling, S. C, Feb. 19, '79 ; p. Philadelphia ch., June, '79— , Sul- phur Springs, May, '80 — , served in connection with these New Hope, May, '80-Dec., '83, Fairview, June, '83-Dec., '84, Friendship, Jan., '84-Dec.. '87, Clifton, '88, West Springs, '86—; treasurer Spartanburg Asso., 3 yrs. — , P. O. Stribling, S. C. Smith, William Robert Lee. b. Gordon Co., Ga., July 28, '46 ; Cumberland University, Tenn., A.B. ; Sem. (4) '74-78, Full Graduate; ord. Glade Spring ch., Franklin Co., Tex., Nov., '72; D.D., from Richmond College, '86; p. Palmetto St. ch., Mobile, Ala., Jan.-Sept., '74 ; Ist ch., Lynchburg, Va., June, '78-Jan. 1, '90; 1st ch., Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 1, '90—. Alphabetical List of Students, 187 Smith, "William "Wallace. b. North Vernon, Ind., Jnly 23, '55 ; Franklin College, Ind. ; Sem. nearly (1) '84-85 ; ord. Bear Creek ch., Jennings Co., Ind., June 26, '81; p. Sardiana, Ind.; Homer, Ind. ; Hope, Ind.; Mt. Aerie at Letts Corner, Ind. ; Columbia City, Ind. — . Snow, James Herbert. b. Ogden, Khea Co., Tenn., Oct. 30, '57 ; Carson College, A.B.; Sem. (1) '85-86, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Ch. Hist., B. Int.; ord. Mt. Zion ch., Ogden, Tenn., Aug. 19, '83 ; p. Bell Buckle, Tenn., Aug. 1, '84-Sept. 1, '85 ; Rowan Memorial ch., Memphis, Tenn., Aug., '86 — . *Spicer, T. A. Sera. '82-84, from New Liberty, Ky. Spilman, J. T. b. Alexandria, Campbell Co., Ky., Aug. 5, '44; Sem. (1) '80-81 ; ord. Persimmon Grove, Campbell Co., Ky., Feb., '78 ; p. Wilming- ton, Ky., '79; Catawba, Ky., '80-81, Persimmon Grove, '80 ; Flag Spring, Ky., '82 and '83 ; Twelve Mile and Visalia, Ky., '84 and '85 ; colportage work, '86 ; p. Charleston, 111., Mar., '88 — . Splawn, "Walter Scott. b. Polk Co., N. C, Dec. 20, '58 ; Wake Forest College, B.L. ; Sem (2) '84-86, grad. Ch. Gov. and Past. D., B. Int. ; ord. Wake Forest- College, in spring of '84; p. two country chs., near Stanford, N. C, '84 ; in Ky. since '86, Liberty, 4 yrs., Brownsboro, 3 yrs., Pewee ch., 18 raos. ; La Grange, Ky., 2 yrs. — . Sproles, Henry Franklin. b. Castillian Springs, Holmes Co., Miss., Jan. 17, '44 ; studied under Rev. Wm. H. Williams, D.D., Prof. S. B. T. Sem., and Prof. D. T. Smith, of Furman University, during two vacations, while at the Sem. in Greenville, S. C. ; Sem. (4) '66-70, Full Graduate; ord. Saron ch.. Holmes Co., Miss., Aug., '67 ; pres. of Con. Bd. Miss. Baptists 3 yrs. and recording sec. of same 5 yrs. ; p. Carrollton, Car- roll Co., Miss., with adjacent country chs., Oct., '70-Dec., '79 ; Jack- son, Miss., '80— ; D.B., from Miss. College, Clinton, Miss., '90. 188 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Spurlin, John Holland. b. Christian Co., Ky., Apr. 5, '50 ; Bethel College ; Sem. (^) 77- 78 ; ord. Sinking Fork ch., Christian Co., Ky., Apr., 75 ; p. Concord, Hopkins Co., Ky., 10 mos., West Mt. Zoar, Christian Co., Ky., 10 mos., Macedonia, Christian Co., Ky., 10 mos. in 75, Oak Grove, Trigg Co., Ky., 12 yrs., '74-86, Blue Spring, Eddy Creek and Park- ersville, 1 2 yrs., Bethany and Kuttaw'a, 2 yrs. Stamps, John Judson. b. near Danville, Pittsylvania Co., Va., June 29, '47 ; University of Va. and Bethel College, Ky. ; Sera, nearly (3) '77-80, Full Graduate; ord. Russellville, Ky., July, 74, presb. Samuel Baker, \V. W. Gardner, Tobey Evans, T. H. Stamps ; p. Pewee Valley, Ky., Aug., '74-Dec., 76; Cable St. ch., Louisville, Ky., Jan., 77- Mar., '80 and Kings ch., Jan.-Dec, '77; Perote and Aberfoil, Ala., to May, '83 ; Pewee Valley and Cedar Creek, Ky., to Apr., '84 ; Adairville, Ky., to Apr., '86 ; Archie and Index, Cass Co., Mo., to Nov., '87 ; Henrietta, Tex., to Nov., '88, some of this time in mis- sionary work. Stanton, J. T. Sem. '88-89, from Hemphill, Tex., grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Hom., Ch. Gov., Past. D. Starke, J. B. Sem. '68-72, from Dover, Mo., English Graduate. *Steely, L. J. Sem. '82-83, from Jellico, Ky. Stephens, Charles Robert. b. Warren Co., Ky., Oct. 18, '48 ; William Jewell College, Bethel College, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '77-80, English Graduate; ord. Olive Branch ch.. Clay Co., Mo., Apr. 6, '63; taught Math, in Pierce City College, '84-86; p. Olive Branch, Apr., '73-Apr., '74; Peaceful Home, Sept., '74-July, '75 ; Salem, Dent Co., Mo., Oct., '80-Oct., '82, Grubville ch., Jefferson Co., Mo., Oct., '81-Oct., '82 ; Pierce City, Alphabetical List of Students. . 189 Mo., Aug., '83-Apr., '86; Six Mile, Mo., Oct., '86-Jan., '89; New Salem, Brownington and Greenwood, Mo. — . Stewart, John "William. b. Kandolph Co., Ala., Feb. 20, '54 ; Howard College, B.S. ; Sem. (2) '84-86, grad. B. Int., Ch. Gov. and Past. D., Heb. Jr., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Bethabara ch., Fayette Co., Ala., Oct. 23, '80 ; p. Oak Grove, Marion Junction, Oct., '83-June, '84; Providence and Orrville, Ala., June, '86-Dec., '87; 2d ch., Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 1-Nov. 15, '88 ; Evergreen, Ala., Dec, '88—. Stewart, S. M. Sem. '84-85, from Bethany, Miss. Stockton, James William. b. Mercer Co., Mo., Apr. 6, '59 ; William Jewell College, A.B. ; Sem. (f ) '87-88 ; ord. Butler, Mo., Apr. 17, '88 ; p. Butler, Mo.—. Stout, Amos. b. Woodford Co., E"y., Mar. 30, '52 ; Georgetown College, A.B., '75 ; Sem. (1) '76-77, grad. Syst. Eng., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng. ; ord. Mt. Vernon ch., Woodford Co., Jan. 30, '77 ; p. Licking Valley ch., Campbell Co., Ky., Sept., '77-Dec., '78, Colemansville, Harrison Co., Ky., Jan., '78-Jan., '82, Blanket Creek, Pendleton Co., Ky., Sept., '79-Jan., '83, Fairview, Jan., '83-Jan., '84, Union, Jan., '82- Jan., '84, Alexandria, Licking and Persimmon Grove chs., Camp- bell Co., Ky., Jan., '84-87 ; Lawrenceburg, Ind., Jan.-Nov., '87 ; Palmyra, Mo., Nov., '87-Mar., '89; Lancaster, Ky., Sept., '89— ; prof. Malh. and Astronomy in Garrard College, Lancaster, Ky., Sept., '89—. Stout, Edwin Gillespie. b. Clay Co., Mo., Nov. 10, '59 ; Sem. {\) '86-87 and (f ) '87-88 ; prof, in Henry Male and Female College at New Castle, Ky., part of '80 and all of the '81 term. Stout, John. b. Mobile, Ala., Mar. 12, '42; Furman University ; Sem. '68-71, 190 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. '72-73, Full Graduate; ord. Hartsville, Darlington Co., S. C, May 15, '70; p. Newberry, S. C, May 1, '71-Dec., '73; Welsh Neck ch., Society Hill, S. C, Jan. 1, '74—. *Sturgis, C. F. Sem. '69-72, from Monroe Co., Ala., grad. N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn. Sublett, R. A. b. Jackson Co., Ala., Jan. 23, '50 ; Furman University ; Sem. '78- 79, '83-84; ord. Greenwood, Tex., June 9, '79; prin. Greenwood High School, Tex., '79-80; p. Greenwood, Bethel, Winsboro and Pittsburg chs., Tex., '79-81 ; Lockhartch., Tex., '82-83; Anson ch., Tex., '84 and '85 ; evangelist in Austin Asso., '86 and '87 ; p. 2d ch., Austin, Tex., '88 ; Walterboro, S. C, Apr., '89—. Suddith, Louis Harris. b. Warrenton, Fauquier Co., Va., Aug. 13, '53 ; Richmond Col- lege ; Sem. (1) '85-86 ; ord. Danville, Va., Aug. 18, '84; p. Louisa, Ky., Feb. 1, '86-Feb. 1, '89 ; Hinton, W. Va., Apr., '89—. Summers, Hance. Sem. '82-83, from Nelson Co., Ky. Sutton, Otis Malvin. b. Dadeville, Tallapoosa Co., Ala., Sept. 14, '67 ; A. and M. Col- lege of Ala., University of Ala., A.B., '85 ; Sem. (1) '86-87, grad. Ch. Gov., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr. ; ord. Opelika, Lee Co., Ala., Sept. 23, '88; p. Salem ch., Lee Co., Ala., July,'88-Feb., '89 ; New Berne, Hopewell and Marion Junction, Ala., Mar.