- ■ FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY a hiiw^ f«; - ISCOURSE CONCERNING SINGING I N T H E •ublick Worftiip of GOD I N T H E Gospel-Church. By f. M. «8 Printed for the Author, MDCXC. (?) — Concerning Singing in the IVorjhij) of God. SEeing it hath pleafed the Almighty God by his fpecial Providence to de- liver his poor afflicted People in this Nation out of the Hands of their greateft Enemies, to ferve him without fear > what then is expected from us, but that in all things we mould ferve him with oneCon- fent, in Holinefs and Pughteoufnefs all the Days of our Lives? To which end he hath given us his blefled and holy Word as a Rule for our Faith and Practice. But that which is molt unhappy to many Saints who flncerely labour for, and long af- ter the perfect Union of the Church of Chriffc, is^ That we cannot all attain to one and the fame Conception of the Mind and Will of God revealed to us in the holy Scriptures. And though there are divers Things of Idler moment in which we dif- fer, yet there are others of greater Confe- quence that ought to be duly weighed in the Ballance of the Sanctuary, left through the Imbecillity or Weaknefs of fome Chriitians, and by the feeming plaulible Arguments of others, there ihould be a falling away from A 2 the 4 Concerning SMgins the Truth fo clearly rrtanifefted to us by the Holy Scriptures, and witnefled to by the Sufferings of the purelt Churches in our Age, who have born a lively Teftimony not only againft the humane prefcribed and precom- pofed Forms of Prayers, but of tinging of David's Pfaims, and other Hymns or Songs precompofcd by Man, as they are frequently ufed as part of the conftant and ordinary Worfhip of God inftituted in his Gofpel- Church. This being the Subject of the following Difcourfe, I (hall proceed to treat of it with as much Brevity and Clearnefs as I can, to convince the Judgment of the miltaken Rea- ders (and to confirm and prevent others) from the pra&ice of fo great an Error as will lead them to Apoflacy or Backfliding, who in this matter have lefs to fay for themfelves, than others have who are for a Form of Prayer. Ephef. 5. 18, 19. And be not drunk with Wine, wherein u Ex- G r.In. Set ce f s ^ y ut be filled with the Spirit : Speaking * to P k>\*s Afh y QHr j- e [ ves in pf a l mSy and Hymns, and fpiru im% tHal Songs, finging and making Melody in your Heart to the Lord. Col. 3. 16. Let the Word of Chrift dwell in you richly in all Wifdom \ teaching and admoniflung one ano- ther in Pfaims \ and Hymns, and fpirit ual Songs \ finging with Grace in ycnr Hearts to the Lord. That That which is needful, before we come to take notice of the feveral Heads to be treat- ed of, is, to confider of thofe two Texts which are made a Foundation for a vocal Singing together in theconftant Worfhipof God in the Gofpel-Church, tho fame things therein I leave todifcourfe hereafter. ift. Ephe£ 5. 19. Speaking to your fclves in Tfalms, frc. Neither from thefe Words, nor the Context relating to them, is there any Warrant for a vocal Speaking ; bat otherwife it muft be underftood of fpeak- ing to your own Heart, as it'sfaid, i Cor. 1 4. 28. But if there be no Interpreter, let him keep filence in the Church, and let him fpeakjo himfelf, and to God. So that fpeaking to your felves, may be taken, as this is exprefly laid, of keeping filence in the Church, and not of a fpeaking vocally to one another, but inwardly in their Hearts. And this is far- ther confirm'd by the word in in the Originafy- for there it is not x^^ fpeaking [to^\ but fpeak- ing \jn~] your felves^ in Pfalms, and Hymns, and Jti^V^Z* fpiritiial Songs, finging a?id making Melody infrJ'tA*^ yonr Hearts to the Lord. Wherein it's plain, ^"•'V'K^' that both the Speaking and the Melody is , inwardly in the Heart. #*/jr<%*J ^t&VtiMv***-, idly. Coloff. 3. 16. I confefs that vocal {^£% Singing is here to be underftood, otherwife £v^,c it could not be teaching and admonifhing to ^o&S^ others in Word and Deed, ver. 17. but yet^W^* herein is nothing to prove a vocal Singing to- *A*~~^ gether by all the Church : For teaching and'^^ c ' admonishing one another in Pfalmf^&c. is meant A3 of 6 Concerning Singing of the m'miftring Brethren, whofe Work and Office it was to teach and admonifh the other Members, according to the Gifts of the Holy Spirit they had received : And none can prove any more by thefe words {one ano- ther^ than what muft be underftood from Heb. 3.13. But exhort one another daily, while it is called, To day, &c. And therefore as the Word of Exhortation is not ufcd in the Service of Gcd in the Church, but in an orderly minifterial Way, by one at once ; fo teaching and admonishing one another, &c, mull: be ufed alfo according to Gofpel-R*ule, 1 Cor. 14. 30,31. Nor can 1 Cor. 14. 26. How u it then, Brethren, when you cqme together, every one of you hath a P faint, hath a BoUrine, &c. be underftood of a vocal finging all together > for 1 think none will fay that thofe words, Every one of you hath, &c. were fpoken of their all having of all thofe fphitual Gifts, which cannot be thought of every Minifter in that Church, ver. 28. and much lefs of all the Members : therefore it follows, that as aH the miniflring Brethren were not fnrv pofed to have all thofe Gifts, but every one of them had one or more of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit •, fo there is no Conclufion can be f^fievA $t. made, that all the Miniftf y had the Gift of c-vo^(l- singing, or that there was any diftinction of ifZ'Jp' *" * ts Univerfaljty in Delivery more than of ^t* other Gifts in the fame Text-, befides, the , ^T^^-y 4 Context, from ver. 27 to 32. fpeaks of finglc *^y ^*" spcrfons that muft exercife in the Church,and ! ^ 4 ^;f therefore thofe words, Every one of you, can't <&(-? Y$ m :-ant of all together. That That Spiritual and Vocal Singing was u- fed in the Primitive and Apoftolical Church of Chrift, is undeniable i and that fuch fpi- ritual Singing is flPallowcd, is freely grant- ed : but the Queltion is, Whether David's '/*?™** 4 Pfalms, or any humane prefcribed, or pre- Krlt k '{fid-* compofed Matter, mayor ought not tobs cy - xt "J*^ r vocally fung by all the Church together, asP' c j" 1 * uL part of the publick, conftant and ordinary^ M ;~> ff ^~ Worfhip of God, inflituted in his Gofpel-''^*^^ Church. To demonftrate which, I #all^' " treat of thefe fix Particulars. L Of the Eflence or Being of Singing. jl. "Of'Z)*wVfsPfalms. { i III. Of prefcribed or precompofed Songs and Hymns. IV. Of Womens Singing. V. Of the Order of Singing. VI. Of Scriptural and other Objections- 1. Of the EJfence of Singing. Though intelJigibJe Singing for teaching and admonifhing others cannot be without the ufe of the Organical Inftruments of the Voice, yet the JEffence or Being of Singing confifts in an inward fpiritual Exercife of the Soul or Mind of Man. And this rnuft be granted : for '.we all do own that true Prayer may be made in our Hearts to God without the ufe of our Voice - 7 other wife we deny all worshipping of God in the Church. lave only what is done by the Mimfter, arid A3 ex- 6 Coneenttag Stnginff exclude the Members of it from adding to, joining with, or having any ihaVe in Di- virie Worfliip ^ and confequently that no- thing can be properly c al led Sin that is only in the inward exercife^Pthe Spirit, but that which is fo manifefted by Words or De glorifies x cor.6. 20 God not only in his Body, but in his Spirit, which are the Lord's. Thirdly, If the Efience of Prayer be in- wardly in the Spirit, why not of Singing alfo ? / will pray with the Spirit, and I will 1 Cor. tf, pray with the Vnderfanding alfo : I will fmg J $• ■with the Spirit , and I will fwg with the Vnder- ftanding alfo. , The Apoftle cxprefles them alike, becaufe their Effences are alike in- wardly in thS Soul or Spirit. A 4. But 8 CancernUts Singing But fbme wiU fay, This is meant of vocal Singing in the Church, and therefore comes fhort of proving the Eflence of Singing in the Spirit. True, this jb meant of Vocal Prayer and Vtr. iiyXb Singing in^ the Church, which the Apoftle 14,15,15, calls Speaking, viz.. in Prayer, Singing, and x 7» giving Thanks. But inver. 