Wx:^' ly^Jin ■ -^ ^(//./ /!■' ^- m i D!o>i, Cr^:^ N.^\ '0^ C ''OfiODcnBDcgunDQ^UDDocnDfOPiicn Q i d ccr l n c u a t»Qi: C n ; : os oc^ o c 2 c aQc ca j c : gcooiia o? i^ZABVLON . Q^srQ!ica onfl naoEcnonDGng^GS^iana-nflticaaimanoDcgrccacsaDccaDDaii^ SJLM.OH-i^ HE PRINT to the diligent Reader. E R ( Eare Chriftian Reader, to the intent that thou migflteft the better enioy the benefit of thefe notes or expoiuions vpon the New Teftament: I thought it not amifle to de- clare vnto thee the vfe of the fame. And firft, forafmuch as the quotations or citing of* places ofthe Scriptures in the margent which dired to other places,conteining like phrafe or fence , haue bene fo placed , that none without great la- bour could find out the text alledged, 1 haue made thefe fix feuerall figures or marks ,**•"- «* , and haue fet themafwel in the margent as in the text, fo that thou mayeft eafijy gnde that which thou defireft. For example, in the firft worde of the firft Chapter ofMatthew is placed this firft mark'e-^ : lookeout the like marke in the margent , and there thou fhaltfinde Lukei-^i. which place agreeth to this of Matthew : and fo likewife thou flialt finde in the refidue. But if many quotations belong to one place, word, or fentence , the firft is onely marked, and thofe that follow vnmarked, appertaine to the fame. And if it fail out that there be more then fixe diredions in one columne, then is the firft repeated againe , and the refidue following in order as at the begin- ning : asitappeareth in the firft calumne of Matthew , where both in the text and margent alfo, they are all two times fet do wne, and the foure firft repeated againe. The Notes which are dire- Emmaus 65.3431.59. Nazareth ^ 66.it.ji. Ephen 66.8.32. Ptolemais}?, 6y.y 2.32.48. Gadara or Garaza 66.48. 32.'2{)- S.imaria the city, <56t3-3i-39. Gaza Sidon - 67iy-333o. 65.31. S2.JO. lericho Silo 66.i7.3i-i9' 66. 16, 32.2y. lerufelem 66.31.55. TvruiJ 67.33.20. 67.39-33.J- loppe fj •40.31- J. >■ Tiberiaj 66.44-32.2alt * call his name I E S U S : for hee (liali f ^'1 ih;Jc ivhi: h this ftdttTte ff Va-fiiip'c-kai they Iciutt cr.e ^ x^D'.Urordtt'.y in tlitirJt^nei. 1 Chiift is tbe tru( Hmmanuel. and thcrcfoic . Iffui (ili.^ris .S'.viourJ Ttoiactivcd io tht Vivginj by tfarhcIyGboft.ai itwai fortuldby t I«i;ri..72. I rf.'f.,4.i. f P.icr].e l.cr *l hr r.rer-tsaU hi,J,fJik'>^*"<''- g JVhuhvi!frc- rr.ifcd.ttnil made fn • t!fo lUt 10 be th rrif.: b Of'h! rr-.tlhtrs f.inar.n h the hs'yrhfl. = Cb^i-U.l.-f.ie of;h.-f....c V.r- f...t.cwhi<.brrvet knfw ir«i. ;.-r.di wiltJItfjtofOo himfslfe^by-lxAcEel* Luke., j< ' ftve his people from their finnes. -* • .-rTcMi,*. 2a And all this was done y it might be fulfilled, ' T.ciH.cr.^AJi which is fpokenof t!-.e LcrJby ;y I'rcphft , faying. JZ',i^l''r,l', 23 * Behold, a k virgine ir.allbe with chiidc, mmeuff-s.' and fhail bcrre a io.nnc , and they lliall call his * f A.7,i4- name Em.nunuel , which is by intcipretation , God j^- J''^™''i'"f" with us. r«r,'Ina«li?r, J4 J Then lofeph being raifed from fleepe, ri^d.'to point out did as thf Angel of the Lord hid inioyned him, v^°m3o, and tooke his wife. ' foonb pi xs But he knew her not , l till fhe had brought v?rgi"'M,orl'ctt''' fo^P'her fidl borne fonne, and hee called his ui™ virgine. name I E S U S. tonjuf, givtth lis to vndeinand alfo, .'"a thing Oiallno! as Michel bid do cfciklien TiUherdeaih day.j.Sain 6 this hvangelift : Bthol.1 . 1 am with you till tbj end of ct CHAP. II. Tl>s -xi/i men ..vcho are defrfffrnitiiyfihtCen-iln Chrijl. n lcj!fl: fluH i,,i, B}ft rvi'h Icji murlar, j6 Hcrcii f.ajtil, thiiUiUre^i. 1 This liitle word Till.intbeH--breij» e to paiJe in time to come .- And in thcUlt Chapttro* nJh:= * r.u!cei,6. WHen * , lefus then was borne at BethiehetB '^J''"'» P"'''''^ in a ludea.in the dayes of Herod the king. T^^f^ribJdZ'^ behold, there came l> Wife men from the Eall to thing fet'b''y"of"bT, Hierufalem, ow.o°ef.copie. re. 2 Saying , Where is the King of the lewcs that """^ notwi'b. is borne ? for we have feene his (Itrre in the Eaf), wi^^t'^f of'h°''di' and ate come to worQ^ip hiro. vinity from Lven, j When king Herod heard this , he was = trou- ^rdofhi, kingly bjed. and all Hierufalem with him. ***="• of tUsnfeti : 4 And gathering together all the d chiefe '^vn«!'c!!n°T"a"'° I'rieftes and ^ Scribes of the people , hee asked of loweof,"a°rhJiigh them, where Chriif fl^.ould be borne. tbpyd„cnotac. y And they iayd unto him , At Bethlehem in '*'=°«''<^'igehim. ludea : for fo ic is written by the Trophet. ^n-h^r ',n7bJ^"h ^'"■ 6 ^ And thou Bethlehem in the hnd of luda, zi'b'io",.' ""' '"' art not the f leaft among the Princes of Iiida : for b .wKcamlifarned out of thee fliall coaie the governour that y Ihall "•«"■'< '•aP<.iiiatj feede my people Ifrael. ttl't^^cd ' V^ 7 Then Herod privily called the Wife men, " wa.much''mol and diligently inqiwred of them the tirae of the vcd. forheewa.'a ftarre that sppeared, ilraagtr, andcame 8 And lent them to Bethlehem , faymg ,Goe, "^'e acd". h**""'* "^ and fearch diligently for the babe : and when yee v^e",toubieV;fbr' have found him , bringme word againe , that I may wickfdnciri: ii mad come alfo, and worlhip him. '"^ "ginp. 9 J So when they had heard theking ,they ^^Jf/^^;^^^''"'"';' departed : and loe , the ft.irre which they had i'eene "rA= roorfam*i!7."* in the E.ift, went before them, till it came and liood wbichwe.edivijej ouerf/;s/;/j« where the babe was. ''""' fou^e^ wnu 10 And when they faw the ftarre, they reioyced '" °"*^"; ' St"'""- with an exceeding great ioy, 3«,[^''^' *' '""' I I At5d went into the houfe , and found the c-Ta alf.. caiitdEi-hra. .^ Sayiiig.Arife, and take the babe and his mo- foiU?a\tpUmy'of t^cr , and go into the land of Ifrael : for they are cotne. dead whis-hlought the babes life. 3 CeriftiibtoHght j| Then he arofe\ip,and tooke the babe and his up in Njzarcih atrer ^^Qiher , and Came iiito the land of Ifrael. thedeathof the ty- rant by Godi ptov zz But when he heard that Archelaus did reigne dMce? ih^r by"tbe in Iiidea inftead of his father Herod , he was afraid vtiyoaineoftbe to go thither : yet after he was warned of God in a place, it might dreame. he turned alidc into the parts of Galile. Ibt' wlrid.'t'hToe^'^ ^3 And went and dwelt in a city calledNazareth, she Lords itut Na. that it rright beftilfilled which was fpoken by the, /atite. Prophets, I'i'/jfe/jT'frt*, That he Ihould be called a Ndzarite. CHAP. III. I Tfltiprejchtll), 4 Hu apparell und meate. f Uehdftiz.eth. S Tlitfriiuscfrepmiunce. lO Theaxetttlierooteofthe 12 The faTintundtht chaffs- 13 ChriJUikaftUeJ. S. Matthew. Chrift baptized and tempted. andof the Sadducescome tohisbaptifroe ,hefaid ♦ chap. 11,34. unto them , * O generation of vipers , who hath ? True repentance forewarned you to flee from the anger to come ? ''?° L°^'hi'''f''^ 8T,-fiL r ^ ■ " , , which hath It feate. 3 Bring forth therefore fruit worthy amend- in ,he mind jkhrar,. mentofhfe, 4Thc faith ofibe fa- 9 4 Andi thinke not to fay k with your felves, tbtnavaileth y ua- * we have Abraham to our father : for I fay unto n'[",„°*.ti'i'!"°j you , that God is able even ofhBS,39. and with fire. .^M^ AtUi4j6. 11 6 VVhicTfiiam^his fanns in his hand, and will *m,^^1^11^{ '"makecleane his floore, and gather his wbeate j le.i'oh.iias. into his garner , but will burne up the chafl'e with aff.i j.aod'j.i- unquenchable fire. and 8. 17. and 19.4, 135*7 Then came lefus from Galile to lordan j. ^^,"; ""^ "'"'" Ti. 1 I • J fL- dwell upon the unto lohn to be b.iptized of him. f,gn„ „b,ch God 14 But lohn earnetlly put him backe , faying, hahordjinedai I have need to be baptized of thee , and commeth mtanetto leade ui thou to mee » Ttnb.Tu ""on 'him • I y Thenlefus anfwering.faid to hira.Let be now: bul w"t^oit"cljme' for thus it becommeth ustofulfilln ail tighteouf- up-oiBemanerit nelle. So he fuflei cd him. ' 'Vf' La,vvho through ^ + Then went out to him g lerufaiem and allln- '!lV'.T' !«.?ll?''lr* dea.andall the region round abuut lordan, and riflionanH fortfiveiicHeof thtir (mni-f . 2 Tfltre is tiMbing that noppfd up tbnAay 1 f mercy and falvaiioD againll uifo much »• ibe oj iaionof •jj SAiit ligbteoufnctii cotih. r well pleafed. letter, dfiiring us iti by itfialt , thai wt are im^r^ffed init ChriJJ ,rilltre h <"" "'«''" dieih and the uetf man ti/eth :ip.I{«m.6. 6" Thetriumphi of ih» wicked fliall end in everlaftiug torment, m WiS cUanje ktheri,-n>lji-i':d m.:k:' a fuii riddjiie. « M.ir. 1.9. LH/;f 3,21. 7 Cbriafanaifitdourbapiifmeiohiinfclfr. n Allfucb thiogi ai it bath appointed IIS to ktepe. o To lohn. S Cbiilts full confecration and autbotifing to the office of the mediaiouilhip, ii thewed by the fathers owne voyce , and a vifible figne of the holy Gboft » Col.i.t3. a ret.1,17- f Tin- ^reek' tvorUteiekf ne'h a thirty ofjveat uccount ,.tml Jnch ns-hi/hly pleafetit a m.tn. So then the Father jauh,th.ti Chriji cncly is thtman -whomvihtnhekhiildeth Aoi'k' tvhafpi'tun hehad etnceiliCd sf»s,he Lijreih itcltane afide. CHAP. IV. J ChriJI is templed. 4 Hei -uxv-juifhelhthe dcV'Uynith Scrifiure. ti T he ^nMs miiitfliT tmtuhim. i» We pj ctiheth repcntan(C) arsd that hmtfeije is teme, tS The callti-^ cj Peter ,^>ndreiv, ai I nmes and Ifhtt. 24 He ^ fread,e,hthe G,lpel,ar,dheale:h the J^feafed. « Matke ,,I5.' 'y Hen Swas « lefus iedafidc of the Spirit into nike4,t. ■*• the wijiieinelVe.to be tempted of the devill. iCbnrt was tempt 2 And when he had fafted » fuurty daies,and tor- "^ •'" '"'"'' f ... r J L w>ycs, Sc lull over, ty nights, he was afterw.nid hungry. comnetb.thai we 3 Then c;.me to him the tempter, a"" laid. If aHo ihrougo his thou be the lonnc of God , commaund that thefe vertue may over- ftones be made breath ^"IJ ^ 4 But he anfwering (aid , It is written. § Man f xb,t"b.tilVmet,t (ball net live by bread onely , but by every word wher.w'tb ihe flat that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. • roofeofthe lempie 5 Then die dcviJl tooke him up into the holy ^"""fajf^^jf^ja city.and (et bimonab pinacle of the Temple, might fall dowoe: 6 And iaid unto him , If thou betheSonneof as wssappoimed by God.caft thy felfe do wne , for it is written , § that thtLaw,D;ut ii,i. he will give his Angels chaige over thee, and with S p'^''"'j'"i their hands t-hey Ib.ili lift thee up. leait at any time * ^^"j f',", vuord. thou ihouldefi d.iili thy foot againil a iione_. Tbon fliab not get 7 lefus laid unto him , It is written' againe, onliillintempunf, SThoulhalcnotcierBpttheLord thy God. '6 Againe, n Chrifts preaching. 8 Againe the devill 'tooke him up into an ex- ceeding high rooimtaine , and Ihewed him all the kingdomes of the woikl , and the glory of them. ke 9 And faid to him , All thelii will I give thee, if thou wilt fall downe, and worfcip me. ID Then faid lefus unto him, Avoid Satan : for it is written, 4. Thou lliak woriliip the Lord thy God, and him onely ihalt thouferve. 1 1 i Then the devill iift him : and behold, the Angels came, and miniftred unto him, 12 J * » And when Itfus had heard that lohn was committed to prifon, he returned into Galile, 1 3 And leaving Nazareth . went and dwelt in ^^ ^ ^ Capernaum, which is necre the fea in the borders urvnea.rZjeMc ofZabuion, andNcphthalim. m're famous then 1 4 That it might be fuifiiled which was fpoken Naz.areik real. by Efaias the Prophet, faying, *on\h'ri\s cr -"y * '^^^ '^"'^^ of Zaoulon.and the land of leclufi tiZt'cc'u-:- Nephthalim 6y the way of the e»fea , beyond lor- irty htndcd toward dan ,f Gallic of the Gentiles : rvhuhjlan- 16 The people which fate in datkenefle . fawc gteat light : and to them which late in the region and fliadow of death, light is rifen up. iy it From that time lefus began to preach, and to fay , Amend your lives ; for the kingdome of heaven is at g hand. 18 J 3 And lefus walking by the fea of Galile, faw two brethren , Simon , v hich was called Peter, and Andrew his brother ,calhng a nee jnto the lea (tot they were fi (hers.) 19 * "indhvi faid unto them. Follow me, and I will maKe you fiihers of men. zo And they ttraight way leaving the nets, fol- lowed him. 11 And when he was gone forth from thence, oiFhitrrM- he !aw Other t^o brethren , lames f-e/owji? of Ze- bedcus , and lohn his brother in a ihip with Zebe- deus their father, mending their nctti s, & he called them. »• . 22 And the} \.'ithout t^tying .leaving the ftiip and their father, Joiiowed him. 23 So 4 lefus went about all Galile". teaching in hthc'ii Synag'igutS , and preaching .he Gol^ci of tbM ta.ngs which the kjcingdome.and heaiing ' evfiy uekenelfc, ai.d they heard ^nd faw. every m Jifeafe ^mong the p' opf . 24 And his fame fprcadanio id thorow all Sy- ria ; and they brought unto him all licke people, that were taken with divers difcafes , 8c " torments, £Hd them that were poflelfed with deviiS , and thofe which were o lunatike , and thole that had the 1- paUie : and he heakd them . 2y And there followed him great multitudes out of Gdile , and Decapoiis , and Hiernlalem, and ludea, and from beyond lordan. 4,14 iD/j»4,43. » WhenibeHe- xauldtmouib it flopped iihe Lord Kveileth himfelfei and bringetb fall light into tbe daikeaefle of tbii vcorld.prMcbing free forgiveotOe •ffknci totbem that repent. d ivhich re detli upon theje. that cMteih the midft'fthentrU. /•St called , hecau/i it tcrdereil upon Tyrus aniiidun, ^ndteciufcSaU- mor,ga^,e,heking tfTjruitwtnty citiesinihatfu.tr- ter, I. iijng 9 >ii- 41 Mark? I, ^,: I Ueometo;o». 3 Chrifttbioking by time , that he flioiild at length depart from us, the begia Ding thing gcaethbiin difapit^ after an heavenly 'ore , men indeed poore and vtterlyvnleariitd, and thcitr/orefiich asmigbibtleaft fufpeatdAi nef- fMofthrt.ue.hof » Mt l.cor.lX-. 4 Chrilt aflaietb theheaitso' tiie belctvertofhii rpiritual' aad (3. via^v=r:ue,by hcdltagtbt difU' feJofthc body. /, Their, ihM it, tkcCaliU^ni. Chap. V. The ble/Ted. 4 A Nd when he faw the multitudr.he went up into _. .„ a mountaine : and when he was fet.his dilciples ,'ba, ,fa "e'ea.A''' came to him. joyao, 2 1 And he opened his mouth, & taught them, "°' '" faying, '^ '. n Thitverd fi;!,i/ictl. friperiy :he Ihne nher^Tvith^ ''.'ried .■ ant h a her. nwed kindeoffpeeeh 7,"appliedtc ad kf.'de ofexar„inatio^'h tenure .rvhra ai bj rou^h dealin<'andtormeHii,wttvceakit:ic>:rairecutther»iethcfmen,»hkiMer-nrre-ke} tvould net emfejfe : ana m thit pUet it i> tal{,enfir .r otktrch.injresot^ Moone , arefhretvalj irtuhltd & difiajed. p Weak' O-feeile men.nho /,..».<■ ^fe^Jf^ '/ Shej would. /. ,, „ C 9 A r. V. , 1VheareH,rreJ. ,:>. The ^P' file, artihtfalt ttniij^ht ofthe ■tforld. i^ iM'^iiifetonauha. i; The,a>i4ie. i6^.cod woriiv-^-^"'^^'".? ''•^'-'"■'^' ''"""•""'"""''•'•»' What jaU'.i "■ *3 KS':"''e'liairin i,fii ItfcreJac-JUe. 17 ^duller}. S9 Thipltck^n^oittoftht O'- 30 Cutting off. fthshand. 31 ThehtlUfdvjorument. 33 Nti tuj'jvtare. tnTohi>e tivenemui. 48 rtr/eilnelft. dpleafurt ( .but it tbem thai VI il. for they ''"g'y reii i^he good will and plea y * bldied are the meeke: for they ft-,all in- e'X^oX-- herite the earth, fire all men,ai- 6 -i- Blelled are they which hunger and thirft 'hough ihcy be " " for they fliallbe filled. ciueliyv.ied. and 4 S blefled are they that mcllrne fliallbe comforted. for righteoufnefle caufethey wili nst pure in heart ; for they fafnionchemfeivei 4. Luke tainemercie. 8 Blefl-ed are the ^ flwllfeeGod. 9 Blefled are the peace makers : for they fliall „ ,„„..,„^ „ be called the children of God, , ofpovertie°rre°all" 10 Bleffed are they * which fuffer perfecution fucbmiferie» for righteoufnefle fake j fot theirs is the kingdome '"'"':»' «« >o!f- of heaven. , b'w"hoO-mind7.' 11 « Blefled fliaUyeebewhen men revile you, andfp°rhrate" and perfecute ysa ,andfayallmanerof evillagainft b>-o"gi"»nder, you for my fake , falily. and tamed , and 1 2 Reioyce and be glad , for great is your re- *'^fa°5 ,' , , ward in heaven ; for lb pcrfecuted they the Pro- luke6.ii. ' phcts which were before you. * rfa!.37,ir. 15 § Ye J are the fah of the 'I earth : but if the f fr\■^'"^• fik have -oft his lavour .wherewith fliall it be e Ql. fpitiy iitbt, word ted ? It is thenceforth good for nothing , but to be rure.ioyned wi.ij call out, and to be troden vnder foot of men. 'h' l"""- fcr ai a 1 4 Ye are the ( hghs of the world. A citie that ^''s^lf'^d ""'-■■''g is fet on an hil:. cannot be hid l^-'re't^b" feen. , I) * Neither iloe men light a candle, and put it plaineiyinadeare vnder 1 bulhel, but on a candle fticke, and it giveth '"'' P"" lookinj light uijto all that are in the houfe. ffaffUeT ^° '*""'' 16 X Let your light Co (hine before men , that 'o(theey,^lhi}^C"^ they may fee y mr good. workes , and gbrific your God, foioe forth father which is in hea.'cn. andcleireai-ptare 17 3 Thi^e not that I am cogjSjto dcftroy the '^"»i'"^"=""- Law.ot the|&iphe:s. I am n(K*ne to fait or frvour and .jfte in tbem f V, h i>i.ne and g;ve light, by being madepart.ker, of the true h.ht , m ' L, j , v 8r..and..,33. *..Pe.a,,a. 3Cb,,rtcamenottobrLgan;new;ayt;rVte^ orld , but to fulfill that in.deedVbJch wa*hIdo«e'd bV er.og men .h.ougb trace tromthecurfeof the Law: a.i fe of obed .ence wh^h ,he L.we a, p,,in .,d , and to grave g That tbe prophecies iraybeaccomrliftie,^. ir L T Hebeginnett wiih tberu..,^niirdinor.f.l,. tu'T;. In "'"' ' ^'' ""' '"""'"^ °^""fi--"n„:and.^enr.Vt;=;d Aaa 4 22 Jut oufnej & /aivai thcfigureiofibeLavv,bydel moreoier to teath the irue in 0111 heartithc forceofobedj.-Dce. $ Lukei«,i7. ' Iaine»2„o. Tbe Law expounded. S, Matthew. Oflove,almes,and ihertftrt af^hiih formt (fclVi iuthemtnti, nhiih .^■'•.f 2z Butlfiyur.toyou.whofoeverisanoiywith 'V/ ., his brother vnauvifeJIy , Ihall bs ' culpable fc of ' ;'/,;.; iiidgesr.ent. And whoU.evcr {ii:h iinro his bro- ui ther , Reca . Ilv.li be woithy to be piiniiheci by the 1 Council!. And whofoevcr lli -.11 fay. Foole. ih.itl be worthy to bepunilhed with "> hcU" iire. 2j « It' then thoa bring thy gift to the oahar, aiu! there rerri^.brcft that thy brorha- hath ought ag,-;ir.lithee. 24 Leave there thine ofTering before the altar, and "-oe thy wav : firft be reconciled to thy bro- ther,lnd then come and otter rhy gift. 25 K p Agree with thine adv^irfirie quickly, whiles thou art. in the way with him, leaiUhine advc firie deliver thee to the ludge , and the mtnTTvIk'' tow ruUJ 1} thrti men, rinz^ and dti'-d^'i^ cfin^nl) rn.ilttn, cndfmhc-.her fmll ciufi,. ■ 1 By ibai iudgfmcnt i^d'f«,'whohad'he ludge deliver thee to the fergeanc .'and thou be htariagan.l deci- ^aft illtO prifon. Hingufwtifii.iesf- ^g Verciy I fay unto thee, thou {lialt not come '^■XtdTaXa. out thence, till thou haft.i payed the vtraoft far- .hehigheiiiudgc's thing. ofaii, wKiotiif 17 f 7 Ye have heard that It was laid to them »"""''"°*^7' '^^''■} of old time, § Thou iKalt not commit adukeric. mofi w'aigt'i°°=«*i- ^^ ^^' ^ ^^>' "'^™ yo'-i.that whofoever looketh on T«,i!tbtinat:trof a womiu to lufl after her, hath committed ad ul~ a whole u'.bt or of terie with her already in his heart. =»'>'<''■''''•"« o'"'' 29 =*• Wherefore if thy r right eye caufs thee m whma. we *" to o^^"'' ' P^"'^'^- " out and cai^ it from thee ; for rr3derrte,H';i,itii better it is for ihee .that one of thy members pe- I'n tht ten ii ftlft. li/h . then that thy whole body Ihould be calt in- Cthenna , which ii jq J^^u matofrwClta i, ^o ■ Alfo if thy tight hand make thee to offend, afmuch :o fay.aithe cut it oft , and caft it hom tlice : for better it is for vaiii-yofHijnori, thee, that onc of thy members perilh .thenthac which ='i"w"«^ thy whole body Ihould be caft into hell. '" 3 1 It hath beene fuiJ alfo. * Whofoever Qiall bccaufe thou canft not make one haire white or 37 » But let your coran^unication bet Yea, ^ iyf,^,.f,,^„),i4 yea : Nay , ir.y. For whatfocver »*raore then thefe, vh-acI,, ntuchit commethofueviil, , iareiy.aiiw'ut- § eye for .- 59 huz I Ay unto you , * Refill not evill '.but whofoever (liali Imite thee on thy right checke. " Fromane^'fl turns to him the other alfo. ""\i"Ci' "■^ '"* 40 And ifany man will file thee at the law , and yVseni-w-th take away thy coite, let him have thy cloakeaVb. citanecontraryto 41 And whofoever will compell thee to goes, thedoftri.ieoftae mile, goewuh him twaine. ' _ _ fommeoahefa^ I Ye have heard that it hath beene favd. An /;'''.'''7.7 ''7' J , r 1 ■' dim: 7' birth ■ an ey e.and a toorh for a tooth. •„, jf/„»i ^ny n iln} trtet 4.1 ** Give to him that asketh, and from hira nd table r thfE Toph placcwhtreihcif. put away his wife, let him give her a bill of di- ttiat would borrow of thee, tunic notaway. ^ vadMftood, that 43 Ye have heard that it hath bin faid,^ Thou we may in no wife flialtlovethy neighbour.and hate thine enemie. "nd""!!! for 44 But I L\y unto you , * Love your enemies : fy^^ double i«. blefli; them thatCurfe you : doe good to them that iuric, and doewtll hate you , .f and pray for them which hurt you, '«'''<='"<'''"" °« andperfecuteyou.' tl'-wTS" 4y >° § Thatyeemaybethechildrenofyour ,f^,„.j4,jo*j,;,. father that is in heaven : forhee raaketh his funne i»,»i. to arife on the evill and the good , and fcndeth • Lnke 6,i9.ront. raineonthe iuftandvniiift, ^l''De!it"is^%l' 46 For if ye love them, which love you, v^hat ^ i:fi;7f.i9,i8. rewaril (hall you have ? Doe not the Publicanes * i-uki 6,17. even the fame ? * i«<^ »3.34- 47 And if ye be friendly to your brethren one- '[ ''J{'°\ ly , what fingiilar thing doeyee ;doe not even the ,0 Vdoubi* rea. t Publicanes likewife ? foa.-theone i»t»- 48 Ye fliall theieforebeperfit.asyour Father ken ofrcUtivn. which is in heaven, is perfit. be' hke tt?;" S ther .the other is taken of cBrnparifon , The childten ofGid mufibe beiter .then the children of this world. •§ Luke6,3S. i. Thtj ih.i: vetn ihe tci-majhrs, and h.id the o1ierfi>!it , ^f trihiiiti and cujiomei .■ it tijadnfmen th.tt the Jiyvn haled 10 death , tcth heciufc thcjr fcrpcd the /{cmanet in ihefi olfi^es , ( -rnhnfe j'\efuH. tonduu ihcy ctiiU hirdy eifjf/iejfe- i-r.ui.wtrcwcoi vorcernent. .roiicudlytofa.^ 3 ^^ But I fay unto you . whofoevct Hiall put . to'fa7f!god.', ' "" away his wife (except it be forfornication)cauk-th wbtrirupoDitwai her to ccmmitadulterie : and whofoeverlhallmar- taken for a place j-jg l■^„^■ [V,^,,. jj divorced.committeth aduitetie. api,oint»d to tor. ^ ^ ^ Agait« . ye have heard that it was fayd to i^j»em"T>° "" t^^'" of ol^' ""1= '^ "^^^^ "^^"^^ notforfweare thy n The i;w« i/fed ' felfe , but (halt petforme thine oatlies to the Lord. fomekindeiofpu- j^ But I fay untoyou , Swcaic not at all , nci- !heir™™«t ther by heaven, for it is the throne of God: ^ , ,. , , • , , ^ "a. ■ak.'.away by ? T Not yet by the earth.for it is his footftoole : •T' Ake heed that ye give not your ' almes beftre . H«ode.han;ing. neit'r-t by Hiciulalem 1 fot it is the citie of the * men to be feeneofthem ,or eKeyeflwUhave «'' CHAP. VI. tAlmei, f Frdjer. 14 Forj^iliinf cUr hrotUr. tSVjfi'n?. t9 Our heaffre. 10 Wee m%fl fiicccur the f core, n CU tttidrichet. IS Cdrcfui ftekingf^r metle and drinke , and appiireH ,fjrhidder>. 33 J he k">edcmcofCcd e ri^hieou/nelfe. nd hit i-eat Kill' 3^ Neithcv' ftiak thou fweare by thine head. beading. Ho and butoiog : thii ikii that Chill) Ihot at .becayfcbutning was the grejielt p jniQiment , »h«t«foie irt thst he maketh meutioo of a iudgement, a coui!cil!,anda/ire, hefnevit-ih thatlome fmuesare woirethenotbttfaine, but yet they areall fuch thai wte mull give accnuniCot them snd llisllbe pnuiQifd for thetn. 6 It- covetou. Pbatife, taught that God wai appeafed by tbe facriftcesappoimcd in the Lavw. which they ibemfelvrt devoured. BuiCbtift on ttircontraiy lidedemeih that God acc.pit.h anv mans otTtiing , vialelk he .iuk:tb fatisfaftion to hii brother wham heeha.h offendtd-and fsyeth moreover.thai ihde (lubburLe and llitfe necked delinferf of their bterhr.o , (hall n.ver efcape the wr?.th and ciitfe of God , before ttey lave madefuUfatiifadioDiotbeirbreibieo. o H^ApfhiikaU tijis ffe.tch t, -£ '« Hierufilm , arj therefrt the, are l,er, foclifh , that ritlir heriapon , ika' yv.cmtAp U: lid altar, , and ujt facrifUei : tut tiny art more fooUt . tohnh drane that to frgaur^e > ivhtch tt ff<,k.enerfe.tee making and itmem-r,t one niih.tr,i,ihtr. « /.I'-t' ti.jS. ? Cat tir all canfe ofenim-'tie q Tku. fnalt he dealt mrhali to t„e uimijl ixire- iri.if. 7 Hee ii taken for an aduUtrer before God , whatfoever hee be . that covcteth a wonr.n : end therefore we mult keept our eyes thalie , and all the memljerj wee bav! . ^ea and wee rouft tfchewe all occalioai which mightmoove oitHevill.howedeaiefoeviritioaus. § Ex.id.ao.M . toin.13 ,9. * Chap. 18.3.9 ni«tke947.. t Hee na:iitth tneright tyeand the tijhihande . btcaufe the partes of the lightfiaeofeui bodie are the chiiltlt , jod readieit .0 commit any . wickedr.tfle. { W»tdfjr»oi-i.> Ambition maketh raesvainc. no * reward ofyour Father which is in heaven. ^r^ard", h7in-ai^tr 2 "" Therefore when thou givelt thine almes, tik-"''"''" Strip. thou flialr not makeatrumpet to be blowen before tun, f.rafreere- thes.as the b hypocrites doe in the Synagogues tf'/'f"/-.'"^ '>•«"■ and in theftreets, to bepraifedofmen. Vereiy I {^^^^^^^^trirX ' fay unto you, they have their reward. anfneralu to ., de.i i Hut when thou doeft thine almcs, let not thy ft-inni.-mUchth^j i left Iwnd know what thy right hand doeth, '''^r'"'''s 4 Tiler thine almes may be in fecret . and thy * ct7n'rfeite!,for Father that f<; feene of men. Verely I fay aidvainebibUng. unto you, they have iKeir reward. 6 i'.ut when thou praye? , enter into thy cham- ber : and when thou haft fhut\})y doorc , pray unto thy Father which is in fecret , Sc iKy Father which feeth in (ecret, a.aJl reward thee op.. iv ^ ^^, 7 Alio w.ien ye pray , ule no ^ vait.o^^j j^ j. ^^^ „ *w„,t«. ens as the Heathen : for they thinke to be hcsttj. ^j;„j „,,,.^j,.^,, for their much babling. "*•>=• P£,/(i.i.»<. 8 Be ysc not like them therefore : for your prayer, Againft worldly 3 A Hue fumme Father knoweth whereof ye have need , before ye andfonmofall askcofhim. Chap. vij. carefulnefie. The broad and ftralt way. ig d T"at, iha: it father which art in heaven , hallowed be thy name, loeetforour jq Thy king.lome conie. Thy wili bedone cature forcur daily ^^^^ }„ ^3^^^ as it « Ik l.eaven. [:ffi« ot nafurr' 1 1 Give US this day our d dailie bread. * and coirpiexioo. II And toigtvc US our dcbts, as we nlfo forgive g Chap.13,19. ourdcbtcrs. t From the Dtvill, j ^^ p^^^ jgajg ,,5 not into temptation , tut deli- er from all adver- jt r •;i r 1 • •' 1 . • 1 fijjj verus § home evDl : tor thme is the kinp;dome, -» Maikeii.jy. and the power, and the glory for ever. Amen. 4 Thcj that forgive 14 * 4 For if ye doe forgive men their trcfpaffes, wrongj.ro ihtm y.^^^ heavenlie Father will alfo forgive vou." nnoei are foriiven, ■' -dt j r ■ ■' \ ■ r but revenge ii ^ ' T "'-^^ " >" '^^ °°^ "ot forgive men their tref- prepateH for tbein pafles , no more will your father forgive you your that revenge. trcfpaffeS. iumaCr I'litne ' "^ ' ^'°''^°^'^'^ ' w'^^"- V^ ^^ft , looke not fowre ofhotinrfli.by"" ^^ '^^ hypocritcs : for they f disfigure their faces, fafting, ' that they might feeme unto men to faft. Veieiy I f They fufftr not fay unto you that they have their reward, their lira hue to be j ^^^ ^hen thou fafteft , anoint thine head, t^;°r«r'e'r'^^' and U. thy face. naturaii colour of 1% That thou feemenot untomen to faft , hut tbeirfacM, that unto thy Father which isin fecret: and thy Father they may feerae y^-hich feeth in Icciet.wiU rev/ard thee openly. ^taoean pa e ,9 5 6 Lay not up treafurcs for your (elves Upon « Thofe mem la- the earth.vvhere the mothe and canker corrupt, and bouri are ftiewed where thecves diggc through and iieale, lobevaincwbich ^^ ^ g^ j^y „p ffeafmes for your felves in rrured7re°fureof heaven , where neither the morhe ner canker cor- evetlaftiog life, rupteth , and where theeves neither digge through but fpend their nor ftealc. live. Id fcrapiog 2 1 , For where your treafure is, there will your togetheifraileanJ , , ,r •' ^ vaiuericb... heart be alfo. . , ^, , , . 5 Luke 12,33. '* J :S 7 The light ofthe body is the eye : if then i.tioi.s.ij. thinegeyebelingle,thy whole body Iha Ibe light, *\f'"d'"''r' ^3 But ifthineeyebewickedjthenallthybody cioody aod vvic* f^-albe darke. VVhcrfore if the light that is in thee, kediy put out evea be darkeuefle, how great is that d.irkenclVe ? the little light of 24 ♦ 8 jsjo nian can ferve h two mafters :for either nature that ii in j,e j|-|j]i hjje the one , and lov e the ether , or els he g TbeiudgemeDt fliall leaneto the one , and defpife ths Other. Yce of the mind.that ai Cannot fervc G6d and > riches, the body it with the 1 J- K 9 Therefore I fay unto you, be not care- ITema" "bl^l'T ^"" ^°^ y°"'' ^'^^' ^^^^ ^^ "^^'^ ^^''^'°' "^'^"^ ^^ ^'^" wi'h"ti'^ht\'e" fon. t^f'nke : not yet for your bodie , what ye Ihal] put that is to fay.with on. Is not the life more worth then meat ? and the thefpitit ofGod bodie then raiment ? r 'ht'.'n'^d''' ""' "* '^^ Behold the foules of the k heaven: for they •*LukI i6;i3. foW2 not, neither reape , nor cary into the batnes, s God will be yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Areyee ^otDiippedof the not much better then they ? whoieman. j Which ofyou by I taking Care is able to h Which be at , , ' , . ^ . • '« ^ iaite together, for a^de one cubite unto his Itature ? iftwoagrae. ihey 28 And why care ye for raiment ? Leamc how areaione. the Lilies of the field doe growe : they «> are not i This word i« a Wearied, neither fpin : Syrian Word, and ., /- ' ., 01 - .11 fjjnifietbail thiogf 19 Yet 1 fay unto you.that cven Salomon in all that belong to monx. his glory was notataicd like oneof thefe. « tuke ij.ji. Jo "Wherefore if God focloathe the grniTeof Vhilip^4,6. ^^ g^j^ which is to daie, and to morrow is caft in- 1 peT. J,?' 'o ^^^ oven, fhalihe not doe much nsore unto you, jjfal. f ,-. 23. O ye of little faith ? 9The frowarJ ^i Therefore take no thought , faying, What fcr^biD\Tof "hu ' ^■>all we eate ? or what fhall we drinke ? or where- life i»correaed in _ f the children ofGod by an earneft thinking upoa the providence of God. k O the ayre , oiibat live in ihe ayre : for inalHocgunaimofiibii woid Rtavtn ittaken fortbeayre. I H« fpeaketh of care which it ioyned witii thought of icitd, aodbstb l«ttktm«ftfandilUult yo):tvvicbic, m £y labeur. with fl-ial! we be cloathed ? 32 (For after all thefe things feeke the Gen- tiles) for your heavenlie Father knoweth thac ye have need of all thefe things. 53 ButfeekeyehiftthckingdomeofGod.ard his righttoufntlTe , and ail thele things ihalbe mi- niltred unto you. 3 4 Care not then for the morow^ for the mor- ^ rowdiall cjrc for it felfe:the daynath enough with his owne griefe. i C H A 1'. VIT. firai:e \r:iy. if Frt//efr.|u(j. iS The tret ur.,1 fri'.tt. 14 The Ui'fc Itti.t .ta It rcike, 16 axd cnlhefiiul. J Udge I not, that ye be not iudged. -, r^e ought lo 2 For with what ^ iudgemenr yeiudge, ye find fauhooe wiih fiiallbe iudged,and with what 1)^ meafure ye meete. aocbrr.butvi^c it Ihalbe meafured unto you againe. H'T'^.^'^T^! ^2l,.~ ,,„,/.«? , .., doe'.tnot wirfccus 3 And v/hy feeft thou the mote , that is in thy caufe , or lofetme brothers eye, and perceivelt not thebeame thatis hohtvthenthty, in thine ov^ne eye ? "J '° ^""'^ °'" 4 * Or how faieft thou to thy brother, Suffer me ^'tl,ke6.i7 iS. to caf) out the mote ©ut of thine eye, and behold, ^om. 2,1. ' a bearae is in thine owne eye? t.cor.4,3.. y Hypocrite ,firft caft out that beame out of * ^■"''«'^''4• thine owne eye, and then ihak thou fee clcarelie to »" ^ *kf « +i caftout the mote out of thy brothers eye. a Th<= ftiffeneckeil 6 1 » Give ye not that which is holy to tl6gges, and ituhburne neither cart ye your » pearles before fwine.leli «ntmie»ofthe they tread them under their feet, and turnipga- |^^/,o havl "t°^"' gaine, all to rent you. preacbed^into them. 7 sSj Aske ,anditfhalbegivenyou: feeke, a Apesriebaih and ye Ihall find :knocke, and it Ihalbe opened un- i^'' fame among the 8 For whofoever askcth, recei veth : and he that that is in n • and a feeketh, findeth : end to him that knocketh.itlhall P"rie wss in snti- be opened. ectt.me in great ' 9 For what man is there among you , which if Z'l"^l-^,rZ^^ his fonne aske him bread, would give him a Qonei' peptic thatCleopa» 10 Orif heaske hih, will he givehimaferpent ? trahad.was va- 1 1 If ye then,which ate evill, can give to yoiir ',"''V',ThV'""' children good gifts , how much more iliail your ,t,oifand cromnee Farher which is in heaven , given good things to and the word i. them that askehim ? nowborowed from 12 §4 Therefore whatfoeveryee would that tbat.tofigBiftetbe men flioud doe to you : even fo doe ye to them : reaveniT'doGrii;?, for this is the ^ Law and the Prophets. ^ cbap.n.ii. 13 S* ; Enterintheflrait gate: foritisthe maiken.j*. wide gate.and broad way that leadeth to deftru£ti- '"'"■'■ ?• on : and many there be which goe in thereat. ^ic^i^Vm,, '° >■. 14 Becaufec the gate is f\rair,and the way nar- j r.ayen are' »' row , that leadeth unto life , and few there be that fur and by thy name done many = great workes > 23 And then will I profelTe to them, f * I ne- ver knew you , 4. depart from me g yethatworke iniquitie. 14 8 Whofoever then hearethofmee thefe words, >* and doeth the lame, I will liken him to a wife man.which hath builded his houle on a rocke: 2y And the raine fell.and the floods came,and the winds blewe , and beate upon that houfe, and fell not : for it was grounded on a rocke, 26 But whofoever heareth thefe my wordes, f That ii Dotof ;g- and doeth them not . n^.all be likened unto a foo- ii-:;aDce.butbecaui"e lilh man , vvhith hath builded hii houle upon the he will cill them fand: »«^y- 27 And the raine fell, and the floods came,and « You tb'at'arf ^^'^^ winds blewe, and beate upon that houfe, and it given to all kicJ fell, and the fall thereof was great, ofwickedoeiie.and 28 ^ * And it came to palVe , when Icfus had nake in ^nded thefe words . the people were altonied at his . ...c'goJliaefli doarine. refteihoneiyupoo 29 For he taught him as onc havxng authority, Chriit.aod there- and not as thcScnbes. fore «lwaye« rt-« miineih ioviticible. t Luce 6,47,4! , * Mat 4,ii. Uke^.ii. 7 Even the beft gift* ihatare.are cotbiog witbout goHlioiUe. « Rjm J. 13. g lame, i,x2. d Bj iVjme hen.u mtani thsirnjfhj ■tvoitlrsp'''"""^ CoITl^hich tlitrit m*n ni:ntlfeih that ctiBeihupon him. e I'rcftrU pcwrt- Here ihefe exceHem ran'k" rrrtu^hi art etIltJ Psivtrltlj cccuf,cr,ofth^fi thi'igi If huh they lriniti" defircus ti> Theiemfejlmihefe.i. 18 Tyvi'pof- ired. 32 The deiiils got into fwint. « Mai. 1,40, lukej.ii. I Cbrili iqhealiug fhelerroujwirhthe toucbiagof bit baud.nir'Acih that be abhorteth%o fioneii that come unto biro, be they never fo uncleane. S Levi, 14,3.4. * Luke 7.8. a Chiiltbyftttiog befortrthcm the example of ih« UDcircumcifcd Centurioa , .led yet of an excellent ■faith, ptovoketb the lewei to emu- tber forcwaroeth themoftlJeir ca- ftingc.ff.audifae calling of the Genjilci. « A Mctophoie taken of banquetl for ihtyihailit aJowoe together irefeIlowc(intb< banquet. N Ow when he was come down from the moun- taine.great multitudes followed him. 2 « » And loe , there came a Leper and wor- fliipped him/aying, Malkr,if thou wilt, thou canft makemeclcane. 3 And lefus putting foorth his hand , touched him, faying, I will, be thou cleane: ami immediat- ly his leprolie was cleanftd. 4 Then lefus laid unto him , See thou tell no man , but goe , and Ihew thy felfe unto the Ptiert, and ofl'cr the gift thai ^ Mofcs commaunded , for a witnelle to tliem. J 1*2 When lefus was entred into Caper- naum , there came unto him a Centurion , bcfee- chinghira, 6 And faid . Mafter , my lervant lyeth ficke at home of the paliie.andis grievoully p.iined. 7 And Iclus faid unto him , I will come and he.'.le him. 8 But the Centurion anfwered, faying.Mafter.I am not woirhie that thou Ihouiueli C(>me under my roofe ; but fpeake the word onely , and my fer- vantlhalbe healed. 9 For I am. a man alfo under the authoritie of Mother , and have iouldieis under me : and 1 lay to one , Goe, and hee goeth : and to another, Ci me, and he commeth : and to my lervant. Doe this, and he doeth it. I o When lefus heard that, hee marvciled.an'd faid,to thqm that followed l.w, Verely I fay unto you, I ha\*e not found i"o great faiih.even in li'rael. I I But 1 fay unto ycu , that m.iny ihall come from the Halt and Welt, and Uvil > (it downe with AbtahdfB-, and I'aac , and i' cob, in the kingdoi;.e 1 2 And the children of the kingdome (hall be °"' ">« ki°g oifictk ainongft [be g And that ye may know that rhe Sonne of man «u'krdly a"d'a- ^^^^ authority in earth to forgive iinnes (hen mouit'themoreelo- Taid he unto the ficke of the pallie.) Atile .take up quent Greciaoi , to thy bed, and go to thine houle. *'""'"• 7 And he arofe , and departed to his owne houfe. 8 So when the muhitude faw it,they marveiled, and glorified God,which hath given Inch authori- i Matkei.14. ty to men. ^rV ft^^'ii h h 9 1 :§ » And as Icfus pafled foorth from theiice, humble fi'nUi unto ^^ ^^"^ ^ man fitting at th e d culkme . named Mat- him.but heconteni- thew , and faid to him , Follow me. And he arole, ntthiheptoud by- and followed him. d°A""h ft "^ AnditcametopaiTe.asIefusfateatmeatein ublJ,v»b«ei'tw"! ''•'lioui'e , behold , many I'ublicanesandi- finncis received. that came tliither , fate down at the table with le- e Thecuftomenfel- JuS and hisciiciples, lowe. which were ^^ ^pd when the I'harifes faw that.they faid to ma" afJerihat ' ^^^ difciples. Why eateth your Mafkcr with Pubii- ludea wai brought canes and finneis > into the forme ofa 1 2 Nciw when lefus heard iti he faid unto them, province, to gather jjjg ^^^ jj^^j j^^^ thePhifician.but they that are tbe cuftomn. and r u tlitrefore of the reft "C'^e. oftheiewesthey 1$ Butgoeycand learne what this is, * I will were called finntri, have mercy, and net facrifice , fori am not come lilVme"^*" "''^ '° '^^'^ ''^^ righteous , but the * finners to repen- »a^C°»6.6. "nee, Cbap.i»,7. 14 ^ ♦ 3 Then came the difciples of lohn to * i.Tim.i.if. him.faying.WhydoeweandthePhatiicsfdftoft, I'uk""?*'''' aO'Jtliy dilciplesfaftnot ? 3 Againanaughty 'T And lelus faid nntothem.Can the f children einaiationinmat- of the marriage chamber monrne as long as the ter. indifftrent. btidegrome ib with them? But the daies will Come, of^fpeacbTrtS *^*^^" ^^'^ bridegrome Ihall be taken from them, that are admitied ^^d then Ihail ihcy faft. ioto a mariage 1 6 Moreover , no man pieceth ap. old garment cfaamber.are aitbe with a piece of gnewcioath : for that that Ibould brtMegrome" ''" ^^^ " «P ' t^*^^*^ ^^ay from the garment . and the g Rawe.which wai breach is woife. never put to the 17 Neither doc they put ncw winc into old vef- ^■'""- fels : for then the veUels would breake . and the wmt would hi lpilt,and the veilels would perilh ; but they put new wine into new vefl'^ls, and Jo are «|Mar.r,ii. boih prcferved. Ltike 8.+1 . 1 8 J * 4 While he thus fpake unto them,beho!d, 4 There.iDoevili ^^ieYC came a certaine ruler , and worlbippedhim, Jo Old and tocuia- ^ . ... , . , /-i, j ble, vihict. chiiil 'ay ing.My daughter isno-A' deceafidibut come aco cannot Bealebyand lay thine hand on her, and ibelhalUive. by.ifhe be touched ,„ And lefus a:rofe and foilowcd him With his wiiD true faith, bnt fjjr-,f,lg„ ' vwih'ieVaud!"' ao (And behold» a woman which was difeafed • ix*5f« Two blind men, 6 with an iffiie of bleed twelve yeeres . came behind ^m,and touched the hemme of his garment. 21 For Ihe faid in her felfe. If I may touch but his garment onely, I (lialbe whole. 11 Then lefus turned him about.and feeing her, didfay .Daughter .be of good comfort : thy faith hath made thee whole. And the woman was made whole at that fame moment.) _ 23 ; Now when lefus came into the tulers houfe, f EventJeaihit and faw the b ojinftrels and the multitude making felfegivetbpMceto noife, " thevoTverofCh'ift. 24 He faid unto them . Get you hence:for the %^l ,7;r"irV,t" madisnotdead.butfleepeth. And they laughed atthut moutniogi, himtofcorne. li And when the multitude were put foorth, he went in and took her by the hand, and the maid arofe. 26 And this bmit went throughoutall that land. ^ Byhealin thef- 27 6 And as lefus departed thence, two blinde twoblind,chrift' ' men followed him , crying, and faying. O fonne of ftiewetfa that he it David, have mercie upon us. the light of the 28 And when he was come into the houfe, the '^°''''' blinde came- to him, and lefus (aid unto them, Beleeue yee that 1 am able to doe this ? And they faid untohim.Yea, Lord. 29 Then touched he their eyes,faying,Accor- ding to your faith be it unto you. 30 And their eyes were opened , and lefus gave them great charge , faying , See that no man know it. ^ 3i But when they were departed, they fpread abroad his fame thorowouc all that land. 32 J * 7 And as they went out, behold , they '# tukeir.M. brought to him a durabe man pollelTed with a ^ad example of devill. '^ ChriSov«tbe 33 And when the devill was caft out, the dumbe devUl. when he faw the multitude , he had ^Aitboiigb the ondF- compafijon upon them ,becaiife they were difper- "e^cht-'ft""^''' fed, and fcattereJ abroad , as Iheepe having no caftoii'i'he care of ye:Chti(i hathr fi.epheard. , hi.ch.;ich 37 then faid he to his difciples,:^^ Surely the * wrkes-s^. harveft is great, but the l.iboiirers are few. ' i^b^'"''* '° *' 38 Wherefore pray theLord of the harveft.that i^wol-d forwo-t?, he would i fen: forth labourers intohis harvefl. cait them out : fjt nice are vrry now CHAP. X. ^n^c'.o.yawotk,. J Tht^ift 0/ heal'n^ giien to the ^prjlla. >- Thej artfer.t lefreathiheCeffd. 13 Peace. 1^ Sh^l^in^tifihe dujl . t% .Aff.Ulhn. Ml Centinutme uniolU end. 13 Fijin^ 30 H.< - ^ff.i-- - fnm lerfi.mkn. iS Fejre. i9TTVt fiarrf' efmrhe.td. 3^ roack«'*ledye Chcifi. 34 fea.e:!ml . tkefnt'd. 3f f^urUttce. 37 ti'Vecf ftren'i. jiThecrcfe. 39 Tc Ufa the life . ^o' '■ To reieiiie a Pre,u her. A Nd I * he called is twelve difciples itnto him, ' Thf Apc.ri;-. sr. and gave them pov/eragainft uncieane fpirits, c°f '°j'iJ,7r.a 'i''" to caft them our , and to heale every lk'keneHe,3nd * Mar'3,,3^4,,;, every difcafe. tuke i,,,ij.' 2 Now the names of the twelve Apcftles are » Th.ofbilaAfaiifa thefe. The »hrft w Simon called Peter, ir,d Andrew '"■ ^-- " ^f,'^/""' is brother, lames the fonne ol Ztb;deus , and |,,;t btciuftih.-y. lohn his brother, Wrsfititcaiied. 3 Ihilni AfTurance of Gods helpe. S. Matthew. To take tbe crofTc. i Philip zrci BanlfrrfMi' : Tbrtrjs ,andM.it- thew!h.u riiblieane : lames t\.ej:n>i« ofAlphcus, b A ir.an i.f Ke- gj,.^ LclVnciis whofe furnaroe was ihaddetis : lo'ifw^sM^n^hc 4 Sif^o" 'he Car.anire , and ludas '' Hcariot, jTJe of ludah, who alfo betrayed him. loibijif. ^ Thefe twelve did lefiisfent foorth,andcom- 4. ASs >3 4<- nvnded them , faying, Go not into the way of the * Tt'^fumm'ut' Gentiles, ar^ into the cities of the Samaritans en- tteGoi"'*!^' teryenot: j.eaibingofibe g But goe rather ^- to the loft flieepe of the Ai°"'"; , honfeoflhael. ^!7^!""l^ 7 <• . And as y e f^o preach , % ing . The king- w"id.°" dome of heaven is at hand. § Mar.6,s.s>.liike g 3 Kcalc tile licke : cleanfe the lepers : raifc 9 3-.^ " __^^^ ^ ^ fh7worTrurca"rt ccived, freely give. oway all <■«"' '''^' 9 5 + PofleliL c nOt'goIJe , nor filver, nor mo- oiight bind.r them ^gy j„ y^jf girdles. thtiejftwfei'i" j^ Kora(crippefoi-theioti;-ney ,iieithertwo '"por I'his iou.oey, coats. neither iLooes. nor a ftatl'e : * for the worK- 'o w't, both that roan is won hy of his ^ me.ir. biDcmigtthin- jj y And into >.- whatfocvercitie or townc yee derih: l,n ri4- and alfo ji^aiicomc.enquirc who is worthy in it .and there t":S.rXf abide tell ye go thence. _ , , „ , God. providM.ce : I z And when ye come into an h oufc, lalute the for «t tb«i tt>vi"'e fame. backf, ib=r Lcrd ai- ^ ^ ^^^ -f .|^^ ^yoM^e. be wotthv , let your « peace *b"t.,^u-, u T r , fo'low the preach- 34 'S 5 Thmkenot that! am ccme toiende mgottbe Gofp.ii. peace into the earth, but the fword. S Micah ?,«. 3 J For I am come to let a man at variance * i-u.kt i^.,2«. againft his father, and the daughter againlt her oufext,°io"T. mother, and the daughter in lawagiinlt her mo- tobepiefnred therinlaw. » before out duetie 36 t And a mans enemies /la/i^ /-e they of his '"'i'/*- owne houlhold. mat S^J^.Tuk*',!; 37 * 9 Hee that loveth father or mother more nod i+U;. thenme.isnot woithieofme. A.nJ he that loveth i iobni4,if. fonne, or daughter more then rae.is not worthie of ^ y*''-'' 2re faiJe to „„ ^ .• fend their Iife.whicli "'^' delivei uouiof 38 ■♦= And he that taketh not bis croCfe, and fol- danger: and ihi« it lowerh after me, is not worthie of me. I.nckro after the 39 § Hee that will hnd phis life, Ihallloofe it: <=! ir-ion of tb, j-eo, and hc^hat loofeth his life for my fake , ilvill finde ^herd'eVnl loft it- _ thatdie.becaufe 40 »" Hee that receiveth you, receivethmee: tbeythinkenoiof and hee that receiveth mee receiveth him that lent '*" '''^^ to come. 10 God iiboih me. autJourand re- z)i * II Hee that receiveth a Prophet inqthe vengrrofhijholy name of a Prophet, Ihall receive al'ropnets rewaid: miaifieiie. and he that receiveth a righteous man, in the name * }-^^'' '°''** of a tighteousman,Ihalheceive the reward ota '1°, "we ihaiViofe righteous man. nothingtbat we 4i ^ And whofoever (hall give unto one of beftow upou chiiri. thefe t little ones to drinke a cuppe 01 colde water ^ A«aProrb«. onely , in the name of a clilciple , veieiy I lay unto ',' ^tich hi ihe you, he iliall not iofe his reward. fight of ihr world C H AT. XI. aievH.andabi.a. a loU rc'lt'h hu difciple: tc Chnji. 7 Chiles tcftinwnie cf Ijhn. 13 rhi L.iwMJthel'rcfltcc. x; Christ- ^ni Uhn. 21 Chira:^in,P.cthfj.U^. 1; TU'-.orpd rcljeaUd tn children. »8 j hejf that an yviiirie .mdUtitn. A Nd I it came to paife th.u when lefus had made ' '^'"' ■" anendof'Tcomnundinghis twelve dillipks, heii'tb^ he departed thence to teach and to preach ii^b theij- Msffi,, cities, » Ofinl(:uaipg 2 f § And when lohn heard in the pri^Mi the 'b Tb^ Ri'""''"' workes of Chrift , he fent two of his difciplcs , and ,iei,° b«l llVuy', fayd unto him, inGabi*, whtre' 3 Art thou hee tliat ll-.ouldcome , or (liall wee '"^ny of thtm w:te looke for another ? ^"Lu'lcf ** V' 4 And lefus anfwer ing fayd unto them , Goe, ^ " = 7ii • anci ihew lohn, whit things ye heare and ke. 5 1 he biindc receive light , and the halt doe walke ; the leperi are cleanfed ^and the dcafe heare, the Chrift (htTOnh works, ihat jromifed Chriftand lohn.Wifedome iuftieecf. #e:si.i./"4<4.i a what agree- ment, and wbat twixt the mini 8e. tit ofthe Pro. yheu, the prea- ching of lobB, and thefullligtitof theGnfpe'>wbicb Cfaiift hath brought. t In the new ({jt!c/ the Church fphtri the true lie- ,y,fGcdfhmt:h: thrpirf"'"""' tancirti't-gethrt, iHtthel^'.dl'f t/tliriiei , the pre,t. thing ofUhn with the /..w Cr ihePrc fhett, and agtine, the mcfi clean prlMhinj; cfihe Ccfpcl rvith Iihns. * L. 28 Come vnto mee.allye that ate weay and Uden , aad I will eaie yon. Chrffts yoke. Mercy, facri'fice. ^;, 19 Take my yoke on ycu , and Je:rne of tree « 7f)-r«,,«. thai I am meeks and lowly in heart : and ye fhali ^ ' '"*" ':}■, finds -f reft vato your fov.ks. l.rte'.F.Thitc'cm. 306 For ray yoke is ^ cafie.Sc my burden light, mcsnitmeKH are ' CHAP. XII net ,;rieiUHS.f,r ,!!l I The Sp^U, fluckfthe etrticfc'iJ!. 6 Me'de , fucri-'I'-'t it tttae tf.iui fee. 10 The withered h.ind is he. tied, ii We rKitsI dce_''>"""»meh ti?e ^•■»d ca ,heSihh.ih. sa The fSfc^cd^hclfcn. ij^rfcrU,ilohnh'i- hi-ire.i When the Prifjii letfediththiL.!^ cftheS.M.vh ^^ 7 Wherefore if ye knewe what this is, J^ I will f '^',f,^^"f^'^ have mercie and not facritice , ye would not have /"' \',,Cj t'cii condemned the innocents. t For the fonne of man is Lord , efswcfche '«; Sabbath. 9 * 2 And he departed thence , snd went into'i^''^^'^'^/^''^^ " their Synagogue : [hupUn- 10 And behold, there, wis a man which hti* M.iri^ei^i.' /jwhand dried vp. And they asked him , fsying. Is j^"j;/„';„g, it lawfull to heale vpon a Sabbath day ? that they ai„of'h''i"'a°w might accufe hira, aie cctagamd ii-e ii And he laid vnto thero.What man (hall there I' »e of outcirivU beamsngyou. ^ hatha (heep.Sc if itfallon ,ui,t/,i,.g nh ?>■. i6 And charged them in threatning wife, >hat -^ |!J;"JV'/"'''*' they fhould not make him knowen. Tti:neandiMi>f"fmit;. fmoking flaxe (ball he not quench , till he d bring « ^"•i' '.' • '■»• forth luugement vnto v.ttorie. ne^^, f^ ,„anirdt. 21 And in his Name OmH tIieGentiiestru9. i.fuL-iea-othe * ai f * 4 Then was brought to hira one pof- iii'niJtroith.; fefTed with a deuill, both bliode and durabe, anJ he ^J^^,',^gj"' "J"'" healed him.fo that he which was blind aDd^'^.^/^iobeavou. (Jumbe boib Tpakc and fawi "cofdiiouiiy. 23 And S. Matthew. a i.-.(i.9.34. M-trk' 3 »«• f T;t kiojdoms ofChiiilandt-e kiogdomco.-.be dFuillcaonotcjn* lifti«);e:tci. tejiS,!?. Akingdomcdiuided/ 1} And all the people were amafed, aad fayd, Is not this th?.t fonne of Davul ? 24 But when the Fharifes heard it, they fayd, 4. This TD»a dfteth the deuils no othetwife out but through Beelzebub the prince of deuils. ly J But lefus knew thtir thoughts , and fayd to them , Euerv kingdome diuided againft it felfe, is brought tcA:ought , and every citieor houfe diuided iigainft it Iclfe llidil not fiaod. 26 So if Satan caft out Sjtan , bee if diuided againft himfelfe : how Q:all then his kingdome endure ? 17 Alfo' if I through Beelzebub caft out de- uils. by whom doe your childerencafttheoa out ? Therefore they HhH be your iudges. a 8 Bui if I caft outdiuilsby iheSpirit of God, xhun is the kingdome of God corae vnto you, 2$ Els how can a man enter into a flrong mans houfe and Ipoyle his goods , except be firlt bind the Srong man .and then fpoyle his houfe } 30 He that isnot withrae , isagainitme :and he that gathered not with me, fcatteicth. 3 1 § Wherefore I fay vnto you , Every finne and blafphemy thall be forgiven vnto men : but the blafphemie 'i^rtw^ the holy Ghoftflwllnocbe forgiven vnto men. 3 1 And whofoever fhall fpeske a word againft the fonne cf man . it (hall be forgiven him : « but whofoever (hail fpeake againft the holy Ghoft , it fhall not be forgiven him .neither in this world, nor in the world to come. 33 Either make the tree good, and his fruite good : or els make the tree evill, 8c his fruit cviil ; for the tree is know'n by the fruit. 34 7 O gsnerations of vipers > how can yoa fpeake good thirgs, when ye are evill ? For of the ■•■ abundance of the heart the mouth fpeaketh. 3 f A good man out of the good treafure of his heart bringeth foorth good things: & an evill roan out of an evill treafure, bringeth forth euill things. th-irii-uen>, ^^ But I fay vnto you, that of every « idle f kJinSifromird wo»de that men Qiall (peake , they Ihall giue ac- deiiitsofmitacln. • count thereof at the day of iudgemenr, 37 For by thy wordes thou (halt be iuftified, and by ihy words thcu (halt be condemned. 38 's V Then anfwered certain of the Scribes and of the Pharifes , faying , Mafter, we would fee alignecf ihee. 39 But he snfwered and {aid vnto them , An euill and '"adulterous generation fetketh a ligne , but no figne niall be giuen vnto it, favc that ligne of the Prophet lonas. 40 -J^ For as lonas was tK^ee day f sand three nights in the wh.:ks belly: fo Ih^U the fonne of man be three dayes and three nights in the heart of the earth. 4 1 9 The men of Nineue fliall rife in iu-lgeraent with this gener.uion .and condctuneit : for thsy * repented at the preaching of lonas :and be- hold, a greater then lonas is here. 41 ♦ Thi Qjrene of the g South (h41 rife in ludgcment with this generation , and Qvll coo- derone u : for ihe came from the h vtrooft paits of the earth to heare the wifedomc of SJow when the; vncieane fpiritis gone out of a nun, he w-ikeih throughout dry places. (eeking reft, nnd findeth none. 44 Then hee fjyth , I will returne intoraine houfe from whence I came : and when be is come, be hndeth ic empiie.fvvept and gamilhed, The parable of the Sower, LAk.' "•' t.lthns-i 6 orb'afpheniis a^.iinfl the bor/ 7 Hyrocrresat the U-ngth b«wray theniftlveitven by chcir owae mouth. :■ L»k.t6.^: e yttint itnf- f fi which waf V.:,d!K»inthem. 1 r'.-cn.J I r Hemcincthlhe ri^l„.ri,i>un'iiyu fiel.ixdoflfr^tl, i.\ing.io. ai' lit'ht ■vtmefl u...f. .fUrrr _ ^ ofthe boulboIJ 4J' f Then he getth, and tsketh vnto hita feueti other fpirits worle then himfelfe .and they enter 4d toward his uNotieaie dilciples 8c faid, Behold my mother, Sc ray brethre. nioreneeievfito 'io For whofoever (hall doe my Fathers wiir^;'^"^^"'" ""'"'' which is io heaven , the fame is my brother and efV»i^.' filter and mother , CHAP. XI 11. I The parMe ofthe S'ner. ii and 34 WAj lefmfpfnl^e iitpuratlej. ,% 1 ht expifitUn tftht putdlt. ,4 The paraUc cf thet^rti. 31 Of tht mUfturJ feed. 33 of theleauen. mOfththiddtntrtnfre. ^SOfihepjrjtle. ^T_Ofthe^r^rv',ftcu{in„cthef!.t. ,3 Cirifiismt ruciu'd ef hit ciitntrej mtn the N.n.,iritej. •T" He ■•' lame day went lelus out of the houfe, andfaieby thefealide. nM.trk'^.t. z I And great multitudes reforted vnto him, ^^^^s^-r- fo that he went into alhip .and fate downe : and |'„^„'','"„*")-^,^'' the whole multit nde ftood on the Ihore. rbirpTrabi^f the 3 Then he fpeake many thingsto them inpa-Sowtr, toatthe rabies, faying, Behold, a lower went forth to low. ''^^^°*"'''''''''''''> 4 And as he (owed , fome fell by the way fide, " ''T/" '" ''"' u , t r 1 I 1 , ,■' ' world, comnietn and thetoules came and deuouted them vp. „,^i „„ fo wtril in J And fomc fell vpon ftony ground , where one as in anothtr, they had not much earth , and anon they fprung '""^ ''^"ifonij, vp. becaule they had no depth of earth. themoiV"arteU 6 And when the funne was vp, they were pat- thcr'doensirc." ched.aed for lacke of rooting withered away. cciueitorfufrer 7 And fome fell among thornss , a.id the '"«"•«">"• thotnes fprung vp, and chv-ked them., 8 And ioms jg.iine fell tn good ground , and brought forth fruit, one carne an hundreth fold, fome fixtie fold, and another thirtiefoid. 9 H^ that hith earcs toHeire.iethim heare. 10 ^ Then the difciples came. and fayd to him, why fpeaktft thou to them in parables ? 1 1 a And he -nfwercd and layd vnto them, Be- ^ ^b* eiftcfvu. caufe it is given vnto you to know the fecreis o( deiiia.ding.md'" the kingdome of heaven, but to the it is not given, of fanh (sproper 12. ♦ For whofoever haih.tohi.Tifhilbegiven.'"'''"''*'/".'***'* and he (bail have abundance : butw'hofoevcrhath ^'y/hVo" h'he not, from him (halbc take away even that he hath iuit iud^emcnt 13 Therefore fpeake I to them in parables.be- of God. caule they feeing, doe not fee .-and hearing, they k'-W-'^'** heare not, neithcrvnderftand. 14 So inthemis fail(-l;,dtheprophecie cf E- (ahs , which propl.ecis faiti,, •,%• By hearing ye (hall "k Efdi's.f. ■ hcare.and fl).ill not vndcta.ind , and feeing yee >""k.">'*- Oiall fee . and (ball not petceiue. 'tVn.°.i'.li. "' I) For this peoples heart is waxed fat , and \im.u',8. iheirearesarednllof hea/irg ,and with their eyes they have winked, leaft they (Lould lee with their eyes, and heare with their cares, and il uuld vnder- fl^nd with their hearts , and Ihould returne . that 1 11 i(>ht heale rhem. i^ 3 But blefld «!>• u it lo.i*. 18 ^ Heaxe of the feede fowCn. * M.lr tukf S, « Thuuii, there he mention rrtAiU of the heitrtJy jet' this Jivfingiirefirred f he4rin£ ipithcut t>n.ier(landini. Fc\ tphelher 'htjeed is TCehed in the hc^rtor no-yet he thjtfiifethtjlneth *t the heart. « , ^ „. ^ , , ^^'P- ^''^'i- Parables. A Prophet without honour. 8 18 f *Heareye therefore theparableofche 3^ And .hefiddis^be wcdjnd .hegocd fe.d • sie the children of the kii fe -u 4 Chrift Dieweth in ano.hti: parable ofifateviUffed iniEt withy good, that the Courch iliall never be free and quit from of- fences, both iu do- arine aiiii inaneri, vntill the day ap- pointed fortfaere. fforipgofall thing) to come, aod there- fore ihefaiihfull havetoaiine themfelves with patience and canltaacy. GodbegiriKth Sower, 19 Wherefore any rtjan heareth the word of that king JoBi, and vnderft.nJeth it not, that evill . one comnaeth, and catcheth dway that which was fowen in his ^ heart : and this ishee which hath leceived the feed by the way fide. ao And hee that received I'eede in the ftony ground, is he which heareth thewordj andincon- ' tioently with icy receiverh it, 21 Yet hath he no roote in himfelfe , and du- reth but a (eafon : for dlToone as tribulation or perfecutioD commeth becaufe of th& word, by and by he is offended. 22 And he that received f feed among thornes, is hee that heareth the word; but the care of this world . and the deceitfulnefTe of riches choke the wordj^nd he is roadfe vnfruitfuU, 23 But he that received the feed in the good ground . is he that heareth the word , and vnder- flandeth it, which alfo beareth fruit , and bringeth forth, 'forae an hundred fold, fotue lixtie fold, and fofse tbirtie fold. 24 JI4. Another parable put hee foorthunto them, fnying, Thekiegdomeof t eaven is like un- to a man which lowed good feed in his held. ay But while men llept.there came his enemy and fowed tares among the wheatc, and went his way. i6 And when the blade was fprung up, ani brought forth fruit , then appeared the tares alio. 27 Then came the fervantsof thehoufliolder, and fayd unto him , Mafler , foweft thou not good lee(ie in thy field ? from whence then hath it tares. 28 And he fayd unto them.Some enuious man hath done this. Then the fervants fayd unto him. Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up? 29 But he fayd.Nay.leaft while ye goe about to gather the tares , ye pl.ucke up alfo with them the wheate. io Let both grow together vntill the harveft, aod in time of harveft I will fay to the reapers, Ga- ther ye firft the tares, aod bind them in (Leaves to burne them : but gather the wheat into my bame. 31 ^J^ Another parable he put foorth unto them, faying , The kingdome of heaven is like his kiiigdome with to a graitje of muftard feedc, whichaman taketh very fmaii begin- g^j foweth in his field : °haf by °he grow. 3 2 Which io deed is the leaft of all feeds : but ingonofit.btftde when it it growcD , it is the greateft among herbs, theejpeftatiooand and it is a tree . fo that the birds of heaven comc hope of all men. bismijhty power be the forth- «. Af«^.-}.3 3.3'5- « rfii.jh^ 9 Beeipeundetb «d«> And came into his ®wne countrey.and oneiyimneofig- taught them in their Synagogue » fo that they notaDcebutaffo were afiooied, and fayd , Whence commeth this wntiingiy and wife wifedome and great workes unto this man ? h\^nJlwiti\n SI Is not this the carpenters fonne ? Is cot his thei"! ow°ne wayet, mother called Marie, *and his brethico lames thai when god and lofes, and Simon, and ludas ' """'' ihnn.tbey y(5 And are not his fiaers all with vs? Wheoce HoMatrir then hath he all theie things ? deftroy and caft 5:7 And they were offended with biro, Then awayttemfc.'ves, lefus fayd to them . if A Prophet is not without * i''""**^ honour , fave io his owne counttey ,and in bis lu^1,1 *'^* ownehoufe. iihn^^.=A^ 58 A-nd he did not many great workes there, for theix vnbeliefes fake. CHAP. X 1 1 1 1. 1 Htrcdiiuditmtnttf Chrip. 3 Wherr/cre T,hnw«t hcHTid, lO, nndteheaded. 13 Jefitt def»rie:h, j8 Ofthe fi>,e Icai'et, *"MU^nii- j^ ^jjij fent.and beheaded loho in the pri- MenstradirionJ, 3 T.,v"k'f" mfAntth thitfcrce andparver.Tvftirt- XproA?^>C .mi not f LtHJr.iS.iS. 6 Thtrt rrirtt:,r?e piealed t> Hctod. HtrcJs : the firSicf ^ whcreforc hec proraifed with ; ''""'a^ni^Cu''' he would give her whatfoeuer fhe woi ,1/3 uiUd ^fiMc- BiBji in iv^'/i Ti\jni Chriii vis Itrnt, und hie it yrtithjt Ciiujli the children It bs , M< foQ. thers 'n*me iT4« 1 1 And his hea d was brought in a platter , and Malthacx or Mitf given to the mayd , and (bee brought it unto her tict, and ihu w^t mother 7el%V'ni'ing ^^ A"'' his dlfciples came , and tocke up:he 27 Bat fiM'ght\»jy lefus fpike vnto them, fayicg , Be of good comfort , It is I : be cot afraid. zi 4 Then Peter anfwered him . and fayd.Ma- ^ Jj/'^ff^'J''"' fter , if it be thou • bid mee come unto thee on the e"Tn'^'he"'eir"*it« water. thcmfelvej, buc 19 And he fayd , Come. And when Peterwas y^' byihevcrt.vof come downe out of the (bip. hecwajkidcn the ci.nrt, which hcU water to gee to lelus. wiu^h htof bn 30 But when he faw a rotghtie wiaJe , he was n,e,cy hatd givea. afraid : and as he began to linke , he cried . faying, * M.ukf s j+. Mafter.fave me. '^_ l''^\ occ^.^rd 31 So immediatiy lefos Pretchedfoorthhis ^^I'^'' ;!„*.,^"'^^^^^^^^ hand , and caaght him , scd f^yd to him , O thou of is m cliMrh ]>■( littlefai;h. wherefore diddeft ttou doubt. >fcdHt ««jr;ir- 32 And aflbone as they were come into ^^^'J'^J''^°^''jl'/,i', iip.thewindeceafed. . . ^. /^r^ZtllL '. 3 3 Then they that were 10 the Ihip , came and 'j, ,;,^, „.,„,. woilhipped him , laying , Of a tiueth thou art the t" in that that Sonne of God, 34 ^ * Andwhenthey were come over, came into the iacdote Genotz^ret. vse muii!«kji«. 3sr ! Aad when the men ot that place knew intdyforfiiutn. him, they fent out into all thai countrcy round a- j"'^'''"'^"*^'* bout , ocd brought unto him all thit were fKke. JJ'atVbcundnOT i6 And beloiight him, that they might couch ondy torunour the hemroe of his g«mcnionely : and as many as c^iv^s. bucaifoto touched it were made whole. bnogoibtino j,i,jcminion,nhen body, andburied it, and went and told lefus. 13^ And when lefus heard it , bee departed thence by diip intoa defert place apart. And when the multitude had heard it, they followed him on foot out of the cities. 1 4 1 And lefus went forth and faw » great mul- titude, and was roooved with coapaffion toward them, and be healed the Jr ficke. ly s And when even was come.* his difci- 2 ChtiftrefVelheth pjej came to him , faying . This i$ a defert place, a great multitude anj the time Is already paft : letthe rouUituJe de- jndtwo little part , that they may goe into the townes , and buy tithn.flievviag them vjcalles. by.thattbey^ j5 But lefus fayd to them.They havc no Deed -'"""■ to goe away : give ye them to eat. 1 7 Then fayd they vnto him , Wee have bete but five loaves, and two fi(bes. 1 8 And he fayd, Bring them hither to roe. 1 9 And bee commaunded the multitude to fit downe on the graffe, and tooke the five loaves, and the two fillies , and looked up to heaven, and blef- fed,and btake.and gave the loaves to bis difciples, and the difciples to the multitude. ao And they did all eat, and were fufficed.and they tooke up of the fragments that remained, twelve baskets full. xi And they that had eaten .were about five thoufand men,be(ide women and little children. 22 1 And fttaightway lefus compelled his dif. ciples to enterintoalliip .and to goe over before mtihe him.while he fent the multitude away. <'«•'■ 13 And affoone as hehad fent the multitude ' '" ' away , he went up into a mountaine alone to prny : ^TchelMi yv* hunifhed lo yienaa in France. The third V!a'^g''FP' M.fnu' his nc- Ihi, and hee ft K J thxlflevD lamei. a Markf 6, 3i. Lake 9. {lull which lay all thing! afiile 3c let the ktogdome of heaven. * Ma,kti.3S' Xuhe^.ii. Jchn6,S. *K<.r.6.4f.'t«.47 70^6,16,17 iS. 3 We mult faile even thorow mighty temvefts, and Cbfift will D«- veiforfakeus.fo tbatwf goewhi- thet hebathcoin. manded vs. e B] tkefcUTth ypAtth ij mCiin lime neere ro ihe nifht intcfoure '"d * when the evening was come , hee was there rv.itci,es,imvhich alone. j''^'r11"'' ,i.i, ^4 3 And the (hip was cow in the raids of the tf^tlkeni'ill't ^^^ ' '"'^ ^'^* tolled with waves : tor it was a con- wkich a- man i»M- t"ry wind. ^methtohimfiifi 2f And in the c fourth watch oftbc night , I«- i,jinehinj,ii fns went unto them . walking on the fea. 'hiMel&Xc ^^ And when his difciples faw him walking fefthflmethinf. ovt the fea , they were trouhled.faying.It is a J fpi- tnJjeeih mthu^. lit, and ciicd ou: for ftare. Chrifthealeth rfw CHAP. The cemmMdrmenli .mi tr.idi'.i CIS. 13 The plant whith it ding the XV. ofmea. 12 led up, n BU Thebctrt. 12 rben ; Thic^'iidrensbre.id.-itiMpts. iS afedJe, 35 Thank!j£^iliiH«, "■r None corrminrrff T_ . , « .. ,»^f ./■ a einotc bol,! con. Hen J came to lefus the Scribes aad Pbatnes» temntrsoCGod, which were of lerafalem , faying, then they whom * S Why doe thy difciples tranrgreffe the tra- c^^d ai-joiutetii dition of the Elders ? for they a w-ib not their A^^'lrke'?.'^' hands when they eate bread. » ivbichihi^n- 3 2 Bur he anfwered and fayd unto them. VVhy "'i-^d ofti.er an.. doe yee alio tranferelle the commaundcment cf "'^'"•f"'"',''f'^, „ ,', ,. .* It h.t»d,cr Ihirrel- God by your tradition? dcrs.,:u,^cd„i,i.l.. 4 ••' For God hath commaunded. faying, b Ho- irered.e^oMei-n.rt nour thy father and mother z"** and hee that cur- crf-tCh'-rrb. ^ feth father or mother. let him die the death- J Their wfcfce^ - T But ye fay , c whofoever lliall i;iy to father \„\C"cZf or mother , By the gift that is ojfered by me, thou maudemtntsoj- jnayeft have profit, Gjd , and tba, upom 6 Though he honour Eot his Father, cr bis i'^'^^*'^«°j;g°J];; mother .Jhalhe free : thus have ye made the com- aut^rhie'to makl manderoent of God of no <^ anthoritie by your Uwes.ijheiere- tradition. prooved. 7 3 O hypocrites , Efaias prophecied wellof " ^,''°^--°-""'^' you.f.iying, l%h!liri^' 8 * This people draweth neere unto me with mamM kindecf ' their mouth, and honoureth me with thel.ppes, ''""''wii.iiW,;;- but their heart is farre ofl from me. '''^'" '^^' " ''""■ 9 But in vaine they worlhip me, teaching /or (^"^('j/^j^ doctrines, mens precepts. ii'i-.ao 9 ;>r.'.ic.io 10 4 Then bee called the multitude unto hinoi <■ ^*f '"!■■:'!>''«« and laid to them, Heare and vnderfijod. l'"' ■' -"-''^'j'"' «' r ie/loyt/uptnlit " nple , is to thj profit ,f,>r it it « giU *. ifl ;.i!»r iV thie ,fc, , « ,l,i l'Ur'ft„l I fcrlbce : for und rthii cclcl4rtfrch»ivn , they hat hee ihut h.id fi-ven anjthinriciht Temple, d r f» m^de i, ,fm f .werr,,,,^ .xmh.rnit m commandemcnti cfi. .{. falfe leacheri which deceive ou matteri, and there ii no reafon xvhy their ordinary oihetwifc we are like 10 perifll Wnh them. Iliouldbliudeoiir eyct: That The children s bread; Chap.XVI. « Matfe7,i8. * Iohni/,». « Lake 6,39. 4f MmJc«7.I7. * GtDt.StS- and 8,21. mar 7,". ft Mar.7,J4. e Coaftet which )Tyre 1 1 »« That which goeth into the month . ckfi- leth not the man , but that which ccmmeth out of the mouth that defileth the man. 12 J Then came his difciples .and faydunt© him , rerceiveft thou -not , that the Pharifes ate of- fended in hearing j/jM laying ? 1 3 But he anfwered and faid , 5 Evety plant which mine heavenly Father hath not planted, (halhe rooted up. 14 Let them alone, they be the* blindelea- dets of the blind; and ifthe blind leade the blind, both (liall fail into the ditch. 1 y < + Then t-nfwered Peter, and faid to him, Declare unto us this parable, i6 Then faid lefiis , Are yeyet without vnder- fianding ? 1 7 Perceive ye not yet , that whatfoever cn- «nasidon,thatis,in jjeth into the ffiouth , geeth into the belly , and is p'l T"T "^^r caft out into the draught ? Faleltinabecdtth or. i_ri.-°iL-i. j <-■ 1 5 But thole things wnic h proceede out of the mouth , come frona the heart , and they defile the man. 19 Forotjcofthe heart* come evill thoughts, routders. adulteries, fornications, thefts.falfe tefti- reonies. flaunders. 20 Thcfcatethethings which defile theraan:but to eat wkh vnwalten hands , defileth not the man. 2 1 * And lefus went thence,and departed into the e c«Us of Tyrus and Sidon. 22 And beholde , a woman a f Cananitecame out of the lame coaftes, and cried,fay ing unto him. Have mercy onme .OLord ,thek)nneof David: my daughter is miferably vexed with a devill. 25 /But he anfwered her not a word. Then came to him his di/ciples , and befought him , lay- ing, Send her away , for Qie cryeth after us. 24 But he anfwered and faid, I am not reHt,but unto the * loft (bcepe of the g houle of Jfrael. 2f Yet Ihe came', and worlhipped him.faying, Lord helpe me. i6 And he anfwered, and faid.It is not good to take the childrens bread , cnJ to caftir to whelpes. 27 But (be fiyd.TruethLord : vctindcedethe whelps eateof thecrurames , which fall from their mafteistab'e. - '^ Then lefus anfwered.and fayd unto her , O wonan. great is thy faith: be it to thee.as thou de- fiieft. And her daughter was made vCholeatthat The Pharifes leaven. 9 toward Pbenice.«|](l the fca of Syria. f Ofthtftockeof the Cauaaoitn, «vl>ici>dvtelle. 10, «. g Of tbe people «f Ifrael, which pro- pie was divided in- to tiibel. but all thofetiibcicaine ofo'iehoufe. « Cbrift crafeth Bot to bebentli- ciall eTen thrte wherr beucoB- ttmsFd , aod in the iridded f fwoIve» begaiherfsd tt>- gerber and foOe. teth hiffl'vcke. S Mar)t«7.3'. * Efai.3f.J. h Wbofrnxiobert Vvere weaktmed witbtliepal(i.?.or by nature, for fter- h'iUre. ward itiifavd, he healed then. NowChhftw" wond 'o heale ir. this wife. that Inch memb-ri t v^tre Vreaked, herrltorrd 10 health, an^ yet hecouW fafily if he bad woulil. have 25/ 5 « So Tefut S went away from thence.and came neeie unto the fa ofGalile,and went up gifeRItiern hind and fe-»andoi me mberi which wanted tbem. X Marke Si. 7 By deiog agsine thi«mirael<- Cbnft ftlewttbita he wll never be wan. ting to ibtoitbat fdllovrbim, no oot inibe wildcr- nefle. i Set Dot fiom 31* fide. in a raountaineaml fatedowne there. 30 • And great rr.ultitudes came unto him, J ha- ving with rhem. halt, blinde.diimme,'' maimed ,and many other, and caft them dow neat lefus feet,and he healed them. 31 In fo much that the multitude wondered, to '^^ fee the durome fpeake, the maimed whole, the halt ' " to goe,anil the biinde to fee : and they glorified the God of Ifrael. 3 1 ■?• 7 Then lefus c.-lled his ditiples unto him, and faid » I have compafsion on this multitude, be- caufe they have ' continued with roe already three dayes , and have nothing to eate : and 1 will not let them depart faHin_», leaft they faint in the way. 33 And his difciplts fayd unto him . Whence ilouid wee get fo much bread in the wildernede, as Ihonid fuffice fo great a multitude • 34. And lefus faid unto them, how many loaves have ye ? And they faid,Seven, & a few little filhes, 3 y Then hee commaundeth the muhitude k to fit downeon the ground. 36 And rooke the fev^ loaves , and the filbes, and gave thanks, , and brake them , and gave to his diiciples , and the difciples to the multitude. 37 And they did ail eate , and were fufficed, and k Word forvpofd, ward,3< rDovrrtdoe they tooke up of the fragment ven I bafkets full. s that remaned, fe- I A kiDdeoftef- 3 8 AnT they that had eaten . wete foure thou- [wl^;'"^'' """ kad men, befide women , and litle children . 39 Then lefuj lent away the pnukitude , and tooke ilyp, and came into the parts of Magdala. CHAP. XVI. I Theprnoflcna,. 6 Tht UaVentfike Ph-irifit, n for thiir J,(triKe. ,3 TI,ef(,fles<>fUk»ofChrifl. 17 Faill, czmmtthcfCod. iSThercckf. 19 The kfya. txChriji frefheivethhhdejih 24 Tl,t/irrtk'''rof'Urfilfe,and thicrcf,. 1; Tclife Ihf life. "£ Hen . ic came the Pharifes and Sadduces , and ^-.b ^tf/ter did a tempt Mm , defninghimtofhew thema figne from heaven. z I The wicked which otherwif«a .ndtriu^yheth* t«atempeft :fot the fkie is r d and lo wring. O hy- overtbem. pocrites, yecandilcerBethebfaceofthefkie,and ♦ Chap 12,3 ». can ye noidifceme the fignes of thetimes ? a" To 'r! whether 4 * The wicked generation , and adulterous beconiddnetbat feeketh a iigne.but there ftiall no fi^ne be given which tbeydef^fed, it, but c that figneofthe Prophet* Jonas :fo he '•""''eirpurpofe Jeltthem, and departed. T^S^lT y 1 » And when his difciples were come to the fiadefome thing is other fide.they had * forgotten to take bread vv/X? bimby thatmeane*, them, whereupon th.y 6 Then lefus fayd unto them. Take heede and ^.'|,''„' J,'" '",b«d' beware ofthe leaven ofthePhatilcs and Sadduccs. him: oreiidifttuft 7 And they reafoned among themfelves , fay- •ndcuriotitie moo. ing,/fi>becanfe we have brought nobtead. vedtbeinfotodoe, 8 B::t lefus d knowino it. f,yd unto them. O '^I-^gU^'"^ ye of litle faith . why reafon yee thus among yeur betempted, that i, feb es, becaufc you have brought no bread > « fay , provr.ked 10 9 Dee ye not yet perceive , neithet remember »ng'^»"i>ou?i» the e five loaves . when there were * five thoufand ^"h"°^ '"* men, and how many baskets tooke ye up > j. mke u,f4, Ic Neither the feven loaves when there were b The outward <%• foure thoufand w^ii.and howe many bafkets "lew and counte. ''°''^'^"p.% • . T r . a"^v'.'-ri;'/ 11 why r perceive ye nor that I g fayd not vn- to the Hebrewei to you concerning bread , that yee fliou Id beware tongue, a face, ofthe Jeaven ofthe Pharifes and Sadduces ? * ^^'P '*'3i>. 1 2 Then vnderftood they that he had not fayd 'JZ ZufutfT that they Iboiild beware ofthe leaven of bread, but cfthe detde. of the doiflrine ofthe Pharifes.and Sadduces. * iooaii,i7. 13 ^ S 3 Now when lefus came into the * 'L' l^ "f'"" coaftes of h CefateaPhilippi .heeafkedhisdifci- h"edor pies , faying, VVhom doe men fay that I , the fonne • Matkes.i^, of man am? lukevi. t4 And they fayd,Somc/.ty, > lohn Baptif*: and t ^°' fcyoti"!. fome.Eliasiand otheis,Ieremias,or one ofthe d"„^I,r" Prophets. e That five thou- I y He fayd unto them j But whom fay yee that ^^"^ 7"'" werefii. J gm i 1^^ witbfo niaav Thou loavei } 16 Then Simon Peter anfwered & faid, art that Chrift, the fonne ofthe living God. 17 4 And lefiis anfwered, and fayd t_ , ... ...... , ., , ""' f Ademaundor ^Ufitioo loyned with admiration. g Slid , forcommaunded. J Mar 8, j? \\ikt 9.18. 3 There are diveiiiudgementtaod opioiomafChrift , notwithftandioR hee it knowne of hii alone. h There were two Crfareat, the one cal Ifd Striionif upon the fea Mediteiraoie , which Htrod built fLmptuoudvin thebonout of Oftaviua, loflib. IS the othttwaiGefareaPhilippi.wbich Herod ibeerrai the Teirarcbeifbnne byCicopitrabuillin the honour of Tiberiui at thefoote of Leba»oo.Iof. 1. Heied ib«u{ht, v lof.s £9. -t Paith li of grace , not o Bbb Biefled lohn •Chap.,y.34. •IS- i At The keyes. To take up the Cf oflc. S. Matthew. Chrift transfiguratioti Elias.Iohn Baptift, It r, !(,;, t ^t a Wefl^^J art thou . S imon , the fonne of lonns : for /p,t.',un,7nrm.L k ftdli anJ blood l=«a;h not reveakd it unto thee, naiiir*S frucrfjii- but wj Father which is in heaven. "I "t'" '!•' '*'t'u 1 )j ; And I Cav alio unto thea , that thou arc IfL'rXC'T » ' I'eter. and upon this rocke will I build my »ri.- A -Ira.m^d,, Church:§^ the mgates of hel Ihall not overcome it. f«i Jifcrmtd ,9 6 And I :§ will give unto thee the « keyes ot ihr>u,h ftnnt : s> fhg kingdome of heaven , and whatfoever thou I,i,V'''ii" ' «""' l^-iaif ° ''•"'^ "P°" ""l' • '^^^'"'^ ^°""'^ ^" heaven: r«).f ..(.rf 'oTt.c h and wliatfoe vcr thou llialt loofe on earth . fl^ali be dt) undtrfljiding Joofcd in heaven. cfm^„, lu, .,d jQ 7 The,, he charged his difciples , that they (ht-^Un ,he,from ^^^^^ ^^ jj^^^ man that he was lefus that ChriLh , Tba't'iMru* 21 ^ 8 From that time foorch Ictus beganto faith, which con- Qiew Unto his dili-ipies , that hemuftgouno Hie- feUVtbChnft, ihe rufjie^ , and fuffer many things of the p Elders, ii'lmXf/" a"^ '^f 'he ^'^" 1'"^"^ ' ^"'' Scribes, and be Hauie "'t'uZ'^t and be railed againe the third djy. I ch-i if^kfin 2 i Then I'eter q tooke him afide , and began tU,s,Tun i,nn,i, ^^ j^.^uke him. favi 'g.Malte, pittiethy fslfe : this And t^erff'^rt 1'led ,-,.11 1 l,.,„,sd,r^„tw fl«.ilin<.tbeuntothcc. Ifttv,*' /Vfro.. 2 ^ 9 1 hen he turned backe .and iayd unto Pe- »!;<•'./; ».^f»'. ter.Gcttheebehindcme .'Sat.m : thoiiart an of- ^'""' """'''■•'• fence unto me , becaufe thou f undcrftandeft not r« V . t«7mf,&-bmf..rtbvGiei,areme mci.iti which arc raadtltroDg ai ncouuUii= ■nd fofr.n;i,jBd ihii ii t« meani.,g, wDitf«verSa,aB .a:. Hoe by coup;sll oi """S«'" S<. dor'h Paul, j.Cot 10 + calhhcm lltong oM.. << Tncamb ruie ..i lUcChuictt i.fromGod. ♦ lohuao.ii. n A m^,..phore.ak nof ItjAajr.liwhich cary the krv«.-.>ndthftt lift: footib ih' pow« ot .hcmmiderioftbc woiJ.asfelai.i ui-and .hatj,owtri.com,»ontoallminmeri.a,Cb..I'..8,.8 a.idtbeitfoietbt mmilifrof the Cofpelnuyri^oilybt-allfd.h. keyof.heki gdumeof teiv.n. o T nryar.- bound wbof, finn„ are rt.cy«d, heaven uOiu. agaiLll bi-m- btciufctbty lectiveJ no^ CoiUt byf4tb:oBiheoh r(ide.boweat.i'i.are.h.y.L.,who.. beaveo .•oi*D,w».ch .mbrace Chiift.anWa.edelivtudbyhini and teiTomefeliow beirfiwi h him. 7 ,Mtn mull hrlt learotiiL-itbtntt^h. 8 Tb. m:n.1c. ol men ar. int..rt o b. prepared aud mad^ rfadya^ainlnbeitun>blingbiock.ofi«rrcution. [. I wasa uame uf digniue and nnicfaef.aod i; 1. pu foi them vcbichv^er ibiI.Mg«. wbicb the Hrbtcweicalltd Saobrdnm. q Tookc him by ibe hand and Ud bim il.d- , ai they u!e lodoe, which tneanetuulkefjiniiiajly with one. 9 Againft a prtpolUfouizeale. r The Bfbrewe» call him Satan, that ii 10 fay , ail adveilane ■ wh.jm the Greciani call diabolei . .hat c» to fay , Oandtrer, or teitipTr : bur it ijfpokfti of ibeiii.tbai enher of malice.a. Iiid»» I-hn 6 7". or of lightn-ffr and ptidr nfilt oe will of God. I By ibii «vord we at- laught ihar Peie^ fiajed.thrBath a falfe pfrfAafian ef bimrelfe. 10 No men fiovide wo. fef.rthe.r.felves.tlwn. hey that love tbrmftlvfjitwrethenGud. * Cbai 10,3s m.irk.3 34 Ivkesujaad 14.27- X Chip ic..39-'nar S,3flui«e 9. a^.ay.a*:. andi7 J3 t Snail ^.aine himfelfv.And -bii i» hh mtaniug.tty th^tdenie Cbrilltofaveibtmfelv-i.d.enoi onelyuoi gjine tua which itey looketor, but alfo lofe the thing thry w.ul.i havektpt .ih«t iwheinfelvtl . wbiihU.lfe ij the gieaielt of all .• bo. « fo, hem i.,ai d.,ubt no; to die foi Cot.ll . it fea.eth fa. re o.herw.le wub them, ft' loh, 2 If u L.keaKmg.aiCiiap* 29. * rial.62..i.i«in..,6. t Mar y.i. luke 9,27. x By hrtkiogdoinei. underRood .heg'oryol bii ifceufion, »c«l what fjiloweti tbereof,Ephe.4,ic. or the f eacbioj of the G jfpel.Mat.j, I , CHAP. XVII. I Thirar.s/liUr.ttt.nrfChuJI. $ ChnjUxj-ht l> h hturj. li £/w. 13 Iihnlla(tijl. ,7 Thti>nbtlujti/tlie ^{'Ji- lt!. 10 Theferrercffa'ikti Frjjtr .tndfiP.ing. xi Chrip frtitilhlnsfiCion. 1+ Ht f^yrhtriUtt. ■ •iMaike9,». /( Nd K I a after lixe dayes, lefus tooke Peter and ^"^' 9'»'.. * lamcs.and lohn his brother.and brought them l ^f'^uV ^"^^ ,. *> lor: humble ID ihe up lino an hie mounta-ne apart. Gofpel , tbar in the I And was t> transfigured before thera: and his mt^nefeafonheit face did Ihine .is the Sunne, andhis cloathes were ^^"^ ''•'■* ofhea. as white .s rhe light. rru"keVck'o' ,h J And behold, there app^eared unto them Mo- ei^b"daye'i,c°oa. fes. and Elias, tdlking with lum. taiuing in that 4 Thenanfwercd Peter, and faid to lefus, Ma- oumoenhtfirft fter, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt.let us Mat'heVf 'eakfh m.ike here three tabernacles, one lor thee, and one u,^. [j^^J,\l^" forMofes.and one for Elias. were btrwixtthem, f While he yet fp^ke , behold, a bright cloud b Changed imo n-iadowed them : and behold , there C4ww a voyce V'°^^\' "'"■ out of the cloud, f yiHg,:gThis is<: that ray beloved tyeir^J,''^' Sonne, in whom I am well plealed : heare nim. c The article or 6 And when thedifciples heard ihat.theyd fell the word that. fe. on their faces , and were lore afraid. "^e'r^M;d" '''7 7 Then lefus came and touched them.and f?.yd. bee'. .God, o^uf.^a Arife.and be not afraid. Senue. webyad«p. 8 And when they liftedup their eyes,they faw ""o. therefore ne u no man.fave lefus onely. 'Z^'^ '*''' ^'- , , , . ." , r i_ cotteo amone he 9 < And as they Came downe from the mouti- b,^,b„n_pj^^(-j taine, lefus charged them.f tying Shew thee vifion that although uee to noman, untiil the Sonne or man rife againe ueofiighnDeonely from the dead. chTfe amon', m .» 10 ■♦'And his difciples asked him/aying, Why »„ .hat he i. .he then fay the Scribes that 4. Elias muft firll vome? fountaine and hetd I I And lefus anfwered,and fayd unto lUem.Cer- of.he adoftion. tainly Elias muft firft come . and reftoreaii things, ^^//"if °f,",' f„'^ 12 Butlf^.y unto you,that Elias IS come altea- w.-rm^ppedLun^ai dy , and they knew him not .but havt: done unto cbap m. hm whatfueverthey wouid : likewife Ihail alfo « which they faw: " the Sonne of m .n fuiier of them. vfcd'ic aiLre'1,' 13 Then the difciples perceived ihathefpake p,oprr:y f^oke.oV unto them of lohn Bupiift. th*. vvh.ch i, feene 14 ^ ■^ » And when they were come to the '°'d.v«me. multitude, there came tohim.iteitaineman, and ^ ^"^1'^^//'^*' f fell downe at his feete, chap 1 1,14.' 15 And fayd Matter. have pittie on m.y fonne: ^ Ma..? .4. for hee is p. mnadkc .and is lore vexed :forofi lake 9 3s. times hce talleth into the fire , and oft times into ,\y^„Vc",i"b.T'*' the water. ' goodMeOe yet not. 16 And I brought him to thy difciples.and they wi hiiaodtng bee Could not heale him. . '.e^arleh item. 17 Then.lefus anfwered.and f,yd. O generation „^;;'7°^'" ._ fai'»^='^° hrft filh that commeth up, and when thou haft *"!''= f'j";''"'' opened his month .thou Ihalt finde a » piece of :;;aa'd »fS^^^ t^entle pence -.that take, and give ituntothera hadiubdiifdiudea. for meandthce. C B A P. XVIII. S In that that Chviftdofthvii!. liDgly obeyCcfatI edifti , be fbewtth tbatcivill pulicie il Dot laken away by theCjofpel. i Hedeaieih noc. butheaike-.h. k Ought beobtto jay? 1 Tbev that were mu^ nc! Vnder- fi^ndfitieth whi(h fay tribute, bu' ""' tmruli ihUren. O Thfrrorit htrt rufed,iiJijtt',tThieh t/ in I'.iluf 4 lii- itr-tt'^^meiirVtrj didr^hntt il ahut fve fence. Jfr Wrfr.9,34. '«4f 9.4«- I HumbltnelRof oiiDde 11 the tight way toprctmi- cence. a CO childein . yttrt). t .ctMnr-14'ao. b .■) ^i«s eye caufe thee to offend, plucke thai muih, thir.TS rvUchyvefumbie at, thap J»9- 4 The weakft that a mJD is, the grpattrcare >ft« ought to bavt of hiifalvation, a» God teacheth ui by biiowne tiaitiple. • rfal.34,8. #: tuke i9.'«- 4 LuXe j;,4' > ,fl<„d tt out and caft it from thee : it is better for thee to Thecrteke grijer into lile with one eye , then having two eyes tobecaftintohellfire. 10 4Seethatyeede(pifenotoneofthe(@lutle ones: fori fay unto you.that in heaven their* An- gels alwayesbeholdethefaceofmy Father which IS in heaven, 1 1 For * the Sonne of man is come to lave that which was loft. r i ■l 12 How thinke yee?^.Uamanhaveanhun- dreth flieep , and one of them be gone aftray, doeth hee not leave ninetic and nine .and goe into the mjuntaines rand leeke that which is gone aftray ? 13 Andiflbbethathefindeit.verciy I fay vn- to y on . hee reioyceth more of that (heepe, then of the ninetie and nine which went not aftray : 14 So is it not the will of your Father which is in heaven .thi«,one of thefe little ones fhould periQi . * i.f).'M9,7. ly * J Moreover , if thy brother tiefpalVe {"^"^-a- againft e thee .goe and tell him his fault betweene "'^veniuftra. thee and him alone: if hee heare thee, thou haft hour for codcotJ, wonne thy brother. "05 "^ "v^^ge 1 6 But if hee heare thee nor, take yet with thee ^""//'aV- t.r»«r« fr one or two, that by the:§ fmouth of tw^or three }uJ,,y'J,i,Z„nelf witneflcs, every word may be g confirmed. _ k.t'trefl thy im. 17 « And if heeti refr.fetoheerethem .tellit 'tjfjojffiff. unto the i Church : and ifheerefufe to heare the %^^'"''^')l^ Church alfo.let him be unto thee as an k heathen "wftrVoYs" ' inan, and a Publicane. f That i«,by the 18 Verely I fay unto you,* Whatfoever yee word and witneiTe binde on earth . fhall be bound in heaven : aiid ^';^,';;°";„^f^, '"';*' « whatfoever yee loofe on earth , Ihall be Icofed in '^,";d or'fpe«h", heaven. Num.ij.ie- acJ 19 Againe, verely I fay unto you.that if two of aifofot a ftiil wit- you Hull 1 agree in earth upon any thing . wharfo- -f',;;° ^l^'^t^J ever they Ihall defire , it fliallbe given them of my ^r it felfe, a. be. Father which is in heaven. neatb .chap.ans. lO For where two or three are gathered toge- g Sureaodcer- ther in my Name, there am I in the mids of them. '""'■ .„^o„ z I 7 Then came Peter to him, and faid,Mdfter, „^„Vth the i"udg%i how oft feall my brother finneagainfti-nee, and I remtoftbe (Iiall forgive him ? * unto feven times ? church, contem, 22 lefus faid unto him , I fay not to thee, Vnto °"^,'^°/^^^ „^,j feven times , but, Vnto fe ventie times feven times. ^^^ ,°', Ju.hr.fi.' 23 Therefore is the kingdome of heaven like- tohtare,or make ned unto a certaine King .which would taken an aith..ughhed!rcn",.ce may it ihe^re.i:e,/or there ii no freffrtion hefnr.ene ih,m. n Thti n^s 4 eivU n^trerce rrti. ii., .ery -v/„.,« in the E..fi. o Terlde n.t f.o ntu.htothme anr" "£,.''"11 '"'•■/» '■' '^'"' """' ""'" -f "'f '»"■" ''■■"' '• ■"'■"""•"■■ '" /"""^"''f '""> tnithitrtftnintth thtjlermini 1 tfhii minde, ffilmt i(,S.fJlient iindffl Bbb I I'nto Divorcement. S. Matthew. A rich man^ unto you, exce-pt ye foigivc from your hearts.each one to his brother their trefpalVi.'s. CHAP. XIX. a T'f ^f <;» Mt litMtd , 3 dnd 7 ^ hil ofjiinrremtnt. 1 1 £'"!■ 13 ChiUreHl>rcuiht!,qlri/}. 17 CcJ tnely The CemmtrdimennmaJUe k.'F'- »' ^ ftrfefl ji^<^ Tuh mir, . iS S'tt]iaiiciiciimmethofCtJ.lJ 7 cltdlA^d antt ftiliTV Cbrtf}, A NJ,* it carre to pall'e , rhat when lefus had fi- nifr.til thsfe layings.he a departed from Galile, and came into the coalis of lude.T beyond lor dan- 2 And great multitudes followed him , and he healed them there. 3 5 1 Then came unto him the Pharifes temp- ting him , and faying ro him , Is it Uwfull for a man to fc put away bis wile upjn every occafion ? 4 And he anfwered and faid unto them , Have ye not read . J that he which made them at the be- ginning, made them male and female, 5 And faide, * For this caufe. Ilall a man leave father and mother , and ^ cleave unto his wife, and « Mir.10,1. water ourofGiiile intothf faorJerf of luiici. I Tb' bind of m«ii»g«oBght rot toSr bickeo, UB. leffc it be for for- ricj'ion. b T» f-nd b" ' bookt of divorce- ment. «'ore. cap. I. 19- ;§ Gen.i.»7- K Gen. 2. 24. I. cor. cTbtGr.fkevsord they which wetc ^ two.flwllbeoneflelli r imF.> though command to give a bill of divorcement .and to put «bey wtrc glowed getaway J d''The''y".«hicbwete 8 He' fayd unto them . Mofes f becaufe of the ««o b»c. meal it hardneflc of your heart . g iuffered you to put away .were or>- : and thii y^,,^ wi.ves : but from the begmning it was not Co. fi'°"^*''a"k'nfoVtbe 9 I lay therefore unto you ,* that whuloever vf"ou'n.an"otthe iball put away his wife > except »> i* b for whore- body iitei tbf ma- don^e.and marry another.committethadiilterie and BtrofioeH-btfvsti whofoever marrieth her which is divorced , doech • k'wro«t.tThe con-mi. a.lulterie. martageUfcifr'ii 10 T/ifw laid his difcipies ro him,If the' matter byabotowtdkiode be ft) between man Sc wife.it is notguod to marry. <-ffi 17 And hefaidunto him, Why called thou me poovl > there is none good but one . even God : but if thou wilt enter into life , keepe the Commande- ments. 18 He faid nntohim .Which ? Andlefusfaid, ^ The^-, Thou (halt not kill : Thou Ihalt not com- rcemenijifitiariage had bene cut afutider v»itb puniftiement rllandfobetwfeoemaciand-.'vife.ct inmariai;e 3 The ar.andtberff'-renomancsnfi.taLawtohinifelfeofper- crntinencie. k Receive andadmit, at by tranfl.ition wefay, that aftr.-iitand nar'o A place it not able to receive mar.y things. 1 The viord Euuucb ii a ceoeralJ word, aod baib divm kind, vndet it as gelded m-n and burllen tnen. m Which ab- fternt from tnariafjeand livecontiqently through the gif.ofGod. 4 Inr.int«and liilechiWrenareconiiin.-din.hefrfecoienanti.fSod. • Mar to.tj.Luke 18, if. chap i(!,2. J TheYneitherknoOTtheijifelvejnoriheI.avp.tbaireeke tob«faved by «bfl,iw. » Mar.io,*;. Luktj»,i8. J Eiod.j.o.ia.dtw.j.ifi.iom.ij,?. beirewiih fime tbiDgt.itloUow- cih not by and by tbat Ged allosietb »hen\. « t>FtJt.I4>I- f Being occaAoned V\ reafon of the (.v..«cfGodi ihro.her and bendi bovieth ^rCtap r3«.nsr. b Tbertt„ieio thefe.I. ves.be T.awesth.n wfre madeag.iinfladnl fr.d-d • for the illould have needed no d bvd-aih i If the ma gifr of cortinencie 11 pec prti trit adulterie : Thou (bah not fteale : Thou (lialt nostfeeare falfe witneffe. 1 9 Honour thy father, and m.other : and, Thoa flialt love thy neighbour as thy felfe. 20 The yong man faid unto him, I have obfer- ved all thefe things from my youth: Whatlacke lyet ? D TierengmHit 1 1 lefus faid unto him.If ti thou wilt be perficCa ''"''"" *"/«•'" ^oe, fell that thou haft.and give it to the poore.and '/^"I'jj''"/"'?/ ',''*' thou flialt have treafure in heaven , and come . and cLmJi^'lmeHt,' follow me. and there frlht ' 22 And when the yong man heard that faying, '■'.z"'""' •»»«- hee went away forowfull ; for hee had great polfe?- '"''I'J^"',"' ''"" _i ,,-,-•. . . ..^ . fherv tie difeafi « Then lefus faid unto his difciples.Verely th^u, lurking fions ^3 I (ay unto you, that a rich man fhall hardly enter '"^'•mind. into'the kingdome of heaven. *e!d'of ""r" 'V* 14 And againelfayuntoyou.Itisoeafierfora g"to°Godfto" p camel to goe through the eye of a needle , then eUivt out of the for a rich man to enter into the kingdome of God. ''"'"of satan. 25f And when his difciples heard it , they were ? -^f/fi 7°"'' exceedingly amafed, fay ing.Who then can bee fa- p TuffUJ'nl. ved > tcih, that h thu ^6 Andlefus beheld them.and faid unto them, vrd is meant a With men this is vnpofsible , but with God all "*'' "'f ' '""5'*' things are possible. ^ ^Trtir*,;:! 27 J <• Then anlwered Peter, and faid to him, that irnaprover*. Behold, we have forfaken all , and followed thee ; andihewtrdca. what therefore ihall we have ? "'' • C^r'ifi"l'tht 2g 7 And lefus frid unto them. Verely I fay to ^'^Mlrfo'.xt, you, that when the Sonne of man Iball fit in the 'ukeii.zt. throne of his Msjeftie , ye which followed mee in 7ii'»notloft, the q regeperati,jn. 4 'ball fie alfo upon twelve '/^^yr^k*"* thrones, and iudge the twelve tribes of Ifrael. ^"Vfc'f 'e'r^^ailm 291 And whofoeveriball forfdkehoules.orbre- iitakfn fr 'h.,i thren, orfif^ers.orfather.orraother.or wife.orchil- J'y ,^vh'reinthe dren , or hnds, for my Names fake, he Iball receive '/''^'^^''f '"f'r '',, an hundreth foldc more, and Ihali inherite everla- i!la'fa"'X'h''<'tCe/ fting life. full enCy fV Wtf. 30 s* Biumany thatarefirft .{iMllbclaft.aBd J""'.''"*' 4 tK^«j2,!9. $ To have begun well and not tTCcniinue ooely not profite.but alfo hurteth very much. * Chap. 26. i< CHAP. XX. » Luhurershireilinti ihe'viney.irJ. iS The epiS eye. n Hee fcrete':leth Ui papitrt. zo Zebedlusfinnes. llThecUf. iS Chrillii cu'rminifier. 30 Tix">l>lin4! men. P Or the kingdome of heaven is like unto a cer. > Codiibouna ■*- taine , hbuaiolder. which weiw our at the daw- ;h;X"h;cal. ning of the d.iy to hire labourers into his vineyard, j^ti, yvhomfoevet 4 And he » ;;grced with the labourers fur a pe- aod wbenfoevet nie a d.iy. an' fentthem into his vineyard. ' •>« •'""''• ''''"• 3 And he wenrout .bout the th ird houre. and rght'IoTtkrheetl faw other (landing idle in the market place. of.iud hereupon 4 And f.ud unto rhem , Goe yec alfo into »»)> beiiow ki> whole ■" ■ endevour.that be koih in body and /S../r. othe enddoetb not r.io,3i.luke 13,30* eforsfard and vineyard, and whatfoever is right.I will give you , audlhey went their way. cometo.hemarke y Againe he went outabout the nxt and ninth without all fiop- houre. and did iiKewife. ping or dagnetiag, 6 And hee went .;ooiit the b eleventh houre, andootcuriouny and found other ftandii'g idle , and faid unto theni, [^/"dk>ing°,'o" Why ftind ye here all the day idle ? theiudgementiof 7 They (aid unto him , Rt caufcno man hath G^^d. hired us. Hee fad to them , Goe yce alio into wy r |7'|'"',f°' "[^j^f,' viauyard, and whatfoever is right, that (ball yee re- ic'ind'of rp'l^Ic'h'tV.' * ceive. - Jc" from fong. 8 ? And when even waa»*me , the nv.l^ercf b rheiafi houre: the vineyard faid unto his Reward , Call the labou- '^°"'" ''"V "" rers.and give them their hire .beginning at the !,"I^d ^h,^ft"a 'howi laft till »;!««(:(>»»<• to the firft. [ b»gan at the-Sanne J And they which were hired about the eleveBth liimg, houte. TFic penic. Toflee ambition^ Ch^.wji Chrift tldeth into Icrufalctn ♦ I f e So»iht,thiii'ic houre, came and received every man a penie," /.j,^«/^fco««»«. ,0 Now when the firft came, thejr fupgpfed ^TrL^2tmffo'°i'ht that they fliould receive more , but they likcwife tithtirti h an received every man a peny. «>;« «7f. mtjnt 1 J And when they had received it , they mur- «,„« hecaufi fH? ih' 16 « So the Uft Uiail befirrt, and the firtt lafl; famt inih^t fiact, f^j. j^^ny ate Called, but few chofen. }»' cVap.'is'ao aoi '7 i * •'^"^ '^'""5 ^^f"^ "P '° Hierufalem.and »i,i4. mar. 10,31. tooke the twelve difciplcs apart ia the way, and lokei3 3<>- fay d unto them. gM«k«io,3«. ,}{ 3 Behold.wegoenptb Hierufalem,andthe Icht'i'goetbiothe Sonne ofxT.in lluli be delivered unto the chiefe ciciTenectirjrily, PriePs . and unto the Scribes . and they fliahcon- butyet willingly- demne him to death. 3 rhey th»t I'id j j> , ^P^j t n^an deliver him to the Gentiles.to ^rcc""Jo• deedeof my cup .andihallbe baptized with the W,ci;'p»'''«' baptifme . that 1 am baptized with, but to Ht at my thimuiercfpj. right hand, and at mv ictthand, is « not mine to fiifhmmt nhid is give but it fl.ailVi given to them for whom icis ''plti"^"'J"'Vet' prepared of my Father. tUtii '"Vrn '"'(/j« 14 " And when the other ten heard this, they fjiihfuU, ii rj.ii- difdaincd at the two brethren s.»ni fimciime .1 jy Therefore le'.us called them unto him, and UterecrJi.i^n.as facd, Ve know that the lords of the Gentiles have Pfil.-i*,S. '. . . . . , . c Thi. • Jrhis'iiaftVtJu g domination over them , and they that are great, 4tjf\i(}itni,.ts Daiiid excrcifc authoritic over them. tommmi: iffl'. 26 butit IhaM not be fo among you ; but who- f7'>'1^"l'l'''!"'f' (bever will be great among you, let him be your : not f hut ant fervant. ij tLu , hM i, fhe- 17 And whofoet-er will be chieio among you, %>"'> ''" •I'h.tfin^ ict him be your fervanr. ''^l''"^'^(l^niturt *^ * ^^'^" ^^ ^^^ Sonne of man c.ime not to be I^"f im."'" "'' "" ferved.but to (erve, and to give his life for the ran- ^ Mirke lo.^t. Ibmeofmany. iMkf'ii.if. zg 1 « 4. And as they departed from leticho, a t scmnvhMA^rp- great multitude followed him. » PhiiTpT.7.' 30 Antl behold . two blind men , fitting by the « Cbrift by bta- Way fide, whcm they heard that Idiis pafTed by.cri- jingthefcbiind ed,raying,0 Lord, the Sonne of Dand, have mer- men with aaonciy ci^onus r.T.'h^'riy''hgtl 3« And the multitude rebuke them, becaufe t ofiheworW. they fliould hold their peace : but they cried the « Markt 10,45. more , laying. O Lord, the Sonne of David > have 31 Then lefus flood ftijhantf 1» called them.aii J b ni'r>/llft. fit iaid,What will ye that I fliould doe to you ? h "''"' '"'■'' i J They fayd to him, Lord, that our eyes may ""*"'■'•■ be opened. 54 And lefus mooved with compafsion.touchcd their eyes , and immediatly their eyes received fight, and they followed him. ^ C H A 1'. XXI. I ChriJ}nJelhfnanAlTtHntoHiernftlim. 11 He en/teth tUI Ih, filler J. 1 3 The h.Hfi cfpr*}tr. 19 The ipi •hewilllet them goe. fhaS i„ them ^r, 4 Ah this was done that it might be fulhlled, X"!';/'*" "^^ " which was fpoken by the Prophets, laying. i'tf/.^i.it. raK y J S Tellye the bd.iughter of Sion, Behold. 9.9. 'in t2.u'V thy King comraeth unto thce.meeke and futin"- •> 7'""i'>»/^'<"'» upon an aiVe . and a colt . the foale of an afle vied ^}p"t'cZ,^ to the yoke. in the UmentatUnt 6 So the difliples went , and did as lefus had 'fi'remie. commanded them. c T heir uppfrmtfi 7 And brought the afle and the cok , and put T^Z'their lar, on them then c cloathcs.and fet him i thereon. mints, mt «pfn tht- _ 8 And a great multitude fpred their garments »!',c andihenlt. in the way : and other cur downe branches from '^*'' w' «'' aTi- the trees, and Ihawed them in the way. Z\uhfh^"fU^ 9 Moreover, the people that wcnt before , and in't'L'fe.fjlof rao thej' alfo [hat followed, cried, Aying, e Holanna 10 *"-i.ir/«. when the Sonne of David, f Welled iff he that commcth '/"y '■'ei-'' M^hti in the Name of the Lord, Hofanna tl.vu vvhtch an Tcmml"rM teiif inthehigheftfcMZ/fw. n.^o.' ^LiU 10 + And when he was come into Hieriiftiem, rvoi-d is eom'pti, g all the citie was mooved, fay ing.Who is this ? '""'' -/i maJt to the citie, he was hungry. me/ pcrfit. ive Thw. h*lt tliM'fhedcr^^raiindeiAnd if the mjtier he eanfiJered tvell.it is ull , >,e'l,.ir the E^-ingehfi f.iith4,.r that is jUble and fare .rrhieh is mtji per fit. 3 Ctuifi doeit. foforfake the wicked .that yet he hatha confideratiou and rcgartlef hii Church. 4 Hypocrite! fcall at Icnjthhave th.ii maikei diftoveied, and their v|jjiJjr!u.,l:tg fwir. thtk' ficci. t M«ke 11,11. iJbb 3 1.9 And IwlinsBaptifme. The parables S.Matthew. oftbe vineyard, and mariage. f How gtwt the f^rcfO'flililij. « Caap i7i3- i Tbf G'tfkewtt lijnificib afii:kiog CI wavering of Diintl. fo that we taano: :tll which way !o take. S CrM-7 7 7. i.ionoJ.I4. # Mar iia7 «'• luk* 20,1, J. , « Agaioft ihem W^ichove-flil'- f iog tbcdod"o*» bindethfallifig anJ vocation to an crdinsrie focctflS. on going about byihaifa'fel'te- CariiUmou.h. k Or,by«bat )fay.lwiil-"ke m lohn hii {.fa. chingiicallfdby a fi?ur" , Bap; 19 And feeing a Pgge tree in the way .became to k, and found nothing thereon. but le4ves oneiy, and fayU to it , Never fruit grow on thci hsncefor- ward. And anon the Fgtrcc withered. 20 And whenhis dilciples law it. they marvei- led,layin;^,How Iboneis the figrree withered ! 21 { Arc' lekis anIwereJ .-".ndfiiyduntothem, Then they o reafoned among theralelves .faying ,If we Ihall fay .From heaven, hee will fay unto us .Why did ye not then becaufe bt rrMched bcleeve h im ? thebaf.ifine of pentaucc Sec Mar.r,*.afti9'3 o From God. and _ ^ fo It ii plainly r«oe ^^^ jgjj ^^i^) ^gg fjy^| „„;(, them .Neither tell I bowihtfearefet you by what authority I doe thefe things. " 1 7 But whatthinkeye ? A cerfu/wmanhad 26 And if we fay , Of men, we feare the multi- tude, X for all hold lohn as a Prophet. 2, 7 Then they anfwered lefus.and faydAVe can oneagainft anoibti O Beattbfir bea;it bout itaod muftd. two fonnes , and came to the elder, and faid, Sonne, r laydtheiiheadi together. 4."Chap.i4>f. marke 6,ao. 7 It ii no newe tbingtoftcthtrm to be the wot It of ail men. which ought to Ihevv the vtjy ofgodlintde goe and worke to day in my vineyard. 29 lUit he anfwered,and fayd, I v.'ill not : yet af- terward he repented hinilelfe, and went. 30 Then came he to the (econd , and layd like- wife. And he anfwered, and fayd, 1 will.Sir : yet he went not. 3 I whether of them twaine did the will of the father = They fiyd unto him , The hrft. lefus fayd unto them , Vetely I (ay unto you , that the Pubii- t^oth°kin"g'iomeo/ caiies and the harlots p goe before you into the G'jJ.and you Hicke kingdoltie of God, fo that at Iraii wife ji pyr John Came unto you in the q way of you (hould hav=^ rij;,hteou(nefle , and yee bcleeved him not ; but the !hnl°irMjIklr'tbea Publtcanes .and the harlots beleeved him .andye tbattbiiwotdigoe though yc faw it. were not moovcd wi'di repen- beforrl ii improper, {.ince afterward , that ye might bileeve him. ly la-ktn in tbi^t ^ ,^ j g j^p^rO another parable , There was a mtn'fol^owe'h"** ccr'taiiie houl holder , -•.'; which planted a vineyard, <) Living uftig'nt- and hedged it roiuid .tbout , and made a winepiefl'e ly, being of a goud thctciii.and r built a tower, &. let it out to husband- f °'!c'"'"F!)r theHc- ^^^ ' ''"^ ^'^^"^ '"'*^ '^ ftiange countrey. h'ew » u!>'tbii ' .^4 Arid when the time of the fiuit drew neere, wot'', wai, for life he fent his fervants to the husbandmen to receive the fruits thereof. 3y And the husbandmen tooke his fervants and beat one, and killed another, and (ioned another. }6 Againe he lent other fervants.moe then the firH ; and they did the like imto them. 37 But la(1; of all ht;e fent unto them his owne fonne, flying, They will reverence rny lonne. 3Si But when the husbandmen fiw the fo!i»e, they fayd among themlelves , * This is thelieirc: come,lec i:s kdl hiT>, Sc let us f take his inheritance. Tbofe men often- it committed : But the vocation of God , ii Dtither tied to time , placi Dor petfon. VSTEf*. f.i.ieren: a,»a.ma'Iti ii,i. Lt(l(e |0, 9. r M.iJe the ptMt frcg : Per a tf-ntr yvbico are chicle buildii. oftbe hoiife, thai ii.cf tbeCnurcb. X Oriia o be. seal. tbeLordidoiog, .which we behold and greatly mar- vurU J ht HI hti 39 So they tooke him. and caft him out of the tAkiodofpro- vineyard, and (lew him. vetbc , ihewmg 40 When theref^ore the Lord of the vineyard what end the wic- fl-jall come, what will hee doe to thofe husband- j. rf«ri'i8.ii. ' titen? ad. 4. 1 1 rom.9 3J 41 They fayd unto him , He willt cruelly de- u Maiterbuiideri ftroy thofe wicked men , and will let out his vine- vatd unto other husbandmen , which thallJeiiver him the fi-iiirs in (heir feafons. 42 lefus fayd unto them , Reade ye never in the Scriptures ,« The ftoue which the « builders refu- v iheciii=ie fed, the fame is " made the yhead of the corner; '("d'jb^beTd oftbe i^ This was the Lords doing.and it is marvellous in coroer , which tea. our eyes. leihupiOecou. 43 Therefore I fay unto you , The kingdome pi'og"" '°'°t'°'' of God thai! be taken from you , and riiall be given ',''VL7mat"'er (In ' to a nation, which ihall bring foorth the » fruits tbattheftonewaich thereof. wascallaway, is 44 $ And whofoever Ihall fall on this ftone, nude the head) ii he iball be broken : but on whomfoever it lliall fall, it will i^ dalh him in pieces. 4^ And when the chief Priefts and Pharifes veiie at. had heard his parables , they perceived that hee <* Tbty bring forth fpakeofthem. '^'^T'°'"^r a ^-.11 r , . II I u- kingdonieof God, 46 8 And they feektng tolay handesonhim, which bring for^h feared the people, becaule they tooke him as a ihefruiiofthe Prophet. • fpirit.anduotof ' tbefleni.Gal.J- § E'aiS,i4. b Aschaffeufeth tobefcattered wi'b the wind , forhe uferha Word which fignifieth properly, to feparate the chafFc from thecoriie wiih wiouowing, f'^fcttttr it abroad. 8 The wickedcau doe nothing , but what God will. CHAP XXII. I The fAra!>'.ecfihemiTi.ige. 9 The ctUini tfthe Genrilcs. II The •Kedo"> the and fent foorth his waniours .anddeftroyed thole ««i'i'i"fp>f"''. , , , .... a The word here muitherers , and burnt up tbeucitie. ufed i» commonly 8 Then i'ayd hee to his fervants , Trueiy the ufed in factificei, l> wedding is prepared ; but they which were bid- »■"! '• ''y ttannati- den. were not worthy. ?ea«'a1fo -^^r" 9 3 Goe yee therefore out into the hie waycs, feaiisaud ban- and as many as ye find.bid them to the marriage, ket* were wnm to 10 So thoie iervants went out into the /j);b b' heguonewiih Wiyes.and gdtherec4 together all that ever they ^^Adre'd fullde- fuuiid.borh good anuc bad : fothe weddmgwas ftruaicnorhethat fumilhed with ghefls. contemne Cbrift. ii 4 Theiuhekingcamein.tofeetheghefts, b The marriage othingofit. c The ^encratl ciK-in^ i> exjmiaeJ lJi.it enter in: 4 lathe there are foine caft .iwaycs whitb doe riot and Luke 14,15. revel. 1 9,9. I Notallthe whole company of them that ate 3 God doth firfl call us , when wethiuke ctfere'h the Cofftk to a» m-n : hut thtir l,/c firali humber'which comeat the calliii). , caafirme their faith with aewDcOeof life. TheSadducesqueftion. Chap. XXIir. The greateft commandement. 12 i Word for word bau'.t.rcd.ihatUto garment fay, he held til peace, ai though he badbadabr{dieor an faaltar about bi» mcke. c Torbem that fervrd the gheftei. 4 Cbap.S II aad 13,42 and 2J. 30- i chap iOii«. » Markeii,i3. and faw there a man which had not on a wedding lukeio.io. f Snart him in hit wordier lalke. The Greekewotd ii derived ot'fnMtl which bHnteti lay. gThey which « Herode made a b religion paicted k jftbti cf thebea- thcn:fli and of the I'wifVl religion. b Truelyandfin- i Thou art not mo( ted witbany ap- Veajance and out- w»id fliew- 3 TbeCbriftiani muncbey ibrir Magiftraiej, il- tbougbibeybe wicked and extor- tioners, but fo farre foortb ai the authotitie that Godhathover ui thay remaine fafe 4intobun, and bii faoDour be not di* rainiOied. k, ThenorJ ihitt is ufett here, (ivni- Jieth a Ifuluw^^ and "r«(iif 1/ menjfui the frcpcrlhn t,iU'eir,lh,f ;r.- jiiKiii.n-yrh n-cre fM,(},„ riue. anruul, re,ukf'> for the t,H»le it felfe. H Before chap. 17, J4. there i$ men- tion made of a di- dracbroe.and here, of a peny. whfreai a dfdrachnieis mori by the ftventh part thtn a i-e.'iyrfotha thercften-.e-.htobe a iarre in hcfe tw And he laid unto him , Friend, how cameft thou in hither, and haft not on a wedding-garment ? And he was ^ fpeechlelTe. 1^ Then laid the king to the e Servants , Bind him hand and foote : take him away , and caft him into vtter darkenelVe ; •!• there Ihall be weeping and gnalhing of teeth. i4 i For many are called, but few chofen. I ^ J * Then went the I'harifes and tooke counfell how they might <" tangle him in talke. 16 And they lent vnto him their difciples with the g Herodians , faying, Mafter, we know that thou art true, and teacheft the way of God h truely, neither careft for any man : for thou conliderefi not ''' the ' perlbn of men. ^ 17 s Tell us therefore .how thinkeft thou ? Is it lawful! to give k tribute unto Cefar , or not ? 1 8 But lefus perceived their wickednelle , and faid, Why rempt ye me, ye hypocrites ? 19 Shewe mee the tribut»-money. Andthey D. brought him a ' peny. 20 And he laid unto them , whofe is this image and fuperfcription ? 21 They faid unto him.Cclars. Then faid he unto them. , x Give therefore to Cefar , the th ings which are Cefars , and give unto God, thole things which are Gods. 22 And when they heard it, they marveiled,and left him, and went their way. 23 J 6 4 The lame day the Sadduces came to him, (which fay that there is no relurrcdion) and asked him, 74 Saying , Mafter , * Moles laid , If a man die, having no »^ children , his brother (hall marrie his wife by the right of alliance, and raife up leede un- to his bioih!.i. 2^ Kowe there were with us feven brethren, end the hrft married a wife , and deceafed : and ha- ving no iiVue, Ittthis wife unto his brother. 26 Likewile alfu the fecond, and the third.unto the feventh. 27 Andiaft of allthewcmandiedalfii. 28 Therefore in the refurreclion, whofe wife IMI Ihe be of the feven ; for all hadher. 19 Then lefus anfweied , and iaid unto them. Ye are deceived , not knowing the Scriptures , nor the power of God. 30 For in the relurredion they neither man ie wives , nor u ives are bellowed in marriage , but are as the n Angeisof God inheaven. 3 I And concerning the lefurretSiion of the dead , have ye norread what is Ipoken unto you of llacf.:bmtheyn.ay God, laying, eafciy be recorded 31 4 I am the God of Abraham, and thc God of thus: The peny wai ifajc , and the God of lacob ? God is not the God ^::1.:but;arr!*" ofthedead btuoftheUvmg ding totheiropor. 33 And when the multitude heard It, they wei;e 'tion they were aftonicif at his dodftrinc. rated at , ibe 3^ j A , jj^ ^yj,gj, jf^g Pharifes had heard, that drachnie was paid df every one to the Temple , which alfo the Romans tooke to themfelvei wbenth»y badfubdurd lutfea. + Marke j 2,17. lukc »o,i;.rom.i3 7. 6 Chivil voucbeih thercluiredionof ibeflefhagainft the Sadduces. 4. Msrke ijiS.iuke ao.27. afts 23-8. ' Dtut.2,-,;. in Vndtr ».hicbnamearedai.'gb:cisaifocomprebep- ded , but yet as touching the faniijie and name of a man , bfcaufe he thai left daughters was in no better cafe , then if he bad left no children atall , (for ihty 'were not reckoned m the familie) by the name of children are SoniKS vndrritood. n He faith not that ttey (hall be withourbi;di?s , for then tbry Ihoiild no: be men any more , but ibey fliall be at Angels , for rh.y flull neither mdrne ncr be mariied: « Exod. 2.6. Maike 12,27. § ^•2'kei2,2S. 7 The Goffeldieih not ibolilh the precepn of the Law; butdottti ritherconmmt-tttm. ^ J%ih, Co yifAMdr.12.1S. ii.uk'Ch^t^. « Veui.6,;. The Heir rtudeih.reu'.S.'!. •nrh tUm heart, r^uhmndftren^th; and -n M ar. il; ,3 aniLuketo.ij tre read tvhh /lute, heart Jlren^th and thought. S Mar.11,3,. rom. i3'9gal.;,i4, iames 1,8. q >>KotAfrmrf», 8 Chriftproveth manife.'ilythatbe it Davids foane according to the flt.'h, bat other- wife, Davids LorJ, and very God. 4* Ma lukeii r Ot whofe (IccJte or familie : for the Hebrewescalla mam pofterit.e fonnes. » pru.iio.t. ay- he had put the Sadduces to lilcnce , they aflemt 1 .'d together. 5 y And o one of them, which was an expoun- der of the Law , asked him a queftion , temptino him, and faying, ° 36 Mailer , which is the great commandement in the Law ? ^ 37 Icfus faid to him, « Thou Ilia! t love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy K loule, antl withall thy minde. 38 This is the hrft and the great commande- ment. 39 And the fecond is like unto this ,§Thou llialt love rhy >\ neighbour as thy felfe. 40 On thefe two commanderaents hangeth the whole Law and the Ptophets. 4' J 8 * While the Pharifes were gathered to- gether, lefus asked them, , 41 _ Saying , What thinke ye of Chrift c ' whofe fonneishe; They laid unto hiiii .Davids. 43 He laid unto them , How then doeth David in fpirit . call him Lord, faying. 44 ♦ The Lord faid to my Lord ,Sit at my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy foote- ftouie ? 4T If then David call him Lord, how is he his fbnne ? 46 And none could anfwere him a word , nei- ther durft any from that day foorth aske him any moe queltions. C H A P. XXIII. 2 HcV) the Scrrhes teaching the pecple the La-w ofMcfei , MaVe themfeh-ei. ; T^'e'r Phjl.tf}eries, and Fringes. 7 Greeur.^s. t We arelreihren. 9ThtF^:her. iol°hef(rVar.t. t} Tt Jhuiihe kjilderne ofi,eal>en. 14 Tc dV.ure wid'tfet hujh, IS -■i I'rtfihtt. 16 Tcjtreart l^yiheTemple. 23 rcijihe m}nt. 2; Tocleanfe thecuifidenfihecKf. 17 I' tinted ff^ f.iichrei. 33 Serpents ilfiferi. 37 The Henne, 'T'Hen fpake lefus to the multitude , and to his difciples. » Weeoughtto , 2 . Saying.The ♦ Sctib.s and the Pharifes ^ fit ^ryrck:dtr in Moles leate. cb/rsteachu. 3 b All therefore whatfotver they bid you ob- purely nut ofthe ferve , that obfetve and doe : but after their woikes ^°"^ °' Go 1 • 1 . 'b";" evill maneit, 4 * » Forthcy bmik heavie burdens,andgrie- H Nebem.8 4. voustobeburne ,andiav them onmenslhoulders. a BecaufrOod but they themfelves will not moove them with o«tf appointed the or. of their fingers. - der therefore: he . . ,V i_ • , L J r . ^ L^'d would have )- 3 All their workes they doe for to be feene h>.wordtob= of men : for they make their <= phyladeries broad, heard evrattom and make ionf; ^ the * fiindges of their o-ar- '''' mouth of hjpo. racntS. . ° cri.esaDdhire- 6 § And love the chiefe place at feaftes, and to b"r'ovidedai. have the chiefe feates in the ? aftemblies. wayet. th.u tfaey 7 And greetings in the markets, and to be called '^'I'ver-M^fet h;» of men. Rabbi, f Rabbi. doftanewh.chthej, proftlie, which thingtheMeta- phore of the feate Ihewetb .which they occupied aj teacheri of Mofei his leatoing. » Luke 11,46. aftes ij-.io. t Hypociites (or the molt partate mofl fevere exaSers of tbofe things which they themfelvescbitfly ocglrfl:. 3 Hypocriies are a.Tibiiious. c Itwatatbiead .or riband of bltwe Hike in tbe fringe of a corner, tee beholding whtreof Hiade tbnn to le.ticmber tbe lawet and ordioanctt of God.- and iherefore wai it ca4led a Poilafteiie, at yee would fay, a kei(|.34- J MaUc.1,6. i He (hooteib at a ft&icn which the IcWMurcd-for they called theB.ib biniourfaiheti. kitf. tteedily bunt after fucbtitlei, whom verfoio hecalleth blicdeguidej. I* tuk( 14,11. aod 13,14. I He reeiueth to allude to the name of the Kabbiai . Tot B.ahfig,Rifi!:ih one ,• Hypocritejcaa ■bide none 10 be better hca them- felvej. ra Cbiiliwheobe rHitovttbany ipaa Whith art even MEthedsore. -i Marke 11,40. iuJte »o,47. i Itiiacommoa tbing among by- j>ocrite« .toabafe, thepreiince of leileto covetouf- BtlTe and eitonioa. o word for word, ■vndei a colour h.y devoured rlvi. hypocritcs : for yee make cleane rhe vtterfideof dowel gcod»: the the cup.and of trie platter : but wichin they ate fulj other, that they did of bribcrieand excefle. "odiin'fe . -< Thou blinde Pharife. clcanfe firft the inlide I Tba diiipari : of the cuppe and platter, that the outlide of them. Bowibitrattof may be cleane alfo. that earth n«iled ^ Woc fc« toyou, Scribes^nd Pharifes.hypo- drie.wbtththeLoia • ' ' ;•■ .... •*, "> 1^ ctitcs : for ye are like unto whited tombes , which appeare beautifull out ward, but. are within.filll of dead mensbonc^s .and allfTlthineiVc. ]Mtb niven Va 10 dwell ufoo. e^Ii a^cbici. Sianei ar: called \a iht Syrian toagut, lebti. and it iicertaioethat Chiift fjiake in ths Syrian tongue, t Caufetb ih« golde to be counied holy, which ii dcdicaie to ao hcly ufc. +1 .kings a,'.i. ackion'.a. * Cbap.j.j^, f II keavtn be Godi throne , tbeo iihene al^'ub'i tbove all thii world. 7 Hjfocriteiaisiatcfull in tiiflei.and negkathe ««.^ftthiogiofpi;ii)o(e. » Luke 11,41. t Jaiibfuliitirein keepiogof jnonifei. 3 Hyroiiileiiit too much catcfuUefouina((t»i^iiigi,viiibcinnv« That upon vou may come all the righte- tenceof «iie. ous blood that was (bed upon the earth , + from ♦ Geii.4,». the blood of Abel the righreous , unto the blaod of ^^'JSe" b", Zacharios the fonne of y Batachias , § whom ye tach-iih .thatii," flew betweene the Temple and the altar. bieaid ofihe tor*.; i6 Verely 1 fay unto you , all thcfe things fhall * •<^'"°'»-»4>"« come upon this generation. metro" God at 37 " * Hierufalem , Hierufalem , which killeft ^"a Jft, the°re wl» the Prophets .and flonefi them which are fent to greateft wicked. thee, how often would I have z gathered thy chil-^^iandribeiiion-, dr,n together, as the heme gathered her chickins .^llL^etdgV vnder her win« , and ye would not • mentiof God. 38 Beholde , your habitation Ihallbe left unto ♦ Luke 13,34. youdefoLue. ^ He fptaketh of 39 For I fay unto you, yee fhall not fee niee '^,'','^1'^';™^'^,';;^"* henceforth till that yefay .Bieffedsihe thatcom- waipromifedfor meth in the Name of the Lord., tbefaywg ofthi. people, fowaihs rwiPVVTV *"^° carefull for «, U n A r. XXIV. even from the lime that the prom ife wU % TUJefirunKitfihlTtrnfU. 4. Tkf,£„t>t/C!,,iJ}n'""^^»Abtihtm. tommin^. 11 Ini'jui'ie. i) fttlje Chrifs. ly The [i^ngiof tht tnd cflU w-rlJ. i> The ^n^els. 31 Thtfytree. 37 Tht ttajes of Nae. 41 We mufl vjauh. ^S T he ferlrMt. , , , r , • Marfce 13,1: A Nd + lefus went out. and departed from the luke ai.j.*. Temple, and hisdifciplesArame to him, to Ihew him the bulding of the Temple. » Thede/iruaioa 1 I An<.l Icfus faid unto them , See yee not all "; '*" ''"' ""} thefe things ? Verely 1 fTiy imio you ,» there Shall TJ'mpi.ufc.'t* not be here leftaftoneuponaftone .that fball not toWe. becaftdowne. ♦ Luke 19,44. 3 And as he fate upon the mount of Olives, * y*' church his iKfciples came unto him apart . faying , Tell us ^^",1, *^'SS witis when thefe things ihallbe .andwhatfigney7W/te infinite miferin ofthy comming, and of the end of the worliU ai.dofTeacei, 1 4 » And lefns anfwered .and faid unto them, ^J"*' ■"°"' * Take hederhat no man deceive you. t y For many (hall come in my Name , faying , 1 yiftoiie and tri. am GbrilV , and Ihall deceive many, umi-b commeth. 6 And ye fi-;all heare of warres .and rumours ♦Ep'Ji^fi-";' ''iS,' of warres : fee that yee be not * troubled : for all f J"bi'pg?a,." thefe things ooufl come 10 palfe , but the » ende is fulfilled, yet tbt ecd not yet. Ibttl not come. y For nation (hall rife againft nation .and '' E«»y«''«"- realme againft realme , and t^ere Ihall be fa- ^f^;::' f^^Z'f.' mine, and peftilence , and earthquakes in b' divers like unto womto. places.. in tt«aile. 8 All thefe are but the beginning of s for.. • Chap..o.,7 ** " ' luXe 11,11 loho 5. «'Tben fliallihcy delLveryouiiptobeaf- '^'"■*" '*'^ fliftcd^ ,whib.b..ok.J3. ^7 For as the lightening commcth oiu ot the i Tnofechirgs Eaft ,and js feene into the Weft, lo Iball ahothe «,hichbefelhbe ^.^^^i f .^g gonne of man be. popli of (he lewes. intbes-f. yetre.. 1 8 J For wherefoever a deacle m carkeife ts. wbenaitbe wbole thither wil] the Egles be githercd together. _ J»Bdwa. wafted, 29 X « And 'mmcdiatly after the tribiikncns "f 'of H°erufaiem of thofe d.iy es Ihall the fanne be darkened, and the „keo . and boih it moonc ihall not give her light, and the ftarres iha and their Temple fall from heavcn , and iRe powers of heaven Iball d«n'°H-""'""'*belhakeR. .ex. v.„h tbofc ^^^j ^^^^ ^j, ,hg n figne of the «ifa!&;i Jiall c paffebtforetbeiait Sonnc of man in heaven : and then ihall all tne commiLg of our „ kinreds of the earth p mourne , § and tlity; Ihall to"'- ^^,,„,tio„ fee the Sonne of man come in the clouds of hea- fliluld" t°er* V be° ven with power and great gloiy. . !r.ft";;d and .h« ? , -^^nd he than fend his Angels with a great Wrd Fieil. b, a founJ of a trumpet,, and they lh.ill gather together *^""."^''/^' his eled , from the f fcure windes , and hom the *'^Ma[r3S'l''ke,7.>3.1 Shall openly Uyfuch great r,gn..former,,ob.!»M. ♦ Lukei7 37 ! The oi:ely remedieagainft the fjriouiiage of the v rathered as'd lo'ya*'' «> C*"'"- » CbiiR- vtho will come with fpeed > iill be «itb a maiellieto vvhomeall fliall flocke even a. Egie.. .J. M.r..>,i4- l-'k ., r, ef° .r'0."«''-3-7"«' ->■• « Everlafticg damnation Ib.lbe the e.d oUhe feLrit eof the vsick.d, and eveiUfting biilTe , ofthe miferieiof.he godly. n Jbe b*ar« »i eanh dta*eth n.er.to iudge.he worUe. o All nation. : aad be allu- -I, anfra.1 P They (hall be in fuch foiow . that they Oiall Alike themfclvei : and iVi.».o.f.M;d.o.h.mommng, * Revel.,.,- dao. T-tj. q S.tting upon the cloud., be waiiaken up into heawa-*; » l,Coi,ti,f».t,ibtU^,ltr' otlde.liiobe 1 hit ptefeoce Siom one end of the heavens unto the Other. ^ ifsodhaifa prt^ 32 7 Nowlearne the parable ofthe figge tree: fcribed ace; tain* whenher bough is yet f tender. 8c it puitethforth order to "«j'Jf'i> leaves, ye know that fommerwneere. _ re^ooneToto^hi* 3j So likewife ye.when ye fee all thefe things, etemaii mdge- know that tht kingdomg of Cod is neere , tvena.t the men!., but the dores. ^ ^'"'"'^ uDrieraahd 3 4 Verely I fay unto you. this t generation (hall l^^'^^^Xat notpatfc.till all thefe things be done, it^butihegodly ,^{ X s-Heaven and earth Ihall paffe away : bnt doe mark* it , and ■ my v7ordes Ihall not pafl'e away. rwh'°''h'' tende/4 369 But of that day & houre knoweth no man, ^^^ ft," ^i'^h that no' not the Angels of heaven.but my father onely. ,he fjppe which is }7 Butasrhedayesof Noex/VfW.folikewile the life of the nee, lliall the comming ofthe Sonne of man be. '"ome f'<"" '•'« 38 S For as in the dayes before the flood, they [°^'b"';;,V.bi'. did eate and drinke, mat'rie, and give in matiage, word gentration unto the day that Noe entted into the Arke, or Age, beiag vfej ■" 39 And knew nothing till the flood came, and fotthemenofthu tooke them all away , (o Ihall alTo the comming of ^^'wark.n.jr.' the Sonnc of man be. j the Lord doetb 40 to* Then twcufl^all be in the fields, the one now begin the {l:albe teceived.and the otherlhall be refufed. t''''^!;"!" ^I'k^*''' 41 X Two women Ihalbe grinding at f milhthe JaTf ir«h«Uu one llialbe received , and the other refufed. ,(, day 42 " § Watch therefore : for yee knowe not 9 u i.fufKt'en*' what houre your mafter will come. ^l' "' " \°'"l!'.n.- 43 * Of this be-fure. that if the good man of ;tt;.?da Ut'.tr' ' ' tkehouleknewe at what watch the thiefe woulde dayfonbereao.) come , hee would furely watch .and not fuffer his .ingofaluhingj* houfe to be digged through. ^"J T.^Tddea * 44 Therefore be ye alio ready :for in the houre J^^^ u.aii, for ou» that ye thinke not .will the Sonne of man come, profit , that we maj.- 4? ■*' Whothen is a faithfuU fervant and wife, be.fomuchtbe whom his Mafter hath matle ruler over his houfe- "'°''v«";^lf * - ... . , ' I r tQaiweocDot -- hold.to give them meat mfealon? _ ukenaithey vwt«^ • 4< Bkifcd h that fervant . whom his mafter io old time ioiba when he commeth, Ihallfind fo doing. flood. 4 7 Verely I fay unto you , hee ihall make him *J'"''V.n« 3'. Jo^^ ruler over all his goods. ^ . , . , n The woid which 48 But if that evill fervant Ihall fay in his heart, the Euaogeiift v. My mafter dothdeferre his comming. fe.h , eipreifeth the 49 And begin to fmite his fellowes.and to eat, --7.7„.t"l^,, andtodiinkeuith the drunken, _ u is a word which ja That fcrvantes mafter will come in a day, i, proper to biuit* when hee looketh not for him.and in an houre that beatUzandhi.mea. 1 ■ . r ningii, that in ■^ J?Anjt!nry cut him off.and oive hira his por- 'tltivtSei!!'*^ tion with hypocrites; * there IhalTbe weeping and bdiieiiik* unto gnalhing of teeth. J).uitebe.ft:for to Againdibeini and doe by th» otbefwife it it do faultto eat and perfwadt themfetvet that God will bemetcifuH ■ t» all mens and doe by thai mean, give over thtmfelveitolione , thatthey mayio ■ the meaoe while l.ve in pleafute void ofall care. Lukei7,3«. » Th»Gte.k« women and tbeBarbaiiani did grind and bake. Plui.booke Proble. ii Aoex. ample ofthe horrible carelefuelfe ofmedinihofe thing, whereof they ought to b« muncatefull. X Mar. 13, 3;. .>; -Luke 11,39. i.'hea.j.a. revela:.i«,if. ♦ Lukeii,4J. y Tov^ii.from thereft .orwiU cut him into i Wo patu, which ' wa. a muftcruell kind of puoilhmtnt , wbtiewito a. luftine Martyr witD«a«ih , fifay - ,be Prophet wai executed by the lewi : the like kiiid of punilhmtnt Vrt «ad i»f ,-Sam.i;,33.andD4Ti.3,js. § Cbjp.i3.42aadi;.30, C H A V. XXV. , T *f -v.VrJnr-lc.^w.? f" ''"• fi'?"^'-."' ""• > 3 W> rr.nn mtck. 14 rn*tMtntUdil'irtiluntclhtfiT)>inU. a^ rA».»)iiU 'e>'i..<»'r. 30 ^1/ttr Vfhaifirt iht UJl Mlt- fntnifhalit. .(I Thecurffd. 1 W«-«uf){4tSll»*»?»" aad Aitbj(a««ilelt, , 3 "r.*! ' The virgins, and talents. 't> Tlitir rjti biini h.ait rvi I' Stcef<. 3 The fooliili tooke tllfeir lampe: nooyle with them. 4 But the wife tooke oyle in their vcffels with their lampes. J Now while the bridegrome taried long , all b fliimbred and ilepr. 6 ArK.'. at midnight there was aerie made , Be- hold, the bridegroome coir.meth : goe out to meet him. 7 Then all thofe virgines arofe and trimmed their lampes. 8 And the fooliili faid to the wife > Give us of yoia oyle, for our lampes are out. 9 But the wife anlwered , faying , Not fo , leaft there will not be y nough for us and you ; but goe ye rather to them that lell, and buy for your felves. 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegrom came : and they that were readie.went in with him to the wedding, and the gate was Ihut. I I Afterwards came alio the other virgins,fay- ing. Lord, Lord, open to us. 1 2 But he anfwered, and faid , Vereiy I fay un- to you, I kr.ow you not. 1 3 « Watch therefore : for ye know neither the 3 day , nor the honre.when the Ton of man will come. 14 S » For the klngdomt of hexven it as a man that going into a tUauge countrey , called his fer- vants, and delivered to them his goods. I y And unto one he gave five talents,and to an- other two , and to another one, to every man after H'n"oiwi,'hiian-' *^'s owne cibility.Sc Ihaight way went from home. ng that , be will J which reapeft where thou fowedft nor, and gatherell where thou ftrawedft not ; 2^1 was therefote afiaid, and went,and hid thy talent in the earth : behold, thou halt thine owne, 2(> And his mafter anfwered.and faid unto him, Thou evill fervant, and (lothfull, thou kneweft that 1 reape where 1 lowed not , and gather where I ftrawed not. 27 Thou oughtcft therefore to have put my mony to thce e;i*;hangers,Sc then at n,y comming (bould I have received mine owne with vantage. ii Tak'e therefoxs the talent from h,im , and S. Matthew. but tooke 4 Cbap.i4,4j. a Cbrift witnef. ieth that there dial +u; a loDg lime be lure to hii father, and hii coniin:ng of the rebel and ohftiaate, faoW ' tbey havd bellow- ed that wkith they receiied of faim.butalfoof hi« boiifhold fervanii, whicfe have not through nothful- neHe imployed thofe gifti which he bellowed upoo them. C ^cccrdin^ to the Tvifijfme and skit ii d.utin/, •nrhuh rvui^iirn d Cvrrttj and re- ieilrei!,e fruit „f ^'jcJneffCi notv the i.ordl ioj u ditU- UeJ.UUo ,y,ii. lUit mj i,y rndy ivhu!, iui'e the fl.cf Mkftir i i hlcifcl akoid, nl:e,e lUty let < tutitjU)ffie. 47 llejihetr.iycd-[vitt>ak.if>t. S7 He ii led to Caiaphts. «4 He confifcth himfelfe to beChriJI. 67 Thtyjfii jt him. A Nd » , itcimetopaiVe, when lelus had fini- f^^"!^' "f'^- Ihed all thelefayings, hee (aide unto hisdif- "cbwii'wi^oef. cipleS, fetb byhis volun. 2 a Ye know th.u after two dayes is the Pafle- ""« g'^' 'g '» over , and the Sonne of man (halbe delivered to <'"'''•'''•« •"^w'H , • • 1 makefuUfaiijfa- beCrUClbed. ftion for the ftnne 3 <• Tlieii ailerabled together the chiefe Pricfts, of Adam, by hu and the Scribes, and the b'deis of the people into obedienee. the hall of thehigh i'rieft called Caiaphas ; . * f °'' ''""'''"■* *^ * and not nica, ap^ fQiatcdtaeiiuK [|>Jt Chtiit QlQUidbt crucified in. f loba nw?- 4 And Oyntmentpowredon Clin'ft, Cbp. XX VL The Lords Supper. 14 4 And confulted together that they might take a By ti,;.- wrrde I^fus by fubt ilty , an d kii i h im . Fe.tft,umrantthe J But they (ail, Nor on the a feaft tothe poore. Ct'dsfroUdeiie, 1° 4 And Icliis knowing it , fayd iinto them, thit chriji fufjired Why tfoiible ye the woman ? for Ihe hath wrought at tUi lime, to the a good wotkc Upon me. recliee}ifit'i ' ' * / For yee have the poore alwayes with mighite nitnefTej you, but me (hall ye not have alwayes. cfhi'tiiirUJlw^ 11 For fin that ihe powred his ointment oa fj^'fi"- my body , (he did it to kury me. iThn^M 2."*'^' '5 Verely I fay unto you , wherefoever this 3 BythiifudJen Gofpellhall be pleached thorowout all the world, worke of a (infuU there fliall jTo this that (lie hath done , be fpoken v»omajT,chriftgi. of for 3 m( r. .oriall of hcr. rnde^fuL of hT. H. S * Then one of the twelve . called ludas dtath, and butiail Ifcariotjwent unto the chiefe Piiefts, which wa. nigh: ly Andfayd, What wiU ye giveme , and I wiU the favour where- deliver him uiito vou , and they appoiiited unto cJa'^rn'r,:^'"' himthirtie^^..o'fftlver. which flee unto ^6 Andfrom that time, he foiight opportunity him. Becaufeiudaj to betray him. taketh ao occafioa ,7 j x 5 Nqw g on the firft day of the fealt of pHft hi". wicM unleavened bread.the difciples came to lefus . fay- purpofe and ing unio him. Where wilt thou that we prepare for counfeli. thee to eate the Palleover ? ^ ^°' '*'■(' f"" 18 And he fayd , Goe ye into the citie to fuch cZiliZmcir 3 ""^n. and fay on him , The mafter fiith. My time hJifkitm .-tnd is at hand : I will keepe the ^'aReover at thine jeifimethinkt houfe with my difciples. that theEHang,- ,9 ^nd the difciples did as lefus had given them hfflo'u"! '"" charge, and made ready the Paffeover. c Thifehcxtsycite 10 it So when the even was come, hee h late »/ it!. tb after , yvhiih downc with the twelve. '" 'W' "■"« """ 1 1 And as they did eate.he fayd.* Verely,! fay ""utVltZetts- ""'° you.ihar one of you Ihall betray me. ^firfmenri",il'»t 12 And they were exceeding fofowfull , and aiat-tjier kfep"'' beoan every one of them to fay unto him , Is it I, eiiitment ■wiilici'f Mafter? hoo"/t°"aJT ^^ ^"'^ ^^ anfwered and fayde.* Heethat dThi'jh a fitur'e ' dippcth his hand with mee in the difli , hee lliall c^ftej syneciotUe: betray mcc. fTiiufi,dtutof 24 Surely the Sonne of man goeth his way, Juiiat ihuthewat mcoVcd thereat, Jc'miz.^. t f'nfrcfitalU/f ending. 4WeoughtDot ra0ily tocondemne th«t which 15 coi orderly done. J Deut.ij.ii. / Chrill, who was once anointed in hiiovine perfoc , mult alvi'ayesbe anoiDced in the poore. f inthAtf^e feyvr^dt^yji cintment ufmmyUay ,Jkedrdii,abuneme. * Mdr. i^,\o. 4 Aftir. 14,12. /«4? 12.7. 6 Cbiill vtitly purpofingto bring uiintoour countreyomofhand.and fo to abrogate the figure of the Lawi fulfilleihthe Law.negleS ing the contra: y tradition aud cuftoir.e cl :fce le'Ae, andihercwitball ftievieih tbatsll thing* {liallfo come topalTfby the miuiUfrieof men, tbatthefecretcoutfellof Godftiall govemethein. g T'/ij ymt thefcurtten'h d.iy .fthefirfl mcieth .- and the fir'l cfunlejhened lre.idfnould huVe beene the fifteenth , h.'i'3« fonnes of Zebideus, and began to waxe forrow- ceive'chrm indeed full, and rgtievoully troubled. with ail his gifiei 38 1° Then faid lefus unto them,Myfoule is (though by a fpiri. verie heavie , even unto the death : tary ye here, '"^" ">"" '.^^i^'' , , . > J J come one with niiit,. and watch with me. n Therefore they 39 So he went a little further , ami tell on his which tooke away face, and prayed.faying, O my Father.if it be poffi- the cup fromtbe ble.f let this t cup palle from me : neverthelelfe. People did againft notasI\vill,but asthou Wilt, ^^^^ 40 "After , hee came unto the difciples , and o To wit , this cup found them afleepe.and faid to Peter ,What ? could or «ine,ij my blood ye not watch with me one houre ? Sacramenraliy, as p Or.co-'jenanr, rhjt ii tofij, whereh 'he new Uame andtelien.1nt ii made. for inmit- kin-i ofU.i.uei, ihej ifcd poyvr-n^ of ivtne^ir.dfheMit^, cf UoU. ^ Til'hen •.hey hud ■ modi an end of their folemns ffg-n^,, Vfhlchfime :hinkj:n.u ft:;e_ l%l,r,es;Upnnin? xt the 111.10 the 117. S Chrilt lieing more cartfull of hu difciples. then of tiiufslfe, forewarneth them of their flight, and putteth them in bet: er comfort. § Marke i+, a7.iohn i5,3». and iS,8. • Zich.13,7. * Marke 14.23. and 16,7. i; loho 13,38. markei4,3o. • Luke 22.39. 6 Chiili having rtgaid to the weakeneffeof hi* difc.ples, leaving all tberdl in fafetie, tsktih with him bu:i;Jiree tobe witnfff.so^hi*' anguiOl and toeth of putpofe ii:lo thepUce appointed to betray him in r Thcwotd which be vfeth.lignifieth gteatforow.iod marvtilous and deadly gtitfe:which thing, as it betokeneththetruethof mans nature. which (hunneth deaihaia thing that entrtd io againft nature fo it fheweih that though Chrift were void of finne.yet be fulteined that ' botriblepuniniment.becaufehefeltthewrattofGodkiiiJledagaioit m fotfin[:ei,wbich he.KVe»ged and puniftled inhisperlon. .10 Chiih a true man going about tofOilfettte punifhrnentwhi-hwasdueuiiio m.forforfaking ofGodJs foifjkrn of his ownf : fr't he oath a terrible ccnflift with tbehorrorand feareof the turfeof God : out ofvibicfr he eftapiogas copqatioat.caufetb ui not to be afraide any mote of dta.b. f 1" i' paQemee.ard not touch mee. t T^a' nwiich 1$ at hand.ar.d iscnVred and preps red f-^.r mee : a kiod^ of fpeech which the Hebrew e» ufe.fw ibe wiatb o:' G..<1 , ar.d tbr j ouiih- mentbef(;adeib : aboue>Chap.iO,:2. Ji An exsmr'eof tbecaiclefnVCtof niaui til Watchi ludasbcttayetliChrift; 5. Mattliew, Peters dcnialU 4 1 Waich , and pray , that yta enter not into \x CbriP.offtttb tentation : the ijnrit indeed is ready , but the fle(h himf.ift v^iiiingW isweakc. ^^r^liS^il^a^^i 42 AMine he vent iwjy the fecond time , and In lo obeying vtii- i ^ '^ . ,^ _ i ^ .r i-- lii)jly.b««iicht prayed, favmg, Omy Father, it this cuppe cannot , make f«tiif«a ion pal'.cawapfroiume , but that 1 mull diinke it, thy fonbewillfuUfall willbcdonl'J .rf.'iij«tkn4^j. 43 And he came and found thera afleep again, liikeilr^r.iobn for their eyes Were hea\7. «j,j. 44 S.o he left them, and went awiiyag.tineji'.nd u Sent ffotii ibe prayed the thiid time.fay ing the fame woids. '):;^::L ..u. ^ Then ca^e he to h.s difciples a.,d layd tm- .tbaimemtgbt be tothem , Sleepe henceiorth , and ta]i«f''0" off h i s ea I e. uicg.beanfwereth ^^ 14 Then fayd lefus iinto hjm , I'ut Up thy Vmi'' hf baveaf* f^ord into his place::S for all that y take th,t fword, ke7km.!wty he d«l fliall penni with the fwnrd. rot in tbiibij great ^} >/Eitherthinkeftthou .that I Cannot now extremity of dan- pray to my Father, and hee will give me rooe then s." call to hiiFa- ther foraide.butto twelve legions of Angels ? thiibearfweietb T4 ^ How then flicwld the + Scriptiues be ful- !»yaipabcei and 00 But they totmd none , and ihough many nobiemcni boufei: falCe witneflcs came, yet found they none ; but at we call it a court, the laft Came two faife witnefles. , *" '' *\T" 'f '?" <5 1 And laid. This man faid, ^. 1 can deftroy the ^'^■"ocbei. u- Temple of God.and build it inthreedayes. Seen foitbebonfe it 6 1 Then the chicfefi Prieft arofe ,and faide to f'if«- hira.Anfwcreft thou nothing.' = What is themat- * Maike u,. ss- {gf tj^jt thcfe men witnelle againft thee ? HoAcommeih ^i But Icfiis held his peace. Then the chiefe J to r.>(re ibae rricli anfwered , and f aide to him , I charge thee itfnrtn witntBe fweare unto vsby the living God , to tell vs , If aauft tbte i ,2iou b« that Cbrilt the fonne of God > or «», ,£. loho 64 •?• lafHsfalJtohim ,ThouhaRfaidit:Tis- . _, verthelclVe 1 fay unto you . d Hereafter (hall ye fee ,Tm^"'lJ*'*'* the Sonne of man , fitting eat the right hand of i.rbnr.4,14. the power of God , aqd come in the f doudes of d tHi wcrJe j;- the heaven. JUnrm/kni, his fir /f 6y Then the hie Prieft g rent his cloathes.fay- ^J^™"'^ /■"""*« ing. He hath blafphemed. what have v.-e any more e Uniri-n'M Cid needle of witneflcs : behold e , nowc ye have heard in Hk? .'nd fjusi his blafphemie. {""•»'"■ "' '*' '*/*' 66 What thinke ye ? They anfwered, and faid, f^;///"*" '".J'J^;, Heisguiltieofdeath. . fln^'.'fJTcrUt 67 S Then fpat they in his face .^ndbufleted Aon:/ ^^«>Afr*„- him.and other fmotehim with rods. "-'"i ''" n^-ir,vi, 68 Saying.Prophecie to us. O Chrift , who is l,j|/^''r"r wer he that fmote thee ? ("cLfa's^/ul"' 69 J * « 7 Peter h fate without in the hall , and im. u^k' .,f.rc, a maide came to him , faying , Thou alio wart « ith '-''"•'' M' ^°- lelnsof Galile: jjHmZtr aZT 70 Put hee denied before them all, faying,! tht itn>e/:f, '""'* "" ''"' '••"^' Ik.K,wnot^hemr.n. " tt,^/%fZ"' 7 3 So after a wh lic , came unto him they that f„„r, i^i„,it, ,/ ftocKJ by , sr.d faide unto Peter, Surely thou art al- drath. fo oneof th6m :for even thy fpeech biwraveth * Efai so*. tl-g. ' ^ ^ 4.Ma'ke.4«. 74 Then began hee to 1 curie /;j»j/5^ ,a!id to ,5,,,, fweare.fayirg.l know not thc man. Andimmedi- 17 Pererbytbe atiy the cocke crew. wonrferfuU provi- 7y Then Peter remcn-.bred the words of lefus, ^^■"^^'10°^'''" which had fiid unto him , Before the cockecrov.e vvitneiofjiltiiofe thoiiihaltdeniemee thrife.Sohee went out, and thuigi, iiptt(ured weptbitterlv. to tbc example of ' ' ■fluguIarco^llan- cie, by theexperienceoffaiiowne incredulitie. h Thatit, w'thouttbe place where ibeB.ftiop fate, bm not wiibcut the bcufe, for afterward ttwtot from tbcuce , iatotilepovch. i •Hefwoi'v: and curled bimfelfe. •C H A P. XXVII. a Hf ii JflhereJic nli't. f i-uJjihiltftihhimfe'.fe', 1.0 FrluitiXfift. to Burali^simikcd. 14 I'lU'e vifh;t liiil'.iKJi. xi Chrtpiict^trnedrsrfhihwr.ti. -3^ f thc people tooke counrellagainlllefiis , to put him todeattj. 1 And let him away bound, and delivered hiai untopomius Pilate the govcrnour. 3 f iThen when lujas which betrayedhim, ' A" »*.'"'P'.'^'' faw that he was condemned , he repented himlelfe, jj^'^^'^'ji'' j "^^^'' and brought againe thethiitie />«>«/ of lilvcrto vv«iiag*'nnih«m the chiefe Piiolls.and Elders, which frii cbriit, 4 Saying , I have finned , betraying the inno- a. againft them cent blood. But they fayd. What is that to us:!ee ^"l"''' ''"^ CtnA. thou to it. y And when he had caft downe the Ciherpie- «i in the TL-mple, he* departed, and went, 4. and a Outofmeai hanged himfelfe. a Aft. i,>8. 6 And the chiefe Prieftes tooke the filver b The'treafureof f'leces, end faide , It is not lawfull for us to put the Temple, them into the t. treafure , bccaufe it is the price ^ of « "'"''''"'"J nviodi J , 5 J ^ p^^^^ jg^^jj flood before the governour, femcl'tkrilpm'. " ^^'^ '^" goverr.our asked h irr.faying, Art thou that . r.,we-i'fmajietifi King ol the Icwes ? lelus fsyd unto iiim. Thou tha: it came tut rthtr, i7 ^ « Then the foiildicrs of the gevcrBour *n Hetriv kj'xi* tooke felus into the con.mon ball , and gathered tffft.irh. about him the whole band, \sl!c."m'Li».i .^8 f And they Uripped him. and k put about in Paying him , let ' him a' Iksrlet robc, V, ani ,i*r fPeri- 19 And platted a crownc ofrhorncs.and put it tyfmif fi>.v upon his head, and a reed in his rigrtt hand , aisd */! »'>' '^' bowed thei-r knees before him , and mocked him, ./ Chrift luff.ieih faying.G d favctht-e , Kiiig of the lewes, tbaerepioach wbith 33 And fpitted upon him.and tooke a reed.and , wa. due !o uar {rncit him on the head. ftandirg'io''tne 3 1 Thus when they had mocked him , they itieaottiaiebythe tooketherobc from him , and put his ownera:- fecret providence ment On him, and led him away to crucitie h:m. of G«d .heeis in i. - , ^ ^„j ^3 jj^ ^_..^^^ out, they fouod a man tuJ«dKinghy the™ ^ ' ■' whicb did him rhat rei^»oach. k They caft a cloake about hi«i, ocd wrapped i» aboutbim, for iilslied fleevei. 1 lobn and Marke make mrntion of a purple lobe, which HaHuavwy pleafant red. But t'cefe profane and malrpa.t fawcy foul- corr.pelled «> Thijnr^ttiicd to b-.are his crofle. ■' """" '" *'"'"■' *" 3 3 + « And when -hey CLme unto the place calh d „iTr"[°'^^'' Tf'' Golgotha (y is to .T.y.rhe iphi.-- oi dtadmcns fciils) wi hlt'Vefa'^^, 34 7 They gave h m vinegertn drinke,r.;'nr-!ec; fifcre hjnJ!cJ be. whhgall : and when he£ had rafted theieo', bee /""''''•'"" /""'«"' would nor drii,ke. .. L'lke'Z'hriThV 3 y J s And when they had crucified^im, tliey ,rcf, tLrcn'^fir " parted his g;rments,and did caft lots, that it mignt '''"' irriKethihat befulfiiled, which w» Now from thc fixthhouie was there dark- woiid wbeo aftw neffe over all the land, unto the ninth houre. hun'^tf t'T* *"" 46 Andabout the ninth hourelefus cried with a theevei"^"'*^" loud voyce.faying * Lii.Eli.lamalabachthani' that nTomake fuil^fa- is. My Ged.my Gt^l.why haft thou oforfaken me; 'i't'aftion .-foriS 47 And lomc of them that ftood there , when ChritiA.ffereihand -.L . I • i^- 1 rr^i • 1, , ,-,. overcommeth,Dot they ncard it f.yd, Th*s man calleth p Eiias. only tbe torment. 4^ And itraight way one of them ran, and tooke of rhebody ,butaU * a fpunge and hlkd it with vineger , and put it on ''^ •^'' '"o« ^""i- a reed, and gave him to drinke. ^,IVm" °*' 49 Otnei faid , Let be : let us fee if Elias will i 'i,!*d°2,%. come and and lave him. :f vial. 11,9. 50 J3 Thenlefus cried againe with a loud voyce, " Thinsffokfh and yeelded up the gholl. f/ZCVlrf""!? 5 1 "» And behold. -: the q vaile of the Temple \J_,\°„e l/Zmlut was rent In twaine.fromthe toppe to the bottome, ii,J rei>ile him.' and the earth did quake, 8c the itenes were cloven. " Hea«en ii felfe J 2 And the r graves did open therrJelves . and "i,^^'^^^'^J°J ^'r[^ many bodies of thc Saints, which flept.aro/e, ' cr'i'tb"out''fK.m'ih» j3 And came out of the graves after his refur- drp hofbtil.aod m rediou. and went into the holy citie, and appeared tbemfantwbile unto many. 1' puUj'i'*' 54 When the Centurion , and theythatwere o rc^-a,ii'.inii,i, with him, watching Iefus,iaw the earthquake, and mifir^ .■ anJihri the things that were done.they feared greatly ,fay- cn'ii'U'i' f'f"' ing.Truely this was the Sonne of God. uh,h«mC 'he rffirrieittmj lh< liud/tlliwd tht Tefnrrc(}itn ej Chrtfl-Mi.tfftirah h) 'he nr-ft ^irjifjcmi,,^. Maiie Chriftis buried. S. Marke. ChrifteJ fefurfedfon. If ChlH-'»l>u"' ti .not privilyor the govirnouri ccnfcorby aTi. Mariethe mother of lames.and lofeSianuch? mo- ther of Zebeieus foiinss 57 i pljcrDOt Tiirr Ai- tiiat.inaatw (e- pulcbi: ■ fotbitit car.cot be doub- led o/b'i dtMth. i, MJriicif 41. luke u,{0. iobn i« Thtkerping o/ibc Tepulcbte it committed lo Cliritieiowne wui, ibat ibcre miiLh[ be cu doubt of oil ftfurieaion. •i> And when the even was come, there came a ri-h man of Arimathea, named lofeph.who had alfo hiir.lelfc bcvne lefus difciple. 5; 8 He went to rilate.Sc afked the body of lefus. Then pili..i commanded ihebody to be delivered. ;9 So Joitph tot kc the body, and wrapped it in a clcane liniien clo.ith. 60 And put it in his new to r,be, which he had hewen out in a rocke , and rolled a great ftone to the doore of the fcpukhre, and departed. 6 1 And there was Marie Migdaiene . and the other Marie, fitting over?gainft the fepulchre. 6i 5" Now the next day that followed the Preparation of the Subbaih , the high Prieftsand Pharifes aflembkd to Pilate, 63 And fayd.Sir.we remember that that decei- ver faid , while hee was yet alive , Within three dayes 1 will rife. 64 Command therefore, that the fepulchre he made ftire untill the third day , leafthis Difciples come by night , and fteale him away , and fay unto the people. He is rifen from the dead : fo ihall the laft errour be worfe then rhe Hrti. 6f Then Pilate fayd unto rhem , Yee have a f TkefoMldteriof f^^.^^^.^ : go .and make'it ftire. as yeKnow. t..'"iipoi'nTed'to 66 And they went . and ma.le the fepulchre keei-e the Temple, fure.with the watch, and fealed the ftone. CHAP. XXVIII. I Thtlvbbatb,ibat j^ore , and fate upon it. • ifler°b/Rlman" i ^^'^ his '^ countenance was like lightning, lo". 'which re.koa and his raimcot white as fnow. the oaiuraii dJT- 4 And for feare of him, the keepers were afto- froro the- 'uii riling . to ihe next fun riling :aod not a» iheHiorewei, which count from evening to evening. b WbfO ihen]orningarerthefirUc!ayoftheS*bba!hbegaQ;odawne; and thai firit day IS the fame, which we now cjil Su eyei.aod by the figuieSyuecdo^ne, tor 1 !LjrJ»day. e The br counteuance. nied, and became as deid men, y But the Angel anfwered, and fayd to the wo- men , Feare i!j.rili j.hJ meit. 9 Tlfttl ill>JI>- , 4 n ^ oil »ko,-,.nn,,'f>M r\f TiirJf.i.an I lokngottbbe- for. Car, n. a. It f«at forefjioken by therropben. • This ii the figure Metony.nii.wbtiby ii meant ibe I'Ouke ofibe Pf.>pheti. Maiacbi . and fcfay. K MJiac 3 CHAP 4 lolmidftiytl'i. 6 Hi, .Iff Anil jnJmtit. 9 Tif»iuh4f- ti^ed. II Hi'ii.mpttd. 14 Hi:e pr:uherh ihe uofyd, XI aiJ 19 hen tcUik,,, -.he Sj'.aio^HH. H He haleth "Prophets, ■t Bcho'.d. t. I fend my meflei gcr c before thy face , which. Ihall prepare thy way before thee, 3 * The voice of him that bThr Propel vfeih (-rieth in the wil Joi nc:ff.: . ».,Prt-pMe the way of ',;'be'n 'hrrpe' kiti. the Lord : m.-ike his puhs llraight. ofatbiogto conie., 4 , ♦= lohn did biptize in the wildernclle , arci beingat ViiteofH. presch the d baptifmc cf amendment of life, iox c" ' Ame'taphortikenfriintbevfageofkiogi. wbitb vfetohave vihers go bedre them * Ifa 40,3. luk. 3,4 i.h.i.i; j The fummeoflobosdoftii'ie. or rather Clirlti ii'r.ii>*me,-«m;odu«at ofiife, a.id forcivsnei of hi oei, remifsionoflinnes. * Matth.j 4. y Andallthecounrrey of Iudea.andtheyofHie- S Lm rnfalem, went out unto him, and were all b.-.ptized » '^""■''b''",'"^* of him in the river lordcn.confelsing their linnes. ^,'/.j;,d",^',*d*„| 6 X Nowlohn was cloathed with camels haire, ,«..iDdi94. and with a ''irdle of a (kin about his loines : and siobnand all mini- he did eat :§ iocufts and wilde hony. ""' ""'!'„"; '"" 7 « 3 And preiched . laying. A ftronger thenl ;^^;;'<:'"'" «"* commeth after roc . whofe ihoes iatchet lamnot g rte Etianjelift woithy toe ftoiipedowne, andunloofe. hi«ineanin». w.uto 8 Trueth it is , I have f baptized you with wa- '.»i'" ''l'l\ 71"^'- . ■ ... , • i 1 1 L 1 ^v a iionofibebafelt ter ; but he will baptize you wrh the holy Ghoft. f^e,,.„(. 9 s ^. 4 Anditcamc topjffein thofe dayes, f He fhewnh that tlLuleinscme fiom Nazareth ,a cttie of Gaiile, all thefoicrcf bap- and was baptized of iohn in Jordan. . ';,^™;= cs"''''^bo JO JAnd affooneasghetw.ascomeoutofthe (^.'j.ijj./h'^ijhir,. („ water , Join law the hcn-ens cloven in twaine , and • Matt. 3. 1 3. luice thehol>Ghoftdelcendinguponhimlikeailove.J 3ai.iohri,,33. ■^ * 4 Cnriild> tb cvti- fecrate our baprifme io himfelfe. j The rocation sfCbtiil f,om iieaven, at b«»d , of tbt Church, g JohD that went . t«t« 4,I4t.''«4.>3- , Afcenhatlohn i. taken, Cbtitl Oifw*!*! bimfelfe fully. ♦ M«.4,i8. Luk'f* 8 TDetallini!0f Simoa and And MW. 5 Thf callingof lairM and luha. « Mat 4. '3. Lukr4 3»- .. k From'hecine Hararttl>- i Ma-r.7.»8- thatdoarin,. by Bvbicb alutie Satan ildiivenoutof the world, wtich ttlfo hecoofi mtlh by a miiacle. 1 Wcrd fcr ITrcrd^a fptr-t,l>"tl iltf ni Httv-uh.rrt in Bell^lehim . but throuyj' iht err nr cf tUt perplr , he H>j/ cs"td itNazn- „an. becaiife kte ■ruM iroi'^'il »f '" JfttZ.ir-'''. D He jliuJet^'f fl>atn.fme rha mii yentien in ihe '-cl- dtn pUi'rrhiri, the q hy his oirn< JM- ihoride, cr a-t 4 icra'. Ca/'.''. *"'•'''/"» '»»o «Ae ctuniriei lor- irriwufcn If. # M.i;f.S.i4. I.»f-f 4 JS- ,, Bybfalingof divert difeafM.hee fhewetb that hee liath brougbiirue lifeiDiotbeworld. .. f F«r it Mcnotlh nattaiht dtl>il'' to fre.ich 'he Gtfftit ^iltt 16, It. \ I Then there w.-.s a voyce from heaven.py- ini , Tliou art my beloved Sunne , in whom 1 am h w-'li plejftid. 1 i 4 « And iramediatly the Spirit « diiveth hirti into the wiiderceife. 1 3 And hee was there in the wilJerneffe foiir- tie djyes , and was tempted of Sitan : he was alto with the wilde beaftes , and the Angels minillred unio him. 14 1 1^ 7 Nowafter that lohn was committed tofrifon ,\'i{ai came into GalUe , preaching the Golp.lofthekingdomeof God, I y And faying, The time is fulfilled .and the kingdcrae of God is at hand : reptnt and beleeve the Golpel. i6 J * s And as he walked by the Tea of Gah- le , he faw Simon and Andrew his brother , caLUng a net into the lea (torthcy werefilh'-rs.) 1 7 Then lei'us fayd imco them , Follow me.and I will make you to be hlhcrs of men. 1 5 And ftraightway they forlboke their nets, and followed him. 1 9 9 And when hse had gone a Me farther therce , be {i'-v laroes the jonTie ot Zebedeus , and lohn his brother , as thty were in the thip, men- ding theirnets. JO And anon hee called them : and they left theii lather Zebedeus in the ihip wiih his hired lervancs.and went their way after hira. » I f So * they entred itm k C.'pernaura : and firaightwdy on the Sabbath day hee encred into the byn.'oogue J and taught. . II A'i'.d they were aiKnied at his dottnne, Sfor he taught ihcmasoncibat hadauthoritie, and not as the Scribes. 23 J 10 And there was in their Synagogue a man 1 in whom WuS an uftcleane ipuit.audhte cried out, 14 Saying, Ah .what have we to doe with thee, O "» lefus of N.i2areih ? Ait th<,u come to deliroy us a know thee whatthouait,ei'«»ttiat'»hojy one of God 1 ; And lefus rebuked him, faying , Hold thy peace, and come out of hira. z6 And the uncleane fpiii; " tare him.and cried with a loud voyte, and came ou; of him. 27 Andihey were all amai'ed,fo that they de- manded p one otaBothtr, fay itig. What thug is ihisj What new dodhine is thisrtot he q comniAn- derh even thei'oule fpitits with authoritie, & they obey him. r /- . u 1 i8 And iaimediatly his fame Jpread abroad throughout all ihe region r oordcnng on Grille. ig J » " And as loone as thty were come out of the Sv nigogae , they ^mred into the houfe of Simon and .^ikucw. wuh lames and lohn. 30 And aimuns wives mouther lay hcke ota fever, ajid anon tBey told him of her. a I And hee cameanU touKe her by the hand, and lifted her up, and the fever forfookc her by andby.and Ihe raimftied unto them. _ 3 L And when even was (.ome , at what rime the. Sunne ictteih , they brought to him ah th.it wsie dilcaled.and them that wcie pofefled wuh deviis- i 3 And the whole citie w^s gathered tej^^thcr at the doore. 34 And he healed many that were ficke of di- vers cliiea'es : and hee calt ou: many devils , and ' fufiered I. oc the devils to% thai they knew him. 3 J Ana in the moruing very cireiy before day. Jefu! jrofe and v;cnf out into a folitaiy place , and I I ere ju yed. 36 And Simon .and they that were with him, followed ca.'cfuKv -^':r 'lin^- 3 7 And when they had found him . they faid unto him. All men '^^Lk" for thee. 1% Then belaid unto them Let us gyp into the . f next tou nts , thi;t I may preach there alfo : for I ^ J^ "I^uitl' came out for that purpofe. 39 And hee preached in their Synagogues, throughout all Galile, and cal'ahe devils out. 40 I « i» And there ci-tea leper to him , be- * iiiu.i,x. feeching hiro,and kneeled doune unto hiri'.Sc faid ^^g ^^[[y^^,,^^ to him , If thaj wilt, thou cani^ make me cleane. i%,ou«,'hf7ife'w- 41 And Icfus had compaision.anU put fourth «b ibjthecame his hand, and tcmchedhim, and laid to him. I will: lo'thiicaufe, to herhi.ii.-ip nf wipt out tbe f,nnM bernoiiuene. ^ , ,. , ■ j- .' cf.bewotld wUb 41 Andaflooneasheehadfpoken.iramcdiatiy b„,oi,^tmg, the leprofie dep..rt<.d from him , and hee was made cleane. 43 And after hee had given hiir, a ftraight com- Hiandemenr, he fent hira away forthwith, j, jj, wftnffTeth 44 13 And fayd imtM him , See thou fay tio- tha htwamot thing to any man , but get rhte hence , and ftiew moovtd wubam- thy lelfetotht u j Iriolt, and offer for ihy clean- ^'''"°, "' »ub«ht hng thole things v.hich Moyies commanded, tor a pjthe.sgi,,^ ^^j teltimonijllunto ihem. - lov* coward poors 45 But when he was departed,* he beganne to Cnntn. tell many things , and to pr.biilh the miaiter : fo that ".^'^'J^'Jlf^'^"" lefus could no more openly enter into the city, 'juJ^e '}-"SeJtr, but Was without in deiett places: and they came <• i^vit.i^.^. * to him from every quarter. ♦luke^.ij. C H A V. II. 3 and 4 OntfukeffihepMfu-,hiUnghii^nm-s,fali'heii/irtDgtb receive any more: and hee preached the word J^^j" ' '^ """ untothem. »rntheh«ufe 3 And there came unto him .that brought one in>hsrehit>ftdn ficke of the paliic, borne of foure men. Tf'"c''f ' ''" 4 And becaufe they could not come neere un- J//^,;nn'", 6 And there were certaine of the Scribes lit- fl':["tphe'pJife, tingthere. andeieaioningin their hearts, ,„,, ,1,^ /o-n-rr f^,t 7 Why do-th this manfpeaKeluch blafphe- rehire chrifi prea, mies ? S who can forgive finn^-s, but God oneiy ? t''ed,fhr tiy c.«irf a Ant; immcdiatly . when lefus perceived in "'J'l'hi^Ji'i.l """* his fpint.that thus tbey realoncd v.iih themfeves, d rhe iv'ori'fiiivf!' he fayd unto them. Why reafon ye thele things in eih the ■morjtk.inJ year hearts? .fbtd^her.ufc„- y Whether is it eafitjr to fay to the ficke of the ZVi^^s:'^ paliie, Thy liancs are foi given thee ; ortolay, „de , and f,ivr..ot -pg^ ^vc ngv^r law fuch a thirg. r-Til Gof *i of- '3 ^ * '^''*'^" '^^ ^^^"^ ^''"^ againe tovfard the f,nd"h .b.'