-Oct., '89 ; Indian Creek and Mt. Zion chs., Bullock Co., Ala., Nov., '89— ; prin. Camp Hill High School, Ala., '85-86 ; Opelika High School, Ala., '87-89; pres. Union Springs Male College, Ala., '89—. SAvann, Porterfield. b. Powhatan Co., Va., Oct. 23, '47 ; Richmond College and Crozer Sem., grad. Lat., Gk., Eng. and Moral Philosophy; Sem. (2) '73-75, grad. B. Int., N. T. Eng., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr., Ch. Gov. and Past. D. ; ord. Alphabetical List of Stude7\ts. 191 Goshen Bridge ch, Rockbridge Co., Va., June, '76; p. Goshen Bridge ch., June, '76— at the same time served at different periods, CraigsvJlIe ch., Augusta Co., Va., Sharon ch., Alleghany Co.. Va., Kerr's Creek ch., Rockbridge Co., Williamsville, Woodland and Horeb chs., Bath Co., Va. Swem, Edmond Hey. b. Greensburg, Ind., Mar. 29, '57 ; Asbury University ; Sem. (1) '82-84; ord. Lawrenceburg, Ind., Apr. 14, '81 ; p. Lawrenceburg, Ind., Feb. 28, '81-Feb., '82 ; New Albany, Ind., at Tabernacle ch., 2 yrs. and 4 mos.; 2d ch., Washington, D. C, Aug. 1, '84—. Talbert, G. L. Sem. '77-79, from McAfee, Ky., grad. O. T. Eng. ^Talbert, Thomas Lipscomb. b. Yallabusha Co., Miss., Aug. 6, '48 ; Miss. College at Clinton, Miss., A.B. ; Sem. (1) '74-75, grad. O. T. Eng. ; ord. Mt. Paran ch., Hardy Station, 4th S., July, '74 ; p. Mt. Pisgah ch.. Miss.. '75 ; Liberty ch., Miss., Oct., '75-Oct., '84, Mt. Paran, Jan., '76-Dec., '81, Providence ch.. Miss., Jan., '76-Dec., '84, Pleasant Grove ch.. Miss., Jan., '81- Dec, '84; p. Pensacola, Fla., Jan. 1-May 31, '85; died in Grenada Co., Miss., Jan. 3, '86. Tant, Andrew Jackson. b. Acworth, Ga., Oct. 6, '55; Rockmart High School; Sem. (1) '80-81 ; ord. Good Springs, Ala., 3d S., July, '73; prin. Taylorsville Academy, Ga., '78-79 ; p. Flintville, Tenn., '74-75 ; Rockmart, Ga., '76-77 and '81-82 ; Euharlee, Ga., '83 ; Cedartown, Ga., '84 ; Col- orado City, Tex., '87—. f Tate, C. F. J. b. Andrew Co., Mo., Nov. 25, '58 ; William Jewell College ; Sem. (2) '87-89, English Graduate. Tatum, Ezra Francis. b. Farmington, Davie Co., N. C, Apr. 16, '59 ; Wake Forest Col- lege, B.L. ; Sem. (1) '87-88, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Forestville, N. C, Aug. 31, '88 ; sailed for China, Nov. 28, '88, began missionary work in Shanghai, Jan. 1, '89—. 192 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Taul, Henry Clay. b. Winchester, Tenn., May 18, '44 ; Sem. nearly (1) '69-70 ; ord. Alpine, Talladega Co., Ala., 3d S., Sept., '71 ; p. Wetumpka, Ala., Nov. 1, '72-Nov. 1, '82 ; Pratt ville, Ala. ; Adams St., Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 1, '83-Mar. 1, '86 ; Chaplain of convicts in Ala., Mar. 1, '86-Mar. 1, '88 ; p. Helena, Ala.—. Taylor, Alonzo. b. Franklin Co., N. C, Mar. 27, '47 ; Mississippi College ; Sem. (1) '82-83, grad. O. T. Eng. ; ord. Mt. Pisgah ch.. Hinds Co., Miss., '81 ; p. Pine Bluff and Galilee, '81 ; Central, '83 ; missionary in Miss. Valley, '84-89 ; p. Liverpool and Mt. Pisgah, '89 ; Ogden— . Taylor, Eugene Augustine. b. near Baton Rouge, La., Oct. 16, '53 ; Mississippi College, A.B. Sera. (2) '77-79, grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int., Ch. Gov. and Past. D., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr. ; ord. Grenada, Miss., June, '79 ; taught Lat. and Lit. in Grenada Female Institute, 1 yr. ; D.D., from Carson College, Tenn., '87 ; p. Grenada, Miss., May, '79- July, '83 ; Knoxville, Tenn., July, '83-Aug., '88 ; Marquette, Mich., Aug., '88—. Taylor, George Braxton, Jr. b. Staunton, Augusta Co., Va., Apr, 25, '60 ; Richmond College, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '83-86, Full Graduate and Pat. Gk., For. Hymn.; ord. Grace St. ch., Richmond, Va., July 14, '86 ; p. (Albemarle and Nelson cos., Va.) Mountain Plain, Mt. Shiloh, Fairmount chs., June, '86-Sept., '87 ; Chapel Hill, N. C, Sept., '87-Oct., '89 ; assistant p. 1st Bapt, ch., Baltimore, Md., Nov. 10, '89—. Taylor, George T?7ashington. b. Pendleton Co., Ky., July 3, '64 ; Kentucky University, also Commercial College of Ky., Lexington; Sem. (2) '87-89, English Graduate ; ord. Powersville, Ky., Mar. 19, '90 ; p. Phelix (Jhapel, Bracken Co., Ky., Oct. 1, '89-Feb. 16, '90. Taylor, James Barnette. b. Richmond, Va., Oct. 22, '37 ; Richmond College and Univer- sity of Va.; Sem. part of (1) '60-61, grad. N. T. Eng., Horn.; ord. Alphabetical List of Students. 193 Charlottesville, Va., June 10, '60 ; p. Fellowship, near Ninety Six, S. C, while at Sem. ; Culpeper, Va., Sept. 24, '65-Oct. 10, '75 ; Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 24, '75-July 1, '83 ; summer and fall mos. of '83 spent in Europe; D.D., from Waco University, '82; p. Lex- ington, Va., Jan. 1, '84 — ; prof. Moral Ph., Washington and Lee University, Va., '86 — . Taylor, James Jackson. b. Pickens Co., Ala., Nov. 19, '55 ; Howard College and S. W. B. University; Sem. (3) '83-86, Full, Graduate; ord. Austin, Ark., Apr. 29, '83 ; prof. Austin High School, Ark., June, '81-June, '83 ; p. Beebe, Ark., '83 ; Sparta, Ky., '84-85; Wortliville and Bethel, Ky., '85-86; Batesville, Ark., '86-88; Forest City, Ark., '88-89; Arkadelphia, Ark. — ; prof. Gk. and Theological Department in Ouachita College, Ark., Sept., '89— ; Sec. and Treas. of Bd. Minis- terial Education of Ark. Bapt. State Con.— ; A. B. from S. W. B. University, '87. Taylor, Joseph Judson. b. Henry Co., Va. ; Richmond College, A.M., '80; Sem. part of (1) '80-81;* ord. Millfield ch., Va., Aug., '76, presb. Revs. R. R. Owens, J. E. Hutson, S. H. Holmes; supplied chair of Ph. in Georgetown College first half of session, '83-84 ; D.D., from Howard College, '89 ; p. Millfield, Va., Feb., '76-June, '80, Millswamp, Va., Feb., '78-June, '80 ; Upper St., Lexington, Ky., Jan. 1, '81-Sept, 30, '87; St. Francis St., Mobile, Ala., Oct. 1, '87—. ^Taylor, John W. Sem. '60-61, from Pickens Co., Ala., grad. B. Lit., N. T. Eng., Gk., Hom., Ch. Gov. Taylor, Sam Frank. b. Henry Co., Va., Mar. 30, '57 ; Richmond College ; Sem. part of (2) '77-79 ; ord. Mayo ch., Henry Co., Va., Sept. 27, '74 ; p. Charles- ton, W. Va., Dec. 1,'74-July 26, '76; Boonville, Mo., Mar.-Dec, '77; Paris, Ky., Feb., '78-Feb. 26, '82; Columbus, Mis?., Apr. 26, '82-Dec. 21, '84; Columbia, Mo., Jan. 1, '85-Jan. 1, '90; cor. sec. of Mo. Bd. of General Home and For. Missions. 