FUNERAI^ ^ H ^PR T71935 j Y M N S- BY JOHN AND CHARLES WESLEY. BLESSED ARE THE DEAD WHICH DIE IN THE LORD." REV. XIV. 13. THE NINTH EDITION. LONDON PRINTED AT THE CONFERENCE-OFFICE, 14, CITY-ROAD; BY TH6MAS CORDEUX, AGENT: J by Thomas Blanshard, 14, City- Road; and at all the Methodift Preaching-Houfe* in Town and Country. PRICE TWO-PENCE. ***** ( * > FUNERAL HYMNS. —>*©«— 1 AH, HYMN I. , fifler in Jefus, adieu \ ^ Thy warfare is happily o'er : Thy fpirit lias fought its way through, And pitched on the heavenly fhore; Thy courfe upon earth is all run, The days of thy mourning are pad, The joys that above thou halt won For ever and ever fnall laft. O blefled eftate of the dead, The dead that have died in the Lord ! From trouble and mifery freed, And fure of their endlefs reward : By forrow no longer oppreft, When join'd to the fpirits above, With Jefus in glory they reft, They reft in the arms of his love. O when will the Saviour extend The arms of his mercy to me ! The days of my pilgrimage end, My foul from its priibn fet free ? When will the dear moment arrive, Which Jong I have pin'd for in vain I And ft ill I wou'd die to revive, And fuftet with Jefus to reign. A 2 4 Ah 1 ( * ) 4 Ah! give me to bow my faint head, My forrowful foul to refign, From pain everlaftingly freed, To fink on the bofom divine : My Saviour, why dolt thou delay To call a poor wanderer home ? Come quickly, and bear me away ; The Bride and the Spirit fay, come ! HYMN II. 1 TJ EJOICE for a brother deceas'd, j£\, v Our lofs is his infinite gain,) A foul out of prifon releas'd, And freed from its bodily chain : With fongs let us follow his flight, And mount with his fpirit above, Efcap'd to the manfions of light, And lodg'd in the Eden of love. 2 Our brother the haven hath gain'd, Out-flying the tempeft and wind, His reft he hath fooner obtain'd, And left his companions behind ; Still tofs'd on a fea of diftrefs, Hard toiling to make the blefl more, Where all is aflurance and peace, And forrow and fin are no more. 3 There all the (hip's company meet, Who fail'd with the Saviour beneath, With {houting each other they greet, And triumph o'er trouble and death : The voyage of life's at an end, The mortal affliction is paft, The age that in heaven they fpend For ever and ever (hall laft. HYMN ( 5 ) HYMN III. 1 TTTOSANNAH to Jefus on high » I | Another is enter'd his reft, Another is 'fcap'd to the iky, And lodg'd in Immanuel's breaft : The foul of our filter is gone To heighten the triumph above, Exalted to Jefus's throne, And clafp'd in the arras of his love. 3 What fulnefs of rapture is there, While Jefus his glory difplays, And purples the heavenly air, And fcatters the odours of grace 1 ? He looks — and his fervants in light The bleffing ineffable meet ; He fmiles — and they faint at the fight, And fall overwhelm'd at his feet ! 3 How happy the angels that fall, Tranfported at Jefus's name ! The faints whom he fooneft (hall call To (hare in the feaft of the Lamb ! No longer imprifon'd in clay, Who next from his dungeon (hall fly, Who firfl (hall be fummon'd away ? My merciful God Is it I ! 4 O Jefus, if this be thy will, That fuddenly I mould depart, Thy counfel of mercy reveal, And whifper the call to my heart : O give me a fignal to know If foon thou wou'dft have me remove, And leave the dull body below, And fly to the regions of love. A 3 HYMN ( « ) HYMN IV. For one juft departing. 1 ^v Sifter in Jefus, arife, V_r And joyful his fummons obey ; He beckons thee up to the fkies, In mercy he calls thee away: His pity hath fign'd thy releafe ; Return to thy native abode, Make hafte to the manfions of blifs, And fly to the bofom of God. 2 To waft from- the valley of tears, To bear thee triumphantly home, The chariot of Ifrael appears, The convoy of angels is come ! With envy we let thee depart, Thy happier fpirit refign ! The purchafe of Jefus thou art, And God is eternally thine. 