^toui, fea, and all the people reforted unto hitr. , and hee and fii-eih ihe tailght thef". ba'n^'j- 14 * All J as lefus paffed by ,he faw g Levi the *k"f'i*' /•>!«« of Alphcus fit at the receit of cuftome , and g" Ma'ihtw,-e» !*>' J unto him , Follow me. And he arofe and foU (xfaKaame. lowed him. I)- f rtnd ic came to palTe, as lefus fate at table in his houfe , miny Pubiicanes and fmncrs fate at tablealfo with leius and his diiciples ; for there were many that foil, wed him . j6 And when the Scribes and Pharifes faw him eate with the Pablicanes and finners, they faid un- f jTlm.i.n. tohisdifciples, How is it. that he eateth and dtin- lniw'f'j*'* ^'^^^ ^^'''' I'nWicanes and finners ? 3 Tbefui-erftiti- 17 Now when Icliis heard it , hce fiide unto oujaad hypocrite! ^j^em , The who*o h.iveno neede of the Phyjician, r m.^'^f' ^^'lioM ^"^ ^^^ ''^^^- * ^ '^^"^'^ ""^ "^^ "^^ ^^^ righteous, inThT^gtiudiff"" but the finners to repentance. ,.Dc. »od ate here 1 g * 3 And the difciples of lohn.aEd the Pha- fo. three caufei re. ^^1^5 ^id faft, and came and faid unto him.Why doe p.theodea : F.rft, ^ dilcioles of lohn .and of tWe Pharifes faii, and for that not coDli- . , r ■' 1 c n deriogwhaievrfv thy dlfcipleS taft HOt ? ^ ^ ^ ,.,. maai rtreogth ii I p And leliis faid unto them, Can the children able 10 beare, they of the marriage chamber faft.whiles the bridegrem «n«^'a^«' is '^"^ ^hera? as long as they have the bridegrome ""cTrningTu'ch with them, they cannot feft. thiogi, without to But the dayes will Come , wfeen the bridc- ■II difcreiioo grome (halbe taken from them .and then Ibalithey • Mat.,.,.. faftinthofeday^^s. 4 Secoo'.Hariiy .for 11 Alfo T.o man foweth a piece of new cloath in th«tihey make 00 an oldc garment :for elfe the new piece that nlled diftreace beiweeoe it up.taketh away /^eVfUt from the olde.and the the lawei which U u 1 " - f oingXfame"' 2z Like wife.no man putteth new Wine into old tkiagi, and lawei vcffels : for CIS the new v.ine brcaketh the veil'els, that ate made of j^ij the wiiie runneth out .andthc vellelsateloltj »tK°fy rtJ^wfuM. t*""^ "ew wine murt be put into new yeflels. h'w.-rd for word, z$ f 4- ♦ And it came to pifle as hee wetit •n the iabbtthi, throuj^h the coLne onthe'' Sabbath day , that his that ii , on ibt holy jifciptcs.as they went on their way , began to pluck •'""sani 11 « theeares ofcorne. i , .Sam at,.". He 24 And the Pharifes fayd unto him . Behoide. it called Achiroi. ^^y doe they on the Sabbath day , that which is ,,,ha.dh,. forme ^o, l^wfull ? *o„^«nc"eof o.«, » S And hc Lid CO them . Have yee never read place, it i« pla.oe what * DaviJ did when hee had need , and was an that both of tbetn hungtedi'tft/j hc.aHd they that were with him ? kad t/.o nam«. ^^ ^^^ |^^ ^^1^^ j^^^^^ ^^^ h^^j-g of (^^J^ jp the S.'s!ir& ty dayes of i Abiarhar the hie Priett . and did eate ihe a9. i.Ki'ng.i,2«. Shewbread.which were not lawfulltoeat-.butfor 3.KiDs».j>-.i8. the * Priei\es .and gave alfo to them which were •£'<"*'»•"•'""• with him? k Hi.hVbe'sa'h- ^7 And he faid to them. The Sabbath was made b«ibday Inhii fot man, and not man for the Sabbath. power. and may jjj yvherefore the SoDHe of man is Lofd.cven ,«l.,.him ItUeth. ofthek Sabbath. CHAP. III. 1 ThirvithrrtJI,andiili$.tlid. 6 The Fharifii ecnfalt 1ri;fc ihi Hendi-tnt. 10 .K tnj are \ttj.'.td hy uuc'nvi^ Ciriji, II ^t his ftghlihtiieVilifMdiiivnel>ef.,r'e him. 1+ 1 he fati:>e ^4 fifths. »4 The k''>£'lcme B ThiiM'i.iniprofiiibleiuddead, S. Marke. Confpiracie againft Chrift. X Andthey watched him , whether hee would b a ti;jriti»e heale him on the Sabbath day , that they mieht 'F^'^l'.t.y'h, figure- ,- 1 ;„ ■' i b Synetdocbe. For aCCUltihim. ^. , , , , .b.>k,.de of faying. 3 Then hee faide unto the man which hadthe Touve .heiife.ii withered hand , Arifc : finnd firth in the middes. »' """'' • " " f*** 4 And hee faide to them. Is it lawfull to doe a ''" ""• . good deede on the Sabbath day. or to doc cvilUto Lve wrrng"o« lave the k life, or to kill? but they held their peace, amo them , are iq. they hew tneir peace . y Then he looked toufid about on them can- gfyb" jrly, mourning alfo for the"! hardneffe of their ;«.:b. gerly, mourning alio ror tne^ harcTneHe ot their ""'"^"""'Chrift hearts.andfaidetoiheman. Stretch foorth thine ""^nJi.h.'i i^he hand. And he Itretched it out : and his hand was foryVo much for reftored, as whole as the other. '^^ imury thai ■■ 6 1 » And the Phaufes departed . and ftiaight- ^l^^'^° ".'.'^^^^.i, way gathered acouncill with the e Herodiansa- wick^'neUi^and" gainft him, that they might deftroy him. therefore he had 7 Butlefusavoydid with his dilciples to the P''y upon them, faa: and a great muhiude followed him from Ga- f^ f?' '"" "-f' ... 1 r T I K De laia to Dilve hie, and from ludea, mourned. 8 And from lerufalem , and from Idumea, and d a« ihoagh their fbeyond lor Ian: and they that dwelled about Ty- ^"" '»<' btece Co rus and Sidon . when they had heard what gfeat ""^"^ "^ ^s™^** ,.,,., 1 - • , ^ loitUirr that whoU things he did. came unto him in great number. (j,nedoaii.ie could 9 And he commanded his difciples. that a little pnvaiieoo mote (bio ftiouldg wait for him , becaule of the multi- with them, tuie. leafl they fliould throng him. .^ItViTkert ua> 10 For hee had healed many , infbmuch that d.r, the m»re it ' they preail'ed upon him to touch him , as many as csrameth om. had h plagues. ei.«v »«•»«• ".'<• 1 1 And when the > uncleane fpirits faw him, jj^t^hfJ°J',^tt'kr they fell downe before him ,and cried, faying, g should ^irfv*** Thou art the Sonne of God. te ready for Aim. I z And he Iharpely rebuked them , to the end *> t''/"/'" tpfcw they Ibould not vtter him. "j'^ 't£""'^'l J „, ,_ . men js i; trtri jj>K* 13 ^ "k Thenhee wentupintoamountaine, triapi. and called unto him whom nee would, and they i /" 'hern irt«n» came unto him. '''v '""' '•'«<' '«* 14 3 And hee k appointed twelve .that they HiiZMenJ^mU. fliould be with him, and that he might lend them for iht'm lehuh m'r* to preach. i,(xUni:hhn- ly And that they might have power to heale '''■'""/'■''■"•'• fickneffcs . .nd to cart out devils .- _ ?o,f. 'f<*'/."""' 16 And the firft fi'a/ iiraon , and he named Si- 3 The twelve a- roon, i'rter. poftiei2tefet 17 Then lames fA#_/5»»* of Zebedeus, and lohn aparttobetraineJ lan.s Brother (and futnamed them Boanerges, "bVApome*Tp wiiich is, The fonnes of thu.nder.) k»A.yi aU ^pfoin. 1 8 And Andrew, and Philip.and Bitttemew.and ted mi melH i» te Matthew, /■nd Thomas , and lames tie ftnne oi f*mii*r ir "n\>tf Alphcus.and lTh:ddeus .and Simon the Cana- {""('.^"^'^ ^'-l/; nite. fjStfb .».■«; ..xW 1 9 And Tucks Tfcariot, who alfo betrayed him, f.r diifenmefj-k', an«l the y came '" home. the o,her ihJu. i, lO Aiittthc muititudesiTembledagaine, fothat J^rAf'ji/X'eJwi. they could not fo much as eat bread. t /„./? w mi^m f» 2 I 4 And when his n kinfefolks heard of it, they he ofhisiriir.eund went out to Ly holdc on him:for they iayd that he " "'" n"hi,im, was befide himfclfe. IJ' ^'J^ ';*;,; 22 1 4 And the Scribes which c.ime down from hirillrc^ye, titer. Hierufalem.faid , He hath Beelzebub; and through 4 Noafareworfe the prince of the devils he cafteth out devils. ei.tmic. oftbe go- 13 But he called them unto him, and /,yj unto ,^/,'j;,'„''J^''"'' '""' them in parables , How can Satan drive out Satan? aW''°f'r rr>rd, 24 For if a kingdome be divided againft it felfe, ihty ihn w^n »/• that kingdome cannot ftand. him, th^t w, hii 25 Or if a houle be divided againft it felfe.that ^'"f^'*' • ■" '*'J' , '. . o tiJt nercmdJde, hotiic cannot contiiuie. rreretrou^hit, 26 So if o S.uan make infurtedion ngaijift thdr kinfnen. himfL-lfe. and be divided.he cannot endure, but is S KMt.s.n.and Cfthe feede iowen. 4. Milt<>'iS>3i luke u;io. i.iohn $.««• , f Theyoiielya'e without hope of fchap. 27 No man can enter iiito a firong mans houfe, and take away his goods . except he firit bind that flrone man . and then fpoy le his houfe. iS S 4- f Verely I Iky unto you , all hnnes Ihali be forgiven unto the children of rnen.andblaf- phemies, wherewith they blafpheme : . , • — '-. ■ f x9 But hee that blafphemeth againft the holy :S.Xb Ghoft.n^ali r^everhaveforgivenefle.buusculpa- lointiiciounyop. blc ofctemall damnation. 30 pBecaufetheyfayd,Heehadanvncleane ^Ti* f ♦ Then came his q brethren and mother and ftood without . and fent unto him . and caUcd ^'% And thitfeeople fate abouthim .and they fayd unto him . Behold . thy mother , and thy bre- thren feeke for thee without, 3 3 But hee anfweted thera.fay ing, Who is my mother and my brethren? „,i,p„ J 4 < And hee looked round about on them. K,ar.a .. .«-= which fate in compafle about him , and layd . Be- othtrwife to-be ». jjoid my mother and my brethren. -^ . , • count«iof,tiien poc whofocver doth the wiUof God, hcis .hecatnaU-or n^/brother, my iifter. and ray mother. viuauj. J C H A P> I V. 4 ThtfaraiUcfthtr^^ff. U ^i>dth>mtanmlhimf. and th,n/lipt. . J « 74' er""" 'fm>tfi'* 19 But the cares f of this world . and the ^ de- '''^b.^^^^^'iihe, ceitfulneffe of riches , and the lufts of other things „„^,bjj wecoi|.- enter in.and choke the word, and it is vnfr uitfuU. municte fuch gift* 20 But they that have received feede in good a» God hath g.v-a , ground, are they that heare the word , and receive ;;'^^'\™;;;; it,and bringfoorth fruit: one c«r«tthutie,an other bountiiuli v»iUGo« fixtie, and lome an hundreth. be toward ui. 21 f 1 Alfo he fayd unto them , § Commeth »'»"'•■''»• the candle in ,to be put vnder a builiell . or vnder ^"^'^^^^-j,,,. , thebed.andnottobeputinacandleftickej and if, »9. luke 1, 2X ♦For there is nothing hid, that (liall not be i8.andi9.»«. opened, neither is there a lecret , but that it fl:iall 4 The Lord^fow- come to light. u-^U^.,^ after a mmer vb- 23 If any man have eares to heare.let hira heare. ^^owf >< 'o men. 24 3 And he fayd unto them, Take heed what g That is, when he ye heare. « Witk what meafure you mete . it iLail ^^^^.f^'J^Z"^' be meafured unto you : and unto you that hear€. Jf ™ ^oth day and (hall more be given. . , ^ ,.- , . nigbt.nothingdoub* IT ^ For untohimthathath.lhallitbe given, ting, but (hatthe and from him that hath not .a«llbe taken away (>e^de«o«»fp-''C even that he hath. , both day and mght."; 1^ J 4 Alfo he fayd . So is the kjngdome @i j, j, j^ .hepattof God, as if a man flsould caft feed in the ground. the minift«. , ti u« 27 And g (hould Qeepe.and rife up night and ^^-^'^^.^l^""-^^,,. day .and the feed llx3uld fpring and grow up . hee f„f„';„„|,he b not knowing how. fuccefle to God : for 28 For the earth bringeth foorth frmte 'ot it that inightiesnor- felfe . firfl the blade . then the eares . after that full j^J-s ^J'^;^^",''' COrne in the eares. , ■ r ^c blade and eare,i(f«« 19 And affoone as the fruite fheweth it lelfe, ^f^, ^^^ oneiy kuo- anon he putteth in the fickle , becaufe the harveft wen by the fruit. •■^ i By acerraioe ''\T% * iHefaydmoreover,Whereuutoa.allP°-';;-^j^'"»''=- we liken the kingdonae of God j or with what ^ Mat.13.31. coroparifonlhall we compare it? Iukei3'«»- , , It is like a graine of muftard feede , which s God far«oAeN whii it is fowen in the earth.is the leaft of all feeds ^^^^^^t that be in the earth : ..'•'' '""* • ""* "*• 32 But after that it is fowen.it groweth up.and deth with the is greatea of all herbes, 8c beareth great branches, gtea.eft- fo that the foules of the heaven may build vnder j*;^^^^;^,^^^,; thelhadowofit, the capaciiieof the 2 ? And A with many fuch parables he preached heateii. the word unlothem, k as they were able to heare it. i J^d for word, the word unto them, *■ as tney wcic duiv. tu u.a... x.. • - -•- ■-■■ 34 And wkhout parables fpake he nothm- i.n- ^°°^,j '^^^\ ,^,^e to "them, but he i expounded all things to his dilci- ,h,„ ,i,e hard cles apart riddlei. ^ 3< f t Nowe the fame day when even was -J-Mat-s.ij. corae.hefayd unto them,Letus pafle over unto the ^.^VeyVhatfaile \ other fide. . ^ . , u- withChnft.aU I ^6 And they Uft the multitude, and tooke him though hefeeme as he was in the Ihippe . and there was alfo with .on^p^-e^^^^^ him other little fllips. r • j are in danger, yet 37 « And there arofe a great ftorme ot winde, .h^y are pref«ved and the waves dalhed into the Ihip , fo that it was <^}^'^^^ "7/"'And he was inthefterneaaeepeonapil- "^^^'^^ ' Of deWs. i5« iwaiKc. low : and they awoke hiM ', aod Taydto him , Ma- fter. careft thou not that we peridi » 39 And hce arofe up , and rebukedthe winde, ra floweommttli iltopirrrbatyoo and fayd unto the fea , Veace .and be flill. So the windeceafeJj and it was a great calme. 40 Then he fayd unto them , m why are yee fo fearefuU f fesw is it that ye have no faith ? 4 1 And they feared exceedingly, and fayd one to another. Who is this, that both the wind aadfca obey him i e H A P. V. 7 TheJehillacknetvltJ^lthChrill. Ij enirtd't.td J\vint. iz Ltirui a One pif'IfeJ it htiUi. 9 yi i.igintcfdiVils 4. Mitth «.iS. luk. S i«. I MJi.yhavtite •\«rtucofChiift there met him incontinently out of the graves inadinirJtion, and .,•,., 1 /r • • " /Jtijoj. 34 Fui'h. 3» SitepF. A Nd + • they came ever to the Other fide of the *^ lea into the countrey of the a Gad.irens, z And when hee wascomeout of the Ihippe, man b which had an vncleane fpirit 3 VVho had his abiding among the graves ,and no man could bind him. no not with chaines : 4 Becaufe that when he was often bound with LookeMatS-jo. fettersgc chaines, he plucked the chaines afunder, 'and brake the feuers in pieces .neither could auy man tame him. • J And alwayes both night and day hee cried in the raoumaints , and in the graves , and ftreolu: himfclfe with ftones. 6 And whenhefawlefusafarreofF, heranne, and worlhipped him, 7 And ciyed with a loude voyce , and fayd, What have I to doe with thee .lefus the Sonne of the molt High God? l « willthat thou fwearc to •jtt they will not I«lfrmeitwitl> tbrloOcoftbe leiftthiogthty b Word for Woid in an vncltaof fyi- jit : now ihrv are iaid tobein htfpi lit . becauft tot fpl lit boldetb tbtni fall looked vp, and ai it vst'c boand. c Tlatis.aflTure , ^ , t^rby jnoaib , ihat me by God, that thou torment me noc. abouwiilno' veu pfij. g ( For hee fayd unto him , Come out of the »*• roan, thou vncleane fpirit.) 9 And hee asked him , What is thy name ? and he anfwered , faying , My name it Legion ; for wee are many. J Tbat devill ttsat iq And hee ^ prayed him inftamly , that bee l.ia>ed tbf nuin-agir y^-Quld not fend them away out of the countrey. «" Tbu wb"oTt'coun. •' Now there was there in the troountainesa treyijfor.hegita- great heard ot fwine, feeding. jMpartofitvtiv 12 Andal! thedeuilsbefoiight hina.faying.Send iiilly , for ihcinoun- ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ fvvine.ihat we may enter into them. '/upoe^hiougbit. '3 And incoDtinentiy lefus gave them leave. Then the uncleane fpirits went out and entred into the fwine.and the heard ranne headlong from the high hanck into the ffea, (and there were about two ihoufand fwine) 8c they were choked up in thefea, 1 4 And the fwincheatds fled , and told it in the citie,and in the countrey , and they came out to fee what it was that was done. 1^ And they c?.me to lefus, and faw him that had bene polVdled with the devill , and had the.le- gion, fit both cloathed.and in his right minde ; and they were afraid. 16 And they that faw it , told them , what was done to him that was podeiled with the. devill , and concernuig the fwine. 1 7 Then they began to pray him, that he would depart from their coalis. 18 And when hee was come into the (hip , hee that had bene poifelVed with the deviiJ , prayed hira that he might be with him. I 9 Howbeit , lefus would not fuffcr him , but fayd uoto him.Goc thy way home to thy friends, and (hewe them what great things the Lord jhath dgnc uiu'^ thee , aud hovw hce hiOi had -f S:rabo i 2eentb b' oke Ui.t ibat 'n Gadavis jbtr-i. a funding yooUoCvtry Vtbicb ifbcalls tallccf tbfy (hfaJ {biirbairr.nJilt'S, M^tbvoandboines, laifns danghtetfa' coropaffion on thee^ 20 So hee departed .and began topublifli in Decapolis , what great things lelus had done unto him : and all men did raarveiie. 21 (f And when lefus was come over againe i by Ihip unto the other fide , a great multitude ga- thered together to him .and he was neere unto tlie fea. 21 S And g behoLde .there canwone ofthe * Mitih y.if^ rulers ot the Synagogue , whole name was lairus • '"'"'•'♦'• and when he faw h.m. he fell downe at h is feete. " H^T^ITZ 2j And belought him inltantly, laying My lie- diforderiy. bm in tie daughter lieth at point of death: I pray thee'^^V^y^'Sof."' that thou wouldeft come and lay- thine.haiidson''""'^;.'*""^''" her, that (he may be healed, and iiVe. TaetblV 24 Then he went with him , and a great multi- tude followed him and thronged him. ' 25 (a And there was a certaine woman, which i lefm being toucfa. was difeafcd with an illiieof blood iwelueyeeres, tdw'ihtrut 26 And had fufFi ed many things of many phy- f^'''' ^''tough it ficians . and had fpent all that Q^ee had. and it auai- be'alTu.T/hu' led her nothing, but flie became much wor:e. venue, 27 when fl:ee had heard of lefus , Ihee came in the preafle behind, and touched his garment. 18 For Ilie fayd.if i may but touch his tloathes, I fliali be whole. 29 And ftraightway the courfe of her blood was dryed up , and Qiee felt in her body . that fliee was healed of that plague. 30 And jmmediatly when lefus did know in himtelfe the vsrtue that went out of him , he tur- ned hira roundabout inthepreafe.andfayd. Who hath touched my cloathes ? j 1 And his difciples faid unto him,Thou feeft the multitude throngihee. and fay eft thou .Who did touch me? 3 2 And he looked round about , to fee her that had done that. J3 And the woman feared and trembled : for fliee knew what was done in her . and Ihce came and fell downe before him , and told hira the whole trueth. 34 And he fayd to her , Daughter . thy f.dth hath made thee whole ; go in peace , and be whole of thy plague.) 3; VVhile hee yet fpake , there came from the fa>»e ruler of the Syaigogues houle certaine which layd.Tby daughter is dead : why dilealcit thou the roafterany further? i6 3 AHbone as lefns heard that word fpoken, ' ^V}"' 'P?'*" hee fayd unto the ruler of vhe Synagogue . Be tiot ^ Jomiffsof ufs* afraid : onely belceve. cvcDfortbeij 37 And he luffered no man to follow him lave children, Peter and lames, and lohn the brother of lames. 38 So hee came unto the houle of the ruler of the Synagogue , and faw the tumult , and them that wept and wailed greatly. j9 And hee went in, and. fayd unto them.Why make ye this trouble , and weepe ? the child is not dead, but llccpsth. 40 4 And they langht himjo fcorne : but hee 4 Such ai mack* Sut ihem all out , and tooke the fathcr.and the m.o- *'"* 'corne cbnS^ ler of the child .and them h that were with him, ^"^^{^""J, and entred in where the childe lay. goodne/fc. 41 And tooke the childe by the hatid-, and fayd b Tbethteedift unto her, Talitha cumi, which 13 by interpretation, f '"• Mayden , I fay unto thee, arife. 42 And ftraightway the mayden arofe, and wal- ked : for fhc was of the age of twelve yeeres> aud they >veje aftunied out of uiealutc. 43 And bit thrift contemned. Cfiap. vj» 43 And hee charged them ftfaitly that no.«ian •{hould knowe of it, and commanded to give her meate. CHAP. VI. 3 Chri/l ptencfiing in hit ccunfrty , hit oypnef'lttmnt him. 6 TheunitliefeefiheSai,,iritet. 7 Xht .^fofilei art fent. 13 The} caft cut JeVitt: they anoynt the r^kflV'th cyll. n HirodtsofinimcfChrift. li The cmfe cflolmt ■ imfrifmmint. tl Vauncja^. 17 1-ohntehe.iiled, 19 burieJ. 30 The^fo/iteireiurnefromfreachinf. 34 Chrill te.uheth rntheJefurt. 37 Hee feedilhihe people with J!lielaal>ei. 48 The^pcjllet tretroMedontheJen. }6 The fickf that touch Chnfiet garment, are healed, A Nd « • he departed thence .and came into his ovvne countrey, and his dilciples followed him. 2 And when the Sabbath was come , he began to teach in the Synagogue .and many that beard him, wereaftonied , and laide , From whence hath this man thefe things 'and what wiledome is this that is given unto him.that even fuch a great works ate done by his hands ? 3 Is not this that carpenter Maries fonne , the . brother of lames and lofes .and of luda and Simon? and are not hisfafifters here with us?Andthey were offended in him. 4 And lefus faide unto them , A § Prophet wendirfHn -worket is noc without c honoitr, but in his owne countrey, th^t chf-Ji utd, jj among his owne kinred , and in his owne rvhichfherveJ t. r . ttndfiifccrththt houfe. ,, ^ ,,, ^ niftttteand poller y And he d could there doe no great workes, cfhisCedhtadio fjye that he laid his hands uponafcw fickc folkc, aU thtv>orld, Mt<. 3„j healed them. 6 And heeroarveiled at their iinbeliefe,* and went about by the townes on every fide, teaching. 7 J }s » And hee called unco him the twelve, and began to fend thacn foorth two and two , and o-ave them power over uncleane fpirits, ° 8 3 And commaunded them that they (hould take nothing for their iourney , fave a ftaffe onely : neither fcrip, neither bread, neither raoney.in their girdles : 9 But that they flwald be Qiod with § e fan- dais , and that they lhouldnotputon*'two coates. 10 And hee laid unto them, Wherefoeveryee (hall enter into an houfe , g there abide till ye de- pattrhence. 11 ? 4 And whofoever ttjall not receive you, muji needthaie ^^^^ hcare you , when ye depart thence, * ihake off f.iiih,ifrce TTia «- - •' - ^ i teiiit the IP". CU. ♦ Mutth.^,ti. « CA.ip.3.i4- indtth 10,1. z Tbe difciplej are prejjared to that general! A- poftiefllip. bya peculiar fendiag 3 Faith full Pa. ftouri ought not to'bave their minuet feti no not on things that 8?eaeceBary for thiilife, iftheymaybean hinderance unto them, be it nevfr fo little. j> .^(iei ir.8. « The yvtird fignijiet'i properly iKCmens fhaet. f Thatii,ih!y fhmldl,ike rtcch.ingeof garments vnth-tfiem , ih.it they mi^ht he iifhier for this iMrney , and ma^t mctefpeede- ^ Thatisychanienctyour Innesinthisfhcrti.urnej, * Mtl.io^m. Lukf 9'S. i The Lord iiamoft fevere revenger ofhi, ferwantt. 4" sA£iis\i,i\. and\%,6. ^ lumri J, 14. h Thut 'yie vai a icl^en aad^r firneofthis niariieilcus -ucrlUe ■ arti fetir.g ih.it the ^ft of he.^iin? is cetifed a^ocd yelnie fince , the (erimonii yvhichii yet titeinedcflotne,uto no piirptfe. * ^fa'. 14,1. Lw/te 9,7. f The Gofpel confirmeth Jle godly, and veied the wicked. i T hi miri p.^nifielh Ptlvit/,tvherthji it rsieunt tbtftiftr efntrk''>£'''>riut':t, K c/cliitiU I'rofhttt-, HMitt.i3.;4- Iuke4,i6. , thefaithltffe world dcf th no wbit^ai all diiui- niftithe«rtueof Chtift.b'Jt wit- tingly and wi!- JiDgly drpiiveth it felfieot theef- ficacieof it, being offered unto them. a The word fiini- Jieih power, or •verliieit yvherehj are meant thofe b sAftir the ma- neroftheHe- Irewes.rvho iy IrC' ihren and fifters, Underfidnd ail their bjnsfoUtts. 5 iW..f.t3,;7- ■<«^f 4.»4- joA-,4,44. e Ko>one\ythxt hath th..t hcm-.ir nhich ofri^ht it Jut 10 him takf\ from him. hut aljo tViUfpokfnofand mifieptrted. d ThatiiM TtrtMnotrfor Vkes'of the duft that is under your feete, for a witnelle an- to them. Verely I fay unto you, It fliallbe eafier for Sodome . or Gomorrha at the day of ludgemenr, then for that citie. 1 2 3) -And they went out , and preached , that men iLould amend their lives. ij And they caft out many devils : and they t h anoynted many that were fscke ,*withoyle,and healed tkem. 14 J) /Then King Herod heard of Um {ior his Name was made manifeft) and faide, lohn B.ip- tift is rifen againe from the dead , and therefore great > workes are wrought by him. I f Other faid. It is Elias ; and fome faid.It is a Prophet.or as one of k thofe Prophets. The inconvenience of dauncing. t g itf'^.SowhenHerodheardit.hefaid.ItisIohn ^ Lukes,,,, whom 1 1 behealed : he is rifen from the dead * Commandeii . 1 7 For Herod himfelfe had fent forth, and had '" *' ^^'*'"'. taken lohn , and boundhim in prifon for Herodias fake , which was his brother Philips wife, becaufe he had married her, 18 For lohn faide unto Herod , § Ms not law- * tu^, ,, ., , full for thee to have thy brothers wife. «d ^0,1,. ' IV Therefore Herodias m laid waitagainfthim: >" saghtaU and would have killedhim, but Ihe could not : "^^'^'"t" in him 10 For Herod feared lohn. knowing that hee '"''* T/vrtjaiuft man, and an holy .and reverenced him, and when he heard him, hee did many things , and heard him n gladly, 21 But the time being convenient , when He- Xer, 'wtlZln" rod on his birth. day made a banket to his princes to he^re fentence andcaptaines.andchiefeertatesof Galile: frono^med <(^Mnfi ^^ And the daughter o of the fame Herodias *'"'•'"<"'"/«'* came in . &r(d danced, and pleafed Herod, and them fuT" that fateat table togetht^r , the King faide unto the o whichihefams, maide.Aske of me what thou wih, and I will give ^""H-^hadnot jt the^^ iy Herodes ,^nti' ^i And hee fware unto her , Whatfoeverthou Vndufiphuseai.' (halt aske of roee, I will give it thee,evf» unto the Uth her iaUmc halfe of my kingdome. 24 * So pihe went forth.and faid to her mother, , w, , What fnall I aske ? And (lie faid, lohn Baptifis head, p p„, „\t,'n ufe£ 2y Then (lie came in ftraightway with hade un- notio fttattahU to the King , and asked, faying, I would that thou vithmtn. fiiouldeil give me even now in a charger the head oflohnBaptift. ^6 Then the King was very fory : ye? for his oathes fake , and for their fakes which fate at table with him, he would not refufe her. 27 And immediatly the Kingfent theq hang- p Thtwtriftff,{~ roan , and gave charge that his head (liould bs/ieth one that bea- brought in. So hee went and beheaded him in the "'.'' " ''■"''•'"■' '*« ».,*,, , , . , , . , called, because tha i» And brought his head in a charger, and ^;<^«f.«rfrfjrtK gave it tothemaide, and the maide gave it to her » Luke 9,16. mother, 29 And when h is difciples heard it , they came and tooke up his body, and put it in a tombe. 30 5 « And the Apoftles gathered themfelves together to lefus , and tojtle him all things , both what they haddcne,and what they had taught. ^ Such ai fcllow 31 « And hee faide unto them , Come ye apart Cbtiii ftaii want ' into the wildernefle.and reft a while:for there were nothing no notia many commers and goers.that they had not leafure L''^^''^i"°^"''' '°"'^-^ c U . n- ru ■ 'bldU^AnJ 32 iS: So they went by fliip out of the way into bow wicked a a defart place. thing ii it, not to. 3 J But the people Awe them when they depar- '."anfi-o"', 1;'',^,. ted, and many knew him .and ran a foote thither m, ban",', who. out of all cities, and came thither before them, and giv^tU e\eriaiiing allembled unto him. ''fe ? _ 34 * Then lelus went out and faw a great mul-*^f"|*J*''^* titude , and had comp^flfion on them . becaufe they ♦ huit'^.^e, were like Iheepe which had no (liepheard:.f. and he and 14, 14. began to re.ich them many things. * Lukej.tr. 35- J And when the day was now fane fpent, ^'T-^Ail'iit't'wror his difciples came untohim.faying.This isa deliirc dem'.mnd''an'dtvon- place, and now the d,iy is farre palled. dcrin^, not irxAoxr 36 Let them depart, that they may »oe into the " f"*"'' """k'' countrey and townes about, and buy mem bread ; '^J'l,i"^r^ ''/),» ^ for Lhey have nothing to eate . 'hepm'il'^t^lei'n d 5 7 But hee anfwered , and faid unto rhem.Give fCmc, they deny t» ye them to eate. And they faid unto them , ' Shall ''":•"'.» in^. we goe , and buy f two hundreth peny worth of f. '"*'.''' " •'■■"* bread, and give thero to eate ? ^.^j^j j,^j„ ^ ., Ccc a 3S «Then Cbrift walking upon the Sea 4. M4ffrp that It V,un<,fi>irit,th»l thtj wert mudi meredPcn'fhtd then ttitr >hcy rottt tefcre .trhcn they ihtrtis^nh-i It Either thtj Btr- ftiVtdmt .crLd n.ftvtH<>n(i."cd th.ttmtT»deiftkt fl>e hni/et, '»/»- mHehihiti thnt niiriue of Chin 44 °And they that had eaten, were about five thoufandmen. r .. • .-r • . 4 J 7 f And ftraightway he caufed his dilciples to goe into the fliippe , and to goe before unto the other fide unto Bethfaida , while hee feiu away the people 46 Then affoone as he had fent x them away , he departed into a mountaine to pray, 47 J And when even was come , the Ihippe was in the raids of the fea. and hee alone on the land. 48 And hee faw them troubled in rowing , (for the winde was contrary unto them ) and about the fourth watch of the night , hee came unto them, ^ walking upon the fea , and would have pailed by "" them. 49 And when they fawe him walking upon the fea . they linpoled it hath bene a fpirit , and cried out. yo For they all fawe him.and were foreafraide : but anon he talked with them , and faid unto them. Be ye of good comfort : it is I, be not afraid. yi Then hee went up unto them into the fhip, and the winde ceafed , and they were y much more ambled in themfclves, and marvelled. y 2, For they had not ^ confidered the matter of the loaves, becaufe their hearts were hardened. ^3 J* And they came over.and went into the ihinindiMd land of Gennefareth,and arrived. jschyhh ^4 8 So when they were come out of the fliip, ftraightway they knew him. 5 5 And ra.ine about throughout all that region rourul about, and began to cary hither and thither in couches all that were iicke , where they heard that he was. 5 6 And whitherfoever hee entred into townes, lepeJfritKit or cities ,or vill?ges , they iayde their ficke.in the txthtm .thenifthej ftreetcs .and prayed him that they might touch at Udm' h,ir,e pri-^^ ff,g j^gj^ ^j^g ^jg^, ^f [^j^ garment. And as many a6 "^'j" ' touched a him, were made whole. Marke 14,34. t Cbrift being reiefting in hiiowne upon a fuddeo ainongO tbem of whom he vvai not looked ior, the Iremme efthe garment. CHAP. VII, a The ^ptjtles are found fauit nith,f.>r ealing W'lh unVl/%Cn handt. 4 The Phari/es tr.tditier,i ahui rmtP^np ,Hyft- trilei- t Mem trjdiiicni more Jet ty ihenCcdi. 10 Ptirent I muJiU honoured. J4 The things thai doe in. deiJedefle arrtan. jj The rveman'fC, mane, 31 Tht deaf: dumme man is healed. «Maith,if,i. *T Hen « i oathered unto him the Pharifes ,and ' .-^""l"'°'o"" cer aine of the Scribes which came from Hie- "<-!r . k'^ t""' rufalem. ofGon .then they liat ftiould he wfeft.and that uponawaleof tieir awnetraditioni :for men doe not pleafe tbunfeivn more in any thing then IQ fuptlftiiioa , that it W fay, in a WOtfbij ol God io.'.JIy devifciof tifmfelvH, ' he fin, at, h. rvhfch rras di, hutaiililehrf countrry , and arriving w ilfcctiyed to ihtii f lofite, S. Marke. Ofmens tradition?* 2 And when they fawe fome of his dilciples , vvord for>,vo,*. a eatc meate with b common hands , (that is to fay, eate bread: a kinde unwaflien) they complained. of fperch which 3 (Forthe Phariles, and all thelewes. except 't-- Hebrewei ufc, they walh their hands oft . eate not , c holding the In k"^de "food, traditions of the Elders. '^, Fortherhari-" 4 And when //^y f»»je from the d market , ex- f"wo"'''oot eate cept they walh.they eate not: and many other ''""'!;"'* ^'l'' things there be.which they have taken upon them b°cTift"« and obferve, */ the wafliing of cups,and ' pots.and tbouRbt thai their of brafenveflels.andofbeds.) hand« were defile* y Then asked him the Pharifes and Scribes, y^''^"""""". Why f walke not thy difciples accordingtothe ^^.^^^ „',^°2'» tradition of the Elders, but eate meate with un- c obfetvir,^diii. waflien hands ? gently. 6 i Then hee anfwered and Tiide unto them, ^ ''■'"' .Y'°r»)'' Surely 4 Efay hath prophecied well of you , hy- ^rZuiyX^ pocrites , as it is written , This people honoiireth goe not to meate, fnee with lippes, but their heart is farre away from «aJeO"eihty wattj jpg. themlVlyeifirft. 7 .3 Butthey worMpmeinvaine.teachin2ror:,f;;l'[^:^S doOTiBes the commandements oi men. kinde of veflVii, 8 4 For ye lay the Commandementsgf God which are appoin. apart ,and obletve the tradition of men.4/ the wafli- "'* 'o'"U"^ayly ing of pots and of cups, and many other fuch like f'^-h I, „,, h,y things ye doe. Dot?akindeof 9 y And he laid unto tjjem. Will yereieft the fp«'^'> "ken from comm.mdement of God , that ye may obferve your '"^ ^''^'" '^"* owne tradition. :fot ngftihem, the itakeofof mother : and * Whofoever fhall IpeAe evili of fa- a Hypociifie i« ther or mother, let him g die the death. alwaye. ioyneJ 1 1 But ye fay , If a man fay to father or mother . « ''4/;;,";''°°* Corban , tkMu , By the gift that is tfferedby mee, 3 The moreear- thou maytft have profite, he ji. alike free. neit the fuperftiti. 1 2 so yee fuffer him no more to doe any thing \"' *"• «'>""'"• for his L.her or his mother ' ^ ;tl1fi;rtt;" 13 Making the wordof God of none authori- feivesGodi fa- tie, by your tradition which yehaveordeitied:and vour by their dc. ye dot many fuch like things. ^"t b d 'f t 14 « Then he calleth the whole multitude unto f„p„fti,J"u,'mea him.and faid unto them, Hearken you all unto me, joenotooelynor and undeiftand. fulfiliiheLawo* I f There is nothing without a man.that can di- f^^^j^^^f}*"' |''*'* file him , when itentrech into him : but the things fvvad°"bei^e!vej> which proceed out ofhim.arethey which dehle but alfo doe ut- the roan. leilytakeit 16 Ifanyhaveearestoheare.Iethimheare. ""^TJoe R.Iigioa 17 And when he came into an houfe.rtvfdjy from ^hiXijcleane the people, his difciples aske J him concerning the contrary tofuper. parable, ftiiion.coofifteth 1 8 And he faid unto them. What are ye with- n,f'".'f„";" J^°^ out underltanding alfo? Doe yee not knoweihat „i'e'',oftrueRelj. whatfoever thing from without entreth into a man, gion .although cannot defile him. ' .beyfermeto 19 Bccaule itentrednot into his heart, but in- J'^^^^'^^^^^^j^J^P' to the belly . and goeth out into the draught which '°°^'^[ ^p. is the •" purging of aiimeates > j E»od lo.u, 20 Then he faide . that which commeth out deut.s.i*. of man. that defileth man, Tl[ti'.i,i7 a I :fc For from within, even out of the heatt of j^^jj ,„_ ,. men proceed evill thoughts , adulteries, fornicati- proviio'ao. ons.mtirthcts. g V"' '''""' ""X*' 21 Thefts,' covetoufnene.wickednefle.deceit, ''"'^°J';,|',Vh uncleannelle ,a k wicked eye , backbiting , pride, ^"m",,"! /, ,,. fooliilinefle, h For that that 23 All thefe evill things come from within,and goeth into the defile a man, :f( Gen,«,;.and S,ii, i All kind ofcrafiinefle, whereby i bf other lusDileflci. k Ciakctcd niil^ce. 24 J c f And raugbt, purgeth fiw&i(thUQfeIvli. C H A P. VIII. 1 rhctnirMlatfthtftVenU^iVes. i\ The JtlKtifetkl f'lntt. i; Tnhnare cfiheiCuJtencfthe I'h.irij'e!. ij ^ hlmde manheaiid. 27 TUfeofUtfandr} ofinicnefChrisi. 29 The^po/llnacknonUili^eChriJi. 31 HifcreieUethhh dislth. 33 Peter, Saran. 3/ TcfiVt xiiilhcfi ihehfe. 38 Toiea/hitmiaofChrilt. - * Mitih.i;.3J. TN + thofe dayes.when there was a very great mulritude . and had nothing to eate , lefus called his difciples to him,!nd fayd unto them. 2 IhavecompafsiononthemultitiKie ,becaufe they have now continued with mee three dayes, and have nothing to eate. 3 Andiflfendthemawayfaftingtotheirowne a Word for word, houfes , they would a faint by the way : foribme of jhfy will fall in them Came from faf re. [Td^Zlltrnt ^ '^'^^" ^''^ difciples an fwer^d him, Whence fall 'in a fv^ound? "'^ ^ "^"D fatisfie thele with bread here, in thfe Vjil- thtir fynowestaii demeffe f c oneiiom Mothei;. y And hee asked them , How rnany loaves haVfe ye ? And they fayil. Seven. ' . 6 Then hee commanded the multitude to iit downe on the ground : and hee tooke the feyen Joavcs . and gjve thjuikes , brake them , and gave to his difciples to fet before tfcew.and they did fet them before the people. 7 They had alio afew fmallfiil-es ;, and when he had given tlianks , he corDii;irided ththi'alft) W be fet before ?i(?<^,'», 8 So they did eat ] and were fufficed , and they tooke up of the broken meate that was left, feven |'v"'''J'^'' baskets full ?TheLV,'„e S» ( And they that had eaten, were about foure "emits of tbt do. thouland ) fo he fent them away. Sriceof theGo- 10 s ^ And anonhe entred into a fln'p with his St'tofhrmi "°"'' difciples, o he left them, and went into the Qiip tha, the rharif« againe, and depart ing to the other fide. went from their 14 S * And they had forgotten to take bread, ■*'°"'''"^'"H"Po'>« neither had thay ia the Ihip with them . but one ^^,^^""«" vi'f> ^°^^^' ,, , . ^ c There fight catne I J * And he charged them, laying, Take heede «^^° ftom the heart and beware of the leaven of the Pharifes .and of "°''^°''^''''^°«» the leaven of Herod. moo-ed «"i"h Lfe 16 3 And they reafoned am.ong themfelves. mens' fo great iofiV faying, It u, bt caufe we-have no bread. . delitie. J 7 And when lefus knew it.he fayd untothem, ^ word for vccro ii ereaiejl amen« the ^fofiia. 36 Chijl takfth a Mdt h hi'iarmei. 42 Tcoffend. fa Salt. I'tace. « Matth.S.iS. Juke5.»7. he^nTis kiDgd.mie which ihall not tafte cf death till they have fecne tkiougo ibe prea. the a kingdomc of God come with power, 2^-1 And fixe dayes after , lefus taketh unto hira Peter , and lames , and lohn , andcaricth them up into an hie mountaine out of the way alone , and his Ihape was chajiged before them. 3 And his raiment did b Ihine ,<«««ce be abafed up. 4 And thcrc appeared unto them Elias with Mofes, and they were talking v.ithlefus. y Then Peter anJweied , and layd to lefus, Ma- fter , it is good for us to be here : let us make alfo three talicrnacles , one for thee , and one for Mofes, and one for Elias. 6 Yet hee knew not what they fayd : for they were e afraid. 7 And thcrc was a c!oud that (hadowcd them, and a voice came out of the cloude , faying , * This is my beloved Sonne ; hearc him. 8 And fuddenly they looked round about , and faw no more any man five Icliis onely with them. 9 a 4- Andasthey came downc from the moun- taine , hee charged them , th.\t they (hould tell no man what ihey had feene , fave when the bonne of man were rifen from the dead againc. 10 So they d kept ihat matter to themfelves, and « demaunded one of another , what the riling from the dead againe Ihould meane. 1 1 3 Alfo thev asked him , faying. Why fay the Scribes, that § P.lias muft firft come ? avouched by vifi- He fignes. by ihe ftffenct and talke ofBliaiandMo- fei, and by the ifoiceofih' Fa. therhimfelfe, be. fere three ofhij difc'pl'", which are witnegtia- jainft whomlieih no »c(p:ioB. t> DidTpaikleM it were. • They were befide xhetnftlvei for Irtrc. » Mit.3,17- and >7,j chsp.i.ii. « The Lord bath tljipoinied hi$ time fcribe pub. JiOiiogoftbeGo* /pd- 4 Mat. 17.9. d Even very hard- , , .. , „. l- t. ly aiitw"«- « They qiielHontd not togeihertouching tbegcntnll fefurrefticn which Ihallbein ihelatttrday.bui 'hey underltood not what heniea«t by that which hefpake of hiiowue peculiar itfurtfftion. 3 Tbe foolifh opin'on of the Rabbines ii' htre re- felled touching Eli" toniming , which wat thai either Elia» (hould rtleagjinjftgqi tW««dattnlJiHl»iifo»l»to««W«»«u>;ofo»coit«bea;f, g^ M»l.Ms 1 2 And he anfwered , and faid unto them, Elias vaely Ihall lirft come , and reftore all things : and 4- as it is written of the Sonne of m.^n ,h'ee muft ThenIohnanfweredhim,fayi^g,Ma- $ God «ho iithe fler , we (awe one cafting out devils by thy Name, auihour ot an or- y/hich followeth not us , and we forbade him , be- w~fe'ihti(o*'e°.' "ufe he followeth us not. iraordinari y fo'oft 39 J But Icfus faid . Forbid him not : for there is no man that can doe a miracle by my Name , but can lightly (peake cvill of me. 40 For whofoever is not againft us < is on our p~rt, 4 1 * And whofoever fliall give you a cup of water to drinfce for my Names fake, becaufeyee belong to Chrift, verely I fay unto you , hee Ihali Bctlole his reward. 4 1 K 'o And whofoever (liall ofFcndeoneof the/e little ones .that beleeve in me ,it were better for him rather , that a mililonc were hanged about his necke, and chat he were caft into the fea. 43 S Wherefore if thine hand caufc thee to be »n oflend .cut it oH' : it is better for thee to enter into lift, maimed .then having two hands , to goc into bell, into the fire that never Ihall be quenched, 44 * Wheretheirra woimcdiethnot .andthe fiieneverg"tthout. 4) Likewife , if thy foote caufe thee to offend, cut it ofi : it is better for thee to goe halt into life, then having two feete ,to be caft into hell .into the fire that never llv.U be quenched, 46 Where their woime dieth not , and the fire nevergoethout. 47 And if thine eye caufe thee to offend, fi«t unto him .and pluckc it out : it is better for thee to goe into the aifotha' webeiog kmgJome of God wi.h one eye .then having two *" fcnX^aBo.fcTr'f «>'"• fo be caft into hell fire, o^Tha °it!(haibe 48 Where their womie dieth not , and the fire lonfecvaieioGod, never gOCth OUt. being feafoncd ^9 ii for every man Ihalbe d faked with hre : and + every faciifice Ihall be faited with fait. SO i Salt is good ; but if the fait be unfaver)-, wherewith fliall it be feafoned > have fah in yoiu; felves.and have peace one with another. c H A r. X. 9 Tht tuife.mih f" f'*nuiii<)n,is le tt fUtAVay. 13 Liitlt c'il.nn a^e houfht to Chrifl. ly ^ rich murt OJketh Jtfij , h.tP he mtij foffft ftr».,ll li/{. 18 The ^foJiUif rjickt all ihiniifiT Chrip,Ukf. 3i Chrijl ftrefht-atrh hisiti.i'h. 3; Zthedeiti kufmnetrejueff, 45 B'.inde StttimiuihfHkd. m M»t».t9,i. A Nd * he a arofe from thence , and went into the a rhati«tofay. coaftes of ludeaby the farrelideof Ionian ,and drpaiied and vv«nt jj^^ people fcforted unto him aeaine, and as he was „eH.Wew.ongu„ wont, he taught them againe. retting Stdwtl'iDg 2 Then ihe Phanlescameand^asked him , it It ajeaiiooe, andfo vvete liwfuU fot a man to put away /j« wife, and lifingandioing tempted him. 3 And hee anfwered , and faid unto them, W'lat did K Mofes command you ? 4 And they faid , Mofes fiiffered to write a bill of divorcement, and to put her away. 5 1 Then lefus anfwered, antl faid un-o them. For the hardnefle of your heart hee wrote this bprecepr unto you. b Looke Mac 1 ;. Fof Mo(e» ga»e them bo commandemeat to put away their wive» iiu* ]4Uici»H4Cr»go9d;tovifcisi) vtiv«l agaiBfty i)))bbon>«banlD«fl«oftt!i;iil>tub>iDdi> Chap. si. Of divorcement. 26 Ju.aoen.ao.di. Baric vokaiioa 'IS nied by ihedo- ftrmr aad the tSt&t. •j: I. Cor I*. J. % Maiib.18,6. Iuke.7.1. 10 Godi.fofe- Vere a revenger of cffcace,, tbat it i» better to fuffer atiy lofle , iheo Occafion of of- f«nceunto any. ^ Mattb.5.19. ■ od I S3. * F.fai.«6 14- lu Tbeir wurtB* which lliailbecaft «ato chat flame. II Werauftbe frafonedand poW- dted by God. both that wt maybe •ccepuble facii- vvitb tfae incorrup- tible word. 4. Levit.1,13. i Matt f, 13. Sbortb. « Deut.*4': 1 Sod did BcvM allow tboredi- »oicei,V8hichtbe; K,aw did tolerai 6 Bat at the begianing of the creation* God * oen.j,!?, made them male an o beef- may pofleffe etemall life > chewed of them A lefus faid to hitx. why calleft thoumee t^^^, good ? there is none good but ont^. even God. ,|)a, (,,0 fay, an 19 Thou knoweft the commandements.f Thou opinion of tiieir (bait not commit adulterie. Thou llwlt not kill, tneritet or defer- Thou Ihalt not fteale. Thou (halt not bea re Life onJy7„det(,ood? witneffe. Thou flialt d hurt no mAn, Honour thy but cocdemoed by father and m >ther. the daeconfidera. 7.0 Then he anfwered . and faid to him, Mafter. "°° °f the taw : all thefe things have 1 obferveth from my youth. ,^^ '■=' h7.b .„« 1?/- 11J !_• ■'•'11 1 t'chei , which tuts* 21 And lelus looked upon him , and loved eth aiide many, him , and faide unto him , One thing is lacking from that race unto thee, Goe and fell all that thou haft, and vtlier.iDthevrati give to the poore , and thou ihalt have trealurs in ^'^ ^ ^''° **"*' heaven, and come.followe me, and take up the »^Matth.i9,i€. Ciofl'e. lokeiS.iS. 22 But he was fad at that faying,and went away ** Ejwd.jo.aj. forowfull : for he had great pollefsions. Ir d".'" Jo r a? 23 And lefus looked lound about, and faid other mesne wlm* unto his difciples .How hardly doe they that havs&evet. riches, enter into the kingdome of God ! 24 And his difciples were afraid at his words. But lefus anfwered ;.g-.ine,and fiid unto them. Children , how hard is it for them th.ic thruft in riches, toenter into the kingdome of God ; zj- It is ealier for a canicll to goe through the *^^*|,'''*."'*7' eye of a needle, then for a rich m.n to enter into kingdome of God. thing, io compa, lukeiS a8. To regleft all eye o tneki 26 And they were muth more aftonied, faying rifonofchnft.i. with themfelves. Who then can be faved ? » ^''"XVk'{° h 27 But lefus looked upon them v and faid, ""fj^i^^j"^''* With men it is impofsible .but not with God : for by the way. with God all things are pofsible. e Aahimdre.hfoU 28 J * / Then Peter began to fiy unto him, ajn'U'^hifvve^ook* to. we have forfakE n aU .antTbave followed thee. commodHe ofthi. 29 lefus anfwered , and fayd , Verely I fay unto ijft fo that we me* you, there is no man thathathiorlakenhoiifejor fu'eik'^mafterthe ' brethren, or fifters, or father, or mother or wife, or '^''^J^'^f b^'*"'*, u children, or lands for my fake and the Gofpels, iTfeff-'dnJ "mi" ' 30 3ut lie IbaU receive an e hundred foldj now g,kdyi.«je. Ccc 4 « Chrifts cup and baptifme.^ S. Marke. Chrifts riding into lerufaleoa; •J" Maith.19,30^ V^Vt 13.50. ^ M3U jo,i7. Juke iS,5i. 6 Tbedifciplei areagjinep^ni- ltd topaiiencti Dot 10 b^ovfr-- comt by ihe f re- ttlUng unto them cfbij death , wiiith -rewithall of '.V wbichfhoiild : rt ci:r;aioeIy « Matt. 10, JO. 7 Weinuftfirll iirive, before we tiiumph. % TlieMagift«w» accofding toGodj appointment, rule over theirfubiefts : • buttbePaftorsare rot called to rule, huttoftrve, accor- dingtotheexam- f leofiheSoDne cfGodhimfe'fe, Vtho went before tbem, for fomucb ai heaifo wasa WiDifterofhisPa- therswill. « LukeJ2.i3. h Thijlo-nrh^m 21 is dectttil i»i 4. Mait.ao.jj. IukM5.3J 9 CbriHonelyi •uiblio^otSci ac this prefent, houfes, and brethreni and fifters.and mothers . and children .and l.-.ndes ''•.vith pcrfccu- tions, sndin the world to come, eternijl i,',fj- 31 ♦ But many »/j4f rtr*biit,iiMllbelaft,and the kit, Hiit, 32 5 4 6 And they were in the way going up to Hierufakm /and lelus went before chem , and they were troubled , and as they followed . they were afraid, and lelus tooke the twelve ag.iine, and began to tell them what things lliould come unto himi 33 J"<»>«»g. . Beholde , we goe up to leriifalem, ani ihe Sonne of man Ihall be delivered unto the hie Priefls . and to the Scribes , and they Ihali con- dcmne him to death , and ihall deliver him to the Gentiles. 34 And they fhallmocke him.and fcourge him, and fpit upon him, and kill him : but the third day. he ihall rile againe, 35 f * 7 Then lames and John ;:he fonne of Ze- bedeus came unto him , faying , Mjfter, g we would that thou Ihouideft doe for us that we^efire. 36 And he faiduhto them .What Vwauld yee I fliould doe for you ? 37 And they (aide to him, Graunt unto us.that we may fir , one at thy right hand , and the other at thy left hand in thy glory. 38 But lefus laide unto them , Yee know not what yeaske. Can ye drinke of the cup that I ihall drinke of , and be baptized with the bapcil'me that I iLallbe bapiized with } 39 And they faid unto him, We can. But lefus faid unto them , Ye Itall drinke indeede of the cup that I ihall diinke of , and be baptized with the b.iptifme wherewith I fliall be baptized : 40 But to fit at my right hand and at my left, is not mine to give , but it jh alike given to them for whom it is prepared. 41 And when the ten heard that , they began to difdaine at lames and lohn. 41 8 But lefus called them unto him, and faid to them , « Ye know that h they which are princes among the Gentiles .have domination over them, and they that be great among them , exercileau- thoritie over them. 43 But it iliall not be fo among you : but who- foever will be great among you .ihall bey curler- vant. 44 And whofoeverwillbechiefeofyou.lhall bethefervant of all. 45 For even the Sonne of man came not to be ferved, but to ferve.and to give his life for the ran- fom.eofmany. 46 5*9 Then they came toTericho :andas he went out of lericho withhisdiiciples.and a great multitude ,B.irtimeus rhe fonne ufTimeys, a blinde man, fate by the way fide, begging. 47 And whee he heard that it was lelus of Na- zareth, he began to cry , and to fay, lefus the Sonne of David, have mercie on me. 48 And many rebuked him , becaufe he fliould Iioldhis peace : but he ctyedmuch mote, O Sonne of DEvid>havemcrcieonme. 49 Then lelus flood ftill, and commanded him to be called : and they called the blind, faying unto bim. Be of good comfort ; arife, he calleth thee. 50 So he threwe away his cloake, and rofe.and came to lefus. y I And lefus anfwered.and faid unto him.Whai wile thou that I doe unto thee > Aad the blinde faid unto him, Lord, that I may receive fionc, V z Then lelus laid unto him. Go thy^way : tbv f,Mth hath laved thee. And by and by he received' ^jit light, and followed leiiis in the way. CHAP. XI. I Chrjj! en'tith into H-eruf.iUm rijini- an Jn dffe . ji j-L, prayer. 2s Thtkr.thfrs cffencesmuft te p.irJcnr,!. 17 The I'rhjls askt h wft.i( ttih^ritithturrrii^ht thcfiMr^zs that hi did. 30 V.'htnce fchni kipii/me tvii. A Nd ♦ ' when they came neere to Hierufalem, 4- Mutit,-.. to Bethphage and Bethania untothemouiitof '"'^"^■^9- Olives, he Tent foorth two of his difciples, • a lively imag. 2 And faid unto them. Goe your way es into kingdomeo7chri.1 that townc that is over againft you , and affoone ooearUi. as ye lliali enter into it .yefcallfindeacolttied. whereon never tfian fate : loofe him , and brino him. ° 3 And if any man fay unto you , why doe ye this ? Say that the Lord hath naede of him , and ftraightway he will lend him hither. 4 And they went their way , and found a colt» tied by the doore without , in a place where two wayesmet. and they loofedhim. y Then certaine of them , that ftoode there, faid unto them.What doe ye loofing the colt ? 6 And they laid unto them, as lelus had conjT raandedihem : So they let them goe. 7 I § And they brought the colt to lefus , and ;§ lohn n.j^. caft their garments on him, and he late upon him. 8 And many Ipread their garments in the way : other cut downe branches oif thetrees.and ftrawed them in the way. 9 And they that went before, and they that followed , cried , faying , Hotanna : a bleffed be he a WeliUittcWm that commeth in the Name of the Lord. ''">' cmmeih to m 10 b Blefled be the kingdome that commeth '^''" ['^"^-'^y''-" in the Rime of ihe Lord of our father David; ^^ H[°ppie'i„jpf^ Hofanna, Of/.««t»Z'/^»f/.rtrrinthe higheft/7f«H'ea/. fiercus. ' 11 * So lelijs en. red into Hierufalem , and into • J^'^'t Jtiio. the Temple .-and when he had looked about on ''•^« '»■■♦?• all things , and now it was evening , he went forth unto Beihania with the twelve. IX " And on the morrowe when they were « Matt.11,19. come out from Bethania, he was hungry, 13 a And feeing ,1 ^gge-tree a farre off , that » Anexairpleof had leeves..he went fe /^e if bee might findc any '^'^'J^^^^R'^"" thing tliereon;but when hee came unto it , hee ^er'',ijjhea5»of found nothing but leaves; for the time of hgges hypociiiej, was not yet. 14 Then lefus anfwered and faid to it .Never man eate fruite of thee hereafter while the world ftaxideth , and his difciples heard it. ijf S3 And they came to lerufalem.and le- 3 ChriftlhewMa fus went into the Temple, and btgan tocaftout J°^'^^.^^'_^"^^^''«i' them that lolde and bought in the Temple, and i>j^,i,'p'jj°fnj° overthrewe the tables of the money-changers, and therefore ihe re. the feates of them that foide doves. veuger of the di- 16 Neither would hee fuffer that any man ;^°^''j'™«"ofth2 Oould cary a c vell'cl through the.Temple. ^ TLr », anj ^m- 17 And he taught , fay mg unto them , Is it not fktne iailrumenr, written, ^ Mine huufe ihallbe d called the houfe of ofrehichtUrefei- prayer unto all nations?* butyou have made ita^'^^"^''^'|''jji|,"^~ denneoftheeves. tZ't, 0} tT^'rim'fit 18 AndtheScribesandhie Prieftsheardit,and amarkfiFitct. fought how to deftroy htm : for they feared him, A if-'] s^ 7- bec.ule the whole multitude was attonied at his ^ , „'!rj',«r dodtrine. , lnt^,„. \9 Bat when even was come ./»/«' went out # ur,7,ij,. ofthefitie. 2o.t^fAnA Whence lohns Baptifmewas. Chap. xij. Sadduces denying the ttCmt^diion. 2z * Matt. 21, 19. 4 Tbe force of faith is exceeding great, andcbaritie is ever ioyned . witb.it. is that aff»red fMhdHdtruft rrhichtvlhalein Hm. S M.itt.7.7. i WcrdfoTWorJ, thatj'U receive it fpeitijnrtn <^" _ tie cfthe thinr, ""•^ ihi firftrmanct indeed. g WhenJcufh.tU apftitre lefire ilif « Wrfff.zi.i3- Jh4c 10. 1. J TbeGofpel bathbeotaDiiuU ted long ' ime fiuct under th« prttencfofan or- 4in3tiffu«t(l)on. tvill confcienceto beatiaidofthofe. of whom tbey ftould and might luve beD« ftaitd. » The calling of 6od i> noiiyed •iiher to placel. jjetfoD. oiiime,_ wi bom exception a li,7tvc and who gave thee this authori- tie, that thou ftouldcft doe thele things ? 29 Then lefus anfwered. 6c faid unto ihem.I will alfoaskeyoua certain thin^, &anlwereyeme,and I will teJl you by what autnoritie I do thefe things. 30 The baptifme of lohn , was it from heaven, or of men? anfwere me. 3 1 And they thought with themfelves .faying. If we fliallfay, From heaven, he will fay .Why then did ye not beleeve him ; Si « But if wee fay , Of men, we feare the peo- ple : for all men counted lohnthathe was a Pro- phet indeed. 33 Then they anfwered , and faide unto lefus. We cannot tell. And lefus anfwered, and faid unto them. Neither will I tell you by whatauthoritie! doe thefe things. CHAP. XII. I Ofihe rvintytrd. lO Chi/l the (lone rtfii/ed cf the litres. 12 Ofirilulelo te lilienicCe/ar. ii The i addu- tesdenjingthtrefiTree'.icn. iS The /rl) commandement, 31 Tc iotieCMnndtheniighhcutiskr.erthtnf.urifiiei. 36 Chrift VaViJsjcnHe. 3S Tclemrl i/ihe iirtics and Th.iri/is. 42 J he pocre rridotv . A Nd I hee began to /peake unto them in apara- *^ bles , ^ A certaine man planted a vineyard . and compafled it with a*n hedge , and digged a pit for . the winepreffe, and built a tower in it.and let it out to husbandmen . and went into arrange countrey, 2 b And at the time , heefentto the husband- men a fervant . that hee might receive of the huf- bandmenof the fruit of the vineyard. 3 But they tooke him , and beat him , and fent him away emptie. 4 And againe he fent unto them another fer- vant, and at him they caft (tones, and brake his head.and fent him away fliamefuii handled. y And againe heefcnt another , and him they flew.and many other.beating fome.Sc killing fume. 6 Yet had hee one fonne , his deare beloved : him alio hee fent the laft unto them .faying. They will reverence my fonne. 7 But the husbandmen faid among themfelves, Ihii isihc heire : come, let usJ^ill hwi^and the in- heritance fliall be ours, 8 So they tooke him , and killed him , and caft . himout of the vineyard. 9 What Ihall then the Lord of the vineyard doe ? Hee will come and deflroy thefe husband- men, and give the vineyard to others. 10 Have ye not rend fo much as tj^is Scripture, 4- The ftone v\hich the builders did refufe, is made the head of the corner. 11 This was done of the Lord.and it is marvel- lous in our eyes.. 12 Then they.c went about to take him .but they feared the people : for they perceived that he fpake that parable againft them : therefore they left him, and went the'u" way. J .-? I S * And they lent unto him certaine of the Pharifes.and of the Herodians .that they might take him in /;»'/ taike, 14 And when they came , they faide unto him. Mailer, we know that thou ai t true .and careft for no man ; for thou d confidereft not the perfon of men , but ffeacheft thee way of GodtrueJy ,Is it lawfull tb give ttibute to Cefar, or not ? 1 y Should we give it.or lliould we not give it? but he knew their hypocrifie, and faid unto them. Why tempt yee me ? Bting me a penie , that 1 may fee it. 1 5 So they brought it .and hee faid unto thera. Whole is this image and fuperfcription? and they faid untohim.Cefars. 17 Then lefiis anfwered , and faid unto them, * Give to Cefar the things that are Cefars .and to God , thofe that are Gods : and they marveiled at him. i8 S3 « Then came the Sadduces unto him, ( which fay , there is no refurredion ) and they af- ked him, laying, 19 Mafter , Mofes wrote unto us- , If any mans brother die , and leave hu wife . and leave no chil- dren, that his brother Ihould take his wife , and raife up feed limo.his brother. 20 There were feven brethren, and the firfl tooke a wife, and when he died, left no iffue. 1 1 Then the fecond tooke her.and he died.nei- ther did he yet leave ifliie . and the third likewife : 22 So thefe feven hadher .andleft noifliie : laft of all the wife died alfo. 2 3 In the refurreftion then.when they lliall rile againe , whofe wife Ihall the be of them ; fot feven had her to wife. 24 Then lefus anfwered and faid uuto them^ Ate ye not therefote deceived , becauleyeeknov/ not the Sctiptures , neither the power of God ? 25 For when they Qiall rile againe from the dead, neither men marrie.nor wives are married, but are as the Angels which are in heaven. 26 And as touching the dead, that they (liall rife againe , have ye not read in the booke of Mo- fes how in the bulli God fpake unto him , faying, I J am the God of Abraham , and the God of iiarac, and the God of Jakob ? 2 7 God is not the God of the dead.but the God of the living. Ye are therefore greatly deceived. li ' .t». ran 13.9. ffdljr f ,14. »:mt. I, S. g M*"A.tl,4t. J Cb:ift ptoovitk fiis Godhead rvtQ «u?of Djv'H bim- r«lfe , ofvi'hoine fee camt according totbtflefli. f IC'T^f.r Iter J. intkcMtChcfi. ttndiUre it jgrtAi fcrainlt^'skindof fftnk , rclnret) is munirha' it ir Jx »»rf/> much Daltid tit the holy Chjl tltttffct^c , who did in i-mAiiur fef- ftfit DtVi,l. «« r/j/.n9.t. « M.trkm,6. I»k.c ...43. <«niiao,^3. « Tbc maoa befol- f owrj aa aa (x- h Tht wrd Ti « /lirutofrvcmtm tl^tvne to ihc hct'.ei, and 1 1 1 tkin gtnt- psth,f<>r.^nygif mint made fcr ^emdinefft , but in thit fUceit fetmelh UfiiniftihMfrtn- •ed PAjmtntmtn' titntdin Ltultre- tumitn.tl. « AIut.23 14. I«^t 10.47. y The doing of ourductiri , which Cod allowcth, iinotefietmcd •e cording to the ©uiward value, but to the invc<) affefti of tbe heart. t/ldjivliimikiliei^it 4 M CHAP. XII 1. » OftiiidffirMHionifUtttf.ilem. 9 I'erJ^cuticmtforlht OoffM. JO Tht. ofjiUmufth preached to all n^iicns. ti Of ChnJlscitnntfnj^ittHd^emtnt. 33 n't mitit rvitth .«nJ pf.iy. A NdJ I ashee went out of the Temple .one of hisdifciples faide unto h im, Mafter , fee what maner ftonc-s, and what m.mtr buildin;:;s are here. ^ J 'I hen lefus anlwercd , and favile unio him, Seeft thou thefe great buildings ? there fliall not be left one ftone upon a ftone, that ihail not be throwendowne. 3 And .IS he fate en the mount of Olives , over againll the Temple, Peter, and lames.and iohn.and Andrew asked him ftxrctly, 4 Till us , whtn Ihaii thefe things bee ? and v/hit /I.Mc th e figne when all thefe things ihall be J And lefus anfwered them , and began to fay, * fake heedleaft any man deceive you. 6 Fut many IhalJ toiiw in cny Name , faying , I am Chrijt, and fliall deceive many. 7 Furthermore when ye ihal! heare of warrej, and rumors of wanes , be ye not troubled , ioifwk ttjt'tt^s rauft needs be : but the end//;a//not be yet. 8 For nation lliall rifeagainll nation, and king- dome againft kiiigJome , and there (hall be eatth- quakes in divers quarters .ami there Ihall be famine and troubles : thefe ntjUa,»^ji 11 t But when they lead yon , and deliver you ihtm ,/J ihM they up, fa be not careful! before hand .neither cftudie/**" "'"*»'«*'«'» what ye fluil f..y. but what is given you at the fame i'^"^, 'f^"^"""' time, that fpeake : for it is not you that fpeake, but ^4, ,j.', ,',"" the holy Ghoft. and ti.i^. 12 Yea, and the brother IhalJ deliver the bro- ^'j^ff'tn^tfor- ther to death , and the farher the fonne , and the ^„"J°^ fj'^; '*' children fhall rife againlt their parents .and fliall yjOTorVK-Wife'"' caiile them to die. -whtn^y mm di_p 13 And yee (bAll be hated ofall men d for my "■"■•»';« 'ktmfiiyu, Namc-sfike : but whofoever fliall endure unto the '^tlnJ-ZT'' a "" n<:onfidt»tt dfurel^feof end.heihallbefaved. '4 S Moreover, when yee fliall /ie the aboml Prophet ) e/L-t where it ought nor ,' ( let him that \ readeth, confider ir) then let thcni tiM be in ludea, flee into the moumaines. I J And let h im that is upon the houfe . not come ■filntjji e are nilled It ^^ ureofUvckf ■it.e.tT, ,. Bj^nykindef downs into the houfe i neither enter therein, to Zl u"d'fof't'T''' fetch any thingour of his houfe. J'ttio/fta'^.' 1 6 And ict him that is in the fielde , not turne A Formr. backeag.une to wkehis garment. t -^ti-i^.is. 1 7 Then wo jl.albe to them that are with child, » p.'J'", andxo them thargiue fucke in thofe daycs. , WhentheUx. 1 8 Pray theretore that youi flight be not in the ''"» wd prcfhtne Mniat.tr. f'T'efhaUnott,,, 19 For f thofe day es fliall be inch tribulation,as TTml'J^^l'J'lc, was not from the beginning of the Lteaiion which tcth u!at'dthed*rf God created unto this time, neu her fliall be. *<« aifo ch.me dt- ' iO And except that the Lord had fhortened -^'^ '.''• thofe dayes , no flefli fliouid be faved : but for the f„J,,l„klh^^^ '^ eleds lake, which he h.ith chofen , he hdth fliurtc- Hthriwt,'-Jft't„4 nedthofedayts, vhaiha^rcat' 2 1 Then ♦ if any man fay to you, Loe, here is !^yj^ '" " '/; "S'^ Chrift, or lye, he it there, beleeve it not. fillTthl ^nlii 21 For f.ilfe Chritles fliall rile ,.ind falfe pro- thammtonc'mifi.- phers.and lliall ihewefignes and wonders, 10 de- 'nrhAiififdUy, ceive if it were poSible the very eled. *f "" '"'° ^" • "j '/ 23 Btit take ye heede : behold , I have fliewcd |^',^'"j°rjl'f„;e you afl things before. »'/"'//«.•*.»,//',« S4 f Moreover in thofe dayes, after that tribii- />''«' ^nKi j,2o. lation, + the fimne fljall waxe darke,and the moone i'"''' • '*■»' ':'" ^*t fh.ill nor giuc her hght, tZrCi^'' ly And the ftarres of heaven fliall fall : and j Ma 4,iV the powers which are in heaven, lliall fliake. axdu.s. i6 And then fliall thry fee the Sonne of man, * //'-'i.'o- comming in the clouds, w g^eat power and glorie. 'fj';ViV.w/ j.ij 7.7 * And he fliall then lend his Angels.and flull » fit^i. 2^,31, ' ' gather rogcther his eled trora the foiuc winds, i3. Chap come ropafie , knowe thit the ^i/tgdomeofOtdis Ctetceven at the doores. jo Verely I fay unto you, that this generation lliall not paiTe, till all thefe things be done. i I Heavenand earth ihall paffe away .butmy words lliall not paffe away. 31 i But of that day and houte knoweth no man, no, not the Angels which are in heaven, nei- ther the Sonne him(eife, but the Father. 3i + Take heede ; watch , and pray : for yee know not when the time is, 34 For the Sonm of man // as a man going into a flrange countrey , and ieaveih his houle , and gi- vcth authority to his lervants , and to every man his worke.ana commandeth the porter to watch. 3 f Watch ye therefore, (for ye know not when the icafter of the houle will come , at even , or ac midnight, at the cocke crowing , or in ^ dawning.) 36 Leaftif hee comefuddcnly.hee ihould finde yon fleepij;g. J7 And thofe things that I fay unto you, I fay unto all men. Watch. CHAP. XIIIL 3 Tilt Priefis cmfpirJciea^ninJl Chriji. 3 Theyecmjn fcftrini cjlf en Chrijii had. 12 Tht preparing of tU r»jjtci>er, 2» ThtinJlUuihnefthiSufper. 41 ChrijUe- hitredinloiht hands cf mm. 43 luJas betray tth him * Mat 18 1 '""'' * '^'^'' ^^ CAriyf is tefort Caiufh4i.66 Peter 1 denuU. iwkeij'i.' ' A^d S » two dayes after followed th* fe^tB cf the Pafleover , and of unleavened bread ; and the hie Priefis, and Sciibes fought how they might take him by craft, and put him to death . 2 But they fayd. Not in the feaft day , left there be any tumult among the people. 3 ■•■ AndvvhenhcwasinBethanJa in the houfe of Simon the leper,as he fate at f table.therecame a woman having a boxe of ointment of Spikenard, very coftly , and llie brake the boxe 3 and powred it on his head. 4 i Therefore fome difdained arrong them- felves , and fayd , To what esd is this wait of oint* ment ? y For it might have bene fold for more then n.7oZrETJk*'^''''^^^^r^ P^"« .and bene given unto the 3 Chiiii fuffsied poore, and they murmuied agamlf her, 6 But I efiis fayd. Let her alone : why trouble ye her? file hath wrought a good worke on me. 7 3 For ye have the poore with you alwayes, and when ye will ye may doe them good, but me ye ihal] not have alwayes. 8 4 She hath done that fliee could : (he came aforehand to anoint ray body to the burying. 9 Verely I fay unto you , wherefoever this gChrift.fet- Gofpel Ihaii be preached throughout the whole teth before .leni vvorld , this alfo that Ihe hath done , Ihalbe fpoken Mat.tS.i. inkfiii. 1 By the will of Cod.againftibe couofellof men, jccame topafle that Cbrift OlouId be put to death iipaa tfaefolemoe day of the Pafleo. va , tbat in sU re> fftAi the trueth tnight agree to the figure. * Match. 16,«. iobn i}i2. » RaAi iugmeott are fruftate befoie Cod. a Wbith it about fcimTelfeto be aD> oioted onceor twifefoicertaine csnnderationi: but fail will it to be daily anoiDtcJ IB the poore. 4 Tbii womao by the fecret inHinft efihe Spi % Matth.j«,i4. Iukea2,4. f Covetoufoefli cloaked with a zealeofcbaiitie, iia«occa' 10 j ^. f Then ludas Ifcariot , one of the twelve , went away unto the hie Priefts , to betray him unto them. 11 And when they heard it , they were glad, and pronaiied that they would give him money : therefore he fought how he might conveniently betray and ctuci6e bg^ay him. iSfMl'tth.ae,!/. '* ^ * 6 Nowethefirft day of unleavened luke 1,28 ' * bread, (, when e thty facrihccd the "^ PaUeover, « Cbrift being ■ladefubiea toiheLawforus.doeth eelebrate the r^lTtover according to the Law: and therewi:ball by a mrracle flieweth that DotwitbiUodiDg beein theHrQifliali ftraighiway fufftr, yet that be i: God. b That is. U;>od which day, and at the evening of the fame djy, which waithe beginning of tbefificentb. LookeMatth. « 17. cThey vfed lufacrifice. d Tbii itfpoken tbui, t>y tbefij^ureMetonyuua, vvb'fit UVltMUta Sguaacoa, tpd bj tbt r«fle9v«i ii isHat ihs ra(MU Umbc. • xiiij. The Lords Supper. 23 his difciples fayd unto him . Where wilt thou that wee goe and prepare , that thou mayeft eate the Pafleover i 1 J Then he fent forth two ofhisdifciples.and fayd unto them , Goe ye into the citie , and there fliallamanmeeteyoubearinga pitcher of water: follow him. .,:) 14 And whitherfoeverhegoethin , fay ye to the good man of the houfe , The mailer faieth. Where is the lodging where I lliall eate the Pafleover with my difciples 1 I y And he will fliew you an e upper chamber , The Gr»ite wosf ■yvhich it large , trimmed and prepared : there make fignifie.h .bat pare itreadiefor us. ofthe houfe that » 1 6 So his difciples went foorth , and came to '"«'"1 ^""" ''" r the citie, and found as he had faid imto them , and Lr.l'beSTbw made ready the PilTeo ver. becaufe they vcU 17 J A nd at even he came with the twelve. 'o % P= '° ^^" I'i <, 7 And as they late at table and did eate. P"'.°^',l"=.^.'"''''* • lefiis faid , Verely I Tay unto you , that one of you ?i7g oTa„b^J.' ^ iliall betray me, which eateth with me. w Pfai 41,20^ 19 Then they began to be forowfull and to fay mat.ze.ao.ij. tohimonebyone ,IsitI ?And another, Isitl? I^^""''!' 20 And he anfwered and faid unto them , It it '/ The figui-e of one of the twelve that fdippeth with mee in the the law . which-Jr platter, by and by to be ii Truely the Sonne of man goeth his way. f^d*"! j^di''"|''°|'^ as it is written of him : i^ but woe be to that man. [hereof are put^fi^ by whome the Sonne of man is betrayed : it had gurei of the nevw beene good for that man , if hee had never beene 'o^e^ant anfmc/air borne. bleumothem, _ 4, . , 1 v 1 - r . < whicn Ihall conn* 22 * And as they djdeate, Iefi;s tooke the nueto the woridi bread , and when hee had given thankes,bee brake end. it and gave it them, and faid. Take, eat, this is my •" That vfeth to bodie. MtKifatwithme; 23 Alfo hee tookethe cup , and when hee had t M«.i<.',«i given thanks, gave it to them : and they all dracke i.csi.n.af. * of ir. 24 And he faid unto them,This is my blood of that new Teftament which is (bed for many. 2f Verely I fay unto you, I will drinke no more of thefiruit of^the vine untill that day , that I drinke itnewin thekingdome cf God. 4s i h * ' 26 And when they had lung aPfalme, they * cbriftforMi went out to the mount of Olivet. lethbowheOiali 27 ^ 4. s Then lefus faid unto them.All ye (liall b'forfakenof hji, s offended by me this riight : for it is written. ^ 1 ^Jii/nemfcrfakf be offended 1 will fmite the Ihephearde , and the iLeepe lliail be ^em"' icattered. ;§ Zacbij.y. zi But.'>fterthatIamrifen,Iwilleointo*Ga- * chap. ,6,7. lile before you . ^ a' "xceikn?"' 19 9 And Peter faide unto him , Although all p"rfo"aVoft for. men lliould be oflendedat thee, yet would not I. lowfuli example 39 Then lefus faid unto him , Verely I fay unto "'""a'" rafhnefli thee , this day, evenin this night before the cocke '"rbl^j^o^biit" crow f,vi!e . thou Ihalt denie roe thrife. ^ord.,' fett''e''tb"'olt 31 Buthefaid g more earneftly , If 1 Ihould die moreplamely pe. with thee, 1 will not denie thee : likewife alfo fayd '"' ^■''"'"■■nta& 'heyall- ^^ ^ . , ,XMar2.,5. 31 ^»io After , they came into a place named luke 11,39. Gethfemane ; then hee faid to his difciples., Sit yee a° C^rut fuftrbg- here, till I have prayed. f<" "' '» '^*- «' of God. vie, even unto thedeath . tarie here, and watch. j,'^."^ Fn'r-Vs'''' 3) So he went forward a littie , andfci. di'Wnc ban , w-ic'i hea on the ground, and prayed , that if icwere pofli -ic ■' '<'"-. ".l dot.n that Uc-ure might paflbiioffi him.. .^tZu^Zuf^' 5^ Alia. iLidaskrfTe, S. Marke. Peters deniall. h This doubling of ^6' And he fayi^ h Abba .Father , all things are the word wai iiftd poj-jj^g ^^^.Q thee : take away this cup from roe : neverthelelle not that I will . buc that thou wilt , be done. 37 > I Then he came, and found them fleepmg, and fiyd to Peter, Simon, ikepeft thou ? couldeit not thou witiFn one houre ? 38 1 Watch yee , and pray , that yee enter not into tent^tion ; the fpirit indeede is ready , but the flerh is weake. 39 And againe he went a way , and prayed , and fpake the fame words. 40 And he returned , and found them afleepe againe ; for cheir eyes were heavie : neither knewe they what they (liouU anfwere him, 41 And he camechethird time .and faid unto them, Sleepe hencefoorth , and take your reft : it is ynough : the houre is come , behold , the Sonne of man is delivered into the hands of fmners. 42 Rife up : let us goe : loe , he that betrayeth me, is at hand. 43 ^ 12 And immediatly while hee yet fpake, carue lud.is that was one of the twelve .and with him a great multitude with fwords and ftaves from the hie Priefts,and Scribes, and Elders. 44 And he that betrayed him , h.'.d given them a token, faying, Whomfoever I (hall kilTe, he it is ; take himandleade him away ifafely. 45: And affoone as hee was come, hee went ftraightway to him . and fayd , Haiie Matter , and killed him. 46 Then they layd their handes on him .and tcoke him. 47 And k one of them that flood hy.drevve out a fv/ord , and fmote a lervant of the Hie I'riell, andcutofl'hiseare. 48 A nd lefus anfwered, and fayd to them, Yee be come out as againft athiefe , svith fwords and with ftaves, to take me. 49 1 was dayly with you.teaching in the Tem- ple , and ye tooke me not : but this is done that the Scriptures Ihould be fulhlled. 5 o Then they ' all fotfooke him, and fled. tMriDgthatnurre J I »3 And there foIlowcd him a certaioe yong in the nigbt fud- man , cloathed in '" linncn upon his bare body , and deoly lannefoorib: the yong men caught him. wb.rtby we may ^ j^^ left Ids Unnen cloath , and fled from umletfUod with , ' , icwgr.atiicenci. them naked. , . r, • « oufnefli theft vii. y3 ;§ So they led Icfiis away to the hic Priefl, iaitit.v.oIem)yfet and to him Came n together all the hie Priefts , and ^*°° '"'",j the tlders, and the Scribes. fukesV.H. 54 And Peter followed himafarreoff,even ioho 18.24' into the hall ot the hie Prieli , and fate with the o Thehigheftcoun- fcvints, and waimcd himfdfe .it the fire. te-'a^Chnft^af' ^l '* And the * hic i ricfts , and all the Coun- aauW a> i'biaf- till (ought for wimcffe againft lelus , to put him to phemcr in j a filfe death, liut found none, rroph-r.-tot aifor p^^j. y^-^^^yy batg fal^c witncflc againft him, !^.Vf ''";^"Ti'rL but their witueflc agreed not together, ged agsiofthi^nby J 7 Then thetc arofc certaine , and bare falfe the Pfititi.toeu- v^ntnefle ag linlt him, f'ying,, fotce rilateiiyibat ^ )j ^V^^. h^prj him la/, " I will dcftroy this Temple made with hands ,and within three dayes I will build another, made without hands. . 5 9 But their witncs yet agreed not together. 60 Then the hie Ptielt ftoode up amorigft them, and asked Icfus, faying , Anfwereft tVbix cooferting ftod to betifi fa'her .condemned of impietie beforethtbie gve.wto denied God and ••v»ete indeede wick«39' e/God, and come in the cloudes of heaven. , . 63 Then the hie Prieft rent his cloathes , and ',{^Cl"'«/''%'°^ /-.,,, 1 r - And they all condemned him tube worthie gioiytobMnih« of death, ^'m"'"''''."* 6 J I r And fome began to fpit at him , and to [Sj.^*'^';^^°| »' cover his face , and to beate him with fifts , and to joha i s as ." fay unto him , Prophecie, Andthefergeants (mote i« Aoheavieer. him with r;.«> rods. oeTlfjfman'tol'-* 66 S 1 f And as Peter was beneath in the hall, "^^' '^.'""a'^oft theiecameoneofthemaides of the hiePrieli. comfonabieex- 6y And when Jhe faw 1 eter warming l.imfelfe, in-.pe of the m«r- fliee looked on him , and fayd , Thou wait alio with <-.e.,. g .a. who T ,- r«, 1 ■' Eive.h ihe Isirtt lelusotNaZ.lieth. of.epeutaoceand 68 But he denied it, faying, I know him not, fa, tb 10 his eiea. neither wot ! what thou faycft. Then he went our ♦ Matt. 26,71. into the porch, and the cocke crew. lukeaa js. ^^^ 69 •« Then p a maid /aw him againe, 9hd begin [i,^ guane'eafi. dili. to fay to them that ftood by , This is one ot them, gemiy together we 70 But hee denied it againe : and anon after, fliail perceive tiiae they that ftoode by , faide againe to Peter , Suivly ^'l^'^^''^^"""^" thou art one of them : for thou at of Galile, and thy thj"Jn°f/eDsr" ?»« •• fpeachishke. yea.andin Luke. 71 And hee began to cur{e, and fweare, ftying, when the fecond I knowhotthis man of whomyefpeake. deoiaiii.fpokenof, 7 z « Then the fecoiui time the cocke.crewe. ^."r/ti^n.ro^ed. and Peter remcmbred the word that lefus'hs'd faid ^nj not 3, njjtf..^ unto him , Before the cocke crow twife , thou llialt k Matt.as.r/, denie me thrile , and weighing that with himfelfe, 'o""" '3.3s. he wept. CHAP. XV. 1 Oflhet!,infj!'-.ttChij}/!4lfereduniierPiUte. _ II S'f' T.xhkts u fT.ftncHltfteChrijI, i," PiUieJilivertih Chripidhcniciftd. 17 He is cronnidwiththerne. J9 The} fpit enhim.andmockehim. 21 iimcnvf Serine ctrrieth ChriJIes crcpi. 27- ChriJ} is crHcifiedlmvttnt trvis thttlses . 26 lieeisrxiUS^^J^,f" things. 4 f fi nei fasappea- * Wherefore Pilate asked him .againe , fay- j^,,, oy .heiudge* ino- , Anfwered thou nothing ; behold how many owne wordes) thfngs thty witneife .•^g.iinft thee. "but ^<"f°f'n y But lefus anfwered no more atall,fo that ^'.°*^'^^^_;,^,t,^^„g inftthec. But' lef Pilate marvelled. delivered from the 6 Now at the feaft, Pilate b did deliver a pri-gulitineffi: of ou< foner i^nto them , whomfoever they v.T.uld ddire. f' ".'".'j^^f.^^,'''^ 7 Then there was one named Barabbas , which ^^^'^l^^l f,„eof was boimd with his iellowes , thathad made inltir- goj ^v^n in the redHon.who in the infuiTtiilion had committed open aflVmbly of mmther. '"ifw^.s'notiav,. 8 And the people cryedaloude , ■anil began to ^.^^'^ ,-^;„i,eni to put any man to death ,-for all caufeiof life and death weretaken away irom ibeai firft by Herode.he gteat^and afterward by -he Romau.s.about fpunieyeeies belote .be ^eltru. ft.onofthe Temple, sod therefore thty.drJiml'.fus 10 rilat*., * M»",1/.I*. lukei3,i,iobniS,u. b Vftd Pilate to deliver, d^fire Chrift condemneth and cracified. Chap. xvj. The fepulchre. i| X Cbtiftgoinga- defire that he would deeishehiitvet dons w\to them, best to take av.iiy 9 Then Pilate anfwered them,and fayd, Will yc "jfcttinnesofmen, that Iletloofe unto vou the King of the lewes? ^ar%X"!bro"e" ^o Fot he knew that the hie Ftiefts had delive- ot Godhimfelfe ,i» ted himofcnvie, con-itmued as on* 1 1 Biit the high Priefts hadmooved the people thatbuD«da».whom OG tbe other fide, ye call the King of the Icwcs ? ret^nlli'Sl 13 Andtheycriedagaine.Ctucifiehim. migbt receive the I4 Then Pilate fayd unto them, But what cvill twwneofgioryat hath be done ? And they cticd the motc feivcntly, cod.owa.iand. Ctucifie him. ^k^".!*.^'^*' ^S So Pilate willing to content the people, loo- 3 The rage of the fed them Barabbas , and delivered lefus , when he «vickedhathno had fcourged him, that he might be crucified. ireafi.rf,b"tinihe ,^ Then the foukiiers led him away into the t"I wea We of ^'211 , which IS the common hall , and called toge- Chrift, being ID thcf the whole band, vaineunderthe 17 » And clad him with purple , and platted 3 ieavie bu den of crowne of thomes, and put it about his head, *^:.Tfefti;tt. »8 And began to falute him . ^;;>{g.Haile, ,hj; a Ian ke ii led King of the lewcS. tobefac.-.?""*^ 19 And they fmote him on the head with a reed, * Matt2-33.- -ndfnat Upon him, and bowed the knees, 4« 4 And when they a looked , ihcy faw that the a wJiretkeycsft ftone was rolled away ( for it was a very great one ) theireyestoward y t So they went into the i> fepulchre, and ''"'^'^p"''''"- faw a yong man fictingat the right fide.cloathed in |o^"o'';,'/'' ' a Pong white robe : and they wet^e fore troubled, b into the cave . 6 But he fayd unto them , Be not fo troubled : where the fepa<- yee feeke lefus of Nazareth, which hath benecru- chiewaicuiout, cified : he is rifen.he is not here; behold the place vhere they put hiro, 7 But Chriftes rcfarfe(aion^ S. Luke, Chriftes afcenfioaj iocrcdu.i:i«, $ Jobn 20,»«, Juke 3 a. » Luke 14,1 j. a Cbri(lapp;a. *eih to two otber difciplel, and a: fragth cotbee^eveo. « Lukti4 36. iohn 20,19. c r'.f Emiielijl rcnfiJirclnctthi trdcr cf tht l^rn?, hiihijfcrie ,rel>icli het dihiitd into *hree firlt : Thi fj-fl fhtwith hew /a ap^circiltothe Tvomettilit fironJ, uliii difiiflei, the thirds ta hit *^pom jPlei, a»d ihertfore (rt/'^th, Fiia'Jr. 7 But go€ your way , and rell his diTcipIes.and Peter.that he will go before you into Galile: there (hall ye fee him •$• as he fayd unto you. 8 And they went out i^nickly , and fled from the fepulchre; for they trimbled , and were araa- fed : neither fayd they any thing to any man : for they weretfrayd. 9 J 1 And whcniefus was rifen againe.early the firft day of the weeke . hee appeared firli to Marie Magdalen. § out off whom he hadcaft feven devils; I o And ihe went and tolde them that had bene with him, which mourned and wept. I I And when they heard that he was alive, and had appeared to her, they beleeve it not. J 1 J * * After that , he appeared unto two of them in another forme, as they walked and went into the countrey. 13 And they went and tolde it to the remnant, neither beleeve they them. 14 S « = Finally , he appeared unto the eleven as they fate together, and reproached them for their unbeliefe and hardnes of heart, becaufe they belee- ved not them which had feene him, being rifen up againe. If J And he fayd unto them, 4. Goe ye into all 3 The Apoftlu the world.Sc preach theGofpel to <» every creatare. .""^^^^"r.li J""* 16 He that Ihall beleeve and be baptized, lliall anh«d umoth'tm, be fa ved : J but hee that will not beleeve , Qiall be which ii to pieach damned. . «l^-" wtich they 1 7 And thefe tokens fliall follow them that be- fj^f, •,|,^';^; ja- leeve , * in my Name they (liall caft out devils, and a"nlems"^huh~ « fliallfpeake withe new tongues, cnriiiba'thiarti. 18 ^ And lliall take away ferpents, and if they tuttd.baviogbe- (liall drinke any deadly thing.it Qial not hurt them: J|f|" f,°^" '° "^^ * they Ihall lay their hands on the ficke , and they !^"Ma"h. 25,19. fliall recover. d Nctt.nln ittvn 19 -f 4 So after the Lord had fpoken unto <""'.?> "i- ;«/«» It \ r f^ t ana cPcry tvhere ■" right hand of God. ^ ^ ■ ^ ^ w/. ««y? .a ,Ae 20 And they went foot th , and preached every ^^»/?;ej^,. where. Ami the J Lord wrought with them .and S ^'l"> '1.4s. confirmed f the word with lignes that followed. * •^f'H.iS Amen. 1,4- "id o,4«. Siran^e tctifMct, fuch at they l^nfm "of Ufprl. ^.•' ^.f . i8,f . .4 Cbti! bavidg accoroplithed his office on earth . afceodeibiato heaven, from whence (thedodrineofhis Apoltles being confirmed witb fignei ) he will govtrae his Church, unto the worlds end. J Heb.2,4. f To ivitit'.it do.irine ■■ tlin'fm titlitint rnHfl^ebefcre, and fiynii muflfiil^rp afl-.r. THE HOLY GOSPEL OF lESVS CHRI DING T ST, ACCOR- O L V K. E. itukaeoramtsJeth tbe-witneflei that flwthiibirtory. a Man} tooke it in ^anit hur did not ftrfcrmr • Lulii rvrotthiiCorfit Itfire Mati'herv «ndMirkf. b Lf^ke ivai net an ejrvitncfH , and Ihcrifort it Tvaj net hctto-trhom the Xord appiartd tx>hca CUcp.tjfiW tfim : itni h; tpat taniht not o/nly hj CHAP. I. J-uket Preface, f Zttcharias and EHfilet. 1} What an cne Ichnfhmid he. la Zdchtrtus frikf" ,<'i)>itie. 39 Miiry -jifned Etifabeth. 46 Marks fin^^. 68 ThefmfofZachurias,Jhnvin£thattheprf£rf..'. A ••C'ro. 24^1- b Fcr the pofleritiecfJ^.tronroaioiliUed into ccHrf-j. i Theirue m.irhf ef righiCMfneffeii, >o le i'ked and aliened cfm the iadiemeni of Gcd. Jc Lived, fofpealtf the Uebrenei ,f<" our life is ai a -nay, yvherein svc mitfl lo.i/^c , uniitl rce come to the marine. I lnaUthemiTaHa„derremoni.,llUn. m IVhomnomanccildiuJIIj tepnttie : now fi it it , that the fruit i c/ ittfijientitn Kre fit Jtrth hert » and nut tht vnnfii r>hi(b itfmh omlj,»rui ntthin^ elf, 7 And they had no childe , becaufe that Eli- fabet was barren , and both were well ftricken in age. 8 And it came to paffe , as hee executed the Priefts office before God, as his courfe came in f BW.30,7. order. ° ^'" Temple imt 9 S According to the cuftome of the Priefts Zo,h"r-Z'^zTJ, office, his lot was to burne incenfe . when he went „-^°, ^J"^, ^V^'j^ into the " Temple of the Lord. Q«r' orcunc.tri 10 And the whole multitude of the people "•""?. iricrertK were without inprayer, ■•' while the incenfe was "'f'^T'''rvere, , . r / » andtherefare are bui-ning- , ,. . , r, f-y^-"i'croi,h.m, 11 Then appeared unto him an Angel ov me im.v,eTempit. Lord , ftandin* at theright fideofthe Alcarof in- • Icj-^mij,.?.. cenfe. o-Ufpeakethe _ 1 1 And when Zacharias faw l;im. he was trou- j,'„'}^"a7afe%4 bled.andfeare fell upon him. o'f excellency. -fiit 13 But the Angelfiyd unto him,Fearc not.Za- it fayd ofNemrod, charias: for thy prayer is heard.and thy wife Elifa- ^'^ ]°'^ "' '»•" bet Ihall beare thee a fonne .and thou llwil call his tje're'c'ed ' name Iohn. p ^^ny drinke ihM 14 And thou (halt have ioy andgladneffe , and may makedrunkcn. many (liallreioyce at his birth. ^ '^;*',f-*-'- t i For hee Hiall be great in the o fight of the I tfit'fmanTto'^* Lord, and (ball neither drinke wine • nurrftrong rf;«<4»«,«w drinke ; and he (halbe hlled with the holy Gholl, i»rne fhemfelfet even from his mothers wombe. '" ['" ^'."'f!'"* 16 « Andraany of the children of Ifraellhallhe "^ ^^I'Zil, "J turne to their Lord God. r.^/My^/i'*' 17 r; For he Ihall goe ' before him fin the fpi- leehfre k.i»^i. ric and powerofElias .toturnethe theartsofthe andwhenym/tt fathers to the children , and th.; difobedient to the 'i:!"lfZfZ^!f u wifdome ofthe iult men ,to make ready a people f Thiitsfpti^enl, ' prepared for the Lord. the figure Metmj- 18 Then Zachariasfaid untoihe Angel.Where- 'f';..ft houfe. harf not beneofihe 24 Ami alter thofe dayts.his Wife Elilabeth coH- ftocke Boi thefonne ceived , and hid her feifc tiue moneths, faying, •fi'-"'!'* ^^^ 25 Thus hath the Lord dealt with me, in the Ired wo^rde fo"°* day es wherein hee looked on me , to take from mee wojd.fulloffauour nay rebuke among men. and grace and hee 26 J 3 And m the lixth moneth.the Angel Ga- jhe.wet;i ft.aiahi j^^j^j ^.^ ^^^^ f^.^^ q^^j ^^^^^ ^ j_^^jg ^f Galiie . na- S-:ei;CC medNazarech. vshaiibat'auuut 27 ■!• To a Virgin affianced to a man whole if, io that he Caitb, name vvaj : ofeph, of the y houle of David, and the the Lord isw.th ^^fgi^g namet/VrtJ Mdtie. a ofGod. ^8 And tht; Angel went in unto her , and fayd, bMoovedatthe Haile thou that art z freely beloved: the Lord w ftrangentOeofthe with thee : a blelied », Ihee was b troubled Bebrtws. faying, at his faying . and thought what maner of lalutati- that men bjue found on that Ihould be. fauour, which are ^^ Then the Angel faid unto her . Fearc not, in fauour. Marie : for thou halt '^ found favour with God. # Cii"ap'^i!ii'. 3 ' ^ For loe thou Ihalc conceive in thy maun i 21. wi^ombe.and beare a lonne , * and ihak call his d H«ib3iibede. Name lef. s. tlared Io .0 be for ^^ He Iballbe great , and fhall he d Called the ofGo'df?.'neve7. Sonne of the molt High ai^d the Lord God iball lafting.butwaj give unto hirn the thfonc of his father David. n,ade°maaifeft ia ^^ « And hee Ih ill rcigne over the houfe of , the fieth IP bit lacob foreuer,andofhiskingdomeihallbenone « Djn.7 14 17. ende. mic.ih.4.7. 34 ThenfaidM-irieunto the Angel, e How fcall e T:'e gteatieflt tVjJs |- j.^ feeing f { know not man : ^U.Ve"v.r"into" 3? And the Angelanfwered.andfaiduntoher, Jkethlscjueiiion, The holv Ghoft g ibaJl come upon thee, and the Dottbatfhediftu- povvcr of the moH High Hull overihadow thee : fieth ar.vwhi^ at therefore alio that h Holy thing which ihallbe on ' ^of Ibp m'loer • ^'^i " - of tht e , Ibalibe i called the Sonne of God. cftle conleTvicg, fo 36 Aiidbehoid, thy i^ ccufm, Elifabet.lhe hath tbatitii^laioefhe alfo conceived a fonneinher old age: and this i$ beieevsdalttereit. j^gj. I fixt moneth, which was Called barren, b.ewlri,'' r.ifyi"r ^ ^ For with God (liall nothing be vnpoffible. by't'hi^modeftkinde .38 Then Marie faid, Beholde the fervant of the offpeecbibecom- Lord : be it unto me according totby WGtd.So the pjoyofniansBd Angel depatced from her. wife togrtber, and ° ' ihii ii the infjningcf it : how (hall this be. forfeeitiT, I ftiallbe Ctrift hil mother, I am very lure, I Ihall uotkuow auym»n : for the godiy vjrgin had learned by the Propbeu, thattheMt(!i.i>lliouUbtboineof a Virgin. g That is.tbebojy Gboft Uiallcaufe thee to conceive by hi> mighty power. h Tbjt pure thing aud voyd uf alllpotef vncJearntU'e :foi he ib«: wai to takeaway fiont, multneedj be void oflkne. i De- clared aodfliewedtoibe woild.tobeiheSonneofGod. k Though Ebfabetwete *> of the tribe of Levi ,yei (lie iright be Maries coulin : for wbereai ii waj forbidden by theLa-A'i (or maidens to be maried 10 men of other ttibei, tbis could not let, but that the Lcvitei might take them wiveicutofaiiy tribe ; for the Levitei had no portion allotted tbcf.i. ween the land wai divided among the f eof le. 1 Itat ii now ibe fl&tll TOSOeilj (miubc lime wtuB ibe cooctived. j. The long o: Mjrie. 24 39 f 4 And Marie arofe inthofedayes.ahd 4 Elifabet being went into the m hill ««»rr<;y with halle to an ci- ?''^'^""'' ''"'''% . . r , I ' of lobn.and Man" tieofluda. u , r r , ■ ,w.thCh,al,byt'«' 40 And ertred into the houfe or Zacharias,and JDfpivatioi^ftbB faluted Ehlabet. bolychoft.doe 41 And it came to paffe, as Elizabw heard the "'oy^^te for falutation if Marie , the babe o fprang inner bellie, ^ ^(,;.„.(, ^^^^ ,jjj and Elifabet was tilled with the holy Ghoft. Soutbnde of Hi«. 42 And ihe cried with a loud voyce , and faid, lufalem. Blefl'ed art thou among women , becaufe p the fruit " J''=" " ^°J^^' c 1 I • , 1 ,T J » > "^ r Hebron : which or thy wombe is blelled. _ ^^^ ;„ ,;,„„ paft 4 i And whencecommeth this to mee, that the called Cariatharbej mother of my Lord Ihould come to m-e j wbich was oneof 44 For loe.alToone as the voyce of thy falutati- '''',|°'^°/„',;'^b" on founded in mine eates , the babe fprang in my Ltviret^nt'he'rfhe belly for ioy. of luda . and iifaid 4t And bUfled is fliee that beleeved: for thofe tobeimhemoun- things fhallbe perforraed,which were told her frun »'"" "f '"f ' ' '°'' , o , r 14. i>. and jiti. ths: Lord. o TBi> wajnoot- 46 i Then Marie faid, My foule magnifieth the ainaty norvfuail 2.erd, kindeof mcoving, 47 And my fpitit reioyceth in Godmy Sa- ? chri^.s^bkiTed Viour. bumamtie. 48 For hee hath q looked on the ' poorede- ^ cwiftthere. gree of his fervant : foi beholde, from hencefoorth deemercfibeaf- lliall all ages call me blelVcd, «i*'^ 'b^'Uu'd"" 49 bccjufe he that is mighty hath done for me f^" ^ ,i'J,'J"c.' great things, and holy is his Name. miied to the fa- j o And his mercy is fiom generation to gene- ib«rs, is now at ration on them f that feare him length exhibited 51 ^ He that Ihewed ftrength with his tarme : '" '/^hfreelyand ^ he hath u fcatteied the proud in the* imaginati- g,at;ouny loved. on of their hearts. r word for word. 52 K Hee hath y put downe the mighne from ^i'^'';°;f;ftl,"fo their feats, and exalted them of^ low degree. 'harthe virgine' j3 X Hee hath tilled the a hungrie with good vjiwietb not hex things, and fent away the rich empty. defttti.buttbe 54 by- Ke hath uphoiden I Iraei his fervant to f!."'?^ G=^- b'^. J, ,, -, . ' 1 To iheintBat e mmdfiiil of his mercy. y,^^ ,5^1,, and re- jf ( * As heehathcfpokentoourfathers,/o)igic.uny,fofyeak« Z'f/t, to Abraham and his feed) forever. tteHtbuwes. 56 ! And Marie aboadc withheraboutthtee -^ EUi.5>.9 v'*'- moneths : after, (be returned to her owne houfe. f\[°ii,^io fceapJag 5 7 1 « Now Elifabets time was fulfll&djthat flie upof words more fhould be delivered, and Ihe brought forth a fonne, then neeces , w_bich j 8 And her neighbours and coufins heard tell ''';• ■'^*';;^i,''",'i',ij, how the Lord had ihewed hi jgieatmercie upon ^'^^""'j^ke'nfoi her, andthey.i.reioyced with her. firtngih. 59 And it was lb that on the eighth day they S Efai >!)•'?• came to circumciie the babe , and called him Za- " .^"/"/VV.h. chanas, after the name of his father. ^ij^jfj 60 But his mother anfwered, and fayd, Not fo, x ne bath fcatte- but he Iballbe called lohn. «^- them, and the 6 1 And they lay d unto her .There is none of |[,"^{,"/,j'°". °,' (,„ thy kinred that is named with this name. ^^j tbrougbtbe 6i Then they made fignes to his father , how imagination of he would have him called. iheir owne beam : 63 So heasked for writiiig-tables, and wrote, ^°'*='''^^|'J,','^J'„^ faying.His name is lohn.andthey marveiledall. fj ,„ t''"e"r"ovv'ue * 64 And his mouth was opened ircmediatly , and dt.oruaion. his tongue, II and he fpake and praifed God. « a Sam i.«. 6 J Then feare came on all them that dwelt neere l^J^^^P^"* unto threm,and all J rhefe wcnls were noifed abroad J'su^i, ^, none ici thorowout all the hill countrey of ludea. count ii made of, & are vile io mem tyei. which are indeed the pore in fpirit , that il ,fuch aicballeniyf nothing totbero- felvesioihefigbtof God. X Pfalm J4 lo. a Them ibat are brought to extreme pouerty. b He bath holpeo uj' iftad wiih his arme, being cleans call downe. it tfai.30.iS.and4i S.aiid;4 J. lere.ai.j.ao. » Gen.17.r9.and Ji.i7.pfa), 13211. c Tiomifed. « lohniiiaiiviy isletoutwitb new miracle}. }i Yeif.l^» D wris reftored to it former ftaic, U rtade in fame copici, d AilUiisUiAivfj^liij'iiaoddoae, 66. Ami 'ktm liiigtutly a eainefcly anit ii v\ert .priaieJ ih Zacbarias prophecie. S. Luke. « Tho^.'htjroa 56 A ndalhhey that heard them.f laid fA#A« up in their hearts,, laying , What miner childeihall this bee ! and the f hand of the Lord was with him. 67 7 Then his father Zacharias was tilled with f ThaiiTTibe p'e- the holv Ghoft, and prophecied, faying, feot fjvodrofGod, ^g Blc^ed 6< the Lord God of Ifrael , becaufe 'f Vl^^^lllt\T he hath g vlnted * and >h redeemed his people. b!m " 69 S And hath raifed up the i home of falva- ;, lohnfcsrc* tion unto us. in the houle ot his I'ervant David. torK.bytheau- y^ -K As he fpake by the mouth of his holy Pto- jhor.ri.of.h* ho- . gjj ^ ^^,hij,h were fince the world began .faying. /.d ,0 hi.oft4 7 1 TMt he vvoHld fend «/ileliverance from our g Thathetbat'h enemies, and from thehands ofall that hate US. ihtwed biu.f'he _j j^at he might Ihew mercy towards our fa- l't''fo!r«h'-"b!;r thers : and x remember his holy covenant, he ca.xe down from 73 « .^«rf the oathcwhich he fwate to out fa- beivto himfeiff , 10 ther Abraham, viiitr ui in f «fon, -^ ^'fjif-, ^yat , that ha would grant unto us, l°'*CbaFlTo?'" that we being detive/ed out of thehands of our miuhi.ii. ' enemies, Ihouldferve him without feare, h Hiib payed the 7^ All thedayes of ourlife, in A' hdineffeand ranfome, tbatii to rightcoufnefle 1 befotc him. ' 76 And thou , m babe, flialtbe called the Pro- S r'fal.i3i,iS- phet of the moft High : for thou ihait goe before i Thii word Home the faccof the Lotd to prepare his wayes, iQtbeHtbrewe , ^«i to n give knowledge of Ulvatioti untD S! and"; ".a his people . by the o remiffion of their linnes.^ 73 Through the tender mercy of our God.where- by * the p day-fpring from an high hath vifited us, 79 To give light to them that fw in daiknefle, and in the Qiadow of death , and to guide our feete into the way of q peace. 80 And the childe grew , and waxed ftrong in ngdomeof n'Mel fpjrit^ and was ia the wildetncne,till the day came ,h«'«emiM thereof ™t he fkould fticw himfelfe unto Ifrael. laid on the ground .even then gcbencbe (iteojth of Ifrael feemed to be Viterly decayed. • Iere.13,9. aDd 30.1a. k Declared indetdetbat be was mindfult. K Gea.ai>iS> ier.3i.33.beb.9.i3.i7. * 1. Pet. 1,1;. J To Godi good liking. inThoughthou beat ibitprefentBeverfolitlf . n Open ihe viay. o Forgivenefleoffinnciiij tbe ttieaoeivvhrteby Godfavethui, Rom.7.4. • Zacb.j.S.and S.ia.nial.^a. p Or, bi:d,orbrancb,beeaIludetb untotbe|jiace>in ler a3.y. Zach.3,8.aDd 6,ti. and bee ii called a bud from an high , that ii,:fent from God uoto ut.and not aiotherfaudi wbich budcjiofibeearib. q lotoiheway wbichleadetfi uitoiruehappineUe. C H A P. H. 1 KAuiuJImCcftiTtdxtthMtherecTU. 7 Chrid ij hrne. 13 The^nielifn^. H ChrifHi . l9liB7,<|z, at the Propheu forewarned. ■ Sofarreaj the f.mpIieoftbeRo- oianeidid ftretch. b Thatii, thein- habitants of every ci'le(hot)Idba\'e thtirjiamestaken. and theirgoodi ra- ted it a certaint value. thattbeEw ^CUfc AM. G Chfiftcircumcired. 8 t 1 And there were in the fame countrey , ^i,, . , fhepheards , d abiding in the fidde,and keeping ihemfeiv°fd^Ura watch by night over their flocke. to pijoie (hep- 9 And loe.the Angel of the Lord e came up- '''^"'•/"othiog on them, and the glory of the Lord ihone about '*?^^J^|^^_^. them, and they were fore afraid. f/J jMe coahs j 10 Then the Angelfaide unto them .Be not a- and office c^he fraid : for behold, 1 bring you glad tidings of great childe lymg iti ioy , that iLall be to all the people. '''*"•''•. 11 n^t is, tha. unto you is borne this day in door°,^rdre!n^ the citie of David, a Saviour, which is Chrift the the aire. Lord. « CamefuddeaJy 1 z And this f!jdlb6 a figne unto you , Yee aiall Y"" ','''"': ^''Z" finde the babe fwadled . and laid in a cratch , T2 .S.' " 1 3 And ftraightway there was with the Angel f whole armiei f a multitude of heavenly fouldiets , praifing God, of Angela , which and faying. ' "ftierfGod^oJtid 1 4 Glory be to God in the high iiettvent , and ab out, a.it were peace in earth, and towards men g good will. fouldieri. X f And it came to pafle when the Angels were 8 Godi'eady, gone away from them into heaven , that the ftep- |°°tu7fa"o'ili beards laide one to another , Let us goe then unto fos-.ard. mea. Berh-leem, md fee this thing that is come to pafle, which the Lord hathlliewed unto us. 4. Gen. 17,11. 16 So they came with hafte .and found both leviti 1,3'. Mary and lofeph and the babe layi in the cratch. '°'''" 7. a*. 1 7 And when they had feene it. they pubH(hed |,.^,t» abroad the thing that was tolde them of that childe. madefubiva to 18 And all that heard it, wondred at the things the Law, rodel«< which were tolde them of the fliepheards, "'"" '''°^ '''* 1 9 But Mary kept all thofe fayings,and pondred ''^^.Z^ll^^f' »/;<»» in her heart. _ _ lefuj doth well d«, 20 And the lliepheards returned glorifying and dart) btingcit. praifing God , for all that they had heard and leene, '^im'^iCe'l. dowh as it was fpoken unto th|m . Lll'owuSa.^ 21 f * 3 And when theeight dayes wereac-circumciiiooof compliihed , that they ihould circumcife the chiki, the fathers. his name was then called * lefus , which was na- * Coap.i.jr. med of the Angel , before he was conceived in the ^*^eWt.Vi,«. WOmbe, _ '^ ChriiLupon XX ,4 And when the dayes of h herpurificati- whom ail ourfio* on, after the Law of Moyfes, were accompliflied.vmeiayd, being they brought him to Hierufalem . to prefent him to 1^^",^'°^ ^^t; the Lord, _ Law, doth purihc 2 J (As it iswrittenintheLaweof the Lord, both Mary and UI « Every man childe that^ri? openeth the wombe, f^" i° himfelfe. • thallbecalledholytotheLord.) _ _ L^hefu'SgV a4 And to give an oblation , A' as it is comman- the taw- for oiber- ded in the Law ofthe Lord, a paire of turtle doves, wife thevirginwa* or two yone pigeons. "°' "^"^^'^ •. °f' >•"- 2 5 \ And &holde. there was a man in Hierufa- tulltU) lem , whole name was Simeon : this man vv»s iuft. ^ Exod.i^.i. and feared God, and waited for the confolation of num. s.i«. Ifrael, and the ' holy Ghoft was upon him. .y Levit.u*. 26 And it was declarethtohimfromGodby Jp^™'""^*^'" the holy Ghoft , that he (tould not fee death , be- Tempi* foreteM fore he had fecne that Anointed of the Lord. the deafe , ofibe ' 17 And he camebyf/jewofjonof the fpiritin-^o""niagofMef. to the Temple , and when the x parents brought in „uVof "the«ea'^di the babe lefus , to doe for him after the cuflome of pa,, of ifrael. andf the Law. ofthe calling of i8 Thenhetookehimiahi$armes,andpraifed'''«Gemiiei. #- J -„ » f,„rl ' Hewaiindued God, and fayd, ^^^^ ^^^ .,^^ ^^ 29 Lord , now J lettefl thou thy fervant depart .tHioiy Gnaii . and in peace, according to thy « word, thii ii fpokfn by the 30 For n mine eyes have feene thy ofalvation,figu''Metooymie. ■* ' ' k loftph and Ma. rie r and f« he fpeakeib.ai it wai commonly taken. A Letieftiuedepartcutofthulifcto beioyned toiny father!. m Aithouftoinifeddme. n ThJt ii. foi I l)ave feenewiibmy very eyei: for he faw before in minJe,as it ii faid of Abraham , He faw iny day , *B(3 Kieytcd, g lhi»» whtMiaihvIalviwniJwmeiDed. 31 Which AocasteftimonyofCbrift. CUpMl ^safixtfii^r 3 ' which thou hafl prepared p before the fj^e 4f,kkyi*(i./tr of all people, mtn tiittkf 32 A 1 ight to be revealed to the Gentiles . aii »». (}ie glory of thy people Ifrael. ,' 33 And lofeph and his mother tnarveiled ^E thole things, which wereipeken touching him, •^'^ . 34 And Simeon blefled them . and fayde anto r, Mary his mother , beholde, this thili is q appointed . T)tff«»iui*»dfQr the « rfallandrifingagaineofmany in Ifrael, fttcfctdfir A and for aTfignc which Jliail be fpoken againft, 'r>i*^k*- 3 y ( Yea and a fword (hall t pearce through tlaf'^i'V^'r^'.r.'"' thy foule) that the thoughts ofinanyheattcs may t' FaUc/'ne rcpro- be Opened, tatcrvhich ftriTi 36 fi And there was a Frophetefle , one Anna through their cTvne (hg daughter of Phaiiuel, of the tribe of Afer.which ^fnflr<'''M. ^^5 ofa great age . after (he had lived with an huf« «n(o Va.b. ccd band feven yeeres from her virginity : /hall ^ii:t faith »» 37 And ihc f ftf/ widow about fourefcoure , and teleei>e. foure yeeres , and went not out of theTCmple , but f Thntii^tf tphich alt me (Irilie carncjllj to hit. t ShtHrvtUnd andrrisU mcil fharfth 6 Another V9it- Dtfle (jcfide Sime- on, agdnfl vsbom no f xception m^y be brought TpfcA feved G»i with faftings and prayers DJght and day, 38 She then commingat the lame inftant upon them, confefled likewife the Loid.and Ipake of hiiH to all that looked for redeqjption in Hierufalem. 39 And when they hiid performed all things.ac- cording to the Law of the Xcid . they returned into Galile to their ow«e citie Nazareth. 40 And the child grew , and waxed ftrong in Spirit, "and was filled with wifed(3tne ,■ and the ^allmentothe grace ofGod was with him, tt«iyiogofthe 41 J 7 Now his parents wenttoHierufalem, "'5rc ;<«■/? cTc ^^^'^ y eere, $ at the feaft of the PaiVeove'r. ^P in' apcJcU!^ ^'^ And when hee was twelve yeereolde, and n/iriui tfhh QtJ- they wcte come iip to Hierufaiem, after the cuftome head/htyptditfci/e ofthsiCiSt, ""rhTsc'^hl't'ir^i ^i ■'^"'^ ^^^ finilhedthedaye$fA^w«f.asthey rhai'ifeiar'e ft'rred returned, the child lefus remained in Hierufaiem, op to heare ifae and lofeph knew not, nor his mother, wifedome of cbrift ^4 Buc they fuppofing that he had bene in the company , went a dayes iourney , and fought him among their kinsfolke, and acquaintance. 4 y And when they found him not, they aimed backe to Hierufalem.and Ibughthim. 46 And it came to paffe three dayes after , that they found him in the Temple , fitting in the mids of the dodours , both hearing them , and asking them queftions : 47 And all that heard him , wereaftonied at his underftandingand anfweres. 4^ « So when they faw him , they were amafed, and his motherfayd unto him.Sonne.why haft thou thus dealth with us ? behold,thy father and I have fought thee with very heavie hearts. 49 Then fayd he unto them , Kow is it that ye fought me? knew yee not that I muftgoeabout roy Fathers bufines ? yo But they undetftood not the word that hee (pake to them. • yi 9 Then hee went downe with thero , and came to Nazareth , and was fubiedt to them : and ' his mother kept all thefe fayings in her heart. 5 2 And lefus increafed in wifedome , and fta- ture, and in favour with God and men, CHAP. III. it ii>!:n exhcrlt'b tt ftftnttnct. 1 1 WJ/ ttflimsnj cfChrifi, 19 Hired fuutlh him in fffin. ^ 31 Cfcrj/? ii httftifed, J 3 Hiftdtittt. >J O-r , m tbe ff;eenth yeere of thercigneof *-^ Tibeii -'---■ • ■ t'ohistiait.byaa extraoidinary ietit. S Deut.iS.i. S Ailduettet which weovteto a,eDas,h,ywere not to be oegle- «th offegsiKMtioD asdalTo of rorgtycaelTc ef Goat), lohns pfeachiflgahdbaptirojifl %% nour of ludci .and Herod being Tatrarch of Ga- lile . and his brother Philip Tetrarch of Iturea, and of the countrey of Trachonitis.andLyfaniasthe Terrarch of Abilene. 2(4- When a Annas and Caiaphas were the * Afie«4.«^ hie Ptiefles) the word of God came i::>oIohii, the ^ ^'/-P*"' «;'?««* 9:irae. of Zacharias in the wildernefie. ' *'"* «^"*'"''' it And he came into all tlie coaOes about S Mat,h.3.a, Jordan, preaching the baptifme ofrepentance for ««*'«*■»■• the remifsion of iinnes, 4 As ic is written in the bdoke of the fayin<»s «f Efaias the Prophet, which faidi. * The toyce of » Efal, 49, g him that crieth m the wildernes «r , Prepare ye the '"'»'« «* »l^ ' way of the Lord : make his paths ftraio-ht. J Evety_ valley fliallbfe filled, aDdevetymouQo ,. tame and hill fliall be brought low , and crooked ■''thhigs Oiallbc made foaight. and therouo-hwayes fball be made Smooth, ■=► / > 6 And all flefli fliall fee the fatvation of God. 7 Then fayd he to the people th.-it were come out to be baptized of him ,« Ogenerationsof vi- » M4tth,3i»i pers , who hath forewarned you to flee from the vrath to come f "8 Bring foorth therefore fruites worthy amen* dement of Jifo^j^d beginne not tofaywkhyout felves , We- hiVe Abrahaitito owrFather : for I fay unto yoii-,that Goiis able of thefe ftones to raiie ^pcjiUdrenunto'AbraJiam. J* ■•*9 Now alfo is the axelayde unto the roote of the trees : therefore every tree which btingeth not v i,„« ^,5^; foonh good fruit, (halibe heweu downe , and afl j,{ohaj,i7. into the fire. b A^^wiVe nom«« lo- 5 ThsnthepeopIeaskedhim.faying.What'J"".'""-/"'""'"^-, fliall we do then? ^ ^ ^ II ,lk7,!TJf''' . ,1 /- t 1 /• . . th9 tribute mtmey^ i I And he anfwered.and fayd unto thera , A" He c whid, rvaspajd that hath two coates ,Iet him part withliira thit ''"'"• F-"'J ''""" hath none: And he that hath meat, let him doe "'-:'''">^e*r*'ji» 12 Then came there Publicanes alfo to be Iy,.ndrr«itfu4 baptized, and fayd unto h;ra,MaSer, what fliall receive the faci», we doe? menu, we mult And he fayd unto them , Require no more °"e^^n^hj°ia* 13 then that which is b appointed unto you. him that iHioi. 14 The fouldiers likewife demanded of him. ftreth.hefignejr, faying , And what (liall we doe ? And he fayd unto *"" ''•"'"? °" . ■ them . Do violence to no man . neither accufe any I,^"r.mhouto7 falfely, and be content with your c wages. the racramenti , aniS If » As the people waited, and all men mufedt''«E'v«0''':i'»t in their heans of lohn, if he were not that Chrift. ^^l^-^ '* ''y^'^l 16 lohn anfwotd . and faydtothem all . * In- ^eml deed I baptize you with water, but one ikonger # Matt a. 3. jr,'' then I , commeth , whofe fliooes latchet I nm not ""^'k* '-s- '<"■ »• , worthy to unloofe : bee will baptize you with the »*•»*•«•/•»'"' »^'«« holy Ghoft, and with fire. rThicoSii'"** 1 7 3 Whofe fanne « in his hand , and hee will the fanneoith* make cleane his floore, and will gatherthewheate ^or'"!- into his garner, buc the chaffe will hee bume up * m>^'''4'3« with fire that never Qiallbe quenched. 4 Vcbm prwchiBg 1 8 Thus then exhorting \vi:h many other things, ;« coufinn'ed wuii he preached unto the people. bi? death. 19 4- 4 But when Herod the Tetrarch waste- * Matth.j.ij. bilked of him, for Ilerodias his brother Philf^s °^^.'"'- "■*"* wife, andfor all the evils which Berodhaddcne, f'olthiftKmsSa 20 Headdethyetthisaboveall,thatbeflwcup*"^na.);«Winihe lohninprifon. • a^actSis ,21 J f Now it came to paffc , ss all the peonle p"oaouKed, by were baptized , and thatlefus was baptized anddid thevoyceof-.he pray, that the heaven was opened: Father, 10 br cue a z And the holy Gholi came dow^c in a bo- p"^','^^' ^ ^;^' dily flwge like a dove upon him, and there was a jk„^'^ Ddd ' voycei Hi jCbriftes gctiealogie. He is b(iCburcb, voyce froa bensn , laylflg , TUoa «rt ffijr beloved Sonne : inthee lamwellfHcafed. 1$ i And Icfus hirnfelfe began to be about think yeetes of age , being as men fuppofed the fjnne of lofeph, which tivtt the fauna oi Eli, 14 Tlye ftHnt of Matthat , tlxfonm of Levi , tht fr.ne of Mflfkhi , th fonna of lanna , tha fomt of lo.'eph, 2'f Tht fonnt of Mattathias , thefontie of Affios. the fonne of Naum ,tfc» finne of EUi , theftmaai Nagge, a6 Ti:e fonne ofMaah ,f/;«jO«M*ofMatthathias, the ftnne ofSemei , the fcnne of lofcph , thefnois vcbich'ligaib'efti ofluda, togftherofii! 27 r^ yjna* of loanna , th* fiwt of RheG, C^uofmn, fijg yj^j^ ^f Zorobabel .f/js fonne ofSalathic],l*« /Snwof Ncri, 28 77j« jtatee of Mdchi , »A» firiHs of Addi , th« few* of Cofara ,tht fi8 Jj f Mrf)(j atkytvisdit Chili . % ekfmb«h:gei. A ^'^ ' ^^"^"^ ^"^ of th"eholy Ghoft returned from fitdawiy(iiH '.-— - - -- - r< Wtrtoutofihe Woild, ioio the itlt of founic . the fonne of God , command this ftone , that it be ZiitTh^ madcWead. »Mv^, bf^Mb 4 But lefus anfwered htn , faying , It is writ- kiipBict. ten , i That man Ihall not live by biead onely , but 4. Hu^,\. by everv word of God. To'lftWogftu. ^ ° ^^^ ^^^^^ *^*^^ hjraiipintoanhigli. Md urofS«:»a, ttountaine , and fliewed hira all the kingdomes of &(i 1* diorufiu the woikl, in the twinkeling of an eye. «cl.u>.eollyt« atKdtfiK: bt ocbci lad boonai . a^dlsdiy to a rtinr cunfiJnic« of bjoiftirc, | • power wiil I give thee, and the gloiy of thofe kmgdctnti : for that is b delivered to roe : and to • tj thhnifd whomfoever I will, I give it. pcwn, Mtihe kui 7 If thou therefore wilt worfhip mee , ihev ''"w"^""/''*" (hallbe all c thine. ' nitiLnhiekkavt 8 But lefus anfwered him , and fayd . Hence V/pZ''^ i/th/- " from me , Satan : for it is written ,,{. Thou flialr ^""^"'"'j'nic. worlliip the Lord thy God . qnd him alone thou '' ^*'"''/««y5, flialtfcrve. fcr hti „ princcf 9 Then he brought him to Hierufalem .and il'S-rfT, let him on a pinacle of the Temple .and fayd un- thtfi>„raifr,i,],tr to him , If thou be tlie Sonne of God , call thy felfe ''• *•" ^'filT^ Jowne from hence. rjtr,ct,andnaj$f I o For it is written , :§ That hee wHl give his ZlTLTn.l''"*' Angels charge over thee to keepe thee : rr«,f*..» he ,^, IX And with their handes they 1L.-U1 lift thee £'>«'"»»*<"»» up . km at any time thou ihouldeft dafl^ thy foote 'Zf'r . • l againftaftone. , , ^^ , , /^^fea ' I I And lefus anfwered, and fayd unto him.It Is gccJij . iobo J 6 « 3 And hee came to Nazareth -(yhere hee ♦.43. had bene brought up, and (as his cuftome was ) ^ ^'"^^^J^'" '/' went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath day , and Itm^^Tou^tth floodeuptoreade. •■ cm oVtht Propbee 17 And there was delivered unto him the Efay. booke of the Prophet Efaias :and when hee bad fJcl'ij\°'^,^* A opened the booKe , "he found the place , where it ['iedui'lsfcnitt was written , ufcn antlit .■ an4 18 if The Spirit of the Lord is upon mee , be-/« chrifi ur.rtStd^ caufe hehath anoymed mee .that I fl.ould preach Zt;:flX;c\.m the Gofpell to the poore : he hath fent mee , that I .^,„^. Ihoiild heale the broken hearted , that 1 (hould ^ Efai.si.i. preach deliverance to the captives , and recovering 4 Famiiiariiie of fight to the blinde : that I lliould fet at libertie caufethcbriftta them that are bnufed : ,h«efore be oft«. 19 And that I fliould preach the acceptable time«goetb to vcereoftkeLord. niangen. 20 And hee clofed the booke , and gave it '^;;^f/'^''i^'^ff,[Y* againeto the minifter.and fate downe: and the eyes 'rj^^e'vithccmmm of all that were in the Synagogue were faftened on „»/{,'r and -vojte ; him. /crthevord.iru- % I Then hee began to fay unto them , This day -'(ft>fii''^^"j •» • ,..-. c i.-M !• thil place and m^nf IS this Scripture fultilled m your eares. .j^/,, ^;,,„ ^,^ ' 2x f And all (bare him witnes, and fwoudred apfrnveathin? at the g gracious words , which proceeded out of i»J'A»f«»"'>M'* his hiouth, and fayd. Is not this lofephs fonne ? "v. , , . 23 Then he fayd unto them . Ye will furely fay [.a'l.Z'tJJ'iA unto methisProverbe,Phvfician. heale thy felfe : the common fnfle whatfoever wc have heard done in Capernaum , doe win ftifim *i tth it here likewili in thine owne countrey . icnftrmce tftht 24 And bee fayd , Verely I fay unto you , ♦"No ^"/^[I'mVJ' Prophet is accepted in his owne countrey. S„ f,„^ut vaa xy But I tell you of a trueth ,many widowes.wjJd.ArdiAtw were in Ifrael in the dayes of* Elias , whenhea- f°""'*''X7J*j Ten was fhut three yeeres and fixe moneths , when r^^lfjnitd iht great famine was throughout ell the k land : famt Tdtrin ih* 16 But unto none of them was Elias fent, fate ct«»c*4fC(irr«iW into Sarcpu, a ckie of Sidoa, unto a certainc '"'^I'V^ ■ r^^ widowe. l.ZZ^ilff^ vj Alfo many lepers we« in Ifrael , io the time ctd, wK«p;f«- ttdintihtdtmi* ai mtl . did a^itttd men marViUuff UnteUm , Pfdt.^(,».grdtt it pcrtrtJ inic th Satan knew Chrift, 4f ».KiBg./.i4« of* Elifcus the Prophet: yet none of them was tnadecleanCjiavkig Naaman the Syrian. 18 t Then all that vvertin the Synagogue.when they heard it, were filled with wrath , z9 And fbfe up, and thrufl him out of the citie, """f"bu»he life and led him unto the edge of the hiil . whereon of Iht^^odly " °ot their citie was built.to caft him downe headlong. " " 30 Bat he paffed through the mids of them.and went his way, 31 f p And came downe into Capernaum a ci- tie of Galile , and there taught them on the Sab- bath dayes. 32 * And they wereafloniedathis doArine; for his word was with atrthoritie. 53 * And ill the Synagogue there was a man which had a fpirit of an uncleane dcvill > which cried with a loud voyce, c Cbriftaftonid!- 34 6 Saying.Oh.what have we to doe with thee, eibnotoDflymen, jhou lefus of Nazareth ? art thou Come CO deflrsy bfo'c'kfm'butneB "s • I l^now who thou art .even the Holy one of God. 3 J A.nd lefas rebuked him .faying, Hold thy peace , and ccme out of him. Then the devil throw- ing him in the middes of them , came out of him.and hurt him nothing at all. 35 So feare came on them all, and they fpake among themfelves , faying, What thing is this : for with authoiitie and power hee commaundeth the foule fpiiits. and they come out ? 57 And thefameof him fpread abroad through- out all the places of the countrey roundabout f ThemoM fharftlytheWJ ii rebuked, tbe fimjily fubieft to the pleafuie of the wicked. •t Matt.4.i4. iuat)cex>ai. # Matth.r.«>« marke 1,1 »• « Matke MJ- tbedcviltairo. whether they will 01 an. ^ Maitli.S,i4. maikei.50. 7 lo that, that Chiifthealtththe difeafesot'the bo- dy "with his word Chap.V.' Fiflietsofmcfl* £^ was SitBons ', and reqr *"* *™ '»<« »4«» downe the net, rylei*e»4»>j> 6 And when they had fo done . they enclofed a **'"**• great multitude of fifl«s. fo that their net brake. 7 And they beckcned to their parteners,which were in the other fhip: that they fliould come an J heipe them .who came then, and filled both the (hips, that they did finke. 8 Now when Simon Peter faw it, he fell down* at lefas knees, faying. Lord.goe from me : for I ars afinfullman. 5> For hee was utterly afionied , and all thaE were with him, for the draught of filhes which they tooke. 10 And fo was alfo lames and lohn the fonncs of Zebedeus, which were companions with Simon. Then lefus faid unto Simon , Feare not ; from henceforth thou fl^alt catch men. I r And when they had brought the fliips to land, they forfboke all, and followed him. 12 8 <{• a Now it came to pafle , as hee was in a * M^iA't.^'i cercaine citie , beholdc , there was a. xma full of le- ""chr'ift'b'hetJ profie , and when hee faw lefus . he fell on his face, *„ theiep,. thai 38 H "k 7 And he rofe up , and came out of the and befought him , faying, Lord, if thou wih, thou with hiionely Synagogue.and encred into Simons houfe.And Si- canft make me cleane. «o»c'> '»°'* f'nJii^" mons wives mother was taken with a great fever, 13 So he Iketched forth his hand , and touched *''™J^jj^ fj^'^*"* and they required him for her. him, faying, I w ill, be thou cleane. And immediatly ,^," he.'^rouVi* 39 Then hee ftood over her,and rebuked the fe- the leprofie departed from him. wbom'andby ''V'"^'Tai ver, and it left her, and immediatly (lieearofe, and 14 And he commanded him that he ftonld tell wbomapprehem- .he..GodAi- ... ,__. itnoman:but.Goe./4,t/;/,^andmewthyfelfeto''f''if''^'*'»ll*''. the Prieft , and offer for thy cicanfing , as J Mofe« Sfane a^eotdine hath commanded, for a witnefTe unto them. to tbe tawe, by 15 3 But fo much more went there a fame abroad ''•fwimeSe of of him , and great multitudes came together to ^'otouwed wto* heare, and to be healed of him of their iuhrmities. • [!^°eand'cle«ue, 16 But he kept himlelfe apart in the wildernes, tr i.evit.i4,4. and prayed. 3 Chris had m- 17 14 And it came to pafTe . on a cettaine day, !,'"[■?]' a*-"""" as hee was teaching, that the Pharifes and doftours ,heo'by miradei; of the lawe face by , which were conie out of eve- and ifcerefore be ty towne of Galile , and ludea , and Hierufalem, depaKetii from and the power of the iordc waswi/w.tobeale ^^4"^^"^"^^^^. J 8 * Then beholde . men brought a man lying not aa the autbouc in a bed.which wastakenwhhapallie.andthey offalvatioii. fought meanes to bring him in , and to lay him be- J. *^"''' '° j**""!; mighty, fetit for nuDiralvauoti. « Matke t._U. $ Satan, who ii « continuall enemie tothetrueth, ought not to be beard , no not then; leale ought 1 fciuderuii raceofour cation. miniftred unto them 40 Now at the Sunne fetting , all they that had ficke foil^es of divers difeafes , brought them unto him , and he layd his handes on every one of them, and healed them. 41 -f 8 And devils alfo came out of many .cry- ing , and fayirg, Thou art that Chrift that Sonne of God ; but he rebuked them , and fut^'ered them not to fay that they knew him to be that Chrift. ^_ 42 9 And when it was day ,he departed, and went whinheffeaketh foorth into a defart place , and the people fought tbetrueiti. him , and Came tohim.andkept him that helhould 9 Ko colour of ^^^^ depart from them. 43 But hee faid unto them , Surely I mufl alfo preach the kingdoms of God to other cities; for therefore am Ifent, 44 And hee preached io the Synagogues of Galile, CHAP. V. t Chrijlltaeitth tin ef the fhip. « Oflhcdra-.tiUtfJlfhi IX Thi Ltftr. l6 Chriji prajethintliedejert. itOmfick? tfthtfdlpe. n Lel,i the Pahliane. 34 Tkefjjlws and ttffiiaUns if the ^fujllei after Chti/let afcenfiin. 3S> ?7i38 Faint hearted and Vfttkf eiMhwehimt«tidihm/«r*btUH^I>t*kmmffa/liif, fore him. rickeofihepalfi*. I Clifi(l*Jv«ni- feth the foure dif- vifles, which he iiad taken uoto biniioftheoftice ofiheApoHle- raiji.whicb Qiould ^teafter becon" anted uniaihera. S9 And when they could not find by what way Cieweth the cauf« they might bring him in.becaufe cfthepreafle, of*"''''<^»f">an* they went up on the houfe . and let hfm downe ^^■J-'^IXig through the ry ling , bed and all , in the mids before lovtlTfchijiii lefus. Ctdhead.fheve* 20 And when he faw their faith , hee.faid unto ''/''/f '" *''»>'»» him, Man , thy finnes are forgiven thee. #* AfTi' J » 2 1 Then the Scribes and the Pharifes began to r)trlni,3*' * I cafoH . faying , Who is this that fpeakedi blafphe- ' iL\es ? Who can forgive finnes , but Got! onely ? 22 But when lefus perceived their reafoningi hee anfwered , and faid unto them , what rcafon ye in your hearts } 23 Whether is eafier to fay, Thy finiies ae for- given thee, pr to fay, Rife and walks e Mattbcwcalld S.loke^ k MMtk.».f; ■urkea.if. J TheCbjicbil uMitbroj^h the gr»ceofCbril^ rtpdotani, wbich fecaque:vti:bhin3i to ih« great of- feoceofibeptouiJ VKzli'-iogi, [.T^all.JJ. Matth.9,14. Baaikei.iS. C It it ibc puiot efb/pccrittund igDo»nt men 24 Bi3t t!ut yce mayknowethattheSonoeof tran hath authoricie to forgive fmnes in earth , (he faid untc the ficke of th^ paifie ) I fay to thee, ArL'e : take up thy bed. and goe into thine hcufe, 1^ And iDDmediatly hee rofe up before them, and tooke up /;» bed whereon he lay , and depar- ted to his ou ^^'^ '^'s difciples » plucked the eares of corne , and did eate , and rub them in r/i«r hands , 2 And certaine of the I harifes (aid unto them, Why doe ye that which is not lawful! to do on the Sabbath daycj } 3 Then lefus anfwered them , and faid, A" Have yee not read this , that David did when he himfeife was an hungred, and they which were with him, vogofit. 4 Kow hce went into thehoufeofCod ,and s B^iff^MiiMnttttf) W(B in hit trtatife , -nUre hee cctifuletk Ehkn.that the lirre, tvhen tht d-fhUi nluikf* tht tat! cfcttni , ^rm' in the fe.ijl ofunleabened trtjd : Neir, 'jc'fft'W n tbtft fifjiet tchijh reere t^eft mjny dijei te^cthir , At ihefea/i tfTahif- nt::i:,a)titf,tVa(reH,er;ti,t!rfrj1dtrtcflJl^efilemniiic,Lttit.l}. lu.yf;tlrfAntlh fhr W day theftcend SMalh , tittugh ThtofhiUd f^ndt'fi«ni(lh it >f tnftktr>ftlKm,tlt4I^Mtrftdti*fi'fi, J^ I.*»<>. snikt 1.13. a Cb/iri Oif^tih leaiolt thefup': iarvery tbel'w oftbi wr/y Sibbatb.wai ■ot gi/fntobe It^pt vcitboat ej. c<[«iOB: much Uffeihattbtfal. wtionot man fiioiiMcoofin in thfcBivMldkatp- ThcApoftlescbofeni tooke , and ate the fhewbrcad,and ga'vealfoto them which were with him, which was notlawfullto eate, but for the a Priefls onely ? . ^^^^ 5 And he faid unto them , The Sonne of man iTm.sVx**'"' is Lord alfo of the Sabbath day. 30^24,9. 6 f Sj^ It came to pafle alfo on another Sab-* ^"'•"''»- bath that hee entred into the Synagogue, and T chVr'i^ui.t&e , taught , and there was a man^ whofe rightliand was role of all ceK. dried up. mooie*. 7 And the Scribes and Pharifes watched him, whether he would heale onthe Sabbath rf'""■ '''.''"• ; have f received your conluJation. fJiupT^]:,'!" ly * Woe be to you that are full : for yee (liall an ticrli^e to hunger. Woe be to you that nowe laugh; for yee *^M.«''<'t("-rf/'«-j fliahwaiie and weepe. ,»<.«;,a>eB«f« 26 W(.e be to you when all men fpeake ^'ell of ':i'fZZuhl ^ you : for fo did their fathers to the falfe prophets. » £/,i,5;,, j. '^ Rafliri«3gcment. 17 J * t B»t I fay "MO you wWth heard ove «|, MnA.M^- your enemies : doe well to them which hate you. 5 ch»iftMut they muft be I'ufl , modtraie, tnd loving. i Hsfpeakethoot by tbe infiifferii ptttloiiog tmrosgt. '*g'- Brother, let mee pull out the mote that is in thine roH'^"7ot " ^y.^ ' '^^^^ '''°" '^^^ "°' '^^ beame that is in give, u ni°ani'tha'r thine owne eye ? Hypocrite , ca!^ out the bearae JO dwatute, which oiif of thine owne eye hrft , and then Ihalt thou fee theChriiiimsufe pcrfeftly to puU out the motc that is in thy bro- ,, therseye. anh.7,1. ' ' 43 f * 9 For it is not a good tree that bringeth ina.kM.M- * foorth evill fruit: neither an evill tree.that bringeth k Tbtf^arebo. foorth good fruit. ?;"ct';'ak:nla,^44 S For every tree is knowen by his owne them which ufeto injit : * for neither of thornes gather men figgcs, in«afuredryihirgi, norofbuflies ga. her they grapcs. ascorBeaodfuch ^j A gootlman out oftlie good tTcaftirc of his franitrkmd'trf de»- ^^^^ bringeth foorth ^ontl ; and an evill man out l.B? therein, and of the evill trcafure of his heart biingeth foorth thruft it downe and eviil : for of the abundance of the heart his mouth fliake it together, fceaketh. »d prerfe it and 46 J « But why call yc me Lord , Lord, and doe 7*VOTfri'ifMHre- not the things that Ifpeake » prefaendert hurt both ibcmfelveumd otKer: iSr fitch M the maneris.fuch utliefcto?Jer. X Mat.if,l4. .if. Matil.io,:4.iobD 13 i6.aiid if.20. * Mst.7.3. 8 Hyl>o<«itti, which ate very f«vere rtrrthenritrj of other, are very quicke of fight tefpie othrr mroj fauli» butvety blind to fctiheir owne. .{.Matt 7,17. 9 Heii agood nw-., notthat i»«kilfoll to »ef rihctid ot-iieis but hee that 1 roovetb hii uprigbinifle in word and deedt, t Ma«h, H'ii. • MW'7ii«<< * Mlcib.7,u.ioin.Si>3J»m,i»«i, pernaum. 2 And C H A P, V 1 1. I OfthtCentUrietuferXiiKt. 9 The CemurhnifaM,. v »l ThfniJcKXtfinntraifeJfnmJfirhatNtin. 19 rtin findtlh hudircifU,ti,ChriJl. 33 His ptcaiUr kjndcf itt/ing. 37 ThefinfMyt,cm.tn-m»fhttSiUfu,fette. ryy Hen * i he had ended all his feyings in the * Mattb.i.f W audience of the people, hee entreth into Ca. ' Citi^ft .dmoni. ' ' flietb the Ifwes, _ . - _ , by fettiag before ccrtame Centurions lervant was ficke them the example and ready to die, which was deare unto him. of the centurion, 3 And when he heard of lefus ,he fent unto •'s" f°"tm ob- him the EldersoftheIev.es. befeeching him that n'rbew"!!?.^ he would corae, and heale his fervant. the Gwtilti. 4 So they came to lefus. and befbugbfhitn inltantly .faying that he was worthy that he ihtuldi doe this for him : y Foi he loveth ,faydtbey , ournation , and he hath built us a Synagogue. 6 Then lefus went with thetn : but when hee was now not farre from the houfe , the Cenruncsn fent friends to him , faying unto him , Lord , trou- ble not thy felfe : for I am not wotthy that thou fliouldeft enter under my roofe : 7 Wherefore 1 thought not my felfe worthy to come unto thee: bur. lay the word, and my fer- vant Ihali be whole : 8 Foi- I likewjfe am a man fet under authority, and have under mee fouldieis, and liayuntoone, Goc , and hee goeth : and toanotl>er, Come , and hccorameth : and to my fervant. Doe this, and hee doeth ir. 9 When lefus heard thefe things, he marveiled at him, and turned him, and fayd to the people that followed him , 1 fay unto you , I have not found fo great faith, no not in Ifrael. 10 And when they that were fent, turned backe to the houfe , they found the fervant that was ficKe, whole. 11 » And it came to paife the day after, that he * Cbti'ftavoucheti vwnt into a citie called a Nain , and many of his dif- °P*°''' '^''P°wer cipleswentwith him, and a great multitude. !"Ll;nf.Vi, 12 Now when hee came neere tothegateof ofatowoeinGa. the citie .behold, there was a dead man caiied our, lile, which was fi. who fvrf^theonely begotten fbnne of his mother, '""'0° 'he other which was a widow, and much people of the citie whicbfa'iielhiot. was with her. ther«aof«aiilea, 13 And when the Lord faw her, hee had com- ' pafsion on her, and fayd unto her, Weepe not; 14 And hee went an-i touched the coffin (and they that bate him ,fioodftill)andhefayd, Yong Rian, I fay unto thee, Arife. ly And he that was dead, fate up, and began to fpeake, and he delivered him to his modier. 16 Then there came a feare on them all , and they glorified God,%ing. A great Prophet isrifcA among us,and God hath vifited his people. ig And this lunwur of him went foorth tho^- lobn f(roilcth amibe prifonhii ibtlcvingdifci- Cmftbim. be ecu- fiim-d lohns difciples. The finfull rowont all ludea , and thorowout all the region roundabout. . 18 3 And the difciples of lohn (hewed bim of all thefe things. 19 So lohn called unto him two certaine men cfhisdifciujes .an.^.fent them tolefiis. faying. Arc thcu he thSc Ibould come, or (r.aU wcc wait for ano'.hcr ? 10 And when the men were come unto hira, they fayd , lohn P.ip:ift hath fent us unto thee, (ay- jng.Art thou he that Oiould come . or ihall wee wait for .mother ? 21 And b at that time , hecured rnany of their ficknefles , and plagues, and of eviii fpiiits, and un- to many blind men newvo fight freely. zi And lefiis anhvcred.and fayd unto them, Goe yonr wayes and ftiew lohn. wliat things yee have fecne and heard .that the blind foe, the halt goe , the lepers are cleanfed , the deafe heare . the dead are rifed . urid the poore receive the Gofpel. 13 And bleucd is he , that Ihall not be oftended inniee. 24 4 And when the mefl'engers of lohn were dep.im-d , hee bcg-n to fpeake unto the people of lohn, VVhar went ye out inro the wildernes to fee ? A reede Ihiken with the wind ? 2 f But what went yee out to fee ? A man cloa- thed in fofc raim-nt ? behold , they which aregor- geoufly apparelled .and live delicately, are in kings courts. 16 But what went ye foorth to fee ? A P.-ophet ? yea. Hay to you, and greater then a Prophet. Z7 This is he of whom it is written , ^ Behold, I fend my meflenger before thy face , which Ihall prepare thy w^y before thee. x8 For I lay unto you .there is no greater Pro- phet then lohn .among them that are begotten of women : neverthelcfl'e , he thit is the leart in the KJpg.lomeofGod. is greater then he. ' 2V Then all the people that heard, and the „u' PuWicanes c iuftified God .being baptized with the br.ptifmeof lohn. 30 But the Pharifes and the expounders of the Law defpifei the counfell oi Goddjigainftthem- felves, and vvtre not baptized of him. 31 ^ f Anti theLordfayd,WhereuntolliallI liken the men of this generation ? and what tiitig are they like unto ? 31 They are like unto little children fitting in the market place . .md crying one to another, and S. Luke. woman waflieth Tefus feetci ' and kiffed his feete.andanointed them with the 7 Ra(Vineir<-itth« ointment. ftllowufijride. 39 7 Now when the Pharifes which bade him, 4 Tfc«tw^ic1iihe Ion, belbte, lobo £ic';v« hnrt. J Mnth.ii i«. J Wha' wiy foe «ih;Boeisafinner. _ uIcll^ZT'».' 40 s And lefus anlwered and fayd unto him, j't,ul|i'„ij_ffleoC Simon , I have fomewhac to fay unto thee- And hee remHTion ofiini. faid.Mafter.fayon. { Tl,.iii„rti-i> There was a certaine lender which had two '[^■"fh^^^'^'f'" danced : we have mourned to you , and yee luve not wept 3 3 For Itohn Baptift came neither eating bread, nor «!rinking wire ; and ye fay. He hath the devill. 34 The Sonne of man is come, and eateth. and drinketh : and yee fay , Behold , a man vviichtta. glutton , and a drinker of wine , a friend of Pubh- canes and finners : 3y But wifcdcmeisiuftifiedofail herchildren. 35 1 « And one ofthe Pharifes defired him that *)[ ''" ^n'c^<'f ' ^^ would eate with him : and he went into the Pha- Cbn" even Ibtn '■''^' houlii, and fate downc at table. whro he is i\ h.me 3 7 ^"d behold , a wcman in the citie , which WJS a finncr.whon fhee knew that lefiis fateat table in the Pharifes houfe . (hee brought a boxe of ointment. 38 * And fliee ftood at his fecte behind him weeping ,and began towiifh hisfeete with teares, ?iid dia wipe tbcq wlt^ thf bajjcs of heriicad. 41 I huili piiwtth her debters : the one ought hve huodreth pence , and f^uk ahnJarMj .• the other fifty ; and BaplmMsfn^ 42 When they had nothing to pcy , he forgave "■■»" 'fifaF'ifme ■joth : Which of them therefore .teliw« ^ill'^'"'" '^"*^' them both .„ — """"'" '"„«„tn,«^,(,.rt love him moft? ,,., , , , , m.^'j''^^f"'^^^^'-'J^^ and wiped them with the haires of her head. fi fl^Mj't[!i>Mfk 4y Thou gaveft me no kifle : but ftie . fincc the thm merinrifiu time I came in, hath not ceafeth to kifle my feet, wrkit • fir the 45 Mineheadwith oylethoudidftnotanoint :/;"-"''fr7"''''_ a ' . , , , 'r • 1 • mio Hath for tl'tn but ihe hath anointed my feet with ointment. ,,;^_ ,j, mtrtht 47 Wherefore I fay unro thee, many finnes are i.j,-.^ himihat forgiven her; f for llie loved much. To whom a '■■»''' *"|»yS£"»c'- little is forgiven, he doth love a little. °"^' '" '^'^j'^a^, 48 And he fayd unto her .Thy finnes are for-,,!' /J'j^e'!',„^ * given thee. llr.hcyv^rtatlhl 49 And they thatfateartablewith him ,be^n '""'/'■>*'<»/'"» to fay wuhin themfelves .Who is this th-t even *;'^^^'^^;^7ie1:44. forgiveth finnes ? r'iZ'"ltiJt,e yo And he fay d to the woman , Thy faith hath fffktn cf, i- f,r tht iHfi.lutaia •r , lulhureif' iep ojirimihlheilntfi* faved thee : g goe in peace. ft^rie.fiT Chrifi fa}thnotailht PhltifiliiJ .thitfhtyvil ntineUlh^t tif finntt cf her life pafi are fr^tptn htr , J IrhichhthaJ htjicn.d rci'h a kUflwe. C H A P. VIII. I Women ihttminijler unit Chrifl tf their fib'^anet. 4 Tht faraiUi/fhe/errer. it Tht cattJU. 19 l-.riflj rntt.et twibrethren. 1) Ht retiik."lthcTVindi li Of Leiitn. -^ 37 The GjJartntsrtitS} ChrtJ}. 41 a-rut JuMikicr \ healed 43 1 heiv^mandclil>trUfr„mll,i iftie c/iltul. ' Ji Weeping fee the ^e^d. A "^M it came to palfe afterward , that he himfelfe *^ *.ent tl-rough every ci;ie and to vne preaching and publilhing the kingdome of God , and the twelve were with him. 1 And certaine women, which were healed of evillfpirits .and infirmities , 4/ ^ Mary which <• Maike »<,'>» was called Magdalene , out of whom wentfeven devils, 3 And loanna the wife of Chuza Hcrods fle- ward, and SufannJ.and many otf e: which miniftred unto him oftheirfiibftance. 4 S « Now when much people were gathered j Matth.ij.j. together, and were come unto him out of ail cities, maikt4,i. he I pake by a parable. * "V"/il fo ''To* 5 A fower went out to fon-e his fecde , and as ^.^^vv^cr""" he lowed, fome fell by the way fide , and it was not wUbi^ke fruit troden under feete.and the foules of heaven dc- and tbanhr^ugh VOUreditUp. .heonely fault of 6 And fome fell on the ftones , and when it was fprnng up , it withered away , becaufe it lacked moiftnelle. 7 And feme fell among thornes.and the thoriies /prang up with it.and ehoaked it. S Atfd foine teii on good ground , and fprang - - - - up, I tkctafelttt. Chrifts motlier and brethren. up, and bare fniice .anhundrethfoWe. And as he faid thefe things , he cried , Hee that hath eares to heare, let him h*f''liir' 9 '^'^^" ^'^ difciples asked him, demanding tdiedficreu which what parable that was. ntjj n'lte utitrtd : I o And he fay d , Vijf o y ou it js given to know f»ti^v,(>id>^fu the a fecrets of the kingdorae of God , but to other in parables, that when beraliiie. f ThAtisttvilh rvhst mirydtijcu come to heun t'nt •ntrd.andhoyv jot* iehMtJeUr/ihet tthcn}cuh,li>t heard it. •Sr Matth.isM. 'ridlStigrnar.^, a.chaf.19,26. g Either to him- felfe,cr to other, . , „ c/toloth : fcrihm a" extreme danger, ai though Ctiift pafl'fd not for ui , that we may havea bttier tiia'I, bothofhis power and alfo of our weakoeHr. h lejUs fell cnfltepe : and it »ff eareth , that he Tvat 'Vitj fa ft c» Jleefc , tf (flK/V the; taUidirf'Jf t'fert ht ttVfokfy a Hot tkcdi/dfUhitt thefhif. Chap.viij.' TheGadarenesfwine. aS the windes and vVater, and they obey him ? 26 54. So they failed unto the region of the * Ma.th.j.u, Gadarenes. which is overagainft Galile. """rke r.i. 27 6 And as hee went out to land , there met ^ *^''"'*'*«weih; him a certaine man out of the citie,which had devils LeeVon'of de"vi?. long tune, and he ware no garment, ntiheraboade byhi.wordoneir, in houfe, but in graves. that fai> heavenly 28 And when he faw lefus , hee cried out , and *"■""' ^as ap. fell downe before him , and with a loud voyce faid, ^ZTfrrmb^a" What have I tn doe with thee .lefus the Tonne of very ofX'dmiT: God the mod High ?1 befeech thee torment me butfooiiOimea not. will not for the 29 For he commanded the foule fpirit to come TuCTJZT^ out of the man: (for oft times hee had caught him : grace f,«iv<,ffl. therefore hee was bound with chaines , and kept in 'fd ™to them, fetters : but he brake the bands , k and was caried wiihtheieaft icOi of thedevillinto wildernefles.) 1^^"' ^''''"6 30 Then Iclus asked him , faying, What is thy fc By force tr.i name ?and he faid , Legion , becaufe many devils '"'''""■<■,<«»<«*»'/£ were entred into him. t^hen he iiffund, 31 And they befought him, that he would not command them to goe out into the decpe. ix And there was thereby an heard of many fwine feeding on an hill : and the rfet//// befonghc him. that hee would fuffer them to enter into them. So he fuftered them. 53 Then went the devils out of the man , and entred into the fwine : and the he.ud was ciried with violence frcm a fteepe downe place into the lake, and was clicked. 34 When the heardman fawe what was don^ they fled : and when they were departed , they told it in the citie and in the countrty. 35: Then they crjne out to fee what was done, and cam.e to Icfus.and found the man, our of w'lom the devils were departed, futmg at the feete of lefas , cloathed , and in his right mind ; and they were afraid. 36 They alfo which Ciw it , rolde them by what meanes he that was polVelled with the devill, was healed. ^j Then the whole multitude of the coun- ttey about the Gadarenes .befought him that hee would depart from them : for they were taken with a great fears : and he went into the fliip , and returned. 38 Then the man.ont of whom the devils were departed , befought him that hee might be with 1 r -. .1 ■ ■ him : but lefus fent him away, faying, IftheV^ltlT- 39 Renirne into thine owne houfe , and Qiewe •"'d,h,u^h -.'IV^a what great things God hath done to thee. So hee /'-'"''•'•' '"'/''"- went his way. and preachedl throughout all the f't;''^.'/"''"'* citie , what great things lefus had done unto hira. fir riiiercel^'' 40 % And it cime to pafle , when lefus was <'<■"'.'«. y..t.»;,.,j come againe , that the peopie ni received him : for '*"' f- ''•••'" '' a they all waited for him. "'^"t "/.' fctro/t/, 41 5*7 And beholde . there came a rmn^ai'^-^^'lXe named lairus , and hee was the ruler o£ the f"'(i''r 'a,,, and Synagogue , who fell downe at lefus feete , and '"'"^ ""'''f '"'"i' befought him that hee woulde come into his ^l^'r,. , ■ . houfe. ZlrUitTas 42 For hee had but adaughtercnely, about 'o""'"."^an,i^Xi. twelve yeeres of age, and flie lay a dying (andas "'""''^i.'''' •*''.'• he went, the people thronged him. * Matth.9,,g. * Ma 43 And a woman having sm iflbe of blood. ""'''' ^'■ , , u- t. u».^" ""° °^ '''°°^' 7 Chnflfteweil. twelve -yeeres long .which had (pent all hern fnb- tyarfoubiemira- ftance upon phyficians , and could no: be healed of '^'^' '''"'"■ '-' t-ord any ; ^'"'' ofli^eaed 44 When became behinde him , Qie touched t"%i tha'/u ^^4 the henroe o£ bis gaiment , and immediatjy her toUHufm. Ddd 4 iffue Cbrift fendcth out the twelve. S. Luke. The 6ve loaves and two fifhes. iflue of blood ftancheJ. 4y Then lefus faid.Wbo is It that hath tou- ched me ? When every man denied , Peter faid and they that were with him, Mafter.the multitude thnift ihee.and treade on thcc.and fayelUhou, \Vho hath torched me > 46 And lefus C'.id.Some one hath touched me : fcr I perceive that vertue is ^otu out of me. 47 When the woman I'awc that ihee was not hid, ihe came trembling , and fell downe before him , and toldc him before all the people : for what rtiife Ihe had touched hira , and how ihe was hea- led iramediatly. 48 And he faid unto her , Daughter, be of good comfort : thy faith hath faved thee; goe in peace. ) 49 while he yet fpake , there came one from the ruler of the Synagogues houfe , which foide to him, Thy daughter is dead : difeafe not the Mafter. yo when lefus heard it, he anfwered him, fay- ing , Feare not : beleeve onely , and lliee Ihall be faved. • Tbeword fignifi- ^ , ;\j^j ^j^g^ ^e went into the houfe .he fuf- Ty ^*"i fntanf. fsffif^ no man to goe in with him , fave Peter , and fentd to the mourn- ings aud limenu- tioBs thatarirat butiali,»t which times intn ufefucb kindofbebavioui. f Thecoifswas (aid cut, and the wetichieciiifdlife and role out of the I all the lames , and lohn ,and the father and mother of the maide. y 2 And all wept, and o forowed for her : but he faid ,Weepenot :foriLeisnotdead,but fleepeth. 53 And they laught him to fcorne , knowing that flie was dead. 5:4 So he thruft them all out , and tooke herby the hand, and cried, faying. Maid, arife. f y And her fpirit came againe , and flie t rofe world might fee.Oie flraightway : and he commanded to give her meat. wainoiooelyreijo- j§ jf-gj, j^g^ parents were aftonisd: buthee ^de°ofilifi"k. commanded them that they Ihould tell no man Btae!" what was done. CHAP. IX. » Thtoiftpies*reftnttcfttdtl^. j tni i^Thttemmtn f rcf Iti efinicncfChriJ}. sa Ofthtfihelonl'ttaniltrvo /ifhet. 10 Tht^fojilticonfefim. t^ Ttlcfi the life. 3S We muftheatt Chhfl. 37 Thep«' weought lone praying, his difciples were with him : and he Tea'„"r'b« asked them, faying. Whom ky the people that fomuchtbemore lam ? deliiroui to know 19 They anfwered, and faid, lohn Baptift : and «»'"«'« motecon- others fay, Elias : and fome fay. that one of the old ?"Xefrol'.h; Prophets is rifen againe. ^,0^,,. 10 And he faid unto them , But whom fay yee s cbrift himfelfe that lam} Peter anfwered, and faide : That Chrift attained ro the of God. thTcroffeandm-" a I And he warned and commanded them,that vincYbieVa">nce. they ihould tell that to no man, j Maub.i7.»». 22 , Saying, 5?: The fonneof man muftfuffer marke s.31. many things, and be reprooved of the Eiders, and ma, To j's aBd"« of the hie Prieftes and Scribes, and be lUine , and x^.'^it .i.-^^. the third day rife againe. g EvenaioneJay 23 %* And he faid to them all , If aay man will fo'ioweti ano.het, comeaftermee, let h.mdcn.e himfelfe. and take J^.ttairrUd iapniscroflegdayly,and ioUowmc. tbectofliiibythe 24 "f For whofoever will fave his life , (hall figure Metonymie, lofeit: and whofoever (hall lofe his life for my "'^'" •'""'" ^'jE'- fake.the fame ftiall fave it. ' i'T^^^^^'lJ!^ ' - _ , , , . ., . to benaneed.waa 2y S For what advantagethu a man , if he ,be foreit and oru- win the whole world , and dcftroy himfeife.or lofc eKipuniflimeot himfelfe? tbaiwaiamongft 26 * For whofoever fhallbeafhamedofmee. %* cZv^t^ and of my words, of hiin iliall the Sonne of nun ma.t.K.sjaod',*,. bealharaed. when hee ihall come in hisglerie, «;• iobnu.ay. and w.f/je f&rw of the Father, and of the holy * Ma,tbi6,»«,j An»els. iiiarke8,i«. 27 t And 1 tell you of a fiiretie , there be (ome mat.iol'l'j mafArg, ftandinghere. which Ihall not taftc of death,' till iS- i.tima.ij. tfcey have feene the kingdome of God. * M'"""*.**. »8<.« And •"•"'•-• Tbe transfiguration of Chrift, Ghap. X, » M«.i7,2. i8 ♦ < And it came to paffe about an eight matk»9.i. tkyes afrer thofe wordes.that he tooke Peter and 6 Leaft the ifci John .and lames , and went upintoaraountaineco fhouid be offended pray atthcdebafing himleireinhis ff^Ihiheteachetfa them th Qtatie, (Viewing thertwitkallfor a fjiacethebrigbt- neffe of his glotie. h What death bee Ihould die in Hie- luftRin x9 And as he prjyed , the falliion of his con- tenance was changed , and his garment *»Af white andglilleitd. 30 And beholde , two men talked with him, which were Mofes and Eliae : 3 1 Which appeared in glorie , and tolde of his h departing .which faee ihould accoraplilh at Hie- rufalem. 3 2 But Peter and they that were with him, were heavie with fleepe. and when they awoke, they faw his glorie, and the two men ftanding with him. 3 j And it came to pafle , as they departed from him , Peter faid unto lefus, Mafter, it is good for us to be here : let us therefore make three taberna- cles .one for thee ,and one for Mofes , and one for Elias, and wift not what he laid. 34 Whiles hee thus Ipafce.there came a cloude and overiliadowed them , and they feared when they where entring into the cloud. ji i.Fcitri>i7- 3r S And there came a voice out of the cloud, faying. This is that my beloved Sonne , heare him, 36 And when the voyce was part , lefus was found alone : and they kept it clofe , and tolde no i VntillChrirtwai man in i thofe dayes any of thofe things which tifen agaioe from they had feene. 37 ^ 7 And it came to palTe on the next day, as they came downe from the mountaine , much peo> pie met him. 38 ♦ Andbeholde.amanofthecompaniecry- ed out. faying, Mafter , I befeech thee , beholdmy fonne : for he is all that I have, j9 And loe,a fpirit taketh him , and fuddenly he crieih.and he teareth him ,thaL he fometh, and hardly departethfrom him , when^hee hath k brui^ fed him. 40 Nowe I have befbught thy difciples tocaft him our, but they could not. 4 1 Then lefus anfwered and faid, O generation faithieffe, and crooked, how longnow Ihalll be with you , and fuffer you ? bring thy fonne hither. 42 And whiles hee was yet comming.the devill rent him . and tare him : and lefus rebuked the un- cleane fpirite, and healed the childe , and delivered him to his father. 43 5 » And they were all amafed at the migh- tie power of God : and while they all wondered at al things whichlelus did, he faid unto his dilciplcs, 44 I Markethefe wordes diligently ; ^ for it fhall come to paffe .that the fonne of man Ihall be delivered into the hands of men. 4f But they under ftood not that worde : for it ^'ctre^ldi^nl!'** w*S hid from them, /bthat they could not perceive *"" ' it : and they feared to aske him of that word. 46 1 *• 9 Then there arofe a difputation among them, which of them Ihould be the greateft, 47 When lefus faw the thoughts of their hearts, he tookea little child, andfet him by him, 48 And faide unto them.Whofoeverreceiveth this little childe in my Name , receiveth mee ; and wholoever Ihall receive me, receiveth him that fcnt me : for he that is leaft among you all . hee ihall be- great. 49 I * •• And lohn anfwered and fayde , Ma- tbedead. 7 Chrift ijofftnd- td wiib notfaing fo much at with incitdulitie,al- *boagh he bteare i>(itb itforaiime. * Mat 17.14. waike9,i7. k Antfarethio ifaefailins fetkBeOe. • Wtlfavtiifr caufr to promire ourr«lv«i fefiand quiemeQeiDtbii woild.feeingtbai they thetnJelvei which feeined to fawDtupoo Cbiifi dee fiioiily after crucifiehim 1 Give diligeot tare untoiLem, Ae that you kccpt tbtm. 4. Mat. 17,11. marke ?.3 1 . 5% Mat.»8,i. marke 9,3)'' 5 The fDdeof amtiiioniiigno- BUDie, but the tndofaiL'deltobt- dieocc ii glory. ♦ Marke$,3S. xo Excraordinarit Chriftes poyertie. 29; jro_ Then lefu? faide unto him, Forbid yee htr/i not : lor he that is not againl\ us, is with us. «' Chrift goeth y I 1 »' And it came to p^fTe , when the dayes '^"■''!''?ly " ^'^■*'- were accotr.i-Hil-ed . that he fl.ou'd be received up. feebardeD.dh.7 be mfetled birafeife fully togoe to Hierufaiem, face, that is, here^ Ji Andfentmeflengers before h^, and they^o'^'^'' with him. went and entred into a towne cf the Samaritanes, ^^'^*""''^' "<* topreparehrrrW^^^. ^'rhTArr;!' y 3 But they wouide not receive him , becaufc aod afi awjy all his behaviour was 4/ ihough he would goe to Hie- '«'a>^«o''death,an(i rulalcm. «'"^°'•■ ?4 "And when his difciples, lames and Iohnl«d^fth™'im. faw it, they (aid. Lord, wilt thou that we ceromand, moderateneffe of that fire come downe from heaven, andconfunie ^"''. and foods them, even as i Ehas did i and faid, Ye know not of what a fpirit ye are. doe, we doe it to f6 For the Sonne of man is not come to de- Godssiory^aod But lefus turned about, and rebuked thetn, wbarfoVvwwe" to another towne. righbour. a KlDgi.i,ic. . y? J '3 And ir came to pafle that as they went 12.13. inthe way,4 acertainemanfaide unto him, I will " Sofpeakethe follow thee. Lord, whitherfoever rhou goeft.. "o^kTownoVXt y8 And lefus faide unto him. The Foxes have win, niinde,and holes, and the birdes of the heaven neftes , but the counfeii you are of: Sonne of man hath not whereon to lay his head, ^° '^^ ?'<"'» °f God f9 14 But hee faid unto another.FoUowe mee. ""tl;, Jr/.fe And the fame faid , Lord , fuffer me firftto goeand a,egiv£nofGodt buriemj father. spirit, aod fo are 60 And iefus faid unto him.Let the dead burie •'"y • «»"" coo- " their dead : but goe thou, and preach the kingdom '^",'!h p,'oc«d of. 0*God. tb. wicked fpirite 61 >^ Thenanother (aid , I will followethee, ai thefpitit ofco. Lord : but let me hrfl go bid them farewell , which «'o"fn". of pride, ■ are at mine houfe. 'l""^. follow 6z And lefus faide unto him. No man that put. cbrin, mun pre. teth his hand to the plough , and looketh backe, is pare tbemfeive», apt tothe kingdome of God. to fuffer all d ■l Mat!h.>,i9. 14 ThecallingofGodoughttobepreferred.wiihoutallcontroverfic before all duetierthat we-owe to meo. o WboDutwiibftaodiug that ibey live io ib;f fraile life of.Tiaa,yei are flrangertfroin the true lift.wbich ileveiJafiiBg aodheavBiiy, 1; Suchasfol;owCiiiiil,aiuitatoBCer«ioaace«li worldly catei. C^ A P. ThtftUntu SfiifUt. 10 Thf^athAnkffnit eititt charrti TtKhimfiiiie. 17 The diJiifUsninTnin^hi>mt,ari rear' tuilitithumhh. 30 Wheuoutntiihbtm. iiOfMat- iha and htr filhr Af arit . J^VtoUailew- ^" ' ^"^ ^^"^^ ""'^ cdl^i-ig out devils in thy Name, cd, aoi caodtma- ^"^ ^^ forbad him . bicaule lie foUoweth tije< not •*- with us,. A Ftet * » thefe things, the Lordappointed other * JJ?")^ "'.*• feventie alio j and lent them , two and two be- \j, {tmls°btCt-i fore him into everie citieand place , whither hee cond forewarneri - himfelfe fhould come. ofibe comming z And bee faide unto them, » The harvef\ li ^' '^^''j;|[,- great , but the labourers are fewe : pray therefore ^ Matih.To^ifi theLordoftheharvel\ to lent fort labourers into i Tbefaithfuii' hisharveft. niinifter.ofihe 3^ * '<^^y°"^«''y«=t^holde,lfendeyou3t:«-^^.. forth as lambes among wolves-. ,„„„g ^,,^. 4 Beare no bagge , neither faippe , notflioes, hm ifthey bediij, and + falute* noman by the way. geii;todoetheii y » And into whatfoever houfe yee enter, firft^^""^'^'^^'^[}'j*' fay. Peace 6* to this houfe. aifopr'fare' 6 And if b the fonne of peace be there , your them, peace (hall reft upon him , if not , it ihall tume to * » King.4,aj. y-^gaine. a^Jr^thr^rrof 4 figure, wbic.hnifjj > vCt, when they putdowtif moreia vwrdfi.then ittimni • vfualJ amonj the Hebrewea »;hentliry commaund athijg lobe donel'petdily wuheutdtlay . at j. Kin(!.4,i9. for ohtr\Aifccourteou»and gctiiUfalutation*, arc points of CbTiltiao duety i aiforrht- calJiog i vvaibui feia feafon. -J Matih.io,i2.tnarke«,io. b So fpeake tht - iiiibwnKi : that it, b«c thai favouietb tbe doftiiocef feace and imbraceibit. 7 And ■ The untbankefull cities threatned. S. Luke. Who is our neighbour 7 And in tiiathoufec taryftill.eaing and drink- c T»ir*Hfycur log llich things as by them jhallUfet beforeyou: hdiin'i die fore you. 9 And hcale the ficke that are there , and fay unto them , The kingdome of God is come neere ■whul> furfife It t-l'J Unr in t flute: tHt$i rhjticlemne fftithin^ t/the CiJftK/tQ'oich W*J nifei jfcirvp-fd, Tvhen ihe Cliunliei •ntrtj-tUd: lut iklft art/lHt unto you. 10 3 But into whatfoever citie ye fliall enter, i( they will not receive you . goe your wayes out into the ftreets of the Hime, and Uy, I I Even the verie * Jult.which cleaveth on us ofyourcitie, wee wipe cftagainlt you : notwith- aircaJ:. lii il,t ftandinff koow this , that the kingdome of God was ri>f them It VriJir Juiilap.9.J- aci iS.«. 4. Maiih. 11,11. "« '/>>" have defued to fee thofe things .which ye fee. and t'TJ.ic,M,rcfi,:. have not feene thew and to heare thole ihmgs J Tic chuicb ii ' which ye heare, and have not heard ffcfw. c3n,emp'..ble, .f ^i J « J Thcn beholdc . i a certaine Lawyer .„cbehold.he flQQj^^ outward fjct ot it, but ibe wifedoius l"''" ... •fGodiinoifo 26 And hee faide unto him, what is v/nttenm niarveiloa., io any the LaW ? how readcft thou ? thmg . .. io it ^^ j^gg anfwercd and faide . Jf. Thou Qialt I) Then hee tamed to Ims difciples, and faid, Isreadinfamecopif. « Whofoeverfttkeih ibepithpf witfcout the Sonne , wandticth cut of itt way . 7 Toedifrcrenceof theoiJ Tellament and the new conlifteth ia ibc meafute of reve- laiioa. » M.v'h.i3,iS. X Ma:.ia,3f. mar.ia.iS. 8 Faiih doth not take away, buMftabtilheih ihedoa.ineofthe Law. i One vfiUmthut frofc^tiihin'Mt'o ic Ittrntd i» ihe r'tti tni Una 'ffi tfil. S Vmi ,6,(. ■nrtught fach mi- racles it ihtr did, hj ca'.ling upct CbriJiiiNamc. f Paul fUielh the diiiilUnd hit itn?tii,i'>ihc Ajtl, catiminthitfir.fi. love thy Lord God with all thine heart , and with all thy (oule, and with all thy ftrength , and with ail jj i.j"vit.ij,i». thy thought, ■^ and thy neighbour as thy felfe. 28 Then he fai i unto him, Tiiou haft anfwered right : this doe. and thou (lialt live. 29 9 Bu: hee willing to k iuftifie himfelfe.faide 9 Allth-y are unto lefuSjWho is then my neighbour ? comprehended lo ,',-,- ^ / r.- .J » • toe name ofout 30 And lelus anfwered, and laide, A certaine pjigbtj^ur by the man went downefroraHieruialeratoIericho, and Laws, wpomfoe- feli among theeves, andtfcey robbed himofhis vetwcmuyheipe. raiminr, and wounded him .and departing , leaving ^ ' "'' "'"^■""^ himhalfedead. t'/^^t^S; 3 1 Now To it fell out , that there came downe a vtidcfuU fa-dtt.- certaine Prieft that fame way, and when hee fawe «"'' ^"""^ ; »•/"* him , he pafTed by on the other fide. \.'