13 194 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Taylor, Zachary C. b. Jackson, Miss., '51 ; Waco University and Baylor University, grad. at latter, 79; Sem. '80-81; appointed missionary to Brazil, '82 ; P. O. Bahia, Brazil—. Teasdale, Charles Washington, b. Washington, D. C, Jan. 15, '40 ; Eichtnond College, and grad- uate of Crozer Theo. Sem.; Sem. (1) '72-73 ; ord. Salisbury, Md., June, '77; p. Salisbury, Md., '77; Vienna, Md., '78-80; Tenleytown, D. C, '84-85; missionary 12 mos., part of 82 and '83, in Seaford, Del. Thames, Travis B. b. Claiborne, Ala., Aug. 18, '54; Howard College; Sem. (3 and part of 2) '74-79, English. Graduate ; ord. Mobile, Ala., '77 ; Shelby- ville, Ky., May, '79-Sept., '84; 'La Salle Avenue Bapt. eh., Chicago, 111., Sept., '84-Nov., '89 ; Danville, Va., Dec, '89—. fTherrell, W. A. Sem. '69-71, '73-74, '86-89, ^om Cheraw, S. C. Thomas, Andrew Jackson Spears- b. near Bennettsville, Marlboro Co., S. C, Dec. 14, '52 ; Furman University; Sem. (4) '75-79, Full Graduate; ord. Bennettsville, S. C, June 24, '77; p. Batesburg, S. C, Jan. 1, '80-Jan. 1, '83 ; 1st ch., Charleston, S. C, Jan. 1, '83-July 1, '87 ; Orangeburg, S. C, July 1, '87— ; Sec. S. C. State Con., Nov., '85—; vice-pres. For. Miss. Bd. of S. B. Con. for S. C, May, '89—. Thomas, Charles Alexander Gard. b. Portsmouth, Va., Mar. 7, '57; Richmond College; Sem. (2) '79-81 ; ord. Court St. ch., Portsmouth, Va., June 17, '80 ; p. Fulton ch., Richmond, Va., '83 ; Hertford, N. C, '84 ; Warrenton, N. C, '85 ; Newport News, Va., '86 and '87, Wake Co., N. C, '87, '88 and 3 mos. of '89 ; Elizabeth Ciiy, Caswell Co., N. C, '89—; supplied dur- ing 2 summers Nanjemoy, Md., and Washington, N. C. Alphabetical List of Students. 195 Thomas, James B. b. Sardinia, Decatur Co., Ind., Apr. 6, '57 ; Franklin College, A.B., '82, honorary A.M.; Sem. (I) '83-84, grad. Syst. Eng., Past. D., Horn.; also spent one year at Rochester Theo. Sem. ; ord. Mish- awaka, Ind., Sept. 5, '84; p. Mishawaka, Ind., July, '84-July, '86; Eichmond, Ind., Sept., '86-Nov., '87 ; Covington, Ind., Dec, '87 — . fThomas, John Marion. b. Coosa Co., Ala., Dec. 27, '61 ; Howard College, Ala., A.B., '87; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr. ; ord. Tuscumbia, Ala., Nov. 21, '87 ; missionary p. Sheffield, Ala., Aug., '87, and Tuscumbia, Ala., Oct., '87-Oct., '88 ; p. Shef- field, June-Oct., '89. Thomas, J. "W. Sera. '75-76, from Owen Co., Ky. f Thomas, Millard Lee. b. Pleasant Green, Mo., Nov. 8, '59; William Jewell College, A.B. ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. Horn., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. and P. P., N. T. Eng., Heb., Gk. ; ord. Palmyra, Mo., '82 ; p. Pal- myra, Mo., Sept., '82-Oct., '87 ; Mt. Pleasant eh., Ky., July, '88—. Thomasson, D. W. b. York Co., S. C, Jan. 8, '41 ; Sem. (|) '68-69 ; ord. Union oh., York Co., S. C, Apr., '68 ; p. Pleasant Valley, Lancaster Co., S. C, '72-75 ; Union ch., York Co., S. C, Fellowship, Gaston Co., N. C, MiU Creek, York Co., S. C, and Union, Gaston Co., N. C, 75-83 ; Bush River and Cross Roads chs., Newberry Co., S. C, 1 yr. ; New Hope and Society chs., Iredell Co., N. C, '84-87 ; Jefferson and Healing Springs, N. C. — . Thompson, Calvin Miles. b. Muskingum Co., O., Nov. 19, '66; Sem. (1) '86-88, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int. ; ord. Walnut St. ch., Louisville, Ky., June 24, '88; assistant p. Walnut St. ch., June 1, '86-Nov. 6, '88; 1st ch., Clayton, N. Y., Nov. 18, '88—. 196 Southern Baptid Theological Seminary. Thompson, James Langum. b. near Nixburg, Coosa Co., Ala., May 30, '52 ; Howard College; Sem. (2) '86-88, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Pol., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Horn., Syst. Eng. ; ord. Liberty West ch., Talla- poosa Co., Ala., Sept. 9, '75 ; p. Union ch., Elmore Co., Ala., '80-83, Poplar Springs, Coosa Co., Ala., '81, Tallassee, Ala., '83 ; Verbena and Deatsville, '84-85, Clanton, Ala., '85 ; Columbia, Ala., part of '85 and '86 ; Orleans, Rush Creek and Lost River, Tnd., while in Sem. ; Adams St. ch., Montgomery, Ala., June 17, '88 — . ^Thompson, Le"wris Nathan. b. Barren Co. (now Metcalfe), Ky., Apr. 24, '59 ; Owen College, Ky. ; Sem. part of (1) '88-89, licensed by Long Ridge ch., Owen Co., Ky. ; p. Concord ch., Grant Co., Ky., Aug., '87-Aug., '88 ; Ger- mantown mission, Louisville, '90 — ; taught four sessions at Harris- burg Academy, Owen Co., Ky., and 5 mos. in Owenton High School, Owen Co., Ky. Thompson, Shadraoh Franklin, b. Judesville, Surry Co., N. C, Feb. 4, '31 ; Emory and Henry College, Va., William Jewell, Mo., and Georgetown College, Ky., A.B* from Georgetown in '55, and A.M. in '58 ; Sem. '78-79 ; ord. Shelby- ville, Ky., '56; p. Shelby ville, Ky., '56-66; cor. sec. of Bd. State Missions of the Gen. Asso. of Ky., Aug., '66-Aug., '70 ; p. Evans- ville, Ind., '70-74 ; Anderson, Ind., '74-76 ; Ghent and Warsaw chs., Ky. ; thence to Nicholasville, Ky. ; thence to Buck Creek and Mt. Pleasant, Shelby Co., Ky. Thompson, "W. G. Sem. '69-70, from Ripley, Miss. Thornhill, J. T. Sem. '72-74, from Campbell Co., Va. *Thornhill, J. T. E. Sera. '76-79, from Tower Hill, Va., grad. B. Int., Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., Gk., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Pol., Horn. Alphabetical List of Students, 197 Thornton, Elisha Eugene. b. Buena Vista, Chickasaw Co., Miss., May 5, '54 ; Sera. (2) '81- 83, English Graduate ; ord. New Salem ch., Aberdeen Asso., Miss., June, '83 ; p. Buena Vista, Egypt and Sparta, Miss., '84-87 ; Brooks- ville, '87 ; Kosciusko, Miss., '88 — . Thornton, W. T. Sem. '69-70, from Athens, Ga. Tigert, John J. b, Louisville, Ky., Nov. 25, '56 ; Sera. '77-79, from Louisville, Ky., grad. Hom. ; Vanderbilt University, S.T.B., with post grad. A.B. in '83; ord. deacon, '79, and elder, '81, in M. E. Church, South; p. Louisville, Ky., '77-78 ; Franklin, Ky., '78-81 ; Instructor in Van- derbilt U., '81-86; Prof. Mor. Ph., '86-90 ; Pres. Alurani Asso., '90 ; a sec. of General Conference at. St. Louis, Mo., '90; A.M., from Dickinson College, '84 ; S.T.D., from Emory and Henry College, '88 ; author of " Hand-book of Logic," " The Preacher Himself," " The- ology and Philosophy,'' " Wandering Stars," etc. Tiller, Thomas Eberle. b. near Jamestown, Russell Co., Ky., Dec. 10, '48 ; Bethel College, A.B., honorary A.M., '89 ; Sem. (3) '79-82, Full Graduate ; ord. Mt. Vernon ch., near Jamestown, Russell Co., Ky., July, '79 ; p. Brooksville, Ky., May, '82-Apr., '83 ; Thomasville, Ga., Apr., '83- Oct., '87 ; Pembroke, Ky., June, '88 — ; assistant editor of Western Recorder, Oct., '87-June, '88. Timberlake, Ivison B. b. Richmond, Va., July 15, '54 ; Richmond College, Eng. Grad., '85 ; Sem. (1) '85-86, grad. Syst. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int. ; ord. Cloverport, Ky., Aug. 15, '86 ; p. Cloverport and Brandenburg chs., Ky., Mar., '86-Mar., '88 ; Bapt. Tabernacle, New Albany, Ind., '88—; pres. of S.S. Con. of Ind., 2 yrs.— ; Mod. Bethel Asso.