3 Go then to thy glorious eftate, No longer our partner in woe, No longer opprefs'd with our weight, To Jefus in paradife go : Redeem'd from a world of diftrefs Thou hear'ft the acceptable word, He bids thee depart in his peace, And die for the fight of thy Lord. 4 Efcape to a country above, Where only enjoyment is found, And fprings of ecitatical love, And rivers of pleafure abound : No dreadful alarums of war, No famine, or forrows, or pains, No found of the trumpet is there, But Jefus eternally reigns. 5 He ( 7 ) 5 He reigns in the holieft place, HI dwells in the midft of his own, And fully difcovers his face, And fills them with raptures unknown ; With blifs inexpreflxbly great Their glorify'd fpirits o'erflow— — — Go, filler, and fhare their eftate, To Jefus in paradife go. tf O Saviour, her fpirit receive, Which into thy hands we refign, And us from our forrows retrieve, And us to our company join : Our number atfd glory compleat, With all that are landed before, With thee let us joyfully meet, To part and to fuffer no more. HYMN V. On the fight of a Corpse. H lovely appearance of death ! A No fight upon earth is io fair ! Not all the gay pageants that breathe, Can with a ciea t body compare : With folemn delight I furvey The corpfe when the fpirit is fled, In love with the beautiful clay, And longing to He in its (lead. How bleft i.s our brother, bereft Of all that could burthen his mind, How eafy the foul that hath left This wearifome body behind ! Of evil incapable thou, Whofe relics with envy I fee, No longer in mifery now, No longer a finner like me. A 4. 3 This H ( 8 ) This earth is affe&ed no more, With ficknefs, or fhaken with pain, The war in the members is o'er, And never fhall vex him again : No anger henceforward, or fhame, Shall redden this innocent clay, Extina is the animal flame, And paflion is vanifh'd away. The languifhing head is at reft, Its thinking and aching are o'er ; The quiet, immovable bread Is heav'd by affliction no mcgp ; The heart is no longer the feat Of trouble and torturing pain> It ceafes to flutter and beat, It never fhall flutter again. 5 The lids he fo feldom could clofe, By forrow forbidden to deep, Seal'd up in eternal repofe, Have ftrangely forgotten to weep : The fountains can yield no fupplies, Thefe hollows from water are free, The tears are all wip'd from thefe eyes, And evil they never (hall fee. 6 To mourn, and to fuffer, is mine, While bound in a prifon I breathe, And ftill for deliverance pine, And prefs to the iffues of death : What now with my tears I bedew, O might I this moment become, My fpirit created anew, My flelh be confign'd to the tomb. HYiMN ( 9 ) |^ HYMN VI. TTIIS finifli'd ! 'tis done ! I The fpirit is fled, The prifoner is gone, The chriftian is dead ! The chriftian is living In Jefus's love, And gladly receiving A kingdom above. All honour and praife Are Jefus's due, Supported bf grace, He fought his way through ; Triumphantly glorious Through Jefus's zeal, And more than victorious O'er fin, death, and hell. Then let us record The conquering Name, Our Captain and Lord With fhoutings proclaim : Who truft in his pafllon And follow our head, To certain falvation We all fhall be led. O Jefus, lead on Thy militant care,#^ And give us the crown Of righteoufnefs there ; Where dazzl'd with glory The Seraphim gaze, Or proftrate adore thee In iilence of praife. a A 5 5 Come, ( 10 ) 5 Come, Lord, and difplay Thy fign in the fky, And bear us away To manfions on high : The kingdom be given, The puvchafe divine, And crown us in heaven Eternally thine. HYMN VII. 1 • r \ WHEN fhall we fweetly remove ! \J O when fnall we enter our reft ; Return to the Sion above, The mother of fpirits diftreft ! That city of God, the great king, Where forrow and death are no more. But faints our Immanuel fing, And cherub and feraph adore. 