.Z"^M(.r'!3r 3 2 And like wife alfo a Levitc , when hee was come neere to the place , went and Io»ked on him, and palTed by on the other fide. 33 Then a certaine Samaritane , as he ioutney- ed, came neere unto him , .uid when he fawe him, he had compalTi ;n on him. 34 And went to him.and bound up his wounds, and powred in oyle and wine , and put him on his owne beaft , and brought him to an Inne, and made piovifion for him. 3 r And on the morrow when he departed , hee tookeout two pence , and gave them to thehofi, and faid unto him , Take care «f him , and whatfoe- ver thou fpendelt more, when I comeagaine.i will recooipenie thee. 36 which nowe of thefe tliree.thinkeft thou, was neighbour unco him that fell among the theeves ? 37 And he faid.He that llvwed raercie on him. Then Aid lefus untohim. Goe , and doe thou like- wife. 3 8 f »o Now it came to paCTe, as they went, that ^ hee entredinioa certaine towne, and « cercaine tame.HdelitatJy, woman named Martha, received him into her bufobs beard houfe. h'w"ch'he''ef " 39 And die had a filler called Mary , which alio " aiTy «JuiMth!* fate at lefus feer, and heard his preaching. 40 But Manha wascombred about much (er- ving.and came to him. md faide , Mailer, doeft thoa not care that my lifter hath left mee to ferve alone? bid her therefore, th-.tlhec heipe me. 41 And lefusanfwered, and faid imto her,Mar- tha , Martha . thou careft , and art troubled ab»iit many things : 42 But one thing is needfull , M.irie h.uhcho- fen the good part , which ihall not be taken aw.iy from her. CHAP. XI. I H'.ttMhtihhii^ftJllesttftdj. 14 Tie dUmle JehU tlrilien oiu. zy -A tctman o/'i. ctrnf-tn't lifiedup her Prjct. 19 The leiperreynJre /»;•'"•■', 37 Hebetn^fe.i/leJ tfthi Pharift.rcpracVetUoM-Kirdfyv tfheVn.'jI'e. "f Mattb.<,9 Cbi'iflcareth AKd lb it was , rhat as hce was in-ayms A fofiae of true leup. andtemptedhim .ftying.Mafter .what pl« faid tmto him .Lord, teach vs to pray , as lohn^.w^^^^^^ r .' ■ < ■ 111-/ . alfo taught bifdiciples. ih'iJa^.irhtrt'y Idoetoinhemeeternallnfe?. . , .^ ^ J 'Xnd heia dLtothem,Whenyepray,%. --;-^'*-''« 1 Our Fathtt which art in heaven, hallowed be thy f4,7/o'r Jlicmaiii, N.ime. Thy kingdome come : Let thy willde done, untncecfcnr euen in earth, 's it is in licaven l>t/t>,bnt thai car- ' 3 Ourdulybrcadgiveusafortheday: g^;^::Z^:: 4 And forgive us oi;runnes: tor even we lor- o/mf„,i,f«f(,/ give everie man that is indebted to us : And le.ide undnjlr.iineJ. UE not into temptation : but deliver us from evill. a wemuft [tay 5 J » Moreover be faid unto them , Which of w"^ •^»"»»' yon Aske,feeke,andknocke. Chap. XI, you (lull have a friend. 'and (haU goc to him at niiJmght.aid fay unto him, Friend. lend mee three loaves ? 6 For a friend of mine is come our of the way ru rac, and I liave nothing to lot before him : 7 And bee within Ihould anfwcrc , md fay. Trouble me not ; the docre is now ihut , uiid my children are with me in bed : 1 cannot riie and give them to thee. 8 I fay unto you. Though he would not ari/e b VJoti fot word, and give him, beccufe lie is his friend, yet .lonbt.cs i,«pucl6ncy:but chat bg^-guie ^f j^jj b importunitie , hee would ri^e and isfpokeoofhet*. give him as many as hee needed, is not to be found 9 ^ And I fdy unto you , Aske , and it IhiHbe fault wHhail,but ii given you : feeke , and ye ihall finde : knocke , and ver, commct^dabl.: ^^ ^^^,j ^^ ^ g^cd Unto yoU. . likethweilofrucb 1° S Fof eveiy one tnarasketh .receiveth : tmponunitie. and hee that feeketh , find^th : and to him that *» Mat^7.7."d 11. knocketh,it fhall be opened. . H * ifafonneihail askebread ofany ofyou A fingle eye. HypocfiGe repfooved. 30 .matl(eiiia4. iohn i4,i3.aDd iS. that is a father , will he give him a ftone ; or it hee J Matih 7.S. » Malth.7,9. K Matth.9.3«. and 11,21. 3 An example of bom bleb III as^e a filh, will he for a hih give him a fcrpent i 12 Orifheaskeanegge,will heegivehiraa fcorpion ? I J Ifye then which are evill , can give good giftes unto your children , how much morelhail and ftieh as cannot your hcivenlv Father givc the hoJy Ghoft to them *" 00 aa'^v.X' coa" ^''^^ '^^^''^ ^'"^ ■ fcfen'ce.Vnd pre-"' '4 J X Then hee caft out a devill which was tended malice, the dumbe ; and when tlie deviil was gone out, the powetof God ii dumbe (pake, and the people wondrcd. fcla^hemed. ^ g,,^ ^^^ ^f ^^g^ j- _, ^ ^ y^^ ^.^j^g^h OUt M.^maik'e?:*. 'ieviis through Beelzebub the cnicfeofthcde- 4 1 he true way viis. i6 And Others tempted him , feeking of him a fignefrom lieaven. 17 4 But he knewe their thoughts.and fayd un- to them , ♦ Every kingdome divided againil it felfe , ibdlbe delolate > and an houfe divided againrt anhoufcfalleth. to know the true Cijiili- f'omthe faire,iitbu,ihat the true Cbiift bath BO accord or agreemeat w'h Saian : Andiire- vif know him , we ^^ So if iatan ahb be divided againfthimfclfe, acknowedgehim. how Ihali h'.s kingdome ftjnd , beLauieyefay that ♦ Matth.i2,»j. I t;aft out deviis c through heelzebub ? T"*"'A«»t«e and '^ If I through Beelzebub caft out devils , by »«»r^r •/Beelte-" whom doe your children caft them out ? Therefore tuh. fhall they be your iudg.s. d That is. h *'" . zo hut if^ I by the d finger of God caft out de- fTv "^f"*' o " vils , doubtlclfe the klngdorae of God is come un- e rAe',Tr«r«/J.ni. CO you. ftih frcperijan xi Wl'cn 3 (^rong man armed keepeth hise pa- tftn a„'«'''> '"b^iJ' come in. may fee the light. ought.obeto 34 * Thelight of thebodie is the eye : there- Tm °t.« 11^ fore when thine eye is fjiigle.then is thy whole bo- 10 Thefrrvic'eof die light : but if thine eye be evill , then thy bodie God coniidtth Jsdarke, not in outward ]S in thee, be not darkenelVe. ceremoniti, butin ■}6 If therefore thy whole hodisp^aUbe light, tbefpirituallrigh- having no part darke , then Ihall all be light , even """f^^ef^f'te . as when a candle doth light thee with the bright- ^"m';"^/"""'* nelle. f Toatis.according 37 S '* Andashefpake, a certainePharilebe.foyourab.iitietai fought him to dine with him : and he went in ..and "''° '*'°"''* ''''• '" fate^wneatthetable . ^ ., .11,°^^^- 36 And when the rhariielawit , nenaarveileddrtd you ,tbat yju that he had not firlt waflied before dinner. to^ld noteaie 39 « And the Lord faid to him , Indeedeyec^!^'°'y_^^^^^^'_'^-j Pharifes make cleane the outfidc of the ciip,andj'*yQ''„f/[,"[°'i,'^J| of the platter: but the inward part is fi.dlofrave-fttvcyou.begood ning and v;ickednefle. 'o the poore, aud fo 40 Yeefooles , did nothe-that made that which fhali that, that- Take heede therefore , that the light which d!v?fed HtJ/or n without.make that which is within alfo? befanflificd tbougit 41 Therefore, give almes f of thufe .things the plauti be ub. which you have, and behold, all things Ihall bawaihtd. cleane unto you. n it is the prow 42 1 1 But wo be to you.Phatifes: for ye g tithel^^^^'" ^^ ^^^°^' the my nt and the rcw , and b all manr;er herbs .and Houtiy fuili-.ile palfe over ' judgement and the love of God :thektrifl«.andleipaae ought ye to have done .and not to have left the f"^^"""^""*, • iP 'j 2 y,jur decide by othcrundone. ., t r , Go.:.La^.thatthe 43 J «» Whofcetoyou .Phanles : tor ye loveientjanisdu* the uppennoft feates in the Synagogues, and greet- 10 be p.yrd ings in the markets. •' P' ^'.' ^'""^ "[ 44 '3 Woe be to you. Scribes and 1 harifes hy>"^"; '^J^;/.',^^* pocrites : | for ye are as graves v^hich l«,Tbel'>»e ct G 'd.containetht Srit . Cb2p.i»,i6.mat.ii,6 maike iii3S. ^9. u H>potrili-™4 anibiicnaiecommonlyioyord loge htr. 13 HypcicriiHJici-ivemen wiihai oot- waidlhew. | Mait.j;,!?. t4 HyiOC>UeineveryfCTfveagamftotk«m»fl» but cbiaXciIl thiugi Uv^full (o tbcwftlvei. ^ M4tc.i>,4.aaei i;,io. The Pharifes leaven. S. Luke^ Gods pTOvidenc€. «f HypoctitM ho- tobeeborse , andyee^urfelves tough not the nourttofcfaiiti bur(kns with one cf your finders, dur^tom't'ney 47 ' ^ Woi* CO yoii: 4 forvou buiW the fepal- iiioft cruelly pet- chres of thc Prophets, 8c yotir fathers killed them, fe.ute, wrhtn they 48 Trucly k ye bcafc witncilc , and aliow the wereaiive. dccdes of yoiir fathers : for they killed them , and k whcovo!.«;. ye build tl^arfcpulchres. f«u:e Gwliftr- 49 Therefore fayd The wifedome of God.I Mill vaau.iikt maJ mm, fend cheiti Prophers and Apoftles, and of ihetn they tvcn a. your fi.hcri ,j^^{ (^^ j^^j , perfeciitc awav. tt l.Zh Tp^r 50 That the blood of all' the Prophets , m Hied fence of jodiineffe. from the foundjtio'.i of the worldf may be repaired yet oomitiiino- of this generation. dmg. in that you ^j jTrom the bloodof Jf Abel unto the blood chi«'oAhtVio^" * of * Zacharias , which was Uaine betwcenetheal- piien,v»i»:do«yoii tat ifid the Temple : verely 1 lay unto you.icfliall .!li, but glory la your [^g required of this generation. ftibtt, Mueitr.tnd J ^ , J yy^ ^^ ^^ yy„ ^ Lavvyers : for ye have n ta- Oi'uXtTeT.lkry ken away the key of knowicd'se : yeencred not in ■ndttiumihofii? your felvcs , and them that came in,ye lorb.ide. I Theyflialiro jj «7Andashee rydthefe things unto them, ♦tKchemand j^ Scribes and I'hariJt-s bfr^^an to urK him lore, tioublethein.ihat , . , • r , c i.- atirogtli ,hfy fliall and to o provoke bimtorpe.'.keot-many things. baDilUihrm. y4 Laying waite for hiip, and iet^king lo catch oi Tt.tiouiniy fome thing of his mouih , whereby they mioht ac- becalledioanac- ,,,r»u,- " ' ° cou«forit.y«,and<^^'«"'"'- benuoilhed torth-ftieadlngofthatbloodoftheProphei. § Gen.4 8. * i.Chroir. A^-ii. 16 They baue of long time cbitfly bi idrrd ibepcopli; . fromentri ig inio the knovvl'dgeof God , which ought to be ihr doore keei'tr> oi the Chuich. o Vou have hiddco and taken awoy. fotbaut cannot betound an» vvhere. 17 Tfee nioreth«aBvoTld ijreprehendtJ ,t1ie vsorfeit it, and yet mult •Aeenoibetiay thetrueib. o They proiofcd many qiieftiooi to hiin , to draw 'omettlir.goutofhii mouth, vvbich they might tiaiteroufljf caipe at. C H A P. X I I. I Thfltabencftht Pharifii. f Wheis i«ht fc:trti. S To cc„ftfi CMfl. . 7 Th f^r.ihl€ 4 thr rich mShnUf lendtviiturf ffrlile. ti N ci tc (.irc for eurn ij thingu •ji Biutsfuk!!it'ekj'<'pd'me'f.''cd. 39 Theihitfein thtn^fbt. ft leh'^rtfrthfCojyihfakf. 4, Mitrfa,i«.f, rjc •!• t themeanetime , thciegctthered together ""^LV'^bf II ^" innumerable rouldiude ol people, ib that teach«»o*fGodi ^^'^y "'"'■^^ ''"^ another: andhe begmtofy unto ■cvord, which are his difciplcs firll , Take heede to your lelvcs of the appointed by him leaven ofthc Pharifes, which is hypocrilie. ^'"ftbrb"ake ^ * For there is no-hin^ covered, that fl-'.all goud bTei'of'hem, fot be revcaled ; neither hidde, that lliallnotbe wbichcorrupithe knowen, jutiiieofdodtiae ij wherefotc whatfbever yce have fpoken in w.h goodly gio- (larkencife. it llialbe heatd iiithelif;ht : andthat fei, and alfo take 1 • 1. l r , • u • / 1 paiortthroujh Which ye have Ipoken in the eare , in lecret places, the helpeofG.'d, Ihalibcpreachcd on the houles. tn fet foortb fui- 4 ■" ^ And I fay unto you, my fi iends , be not «tedoa..De. afriidc of them that kill the bodic , and after that openly and wiin- , , , out feart. ^'■^ n°f ^"''^ '" doeany more, a Word for worf, f Put I wiil b furewarne you.whom ye Ihal feare tenthoufandiof feaic him which aftcrhc haeh killed, h.uh power |>eopIe. a cettaine j^ ^.^j^ j„jq (^gjj . g^ j (^y y^jy you, him feare. anmber T^an un- - r^ r iLr r ,,naint. o Are not five Iparowes boii^''^ tor two iar- «| Matth. io,2«. things . 4»i yet not one of them isforgottenbe- q,arke 4. aa. fore God ? Matlh.iO.a8. Although byj.0- Yefl, and all the hairesof your head are ife«. have princea numbred : leare not thctelore : ye ai-e more ot vi- to execute their lue then many fparowcs. «au.^itie,yirt there jj J 3 Alfo 1 fav unto yoo , Whofocver (hall i«nocau(: all thing., and II $ 4 And when they Ihall bring you unto the" ^''"'i;'"'*')^'" Synagogues . and unto the rulers and Ptrnces , take ,°°UaCwb.ch no thought how, or what thing ye Ihall anlwere, /irive and couiend or what ye ihall ipeake. io hi» appointed 1 2. For the holy Ghoft Ihall teach you in the •famehoure.whatyeonghttolay. no.for.hreec.u. 13 / And one ot the company laid unto hiro, ii»b«a ludgeto Mafter, bid my brother divids the inheritancedividtaBinfaeri- with me. ^««- Ffm"Bi- L II r ■ I 1 llcri to their gather all my truits.inilmy gjt>ds. owicpt;:V«t» \') And I wiillay tomyfoule, St>ule .thouhift c.min.«ii u^ muchgoods laid up formar.vyeerei , liveateafc,*= B>«»v»toufiieii« eate. drinke. and g take thy p.i'lbme. dXe'ro'' « wTn*' 20 ButGodiaiduntoliim, O ft)ole, this nightiuooiy wi"'o[^"i willth^y ietch away thy loule fro thee : then wboie mem hurt. Ihall thole things be which thou haft provided ? ^ ^'^ " ''=« autiof 21 So « he that garh .reth riches * to himfcifc. ""^ Hlf*"" °[ and IS not rich in God. „,, * 22. 7 Andhefpakeuntohisdi(ciples,Ther-.'fore6 Therearffoooe I fay unto you, * Take no ihoughtf ir your life. "'"''•'"»^''*»'» what yc ihall eat : neither for your bo.ii^ , what ye v'^'"'" 1^ .' ''' n-;allputon. „X, ' "' 23 The life is more then meat : andthebodye Or rathercouiv, >»#re then the rayment. 24 Confider the rave norreape: which neither have (\orehoule nor ^j.c,- ot ground ob- barne.and yer God feedcth them: how much moieiy, Su a'a whole are ye better then foules ? cnunt-ey a»:b*ydo, : f And which of you with taking thoo?ht, can ^■^"'' '"V"' *";"'' ,)•'.., ■',, *' 0' to boufc.and ntid to addeto nisftjtureonecubite ? fi.id Efai.j s. x6 If ye then be not able to dotheleaftihing. f Madf hji recko- whytake ye thought fortherertnant? ning within bim. 2 7 Coniidtrr the lillics how they grow: they, la- ^'^]''^fy'K^''. '*'* bour not.neitiier fpin they : yet 1 fay imto yoii.i.hat foujTbu'L'tTaV Salomon himfelfe in ail his toyahie wasnotcloj-ipendrteirlrfeio thedlike oneofthefe. thofetriflei. 28 If rhen God fo cloath the graffe which is to 8 ^^B« ""^^^^^^ day in thc (ield.and to morow is caH into the oven. J^'^ caii^g forao '* bow much more vvid \->ct dtuh you , O yee of lit- man buif<>»hini. tie faith > felfe^,aiid.niadingta 29 Therefore askenot what ycefhall eatc. or'"''*'"'^''"''''^- what ye ihal drinke.neither i hang you in fufpence- kiai"^'n'VfZ 30 Forallfuchthin« the people ofihe world videoce of osd.i* ' feckefor: and yom- Father knoweth that ye have* r^Crnttemedie need of thefe things. 's»;"ft "K^oft " looliUiandpintog taiefulneBiofnieoforthisIife. » M«tth.6,»r. j.pet.f.?^ pfal.ff a», iAMeta- pbotetaketiofttingjtbatt-.ans intbeayre , for tbcy tli.it arrcarefall for tbu worldly, lilt, and hang upon the arme of mao^ have alwayei wmvering anddoublfull miodi, fwtynig roiMiHOM tbii wayiiadfmnttiBiei :batw 31 oBct Thefaithfotlfervant; « They Ciaii Ucke 3 1 ^'^^^ ""af^^f C^eke ye after the kingdome of mother : the mother Ghap. XIII. Go j^iudgements unfear cBable. jr oothing, which are God, andallthele things Ihalbe cnft upon you. carefuii for the ^ j 9 feare not , little flocke : for it is your Fa- kmgdome of ^^^^ pleafiire to give you the kingdome. hea\j«i 9 It it •■agn. fooliOt ttolookf 33 J en it in the Creekfttngue ,>f nercie and com- faffim .■ and there f»eheei>fajdto g7>f almCi, rcha fartelhtvi'hfime thini '° '""'^''> and^i)>elh fc the ftcrcfhewini $hcrehj,thathe fi- tieth their ftart tHaie. g i.Fcf.1,13. J I The life of ine ^itbfull htvaati of God, in ihii world iiaceri. laine watchful! yeregrinationi ha. viDgthelTgtitirf the v5ord going before it. » Matth. 14,43, Mvsl.i6,iJ. and 3,3. I a Konehave more neede to watih , then they »hat have fome de- gree of honour in the bouniolde 1 That is, every tiionethfuch mea- fureefcorneas vva» .djtfoiDKdtbeai. sn More then ot him 10 whom fo much vvaj not gi- ven. J 3 TbeGofpelil theoiiely caufe of peace betweeue the godly: andfo it fi the occafion ofgieattroublea- moug the wicked. they may open unto him immediatly . 3 7 BlelVed are thofe fervants , whom the Lord when hee corameth fliallfinde waking: verely I lay unto you, hee will girdhimfelfe about, and make them to fit downe at table , and will come forth, and fetve them. 38 And if hee come in the fecond watch , or come in the third watch , and fliaii finde them fo, bleffed are thofe fervants . 39 ■•' Now underftand thjs,that if the good man of the houfehad knowenat what houre thethiefe •would have come , he would have watched , and would not have fuffercd his houfe to be digged thorow. 40 12 Be yee alfo prepared therefore : for the Sonne of man will come at aa houre when yee thinke not. 4 1 Then ^eter ftyd unto him , Mafter , telkth thou thisparable unto us, oreven to all ? 4z And the Lord fayd, who is a faithful! ftew- ard and wife , whom the mafter lliall make ruler ©ver his houiholde , to give them their 'portion ofmeatinleafon ? 43 Bleffed it that fervant, whom his mafler when he commeth, ihall finde fo doing. 44 Of a trueth , 1 fay unto you , that hee will make him ruler ovenJl that he hath. 4 y BHt if that fervant fay in his heart, My mafter doth deferre his comming, and ihall begin to (mit e the fervants , and maidens , and to eat and drinke, and to be drunken. 46 The mafter of that fervant will come in a day when he thinkethnot .andatan home when he is not ware of , and will cut him ofl", and give him his portion with the unbeleevers. 47 $ And that fervant that knew his mailers will , and prepared not himfelfe , neither did accor- ding to his will, Ihalbcbeaten with many Bripet, 4li But he that knew it not, and yet did commit things woorthie of flripcs, Ihall be beaten with few ftripes I for unto whomlbever much is given , of him lliall be much required , and to whom men much commit , m the mote of him will they aske, 4$> S »3 1 am come to put lire on the earth jand what is my defire , if it be already kindled ? JO Notwithflandinglituft be baptized with a baptifme , andhow am 1 grieved till it be ended? y I ^ Thinke yee that I am come to give peace on earth ? I tell you , nay, but rather debate. fx For from hencefoonh there Ihallbehvein one houfe divided j. three againft two j and two againft three. y 3 The father flialbe divided againft the fonne, and the Tonne againft the father ; the mother a- gainft the daughter, and the daughter againft the in law againft her daughter in , law , and the daughter in law againft her mother in L Men'which are ■ law. ■ ,, ■ v.,iec]^Kl:eof y4 J .|. 14 Then fayd he to the people , when ''.;ht in eanhly ye fee a cloud nrife out of the Weft ,ftraio;htwav"''?S'' "'>''■"'« yefay.Alhowrecommethrandfoitis^ J' ^.bictp'e'Xt^ yy And when ye/fe the South wmde blow ,ye the heavenly life, fay , that it will be hote : and ir commeth to paffe. ^'^^ itat through y6 Hypocrites, yee can difcetnethe face of the thtirowne malice. earth.and of the fkie: but why difcerne ye not this rethZde"her\,h time? ■ itfei/iu/etherih y7 '! Yea, and why iudge ye not of your felves '*'" e"t c/tht what is right ? - '""■ y8 !:§ While thon goeft with thine adverfarie ^/.^^'j-^^^'h"'* to the ruler, as thou art in the way , give diligence jove of tbemfeiveij in the way, that thoumayeft be delivered from and therefore ate him ,Ieaft he draw thee to the iudge, and the iudge ^'"'^'''''"'*,, deliver thee to the iay let . and the iayler caft thee betX'r!i)."d^ intoprifon. oftheirfolie. yp I tell thee.thou flialt not depart thence, till t Matth. iMf, thou haft payed the vtmoft mite. ° ^°' *"" '''•"^■"' ^ ■' Ta-dimandandra. ther the tmerciament; nihich thej were ennJemneJ unto that had ■enTon^fuiytrcidUd men: mcreever ithem.tpjlr.it^scffiicrs makf ihtmnhich a-e ecndtmncd, ptj ihal.th.tt thiy cype , }ia , and often times if the-) he cisiinaie . th^} dse nut tnelj tnke the oA and' charge) efthem, lut alfe imfrijin them. CHAP. XIII. 1 Ofthe Caliledns, 4 and thtfe thxt rvere ftajne under Sitcam. « The fi^fe tree that hare no fruit, n Then'- mjn njexed yciih ""the ffirit «/ infrmitie , that is , Ttiih a difiafe Irought tn her Ij Sat.m , is healed. 1 9 The pa- rMenftherraineifmufiardfecd. 21 Ofkai>tn'. 13 Htw > fiwfhalhefaved. 31 Henid th,it Ftxr . •Tn Here « were certaine raenprefent at the fame 'ji^"""b"mft ■^ feafon, that lliewed him ofthe Galileans, "^Jni^,'en, of" whofe blood a Pilate had mingled with their others, but raib« i^Crifices. beintiruaed i And lefus anfwered , and fayd unto them, ^'hereby to repen- Suppofe ye ,thatthefe Galileans were greater fin- ""p'^hm, p,;,,,, nets then all the ether Galileans , becauie they have wa, pwnmrcf fuffered fuch things ? ludt"*, almtfl tm 3 I tell you , nay : but except ye amend your ■","'/' ^^.f f''^L lives, ye (ball alllikewifeperiih. huicwrJm''ntZ 4 Or thinke you that thoie eighteene ,upon tvhichmi^hbet. whom the tower in b Siloani fell , and P.ew them, hut the fifteenth were finners above all men that dwell in Hierufalcr ■'"■" frh'r7fi7ni- _ y I tell you , nay . but except yee a.mend your }"fj'f, n?rk,'"f lives, ye (liall all iikewile perilh. cur redemftion hj 6 1 2 He fpake alfo this parable, A certaine man hiideaih. '■■ ■ had a figge tree , planted in his vineyard : and hee ''I'f.l'^J,'',;"^, f„ came and fought fruit thereon, and found none , 'siu'm'yjas Itfmlu 7 Then fayd he to the dreifer of bis vineyard, „>,.,, frcnnvhoi^e Beholde, this thiee yeeres have I come and foiiglit the conduits ef the '- fruit of this fie'ae tree,and find none : cut it downe: "'" ''•""'■ ■ "'^.^"'''^ , , , C'^.r , II , Tehn 9,7. and EJ.iU why keepeth it alfo the ground = barren ? s.e.and therefore 8 And- he anfwered , and (ayd unto him i Lord, itwatatcrvcmr let it alone this yeeie alfo, till I digge round about <-<'/?!'. f'uHi t*pcr, it. and dung it. theifimuch that for ei^htetnt jctreifp.itceifht (tiiU ntt hiUe up hsr krfrf. diatltp The ftrait gate. 4 A livei, .mig. diatly (hc was made ftraight agaibe ,' and glorified ro«t/it«/' »4 4 And the f filler of the Synagogue anfwe- Uf I'f til sjmt- red wirfi indignation , becaule that lefts healed on g,g»t,yit tfftt''- the Sabbath //(jj, and fayd unto the people. There riih h M-vk.f.it. g^^ lixe dayJs'in which men ought to worke : in ihtnkn'nfl'c'' them therefore come and be hcalcd,and not on the ,»«,r«i*r,./-,te Sabbath day. ,r j., jj«4;»fti;. 1 y Then anfwered him the Lord.andlayd.Hy- « AuHih.ij.it. pocrite , doth notech one of you on the Sabbath 7cod b^an.rh "^Z loofe his oxe or his alVe from the ftall , and lead S. Luke^ with him away to ihi water < "S>' i6 Andoijj;ht not this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan had bound, loe , eighteene yeeres , be leofed from this bond on the Sabbath d-y ? 1 7 And when he iayd t hefe things all his adver- faries were afliamed : but all the people reioyccd at ail the excellent things that were done by him. 1 8 1^ Thenfa^'dhe. Whatisthekingdome of God like ? or whereto (hzll I compare it? 19 f It is like a graine of muftard feed , which a man tooke andfosved in his garden , and it grew, and waxed a great tree , and the fowles of the hea- litkiagd thjiibc unlookte fbrprocediagof i( may beiies I'ec forth tsiipovirr. j M»«b.i3 33. m MJttb,9.3r. itiirkeS.S. 6 AgliDfttbtm «vbich hadiaiber errewiibmauy, tb«ngoe right wi:ba feWi aoJ tbrougb ibeii owoe yen made nelTs in the branches theceof. flownefle , are Ciut ^^ ^ j ^^^ againe he fayd . Whercunto fliall I « M«J.°t . 3- ^'^^'^^ '^*= kingdome of God? *Hi:iiiriv'»ioe n It is like leaven, which a woman tooke.and To theCburch, hid in three pecks of flouwTe.tillall was leavened. wbichiinetof xz ^ *■ «Andhee wentthorow all cities and ifiitiftiwtik. falem. iourneying toward Hieui-> ThePharirespra(ai/e^ dren together I as thehenne ^itf>erei Ijer ' brood » WorJf^r-worj, under her wings, and ye would not. ?*' "f " •' »°» '*« jy Beholde , your houfe is left unto you defo- *["^j „cfi "^ late : and verely I tell you , ye (hall not fee me un- till the time come that ye iliail fay, Blefled W he that commcth ia the name of the Lord. CHAP. XI I II. I ThtJrefrnht*UdcntheSaU:aih. i Tkechitfe fUcts M hank'ts. 1* ThefcTtmufiUcaUedfmrfe^Ji,. 16 Of ihcji tlutrverebiJtuHieireatJUpftr. ij SotiHcmi' ftUedt<>(tmtin, at Ont aheut 10 huiU A l« very sabbath Jji^^ ought not to hin- 2 And beholde , there was a ceitaine roan be- chaitiV "' " fore him. which had tlie droplie. a Eithtr mi efii'g 3 Then lefus anfwering , fpake unco the Law- ^''^"' • vpi-'mthtf^ vers and Pharifees , faying , Is iclawfuil to hcale on ""■""'" ■^""l"- the S abbath day ? .^.-.A o/,i,t s'na, 4 And thsy held their peace. Then hee tooke ^e«gK«,/o*;> 7,^8. him, and healed him, and let him goe. fcnhis -wcrd Ph*~ y And anfwered them , faying , Which of you 'ifZcil''",CTkit JSallhave an alTe.oran cxe fallen into a put.and will 4j,^«re i, tie ' ' not ftraight way pull him on the Sabbath day? rvhdihift»ry ik*t 6 And they could not anl\«cre him againe to '*' ^*'"'?/'' ^«f« thofe things. inccMctHu 7 J * Hee fpake alio a parable to the ghefts, when hee marked how they chofe out thecbiefe , xhertwarfof tOomCi, and fayd UIKO them, . ptideisignomioy. 8 When thou Ihalt be bidden of any man to a a"d tbe rewarded .« Mait.7.«3-' 23* Then fayd one tinto him , Lord , aretherg wedding , fet not thy feife downe in the chiefeft ',"'""'**""'* r,4i . fM-i. s . fe^, jj, jj fliaibe laved ? And he fayd unto them, f .-7t,^.V.»«"i the 24 * Strive to enter in at the lHaitgate:for ma- caiiiag of the Gen- ny, I fay unto you , will leeke to enter m , and Ihail »ileii»foretolde. HOC be able. g Ffcm tU tie ^y When the good man of the houfe is rifen upj ^"t""S,L/t antrLt:QreU,hT<> 29 Then Ihail comc w/>*ti*r^ ao Aiid Xtie great Supper. Chap. x\r. xo Andanothcrray and the halt.and the blinde. 22 And the fervant faid , Lord , it is downe as thou haft coraraanded, and yet there is roorae. 23 Then the matter (aid to the fervant , Goe out into the hie wayes , and hedges .and com- pell thera to come in » that mine houle may be mied 24 For I fay u nto you .that none of thoft men which were bidden, fliall tafte of my fupper. 2f 5, Nowethere went great multitudes with him, and he returned and faid unto thera, 2 botb for tkcmfelvet and fMotlien: other* wife rhey be ii Or what king going to makewarre againft another King , litteth not downe firft . and taketh counlell , whether he be able with ten thoufand, to meete him that commeth againft him with twentie thoufand ? 32 Or eb while he is yet a great way ©ff.he fen- deth an amballage , and defireth peace. 33 So likewife , whofoever he be of you , that fodakethnot all that he hath , hee cannot be my difciple. 34 * 7 Saltisgood : but if fakhave lofthisfa, vour, whetiewith ihall it be falced ? 3y It is neither meete for the land, nor yet for tkefo»liii»eAn4 efihe [m^gt'ifinne. 'Y Hen ■'' reforted unto 1 him a ikl the Pubiicanes and linnets, to heare him. T. Therefore the Phariles ,anil Scribes murmu- red, faying, Hee receiveth finners,and eaceth with them. 3 Then fpake he this parable to them, faying, 4 " what man of you having an himdreth flieepe.ifheelofeoneof them , doeth not leave ninetieand nine in the wildernefie ,and goe after thatwhich is loft, untjU he finde it ? y And when he hath found it , hee layeth it on bis Ihouldcrs with ioy.. 6 And'wlien he corcmeth home , he calleih to- gether his "fiiends and neighbours , faying imto them, Rcioyce with mec: tori have founde my flieepe which was lolt- Z I % Hmo you, that likewise ioyflalj be in V Qhivmnutt, B W( Dwft DOC ^crfaireefcbem, Tvhichhavc^onK •mofibiway, but according she example of: ChuCwemuft' take great paiae* about tbem. trSumt fuhlitiitt end fintiert camt U ChnJi'frmtaS' futrtert. Theprodigallfonne* 3 a heaven fou one finner*that convertech, wore then for ninetie and nine iuft men , which need none amendment of life. 8 Either what woman having tenne groates , if ftiee loofe one groate, doeth not li^hc a candlc.and Iweepe the houfe , and feeke diii<»ently till fl:e hndeic ? '' 9 And when Ilie hath found it , Oiee calleth her friendes, and neighbours,faying,Reioyce with me: for I have found thegroat whicii I had loft. I o Likewife I fay unto you, there is ioy in the prefence of the Angels of God , for one /inner thac convcrtcth. I I J a Hee faid moreover , A certaine man had .'J^Z.ytilL twofonnes. fromCod.bavini I z And the yonger of them fayde to his father, fpoiUd ihemfelvei Father, give mee the portion of the goods that *''^*''''^*°«*" fallethtomee. So hee divided unto them /iy fub- ^^d'^'f^t^ca"" flance. themfelvethead- 13 So not many day es after , when the yonger long into infinite fonne had fathered all together, he tooke his iour- "'j™i.'j^" j.^"' ney into a tarre countrey , and there hee wafted his Er goodn'ffe^oft. goods with riotous living. ,iog ihemfelfe fret- 14 Nowe when hee had fpentall , there arofe a 'y " them, whon. great dearth thorowout that land, and hee be^an *"""''^'°"p™-' to be in neceffitie. gTamStheir 1 y Then hee went and clave to a citizen of that miferie wLLwU countrey , and hee fent him to his farme , to feed tbey weretamed, fwine. doeth not one) y 16 And hee would faine have filled his bellie SemVa'tlifoeD- with the huskes that the fwine ate:but no man gave richeth tbem vsii& them him, farre greater gifu, 17 3 Then he came to himfelfe, and fayd.How «"^ t'eavth tben many hired fervants at my fathers have bread ^,'^^ '"''"'''' enough, and I die for hunger ? 3 The beginning. 1 15 I will rife and go to ray father, and lay unto of repentance ii him , Father , I have finned againft b heaven , and <'^.« »cknov»ied. before thee. *f"^°/'''u'T,? * J V 1 11 J .,, o'Ccd, which !tir. 1 g And am no more worthy to be called thy i,th at to fao; c (bnne : make my as one of thine hired fervants. weJi. 20 So he arofe and came to his father,and when ^ -^^ainjl c„i he was yet a great way oft , his father faw him , and f^"w( f,"i"'''^i hfldcompafsion, andranandfellonhisnecke, and " '* '*" kifl'ed him. 21 4 And the fonne faid unto him.Father.I have 4lntruerep«- finned againft heaven , and before tHee , and am no """ 'J""* '• » ^«' more worthy tobecalledthy fonne ^fed'^^tS' 2» Then the tatherlayd to his fervants ,Bnng rowandfhame, foorth the beft robe , and put it on him , and put a f'om whence ring on his hand, and llioes on his feet. ^i"^"''/ """' 23 And bring the fat calfe. and kill him, and let SfuiTowwiv us eat, and be mery : forjiventfli, 24 For this my fonne was dead , and is alive againe : and he was loft, but he is found. And they began to be mery. 2 y f Now the elder brother was iinhe freld , arid j^^^^ ^^ , when he came & drew neerc to the houfe, he heard feareGod, deiir? melodie. tobaveallnento 26 And called one of his fervants , and asked ^* »'^'' f»liovv«* what thofe things meant. %y And he layd unto him.Thy brotheris come, and thy father hath killed the fat caife , becaule he hath received him fj.feand found. %% Then he was angry , and would not goe is: therefore came his fatker out, and entreated him, 19 But he anfwered,and faydto his father,Loe» thefe many yeercs have I done thee fervice , nei- ^er brake I at any time thy commandementrand :^tthou never gaveft me a kid that I might make ffifty with my friends^ JOi. But 1 Swing tilt mfo ofif otnnei pur- cbafc ftitodfllip tothMorelvet.by othomemcofti. * 1 (hBuic for u«, How The fteward. Riches ofiniqauie. 30 But when this th'y fonne Vii come , which hath devoured thv goods with harlots, thou halt for his like killed the fat calfe. 3 t An-! hs fiid unto him , Sonne, thou art ever W):h mc, and all that I have, is thine. It was race te that wcil^owU make mery , and bee glad; for this ihybrotheV'wasdead.andis alive agame:andhe was loft, but he is found. C H A V. XVI. I Tltf*>Meafihfinf:ifdaccuftiti,hi,m4tr. i3 To feri>e live mdjitrt. i< rk« /ntP «'»''''>« J'"P«" • '» °J A Nd he fayd alio unto hisdifciples . « There ■" was a cettaiue rich man , which had a fteward, and he was accufed unto him . that hee wafted his goods. X And hee called him , and fayde unto bim, .,„. _.. ,. it that! hearcthisof thee ? Give an ac- fwi!h«fr«.i,d count of thy ftewardllMp : for thou raayeft be no ]ibe:aii hfitowin? ]q^„^^ fteward tt Lcfrbthl!": T Then the fteward fayde within himfelfe. »M u» to ihM i-ur- what fliall I doe ? for my mafter takeih away tiom pofe, wedoenot me the ftewardihip, I cannot digge , ani to bcgge ,le.feh.m nor lamalhamed. ^""070'' «Tgb. 4 I kno we what I will doe. that when 1 am put boim.f«ingthjt out of the ftcwatdQiip , they ^may receive me into by..hi.cotly their houfes. _. . mtacM, richfi. ^^^^^ ^^jj^^ he UHto him every one of his t^uo^£Z{ tnafters debters . and fayd unto the firft . How much «nnf, artturnedto oweft thou unto my mailer ? acother endtaod g ^j^j hg faycl. All hundieth meafutes of oyle. VTtl'p^Mticih^^'^'^-'^ ^^'''^ ^o '^'"^ • "^^"^^ thy writing, and fit Rcf a-'fLi,tiU downe quickely, and write hfiie, /liw^rjiraughiie 7 Then faid he to another , How much owcft <;frfjjhou > And he fayde, Anhundreth meafures ot Vnli'il(i/i'7'''i^' "h'^a'e.T hen he fayd to him.Take tliy writing and ufh^Tvaihingcc' write fourefcore. . , , j^rtiy,iTirc 8 And the Lord commended a the vniult under. 1 figure ts fteward , bec^-;ufc he had done uifely. Wherefore '[fi?ff'4lr««r'theb children of this world are in their generation ihrJ^hh -rivhtkt wifer then the children of light. nMi'criifilfi:fi 9 And I fay unto you , Make you friends with «'"»'f''"? '"'*''•** the riches cofiniquitie , that when yeftiallwant. uJlh'J'th"'" they may receive you into ev^rlafting d habita- tions. 10 2 He that is faithfull in the leaft , he is alfo faithfull in much , and he that is vniuft in the leaft, is vniuftalfoinmuch. 1 1 If then yee have not bene faithfull in the wicked riches , who will truft you in the « true treafnre? 1 2 And if yec have not bene faithfull in fano- ther roans goodt , wholhall give you that which is yours ? 13 -J. 3 No fervant can ferve two mafters : for ^'^^^■■'''^'^"'^'^^tetheone.and lovethc other : or c "rVjrii'nc'yf o^,«i els he Ihall leanc to the oik: , and defpife the other. «//eWj lA.ii art Ye caunot fcrve God and riches. *''f!iT,''"'J^lif, ihe foort CMjliMt ! ftr ihty are ihe ^n'-triltrs ofthtfe S. Luke. Of Dives and Lazams. Abrahams bofome; ■jBtrlily mm Are rntrehitd'tintht afftirei cfihu totrli, thtn cM- drrn i^Ccd art carrfuUforOlf UJlmgiife. b M trt that art ffi VUihufrifcnt lift, tontrarj It jvhtm tl)t thildrtx eflfrUt art fti .- S . ra»\ca%cthil,eft fpiritutH.iiiihe of,niju W>t»if'i T altrnatUT IhifpHi!. 1 Wrongbt tonVebtrtdtihjt forabufiodour tar:hly funSi. onatiddutlie,w«bt notdrpriveJ>^fhe»veolygiftes ; for howtcan tbcy vlefjJirituall gifttarijht iWboiburc worldly tbingj? e Thottbc Law» niouldtall. andhowta;feex. 18 ^ * Whofoever putteth away his wife . and ^° «l'''he Law marrieth another, corhmitteth adulrerie : and who- ctinftdeciaretb ' foever marrieth her g that is put away from her bytbeffventh husband, committeth adulterie. Commandcmtnt. 19 ^6 There was a certaine rich man , which * Muti s'''i\aa Was doathed in k purple and fine )imien ,and fared ,9,,. , .corV.ii. well and delic'Ctrly everyday. g rhey thatgnhir 20 Alfo there was a certaine begger named *'•''*''/''''"•'*'»'• Lazarus . which was layde at his gate full of,7,7«^X°'^5^„'""" fores, that ht htth put u And defired to bee refreflM^d with the anay hit nift fir crummes that fell from the rich mans table : yet, "''"'"'■''■'»'''•'«/*« and the dugges came and licked his fores, ^iy''kaf°"f7'^' 22 And it was fo that the begger died : znA^'thofihJjiJi''."'^ was carietl by the Angels into Abrahams bofome. i""'«'n'4if4»Aa The rich man alfo died, and was buried. ' lewtnfsj.cf ^ 2 3 And being in hell in roimenrs , i he lift up Z,u('tht'dh'^ his eyes . and faw Abraham a faire oft", and Lazarus >erce>rMni'fSai' inhisbofbme. " uittry ,/,, aduirc 14 Then heecried.and fayd, Father Abraham, •■"• were put t> have mercy on me . and fend Lazarus that he may i'^bfeli^^Ze dip the tip of his finger in water , and coole my povtrae and mi- tongue: for I am tormented in this flame. feiieof the godly, 2f But Abraham fayd , Sonne , remember that ''"'Dse^flaning ihou in thy life time receivedft thy pleafures, ami;^^;;^!^^. likewife Lazarus paints : now theiefore is he corn- and cruti) pride forted, and thou art tormented. ofihtrichihallbe 26 Befideali this .betweeney ou and Hs there "'"'*'*'''2 "''^'* -- -- - --- ne, without aH . , , - hopeof mercy, neither can they come h firy ^cr^ecu/!, arulfumftHCHjIy ! 7 Then he Jayd , I pray thee therefore fa- f" f'pj'i-'rme^tf ther' that fhou wouldeft fend him to my fathers fn'e'iilfen'-Jhfch'"* houfe, rva,a\il,Ttofiin, 28 (Forlhavefive brethren) that he XRnyK-nenthit came out ftifie unto them ,lcft they alfo come into this place "fy^c'^ia , txnt tt oftorment. fn'tZiflU 19 Abraham fayd untohira,They have Moyfesyj,„j,„j[ Ja;,^,*,* and the Prophets : let them heare them. txpreffed.andjit 30 And he fayd,Kay father Abraham : but if one frth-under^tUurt come unto them from the dead , they will amend ''J'i"-^S'r''r"* their hves. 7 S.cingthatwe 3 1 Then he faid unto them , If they heare not bav« a moftfu.e Moyfes and the Prophets , neither will they bj per- '"i« to liVt by, layd fuaded, thsugh one rife from the dead againe. T^^Tn "J'" «'"^ /-ii.T^ v\Tti wordofGod,ralli« CHAP, XVII. „/yandvainelydoe I Offence,. J WVm4,?/.f^,>r/,.-«-*4Mr<^4,Tfti J<:.ti«y? „„ f„kefoiotheE «/. 10 Wee are Hnprc/itatlt f,r>anli. 11 Of ihe icn leper,, i^y^i^^i^^^^ 10 Of the cemminrefihe k:n^,-'i>'n"'f heaven. 33 faljl Ch'fi,. 3S ^fierivh,ilm.inrrChTillieimmin£fi,alUe. « Matth.lJ.y, 'T' Henraydheetohisdi(ciples,«|« ' It can not be inarke9,4». avoided , but tliatoffences will come , but woe » TheCburchfi (>e to him by whom they come. of nectlT^iefub. 2 It is better for him tbat a »reat milftone but,".Lord"wiH were hanged about his necke.and that hee were not fuffer ibem us« caft into the fea.then that hcQiouldoflend one l"'D''hf'l.ifaoyoJ of thefe little ones. ^ t^b.^leanbeoffca- 3 J » Take heed to yoirr felves : if thy brother ,VjrreprehM. trelpafle againft thee , rebuke him :and if hee re- fi^m muii beiuft, . pent, forgive him. • andprocttdepf •! 4 <. And though hee finneagainft theefeven '""^"J^'jjli^- from hence to you .cannot from thence to us. ^7 . TheUpetsclcAnCeis Qiapl Xviff. times in a day J and feven time J in a Jay tnrae a- gaine to thee, faying , It repentcth mee . thou Ibalt forgive him. y ^ 3 And the Apoflles l0. a Ifyouhjd uo iBorefiiih' but the quiotilieof the graine of muftard feede. 4 Seeing that God (Daychalengeim- tohinvfelfeof rigbc, both uiand allthati»ouri, be can be dtbiet unto usfi;r nothing, al- though we laBour manfully even unto yy^j OUr duetie todoe. de.iih. J Themoftperfit keirt>ing ofthe Lam wbiciiwe can lerfoime, de« ferved no reward. f Chtilldottb well even unto fucn.aswill beun- ii 1 6 And fo it was when he went to Hieru- falem.that hee pafl'ed thicugh the raiddes of Sa- maria, and Galile. IX And as hee entred intoaceitainetowne, there mette him ten men that were lepers , which flood a fanre off. 13 And they lift up their voyces and fayd.Ie- thanktuii, but the f^g^ Mafkr, have mtrcy on us. ''!^«?hem°oMt ^'^ -'^"'^ when he ilw ?/;. 34 ^ I tellyon.in that night there fhall be two '°1""'*^X. „r in one bed : the one Ihallbe received, and the other ', I « "Jk'!'!,',^"*' iMlbeleft. pl°nd":ut'""4. 3 5 Two women fliallbe grudging together, the ■'''<■ 'b^ it fcera one Ihallbe taken, and the other Iballbe left. ^f^'" °'' ""«' i6 Two ilwllbe in the fieid:one Ihallbe received, J^Zl^!""""' and another Ihallbe left. * The onely wa'v 37 '» And they anfwercd,and fayde to him, to continue i» to - Where, Lord ? And he fayd unto them , Where- cleave to chrid, foever the body w.thithtr Ihall aifo theeglesbe * ^*="''4'^4 gathered together. CHAP. XVIII, I Tk farahU of the unrighitMt Ind^e and the mJctt>2 10 ofthe Pharifi and ihe Puilicane, ly Children aft ef the kinrdome ofheavai. za To/eU And give to the B«re, as Tit ^fcfilesfcfaki aU. 3, Chnft f.rtitUetbhit ttath. 1$ Thehiindc manrectiVeih ^ihf. A Nd I hee fpakealfb a parable unto thera,?ori;> ' GodviUlirK end , that they .f ought alwayes to pray , and not "' '° "=°''"''"= iB to a waxe faint, £!*""' ■",' " . . c • rr-i. • I . . weareui.butto 2 b Saying.There was a ludge in a certainecity, exercife u.' therto which fe*red not God, neither reverenced man. fore we muft fo 3 And there was a widow in that city .which ".''«■ with impa. came unto him .faying , Doe mee iufticeagainft deTa"'clufeus°n<* " mineadvedarie. , to bteake off the 4 And hee would not ofa long time : butaf- courfeofout terward he fayd with himfelfe , Though I feare not P"^"'- God, nor reverence man. fATs"?"' jr let becaufe this widow troubleth raee.l will aYeeldVJo aff i4f=i doe her right , left at the laft fliee come aid c make «°s,aDd adverfi- me weary. ties.aitbeydoe 6 And the Lord fayd , Heare what the unrigh- V^^f" "' ""'"^ teous ludge faith. b He doeth aot 7 Now fliall not God avenge his elecS: , which compare things cry niphc and day unto him , yea , though dfae fuf- ti'«"e«<5"fil t(v feflongforthemV ' \ Sh'^e^tS 8 I tell you he will avenge them quickly : but if a man get hie when the Sonne of man commeth, Uiail hee finde ■^s'''*'*"^"": faith on the earth ? unrighteoutiii thing, efpeciatly makeour prayer, voyde and o?nsnet(feft : confideoce of ourowot ngh.teoufneir«,andlbeS0DteiDPt cf other : and aohttmblebeiiS* «• ((esMt) to bosh the!«, £e€ the The Pharlfe and the Publlcati. S.Luke« Ablindemafl. Zacc^eus« fvrifrv^ei-avc we Cod -a a proude put I rfol.t.le the one a Vharile. and the other a Publican.' II 3 The I'harife ftooile and prayed thus with himfelfe.O God, I th.inke thee that lamnotas othL-r men , extortioners, uniuft, adulterers.ot even asthisl'iibiican. 1 1 I fiifti-^ife in the weeke : I give tithe of all that ever I pollcffe, 1 3 but the tublican ftanding « a fane off.wouli not lilt up fo much as his eyes to heaven.but fmote his brcIt.Ciying, O God , be mercifull to roeea iisner. 14 I tell yoo.this man departed to his houfe.iu- ftificd rather then the other : + for every man that exalteth himfelfe (hall be bioKght low , and he that humbieth himfelfe ihalbe exalted. 1 J 1 S '^ They brought unto him alfo babes that he Ihould touch them. 4 And when his dild- fcroogbt. which »p- pjgj. J3„, y^ they rebiiks.d them. den""'i™b"ibit '^ ' ^'-^ ^^'"^ ^ Called them unto him.and faid, thfy vcmiofiott. Suffer the babes to come unto mee.and forbid wtict is to bf mar- them not : for of (itch is the kingdome of God. ktd apainit ihem ^J j Vctc'y I fay unto you, whofoever receiveth thrbVra^tTniof"* """^ ''^^ kiiigdomc of God as a babe , heclhall iiot chlidrM. " enter therein- 4 Toiu(J!!for 18 * Then a certaine ruler asked him, fiying, thinkt otct"!ft af- Q^,| Mafjer , what onght I to doe, to inheriteeter- »«nhrr<-sfonof naj! 'if" ? ew/ofioScite 19 And Icfusfayd unto him, why caJleft thou corruftiuDi. gje good' none is good, fave one, even God. J TatchilHrrn . ^q Thou knowell the comrnandements." Thou t.r''°r.lH'h!"w«l fi"'^'t no' commit adulterie : Thou ihak not kill: inlhefrwcov-e. Thou flialt not fteale : Thou lliak not bearefalfe eanrof Gcd. witnefle : Honour thy father and thy mother. g Tbrmtb.tca. J, 7 And be fay d. All tliefe have I kept from lifd ttecbi drtn. ,. '^ ' ^bom th.diicipie. my yout^vi. djjwawjy. e Cbiidl.kr noctacic i' « UhA i* ootowne ^orke< brfure Co J c FJrtt (torn tb« rhariYtiBaloAet place •f Chap 14.11. ■ni.ij.ia. S Mat.i9.iJ. HUT IC.IJ. f ThccbildrnweK teudtraod yong , in thitihty v»ere ■ 9.i<. ,30. Damioiurchci ft!»?n. *■ Man niarkr 1 SC Eiot J The iciiremeDt 4>f rich«ciii»ih away many fioiii lheri,bt7iiy. « ToU-tothrich aodg'-'dly iia da- ^■Li^iftcif Ocid. ;ft Mit.i«,ir. fur.io.at. 5 They become dltI.cat^of^H, which refute noc to bf pome for Cbniitrake. • M».»o,i7. ■iifki- 10. ji. 10 A»fjfe Jndier. CXI iirofiirF ii ibe glory MCich re. Diaintcb r<.r ihe b Hfrfbywffte fcTMignoraotthe Jileil'leivvMii Now when lefus heard that , hee fayd unto him , yet lackelt thou one thing , Sell all that ever thou haft , and diftribute unto the poore , and thou (halt have tre^furc in he.iven ,and come follow me. 2 J But when he heard ihofe things , he was ve- ry heavy : for he was marvellous rich. 24 8 And whenlefus faw him very forowfull, he fayd , With v/hat ditScultie ihall they tliat have riches, enter into the kingdome of God ! ly Surely it is ea!:er for a Camel to go through a needles eye , then for a rich roau to enter into the kingdome of Sod. 26 Then faid they that heard it , And who then (hall be laTcd ? 17 And he feyd , The things which are luipofE- ble with men, are pofsible with God. 18 H fc Then Peter faid, Loe, we have left a!l> and have followed thee. 29 3 And he fayd unto them , Verely I /ay unto you , there is no man that hath left houfe . or pa- rents, or brethren, tir wife ,or children for the king- dome of Gods lake, 30 Which il-all not receive much more in this world, and in the world to come life everlalting. 31 f * 10 Then lefus tooke unto him ^ twelve, and l.iyd unto them , behold, we goeupto Hieru- falem , and .ill thint^s lliall be ftilhiled to the Sonne of roan, that are vsritienby the Prophets. 3 2 For lie iVali be delivered unto the Gentiles, and (hall bo mocked,and Ihaibe fpitefully entreated, andlhalbefpitedon. 33 Andwhenthey have rcourgedhim,they will put him to death : but the third ilay hee lliall rile againe and this faylnp *aj hic! from them , neither percei- ved they the things, which were fpokcn. Sr 1 -f «' And it came to palle, that as he was 4- Matt.ao.jj. come neere rmto leriLho,a certaine blindeman T'^rk^^'u w. fate by the way lide begging. ;' , f^^ ^^ * 36 And when he heard the people paffe by , he cie, tbarheUth* asked what it meant. lijbiyf ihe worii, 37 And they fayd unto him , that lefus of Na- zareth pafl'ed by, 38 Then he cried , faying , lefus the Sonne o£ David,have mercy on me. 39 «» And they which went before , rebuked i» Themore him that hee ihould hold his peace , but hee cryed "<>I" »"'' lemhtt much more,0 Sonne of David.have mercy on me. ^"'" ''''"'' '". 40 And lefus ftood fttll , nnd commanded him .rnTiilL'irh'm^ to be brought unto him. And when hee was corae feife Chrinei neerc.he asked him, Kaoie.fomucb 41 Saying, what wilt thou that I doe unto 'j^', ToToe ("«.' thee f And hee fayd » Lord , that I may receive my w»td. ' * fight. 4» And lefus fayd nnto him,Receive thy fight : thy faith hath faved thee. 4} Then immediatly he received his fight ,and followed him , pray ling God : and all the people, when they faw tlJs, gave prayfe to God. C H A P. X I X. J ZAccliHtjiU PnhiicM. «} Ttrr pieces sfmcr.ej JeliWrtd ttfirtdntitotetuficipithtS. a9 Itfus enireih inic Hif ritftiem. 34 Hiifrenilrth the defiruSion cf the eiiie iri/6 tearei. 4f He ciftelh the fenertiKicf the Temple. ^ Ow « when lefus entred and p died through i chtin f rtwDt.; lericho, ethtbemwiihhi* ^ Bcholde , there was a man named Zaccheus. ''"'ichfarm^il'' which was the a chiefe receiver of the tribute , and ^ fu'i,heft from*lt.' he was rich. a Theovtr.''peraoa 3 And hcc fought to fee lefus , who he Ihould ^"^'^ °^ '''* f'^b''- be , and could not tor the preafle , becaufe hee was ""' '^'"''' ^''r^ c t n. r » 'J there togetbt r : fijt Ofalowftature. tbePublicane, 4 wherefore he ranne before, andclimedup wtre divided into into a wildc figge-tree , that he might fee him : for compaoie. : aiwe he Qiould come that vvty. T'^f'^ "cicmo hey il 4 Andwhiltsthey heard thefe things, hee ''»*'.' """'"Sio continued and fpake a parable , becaufe hee w.is l^/profiTo'the "' neere to Hiernfalcm , anil necaute alfjthey thought c. mrajn-wale.aBi ■ that the kingdome ofGodlliouldlhortlyappearc. uaderthatwlout 1 2 He (ay d therefore , * A certauie noble man ^^'^ '''*.>' '*" went into a farre countrey , to receive for himlclfc tBari"nen°'n"nor« a kingdome, andjo to com; agaiiK, and lo^ aooui to »edrcfie tbeii «ol)be» lie.aod fpoyting, tbcycry oatthe common-vvealth ishiodred. e B.-lovfd of God, cue . thatwilkeih io the llep» ol Abrabami iaicb:aod we gather that ralvat:o.Tcaiat lo ibat-, houfe , becaufe (bey lecehrd the bUdl.ig; at Abraham h^d. foe aU oftbc houfebolde werecircurocifed f Ma'b.iS.ii. 4. Wemuit patieotly vA'aitofettttc iudgciavi^ 14 Bpt they nndedooUb none gftbefethlngS) ofGoili*» O cupy till I come. Chtift'v«hoiB'°(ry H No w his citizens hated him ,and f int an am- fct not : ih« uthft, bafl ge after him , f'aymg , Wee will not have this whichaccording jjjjp jq reigne over us. 15 And it came to naffc.when he was come againe .and had received his kingdome , that he commanded the fervants to be called to him , to whom he gave his money, that he mightknow w'lat every man had gained. 1 6 Then came the hrft,faying,Lord,'l thy piece hatli encreaftd ten pieces. 1 7 And he laide unto him, Well, good fervanc : beiauTe ?hou haft bene faithfull in a very little thing, take thou aathoritie over ten cities. liv And the fecond came.laying.Lotd.thy piece hath encreaied five pieces. 19 And to the fame he laid , Be thou alfo rultr over five citits. 10 6 So the other came.and faid. Lord, beholdc thy piece, v-hich I have iayd up in a lupkin : X I For I feai-ed thee , becauie thou att a ftraite man: thou takeft up that thou laiedft not downe, d Thii wai a piece and leajieft that thou diddeft not fow. of money, which ^^ j[,g^ j,eg f^^^^ „„jo him , uf thinc ownc MdwaiiD^'iue "^°^^^ «'''! I ''"^g^ ''■''^^ ' ^^ evill ftrvant. Thou •bout an hundred knewfft that I ' am a ftraire man .taking up that I pcDce . which it laid not downe, and reaping that I did not fow. •bout ten cfowofi. j j, vvherefore then j.-,avcft not thou my money wSchfifodXir '"'^" ^^^ ^ banke , that at my comming I might have lite idielyi°n deli. , required it with vant.>ge ? ' ber-a ing , add • 24 And hee fiid lO them that ftood by , Take ctbemife.io con- fronj him that piece . and give it him that hath ten, «n.vIa.>«o. pjg^^^ 2 J (And they faide unto him,Lord,he hath ten pieces.) 26 ^Forl lay unto you.that unto all them that have , it lliallbe given : and fn,m him that hath not, even that he hath, thallbe taken from him. 17 Moreover,tho/l' mine enemies, which would not that Iflhould reigne over them .bring hither, and fiay them before me. '^ f And when he had thus fpoken.fhee went totbtirvoca:ioa, beftowthe git" «vhieb the) have ffeccived cfGod. to fait glory viich thud .ive J e y. •Dddouogcod. A» for the fin; the loio vvren her commeth \\'t\l auftlyjiuuiflithetn in bis time; tne other ht will bltlTcsccording to tOe (aice» «vhicb tbe^have taken : and at for the (louttiull and idleperfon he will punilh ibrm •tihtfirft. t Tothf bankers lad cbaDgcil. 4 Chap.MS. mitt 13.12, ecd 2; 19. isacXe ^,t!. rrhfi'.fcipUt ftaggered and ftaied foorth before.afcendin^ up to Hicrufalem. atth CB'iJtgoeibon boldly though death were be&re bit eyes <■ Mattbii.i. laarkeii.i. 7 Chriftftievietb in bit ovi'ne i^er- Jbn.that bit king- dome is not of ebiiwozid. ^ Mtttb.ai,;. 29 S 7 And it came to paffe, when he was come neere to Bethphage , and Bethania , bcfides the moimt which is called r/;«»7»«/jf of Oiives, he lent two of his difciples, 30 Saying, Go ye to the towne which is before you , wherein ailbone as ye are come , ye flwll hnde a colt tied , whereon never roan fate : loofe him, and bring him liither. 3 1 And if any ^ske you . why ye loofe l.i^x, thus iliall ye fay unto him , Becaufe the Lord hath need ©fhim. 32 So they that were lent, went their way , and found it as he had faid unto them. 3 J And as they Wf re loofmg the colt, the own- ers thereof faid unto them , Why loofe yee the colte ? 34 And they fayd , The Lord hath neede of him. 3y f * So they brought him to lefns , and they caft their gaitnents on the colt . and let lefus there- on. 36 And as hee went .they fpred their cloaihes in the way. 37 Aw! when hee was now come neere to the ^oing downe of the tccnnt of Olives , the whole naultitude of the ^ifciples began to reioyce , and to praile God with a loude voyce , for all the great workes that they had feene, 38 Saying.Blefledfctf the King that commeth in the Name of the Lord : peace in heaven, and glory in the h ighelt placet. ^ 39 8 Then fome of the Pharifes of the compa- ^ ^beo they Im." ny fiid unto him.Mafter,reb«Ue .hy difciples. Tbrthe ch°"feft 40 But he anfwered. and faiduntothem ,1 tell preacheriandfct. you .that if thefe llaould holde their peace, the t-nfoonhoftbe ftOneS would Ciy. kingdcmeofO<«f« 41 1* 9 Andwhenhe was come neere , he be- ^*h"'e,"lotdF- held the Citie. and wept for it. oariiy.iudefpite 42 g Saying .h O ifthouhaddeftevenknowen of them I at iheleaftiiithiskthydaythofe things .which • Chap jt.ts.numi teleti^ unto thy I peace! butnoware they hid from ^chrX«ntJ/''* thine eyes- iimpiy deiited 43 For the dayesfliall come upon thee .that thine with the deftru- enemies (hall caft a trench about thee . and com- Qion.nonotof pile thee round, and keepe thee in on eveiy fide. ''^"^^j^'^^^^'^^j^,^ 44 And ihall mnke thee even with the greund. off biifpeecb, and thy children which are in thee , and they fliali wbich fheweth not ie.-ive in thee a ftone upon a ftone. becaufe thou P*"'y how he wa« kncweH not >" that leafbn of thy vifitation. uTffi^D fi« thedK- 4T ' § »o Hee went alfo into the Temple , and ft,uftioooftheci. began to caftout them that fold therein .and them tie, that waiiiket* that bought, enfue: and parti, 46 Saying unto them , It is written.* Mine ^^^.Pjrtrecb^.?,^ houfe is the houle of prayer,* butyenavemade and ftubbumntfle itadenne oftheeves. agamfthim, fucb 47 And he taught dayly in the Temple, And the " '>"'' "«' lig*"'* hie r-iicftes and the Scnbes . and the chiefc of the ^ "tUaft «ife people foughttodeftroy him. _ tbou.OHietufalem, 4» But they coulde not hnde what they might towboiBihismef- doe to him :for all tlie people hanged upon hitn fag* wm P'ofhr when they heard him. iTfaf»r the n»y- ing of to many Propheti .and fo oft refufm^ mee the Lord of the Proi bets, nowe efpe« ciallymtbitmy lalt comming to ibee.thou bidit bad any legard to thy fclte. k Th« fit aBd conimoj.oui time it called tbe day of tbij citie 1 That ii ,thofe thing! wieteiu tbyhap^inefleltandetb. m Thitii this very inftant vvhevein God vilited ;hee. S Mat.»i,i3. lo Chrillihewe/h after bit eisrie into Hierufalem by ivilibleligoe. that it ii hii office enioyned him of hit Fathei to purge th« Temple, * M*t.iiiiy, ifai./«,7. a Iertm7,ii. CHAT. XX. 4 Frcmtehenfe Jckms Bapiijmetvti. 9 T ht Mvhkf'f'iifi tf the Vriiflt it noted h} the f.Lr.Me cf lite -uincyard juJ the huilunttmen. at Tt^il't ititutciii Cefar, tj Ha ciin)>i'icetkt}7tSiii'i«ciJ. A'Nd a 'it came to paffe , th.i.t on one of thole ^ Minh.it.ij; *^ dayes . as hee taught the people in the Temple, "^^h' Pha'rlfe. and preached the G^fpel . the hie Prieftes and the b«ingov:r*co!w Scribes catne uponhim.wich the Elders, with tbe tiueibor 2 And rpake unto him , faying. Tell us by what Cbiiitesdoftrine, authoritie thou doeft thefe things, or who is hee '"°°*"'/'.''"'''*"'°. , , , . , , . 1. ■ • about his .-utwaij that hath given thee this authoruie ? calling, and ar« 3 And he anfwered , and (aid unto them , I alfo ove come by the will aske you one thing : tell me therefore : witnciTe rf their 4 The baptifme oT lohn . was it from heaven, "*" -<"^S:ie.«, or of men ? J And they reafohcd with in themfelves , faying, * *'"''" '" " If we fliall fay, From heaven.hc will fay , Why then ^" beleevedyehimnot ? j'l, 6 But if wee fl-allfay. Of men. all the people ihingtohaveibem, will ftone us : for they be perfwaded that lohn was ''"■'tiefritene- aPiophet. h'tCn's'tbi^ 7 Therefore they anfwered.that they could not are c> nverfant in tell whence it *©<•/. tbe very Sanfluaiy 8 Then lefus laid unto them.Neithertell I you, "l^^^^fj by what ant horitie I doe thcle things . f^^"^ isr/fliaM 9 5 * 1 Then Ivegan he to fpeake to the people not'W.ii»,«: ncth this then that is written, ,j. The ftone that the Pfalmes ,♦ The Lord faide unto my Lord, Sit at I"'" ^ « noaoie %, ■ "e the head of the fmv riahrh;.nrl. '"g.tbegodiy do« 3 3 Therefore at tlie reriuTe(9:Ion,whofe wife of g T>ey at e caiit' "' «'"° '" '''* '■ enioy that world . and the refurredion from the 2°p"!« T^tc'l. ' dead, neither marry wives, neither are married. arecommy .oihe 36 For they can die no more , forafmuch as 'h''"!'" of 'igbt. they are equall unto the Angels , and are Ait fonnes '' ^''" '' ' """ f*'" of God, lince they are the h children of the refur- ;.'ai;;°Ltl,^e"' i«y truely.that they reftion. -,..-., j7 And that the dead (hall rife againe.even SlhiucioVeedr •I- Mofes fliewed it befides the bulb, when he faide, ^'^^f^ Hwiiraioy The Lord is the God of Abraham .and the God of iodS,^f«f™' Ifaac, and the God of lacob. d«ed , wbich liii to 38 For he is not the God of the dead . but of ''*« • tbo'igh if thi« them which live : for all i live unto him. ?*'""* «f""«a'on. faid.M , Mailer, thou haft well laid. the wicked which 40 And after that , durft they not aske him any iiaii rife t» con- thing at all. demnatioo , whi'ck 41 J « * Then faid he unto them.How fay they b „' d.a«''"'^ "^" that Chrift is Davids (bnne } 42 + Exodjs. And David hirafelfe laith in thebookeof • That ii, before iift.38,.«.aa.4.>«- the builders refufed.that is made the head of the «m.,.3M ■?««•'• corner? ^ „ ^„ « 18 whofoever (liall fall upon that ftone » (hall be broken : and on whomfoever itlhall fall , it will grindc him to powder. 19 Then the high Prieftes, and the Scribes the fame houre went aooiu to lay hands on him (but they feared the people ) for they perceived thathe *Mitt.M.i«. had fpoken this parable againft them, toatib. 11,13- 20 :J 3 And they * watched Ww and lent foorth 3 The Ian Ttfcge j, J- jgj ^ ^^^j^h Ihould fainfi themfelves iuft men c to it'.^fXiroy'th. take him in his talke .and to deliver him unto the uue Prnffaeii , ii powCT and <* authoritie of the govemour. *olayfed,tion,aud 21 Andthey asked him.faying.Mafter.weknow ir.afoQ. their that thou faydl , and teacheft right .neither doeft . ATfme to «hon acccpi « any mans perfon.but teacheft the way Mkehi.nio. ofGodtruely, ^ ^ ., b Whom they h»J ,j Is it lawfuU for US to give Cefartnbutc o» deceitfully hired. ^^ ^ t.i.''rom.'hoTde io » 3 But hc perceived their f craftineffe,and faid bij talke, and iber.. unto them. Why tempt ye me » by forge fomefalfe 2^ Shewc meea pennie. Whofc imagcand fii- ■ccufatloa againft perfcriptioH hath it? They anfwered, and fayde, 6 Toruthimto Ceiars. dea.h. a y Then hee faid unto them, * Give then unto « Thou art not iroo Cefar the things which are Cefars.and to God '^'^^llTuVrt thefe which are Gods. ?on h! m«ne1h ;u,. i6 And they could not reproove hi3-%ing be- waid crcumftjn- fore the people : bm ihey marvelled at ms anlwete,. «> . «'"'''' 'f* "•»= and held iheir peace. baverefp.aui.to. ^^ K 4 Then Came tohimcettaine of the Sad- aliklof.'he'mthM duces (which deny that there is any refurreftion) are indeedeaiike. and they asked him, fcr«f>i«» '«««'- 28 Saying. Mafter,^ Mofes wrote unto us , If *^"*''"'«"";~' any mans brother die. having a wife , and hee die will 'g"*" ^r without children . that his brother Ihould take hu oac'h uf.andgVeit wife, and raifc Up feede unto his brother. praaift roinatters. 29 Now there were kvenbrethren.aiid the firft *- Rom. 13. 7. tookea wife, and he died wiihouc children. S«,'Vr."'*'" 30 And the fecondtookc the wife, and he died 4 Thetefutreaioa chlldleflc. «rtb* flefli ii 3 1 Then the thirde tooke her : and fo likewife avootMAK^mf. the feven died, and left no children. i^^peS'.J, 3* AnakftofalUtheworaanaiedalfo*. my right hand. no. d.c, Though 4} Till I have make thine enemies thy foote- they die heieoo ftoole. «a«:h. 44 Seeing David called hrnn Lord , how is hee t Matib.ai 4^, then his fonne? rchruf /.Vo the 4f J Then in theaudience of all the people,he fonne of David %d unto his difciples, according to the 46 « « Beware of rfxe Scribes .which willingly fl«'h,thatheiialf» goe in long robes . and love faiutations in the mar- te'if °be mru"** kets , andthehigheftfeates in the aflemblies . and ft,ogfonneof*" the chiefe roomes at feafts : Godjaccotding 47 Which devoure widowes k houfes , and in '<> '''■^ fpi"i- fliewmake long prayers : Thefe fliall receive grea-* Pfai.no,!, ter damnation. Chap Iii43'iiiat, 3,6 inar.12,33. k Tbuit 3 Wemnftavoyd the example of the »inbitioaiandcov«oo!P«ft°""' fpokea by the figure Metooymicboufu, for the goodt aadTablUDCC* C H A V. XX J. B Theititlcjveilihtraliiie ahoiithtrrichu, J Ofthttimt eftheJe/lruflicniftheTemilt, 19 andHUrufiUm, 1/ Theftint'goinihtffttheUlliutliemtHt. ^ Ma!keij,48; A Nd^ I as he behelde,hee fawe the rich men i Thepooremaf •^ which can their gifisintothetrearutle, Mceedinboun- X Andheclaweailo a cenaine pooie widowe ".'^^/^i'^f^J which caft in thither two m.tcs : according tac»ii7 3 And he faide. Of a trueth Ifay unto you, iudgemeac, that this poors widowe hath caft in more then they alL 4 For they all have of their fuperfluitie caft in- • to the offerings of God : but Ihee of her penurie bath caft in all the living that (he had. ♦ Cbsp,r9,4j.mat; y +iNowasfomelpake ofthe Temple, how i4.i.mar ,j,,. it was garnilhed with goodly ftoness and with* J Thedeitruaion confecratethings.hefati, ^ortKuha. 6 Are theie the things that yee lookeiipon? .fuffpjjjtuaiibua- the dayes will come wherein a ftone (lull not dingmay bebuUt be left upon a ftone , that Ihall not be tluowen up. whofehead j„ t^ builderimoftand OOWne. _ caghttobectt- 7 Then they asked htm , faying , Matter , but cumfpea. when fliall thefe things be ? and what li»ne pHtU aTherewtreithinj^ there be when thefs things Ihall come to pafle ? «"" '""T^Vi « t And hee faid, Take heede . that ye be not Xr. deceived : for many Nvill come b in my Name , fay. ing , I am Ojrifi , and the time diaweth neere: fol- low ye not ihem thaiefojei SI i And f Fphef.r,«. a.ther.1,3- b VflBg'ryKlB«S The dayes of vengeance. Chap. xxij. 9 3 Andwh-^nyehearecfwarresandfeditions, be not afraid ; foe thefe things mult hrft come , but the end foUoweth not by and tiy. 1 o Then fayd he unto ihem , Nation fliall rife againft nation , and kingdcme againlt kindgome, ■" 1 1 «. And great eanhquakis n.all be in divers places .and hunger , and peQilencc , and fearefuU things, and gteat fignes ihail there be froiii heaven, ■ 1 2 But before all thefo, ti:ey fliall lay their hands on you, and perfecute^««< , delivering you up to the alfcmblies , and into piilons, and bring you be- fore kings and ruitrs for my Names fake. 1 3 And this fliall turne to you , for a = teftimo- niall. 1 4 § Lay it up thet efore in your hearts .that ye a thetJutTem- I-le of God IS built up even in the jtii.idtll of incre- dible lumulti, and nioft 11 atpe mife- lies, through in- vincible patitnce, i'othattbeend thereof cannot be feutinonhajfy. ,f Mat.14.7- >narkei3,«S. c Tbislbalbttbe end ofyouv irou- ble« and affiiSions, iheyftialbemitnef- frs both before God and man, afvsell of ihe.recherousand caft not beforehand what ye fliall anlwere. erueii dealing of ly For I will give you a mouth, and wifedome your enemies, asal- vvhere againft all youtadverfatics ihall not be able foofyourconftan. jq fpeake not refift. i'nV. fharthe aifli- 1^ Yea.ye fl^albe betrayed alfo of yonr parents. aioDS of the godly and of your brethren , and kinimen , and tricndes, -"H holy men per- and /o;»e of you ihall they put to death. ,^ """ 17 And yee fhall be hated of alBjpnfofmy Names fake. ^^ 1 8 ■''Yet there fliall not one haire ofyour heads perifli. 19 By your patience ^ poflefle your foules. 20 J * 4 And when ye lee Hierulalera befieged with fouldiers , then underftand that the delolation thereofis neere. 2;i Then let them which ate in ludea, flee to the mouHtaines : and let them which are in the middes thereof , depart out : and let not them that are in thecountrey, enter therein : 22 For thefe be the dayes of vengeance, to ful- fill all things that are written. 2j Butwho^eto them that be with child, and to them that give fucke in thole dayes : for there fliall be great dilkeffe in this land, and = wrath over this people. 24 And they fliall fall on the f edge of the wbi°chGodfendeth f^^^^^^ ^^^ fliail be ledcaptiue into all nations, and Tw'''d'fo/^vl"d. ' Hierulaltm ihail be tioden under foot ot the Gen- momh', fortheHe- tiks. untill the time of the Gentiles oe fulfilled, ferewe call. he edge 2 J ^if g Then there ihiH be flgncs in the funne, ofafwordtbe and in the moone . and in the Itarres, and upon the niomb becaufe the «dgebiteth. ^1^ lfa.i3.io-e«k- 31,7 a)at,i4.29. Iiiarkn3,i4- g When the tiniM are expired. aiiyoin- teiforth. falvati- on of the Gentiles and punilbment of ^^^^ -^^ ^ cloud, with powe'r and great glory. fcbepTfl-ethftcm . 28 And when theie things begin zocbmeto theaenruaionbf paffc , then looke Up , and lift Up your heads : ■•'for I to the wiiaei ofthe trueth. ^ Chap. 12, ij. mat. 10. 19. inaike 13,11. # Mat. 10,30. tl Though yoa are corapaDed about on all fides with many iniferies,yet not- ^iibftanding be ^liantatidcou- lagious,^ and beate out theft things jnanfully • « Dan. 9, 17. mat. 14 'J- tnaike 13,14. H The6oallde- i^ruftionof the ^holecitieii foretold. e By wrath, tbofe things : earth trouble among the nations, with perplexitie the Tea and the waters Ihall roare. 26 s And mens hearts IhaU faile them for feare and for looking after thole things which Ibali come on ;he world : for the powers of heaven ihall be fliaken. 27 And then ftiall they feethe Sonne of man Hieturilem.tnthe biftotit ofthe lat- ■' teriudftm^of. 5 After diveis tempeft.iheLcrd will at the length plainly arpeare ta deliver his Clutch. » Rom 8,27- « Weinnftbefo- berand watcbfull boih day and night fcrihe Lords com- .iming, tbatwebe not taken at uq- warei. «!• Rom.i3.i3« your redemption draweth neere. 29 6 And he fpake to them a parable , Behold, the iigtree, and all trees, 3^ When they now flioot foorth , yc feeing them , know of yo.pr o\*he felves > that lummer is then neere. 31 So likewife yee , when yee fee thefe things come to paflc. know ye that the kingdomeofGod is neere. 31 Vv-rely I fay unto you , This age fliall not pailc.tillall thefe things be done: ii Heaven and earth lliallpafleaway, but my words lliail not pafl'e away . 34 * Take heed to your felyes, leaft at any time Watch and pray. The PafleovoJ', 3 jr your. hearts beopprefled withfiirfeting anddrun- kennefle , and cares ofthis life , and lead that day come on you at vnwwes. ;?5r For as a fnare Ihall it come h on all them that .„ „ dwell on the face ofthe whole earth. f °ve' tl."y" e". ■" 36 Watch therefore , and pray continually, that ye may be counted worthy to efc-Jpe all thefe things that Ihall come to paffe .and that ye may ' ftand before the fbnne of man . 57 5 Now in the ddy time hee taught in the 'Jt'!''TJ^'"^'.„ Temple, and at nighthe went out .andaboadein abide :h«countc- the mount, that is called the mount of Olives. nance and fentence 38 And all the people came in the morning to ofthe itiJgewitk. him, to heare him in the Temple. out feare. CHAP. XXII. 3 luJaifilltthChriJl. 7 The ^p'Jllc, prepare the P^Jfeoyfr, i4 Thtyjlrine ivhu/htlh chiefrjf. 31 SiUincrpremihem. 3; cMflfUwt'hthattheynanttdnBthing. 41 lU fTitytth inihemeunt. 44 He/n-taiftU/W. /o .M ,<(ctw; e«re cat t.f.indheile.1. S7,sS,6o PtterdenWhChriJl ihrU!. .«i ChriJiumock."ii»dfirfck<:n. «» Heccnftlfeih himfe'f' tihtheSonuecfCed. XT Ow * the , feaft of unleavened bread drew */^"'^"- ^^ neere, which is called the Pafleover. rchnltV.akeQ 2 And the hie Priefts and Scribes fought how upon rbe day of they might kill him : for they feare the people. the PaCiov^, ra- 3 J 2 Then entred Satan into ludas , who was ^."^''^/^f P'°''" called Ifcariot , and was of the num.ber of the ,b°" h.aby the twelve. willofmen. 4 AFid he went his way , and communed with s Mat. 16,14. the hie Prieftsand»captaines , howheraightbe- "^"^''^'^^'^^; trayhimtothem. woDdetfuIiirov;. c So they were glad, and agreed to give htm dence.caurethbim money tobetheminider 6 And he confented , and fought opportunity ^^"^^^^IXT; to betray him unto them, when the people were .honrofcarde. baway. ftfuaion. J € * 3 Then came the day of unleavened a They that had bread, when the Palleover c muft be facrificed, .^ f^.'/^^l^' 8 And he lent Peter and lohn , laying, Go and '^^^^^ ^^„ ^^^, prepare us the ^ Pafleover that we may eace it. of the Priefts and Q And they faid to him , Where wik thou, Eiihops.aiappea- ^ ■' ' , ireth by TDe yz verie that we prepare «t? ,,,,,, ofthisChapter. JO Then he fayd unto them. Behold, when ye (, vvitbout tamult, be entred into the citie . there Ihall a man meet unwitting to th von, bearing a pitcher of water : follow him into people which u( ■'. . r \*^ \ _ .u ;- to follow bim : araa thehoufethatheentrethin. r . ^. r therefore indeed II And fay unto the goodmanof tne houle, ,i,ey watched th.ir The Mafter faith unto thee. Where is the lodging time, when tbey where I fliUi eate my Palfeover v.ith ray dilciples ? k<>*^w he wai alone H Then he Ihall ihew you a great high cham- '^ '^'^f/g " ; bcr trimmed : there make it ready. markei^.ia- 13 Sochey went.andfcuntlashehadfaydunto 3 cbrifiteichetb them, and made ready the Pafleover, ^JlSmirX J 4 « 4 And when the c houre was come.he fate ."^'^"'j;';^,:^^" h^ downe,andthetwelveApoftles with him. hegoingtob. 15 Then he f.yd unto them , I have earneftly crucified, yet no- defired to eate this Palleover with you , before I '''.'°g''*^i'^,^'°%- tun : ana tneriiJ's ffuffer. , r Ut -11 that hegoetbwil- 16 Forlfay untoyou,HencetoorthI wiUnot ji^giyj^fjeath. eate of it any more.uniill it be fulhlleth in the c Bytheorderap- kingdomeofGcd. , ni'iambt w^J^h ,7 And he tooke the cup, and gave thanks.and ^,^|',\|'™^;,'"„nh. fayd, Take ihis.and divide it among you: paQiover : And 18 For I fay unto you , I wiil notdrinke &f the tiij itffokeu byi''« fruit of the vine.untill the kingdome of God be ^^?^«^"\'^\^^7 '"'?', come. all inihe matter of the Sacrameatis. « Mat 26 io.mar..4,i7- 4 Cbrift having ended the PaflVover according to the order of the Lawe , forewameib themthattbiilliall be his lafl banc^uet with them, after the-manet and neceOitieoftbislife. e Theeveniogand twilialit,8twtAt I'mc this fupiJWOTW to be kff t. i I »'" P"« «> ^w'""- Eee 3 ufeti jp ^fhvA The Lords Supper. S. Luke, Drops of blood. Peters deniall. 4 M3t.i<,t«. 19 * fAnclhectooke bread, and when he had iiiirktH.ja. o;ivcn thanks ,lie brnke it , and gsve to them , fay— I. Cor u.j*. jp»^ "j-hij is my body, which is given for you : doe /.h^''.""« re . this in the reraembr,'.nce of me. Dant.jndhifcom- 2-0 Likcwile alfo after flipper /;»/Mi;ff the cup, iru-ic4-iDgwi:h fayinc; , This^,? ciipw h that new Tellament in my uiwiihoewe blood , whith IS flied for you. ?Hiei..-o.bi. »' S * Vet behold, the i hand of him that be- Mftonymie : for traycth me, IS With me at the table. 6rftth«vr(reHi«r.i- 21 7 And truely the Sonne of m.m gocth as it ktn forioatwbich jj appointed : but woe ie to that nun by whom he l'aXr.l;^cu''p' is betrayed. ' _ f.rtitvftiotAbich ij Then they began to enquire among them- iivcuhinihircip. felves which of them It flioiild be , that (I'-ould doc Th.otbew.rM-. th^t. M.lcdtheCove- 14 I »< s And there arofe alfo aftrifea'mong Wottrii ind«-de it them . which of them Ihould leeme to be ine £1 huiiheligneof grcateft. tteTenammt or ^y Wut hee fiid unto them .The Kings of the oVcs^rii',''^kmbv Gentiles rcigne over them . and they that beare theTeiU'r.fot >*■»»' ri'dc over them, are called k bountifull. tt,id<:nti.heri. 16 Hut vc y;.-t fa ii wai 38 And they l.nyd , Lord , behoh!, here are two |hecunonitio fwords. An(i he fayd unto t&em, It is enough. wrb'femt'erMt 39 ' * -^"^ he came out , and went (as he was tiil«i 9 Suth aiare pariak-ri of ihe affliainaj of Chrift,(hill alfo be F="' kMiof biikinpJotnt. X .V!at.i9 28. 10 Wee inuft alw.iyrs tbickc upon iht wait that S.r.aa )ai«3',)8. iJ CUift fhfWeih that faiihditftre-h iriich frjiii a vaint ("uritit ri ff::ir.g Srforeuj the j;ritvou«examp!eofPeIfr. •}; Maub. 10.9. m All ibii raike i>''y wiy of an allfgoricii il ti- fiyd O myfriendi and ftlir.wfoi.i- dietj. yu iiavf Ined t.ir»^iiio ai it Arre in [-eace : but no-^e t'rere ii a mofl flliriie baittll at band to br fcxight . and ibtttfort you ini:lt by all orbrr ihinc.» afide . an-l ijinl:? ui'on furnifiilng your feint in arniout. And vtba: this armour ij , he ftie- wrtb by hi) owne tianif.!e . uvhtn he piavei aftfrvvaid in the garden . and reproj. ved Pelt 1 for (Irikiog'AitbittfrtOid. j Efii 3 An J when hee came to the place , hee i;ld?a»"tb*'accep, fayd to them. Pray, leaft ye enter into tenration. table unto ui, by 41 <4 And heawasdrawen alidc-from them a- ovetcommiBg in bout 3 ftones caft , and kneeled downe , and prayed, S"' ''^"'*' ^" '''* 42 S.iying , Father, if thou wilt.take awaythis vThkh h'-d^ioTeV cuppe from mee : neveithelelTc , not my will, but with .hem ibecuife thine be done. ofcod- 43 And there appeared an Angel unto him from "* r"y"iarea heaven, comforting him. si'n h'"'o'j 44 But being in an n agonie , bee prayed more riTioui'airiXof' earneftly : and his fweat was like o drops of blood, ourennriei. tricklingdowne to the ground. ■> Thitajonie 4 y If And he rofe up from prayer . and came to ^/",",^J,^h'?od'^' /;/■/ difciples.and found them fleeping for heavines. vva7in'gt"at df" 46 And hee layd unto them.wny lleepe ye? tile ftreae:forCbii(t and pray, leaft ye enter into tentation. ftroyenot onely twelve, went before them . and came neere unto mcnymartyra lefus to kJUlhim. "'h^' '«n^e more 4« AtlRerus M imtohim.luaas.bctrayeft butwi°h'th"f«re!!* thou the Sonne of man with a kilVe ? fu"ll kid'emen""* 49 17 Now when they which were about him, hiiangrteFaiher. Mw what would follow , they fayd unto him . Lord, w'li'l' '« the ftare« (liall we fmitc with the fword ? w'rM-a''nd^the mlu fo And oneofthemfmoteafervantofthehie terwai .for .bathe Prieft, and flrookc offhis right eare. tooke the burden of y I Then lefus ani wered, and fayd, Suffer them ^'.' ou' 'innet upoa thusfarrc : and he touched his eare, 6c healed him. o'Tb^'feJoenot ')! 1 3 Then lefus fayd unto the hie Priefts, and onWy fhewthac captaines of the Temple, and the Eiders which chriftwaurue were come to himi,Bee yee come out asuntoa '""ibucotbrr thiefe with fwords and ftaves ? 'h'e"|o"l hTve'to y 3 When I was d.iyly with you in the Temple, coniiderof, wherein ye flietched not forth the h.mds againft me : but redemption of ail_ this isyour very houre,andihe p power of darknes. m'tikindiicootef. y4 ^ « Then tooke they him, and led him.and 3\';7j^^^^^^^ brought him tothehie PrieHhoufe. i» And Peter hiinreifetotheHito followed afarie off. ofafcrvaot.-fuclj yy « And when they had kindled a fire, in the tbingiaioomaa middcs of the hall, and were let downe tegether, ^1"^^""'""" ^r d«- Peter alfo fate downe among them. _ " i ,- Man are uiierly y6 And a certaine mayd beheld him as he fate flujgiih.eveQ by the fire , and having welllooked on him i fayd, '" '^'' g«»'eft This man was .ilfowi^th him. cblii^Cthem _y7 But he demedhim.laying. Woman,! know vp. him not. j Mat. 25,47, j8 And aftera littli while , another man fawe n..»ke .4,43. him ,and fayd , Thou art alfo of them. But Peter '" lil'-.V-.^., ^ , / 15 CUT I It II Wll» •layd, Man. I am not. ungiy betrayed aocatioo, the Lord .how ho hadfayaunrnhim .■^ Before the pleafethnot, cocke crow, thou Poaltdenie me thrile. Chrift. 61 And Peter went our,. mil wept bittetly. fArro'fttem"^ 6^ J + A;il the men th .It held Iclus, mock- 4iiich took, chtia.. ed him, and ftrct^ke him. rrocveth p.miv theireviiicocrd. ence.and partly alfo that all tbtfe thinji were iLineay God« providence p T!ie power ihi(v;Ji givtrito daiktoeirr,ioopjtrn<:tb«ligbt fci a feafon. • Mat.a6.,S. lO Wtehaveto beboM in l'et« an examrle tctticfihe fra«ili'if of inant nature, atitji of ihefingaUr tordnedee f C*;d towardt hi» eltft. .{. Mat.»8„;J,f9 raar.i4,l«. i■ perverting the nation , $ and forbidding to pay tribute to Celar .laying, That heisChrifiaKmg. . .. ^ . . . 3 * And Pilate asked him , faying , Art thou the King of the lewes ? And he anfwcred him. and j6id,Thoufayeftit. ,. ^. „ • ,, . 4 Then laid Pilate to the hie Pneltes, and to the people. 1 finde no fault in this man. ,• ,,. c But they were the more heice . faymg . Hee :,f;;?Ci:L^ mJoveth the Jeople. teaching throughout all lu- themintoerrc-- '- t. -,.:—:„„,, n,i;ip .^vfp f M.ttih.ti wirifc 12.17 * 7^.wl,.zi mtrkei;.'.. if/w 18.33- J Chtift.whoii oowttsdif lofuf^- feriorthcftdui- OD, which werai- ftd in this world. |j firft of «ll pro- nounced g'iiltlei, that it might ap. p«ire that be fuf- ferednotforhii OWD ''"""■ ^''''^ ^eie none) bnt Tot ouri cei .but toibtir great Imart. ,.4niifa dea , beginning at Galile. even to this place. "• 62 Now when Pilate heard of Galile.he asked ,, ^vhether the man were a Galilean, 7 And vvhc:. he knew that he was of b Herodes inrifdidion. hee lent him to Herod, which was alio ch.iit i. a laugb- ^^ Hiemfalem in thole dayes. tog rtoeke to i.r.n. ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ j-^^ Itfus.he was exceeding- ly o-l?d : for hee was delirous to fee him of a long feafbn . becaufe he had heard many things of hirn, andtruftethtohave feene fome figne done by him. 9 Then queftioned hee with hira ot many things : but he anfwertd him nothing. 10 Tlie hie Prieftes alfo and bcribesftoode foorth and acciiled him vehemently. • J I And Hiuod with his ^ men of warte , delpi- i(r,a fed hira , and mocked him, and araied him in white, cwyj'-i/^w "'■■''. and lent him againe to Pilate. , , ^ r,./e4^.,t mies one to another. . .- u a iiur^fuicm<'t- 'j3 J, 4 Then Pilate called together the high rnfjev^":,:'"' Priefts, and the d rulets, and the people , '-^["u ■'l.t't 14 ♦ And faiil unto them ,Yee have brought ,vJ'w.7r.m.,, ' this man unto me , as one that perverted the peo- ple : and bcholde , 1 have examined him betore you . and have found no laiilt in this man . of thoie thirgs whereof yeaccufe him: • 1 f ,No , nor yet Herod : for I fent you to hira : Herd thtTt- 1 ihelimt ^_>y,hfeo,Vcr- nance , ■rch'cl' rc ,j.„d„f dl.-neflV ioyoeth. he vfickeJ together. 4 Cbrift and lo2, nothing worthy of death is dsne of him. 1 6 / I will therefore chaftife him . and let hira ^p "'fl^h Xw« loofe. erilicburrththe • 17 (For of neceffitie bee mnft have let one ir«v .butGodcu*- loofe unco them at the feaft. ) '^^\:^% .'""l'"'''- i8 Then all the multitude cried at once.fiying, *hf,hirJti.nt?bf. Away with him , and deliver unto us P:^abbas : f^je he wn c-c- ' ip Which foracertaine infurredion madein dtmntduc.t.tin! the citie.and murther, was caft in ptilbn. irmightap; c«s, jO Then Pilate fpake againe to them . willing X^,^l^!,°^l^^, toletlefusloole. _ donned in hiin, 2l But they cryed,faying,Crucifie,crHciiie him. .f. Mattb 27 at. 2i 6 And he laid unto them the third time, But markeif. 21- what evill hath hee done ? 1 fnde no cau'e of death /he'^out'.a'ioufne. in him: I will therefore chaftife him , and let him anJdiforderaf loofe. fouldieti. 1? But they were inftant with loud voyces, and s Thetriumvbof -! , , , -^ . , L :c„. I .v,» ..„,-.-o^ the Wicked hatb a ead. 13 cut tney were iniwiuwiiu luiiii vuyc^-j. ui.v. -.--..-, required that he might be crticifie-; and the voyces ^,'ft7'„lb,'' of them and ofthe hie Prieds prevailed. _ $ ifai.1,29. ZA So Pilate gave fentence.thatitfliouldbe hofs. ic!. as they required. ^ . ,- v r "\''re't'!*,7 i/ And hee let loofe untotbemmmthat for ^ l'-^^^^l^2iAi . infiirredtion and murther was caft into pnion, ^^^ j„^,b,„,oroe whom they deiired.and delivered lelus to doe ,hatanr fruiifuli, with him wh:t they would t.t^l'^^^^'* j6 J * 7 And as they ledile him away . they ^;,7„,"' ^'^.roa cau*ht one Simon of Cyrene, comming out of „f^y Godhead, the°field , and on him they laid the crofTe , to beare ,vhat will they dot ''"S'^W there followed him a great multi- S^J^Et tude of people , and of women , whuh women be- oufneSe ? wailed and lamented him. , r ■ i '^ Mattb i7.3». a8 But lefus turned backe unto them, and faid, ma.ke ,f,27. Daughters of Hit-rufalem , weepe not for me, but ^"chr.'if became weepeforyour felves, and for your children. jccurfed foru. 29 For behold, the dayes will come, when men upon the CroQ'e. fliall fiy . Bleffed «re the batren . and the wombes '■".^';°f ;^J,P;;; that never bare, and the pappes which never gave ,i,,,j.f,„,,dth« fllf l^e would be Godi. JO Then aiall they begin to fay to the moun- ,0 coriftinpiay. taines. •«; Frdloii us : and to the hilles, Cover us. ing for h„ ene- ''^r *For ifthey doethefethingstoae greene --^-'^^..^ tree, what Iball be done to the drie ? cnHceandthe ,2 ,|. And there wete two others, which were r,„ft. evill doers.led uith him to be ildne^ Lrh l«fhenall 33 9 And when they were come to the place, ^^^^^^ which is called Calvarie, there they crucihed him, „ pii3,„tua- and the evill doers : one at the right hand, and the vM.reiii trade. ' . . c prracheroithe °^ 34 '"*¥ien faid lefus, Fa.her,forgive them:for ^-^^^ th"V knowe not what they doe. And they parted g Therefore mhef his raimenr,and caftlots. we muQ take that 3 c Ind the people ftood , and beheld : and the f ^-j^-.r^.^'^, rulers mocked hira w^.'^'-^f^-.f^y'"" '"^'^ifj^'^ .herfaub.'c'chae mhers-let him favehimlelfe,iihebethatChrilt botbcftbemn.9c« thcfChofenofGod. ^,. ^ YeiC^^^.^^^^ 36 The fouldiers alfo mocked him ,andcame --^^troule and otfercd him nneger, with the great pa- 27 Andfaid.IfthoubethsKingofthelewes, ,unc«ofGod.brak« f pthvf'lfe fjorth into that %g .1^ And a fuperfcription was alfo written co,.feflioB worth, over him .in Greekeletters.raidin Latm andin c'btiai^tte Hebrew , THIS IS THAT KING OF „id,tof.hehutn, rp,jp TtwES. bl.Dgofhimfelfe ,0 5 g And .* one of the evill doers , which upc tbectofl-e we^r? hanged"railed on him .faying , If thou be .'^:rhVh;?hb'l ihatChrift.favethyfelfeandus. ,,,,.„ powetofi.feto AO But the other anlwered , and rebuked him, ravethn">!, and tl^iit VdS tU Jay of prtp^rMi^nf.rilir ft., n uh re." 10 l^t ktpt il,i'd.i} follctviny iS Chiirt l-i-inf.rrt upon by thrdeuill aod all hii ianrumenii , and beiugeven in dratbs n.ouihi f<-iieih wtj^ke woaitn in his fortward , niiudiog Itraighivvaye' to triiiinj'h ovei ihofe l«ril)Jtenemui wutuat any gieai endtuout. r. H A P. XXI V. J ThtWimfnccnKiodefifuLhre. 9 TUeyrcferlthxtvhich ihc, hca'dcftU^.-iclt , V«!« 'ht .Afoftlti. 1% Chr'fi k Mrtihtnhe i C'J miJt ihl U- EiUfarttfi'fit tvirtJ ■ kui t/iat tvulitht nti iftur ntiidt is tht fUct^ efeUrltfini i.j andftlHaiui ntft and mircj cf Ccd.JLmctfiU- aiJmc/}.iititi and i.lfuU dwelling. J3 ChiiHb-iog of dMih , Qiev\eili bimfelfetobe God almightict tven to ib« blind. 14 Cbliflenrmh dourly into :be vfry darken^OVof dtaib .ftrtooier- witt'in biimoft fectfi (jlacci. « Pfal.3..6. If Cbriftcaureth wimrlleon h tide, liiol'tai it pltafeth bim. I« Chnflgathe- Tf th tupttber .and defrndMb hii little fi.ckeiiiihfmidft tijfavnujburiall confirinc tb the tructb beta offai> dcaib, andicfur< rtdioo, by the pliine andeviden witntfliofPiiate. kn-<'rJYcrwerd, d:lh *r!^mf.inie iv ^o'n^ to Emmi'is *M«rk.,«,r, iohn 10.1 . • Poorffl'lyvVO- r.wa : fvto brf) It tbHrrxpta:.!ioo *fc chofea to be ihrfitrt wiinclTet ofthrrcfurrtftioii, Ibat there mipht benoruOit.on •ithtf ofdeccitior A r,ry tanls ; M arkt faith, tr at I.hnf,ill,,whiU *•• -n'atytt dative, thai it, nlietiiftvits y.ifiXrctthtduv)- '■'»? >ft\„ da,. poundcth the ,ripturt,uni>ih'tm.' 39 He ofTfretl, himfelfe u hit ^ , „« dcuk .■ and done. I'lereftrehishdj 21 Yea, and certaine women among us made *7'*'"'°."''-'l'*'''» us aftonied, which came early unto the fepulchre, jUJeY'" ^" i3 And when they found nothisbudie .they a .umiffthcold came, fayiny .that they had alfo feene a vilion of /^ff"' '«>''>*!."'"»« Angels, whiX-h lliid.that he was alive. '•'" "''" '"f'¥^ . 24 Therefore certaine of them which were '^/chji "im'EpipTa- with us , went 10 the lepulchre , and found it even „iuiirr:ttn^ J.t'"'"/'. fo as the women had laid, but him they faw not. tU o ..iMmtit.rn*, 2y Then hee fayde unto them, Ofooles and '^'''"'.^f ' ■'^^ flo we of heart to beleeve ail that the Prcpftcts have ~'; ™ fpoken ! uixiie,. z6 Ought not Chrift to have fuffcted thefe y itappearetbby things, and to enter into his glory ? the conferring of 27 And he began at Mofes , and at all the Pro- '^V.^^^TopheT phots ,and interpreted unto them in all the Scrip- ,hatailihofe tures thethings which were T/i/r/>»f»of him, tbingj are true anJ 28 And they drewe neere unto thetowne,which ""^'"i'^^^jiy^ ''" they went toi but he made as though hee would p"do'w'ne'inwii»> have gone further. _ ingofChrift. 29 But they conftrained him, faying, Abide with us . for it is towards night, and the day is farrc fpent. So he went in to tarv with them. 30 And it c.-ime to paiVe,as hee fate at' table with them, he tooke theUead.andbleffed.and brake Chiift appeareth to his Chap. j. e SiiidenXj tik"> tiwtjiar.dthrfcfne Tvemajr not irrt't^ cine ihdt he ttJ/ ,hiUinfuc'.*U- tlieas could nctle ftlnlM'hUtVtir. ttced thit Ac c/).iB- ^(dhisflue. ? Wknkehrakf ■ lrt>td , tt'jIcA tijAt fecplel/id.asthe Jeieeit'fed.retat lhud.tjatthikc' ' vinnUi '■f'htir raeMes , and/uji 4 j.iUiO,i9. 6 TheLuidbim. felfelhtwcihby ceflaiie fi(>ntri,tbat ie was riltna. gair-f>aDd tbat ia thefamtbtdie wbicbbtetooXe upon him g liner J and tteuitfuH ihcuihls ^hithpltcfiint, rntni hejdi.yvhen o>,] Pr»nie Mni fullethiKt ,nlier(of thirt u nn grtM likeljlmd. brake it, aiid gave it to theou^ 31 Then their eyes wete opened , and they knew him : ancihe was e no more feene'of them. 31 And th^jy faid betweene themfelvcS .Did notourheartes burne within us, while he talked with us by the way, and when he opened to us the Scriptures ? 33 And they rofe up the fame houre , and re- turned to Hieruialem.andfoundc the eleven gathe- red together, and them that were with them. 34 which faid.The Lortl isrifen indeede, and hath appeared to Simon. 3y Then they tolde what things vff redone in the way . and how he was knowen of them in ^ breaking of bread. 36 f 4 6 And as they fpake thefe things, lefus hirafclfe flood in tbe mids of them , and laid unto them . Peace 6e to you. 37 But they were aballied and afraid.fuppofing that they hath i'icns a fpirit. 38 Then he faid unto them, Why ate ye trou- bled! and wherfore do g doubts arife in your hearts? 39 Beholdeminehaadsandmy feet: foricis I my lelfe r hanc^e me , and lee ; for a fpirit hath not flelli and bones, as yee fee me have. 40 And when he had thus fpoken,heelliewed them /;»> hands and feet. 41 And while they yetbeleeved notforioy, and wondered , hee'faid unto them , Have ye here any meat? difciplesjandafcendeth. 3 I 41 And they gave him a piece-ofahfoyled fiQi, and of an hony combe. 43 And bee tooke it , and did eat before them. 44 7 And hee iaide unto them , Thefe are the o," Go'/"!"''^ wordes .which I fpketinto you while I was yet vfbiQb'^L''ftcmi. with you, that all muft be fulfilled I'^ich are wri- fcdtothtPro- ten of mcein theLaweofMofes , andin the Pro- ptt'sandptrfoir- phets, and in thePfalmes, .mtdinti.tiBir, r ' , ,, in,. , iscommitttd unto 4) inen opened hee their underltandmg, that theAfoaici.-the they mighr underftand the Scriptures. fuminewhertof, 46 And faid unto them. Thus is it written, and »"P«D"cceand thus it behoved Chrift to fuffer . and to rife a^^aine """"*'"' ° '^'"' from the dead the third day . 47 And that repentance , and remifsio.4 of finnes fhould be preached in his Name among all ^Z\'rt!b,^p*=>- nations , ^ beginpir.g at Hiernfalem. chen of th' cVpel 48 Now ye are witnelTcs of thefe things. btginning at Hie' 49 And beholde , 1 doe fer o the 4. promife of 'u''^''™. my Father upon you :biTt i - yee in the citie of ^a°''° "^•*^' HierufTlcro, Mintillyebe enJ^uid with power from i va 'iifthe hol» on high. Gfao« came dovtue 50 3 Afterward he led them out into Bethania, ffom heaven ui'on and lift up his hands, ai=idblelTed them. Vnk ■». r j, y I And it came to paiTe . that as hee bleffed Lo helven "nd" them ,S hee departed from them, and was caried departing bisdiiy up into heaven . f""^ ^'^ difcipicf, 52 And they worltipped him, and returned to ''i'"'"J"i'''"rt! ,,.•' ri - 1. ■ With the holy Hierulalem With great loy, choft. 5 z And were continually in the Temple , prai- i Marke iis,i«. fins', and laudini; God. Amen, aft" «-s. THE HOLY GOSPEL OF lESVS CHRIST, ACCOR. DING TO lOHN. CHAP. I. That Wtrdt Icgilten tfCcd hefcre all tvorldei, i and ■tvhichrcasel'emithtiie F.tthcr, 14 umM!eman, 6,7 Fcryvhdtend lolin-jvJifcnifremCcd. i« His preaclnn^ rfChrifies office. 19,10 The recerd that he i^e pil>en tut unit the Pritfi^s. 40 Thecatlinrcf^ndten,'^x tf Tetcn If} PIMp, 45 andNaihanuiL N I the a beginning b was c that Word , and that Woid was d with God, and that e Word was God, 2 This fame was in the be- ginning with God. " 3 4. 1 All f things were made by it . and g ■ 1 The Sonne oP God i« of one, and the felfe fame eter- nitieorevefla- ftingoefl- , and of Oaeandthefetfe- fame effe ace ot Qaffure, with tbe Father. a Frcm «< *e?J»- ninf;,iii the Euan- ^tliJlfai-h,,.epifiU j,i..titlieufhhe ; « , r,id , that the ircrU he fan ntt^hn to t^tVe hi, lein^ , tchtn God It^an tc make aU that ■iva, made: fo, the -ir.rdtra, even t'-en vh(» all thinr, that v>ertm^de.he£^n>.h made,andiheeefir.heeTta,hehethclepnnini.fa&thinp. b Hadhuhemg. c This trord , Tha, . p.inteth o«r „.f. u. a fecuUar anf ehoifi thmg aU^e at oihcr, end rwttih a di-f^irenre he'vten, this Wf'de , rvhuh is the Sonne vfCcd.andthe J.an-e,cfCcd,'rrhuhcil,e,yrifealJiarecalledtheyi;.tdof'.cd d Tty W '[With)f»„e,hcufthedepin(iic„offerfn,tct,s. e Th, yrorde{Word)uthc frflin rrdcT in the fenience , and i, that which the learned caS (S«he(l, was made nothing that was made 4 ; -i In it jj was life , and that life was i the light ofmen. t force ./ kptreUd^thm tht y 3 And that light fliineth in thewildetnefle, -i r- i r and the darkenelle ^ comprehended it not. I turned in'o 6 J § 4There was aman lent from God, whole darkent/Te ,buty« nameZ'T/a^Iohn. • lb ihaj: there ia 7 75,7V fame came fora witneffe , to bearc wit- ''""«. ynuugh nefle of that light,that all men n through him might '^Xm «cufe. beleeve. m They could not 8 Hee was not «> that W^i^ut-vvasfent to beare fefceive uor re:c!i WitneiVe of that light. unto h. to receive 9 ; This was p that true light.Avhich lighteth ."/ydfd no'fo"' every man that commeth into the world. much ai acknaw- 10 q Hee was in the world, and the worlde was ''dgebim. ■"made by him : and the world knew him not. S Mattn.3,1. 1 1 He came r unto his owne, and his owne re- j^ke 3V2.*' ceiveihim not. 4 xhrleisano- 12 « But as many as received hiro,to'thero hee tber mote full ma< gave f prerogative to bethefonnes of God , tnien "'ftfiationoftbe to them that beleeve in hisName, .hronndf^afi'oa 13 which are borne not of blood , nor of the whereof mm are t will of the fiefli,nor of the will of man.but ofGod .• in good time nir- ledup , evtn by lotni voice, who i»a« itweretbeheraultofchrifi. n Tbrouoh loha. o Tbat light which we fpake of, to wit.Cbrirt.whoonely can lighten our daikfrelTe. s When as the Sonne ofGod fawe.that man did not ackuowledgehim by hii woikei'although theywere endued vvith undetfUndinf (which hee had given to them all) hee exhi. biied himfclfe unio hii people to be feene of tbem witliihei, corpor.-ill eye« : yee neithetfodid thty acknowledge him., nor receive him. p WiJoonely and pro- perly deferveih to be called the light , for beiWneth of biKifclfc and botrcwtthlicbi of uoue. q That perfon of the Word , r.'at made manife/t even at that time when theworldewaimade. * Hebr.11,3. t The Word ihcwed himfelfe againe.when becamein tbe fleOi. 6 The Sonne being Diutc/utofibemoft of hii people , acd acknowledged but of a fewe , doth regenerate tbem hy hiiowne venue and power, and receiveib them into ikat honour which i»common toall the childitn ofGod , that isio beethe fonnei ofGod. f He voucbfafedto giveibemtbat prerogaiive to take them to be tis children. t Of^bat groOe andcorruptD3tuie«f«»n} which il throughout tbe Scripturet fetai toetniete its Sfiiit. 14 ■•'? And lohns witnefit of Chrift. S. lobn. The Lambe of God, 14 + 7 And that Word* was made u fiefh, an J X dwelt amang lis , (and wee ■^ fawe the v g!o- rie thereof , » as the miotic of the oncly beoot- ten Seme of the Father ) » full of grace and auech. ly 1 8 lobobarewitneneof him .andcryed, faying. This was he of whom 1 faid, Hethatcom- meth b alter mc , was c before me : for he was bec- terthenl. 16 ■« ♦ And of his fuIneiTshave all we received, and d grace for grace. 1 7 For the Law was given by Mofes, but grace and trueth came by lelus Chrift. Noman hath feeneGod atanytirae: « Mitlh.t.iS. J TbitSaoiXi who II afi froin •vfrial-.ing .looke cprn biaiinant Diiure.ibaione cq.libef'lfeOiM roijbt be both Ooi (dJ am, waich maniftftly ■liptandtomiQV vwiinteVi.ihatfj'w tiioaniongft whom bt wtieonvFifjot, ao.! uoio vtbome ■byfure and ua- doubtariar^u- "oTbil 'oa'iu^r' that onely begotten Sonne , which is in the e bo- u Tkat ii. in«o . fo foroc of tile Father, he hath f declaied him. that the pan iiu- iQ J 11 Then this IS the record c!" loUn, when kfoforthe whoU. the lewes lent Priefts and Levites from Hieriila- SK/be lemtoaskehim.Whoattthou? tookeM|>on himail 20 And Iiee g conleflt;d and h jlenycd not, and cur whoi^ came, fjjj olainely.I j- am not that Chrift. tbsc i> to fay. » true ^ j' ^^^ |.|^gy ^^j^j^j j,jjj,^ yyhat then J Art thou {^•i"" Eiias f Andhelaid.ilamnot.Artthoukthatrio. X Fora ftafon.ani phec ? And he anfwtred. No. wbtnihaiwuen. jj Then faide they unco hira , VVho aft thoii, rftd , hevTCTit uj. jj^2t wee may L'ivc anfvvcre to them that lent us ? rrd^Xht'^'whatiayefttLuofthylelfe, a J He (aid, I * am the voice of hira that cneth in the wilderneire, Make ftraight the way of the Lord, as faid cht; Prophet Efaias. 24 '» New they which were fedt , were of the Phariles. 25 And they asked him ,and {aide unto hira, ' why baptizeft thou then , if thou be not that Chrift.neither Elias, nor that Prophet ? x6 lohn ani'wcred theni, faying, I baptize with water : but there is one m among you, whom yee iniftjiiiticn cfChriJl his m.tirfie , rvhUhtpH as itrrtrc l.tiitcfrnhifirccuTe->t!tvhnl lajl ivhichfhould te firji .-fr in fUi'.t ffctih this it it : He that ccmeth afiir nn , is tetter then I am, firhewts tifireme. Thelili_e kjnii the re.ifin rve findiit I,i«/j.f 7,47, manj finncs art f.>rx'l>tn her , itcaufefhee loVtdmu.h , tvli'th ij tW» muih lofij , jhe loi>ed murh, tteaufe many finnenrefcrjriiita her. «■ Clj^. 1,19. and 1.^. 9 Chrilt iithemoft HleoufuUfountiineof all goodDtffc , bui then he pov\r»d out bii gifti nioftboiiatifully, whto aihe exhibired aud flit\n/eii himfslfcto the wotli. d That ii, grace upon gf3»e,ai a itian would fay gracetbrajicd oceupoaanothtr. lO The Itue ko'>w!fdgcof God irocerdeOQcIy from lifuiChrift. :v i.Tiin 6 i6. }i.iobn4.'». e Who it nterefttohii F.ithei , not onfly in refpeS ofhiilove towaidibini , butby the bond of naiuie ,«Dd tor ibat vjjoncr oneiieffe that ii be- «w«en«lbtni, whtreby theF.itberaud tbeSoonearesnc. ( Revealed bim, QDiinicvved bim untoui, whtitai before he wai hid under the fludovvof the LaViie. fotbattbequitknelfeof the fight of cur mindti wai not able ici prrceived him : for Vrbofotver , freib him ,fcrih the Father a Ifo. 11 lobn ii neiikcr tbcMclIiit. nui like to any oft) c other I'ropbeti , but it the hcrault ofCbrilt , uvhoit nowpiefeai. g Hedid acknowledge biin, and fpakeof him plainfly and openly. h Thil ithetrfmgofone and ibe felfefame thing ,the)ugb in diveti woidt , ii vfedinuch of tbeHrbrcwei .and it hath great force: for they vfeto fpeake one thing twife.to iViitoutmoieteiijir.elyand plaintly. iV Afts 13,1;. i The Iev»es thought that Eliiilhould comea^ai:.e before the dayet ofM'Tiai. and they tookechegrojnd of that their opinion out of MiliC) f. w3i;h plact it to be uader.'iooj oflobo. Mitth 11,14. And yetlobndeoieib thai bei« Hliai , arifiAdii-,[; rliciii in dcid accor. diogai tbty meant k They eritjiireot fome great rripbtt, and D'totCb.flt, for lobo deqitd. liifiretliii heis Cijriil .for hey tbou,;ht:Datfome f rear Prophet Ihoiild be fcKt Ike uut!> M"fe( , wrelliof: 10 thriurpcfeih.ir place of Deut.iS.i ;. which i« to be unrierliocdol all thecomjanie ofihc I'r.pbe i a .d mini Ken , which fcave beeoeand Ihall be to the ende , and efpedally of Chrill , who is the bead of all rroptcn , » IIJr4o.i. mattb.3 3 UAt i .^. ,, Cbi^ftiitii antbtutjfbJptirin-. and not John : andtherefoie tne f.rcs thereof coofitttth no: io Ir.bn wb iit er.inilter.bHiwtiolyinC-iiilthtl.srd. 1 K-r.bywemay r-o ,vetb the !< wei knew thtie Diouid be fome cba.ige in ieligit^o uudtl Mtfliai, m' \i-lioni«Uiheworldfteth«u,aadiKVtB»ni«)gayoi, vffth, iitaken f:om t;ct»:*ud yet not- wl:hTtanding,bii abfeoce from ut io body is tiot fucb. but that heit al- wayei i«refeat wiih III. though do: ia flrOj.yttbyihe Veriueofbu fpit $ Matth.i7,x. ».pet.I,i7- y The zlor} which heffta\eth of here , i know not. * Mat..i,n, 17 4- Hee it is that commeth after me , which j"^^'^^' '^'^• was before me , whofe ilioe latchet I am not wor- aft«'i!f.aud n,is thy tounloofe. miif,^. 28 Thofe things were done in Bethabara beyond Jordan, where lohn did baptize. 19 ^ ij The next day lohn feethlefiis cora- rring unto him , and fayctU , Beholde " that Lambs of God , which otaketh aw.sy the P fmne of the world. _ 13 The bod ie tnl 3 o This is he of whom I faid, After me com- 'f"-* i" "^f ai' ■»« meth a man.which wr.s before me: for he was bet- ^""'^'" °* '*";. IT Law, to make la- ter then I, tiifadion for the 3 I And q I knewe Inm not , but becauie hee linneof tbeworirf, fliouid ht declared to Ifrael .therefore am I come, '' '° Chtii;, baptizing with warer. ^^^^|^' ^"Jj^^j'*"'-^ 3» M So lohn bare recorde, faying , I behelde Tstb'gre'at h^ ia ^ that Spirit come downe from heaven, like a ir, ootonely tofet douc, and itabosdeuponhim, " forth the wotthi- 3^ Ant! 1 knewe him not : but he that fent me """''= 5" Cbnft, r • • , , /- . , ., and foto Itparite to baptize With water , hee latdeuntomee ,Vpon |,i^f,o,n (h, whom thou ihalt fee that Spirit come downe, and Lambe which wit taryftillonhim,thatishee which baptizeth with abgureofhim, the holy Ghoa. ■ ^«i'^°w!b''e''"' 34 And I ("aw.and bare record th« this is ' that iaw,fcut°alfo'i(» Sonne of God. biiBg'imoour 3 ? f 1 / The next day , lohn Hood againe , and ">''^<' '•" frophe. two of hi S difc iplcs . ^ 'o-hel^'"'*' "'^ 36 i« And he beheld lefus walking by, and faid, „ Thii word of the Behold that Lambe of God. ' prefeattimefigni. 37 •? And the two difciples heacdhim fpeake, »i«h»<:"ntiouaii and followed Ie(us. hf,'h*\bV.«rmT''* 38 Then fc'us turned about, and fawtherofol- proper unto bim, low , and faide unto them , What fecke yee ? And ao.i for ever, they laid unto him. Rabbi , (v/hich is to fay by in- to take sway tbe terpretation, Ma(fer) ( where dwcUcfUhou ? '^^^^f '*" 29 Hee faide unto them, Come, and fee, ^ That ii. that They came andfaw where he dv,-elt,and sboade rootoffinnei.to with him that day: for it was about the t tenth wit.ourcorrtipti- u oo.andfoconfe- • . , ^. „ It ^quemly .hefruiti 40 Andrew, Simon Peters brother, was one of of unre , which art the two which had heard it of lohn ,and that fol- commooiy called lowed him. in the plural) num. 4 1 The Ame found his brother Simon finl.and q'l n°ve,''knew Aid unto him, We have foundthat Meisias which aim by ftce before^ is by interpretation, that " Chriil. 14 CSrift ii proo. ' 42 And hee brought him to lefus, Andlefus vediobetbe behold him, and faid. Thou art Simon the fonneof b'"h";™„i' lona ; thou (lialt be called Cephas, which is by in - ^,,^06 of the holy tcrpretatiou a Hone. choii. by ibe Fa- 43 f The day foliowing.Tefns would goe into ''■■'■'"'"'"•"'' , Galile.and found Philip . and laid untohim . Fol- Jfvi^bnsteni.cco.e, , *■ 3 M3t 3,10, low me. maike, ,0. 44 Now Philip wasofBethfaida, thecitieof iiike3.j». Andrew and Peter. ' Tbii wjrdfThat> 4y .3 Philip foundeNathanael , and fayde l*'"'*'''°»'""'° ■',. r 1,. /-I us fonieexcellent vnto him, wee haue rounde him or whome thing, and msketh * Mofes did write in the Law , and the x Pro- aditiVitncebe. phcts , lefus 'tliac Sonne of lofeph , that was of '«"<='■ chri'tar^ N-yire-th other whome.Molei ^"^•^'^'^'"- and the Prophets commoolycall the foooeiofGod.or the foanescfthemoft high. if lohngathertddi/ciplei , nottohimftlfe , but toChiill. i« Ch'ifti'ifet before us to followe nor aiavjicefliadowe .hot a* oiri MediatCMir. 17 In ihijHr/l gathcricgoftbedifciplei wee have ihewed un a us, that tbrl>ej.iiiiiiogofralva ion ufr jm G)d, whocallethui unts ti« Soune liy the iniuinerieofhii fervaiin: vshome (fo preventing u»,l weemi-.lt alfo heats, and follow e bim home, that bteingioL'iiiaed by bun , wee ni.iyatfoinflruit o;heii. f Wh.re is thy lodging^ t The night grew ca. u That is. aiinynted . and King alut theniaoneroftbelewilil P'Ojdc . i3 Thegoodcndevouii evenof theuii'raired, God d.ict'i foal)ov\e , th.nhe mjkeih ibem iiulle/a iqthelcarBed. ♦ Gener.49, io.deiit tS iS. 4 lfai,4.».iiid4c,io,aLd4j,8."iere.i,-,y.aiicl33,i4,e«tb,j4, fj. tod j7ii't,Daii.^itf, 4d »» Thea Watet turned into wine^ Chap.ij.iij. ChriftandNicodemus, jS ,9 wemuftefre- 46 19 Then Nathanael fayd unto him , Can eiaiiytakeheede there any good thing come out of Nazareth f "•"^^'^'K-^rKj l^'hilip faid to him.Come.and fee. Su'ithe" 47 i^Iefusfawe Nathanael comraing to him, tnncetocbtift. and faid of him , Behold indeede an IlracHte.in JO Simple upright, ^hom iS nO guilc. neifidiicrrfieth ^g ^^ Nathdiiael faid unto him , Whence fiomthetaTft'" kncwcft thou 036 ? lefus anf.vered , and i'akl unto „ Tbrend.^of him, Before that Pliilip called thee » when thou miracle! ij to fet ^J^•^ under the ligge tree, I faw thee. t^'°«"'^^"'' . 49 Nathanael anfwered . and faid unto him, dfolbToae'ly au. Rabbi . thou art that Sonne of God : thou art that thouiefourfiilva- King cf Ifrael. tion, that w« may ^ q igfyj anfweted, and faid unto him, Becauie apprehend htm by j ^^.j ^^^^ ^.j^^^ ^ j j-^^g j^gg ^^^^j j^e hggC tree, KGeu.aS.i 1. belecvcft thou i thou Ihak fee greater things then X B] I'lifc rvcrJti, thefe. , , , r the pifnnt t„ CtfemMm: 13 frcmihenctht'tethufloHkruftiim, >; and cjfieth themerchMd,feM"ofthiTemph. ,9 He fxrenHtth thutthi TemFle,tkit ij, «/ W^//,..! Je Jt//ryfothey fore bath BO neede biate it. r , r n u j ofoiheisto put „ {^0^ vjhen the governour ot the teaitnaa bim iomiDdofit J' J ^ ^^^^ ^^s made wiae . (for hee b^M.n.app.nted ^^i^^. ^'J, whence it was . but the fervar^ts which c Thefe weievef. drew the water, knew) the governour ot the tealt ft!, appointed for called thebridegrome. . water.wh.re m they j . j unto him , All men at the begm- rt^St": nin'gVfoonll good wine and when men have Kined ao hundred , „eil drunke , tlieii that which is worie . but thou pcund, at twelve ^^^ ^ backe the good wine untill now. _ hepouud: ., This beginning of miracles did lefus in manage in Cana a ^at/i-nf of Gaiile , and the mother of le- fus was there. 2 And lefus was called alfo , and his difciples bee hath power cvtttheroatureof tilings, to feeds maofbcdy, lea- detb the mindea of all men. to hit fpirituall and fa- II ■ Galile. and Qiewedforth his glo- Wberety we ga- tbtrthatCbtiK y*.-ana « J-Sl^ - , , v- boipe them with a ^rie : andhis difciples beleeved on him. thoufand and eight ^ ^f^^f chat. he went downe into Capernaum, •"'.''''"='^F^"°'*"'*"heandhismother,andhisfbfeihren,andhisdilci. rw^V.l for word. ples:battheycontinuednotmanydayesthere. »,e drunken Now j, 3 For the lewcs PaHcover W.IS at hand. thi.fp«cii,t»be Therefore lefus went up to HievufJem. drunke^, 1. not a- ^ And heefoui^d in the Temple thofe that ll^'rHnthV Hebrew fold oxen. and a.cepe, and doves. a«d changers of «oogue,butfiznifi- „|,n,ifulIufcof wine ai djth ocpanTe meafurc, ai Gen. ..h f°=""i™''^«''' »°.''''~^ ii;V'^" ' Cb, fib.i.£ nude fxb.ea .o,beLaw«for *^'^'»V u-'u'^,''"''V,'fceTi?-o«r 4 Cbiu,insnr4=inedtopu.se.l.e money fitting fiff,?. 1 J Then hee raadeafcourge of fmall cordes, and drave them all out of the Temple with the fb.eepe and oxen , and powred out the changeis money, atid overthrew their tables. » rral.ss.g, 16 And faid unto them that fold doves .Take g Zealeimhii thefe things hcncerraake not my fatvitrs houfe an p'^cei. taken for , r r ^ I .•,- •' a vvrathfullindie- hotlfcofmarchandlle. _ nation and difp!ea- 17 And his difciples rercembred , thatitwcs f,jreofthemindr, written , ♦ The , zeale of thine houfc hath eaten conceived offome me up naughtieandeviUf 18 * / Then anfwered the Iewes,aiidfayd unto f^^^^^'^* ' him , What h figne fhewcft thou unto us, that thou love well, doeft thefe things? s Againftthem 19 lefus anfwered andfaid nntothem . §Ue- ^^^^'^["^'"j'l^, ftroy this Temple, and in three dayes 1 v/ill raife it ;I°ca"iiiD°g which' up againe. tbcythemrelvcs 20 Tbenfaidthelewes.FourtieandfixeyeerM moft(ham«fuiiy was this Temple a building . and wilt thou reare ft ^^jf^^^^ j'^-,"^ up in three dayes? HtraordLX, 21 But he fpakc of the i temple ot his botiy. which God confii*, 22 As focne therefore as hee was rifen from methfromhea- the dead.his dilciples remembred that he thus faid ^'J if^'^^^J^' nntothem : and they b-leeved the Scriptures .and „ouW have'iTex. the word which lefus had faid. tioguilhed ) uoiefli 23 Nowe when hee was at Hierufalem at the it befealed with laireoverin thefe.ift. many beleeved in his Name. '"^I^.'^^^^j;*, '~- when they faw his miracles which he did. ^ ^^Vj^ ^^^^ ^.^ 24 6 Bur lefus did not commit himlelfe unto radedoeftthou thero.becaufehc knew them all. conSrmeit.thatws xy 7 And had no neede thatanylliouldteftifie ^^y*^'^™'; of man , for he knew what was in man. vertue, which gi- veththeeauthoriiietofpeakeanddoetbui? * Mat.2(S.«i. and a7,4o.mar ,4 ;S. and,;, 29. i That .Ufbi.hodie. « It i. notgoodcrediting them, wh.ch llat«4 onely upon miracle.. 7 Chriai.thefearch.rofheart„and therefore t.ut God. CHAP. III. X Chrip teachith NicJemus the nierj principles efChrif.tat re^er.er.tticn. J4 Thefirpentiaih: wilderncs. 1} Jehn lii>iiz.eih, n ^ndtettclxthhis.ihitheii m^t Cinji. T Here • was noweamanof thePhariies.named t Tkerfarenone ^ Nicodemus.a a rulerof the lewes IXroXhTn 2 This w4?j came to lefus bynight, andlayd ,be lea.aed .- fa«t a« unto him. Rabbi, wee knowe that thou ait a *> tea- well the learned a* Cher come from God .for no man could doe 'thefe the unlearned muft miracles that thou doeft. except God were with ^'ifXS".""* him, a A man of great 3 3 lefus anfweredand faid unto him. Verely, .ftimadon, and ■ ; verely 1 fay unto thee. Except a man be borne ruieramongfttbe againe, he cannot d fee the « kingdome of God. b'^^vlknowtfea* 4 Nicoderons faid unto him , How f can a roan ,houartfentftoin be borne which is ok!e?can hee enter into his mo- cod to teach m. therswombeagaine, and be borne ? « But hein whom y lefus anfwered .Verely , verely I fay unto [°';^^f*^'i°^f^,j thee, except that a man be bome of water and of ^p^^^j,'^ ^^^^ ^j theSpiiit .he cannot enterinto the kingdome of 'Nicodemu.baJ QqJ knowen Chiift 6 ' That which is borne of the fleH. ,. is Bflelb : -^^^'.-/-.-itba? and that that is borne ot the Spuir, is Ipint. ood wai with bim, 7 Marvaile not that 1 faid to thee , Ye muft be but in him. ai Paul borne againe. , •^"''^ a.Cor ,.,9. 8 The winde bloweth where it h lifteth . and ^"^ Jt\'°Jf^;',';;« coofiftethinihij , that we know out fclvei no: only to bt corrupt in part, but to ite wbollvdeadinSnae.foibat cur n^itare b^tb needtolrt created a new, ai touching thequ'alitiei tberrof : which can be done by tin other vertue . fcut by the diviseatid heavi.ly wb.'rt by we Tiere firft created . d That is, go in, or enier.ai h? jspconde* bi«ifelfeaft.rward,v»rf ;. « The Church ; fotChrirt Iheweih inthatpbct, howwtcometobccitizeni.androhaveoughttodoeinibeclticoiCJoJ. f HoW can I ihat ara old be borne againe ? for he aafwe. eth, a.i JChriS hii wordes belonged 10 none but. o bim. g Teat ii, «<-ft)ly, to wit, wholly uoJ-ane and under rh« wrathof God .-and therefore this word i Flefh fignifieth the cor.upi natureofman: contrarie.o which i.tbeSfirit, that i. , the m5q ingrafted i„.o Chr.ft thrcojgb .b« fivaceofth.holy Ohcft .wbofe nature i.cverbHing and immcrtal .-thouga th«8:itn ofibcBe&retuaincth. t Wiibfiteand AiadiiogbUa*. ainl;ft*t&. thou EretJaflinglife. lohnsbaptifme. S. lohn. The woman of Samaria; 3 TheffCTttniy- l.„ir = f our rrg.- acriiJon which ciBiioibccom- ftebended by iraiitcapjcitie,i< fctce.vcd by faiib and ibatinClirift thoiihearert the found ihe.eof, lurcan.l not rcll whence it commeth, anu whither itgoeth:fois cveiy man that is borne of the Spirit. ra». 1 J 1 hat wholoever belceveth in him , flioukl ,°You bandUdoubt ^°^ petiQi, but have eternall life. fulithing..icdfuch 16 S J For God foloveih the world, that hee a> you have no cet- hath given his oncly begotten Sonne, that wholo- taineauthout for, ^y^^ bejeevctho in him, Ihould not perilli.but have rJT.r.'Lch'"' everlaliing life. tboftibingitbat 17 * For God fent not his Sonne into the areofairuetband world, that he lliould P condemnc the worid , buc wti kaowenSc yon j^^j jj^e 1 wolld through him might be laved. ir'oc7i"chti'it can ' ^ ^^^ '■^^^ bcleevcth in him is not condem- tMch u/btjvtnly ncd : but he that beleeveth not , is condemned al- tbi»gs for 00 man ready , becaufe hee hath not beleeved in the Name afctraieih, Sec. of that onely begotten Sonne of God, 1 That II. bath any ^ ^ ^^ ^j^-^ j^ ^^^ r condemnation , that that rfirituaaligbi and ,. , ■^ ' . , ,, . , ij, undernaoding, or light Came into the woikl , and men loved darke- «verbad .butontiy nclferather then that light , becaufe their deedes that SonnfofGod, \vere evill. «bkbcamedowne ^^ For every man that cvill doeth . hateth the "t^ wbereai beii Hght , neither commeth to light , kalt his deedes fayd to have come fliouid be reprOOVed. down from beaven, j , gu^ he thit fdoth ttucth , commeth to the ftooTof bf. God'-''" ■'gf'^' t*^" his deedes might be made manifeft, that head, and of the they are wrought t according to God. manerofhisc'.n- 22 J After thefe things came leflis, and his di(l "ption : fof Chrift ciples into the land of Iudea,and there taticd with f«,b «t"beav« f ^^«™. ""'* ^ baptized. V,audnot«r7bly, »3 And lohn al(o baptized in Eiion befides forbewaiconcei- Salem , becaule there was much water there ; and ved by the boiy j^ey cameand were baptized- ''"That which ;• *4 For lolin was iiot yetcaft into ptifon, rropettrth'edi'vi. ^5 8 Then there arole a quelHon betweene nirieofcbnn.i. lohns difciples and the lewes.about purifying, htrefpokenof 2^ And they camc unto lohn , arfd Idid unto "ive uno u "d.'r° ^'^^' ^^^bi , he that was with thee beyond lorden, nlod^ba" he il but to whom ••< thou barei^ witnclTe , behold , he bapti- one ytrfon , where- zeth, and all men come to him.. 11 Thecommunicating of proprietiei.* Num. ji.J. chap n,3». fi loan. 4, 9. J NoihingeUbutihe free lovcof the Fattei, i» ibe beginning ofourfalvation. and Chrift IS he in whom our rigbieoufDclTe and falva- tionio tefidem : andfaiib iitbe iBltiamentorimane whereby we apprehend it .and lifeeveilaaingiitbatwbichiiferbtfotev.toappiehend. o Itiinot allonetobe- leeve loathing, aod to beleeve of a bin?, for we iTUi not beleeve (10 any thing) fave onely in G(.d, but wemay beleevc (of jny thing) wha.foever , :t)i faith Nazianzttie in kit ortiiinofibe Spirit. » Chap i,i9-and 12,47- 4 NoiChiift,butibed.li/ili.igof Chrift doe.bconiemue. p That ii,tobethecaufu-ofthecondemoingot the world, for in-ieede fitmei are the eiufe ofdeath.but Chi itt Hull iudge the quickc and tbedead. q Noiooelyihepeopleofthelewei.btjtwbofoevfrftiallbeleeveiijhim. » Chap.1,9. 7 Onely wickednelTtU the caufe, why ™«n tctjfetbelightihat iiortered them- I That i» the caufc of cooJemnatioD .which Itickeib fall in men.anlei through God bit (treai benefit thiy be deliveredfromit. f Th.it ii, he that leadetb an honcitlife, and »»ideo( all era ft and deceit, t That ii.wiib God, God a« it wete going before. ^ Chap 4,1. I Satan inflai»«tb the difcipleiof lohn with a fond emulation of ibeir oialter.to hinder thecoufe of the Gofpel : but lohn being mindfull of hiioftice, doeth Botonelybreakeoff therr endevouti, but alfo takcih occalioo thereby to give tefii- monie of Cbriil , how tl»t ■> '>>'" °°^h t f «tl>ei bath (n foonb life eytilaliiiif- • Chap 1,34. 27 lohn anr\vered,3ndfakl, A roan u can receive u what meare yott ^ noti i tg, except: it b' given him from heaven, " S-'* "bout t« b«t- i8 Ye your f.lves are my wimefles . that -i- I '" rTm'lm'io "i^d"' faid.Iamnot that Chrift, but tliat 1 am lent be- pot i:>n ml. The^ fore him. , cannot better them. 29 He that hath the bride, is the bridegtome: f«-«»oneiQte. but the friend ol the briiegrome which Hdndeth * C&ap.i,io, and heareth him , reioyceth greatly, becaule of the bridegiomes voice. Thismyioy therefore isful* filled. • 30 Hemuftincreafe.butlwja^decreafe. 3 1 He that is ccnie from on hie, is about all: he that is ofthe earth, is of thex earth, and yfpeaketh ^ I'nothingelfe ^ ofthceaith:hee that is come from heaven , is a- worke"ndfifthV" boveall. flimeof tbeearrb. 32 And what he hath z feene and heard, that he y Savourethofno. teftifieth : but a no manreceivethhis teftimonie. «o''n'"f oo""""^]'"' 33 He that hath receiveth his teftimonie. hath nefl>r&"""' '* fealed that J God is true. , z what be kooweih 34 Foriie whom God hath fent , fpeaketh the fuHyand perfeaiy. words of God : for God giveth hm not the Spirit %^°" "■, '"^ ^"^ ■ U r *■ S i^om,3,4, by meafure. ^ "" 3 7 The Father lovetli the Sonne , add hath * b given all things into his hand. * Matth. 11,17. 36 * Hee that beleeveth in the Sonne, hath |',huT''"'^'"d"° everlafling life.and he that obeyeth not the Sonne, will"''""" "^ fliallnot c fee life, but the wrath of God abideth -f- Apoc.i,4. on him. i-iohBy.to. Chap. IIII; <: Sh^Ilnotenioy, 6 lefuiltiniwe^rit ycaksth dn»k."fti'i momanvf SJmit r!.«. Ji Hettachtt'nthetruevpcrfhip. i6 Ht confefxth thatheiiihe Mefi.ts. ja Hiimcit. 39 The Samaritans I Thil meafure keleelie in him. i^i He hetUth the /(ulers fmnc. ittobekcptia "KjOwJ when the Lord knew , how the Pharifes doin^efourdue. had heard , that lelus mad >? and beptized moe f^^'^j ^e°be'ter'ri * difciples then lohn,-' fied iVom going a (Though lefushimfelfe baptized not , but forward, aeithe* his difciples-) bytaihnercpro. 3 Hee left ludea , and departed againe into Galile. 4 And he mnft needs goe thorow Samaria. >{• c!5ap.3,jj. 5 a Thencaraehetoa citie of Samaria called 'be^Vouimn. Sychar.ncere unto thepolVefsion that -Ciacob gave L^,^m"muoicV.'* to his lonne loleph. teib theireafurej 6 And there was Jacobs Well. lefus then wea- of evcrianing life ried in the iournev, (ate a thus on tlKWell ; it was )^,';'' ^?°""'>°- , , n ^ full woman, and about the bflXthouie. ftranger .r.felling 7 There came a woman of Samaria todrawe thegr,.ireerrout» water. lefus faid unto her. Give me drinkc. ofthe Samatitanj, 8 For his difciples were gone away into the ci- "J*^^/^'?^'"f '*" tie.tobuy meate, God,w-hitb°wai 9 Then faid the woman of Samaria untohim, delivered to the How is it , that thoubeir:ga lewe.askeft drinkeoi lewet.butyetfoi me , which am a womin of Samaria? For the lewes ^^'^''Jf'ib'j^''' «meddle not with the Samaritans. ba.keto himfeire 10 lefus anlwered and faid unto her, If thou asonevvhom onely kneweftdthateiftuf God,andwhoitis thatlaith aiitbefarhtrs, and 1 .r^:..„_„„.l>:„i.„ ,K,.„ „-^„l.l..aiv,„(.^r_ alfo all the cere- cureorplucke aogeri upon out to thee , Give mec drinke , thou wouldeft have af- ked of him , and he would have give thee « niei of the Law 'did regard, and had of lite. atefpeftu II Thewoman faid unto him .Sir, thou haft * Geo.33.19. nothing to liraw with, and the Well is deepe? from \l^^^°."^ whence then haft thou that water of life' '„° E„ena,'he vat I 2 Art thou greater then our father laak&b, wMne, or UcaHfc which gave us the Well , and he hirofelfe dianke henatweitie. " b Ittvaitlmjl Heme. e Therc-rintfiimilutritie ntrfrkndfhip ,htlwitnethe lemti and ths SjmirUdnei. i P} ihii v>trd {Thai )vt are ^ivenit, Vifderfiand , that Ckrijl fftakitl' cffimelxceUint ^ifhthai is lefjjj even ffhimjVl/t.^Tvhtm his Father offered to thittroman. e Th's eirerl.ijlingtvaier, that is tefiy , ihetxceedmfhl>: tifCod,it taScdMng ,eroflife ,ttmak.' adifferenee hetyveene ii, and the vi>arer'ihatfhonld he dratrnetut of a vrelt .- andthc/imttafhmiartptry mHehvfidcfthe /«»?;,/«{, i,*}. ihercof. flic true wotChippers. Chap. thereof, and his fonnes', and his catteli; 1 3 lefus anfwcred.and fayd unto her , Wholo- ever drinketh of this water .fliall thirft againe : 14 But whofoever drinketh of the water that I niall give him. ihall never be more athirft : but the ^f '^V'tT water that I Ihail give him. (halibe in him a well of peoX ftaadeth Water , fpringing up into everlafting life. _ for ihejroft part. i y The Woman laid unto him , b ir, give me ot ujoD two piiiari. ^Y\a,t water , that I may not thiil\ , neither come hi- ^brf/to7™a thertodraw. ., , . ... Ae ."Ipu. of 16 lefus faid unto her. Goe. call thine husband. thefafhers.ptrvei. and COme hither. ,/■ . TU ttd.and.fooiuh J The woman anfwered, and fayd, I have no wt'dThS"- ;. husband. lefus fayd unto her. Thou haft well fayd. sainft which er- I havcnohusband. , ,^ , , , , . „ roursweb.v.to ,3 por thou haft Had five husbands . and hcc fct the word aad ^j^^^ j^ou now haft , is HOt thine husband : that Er;fi!;. ^f -fsm raya -n-o hta,si,.u.e.h.. ?r>i,wAtre«/i(».j»- thou art a Prophet. ,.,./• ;iii.*(etMf(>eCs»- Qm. fathers worflupped m this ' raoun. ^tt^ltZZ taine . and y ee fay , that in « lerufalcm is the place IfMactJcniihis where men ought toworftiip. Jmk, -/.cr (Ae i-i- j i igfus fayd unto her . Woman , beleeve me, e^ic.fif'"^' the houre commeih .when yeefliall neither m tu7aife.t%ne this mountabe . nor at Hierufalem worfliip the inUw.hiei'rieii, Father. ' ,.. ., ,,.„,„ ufifhh.ktii. 22 yewosHiiptha^hich ye Sknownot.we ♦ ^'t':' '••« • worihip that which wee know : for falvat Jon is oi i TAii wor^(Jp»- thelewes. , , • u« %i) is tch tXtn 2 J But the houre commeth , and now is, when Ure,d„edir,i: The woman fayd unto him, I know well that ^1(1 ;rri'rf'''''Mefsias(hallcome.wh.ch is called Chrift:when ZJ^^f'tna. he iscomc .he will t€ll us all things ^4T-o/» - fc. ^«' " 26 lefus fayd unto her, I am he that fpeake un- leeltikf it '" Teffcii . thee c/He "*[■"-"' • And upon that , came his difciples . and ZZT'J'U''! marveikdthathee talked witha woman : yet no oncijfhadcv that ^lan fayd unto him, What askeft thou i or why tal- vhuh chrjfieir- ^^^ jhgu ^ith her. , firmtdwdieJ. ^^ The woman then left hct watcrpot, and wBHt I ^,tl.«d her way into the city , and fayd [o the men, - (j«„>;Aemf4«rt jQ Come, fee a man which hach told meeall thinamrtcftht jLj jhat ever 1 did : is not he that Chrift? Sfd'ftrfinln 3© Then they Went out of the citie . and came jl^r^h^ve ''7i^'^-lnthemeanewhile.the difciples prayed MKofourbo- him, faying. Matter, eat. fC^rprefm. 31 ; But hee fayd untothem .Ihave meatto wili"giyaDd eat, that ye know not of. ft«iy.heoccafi. 3, Then fayd the difciples betwecnc them- oa which is offred fejves , Hath any man brought him meat ? _ He a^i «-f may^oe the will of him that fent mee . and hnilh Ikiejofthisliie his WOtke. ' , whatfoever. .. f Say not ye. There are yet foure monettis. /itu*IlVc«n:u'' and :/;e» coiianeth harveft ? Behold ,1 fay unto 'r;.weT« you.Liftupyooreye3,andlookeon the regions: liog^r :forfo.he .j, forthey are white alreedy umo harveft. cbildren ofthij 3(5 fi And hee that reapeth , receiveth reward, world would «n- 3^J<,3theredfr«itunto life eternall.thjt bjth he '« Mattts-jr. thatToweth. and he that reapeth might leioyce to- lukeio.i- .gether. T Ji'^s",^!""! ««. . fowiog time ■. aad the doft: i«of ,be G.fpeJ. as thehan-eit. V. The Rulers fonnebealed. 39 3 7 For herein is the ; faying true, tlut one fow- » ^*"»' f •> «''«< eth and another reapeth. 38 Ifentyoutoreapethat.whereonyebeftow- ed no labour : other m?n laboured , and ye are en- tred into their labours. , ,, , „ , . _. 39 , NOW many oftheSamarit^es of that ci- IJ^^^^-^ tiebeIeevedinhim,forthe faying ofthewoinan j^brace that which which teftified. He that tolde me all things that theieweimoft ever I did. ftubbwoLj rcied!*, 40 Then when the Samaritans were come utito him , they befought him , that he would tary with them : and he aboade there twodaycs. 4 1* And many moe beleeved becaufe of his owneword. 4x And they fayd unto the woman, Nowwe beleeve .not becaufe of thy fayisg: for wee have heard hitn our felves , and know that this is mdeed that Chrift the Saviour of the world. g Thedefmr.u 43 3 8 So two dayes after he departed thence, ^f chrift 'deptivs - and went into kGalile. „.r . l tbem/ek"ofhi. 44 For lefus hirofelfe had « teftified. that a beneht: ye.chnft Prophet hath none honour in his owne contrey . ' l]^^^2\i. 4 f Then when hee was come into Gahle , the j^ ^,,„ jteiownri Galileans received him, which had feene all the andi,iiiies ofc^y things that he did at Hierufalem at the feaft : for '''^••/-'''f^"'.'^' they went ailo to the tealt. _ _ w camu} <>f 46 9 And lefus came againe into §■ Cana a ^at.areth,'necau/i Sevvne of Galile,where he had made of water wine, thrjdefiifid Mm, And there was acertaine iruler.whofefonnewas ^^^^^^'J^}^;^', ficke at Capernaum. r vriic)thcifficacie 47 When heheard that lefus wascome out ot ,jf /,;, je„^,; ^43 ludeainto Galile,hee went unto him, and be- hndndshrmgh fought him thatrhe would goe downe, and heale his '^^^'27nT/ fonne; for he was even readie to die. y ^"^^^^ i'j,,^, 48 Then fayd lefus untd him , Except yee fee ^,^1^, 5,^. ,„^, fignes and wonders, ye will not beleeve. 4.>4. "49 Theruler fayd untohim. Sir,go downebe- ^^^^uboug^ chnft fore my fonne die. vetheewdketii JO Iefu5 fayd untohiro»Goe thy way ,thy fonne ,;:gbtiiyinihe liveth: and the man beleeved the word that Iclus bt letven by bis had fpoken unto him,and went his way. T'cLpiuzi. J 1 And as hee was now going downe , his ler- f^cJofBer^dj vantsmethim.faying,Thyfonn&hveth. ccurturs.frih.'.gh c2 Then enquired he ofthem the houre when Hfrodw^Jiofa he began to amend. And they fayd tmto him. Ye- l^r^u>^^tr^.H fiprrlavrhefeventh houre the fever left him. _ r,J'.i,„ flerday the fevcnth houre the fever left him. \„,h e^'cept.hs c3 Then the father knew ihat 1: was the lame ^^^^^,„^,„,j houre in the which lefus had fayd unto him , Thy u^thefe^pie fonneliveth.Andhebeleeve,andall hishou(b.old. ««s^i;m<./i..^ J 4 This lecond miracle did lelus againe. a^ter he was come out of I udea into Gaiile. a 0« hini a> .if pod.. ! ' i> y'.Ud cfChnJl rn fhlS^l- dcd, n hfcc.lm^r...t pedin.was made whole of wlutfcever d^feafehe /..../•m.-er-n.w 7 And acertaine man was there, which had '^"'W- » bene> One ficke xxxviij.yecres, healed. S.Iohn. Search the Scriptures, • Truetelifioau not morecruelly afiia t:«ec;eof re- lijioai: te.fc. X lere.17 «i. 3 Th- woilceof G )J was ««*«' «he breach of tb« S»bbatli:buttiie vrork«ofCn"il irethe woikiof tbe pacfaer, botJi brcjotetheyaie on: God. »ni i\(a bane difcifed ei^hc anJ thirtie yeeres." 6 When IclTii fdw him lie , and knew that he 1107/ lon;^ tifv.i hid besnedifi-iicd .hes fayd luv-o him, wilt thou be mule wholt > 7 .Tiie fi A*Cniti jnf-v r^ 1 him. Sir, I have no roin.wheii tiie water is troubled.to put ma into the pools : but while I am comming , another fteppech downe bit'ore me. 8 I^fus iky d unto him , Rife : t ike up thy b-jd. and svalke. 9 And immcJiatly the min wis mide whole, and tovke up his bid , and walked: and the fame div Wis the Sabbath. 10 J Tiie fe^ves therefore fiyd "-o him that was made whoL-, It is the Sabbath dty: -f it is not law- full for thee to cary thy bed. I ( He anfwered them , He that made me whole he fjyd unto me, Take up thy bed, and walke. li Tnen asked they him , what mm is that becaiife ihc Father which fayd unto thee. Take up thy bed.and walke? doeth not vNJilce ,j And he that WIS hcilcl , kncw not wh J it *'cSa'"'^°>"' ^" • ^°' ^^^"' ^*'^ conveyed himfeife away from c ThatMlb'ifoaeiy the multitude chat was in that place. mai no manitii, 1^ Andafcet chat.Icfus found him in the Tem- woichtbeygjtbtr p^g /^nd (ayd unto him , BeholJc , thouaic made fa t" '( And\" whole : linne no more , leaft a worle thing come wotkejappiy'iK unto thee, this vvoiii : work* I ly J The man departed , and toJde the lewes CO himWfe . which ^^^^ j^ ^.^^ j^r^j j|^jj }^^J ^j,^g (,ipj^ whole. 'Xheref!«ma- l<5 And therefore the lewes did perfecutele- fcth'himft'ifeMujU fas. and fought to llay him , becaufe he had done toGod. . ' thefe things on the Sabbath rf refurredion of life : but „„/*f '.''*'-'^^'* they :h It hive done evill, unco the reliureitionof wtrUashciiCij, condemnation. t^taifitsheh 30 9 I can n doe nothing of mine ownefelfe: '"f • >" nciiiied o as I heare,! iudee : andrny iudgement is iufl.be- '^"'f'''' f"'*" c.auielleekenot mine owne Will .but the wUlot Kor'.J. the Ftther whn hath lentme. 7 All ftiall appMte ^i If I § ihoaldbeare witnefTeof my felfe.my l"foretbeiuJgt. wicnelle u ere not V true. chnVl'Vt'l^Ltfi 32 * There is another that beareth wi-neffe of ,0 br iuL'df' me . and I know that the witnelVe , which he bea- s Fiith jnd iefi. reth ofme.istrue. del. y fluiijt iu./. 33 « ■<> Yefencuntolohn.andhebare witnefl". p'Jt'yb"' <■•""«• unto the trueth. _ 4. >,--,/,*„,+,. 54 Rut I receive not the record of man: never- m To tha- nik,' theielTe thefe things I (ay, rkat ye might b; faved. reciUn-mhuh hid 3f He was a bmningend a inining candle: and ^l[^f"lf.''''f'^g ye would for T a leaibti tiave reioyced in his light, ^tj-^^h fee'tCtri. 36 But! have greater witneife then th; wit- /nrre.7r«, ,/»«-' netfe of lohn-fortheworks whichthe Father hath 'limxnun : thu i,, given mc to finifh, the fame woiks that i do , beare ,7'>t'oT*r''''' vvitneiVe of rae. that tiie Father fent me. 'g'\hr fr^her it iy AnHtheA: Father himfclfe.which hath fent thr amhour acd heard approver of all u- things Ahich p F^iithfitit, that itt rlhjtchtcrlJi- go-en leth hi> .nil thing!, but yet • notwiihltanding, swhenhefavtb be Mcofketh «'tbbii Father, he "OUch. cf»biiGndhe»d. f lu likefor'.ioioi lyand together. Notforthiiihe 20 For the Father loveth the Sonne.and (liew- eth him all things , whatfoever he himfelfe doeth, and he will fliew him greater workes then thefe, that yc ibould marveil. 2 1 4 For likewife as the Father railed up the dead, and quickeneth them, lb the Sonne quickcn- eth whom he wiil, i % For the Father £ iuJgeth b no man.but hath father doeth fnme comitted all iudgement unto the Sonne, •fo!rnVw"ke!'haf!'' *3 J^^^aufe that all men ihouid honour the u('h\m°LiAai^ Sonnc, as they honour the Father: he that honou- »he like but bfcaiife teth not the Sonnc , the fame honoure:h not the iatmx'^iif. powsr pjther which hath lent him. {i,'s^^t'ed"i«ke ^^ Verely, vcrely 1 fiy unto you . he that hea- .•quillysnd'ioyntly fcth my woid , and beleeveth him that fentraec, together. hath cvcrlalting life , and ih'.Unot come into con- .^Tbep ither maketh demuation , but hath parted from deatii to hfe. *«7u n.n*'me"b^ *^ * Verely , verely I fay unto you, the houre ■in Ch tilt , in whom onelyalfobeiitruely worDiipped. g Thii wod( iudg»tb)i» •aVen by the figure Syntcdjche. for jlIgovernemeBt. h Thefe wovda are not fj to be taken, 3» though they jnijly det^id th.it God govcroeth the world, but a, tOe lewei ihiificeiit.wbichfepiraietheHa'htt from the Sjnne , whcreaj indeed ,tb« Father Ikthnotgovrrnethe world buronely in ihepetfon of hi» Souue , being made ma- aiftft in ibeflefli - fofjy.h he afterward verfe 30 that became not todjc lai>ov»oe will- thai hitdoflriociinotbii owne. Clap 7.1*. that the bliude man aid bi» pa- febitfjfliiednor.Scc. Caap 9.3- J Tne Father iiooi vvorSiipprd but by biiS lune* «nord apprehended by faitn , which ii tbe oneiy wjy th.it leadeih oeitroall life, * We are alld.rad inlinoeand can ooi be quickened byauy otier ineaoe*,tlU:nby die »;cid cfCbiiltii^jielieiidcd bj faiili. 39 wf. Search the Sci iptures : for in them yee *' thinke to have eceinalUife.and they are they which ^ teftifieofme. 40 But ye will not come to rae , that ye might trJ,i«~ bt thttmm tfGtl, 6i The ^ftJlUt Chap. v]» rhe five barley loaves, ATterthcfethinfts.TefuswenthiswayiOverthe fcipp^ -"lea ofGalile. which is Tiberias. leius 2 And a oreatn.ul'itude followed him.becauie t>iey faw his miracles . which he did on tlietn that werediieafcd Chrifttbe bread of life. 40 tVcr ilie Uk' nfTi hriti, lot h r<«. f„,f,h,Urgi tUfhcrier: then' Jidcferfrcmor.e adofiCTtekft* tic fUr. 4 I.«!'IM3.T' diut 16,1, J M4t.i4'*- 1 Tbey that M- low Cbriftdo; ' fomttimebiitigeri but they aieiie- vtrdtftiiutecf 3 The>i lefis vent op into a mountaine , and theix he late wuh his difciples. 4 Kovvethe rafleover, a» feaft of the lewes was necre. 5 :§ , T hen lefus lift up hu eyes ,^and feeing thatagrea ' ' " i— l ,.,„, „ ^. multitude came unto him , he faid unto Philip, whence Ihail we buy bread, tliac thefe ir.ight eat { . - c v 6 { And thisJiee (ayd to proove him : tor hes himfelfe knew what he would do . ) 7 Philip anfwered him , Two hundreth peni- worth of bread is not fufficient for them,that every one of them may take a little. g Then fayd unto him one of hisdifciples, Andrew, Simon leters brother, ,.,,,. 9 There is a little boy here , which hath five barley loaves , and two fiQies : but what are they among fo many ? 1 o And lefus faid, Make the people fitdowne. (Now there was n-uchgralVe in that place.) Then the men fate downc , in number about five thou- 1 i And lefus tooke the bread. and gave thanks, and gave to the difciples.and the difciples to them that were fet downe : and likewife of the hlhesas lEuch as they would. ^ .r i u r-j ^^ 1 2. And when they were fatisfied. he faid unto his difciples . Gather up the broken meat which lemaineth, that nothini^ be loft. ■ J 3 Then they gathered it together , and tillea twelve baskets with the broken meate oftbe five barley loaves, which remained unto them that had l4*Then the men.when they had feene the mi- racle that lefus did , faid , This is of a trueth that Prophet that Ihould come into the world. 1 J » when lefus therefore perceived that they would corre, and take him to make him a king, he departed againe into a mountaine himldfe alone. 16 1 i Whsn even was now come, his difciples went downe unto the fca, 17 * And entted into a a-iip. and went over the fea . b towards Capanaum : and now it was darke, and lefus was not come to them. I g And the Sea arofe with a great winde that blew. J 19 And when they had rowed about hve anrt twcntie. or thiitie fuilongs.they faw lefus walking on the fea .and drawing ncere unto the flup : fo they were afraid. 20 But he faid unto them.Tt is I : be not afraid. Jaiu.frr Btthfaidt '^ , iheo « willingly they received him into the Ca'allm? " l^^ip.antl t'^e Ihip was by and by at the land.whither c "rbnv-ercjf^nid they went. , l- u It.h/firjhixt la 3 The day following , the people which ■^l„nii.fjk'>trvhis flood on the other fide of the fca ,fawe tiaat there >.,.«, /%i«««< ^^j |^pj,£ j^jher ihip there.fave that one,whercinto h^^^M^'^' his difaples were entred . and that lelus went not .hefZf, WI.L :i,e, mzh liis difciplcs inthc ihip.but that his dilcipies fhurmfJ andfiid yyere goncaloue, fitml'f'rt. ,j And that there came other fl-iips from Ti- berias neere unto the place where they ate the bread, after the Lord had given thankes. 24 Nowe when the people faw that lefus was '■ oat luere , ndchsr fais diliiples , they alfo looko i » Cfarift iinot on' \y 110! ctlircd.bac alf.. grutly offen- ded withaprq-o- (Icroui woiihip. 3 Tbtgodlyare of.enio perilland danger but CatiB cmr.meih tottem in time.tvtnia tbemidd.aot\he tctiifelis, and biia- prb tbem cotbe fajvto. ♦ .Il himrt\fe n ihM iru^ lredil,iec.infi hee fieiethunt^ 'ht true and ever'. iH'n? life- '^nd asftr that , that P^ui iCcr.io.tilltth M.tnna fi-trittjlt fod, ir mj^ff* no'l'ir,^ "lainjl thii pljce.U Ixe i«j„tththe thin^ R^Jfiednihiheji^nchutintkU roMe iiffutavn, Ckriji de.ileih tviih the lirret af.er tkeir ^wne tfVmn and conceit r/ the maner , at.d they huJ n, furthrr rtnfidtr^urt efihe ^1.inna,hinm'l>Miffdthettlh. i ll'hirU btle tifeand:i),<- life. S The gift of faitb proMfdeth from the frte e'eaion of rht Fitcet inCbrift. after wbicQ ■ foUowethneceir..rilyeve.Ufti'.glife. Therefore fai.h in Chi.liUfui i.afure wtQeO* •f oureltSion , and therefore of out gloiihcation , which is to (.orae. k toete aU),ea,^p.{. K'/tii. • setiniand helee,.>aogetbournature.foibatwee b=iog iofj-iied of 0101 , nay at»iiJtthtLjiP. J Not that anv man hath feene the Father, *tt H^Z'/i' " favc hee which is of^ God , he hath feene the Fa- a Tc ir«. ih'}A*i' ther. be ehtUren cfi'-,e . _ vcrelv , vcrelv 1 fay unto you , he that be- f'ttfjufr^' leeveth in mc. hath ererl^Ung life. flZ/t>hi<.^l>^?- 48 »° I am that bread of lite. _ /«. 13. fA«« ""/-/. 49 » Your fathers did eate Manna in the wil- t,d.twe J tcl< ft, derneffe, and are dead. Thn'fjrt^ih! iZw S o P That is that bread.which commneth downe VJ^flfthc'hcaitr,- from heaven, that he which eateth ofit.Ihould /j.(f«r/,,iii'«|'/i not die. . tnHivorkt ifocd, II I am that 7- ' bread, he Ihall live for ever: and the bread that! o ifthffinm rn- ^jn gi ye is my flelb , whi ch I will give for he life b^ff""'" of the world. '"'*"■• - "Then the lewes ftrove among them- omjt iic^n "« iox^^^^ .faying , How can this mangiveus/;«flelb *'iiiit an4lr.fi, trfeh. , r to cate ? ,0 Thetru« vfcot Then lefusfayd unto them, Verely.verely S'om .bVn, I fay unto ypi| . Except ye eate the flelh o^he Son to the thing it felfe, of man , and drinke his blood, ye have ' no lite in ihaiiitoCbrift: yp^, bythe partaking vVhofoever eateth my flcfli , and drinkcth gL''e^«rmng h?e. my blood.hath eternall life . and 1 wiilraife him up * ExoJ.i6.iJ- jj He pointed out bimWfewiien he fjiaketht woidi. I, Cb.ili being Cent from the Fa- ther, le the felfe fame unto ui fot the geninj and Iteet-ingoftver- laltiDg life, that at the laft day . 5 y For my flefli is meate indeede , and my blood is drinke indeede. J 6 Ho t-hat eateth my flefli , and drinkcth my blood, dwelleth in mi, and I in him. 57 As' that living Father hath fent me,ib live 1 by the u Father , and he that eateth me , even hee fliail live by me. 58 This is that bread which came downe from biead''aodflefb,yea ^egven : noc as your fathers have eaten Manna. meate and drinke and are dead. He that eateth of this bread, fhall r That i« to fay. whofoeverispatta. ketofCht whoii our food. ij FUOicannot p utadifTerencc betweeoe flefhiy eating which ii doDe bythe heipe ofibeicetfa, aad fpitituall eating whichconliltctb i thii tranfitoty life, live for CVCr. q Which giveih f S» 1 hefe things Tpake hee in the Synagogue as lifeioihe woild. he taught in Capernaum. 60 '3 Many therefore of his difciples (when fed, they heard this) faide,This is an heard laying: who can heare it ? 6 1 But lefus knowinc; in himfelfe, that his dif- ciples murmured at this.faid unto them, Doeih this oftcndyou ? 61 Uhat then if y ee {liould fee that Sonne of man afcend up vV where he svas before ? 63 14 Itisthe^fpiritthatquickeneth: theflefli hiTb.aoa therefore prohceth nothing : thewordes that Ilpeakeunto .jicondemneihthat ^bichitvndtjftandeihnot : yet notwitbftanding the truetb muft be preached and .taught. f If Cft'ijI keptifini , life it prtjint , Imt when CUifi u aifiiu , then is ileathfrtftnl, « i.Cor.ji.a?. i lnihitihatChrijliim.in,heruei)>tihlhat fttxtrrvl>i(i>ftttiu. , you, are fpirit and life' 64 But there are fome of yoH that beleeve not: for lefus knewe from the beginning , which they were that beleeved not , and who Ihould betray him. 6 5: And he faid .Therefore faid I unto you, that i f Stsch is At iw. no man can tome unto mc, except it be given unto lice ofinen .that him of my Father. they take occaHon 66 'S From that time , many of his difciples ftruft'onrewnof went backe, and walked no more with him. ,he very d'Sftrine 67 Then faide lefus to the twelve. Will ye alfo of faivation ( ua- gOeaway? Uff-e.,beafe«v. 68 Then S imon Peter anfwered him.Mafter,to ^ongh .h'Tngu. . whom fliall we goe J thou hafl the wordesof eter- largifiofcod.) nail life: is The number 69 And wee beleeve and knowe that thou art °fchr''i'„°['"^"" that Chritt that Sonne of the living God. fmaii,"od ail^Ig 70 •« lefus anfwered them, Have not I -J. chc them alfo there be' ■fen you twelve, and one of you isa devill ? fo^e bypocricei. 71 Now he fpake it ofludas Ifcariot the fonne *^°^d worfetb^nall of Simon : for hee it was that fl^ould betray him, ^ M*ith,»6,i«, though he was one of the twelve. CHAP. VII. a Chrtfi, after his ccufms were ^cne 11 f tt the feafiefTa- lernacles, 10 loeth thither privily . 12 The fecflet fundrycfinicnscfhim. 14 He leacheth intheTeitifle, 31 The Friefis command to talieUm. 41 Sin/e amonj^the muUttude aioui him. 47 and tef\veene the I'harifei and the ojficers that ■trere/int 10 lake him, jo andNiccdem»s. P^ Fterthefe things , lefus walked in Galile , and would not walkeinIudea;fonheIevves fought ^ tevtt. 13,34. to kill him. a Tbufean wa.fa 2 Now the Jewess » feaftof the Tabernacles called, becaufe of was at hand. ",entm°bich't"'* 3 I His brcthrentherefore fayd unto him, De- p'ght^cj-yj,/'' part hence , and goe into ludea ,that thy difciples kiodeiofboghei. may fee thy works that thou doelt. «"'* f^'* "na;M ;„ /-ot,l^ kinfefolkw ihca boade ftill in Galile. by llrangeri. 10 3 But allbone as his brethten were gone up, b Kis kiafefoikci; then went he alfo up unto the feall, not openly, but for fo ufe the He- as it were priviiy. brewestofpeake. 1 1 Then the levveslbnghthim at the feaft^ind f^,|^^'",hefoo. fayd, where is he ? ii(h defire.ofout 1 2 And much murmuring was there of him a- friends, mong the people. Some fayd. He is a good man: * Chap g, 10. other f.yd , Nay : but he deceiveth the people. ^.fri^^if^nl.. 13 Howbtir noman(p.ikc « openly of him for jo the very bofom. feare of the lewes. oftheChurch. Tt« 14 4 Now when <» halfe the feaft was done ,Ie- P''ft''""°PP««^ fus went up into th,; Temple, antkaught. Uourfanrilare: l<; And the lewes mar ve-iled , laying , How the peopiefetke knoweth this man the Scriptures , feeing thathe chiiit, wbeobear.' never learned ! ?"'«'" 1°} : 7^™ Beoffreih himfelfe, they negleftbim. Somealfothatknowbinicoudtmnehini laflily : avery f(;w thioke well ofhim.anw thatiof.cret. c Or ,bfUh,.irdfretb : f'^rthechiefecfthe leyve' f'"-!" "othinf; f much , .1, to hu'} his fame andnamc. 4 Chria ftriveth with goodneifeagatnft the wickedoefleof the world ; in the nwane feafoa the moB part of men takeocca« iioo ofoffeoce even by that fame , whtreby they ought to have bene ftiired uptoew biaaCbiirt. d t/ibtuttht/Mtthdayofihtftafi. 16 s lefus ludge tigbteous mdgemtnu Chap. viij. 1 6 J I efus infweied t Ji «M , iixT /ayj i , » My do- ftrine is not roiriej 6ut his that lent liel -irv 6.,..« >7 If any man ^'ill doe his will, he /hall know *hl "^w of the doairine . whether it be of God , or whether wbointbeCof- , 1 fpfake of my felfc. ptii favoureih wtll, jg 6 He that fpcaketh of himfclfc .fecketh hJ$ brc.»fe .henud.e ^^^^^ ^j^^^ . ^^^ j^^^ ^,^^^ ^^^^^^^ his glory that fent him, the fenae is ttoe ,and no unrigHteoufneffe is in him. 19 4" 7 Did not Mofe.s give yon a Law , and ytt none of you keepeth the Law ? J Why goe yee about to kill roe? 20 The people anfwered , and fayd , Thou haft a deviH : who goeth about to kill thee » 2 1 8 lelbs anfwored , and fayd unto him , I have done one worke, and yc all marveile. 22 * Moles therefore gave unto yeucircum- Nicodettiascounfell. 41 ofgodlincOiiis »ery tare. C Uokfil'l" and hie fpea.kt'k thuafitrtktofi'- nion ofitie lemst icHrit,tiig>ctmire, thatitiitun't hii jfhomyiMtakf''' it a mtn as ot*fr *re,antl therefore fit ishuihMfenime. 6 Tfaetruedo- arineoffalvation ditTtretb frouithe fjJfciQihii.tbat the fame fetteh foorrh the gloty ot'Cod.aDdthil by puffing uv of uuD datkeneth the glory of God. .J, Eiod.;i4'3- 7 Nbnedoemcie coiitideutljboafi tbtmfelvei lo be tbe defeodcri of the Law of God, then ihey that doe moHimrudeotly bteakeic. S Chap f,. I. % The Sabbath cifion , (notbecaufe it is of Mofts.butof the w fa- thers ) and yee on the Sabbath J Then they (ought to take him , but no man lay d hands on him , becaufe his houre was not yet come. 31 Now manv ofthe people belceved on him, and fayd , VVhcn that Chi i'ft commeth , will he doe moe miracles then this man hath done ? 32 14 The Pharifes heard that the people mur- rtiured thefe things of him ,and the I'haril'es iand high Trielts fent officers to take him. 35 Then (ayd lefus unto them, Yet am I a little ivhile w you , and then goe I unto him that fent me. 34 * yeil-;alireekeme,andihallnotfind;«^f, and where I am. c^n ye not come. 35: Then layde the lewes among therofelves. Whithet will- hee goe .^^hai we ihallnor find him ? Will hee go unro thtm thnt art l> difperfed among the Grecians. and teach tbe Grecians f 36 What faying is this that hee (ayd .Yee fliall feeke mee , and (hall not find tnee ? and where 1 am, can ye not come ? uimdcaiyui a^ay. g ly t/.e/'-'ir ihn T makf-f'f T" ':!-e(l,4rdml-t the tree l^y ;tuniilrilaHdi*htktIeiftixshiekyHrtMfi,(TjH nmon -/J t'le &enti'"< i.l'tt.i,]. a rule of all cere- monies I was not appointed to bin- der but tofanlier and H'adife Gods Viorks ; amougii which the love of our ceigbboui ii the cbicleft. • Lfvit.11,3. « Gen. 17,10. *' / hat 7t tv lty,if fhtldw ifiircv.irt- c'fi n iehkh M r- Jfl-'l-t.l-'cfji jtniliul-t nC to circum.jfinicn t/>r i ui-hMhyiioe yru. ri^htlyfefl'cnve trttf.r healing A' m^ni'ltrtitfhty ! ^ Dent. 1, 16. - 9 We nuMl: iudge ■ -cotdtDgto tbe reatttbTpeS emtl.hehul„n »iien ««hre mmiL i, and Phariles ,jind they fayd unto them , Why have rntdtcfthiiift, „r yenotbr«ughthim> theUjChoft.at 45 The officers anfwered . Never man fpake it uiht sti''^^ like this man. ^' ■ -'" 47 Then anfwered them the I'harifes .Are ye alio deceived > 48 •sDcethanyoftherulers.orofchePharifesj^;'''';^':^^;?. ' beleevemhim? . hfS,fie<,hfn^.f : the Law. the Sfirit which they tU' ieleel,e4 f o Nicodemus fayd unto them, (* he that catne %l'"sc°thitT to lefus by night, and was one of them.) ,u ^l^mi tfh,ly S I Doth om- Law iudge a roan before it heare GhcS,are me*r,t him, ♦ and know a what he hath done > «^f -^"'"f < ^ni sr They anfwered. and faid unto him. Art thou "IjlXT'c^T alfo of Galile ? Search andlooke : fer aut of Galile „ rhlfi^.thlfi arifeth no Prophet, ,thim^rvere'«ctyet ft > > And every map went unto his own houfe. f"V ""^ f^'ceivei^ rvhich rvere tefhetr and fit fcMhthe ^Ur, cfthetnetyle^efen. 1)6 There iJcoaientiooevenJntheCburcb itfelfeabove the cbiefe point of religion : otithet- haib Cbnft any more crutll enemiej then thofe tba:o«Bpietbefeateofttuttb ; yei can they not doe what they woijid. N Deut. 18,1 f. if. Mich. ;, a. matt. I, f. 17 God from heaven fcorneth fucb at are bit foanei enemies. 18 Falfe raftour.iarefo'foodand fbolilh that they efteemeibe Church of Cod according to she mulutudis and QUiwardfliew- » Chap. 3,8. "k Dent 17 S.aod i9,iy. n IVhtt heh.ithcommitleJ, wheuaccufid. i» Tberc ii no counfe,Hagaioft theiord . c H A p, vrii. * V i T'he rr»n4H taken ixaMierie, is htth l^tr (innttfo'i* piienher. it Chr'jl the lifh- efthe rvprU. 19 The FhArifes atke vehere hit Pd'h'^r is. 39 The fences of ^iraham. +i Thefcnnese/GoJ. 44 The det, iU the pther cflyinf. ,f6 ^irahavfiw Chrfjji (i.iy. A Nd,:^e(iis went unto the mount of Olives, 2 ,*.pd early in the morning cameagaine into the Temple , and all the people came unto him, and he fate downeatid taught them'. 3 I Then the Scribes and the Pharifes brought i While tlie w^ unto him a woman taken inadultetie.aiidlether k'dgeeabomto inthemiddes, makeafnaKfor 4 And faid unto him, Mafler. we found this wo- makt^'nu'T man committing adultei ie even in the very aft. thenAi«f." " y S Now Mofes in our Lavv commanded, that S Levit.io.j^, fuch Ihouid be ftoncd : what faieti thou therefore i 6 And this they (aid to tempt him, that they mi^ht have , whereof to acciife him. But lefus ftou- * .'*?*' '«>f'ypo, ped downe, & with his finger wrore on the oround. ",','!* ."''''''"« v7u' r ?f' "^^'^^ '']^)^ continued asking hfm . hee aga* aTo'S^ lift himfelfe cp ,and dyd unto them ,* Let him "ne '''•"io'heir at her.' ")'•'" ''one». Fff S And *?1, Chrifts witnciTe is tme. S.Iohn; Abrahams works; notcakeufOD Bica ttecnillMJgi- f:xaicioiHce : he coEtetiMd h:m- Iclfc to bring fi;]. c;n lo r,iith and ttftnttoce. 4 Tbe ^Kirld vv^ich is blind in it Wfd, cannot com* to have ary light b'Ji in Cl>n') S And againa hee ftonped iowntfiani-wrote on the ground. ■ 9 And when they heard it, being sccufedby their owne confcience , the>-went oat. one by one. beginning at 'H elileft cvj;i to ;^ h'.ft : io lefus was left alone, and theworcanftanjin^intherrids. 1 3 VVhcn Icdjs had lit": up himfelfc againe,8c faw no man . but the woman , hpe fayd ujito her. Woman, where arc thofe thine accufers ; hath no man condemHed thee ? 1 1 She faid.No man.Lord. And lefus faid,Nei- ther do I condemne thee : go and fir.ne no more. II ♦ Then fpeke lefus againe unto them . fay- ing, I am that light of the world ; hee that fol- ^c'bar-t.f 3c 9.;. loweth me , fliall not walke iudarkeneffis , butihall J cbriai.«i.h. have that light of life. thtbt"^na°^,:o( 1 3 ! The Pharifes therefore fayde unto him, ibetrueth.forhe a Thou beareft record of thy felfe : thy record is Vfai fsBtbyhi.Fa- nottrue. thej foriba^ put j ^ ^ j^p^j a^fwcred S: fay d unto tht .b Though ki^'a^prrotcd^o 1 beare record of ray felfe .yet my record-is true : tbe world by in. for I know whence I come , and whither I go : but 69i:e miraclci. ye cannot tell whencc I came.and whether I goe. ly YeiildgeaftertheflenT: Iciudgenoman. l6 And if I alfo iudge , my Judgement is true. for I am not alone, but 1 , and the Father , that fent ' 1 7 And it is alfo written in your Law,* that the teflimonie of two men is true. 18 d I am one that beare witnefle of my felfe, and the Father that fent me beaveth witneife of me. J 9 6 Then fayd they unto him , Where is th.it a TboubMrtft vjmiifleof ihy felfe vrbicb ibiogbyall intsiupiDioni it oaugbi : and kt a map 10 commcuj biaklh is veiy difcommrnJaiila. ± Cb.'p.r,3i. b That which be denied afote, Chap. r,3i.muftl»etakni hy.i innei of Father of thine ■ lefns atifwered , Ye neither know gforintbat rue, nor the Father of mine. Ifyehadknowenrae, jiajebM framed yg i^ouid have knowen that Father of mine alfo, b:a,relire fommhst ,^ .j-j^^j-^ ^^^,^ j- , ^ j^j;^^ j^^ ^j^^ , ttcafurie.as 10 tht ouraourol , i • ■ „' , , i ,i i hti fceartrt, wbioh he taught in the Temple , and no man layd hands ?ikoowi«dged no- on him : 7 for his houre was not yet come. )hioginCbiiftbut ,, j • , j^^^^ fiyd lefusagainc unto them . I goe ft'trtfre b'ewa'5 "^y way. and ye Hiall feeke me. and Ihall die in your toutrndthry/hould finncs. Whitherl goe, camyc not come, fttlightbyhii 22 Then fayd the lewes. Will he kill himfelfe, -vWDewftntfTe , an- becanftt he faith, Whitherl goe, can ye not come > Uffr it wtrecthtr. ,, ,_, ^_^ ^__ , _» v„ .„„f. u„ Jkifr cotifirra«d . 3tJt gaihispl^cbe •liodetb for ttl» inaicienaiceof bis e-idhtad^d'f'rai. fc.bbi«yatb«r,vsbo jibii wirntdr.and rrrteih wiib l^i 25 And he faytl unto them , Ye are frpm bc- nenU * 1 am from above : ye are of this world. I am not of this world. 24 I fayd therefor^ unto you , That ye fliall die in your finnes : fur except ye belecve.that I am he, yertialldie inyouriinnes. 2y 9 Then fayd they unto him , Who ait thou? f. 1 doenowonfly ^„j jgf^jj ^ j ^,f,jQ jj,^^ ^ ^^^^ f ^\^^ fame thing itJZ^^r thatlfayduntoyoufromthcbeginning. , baiyetifrfiiftto i6 "> 1 have many things to fay , and to nidge de«i', imight)»w- of you , but he th;it fent me, is true.aO'-Tthcthin^i^S fully dofi.,for lam ^]y^^ j j,^^g fjg^,.j ^^ him ,'thdfe fpeake Itothe not alone , but my , , - • * ^ F.nh.tl.wiihMt. ^^^"^^ , , „ , . , A , • Dt«t.i7.ii »ad ^7 " They underftood not that hee i^ake to 1 s,j ; mai.i 3, IS. them of the Father. 1.C0J.13 i.heb.to, ,g Then fayd lefus unto them, When yec have ij.- l.f. . ■ ■ - . - .. . ;,' Tte Godhtid is lift up the Sonne of man .then fl-iall ye know th.u t«l4.j;-.'vdiftinpui- I am he , and diat 1 doc nothing of my felfe, but as lirrriVoT,.. «!« '^-''- . ^ r . r.- , r «_.j ,]ff,^ ere v^et«notiv.o-witnfH«;for tbepariieaccured ii3ott«KfDtv)r a wv.ntt, "(("no man ^^^n know lod but iaCitift on.Iy. e Tbi« w»lfome j;l»;e ^.j,l,j,|ngi'ftbe offerings. T Uclive and dieai the plcafureof Gi f men; The t fo« '*>'' °" ''''^? remaineih that wn- goe for Aird conflii *»»cation. "' Becaufe thaimen doe natuiallyabhorre heavenly ihingi . no man cm ht J fit difc'iplet -1 Chtirt , unlelfe ibe fpiti-of G" ^'™ bead keg a r^, f 1 I » J /- 1 •» T'>i>t ii. conti- 48 ty Then anfwered the lewes . asd layd unto nued not conitant. him, Say we not well that thou art a Samari:ane,and ly. or tcmained oot. hartadtvill ? n That ii, in faith. 49 leius ;.nfwered , I have not a deviil ,but I I^^St'.fi ",'';!,«.!;'" hcnourmy Father.andyeliavedilhonouredme. not his creation. 7Then Cbrift tte light of tbc World* Chap, hi. y 2 J 7 Then faid the lewes to h m ] Now know wee that thou baft a devitl. Abraham is dead , and the Prophets : and thou fayett , If a man ke?pe my word, he fhall never tafte of death. Art thou greater then our father Abraham, .^3. 17 Againflthein which abufe iht gloiieofihe Saiits, to dirken Chn'itM gloiy. i8 There i« no- thing fanheiroff which is dead ? and the Ptophets ate dead : whottj fiom all ambition makeft thou thy felfe ? t?h^h«b (■«"""' 54 " ^^^"5 anfwered, If I hononr my felfe. him^veall ^^^^^ honour is f nothing worth : it is my Father jhiHgi. that honbureth raee » whom ye fay , that he is your f Thuuffckcnh God. '"''i'rlfhal'a''d' ^f " ^^^ ^'^^ '^'^ """^ knowen hin\: but I i'e'it/c, 'let this re- know him , and if I ihould fay I know hi.TJ not , I fl-iouid be a liar like unto you : but I ksow him,and kcepe his word. y6 a» Your father Abraham t reloyced to fee my u day, and he ^ faw it, and was glad. 57 Then Ayd the Icwesunto hira .Thou art not yet fiftie yeere cide , and haft thou feene A- braham ? )-8 lefus faid ir.nto tnenifVerely.vetely Ifay ftttifl,ntith;itt&ew«ii(/ them, arid fo went his way. i / i 'j. fcire through all', ■" ' : :.