28. it isfaid, That if there U no Interpreter^ let him keep ft- lence in the Church, and let him fpeak^ to hint' felf, and to God. And that this fpeaking to himfelf, and to God, relates to the Gift of Singing as well as to other Gifts, is mani- fested, ver. 26,2 7. in that, with other Gifts, a Pfalrn is there mentioned, and to be deli- vered or interpreted in a known Tongue : but incafe there is no Interpreter, then the Pfalm, &c muft be fpoken to God, and to himfelf, for improving his own Soul. Now what can be more plain than that Singing and other Gifts of the Holy Spirit, have fhil. 3. 3. their E'flences in our Spirits, wherein we are capable of worfhipping God without the verbal and vocal Initruments of the Body ? Moreover, as the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Prayer -, fb the fame Spirit is ajfo the Spi- Rom.%46. rit of Joy : and as there is unutterable Tray- 1 Ptt.i.B. er *> ^° there is unfpea\able Joy, and Rejoicing full of Glory, viz. inward Glory and Melo- dy in the Heart •, fee the Text. The Ef- fence of Singing is in the Heart, fuch as cannot be vocally exprefTed by Words of the Tongue. And though vocal Joy and Sing- ing may be teaching to ethers, yet the fpeaking lttt|)C©ao?fl)tpOf $00. 9 fpeaking to (Gr. in) your feives (Ws.. in your own Hearts) in Pfalms and Hyrnns^ and ffirirml Songs, finging and making Melody in your Hearts to the Lord, is Mufick of an higher ftrain, furpafllng all verbal and vo- cal Melody in the Ears of God *, as mfoeaka- ble Joy and rejoicing f nil of C lory, excels that which is fpeakable. Indeed we find in Scripture another kind of unfpeakable Singing, which is more in- feriour than this we have treated of, viz, the virtual Singing of the Creatures, Let J **• the Fields rejoice, and all that is therein h Then l *3 2 >33* (liall the Trees of the Wood fmg out- — .The pfalm6$. Pa/lures art clothed with Flocks , the Vallxes al~ 13. fo are covered over wfth Corn ; they jhont for Joy, they alfo fmg. Now if the hourifhing State of the Creatures, and of the Fruits of the Earth, are called a Singing, how much more properly may the harmonious Melody of the Spirit of God with our Spirits be called Singing, which is the Ellence and Be- ing of it. II. Of David's Pfalms. Firfi, There was no Inflitution of Singing before David's time : for though we find the Song of Mofes, containing a prophetical Dm. 32. Defcription of the State and Accidents of ^*- I * , 9» the Jewifh Church for time to come, yet this Ji££J£ was no prefent Inflitution for the Church in Qtn. 37.7', the conftant Service of God, but a way of 8,9, 10. Conveyance of his Word, which in thofe * «$• i2> times ! 3- to CanccrnftigSinjjittB ita.24.4. times was in divers manners delivered to us, Htb. 1. 1. VIZ - ty Dreams, ViJions, Words, Songs andMufick, but now by JefusChrift. And Mm. 12. though we find the Songs of Mofes % and of ^»7« Dehor ah) occaiioned from thofe great Deli- 2 Kings 3. verances of the Children of Ifrael^ yet 15- none was inftkuted for the Levitical Wor- 1 Sam. 10. ^P anc * conilant Service of God till Da- 5. ' vid\ time, who had prepared, prefcribed and let in Order, Matter, Perfon?? and Things for the molt fplendid and perfect Worfliip of God, and Temple-State of the Church which mould be in Solomons Days. Now as the Law was a Shadow of good things to come, let us fee what the Jewifh Church in her Wildernefs afflifled unfetled Tabernacle-State may be faid to prefigure out to us in the cafe of Singing. As for her Minority in the Wildernefs through Sin and Unbelief, they had many Judgments which did befal them, and cut themfhortof thepromifed Reft, fo that of fix hundred Thoufand Footmen that came out of Egyft, there was but two that en- tred into the Land of Canaan , wherein there were many Wars and Troubles that did attend them till the latter end of Da- vids Reign : therefore while the Jewifh Church-met with fo many Sorrows, Trou- bles and Affli&ions, the Worlhip of God was fuited to her State j but when they had Reit from all their Enemies in Davids time, and Solomon a King of Peace and Type of Chrift to reign over them, God was pleafed to m tljc KLlojfljip of 1 44000 which were redeemed from the Earth. 4* cb ' 5»9« And the new Song for the opening of the Book of the Revelations, and the Song of Mofes, and of the Lamb, by thofe that had ch - 1 ?>' 2 & gotten Vidlory over the Bead, and over his 4 ' 6 > 7 * Image, and over his Mark, and over the Number of his Name, about the going forth of the feven Vial- Angels with the fe- ven laft Plagues of the Wrath of God ; but none of thefe were David's Pfalms, or do warrant thefinging of them, or any other precompofed Songs in Gofpel-times, in the conftant and ordinary Worfliip of God by all the Church, any more than thofe particu- lar Songs of Mofes and Deborah were an In- itiation for the Jewifh Church for the con- ftant Service of God in their Day. For there was no fuch Inftitution of Songs in the Wildernefs, nor while that Church was under Troubles, until David's and Solomons time 1 2 Concerning dinging Eecl^u. time, for the Temple- Worfhip. F2, 3, c. we j at j ow „^_ we lj a „g e J 0liY Harfs upon the Wil- lows—: 'They that carried hs Captive, required of tuto fingone of the Songs of Sion. How frail roe (ing the Lord^s Song in a ft range Land ? Is Jam. 5. 1. any afflitbed ? let him fray: Is any merry ? let him fing Vfalms. So then if Singing be the exprefhng of Joy, Gladnefs, and Mirth of Spirit, and the Church of Chrift be now in a Wildernefs^ Mourning, Sackcloth-State \ why fhould we imagine that phrifl fhould appoint fuch an Ordinance for her conftant univerfal Practice, while (he is in fuch Eftate that is fo improper and contrary to her State and Spirit, but that the Typical Glory of the Jewifh Church in Solomon's time (hall becompleatly anfwered in the ex- ternal and fpiritual Glory of the Church of Chrift in her Kingdom-State. Secondly , The Singing of Dji/iaTsPfalms were fuitabletoall the reft of the Levitical, Ceremonial, and external inftituted Wor- ihipof God in the. Old-Teftament-Church, in its molt perfect fplendant State in David's and Solomon s Days, conlifting of a wordly Neb. 9. 9, Temple •, for if the Sanctuary was worldly, ,c > 2 3- the Temple was alio worldly \ and of caf- % 8 i? 2 ' na * Ordnances, which was a Figure for the cb. 10. 1. time then prefcnt, and Pattern of Heavenlj things. in tfje aBojfljip of £o5- ij things, and Shadow of good things to come, but not the very Image of the things *, and were impofed on them until the time of Re- formation, and change of the Priefthood, Law, Temple, and Service, or Worfhip of God -, which things being ail removed by Chriit the Body and Subitance of them, who j& $ , . hath taken ofFthat Yoak, and delivered us 10. 28. from the Law, that we mould ferve in New- &>rn. 7. 5. nefs of Spirit, and Dot in the Oldnefs of the Letter, to bring in any part of the Levitical 20.3.5. Ceremonial Initiations into Gofpel-Wor- fhip*, for that is a mingling of Letter and Spirit, of Law and Gofpel together. Thirdly, David\ Pfalms were inftituted, appointed and appropriated, not only to vocal Singing, but to divers kinds of mud- cal Inftruments, which are all named, viz. ickm.i$. Cymbals, Harps, Pfalteries and Trumpets, l6 J? 2 *- together with vocal Singing •, and limited J^f M by the Spirit, as divers are of opinion, to p'f d i/ 9 , certain Tunes or Parts of Mufick, ordained Pfd. 22. and commanded by the Spirit of God, and Pft.16. of as great Force as Singing was. And & *^ )W - therefore to follow the Oid-Teftament-In- ^kmUz, ftitutionof David's Pfalms, there will be a c h. \^' c'K NeceiTity of having Davids Inftruments of 28. 