2 Not all the archangels can tell, The joys of that holieft place, When Jefus is pleas'd to reveal, The light of his heavenly face; Where caught in the rapturous flame The fight beatific they prove, And walk in the light of the Lamb,' And balk in the beams of his love. 3 Who then upon earth can conceive, The blifs that in heaven they (hare ; Who then the dark. world would not leave, And cheerfully die to be there ? O Saviour, regard our complaints, Array'd in thy majefty come, Fulfil the defires of thy faints, And fuddenly gather us home. 4 Thou 1 ( 11 ) 4 Thou know'A: in the fpirit of pray'r, We groan thy appearing to fee, Refiga'd to the burden we bear, But longing to triumph with thee : 'Tis good at thy word to be here, ''■HHter in thee to be gone, And fee thee in glory appear, And rife to a mare in thy throne. 5 To mourn for thy coming, is fweet ; To weep at thy longer delay : But thou whom we haften to meet, Shall chafe a|l our forrows away: ,m The tears fhall be wip'd from our eyes/^ When thee we behold in the cloud, And echo the joys of the ikies, And (hout to the trumpet of God. 6 Come then to thy languishing bride, Who went'ft to prepare us a place, Receive us with thee to abide, And reft in thy mercy's embrace. Our heaven of heavens be this Thy fulnefs of mercy to prove, Implung'd in the glorious abyfs, And loft in the ocean of love. HYMN VIIL 1 A WAY with our forrow and fenr ! f\ We foon (hall recover our home; The city of faints (hall appear, The day of eternity come : From earth we {hall quickly remove, And mount to our native abode, The houfe of our Father above, The palace of angels and God. A 6 2 Our ( 12 ) Our mourning is all at an end, When rais'd by the life-giving word, We fee the new city defcend, Adorn'd as a bride for her lord : The city fo holy and clean No forrow can breathe in the air. No gloom of affliction or fin, No fhadow of evil is there. H By faith we already behold That lovely Jerufalem here ! er walls are of jafper and gold, As cryftal her buildings are clear : I mmorably founded in grace She ftands as ihe ever hath (lood, And brightly her Builder difplays, And flames with the glory of God. 4 No need of the fun in that day Which never is followed by night, Where Jefus's beauties difplay A pure and a permanent light ; The Lamb is their light and their fun, And,, lo ! by reflection they mine, With Jefus ineffably one, And bright in effulgence divine. 5 The faints in his prefence receive Their great and eternal reward, In Jefus, in heaven they live, They reign in the fmile of their Lord The flame of angelical love Is kindled at Jefus's face, And all the enjoyment above Confilts in the rapturous gaze HYMN I Ha KM TtWai ( 13 > HYMN IX. ANICS be to God, whofe faithful love ill call'd another to his bread, MPm to joys above, nfions of eternal reft. 2 Ripe for the glorious harveft: made, He firft was fav'd from inbred fin ; The angel then his charge obey'd, And thruft the mortal fickle in. S He the good fight of faith hath won, He heard with joy the welcome word : "Hither come up (thy work is done) And reign for ever with thy Lord.* 1 By minifterial fpirits convey'd, Lodg'd in the garner of the fky, He refts, in Abraham's bofom laid, He lives with God, no more to die, 5 Thanks be to God, thro' Chrift alone, Who gave our friend the victory, Q Mafter, fay to me, " Well done 1" May I rejoice to die in thee. 6 Thus may we all our warfare end, In ftruggling to the upper flcies, Our lad triumphant moments fpend, , And grafp in death th' immortal prize. 