■•/■. i ._ former «gr« in tht Fjthf rt , for they &w fa thf p'«mife:, that hM^jouIJ comfi, and did Vfty ioyluliyljy iiol^eoofaimatuh alwely faiih.. t IVai-^irj^Jifir'nus. a ^ dny is afftce thi! ittncn lirjith in , or Joith ■my noiu.b'.c ^cte, crfujfereth tnj gee-it thing. X Uith the eyei ef/,iul,, Heh. 11,13. y C'nriji iihtewt-t Cod,vr-tslefore.Mruham: anJhe rr Juj , tehim tiut ttas hne hlinde. . I i Whom , after he had hng renfined agitinjl ilie pitf.ij'Ji, 2i,iSind-senc.tJlcuftfthei:!it^o^ite, ^6 Lhrifi endxeth tvv.li the k.mrfted^e oftht el/erltifin^itght, AND « as Idas pail'edby .hefawaraati which fertrvhi.h I lilie ^ofmyfilfe.ie.fno fine: yet thtrei, ^mother that glori- ftth me, thxt is, ihat hcntUTtlh mj Hatnt. 1 9 Thf r« is 00 light koosvledge ■Df God, without Sione iithebe- giooingcvcti ofaJI bodily difcafct. follow, that God alovayrtlpttterh was blinde from nis birth a And his difciples asked him , faying , Matter. who did linne, this man, or his parents, that he was borne blinde >. ftemoiiawyciy ' 3 I'efus anfwered , a Neither hath this man ^pauiflieih. , finned, noi; his parents, but that the wcckes of God 'aChr^lreafcmth fl^ouldlje i>.ewed on him. &S|.i;' 4 » I trmit worke the workesoflvlm thatfent .fiipfc/iibat there me, whileit is b day : the night commetii when no man can worke. 5- As long as I am in the world , .j. I am the light of the world. 6 3 AiVoone as he had thus fpoken , he fpat on tome nciUfcafes hut for finnei cnely : V^htreufcn he an- fweveththatihere yess another cauji vfihistnaniUind- the ground , and made clay of the ipettle .ajiaac- t^;fe,anJtl,atv,ii, oy^ted the eyes ofthc blinde With the day, nn!h^ffit^e!'""^ JT ■ And faid iinto him . Goe walh in thepoo;e "'» ffceviofit"S*' Chrift aitasit .were a light, vvhichligateotie , darkeneffeofthe •world . . b 5y( day Hi mean Jthe light, tLjtis.rbi , |i;h.lp™dcftHne «ftheh{;;veu!y tVueih : acdby - f .^cight) i»ni.taBtth« '="/ peteoce of among them. - Re.Ug.on : bur .ht ._ n-L /- t_ i_ 1 , ,. . . mcreiiuprdTei • 17 Then Ipake they unto the bhnde againe, downe.themcts Vyhat layeft thou of him, becaufe he hath opened "«iftth up. thine eyes? And he fayd, Ke is a Prophet. 18 Then the lewes did not bekeve him (that "' fc^e had bene bJinde .and received his fight) until! ' ' ' - • .itheyhadcaUedtheparentsof hirathathadj-epeived / ' •^ fight. .'■.,, 19, And they asked tliem ,■ faying , Is this yot!r fonne , whom ye fay was borne blinde » How doetk he now fee then ? 20 Kis parents anfwered them, and fayd. Wee know that this is our ibnne . and that he was borne blinde: . ■ . ^ 2 1 Bur by what meanes he now feeth.we know not : or who hath openetl his eyes, can we not tell : ^ ' - he is olde ynough : aske him : he il-.all anfwe're fo:.- himfelte. . . - = 2 » Thefe wordes i':5-i know not whence hee is , and yet he Hath opened'snd'Ssiceth'asu mine eyes.' -; -i'^',- - • : 1. ■ , _, . wereaa'^neof. 31 Now wee know that God beareth not fin- nsiTi ii.utl nfcdet atltDgtb br-.aki: 32 Since the world began, was it not heard, '""'"'' w^'^hin that any man opened the eyes of one that was "^"''«''^';'d- •tomeband«/^ ^ ■ '-• ■ ■ '^virt^^'^ doeth his will, himhearethhe. X .. 'Caiaplias propbedeth, S.^Iobo Mary , and had fecne the things , which lefus did, belocvedinhim. , 46 6 Rut fome of them weut their way to the 6 The Ian point p]i-ri(ej, & told them what things lefus had done, ll/flubborirfii 47 Then gatheted the h«ie Prietts.and the Phari- ii this . 10 iiociime fes a gcoimcRr. and fayd . What Ihall we do*? For cpnwarrfagjini jj-jj man docch many miracles. r,od,iadyct«3. ^jj If v('e let him thus alonc , flilmen willbe- lV«°n«Uh of* leevc in him .and the Romanes will come and jadli'ieiliir.dof V:« proSitofihe CoaiBioo-Wfiltii |> Tbe I tbe co'JiittlJ Saa- irrliin; and the Dvord that lohn vfrih iiSyncdri. h Tbarij.rake away from vi fay fore* : forattbac time, thoufjh the fciePrieftiauthO' liiiewaigifJiJy kKncd anddccay cd, ytttherewaj iwtie kiudof go. ^eroeiiKnt left 4ii0Dg tBe Ie^\r|. 7 Tbt raging aad ■ad company of ibe fair«Chi.ich, yeifv^adeihem' ftlvoibat cbey canno: be ia fafe- lie, vnLtOebtbe •iltenavvay.whn eoely ui-boldtth rCfcurth: Aod h take away both our place, and the nation. 49 7Thcn one ouhcm«4;»fiCaiaphas,which '"-lied was the hie Prieft that fame yeere , faid unto them, ye perceive nothing at all, yo 4. Nor yet doe you confider that it is expe- dient for us , that one man die for the people , and that the whole nation perilh not. jl « Thisfpakehenotofhimfelfer butbeing hie Prieft that lame yeere, he propheckdthat le- lus fliould die for that nation : J 2 And not for that nation onely , biH that he (honld gather together in one the children of God, which i were fcattered. 5'3 Then from that day foorth they ccmuilted together, to put hira to death. y4 9 lefus therefore walked no more openly among the lewcs.but wentthe.nce untoacoun- tr'cv ncere to the wildeinefl'e ,_into_acitie called Ephraim. and. there continued with his difeiples. 55 S Andtheiewes Paefeover wasathand.and many went out of thecountrey uptoHierulakm before the Pafl'eover, to purifie thetiifclves. rtfCfcurth- Aokej5.3. X jjjjj^g jQ Bethania , where Lazarus was, who died, whom he had railed from the dead. z There they mc'.iic hira a lupper , and Martha ferved: but Lazarus was one of them that (ate at »he table with him. 3 Then tcoke Marie a poundof ointment of Spikenard very coflly , and anointed lefus feete, and wiped his feete wuh her haire , and the houfe was filled with the favour of the ointment. 4 Then fayd one of hh difeiples ,«w»lHdas Ifciriot, Simons /?n«e, which Ihculd betray him : y 1 Why was not this ointment fold for three hundreth pence, and given to the poore ! 6 Now he fayd this, not that hecared for the poore , but bccaufc ha was a thiefe , and -'had the J Anhorrble n- •tt'V''' inludasof a rn'odf Minded .^itbcouetsurnri, asd yetirtitDdieg godlinfOe. V Cbai..i3.j!r. J Ti-ij Extra, idi. aatie auoictiiiv; ^bich vvaifot a figoe , is fa allowed cf God, that bee witatOVth bow be baggc, and bare tirat which was given, wiiinoibevvor. y a Then fayd Iefu5,Let her alonc : agsinftthc "'I" oXt'c^" day ofmy burying Ihe kept it. ZJiu'yftrvict.but !5 For the pooto alwayes ycc hiVC wkh you, ««iihiiiMH, butmeycQwllnothavcAlwayeSj, The Gteekcjdcfiretofee Chrilfc 9 3 Then much people of the lewes knew that 3 When theiight ' he was there : and they came , not for lefus fake ofibtGofi-eHi only , but that tt>ey might fee Lazarus alfo , whom ^wetb it feife, he had raifed from the dead. feme are fouod to 10 The high Priefts therefore confulted . thai o:h';;.'7^t."A ie,ft they might put Lazarus to death alio. ought ) to beepco 1 1 Becaufethat for his fake many of the lewes snemies .- otbets went away, and bcleeved in lefus. '■: » "g« '"""o"' I X 1 * On themorrow a great muhitude that 'j,TrS.t7, were come to the feaft , when they heard that le- f»ii from : aad ve. fus Ihould come to Hierufalem, ry frwdoefo r«. 1 3 Tooke branches of palrae-trees , and went Y"mtiy receive foorth to meet him , and cried . Hofanna . Bleffed i, N^^i'thftandl ''■ the king of Ifrael that commeth in the Name of cbtid beginneth the Lord. his fpirimall king, 14 And lefus found a y one affe.and fate there- «'°™ '° '•": "'^i on. as it is written. ^ tZT.r.' 1 y J Feare not, daughter of Sion : behold, thy marfce n.s. King-comroeth fittingonanafles coit, lukeiyj/. i6 But his difeiples vnderftoode not thefe * E«th 9.9. things at the firft ; kit when lefus was glorified. *J;;"^ J, ^aW then remembred they , that thefe things were writ- preCTeCbtifl t^;n cfhim.and that they haddonetheie things un- madeiDftruinrntt to him, of his glory. 17 The people therefore that was with him. ^^^^t.-'ft/c'r' bare witnefle that hee caUed Lazarus out 01 the cian» were firft f<» grave and raifed him from the dead, called by tbeaaine 1 8 Therefore met him the people alfo. beciofe »*'''" """'"v °[ they heard that he had done this miracle. * f^",'' J,^,"*,^^''' 19 ♦ And the Pharifcsfaidamongthemfelves, vvardailthatvvete- Perceive ye how ye prevaik nothijog i Behold, the not of tbe lewes world goeih after him. 'l^'^''°?f\f '^°." no S Now there-were certalne Greekes among l;d"v^erellfo caiU them that a came up to woribip at the feaft. Hfaihem, werecaU 21 And they came to Philip, which was of ledby .bisoame. Bethfaida in Galile, and dcfired him. faying^Sir.we j-'^^*.''"''' °^ T J ,- . , r i* w* Cotilt iiaiu were would fee that lefus. afowing.Xh 12 Philip came and told Andrew : and agame feemetb to be a Andrew and Philip told lefus. dying tothecomti 2 J- And lefus aniwercd them, faying. The but indeed i, the houre is come, that the Sonne of man muft be "Xa^eft Md'*" glorified. fuch a» ii thecon. 24 / Vereiy , verely 1 fay unto yon. Except the dition of tbe head, wht;at cotne fall inio the ground and b die , it abi- ^^^^'"bt of «h« deth alone : bu: if it die , it bringeth foorth much t 'AwbVatcome fruit. dietb wbeeitia 25 * He thatlcveth his life , fliall lofe it , and charged by venue he that hatcth his life in this world, fliall keepe it of'»"g«"'>d,at,i . I haveboth S'^l^^^^tie'.'* glorified it , and will gloriiie it ayiine. and whiieft bi, dW 29 Then fayd the people that flood by .and vinitiedid not yet heard , that it wasa thunder : other faid . An Angel "'T^ his mi^-bc r , . . *0" poATr fo farre ■ fpaketOhim. , r , ^,- aitbi.fatisfaa.oi. 30 7 lefus anfwercd and fayd.Tms voyce came m.gj,, i„ n,orov». not becaufeof me.but for your Likes. 1/ wrought, oow 3 1 Now is the iudgement of this world : now '»!":" te it ftrike* (hail the prince of this world be caft out. l^^ou^lZh of God.hecrietb OUtandFrayethjnddefireibtoberelfafeJ : jrttdotvsithflaBdiflghe i»iefcrr»tb thewiit' and gloty of hit Ruber beforeill tbingi, whofeobe«li,ence the Faiberallowttb even, fromheivrn. c To wit.ofdeatti tba: iinowat batiJ. d ojtiieu tbe fathers glory it Corilt bit glory. 7 Clarillfurtteflcthiatbc deafe .ibetuaaetof fai|de«(h, tll%- ainj gf ibe dtyiU »B(l tJK wolid, ttd io coaci iilion bii iriumfh , Walke while ye hare light, Chap« Jtlij. Chf ift waflheih the difciples feete. 44' ♦ C1..P.3.M. .3* * ^"^ I , if I were e lift Up from the earth, >jOwe iti before the feaft of the Paffeover. * Ma=-,h.z«,,. tchiiftdfeda Will draw ''all men unto me. when lefus knewe that his hourev/as come, '""*^'''4^i- iTOrd.wbicbhath 33 Now ihis faid he , fignifybg what death he a double meaning : ft^oulddie. th« jet beleeved they not 00 him, 38 That the faying of Efaias the Prophet might be fulfilled, that he faid, x Lof d, who belee- ved our report? and to uhom is the ^ arroe of the Lord revealed ? 3 J Therefore could they not bekeve 1 becaufe that Efaias faith againe, ■40 :%• He hath blinded their eyes,and hardened their heart, that they (hould not fee with their eyes, nor underfland with »;;«> heart , and Ihould be converted, and I (hoold heale them. 41 Thefe th ings laid Efaias when he fawe his ^ glory, and fpake of him. of Gc^C W^t^ 4* '° NeverthelefTe.even among the chiefe ru- to all ih»t beleeve :lers,rnariy beleeved in him : but becaufeofthe Aodthereforethe Pharifes tbey did not confeffe him, leaft they aime of the Lad fl^ould be eafi out of the Synagogue. tC'.XthJ^r. 43 *For they loved the praife of men. more the Lord b«th oot then the prayfe of God. opened. 44 n And lefus ctyed, and faid.Hc that bciec- Si ifai.<,9. ^eth in me , beleeveth i not in me , but in him that rti:r.:iic,Mo.fentme aaeii8,i6. 4F com. II, 8. . mee, lo suchaibe- 4^ I 4- am comc alightinto the world , that wlnnumb.'l! whofoerer beleeveth in me . Ihould not abide in ifiheybecompa- daikeneffe. red with the unbe- 4,7 J And if any man heaie my woides , and thVmoij'oftho're ^'^^^^ "°' J I iu'^o^ bim not : for I came not to fe^('yeaand°th«t iudge the worjd. but tG fave the w.orld. efpeciaiiyihe 48 He that refufeth me , and receivcth not my chiefeft) doe feare wotdes , hath one that iudgeth him :* the word jMo more then God. that I havc fpoken , it Qiall iudgehiminthclaa l.-Thefummeof "^y- r r ,r , , thtGofpei. and 49 For I havenot fpoken of my iclte : but the therefore the falva- Father which fent mee , he gave me a coraman- «ioD, which Chr.ft dement what I (hould fay , and what I ihould fpeake. fo And I know that his commanJement is life everlafting : the thinges therefore that I fpeake . I fpeake thtm fo as the Father faide unto me^ way. f ChryCoft. »nd Tbeof hil. reftrie tbiivsord, All.to all nation, rthatil not CO the lewet ooely. S rfal.39.3«. ■nd no 4.Sc ii7>>' Ifti.foit.eucta. 37if- 8 Vnraeafurable ^D tbe mercie of Ood,butan hor. fible iudg«tient follo^^ed,^fitbe cenrtmned. # Cbap.i,*. g That ii,paita> kersoflight. 9 Faith It not of oatureibiKcf grace. « Ifai.fJ.t. lora.io.iS. h Thearmeofthe I.oid, iitbe Gofpel. wticbinhe power And he that feetb mee , feeth him that fent ^itnelTed JD the itiiddeftofHieiu- falem, by hitcry- ingoutiiitbii : to reft upon Cbiintbiough faith , at the only Sayjour appointed and given uiof the Father. i This vrord Not.doth not take Soy whicdAhiifrom Ch/ill, which ii here fpoken of.but ii in way of cottsainn rather. a> ifhc faid, He that beleeveth in me, doth notfomuch beleiveia me .as inbimihairrDcme. Soil it in J)t«k«j,37. •!• Chap. 3,19. ai>d9,i9. J Chap. 3, 17. ♦ Marks i«,i«. ^ .. C H A P. XIII. ^ Ctirijlrifinifiiim/Uffir, 1/ It cimmdnJ humili:i/ it hit ^pollltuvafhtihihtirftete. 11 He nutththe iT.titour Juiat 16 vilhdne)>iiieKttelicn. ^^ H e .cmmtadcb fli4Titie. 37/39 ilefirciellctb i'tliro/hu iit»i^. that he Ihould depart out of this world tvntothe '"^'J „ , ^ Father. forafmuch as he loved hisaowne which c'er?a in. o'hl were in the world , untothe end he loved them, viaorie. tben of 2 And when-fopper was done ■^nd that the*'" '°™'""''='''> devill had now putintheheartofiudasIfcariot,.tT'''*V'*''''ii;^ Simons/.«»..tobetrayhim) In^te^l' 3 lelus knowing that the Father bath given all partly thereby things into his b hands . and that he was come forth K"^ '" '"""f'* from God, and went to God. °J. '"""S"'" '"'"'" 4 He c rifethfrom Supper, and laiethafide ha loleZW^Tdtu' upper garme.nts,and tooke a towell, and girded Aponic. in this himfelfe. notable aae,betB| jr After that , hee powred water into a bafen. ''''; ^•'v f^ortiy and beganne to walh the difcipies feete .and to IteST"', wipe them with the towell , wherewith hee was wimeiTeth unto girded. them, that il~it he 6 Then came he to Simon Peter .whoTaid to '"';''' '''•*^^T'l:"" him,Lord. doeft thou wafli mv feete ? of hirpVo^e Ln* 7 lefus anfwered .at^dfaid unto him ,What I that by little and doe thou knoweft not rjow : but thou (halt knovy '"•''' '''«''«""°* it hereafter. '"^ ^"^*°ru- 8 Peter faid unto him , Thou Qialt never walh h JZ'd!.hat i.. my feete. lefus anfwered him , If I walhthee not. h.iSam.. thou (bak have <• no part with me. t> into hii power, 9 Simon Peter faid unto him . Lord , not my ' '." '"!" ^ " [""* feete onely . but a!fo the hands and the head. tha't'lhere «»" 10 lefus faidtohim, Hethatis wa(hed,nee-fpice betwrenethe deth not , fave to wadi hit feete , but is cleane eve- cereinonie$ of the ry whit : and ye are § cleane, but not all. rafliover.and .hi. 1 1 For hee knewe who fliouM betray him : ^b„ tl° iff«: therefore faid he, ye are not all cleane. metb that the Sup- Iz J So after he had wa{hed their feet,and had P"«'" ''''''""'■''^• taken his garments,and was fet down againe,he faid ^ V"''''^f<''0''f"''- unto them , Know ye what 1 have done to you ? iboTniahhaveM" - 13 Ye call mee Mafter, and Lord, and ye fay part in the king- well : for/o am I , dome of heaven . 14 If I then your Lord, and Mafter , have * ^''^■"''• wafhed your feete, ye alfo ought to wafh one an- others feete. If For I have given you an example , that ye fliould doe, even as i have done to you. 16 Verely.vereljr I fay unto you,* The fervant is not greater then his mafter, neither the ijambaf-* Cbap.i;,,»; • Ctdour greater then he that fent him. ikk" « ' o'**' 17 lfycknowtherethings.b,le£rcdareyeifye6''Tbe'wo'rdf;gDf. doe them. enh an ApoAle, 18 f » I fpeake not of you all : I kn6w whom which i. any one I have chofenrbut »r »V that the Scripture might ^^^'J'"*''"" be fulfilled, « He that esteth bread with me, hatha The betraying liftuphisheeleagainft me. ofchrift wa» not 19 From henceforth tell I you before it come,"'"^" - °' » ''°'"S ■ that when it is come to pafle,yee might beleeve ^'/„^^f"P,"'f^^'' that I am hee. Fatberfoord.ine* 20 * Verely , verely I fay unto you , If I fend the caufeofour any , he that receiveth him.r'eceivethme , and hee''''"."'"'' 'o re. that receiveth me.recciveth him that fent me. h^,"'ff"' "V° 21 When lefus had faid thefe things .heewas sonne.ai'"iihe troubled in the Spirit .and eteftified, and faid, Ve- Sonnedid wil- rely , verely I fay unto you , that one of you lhall''"sJy ^od voiun^ betray me. "Uli;"'^'"''* IX * Then the difcipleslookedoneonano- i«'rfai.4t,9. ther, doubting of v/hom he fpake. ^ Mai:h. 10,4c; 23 Now there was one of his difciples, which '""^ f leaned on lefus bofome, whom lefus ioved. third i * Matth.i<.2i.,inarke I4,i8.1ukei»,2i, f lohnbi-jleantngvcaifuch.thatfitiing dovine in bi> bed ,bi5 head waj tovtardtefus bis head : fothatit wa»an ealiemaiiei for him to touch lefus hii bofome: for it Is ceriaiae that in olde time lUCDufe^cw'^V At w ibc iable,butto Hedowne 00 tfaeoDefid^. Fff4 .«4 T<3 e Heeafiirjned it npenly.aBd feel' S. Iokn« ,|.any dwelling places. 2 . To hiro beckened thefefore Simon Peter, thu he iV.ouUl aske who it w.-.s of whom he fpake. ly hp, then as he leaned on lefusbreaft. iaid iK)Cohira.LOr;l.whoisic? ,« „ • 26 lefus anfwered.He it is,to whom I ihall give a foppe, when^f have dipt it : and he wet a fop.and "ive It toludas Ifcarloth, Simons fenne. '^ z- And after the foppe, Satan entred into him. The^ii fayd lefus unto him, that thou doeft.doe qaickely. , , . i8 But none of them that were ?.t table .knew, for whatcaufe he fpake it unto him. 29 For fome of them thought becaufeludas had the bagge , that lefus had faid unto him , Buy ' thofe thingi that we have neede of againft f feaO : orthathelhould;'ive(brae thing to the pooie. fio Affoone tncn as he had received the foppe, he went immediatly out.and it was night. a I J 3 when hee was gone out , lefus faid, gNow is the fonne of man glorified , and God is glorified in him. 32 If God be glorified in him , God fliall alfo glorifie hira in hiralelfe , and (hall ftraightway glo- rifiehim. 33 4 Litle children , yet a litle whik am I with you:yee ihall feeke mee.biit as I faid unto the 4 lewes , Whither I goe.can ye not come : alfo to you fay I now. 34 S A new commandementgJvel unto you, that yee love one another: as I have loved you, that ye alfo love one another. 3 y By th is (ball all men knowe, that ye are my difciples, if ye have love one to another. 36 J S imon Peter faid unto him. Lord, whither goeft thou ?Iefi4s anfwered him , Whither Igoe, ihou canft not follow me now : but thou ll'.aii fol- low me afterward, 3 7 Peter faid unto him , Lord , why can I not follow thee now?* 1 willlaydownemy lifefbr thy fake. 3 8 lefus. anfwered him", Wilt thou lay downe thy life for my fake?Verely , verely I fay unto thee, The cocke (hall not aowe, till thou have denied me thrife. CHAP. XIV. X Hil(»mf>rttlhhi$difiiflti, x,T dtiUrinlhinHtiimtUmii iht fruit if his Je.llh, i« fromiftn/ihe cemftrtir, J7 eVenlhlhcly Spirit, 16 ifhtjt tffidltfiltilhml. 27 Ht fTsm'fiihltii fitct. T Et I not your heart be troubled : ye beleeve ii» God, beleeve alfo in me. 2 In my Fathers houle are many dwelling pla- ces; if it were not fo.al would have told you: I goc to '> prepare a place for y ou- 3 » And if 1 goe to prepare a place for you , I ill "^ come againe , and receive you untomy felfe, w wit.uDleflVt'here that were I am, there may ye be alfo. place yough 4. 3 And whither I goe, ye know , and the way yc know. J Thomas faid unto him . Lord , we know not whither thou gocft; how can we then know y way? The Way,Tfueth,and Life, • V' have to ' Art theglo- ngofChrift ^11 ignciniDie. ,: Thitperftand llitntxlfuiortin^t Mt * mift pliine MdfWrniufii- mtnileftliidilii. niiicffChriJl. 4 Tbecttnall glory (hiU fiow l>yliule and little fioDi tb« head into themembeii. Bat in tbemeanetime, vte muft take good bepdc ibat wee paOiouet the race crtbisHreiablo- tberlj love. 4. Cbap.7.34- j Lfvii.19,18. cbapifiia. ji.iobD 4:21. S An beavit n. ample rrfaQiiiaft ai^d coofidcnM. • V.inh.i6,33. ji;irf(e 14.19. luXei2,33. , HibetWYfth 111 God tbat belee. Mtb in Cbrirt. and tbc>« Uaooibet fvay to confirme ouf mindeiin grtatendifttcOei. > ThatM,ifiiw«t not foil I tell yO'J ootODrly fci but for yDualfo, iomyraiberi boufe , I would I ihui drceive you withaviinehope , but I would have lolJe you foplaintly. b AllAefpeech ijby vvay ofao ailegorie . wbertby the Lord comfortetb bisowQC) declariDg 1 into [hem bis tkpartnre ioto bea/eo. which ii.noi to reigne there alone, bat goe before.aud prepare » place for tbein. 2 Chrilt wentnot away (Vrim ui , to theendto forfake ui, ,but rather [bat bee migirt at leogih take utup wiih him into beavea. c Tbefewordi ate to be referred 10 the wt-.ole Cliutcb.i thetelore the Angeh fayd to y difciples when they were artetiiftitd .What flaod yougjzing up iino heaven >Thi, lefui (liail fo come 11 you hvi biin goe up , Aftcs 1. 11. aod in all jlacti of the Scripture, the full com. fort ofihe Church ij referred to tbat day when God Diailbeall iuall ,and istheteforj; called ihe dayofredeinitlc.n. 3 Chiill onely iitbeway tOttgeandeVCtUftiog Lfe, for &( it H in vsbom ibc ?4ih(r bttb icy«4li:4 hiniTcir:, 6 Icfus faid" unto him , I am that Way , and d m, /i,;,^/-kn.. that Trueth , and that Life. No man commeth unto "* wtousitth the Father, but by me. '*« n.,turt , tht »;« 7 e If ye had knowen mee, yee thould have "tut^'T ffi'lhi knowen my Father alfo: and from hencefoorth ye fuJt/tCai'u k!«iv> know him.and have feene him. cu, \ni u [ie God, 8 Philip faid unto him , Lord , (liew us thy Fa- " '"'' ■"•« ■• '*^°«" ther. and it fufficeth us. Tr'/'Z, t'/mL^'' 9 lefus faid unto him, I have bene fo longtime f^^e'cldir/r," with you, and haft thou not knowen mee, Philip? iime.tktt utoU hee that hath feene mee, hath feene my Father' : frderjl^cdihn,, how then fay eft thou, Shew us thy Father ? X^'J^XnJ^"t»k 10 4 Belee veft thou not , that I am in the Fa- ch'ifl.Vcmln "' ther, and the Father is inme ?The wordesthati cmu'turfet,ntf fpeake unto you , 1 fpeake not ef my felfe : but the5fc» '.'■<"''" '"J Father that dwelleth it) me, he doeth the workes. ''^^- fj^'^^' c*"!/** 1 1 Beleeve me, that I am in the Father,and the s'mne iTa ■^rrj Father it in mee; at the leaft, beleeve me for the /iorf4n» j ,«, h world cannot receive , bpcaufc it feeth him not, alfl giu ether men neither knoweth him :feut yeknowehim; for he fcvrtodtiTetur,^ dwelleth with you, and (hall be in you. *«*?*"''' ' m?/ 11., J 8 I will not leave youfatherlefle : tut I will '^'^"amtVuf ' come to you . c He iov«th Chrift 1 1 5) Yet a little while , and the world fhall fee ««gbt, which me no more, but ye (hall fee me ; becaufei live, °''7^''' ''"""■:. - ,,,. If ' mandementi : ana ye (hall live alio. _ becaufethefcmei.. 20 At that day fhall ye know that I am* in roy accompanied with . Father, and you in me, and I in you. »«> iDfoite fow of ■ 2 1 He that hath my commandements, and^ec ^/;""6V«.?nbo. peth them : is - he that loveth me : and hee that lo- ^^ ^ ^j, j^^b b* veth me.lhallbe loved of my Father .-and I will comfort his with love him, and will k (hew mine owne felfe to him. uitra:hfr take beede,tbat we embtjce Corift who ij offtired untous , ajid ;hji^e truily love im, that is to fay, thai we five our felves woolly to hii obedience. 8 It i»tVi Ih^cof the bo)y GboO to m^innt in the iiiidit of ibeeleaimteir time»ai,dfi;al«?ai ilb.'VC whicbCbiiiloQCtffake, t Cbsjp.i/.ai. »7 » Peace. CHrift is tlie Vrce. Chap, , MitrufftiUity a~ 9 PeaceTleavewithyourmypeacelgive comrafth to ui by utitoy ;u not as the world giveth.give I unto jou. Ch'.ift alcne. Let nc: vour heart be troubled; nor feare. lo So fatre ii it, , jj ,0 y^g havc heard how I faid unto you ,1 goe fori'il^r th° drp/r. ^way , ind will come unto you. If ye loved me , ye tiDgofcbnft,fio.Ti would verely reioyce , becaiife I faid, I go unto the ui tccording to Father : for the Father i is greater then I. n,' ^id' ''t" "^^ 29 And now have I Ipoken rfiito you , before io^efo"ii "«Vng it "^ome .that when it is come to paiTe , yee might that aiithebJcfficg beleeve. oftbememben jo ii Hereafter Will 1 notfpeake many things deptnderh upon ^j^^q you : for the princc of this worldcommeth, the E'oruvioeof 1 1 ■' l i ■ ' the bead. 3™ hath » neught m mee, 1 Thiiiifp'-ktiin 3' But «>'/ that the world may know that I lovc that , that he u Mt- ym Father: and as the Father hath commanded me, iatlTilZfJ^ fo I dee. Arife, let us goe hence. ihtn he ,in aimxtJtat the ftrfcn lo wham rejuefi ii made , i/ greater then hee that mit- keih the tejuefl. ii Chrif) goeth to death Dotunv^iltiDgly , but willingly, not at yeelding to the devil , but obeying hiiFatheri decree. in ^j whcivMUjaj, Satan wiU h »'»<' i}fetHfi>nmeininhaithemij;htheean,tuthehathnofcwetllKr aUtnlMlrfliall he find anj/mh thini in me aihe thiokfthhefhaU. CHAP. XV. a By the farallet/the'vme, i anJ the haunchtt, J.6 iee decUreth httv the difc'plej may teare fruit . ii,t7 He eemmendethmittutUlclie. i8 Heexhtrttlhthemttltart ttfjimimt falicntlj, to ijl'ii'ivne ex.imple. » We are of M- J , Am that true vine , and my Father is that huf- j«e due and fit 1 bandman. •,tfi« ^I'erefore ^ * tvery btaunch that bearethnotfruitein that we may live mee , hee taketh away : and every one that beareth acdbefruitfull, fruit, hee purgcth it, that it may biinefoorth more wemuftfirftbe fj.yjf '^ " J t> fritwe'r°'ti5oa ' 3 $ Npw are ye clcanc through the word.which IPtne by t'be Fatheri I haVC ipokcn UntO yOU. band : and then 4 Abide in mcand I in you : as the branch caa be duly tbnd p^j beate fruit cf it felfe , except it abide in ths> W>:b contiouall . ,'1 - meditation of the v^"^» "° "^""^ ^^'^ Y^t except ye abide m me. word and the f I am that vine.ye are the braunches : he that cronfijotherwife abideth in mee .and I in him , the fame bringeth It ihaii not ava.le foofth much fruit : for. without me can ye doe no- ADy man at all to , . ^ iaveb.neg.aff.d. '"'"8* „ ^. , ^ ■ r. r r. unieffe he cleave 6 ♦^If 3 manabidenot inme.he IS caft forth as «ift unto the vine, 3 branch, and withereth : and men gather them,and "fof.t"'"'"^* caftffcww into the hre.and they burne. 4^ Matih jf,i3, 7 '''If ye abide in me, and my words abide in Ij caap 13,10. you.aske whatye will, and itlhallbedonetoyou. ♦ Coioir.i,i3. g a Herein is my Father glorihed.that ye beaie * He'a'bide^tb'io' "^"^^^ fr'i"' ^'"^ he made my difciples • Chrift, vihrchre. 9 3 As the Father hath loved me, fohave I lo— rteth in hi, do- vcd you : b continue in that my love, fttine, and there- jq If ye Ihall keepe my commandements , ycc Sod n' And " ^^^^ ^bide in my love , as I have kept my Fathers the°pathft vtill commandements, and abide in his love, deniefucbanose II Tbefc things have I fpoken untoyou , that noihiag. n-.y icy might remaine in you, and that your ioy fa^ZewC mightbefuU. ^ m/paihrr leiiiri- ^1 it This I's my commandement.that yc lovc fed And herein alft onc another, as I have loved you. fhaUjoH iemj j^ . Greater love then this hath no man , when Z'nt firth mZh ^^^ """ beftowcth his 1 ife for his friends. ffuii. 14 Ye are my friends .ifyedoewhatfoeverl 3 The love of commaund you. the Father to- jj 4 Henceforth Call I you DOtfervants:for the waidi the Sonne, Jc ' ■' ofthc Sonne towatJjut.sod our»tovv.iideiGcdSt«urneighSc«r, aie loyned togethfj vith an unfeparable kaot: and tbete is noihing more fweet and pleaCjnt then k ii. How tbij loveOleweth itfelfeby the efffSi: a inoll perftS example whereof , Cbri)t J>»aifclfe exhibited unto «. b Thjt ii, in that Li,e, nhrrcrvi^h J loi,ejaU : nniih U}>eii en toih parti, A' Cbap.13 34 i.theff4 9. 1 .iohn,3,ii .and 4,»i . 4 The doarineofihe6ofFeU (aj i:ij uttered by Chrillei ovvne mouth) ii a moftperfeaaod abfolute declaration of thecouoreUsfGed ;Vybi(ti]>ei;aiactht9eui f" heard of my Father, have I made knowen to you. verof themiuifte. 16 /Yc c have iot chofen me.but I have cho- tieoftheGofpeiK fen you, and ordained yc* , ^ that ye goe and bring "*° '° ^^' forth truus. and that your fruit remand that what- (ins have i._.. foever ye Qiall aske of the Father in my Name , hee all thiog need of may give it you. prayeraudbro- I 7 I hele things commaund I you, that ye love '^^rZ^^tUetttt- one another. '^heihufflaintlj, 1% e If the world hate you, ye know that it ha- that Mr faii>.viort ted me before ycu. ecmmethfrm the 1 p If ye were of the worlde , the world would "'|-,{f ""Xlre love his owne ; but becaufe ye are not of the world, ''f',hTe'i,frU^inl but 1 have chofen you out of the world , therefore Cod toward, us.and the world hateth you. tfnmhing that we a o Remember the word that 1 faid unto you, ^']f "," /j"/"* t The fervant is not greater then his mafter, * If ^ i, ought'no'*' they have perfecuted me , they will perfecute you onely not to Oare, alfo : if they have kept my worde , they willalfo bmraiberconfiimc keepe yours. ft«!'of chdft ""' 21 7 But '^ all thefe things will they doe nnto vvVenthey (bailie you for my Names fake , becaufe they have not hated of ihewoild knowen him that fent roe, »» '^'>t Maitet 2z d If I had not coraeandfpoken unto them, 2!^'[,j they fhould not have had finne: but now have they mattb.To.'iV- ' no cloake for their finne, » M-atth.'i4,9, 23 He that hateth me . hateth my Father alfo. 7 Tte haired that 24 If I had not done woikes among them a^tirft°chri""'<^ which none other man did.they had not had finne : «tdethofthe''"°' but now have they both feene.and have hated both blockiftineireof me, and my Father. the mind, vihich 2y But it is that the worde might bee fulfilled, °°.'^y'„'',"^/"'^ that is written in their « Lawe , it They hated mee 'Jii °d! foVh'at the without a caufe. wo'ld can pretend 26 8 But when that Comforter (hall come, no excufe to cover ■""whom I will fende unto you from the Father, J^^'''/^"''- «Z'tf.'»the Spirit of trueth . which proceedeth of the j ^^X^lt'n^uU Father, he Ihall teltifie of me. /,,, ifj had not 27 And ye fliall witneffe alfo , becanfe ye have "me, thefe men bene with me from the beginning. 7»''kt''oh'""'ru Jliitiefire Codt iKd^ement feat , that they are relij^iou) , andnjcid offmne : hutfetine I ccmt to them , a„d ihey cleane refafe me , ihej can have no cUak' f^r their -nicksdnelfe. e Some timet} thii ivtrd. Law , are meant th;fi)iiheekf'ofMt>jes, tut in ihii placl the ivholc Scriptufe :fir the place a'led^ed is in the P/alrnes. ^ P/il, 3j,i9. 2 Agaioft the rageof the wicked , we Ihall rtand furelyby the inward leftiinonie of the holy Ghoft : But the holy Ghoft fpcaketh no o.herwife, then he fpakeby theJiiomh of iheApollIu. * Chap. i4,a£. luke 14,4;, CHAP. XVI. 1 • Hee foreieSeih the dififkt of perfecut'wn. ■) Hee pro. mifeth the Comforter , and declareth his iffice. Ji Hei tintpareth the afjiithtn of his , te a vcmanthat traiailtth Vith Md. •p Hele I things have I faide unto you, that yee 1 Themtniften ■* Ihould not be offended. oftbeGofpeimuft 2 They fliall excommunicate you: yea the'°°''*/'"^"°'*" time Ihall come , that whofoeverkiilech you . will ^" oneV/of them thinke that he doth God fervice. which are op tn 3 And thefe things will they doe unto you.be. enemies bm eveti caufe they have not knowen the Father, nor me. of them alfo which 4 4. But thefe things have I told you, that when f"n" h^ufti"ord,' * the houre fliall come , ye might remember , that I and the vf tie pil. toldeyou them. And thefe things faide I not unto •'" of the church, you from the beginning, becaufe 1 was with you. * Chap.t;,ii. f But now 1 goe roy way to him that Cent me, and-noneofyonaskethme,w.hithergQei^thoa ? , theabfence f 6 But becaufe I have faid thcle things unto cb,.it,a.-cor^ng you, your hearts are full of forow. t^ ;ticftrih , it 7 a Yet I tell you the trueth.It is expedient for ptoh;jbletoihe you that I goe away ; for if I goe not away , that ,^„"^,°'t';,^/ Comforter will not come unto you :butif 1 depart, p^„j uponhii i will fend biro uuto you, fiuuu«Upovv- . ^ . liorigh:eoufD«fi<» ■od Chtiftsrigbte- ttuCatSi and aU nigtuiDclTc. a Htviif'Tt- frttHthtrvtrlJ, thallhtwtrUlirgi Of <* iudgement,* becaufe the prince of this world is indited. jz < I liave yet many things to fay unto you, but ye cannot beare them now. 1 3 Howbeit, when he is come which is the fpi- ritof trueth.hewilUeadyouintoalltrueth ; for he f,A Ifbhtofti- Qiallnot fpeake of himrelfe.but whatfoeverhee *t»* "' "/'('■ , . null heare , (halt he fpeake , and he will Hiewe you Int afienficn.tvhtn 14 f He ihall giorifie me : for he« fluU reccivc . ti$^i gMmff}'rt of mine, and thai! Ihew it unto you. vtrt mtniftplj re- j ^ ^jj things that the Father hath , are mine : Tk'f^'ftTcu, cf therefore faid l.that hee Ibalitakeof mine .and gki Lij chiji upon Qie w it unto you. ghe Church.- So that \^ « A flittle T/vW/tf ,andye fliallnot fecmce : tht TJtry cnemiet ^j^j ^gjing 3 1 jttje x«v//»/(f , and ye Iball fee me ; g for I goe to the Father. 17 Then {a.\d fame ofhisdifcipies among them- felves, What is this that hee faith unto us, A little ftz/j^if, and yee (ball not fee mee, and againe a little irvhi/e > and yee (liall fee me , and . For I goe to the Father. 1 6 Tiiey faide therefore, Whst is this that hee •jw«, anUnthrtn, j-^jjj, y^ [j^jg ^^^^/^ ? wc know not what he faith. r/hatfhxU-ttidnt? _J , ^ ,- _ , u...i.„ -.,ij-.i,„ u:„ ^ Cfirijl yvtrc rt- f,„Vtd4f>n„t,m that thtj rvtrt ccn- thttlhtjlcirtdc- reilitd, m thiH :ht} llUeiiedntt, and thtttfctethij fM to Vtter, ^c}' I. 0/Chr'fihim- 19 Now Icfiis knew that they would aske him, fclft : Fc/nhtn the and faid unto them , Doe yee enquire among your ^ctldrhaSfit, felves, of that I faid. A little while, and ye fliall not that Jhavepov'td fee me: and againe.a little t»x/;;?/^,& ye fliallfeeme? ThXtttcZ' 20 Verely . verely I fay luuo you, that ye fliall frJncd u confc^t wcepe and lament, and the world Ihall reioyce, and that irtt'it, and ye ftiali forowe , butyourforow iball be turned to ^r4i rtit (ondcmnnd Jq„ /^fX'Kf'./tto'" ^'l A woman when die travaileth hath forowe yp,rU. becaufe her boure is come : but as foone as fhee is d ofthataitihiriiy delivered of the child, Iheeremtrabreth no more ^udf.ver.yrhich jj^g aneuidi , for ioy that a man is borne into the ^,na.i.arth.- VVOrld. c Thati,,tccauft 22 And yec ttow therefore are in iorow : but I ihejfhaH then un- vvill fee you againe , and your hearts (ball reioyce, dtrjiand *"fkn'-n> and y our ioy fhall no man take from y ou . Ze"t:^eljnZ ^3 And in that day fl.all yee aske me nothing. ^nd dctpvttmtht * Verely .verely , I lay unto you .whatfoever yee •nMd^rchn cU (iiall aske the Father in my Name , hee will give it !/«-»" l/JTn " ^4- Hitherto have yee asked nothing in my rvaint.'ftr I -niU Name : aske.and ye Iball rcccivejihat your io,y noay artne }'U lt>ii'i that be full. ''"^"^ ''•«'"■• 2y 7 Thefe things havelfpoken untoyouin ^ilht}tl°t'j'hhh paiables : but the time will come , when I Iball no thm^ tvhkh)! tif- more fpeake to you in parables : but I fliallfliewc itrdiip a^a'njlihe youpLiinely ofthe Father. ^"cTr'^o't'^"^' ^^ 8 At that day (ball yee aske in my Name, ^ Tbf <'"Cl»intof theApoftln i>tocettir(i from the ho! y Ghoft > and iimoft pet/itf. ^ Tho-koIyGhoftbiiBgeth iiom.'vsdc.arioe.buttcatheih thitvvhicb w.11 utterrd by Chri'tnowDt mouth ■ andimpriDieth it in ounmitides. 6 Tbe grace of the boly Cboll is a rnoll lively glaffc.wbfreinChrift is truflybfhoIHtn with the mod fliarpe (ighted tyes of faitb , aiid not with the bleared eyei ofthe flefli ; whtrr.by wfeelea continuallioy evminthe ipiddelloffortr.wei. f When a liiiletimeii enufujl. g F^r I paftfr CItrraU yhrie , fo il-.^r J fhall li much nun frcfent vi'hycu, then I fi-ashtfcrt: ferthcnyufna I fcele inditJi ivhit I f.m ,jndyvhut I itmailttciioe. ^ Chap i+".'-""-"'7'7-'>od J'«'»»;'^aike IJ.2+. luk- 11,9. lames i ,,•. 7 Tbe holy Ghoft which wai powred upoo y Apoltles after the Afcenfion ofChrirt, inftrufttd both (hem in alhli.-i.bi. fell inyftrrici and f«t,;tioft,uv ralvation .and alfo by them the Church .and wilt alio in (l»ua it to the end of the world. 8 Th^fulnl«eof the w»r(hip of God .it the invocation of tbe Father in the Name ofthe Sonne the Mediatour.who i»alrt»diehMtd f«i M» , foi whom he both »bafedhimftlfc,aBd U newxllb gl«:i&etl> and I fay not unto you,that I will pray unto the Fa- ther for you : . -. 27 For the Father himfelfelomhyou , be-J "fh^-;.,'/^^ caufc ye have loved me, if and have beleeved that KflifccuritiediiTtr, I came out from God. - ve^ymuch. 28 I am come out from the Father , and came ^jj^^'^''"^*^'" into the world : againe I leave the world , and goe To^ n* i'thenhe to the Father. wickfdneOe ofthe 29 9 His difciples faid unto him.Loe.now fpea- world, neither keft thou plainely,and thou fpeakeft no parable. '^.' w"keoefle of 30 Nowe knowe wee that thon knoweft all L'i„Xa'nn1..ag things, and needeft not that any man (bould aske oftheveitueot thee : fly this wee beleeve , that thou art come out Cbrift. from God. '■ ■^)'/"«"' l""* 31 lefas anfweredthem . Doe you beleeve 2:i;e°'d'e.;';S now ? , upon the viaorie 32 *io Behold, the hourecommeth, and is al- of Chfjii. rcadie come , that yee flwll be fcattered every man *' 7^" '■""« y°^ into his owne . and (ball leave me alone : But I am "Je,ed p" by ' not alone : for the Father is with me. ( peace ) i» meant fa 33 « < Thefc things have I fpoken untc youjthat ihi» place , that b in me ve might have peace : in the world ye fl-iall qui«t ftateof miod, have afflidion.but be of good comfoct: Ibavc ^;^^'^^'j^;^; overcome the world. ui htivinefle. CHAP. XVII. I Chrijlprajehihat hisglcrie fegertrr V'th hi: Faihtrt may U madcntani/tft. 9 he pra^tlhfar hii ^ptpia, 10 and for aU htlencrs. THefe I things fpake lefus , and lift up his eyes ^ . _, ,. . to heaven, and Vaide.. Father that'^houre^s ;;;,^;\C^"."g;'- come : glorifte thy Sonne, that thy Sonne aifo may p,irii being rea- glorifie thee. dieftraightwayet 2 *As thou haft given him powerj:i»fra all J.°^'J^P^^'"'^^^ fieQi , that he (liould give eternall life to all them jemo,; pr'ayer. '* that thou haft given him. coofeciate him. 3 And this is life eternall. that they know thee feife fo God the to be the b onely very God , and whom thou haft Faihera.afacn- lent, lelus Chnft. ,ber with h.«lf<:lfe. 4 1 have glorified thee on the earth : I have fi- Therefote tbi» nilhed the wcrkc which thou gaveft me to doe. prayer wai from 5 And now gloritie me,thoii Father. with thine ''"•^fTS'""'''.*' '[' ' /-./• .9i . • i-i»,. -ii_ aodlnall be to the owne felfe , with the glone which I had with thee ^^^ ^f^^^ world, before the world was. the foundation and 6 3 I have declared thy Name unto the men ground ofthe which thou gaveft mee out of the wotlde : c thine ^"/Jl^'',"^^^';,; they were, and thou <• gaveft them mee, and they ',th'ihat.ithe' have kept thy word. came into the 7 K Now they know that all things whatfoe- world to the end verthou haft givenmc.are of thee. '^>h?nlew'in 8 For I have given unto them the words which ^"„^_ ^ein? oppre. thou gaveft me , and they have received »*«.♦?>, and hentletbhy faith, have knowen furely that 1 came out from thee , and his giorie iofaving have beleeved that thauhaft Cent me. 9 I pray for them: I pray not for the world. ,^i;],on«w .-'and eled, fo he ap. iinf ly: but for them which thoH haft given me : for they th.reforedefireti are thine. oftheFath.r, tbat'bc would blenitbe worke wbii:hhehatb(inillie and K r that they mibiaciag bii dodriue.fliall have fo many and fo mightie enemies thai there it no Aay for ibem 10 br in fafetie. but by his dclpe onely. c Hee (hevseth hereby thai eieriaftin^ eleftion andchoift,'^ which was bidden iu the goodwill and pltafureofGod.whicn la tbe ground worked' ourfalvation. d He fliewnh how that eveil»(ting and bidden puri-ofeot God ii decla« rtd in Chnft, by whomewe are iuftifiedand UDftified , if wee lay helde on him by r4iih>tb4t«tluigtbvtcioayc»metoibegloii«oftbceic^iioo. » Cha|M<,i7, lo And ptayerfor tbefaithfiill, ^f I o A nd all mine ate thine.'and thine are mine, e He pia78th tkit and I am glorified in thcra. bispcopieitny 11 And now ami no more in the world , but h""*"dto*"b«"'* '''^^'"^ 3"^ ^" the world, and I come to thee. Holy Jnonl"that°«'the Father , keepe them in thy Name , even them OodhMd ii one , fo whom thou haft given me , ttiat they may be « one they nuy be of one gj ^g ^fg^ «„Dd aod^oBt coa. J J ^^- jg J ^35 ^jfj^ jhg^^j jn the ^orlde , 1 ^'"pS'i'o"?, l^ept them in thy Name : thofe that thou gaveft 4 Hee ftieweth Hie , have I kept , and none of them is loft , but the what manerofde- childe of perdition , that the * Scripture might be oetb, not that ibey »"ltuiea. , , r i,- foouidbeinno 13 And now come I to thee, and thefe things daoger, but that fpeake I in the world.that they might have my ioy thtybeeing prefer, fulfilled in themfelves. ,;f [';" 'j;; . 1 4 I have given them thy word, and the world experience that hsth hated them.becaafe they are not of the world, the iioarine of as I am not of the world, filvation it iriie, whi'b they recei- ved at bii moutb t« deliver to ciher- f That it, make them holy : and that it fjyd to be holy, which ii dedicated and made groftr to Gsd onely . J Heeaddeib moreover . that the Apoftlctbavea n common Chap, 3??iij. f udas betf ^eth Chrift. 45 15 * I pray not that thou (houldeft uke them out of the world , but that thou keepe them from eviJl. 1 6 They are not of the world , as I am not of the world. 17 f Sandifie them with thy trueth ; thy word is trueth. 18 /As thou diddeftfend mee into the world, fo have I fent them into the world. 19 And for theu-iakes faniititie I my felfe.that they aifomay be fandifiedthrough the g trueth. 20 « I pray not for thefe alone, but for them vtithhim.aLdthrre-aiCo ^^Ich fhall bcleeve in mee. through their fcre that they muft , • » b.hoMen.ipby WOrd, «he feife fame vex- 2 1 • That they all may be one , as thou , O Fa- me to give up ther , *rt in mee, and I inthee-;rt>f»rhattheyroay themfeivei wholly ^e alfo One in us , that the world may beleeve that l^:^:^:Z thouhaftfenrme. [ confectattbim- 12 And the glory that ihou gaveft mec . I havc ftlfe to the Fa tet. given them, that they may be one, as we are one, f MamianaDfti- *' I in them, and thou in me, that they may be fi"!ation'of GBrift'"i« ^^de perfed in one , and that the world may know f« agaiuft the out- that thou haft fent me , and haft loved them as thou ward puiifyingi. haft loved me. a Second.. illy bee j j Father , I Will that they which thoH haft efiereth to God the •^'^i ■ \. ^ ' , ,, Faiher , all hi» . that g'ven mee , be with me even where 1 am , that they ii, hove maoyfoe- may beholdchat my glory , which thou haft given vcr ftiali b.ieeve me ; for thou loucdft me before the foundation of the world. »y O righteous Father ,.the world alfo hath not knowen thee , but 1 have knowen thee , and thefe have knowen , that thou haft fent me. 26 7 And I have declarediijnto them rhy Name, and will declare it , that the love wherewith thou haft loved me, may be in them, and I in them. in him by the do- ftritjeof tbeApo- ftlei : that ai he deauetb unto the Father recriviDg from hi,n all ful- nelTc, fo they be- irgioyned with bim, may Tec«ive life ftombin> and at length being togethtr beloved in hiin j may alfo with him enioyeverIa(lin| glory. ■j> Cbap.ia 26. 7 HecommatiicatethmithbiibylulsaEdluletheknowltdgtor the Fitber, vcdich ii moatul. ia CSrilt the Mtdiatour , thattbey may in him bcbelo- »«d.ofthe Father rVyitb liefelfe fame love wheewith htluutihiheSoone. CHAP. X V 1 1 1. I Fj Chrijfes portitr, tt 'urn iH^is htrajiih, 6 theJiuUitrt ATI eaii UoTxinetukegrcund. 13 Chriflii UJ 10 ^nn*i, and from him !o Caiaf^'Ji. *!, ij Hii atftvtreiothi tftcerthxtfrnttekinnhhartU. 18 BeiniitUlitrti (» tHj:e, 36 ht dnUttth Im k!iniyt with his difciples^ 3 * a ludas then after he had received a band of men and officers of the high Priehs , and of the Phariles , came thither with ianternes and tor- ches.and weapons. •» 4 3 Then lefus, knowing all thirs^j^ that (hould come unto him, went foorth and faid unto them. Whom feeke ye 2 y They anfwered him.Iefus of Nazareth .lefus fiid unto them , I am ;he. Now ludas alfo which betrayed him, flood with them. 6 AlToone then as he had faid unto them, lam he, they went away backwardes ,and fell t-3 the ground. 7 Then he asked them againe , Whom feeke ye ? And they fayd, lefus of Nazareth. 8 4 lefus anfwered , I faid unto you.that 1 am he; therefore if ye feeke me.let thefe go their way. 9 nis was that the word mjight be fulrilled which he fpake, ^. Of them which thou gaveft me, have 1 loft none. 10 s Then Simon Peter having a fword , drew it, and Iraote the hie Priefts fervant , andcut off his right eare. Now the fervants name was Malchus. 11 Then faid lelus unto Peter, Put up thy fworde into the Iheath : ftiall I not drinkeofthe cup which m^ Father hath given me ? i2 Then the band and the captaine.and the of- ficers of the lewes tooke lefus and bound him. 13 6 And led him away to * Annas firft (for hee was father in la we to Caiaphas , which was the hie Prieft that feme yeere.) 14 » And Caiaphas was hee.that gavecounfefl to the lewes, that it was expedient that one man fhould die for the people. 1 y J 7 A' Now Simon Peterfollowed lefus.and another dilciple.and that difciple was knowen of the hie Prieft : therefore he wentin with lefus into the hall of the hie Prieft, 16 But Peter ftood at the doore without. Then went out the other difciple which was knowen un- to the bi^h Priefts, and fpake to her that kept the doore, and brought in Peter. 1 7 Then faid the maid that kept the doore.un- to Peter , Art not thou alfo one of this mans difci- ples ? He faid, I am not. 18. And the fervants and officers ftood there, which had made a 6re of coales : for it was colde, and they warmed themlelves. And Peter alio flood among them, and warmed himfelfe. 19 J ( 3 The hie Prieft then asked lefus of his difciples, and of his dodlrine, 20 lefus anfwered him , I fpeake openly to the world: I ever taught intheSynagogueand in the Temple , whither the lewes relort continually, and in fecret have I faid nothing. 21 why askeft thou mee? aske them which heard mee what I faid unto them : beholde , they know what I faid. a 1 when hee had fpoken thefe things , one of the ofliccrs which floodby .finote lefus with /:w rod, faying, Anfwerefl thou the hie Prieft fo ? a 3 leliis anfwered him , If I have evill fpoken, bare witnefle of the evill ; but if i have well ipo- ken, why fmiteft'thou me > 24. f * Now JVnnas had fent him bound unto Caiaphas the hie Prielt.) 254-9 And Simon Peter ftood and warmed himfelfe, and they fayd unto him. Art not thou alfo of hi$ difciples 2 He depyed ic j andf4i«i , I a(^ ^°^- 4. Matth.i«,47, ■narkei4..j3. lukc»2.,7. a Chrirt.whowa^ inaoceoc. vvai ta* ktn ai a wicked petloQ, that wee woich aie wicked might be let goe aiiunocrnt. 3 Chrilljpevfoa (butnothij v«r- tue) wa»b:jiiada4' theaduerfariei, whtn and bow be would. 4 Cbriftdothroj oegleft the ofKce* of agoodpaftouf, no not in bijgreso- ted daoger. § Chap.17.12. J We ought to cooteine ttiezeale webearetoGod. witbiniheboundl ofouivocatioD. 6 Cbriil itbrcugkl before an earthly high Prieft to b» condemned fot our Wafpbeiniejj tbatwefllightbe quitted of the everlaftinghigb rrieft himfelfe • Lukcj. a. » Chap, II. fo. 7 A livrlyeMinpIe of tbe fragility of man evenio thebeft, when ibtybeoncel.ft to tbenifrlvet. * Matib j6,;J. mar. 14. /4. luke aa S'i* % Chilli dtftD. deih biscaufebut fleDd«rly,notihat he would with- draw himfelfe froin death, but to fbew that bt wascotideinned at an iDooctDt, * Mmh.j6.|7, luke Jt.J4. .{, Maitb.iS.ej," markei4.jj, luke Ji.rf. 9 After that rata have ODce fallea, they cannot oaelj not liU Up them- felves by their owDelirengtb.hui »Ko they f,»(i moiB and more ii to w'orfr, vntillthey beraifcdupa- gaine,byanew vssiueofCad. -Pikts teftiraony of Chrift* S. lohn. Chrift is crucified* 26 One of the ftJtvants of the hie Prieft , his coufin whofe eare Paerfmote off.fiyd.Did not I fee thee in the garden with him ? 27 Peter then denied againe , and immediatly the cocke crew. '' 2!J ^ ifeThen led they lefus from » Caiaphas into the common hall. Now it was morning , and they themfelvis went not into the comnron hail, leaft they fhould l^e J defiled , but that they might " "heprnciofttf gate the Pafleover. p»of!»of God.- AlivcIy iaagtof If. I Iiikeaj I. 10 TheSonaeof God it brought ktfne tb; iudge< BRBt ffa eol'ao wnhlyaodpro- fbaoenaD < in ' ««hom then ■■ fbuaJmuctltOe wickcdQClTc, ebcB 29 Pilate then went out unto them , and faydj What accufation bring ye againft this man } 30^'They anfweted.and laid unto him, If he were not an evill doer , wee woi>ld not have delivered him unto thee. •3 1 Then fayd Pilateunto them , Take yehim, dgBnent againli and iudge him after your owne Lawe . Then the mcMitf"'.""' '^^'"^^ '^y^ "^^° '^*™' '' ItisnotlawfuUforusto put any man to death. 31 [t vvd* that the word of lefus * might be fulhlled which hefpake, c lignit'ynig what death hertioulddie. 33 " So Pilate entred nito the common hall againe . and called lefiis , and faid unto him , Art thou the king of the Itwes ? 34 lefus anfwered hira, Sayeft thou that ofthy felfe , or did other tell it thee of me ? 3y Pilate anfwered , Am I a lew ' Thine owne nation , and the high Prieft have delivered thee unto mee. what haft thou done ? 36 ^ ' lefus anfwered , My ktngdome is not of this world; if my kingdome were of this world, my fervants would furely Hght . that I ftoald not be delivered to the lewes ; but now is my king- dome not from hence. 37 Pilate then faid unto him. Art thou a King then ? lefus anfwereii , Thou fayeil: that I am a King : for this caule 1 am borne, and for this caufe came I into the world, that I ftiould heare witnefife unto the trueth : every one that is of the trueth, diog (io that tluit heareth my voice. lieetooJct upoD - ' ■ himouf ferfon) wa»cobecon. And when he had fayd that , hee went out againe de.nneJ a. j mofi unto the I ewes. , and layd unto them, I finde in hira ^ickHman. no caufe at all. d Helptakeih toil ._.„ . .. ..>.. difdaiKfuUyiod 3? ^ But you havc a cuflome thatlfiiGuId fcoffiagly.acdnot deliver you one loofe at the PalTeover : will fcrwayofaikiog yee then that 1 loofe unto you the King ofthe ?!? m1'°"' . *^*"^^^ niar.u.6bk!i3.i7 .'^° * Then < cryed they all againe, faying.Not # Aae»3,i4. him , but Barabbas : now this Barabbas was a e Word foi word, murthereif, • XMdeagrtataod "•""^''"- CHAP. XIX. « PiUlt, nvhtr; Chia yvdifiourrtJ, t endcrcyrnt^wuh thcrna, « W4, Jtftrouf, tc (ft him Ucfi : 8 hut hewf cl.tP- ""•« rrith ihe cutrt^t oftU Jtrvei, i6 he 4(til>i,t(l, i>imtt It crunfitd. 16 urutcemmitielh hit mtthtrttthe <'V"fU. 30 HtuinytaJfeJPhe^cr.heJitth: 34 and 49 W«" agaioH finite, and thercwitbalJof /*iigrfat inercie, andlMllofall.of hit niofl fevere grace wtben it ii offrrtd untothtm. a From Caiaj.hu houfe. ± AdJ lo.jg. and 11,3. b For iudgoniDti of life and death »were taken f torn ihem fourtie feerei before the defiru- diooof tbeienflc. * Mat. 13, 19. c For Cbriflhad foretold that bee Ihould be crucihed . « Mat 17.11. n>ar. j;.a. lukeaj.j. II Cbridauou- cbeih bii fpirituall kiagdome, butrc. ie^etk a worldly. ji It wasre^ai. fite tba; Cbrid ftould be pro- i)Out:ced ionocrit, butnoiviiibllan- 38 " Pilatefaiduntohira,iu,t atidgaveuptheghoft. ";:;:r;;^;r" 3 » - The lewcs .hen (becaufe it was the Pre- franckjMinje u paration , that the bodies llioula not remaine up- 4finkfy'""<'Kt on the crofl'e on the Sabbath dAyAoi theSab- thnrtraineifjmi- Ymh was an high day) bcfought Pilate that their rktt!,2ythe legs might be broken . and that they might be ta- jetvf!i"<»*'^"i fir ken downe. 32 Then came the fouldiers and brake the le^es of the firft , and of the other, which was ei^ified with lefut. 33 But when they came to lefus , andfaw that he was dead already .they brake not h is legs . 34 >i But one of the fouldiers withalpeare «• pearccd his fide , and foorthwith came there out blood and water, 3 y And he that-faw it . bare record, and hjs re- cord is true : and hee knoweth that he (aith true, that ye might beleeve it. 3 6 For thefe things were done, that the Scrip- ture fliould be fulfilled , $ Not a bone of him &all be broken. 37 And againe another Scripture faith , *They (hall fee him whom they have thruft thorow. 38 X i» And after thefe things, lofeph of Ari- mathea (who was a difciple of ielus , but lecretly forfeare of rhe lewes) befougJit Pilate that hee might take downeahe body oi lefus- And Pilate gave him licence. Hee came then and tooke lefus body. ^9 And there came A- alfoNicodemus (which firft eame to lefus by night) and brought of myrrhe Histefurrcdion. 47 lie focTt I rhich 10 TOrbodieof Ckliftwbuhwa» deadforaftafoD (>b«cau»it rofltt fcdhim)isWOUa. (Icd,butthclcaft bone of it ii DOt broken : ^nd fmh iitbeliateofbji myrtitallbody. 11 Cbiilt bring dead vpuD >be Moffe .witneiftth by a doable ligue, Ihuheonely ■» the true fatiifadi- •D , and tbe true wafiiingl'oiihe belcevcit. i Thh vMndnn 4 mtf! manifeft ruiir.tjfe ofiht fttihtrVAltrt'ntt ijfHtU eut h iliit tfcitnd .^alieui fU'nei} (u HHiitT- fen fturcfu rht njery tl^innt (irff ftrnfofiiih tht -Vtpllthitccn'cl- fimd,th»tii>ftetA- and aloes mingled together about an hundreth pound. 40 Then tooke they tiie body of leflis.and wrapped it in liiinencioathes withthe odouiS,aS- the mancroftht; lewes is toburie, 41 And in the place where lefts was crucifi- ed .was a garden , and in the garden a new fepul. 'trtiZlT-JhiX !*fi chti>i.wherem was « never man yet layd. fiarmt CT jhuk*"' 4^ There then layd they lefus , becaufe of the ftnKttch.cfiUtdi,. lewes Preparation day , for the lepulchre was S £""•«'.■><• neere. * Zich.iiit). « Af4*(fi.»7,;7. »FMr«t» if.4'- '"t'lJ.fo- iiCbiift" orenIybu.ird,andina faoiuui )'Uce, Pilaie writing andltiifcriiig it , and thai by i)iea WbicodidfavourCirid, in fuch wife, that yet before thai day, they never openly fcjiowed biiti : fo ihaiby bit buriall > no ntanoMi iuniy doubt eiihn ofbisdeatb , oi Isfuittftioo. 'A Chap 3.1 * 1 k.\tntim,-itim<^h!ct),id AthiirtfurreilKn, CHAP. XX. t , MttrielringtthyvtTdilntCMJIiirifiH : y Vtlir snd UUn 4 rHBfie fc/eetf. if Jifij affearethtt Marie, 19. aitJ (ithe diftiflejikat were n^eiher n thrhmflf if Tkcmts.tefneftifilefr, i» niwttlyfftik.t at That he muft riie againe from the dead. ''" "pmcn fee- 10 And thediiciples went away againe unto ^^^^'^.'A^t^'], their owne home. they dot Jf^ kM 11 ! S But Marie flood a without at thefe- »•"»■ pulchre weeping : and as ihe wept , (h e bowcdher I ^f"' v.itataiik felfe into the fepulchre, xh«be!:t^"' 12 s And {awe two Angels in b white, fitting rifen. ' ""' the one at the head , and the other at the feete, 4 Chrift which jg where the body of lefus had layen. ''^"'' • " °<^'.to be 1 3 And they faid unto her , Woman, why wee- worid'acc'ordiiw pefi thou ? She laid unto them , They have taken to the fltOi , b'ut away c my Lord , and I know not where they have '" bta«n by faith, layd him. Jf whiiherbeiigoae 1 4 3 when fhee had thus faid.fhee turned herj' Bjhhhrethe^ felfe backe , and faw lefus f,anding , and knew not he mcuneth hl'difi thatit was lefus. cifUi-.frmt'ie I J lefiis faith unto her .Woman, why weepefi"'*' -y^fifiU'w thou ? whom feekef^ thou ? She fuppo.'ing that ^^^'Mar"'tcUMi''''^* had bene the gardener, faide unto him. Sir, if thou dif.ipU,. hafl borne him hence .tell mee where thouhafleHfoi/rftCnj laid him. and 1 wfll take him away. '''' ff'"' <"(■"•/* 1 6 Icfus fayth unto her, Marie. She turned her ,Jl "'"''^"2'' '''» 10 And when he had fo fayd , he fliewed aiito w«-"ii,m^doe'tli them i>is hands , and his lide. Then were the dilci- fully aifurethem pies glad when they had feene the Lord. r'aio^n't dl^Jor their Apoftletbij) .itifpiriogibtmvuith the holy Ghoft.who i« thedireae' of he cii. niftrryoftbe Goffitl. f Ettherthe JiiTeiofenedtol7imofihcTmv»eau«rd,t» il *.-Then Xhomasdiftrufteth; S. lolin. Feede my ftiecpe; < Tb« pub!illiiBg 1 1 * Th?.n Tail! lefus to them againcPeace bi unto you : as my Father fenc me. fo lend I you. 1 X And when hce had fayd that , hce breathed on them , and fayd untp them. Receive the htjly Ghott. .^ 13 < w hofcevcis finnes ye remit .they are re- ttuiog forth acd rftnouocir.gtbe uracil o^God io ;xnaiciog(he fuonolibe vn- befeeven . ii ibe fuinmeofite preachiagofibc J C'ri/ldMw*:h outaribeur*<\ .JiffiofThoiuat of fmnea'^by f^b"' mitted uHio them : And whoiuevers finnes ye re- inChrift, jod tbe tcine. they are reteined. 24 5 7 But Thomas one of the twelve , called Didymus, was not wich thera when lefns came. a f The other dikiplejs therefore f.ud unto hire, VT'ee have feene the Lord : but he faid unrothem. Except 1 fee in his handes the print of the nayles, and put my hngcrinro the print of the nayles.and put mine nand into his lide , I will not beleeve it. 26 5 Andeiphtdayesafter.againehisdifcip'es were within, and Thomas with chem, TwMcame « ctrtaiRc aud fui^- '"^^"^ ' ^'^^^ the dcorc were (hut , and Hood in the ..tfftimonif ofhii^Amids.andfayd, Peace te unto you. ■jtfurrtaioQ. At2'7 After faid heto Thomas, I'ut thy finger here, aS^fee mine handes ,2nd put forth thine hand, and put it into my fide, and be not faithlefle , but faithfull. a 8 Tii-jn Thomas anfwered and fayde unto him, Thouart my Lord, and my God. i9 8 lefus !aid unto hi.m.Thomas.becaufe thou haft fe^ne me, thou beleevcft : blelTed a,re they that have not feene, and have beleeved. 30 ■!• :| » And many other fignesalfo did le- fus in the pre/ence of his dilciples .-which are not written inthisbcoke. 31 Bat rhefe things arc written that ye might beleeve, that lefus is that Cl>iilt that Sonne of God , and thst in beleeving yee might have life ^'''±t r«rurKdion. through his Kcme. ,S Trje TaJtb ot the net broken. It lefus fayde unto them, Come , <«ni dine. And none of the difciples durft aske him , Who art thou ? feeing they knewe that hee was the * ''""■ ''': ^i* T r .. , . , , , ■.rt.lorrdintohi. 13 leius then came and tooke bread and gave f«i>.ntr degree them, and filh like wife. ^o"" wbtnct be 1 4 This is now the third time that lefus fliew- d'nUii'!'a. j'^'i''^' r ed himfelfeto his difciples , after that he was rilen wTthaiii"dvcr" againe from the dead. - tifed.ihatacis'fn 15- f I So when they had dined, Icfus fayde to ^-'^ » pafloi Simon Peter jSimonr/w/oweof lona , loveft thou me more then thefe ? He faid unto him, Yea, Lord, fj^ thoiikncwed th.ullove thee. He faid unto him, b itwui'm-st" Feedmy lambes. thn-hst.iif.td 1 6 KeTayd to him againe the fecond time , Si- ''r"^"J'''"f''^'% mon tit fonne of lon^ , loveft thou me r He fayd t'Cr'i'i,t°iut^Petl7 unto him; Yea, Lord, thou knoweft that I love mi^^h- miiittr thee. He fayd unto hitn, Feed rr.y il-'.eepe. # '^ }''" '/'*« f^r-' 17 Heia^Muniohimbthe third time, Sinfoii 2':""#.''/jsi-'/; f/je/o^na of lon.T , loveft thou me ? Peter was icde.^1' ^f'^i''„f]'"^'l, becaufe he faid to him the third time, loveR thou tnheofj^cteftW me J and faid unto him , Lord , thou knoweft all ^{"'Hicpip. ' things :tbou knoweft that I love thee, iefus&d j '^^^i?'"* untp him. Feed njyfl'.eepe. iifiretoide. j 18 3 Verely , verely I fay unto thee.When thou c rAy ;;,.!(>«;'[« waft yong , thou c girdedii thy felfe , and' walked It f'c* •'"mcy . 'thil{!!ihh°t tc 22 lefus fayd unto him , If I wdlthat he tarie yt,i,Hi,ertiniu. till I come, what is it to thee ? follow thou mc. Pft, tut tht time z3 Then went this words abroati among the 'T.'V''''"? r"'* brethren . that this difciple Ihoulde not die. {l^fr'Si, Yet lefus faid not to liim ,Hee ihall not die : but anMer^fh^iUludc if I will that hee taty till I come, what is it to theeni'iychahe,, jj^gg , • -andc.trji'netwhh 24' s This is that difciple , which teftificth of '^^^""" ^"*^'''^ thefe things , and wro.e thete things ,aDd we know e NcttUt rctir that his reitimoTiie is true. f»X"'^ cu^hfoif 25 *Novje there are alfo many other thw^s '■"■','"''''/f^'''^ which Jcfus did . the -which if they fl-ioulde be -t'^^'^;^^^^^^^^^^^ written every one , 1 fupnofe the w'ctlde couUe ^amc with Uy and notconteine the bookes that ihould be written, tgi-iJif/ it fcrole Amen. ' re,„r^fd r^r^ihe Ccamitl n-ntrche tvMiei^pfd : latlctcMfi this will commelh tictfrcmihe /lc/% ,h»t frtmlkt "ifitfihe 3 firil rvhich isplicn ui from aktue ,iliirefirehefhetvtdt'>ire/hc,il]He ,i cer^jinc ftri- tiin? and cmflic'tcr ttf.it^n.indt , Txhich aifeisin its,in alUur Cffftrancts as imK ng ihtflefh. f rU'!:,i'^.i! rettrrho'jlddielruViclinrJrath. takeheede .thatvvbiitt weetaltour tyei apcsa uthfr.wee ofglcft not thatwhicbia jliioyned u». ^ Cbap.iJ.t^. j Toehiftuiic ofChiilHsttueand vvadly written; oo»»'or tbetuiioiiwtof uku • bw fit vbe faWaiion of thegndly. ^ Cbap-iu^jo^ THE' I Cfcriflesafcenfion. Chap. I, THE ACTES OF THE APOSTLES, WRITTEN BY^ THE EUANGELiST. Mattbiasischofen* /^% HOLY LVKE 1 A paffingovef from tbehiftoiie oftheaofpel.that ii> riom thebifto- jie of the fayingi and doingsaf Chiitt, unioibe aftnofihe Apo- a The'aflticfje- f»sare,hem,ru- ties anddoingt CHAP. I. S ZuketisththithiferStlchhCcffctt. 9 Clvfil-tm^ takftinto hedVcn, 10 ihe ^felflet, 11 hein^ tr.irned tj tht^nieh, 11 to retarat, \i^ Mi gil/tthimfiiut to fT.i}tr. i; Bj Petirs metier,, \i into ludti thltr^iteun flaci, li Mn'tHasischofen. Have made the ' former trea-ife, O Tbeophilus , of all that lefus began to » doc and teach. 2 Vntill the day that hee was taken up , after that hee through the holy Ghoft , had given cora- maunderaents unto the Apoftles, whom hee had cliofen: 3 J To whom alfo hee pielented htmfelfe alive after that hee had fuffered . by many ' infallible trhichfhtntdht aiici iiiai "i-i- "'^- — .->.... ,-j - -j - ■hiud, tndhh tokens . being feene of them by the fpaa ot tour ]j}firfthMntfe jjg j^ygj ^ and fpcaking of thofe thingi which up. ij..mf\„fh„ .^,^,-„,^tothekingaomeofGod. 4 s And when he had c gathered them toge- ther , he commant'ed them that they fhould not depart from Hierufalera .buttowaite for the pro- mife of the Father . :§ which fxidhe , ye have heard r ■-)< For lohn indeed baptized with water, but with hit yefnallbe baptized d with the holy Ghoft within ii:A:rm«f/t"e thefefewdayes. doalt wMch 6 3 When then therefore vvere come together they hadh.ard. they asked of him, faying . Lord , wik thou at this b He c^iltfh tUfe tjnjg , jgfjore the kingdome of Ifrael ? inf.i'liiielcks'U, -- - •" '-- ''--- tct'i'l'.frecther- rcifi tumid mt'f- furii.M-K>mth,,t hath put ill his owne power, r u l t -' ■-""•-■'- g ^ But yeeiball receive power oi the holy Ghoft , when he [hall come on you . and ye (hallbe witneiTes unto race both in Hiefufalcm andinall ludea , and in Samaria , and unto the uttermoft pan of the earth. ^ , ,- . • 9 :fc 4 And whenheehad fpoken thefetnings. doci 3 Cbrilldidnot fiiaighiwayes-sf- «nd inio hravsa after hii rtfurre- aion : btciuft he would throughly frovehiirefurre- ^Wtik^d.jnd.ve ar.d-maifdtv/'ma- t,,7,ll:efeuref.tre f,>7,f,a„d!okf'itieJihrr;he Bt , as tt* Angel. sAitntlK^ J \°._.: .u... Lj- La ,0 make common i Tb = y Which alfo fayd , Yee men of Gahle ._ why ftandyegaling into heaven ? This lefus which is taken up g from you into heaven . ft^alho come , as ye have feene him go into heaven. 12 f Then returned they unto Hierufalem from the mount that is called the mcunt of Olivers, which is neete to Hierufalem , being hom it a Sab- bath h muAr^f^^^ff^^l^^^'^^ one of thetn be made a witneife with us of hisre- p B,caufemeaai» flirredion. coir.monly billed 2 3 9 And they X prefented two , Icfeph called and enrolled by barfabas, whofefurname was luftus. and Matthias, l™"';;;,,,. .. 24 And they prayed , faying. Thou Lord, which ;^t ^j,, ^g^^,^ knoweft the hearts of all men , liiew whether of , hat might be ta- ihefe two thou haft chofen. ken °^'nlf!!7. ■ :y That he may take they ro^eofthismt. -Anof'^^^^^^^^ niftiation and Apoftleihip , from which ludas hath ^*„ J,ubi,g, 2 cone aflray, to go to his owne place. whichcame unto ■ \6 Then they oave forth their lots: and the lot bini,wete.''ore- fell on Matthias, Tnd he was by a commoncon- «°''^;^^';^';°f;. fent counted with the eleven Apofiles. ^ ^^^^ ,^^7. office and tnioin.rie D.vid wrote thefe word, njainll Doegthe King. beardtna^Ani tbefe wordes , Sbej.b.a.d , Steepe, aod F'ocke , ..eput over to the Ch"«b oh-cea a rainiiUrie.lo that tbe CK.tch and the office, tbceof are called by f^°»«« " J "= Apoftlesdeliterate u^on ooth.og , batfirft- they confult and take »'^:'[«";'"i,7j;°l' wcrd.atvl agr-ire .bey doe Dotting thatconcerneth, and „ b.boveable forthe ^ho e body of .he Congr.gaHon, „itiout making the C Cbtonic, ,7-i- " From out companT- /ApoRlesmJ be chofen .^rr,ed,atly;frc>>vGad.=nd.bereforeafte, prayers, Mattbus. f.cbofeobylo.ie, which is a. itwere.G OD S ownevoyce. x OF«"'y •»°'! by the voyce. of all the wboUcOTp^ny. y That he may be f.llovP and P«"k«°f ihi. minilterje. 2 Ceparred from , or fallen from : And. Its a Mctapbore 'taken L.n thj.w.J : P« callin/aic rg..f.td b, the name of 7Vay., . ^i;h >!>. »'''"^'- - CHAP. Theficrictongucf. TbeAacs. TbedayofdicLord# CHAP. II. dWrrt lutgutr. il Tktj Art thcu^^lit Itht JrHnkf, 'f.^"/ rtif Ji/^ct^cthtxat. 34 Ht ie*thtihil>4t Chri!) it theMrftji: 37 ^Amfrein^ilit hiartj njltnieil, )i At A NJ I v?Tien the Jay of Pentecoft was « corae, they were b all with one accord in one place. 2 And J'lKl.lenly there came a ibund from hea- ven , as of a rufsing and mi^htie winile , and it fil- led all the houfe where they Ate. 3 AiiJ there appeared unto them cloven tongues, likelite, and u late upon sache of them- 4 And they were all hlled with che holy Gheft, ytoiuinor.ifd , lai g^^j began to fpeake with = other tongues , as the .noi.ted « ,h »]i ^ gpi^if gj^^. ^ifg^ vtterance. y And there were dwelling at Hierufalem lewes, men chat feared God, of every nation under heaven. 6 Nowe when this was noifeJ , the multitude came together and were aftonied , becaufe that every n>an heard them ipcake his owne languige^ 7 And they svondered all, and marveiled ,Jay- ■ TheA.pofllei being gitbrrcd 10- /.jlnnneleift diy in one pUce, ihic It mi^bccvidenilf apprjKio all chc wofld. tbjt rbfy tad all on» office, onf Spiric, one /aiib.reSya doa blehjnefrem bea- tbemollticelliriic gifteioftheboly Gboit aodefpeci- allr wit!> an titri ordioarie andoe- ceCitirgiCt of tonjutt. a Word for wtird, wai fulfilled: tbat which (peake, of Galile • /■ 8 « How then heare we every man our owne language, wherein we were borne ? 9 Varthians , and Medes , find Elartiites.and the inhabitants of Mefopotamia , and of ludea , and ot Cappadocia.of Pontas, and Alia. I o And of Phrygia, an^l I'amphylia, of Egypt, and ofthe parts of LiDya . whi..'h isbefideCyicne, y«fre> a.ei'uifiled, and ftrangcrs of Rome, and f lewes, and Prul^lytes, Iwiiivirne.&c. _ ii Qctes, and Arabians.we heard them 1(>cake FoabeLord i^ q^j. qwhc tongues the wondeifuU vvorhtui did not bring home /-'A hiiiwotHeafienhe ^°^' , „ , ... ,. , . I I » They were all then anwted , and doubted, faying one to another .What may this be ? 13 And others g mocked , and fayd , They are full of new wine. 14 f Bur Peter ft niding with rbe eleven ,^ lift up his voyce , and (ayd imto them . Vee men of lu- dea ,an(l)t all that inhabice Hierulalem , be this pomei.wbicii were J^nowen unto you, and heaiken unto my words. tobeibtPat-iaikti If Forthefe are not drunken , as yee fuppofc, at it wneofihe fince it is but the < third houre of the day. 16 Butthisis that .which was ipoken by the k Prophet « loel. I 7 i And it ihallbe in the laft dayes, faith God, I will powreoutofmy Spirit upon' all ""flclli. and your Tonnes .and your daughteis ihall prophecie. nelirewei fajf t4at a dar ,or ayetreij fu filled or ended, wt>enibe former d«>ftotyeerg fignes , which God did by him in the mids of you, cod^.^^^^f/ as ye your felves alfo know : _ cniciSed of wicked 23 Him. Ifiy, being delivered by tbe deter- meb. minate coiinlel, , an^i v foreknowledge of God, af- ° wl)0'»by thefe teryouhad taken, wich wicked <\ hands y^" ^ave ^^'^Jj^^^J"'^''.^^^ ^ crut ihrd and , liaine. maa.teiUy If^l'o. 24 < whom God hath raifed up , and loofed ved and allowed of, the flbrroivcs of death, becaufe it was unpoffiblc =^»""° """ '^a'" that he flould beholden of it. «';?'[•''' ^'7- . , Zf For David lauh concerning him , -M be- knowMgego.ng he'd the Lord ahvaycs before me; for he is at my before, which c.i« right hand , ih..tl ihouldnot beilv.ken. neitheibefepar*. id Therefore d:d minc'heart reioyce . and my '^:„';°'"o''J^f,'|",','* tongue was glad , and moreover alio my flelh f hail the Eikureiray!" reft in hope. oeiiberyetbeibe 27 Hecaule thou wilt not t leave my fbiile in =»uf«of evili : for grave, neither wiltfuffer thine Holy one to fee ^j^ '"^'^^^j^'" corruption. ' able conn ell, ap. 28 Thou haftuihewed me the wayes of life, poio:ed the wicked and llialt make ra«: full of ioy with thy coun- ^'*"'* '"■*"■<> ^» ^ excellent ende ; and tenance. ,, . . .,>,/-, God doethtbat well 19 Men and brethren , I may boldely fpeake wj ch hr inatu. unco you ofthe PatriarkeUavid. $ th.t hceis both mer$-d«iU. dead and buried , and his (epulchre remaine.h with ^ GedtcunfiU us unto this d.-.y. .bT.'^'wWe 30 Theretore ,feeinghe was a Prophet, and hjnd.vvere wicked, knew that God had * x (worne with anoatheto r The fai u layd him .that of the fruit ofhis ioines he worildraife ".'*''»''"• by up Chrift concei niiTg the flelh , to fet him upon his ""°^'' '}°^^:^\ "^ x inrone. done. 31 He knowing this before, fpakerf the refur- 6 Cht:ft(at i>avid rettion of Chnn,th,it -}, h is (bule ihould not be left ''-"•'toMe , did not in grave, nenher his fl.lh ihould f^e corruption. rufllS:: Vhe 32 7 This I el lis hath God railed up . whereof grave voideof all we all are witnelles. cortuiitiqn. 33 Since th.n that hee by the y right band of <" ■^"'^'•«'*>''« God hath bene exaucd. and hath received of bis ^'//^j^J^'j™' Father the proraife of tbe holy Ghu(t, hce hath mfnde : therefore Ihed fooi th this which ye now ke and heare. when death appea- 34 For David is not afcended into heaven , but ""^ ""luerour ao4 he laith , -k The Lord laid to my Lotd , Sit at riiy f.'.f.v^/i'lcbri'iUi right h.ind, rightly I V,^; -ve I 3 ) Vmill I make thine enemies thy footc- ore-cc- 'v;/'.-'" 36 Therefore, let all the houfe of Ifraelkno^' ;[^,^5^^'*;;,j^,^^r„ for a fureiie , that God hath ^ made him both diaih.tonvcfor ' Lord, and Chrift, this lelus,//*)! .whom yee have ev.rwiitfhitfa. . erucifi.d. '•>"''• , ^ « pni.>«,j. t Thou wilt not fufler me 10 rjmaine in grave, u Tboy baftopemd met tbe wayeo ti-irueiifc. * i.Kiii-.j.io. cbap.ij,3«. • I'lalm 131, , i . » Had fworotfolemnly. 4. PUl.i«..o. chap. 3,3;. 7 Peter witnelfr.b that Hi* . Cbrifl 11 theappuintedtverlarting King, wbicb he pioovethmanifelty by .he gife.it the holy Goull »aud the tellimonie of Havid. 'y Migbt.ind power 01 God, ii Plal.iio.i. I Chi.itisfaydiobemade .becaiifeb, AJi iHvdncedtotbii di£iiiiic ; and ihucfoit it i« 001 fpokto of kit aaiyte- , but of tiii ftai, and digr.itie. J 7 Now The confcicncc pricked. Chap. in. IV. lion : aod tbty are obcained bytbe pioBiifci appre. bended by feiib, aod are ratified 19 uibyBaptifmr. Vfherewiibiiioy. ned tbevertueof ihe holy Ghoft . vndeiAiodtkat itwatafreegift. 9 Heeilirucly ioyaed to the Church which fr. patateth himfelfc from the WKked, xo A notable ei- ampteofthe ver^ tueofihfholy Oholi : butfachii art ofage.attoot baptiied before they make corfef- fion of their faith. It The maikeiof « Repentance anJ J y Kow whcfj they heard rt, they were pricked nrajl^^^of 6antt j^ f},eir hearts, and faydHoro Peter and the other piociplV.of th. Apoftles, Men and brethren, what Ihall we doe? Gofpeii , and there. 38 I Then Peter fayd unto them , Amend yout fore ofour faiva- Hves , and be baptized every one of you in the Name of lefus Chrift fortheremifsionof finnes; and ye fhall receive the gift of the holy Ghoft. 39 For the a promife it made unto you , and to your children, and to all that are afarre off , *»« as many as the Lord out God (hall call. 40 9 And with many other words he befought and exhorted rA«»i, faying. Save your felves from a The wof J that ii this froward generation. rfl''d":aaldVh'at"' 41 -Then they that gladly received his word, were baptized, and the fame day there were ad- ded to the Church about three thoufand foules. 42 It And they continued in the Apoftles do- (ftrine.and b fellowlhip, and ^ breaking of bread, and prayers. 4 } f n And feare came upon every foule : and many wonders and fignes were done by y ApoiUes. 44 t) And all that belccved, were in one place, and had all things common, 4y And they fold their poffefsions , and goods, and parted them to all men, as evety one had need. 46 t^ And they continueddayly with one ac- theirueCburch '^^''d '" the Temple , and breaking bread at home, ofthedoaiineof did e.itc their meat together with gladnefle and tbeAponi««,the finglencflc of heart. t'h''e"'uK°lDdftm"Ie ^7 Prayfing God, and had favour with all the aJinim"at^oD of' * P^f'p'e : and the Lord ailded to the Church from the sacramentj, day to d.iy, fuch as Ihould be favcd. and true invocation ufed ufall the faithfull- b Comndnicatingof goodi,atidall other duetielofcharitir, it ii fllcwed afterward, c The Uvv" ufed tfaio loawei.and therefore they did rather bcsakethemiheD tut themrSo by breaking of bread, they vodernood that living together, aod the baoqueti wbicb they ufed to keeje. And v»hen tbey kepttheir love feaftei, they ufcdtoeelebr atctbeLordi Supper .which even inthefedayei began lobecorrup. ted. aad Paul atnendeth it, i.CfMi. la So oft ai the Lord tbinketb it expedieiit.he bridleth the rage of flrangeri that the Church inay beplaoted , and have fomerefre- (hiog. 13 Cbariiie make;h all tbingicomtiion concerningthe ufe according a» ee- ceflitierecjuiretb. 14 Thefaiihfiill caine together aithebeginning niib great fruit, cot ODely to the beariog of the vtord, but alfo to meat. CHAP. III. J rettrjcfthimtetliiTfmptfivithlchn, x fttsUlh thiertepU. 9 Te ike ftrfU fdthrreil to^etlier to fit ihemhdclt. n ht txyMnJelhthemyileriti>fourf.il)iiHitn through Cbrijf, l^ a peter and lohn went up together into the Temple, at the ninth houre of prayer. I And a csrtaine man which was a creeple from his mothers wombe was carried, whom they lay de dayly at the .gate of the Temple called Beautitull, to aske almes of them that entred into the Temple. 3 who feeing Peter and lohn, that they would enter into the Temple .defiring to receive an almes. 4 And Peter earneftly beholding him with Iohn,fayd, Looke on us. y And he a gave heede unto them ,trufting to receive fbrae thing of them . 6 Then laid Peter.Silverand gold have I none, but fuch as I have , that give I thee : In the Name of leliis Chrift of Nazareth.rile up and walke. 7 And hee tooke him by the right hand, and life khn np , and immediatly his feete and ankle bones received flrcngth. 8 And he leaped up , ftoode .and walked . and entred with them into the temple,walking and lea- ping, and praifing God. t/ And all the people faw hira walke , and prai« fmg God. 10 And they knew him , that it was he which Ate for the almes at the B eamifulJ gate of the Chrift the Lord of life. 49 Temple .-and they were ihsafed, and fore aflonied b ,i,h„fc^,„r, .«»»l^** niKt.-K ■*...» ^^t^.^ .._fe^ i.;_^ ■liner ofcauie : CbrintDbe«> ling a man that was borne lame, and weilkiioweD toallinen.bctliio placeand lime ve- ry famout,by tbe baadi ofbi< Apo- fliei.doeih partly tonfirmetbein v^hichbt!etved, and partly alfo ca|. leth other to ieleeve. a Boib with heart «Bd e¥«. at that which was come unto him. he loved them,wli9 11 s And as the creeple which was healed, badh«iethiiim :cc b held Peter and lohn »all the people ranneamafed ''««"'' 1=6 feaied unto them in the porch which is caUed Salomons. Ibem'"""" fh" 12 a So when Peter fawe it,hetfnfwered unto rght.heftouH u * the people, Ye menoflfrael, why marveileyeac laine againe. this ? or why looke ye fo lledfaftly on us, as thotioh * «"«'<« "t ap. by ourowne power orgodlineffe . we had trade this vrnce'hltnMef ^^^got} vtr.. and therefore 1 3 The God of Abraham, and Ifaac.and Jacob, they doe wickcd- the X God of our fathers hath glorified his^onne 'y«''^'"«'l'en', wkc lefus.whom ye betrayed.and denied is the prefeiKe '!';"'"'' ^^>M^ of Pilate . when he had iudged him to be delivered. dV. rte!t!f.lv""'l'llyin-Chrijljiaur'- »S Thedtf- tifle.friy umi, CJ. 31 MtnjfelltbfirffSJefiitni. 36 Of tvkcm B-iryalat is tne, A Nd « as they fpake unto the people , the ' Nonearteo*- *•■ Prieftes and the a Captaine of the Temple, '"'oiyn.ored.. r r Iigent or bolder etiemiei of the Church, then Aicbai ptofefie themfelvei to behead builder»? but tie Boretbeyrago the more cooftaotly the faithful! fervaon of God doe continue, a. The lewei bad certaioe gatifoot for the gaid* anifafetieoftbe Temple and bolf tbiogi. Matt. i«, veert j^^ |^j,|.j ^ y^^^ [hs ncxt day , for it was now even- tide. 4 Howbeit miny of them which heard the word , bekeved , and the ^ number of the men was about hvethoufanJ. y J And it came topafleonthe moirow .that their c rulers , and Elders . and Scribes, were gathe- red tC^cther at Hierulalem, 6 And Annas the chiefe Prieft , and Caiaphas, ^^{t.j'l'i"''^ and rohn.and Alexander .and as many as were of a Agiinfifuch ai the ^ Kindred of the hiePriefl. bungeofafuctei- y * And when they had fet them before them, they asked . By what power , or in what « Name have ye dune this ? 8 Then Tcter full of the holy Gheft. layd unto them , Veruleisof the people, and Elders ot Ifrael, 9 3 For 8s much as we this day are examined, of the good deede done to the impotent man , « vvft. by what meanes he is made whole, I o 4 Be it knowen unto you all . and to all the people cf Ifrael, that by theNameof lefusChrift of Ndzueth , whom ye have crucified . whom God raifed dgaine from the dead,f»f* by him doth this man iland here before you. whole. II 4. This is the ftonecaftafldeofyo^buil- !^ He i "i^dHie « ders. which is become the head of the corner. true ftieriard, I z Neither is there falvaiion in any other : for thai iMiUth hi» among men there is f given none oihergName fotepeto haog up- ^ ynder heavcn. whereby we rouft be faved. "o„ on" "a 'u li s Now when they faw the boldncffe of Pe - ooidwd.buibath ter and lohn .and vnderftood that they werevn- cun<)Uirtddtith, learned men and without' knowledge, they mar- '"* h' !> »" 'ul<="> veiled.and knew thcm.that they had bene ^ lefus: 1 4 And beholding alio the man which was healed ftanding with them, they had nothing to fay againfl it. ly Then they commaunded them to goe afide out of the Councill .and ^ conferred among thera- ther felves, 5 < Saying, What fliall we doe to thefe men? tS>fihtt,iUof tftJikMcruiliit tyiinfi DuiiiU ii^i /rif/'j urn penile il (h'j'tn and mdJrihi exi »firi> cfthtJctTt- peifoof. wjittouiafucctl'- fios of dcftrint, and byibatmeauei fceatt dowot tbe trutminifttriof ike word .fofatre fooitb adhry a;e sb!e. ( rjnhitaull,)- 3 vVolve«whfth fuccecde irue Pa. ftouri pltade their owoecaufeiand sot Codineitbct bKOwcebacd » I'fA. u8,i«. ifii.it.ii.mtt.xi 4t.»Mr.ia,iO. luly xi,n rtm. • •33- t.ft't.l- f Of '..a. g Thirtii ["pcT/cl-ila 'T'/-*Kr''"'*l,'icfc ^^^ ^""^^'V ^ manifeft fagne is done by them , and it "kindiofJltiMt- i' openly knowen to aii them that dwellinHieru- inr vf*iU amtng fdkm : and we cannot dcnie it. ii,i 1 twi,r<,f' "f '"' J 7 But that it be noifed no farther among the Trt in j'j^i'r"we' r«^op'e . let US threaten and charge them, that they TA'up.ftVmZt fpeakehencefoorth to no man in this Name. yokcft'ojniixft ig So they called thcm.and Commanded them, Uc\tfi>rUifi. th3j jr, rio wife they fliould fpeake or teach in the ''^"^ '''""•■ "^ Name of Icfi.s. 1 9 7 But Peter and lohn anfwered unto them, and fayd , Whether it be right in the light of God, h jih to obey you rather then God.iudge ye. ^e and Mdoifli* ^° ^'^^ ^^ Cannot but fpeake the thing which cftbtfftvannof wc have fcene and heard. Cod doethytithui n 8 So they thicitned them, and let them much good ibat ^^^ ^ j„ J fom, J nothing how to punilh them , be- d»a»,V!*dof ""'«= of. i*ie peop.'e : tor *lmtn prayieJGodfor seale doe at length btwfay tbemfelveiio h»ind.ed wicked rneo .•■ i Thewojd ufcd here.ii Jdiot.wbi.b being rpiiktniocompatifor hjd toa MagiHiate, buohenttb at private man, but wben ^rfjjtikr cf Iciencei and ftualiei, it ft^nilii-ib ooe ibai ii volearned : aod in accoinpt of honour and tftninion ii iirporfih oneol bafe dej;iee,and do ellination. k Layd (Oeir beajiicje'lier. a He ib.i^atie:eth himf^lle in ignu«aace,coiiiiiiethat length to roeopeo wicittdniB'e and batagainli biiownecoDlcieuce. ^ We mud foobey men novwboin wearefubie* , thatefpecullyaad before allthingi weeobey God. S So \iv: off are the wicked from doing whu ibey li ft , ihai contrar i /vife God ufctb even ih»i V) the Icciio; fotih ofhii {lofy, v.tikb be gi>csb tbtai lca\c to dtc. that Which was done. 21 For the man was above foturtie y ceres olde, » Tfc«Apoftirf on whom this miracle of healing was (hewed. communicate iheif 23 , Then ailoone as they wsre let goe , they corg™' "" came to their fellowes, and lliewed all that the hie ,o we ought nei- Piicrtsaad Elders had fayd unto them. tber to be afraid of 24 JO And when they heard it. they lift up their ''" 'i>r";niDgi of voyces to God with one accord , and laid . O Lord . th«'yerfooii'fn'i. thou art the God which kad made the heaven , and cootemne their the earth, the fea.and all things that are in them. rage and madoeOs ly Which by the mouth of thy lervant David «?^'°" "• • butw« haa fayd , * Why did the Gentiles rage , and the ,h",V°,„'f;°" people imagine vaine things ? malice, an eameit 16 The kings of the earth affembled, and the thinking upon the rulers came together againft the Lord, and againft Foveer an^ gooti hisChrift. ° " ^ Xhi'h'we'doe«. 27 For doubtleffe, againft thine holy Sonne le- nifeniy beboid in fus . whom thou haddeft anointed , both Herod and Chtift) and fo fiee Pontius rilate.with the Gentiles and the ' people of ■<"''« 7'' •"'^ f"":- Illael gathered themfelves together. T'pti^lT^"\ 28 To m doe whatfoever n thine hand ,and thy j ^lil^-i^ke counfell had determined before to be done. ptcfit cf'ifrad »« 29 And now, O Lord .behold ihtir threatnings, ''^""^' T'"''"''/' and graunt unto thy fervants with all boldneil'e to 'i'^euulTZtji fpeake thy word, „«,fc fJtC'J'iht 30 So that thou ftretch forth thine hand that irite,,titry ct^f healing ,and fignes .and wonders may be done by y''f'l"n.tje * pet' the Name ofthine holy Sonne lefus, m'Mtu7r'!ftf' 31 n And when they had prayed, the place was at ti,m'hm4n',"'n\' fliaken were they were affembled together , and trcui^/i/Jemi/fii they were all filled with the holy Ghoft, and they <^"^fiheit»it- fpake the word of God boldly. m rhrJickid'''*! 32 '» And the multitude of them thin chi- Cyprus, ritieonetowarda 3 7 where as he had land , fold it , and brought "°^" 'j^'f ''" the money, and layd it downe at the Apoftles feete. ,,u, deft Hoe both fiucerely, and condantly. o Thtj a^rctJ li>tk in coHnftU .tci'l AtiJ purptfts. J Clitp. a.^t- 13 Truccharitie beloeih the necclTiiieofthepeore with hilowaelulTe :bji; lb, that ail thin ji be dooe well aod orderly. CHAP. V. I xAntnidi f«r hii Jenit in kfipini hickf purl cf price, ff^teth JonntJtud, 10 andlik'vife Sipphir^ hii wift. i» ThreurhJi],irithe.y1pfJlltimir4dcfr 14 ihefuithis increafeJ. ' xi The i^piitlei that reirt Jmfri/tntJ, 19 .(r« Jtliliereihy an -yingtl, >6 andh.inv^ htfirt t'li Sjncde of the r,ie/,, IS thcm^h Cam^li.T, cvunfiU thej ar, k'pt atipe, 40 ttnd ttalin.- 41 Thij £hri/!*Corl. ■ gUt I acertainemannamed Ananias .with Sap- i Luke rijewttb by *~^ phira his wife, fold a polIefTlon, tomraryexamplM. 2 And 1 kept aw. \y part of the price . his wife h^^j^^f",' '' 7' ' alfo beir g of counfell . and brought a certaine part, ci^l'y iLWe'm ^\ k and layd it downe at the Apoftles feet. , whicb*nder a falfe 3 Then fiiyd Tcter , Ananias , why hath Satan pre'«n«and ooali fecme 10 Alio ewd be cbiefcji the Chinch. » Craf ijy tooke ivvV"'*' b hlied tying untotbcbolyGboft. Chap.V. To obey God rather then man, jo b filled thine heart, that thou n»■>»' of' . men doe ihtnfi iri!h an el'iH confaCfiee, fi oft the: fro. Kounce fentenct (tliinft ihemjeil'ti, and at much4s in then' l'tlh,proVoli_e Coitc.m'er,tscf fet furpo/e, min- tiing to trie vrhe- power?how is it that thou haft tJ conceived this thing in thine heart ? thou haft not lied unto men, but unto God. y Now when Ananias heard thefe vvordes , he fell downe.and gave up the j^hoft. Tlien great f^are came on all them that heard tnefe thinjis. 6 And the yong men rofeup.andtookehim up, aiid caried him out, and buried l.ir/i. 7 And it came to palVe about the fpace of three hourcs after, that his wife came in, ignorant of that which was done. i And Peter fayd unto her, Tell me.fold ye the land for fo much ? And (he faid , Yea, for fo much. 9 Then Peter faid unto her , VVhy have yee agreed together , to ^ tempt the Spirit of tiie Lord? behold , the feete of them which have buried thine husband ,are at the f doore.and fhall carie thee out. 10 Then fhe fell downe firaightway at his feet, and yeelded up the ghoft : and the yong men came in , and found her dead .and caried her ouc, and bu- ried her by her husband, I » And great feare came on all the Church, he be iuft end g^j q„ 35 f^any as heard thefe things nlmi^htieor f^Are at hind. marvel loui vertue biidelethfome. tbatchey may act hurt tbeCbufch: oiberfotne hee awe and fiare: ani other foine healiurethuaio bim. g Highir F"y''«'i 3 Toe more that ihe Church io- creiftih-themore incrcafeth the rage ^rea^mnu. »^ "j^'^^s by the haudcs of the Apoftlcs were a'^The'i.ord'by til many fignes and wonders ibewed among the peo- ple (and they were all with one accord in Salo- mons porch. I 3 And of the other durft no man ioyne him- felfe to them : nevertheleUe the people g magni- fied them, 14 Alfo the number ofthemthatbeleeved in the Lord , both of men and women, grew more and more) 1 J In fo much that they brought the ficke into the ftreetes , and laid them on beds and couches, that at the leaft way the ftiadow of Peter, when he came by, might Ihadow Tome of them, cf Satan, and there- j g There came alfo a multitude out of the ci- fc:e they proctede jjpj xoxm'^ about unto Hicrufalem .bringing ficke h° The word which fpirits, who werc all healed. ii uftd here.ii He- 1 7 J 3 Then the chiefe Prieft rofe up , and all rtfie, which figtiifi- ^^ jj^^^ ^^^g with him (which was the b feart> whereupon came tht naine of Here- far :goetb iiouod and wholeromedo- ftrine after fuch fort, that he (etteth ' Jightbytheiudge. cientofG.daotl continueth in hit opicion. and breaketh the peace of the Church. 4 Angeli are made fervant.of thefervaoH ot God. f God doeth therefore deliver hi. , tfcat tbey may ijiorettoutly provoke hiieoemiei. i Wordei , wheiiby jh« way u"« »« '« Wewed, e OotJ inotkethliii taemiei iuemftj frjm «b«ve. him , and called the Councill together , and all the Elders of the children of Ifrael . andfcnt to the pri- fon, to caufe them to be brought. 22 But when the officers came , and found them not in the prifon , they returned and told it. afrih the mad. nesofDiieDeiniei which ronfpire 23 Saying, Certainely we found the prifon fl^ut as fure as was poifible .and the keepers ftanding without , before the dobres : but when wee had opened, we found no rr ^n within. 24 Then when the cf/V/e PrieJLand thec^p- taine of the Temple, and the hie I'ri^s heard thc;e things , they doubted of them . whereunto this would gro we. 25- 7 Then came one and fl->.ewed theiii .fayirg. Behold , the men that ye put in prifon. are ftanding 1 "[^l^^^'^^^l in the Temple, and teach the people. v^t-je niejle't 2$ 3 Then went the captaine with the oncers, feife , the more and brought them wi:hout violence (for they fea- '— ' red the people , leaft they ftiould have bene ftoneJ.) ^^_^^ ^^ 27 And when they had brought them . they fc-t ^^jn^'b them before the Coun;;il .and the chiefe Prieft sTyraot. which asked them, f"'' ^ ot God , are zS 9 Say ing.Did not we ftraightly command you, "tiftr^noed to 1 ^' .< . • . •'^ ■' J. 1 ij fearehiifervami. that ye ll-.ouid not teach mtn is name ? and behold, ^ , ,.;bepro. ye have filled Hicrufalem with your dodtrine, and j^er.ii- oftyrxnu ye would k bring this mans blood upon us. to fet out their 29 10 Then Peter and the Apoftlesanfwered, ^'/^^'^^^t^and and faid , We ought iviiher to obey God then men, |^Xn!b'e?bey ne. .-jo " The * God (four fathers hath railed up verfo wicked, leliis whom ye flew, and hanged on a tree. k Maki <" ifHtie 31 Him hath God hft up with his right hand, '^j;;''^^^'^^^,^] to be a Prince and a Saviour , to give repentance to ^^j „,, i.^,^i,;urt Ifrael. and forgivenelVe of finnes. tomrne. 32 11 And we are his witnefl'es concerning thefe 10 we ou?hfo things which wee fay : yea .and the holy Ghoft, obeynoman.b« whom God hath given to them that obey nim. obeying tiin. wc 33 Now when they heard it, they I braft for an- mayobeyGod. ger, and confultedtollay them. " Chriftiiap*. 34 '3 Then ftood there up in the Councill a cer- l°'^'jll1^^l:^ taine Pharife named Gamaliel, a dodlour of the p*iaceaBdp-tre». Law, honoured of all the people , and commanded ver of hii Church to put the Apottles foorth a iitle fpace, "J "Ssfpite of "i* 3y And faid unto them , Men of Ifrael , take '""'"• heede to your felves , what ye intend to doe tou- , ^ {.'ii 'ootfuK- ching thefe men, cientforasthat 36 It For beforethefe times , rofe up Theudas there isa Hgfet "> boafting himfclfe, to whom referred a number 'J^^'^''^^^^^^ of men , about a foure hundreth , who was liain^ vocation goe , which if taken ^jje chiefe I'ricft Came , and they that' were with loycm, and they all which obeyed him were icatceied , and on foiward till ws brought to nought. comeutiion. 37 After thisman.arofeupIudasofGaWe,inlJ^'';'b--^^^^ the dayes of the tribute , and drew away much peo- , ^^^ vehement Ele after him : he alfo perilhed , and all that obeyed ,age,and .narvei. im, were fcattered abroad. '°"1v difquieteJ 38 And now I fay unto you n Refraine your ■■' -:w;d ki'tlde felves from thefe men , and let them alone : tor n offpeechtaken this counfell ,or this worke be of omen . it will from them wbicb come to nought : are harrifhlycut 3 9 But itit be of God. ye cannot deftroy it.Ieaft •;^"^2" '^"'' ye be found even fighters againft God. 13 chrfftfiadeth 40 And to him they agreed, andcalled the A- defender, of hi» poftles: and when they had beaten them .they caufe even in the comnianded that they Ihould not fpeake in the ;^7^;°,';7„°^ff,', Name of lefus, and let them goe. _ he ihinketh ie 41 IS So they departed from the Councill , re- needefull. .that they were counted worthy tofuffcr 14 inraattenof rebuke for his Name, religion we mull 41 Anddayly inthepTemple .andfromhoufe Jta' we°attemrt to houfc tbey ceafed not to teach, and preach lefus nothing vndera Chrift. befideour'v'oct'tioo; ID Tobeoffoinefaire. n KedilfAailethhii fellowei from murdering the Apolile,. nei. her doeth bethinke it good to refeiie the matte* to theRomaue Magiftrate, for the lewe, could abide nothijigworfe , then to have the tyrannic of the Romaneiconfiime J. o Ifithecouotetfeitauddcvifed. i! Tne ApolMe,, accultoroed tofulfcr and beart veordu, are at length inuied lobeare llrifei, yetfo, ibai by that luMBtt they be-ome ftienjer. P Bo\b tiublikely and piivately. 'ogg. CHAP. Paifc wimeflesflgainft Steven hitbaffailrd'.he Cti;tch vsithouti andihittofinill purpofr aod in VJine.fcc.ir.il.th it wrhio.vvi'h'i- villdilTe'ltotiaod flrifcbfiwiit thfmrtlvti : but o^tifioo ibrttby zaUivuUt ia tbe a Ofibfirr^'tM wliicbofGitclani became Kligioui ItWH- {. /, tif tfflcvrixg ef jlmei ■leefriiing a Tbf office of preicningthe > and CHAP. VI. 3 tffcrnf ih tfficecf VUtinf^if,' 1 (j/«W» Ofvf'om Sirl"-. full effajti,, 'lent i » Hc .Uf """ ■ iiial^en, ij < AND I in thofe dayes. is the number of the dif- ^ ciples gfe.V , there arofc a murmuring of the a Grecians towardes the Hebrewcs .becaufe their widosves were negleiteci in the l^ dayiy miniftring. 1 » Then the twelve called the multitude of the difciplex together . and i'lid , It is not c meete that we Qiouldleavethe wordof Godtofervethe i tables. 3 vj Wherefore brethren , looke .you out a- mong yoQ feven men ofhoneft report .and full of the holy Ghoft . and of wifedome , which we may appoint to this bulineile. 4 And wee will p;ive our felves continually t» prayer, and totheminJftiationofthe word. y And the faying pleaied the whole rnultitude: and they chofe Steven a man ^11 of faith andof the holy Ghoft , and * Thilip . and Prochorus.and Nicanor , and Timon, and Parmeuas, and Nicolas a Profelyte of Anriochia. 6 ♦ Which they fet before the Apoftles ;and they pfayed.ande layed their hands on them. """"••---:-- J 7 r And the wordof Godincreafed .andthe *ftrb«'°a"be'' number of the difciplcs was multiplied in Hieru- falem greatly .and a great company of thePriefls were obedient to the f faith. 8 J « Now Steven full of faith and g power, did great wonders and miracles among tbe people. 9 7 Then there arofe certaine ofthe ^ Syna- gogue, which are called LJbertines.and Cyrenians, and of Alexandria , and of themof Cilicia ,andof Afia, anddif'puted with Steven. 10 8 But they were not able to refift the wife- dome, and the fpirit by the which he fpake. 1 1 Then they fuborned men, which fayd , We have heard him fpeake blafphemous words agaiuft Mofes.and God. 12 9 Thus they mooved the people and the J. ^j. Elders , and the Scribes : and running uponhim, L °con° 'and mucl. caught him.and brought him to the Council!. 13 >e And fet foorthfaliewitneffes .which laid. This m.in ceafeth not to Ipeake blafphemous wordsagainftthis holy place, and the Law. 14 For we have heard him (ay , that this lefus of Nazareth fliall dcfiroy this place,and ihall change the ordinances which Moles gave us, I)- And as all that fate in the Councill looked ftedfaftly on him, they i hv/bishceasiPhadbcne thefaceofan Angel. The A Mefopora- pofohatvndCT mia, before he dwelt in Charran, adoake.andco. 3 And faid unto him . Come out of thy coun. m"gh°be mo, trey , and from thy kindred, and cqme into the land demned. which I fliall (hew thee. » Ste««ii v9ii 4 Then came he out ofthe land ofthe Chal- "Oiib unto .he indiiute : And the AlH'ftleidoenot chufefoinuchai the DeJco»i v«iih- out the confeot cftbe Chutcb. c It IS fu. ha mat' icr.ii vet may in nc tvifi dccept c/it. d Ednnutiithmtii kU,,*rayer»andbl.(1iaj>),3iap[,fjretb Gene jj. andthe Church obferved tbii ceremonie, j.Tim.J.Ji aftejS i7.butbereii no mention madeeithttofcreJme,or(h«vinn,ot rai. fing.orcrofBug Sec. j An happieendof tunptation. fTbuit the figure Meionyniia, eofibeGsfpell vshichengendreih faiib. « Godexttci. meaning by faith, the dodr deans . and dwelt in Charran. lewei. ^baihee feth hi»Church ft/ft with eviltwnrdei and rtianden , then with imptifonmeati afttt- vvard with Icour^ingi, and by tbefemeaneiptepareih it in fucb fort , that at length bee cjufetbli to encounter with Satan and thewoild .even tnbloodlheadand d«ih. andihaiwithgoodfiicceire. g Excellent and finjular gif:ei. 7 Schooler and ▼oiuerfitiei were of olde time addiAcH tofalfepalloun .and weretbe ioftrumenti of Satan to blowe abroad and defend falfedoftvlnM. h Ofthe company and Colledgraiitvtere. 8 Falfe leachrt., becaufethev will Botbet^v«Iconle .Bee from difputationi tomtolfeftandopeonaundringand fjifeacciifationi. 9 The firll bloody perfecution of the Church ot Chnft bctunne and fprang from a Councill of PrieHibylhefuggtllion ofthe VniuetfiticdoAnuri. i» An example of cavilleta •r falfe accufer*, wbtcb gather falfe conclutioni of thiogitbat are well vHered and f poken. I Hereby it appeareih that Steven bad an excellent and i;oodlycountenance, iiavingaqui*iand fetled minde ,agoodcon(eience , and fure veffwafion ihatbiB caufe fMiiuH: lur feeing he wai to fpeake beforetheptpple.Ood beautified hii countenance. ILj*"!^^ '*'*' "■''"''* ^"^ '"'"''<''''« °"''™'''»«'««tim!odcwmghi be pureed . . .Charra". Andafterthathisfa-iZ^i^redgnh ther was dead, G«4 brought him from thence into thetrut fathen, this land, wherein ye now dwell, and the onely true f And he gave him none inheritance in it , no ^od: and (beweth not the bredth of afoote :yet he<*promifedthat 2°''7tl'mot'e he would give it to hirofora poffc-fijoa , and to his ancient the«the- feede after him.when as yet he had nochilde. Temple, with «1I; 6 But God fpake thus . that his $ feede flwuld '^'' ^"f'^T be a foiourner in a ftrange land : and that they i^^"a„d'ihere. (hould keepe it in bondage , and entreate it eviU fore they ought t« « foure hundreth yeeres. layaaotberfouo- 7 But the nation to whom they (hall be in bon- ^"^°° "' "^' '** .dage , will I iudge, faith God : and after that . thty gXtee c "e. (hall come forth and ferve me in this place. Daot that God 8 * He gave him alfo the covenant of circum- made with the fs. rifion : and k) ^brahum begate k Ifaac , and cir- 'I*"- ^^ ^ cumcifed him the eighth day : and Ifaac begate jTha'tmighMi ♦ lacob, and lacob the twelve * Patriarkes. God full of glory 9 3 AndthePatriarkesmoovcd with envie.fold and maieflie. <• lofeph into Egypt : but God was f with hi 10 And delivered him out of all his afHiftions, b when he faith afterward verf.4« and S gavehira g favourandwifdome in the fight came out of Cha!.] of Pharao king of Egypt, who made him governout ;«/. J, I. I SorvheciHtth tkt icnneof. oJ en ^n^el/tr hr it the^>!iet tfitiM counceS, and there- for t/lrahhrvjfes 4tffer heffieiveth j fts, I amiha^Ccd cfitj F*'htrj,(yc. tn By the pen er. ;^ Exed.7,i, 9,10. l,,i^..hap:rr,. • Exvd. 16,1. i Hc^ckaov^!lf.^- sethM. fcs 101 .ti« he ptoovtib by be Law h-d ptrfrtt I IDg.l popUt.callct- ^.toChiilt, thir head Jofall Proi'btt.. .f Duter.ii.i;. thap.i »i. ( t Bxcd.i$,», 1 8 Till another King arofe , which knew not lofeph. I 9 The fame > dealt fubtilly with our kindred, and evill intreated our fathers , and made them to caft out their yong children , that they ihould not temaine alive. 20 * The fame time was Mofes borne.and was k acceptable vnto God : which was nourilhed up in his fathers houle tferee moneths. 2 1 And when he was caft out, Pharaohs daugh- ter tooke him up , and nourilheth hira for her owne fonne. ^^ And Mofes was learned in all the wifedome of the Egyptians , and was mighty in words and in deedes. 23 Now when hee wasfullfortie yeereold, it came into his heart to vilithisLirethtcn.thechil. drenof ifrael. 24 J And when he faw one of them fuffer wrong, he defended him, and avenged his quareil th.it had the harme done to hitn.and Iraote ih.. Egyptian. 2j For hec fiippofed his brethren \^ould have vndeiftoode , that God by h;s hand ihouid give them deiiveranc* : but they vndcittoodit nut. 26 ♦ And the next day ,hc llie weii hirafelfc un- to them as ihey Itrove.and would have let them at one againe , faying , S its, yee are brethren : why doe ye wrong one to .nether ? 27 But he that did h's neighbour wrong , thrnft him away , fay ing . VVhu made thee a prince , and a iudgeoufft us > 28 Wilt thou kill tne , as thou didii the Egyp- tijn yefterday ? 29 Then fled Mofes atthat faying , and was a flranger in the land of Median ,«heie hec begate two lonnes. 30 And when fortie yeeres were expired, there appeared to hmiiith- nliJcr it , the voyceofthe Lordcime un^o him fyiig. 31 I am the God of thy l^.thers ,theood of A- brai=iam , and the God of lUac , and the Gi.d of la- cob. Then Moles trembled, and duill not behoid it, 53 Then the L^-rd f yde tohim , Tut oii thy llioocs from ihy fecte : for the place where thon ftandeft, is holy gn.und. 34 I have lecne , I have feene the affliction of my people, which is in Egypt, & I have he.itd their gronieg , and am come downe to deliver ihcm; and now come, and I will fend thee,into Egypt. 3 J This Moics whom they forfockc .Lying, Who maiie thee a prince and aiudge > the liame God li;nt forapiince.anda de.iverer by the m hand of the Angel which appeated to him in the buih. 36 He ^ brought them out , doing wonders, and miracles in the land of Egypt , and in the red fen.and inthewiidernefle * fortie yeeres. 37 4 This is that Mofes, which laid unto the children of Ifrael , * A Prophet Ihall the Lord your God raife up unto you.evtn of your bre- thren, like unto me ; him fnail ye heare. 38 $ This is he that was in the Congregation, in the wildemelfe with the Angel , which ip..ke to him in m.ountSina , and wich our fathers , who re- ceived the lively oracks to give unto us. 39 To whom our fathers would not obey , but refufed, nnd in their hearts turned backeagaiae into Egypt; Chap. ?ij. God dwelleth not in Temples, jr 40 Saying unto Aaron, r Make us gods that 4- Eipd.^i,,. fore us : for we know not what is be- " ^I"' '*^* ttc fu- may goe be: come of this Mofes thatbrou|.ht us out of theland of Egypt ' ?'' M jftht E. It.aniidcNi.it: . , I . ,1 ,r ■ , ^ , . ^" '*"> wo'Ihicfed 41 And tneymadeancaltein thc^edayes , and Apuaftrangtand offered facrifice unto the idole, and^oyced in the m^'vcilouscaife, wot ks of their owne hands. .""* """^f '^""^'^ 4z Then God turned himfelfe away.and o gave H'^md'^ib 1°^' them up tofervethe phoaltof heaven, as itii writ- o Bcingddtuute ten in the booke of the Prophets ,§0 h. ufcof If- '"'' voydoftisSpi- rael , have ye offred to me (lame bealis & facrihces "' i" ^"^''"'ViS by the fpace of fortie yeeres in the wildernefle ? luit.^o «rr.r.p 43 And ye q tooke up the Tabernacle of Mo- ft»rrei loch, and the ftarre of your god Remphan, figures P ythfho«(l«of which ye made to woi(b.ip them : therefore I will """f"-^"^^' cary you away beyond Babylon. AD^X.buMh * 44 f Our fitheis had the Tabernacle of ' wit- moor.taudfut nefle in the wildernclie , as he had appointed, fpea- and otter ftairef. king unto * Mofes , that he (liouldraake it accor- Dtut.17 3. ding to the falhion that h- bad feene. | ycT.'olkVi 4j- + Which faifWitf/e alfo our fathers ("recei- onyourfhoulderi ved.andbroughtin wiih lefus into the t polfeffion andcarifd of the Gentiles , which God diave out » before our ' *^"^" "^"^ fathers, unto the dayes of David : ^^I'^'z ,ba.^«"'t<. a6 a- Who found favour before God, and de- callVem batkcto filed [hat he might finda tabernacle for the God of >ha' a>t.nt whxh lacob. ^' '>*'' '^''"'f "*» 47 *« But Salomon built him an houfe, ' r iblTis,"'" *he 48' Howbeit the moft High « dwelleth not in covco"ant.' temples made with hands, as (aith the Prophet, * E" ^- «;•♦»• 49 4( Heaven is my throne, and earth « my '"'"^?>_^" footftoole : what houle will ye built for me , faith ^cVlivt-'d'frotn the Lord ? or what place is it that I Iboiild reft in ? hand to'hand. yo Hath nor mine hand made ail thefe things : [J^^J ,b "t"e"'° yi ♦ 7 Ve ftifienecked.nnd of X uncircun-ciied tTun'u't. which tbe hearts and e.ires . ye have alwayes relifted the holy Cotiie. poireffcd. Ghoft: as your fathers rf/i/ f)d drauethem yi Which of th- fiopheis have not your fa thers perfecuted?andtliey have llaine them, which ('on^fVbo?^ (hewed before of the comming of that luft , of >'""> o"' fajttr., whom ye are now the betr.^yers .I'nd murtherers, *'"" ''''1' ""*^ 5 3 » Which have received the law by the y or- 'I" ''^'"'l",, dinancc of Angels, and have not kept it. pfai'ijif. 54 s Km ^vhen they heard thefe things, their + 1 Chto.i7.i». he rs l^ralt for anger, and they gnached at him '••<'"«*<>• %vithrfc«>t-eth. T.m l.Tccordir y y 9 But he being full of the holy Ghoft , loo- ,o'Grd''com!naDd«. ked ftedf-|~Iy into heaven , and faw the glory of inrai bm not wi:h Go.',andIeluszftandingattbe ti-ht hand of God, any fu bconditioo. 5 6 And (aid . Behold . I fee the heavens open . ^.^'^ ;|,o!ltd b"io. and the Sonne of man ftanding at the right hand ciofed "herein. of God. 4, Chap. 17,14. y7 'o Then they gave a fnout with a loud J ^^" *«'■• voyce,and flopped their eaces. and » ranneupon * Vjv.n t,"ove'd ' him violcnrly aliat once. viita"be'zeaieof y8 And caft him out of the cuie , and ftoned Godatiengib him : and the b witneifes laid downe their cloathes ["'^k'^'^ bit cwne at a yong mans feet, named Saul. x"^TbI are ofvn- J9 And they (toned Steven . who called on circuinc"'d°blartf, vvbicfa lie drowned ftill iHthelinneiof u.iture.and flicke ftli in them.for otberwife all tht lewtswerecir- cumcilcd 31 touching y flf(h, and thtrtfoie there wereiwo kindi ofcucumcilioD Rom. a.iS. X fciod.i 9 i(S.galai.3, 19 7 By theminilttrieot Aijgeli. 8 Toeroorc Satan iiprtOVd, the mere hetbralteibom into an open taje 9 Thcocercr ibat iheMirtyrI :hty beholding Cbi lit. 10 life up even into heavtn. im.ioThe ng;h into mod open the lewei could pirt ngtbat it wai not lawfuil poriedby lof. libr.io. that Ana. bey (hould be pf Oef. )dea.h.ihente 2 Ready locoiihime him in ihe coofilTioDOl ihr irutr.&to receive bi 2eale of hyioctitei and fuierlti-ious peojle , breaketh ou madnelfe. a, This W3i done in a rage and lutie : fur a. that no man to death by Law , at they confelie ttkire J for ihfm to put any niao to deain,and therefore it i Dui a Sadduce Hew l3nu» the brotoeiof the Loid.and'forfo doing, wa» acciifed before AlbiDUi the rrendentofthecoantrey. b It wai appointed oy ih«I. aw • thai the «titaeU<> (hou[dcait the lint none;, Deut ij,y. GSgi ' G,d, Of Simon Maaus. The A^es. Philip, and the Eunuch. II Fii'.hjndchi- G»<< .and fay d, Lord lefus receive my fp'rit. lititntvc. fotuke ^-j ,, AnJ he kneeled dowue, and ci-ieil with a 'JTGoT.r.iw '^^''l voyce.Lord, = lay not this finRe to their rfitUft'b.e.ih. charge. Ani when he had tti.is fpoken.he i flept. c 1 hi irtrd irhich , hi ufitl, Uerl mitth cuffuci, .1 ^-.rfoJitUp-H'J^fr Uynf^ to cnt, cijr^'t.t! rcm^inDh ■' CHAP. VUI. » The £fJlj r»itk.t Umcntatinnfor Sie^ien. 3 S aul m.ik^eth h.t- i>Ki^« e/iie Church- ; Philip fre.tchtili Chrij} at Sam-nij. 9 .Simon M4i«s, zi his cclisivufiejl rti-rci-til. teVhUip 17 Vo.M the •ni;i3ny of 15 Saying, Give me alio this power .that on Ai^iHi't, ai:d lotu bifomi'aninn acenrrliTg to the .luiboritie ^hich wai coTiritrid mio thetr , ttjuftmir and hwild u? thi CbMrthei cfSaniaiia, fch.ifi- foundation ha.i bene Ijyd .ifoie by rh: I. [1. yr them ih.ti yvtrt fo he app:i-i!eili :iit i anil 'aciierncuri ufthe 'urc'i. t Ambitloo « id c jvetaufse.Tc doe at leog-.b j iuck ihe liyi>ocritei out of whomfoev'er L lay the hands \ hee ir.ay receive 'he 20 9 Then faid Peter unto him ,Thy money 'ucctir!ur»ofSi- perifh wi:h thee , becaufe thou thinkeft that the moa Magus.and gift of Gotl may be obtained with money. ""^ of s mos Pe- 21 Thou halt neither part nor fellowflip '" "u\'Tr''iei'lLow' this e buiinell'e : for thine heart is not flight in the ja.V.g,. ' lightofGod, e loibitdcatioe 2Z >o Rapent therefore of this ihy wickednes, ^'"''> i Fi"cb. and ptay God . that if it be poffible . the thought ,*■ '' '"'7'''' ^ '';•"' r I'-'i , r ■ '■ t " deed, and vMihout or thine heart may be iorgiven thee. diifembiing. 2j Fori fee that thou, <.rt in the g gall of bitter, lo wemuiihope neiVe, and m the h bond of iniquitie. w'li even of tee 14 Then anfweied Sirron. and faid , Pray ye to """ ""TV '?. lVit 1 ri-i- I ' \ loijg and lo taiie the Lord torme ,rhat none orthele things which fufoaivvemay. ye have fpoken come upon me. g He taUetb the 25- S So they , when they had teftTned & proa- '">^*"i niaiiceof ched the woid of the Lord .returned to Hierula- '"^^ ''";'• "Vd.'Ji. 1 J L 1 i_ « r ,1 • , venimous ind devi« lem , ana preached the Gofpell in many townes or ij.i, y,icktdn >i Tb-feibingi 35" Then Philip opened Ins mouth . and began ,'^'^^'„''^["'7h"'„"^e at the fame Scripture, and preached unto him lelus. „" ""„„/ 'as"""!!! 36 And as they went on their way , they came termeu) arego- unto acertaine water , and the Eunuch f.iyd. See, 'vetoed bytheiec* here is w.iter, whst doeth let me to be baptized > iTovidence of God. 37 >3 And Philip fayd unto hiTi.If thou belee- * r.,feHVbJew lext veft with all thine heart , thou mayeft. Then he an- ,esd«b it thui, oat fweied ,andf'.vd,n 1 belecve that th.tt lefus Chrilt o'a narrow iiran. is that Sonne of God . m\°"'°!bfjil,v 38 Then hee commanded the charet toftand ^^".bytbeMrrow flill : and they went downe both into the water, itt ait, bemeaueb both Philip and the Eunuch, and he baptizrd him. tb' g"" and the 39 And aflbone as they were come up out of ^"y^;^"'^'^'^ ''"'''' the water . the Spirit of the Lord caught away Phi- ,t pu,I.Ihn!luT""' lip . that the Eunuch faw him no more : fo he went which wa< i^yd on his way rcioycing. uj'o.i him, and the ' n.u'eriblclUte which Cbrift tooke ui'on him, for our faket, in bearioqbii Fathen wrath m Hou» long hfj age fliall lail : for Cbtift having oncerifec tromtbe dead dieto nor.iate.RuinO 6.9- 13 Prof.llicnof faith iiricjufttr in baptizingnf ibeni which are of yeeie* , anJ therefore it ii evident that weatenot then fitlttngtafiid iutoChriH.wben we art bap- tiird liut bei^g already ingralftd are then toDtirined. n Thefumioeof :hetoofiffi«n wbic^ il oeceUUiy fk;i baf (tfme. 40 But Cbrift perfecntei. Saul Chap, 40 But Philip was found at Azotws i and hee walked to and fro preaching in all the cities , till hecametoCefarea. CHAT. IX. frcundoftUe Lord: 10 ^naniiiufent li tc bAfti2.e h!m. 13 The Uyin^ array nflhe lewis, x; hee efi.ipeth,hem^ Ut dfVnetUrci'gh lie vetU. 3J Teiercareth tenets 0/ ihef^lfte, 3« and iy him Ttttith4 Leiniileud, ^o it i-efhred to life. I s«ul .'who ;« alio * Mfi I ^ Saul yet a breathing out threatnings and Ch"in moft c"ud. flaiighter againft the difciples of the Lofd,went ly.whodid ai it UHto the hie Prieft, wttc flee before j And dcfired cf him letters to Damadus to ^'.™'f»''"'"°'^° the Synagogues, that if he found any that were of ovnc^ne':Tad«i.h that t' way ', (either men or women) hee might a fingular example bring them bound unto Hictulalem. of the goodaeifc j fjow as he iourneyed , it came to paffe that ofGod.infteadeof ^^ j^gg ^^,_^j ^^j^g neerc tii) Damafcus , J liiddenly he'iuiHyd"'''"^*'^ '^^ flamed round about him a light from for his ctueltie , i» heavCP, not only received 4 And he fell to the earth , and heard a voyce I"ft.™eTb'"tb« ^^>''"8 to hira , Saul . Saul . why perfecutcft thou ffiou!hrfGldap. mec? ,. ^., , . , T J A 4U poiDted an Apo- jT And He laid , Who art thou , Lord ? And the lile.acd isconfit- Lord faid , I am lefus whom thou perlecutell : it is ined by the m-iBu <. j^^^j.^ f^^. ^^^^ ^^ ^-^^^^ againft ptickes. of Ana" a.'' 6 He r;;f« both trembling and aftonied.fnid. « Kom.9.3. Lord, what wilt thou that I doe ? And the Lord galat 1.13. faid unto him , Arifcs.Tndgoe into the citie, and it "h ^^Sau"ftom«ke ^^^^^ ^'^ ^^'^^ ^^^^ ^''^' ''''^" '^^^'^ '^'^^'^ boyledandeaitout 7 The men alfo which youmcycd with him, gieattbrearningi ^ ftood amafcd , hearing Lis " voyce , but feeing no toitiHrderihedif- man. «^'P'"- j.|.(.^ 8 And Saul arofe from thegrounJ , andope- which a "aD-akt'ih ned his eyes , but fawe no man. Then led they him himfehe uoto.ihe by the hand, and brought him into Daraalcus, irweicailaway. j> Where hee w^s three dayes without iight, * Chap.2i.6. andVieithtratenordrankc. cTh/si'ia'provtrfae ^o And there was a certaJHe difciple at Da- vitichiifpokenof mafcus named Ananias , and to him faid the Lord them that thrt.uBh jn g vifioH , Ananias And hee fdid, Behold, lam fjl'vei "" ' *"" ' ' Then the Lord faid unto him, Arife.snd go d Stood dill anJ into the ftreete which is called Straight , and leeke could o..t go- oue in [he houR- of ludas after one called Saul of fttpfoi ward but f -j-jj-iiis ; for behold, he prayeth. thev bad bene very '^ ( And he (aw m a vilion a nwn named Ana- ftonu. nias comming in to lira , ar.d putting his hands on e Tley heard rau]» him that he nightreccive his iight.) voyce r fc rafter- ^ ^ Then Anani s anfvvL'red.Lord.I haveheard fll" ring"th« "* ^y ™'^"y of this man , huw much evill he hath done they hraid not bii to thy S<.in;s at Hienilalem, .Toyce thitfpakf.-j ,4 Moreover here hee hath authoritie of the '?'"Bn!'oth«' oe ^"^ Triefts/o binde all that call on thy Name, ihou! tofet'tb"fe°* ' 5 Then the Lord ftid unto him.Goc thy way: places at one which for he is a g choicn vefllll unto mee , to bcare my feemeiobeata Name befoic the Gentiles, and Kings, and the "'"it°?b"'th''"°"' children of Ifrael. "ea^tafcald ofa ^^ For I will '' flicw him, how many things he voyce.but no fer- muft fuflet for my Names fake, fitvo;, ce. 1 y Then Ananias went his way , and entred in- *"fcTllcL'"n.«e™'!'^° ' ^^^^ houfe.and put his handes onhim , and to At:c'hiala,'wb"°h f^-'^'^ > Brother Saul , the Lord hath fentmec (evtn tua ciciciSardana. Icfrs that appeared unto thee in the way as thou pjiui ii (aid to have camel}) that thou mighteft receive thy fight , and ''""oLTem'"' ^'^ ^'''^"^ wiihihe holy Ghoft. * Dam° in!'""" ' ^ ^^'^ immcdiatly there fell from his eyes as ^ h I wii'l fcew him it had bene fcales ■ and fuddendy he received light, pUinely sndarofe.and was baptized, i intoiudaibii ^^ And receivedtrxate, and was flrepgthened. ix. conveftcd, preacheth Chrift, j2 So was Saul cenaine dayes with the difciples which were at I^amafcus. JO a And ftaightway hee preached Chi id in the Synagi;gues,that Itf was that Sonne of Goii. * ^'"' begioneth 21 So that all thatteard him were amafed , and el^u.er/cffice faid , Is no this hee , that made i^ocke of them which w«scnioy, which called on this Name in Hierulalera, and came ntdfeim,ntver hither for that intent , that he fliouki brino; them '°?,^"'"j?.,'^''i'' bound unto tl-ie hie Priefts ? 3 Taui ftriv °,b' 12 3 But Saul eticreafcJ the more in ftrength, uotwirhhii..wi.(? and confounded the lewes which dwelt at Da- auth-ri.iea'oor, mafcus, * conhrrairg that this was that ChriiV *"' with the triti. 23 4 And after that many dayes were fJ^illed, iTf""!,"" ' * the lewes tooke counfell ro kill him, k By conferring 24 Hut their laying awaite was knowen of p'a«j ofihe Scrip- Saul : now they 4. watched the sates day and "'"?°8'"''";*t- night, that they tnight kill him. ;. \ drXTbtf"" 2y J Then the di;Cip!es tooke him by night, Make upanythiog, and put him through the wall , and let him aowne they ufeto gather by a rope in a basket. all pant together, 26 s And when Saul was come to Hierufalem,fi^IJ"J.^."^°|l" hee aflayed to ioyne himfelfe with the difciples : other. but they were all afraid of him , and beleeved hoc 4 raulwhowan that he was a difciple. '"■'^°"' ^ F"'«'"»- 27 But Barnabas tooke hira . and brought him '^^ "°J^"' to the Apoftles , and declared to them , how he had r^,e himfelfe- bxt feene the Lord in the way , and that he had fpoken yet a farre off. unto him .and how he had fpoken boldly at Da- *"' » Cot'i.ji. mafcus in the Name of lefus. biddla'" vli'dT 28 7 And .hee was converfant 1 withthemat aadcfchewthe Hierufalem. dangevsandcoo- 19 And fpake boldly in the Name of the Lotd ''p'"'^'" '^« ''■« lefus .and fpake and dilputedagainlt the m Greci- uyTor u° fc°h»t ans ; but they went about to flay hira. wer r^aive net 30 s But when the brethren kneweit.they from our vocation, brought him to Cefarea.and feat him foorth to * i" ancient Tarfus. 'aQ-y'o'rTi\TiT 31 9 Then had the Chuisbes reft through all recei!ed'into the Iuilea,and Galile.and Samiaria.and were u tdi- numbetafand hcd , and walked in the feare of the Lord , and a'r">n?t ''^'""'1!.* were multiplied ry the comfort of the holy °i'£t"?aitrr ' Ghoft. y Theccnftaat 32 '"And it came ro paffe ,as Peter walked fetvanLsof goJ throughout all <7rMrffrx, hecamealfo to the iaincs muiHookefor which dwelt at LycKia. ''^"S" '/"/''T.^h, , . 1 u ' 1 r 1 • , ser:yei God vsaich. 33 And there he lound a certaine man named j;h for them. Aeneas , which had kept his couch eight yecics, I WitbPeieraod and was litkeof the pailie. ii.nej.fcrte faith 34 Then faid Petet unto him . Aeneas . lefus ^f''i,^/A'rilUs"hut Chrift maketh thee whole : arife and trulle thy ,hein'Gal°i, iS.is- couch togeiher. AnJhearofeimmediatly. m LookeChap.«.i. 3y And .nil ihu dwelt at o Lydda and Saron, STceminiiters faw him , and turned to the Lord. °l ''" ^'°'!* '",^J„ . „, ,r. ■ chanse their place, 36 "There was alto at loppaa certaine x«i'9- byibeadvifraod miw , a difciple named Tabitha , (which by inter- touoftil of the pietation is called Dorcas) Ihee was full of good congregation aud workes and almes which (lie did. ^'"jhe end of p«. 37 And it came to paffe in thofe dayes .that f'cutionittbe (lie was ficke and died : and when they hadwa- buidingofihe Ihedher, they laid her in an vpper chamber. ciur.h .fothai vt« 3 8 Now torafmuch as Lydda was neere to lop- wiU patiemly wait pa , and the difciples had heard that Peter waSj^ This isa b'orro- there.they Cent unto him two men .deliring that wedkindoffp«'-b, he would not delay to come unto them, w''''^'' iigmfie.h elUblilhmeotaiMi increafe. I Peteri Apoftleftiip i« conf nred by healingoftbemao tbatwaifickeofthe palfie. o lydda vvaj a citie of PaleC.ioe.aud S;roaaCham| ioncoiintrey and a placeof good paflurJge bf(wecne Cefarea of Pa'tiline and the mouBtsine Tabor , and the lake of Cenfiatetb which ex:endeth iifelfe in great length beyond lopja. ji rtitrdech- letb fvidrotly by rsi/ing up a dead body through tbeNa-ine ofCbtift;ibathepte.itij«h tbe glad tiding) uf life, G g g 4 39 Tken The dead raifed. Peters vifion The A alfi h " >"/J«> 1 f. »o " '''<'l>'' "" " •''• fpi/i the Crniilti. 34 Hf prctcheih the C^ftll la Corntlias anJhukuJh.ld. 4J Whuh^lingreceiiiedihtheiyChcfi. <7 uretafiUeJ. ■p Urthermote ' there was a certaine man in Ce- ^ farea called C( called the Inlian Otttid^ 1 A a devout man , and one that feared God with b all his houll-iold, which gave much almes to the people, and prayed G.'d continually. 3 He law in a vifion evidently (about the ninth houre of the day) an Ang.'il ot God comrainj; in come up into » r ye"ht kn"w 'O him. and laying unto him, Cornchus, not that he wa» 4 Hut when he looked on him , he was afrayd, conw. andfdiJ , cvvhatisit. Lord ?andhefaiduntohim, b Thii ii a grMt .j-j, -r^yeis and thine almes are ihii nan that he ' r(.merr.brance oetore God. lahouredtohavcall J Now therefore fend men to loppa , and call hit houfhold and for Simon, whofejurname is I'eter. ■rulmtln« J*,,' be ^ He lodgeth'^th one S imon a Tanner, whofe Kli"o«wDd godly, houle is by the tea fide : hee flwll tell thee what c WhatvMlirhcu thou oughteft to doe. vtiihme,Lo.d?for -, y^pj ^hen the Angel which fpake unto toiiV^e'' ""' Cornelius . was departed , he cilled two of his fer- d Thi. ii a borowed vants , and a ("oulditr that feared God , one of them kindof fv>itcb, that waited on him, whicl ,hen-brewti g ^^y^ joidg jhem all things ,and fent them to ale very miicb. ta- •, *=■ k.n.rL.fac,ifi«„ I'^ppa. aKdajiiiiiediopray. 9 On the morow as they went on their lour- «ri : font i»faid of nev , and drew neere unto the citic , I'eter went up wholrbutn, facri- up^,, ^l^^ houle to pray about the lixr houre. I O Then waxc-d he an hundred, and would have ficei ..battt'efinnke • ^ih ut'intoGodi eaten ; but wliile they made yiwf rl.;«greadie ,he ,arel.:fodoeour " •' " , .jyrn ai a r and was led downe of the earth. I 2 Wherein were h all maner of • foure footed beaftcs of the earth , and wilde beaftts and" k tree- ping things, and foules of the heaven. 1 3 And there came a voyce to him , Arife, Pe- ter : kill, anJeste. 14 » Rut Peter faid,Notfo,Lord : fori have ne- ujfci do«, wi:b IkIc children, when ilipy fMnwibeiriohguei 10 f.,eak». f For ihcugh Peter ftand not amiftd as one ihat ii toufueiyed . bui talkrtb witb God ,and is inltiufted inhiimy flerici, y»t bi) inindt v»a» fairr o:bi-t«n<<- thru it «a« wiintto be. butdiorly returned to ills oldf bent g So ibat u fecinrd to lir a fciiri- fquarcdieete. h Heieiitbn word , All) wh'ch MRcrerall jlainely p.-i: tot an ind-hnite and vncertaine ,ihai ii to fay foffnmeofallfottinot f.iall of evrrv lorr . i That ii, lucB ai were mttte for maDSiyfe. k Wbai itiiieani i^ ihefe'cteei,!- j -ningt I,o<*e r.nit ii- a Peter pto- iiretb dayly in the kaowledge of tbebeoebiut ChrtI) ,yea .aficiibactic kadieccivcd tiMbciyCboa. ver eaten any thing that is polluted, or vncleane. If And the voyce fpake vnto him a<;;aine the fecond time, The things that God hath' purified, 1 pollute thou not. 16 This was fo done thrife : and the veffell wr.s drawcn up againe into heaven. 1 7 I Nowe while Peter doubted inhimfelfe what this vilionwhich hee had feene, meant, be- hold , the men which were fent from Cornelius, had inquired for Simons houfe , and ftoode at the gate, 18 And called .and asked, whether Simon, which was furnaraed Peter, were lodged there. J 9 And while Peter thought on the vifion, the Spirit faide unto him , Bcholde , three men (eeke thee. 20 Arife therefore, and get thee downe , and »oe with them , and doupt nothing : for I have lent them. ii J Then Peter went downe to the men, which were lent unto him from Cornelius , and faid, Behold ,1 am he whom yee feeke : what is the caule wherefore ye are come ? 22 And they laid, Cornelius the captaine,aiuft maH,and one that feareth God , and of good re- port among alJ the nation of the lewes , was war- net! from heaven by an holy Angel to fend for thee into his houfe, and to heare thy words. 23 Then called he them in , and lodged them : and the next day , Peter went foorth with them., and certaine brethren from loppa accompanied him. 24 J And the day after .they entred into Ce- farea. Nowe Cornelius waited for them , and had called together his kinfmen , and fpeciall friends. 2 J 3 And it came to pafle as Peter came in.thai Cornelius met him , and fell downe at his feet . and worfliipped him. 26 But Peter tooke him up , faying . Stand up : for even I my felfe am a man. 27 And as he talked with him , he came in, and found many that were come together. 2 8 And he faid unto them , Yee know that it is an vnlawfuU thing for a man that is a lew , to com- pany ,or come unto one of another nation : but God hath Ihewed me , that 1 thould not call any man polluted, or vncleane. 29 Therefore came I unto you without faying nay , when I was fent for. I aske therefore, for what intent have ye lent for me ? 30 Then Cornelius laid , Foure d.iyes agoe, about 1" this houre , I t.ifted, and at the ninth houre I prayed in mine houfe , and beholde , a man flood betuic ir.e in bright cloathing. 3 1 4 And faid , Cornelius , thy pr.'.yer is heard, and thine almes are had in remembrance in the light of God. , 32 s Send therefore to loppa, and call for Simon , whole (urname is Peticr , (hee is lod- ged in rhe houfe of Simon a Tenner by the Sea lule) who when he commeth , Ihall Ipeake unto thee. 3 3 Then fend I for thee immediarly , and thtxi haH well done to come. Now therefore are we all here prefent before God to heare all things that are commanded thee of (jcd. 34 6 Then Peter opened W/ mouth .aiid faid. Of a trueth I perceive , that" * God is no accepter of perfons. 35 But 3 Reli'giouladc. xatioD or Aorthip agreeth onelyto Gud-hmciviU worfliip is given totheMiniheriof the word ahhnugh not wiihoui danger, m Htmeanrihnel the fclf fume h^ure, tw ,kt Ukt , thai i,. about nJne of rhe €lcci{ ttt tther dar , aiii -rras'thtn niiil rrhen he fpitki to ret'r. 4 Corneliu. faith ihe^nh foor h it felfcby prayer and cbaruie 5 As faith com. ineih by hearing, fo iiitm.urilhed and gioweihuf bytbtfai.e. 6 Dlllina.onof away bytbccoin- mingofChrin: Andillitvident- ly ftcnc by fai h and ligbieuufnei, who i» agreeable tobi.n.or\Abom heacceptfth. n lh.it CcJiudi. (ihrtfi isfrerihe tutWtird AjyftA- % reut. 10, 17. a.c'icon.i9.7-T«4» 34,19. ram.i.ii. ^uL 1,6. eph^f.t.s, tolcfi. 3 .»J. i.ftt. 1,17. Peters fermon : His Chap. xj. faith is examined, f^ O Sjthtftartif Ctd.tl't Hehiwei tnf'ltefire Chrijltiimt: .md thtreftrt thty dt-ile fcclifhij^-nhich luild freparatiie upon ihii f'ltct. p CcdiaVe the Jf- rattiiestt under- ftand , ihat yrhcfie- lier lil/fth godl; , it aictpiiible to Cod, tf-nhut nation fe. rtitr he te , for het f reached peace te men through Jrfut Chrifl, nho i' J-nd not cf one nation tnely , that it of the tewn.iuioraU. 7 Thefumme of tbtGofi>fll ( whicb Iballb; made ma- nifcft at the Utter dayv»benCbnft himftJfe (hall fit at iutlgc both ofthe quicke ^nddirail) ii tbii.cbatCh'rill proniifed to the Filbert, and exhi. bited io hit time with the migh:ie power of God, (which 4«;at by all meatiei {hewed ) ■ad at length cru- ciiied to reconcile ui to God, did rife agaioe the third day , iha: wbofoe- 3 { But in every nation hee that o feareth him, and workt;th righteoulhelVe, is accepted with him. 56 Ye p knowe the word which God hath feRt to the children of Ilrael , preaching peace by leliii Chrit^ , which is Lord of all : . }7 7 Even the worde which came through ail ludea , <. beginning in Galile , after the Bipnime which lohn preached : 38 To wit, how God qanoinredlefus of Na- zareth with the hoiy Ght.ft.and with power : who went about doing good , and healing .all that were opprefled ofthe devil! : for God waswith him. 3 9 And we are witnelV-s of all things which he did both in the land of the lewes, and in Hierula- lem.whome they flew, hanging him on a tree. 40 Him God raifed up the third day, and can- fed that he was fliewed openly : 4 I Not to all the people, but unto the witnef- fes r chofen before oiGoA,even to us whigh did eat and drinke with him , afcer he arofe from the dead. 4z And hee commanded us to preach unto the people, andtoteftihe , that it is he that is ordained of God a iudge ofquicke and dead. 43 To him alio give all the ^Prophets witnes, that through his Name al that beleeve in him, ifeall receive remiffion of iinnes. 44 8 while Peter yet fpakethefewordes, the holy Ghoft fell on all them which heard the word; 4 y So they ofthe circumcilion.which beleeved, were aftonied.as many as came w ith 1 eter, becai^fe that on the Gentiles alio was powred out the gift ofthe holy Ghoft. 46 For they heard them fpeake with tongues, and magnifie God, Then anfwered Peter, 47 9 Can any man forbidde water , that thefe ftu'uld not be baptized , which have received the holy Ghoft, as wellas we ? 45 So' he commanded them to be baptized in the Name of the Lord. Then prayed they him to tarieceitainedayes. him (houldbefavedthroupb tbeiemiflicinofllnaei. •$• Luke4, 14. q Thisflilei] taken from an olJccullomeof the Itwet.wbo vffd to anoint tfctiiKingi and Prleltei, wbejeupoait grow tocall ihcm anointed, apon whomeGod befiowed gir'tn& veriuei. f Thitcbuhogof t^eAponlcl it properly givrn toCod.fcr tbjughGid be pieliHen: la the lawfnl) ele&ioD of minilters. yei fteie ii in tbii place a fccrei oppofition and fettiog ofGodt chtifiag , and meoivoiceitbc ooeagaioft the other, fjr the Apoftlfiare im- mediatly appointed of God ,and the Church Misifletiby wram-s. •f Irre.31,34. mica. 7, 18 cbap. i{ 8. 8 The Spiriteot Godfcaleih that ia the heart of the bearers , which the minifter ol the wotd fptakeib by the commandement of God , ai itapptarethby theetreftf 9 Bapilme do-.b not fanftihe ormake ibem holy which leceive it, but fealeth up and confimeth their fanaification. CHAP. XI. ^fedfiT ^cm^tothe CeniHet, s iefende:h I EamaliUiiifenlto^n'iochia, 16 nhere ailed Ch'^fliittn : aS and there ^i*h»s Feltr htinp ac himfAfe. thedilhflesare ftretcKethafa I Peter bei wi.tboutcai preheiidtrdof the unlkiifui and ig- aorani , do'fa tu>t ohieA tba: bee ought not 10 be iudgedof any, btu «t'enly givethan •ccouot ofhij doing . g XT O* ' ^^^ Apofllesandthe brethren that were '.'•* i-^ in ludea , heard , that the Gentiles iiad alfo re- ceived the word of God. z And when Peter w.is come nptoHienifa- lem .they ofthe circumcifion contended againft him, 3 Saying,Thou wenteft in to men uncircumci- fed, and haii eaten with them. 4 Then Peter beg.-'.o, and expounded rfcf f/wwj in order to them, faying, y I wjs in the citie of loppa, praying, and in a trance I lawe »^.irvition, Acertainc veii'eli com- ming dowr.e as ithad heene a great (heete , let dawnefrom heaven by the fome cotu;rs , a.nd it catDe to tee. 6 To«?'arde the whl.h when 1 had faPxncd mine eyes ,i cor.fidered, '.nJ faw fourefoored hearts ofthe e.,nh,and wili beafts , and creeping thing,. and fuules of the heaven. 7 Al'o I heurda voile, %ing unco me , Ariie, Perer : ihyandeate. ^ 8 And I fjid , God forbid. Lord , for nothing polluted or uncleatie hath at any time entred into my mouth, 9 But the voice anfwered me the fecond time from heaven. The things that God hath purineu, pollute thou not. 10 And this was done three day es, and al^ere taken up againe into heaven. 1 1 Then beho!de,iraraediatly thete were three men alreadie come unco the houfe where I was, fenc from Cefaiea unto me. ii AndtheSpiiit faid unto me , that I (hould go with them, without doubting : mofeover,thefe lixe brethren came with me , and wee cntrcd into the nians houfe. 13 AndheilieweduSjhowhehadfeenean An- gel in his houfeAvhich flood and laid to him.Send men to loppa , and call for Simon , whole furname is Peter. 1 4 He fl--all fpeake wordes unto thee,whereby both thou and chine houfe iiidU be laved. ly And as I began to fpeake, the holy Ghoft fell on them, "J. even as upon us at the beginning. " Cbap.^. '6 Then-I temembred the word ofthe Lord, a cban , r how hee laid ,:§ lohn baptized '^ithwater.butyee andi»i- flialbe baptized with the holy Ghoft. mat.b.3,11. 17 For as much then as God gave them a like 7'"'^'' '''• gift , as he did unto us , when wee beleeved in the j^hn i !j6 ' Lord lelus Chrift , whe was I , that 1 could let God ? 1 Suchaiaiftea 18 » when they her.rd thefe things, they helde qseiuoo ofthe their peace, and gloriired God .Jaying, Then hath l""-^ wdicbtbe, /-^ 1 ir I ,. •• 1 know nor cusbt God al;o to cheGentiics graunted repentance unto ,(, 1,^ ^yj^i * lite. hejrd.andmuftal- l5» ^ 3 And they which were * fcattered abroad fo quietly yeeld to becaufe ofthe afflidion that arofe about Steven, 'h'rtlf""""' went throughout till they came unto Phenice , and ^ ^^^ fcatteiing Cyprus.and* Antiochia.preachingthc word to no abroad oftbe man, but unto the lewes oiiely. * • Church of Hitru- 20 4 Now feme of them were men of Cyprus o^'/'tV^g^'b^""'^' and of Cyrene , which when they were come into t°oge:teTof"aoy ' Antiochia, fpake unto the Grecians, and preached otQtrChurcbta. the Lord lelus. * Cbap 8,1. z I And ;hc hand ofthe Lord was with them, ' "' ^''^^fw r ^i. . II, , , . A.ntiocbia whicn lotnatagreat number beleeved and turned unto waiio Syria and- the Lord. bordered upon Ci- 21 y Then tidings of thofe things came itnto '''^i'- the earesof the Chuich, which was in Hierufalem, ^„J^^* ^e'^n^w"^ and they fent foorth Barnabas .that he Ihouid goe Hrerfai-.ttrof^he- unto Antiochia. Gentiles was ex- 23 who when hee was come and hadfeene ■"""^''■-^'i't':'"**- the grace of God , was glad, and -exhorted all. thar jj^ n'j,*^^''-]!!" with purpofe of heart tney would continue in the co°udema?offbe Lord. tra,.r.iiaarievo. 14 Forhe was a good man, and full ofthe ho- "'''"- ''^■yt ly Ghoft. and faith and much people ioyaed them- llU'f^f^^ "'''' Iclves unto the Lord. "'Jihere wa»no^ zy J * Then departed Barnabas toTarfus to coott-ntion am<;ngflt feekeSaul: .heAp-ltleSel:her 26 And when hee had found him.hee brought °' .'■''"'i'-, « • °'°f J. A ■ u- 1- ,r ° holrtiQg placet, aflch nim unto Antiochia :andxc came to palfc thaca dig;„,. whoic ysre they were converfant with rlv- Chiirch, and taught much piopie, inlom.iirh thjt the diki- pies were hrft called Chriftians m Anciothia. 17 7 let Hcrod.s tyianrtfe. Peter delivered The A^cs. out of prifbn. Elymas C.c.< iip out of them named A- Si",igV>..>i {rabus.^.nd fignifii;.! by thij Spiricihac there Ihould yiijueswfcichhe \-c <;reat f.^muie throu|;hout aUihe worlJ .which (f nrtrtb up'.B iht allb^ca me t^alVe under Claudius Celar. "i'bi'andiuThe ■ ^9 * 'r'^^" ^''^ diCciples every man accordinj^ to P^vuie.h f«i it his abilitie . puipofed to fend b {"uccour unto the conv«oifi.t!y. brethren uhjch dwelt in ludea. 8 AilCjngreiJ- ^^ Which thif.g they alio did and fentic to T.ir'°o« b^^^i" the tlders by the hand of liamabas and Saul. b TbatiJ, ibat ^ tbtrtof :bt I)raconi inighVluocouT the poote : for it behooved to baveall tbefe thipg! done orderly, aod dtctn:ly, and tbftefcie it iifjyd , that ihey fcDt ibefcibiugs to the Ktdtrii tDit 111 10 the goverasuKof'ibe Cbiucb. CHAP. XII. 1 Btrcd ki'dtth lames yvilh ihtfivrd. 4 ^nd imfiifineth liter, 8 rrhcme iht x^)7i«e!l del'l/ireih. 20 Hefd bein^ rffended-ni'litkmffTjrut, li hpMi/ied.- iz .yin'd t4k.'n^'l'eli(y/ioar dueic Ccd,to him/elft, 13 he ii eaitn ttiih roirtnes, and/odjcth. ibur°t a'trit^but N *^* ' '^^""^ ^^^^ """^ ' * ^^^°'^ '^^ "^'"^ ^^^^' for'aiiitttimt.. ched foorth /.M haadto vexc certaineof the a Tbit name Herod Church, v»i.co.rinon to ill ^ ^^^j ^^ b kJUed lamcs the brother of John :h^«ociVorH^twKhthefw. ,.,,,,, Arcalonitei , wbofe 3 » And when he (aw that u pleafed the lewes, fuiname wai Mag- hee proceeded fuiiher , to t^ke I'eter alio (then r.iii : '='"''" !^-" " were the dayes of unleavened bread. ) Sm^t^H^or' 4 3 And when he had caught him, he put him the ;rest fr.nii»to in prilon , and delivereti him to foure quarernions Aritiobului.and of iouldiours to be kept, iniending after the Paife- fatbi r to '^'^' A- ^ over to bdng bim foonh to the people. k"i'at'a"tr'w-» V J * ^o Fcter w.is kept in prilon , but earneft b V"iclrntiy,h prayer was made of the Chuich unto God forhim. ciufebeingoot 6 And when Herod would have brought him """ -^'"Z]^ cj out unto the people, the fame night ikptPeter bc- Jiion'ofiyrintt 10 tvreene two (ouldiouis, bound with two chaincs, proturetbe favour and the keepers before the doore , kept the prilon. ot'tbe wicked, y 4. And behold, the Angell of the Lord Came 'J*''" *,' ^^°°-^ "^ upon them . and a light Ihined in the c houfe , and 3 T« tyr?nt« *"'C fmote Peter on the lide , and raifcd him up, fay- aod wicked make ing, Atile quickcly. And his chaines fell otf from aRalouiforibein- /.,> li;nds. ^'he'a'h? f'" ^ '^"'' t^^ ^"^'"' ''^''' ""tohim.Gird thy felfe, mo"accr''rding to "nd bind On thy landalcs. And fo he did. Then hee tbcirowuewiii laid unio him , Caft thy garment about thee, and and fanLifie. fcllowme. tb7''odrov'r-*''^ 9 SoPi-ffr came out and followed him , and tur«ttecouiiWl knewe not that it was true, which was done by the cftyrantKcbtaine Angcl.but thought he had fcenc a vilion. AnpelittfGcd jq fjow wheii they Were palt the hrtt and the brcjkf the 1 11 un, jij(.Q„j ^vjtj^h thcy Came unto the yion gate that uoicole Lbaiaci, ,ii_ , •• u-l 11 put Satan to flight, Icadeth unto the citie, which opened to them and pttfervethe by it owne accord , and they went out , and palled *^''""-''- through one llreet.and by and by the Angel depar- ^i^'beVrilo'.'. ted from him. f Hoiymeetinj; II f And when Peter was comc to himfelfe, iiiiheniihtai wfM he faid.Now 1 know fcra tin h, that the Lord hath ofmenaiw.mta fgnt his Angel, and hath dcluered meoucofthe rl^ b?f'. ff/.e'd'iti hand of Herud, and from all the waning for of the tbeday tiint j an people of the lewCS- allowable by the li f And as he confidered f/je tAw^ , hcc came "'Til'! °^''" ^° ^^^ '^"^^''^ °* i-Uny, the mother ot lohn , whofe «' vv-'obialne fumame was Markc , where many were gathered niortnt God, then together, and prayed. we dare well hoi>e ]j 6 And when I'etcr knocked at the entrie Ij"" . , Hoore , a maidc » And the f word of God grew and raulti- cryedo.t of their Vh'^^- „ , j^ , ,r „. Tr^'ranr. build 2y So Barnabas and Saul returned tvom Hieru- up ,hj churcb by falem,wheia they ha.:! fulfilled their ofnce.Si tooke piuckiog i: downe. wuh them lohn, whofe (urname wasMaike. f They that heard the word 01 God. CHAP. XIII. a Th Uy ChrJlcmwAndcih tl,.iir.xul i„dB.-irnah^s hfrpi- rutfd unrn him. 6 ^1 I'.lphut, i Einn.ts ihgfincrer II it Jirot:^ei> blind : 14 Frcm w^ience heifi^ ccme ro ^n^ tieMa, 17 Thcy irctchlheuofpill, 4; the Ien>" i>'he- men'.ly ycit 'I'ltnajng them. "TT Here ' were alio in the Church tha' was at An- i Paul with Bsr- .■*■ tiochia.ccrtaine Prophets and teachcTS,as_B.u-- 1^^"^'[{l^f^['" '** nabas,andSimeon called Niger, and Lucius of Cy- ^"rrted'TpVill'e rene, and Manehen (which had bcene brought up of the Gemilei, with a Herod theTetrarch) and Saul. not ofman.iori. 2 Now as they l^ miniftred to the Lord , and '^frby man. but faned, the holy Ghofl fdi-l , Separate me Barnabas ol.f,^";,""',^;. and Saijl , for the worke whereunto 1 have <^ called ment of the holy them. Ghoii 3 » Then fafted they and prayed.and laid their ^ The (.me wai hands on them, and let them goe. put lobnBaptift 4 3 And they after they were feHt forth of the ,odeatb. hcsiy GboltiCainedowne untc d Seleucia , and from b whiiei ibey were thence they failed to Cyprus. !'ffi''e''.''hat^ii''«'' y And when they were at S.ilamis, they prea- ^.^^^^ ^^^; ,^, ched the word of God in the Syn.igogues of the poujideihit.wliile Iewes:and they had alio lohn to their ainifter. ibty .\tre pr.a- 6 So when they had gone throughout the '^i"?' , . , . . yle unto Pa-phus , they found a ccrtaine lorcerer, a ,^ ^.„ ^ ^h„(of ikii word (calling j eommeih which iivfuall inthcCbiirch ) when heecaufetbihat to be, wbicb wai no:, whether \ou,refe I re it to the ma ter it ff If'e or to any qualitie or thing about the mat- t»r : and it ;;rowetb of tbii, becaule when tbingi begin to be, tbenttey ba,'efoine namf : ai God bis nii/hiie power iia.'fodecl.ired thereby, wbo fpake the werd .andtbingr* were made, i PM\, and loleuine prayert weie vied before the laying oaof haudei. 3 raula.id biicompaniom doe at tbefiril bring Cyprui to the fubitflijii and o- bedience of Chrilfc. d Seleucia wai l citie of Cilicia , fu called of Seleucw one of Alcxar.dtri fui-.elbur:. fallC i tbe forcerer., Pauls Chap. xiij. fermonatAntii^'..,. ^-4 falfe I'rophet.being a Iew,named K'.ricHis, 7 Which was with the Dcputie Sergius P.ui- lus , a prudent men. He catted unto him li.'rPchas and Saul. an J dclired to heaie the word ot God. 8 ♦ But Eiimas the ibrccrer, (fur Jo is bis name by interpretat'on) wiihitood them , andloiighc to turneaway the Dcputic froai the faith, y Then Saul (which alfo is called P^ul) being full of the holy Ghoft/er his eyes on hiir, 10 y-And favd , O full of all fubtiltv and all e mifchicfG, the child of the devill , and cnsmis of all righteoufnes , wilt thou not ceafe to pervert the ftraightwayes of the Lord ? 11 NOW iherefore behold, the f hand of the Lord is upor ihetr ..'ndthou ihaltbe blind, and 'mftTthemThich not fee the liinne fxa Toalbn. And imnr.cdiatly iLktdlyaadob- there fell on him amul ant'.a Jarkenes.and he Went about.feeking Tome to kade h im by the hand. 11 Then the Di^piJtie when hee law what was done , beleeved , and was attonied at the doflirine of the Lord. ii 6NowwhenPaulandiheyth.it were with him were departed bv fliippe from Paphus.they ;Uiti Kof Pamphylia : then lehn „epe iritfe fUi.: Jl departed from them, and reain;ed ta Hierulalem. 14 But when they departed from Terga, they came to Aiitiochia a dueoiz Fifidia,an(i went into thcSynaoogueonthtSabbaih day,and late downe. 1 5 7° And after the ledure of the Law and Pro. phets.the rulers of the Synagogue fent unto them, faying. Ve men and brethren, if ye ^ have any word of exhortation for the peopk, fay on. 16 sThen Paul Rood up And beckened with the hand, and fayd. Men of Ifrael. and ye that feare God, hearken. r,r i u r I 7 The God of this people of Idael thofe our fathers, and: exalted the people when they dwelt in the land of « Egvpt . and with an * k high arme If!h '?:«^err?" brought them out thereof. heetheirmanersinthewilderneffe. . , , , 1 9 And he deftroyed feven nations in the land of Chanaan. Sc « div^ed their land to them by lot. 20 Then afterward he gave unto them w lud- ges about ' foure hnndreth and hftie yeetes . unto tbt time of S^mud theTrophet. , ^ . 2 1 So after that , they delircd a * King, and Godoave unto them 4- Saul, the lonneotOs.a man of the tribe of Beniamin , iy the /pace cf"' fourtieyeeres. . . , ., , 2 1 And after he had taken him awav.he railed up gD.ivid to be their King, of whom hee wit- iieffed faying , I have found David the fonneoi Ieae,a man after mine owne heart . which will doe all things that I will. . ^ , j, ,• » » 9 Of this mans kzAt hath God * according to /./'promife raifed up to Klael.the Saviour lelus: 24 When« lohn had hrlt preached » oefore 4 Thf devillma- Iccth tbecocqaeft ofCbiiH nicrs glonoui, in tb« tbatbtfetietbhi:n. felftragaionhim. 5 The fcrcMtr Vibichwailliiken of Paul with acor- jmrallynDiilimeDt (aiihough extra- r. diaarily) QleWfih an example 10 Uw- fuilma^iftiaiei, ftiuaiiy hiadtt ihecourleof the Gofl>ell. e HmorethoM ■tvhoji hath it.ritn netit hiadlong J-nd linlhf f His fctver rrhi h:fhi1re,h >njl, 4.7/1^ anii beating famt company both of lingular eonflancie) and alfo of gieat Vscikenefli g Thufutitlha d-fferenre ke'tv'xt i':,,„d ^nimhia V>hich-ira!i'''yri' coidiog to the pai terncwberesf Coiiftian Coupre- tilled) fiiH the Scrijitures we« read, ih'enfuchai wailcained vveie licenced by theruleltofthe Synagogue to fpeake and ex- jound. fa IVorJ for rvcrJi ifthert be any ■n-trdin jM: ""'^ ihiiitu k^xliof Jfsach taken frcm ihe Hebrene!, ■rchcrtl} ii meant, that the e,if!" »/ Cedi^race are in tretkfurehoufei, and ihat Ihij art „pr ««ri, t«t CoJ; : In lik^firtfarU T-wJ r/i/.40,i S God bedowed mar.y peculiar erpecially.yhathepromKedthcinihecveilali honour. 4. Exvd.1,9- S p<^- fieca'hetntmjtsofhi.fccple. » '^erefrcm , a ord , ^bcul,fcr there yvant ihreejeereu hu i ihtrefire h ad.:cih in the ^(ofile-vf.ihihe ,ud h recbmed r.-it!> the daycs of i a:tl: f.r the k.":'- ,. ..„.>r •> I r.im 16.13. 9 Hteptoovetn t::^^:^^:^^ i^rif :bn::cu; .^icb fhct.:d con,, of nav,d^ ^ ,^ :.:!:l.^:i::d^^^]t.%,rS'!:^^^^^ hufi at hun i>*ni tntrd tn hu i- bui behold , there commeth one afrer (jjge , whole ^^'^ AiTihiugs'c^ni'j flioo? of l.ii feeie I am not wott'ry ro iSufe. „ j,j,ii ..c cfcr;li» 26 1° Ve men and brethren .children of the which the Pid- generation of Abraham, and whof'jever among pbe_> f,.retoii of you fe rethGod,toyouis the woidofthis Idl- f;,^'^"^';,;-^'i^'';p. vationlent. psar«htbatbei» 27 n For the inhabitants of Hierufalem and theirneand cnely their rulers .bcc.-iufe thuy k-.ew him n.>)t,nor^t Savionr : sndyet the wortles of the Prophets . which .ire read ex-fy ';Z71^J!,Tuol SsthbAih-day , they have fulfilled them in condem „.J,(^i ^.hi,^ dii ninghim. . , nor onely uot le- 28 And though they found n« caufe of death "ive b,m .butalfo in him, S yet defnvd they Pilate to kill him. Zi:^U^ 29 And when they h.d ti, hlled all things that ^i,^,^^, b,^^„ were written of him , they tL^eke him downe from jun-ceDr. the tree.and put him in a fepulchre : * '^"Vuke V,'"zl' 30 1 2 Hut God* raifed liim iipi from thedead. j'^;; ,,'g^ ^^^' 31 And he was fcene many dales of them .which ^^ vfem'uflfce came uo with him fr.-m Galile to Hierufakm, ,he glory oiib= which are his vvitneffes unto the people. '^ -'X? '"fotme of 3 1 And we declare unto you. that touching the .^^^Vut, & guVe! promile made unto the lathers, Andthtttfurrc. 33 God haih fulfilled it unro us their children, aioai.prooved a. in that he o raifed up lefus' u even as it is written ^^''^> ^^^^ in thefecondPlalme . ♦ Thou art my Sonne : this ^,;,°i,„^oie,of day have 1 begotten thee. .r , ,■ ihePropheia. 34 Now as concerning that hee raifed him up . Mar iS.i.mar. from the dead , no more to retirrne to corruption, 16.6 luke 24,6. hee hath laide thus , r.- 1 will give you the holy '°2r;'i,]'X ^^^, things of David , P which are fauhfutl. fear.d ptainelj and. 3 J .4 Wherefore hee laieth aifoin another ma,„fejil} a, :hat pbce , * Thou wilt not fufler thine holy one to fee "^;^'^'/j'f^^',°^';''^-' corruption. tuircii^cwerf. W 36 Howbeit , David after hee had ierveilhis cjm?c,it.f-!,e time by the counfell of God , hee.^ flept.and was _f;r.aietcarme4 41 N^>wwKen the congregation was aillo.ved. pi,; - ■ many of the lewes and •" Ptofelytes thatteared „.., God.foDowcd Paul and Barnabas. which Ipake unto -''^ fi,ni/ic.,l=. becMfe Cod be' fff.e.h . I/C,1 them , and exhorted thetn to toiuinue in the grace rrhr -U-rn-rch-tn^i. H The tord ,^a. fo is grave, that btW: .0 cc-^, J .be,./;v;e,;.i|n^of.,n«..bicU.^econde. ^ S H^..^;^ «r.»;.^«-''/«'« LJirtr . The jenefi:. of God taroe to :hey-:er u' Ordained to falvatioa. The Adles.' ^^pfters Prieft. i t 44 AnJ the next Sabbath day came ?.lmoft the whole dt-.e rogetUcr , to hcare the word of God. o' eTrlfr fj'mt' ° 4) '' But when the lew.s law the peopie.theyr C ^fptl i« unt-j the were fullofenvie , and (]\.ke agiinft thole things. ttft^biittr.i IK. wMch wetc (poken of Paul , conttarying tl>er»,ind '*•«""•''""• Tiihng on tm>m. ''niZ'l\ibf. 4^ " Then P.niUnd Barnabas fpake boldly, ictvj life and favd , It was neceflary that the wo.d of God 19 T0eO>rpeIi» ihould hfil have hcnc Ipoken iinto you : biu fce- pub'ifhrJtotiie ing yee put it from you , andfiudge your Iclves «Tt"trup\ g 49 Thus the word ot the Lord was pubhlhed tift, or tl, aS fn.uU thotowout the whole councrey. ^'>^M:t^td't:it ^^ 10 But the lewes ftirrcd«rf«weudev0upe /i"ir/i'';cw"M tLt a"J honourable women , and the chicfe men of fomtctrtiine irrre the cirie , and raifed pcrfecution agrinlt Paul and crJjinrd, Jid ii^f't- Barnabas, and expelled them our ot their coafts. f,„c.ddiJ^cj ^^^ J* »i Hut they S ibookeofl' the dull of their 'at'/i^file'rj'i'Tel " (tttt againil them, and came tinto Iconium. $hat n,it!,e7 /.ii'h y X And the dil'ciples were filled with ioy , and fiM- tht efffi' 'f with the holy Ghoft. faith p„u'.d i.r t',e cib/J ifhii crJfirr^ntuT Affmtmtnt, im Uis ord'Jninr the rnK/e cff.tiih. lo Such ii tte cufi aii,i4'»>"-"''"'^'»'''- chap. .3,6. C H A, P. XlIII. I rjfl /trd Barn.il>at f art pirfccmed at Tccnium : 6^' Ly lira Paul 10 he.iletlt a crrtple. 13 They are aheuito dttJacTJfieeameihim, ijlutthejfcrhdit. 19 J'aul h'l'ep'rhvafn'nofceri.iineJen'e'yijftoned: t) From thinte fa(siri^ ihtrorv diiitrt Chunhej, li ihey reiurne f^niicihi.t. t We oBghi to be A Nd i it Came to pafle in » Iconium , that they i° 'iwcbi'n "o" ^'^"^ ^°''^ together mto the Synagogue of the the^G'^Fe'uben l^wes.jnd fo Ipake , that 3 great muitituile both of the feiverrnts of the lewes and of the Grecians beleeved. tbewitked ii ,.b j And the l> unbeiecvii g lewes ttirred up, and Iii.°Tf it '"'^""' co""Ptt''l'he mindesofthe Gentiles dgainll the j"!rMi"m rrata brctl.rcn. doe them violence, and to fti^ne them. ^ r 1 ivh f. ^ '^'^'^y ^^'^^ ware of it , and <= fled unto Ly- imy befpted fur- '"* .' *'^'' D-tbe . Cities ol Lycaonia , and unto the theribroid. region roundabout, cyiuiavJtUfimr. 7 And there preached the Gofpel. ,d 11 Thenwhenthe people fawwhat Paulh.-d ^■""■''•■"t^'"- done.they hit up their voices .faying in the ipeaeh icd.doia:ry, whick of Lycaonia . Gods are come downe to us in the g'veto to crea. likencfVe of m.en '""' tehey oe- 12 Andthey Mercurius.bccaiifehe w-as the chief'e fpeaker. .1 proper to the 1 3 Then lupiters Prielt. which was before their ooely one God. citie, brought buls with garlands unro the ^ gates, '"" " '°voc«tioo and would'have facrificed wiih the people. °' ^''^"t"'',"";, 1 4 But when the Apol^les , Barnabas and Paul and 'p^rZklrT!/ heard it, they rent theit cloathes, and tan in among ii" ffifef-ime b..- the people, crying. lurtcfrrtjn a,ytu. I J 4 And faying , O men . why doe yee thefe [^^^ ;^f ''|' 'f;l'^' things f We ate even men lubied to the' like paf- tie mjn-r./Vlc fions that ye be , and preach unto you , that yee Hekn-wei. fl^ould tutne from thcfefvaine things unto the Cene.i.t. living God , 4. which made heaven and earth , and {■;*["" '**'^- the lea , and all things that in them are : y Cuiiom' be it 16 ; Who in times paft § g fuffered all ihi never fo old. doth . Gentiles to walke in their owne way- s. poteicufe the 1 7 NeverthelelVe.he left not hitr.fclfe without 'i'pf'j", , j , witnes, in thathedidgcodawigaveus rainefrom «,m.i.»4. ' heaven, and fruit! nil lealons.hllmg out hearts with g mfered them u food, and gladnelle. '*>".••'. '.*'J W'^- 18 And ("peaking thefe things. Icarfeappeafe J f'J^"'"'£ -""^ -f tney taemultitude.that they had not Ucrihted un- \,„dofrdi uh. to them. 6 Thedevill wbea 1 9 « Then there came cerrainelewcs from An- heiiorjughtto tiochia and iconium , which when they h .d per J^^ ''".a'e n' fwaded the people .* lioncd Paul , and drewe him o^.n'ly'bu'YnvaiBa out oftbc ci ie. iupp'iling he had beene dead. even men when 20 Howbeit, as the difciples Hood roundabout h^ feemctb to him, hecarofe up,and c.me intorliccitie.andthc bMd'"'"^'^' next day he departed ui;h Barnabas to Deibe. « i.Cor n,*;. 21 7 And after they h.!d preaL bed the glulti. 7 We muft goe dings of the Gofpcll to thatcitie , and h.id taught >°f^"-^ "> our vo. many. they returned to Lylfra.and to Iconiutri,and tZ'u(V,!dd"Kt. to Anrtocnia. 8 itmhecflfice 12 8 Confirming the difciples hearts, ■»nd' xhor- of tb-e m.niiteii. ting them to continue in the f^ith ,iiicihiav/,>jria. * Ckap.ii,j. CHAP. XV. Cfrfjine <^»( ilfcMt tv Irin^ in circumiiften 6 ^h.U! rrhiih wafer lie ^fcfiU ci.nftili : rrhai muji lie ,icne, 1} ikey declare Ij lerur. *'td Barnahat 39 art And he put no ^ diffeience betweene us and them , after that S « by faith he had puritied their hearts. 10 s Now therefore , why f tempt ye God, to + lay a yoke on the difciples necks, which neither our fathers, nor we were able to beare ? 1 1 But we beleeve , through the grace of the Lord lefi's Chrift to be (aved, even as they dte. 1 2 « Then all the multitude kept filence , and fed, did icach that heard Barnabas and Paul , which told what fignes ltlltT^hii^°^^ and wonders God had done among the Gentiles wi,houuh"wor. by them. . ^ , ^ , , ^ . . ftipappoiottdbf i3 And when they held their pcace , glamefr the Law. anfwcred , faying. Men, 4/;i< brethren, hearken un- to me. Simeon hath decIared,how Gnd ftrft did X Tbc Cburcb » at Icogtli troubled vritii diSratioa witbitiitfclfr, ind thrttouble rifctb of the proud and flubburoe wittct of ctx-iiat t^i\i men : The fitrt ftriefewaicoocer. o«og the ofbceof Chrift. whether we cpinhn that this Vt'OtriHlhui, M Meetingtof Congregatiooi wereinflitutcd to fsppteflc hertfiei, whereunto cer- taine were feat by common con- feniintbeoame of all. Sr(l handled ,botb ^rttlieiog heard iatbeaOemblie •fibe ApbOlei and aacieaii .and afterii commuoi- cated with the peoyle. K Chap.io,ie. and 11,13. 