12,15. Mufick, and Tunes or Parts -, and of the Courfes and feveral Orders of the Levites : which Antichrifl; fcmewhat imitates, mix- ing together the Chriftian, Jewilh, and Pa- gan Religion, inftead of conforming to the true Apoftolical Inftitutions and Pattern of Divine Worfliip. Fourthly^ i4 Coitcentittfj gwtgino; Fourthly, The matter of David's Pfalms, and of other Holy Mens, contained in the fame Book, fuited to the Levitical Service, and not to Gofpel-Worfhip •, for many of them were fuited to particular Occafions and Experiences, and Accidents of that Day, as you may fee by divers of their Titles ; others were general, oflfrael's Deliverance out of Egypt i and from divers other Ene- mies. Some were clear Prophecies of the Sufferings of Chrift (which to ling now were to deny that Chrift is come in the Flefh) and of his Church, and the Glory that mould follow, under the Types and Names of David and Solomon i and many legal things, in which Gofpel-Myfteries are wrapped up : fome of which are hard to be underftood by the greateft Proficients of our Day ^ and therefore improper to be fung by all the Church, who can't fing them with Un- derftanding •, and others of them being Pray- ers and miserable Complainings, may as well juftify the finging Prayers as finging Praifes. Fifthly, The Pfalms of David were li- mited to Perfons, viz.. the Uvitcs, who 2Ch) '& 29 ' were tne Minifters of the Songs, both by 2s> c- to y ; ce an( j j^g ca i lnitrumcnts •, Tor the Peo- 1cbron.16.Vte did not fing together with the Levites, 4. to 8. & but only bowed the Head and worfhippedj, ver. 7,6. and concluded with Arr.cn, and praifed the C !l'o S 'J, Lord with Amen, HafUhijah •, or, Amcn> P-raife y e the Lord. Therefore from this Da- vidical Inftitution there is no Ground, Pat- tern, or Example, for the Gofpel-Church to fing together. Sixthly, in tfjc ulocftip of ©as. 15 Si#?^y,Suc:" Mis r.o where inftitoted, ordained or praetifed, either by Chri:: 0: bis Holv Apolries ; there is no ! - can be gi . en in the New Tefta- : :h : .t any Df D*dhf% Pfalms were ever Perfor.s or Churches, or that :r his Holy Apofrles did ever oft fj but?" : other Scriptures*, or that the H0I7 Apcf-'es when eve*- ch:y had ■ion totranil::: _r.y one Text our of the Hebrew into the ffreft Tongue, did ever rem them into Metre b and therefore fiod- no [bftiturion nor Example, we have no rant for the Singing of A III. Offrefirihd md frenmfefed fingi *£**? Hymns. fir fit If the E. Ter.ce of Singing (as be- fore :d) con fide th in an inward fpi- rir.al Exercifeof the Soul or Mind of Man, 2nd that fas I thai] farther demoaftrate) both the Matter and the Melody of it pro- ceedeth from the inward Graces and Opera- 3 of the Holy Spirit with the Word *, then furely do humane prefer bed or pre- compiled form of SiDgin^ can beaccepzei of God, hat that which proceedeth from the Word of God, by the Dictates and Teachings of the Holy Spirit, which is ;na- r.ifeft from thofe two Texts, fEfbtf,^. 1 S, 19. Cd. 3. 1 6. faith the Apoftle, Be {■■ vith H&Spirit—.La tit Word of Cb;f: dmdl rkhfy m ill Wif&rtK BCD Here is the i6 Cotteetm'ttg afttsfttfl; the Fountain of Gofpel- Worfliip, viz.. the Word and Spirit of Chrift, not the Word alone, for that cannot inrich the Soul in all Wil&om, without the Spirit of Wifdom to underftand it : for to have the Word in the Head only, is but a poor thing, but we mull have it to dwell richly in our Hearts by the Holy Spirit, to fing with the Underftand- ing and with Grace in our Hearts to the Lord. And as the Word in the Head only cannot create Melody in the Heart without a Fullnefs of the Spirit } fo the Spirit works not without the Word, but fills us with mat- ter from the Word, and is witnefled toby the Word \ otherwife we know not the Spirit of Truth from the Spirit of Error. Now the Eflence of Singing confifteth of thefe two Parts, viz.. Matter from the Word, and Melody by the Spirit; fothat neither the Word nor the Holy Spirit can be wanting : and therefore whatfoever Forms are ufed which proceed not from within us, out of a Fulnefs and Enrichings of the Word and Spirit, cannot be fpiricu- al GofpekSinging. Secondly* That no humane prefcribed or precompofed Forms are to be ufed in Gof- pel-Prayer or Singing, appears from the Mi- mftration and Conveyance of the Spirit and Power by the Gofpel. Firft) The Gofpel conveys the Spirit, as Paul faith, Who Jfo hath made ta able Mi- ni flers of the New Tcflament, not of the Letter^ but of the Spirit } for the Letter k^lleth^ but the Spirit fit t&e SBo?fljip of <$otr. 17 Spirit giveth Life, or quickneth. Here the Law is called the Letter, and the Gofpel, Spirit-, not becaufe the Law wasnotfpiri- tual, and the Gofpel was not tranfcribed in the Letter-, but i/?, Becaufe the Law re- quired perfetl Obedience to the Letter, on Pain of Eternal Death, and the Gofpel fin- fere Obedience through the Spirit, idly, Be- caufe the Legal Worfhip was more formal in the Letter, than the Gofpel-Miniftration, which is in Spirit. For we are the Circtimci- fion, which worjhip God in the S fir it ; and have no Confidence in the Flefh, viz.. in the for- mal and carnal Ordinances of the Law, and much lefs in the humane precompofed forms of Men. sdly, Becaufe the Law did not minifter nor convey the Spirit to us it commmanded in the Letter, but gave no fpiritual Power to perform Obedience to it, which the Gofpel did, by giving the Spirit with the Word. Therefore the Apoftle calls the Gofpel, the Law of the Spirit of Life. &M* 8. 2. And it is not through the Works of the Law that we receive the Spirit, nor mi- nifter the Spirit, but through the hearing of Faith. And this agrees with that great g d i , 2 Comraiffion which Chrift himfelf gave to $,14, his Difciples, Go ye therefore and teach all Nations . Lo, I am with yon always even Mith.i%, to the End of the World. Not only by his l 9^°* outward Providence, which is over others as well as they, but by his Spirit, which fhall abide with us for ever. And the Pro- John. 14. phet faith, As for me this is my Covenant with *4* B them i8 Contenting ©insfns them faith the Lord, My Spirit that is upon thee and my Words which 1 have put in thy Mouth ft all not depart out of thy Mouth, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seed, nor out of the Mouth of thy Seeds Seedy faith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever. Here the Word and the Holy Spi- rit are conveyed throughout all Generations totheend of the World, by the Covenant or Gofpel of Jefus Chrifc. And as none can fay that the Words which the Lord had put in his Mouth, were a humane prefcribed John $.6 z. ^ orm : ^ut, as Chrift himfelf faith, The ' Words that I fpeak unto you, they are Spirit, and they are Life: So the fame Words pro- ceeding from us by the fame Spirit, are Spi- rit, in oppofition to humane and legal forms, which rejed and deny the fufficient fucceffive Gifts of the Spirit. So that it is clearly mani- feft, that the fufficient Gifts of the Holy Spirit do Hill remain, and (hall remain, for the Service and Worfhip of God, to the end of the World. Secondly -, The Gofpel doth minifrer and convey Power. For where the Spirit is, there will be Power. The Apoftie faith, Ye have not received the Spirit of Bondage (viz. of the Law) again to fear ; but ye have re- ceived the Spirit of Adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit gave a fufficient Power not only to the Apoflks as fuch, or to the Saints in Rome, as partaking of the extraordinary Gifts of the Koly Spirit in that prefent Day, but Gal. 4. 6. Becaufe ye ate Sons , God hath fen t forth the Spirit of his Jim. 8. 