7 O that we all may thus break through, The crown with holy violence feize, The ftarry crown to conquefl due, The crown of life and righteoufnefs. 8 Will ( H ) 8 Will not the righteous Judge bellow The prize on all who feek him here, And long while, fojourning belovflif To fee their much-lov'd Lord appear ? 9 He will (our hearts cry out) he will Thofe eager wifhes more than mectpi Thefe infinite defires fulfil, And make our happinefs complete. 10 We all fhall fee our Life appear, • (Our hidden life in Jefus found) Our duft th' archangel's voice fhall hear, And kindle at the trumpet's found. 11 O what a foul o'er-pow'ring theuglit, 'Tis ecftafy too great to bear : We all at once fhall be up-caught, And meet our Jefus in the air. 12 Eternity (lands forth in fight ! We plunge us in that boundlefs fea, Expatiate in thofe plains of light, The regions of eternity ! 13 Ev'n now we tafle the heavenly powr's, The glorious joys of angels prove, A whole eternity is ours, A whole eternity of love ! HYMN X. On the Death of Mrs. A. C. 1 A ND is the flruggle pad ? l\ T And hath fhe groan'd her lafl ? Rife, my foul, and take thy flight, Hafte, the afcending triumph fhare, Trace her to the plains of light, Grafp her ^happy fpirit there I 2 I know I ( 15 | I know her now pofTeft Of everlaHing reft ! Now I find her lodg'd above, Now her heavenly joy I feel, Ecftafy of joy and love; Glorious and unfpeakable! I triumph in her blifs! The proof, the token this ! This my dying friend's bequeft, This the anl'wer of her pray'r, Speaks her enter'd into reft, Tells me I (hall meet her there. Lord, I accept the fign, And blefs thy love divine: Thou haft through the mortal rale Led her to the realms above, Caught her from the toils of hell, Plac'd her on a throne of love. I, I fhall conquer too, Like her fhall all break through! To my heavenly friends convey'd, I fhall fhare the marriage feaft : Pants my foul on earth delay'd, Gafps for her eternal reft. Come, O my Saviour, come, Receive thy fervant home ! Now recal thy banifli'd one, Draw me from the tent of clay : Heart'ft thou not thy fpirit's groan ? Come, my Saviour, come away ! O come, the Spirit cries, O come, the Bride replies ! Thee I call with ev'ry breath ; Let me die to fee thy day, Snatch me from this life of death : Come, my Saviour, come away ! HYMN ( 16 ) HYMN XI. On the Death of E. B., of Kikgswood. 1 TJEJOICE, ye fons of light, JjaHbver a faint deceas'd ! The happy foul hath took its flight, And enter'd into reft. Toft to and fro no more On life's tempeftuous fea, The happy foul hath reach'd the fhore Of calm eternity. 2 She at the welcome word Is out of prifon fled, Releas'd from her oppreffive load, And free among die dead : The bloody hufband's pow'r „y> I Did with her breath expire, And, lo ! fhe lives to die no more Amidft yon angel quire. 3 The fpirits of the juft Made perfect here in love, With thefe, and all the heavenly hoft, * She finds her place above ; One with the faints in light, The witneffes of God, She walh'd her robes and made them white In the Redeemer's blood. 4- HeT foul was cleans'd below, And fav'd from fin's remains, Whiter on earth than Salmon's fnow, She now with Jefus reigns ; Long ( 17 ) Long in the furnace try'd, Long in the vale diftreft, The Lamb at laft hath call'd his bride Up to the marriage-feaft. With fteadfaft faith and hope, 'Aj Let us her Heps purfue, Cheerful, like her, the crofs take up, Like her the world break through ; Like her our faith approve, And patiently endure, And make, by all the works of love, Our heavenly calling fure. HYMN XII. On the Death of Mrs. F. C. rjlHANKS be to God alone, JLl Through Jefus Chrift his Son ! He who hath for all obtain'd, Gives our friend the victory : Sifter, thou the prize haft