4 Godhimreir: io calling oftbe Oeoiilei which 1 9 s Wherefore my fentence is, that we trouble . , « XVord for word) of old [ime, that i>, •veo from the Rrft -i^ > \mt that we were vifite the Gentiles , to take *f them a people unto totnmandfd to his Name. *'T«*-\*'°'^'*'' >5 And to this agree the wordes of the Pro- *od ftraiehtwaT«» -l ■ ■ after tha, the hoi, P^^CtS.as It i^S^WrutCn Gbafl came dowti* ^ ■»pon ui. i HtfiuwSffi- Tlnctlctmttn< HI tnJ ihim, .11 irM' ckw^rAi I Of- file ,rhufriepi:ur. i Chap. lO.j^. i.fw.i.a. t ChtiUfrinMn- tiih ihtm l)Ui<'ti, tvhithart furtif heart ; andlnre-tf are pUinetyiaUfhr that nttnjre m-iJtfictitjfjHk. f Petei pafling from th* Cerfinoniti lotlieLaAeii frife in gentrall , (heweth thai none could be favcd , if S^alva ion were tobe fought fot by ibe Lawe, andtiotby gfa;eoneiy io Icfui Chiift, hecaufetbaino man could ivc.ri'ai.'iU iBe Lawe, neithn Piii.arch .nor Apoftle. ■i: Wh ttmftju CoJ, ai ihmgh i.ee ccM no, Cfu, h)fM^h '. » Mvh.xiA- J ^ AtruipaietneofalawiBll CuynciiJ , were Godltruetbooelyreigneth, J Tnfinntltf^tfilieHi^-trhsitciii'edthe Lcrdihroihir. 7 limeiconlitmtth the callitlgofthe Qeniiln.ouiof tbt woideof GxJ , therein agrteing to I'citr. ej. .^fn»/9.ii. * ^.n4thtriftriottktii^(tmmttht> f*ije l>j/trtHnt,t«thi OttUafftitiimtTt, 1 6 * After this I will returne, and will builde againe the Tabernacle of David, which is fallen downe , and the luines thereof will I build againe, and 1 wiilfetitup. J 7 That the refulue of men might feekc after the Lord , and all the Gentiles upon whom ray Name is called .fayeth the Lord which doethaii thefe things. 1 8 Frum the beginning of the worlde , God kknowethailhis woikes. not them of the Gentiles that are turned to God, 20 But that we fend unto them fteine themfelves from rre beare witll weakeneOeof unto them , that they ab- fo h 'iilthirjelTf of idcles.and «'=*v fornication, and that that is Ikangled , andfiom ^"''""Jha'''*' ^^°''^' ,, ^ , „ . , , y .inte:obHan.^ II For Moles otolde time hath in every citie fted. them that preach him, feeing he is read in the Sy- • P":"* fi"i/>itt nagf.gut s every Sabbath day. °'i°T^"'''l 2z J> Then it ieemed good to the ApoRles and Z u.la'-r'emfU,. Elders with the whole Church to fende cholen 9 loaiawfali Sy- men of their owne companie to Aiitiochia with node, oeither they Paul and Barnabas : u vvh , ludas whofe furrMJue ^i'ladlllim''' wasBarfabas.andSiks, which were chiefe men iudg"i. appoint among the brethren. and determine *• 23 And wrote letters by them after this maner, "v >'''''? '>"■>* THEAPOSTLES.& theElders.andthe bre- J^^;;^"j;°', "f°°4 thftn , Unto thebrcthren which are of the Gen- doth thtcomtnon tiles in Antiochia.and in Syria, and in Cilicia, fend multitude fettbera. greeting. felvea tuniuitu- 24 -Forafmuch as we have h^rd , that cer- ^^:^^. tainewnicnk went out trom us, have troubled you bythewoideof with words, and ■ combred your mindes.faying.Ye God r a» the lik e muft be circuraci/edatid keepe the Law : to whom oideralfoiibol» we gave no fuch commandement '^ 'SS'^ 2 f It Ieemed therefore good to us, when wee ,hiDg, which have were come together with one accord , to lent cho- beaefodttermi. fen men unto you, with our beloved Barnabas and ""^ ^'"' 'g'«* Paul. "J"""' 2(S Men that have ingiven up their lives for the ofHierufalem coo Name ofour Lord I efus thrift. cludeih, that they 27 We have therefore fent ludas and Silas, «'<"'bi« n'«o« "n- Which Ihaii alfo tell you the fame things by mouth. ;^;^h u. w f«L 28 »• For it feemed good CO then holy Ghoft, fjivatioa io any and » to us, to lay no more burden upon you , then other meanes tti«a thele p neceffarie things. '" C''" '""^'T' ^9 »rw^,thatyeabfteinefrom,hingsof-?r,tf;whLc. rerea to idoles .and blood ,andthatthat isftrang- foever they come, , led.and from fornication : from which if ye keepe *oA whomfoever ■ your fclves, ye Hiall doe well. Fareyewell. they pretend to be 30 .3 Now when they were departed . they "ca.'ioD!" came to Aniiochia, and after that they had aflem- k Fremnuretn- bled the multitude, they delivered the Epiftle, s^regitUn. 31 And when they had read it , they reioyced V^;^ *7»;'' ^"'' fortheconfolation. IIZImTJ 32 And ludas and Silas being Prophets , ex- J^wne that that hotted the brethren with many words, and ftreng- raai tniid ap-tn^ thenedtbem. " tetV' We ,'ifr*f 33 And after they had taried there a Tpace.they '^"JIJ^!, T'tf.13 were let goe in "^fi*M- bidethereftUl * ° {,*!« ,«-'/.*-. 3 J Paul alio and Barnabas continued in Ann- x.arJr4thprt -ft mcejl'ittt,bMtinreri,eH tfihejhiie B/i„.,t lime ,ili,ilihe CinliltJ aryii ihi levtimii.l more j>e.tce.ihly (•>,• tt^tfher ivi'h Ujff Jcc.ifim cf^u.iretl. evtD in things iniiilfeicot. 13 Itii recjiiilitc fora Cba itrc^a 1 recjuilitc lorall people to kiWAeceitaimlj what 10 boldeinmatreriof faith and religion, andnotthai the Church by ignoiaoct and knowing noibing, (hould depend upon the plealiue of a few. <\ Thiiistn Heirev k'"de tfj}tjih, vihi.h ii ./ptrouifHc.e[!e,.indthe Church di/miped them nuhroodte.il-e. 14 Con(;regatiui • or Churthcidoeca/iiy degenerate, unlrflerbeybedi igeotly feene unto, and tbtttfota wtat ibefrAponiotu oveiroefadiai they bad planted, and for this caufealfo SyaoJcS V9«reialtuuudiUid appoinied. 37. V Afldjrj / Paul and Barnabas ftrive. 37 's AnJ Barnabas counfelleJ to take with them lolin, called M.irke. 3U An.l Pai;l thought it not meete totake him unio their companie , w|)ich ilsparteil from them from ramphylid , an.l went not with them to the workc. c;. 39 19 Tiien where they fc Ib'ired.that they de- pai teil.funJer one from the other , fo that Barna- bas tookeMaike, and failed unto Cyprus. 40 And Paul cho.'e Sylas and departed , being commendsd o^" the brethren unto the grace ot Gud. V< And hee went through Syria and Cilicia, ftabJilhins the Churches. I f A Uinrnsjble •xJaipIcofdii'. cr^ri betwerae n< celiotinen ixid Vfjr giciifriendi. pbaacot 'biivat anif>r lh.u caufi H ilttj jre vripftd, »+ .mJ imfnj'tieJ, i6 Through an eurilK/ualii, zj th< frijundourli are nftntU. 3i,j* The Ctelir rcieil'ith lU fait'n. '!"' Hen « came he to Derbe and to Lyftra : and beholde , a certainc difciple was tlieie, named * Timotheus.a womans fonne, which was a » lew- eiVe anil belceved , but hib faihc'r was a Grecian, Of whom the brethren which were at Lyftra > rtulblufrire tioetb not receive Ti.-uothie into tbe iniDilterieniib' out fuff.tieot leni. "ncVrf.'het'e''"'' 4"'^ Iconium. b reported well ^ ^ ^ , , tbreo. 3 1 Iheietoreraul would that hee rt-oiildgoe •f Rom.is.n. forth v.ith him ,and tooke and circumcilcd him, *'"b »■" ItLCauleof ^ Icwcs, which were in thofe quaiters: \^i'imlinlu Uiitr ^'^^ '^^^Y •^"'-'w all that his father was a Grecian, Efiiiit teTim.ih:e, 4 3 And as they went throu And after he had feene the vifion, imme- diatly we prepared to goe into Macedonia , being aiUircd that the Lord had called us to preach the Qofpcl unto them, I I Then went wee forth from Troas.and with a fti eight courfe came to Samothracia , and the nuxtday toNeapolis. 11 5 And from thence to Philippi.which is the chiefe citie in the paits of Macedonia , and whofe inhalutdmscamt- from Rome to dwell there : and we weie in that citie abiding certained.iyes. 1 3 7 And on the Sabbath day we went out of the citie, belides a liver , where they were wont to ' pray : and wee fate downe , and Ipake unto the women, which were come together. 1 4 "And a certaine woa'ian named Lydia, a niftetiof tbeGnrpcl, by whom bee helpcth fach a« vvtrt liketo t!ftandh>ne,fit X Tunotbieii circumci(«dj DOt (iin^Iy for aay oectfli ie.bu! in lefpeaofibetime ODcly to wiuDe ihclewei. 3 Cbaiiiie it 10 beobffrveJ in tbiogi irdiff.reat ihatfoie^aid be bad both of .-be weake.andihe quitiBcU'eofibe Cbaich. c TUfednrett 1lhuhht/p4!{( of rn thi ftrmer (htp'tr. 4 Cod jppoin- teib certtineand M open and fet fonh bis truetb, tbai boib ihe ckdionsndibt calling m«y pro- cted of grace, d Hefhtvitthnot tehj Ihff Tverr fcr- iMfn,lut cnt'} thjt they TPfrf /ir- ». si.V -trj Hyl It injuire. TLey are tbe 1 perilb. 6 TbeSaiotsdid Doteaiily oe.'ctvecveiy vuion. 7 God bcgiuneth hi* kingdome in Macedonia by the cosveilion ofa woinau , sndfo flieweib tbat tOtre iiDoa(.crrtioPioflTtfooiotbeGof|'el- e Whttc ibey Aeit wouot to allemble tifa-ft;*.-*. J Tit tvMcB:l]ropco*ht!:cheattto bejiejbevvatd ;\hicbi»^t>.»ciicd. TheA(ftes. TheprifonersfingP/almeSi; feller of pnrple, of the citje of the Thyatirians. which worlhipped God, heard ut : whofe heart the Lord opened . that /hee attended unro the '0^"^"'"''^' "'* things, which I'aulfpake. fo SatanuinV- I y And when ihee was baptized , and her formetb bimfel'e houihold, Ihee befought us, faying, If ye haveiud- iotoan Aoselof ged me to be faithful! to the Lord , come into ''e^''»'''l"ve. mine houfe, and abide thereiand Hie conitrained us. undermfni"?, but 16 »° And it came to palfe that as we went to raulopeaiy let- prayer , a certaine maid having a fpirit f of divina- letb him. and ca- tion, met us, which gate her riialtets much van- ft"'> b'"> c"t- tage with divmmg. _ n„e of^Ju, 1 y Shee fallowed Paul and us, and cried , fay- which n'^i mnt u ing , Thefe men are the fervams of themofl high gn-'tn/rvirei ro God, which (liew unto you the way of falvation, 'g'^/^'fiw'^*'"** 1 8 And this did Ihee g many dayes : but Paul fajlti, "it mJr*' being grieved.turned about .andfiid to the fpirit, eh, fur he did ail Icommaund thee in the Name of lefus Chrift, ''•'"it *ihe wat that thou come out of her. And he came out the '"' ''^ thsfprru /- _ , It CovetOHfaeire famehoure. „ . . , . of lucre and g.in« 19 < I Now when her matters law that the hope ii an occa/ioa of of their gaine was gone , they caught Paul and Si- Ketfcuting the las , and drew them into the m.irket place unto the """l"- i^'be M-lglftrates. fparingTimoth.e/ io >a And brought them to the governours, calieth Paul and faying, Thefe men which are Icwes trouble our silaiatthefiron. j-ijie" get, to battaile. 21 . 13 And preach ordinances , which are not pKteoX'hVdenre lawfull for us to receive.neithcr to oblerve, feeing ofcummon peace we are Romanes. and godlineCe. 21 1+ The people alforofe UP together aaanft '^ ^' ''VT:,, , , , ' • I • "1 1 i roent ofthcdevilU them > and the governours rent incir cloathes , and tourgetbeauiho- commanded f,'jfw tobebeatca with rods. ricieofaocefter* 23 And when they had biaten'thsm fore, they wjthoutany diflm. caft the}» into nrifon , commanding the Gaoler-to f'°"' , , . 1 /- 1 4 Anexampieof keepethemlurely. ■ evill Magiiiratei 24 Whohaving received fach commandemcnt, to obey the furie caft them into the inner prifon .and make their =""1 "geofthe feet k faft in the ftocks . tiBe''a«c u, 2 y u Now at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, .^.„,^ j/ „,„y?,,e and fusg Pfalmes unto God ; and the prifoners ofihem,hefetthem heard tht;m. M imhe/lcckt,. 26 Andfuddenlytherewasagreatearthquake. i^^l^^.^^ZL ' fothat the foundation or the pril on waslhaken: both heareu and and by and by all thedoores opened , and every earth, mans bands were loofed. >« The mercifull 27 '« Then the kecpeiofthe prifon waked out /;«:tb , d^aVelb'^ of his fleepe , and when hee law the prilon doores nien to life, even open , hee drew out his fword and would have kil- through ihemidA led himfelfe.fuppofing the prifoners had bin fled, ofdea b.and _ 28 .7ButPaulcnedwithaloud.voyce,fay--^^--^^^^^^ mg. Doe thy felfe noharrac : for we all are here. g,„t pumibmenf, 29 Then he called for a light , and k npsd in, be (heweih them and came trembling, and fell downe before Paul great mtrcie. anilOllaS. which ate efpeci- 30 And broughr them out.and fayd,Syrs,what ^Hy „traordin«. muft I doe to be laved ? »ie, ert d iir.to Chrifl. I Theeaftingout "^ Ow « as they pafled through Amphipojis, and °^^''"?"1''A"J•• Apollonia . they came to Theffalonica. where was a Synagogue of ihe lewes. 1 And Paul , as his manen was, went in unto them , and three Sabbath dayes difputed with them by the Scriptures. J 1 Opening and alledging that Chtift muft have fuFered, and rifen againe from the dead, and this is Icfus Chrift, whoir.faydhe, I preach to you. 4 And fome of them bckevcd , and ioyned in company with Paul and Silas.: alfo of the Greci- ans that feared God a great muhitude.and of the chiefe women not a few. y J But the lewes which beleeved not , moo- ved with envie , tooke unto them certaine » va- gabondes and wicked fellowes , and when they had affembled the multitude , they made a tu- mult in the citie , and made aflault againft the houfe of lafon ,and fought to bring them out to the people. 6 But when they found them not , they drew lafon and certaine brethren unto the heads of the citie, crying.Thefe are they which have fubverted the ftate of the b world .and here thi.y aie, 7 Whom lafon hath received . and ihefe all ''''"S *«'W'»'V I'"' doe sgainft the decrees of Cefar, faying, that there I, he hi,tdf>T tvf IS another Kmg one lefus. rj maitt mmey , to 8 Then they troubled the people, and the j.i anj mifchiife, heads of the citie , when they heard thefe things. ^mni'^llthTrif- ^ Notwithftandijig when they had received TtTii^ier^jink" ^"^'tient <= alVurance of lafon and of the other, tnJ tlunih'l kna^tJ ihcy let them goe. tfaU ttrvneiand 10 4 And the brethren immediatly fcnt away h"r' h fcoHn- P*"l and Silas by night unto Berea . which when tro'lnjluciT"' ^^^y "'^'■^ '^^"'^ thither,entred into theSynagogue f J er thej rome , of the Icwej . ihtj cdufi fediiicn u f Thefe wctealfo more d noble men then amiiumHh ^^iey which were at Thefl'alonica , which received 'fHtthtminf"'^ ' the woide with all readinelle , and fearthed the ^^ur^nce that thej Scripturts dayly .whether thofe things were fo. fltntd afpt^rt. 1 2 Therefoie many of them bekcved , and of vHhatiiindetde ihe vtifedome of the Spirit , which a!»iayei fetii-h the f lory of God before it ftlfe »* a maikewhertuntoitdiieaeibitftlfe.andntvtrfwarveihf'iom 11. f Th< lord fciteih out in one momeot.and id one people, div»r»i-»ampleiof biiunfearchabl* niCtdomt, (• c»ufc «bem to fcaicbin. ^ aecomfuttb tb: Xe'.ttt; wiib ibe I«Wct> ofS thefavingof many oiher. a Chrift ii there, fore the Media, tour, becaufe he ^ai crucified and rofe againe : much Itlfe i« he to be re. iefted , becaufe thecrofleiiig- oominioui. 3 Although the lealeof the ua- faithful! feeme never fo goodly, yet at length it i» foand to have net. tbertrueib oor equitie ; But yet the wicked cannot doe what they lift, for even among themfelve. Sod (tirretb up fotne. vohofebelpehc vfeih to the deli- verance of hi I. a Ctrttint ccmfU' ^i^n.tvhickd.en,. honeflwomen.which were Grecians, and men not « sit;n haifibf,. a few. , whoJre^ealcui ij f « But when the lewes of Theffalonica fo' >''""■ '-"i 'kit knew, that the word of God was al'o preached of ofaU ou^ht*' Paul at Berea, they came thither alfo , and mooveil 7 There u neith,? the people. . ^ counlell .mr fiiii(f, I4 7 But by and by the brethren fern away no.'r^'J'"-'re. a- Paul to goe as it were to the fea; but Silas and Ti- r^..'ar^^o[ motheus aboade there ftill. cbiP doe Iifo ly "s And they that did cnnduft Paul, «atc^ for their e brought him unto Athens : and when they had ppo"fc"lilj=Di' min and that man. k Thiirvai a fljct cauid ai you iccitU fij, Man M.trhere the v^d.tsfatc trhich tccre taU / Pauls fermonat Athens.' The A(9:es. Gods affiftance to Paul* 27 That they (hoviWfecke the Lord, if fo be I>For«ibIiniem»n they rci"ht have p groped after him , and found Z'-c^iTo-^w' (,/>«. though doubtlefle he be not farre from eve- byexopinpwifr.ix. ryoueof iis. *■ toieihciiue light ig Fr' 'n him wc lire , and moovc , and havc cirae and lighmtd out being, as alfocertaine of yourowncrocts have %'fili't 19 '^''^ • ^'"^ ^'^ ^'^ ^"^ ^'^ generation. q whictftufff.n J9 ♦ Fora!rnnch then , a» we are the *enerati- goldc.iiver.OoMi. on ot God, we ought not to thinke that the God- are cuitomibly gri- j,j,^jj jj jji^^p ,,,,[3 gold, or fllvcr . 01 ftonc q graVCH *lndtv' fT.for mtn ^X *"^ ^""^ the invention of man, will mJiAorOiip Co >J And the time ofth's i^noranceGod re- ihicgtoiTrfiMfrea* garded not : but now he . dmoiuihith all men ii ii.uoieffc by foine ^.^g^y where to repenr. ;;;;Vn:K«P-- ,3 i Became hee hath appointed a day in the ,; ThfcidneiTeof which he williudge the world m righteoulneUe, thf errcurdofili by that*nan whom he hath appointcd,**/)fr«^hc no: eicufc iiierei haih given an ' afl'urance to ail men , in that hee Itracrhrnd ha.hraifed him fi-..n the dead ,,, , ji i< Now when they had heard of the relur- rcAion from the dead . fome mocked , and other ftitetb foorth the patieoi ? of God: a "uO ^■'"'^ • Wc will heare tbee agiine of this thing, who ofj iuJeeTofuchai "'" 33 And fo Pauldcparted from amongthem. contemne^him. 34 Howbeitcertaine men claue unto Paul, and r Bydtclatiog beleeved : among whom was alio Denys Areopa- CbriH tobtiudge of j^.^, ^^^ ^ woman named Damaris , and other with the woiia through f, from ttedtaJ- i« Mtn, to ftiev»; forth rheirvanitie , aredivfifiy afTcficJandmsovrd vfiib one fclfefameGsfyel^wbithootwitlinandiDgctaftthoottobteffcaualliDthteleft. C H A I CtrintU t XVIII. f ^iVaultt Ccrinth t tdu^kt tie Genitlei, 9 tfil terd eemfiTitih him. la Ht it tccu/tj tefcrt GtOiti, iC iui in 'vaine: ig. Pnmthmehe fiiif'htt Syria, i) anJfef EfJitfij. 1} ^■.GsUtiaMdPhryti.tt'tprtn^^ther.tll, thtdifcipta. n Spoilt! kcin<'m:te''ftrfervithirt*ie^ua exhorted thelewes, andthe Awdtbeuwe.. Grecians, becaoff they were J Nowwhcn Silas and Timotheus Were Come ■iwayeiitd.fquier, from Macedonia , Paul c forced in Spirit , teliihed "It" ^^ ^ to the lewes that Icfus was the Chrill. 6 3 And when they refilled and blafphemed, he * (hooke his raiment, and faid unto them. Your d blood he upon your owne head : I amcleane; from hencefoorth wil I goe untothe Gentiles. 7 So he departed thence, and emred intoa certaine mans houfe , named luftus , a worlhipper of God , whole houfe ioyned bard to the Syna- t The true mini- fltrt arc fo farre frcmfeeking thtir owneprolitei (hit they do willingly deparitrom their right, rather iheo the courfeoftbe Cofpell IbouM be btndtrcd in the feafl wife that n.ightke. J Rom. 16, 3. Suetonimrtcor meanei » The truetb ou^ht alwayei to be freely vitfTtd, ytt BotwiihOaa- ^ing ibcdoSrioe tnay Icfomode^ (aied.aioccafioo ofthe (Jiofiie that the peopleiake thetebr, Ihall te- <]uire, goguc. hold : and tnsny ofthe Corinthians hearing it.be- leeved and were baptized. 9 4 Then faid the Lord to Paul in the night by 4 CoJ iotti »• a vifion , Fearenot , but fpeake ,andholde not thy *"»"<:'' ""^ ""*'"• peace tame the coo.tai. 10 For I am with thee , and no man fliall lay hMdt on thee to hurt thee : fot I have much peo- ple in ihiscitie. 11 So he' continued theieayeere and iixe mo- « Word fot word, neths,and taught the word of God among them. ,h!''irforn"''°" la If Now when Gallio was dc{5utieof f A- lo'DVe^b^"Imeof ' chaia , the Icwes arofe with one accord againft their Bifhjiufeji. Paul.and bionglit him cothe iudgement feate, ^"' TjuI fate, itat 13 Saying. I his fellow peif.vadech men to wer- cij"io!''the"w'' '" f fliip GoJoiherwife then the Lawappoiiitetb. God.aud'tb^, k, "dc :4 Andas Paul was abouttoopin his mouth, offeatcbeiongeih Gallio faydtintoihe lewes , If it were a matter of •■'''"og'oih«TO wrong . or an eviil deede. O ye lewes. I vvouldac- S^'/.'^'iJ^' cording to g rrafon maintaine you. irindetoitatb is If But if it be a queftiun of •> woides and tbem. • namesyand cfyour Lawe , lookeyee to ity«iir f The wicktd are fclves : for I will be no iudge of thofe th ings. "■"Xiw'.'but the 16 And hee drawe ihena from the iudgetuent Lord mocketh feate, their endevour* 17 Then tooke all the Grecians SoRhenes the n.a «i;cu% chiefe ruler ofthe Synagogue, ami beate him be- lia yeltbr°Ro"" fore the iudgement leate : but Gallio cariedno- maneididVotcail thin^for thole things. bimDeputieof \i 6 B jt when Paul bad taricd there yet a good G'ecia, but of a- while . he tooke leave ofthe brethren, .wdiailed ''"'*■'""''"*' into Syria, (and with him I'nici'laand Aquila) af- tb.creeian iuio terthatkhehadfliornehitheadini Cenchrea: fcr fubif ^lon by ibe hehadmade.i « vowe.' Acbsyaoi. which ip Then hee came to Ephcfus . and left thetn '^^'^^°^">'y"^"* ^ And * Crifpus the chiefe ruler of the Syna- b E»boried fo tbtt gogue beleeved in the Lord with all his houfe- be pcrfwaded, & fo ibewnrdfigniSed. c Waivery much grieved iortiiode ; whereby iifigniSedthegTeat eaiDeftnefre of bu minde . wbicii wai greaily mooved - foi Taul wa> fo N"'" >« »»• taught diligently »the things of theLord.andknew * "/he kpoftlea butthebaptifmeuflohnonely. were caried about 16 And hee began to fpeake boldly in the Sy- sot by the will of nago^ue. Whom when + Aquila and Prifcilla had ^nin'""f'V''h heard, they tooke him unto them , and expounded Ghoft"^° « e o j untohimtheo way of GodmorepeifecViy. j j.Cor.4,i>. 27 And when hee was minded to goe into A- iamejj.if. chaia. the brethren exhorting him , wrote to the difciples to receive hira ; an.Tafta thither.heholpcthero much whieh had beleeved foVweJtnowi through p grace. wbattbedayfol- 28 For mightily hee confuted publikely the j|^'^J''g«''"'"''E lewes , with great vehemencie , (liewin^ by the rApono..aK)d. Scriptures, that lefus was that Chrilh i» and learned mao\ refufeib notto ofabafc and abieft bandisrjfi, ttiao.aodalfoof a womh : aed'fo bKoinnieii% »»celleniminifteroitbeChurd). ♦ i.Cot.i.ii. o Very well inftjuft,d jn , be kaow. ledgeottha Sctipiorei. « Rom. iS.j. o The way ibatleadeib totjod. p Tbtoneb Godi(tacieuif4r«tiTi9il>ytbe(t»c(iieDtgifMvvtiicbGod bath bcnomd upoabiv C H A F, ^ ' • (houH , promifeaoihioc tor hee was come UhootthiiclaW; \, Thelewifhexotciftj; Chap.xixi Demerrias jaolatdifragie. f 7 CHAP, xix; _ Ctruiae iUfcipltt at Ephtjkf, j haiin^'mt^ fict'">id J,hn iapiifme, 1 *nd 4"«W »»' 'he iifMe giftei of the holj Chefi ttchirlyfith Codhttd teautifiedhis Stnnes Ifinfdomt, f trekiptiridintkeNsmeiifU/Hi ij TheletviJTi txorcifis 16 Mihittn of the Jeiiill. 19 ComMrinfttok.ii*r§ l>nr>it.' 14 Vemelriui »? raifeih/ediiicnaiainjl T.iul. A Nd » it came to paffe, while ApoUos was at Co- **■ rimhus , that Paul when hepafl'edthorowthe upper coafts , came to Ephefus , and found cettaine dilciples, 2 And fayd unto them , Have ye received the 1 holy Ghoft fince yee beleeved ? And they fayd unto him , We have not fo much as heard whe- ther there be an holy Ghoft. 3 » And he fayd unto them , Vnto b what were ye then baptized > And they fayd , Vnto « lohns baptifme. . 4 Then fayd Paul , ♦ lohu verely baptized with the baptifme of repentance .faying unto the oeople.thai they fliould beleeve in him, which 1 T>iul being no. thicgoffrnded at the tudeceflc of the Epheliaiit, planted a Chutcb atoongtbem. a Ihofetxcelletit giftiofihe holy Gboft, vchicb were ia thofeddyetiD the Clutch. 2 lobodid onely begin toiDRrua the difciplei whom Chrift Aiould make pertite. r i - b inrvhatdodrme fl^ould comcaftet him,.that is. Iji Chrift Iclus f And when they heard ir, they were baptized in the Name of the Lord lefus. 6 So .Paul lay d his handes upon them , and the holy Ghoft came on them, and they fpake the tongues, and prophecied. 7 And all the men were about twelve. 8 f Moreover he went into the Synagogue, and fpake boldly for the fpace of three raonechs. and otheti from iofidelt which r»te: then art yeu ttfBgfct andinllritfledf r To ie bafiiz,td into Ichn tufr tifme,i. to frcfelfe thedtflrine which lehn f reached and ftaled vith fci.' bap- tifme. • Chap^' !.«• < coHof^.to. they rufhed into the comon place with one affent, « ''^''"■'.""^^n!'' . and caught'* Gains, and S Ariftarcbus . men of ^7^°^';^';^ ™ Macedonia , and Pauls companions of his iourney. the Miuiiters, aa 30 And when Paul would have entred in unto inviocibieceniiaa- the people, the difcinles fuffered him not. f}^' '^^J^"*' '"^y't 3 . 8 Certaine alfo of the chiefe of Afia. which ^J-aX be™"r' were his friends ,fent unto him, deliring him that comcwhich not.' he would not prefent himfelfe in the Common wiihftaadingmuft pU ^g fuffr r i t fei fe mo- 52 Some therefore cried one thing , and fome ^^j bVwifedomel another: for the affcmbly was out of order, and 9 iniieadeofree.' the more part knew not wherefore they were come fun, tbeidoiatere together. arefufhcienti, i 5 And fi»>g of the company .Irew foorth A- rhe"i7ownrmacl. lexander , the lewes thrufting him forwards . Alex- ne ife and outcriet, ander then beckened with his hand, and would andthofearethe have excufed the matter to the people. KT'h '^kl'T'* 34 9 But when they knew that he was a lewe, ' o' Ao'axampl'eof there arofe a £houte almoft for the fpace of two apoiitikeman houres , of all men , crying. Great** Diana of the who redeemeti Ephefians. ■ V«ce and quiemeTc 3 J 10 Then the towne clearke when hee had ^'j^, ^";"never flayed the people , fayd , Ye men of Ephefus , what have done, man is it that knoweth not how that the citie of « The Bphsfiant the Ephefians is a worfliipper of the great god- ^;'^T'',{'^7^{j* deffe Diana, and of t/je»w •(b«r |iUcc NOw r after the nirault was appeafed , Taul called the dilciples unto him , and embraced them, and dejiarted to goe into Macedonia, _ .„. 1 And when he had gone through thofe parts, • F^rafit'rfigriAt and had exhorted them with * many words, he »""*'' '*7' *"" came into Grecia. *'•'",' (""^ 3 « And havinp taried there three raoneths, T AfrowlrJ i«Ie becaule the lewes l.-.yd waite for him , as hee was iiihfi.uider.mi about to failc into Syria, he purpofedtoretutne infituftour to muc- through Macedonia. 4 'And there accompanied him intoAfia.So- pater of Berea , and of them of Theffalonica , A- riftarchus .andSecundus .andGaiusof Derbe,aKd Timotheus , and of them of Alia , Tychicus , and Trophimus. y Thefe went before, and taricd us atTroas, 6 And we faileth foorth from Philippi, after the daycs of vnleavened bread , and come imto them to Ttoai in five dayes, where wee aboade feven ilayes. 7 J And the b firft day of the weeke, the difci- ples being come together to breake bread , Paul ■' preached unto them .ready to depart on the no- row.and continued the preaching unto midnight, g 4 And there were many lip;htsinanupper charcbej, where they were gathered together. 9 And there fate in a windowe a cercaine yong roan , named Eutychus , fallen into a deail fleepe : and as Paul was long preaching , he overcome with lleepe , fell downe from the third loft , and was ta- ken up dead. 10 But PauJ went downe, and layd himfelfc npon him ,and embraced him, faying, Trouble not yourfelves : for his life is in him. 11 Then when P*i«/wascomeupagainei and had broken bread , and eaten , having Ipoken a long while lillthe dawning of the day jheeib de- parted. I i And they brought the boy alive , and they iubound'jwithoai Were not a little comforted. •BTceifiogct 13 ) Then he went before to (hippe , and fai- aoppiogio his jgj yp^Q fj^g ^fj^ y^floj ^ that ^vee might receive Vir.',.°'l.'e»ake I'au' there : for fu had hee appointed , and would kit tea jtneDt, himfelfe goe afoote. _.!....:_ L_ ....... j^ Now when he was come unto us to Alfos iJtil: «ori>cii. f raulaneaiDtft laod dilifjeni (o\- •overofChtirt, n;; bad to by ibe fpimeilife.deren* Jnhihcdoaiitit wbUb bf taught, ■ndeiboKcib the Tiftoufiofthe Cburchiopnrc »f re and got for» ward ^fl^ilbco^• tinutaceiothtis •£ce. r ^■ilttrSwM «:,yt •a/t.n./ fntU , »)>.fr M.xmtt Ufnttnt F.fhcjil{«lld Wii#(*.1» »>(»/ and we had received him, we came to Mitylenes. 1 J And we failed thence , and came the next day over againrt Chios . and the next day we arri- ved at Samos , and tatied at Trogyllium : the next day we came to Miictura. 16 f For Paul had determined to failebyE. phefus , becaufe hee would not fpend the time in Afia : fot he hafted to be , if hee could posfible, it Kierulalem, at the day of Pentccoft. 17 f wherefotefroratMiietHm,heefemto 409 fuUnitt Ephefus.andcalled the ElJets ofrhe Chareh. < a livety imigt ig « Who when they were come to him ,hee of«>'«''aftouf. fayd unto them. Ye know from thefirft day that lw"Te'C 1 came into Afia , after what manner 1 have bene di;wv"(oti.x)i*t. which h hee hath purchafed with » that his owne „;i.V^C"f't. blood, otberbeingtakeo »9 » For 1 know this, that wter my departing iiithcdcri»ati»f. (hall grievous wolves enter in among you, not «»J'«n«'°«'|«P»|* fparingtheflocke, ,. . , M^lu^r^ttMi 30 Moreover of your owne (elves (ball men fatbenteimed a arile fpeakine petverfe things ,to U dtawdifcipies coirunoaMaiioj ©» after tliem, ^ ''''''"^Ti'i'!o' 3 1 Therefore watch , and remember that by f/y""roiklng com. the fp4ce of three veeres 1 ceafed not to warne mooofibataotwo every one , both nignt and day with teares. T»hkhbeloBgetk 31 10 And now brethren , I commend you to V'" |° °"'^ -^ God, and to thewordof his grace, which is able *ih,mibtt>ttxc,i.* to build further , and to give you anl inhaitance, leocie of ihi« bioo4. amongallthem, which are fandiried. * A propbecieof 33 III have coveted no mansfilvet. nor golde, ^''."'' '■"" 'V°"''* norapparell, ^ ^ r , . ^ - «raTeu,«,««u.» 34 yea, ye know, that tnefe handes have mi- againftfucha* niftred unto my « necefsit ies , and to them that 'w*'* '"i ^tigge were with me . fc' of°«.fo"''^" 3 y I h«ve (hewed you all things , how that (b )^■^°^ j, J g^jt ^j. labouring, ye ought to ■» fupport the weake , and f«ti«,towautibf to remember the wonlesofthe Lord lefus ,howe p»«f«oc«offg'^'rfbu: gre^ then to receive. «i« m?* **** "" 36 And whenhchadthnsfpokea .heknceled »© Tbe'pow«rof. downe, and prayed with them ail. eod.andhiifre* 37 >» Then they wept all abundantly. , and fell FT'"''" "/"'"th- en Pauls necke, and killed him. , pVirdvphX 38 Being chiefiy Tone for the words which he dmof tbe miui- fpake.That they 'Ihoiild fee his face no more. And OerieofiheGofpeJ.' wey accompanied hira unto the Ihippe. !htrV(ore'*oft>te"it. I » Paflouil l»u* b*foU all tbiogi bewin ofcovcttottfiMSc 4. i. Cot .4, i a i thtf.aSv. t.ihef. 3.«. m Ai ii «erc by rtatoiug oui the band 10 ihem, vvbicb othBrwilt at* .bout toftriwaodfallaway .aoJfotoHayihtm it Tk, Oofl>ell doii 09Ui*e •n»y quuhU liiSUvu, ^i (itieib «utl btidlttb ibem in good otdei Htfconftancic' Chapl jfjg. tu kf. X 3f s. « P<«f f*il1> UWfd HilrH/xlim ! t '» ^ Then when wee had embraced one another, thij/riitd him we tookc ihip, and they returned home, frcmftini *, Hit' J And whcn wee had ended the courfe from rmftlim. Tyois , wcc arrived at Ptolemais , and faluted the brethren, and aboade with them one day. 8 And the next day , Paul and wee that wete with him , departed . and came unro Cefarea : and « Chip (,(. weeentred into the houfe of ♦ Philip the Euan- i neff>ejkf'i'*f cclift, which was one of the t> feven X)m*#»m, and thCHul^ZT-' aboade with him. nfd ttfcre, cUf.t. 9 ^ov.' he had four* daughters virgins > which r T I, fj had tpecu. did « ptophecic. lj*r pf' 'ff""^- 1 o And as wee taried there msny dayes , there fc/pj t unit u (tmc. came a certaine Prophet from ludea, named A- g-ibus. 1 1 And when hee was come unro us.hee tooke Pauls girdle, 5c bound his ownc hands ?c feete,and faidc, Thus faith the holy Ghoft.So (hall the lewes at Hierufalera binde the man that oweth this « ThefdllofCod girdle , and flialldeliverhimintothehandesof the bridlrthallaffe- GentileS. aioa,intbrm II And when wce had heard thcfc things, both »»bich«arof(iir we and Other of the fame place befought him thai cf God'!' ^ *"" ^^ would not goe up to Hierufalera. sOodiitohe 15 Then Paul anfwered, and faid, what doe ye vraifed , viho i, the wccping and breaking mine heart ? For I am ready Authoiir of all pQt to be bound onely , but alfo to die at Hicrnfa- good Uymg.anJ j^^f^^ ^^^ ^^^^ ^j-^f^g j_or,| Igfus. 4 lathiDiiin- '4 > So when he would not bc pcrfwaded, wcc Jiffcreoi (of which ccafed. faying. The will of the Lord be done. foinRMeootthe , And after thofe day eswetrufTcd up our far- tradittoDtofihe i < i ,.- ri PbarifM. but , be ^cls , 2nd went up to Hjei ufalem. _ , ^ ,.^ c«rtraoBiMr,rtb« 1 6 There went with us zMoeettaiM of the dii- Law.vmitifuch ciplcs of Cefarea, and brought with them One Mna- tiuie ai chri«ian f^^ ^f Cyrrus , ;ui oldc difciolc , with whom wee libcriie nai more ,t ui . ^ fully revMlrd.o lllOuldlod"e. ,. ^, ebciewti chaiitie' 1 7 And when we were come to Hieruulem , the willeih ui to coo. brethren received us gladly, forme o. ai-piy , g ^„jj jj,e next day Paul wem in with us unto ul'fo fare M «e^' ^^^^ ' ""^ a» '^c Eldcts were there allembled. ■lay.toourt-ic- 1? 9 And when he had embraced them, he told ihrenwbichdoe by order ail things , that Godhadwroughi jmong not n«bburnhr ani^jljg Gcntiles by his mimflration. X'rSb^file jo .so when th^ heard it . they glorified God. y not thfoughiy io- and (aid unto htm . Thon feeS , brother, new many ftrufted tfieciaiiy thoufand lewes there are which bekcve .and they if .hequraioo b/: arc allccalout ef the taw : of a whole malu. ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^ infoflBCd of thcC , that thoU Paal taken in the Temple." yS teacheft all the Icwe« .which are among the Gen- tiles ,to forfake Mo.'es. and /ayeft that they ought not tocircnmcife their fonnes , neither to live itfur the euftomes. 22 What isthen t»%e dtm : the multitude muf^ needcs come together : for they %ill here that ihou art come. 23 Doe therefore this that we fay to thee. We have foure men, which have roadea vow, 14 Then take.andr»' and e contribut* with them, that they may -i-ftiave h"rFeakRhooth«« their heads :and all (liall know .that thofe things, of the vncieaae,b« whereof they have bene informed conc^iing of fichaiwetefuW ihee , are nothing , but that thou thy felfe alfo wal- '!* '° '"".^owe of ke« and keepeft the Law. 1 TbL"i^l'« b, _,« ,. ,,#.•., ...i. • That K inay be 2 jr For as tooching the GenttjeSiWhich beieeve koowen.that tbes we have written , and determined that they obferve ^^1^ notoadf no fuch thing, but that they keene themfelves from P"^'" " ^^ things offered to idoles . and from blood, and from *hTf.'m.n l"t : thanxhat is flrangled, and from fornication. and therefore it ii' 26 Then Paul tookc the men .and the next day faidafttrwatdi.ihat was purified with them , and entred into the Tem- Piul^Y'it'dtb* pie , f declaring the accomplifhment of the dayes .ionVford^houpk of thepurificarion, vntill thacan ofleriogfbould be the charges fonhe ofteredfor every oneof them. Nazariteioffiingt 27 r And when the fcven dayes were alraoft we"«Ppo'nt« fimi'tJ thmu 39 Then Paul faide . DoubtlefTe . 1 am a man ',,X"i»fi^"Li:i Vhich ans a Icwc » and citizen of Tarfus , a famous t.ik*r- > »• tihh a. citie I tifl Pauls aflfwere^ The Afles; and confeffion. citie of Cilicia \ and 1 befeech thee , fuffer mee to j'peake unco the people. 23 And when hee had given him h'cence , Paul flood on the grieces , and If^^ckened with the hand nnto the peoole , and when there was made great iilence . he f^ke unto them in the Hebrew tongue, faying, CHAP. XXII. I r4ul}etlJeihareafcncfhiif.nth, ii dnJ t^f Je^Vtiht.irt him*ivhilf: x) But fifitni ii they irrtd cut, 14 Heit tcmmMdcJiokeJcrur^edandexamintd, »7 axd/i dcclartth ik^he %idtit.tncf H,Kmt, Y" E men. brethren, and fathers, heare my defence •*• now towards you. % ( And when they heard that hee fpake in the Hebrewe tongue to them , they kept the more Ii- lence, and he laid, ) 3 t lam verelyaman,tfwWc/)<»»iaIew,borne in Tardus in Cilicia , but brought up in this citie at the » fc-ete of Ganaaliel .and inftrufted according • to the perfe6l: maner of the Law of the fathers., and was zealous toward God, as ye ail are this day. 4 And! perfecuted this way unto the death* Tbatii.hiidayly binding and delivering into prilon both men and '."l-r^^":^" women° I Paul miking* Jhoridetlaratioa ofhitforinerlife, fiooveibboch bii voution tud do- Arine to be of Cod (bii.foithatthey Vfbicb teacb.fit commoolyiD the tiigheiplactfpfa- . kiog 10 ihriifcbol- IcMwbicb ftiupoD fourmcs btoeatb: 3Dd therefor* bee faitb, atibe fectc ~3i Gamaiicl. 5 As alfo the chiefe Piieft doth beare me wit- nes,and all the company of the Elders : of whom al- fo I received letters unto the brethren , and went to Damalcus to bring them which were there , bound unto Hierufalem.that they might be punilhed. 6 J And fo it was , as I iourneyed , and was come neere unto Damafcus about noone, thatfud- denly there Ihone from heaven a great light round aKoutme. 7 So I fell unto the earth,and heard a voyce.fay- inguntome,Saul,Saul,why perlecurei\thoume ? 8 Then I anfwered , Wno art thou Lord ? And be fa id to mee , I am lefus of Nazareth ,whom thou perfecutefl. 9 Moreover they that were with mee , faw in deede a hght and were afraide : but they heard not the voyce of him that fpake unto me. 10 Then I faid , Whatlhalll doe ,Lord ? And the Lordfaid unto me , Aiife, and goe into Damaf- cus : and there it lliall be toldtheeofall things, which are appointedfor thee to doe. 11 So when I could net fee for the glory of that light , I was led by the hand of them that were with me , and came into Damafcus. 1 X And one Ananias a godly man , as pertaining 10 the Law , having good report of all the lewes which dwelt there, I 3 Came unto mee , and flood , and faid unto me , Brother Saul, receive thy fight ; and thatfame houre 1 looked upon him. 14 And he faid. The God of out fathers hath appointed thee .that thou (l.ouldef^ know hi^will, and ihouldeft fee that lufl one , and fiiouldefi heare the voyce of his mouth. I f For thou Ihalt be his witnefle unto all men, of the thirigs which thou haft feene and heard. 16 Now therefore why tarieftthou ? Arife .and be baptized .and wafli away thy finnes , in calling on the Name of the Lord. >7- 5 And it came to paffe.that when I was come againe to Hierufalcm , and prayed in tha Temple, I was in a traunce, 1 a And faw him , faying unto mee, Make haf^e, and get thee quickly out of Hierufalem : for thty wi^ not receive ihy witnefle concerning me, 1 9 Then I {aid , lord , they know that I priib- ned, and beat in every Synagogue them that beleci ved in thee. 20 And when the blood of thy martyr Steven wasllied , I alfo f^oodeby . and confented unto his b ibii n properi. death, & kept the cioathes of them that b flew him. ffokeo: for sievel X I Then hee faide unto me. Depart : for I will '^" munbetedof a fend theefarre hence unto the Gentiles. ^°?b'^o"d""'T" 21 J aAndthey heardhimuntothisword,fc«t °°^'j_^°',(,"°p'o' then they lift up their voyces, and faid, Away with force : for at that fuch a fellowe from the earth : for it is not meete limethe lewei that he fliould live. could not (.otaay 25 And as they c cried Sccaft off their cioathes, ^^^"'^""'''1' and threw du{! into the aire, » Stoat and dub. 24 i The chiefe captaine commanded him to butae pride will be led into the caftle .and bade that hee (hould be ^"'''"'''^'"'11"°*" fcourged, 8c examined ,that he might know where- nehhe'r fuffer ' ' fore they cried fb on him . other to receive ft, 2f 4 And as they bound him with thongs, Paul c Thedefcription ■ faid unto the Centurion that flood by , Is it lawfull "•'^^ ''f ^'°"' '""'» for you to fcourgeonethatisaRoraane ,and not h*reb'rai"oedaad condemned ? mad multitude. ^6 Now when the Centurion heard it ,he went, 3 Tfaewifdome and told the chiefe captaine .faying , Take heede °^^^'J^'f^^^°''^ what thou doel^ ; for this man is a Romane. i^'uXVn 'w'hat*;* 27 Then the chiefe captaine came , and faid to p^Stabie.andthere- hira. Tell me,art thou a Romane ? And he faid. Yea. witball meafure 28 And the c hiefe captaine anfwered . With a 'j'.' P'°fi<.«ao'- great fumme obtained I this freedome. Then Paul „'°/p*/jf^'j;j"" laid, But I was fo borne. , 4 rhereiiiio' 29 Then {\raightway they departed from him caufe whywemay which ftould have examined him : and the chiefe f",]"^^,^"^' 'j,^'". captaine alfo was afraid , after hee knew that he was coAgWnh^t.to a =5 Romane, and that he had bound him. repeil ,or put away 30 On the next day, becaufe hee would have aniDiurie. knowen the certaintie wherefore hee wasaccufed ^„f^°'jJ[,^/"°"* of the lewes , hee loofed him from his bonds , and (jf',i,et, J,** commanded the hie Prieftes and all their Councill to come tegetber : and hee brought Paul , and fei him before them. CHAP. XXIII. I ^t Paul fie jJelh hiicaufe, t ^ndniaicommiHndnhthtm tojmitehim. 7 Diffeniicn amfn^hiiaccujcrs. 11 Cod tnccuraifthhim. 14. The lew U?'"^ yviit for Vaul, zo iidiiUred unto tilt chiefe cufUir.e.' tj Hit /enJelh him to Felix the CoVirnoUT. , ... 1 raul agaioil tb« A Nd , Paul behelde earne(»ly the Councill , and faifeaccufaiiom faid , Men <»«if brethren, 1 have in all good con- of hiienemin, fcienceferved God vntillthisday. Se^c'j'r a » Then the hie Prieft Ananias commaunded proofe whereof, them that l^ood by , to fmitc him on the mouth . he repearetb the 3 J Then faid Paul to him , God » willfmite vtboiecourfeof thee, thou b whited wall: for thou fitteft to iudge me according to the Law.and' tranfgrefSngthe, Law, commandeft thou me to be fmitten i length to betray 4 And they that flood by ,faid .Revileft thou .'hemfeivei bytheij Gods hie PrieftS Ti'tTw-lifo, y 4 Then faid Paul , I knew not brethren , that „, to compiaioeof he was the hie Prieft: for it is written,* Thou Ihalt ioiuriei.aodto fuin» not fpeake evill of the ruler of thy people. "'°h''"rem'nt 6 ! But when Paul perceived that the one f°,',Vf''God!'fo'" part were of the Sadduces.and the other of the , hat we do it' with. out hatred ,and wi'.h a quiet and peaceable itiiode. a It appeareih plaitiely by the Grceke (.hrafe.ihai Paul did not cutfetbe hierrieft.but onely pronounce the puailhmeDt of Giid againi) hini, b Tbii ii a vehetnentaad Iharpefprrcb , hut yet not lepioacbfull : Forthe godly man fpeake roundly . and yet be voydeof the bitterajfedionofa fharpeand angry miode.C e For theLawecorumandeth tbsludgeio heare the perfon that iiaccufed patiently. anij to pronounce the fentenceadvifedly. 4 We inuft willingly and from the heart give honour to Maginratfii although they be tyiaoti. •{■ .fizod. aa 17. ; We may lawfully fometiines fet the wicked together by the ea res. that they may leave oSho ailAult utiiv iti«t it be wiifa 00 biadeioflieof ibttiuetb. Phatifesi Hypocii K Paul f efcued, A rafli rowc^ Cbap.xxiiij. * Cliap. 14)12. phil i,s. t Tbeconcord ofibe vtick«4 ii vwake although they confjJirc to- gether to oi>i-rcire the Kuecb. 7 Ititaooldehe ttAeofib^Siida. cell todenieche iiibaancc of Ao- geliaad raulo.and thBRWithalltfae terurieftion D( the dead. » Mat.2i-a3. i N^turei chat wancbodiet. t The Lord when it pleaftth him, findeih defeudert cf hiicaufe, tvea amoDglt hit « The Scribei office vvaia publikoftcei and the name of the Phatifei wai the name of a Ct&. 9 God will not foffakehiltoihe cod. so Such at are ca. nieJawa, with a a dilitDlion betwecuc the Phstiles & the Sadducts, lo in^i the (cuitKude was divided. 8 7 * For liie S *dduccs fay that there ij do re- furt^dtion . Deitticr d Ai.gel , nor lpini:but the PDaiU^sconielTe both, 9 ' Theu there was a great crie : and the e Scribes of the Pbarifes pan rofe up , and ftrove, layiog , We findc none evill in this man : but if a Ipinc or aa Ai gel bath ipukcn lu biai , let us not light ngiiott God. 10 9 Aod when there was a great dilTeofionithe chicfe capiaine, teanog lefr Paul tiionld have bene pulled in pieces of tbem,coi:omaDded the louldiers to go dowae t and take higifrum au.oog ibeiOt and to bring him into the caiicll. 1 1 Now th^ night following , the Lord ftood by him. anJ laid, B . uf good coui ge. Paul, for as thou halt teltihed of isecin Hiciulalem.loaiuA tDOU besre witneffe alio at Rome, 1 1 i°And when the day was come,cettaioe of the Icw£s made an aif^tobly land bound them- fclves *^ with a cutfe, laying, that they would nei- ther eate nor driokc till they bad killed Paul. 1 3 And they were moe then tuuitie.wbicb bad made this confpitacie. 14 And they came to the chiefe Priefts and Eldets.and faid.Wee have bound our ielvei with a lolemne curfe.tbat we will catc BOthing.untill wee have llaine Paul. If Now therefore , ye and the Councill.figni- fie unto the chiefe captaine.that be bring bim forth uuto yoQ to morrow , as though you would kno we fome tbicg tnore perfectly of bim , and we, or ever he come ncere will be ready to kill him. 1 6 But when Pauls iiliers lonne beard of their laying await , he went, anu eniied into the caliell. ana told Paul. 1 7 " And Paul called one of the Centurions unto bim, and faid.Tike this yong man hence unto the chiefe captaine : fi/t hehaibaceitaine thiug to ibew him. iS So he tocke him , and brought bim to the chiefe capiame, and lay d, Paul ihc pt a^uer calk d me unto him > and pri.yed mee to bticg tms yong man uuto thee, which bath fome ibiDg to t^y uuto thee. 19 Then the chiefe c-ptaine tooke hira by the hand , ind w^nc apart wnb him alone , and aiorc then fouriy men. which have buund themlelv s wubacurle » that shey will neither catc nor dtinke.tiU they have kil- led niia : and now arc they ready , and wait tor thy proraife. 2 * "The chiefe captain then let the yong man depart , after hee nad charged bim to utttr it to no man, that hee had iWweo bim thcle things. i3 And he CfiUd unto him two certainc Cen- turions .faying, Make ready tv»ohundretb loul- diers, tbat tbey eay g6e to Cefuea, and boilemeo Paul fent to Felix. Tertullus. f ^ tbrcefcore and ten.and twohnndreth with darts.at the third houre of the night : 24 And let them m ks ready an borfe.thai Paul being fct on , may me brought fafc unto Felix the goveroour. ^ 2y And he wrote an Epiftleio tljis maner: ^6 '3 Claudius Lylias unto the mouDoble go- tj tyflaiiifuj. vemont Felix leudeth greeting, '''"'y ""'J* ^y ^7 As this man was taken of the lewes . and 'l" i-ord PaoU fliould have becnc killed of them , I came upon *'*"*"'■ them with a gsrilon , and rekucd him.ptcceiviDg that bee w^s a Komaine. 28 And when I would have knowen the ciUfe wherefore they acculed him.l brought him foorth into tbcitCouncill. 29 nere I perceived that bee was accnfed of qaeftions of their Law , but bad no crime wui iby of death, or of bonds. 30 And when it was fhewed mee, bow that the lewes layd wan for the man.I lent /iwjiiraightwiy to thee ,and commanded bis acculers to fpeake before thee the things that they hid agaimt him. Farewell. 3 1 Then the fouldiers as it was commauoded them , tooke Paul , and brought bim by night to Antipattis, 31 And the next day.they left the hotfemco to gee with bim, and letnrned into the CaAell. 33 Now when tbey came to Cef»rea, they deli- vered the Epiltle to the govcrnouf , and prefented Paul alfo unto him. 34 So when the Govcrnour had read it.he af- ked of what province he was : and when be under- Aood that he was of Cilicia, 3 y I will heat c thce.fayd bce.when thine accu- fers alfo are come , and commauuded bim to be kept in Hetods iudgementhall. C H A P, XXIV. a TifuUujticufeih Pun'.: 10 Ht tinfwtrethfir Umfilft: II Hefretcheth Chnji to the^liern.Ur an>e 4l>ril/i, aS ivhc eatnz from hi, office, Ua^theuulinfttfon. " . ja Ov* 3 afternve dayes . Ananias the hie Prieft 'hfc^'a^'doe came down with the Elders, and with Tertul- ^hatikty would lusacettaioe oratour, which appeared before the doeby foiceand governonr agiinltPaul. dectij.atiength X And When he was called foorth .Tertullus '.tmfuiubyV"' began to .ccufe Urn, faying . Seeing that wee have fheTof Lav«. obtcined great quictnetic " through thee , and that a Felix ruled that roanybvvorthy things are done unto this nation P'ov'o"witb grut through tby providence. rufaeVe^tnTyVt 3 We acknowledge u wbolly.and in all places, lofrphu. recotde.h molt noble Felix, with all thackes. that ht did many 4 But that I be not tedious unto thee . I pray wo^tythiDgi . ai ' thee , that thou wouldeft hearc us of thy cnrtciie a ^a. hrcTpTaineor feWWOrUS. ceitaiu cuithroati, y Certainely we have found this man a « pefti- and 1 ui mat dtcea. lent fellow . and a moover of fedition among ^il the "log vire.ch ihe e. lewcs thorowoutthe world .and ad chietcmaio- 8"*"'"°'° '« '• taber of the led of the « N.z writes : 6 And hath gone about to pollute the Temple: '' "' "'<•■'> ' «""** thetcfore we tooke bim .and would have ludgcd wti^^'beStoikea him according to our L.w : ^^^^^^^^ „^ ^e. 7 But the chiefe captaine Lyfias came upon haviour. OS . and with great violence tooke him out of our * word for word, bands. *W>g"<^- . 8 Commanding his accufersto come to thee : ay,'an"skad«,or of whom thou miyeft( ifthou wilt inquire Jkouw enrignrbratcr all tbele tbirgs wheteof we acculc him. « So ih^y caiitd the C&iiliiaD>rcotiitjgly of the townei name where tbey thought that Chrift wai boroe , woereBpon ti cauic that lutian ibt Apoltatc tailed bim Galilraa, Hbh j 9 Mid uled great / Piiuls defence: The Ari!d 13 Keither cm they •■ proovc ths things.where- 0*111 of tnipiovince, ofthey now accufe tTC. chai..»7.bu> hebad 14 3 B ut ihis I confeflg onto thee . that aftsr g.vtrucd Tract o- ^^^ ^^^ (which thjy Call' faerefis) fo worfliip I the «'d'cii.''ucitrb"; God of my fathers, beleevicg all tbir-gs which are furetba: cistdiui v/tittcn in the Law and the Prophets, oudefciingowi- j^ And have hopj towards God.thu the refiit- BourofiuH«:io. rcftion cf the dead . vi^icb they thtmlelves looke S'u"'fv^'a."?. for alfo. ihsil be both of iuftacd unicft. lib.a.cbaj n 16 And herein I indcvocr c;y fslfe to have al- ii Tbty cano-iiay ^jy a clearc ccnfclcDcc towaid God aod toward foorhbtfortih" ^^^^ rVafo^,"""" ^*' ^"°'' 1 7 '4 Ncvf after many yeeres . I came 5c brought 3 Piul pofb '"' 'be iloies to my nation and offericgs. caafeotR^lgion jg Acitr.-h]: time , cettsiDC Icwes of ' Afia ^j''^"'- found mee putiftad in the Tetcple, neither with iV.tiy multitude, oor with tumult. [dn:yinstn=.t ip Who ought to bave bcenc prefcDt bcfotc obicfteJ agaipft thee, and ac'cufe mc, if they had ocght agjinrt me. tm 'u"oSr » o Or let 1 hefe themlel vcs f .7 . It t hey have tTbVhMvJiy :nd found any uniuft thing in mee, wbiL; i ftood in the froroGod.and to t'- CoUPCill. fcttbfddtitof quali: Wl 21 Ercept»?i«for this one voyce.that I cried f'H.'r'^^tUi'vvjtd, ftaoding arooog them , Of the teiurrey . taktoingood(;irt. 21 f Now when FeliJ: heard thefe things, hcc 4 raulin coridu- defj,re(i tbcoo.ard fay d. When I (hall more ° per- th'i'oxwbichli'ii f<-"'^ly know the thinj^svvhichconcerne this way. dont.ir jf ly. wbich by the conimipg of Ly!i skeib afifrwaid. a vrry harlotaniflicmtioui woman and beio^ the wifeof Aziiul Via)! of the Emiftri , mho wasciicu nciftd .dfparted from bi in ,and wrnt lo Felix, ih. bfother of one Pallai . «ho Ataifjinetimf Nno hiibondmao. 7 luanaugbiy nirdeikii iiguiltly r> itftlfe. altboujU .foraetimc 'birebefoirK (hew ofrquitie.yet ».y Odd by , it will bt tMiDt«ilb«d: bi»t ik tbe tuMoe ftafonvve have neciJt to j>««eBtt, ttd ibaKonuDuall. Feftus came intoFel'xfooinei and F^/Ja? willing ? v»re^t,ti,k% to P get favour of the lewes. left Paul bound. /,/^/^tj"»5w> it ii»f leenefi'tfuitHr cfhii irtthir PdUn , Imfhculihjyeiiud ftnftthtt wt m^f gtthir htreij w'y ''« IVkU h*lit flealHnit the Itrvti, CHAP. XXV. 1 FeJlutfuciieiiniFiUx, 6 cctr.mtriiltihPAvlfohltrtK^ht fconh. II Paul iff eaUt'hUni' Cff.ir. n Fejlu, cftn.th PjhIi matter to l^ir,^ ^grfi>.i, 13 anJ litingeth htm ttfirt him, 27 thut hemaj ua'ltrjijn'i hti caMfi. ■ Hen I Feftuswai then come into the province, .^ after three d^yes hee went np fromCefarca i,e f"b°iMi.nddi'lZ uoto.Hierufalcm. g.ot in f«kir-g all , 1 Then the high Ptieft . and the chiefe of the occadoci : bu: God lewej appeared before him ai>aica Paul ; acd tlicy wbo watcheth for bcfougnthlro, tte.rcouufcU 5 And defired favour againft him . that hee eafiiv. would fend for him to Hierutalem : and they hyd wait to kill him by tbe waj. 4 But Fellus anfwered , that P.;ul (honld be kept a: Celarea , and that he himlelfe would t-hort- ly depart r/.tr/j*;-, 5 Let them therefore , fayd be , which amorg you are able . come downe with n$ : and if there be any wickedneffc in the man, let them accule him. ,, 6 ^ a Nowe when he bad tatied among them *„j„*™|Ji''^f no more 'hen tendayes.be went downe toCclarea, but not with in. and the next day fate in the iudgement feate , and >""*• commanded Paul to be brought. 7 And when hee was come , the lewes which were come from lerufalem , ftoode about him and layd many and grievous complaints againft Paul, whereofatbey could make no plaineproofe, g Forafmuch as he aDfwcrjtd that he had nei- ^ Jo« twl"!' ther offended any thing againft the law of the taiolyandvpiih'un- lewes, neither againft f temple, nor againft Cefar. douUed teafoci. 9 3 YetFeftus willing to get favour of the lewes, anfwered Paul and fayd .Wilt thou goe up ^„f,y .^t'el^ay to Hierufalem, and there be indged of thcfe things ,hecc«nftii„fth« before me ? wicked, but alfo SO Then fald Paul. I ftand at Cefats iudgement '"""^'b it upon feate, wheie I ought to be iudged : to tbe lewes 1 tt"'"^" ''"'^• have done no wtosg , as thou very well knoweft. i I For if I ba've done wrong . or committed any thing worthy of death , Itefufe not to die: but it there be noneofthefe things .whereof they accufe me , no man , to pleafure them, can deliver me to them: I appealc unto Cefar. 1 1 Then when Feftus had fpoken with the CouDcill . hee anfwered , Haft thou appealed unto Cefar f unto Cefar llialt thou goe. 13 ' 4 And after certaine dayes .KingbA- 4 Peflut tticking grippa and Bernice came downe to Cefarea to fa- nofucbthing , even kt/p-ftiK: btfor..kmgi.brm. jate f.lTUS. ,iD(r to light tbe 14 And when they had teraaincd there many vvicktd.itOe of tb^ dayes , Feftus declared Pauls caufc unto the King, iewei,aDd pj«Ii fnying, There is a certaine niao left in prifon by inoocfQcie,doet& t'lj" "^ ' marvtiloully con. . ^ ^r . . . ... r. L firniethe Cbutcll Jy Of whom when I came to Hierufalem , the ofo-d. bie Pricft and Elders of the lewes cnformed me, b TbnAgrippa and defired to have iudgement ngainf: him. ^" ''^'"^a' d 'att 1 6 To whom I anfwered, that it is not the ma- Lu"kJf^k", ^f b,".' ' ner of;y R.omanet for favour to c deliver any man fo,e,andB;roice CO the d(?»th.before that be which is accufed.have wai bit fin«. the accafers before him . and have fijcc to defend ' '^^^f'^^'"*^''''^ himrclfc, concerning the crime . ""['t^'io bf'VumfcsJl 17 Therefore when they were come hither, before,&c. ^ without dtlay the day following 1 fjte on tbe iudgement feate .and commanded the man to be brought foorth. rollout lourtn, i8 Againft whom when the acculcrsfiood up. «biicpliJae mancalletta the Iewe> jeligion.fii. prrliuiod, and that before king Agtip- ttt ibeiuleriof ihey brought BoerlfflC offoch thlogs'as I fnppo- fcd; 19 J But had ceitaincgueftioDsagavnfthimof theu owoe"* luperlHcjons ,aad of ooelefus which was dead, whom Paul iffitcDtd to be alive. io And becanle 1 doubted of fuch manner of qucttioB , I asked him whether he v/ould goeto Hi=ru(aiem,and there be iudged of iheic tBings. 1 1 But becaufe he appealed to be referveU to the cxamioatioD of Auguftus , I cooKDanded bim to be Kept, till I might lend him to Cefat. 21 6 Thco Agtippa layd unto FkAds , I would a!fo heare the man my fclfe. To morrow , (aid be, thou (halt heare bim. S3 And on the morrows when Agrippawas coiEe , and Beroicc with great' pompe , and were emied into the Common-hall with the chiefe cap- taines and chiefe men of the citie , at Feftus com- Loi'd beforfe cs told IO Ananisj ofbim.Ciaii.g.ir e Gorgeoullylike aPriDce. i To AuguBai. Good Princei re- fufcd ibiS Dame at ^"he'maie I'ie'of mandcmcDt'Paul was brought foorth, theempire ofRome, J 4 And Feftus (aid. King Agrippa, and all men uied u. preitrre which «e piefeot with us , ysc fee tbisman.abont jh«>wvt. betor. ^^^^ gj.1 jjjg multitude of the lewes have called e' Thai !i fulfilled upcD mc, both at Hierufalem, and here.cry ing.that iu Paul , vibicb the he ought not to Ilve any longer. ly Yet have I found nothing worthy of death, thaths hath com.mic:ed ; Deverthelells.leeing that he hath appealed to Auguflus . I have determined to fend him. 26 Of whom I have DO certaiae thing to wiire nnto my f lord : wherefore I have brought him fooith unto you , and efpeciaily noto thee , Kitg tbefiifi, to^vit, 10 Agfippa.thac after examination had, I might have ^V^^'^Yht^lT fcmewhat to write. oiltVe'd i', a'l we* *7 ^°^ "^^^ tbicfccth it uorcafonablc to fsod a teadeo< TrataBui. prifoner , and not to Ihew the canles which are kid againfl bim. CHAP. XXVI. a Punt i» tht frifinct cf^^ifipa, (^ JecUreth hit life from hii childhofd, 16 andhucuU',,.'^, 21 rvihfuchtfficaiiecf 1 TobaveaiKil- ypordi, jS ihar almoB hi ptrfw-idtdhimu Chifii^nitie. full Tudge... a great ^.^, ^^ ^„^ ^.^ <^ ^ ^ ^^,y^,^ . p , aucUingular gifiof rrnt'er. r ■> t & » f Pa.i! dividwh the 'V Hen Agrippa faid unto Paul, Thou art permit- hiitorieoihiiiite ted to Ipeultc for thy felfe. So Paul ftietched iDtotwoimn.f.f forth the hand, and anfwered for him felfe. thefiritthrca!,etb j » I jf,ioli;e ,j,y fgjfg happy.King Agrippa.be- tlitDe*. "fo'r the <^^«<« ^ "^^^H ^nlwere this djy before thee ot all the iaiter.tbefatben thingi whereof I .im accufedof thelswes: ard Prophets. 3 Cbicfcly , bccaufe thou ha(\ knowledge cf a whaiiwai.and _^]j cuftumes , i!od qutrftjons which are among the wbere,aadhcw , i_ r . . r 1 1 ■ ° ,l„,,j lewes: whetetore I beleech thee tohcsremee pa- b Tbat my parenn tiently, wverePbanfei. 4 2 A$ touchiog my life from my chilcJe- hood , and what it w-^s from the beginning among mine owne nation at Hierufalem, knowc all the ^feftj lewef, J Whichaknews me heretofore .even from my b Elders ( ii'tney would tettifie ) that after the euoft Itraight le<5t of our religion,! lived «Phatife. 6 3 And now I ftind and aroaccuted for the hope of the promife made of God unto our fa- thers, 7 Whereunto our twelve tribes iVift.n-.Iy fcr- virg God day and night , hope to come ; fi,r the which hopes f^ke, O king Agrippa , I am accnfed ofthelewrs. 8 4 why (l)oujd it be thought a thing incre- dible unto you, that Godlhouldraileagjine the ofChttlt .■wheitof Jgjijj wl^'alf ■'"' 5» I alfo verely thought in my felfe, that! ought to do: m^ny couttaty things .-gsicli ibe c Tbefeftoftbe risiifei wastbe moll eiqi amouelt i of tbeliiAes. for was bctIert^en al thrrell. 3 There are ihree chiefe and pnnc.. palK'iirnel]'. sof aijdtfaecu:;(en: of ihe ChunJ). 4 Kf proovetb the rrruirrftionofike dead, tint by rhe JtowTofGjJ.ibei ■•by the lefurr- Chau.ji, Name of lefus of Nszneth, 10 * Which thing I aifo did in Hitrufalem : » chap.s.j. for many of theS»intsI fliat up in ptiioo , having received aiithoritieof tbf High Pfictts . and when they were pu- to death, 1 gavi my d fentence. ^ I ccDfeBtedto, 11 And 1 puniihed tbeni thorowc-^ all the Sy- [hrndlhl- forht nagogues . and "^ coropelled ibem to t-lafpheree, wainotaijdfje. and being ncorcrosddcaganft them, I perlccuted « Byturtntpu- them. even unro llfange cities. I z At which tim-.even as I went to ^ Damaf- CBS with authoritie, and cotDmifficafram the high PfieSs. 1 3 At middsy .O ki'Dg.I faw in the way a '^ht s Tiie rod ofthe from heaven p.ffing the bDghtaeile of the (uDce, ft,tmw'bkha« thine round about mee, aad them which weoi broughtiotfae with me. knowledge of 1 4 So wfeen wee were a!! fallen to the earth, I Chrirt.and at« iiK heard a voyce fpeakirg unto me , and faying in the "Jd'^A"! befog Hebrcwe tongue, Saul. Stul.why petfccuceftchou layd Itoidonbj me? It h hard for thte to kicke againft pricks. faiS. ' 1 y Then 1 faid . Who art ibou, LordjAad he t ''/"'f «'?<'»' faid. I am lefus whom thou peilecuteft. ff^L d'H b"' 16 Butrii'caadltand ijpoctby feet.'for Ihave Ai«Kleihip,aod appeared unto ihee for this purpofe toappoim bisgra«ai awii- ' thee a micifter and a witcefie , both of the things l''-;, . which thoo haft feene.and of the things in the 'cdfj?,.''"' which I wiii appears unto thee, » Caa?. 21,30, 17 Ddivctiog tbec from this people.and from 7 Chrifti»tbe the Gentiles, unco whom now I fend thee. '"VI' n' ^T 13 ! 1 o open their eyes, th.ii they may turne f iccvtryoae^ from darkentHe to light, and from the power of g 7bacChri(i Satan unto God ,tbit they m?y receive forgive- 'hoisklaoibefuch neflc of linces.and inheritance among ifaero.which j '^'"^ rV'^K't"." are lantit.niti by lauh m mc, appcisted to beate i9_ « Wherctore.King Agrippa,! was not difo- oiirniirerie.,ai,d bedient unto the heavenly vilian. ihepuniibmentaf 20 * Bina^cwcdfirltuDEo tbemof Dimafcus, ^'ne'i^nof.keB, and at Kierufalcro , and ihctowoutall ihecoaftsof vi.h;cfaareiaifud ludea , and then to the Gentiki , that they Ihculd from the dead. repent aijd tutne to God , and doe wotkfs worthy ' t-ife.y".attd 'hat amendmentoflife. SmaUbi'i^- 2 1 For thi-s caufe the lewes caught me in the i,re . and tbit ;■ fee * Templc,aod went about to kill ins. agaiQlidaikenefle, 22 ^ Nevertheleffe , I obtained belpe of God. '^'^'^^ aimoit inj.,j and continue onto this day , witutffug boih to forc^Hmedelth'anJ f imall and to great, laying none otticr things, foinejinwmifet:e then ihofe which the Prophets and Mofes did lay aad caiamiie. illOUjdcome, S Thewifedorneof 23 To Wit , that Chrift ihould g fufFer. and tbat f^tl?,!^--! be aiould be ihs ' ■ ' swi tirit that Ihould nie from the wiibftaorfi dead, and Tnould (hew ' light utto ihis people, and "••"'' bold;. to the Gen-.iic^s. bTecJetl' "a^od"" 24 8 And as he thus anfwered for himfelfe,Fe- "jjvii'y'." '' ' *° f^usiayd wiihaloud vuyce .Paul, thou art belides 9 Pauiaiitwere thy felve , much learning doeth make vhee mad. forgnting hiinfeife 2r But Ue (aid. i aai not mad. O noble Fdius. fo'^j'^Jd^t^Vhi; but I (p-.!ke the words of trueth , and fuber nefi'e. c^uie h°e foVgeueth 26 Fjrthekiiigknoweihcfthefethirgs.be- uoitbeonicrof fore whoca alfo 1 )peak« boldly : for I am perivva- hisApoitieibip. ded thai none of thefe things are hidden from him: \^l^ '''^°f^^ '" '^^_'^ for this ihicg was not done in a k corner. mo't tm'tb/rowly 2-7 9 O king Agrippa . beleeveft thon the Pro- and aiioee.he. bL,iii ph^ts'l know that thou belceveif, ibouanJ.il that :8 Then Agrippa faid unto P.nl . Almcll thou niT/^Te mad'''Is I petlwadeii me to become a Chriftisn. a,./,ny bond.Inely 29 Then Paul faid . 1 1 would to Gcd that not ""p? ontlythcn . but alfo all that hesre me tcd.iy, were ,"° raulijfrlenin. both 5lmoft,and altogether fuch as I am . except IZ.'ikd'"' '""*' thefe bonds, SO to And when be bad thus fpcken, the king Uhh 4 'c'e Pauls dangerous voyage rof« up , and ihe govertiour, and Bernlce, and the y (bai lite with iheca. 2 1 And wheD they were gone spart.they tjiked betweeoe therofelvea . fay iug, This mat: doeib do- thing worthy of deith.noFof bonds. a i Thcufayd Agrippa unto Fsftuj . This man mi-^ht hare beeoe loolcd , if be had not appealed UDto Cefar. C H A P, XXVII. , Paul 7.9 f>,»til>tl,tl,tttnicf,l,eVj,ug,, ,, luthtu temrrfl. »». 41 ^nU MtrjhfVrttk.'- 34 Tt •»"/-'/< ""'' fund 44 W'^r" I Ptolwith nnoy of™ ny.l«.h. ,i. buivrtbyG d» owdt h gmoiot w.>iiil lit >cltlluoni>i. * i. Coi.iiiii TSJ Uw I when it was coocladed , that we fhould liile into Italic, they dcliveftd both I'aul.and certaioe oihei prifoneii unto a Cemurion t named IhHus, of the band of Auguftus, I And*wecntrcd imoa Cbippeof Adraasyt- ___, liura, putp jfing to faile by the cojftes of Alia.and ^,re .Vniffi forih jauDcbed fooith .and had Aciftarchus of Maccdo- ,ndLommr.ded ^^^^ ^ Tncllkling cf the (hip. zo And when neither lunne nor ftarrei in ma- ny dayes appeared , and no fmall teropett lay upon us . all hope that we fliouKi be faved , was then ta- kenawjy. „ ,„ ,, . r Godfp.re.htbe 11 I But after long abftinence, Paul flood forth kicked for a time, in the mids cf them , and faid, Sirs.ye Qiould have fothiielfS and hearkened to me, and not have loofed from Can- cboftnifake. die: fo fhould ye have gained this hurt and loffe . 12 But now I exhort you to be of good cou- rage : for there Iball be no loffe of any mans life amongyou, faveof thelhip onely. 23 For there flood ty me this night the Angel of God, whofe I am, atxl whom I ferve, >4 Saying , Feare not , Paul : for thou rouft be brought before Cefar : abd Ice .God bath given UDto thee freely , all that faile with thee. »J « Whetefore.Sits.be of good courage : for * JJ" ?««">'* '• 1 beleeve God , that it Ihall be lb as it baib becne made f fftftuaU tbtoughfaitb. 1 which VT»an high hill ^fCindie. « G ■ftt. 4 The end 1 too- vethinatnon. ur«.'vidr worfe for ibenifclvck ,tbcQ ihrv vihicb com- minh'inf- v.» to hr govf'nfd •«vi)tn>r«ioae. I 7 Which they looke up and ofedall helpe,nn- dergirding the (hip . fearing Icaft they Ihould have f .lien unto Syrtes. and thty ftrake faile .and fo were c.*ritd. 18 4 The next day when we were toflfed with anexceedingtempcft, they lighted tbeibip. 19 And the thud day wee cafi ont with out mufl be caft into a certaire tol. eme. %6 Howbeit , lUad, 7 We attaine aid Z7 7 And when the fourteenth night was come, "^o"]"" '^'7'°}^, as wee were carried to and fro in the e Adriaticall "r„oo'"trougb fh» fea, ^bout midnightthe ftipmen, deemed that feme mid. oftempeiu conntrcy *^approached unto thetn. «nd death it felfe. 28 And ° whenthe them alLaod brake it, and began to eatc. i^rfSi !« 36 Then were they all of good courage, and be not orriy quiet, tbey alfo toeke meat. bmconfirme 37 Now we were in tbcfliip in all two hundred other, by their ei- threefcore and fixtecne fonles. '^J;;, , p„^„b» 3 S And when they had eaten enough.they ligb- which iheHebtue* tenrd the fliip ,and caft out the wheat into the fea. ufe, whereby i» }9 »' And when it was day. they knew not the ]?""' • '*"' '''7 , couotrcy . but they fpied a certaine h cretke with ^;,o?,bem peX a barke , into the which they were minded ( if it n Thenaretem- were pcflihle) to thruflin the fliip. pen.moftofoii 40 So when th'-y had taken up the «rkers,tbey ,'° t*!'?"'' \"'* committed the jUpfexx^xo the fea. and loofed the 're™'b"«" rudder bonds , aou t oiled up the mainc faile to the i, neereii. winiie , and drew to the Jhore. h a creeke ii a fe« 4 1 And when tbey fell into a place.wbere .- two ^^i'^**"' '7,'V" ''"1 feas meete,thcy thruft in the (hippe: and ibefore- fhe're'rfun U*. ° ^ part flucke faft , and conld not be mooved . but the i So is iilbmu. cal. hinderpati was bxokcD with the vielcncc of the •«• .becaufe the fea njygjj toucfaeita iioobos* fiifferfhipwMcke. Publius. Chap. xxvUj. No caufe of death ra Fauf. 6i 13 ThereilQo vchcrc mote un- faitbfulnet aad un- tbankfulHfttben inunbelecveri. J3 God hnderh »vea amoDgft bii wholt htlpe he uffth 10 fttf'ite bit. 14 Thegoodntffe ofGodovttcoin- B>cU mau malice. 41 '» rhcn the foaldiers connfell was to kill the prifi->Def s, ht&. 4oy of them, wheo he had fwomme out, fhould flee aw»y- 43 '3 But the CentarioD willing to fsvel'aul, ftjycd them froiu r/;« connfell .and coromaunded that they that could fwimme , Ihould aH thcm- fclves fiiit into the lea , aod goe out to Itad : 44 '4 And the otbei , fome on boards, and fome OD ceitainc piecet of the (kip : and foil came to paffc, (bat they came all iafe to land. CHAP. XXVIII. 2 The Biri-tfiint cttrifit totv-trii I'tul and his ccmpanit. 3 ^ )/:per en P.iuiihund: 6 Hefhukst'nifff-wiihiut hiirme: iP»'d ethers jrckj him hitl^d, ii Thej itf art from Mtliti, 16 andccme to !{ome. 17 Paul ffentthioihe lenes, »o ihc caufe tf hit ttmmin^. xx tit freaeheth Itfi*i 30 tnojeerej. A Nd when they were coine fafe , then they , >. 1^.^. knew that the Iflewjs called a Melita. BtthiiVa'y wetall * A°^ '^'^ Barbarian* Ihewed us no litle kitid- Malu. DclVe . for they kindled a fits. and received us eve- ry one, becauleofthe prefentlhowrc,andbecaufe of the cold. 3 I And when I'aul had gathered a nnnsber of fticks, and laid them on the titc. there came a viper out of the heat, and leapt on bis hand. 4 »Now when the Barbarians lawe the worme hang on bis band, they faid among tbemfelves. This man furely is a murtbeier » whom , though he hath efcaped the fea , yet ^ Vengeance bath not fuffered toiive. ;: But hee fhooke off the worme into the fire, and fell no harme. 6 Howbeii they waited when hee fhonld have c fwolne, or fallen downe dead fuddenly : 3 but af- ter they haJ looked a great while , and Gwe no in- convenience come to him , they changed their for the end. or doe mindcs. and faid. That be was a God. Udge .odeftefme ^ 4 In the fame qu.irters,the chiefe man of the of m« accordrng ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ Fublius) had poiTt ffioci : the fame received us,and lodged us three dayes cout- teoufly. 8 And fo it was , that the father of Pnblius lay ficke of the fever , and of a bloodie flixe: to whom Paul entred in, and when hee prayed, hee laydc ' « hands on him, and healed him. «bookechap3S. 9 r When this then was done.otheralfo in thc witTeOitb, that the Ifle , wbicb had difeafes, came to him, and were bitiBgofaviptr healed. caufethafweliing lo « WhJch alfo did « great honour : and fJi'h'N°candet^-° "beD wcc departed, they laded us with things nc- hii remediei aga'inft Ccffaric poyfooi. II J 7 Now after three monethi wee departed 3 Th.te it uothing j^ , Qjjp ^f Alcxjodria , which had wintred in the lOe, whofe ■! badge was Caftor .and Pollux. 1 1 And when we arrived at S yracufe, we latied //jer« three dayes. 13 And from thence wee fet a coropaffe >and came to Rbegium : and after one day ,tbe South wind blewe , an4 wee came the fecond day to Pu- teoli : 1 4 s where wee found brethren , and were dc- I The godly are fure to have dan- ger upon djoger, but ihey have «1. wayet a glorious ilTar. a iUihough ad. verfitiebc the pu- nilhmentoffmne. yetfteiog ihat God lopuniflling of men doih cot alwaycjiefprft Sone ,thty iudge ralhly , which ei- thc toptofperitieot advtrliiie. b Right and c The G«eke v«ord(tgoifi«hi to beinflaTied.orto fwell ■ moreover Diofcorideiio hi» rooreunconflant every way , then they which are jgrbrantof irae ^ Itneveryei re- puted any man, that received ihe frrvaotof God, werr he never fu mirerableaDil y Although Paal were acaptive , yet the rntue of God wai not captive. 6 God doethwell to ftrangen for bi« children fake. 7 Idolei doe not defile the Saiati, Jihicb doe in no wifeconfent unto them. d So they ufed to decke the forepart of their (hic?e» . whereupon the Oiippei werecalleJ by fuch namei. 8 Godbowetb 04 d bendeihtbc hcaiuevcaof jnofauc men ,ai it;lMfeih bim so favouiiui. fired to tary with them feven dales, and fo we went toward Rome. _ , ^ r t . , r I I I I I. 9 "od never fuf. I J 1 9 And from thence when the brethren teietbhi,iobe beard of us. they caroe^b meete us at the e Mar- afiiiicd above ket of Appius.and at the three tavTpes , whom it«ir(tiength. when Paul lawe, hee thanked God/and waxed ^ pll^vir^^^l'dr"' bolde. by App.uJ.he blind 16 So when wee came to Rome.the Centurion wiih'be beipeof delivered the prifoners to the generjli C^ptaine : hisfouidien.loi.g but Paul was fufleied to dwell by fhimfelfe with TJt'Zt'^tT' a fouldier that kept bim. the fea, and there 1 7 " And the third day after, PjoI callec-Jbe v^-^'e three .avemei chiefe of the lewes together, ,*nd when they were '""-^ • ac m- come. hee faide unto them. Men and brethren. „c.n''pri'fon°bu'tia though I have committed nothing ag jioft the peo- a ioufe which be pie, or Lawes of the fathers , y^f was I delivered hired for himfelfe. prifoner from Hierufsjem into tbehandesof the '? 1*^"''°""^ X, place reiuembreto Romanes. Lfelfetob.an I 8 Who when they bad examined me.would Apoftle. have let me go,becaufe t*bcre was no caufe of ,j wemayufe death in me. ,he meanei which ij> " But when the lewes fpake contrarie . I Godgwerhut.but was conftraiced to appeale unto Cefar.not becaufe f" '^^Te'oleod, 1 had ought to accufe my nation oi. and not oui feKe». 20 For this caufe therefore have I called for you to (et you, and to fpeake with >»»: for that hope of Ifraeis lake , I am bound with this cbaine. 21 Thentheyfaid unto him. We neither recti- i ved letters out of ludea corcerning thee .neither came any of the brethren that Ihcwed or fpake any CViUofthee. . ^ ^ ..Thel.w.nd 22 But wee Will neare of thee what thou thin- the Gofpeii agree, kethfor as concerning this feft.we know that eve- «"" ■og"'='r- rie where it is fpoken againft. s ^v 8°°'' reafoM, i3 '* And when they bad appointed him a XeVmg7^eoV day , there came many unto him into hu lodging, God foretold them to whom feee expounded . gteftifying the king- by the Propheti, dome of God. and perfwadicgthemthofe things "'VbrGoitell that concerne lelus . both cut of the Lawe of i, a favour oilife-te. Mofes , and out of the Prophets., from morning to them that beieeve. night. Sea favourofdeath' 24 '3And fome were perfwading with the things difot'diet?'" which were (pokcn, and fome belce ved not. ,4 rfaeunbelee- ly Therefore when tbey sgrced not among vtndoe wiliiogly themfelves.tbey departed, af.et that Paul had fpo- "''*" 'betruetb. ken one word, to wit , Well fp^ke the holy Ghoft "haJce."" by Efaias the Prophet unto onrfathers. - ♦ Efa 6,9. ^6 'tS .ying,* Goe unto this people. and fay, matth.is.i*. By heating ye (h^il heare .and Qiall not undcrftaod. !"''^' '* "' and fee'.ng ye fhill ice, and not perceive. j",,^ ,'%. 17 For the heart of this people is waxed fatte, rom.n.'s. * and their earts jre dull cf bearic.g , and with their ^ They niadea» eyes have tbey h wirked,leaft they Ihould lee with |,^^°"f ''' h.chThe',- r;->«r eyes, and heare with r/;«rcares .and under- "aw agai'^it't'beii ftand with their hearts , and Ihould returnc that I wiiiea: yea.hey might heale them. did fee, but tbey 28 1 J Be it knowen therefore unto you.that this 7/ "{h ""^teWefe- falvation of God is fent to the Gentiles , and they of the r'e"°obaIe ChaU heare it. and callaviayei 29 «« And when hee had faid thefe things, the "'"'°' <■>"{''>'' ihemfelves. ,5 nom 30 J7And Paul remained two yeeresfuIHn an pell , but the coo- boufe hired for himfelfe.and received ail that came ""P' of iheOof- in unto bim, K\'"c'' "^a^,.. -,11 !_• L V 1 .. „ . . . offinfe aod debates 31 Preaching the kingdon^eof.God, and teach- 17 rhev^oideof. iogihofe things which concerne the Lord lelus Godcancoibe- Chiift, wi(b all boidocflc of fpeccb, without let. i"""^. THE elfefti : GjC. / ChftilGjdand man. THE To the Romanes, EP ISTLE OF What the Gofpel is. THE AJ>OS*TLE PAVL TO THE ROMANES. c H A r. I. I Hefirjl/htrrtihtivha a»h<.r,tieUu ^p,(ll,fkhfiMJtlh. XfT'.fi l>er c.mmi-dtthtnt uc/fHt, i6 iy jvhith i^UJiiuth tut hil ptVftrtit licjt lldt trt J-itird, 17 f) t'^i'lt, 11 in' nerc £(-'r r n> k_t U:ti>i':k: •>^'^!f< '• -•«'•- i« f" tri'ich his trrjth IT .11 tror hj ftwredtrnbem, 3$ fc tint thty nnne ht.Ui.r,^ .^U ^'nule/finrt. ^^>t'S?j:?V A U ;- » « 2 a fervant of I E S U S Cnrift tailed to lie an b Apoftle, * <: put apari ^o/"'Mc^'-he Golpel of Go J, 2 ( Which bee had promifcd afore by bis I'rophstj in the holy Sciipi«res) a 3 Concertaiog bis '^ Sonrelefus Cbfirt our Lora (wi..;ch was* ajaiiecf the feed of DjviJf ac- cordiug totfieflclli, 4 Acd g decUred & msghcily to be ihe fonne of God.toucDing ths Spirit offanctihcauon by the refnrreil^ioo fro!D ihe dead ) 5 iRy whoroe wee bav<: received* grace and Apoftlelhip (:hai I obedience might be jjiven un:o the faih;f jr bis Dsnie m jtcoDg all the Gi;ntiits, 6 Atiiong wdomc ye bs ailo the ° called of le- 7 Toilly«« thu bs at F-.ome beloved of God. called fofcuSJints: o Gcace ^ou<- faiih is P publiilwd iho- row'out the s whole world, 9 For God is any v/i;nefife ( whom I ferve in royrfpifitin thsfGolpellothis Sonne) that with- out ceafinj; i rn^ks mention of ycu. 10 AlwAycs in lay prayers , beleeching that by fomi mr-ants 5 one time or other I might have a prolp^-Tcus iotirncy by thcwillof God, tocome nmo you, U Forllotigtoieeyou, thati icightbeftowe annong you fome Ipiriiiuli gift , ihdt you might be ftrengthened; 11 That is , that ' I rcight be comforted toge- ther with you , through m'.r mutuill faith , both yours scd.roir.e. i 3 Now my brethren , I would that yec Ihould hot be ignoiim , bow ihac 1 have cftentimes put- Q^'ftW. J Hv dKljiingibefummeofthfdoft^insofthtGofpel.beftirtfthupthe Ro.ninci n, j-ucd couli.icraii^ii ol' ihe mattti whiirnf ht: cnt«iieta .'So rtitu Dfe llitweib that Cr.rift (woo ii ih« vety (ubilantt and I'uinme of the Gofr«M ,' ii the onely rcnoe i.f God rhe Fnhir.VJao astujcbiog bii humaDitie.ii made ot the fred cf D.ivid ,but ioU:bm^ bit divme and fpitiruall ojture , whereby bee fan- Siti.d bimf-! ;■«,,« bf^-^'en of tbe Fnber fr.iin cvjrlaning , a» by hii inighiic re- (■jr^Aiunmauifflliy Lpnearetb d Tbiiiia pljioeieilimonie of the (leifo;) of Chiifl . ibjjff i. 1,111 unT .and of hit ivvo oaiuiea ,aiid thnt properti.i. c Whicn toikcfl.-fiioftievlr/iii.DividSiidiugbter. )' Aiht is/n.in • ionhTiword Flt?.l , !)y :be(i;iiie Syiircbrfoche, i> taken for mm. g ,SbnAtd lid made mi- (iii'e.l. h Tht God himfrife to t^i[n pro- mifed long fmce of God. by many S-Wttm(r.i,ard Bowa'thel'.igih tiiii wordt fcrvantj uaottikra intbii place .asfet againft Ibii wordiFieeniaoj b(; drclji<-:b bit ir.inillere and of- fice. b Wbereailtre faidbeforeiij jp«. ueraii trarme-iiiat BevvaiaminiHer, ooTinwrcor.imefn tJ airoiefpf'.i.ill name, and fii;h heifl an Ap-'fH:', aud that lit for kt not upon biin this c-iricccitiiowue bead .bur heiog rai- led of Ood , and tatcelofrinibu hitwiiiinf.rothe Kiniaitj .don'j njiblnjt'urtii duelie. " AftllJ,!. * Appointed of i>odiop-ea:hrfae ;tyG.id. m for i^uNinin fake o Godi free good .Ai.i: by pri..e pofed to come onto yon (but have bene let hither to ) that I might have foaic fHiii alfo among you, "b^n thatdw.lti a$ I have JOJODg the other Geotilej. Rome, ibo ugh fom* 14 1 am debcer both to the Grecians , and to of'^tm wtrcoot the Barb»rians , both to the wife men and to the .^"" j""' }f^^' , unwife tbeendo(,hr=;p,(lle; UOWUC. . . , , ,. / TCefecondpart 1 y Theretore.as much as m roe is, I am readie oi tb. &p,ait un. to preach the Golpell to you alio y are at " Rome. '° ''=« bejinn'og 16 For I am not aflnojcd of the Gofpeil of !l "' '^"'P-, r^L A ,- • • 1 A ^-. I . - Now tbe wbol'C Cbrill: Jtor It 1$ thex powerof God untoiaivati- end and pjtpofe on to every one that befceveth.io the few firft, and » '^" f"* h unto heaven agunft a all ungodiineUc . at:d nnrightc- eJ^,n''t^|',h^u oufneiic of men , which withholde the ^ trucib in an"y diffei.nMor Unrighteoufceils. naiion*) and that ij ijf 9 ForaimuGh as tbat.which may be known i"^'""«Cbtiii appre- of God ;is msDifeft in c thetu . for God ha.h Ihew- ^^od tu ^ii-ie ed it unto there, andeff.analiin.' . iO For the invifible things of biro, that is, his iitu^nenttofave cternall power and God heid.are i'eene bythe crea- """ ^^^ tion of (he world, being d coof:dered in his woilsj. L?cUn, isfe. to the intent that tbey ihould be without excule : .gainit this word a I Becaufe tbic when they knewe God , tbey 'ewe.thcn doih it 'glorified him not as God.neiiherwerc tbackefull. ''S°'<'ea Gentile, but becarnef vaice in tbeir thoughts, and their Lnof^tWr tooulli heart w-is full of darkece fie, ptopofnion.we ' ai V7ben they g profelTed thcmfelves tobe aretan^hiin the wife, they became fooles. Gofpeiitba, weare 1 3 For they turned the P.lorie cf the »> it3cor- o'dMaith which tUptJble God to the fltEililude of the image of a encteafetb d.!yly : corruptible man, and of birdes , acd foure tooted and th. refers alio bealls. and of creeping things . ^tf/o,r\ f.nib which 24 " Wherefore i alto God "^ gave them up to fuc^afci'b'cijyiy'.'^ their hciirts Inlts , unto uncieannello.to defile their 7 The pioofeai ' owne bodies betweenc thcailtlvus ; "'i' otibetiuiai 2 J Which tufned the ttaeth of God unto a lye. 'S'jf^"",^ l;^^"' and woi(hippc:d and fcrved the creature .fcrfaking brk")c?whoat'ii. the Creator which is bleffed for ever, Amen. buttth and giveih ^6 For thiscaufe Gudgjve tl.eti up tovileaf- ""tofaiibboh fc;Hailiutition; , . ,,. , , ,- , I All men being thinede, aod received 10 thcralclves iuch ' rccom- coniideied in ihem- pcnceot their etrour ,as wasireet. felvetorwiihout Chii/I,3irguiltie botbofgcd inene,andalfouotithteoufi:tr!>,3ndtbetefereaieAibie& tocondnnnaton: Taetefi)rt-niu:l th.-y nee*i (n kc lig.'itfouriips in fume other. a Agiinliall kind of i.it^pdlii.tllc. b Uytturts.raudiiraneth allihcl-ifbt ibat ii lefiin m..i; fmce bi» fall, ». I .:> .boujh the V being ltd thereby wtie ab!c to ccrae into tavou, w j-b God bat taat ihfit 'iwoe re.ilon might condsmire tbeni of wKkednelfr btiib a^ainlt God and man. 9 "Th'ir unjodlinti lire prooveth htreby.ibii alihouj h all men have a moll cleare and evident glJIr wherein to behold ihc evnlalling and olmighiie naiuie of God, rvfn in bii<.r.aitu.» yet have th.y fallen away from ihofepiinctpiei to mo;* fool. fh and found div!le«u( tbnr owoe Btaiiiei, inconltitutiog .ind .-ppointing the ferviceof God. c ]n thtrhiani. d flwer n„d C .Iheud. f ^, 'flicfiU,ler„n,t f„ma.i c/ihsm' ftlliet. £Or,ih,u^:ttnimiilVej. I, Fn il-e true C^/f'-o (>.,/•- .mrt/,,,. ,:) The 1111. rigbtTOUinelfe of men bie fctieth fouh (^rlt.in thii^thaTeven againd nature following ibcir lolli, tb.y deliltd ihntifelvtione wnb another, by the iuit iudgnntnt of God. i rh<.on'fm^,,fM-ff.n,y',t^.^nt,UtHuu,wfMtfe. 4^ ^i , ^hfihu^, . J ^ mtitrtWAT^t'r ihtit lUfirti. 28 " For k The reward of ingratitude. Chap, ij. Allareiinnen, 6z n He proovtb 28 " For IS they If g«ded iiot 10 ackoowiedgs the untighwoaf. Qgj , ^„^;j yj qq^ delivered thfttn up unto a ™ te- ntireorinaabya r„Q\itr.e. tuinde , to doc ihefi things which ate not manykiaiit.of Convenient, wickednrffe . from ip Biirg full of all unn'gbttoufneffj.fotriicati- whichi if Dot from q^^ wick^dnefl'e.covetoulnefff .roalicioulnefie.full f"i'^m,in' ofchcm) o^ ^nvie, of cuurthtr.of debate.ot" Jeccit.taking dl Bo'mTa?/a°l4e- tbiogs in the evill part, whifp'.-rers, tb« iree. 3o Backbitets, hatcrs of God, doers of WTODg, m intaa mid tnd proud, boitkrs.invtjnteis of evill thiogs.dilobsd j- /r.wjrii m'lif. ^^^^ ,^ parents , withontundarfundicg ,» covenant ropaif, (i.ir.-.'^e breakers, witnonc naiurall attecUon,luch as can tmfiien^i ie'r,^ never be appiafed, oiercilcflc. cncepu'>«t.>:.d J, xvhichraen.thoughtheykDew the^Lawof ''''^refttZiaf God.how that th:y which commit fuch things are ^nZl'Seniunie Worthy of death ,jf*t not oDsly doc thc fatae , bpt ifuKk.''-»'Jf'> otdhfidS) th.it, ctmmend them rfh'chdee itm-ffr . C H A v. II. I UtehingiiUaahefrethevJ.dgementfcatofGcd. iz The excafethut the Gentiles mi^htpraind, 14 tfignOTunct , he ttk'th fU'ienwj. 17 Hee ur^eththelcrvei wuhthe tV'iirea Larn, »3 in which t'ley teamed. iJ t/iadji muketh h„th Uiv and G entile alike. conviiicfth T ^^f^^'^''^ ' ^^°^ *»■* inexcufable , O man, wbo- thein which would (oiVit thou art that coodemneft ; for io that ftemetobeex- tbou condstECelt another , thou ccndcmneft ihy einptoLiiofihe felfe : for thou th-u condcmncft ^doeft theiaoic nu^>berofo,ber tbingS, iDtnjbecaulc they " _ , , » - t /•>-.« rfpr<:hfndoih tl3at thou ILali cfcaps ifac iudgetneot of God furtlydoth) God > would bffolmd 4 ■" Or defpifeft thou the riches of his bouoti- ^iityinthofe fulntffs , and patience, and long (ufTcrance , not tbhgiwbi:h:hey knowicg that thc bountifuluefle of God Icadcth "p"'""'! ■ "'^ F''- thee to repentance ? Ih^in ccnd'Jning < ^"^ thou . afcef thinc hatdneffc . and heart othertbey pro- that csnnot repent, * <= heapefiupasa trealureiia- nounce feiitrnce a- to thy felfc wrath againft the day of wrath , and of f PaulallTj''nb no '^^ '^cclJr^tion of the iufi iudgetuent of God, piact" o'f scfip' ui'f! ^ j^ * Who wiilrewardevify man according forb«feafoneihge. tO hi$ WOtkes : neraiiyagaiaftaU 7 7734/ />, to them which through patieocc ID r"hful' relrr^ well doing feeke d glory .,nd boDour.and imiBOi- Lrymani,p«. talitie. everUftiPg life : fwadedof in bii » But unto ihem that are coDtcntions.and dif- miod , fo tba: the obey the e trueth, and obey nnrighteoafneffe, ,*«tf ri.vili bimfcife i. (,g f iailgamoo and wrath. cot able to plucSe .v. l 1 • 1 .n /r ,. f themci«Dtout. 9 Iribuktion aad aog.uifh y7W/ ve upon thc b ConfiJtringaDd foule cf every man chat doethevill : of the iewe iuJgingtbingia- firft. and «//S of the Grecian. "y ou't"atd"?h.w" *" ^'"- ^° ^"^^y °^^" '^« '^°^'^ SOOd Jl.aU be » Avsa.mtPtand' ^'f^y' ^od honour.aiid peace : to the lew tail, and gtitvouicryiiig ^'fo to ths Grecian. cuiagaiofttbtin ji For there is g HO tefpscl ofprrfonj \J- GoJ thai pi^afe thftij" * lelvts.becaufeti ey fee more thenotherdo, and yet are no wbit faeittr tbcD other» are. * 1 am j,3. c Wtiltit thou giveft ibyfslfetopleafur following. eBy itueib.heroeantth tfc»i knowledge which we haveof oattre. f Godi iudignaiioo agaioftliBnemwhich (ball tfjickly be fc:ndied; g G(-d docth not ireafure men eiifaei by titui blood, 01 bythiircouiuicyi ciitiu to receive theiii,«i -to caU (htm away. / 1 1 4 For 3$ 13207 15 Iiate finned withouc the Lawclbaii prrifh alio withoucthe Lawe : and as 4 He spplietbthat mscy as have Tinned in the Law, fljallbe judged by S';""*,"."'-"^^"^'" '^^^'"■/^ T, u wu r ttXiyTJn"; 13 ^ ( For tne bearers or the Law «r.f not righ- theG<:ii;wri .and tcous bsfc'ttGod, but the doers of ihm Law Uiail tJtbeirwn. behiuftified. ■ '"^ ob''"'r"bi-it 14 « For when the Gendie J which have i not ^"ghtblraod^Dy the LaWc , doe by ^ nature ihe things conteined in (heUwti . waom the Lawe, they having cot she Lav/,a'te a Law un- iceLiwcdcciSi to thtfDlclves. notcicufo.out I J Waich (liew the efteitof the Law' written in^uf/t^a-iiot" their hearts.theirccnroeceallb beating witne-J|c tbeheanVgof ibe their thought;, acculing one another, or txcufit g.) Law. bu ihtkte- 16 7 At tht: day wfien God ihail iud^e the it- F°g °.f ^■r.^^'"'*'' crets of mcQ by itlus Chrift .according to„, tcy b'sha.L'p'oncun- Gclpel. ced.ullbi:tcrtG.od» 17 S 5 Behold.tbou art called a lew.aud rciicft ii« And perfwadeft thy felfe that thou art a tfVIl'^t'T''" guide of thc bliodc , a light cf them which rtreio C by iai,h iffol- darkenefle, iowethtbatnom,ia 20 Ad infttuiaerofthem which lack difrtetion. "'-i be iuiinud by a teacher of the unlearned , which hall the o forioe rHe''„„,„i,. of knowicdgcandoftbe trueth ia chs p law. anubieition 21 Thou therefore.wbich teachelt anijther,tea- which .-night be chellthou net thy ielft:?thou ih^t preachcIi.Aajan '"■'debytheeen. thould not iieale, doeft thou fiede > Ihr'hlveno'^e^^ az Thou that faieft . A man Ihould not commit La we^ofMofei ,*>•?' aduitjrie , doei^ thou commit adulterie i thou that thc-/havenotea, abhorred idclrs . committell thou facriledge? '"" '"'"^"^''v tiiey kin'l I^r "^« S'''"-ft \^^: Law.through brca- '^X':;: 'r^ha. king the Law, diihonourcll thou God ? they have feme- »4 For the Name ef God is blalphemed among «bat wnncnio th; Gentiltrs through you.* as it is written. i!j--irtea«siii tu-ad 2j pForcircumcifionvtrely is profitable.ifthcu tla^ft^d^InT" doe the Law : bu! if tbou be a tranfgreffour of the puniO, fomethinga Law, thy circumcilion ismade ucscircumciiion. a. wicked, and »6 Therefore q if the uncircumcifion keeps """'^"d and com- the ordinances of she Law . fball not his , uncir- T^^Lt cumcilion be counted for circumcifion ? i Not fi'mply , bm 2^7 And Itail not f uncircumcilioo which is by i"c«i/npatiionof nature (if it keepe the Law) cooderoce thee which ^ v!''^"- , , by the t J.ite, and circumcifion an a tranrgrefTcur aST,TdlL" 01 the Law ? difboaelt. 18 For hee is not a Iewe, which is One tv out- I Ti)i«know'edge , , _ , , , ii a naturallknow- led^ge. 7 God deferreth many iudgtmEOti , which nojwitbftacdiiig he will txecu:. at their convenient tune by ItfmChrilt , with amoltftraigh-. examination, nL.tonely of «orde. and de.-d« , bu: of tho.igat. alfo , be tfa-ty cevtrfo hidden ot ftcret. ra A» • - -uydoariae witBtOiih , which I am appoinitd to preach. J Hie ^riiovtib by ■thtr Propheii , that God bertowed grra-eit heneoKi awe , bu: that tbey arnbemoinntbaai'te- : ihirgtfwarvefrom ■ce.w..yic. teach- sod i excelle the teliimonie of David , and the ( uj-on thelewn.ia giving ihem alfo the full and unkiodeftofall men. n Cacftti GotitwiU. I Orallov«.eft!he!hingittat ■frameother in ibe k.ov^ledgeof thetrucih. p a. :Dougb te faid.tha.ihelewel UDder a colour oian ouiw.ird f.rving of G;d , challenjcd a!l to.hen-.felve; , whru a< indeed.they did nothing Idle tntnobftiveibeLawe. » E.''ai.JJ,f.fzek -6 jo H.e precifrly F»ven,etbibeirobieSion , vihich fttan bolineir- incarcu,r.nik>.v, and the outward obfeivaiion of thc Law: Soihaibe Ibewtih thattheou-wsTdcitcumciiioai .(.'befepar3icdfrom,bein-AaTd,doetbno.oneIynctiul!ife,bataIfo,l the Spirit : but in rhi. place , tteciiumcifion w<)icb i. acceding to ibe Utt.r , ii ,ho cui.ingoffofthef.,e.k.c,bmtbecircu™,ci(ionofth,iSpirit,i.rthecir'.umdf,onofite b»ar,, ,ha. 1. to fay.the fp.. ,..all end of tbecertmocie.i. trf^holinefl"- and risbtetu,'. n.gt whereby ihe^opleof God 1, Jtoowea frcmp roface atid htaiheolfli mtc. v Y-j .. :>-■--• '"=■"'•«'".""':'•" u":onejynctiulti»r,bataIfo tbai areiodeed eircumcifrd.of whoine requireib thar.wbich ij (ignin- cleannfff^ of the heart and ihe whole life , accordioo to theconimai »k« oiiivvaid ctKinenieoieiy, w?.vd:. The lewes prtfenrcnt. ward: Deiihcr is that circniBcifion, which is out- ward in the fiClh: « wbofefotcni z9 Buthe is a lew which isone within.andthe »owarJ^ cf thehfait , in tbt " fpint , not in *•«'• thckticr, whole praife isnot of tncc, but of God, C H A p. I I 1. 1 Httipcthtl:tjnrtifimc i prc/ermcr.t /cr ihe CfVina^iti r^k.' 4 lutjitfttili: tivMljdiftnrttlnnCcdimtroe. 9 J l,^ncthjctrt""'d(.tr.tiUjarefiintri, i i tr f r», l-tft Ij S.riftiir'i : ij jniiJk'win^iheuJttftheLaTV. li He \Tb or t "!d"iXAW ^" ' '* '^^° ''''^ preferireDt oftheIew?or TaobuaToD . I t^W what is the proht of circomcifion ? itwM- mbjctbto, (^ Much every mineiotway; for* chiefly, be- baveihtt.wMHo (.^^(^ UDto them Were of credit cotncnitted the tb«.b.Gcm,i..? borJcIesotGod. yM.cbaibavf ibey, 3 For whJt , though lofDC tJid not « bciecvc f {■.yib theApnitif, f^aU their unbelccfe m.ke the d faub ol God with- onOod. behalf.: ontjff^ftj ,br tibw'h? 4 God forbid : yea . let God be true.and evc- cov«n«ciotb.ni, ry rnaDaliar.asit is written . That thou tDighteft fo:h»iihrunb«- be « iuftifted io iby words , and overcome . '^wbeo oa'"" witbc"!l,cx. y » ■'^ow >f ouf g nnrij>htf onfnes coramend the eeptioD to bf call tighteoufnes ot God.whai ili^ll we fay? is God no- •wayofGod. who rjphteous wbuh putjilhctb • ( I ipc^ke as h a man.) 'V.TZi ~"'° ^ G°<^ ^^'^''^ • ( *^'* '>°* '^''^ ^°'' ^"'^^^ '*'* th^«. 10 com*'cnd world O , ^ . , .. MHftfootthhii J 3 For if the i veritie of God hathmorea- goodoffli. bouodeii through my lie utjto his glory .why am I :t condfcroned as a fi[)Der ? thj.f.it 8 And (js we ate blamed, and as fomeaffirme, b word«. that we fay ) why doe we not evill , that good may e Braktibecove. pQjj,e thereof', whofe dafflDation is iuft. "'jbe faiti tbM 9 * W^*' *'''° ■ "* '** '""'■'^ txccllent ? No, God gavt. in DO wilc : for we have already prooved , that all, c Tbat tby iuftice both lewcs and Gentiles are ^ under finne, Kjgbtbepiamt.'y xo As K is writtcD ,* There is cooerighteous fToVaf-nucb a, tlO tlOt one. _ . « j . u • tbou Oitwtdii forth • I Thcte IS nooe that nnderftandeth: there i» jntvidtot toktnof none that fecketh God. thy rigbteoufDM. , j jjjgy faj^g gH goneoot of the wiy : they ty!.""'»fng hi,„ have beeoe made altogether unprofitable : there is vcbo bad broken ooDe that doeth good, no not ODe< hiisovtnant. jj * Their throat is an opeo fepulchrc : tbey . Aooih«ptev.n^^ ^^^^ ^j-gj jjjgj^ tongues to deceit : the poyfoDof VhTfLrme'ryCr: afp^* ''' "nder their lips. thattbtiuiticeof i4 * Whole mouth IS full of cutfing and bit- bimfelfe. righteouftjeffe, by the forgivenefle of the linnes ?,,*''/H»"„?//r tb.t y are pafled. ofc od "' "* 26 Through the' patience of God, to Ihew at r Afecieif.t. a this time bis tighteoufntflc: . that bee D>»ght be tingofthengbte- biuft.and aciuftirierofhimwhichisofthedfaith ?!l!5l'*"''' *' of lelus. before meii, be they 27 " Whereisthenthereioycingjltiscxcln. aga.mt.heiui^ice ded. By what" Law ?ofwotkcs} Nay : but by the which can itaod Law of faith. ^ZTiZ\:ZZ >8 Therefore wee conclude, that a man is otiioey we may be blilhtheLaw. ''^'\tt^°i^^' »ed before kim Without the Law- 8 The matter ,« it wereofthit righteoufntife iiCbriHIefui apprehtroded by faith .and for thti end offered to j, I people , ai wiihoui biin all people ateftiutoutlromthe kingdoojeofGod. I Wbich wecgive tolef-i. Cbrilt ,ot which reltetbupoD him. t By the glory of God, iimeaoi that marke which wee alllhooteai.tbatii.everlaftiag life, which Itaadeid in that wee ate made partaken of the glory ofGod. 9 Thetefore thiirighteoufDeUetoucbing ui.iialtogeiher freely given ,for it Itandeih upon thole thfngi which we bave 001 doneout felvci , but fuch ' aiChrifthathfufFeiedforourfaket.todeliver uttrtJitJlinue. u Of h). free gift, and metre Iiberaluie. lu GodtbeaK the authuur of that freeiultiii anon , becaufe itpleafeth him : and Chrilt i, b«e , which futicied puuilhment forour linnet , aud ia whom wee bave rnniflionofthem : and iheineaje wbereby wee aiprtheod Chrift, it faith. To be fllort , the end iathe feiting loofth ofthe goi>diteire ofGod,tbatby tbit mearaesttmay appears , that bre i> niercifu I indeed e, and cooltant in bisptomifei, as beethat freely, andof meeieg'aceiuitiSttb thebelrevets i J'lti n.%mt of Blocd , ciUith Hshackf t^thtfi^lftfft e i.:,,e Cji-ifi.e, ,>h(itifeftnnt,vriiiciixrtciomrm:uiiwenVft rvtrehri enemies. z rhrcui;!} hii pjiieme, .indj'ujf.rn:^ n.ititre. a To irit, ■rvhin Paul-wrote titii. b rAi»*ie,«7gfcfte/:n,i<.«.e, 1,1 true .fJfjihfuH. c M ^k'"£ *'"> " luftification it he glotie of Gud alone: therefore we are iuHihed by faith wi bout wotkej : tbi if wee v\ete iullilied : 1 her by our OA'neworkrioneiy , ot partly by faith, and partly oy w^ ik.i. th' gloiieof tbi» iulliticatioo ihould nor be wholly given 10 God. e Bj ipii"t didrior ! -, w >he dd'.tfne ,fyp.tk.ts h^lh Ms cn.d,lu,n uy:,ld ti itl,it , If ihm d. if, ; i„d the .u^r'ne of f.iilh hiih this condition. If thou biirV.ji. 1 « Another ar>;umtdt uf an abfurditie; if iuli'tication depended upon be Lawof.Mofei. tben fllould G ^ bea Saviour to the Ifwn onely. Againe : if heelhiulde fave ihe lewe, alter one fort ,and the Oentile* aftei another .bee Ihould not beoneaud like hiinfelfe. Therefore bee will iulliSe both of ttiem after ouefelfefame iiMnnT , that ii to fay , by faith. Moreover. tbi« argument moll beioynrd to tnat which f..liowetb next , that tbisconclulion may be finne and evident. f God i«iaid to be their God, aliet the manner of 1 be Scrii ture, whome bee lovethaod lendereth. g Thecircnmcifed. 13 Tbe taking away of •noJieftion • yet ii not the Law tak.-n a w»y therefore, but ii ratbet eiiablijhed ,4 it Ihallbe declared in h Anew argument tT7 Hat i Ihallwefay then , that Abraham our fd- of great weight u- W ther hath found Concerning the afleih? ampl«°o" Abrafa'am , ^ 'J°'}^ Abraham were iulHfied by works,he the father of all be. '^tn wherein to rcioyce. but not with God. leever. : And tbii 3 3 Fot what layeth the Scripture ? Abraham if thepropofidoD: beleeved God, and it was counted to him for righ- ij TZn!<-Z' teoufneiVe. lidertd inbimlelfe "- !_• 1 . , . , - . by hi. worki, he 4 4 Now to him that o worketh , the wages is hath dtferved no- not c counted by favour, but by deb: : thing wherein to y' But tohim that wotketh not , but belecvcth Tir^Zt afa'p- ^"'^'"^ fhat d iuftifieth the ungodly . his faith is ptJeih in the nexih Counted for righteoufneire. j>erje. 6 f Even as David declareth the bleffednefle 2. A preventing of of the man , unto whom God imputeph r iehteouf- t^ttrlt^'Jtii nelfe without works./fl^w^. biahaminay wdl t>, ^- 1 i_ "^i */- • • i • n reioyce and extoll 7 Blefled ^re they whofe iniquities areforgi- himfelfe amongft v«i, and whofc finncs are covered, men, but not with g Blefled*/ the man to whom the Lord impu- ^°''' c tethnotfinne. 3 A confirmation , ^ l- i 1 ^ 1 n- 1 1 • of the propofiti- 9 « CiJw* this e bleflednefle then Upon the cir- ; Abraham w« cumcifionMf/y , ot upon the uncircumcifion alfo? ified by imju. For we fay , that fai " tationof fa.th . f^r righteoufneire. therefore freely . ** ,, • i. • j 1. - u without any re- 1 o 7 How was it then imputed? when hee was fpeft of hii wotki. circumcifed, or uncircumcifed ? not when hee was 4 The firii proofe circumcifed, but wlien he was uncircumcifed. on'uk°n ofwo-" . " * ^^^^^' ^^^ received the f ligne of circum- tra'iiei : to him cifion.rti the s feale of the tighteoufnes of the faith that defervcth any which he had , when he was uncircumcifed , 9 that thing by hii labor, hee (bould be the father of all chem that beleeve, thewageiiinot ^^^ being ciicumcifed , that righteoufneile might counted by favour, ,■",•,/ " ° but by debt .but be imputed to them alfo. tohimtbathath ix «o And the father of circumcifion.not unto done nothing, but them onely which are of thee ircumcifion, but un- '^hich^'romiferh '° ^^^'^ ^''° ^^^^ *'^"^^ '" ^'^^ ^^f * °^ ^^^ ^^"'^ ^^ freely, fa'ith"i/im. our father Abraham which he had when he was puitd' uncircumcifed, , b T>himihith4th 13 I" Forthepromifethat hee lliould bethe dtfiri>id ar,} thi^i h hgjre of the wcrKi , was notgtven to Abraham , or %i'ZnM to his feed , thrpuah the i Law , but through the norpiun. him. tightcoufnelVe of faith . a Ttaimakeik him i y 14 for if they which are of the k Law , 6e ■tvhichii -ixickfd "> heires , faith is made voidjand the promife is made ^rif""^"" cfnoneefted. S Anotherproofe t)fihefameci/uhimation : David puttethblelTVdnei in free pardon of llnnei , therefore iul'ificationalfo. 6 A new propofuion : that thii manner of iultification belonged botbio the uncircjmciftd ^aad alfototbe ciicumcifed : ai i» declared in the perfoa of Abraham, t Thi: fujinivfV.il'id ,\rherc he prtnMi.celh thimhtefiid. 7 He yiooveth that itbelongethio the uncircumcifed, for there wai nodoubtof the circum- cifed ) in ihi»fott;Abrabam wailurtifiedinuiicircuiccifion.ibttefotethii iiiftification belongethalfotothe aocircumcifed Nay , itdeeih not appertaine to the circumcifed in rtfpeft afthe citcumcifion , n\uch lefle areihe uncircumcifed ftlut out for their uncircumcifion. % A preventing ofan obieSion ; why then wa» Abiaham cir- curaciftd , ifhewerealreadyiuftifled >Tbat tliegiftof righteoufcei (faythhejmight be confirmed to him. f Circumcifiiin,iphii.h ii a fi^ne : diurt ft] ,iht Sacm- mtrtiofBjpii/me ,frr B^P'iJmttvhichifU Sticrjmlnt. g C'rcHmtifion ift called hefcTt afiene , in refpef} ofrhe mitvitrd ctremenj : r.ovc I'aul fherreth the fine arutfuhjUmeifth^it (i^ne, thaii/,n rvhiiendii iiVftd ,1c v>i' ."ct tnelytcfignifie, tmnlfiiofeaUupiht rijihtecufnepe of f*vh , tvhirthj -jre tome It piptfSe ChriJI himfelfe , for thehoh Chcfl wor^f'i that inncirdly indeed , rrl'idi 'he Sacramtn' thing iojned yriih ihe yrord , doereprefenl. 9 An applying of the eiampleof Abraham totheuocircumcifed'beieeveri , wbofefaiher alfo hemaketb Atraham. 10 And applying of the fame example , to the circumcifed belctveii , whofe father Abraham is, butyetby faiih. 11 A rtafon why the feed of Abiahain ii be elteemtd by faiih, becaufethat Abraham himfelfe ihroujb faiih w»i made partaker of that pro- life, whereby hewaimadetbe father of all naiioni. h T hit all nations of ihi ■world fhculdle hit children : cr ty the inrU muy te underjland the UndofCanjJn, i Forivorktthat he hid donttr Hpinlhi, cnditi^nt'^athe fhoMdf~efnlfilitd tht inn?, y by faith, 6^ under hope , that he ihould be the father of mail^ meat, t nations : according to that which was fpoken r» onandi ly '3 For the Law canfeth wrath: for where no »? Areafonof the Lew is, there it no tranfgrefsion. firftconfirmaiion, 1 6 '4 Therefore it it by faith .that it might come ^,^^0^ be'.°"'f by grace :andthepromi(e,mightbe furetoallthe bended by ihT*" ■ iced , I J not to that onely which is of the Law: Lawe .- becaufe but alio to that which is of the faith J Abraham 'i>" th' Law doth ; who is the father of us all. "°' reconcile God ,. • • . ', , , , r- and u», but rather 17 (As It is written, I have made thee a i« fa- denounceth hi, therofmany nations) even before m God whom aogeragaindui, he bcleeved.who n quickneth the dead,8c calleth fo'Comuch amo thofe things which be not , as though they were. ^Vhe'cotcluftV'"' 18 '7 which ,^irw. Solliallthyfeedbe. • ' r^hifo^Ab^h^"'' 19 And hepHotweake in the faith.confidered (thatis, ofibe "" not his owne body , which was now q dead , beiiig Church which i, almoft an hundred yeere old,neither the darkenefle l"^""^ together of Saraes wombe, ceederof fait^" 20 Neither did he doubt ofthe promife of God which layed ho'ld ■■ through unbeliefe, but was ftrengthened in the onthepromife faith, and gave' glory to God, made unto Abra. 2 1 Being f fully aflured that he which had pro. prom.fclrraht, miftd, was alfo able to do it. himfelfe firft of all 22 And therefore it was imputed to him for layedhoidon. righteoufneffe. l ToaUthtbtlec 23 •» Now it is not written for him onely. that ^j'That is to fay, it was imputed to him for righteoufneile, not onely of them 24 Butalfofor us, to whom it (liall be imputed which beleeve antj forrighteaufnejfe, which beleeve in himthjtraifeJ a'^foci^fcum"'- up lefus our Lord from thedead. [lltawe but'^f ly Who was delivered to death for ourt finnes, them alfo which and is rifen agaiiie for our iultification. withoutcircnmci- ^ fioD , and in refpeft of faith onely .are counted amongft the children of Abraham. i« Tbii fatherhood i»fpiriiuall,depfnding onely upon the vertuc of God.who made the promife. m Befire Ccd.thatis.ky afpirituui kjnred .tdhich had place before t,od,undmakethitt accev- table to Ced. n Who rejioredio life. o Wilhvhimthefeihings are already, trhtch at yet are net in dfcd, at he that cm rcitha yvordmake yvhat heTviH of nothing, 17 Adefcription oftrue faith, wholly refting in the power ofGodiand hijgood win> fet foorth in the example of Abraham. p rery /Irongandconftant. qf'oidof flrtn^th, andunmeet to £el children. t ^ckyiotvledged anjpruijed Ccd , as mofl ir.hi.uj and true. { ^defiripiienof true faith. i 8 Tberule of iuliification ii alwayei one , both in Abraham and inall the faithfull ; that ii to fay , faith ia God , who after that there was madea full fatiifadion for ourfinnei inChrift our mediatour, raifed him fiom the dead, that we alfo being iuftified ,migbcl>efavedio ' bim. t To pay theranfomefor our finnct, CHAP. V. 1 He amplifielh a Chrifitri^httoufnepe, which itUytd hold, .n by faiih, { rvho tvat ^"iven fer the rveake, S and finfiill. 14 He cempareihChrijiniih^Adam. 17 Leaih with Life, 30 andiUe Law with Grace. •T" Hen being i iuftified by faith , we have peace i Another argu- "^ towai;d God through our Lord lefus Chrili mem taken of the 2 <• i By whom alfo through faith wee have 'f.'^' ' f" "' '"' a had this accede unto this grace b wherein wee ^^.J^h^^u," ''' c (t^nd , 3 and that wee haVeyetfiiU this fame efecl offai:h. b By which crace , llMt it ,hy whichyrad.Ms lolie and food niH , or that jtatt whireunto wee are ^racicuCj lakfn. c Weft.ind[l.dfaf. 3 A preventingof anobieftionagiinft them which beholding the dayly mifetiesand calamitiei of ihe Church , ihinke that the Cbriltiani dreame , whentbey braggeoftheirfelicitiei: to wbom the Apofileanfweretb , that their felicitie ii layed up under hope in another place : which hope iifo certaine and ' fure , that they doe no lelTe reioyce for that happinelTe, then if they did pfefenily enioy it. d Ofr mindes are not cnely;Mte! and filled, but alfo we are marlieitoujlj ■ pladjand conceive £re a' icy ft.r that healrenly inheritance trhiih wai'-eth fcr ui. 4 Tribulation it felfe giveth usdiveri aod fundry wayei occafion to reioyce, much leBe doth it make u«miftrable. § Iam.i,». f Afd.aioojaccuftqme un')i patience , and patience alfureib uiof the goodnelfeof S"d , »nd ihij experience, con. firmtth, aud foftereth out hope, which ntvetdeceivetb tu. 4 And -Gods great love. To the Romanes. Dead to fione. 4 And patience experience , and expaience bope, > « Anct hope maketh not a(hamed , becaufe ihe«!oveofGoiHsthf.l abroad in our hearrs by the holv Ghoft. which is given unto us, 6 7' ('or Chnlt. when wee were yetofno ftrenp.h. at fc»/f time died for the " uneodly. 7 «Doub.lefle()neviillf£:adediegfor a righte- ous rr in : but yet for a good raan u niay be ihac one dare die. g Bat God b fcctcth out his love toward i".s. /eeii){> chat while wee were yet ' linners.Chrift died 9 Much more then, being nawiuftihed by his blood, we ihallhe laved from k wrath through him. I o For if when wee were en*;mies . wee were reconciled to God by the dcith of his Sonne, much more being reconciled , we iball be laved by hisli/c. II » Andnotonely/J, bntwealfo reioj-ceia ZT^liUib'i God through our Lord lelus Chrift .by whom wc tnityriUnna: faavc now received the atonemcnr. till hte died foe jj lo vvhcreforc , as by ' onc mm'tt finnecr- •♦"">'• "" '" tred into the world.and death by iiune.and fo death ofgua.hcm be- ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ji ^^^ _ ^^ ji^ ^^^^^ ^[j ^^^ ^^^.^ fmncd. 13 "For unto the o tirae of the Law was finne in the worki.but linne is not r imputcd.whilc there is no law. 1 4 M But death reigned from Ad.im to Mores, even over "j them alfo that linned not after the like f manerofthetranfgrcfsion of Adam.'i which was the figure of him that was to come. 15 «* But yet the gift is not (basis the offence: for if through the offence of f thai one , many be dead, much mote the grsce of God ,anJ the gift bounded unto many. i6 u Neither is thegift/o, asrfctff X'i'*'«c'j"rr.fd in by one that finned : tor the faui came 01 on. af- t Thcgfewidof tup; nan iffdred tcltimooicoiibe coufcicMcby tke .gilt of ihr holy Cbaft. tbscwciie b«Io«it of God, aod :bii ii necbtcg clibuitbai which OTccatI fiiikrwhcT ©fit followeib.tha tbrougb fiicb our cnofcieocti aic quictrd. c Wbeuvfithfae lovctt ui. 7 A fjte comfort in idvcrHiic. tb t .la nine fi: ind jTOBreo'eDi, wbich «be faibec bath av yointed. 4, Hebr.J.ip. «P«-3'«+- ^ • Ananiilifymg •flbelavcofQod tOTVird ui.fotbai ^'(cauoot duubt •fit.whodtlivf- ft)t tbrvoiun, for tbem of whom he could receive tio commoditie. and ftfaat more it ) ... r . for bii very eotmiei. How can iibe thrt .bat Cbrid being now al.ve , fliouM not fave j*em from deliruaioo . woomby hii dea:h he lufiitieru and lecoocilrib ? ( '" Ln,ft,fntdin».. k Fr,m ulfM^.. unJ ^Jhuc}U„ 9 He oo^ Faffrh ever 10 theotkefpartofiurtifici.ioD .which coDfilleth in thefret iinj>utatior» of the .ebedieoceorCbrirtfothauotheremim.iooffiuneiiberei.addtdmorcuvrr&oelirtei. ttie giftofChrinei nshteonfn.ffe .n,,iued or put upooui b, f.rb,*bich f»vallowttJi «pth»tuoiishi«ourderc which flowed from AdJiu intou. , «nd all n, wh" u . lurt,Mjil,u i,dcu. m «; /•'»"♦ •'* ImtixttUiiiftiftKhk^, i, .uri kj inktritdnee , tnd mtnei'mmtxij .ilit' .nj^MU tnotrfcrfohiDftihteoi'l ihal fi„-,t inikc finruUr mtmi r , nlitrciJ , tfnt/Jr.ik' ,ftl,tfrHUi ,fif, kc ¥felh the fUrJi nmr,hrr,c^hng ihm finne: n /Atr u, ,n ^Um. I, Tha.lhitiifo, that both guiliincDeaoddeatb beganne oot«fiet the ■iviol and trtnfgreflSog of Mofei Lar,e > tt appeareih ttunif.(tly by ihat.tbacimn di,d befo.eibat I.awwaagiv.n rfor in ibat tbfy dird , finoe.whico uthecaufeof deiib . wai ihro : and in fuch f # that ii wat »lfo itnpu .nfrm ^dtmio .-.'.. fii. p wkttetherei: no Uiwem^ie, ntm^ni, fUHu'htd *« fmliit nnJfmlrie. i » But that thii Lawe wai not that oniverfalitawe. and ;bitd«atbdid not proceed from any aftaainione of every ooe fiarticuliiiy.itapvearetb hetthy . that the very i.ifaou which ncitb.r could never ICBuwe not traof^tefle that oaiurjll Lifs? , are ootwithlianding deadwwcllaa Adam. q Ourinftm:. I N«i *fer th.it fort aithe:; fmnethil *re afmct jttrei Ml'ttinr tkti, btfii ■ hut yet the v>Me p(./?fri.te irti tcrrufi in ^d^m , wheit M,hetrvi''n7hand-tviHtnrhr">'"<'- M Nowthefitft Adamanfweretb tbelaiter, *»hoi»Ct>rift,aiitiiafterwatdd«clai;til. 14 Adam :nd Chrift are compared togeebedii ihiirefpea , that bob oftbrm do give and yeeld lotbeiri , that which li iJieirowne: hut hereinfitltthevdiffer-.-tii'at Adamby oaiure bath (pred hii fault to rtedenruftioo ofmioj, but Ch.ilt, obtdience bub by grace ovtiHowtd luany. C Tkit't, '^dtm. IS Anoiker intiuiliiieconlilteihinthit.lhatby Adamt ••f clftnct BCS art made guilty . biKtbeiiibieoufneBc of Cbnrt iinputed ubwui ttmij, 4«Jl«*(gaelT*l>f«lvc ui fiota thatoaefaulii l)ai from all oihca. /(TBft unto condemnation : but the gift »/ of many offences tot iuftiiication. ... t r, ih fentnt, ef" 17 '* Fof if by the otlence of one, death reig. »ifitmi^,i,h,ft' nod through one, much more (hall they which re- h.TKi*'>i»tt,i'* ceive that abundance of grace , and of that gift of ?"""»««« "i*"- that ri^hteoufnefl'e ,» reigne in life through one, ,« The third dif. thatil, lefus Chrift. ferenceis, thai the it 17 Likewife then, as by the offence of one, rigbieoufneflicf the fault came on all men to condemnation , fo by C'"'f| hrioginj- the iuhifying of one, »fc«/'«cyit<«^«M«rffrf toward all g"«e "iW^greatej men to the* iul'tificationof ure. power to bring 19 tspprasbyoneraansy difobediencetma- life, iheoiheof. ny were made Hnnas, fo by that obedience of that ^'°" "'.*''*'" " oncQiall many alfo be made righteous. " y ,, d.'lh^' zo 19 Moreover, the Law^entred thereupon, u By pariakerior that the offence Ibould abounded : nevertheldVe, true atid e«iia. where finne abounded, i/j^r^ grace b abounded "'"Slif*- , \ «7 Thcttfore to ranch more: .... . . r beftioit,a.byo«« 21 That as finne bad reigned unto death . fo m,,, offence. tt« might grace alfo reigne by righteoufneffe unto guiitioeicameo« eternal! life through Icfus Chrift our Lord. «li meo, to .rake "- " themlubiea to ticjth : foonthecocrary (idcithe ligbieaufneireof Cbrid iwbichby (lodi merciett imputed to all beleeveri .iultihcib tbem , tbat ifaeyinaybecoiEepariakeriuffverUniag lite. X >Jnt ODtl) becaufe our finnti are forgiven ui, but alfo becaufe the riib ofrootri ,fo that out of the one, liooe bynature.otitof the other , rightcoufoefle by grace doethTptiag t'oorih upon otherf. ■y SelktH , JinnttHired netinto Ht cneij t} /'■'I'tvinf a'J hj *iti»? ctliUdvitilt nt mum finnt . the Latv tn'rid. b Grate wji f»-m>td fjUntt/My frfm ht^lun , ibtt it did nuenety puiedi» 4 Wv; are buried rhen with him by baptifme "••y"''^ """»•'■• into his deadi . that like as Chrift was raifed np °° "™rb^, "si^? fr^im the deid*' to the glory of the Father , foe we ftincatioaontba; alfo lb jiiid * walke in newneUe of life. followetniuflifita. J 4 4. For if wee be planted with him to tTie tion kiU.th by liil« a The benefit of luftiScaiioo and Sanaification.arealwayetioyoed togtiherinfepara. biy, aud both of them proceed frnn Chiiit , by ibegraceof O jd : Now fanSificati. a - ii ib«aboIi(hini;nffinne, thai ii.ofour oaturallc> nupiioo. iuio whofe place iuc^c* dethtbecleannefleaud puteoeflVofoaorerefonned. b They ate fayd of Paul to be dead lo 6aiie. which (re in fuch fort madepartaketiof the vertue or Cbrilt, that that naturallcorniptioaii.'ieed io them . tbatir, the force ©fit iaput out. and it briogeih not forth hia brtrr fruit* , and on the other fide , they are fayd to live to linoe. which are in tbcleOt.ibat ii.whoto the fpini of God hath ■oi delivered froin the Oavetie of the cortup ion ofnatuie. 3 There ate three part- of thit Sanftifica- tion . to wit. tnc dead of ibeolde man orlisne , biiburiall , and the Icfurredioo of the new man, defending into lu from ihevettueof t,he death, builall, and refurieSioa of Chrift.of which benf hi our bapiifme ir the (igoe and pledge. * Gal.3 ,»r. c To the eod that growing up in one with biiti. we toould receive hilftreogth ,to quench linne in ui .and 10 make u» new meo. J CoUiff.i.it. d That ChriR himfelfe being difcarged uf hiiiofirinitie and weakenelTe. might live in gloiy with God far ever e And wee wbicbarehiimeml'cririrefor ihiiende .that ' being made panabcriufihr ftl'e fame venue, we Ihouldbegiotoleadea new life, Ji though wc were already 10 heaven. • F.pbef.^.ij.colofl'.J.a bebr.ia.i. i.pei.i I. 4 The death offline and the lifeofrigbteoufnerte.ot our ingrafiinj iotoCbn'ft.aod growing up intoonrwitb bim, caonoi be feparaied by any uieiiji, ijeithei in death nor life, wbertby it foUoweth, that 00 man i» fanftifitrd, which ftvti Hill tofiiiK rand thefe(oieiinonianinadepartaker«f Chrift by faith, wbicb reppn'.-« eibnot.aodturneihaotfiom hii wickedneflc : foraibe fayd before, tbel.aw imo: f»bw»»Kd,b«l«ft»bliai«dbyf4ith, « ,.<;«.«,i4., » "m 2.»«. ( fimilirvi Jc \ IWemuftbchoIjr. I # In fi m«<\, *> ij r fimilitude of-his death , even fo fliall ine ibcto hkhc mtsnttoftk, thclimlitude of his refurreftion . ^lilTiZlt'T' 6- Knowing this, that our hold man is crucifi- Hi.wji die lofinnt cd With ' him, that the body of k fin might be dc- tf > he it dttd. ftroyed.that henceforth we Iliould not' lerve finne, ^r^rvehucmt {For he that is dead, is freed from finne. Tfi,, UnThl: 8 Wherefore, if wee be dead with Chria. wee /w we /AaK "'«"•• belceve that we Ihall live alfo with him, UferfiHly fi'.tii. 9 Knowing that Chriftbeinj; raifed from the /,d • "' '■"•,£ *" '"' dead , dieth no more : death haih no more domiiii- TJI'^^^Mc on over him . ...^ ^. _, mtt*ft , •" vt art ID For m that he clvecl he died m otKe CO finnc: tmutvtdumi Itrne jjuj in that he Iiveth,he Hvcth to n God. i»». this ^J'^^. '^^'i' 1 1 Likewile chinke ye alfo.that ye are dead to Uj'i'de^p'J'tjh ' '*"• ^'"^ 3re alive to God in lelus Chtift our Lord. timftr'in^thutM 1% « Let not finnc o fcigne therefore in your ,H}tyaiMre, rvhith feivcs unto God , asthey that are alive from the w't «''"*"'* '"'«'' thofe things it death . al^Z ll.ZTod ^ 1^ But now being freed from finne .and piade if any do.jtt it ii in fervants unto God, ye have your truit in hohneiie, vaioe. and the end, everlafiing life. p ToCn«e,aitoa ^^ »i Forthe wages offinneis death: buttbe JVou"mi;j°Dd gift of God « etcrnah life . through lefus ChiUt kll ibtpoweriof it. OUt LOtd. » A' inftrumftm to commit wicltMtueCi; wiifcalF. 7 tite graatctb'tbat fuint Iidoi yHr«iI»ii>io uiibai it iiviieily riiind : but he promifed vidoty to tbetn tbac ccotctid maaluUy, becaufe we have ibe grace ol God given uiwbich workethfo, that ihcLaweiiooc now is utibepoweraDd iDnrunKuiofriooe. i To be undrt ibc Law acd uodei linne ,fignilie all one , inirfpca ofi^em wbicb are 001 fa.Qificd , aiootbcVoDtraiy Ade, to be under gtacc and tigbtcoufneHr agrre to them tb^l are regenerate N«'w ibi(it aMCODtiaiiei.fo ihat oatcaDoot agree wirh tbeoiber.Tberefoielet rigbteoufuetcxpii tnnf. ^ Iobo.i,3«. i.ptt.j.ij, f By nature v^e are flwei to Anne, THtt'terycH. 10 An exbonationtothe nudieofrigbteoi:fii»ao4batTUQilhincaiducioluBt,butwear«faaaffiedri«ely.uDiO;iiftimUlliB£. J G H A P. T I I. a- Hi Jeciar/thYfhatitit,rji te utmtreundtrtht L4m 4 h an txamfle taken cfihi Lane efmtrriait, 7, la %And le^s} iht LatttfhiMldfeimtfatUie, 14 lit frtilttth^tkat titt^fineit lie eaufe, 11 thtlihej'amtitaniecafmif dijih, J7 -ivhichv"" fUtninunttli/e. it Hi Jeiithtut the l*!t^^'fi>t' another man. dead, tbcwoma 4 »SGye,mybrethren.aredeadalfototheL.1» HSX'"' bythebbodyofChrift.ihatyefhould be unto an « Thatij,/heefliail other, «v«» unto him y is riifed up from the dead, ^'^'^ 'te n 7, / Y-i''S'^^ rJ'"^ '^" ' ? "^^ ^r !!""t' Ko''™":'^:!* God torbJd. Nay , I knew not finne , but by the briog foonb new Law : for I had not knowen o lufi, except the Law ^''ii'iten : we are had fay d, + Thou (lialt not lull. ^'"i '- '«fp«a "f 8 But finne tooke an occafion by the com- 1\\]'^,)TXi mandement , and wrought inmeallmaner of con- the latter we are cupilcence : for without the law finne m pde.-id. at it were riifc*. 9 I For I once was alive , without the 4 lawe: J'""!''"- ^"\ . but when the coramandement ' came, finne re- dyIfch"'ift,!ogiv°e Vived, _ u, ,0 underftlod JO But I f died ; and the fame commandement '"'vv ftraiKht and which was trdaitud unto life , was found t* be unto °*L' ''"' ^'""w^'f me unto death. a'n^ar.^:^r. II For Imne tooke occafion by the comman- c He caiieth tt* dement.and deceived me ,and thereby flew mt. ehiidren.whicb ih«- 1 1 « Wherefore the Law it ♦ holy , and that ^''^' '"'f ^> *"«' tcemmandement W holy , and iuft, and good. dwlkh ««'«.- ceptable to God. up.fcetKejffai.h bee) which the 3 A declataiion of the former faying : for the < taw ail ted up en ui, were inusai it wereao buiba.d.of whom WebrouVht foribveTi *adly and cuffed children. But now fince thai bu:band ii dead , .ndfo confequentir be log delivered fioin the force of that kill iog law. we have paOVd into the governance ofihai fpiiit.fo that wtbriug forth now.ooi tbofetoiienauddead.butlivelychildren /.8.1P1BJ the cldnu ofihe Uitir. f Tht m.imn) that erred ui t„ n... .-.l,^ JU„,..ir/.rte.,en,n,.r.i„d^ g «'/-'*-'> "/.i^'/.«,. /i'^.^tl . ilM-j. ,h,yfyr,nr .f f,. yrhuh dy^cHe,h ^fx-'.^ndt.kfoeeafi.nt.i.rkfthHt JnUJ, if reafintfihertJlrMnlihalihe Urv maliiih ^oot th^t ihe fuullit iaihtU-n, *«"'''-'M"- k Wrc^htthe^-Penj^lh. i ^^iifhefuiJ.ThehZi Vheh hmKdui , u dead, and >u,.ifhUunayJnr.m»eh, thaefi„nt Tfi,ichheUuu hathnotnc-rvvphtrtroithtchiidut. k For thii bnihnd ij nilhin ut I t,^„ i'J: ^"'fiflPt'^r':' *"''^*' "' '2 '""''^' i^""' '"'"'''r'MedeJfiiC and]it nofwuhjiand'ar/o Icnf at ire are fimeri.ni finr.e ■miUi„,l, _ jj tt..mnmk,h.n,,^hU,f,.'r ,he death »/ f/«i, Mh.,thar.d ar% ilynedt.the fiirit: a, Wi.m thiffu,, .fc^hatb mad, new men. m B, the ienerht meantthiha Ch,ft„yU^ne^kf,,, *«. /. 'i'-f^'»'n.and,h.rrforei,i,d.mL,ndLdtZZ Si /il""s'f ''V 11' '«";•»«"''"? "»■'/'"' \' ■■ Sinn. i. reproved anJcon- aemneOBy iBeuw. But becaufe finne csnnot abide to btrcprooved, and wai not in 3 i»>nei lelt UDxU it wai provoked and fli; red upby the law , fly ihe worJjLuft , eb. to be more oUiragioui , and ye: by no Oult of the law. thiipljcebemesneihnot.villluftitbemfelvei.buttherouatainetron, whence he* Ipricg : tul Ibe very heathen thilofofb.mhenifelvei condemned wtcked luOi, tboueU fomewhaida.kly . bun, for ihi. fouotaine of them, they cojid noifomuch a.fufpeft It, and yet ii the reiy feat of that naturall and uocieaoe fpoi aiid filtb. • Eao 20 17.deuijj, p Tboughfinnebe.nui.yetiiiiost'ltDOWfotcliao,! neither doih It forage, as irrageth after thauhsiiw ijkno-A,n. j Hefeiie li himfelfe before uitor an exan.i;le. in v^hom all men ,my btholde.fitft what.hcv ara oinatuit before ibty earutltly thinke upon the Law of God • to wir blDcltin/,„.a beadv to fioue and w.ck=d,=e. . •Ai.tbout all „ue feufe and f.eling .H^.tr:/, rh;"' j., ^ maa/rofn-.f""•.^— >-- _.i.. -.■.-:.„_<■;.,„ • . i? ^ ""-f . tReo wha ofpeifuni ttey bfcome ,wh«n the ef thelaw .lowit, Oubbuine, and they were befoie. q Whenlkoew derd ; for oiy conftience never tioublvd rati bi 1 I began to uod«r(tau God forbid : but finne , that is might xappeardinne .wrought death inme by that which IS good .thafinne might be y out of meaCure hiK>i'l ^y 'he commandement, _ 1 4 8 For wee know that the Law is fpirituall, »ifo ftirre.i up. >nd jj„j j gni caniall, lold under linne. tooke occafton j ^ p,^i. j ,„ _,Ho^ ^^^ jhaj ^vhich I dofor what «;t'^r.t m'.re I « • woulJ. that do I not . but what 1 hate | Joe X thx.binsiarr fur- 1 6 if I doe then that which I would not. I biddfn it , tbcmote ^onfent tn the Law, that it is good. it dcfirrth chtm. , ^^^ ^j^^^ ^ j^ j^ ^^ ^^^^ J, that doC it, bUt aoil from brnce »' / n l ■ I finne that dwelletn in roe. . i8 i« For I knovv.thit in rae.that is.in my flelli, dwelleth no good thing:for to will is piefentw me; but I find => no means to perfonne y svhich « gooa. For I doe not the good thing , which I To tbe Romanes.' The flefli and the Spirit. commetb guiiii- DtSe , ini occifioa ■ ofdratb, u Btsreihiilh* tUmt of my JMfl? S rhtllfinntmi^ht fhfnilfilf finnt.tnJ tttrray 1 ftlft tt te ihdt, wUchuindctd. y ^1 f Ha 41 it touU.fhewixg «!1 tlitlnimtii e>uld. S Thftiufeof tbii matter, iithii Becaufeibattbe La\^ r^quiretba beavcnly purcnrii butmfn.fuchai therbebotor.are bondfljvei of cor- •9. would.buttheevill.which 1 would not.that doe I 20 Now if 1 doe that I would not, it is non:iore I that doe it, but the finne that dwelleth m me.- ii ij I Hnde then that when I would do good, I am thus yoked.that evill is prefent with me. _ 21 Forldelightin theLawofGod.concerning the b inner man. 23 But I iee another Lawe in my members.re- bellino- a'^ainft the Lawofmy ^minde, and lea- ding mee captive unto the law of finne , which is in ray members. . ^ n 24 1 4 O il wretched man that 1 am , who fliall riip:ion,wbich ibeT deliver me from the body of this death ! wilIiDf!lyf«rve. ^ j ^ thanke God throuj'h lefus Chrift our fci"!^"*- ' Lord. Then I 'f my felfe in ,my minde ferve the o«a.,.b.for.«. Law of God. but in my fl>.the law of finne. for ID exani|ile, in lIl.^aTiV."rif. of the Spirit .ndthefl.th, and thettfore of the Law of 6od add ourynckedDei. Forfitice that the Law in a ma onely .theiefoiein him it mayealily beacculed gfn,un.oiheendof.hecbap.er.a.ali,lehefore(.owit, from the feventhverfe unto tbi.nfieenth ) hedeclared the vfe of it io them which ate not regeueiaie. lo The deedeiof my life, faith he .anfwerenoi , naythey arecontrary to my will: Tbere ore by the conf.ntnfmy will with .betaw, and rfpugoancie wi.h ihedeede.olmy lite, it appeareth evidently.rhat the Law and a right ruled will do perfwadeone thing.but eorraptioo which baih her feate alio m the regenerate , another thing, noted, thatonefelfc fame man iifaid to will and not to will.mdiv voit.heis faidtowill, in that , that he isreReoerate by grace : aod^otto wil..in that , that he ii not regenerate, or in that , that be i. fuch an one ai he wai borne. But becaufe the part which it regenerate, at length becoinmttb conqueiour, therefore Paul fufleninj the part of the teeeoerate , fpeakcih in which (jnneth willingly were fomething without am granteththatthiievilliiinbi.fltni.orinbismemberl z 2 hjt mmr^u ecr- ^f tun, vhich • nnft^t that they art imftrjiti. CHAP. vni. He ee through that 14 Whofeteliimonie, iS dripen attxtj tifcare, tiandreMcUrfrefentmtleries _ , A conclufion of ^ Ow > then there »/ no condemnation to them aii , be former difpu. ^ that are in Chri(i lefus , which a walke notaf- ration from verf.ie. tet the » flclh, but after the Spirit. of chap i . even 10 2 3 For the b Law of the Spirit of <= life which |hat webein"iuf h in <1 Chrift leius.hath e freed me from theLaw of 'diStd by iiifhln finne and of death. chrift, doe obtaine 3 tFor(thatthatwasfimporsibleto the Law, in remimonoffmiand as much as it was weake.becaufe of the g fidhjGod J™oX','°^';'„"/if; fending his owneSonne.in the fimulitude ofh finful fanfti'fi. d,it foiow. flelli, and for ' fintie ,k condemned (in in the fielh, eth hereof that they 4 That that t righteoulnes of the Lawe might that are g.aavd tu- be fulfilled V in us. which walke not after the flelh, '°,^^^fJll]-Zt but after the Spirit, ^ of condemnation. jr « For they that ate after the '" flefli , favour ». The fruiti of the the things of the flelh : but they that are after the Sp''"' "' '^'^' Spirit, the things of the Spitit. tbifi^beZl,, 6 7 For the wifedome of the flefli « death : but utdoe "oc ingraft the wiledome of the Spirit w life and peace, ui into chtift.but 7 8 Becaufe the wifedome oi the flefli «/eni- doedeciarethat mitie againftGod : 9 for it is not fubiedltothe ««*',« g'a""* r^ I .I'll 1 'nto Dim. LawotGod, neitherindcedcan be. , Fdic-mnotihe 8 13 So then they that are in the flefli, cannot fiefif.r iheiriuiU: pleaie God. f" '" '' ""ft^i ' 9 bee _ man hath not ;y Spirit ofChrilt, the fame is not his. theuc'h/cmeimet ■ fef. leaie Goa. rcri,ttsnoijaya begun io m : but nowhefpeakethofihe perfit imputation of Chf ifts mashood , which part wai necef- farily required to the full api'ealing of ourconfciencei .for our finnei aredefaced by the blood ofChiilt, and iheguiltineiofour corruption ii covered with the imputation ofChriftjobedience : and the corruption it fclfe (which the Apoftlccalleih finfull finaejii healed in u» by little and litile.by the gift offanftilication .butyei it lackelh belid js that anoihet remedy, to wit, the ptifeS faoftilication of Chrilteiowne fleth, whichalfoii to uiimputed. b 7 he fcre'r and authority of the fyiril ,a^.iinjl whtch it ft the tyranny of fin. c Which morlifieth ihtcldem.tn.., andjuicl^neth the nen man. d To nil, abfilutely and ferfiely. c For Chrifts fanflificaticn being i/nputejunto ui ,f:erJiieihourfanHificaticnvehichii be^un in Us. 4 Hevfe'h co argument here, buieipoundeih theniyftery of fanftification , which ii imputed unto ui t for becaufe , ibat the vertue of 1 he law wai not fuch ("and thai by reafoo of the corruption ofournature) that it could make man pure and pe' lit : and for that ii ra- ther kindled thedifeafe of fin . thrn did put it outand extingiifh it , therefore God cloaihtd hit Son with fltfli like untoourfinfijllficfh, wherein he vtterly abolilhed our cotrupiioo, that being accouniedthorowly pure and withoutfaulttobiinappiehendrd and Ijryd hold 00 by faith .we might be found to have fully tfaatfingularperfedioa which theLaw requi'Cth. and therefore that ihere might be no condemnation in ui. f U'hiih is not froferto the Latv, but commcihby cur fault. g In mannctbon.t aatip,rvhofe difeaje the latv could not hcileit. h Of mans nature rchich teas eof ruft throufh fm.untill hefanlUJiedil. i To abciifl, fin intur flefh. k Sheved that fin hath no rifht in us. I The leryfubjlanee of the law of God mi^ht be fulfilled, rr that fimevrhiihthelavtire'juireth , thairvee mjy be found iufl before Cod : firif tvih OUT iujiificaii.n there be ieyned that /.tnCHficaiion ivhich is imputed to us , ire areiufi , according to that per fed forme which the Lord re'jiiirtth. 5 Here* turueih to that which he faid , that the fanftification which ii begun in us, ii« fureteftimooyofouringraffiog into Cbnft: which iia mod plentifull fruit of « godly &honeft life. 6 A rcafon why 10 walke after the flefli, agrceth not to them which are grafted in Chrift, but to walke after the fpirit agteeth and il meet for them : be- caufe, faith he , that they which are after the flcTi , favour the thingi of the fteOi, but they tbatare afier the fpirit, the thing* of the fpirit. in They that live ai the flefli lead* etb them. 7 He proovcth iheccnfequcnt : Becaufethat whatfoeveitbefleOifavouretb« that iogendretbdeathtand whaifoevertbefpiiiifavouretb.ihaitendeth to ioyand life eveilafting. 8 A reafonand proofe.why the wifedomeof the flefli ii death becaufe, faith he.itii the enemy of God. 9 A reafoo why the wifedomeoftbeflrfli ii enemy to God : becaufe it neither will neither cao be fubieftto him. And by flefli henieanetf" a man not regenerate. 13 Tbeeondufion ; thercforetbey thai walke after the flefl],* cannot pleafe God : whereby it followeih , that they ate boi iagiafted into Chrift. II Hecommeih toiheoiheri,to wit, to thein which walke after the fpirit, of whom wehavetounderftand contrary thingno the former .and firftofall hedeftreih what it il to be in the fpirit ,or to be faudified, to wit , to have the fpirit of God dwelling in UI : then hedeclareth , that faoftification i»fo ioyncd and kait to oi;r gtaffing in Cbiifl,thai it can byoomeanetbc repaiated, 10 " And V Tbc Spirit of adoption- Chap, viij „ H«tcnfirm«h lo « And if Chtlft ht !nyon .the-body is thrfaitbfuiiagainft dead , bccaufc of finne:but the Spirit iir life for .htrclikcoffleOl ; .jg^j^fnefl-efaije, .Bd.m«.gr.m,pg 6^ ^ „ fiut if the Spirit of him that raifcd Up Ic- fus from the dead , dwell in you , he that raifed up Chr jft from the dead , fl^allalfo quicken your luor- ' tall bodies.by his Spirit that o dwelleth in you. It »4 Therefore brechren. wee are debters not to the flefl^.to live after the flelb : 1 3 I ; For if ye live after the flelh ,yee flwll die ♦ but if ye mortifie the deedes of the body by the Spirit, ye (hall live. . o • • c 14 16 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the fonnes of God. _ If 1 7 For yee have not received the p Spirit of ;b7h;p"pyV««:fli bondage, to i feare againe : but ye have received J «f .beircombate, Spir .t off adoption, whereby we cry, Abba.Father. becauf. that even ,5 xhe fame Spirit bearcth witnefle with oMt the li.le fiarke of ^ . . ^ ^^^ ^^^^ children of God. InKcio'^V 17 .8lfx,v.i.children.vTy*.r*alfofheires. gewta.ioo) which even the heires of God , and heires annexed with ■ppeareih tobein cjjjjf^ ; 19 if fo be thatwce luffcr With him , that we may alfobe glorified with him. 18 »o For I t count that the affliaions of this prefent time are not worthy ofthe glory .which Ihallbefliewednmous. * I, Kf ft fc. 19 »« For the fervent defire of the "creature ril'^«o"."Ld waiteth when the fonnes of God rtiall be revealed, death. 20 Becaufe the creature is fubieft to » vanme, not of it y owne will, but by reafon » of him, which hath fubdued it under a hope. ^ „, . ,. . 1 1 Becaufe the creature alfo (Kail be delivered from the b bondage of corruption into the glorious libertic ofthe fonnes ef God. 21 For wee know that every creature gtoneth ■rd thactb-y fii ap)earetfa by tie corruption which t> in 'ben) touebicg one of tbeirpittir which fcecalletb the bo- dy, that II to fay,* lompe) which i$ cot yet purged from the earthly "« th.r*. geiher for the belt unto them that love God . even 1°",^^*' to them that are called of fc«V •" purpofe. that which we be* 29 For thofe which hee knew before , he alfo 'eeve ftiall come predeftinate to bee made liketo the image of his '"Pff'r f i, (,« Sonne, that bee might be the firft borne among the figure MetoTy. many brethren. mie : Hope, for th«t 30 Moreover, whom he n predeftinate, them al- which ii hoped for, fo he called, and whom he called,them alfo he iufti- H Seventhly, fied. and whom he iuftihed. them he alfo glorified. Xby'we (h°ouid 3 I a« what (hall we then fay to chele things ? faint under the If God be on our iitJe. who can he againfl us ? burden ofafftifti. 3z Who rpared not his owne Sonne , but gave *" j"'JJ,^^|'ft^y him for us all tei«4*/) .how Ihall he not with him oiito"irmoftfuie ogive us all things alio ? heipe, ■which caa 33 »7 who u-ial! lay any thing to the charge not be fruiirate, of Gods chofen ? it is p God that iuftiheth . c«d"fromIheT-- 34 Who (hail cond.pmne ?»> w Chrift which is "'of g^.' which dead : yea , or rather , w.iich is rifen againe, who is dwelleth in u«. alfo at the right hand of God , and maketh requeft g Bearetboorbur. alfo for us. den, aiit were. h« 3T who (hall feparate us from the love of ^^f;."'""''"'" qChrift ?(hall tribularion .or anguidi.or perlecu h Provoketh u» t» tion.orfamine, ornakec!i!dHe,ort)erir.,orfword ? prayeri.aodteiieth 36 As it is written, S For rhyCike are we killed P'" it were with. II, J .. r c ,1 1 la.what we fnall al day long:we are counted as iheep tor y llaughter; ^y, ^^-.a how we 37 ' NeverthelelTe .in all thtfe thir.gs wee are ftiai'i grone-. more then conquerers through him that loved us. > what fobi ami 38 For I am perfwaded tha^ neither d^-ath . nor '!?''.' p"T'^/;°"' ..f-' , , ' .... tbeinftinaoftM life ,nor Angels, nor pnncipdiiiios ,nor powers, s^.ht. nor things prefenr.nor things to come, k Becaufshetw. 39 Nor height , nor depth , nor any othercrea- chetf .he g >diy t* ture.lhall be able to fep.uate usfiom theloveof f^'^^^f^'^S'* God, which is in Chrift lelus our Lord. a "' Erb, w . w. ate not .ffliAed.eithti; by chance or to out harmebut bySodi providence for our great profit vvho as he chofe UI ftoin the beginning . fo Bath fcte predeftinate u« to Lc aiad, iik- io ihe image of hi» Sonne: and therefore will btinguiit his-imc . beingcall-c andiuiHlicd, to glory by thecroffV. 1 Not oufly affliftijos, but whatfoevcr eh. m Hecalletfa haLfurvoft, which God hath from everlaftiog apjointed wiih himfelfe^iccordii-g ohii ;o.jd will andpleafure. a Heuft:b the time part, for the time ptefem, J» the Htbreweufe. who fometime fet downe the thing that ii to ccme,by ;he tiro, that i»palt,to fignifie the certcintyofii: and he had alfo a regard to ncdaconriiuaHworkijg. i« Ninthly wee have nocaufe to feare that the Lord will notgive us whatl'ocvi-r ii j v fi jble for us fee- ing that he hath not fpared his owne Sonnetofave us. o <5iveo: r t v. 17 A mo ft glorious and comforrableconciufion of:tc whote fecond par: of tbi. ttltle .that »■ of the treatife of iuititication There are no accufers tbat we havt n'etie o be afraid of be- fore God. feeing that God !iiir.r-lte abfolveth us as iull : atid tbef*^t^re mu b lefl'e neede we to feare damnation .ftcin.j [i.at we reft upt n the death and rcfitrt&tca.tuealir.igUtie power and defence of itfui C^-riii. Therefore wb, it can i tie;: b '"> W'euh'i^ in this life, or of fo great force and ^i wer. that might fe; re us , although ,v • might fall from the iove of God , whcrcwiif he lovttth u> in Ctrift Snttly 10th. og. Seein- "-at it is in it felfe I Dllantaudfu e..-.g ■:ned by ftedf.;ft ftiib. p Vttio elyguiltlelft butalf.jpeifi ly ■u!linhisS,n:.e. q Where- with Cbriftloveth us, ± Pial44,ji r We a.iootonely notovrrcomi- witofo great and many miferiei and calamities, bat alio more theoconqucri'Uiiiualloftbem, CHAP. IX. 1 He anfnertlh *n ohieRicn, that mi^h- h iroMfht on t'e 'cirtl hhalfe, 7 andteUelhtfin" for'- cf.-^hralhkmiM.drt,.. if «t4 thut (Ji4 Vfirlitlh aH ''.'»^.- in thit trmtter acnrding to i i4 ht f ift is very God, iJJWili 10 niif 41 tit t'tttrilttli^ 14, JO HfprjoK/* a/"irf3 tht catini if ilitCentilei, 31 ai alfi lUc riit:iiit^ efth lend, il. t? h *'" "ft^"""'' '/''" Prcfhett. I Say , the ttucth in Chrii^.I lie not , my con- fcience bearing me witnelie in the holy Ghoft. 1 Thit I/Jj-ive great heavinefle , and continu- all forow in mme heart. 3 For I would, wi'.h my felfe to be a feparate from Chria , for my brethren that are my kindfmen according to the bflelb. lirftof . -^vhich aretheirraelites,towhom/'frt««ft" To the Romines? Predefti'nationJ • Tte third p»rt cfjbtEpiftl<,eveo to ihf iwtlfth Chjp:et,v\betcin Paul ifctndrtb to tbe^eighercaufe< "A^rot'^r"'" the adopnon niuch ofibe carting nant^^ off ofibelcwei.lie ' '" ufcih ID inlinuaii- OD.dccliringbya double or trii'l* caihe.and by wit- Bcfljog of bii great dcrtfeiowaidi tbeirfalvaiiocbii vvjrdi them. and and the '' glory , and the * ^ Cove- and the giving of the e £.aw , and the f/'crvlce of God, and the g promifes. y Ot whom are the fathers , and of whoni concerning the fledi , Chrilt ame , who is » God overall. blelVed for ever. Amen. 6 S 3 Notwithftanding it cannot be that the word of God fliould take none effect : for all they are not h Ifrael, which are of Ifrael : 7 Neither are they all children , becaufe they t'her.wi.hallgran. jre the feede of Abraham , * 4 but , In ' Ifaac Ihall ,iog untotbtm all thv fccdc be called : '^VlZ^ut 8 f That is . they which are the children of 'Jbuttufo the k flelh.are not the childrenof God : butthe tmitely.tbatifit ^ children of the I promifc , are counted tor the hav.beu.pon-.ble. {-^.^.j^, 9 « For this is a word ofpromife,^ Inthis fame time will I come,=nd Sara Ihall have a fonne. 10 7 Neither he onely felt this , but alfo * Re- becca, when tlee had conceived by one,«VMby our father Uaac. 1 1 For yer the children were borne , and when he vfoulJbave bene feady lo have re- detinedihe calling awiyoftbelfrae- ViteJuvitbtbeloire of biioviBefoule forever: for thii «i)filfepaiate, be- ll} tbiijiUce b Btiiig brethren byfltfb.asofone naiioDaodcoun- oethaimuch (hey had neither done good nor evill (that the mpurpofe of God might « remaine accordingto eledion.notby works.butby him that calleth.) 12 9 It was faid unto her,* l.^e Elderiball my. fervetheyonger. e Thearkeofihe Z'Z'xo^n c'fGod. preferice. ♦ Ct3p.lJ7.»rbe i."-.d Th'tableiofthecovenam: «d thi.i.rFoken by ibe figure .Metonymia. e Of.be iud.c.all Uw. f The ceremoD all L=w p Which were made to Abraham and to bis i-oltetiiie. 2 A moll manilelt reftimonie of. be Godhead and div.niiie of Cbrift. § Cbap.a.iS. 3 Heenuethmto tbe handling of predeftination by a kiod of prevem.us aa .bitdion : How may .1 be, ttat Ifrael .« caft off: but ,ba. iherewitball wet mull alfo make the covtaancwhicU I Abraham and hiifeede , ftu irate and voyd ? Hceanfwereth tbetefove, cod I off : r the eleaion of the people that Godi word ij true, alihougb that „ . u r u 1 ,. of Ifrael ii f-j generall and common , that notwi hltanding the fame ,Godcbuleth by bit feciet coufifell , fuch as it pleafe.h bim. So then tbii is the propolitioa and llaie ot ife : The grace of falva-ion isotfrrtd generally in fachfott, tbat notwithllati- . tfficacietbereofpetteiDeib onely to tbe elea. h Krad to the tint I taken for laakob : and inthefecond , for the Iftaelites. # Gen. 21,1 a. hebr. .,,.. 4 Tbefitaptoofeii taken f.omtheexami-leofAbrabamsownehoule.whtre. in Ifaac onely wa. counted the fonne .and tbat by God. ord.nance: although that Ifinaelalfowa«borneofAbraham,andcircumcifedbefcreIfaac. i Ifaac Iha Ibe tbe tr.te and naturall fon, e. and therefore beire of.thy bUfllng. S A generall apphcat.oa ofiheformertroofeotexamfle. k Which are borne of Abraham by thecoutfcol Ba- lute K Gil.4.28. I whichareborDebyvtr.ueof.heptomife. 6 Areafonofthat .vplication : Becaufethatlfaac wasborneby thevertueof ibe ptomifc , and 'hetelore bee wai not chofen , nay hee was not a. all , but by tbe free willof God -whereby it f lloweth that the promife ii thefountaineof predeltinaiion ,andnot the Htth troiii which prom.fr the particular eleftionproteedetb: that is.lbat the eleft be borne ehft: ,rd n..t. bat they be lira bt^.ie and then afterward eleftcd.in refp.ftofGod whodoah pr.dettinate. * Gene.iS.io. 7 Another fo.cibleproofe .taken ftom.beexarop.eot jfauandlacob, which were both borne of. tefa.ne If acwbichwat the I^n thisTrea:. dingii pljce, 13 As it fs written , ^•I have loved lacob , and * Malacii.i.i. have hated Efau. 14 10 what fliall we fay then ? Is there a un- lo The firft obi>- tighreoufnefre with God? God forbid. aion; ifGoddoth 15- 11 ForhefaithtoMofes.SIwillohavemercie no'^.ti^'j''?"'' 6n him , to whom I willlliew mercy : and will have wortbinei""ua.° pcopaflTion on him, on whom I will have copafsion. wortbioes , then m 16 12 So then /f // not inhimthatq wiileth.nor he uaiuft, becaufe in him that runneth ,but inGod that Iheweth mercy. ''\'" 1'' '°" ''"'" 1 7 »3 For thef Scripture faith unto Pharao,* For t"y,'and"ha"eTbm this fame purpofe have ("I(\irred thee up , that I that are wonhy.The might 14 Inewe my power in thee, and that my Apoftiederefteth Name might be declared throughout all the earth. it'ertl'ar'd'Inrwe"' 1 8 » y Therefore hee hath mercy on whom hee re'th'i^ Kveraii^/ t will, and whom hee will he hardeneth . point by point. ip i« Thou wiltfay then unto mee.whydoeth °^<'"»«"''4'"'it>- hee yet complaine ? for -who hath refifted his will? ";, >;"-"*"«-/« to 17 But, O man , who art thou which pie idelt tat thofe that art againft God ?»« Ihall the cur of iiurt , aitJij runainr, ■ good yvorkj .• to neithercfvpJiic^ he i'llefh the pra^Je , I ut onely to the rrtcrcy of Cod. 1 3 Now bee anfwerethconcerniBg jhe reprobate or tbera whom God ha;eth being not yetboroeiand hath appointed todeltit.aioD, without any refpedof uas^otthloei. Aud firllof all hee prooveth this to be true , by alleadging the lellimonieofGod biin> felfe touching Phatao, whom he ftirred up to this pur, ofe that he might be glorified ia hisbatdniiigand iultpunilhing. r CU fo fftah^th unto Vharao in the S! feede, we had bene made as Sodome.p.nd had bene like to Gomorrha. 30 »7 What fl-iall we fay then ? That the Gen- tiles which followede notrighteoufnefle , have at- tained unto righteoufneffe . even the righteoulhelTe which is of faith. 31 2S But Ifrael which followed the Law of righteoiifnefle , could not attaine unto the Law of tightcoufnefle. ^ , 3 2 wherefore ? Bccaufe they fought it not by faith , but astt vvereby the f workcs of the Lawe : of clay : whf teof afterward God made and doeih dayly make.accor. dingaihepurpo- fed from everla- fting both fuch asiheuldbe elea.and fuch at Ihould tfrepro- bate.asalfotfaii word, making, declartth ■ao Whereai in theobieftioo pro- ]]oundfd,intniion vcaionely made ofveDVlstodittlo- nour ryethefpea. keth of the other alfo in this an- fwere,forthathe the rule of cootfa. lleJdoetb require. X TokrrePMjit. ai SeeiBgthen, tbatia the name ofdiftionour, the ignominieofever. lafliugdeath 11 ligiiified ,tbey fpeake with Paul, which fay.ibat fume are made of God tomol^ iuft dtftruaioo : and •they are offen- ded with thii kind of fpeech bcwray tb over and belideith: deration in eiecu- bate in (bat, that he fingular bentfi r owne folly. 12 The fecond arifwere ii this, that God, more- ledoeih itiltlydfcreewhatfoevct hedoeih decree , ufeth tbar mo- 1 of hii decree, aidtclareih bii fingular leni;itev<-n in theiepio- fftretb them a long time, and permiitetb them to enioy many and ill at length hee iunlycondemne them ; and that to good end and J)urpofe,to wit, to Ihew himfelfe tobe anentmieand revenger of wickfdneffe , that itraay apjeare what power hee isofby thcfffevrre iud^ementi , and linally by compa. lifon ofcontrarieitofetfoorib indfede.howgre.ntbit mercie is towards the elffl. y ty'viptl,lheKthrcyresurclerfiMd.iai^»diicfi>.Jlrumer,ts. 23 Therefore againe, wee may fay with Tau I that feme men are made ofGod the Creator m deftru. • ftioD. z Theur.me.tJrraiie^iiriimarVtihus^rc.itnefe. 2+ Having eftabliOicd thedoarineoftheeteroalifrrdtftiuation of God on both parts ; that is , as wellofthe reprobate , asoftheeled: ■ hteccmmirih now 10 jQitweihe ufeof it , teaching us that wee ought nottoffekethetenimonieofitin the fecret counfell of God , but by the vo- cation which is made manifeft and ft t foorib in the Church , proptUBding unto us the example of the Is wes and Gentiles ,ihat the doarioemay be better peiceived. • a Heefiitl>yictlh.it'aUMtte1iiry tnesfihc Itrrci jrimleJ , hni pmitcfthi Uyrci,and time ef the CrutUes. 2; Cur vocation or calling is free and of grace, ewn as our pre- aeltination ii: and thereforetbere isnocaufe why erihcrour owne unworihintfle , or the unworthineffe ofouranceliers fllould caufe us tothinkethat weearenot tbe eleft acdchcfen of God , ifwe be called oftim , and fo embrace cb tough faith ihefalvaiion that isoffeted us. $ Hof.a.ia s. pet. 1,10. * Hcf.1,10. ^6 Contrarywife, Keither any oirtwarde general! calling , neither any wotthineDVofour anceftersisa fuflicient witnefle ofeleaion , unlifle by faith and bclicfeweeacfviereGodscalling : which thing come to paffe ill the lewes, astheLord had foiewarncd. jj Ifai. 10. II. b Ccd furfofeth t» hriaithe unkjndt und utthankefUH pcffh te an extreme fitcnefe. . ;^Efai.i,9. c xylrmies ■ h'tvli'cli-tttTat':e chufe/l potverthat is , h filtentoOoJ. d JElen a'ven fene. J7 The declaration and manifeftation of our *lfaion,iiour tailing apprehended by faith , a$i^cameto pafle in the Gentiles. c Jo then, the Gentiles hud no wcrkis to prefare and prccure Cods menies hfire hande : and tts for that , that iheOentilesattainedtpthatrphuh ehejfiu^ht not for, the mercie ■;fCcdisto he thanksd fcr it : and in that ilie Jercis attained not to that ycbichlhif fought 'Ifter , they can thank' no>,e for it kit ilemnhet , lecanfe ihejfiufht it ntt arifht. »S The pride of men iitbecaufe that they contemne vocation, fo that the caufe of their ■ damnation needenot to be fouf ht for any other wbeie but in tbeinftrlvei, f Seeking ■U-tme h tiibioKfnefe, the;/ fMjvcd the L^m of,,^htsmfntjfe^ Extibftitions. 67 for they have ftumbled at the flnmbling ftone , 33 As it is written , * Beholde , I lay in Sion a ^ Vhl tit.it. flnmbling ftone, and a rocke to make m.en fall; i'ai.8ii4.andiJ« and every one that tifleevethinhim.flyaHnotbe **' ''f*'*'*' aQiamed. CHAP. X. 3 I HehanMeththieffentofeleir,on, 3 that feme refu/e , dnd feme embrace. 4 Chri/l.ivho is the end cfthe Lave, i; Hee fherveih that Mofei fcrelotde the calling ef the CemliUl) 13 and Efaiai the hardening of the I e-rccs. IJ Rethren , « mine hearts defire and prayer to God ' PnfpoTng to *^ for Ifrael is, that they might be faved. ^" '"•'°"'' '" '■", 2 For 1 beare them record that they hwe the ofmm.iio"sl, zealeof God.but not according to knowled-^, flinacie, he ufeth' 3 » For they a being ignorant of the righteouf- »n'"''nua'ion. nefle of God , and going about to b ftabliai their * Thefirften. ., r ^ '^ \ " ^ , . .« trance into the owne righteoufneffe , have not fubmitted them- vocation unto faf, felvesto therighteoufnelfeof God. vation.ittore. 4 S 3 For Chrift ii thee ende of the Lawe for nouuce our owne righteoufnefl'e unto d every one that beleeveth. nghteoufoeffe : the y 4 For Mofes tl.w defcribeth the righteoufnes brace'th'iTr'gb'tc. which is of the Lawe, * That the man which doeth oufneiTe by faith, thefe things.flialllive thereby. which God freely 6 But the righteoufnes which is of faith , fpea- ^^^''^^ "' '" ''"« keth on this wife , « ^ Say not in thine heart , Who g nei'Bor.mr^t/ fliall afcend into heaven ?( that is to bring Chrift the Law -which wn from above. ) '"«"'" "> k'"'n,ex- _ 7 Or , Who (liall defcend into the deepe?(that c{'d\7"citfk is to bring Chrift againe from the dead. ) excufithnotihem 8 J But what faith it > •}: The^worde isneere that areof his thee, effw in thy mouthe,and in thine heart. This is '""f'oi'^- the word of fairh which we preach. '' Ji'>-'<-ancehaih 9 fi For if thou Ihalt g confeflb with thy mouth Z^hV. the Lord lefus ,and ihalt beleeve in thine heart, § caiat.j.i^. that h God railed him up from the dead, thou Ihalt 3 Theproofe.- befaved: XT^7'a'^^' 10 For with the heart man ■ beleeveth unto cb'ri "that fu^h It righteoufnefle, and with the mouth man confeffeth beleeve in bim tofalvation. fllould befaved. by. leeveth in him.fhall not beafhamed. 1 1 For there is no difterence betweene the lew and the Grecian : for he that is Lord over aU, andfooli(h,but is rich untoall that call on him. *^''''!' ■«pff««'* 13 ♦ s For whofbever fhall call upon the Name °^.„^^ befeever? of the Lord, Ihall be laved. e The end of the ta-wistoiuflifie them that keep e the law : Zut feeing ve do not vhfirie the Laip thycu^h thefjult efi-urflefh , ycee alt.iins net Unto this ende : hut ChriflfalVeth this difetfe ,ft,T he fulfilled the Z-JW for ui. d Not onely to the lewes , hut alfo to the Cersriles. 4 That the Law regardflh an4 tendeth to Chrift, that ii a manifeftproofe , forthat is propoundcthfuch a condition, as can be and is fulfilled of none but of Chrift onely; which being imputed unto us by faith, ourconfcience is quieted, fo that now no man can ajke,Whocan afcend up into heaven , or bring as from hell , feeing the GofpeJ teacheih that both of thefe is done by Chrift, and that for their fakes, which with true faith embrace him which calleth them. » Levit.iS,5.e2ek.20,ii. gal.3,ii. « D«)t.3o,ii. e Thinkenct with thyfelfe , as men that are Jiaggcrin^^ ufe to doe. j Vocation comraeth by the worde preached. .^ Deu:er.30,i4." { Sy the word, MofesVnderlictdethe T-anr W>iich the Lard puHifhed with h's civne I'cyce : and I'aul applied it to the preaching of theCcfptUwhicl-wasthepcrfeBionoftheLaw- 6 That isindeedetrue faith which isfetled not onely in the head, but alfo in the heart of man, whereof alfo wegivetefti- raonie, by our outward life.ard which tendeth to Chrift as to oik alone and onely Saviour, even as heefettethfoorih hinifelfein his word. g Jfthanprofefe plainrly, ftncerely.And openly, that thoKttkfp lejiisonelj tohethy Lord and SiViour. h The Father , who is faide to h.t\'e raifedthe Sonne fromthedead : ardthisiinotfpoken to fhtit out the dil-initie of the Sonne , im to fet foorth the Fathers ceunfelt lottckin^ our redemption in the refurreilion cfthe Sonne. i Faith is faide to iujiifie, andfurther- ■■more fttin? theconfcficnrfthe moHlhis arseffeB of faith , andconfepionis the wny lo come lofatyanon. it fo'uiwetl^at faith is alfo /aid to fan e. 7 Now leeprooveth the other part which he proflPnded afore in the fourth verfe , to wit.that C^ri.' alletli wbomfoever hee lifteth without any ditfeience, and this heeconlirmeth b\ adouSle teftimonie. * Ifai.i8.iS. k Tobeleevein God is toyeelde and conf at toGod hij promili of ourfalvation by Chrift , and that no: onely in general!, but whtn W€e know thatthepiomiftsperreineto us wbereuponrifeth afuretrutt. ^ loel i,j3. S Truecalliog upon the Name of God ii t be teftimonie of faith, anol KMefsitbofKue vocation 01 calling, aod true caUing,or true eleaioa. li/t .14 But ^ift is very God. ^otbeRomahes. 9 Thit ii tfu« 14 ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^y "^' °" ^^ ' *" whom fi:>h.wbVtbfeek«h they have not belccvcd } » and how Ihall they bc- Sod in hi. leeve ia him . of vhom they have not heard ? and vsct.7- jjfing glad tidings of good things ! o whcJefoiveT 16 10 But they have not 1 all obeyed the Go- f.i:b ii ..h.r.iiat- fpell : for Efaias faith. + Lord, who hath beleeved foihevsord.but our report? Botcoo.r.rywife. ,_ 1 1 Then faith i; bv hearing, and hearing by ^I'rit'Z'^i, the^- word of God. ^i.h aifo . for 18 «» But I demaund , Have they not heard } Bi»oyTefiife«nJ * "So doubt their (ound wcnt out thtough all the jfirfttbewoH. ga„h, and their wordes into the endes of the b«»uftofthe world. i,g,e, . 1 9 13 But I demaund. Did not llrael know Gai? < ifai.;3.t. Firft Moks laith,* 1 will provoke you to envieby iohoij.3«. ^ n nation that is not wy nation , and by a foolilib of.hr form., gra- Mtm I Will anger you. jaiioo. weinoft 20 ^^ And Efaias IS o bolde , and faith, I was afcend from faith, fQunJ of thcm that fought me« not , and have «bycu°Voc«ioa bene made manifea to them that asked not after wnimonicofoui 21 And unto Ifraelhee faith.* All the day long Godprefervethhisi eltAioD, m ByGodicom' niaDdcmcnt. >i Anobieftion have 1 ftretchcd foorth mine hand unto a difobe- dient, and gainefaying people. it.t.l.Tb'^7..rti>"«°i' ofelfa.