—. Tinker, "William Wharton. b. New Orleans, La., Dec. 4, '56; Sem. part of (1) '81-82; ord. Newport, Ky., Dec, '77 ; p. Cold Springs and Catawba, Ky., '77 ; 198 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Newport, Ky., '78-80 ; Pine Bluff, Ark., '80- 81 ; Lawrencebiirg and Ebenezer, '82-85 ; Bluffton, Ind., '85-87 ; East Los Angeles, Cal., '87-90 ; gen. missionary in Southern Cal. — . Tolson, George Meredith. b. Lauderdale Co., Miss., Jan. 12, '59 ; University of Ala. ; Sem. (2J) '79-81, '85-86, English Graduate; ord. Four Holes ch., Orange- burg Co., S. C, Jan. 1, '82; p. Four Holes ch., Orangeburg Co., S. C, Oct., '81-Sept., '85; Broooklyn ch., Feb., '86-Sept., '89; 2d ch., Co- lumbia, S. C. — . Tomkies, George "W. Sera. (3) '82-85, from Ashlaud, Va., English Graduate. fToscano, Margarito. b. Cerralvo, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, June 10, '63; Richmond Col- lege; Sem. (2) '84-86, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. ; p. of the Presbyterian ch., Monterey, also Saltillo for some time ; became a Baptist in July, '84, and was p. of Musquiz Bapt. ch. till Oct. 28, '84 ; taught school for 2 yrs. in H. Matamoras, Tamaulipas, '81-82, '83-84. Touchstone, John R. M. b. Drew Co., Ark., Feb. 6, '59 ; Sem. (1) '82-83, grad. Ch. Gov. and Past D., B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. ; ord. MedlenviUe, Fan- nin Co., Tex., July 11, '80, elders R. W. Thomas, Sr., and J. L. Mayes, presb. ; p. Port Sullivan, Milam Co., Tex., Apr.-Sept., '82 ; Caddo, Milam Co., Tex., from Mar., '84, and Chilton, Falls Co., Tex., from May, '84, and Live Oak, Falls Co., Tex., from Nov., '84-Sept., 86 ; Marlin, Falls Co., Tex., Oct., '86— ; pres. of the mission Bd. Waco Asso., Sept., '88-Sept., '89. *Towill, R. J. Sem. '66-68, '69-71, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng.. Ch. Gov. and Past. D., from Middlesex Co., Va. *Townsend, H. C. Sem. '66-69, from Richmond, Va., Full Graduate. Alphabetical List of Students. 199 Toy, Crawford Howell. b. Norfolk, Va., Mar. 23, '36 ; University of Va., A.M., '56 ; Sem. (1) '59-60, grad. O. T. Eng., Heb., N. T. Eng., Gk., Syst. Eng., Lat., Ch. Hist. ; ord. Charlottesville, Va., '60; D.D., from Wake Forest College, N. C, '72 ; LL.D., from Howard College, Ala., '82, and from University of N. C, '89 ; instiuctor in Albemarle Female Institute, '56-59; prof. Richmond College, Va., Jan.-Apr., '61 ; University of Ala., Sept., '64-Apr., '65 ; Furman University, S. C, Jan.-Jnne, '69 ; S. Bapt. T. Sem., '69-79 ; Harvard University, '80—. Tribble, Henry Wise. b. Hanover Co., Va., Feb. 8, '60 ; Richmond College, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '84-85, '86-88, Full Graduate ; ord. Mt. Carmel ch., Caroline Co., Va., June, '85 ; p. Liberty and Hebron chs., Appomattox Co., Va., '85-86 ; 1st ch., Jackson, Tenn., '88—. Tribble, L. "W. Sem. '69-71, from Honeapath, S. C. Trotter, Isham Patton. b. near Lodi, Miss., June 8, '57 ; Miss. College, Clinton, Miss., A.M. ; Sem. (4) '82-86, Full Graduate ; ord. Winona, Miss., Sept. or Oct., '81 ; p. Macedohia and Pineville, La., Oct., '81-Aug. 15, '82; Buck Creek, Shelby Co., Ky., Jan., '83-Jan., '84; Elk Creek, Sept., '84-May, '85 ; Orleans, Ind., May, '85-May, '86 ; Brownsville, Tenn., Oct. 10, '86 — ; pres. pro tern, of Brownsville Female College, May and June, '88. Truett, George E. b. Franklin, Tenn., Feb. 18, '54 ; Union University, Murfrees- boro, Tenn., also University of Leipsic, Ger. ; Sem. (3) '72-75 ; ord. Edgefield (now part of Nashville) ch., Tenn., Sept., '73 ; p. Frank- lin, Tenn., '77-78 ; Gay St., Georgetown, D. C, '79-80 ; Mt. Gilead and Farmwell, Va., '81 ; Emmanuel Mission, Nashville, Tenn., '82- 83 ; Falls ch., Va., '84-87 ; Fourth St., Portsmouth, Va., '88—. f Truex, Harvey Eldon. b. Mt. Gilead, Morrow Co., O., Apr. 21, '61 ; William Jewell Col- 200 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. lege, Liberty, Mo., A.B. ; Sem. '87-89, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng.. Syst. Eng., Heb., Gk., Syst. Lat., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Pol. ; ord. Smith's Fork ch., Clinton Co., Mo., Nov. 22, '85 ; p. Smith's Fork ch.. Mo., Apr., '85-Oct., '86; assistant p. Broadway ch., Louisville, Ky., Feb.-Oct., '89 ; Gallatin, Tenn — . Truman, C. S. Sem. '84-85, from Bagdad, Ky. Tucker, Joel Thomas. b. near Well Water P. O., Buckingham Co., Va., June 18, '54 ; Richmond College ; Sem. (3) '85-88, English Graduate ; ord. Sharon (Sandy Eiver) ch.. Prince Edward Co., Aug., '83 ; p. Hopewell ch., New Kent Co., V^., Mar., '80-Oot., '85, Black Creek ch., Apr., '80- Mar., '83, Brouches ch., Chesterfield Co., Feb., '83-Oct., '85 ; Cedar Creek ch., Ky., and New Prospect, Ind., Sept., '87-June, '88* Hawesville and Cloverport, Ky., June, '88-Sept., '89 ; East End ch., Richmond, Va., Sept., '89—. Tucker, Robert A. b. Amherst Co., Va,, Sept, 24, '57 ; Richmond College; Sem. (1) '87-83, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N.- T. Eng., Syst. Eng. ; ord. Cen- tral ch., Lowesville, Amherst Co., Va., Nov. 4, '88 ; prin. Buffalo Springs Academy, Amherst Co., Va., '85-87 ; p. Clifton Forge and Sharon chs., Alleghany Co., Va,, Get., '88 — . Tuggle, M. B. Sem, '71-72, from Canton, Ga, Tupper, Henry Allen, Jr- b. Washington, Ga., June 22, '56 ; Charleston College, S, C„ Rich- mond College, Va., University, of Va. ; Sem, (3) '76-79, Full Grad- uate; D.D., from Georgetown College, '88; ord. Harrodsburg, Ky., summer of '79 ; p. Harrodsburg, Ky. ; Broadway ch., Louisville, Ky.-. Tupper, Kerr Boyce- b. Washington, Ga., Feb. 2, '54 ; Mercer University, Ga., A.B. • Alphabetical List of Students. 201 an'l A.M. ; Sera. (3) '72-75, grad. in all the schools except Syst. Lat. ; ord. Charlottesville, Va., July 4, '75 ; D.D., from Central University, Iowa ; pres. Grand Raj.ids Asso., Mich., Sept., '87-Sept., '88 ; p. Charlottesville, Va., July, '75-May, '77 ; Paducah, Ky., June, '77-June, '80 ; supplied Mich. Avenue ch., Chicago, 1 yr. ; p. Marquette, Mich., May, '81-Jan., '85 ; Granrl Rapids, Mich., May, '85-Mar. 23, '90 ; 1st ch., Denver, Colo., Apr. 13, '90—. Turner, R. M. Sem. '81-82, from Spartanburg, S. C. Tynes, Walter Edwin. b. Pearl River, Marion Co., Miss.; Sem. (1^) '82-84, grad. Syst. Eng.; ord. Osyka, Miss., Mar. 8, '72 ; p. Osyka, Miss., '72 and '73; Baton Rouge, La., '74 and '75 ; evangelist, '76 ; p. Summit, Miss., '77 and '78 ; Canton, Miss., '79-83; Fort Worth, Tex., '84 and '85 ; Denison, Tex., '86—. Underwood, F. R. Sem. '67-70, from Newton Grove, N. C, grad. N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn., Ch. Gov., B. Int., O. T. Eng., Ch. Hist. TTrton, Benjamin. b. Garrard Co., Ky., Mar. 30, '48 ; Sera. (1) '85-86 ; ord. Mt. Heb- ron ch., Garrard Co., Ky., Oct. 31, '75 ; p. Salt River ch., July 1, '79-July, '85, Benton ch., Mercer Co., Ky., Sept. 1, '80—, Deep Creek ch., Mercer Co., Ky., '85, Hopewell ch., '84 and '89, Bruner's Chapel, Sept., '88 -. Van Arsdale, Columbus. b. Waterford, Spencer Co., Ky., Dee. 15, '51 ; Bethel College ; Sem. a few weeks, '83-84 ; ord. Fisherville, Jefferson Co., Ky., Apr., '76 ; p. Cedar Creek, Ky., '76-81 ; Little Flock, Bullitt Co., Ky., and:Elk Creek, Spencer Co., Ky., '80-82 ; Dover, Shelby Co., Ky., '84 — , Ballirdsville, '85—. Vance, Daniel Brevard. b. Wilson