15, 1 5. fit t&e WtQlftip of ®o5 v 19 Jb^V Ssw twro j-m;* Hearts, crying, Ma, Fa- ther. Here is the Reafon of their Pow- er, becaufe ye are Sorts : therefore all thaC are Sons according to the meafure of the Spi- rit of Adoption, which beareth Witnefs with our Spirits that we are the Children of God, have Power to pray to God as to their Father. For God hath not given m the Spirit 2 Y m% t -, of Fear, but of Power, and of Love, and of a found Mind. And the Kingdom of God is not 1 Cor, 4. in Word, but in Power. There werefomein l 9> 2 °* the Church of Corinth that were puffed up in their Minds, whole Speech the Apoftle would not know or regard : but the Power of Religion was that which he looked for, and did expect to find amongfl them ; becaufe the Kingdom of God (viz. his Gofpel-Church) is not in Word, but in Power. A humane prefcribed Form is no Power, and therefore is none of this Go- fpel- Kingdom. Jude 19. T he fe are they that feparate themfelves fenfual, having not the Spi- rit. And the Apoflle Paul propheiied of fuch a preferring People that fhould arife in thelaft Days*, Having a form of Godlinefs^ 2 Tim. r 2.<. but denying the Power thereof-, and from fuch .wemuftrwtf away. They had an outward Form of Godlinefs, but not the inward Pow- er *, contrary to true Godlinefs, which hath its Form from the inward Power and Work- ings of the Holy Spiric with the Word. Now it is no Wonder that this formal People deny the Power of Godlinefs j for an in- vented Form, and the Power are Oppofites, B 2 and 2o Concerning ©titjjfng and are inconfiftent with each other : for if there be a fpiritual Power, it refufes and de- nies the invented Form - for then there is no need of a prefcribed nor pre-compofed hu- mane Form : and if we life fuch a Form, we deny the Power, and reject the fufficient fuc- ceflive Gifts of the Holy Spirit, by relying on that Form. And fo the Apoftle argues, that as Jannes and Jambres withfiood Mofes, Tm z 2 f° ^° f ^ e f e re f l ft f ^ e Trntb : Men of corrupt ' Minds, Reprobate concerning the Faith. Thirdly, Seeing that thofe Perfons with whom I am chieflyconcerned,do not only op- pofe, deny, and refufe the Ufeof a humane prefcribed and precompofed Form of Pray- er, but alfoof that Prayer which our Lord taughthisDifciples*, of which they rightly fay, that it was but an Epitome of all' Pray- * er, and was never intended to confine Pray- er to the Compafs and Form of thofe Words. For we find that none of thofe many Pray- ers in the New Teftament were fo limited, but according to the State and Circumftances of Perfons ard things, they made Supplica- tion by the Holy Spirit : and fo muft Singing alfo be left to the Liberty of the Holy Spi- rit of Gcd. And one might think that I need not ufe farther Arguments •, for their own Practice confutes their Error in Singing prefcribed Forms, and teftifies the Truth 1 am pleading for : for what Reafon can be given for Forms of Singing, v/henthey deny all Forms of Prayer ? and how can they re- ject a Form of Prayer, or the Form of Prayer intljeaaiojfljipof <©otu 21 Prayer which Chrift hath left us in the New Teftatnent, while they maintain the ufe of a humane Form of Singing, which is no where found in the Holy Scriptures ? IV. Of Womens Singing. That Women ought neither to teach nor pray vocally in the Church of Chrift, is ge- nerally believed by all Orthodox Chriftians, and is aflerted from i Cor. 14. 34, 35. Let your Women keep filence in the Churches : for it is not permitted unto them to /peak •' And 1 Tim. 2. 1 I, 12. Let the Women learn in Silence with all Subjection : but I fuffer not a Woman to teach, nor to ufurp Authority over the Man, but to learn in filence. I therefore greatly mar- vel that any Man fhould aflert and admit of fuch a Practice as Womens. Singing ; and that any Woman mould prefume to fing vo- cally in the Church of Chrift, when hepofi- tively and plainly forbids them in his Word : for Singing is Teaching, Coloff. 3. 16. and Speaking, Ephef 5.19, both of which arc plainly forbidden to Women in the Church. And befides, they are commanded to learn in filence with all Subjection. And if this be not Truth, I am at a lofs how to find it. And fuch as deny the Authority of thefe Scriptures to forbid Womens Singing, do of * necedity deltroy the Authority of the Word of God, and leave us deftitute of a Rule of Worfhip. B 3 But ii Concerning Singing But fome may fay, Were there not Singing- Women in the Time of the Law ? True, we read of Singing- Women ^ but as there was no Inftitution of them amongfl the Priefts and Levites, who were fet apart by Name in their feveral Orders ^ fo we find them no where concerned as fuch in the Worfhip of God, but either for Mirth and Delight, or as Mourners for the Dead, in which they were very skilful in making of Lamentations both by Voice and Inftruments of Muilck, as was the Jewifh Cuftom : which you may plainly fee by thefe Scriptures, 2 Sam. 1$. 35. iChron.$$. 25. Jer. 9. 17, 18. Amos 5. 16. Ecclef. 2. i,8. Mat. 9. 23. V. Of the Order of Singing. This we have plainly and clearly delivered to us in 1 Cor. 14. 26 to 34. How it it then-, Brethren ? when ye come together? every om of you hatha Pfalmjoath a Dollrine^hath a Tongue ', hath a Revelation* hath an Interpretation. Let all things he done to Edifying. Here the Apo- Itle fpeaks of the feveral Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and lays down a general Order for their Delivery. 1. The Tongue mult be by two, or at moil by three, and that by courfe : And let one interpret •, that is, That in cafe there were many could fpeak with Tongues, they fhould not all exercife, to take up the whole time with that Gift, but only two or three of them, and that by courfe or turns. And if any thing be revealed to another ■, that ft. in tlje WIo!flj:p of ®oiu 2 j /Trf^rA? fcy, /££ r ta ^r/? Wd &# P^ce .' for ye may all prophefie one by one : the Dtttch tran- flate it, one after another. Here is the Rule for our Practice, one by one, or, one af- ter another, by courfe or turns, they may fpeak with Tongues, and prophefy. And though only thefe two Gifts are particula- rized in the Rule, yet the Order ftands for ail the reft, as having relation toic. The univerfal Pra&ice of all Chriftians allows this Order in the Gifc of Doctrine, and we our felves in the Gift of Prayer, that but one is to pray at once. And therefore fee- ing that this Order is obferved in the Gift of Prayer, which is not mentioned amongft thole feveral Gifts > then finely we muft al- low the Pfalm, as one of thofe Gifts named in the Text, and relating to the Rule to be delivered after the fame Order appointed for the other Gifts. And there is not the leaf!: colour of pretence why any fhould break the Rule in one of thefe Gifts more than others, but that as they are named to- gether, and a general Order appointed for their life and Delivery in the Church, fok muft be obferved for the Pialm, as well as for - any other of thofe fpiritual Gifts. And if ttiwytofl I fhould fee a Song delivered by the Gift of^ 5 ^^ the Holy Spirit in this Order, I hope I fhould j% va ^X blefs the Lord for fo great a Prefence of his » ^ , ^r avid\ Time, to the Levitical Service in the ordinary Worihip of God, is no where evident. Nor can this Singing be any Rule either for Levitical or Gofpel-Inftitution : for then we muft bring, in Dancing as well as Singing *, for Miriam the Prophetefs, the Sifter of Aaron^ took a Timbrel in her Hand, and all the Women went out after her with Timbrels, and with Dances. 2. If we fhould fuppofe that Mofes> Mi- riam and Ifrael fang vocally together at one and the fame time j we may rather take it for an extraordinary Exftafy of Mirth, Joy, and Gladnefs before the Lord, exprefled by Dancing as well as Singing, (as David when he danced before the Ark,)than for any part of inftituted Worfhip. 