-on . v...e not the lewM called ? why ftlould 1 not , Lt fa.ih the Afoftle , feei;.g that there ii do nation which hath net bene f/n.^j much lelfe can Ifsy. that the Icwei were not called. :^ Pfal.is.a. i3 The V. li;,Tad .na.m..n.t of >be lewe. caufe . goeth on (till to a.ke , whetbe, the lew.. 1 '„ vtj^! no God vvhkhcalled them. Ef.y (fattb the Apof.ie) denieth u , and wu. «Bl;h that .he Gofpell wa« tranflated from them to the Oeniile. , becauf. the lewe. . »l »ed it And the.ewithall the Apoale teacbtth , tbat that outwaid and univetfall ,!llinV«,hith ii fet footth by the cication of the world.fuBiceth not to the knowledge „f rnf ■ ;« and thatthe particular alfo wMch ii by the word ofGod , ii of it felfe of rI?U or no ^fficaci. . unleffe it b. apprehended or layd hold, no by faith . fay the gift of cTd "h Sy "nb.l«f. i. .. n>ade unprofitable , and that by the o.ely faultof M.aB,whoc.npre;end no ignorance. * Dcurer.ja.a. « Hecallethall prophaoe leople a na..o..that i. no nation . that they are no. fa.de to live but to d.e . which Ju'rafpointedfoievwUlUngcondtmnatico. ^ Ia.6;,.. o Speakeih without feare. CHAP. XI. S leifl tie titf'ig efftfihe Jtyv's fhcuU it limilteil ttccfrding I, ihnuttvard appear jncc, % httfhrrvtth that Elin m, in ttmes pdl} deciiVed : 16 and that , filing ihtj halie an hh 'C'tt, »3 manj cfihem likfveiji fhaU It htlj. it i^ HtetxUcritih ihtCtmiits Ii. hi hitmhU, 33 ani truth Mttthit Codi iudgementiart Miifturcheatle. I Demaund then. ' Hath God caftaway his people ? God forbid : for » I alio am an Ilraclite, of the fb '.doS mo ieed of A brabam.of the tribe of Beniamin. beappliedto i 3 God hath not calt away his people which oihen,ibidinjftill jjg , j^new before. ♦ Know yue not what the Scrip- caufe'''Xt'^f»'« *"'^ '""'^ of Elias . how heecommuncth.with God kee tiachetb ui againft Ifrael, faying. that all the lew.s 3 X Loid .they have killed thy Prophets , and in particular ate ^;»ged downe thuie Altars : and L am left alone, nmcaft away , and c& '^'"Sotou^fr'fhlr of private perfon. . whether they be of.he number of the .left Of not » TbeHrn proofe, I am a lew, and yet eleacd, thetefore.wee may and ought fu'lv .'.fclvr upon our eleaion.ai baih bene before f^ide: cm of .Doiher mam we can. not be fo c.rtaiuely refolvtd r and ytiouiimay caufeuatobope well ofoiheri. » Thef.condproofe.BecaufethatSooi.faithfullin bi. league or Coveoaut.although. men be uofattbfull ■ So then (iemg thai God hath laid, lUat h« wUi be the God of hi» nn.o a thcufand generations we. mult *'^d Uch^fin workes : or els were grace no more grace : but if it '*f'"rvard .■ fir be ofwotks.it is no more grace ; or eJs were worke '^/^ V' "V'"' nomoreworke. u ■ .. u ^"^rtn^tutt. 7 What then ? llrael hath not obteined that he tut tht„f.,t -htj fought: but the eledion hath obteined it , and the nirtnciidtidttn, reft have bene f hardened, ^'^'"^f' ' t'-',*/'* 8 « According as it is written , J God hath gi- ^ "aai'fi.'Jjii'ih at ven them the fpirit ef g (lumber ; eyes that they muchoi Majie,er b fliould not fee , and cares that they (hould not f <"•'"»«.»'■ «»« i» beare unto this day. whtferovpir an 9 And David faith , * i Let their table be made T,^",lTma,,r, a fnare , and a net, and a Rumbling blocke, even for at thi, da, ^i),e a recompenfe unto them. '*"' W"'" . ««- io J.et their eyes be darkened that they fee not. ""j^ 'I'ttn patrmfr and bow downe their backe alwaycs. "ladii't " " 11 7 1 demaund then , Have they fttimbled, that d Thtettai.n tf they fhould fall ?God forbid: but through their /''JcwwrwArr*, fall , falvation eommtth unto the Gentiles , to pro- f '""'''"^J""'j voke them to follow them. cZfi»!'.fhh 1 2 Wherefore if the fall of them 6e the k ri- ^ait and^oU- ches of the world , and the diminilhing of them the •^ff'. riches of the Gentiles , how much more Ihall their ^, *'''""'«!' t^*' •aboundance^..^ :"a :hX y* 1 3 8 For in that I fpeake to you Gentiles , in as let them that are much as 1 am the Apoftle of the Gentiles , 1 '" mag- ei.aed, rem.ra- nifie mine office. fr«i'"chofJn"n*'>" tnhc'J.r tr parti} the c.iuji of tur iujlifcitien . f Lookf Marl{t },f- 6 Acdyet tbii bardueOeofheartcommetb not but by Godiiufl decree and judgement, and yet withouc fault, whom a> bee fopu< nilhetfatbe unthankefull by taking from them all feale andp.tceiveranct.and bydouba ling their datkenelTctbai ihe beoebti of God which are otfeled unto theni,doe redounti totheir iuDdenruaioii. 4* Ifai.6,9.auda».io maiih.13,14. lobn n.i^o itt at. »«. g Averydeadfltepe which taketh away all fenfe. h That ii.eywuuiMS to fee. * Pfal.69,a3. i At unhappy bird.iate intifed todeath by ibatwbjcb i,iheirful)e> Btoceifodid ihatonely thing lurneiothelewcs delfaraai»n, ou:of wbi..h they fought life,to wit.ihcLaw ofGud for iheprepi.fierouizcalewbeteofthey tefuiedtbcGofpel, 7 God ap^iuinted tbiicaftiogouioftue Iiwei , that it might bean occafiontocall he 6eniilei:aad ag.ine might luine thii calling uf the GcDiiles, to bean occafioo tore- ftore tbel.wet.to wit.ibai ih.y being iuftamed and provoked by emulation of iHe Gentilei .might tbemftlvei at length embrace the Gofpel . And hereby we ro jy learne, that the fcveritie of God ferveihafwell to the fettiog foorth of bi» glory ai hi. mercie doeth , and alfo that God prepare bimi'elfe a w«y to in.rtie.by bis feveritic.fo thai w.' ought not ralhly to defpaire of any man , norproudly niumpboverotber men ,but ratnet provoke them to in holy emulation, (bat God may b.j^iotilied in : hem alfo. k By richer be meaneth ibe knowledge of the Gofpell tnevetlalting life : and by the world, all nationidifp tied thorowout the whole world. I Ofihelcwei. when the V^boleoationwiihoui exception IhallcometoChtilt. S Hee wiineiTethby biiowne Cxample.that bee go.tb before all other io thit bebalfe. m I make nabl. and famauu o Itniallcome topjlTf thai when the lewei come to the Gofpel . the w> rid DiaMasit •were quicken againe.and rile up trom death 10 lilie. 9 Thr nation ot ibi: lewei bein{j confidered in their Itocke and roote , that ii ,in Abraham , ii holy, aliho'igh. bat many of the branche»b.cutof. TOeiefoteiaiudgingofour breihreo , weemurt not Hii-ke io their UBWorthinefle , to think, that ibey areatonceallcaltoff , but w«eoughtt9 confidtr the roote oftheC'iveuant, and rather goe backe totheir ancelien which m^ e £)ithfuil, that wer nay know that the bl.fliog of the Covenant relteib lafumeul iheir ponetitie.aiwealfofindeptci.fe hcicof in ou.ftlvei. o He.alludcth 10 the lirll fiuite^ ef theluavet by the oftting whereof attth.wholectuppe of corn, wailanaified. aai(l>( ufe tbt icft of (Ac jfc.ic fsUewing with guod coofcience. f Ai)iaajua» 17 f lO And tfet^^c and wiWe Olive. Cfeip. 17 4. 10 Anc! th'dugH Totefeo^ the hunches b/ * ThmUM broken off, and tHou being a wilde Olive-tree, Mufe v»i>y lb. waft graft in s for them . and made « partaker of the 0«Dd Forafmuch a. they received it „ot. e lothat.th.tGodt.fpefteth not what theTdXre.bu.whathepromifedtoAbrahan,. t, The reafon or proof. : *>^UaI cov«iUDtiM<»« Wih tb» niiiioD of life ev.ilaft.og . caano. it fn.ftr.tc and ■ yainr, XII. ExKoititibns. 6y 30 It tet evetj as yee in times paft have not ,« Xnotherrea. beleeved God , yet have nowe obtcined mercy foa. becaufe ihat through their unbeliefe : aitbougb 'ba. tbey 3 1 Even fo now >teve they not beleeved by ^jaf^^o",,;;, the mercy j*«i/v#rfunto you, that tht^ alfo may ob- puolfhed, yet hath taine mercy. notihiiftubborn. a z For Godhath (hot up fall in unbeliefe . that "ecre cfthe uwei hemighchavemercyonall. /;:;Z;°!:^'„ 33 1 7 O the deepenelle of the riches , both of l,^,^,^ ^ ,5,3, 0,^ the wifedome.and knowledge of God ! howun- tion, but that aa fearchable are his g ividgements , and his •» wayes en.tiemigbtasii; paft finding out! ^ .Tbtintrntbe 34 ^ j8 For who hath knowen the mind iJFthe ,j,„,,jf,_^„d af- Lord? or who wash fs counfellej? terward the lews. 3 f Or who hath given unto him > firfl, and hee being inflamed (haUberecompenfedj rfttirercil"" 36 For of him .and through him. and fork him which i. fhwei are all things : to him be glory for ever. Amen. to the Gemiiei, might ihemfclvH alfo be partaker, of tb« fame benefit, and fo it irightappeare that both lewejisd Gentile, are fav*l .ontly by the free meicy and grace of God , wbich could not hue beenefo manifcft , if at the beginning , God had brought all tog<^ihrr into the Church, or if he had favedthe nation of the I twe. without this interruptioa. f Boill lewe. and Gentile.. i7 The Arof'e crietb not a. aftooifhed with thi. woo. derfull wifednmeofGod , which hee teacheth u. .ought to be religioudy reverenced, and not curioufly and prophanely tobefearchtd beyond tbecomp^ffe ofthat that OoJ hath levealed unio u.. g Thecourfe that Bee holdeth in governing all thing, botij. generally and particularly. b The order of bi.coaofel. and doingi. "ii- loh 41,1. Efai. 40,13. 1. Corinth 1.16. i8 Hee bridleth three nianer of way", the wicked boldoelfe of man ; Fiift , becaufe that God is above all .moft wife , aaJ therefore it it very abfurd, and plainely godlctfVtomeafure bim by out folly. Moreover becaufe he i. debior to no man , and iberefore no mancao coinplaioe of iuiuriedooe uato bin). Thirdly .becaufe all thing, ate made fet bit glory , and therefore we muft refcire all thing, to hi. glory , much lelTe may wee contend and debate the matter with hint.' i Thi.fayiug overtbtoweth thedoftrioeof forefeene warke. and merit.. k To wi. , for God. to wbofe gJory all tbingi are referred . not onely thing, ibat were made, but efpecially hi. new wotkei wbich heewoikttil in hj» .left. CHAP. XII. I Hee txUrttlh x to »''«' vporfhif rtihidi uarcipuiltl* Ctd, i ttUuitnf-'i'itJt 14 • »o eitt tyyf*rdi mr tnemiei. - ' T Befeech « you therefore brethren , » by the ^ The fourth pan mercies of God, that yee h give up yotir c bo-ofthi.Epiftle. dies a <* living facrifice , holy , acceptable unro which after the God ,T/wfc«f^MyourereafonablefcrvingofGod. finilhingof .he 2 » And fafhion not your felves like unco this ^(j'^j^.''j°'°"p^,[^j, world, but be yee changed by the renewing ofconf'ftechiode, your f minde.tliat yee may J proove what that cUriogof precept. good • and acceptable and perfed will of God°''Cb'ii>'a^nJii-K 3 3 For I g fay through the grace that is given pj)^'s;,u and unto me , to every one that is among you , that no ground. :the chief, man k prefuroe to undei ftarid above that which is <'\ whereof it meetc to underftand , but that he underfiand atcor- ^jn'^^f'^j^.e ding to « fobrietie , as God hath dealt to every man himfeife wholly the^meafureof kfaich. ' to.hefpitituall ftrviceofGod, and doe as it were factiSce biinfelfe , troP.iog to the grace of God. a By thi. preface heellieweih .haj God.glory ii the utmo.t rnd of all otirdninji. b lutinw.rall the factificei were prtfented before the al.ar , but now thealta) i. every where. c Your felvej : iu time.paft .other bodie. then ourowne , now our owne muft beofftred. d In time p«rt , dead facniice. wereofftred . but ren^i we muli offer fuch a. have the ffirit ofJifeiotbem. e Sfirituall. a Thefecond precept i. this , Thatwetakeoot other men. orioier. or maner. fcra ruleof life , bat that we wbolly renouncing thi» world, fet before u.asoarmarke, the will ofGfid, a.iti. manifeftcd and opened unto ui inhi. VTOtd. f Why then there i. no place Icl'tfot reafon, which the heathen Pbi« lofophrt. place a. a Queene in a Callell , not for mans free will , which the PopiHl fchoolemen dreame on . if the niinde muft b. rentied. Looke Epheftaos i.iS . and i,f. ' and4, a7.andC which petfwadethemfelve.tbey know more then indeede they doe. i We fliall be fobec.ifwetake not that upon ui, which we havenotandifwebraggenotof ihatwebav.. • i.Coiio ti.ii.ephef.4,7. k By faith be meantth the knowledge «fGociiaCbrift> and ibc gift, which the boljiGbaftpowreib upon ihefaiibfall. Iii3 4*Pof i::hottation5; To the Romanes; 4 4 For as wee Iv.ve many metnbets in one bo- dy, ind til members hive not one office, y So wee bein<; m^ny , are one body in Chrift, jud every oiic.oneanoiliers rrembets. 6 <• I Seeing then that wee have gifts that are diveis , >iccc*^}inc^ to the gr.ice that is given unto U3 , whether*** have prophecie .let uiprephuie ac- cording to the I portion of faith. 7 Or: an oihce . let «/ vva«« on the office : or he that 'd teacheth.on teaching : 8 Or he that o exhorteth , on exhortation : hce that o diltributeth . let bin do: it J^ with finiphcitie : he t^t V ruleth . with diligence': he that i iheweth mercy, with chcerefulneflc. 9 6 Let love tt without difTiinuIation , * Ab- horre that which 13 cviH , and cle;ive luuo that which is good, 10 " Be afTeilioned to love one another wiiU brotherly love. In giving honour ,goe one before another. 1 1 Not fiouthfull to do fervice .fervent m Ipi- rit.ilctvingtheLord, . 12 / Reioycing in hope, patient in tnbnlation, ^- continuing in prayer. I ^ * fDiftributing unto the' necefsities of the Saints : <• giving your felvcs to hofplulitie. 14 ^ Hlelfe them which perfecute you : bleffe, jA^.andcurrenot. J y Rcioyce with them that rcioy«e,and wecpe with them that weepe. 16 Be ii>;e afteitioned one towards another : • be not hiercinded: but m.iXe your felveseqtiall to thoin of the u lower fort :bc not* wile in your J 7 X Recompenfe to no rean eviil icr cvill : procure things honclt in the fight of all men. 18 :J^ If it be pofsible.asrouchas inyouis.have peace with all men. 19 Dearely beloved,* avenge not yotirfelves, but give phce unto wrath : for it is written,* Ven- geance is mine : I will tepay, iaiih the Lord. 20 t Therefore if thine enemic hunger .feede him : if he third , give him drinke : for in fo doing Of Magiftrates; 4 There ii a ion- bit {tafoa ot tie iri.ccp:go;nt •jcTt';:u«oneii h teaure God bdtli not commtcted ^vtryihinjjtobe doneofe\erir Bi.Yi. 'oJ ihere- fcy; he dorth liticwirJly. aoi no: ascly unpro- fiubly.butilfo to ttc grtat dif" profile. ctbrri, wnriethhiiu- felft >cd otheri, of hi» vo- ca:ion : ibe oiber ii. fur thai ihii ^ivfrfiiicand )De<].,;n!^l.thitwe Ciotjfd h* bouad flcf toaujttfT. ■Whertupoa it jbilownh ibai on m'omilht IVej;ric«d there- at, f«in? that tbt vfcof«^•tryp''- vatt gifiiacom* »oa. iji J.Ptt .^lO. J Tbatvt-hichbe ijpke bffoK in jpuwrall. heap- filieib ^anicular- ytotbeholy fuB- «ioni,v»htr?io HMO offsnd wib jwatdingft. Acdh«dividitb ibem imotwo fofii, » wit. if- :p rtophiu.and CHAP. XI ri. I Hit ni^tih ifitt ne/utmit cur filyti n Mtnflrslej : I Tt Uiie ttr nti'khur : n Ttltyi utrhhtlj, 14 anJtcfut » ckrijl. •!• Titu. j.r. T Et * « every »foule be fubiedi unto the higher '-f" a. 13. ■■^ a powers :i far there is no power btit of God : ' if^j"" '"i'^'^,, and the powers that be, are b ordained of God. filb.-ft^eweto ^ Whofoever therefore refifteth the power, tbtirMJEifiratw, refiftcth the ordinance of God:andthey thatre- «ow'tob«henc«: fift.lhall receive to themfelves condemnation. From which h« 5 ♦ For raagiftrates are not to be feared for ^Zuint"u good workes.buc for evil!, ( Wilt thouthenbe intiKhforttbat without feiue of the power ?doe well : fo flialt thou " " notoDeirdue have piaife of the fame : "„'** *'l^^'r!l'' 4 For he is the minifter of God for thy wealth : ^;,"if* „« t,> « but if thou doe evill, feare ; for he beareth not the ihe.b«f«a, wbick fword for nought : for he is the niinifter of God to hath toy oKct «: take vengeance on him t.hatdoeth evill, uoderhiai. y 7 Wnerefore we miift be fubieft, not becaufe Apome,tbough*«i of wrath onely, but dalfo for confcience fake. Euaogfiift.ibougii 6 8 For , for this caule ye pay aifo ttibute : for » r«oi'het : Chry. they are Gods miDiftets, applying themfelves tot'';?''""" Therefore . ^^ , . Ii J the lyrartiyotibe ihefamething. > . . . rope over .11 jtinj. 7 S Give to all men therefore iheit duety , tri- dom«»;inun Howac bute , to whom_j« owe tribute : curtome, to whom «o ih« ground, cuflome ; feare, to whom * feare : honour, to whom * * '"'""o "k;" yiJoT-t-ef honour. thfthio?iifeire.- 8 s Owe nothing to any man , but to love one For to what pur. another : jofot hee that lovetb another, hath ful-Fofear« the, pi». filled the g Law. Vree'bui?h",''he 9 Fci this , * Thon fhalt not commit adukery, f,f„i6u,(hou!d Thou fiiait not kill, Thou Ihalt not fteale.Thou befubieauoto lb-alt not bare falfe witnes. Thou {halt not covet ; thcn>? and if thete be any other comroandement , it is 3 *""'''" Argu- b briefly comprehended in this laying, e'z^fnia this, fcce ■ Becauf. « Thou Ihait love thy neighbour as thy felfe. ced iiamhoutof 10 Love doth not evill to his neighbour ; there- thij ordei • fo fore h love the -k fulfilling of the Law. I.bell^ou'bt't" 11 II And that ,confidering the feafon, that if y„^^'°"bVtboy is now time that we Ihculdariie from fleepe: for make watft with now is out idlwition neerer , then when wee beiee- God himreUe .- vedit. v^herefore they ^YnTbidetideth tbou Ihait hcape y coales of fiie on his head, 21 Be not overcome of cvill , but ovctcotiM evill wkh goodnelle, the I'rophets in- to dpAouriaod Taftoun.And of j>enoDihec ma* Iteth tbteeforu : to wit.theooe to b« fuch ai at< (ai it weie) ireafureriof thfCbiiith tofera, •Abum hee cjlUib propaily Beaconi : theotherto bethtgoveinouu otdifci- yiinj who are called Seoioti oi Eldm : the third to bt fuch ai p a felfe fame feeliug with othcisaiwtll id adverlitie atprolptiiiie , modeliy, aodevour to maimaine honert concord (o aigb u we may with all men , vvhi':h cannot b; cxiinguiOtgd by any ffiant itiiuriet. >. i.pet,f.>3. •I.uKeiS,!. i.cot.i. {■ ^i tmi rAl( tfchitriiie, ivhin tft itt m tijfe tmchtd Tvilh clhtr mtni iQinti then triih tur i-ani, tndhaUnf that ftelinr .htlfcihcm aimuck ai7rtc4n. t Seluptn y;ej/tcfe.e')/''. <• W»ir.i3>a. I.fft.4.i3. ^•WJ'.7'4*' * i'r'l'.Jt?. «/4t.;iH. u 1 here it nolhinjr that diiiy/nniich Iritil^e ceaeori/ «i {Unfili<">,V>htn ai ititry men Itthcth a laji tjlalcindfukfth amlitieHJl} t, Ll ole/i. K PanotptijftdUfwiihapiaicn^fjiure-uinevi/idtTne. ii. Trok.io.tt. rtuit.).39, t.etr t.tl, i.ft! i.-). * Hf/r.ia.t4. ♦ EceM.}t.3S.'"i'iO'3°- ^ i'"i'-t4,»l, J t/^'llttH'Jiftdtthftltmtifmt 1 z The night is paft , and the day is i at hand, ^|,^„ ^,L.iv« let us therefore caU away the workesk of datke- great mifcrie and neffe.andletusputonthe annouroflight, calamity. 1 3 So that we walke hoiieaiy . as in the day : fo, fo^,^"'',''"J^.' not in * gluttonie , and tlrunkennefle .neither in ,°,',fomefmau"* 4 Tbe third argu> ttient taken from the enJ wherefore ibey were made, which ii inoft profitable ; for that God by ihi«meaoeiprefcrveth(he good and biidleibthe wicked , by which wordith* Magillrateiihemfelvei are put in minde of tbacdustie which they owe to their fubieSi. i An excellent way to bear; tbii yoke . not onely without gnefe, but alfo with great prohc. oweroverthcconfcieDce of trjin , yci feeing hieisGodi miniAcr) hee cannot be refifteih by any good coofcienco. d So fatrea* lawfully we may : fox if uolawfull ih ing I be commanded tii , wemuOaufwett ai reteiicachrihut , It i( belter tp obey God then wen. 8 HceiocKoceihup thechiefenibingtwberciocoD» rillith the obedience of Ivbiedi. $ Mat.ai.ii. c Obedience .and thai fiomtfae beart. f Reverence, (whicb ai teafoa i»J we muft give to the Magiftrate. 6 H« Ibewetb bow very feweiudgemeuitnerd tobeeiecutrdito wit,ifwe fo order our life, «ino man may iuilly require any tbiug of u», belidei that onely ihat we oweoneroan," other, by the perpetual! l..wofchatiiy. 10 Hecommendeihcbaritie.ai an abridge, iniotofthe whole Law. g He baih not onely d^ne one camnuadeinene,biit ptifoiiocil generally that whichtbe Law comraandtth. » Etod.io,i4.rieut.,-,i8. h For tbe whole Law coinniandeth cothicg eli but that wc love God and our neighbour. But feeing Taul fpeaketh hereof tbe dueiies we owe one to anoibet, wemuft teftrainrthii word, Law to tliefecond Table. K Ltvit.i».i 1. mat. 11.39. oiatlte ja,3i • g.il-,J,'4- i.iin.i.». "A" iTiro ta. la Au application taken of the circumllaDce of th« time : which aJfo it frlfe pMtteih ui in laiud of our duetie ,f«inf that thi» teinaineib- af^etthatttiedaikentlfeofijnoran'ce and wicked aff.aioni by tbi kacwledgeofGuda .^ tt*ieth bedrivea out of oi, t&at we order out life accoxdiog to tbat cettaine iic low rul»> of all righieoufneireaBihonefty .being fullygrounded uponibevrrtueof the Spiritof ' Chrift. i la other placet wc ate fiyd 10 be in theligbt.but yet fo, that it a|>pe>rethnot aiyei whatwe are, fora> yctwcfetbut ai it vvueiu the twilight. Jk TJxttttci* «fiife,whtbcylctdc/iiut flee lilt light, * Luke 11,14. cbwabeting^ The wcakc brethren; Chap. xnijJ <(• Gitat. y, Id . chambering and wantonnefle ', not in ftr LFe and en- i.i>«.»,it. vying. 'f°7ir''a.f' M * Butt pittyee on the Lord lESUS ,. ili. wi'i, »/. ' C H R I S T , a nd take no thought-for the fldh , to tmtit4imMm. fulJtUthcluSLoiu. CHAP. XIV. X HefiviiiththiUieeff*iih, t« »Ji« thrcii^h tur fault the) ht net pffendii. lo ^>ie{!rtis^rr .• 29 Thaf^'^t'ym thehoundt rfcdiHcaticn 19 rtmi fi,wjfff ^ 21 ChriJ.idn Uhcrty msy cmlUI . iKowfcelhw- u j^ , that is weake in thefjuh .» receive un- Jo"brvr»ur" "^ to you , hut not for> controveriles of difpu- fcrvestowtrriout tatJons. brrthren in mat. ^ » One e bcleeveth that hcc may eate of all teri »nd tbingi ia- jj^j,,^ . andaDothef, which is v-eake. eateth herbs. S^nZZo'. 3 "3 Let not him that eateth . difpife him that thfoi.cotofaia- eateth not ; and let nor him which eate:h not, lices-ofdamoable condemns him that eateth : for ♦ God hath teceio fupMmtioi.but ygdhim. i%t'of'heb,„r" 4 5 f VVbo art thou that condemneft another fit ofCbrift. And mans Servant ? hc flandeth or failcth to hiicwne thushe tMcbtth rnafter : yea, he Oiall be cftablifl-.ed : for God is able 'oft'rte'miy' tomakehimftand. Indpatienlly.and J « This man eftecmeth one day above an- foihat we apply Other dav.r.nd another man counteth everyday ourftivejrotbeir alike : 7 let d everv man be fully perfwaded in his ignorance in fuch j^jj-J- roZ\Tf"'^ ' 6 . i He that ' obferveth the day , obfervethk cHaritie. to the Lord : and hee that obferveth not the day, a Vet not fir a obfctveth it not to the fLord. Hethai 8 eateth, - Th^^thZdipercnt. ^"^'^ ^® ^^^ ^^^'^ ■ ' ^°^ hcgivcth Godthanks : endjitchiii^cumxr dn cr notder, fhunhii cemfanjMtldlf. him tejrU. b To mihs himhjjcur dMUfna 4itui unrlrtami diffat.tiitm^-'t! a«-.i, more inJtttht thtn he am: , cr flar: kitckt n>i'* J treuhlidconf.ienn. a H*propc«ncl?ib fciao exam(4f, the dlfttiencrofmearfi, which Tome thougfet wai DecelTarilytobeobfcrvedaia tbiog prefctibedby theLaw (not k.iow ing thai it wai taken aw.iy J wbcrcM on theroutrwy We , fucb ai had f fo- fitsd in the kno-^IedgcoftieGefiiell.knew well thai thiifchoolemafterthipofthe Law watabolifhcd c i{n>treth hj f-tuh. 3 In fach a matter .faith the Apollle, Let neither tbem which kncwtheitHberiie ,frnudlydefpife their wtakebtothet, neither !et the unlearned crabbedly or frowardly condemne that, that i!iey upderftand not. 4 The fiift reafon .-BjcaufethaiffeiDg both be that eateth ,and heth.it esi-th not, it noiwithflapding the itieir.ber of Chri/t , neither he t^'bich eateth not, can luflly be contemneiT neither he which eateth be I'uftly condemned ; Now thefiiftiropclitioa u awlirud in the (ixthverfe following. ^ latn 4,11. 6 Anoihetreafon wliith hattgfth vfontbe tbtmer : vrhy thfrHderandmoreunleitned cughtnottobe ectiilemnedofihetnoreu<.iIfuil,aiHien wiihouthopccfraIv?.tlon.Efcau!e , faith the Arf-lile.hethatiiignorsmtoday.maybeindutd ton-orawwithftirtherkiiowledje, fo'ihathealfnmsyfisnd fare. Therefore it bclotigeth to God , and not unto man , to prooouncetkcfentenceof condemnation. 6 Another example of thediffeience of djvei according to the Uvp. 7 Hefetteth igaini* thiicmtsmpt , and hartieot xalh iudgemrt>t».a eoniiouall dr(i« to ptohtr. tbatthearong may becertainsly per. fwide ^reunJedipcn the nerd, f God. 3 A tesfon taken from »he nJttire efindiflerenttbiDgi , vvbich a man may with good coofcience doandomir : #or feeing that the dJtfrrcoce of dayes and meatei wii appointed by God , how cotild they .which ai yet underftood 00c the abrogating of the Law . and yetothcrwife acknowledged Cbrift ai their Saviour , with good confcitnce negleS thjt which tbey korw ws»''comm2nded of Gnd ? And on iheconir.-.ry fide , they that knew the benefit of Chrifi in ihijbeh:!fe ,did wiih goodcoiifcience neither obfetve dayeanor mtarei. Therefbre faith the Apa!ile, verfe 10. Let noi the firong coodenuie the w^ake for tbeft thiog), A'-ing 'bat tbtweak«brethitaar<- breihrtnootwithftandiog. Now if any man "wcuW draw this dofiriiietothefc our timet and afes , let them kaowe that the Apcftlefj ei'ktth offiach thiiigi indifftreni , a> they which thougbtihrm not to be and.irereul . had a giotmd in the Law , and weredeccivedbyfimple ignorance : and no- cf matite f for to fucb the Ap6ftle» vcelded not.no cot fit a moment ; nor fuf piiion, butcfaielirioti.-feareefGod. e OtfirWth prea.Oly . f Codfh^UMgt Khtiltf thi, dor yrc'J «■ "- • ^nd ihertfijtyon I'honld ruihrr pr^e shout ihii, hnv itery *ne of^su may It ailotvtd if Cod , thin le lhink.t upon other mtnr i/ottf;/. g He thitmJk'ih n'difcrmcr rrtrta't!. 9 So the Apofl)efl>e*eih that hetyeakeii «r the faiihfuM .both nr'.rgand weake. "But what ifwe have to doe with iBfideli ? %tta muft t>?etere wke heed of two tbinga, ajalfo iadeclared in the Ei>ift(eto the Cpiitilkfani. Tbf one is , that weccuot not theirfvpetflitioai among thingliodiiTe- ifBt , a» they did which fa-edcwoeto meate in IdoliTemplea • theother is , th»tibe« alfo wh*o the msrter !• iodiffereat ( a« to btiy a throg offered to idoles . i« thebutcher« ftair.Hei , and toeattK)r.liomt is « t>rtv;(tt banijue;J v,« woutrf ocl'.h'tcsofcinicegf AlIfiianbefuJgedJofGod. gg and he that eateth b not, eateth not to the Lord, and •> «f '*«' giveth God thanks. '*"* i" »""'■* 7 »° For none of us llveth to i himfelfe.neither u'hfut'cill^lt doeth any die to himfelje. thet.m. % For whether wee live, wee live unto the '» w-'e mu,i Lord ; or whether we die , wee die Qhto the Lord : °°'- ^"■^'' ^^"'' whether wee life tkerefore . or die. wee are the ?;^';f^''M.T!r ^OrJs- . theufcofthe 9 For Chrifl therefore died and rofeagaine. mene.fothar and revived, that hee mi»ht be Lord both of the '""''''*'''"''" dead and the quicke. i,\«h fo'*fhl!'te 10 «t But why doeft thou condemne thvbro- clfteih o°olhiV tner > or why doeft thou defpife chy brother ^ for «yt» upon God. we (hall all appeare before theiudgementfeatof ''°''"^''°"''''''' thrift, o ^ andourdeaiitt. 1 1 For it is written , * I k live . faith the Lord, and fo'rthirc^*' and every knee fhall bowetome ,andalltono-ues Chrifthathpto. {halllconfefle unto God. *' perlydied,and 1 z So then every one of us fliall give accounts "1 StV.f" ofhimfeifetoGod. thumLeor 13 «» Let us not therefore iudgc one another 'b«t. .nny more: but ufe_y««r iudgement rather in m this ' w»eJ i-f/Jiei'l that no n^anpntanoccarioatofall.oraftimbiing;:^rS&« blocke before Ay».f brother. uutrtfienhu 14 «3 1 knowe , and am perfu'aded through the /•>■' . Dotih wd "Lord lefus.that there is nothing uncleane of it '"''"««'« o fejfe : but unto him that iudgeth any thing to be f "''thecotielu. uncleane, to him tt it uncleane. {'y„ . „„ u,uft ly But if thy brother be grieved for the meat, leavetoGodhit nowe walkeft thou not charitably : * m deftroy figbttandtkere. not him with thy meete . for whom ix Chrid f"" ^°h "";, 'J'^'l- ^ ^ cording. .the 16 '6 Caufe not your coramodicietobeeviIl"''fcienceinf- Ipokenof. feaed.atecitbet 17 «7 For thekingdomeof God . is not meate ^^"^"^"ftooi'* nor drinke , but righteoufnclTe , and peace , and defpife their ioy in the holy Gboil. weak, brethren, 18 For whofbever in p thefe thin'*s (ervetlt '""''' '''''"°''* Chrift. is acceptable unto God.andis appiooved.t,Tc",f o»en!* Oi^-^^" cannot betaken 19 '« Let us then followethofe things which of equaiiforcci* ccncerne peace , and wherewith one may edific '^' tontnty.to another. '""v"'^'''u » weake Ihoula cot ludgetieftioog, becaufe the weake doe not knowe , that they which doe not obferve a day , .lod eater cblerve it aot to the Lord ,and eatetotheLord , a» the ftrong men koowe , thatihe weake which obferve a day and eate not .obfeive the day lo the Lord , andeatenot i> theLord. .J. a.Cor.i,.o. J Ifa..fr, ij. rhilip.i,,o. k Thir tt a formt of an oaihe , proptr to God onely , fr h> and none but he iOeih . and A j«t hir liinrofhimfclft. I Shant,km,irhd^im,efromC,J. ,i Afierthaifcft bath concluded what ii not to be done, heftiemeih what ii to bedoiie : to wit ■ wee mull take heede that we doe not utterly call downc with abufing oor I ibfrtie, our bro. ther which il not yet flrong. m Hee rrluketh hy the way, thrf, maiiaoHs iud^trt ofoihers , Tvhich oce-A-fte thc-r hud, ahui nothing, lut to fnde fault niih iheir itethnnt life.vherfa, they fhcttU rather tcRcwe thiir triUufen thi} .that thiy dve not -nit*! thnr difdatnefuintlft either e.tfi thetr breihren- eleane dotvne , (r>, ^ive thimjomtef- /«"«■• >3 TheprtventiogofanobleaioB : Itistrueihat thefchoolemafter- fliip of the Law utakenawayfaytfee benefiieof Chrift , to futh aaknowit , but yet notwiihiiaadirg wee have ic conlidtr in the ufe of thii libenie, whit u expedient, that wee may have regard of our weake brother, feeiugihat ourlibertie ij not L9ft thereby. n By theSpitit of ihe Led Is.'uJ , or hy theLcrd lefui , who I am fare brake downe the wall at hit coaiming. o Bynatuie. » jCot. S' "■ >4 It I'tbe part of acruell minde to make mote account ofmeate ,tben of out brother, falvation. AVhich thing they dee , that prefuineto eate with theof- fence of any brother , and fo give him occafion to goe backe from the Gofpcl. t; Another argument: We mult followe Cbtine. eiample ; Who wsj fo farrefrnia deftrcying the weake with meate , that hte gaveli. life for them. ,i Atto-hcr argument .- f^ir that by thia mt-ane. the libenie of tbeGofi'elU. tvill frok.n of , « though « cpeneth the way to arttmpt any tbing whai fotwer . and bold.neth m to al) «^'ng!- >7 AjeoeiallresfoD,.iDdthegroundofalliheo>Tierirgumeotj: The kingdcme of heaven confifteih not in thefe outwardeiliingtj, but in the ftudie of rigliieonfceire , aitd peace, and co.r.fortof theholy Ghoft. p He that lireth peaceably, and doeth righteouny through the holy Gboll. i3 Ajcneralt eootlufio* : The uf« of thii lihrfie , yea and otrr whole life , o«f ht to be referred to the edyfying of one anptfaet , in fo oiiach that weeefteerae thatthingvitijjwfsliiy t«»fgQ of t(at offctct ot^Mi brother , whici ii of it felfe pure and lawfaifj in 4" 33 Dcl^rcjy uy love. The 10 D(.*i\roy not the works of Godforreeatcs r-.ke : •!■ ail th'iaiiS in Jcede arc pure ; but •> «V evill for tiie rr..-n which catcth wicl\ ol'ence. 3. . 71 g It it good pcither to eate flc.1i, nor to driiike wine, nor .Kiy thirf^; whereby thy brother flumbleih, or w.ofll-nJecI, or rrade weake. » ii >» Han rhor. good to edification. 3 X For Chrift aUb would not pleafe himfelfe, but as it is written ,» The rebukes of them which rebuke thee, fell on me. 4 3 For whatfoever things are written .afore- time , are written for our learning . that ive through patience , and comfort of the d Scriptures mignt navetiope. 5- 4 Now the God of patience and confblation give you that yee be st like minded one towarde another, according to Chrift lefus. 6 That yee with one minde , and with one mouth may praife God , even tbe Father of our Lord lefus Chrift. 7 wherefore receive ye one another, as Chrift alfo«receivedustotheglory of God. 8 / Kowe I fay, that lefus Chrift was a mini- fter of the ( circumcifion , for the g trueth of God , to confirme the promifes puule unto the fathers. 9 « And let the Gentiles praife God.forW/ mercie.as it is written,:/;: For this caufe I will t confefle thee among the Gentiles , and fing unto thy Name. 19 And againe hee faith , * Reioyce , ye Gen- tiles with his people. I I And .igainc , 4. Praife the Lord, all ye Gen- tiles, and laud ye him all people together. I I And againe Efaias layth , § There Qiallbe ( Now the A-_ pofilef-Mfonerh genetally of lole. raiiLg or beano; wuhifcewtike by fut'M as may be for ibeir profit, a Andder^ife otberi. b Fi>r his profit and edification. I A.confirinaiioa taken of the ex- ampleof Cbti!). wbofu.T ovtr- ^otniniiigthem with patience, t9 liiiFatbtr ♦ rfal 69 iO. 3 .The prf ventiag ofanobie^ton : Such ttin^iat are cited out nf I be /lampleiofthe ajicietitl. ate pro. pcundtd unto ui to [hit end and ii.rfofe,thatac- ctjiiiingto then- ample of BUI Fa- thorj we fliculd iti piiieacFiad ho(ie beaiiront with By Mofei ani berio.hets. I TheScilptur efaideto teach and cotnfori , bectufe God ufetb them to teach anJ nfort hii people witl'all. 4 Wtemuft takeati txample of patience , of God : that 1 otb lhev\eakean<(theOrongfer»ing G»d witb a iiiuiuall coorent .luay bung one »notbrf to God.ai Cbiilt alfo received u» unto himfelfe . altbougbwt were never fo unworthy. X i.0.tini 1.10, e He didnotdifdaine ui , buireceive4 mt>rhiiowne accord. tD nuke uipattaketl of Gods gloiy ; Anapplyiogof tbe example of Chrift to the Ifwes , whom bevoa bfafedihishoiioui of the ptomilei which be made unto their fathers .although ihtv were never fo unwotthie , that ha executed the oftice of i roinifteiamongft them with inarveilouspatience. Therefore much leffe ought the Geiiiilei drfpife them for cenaine faults , whom the Sonne of Cod fo moch eftreined . f Of ibeciicumcifed lewes . for as long ai he lived , he never went outofiheirquarteri. g That pod migbtbtfeenetobe true. < Ati applying oftbe fama tpjbe Gentilei.wbomalfo the Loid of bit lacomprekenfiblegood. jurffe had regard of. fd that they ateont to be contemtied of ifaelewetai lltangetl, V rfal. >8, f*. h I willoptnly profeffc . andfeifooiiljtbvHilBe, Chrift toward the Gentiles , miniftring the Gofpel' r 1,1. r\r ot God , that the n. ortenng up of the Gentiles that he hath writ, rnight be acceptable, beirigfandiified by the holy tea fomewhat at iheiDi wane then to Ghoft. ' ' ' ' latge 17 » I have therefore whereof I may reioyce '?'*"" in Chrift lefus in thofe things which pertaine to i«ISiVhTOXw, and they that heard a f^*"'*"- not.lhallunderftandWw. 9 Hecommen. 21 S .0 Therefore alfo I havebeene oft lej to gSt*:;. come unto y OU : _ effea, but yet fo 23 But nowe feeing I have no more place in that moieover aid thefe quarters , and alfo nave » bene defirous many ^''''*" ''".'.^r. yeeres agone to come unto you, .,u"iy . hegiUh^* 14 when 1 {hall take my iourney into Spaine, all tbt glory to I will come to you : for 1 truft to fee you in my God as theonely journey , and to oe brought on my way thither- autboui: and doth ward by you . after that I have bene fomewhat fil- " °a^bSe"bui led with your M»»;i.*»)'. thiaJatbtr: that 2y But now goeltoHierufalem.toPminifter menroightieffe unto the Saints. doubt ofthe 2(5 For it hath pleafed thern of Macedonia and ^^^^^ °^I^au Achaia,to make a certaine diflribution unto the poore S.iints which are at Hierufalem. 27 II For it hath pleafed them propauodeth uato . them, and their » Chrift waifo detters are they : + for if the Gentiles ^^ "^ade ^IJ^*" "^^ ^ ' y partakers of their fpirituall things , their due- [„ean„',"atifl tie is alfb to s minifter unto them in carnaJl wogid aevet fo things. faint, yetlcanuot xi When I have therefore performed this. ^^J^^'";^^;^''*''* and have ' fealed them this f fruite , I will paffe by bring tirCeptilM you into Spainc. to obey the Gofpef. 29 IX And I know when I come, that I (hallo Jn the htft place this w»Td, Tower, (igYiilieth the force . and working oftbe wonders in piercing mem mindei: and in tbt latter , itflgnifietbGodslnightiepuwer^^hlch was tbe woikeroftbefe wonders. <^ Ifa.;i,if. f Chap. 1,11. lo He writteih at larje to the RomaneJ. and that fa- miliarly. his fingular good wiJItowflfds tbtm.and the (late of his afFaifeJ.buifo, thai be' fwar^'etb ootaiote from tbe end of Apollolicall doSrioe : for be declare nothing but '^ that which api«tainethtohitcffice.aDd is jodly: accommendiDgby a littledigreflTiOB' as it were . the librialitie ofthe Churches of M-Kedonia , bee provoketh tbem saodeltly ^ to followtbeif godly deede. X t.Tbef.s.i/. p Doing his Hueiie for tbe Saintl. ' t» caric 'hetn tfaat money which was gathered for their ufes. ti Alroeiarevoluntarifs butyetfacbasweowe bytbelaweofcharitie. •f i.Cor<,*i. q Tefefvethe' turses. f Terforired it faithfully , and fealed it as it were wiii my ring. « ThiM, money which was gathered for tbe ofe oftbe poore; which alines ii very fitly cat/etl j fruit. ji Hepromifetti ihem tlJtou^h thebleflTingofGoiJ .nottocomeemptie unto them : and requiring of them iheduety ofprayer* . beflleweth wllJltll.l»SW<^ ought thicft]' 10 felt ui>on in «J! diSi(ul:ie4 and advdijttc). come m te^mtth theif ptiytn Chap, xvj. Salutations. 6p come to you wirjs aburdance of the blefsing of theGofpelofChrili . t Fonhatfnutuail ^^ y^lf^ brethren , I befeecb you for our Lord *°"'h"f'h°i '"'""' lefus Chrifts fake .and for the t love of therpirit. ohoft'hlib'tyci • that yee would llrive with me by prayers to God ^ oHtbMrt»4Bd forme, mindi topthtJf. 3 J Thatlmay be delivered from thera which are dilobedient iii ludea^nd that my fervice which Ihave to doeatHierufalera.may be accepted of theSainrs. * . , . , . 3 i That I may come unto you with loy by the will of God, and may with you be refreflied. 33 Thus the God of peace &e with you all. Amen, C H A-V. XVI. Httcimmtndtth thth. Hie ftnJeilt ft ttfthem ipti ich art tht taujfit , Having made jotndofthe whole "iifputiti. CD, he commetli now to faDiiliir cominendiuetu aodralutatioDii and that to good coofidcrationand purpofe. to wit. that the Romaot II Comroende unto you Phoebe our fifter, which is a fervant of the Church of Cer>. chrea ; That yee receive her in the » .tord , as it becommeth Saintes . and that yee afsift her in whatfoever bufineffe iliee needeth of your ayde : for Ihee hath given hofpicalitie unco many , and to me alfo .. r „ 3 Greete 4. Vrifcilia , and Aquila , my fellowe might know . who helpers in Chrirt lefus. a., mod ,0 be ^ (which have for my life layde downe ef amZft their awnc necke. Vnto whom not. I onely give Id alfo thankes , but alfo all the Churches of the Gen- tiles.) . , .... J Likewife greete the t Church that is m their houfe. Salute ray beloved Epenetus , which is the chrftfruitesofAchaia inChrili 6 Gieete Marie which beftowed much labour honoured and made them, and a vvhom they ought to fel btfore them to follow: and therefore hee atttibateth unto ' tveryofthtm pe- culiar aedfiDgnlar aFrch^flet ""V" Salute Andronicus and lunia my confine faVewhicbispro. and fellow prifoners . which are notable among pertothtChiini- jjje ApoOles. and were in d Chiift before me. i"v,'/r' h '.^hlt" 8 Greete Amplias my beloved in the Lord. ":Sn",or.be 9 Salute VibanusoutfeUowchelpei- in Chnft. famevirriuej. and Stachys my belovcd. AS. 18,3.. . ,0 Salute Apellesapprooved in Chiift. Salute b Tbetompanje o^jhem which are of ArifloVu:us/r/V« tfaei^ vvere divert companif., e Forbevcaith« firOof Ackaia that beJeeveJ.rn Chrift randtbii kiodeoffptKhil anallufion to the ccrrmonieiof the Law. d lograffcdby futb. 1 1 Salute Herodion ray kinfman. Greete them which are of the ^wnrf/wf Narciflus which are m theLocd. I X Salute Tryphena and Try.phofa , which ^vomen labour in the Lord. Salute the beloved Peifis, which tx-oOT^whath laboured much in the 13 Salute Rufas chofen in the Lord, and his mother and mine. 14 ' Greete Afyncritus.Phlegon.Hermas.Patro-- bas.Meicurius. and the brethren which are with them. ,. V, J I f Salute Philologns and 1 ulias , Nereas .and his fifter a and Olympas ansJall the Saictes which ■ {• I Cor.js,; I. cor. 13.2. •P" f.i4. are whh them. *"' ' 16 Salute one another with an 4 holy e kiffe. The Churches of Chrift lalute you. ^ n.rc...,. u,u« 17 s « Nowe 1 befeech you brethren , f raarke aoToly kiift.whkb . them diligently which calife divifionand ofiences, ffoceedethfrom contrary to the doitrine which yee, have learned, ^otean that is full •■ and S avoid them. '^ nc'w.btt/o'bV 18 For they that are fuch , ferve not the Lord ,^f^^^^ ^^ ,|,^ „j, lefus Chrift but their owne bellies, and with g faiie ner vftd ia ihofe fpeach and flattering deceive the hearts of the day«. 19 3 For your obedience is come abroadea- ^.^i^^^^^,,^^,, mong all : 1 am glad therefore of yon : biir^etl thieofcommeti- woiilde have you h wile untothat which is good, datioo, he fufficU and ifimple concerning eviU. "t'S'^tt 20 ♦ The God of peace Ihall treade Satan un- ,„ h„,, ^^ f^^, der your feetelhortly, the grace of ourLordle- iowt,fodoHh fus Chtift i>«r with you. henowpainr x,/ ^r , Timotheus my helper, and Lucius --"f- andlafon . and Sofipater my kmfemen , falute ,„„keb«dof. YOU. yetbmameth ii 1 Tettius . which "^ wrote out this Epiftle, themnot, fortbat falute you in the Lord. . f waillyat^ddiii- i3 Gams mine hoaUe.andofihe whole Church go„iy, although faluteth you. Eraftns the ftewatd ofthecitiefalu- you rhouHfcome teth you, and Quartus a brother. out fotyoui ene- 14 6 The grace of our Lord lefus Chrift i« .",';',;"'""'''■ with you all. Amen. ^ a Tohn jo. ly * 7 To him nowe that is of power to efta- g The word -which blilh v<5U according to my Gofpel .and preaching hevrrth;figDifitih_ Qf lelus Chrift . :fc by the revelation of the l^-y- l^ZT^HZ:!'''' fierie , which was kept fecret fince the worlde be- ,t,ng. and .fthou gan: 16 hear«ftany fuci, tnow IS opened, and mpubliflhedsmong thou nwyeft affute all nations by the Scriptures of fhelrophets. at |^»J''_^_^^^J^ the comroaundement of the everlafting God for ,i,te,-, more caret the obedience of faith.) full ofihy mat. 27 To GQd,7/4^, onely wife.be ptayfc through iMnheoothi. lefus Chrift for ever. Amen. aTr^pIidtfe muft beioyned-wiih wiffdotne. b Furnifbed with tie knowledge of thettuerh.abd wiffdoute , thai you m^y iinbract goi-d thingi, and efcbew evill, beware of the dtceiil andfnarttoffalfeprofheu, andrelifl them opraly:and ihijplacedoeth plainelydeftroy tb«.rjpift» faith ofcreditie, whereas ihey niaintaintit to be fufticieot foi oiie mao tobelteve a, auoihfrniao beleeveth, witboui further koowfedge, or tjianiinatioo wh«t the matter i«,or what ground it ba;b ; vfmg thcfe daily fpsechei , Wtebcleeve as our faihtrs beleeved ,and we btleeye astbe Church beieevrtb. i Asmrtithat kcewe nowayto deceive, much Itlfc 10 deceive indeed. 4 Wee mufl fight .with* certaittehopeofviaorie. * Afti i«.i. phil 2,29. j Heanncielb faivationi , partly to tecuemuiuaHftieudfliip, and partly to the end ihaithli Epiftle might be of feme weight with the Romanes, having tbtcobfiimation of fd many that fubfcribed unto It. k Wroteit as PauJvttrted it. 6 Nowe taking ht« leaveofthem this third time, hee wiflieth that untoihem, whereupon dependetb all the forceof the former doSrine. .<. Ephef 3,1°. 7 Hefetteth forth the pcwetand wifedomeofGod with greatthankefgiving, which efpecially appeare in' the Gofpel: and makeib mention alio (jf the calling ofthe Geotilt, to conSrroe the Roroanjsintheisopeoftbisfalvaiion. ♦ Erhtf.3.9 COloCr.!,i«. i.tim 1,10. titai 1, J. I That fecret and hidden thing , that ii to fay , the calling t>f iht GeB-' tilea, m Offeitdandejihibited to allnationiio be knowto'. Written to the Romaos from Corinthus. Md fent by Phoebe, fervant of the Chuicb, whicbisatCenchiea. T H E Tfcc Corinthians gifts, I. Corinthians. He rcproovcth their contentiouj, THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL T,0 THE CORINTHIANS. C H A p. T. fa Jlf\nAlfaK.atitn, jO wlihhintlftiTitdntxUttinttr, la Ht ftfr'.'rt'Mleihl'tt Ctrmihiiiii lidei andilM-jieni, 17 atii etlethtliim frtrnfiriJete humilitir ! »o For tnclj tk: friac'im^ of tin c'tfft, Aiil « called ta ke an » Apoftle of ]cCni Chrift . throii^^h the will of God, and our brother 3 Softhe. nes, z 4 A'nto the Church of God, which is at Corinchus , to then) i.^odnj !u. c., that are » ,• findiSed in , Chrift Icfus, § Sainces •iwjyHheliutrh bvb tailing, ♦'with all that c call on the Name of lis utotfci r TVinrcrrpcioN T*h«r«ii ht chirfcly gaccb abuutte procure ihsj;oBd mU! oftiieC«ria> tkiuirawrili fcim. yei noEwidb- ofG:d,aadaoiof nin. » IfhcbdD A' poft.'e Hien ite tnaH bt'atiid, tl. tkou^h be Tome. times re ptefcend «bj;nftiarpely.- fz-i-iuj h« hiti 00 h:Jo'Aoi, al:ho.jgh it hath great fau'ti in it , fo"thatitobe o'JvLord lefas Chrift in every place , both their Lerd, and ours : , r j J « Grace fc« with you, and peace Irom God our Father, and /rewthe Lord lelus Chrift. 4 y I thanke my God alwayes on your be- halfe for the grace of God. whwh is given you in lefiisChrifl. , ..... t That in all thinps ye are made richinhitn 3 in i all kinde of fpeacii, and in alll^nowlcdgc : 6 ♦ As the teftimonie of lefus Chrift hath benee confirmed in you : 7 So that yee are not deftituteofanygitte : « 10 way ting for the f appearing of our Lord lefus Chrift. ° ^ ^ 8 j^ II wholliall alfo confirme you unto the ttide .'that ye may be 6 blameleiTe in the day of our Lord lefus Chrift. 9 * God is h faithfull ,by whom ye are called unto the fellowlhip of his fomic lefus Chrift our lo' II Nowlbefeechyou, brethren , by the themwbicka^mcniniir. » Aaei./,9. .Theff.^ 7. r A,ruedeliaitioooftheC«boliqueCburch,wbichiioDe. a ntj4ihiir.."«^£"-^''';J'>,''»''«'' 'i;' *••''• jiparMidfcrhimr,{f.:cr -nJ-vm Cci h^'h c.i\lU to hdrntg' .' ll.' prfl <,f th,f> .«.. 1,Loli,un.rhewcihfna w/..-.rc c„rf,alfl^^tun amtntih , ^nd ,h, ./.„W/-«WH=fi (, J/en^.fr,r„;«i: X ..T,-..,*!. cflcuf.idjrorrljt.c-^Ucn' Cod . tpi. <-ri/«t -JnitlhiUrdrihc-, hec ii m -Z^-.^*' • ■•"' "•■I'tf'' «"-'pf «' *" '•'>-^"- *ni 4t r'.r /!•'«« it«U.r/>t if uul^enf.r ^UtUl-rVKiof^.M: ^r,dth,r,f.r,toc.,V. ■ Hp,nCl,rij!c.''^-4me.i,usck'"-n'lUfC.tnJfakchimrcri>trjr;.d. 6 Tte £oundMionanJthelireofibeChurch,'iiCbtirtIefuig;.v«noftheFathfr, 7 Go.nj alujut to condemne many vi(.e,,h-e be-iDiietb with a true commendation ol their wrtuei, lead bee mirht Ceeme after todefceod tocbidiof. bring mcoved w.tb mal.ce •reiime:yeLfo..hatbeerr..rmh all to God ai the au.hou. ol tb«m .«"d 'bat in Chiift. That the Corinthians .nij;hr he more alhamcd to prophane »Bclabufe the hofygiftsofGod. « Hctoucb-ihthatbyname.whiebtbeyntoftalwfed; d ictwoihMnhiJntveelii'chrrc .-rvctknoWe <>»' i" ?"•■' h i»tnce , rvhch ti.e Corinthiani ahu'td. 9 He (heweib that the true vfe ofib.fe giftetconfifleih lienin. that the mightie power of Chrift ni'«ht thereby be let forth in them , that • ieiejfier it might evidemly .i>peareho\'V wickedly iheyabuftd ihemto glory and .i>bi.«.o, « £,,/„/ecr.eU,„r.,/-,.«/'.4rfc.Ij(,/,o/?. « Tf>uy,,t. X'hjlip.j.io. 10 Htfayetbbyiheway, ibait^creiinociufewhythey fllould pleife th«mfe!ve« fo mucu in thofe gifiei which thry had received, feeing thattbofewerenothingiiiconipAr.fonof'.hemwhxharttobteloohed for. f Hit fpri:-et!,$fi>>rU:}tfmminrcrchnl}. 4. i.Thlf.l.n.tnd MJ. »i Heeteftifie-hthathubojicth vvellofthem htteafier .thauhey may mare patiently abide hii Te|iei-.enlioo afirrAarde. And yet togeiher therewithal! U'ewetb, itat ai TvtU the beginning «t the accoinpliihing of our f*lvrkOii uonely the work* of Cod. g Hct.tllaht'i'mliamrnrfcnor-Khvmtmtn nt), TT^am* f/,;re ii n» f»r,i/f m..aric«. .lee Lwi^e i.«. • i.TAr^.f,**. jb Tf*u indrcnjlani , ir'ie dorh »ol ontlj caU ui , kceriililiui ofe ii to call back II «4Forit hath bene declared jsntomee .my theCoriochiaano brethren , of you by therathat are of the houfe of ^^j "n]'^,^^, Cloe, that there .ire contentations among you. »wa'y ail occafion 11 Now ^ this I fiy.that every one of youo'' For CHRIST fent me not to baptize, »"»"*«'• but to preach the Gofpel . '°not with * « wife- 1* ,^'J^'°f"a dome of words .leaft the»i croITe of Chrift fliould ,„d chiding by be made of none efl'ed:. taking «v»ay of a» obiefticKsifor that beunderflooci by good witoeflet , that there wrrf many faftieni among ihein. And tberewithall te opent-.i the caufe of dilleniioni. btcaufe that fomedii bang on one daaor, fonie cu anolhtr , and fome werefo addifted to thenifelvn , tbit tbey oeglefted alidoftoiiri and teaclierj .calling themfelwj ihe dil'ciples ofCtriaooely, fliuttiog forth tbeirteacberi. !(. rhem.aiirltvMlJIjjtofoie.riihii. K .^^lj.18,14. 1; Thefitrt reifon whyfchifine$oughttobe«fchewetl: becaufeCh.ift fetnisthby tbatmeaaei, to be decided and torne in piecei , wha cannot be;he htad oftwi divtri and difagrreing bodies , bfeing himfelfc one. i< Anoibff reafly Ghoft Therefore all tough a rrMu dee not fail fioni the doSrine of Chrift , yet if bee hang UMn fome ceitaiiie teafLen, lad diTpife othm , heforfakeih Ch'il> '■ forifbeehold Chrifthia ocely maftei , hee v/ouldeiiearebiitt , teacbio;; by wbonifoever. i8 F(^e prottifctb that bee fpeaketh {j much the more hoMly of ihefe tbioji.hecaiifeibac through' Ooil provideuee been void oTall fofpit'oiiofchjlfngii;(:difc!plc» untohini. felfe, and taking ihcm from others. Whereby ^-ta m.iy unJerlUnl thatooctbe fcbollenoiiely .but the teachcri a!fo are hrere rfprihendrj , whichgath-redihrm- felvfi flockeaapirt. $ Aftiit.S. 19 ThctakingawayofanobicaioD, that hee gave not bimfelfe to ba(*tiie many among them :.not for the contempt of Baptifme .but becaule bee was chiefly occupied in delivering the doarine, and com- mitted them tbjtreceived hi«doaiinetoo:her< to be baoiized . whi-reof hebad n,re. Aai~fo hee declared fuftictently bow farreheevvasfromall ambition: whereat on the . other <(de they wbcme bee repr^headeth , ns though t^ey- gathered difcigiei u^t^ tbemfefvet and not unto Chrift , bragged moft ambitiouily of memberj, which tbey hadbautlztd. »o Now heturaeth himfelfe to thidoftouri tbenifelvei, which pleafed theinfelvea in trave andambitioui eloquence, to the eode ihatthey mtghc drawe inoredifciplts after thrra. Heei confeffeth plainely that heewai uolikevinto the Ji.oppui'ing gravely a> it became an Apoft'e , hit example agaioft their petriurfe it(d.i;ementi : Jo tbattfaiiii another place ofihistpiftle , touchmg tfie obferving of s godlyfimpliciiie, both in wordesaoJfeii'encei in teichinj o'the Gofpeil. * Chap. a,'i3. a.reti.i«. I If^iihth'/Hlnce-rDhKf, l'.ttlc.ij}t:hcfr'«mhimr <' 'fi ••' fence. •tef/te,<<,/ien/.rf^ 30 But ye are* of him in Chrift lefus. »7who Xi:l\rulo,7 of God is made unto l^« wiiedome and t\^ic~fi,rh,),eryfiil'j, ib«tluedelivetaoc8 from all inifeiieiaudcalaniitiei. .|> ltre.9,1^. t.Ci^io,n. b ttt trimf,tldA\l ta Cod an.lc,ue him thjnkfs : tndft hj ihii fli"p«'^« men', and the weakeneffe ofGodisftrongerthcn of ibe world m men. futb fort, which fo ^^ ,, P^^ brethren , you fee your t cal- ''"^"e** wi(' j' ^■- 'j"8 » *^°"' ^'^^^ ""' "^^"y ^"''^ "'^" " after the anVJbVr.foiethac " rieih , not many mightie , not many noble are «tat i» vaiae . ye» a (oikd. rtiogofuothiDg, ^^ But God hath chofen the foolilh things of t^!^Cl"^/t2" the world to confound the wife, an.l God hath table, wfc";h they chofen the weake things of the world.to confound focattiuliylabou. j'pg reightv things. fcifoi, and made ^^ Anc! vile things of the wotlJ , and things ♦ K'c"\r,r which are defpifed . hath God chofen . and things ^ivh.rea'rtthM, which , aie not , to bring to v nought things that «>(*««• l««"i«h hu 4^..i»!?.<« 'he r>.» .fh, v>c,U,fc, der. 7,», r,c, en. of,h,m th^t ib.i .be trid.of men wasvwotthi'y pumftifd of GOD, becauf. they would not behold iod.a. .'t.ie V9ai ihe, Ot uld.m the m.oft deare glallc of .he w'fedome of the w.*lde , Xti.h u lb. wo. kemaDih.t, of the wo.lde <, By the world bee .».aoetn all iwavvbich aeenot borne anewe, b» remaice ai they wcre:wben they were fitft boioe , IQ the workemanfii.F of thti vworld ,vvbicb haib the marve.Ioua wifertome of iod icPr=»tdu. it. fo. hat every mat. may behold. It. a* The goodt>.fl-eof «cd.i«.oBdfifull,foi while beeioeih abnut to pUDiIli the pade ot tae world ^ he r«e,v Ptevideo* acd tairfull . fo. the f.lvation of it . and leacfcethmeoio become fool.., .bat -Jie, may ht wif. ,0 Sod. f So "Ueth the preacbint o. the Gof|.el „it.enemie.lupr«'Wi«-hii.iutfrrtr.Mnef.afonhe taun.eth .btm very fcarpeiy. -bohadiatber charge Cod with folly, then ackoowWge thtu ownear.d crave J (,i, ^ Matib.u.38. af A dtcUrat.oQoftoat whicbhe ^"^'^"th. preaching of th.'oolpel , Ufoolilh. Hi. focliih .faith he , tothcm whom God had cot ii.dued with new light, iba, « to fa> , to all men, being toaftder.d »n.h.«iftlv«>:f"'b. kwe. require irttaclea, ani the Greciaus arguti.etit. , which ,h.ymaycot«yreh.ndb, their «u and gvifedon.e , and therefore tbty doc no. onely «i.b.l«vethVGofpel, but alto they n.ocke at ... Noi^..,hftaDd.ng ru th,. fool.O, ^each ne I beret, the f.ea. v.r;ue and w.f.dome of God , but futb a, thole onely lebich are called, doe perceive. 6od illewfig .noft pbinely, thJt even then T^hea Tadde men thi.k. him ..dt fee ilh , be i. far.e v..rcrthen tbeyare . audtbat be rurmot«..tballtlwin.ight.nd power . wbeD h. vfe.h mcU v.leandabi.a thing,, «i.hatb appeared .otbr fuitroftbe pre^oing of the Gofp.ll. >6 A connrma.icn Wkro of tbole ihingi which came to paflc- at Ct,rin.b, w-bere .he Church .ft^ecialJy •oolift.iofih«bal'.a and ecmmonptopU, infer acb that the philofoiA.nof Gntce «.Mdi.v.i.tofha».,wheutbey fave that tbey could doe n.tbiag w.th.beuwife. Joni. and .Jooueie , in companfoa of the Apoltiej , vsbom notwitWtaodiog ihey Mlledld.o..aud/iea,o.d. And here,. ..ball do»h hre b.a,edo«.ie their pride, for ««d d«l uo. fr4err« «h.» befote tbole noble and wile men htcaufe the, ftould be »roud bunbaithty might be conlUaioed .Via whether they would ornot , to reioyce In .be lord. , by wbofe nK.c.e. . akbough tbey were the moft abi.ft. of all , they bail obtained >D Ctt.ft . both thii vviftdom. , and all thiogi neccfla. le to falvat.on. ^ n7hat«ayiheLo»deh»thts)ceniBcalliDgyou. u After that kind of w.le- Jotn. which men wake accouut of, aithougb tbereweie nooe e fe : w ho becaufe ikeT art caioall. know not Ipitituall wifrdcme. i Which in mans. tidgtn.enti «'«!«*« nothing. y Toiliwtl>»ttll.>aiev«iiitand uufiefiuUcMdnoihiDg 9l!»lA.S«e».0PW»-3'3<. of God. owne example: ■2. For lb eftecmed not to knowe any thing conftfliogihaite among you . {asc lefus Chijft , and him cruci- vW ooi amongft r J " ■' them either eicel. , ,, . V rr lepceof woids, o 3 -k And I wr.s among you m c v/eaRenelJe, .otifingfFeechof and in feare, and in much trembling. man' wifedome, 4 Neither /?W my worde , snc' "iy.Pf"«^h- ^;^'^«|'.s^'^« fpeecb , both kcc^ uhioj . - nelle.againil excel. Which none of the princes of this world i^ocre of v%ordc ng in the + eniiling fpeech of roans wiledome, _ „„,„.„,„,„ 1 but in plaine d evidence of the Spirit and of aVd preacb',dfefw7 power. Cbrillcrucifitd, f 3 That your faith (honid not beinthewif- i^ni*'!^' »nd «b- domeof men, but in the power of God. the «'.&.' 6 4 And wee fpeaKe wiledome among them ^ cbapi.i?. that are e perfed : not the wiledome of this world, a Tbeeo.'pel. neither of the f piinctsof this world .which come '' i fU'F°iednotto ,1 rrofrlleanyotbei to nought. . ^ _, - kDOwltdge.b.t.tbe 7 J But we fpeake the wiledome of, God m a knowledge ofchnu gmifterie ,«VM the h\d vfifidoToe , «wkich God and Mm ^ had determined before the werlde , unto our "" glory. had knowen : for had they knowen it , they would aid tberefcie ioy- not have ciucified the k Lord of glory. ='".'' '^"^," '"'' ° ' and itemblmg, which are the companions oftmeinodeflie, not fuch feire and trembling arteitifie the confcience.butfucb asaietoattary tov4oiii. and piide. 4" Chap. 1,17. a, Pet. 1,16. a He.turoeththat no-wto the comnitodationof hiimiailttiy , which he had granted tobi. adverfarie) : for biivettue and pow.'wiicb .hey koevte well enough, wai fo much the marc eicellent . becaufe it bid t,o worldly belpeioyoed with it. i By playiie evidence beme.tBethrucba pioofe.a. it wade by ceriaiae and neceSary reafoai, 3 Aod hettlletb ibe Colin ihtans , tbit kedid it for their great profit, becaufi they might thereby kuowe mauifrltly , that the Gof| ell wa. fiom heaven. Tb.rt. fftc bee ptivilj rebtiketh ihcm . becanfe that in feeking vaine ofteniationrrtey wiU liogly deprived ihemfelvei of the grcaieft btipe of their faith. 4 Acothezargu- a«niukenof tbeoatuie of the ibing , that ii , of the Cofjiell , which ii true wife* dome ,but knowen to thcin onely which are defircB^ of perfefiion: and i. unfaverie to ibem which oibciwile eacell in thewotlde. but y»i vainety and frailly. c Thof* are called peileft here, not which had gotten petfrftiooatieadicbutfuth aj tend to it, «| rbil.3,! j.iotbat peifeS, , i.fet againlt weake. f They tha. are wife r, risheror migbtiettheuoihermeo ate. J Ike fhtweth tbecaufe wbytbii wifedoniecannot be perceived of .bofeexcelleotwoildfy wittei : to wit , becaufe indeed ir ufodetpt, that they cannot aitaim unto it. g Which men coald not fc much si dreame of. 9 He takeih away an cbiedioo ; if iibefc harde when and bow i. it kiiowen:God> Lye.h bee , deierini.,td with bimfelfefroin the beginning, tbat which hiipurfofe waa to bring foorih at tbii time cu: of bitlecteiei let the falvationof meu. 7 He i»j^e'tb away aHothei obitaion; why then, bow corcmcth it to paiTe , ttat ibi» wfiedcme was foieieaid of men of bigttlt authcri.y , itai they criicilied Chrift bimfelft ' l'aul_ aufweuth .-becaurethiy knew not Cbtill fucb a. hee wa.. h Tha. mightie Goi,' full oftrueinaielticaDd gloiit ; Now ibi. place h.iih in it a mort e>idtiit proofeoftbe diviui.ie of Chrift , and of ioyning of the two naiuie. in one , which hath tbi, ,n i,, that that wkicb i. pioier to tbemanhoode alone . ii vouched of the Godhead ioyned sviththe manhood : which kiodof fpeach, i.calUd by the old faibtij. a making coon. lB*Bofibin.eibtlonjipfilofe«ntOBei vfitl»oiiiMlc*TJicni they dot not belong, The naturall man. I. Coriatbians. Chf ift the foundation. *, Ai)otfcrr obie. £^1 ,0 .'Bu; bow prepared for them that loic- hino, 9 But God hath revealed t;:«^uiiro us by 9 Aquefion : ifit rjinsoimt the cap*- citiecfmfo . how a i But as U is writtf n , * The. things which eye hith not feene, neither eare hath heard , nei- ther came into i mans heart , 4re , which. God hath thjie wittiemea coj'do'n Pttcrive SS-caut his'Spirit : e^'the/pirJtkfearcluthalJibin^s.yea, wc v>t«ach tbofc the deepc things olGod. tbinjiwhichpafli j; letor what man kiioweth the things of a, aUraioiup4c.- TO'n.favethe 1 ipirit of aman , which is in him ? « "hf'i'.lvi. CNYn fo the thinjjs of God knoweth no man , but- iM4'>can«if' the Spirit of God. r-- c ^u^a,itri„k.<^f 12. Now wee have receiveih not the mrpintot tizm.mHch u:^r thA^orld.but the Spirit , which is of God . i« that h'".r know tlie things that are gtven to us oiGod. ,r r , • u I J II which things alfo we fpeake , not in the ... S vfordes which roans wifedome teacheth , but, "ood<^«y mln. which the holy Gholt tear.heih. o comparing fpi- er howcao you de- rlcuall things with fpuicuallthmgs. el«reaQd|>«achit> j^ ,j ^utthc P natiuall mail perceiv^th not ky,F«uli*t l.ghi- ^^^ ^^. ^ ^y^^ SpiiitofGod:iortheyaretoo- r^«h.»«':h ' lilhneae nrno him. ndthei can hce know them, «yhofoev«r is in- becauic ?hcy are » fpiritually dilcerned.. friied.hecan eottr j uButhethat is rpiricuall , rdilcern 'th ail cvcp.oitevyy j^j , ; hehimlelfe is iudged off no m.ui. k"""",^ n'o.^.^ i6 * «6 For who hathknowen the rainde of the f.r,cr,ta,.ii,id- Lord.thathemighttinrtrud himiBut wee have dfninG.J.tuit'-,e theoreindeofChrift. ^fUUofCedftiT- fo''^HTfh cow io tbofethiogi which God bath opened "°" "'"' "'" , '""°" '° Cri leaf* ;hat any ,naa (hoald f.pau.e th. Spi.it from the pr.acb.ng ot the word «dCh.ifl:orlhoulJth,.k..hat tnof. fautafticail mea are governed by tbcSp.r. of. .Gad,wbicbwandtingbefcl..tbevvorde.throftu,on u. tbct va,ne.mag.n«.oa..ot thrf;«oofGod. .. ^o^.„.,-/«' ''"'^"""' tJco'clidertheCrgl^nt'which h« b.gao v"f « and u . tb«.: :,andtheniaiter mult be fet forth with wordi- c: nowihiswiftdome i: fpirituall and ootof to bit fur, tbewotd»muP.beapp'ved lotDcnuu. «»jhich are meets «nd couveoient for - - ^an.aodtbceforeitmoft be delivered by a fpt.ituall k-'l^^f^"^^'"^ ■'"f 7' ^V •ntirinewordei of man. elosueace.ibat ihel.mpU , and yetwonderlull ma.eft eot. .be ho!, Ghofl-ruy. herein ,ppeare. * Chap .,.7. i.P« i.>« .!;.f//f^'"^ ,fua<<,w.tca^rin.,U. 13 Again, be preventetb an offence of ftumbl.og blocke kowconLe.bitlo p.lTe that fo fewe allow thefe things ? Th.. ■« "ot to be nrarve.led at , fay.tb .he Awodle , feeing that men io their na,ura;l power ( a. they t.rmjd them ) "rVno, iadu.d with that fac.ltie , wh.reby fp.ritu.ll ibiog. are d.fc.rned (wb.ch facoltie com.neth another way) and therefore they accompt fp.ruuall w.ledome at follv-aod it i.a.ifhe fhould fay , I. i. no mirvailethat blindemencannot ludgeot colour. , feting that they lacke the light of their eyeJ ■ and therefore ligb, ,. to them as darkeneOe. V 7hc n..wrha, h.„h ncfur,l.,rl,,h,.ri:dcrJl.M,r,^tkn,„d„h\nddircer„»h. IJ The wifedomeoftheflelh , f^«b Pa.il. determined no;h!ngcertaine!y,nono;m it oWee affaire., much lelfecan it difceroe flraiige , thati. fp.rituall things. But the Spirit ot God , wherewith fpir.tuall men arc indued, can be deceived by no meaoei , and therefore be reprooved by r f Ofnt m.tn : f.r rvhtniht L'rupktfartvid^ed cfihi Profhett ,uuih itJ'tlh.andnctthemdn. * £^'1.40,13- rem. 1 1.34- ,'* Ihe'formeifayiog.furheii called fpirituall .which hath learned that by 1 " " hichChrifthatb taujht jf. Now if that which we have tbeSpii Sphi'that Areafonof he vcrttw of earned otthat could be reprooved o< any Bian, bee muftneede. he wifer then God : w*re- Mpooitfolloweth.th.tth'yarenotonely fooliftl .butalfo wicked , -which tbmke ihat they can dtvifefoine thing that i» either mote perfeft , or th»t they can teach the .^uifedomtof God a better way then they knewe or taught , which uudoubtedly , were iudu:dv7ith6odi$i-irit. t tjy t,i,headuhu ,andtc.tchknf<»rchihU . And Jfi ui trMli wh.ttfoeUr. C H A P. III. X Ht ytiUilh d rtafin yvh} htl prtached/mali mutUrtUn'o ■ihtm: 4 tiefhe-trethh.TvihejMihttotfletmt^Mi- mjltnt « Thtm'niJJerjcJTut. to iti(allmeAte,orJlrongmeate. c Tc iefedijmetviihful-ftantiall mtsi; iherefre ai the Corinthuini iro-w Uf in are ,folhe ^pejlle nMripei them A.r leaching, ■ 6rftrvith milkf ,iiienwi!h Jirnnr meat ,rehich'di which in deedeihe Lord buil- deth , but bythehandsofhis workemen (fomeof wbome , bee vfcth in laying the foundation ■ others in building of it up. Now. both theft ftmuliiuJai tendto tbii purpofc . to fliewe that all thing, are wholly accomplilhed byGod. otiely auihori:ie, and might , fo that wee mud onely have an eyeto him. Moiecirr .uithough that God vfethfome in ihebcttet part ofthe worke: we mullnot therefore coqtemiie other , ia rtfped of them , and much leffe may wee divide , or fet them apat} (ajthefe fadioui men did) feeing that all of tbein labour in Gods bufintlTe , and in fuch foit, ihatibty ferve to fioidi one felfe fame worke , although by adiversinannerof working, iofomuch that they needeoneaootheribelpe. X Pfal «i,ii. Galat.«,j. e ierliin^undtrhim: Naive they nhichfcrtie indtr itncther ,dtc nttiiinfcfihiir own*., Jlrtngth . iwl tuit it ^iiitnihenth'i fr.ice , -nj/,?r(>^*af reioycc in men: paflV, that fuch ai - ', ... •' be found pute and for all things are i youts. found, (hall ftill 12 VVhetherit be Paul. Or ApoUos, or Cephas, continueio, to or the n wotld, orllfc , or death , whether they be *Jj^rk"men''fbw things prefcnt , Or things to come , «*wallare they that are yOUlrS, oiheiwife, fliailbe 23 Andyc Chrifts,and Chrifl Gods. 'confumed.aud ,, . r1.lL i.- 1. vanilh away, and foDiall ti* workman befruftrate of the hopecfhu labour, which pie-fed himfelfe ina thing of nought. 8 He takeih notaway hopeof falvaiion from the unikilfulland foolifti buiWeit- which holc^ l»ft the foundation , of which fort weretbofeRethoticiaoi rather then paftout.ot Co.inth : but be addeth an excep- tion , thattkey muft noiwithftandiog fuffcr thiiiriall of their woike .and alfo abide the lofleof their vainelaboHtJ * Cb'P 6.i»- a.Cor.«,i6. 9 Continuing ftill in tbe metaphore of a building, he teacheth u«ihat ibii aTtibition 11 not on.ly vaine, biitalfofa.rilegioui : Forhe fayth ihat tbe Church is ai it we.etheTempleofGod, which God hath ai it were confecraied unto himfelfe by bi» Spirit. TOen turning himfelfe to thtfeambitioui men: he fliewetli that they profane the Temple ot God, becaufe tbofe vaine artel whtreintbeyplrafetberofelveilo much , are aihe teacheth. fo many pollution of tbe holy doftrine offiod, and the purine of the Church. Which wickedntfleCiallnotbefuffered unpuniflltd. f Uifiiethit , unJ mak.ith it H'-cUanc , iewp h,lj : and f„reh ihej dc difiU it , h Pu»l hu mdiemtm , whuh t, fie/hly cl«,«trcc drfile the pHritie cf ,1,1 C o/J-ei. 10 Heconcludtth by ihe contrary, tha: they profelfe pure wifedome in the Church of God, which refufe and call away all ibofe vanitiei of men , and ifthev be mocked of the world , it i» lufficient for them that they be wife according to the wifedome of God , and ai he wili have them to be wife. t lob f, 13. g ttthijne),irfitrtft}e,ielii>eLordn>Mt>hefhall<^ifiOl,ertl,eirt,tacheiie. • i/«l44-M. u He rtturaeth to tbe prapofi-ionoftbe i.verfe.fiill waroingy heareri,that henceforward thry efteeme not at lord! , thofe wbom God hath aj^ioimed to be n.iniaeri : and not lord, of their falvaion, wbich thing tbey doe , that depend npoc men , and not upon God , that rp«ak.;tbbytbein. h I'U.tfihimfilfe. i Htlfs, *pp>inieih fp, yourhen^fit. II HepanethfromtheperfoDitothethingiihemfelvei.tbathiiaigumenimaybe more foicitle , yea , bee afcendeih from Cbrift to ibe Father, to (hew u» ihat wee relt out felvej no not in Cbrift himfelfe . in ibat that he ii man , but becaufe hr carie.h ui up even lo.he Father , aiChrilt wiineflVth of bimieite every where .thathee waifent «f hii Fatbet, that by thii band we may be all kuit with God himfelfe. St CHAP. 1 1 1 1. I Bri'^ng in tkt defSnii nn c/4 irui s^ffilt, 7 b' /kt-ntlh li«t iMmiliiit ottiht raihtt fo i( an h^Ncu r thtn t ; h^me unto ym. 9 Hce itinitth in frotft , rehtrel} it maj fH- dtnth tfffart, jo ■ thai hc€ ntithir kadtdre vj ihty, 11 iKtifhishllit. 17 HteimmtndtfhTimtthii. r, 14 1. T Eti aamanfothinkeofus.asoftheminifters *bfdue" o'f h. ^ of Chrift, and difpufers ot the f ecrets o( t od : hear.ntowardi » a And as for the reft, itisrc<]i'iredofthe .«t'h«'tb'"e'Y''!lu"netl..m ^ota.Iord, : and yet ootwithft.nding . that tbey give e.reunto them a^ o rhem that aV ftnt from Cnrift .fen. I fay .0 .M. end and purpofe , tnat the^nay receive a. it wye ai the,, band... he t„afu.. of falvau.n which 1. drawtn ■^ r t r .. fr d a Bl/fr»mjii. a tall, fall , he wainctb tbe »?uil',Vrb"7h.y alfo behave themfelve. not a. lorde.bu. as faitkfuii (tMBM, bCMufe thtymutt itnder u WOua« eV"*'' "•waidfijif UBto C«(l, IIIL Mans iudgemeot* fs difpofers, that every man be found feithfuU, 3 3 As touching me , I palTe very little to be , «. , . . • , I r r .'. 1 ' w i B«.:«ufe inr*» ludgedof you ,4orofmans b ludgement : no , si prehendingothert, iudge not mine owne fe'fe. tefethimfelfe for 4 For I know nothing by my felfe , yet am I ^" '"mp'e. he not thereby iuftified: but he that iii^eth me, is ^^^"'L^*'"""''" 1 , / o ' uonorpreveoune- thee Lord. ofanobieaio,,.'^ f 6 Therefore •(• iudge nothing before the aad vfing the gra. time,untill the Lord come,who will lighten things J""); "''an Apoiiie, thatarehidindarkenelTe.and make the counfels c3^«h"ot''f«tht'^ of the hearts manifeft: and then ihail every man contrary iudge- have and what haft bltinuno^i^^^ thou , that thou haft not received ? if thou haft re- mooved with thf ceived it, why reioyceft thou, as though <" thou iudgemenuwhicli hadft not received it J f/ira I blluTe" 8 9 Now ye are full :nowyee are maderich: that that which ye reigne as kings without us , and would to God men iudge in thefe ye did reigne.that we alfo might reigne with you. """«» °f '^eir owiie 9 For I thinke that God hath fet foorth us the |';Ve"«ciumed'"' laft Apoftles , as men appointed to death, for we of then when the are made a g galing ftocke unto the world, and to unieameddoe the Angels, and to men, '"''&' of wife- 1 o We art fooles for Chrift fake , and ye are ^ ^V„/ArwW, wife in Chrift; vreare weake , and ye rtre ftrong: vaj.afrerthema- ye art honourable, and we are defpi(ed. ncr c/fftechcfih* ii Vnto thisfhoure we both hunger ,and thirft, ciiiri^m. and are naked ,and arebufieted. andhavenocer- i,%l°^f^;'X^ taine dwelling place. _ iudgehowmuch" 12 S And labour , working with our owne or bowJitiie i am haods : we are reviled , and «» we blefle : weare to be accounted perfecuted.a^ifutFerit. ^^rrelh"."' 13 * We are eviil ipoken of . and we pray : we K„owe my felfe- are made as the h filth of the world , the oil'skow- bettenhen you ring of all things, unto this time. doe , and which' U .0 1 wri.lnot thefe things to (haraeyou.but ^^ZVtJ^"^'r, as my beloved children I admonifh you. ^^ yocaiion witi I J For though ye have tenne thoufand inftru- a good confcienct^ dare not yet not- wiih/landiog cbalenge anything to my felfe ? for I know that I am not uoblameable, - alltbii notwithftanding : much leffe therefore (hould I pleafe my felfe ai you doe,' c' I permitmy (rife lotbe Lordeiiudgement. « A tbirdreafon proccedingof a' conclufion ai it were , out ofthe former reafoni. ItitGodi office , to eliteme ever? roan according to bii value .btcaufehee knoweihihe fecretiof the heart , wbich mta - for the moft pan are igr.oiant of Therefore ihi« ludgement perteinethoot to yau. ♦ Matih.7,1. d Ont iiiHldnilte fTii^j€datoi>eiherrft ,Cnilh»t'hcr/hMU ielUmcd.-andhtmrntimtth praife rtihir thtn diffraifejtr that the h^innin^ it/thit fcreyrat this , that ihty^aVe mtre tejime mm thtn meet waj. 7 Having reiefted" their judgement , be fe:teth fooith himfelfe againe ai a Angular example of inodcniei at one which concealing in ihii Epilfle tb&fe faftloul teachctinamci.doubiedDol ' toput downohii owne name and Apolloi in their place , and tookeupontim ,aiit' were, their (hame : fofarte wa> htt ftem pieferring himfelfcto any. t B7 eitrexamfU.lvhiehchcfi ra'titr •<< taktothtf menifuult,Uf,nit,,:. nticarftanf- hname. t Hee (heweih a good meaner to bridlepride : firft, ifiboucoolidei' bowri^b'.ly thouexempeft ihy felfe kntofthe numbei of other, , feeing ibo» ana man tby felfe .againe , if thou ccnlider that although thou have fame toing motethed ' other men have .yet thou haft it not but by God, bouniifulnefle. And what wife niaa=' ii he that will bragge of ano. hen goodncaV , and that againft God ? f Thtrf is nttkinfthtn in uicf naiitre , that u ■trtrthjofctmmendaiion.-iuttUlkitttrehai't)- Vt have it cf^raci , r>hid til Pcl.i^iani and haift Pi'.aiijns tvii nft ccnfefe, S Hee dtfcend'eih to a moft grave mocke i to caufethefe ambiiioui men to bluffa ev«a ' againft their willei. g Hee that nil! tak' a ti^ht vifTx hote iik' Paul t„J ,h, ■ Pope art , kI>o IjtnA, haf.eth that he, i, hi, fu«ejf^ur , Ut htm .cmp.trtike delicitt. ./" tht I'cfifh court wuhSatnt Paul, fiatt . as tvei fee u-hetre. J ^iltj 10.3^.4 t.lheir.2,9- 2thif.3,i. » Matth.H'i. («ie 13.34- «- " 7 f-Oi'- fa smha, hfveepinjti •fathered lof ether. 10 Moderating the (hsrpenelTe of ' hijmoiki, heeputteth"ihem in minde to remember of wbome tbey were begotten la" Chrift, and ibarihey (hould not doubi to followe him lor an e»arople , si though bei ' feeinevile accoiding 10 ih« outward (hew ■ inielpeftcfoibtr. , yetntijihsieby ii*'"' c«Mcieof Cadi Spirit, ai tbej had badtiislhhiireof io ihemfelvet. The kingdomc of God. I. Corinthians. Of going to La^; flours in Chiift.yee haveyee not many fathers : for inChriU IdusI have begotten you through the i V What way iDtl (Jofpel. luu I follow .vtry ^ r ^j^g^^f^^^^ j p^^y yo„_i,e followers of mee. t?c cburch" '"^ 1 7 For this caule I^Ave I fenc unto you Timo- ji Lanofalihe theus, which is my beloved Ibnne, and faithful! in defceodtthaifoto ^^ ^^^^1 ^(^t^j^h (hall put you ill remembrance of ■*S°b'u 'y""*ki- "'y ' ^'^y^^ '" Chrift,as 1 teach every where in cvc iiogthcmjiatj- ry Church. . , . ,, *her,iMftbytbrir jg 1 1 Some are pufted Up as though I would not .diford.rhe btcon- comeuntoyou. fo^'unimfoT/t- 19 ^^^ '^ ""''^ '^^^^ '° >'°" '^'-'^"'y ' * '^^^^ t^oglhem?'"' " Ijfdwill.andl will know.not the k words of them «t Adaisr.Ji. ^-^ich art puffed wp, but the power. • .iam«4.if- 20 For the kinViome of God »'/ not in word, rK.«,/,rA„r p^«- but in power. .„ ^ „ ' . . ■ttdanJccUuTtd %l is What Will ye? Ihalll come upito you With kitiJ c/eit^uence, a rod . Or m lovc .and in the 1 fpirit of meeknefl'e? Jttiiihihewriuecfthe Spirit.- n A paffing overn anarher part of.bi.Epinie, ,V«b«t«n he reprehended more ftiarply a very haiaouj cft.nce. fllewingtht ufeof .•«l«rMfli«llcoiieaiou. 1 Mtek'h ■'ff'il'duw^cli y^H. ' •. liO . •• C-H A P. V. ■ ' • ■ ' '■ ■'■ ^ Tdrff tty t':humn/efW «>«'> w. .8 Tbeyate g«at. T T « is heard certeiniy that there is fornication a- Jy 10 be reprehen- ■*■ rDOPgyou , and fuch fomication asisnotonce dfd which by uf- Earned amongthe Gentiles , that one ihould have l'?^^.?:r.hl his fathers w.fe. • ^ Church of God to ■ "Z a And ye are putted up , and have not rather .ie mocked and forowcd.that he which hath' done this deed.might .fco.ueJofiheia. be put from annongyou. * Th"er*areuone 3 3 For 1 vetely as abfent. in bodie , but pre- .more proud, then fent in a (piiit , have determined already as though they that leaft I were prefeut , that hee that hath thus done this .knowthemfelve.. jhing, tl^ZhTuouo 4 When yee are gathered together . and my becomroittedio fpirit , in the b Name ot out Lord Icfus Chrifl, -that one:iiaD» power, fu^h one , Ifiy , 4 by the povvcr of our.Lord lefus butmuft bedont Chrift of .he whoi°e Con- / ' f Be = delivered unto Satan . for the « de- .gregation , after fttudion of the flefli , that the fpitit may be faved that the matter i« in the day of the Lord lelus. diligently exammed. ^ ^ Yourreioycing a is not good: know ye not yd°wiil that a litle leaven leaveneih the whole lumpe ? b Calling apoo 7 s'Purge out therefore the olde leavcn, that C'arift fail Name, ye may be a new clurape, as ye are unleavened : for ■ 1\^T''?° Chriltourf Paifeoverisfactihcedforus. Sn "nt i.*ra. ' « ' Therefore let us keepe the g fealt , not with tified in heaven, oWc ieaven. neihcr in the leaven ot ni.iliciou(nefie wherein Chiift Limfelferiiteih ai luJge. ; The excommunicate is delivered to the power of «aian ; io thai , thaibe iicaftoutofthehoufeof God. c H'^J'"" to teMilicrtdto Saltan , fAe Lord himfelfe decUreih when hefiiih , Let him be itntothte ni an Heathen Ani PMican , Maith. i 8,17. thus is to faj , to he diffranchifed , and fut oxt cfthe • ,t^iht,and'\ihtrtieoftheciiietfCUriJI,nhichis the Church , livith-iU'which Salanuhrd 4i>,d n'afitr. 6 Thecnd of rxcommunicatiori i> ndi to cSft away rbe exccmftiu- Oicate '.thaihefliouldvtierly pefifli/but that hetmaj be'favcd , to vVit . thatbythii ' ;tneaafih!sfttfh may beiamedjiha; be inaylearot to live toiheSjirit, 7 Another ' -eoJ of excommunication ii , that other 6e not inft&ed , and iberefore it mult of * ntceffitie be retained in the Cbutch, thattheoncbe not infeftcdby theotb«r. ■ ,(| J: nau-^hi , and net grounded uponftodreafen , a: the:if-h jchfthemeaneththttvh4ehdjiftheChuri.h, eitry merrHerirhereefraull itMnUaVenedlread, that ij, le rentveed in fpirit, fr piacl^mg arvitj ilie'cUle ccrrufiun, t ThtUmtti>fiurVapeoi.cT. ' ^ *Lti m ktide out tvhtle life , aiilwere * and wickednefle : bnt with the Unleavened bread of iinceritie ard rrueth. 9 9 I wrote unto youin an Epifile , that yee ^,,^°'' ""^ '^'*' (hould not company together with fornicatours, raUyTaQd^hat' 10 And not h altogether with the fotnicatours which bee fpake ofthisvvorld, or with the covetous .orwithextor- before of the in- tioners.or with idolaters : for then ye muft goe out "'^"°"' p"^""'. oftheworld. ^^ . ' I :r!^n'to^^"' 1 1 But now I nave written unto you , that yee otheu , which are company not together : if any that is called a bro- knoweo to be iher , be a fornicatour , or covetous, or an idolater, wicked, '"'^/^J''* or a raiier , or a drunkard , or an extortioner , whh nVugb°"f life are fuchoneeat not. anandertoihe 12 10 For what have I to doe to iudge them alfo church, which .which are without; doe y^not iiidge them that are ought alioby law- ; , - ■' ° full order be calt ^"'^'"- ..,..,. u -u out of the com. ij But God ludgeth them that are without, mwnit.eofthe Put away therefore from among your felves that Church. And ma- wicked man. king mention of _ . ; eating of meat .ei- ther he meaneth thofe feaJtl of love whereat the Suppef of the Lord wai lecrived , ot ill (hi Mr common ufageand maner of life which is rightly tolje taken , leaft any matj Ihould [binke tbat after marrimonie were bfcken by excommunacation . ot fuch -duetiet hindered and cut off thereby ,ai wee owe one 10 another: ctiUlren totheir paienti. fubiefts to their rulers , fervanti to their malteri , and neighbour to neigh. hour, to win one another 10 God. h Jfjiu fh^td niterl} atjieir.e from fuch went company , joii fhould goe thatthey beexercifed wittoutoffence, yrt helheweth that ift'ieywere fuch as they 4 ought to be, and at icwcie 10 bewi&ed, they Aiould notuecdtovreibatrcmed^- neiibei, . . ' < infirniide Cjffornicatidn. Chap. vij. Ofma e .s nakenefie of e infirniitie In you , that yee goe to lawonewith rr.i'''ivrhi'.h isfjid another : 7 4 why rather fufter ye not wrong t why r ' v^/jcm/TiK ' to rather fuftaine ye not harme : ti:'cHr'c\'ml of 8 § Nay , yc your felves doe wrong , and doe their lup.and it it harn:ie, and that to your brethren. afjuittl)*tfj«a- p Know ye not that the unrighteous flwllnot "«^eV4«/""J inherite the kmgdome of God ? s Benotdecei- l^ItraihUfi thAt ved : neither fornicatours, not idolaters, nor adul- htnifftththem tcrers, norwancons. nor buggerers. ^hiihcouidmt ,q Nov thecves , nor covctous.nor drunkards, t^'xp '^"'"J-"" not railets , nor extortioners fl-iall inherit the king- June nmo item. J r^ 1 7 Thispmaiaeth Clonrieoi God. ^ chiefly to tbe other 1 1 And fuch werc * fomc of you : out yee are pattoftbe repte- vvaflied , but ye are fane^ified , but yee are iiiftified, fhTMhe'rv^Dtto J" 'l^e { Name of the Lord lefus , and by the Spirit lawevenuodet of OUr God. infidfii, ■whcteai i j J ^ 9 g All things are lawiuU unto me, but they ftiouid rather g]] things are not profitable, I may doe all things. ^niXTttbZ but I will not be brought under the b power of g^vln'thai cff.Dce. any thing. , . , r ,. u II- J Biityetthiiiige- 13 10 Meates yuhisitf.,we'i'>l ^'uickely abolilhed. But we mul! notfotbmkeof the uncleannelli of fo.nication .for which the body isoot made, but on ibeccntrary ride i,o.dein,d to vitreneffe . a. aprearrib by ,hi. , that it .scocfecr.ted to Cbrilt, eeias Cbrift alfo ii given uiofbii Father . to quicken out boditt with ibat veriue V*.,rewi.hheealforofeaga,.,e. » Rom.6,;. 1. A declarat.on of.he f..mer.Tgumem by contraries, and, he a,.plyi„g of it. ra A prooteof thefame at'ur*ni- A harlot and Chrin ore cleanc coB,r.My , fo arethe flelh and tbe Spit": t-rrefore bee that i. ont with an harlot , f which is done by cart«lIcopulation of- their bodies' cannot be one with Cbrill, which vnitieisrureandfpirituall. » Gen i,i4. mat.is;- mar.io.S. ephef.j.3. > Mcfi, doahKotfpeak; ihifirvor'h cf fo^i^^t^ur, . tut cfm.,Triare ■■ h^t feeing ,Ut f.r„icaii.n is tkt c.rr^pnni <:fmarr,^!-,e, ■"•d hth of thtmi, i carrtaU aid fief hh copuUnon , Tire cannot fij that tl,e ^F ''■ ' STuPth hi tefiwon,. ^-.iine. M-f" hath not ,hi,word(Tyc.)h:>9,S. Inaufe he Jpeakcth .nclj hu, of man. U yvife-rvhereuponlheofinon of then, that l.u.U u tohela-n>f,fani(ihn>tl>mMr ,tif»>"irt't »! Untreirjomanj ■ P'frll, friagc. 7% 18 >3 Flee fornication: every finne that a man 13 Asotherar- doeth , is without the body : but hee that commit, gt^iieni why for- teth fornication finneth againft his owne body. TrZTJX^'.f, 1.9 H Knowe yee not.th.n « your body is the ftdefiiethtbebo- temple of the holy Ghoft , which is in ,vou, which <}y with a pecuii«- ye have of God; and, I ; yeare notyouTOwne. kiode offiitbioM. 20 S For yee are bought for a price: therefore '^J^^^ '.^^I'^'J; glonheGodinyour body, andinyourlpinc : tor afomicatourii they are Gods. facriiegious, for that our bod ie» are confecrateloGod. K Chap 3.17. »-Cor S.iS. 1 f The fourth argument Becaufe we arenot our owne men ,togiveout felveito anyother .njuch lelj'e to Satan and the flelh. feeing that God bimfelfe bath bought ui . and that witb.ilkgreatfrice.tc tbe endo' thatbothinbodyand foule.wee Ihouldfervetohii glory. J G&id.j,i3, i.pet.i|ll«' C H A r. VII. I Jnireiitin^hin of marriage, 4 yvhichiiitretncdie a^ainfi frnicttion, 10 and imaj not he Broken, iS,io heVPiUeth ever} man toccntenledycithhi: lot. X5 Hefheweth rvhattheende ofUr^initiefhmtU Be, 3; and who cu^ht ti marry. NOwe I concerning the things a whereof yee , ^e, tf atheth wrote unto me , It ztvere b good for a man not concerning mamv to touch a woman. age, that afthough • 1 Neverthelefle.to avoyd fornication, let eve- l[llll' ^^^'}^'^ ry man have his wife , and let every woman have whicb"bewlildel her owne husband, dare afterwardi, • 3 « 1 Let the husband give unto the wife c due yet that marriage benevolence , and likewife alfo the wife unto the " ne'eiTarie for the , , 1 • avoiding offer- husband nication.butfothas 4 3 Thewifehathnot the power other owne neither one man body.but the husband:8c likewife alfothe husband may have many hath not the power of his owne body, but the wife. ^j"'i;a°sbrd "'^* y Defraud not one another , * except it be with ^ ^VouMnithofe confent for a time , that yee may d give your felves m.pierswhenofjcii- tofafting and prayer , and againe come together, ivroteuniomc. that Satan tempt you not for your incontinence. ^ (Commodious, an4 - 6 J Kut I fpeakethisby permifsion. not by in,^p{;'JJZ^^'- commandement. hringeihmanj " 7 For I e would that all men were even as I griefs -mith u, and my felfe am : but every man hath his proper gift of ')*^/;f„" jj^" / God, oneafterthis maner, and another after that. "J'fi^i'efilte, 8 « Therefore I fay unto the funmaried, and » ,,pe,.3,7. ' unto the widowes , It is good for them if they » Secondly, hee abide even as I dot. "^'7"'' '^^.' '''« ' 9 But if they can not abflaine , let them mar- ^ft whhVmguV tie : for it is better to marrie then to gburne. Uraffraioneu. lo »9 Anduntothemariedl c6mand,notI,buttirelyloveone theLord.Let not the wife depart from her husband, '"'y,'''"- ,,, . I I But and if flie depart.let her remaine unma- %„,^j^,'^f,"^ '^^2- riedjorbe reconciled unto her husband, and let „/-if„ej.Wence. not the husband put away hii wife. though hefpeakfi 12 8 But to the remnant I fpeake , andnoi the TJ'f,l'"j'' Lord, Ifany brother have a wife thiitbeleeveth -/"//f'fAVt'/p^ • not , if llie be content to dwell with him , let him (o^f, 4. ' ^ not forfake her. 3 Thirdly, he war. 1 3 And the woman whicTi hath an husband tieth tbem that they that beleeveth not, if he be content to dwell with "'"'^'' her, let her not fcrfakehim. ieach in otberi power, ai roucbing ' the body, fo that they may not de-' ^ fraud oneanother. f Heeaddeihac e«tption , unleOetheone abftainefromtbe* other by mutuall confent , that ihey may ibebftttr givetheinfelvei to prayer , wherein notwithttandirg ,hee warneth tbem to confider what ii expedient , leaft by thiilong ' bitakingotfasit were from marriage, they be flitted up to incontincncie. d Do nothing els. S Fiftly.be teacheth ihat marriage is not limily ceceirafyfocall meny ■ bu; for ttem which have uot the gift ofcontinency, and this gift is by a peculiar gr.-.ce • ofGod. e Irvijh.^.S Sixtly, be giveih the felfe fame admonition touching the fccond marriage, to wit, that a ficgle life iitohe allowed, but foifuch at have ' the gift of couiinencie : otbetwifethey ought to marrie againe , that their confciencs ■• may be at peace. f This nhole place is fiat a^ainji them rchich ctndtmne Jiccnd Tn.\r-aics. g St '0 hurne-nith lujl, that either lite TitiUyet'.d;ih i., the lemptttion,- ■ or cli wecannitcall upcn Godipiiha fnieleonfiience. * Mat.; 31 and59 >. mar 10,11.11. ]ukei6,i8.' 7 Sevently , he Urbiddetb conieniioosand publ;.'- flling or divorces (for be ffisakrth notheereof iK: fault of whoredome , 'which waj » then death tvco by tHelaw of the Romansalfo) whereby hee aaitnitth that tbe hand of' mariiage issnt dill'ulved , and that frr.m Chrift tii mouth. 8 Eighily.be affir'metb ■ that tbofe in.uiiaKH which'are already coutraded betweene a faiinfull , and an rihi'.- ftiibfull 01 iufiJeilj are fisine, fo ihit the faithful! may not fori^ke the uofaiinftriLii ' i4 9 for OfcircumcKioQ and uncircumcifion* I. G)rinthians* 14 9 For the unbeleeving husband is i> fandi- fied to the i wife . and the unbekeving wife is Anftified to the k husband , elfe wsre your chil- dren uncieane : but now are they ' holy. . ly 10 But if the unbdeeving depart , let him depart :abtQie ac- couoied holy (tbaiii COQtrianl *«jihintht pro- iniff for it iifaid coallibcfaiibrtill, .1 willbetbyGod, and the God of thy feed. b ThtfoMweft 0/ ih tf iff iff mctt tiiic tfthe kuiltnd ii, It fTtfhint fi» (nirriagt. i The infidiU ij no ftHchfied ir mjdt My inhisctvnt per/tn, lutin "• fye(lofhi.v>'fe. heeiifinaijiedto 21 For he that is called in the g Lord, bein^i fervant, is the Lords freeman : likewife alfo he that is called being free, is Chrittes fervant. _ 2j $ '♦ Veare bought with a price : be not the iervants of men . 24 'f Brethren , let every man , wherein be was called, therein abide with » God. 2y i« Now concerning virgins , 1 have no kTitieftiih/uU commandement of the Lord : but I give mine huiUnd. radvife ,as tone that hath obtaine mertie of the I ThufUcedeHy,. Lord tobc fauhfuU. 'tmeZZlu 26 I fuppofe then u this to be good for the not h^u chiUriT, X prefent necefiitie : Imeme that u is goon tora tohhf,fii'.ed,a«d man fo to be. thai miki ttft'J'"' '^' ^"y ""*/' •//''!"«"'"<• f'ftht children tfthe faithful are hulyt ijVettuetfthtccUncint,eWihtroreBsfiifmt,n^d i^pt,fme ii added atihejeale'f that htiinrpe. lO He anforeretb to a queOion : whn if the uiifaithfull foifake tc/ wit. both fortheocctiruieoftbeprtfeDt time , becaufe the faithful! couU fcatge abide IB any place , and vfe the coinmoditiei of bii prefent life, and theieft.ir (uch as were not troubled with familiei, might be the readier : and alfo for tbecaici of ;bi» lift, wmch naiiage dtaweth with it of necelTiiie, fo that they cannot but hjve theirmitidei diftraweth : and thii hath pla ftnfijtred, thit 1 counfell yen, a liii 1 that fpeake this tfhich 1 1 ' ' ■ ■ ' ' ■ ' t irorihj cridite .for J kj, ethi- ,1, efpecially. is I il I , tuiyel 1 ndedt rbluinedtf eu[fi, ffeakf ■■ -fd'he .theUrdicbefueh ^Uih the Sainit art da;lj futitH unit , imho art ctniinHalty tufftd Uf anidtnne,fi stka.1 t^'" 'ft*" "'■'y /'""' '"'fi unfit ftrmutridje , net it nti ifidt the irtak^nelfe ^tkejltjk enfcritdthcm tt it. 27 Art thou bount! unto a wife * fee ke not to be loofed : art thouloofed from a wife jfcckc not awife, 1 8 But if thou takeft a wife , thou fmneft not: and if a vitgine marrie , (he finneth not : neverthe- leffe , fuch ihall have trouble in the y flefli : but I y BpbefFitihj * ipare you. he underftandetb 29 And this I fay, brethren.becaufe the time is J^*"*' '^''°i' f°««t . (bort. hereafter that both they which have wives, f^Ml.'Vr'ma.V- be as though they had none : ag, brin'geth wi!h 30 And they that b weepe, as though they wept it many difcom- not : and they that reioyce, as though they reioy- •n°'*'>ie» ; fo that ced not : and they that buy. as though they pofVef- ,o\ "inff "„° "b«, ftd not : caufe it i< a fervice 31 Andthey that vfe this « World, as though mor* agreeable »o they vfeU it not; for the i falhion of this world go • ?°<* ■''" marriage ethawav ...but for .heft dif. Ctn away. commodiiie.,which J 2 And I would have yon Without care. The (ifitwerepofTibie) iinmairiedcaieth for things of the Lord , howe he^^uIdwiOiail he may pleafe the Lord. me» to be void of 33 But hee that is married . e careth for the '^;; J";;;,™;?)';^^ things of the worlde, howe hee may pleale hit «od onely. wife. I > would yout 34 There is difTerence al/b betweetie a virgine ^"kentffe were and a wife : the unmarried woman careth for the »' Fo'rwe«enow thirgs of the Lord , that (lie may be holy , both in ;„ the latter tad body and in^ fpitit . bat Ihethat is married, careth ofthe world. for the things of the world , how Ihe may pleale *> By werving.the l.„l,.,,K,.,^ Htbrewei tinder- her husband. ftand ali adv«fit.>. J y And this I Ipeake tor your owne g commo. and be ioy . «U pro. ditie.not to tangle you in a fiiare.but thtr ye fellow fpetitie. that which is honell, and that ye may cleave tali ' ThofethiDgi unto the Lord without reparation. _ _ T/here *' 36 '7 But if any roan thinke that it is uncomely d the guife, the for his virgine , if ftiee palTe the flowreof ^*rage, ftiape.and falhion: andneed fo require ,let himdoe what he will .he whereby he fcew. hfinneth not: let them be married. _ " nolhing - tb?. 37 Nevertheleffe , hee that ftandeih firme m world that couti. his i heart , thnt he hath no k need , but hath pow- nuetji. er over his owne will, and hath To decreed in his « They that «re heart, that he will keepe his virgine .he doeth ^rdtiw'n'hi"' well. therandtbithei, 38 So then hee that giveth her to marriage, and tberrfore if doeth well, but he that giveih her not to marriage, ""v ">5" ^^"f*'' . . , , ° ° giftof continencie, doeth 1 better. j* j, ,„orecoromo- 39 18 \ he wife is bound by them law , as long .djoui for him to live as her husband * liveth : but if her husband be alone.- but they th« dead, ihe is at libertie to marrie with whom Ihee »«'"""/'' "I'V .,, ... r 1 caretof ibethtnPt Will, one y in the t) Lord. r ,. , . of.beLordaifo, 40 biJt 'I'Se is more bleHed, it (hee lo abide in c.em. Strom.j. my iudotment : $ and 1 thinke that 1 have alfo f Minde. the Spirit Ol God. g He.neanetb,h,t t hee will 1^ force no man eith.r to marrie or notto marrie, but to fllew them barely whatkindeofljfe i« moft comn 17 Now he tuiiietb himftUV to toe Par, I whofe powe authjritit; their children are.war.iing tbemthat according to the former drftiii . they tonfid't what is meet and convenient fur tbeir children .that they neither Heprive th^in o.' tbe'iecefl'ary leinedieagaioft incuoiinencic .norconrtrjinethein to marriage, wherea. neither their will doth leadetbem, nor any uof Oi levtgeth them. And againft heptaifeibvirginitie.butofitfelle, andnot in all. '*«« h Hedoe^b well : for fo teeipouadeth iiverf.3S. i Ref,..lued with himfi[Jfe. k Thatihc weaknefTc of hn daughter iufurcetb him not, or any other aiaiter , but that be m»y fjfely keepe her .ivitRineitill. J Provideth morecomniodioufiy forhii cnildten , a 'd that not limply , but . y reafon of fuch conditioniai arebeforementiontd. 18 That which hee fpake ofa widower.befpeaketh njwofa widow to wit, that Ihecmay martieagainr, fo that hie doe it in the fejre ofG^d : and yet be diflemblcih not, but faith, that iffllee remaiue ftill a widow , (he (hall be void of many carei. ro By ,he law of man iage. ^ Rom. 7)1. D Rtligtoully.aDd iaibelcareofCod, |g i.Tbeir.f,!, CHAT. VIII. Fr«t» this flace Unto the tnd tfthi tenth- Chapt thtm not f he at |6( Centilti frcfant tank"', rrftraineih the Jiw/e cfCln'Jl'an liberiit, 11 t'Mt i»«wle And thicngfc ihy knowledge fl>a]l tfce wtje know that'^wee * all have knowledge; * weake broche* perilh. fox whom Chnft died. .'on ofT ^'. > R( eotrttb to •otieaii uf aoo- _ _____ % Kow. if any man thmke that hee knoweth any (bing, he kaowecb nothirg. ye»asfaeofigbiu» know. 3 ButifanymdnfoveGodtthe^meisknowen F^ir tb< Cwoibini •fibiogicfutd to Mole*, 04 th« ctd.AadifiTttofall brere«on»..b.Il . , , . r,. tbvfc thJoji whiQh 4 ? eoncemv^tberefore me e^^wgp^ things Dibiaoi faer'ifec^d ufitq* idpks , we kpowfi that atj ideie is ( nothing in the woiid>aad tkst ta«r« woeae other God but one. f For though there be t^t are called godj^ wHetfeer in heaven , or in eanh Jas there be ftiany, gods, arsd many lotds.) 6 Vet unto us there «but one God, xfvhuh it that Father , fof wbpmare all things, andweg in him , and * 1> one Lord lefus Chxift , < by wiiora «reslithings. and we by him. 7 J But every man hath not that knowledge: for 4 many having ^ confcicnce of the idole > un- till this houre , eate as a thing factific.ed unto the idole, and Co their confcience bting weake , i» de- filed. 8 ' But tncat? raaketh us i\o% acce{«ab,!e to God.for neither if we eate, have we the niore: nei- ther if we eate not.have we theletl*. 9 But take hcede leaft by any meanes this power of yours be an occafion pf falling , to them that are wcake^ 10 6 For ifany man fee thee which haft know- ledge.fit at table in the iduies temple, fhall not the con(cienceof him which is weake, be buldened to rtcJidniiovfing ihiogt offend to idol<5 .wittiout any xeffiCt. fttCk sf all (Dry i&t. med 'bat ibit dif- ference of meaiel wu fof uaikiifull men. but at for' tbem.tbcykoew vMcHcaougbthe beD««;ofChr.ft. wbicticaufeib ill ibefe ihiogi tobe cleaBC to tbcm (baJoe!h nui rifptci the frrfins.bat iht narureJ. i Tbil «v(vtde (By) doeth not figni6etbeio()(umcDtall eaufe , htuthcefikicot : FoiibeFa- tbet and [be Soooe woilce togett^et > vs>bicb iiootfa 10 be taken , ibat wte make two caufcs, feeing tbe): bavebocb bui one nature , (bough ibey bedillind peifoni. 3 Tbe reafon wby tbat fellowecb ootii tbiirbecaurciberc ate many men which dae Dot know that which you know. Now tbe iudgemeoti ofoutwaid tbiogi depend notpnely upon your confcietice , hivupon tbe cun.(citnce of them that befiold you, and thctefore your adioot moll be applied not one. y 10 your knowledge . butalfota the igoorance of your hrribrcn. 9 An applying of tbe reafon , There ar; mauy whtchcaniot care of tbiogi offered to idolfs.but with a wavering«onfcience,beea»le they tbinke tbcm to be ancle^ne : thrre^re ifbyibyeid , lOeitconfciencc ii defied with this eating, and tbou hatlbene the occafion of ibis mifohicfe. k Hj lonfeume 0/ thei^olejuemtantththe jicrtt ^ud^emtni ikai tkij had nrhin lkemfeilits,itiltriij tkrf ihm^hi .ii «'"«£' pncieay^it r^tre ojje-ed to idtlti , atj ihtrtfcre ihlj teuU rurt lift tbtm rp'ih good <-<«/rt»k>». For ihil forte hath crfiinti, that if ilbt good, ii mak.eth thinii tndt;ftreni^aiiiihailb« -declared ia hii flace. 1 2 8 Now when yee finne fo againft the bre- iiii^n, ta^cn bf i^ tbt«n,S6 wound their weake confeience, yee finne of comtarifoti an The conc^fioti . which riulccnce,ve.h ""■•• "'f"' P*"^" .'!>« te might ttot feemeto ewd th^t V'tber. vWiKh bee will not be flrft iubied uato himftlfe. I ba^ tather (faith bee) abfleioe forever from aUkiode of fleOi , then give occafion of ftane to any of toy bMthten, much ItflV woald I i«fufeio»nyceiiaine placeor time foi any brotkeis Cake Qot to eatt f\"«- and eateth not of the rnilkeof the fiocke , S/th^^X' 8 « Say I thele thmgs h according toman : of both, buifirftof faith not the Law the fame alio; his owne peifon.4f 9 For it is written in the Lawe of Mofes, (f-'i'l>hejyouaU * Thou fiiall not reulVell the mouth ofthe oxe that f'J^tf.i" ^U treadeth out thecorne ; doeth God take care for free, and thntfor* ■ oxen i will vfeyour liber. I o Either fayeth hee it not altogether for our '"' ■ *" ' •>«>""» fakes J For our lakes no doubt it is written, that he „"'poft!rf' *" which eareth,lhould eare in hope,and that hce that 3 He prooveth hit threlhetb in hope, fhould be partaker of his hope. Apoflielhip by the ctfedes.inthii that he was appointed of Chri/l bimfeHe.and theautfaoriiie of bit fuuftioo wa> fiiAicieotly confirmed t9 bimanioogft them by ibeii conveiliorj. And ailtbefe tbiogi be fette_th before thfireyts, 10 make them aihimed for that ibty would not in tbe leaft WTfe that mi^bt be , debafe themfelvei for the wcakes lake, whereas the Apoftle himlVfe did all that hee could to winnethem.^io God wben they were vrtcrly leiiobate and wiihoutGod. a BytbeLotd. b Asa feale wheteby it appeaieih fufficrenilythat Godistheauthourofmy Apofllefliip. 3 Hee addeihibii by the way.as ifhe would fay , So faritisctf ,ibat youmaydoubt of my ApoftleOwp, that I vfe, to refute them which call it into coatrovcrfie , by oppofing thole tbiogi which the Lord bath done by roe amODgft you. c Wbicb like ladges examine mce andmydoicgs. 4 Now toucbingthe matter itlelfe.hefaiib , Seeing tbatl am free , and truely an Apoltle , why may not 1 ( I fay not , eaieof all ibingt offered to idolei) buthemaitiiainedby my labours, yea and keepemy wifealfo, aiioerriidue ofibrApoftleilawfuJJydoe.at by name, lotn and lamei , ihetords cojhci, acid Peter biiofelfe ^ d Vpoo thecxpenfeoftbeCbttrcb ? e Ooeth^uia ChnniaoaodatrQebeleevet ? f Not to liveby tbe wurkeof oui bandi > t Thatheemay noifteme to burden the Apoftles, bee Citweih that it isiult that thry doe , by ao argnmentof compatifon , feeing that fouldieri liveby iheit w^gei, and bosbandmeo by the fruitei of ihetr labours, and H.ephratdi by ibatibat commeth ofihenrflocket. g Vfetbiogoea waifare > 6 Secoodlyb^^btinjuh fcorth theaathoTtiieoiGodi inrtitu tonbyasarguinent ofcompanfon. b Ht^e I no better ground iben the commcocuftome of men > • Deut i<,4. i.ti.n. X,»«. i WaiitGodiproperdritttopfovklefotcien.yvbentemjdeihi.Law? foi oibtnnirr sbeit it bc> the rmalieO thing m the woild, but Sod hatb .1 cai« of it , Kkk ii 4 7lf Ttueminifters. I. Cottnthians. Olde examples. f^irps I * te a ereat thing if wee wape your carnall- fo fight I. not as one that beateth the avre. til n»$ » f ° ^y Bat I beatedowne my t body .and bring it in- 1 J"te ••'■<< "•«» 1 1 s If others with yon be partakers of thii tafubieabn, leaft by any meanes after that I have '^j^^^;;);';**' 4- Rom.if,i7. 7 Art lOumpiiou of the wgumenii uld be evil fpokfO of, tb'n .h.t 1 fliouM notrfquite my wagei ,ibei. would uai>peare that I tooke tbrle ttrarogtne oou- •r, thing of the Le- %itei:wtithpri. ^iledgenofAtih- •ftjndingfaeewkill ■uotvfe. Dttit.18,1. t'oe figure Me-ony anie.for, ofthofe «hiagi:hjta-tof- /red in the temple l»-».3 ■. Cbrif). ulfay. .thing. [ might o By p The preached to other.I tny felfe (hould be u reproveth . ^^rhU^ri'*'(Rt. prooved) i« not fet ai contrary to the word (EleSJ but at contrary toihe^tioril (Approovtd) whta wee fi!e one by experience not to be fucb an oss aiheotight to be. C H A P. X. • t JfCUfrtrUn>iit .Tvhi are paml^trt eftlit Lcrds SUffir. a^ Tohal't ctifiJtrntisn cftitr /iti^hlcur in ihin^tindifftreni. \l[ Oreover , i brethren , I would not that yee ^^^ fl-.ould bee ignorant . that all onr a fathers '. f '''""JT? -. I i" 1 J 1 11 ,^ 1 1 • toat wnich he fail, were under k that cloud, and all palled through hying before thatSfea, thenianexami>le 2 a And were all b baptized unto cMofes, in °''''"'""'''^'« , that cloude. and in that fea. IflTr °''>^sith. _ ^ , ,. , ,, 1 J r .- . . 1. aeajoft th.m wtiicD' 3 * Anddiaall catthea (ame fpiritualKmeat, hadinetfcd the 4 ♦ And did all drinke the fame fpirituall felfe fame pledgei drinfce{fortheydrankeof the fpirituall Rock that oCthefameadop. f followed them : and the Rocke was g ChriH. ) J'*" "V''"".'!!;) _ • 1 ,- L y^ \ 1 /- I that v^'c have : ttia y But With many ot them God was not plcaled: y,, no.withftan. for they were i^ overthrowen in the wildernefl'e. ding when they 6 3 Now thefe things are our h enfamples, to ?"' themfe.ve* the intent that we fliould not luft after evill things l°jf(h'," ["he*' * as they alfo lufted. wilderneffe, being 7 Neither bee yee idolaters iivvere fome of horrib/yandma- them.as iris written, ^ The people fate downe to "ifoidiy pimi-ihed. eate and drinke. and roi'e up to play. ^S^:Z:"^:: 8 Neither let us commit fornication , as fome thefe tbingi are of them committed fornication , and fell in one fi ly fpoken agalall $ day three and twentie .thoufand. »•>"" wiicb fte._ 9 Neither let us tempt i Chtift , as fome of ?X ^^'^f^^ them alio tempted him , and* wetedeftroyedof aif„f„n,etobe ferpentS. alleaged totbn 10 Neither murmure ye.as fome of them « alfo eadeand purpofe. murmured, and were deftroycd of the deftroyer. ^"tfe!' '""LIT 11 Now all thefe things came unto them lor .hatthoft things enfamples , and were written to admoniH^ t!s, upon are notoffuch whom the k endes of the world are com4. g'"' wcgbt , that li iWberefore.lethimthatthinkethhelUn- Sblo-'he,'* tkth, take heedeleafthe fall. vfe them, fo that 13 There haih no tentation taken you. but tbey frtrqaem fuchas appertaineth to ' man: and God is faithfull. CbriiHao affirm. ' '■ blieiaodbebap. tizedi and receive the Comtnunion.aBdeonfelTe Cbrilt. a I'^Kifptik^ihthutin fefptSl ofiht ccWi^nt.Jid n»i>r> rtfpc!}oftl,ii!er/ini,/.<>'r,j;inj^tx,r^ll. « Excd. ij.ai. num.9, 19. ^ Excd 14 tt. a loetfeft the Sacrameoti of theolde (atberi were all one wih outi , for they lefpeft Chi ill onely vsho ofFtred bimfillfe unto them in diver* Diadowei. b »/iS of them vrcrcbjfii^rd rvi:l> rit ouiipard ft^M , hui ntt in diedc , wherewiih Codcarmctkt ch*r^td, hitttl^ty ihtmftll>ti. c McfeiheinillKirf^uidt. ♦ Excd. it, if. i Thef.mtthMnid". t Manna, ishiJi rrai a fpiriiual mejtt w iht trlffl-er/, i»'ic4 rn/iith U] hulde Ufcn Ckrijl -ivIku ihe true meule. ^ Bxcd. 17,6. numi. 10,10. and it, 16, f OfiheriliiT and running Kicl^r,yrhichfellonfd till per fit. g Vidfacra- ow«r ex»nn''«- "^Ipbri cation of tb^ flfOl , fliewinptha gjmei of Illhmiei were) which paoipet 1 theyc ■ thefigne, tr,^tthif rvitli it tvhich is fc te riiiived rriihfsitt). -Jf 3 An amplify iog of the example againd thera which are car ied 1 way beyond the bounds which GoH bitb ' ' eviU.aiof idolatry (which hatb glutto ^agiinft CnriH , nuirrauring. aodfuch like, which <^ pi that olde i«ople ,.0 tbeeodethat we which fuccetdnbem , clarailonoftbe will of Cod , might by that meanei takebetii reade fii'Urei : nhich f'-nified aur facramtnti : f,r circHrr /ealeffrij:hteo„fntfe hi ihiny f%^n'firl>! hy ■.liVtljp,: iniflvd .1,0ft (hirpeiyi and have a more full d« ;r bferle. h .rami 'iifif yrailtiht tt-nt" a m»r> cx^uifiit dieii loosbe fii toruiine or, wtfllle (at then the I tbcirbciiiei, and therefore afiirniag tbat aidrufcitlft ite'y t«ke VitnHi «w«tf« «d \uit of life, f Vftli ffS^ptifrrtr .atuifi in thtat'.er Sacra- t^umh.in. and iii,6i. rfalmc 106, n. x Excd.^x I. iikehim tta t»mi.tie aii' trert nkich thcje men dee . ir/.o alufe the knfWM?e that he hath riien them , and mak<: Ui.ferl>efk."dr:e{>e. * Numt. 2t.6. pfil., 06. ,^ ^ X Num.n.iT.iu^x^**- k Thij.u, a>e i, e.iStd the enJr,f,„it i, ihcPu:t-r'r upofaUa^et. 4 lococcltifion.hedel'ceodetb tothe Corintbianj htnifelv-K vviroiogtheratbat tbeyplesfrnot ihimfclvei , but rather they prevent the fub:iltitt of Satan. Vei heviVthJii infinuartioa , andcomfortethtbein.tbat be may ooifeemeto make them altogether like to ihofe wickM idolateri and cooinnneriof Cbrift. v«fci<* fetiftiidiuthcAiWcfiieirc, I which«oinincre'adl one body. ' Chap* if ,. which wiil not Tuffcr yon to be temptedabove that Mens hcais covered. 74 k»«,o««».pt.J yo" be able, but will even™ give the iffue with for T«ut pfofiit* the tcHtation , that ye may be able to bfiare it. ftkt.wiiigiveyou ,^ vvherefuie my beloved . flee itom loola- an iBurtoefc4pe jjjg eu.ojtketc.u,.oD. '^ r I fpeakeasuntoihem whichhsvcTtider- ,Nov»mu.mng ft^j, Jing : iudge ye what I (ay . ,^.. '.::K«;e > but all things edifie not. a 4 Let no man feeke his owne , but every mm aaothets wealth. ^., . . ^ i, 25 9 whatfoever is fokie m the " fliambles, eate ye. and asked no queftion for confcicnce fake. 26 S For the earth M the Lords, and »alUhat therein is. ... .. 27 If any of them which beleeve not. call you to a/f4ff.and if ye will goe.whatfoever is (ec bjtore you.erce.asking no qudflion for confciencelake. 2g But if any raanfay untoyou.This « factih- ced unto idoles . eate ic not . becaule of him that (hewed it .andfortheconfcience ^for the earth »/ the Lords.andall that therein is.) zo ■ Andtheconfcience.Iky.notthine.butof that ^ther : « for why Ihoald mylib^rtiebecon- o Gfibankefgiving: ibarikcfgiving. oA ri.ng .og«hei W'lb Chud sod'ing.afliDg to ;i,««mocit. q AKCOBfrDfcearM Havt any thing lodot with (bedevili, guiltie .nnto oi;u»i woi'"^r-"'''J"" „ \^^ ,^, jp^.,lj Jjjn,,, f The"- - '----' luf« nootner rcafons thtufach ai tbf y kne'W very «(cll thfmfeWfi. Aodbfafrtban ioduaionboi-ow eH ofiheagTte- menttbatiiioihe tbingitbtmfelves. Thebolybankeu t)fthcChriaiaDi ^re pledget , lirll cfallofib. iCelfefamcre. h'^io*! : ibererore fo doe the tdoU- teri aKo iiiyr,e tbemfeUei witb tkcif f.r idulesaie iio- .^thiojjin iboCt fo' InnnebaDkeis. wbertiupoDii fol- Jowetb.thaiihat cable •>« table oidrviL.acd tbertfore you reullelcheA it ■ For yoacin cot be partaker, of tbt lordaoAot", Idolet together, niucb leq'c may fuchbanketabe . • LcouDtedfot ^ ibingi,yuiiffereQfc Drive with God > audit you doe, tbioke you thatyo «bc>euiK,a , that hply banket vva. calle.h Eucbar.ft ■ tooltj^ifcftuall pledge aod note of o fciro. f That ii.ai yet obft ! ,bntb ofjhat vvoraiil-aindfacrvfice. illgetihetipperhanJ? leDdeoftbeirfcalleiv^bicb they nkeoffcringitotbeni, C^'mming to anotcM kmde 'elvet' .t.Dteitato-batfocieti. wbicbii begun.. pioi.hane people Wtre «vonttoftiuiupao!l maKe k.^. to tb^ocour «f .he,r god.,in offertngmcate "ff-rm^g. i < »,iibba.,kT(saDdfealUQgi. K *■ K^h.^'oetlerall rule , ibat in tbeureofthrogi of thi„gs,offered to idol.. , h« »;F?' "'''^ 'f^'^"^ ^t, ,butofourn=igbbou,.. i^diffei.t.. weOttghi«h"eco«f>i«a..onoo ot om elve. y. ,,^^ ^^ . .t.d.h.refor.tb.tea^e^,annfeio^.^.^.cb->f b^^^^^^^^ .V^l.l done o. n. . h.caufe ofi^dc. 'o"" ""^/^f^^ •. wba.foever i' fo!de m .helh.m- 7 Ao apfly.ngol the "'« ■«^''' l'"'"'"!* "tVlorJ.banl ,and eare ite.tber it ble. , you n,ay indiffcr™.!, b.y '' ?-' «^ : ; bev, fihf.lJ . ,o «it , i. a irisM. — • ^ ^""■tars^itbA^^^food...... 'gbeni,cha.=ged intoimf.et>e . .nd that,brut,gho»r ffe.d.beconfc,enceofthe«-eak...bea toyeeld a l„t,e and fo giveotcai.™ to .he weake to .udgc: .And ibe Apoltletakeib th.k ib.ogi ui\-n then you fa.tiliced lake heed that out libertiebe cUfcbi to ufewith tbarikefgi '\ fji_ I- .< meate.why (bouJd I 31 f. ? Whether therefore ye eate , or dnnke, through my fault, , or whatfoever ye doe. doe all to the ^JPT of God. ctufe that beocfii* 32 Give none offence.neither to"the lewos.nor ''^^^^""'"'' to the Grecians , nor to the Church of God : "^ c do c 3,17, 3 j Even as I pleafe all men in all things , not 9 The condufi- feeking mine owne profite , but the profit of many , »» •■ w* man or. that they might be faved. 1-";folXV ,1 fceke not out feivei , bat Godi glory , and fo the falvafion of as mauy as wee miy r whewiu the ApoHle ft;cketh ootto ptopouod himfelfe'ithe Coriotbiani; (even bis owoi floeke ) at ta example, bat fo that bee cslleth them backeto Cbrift ,uuri» whom he bimfelfc bach Kgard. C H A P. XI. ,a Ht hUmtth ikc CtrinthUntforthttintlairMjttflmWti, 4 mtniiitfriiyhiiVitiirflitirhtndico)>eTed, 6 md •wcmtn l>archtideJ , and iecavfe thtirmeetw^t tended to O^ili , »i ir/io mingled frtfliine tink'ti vith the hJf Suffer tfthe LorJ, "ji nhich htriJuircdtcieceUlra:tJacindiH£ti> ChrtfltimfiilMwn. BE S yee' followers of mec.evcn as I araof , ^, , Chrift : * j-rtrT.jv,. 2 I Now brethren, 1 commenJ you, that ye re- 'ife of tbUpmit member all my things., and keepe the ordinances, concemiag the as I delivered them to you. nght ordtnng of 3 1 Hut I will that yee know , that Chrift is the l^^^^"„'^l * head of every man : and the man is the.womaps thre'epoinu.'to ' head : and God is » Chriftes head. wit, ofthe comply; 4 3 Every h man praying or prophecyit>g having «m«i' of "Jfo any thing on his head, dithonoureth his heaii. *heord^""tbe^ y 4 But every wcman that prayeth or prophe- tordi supper, a^i4 cieth bareheaded, diibonoujetb her head; /for it of the right ufeof- is even one very thing.as though flte weare Ihaven . fp'tituaii gift». Bu« 6 Therefore if the woman be not covered , let ^thfX^rie^'/' her alfo be (home : and if it be ihame for a woman tbings, bebegin- to be Ihorne or Ciiven, let her be covered. oeth notwiibaar- 6 For a man ought not to cover lit head: for- ding' with > :h as he is the *• ima^e and glory of God: but "! , J"!,^', a geot- afmuch as he is the *• unage and glory o. ^ callrngthoTrpar. the woman-is the glory of the man. ticuUr iawe» of 8 7 For theraanisnotof tbewoman.butthecomeiiue.andtcM woman of the man. «ftie, which be-; 9 *■ B For the man was not created for the wo- g^^f^jj'^'J"/*, mans fake : but the woman forthe mans lake-. traditions .- wbitfc 10 » Therefore ought the vvoraan to have afterwardthey t power on fcfr head, becaufe of the '"Angels. «i!cdCanooi. downe God, in Chriftourrnediatour , for the endeand marke notonelyofdodriot* bot alfo ofecLlefiaiiicail com^lineSe. Then applyiog it to ihe jjueltion purpof.a touching the comely apparel i both of mm and women inpublikeaOemblies, hedecli- trthihat thewoinao is one degree beneath theminby the ordinance of God .and ibic the mao ii fofubieft toCbrilt , tliaitbegloryof Godought toappear.in bim for tie preeiBioeuccsoftbefeJe * Ephef.i.iS. * In that , that Chrift is'o?r meJiatour. 3 Hereofhe gaheretb that ifmen doe eitbetjrayorprfach in pubJila alfe'mbliei having their beads covered (vibicb wastben a fignecffubieftion) tbeytfid as it wej? fpoilethemfelrea of their digni[ie,againll6od»otdinince. b It apptk- rcih that tbll viasapoliiikelawftrving ontly for thecircuin*aneesof the time irAt raul lived in , by ibii reafon.becaufe in thefeour diye.for a mao to fpeakrbareheadtd in an affembly , iia IJgoeof'fubieiftion. 4 Andin Kkefort he coocludeih ,iba: women which ftiew tbemfelvei in publike and ecclefiafticallailembliei without the figneaud token of theiifuhieftion , tear u to fay , uncovered .(liame themfe|ves. ' J "tat firfl argaineni taken from rbe comtoonfonccof itian , forfuMucb a« naturr tetcbeth wooieojtbat it is diQioncn for tbirni tocorae abroad baVeheaded , feeing ihit: fii: bath givtoibem ihicke aod long baire , •Abicbthey doffo diligeotlyirimmcaHd Jecke, that ihty canto no wife abide to havr it Ihaveo. 6 TUtaking ajv-ay fifln obieflion r Have notin-nalfo baire given them ?I grant , fait b the A poll le , buiibete is another inattfi in it: for man w>i made to tbi» eudt and purpofe , that the glory of Ged (h«ulJ appeareio hit rule and autbotiiie : but the v\horaanwa» made , that by pr ififijon of bet obeditace , (he» might mote bonorjr her huiband. ^ (Ve». i,j6. t :J ;,i.a>td9.S.tolof.},iO. y Heprt>oveth the ineijualitie of the *oman, by ihat toat the man it the matter whereofA-voman wai firft made. • C'tm.t'ii. ! Secondly, by ibat , tbat the womairwai made for mao . and not tbetnan for toe Wtiinaai faie. 9 Theconclufioa : Woman muftbetovereth .toftiewbyihiiel- Hrnall tigne tbeiifubiedion. c A coveting v.bichiaatoktnofCjiicitiop, .z« Wk4tlhisiKMMthiIdo«notytiYiid<:illau(}, ; . . JiKK a n lay?; '.'cr- ^ofneos heads covercJ. T Coftflthians I 1 1 N (jvercheleff;. neither U the man withcMjt the woman , ticUher the wotnia without the man «vbickttit4paftle v^v^ht^fj-ktoF <«JniheLord tjefu.vri.riNtof in cmfiitftTiwi of thr ^.l.cit of no mciiBrc of ihu intq-ii'ir.Th.re. f«refcet<:»cbtih rtic HKn Eivc in fuck fort thep'- tfniotac*. th»i alfoai«boiatb i« For there muft be herclles even among you, that they which are fapproovcd among you, might be kiiuwen. lo When ye Co.Tie together therefore into one place, i; M is g not to eatc the lorns Supper. 21 for every roan when they ihould e.ne , ta- keth his ownc luppei h afore, and one is hungry, andanoihet is drunken. 21 I J Have ye not houfes toeateand to drinke in i defpife ye the Church of v^od, and lliame rhem that have not? what {hall 1 iay to you? (hail I piaile you in this ? 1 ptaile you not. »3 J 8 For I have received of the Lord that which I alio have delivered unto you ,r»»t0 fei>c«of»«uie. f),trini »• P>c»li •iJif Cubbunly «0Di«ti i&1^. w« hevttooppof* tkis, ib»ibe Ctuichtjot GoJ fcrCOOt COBttDIl" J4 RnpaKih Bowioikcnnt tHXifc cooctf- oiagifatrgfaiaii- mmiOiaiioo of ike Lords fujift*. And ib«AroAt« ufnh ibiiuuiptr jitft(.t, ihii ib< Coris^biaxi'nisbl vsdnll*Dii. (kit ishneai ihty ob- itti*i J««I«lhl ■aadimiau.yri tkry foully ntglcfitd tixm in t mattet of grtaMi) iRit>on>ac«. if To «*ltb'>u lb* Loiilt Suffer ifigbt , it ii irquifi r ibai tbtrcbeooi oaely cuolentof ita-mc.buiaKoofairrAioiij.tbatit br aot |>iapba«d. i6 Altbuugb ibaccbiusei trrfiti pi«c«ed (lom ikc dtvill, aiccvill , and yet ikiy c6inc o iikcutcauft.MMiibiyiaiaiiothe, loficeoftbcelift / Wl bycban > Ixftritn^t HMb hjtit^ftfl*'lttiitiklktnflttlj,nrlftli m*ny 4Unt,i veiU. h Enf-hli'i miwetuij tmiiihitti 1^ nhtt„mt. i7 The ApoDlc ibiokeih it good tuuke away ibe love fiaflM.forthtiiabuTe , ahhougb ibeybad bene a loog lime.aod wiibcammcHdaiioD »frd mOuiwet . aod v»«f' apyoioitd .lod mauuiedby ik« A|>«>Uon tbe name oi God aad ngrthtrwiib ptayciito dtclantkeiolti utioa ibenof, aod Aaally lodOivn tb« bread bfokea to be eaten. and ik* eupfe lecerred to bedruuke w i teTay , tn f (a^^ve i>otb bii k9o«ltdg*,aBdairofaiikaDdfepentaau: tafhnnvfeanb ite Lordedeaib.rbai ii,ia Wne faitbio yetld uate bii wofd aadiaftKution jaodlalt ofill • to take tbe bread at tkciriniftcn hand. aad loeueit.aod to diinkc tb« •wine, and g»ve God ifaaaket : Tbn wairaulaandtbt ApoftJet maaaeror miniHriog x M^lt K.aS niarkei4,ai. J»k' ai.if. i Tkiiword, Broken )aoKtb out unto uiCbrill bii manati of death , foialtkouiih bit leggei were aoi broken , aiihcihtivc4 leggN wtie,yel W»l Wlbady Vtiy foK lotmcmcd, and (Oini, aad btuiftd. 17 ••^Wherrfofe .tvJiofd€»er fljall cate this .9 whofo,^., oread, anddnnke the cuppe of tlic Lord k vnwor- "*""'"•'** '"'» th ily ,(tiii be gnikie «f the body and blood trf the *»"""""• • •*" 28 + kb Let I every man therefore ermine hlai- t« of'.blV!."*'* lelte, aud i» iei iheju e«e of this brcad.aed drinke "'* »'o'-'*ut of ofthisctip. the thing i; lelfe, i9 forheethar€arethinddfinketh»n*orthilv ?nd a'aiiKrie. eatetb and drinkcth his owne ciamnaiion , keedufe » .ufly euailhed he eate, tary one for another. ^°7;^''^» »j"«^' 34 »J And if any man be hungry . let hira eate umoi.'^IhTch'cag at home , that ve ceme not togethcrunto condem- «"« fxa.-nine.bem- natioo. »♦ Otflcnhings will 1 fct in order when I l^'**' -"''>»^h. tord ,a a .owmw aftion of ,h, ;^bele church . «,d,bi,.fore ,h«e I no XJ forpr.v,„fupp^, ,3 The Su,f«ot tbe Lord wa, .oltiinted not .. feed the belU. bu. to feede the foule./..th Ae eommunioo of Ctr.ll, and ,l„„fc„ „ k, ^ ^ '^^ litefroin common b.«,«n ,4 Sjch thing, aipefieio,,oo,de, . 7. rl.ce. timt, for-rve of praye,. ,ud o.he, ft«h I,ke, the Apoftle tooke OTdrifo, iu Coo.LatW^ «oidi»g i«tb( cooMeratiao of tii»ei, placciaad ;erf»oi. 8"6"»»»a»- CHAP. XII. ht Jlfvnth thatfyirnual^in, an thfrtfirt Jft,t,'!j ItJItreeJ. t tha: thtftmu ixing icjvl] I, ttl, mher imfU,,d, ta ie>e( may jrcyi -Vf t.gtihe, into tni kdyfO^ifi in fuAtfUnn frofntion and mtdfirt, jo at iki nemAtr, tfmam t*S )itt. ^^ 2>^ Ow • concerning fpirituan^j . brethren ,1 . v G«ntil«s . and '^•l'* '***,"*': ^ cjied away onto tbedumbeidoles.asyet '^H'^u^l.^lSi'^ were led. (ifo.^bnain he 3 3 Wherefore 1 declare wnto yon .that no fn«hiheCoii. man ^ fpeaking by the fpirit of God . caJleth lefus '**fll'''*'"'V* ♦ c execrable : alio no man can fey that lefus is the SiVI^* w "ttl, - Lord, but by the holy Ghoft. Kihat^^ ' 4 4 Now thereare diverfities of gifts ,bw the »»iirf bragged * fame Spirit. »i».bi'"°^ ^ ^u ■ L I. . » . cotilideiatiooof their b-Ttbreo abof«l t. « i.a,o«o».nMt.o» . aad ft rabbtd tht Church of thuife of tbolegif,.. On tb» otbeifide . tk«io<;.riourfo.te»vi«4,lhe better , aad went aboflt to make a drpatroie . fo that allthat body wa. „ j, v.„#catiered and tfni in be". So then bergojng .bootioremedie tbtfe Jbuft. .«i11e.h Ib.m fitttioconridttdiHeeatly, tbey have notthefe gif.iofthei»fel«e« . but fToiB ike flee (,jce and librralitieof "> wcofeglorythey ought to berttnwtbem all. a Ig»,ra„> i^irl'J' i»i''P''''"'"J* eX't'i'^icu. a H*proveth tbe fjme by coaipanog their former natewii* thai Cod, vcboeia tbey were a«, hi. Hmt iodued.«ith thofe«cell«' gift., i ^, , ,«rl,m. t.,Jf fcri.,.. umJ rte C.i>e»a« .m.tr. ,„an.,rj. 3 ThecoKluli ,n : K„o« you theieforf. I maveyoiir Upp*. to hoiraur Cbeift withal|.ba by tbe grica ,a^foaJ ; you cacnot fo 1 ofth.holy" Chrift. „ , • . - alfo for them that 1 3 For by one Spirit are wcc all baptized into exhortand com- a one body , whether we be lewes , or Grecians, fort, whicb thing is whether we be bond , or free ,and have bene all Coffice.'a^tbe made to odrinke into one Spirit. wo.dot knowledge 14 » Fot thc body allo IS HOC one member , Dut agreeth to the Do- many, ftours. J lolf thefoote wouIdfay.Becaufelam not '2ZT^2l"» the hand , I am not of the body , is it therefore not workings ofGodi of the body ? migh.ypowrt, ig And ifthe catc wouldfay.Becaufc I am iiot wbichpaiTeand the eve . I am not of the body . is it therefore not excellamoogrt c i. l i his miracles as of the body ? the delivery of his 17 n If the wholc body wen an eye , where people ifraei by were the hearing ? If the whole were hearing, the hand of Mo- ^^^^^ ^^^^g (he fmclling ? L"Vid';rE;.as .« But nowe hath God difpofed the mem- ag.i.it .he priefts bers every one of them in the body at his owne ofBial.infeD. pleafutC. diugdovvnefire jg for if they wcrc all One member , wherc from heavf D to u i_ j- 5 eonfume his ucri- T'T'^re the bodlC ? u u. fice : and that 2o But now Are there many members , yet but which hee did by o|-,e body. te'rofAoa/iaTandSaphira. k Fo«««M£o/-fAmfJ «o corns. I Whireh m.nMaL,,^fle.i.io. X /^om. .a, J epfcr/ 4,7. « HeeaJde.h moreovef fome thing elfe .,0 wit . that although thefe gift. are vn.quall .y« |l>eyare molt wifely divided, b^aufe the will ofthe Spititof Godii the tuleof thud.ltti- bu ion. 7 He fetteih foorth h'ii fonnet faying by a limilttude taken from the body Thii fiyetb hee, ii manifeltV feene inthebodie , whofe m.mber.arediven. but yttfo knit logetber, that .hey make but one body. 8 The applying of the fimilitude. So rouft wee alfo thioke , fayeih bee , of .he myfticall body ot ChfiO , for tit wee that beleeve whether wee be lewe. or Gentile., are by onefeltefameBapuf. me ioyned together with o«r head , that by that meanei , there may be framed one body compaS of many mtmbeti : and weebave dranke onefelfe famefpitit , that 11 to fay, a fpirituall feeling .perceivtranceaad moiioncommon to ujall.oui ot one cuppe. m Chr-Ri.,niUt,.,.htr ytitl.hu Church. n Tchtccmt.wh.J}-tcvhChr,ll. . o Ej cne jmck'niif dnnke of the UrJn Uood , ntt arf m.tdi partakf" »/*" ""h Sfiru. 9 Hee implifietb that which followed of the firailitudti, ai if bee fllould f.!y , The vnitie ofthe body ii not onely not leftby this diverlme of memberi , but alfo it could not be a body ,if it didnot conlift of many , and thofe were d.- ver. memberi. to Nowe hee buildeth hit doftriDe upon the foundation, which hee had layrd : and litlt of all Oeecontinueih in hi* putpoftd fianliiudeandaftetwatd bee goeib to .be matter barely and limply. And tirft ofallheefpeakeih uototbem which would have feparated ihemfelvet from thorewhomeibeytnvied , becaufe.bey bad act fuch excellent gift, a, they :oowe thi» is .fayeih bee, a.ifthe footelhouli fay it were uo. ofthe body . becaufe it is not the hand ; or the eare , becaufe it 11 not tbe eye Tbereioie all fartts ought rather to defend the vnitieof the body , being rouptlediogetteriofetveone.beotber. n Againe , fpeaking to them , hee flieweih them that if that (hould come to palfe which they drfite , to wit .tbatall Ihoiildbeequall one.oanoiher.tbete would followe a deftruftion ofthe whole body, yea, and of ihrmfelves : for it could not be a body, vnlelfe it were made otf m-ny >enibers knit togeiher , and divers one from .be other. And that 00 man might tinde fault with this divilion as vucquall , hee addeth that Gtd bimlelfe hath coupled all '^ ihefe together Tbttefore all niun remiine couylcJ togtthei .that tht body may remaioc in (tft-j . Chap. X i i j. members ofthe boJie. Love. 7f 21 X* And the eye cannot fay uatothe hand, I ,, vowone have no neede of thee : nor the head againe to the the other fid , feete ,1 have no neede of you. heeipeaitetb'ao. 12 Yea, much rather thole members ofthe to^f»'«r> which bodie, which feeme tcbe p more feeble , are ne- ^i,",iorr.x. CeiVary. _ cellem gifts, 2j And upon thofe memberi w the bodie, wilitng them not which wee thinke moft unhonelt.put wee more ■°|,^'[[,''^''''* 4rt/ have more p,, fitibie.ana" comelinefleon. although they 24 For our comely f>arti neede it not : but ferved to no ufe : God hath tempered the oody together : and hath !°''*i°'':^%"*L , r ■' °i. ^ u- u hee.hatbinfaoll given the more honour to that pm v'^ich fo„,empere">" r . tifulliDembert 'care one tor another. can in no wife 26 13 Therefore ifone member fuffer, all (uf- lacke the more fer with it: if one member be had in honour , all abieftacdfuch the members reioyce with it. as we ate a^a- 'ill- 1- ^.L •« 1 Bed of , and that 17 Now ye are the bodie ot Chnft , and mem- ,b,y (hou^ ^ave bers for J-ewr ("part, morecare to fee 28 K And God hath ordained feme in the uototbem , and t» Church ; at firft Apoftles , fecondly Prophets, ""'l'^^,^,'^*' thirdly teachers , then them that doe miracles : af- ,he'n«c«fl5iie" ter that , the gifts of healing, t helpers , u gover- which ison both noiirs, diverfitie of tongues. P"-s - figbi keepe 29 Arc all Apoftles ?are all Prophets Mre all l^'f,^,:!,;,^:^. teachers? cord: that at- 30 Are all doers of miracles ? have all the gifts though ifech part of healing ? doe all fpeake with tongues ? doe all beconfidered interoretf apart, they areofdl, interpret? . , „ -^ ,» .„ vet. degree, and 31 '4 But defire you the beft gifts, and I Will conditioni. yet ya Ihew you a more excellent way. becaufe that ate ioyned tcge.her, they haveacoramunitieboth ineoKmodiiiei and dircoinmoditie., n of tie fmalleftand vileft office., and therefore finally accotintedof , oftfae reft. o Wee more carefully cover them. r Should bellow their optraijoounj ofli„, ,o the frofit and prtfervaiion ofthe whole body. 13 Noweheeappli,,h the fame deidriDe to [he Corinthian, witboutaoy allegorie , warning them that feeing ihetearedivera fundiocs anddiveis gilts ,it is ihrirdueiie .nottoclTcod one agjinftjnotter . either by envieorambi.ion ,but rather iha: tbeybting ioyned togrther in love and charitie one with another ,every one of ibem beftow to the profit of all , that which bee hath received, according a. hliminilterydoeth require. f For all Cturchet where. foever they are difperfed thorowthe *holf world , ate divert membertof one body» K F.ph, funs ^,11. t Tbe office, of Deacoot. u He fetteth foorth the ol- der e)f Elder, which were the maintaineri of the Cnurche.difcipline. ,^ ^^ff teacheth them that are ambi.iou. and envious . a ceriaine holy ambition and eavie.ta wit,if they give themfclves to the beft gift.Sc fuch a. are raoft profitable to the Churchi and foiftbey cooteod to excelioue another in love > which farpaHiith all other gifii. CHAP. XIII. I He fhtrvtth tkdt there are^ifit/o exctllent , rchich in Gtii filhi are not tcrrupi , ifChjriiieke atr.i^ : 4 and ihertfart he diyrelfeth ^vnto the commendation of it , "T" Hough t I fpeake with the tongues of men fir" oVch«i!ie, and a Angels , and have not love, I am ai Toun- the exceifcncie ' ding bralle, or a b tinkling cvmbal. whereof be firft a And though I had the'^«/f of prophecie . and |^]^"i^h''o''u't''i'' knew all fecretsand ail knowledge , yea , if I had ait oJbergifL'are all c faith , fo that I could lemoove § mountaines, as nothing b». and had not love, I were nothing. fore God, which 3 And though I feede the poore with all 'i='"s''fptoveth my goods, and though I give my body , that I Suftion^and nVrt. be burned, and have not love , it profiteth me lyaifobyan ar- nothing. gumentuken ofthe end, wherefore thofe gift, are given. For to what ptirpcfe are thofe giftej.but to God. glory, and tbe prclite ofthe Church, a. is before proved; fothattliofegift.withoatCbanTre;tH:te nO fight ufe. J ^ -very earneft kind ofamplifyini a matter , a, ifhtefnd , if there irereanj Unifei tf ^n^eli , and I had them , and didnot -uCe them tc the benefit ofmj nei^hhoUT , it vre nothing eh Im a i>aine and fra'lin? kindofhahklinf. b Thatfilreth i rude and no certaine fiitnd. e By faith , hemeaueihtherifiof d-iin^ miracles , and net that faith ivhich iujiified , vkich cannot te -void ofCh«i!it 4S thtcthermjij. 5 M«M7,ao. Kkk S 4 'Love Love. Tongues. Prophecy ing 4 I. Corinthians. 1 Btiefcfibfii pjniy by a eojn- ^jriToQ ofcon- tiariri, Jndpirrty i: Mfe • wtirreby tbeCoriabi«ci ;Tity vcdrrtlacd. uotb how oTcft- tiblc III .be Love d fiiffreth lorg: it is bounrifull : love rnvi.rth not : lovfi doth Hot boaft it f'elie : ^t is not [ivS'ci up : y Itdothe no uncomel)" thing : it feeketh not her owiic thing : ic is iiGt provoked to anger : it thinketh noif vill : 6 It rei^ceth not in iniquitie, but freioyceth in thetrueth : 7 It fuff,eth all things: it bcleeveth all things: it Iiopeth all things : itendiireth ail things. 8 3 Lovedoothncici fdtiawiy , tliough that prophecy ings be abolifl-.ed . or the tongues ceafe, ■ iVe vj ■ ■ Interpretation necefJary^ Cburcri, 2ai bo)V aecttfaiyand »!fj howfj.rtthfT »re br gi» nowleil<;e vinilli awny. b P/t learnt im^erfdllj. ^ He ftttetb foorth that that hefayd , by aa MCelln.rfiir.i liable comparing cbijjife to oar infancie or childhood, whtrein vwe rtag- jer and fta.nir.tr lather ihenlpike ,and thinke and undtrltandbatcbildiai tbings aud therefore have ntede of fach thirgi as may fortre aod fiameour i»ngue a-id minde : 3i;t when we become mm , to what purpole ftiould wee drhre that Itamnie- ring,thofechildi(htoyti,aiid fiicb like things ,whtrebyourchildhood ii framed by liile and little? « Thf applying oftbefimiliiudtofourchildhood to thii prefenr life, vihtreinweedstkely behcid heavenly tbmgi, according to the fitjall raeafure of light Vihich ii given ui.tbrough the uiiderllaoding of tongue*, and heaiingthe teachcriand iiiinifterioftheCti'ri.h ; ofourmanj igeand ftrengih , to that beaveoly and eternall life, wherein when we behold God himfelfe ptefeot.and are ligbtoei with bii full and yetfta light, towhai purpofe/hould we defireihe voice of man , and thofe worldly thingi which are mod impeifrft j Butyet then , &all all the Saiuti be knit both with Cod. and betweeoethemfelvei with mufJ fervamlove, and (h.reforecharitiefhall not beabolifll;d,but peifcfted. although it Hull not beftieweih fotrtb and entertained by fiicb maiierofduetiei as peculiarly and onely belong to tbe iurtrmitieof-ibijlife. i^n tin, mi'(lli U7,Jfr/>iUh a-mpjrifm. 7 Tbeconclufiju : At ifthe Apcftle finuldiaf.Suchihtreforelhallbeout condition rhen : butnow webave threethings, and ibey remalne futeilwee beCbrillei ai withcHt vibicb true religion cannot con filt. lowit .faub.bore.andchaiiiie. And among thefe,cbaritie iuhe chiefcll.becaufe it t«aleth rot in ihelifetocorae ai therelt doe . but is perfefted aod accompIiQled. For feting that faiih and hope rend to ihingi which ate proinifed.and areto come, when ■wee have pr,feoily gmten them.to what purpofe (hould wee have faith and hope > but yetuheie aileogib fliall wttiiuely and peifeftly lovebo:h (Jod, and oiie another. CHAP. XIV. I Beectmintnilrllilhi^ipicfprifhcjiti^: 7 *nd ly 4 fitith UluJe tuli'n tfmuficall i»j(?.-Knifn'-, 1 1 he tt.uhcth the true li'tiftnttrprtinithi Scrtj'tiires .■ 17 hfetak.eih anci) the JmCe : H xAyiti ftrk-Mtth K'min te/ptakf '<• th; Ccn^rej-atitit. TJ Ollowe I after love , and covet rpirituall^i/lt/, 1 He it.ftrfeih and nithei that ye nnav > niaphecie. «ow oi that, that •' / i r he fpake before : Therefore feeing char! tie «tliechiefefi of all, beforpalltbiogafei it before you aicbiefe nd f.) elteeinc thofe thir V" which protit the greater men:, aipr:pbecie,thatinofay,ibe gifts ofieacbing and afplyrjg the doctrine, wa«cootem«iid in refped 1 foiber gifn.ahbnu^b ii be ibe.Biefeft and nioftoe- ce'I.iry loiibe Church) and ntiithortwbichfor , ihcvt fee.iie to be ma veiloin as the gilt, of lot-pucs. whto a man waifiiddecly indued wnh ibe knowledge efmaoy ton- |«ri which made ineo greatly amazed . aod y;t of u felfe ««,■• not greatly to any vfe, SBlcTt tt«« w«i« ao iDterpiM.,, « ff A^, f,,- (,(„, „, j, /henit:i »> tiK thrril in'fi. X I ForheethatTpeaketha /?r<««|# b tongue, a Hereprebeo. fpciketh not unto men, but unto God, for no deih their pervjife msnhtarerh /./w ;howbeit inthecfpirit hefpea- '''^{:«'"'"itF>u- kethfecret things. ' "^ wo"-^ '*" ^"''' °^ ? But he that prophecieth, fpealceth unto men wli i- giv°n ?Io* to J edifying, and to exhortation, and to com- wit,toihei. fort. that the mylicrie* 4 He that fpeaketh ftra«fe language , edineth fi :cepc Upeahe to you, either by revelation, or by inorea knowledge, or by prophecying, or by dodrine ? 'J'= t^fj ak>u ^Y (■ Moreover things without life which give ^yln"'"^"^''* found, whether// tea pipe or an harpe . except fo)foothVhe"ci(t theymakcadiftinclionin the founds, how Ihail oftougneiwa.a it be kno wen what is piped or harpetl ? '^'"8 ««"« to be 8 And zlfo if the trumpet give an uncertai.ne t"^^"^ °t- f^°^ , found.who aiall prepare hir^^felfe to battell J aoo.rrabS 9 So likewile you, by the tongue, except yee the giftoftooguei, vtter words that have ffignitication, how (hall it ttiitat tteCorin- be vnderlloodwhatisfpcken'for ye Ihallfpeake .''''f •/''''' '""g"" »"theayre. ^ ^ ^ Zt^oZTZ"""' 10 4 There are fo many kinds of voyces (as it tei{»etet. wcicb c©mmethtopa(re)inth; world.andnoneof them ''^''•^•itbough it isdumbe. niightbedoneto 1 1 Except I know then the power of the voice, 'haTr/at' Ihei'"' Illialbeunto him that fpeaketh a Barbarian , and yet he corrupted he that g fpeaketh, fhalbe a Barbarian unto me. '"" "8^' *■'' <»'' 1 2 f Even fo , forafmuch as yee covet Ip-rittail TrfdtTrf'u gifts, feeke that ye may excell unto the edifying of no prcH. .0 Z '' the Church. btareti : and com- 1 3 Wherefore , let him that fpeaketh ^flrange '"o°»f""biiei tongue, h pray that he may interpret. wereioftimted ,., -A ■ -c . '. I and appointed act 14 6 For ' Ii I pray in a y?ra»£fftongue ,my foranypnVate k fpirit prayeth ; but mine underftanding is 1 with- mam commodity, out fruit, but for the profit I y what is it then ? I will pray with the fpirit, °^'^^^^°^'' but I will pray with the m imdcrltanding alio : I b J/z/j-^ff*.. will fmg with the fpirit ; but I will fing with the ,?■'•«,??> w/»v* »» . underftanding alfo. "'•^•' '*'' ^"iit- ' 16 7 Elfe , when thou blelfeftwith thenfpinr, t^ff^^lt"'""' how fliall hee that O0ccupieth therouine of the c sjthat'inrpiru. unlearned . fay p Amen , at thy giving of thankes, ""> rvUd, h haJ th, spirit , r»hich „otyvi:l,Jlj,odin^ h, aUfe'h.rchen hefpe-tke^hmyTt'-usthU «« ./ the company can imttrJlanJ. d IVhi.h may fAriHcr men i„ ihefiuJie vf ^oHinefTe. t 1 hecompany. 3 Hefetteth foorth that which hefaid . by a fimiHiu'de, which be boroweth and taketh from iaRrumeni.of muficke. which although they f peakenoc perfeftly yetihey aredfiinguinied by their loundi, that they may be the better yfed fTh^tJcefi,hvli,ril,ematieri,/ettl'. 4 He prooveih that int.rpretaiion iiof. eeiranlytobeioynedwitbthegift oftongue. , by the manifold variety of langaaeer, tiilomuch that ifotie fpeaketo aootbet without an ioterpreter , it ii ai if he fpake uot. g --^'tie Vupifi, m all ikcirfermm, undikty thai ambitiouPy t'lvreMt fimtHekrtw >r <.t,ekfn,r,h IS tht PHlpithif.re the U>UaTncJpecplt,th,rtiy u ctttl^m ^ name of ?'*.';"'"'■'''?'"■ f Thecooclufh.n. if they will .xcelliu thofe fpi.ituall gift., a. U.I meet,.h.yi«unreeke,h,proiitof.heChuich,ard.hereforeihey mull notvfegifc iteipteter to exfotmd the ftrangcScunknowea tongue, r.fth.oranothi'tintttpteier. h I'rsy fori ke ^l/t cf ufeiiiinot fufiicientforMito fpeakefoiii the Coogre. of ton . unlelle there be an i whethei it be himfelfe ifcat (f„ in:e,-prttaii.n. 6 A teafon.-Beci gatioD that we. our f,lv„ doe worQ.ip God in fpi,,,, that i.,according to the g, ft t-=at fi^able« n.wii; H' '"l""'"* '■^'•^' """J't'tood of.he company , left thatbeunpro. l.t.pir,M<'n,.yto,„jjiif,_ , Nof,ui,conmfhf,theCI,unhhmyfUe". m S. •"Iffcihir .arJmay io(!ruil other. 7 Au other reafoo : Seeinjf- "]?regation muH agree tohim thatfpeaketh . and alfo witnelTe ;hii thdt I may he litter, that the whole Con^ fpokenfno.thl'V' '^'J !>' ""'iT"'''"?"''"'-' v«hico know not wba, i. fpoken? D 0,.ely rr„k,..„ ..J ccnfUcration oft!,, he ir'.rs. o He,hu,f„e,l, a, a „im* »>4v, f i>tr-ncntini„t4thttr4!i-.rs.tnd«ttih<(tmpa,.y^nfntrtJ,^mcn, fee' semg Strmge tongues. Edifying. feeing he knoweth not what thou fiyed ? 1 7 For thou veteiy giveft thankes well,buc the 8 He p»oFcut=a«th ^^^er is not edified. iTfuXoAxZr i i 8 1 rhanke my God.l fpeake languages mors they.riybesfta. then ve all. med of ihtir foo- i^" Yet had 1 rather in the Church to fpeake lito ambiuan.aud q j^^g words with mine vndeiftanding, that I might tfXU\li^fvi- ^'fo inftru6t others .then ten thoufind words in a prange tongue. lo 9 Brethren, be not <• children in vnderftan- ding , but as concerning malicioufnes be children. Of Chrif^es refurreaion. 7^ Chap. X7. 3 y And if they will learneany thing, let tl.em aske their husbands -it hnme : for it is a ihatne for women to fpeake in the Church. 36 i« Cznne the w^rde of God out from you ? '« AgftiewIIeoa* efcbcw *n (\x{^v tioo of envie. J ^ VirjftVI vords. v«bXro f.«ly" but'in vnr<^«>g « every one of you »»r«. hath a Pfalme, or hath do(Arine,»r hatha tongue, * •'-'f'- ''•'"■- »r hath revelation ,er hath interpietation.let all 10 Tbeccndub- . , , it - ^ on Therefore the tilings be douc unto edifying. giftofioogue* 27 "3 If any man fpeake a /|rd«ffe tongue, /fr«r iMvethtopuoiBi [,g by two . or at the moft , by three , and that by the vnfaitbfull courie, and let one interpret. vDitfe it bVrd'r- 18 But if there be no interpreter .let him keepe led to prophecie (iicnce in thc Qhmch. , which fpeak^tlilnnguages, (that iito fay, to and let him fpeake to himfelfe, and to God. theinterpretattoa i+ Let the Prophets fpeake , two orthrcc, cf SctiptLie) aod J I 1 L • J ' r » .batthatwhicb and let the Other ludge iifpoken.bebf 30 And if any thing be revealed to another that toattntai;ei vii- littcth by, let the firft hold his pe.ace. detftccdofthe ^^ For ycmay allprophecie One byone, that all .i[* ADOthtrargii- '^'''y leame, andall may have corofoit. meot : The gift 32 And thet fpifits of the I'rophetsare fiibied: oftongueiv\iiB. to the Prophets. "o'Cf^'u^to- -^^ ^"^^ ^°'^ '^ "°^ //;e««»/:«8 wherefore, brethren, covet to pronhe- « 'f'- cie, and fotbid not to fpeake languages. ' >* i k'lfi'V in kinw 40 Let all things be done honefkly , and by fif,il"^u''',i!i'^'f,, 17 The Church oHgbt not to care for fuchaibe ftubbutnely ignorant.tnd will not abide to be taught, butto goforwaril notwitbiiapding iu ihoft tbingt which ate right. iS Propbecie ought fimply to be retained and kept inCongrega-.iont, taegiftoftcnguei iinoi to be fatbidJt* ,bat all thingi mult be done orderly. CHAP. XV. I The Gcfftl that Paul f,eacht4. 1 Tht de^-!, anJrlfiy- rtaimcfChrij}. S PMlfitreChriJl. 9 hi had pir/.- cmed that Church , rnhereofd^renrardhi reaim.irle u mini. fitr. 1 J ChrifiM rc/i a^ainl , a„d rpt aU/haH rifi b, hm. li ThtUJimemii, death. 19 Totitafna.tdf^r dtaJ. 3t ^U EfhefnsPaHlf,u«hfrriihlejlli. 3; &■» ihedtAdareraired. 4; 1 hefirjl ^i.Um. TheUfi^dam, «7 The firjl arid fecmdman. si )Vtfb*H tilhethan'tJ, we/hatlmtaUfleepe. ft VeathiBinr. sj yiihrit. fS Cc»jUr.cieindJlcdfafir.ef,. ' * " '^ * „ I The fixih UH' V|Oreover, , 4. brethren , I declare nnto you "■f«ofi'">EFiftie. the Gofpell which I preached unto you, """"■.'"* 'he «, which yee have alfo received, and wherein yec ufe^bat^n'ripB* ■ continue. cpaffiugover 2 And whereby yee ?.re faved , if yee keepe in from or.e matt* r memory , after what maner I preached it unto you, ■ ^ TH^'J' ^J"" b except ye have beleeved in vaine. ' Ln cgl nVX 3 For firll of all , I delivered unto yon that Wh'chui,ery ahjmd ,-indc»nntiite» l»t iUl tho bc,ee}:e, wnji reafe i he fruit e cf/.nth. § JJl».!3>S- > f'-*'-4-, *''"** a, I. « /eAnio,j9. t vf'hcfe intli>t fit-kld .t^i clnjtn ^f«jUe' .ivhuhtvcre tcmrenmh cuteUmeihe ,thm^-h Juilas Tf as fut out ef I le mrr.cer. d Hotfti/ent tim;i tint ttj-eiher (ind atcneinfUnt, * ^i}ttrj>S. x Heemaiuitincih ty the way, ihesuiDoriiieof hiij^i'iiltltlbip, vcfaich vtasrequiliteiob: in gco'lctcfiicamotig the Corin:hi3si , that thitE|iltle tnig'ot be of force and vveigbi amocglt chem. Iat»e meaue f<>foa becumpareih bimfdfe in fuch foil after aceitaioeditiDcatt , witbcct- iaineotbtr , that ketnakeibbiirftifrioferiour lotbeinall. * Hpdef.3.8. Epne''* 37. 3 TbeArlt argument to proov" that there ill rcfuircftioD fio>nlheflc24' Chrilt is lifra agiiine, tke:efutetta dead (hall rile agiitr. KKK 4 fiom The refurredion 1. Corinthians. ofthebodyprooved. from the dead , how fay Tome among you , that there is no refurrectinn of the dead ? 1 3 4 For if there be no rcfurrcdlioa of the dead, ♦ Th'feond by jjj^j, -J (,,,^i,, ^or rifen : * ,°hA' bf n'.",',fut- '4 f AnJ if Chrift b- t^ot rifen.then is our prea- rt«ioi of ihe ching vaine A.ul your faith is alfo vaine. JtiJ.tbtniinot ,j Afi J wee are found alCo falie witDcfles of ChMit rifcn«gJio«. Q^^. fy^ ^e^ have teflified of God .that he hath aI ^'fur°t,i' by raiftd un Chrift : uhom he hath not raifed up . if fo oib«t abfurdiiiti : be the deaJ bc not raifed. ifChf.nb.not i6 «Forifthedeadbenotraifed,thenisChrift Gof^l' I. i° vai«. I r A nd if Chrift be not wifed . your faith is aad ihi ibii yoa ;> •nd'thecrrdiw Vaine : 7 ye are eyet inyourfmnes 1 8 8 And fo thi .in.. and g^e perilhed y which are afleepe in Chrift, rHrKw" h 19 ' 'f '" f ^"'s 'if^ o"^'y we have hope in Chrift. t,,tUmt ar^u- we are of all men the mofl miferaSle. mrnt •ikjnofan ^q io Hut nov/ is Chrift rifen from the dead, abfurdi.i.. (.u.po- „ ^ ^, s nj^ae the + f hrlUruiies of them that fiBgto fliew how ^ thtrofurirai'.nof 2 1 i» Fof fincc by man Mwe death , by man Cori:t be taktn j^^, alfo the refurrcAion of the dead, "f^ftfrein ^^ For as in Adam all die , cvcn fo in Chfift lra,hU.h?/u. niall all be g made alive. nininirntofr.onf, ij i} Hut cvecy man in his § owne order : the in vainf ouU we firft fruites i» Chrift .afternardc , they that are of beUMfhit our Chfift, at his ComnWQ /hi II rife AgAtne. Jiv«r.!if « Th<- thitd argumrot which ii alfo taken from an ahfutditie : fr-r volefTc there beanoibtrlife > lAhercin fucb a> iruD aud Meevr io Chtil) flijil be bltffed , tbfy We'e the mift mifrrable of all crtaturei , becaufein ihii life they ate the mofl miferable. 1° A coaclufioo of the forme: argument. Thtrefote Cbrift iirifeo •gaine. 1 1 He« purteth the laflconclufion fr the fit ft propofiiioa of the argii- men that followeh. C rift ianfto agaioe, Tbertfore {hall wee the faithful! (for of them br ffvaketb ) rife againe : Then foiloyieih (he fiift reafoD of ihii coafeijjeDt : foi Ctrift ii fer f. orth unto ut, to be confidtrfd of not ai a privaie man apariand by him- feifr.but aiihe Stdfruitf • : And he lakrth that which wai knowtnto all men.to witi thai the whole beape it fanaififd io tht firii ftuiei. X Colof i , i 8. revelat. i.;, f Heealiudeub totbefiift ffiuie'ofcorDc.tbe offering wheieoffanftifitd the rtltof the froiti Another cotfirmaiion ofibefameconffquent : fotCbriltii to beconfidercd ai oppofiitio Adam .thaiaa from one maa Adam, finne came over all, to from one man Cbrift.lifecommetb unto all: that i»>of»y,.h2tallrhefai.hfull,ai.bfy die, becaufr by nature tb»y were botne of Adam .fobecaufe itiChriD they are made tbecbilHienof Gi dbygtace.tbey irequickftiedandrtCorKl tolifebyhim. (; Sh.t'l rifely t\it -verfe cfChrtjl, 13 Heedoeib rwo tbinei together : for he (heweth that the refurnftion i< io fiicbfort comrron to Chrift with all hi» mrmberi .that noiwitbftaoding/hefarie fifttb tb Sonne, embetl h 7 hefhi n^/,n,fH Ai. tfxmui tcUhT'tjII liffoHtd t/ai *'« f'tvit tkij (14KI, |4./«i.i,i3«'»^'0.«3. his enemies'' vnder his feete. 26 The 1 laft enemie that ihall be deftroyed , it ^ ^*"''* " ""f^' death. dettdhtre.uhe 27 * For he hath put downe all things vnder f.rmVifa'fir- his feete (And when he faith that all things are ■>"">', in -nhu-h fubdued to him , it is manifeft that he is excepted, "A'Jl *"■"''«* wkich did out downeall things vnder him.) ^/^^^ T-Mthl, »,. 28 And when all things ihall be fubdued unto cauft ihi, fcnt!' him.m then ftiall the Sonne alfo himfelfe he fub- vra-^htnhimcf left unto him.that did fubdue all things vnder him, !"' ^•">" . that n God may be all in all. /fh.Z^JJ,' 2p u Els what fhall they doe which are baptized ^tw, uuksn ' for dead ? if the dead rife not at all ,why are they h"" ''« •"''"'' then bapti zed for dead j "'''' f" ■'/"■ '/ io '« Why are wee alfo in ieopardie every ^^^j,';"'7'4'^^_,,. 31 By our p reioycing which I have in Chrift t r.uJn h ihst lefus our Lord, I die d.iily. death aifi fhaUt ii .7 If I have fought with beaftes at Ephefus %„""' '""''" q after themanerof men , what advanrageth it me, .j. ppi 8,«, if the death be not raifed up ' J i« let us' eate and Hth.i.i. drinke : for to morow we Ihall die. '? ^''^'"'"f' 33 19 He not deceived : eviil fpeakings corrupt '/JJX^^/'f"'/ good maners. ,/,,,, t,/„„, m» §4 Awaketo/«Wrighteou(\y,andfinnenot:for kectufi hu Mj, fome have not the knowledge of God , I fpeake *''''f this to your flume. Lnl^Xr" ?y *o But lome man wJll lay , How are the anj nm yn tvitollj dead ray fed up? and with what body come they furuktr cfhit foorth' ■ fl'o.^">"}» 16 »« O foole . that which thou foweft, is not {l"f t^,"„^ '," quickened, fxcept it die. toJincftht 37 And that which thou Ibweft.thou foweft sainnivhi.hhte not that bodie that fliall bee , but bare corne as it imhtgrai.i.fhj,^ falleth , of wheat, or of fome other. % ,lr"Srtnl"n: J 8 »» ButGodgiveth itabodyathis pleafure, («» cdri . »j /.« i» Coil, hath -uifut- ied ic him it hh Father h.fh.hui uld the Apoftlryfodayly caft them felveitn'o danger of foinaoy deaihi ? p ^ s though he fad , ' die dajllj ,ai aU the mjferi.-i T fuffer fan ve'J -wttnefrej-irhich J mJv irUeij h.tfl 4/, that I tid)>e furred amortgl- j,u. 17 The taking away of an obiedion : bunbon Pauldidft ambiiicufly >ai conmooly men ait woont to f Thjfe are fpeechet that Ei'icures ufe 19 Tneconrlurnn with a Ihatpe exhorta- tion that they lake heedeof the naughtie companie ofcettsine : fr^in whencehre ftie. weib ibatthij niifchieff fprang; warning tbrm 10 bee wife with fobtieiie untorighte- oufntlfe 20 Now thithe ha h prnoved the rtfurriSion , hediftrureththeij dolii(hntffr,in iha:tbeyfcoffingly dtmanHed how it could be that the dead ftiould rife againe, and if ibty did rife againe they a.ked mockinsly what manner of bodiet thry ftlou'd have. Thrref.re he fendeth th.fe fellowti which fmnrd to ibemfelveJto be marvellous wife and wittie , to be inllrufted of fooie rude hulliandmrn. 11 Thotl mighieft have lea. ned either of ibefe , faith laul ,by daily experience : for feedis are f iweii and rone, and yet noi withltanding (., farre ii ii off, ihat they petilh ; ibat coo- tr.riwife they grow up farremore btaoiitiill ; ami whereai they arr fo wen naked an hid atfetd t>MofgLtit,and htiutie I) Fried frcm the f.rm,r Vt.= k.""!]'': Txhereui i' it fuk- tkti aid ihan^f, tha' it ctnuei tnainUint iiftlfe •ffithout meal and dr'nk' • ^ndfuch tthlrli^e h/lpei. 34 Heftieweth pcrfitly >Done \»cid tbii cbaoge cfibequalitifof the bodicby tbe tie Uitn.tnat 01 * ji in >• a iiioiutiii , in mi, iv»iiji\iiiig ui di natural! bodie,it at the laft § tiumpet : fot the trumpet ihall bl r t'liili boT'^hich 2nd the dead ihtU be railed up iucorruptib.e , refurreaioa , w.btn ft»ali not all ileepe, but we Ihall all be changed, he faith, that of a j2 Ineamoment, in the twinkling ot an eye blowe, I body which -""""'r"'. "j *" *■ • ^"^ two qualit'eibe- »« called tbefirl! man, bfcaufehte ii y rooteajit were tiom whence wee fpring:& Cbiift iithe la.te. tnanrbecaufe bee it tbe beginning of all them that areipirituall.and iu him ^leeareallcomprrbended, 4. Gtn.j,;. y Chtijl 7: caUta .t Spirit , tj, rtjfen tfthai mc/; exielleit nature, that ii In faj.GcdvhodtfiilcthiTi himhdi!j,ai ^liam it [jt'ed J lifirtffcule , i> re^fr. of ti., foule vchuh ii r^ehejl fan in him. j« Secondly be willtih theothetoftbi» double flate ct qnaliiie to be oblervcd , that t • oaiutall watfitft.Adam beting created of (ht clay of che earth :and tbefpiri.u.ll followed and came upon it , to wit > when a, the loid beting lentfiom he-ven . endued our fltfll wbrct war trepared and made fii for him , with ete fulnet of the GodocJd. z Wal- lowingin dun, and wholly given to an earthlyoaiure. a Tbe Lord ij laid to corned owne frcm btavtn by that kindt offpttcb wb.rtby thai wkich 11 proper 10 one ii vouched of another. 17 He afi'lyeih loth iheeartbly catuialnelTt nf Adam (if J may fe lay) to oat bodiej, fo long ai they are naiurally convttlant on tartb , to wit.in tbij life , and in the graver and alfoibe fpnitual it ofCbrill totbefameciK bodie,, afier ihat ibeyare rif^n againe .andhtefji h tbatifcatgoeth before and ibij fliall follcwe. b Notava!5eand falfe image, bur fiich an onea»bad tte tiueth with ii indtede- J8 The conclufioii r We cannot '.epjitiktr. of ibtglorie of God, vnlclfr wepat r£F all that groffeand fikhie naiute of our bodie, lubitft 10 cor- ruption , ihaitht famtbodiemay be adoratd wiib iDcorrupiiblt glorie. c Fitlb »dd Hood arenktn here for a living bodit , which cannot at taroe t» corruf tion, un- lefleitputoff.oituptioB. 29 He gceih futthe: .deelaiing that ic (hail come to psfl'e ibai'.hty which ftiall be found alive in the Utter day , (hall not defceod totoihat corruj >ti >n of the grave , bat (hall be renurd with a fuddtn change , wbich change is Tcrie t<:c]uiliiie : and that the ceruint tnioying ofihebcntfite and vi^urie of CbiiR, it dtftirtd unto that lattertime. d A ibm^ that baihiir.4,ii. Cclltaioni IB Id time wtre ladt by the Ajo. nieiappoiatmeot j4 So when this corruptible hath put on in- x o.'e.,.M4. , corruption , and ihis mortall hath put or, iramor. t^b.a 4 taliiie , then (hall be br. light to pafi'e the f? chaia , and that they have b given themfelvesto beobeditnuoihem, miniflerunto the Saints.) ""itdb'T'" '" *" i6 Th.uyec be 'obedient even unto fuch.and mt,, i/you"iti'o"id to all that helpe with us and labour. fte.rg .tty have be- 17 lamgladof the cumrr.ing of Stephanas. and flowed thtmfeive,, Fortunatus.andAchaicusifor they have i'upplied ="=fi' g -odMo I c J I I helve Touwiihalk the want of you. ,^ *^J„;, i,J^,, ^ 1 8 For they have comforted my ^ fpiriteand i Takeihtm'fsr yours ; I acknowledge theiefore fuch n^en. fichmen j, th*f 1 9 The Churches of Alia falute you ; Aqnila "'• '^<«^ and ■ brother Apollos.l greatly i;"^^--^,*^; The profit of alRidions. «Romi6i« '■'^'^ Prifcilla wth the Church that is in their » uf.s \\ ' houfe, O.h'.te yoii greatly in the Lord. 20 Al! t^^e Srfriiren grecte you.Greete yee one anmherwi-h n « holy k'^e. 1 1 Thefaiutation o- w* Paul with mine bwne hjod. £. f. ■, *a'irj/ iz Ifany man love nor the Lord lefus Chrift, *""'./ ' j'Trl '""^ *^''" ^^ ^^'^ '" t^xecrationm maran atha. at m».l, ic /v ,41 '■ir Lord ctmmtth- ' t t'txt kit mt*nii,i md) li thu.Ltl himtt accUr' /&• tl-en I' iht tunmini tfiht Urif tktt it it/aj.t- mt dtnh aa] , t>tnftr tl>ir. t.ff.i.,A. m F.j t'li/i w ij hxkrntd l,t 1 1. Carinthians. Not Yea, and Nay^ 2} The grace of our Lord Tefus Chrift <« with Chrift lefus. you. 24 My love bi with you all Amea. The firft Epiji!e to the Corinthians, writtfn from Philippi,a«^/J«fby Stephanas , and Fottunatiis , and Achaicns, andTimotheus. THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAUL TO THE CORINTHIANS. I Set tledrclart. rionof fuchfalu- tatiooiio tbef«r. uict Epinld. »■ Ephef.i.j. 1 ptir.i.j. a H«b7 He fuith it ivai rut »fon »nj li^htneffe, thtt ht come net, ttcurding^ Ic hitpremifi, A U L I an Apoftle of I E S U S Chrift , by the will of God , and our brother Tirnotheus , to the Church of God. which is at Co- rinthus , with all the Saints, which are in all Achaia ; Grace ie with you , and peace from God. ourpather ,and/r#w the Lord lefus Chrift. 3 4. 1 a Biefl"ed6s God , even the Father of our Lord le'.'us Chrift, the Father of ^ noercies . aud the God of all comfort, 4 which comforteth us in all our tribulation, 3 that wee may be able to comfort them which are j^'n any ^fftidion by the comfort wherewith we our •" fclvcs are comtovted of God. rVth tobimf.lfi" S Fo- JS the '^ fuffsrings of Chrift abound in us. bf^inciog hi. E- fo our confolation aboundeth through Chrift. p<:iie with the f«. g ^ And whether we be afflifteJ . it it for your tingfortboftbe confohtion and falvation , which is <* Wrought in tilZp. Zlltr ttie enduring of the fame fufferings . which we alfo nsd(a«i't(hoiild fuffcr : or whether we. be comforted , «f»/ for your ffe.nt; by their confolation indfaK-ation. JmportuDi.ie, y And oi:r hop2 is ftedfaft Concerning you , in ."J^cifiorto dt." 2S raucli as wee knowe , that as ye are partakers of fpifrhimbyiMfoa the fufterings , (opjoU yw^^ alfo of the conlola- ofhiimifrriM. tion. thT-'hT'r'f''' ^ y For brethren, we would not have your ig- 'fflUej'.'butth.t norant of our affliftion, which came nnto us in biicomforndoe Alia , who we Were prefTed out of mcafure pafljng excccdhiiaffli- ftrength, fo that we altogether c doubted even of ft■'^)^l,Olfv»i^gthe jtf^ »v€ni'be''mrrcrf"<-f 9 Yea , wec teceivcd the fenteace of death in G dtbtFJthetia f 0!ir fclvcs , beciufe wee Ihould no: reft in our irfu. Chrift. fclvcs. but in God, which raifedthc dead, a To bi.ti btpraile •ndgloritisiveB. b Mo ft merciful I. 3 The Lord doejli comfort u» to rtii ,ndei)uT|>ofe thai V9<:e may fo much the more fuffly comfort oihdri. c Tire n>ir,r,t, Trhich irte P*!f" for Clrrifl , or wWcfc Chrift ft ftreth in us. 4 H«« Henyfihibateithfthiiaffliftiomwhtrewith heewai ofienaffliatd, or the ccofola- ti^ni wlicb h« ifcc.vid of G»i . may iuftly be defiiiftd , fieing that the Coriutbiani both might and ought to take great occjfion to be ccufiimed by either ofthein. d .Alihuiij^h filliuiion kt ^ilien HI freely , jetl/tcuKfi thcriit dlvaj affointcd Ut Jrt'rliriVi yvie rrmfl comt toir, vkis r^it nftn iarttctnt *r>Jupri?hi hfi, iriii-l, -ivie mufi runits , therefore nee jre ft_^,!e ti -KCrkc c»r fall>a>ii>n, thihppi^ns a, 1 2. ^J keciuCe u it ^:l>d tnel) thtt ,p,i, fnt ^ojrf mil/ ipor/(f(/, «'/ ihin^i in m, , ihtrefcre it !,<:> f'^idt to -rrorki >h: fal)>i^iin i„ ,t< hy theft felfe fUm! tUn.shji tfliierUfliiif_ U'e tftr t\j.t ivee h^lte cnce tierceme ,iU in- tam^r.txeet. f tiee witnetTrtb'ibat beeii ootouely not alhamed ofbii affli&ionti hut that be diliiMh alfo to havealimeo koowihr grta otfli! of them , and alfo hii rfelivetiefiom thfin, altSnugb it be Oct yet jjer.Ste. e I kou/v not at ail what to •Ice. neitber did I fee by siiol btljie whith TV2y tjfav« ray life, f I wai rjfjlved SVichic tny feU'cio ^^i grace, 16 Andtopafleby yon into Macedonia, and '^"'^ , ID who delivered us from fo g great a death, g Ffom tieft gren and doeth deliver ut : in whom we truft, that yet '**°8«"- hereafter he will deliver us. f Th°aTh'e'm,°y U •!