Co., Tenn., Feb. 20, '45 ; Sem. (f) '83-84 ; ord. Wood- 202 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. bury, Tenn., '75 ; p. Marion, Auburn, Shiloh and Mt. Pleasant, Can- non Co., Tenn., Barren Fork, Warren Co., Tenn., Round Lick, Wil- son Co., Tenn. f Van Ness, Isaac J. b. Orange, N. J., July 15, '60 ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int., Syst. Eng., Pol., Ch. Hist., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr., p. Nashville, Tenn. — . Vann, Richard Tilman. b. near Win ton, Hertford Co., N. C, Nov. 24, '51 ; Wake Forest College, XB.; Sem. (2) '73-74, '75-76, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn., Gk. Jr., Heb. Jr.; ord. Mt. Tabor ch., Hertford Co., N. C, '74 ; prin. Scotland Neck High School, N. C, Sept., '77-Dec., '78 ; prof. Eng. and Mor. Ph. in C. B. F. Institute, Murfreesboro, N. C, Oct., '81-June, '83 ; cor. sec. Bd. of Ed. Bapt. State Con., N. C, Sept., '84-Dec., '87 ; p. Scotland Neck and Wil- liaraston, N. C, June, '74-Aug., '75 ; Enfield, Halifax, Weldon and Crowells, N. C, Jan., '79-Jane, '81 ; Murfreesboro and Jackson, N. C, Oct., '8I-0ct., '83 ; Wake Forest, N. C, Oct., '83-Oct., '89 ; Edenton, N. C, Oct., '89—. Vass, James Leiand. b. Red Sulphur Springs, Monroe Co., Va., Apr. 1, '40 ; Richmond College; Sem. (2) '69-71, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., B. Int., Pol., Horn., Ch. Gov.; ord. 1st ch., Richmond, Va., 4th S., May, '71 ; p. Spartanburg, S. C, June 1, '71-July 1, '84 ; Americus, Ga., July 1, '84-Mar. 1, '85 ; Jackson, Tenn., Mar. 1, '85-Apr. 1, '88 ; Swift Creek ch., Darlington, S. C, Apr. 1, '88—. Vaughan, Ellas Lafayette. b. Carroll, Va., Jan. 26, '44 ; Sem. (1) '76-77; ord. 2dch., Macon, Ga. ; p. Bethel, Bibb Co., Ga., Union ch., Dodge Co., Ga., Rockwell, Telfair Co., Horse Creek, Telfair Co., McVille ch., Telfair Co., Ga., and other missionary work in East Ga. ; Bell wood ch., Atlanta, Ga.; Ira St. ch., Atlanta, Ga. Alphabetical List of Students. 203 Veech, Monroe. b. near Sonora, Hardin Co., Ky. ; Sera. (2| mos.) '87-88 ; ord. Little Flock ch., Grayson Co., Ky., Apr. 29, '82 ; missionary work. Von Pusch, Arthur. Sem. '76-77, from Berlin, Germany. TValdrop, Elisha Byars. b. Jefferson Co., Ala., Sept. 16, '39 ; High School in Jefferson Co., Ala. ; Sem. (3 mos.) '69-70; ord. Ruhama ch., Jefferson Co., Ala., '72, presb. Revs. T. C. Boykin, James Grimes and A, J. Wuldrop ; p. Pleasant Ridge ch., Jefferson Co., Ala., '74-87, Williamsburg, 2 yrs.. Sulphur Springs, 10 yrs., Salem, 5 yrs., Village Springs, 1 yr. ; Oak Grove ch., Ala., '88—. "Walker, J. E. W. b. Augusta, Ga., Jan. 9, '60 ; Furman University ; Sem. (|) '84- 85 ; ord. Big Stephen's Creek ch., Edgefield Co., S. C, Sept., '86 ; p. Summerhill, S. C, '87-88, Mt. Lebanon, S. C, 87—, Mt. Zion, '88 and '89, Berea, Gilgal and Red Oak Grove, Edgefield Co., S. C— . "Walker, "William Stokes, b. Monroe, Ga., Nov. 19, '58; University of Ga., A.B.; Sem. (2) and part of two others, '77-82, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr., Pol., B. Int., Hom., Ch. Hist., Ch, Gov. ; ord. Monroe, Ga., Dec. 4, '81 ; missionary of S. B. Con. at Shanghai, China, Jan. 26, '82-Feb. 20, '84, sailed Dec. 12, '81 ; p. Monroe, Ga., Nov., '85— . Waller, John D. Sem. '83-84, from Magnolia, Ark. Waller, S. B. Sem. '84-85, from Oak Hill, Tex. f "Walne, Ernest Nathan. b. Brownsville, Hinds Co., Miss., Jan. 20, '67 ; Miss. College, B.L.; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng.; ord. Greenville, Miss., June 17, '88 ; p. Leland, Miss., Jan.-Oct., '88 ; Buck Run ch., Franklin Co., Ky., June, '89—. 204 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. "Ward, Arthur Church. b. Northampton, Northamptonshire, England, Nov. 13, '52; Mer- cer University, A.M. ; Sem. (1) 77-78; ord. Brunswick, Ga., May 6, '78 ; prof, of Lat. and Gk., Agricultural College at Dahlonega, Ga., Sept., '86-Sept., '88 ; mod. New Union Asso., '88 ; p. Brunswick, Ga., Oct., '78-Oct., '83 ; Dahlonega, Ga., July, '85—. f "Ward, William Joseph. b. Bladenboro, N. C, Feb. 1, '58 ; Wake Forest College, B.L. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Past. D. and P. P., Ch. Gov. ; ord. McKinney, Ky., Aug. 16, '89 ; p. McKinney and Pleasant Point chs., Ky., June, '89 — . "Ware, Ed-win Oswald. b. Westbend, Powell Co., Ky., Oct. 29, '53 ; A. and M. College of Ky., at Lexington ; Sem. (1^) '86-88, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Horn., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Twolick ch., Mason Co., Ky., Nov. 12, '85 S. S. evangelist in Ten Mile, Union and Bracken Assos., Ky., 2 yrs. p. Brooksville, Bracken Co,, and Twolick, Mason Co., '85 and '86 Cheneyville and Pineville, La., Feb., '88 — . Ware, John R. Sem. '77-78, from Louisville, Ky. Ware, Thomas De Coursey. b. Newport, Ky., Feb. 26, '63 ; Georgetown College ; Sem. (2^) '84-87; orU. Licking Valley ch., Campbell Co., Ky., May 30, '75 ; p. Licking Valley and Licking chs., a short while in '75 and '76 ; Old Twelve Mile, Campbell Co., Ky., '79 and '80; one year at Mt. Lookout, Cincinnati, O, in '83 and '84 ; one year and a half at He- lena, Ark., in '87 and '88 ; West La Fayette, Ind., Nov., '88 — . Wate, T. A. Sem. '71-72, from Cold Spring, S. C. Watkins, Asa Carrell. b. Calhoun Co., Ala., Mar. 29, '57 ; Mississippi College, A.B., '86 . Sem. (2) '86-88, grad, Syst. Eng., Ch. Gov., N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng.,' B. Int., Hom., Pol., Past. D. ; ord. 1st ch., Jackson, Miss., |^May 2, Alphabetical List of Students. 205 '86 ; p. New Prospect cli., Rankin Co., Miss., Apr.-June, '86 ; Rod- ney and Fellowship chs., Jefferson Co., Miss., and Simms Chapel, Claiborne Co., Miss., June 1-Oct., '86; Boonville, Ind., June 1- Sept. 1, '87; Mitchell, Ind., Oct. 1, '87-June 1, '88; Canton, Miss., Oot.-Dec. 31, '88 ; missionary located at Musquiz, Coahuila, Mex- ico, Jan. 5, '89 — . fWatkins, George Thomas. b. Adoniram, N. C, May 22, '64 ; Wake Forest College, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Past. D. and P. P., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Enon, N. C, A«g. 14, '89. Watson, Elijah Calvin. b. Aug. 27, '63 ; Furman University ; Sem. (|) '84-85 ; ord. Cedar Shoal ch., Spartanburg Co., S. C, 5th S., Jan., '86 ; p. Antioch, New- hope, Unity, Spartanburg Co., Union and Lancaster, Laurens Co., S. C, Jan., '86 — , except Unity. "Waugh, C. V. Sem. '74-75, from Manchester, Va. ■Webb, C. W. Sem. '75-76, from Clinton, Miss. Webb, John Clarence. b. Genesee, Waukesha Co., Wis., June 9, '46 ; Madison Univer- sity, Hamilton, N. Y. ; Sem. (1) '77-78; ord. Bloomington, Wis., Oct. 8, '73; p. Broadhead, Wis., Apr.-Sept., '71; Melrose, Wis., Oct., '71-Oct., '72; Bloomington, Wis., Oct., '72-June, '74; Lake Mills, Wis., June, '7'l^Sept., '75 ; Portland Avenue, Louisville, Ky., Jan.