3. If we fhould conclude that all Ifrael did not vocally fing with Mofes, but thofe whofe Hearts the Lord had touched with a fenfe of that great Deliverance joined in Spirit :■ fit tlje aXLlciflitp of $00. 2 5 Spirit with him, it is no more than what is evident from the like manner of Speech of Afts 2, 42* the three thoufand new Converts that conti- nued ftedfaftly in the Apoltles Doctrine and Fellowfhip, and in breaking of Bread, and in Prayer : for they did not all vocally pray together,nor actually break Bread •, but join- ed with, and partook of thofe Ordinances by the Miniftry. So that if you take it in either fenfe, it will make nothing for the eftablifhing of a vocal Singing together in Gofpel-Wor/hip. Secondly , It is fa id, Then fang Deborah Judg. 5, 1. and Barak: But Deborah did only vocally fing, and Barak joined in Spirit with her in the chiefefb part of the Song : for how could Baraks call himfelf Deborah ? faying, Vnt'%1 that I Deborah arofe, that 1 arofe a Mother in Ifrael ? And it is plain that fhe only did vo- cally fing unto the Lord, ver. 12. jfwafy, a- wake, Deborah \ awake, awake, utter a Seng : Arife Barak, and lead thy Captivity captive^ thou Son of Abinoam. Second Objection is, That in SaulV Time Mufick wasufedby the Prophets ; and therefore i&fl».io.$ why not Singing and Mnfick^ too in their Wor- fhip? Anfwer. As others befides the Levites were mmb. 1 1 , Prophets - 7 fo I do not find that any of thofe 16,24,26, Prophets were Levites, to whom alone both Ex * 2 4 #I1 the Songs and Mufick were afterwards limi- ted, as the Minifters thereof in God's Service : and there being neither Inftitution nor Pra- ctice of it to be found, we have no ground to 25 Contenting Rinsing to believe that it was in ufe in the conflant Worfhip of Gcd betore David's Time. Third Objection is, That if Mufick and Singing commences its Date from David's Inftitution, and was to continue for conflant Temple- Worfhip, till Temple and Temple* Service was made void, by the Coming of Jefus Chrift to erect a more fpiritual Wor- fhip •, why fhould not Gofpel-Singing conti- nue in conilant ufe while Gofpel-Temple re- mains, viz. till the fecond Coming of Jef its Chrift without Sin unto Salvation . ? j4nfwer i. As God did feparate literal If- Exod i rae * ^ rom t ^ le EgyP tians -> anc * a U other Nati* 5 6.'**' ons > to be his peculiar Treafure and King- dom of Priefts, to worfhip him : fo by the firft Promulgation of the Gofpel, he called his Church out of the World, and feparated i Pit, 2. 5, them as a Chofen Generation, for a Royal Holy 9' Priefthood and Nation, to worfhip him ac- cording to his Will. 2. Though the words Temple and Taber* nade are varioufly ufed in the New Tefta- ment, and fometimes for one and the fame Thing and State of the Gofpei-Church ; yet Mb. 8. the Apoftle doth plainly fhow that the De- dication of the Tabernacle by Mofes with the Blood of the Firft Teftament, was the cb^p. 9 . p atern anc j Figure of the Erection and De- dication of the Gofpei-Church, the Heaven- ly Tabernacle, by the Blood of the Second Teftament, viz. of Jefus Chrift •, fo that the firft fctting up of the Gofpei-Church is not the Antitype of David's and Solomon's Tern- in-tfje 22Ia$)ip of <55 27 Temple, but of Adofiis Tabernacle ) and Solomon's Temple is a Figure of greater things to come. 3. As in the time of the Levitical Taber- nacle- W or fhip, Singing was not elrablifhed as part of that conftant Service, but was on- ly a Gift on extraordinary Occadons, till the more glorious and perfed Temple-State of the Church fnould be erected : fo under the firfr Inftitution of Gofpel- Worfhip there were extraordinary Gifts of Singing, fuita- ble to the then extraordinary Circumftances and Prefence of God in his Church, which may poffibly on extraordinary Occasions, now and then on frefh EfTufions of the Holy Spirit, ftill appear in the Church in her now not perfect Temple, but rather Tabernacle- State, till this be ended, and that more glo- rious and perfect fpiritual Temple and Tem- ple- Worfhip, whatever it be, fhall be erect- ed, when the Winter of Afflictions is paft, Cant.2.u s and the time of finging of Birds is come, at I2, the Appearing and Kingdom of Jefus Chrift, in which time there fhall be the molt glorious Perfection and full Completion of the fpiri- tual Temple and Worfhip of God that ever was or fhall be extant upon Earth. 4. And as theOldTeltament-Tabernacle- State of the Church was to be beautified, perfected and enlarged in the Temple- State and Temple-Worfhip, and was to continue till the Change and Tranflation of it into the Gofpel-Chiirch or Kingdom of Heaven : fo this Gofpel-Tafrernacle-Church-State (hall be 2§ Concetm'ns Singing be perfected, inlarged, and beautified in the glorious NQW-Jenifalem-Tem\)\e and Wor- ship of God, which ftiall continue to the end of the World, and then be tranflated into the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven. Now as David and Solomon were Types of Chrifl; •, and the Old-Teftament-Temple and Wor- fhip were Shadows of the New-Jerufalem- Temple and Worfhip of God in the thoufand Years : So the Inftitution of Singing in the Levitical Temple- Worfhip, (hall be compleat- ly anfwered in the glorious Antitype and fpiritual Temple-State in the thoufand Years of Chrift's Kingdom here on Earth,after fuch manner as God fhall be pleafed to appoint for fuitable Worfhip to that Day, when the whole Creation that now groaneth under the Bondage of Corruption, fhall be then Rom. s. delivered into the glorious Liberty of the Sons of God. Fourth Objection is from Jfa. 52.8,9. Ihy Watchmen Jhall lift uf the Voice, with the Voice together foall they fing : for they fhall fee Eye to Eye, when the Lord fljall bring again Zion. Break forth into Joy, fing together ye wafie Places of Jerufalem : for the Lord hath comforted hts People, he hath redeemed Jerufa- lem. From whence fome do ailert a Sing- ing together in the Gofpel- Church. Anfw. 1 . That this Scripture hath no pro- per Relation to the meer Gofyd-Sion and Gentile- Jerufalem, is clear from the Text it felf, which (peaks of the wafte Places of Je~ rafalcm, and Redemption of literal Jerufa- lem, 21, 22. Um, the Captive Daughter of Zion^ when there fhall no more come into her the Uncir- cumcifed, and the Unclean ; which cannot be accomplifiied until the Return of literal Jfrael into their Kingdom-State at the fecond Coming of JefusChrift. 2. Then her Watchmen •■> it is not faid her People, but her Watchmen, viz.. her Pro- phets and Minifters, they fhall fing together. The Dutch Tranflation reads it they ihall jubile, or cry, or fhout for Joy, or rejoice together : and verfe 9. they tranflate, make ye a noife or found, j utile > or fhout for Joy together, ye wafte Places of Jernfalem. Which Scripture moft properly relates to the great J utile ^ or thoufand Years of Chrilt's Kingdom - 7 and cannot be under- ftood of a conftant vocal Singing together by all the Church in the Worfhip of God in the Gofpel-Tabernacle-State. Fifth Objection is from thofe Words, Matth.26. 30. And when they had fang an Hymn, &c. From whence they do alfert, that Chrifr. and his Difciples fung an Hymn vocally together. Anfvo. 1. The Word fung is not in the Greek, but it is there read, And they having hymned; which Word is taken by divers learned Men to be of a general Signification of all kinds of Praifes or Thankfgivings, and not confined to Songs only. Some of our old Englifh Tranflators read that Text, And xihen they had faid Grace. And the Dutch, do not limit the word Hymnos only to Songs ?o CottcerttfoB ©mgino: Songs of Praife, but do admit of it to fignify Amto* fa y in ^ Thanks, -or Thank-giving to God. will admit that the Difciples, in Alls 4. ^ ^2W their Voice to God with one ^ Vir. 21. Accord, and faid, &c. And when they had • frayed, the Place was fialzcn, &c It is here -- faid, they lift up their Voice to God with one r tu^iirfken-tyecwdi g ut j n Matt'h 16. it is only faid, fc JhUJ«/{»*7They hymne& Now if the word {they] mult J fy>~f7'""S prove their vocal Singing together with | they prayed and praifed lfv*U*,*r Godii Prayer fo loud, that the Prifoners ^vu'Un^^ heard trum. And as this could not be by a >{it*&*~*<> p r efcribed form, for then we mould deny KZffiJV^^* A,tt ^ * r *h^ them m tlje MoMp of ©ofc 3 j them to have a fufficient Gift of the Holy Spirit j fo there 1$ no Evidence that they prayed and praifcd vocally both together, but while the one prayed and praifed, the other might only joyn in Spirit, and fo each of them might vocally pray and praife the' Lord by turns. Seventh ^Objection is from Eph. 5. 