• « So that yee labour together in pray- notfeemeteboaft erforUS, 7 that forthegift^<'^9T/fe<^ upon VS for himfelfe, beanri- raanis.thankes may be given by many perlbns for ^oJ^il'ere'iXth'alfo "S. ..,.,.. confeDeih tbathe 11 8 For our reioycing is this , the teftiraonie of aittibuteih much our confcience, thatin fimplicitie & godly ^ pure- " theprayersof nefle,eyo''gi>"» T „ V 1. I 11 • . J be prtciou»uat» I truft ye thail acknowledge unco tne r end. y,/ 14 Even as yee have acknowledge us partly, 8 Secoodlyhe that we are your '» reioycing , even as ye are ours, pu"«''> away «o in that n day of o«r Lord lefus. °'^" ""^*'' "> ly And in this confidence was I minded firft to iTgh't „jn, a^ fuck comeuntoyou, that ye might have had a o double aoaeaswamot ^ Icgotly to be cre- dited, feeing that (come againe'out of Macedonia, unto you, and coine°un':o them, to be led forth toward ludea of you, and catne not. 17 9 VVhen I therefore was thus minded, did I Andriritbefpea- vfe lightnefte ? or mind I thpfe things which I ^"^Jf^^l^'^J^" mind,accordingtothei'fle(li,tha£ with mee Ihould andVLelitre'." * be,qyea,yea,andNay,nay ? which tbey know 18 10 Yea, God is ^ faithful!, that our word to- both by his voice . ward you. was not Yea, and N.iy. fen'°od JheiouTht 19 II Forthe Sonne of God lefus Chrift. who ,g j'cknowi'dge.t was preached among you by us, thttt is, by me, and alfo in hi. ictitn, Silvanus, andTimotheus ,<■ was not Yea, and Nay; being abfent : and but in t him it was Yea. .^ ,. .. XbVhafhe^'^Iu 20 " For all thepromiles ot God in nira ^re utvei be other. Yti, and are in " him Amen.unto the gloty of God wife. through MIS. h Withcleerenei. ° and holy and t'ue plaionelfeofmiride ,a« God hitnfelfecjn witnefle. i Tiiiiiiog toibat verjr vrifedoine, which God of tisfieegcdioelTchaih given tne from htaveu. k He fayeth he wtitteth barely and funply: for be that w'itieih in coulouted fort , ii rightly faid towriie otberwife then wee reade : and ibis bee faieth the CoriDihiaoi (hall knoweand-likeofvevy well 1 Pertitely. ra Pauliteioycing in the tord was .that bee bad wonne the Coriathiani ; and they ihrmftlvejteioyced that fuch an Apoltlewaitheir iHltruaour.andiaugbtihemfopurelyand fiocefely. u When he Ihjilfit asiudoe. o Auoibetbeottii. 9 He puaefa »w»y iheir flaodtt and falfe report by drsying it , and fiill cfall iu that chat Jivri went about tjpeifwade the Corinthian., that in the preacbiag of toe Gofptll , Taol acrred not 'ohimfelfe : for ihii waitheniiitier and the cafe. p Ai '"oi doc, wbich wiUialllly promifeany thing, and change tbeir I'urpcfe at every turning of an band q That I ftinuld faf andvnfay a thtng. |0 He caliei.*! Gi*J to witutlTe, and for iudje of hisconllanciein preachingand teachingont ftlfcfame Gufpetl. r True, and ofwbufe fiithfulneOe it where ho rible wickednelTeco doubt. 11 Heioyneth alfo '.vith luinfelff,bi,fellowei (. wit that wee hive dominion over your fJi'lowc».wi:hout fjiih,bnr\veeare helpers of yourMoy: tor by doing iniuii<- to faith ye Hand. feeing tt"t°hf/thW,f. Iv« .loe know dl thi. to be tru<. y Ao earntft, is , wbat- fo.v,ris aiv.n.oconfinn. a pron.ift. 14 No« cotuming to th. in...i«, b. fv.;.a.et!i. .hat he did "o, oDdy . not lightly alter bi. f utpof.of comming ,0 ti>.m . b..t rathet tha- le came not unto tbciii for tbiicaufe , that hee might not beconftrained to deale more (hairly-W'tb, hem beiogfr.fent. then he. would. z Againft my felfe rndtothedangerofn,ineo«nelife. ,! Hee.emoovetb all fufpu.on of artog.nc.r, dKUrioe:hatb« fpraktth not aia Lord untothem , but as a fetvant , art«inted of Cod to comfort tbtm. a Heefeitetbtbe ioy aud peace of coofcircce , which God 11 auihour of, againft tjraonoui featt, and therewitball Iheweih the eod of the Goff ell. , C H A p. II. I Uti ixcufeihhis not camming ur.ts them, z anifr-iiil} rttrthenifth ,him : 4 Htcfhcireth tUtfxch u hi, affeiV. onieiv.trer renjceth Ut TX>ltenthl} are mtnU. < Percthinz, <'" uMlirer (n'htm be com- minded to ke delivrrii»f tt SMan) to rrptnt , hee rojuelieth ih.it ihtj f»r?ii>e him. 3« Heemenlionethhuioin^ into Mitedoni.l. But I determined thus in my felfe , that I would not come againe to you in a hcavinefle. a Cauiing ^rieft a- ^ ^qt if I make you forie , who is he then that So Jid'hre ' fliouW make me glad , but the fame which is mads done ifbe had come forie by me ? to them before icey ^ And I wtotc this fame thing unto you , leaft had repemed them, ^hcn I came . I fliouid take heavineffeof themof b F.r I truQed whom I ought to reioy ce : this b confidence have that you would I in you all , that my loy is the foy of you alU take that otit of. he por in great aifliition , and anj^uiUT cf heart way foorth with. jy^^Q^(, nnto you with many teares : notthatyee L'.'d^fl^terTer fl^ouldbemade fory . but that ye might perceive w.th,conf,de,ing the love which I have, fpecially unto you. how you are pet- . i And if any had caufeJ forowe , the lame fwaded that my j^^^j^ ^^^ made ■= me foiy , hut i partly (leaft I Qiould rHep^X,;7o more e charge U^) you all. another part of g It is fufhcient unto the fame man. that he was this Epiftlf: which rebuked of many. Eotwuhftanding u ^^ ^y^^^ novs contrariwife yee ought ra- ^"ft'whmumo rher to f forgive l>ir„ . and con-fort Um , leaft the he retutn<.h after- fame fliould be fwailowcd up with overmuch ward.and behand- hgavineffe. Itth tbereieafiog g yyherefore, I pray you.that yea would g con- :b^'in"ftuouf firmeyonr love towards him. , , .^ pe.fon .becaufe hi 9 For this caufe aifo did I wnre : that I might feemedtahave j;j,o„ the proofe of you .whether yee would be givtofufticient obedient in all things. itrancefC- 10 To whom yee forgive any thing . Iforpve Ing the tr.evfe of alfo : fcr verely itl forgave any thing, to whom I .xcnmmunicati- fort>ave it, fot your {okesfor^Ave J it in ins h light ban"d but of 1 1 LeaftSatan (hould circuinvent us:for we are love'and foead, not ignorant of his ' enterpriles. Uanifwekeepe ,2 3 a Furthermore , when I Came toTtoas f» no meaf„re>we f^ thrifts Gofpclaud a doore was opened unto fttve Satan the r r 1, t ^,A rt«ili me o; the Lord. ^.. , r,r , cZ'ifi'ef.jd. 13 I had no reft in my fpirit, becaufe I found - [T,ttuiflJhi'nn''^rply,y'»Vc»Unorvr''li^ehim. g That at mj I ■'^"/^''/fr ;„iS » Hereiuruethto.btcoafirmationofhi.Apolilelhip,an4 briDgexh finh 'he tefutnouiM, l«.th of bis lAour, wdalfo ofGoi. bUff.Bg. not Titus mybrother.but tookemy leave of them, and went away into Mscedoiiia . \ 4 Now thankes l/e anto God , which alwayes maketh ustotriumj^h in Chtift , and maketh ma- nifeft the !t favour of hisPknowIedge by us in every k He aSuJni t, place. .J thlojnlini of thi 1 y 3 For we are unto God the Avftte favour of /^'^f ^yr,^/*r„ „•, Chrift, in them that are faved, and in them which '^'^•^I'v'""' J'""' periih. 3 Htdenieihibat 16 To the one T/fs^tr* the frivour of death, unto ought fcouidbe deatb.and to the other the favoi-r of life, unto life : "l^'" ^^.'v f~'.» , , ' r rr ■ r 5 r L* the diPDi'ie ot fcii 4 and whoisfuffic-.entfortheiethings ; _ Apotiieft-.ip.be. 17 ^ Fcr we are not asmany, which -^ake caufe they fawe imarchandife of the word of God : but cs 01 fin- evidtmiythatir ceritie , hut as of God in the fight of God fpeake ^"(^""^"/J'^'^^jf^ weinChrift. i^','v«y place. nay rather very many reitfied ard de>-ned him . feeing thai be preacbeth Cbrift , Dot one! y as a Saviour of theoi ibat brleevf, but alfo aialudge of them that contemne them. 4 Againe, he putte tb away all fufpition of artogancie , attributing all thing, that he tiid , to the vettue of Goi , whom heferveih fincertly, and wiihoutail di(booeJVa«f«« aion ■ whereof tt maketh them witceflit even to the (S.vfife of the next chapter. 4. Chap.4,2. 1 We doe not handle it craftily and covetouHy, or lelTefincerely theti we ought : asd hevfetb aroetaphore whichiitakeofrom bttcklUu.whivh vCew play the falfe harlot! with whatfoevei commeth ia;o their handa. CHAP. III. 1 Ht Jifirtth nto'-her CI mn-.ir.diiien, 3 ihtn ileir emtl'iuin^ in thefjith. « lie is j mmijler ml of tU letter, lul of t':of- \>tih 'if Sfh'v, »>( be rn^Jri glor ious ? CI t itiJ i>'i'»i i/.»/ glorious, much more Hull that which remaineth be k Ts ycf, of CMP , nkUli ktiHg impu. iirBf.Wf dre not tneh net cemJent' ntJ, h.}ta.C^ ihtie^ cimmindt- mfniithemr'lt"', ' ',^fit-rTli^M be aboliihed 3 HceOifwfih ■ , "' 14 Therefore their mindes are hardened : for whcttiniuodeth ^ untill this diy remaineth the fame covering unta- ken away in the reading of the olde Teftament, gioiious. 1 1 3 Seeing then that we have fuch truft.we ufe great LoldneUe of (peech/ K + And we dre not as Mofes , which put a jpon his face , that the children of I/rael •f ''i'f'i '^"'"^ "o^ looke unto the m ende of that which rK,^_v4a)Ull I glory iiicbe calogorchc Gofpcl. tbatihiticr<:c:etb foorib piainely *aig in cur he.irts,yvhercunte tl/i tht L^n uftlfcui. $ Ichn^.,^. ; Going foiwird ia the allrgoty ofitfCovftingihecompa-eththatGofpel toa gUlfe .which although it be moll bright and ffurkclicg ,yetdoeth itoot ooflynot daitt their eyei which lockeiu it, aithe Jaw doth, bat alfo tracntormeth them wirh hiibeamei, (o that they a!fo be partaktri of the ploryand (hining of it , to lighten otheri : at Chrift fayd unto hit. You a/e the light of the world, whereai he himfelfe wa» the onely light. We are alfo com- mapd^d in anoihtt place, to (liioe ai caodltfbefore the world , becaufe we are part»- lofGoJi Spirit. Bu' Paul fpeaketh here properly of the min!lter«ofiheOolpel> •-■ ~-t goeih before, acid thanhat counietbafirr ,aiul that. >i iiap((ejrethboibby tha feuiDgihem tiiowocezan :and hitfclluw^i. C H A P. iiir. I HtPimtttith^tkchatkfilabcurtJinpreJclyin^ theGtCfef, 4 Thxr fuchsreiVtnUindtdof Smn,nlic dcenai fCrctiiit the hijhmejft thtreof, j ihut t'^e/jme iicariedin earthen Vepeli, 10 rrlio ireftthiefltcmanj mrjeriei : iS jarf thcnfyrehee exhcrttih ihim ly hit olrne example toitetUra. fivas, 17 andccniimniihisprrfnibft. I wi^utth'h"" T "'^'■^for^' • Teeing that wee have this mini- ho'^Te'and bi." '^^"^ • ^s wc have received mercie , we » fainc rellomei(thrnii(;h "Ot : the m.rcy of God; I Ri t havc caft from us the b cloakes of ihame, •o'ddueti>'r"'''h I ^"'■' ^^"^'^ "°^ '" craft inelle , neirher handle wee .nd fince'e'ly'neg.^ the wotd of God c deceiifiiUy : but in declaration I'fiingaii dangeri. ^^^ t^e ttueth wc approve our (elves to every mans » ' h.m^h ne »re counfctence in the fi/ht of God. ^"ken-nfiet, 3 > If the G.%i'be theti hid. it IS hid to them that are loft. r«fUe rvered.nne, andUrk^nf, U,U,,,„.ur the,rr>,am,U.. the men .bemfel,.,, Whofe eye Sa.aa ^lucketh out , who ruleih in .hi. wcrld And ye. no.wi.hftandn.g d.ie.h hL' and hi, .• Uown fet *^D3rihthemon cleare li it wtrcfccBc. 4 In whom the god of this world hath bli„- . ,., .. ,, . ded the minus ti.at it.oi the inHdels.that the d light fUiT-'l^dii!;'. of the gioiious Gofpel of Chrift. which isihe' fmt'freadik^' image ot God, il-.ould not ihine unro them. """'' •«J"*/«r* J 3 For we preach not ourklvcs . but Chrift 'a^^P"^ lefus the Lord, and our Pelves your fervanrs for ,Tni,hcm,h, fu. flefuslake. ,hcrfe«e<'nj'ifetcbe ftent fhineout of d.rkenelle, is he which hath ihined in '"''J''"^"'- . our hearts . to give the h light of the knowledge of a«c;d"'r°o'bi'. the glory of God in the face of lefus Chrift. accuitomed ma. 7 4 But we have this treafure in earthen vef- '"'•^" '""'"F''»a fels, f that the exceilencie of that power mi"-ht be °[*"'^l'"'° ■ ""»• of God and not of us / ° ctt.*;,'- b^^iir 5 We are atflided on every Tide . yet are vve but ai a fervant. not in diftrcffe,; we are in doubt . but yet wede- ""^ witntm,ig fpairenot. that aihhii light 9 hV* Ate perfecuted . but not forfaken : caft f^itwe'lVve^o' downe, but we penlh not. othtr, proceedc;h 10 * Eveiy where we beare about in our bodie ^^""^ ''" ^°"*- the i dying of the Lord leUis.that the life of lefus ^Z° r""'',"!"'' might alio be made manifeft in our bodies. L on il For we which k live, are alwayes delivered + Gea.r.j. unto death for lefus fake . that the life alfo of le- B yvhi.h r„»d< on- fus might be made manift;It in our I mortall flelb 'if r^^-hhi, y,»d. 1 1 7 So then death woiketh in us . and life in teldlfclS' y°"- fhoKUinlikefirl 13 » And becaufe we have the fame m fptrit of i'^' ''"" ''£>""> faith, according as it is written, J I beleeved.and "''""• . . therefore have 1 fpoken , weeallb belecve . and *numbi.n.b1^k' therefore fpeake. by which «,. 1 4 Knowing that hee which had raifed up the ^^^kmti . amongH Lord lefus. Ihall raife us up alfo by lelus, and ihall „ '"' '^'^('s^'. fet us with you. fli.n.ng of the im. T- 11 L- r ,- ■ niUerieofthe If 9 For all things are for your fakes," that that Go(pell..o wir. moil plenteous grace by the thankefgiving ofma- becaufetheApo- ny , may redound to the praife of Gud. ftieiwereihe i6 Therefore wee faint not. .'but though our 7il'!'^^"»tuf outward man penlh, yet the inward man is ore- fAe«.h'tha.he«J newed daily. all hi. fellowej 1 7 For our p light afflidion which is but for a "'" "»»"«"" moment, caulech unto usa farre moft excellent W v;t'!h"re'l'in'',bem an eternal! weight of q glorie : - { ^oit preciou. 18 While we iooke not on the things which are treafure. leene.butonthe things which are not feere-for the ^ ""bri^geth things which are feene. are temporall : butthe rr. w^Ve't'orJ doth foafflift hit chiefeilfervanti, tby any manivertue. ....... they d.ea ihouiand ,i„„ , but never iHe termer lenience, wherein he comparetb his ve,.ueoftbeS(i,i,eofGodinCbMft,,oiife. 'Seihihai rn'rerahie t(l.fe ar,d .md'tion, "■""• k Whichlil'e.ihallife.t, 'odfij.real mi/hie,. | Sutiettio Therefore to be (ho,., wee die, ,ha, you m^y irb,Tu?;'"t'V '^5'"! '"""'' ^*'" into all ibcfe dangerrfor the bu iHoCrchlcbe a?' ^^' ' k*' "'"'V'!."'''''* confirmeall.he fai.llull w.tb theex^m^Usff h^'", *' ''\ u''T"^T:'' former fenence. (he«mg that bee .nc^ h.s fellowes die V f ''"I""'' '!>« oth.rs buty,,notwitiirar.ding,beyarepa,tak3,hJr V' H^^ .hey themf.lve, doe firlt beleeve ■ha'^, wbkh ,hev urlo ^T 'T''' 'Ti ^'"''^' bow.hi, ccnilanci.-i.rreferved iothe™, T„ V"'-"*"''- 9 Heelheweth •'fon n.e ./UM ,n /, ^ r^ redo<4..d ,^ .1, l!"-'/:'."'!^ ''.'"'/'". •"•'"''^W'.^ff te ?.ir«i lo Heeadiieihaiit wereairisrapha inwa.dly heeprofi ( fullained in this liti. I.e. "r-"— >.'.uatmoltccnftaniaBdeteroall glo.ie. --' ' fli..l,t.r,l..^r7 , , P ^fr'^'n'trenitcaSidl^vht.t, 'K'.'.nhemf,l^, M" ■u.yr.ard man le no, o}„rcome ivi>h >he , I he, »„ indeed, urrvholelifeijof no f,e^,knx 'onfiJune, ' Tbccameftof the Spirit. Chap. 7. vj. CHAP. V. • Htctitintutkin thlffntitr^umiHt, « tvitdiUgl'rt tlnMmth^tifj'aii/.^ttoif t ikrtn^i f.iith, ,» „., ,, fr*-fiii ""i und hrt Churth it/lire ^iiijti, ij and eOttmitli iMiiF iut l.lvnilfi ./ic I, £*«/». fro « «i know ihat if our earthly boufe of tbis b.Tit*?Ur**'"' t,!befn?cU h- deftroyv-d , wee hjve- Duilding eortpitifoo , ihe« ^<><'« of God thit U , au hoolc not na^do wscn comfiareikibii The word of fecondliation. 7^ •I ii<> In ■tntiift, to a tHiJe and bric- kie tiarreicle, t- I aiut) ««b1u:li h«e ftftteili Hie heure-ti ly r«l>erp.seK fo terming ibat (Vre tud evKl^lHag tk*Qiii.but ctKciiali in ihe heavens. i F J* thet store «c Ugb , defiriag to be » cloa- thed wuh out hoiifc , wbacb is frora i hcavcD. 5 • B.'c^u<'a that il we be clo°ii i'l^- J And be «.h« hath* created us for this thing, fomich , "nii 'ha ** ^ '"i . wijo 'iiiJ ''"^ given uoto as the earoeii of thatii»e.*eaot the Spirit. •oely not »ddifted 6 i Therefore we are alwjy d bolde.thtjugh wc lotfcir — ■-— ^— '- ' .... with febbti indligbtdcnte ubetaacle. And foTbiipliceaMa conterbiog the {lotyta comt, itpuiwitbio are abfeotfrom the Lurd. 7 (Foi wee wiiKc by * faith , aod not by figbt.) IS NevertfaeieiTe. we aic f boldc , and love n. thci to temoovc oat of the body, aad lo dwell v\\h the Lord. .9 WherefctjalCovre g covet, that both dwel- "i'l^'ofrte mlof *^ ''°» *' *'°°'* ' ^'^^ 'cmoovicg from hoiae, wc may flru'u.heThV. be acceptable tehisB. wti , wbcRof we io "^ « Fat we mua all ° appeare before tbe ^»k«iD(t«be- iudgemeni leat of Chrift , that cymj iraa may ^j ctoM"' **" '*"^="" *= things which *tc d^e m his body , ac- a H«t«iu!h"i«i« cording to that toe haih done . whethet «t kt good orevill. 1 1 I Koowiog therefore that • terrow of the Lotdt we petfwacie rata, and we are tsade toanifeit unto God . and I truO alfo tliat we are coade maoi- feft in your eoofcietJcei. il ~ 6 For (vee pr^ile not oor fclvea agaioe onto you,bui give you an occafion to reiayce of n,tbat yec tatj havp t» anfifvirt igaiqi^ thetn . whicfa le* ioyce io the ^ faccaod DOt io the heart. glBry of itiimoi- tility. whito we ihallbeasitwrre cloattcd «itt>> a garmeoi. b HeJVfoly.not tbaitiMrabftaDcc of itilfaeaVetily. bttt fsr the glory ■fit. 2 AncxpoTRiea •fib« foi*ttf»y ioi iwe doeboi wiibout caoCe t defite to beclaj with tbe bcavmtyboort , that if. with that everla Ring and immorian glory .Mvwilba gatmnit : for whtn we dfpart heeC(> vwflullaoiftmiioi; naked .bawnjOBce call off ibe««*riogofthijhodi»,b»t VVt (b^lltalceoait>oditiagaiae,wbi<.bQMil(>ut on,aiit,wtTeanotbeigirmtDtbefid<:»: and tberefoR we 6jfa ootfoi: ibe wearitKfleortbiiliCe .but foitDcdtfire ofa better life. tJ«it*«TMibi» dtfirr inv.iae , tor w«aien»de totbatlife, tbe jiUdge wbeieof we have- evto the Spirit of adoption. • Icwl i«.jj. e Himeantth that fira cr-atioti .togivc uaio undnltawl. de»an toeouBtof l)i' pelRrimJge , aJrerthat hee 11 depafteflflotn tteoe*. h Weetnaftallappi'iwpttfunally aodi3nj»i«y fballbertiadeof ui . ikatall ma^fc*, .how «« bare lived. f Now beepaflVthowt. and tJtiogoccafioaof|i.«,fo«ler '/enteno*, »iWjr»eth totbefotrnerchap rtv-tfe |« coofiiituiig hii owne fincetitic and \i»f«nowej i Th.tt«ftlbt»\ut»n«iB%ilniVft,f((it«ijo ijf pride. by a nCW rtafon beeauft it ii be« conBrainetb os, »«"i lliouid not hcncftoortb " live ft-ryouiproht, ooto th?£rj(elvt» , but i»oto him which died for f ''""♦' '»when 10 9 VVheretore^eaccfoortnknowweDoniao you. after tbe fl:(h. «• yea though wee had knowec « Begoetbfor- Cnrift af tt r tbe flelh, yet oot heuccfcoitb know we '""''^ '"T" ''.'■? ^^>». 00 more. ,> V^l'llil^^i^l I y " Therefore if any mao *« in Chr fl Ut i.im uoo ana boaftiug.* ie a<» new creature, * Old things ate pa^ea 4way . '** 'be love of bcholde.all thiogi are become sjew- '^,^"."''"'!['''^» I It .» And all things *re of God , which batb t^^l'^^Mu ft«. reconciled us Hoto himlelfeby Ie(u« Chiift.and rugbedie'dfotu. hith gives unto u« the miniAetie of lecoociba- *>i> which were tion. de3dwh,n«iw« 1 9 For God was in Chrift . and reconciled the ^"tT.Z'JlIZ world to hitnfcife , not imputing their fioots unio weieyetgiveot» thetB.and batbPcoaiisiited to us tbe word of re- tbefteanfaiyaf. conciliaiion. [[fcCflCw 10 Now then are we ambi?ffidours for Chrift : e^oUr«eou'i as though God did befeecbyatt through us. wee wMeJifewbicii pray you te Chiifttsflead , itiatyebc iccoociled weha»treceivei to God. of 6 ini .to him ('to II For be hath made bin: to Ire t finne for oi, ^ wi!h'°iLbfjV which ' knew no ficme , that wee ll^ould be ooade G«oft lo tfaii esd the f righteoufoeffc of God in hitn. •■"* i*"fo{'. tflat wee ihould meiJi- tateupon nothing bat that which ia heavenly. I Pcffijfelh hi tthllj . m Ua Cftjlifth ktrff fanaifii^m ,yfhtttt)i> crmmrti' le fujft thai Chrifi bi>tth'n H. n Lt.l;tJ{cmiin:ch^i-iir6.jnily. f Hee flieweih what It u . i)ut lo Ii-vc tO oui felvei, but toCmili >fb wit .loknowc no wanaccciding totbe fldh, thattiia fay . to befo cotiveifaot imongft meu , at not to car* fbt thole worUJj aid caroall tbingi ,aa ihey doe wtich tefpfS amaoi ftoctoe .hiacoiiotrey . forine.glaiie, richea, andfuib IJte J wherein OKncomnioalydote, and weaiictfacmrtlvea. lo As ■mplibcatioD ; Thij it .faytthhte ,fot(ue , that wr doe not now tbiuke carnally of Chrift himfelfe , wbo hath nowe left tbe world , and therefore tnalt beconOdeied of uifpiriiB*lly, II Anexbottatiooforevtrymao which 11 renewed with the fpithof Cbrift, to mcJiiate heavenly tbiogi, and not earthly. o ^i a ihinp mxdi aim t/Ced,f,ft',„a^h amankt net niwy ir$aUJ wken Ccd fittii, hrm tm fftt" art ci'lj Chfi icfftakfja , t. tiach ui . that ntt mnjl attrrtutt allihin^i uihe^tU »/ Ccd : not .hal wtiareftuk" andhlork" ,iut btfUHfe '^td crtattthinni ,ivtiitli» *>'!ito1t>iUi>itU .andikifctrcrloactivtil. • B/j 43>i9 r'X'ljtira ai.j. aa Hee commendetb the eaccllencie of the minintrie ofiheGofpell . botii by the auiboritie of God Ciuifclfe , wbo is the authouiofihai minillcrie , (ndaUbbi the ticelltucie of the deiArine of it : for it anouuoctih aiioDemeni w'lh pod , by (tie forgrvewITeof ouilionei andiullifica'iionoffried unto ui icCbrilt. and thai (oioViogly and libttally , tbat God himdife daetb aftr a fort pray meoby Ibe mouibof tiia tnioiitrri , to bavt coofideraiioatyfthenrlitJvci , and Doito^lefpife fo giieai a benefit. And wbM bMfofayeth.beeplatoely Jtify'"»-'' 'i •t •ff*n*tuU » ft ,iin hl*r^tffiHridlatCknfi, OeJ >mfMI«6 4t at IM t.Tuit^i faith. CHAP. VI. a H* ufittwlt Atm (0 ItjJt ihih l->i<»#i4. Chf^h ttni, s nKll'tri'UdifmejUin I>\tu.j4t(im, » wr fUfid*f mulig'o'j > 14 I, at-id aU-MifcUann^, l« mfiJni''lihatlhty at$ikt r«»/lfj«/iiiWi,i»^Coi. C O I we tberefote as workers t«gethctbefeecb J Meadoetw jtfM.ibat yee leciivc oot thegwwef Godio "•''h "^^i '*>' * ^ mtniiieryor tbe «"**=• O .fiel ,b.f..ri 3 a For he fayetb , * I hxvt 4Kerd tbee in a th^y bave rtcei. tiice * accepted . and io the day of f^vaiioc bdve I vloallthlii{i,ib«t wtiii»ytakei,ceafi',D\*4r#itiiofttea. « B-U. . 49.* • n^hicli I cfmifri^m<'.j.tnd\i^tl>mr(!i:',it,liliUcf»lt4afffi'.^-:iti M^V»i tbofe tbi< wh,. fiidioos, in oeccflities. iDdilttclTss. f la ftripes ..in piifoDs , ia = in mmulti , in \t- bcnrs. 6 ! By watchings . by fiftiogs . by pntitie, by knowledge, by long lurf'inn<',,by kindoeiic,by the h<,T Ghoi), bj love uataineU, 7 • By the J word of uueth , by the "^ power of God, by the '^ armour of cifjhteouinelfe on tbe »»)<• in right hind, aod 00 the Itft, ti.nor ij By hoDuur , anddilhoDOur , by evil! report, tceptioa, ^j g^^j report, as deceivers ,ind yet true: ■ -9 As t::ikDav/cn.»Dd j-ft kQOWcn:a$ dying,_ and beholds , we live , as cla.Ucued .ztdjtt not kii:jd : ly As forowicg . acdfti alway rdoycing : as poore > and yet miking many rich : as having no- thing, anJ^f* pollcllii 2 all tbingi, ti e O CoiiachiaDs , unr mouch Is 8 open ODto yoa> our heart is made h^f^t. li Vc are not t ki^pi fttait in ui.but ye are kept ftrait io your owne'. bowels. 1 3 Now for tbelaaie recompcDfe. I fpciks as to.mjf children , Be yoa alio inlarged. 14 7 Be rot nntqujlly yoked with the Infidels: for ■•'what fellowlhip hath tightcoulncs with ua- ri^bceonfoeile i and. what cooamunicD bach light with datknelle } If And what concord hath Chrift with B.li- al ? or whatjc pait hath the beleewr with the in- fidel i And what agreement hath the Temple of ke God with idols f* tor yee are the Temple of the ' living God : as God bach fayd.* 1 will •= dwell 4- mong chenit and waike there : and I will be cheii GoJ, ind they flipllbe my people. 1 7 * Wherefore cocnc out from amon j thetn, and ffipuate your felves.fayth the Lord,aDd touch none unclcanc thin^, and 1 will receive you, 18 * And 1 will be a Father ddco you, and yee opra snd fUiue (hail be toy Tonnes and daugbcers.laycch the Lord iieirt. lad tbtte- AlmiKhty. wiibilUomfliineil ° ibittbfydouoMheliktiBlovinfajtiaetheir F»ther. j Th eftnir^ oftht nutnh anW htMi .tcick'teth a moft tirnefi aftOun in kirn tk^i/ptAkfth , "i uftttth •t^mm:ni}Tpit^ikonthAtArtinJ*"tie^ tuti.y. h Tcu are itt mine hettrt ,ai in d'ilfafttuijM ate'.n-Kdfdl^ flrj-'ti^ifi imertt'u. i ^fierihtmjirtrcftla Httnvei .he ctUtthihofeei^dtr ilfdentnkich^eJUn tl,t k-ari, hyx-eli. 7 Now kcrebukcdthcm bcldly/or tbitthi^ beumc tcJlovM!t wiib inficJelkia outward idoll' tiy.fi though iiwneatbiog iudifT^TtDi. Aodjtbii iitticfciur[hpaitorthu Epinlcibe i^oBckifion whereof II, tbii (uch J»ibf Lo'rd b«tb voucbfif.d the nameot his thildriB, siunkeepeihemfelvei^iiceiuotonly inmifid.bui alio in body. that the; may mbully . bt holy uoio the Lurd. • a.-ife/.tjaS. k Wltit .amhete be Htw lenl thlm! * tCcri-ti.tnJgif, t He feeittU the [tiling ■ tdig.mfi Hill. * Lt>it.x6,it. n> CedJritte^hycithut .UcauftChnJlii Oiiuma without I UDlcfl-icI aecotdiog to the aftaionofthe miude, patience oaely except, Mvhicbal(oi««ae of the venues »f hich ougbt to be alwayei in 4 good niiniltei. C Io tofiingto »oi ftu.liacliog 00 place ofteA aadqultinife. / Secondly, b»r icckoaetb t'.p fuah vertuei aj are oe- cefTiry. andougiit tlvrayeiio be m them, and «h«re* by aiby goodar- .^irour, all let) and hinderaocrnniy be overcome. d Prcacbiag of the ^ .Gofiel. ^^ e Tower to miraclei at« .bring uodet the Vtickcd. f VprighinefTe. 6 Goiagabouc tc rebuke tbem.hee faythfitft.thi.h- dealetb with the" fincerelj' aad lA.Si.ti. /.re.j, C H A p. VH. I lejl 1j f>r,minhVr^i^gtieml,eflteuUd}fmay their Nxiiir minJi, I htfrtfi,eii,'h.italith.ithej'a}d, ^ frcot' [■"''!"' •ning, your fervent micde tome wtid.lo that ire- wbiihTiiu»to:de ioyCed KiUchtllOre. reeofyouai hii 8 a For though I raide yon Tory with a letter, I '■^""•"og . to wit. rep otnot.thougb I did repect:for I perceive that '«'« '""'f" 'y y'» \. ! c -ai J r L ;■ 1 rcadeovermylet- the t.;fficEp;ftJea3adcycu fory.thougb « vv«-# but trii.,noi.cv.raii,t for a featoo, bcfidei^hat.lam 9 I nowrefoycc.notibuye wctefo>7,but that e«"di<.giy refre- ye fcrcwed to 'repentance: for ye forowcd godly, ^'^^''^ ""*"'■ ("e that in noihicgye were hurt by us. , ^^ obitaion • 10 Forggoaly forovJcaufeth repentance unto Bm thou banian- filvjcioo ,not to be repented of: but the worldly dleduir.,ugbiy .■ fotowcaufetb death. eTbfb'atllr^i-d""' II Fort behold.;,this thing tl.at ye have bfene ootihi.roughnei godly fjry, what great c.iie hath it wrought in ytu: without gricfe. yea.what clearing of yoLi felvt sye-.t'i'/ja* lodJg- Aodoeeadatth ration: yea vvhai f^>re-yea,Acf w great dcfirc:yca, "^['""i^'^^^* -&t<44t i 2talc:ye-.fVf/.(tf rcvtuge; in all thli.gs yee jbarfcedravethtm have Ihewed your lelves , thacyee are pure in this to ibatfoi„w ,aU CCatter. «houghiivra» a- -. 1 Wbetifore.though I wrote nnto yoo.I did f 't", fo,!?o«t'-'"" cct itfor hiscaufethat nad done the wroDg, mi- able utitotbem : therfothis caufe that hath the iolurie, but that our furihereiufo- ^ care toward von in cht *» fight ot God mitht ap- 'ovvootoueiie , 1,eareun.oyou. \ \' r,^'l=,X^,;^ 13 Tb-:reforewe werecon5forte,d,bccaufeyc vwt,»h«ebyre- ^verc comforted ; but rather weereioyced tLuch i-entance grow more for the ioy of Titusubfccaoffrtij ipirit ivai «"''>y«fi»">f icfrelhedbyyouaJI Jicb rep.nucce 14 Fjt if that I baveboalted any thing tohim h.epraifehibem^ of you. I have not berc alhamcd; but as I djve ipo- ''i*''ly auJ thii ' *;en onto you all thirgs in tructh , even lo oui boa- "?_''' '".'' P"' o*^ -Iling unto Tirui was n Uc. _ \ '/^f^^i, J; ^^.^ I J And hit inward aficition i$ more abundant that forovc did you toward you, when heremcabreth she obcdietJce fuch joodtewaid ©f yoo all,4n4how wiihfe^reand KetDblir?ycc «'>e-'neDdmjof '.,..• "-■ ' youi lrudue»ana , received b:ro. Loei. 1 6 I reioyce therefore ihat 1 aiay pnt my coofi- g r.odly ficowij tieoce in you in all things. whra wtireuoi ' trriificd with the feate of puailbmeut , bqibrcaufewe ftele we biTeofftDdedGod ourinjft merciluH Father : contrary to »aii , there ii one otbtr forow, that ooelyfejreth punifhmeut.i r yvhenaioanijvtxed for ibe loD'e of f^'nie worldly gooji.the fruit otthe'Rrrt. iirepen- U'.ce.thtlruitofibefccand.isdrfteraiioo, utritffcthcLatdbelpefpeedr'y. h It t .waj Dot coloured ncicouaterfeit.bu: fuch ail dare (laud to btfofeGOd. C H A P. VIII. X Heetlorlithiheaik) tUexurpfUcfthe MdteJtniani, s*nd alf^.e>encfC!,.j!ihi^f,iJi> ^ t<, h liitrull favur^nke , /-i»t<; i(>:J^rx>'ii.l,furfi,Ji,hefhitveihtl,*tJiu4, It *nd tnnki^kitherttmeuitot^tm. WE » doe yoo alio to wit . brethren , of the « Tliefiitpart of « grace of God beftowed upon the Cbnr-'^" *■!'•"'"""■" ^ tationi to ftir up ibe Corio.bianijto liberality. wherewith the'poveriyV tb- Churcbo^ HierufaJem might be holpea in line conveoicot. And (irlt ofall he feiteih out before ibem the example ofihe Cburcbeiof At-icedooia , wbicji aihetwife werebrgnjbt by f great aiifeiie .o eitretnt puvertie , to theeodeihat they Ibould foUan ihtm. » Tbr . btac£\ ihiiCod bM CJiriftes povertle.' Cbap, foidCffltSr^ i Bfecanfe io b great tn»tf of afRiaion iheii whertvwtbthe i«y aboufldcd .and their moft exiicme povettie i^rd tried cfatD, aboundcd unto their rich liberalitie. l!u."MCr&l 3 Forto tfce/r power { I beare recorcn yea, aod readirtffi.butatfo beyood their power they were c willing, made ii much m^te 4 And priycd cs with great in(\auce that wee «»celleot,aDd fa- ^^quIJ receive the * grace , and fellowship of the "of'ibeirov^ne mJtiittring whicb is toward the Saints accord thry whc f » And thti they dtd not as we looKed tor : bnt liberaii grve thcii owne felves , fiift to the Lord , and after 4 "="""'• '.'"'• nnto uj by the will of God. m»"vlS« 6 That wee (hould exhort Titus, that as hee called a biKdni. bad begun , fo bee would alfo accomplilh the fame Aodtbiiverfeii grace aiDong you alfo. ' 'kV "''«"/"*'''' ^ Tberefof e, as ye abound io every thing, in » H»amp"fi"l» faith add word.Jodknowledge.and in all dil''gcnce, theforwwrdriMof and io yout love towards us ,tvtn fifjeeibic ye th« MicedonUni, abound in this grace alio. fDtbM.tha.thr^y g 3 This fay 1 not by co-nmandement, but loftitre'lpthe" bccaufe of the « diligence of others : therefore Cotiutbianstoac- proove I the ''naturalDsffc of your love, compi' 'I' '''«£'• 9 4 For yee knew the grace of our Lord Icfu J 7,'^di'I'^il'wt'af ^*"'^> *''«' ^«=e being rich, for your likes because Titu'i^uofot'b'cm? poorc , that yce ibtougb bis povenie njight be 3 Thirdly be ' Bade rich. waroetb ib«n 10 f And I ftiew w)f mindc herein ; for tbis is *VVhe^y tt'eiTa. «^P«<^'«"' ^o' y°" » which have begun not to doe "ioo'whicb'ths/" onely, but alfo to s will, ayeere agoe. kavF conctivcd 1 1 Now therefore pcrformctu doe it alfo .that ofibtm. as there T>v«Ja readineiTe to will , even fo yee may * At the re,u.ftof pf,,^^,^^ it of that which ye have. the Macedomani. * ,„./-. . / n. ,..• • • • !• f Thm.ppeirMh 1» « For if there bc fitft a wliiicg mindc , It » the naiu'aiatiTe accepted accotdiog to that a man batb, and not ac- of oaiiove , wb.D cotd JDg to that be hatb not. a. ind«de,aDd tha. ^ Neither i^ it that other men flionld be ea- ffankely andfreelv, - , ■' , . , _ . ,., .. - _ webelpe ourbie. i^d and you grieved : But upon b liKe conditloD, tbrto, evTti for at tfcls time your abundance fupplieth tneir iacke : Cbrinbiifcke. i^ ThJt alfo their abuodiDcc may be for your gaitn/ukeV" lacke.tbat there may bs e^xaitie. ftom the example J J As u IS Written.* Hee that^<»fft*r«« mucb, of cbtift. bad nothing over . aed he tbai^«ri;frks 6* unto God. which bad put Koutoftbcmby In the heart of Titus the fame carc tOT you. tonrtroiai, fo%un. 1 7 Bjcaufc he accepted the exbortation.yca, Itfli it be voiun. hg „^s fo catefull that of hls owne accord he weot uri£i Goa dociA notacceptit. OntO yOU. jNotoDelytodoe, 18 And wccbave fent alfp with hitn the bro- tMta>fo todoe wii- cher , whofe piaife « ' in the Gofpel thotowoat all l«h'oVt''a«adi'e°" ^^^ CburchcS- wiiM^Velwilbout '9 (And not fo onely .but is alfo chofen of the ■ny intbrcrment Churcbes to be a feltow la our Journey , concer- byanyoihet nieo, ning this k grace that is tninif^red by US unto tbc f X^Vhfo'n"^" Slo'y of the inme Lord . and d.cLnatm of your VJinglory. ptOmpi miodt.) « Agaiaitfuch 20 Avoiding :bis,thatno man {l^ocld blamc US ai ufe 'ocxcHfe jjj ^\^•^^ i abounJance that is miniftrcd by us, «ua ■Sa'r^'oo, , ^^ t ^'"^''f'J'S for booeii things , not onely rich , at .bough it beiorc the Lord, but fJlo before men. weieoDtiypro. 12 And wee bavc leDi wlth them our brothetj i:«torichm,B whoto wec havc ofttimis prooved to be dilieeot to helj)eib«pooie. " 7 Cbii/liiniib.ralitic iimutualI,thatprop»r!ionmaybeobre!VM!. h Tiit like ai DOW in youi abundance you aelpe otbtri , vvbich are poore . with fomepiil i of your good), fo fliouid otbeiiio like fort bedowe fjine of theirmpoo ytau. * » Exod.1918. 8 HeecomiendttbTiiinand hi,iwoccmpinion»for y caufu.both that theircredit miglK rot befuffeftta , anhough hce hid f<-at inilylofpoyJstbeCbuicbti ,aod alfo (bat ibey might be Co maco the riradi'r to ribuie. i Intbf (ireacbiog ofihe Gofiell. k Theft al.utiwliich awbcHoAed fortbeieliefe of the Cbmch ofHietufalem, 1 Io ifciijiltDtirull ^ libeialiueeftbcCbutcbei, wbUhiicommiciedtsout tiud, 1* aom.ra>i7. rx. GatheiingforthcChufchcs. 80 in many tbings , but now much more diligent , fot the grcjt confidence, which I have in you. 23 Whether ftrtx ii>f«j^«/re of Titus ,fc#rx my fellow and helper to y»u ward : or of out ™ bje- roTituihii two thren .they are raeffcrKsrs of the Churcbes .<«7ii ""pamoM. ihecgloryofChra -" "/r'y r.^cb .fai. 24 Wherefore ihew towardc thecynd before fet fcnh. the o Churches tb»>proofe of yonr luve, and of the » *'! Churchu leioycing that we have of you. ^/" .'" »''"'fi'« / _" ' ofthu your godly ilealirg , in whofe prtfence you are ,foifo much sj you fe« tht imfl«og«ri Vf bom ibij bare cbofen by all their coofiou , and feat them uato you . CHAP. IX. 1 \Vh<<'li<'t!"t'>ink.tWtll of their ready wiltti, 3 jtt <.ttmp]txhtrttihthtm, 4 huouMeskiresfon: 'hit ttmpjrethaimottJeeJtJlrv'i^, to which Ccd dttih ttfa) vithirextgiint. pOr 1 as touching the miniftrirg to the Saimi.it is fupeifluiJus foi me to write uoto you. ' h"'lb''h "f '*" X For I know yonr leadines of miode , where- fp'^onUicbThe or! boaft my felfc or you unto them of Macedonia, corioihiam might <»«i/ij(,tha: Achaia was prepared s ye«reagoe,acd toncme, as though your zeale bath provoked m-oy. "■' ^P^'^'f^*"^ ""' _ 3 Now have I feni the brethren , leaS onr re- Mf^^ihouid ""bt loycing over yon (hould be in vaineln tbisbe- oi their good wai: balfe, that ye (as I have fayd) be ready. Tbtretott he wii- 4 leait if they of Macedonia come wiibttee. aoe'hV.''non" and iiode you unprepared , we ( that wee may not , "^h 'h°m tb« fay , yon ) Ihould be albamed in this my » confiaot tbty ought to boaltlDg. help* the Saiou, y Wherefore , I thought it neceflhtie to ex- beco°me'f«ml,''tifc horr the brethren to come before unto you , acd ,::'em"otbeM*aJ- 10 tiniib your benevolence appointed afore, that domanj.buiooely it might be ready , tndctme as ot beoevolencc,and »° "'"' ''»"' "P noiasofbnipgardinetfe. wbicow.trrim- a Tbis yet remtmbiT, that bee which loweth „ ts^tcot tta. fpatingly , fhall rtape alfo f pariogly , end he that all thing, might foweth liberaiiy, fliall reape alfo liberally. ^'"'> '>"" » t>«- 7 As every mao^ wiOi^.th in bis heart. /"Wr» 'l^'il^fl^^fi^'^''^^ him give, not '•''Igradgirgly . or ofe neccfiiue: .ifuii. ■'' for God loveih a cbeerefull giver, a Tne word wbitk 8 And God is able to make fall grace to abound t« ufetb.fjguihetii, toward yoB.ibat ye slwayes having allfufficieccic ["^dftiUp^lttl^^ in all ihiogs.may itound in t tvnj good workc, ni^inde, I, cano« 9 ( * As it it Ktiiien , He bath iparfed ibioad be mooved wi.b and bath given to the poorc; bit benevolence re. any.eiroutoi maineth for h ever. b ai fra^i covet Iq Alfo hee that findetb feed to the fower, will men. . ° '" minil^cr likewilc bjCad for food , and multipije a AUwiiDuftbe your feed, andincteafe the 'fruitsofyoubenfivQ- g^raueuhemig, knee.) ^V*^:°m'^"J*' 1 1 Tn^tt 00 all parts ye may be made rich unto oibirdiy : Eau all liberalitie, which caufetb through us thaD).rgi- ftaoktaud fue Ving uoto God. *'"»» '» Cimpa- 12 3 For the mioiltMtion of this fctvice not ^hjcVha°b'a''ioft onely fupplietb ibeDeccfBiiesof the S^intt , bat pirot.fuirharveii alfo abundantly caufetb many to j^ivc thanks to of moft abundant God, bleflja^i followiag 15 (Which by the k experiment of this mini- "\^,„^:,„u • ifraiioo piayli; God. for your * voluotaiic fnb- andap^oimc.h fieely with bimfeire. i W'lh ifp»^-l 'id ri^^^Jlj hettt. t ^^airfi hi, nil , a> U^,^, „ t, V>-/( ',r w. ted cp » Bcdr/3!,io. i ^U ^cdhi, l,vH,.t,J„U lil<.*Uij. . TchrlftAert h all mtf,t, fiHiile ,in J.inf t tm^otdi', ihtirnKtfftiu,. » f/xmt lUJ. h // t)>erl,liin^:S.wD.,yMffcakelhi./*man'h^tfr*T„hCU,,t>,hi', ntrghboHT ,iphorha:tniirrna'mj'^].ble ttuu of liberaliiie lu wjtd, tbe Ssint. , ii tbis : that it givrtb occaf.oo to praife God aod tha- o ,r f.i.h i. aifj thereby made aiaoifdt. k By this pioofeofyour libe- rality in tb.i helpiag and fu:i.oiiriag of ihem. 1 Io Clewing wnh or.t confent , tha""! yeu ickiioA'ltdge ibatooly Gofpel which you havc wiUirgly fub'romit.eJ ysit felrtB uBto.dechjiiis thereby, ibai you ajreewiibtlic Chg«h of Hieriifalem. - ^ - Oiiiiiua The Minifters weapons. 1 1. Corinthians. To reioycc in tbc Lord, mLeiftbyhiijifat miflien to the Gofpel of Chrlft, «nd for your li- ""r^h'c''" 'bt be(aU4i£brt)Uxioo w ibcai,and todlmcD ; 5^'fto'uia bM^Jf" »4 And io thcit priy«. fpr you.to lopg -tier yoo frd UH. be AuKMk grucly ,for ibe abouodaoi gr^ce cf Gcd ia yuu. uKiiiitriiionati- If „ Th'pkcs tberc(v)re ^« OBio Gudfuihit CHAP. X. ej>'Utiv9i tftienh-k"^, 7 aati (A-ir. n>'><<) iru pc/ckC, hit iittaciht)>c no trffi fiver, i| (/tCK Aij iv'riJej Afci»<5»sod '*'?"•* *-*'T* k comp«e tbetnfelves wub.iheBj(eWcs. f«^?J»<'»/»tI-#. li But wc will Dot fciejMjc ot »k»^j»wl)ich ^e j„i4j, ij^.'-jV' oot within »«r 1 meafate . ^ bnt 9t>cv'««t*^'i4>j(«r« i»€afafc of the line . vvhercot Gctihatii ojliiibu^cd ''* *">**• ■oto OS , tneafure to a.taioe ? v*o nnta,<»,. Iti.ti'.':^::!:!- 14 For wee ttretcb not ©ar klve* btyooc #i« >,/.. *i .a.!/-*.*;^* meafurc . «s though we b^dBotuwioed oote yoa : •v'^.yi '.^htv'*"/. foi even to you alto bavc wee cooiCHi /»««/«»» ^ oj,:cit,i„^. the Gof pel of Cfii ft. r -3 *>|;^*. '-^J VJ/. «f Not boaftiDg of ihfngiwikb are* with- '''^,.y:i,>, '■''■' t H»«tur«th f^.OwM faul roy lelte beJeech you by the out our mcilme : r 4t « , ol oihw» wens hb»4»» ; » yii'4*«j(ip./ totbtda'tnctof iDcekcDeire,«[:d«^o«ieuefleofCbnit.whicb aod wee hope , wDen your fikhihillJBcreafe , to *'»^'^'>"*'4'*« fci. Apofticfh'p. whealaoj ptclcnt amocg you »m bale.butifn be tpagniticdbyyooaccoraiJDe loyourlioeafajin- '^'^■'""'^^"'^••t b"'!''':'!*''", ..bolde toward you bcmgablcot: d«mlv. ' 1. /.rTif^'''; " :i*.'.'o were to fearc you with letter*. 10 For Che letters , fayeth j hee . are fore and ftrong , but his bodily preleiicc is weake , and his fpcach is of no value- 1 1 Let fuch one thitike this , that fach as wee are in word by letters . when wee are iblcnt , fuch vviU We t« iUotin deede,whcn we are prefcnt. 1 1 s For we •> dare not irake oar felves of the that hf will niew ouniber , Or to compare out fclvei to tbein.wbicb in ittit bow fiiireilitT»'«<'fC''''«'. wbicbftuke tbataccotnpt oftbf officeof io Apoftle.tbat ihty do of worldly officci .thitii , accotdlog Iotbe ouivvudc appraraocc. ■ Tht' naiUrt w*i<'i i» incliniJ to mtrcit , rdiker thin ta rifcUr ufiujlict. b A> tbougb I bad no other lideand htlpe then that which ontwardly I feenie to have; and therefore raulftuetb hifltlh , tfaat ii, b-imieakt condition and Oair, agaioft biifpiriiuallaiia ApoOol q. leth the eneiriea be ibey never fo erafiieand mightie.that it bringetb foire of ibem by repenianat unto ChiiR. and Hid lyierengeihotberi, thai are ftubburnlyobftinatef.-p*. laiingthemfromtheotberwbicbluffrtthemfelveaioberulrd. 4 Hcebeaitrh iuoiherrhcad' ibatfamemaiier ,w,iib (.teat weightofwoideiand featencet. c Do ytiudgtptthingi according to ibeomward (hew. f Not being lolJ of itbymrt. % H« nolrih out fomr onetbat waa thefeedeamanof thiifpeech. f Bewjsooftrjined I" "Withe foolifti bnggraofcmaiRe ambrtiouimen , he wit- oeBeib.lbai they ate able » bring nothing, bin that they fatrtY perfwadethemfelvt. of tbemfehiei ; and ai fcr bimfelft , although bcebrapge of e«celleiii ibingA , ^r i bee will ■at parTe lh« boundea wbich God haih meafured him out .according wbereumo be tame ev*B uow ih«"n ii>TreacWog the Gofpel of Chrift, and tuiftetb th « her (hall .oe f»fther. wbao ihey have fo P'olitedibarJiee (hall oot need ,0 lary any longer amongft tfctm 10 laiflmft ''■""■ *"<> hereunto fi added an amplificaiioo, io iha> h« never TiK- Mcdtd othu man "> ^taiiiabouM. h Xhi» ia fpojteo aftna ttaniiog Son. oeflly aod grave. ly.ulingalfo ter- rible ibreaioioga no (hewtb'"- felvw fuch ai ate apt to bt inftru- fted. Aod be re- fcllethcer-aice proud men wbich Biadeoobeitrr accoini-tothm. Aenofabng- .iog Tfcrafo, ia that bt ufrd 10 befharytagainft them whet) he wai abfrot , be. taufe ibey fawe uo great mateftie in biin after the manetof roeoi audbrfidtiibad proowd hii l«i- tif, ootwithflan- di«g that io hit tbfence , he bad writteaioihem (h«relv. Thticf-'retirftof all he ptofeffeih that be wa« gea- tleand modeiaie. butat'.er;heei. aniplrofC'irill : but if they con- tinue (till Rxlc- fpife hiigeotle- neffe. beptote. fteih voio (6 And to preach the Gofpei io thofe ir^jiVnr B;,f,Hitr«" which are beyond you: not to reioyce in a aouiOci f^*"* "*"T'*_^ iBiD. lioc : thitu , ia tbc thing j that ai€ prepared t,t>!^!£^v* the Lord praileih. CHAP. X r » He •.fi'fiitl, that fvT tht ereM lc>ej fakfhiritrrtiti'tlit .."ni-an, , he i. c^mf,tUeu , u nutr nu tvm 3.th^tth^fjifejpcJH„fh,ttUr..,ji,rf,jftl,>m,na>;yti g, I iffceiB Ufirrt exiilea in t ,e/< ih'n^i n^>•ch^re frai/t 7'tihy in Jeeti. Ri^tigaKihihii WOicb he fpake of himlelte. and iBere* .pitpa ryeu toe Coriuthiaof to, bca» Qiikcrcbin{>> c(Ua£iha:Be rctkeih nothing eta bac laappfuvehim^ Lo God.wooie tI7 Oal'J • to God, ye could fuffVr a little my foo- 8'°'v b«oo«<» f^e- *' lilhnefle.andindecd.ycluffuroe. ^^^- y r -I ' ■ . .. . I He irauteih lOat t F'Jt lam lelous ovct you, With* godly ie- .„„ /ion he play, loufie : for I havs prvparet3 you for one husband, eia.beijou loioia to* prelem youtfr i pure vi gme to Chrift: vaunciog of,b.ug», i But I fsare le .Has the* f.-rpc-ot b.-guiIeJ Eve \l\ll^l^"^,'^" through his fuhtilty.lo your minds (hould bt.«coi- h'. wiii'.'tXhrit rupt from the lituplicicy that is ind Chrift: piofti becaufe be* 4 aFor if be thatcommeth , preacbetb e aoo- 'teih them detcivei ther IcioswhoTi wehjveoot preachcd:or if ye re- ''y«""'""^">« ceire another Ipint whom yec have not received: .hioughioe ciaii cither soothetGolpcl which ye have not received, amifuotiitieof ye might well have (ufFircG him. ''*"■ . y V rely I fuppole that 1 wasnot iofcrioui to ^"'.'em ^t"!!" « the very chiefe Apolilcs. ,^3, fj,k.ein ti>.-m 6 3 And thouj{h lief rn Je in fpeaking, yet / not tor cimfciie, **» oot fi io knowledge , but arouog ycuwc have '"' '-'G^^- bene made manifcft to the uuermoft , in all things. toIr"bV""' 7 4HaveIcomroiitedanofF^Dce.becaofela- ♦ Oeoe.i,4. baled my felfe.that ye roight be: * xlted.&becaiuc « Tbi.plac.ii 10 1 preached toyon the G.Mpcl of God freely 1 bema.ked agumii 8 I robbed other Chutcbes .and looke wages '^::;^2TlTf''* efthem to do yon fervice. timpiiciiie of in* 9 And when I was prefent with yoo.aDdbad Scripiurei .inco*. peed . * I was not flomkfull to the bioderaoce of P""^"" o*^»"« "^ any man : for that which wa. Jacking unto me. i"^,^^!''*^' the brethren which came from Macedonia, d wiiichi. meet for ihemyareinChrtlt, J He fheweih tbatibr^ deceive themfelver, id hey looke to receive ofauy other mas, either a more eacel lent Gofpel , oimorr extelltoi gift of the holy G*>oft • A moie per!>a doArine ot I«fu» Chrift . 3 He re'uie;h the flmderj ofihofe TBrsfoet, I grant, fjyih he . that I am 001 foeloqueotao Oraiour , bin yti 1 bey cannot takeaway iht knowledge of the Gofpel from me. wheieof you have had gtod proof*, aodibai every maner of W3y. f I'anllarkeil ntithal ifindeoj ih^fnien>>'''>>umtt: fey man,anJ fit fcr the CcfpA , tmi keiv'>l'nf!j waited ikai fainted It^nMe ^/pti.'-. iphick to mjntn.iv -tdajetkutt after and fo-hw. 4 Another (lioder.io wi:, that be waia rafcall.and livtdby tbf(abuuiofhii owaeh^ndi.Biii htrein.fay h ihc AfoMt .what can you (ay af»iolt me .buiibai I w>ai conteMlo laki .lOjr paiotifc* vour Takei , aod ^hen I lacked , to travel! for «iy Itviogwitb miof ownehandei it , part, Mid partly alfo when peverty ctuiitraioed mee, I ehofe rather oiberwife torcike my fuftenance , ihrti to he aoy burden 10 you , altitougbt preach id ibcGorpci utiro loui « Chap.ia.ij. ftpplied, Satan transformed. Chap. X If. f An amplificati- on ; fo firre i« he from being a[ha« med of ibit aa> th^t Lehath alfo xefolvedwitb hiinrclfetodoeoo fupplied , and In all things I kept, f and will keepe my lelfe , that I lliouid not be grievous mzoyo Pauls ioy. 8i The g trueth of Chrift is in me, that this re- ioycing fliall not be h ihat up againti mee in the re- gions of Acliaia. 1 1 Wherefore ? becaufe I love you not ? God otbetwil'e hereafwi knoweth. BmoBgft.hem, ^^ But what I doe . that wiU I doe. that I may to tee intent toat _ ■ i • » i /^ ' itiuayaiwayMbe cut away occafiOD from them which dehreocca- trueiy fayd , tbat he fion, that they might be found like unto ns in that »«ugbi in Ach«i» vvhcrein they ' leioyce. fofBothiBg:not ^^ 6 For fuchfalfeapoflles are deceitfuU wor- kers , and transforme themfelves into the Apoft ks ofChrin. 14 And no marveile: for Satan himfelfe is trans- formed into an Angel of k light. ly Therefoie it is no great thing , though his roinifters transforme themfelves , as though they vvera the miniftersofrighteoufnefle ,whofe end ihallbe according to their workes. 16 7lfay againe.Letnomantbinkethatlam foolilli , or elfe take me even as a foole , that 1 aifb may boaft my felfc a litle. 17 That I fpeake,! fpeake it not after the Lord: but as it were foolithly , in this my great boafting, 1 8 Seeing that many reioyce after the flelh , I will reioyce aifo, 19 For ye fufferfooles gladly .becaufe that y€e are wife. 20 « For ye fuffer , even if a Tnan bring you in- to bondage, if a man dcvoure WH.ifamantake your gtedt > if a man exalt himfelfe , if a man fmite you on the face, 2 1 I fpeake as coBcerning the < reproach : as ini thej h.td rather though that we had bene -n wcakeibutwhercin any «<« -vp >« Ccfin- ^2„ J5 i^^jj ^i ^ gaj^e foolilhly; I am bolde alfo. thatbedeCdaioctb tbeCofiDibiaai. but chatthefe Tbtafoeamay oe- ver hnde the occi> lioD wfai<^btb(y have already fought tor, aod be irithemetnefea- fon may fetfome thing bcfoie them to follow, tbatat lerfgtbtbtymay trucly Cay , that tbeyaieliketo rani. ^ Thiiittformt tfanttlh.aufhi fs}il,lttmt net he thought ct htpe any true(h in me. h ShiiWe thvajtt tftn tc me. i Pouts lutttr f ./«/» gpj j^y jj^^g 1 ^,ggj^e i„ fhe deepe lea. iMtn^dif^fld 16 In journeying / vva, often, in perils of wa- rt«l: hut he/hew- tcrs.in perils of robbers.in perils of mine owne na- *>h that aU thit i, j jon, in perils among the Gentiles , in perils in the n„Mn> but coUurt ^j^j^^ -j^ perils in wildernefle,in perils in the Tea, in fi'VotTatifngtl. perils among falfe brethren, . ., ^ . he laiutethout jj In weanneffeand r painefulnefle . in wat- thefefelloweiin theircolouri, foreTOarniugthatitwillcometopaae ,thai theyvtillat length betray them{tlvei,what countenance foever thtyniake of zeale that they have to Godj glory. kty] I fltr,lj glorj,-mherti>jthe .yinicU are p.til.iktri. 7 Het goeth forward boldly, and ufing a vebemeoilionie of kinde of taunting, defiteih the Corin. thiaoi to pardon him , if for a tiine he contend ai a foole before them being vvife, with thofeioUy fellovtdtoucbiDgthofeexternall thingi.towit.toucbicg hisflocke, hii an- certcri.snd valiaataai. 8 Before he commethto the matier.beicuchttb theCoriD- thians , wboperfwadiogtliinifelvjitovery \)vifenien,didnet maikein ihemtane fea. fon that ibcle fjlfe apoftlei sbuffd tbeirriinpliciiie for advantage. 1 As if hefayd, ID refjiia of ibartef roach wbitb tbey doe unto you, I fpeake it)which furelyiiai evil »s if they didbcaieyou. ro Paul is called weake. in tbaihefefmeth to tbeCorinihiam • vile and abieft man.a be^ggnjy artificer, a mod wretched and niifetable idiot, where. J»notwiihftaodiogihtrtiaGod»mii!biie power wai made mjoifeft. « Pi;il.3,f. /n raolbeitjg bonout»bleindeed,defendetbbiiminilteryopenly,oot for biiowiie fake, Ibatbecaufe he (awe bii doftrioecom; into bazird. o In danger of prefent death. p He aliudeihto tbat that ii written , Dent a/, 3. and moreover ihii place flieweth us, ) that PaaKulfird many ihiogivwbicb LukepaflVd over. q Oftbe R.imant M;gi. lltatei. * Adesie^ij. ♦ Afle* '4 t9- 4- ASteny.i'i. t Painfii!nt»i« ■ troublefome fickoei, aimbcna omb it fnntj »Dd would ieft,b« u«oo(li4ioi(i \t IaU CO new labour. ching often , j n hanger and thitft.in fafti'ngs often, s He a" is offended, and I burne not? * f^lftttu'" 30 _'o If 1 muft needes reioyce, I will reioyce of piainejy'f.rnVbj mine infirmities. experience. 31 The God.even the Father of our Lord Tefiis '° """""'' . Chrift .which is blcffed for evermore . knoweth ;,^"„T.'lich that Hie not. .heyobilfted it In .<. Damafcus the governour Y the ag>inft him:a»ifhi people vnder King Aretas . layde watch in the '>'«""i'i '"r- Tbej title of the Damafcens , and woulde have caught '„";f,^; ;^^,"i*' away my authoriti* ifl 3 J But at a window wasi leidowne in a basket ffo'" through the wall, and efcaped h is hands . voouM boaft my ^ Celfe.IwouMtalW BO better argument: CHAP XII. aadGodbimfelfeia my witDtlTetbatl I HeJtlheVen-vnwllinihm.zk'rehejrfiU, .-3 c/ihehex- ''"'(*"'* '"'S' Wtnlj -vifiom, ^ ihxfntftreyiileduntoh-m, s /Ir °5''""|- Vi>uh,h,ughht might in detdegl-ry. yet he -niU not, 10 btinr * '^'"^ »•»*. fnltjcfhistventinflrmitie,.- n tut iht} drive him ti this ktnde if filly, JO in thit they give lire ta certiine 'vaine gltritm ftrfini, -nhe dnrv ihimfnm Chrijf. T T I is not expedient for me no doubt to reioyce: , Re goeth for* for I will Gome to vilions and revelations of the wrd in hi* pur, X-Ord. pofe, and becauf* X I know a mas a in Chrift above fourteene '^^'^'^st'^s yeeres agoe . (whether he vver, in the body. I can- rej"!,icnt'he not tell, or out of the body , I cannot tell : God reckonethuptboft knoweth) which was taken up unto the b third hea- >'='ngs which lift ye.n, him up above th« 3' And I knowe fuch a man (whether in the o°fm«?b«hJu! body ,or out of the body .1 cannot tell: God feh a preface. and knoweth.) excafeth timfelfe 4 How that he was taken up into ■= Paradiffe, ''^"j^f^V ,■ • and heard words which vnt, g W'>' 1 9 7 Againe . thinke yee that wee excufe our felves unto you? we fpeake before God in ■> Chrilt. But we dee all things , dearely beloved , for your edifying. 10 s Forlfearelealt whenlcome.Ifliallnot find you fuch as I would : and that I Ihallbe found unro you fuch as ye would not : and leaft there be ftrife , envying , wrath , contentions, backbitings, whifperings, iwellings,nih*r,Ji,il,at I mi^htmtte iurJenfime Uyw. « He putteih away another mod grievous Oaunder.to wit, that he d.dfubtillyaud by othfti.makebiigaine and pro.fiie oftb-m. 7 Heeconcludeib .that bee wriiteih not thefe things unto ihem,ai ihaugb bee needed to deteodhimlelfe.fcj, her iigu.lne of ootbing: but becaufeii is behove, able for tbem to doubt nothing of fail fidelitie who ioUniaed them. n ^sithe. t.mmithhtm to ffeikf tritely a-id f,-nerel,,ii,at pr. reUeih h'mfetfe to he in Chr ft , hat it tofu,.,,kea Cir|/!r«. 8 Having confirmed hii authoritie unto them he tebukeib them (harpely.and tbHaro.tb tbem alfo like an ApoHle.Oiewing that he will notl'pare ibem btiiftei.uoleire they rej.ert.feeiBg that thii ii tht third time that be bath wawtd CHAP. Xlll. C cmmit^ the thir'i time, t HedemUneeihttitfia'ftTVtif geance tomarJ ttitm, f irfcs haire a ftrfed triall tfihe ftner e/ Chri/l ia hit ^fofiUfhif : i o ^f Un^ii, hte fraietk fat their fefintttnee, ii ^niycifhethtbemfmfferiiie. TO this it the third time that I come unto you. ♦ In the mouth of two or three wiineffes Ihall every word ftand. « I told you before . and tell you before : as 4. Deut.rg,,,. though I had bene ptefent the fecond time, fo '"^t i!>>«, ' write 1 now being abfentto them , wiiich hereto- '"'"' '■'7- heb/, fore have tinned, and to all others, that if I come TV.Lan, againe, I will not fpare. /ep^'b^fe 3 I Seeing that yee feeke experience of Chrift, tbat.whiiethey that fpeaketh in mee .which towarde you is not '^«''P'''t'>eApo. weake, but is a mightie in you. Ttjl'th °°°'"' 4 For though hee was crucified concerning cbrine7ow««. b his infirmitie , yet Jiveth hee through the power tieace : and alfo of God. Ani we no doubt are weake in him , but wh''": they con. we (hall live with him , through the power of God '"""l ""^'n « , toward you. Se:th:;1aT 5 § » Proove your felves whether ye are in the nothing here in faith : examine your felves : knowe yee notyour 'giinfth'tn .which ownefelves.howthatleTus Chrift is in you.excepc |' ^'^'"'■Tr!. ■» ye be reprobates ? ^ ^»ZthV 6 3 But I truft that yee (hall knowe thaivi^ee moftmi^hiietde are not reprobates. reven^edt,fy,„, 7 Nowe I pray unto God that yee doe none f''!^""uh^''i'\ evill, not that we Qiould feeme approoved, but that haft forme 17«/tf- yee ihould doe that which is honeft ; thoagh wee >« 'hey and the God of love and peace Ihall be with you. KDce'hii"p'"" 12 s Greet one another with an* holykifle. ftle&ip, uj^in' All the Saints faluteyou. wbofedoSrine 1 3 The grace of our Lord lefus Chrift, and the '•"'' ^'j'^ '• , ' lo ve of God .. and the communion of the holv flT.J.i'"'^*'' G hoft be with you all. Amen. themfelvesofin.' ^^ , ,, , , fitlelitie, and mull confefli themfelvei not to be of Cbriftes body. 3 He mitigateth that toarpenere, ttultiog that they will fliew themfelves towatdi iheir faith full Apolt lei , apt and wil- liogly to beiau^bt.addiogthiimoreovcr .thathepalfethnot for hi, owne fame and eftimation . fo that hee may fervc to their falvation , waich iitheonely matke that he ihooteihat. e In raeoi iudgement. d Thu aS tl<,„^,may h in ycod orJrr amoniji ycit , and the members of tht Church reflortd into iheir place , ivhicb have hint Jhaktn and cm of place. 4 A biiefeexbortation.but yetfuchanoaeascomprehendeth all the parte, of « Cbriftian roanjiife. s Hefalureth them f4mil«ily,4ad incoB. cluftonwiflieth well UQio them. # i,Cor.i«,io. 1 The fecond Epi/lUto the Corinthians,writ. ten from i'hiiippi.a cicie in Macedonia, iindfint by Titus and Lucas. TH % Pauls Gofpel from Chrift. Cbap.I.n, Paulscalling. fe THE EPISTLE OF THE APO ST LE GAL I. PA VL A T I A N S. TO ,TH E I A falutJlion cemptebcndicg ia ff w wordi, the famme of the A- poillei doftrinea aod alfo beiidei CHAP. Slni^hl ^lerlhlfttlHlati"!, 6 nirtftiUnitlhthe Ct. UtuntferreimltiHg, 9 fi'm hiiCofptl, if tvhieh he rece7i>edfromCcd, 17 itfire he kidctrmnuaicatedwiih any efthe ^pcftlet. A U L » as Apoftle { cot » of men, ' Dcither by ^ mao. * but by e lefts I Cbtilt.aDd God the Father which bath raifed bim from the dead.) z And all the brethren which I are with me unto the Cbnrcbes of Galatia: . ., , 3 Graced* with yon, and peace from God ih6 l^e'b'Sg"" Father, and from our Lord lefus Cfarift. ftewiog the gra- 4 * Which gave himfelfefot our finnes , thai vitie meete for the he might deliver us* from this prefem evil^world Apoft7ethfch\e ^'^'="'^*"8 " tbe will of God even out Father, hadtaml^nuioe' ^ To whom *« gloiy fof cvcr and cvcr . AmcD. agaioft the faife 6 j I marvcilc that ye are fo foone « remooved ■podlei. , away unto another Gofpel , from him that had cal- f.t"e«Tour Jf '^'^ "1°° '° ^^^ 8"*^^ °^ ^''"'^• the mto7ft°r"gene. 7 ♦ Which Is Hot iDother Cofptl, favc that there rally: for herein the be fome wbich troublc yoD» aod ioteod to '^peivert whole miBifttry the Gofpel of Chrift. t'f/tty'beAS'" ^ But though that we. or an Angel from hM- fties.orshepheardi, ^^ prcach Boto you othciwile thco that wWch or Dodouis, they we have preached UBto you.let him be g accurfed. die appointed of g As we faid before . fo fay I now againe .If fa°Hetouche.hthe f^^ ^an prcach unto you otherwife. then that yee ?nftrumemai caufe: oi\e reccivcd.let himbc accutled- for this i. a peculiar iQ y For no w preach I ^ mans rfo^rw otGods? prfrogative to th Aponiet , to be cai Jed immediatly from Chrift. •*• Titui 1,3. c Chrift no doobt ii maa.butbeeis God alfo. and head or goc 1 about to pleafe men ? for if 1 (bould yet pleafe men, I were not the fetvant of Chriit. 11 * 6 Now 1 certifie yon . brethren . that the Gofpel which was preached of me . was not after mao. ..^ ...„, -MM -.— ^ * ^'^^ neither received I it of man, neither was f^he°cburcb ,"and I taught it, but by the ' revelation of lefus CbriQ. fnthisref^iratobe 13 7 For yc bavc heard of my convcifation in extmptedouiof the Dumber ofmtQ. > Thefummeofihe true Gofpel ii ihii^that Cbrift by biionely cfftriog, faveih ui being cboftn out from the world , by the freedecteeof God thepj- ther. •{ Lake 1:74. d out cfihjt muft corrupt /iuttyvhichii roithaut Chriji. 3 Thehrft f art of 1 he EpilUe wherein he witneflcth thathei.ao Apoftle, nothing in- feriourto thofe chiefedifciplei of Cbrili, and wholly agretiog with thein whofe names thefalfeapoftleidid abule. And he brginneib with chiding, reproovingtbemoflighi- DtU'e for that they gaveeatc fo eafrly unto tbein which petveited tbem and drew them away to a new Gofpel. e He vfith the fajiine i>o}ce, to ca^ thefaait ufon the ful/ex- pefilei, and he Vfeththe tinx ihar.noW ii,roplielhem lo underfiana'jtlitt it wui not al- reaiij dcne,hitt in doin^. 4 He wainethiheni in rime to remember that there Menot nianyGsfpell.apd therefore wbaifoevei thefcfalfe apoltltl pretend which bad tfaeLaw. Mofti and the Fathers in tbeirmouthe* , yet they aieindeede (o many corruptiociof the true Gofpel, infomuch tbatheebimfelfe.yea,andthevtry Angel.themlelves ,(and tbeteforemucb more ihtftfalfe apoftleijoughtto beholden accuifed,if they goe about to change the lead iotetbat maybe in the Gofpel, that bee delivered to them before. 1 For there it noihn^ mere contrary lofui:h or free ittfiijicaiicn, then iufiipcation hj the La\r.,cr hy cur i'.efcrling. % Lookjs R^om .9>i' S A confir-mationtakenboth from the nature oftoedoaiine it felfe.aod alfo from thatmaner wbichhevfethin teaching, forotitber ,faiih hee ,did Iteach tbofe tbiogi which pleafed men ajibefe mendoe which put part offalvation iHexteroall tbingi ,and woiketoftbeLaw.neitberwent I about :u procure any maoi favour. Andtbtrtfoietbc matter iifelfe (hewcih tbatthat doSrine which Idelivertd unto you, 11 heavenly. h Heetoucheththefalfeapo- llJts who tadDO.hing but m.n in tctir mouthe>,and he,iho«gb hee would derogate no- Jing from the Apoftle. ,prcacheth God and not men. * i.Cot.i),i. 6 A fecond |jjrgumeni to proovetbat ihii doSiine is heavenly , becaufe bee had it from heaven, Jfrom lefuiChtillhimrelfe, without any mani beple.wherein hee excelietb them whom CQtilt taugbihereon eaiib after tbemaner of men. i Tbii piace is to be uoderftood ' ofaa extraordiDaryreveldtion,foroihtrwifeiheSonne alone re\ealed hi* Gofpel by hif Spirit, although b y the miuilieiy of men which Paul fllu:ieih out btte. 7 Keeproou- eibibatbeewasextraordinaiilyiaugbt of Chrift himfelfe , by tbe biftory ofb is for- mer life, which tt eGaUtiaaj, ibtmlelves know well yaougb : for faith bee , ir is well kno wen in what fchoole I wa« brought up , even fiom a childe, to wit.amongll thai deadly enemiei of the Gofptl Aud that do man maycavillacd fay that I wai afchoi. ler ottberbariftsin name onely and rot in oeede , no man is ignorant, bow that I excelled inrbatifaifme , and was fuddecly madeofa Phaiife. in Apoftle «f the 6eB. tilei , fo that I had do fpace to btiultruacd of luea. time paft , in the lewifli religion , how that $ I j^ .„^ . perfecated the Church of God cxtrcmcly.aBd wa- k Htedue'ththem fted it. the trtditkni tfhit 14 And profited in the lewiCb religion above p*>htri,tecMrehi many of my compaBJons of mine ovroe nation, and TirehT,!,r"re*yM" was much motezealousof the •'traditions rCmy aj/jw* f'Lrr/i •* '■> hiifulher. fathers. If But whenit pleafed God (wbich htdifepa- l Hefpetk"';'/' rated me from my mothers wombe , and called me- <^"'' '>;"Ujitng by his grace,) '^^.t^t,,,^, 16 To revealebit Sonne m m mee. , that I mould pdnndhim to be preach bim * among the Gentiles immediatly ,^l *" ^po/iie.nhertif. communicated not with ° flelh and blood : ''J «'^"'"*«« vi 1 L T • .T- rt detreeitlhaf eiierltf 17 Neither camel 2gaine to Hietufalem to ^4^„„yij;,,/ them which were Apoilles before me . but I went Cod.hii appointing into Arabia.and turned agaioe unto Damafcus. /"" *'> metherj - 13 Then after three yeeres I came againe to ,t°" /«",«««! Hierufaiem to viiite Peter , and aboade with him ti'liat"a' ^e/eeV fifteene dayes. c/ tv.rkes fcrfeeot, 19 Andnoncotber of the Apofllesfaw I. fave "= T'me.and thh lames the Lords brother. , , ^t^feH^itt*' 20 Now tbe things which I write unto yon, j,/i, ^'heret, thu behold,/ wttneffe o before 6od» that I lie not. >v fivm us to un- 2.1 Atter that , I went into tbe coaftes of Syria ''"^'""^' '*""*<• and Cilicia : for I was nckoowen by face unto the y/^^'c^"*" Churches of Indea which were in Chrift. j, Ephe'fix. ■^^ Buttbey had heard onelyyowfy«^,He which « Becaufe it might perfecBted us in time p»ft ,nowe preached the beobjeaed.thai g faith wbich before he deftroycd. raS'ch'm ... 13 AndtbeyglonnedGodfarme. the way, bm af- terward, was ia- firuaedofiheApoftleiandothetl, whofe aames (ai I faiil before; tbe falfe apofti«« abuled todeftroy bii ApoftleOiip ,ai though be delivered another Gofpel then tbe true Apoftletdid .and at though bee were notof their number, which atetobt crediitS without exception : therefore Paul anfweretb ,' hat he began ftraighrway after hi* calling to preach the Gofpel at Damafcus and in Arabia , and was not from that time in Hietufalem butoDely fifieene dayet, where bee faw onely PelerSc lames, and after* wards, he began to teach in Syria andCilicia, with theconfent and approbaiiooof the Cburcbetcft'ielewes, which knew him onely by name ,f» farre ofTwas it, tbathe was there ioftruaed of men. a With aay man in tbe world, o Tbatiiakioda ofoathe, f Ihedeatineoffaiifa. CHAP. II. 1 That the ^ftfilts didmthing diCtireefrem hii Ctfpel, 3 he deilaretii ly ihtexamfie cf Tiluiietn^un.ircumcijed, 11 and dtfo iy his ndtidtchir,^ the fame a^airji 1 eiert di_lfi. muUtion. fj^Andfehepu(feihtiithehanalini'of»urftee iufiificationh Chrifi,<^c. *p Hen • fourteene yeers after , I went up againe to Hierufaiem with fi^irnabas , and tooke with me Titus alto. i NowheOiew- X And I went up by revelation , and declared "'^ ''".^ ^' ^g"*' unto them that Gofpel which I preach among the ftie,*^rib whom" Gentiles, but particularly to tbem that were the begraate.htbat' chiefe . leaft by any meaB«s I Ibould runnc, or had be conferred tou- runne > in vaine : ching bi.Go(pti 3 But neither yet Titus which was with mee. ^^g fhV cfn * though be were a Grecian .was compelled to be tiUs, fourteene" CirCUmcifed. yeeres afi*r bi» 4 To wit , for the ^falfc brethren which were «:°°""''oo, an<* craftily fent in.and crept in privily to fpie out our fucb fo^r.blttLw liberty which we have in Cbrii^ lefus , that they conftramednnt bis fellow Ti^i.t to be citcuincifeJ, although fome tormented ibemftlvel therein , wbich traiteroufly layd wait againftbim tut in vaine' neiiberdid they adde tbe leaft iote that coightbe to the doarioe which hee bad prea- ched, but contrary wife they gave to himacd Barnaba. the,rigbt bands of fellowship, and acknowledged tbem at Apoftlesappoin-edoftbeLoid to the Gectiles. a /'n- frmifuily,fcras louihmihu dc:hine, I'aul dtuheJnctofir, tut hecaufethere were ctr- taine reports cajl ahead of him, that hee was cf .mother opinion then the reft efthe ^pe- flei were^trhich thing might haVe hindered the cmrfe ofiheCtfirl^-htrcfcre he lahturtd »« remedy thiifrs, i Whish h <>""<' '»»'' (.tnterfait hclynejfe erept in amentj; ikl f*it'ifni, L\\ -i might Paul reproovcd Peter. e Bt fabmitti..« might biir^ o$ into boodigei ■nd brtiaying oai f^, ^^ hourc.that the d uneth of the Golpcl might ^'"rL'^'dfio- continue with* you. e«e dSs.iW.h. 6 But by thero which Cftmed tobs gieat.Z *«« «ofH«i. which re- ,x,( M«|.'.t (v^»tlo£Vcr tbcy wcrc io time pilled, I »»ioedfif«from j^^j ooibiDL''lne bcttti: * God acCCptCth DO ItUDS tli'''5furf?'m<" peifon) fo' 'b'^y -h" «= 'tic <^^'^^« • '^''^ *'^'^* ''°- fiifedJaiiBH. tbiogto iEe And whcH Peter w«s comc to Atitiochw, wiihftood him to bis ' faccjfor he wis to be cod- (hcii btei into ibatweagreed -- - vshoiiytoihcdo- bee ate with the Getitilei : but whso they were ftiioeof .bcGoffel. come, be withdrew and feparatcd himfclfc.fcaring tbem which were of the circumcifion. 1 3 And the other lewes played the hypocrites likewife with him . in fo much that Barnabas was k led away with them by that their hypocnfie. I4 But when I faw.that they went not the i right way to the ™ ttueih of the Gofpei.l faide unto I'e- tcr before -11 men. If thon being a lew. liveft as the GeDtilei.and not like the Icwes.wby oconliiaincft thou the Gentiles to doe like the Icwes ? 1 5 3 We which Are Icwes °by nature, and not r fjnners of the Gentiles. 16 Knowe that a man is not iuftificd by the works of the Law.bft by the faichqof Icius Chrift, even we, Ifty , have beleeved io Iclus ChtiU, that we might be uiltitied by the faith of Chnft.and not by the wcrkes of the Lawe . becaulc tfeat by tbe workes of the Law , ' no flefli Chaibe mftiticd. 17 * 4 If then while f we leeke tobcoiitde tigh- i Before all ■ Another molt vehement (Jtoofe of hi» Apoftlefhip, mai alfo of that dofttiiiev9bichht bad deliverfdcon- cefiiiof: fret iuftifi- cation by faiib onely.lifcaufe that for tbii thing onely hertptehendid Xeter at Aniioch, ^hoofffodtd kerein.io that for • fewlejveifakel which came from Hicrufalein he played the (c«ii aid offended the <>cntil(i \nbich fcadbeleri'ed. k Dytiami'le iJthet ibfn by iudgemeat. itg and dttfr Word for i j9vfaicfa i bt foote. which be fettetb.igainft bait- rlecal^t . tbe tiueih of ih« Gofpel b<.nh ibedLftrir.eittelfe,«Bd alfothf iifeofdoariue. wbich weecall iht praSU'e. n Hee fifth theyvcMeconfttained, which played thelevteibyrtieriexample 3 Thele- cond •ijti oftbiiF.pilile ,the Hate whereof ii this: sver artiultifitd by foith in Chrift Jrful 'wiihout the woiktloftbe Law: which thing hr- nropouiideii in fuch fort ,ihit iiift ofalltermeettthw.iihanobir ffvfd by bim .tbattogeihei ibtrcwithall, he brgmpttb i«.hi-mby lit' le and li;tl< ibat .'(rrngtb and pawerol bii which dt II foy- etbfHineiotbefDd tnai tbii old man bm.gabolith-d by the vertue of Chrift crucifitd, Chrillinjylive in thtm .and :hey aay cot,feci.iriheiofrlv.iio God.Thetefo'e if any Diao givel-i:r'felf«tofinneatierbe>;ath rrcf ivei tbe Gofpfl .let bun not accufeChrill iiorihe Gofpel but himfelfe , for that he defiroyetbthe woikeofGod in hitrfflfe. f iiegoetbtVom ionificiiiEiitc fjnai6c«:ioq , which ii ansthetbenefit we KC:ive by ClifMl -if wr /ay hoW 00 binj byftUh, teous by Chrlft.wce ont felvesare found finnets.is Chrift therefore the miniftet of figne ? God forbid. 1 8 For if I bolide againc the things that I have defttoyed, I make my felfe a ttefpafler. t The Law tb« ip Fot I through the Law am dead to the < Law, "iriHeih ibecon' that I might live unto God. '""'"" .bringeth ui ao I am ciucihed with Chrift.but 1 Wvt.yet not o°n" 'cfuV^?h ,,.'0 u I any more, but Chrift liveth in mee: ana in that dieto the Law ic- that I nowe live in the x flefl^. I live by the faith in •J"''' becaufe that the Sonne of God , who hath loved me. and given ''>' ">^kiDf uingh- . . r ic r teoui, he tsketb blmfelfe forme. , . , away from u. th, XI J I doe not abrogne tae grace of God: for tern^urofconfti- if righteonfneffe be by the Lawe , then Chrift died *^^^- aidby fanfti, without a y caufe. ^l""" "'• "^^"^ . throi'fu,.thcmorn» fying uf lult in lu, that it cannot take fuch occifioB to fione by the 'ei^raint which ibt I-iwmaketb, aiitdidbeforeRom.7.io,ii. u The fame that I wi» before, x Inthi.moftailbody. y Tbi fecocd argument taken of an abfurditie : if men may beiuftihedby ibeLaw. tfaenwatil not oecelTiry forCbriit todie. y For (here wai DO caafe why be fiiould doe fo. C H A P. III. I Ht rehuk'th them, for furring thimfil>ls to hi Jr,trttnfrtm tht grat cffrte iufiification in Chrifiimcft liiitljjit cut itrtlo ttiem. 6 Heehrin^tthii t^ir ^haml tiiimpU, lo tie, rlaringtkteffiift, "ii and enUjii p/ihe pl^vgt/th* Q^Fooliih Galatians, who hath be witched yop, ^.o^oVargom!^ that ye Ihould not obey the trneth , to whom taken oftbofc lefus Chrift before was delciibed in your* fight, gifuofiheholy «nd among you crucified ? °!° wrreVuXld 2 This onely would I Icarne of yon, Received fromre'ave'n aft« ye the b Spirit bytbe workes of the Law,or by the they had heard hearing of e faith preached ? a""* beleeved the 3 ' Areyefofooliih.tbataf«:ryehavebegun S^nliletiJ • wb^ch io the Spirit.ye would now be made pe»fe he ineaaeih iheceri- moi:ieioftb« Law.againft whicb he fetieth tbe Sprit,! hit i»,the fj iri.ujll w^'iking t f tbeGof^ell. 3 An exhortation by maner of upbtaiding, that they doenoi in viine futferfo manyconfliai. 4 Herepeaieih ibetbir^ aigumcDi which waiuken of the effea .hccaufe bee bad intfrlaced certaine other ar^umto i by tbe way. f The firll argumtnt which ii of great fo'ce, and biihrbifegrouBd, Tbe fitit, That Abraham v.sl iudrfied by faith, to wit, by free imfuiation cfri ■hifc.ufoeffeaccordii^gto iht promife apprehended by faith ,a»Mofe«doetb moll pUmtly wutotlf^r. e Lookc R,,in^. 4. Geo.i; s.rom.^.j. iamesi.jj. o Tbe f-rond.ihst thefonneiof Abrabam mu!^ be fiteemed and accounted ofby faith. 7 The tbitd, that all peoplt that be!rtve sir,, without exception, comprrhended in tbe proniife of the blefliog. J Gene. -.2, 3. afts \ 3.2J. i Aproofeof tbefitllandfecuodgroUDdfoutofihewordeofMofei. f Bltf- »t ling in thi>(>lace,rigni,Sftb tbe free promife by faith. 9 Tbe conclufioo of the fifth ar. guineni.-Thertforf ai Abraham i, blefferh by faith, fo are all hi«cbildr«n ( batijto fay, ' alltbeOeDtile»thatbelervelble(retb,ihai ii to fij, frerly iirtlifi-d. g With fai bfull Abraham, and not by faithful! Abraham, to give ui to uniicnlaad thatlbe blefltiig com. miih not from Atiibam ,butfxoni biin, by whom Abraham and all hii fofteritie »i fclcijtd, 10 '" For W ho are iuftified. Chap. The ufe of the Law. 83 10 The (ixth aigu- JO nient, the conclu- Lawe in the formei veife * takea of contrariei. thui. They areac- cutlcd which are oftbe woikejof theLaw, thjitiito fay, vvhichvaue their right^ourtiei by the performance of the Law. There- fore they are blef- fed which are of faith,ihati»,ihey V»hich have righie- oufocficby faith JO For as many as are ofthe works of the are vnder the curfe : >" For it is written. tbii : Curfcd bee that fulfil- letb not the whole Law. ,}, Deut 17,36. I J Thefccoad propolicioB things, which are written in the booke ofthe Law, toiloethem. II >» And that no man is iuftified by the Law in the fight of GoJ , it is evident : § for the iuft (hail live by faith. Ii «3 And the Law is not of faith : but * the man that (hM Joe thefc things , IhalUive in rhem._ 13 1+ Chrift hath redeemed lis from the curie of the Law , made a curfe fer us , ( w for it is writ- ten, •!• h Curfed is every one that hangeth on tree.) 14 16 That the bkfTing of Abraham might „ A~pVo'ofeoVthe come on the Gentiles through Chrift lefiis , that former featence wee might receive the proraife of the Spirit or propofition : and through faith. the propofiiion of I y 17 Brethren.I fpeake as ' men doe: A' though this argumrnt ii .^ ^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^ Covenant , when it is k confirmed, yet no man doeth abrogate it , or addeth any thing thereto. 16 Now to Abraham and his feede were the promifes made. He taich not , and tothefeedcs, as [peaking of many : but , And to thy feede , as of theconclufion .But one, '8 which is ' Chrift. DO maofuifiHeih , _ ,, y^p,j jhis I fay. that the covenant that was t^Z. Iom!r confirmed afore of God m in refped of Chrift . the by Ibe Law. Orel., '» Law which was foure hundrcth and thirty yecres All ate accurfcd after . Cannot difanuU , that it Ihould make the pre- '''"r''!^"K"J^''' mifeofnoneeffedt. wo" WcL Law. 1 8 ai For if the » inheritance 6e of the Lawe, Aod there is ao' r «- « !•/■ oexed alfo thii maner of proofeof ihe fecond propofitioo ,to wi;.R.ighteouratire,Jc life areatttibutedcofaith.Thtrcfoienoman fulhlle.h theLaw. J H^h i ^-'cm. i,i7.heb. I0,io. 13 Here is a rfafonftiewcdof the former coofeqatnce: Becaufe the Lawe promiftth l.fe toall ihaikte^e it , and .berefore if it be kirpr , it luMitieth loA giveth life. But tbeSctlptureattribui.Dg-nghreoufnefli'andliieeofaKh .takcih ii ft.m the tawe, leciog that faith lull.fietb by impu ation, and the L.w by tbepetforroing uf ihe worke. • teui..,8,;. .4 A pr.v.atmgofan ob.cft.o,, : How .h.o canthey be bltdid whom ihe Law pronounctih 10 be accu.ftd ? Becaufe Chiift fufteined .be cuile whichtbeLawla.dupoc 11$ , that we might bequufromit ij A ptoofeof ihcan. fwercby.heteltimDieofMofet * Le«t.ii,i3- h L hij: nu, ■'tcurjfu f.r ,.f, Ucauft he k.ire ihe curfe ,h.,i ■n-ai Jae 10 u,, tc make t' p-""-'k.""r'>'""^'''"'"J"'l!'- 16 AcoDclulioDof all that wat fayd before in the band Imgot the fifth and liittirca. fors. 10 wit, that both ihe Gentiles are made partaken ofthe free bl fling of Aorah.m in Chiill , and alfo that .be lewes ihemfelvef ,of wbofenumber th A,o(tleL..ao eth bimlelfeto bee, cannot obtaiue tbatpromifed grace ofibe Gul|el which becilUti: ihe Spirit, butontly by faith. And the ApolUe doth fcverally a(-p y ■neconcluiloo.b^ ih to theoneandtbeotbtr prepar.ng bimfelfe a way , to theuext argu...eai,whtt.by hede- clareih..hat that one o.iely feed of Abiahamwt^ich is madeol all peoples can m. otben- wife beioyn.d and growe upiogeiher.but by faith in Chiift. 17 'He pmte hiotth two generall rulers before the next arguraeoi .which istbefcveoth in oider : Thai one is ,tbat i. IS not lawfull to btcake c. venantsand coniraSi wbith ate iultly made and according to Law amont;l\ men, neither may any ihing be added un.o them: Toe other i.,tbat God didfo make acovefiant with Ab.aham ,, hat hee woiild za.het together bis children which coi.filt bo.b ol I^wes and Gentiles in.oone budy (as appeareib by that whicD bath b.nefaid bet; re ) For re did no. fay, that be would I etheGod of Abraham and ofbis fc,^n's.^,youJcc'om.,«,. *■ Hci9 .7- k ^.H,ht,:tHull. ^v '"« "■ J8 He putieth forth ihefummeofthefever.h argument, to wit ,bai botbthe leWes andGti> tiles growe together into one body of the feede of Abraham, in Chrift oneiy, foihat all in Cbrirt, asiti.af.erwarddeciarfH.verf.il. I l,,^irpcuketl"'"of'bnj's rlmh^,(tr-ic ■toiri^o'^e.tn Chrijl- 19 Tbeeight argument ;lfamanic',vtnant (being autheniicall be lirme and I'rcng, much more Gods cov'oant Therefoie ;be Liw wasnotgivnito ahroga.e the promife inadeio Abraham, whi. h had r. fi t& 10 Chr,ll .rat is lo fay. the end v»hereof did hang ofCbrift- n> V-hiJ, t-ndfh'o ChnP. jr An enlarging of thai argjmeut , ibu. . ■ 'woreoveiandbefiJejihai ihe promife i. of it felfe hrme and lirong it was alfo confirm - td wi'h iheprelcripnon of loDi' -im^.to wi..of43o. yeerei. (o that it could in no vvife be btoken . 1 1 An obitftio.-AVe ,rant : ha. the promfe vvasnot abiogared by the cove. Tgaot ofthe Law and therrf.-re we loyne th» Law with the vrowfe. Nay, fan". >be ^Apoftle . ibefetwo cannot Itand lOiether , to wit , iha. the interiiance (liuuld boih he J given by tbeLaw and alfr. by promife , for the promifc is free .-whereby it followe h, that the Law was not given to luitine.for by that mear.c the prr-m ife Ihould be broker . ' n CjtWilr.r..' ^■f,hrri:an.,) -sTfc^n, ihc r^gh: are,r-eti lie fi^iit o/ihl duari/teufiheCcfftly II ctrfirmin^UiidiJlMrJlrcuh dfneniticne. T ^^^ ' W^^' ' ''^^^ ' Wkc as long as hee is a * child , (Mtcicth nothing fioma lervant, though hebeLoidofall. 2 Hut is vnder tutours and goveinours , a vntiU the time appointed of the Father. I Even fo we, when we were children.were in bondage vnder the ^ rudiments of the world. ir< ,i lot a lallfuch liinraiihaifroK aion mi ovcrfer ine,«b:cb fctaii-ebcing ended, wr liquid at Irng-b coii'.t t: 4tk, Buti od fci hen the ^ fulnelleof time w.iscome, Go(l fcnt forth his Sonne made of ail woman , md made vnder the Lawe, y That hee might redeeme them which were vnder the La w.that we K might receive the ^ adop- but tionof thelbnnes. 6 3 And becaufe ye are fonnes, God hath f fern focrth the g Spirit of his Sonne into your hearts, DT'tourow - M which crieth . Abba, Father. br:"iit anHfh.uid 7 Wherefore , thou art no more a h fervanr. livr.iich.Wrnjand t)ut a fonne : now if then 6*a(onne ,!/;«« (■,«! jQ Yee obfervedayes. and moneths.and times, MK/f Ac tUtr/jl- andyeeres. • • 1 am in fearc of you , leaft I have bellowed onyoulabour in vaiiie. 1 2 J Ke ye as I (i"or I am even as you) brethren, I befeech you : ye have not hurt mc at all. 1 3 And ye know , how through ■" inhrmitie of the flelh.I preached the Gofpel unto you at the fiift. 1 4 And the u trial of me which vvas in my flelh, ye defpiied not, neither abhorred ; but ye receiveth tcr an^ ('•lirncfr, me; ktrdlj he KUnieJ J frtimtti. t Tke Law ii cal- led TuAimtnti,if ,aif thaf ly '',t lav Cod inftr-t- OtH hi: ChurtI, ai rperr ky rfdiminl', tnd afitr-mrdfc-n- t'diut hiiirh Spirit mojl flcr.tj f.tfy m iht time of the Ccfpcl. a Hevtttrftb and de- claieiB tracY '•>'"!;• at once, to wit-tbat ihii lutorfhip was ended at bis time, ihaicu. lious men may leave toaske. why thai fcholemafttri'hip lalled folong. AnJ moreover, that wee ar.- no: Tonces by nature. but by adoction-aud tbatin that Sonne of God.wbo therefo.etookeupon him our flcth, thai we might he made hiibieihien. c The lime iifjy.l n Ic fnll, irhen .lil far:i .-fit arffMt a,U e>id,ercr liitr. d Hte ci'Jeil, Marit a noman, in rcffe:} of lU fexe.and n t a, 'he -nTTdiiurtdin .i cn-nr) fcnfe >:• t liif.iae fliH. *• Ajcm.S.if. 4 rh( udorfcn of,hefi,„e,of.. od.il from ,^e,hi!i^^,Ui! i, .n-eaUJ andfun-e.l in iht timejfftimitJftri!. 3 Heilltweih ih;t we art in fuch foft free and let ai libei- lie. that in the racane feafuo we mufl he governed by tbeSj-itiiof Chiift, which rcign- ■a)> in our hearts, may teach us the true fi rvice of the Father But this isiioiioferve but rather to enioy rrue liberaliiie, ailt commelh fiinn<-» 3D.J heirei. / Vj hat that flc-xtihhe^athtrtth that toat nm.t Icrcrf.fur i/vvt ' aith'i Sfirit,rt>e arc hji/\!:cJ, andifrre art hit /,nr,ti,ll:in are yee free. <» Tieh.ly h'ff.Trl-.eiitothi./lheFaiher eindi.fiUSonie : tutii.ere ii .< pccnUar relfon Tr'i l>t is caUiJtht tfirit 4t\e ionnc, I., ■n-if.i..e,.u/,r.V holjGhnfireaierhuiro^r ad.fi,n in Chr-p.,an^n,.:k.e<), -.a «/«i/ ,1 ■»- ranre ofii. h The yerrd^ferVan' .ii ml lakf" *"■' /•' '"t that liueth in fii.r.crrhich is frjferts il,e infidels' , kutfrrtne th.:i is yd -vrdcr the eiremoniii oft'ne Latv,wliih is frcfer Ik the letrei. i V arialxer of tlis H-fi/>rs. 4 Heapplieib the furmerdo- ftrine 10 tbeGilaiilni, wi h a pecuiijrreiretenfion : f.r in ccmparifon of them , the lewTi might ha-.r prrderde.1 foxe eicufe as mm thai weie borne and btougbt up , in that feivice of the Law JBut (eeiiig the Galatiani wire taken and called out ofidolaitie loCbriMian liberty: -wbat pretence niight they have 10 gu backeiothoie iin potent and beggerly rudimenti? k They are calledimp,lent and h/^erly ccremmics ,heii / con- filcrcd a fart h themfihts iv'ihout Chiijf.and againe.f.r t'hai h thar mtanes tliey^aVt fudiefiimonie ih it ihcj vrerc Ir^fersm ChriJI ,irhen .isnotvrithj>andin^,forinin, to fan hack.e frmi CM/I to cerermniei , is nohin? rli A«f t, caft an.ty ruhts.andio foUow te/ferh. I By ■"•"•■, haokferard, f He mitigateih *id quilifietb thofeihingi wherein he inciKt hive feemed tobavefpoken fomewhat flinply . vtiy anilitiouOy and divinely drclarmg hi, gmd will lowardiihem in futh (or. . that tlie Gtlarians could n.ii buieit!-er bemerly defptMte when :hey readethefe :hinj;i,or a..knowIe eyes , and have given vcrU amcHfJi them unto me, mm, hon hapiit . 16 Ami therefore become your enemie , be- ^'" 2*"'"/ cau-^e I tell y cu the trueth ? i!«f .TJr %%"* 17 They are iclous ever you q amilfc : yea,they thar mnecom- would exclude you , r that yee Tr.ould altogether '"<'^' "<■ love them. l,l!l'" f'' "'"' 1 8 But it is a good thing to love f earneflly al- "ir/rommTio wayesina^oodthing.and not onely whenlam themfeivts. prefent with you. i Hefeitethhis 19 My little children , of Vv-hom I travaile in 'ifntuueanJ £m4 birth againe.untill Chriti be formed in you. earr^lj'h^t*ti- 20 And I would I were with you now, that I yvards them,t^ai„ft might - chance my voice:for I am in doubt of you. t'-.e nau^hiit vui. 2 1 6 Tell me , ye that u will be under the Law, '"' .'''" '^''•* doe ye not beaie the Law ? tyfilit'^zxis 21 For it is written , that Abraham had two dmcngj^.n. fonnes , « one by afetvant , and % one by a free ^ Becaufe ibi? Wcman, _ falleapoftleial- 23 But he which was of the fervant.was borne waynvrgedthij, after the i flefh : and he which was of the free wo- ■''^' "°''''« '•''« man.t,r,4.6.r«byypromile. _ c^uS'cbX 24 By the which things another thing is meant; couui profile for i thefe wotAer/are theatwoTelUments , the them nothing at one which is Aparof mount *> Sina , which gen- aii.andihijdureo. drethtnto bondage. . t^^.^Tl^^'''' 2J (For Agar or Sina is a mountame in Ara- circumcifton.a. bia ,anditc "nrwered to Hierufalem which nowc gainft ibem which is) and J ihe is in bondage with hei children. beieevtd of the 26 But Hierufalem , which ise above . is free ; ""'"f"rf°;- ,. , . , . , , r II wai luil or otfen£-e; which is the mother ot us all. theApoiiie.after 27 7 For it is written , *Reioyce thou barren divers argumenti that beared no children: breakefoorth.Sc ciy.thou wbetebybehaih that travailed not : for the Mefolate hath many "'^'««<» ""=""■ 28 4. Therefore , brethren , wee are after the rie.whe g maner of llaac, children of the ^ promife. f-Y"'' 'be holy 19 lUit as then hee that was borne after the ^^''""„t'*„""1S''' > flelh , perfected him that vv*t Urne after the t'befe my^naifi- to k Spirit, even fo // is now. wii , that it OiomU come to paire.tbat '• ' two fovij of fonnes fliould have Abra- ham s fitter common to boih , but t}0twith like ruccelTc : for at Abraham begaie llmael, by ibecoinmon courfe ofnatute,of Agar bis bondmaid and a Ibaogir and^bc- fate Jfaac of Sara a free wonsan by ikevertut uf ibe promift and by grace onely , and ibefiift was Dee onely nutheire, buc alfo perfecu ed the heire.So there are two cove- vjoit. and asii were iwu fonnw bi rne to Abraham ofibofeiw'O cov«nan;i,as it were of iwo mother. The ooe waj iiiadeia Sini.without the landofi:romireaccurdii which covenant Abraham! children accord iog toihe flelh were begotten ; lo wi' lewei which fetkerighteoufiies by ibat covenant, that is , by the Law: but i not heires , nay they Ihall at length beecad outof the houff,a«ihey that perfjc true heiies. The other wai made in ibat high Hierufalem o( in Siou , Cto wit , by the factihceCifChiiit) which be^eiteib children of ptomife.io witj beletversby the vinue ot the holy Gholi, which children (as Abiaharo^ do r«I( ibenifdves in frre promife, and they onely by the ligti of childieu (hal! be yat taken of ihefatbers iiiheriiarce, and ibofefervantaihilbe film out. u 1 hat dv fire fu ^rea-i^y. 4, Cent fn 16,1 f. § Cfr„/;.i,,i. X ^Is. ill ml'icl> Wtrc net lyvo rn deedeMt in refpee} of the limes, and the Jrlerfiiie cfthegoui'ernemtn'. b Ht mal^eih mention of .S Ina.htcaufe that cotienant tvas made in that miair.taine, cfreh'ch moMn'ainc •^igar tras afhiti, rve. c Leo.'te*.TO the cafe pandeihhetycixt ^4?ar and her children , «Kn /» ftandethiiit- IVpeenr ItrHfilem and hers. d Th.it i',. Sna. e ll'h:cl< i, exccUcr, and ,f„eat account. Hee/liewerhthatin thit.illegorif ,bee rhat followed the fttppejof Efaytwbo foretold ibatihe Church lllo'uld bee made atd coefiit ofihe children of barren SaK . thati»tofay,oftbemwbicli(m.lyfpitituaily(hculdbe mide Abrahams children bi fail h, rather then of fruiifjil AgJr, even •hm fijrt(hewingt';ecaltLng cffof ih- ftwesjl andcalliog ofibeOtuiiiei. • F.fa.;4.i. f Sheeihaiisdedtoyed and walled". » « Rrra S 1) ' g Afieribrmjnero.-Ifaac who ii the ftrrt begotten of the heavenlv fc. Hiernlalem.ai Ifnuel is of the Hnvlih Synagogue. h Thai feede. umo which the promi-febflooaeih. i Ily the coraaiooccutfeof oaiure. k By the venue of God* t^>rorail> and after a fpiiituall isiQer. 30 But Faith working by love Chap. V. vj. Fruiies of the flefli and fpirit. 84 tt Gtne.tt.to. 30 But what faith the Scripture? « Put out the 8 Thtconclufioa fgrvant and her fonne : for the fonne of the fer- £ry .hlirweby ^3"^ (^-lU "ot be heire with the fonne of the free oo ine»n«s,rro- woman. •ureindcaiibicke 31 s Then hrethren.we are not chiWrcn of the agaitie tht flivtry feivant, biit of the free woman. oftheLaw.Ueing thit tbe children of thebon CHAP. V. I H.!!-!*!^ Jicl^reJ that we came cfthsfrte WMnin , hee ffinv eth the frice oflhatfreedome, ij and Uvti tve fhMU ujethejame, 16 that ypttniiy obey the Spirit , 19 and Tfftjl the fiifh. C Tand faft therefore in the libertie wherewith Chiift hath made us free , and be not intangled againe with the yoke of bondage. X I J Behokle , I Paul Ijy unto you .that if t Anothefobte- yge be » circumci/ed .Chrifl ihall profit you no- ftaion wbereir jhin"-. oeiftth^b/t ul'ftifi. 3 for I teftifie againe to every man , which is cjtion of workei, circumcifed , that he is boimd to keepe the whole and luniiiotidoof £.aw. t^o'eV"b«auf°'* 4 '^^ ^'■^ * ^ aboIi(hed from Chrift rwhofo- r°o maD'ca^fae 'i^i- ^'^"^ ^^^ "^ iuftifjed by the Law , ye are fallen from ftificd by tbc Law, grace, fcutbetbatdoeth y 9 For wee through the t* Spirit waitc fot the f1Iiir''Aud h^'^ ^°P^ of righteoufnelTe through faith. takrth the exam- ^ 3 For in lefus Chriil neither circumcifion 3- plecfcircumcifi- vaileth any thing , neither 4 vncircumciiion , j but on, bfcjuff ii wat e faith which worketh by love, thcr ground of all 6 Yc did runne well : who didlct you , that Law, and vsi Y^ «'" "'^'^ "''^y ^"^ trueth ? •hitflyuigfdof 8 7 /t »^ Hot the perfwafioH of *" him that cal- thefalftrApoi'.Iei. Icth yCl!. $ AfifUM- . 9 K s A little leaven doeth leaven the whole fno.'h«Tl'«' "I- '""^P^- , ^ ^ . ^ u u r . , Ifd the feaieof lu 9 I havc ttuft in you thtough the Lord,irat rightet'urneBtf but yg will be none otherwife minded : butheetliat her. w mud have trouble h v (HI , iiiall bcatc his Condemnation, who- cor.fiicrJtioi: ot!h- ^ , / circuviaiceoftbe loc-verhebe, Bai'iifrnfc-^mein II 1° And brethren , if I yet prcach circumcifi- tb. place of tir- on , why doe I yet fiiffer perfecution JThenisthe ''''""'' "pauf flanderofthecroire,ibolilhed. x«rneTaccor "^ •' Wouid to God tliey Were even cut off ciinjio tBe'rinion which due % diiq ietyoj. tba- hi» enemin 13 fot brctbicu .yc havfi bene Called unto H- had of it. which •' ' mjdecircuiTicirioD ».^pitceof their falvstii^n. • 1 -Cct. 117. i Th.ti h,u- l-e 'im'''!'i oirpmnJetli it af- ^ 'ftnrjrarfth ihe new reol'le wuh the o!d:forii is certainethat ibey alfodid grodnd all tbeir hope of iuftifivBiiou and iife in fci.h and not in ciicumcifioo , but fo,il-.ai their faiib was wraj )-d m the tx trnall * «nd ce:en>oniall wcrfllip; but our faith is bareand content with (yirituall worftjip. d Tl;roiig.htbeSpirit-which ingendreth fai;h. 3 Headdeih a teifoD.fonhai uoov cir- cimctlioB i» aboUftied feeing tbat Cbrift iirxhibi:cd unto us with full i>leniiei.f piri- tuall ciicumcirion. 4 He maktth mention alfo ofvncircumcifion, lealt tbeGentilei fllould plrafe thcmf^-Ivei in it.ai the leweidoe iu ciixiimcificD. j The taking away of an obi'aion: If allthat wordlip of ;beLawebe taken away. wherein iben (lialj v.eexe'cif,r ourfelvrj.Jinchaiiiie. fayeth Paul : for faith , wbereof wefpiake,caonnl beiiile. OJy it bnngcth forth daily fruiti of cbaiitie. e So ii true faith di(tuiguiQi«d frum counterfeit faith: for cbariiieijooiioyoed ,o faith ai a follow caufe.iohelpt for- ward otiriulHficjtipn with faith. 6 Againr hecbildetb be Galatiani.bul with an arimiraiion ard t'^erewiihalla praifcoltbeir former racCjto the end that he may make them itiort- alhaini-d . 7 He 1 layeth tbepari of an Apoftle with them, and uleib hit luihoriiie-.deuyir.g that that doatinecan come from God which ii contrary to his. f OfG^d. .j. iCoiinih.f*. S Hce addeth thij, that be may notfeeme to con- /tend upon atnfle , warninj them diligently (by a firniliude vjbich he borowetb of teavetj, a> Cbiill himfelfe alfo did ) oat to fufferthe purity of the Al-liolicalidoftiiue, to be in f-Sedwittit be lealt corruption that may be. 9 He mitigarerh .befortnet rrprebefilion, calling the fault upon tbefalfe Ap.)l!lti,agaiu(l vvbom hcdepnuocetbihe horrible iudfement of God. 10 Hec vMlletbthem toconliJer bow that he feekeih Dot hii ownepr.St in ibii matter , feeing ibaihe could efchewe ifaehatred efmi-D , if be would i'beioveaf dertheLaW. J V ^ ource,gbbonr.« .- ,\.. 1 . ex n n a marke wbercvow _ ip i6 Moreover the works or the fleni are rea- toaiicbiiniin» nifeft, which areadulterie.fornication.vncleannes, ought to referre wantonnefTe, all their aftiooj, xo Idolatrie, witchcraft.hatred , debate, emula- ci^j,h ^h" efllmo! tions.wrath.contentions.feditions.hercfies, tjieofthetaw. * 21 Envie, miirthers.drunkennelfe.gli'ttonie, h Tbii particle and fuch like . whereof I tell you before . as I ' '^'." '""* ^"/" alfo have tolde you before , that they which doe „r7tabie. *' fuch things , lliail not inherite the kingdomeof J4 Levit ij.is. God. mat 12,59 mar. -21 But the k fruite of the Spirit is love , loy, '^ J'-'<^in>3.»- peace.long(liftering,gentleae.g.,odneire,faith, ".""nVxhonatiot, ij Meekenes.temperancie : '7 againluuchthere totbeduetiei is no law. ofchjtiie.by the 24 Fortheytlisrr,reChtifts .have crucified the vrnfi.ethatenfu. flefli with the aff;dions and the lu.les. ^ _ !aufethatnomen 2 J If we 'live in theSpitit.letus alfo walke in^provUe wot fe for the Spirit. themfelves.then 26 is Let us not be defirousofvaineglorie. «'^fy'''»''a":one provoking one another,en\7ing one another, trHe^ckEow- led^etb .hr great Weakeneffe ofthegtjdly , for ihattbey are but in part rcgener.ite ; but he willeih them to retnemberibat they arc indued v^ith tbe Spiritof G d . which hath delivered them from the flavery offinne.and fo of the I,»w (o tarre forth as it ii the vettut: i^fhniie.that they (llould not give t'limfelvrt toiuliel § Rom 13,14. i.(iet2.ii 1 Frfthe flefli dwelletoeven iu the rei en- rare man but tbe S; itt r-ig.eih althoLigb >w Ait,iout gr.^tnir'fe,asi=!ar^elvfettoo.t^,R ir.? ,6 H» f -tt th .u t-atpariicularly.wMch befpike genet jly > reckoning up foinec ieleeti'iCU ofche (ieib^and o. p iling them 10 tbefiuite>of:hc Sp'ni, that no man may pretcnt i»n<^rance. k T'cr'Tire thev ars not tbefrui->of free wif bu- fo firre forth aj our wi'l ii midc tree by gr.ce. 17 Leaft that any man Ihould cb.cd ■ hat Paul plat- d the Soj bill- r . ai one who urging tbe Spirit iirgetb a. i bing but 'hat which the Law ccmin.iu:idc;b , be Ihewetb thjt he re. quirethnot .hat I i derail and outward obedit nee ,bu: fpiriruall whicD iriceedc h nt^.t from the Ltw , but from ihe Spirit of C-Tilf -which doeth Deget ui againe , andniufl and oughttouetherulerand guiilctofottr life. 1 I. we be indecde endu-d v«i h be quickening Spi rit. which caufe th ui to dietolinne and live to God, let UJ ftiew it in our deed'j.thatu by holioefle of life 18 Headdeth peulidrexhortationi accord ingai he knewe Ihe Galatiani fubieft todiveii vicei : and'firif ofall he warr.eib them to take heede of ambition , which viceh.iih tjvo feMowet. backbiting andeDvie, out of which Iwoit caDOotbe buiitiany conientioaimull actdetaiirc. CHAP, VI. KdWr ht tn'rfHeih Iturtitiilarly ffcharitil teyv.tr Jjfirh m cjf'enJ*. 6 ttyvard the Mtni/lersofthetvrd, \o and thifethat areefiht hoiirhoHldecffuith: 12 Not like un- t.ftuhrvho haliea ccalcrftit z,e,ite afthe Law, '3 plt- ryin' ill the mangling of the ft efht 14 and not in the in ft Kethren , i If a man be a fuddenly taken in any » Hccondem. offence , ye which are b fpiriruall , c reftore fuch ""'■ 'mponu. one with the d fpirit of meekenefle , * confidering caufe"tbarb.t!' thy ("elfe, leail thou alfo be tempted, ,bcriy reprebeo- fionioujbtto be moderated and tempered by the fpirit of meetecclTe. a Through the malice of thefleihandthedevill. b Which art upholdeo by r'ae venue of Gods Spirit. £ tabiUNtofillupthaithatl««antinginbim. d Tbi« ii 4 kiudof fpcech whicll the Hebrewesufe, giving to vnder.land thereby, tb.it all good gifteicomefvoiii God. a H; touchftb the fo«:fji they commonly Jie moll fevers iudiiei, wbich foreet tbti' oWDt inhimititi. til 4 is Bearc B As we fowe , we fhall reape. To theEphefians. Predeftfnatlon and redemption, nd ..ffc(,fcbfB fua ebiin Tb'tt. rvrrv one mul f«k. u.hjv. nxrdi •ion of bii- warl tVby 'n oving ofhim. frl'> ..nd no. by "y head "g otht t "hrft •'X'i:it, 2 3 Beare yee one anothers burden , and fo ful- fill thee Law of Chrift. fr up 3 ''o'' 'f 3"y '^•^" 'eeme to himfclfe , that he is wkich fomewhat , when he is notMng , he deceiveih him- iHuot felfe in his itruK'n^tion. 4 But IcKvery mm proovehisowne worke : and then Ihall he have reioycing in him lelfe onely anil not in another. rejoyce.but X .',ud b'^;;;. ill the crolVe of our Lord lefus Chrift , whereby the toft!eiin their I S For in Chril^ lefus neither circumcifion a- "f""": «P'o°vfog • 11 t . T 1 tbemot amoitton, vaileth any thing , nor vncircumcilaon , but a no we ,, ,„,g ,|,„ j^ ^^^ Creat;'-j, _ that which they 1 5 And as many as walke according to this rule, do.for aay affeftioa peace ihaliie upon them , and mercy ,.ind upon the aid ">i« they have „Tr, \ C/-„J to the Law. but on. nlfraelofGod. Jyfor.bi.purpofe, 17 > I From hencefoorth let no man put me to that ibey may pur. bufineife : fo r I beare, in my bodie the o markes of chafe themfelvei the P Lord lefus. favouramongft ,8 -Brcthren.the grace ofour Lord lefus t'^um^n' ChriltM with youtq Ip int. Amen. oftheOaiatiant. ^ J Unto the Galatians written from Rome. ^ «'/«'«<* <>^>"« J "tiv -tii'ij' the iTiitin. i Inkf'f^'>g<'fctrcmmiti. k For the preaMnf cf htm thai -vftti (fKifid, I T'lit thiy hjl't tnUngieJ jta in luU'pne , anJ }it helt.irpeth m ilit firm: cfcir- cumcjjl'n. 10 He (licks'h not toompare himfelfe with tbem (hewing that ontbeciotriry part hee reioycetb io thofe affliftionj wbica belutfereib forCbriftj fake, and aiheiid?fpifedoftbe wirld fjdoi b-in like fort elteeme the world ai nought: wbich ii ihetrae circumcifion of 1 true Ifraelite. m When I'.rxtujith I'lii-w'rd in ":,d rmi .ff„: ,i fi.-ii.'ief, •rtil.t mm ftlft v > U, in X ih^n^ , jnJ to on'ent himflffUrerv^th a y'p >n t'.cr^e Ifi^el , nhjji pnift '< ^f Ul^nndmitofmen. l(om J, 19 II C^n•i'miog Hill in th^faine roetaph-ire, heoppofe-b hiimiferiei and t'hemarkelof tiofe liripcs w.iich iie b ire for Citifti fake, againli the jkirreof tbe ^ ouiwird circunjcili 10 , asa true marke of lit Aportieillip. o Mirkei wiich are 1 buroT intn a mam fl.lh ,i. they ufed la old time , to matke their fetvanti that ha I run awiy fr >in ben. p F ir it nnjorterb mrch . whjfeniirkei wrbetre : forme caufe mifc-^th ibeMir yr .andnotthepuninineut. U Taking lii farewell of ihein he wilhetb them grace and theSpiitagaiort :hedeceit(of tbe filfeapo!tlej, which labou- red to beat thofe out ward thiugi into their braiaes. q With your roinde»andheattl. THE EPISTLE THE E P H OF PAVL h S I A N S. TO C H A P. I. ^fitr thef.ilui.,iii,n, 4 hee enireaiithcf the free liefer, cfGvJ, f anj aJopiicn. 7.13 from whcncemunsAh^- itt, r cyvttt, , ti from the true and nxiurdllfouitaine : and hiti'fefo high .1 mjptrie cannot le ■Tinderfteod, j« he fr.>}r:h thstihefiill jo knotvltdfe of Chrift , may h Cod ttrn.r.ilrd„r.,o,htEfh,f,.ln,. * Aul ' an Apofile of lefus Chrift by the will of God.tothex Saints, which are at Ephefus , and to the 'faithfull in Chrift lefus : z Grace be with you.and pe.ice from God our Father , and from the Lord lefus Chrill. ■ 3 4 » BkfleUfGod, 3 and the Father of our Lord lefus Chrift,4 which hath hlelTed us.with b all '•'•a- Ipirituall blelTingin c heavenly things in , Chrift, fird part of the Epiftle, wherein behandleib all the pariei of our falvation, prO|.oundingibe eiainpleof tbe Ephtfiani.and ufing divmexlior'a iomand beginning • fter hii miner with ibankefgiviiij. 3 The , (licifottaide of our f.,lv°ation u God . not confide»ed confufedly and generally . bat ai the father ofotir Lord lefiii Cbrift 4 The Btxtfiiall caufe , and in refptftofus, ii our falvaiion .alltbluga being beftow>d upon 01 which are uecelfarit to our falvition. which kind«.>( blertingi i.beavinly and proper toibceleS. b IVtih all k'ndtof^ra(ioH4 and hunn/Ull ,,,Jnifi rvhich i, hral'tnly indteJe.nid f,^m .cd oiely. " c Wh'ch ':,d our Fa'ktr ii)>' «i /'!ml.i,hi,h'h'onef"'maifl'e:orl,ec4ir' the Stints h.tl>e ihofe fifii teltotT'J 'llhrm . -nrhith hrlen^ properly to ihr cilri.lni cfhea'^en. f The matter of our fjl aiioo iiChiill , in whom only wt( are lodiMd Vii^b fpiritua'l bltffing and :.rn«afalwioo. 4 « As hee h.ith chofen us in d him , before the The foundation of the world . 7 that we e Qiould ( be ,1,"4^"!,Vcaure, holy , and without blame g before him in love : or by what meaDei. <; 8 Who h.ith predeftinate vs , to be adopted Godthepathet through lefus Chrift h in himfelfe , according to f^«thu.jnhi, the good pleaftire of his will. faThe,t"bore 9 To the ' praifeof the glorie of his grace, asfromeverlafiing 'o wherewith hee hath made us freely accepted in in hit .Sonne. hit belooved. ^7" *' •"''F'"' '" 7 •« By whom wee have redemption through /HeexpounJ- his blood , even the forgiveneffe of linnes, accor- eib the next fmall caufe, wbich be maketh double , to wit . fanftification and iurtification, whereof he will fpeake here- after. And hereby alfo two thing! are to be noted , to wit, ihat bolinrOeof lifecannot be feparared from the grace of eleftion : and againe what pureneffe foever ii in us , it the gift of God, who hath freely of humercie chofen ut. e Then CeJ did not ch-xfe u, , heca'tje ire trf re , or »fAern.t/;/",j« W l,a>t h,ene ho]y , hut to the end ivt rhouti he holy. f flein(;<-/«.if/. ay her to tbemfelvei , not toibeir (locke .nortoauy andmercieolGcd, bothbecauk tbey werecall.d. All ibiDg! a>e att- ibu.ed to the grace ot Aee arenotliockei, foriJee giveib ui *'■'' H'?"'^Kobr.bi:t':d:;Vb;"f;:hingstbataregood . pb.i.p.. .3. gracebo.htowjllaodtoD ,,„ ,„ake,h tbeEphehan.(orratberaH p Heerpeake.hofjb_eI.we._. ^^ .6^^N^^^^^ „o.vvubl>and,og they camelalt, y^^t nbracedii by faith ,and weie fcaled up r ' ifeiied. adopt! r fetoe, That ovvcd rtence With : fall ,b.,.g. theGemil-i'equalltoth«Ie« .\''?"'f '.'LtbSepi g-fe/eaion ,uut,,l..e.nneu th:. rbeH t g o^i'eof'GcdLgbt n,inefoor.h, and be trr. wo j. ^h^h i. trueth indeede. becaufe i. com»ttb trom God. CeoCechtakenofafeale, which being put toa^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^- i:^:^;::be-o"^^;f br^:;^'^ •r,^ Jrf.ft 17 He« returneth lo the formtv giaiuUiion, c . r L,/* .kinot iha* weot bffora : tot nrit II , toai an gouu .unit,* ww.. ;r^;:ie^Sc^rfandbyCl..a,^t.rtbem Ttefecond .,tb.. ?'''.^f /,^;,^;;,t-t :et 'int Cla 1:^ .ncreafeofht. XwIm%\trteCbtmcpenedun.o«..^^ fmng.,fe..nHthefe,,,^ngooy otGod^^^^^^^^ J it ts not enough ^o'"';" '';;',,^,,^, .be, are which be calle.h you to hope for whomc ^ n-oreandmore^ y Whatb. .^^/^^^J^^^j^^f Ci,h „ ^eclaed by theeffeCir.becaufe 'hVitujovJ" Of God'- fetfoorth aad Jhewed there X Chai>.3.7.col.»,i». 20 10 Which hee wrought inChrift.vvhen hoe jo The ApoflFe raifed him from the dead , and fet him at his z right vi illtih us to tehoU hand in the heavenly ^/.ic^/, in curmoiigirri. 21 Fane ibove all prrjicip.ilitie,and power.and ou'ehriii with rriight ,and dominarion, and every a Nime. that is '(,*,*l^'j"^ ^j",,'. named, not in this world onely, but al^in that that ie„. power a„j is to come, gloneofGod, 22 a. And hath made all things fiibieft under ^}_[\'°J _'[^:^' his feet . and hath given him overalhhings te be the b head to the Church, 2} which is his body, ei^fs thee fulnefle of him daike mui ,byrea- that filleth all in all things. and tbe weakencflV of the flefh. kerofthe fove:aiatie which be hath it be, or above all things be tbtyofr fhould not ibmke that .hat escellet nought to doe.hf witne(rttb,ihrit h Church.and therefore tbebody mu( takeis, although fonofthei gnomt- J nieofihecrcfle t To be fet en Godi right hand, ii to be parta« over all cteaturej. a Every thing whaticever lever fticb p.jwct or excellcncie. a That we It glorieof C-irid i«a thing wberewirh we have e wsi appointfd of God the Father head of a!! [he 1 beioyned tobi) bead, wbich otber.^ile ll]ouM be a maymed thing wi hont tbe members ; which i;otwi:bltandinj iinotof oectffiia (feeing that theChurch it rather qui.kenetb aodfulteined by iheoi;ely v rtusofChrift, ' fo farre cfF is it, that bet oeedeih ;he fulneffe tbsreof ) but of ihe infioie ^.ood will and pleafureof God who voucbfafeth tn icyne u» to bis Sonne, b Infumuch that tbereii nothing but iifubieft to him c For the love ofCbnftii fo great toward the Church, ^hat though he doe fu'ly fati-fie all with all thing! , ye; he efteemerh Bimfelfebuta Miaymed aodunferftft head, unlelS: he have the Church ioyned to him athi»bodio. C H A P. I I. 1 Thi teitcrtofn our (ie^Mrf nf'^ijltht ii(ie n.imt of-lffl' i^ thejir,: p!a,e. hit mt^'-.eihiht yvhiUmaT, ,-rfhnhU iuiduhi^toin'ip.irisiituh-fltfh, nhuhut'otf.iTt lU: t t liUrfhrfirrne irnUui r:.ifn, ■ii'l ''■to'kclhm^hl . 1v'"c'r> thty ciU re.i/Sn.i4/e .•;» ,hj,htU.ii,it-,r,i\,i'ir^nm,nhMrrdtioin!ed by tbe La At, thr lewf" were divided t(om the fieniilei, foiKiwCortIt , hjviog broken doAnrtbe partiiioo wa.li, ioycetn ihein bub together, both in himfeUe, and beivnitthtmfc'Vfi , and to God. Whereby it fflloweth , that wboloevrr elbblilbtd ihe cerciuonici of tie La we , maketh ide grace ofCbrillvoidaadofoonreft'ea. $ Cola.i^. o Healludcth to tbe faciiftctioftbtLaw .which iqrtfmiedtbatirn and one y facrin.e. p For oe dtftroyed deain by death, and falKrn.d it a» it were to thr ciolie. 1 j Ifee preJcMugottbeGufpjlliian effeduall inltruit.ent otibii gia^e , common ai well .0 tbeleweia. tothrGciitilet. lodetde tbe true and C«tholi«jii« Church .which ii buildtd opon Chrill by tlie rroj.hetsani Apod fi.aiafpiriiiiall i.mp econfcctatcd .0 Gnd r Tnat ii, tbe bead of tie buil- ding. foriLe foiindationiareai ii wtre ihe hradiofibc baildingr. f So that ^odlitbe vkotkeuian not ontly of ibr foundation, but alio ol lUe wbol. buiWiug. CHAT. lUt JeeUrltk thi III. .f,l.. ,f,errf.r, he, M.-r..l ma litrei, 3 hte.iu/i htt firt.tctinl il:e m;jtent loKch'nztliC fa'i-,ri>^n fiftht CifnfiUs, B at -ottt u'mm.tHJcmtnt , ,, .^/fr l^r .i^fti-aiU EfhtfiM. ».- l.fuU,}cr hi, .,ffi- (hum. 14 ^nJ f.rthl.cTilt'itt /ir^jtihitn-f {jtil, tS ihal iklj ma) unJlrjUiutTJ grui Ujxj^/Xkry}. ■p Or I this caufe , I Paul avt the > prifoner of le- » He mjiateinetk ■^ fus Chria for you Gentiles . >■'' Apo»Ie(hip 2 Ifyeeh.veheardofthedifpenfation of the of'hectoir=. "* grace of God, which is given me to youwarde. whereon aifo be 3 Tr.itit, that Cioi by revelation hath (hewed takethanargu. this myfterieuntomee(as I wrote above in fewe •n""o«=«^"ne u , u • , miog that hee WM 4 whereby whenyee reade .yeeraayknowe not onelyappoia. mine underftanding in the myftetie of Chrift.) tedaoApjOiebr y Which in b otherages was not opened unto g' ."'r'^" "' the Tonnes of men. as it IS now revealed unto his fo^pirticuUrlyVp. holy Apoftles and Prophets by the Spirit, poioted to the 6 That the Gentiles Ihould be inheriters alfo, Gea:iiM. tacili and of the fame bodie.and partakers of his promife iV™ °? .""'' in Chrift by the Gofpel./ _ [ ScX- 7 Whereof I am made a minifter by thegifte fodeiermijed it of the graceof God given unto mee through the from the begin- efleduall working of his power. °'»8- »''<>'' i*" he 8 Even unto mee the leaft of all Saints is this th""h 'ma"- grace given, that I ihould preach among the Gen- feftition of tUt tiles, the unfeatchable riches of Chrift. hiteounfell. 9 And to m:ke cleare unto all men what the 1.5'"''c'*'°"''/i . fellowlhip of the myfterie is , which from the be- f ./c'br'ift.'ire tike« ginning of the world hach beene hid in GoJ , who pafliveiy.'that i> t« hath created all things by iefus Chrift, fay, i f'ut amcaft 10 t To the intent, that nowe unto principili- '''j°,fji|,°°'^^j ties and powers in heavenly pUcei . might be ^o,°"'"cbrift'! knowen by the Church the c mmifold wiiedome b Hemeaneth not of God. that none koewe According ro the <« eternal! purpofe , which tbe calling of the . . _".__- _ r, c Georilct before. he wrousht in Chrift Iefus our Lord .- butfcccaofcvtry 12 By whome we have boldnetfe and entrance fewkneArofn, with conhdencc, by faith in him. and they thatdid 15 Wherefore I defire that yc faint notattby p°°7^",' "j j*";* tribulatians for your fakes , which is your glorie. ,/°jied'„,;o them I4 3 For this cau 'c I bowe my knees unto the ^^ly darkeiy.auJ Father of our Lord Iefus Chrift, u"ie' "g" «• ij: (Of whome is named the whole «familie in » Theu..iooked , ' * , . , , for cat ling of the heaven and in earth.) Gentile wa. as 16 Th.tt he might graunt you according to the i, wereaguOito f riches ofhisglurie ."that ye may be ftrengchened the heavenly An- by his spirit in the g inner man , ?'.'•■ '"/^'"''^.t'^ ■' J-i ^ •„ . ,, : u»,„,U.. migbt beaolJ the faith. _ 18 That yee .beeing rooted and grounded ui c God never ha>l b love, injy be ,ible to comprehend with allSaims, butooe vwayr^ontly, i what is the breadth , and length , and depth, and I.Vad'dTv". VC- height: omandfotmei. ly And to knowe the k love of Chrift , which d which wa. be. I pal3l-h knowledire , that ye may hi filled with all f>" ^ beninoiogi. 'r , n- cr-^? 3 Hetea.heth mfulnelleofGod. ^ • l, j byhuowu.rx. 10 4 Vnto him therefore that IS able to doe ex- a^pi,,,oa,,be ceeding ab-jundantly above all that wee aske or eiiicacie of the think", according to the power that worketh i.Vus. dodrinedci-en. 2 I Sc praile in the Chitrch byChnft leius.tho- J;,',"jf G,d and rowout an generations tor ever, Amen. therefore wee ou^htioioyoe prayeri wirb tt.epteatbing and hearing of;he woile: which are needfull not onely ) then- which 1 >mjreandi ijbuteven i eoldtll alfo, that they gtowm^ by faith inCbrift, beeing confitmfd vCTiball fpirituall gittei.may joted lu the kn jA'leH^e of that i.nmeafutablelove .wihereA'itb Gad be g;roundcdand rooted 1 the Fithcr hud loved ui in Cbi/t .ficingthiiihe whole family , whereof pan n alreaditr recnvrd into btav^n , and part ii yti here on earth , deprnJecb upon that adoption of !be beaveoiy Father , to h.j onely Sonne. e All that whole people whi'whbaibbutone boudioM Fithrt ,and thatiiih- Chuich which ii adointd m Carift. f Accotdmgio the grtat:itn"c ofhi, mer-ie, g Looke R iuiaii.7,11, h Wherewith Gollovrihui, which i.tbuo.i.eofoureledon. 1 How peilitr thatj- vvoi ke of Cbiitt ill n every 1 art k Walch God hath llle A', th ui in Cbrik. I W'.ich 4 palTi-thaili.'iecapacitieofinan-wit , tocumj Tcbend 11 fully in hi»niio.1e : for other- ^ wi/c wbofob.itS iheSpiritfot God, - - . .■ .- -r that »ieby the E^beliauJ allo 1 tobopeforaay ihiugofGotJ. I'etceivcth lomucb (accoidins toOJc .>itofav.i'iou. m iothii wehai' u liie to make ui p'tfi:e w'th G.-d afuve One body, one rpirit. Chap. iiij. Put on t'ne new man. %6 CHAP. 1 1 1 1, Theji ikrti Up Chapitrt exhorteththtm tt mwf fire leflimid of Cod, Kf. ' .-8 Hen IS /rem t}in£. ecnt.tint prectfts efm.lntrt. i He mlUlie. 7 Sundry lifiet are ihsre- 1 6 Ihai the Church miy hi htHt allsth tl,emfr*m the i>.injth ej inJideU, 9 and from filihy l.i!ke- Ar.o.b«p«r»of [ Therefore , i being prifoner in the Lord ,pr:.y leEFiftiecoQ- ••you that yee walke worthy of the ^ _ vocation whereunto ye are called. With all humbleneffe of mind, and meeke- the ig precepti ofCbtiftian lifc- it thilTtbarevery" nelfe.with b long fiificring.riipporting one another . man bebave him- through lovC, felfiraiitiim«t« j 3 Endevouring to keepe the vnitie of the forfoexceilent Spirit in the bond of peace. I'sythiiu meant 4 4 There w One body, andoneSpirit, even as thegentrall calling ye are Called in one hope of your vccatioit. ofthefaiihfuil, _ jijurf «'/ one Lord, onc Faith, one Baptifm?, which i. ihii.to be ^ OneGodandFathercfall.whichiscabove holy , a,cu,God .. ^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^ _^jj^^^j ^ .^ ^^^^^^_ aStcondly.hfcom. 7 s But unto every one of us is given grace mtodeih meeke- according tothe meafurc of the fgitt of Chrili. "h'h'irfbt^a ^ wherefore he faich.When he afcended upon foor'h by be«ing hic.he ledgcaptivity captive, Sc gJN e gifts untome. oaewithanoibej. 9 (Nowe, in that hee afceiiJed , wbat is it but bLooktMat.i8,2j. thathee hadalfo defcended hrlt into the ^loweft l^!^<^:::- partsoftheearth. lr«m«t,bmY« lo Hee that defcended . IS even th fuch ajii kait with afcended , farre above all heavens , that hee rcight thebandofihe i fill kali things.) ''°A^a°"'in«nt of " * ^ee therefore gave fome fo (■e ' Apoftlcs, gtea"wafgh., for and fonie m Prophecs . and fome n Euangelihs , and '■ '-'- foroe o P.-iltours,and Teachers, li 7 For the repairing of the Saints , for the worke of the n^ inifterie, and for the edification of thepbodyof Chrift. 13 8 Till we all meete together (in theq vnitie of faith and that acknowledging of the Sonne of CO the meafure of the fame that an earncft taining of brother. ly love and chaii- lieonewith atw- «bei , btcaafe we are ni^deonrbo- dy a. it were of one dod,3r\ift- ibtt, byoneSpiriti WorftlifViogor.e Lcrdwiibooe faith, and conftcra- ted in him with one Baiirifme, and hope for one felfe famrEloiy. whereunto we are called .Tb«refoievAbofoeverbrtakfihchar all tbefe things afunder. c n-l>i> only hati, the chefe Mihcriij oWr ihe Church , d ii/hi ontly fo-rcrnhfacrlh hii providence .ihmugh aS the members of the Ch truly i' 'y«' '■•^''^f W''*«' '" Chrij}." ; Heeicacbeth ui . that w e body ,and. hat all good giftesprocetde from Chtilionely. who tcigneib God) unto a perhte man . and i the f age the fulnefle of Chrift: 14 9 That wee hencefoorth be no more chil- dren, 10 wavering andcatied about with every winde of dodrine , by the f deceite of men , and ke > decde having miEhtil Cburcb conqu going fotward to pt upon ' ' " word of God , Dpar. ' with craftines.wherby they lay in wait to deceive, t By the d«'it"'' It 1 1 But let 113 follow the trueth in love, and ^'J^';," "^.,^,^,6 in all things, grow up into him, which is the head, ;„ d,ce;vin; of ntb»r. that is. Chrii*. 1 1 By MmeiHffe- 16 By whom all the bdSie being coupled and ec.ca of the uue:h st knit together hy every ioynt, for j furrmiive there. '•",o'cbri'!i°""'b"/ (7/ (according to the " effectuail power , 9i/hich is in ^ being"tff^ He defc.ndetb o, . , o 1 to the fruiti ot red all bii'enemi^'M ficm wher.ct bek-ap.th all gif.ei upon bii twitbftanding tbefe gif:ei are d ivttUy and luiidry wayei divided arcoidiDgtotiiswill and pleafure, and therefore evtry man ought to be content with thai meafutetbat God batb given him, and to bellow ittotlie common profile of ibe Whole body, f Which Chrift hcLth^n-en. g ^ m«/" tiJe . fc. if vl-c, h i^»lv->e t. The ea„h, rchich isihe tovejl p^r, cf,i,e -n-orld. i Fill yvvh hu,,f}s. k The Church. 6 F:r;i of all he reckoneth up the Ecdefiafticallfunaioni. which are partly enrraot- dinarv ^nd for a feafon . us Apoltle., Prop-teti, Euangelilk., and partly ordinary and peiretuall ,a! Paftouri and DoSoun. 1 The ^("piesyoereihcf, tTxeht.unto Tvhcm vJA-tTasafterrrardadded,-wh,'fc,ficeiv.:sivpUr>tChUTchts,hrc«^hi»iaUthen-ttd. „ ' The Prcfhe,sofu,y,asor.eofdeciAef.^,^h,,h y^erernencf. rrurl^tUusivY- djrr.e , MdfomeoJthtmoMfireteU thieir'toorr,!. o Thrfethc ^p.fies ifejAs f2l;esJ.hee/,cu,ionef,he-roft,ce , ic^„, ,>r .,W.-» ar,fr.er..,l rl.c. ,/,.,„/:iK^- B P^licH'J are ihey nhich g<.l,errethe Church, a„d Te.uherr areiky yvhuh;'ci,er„e the fchoole,. 7 HefliewethtbeeDdeofEcc!efialiicallfunaionl,towit,thaibythemin.- fterieofmei. alltbeSainis mayfogroweup together. tbat they may make one myfticall b^dyofC^tift. p ThtOmnh. 5 The vfe ofthiJ miEilietle i»perpeluall fo long a! we are in tbiJWorld.thatii.untilltbattimethat having put ort"ibeflri'h..andihtoughiy and reifitely. agreeing betwi:i'-Jler.edt,^ether iy fioih. r ChriP i, f.eher.e the rreetcff force 4rer,ay rrofi'io the -cinn on f.r-ivard,i,^oditne, and lol-c. i» A gtntrall rrectpt"ag3inft allexc (Feofatfeftioni v<.bich dwelj m the part of tbe mind: which they call .Angry : and hefertcrhag.iini'V'hein the contrary ineanvs And vfeth 1 molt vehement prefice . bow weoujn; m take heed that w^c grieve not theholy Spitne ot God through our itnmodeninea": and iuttoipetancie , who dwelletb in u» to ibi« ea*j te mcdeiace all out aScSion'l.. by that if: Husbands and wives duelies. Awake from flee pc. TotheEphefians.' ,5 Anirja.mot bv whoiii vc iirc leale-1 iitico v 'lay of redemption. k excefli : but be fulfilled with the Spirir. k ^J^iW./r.v ,akrnfru;«ib*«. ' ,, Lctall bitterncUe. aiit(ani,'er,and wrath.CfV- 19 Speaking unto vourfeives in Pfalmes, and "yrd niih all ma a.iiplfofCarili.m.^ft ' . . . - in: ofihrmifcrable ; vfiig modrraiion aod grnile ot- athnCD. 4 Iohri3,i4. aod If, 11. 4 Chap 4. 2»- ColofT.j f. l.Thtir.1,17. I Now be com- ineib to jootbcr kiadoraffeaiont, which ii in cb3t jianofchf mini, wbicb mrnca.'l ccvetoui or deli- roui ; md be repre- beaded foroicacu OB> coveiouCotlTe t and felling, very fliarpely. a lefltirvli.h men caJI tnt At aneller : that nt liMntf'tiift"", ner e fill tx ample filitn , nir im tf- eiiill rrirtJtf «r trtcltiimr. I Becaufeiherg finneursfuch tbitibenolt part }i Letall bitterncUe, aiitfanger.and wrath.cry- • ... . ». and eviil (peaking be put away froni you.with hymnes , and fpirituall fon;;s . fmging and making ?f "''^'','""5' *"'' icioufnelVe. niclodie to the Lord in your ' hearts, { wl'h fl ^o Giving thaiikesalwayes for all things unto .ifftdhn'ofTC God even the Father , in the Nameof our Lord lidtt , and not -Kiiih lefus Chrift, *''■■' "v.w «iWr._ 2 1 6 Submitting your felves one to another in * ^ fliortrepeti- thefeare of God. bo:= for i.arJon.jg all maUcioufnelVe ofibofeTniuiiei 51 Be ye couiteousconc to another.and tender which bivebcoe hearted , freely forgiving one another , 'seven as done untou. byoiir ^^ ^^^ (jgln^s fake, freely forgave you. C .4 A r. V. 3 Letfl , in tWe lirii wiif^ he reprehfnJeJ , tlity f'ntuld ftt h. hr hy his aiJintrutunt S lit ttrti/iiththtmhj denouncing jelrrc iudftmtnt, 8 and Hirrerlt rhem fcrward: 1 f Thev htt defitnd'.tiifrcm ^enerall Itfoni ofmjneri, 31 'r> t'li particular duit-ti^fwiei^ \; and luihanJi. tt E yee therefore followers of God , as deare •'^' children. X X And walke in love , even as Chrift hath loved i:s, and hath given hiral'elfe forus . fo6« an offeringandaiacnhceofafweete fwelling favour to God. 3 § 1 But fornication, and all uncleanneffe , or covetoufnes, let it not be once named among you, as it becommeth Saints, 4 Neither filth inefle, neither foolilh talking, neither « iefting , which are things iiotcomely.buc rathergiving of thankes. 5: I For this ye know .that no whoremonger, neither uncleane perfon , nor covetous perfon, which is an b idolater , hath any inheritance in the kingdome of Chrift, and of God. 6 * Let no man deceive you with vaine wonls: for , forfuch things commeth the wrath of God Bpon the children uf difobcdience. 7 3 Be not therefore companions with them. 8 For ye were once darkeneife, but are now « light in the Lord : walke as children of light. 9 (For the fruit of the d Spirit is in all good- nefle, and righteoufneH'e, and trueth.) 10 Approoving that which is pleafing to the fiot for fxaatit he avialtetbthr god- ly, io:heeijdihey fllouldfomuch tbe more take bft-de to them* felvri from ibem, hem Lord. 1 1 And have no fellowftiip with the unfiuitfull works of darknes, but even f reproove them rather. 1 1 For it is ibatnc even to fpcake of the things which are done of them in fecret. 1 3 But all things when they are reprooved i,' f the light , are manifclt : for it is light that make'.h allthmgs manifeft. 14 wherefore f hee faieth , Awake thou that fieepcft , and ftand up from the g dead , and Chrift Ihailgive thee light. If 4 Take heede therefore that yee walke tir- cumfpedly , not as fooles, but as 4. wile, 16 h Redeeming the realon:for f "daits are evil!. • 7 rff Wherefore, be yee not unwife, but under- ftand what the will of the Lonl is. 1 8 / And be not drunken with wine, wherein is plaguet. b ^IhnJn.iltlc iJclaric, f.r the ftyetotis mtn ihin^ kfti, il,ai kij Itfe PanJchinHi^ordi, • Math.i^'^. markf 13. f- l»/t.i.«. a.tir/7 2,3. 3 Becaufe'Aeare Co: fo teadieio any thing .n to followe evilleiamplet. therefore the Apoftlewaineih the godly to reme.-nberalvvMyel that theothrrarebuia. it wt^edatkeiifflcaod thai tbry ,htmf.lvr» ate as 11 wcte light. And ihertfcire the oihercominit alivUlanir ('ajiiicn arc v\ont in the darkr) but ibry ought not onely not to f.-llow tbeirexamfle» , Lu: allo(a»the pro|ttry of the light ii . rrprooveibrirdaikentfle aod 10 walke fo (having Chrift ihat true light going before tteoi ia» i> bccomnitih wife men. c The f-tuhfuil art c.i/(er,'/fj/)t, 4i»'iiei.i«ye thtj hiilic :ht true U^-hl in tktm yx hi,ht'^h!tnec:h thch!~i i'/wi of tbi. world «r», theinore waichfulloughc we t') be igninf all occalions , andtefpcft uoihiogbut the will of uod. 4. C'>li.(ri.,- h Ihoi.amcfapUntal^cafromihe merchan-t- nht /refcrrt "••■ Icif} f r fit th.it ma, U , l.,frf a", their flraJUr?! i The I'mcariiiuUcfimtamlfarpe. -fy K.i...w.j, i.fAf/f 4 3. f He fettt'th ihc i I'jti and holy airrio'.>liMof rbefjiihtull , againll ib« dilljlsie bankettofibe unfjiih' fu\',,ib wbii.brorfeiitleoiadveifiiiei tion ofibeeade r , . r , whereunto all 21 jf 7 Wives , iubroit your felves unto your thiogs ought to husbands , ' as unto the Lord. he tcfemed, to 2} § 9 For the husband is the wives head, even f^rveooeanorhei as Chrift is the head of the Church , lo and the + c'io'rr'3 Is. fame is the Saviour of fcwbody. titmi.y. 24 ti Therefore as the Church is in fubiedlion i.pet.3,1. to Chrift, even fo let the wives be to their husbands ' Nowehe def. . . cendeth lo a fa- in every thing. . iriiie, dividing 0,. 2 f J * '* Husbands , love your wives , even as deily all the parta Chrift loved the Church , and gave himfelfeforit, of » familie. adiI 26 «3 That he might m fandifie it, and cleanfe it ^^,^-*'^f'''f^/,'" by the wafliir.g of water through then word, confi'aeth^erein, 27 That he might make it unto hitnfelfe a glo- to b« obedient to rious Church ,onot having fpot or wrinkle, or ibeifbuibaodi. any fuch thing;but that it Ihuuld be holy and with- * Tbeftrrtargu- ' , , * •' ment.fortheycan* out blame. , , . . , . -otbedifobedient 28 MSoought men to love their wives.as their to their hmbaodi, owne bodies : hethatloveth his wife, lovethhim- but they muflre- fi^\(Q_ lift God alfo, who 19 For no man ever yet hated his P owne fletti, Jbii^wlaionf but nouriiliedandcheriihethit ,evenas the Lord f i.Cor.u 3. dceththe Church. » Adtdaration 3 o For we are members of his bodie , 9 of his ?f«he fomer fjy- flelh, and of his bones. hath'mXbe 3 1 * For this caufa ihall a man leave father and man head of the mother, and ihall » cleave to his wife, and they woman in matri- twaine fhall be one flelh. u^h^hMd of 1'* 32 ifThis is agreatfecrer.butlfpeakeconcer- cou^h" ° '* ning Chrift, and concerning the Church. 10 Aooiberar- ii i« rherefure every one of you, i^e^^tf/a : let gunent .Becaufe every one love his wife, even as hiraleite.and ,'^5 ^°ff j '*^'^ "'^ Itt the wifeyje that Ihe feare her husband. delh'^Jf'the' man, fo that ibis fub- iriflion isnot ontly iuft butalfo verfe profitable : ai alfo tbe falvatioa of ihe Church it cfChrift. although farreoibeiwife- 1 1 Thecoociulioo ofihe wivei duetie towardei [heii hiiibandl- * Cu\olf3,i9. la Toe buibandej duetie towardeitbeir wives , ii to love them a« thtmfelvej , of which love, :be love of Coiilt toward hiiCourcb ii a lively patieiue, 13 BecaiifeiiiaQy meo pretend, tie infirmintioltaeir wivei 10 eaufet heir owne haidntlTeaoH cruel rie, the Ajoltle 6 Tne I uttie towardshii wife , and of tbe wives towaid CHAP. VI. Hct fhtWtthiUduftei sfchiUrti, { f:rlutn'i, y and majltr,- 10 Tl.cnhefical^fih ./tlu- fierce l,a,tellik.,tt!,e faiilifuS hjlrt, 1 1 a'1,1 what ivci^'nj yvet mujl -ufe in tilt ptmt: It Iniht end he icmmetdelh Tjihicui. Children, 1 Cliildrensandfervantsductiesi^ Chap. I CHiWren, i * obey yom* parents * in the a Lotd, 3 for this is rio;hc. Chriftian armour, S7 I He conimnh to aoocbttpart of a familiejand IhtW' eth that the dueiie ofthe children to- WVird their pattnti, confiftnh iu obe- dience unto thtin. « Coloff.j.ao. 3 Thefirltargu- inent.becaufeGod baih fo appointed veherf upon it fol- lowetbairo.ihat Bhildren are fo fat forth bound too. bey their parents, ai they may not fwarve from the true v90iCiipof Cod. a For the Lord it authourofallfa' thertood, and there. 1 1 Put on the whols armour of God, that ye may be able to ftand .ngainit the ^iTiuits of the devill. 2 £ 4 Hononr thy father and mother ( ^ which is the fii-ft comraandemeiit with t> proinife. ) i That it may be well with thee, and that thou may eft live lonp; ou earth. 4 « And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath : but bring them up in inflrudion and c information ofthe Lotd. 5 7 * Servants, be obedient unto them that are Secondly iee ur sh. yonr mafters , 3 according to the flelh , svith d feare and trembling in linglencUe of your hear:3,as unto Chrift, 6 Not with fervicetotheeycasmenpleafers, but as the fervants of Chrift, 9 doing the will of God from the heart. 7 With good will » ferving the « Lord , and not men, 8 10 And know ye that whatfoever good thing . any man doeth , that lame fliall hee receive of the fu^ obedieL^ '-"f^. ^^'"he^ *' ^^^'^"'^ °- f^^^' he will h.,v= ui. 9 " And ye mafters, doe the fame things uiuo 3 Thefecondar- them, puidng awav threatning : and know that euen your mafter aUo is in heaven, neither is there « ^'refpeft of perfon with him. jExod.io,i». lo- I laFinally .mybrethreii, beftronginthe deui. s,<6. ecclef. Lotd, and io the power of his might. , taken of the gument .becaufe this obedience ii Dioii iun. Exod.aa,i>. . J, i«. ecclef. marke 7,io, 4 A proofeof thefiiftargumeot. / The third argume profit that enfueih thereby : becaufe the Lord vouchaled thii commandement amongft the reft, of a fpeciall bltfTing. b With a fpecially promife : for otherwife the fecond commaademMt hatha promifeof mercyto athoufandgMetationi, but that proinife i» geoeraU. 6 Itistheduetie offatberito vfetheir fatherly autooritieinodetately, and toGodi glory. c Such inforaiationi and precepti, as being taken outof Godsbooke arc holy and acceptable to him . 7 Now he afctndeib to the third part of a familie, to wit, to theduetieboth ofthe mifteri and ofthe feriant*. And be flieweth that the dueiieoffervanticonfifteth in anheattieloveand reverence to their mafter. • Colofl. 3,»a. titui a, 9. i.pet.a.iS. 8 He mitigate:h thefliarpeneffe offervice.in that they are fuiiitnally free , notwitbftanding the fame, add yet tbar fpitituall freedome taketh not away cerporall fervice , infomuch that they cannot be ChriHs, uBfeOe thej (ttvt their mafteri willingly and faithful .y , fo farre forth as they may with fate confcience. d With catefull reveience : forflavifti feare i«notallow»ble much lelfe in Chriftian fervaats. 9 To cBtoffoccalion of all pretencei.heeteachethui that it iiGodi will that fome are either borne or made iervaoti , and therefore they muU reft eft Gods will, although theirfervicebenever fohird. e Bring inoovfd with a revercncetoGodwatd, at thouzh ye fervid God bitnfelfe. 10 Although they fetve ankmde and cruell maJitrt, yet the obedience of fcrvantt is no lt& acceptable to God , then the obedience of them that are free. 1 J It is the duttie of malteu to ufe the authoririe that they have over their fervanUmoQtil'y . and holily .i'eeing that (hey in another tefpefthavea common mailer, which iiinheaven, who williud^eboththebondandthefree. ,f. Deut. 10,7. i.chro.i^,7.!oh 34.19 afti io,34.roin.2,ii.gal.2,6.coloirj.lf.i.pet,i,7. f Eithe of fieedome or bondage. 10 Heecca:iudeth the otttrpan>ofthiiEpiltle with a grave exhor:aiion , that all be ready, .lod fight conllamly , tiuiling to f) iritiiall vyeapons, until! their enemiei be cleans put to flight. And lir.^of all bee waroeih <|j ;g takeibtaimouiof God, whereby ouelyour cacny may bedifpatched. but agiinft * h principalities , ?gainH powers .and ,ij,t .nemiet are againlUhe worldly go'.'ernours , the princes oi the ioviiible, that we darkeneiTe of this v/orid, againft fpiricujU wicked- '"*y =<" think* nelTe, fv/.Vrf) are in the high places. !► that our chitfeft 13 >4 For this caufe take unto you the whole '-""^Ln'd ^^^ ""'* atmcur of God , that yee may be able torefifiin which aieof a' the ' evill day . and having- finillied alltbings, fuiieaadbriile ftand faft, "»'"«• "g»;"it 14 Scand therefore . and your bines girded a- J^.t' ^l^^ bout with verity , and having on the breltpl.-i^ of n-.ore mighty then righteoufneife, ■* ihcotherby atbsu. ir Andy our feet (liod withthel^ preparation fand)'*""- oftheGofpelofpeace. h Simh tWe 16 Above all .take the fliield of Faith, where- nameito the evill with yee may quench all the herie darts ofthe angeU, re.ifon of wicked. the rffeae, which 1 7 And take the helm?t of Salvation . and the ^^'^'^ Zl\'»7bh fwordoftheSpirit. which is the word of God. , lodoetfcefameof 1 g And pray alwayes with all miner prayer and themftlvet , but bt« fiipplication in the 1 fpirit : ?nd watch thereunto «ufeGodgiveth with all perfeverance 8c iupplication for all Saints, '.^ H^^^j^^weth 19 Andforrae.that utterance may be given un- that thefe ene.tiie* to me . that I may open my mouth boldiy to pub- are put to flight liih the fecret of the Gofpel 20 whereof I .im that therein I may fpeakc fpeake. _ a godly and toly 21 1 1 f But that yee may alio know mine af- '''* • kcowlsdgc o» faires. aud what I doe. Tychicus >»y deare brother a^a^ot^foorr''' andfaithfull minifterin thcLord .(ball fhewyou w;th the wori' of of all things. God.audvrmg day- si Whom Ihavefent unto you for the fame ly eameif pjayee purpofe.thst ye might know mine afFaires,and that th5Chu"h'''a^j he might comfort your hearts. _ e.'^peciaUy, fo^he 23 Peace ^« with the brethren , and love with conftancietif ih« faith from God the Father , zadftom the Lord le- ""«■ godly, ani fus Chrift. of .'h"word""* 24 Grace h with all them which love our Lord j Looke chapter lelus Chrift .to their <^^ immorrality , Amen. j,i«. J Written from Rome vnco the Ephefians, k That the prepa- andfcnt by Tychicus. [nl'Vll^'^.^r!'^ flloei to yo«:aod ii it very fitly called theGoff ell of peace.for tbat,feeing we have logo to God through moft danjeious tanks of enemits.ihii may iocoutage ui to gpeonman, fully, in that we know by the dc ft tioe ofthe Gofpell.that we takeout iourney to God, who it at peace with ut. 1 That holy prayer* may proceed fro.Ti the holy f^irir . 15 A familiar and very amiable declaration cf hi* ftate .together with a foienine piayet. wherewith Paal iiwoontto end hii Epiftles. ni Toiifeeverisfting. leambaffadour in bonds. 'l°'"°fG°d,xo I , ,, - , wit, witii uLiiabt* i baldly, as I Ollgh: to nei of confcience. THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE PHILIPPIANS. I The marke Wherjathefooo- tethinttiiE-i- f^Ie,istoconliriue ,t,pp,ansby ""all mesne! poffi- ble, notoneiy cot tofaint.butalfot go forward. And CHAP. I, Hiitfin^ttflipld ij»fo'' "irne txamflt, 17 rtndixltitrtf-hihimlalir.iiy., n and paiifme. Aul I and Timotheus the fervants of lESUS CHP.IST .to all the S.iints inCluiftlelus.which .ire at I-'hilippi, with the » Biibopsand Deacons : 2 Grace he with yoii, and peace i'lom God our Father , and /row the Lord lelus Chrift: S.ftofall ,becom,r.ende,b .heir frmer doing, .fo^xhcr, h thin2hefay:b.behofe.h ful.y ttty w, lioe.acd .hi: ty :h. iiward.-whioh oflheii lively ^aritv.burinthtmeanrfcafonheeieferiethall ihirigitpthe g.-aseof God. .^ Ey 1h n feopsat-m-aot both the Paitouri .which have the dfpfafatton of iji*, word and theElderi that gove.oe : acdby Deicons ate meaw thoSethai weicnewiidionhe ue«?uxy oftte Chuish a »«.d bti to look* uute the poore, 3 I thanke my God, having you in perfe^S me- Biorie, 4 (Alwayes in all my prayers for all you, pray- ing with gladneiTe) J Becaufe of thebfellowriiip which ye have t Btcanfetbat yw inthe Gc^pe!. ftomthc<=tirft daynntonow. aifo are made par- 6 And I am perrwadid of this fame thing . that takenof tbeGoQ>ei. he that hath be gunne thij good worke in you.svili ' ^J!"' '"■■" Ik..*^. perforrae ir untill the.^ day of lefus Chrift, j .^'j,^ 5pi,i,'of 7 As ic becontmeth me fo to iudge of yousU, sod wiii not fo-. becaufe I have you in remembrance , that both in f>ke yr ;; nato tht my •; bands, and in mj defence, f.nd conhrmacion of «'j> '„'„"4^"f;^j'"" the Gofpell.you all were partakers of n,y ''grace. bodL aiaTappear« beforetbeiiidge- ireatof Ctrift.tobe gloiified. e A irueprcofeof a irueknriting tcgetfcerwithCbria. f HeulltibLisbandi,«t«cc,a4thowshhi:h»dreceivcdfomel(nguJa ■ . .' - .i ;„ .^. » For Cbrift our game. t H«c (Teclireth hit g-xJ will to- VVi'di >"*m , tbcrt- Wtibi'.l (hevring by what mnaet chiefly ib«y may ♦tcoorirmcHto vcit>bycoDiiauall TothePhili 8 1 For Goi U ni^ tecotA ] how I icng after yeu all from the very heart root in lefus Chrift. 9 } And this I pray that your love may aboond yet more and more io knowledge, and iDalliudge« mcnt, '■ 10 That yc^ay allow thofc things which are beft, that ye may be pure, and without oHence.un- till the day of Chrift. 11 Filled with the g fruits of righteoufoe£fe, which are by lefusChrifi unto the glotie and ptaife of God. li ? 4 1 would ye underftood , bretbreo , that the th(g5 which Ixtvg «»;« onto tne , are turned rather to the futtbet ing of the Gofpsl. 13 So that mybandes ^ in Chrift are fasioas thorowout all the i indgemeatball.and in allothei placet, 1 4 Infomnch that many of the brethren lo the Lord are boldened through my bandes , and date more frankcly fpeake the k Word. t f Some preach Chrift even through cDvy and firife. and fome aifo of good will. 16 The one part prcacheth Chrift of contenti- ppians. Contention forbidden* a8 » And io nothing feate yonr adverfat les. 9 We ought not vrhattblogwce «ught chiefly de- fire, towit.riift ofalLibat wemay incrcaTe ia the true knovo'edge of Gad (fo that «ve inay beible lodifcetae ihiagi that differ one from inothtr) and alfo io charity, that even to the ead we may give out felvei to good VTsrIci inJeed , 10 the glory of God g^i'rlgh.eo'ufneire On. and dot ' purely , fuppofiflg to addc more affli- betheiree.aodgood ftion tO my baods. wotkeithefiuitf. ly But the Others oflove. knowing that I am tm::Z'X fctforthedefenceofcheGofpel. ceived, when they 1 9 ^ Wtiat then : yct Chrjft IS prcachsd ail roa- fay that woiki are ncr waycs. whether »ffe« undera»>pretence,oifin- At caufe of right*, ^gjjiy . ^^ j tfaccjo joy ; ygj^ and wiU ioy. 19 For Iknowthat tbisftijU turne tomy falva- tion thtoDgh your prayer , and by the helpe of the Spirit of lefus Chrift, 20 « As I fetveotly looke for , and hope , that in qochicj^ I (hall be aQ^amed , bat that with all confidence . as alwayes , fo now Chrift (hall be magiytied io my body , whether H be by life or by death. z I For Chrift it to me both io life and in death advaotage. XI 7 And whether to live in the a fleli f D^re ptohtable fcr mc, mJ what to chnfe 1 know not. 33 For I am difttelled betweeDCbotb.defiriog to be loofed , and to be with Chrift > reth. thai God faaihb)t(5ihhii imprifoninciit io fuch Aife .thit he ii by :hatnieanei become more fa- raoni , and the dig. nine of the Go- fpelby thiioc(:a. iioo ii greatly in- larged, although fiot wi:hlikt af- feSion iuallmeo, y.tind.ei. b FoiChrinhii fake, i In the Emperouil • I E S U S CHRIST foi me, by my comming toyou igrfiiic. J ' ■ 27 8 Onely let your convetO.tion bie as it be- commeth ibe Gofptil of Chrift , that wbather I come and fee you. or els be abfent. I may hcare of yonr raaiters , that ye <> continnc io one fpitit , and io one mindc , hghiiog together through the faith of tbeGofpel. mjle, that the f ode of our affliaioni if trJe ioyand that through the vertue ofeheSpiiitofCbiift , which he giyeiii to them that aike it. m Vnder a goodly •olourand (hew: for they mat'.eC'" ilia cfoake for rheir ambition and envie. 6 We muflcoBiinu'eevrn toihe tnd, with grrti coiiHJfnce ■. bavibgnotoing before our eyci butCii'ill"Rl«'rv oiitiy, whether wed Vf or die. 7 Ao example of a rue ftiephdird , »i.bo maketh moie account how he may profit hii flieepe . ihcO he doih of ao^cotnmo.!ity cf hiiownewbatfotver. 1, To live inibu mortall b.dy. 8 Having ft: downethofetbioxibtforc, in tnjn.rofa Preface , he« defcendnh now to exhortationi, waroiDg them firlt of all , ro con^mi bath in doatioe and miode.aud afietwatd , that being thus V.vx. togeihtr with ttiole common banJi, they continue through the ('.ifnRthot faith c I .• At» "^' enemuiot the tor bis lake. . , ^ ^ Gofpelimagipe.anoi 30 »' Having the fame figbt.wnich yee faw in praaifeagaioo ui: me, and now heare r« frff in roe. feeing thatthey arecertaine wit- neflei from God hijnfelfe, both of our ulvatton,andofthedeftruaion of the wicked. 10 Heproovetb that hii faying ,that peifecution i«a tookenofourfalvatioo ,becauf« itiia gift of God to faffer fcr Chrift . which gift he bertoweih sponbiiowne , a* he doth the gift of faith. 11 Mow hee toeweth for whi: purpofe hee m«d* meatiOD of hiiafflidioai. CHAP. II. a Hie ex^crtclhthlmdhcl>e aUthinri, 3 ti humilitie, S Mnd thxihj-.hetximplcofChrifi. " i) He frtmifeth tcftni Tifhitheui fhtrtly UKtt them, x6 and txcuftih the long Ltrjing of EfAfhtedimi. T F « there bt therefore any coBfoiatfon in « Chtifl, » A tnoii earaeft * if any comfottof love, if any fcllowfliipof the «qu«i*to«ni°°''» Spirit, if any bcotripaffioo and (nercie, 'Xr^V'lLTgrea, 2 Falfill my ioy , that ye be like minded , ha- and fpeciaiicoti. ving the c fame love , being of one accord , and of ^'°^ »nd agreement one ludgemem, '.' "">'"o°!y b"- 3 That nothing he dene throngh contention ien°ti'oD°ard prMe,' or vainglory , bat that in meekoeffe of mind every whereby itctuo-' mm eftceme other better then himfelfe. ni«h topaOc, that 4 Looke not every m» on his owne tbicgs. f^,^,^']','""^^'"'"* but every man alfo on the things of other men . aaother".* '°'°^ y » Let the fame mind be io you that was even a Any chriftiia in Chrift lefus. comfort. 6 Who being in the <» forme of God.« thought |;4''„'j7j"'"'«°^ it no robbery to be f eqaall with God : cTfkeioTeV J But be owde himfelfe of g no reputation, and , Hte feiteth be. tooke on him the ^ forme of a feivact.and was made ♦"« '•>««' * "><>* 1 ike unto m'efa.iod was found in fliape as a man. ["^.^iX «a *" 8 He bumbled himfelfe, and became obedient f^„„ convetfa. unto the death, even the death of the crcffe. tion, chrin lefm, 9 3 Wherefore God hathalfobighlyexalred whom we ought him. and givenhima J name above every name. '^J^'^^^'^^f 10 That at the Name of lefus Ihonld * every abafedhimfelfefo koee bow . hoth of things io heaven i a.nd things in farte for ourfakei, eirth , and things under the earth. although he be 11 And that I every toiigue &ould coofeffe ^^''"k; ;,p„„ htm that lefus Chrift »> the Lord.ooto the glory of God the forme ofafer- tbe Father. vam.to wit.out . 12 4 wherefore my beloved, as ye haveal- «<^"''»j[i°8^y''^^' wayes obeyed me, not as io my prefence onely.but ','f, ",.ent'o"the"" now much more in mine ablfeoce: fo m make ao end death of ibectoile, of your owns falvatioo with feare and trembling, d Such aiGod, 13 .-For it is God which worketh in yon bath |',j™['||'j"(;'/j''f n the will and the deed, even uf his good plealure- 'thereT/nonein"!!! 1 4 « E>oe aiil thing? without "" murmuring and jart. like tocod, reafooicCS. but God himfelfe. e Chrift, that glo- riouiao.l rvetlaDing dod.kaewtbat be miflht rightfully and lawfully not appeateiii the bafe ftefll of man , but ttmaine with maitfty meet for Go,f: yet be chofe rather to debafehimfclfe. f If be Soaoe beequall to the Father, then is there of ne. ceflity an equallity, which Arri us , that Heretikc, denieta : atid iftbe Sgone be comp'a. red with the Father , then i« thereadiftinaion of pefooi, which Sabelliui, that here- tike .denieih. g Hce brought himfelfe from all things , ai it were, to nothing, b By taking ourmanhood upon biin. q Hec Uicweih the mod glorioui event of Cbriftti fubnulTit.n , to teach ui , that mottrfti- ii the true way toirue praifeand glorie. i Dignityand renowme, and thematiirt wiihtt. ' k Allcreatutea ftiall at length be fobieiftioChrilt. I fivirynation. 4 Theconclufuu : We mull goeoiito falvation with humilitfe ami fuhmiffioa , by the way of our voc tion. m fieii fayd to makeati coj of till falvatiou, which runneth io tberS' of righteoufnelfe. / A moll fure and ground^i argument ag.iiall pride, for tbi w»e havenothmgin ui praife worthy , but it tomm.th oftbe free gitt of God .and without ut , for we have no abilitieor powft .fo much ai to will well (much lelTeto doe well)butonelyof thefree inercie ofG)d. n Why then, we are not ftockf, but yet w<- doe nor will well of nituie, but onely becaufc God hathmaJeofour naughtywill a goodwill. 6 He defcribeih maddtieby thecooiravyefffftiof pride .teaching ui that it ii firreboih from all raaiiciou., andclofeor inward hatred^ «8d a.lfo from open contcDtioniaod brasVlitfgt. ♦ 1, Pet. 49. iy7That i^ All leeke their owne. Chap, iij. 7 To bf fhort, he I J 7 That ye may be blamelefle.and pure: and Kquiretb^a life ^^^ the fonnes of God without rebuke in thetniddes rure?"hat being" ofatiaughtic and crooked nation , among whom ligbttned with the ycfliineas-f lights in die world, word ofGod, ig Holding forth the o worde of life , « that I 'h^'d" ytoXo'f "'^y reioyce in the day of Chrift , that I have not t e ar eot 5 runne in vaine, neither have laboured in vaine, 1 7 Yea , and though 1 be offered np upon the p facrifice , and fervice of your faith , I am glad, and reioyce with you all. 1 8 For the fame caufe alfo be yee glad,ai\d re- ioyce with me. \ 9 9 And I truft in the Lord lefus , to feiide i| Timotheus fliortly unto you , that I alfo may be of q good comfort, when I know your ftate. 20 For I have no man like minded , who will faithfully care for your matters. 2 1 * For f all feeke their owne , and not that which is lefus Chrifts. xz But yee know the proofe of him , that as a fonne with the father , bee hath ferved with roe in the Golpel. 23 Him therefore I hope to fend as foone as I know how it will goe with me, 24 And I trufi in the Lord.that 1 alfo my felfe Ihall come Ihordy. 2y Rut I fuppofed it neceffary to fende my brodier Epaphtoditus unto you my companion in labour , and fellow fouldier , even your roeflen- ger , and he that minifired unto mee fuch things as I wanted, •v^-.... 2tf For he longed after all you , and was full of fict t, him, and then heavinelfc , becauk ye had heard that he had bene /SrfS it notn-'ie (Jcfee. 7"a 'drink' 'f"'"! ^7 '^'^'^ "° doubt hee was ficke.very neerc un- te accmpiifl' 'A" to death : but God had mercy on him , and not on him onely , but on me alfo , leaft I fliould have forow upon forow. 28 I fent him therefore the more diligently, that when yee fhould fee him againe, yee might reioyce, and I might be the leffe ibrowfull. 29 Receive him therefore in the Lord with all gladnefle, and make much of fuch : 30 Becaufe that for the fworke of Chrift hee Righteoufnefle by faith. 88 A Ma!tb.y,i4. o Th'.Ccffedi,_ cttUfi the rtird cf life, iecanfe cftht tfeHsVfhictit •glirltelh. 8 Agaioe he ptic- ketb them for- ward, fetting be- fore thein hi« tiue Apoftolike care that bee bad of them, comforting them moreover, to the eode they {bouM not be Co. eartr.fm' ^°y^<^ and have no confidence ^ in the flelb : true citcumcifion, 4 4 Though 1 nrig^ht alfo have confidence in ^if^oof tltX^Mt, theflelh. If any other man thinketh that he hath that cutting oef all" whereof he might truft in the flefli ,«iich more I. ""''^td affeais^by y Circumciled the eight day. o?fhe kinred of '^ ^etSd' Ifrael.of the tribe ot Beniamin, « anEbrewof the inpuritieofiift. Ebrewes.S by the Law a Pharife. « tn amard 6 Concerning zeale , I perfecuted rhe Church; '''i"^'' '^'l'''' ?"" tooching the r jghteoufqeifle which is in the Law.I fZ' "^ '" '** was unrebukeable. j Hedoubtethnot 7 But the things that were! vantage untj^bje, to prefti himfcife th e fame f counted lofle for Chriftes lake. ' ''" '"'^■J'os perfeft, fr'n!i!f,"g a^ 10 f That I may ' know him, and the vertue of ''•^y • thecenfidenc* his refurrefticn.andthesfellowri-iipofhisaffliai. "''""'vvorkeicaD ons,andberaadecon.formable unto his death. fr°eVuft,fic'II!on1a 11 If by any meanes I might attaine unto the Cbtin by fanb° ' k rcfurreftion of the dead : + ».Corn,j». 1 2 Not as though I had already attained «» it, * ^\:\^ *• either were already perfeft : but I follow, if that I ,uTr'Zn,ZT''^ may comprehend that for whofe fake alfo I am e Hefhuttethmt •comprehended of Chrift lefus. aU norkf.afweU 13 Brethren.Icount not my felfe .that I have ''"fi that^difre, attained fort , but one thing I doe : I forget that Tr!erfa'!h" """ ■which is behinde , and endevour my felfe unto f Th't in their that which is before, place i might gtr 14 And follow hard toward the marke , for the ^''"fi'i^ "ft p»»r« prift I be thus minded : and if yee be otherwile minded, 'hin^. God fhall reveale even the lame unto you . S ■'" C'-"/? -for 16 Nevertheleffe . w tiM whereunto we are 'I'-'i X.'C"""' , , , , , tftihcut Chi-tfl, art come , let us proceed by one rule ,that wee may fMai u andem- minde one thing. natim. 1 7 Brethren , be followers of me , and looke '',^*'" '' ■ f" ^ < '"• on them, which walks fo , as ye have us foran en- '^^'fnlmamT'"' ^atnple. righte^t^Jire^ut 1% s^Formany walke.ofwhomlhavetolde cUathed r^irh the you often, and now tell you weeping, that they art 'i/hieMfmfft «/ the enemies of the crofl'e of Chrift : ^^^'P "«?«'£''» f Thii ii theendoftigbteoiifoeQeby faith touctiog u«, that b)kthf vtrtueofhiirefur- reftion wee may fcapefrom de^th. i Thar I may feele him indeed, and hatie a triai efhim. 6 The way loihat eteraall falvjtionisto follow Chrift his fi/VL by affli= aionjaod perfjcuiiont untill wecometo Cbtiff himftlfe,who iiour m>.rice whereat w-ftioot, and receive that reward whrreunto God caJletbuiin him. AndtbeApoftle fetieth thefe trueexercifes of godlipt.'Je againft thofe vaine ceremoniei of [he Law, wherein ihefalfeapofilei putibe furoroeofgodliDtOe. k Ttlifs i1)irl.ifiint,rfhich fiUorveththe rrfurreBicncf the Saints. , 1 For rve runnenat, tutja fartefiorlhiat ■tve arelayde holde en ffChriJI , that is, ai God ^itielh us jlrenoth, andfhentthus the fray. 7 ThecoBcIurton of ibii eihortaiion fiandiog upon three memberj ; The one, that fuch ai have profited in the truetb of tbij dofttine , feouldcoDtinueia it. Toe fecond is .that if there be any which are yet ignorant , and ondeiftand not ttefe tbingi.ind doubtofthe abolifhing of the Law, tbey Ihould caufe no trouble, and (hould be gfDiIy boinewithall ,UDtill they alfo he infltufiedof the Lord. The third ii, ibattbiyefteeme ihefalfeapoltlei by their fruits .wherein he doubteth not to fet foorih himfelfe for ao example. m Hefaid he/are that he rra, not perfetl . St that in this place he caUeth' ihem perfeH, yvhichhaVefimetrhatprttJitedin the knonled^e of ChriJ}, and the Ccfpel , nhom he fiiteth aiainji the rude andignorant, . as heerptundeih himfetfe inihenexiurfe follorvin^. 8 Heepainteth''out the- falfe apoftlei in their colouij, not upo'i rnalice or ambition, but with forow and learei, . to wit, becaufe that being enemies of the Cofpel (for that is ioyned with affliftion) they regard nothing els, but the commodities oftbis life, that is to fay , that flowing: itifeace, quietnelfe, and all worldly pleafurti-, they may live in great eftimatioo i BoioDjft meo : whofe ciifciable end he fortwaictib them of. # Rom, 16,17. J 9 Whofe Ofbelliegods, To the Colodians. Chrififtrengthenctbus, n R»w«tdf. ip Whofe enJe h Jaraiiation , whole Goil«> o whichthty hum j,^,Y {j^,;;^ ^ and T/*/;<)p o .Aoty M CO their (harae, f HX»h which mindc earthly things. ajjioT. :bt£e CtU zo jBuc our coiivcilation is in heaven , from lowM. itj? yiftors vvhtrnce alio we locke for AiQ ^ Saviour , even the ,^bichr«l^a . Lord lefus Cbift. Soh«.Vn 21 Wh(«^n3ll change our vile body, that u oaeiy.wvh-rethey may be fiihiotied like unto his glorious body, kaow , that »vcn according to the working, whereby he is able even in ,h«r b^i.ti they fyi^jue all things unto himfclfe. withAatmrcall CHAP. 1 1 1 1. gtory.by ihe venue ^ p„„pirii,ulaT txhortation:, f hctccmmithlefeaeraH. «'0od- rf-j Hit filth that hie tookf fuch toy in lUirriiuliii-fert ^ iCat.t.j, nirali:ie. it that hi niU patitnth htartthe ivii'. A rehejtf»il of T Herefore , i my brethren , beloved and longed .VcotKiuii'oo : "^ fot.my ioy and my » crowne , lo continue in ThJtthey man- tJje b Lord , ye beloved. fully comiDue. vn. ^ ^ j Euodias.and befeech Syntiche, that J^l'h'''v.c"rT" they be ofone accord in the Lord. Bjf:ia|tothe 5 Yca, and I bcfcech thcc , faithfuU voakcfel- tord» itrengta. Jqw . helpe thofe vvonten, which laboured with me h TlltZ'^rA '-" ^^^ ^°'P^' * ^''^'^^ Clement alfo . and with other vihereofthXoTd ii "ly fellowe labourers , whofe names 3ine I fay, "" ''r bt" ufe"*' "i°ycs- fb^ n^'tTr'i. f 4 Let your e patient minde be knowen unto vatteihorution, all men. s The Lord is at hand. and partly iifo (o $ 6 Be nothing carcfuU , but in all things let ftitrtupotber.to your tequefts be diewed unto God in prayer and be more prompt i- ,.^. .,^.. -, , r/ andready. lUppUCatlon Wlthf glvmg of thaUKS. 5- Revela.f. aod 7 And the g peace of God which paflethall jo,8. acd 11.17 • underftanding , (ball preferve your h heartesand «= '*°'*" ^'i.^„'„^'" mindesin Chriftlefiis. |S*h"vT»booke?' ^ 7 Furthermore, brethren, whatfoever things wheieia theaainet are truc , whatfoevcr things ' are honeft, whacfoe- ofhiielt&are . Mticien , to vr'namte will give everlaftiDg life. Eiechie! calleth itthe writing of the boufeoflftael.andthefecmofthf Lord, Ch.ip.i3,9. 3 Heiddeih particelat •xhortaiioni: and rhefiili ii.that tbeioyof the Philippiani be not hindered by any ■ffliAioni that the wicked imagine and \ agjinltthem. d .So ii tbe ioy ofthe «rurld delliDguiUlech from our iuy . 4 TbeTecood 11, uot taking allibingiin good pan, tbey behave tbemfelvei moderately wiih all men . e Youv q uiet and fetled »rinde. J The tikingaway ofaHobieftion .Weemuanot be der<^aieted through impatience, feeing chaiGod iiat bsnd togiveuiremedie in time agaiolt allourmifeiiti. < Tbe third i», that wee be not too catefullfor any thing, but with fute confidence giveGfdthankn ,and crave of tini vvbitfoever wee have neerft of, that with a quiet coofcience wee may wholly and with all cur beartesfubiiit our ftWti to him. f So Davidbeginne very oft with teatei .but enJed with thsnkefgiving. g That great quieiatlfe of mi ode. which Godooely giveth in Cb lift. h Hedivideth the isinde into ibe bean , ibat ii . into tbjt part wbicb i i the feat of the will and alfe< diona. atJd ioioihebigher |ait , whereby we uodcrllandand reafcn of matters. 7 A gencrill conclufion , thai ai they have bone taught both in word and example, fotKty frame ihtit live* to the rule of all holtGelTe and righieoufnen'e. i What- (oevettiiiig'atefuchai dobcaunfie acd fet you ou: with «hoIj gravitie. ver things are luft , whatfoever things are pare, whatioevcr thing? are vorthy love , whatfoever thing? Not that I dehre a gift : but 1 ddire the rettie bringeth aU frtfit which may further your reckoning. kindicfdifcom. i8 Now I have received all, and have plentie; '"°'^'''« with it, I was even filled . after that I had received of Epa- 1 '^^" '.' ' T**' ... L .. u- 1. r i' phore taken from phroditus that waich came trom you , an o oduiu- boiythiBgiorfaoti. that fmelleth fwcece, a facrihce acceptable and ficei, for our life ii pleafant to God. likeafac.iSce. I5> AndmvGodfliall fulfill all your neceffitie ^ «« ^*"'^«"«'' ^ ,■',,..'. uT • T f- r~\ "-""*»- that he remembretfc through his ncnes with glory in lelus Chtift, aif» their former 2© Vnto God even our Farther >««<''- ^ ., . " oiog when I prea- you all. Amen. _ _ ched the Gofj el ^ Written to the Philippians from Rome, amongn you. f«JK//e« by EpaphroditUS, lo Hewimefletll ■' . agaiue, that bee alloweth well of their ber«fit,notfo much forhiiovsnefakpaifor thein. becaufe they gave it net fomuch to faiin , s»tbey oflered it to God a«a facrilioe, whereof the Lord himfelfe will not be forgeifull. o HealludecH totbe fweetfmellingfavoutlthit wereoffeicd intheeldetaw. p Such ai belong to tbe EmperourNtro. ! ' THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE COLOSSIANS. , • tt; tbe iieeboua- tifulnelfe of God. h Colon'eiifituitrd to Uhrygia , no! far from Hieravohi .