-July, '78; Healdsburg, Cal., July, '87- June, '89 ; Ceres, Cal., Sept.. '89— * Webster, T. Butler, Sem. '81-85, from Ladonia, Tex., English Graduate; died at Pearsall, Texas, '88. Weil, T. J. Sem. '82-83, from Santa Cruz, Cal., grad. O. T. Eng., Gk. Jr. 206 Southern Baptist Theologwal Seminary. Wells, E. D. Sem. '88-89, from Warsaw, N. C. "Wells, James Morgan. b. Harrodsburg, Ky. ; Georgetown College, A.B. ; Sem. '82-83 ; ord. Harrodsburg, Ky. ; p. (1) Carrollton, Ky., (2) Buck Kun and Great Crossing, (3) Cane Eun, (4) Mt. Sterling, Ky., (5) Fort Worth, Texas ; D.D. Wells, J. U. Sem. '88-89, from Smith Grove, Ky. *Wescott, J, T. Sem. '68-71, from SmithviUe, N. C, grad. N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Hom., Ch. Gov., B. Int. *West, D. A. b. Jefferson Co., Ind., Apr. 23, '61 ; Sem. (1) '83-84, grad. Ch Gov. and Past. D., B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. ; ord. Flora ch., Carroll Co., Ind. ; p. Flora ch., 1 yr. ; died Apr. 14, '90, in Ind. West, Thomas Leigh. b. White Chimneys, Louisa Co., Va., Aug. 10, '59 ; Richmond College, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '84-87, Full Graduate and Pat. Gk. ; ord. West Point, Va., Oct., '87 ; p. West Point, Va., Oct. 1, '87- Aug. 1, '89 ; Carrollton, Mo., Aug. 1, '89—. ^Wharton, George. Sem. '74-76, from Brooksville, Miss., grad. O. T. Eng. Wharton, H. M. b. Culpeper Co., Va., Sept. 11, '48 ; Roanoke College, Va. ; Sem. (1) '73-74, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Horn.; ord. Alexandria, Va. ; p. Luray ; Lee St. ch., Baltimore, Md., 3 yrs. ; Brantly Memorial ch., Baltimore — ; pres. Luray F. Sem. — ; Edi- tor Baltimore Baptist — ; founder of publishing and book house of Wharton, Barron & Co. ; author of " Gospel Talks," '' Curse and Chains of Rome," '' Pulpit, Pew and Pla'tform " ; Evangelist; D.D- from Howard College, Birmingham, Ala., '90. Alphabetical List of Students. 207 Wheatley, J. B. Sem. '84-85, from Eagle Station, Kj. White, Alexander Newton. b. Cochran's Cross Eoads, De Soto Co., Mi?s., Apr. 3, '44 ; Union University, Murfreesboro, Tenn. ; Sem. (|) '80-81, matriculated as a grad. of Crozer Theo. Sem. ; ord. Lancaster City, Pa., Sept. 16, '73; p. Lancaster, Pa., July, '73-Aug., '74 ; Paris, Ky., Aug., '74- June, '76; Carlisle, Ky., June, '76-May, '80; Jeffersonville, Tnd., May, '80-Aug., '81 ; Ghent, Ky., Aug., '81-Mar., '86 ; Greenfield, O., Mar., '86-Apr., '88 ; McConnelsville, Apr., '88-Apr., '90 ; P. O. Carlisle, Ky. *Wliite, Jesse G. Sem. '60-61, from Athens, Ga. ; died before '69. White, R, E. Sem. '74-77, from Ninety Six, S. C, English Graduate. White, W. B. Sem. '86-87, from Caddo, Tex. W^hitehead, Lewis C. b. Carroll Co., Miss., Aug. 23, '50 ; Sem. (U) '72-74; ord. Mt. Nebo, Carroll Co., Miss., Aug. 29, '80 ; p. Bethsaida, Oak Grove, Harmony, Mt. Pleasant, Prospect, Pisgah, Mt. Nebo, Miss. Whitman, Charles D. b. Burnsville, Ala., Mar. 23, '55; Bethel College; Sem. (|) '88- 89, grad. Past. D. and P. P., Ch. Gov. ; ord. New Market, Ala., Dec. 23," '79 ; prin. New Market High School, Ala., Aug. 1-Dec. 21, '79 ; Mountain Dale Male and Female Sem., Waldo, Mo., Jan. 13, '80- Apr. 1, '81 ; p. Antioch, Good Spring, Pleasant Kidge, Shiloh and Marshfield, all in Webster Co., Mo., '80-85; Brown Wood, Mt. Pleasant, Old Danville and Willis, all in Montgomery Co., Tex., '86-88 ; Willis, Montgomery Co., and Anderson, Grimes Co., Tex.—. Whitman, H. A. Sem. '73-75, '76-78, from Ringgold, Ga., Full Graduate. 208 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. "Whitsitt, "William Heth. b. Nov. 25, '41 ; Union University, A.M., University of Va. ; Sem. (2) '67-69, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., Heb., N. T. Eng., Gk., Syst. Eng., Ch. Hist., Ch. Gov. and Past. D. ; ord. Mill Creek ch., near Nashville, Tenn., Feb., '62 ; p. Mill Creek ch., '65-67 ; Albany, Ga., Feb.- July, '72 ; D.D., from Mercer University, '73 ; LL.D., from William Jewell College, Georgetown College, South Western Bapt. U., '86. ^Whitson, Samuel N. Sem. '59-62, from Currituck Co., N. C, grad. Heb., Ch. Hist. "Whittinghill, Alexander N. b. near Fordsville, Ohio Co., Ky., Apr. 20, '46 ; Ford's Seminary ; Sem. (f) '81-82; ord. Panther Creek ch., Ohio Co., Ky., Sept. 22, '76; p. Friendship, Hancock Co., Ky., '76 and '77, Pisgah ch., Breckinridge Co., Ky., 2 yrs., Stevensport, 1 yr., Mt. Pleasant ch., Ohio Co., 1 yr., Macedonia ch., Ohio Co., 2 yrs., all in '76, '77 and '78 ; missionary in Blackford Asso., '79 ; p. Seven Gums ch., Union Co., Ky., '80 ; Pleasant Grove, Hopkins Co., Ky., '82, Cave Spring, Muhlenburg Co., Ky., '82 and '83, Oakland ch.. Christian Co., Ky., '83 ; Pigeon ch., Spencer Co., Ind., '83 and '84, Pleasant Valley, 6 mos., in '83 ; 1st ch., Anna and Jonesboro, 111., '85 and '86 ; Pleas- ant Hill and Lost Kun, Breckinridge Co., Ky., '87-90, Pleasant Grove ch., Ohio Co., Ky., '87 and '88, Pilgrim ch., Grayson Co., Ky., '87 and '88 ; Duncan Valley as p. and missionary of Goshen Asso. — . "Whittle, "Walter Andrew. b. Pine Apple, Ala., Jan. 20, '60; Howard College; Sem. (3) '82-85, English Graduate ; ord. Pine Apple, Ala. ; p. Greensburg, Ind., '84 and '85 ; Colorado, Tex., '85-87 ; travelled in Europe and Bible Lands for more than a year. "Wildman, James "William. b. near Lynchburg, Campbell Co., Va., Oct. 16, '51 ; Richmond College; Sem. (H) '74-76, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov. and Past. D., B. Int. ; ord. Burton's Creek, Campbell Co., Va., Aug., Alphabetical List of Students. 209 '76 ; p. Fincastle, Va., 76-81 ; Eoanoke, Va., '81-84 ; Laurinburg, N. C, '85-87 ; Greenville, N. C, '87-89 ; Witt Union, Prince Ed- ward Co., Va., '89 — . f "Wiley, James L. b. Frederick Co., Va., July 11, '59; Sem. '87-88; p. Mountain ch., Clarke Co., Va., 12 mos., Kileyville, Page Co., Va., 6 mos., Ben- tonville, Warren Co., Va., 6 mos. Wilkin, George F. Sem. '79-80, from Warsaw, N. Y. "Wilkins, T. J. Sem. '65-66, from S. C. ^Willard, J. M. Sem. '76-80, from Keokuk Junction, 111., Full Graduate; died at Bolivar, Mo., Jan. 8, '86. Willett, A. R. b. Meade Co., Ky., Sept. 19, '63 ; Georgetown College, A.B. ; Sem. (1—) '88-89 ; ord. Buck Grove-eh., Meade Co., Ky., Oct. 23, '83; p. Cold Springs and Franklin Cross Koads, Ky., '83 ; Blossom Prairie and Clarksville, Tex., '83 and '84 ; Belmont and Independence chs., Ky., '88 and '89 ; Vevay, Ind., '89—. Willett, J. J. b. Hill Grove P. O., Meade Co., Ky., Jan. 22, '61 ; Bardstown and Georgetown Colleges; Sem. nearly (1) '84-85; ord. Hill Grove ch., July, '84 ; p. Mill Creek, '84, Valley Creek, '84-90, White Mills and Khodes Creek, '85-90,— all in Hardin Co., Ky., West Big Spring, Meade Co., Ky., '85, Middle Creek, Ky., '88-89 ; Friend- ship, Centre Square and Brushfor, Ind. — . "Willhoite, T. R. Sem. '80-81, from Cleveland, Tenn. W^illiams, Charles McCay. b. Auburn, Ala., Oct. 25, '53 ; Furman University, B.Ph. ; Sem. (1) '81-82, grad. Heb. Jr., Gk. Jr., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. ; ord. Elizabethtown, Ky., Aug. 9, '83; A.M., from La Grange College, 14 210 Southern Baptist Theological Seininary, '84; prin. Mayfield Sera., Sept., '77-June, '81; prof. Monticello Sem., Mo., '83-84 ; prin. Huntsville Sera., Mo., '84-85 ; prof. Math., Lat. and Gk., Grand Eiver College, Edinburg, Mo., '85-89; prof. Math, and