19. Speaking to (Gr. in) your f elves in Pfalms^ and Su ^ in £ Hymns, and fpiritual Songs, &C. which three not%on pfa Words arethtee fevcral forts of Titles of g. ' Pfalms, taken out of the Book of Pfalms, ' viz*, 1 ft. in Heb. Mizjnore, Gr. Pfalmos, Hymns or Engl. Pfalm. idly, in Heb. fehilla, Gr. **'*&*& Hytmios, Engl. Hymn or Praife. $dly. Heb. ^ 5 * »r Shir^ Gr.Ode, Engl. Song Or Lays : which ^f ' three Words are found in the Titles of thefe Pfalm 4$, Pfalms. And fome do fay they fignify three lf*l* 4^ things or kinds of Songs, viz,, ift. Pfalms, 12 °> &c - the Pfalms of David; others, all forts of p^]^ fpiritual Songs to be fung with Mufick. many ok* idly. Hymns for humane pre-compofed Pfalms. Songs of Praife. And $dly. Spiritual Songs from the immediate Infpiration of the Holy Spirit \ and, as others fay, are Songs com- pofed, wherein are contained all forts of fpiritual Teachings. And from hence they ailert the Singing of David's Pfalms,. and precompofed Hymns, as well as fpiritual Songs. Anfw. 1. I think it is clear from the Scrips t'ures, that however the Words may differ the one to the other, as to the Extent of their Significations, yet they are ufed but C tor 34 Concerning dfttflfttg for one manner of compounded Worfhip. i/?. For though the matter of a Song is fo confined that it cannot be externally exprefled without a humane Voice of Words, yet the Tone or Tune may be ex- prefled either by Voice, (though never ufed in the Worfhip of God without the matter) or bymufical Inftruments : both of which, as they were ufed according to the Inftituti- on in the Old Teftament- Worfhip, were Praifes, or praifing God •, fometimes both in matter and manner ; but at other times, the matter not properly being Praifes, it confifted only in the manner of Delivery ; as Pfalm 17, is call'd a Prayer of David, and Pfalm 50 was a mournful Prayer when Na- than came to David after he had gone in to Bathfheba^ but yet it was delivered to the chief Mufician. And fo are Songs fome- times Praifes, and fometimes Prayers and Complainings, Pfalm 48, 120, 123, 130. And the whole Book of Pfalms, though the mat- ter of it is not all Praifes but Prophecies, mournful Prayers and Lamentations, yet it is titled Tehttim, Hymns or Praifes, becaufe, as all of it, whether called Pfalms, Hymns, or Songs, were after the fame manner com- . pofed by the infallible Infpiration of the i5. 7g! **°ty Spirit, fo they were (many of them, 2 chron. if not all) alike delivered to the chief Mu- 29. 27, fician, and fung by melodious Voices and In- a8 * ftruments of Mufick together \ which out- \s 6 ward Glor y anc * Grandeur, fuitable to that ek.'ilit, Temple-State, was to the external Honour U 25. and in t&e axHo?ft)ip of 2 $ the matter of thofe Songs differ (not from ^ the Titles of them) but yet were alike com- pjaimL pofed and delivered for Temple- Worfhip : Pfalm 48, So what fpiritual Songs hath been, or here- p b l - "o- after may appear in the Gofpel-Church, by F Jf: 12 ^ the fpeciai Gift of the Holy Spirit, though p^\\l°l the matter may fomewhat differ (not from the Titles of them, nor as thofe in Mourning and Lamentation) yet they were and fhall be compofed and delivered alike by the Holy Spirit according to Gofpel-Order. 2. Thofe three Words, Pfaltns, Hymns, and fpiritual Songs, cannot be underftood of three different things in the Mew Teftament from the different Extent of their Signifies- ^ tions. ift. Becaufe no* Old- Teftament- ^/^of/'w^a Names do prove the Nature of New-Tefta- t~****ij»4*'y ment-Things, as Circumcifion, Cenfer, In* '^' v .v *f* c /* cenfe, Alter, Sacrifice, PafTover, (2 tj $***- T^j^^l falem, Temple, are all things of a different ^ f ^JJ& Nature in the Old-Teftament, to what they are fometimes ufed for in the New : So that Old-Teftament-Names given to New- Telia- , ^ *A ment-Singing, do no more prove either the * ^ ^ '^ matter or manner to be the fame, nor efta- fifi*"* 'fe?*l!* blifo Old-Teftament-Singing in the Go-^'H'T$cl\ fpel-Church, than the other Old-Teftament Taf\J- 1 Names do thole Old-Teftament-Things ia^A ,,H T*1 Gofpel-Times. idly. As thofe three Words ^ u * f ", x J& are before proved to be indifferently ap- u ^7^^ plied to one and the fame thing in the Old *™*£ *y r £ Teftament ; fo there is lefs Reafon that they '^^T^t ' c 3 ftotaax^ffl 36 Concerning Smgms fhould have diiTerent Significations in the New : for you may find that feveral Old- Teftament Names are given to one Gofpel- Vl*' 2 '*' Thing •, as the Saints are called a fpiritual jh 2. 21, y_[ ou f e anc } Temple, an Holy Pikfthood, and Rm.2.29. J ews > andChrift h called an High PrieiV a M.$. 14. Sacrifice, an Altar and Temple : and there- cb. 9 . 2d. fore it being ufual to call Gofpel-Things by icJ'**' ^ vers Names °f different Natures, in the ' 5 ' 7 ' Old Teftament, there is no Reafon that thofe three Names, ?fdms\ Hymns, and fpi~ John 2.1 9, ritual Songs ; which, as Pool confeifeth, wete 21. ( promifcuoufly ufed, and which are here de- ^PoolV ujonftfated to intend but one thing in the CoL2°. /t Old Teftament, mould be underftood of any I 5.' ' more than of one thing or fort of*Gofpel- ^r^^7^P iritua l- sin g^3^ refpecling its Compofure j,:^^ <* 2 7- plowing of the Wicked is Si», and that the 5 * ' Sacrifice of the Wicksd is an Abomination to the Lord : and wherefore, but becaufe whac- foever Good he doth,or de(ireth,it is not for good Ends, to ferve and glorify God, but to confume his Mercies upon his Lulls ; he Jm. 4. 3. turneth all into Sin, and therefore all he doth is but Sin : if he prays for Grace, he doth but play the Hypocrite with God, for as he knoweth not what it is, fo he doth nor deiire it, for he loves his own Sins and Lulls more in tlje EHo$)ip of £08. 37 more than Grace •, and therefore his Prayers cannot be pleafing to the Lord, whilfr. he re- rnaineth a hardned Sinner. 2. All Men ought not only to pray, and praife God as their Creator, but to keep the whole Law in the per feci: State of Inno- cency in which they were created in Adam - but now they have no power in themfelves to perform the inward fpiritual Works of the Law, to love the Lord their God with all their Hearts, &c. and to pray, and fing Praifes to him :, they can do neither of thefe fincerely in their Hearts : for the Law is fp- RonL^n. ritual, and requires fpiritual Obediences but they are carnal, fold under Sin, and blinded in their Minds. And as they have not a true fenfe of their Sins, nor fee their need of Chrift } fo they know not that they have caufe to fing his Praife for their Being : And therefore for fuch to ufe a Form of Prayer or Singing, when they have no Senfe nor Underftanding of what they pray for, or that they have caufe to fing, is to mock God with their Lips with that which they have not in their Hearts. Befides, the putting of Perfons on formal Worfhip, is not the way to get the Spirit, but to reft on formal Du- , ties, which hinder their coming to Jefus Chrift. 