gain'd, Died for him who died for thee. The mortal hour is paft, Thou haft o'ercome at laft, Freed from pain, for ever freed, Ended is thy glorious ftrife, Death, the lateft foe, is dead, Death is fwallow'd up of life. The lamb-like innocence Is foon departed hence ; From the world of fin and pain Thou art clean efcap'd away, Sav'd from fin's infectious ftain, Taken from the evil day. 4 Stranger i> ever His Si ( 18 ) Stranger to guilty fears Thou lived'ft thy twenty years, From the great tranfgreffion free ; Never did the poifon fpread, Je£fltfc%e it rofe in thee, crufh'd the ferpent's head. Spirit's gentleft art Open'd thy fimple heart ; The eternal gofpel-word, Lydia-like thou didft receive, Fall before thy bleeding Lord, Own him, and with eafe believe. Soon as thy heart did feel The pardon-damping feal, Heard thy foul the warning cry, " Here thou haft not long to flay, " Rife, my love, make hafte to die, " Rife, my love, and come awa} Thy cheerful foul obey'd, Through fuflering perfect madej Perfect made in a fhort fpace, Thy refign'd and Chrift-like foul, Started forth and won the race, Reach'd at once the glorious goal. Aloft the fpirit flies And gains her native fkies ; Kindred fouls falute her there, Springing from the azure throne, All in fhouts their joy declare, All their new-born fifter own. Th' angelic army fings, And clap their golden wings ! Harping with their harps they praife, Him, through whom fhe all o'ercame, Sharer of his richeft grace, Clofeft follower of the Lamb. 10 From ( 19 ) 10 From love's foft witchcraft free, Her fpotlefs purity Liv'd to only Chrilt below ; Higher now (he reigns above, Mightier joys advanc'd to know, Honour'd with his choiceft love. 11 Among the morning-ftars A brighter crown (lie wears, With peculiar glories grac'd, Seated on a loftier throne, To fuperior raptures rais'd, Nearelt God's eternal Son. 1? Mixt with the virgin-train She charms th' ethereal plain, With the Lamb for ever found ; Angels liften while fhe fings, Catch th' inimitable found, Mufic for the King of kings ! 13 O happy, happy foul, Thy heavenly joy is full I Thee the Lamb had made his, bride, Call'd thee to his feaft above ; Thee he now hath glorify'd, Taught thee the new fong of love. 1 1 O that at 1 aft even I, ' Like thee might fweetly die; Die, and leave the world of woe, Die out of the reach of fin, Die the joys of heaven to know : Open, Lord, and take me in t 15 Give me thy blifs to fhare, The meaneft fpirit there, Only let me fee thy face, See with thee my happier friend, At an awful diftance gaze, Tafte the joys that never end. ( 20 ) 16 Thou wilt cut fhort my years, And wipe away my tears ; Lo ! I wait thy leifure (till Humbly at thy footftool lie, Calm to fuffer all thy will, Glad in thee to live and die. HYMN XIII. 1 "^717"^* k now > by faith we know, T Y 14 this vile houfe of clay, This tabernacle fink below In ruinous decay : We have a houfe above Not made with mortal hands, And firm as our Redeemer's love That heavenly fabric ftands. 2 It ftands fecurely high, Indifiblubly fure, Our glorious manfion in the fky Shall evermore endure. O were we enter'd there To perfect heaven reftor'd, O were we all caught up to (hare The triumph of our Lord. 3 Beneath our earthly load We labour now and groan, And haften tow'rd that houfe of God, And ftruggle to be gone : We would not, Lord, defire And end of mifery, But Thee our earneft fouls require, We long to die for Thee. 4 For this in faith we call, For this we weep and pray, O might the tabernacle fall, O might we 'fcape away ! Full ( 21 ) Full of immortal hope, We urge the reftlefs ftrife, And haften to be fwallowed up Of everlafting life. 5 Abfent, alas ! from God, We in the body mourn, And pine to quit this mean abode, And languim to