Nat. Science in Hardin College, Mexico, Mo. — ; p. Ten Mile and Gilead, Lewis Co., Mo., '84; Union, Grundy Co., Mo., '86 and '87, Liberty, Grundy Co., Mo., '86-89, Union, Livingston Co., Mo., '88 ; Curry ville and Farber chs., Feb., '89—. Williams, George Franklin. b. Ashfield, Mass., Apr. 22, '33; Rochester University, A.B., '60 ; Sem. (2) '60-62, grad. O. T. Eng., Heb., N. T. Eng., Gk., Syst. Eng., Hom., Ch. Gov. and Past. D. ; ord. 1st. ch., Greenville, S. C, May 17, '63; missionary to Confederate Army, '62-65 ; county and city of Mobile, Ala., '65-67 ; Dec. 4, '67, established Marine St. mission in Mobile, which afterwards became Palmetto St. ch., and was pas- tor of it until Oct. 23, '73 ; Nov. 2, '73, took charge of Venable St. mission in Richmond, Va., organized a ch. Apr. 26, '74, and was p. till Mar., '80 ; p. Ridge Spring, S. C, Apr., '80-Apr., '87 ; Bethel and Riverton chs., Va., and Millwood mission. May 27, '87-Oct., '88; city missionary of Richmond, Va., Dec. 1, '88 — . Williams, Henry Wiley. b. near Sugar Grove, Smyth Co., Va., July 18, '60 ; Richmond College, A.B., '87 ; Sem. (1) '88-89, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., B. Int., Past. D., Ch. Gov., Gk. Jr. ; ord. Broadway ch., Louisville, Ky., May 19, '89 ; assistant p. 1st ch., Richmond, Va., Oct. 1, '87-Nov. 7, '88 ; Lawrenceburg, Ky., Apr. 14, '89—. Williams, Joseph Franklin. b. near Glencoe, Gallatin Co., Ky., June 21, '59 ; Georgetown Col- lege, Ky., A.B. ; Sem. (3) '85-88, Full Graduate ; ord. Glencoe, Ky., Aug. 10, '86 ; p. North Vernon, Ind., July, '86-May, '88 ; Rich- mond, Ky., May, '88-Mar., '90 ; North ch., Indianapolis, Ind., Mar., '90—. Williams, J. P. Sem., '87-88, from Rodney, Miss. Alphabetical List of Students. 211 Williams, James R. Sem. '84-85, from Salem, Ind. "Williams, Nicholas Butt. b. Wetumpka, Ala., Nov. 18, '45 ; Sem. (3) '68-71, English Grad- uate; missionary to China, '71-76 ; on return missionary agent for a year or two ; ord. Montgomery, Ala., Nov. 12, '71 ; p. (1) Gadsden, Ala., '79 ; (2) Livingston, Gainesville and Samterville, Ala., '80-83; (3) Brevard, N. C, '83 ; (4) Clinton, Prosperity and Upper Duncan's Creek, S. C, '84-87 ; (5) Bishopville, S. C, Mayesville, 2i yrs., Lynchburg, 2 yrs., Pisgah and Liberty Hill, 1 yr., Horeb and Har- mony, '87-90 ; still at Bishopville, Horeb and Harmony. Williams, W. B. Sem. '72-78, from Campbell Co., Va. Williams, William Harrison. b. Richmond, Va., July 18, '40 ; Richmond College, A.M. ; Sem. (3) '61-62, '66-68, Full Graduate; ord. Richmond, Va., '65 ; D.D., from Howard College, Ala., '84 ; prof. Tuscaloosa Female Col- lege, '74-76 ; p. Fredericksburg, Va., '65-66 ; Charleston, S. C, '68- 69 ; Staunton, Va., '69-70 ; Tuscaloosa, Ala., '70-77 ; Charlottesville, Va., '77-82 ; Editor Central Baplisi, St. Louis, Mo., '82—. Williams, William Judson. b. Penfield, Ga., July 8, '58; University of Ga., A.B. ; Sem. (3) '80-83, Full Graduate; ord. Providence ch., Franklin Co., Ky., 1st S. in April, '83; Providence ch., Franklin Co., Ky., together with Nicholasville ch., '83-Oct., '85; Providence with Lawrenceburg, Ky., '86-May, '87 ; Providence, together with Mt. Pleasant and North Fork chs., Franklin Co., Ky., '87-89 ; Thomas- ville, Ga., Jan. 1, '89—. fWilliamson, Archibald Alexander. b. Hawesville, Hancock Co., Ky., May 3, '56 ; Centre College, Danville, Ky. ; Sem. a part of (3) '84-87 ; ord. Knob Creek Bapt. ch., Bullitt Co., Ky., Nov. 1, '85 ; vice-pres. and pres. of Y. M. C. Asso., Burnbank, Hamilton, Scotland, '78 and '79 ; p. Knob Creek, Shepherdsville, Bullitt Co., Ky. ; Florence, Boone Co., Ky., Alex- 212 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. andria, Campbell Co., Ky. ; certificate of music from Tonic Sol-Fa College, London, England, 78, 79 and '80. Willingham, Robert Josiah. b. Beaufort Dist., S. C, May 15, '54; University of Ga., A.M.; Sera. (1) '77-79, grad. Ch. Gov. ; ord. Macon, Ga., June 2, 78 ; D.D., from Carson College, Tenn., '89 ; p. Talbotton, Ga., with adjacent chP., '79-82; Barnesville, Ga., Jan. 1, '82-Sept., '87, also at same time Milner, Ga., one S. in a mo. ; 1st ch., Chattanooga, Tenn., Sept., '87—; vice-pres. F. M. Bd. S. B. Con. for Tenn., May, '89—. V7illis, J. M. Sem. 78-79, from Elberton, Ga., grad. Ch. Gov. Willis, J. "W. Sem. '87-88, from Bas?, Ala., grad. B. Int., Heb. Jr., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng. Willis, Paul. b. Flemington, Fla., Dec. 2, '52 ; Sem. (3) '76-79, English Gradu- ate ; ord. Stafford's Pond (now Williston) ch.. Levy Co., Fla. ; p. Peniel ch., Fla., Nov. 2, '79-Nov. 2, '82 ; Monticello, Live Oak, Eb- enezer chs., Fla., Apr. 15, '83-June, '85 ; Barnwell, S. C, July 1, '86 -Oct. 31, '86 ; Brooksville, Sumterville, Centre Hill, Oxford, Eden and Bushnell chs., Fla., between Jan., '87, and Jan., '90; Sanford, Fla., Jan., '90 — ; pres. Alachua Asso., Fla., also clerk of same ; sec. Fla. Bapt. Con. ; associate editor Christian Index for Fla. Willoughby, Marion J. b. Little Kock, Marion Co., S. C, Oct. 4, '53 ; Wake Forest Col- lege ; Sem. (f) '85-86; ord. Wake Forest College, N. C, Nov. 12, '82 ; prin. of Eng. and Math. School at Nashville, N. C, '85-89; p. New Hope, Wilson Co., N. C, '83-85; Nashville, N. C, and Pleas- ant Grove, Nash Co., N. C, '85-89,'during this time served Hickory ch., 2 yrs., Rehoboth and Ephesus chs., 1 year ; chs. in Marion Co., S. C, Junel,'89— . fWilson, Charles Littell. b. Spring Hill, Augusta .Co., Va., Dec. 6, '48 ; Wake Forest Col- Alphabetical List of Students. 213 lege ; Sem. (1) '88-89, from Raleigh, N. C. ; prof, of Music at 5 ses- sions of the State Normal School at the University of N. C, also teacher of vocal music in the Graded School at Wilson, N. C. "Wilson, "William Henry. b. Summerfield, Guilford Co., N. C. ; Wake Forest (College ; Sem. (1) '81-82; Ephesus ch., Person Co., N. C. ; prin. Madison High School for a short time; p. Eed Bank, Mt. Hermon, Providence chs., in Pilot Mt. Asso., N. C, Madison, Summerfield, Beaver Island and Sharon chs., in Beulah Asso., N. C. "Wingate, Walter Blackwell. b. Wake Forest, N. C, May 29, '58 ; Wake Forest College ; Sem. (1) '84-85 ; ord. Yancey ville, N. C, June, '85 ; p. Yancey viUe, N. C, '85-88 ; Roxobel, N. C, '88—. "Wingo, Isham Woodruff. b. Spartanburg Co., S. C, May 22, '50; Furman University, A.B. ; Sem. (3) '74-77, Full Graduate ; ord. Holly Springs ch., Spar- tanburg Co., S. C, 5th S., July, '77 ; p. Walhalla, '78, Pendleton, '78-81, Belton, '81 ; Camden, '82-Apr., '83; Gaffney, Apr., '83,— all towns in S. C, in connection with these served the following country chs.: Lima, '77, Lebanon, '79-80, Hopewell, '79, Mt. Olivet, '82- Apr., '83, Bethlehem, Apr., '83-85, Wellford, Apr., '83-'88, Abner's Creek, '86-87, and Limestone Spring, '87 — ; teacher of Math, in Cooper Limestone Institute, a female college at Limestone Spring, S. C, Sept., '87—. Wise, Ivan Monroe. b. Lisbon, La., July 15, '54; Miss. College and William Jewell College; Sem. (3) '83-85, '86-89, English Graduate and Ger. ; ord. Sharon ch., Claiborne Parish, La., Sept. 20, '77 ; prin. Oak Kidge High School, La., '77-78, and La Vetu, a select and graded school, Colorado ; p. Oak Ridge, La., 77-78 ; Independence, Mo., '80-81 ; Camden, Ark., '82-84; Covington, Tenn., '84-87; Parkland ch., Louisville, Ky., '87-89 ; Corydon, Ky.