3. As Forms are many ways finful and hurtful to the Souls of Men, fo there is no need of them, as Crutches^ for Lame Men, to bring them to Jefus Chiifti for where there is a true Conviction and fenfe of Sins, C3 thit 3 8 Concerning Singing that Soul can cry againft them •, and if it be but with Lord, be merciful to me a Sinner, he fhall (as Chrift faith) be rather juftified than with a formal Prayer, without Convictions : And when they are Sons, God fendeth forth W.+G. the Spirit of Adoption into their Hearts, A««.8.i$. that crieth, anc i teacheth them, whereby they cry, Abba, Father, without the help of humane Forms. Ninth Objection, All true Relievers and fin* cere Chrifiians have continual caufe to rejoice in the Lord, and magnify God in the higheft Cele- bration of his Praife : and therefore it is their Duty in his conftarit Worjlrip to fmg his Praife. k Anfw. Whatever Caufe we have to rejoice in the Lord, and to glorify God in the high- eft Celebration of his Praife, for Redempti- on-Grace, and thofe fure and everlafting < > Mercies confirmed to us in the Blood of Jefus Chrift, yet it doth not from thence follow that we fhould conftantly fing to God in his publick Worfhip. i. Becaufe that in this Life the Toys and /J**^j£to-/«:Confolations of our Redemption-Grace, Cs-tfc^fcTs is mixed with Sorrows for Sins, Temptati- '^'^Cf^j^ons, Troubles and Afflictions, which de- ,^t . JfiU^$Tivt us of the conftant exercife of the Grace of Joy in our Souls. And, as Solomon faith, gtettf, 3. 7a e ver y thing there is a Scafon, and a Time to x * 4 ' every Purpofe under the Heaven : A Time to weepy and a Time to laugh •, a Time to mourn , and a Time to dance. And the Times of the Church of Chrift are differently fet forth, C or perfwafive Influence of the ' Holy Spirit with their Spirits, that they are the Children of God, they cannot fing his Praife for their Redemption : for if they are not fit tfje 22Io?ffjip of $oa, 4 3 not fufficiently aflured of it by Faith, they - cannot fo rejoice in it. And we fhould not think that God requireth more of his Church and People than he hath given Ability and Qualifications to perform. Tenth Objection, Formal Prayer and Sing- ing were ufed under the Law : and therefore why not formal Prayer and Singing under the Gofpel . ? jinfaer. As the vifible and fucceflive Mi- miters of the Worfhip and Service of God under the Law, were not called as fpiritual converted regenerated Believers, but were an Election out of the natural and carnal Seed of Abraham in their Generations, by Succeffion unto the Minifterial Office : fo the Body of the Old-Teftament-Church were not called into that vifible Church- State as fpiritual regenerated Believers, but as the natural and carnal Seed of Abraham, Ifaac, and Jacob. And therefore as that People were carnally and nationally imbodi- ed into a vifible Church-ftate ; fo their infti- tuted Worfhip was formal, literal, ceremo- nial, carnal and typical, fuitable to them, and the Deflgn of God to make them and their Church-State a Type, Shadow and Fi- gure of his calling a fpiritual People into a more fpiritual ChurchhState, to ferve him in more fpiritual Ordinances in Spirit and in Truth : And therefore fince Chrifi; is come in the Flefh, and hath removed and abolifh- ed the Mofaical and Levitical Church-State, M- 7- 12, the New-Teftament- Writers have defcribed £jf» l8 - Gofpel-Things in oppofition to them, as t ^' u 9 ' { Power 4+ Concernfojj ©utjjiitff Rom.2.2Q y Power, to Form, as Spirit to Flefh, as Spin- as tual to Literal and Carnal, as fpiritual Seed 3£f'3*"* to flefhly or carnal Seed, as Shadows to Bo- acJ^Ji -dfesi as Worldly to Heavenly, asTypesand Hem. 7. 6. Figures of good Things to come : So that cba?. 1. there is no legal inftituted Worfhip, as found 2 tl/ 29 ' * n ^ e P u ^^ c ^ Levitical Service and Circuiri- Gd't'2'c ^ a nces,that can be either proper or a fuffici- cbl^.2i\ ent Warrant for our Practice in Gofpel- &c 29 to Times •, and therefore it is our Duty to look the End. m ore directly into the Gofpel-Inftitutions M.io.i.f ov Gofpel- Worfhip, than to confufe the nfigl *' Mind* of weak Chriftians with Queftions 0/.2.17. from the dark Shadows of the Law, which tend to Bondage, and have proved very mif- chievous to the Gofpel- Church •, for which caufe many, whom God hath graciouQy en- lightned in the Holy Scriptures, have been forced to treat the more largely on Legal 2 Cor, 5. Ceremonies, to remove the Vail of the Law, i4»>5> , 7« which to this day too too much remains on the Minds of many Chriftians. Eleventh Objection, Prayer under the Go- fpel is an Ordinance of the fame Nature at it vom under the Law ; and therefore Singing under the G off el may alfo be of the fame Nature, and intend the fame thing as it did in the Legal Worship. Anfvper. It is true that private Prayer is a Duty of the fame Nature under the Gofpel as it was under the Law, both with refpect • to the like Occafions, Wants and Necefiities of the Saints ; and to the fame Spirit, by which all'true Believers do offer up fpiritual and and efFedtual Prayers to God. But astpthe Conveyance and Delivery of Prayer as an Ordinance,, in and for the publick minifte- rial and ordinary iriftituted Service of God in bis Church, there is a Difference in Go- ' fpel-Times to what it was under the Law : for fuch publick Prayers were conveyed and delivered formerly with dark Shadows, and carnal Ordinances, by which means the Spi- rituality of fpiritual Perfons (as David, of whom it is faid, that he praifed God by the Miniitry of the Priefls and Levices) in the 2 c ^*- publick Worfhip of God was greatly vailed ^5; to what it now is, flnce all thofe Forms, Ce- j^i^ remcnial Shadows, and carnal Ordinances 2'choK,^, are removed : for while the Priefls were 25 to^u offering the Sacrifices, the Priefls and LcP #*■*"• Ifc vites, in Songs with Inftruments of Mulick, I7 > 22- delivered fuch Pfalms of Prayers and Praifes as were appointed for the publick Service of God. So that publick Prayers in the ordi- nary and conftant Worfhip of God in the Old-Teftament-Church, was miniftred in a different manner to what it now is, and ought to be under the Gofpel :, and therefore whatfoever Singing hath been, or flill may be' in Gofpel-Times, may as well differ from the Old-Teftament-Temple-Singing. But having before fhewed that Temple-Singing was no Type of Singing in the Gofpel-Ta- bernacle-Church-Statc, there is the lefs need of any Reply to this Objection. Twelfth Objection, Since the extraordinary Gifts of the Holy Spirit are ceaftd^ we nmfl novo 46 Concetntng: Singing now pray and preach by its ordinary Gifts •, and if we are allowed to ufe precompofed Forms of Preachings why not of (they might fay Prayer and) Singing alfo. Anfw. i. I do acknowledg and aflert that we ihould not neglecl; Prayer, till we have an extraordinary Gift or Impulfe of Spirit unto Prayer •, but we Ihould confeantly go to God as we can, not only for Continuance of thofe Mercies we have, but for further Supplies of our inward and outward Wants, which are the chiefeft part of Prayer. But Singing proceeds from a Fulnefs of Injoy- Ja. $2. 