return : Jefus, regard our vows, And change our faith to fight, And clothe us with our nobler noufe O empyrean light. <5 O let us put on Thee In perfedl holinefs, And rife prepar'd thy face to fee, Thy bright unclouded face ; Thy grace with glory crown Who haft the earned given, And now triumphantly come down And take our fouls to heaven. HYMN XIV. 1 TESUS, come ! our utmoft Jefus, 4 J Save us from the world beneath, From a life of pain releafe us, From a life of daily death ; Liften to the ceafelefs moaning Of thy plaintive turtle-dove : Anfwer, Lord, thy Spirit's groaning, Take us to our church above. 2 Many a foul is lodg'd before us, In the garner of the grave : Jefus, come! To life reflore us, Us from all our troubles fave. Us in infinite compaflion To our happier friends unite, Raife C ff ) Raife us to our higheft ftation, Rank us with thy faints in light, Still we bear about thy dying In our feeble bodies here, Languifhing for thee, and crying Light of life in us appear. Take to us thy kind embraces, To thy heavenly banquet lead ; Wipe the forrow from our faces, Set the crown upon our head. Ik Y M N XV. 1 TTOSANNAH to God X.JL In his higheft abode ; All heaven be join'd, To extol the Redeemer and Friend of mankind ! He claims all our praife, Who in infinite grace Again hath ftoop'd down, And caught up a worm to inherit a crowni 2 Our partner below Our brother in woe, From his forrow and pain He hath call'd to the pleafures that always He hath fnatch'd him away [remain From a cottage of clay To a kingdom above, A kingdom of glory, and gladnefs, and love. 3 Our friend is reftor'd, To the joy of his Lord, With triumph departs, But fpeaks by his death to our echoing hearts : Follow after, He cries, As he mounts to the Ikies, Follow after your friend,- To the blifsful enjoyments that never (hall end. 7 And ( 2S ) 4- And (hall we not prefs To that harbour of peace, That heavenly fhore, Where forrow, and parting, and death are no more : Our brother purfue, And fight our way through, In the ftrength of our Lord Follow on, till we feize the eternal reward ? 5 Through Jefus's na/ne, Our comrade o'ercame, And Jefus is ours, And arms us with all his invincible powers : He looks from the ikies, He (hews us the prize, And gives us a fign That we (hall o'ercome by the mercy divine. 6 The Saviour of all For us he (hall call — Shall fliortly appear ; Our day of eternal falvation is near. We too (hall remove To our city above, On mortals look down, Triumphant afleflbrs of Jefus's throne. 7 For us is prepar'd, The angelical guard, The convoy attends, A minift'ring hoft of invisible friends : Ready wing'd for their flight To the regions of light The horfes are come, The chariots of Ifrad to carry us home. 8 They / ( 24 ) 8 They foon (hall convey. Our fpirits away, Our fpirits that groan, And cry for redemption and long to be gone. By the crofs we endure We (hall make the crown fure, By a moment of pain, We all (hall a joyful eternity gain. HYMN XVI. 1 TTAPPY^ho in Jefus live, I I But happier ft ill are they Who to God their fpirits give, And 'fcape from earth away : Lord, thou read'ft the panting heart, LoTd, thou hear'ft the praying figh, O 'tis better to depart, 'Tis better far to die ! 2 Yet if fo thy will ordain, For our companions good, Let us in the flefh remain, And meekly bear the load : When we have our grief fill'd up, When we all our work have done, Late partakers of our hope, And fharers of thy Throne. 3 To thy wife and gracious will We quietly fubmit, Waiting for redemption (till, But waiting at thy feet : When thou wilt the blefling give, Call us up thy face to lee, Only let thy fervants live, And let us die to Thee. Printed at the Conference-Office, 14, City. Road, London i By Thomas Ccrdeux, Agent.