— . ^-Witt, J. D. Sem. '59-60, from Prince Edward Co., Va., grad. O. T. Eng., Heb., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., and Past. D. ; died in '60. 214 Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. "Womack, Benjamin Robert. ^ b. Bellefonte, Ala., Jackson Co., Dec. 23, '49; Union University^ Tenn., A.M. ; Sem. (3) 72-75, gr;id. O. T. Eng., B. Int., Gk., Syst. Eug., Horn. ; also attended Sem. at Chicago, and obtained degree of B.D. ; D.D., from Judsonia University, Ark., ''81 ; ord. Bethel ch., near Bellefonte, Ala,, '67 ; p. Augusta, Ga. ; Memphis, Tenn. ; taught one high school ; edited Baptist Reflector, Nashville, Tenn. ; established Arkansas Baptist, under the name of Ark. Evangel, and edited it 6 yrs. 'Womack, J. K. Sem. '85-86, from Eagleville, Tenn. *Wood, G. S. Sem. '81-83, from Cartersville, Va., English Graduate ; died at Marion, Va., about '85. "Wood, Matthe-wL. b. Bedford Co., Va., Oct. 23, '58 ; Eichmond College ; Sem. (1) '84-85, grad. Gk., Hom., N. T. Eng.; ord. County Line ch., Halifax Co., Va., Aug. 18, '83; p. (1) Mt. Pleasant and Manoah chs., Charles City Co., Va., June 14, '85-Jan., '86; (2) West End, Petersburg, Va., Feb. 5, '86-Dec. 31, '87; (3) Newport News, Va., Jan. 1, '88—. f Wood, Norman Barton. b. near Russell's Cave, Fayette Co., Ky., Aug. 18, '59; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. N. T. Eng., Pol., Ch. Hist., B. Int., Syst. Eng., Past. D., Ch. Gov. ; ord. Mt. Sterling ch., July 11, '88; p. Fairview ch., Har- rison Co., Ky., — ; prin. Milford school, Ky., '81. Woodfin, Augustus B. b. Eichmond, Va., Mar. 21, '38 ; Richmond College, A.B. ; Sem. (1) '61-62, grad. N. T. Eng., Gk., Syst. Eng., Hom., Ch. Gov. and Past. D. ; ord. Powhatan Co., Va., Oct., '62 ; D.D., from Howard College, '80 ; p. Muddy Creek ch., Powhatan Co., Va., Oct., '62-Nov., '63 ; then Chap. Army Northern Va. to close of war ; p. Mt. Craw- ford and Laurel Hill, Va., Mar., '66-Oct., '67; Eussell St., Coving- ton, Ky., Nov., '67-July, '68 ; St. Francis St., Mobile, Ala., Dec, '68- Alphabetical Lht of Students, 215 Aug., 74 ; Columbia, S. C, Mar., '75- June, 77 ; Chaplain to Univer- sity of Va., '77-79; Montgomery, Ala. (1st ch.), Mar.,-'80-Apr., '84 ; Hampton, Va., May 1, '84—. *Woodsmall, Harrison. b. Gosport, Ind., June 9; Bloomington College, Ind., and Ann Arbor, Mich. ; Sem. '73-75, grad. N. T. Eng., O. T. Eng., Syst. Eng. ; was engaged in missionary work among the colored people in Ga., Ala., Tenn., Miss., and La. from '74 to '87. Woodson, Charles Alexander. b. Botetourt Co., Va., July 30, '40; Eoanoke College and Emory and Henry College, Va. ; Sem. (3) '68-72, English Graduate ; ord. Aberdeen, Miss , July 18, '69 ; prin. Christiansburg Male Academy, Va., '81 ; p. Columbia, Ala., and Blakely, Ga., Nov., '72-Nov., '78 ; Birmingham, Ala., Nov.-Dec, '74; Christiansburg Depot, Va., Jan. 8, '75-Jan., '78; mission work in Montgomery Co., Va., Jan., '78- Jan., '82 ; Enfield, N. C, Jan., '82-Dec., '86 ; Beaufort and More- head City, N. C, Dec., '86- Aug., '89 ; Durham, N. C, doing mission work and serving several country chs. — "Woodson, T. E. Sem. '72-73, from Ivey Depot, Va. Wolford, J. E., Jr. b. Louisville, Ky., Aug. 16, '72; Georgetown College; Sem. (1) '88-89 ; licensed by 22d and Walnut St. ch., Louisville, Ky., Aug. 8, '88. Works, Samuel D. b. Troupsburg, N. Y., Feb. 8, '62 ; Cook Academy, N. Y. ; Sem. '87-88, grad. Syst. Eng., N. T.Eng., O. T. Eng. ; ord. Venice, N. Y., Aug. 28, '88 ; p. Venice, N. Y., July 1, '88 — , and supply at Scipio, May 17, '88—. Wright, James Henry. b. Portsmouth, Va., Dec, 7, '56; Eichmond College; Sem. (3 — ) '82-84, '85-86, grad. Syst. Eng., Ch. Hist., Ch. Gov., Past. D., Hom., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., B. Int. ; ord. Pine St. ch., Richmond, Va., 216 Southern Baptist Iheologioal Seminary. Oct. 12, 79 ; p. New Bethesda ch., Hanover Co., Va., Jan., 78-Sept., '80; Mountain Plain and Hardware, Albemarle Co., and Mount Shiloh, Nelson Co., Va., Oct., '80-Oct., '81, Sharon, Albemarle Co., Va., Oct., '80-July, '82; assistant p. 4th and Walnut St., Louisville, Ky., May, '83-May, '84, and from Sept., '85, 8 mos. ; Union Springs, Ala., July, '81-.July, '85; Kocksville, Ind., Nov., '86-July, '88; West End, Petersburg, Va., Sept., '88—. 'Wright, John Herndon. b. Caroline Co., Va. ; South Western Bapt. U., Tenn. ; Sem. part of (2) '83-85, grad. O. T. Eng., B. Int. ; ord. Johnson's Grove ch., Fulton Co., Tenn. ; p. Johnson's Grove, '81-82 ; Orleans, Ind., '83- 85 ; Olivet, near Paducah, Ky., June 1, '85-Apr., '90, Mt. Pisgah and Ewing, Fleming Co., and Dover, Mason Co., Ky., Apr. 1, '89- Apr., '90 ; Mt. Pisgah—. Wright, William Lineberry. b. Montgomery Co., N. C, Aug. 31, '49; Wake Forest College, A.B.;Sem. (1) '79-80, grad. O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Syst. Eng., Hom. ; ord. Wake Forest College, Jan. 1, '76; p. New Hope, N. C, Jan., '76-June, '79; Wake Union, Jan. -June, 79; Hillsboro, N. C, May, '80-Oct., '85, Graham, May, '80-Dec., '81, Mars Hill, May, '80-May, '83, Swepsonville, Jan., '81-Nov., '88, Reidsville, N. C, Oct., '85— ; vice-pres. F. M. Bd. of S. B. Con. for N. C, Nov., '87- Jan., '89. Yancey, G. W. Sem. '77-79, from Louisville, Ky. Yarborough, James Henry. b. Fairfield Co., S. C, Dec. 8, '56 ; Furman University ; Sem. (2) '87-89, English Graduate; ord. Little River ch., Fairfield Co.,S. C, Oct. 12, '89 ; pastor Little River ch.— . Yates, Robert T. b. Dallas Co., Ark., Jan. 21, '56 ; South Western Bapt. U., Jack- son, Tenn., B.S. ; Sem. (3^) '79-80, '82-85, Full Graduate ; ord. Jackson, Tenn., Sept., '81 ; p. Sulphur Springs and Gibson Station, Tenn. ; Little Rock, Ark. ; Ballardsville, Ky. ; Tyler, Tex. ; Den- ton, Tex. Alphabetical List of Students. 217 Yeatman, S M. Sem. '67-68, from D. C. Young, A. B Sem. 79-81, from Fabius Junction, Mo-, grad. O. T. Eng. jYoung, John Charles. b. Marion, Williamson Co., 111., Dec. 13, '65; South West Bapt. College, Bolivar, Mo., A.B., '87 ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. O. T. Eng.^ B. Int., Heb., Gk., N. T. Eng., Ch. Gov., Past. D. fYoung, Thomas Wiley. b. Stanton, Haywood Co., Tenn., June 25, '63 ; South Western Bapt. U., A.M., '87 ; Sem. (2) '87-89, grad. B. Int., O. T. Eng., N. T. Eng., Heb., Gk., Syst. Eng.; ord. Stanton, Tenn., June 14, '85; p. Bartlett and Egypt, Shelby Co., Tenn., June and July 1, '85- Oct. 1, '87 ; Portland Avenue, Louisville, June 1, '88 — . tYounger, W. H. Sem. '88-89, from Collinsville, Tex., grad. Ch. Gov., Past. D. Kecapitulatioii. Number of Students that have gone to the Foreign field ... 36 Number at present in the Foreign field 26 Number of Students deceased 70 Whole number of Students 1050 Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries 1 1012 01251 5757