9. ment> anc | j s ca H e d a Breaking forth, and therefore requires a greater Meafure of the Holy Spirit. For we can pray for what we have not, but we Ihould break forth into Singing from what we have \ otherwife we mock God, and draw nigh unto him with Ifa. 22.13. our Mouths, and honour him with our Lips, when our Hearts are far from him } and our Fear towards him is taught by the Pre- cepts of Men ^ and therefore when Iconfi- der the prefent State and Frame of the Churches of Jefus Chrill, I much wonder that fo many fhould be for Singing, when their Hearts are Co much below Prayer : for if we fhould go from Saint to Saint, we fhould find that this is the general Cry, 1 have a dead and ftony Heart, faith one •, and another mourneth under the Strength and Power of Sins and Temptations •, and a third for the Light of God's Countenance : and the great Complaint is, I am duH and heavy, heavy, and cannot profit in Ordinances , and that which is worft: of all, I am /hut up in my Spirit, that I cannot pray, I want the Spirit of Prayer and Supplications. Now if thus it be, then where is the Spirit of Singing ? Will you lie, and exprefs that with your Lips to God which you have not in your Hearts ? But fome of thefe will fay, Singing will raife ?ny Spirit, 1 §nd Refrejlment by it, and therefore I am for Singing. To this I anfwer, That there may be a na- tural fenfual Joy in the Heart when it is not from the Light and Influence of the Holy Spirit, and therefore we muft beware that we make not our Spirits a Standard for the Worfhipof God, but that we try our Spi- rits by the Scriptures. idly. As to Forms of (Prayer and) Sing- ing, I have fufficiently treated of them be- fore, and that the fufficient Gifts of the Holy Spirit /hall continue for the Worfhip of God in the Gofpel-Church to the end of the World ^and therefore my Bufinefs here, is, only to (hew that the uiing a Form of Preaching, is no Example for a Form of Singing : if it be, why not of Prayer alfo ? which you deny, becaufe there is Reafon for a Form of Preaching from trie Word of God, and Example of Chrift himfelf, who read a Text, and then preached from it-, though as he was not, fo others are not limited to that, or any other particular Forms , yet it is lawful for them, and required of them, to 4 8 Concerning Swging to compare fpiritual things with fpiritual ; to i Cor. 2. attend on Reading and Meditations, and to hold I? * f aft the Form of found JVords, rightly dividing 1 Tim. 4. the WordTvf Truth as a Wormian that needs not l h 1 5» to be afoamed of his Wo't\: as Paul, who faith, 2 Tim. 1. fhefe things, Brethren, I have tn a Figure iranf- £2. i<. f erre ^. t0 m y f cl f-> ^ t0 Apollos for your i Cor, 4.6. f a ^ s - S° tilat where the Scriptures do give ' "us Liberty, we may ufe it : but it is our Sin to take it where it is forbidden •, as I have fhewed it is to ufe a Form of Prayer or Singing. I could fay more of the different Nature of Preaching to that of Prayer and Singing, but I think itisneedlefshere, and therefore I fhall conclude, with my humble Requeft to all thofe that are for Singing of David's Pfalms, or any prefcribed Forms of Singing, as the Cuftom is, that they would be pleafed ferioufly to coniider of thefe feveral things following. 1. That the vocal Singing together, ei- ther of David's Pfalms, or any humane pre- compofed Forms, is a corrupting of the pure Worfnip of Jefus Chriit, in mingling of Law and Gofpel, or humane and divine things together. 2. It will lead us to Apoflacy, to return from whence we came, as a Dog to his Vo- mit, and as a Sow that is wafhed to her wal- lowing in the Mire- 3. Coniider ferioufly, you that are Leader's of the Lord's People, and are for fuch for- mal Singing, Whether the fame Arguments you m tljs (BSojQtfp of $oa. 49 you now urge to your Fellow-Brethren will be pleadable for your Practice at the fr:r of Jefus Chrift. : you may plead them here to us, but will you not be afhamed to own them there ? The Lord give you a true Sight and Senfeof the evil Confequenees of this your Error, that you may notcaufehis People to fin, but may yet with found Doftrine ftrengthen the weak Hands, and confirm the feeble Knees, and make ftraight Paths for your ¥eet y left that v:hich it lame be Heb. 12, turned out of the way, but let it rather be 12,13. healed. 4thly. Confider, that if you err from the Rule of Chrift in offering your Praifes to God, contrary to his own appointed Way, therein you do worfhip. God in vain: and I fear it will be faid of you, as it was to him that offered the Thank-offering under the LrJt. 7? Law 7 which was to be eaten on the firft and ll t0 *9* fecond Days : and if any of the Flefh of the Sacrifice of his Peace or Thank-offering were eaten at all on the third Day, that it fhall not be accepted, neither lhall it be im- puted unto him that offereth it : it (hall be an Abomination, and that Soul fhall bear his Iniquity. yhly and laftly. It is the Duty of all, and of every individual Chriftian, ftudioufly tQ * - judg of the Dodrine delivered to them, whether it be of Man or of God *, and to conform to the Authority of the Holy Scrip- ture ;, as the noble Eercans did, who fearched a% s I7< the Scripture* daily , whether thxffe things y iq 3 u, D preached so Coitcetmitg ©ingtttff, &c, preached by Paul and Silas, were fo or no. And I am perfwaded that it is for want of Zeal and Love to the Truths of Chrift, and through that flothful and idle Spirit attend- ing fo many Chriftians, that the Errors of Men do fo prevail. But to leave what I have faid, I do be- leech you courteous Reader, chriftianly to dverlook that Weaknefs you may efpy in { my Delivery, and ferioufly to take notice not fo much of that^ as of the main of this Subjed, without ftraining my Words beyond the drift and defign of the body of my Difcourfe-, and to confider, that the Au- thority of the Holy Scriptures is repug- nant to fuch formal and cuftomary Sing- ing herein mentioned, and treated of, not with any Defign to move Controverfies, or trouble others, but to prevent the Divisions thu poffibly may arife amongft our felves, through the Endeavours of fome Perfons to promote this Error in our Churches. And as I hope the Lord hath engaged my Heart herein •, fo he will biefs my poor Endea- vours, to fettle the Minds of my wavering Brethren, and to prevent any farther In- croachments of this Error, which hath been fo generally rejected by us for many Years. FINIS. ERRATA. Page 45. line 8. for jdrmtrly read jotmaUy. ft 47. near the end io Margent, add the Text Lnty 4. 17, &c. AT) VE^TISEMENT. There is now coming forth a Book^ intitled, A Treatife of the Holy Trinunity, in two Tarts : The Ftrfi ajferteth the Deity of Jeftet Chrijl and the Hgh Sprit, in the Vnity of Ejfence with God the Father. The Second, in Defence of the former, anfwereth the ctnefejt ObjeUions made againjt this Do* Urine. By J. M. tha?. I. TpHE Cafe is briefly fated. Chap. II. Sheweth that there is but one God, the Crem- ator and Former of all things. Chap. 111. Aflerteth a Plurality of Divine Subfiftences. Chap. IV. Of the Father. Chap. V. Proveth the Deity of our Lord JefusChrift. i. By his Names. 2. That God in the Old Teftamenc in divers Places i* Chrift in the New. 3. By feven par- ticular Texts of Holy Scriptures. 4. That Chrift pre- cxifted his Incarnation in his Divine Nature, and is no Angel incarnate, but is Coeternal with the Father. 5. His Deity is proved by his Works. And 6. By Di- vine \Vor(hip given to him. Chap. VI. Proveth the Deity of the Holy Ghoft. \. That heisaPerfon. 2. His Deity is afferced from feveral Texts of Scripture. 3. By his Works. 4. By Divine Worfhip given to him. Chap. VII. Proveth the Unity of the Holy Trinity. Cbaf. ADVERTISEMENT. Chip. VIII. Contained! fome Explications of Holy Twnuaity. i. Of the eflennal Being of 2. Of the Divine Perfons, the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. 3. Of the Diftin&ions of the Divine ture and the Perfons, and fome Shadows by way Comparifon of the incomparable and inconeeiva $eing of God, and of the Union of ChrifVs Natures. FART 11 Chap. I, Aafwereth Objections againft the Scripti Proofs of Chrift's Deity. Chap. II. Anfwers to Objections drawn from fevei Texts of Scriptures. Chap. III. Anfwers to feveral Arguments againft tt Deity of Chrift. Chap. W. Anfwers to feveral Objfc&ions againft Scriptures, that prove the Deity of the Holy Ghoft, Chap.V. Anfwers to fome Objections drawn from di vers Scriptures to difprove the Deity of the Hoi; Spirit. . Cbaf. VA Anfwers to fome Scriptures from whem our Adversaries aflertthat the Father only is the God. With a general Anfwer and Conclusion. Price bound one Shilling* (.aylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. V. 1 PAT. JAN. 21. 1908