-Jud Lj«licea,on that fide thatthry btri I inw'td I yciaand Faffli-tylia. CHAP. I. ^fitr the f'Uutitn, 4 *« frxifclh them thi mm , to niikt lhimitin.i,u unit, him. 7 He reptrtclhtht tcili- '"">"ttiheJii}rinervhiihlhtyheJrdcfEpsphrts. ij He mamjUih Ocdi^rAce lcv>ardi th(m, lo inifhttstth ihtt 'li'h^ p.t'<< .fcurfilvatiincofifininChriJl cUne. Aul an Apottleof lefus Chrift ,by ihe 1 will of God , and Timotheus oKr brother, 1 Tochcm which areofbCo- lofle , S lints and faithtull brethren in Chrill : Grace ^s with you , and pe.Ke fioni God our Father , and from the Lord lefiJs Chtift. 3 « Wee give thanks to God even the r Father i He coi of our Lord lefus Chrift , alwav praying for you : tbe tioft'ine that 4 Since we heard of your faith in Chrift lefus, '»"'*''')■'""»">'«> and oiyour love toward nil Saints. .hlure^dml'irrin f For the d hopes lake , which is laved up for receiving it. you in heaven, whereof yc have hcard'before by = "■'""nnot the word of tnicth. wlifch i, the GofbeJ, otbejwife conMet • ___, . , - ^ . . . of God to our laU 6 Which is come unto you even as tt u unto all va.ion , hut a, h« V the world. & is fruitfula<. « at alio among yon from cbrii>;j F.-.ther , ioj thedayyyeheardSc truly knew the grace of God. wbomwearead. \ 7 As yee alfo learned of Epaphrasour diurc aFor'theeiorvthw' ♦ fellow feivant, which is lorycuafaithfullrainifteri.topedfci. of Chtift: 8 aWho All things created by Chiift, Chap, 8 » who hrflhalfo declared unto us your love in thee Spirir. 9 F^r this caufe wee alfo.fince the day that we heatd tfh , cea(e not to pray for you , and to defire that ^e might be fulhlled with knowledge off his will in ail wifedonae, and fpiiituall vndeiftanding. therbo'hiotbe ' ^o That yee might walkc Worthy of the Lord, kuov^fkdj* oUbt & pieafe him in allthings.being fruitfuil in al good Gofpcl,aoaa|fo ^ wotkes,and increafmg in the knowledge of God, 11 3 Strengthened with all might through his glorious power , unto all patience , and long fufie- ringwith g ioyfulnelle, 12 4 Giving thankes unto the; Father, which hath made us raeete to be partakers ef the inhe- ritance of the Saints in l» light. 13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkenelTe . and haih tranflated us into the king- dome 4. of his deare Sonne, 14 « in whom we have redemption through his blood, that it, the forgiveneffe of finnes. ly 7 Who is the $ image ofthcinvifible God, it were drawto out ; j^e firft begotten of every cteature, pr*o«.d ["u'a 16 « FBr by him wereall things created which merie'and io^foU are in hcaven.and which are in earth, things viliWe miiKie. and invifible ; whether r/iiry be ^ Thrnnes.or Dorai- « HaT.agendea nions , or Principalities, or Powexs.ail things were ■:^rj:hra,-a«r createabyhim.andforhim i,f,l(t,£hatir«» 17 And he is before ail things , and in nira all fay.to an txcelltnt (hingS COnfift. II. The reft of Chriftes affli^ions. Sp a H< JKlarcsh bit good will to- vvardtthem, teU iJDg cbcm thai they muftootftiJl lemaineatone *ay , but goon fui iD-ikeiiueuIe ef it, • Tcur ffi'im-ii lott.cr jour hut frcmthtifirit. 3'TlMgifKrfcoB- tibcaiK* it Boi of ut.bat it procce. deihfjomthevtr- tueef God, mbicil hedoe'h freely givsm g It muRnotbe »nwi!ling. and ai «!efcription(aU though It be but ftptt) of whole Chilli*"'"*' wbicbi, fitly di- vitted intotiree iwatifei : fui firft «fall heMpoun. deih the true do- Arice.according «)tbe«dall<^i/ nc in>re,^nd rv'nc raife:h other frtm death lo life hj kh fitter. * Ichi 1 .14 decree, that by thiifacrifice he might reconcile to hit Fatber all -'jii at well them which helceveJ in him to cume , anti were already vndertbii hope "^jtbertd into beaven. aithem whicb ftiouMiipon theeaith beleeve in him afterward. „»indtbui i, iu-'itia-.ion defcribed ofthe Aioll'e, which is oneand ibechiefcfl part of ■ fttbenefiieofCbrili. „ T!7e rvhcle Clmrth. 10 Sanftificatioo 11 anoiber , workeofGod in utby Cbtift, in that ibat herettored us(wbich bated God extremely, ar.d were wholly and willingly given to finhe)lo hi. graioaf favour, in fuch fort. that bee theiewithsllf uiifceth es with hi» fco'y Spirit.aod cgnfccrateth ui to rigkuoofneUe. no wheie rtrae evill workes, hath « 'be now alio reconciled, ^ ^^^ (-^^^ 22 In that body of his pflclh through de.ith, p in that iefiily to make you holy a.od vnblameable , and without body to give ui to hultinhisfighr. , viderftandthatbi, _ 2i - Ifyeecontinue.groundedandflablia.edl;';;;,^]^^;,^;;^^' in the faith, and be not moved away ,i}bm the hope a true bo.^y. ofthe Gofpel, whereof yee have heard, .ind which ti Thisfccontl hath bene preached to q every creature .which is ''""^f h'"t"-n(. vnderheaven.t* whereof I Paulamarainifter. ^n«°ir,heexhor' 24 Now reioycel inmyfufterings 'foryou.and .eth tbeColoffi- fulftll the f reft of the affiidHonsof Chrift inmy am not to fuffer flefc.for his bodies uke. which is the Church:^ .hemfelve.byaay . ,.,, r ■. • -n 1- # meaoei to be mpa- 2y 'J Whereof Tama minifter,accotdii;| to v^ifromthiado. the difpenlation of God , which ts giv£n raee unto arine. {hewing yonward. to fulft' I the word of God. anddecUriog tbH 26 4 WUch is themyftery hid fi nee the world ^^"'^j*": began, and from ail ages, but nowc is made manifeft ^q\T.\' to his t Saints, ^ ^ /^'aSmen: 27 To whome God » woulde make knowen wh,-rehveie en- r^L. -ft d&arineby bif A- tnat wee may prelent eveiy manpertcttm Chnit j.,,jijfl,jp3„dt4. lefus- kcrhamoftfute 19 Whereunro I alfo labour and ftrive.according proof? thereof, af to his working which workcth in me mightily. ^hicb'fe'nlfferetli fo.-Chrift«hii Kamf.toindruS theChurcheiwiih thefeexamplei ofpatleoce, r ForyODrpio&e andcoRimoditie f The affliaioni of the Church are fayde 10 b Cbrirteia fliftiom, by Veafon of that fellowlhip and knitting together tha- the body and the he ^d have the one wiih the other, not that there is any more iieede tohav tbeCnurrtii redrettictb ivt that Cbtift (llrweth bis power in thedayly jveakenefleof hii,anil tbatrbr thecomfortof the whole b->dy. 13 He bringeib aoo.her pioufe ol bis ApoHleQiip.to Ait.tbatGod ii tbeau hour ot it by whom alfo bee was appoiotid jeculiatly Apoltleof the Gonlei, to the end that by this meanei , tbaM.ime might be fulHIIrd by him , which the Pro., pbets foretold of fbecallin^ ofibe Geatiles. {. Kom. 16,2; epne. 3-4. z.ttm.i.iQ, tit.1,1 i.fet.i,io. t Whom betholc to fandifieuBtohimfelfc in Chrift : moreover he faith that themyliery of ourredeitip; uo vi,at hidden fioce the world began, except it were tevealei un.oa fewe.whoalfo wtretaugh' it extraordinarily. u Thm Patil bridcletb the curiolitie of men 14 He pr Jtri'eh tbat he dotth faithfully execute hi« Apodlelhip in every place , bringing mer unto Corillon»ly .through rheLordi plenti- full b.ilTiigsof bitlabours.'* x Perfea and fouud wifedome.which itpeifed io it felfe.aDdftiallinihe end maketbem petfeS tbat follow it. CHAP. II. 4 He ccnJcmneih , at )/»i-atj- , r^ ^ , r r ■ dicean»,Bedid tt and tor as many asbave notleenemyaperlonin notofaoyaegii- theflelh. geoce.butitf*. a 2 That b their hearts might be comforted, much the mere and they knit together in love , and in all riches of <:2«f""*'o' the«. the c full alfuranceof vnderftanding.toknowthCbojy"'' myftery of God, even the Father, and of Chrift : a Hecondudeti 3 J n whom are hidallthe treafuresof <* wife- flionlythefumtme dome and knowledge. »f '*« f''""^"!^- 4 3 Andthisllay.leaftanymanflioitldbegiule *''"^i*^';',,„" you with e entifing words : „f nue wifsdonie y $ For thotjgh I be abfent in the flefh , yet am and moft fecrete I with you in ^ fpirit.reioycing 8c beholding your knowledgeof forder.and your gftedfaa faith in Chrift. Cb>i'.ro^lyldt°« 6 As ye have therefore Ireceived Chriftlefiis ,hi«i»iheufeofit the Lord.yj) walke in him. touching inen.that 7 Rooted and built in hi.-n .and ftablifliedin t>"yi>'i''gkoitto. ' getherio love, reft tbemfelvet happily iu the knowWgeoffo great a goodneCPe. votillthey come fully to enioy it. bWbom heneverfaw. c Ofihat VDdeT:laaJing,wbich bringeth foortb cer* taine & vndoubted pet fwafioo in our mindei.ii Thtrt is n» f rue rriflcme rvi'heUtChri/l. 3 A palling over to tbetreatife following, againft the catrupiionsof Chriftianitie. c Wi'h afnmed kindeoftilkf midt to ^irfrvitde . J iCi^-.Sti.fThemnnerofjourEf (ttfiuJIicAlt 4ifiiptvic. I Dottrine. h Sothtn Ctryjihingeth mtufmrncnt tradivint, " M m n» the ' Chriftcs divinide 4 Hcbiingeth lU the faiih , as ye have beac taught.aboUBding there- in with thankcfgiving : g 4 Beware k-jft there bi» any man that • fpoile you through philofophieiSc; vaine deceit. nhrongh the traditions of men , « according to the k rudi- ments of th^orld, 7 and not after Chrill, 9 8 For 1 in him "< dweiicth " all the fulneffe of the Godhead o bodily . I o And yee are compleete in him.which is the headof ail princip..ii:ie and power. II 9 In whom alio yt;<-- are.circumcifed with 4.^ircumcifion made without handes , by putting oflriie V linfiiii body of the flefli , through the cir- cumcifion of Chiift, 12 «o In that yee are § q buried withr him through baptifme, u in whom yee are alio raifed up tog-rher through the fauh of the operation of f God, which raifed him from the dead. 13 * II And you which were dead in finnes, 1 J andin the vncircumciiion of youi fl.lh , huh he qiiickeiied together with him , forgiving you ail yo;»r tvcfp^ffes, 14 M And putting out to nunifeft- lyfuFfrfmioia acd vain. >n^.6,^. efhcf. 1,19. y !.... , of Angels, «7 advancing himfelfe in rhofe things oti!,andfe°""^"' which hee never (aw, 'S^ralhly puft up withhir fleO h minde, 19 19 And holdeth not the c head , whereof a1 the body furnilhed and knit toj'Cther by ioynts affii ji d o\\ ne the wor- / flliH.ngofAn- (11 g'I'f'r an exam- very deedt done . tbatii to fay , it it not the dipping of ui in o the water by a Miniller that maketh ut lo be buried with Cbrift , at Papillifiy . that evsn for the very aftet fak» . wee became vereiy Chrittiant .bur it commetb from tbe vertue of Chrift. for the Afoftle addeih the r^futreftiun of Chrift and faith. 11 Oneeud of Btptifineii toe death and ;iurial I of the old man , and that by the mighiie power of God oaely, Whofe venue wee lay hold on by faith ,in the deatk and tefuittaion ofChtilt. f Tiroughfai'h whiLhccmmethfrojnGud. *£phffa,i. 11 Ao otber end of Bap'ifmt II , that we w>ich were dead in finne , miqhiolitrine free remilTiju offune; ande etnall'ifeihr.'iigh faiibiu Crill /./ho dyed for ut ij A itwarguinent which lyrtb in ihefefew wordi.and it itthiii; Vncircum.ifi.fm^«Je:forethenpi/ihuml,lenefeiiK litnue. Ferthe/i >Anvel$-nerfhit>fitr! bUmed futh nfpridcai vcxlJ co (frti^ht 'o Cd , .tnd -ufttu other mndtr me^nn litfiJfs ChriH. 17 Secondly , becaufe they raQjIy thruft upon ibem for oraclei.rbofetbingi which tbey neithet faw nor heard, badevifed of the.ti ftlveJ. l8 Thirdly , becaufe ibefe things have no other grounde .whereupon they are built, but onely tbe opinion of men , which pleafe tbemfelvet without all tneafure in their owneduetiei. h Wvhr»< rtafjn. 19 Tbefoorth aigumjot . which ii of great waight becaufe they ffoyle Cbrift of bit dignitie ■ who onely ii fafticient both to Dou. lilh^andalfotoincreafe hit whole body. c Chnft. d With -he mcrejCKi/ which cunmerh frrm ::od. ao Now laftof all hee fighteth againfttbe fecond kinds ofcor- ruptioni, tbat it to fay, againft meeve fuperiiitioaj, invented of men, which partly de- ceive tbe limplicitie of fome with their cfiiftiDeDe . and partly wi:h very fooliOi fuper« ftitioai, and to be laughed at : at when godlineftV reniidion of linnet .or any fuch like vertueii put in fome certaine kind ofitieate and fuch iikethiogi, wbi'h thelnventouri offuch ritet themfelvet vndetftand not. becaufe in deede it iint^f. Andbeevfeth an at4 gument taken ofcomparifon. If by the death of Cbrift who eltaliliOietb a aew cove, oant with hisblood , you be delivered from thofe externall ritei wherewith it pleafed the Lord to prepare the wjrld. at it were by certaine tudimenti to thai full knowledge of true religion , why would yee be burdened with traditions ,1 wrote not woat,a» thoush yee were citizen of thit world , tbat it to fay , at tbeugb yee depended upon tbiilife.andeatihly thingoNiwihii it : becaufe why before vetfe 8. be followed an* other order then he doeih io theconfutation : becaufe be Cheweth thereby what de. grteifalfereligioot came into the World, to wit, beginnio? firft by curiout fpeculatioM of the wife after which in procelfe of timefuccceded gr-flefuperliitiou, againft which mifchiefei the Lord fet at length that fervice of thf Law , which fome abufed in like fort ; butio the confu atinn he began with tbe abolilhing of the Law fervice, that hee might lllew by comparifon , tbat thofe falfefervicei ought much more to be lakes away. e w4< 'ho'.irh jenr ftlid ie flitod ii rhefe eunhlj things, and ihr t^inr-dome of Ccdtvere not rJ'irr /pji-r'.tjj. 11 An imitation in the perfoo oft hefe fupetftitiotn men, tightly expreffiog their nature and ufeoffpeech. at Another argument: The fpirituall and inward kingdomeof God cannotconliftinthefe outward thinii , and fuchstperilh with the ufing. 13 The third arcumeot : Becaufe Gad it not the autbour nf thefe tradiiioniiod therefore they doenotbinde the confcience. 24 The taking away ofanobiefti in Thefethingi hsvea go j.lly (hew , becaufe men by thil meanet. feeme to worftlip God with a good mind- and humble themfelvet, and negleft the body .which 'he inoli part of meo curioufty pamper vp and cherilh : but yet not- witbftaoding tbethingi themfelvet are of m value, for fo much at they perceive not to thiiagi tbat,are fpirituall and everlafting. but to tbenouriftimeutof the flrfli. f Wbich feeme in deede to be fome etquilit thing an) fo wife devicei a t though tbey came from heaven g H-n^- fprang the workt of fuperetogaii m, at he Papilli terme them , thatit to fay. needeUflV workei, atthough mm performed m>re thro itcommanded them .which wai the beginning and tbe vry ground whereoo Monki merit! were brought in. b A lively defcripiion if.Monkeiie. i Seeia j they llajid ia inetf end drinke, wherein the kingdome of God dueth not Oant}. CHAP. III. I ^eain/l earthly exercifet.vUch iher.tl/i apoftUt -ur^eJ, 1 ht feitah heairen ly .- f and heinneih nith ihl moriijjin^ of the flcrh, i rvhence hedraw'I^TfariiiUUrexhtrutioni, li •ltd particular duetits whis^ etjuiiie, vinuitheii fetvanu. CHAP IV. a Hee rtturneth loientraB tximlaiicni, 3 tcUching prayer and^raciouifftucht 7 anttfi tndethniih^reeiin^s and commendations, YE mafters, doe unto your fcivants, that which t Headdethctr. is iuftandequall.knowingthatyeeallbhavea "i"«««"<-""«- „aftcrinheaven. _ , , • , Strh-^hi: z « « » Continue in prayer, and watch in the Epiaiewithdirem fame with thankefgiving, famiiiaraod godlf 3 3 * Traying alfo for us , that God may open fa'u atiom unto us thea doore of utterance, to fpeake the my- * ,b"ff-V,V* fterie of Chrift : wherefore I am alio in bonds, » Payers muij 4 That I may utter it, as it becommeth mee to be comiauail tai fpeake. •«"''»• . .„ y 5 4 * Walke b wifely toward them that are ^J^'^", ^f *' without, and redeeme the « feafon. .fpeciaiiyte com. 6 J Let your fpeech 6e d gracious alwayes, and mended to the powdred with elalt, that ye may know how to an- Fay"tofthe fwere every man. »7fl.f.6.,i, 7 J Tyt-hicus our beloved brother and faith- ». ibef.s.r. full miiiifter .and fellow ftrrvant in the Lord, iiiall a An open and free declare unro you my whole ftate : inouih to preach 8 whom I have fent unto you for the fame 1 'in ^ij !/„« of purpofe thai hee might know your ftate.andpnight ouriife.we ought comfoit your hearts. to have good confi. 9 w ith Onelimus a faithfiill and a beloved bro- Epbef. ,-,,?. 10 Ariftarchus my prifon fellow faluteth you, b Advifediyand and Marcus Barnabas coulin (touching whom yee """""^P'^'y: received commandemenrs : If hee come unto bou, ^intiem'',a"bouoh receive him.) • you Me o'f your 1 1 And lefus which is called luftus.which are owne fay it. of thecircumcilion. Thefe f onely are my worke- J Our fpeech ani feilowes unto the s kingdome of God , whjch have "1;^^ ""j^'^ j"^^j bene unto my confolation. oftbe heareu. 12 Ep'phrasthefervantof Chrift, which isonetl Framedtoihe of you , (sluteth you , andalwayes ftriveth foryou rrcfii of yjur in prayers. ihatyem.iy ftand perfedt, and full in all " Agai.?i7thitij the will of God. f.t filthycOmunica. 13 For Ibearehimrecord,that he hathagreat tion,aiEpher4 19. zeale for you , and for them of Laodicea, and them ^ w'')' "=en,reiu r . ,. was not at that otHierapOhS, time a, Rome. MmiD a 14 «(LuKe g luibecofrei. Effeauall faith. I. Theflalonians. Againftmenpleafets. I 4 « Lake the belftve J phyfician greeteth you, andDemas. 1 5- S alute the brethren wh ich are of Laodicea, & Nymphas.and the Church which is in his houfe. 16 And when this Epiitie is read of you.caufe that it be re^in the Church of the LaoJiceans al- io , and that ySe hk trom Laodicea. ikewiie reade the Epiftle written 17 And fay to Archippus , Take heed to the rainifterie, that thou haft received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it. 1 8 The falutatton by the hand of me Paul. Re- member my bands. Grace /is with you. Amen. J Written from Rome to the Colofsians , and fiat by Tychicus.and Onefimus. THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THES- ^ SALONIANS. I An (xinip!«of • li^btCbrifliaa frioyting : whwe- byalfo we Itaroe, that fuch at bavc grcatgifii in ibtuiart in iwo font bridled, to wit. ifrbey conri- dtt tbattbty have rewivfdall from God, aod tbai cnii- tinuaDcr mult be drfircd at bit bandj.wbeffunto •Ifothewhole Epilllecxbortttli thtThtflalociani. a He commend- «h them for three fpeciall giftt, effe. ftoali faith .comi- uuall love , and pa tieothope.-tuthe endtbey ini^bt be afhamtd bein^ in- dued wiibfuchei cellentgifii.not 10 continue in CodieUftion. * }ViriJ fcr yvcrd ^ ihtljtMr tltditn i Aaoiherreafon why they oujh CHAP. I. HeiUrtft^eit^inntthrciihihiitiktfg'i'i'ii, ♦ to put thtm in minde thti ^atj'utVtr iv JJ pr ji/e tvirthy in them, it cumt of CoJi ^ocdnept : S anJ ihntthej arteiifamflcs unto oihen. Aifl, and Silvanns.and Timotheus, K\ .fiMA^ws- ""to the Church of the ThelValo- mwifcf,o,r.,l„hHyOboft. d AlltbebeUeveri. s h it no.r>.e converfioo to • ••i(ake_ ,rfo,„ vnl. Me - m«othere».ithall worfhip the true and living God in Chrift rbl ooe.y re leem'r , Thii word (That ) is i;ot put here without C3ufe ; and by 11 meant ihiirevfiije and pooilhtneot , wherewith the Lord will iuaze the length in Bitt'rrible wrath: CHAP. n. . H'-itcltrtihli^rv fai:hftll} ht prtJtheth the Go/fil unto them, 1 reeking mithtritint, 6 ntr priife ffmen : lO tni '■f prf.Wth tUt fjme Ij iktir nrie itflimenie .■ 14 that ihj « fore, and were Ibaroefuliy entreated at + Philip- ttA^/SrS pi, (as yeeknow) wc werebold in* our God , to hehandieth'now ipeake unto you the Gofpel of God, with much more at large, ao* (kiving. to that end and 3 3 For our exhortation was not by deceit, nor [„" k^o'f** ' "'" b by vncleanefle, Borby guile. » TUevertueiof 4 ♦ B Ut as we were <: alio well of God, that the atruePallourare Gofpel (liould be committed unto us , fo we fpeake, [^'['/,„"f„"t'''**"'* not as they that pleafe men , but God , which ^ ap- t'he"Gofpe"%en prooveih our hearts. inthemiddeiof y Neither yet did we ever ufe flattering words, dangert. as yee know, nor coloured covetoufneffe , God;/ **^'^" '*''*;. record. £,«i.„A./,.e. 6 ; Neither fought wee praife of men, neither 3 to teach pure of you , nor of others , when wee might have bene doftrine faithfully e chargeable, as the Apoftles of Chrift. heart'*"'' * ''"'* 7 But wee were f gentle among you , even as a i'"j'j„y „!,i^,j nource cherilheth her children. ar,f of you , and preached nnto you the Gofpel of mtmsofcodani God, thtmdiemtnt.of 10 8 Te me witnelles. and God alio, how hoHly Z"n'ch»rZlT and iuftly, and vnblameably we behaved our felves rerftc*th\q'»*ii- ' among you that beleeve. »if j i>f" cw/b-. (as a father his children.) . hi,c.»ncelio»el} 12 10 That ye-" would waike worthy of God. t«;>im/el/f,if /!./- who hath called you unto his kiugdorae and ioneihA^t jieing glorie. MnkeTJu'" I? >. For this canfe alfo rhanke wee God ,Z.^C,f'Z,r<,hom' without ceafing , that when yee received the /Sfj it not as the worde ofmen.buias it is in deedethe '"^''"2' >'"""''i"^ word of God , which alfo woiketh in you that be- „r/„JXmM. leeve. ^ndt\,e„f„tin that we are aUnrBti ofCfi.iihtnreihuftnlismlTtie. J WUiAli'^eil, and allcvetU of tl,em. t To fobmii bimfelfeeven to tbebafeft.to winnetheni , ami efcbew all pride. e wbeii I might lawfully haveliveJ upon the expencei oftheChurch. f We were not rough , butealie , and gentlr.aia nource tUat it neither ainbitiout nor cuvetoui.bui takrth all paiiiet at fatieoily.a, if Uic were a mother. 6 To have the flocke that it committed to him in more eltimaiion.tben hit owne life. 7 To depart with hit owae right ra thentobtchargeabletohisfh--pe. :§ Aa.>o,34. i.cot 4, 12. 2.thef.3,8. 8 To excell other ill eaampleoff odiy life, p f) exhort and comfjrt wi:h a faiher'y mini andafftSion. 10 To eihort all mtn diligently a'.id earntltly to lead a godly life. • ephef 4,,.phil i,J7Col.i,to 1, Having a?proov.-d bit mimnerie.becommeodeih againe (to that end and purpofe that I fpakeof) thechefrefulntlfe ofiheTheaaloniaofc wiiifcii W4iaarA«table to bii diligence io preaching, and tbtii maoly j^atieoce. 14 >*For Appointed to affliftions; Cbflp. fij. iiij' » e,m«h 14 i» For brethren, ye are become followers lirM^M. of the Churches of God. which inludea are in aioni which tbey g chtift lelus . becaufe yee have alio luflered the fLifftredof >heii ^-^^^ things of your ownc h countrey men , even as S5H* ''^?;'^!:w;!^SmedtheLord lefe&.heir ownecountK,- o^vnePropocts.aiKl have perlccuiedus away, i*and n«n : which came . ^j^ pleafc not , and are contrary to ' all men, :h:c"uch..cf ht 16 An5 forbid us to preach unto the Gentiles, tS>Zo,U,n-. that they might be laved .to k fulhU their Jinnes and wercfore thty ^i^.^ygs : for the > wtath ei/G «<< IS come on them to Increafe in love and holinefle. 9 f auawc.".- >— , aiwayes : It f-tdVart.'" iheutmofi. in Eood pa't Vl,:,Ldu- from you for a leafon . conccining fight butnot f"k"- in the heart, wee enforced the more to lee your ^,^l'"°^'f1u face with gteaidefire. y'"^^*"'!"". ,0 xiierefore we would have come unto you (I fcrrr" PauUtleaftonceortwife) but Satan hindred us ri4tj.« -rcf/"- 19 For what is our hope or loy , orcrowne ot 13 Herreveotcth ^i^-.^iro- f sfe Pot even you itinthepcefenceot •„ltbru"^n''for our Icrd^'ieius Chrift at his cotr.n,ing , .haltheuwe. 20 Yea, yeare our gloric and loy. ef^eciilly above all ^.^ ^ 1^ (,„ ^ f^; ,[, n.w« Chrift o:h.rr«f.cut.d 't'Gofve^ Th« • ° _^^ Kjf^' ,^ „, f„„„„„b ,j,, „,„ h,mfelf.and f '' ^■°P^"\;*ft^^ fllouldb.mooved by their rtbell.on. i F.r ,/r T' k\nM the r^uk'dr,^, •/'*"" ^''^'^ ""'}"'''" ^^ '"'"T"" "'' "^"^ redfUr*^i"' p 'now are wee »alive,ifyeeftandfaftin met u leai" 'ke " iniuin<-yt>hichhe the Lord. , A •^rJ,fehe<'un: o For what thankcs can wee recompeiile to %d for ing of our Lord lefus Chrift with all his coofiftethintwo Saints ''^"'8'' '° '*"• '" w ^^*""* ch^ritie toward iU men .and inward puiitieofthe heart, die iccomplilhineat whereof Doiwi.bftaDding ii deferred to the ci<:xtcetnitiingofChrift , who willijiena|rfit bis woike by tbefamt grace, wherewith he begun it in ui. <{• CftJp.J.Ji- i.c^iiS. C H A 1'. IV. J Ht txhcrtel!) them, 3 to kelintt, 9 and tntherly hie, 13 Heforbiideththtmtoforewaf'ertliemanereftnfideU: 1 ; Heefttteth ful the hijhrie cfcur refurrecHcn. A Nd 1 furthermore wee befeech you . brethren, **• and exhort you in the Lord lefus , that ye » in- , Eive,. exhort*, creafe more and more , as yee have received of us, tions.the ground' how ye ought to walke, and to pleale God, whereof is thi«, to a For ye know whac commandements we gave ''' R;'°''f'uli of 1 1 r JT r thofe thingt, vvbicfc yOubytheLordlelus. .„ ^ ^ _, they haveWd of 3 J a For this IS the will ot God even your the Apoftie. b lanftiftcation , <«» which is emtrUctd among ihe former exhortation ( wh'ih h ri^ii-:: ' eth unto afterwaidj whct^iu br I'peakeihofmourr.ingfortht dt.'d and .u, -.-i. .." iberefuneaion.aodof thcbtierday. 10 Wc inuft take heni^ icat ,,..';. r'.- immoderaielybewaile the dead , ibaiii , as they ufe to doe which tbinj 1 .t-'i! 'v ;:c utterly periflied. n Aconfi mation ; for death isbuta IlL-ept of ih. Lu.;-, , ■ •.■■: fptakfthof thefaitbfaU, uDiill the Lord corar.eth. ji A .eafon rf biccr.Siu . for feting ibat the head is rifen , the raember, aifo fi-.a!l rife , and tbas by ifcc- ■<;•;. ■ God. d Thty die in Chr^ , rphich omutie i„f.mh, nhcTtlj ihey ^re^r^ ,,■ . Ckt:i1,e}>ent»;hclaft ^.iffi. ■ e Wilt ctt'l 'harifdici m: of ihci, ^- ,».:,; ^ ..-■s thdrftulei t« thtm againe. The day of the Lord. II.ThefTalomans, To love the mmifiersof God* », Th«ma««of ly 13 FoT tWs fay «f c unto you by the f word •hir r.rurrrftion ^f jhe LoH , that g we vhith live .anJarereraain- ^•^l''"''"'/". inq in the comming of the Lord . Ihall nor pre- Uiillijeaiitweie VCn' them which llecp?. c raiMcaiufilrtp, ■ 16 For the Lord himfclfe lliall defcend from ajtatfiundofth* heaven with* •> lhont,4ni with the voyccofthe trunij . 1.1.. _C^„.! . -«,l Cbiiltbimfrlfe ♦hallrltlcdiJ from brnen.TbtSiiott {•'oihefrtik.ih jroycrly ofthtoi rubicb Ihall then ht fouoH alive 10- gahei wih the ,\fAd •Abi.b dun «fL-,(lulbMakro upiDi->intclouJe«toit)»»ietheL')rd , and (hal!be in pripttuall glory wiih him. f Inthchiaineofthe Lord. aithoughhehinifcUffpeakcunto you. g Hefpeakethof rhrfethin^i. a» though he (llouldbt onsoftbfm whom ihe LorJ Oijllliode alive at bit coniininjj , l>ec.nife ibai time it uocertaimr, and ihereforecverv one of ui ought 10 be iti (jcb ariidinrQ'e ai ifihe Lord *erfcomrr>ing at every mnmtnt. h T'-e word which ihe Afoiile ulctb here.lignifieth properly th.it rncouragement whi.b mat inerj ufe one to aDOihtr.when ibty altogether with ooe fllout put foovih iheiroaioand rowe together. «J j.Cor.i/./i- i Suddenly and iu the twinkling of au eye. C H A 1'. V. S Ccndtmniii the citricuifi^din^ Ar ihefenfim cfCMPt eem- Aichangel , and ♦ with the trumfec ofGod:and ihedeadinChriihhjllrifefirft: _ , 1 7 Then Ihjll we uhich live and remaine , be i caught lip with thtm alfo in the clondcs, to meete the Lord in the aire : and fo Ihali wee ever be with theLorJ. 1% Wherefore . comfort your felves one ano- ther with thefe Words. he w.irTieth ih.m fo h ready J.iyl} I ndfig-\'llh ihtmfundrjiccd Ufe: e him 1 [ppointed f.r have no nccdcthat I write unto you. 2 For ye your felves know perfedly .that the now not. IVJt 1 I rtiretbatit Oiail llfD Kiihappoii '^" ikv of thc'Loid flwll come , even asa th'iefe in the '■' night. «.h«.heylo«ke 3 For when they aiali f.-.y .Peace and fafety, fot nothing itOe. then fliall come upon them fudden deftrui5lion , as a Lertf «-^f'»i.7' the travaile upon a woman with childe , and they ^h'^rtt^h: ihall not efcape - , . o" V. ■wiwietb ui which 4 2 But ye, brethren, are not in darkenetlc.thac ve !igb:ned wiih_ that day Ihall come on you, ss n were a thicfc. lie knowledge of end I Yec are all the children of light , and the "■"^ children of the day : we are not of the night , nei- ftcurcly ia del.ci- ther of daikcnelVe. nii(pifre,le««we 6 Therefore let US not flcepe 2s doe Other , but be fuirteniy tak-n Jgj us v-'at£h and bc lober. '?t."(\"rbn"coB? 7 P"' 'hey that Ueepe, Heepe in the night, and ft riwife tobave they that be drunken, are drunken in the night, in eyeto-htLord. % 3 But let US which are of the dr.y , be fober. .ninotfaiferour J putting on the brefipbte of faith and love , and pr'ftd°^.h'^he ^^^ ^°P^ of falvation for an helmet. cjrei oftbiiwcrM, 9 t For God hath not appointed Us unto foribatiimettfor v.TJth , but to obtaiuc lalvation by themeanesof ,ted«kenHr,..f „„r , ^j^J i^f^^ thrift. V r'^he light "■" »-° ^ Which died for us , that whether we wake 3 U'e mun fight •Aiih faith and hcre.mucb'Ielle ought we lie carelrdy fnorting. ;§ Sfa. J9.'7.«l»li«f. ■ity. 4 HepruKnh us forwards hy feeing molt csttaine bope of vi/ioriebefure ui. J Tht death of ChnP iia pledge of our viftc'ie, for ihertforehe died, that we might >e Urtal»tKjffai»lifecfvertue, yea even wiJiln we live here. or Ileepe, we (hotild li\'e together with him. 1 1 6 vvherefiHc exhort oneanother .and edifie « wemnftBot one another, even as vou doe. "'""''v ««'^'> ""' 1 z y Now we befecch you brethren , that yee ^il'rLtd'orr b acknowledge them whi^h labour among you , and up and confitme arc over you in the "^ Lord,and admonilh you. «ne another. 13 That yee have them in fingukr luve for '^^^^"'"'^"il'i ''*]". Thatyouac- both toward your felves, and toward ail men. Knovvltdgt& tak« .- _ ■! theinforfuchat 16 M Reioyce evermore. they are, that i% to 17 S Pray continually. fay , menwonfayto 18 In all things , givethankes .for this is the '"'•greatiya fwillof Godin Chriftlefus toward you. 19 _ti (flench not the Spirir. 20 Delpife not g prophecying. »l Try all things,a»(ikeepe that which is good. '' 22 13 Abfteine from all h appearance of evill. ^ ted of among you* lags ppearance ( 23 Now the very God of peace ' landifie c lathofr vehicb pe:tai Gods ferv ice : foil Ecclcfiailicall aiondiningui. filed fromciviilau. you thority.audi thorowout : and I pray Ccd that your whole fpirit ftiepneardf.om and foule and body . m.ay be Rent blameleiTe unto wo''^'- the comming of our Lord lefus Chrift. " f^^^l^^^f^Zulb 24 '4 * k Faithful! it bee which calleth you, |i,rremui"bV ' whit h will aifo 1 doe it. honour ceafe. 25- I J Brethren pray for us. s Tbiimainte- 26 Greete all the brethren with anlioly kiffi-. »"«°/.'«"'''»'.' 27 I charge you in the Lord , that this Epiftle "i";" blVuJk^" bereaduntoailthe brethren the Saints. unto. 28 The grace of ouf Lord lei'us Chrill ie with 9 We mud have yOU.Amea. confideration of ^ every man, and ai tbedifeafeit;fo J The frftE/!»)?/e unto the Theffalonians muutteremtdie wiitteK from Athens. ''« "'«'• « Thai ktepe not their laakeor ilan- ding. 10 Charitieonghtnotto bcovercome withanyiniuriei. .J. rio.17113. and 20,22 mail. y,39.rom i».i7. i.pet3 9 11 Aquietandappeafed iniadt.it Douiiiheth withcontinuall pwyeti. refpeSing ihe will t^f Gud. ^ Luke iS.i. f An acceptable thing to God and fuch ai he l.keth well of. 12 The fparfceiof the Spirit of God that .ire kir.dltd in ui , are uourifhed wuh dayly bearing tue word of God ■ but true doftrinemuft bediligeatly diitinguillied from falfe. g Theexi;ound- ing oftbe wordof God. 13 A generallconctufion.thai we waiting for ihccominingof Chrift.doegiveour felvej to purenelle both in miode, will- and body t6rou;;h the grace »ndltrengtboftbe Spirit of God. b whatfoever hath but the very (htw of evil, ab-- ftaine front it. i Separate you from the world, and irtake you holy to hiinlelfe through hiifpuitjinChrift.in whom onely yondiall attaint unto that true peace. 14 The good willaod powerof God if a fare confirmation againll all didiculii.s , wbrteofwe havea fure witoelTein ourvocaion. * i. Cor 1.9. k A'wayei oneamii tver like himfetfe , who performeth indeed whatfoever he promifeth : and au tlftauall calling it nothing eifebut a righi declaring and ttue fetting fooith ofGodt will : and therefore the falvatiot) of theeled is fafe ai;d fare. I Woo will alfo ni.ikeyou perhte. If Ttclalt part of the Epiftle .wherein with moft waighiy charge, bee tomiucadtib bath himfetfe and this Epiltle unto them. THE SECOND EPISTLE O F PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS. CHAP. I. lU armni„^i ihi^eui} ic iv-iittf" the litil iud^tment. Aul and Silvaniis . and Timotheus , unto JlwJi^ the ChurJ.1 of theThelfalonians, ^i/*.^* i: in God fur Father, and in the Lord IciusChria: X Grp.ce Le with you . and f-iicc from God our ?4'.be«'.j and/ro»i4l)e land lefu> Chrift, 3 * I Wee ought tothankeGodalwayes for 4 t>Ther.i,a. you.brethren, as it is meerc.bfcaufe that your faith • The n.H fart ;» grov/eth exceedingly ,and the Jove of every one of^^'^v^^"'- , of you toward another, aboundcth, «tb"hat Ihtougb" 4 So that wc out felves reioyce of you in the ,brgr.ice of G^dj/ Churches of God , becaufe of your patience and tbty hav; man- ^t-- faith in ail your perlecutions and tribulations that '1'")' ''"•'V""' ^'' . 11 rn ' the allau rsoi theilj y; filler- ene,■ue.v^be■.■.n hsconfirmttbtbem moreover {Viewing with what gifts they mud chiefly tight , lo wiiti ^ with faith aodchaiitie.wbich mall dayly increafe. a That %vhtrtAii. grtyg ufbtf.rtt . it4itthelfiTt»Htfomtin(rtaJtt)'iTjduj!mtTeandrrnre. Vengeance refervcd for tbe wicked. Ciiap. c 4, » MfcrcA M a manifefl token of, the righte- ous iudgemcnt of God, that yee may be counted worthy of the kingdome of God , for the which ye airofuffer. .. ^ , 5 3 For it is a righteous thing with God, to re- compeiile tribulation to them that trouble you, 7 And to you which are troubled , reft 4 with us, 5 ; when the Lordlefus Ihallfbewehimfelfe from heaven with his mightie Angels. 8 In flaming fire , rendring vengeance unto them, 6 that doe not know God .and which obey not unto the Gofpel of oiir Lord lefusChrift. 9 which (ball be punilhed with everlafting perdition from the prefence of the Lord , and from the glory of his power, , -c j • u- 10 When hee ihall come to be glorified in his ^_. ^___ ^ ^ Saints , and to be made marveiious in all them that pua^rh'thruDiurt, bcleeve ( 7 becaufe ouv teftimonie toward you was aod will due away ^eleeved ) in that day. "^ I 8 wherefore, we alfo pray alwayes for you. jj. ladeS. a. Heofeneth the /ounraiaeof ali Uue comfort, to Vfit.thatmafHi. Aicnt, which «. I^ nf f- H nn.o falvaiion , without the Gofpel of Chrift. 7 The children of ^'r^^re crnt/d"by°:ai,h wh.ch,h.%avei„,heGorpe. w^^ . , ,c, »,,nnlf.' 8 See ns that we have the matkefct before us, It re. r nl b^h/tw g eu oit. And we goe'toit , by certaiue degree, ofc.ufe. : firaby Z'rte lovV^nd^ood fleafure of God. by vertue whereof all other mtenour caufe. t.kT: IZn. tben'ce ptoc.edeth the free calling of Chrift . and ''-""-g" f^^^' V.hereuponfollow..hho.h^eg^^^^^^^ dreams, CH AP. II. ^ ^ ^ . Ut ntwfsh that thed^y cfihe UrdfhiU net comi^tiH there he a/epurturefremihefsiih, } and ihut ^ntui-.riHtern'e.tl- tJ, S ■ahcftdellruilicnheptelh ,nr, i[ andthcreufm Cxherlethtoionjiimie. NOW » we befeech you, brethren, by the com- ming of our Lord lefus Chrift , and by our ^ af- fembiipg unto him, 2 I That ye benot fuddenlymoovedfrom^'oar minde , nor troubled neither by b ipirit , ijor by c worJ. nor by d letter ,as«t were from us.as though the day of Chrift were at h.-ind. Let no man deceive you by aiiy meanes r x Tkefecond part bftbe Epiale, con. teiningao excel- lent propbecie of the (late ofifce Chuuh, which ihall be from the Afoftleitime un- to thehtterday ofiudgen-ent. 3 Ifnc tl,inli"'tf rerij «p.„ rU, (Lich veflMt 3 for that d^y fi^li »»f roOTj. except there come a deparni't' firft.and that e thatmanof finnebedil- clolcd.^'jfntheronnecf perdition. ,„,„.„ ...J ..-».. yvhich is anadveriancnndfexaltethhim- r^.k'r: cfwUh ^ g ^^^-^^ g^ tj,at is Called God . or that is v;or- hT^jt^it'tvi'* te an o Chr'fi txcetieni nmtdie fjr us d^iinll tra\'eTm,drid aUure «'/, n<,rthe d,e«dfuU fwhl falfeptopheljefpeciallyinthisii .after three fonts: for = p.,m,re./» rii.( "Mcr Ae gUnpe,i.^^cf>he ir'rW/A.K cfthecrifedijrn.-.yw. » We muft take heed of .which go about to deceive acd that for the moll hey brajge offained piopheiicall revelatioot : - they brirg cocieSures acd reafoni of their own' r ufe conn Jrettmes and/ jtfAtVhpn '"3 ft fmcufh, or h I'-okf' tcrwen. endifit fpirmutiriiieU i Eiihtr hf^r-'cd littcn, or fltlfily ll'Jed up! "^ 13 ,0 But wee ought to give thankes alway to ^^"^ of R"me is God for you, brethren beloved oftheLord ,be-feJtl''tb«fJiieth caufc that God hath from the beginning chofen away from ood vou to falvation , through p nuiftihcation of the (haiifucceedeand! Spirit, and the q faith of trueth. f^' he'^olde wt"'"* 14 Whereunto he called youbyourr Gofpel, xenuiLc, ch'y? toobtainethe gloiy of our Lordlelus Chrift. foitomesandnie. ly II Therefore, brethren, flandfaft.andkee^ieroinedoexpouni theinftruftions. which ye have bene taught, either J^'- HewJ;V4i.r«w by word, or by our Epiftie. {„ av,t,„iiie and ° 16 Now the fame lefus Chrift our Lord , and ,mM4 4//, f.>;i=i>, our God, even the Father, which hath loved us.and '?;e ^mane em- hath given us evedafting confolation and g^O'^ ^"That wicked- hope through grace, __ _ cei (lialla'tleng'tt 17 Comfort your hearts ,andfiablifli you in bedetededby every word and good worke. the word of the ■' ° Lord, and utterly beaboliHiedby Chriftescomming. : Wcnl fur rourd, that Uvt'fe/eStW : ihaiis tofaj .heeihdi /hull IrtdJCcdsLarp clean under /.ore. ^//ii.ti,4. k Erin^^toncu^ht. t I'/itV his word : far the true Mir.ijiers cftlie irord are as a mouth , nheretj the Lord Irealheib cut that mi-h'.ie and eiierLifiiny vrcrd , rrhich/haU brealy his enemies in fundtr , as it: irere an jron mddc. 9 Hcfoietelletb that Saian will bellow all his might aad rower ,and ufeall falfeiiiiradesthjt hecan to efiablilh tbat feate, and that wirh great fucreflV , becaufe the wickedneffe of the world doe h fo difcerne it ; yet fo , that onclv tbeunlawfull fliallpefiih through hiideceit. m Wh-chareparthfulfe, andpjr:h ■trroii-htiteJJalhrtafalfhttd. a ^1 meft miohtierrcriiingtt: deceilie them, o Thiy lit^ed'Ues /S tre j( , that thcj had pltafurt in them tvkiih is ihe^r-eat madnelfe that may he. 10 'Theeleft fllallfiandlledfaftandfafefromalltbcfemifchitfes. Now tle- &\on ii knowen by tbefe reilimi-niei: Fiithis gathered by fanftihcation r faith.by that that weaccord unto ihetiueth : trueih bycalling through thrpreaching of the Gofpek from whence we come at length to a tertaice hope of glorification. p Tn fan'hfie no, up" .hutu .cd.trhnh^ you. q F.tith trhi.hia-/c:h I Ccftcl. I F.) our preaclin^. u Theconclufion remainetht tiuue in the doAriae which was delivfred un'O usby the mouth and writingi ofthc Apoftlei, tt rough the free good willofG'd , whicbcomfoiieth u»wiih aniaWaoibls hoje, and alfomall godlinelliout whole lifelong. CHAT. III. ' I He deftreth them to further the ireacl.in; ffihe Ceffe'J iriih tkeir pr.tjeri, 6 andto Tviihdr.n-' ihem/iU'e, fr.-mth$fi,ycht> thrc:«.hidlenes, ji and luru^iie fcr^ert ^cod>rder ; lyhcmhee exJudethfrfmthe (timf.iny vfihefaiihfAH. "p Urthermore , , brethren , § pray for us, that the , ReaJJethiio* word of the Lotd may have free pafl'age and be confrqucntiyac- glorified. even as it is with yt>u. ner'drv«ra''dmD*' 1 And that we may be delivered from » unrea- ^.^.^^^^ . .^j,^ °'^ ofihem ij.tfaat they make ptsyeri for the increafe and free paflageofthe Gofpel ,ani^forihefar,-we efihefaithfuUmiriftertofthefame. § Ei'lief.«,i9"loir..j,3. « .Jf>K4 We »»-«rf^/t»cir tih< f^'^''- h«:niof fo nup.y, 3 But the LoT-^ is faithfull , which will ftablifti fctics tbit&uh is you, and keepe vou from i, evil!. ^;Xf^^'!i:i: 4 ^ 3 And ^vc arepnfwadedofyouthrcghthe thtcturcb fciil Lord, that )|[2 both doe , and will doe the things ■everbe drftio^td w'hich we warne yi u of. by ib« ir.ulii- y ^ f^^^^\ ,he i_q^^\ guide your hearts to the love ;rf::lS,;. ofGod.and.hewait.ngferofChnft. groundtd aorf njy- 6 s We waine you , brethien , in the Name ot cd upon bf f»iib- our Lord lefus Chrirt -. that yee withdraw your {MyfoTT.iUof felvds frcm every brother that walked inordinate- b 'prom Sstioj 'v >*"' ^°^ after-«he iniUu6tion. which he received foar'j.oifrotnfvill. ofuS- 3 Theftc-i-Jad- y 6 For ye your felves know , 4- howye Ought looni'ioo ii, ibit j^ follow US , 5 fcr vvc bchavcd notourklves in- tbiY follow al- ,. , wa'c..b,d.e,ia.ordmately among y-ou. , ^ ^ . ofibeApoOitias 8 Neither tooke wee bread of any man tor aruicforihfitlife. noi'ght : but we wrought with labour and travaile 4 Tbird'y b^di- j,; j.^^ ^^^ ^ becaulc wec would not be charge- Btftl, adinonifh. able to any of you. eibthtmoftwo J> Not becaufe wc have not authority . but that ttingi wbidi are vie might make our lelves an enfarrple unto you to ^'T"acVof follow us. G°od! to' wi'? of ' o For even when we were with you , this wee ebaniit, and a Warned you of , that if there were any, which would watchfull minde not worke, that he fliouid not <= eate. "rch'ii™'"'* n For wee heare.thac there are fome which f ?ouuhIy,h«tfaitl,tbat idle and hi\tjti(op> ought not to be relieved of the Cburch, 8»y,tb«ttbey are not to befuff.red 6 l,ealt he might ft^eme to deale baldly with them , he fei:rib focrth himfelfe for aneiainp'e, whobtfidesbii travaile in preaching laboured 'Aitb biibanda, wiiith befaiih he wa> not limply hound to doe. ^ i.Cor. »».t. i iTbff4,i,. c What!hjll-wedothenwithihoftidlctrllifdMonkei,and Dcrificing rriefli? A Monke ( faith Socraiei book* 8 of bis Trij>ariiiebillorieJ which WOiJcttb sot v\:ib baud], ii like 4 thitfc. walke among j yoto inordinately ', and wotke not at . aU.« but areWie bodies 7 Howj««. 12 9 Therefore them that are fuch.we warne and fautt idienere ii, exhort by our Lord lefus Chrift .that they worke bedeclareibby with qnietneffe, and eate their owne bread. '^'! '^^' ^°^ "** 13 I" And ye brethren . be not wearie in well Z «"or"oVoVf. doing. pofe oeiiher ii 14 "If any man obey not this our faying in there any uato this letter, note him, and have no «» companic »;','^«"" j'' ''«'' "ot with him, u that he may be all.amed. ai^illVil'anTng I y 14 Yet count him not as an enemie , but ad- and roome. where, monifti him as a brother. upon it followeth, 16 If Now the Lord hirafelfe of peace give you «*>« the order peace alwayes by all mcanes. The Lord t, with rpp'oin.ed1mo«- yOU all. bled by the idle, 1 7 i« The falutation of mee Paul , with mine yea,breken,which owne hand.which is the token in every Epiftle : fo '•.g'««''"« »d4 I write wy;kedneire. n%nL r .T r ^, . , .. 8 Hereprthea. 18 The grace of out Lord lefus Chrift ^« with detb» vice which you all. Amen. >» ioyned with the formct,whcreup« J ThefecondE^,y?/.totheTheffalonians. Zn"^nM written from Athens, chiefi ; to wit, thattbereareiooe morebulteino* thtfmfBiraatieflthentheywhicbnegleatheirogwe. 9 Tielord eomraandeth.andl the Apofl lei pray in the Name of Chrill . iirit that no mea be idle , and neit . tfaaterery man doe qijietlyand carefully fee to doe hiiduetie in that cffice and calling wherein ibe Lord bath placed him. lo wee muft take heede thai fome laent uawotibintfle caufe ui not to be Hacker in well doit>g. 1 1 EKcommut^icatioo it a ptiniQiiDentfoT theobftioate. iz We mull have no familiaritieoor fellowfliip with the excois> municate. 13 The end of the excommunication ii not the deftrudioa,but the fata V2tion of the Tinner, that at lead through (hame be may be diivra to repeotance. 14 W< mart fo efchew familiaritie with the excoinmunicate,tbat we diligently fe eke ail occa- ffoni and meanei that may be to bring them agaioe into the right way . i f Trayeri are the fealei of all exhoitaiioDi: 1 6 Tbe Apoftle fubfcribetb hit letteo with hi» owne band, that falfe letteri might not be brought and put in placeofiiue. THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO TIMOTHEVS. I Pfraofallbc ■voucbtth bitowoe free roca lion .and ■IfeTinutbiet. that theooeroight ke coofirmt'd by CHAP. 1. Stiling ftrl% 4 pttfta fjttrnt tfi irut FaJ!»lr , trhoft cffict if. qi'il)nniren.firt,l>tlt»ih'htftt}>inii, f vhichfurthtt charim itnJfiitk: la andlhmhiituiherh'ulintlcon- dtmniJ 14 hi/liewii>ivrh«tanutlhiiimnttlhr(iu?hlhi - ofCtJ. •* Aul I an Apoftle of lefus Chrifl , by the commandement of God our Saviour.and of BMr Lord lefus Chrift our hope, 2 Vmo Timotheus wy naturall fonne in the faith : Grace, a mercy, ... *nd peace from God our Father,and d ?arine'',t witthe f'"^ ^^''^ ^^^"^ °^^ '-°^^- •B.rcieofGodiii 3 » As I bcfought thee to abide fiill in Ephe- Cbtiftiernaapfre. fu6 , when I departed into Macedonia , /a i/stf , that beudtd by faitb ,hou maycfl wame forne , that they teach none o- theendwhmof jhcr doariuc. 4 i Neither th.u they give heede to fables and b genealogies vvkich are enJlefle , which bteede wuef.ions rather then godly edifying which is by faith. 5 4 ♦ For the end of the e commandement it y« hoped fof . |. Or, trdiiunti. a Ttnt, i, 4 rnMrh difftTtnet ttivht ii bti-Kixt tftt tf- ftl},andtUti*r': fret f oW rr-i ofCiJ, nUrilj he theft u, im Chijf , anJ miriit ij tkdt frit 'ufiiJittthH irhniflt.nTeihil. t Tbia whole Epiftlecosfinetb in admonition!, wherein «ll the dtwtiei ofa faithfoll Taftout are lively fet oet And the (irft admonition i» tbii.ihat no iBoo»atioo be maie either in the Apoftletdoariot it fclfe, or in the maner of teaching it. 3 The drSrineiicoirortcd notontlyby falfeopinioni , but alfo by vaineand coriouj ^rcaUtioo! : the declaraiioa end utterance whereof can nothing belpeoui feitb. b Hrmuthml,ntk'rdtcf-vih,r'}uit}h-,. 4 The fecond admonition Ii . that the right ufe and praSife of tbedoftriue muft be ioyned with the dodriae. AtdfkttconiillethiDporecbiiiue, wdi eoo4cODf(iSBCe,4iMlu)i(Uitb> •f'Kojn 13, *». c oftUltm. is d love out of a pure heart , andofageodcon- . ,, . . , fcience, and of faith unfained. j JSwit'^ 6 s From the which things fome have ened, confiur,ct.nfr J" and have turned unto vaine iangling. icoi cmfiimct 7 * They would be doftoursot the Lawe, and '''.'*°"'/'f '*•"•' yet undcrfiande not what they fpcake . ^^^^^ (^"ucfcl whereof they affiiTOe. fThatwhidihe ■■ 8 7 And weknowe.thattheLaw isgood .ifafpakehefofege- man ufe it lawfully. «""v °(**^oe 9 % Knowing this.that the Law is not given un- "I'll-II.T/'!?' • , *' 1 I . . ^ ^ 1 ,./- troveriieiihe ap« to a e righteous raan,but unto the lawleffe and difo- p|it,h to them, bedient , to the ungodly, and to ffinners.to the un- which pretending holy ,and to the prophane, to munhereis of fathers* i"l«oftbeLaw^ and mothers, to manllayers. dwelled upon out. „ , ' , ward thinci. and 10 To whoremongers .to biiggerers ,to men- oeveimadeanend flealers .toilers, to the pedured, and if there be any of babbling of fco« other thing thatiscontrary to wholfomedodtrine, '''!'"'''<■»• 11 9 WUcb is according to thegloiiousGof-* There a.e none 1 r , . , ,,- 1 ^ , *V • I . " . . tnoie unlearned, pel of the blelled God , "» which is committed un^ ,od mote impudeot tome. in ufurpiog the nameofboIioelTe, tbenfoolifh fopbinicallbabbleri. 7 The taking away of an obieftion. He coo« demneth not tbe Law. but requiretbthe right ufeandptaftifeof it. t Heiadrede' efcapeib the cuife of the Law > and therefore doetb uotabborrc it , who fleeing and efchewii^ ihofe tbingi wbic-h tbe Law condemiieth , givctb bimfclfe with all hii heart to obfetve i: : .nd not he that mikeih a vaine babbling of outward andcuriouaiiv'f ten. e •^nafueh aa'ne ii ht, rohcrruhe LcrJ halhimiutiirti'ihtrmtUdrimiJk/.. ■tcvhtUMjGhofl. f Ti>fiiism.,kf»r,arleasiftrertt/lior:iHg. 9 »it fttteih agaialt fond and vaine babbling , not onely tbe Law,bui tbe Gorpelairo.whicO condemneih/ not , bui greatly. commrndeth the whoJefome dodrioe conteioed io ibr. commandeineotiof God , acd therefore he callcth it a glorioiiiGorpel, and the Gofp4 $ of ihi blet'ed God, the venue whtreortbefc babblcttkaew oot- 10 Areafas why DCi'.bet any other Cofpei it to be taught then hee bath taught io the Church ,Dettfaet after any othcx foJC) btuufc ihtlt <• 00 ether Goff ell befide tbtt which Codcai8aui'.ci . li.iiTberefM^. Cbrift came to fave finners^ Chap; „ He maiawneth 1 1 1 1 Therefore I thanke him which hath made cf MMffitie me g ftrong . that is , Chrift lefus our Lord : for hiiApoftiefhlp hee counted mee faithfull , and putmee infewfer- jgainft fome tnit fo'™« u",'dcba. 1 3 When before I was a b blafpheraer , and a Ting himWfe , even pgrfecuter, and an oppreffer , but I was received to ,o hell , to advance -^ . f^j. j j-j jj jonorantlv through unbeliefe. Jie'.':ir;lr- .4 But the grac? of our Lord was exceeding aboiiaieH all thofe abundant ' * with faith and love , which is in Chritt hi. former doing.. IgfuS. g vv.icbgavenie 13 This Ha i ttuc faviiig .and by allmcanes X'i'bad n°ot ill worthie to be received . that * Chrift lefus came todoeweii.butai'o into the woride to fave finners.of whome lam when I via« wholly chicfe. g,ven to eviil. jg Notwithftanding for this caufe was I recei- ),l,\t":^L^. ved tomercie . that lefus Chrift ftould firft fl.ewe which I'aui biag. on me al long fuffering unto the emfample of ihtm, gexhof. which (hall in time to come beleeve in him unto la Hfepiooveth etemallUfe rfea> "0 'that!"* 17 '* Nowe unto the king everlafling , iromor- xh/t he that wai tall , invilible , unto God k onely wife, fr# honour, aprophane mao.ii ^wiglorie, for ever, and ever. Amen. K«.m,abi.ife- j^ 18 This coramaundement commit I unto became a beUe- did v.r : and he that ^^^- ^ foniaVfimotheus . according to the prophe- Qy perfetute cies , which went before upoii thee , that thou ' by Chrift, buraeth koutiagi- luraeth . them fhoulUeft fight a good fight, low tow- j^ Having » faith and a good confcience, "a He ^.n..h the »« which fomc have put away , and as concerning reproach of the faith, have made Ihipwracke. ■dveifaritiupca ^o Of whomc is Hymencws , and Alexander, their owne head, y. ^^ ^\^q^q 1 have a delivered unto Satan, that fn'g^ur «=^pii' they might o learne not to blafpheme. ^^nr:^b.*;.c».o.r^^ &rffii;"di^^°'--«-'<-'^^^^^^^^^^ beiSrd to .he min.fterieaccoTding .0 inany propbecte. vvbtch went befor.of h.m. ftTuL bothm'intain. rhe doariM wb ich he had .ec«v«i , and keepe alfo a good con. Wot TBytbeb.lp.ofthe«. m Whole fome and found dofttin. ,; Who- W k«Pe not a good confci.nce . doe loofe alfo b, little and l.ttle .be g.ft of onde,. ftandt,! which he proovrth by two mod lamrntable .xample.. * . ■ Coi. S.S. naading.wmcnucp ,.dhii i.lieioo , at.nottobe (offered in the Church, but ,V.brou"htcb:L?mtCi».;d ' n CaftoutofthcChu,ch,aadfcdelive..d ?4em .oS°.tan. o Thaiby theirfmart.heymightlearDewhatu.MobUffheme. CHAP. II. , H,«,f.,(,fitl»m(. mate pBilit'f'V"/";"* """•.„ 4. J 1 1 dnilnirii tr'xt mtdtfUt , Tvcmeneu^hi to ithaVt them- JiDitiiihth aftmllift. , Bavmidirpat. | 1 Exhort therefore, that firft of all fupplications, thfd thof.thi^igi 1 prayers , incercefsions , and giving of thankes be which pertaine 10 made for all men. , . doarme, b. ipe». ^ jor Kings , and for all that are in aiuhoritie, feonS pNc" of . that we may lead a q^ier and a peaceable life . in theothrrpartof aj] godlinefle, and » honcftie. . ^ . the itiiniftetie of ° for this is good and acceptaHc in tbenght llrlTS^l °4^twhowiirthatall men (l.all befaved.and declatingthiique- come unto the acknowledging of the trueth. H^rotllhlt'S'. be teacbeth that we .nufl pray for all ™en , and efpeci.liy fcall weougbttopray. ,hine wa. at tba: timefom.what doubted of, feting ."aTC. y "^ i-^" -" F"' "f -8i«"- -" . - >"- HT"""'"."''"' thatKingi. y" An »„»™„t taken o< the e.>d: to wit, brcaufe that mag.ftratM ,*^ro;ltedto,bi^nd*:batLnn,ight peaceably and ,u,et.yl.ve.n all go^ ij. ii]« Womras modeftie. pj y 4 For there is one God , and one Mediatour 4 Godw)uMBot betweeneGodandman,Z'i'/:/V/3r/the b man Chrift «'»iemaDifeftcd ^ " to Of the onely lelUS, ^ - „ Godtfallmeo, 6 whom gave hirrAife a rsnfome for all men, uricife be would S to fcff that ttftimonie in due time, p^fvv hisgoodnei 7 X whereumo I am oidalneJ* preacher and '^/"J^^°l-^IY°'"' an ApoftleCrfpeake thetmeth in Chrift, and lye ftc'^jid chn'ri "e not) ffi/M a teacher of the Gentiks in cfaiihsnd fetnetobeihe veritie. onely Mediatour 8 6 I will therefore that the men pray , everie bftweeae God and 1 .,-r' . 1 • i_ u ^ ail lortior men, where d lifting up pure hands Without « wrath, or tyhavngtakeo f doubtins upon hti 9 $7 Likewife alfo the women , that they aray 'ure ofman which therofelves in comely apparell , with fbamefattnefle " "."r"'"'!' , , ^, -'. , » .' Ill- ij meD,unieOehe bad and modeflie , not with broyded haue , or gold, or fa,iifi,d fo, ajj pearles.orcoftly apparell, foruofmen.and 10 But (as becommeth women that profeffethe made intercemcn feare of God) with good works. „ h chr'iftiefu, 11 Let the woman learne in filence with all vshich waimade fubiedion. rmn. 12 * I permit not a woman to teach , 8 neither j a confirmation, to vfurpe authoritie over the man ,but to be in ."^"Gemi'eVlo filence, ibefectetoffalva. 13 9 For if Adam was firft formed, then Eve. tionnowopened 14 it "* And Adam was not g deceived, but the and made mani- woman was deceived, and was in the tranfgref- ['j^f^i^f' ^J" 'J' * iion. , , • f appoii:«dprofe*- if u Notwithftanding , through bearing ot lytothii office, children (lie Ihall be faved. if they continue in taith which he doeih and love, and holineffe with modeflie. [Vre^Jliecufe a j.Tim.i.ii. c Faithfully and fmcerely: and by faith he roeaoeihwholefomt' and found doftrine . and by trueth , an upright and lioceie handling of it. 6 He ' bath fpokeu oftheperfons forwbome we mull pray • and now beteacheih thattbe diiFerence of placet ii taken away ; for in times pad .one onely nation , aid in one eertaioe place came togetheno publike fervice : but nowChaichei or Congregaiioce are gathered together everywhere (orderly and decently) and men come together to ferve God publikely with common prayer > neither muft weenriue for the nation or for thepurificaticoofthebodie.orfor the place , bur foi the mind to have itcleane froit,* ' alloifenccandfuIloffureuuftandcoiiSdenee. d Hee putteih the fignefor' the thing it felfe , the lilting up of band* , for thecalling upon God. e Without thefe griefei and offenceiofthe mind , which bindeiui fiom calling upon God with a good confcience. f Doubting whichiiagainft faith, lam. i.«. * ■$ i.Vtt.3.3. 7 Thirdly he appoioteth women to learne in the pablike aflembliei wi:h filence and modelty, being comely apparelled without any ryot or etctOe in their apparell. • I. Cor. 14. 34. 8 Thefirftargutnent, whyit i»BOtlawfullforwomen to teach iniheCongregation.becaufe by tbi.meanetthey fbculde be placed aboue men, • forthcy £hou!d bethtitmafteri: which iiagainfl God • ordinance. 9 Hepiooveth thii ordinance of God, whereby the woman iifubieSto man , fitflbytbat ,tbat God madethe woman afterman, for mam fake. « Gen i,27.aQdi7,2i. 4- Gen. ■ 3,6. 10 ThenbecaufethatafierfioneGodenioyned the woman this punilhmeni, for that the man wai deceived by her. n Adam was deceived , but through bi» wivei meanet , and therefore fee ii fliorthily for tki» caufe fubiea to heihuiband , and oughttobe. 11 Headdeth a comfort by the way, that their fubieaionhiodereth ' Bot but that women maybefavtdai well as men, if thty bebavethemftlfttiottofa ' burdeni of maiiageholily and raodefily, with faith and chatitie, CHAP. lU. J HteftttethcHtBifhopt, 8 and Chrif.i^nilticcm vilhihtir tPT).fj, 11 children andfimilj, 1; he aUtththt Church thehufecfCpJ. ^ r ' Hiring difpat. THis 1 « a truefaying.i It any roan ■ dehre ch.dthetreaufe, the office of a Bilhop , hee deiireth a worthie n well of doaris* ' and of the manner A Biib.op therefore muft bejinreproovea- :;,Vf:t";^b, -xe ttefjie pt«f en to be made for all. worke. ble , the husband of one b wife , watching , tempe- p,3,„,h., tbetbirde place conKn.th .0 the ferfon. .hemfelve. , fp.^king firft of r«aou,. and '; afterward of Deacon. -J-d hevf.th a preface .ha, the Church may knowe .^ thefe ■ becertaine and fure ,«!«.• » A Bilhopncke or the m^n.fter,. of the worde .. DO. an idledignitie,bm a votkeandtbat an excellent wotke.-^and^ther.fo,eaB>ibop »uft be furniflird with nany ve.iUe. bcth at home and abroad Wb.re(.>rr itjj requ ifrte before hee be chof.D.to examine well his leaning , b.. g.f.ei,and ab.enelie. and hi. life. a Hee fpcaketb nor here of ambit.ou. feek.ng , then the w'b.ch ib.re caow. be a wMfe f="lt in the Church . bu. generall of tbem.nd and d.fpofi, .on ■ of man . fr..«ed and difpofed to helpe anded-iSe .be Cbuicb of God when and wbe.cfoever it (ball pleaf.tt. lord, •Ti.usa,6. /^^'""^''".l that Ihutteth out married flQm ibe ofttt of Biftlopi. ««)y bt«ufc Ibtj «- mairycd tiiMtKbiiD, ;MCfV ;The great myfterie. I. Timotbeus* Godlinefle is profitable. c^cmmcfljfp- rate, raodevt.harbereus, apt to teach, Ur , .mi cac • givco to w Juc, fio ftrikcr , not given to d"t ^"nl "' r ft^^iis lucre, but gentle, uo fighter , not covetous, tkJttisZTtMd 4 O"^ '^^' "" "^"^s t^* "^"^ ^"'^ honeHly, uthitdtirt.'Mt having children under obedience with all honelkic. ,fakf(>iciftcnt'W latter times fome ihal. depart from theataitli, ^^mcbTerrml- ^nd ihrjl give heed unto Ipiriis of eirour . and do- Jetb thatc«r:jioe drines cl devils, .which (hall fall a- 2 a Which j'peake lycs through '' hypocrifie.and way from God and havc thcit conicientcs buineil withanhotcyiun, Bii religion. Inall ' .bring 10 by iheluggeI\ioaof Satan . andfo that a great number Ihall give eate to item. B FrcmtheiruriltdrinccfCiJ. 1 AUhoughhereiikescounietfeaehoiiDeileneverfo ,aiucb,yetth.ey have noconfcieoce. b FcrihtjfTvitl,ui:tvcrepr.i:ltJiihiart<,fu}J~- Jiuijej fcrjim and fIJjiri ,th.tt rue muj not Ihinl^e thj will lie iMl^mein/omt cnt otner , Of ^«(^» tin) tefcmbUnce cffhamefajintt. c IF^v/f cenjcienct yv.ixcd J«i4r But caft away proph.ine . and olde wives ^'^^Zly, be- . tables," andexertileihy lelte unto ggodlinefle. caufetheyover- 8 »i For bodily txeicife profiteth little : but throw with tbeir gcdlinell'e is profitable unto all things, which hath ^*"e" ,theend "■ ..- f_ . ... - o . . wticb their owne ; for . whetefour they 9 'iXhis/xa trucfaying.andby allmeanes wor- vierecie.ited of thie to be received, God. to wit, that 10 Fortheiefore weelabourandare rebuked, ^^^^"''''''^ bc-caufe we tiuftin the living God, which is the Sa- 6 Thirdly, for viour of all n-.en, /peciallyotthofe that beleeve. tbaibytbis 11 Thefe things warne and teach. mean^i they rob I z 1+ Let no man defpife thy youth, but be un- ^ht ^j'jj'b^' hX* to them that beieeve .an enfainpie , in worde, in oourrd m the vfe converfation, in love, in fpirit.in faith (««iinpure- ofthem. Ati4 neff(;, fcerewiihallihe I / » Tilll come , give attendance to reading. ^^°^^\ f;„=|j'2'' to exhortation, d«i to doctrine. thelibeiaittieof 14 Deipiienotthegifte that is jii thee, which Godfoberiv.ani was given thee by prophecie with the laying on of ".'''' ag.-wdcon. the hands of the companie of the hlderihip. 7'He" tteih an ly Thefe things exercife,a« wiiiicoiiip»rable with godiitifire ■ For it profiteth notofitfelfe. but throngh the benthie olaiiother, but this hath the promile bjtb of tbe life prelent, andof.batthatistocome. 13 Hee goe:h a lutlHrom hii nutter . and (hewetlj thatihey which give themfelvei to godlincUe, ahhotigb ihey are aflliAcd and repro- ached, arenoiwiihllaDdiog not to be counted miferablcr as other men are.becanfe they are not airlifted for teat caufe that other men are, and the end of teem both ii fane diHerentonettom ibeother. FothOAscan God foifake his.vvhicais bountifull even towardes his enemiCJ? And hee willcih that tbit dofirine be well beaten into ibeirneades. 1+ Noweheereturneth to that exhortation , fliewing which are the venues of a Paftour , whereby hee maycoine 10 berevtreaced, alt'iou^hheebe l.utyoung, towit,ruchfpeech and life as are vvi.oeir^sofcbaritie, «ale , faith, antf puruie , but there 11 no mention made of the crqiier Itarte. ring ,cloake,aud fuch otfc-t fooliliiandchildilhtoyei. ,y The privateextrcife of Panouri, iscontii ' readmgof the Scripmres , whenceout they may diawe matter of wbolefome doftt aud exbottatioti , both to themfelves and toother. h Fiith is by hearing, beating by preachiijg : and therefore the mimlleri of the worde arefo faideto fave ibemfelvM and ether, lor ibat in ibem the Letd tath put the worde of recouciUa. # tiOD. CHAP, Ofwidowes and Elders, Cbap. V. V], Pauls charge to TimothJe. 941 CHAP, v; Hjlinr fet J'Wne n ineafiirtin jfi- ODS accordingto thedfgrfti ofa- geiand kindi. 2 Tbe Aponle givcththefi? rules touching the care cf widowei. a Haiifcure o/" Tehkh hjVcnitd c/helrc. 3 Widoweicbil- dreaand DcphcWi ni'jft tike care for hei.partms.ac. cordingtoiheir abiiitie. 4 Tbe firftrtafoa; b«c«ufe that, that vrhich thcybe- flow apon theirj, they bertowit iipontbem. felvti. 5 Another be- caufe nature it fcl.'e teacheih ul torecoinpenfe our j)arents. ofh, CUrch ,• . 7 Tfce^. heec.r„r»e,h toEl- the Uit. REbuke I not an el;kr , but exhort him as a fa- ther. a«ers , if fhce havec walhed the Saints e- teete,ifniehaveminiiired unto them which were inadveifuie, if (bee were continually given unto every good woike. 1 1 JO But i refufe the yonger widowes : for when they have begun to waxe wanton againft Chrift, they will marrie. ^ , t. , 1 2 Hiving damnation . becaule they have bro- ken the hrft faith. 13 u Andlikewi'e alfo being idle they learne to ooe about from houfe to houfe : yea they are not onely idle , but alfo pratlers and buhbodies, fpeaking thi-r.gs which are not comely. J 4 lil will therefore that the ycungerwomen marrie , and beare children, and gcverse the houle, arJ give none occafion to the adveriarie to fpeake f For certaine are alreadie turned backe from 1) i6 >3 If any faithful! man or faithfull wo- m-n have widowes . let them minif^er unto them, and let not the Church be charged , that there may be fufiicient for them that are widowes in d«ed. chei and fucb a , are free frcn. all reproach ofvnchaftitie, ribf ,1,111 irdhigeoce one at one t .cbari:ie,a udintegiitie. b That ,0 ThefirllrfafoD why vounger widowei are not nine ie , to wit bfcaufe fo! tneHghmeOiofitei age they. burden that Ch ifthathlayc d upon thee, and th ike atber 17 s 14 The Elders that rule well , let them be 14 Now he gi- had in e double honour , f Tpeciaily they which la- ^"^'^"i;';'^te bour in the word and dodlrine. ouj bt to bebave ] 8 For the Sciiptur«^ II S * '7 I charge thee before God and the rue- Leuhe Lord Ie!us Chrift , aird the eleft Angels ,that t.-sftu Chu.chor Con- obferve thefc things, without preferring one to an- fo',|^;'°f° Jf^"",^ other, and doe nothing partially. _ „ eod himfdfe 2z I s Lay hands gfuddenly on no man, neither bathcommaun- be partaker of other mens fuines ; kcepe thy ielfe j;f;;^*;^^'^f,,';jj ., plire, , duetiewell.be 23 19 Drinke no longer water , but vie a little t,^„,m,^^^i^, wine for thy ftomackes fake , and thine often in- ,ain,d. 24 aoScmemens/innesareopenbeforehand 2ZZl}'X andgoe before unto ludgcraent ; but fome-mens ^^^ follow after. , , ^ '^ '",'■' T'7„, 2f aiLikewife alfo the good workes are ma- two 4»i»'"j'£i- ■ nifefl before hand, and they that are otherwife fjJ-jJ^l^Zt'"' cannot be hid, Vernementcndy7 ami loal^edto the manner, ofthfConirciatim, tie tthtrJld lefiJejhat, attenJ^u^on rrf<.rt".<' ani praters . fo Mdfr the C o«_prE?«iTon. ♦ 9,5. ^ Mnilhctvio fation be admitted againft third rule; Let the Elde Leuteronvrme 2;, 4, i.Ccriiiifyiarit 5? /m4c 10j7. 1/ The fcco.idiule: Let coaccu- Elder.butundertwoorthrte witneOVi. a« Tfce fo ceouifted be rebuked openly , that they n^ayte ao Cba efpeft cf perfoni »7 The fourth tult : Let fiD (iailicall (croceedingf here piefent , and the Lord bevfed without any pteiudice or .efpeft of perfon..n ttie tccienall.call proceeding. (VfDeciallvaMinftthe elder.) hecanfe God himlelfe u there piefent , and the Lori iu Chtin With a n,ultitude of Ang.!,. . 8 Tbe (irft rule : Let the .nir.ili. Uy.hande.fuddainelyonuon.an, Let bim not befauh.e h.ran eitberby favoi.riu| a„,n,an.fol!ie,o. perverfe atfeaion : It ought be done otherwfe then we.lot b, feliowe., let him keepe bis ccnfcience pure. g ^/much ann,lHelyc,hc.oer,c dye fplln«,ei let him keeue bis ccnlcieoce pure. g ^^ r„»u, asinii,ce iycocoenct '^^":Vi",,,^J/-^",ro<...£»l.M'"y-«'-- . .9 The f.x.b rule: - ettheElderlhaveindilferent confidera.ion of ih.i. health , in the manner of tbeir ,0 Becaufebyixicritesfometiimicieept into theinuiilerie, although ■ .bett? be never fo gi.at diligence vfed , tbe Apoltle willeth th, Paltout. not to be rronbltdthe-efore.ornacke any wbit -of their diligence in trymg and ejairimng. beca .be Lotd'hath appoiJed a ,i,ne tod.fcov.r tbe fault, offuch men , and it i, ■ omi.ar-.totakebeedeibatweeotf.ndenottherein. 3i Another cwttiot* ■ > tbera . which fometiine aie flaa^dered andaiifieporKcI of. belciigmgt CHAP. VI. Henenefre'VantJ: i» a'^dTrh-ttam^fl' rZe^hJ of rich Ln, heo.ee .uaiue f.riiJde.l, 2 ,«><«riir, ,0 ro cuTKler himjdfe wUh Vjme Uhllm^i. LEti as many fervants as are under tteyoke, . ^feiiieihaiC»<' count their mafteis worthy of all honour, a that jule* for th. fer. the N.meof God. and fc./ doctrine be not eviii v^-^^f-'--. fpoken of . n, i„.. ttfn : wbereupan ' 2 3 And they which have beleeving mafters, let .„dot,b.- there them not defpile them , becaule they are brefhren v^ere .na..yqt«. V,utratherdoe fervke , becaufe they are faidifnll. f-- - *- and beloved,and => partakers of thelDenehte.* 1 hcfe ^^;<^ ;°;y; ecca, • things teach and exhort, finn by the cof- th^gcpgri the commuD ftaie. And thi. .. .he fitft rule : Let feryantei that and- have infidels to the.t nult, r. , feive .hem notwufcltanding w. a Tte reafun : leafi Gori ft-ouM l.eme by tte Dndnne ot nonien loiebflfionsnd'Il vAK-KedneDi:. 3 Tbefecondi that are come to the faith , and b-ave alfo maner.of :he (ame pj abnfe the name cf b.oiUrh.cde , b.t let them fo n.uch fh a Let thn he Jl^lfuie.:!, that u,:.hJ,^«1 chef: ,htn,j^ r^b^hfaru ihr, .ire var'akirioftl efan^e fotdrctH andMtof (..si,- »• ihnr n.»,.... -j..^.-.-. [^^^ S,L,2)\conc\'^fyon ,t^i'txhehr\\r.z^ ou^S: no. o.uly to be f.mfly wugat.k r-- - ^1=1=' recoroetotbefaiib, ■ 3 grrat lidelititf. le Go'pefl 10 ftiire lit : tei:ictrcr\-.inio ftiTion anJ religion, rather obey lAtm. (Kio ei/cria^'iK^hfc thtrfrh'e'iart. Godlincffew great gaine. 1 1. TimotTieffs^ He commendeth Tiraotkies faltbj f Ut coodcmncrk «v ti.ly, iad tx. tfct C I udm.n.fuch ;? ; If dny man te.tch orherwlfe ,and confen- texh not to the wholefonr- .vfr.^s ff oiir Lord I e- fus Chrilt , and to the dodrine which is according to godlinefle. ^ 4 Hce is puft i7p and knoweth nothing , but dorerh abou^'^^ueftions and b i\nve cf wordes, whereof comnieth envic, ftrive , railings, evill fur- milings, 5 Froward « difputations of m°n of corrupt mifldes and deftituteof the trueth .which thinke that gaine is godlinefle : from fuch feparate thy felfe,. For they that will be rich, fall into ten- tation and Inares , and into many foolilh and noy- fome luftes , which drowne men in perdition and deftrudion, I o For the defire of money is the roote of all evill , which while fome lufted after , they erred from the faith, and i pearced themlelves thorow rUgue.,forthtt with many forowes. ihey ciufe grett II 9 B"t thou , O e msnofGod , flee thefc eontroitoni,»nd things, and follow after righteoufneife, godlinelfe, windciand'iudee. f^"h,,love, patience, dwimeekeneffe. 'ttem*TO''be'(hoit' n Fight the good tight of faith : lay holde of aii'ropb.neaiid etemalllife .where unto thou artalfo called, and wicked , beciufe ha(^ profcfled 3 good profcffion before many .heyabulethe .vitnefles. I'Tccioui name cfgodlineOVanti religioa to filthly lucre, b Striving about wofdl and BOt about mat- ter: and by vsordihf intanethall tbofe thlDgiuvbichliaveDo (jith iaihtm, and wberrby W! can reaps no profile. c Such ai we f« iuihofe IhamelefTc fchool«sof Poperie. wbicb are nothing elfebutvaiaebabSliDgaod pratiog. 6 Hceturneth amay fitly the Dime of gaine and lucre, ronftfliug that godlinefle ii great gaine , but farre afieTan other fort , to wit . becaufc it briogeth true fnfticieoce. 7 Hee mocketh iheit folie, *vhicl: iaefo greedily gipe after fraile thing!, that theycan in no wife befuiified, and yet ootwithllanding they cannot enioy that excefle. 8 He frayttb rimothie from covetoufnelTe after tnotbtr fort , to wit , becaufeitdraweth with it an infinite fort of lufli, and thofe very burtfuU, wherewnb covetoui men doe tormtnt themfelvcs fo farre foorth.thatiu the ende they caft away from them their faith and falvation. d Sorjwe •odgriefedoai it were pearct thorow the miode of man ,and are the harveltand i:ue Auit« ofcovetoufnrtfe. $ A peculiar eiholtation todiveri vettue! , wherewith it ttkcevtti: the Paftouri efpecially 10 be furnilhed. e Whom the Spirit of God rultib. • I contea: not lbcmfri\riwith Cbnftidoatioe. (>hai iitofay.tfie doctrine of god- liaeOV butwea. tieho'tathem- felveiaod otbtri it value qjeHi- oni, ( for all other ihiogiire 'Vaine) becaufe they contest not ibeniielvetin Cbri(l«doaiine: ■od at iying de- cciveri . becaufe they favooror ifoundof nothing but i-anitie; ai madde nwa.he- caufeiheyirou- ble themfelvej fo much in mat. • ten of nothing: at uiifchievoui 13 « 1.0 1 charge thee in the fight of God. who quickenetii all things, and before le r , 1 monition to the ii Which while feme i protefle, thsyhave rich, thatthey erred concerning the faith. Grace le with thee, '■'.''■•'yrakeheede ot tAOmifchieft, to wit.of pride.anj Amen. 1 The firItE/»)f/e to Timotheus, written from deceitful hope? Laodicea, which is the chiefeft city of againa which he rhrygia Pacatiana. ^'""^ ihreeexcel- ■"^ Jentvertnet, hope in (he living God, liberalitietnwarditfaeir neighbour, and gentle coodit-inof. % Inthingt patleiaingto thi»life , with whom thole men are compared which areiich in good wckej. A Mark. », 19. Ink iz.ij. h whoonely is,aad thateverlafiing , fortefettethtbe ftaile nature of riches againft God. • Matt.*,). i» The praife oflibenieby the efftfti thereof: becaufe it ii a furetediraonic ofihe Spirit of God which dwelleth in ui. and therefore of the falvaiion that ftiallbe given ui. 13 He rehearfeih tbechiefdof all the former txhottaions, which . ught to be deepely imprinted i,i the mindeiof all mi- nifters of the word , to wk , that they efchewe all vaine babhlingi oflbphiltrie and continue in thefimplicitieof liocereduarine. i Noionely in •,\'ord,but a-lfo ia counte- nance and gellure : tobeftiott .whiles their behaviour wai fuch that even whentbey helde their peace, they would make- men beleevc their headiwereoccupied about nothing but high and weightie matterj , even ofaen they erred concerning the faiill. THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL. TO TIMOTHEVS. C H A p. I. t}< ccmmenJttl! Timorheu: ftit':, « and txlnrlnh him "foonfaithfuUy in ihe charge cemm'-ltej Knf hun: $ and th*tntnhtrpthubcnulictl> oat orravtriUiB;, bu( of CI>ii(U»(iifiai:, • SentofCod to preach ibii life ' which be promifed anCfan.'ilefua. 1 Tfaechrefelt .xnirketbathe ^h -o-eib at inthi« i:ile. idocon. ceafing I have reraertibrance of thee in my prayers night and day. 4 Deiiringto fee thee , mindfull of thy teares, that I may be filled with ioy : , - j ^ He wameih ui j: When I call to remembrance the untJined to fet the inviBc'j.' faith that is in thee , which dwelt firft in thy grand- ble power ofthe mother Lois, and in thy mother Eunice , andamai- ^^','' ";,^^'|',^ *'°'* {urcdthztitdvveliethmihQsAio. baits gv , _ , , . , , -gaind thofe l»orme» o 1 Wherefore,! put thee in remembrance that vtbicb may and thou c flirre up the gift ofGod which is in thee.by doe come npon ui. the putting on of mine hands, <= The gift of God 7 For God hath not given to us the Spirit of ""^'Ijl^^'flYt^'* dfeare , but of power .and of love ,and of a found kindled incur mimle. heart,, whi^h the 8 « Be not therefore afliamed ofthe teftimo- "•^ih/'nd tbedeviH|~^ eafliamed ofthe teftimo- »euiandtbedeviii|~^ go about t^putoiit^^ ifidemuftUbourasmuch as wecaii tofolleraud keepe | irce usih«tovV,andterrifieui . as men w'-bomtheLorc! 1 L.L. .u- :-: n, CL „,T ; ' and dberefote vveoo the contrary! ttburuing. d Topcarcei vvill delltoy. 3 Hrprooveih thaitbeignominicor(haneofthecrj[Tei cirly not to be afhamedof, but alfo that it ii glorious and inoO boncurable ; firft. ' iit.iiiC-: ih«'Gof^e' wberef.jre the godly are aiflifted is the teltimonie ofChrill : and fe5»aiH^)t<:U«(«:aiUoiUi;l»esiii»tv«iatilBd.poW<>iofGodappearethiDih«n, Tokeepethepaterne. Chap. ij. nieofour Lord, neither of me e his prifoner : but foJldier of lefus Chrifi. be partaker of the afflidiuns of the f GofpeUc cording to the g powei- of God. . ,. , Strive not about words, py e, Fcr hufx'A.1. i Tit J K fill 4" aff.taen Ui firi Ufiini , I Ve wrre J)re>uhptichci and ttachtth lh>grA:t of God. i ,eirts,-»hkh hafh runKtoatVtr finceihe he^imtn^ofthe vo'rU «;.e/:i,4. col.i.iS.'i'.i.l. k H^ihcuufiHifiandv ^ i.n'm.1,7. S Thati«,iheGofpelv\hicbtht Apoftlepteachtd. 6 Hee tonfitimth ht5 Apoftlelhip by a itraoge argument, to wit. brcaufe the world could not abide it, and ibtrefore it peifecuted bim that pteachedu. 7 By feit.ng hii owne example before ui.hefllewetb uihow it may be that wee ftiallini beafliamed of the croOiiofCbtift to v< it, i f wee be fu re iba, God both can acd will keepe the lalvai Before tUt , which he ha h ai it were layd up in ftore by nimlelte for ui againa that day . 8 He Dieweth wherein httougbt to be moft conftani. to wi', both in tbedoatine it fclfe, theibridgemtni wbeieofisfsitbaod chatiiie , and next in ihr mamr ofteachiug it, a lively paterae and ftiape whereof Timotbie knew in th. Apollle. 9 An ampli- fication, taken of thedigniiieoffo great a benefi: coniiritted oftbe miniUert. ,o The taking away of an ohitftion. It ii an hard thing to doe il, but the Spirit of Cod i> migb.y , who hath inwardly indued ui witu hi. vrrue. 1 1 He pteven- ttthan olTenccwhicbarofebytfaemeai:eiofcertaiDtihji erance in tkt ChfiflUn rcitrUre, 3 h tak"!'!^'"''""'^" ^ ftimfoiildiirs, 6 and frcm hHslwdmen. lo Hft fhe-ivtih tha' hh hnd: art '» tht frcfil of the SMnti : i S Thtn kee wr'^til, T imoihu t, dhidtlf-e-no'doftrutlhtriihl, 17 to itlv^ri of ihe txdmfls,<,fthtv>uk"l> a» anJto do alt ikui-i modtfth. •y Hou I therefore , my Ibnne , be llrong in the grace that is in Chtift lefus. a And what things thou haft heard of roe . by a tnany witneiTes.the lame deliver to faithfull men, which Ihallbe able to teach other alfo. 3 1 Thou therefore fufler afflidion as a good t ThecoBcIufio! of that foinwKi hor:atioB,whici £ath alio added unto it declata- 1 bow that f do not keepe 3 bat woitbi thing ijjthatii committed unto them -'mod freely communicaie it v I wiihout any manj lotTe ot hi ■roitnt^t,flhtfi,hir„. » fTh bat they laihet which do )y may bee partakei s ol it •Kire h'Vr rchcjnhcjre mioifteryoftbeword is a fpirituall warfare, «»hich no mar caa (o travell in.rhat b, may pleafe hitcapt^ine, tm- blTt he forgoe and pati with all hiDdei»nce» which might dttW him away fiom K. ^bicb keepe it to tbemfelvei > iih other , to the end that ma iderance. a IVh'it mm-/ Another admonition: That it e aUiit hefhiyeaccotd og 4 No man that w.meth, entangleth himfelfe with the afFiiresot"b^/;ij life , becaufe hee would t wi'haf.iirn pleale him that hath chufen him to b£ fouklier. ofhoufhoidt, >r y 3 And if any mai?alfo finvefora raafterie, othtr ,h»,,,ih.u he is no: crowned . extcpt he firive as.he ought to ,.4,J:^e'/,JL'e7>7. doe. <# 3 Theihiidad. ' 6 4 The husbandman mufl labour before hee i^oni.ion:Th« receive the fruits. n.iaiiteneitiike 7 ^ Ccnftder what I fay . and tk-e Lord give ["^^ X^'"^" thee underftanding in all things. ftrivifonhevi- % * Remembt:r that lefus Chrift ,»J4"owQed , cording to my Gofpel .otbeiawe. whu 9 7 Wherein I inner trouble as an ^vill doer, areprefciiotd,be even unco bondes : but the word of God is not they never fo hand bound. ^"'^ paiufulL 10 Therefore Ifufferall things for the elefts j^.^aTle^fngt'o fake, that they might alioobtaine the falvatioa the fame end :»<> ■ which is iw Chrift lefus, with eternallgl®ry. manmaylooke II i It U3. true faying , For if we be * '^ dead fi« '^« *>"«"> together with Urn : we alfo iLall live together ".^fp,;"./* with hm. plow and fowe I i If we fufler , we (liMlalfo reigne together hiiground. with /^'ra : J if we deny kim , he alfo will deny us . s All thefe thii^* 13 If ♦wee beleevenot.je/ibiileth he faithfull: "^cX' ,0/° ^'t,' he cannot deny himlelfe. uiii praaifed,un. 14 Of thefe things put them in remembrance, lefle w««»keof and-l proteft before the Lord , that they ftrive not ^^^°^\^^l^' about words, which is to no prolit . t«noThe g'Heconfi^me'J'h' perverting of the hearers- piaioely two pnc- ly 9 Studie tolhewthy felfeapprooved unto cipieaofourfauh, God, a workman that needMh not to be alhamed, which are alwayw dividing the word of trueth* aright. tikes, the oi« 16 f Stay profane and vaine babblings : lofor vvhereoffto wit» they Hull increafe unto more ungodlinelle. tia:Cnnft n the 1 7 And their word Ihall fret as a canker : of '„'"^^/,f/'c^'^j'^* which fort is Hymeneus and I'hiletus. of David )'ii"he 1 8 Which as concerning the trueth have erred g,o«nd of oar faU from the marke , -faying that the reiurreition vatiun -.aDdtheo. ispaft akeadie , and doe deftroy the faith of cer- ff,",'','^'!'/^^ "ine. - , . r , . . wit.tba.hei.ri- 19 II But the foundation or Godremauietn fenagainefro.mte fure , and hath this feaie , The Lord knoweth who dead. are his : and . Let every one thatgcalleth on the ^^JJ^'f"^'^^;'^' Name of Chrift, depart from iniquitie. ^Kin ■ Tru^iiVt is, tbatbeiik;pc jnprifon.aianevilldoer ,yet there it no caufe, why theiefore fome Oijuld gee about 10 derogate credit from hiiGufpel , feeing th-at notwitaftaoding God did bleliis his miniftTte, nay rather thattiampic of thii hi>capti\itie andpaaeucedid fuodrie wayejcon^inne the Church lo ihebc-pe ofa bctterlife. 8 The fourth admoni- tion r wee ought notto contend upon woidiand q leftioni.wbicbart noionely uapto- fi able, bui alfo for tbemoft part hur fall: but ratber upon thi» . how we may frame our felvei to all maner of patience, and to doe alfo with Chriit (that iuu fay .for Chiiltei Name) becaufe that ii tbeplaine way to ibemoR glorious life: as contrari- wifc the falling away of men cau diminifl; no pjrt ot the tru^-th ofGod, although by fuch meanes they procure moftcettainedcilruftion to tbemfelvei. "S- Horn. 6 f. c Ifrr-3^3 <«n^9,<- i Call Cod to irid^tjfr, ir as aiaJre : as M oJ(i,Jorh''.i' SamutUand iuul himfelfe did, ^^ili 10. 9 The fifth admonition : A minilter multnoi bean id'edifputer , bu:a faiihfufl fteward in dividingarigbttbe wordofitueth, iofomuch that hee moil flop the mouthei oJothtj vainebatlen. e By addinj; nothing 10 it oeitberoverllipping aayihing. neither, mangling it , not renting it in funder , nor wrefting of it : butmarkiog diligtntly what hiiheateriare able toheare . anJ what i» fiitoedifytng- ( Markcacd watch, and fee they creepe not on further. lO Herdifcovereth thefubtiltie of Satan, vvbo beginning wt-h tbefe ;'nocipleldr3weih ui belittle and little to uogcdii- Diffcthrousibthemeane. of that wicked and profane babling, Itil! creeping on : which be [roovethby tbt horrible example of them that taught , that the lefurreftioo wa« alreadiepaft. 11 AdigrtlTion : wherein he falveth that offence that rofe by their fjllingaway:fhew.og firtt , that the eleS are out of all danger or any fuch fal.ing awayfecondly that they are kjowen to God and not ro us : and therefore it iniO marvelUfwecountbypocriies oftentimes for tiue hretbten ; but we mud lake heed that -we be nt^ like tbem , but ra:hn that we be in ieed . fucb ai we are fayd to be, g Tsaiferveth and woiihipj«!hbim, acd ijai it vMte oataedof hia>,a fauhtulUoan oiChtia^aa. . 20 t» NOiWUli- OfrundtyvefTcIs. II. Timotheos. The ufe of Scripture* Tbc taking a> 20 ' » KotwuhflaiidinK in a great houfe are not w«' 'f.'ir^birdi. only veflels of <.>;oliJ nnd of filver , butaHo of wood cL:i -isoodimo- and ufc.irth, * and fomc for honour, and fome un- o< ur to to* t' oi to diihonv..i!r. , tht° h' h'th 'n".'' ^ ' '^'^"y f"^" therefore i» purge himfelfe from in^a tT"' '»' uf' all '^''^'° • ^''^ HW' be a vefiell unto honour .fandiifiecl, veisrl ofojitfoii aHd raetr fo? the Lord, and prepared un to everie and lor one I'eivicf. „ood WOrkC hu.wrmuftlo^k. " ,3 Flee alfo from the lufts of youth, and fol- fcuid v-flil« pre- low after righteoufneile , faith, love ,ani '4 peace, par-d to honour. wjih them that :S call on the Lord with pure •}■ Rom. 9,11. he.rt, > £.' rhem,bm noiio pleafelhem or extuje thim in their tfiet^idoejit. k He mtuntthfuh at doe nutyitfce the trituh. CHAP. I 1 I. I HttforelelltlttsheJaitotrmilimtithtttrttoinfue: 9 hut Tviththe ctrruim hci^eofific^criet ip hez emottr^i^etU him te ihe ccmhut, 14 ftlitn£ cut i/ficiullj tht iridii of fund dcdrlne. » The fevtrtb ad- 'J' His t know aKo , that in the K laft dayes ttaall monition ; we may come periilous times. Chardf ■/thif" ^ ^°' ™*^" liiallbe lovers of their owne felves, w«id wi'iboL't covetous, boafters, proud, curled ipeakers.difobe- corraption : but dient to patents , uiithankfull,a unholy, there fliaiibetatber 3 Wiihouc naturall affcction , tTucc breakers, great 'burdance fajf^. accufers , ir.temperate . fierce , no lovers at all Zrt::\!:l ofthemwhlcharegood, ^_ . _ veiy bofome ofthe 4 Triiitours , htadie , high minded , lovcts of Chi;rch , which pleafures more then lovers ot Gcd, b;Jh makeS • ^ ^"^"'"^ ^ '^•«= -^ of godiineile , but have dc- and countenance fied the power thereof : X turne away therefore oJ'greatholinefle, fromluch. jS'-.dcbariiie. 6 For oftfcis fort are they which creepe into + I Tim.4,1. houlls , and k-ade captive fimple women laden ui!^e'/f.^ with finnes. and led with divers lufts, b which mik""' 7 ^^)J;c/;^/^'«»»rt«rtrf ever learning, and are ne- ucc^nni , tuUer tf yct able to comc to the acknowledeing of the aVVe;m;nnot '^"'^'h" dailiewithfucb ^ "k And as lanncs and lambres wiihftood Bien ai refill the Mtefts , fo doc thefe allo refift the tructh , men of trueth not ofim- coiTiipt minds , reprobate concerning the faith. JiV^™v"f"imBd, 9 ^ ^"' '^'^'^y '*"^" pfevaiie no longer : for their fwhkb'.hing ap- ' madiicUe Ihall be evident imto all m jn, as theirs al- peireibby tbiit fowas. fri.iti which nee lu J 4 But thou halt I' fully knowen my do- liJ^iyrbrnw/lft <^""''' inaner of living, purpoll-, faiih , long lulle- raiherturaeaway "Pg, lovc patience, framihem. u Pcrlecutions, rtnrfafflidions which Came un- . _ . to 3 Heeadrfeibacom. fott : Tor Lord •.^(ill at length plackeoflfaU their vifardi. 4 That we be not «i«c«ivfd bj (ucb hypociuri.we inuli (ei brfore us the vertU'I off holy fsi vannofG .d. and we inultnoibtafrayd ofpetfecuiion , which ihey fuRVrrd A/Uling'y , and which 5Ui>e, follo-Aethiiuc gvdl.nelfe. But wr mult -IpeciaWy holdc f ■!! ihc doanne of the Ai'O.'tlei, the fjmmc whereof iithis , that .veaieUvtd ibtough fauh in Corill lefui. b Th.M k'lcttelllhi.rowh, net er ^ -nhat I.tatt^ht »nddi4,iut nlji, 1,'W 1 timiniiniitci and diff'/tA, ' c Wlmh ii in i 'fiiia. which perfecntionsl/uffered : but from them all d Tkiir-irick.tdr,et the Lord delivered me. /*■'* ^*''J '""r*/-. 1 2 Vea, and all that will live godly in Chrift le- * rhiligbwd- fus, fhall fufter perCecution. monition, whicd 1 3 But the evill men and deceivers fl^all waxe '' moiipiecioui : d worfe and worfe, deceiving, and being deceived, ^.y^!'''"^ """" *** 14 Bat continue thou in the things which thou mGo/oDiyrw^er- haft learned, and which are comravted unto thee, in webiveijcrtea- knowing of whom rhou haftlc'sn-e^l them : h delivered unto ly And that thou h.iftkno" n he holy Scrip- "/^'^^''*||'^"'"P«'* tures of a childe, which are able to make thee wife dl'rcem'.'kMw auJ unto falvation.through the faith which is in Chrill eitabiini'tiueopi- lefus. nioai, and to confute 16 ♦ r For the whole Scripture is given by in- ^^^^'' "'' ''"'"'■ r ■ • r ^ I 1. 11 ° 1 more, tocorrcift Ipiration ot God, and ts prohtdble to teach , to evill matten, and to convince, tocorre6t ,oft out of feafon , improove, rebuke , exhort v/ith all "'"f -'ThTt'tb long fuftering and dodtrine. wardo'f God be' 3 a For the time will comc when they will not pf^pouodtd with fuffcrwholefome dodtrine : but having their eares ateitaioeholie itching, ihallaftet their owne lufts get them an l^^-^'/''^? heape of teachers, „th .- but fo, that 4 And Q-sall turne their eares from the trueth, agoodandirue and (hallbe given unto » febles. ground ofthedo- y 3 But watchthou in all things : fufl'eradver- ,te've'b''emeQc^iebe* fitie : doethe workeofan Eu^ng«iift : t>caufe thy tempered with all miniftery to be thorowly liked of, holy metkcniffe. 6 4 For 1 jm now ready to be = offered , and » F»"htuii Pa- the dmeofmy departing is athand. _ foX^uS,^;* 7 I have fought a good hght, and have hni- they could, be- llied my courlc : 1 have kept the faith. caufe men were 8 Fir henceforth is layd up for me the crowne ""i V'oraft. and of righteoufnefle . which die Lord the righteous ""^Jj'",";,^'"'' ludge lliall give mee at that day : and not to race , r^fuife anJun, onely, but untoallat k-itdiofmen cit^ht to Je chortn Mini for s: lO htveeVit'nehMUnmcuthisfhcuUkejiopfeJ: ii and through ikii occ^^an kit toucheth the nMitre of the Crtiiias, n tndthe Ittveiitvho fui holincjfeinoMtrvard Aul I a n fervant of God.gc an Apo- flle of lefusChrift.according to the faith of Gods b eledl , » and the ac- knowledging of the trueth , which is according unto godlines. Vnto the c hope of eternall T HevOHcbeth biiApoOlcQiip, (oat forT"ui, but ibrtheCretfnfti fake) both by the Ji^;t:oZt lifeTwhidi God that cannotlye . haih a promifed whertinht agree, before the 4. = wovld began. .^ „ . J a 3 But hath made his worde manifelt m due eth with all tbi eleft ffom the be. gicning of the a Mir,tcion belong. ing ly .tballeeingoja g^^ ■■'"l ' mightieGod. A ' l»lf" "f'l" fl'fl', ">'=«'' >"'- tnJtvorU. e Chrift iiherc mod plaiaelycalled thatuiighi laoceandcomming ii calird by thrfigurt .Meto&yniie.OBt hQi*e. « thing peculiirlW'' andefpeciaUy fubieftito their l^ajiftiatu. * Rom 1,-1. I. I'tt 1,13. I Hedcclareth pariiculitly and ftverallv.ttae which befaid be- fore geutrally.no. DgOUK be no fighters , but foft , fl^ewlng all meckenefle unto all men. 3 1 « For we our felves alfo were in times paft unwilc , difobcdient , deceived , ferving the lutles and divers pleafures , living in malicioufneffe and envie, hatefull,<««(< hating one another. 4 But when that bountifuinelfe and that love of God our Saviour toward msn appeared, f J Not by the works of a righteoufnes.which we had done , but accordicgto his mercy he faved us, by the walhingof the new birth, and the re- newing of the b holy Ghoft, 6 Which hee ihed on us abundantly , through lefus Chrift our Saviour, 7 That wee , being iuftified by his grace, (bould bee made heires according to the hope of eternalllife. 8 J This is a true faying , and thefe things I will thou Qioutdeft affirme , that they which have beleeved God , might becarefuiltoihewe foorth = good workes, Thefe things ate good ami profi- table unto men. 5» * But ftay foolifti queftions, and genealogies, and contentions, and brawlings about the Law:for they are unprofitable and v-aine. 10 4 Reied him chat is an heretike, after once or twife admonition. I I Know ing that hee that is fucb, is perverted, and finneth, being damned of his owne lelfe, 1 z 5 vyhen I Iball fend Artemas unto thee, or Tychicus .'be diligent to come to mee unto Nico- polls : for I have determined there to winter. 13 Bring Zenas the expounder of the Law.and Apollos on their ioutney diligently ,that they lackc nothing. 14 And let ours alfo learne to lliew forth good workes for necelVaiy vfes , that they be not un- fruitfull. I J All that are with me , falute thee. Greete them that love us in the faith. Grace 4e with you all. Amen. 5 ToTirus.eleathefird Bifliop of the Church of the Cretians , written from Nicopolis in Macedimia. Stay fooHrh queftions. « He cocfirintih agaiae the furinit cxbottatioQ, by propounding tht tree benefit of our regeneration, the pledge wneteof il oor Baptifme. S i.Cor.6,.t. t aT.m.i.j a Word for worJ. ot workt v«bich ar« done in ri^bteouf- BelTc: and tbii place doth fully refute the doftriup of merita, b WoUhtbevcr. ttKofioeholy GtKjft woiketh. 3 Agaioewiib great eariieftDeai hebeaietbinto out headj.hovB that vre ought to give oor felvea. 10 true godlintffe.auj efcbew til vai.e qiJc(>ioB(, vvhicli f.rve to nothing, but to moove drive and debate. c G ve tbeislelTeJ earoeftly uQto good uvoikei. * I rim. i.^.andf, 7 i..im.a.,j. 4 The aiiDiltert ofthe word mud atoncecaftoffhe. retake* , thjt ii, fucb at ituuburnely andfedi.iouQydif. quiet the Church, , and v^'iji give no tare o Eclelialii. calladmoni'ioni. S Leiltofall, he wti'Ktha word ot meodcih seitaioe THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO PHILEMON. « ,.Thr(r.l,l. a.thfU 1,3- t By fellowftipof ^itta .heemeaneib thofedueiiej nfcha- iiie which aiebe- nnwed upon 1 be laiou. and ftosw foribofancdttiuall Vi^ h,tndlini a, lufe dnJ/mall mtttttr , jtl Jeccrd-ng to hii miner TTKUnttth ^Uft u»'o Ocd. i Striding .i^aineio Pitiltmcn hit I'^i^Aond und thtctiifli ferVanI , ht intrtttllth fardcn ftr him, tnd iil'} ^rjlclj freuihtth ofChnjUin ejKi.'ie. Aula prifoner oflefus Chrift, and our brother Timotheus .untoPhi- _ Jl lemon our dcare friend , and fellow ■P' Ia;^??)? 2 And to eur deare lifter Ap- phia , and to Archippus our fellow fouUlier , and to the Church that is in thine hotiie: 3 Grace be with you , and peace from God our Father, and />-»»» the Lord lefus Chrift. 41* givcihanks to my God, making menti- on alwayes of thee in my prayers, 5 (When I hcare ot thy love and faith, which thou halt coward the Lord lefus, andtowardall Saints.) 6 That the » fellowlhip of thy faith my We made efledudll.and that whadbever good thing is in you throi gh Chrift lefus, may be b knowen. 7 For ve. have great loy and conlolnicjn in •* Thatbythft thy love.becau(eby thee,l-rother,theSaints c bow- ZT^rcl'^Z^ els are comforted. ,icb you are in 8 Wherefore, though I be very boJde in Chrift chtift,«o wit.« CocomtnanJthee that which is convenient, faitb.ebaiity ,an4 9 . r^f for loves fake 1 rather befeech thee, "V"""/'"!,""'' , 1 T , T Ti 1 J J * Becaufe thou though I be as I am, even Paul aged.and even now diddefifodoetifully a pnioner for IclilS Chi ift. md cbeetifuUy re- 10 1 bclcech thee for my fbnne » Onefiraus, fiefhtheSatnn. whom I hive begotten in my bonds. '""V m?" T'tt i i which in times p.ift was to thee unprofita- veiiou»ioy .- for by ble, but now prcfirable both to thee atid to me. tki- word, Biw 1 1 Whom I have lent agaJne : thou therefore el«) ii meant not receive him, that is mine owncl bowels, "freUng of''^^■'« S and oiifetiel that I men have one nf ' anothen (late, but alfo thsiiy and ccinfort vrhfch entreth into tbt very bowiclt, at though the heart v\ete reftell-,edand comforted. 1 AnejaropleofiCbrilliaii enertife andcommendaiion for anotuet man. '}c Col .j,9. J AlBiiue owne fotiae, and at if I had bego'.tcn him of miueawnt body . Ii Whom Pauls great love. Cbap. .. 13 Wliom I would have received wthme.thai Chrift above the Angels, pf ttjl nctfieme to haVilentmetly Jirliitnt uftn con- f Th«s he .tjfnx" ftth 'he hardtt \u:de.ff;eech, ^hhltiitoft}, ht ram in thy ft"d he might have miniftred unto mee in the bonds of the Golpel. 1 4 But without thy minde would I doe no- thinw , that thy benefite Ihouid not be as it were of c necefsitie. but willingly. ij It may be that he therefore *■ departed for g 3 feafon that ihou thouldeft receive him for ever. 16 Not now as a lervant ,butabov*afcrvant, g Pcr^iU'U'imt. even as a brother beloved .fpecially to mee: how h Brctuf ht why niuch more then unto thee , bur in the h flelh and /r"""'""'"*" . in the Lord J 17 if therefore thou count our things common, receive him as my felte. 18 If he hath hurt thee , or oweth theeonght, rhat put on my accounts. ■ 19 1 Paul have written this with mine owne band: I will recompenfe ii.diOcit 1 doe notlay firi/aifs lecju/eheisthe Vitdtfir1nnt.fi that ihfUmu I netdi hVt h-m both fir he Loms /,tl^e, itncf.rthmtennt J.IJ. tothee.that thon oweft moreover unto mee even thine owne (elfe. 20 ' Vea , brother , let mee obteine this plea- ' CoeJhcther let fure of thee in the Lord . comfort my bowels in '"'''^'T'''!'''j iheLonl. _ ,. ne^tM,kneh,ni, z I Tnifting in thine obedience , I wrote unto thee , knowing y thou v.ilt do even more then I fay, zi Moreover alio prepare mtc lodging : for I truft through you^ prayers 1 Ihall be freely given unto you. 73 Thf re falute thee Epaphras my fellsiw pri- fonerinChrift lefus, i) z4 Marcus .Aril\archus,Demas<««*gh P'iefi that vvcis piadoov^d by thefiiuresoftheolde Law, mUs ■»,' Prat.104.4. ngvv indeed .x>.totted efvuham the vvmle O.ur^) tu^ft to be taught governed and fmSified. .nCb.tub.Pi.iJ, CHAP. I. To fher» that thedodrine wl'i. h CM(! hroufht , ii mafl excel' ten- , in that it i. the k-^'iwg «f ofc'l fropht.iei. 4 *« '"I- VanerhhimM^ethe^ieh- lo ^nd frt'lieihhy ailiers tr!ii,n(,r,'t, offhe Sinfire, ih^i he /.irre f.fleih nU ther. T ' fundry times and in du-trsma- nr-rS God (pake in the olJtimeto eur fathers by the Pr phets : in :liele » laft d.iyes hee hath Ipoken unto us bv his b Sonne, z z Whi m he hath made c heire y whom alf he made the d worldes, 4- who being ;he « brightncfle of the glory, he ingraved turme of his ''perfon', and g bea- ring up all things by his mi^htie word : jhjth by himreife puiged our finnes : and hi litteih at the right hand vt the Maieftie in the highcit places, 4 4 And is made Co much more .-xceilent then the Angels , in as much as hee hath obteined a more excellent • Name then they. y xFor unto which of the Angeisfayd heat anytime .§.Thou anmy Sonne, k this day begate I thee -s.ndaciaine,! * willbehibFaiher.aadhe 3 and I TbeSrftpartof ehegt'eialliJto- policroDof thii IpiH!e:The Soimt ol!God '« in dcrde that PtopBstof «Jcber, wbicbhath a&vsily BOW pcr- fonntdtba- 'hat God a/ierafo»r and inlhad-vie« flsrifieftbyhi. Pr- i-hetj and bath fully opcD* And (lio'^rhXT^ iet°allthe Ai^gelsofGod worQiiphim. o°tb°' Fatbcr to be oar ttiVg and Lord . by whom alfoh»madir all thingi , and in whom cncly re feuftb foonhhis glory . yta and himfelfiealfo lobe btooldco of ui, whbte-^r«h n>> and fuHeior-h all thing, by his will and pleafurf. c / 4>[f,«T.ini ej:rull cmhnintr .f all 'hint! -r-it'. heP^rher d 1 h.it „, yfh^tfieVerhaih bene at .;r:,time,is,t>rp,a''ie. 'ij. Cc(.i,i ,'. e Heeinychim k.tt ,hrit and Muiejiie,/ the Patherfhift'h rrhc ti tth„vif infinite, and <:ar,n,t he hthoUen. f His fa.-. thers r-trfen . g. ■ uj^.t-neth, dertr.de'h and^herij ht'h. 3 Thetbird parioftbe fanir proVo'fi iof- The fame. Scnre «iecut*rf the office cfihe hitPrieft in oife.ing up. ilm(elfc the Father . t„- .dfi u «> 'Unh^^and A'hctn.rfh.-rrfarrelhiihi-^ Ir^efi p.^e'h .,'> t't c hrrhi hTrie/h. 4 B fore be ccmmeih .0 de< lare ibe offiw of Cbrift he Tetreih foorih rbfexc-liencie of hi. pe fon. and fiift of all he ttiewcth him fo ... be man thai therewitball hee ii God '« - ' Die iti> and h. rour. f,< 7 S 9. O Hej rooveih and conhimrtb thedivi- J, 'fe ofCbnft manifelted inth fl-Ih by thefe fiieevident teftiitiuni'S whereby it ap- \ 'are'th that he 'arrc 1 aflith sll Ansel* in fo much bat be is called 00. h Soi;ne , and *!"od i,.v.rres (.6 S 7' 7 8 And of the Angeis he laith , He maketh d Seraph .Efa.s.i. the fpirits his ™ meflengers , and his minifters a * f^^'-^w. flame n of fire. p.?,V,b':pnncr& 8 But unto the Sonne fcepyf/j , §0 God ,thy not to the fervant. P throne w for ever p and ever : the fcepterof thy p Foreveri «ing, kingdome w .\ q fcepter of righreoufnetle. <""' '""« troubling of Th>.u haft loved rightwufnelfe 5c r hated in- 'f ^°"i ""^"^^'yl* . ■ .. . 1 r 1 1 „ 1 1 I i- • tnefttDihcationot iquitie.Wliererore ood.^ffnthy God natUianom-i.bfy^injjii ^^^, tedthee \V the oyle of gladBcs:above thyttellovves f-ire. 10 9 And, * Thou. Lord, in ihc beginning haft 1 The govemement u eftabiiihed the earth , and the heavens ate the «/ 'by k'ngd-uie workesot thine hands. _ ^ rbi, kindeofre. 1 1 They fliall perirti , but thou doeft remaine, bearfing w.uh t^ andthey alllhall waxeoldeasdoetha garment. i^^«' ui'cby-on. li And as a vefture Ihait thou folde them up, '^""".^'.^'''S''" and rhey Ibalibe changed ; but thou ait the fame f i„ti,at'tbatihe and thy yeeres Ihall not raile. w id btcam-. flcdi, 13 to Unto vdiichalfoofthe Angels fayd hee by pn^rrngtheholy enemies thy footftoole • 14 Art' rhey not all t F IS he head! ehtj. miniftring fpirits . fent and wea forth to minil^er , for their lakes wnich Ihallbe n-"nberi heiresoffalvation? u MadeiUhec'anh firme and fuie. }t rraI.iio,i. i.cor.if,»y.ehap.|0,i»,ij., , x Bythaitumeby wh(ch wecommonlycall Princesmeflecge«, heherecaiifibtiefEi"'"* C H A P. 11. I Th'reifhe infcrre-h ,'hat ootdheedemrtH it-pVentoChriOei Aflrine.:: 9 ,/lnd he" frircth him ou; untDuj etim at mr brother in our I efh , ihat-rttemaj rfitha^cod xoiUjeelde ttf WHercforeiweou' htdiligentiv togiveheedto ' Nowa««vs,'er« the thmps which a we have heard . lea'ft at any K'ltlTe™,, time web rnrne out. : whai Tod ind p,,',. Z Furifihec word fpoken. by Angels wasfied- pofcaiitbefethmgt" faft.and every rranlgreffiori , anddilobedience rfe-''*'"''V'''<'" •'°'^'t> ■ ceiretfa ioft re^omptJnce of reward, _ ; ; '^ ; !h"2^re'rifc"cieof ' j_, tiow wai Tint riiffrred;unpun-tfi}td , ir.ach lefle Tuall it be IJwfiiHifor ustb iiegt-A tbeCofitl which ibe'Li rdc)f.AfgiIsptea<:hed ^aDdwas^.cttiprdiy he-Vo<^e of -Hbe. Af*>«'tei, ' anf! with Co many igoei anr. wonders from heaven , and efpeciaiiy vviii fo great aod mighiie working oftbehohyGboft. Nnn by Chriftcs excellencle. TotheHebfewes* Chrift like unto u& i t] •*» ^':'S'.': by the Lcri . and dfitnvdrd vnt confirmeJ untx) us 4 .v.;r;«i< 10. jy„ ^ thcn". thr.i heard him. 'jTlr',"' 4 4 G id bciringwiineff; thereto, borh with ':s<^7^','lr'e"cau <: ii^ncs and wonrleis . and v.ith divers triiricles, and /i^i.f» . tecJK/r rty gif^s ofcheholy Oiii'U,acco*irdiiAg to his owne will? ufftjtt tne ikw^, J 3 For hihith nor put inhibicctio.iunrothe t^J rcfrfjsnr ^xi- j^^^j^ jj^g f wii Ang^" ' : thoii crowncdU hiin with kgloiy and ho- mi»(,t'if -eirfr. noiif , and haft let him above the workes of thine i!,'il^oc"BeAn° 8 » Thou haft pur all things in fubieftionun- gtl. wi.ch aK but der his feete. And ui :hit he hath put all things in fcfiano much ruore fijbiedtion uiider him, he left nothing that Ihould l>iDou..5it:o ^ belubied untohim. ;Buc wee yet ice not all mighii Anoels , 7 through the nfuffering of death .that by Z .Cc^'tXi-ih Gods grace he might o tafte deatn for 8 all men. a- * nttr vcAd. 10 9 For it biCame p him . for who:ri_ are ri>.iitciei.,rK-rtd j],pjg things . and by whome <»re all theic things, tjieih, h 'i« ,o <-.£ipg that hee brought many children unto glo- 4 R/(?:rw«h ry . «» that he Ibould confecrate the p Prince of ibatiheufcofitis their falvation through affliftions. kingly dignitie con. ,, ,» For he that ' fanttifteth. Jnd they which meom'i"b''Mt''" a« fanaihed , are all of fone : wherefore he is not ttieirchr'inVe- aihamed to call them brethren, *»hlth°bey have loft, bui al'b mighlbe through him aavanceth above all thio^i, which di2Diiiforin«.D.vidaef-r.bethmofi«ccllenly. ^Pfil.S.S. g Wl<..t i, then tn OT-in 'hatlhiu /hiuUin hj^lit C^rntre: ard ifhjm, a;d J.eh-m tha' honour? h He talltt!, Jl tl>e 'ritfo "flf'J.t i't^Unlj (-m£ U^h it utere aWt^djM- eaufifiii Co ""■'''"■ * " Cor. I J, 17. f An obitftion : But where ii thii fogfrar rule and dominion > < The aafssere: Tbii is already fulfilled in lefui Chtift our bead , wbo wai for a lime fur oux fakci inferiour lo ibe Angeli , being made man : butnowiiadvancedin'omofthighglory. 1 By ihij venue and power which appu- •ethmaaifeftlyiuibeCbu'cb. « rbi).»,8. m Who abafed himfelfe for a feafon, anJtooke upon him the Ihaye of 9 feivam. 7 He (beweih thecaufeof'thisobieSiuD, to wit, to lafte of death foi out Aftei. that fo doing the part of a redeemer , he might BOtonely be our Prophet and King, but alfo our high PiielU ■ Tbai hee might die. o Peelcdtitb. 8 Hereinconliitetb tbetofce oftteargumtnt .for wetcouU not •t length be glorified with him , uolefle hee had bene abaftd f'r uirvenall the faith, full. And by tbiioctahoo ihe ApolHecomraeth to the other part of the declaration of Chtiftetrerfon,wherctoheeproov«ih bim tobe in fuch fort G^d, that been alio man, 9 He» ptoovetb moieover by otherarjumentf . why (tbebcveth the SonneofGod Vw-0 i» the true God ( .u be prooveih a little before ) tobecememaonotwuhltaodiDg, fubiea;«iall niifenw.fuiocontii eictft. p God 10 Firllof all.beciufe theFaihtr, to whofiglcty allihefethmgiareto be referred .putpofei to brmg many Cbdiki unto (,.>ry. And bow could hee have men for hiifonnri , unlrffc hi, oncly be. jotten Sonne had br coiue brother to ncn > 1 1 Secondly. The Father determt. »eth to bring tbofe foiine» to glory .to wrt , out of that ignominiewbueintbty lay before Totrefoie the Sonne (bould not have bene feene plaiocly to be made man.unlelfie fcee had iHneinacie like unto other men . that he mijht come to glory by thefelfelame may, by the which he fliould bring other : yea rather , it became him which wat rtioce of the falvation of other, to be confecrated above other, although tbole affliftiont. Prophet .King, and Ptieft , vtbicb aretbr patteiofihat principalitiefot the falvation of other. q The Chiefiaioe, who aihe ischtefell indigcitie , fo iabfctbeftilt begoucQ froutamon^ihedradainongn iiuDybtethreD. 12 The gioiind of both thefoimer ar,}umenit : for oeitber ibould weeberonneithroujhbim, neitbei could he be confecrate tbrough alflidioni ,unle.le bee baib beoe made mail like unco ui. ButbecaufeibiiSoouehoodede|>codethootup«D nature onrly , tbrno naD ii accompicd the foure of Ooil , ualede that btfslet that hcita funne ofa irtan. iic be alfo Cnrilli broihei ( which u by faoaificatloo , thai it , by becommiog. oae «vith Cbrift , wbofaoSifirth n» through faith ) therefore the Apoflleinakeih mentioa «f :he ianAifirr . to wit .of Chrin .and ofihtm that are fanftified . to wit , of all the faiihfDll .whom therefore Cbziltvoucbfafetbto call biethreo. ( Heufeih the time ibat now ii.io Qmw iu that we ate yet Hill going on , and iacrealiog io thit fan Attica! ion .and by fanftihcatioa be meaaeth our feyarstioo from the reik of the wcrld.i^tu cleanfing fioiD finire , aud our dediciiioD wholly unco Cod , all vvbUb CbiiAaloiuvvgikeilkiaiu. £ Oat.ofoBtfcifefwitMUKcrf naoy 12 « J Saying , 4. I will declare thy Kame unto my brethren : in the n-.id.-les of the Churcli will I '^ '^^"J',^"^}* c ' ■ r , taunb- beloieof fing piaifcs to the.;. .^^ i,xirnat,onof 13 '4 Anda^.amc, 5 I wil! pur my t truftin him. the ianaiher.b« Andagnine.-i'uBchoide.h'crearal .andthechii- spiif-i"" 'he d.ren which God hath given me. 4.°pflu'"a'''^"' 14 Forafruuch then as the children are g par- * nUpfiiltk takers of fleih and blood , he alfo himfelfe likewife the fame to the tooke part with them , that hee n-.ighr deliroy '''"gly P'^w^'i of ♦ through death , him that had the y power of Cbriiiindehve. death, that is.the ^ deviil. (Jower ot the de- 1 f And that hee might deliver all them , which viii and death, for feareof a death were all their life time fubied S rfai.iSa. to bondage. ' I will ccttimit 10 If For he in no iort tooi^e en htm the b An- ,0 bit defence, gels Kdmininer(< thefewoiJei are moieriphtly verified ofhim, iheaofEfay, i Are madeof itfli and blood which iiafraile and bri-.tle nature. * Hof 13,14. i.cor i J.jf. y Thed^yill il fayd to have the power ot death . becaufe he ii tbeaulheuroffinne ; and from fkae commeth death. and foribiicauic h. epgtth uidayly lofinne. z Hefpeakethofonea* oftnePrinceiioyningtohiiiifecretly allhirangelj. a By (death ) ibou in uft under, ftand hererbat death which i) loynrd wilb ite wfaib of God . at it muft needel be, if it be without Chrift.tben the wbicfc there can be nothing devifed n^ore miferable. IS Hee eapoundetb theft w 'dtofflern and blood , OievMBg that Cbrill is true isaoT and ibat not by turniog his divicr ca urc, but by taking of mam nature. And be meaa. ctb Abraham .refpefling thepr imife.'. made to Abraham in tbi«betalfe. b The nature of Aogeli. c The very uature of man. 16 Heeapplietb tbefametoth* Prieftbood , for whicb beAlould not have bene6t, nnJeOV be tad beccmemaD .anj that like unto utin allibiugj.finue onely except. d )4otonely airoucbtngna- tute, but qua.itici alfo e Thai far might be irutly touched with tbe feeling of ourirtifctiej. f Doing hit ofiicefmccfcly. g WaiUicdaadegg^dt* WickedDcQc by tbe deviil. CHAP. III. I Nctv he/heyvtih l"rv farre mferieHr M tfi, i, te Chrifl, S,6 ntn p) mmh »t thi ftt)>ani fo i\>t Maftf : tndfthtt hrin^tth in ctftdine txhortati-inj undthrta'nin^j tuktitout sf tal'id, t aeainfl Jiiihai eithtrfMHrnel} r'tjip, 11 »r Tchart-vtrTflowito.lc,. , r U » Having lay J Hererore, • holy brethren, partakers of the ,?,, fcundatioo, heavenly vocation .confider the « Apoftleand that u to fay, de- high Prieft of ourb profefsion Chrifl Icfus ; «'"«'' *"<• P'oovei 2 . Who was faithfuU to him that hatht=ip ^f;,VeV.rfefa'^ painted him.even as s- Mofes vvat'm all his hou(e. cbrin.begiveth 3 4 For this man is countedworthy of mote himtbreeofflcei. «;lory then Moles , in.ifmuch as he which had bull- «» vBit.the oflice tt aed the houle. hath more honour then the houfe. ^"f ^a'-'^'^i, 4 For every houfeisbuildedofforaeman ,and touc^ii^glileot■. he that hath built all things,*/ God. fi.eofteachiug J s Now Mofes verely was faithfull in all his and governing, houfe. as a fervant.for a witneffe of the things ^""'^^IJ^'^^;^'" lofhua.anto rhe z^.verfe of the next chapter. and with Aaron touching the Ptienboo^. And be propoundetb that which he purpofetbtofptakeof.witb a nioli grave exhoica- lion, that all our fanh may tendtoCbriU, ait« tbeonrly everlaftiog teacher , gover« nour.and high Prieft a The Embafladour or meflenger ai Roni.i,f.he itcaljedtb* miniQer of circumcifion. b Of ihe doftrineofiht GcfptI which weptofefle. a He confitmeth ihutxbortation wub two reafoai . tir.'l of all becaufe Chtift lefui vw»ap. poinird fucb a ons ofOod : ftcondty , becaufr he ibrougbty ixrcuted theofBceitbat hiiFaibuenioyned him c Apollleand high Ptirft. 3 NcwbcecDmmeth totbe comparilon with Mofei • and he niakeib them .iKr oneintbeotheiiD thit, that they wen both ajfcinttd ruleri over Gods hcule ,andexecut*d faithfully their office : but by and by alter bee (hewetb that tbere iigreat uolikelinelle in that funiliiude. '^^ Nuni fa.7- '4 Thehrllcoir.paiifon ;ThcbuildeToftbeboufeiibelte«/ then tbebouleitrelfe , therefore ii Cbrilt bcitjr then Mofes. The reafba of the eonfe.*>^ queqt itthis: becaufe tbe builder of ihiih-iifeii Cod , which cannot beatiributed to Mufes: and therefore .Mofes waicoc properly the builder , but a part of tbe houfe : but. ' CbiiftaiLordandGod.inadeailtbii houfe. f An other t«iriparifoo : Mofej wa» . a faiihfull fervant in ihii houfe, that it . in the Cburcb , feeing the lOldete ^ g^j Chrift «- as the Sonne , over his owne hoafe , « whofe d houfe we are , if we hold faft that • confidence and that reioycing of that hope unto *he end. rp..k..a.d.ogiv. ^ 7. Wherefore. a, the holy Ghoft faith.* To full credit to hi« Oiy It y 6 » fliail neare his voyce, 8 Harden not your hearts , as in the t provoca- tion , according to the day of the tentation in the wilderneffe, • 9 Where your fathers tempted me.prooved iimcidudriiieto thii ead exhori- ing all mm oy the avoid > of Di vjdialieartthe Sonne hiroCeite »rotdei. feeing that otherwife tkey cannot ea- tE( into tbat cier- odifeft d rcirif, chrillet.. me.and law my works fourtie yeercs Ion* t Htc^Hithiimt 10 v/herefore I was grieved with that genera- '/l'u!lL^'f '^ . tion . an'^ % is, tner have they knowen my wayes. f 4fier ; cmfiiiintt, 1 1 Therefore I fware in my wrath. If they (hall nfidtnct enter into my reft. 12 7 Take heed b rethren .leaft at any time there heiejneih hope *'"pw"' ' ^^ '" any ofyouanevillheart.andwifaithfull.to f ieihticedvrtt departaway from the living God. tcfftAivcnce^ ,^ But exhort oneanotherdayly,' while it is "^tthf/J til"' "lied to day , leai^any ofyou be hardened through fht7"'vext'i'tht ■ the deceitfulnefle of finne. i.eri,i>rjiroi>t 1 4 s For wc are made partakers of Chrift , if we ■mitkhim. .„ keepe fure' unto the end that k beginning, where- •» /j^;;' *"*"-^* with we are upholden. "jvHr.-^'ei^ng I J iSolong as it is ftyd.Today if ye hearehis tbewoirfsofDa- voycc .harden not your hearts ,as in the provoca- vid heftiewe-.h [{on. firitbyihi.word, ^ For feme when they heard provoked him r» ii.y. that wee *^ 1. u • 11 u r r malt nut oegieft tij anger : howbeit , not all chat came out or Egypt the cccafioi. while by MoleS. we have i : for that 17 But with wlwm was hee difplealed fourtie ■'■'"" '■■'" yeere'; ! Was he not di(plea:ed with them that fin- ned, ^ whole Carkeifes fell in the wilJerntlle ? 18 And to whom fware h that they Ihould not enter into his reft , but unto them that obeyed not? 19 So we I ee that they could not enter in , be- caufc of unbeliefs. Ie;Te , leaft at any time by for/a- king the pron^ile of entring into his reft ^any of yor. fliouid lecme robe deprived. 2 I For unto us was the Gol'pel preached as al- Wo'fo^'a" Ttbe Pro. ^o unto them ; but the word that they heard , profi- jAesrefpeaei ted not them.btcaufe it was not » mixed with faith ooneoiher. in thofc that heard it. ,H(c<^wp«reth 1 For wce which have bcleevcd , doe cHter thtfrtitekxn^<:ftbe •> Cifpti t$ drtnif . irWcA f «in^ drunke, that is to Aj ,h ,tre. frefifih no/liw? , unlefe it ht temftrid ■n'lhfuiih. 1 Leaft aoy man Ihould otieS , ihai rhofe wordr sisiere meant of the land of Canaan .and of Moresdoftrine , and ihtreforecannotwell be drawentoCbrilt, and toeitrnallljfe, tfarApotle Iheweththjt there are two manner ofreftifpokenof i-nihe Scriptures : theone. ofthefeventh day, vvhe em God iifayd to have tefted from all hii vroiks ■ anothei ijfaid tobethat fame , vshtreintololhualed t2epeoplc:bui this reft isnoi ihelaft reft wheieunto we ate called and tbatheprooveth fcy two reafooi. Forfeeingthai David folong timeafier, fptaking to the people which were then placed in the land of Canaan . ufetbtbefevrordi , To ./.i^ , and tbreatneth tt Jn Itill tbat tkey ftiall not en'ei into tberell of Sod , which refufeth then the voyce ot God tbat founded in their carei , vpeinuft needs fay that be meant another time then the time of Mofeii and another reft then the teftofthe land of Canaan : And tbat ii.that , J»5rlaltiog reft,i?vher«in we begin to live to God.afiei that the race of this life ceafetfa : ai God reUetbthefeveutb day from >bofe hii workei,jhat ii tofay from making the • wo Id. Moreover, the A, oftle iBerewi'hall (t»ni6eih that the way to tbi» reft , which Moles and the landof C4o«an iuiiiaUiiM(oidetDed io thiGflfrelonely, into reft , as he fild ie ih iiher 1 4^ As 1 have fworne in my wratn.If they Ihail enter into any reft : al- * W»l»f.>». though the workes wire finiflied from the foun- ? *'"'•»'»• dation of the world. » Vcbwtj. 4 For hee fpake in acertatneplaceofthefe-b Hejft\kfth>f tenth day on this wife , J And Gotldid reft the le- ^"Z'""' '*'>-.«/ venth day from all his workes. ^^""^ ■ ""' " '*' y And in this place againe , If they Qiall enter TfitlruTrt^^* into my reft. „y?^. ^j, /,/*„< 6 Seeing therefore it remaineth that fome m«ft a/^"'* o/cfcrt/?, enter thereunto, and they to whom it was firft prea- \^"^'iV^"^ ched.entred not therein for unbeliefs fake: r. f'„^"^iTfl' 7 Againe hee appointed in David a certaine/ror>»<>«rtt>orAf manitett in' his light ; but all things «r* naked and ccJ,.nhuhijprett. open unto his eyes, with whom we have to doe. chedhoihinthe 14 /Seeing then th^it we have a great hie Trieft, ^'.'^ f "'' '" '** which is entraiintci heaven, even lefus the Sonne fHrrijeiJrAf otGod.Jetusk hoklefiftourprotefsion. »r,d,f, cdtipe- I y e For we have not an high Prieft, which can h h >•"/'"' i/"** not be touched with the feeiing of out infirmities, '^"l' '" w»r^«* bur was in all things tempted in like fort ,yet with- T,l!'lZ'Ich7i ourfinne. g Hec.ilieth'thM 16 Let us therefore goe boldly uato the throne ''•ef'u'.e, n>WeA of grace, that we may receive mercie, and hnde *•"'*'*' ?^"^"''* grace to heipe in time of neede. -"'ByThl/^M mearethrhar rio~ hup fort r^hJcUlieAtethihem'nde. i Tn Codi f.^Jit. f JNow heenireth into the comparift n of ChrilK-s Priefthoode vsiib Aarons , and declaieth even in the very beginuirjgtbemarveiloijsexcelieucie of ihis Prieftbood , calling him the .^onneofGoJ and placing him in the feat of God in heaven, plainely and evidently feitin- fcim againft Aarons Prieils , air' tbe tranfiroiie tabernacle: which comparifoni be feiteih footth afterward more at laige k .ind let ii net ^oe out efycur h^in^s. 6 Leaft he migbe feeme by this treat glory of our high Priefi , to ftayand ftoppeutfrom going unta biai , he addeth ftraightwayei after, that he ii notwithliandingourbroiheyn deede, ( at hee prooved it al(o titfore ) and that hee accouoteth all cut miferiet , hiWvkn* , t« calloiboidly to faim. C H A P. V. 1 FhflhtJleweihthedueiietfihehieVritJf: f SeeomHj, that Chrift i, appcinied ofC od to h cUr hi: Pr-rjf. 7 and that he hath filfilSedaO things heUnoin^ tkrc-inrv. •pOr I every hie Pr-eft is taken from among men, , Thefirftpsrt and is ordeined for men, in things pertaining to of the firft compi. God, a that he may offer both »giftes and bfacri-'ifonufci-riite* ficesforfinnes. h.^hP.iefthood. 2_ Which is <: able fufficiently to have com- ^",\t" mit.*^are pafsiond on them that are ignorant , and that are ,aktn tr&m among ;,;en,andarcca;l.d .-fter the order of men. a Tbe firft part of ihefecond coraparifou , Ofher> at w"ke, are made hie Priefts , to the end tbat feeiing tbe fame intirmitie in ihemfe ves Atuct is in all tbe reft of the people, they flloiild in tbei'-i owne and the copies namt offer giftfs andfacrifictt, which aie witneftes of common faiib ,ajd repentance a Otfe- ringofthings without life. b Beaftes which wete killed . I.u: efit'ciatly ic the facriftcet forfinneiandcft'irnces. c Fit .md meete. d On them iba: jr "n- uH • for in tbe Hebrew tongue , ondci ignoranceand enOui i» every liatic ine»n: , eveu tiiat fiaoc tbat if voiuntsiiei Nun I wisCbril). but in mother order tbec Aaron : torCbriniicall.d «ht Sontw,fceg>.t- ttijof God an J a priefl for evtr af- ier-tbeurd(;r«f Melcbi-Mtc. 5 Pfali,7. cbap.i.J. • rfii 110,4. f Sferthllikl- nt"r m.triiritiit isaficrlvtrddecta' „A,C kuf. 7.1 !■ 4 The other pa't ofihefeconi toin- j)arifo:.:Chriftbt- ■ igly ffl ft d nd eicte. ^ » ^ For wtiCH as Concerning tne time ye ougm din'riymeKifull, ' to be tcachets , yet have ye needeagaiiie that wee asktdDotforhis teach you what are the hrft principles of the word tnoes.fortehid ^f qqJ . gnd are become futh as have neede of f '"■'"'A^^lred milke.and not of ftrong raeate. huVequef" and of- 1 ? Fot every One that ufeth milke , is inexpert ferfd himfelf* for in the ' word of righteoufneffe : for he is a babe- allhi*- 14 But flrong meate belongeth to them that 8 l^til'rt'c^r' ' 2^^ °f ^R^ ' ^''^''^'^ through long cuftome have their ^lJtl'7SfrMt m wits exerciled, to difcerne both goodand evill. b Ti JdiUr him from Jrtili. i He ItarneJ irJeei ir^jf " f " ("«)'f » F other, irAem t ■minmali ohiy. ; Thf o^her pan of the (irft comi'arifon : But Cbnft wai cooftcraie of Scd the Fatbwai the autbour of our falvation, and an hie Pricli for ever, and tberefore i«iifoanian,ibat noiv^iibnandingheisfaraboveallmen. k Uokf cUf J, 10. « A digrrfiian.un ill becometoibe beginningof ihe ftvemh chapttr: wilsertin lee partly holderh he Hebie«e» in the diligent conhdetaiion of ihufe tbiDgs which be haih fayd. and partly preparnh themto thmnderflanding oftbofethingi whertofhe wiil fj-eike. 7 Ad example of an Apoflolike chiding. 1 Inthentrdtrhichheltufhtth fiehl'Sffntt. 01 ^Ulhl'r fewer tphmij ihey underjlanil andiud^e. * C H A P. VI. J Ht h\t}lj icH€heih ike chJUif'n Ueuihfulmfftef tilt Hthrtvrei, 4 and UtriJietht!,tmv^lUftVtrtlhrtJ.in''ngi: 7 He Jiineihiltem uficcnJeiiouriu time ic ^0 far-ward; 9 We Iwpelh nell tfihim : 13 He -illed^jeth ^irahemi ex.tmfU : 17 ^ndcompareihfailhthattaliit'ihiUtcaiherviird, f{e, cfChr-jh.m l.ilicn, rv''fhe „ifc and were made partakers of the holy Ghoft, pt.ift.Tion ofieitn- t> I ' tanceaod taitb in G°d ; the aiiidei of which doSrine, -were demanded of tbem which were not ai yet rrctived mrin*-er>.,r tfceCbutib , atibe daynaci'oiiittd tcrBapiifme : and ofibe children of the fiiihfuli whith were baptized in ihtii iiifancie,v\hco haud5# werr layed upon them. An,1 ofitofeaiiclej ,two are by name rtciitd : the rtfuire- fiion oftbe flefll and the eiet lall lu.lgemeni. 7 He addeth a vrbemeocie tohi» exhortation ■ and a milt fha'pf 'Vie.itningof ihe certai nedtllruttion ihai fliallcoine ro them wbichfall from God and bij religion. + Cbaptei ic,i4 inat!h.n.4,j. a.pet 1 10. b H. Jf,,'^cthcfa)e>.er.illkackP-i-inf,a>id/(uhaidied!,j.i:hrr/,il air.l7 frcmlUf^lh. f Atv3 have taftedof the good word of God,and a ^, „t„ ,^^ of the powers of the world to come, hate Cr'fi, and 6 If they fall away, IhouUi be renued .igiine by "s t/,.'Mj* rty t„t Repentance ; feeing they d crucitie againeto them- '^;fi'^->''" ^x*>-t. felves the Sonne of God.and make a mocke of him. ^A 7 3 For the earth which drinketh in the raine tewW.««<;fA4f that commeth oft upon it , aiidbringeth forth herbs '" '*«'> "«">« <'t. meete for them by whom it isdrefliid.recciveth ^,'''"''"'^'" ^"''*» blefsingof God. t^fdl'!2 " 8 But that which beareththornes and briars , it j H^'ettetb foonh reprooved , and is neere unto curling, whofe end is 'i^- former threat- to be burned. mngw.tha/i.ni- 9 4 But beloved, we have perfwaded our felves J'tjee mitigatedi better things of you , and iuch as accompany falva-and airwa^etoaU tion, though we thus fpeake. that tharimrfli, 10 ; For Godw not unrighteous, that hefhould ^pping b«ier of forget your worke .and labour of love, which yee wnTet'h.** fliewed toward his Name , in that ye have miniftred ; Hep.aifeth unto the Saints, and yet minifter. them fjr their cha. U And weedelire that every one of your fliew,""'''''.*"^!^"'- the fame diligence, to the full affurance of hope g°°"'",wird°.Tt>i" unto the end, to holde out to the I z « That ye be not flouthfull, but followers of fnd. them.whtch through faith and patience.inhcrit the * ""flieweiU promifes ^ ^ , ^ ^ .^ ., ISi'fly.Te^have 13 7Forwhen Godmade thepromiieto Abra- ntedeoftogoe ham, becaufe he had no greater ro fweare by ,hee forward coniiant. fware by himfelfe, 'y'"'* *"° '» P"" 14 Saying,* Surely I willeabiind.ntlybleffe«;,;°-;-^';V;: thee.and multiply thee marveiloully. and leaRaoy man 15: And fo after that he had taried patiently , he fliouid.bieaani enioyed the promife. [^^ '.''a'ret''lf 16 For men verely fware by him that is grea- nbre^'o^be'done.ie ter then themfelvei , ind an oathe for confitmation willeththrmtofe: is among them an end ofallftrife. before ihcmfelvci I 7 So God . willing more fabundantlytolhew «b'«"™ii'»of unto the heires of promife the ftableneffeof his l'7'n°^"be!n counfell, bound himleife by an oathe, _ _ 7 Another pricke , 18 That by two immutable things .wherein it to Kidtetbem is unpofsible . that God Ibould lie. wee might have ["J^'j;^"^;^^^\'*"'* flrong confilation , which have our refuge to lay 'joher'it''aMe'ii w. holde upon that hope that is fet before us, taioe, ifwecoixi. 19 8 Which hope wee have, as an acre of the nueiothceDdAi foule . but fure and itedfaft , and it entreth into that ,° ".^^^ffX"",; which is within the vaile. _ aifopromWd'it 20 9 Whither the forerunner is for us entred in, with an oathe. et^ir« lefus that is made an hie Prieft for ever after •*• Gene 11,2. and theorderofMelchi-fedec. T/rnli^'-p hiefir, m^jl pUniifuUj upon tkee. ( Mm then wit ntidef>ill,1f;re it „,t Fcr the-wic- kedncffe ffmii mhich teleel'e nri God, notdoxyf. Ae/ipf jre. S He likeneth hope to aa ancre : becaufe that even ai an ancre being call into the bottome of tbe fea, ftayeth the. whole (hip J fo doeih hope aJfo enter even ill! maketb mention of tne Sanduary , alluding retuineth to tbecomparifuii of .hePrienbood of Ch'iil rcpeateth Dividi wordei, whercm alhhofe cump.rifo meDtioo,are (ignificd ai bedcclaretb in all the next cbapiet, CHAP. VH. 1 He hath hitherto ttirrcd thera up ,to rrt.trks dilt^erttly what thngi are to he coKJidered in MtUhi-fedec, if ycheri-n he rj lH^runto ChrijK lo Wherefore the taw fhtuU fttie pUee to the Cc/pel. ■p Or this ' Melchi-fedec S m»4/ King of Salem, ' Declaring thofc •*^ the Prieft of the molt high God, whu met Abra- ^°f' -'""-' r J cue thing ■ thiaitthttitfomtta^t. of[,n.e.whi. _ . ftiondtatle. c W,uji marks the f^ne of tht, word, for tt LjJin did , nhofi ktart (iU ofintd , -Aiij i«i J>. rfnri Mtthtr ty fecret placet of heaven. And I IJ labernacle , and by tbismeanei itb tbe Leviticall. $ Hec whereof he b%th before taiAo ham order^Mlif as he returned from the flaiiohter of the ch-.ruec, where. Kings.and ablelledhiin : upoathatcompa. t To whom alfo Abraham gave the tithe of fifo" i*aode;hof all things , who firft is by interpretatit)n Kin« of '5^'','''=".''°°'? "[' • . ".■ ,T r I ' , ■ ,r .. ■ r , P Chrilt With the Lt nghteoulnclle : atrer thai, im it alio K.ing or ialcm, vi„caii .• £,« Mel. that is, King of peace. chi-fedechi.nfdfe it coniid.'ud *$ thi figu of Chrift , and thefearetheheadeiof thar compafifon. Melchi-fcdtc was j _ . , . . . . ^ $ Ceo 14,1a. it {flli^«> 02 and a Piie't : and fucb an one indeede it CoriJt aluce. He wata Krngof peaceaaii tighieournea'e : fuch an one iu deed It Cbxiit alone 3 » Witbous Melchi-fedec. Chriftes Chap. VI I r. I Anoiheifi- i 2 Without father ," wuhout mothcr , withouc gate; MekSii fe- kinred,and hath neither beginning of hu dayes, dec fet before neither end of life : but is likened unto the Sonne "J^'n^^' ->" God.and continueth a Prieft for ever. cutbeginoinz 4 3 Now confider how great this man vvat, and without ■!- unto whom even the Patriarke Abraham g«ve the jing.fotDeu^rr tjthe of theipoiles. mo.be,."o.''tu ' S For verely they which are the chilckenof aaceften, nor bit Levi , which receive the office of the Priefthood, deaib are written have a ^ comraandement to take , according to of^^dfuchaa the Law, tithcs of the people (that is, of their bre- "ht'sonoeof" thrcti ) though they *> came out of the loynes of Ooditowit.in Abraham. ewUfting Prieft : 6 But hec whofe kinred is not counted among at be i> God. thjrn ^ received tithes of Abraham , and bleffed him r«yb". that had the promifes. gottea.stheii 7 And c Without all contradttlion the lefTe IS BID without fa- bleffed of the greater. tbet womlerfully g And here men that die , receive tithes : but 3° Another figure: '''"« ^^ receivtth them.oi whom it i$ witneffed. Meichi-fedecin ' that he Hveth. . . ,^ eoofideration of ^ 4 And to fay as the thing IS , Levi alio which fail Prieftbooa VMS rgceiveth tithes, payeth tithes in Abraham. fcre^oo^ke^CTth.' ' ° For hee was yet in the loines of his father of him.and bliQei ^6raham,v/hen Mekhi-fedec met him. faimai a Prieft ; 1 1 J If therefore << perfedtion had bene by the Such an ooe in priefthood of the Levites ( for under it the Lawe OT wbom depeT ^as cflablinied to the people ) what needed it fiir- detb ewn Abra. thermorc , that another Prielt fliould rife after the hamifaaaificati- order of Melchi-ledec , and not to be called afcet oo,and all tbe jj,e Order of Aaron i whom'ilimen ^^ 6 For if the Priefthood be changed .then of oagbf to worftiip nccefsitie muft there be a change of the e Law. aad reverence ai i^ For hee of whom thele things are fpokcn, theautbourofail. percaipeth unto another tribe » whereof no man b^Werbiuet'of^^"'"'^^''^?'!"'^--. u r XT Abrabara. 14 For It IS evident , that Our Lord Ipruugout c He fpeakethof of luda , Concerning the which tribe Mofes Ipake the P-blik'bUf- nothing, touching the Priel^hood. PmiUu'ftd. 15 'A"'' " ^^ yet a more evident thing, be- 4 Adouble'am- caufe that after the fimilitude of Melchi-fedcc there plificatioB. The is rifen up another Prieft. f'd ' ''"'^''A'''" 16 s Which is not made Priefi afterthe g Law tenthiTiioAe °^ '^^ camall commandement , but after the power imraortall( to wit, of the cndletl'e life. in refpea, that 17 For hee reftifieth r/.w , J Thouarta Prieft '■' '• ''I'l^'".'. for ever, after the or.ler of Melchi-fedec. cfCbiift.forbu deatb itin no place made ineotiou of , and David fcttetb bimfoortbaiapeverURing Tried ) but the Leviticall ?rie(ii,ai inortallinea , fot they fucceede one aaoiher ; the ftcond ,that Levi himfelfe veai tithed 10 Abraham by Melchi-fedec. Thereforethe Priefthood of Mekhi-fedec ( that it , Chiiftet who ii pronounced to be an everlafting Prielt according to hi« order) is itioreeicellentthen the Leviticall. s Thethirdtrea- tife of thinEpiftle , wherein after hee hath prooved ChrifttobeaKing ,a Prophetand • Prieft ,hee now handlethdiftinftly tbe condition andexcellencieofalltbefeofticei, filewing tbatailtbefewerebutfhadoweiin all other , bucioChrift ihcy are true and perftft. And hee beginneth with tbe Priefthoode .wherewith alfo the former tieaiife «Bdtd,that by this ineaneialltbeparMand meaibersofthitdifputatioo .may better bang together. AndfitftofaJlheeprooveth that the Leviticall Priefthood waiimper- feA.becaufe another Prieft if promifed a long time alter according to another order, that iitofay.ofanoihetmanerofruIeaDdfalhioQ. d ;/ifcc I'riellhocd ufLei'icouU haliematle4nymnnf;rfite. 6 Hee (heAeth bowthatby the inftitutionof the nfW Priefthood, ootnnely the impttfefiion of the Ptieflbood of Levi wai declared, but sJfo that it w»« changed for thii : for tbefe two cannot ftand together, bKaufe that fitft appointment of the tribe of Levi, did fcut footih tbe tribe of luda.and made it alfo inferiour to Levi :«ndtbii Utter duetfa place the Prt«nhood iniheiiibeof luda. t Ofthtinftitmiiinff^ariin. f Hjd any thirty ic Jce .tttut ihe aliar. 7 Leaft any «iaa might obieA , that tbe PrieOkood indeed was tranftited from Levi to Iuda,butyet ootwithftandmg the fame reinaineth ftill.bee both weigheihandeipouodeth tbefe ^««ordes df David .for titer, ucccrdin^ t« the crJer tfMehh-fitlu , whereby alfo divers iaftitution of Priefthood i« well ferceivtd. 8 Heproovetb thedivetluieand excel- 'I kocieofcheiaflitutioaofMelcbi'fedeo Priefthood , by this, that the Priefthood of tbe -'^ law did ftand upon thecutwatd and bodilyanointing : but tbe racrificeofMelcfai- > ''MtQ it fet out to beeverlaftingtndmorefyirituall. g Nvt a/icr tht crtllnjtiom, ycihich (tmmtndtih friilt and iritnfifrii thi»^i,ai vrat Jont in ^Aarcnistnficralientitod ^ tlm wWe f riff?tW. $ /'/time tie,<,c*tff>.f:«. everlafting Priefthood. 59 • ll ',.^f u *^ ' commfflidement that went afore. , Agai.e,,hat „» isdifanulled. becaufeoftheweakneffethereof.and man might obieft unprofitableneffe. ihattheUft Piiefl- 1 9 For the Law^ade nothing perfite , but the ''°'^ T" *''i"* bringing in of a better hope . made perfite. whereby o^eTby'the'couf we draw neere unto God. •) piing of them both 20 19 Andforafmuchasitisnotwithoutan oithe «og«i'er,h«eproo- Cforthefearerr^adePrieftswithoutanoathe: "^t^':^:!^'^, z I But this n made with an oathe by hrni that the latter. a»un. fayd unto him , * The Lord hath fworne . and will profitable , and tha t not repent , Thou art a Prieft for ever . after the or- '"^ ''"' °*'"" °*' der of Melchi-fedcc.) how,^'idth'',^e 22 By fo much is lefos made a fuerty .^a bet- cot^^i and tr««- terXeftament. fitorie thing, fan- 2-} II And among them itaany were made Priefts. ^'^'e «"• ^itbetof becaufe they were not fuffered to endure . by the l^™;';^'-;!,^" reafon of death. another > 24 But this man .becaufe hee endureth ever, a Thicerimmitli hath a Priefthood , which « cannot paffefrcm one '"""'■ : to another. meot'"'he"b'^.« 2jr Wherefore .hee is k able alfo perfedly to |rr"'vIIhVhat''tLt fave them that come unto Ged by him , feeing hee Prieithoode of ever liveth to make intercefsion f^r them. thrift ii better 26 «; For fuch an hie Prieft it becameusto Ll^dtf uvtbe. nave . which u holy, harmeleffe, undefiled, feparate caufeit wateOa- from finners, and made higher then the heavens : biiflied with ao 1 7 Which needeth not dayly as thole hie Priefls °»''« but theiw to offer up facrifice . § hrft for his owne finnes , and ^Vfal' ..o then for the peoples : u for 'that did hee ■ once, ti An oW arjiK when he offered up himfcU«. ment tending to 28 For the Law maketh men hie Priefts.wh ich '''' '^""'. P"'P°''«» have infirmitie : but the ■ word of the oathe t+ that rrieft.7«'moL t>was fince the Lawe.w^^r/j the Sonne, who is taiiicen)couW conftcrated for evermore. not be everlafting. everUftlng.fo bath be alfo an everlafting Priefthood . milui:g moft effeftualunt'er. celBon for them which by htm come unco God. i Which cannot f aft ayvaj . k /Jet iiftanJmett. la Another argument : Thefc are required in an bie Prieft in- oocencie , aud perfeft pureneffe , wibich may feparate hi m from finneri for whom bee offereih. But the Leviticall hie Piiefttj ftiall not be found to be ftjcb , for they offer firft for their owe fiQoe* : But Chrift onely ii fuch a one , and therefore the true tai onelyh.e Prieft. f Levit.iS.ii. i^ Ao other argument which ootwitR. rtandiog hee haudleth afterward: The Leviticall Ptieftei otFtred facrifice after fa- crif.ce. firft for themfelvei, and thee for tbe people. But Chrift offered not for himfelfe, but for other, not facrificei, but htinfelfe, not ofteniimei, but once. And thiioagbt ndt to feeme ftrange , faytb he, forforauch as they are weake, but this man ii confecrated as everlafting Prieft.aud that by an oathe. I That facrifice which kit ojfertJ. m ir vrui/o dtncAit it ncednh not to ie repeated or offered ^i^ine anj mere. B Tie commandement of Ciiychchtviii hfund -with nncdthe. 14 An other arguiueot taken of the time .- former tbiogi ate taken away by the latter. « Exhihiicd. CHAP. VIII. I To frtei/e mere ecrtxinelj that the ceremoniet if the taw art aireeated, ( hee fheiveth thai ihej tK-cre affoiniedtcferlit thehea),enlj paterne. 8 Hehringethitttht pUceof Inemiet If to prcclie the amendment cf the oUe cclentnt , VT Owe I of the things which wee have fpoken. « K'b'i'fiye- this U the fumme . that wee have fuch an high ^.o'^i'ttVr''"'' Prieft ,thit fitteth at the right hand of the throne thing, ate to i* of the Maieftie in heavens, referred, to wit, z I And is minifter of the a Sanftuary , i and ''"^^ "^^ ^^"-'^ ' of that b true Tabernacle which the Lord pight, r "eVtte" th^cA and not man. Leviticall high 3 4 For every high Prieft is ordeined to offer Priefis are, evea both gifts and fscrilices : wherefore it was ofne- 1"*'' « ©"c »• cefsirie , that this man fliould have fomewhat alfo *"!''' J" 'j° r.i. ct rivBt oandof the to offer. coft high God in heaven. 4 They of Levi were high Prieftesinan earthly fanSuary .but Chrift isiotbshea. vtnly. ». Ofh-onii es. fcim.ihatiitofiy, 7 Vpi-'t ii thit V.rixTijUmtnt h^d bene un- to b: pjiMBtsof blameable , no place (lioulu have bene fought for li'Tdrrb'!: thefecond. puVpofcfljouid 8 For in rebuking them hee faith, jJBeholde. tbe i-iierafi feive the day es will come , iaith the Lord , when 1 Ihall vehtnihntuejnd jos^tt with c the houfeof lirael . and with the houfe "'*'«"",'*"''''' of i"'^^ a new TeHament : *.''eioj'.'ij.4o. 9 Not like the Teftament that I made with «dM 7,44- their fathers , in the day that I tooke them by the e He enirtth into j^^^ j ^ jq le^ jg thgm out of the land of E"ypt : for the^Sd^iran. ^^^Y Continued not in my Teftament , and I regar- fitorit Teiument ' ded ihcm not, faith the Lard, or covenant beiog lo Fcr this is the Teftament that I Will make but for a lime, ^jjfj jjjg houfe of Ifrael , After thofe dayes . layth T.c^rvtfetZ'cxc »he Lord , I will put myLawes in their mindc , and mediatouiiiwvitb in their heart I will write them , and 1 will ba their (benew.thttver. God.and they Qiall be my people. JaftiagMtdiaiout ,j j!^„(] [hgy i\^;\\ ^ot tcach cvcry man his to Q""''.ha?.^hi."' neighbour , and every man his brother , faying, ii not Willy !«"« Know the Lord : for all lliall know me .from the tbtn tbat io aiJ leaft of them to the greatell of them. rrfftft«.butairo j^ Fori will be mercifufl CO their unrigh^eouf- ««Md"rt"is "^^^ '. ^^ ^ ^^" remember their llnnes and their 7 HevroovcLhby iniquities no mote. thet»(iimonieof 13 8 In that he faith a ncw Tf^/iwf »t , he hath loremie.that there abrogate the olde : nowe that which is difanuUed »'d."°covI.>.dV. and waxed old, isready to vanifh away. aod ibcrtfore ibat thtfirft was notpe'fjte- i Iere.3i,ji.3»,33,34. jom. u,i7.ciiap.io,i«, cRecalletb it an houle.ai ii wtte oot familit ofthe vvholf kingdome : for vshfreaj thekingdome. of David wai divided into two fadioot.ihe Prophet givtth into undcrlUndtbac tbrougb the ntvuTeflament they ftiaibe icyocd together agaice in one. 3 Tbe con- elulion : Therefore by tbe laiier and the new, tbe litJl and olde is taken away , for it could not be called new if it difftred not from the old. Aodagaineihat /imeiiit («oith uXco awy> wbick ii fubieA tocciruption. aod therefore iirpeticA, C H A P. IX. a C'mparixfiiefirmt'flheTAhtrn.uIe, 10 an J lit cere- mmuioftliiLaHv, 11 ur.fthctrttethfet emin Chrijl, I J ht cenclMjeth th*t rcTvlhereiittonerenceJttifanothtr Ptufi, 14 UciufeChriJIhimfilfthadfHlfiliUthifidMliei UnJtrihe ntw tcieyiitnf. 1 Adivlfionof 'T Hen J the firft Teflarnint had alfo ordinances thefirftiaber- ■*■ of religion, and a a Worldly Sanftiiary, oacle which bee ^ po^ the firft Tabernacle was made,where- ^« iS. ■ ^" ^" ''"^ candleflicke , and the table, and the tranfitoiie and (licwbrcad , which TabtmacU is called the Holy Mlttly into tAO plaCCS. patu. to wit. in. j /\,,jj afjet the b fecond vaile was the Tabcr* «wnd thl nt' nacle. which is called the c Holieft of all, lieftofaii. 4 Which had the golden cenfer, and the Arke a An earthly md of the Teftament overlaid round .ibout with gold, adiiting. wherein the golden pot.which had Manna,t>w«,anJ fecond v.ii'e. oot * ^"on$ rod that had budded . and the « ubks of becaufetbetivsere the Teftament. tAo vjiiei, boi be- y ^ And over the Arke were the glotiotis Che- v"l'"h"s'.n'' rubims , lliadowing the d mercie feate : of which ^uaril orthT th»n£s wc Will not HOW fpcakc particularly. fit n Tabernacle. c TbeholitftSanfluary. * Num. 7,19, « 1 King.8,9. i.cbrnn.r.iD. 9< %*», ji.ii. d The Hebrewei call the cover ftfjh, A,|{c o/thesovenaat I thtWUUe 6 I Now when thefe things were thus ordei- ned , the Prieft went alwayes into tire firft Taber- nacle, and accompliihed the fervice. m^-^7o !he"Tf 7 But into the fecond went the A- hie Prieft fi«rwhich hedU atone , once every y eere, nor without blood which »'deth into thoft he offered for himklfe , and for the e io-noraiKcs of '^^i'''' ''^"'f'«». the people. and.batyeereiy 8 3 Whereby the holy Ghoft this fi^gnified.cr.fice w^tttU that the way into the Holieft of all was net yet which the high' opened, while as yet thefirft tabernacle was ftan- ^''*''°'"'V''>« ■ din", once every yeere. 9 4 Which was a figure f for that prefent time. Hoiie'iuf in"''* wherein were oft'cred gifts and facrifices that could with blood, of. not make holy .concerning the confcience , him f"e^ither by the bloodofigoates and calves: -\'?^%"^^^^^ but by his owne blood entred hee in once unto jnioheavco.wWck - the holy place, aiid obteined eternall redemption wai fliadowed for us, by tbe Holieft .J :& 9Forifthebloodofbulles ami of goats, ^[.^[{./-pfel^ and the albes ot zn lieiter , (pnnkling them thatare jioneemerio uncleane , fanditieth as touching the k purifying of tbither (hutting theflefll, outallot%er,aail 14 How much more (hall the * blood of Ghriaf„'^^'° °^^l[*;,^ which through the eternallSpiritofl'eredhimfelfefu,hi„f,iftaDd without fault to God , x purge your confcience for other»,and af. from 1 dead workes, to ferve the living God ? «"4'"^ (liuttbe 15 »o And for this caufe is he the Mediatour of ""^j^^' f'^ 4 Annbieftt'oa ; if the way were aotopenod into heaven by thofe facrificei ( tbatiJ to fay , Xf tbe worOiipperi were not : purgsd by them ) why then weie thofe ceteiuoniei ufed > to wit 1 tbat men might be. called backetothatfpirituall example, thai is to fjy. to Chrill. whofllouldcoiiea»ll : thofe thiogiatbiicommiDg. f Fortbat tiitiethat tbat (iguie bad tolaft. ; An oiherr«afon why they could not make clconc tbe confcietict ofttewciQiipper, to wittbicaufetbey wereoutwardand carnallor ccfporallthiDgl. g For they ■were as you would fay a burden , from which Chrill delivered ui. tf Now heC . enircth into the declaration of tbe liguvei, and firft of all comparing the Ltviiicall high . Prieft v%ith Chrift, (that ii to fay ,the hgure with the thing it felf«) heeattiibutethto Chrift the adtnini/lration of good thiogitpcDine ,thatis, everlaDing .which thofe caroall thingi had refpeft unto. 7 Another compaiifoo ofthe fitft corruptible Taheruacle witbtheJatter ( tbat iltofjy , vsiih the humane nature of Chtift ) which is the true incorruptible Temple of God , whtreioto the Sonne of GOD entred ,»». the LeviticalJbigh Trientt into Jie other which wai fiaile and tracfitorie. h By a mote excellent and better. S Aoothercomparifonof the blood of facrificei with Chrift. The teviticall high rriefte»entringby ibofe their holy placei into iheii. Sanfiuary , offered corrupiibleblood for one yeere onely : biitCbnlt entring into that holy bodie of hii , cntied by it into heaven it ftlfe , offering hit owae moft pure blood for an ererlaHing redemption : For one felfe fame Chrill anfvtereth both to tbe hie. Trieft . and tbe Tabernacle, and the facriAcei > and ibeoffetiDg themfelvej , as tbe ttueth .- totheligure3, fo that Chrift ii both the high Piieft, and Taberuaclc. aod Sacrifice,ye«, all thefe both truely, aod forever. i For io tbiiyeerely factifjceofiecoaa ciliatioD.tbere were two kiodei of facrifices. the one a goaie.the ether a heifer.or calfe. ^ Leviticuj i<,r4. duinberiij,^. 9 If the outward fprinkling of blood rod attie* of beaBe», war a trueandeffeflualKigneof purifying and cicanling , hov9. much more Qiall the thing it frlfe and tbe trueth being prefent .which in timet fatt Wat (badowed by tbofe extemall Sacrataenii , that ii to fay . hit blood which ii in fuch fort inaoi blood, that it ii alfo the blood ofthe Sonne of Cod ■ and tbetcfore hath. : an evcrlorting vertue of puti Tying and cleaufiDg, doe it? k Hee couiideteth ihefignctapart. being fepatate from ibetbiog it felfe. * i.Pet.i,i9. i John, 1,7. revelation I, f. K Lukei,74, 1 From finnei which proceedefromdeath.int) ! bring fooith nothing but death. 10 Thecooclufiouofthc foimerargumem : there. fore feeing the blood of beafteidid not purge fiooei , the uew Teftament which wa». before tiine promifed. wbcrcuoto tbofe outward thing othetwife • unleiretfaey had. / ferved to reprcfenthiin .they bad bene nothing at all profitable. TherefoiethitTefia. ( ment it called the latter, not as concerning the vertue efit, (that ittofay.remiflSoBof. finoei ) but iu refpeA of tbat time . wherein the rhing it felfcwasfinifhad , that ii to. . fay, wherein Chrift wai indetde tiJiiUittd t9 die «OtM, Md fulfilled ali thing! whis^ 1 tvcrc octtOtry (0 our r^lrvioQi Chrift once offered. Chap.X. the newe TeftamcM , that t))rough ♦ deuh which was for the redemption of the tranfgrefsions»A4l Wire in the formerTeftament, they which were called , might receive the proroife of eternal] inhe- •i- Rom. Sacrifices of the Law, f©o looke for him/flTalJ )iee appears the fecond time WKboirt fuuie unto falvation. fi Amroavihy theTcftament amftbceiiabliflled ricanCe. bythedeathof i6 ii Fof where a Tefiament *f , there muftbc bK^fe'tbiiTe'fta- *^^ '^*''^^'' of biiD that made the Teftament. a^ibith'tbtcon. '7 * For the Teftament is confirmed when ditioa of » Tefta- men are dead : for it is yet of no force as long as iiieDtorgift.wblcb he that made it, is alive. b"eV.auaW°u mua 'I/'^For" wbcH Mofes had fpoken every precept "" "*"!" ""'' '^''^- H"^^' ' "^^'^^ ^^^ °ff" ^'"^^ Ihe Ap;.'" to the people . ".according to-the Law . hee tooke li^^L^U '^o'^"""*^'/ . fandifie the cobraers «'«_«■; Wtbfi A the blood of calves and oTgoates, with water and C H A P. X. I Ml frifitih a4t (ii/u(,;jl,>, ,f,he tfn> vi,t u^ferfiie. */"'"/' ''•>J»">y*"'b rccyved. "-.But thtt ikifaaOict ofChfifi i, gi(, ani perpeiUiU, t hee prccPctk hj I)t.lidi ufti^ m.„!,.- ,, T),,nUaJ and without fhgddingof blood is no remifsion. 2 i It was then neccfTatie, that the o fimilitudes of heavtnly things (l^ould be purified with fuch things : but the heavenly things themfelvcs drejfw- rified with b; tter facrihces then are thefe. 24 »3 For thrift is rot entred into (he holy places that arc made with hanries , which are fimi- litudes of the itwt SanfiMrie : but is entrrd inio very heaven , to appcare now in the light of God forns, ^^ !4 Not that he fliculdoPerhirr.felfe often, as the hifrh Prieft entr^-d into the htjjy p>ace every yeere'wiih otht-rblood, z6 I / ( Foi then muil lie ha vt l fren ftiffv-red fvrvce the fciini'£ti(in r .f,thp v.-oiii ) but now m the fend of the world hath, he, bene maitciri n'.uft, ooce^io' putaway q finneby the dc: iht'c of tiimil-ifo* 27 And as it is appointee: aiTom-n that they once die , and af;er th^t c^ynmeth the iudge- monyofthefaine nature to.wit, «viih theblood of beaflj.witb vvacer, wooll. hylTope BuriiodetCbi'.lt «ll things are bea- . Tenly.anhrawnly tabemaclc, an hca- veoly fiCfifice.an heavenly people, an beaVeoly doftiiue, paall and heaven ^g^j . S «trT 18 So ,K Chriffi was once pffered to talce « way ev.riafliBghabira- the iinnes pf f n^ny , i> and Untp them that tion.-Theieforeall ' . ,. ' ■ ■ . thife thinjJ ate faoftifiert-id liyterol-t , towi: , wiifc that evfr!aftii»g(Jirering oftbii ■quickeiDDg blood ofChrift. -m fttihe-tcr*! badcoi-imMied.. n Heuitthio. fpiinkle • Excd 24,8. o Tbt- (iniiliitfJesof b-avtr.l-y tMiigi W«r«ear«i>(y,and tterefbrtihey wtrt tobe fctfoortb withieartb'ythtDgi, a, withabebiucd of b^lt, aoSl 'rrCtHillalj thiogiire bfavtoly.and tlnrrefotf iliey coutil not jffVriag ofhii lively blood. T3^ Aoorhtrdoubietomfa. ' liiba ; Tbe Leviticall bit Triell t ntitd into the SanSuarie , ^bich wai nwd<- indeed by tbecoBTmatdeiiieiitof God, but yet with mcoj hands, that it might be a [lan-Mrof ano- ther more excellent . te wit, of tbe heavenly place. But Cbritt entrcd even into heaven ic felfe. AgaiDe.heai'ptarcd before the Arkf, but Chriftbtfite God theFa ber hiiufelfe 1+ Another doiiliie cctuf arifon .Tne ^eviUcall hie Pfielt offered other b'ood , but Chiirt bfieied bis owoe -.'^ every y^i?t-o«iee iiff ated bi» cffeting : Chrill otferisg bitnJ' felfe -but once , aboliflled linne altegeiber , both of the fcim.r ages and of ibea^es to. come. If Anatgumenf5^pr/pove(b«.Ci»iil!otrcr^n^V^gbtno:4obe refeatad :' Seeing tbat finoes vvere to be purged fifotii tbebfj;inning ofibe vioiid > and it is proou- ed that firnies canaet be f ur^^.buiby'thAinely bloodofCbriOT be molt needs have died ofreniimesfiocetiveb'cgiiir.injofthe world. Bui a man cia die but ooie ■ then- fore Cbrilles oblation v\bi , neither eould nor caa. be frpeated. Seeing iben it isfo ,furely ihe venue of it exteiidetb both to Iinnes tbat W»r» before, and tofianrithat are after bit coinmiog. p In tot btier dayes. q Tba- wbolerootof finne. r Hefpeakethoftbenatorallilaieandcondiilon etf man: For as for Xa~tt,3,i8. f Tbui tbe geuerallproniife is lelitained to the eleS onely : ar.d we have to fteie tbeietiiniorie of our eleSion: rot initefecrr counfell of God, but in ibeeft'iits that our faith wotketb.aod fo we mnft- diiobeup f.om tbe lovweft ftepto tbehigfeefl. thereto (iodefucb con)foH as i»meft oti- . taint,aod flial never be mooved. 16 Shcnly by tbei^ay hefetteihout Ct till as ledge, partly to terrifie them .which do not reft themfelvej is the onely obl.\iion 0/ CbriH onsc m»de,aod fMtly lofet«^litfaitbfuLUolbeiniu«ie,tb,»ttiiey joengt thereDntO. tourbingtbae X For would they nor then have ceafed to have i:":'^^'/ ' bene offered, becaufe that the offerers once purged. fTlet^^err.i?, ■• fhouldhavehadnomoreconfcienceoffinnesj wherein (f«tbhe> • i But ni thofe facrifices there is a remembrance '^"* '"" ™''« againe of finnes every y t;ere """^ '"*'' ^ "' 4 For it is unpofiibletLu the blood of bulks o7at;o?™.V^'''^ and goates Ihoiild take away finnes- ' fiaiiM. Tberefor* y 1 Wherefore when he b corameth into the '''*''*"'''«'»»* world.he faith.* Sacrifice and offering thou woul- AihwleT/'V . den not : but ac bodie haftthou ordained me. Furpofeihould 6 In burnt offerings .and finne offerings thou 'i>o'"«<'ooi«»bick haft had no pleafuie . •'* FU'gtd t* ro- 7 Then I raid. Loe. I come (in the beginning PXtS'""^ ' of the boo.ke it is written ofme) that I nfou!ddSo:wi:„'rc'^::" ; thy will, O God. to berel>cjted ^^ 8 Above , when he faid .Sacrifice and offering, «^"y v"" • iftfiofij^ "% and burhr-oficrings.an.l linne-offerings.thou woul- [ ■ nvfi„"t , '^'<^- J deft nothave.neithcrhadftpleafure»«*«»>s (which a oftbicgswhieK;— ' are offered by the Law ) are everiaitiog, 5> Then faicihee, Loe , I come todoethy will. "'''^'^'' ^"^P^o"'" p God , he taketh away the d firft , that he may fta- w'^^lf "J""'* blihtherecond. . ^ Cnrift 10 By the which will we are fandiified . even by » Aco'nclufia* the offring of the body of lefus Chrill once ^fjad' '"''""'^'■'g of thor* Itnng.and olt times ortereth one-manner of ofte-prebendingalfo ring, which can never take av.'ay finnes : tbe other (acrifi. -12 Bat this man after he had offered one fact!-"' .?"'°8t''«t of God ^'""" ' * ''"^'^' '' "'"' '' '*'*' "^^'' ^""""^ ''hliZ'"oM ' 13 4 And from henceforth tarieth* till his ene--Cbri!ifpeaking mies be made his footftoole. 6f Diw.Ceifeajof J 4 For with one offering hath he conrecrated.,;";!";*^ J'."\ fca- ever rhem that are landified. fl.ib. w.tr.iTetV 'if fFor the holy Ghoft alio beareth us record :«videuiiy tbat for after that he had faid before. G°«l "^""b not 14 * This u the Teftament that I will make |° ,'he l^be'dunc'e''" of b i»-Sonr.e our biie Trieft. in which obedience heoffcred up himfrlfe once to hiiFather foi m. b Tbe Sonne of God is fayd to coi?!e into the world vvben bc«vi$ mademaa. t^ l'Jal.4o.7. c .It w word foi: word in the Hebrew ti-it, Thou ball pearfed mine tares.*thoiow. that is, Abu ha7i.ti'j3ems obedient, and wrifling 10 heart. d Tbat4s,ibe faciihcei,ipeft4- ' bliih ibefecoLd, that is.ibe will 01 God. 3 Aconclufi.jn. wi b ibeotberpartof ' the compiyifod." Tlie Leviiicall fcie Prieft repeateth tbe fame (aci.ficeiailc, which U kiiieOl.behith b»3ught u» ioio htavco itfelfe. b<« nigpttruii with ui.fothat wee kavenowtrue;y ao high Prieft, which it over the koufeofCod. k S(,CI>riJl'Jlt/i fhnettk ■*> rt« Undit*-u*nt,f>r itliimifinifpUM mtt allt »• tt'Je thhifhnticfit. I of the Spirit, «(bic'a cauftib u> finely to hope in igod.aod 10 pro- CUM by all mcaof t poffibleooeaoo- tkenralvaiioo. thtougb the love that i« io Ml one tov^Ud «notb»f . ( htiTi al ii Irmly O""* ">«'«"'«, W ntJmhtl Mi ccMnlir/iit A»«f »,{••• wJtiytK* tnltCcJ. ^ Thatiiii tvlyuh tin Lord faith, Bf y7kth.f»l *mUh. \Wiikthtir4c.-,f,htM,Ghcfi. t Having memioMd .he laft (Miisiog of Chfift,heftir«ih upih« godly tothe mtditatioo of «d holy hfe,andcrietb the faiihltlft fallen from 6od .to the featcfull iudgcinioi feat of thtiu4ge , becaufe ii«y wickedly reifftedhioi in whom ooehy falvatioocoDhfteih, ■ + Chap.«,4. IB Wtihtutinj tMjtt""*^"''"/^''''' 'f *"'!*'">• n Firilitanclhttmaiitrt* finf 'hriuth ih fiailiil tfm^f »»"•« 'C 'ncth,, ihinr fo frulaimt itxrr « aj H mirl uG^daiicannemii. 9 If ihebteachofibeLawofMofeiwaspuoilhcdby death, kownnKhinoie worthy death i» it «o fall away from Chti ft? J Lcvit.19,1;. mat.t»,i6.iohD 1,17. a.coi.is.i. »o Tbereafon ofallihefethtngaii.becaufe God • i« a revenger of fucb ardifpife ^''"•' o'''"wife be ftiould not rigbily goveroebia Cbiuch. Hvn there ii ooihiog more horrible thro the wrath of the I ivipj; God . V Deut .3 a. 3r.roa1a.19. o Utilecrf^t^trnt. 11 Al heteifified the fallciaavvay from Gjd.fo docib bt BOW comfort them that art conSaot aod ftand fttoDgly.fetiing before ihem tht fiKcefle oftheir fortaiSgbti . fo ftii riog them up to a fure hope of a full and readic vi- Actie. f rt»vtrihn»iiif*»'il>'*^"^»^^' 4 J»uk,'»lilnitmifirKi,fbtfmr /--.,- - lo life, which fia« fure m him. teoce he fmeth 39 But wee are not they which withdrawe our forth and ampliS. felves unto perdition , but fiUe*vt faith onto the ett by fciting the confcrvation of the foule. """"^ 'l^'^ * CHAP. XI. f He JtcUrttli in tht jphcli Chiftir , fHaf «te Falhtr: , vthitk frtm the il^inning cftht vftrld were «tpTH>\>td cfCtd^tain- td /ill/alien n» ether rtaj then tj faith , ih^t the lewti may kfl'V 'tat hj ike fame cnilj . ihej art h.nii tintc the Fathtrt in an hclf unitn. ^Ow 1 faith is the grounds of things which are j;*°"rn"^ hoped for, and the evidence of things which faitb"bylhee*flvai. are not feene. becaufe it repre- 2 J FOrby it ««rt elders were well reported of. fenteih .hingj 3 t 3 Through faith wee underftand that the .^I'^p/',* j"/ "** world was ordeined by thewordof God ,fo that teth°a.i't'werVbi». the things which web fee , arc not made of things foreoureye. which did appeare. «'''og« thatareia. 4 4 By f^ith Abel ♦ offered upto God a grea- fHe'fttwnii ter facrifice then Cain, by * the which he obtained that the Pathtn . witneffe that he was righteous ,Godteftifyingof oughitobeac his gifts : by the which ftkith alfo he being dead, ""•"•dof, by yetfpeaketh 'a'Tr.n7;ht.f 5 /By faith was A- Enoch tranflated , thathe F«h*„of whJLi fhonld not « fee death : neither was he found : for wecame : and God had tranflatedhim : for before he was tranfla- vvbofeautb»ri«it ted,he was reported of.thai he had plcafed God. "^ /o""^'! ""^^ 6 But without faith it is unpofsible to pleafe „„£!,. A»»:for he that commeth toGod, muflbeleeve f Geiicf.i,i. that G«i is,andthatheei$a• feeke him * "' fliewwh iht 7 * By faith » Noe being warnedof Godof f;;Kgt«!.«. the things which were as yet not feene «mooved u« moft piked e«. with reverence , prepared the Arke to thefaving ampiesoffuchaa of hishoufholde .through the which ^rkg he con- ^'""^f^^.'^j;,,. demned the world, and was made heire of the .xcelied m the lighteoofnefTe, which is by faith. Cburch. 8 7 By faith 4> Abraham , when he was called, b So that At woiM i obeyed Goi.to goe out into a place, which he ^'I'J'^^^fdVof (hould afterward receive for inheritance, and hee My'TOan^r Vat^aiu. . went om, not knowing whither he went. peated or wat 5> By fa ith he aboade in the land of promife , as bf f ore , but of in a flrange countrey , as one that dwelt in tents ""'^'bfl with Ifaac and lacob heires with him of the fame « Gene.'4.4. promife. j» Matt. 13,3/. 10 For he looked for a city having ««foanda- 4 Epoch. tion, whofe builderand maker w God. ^J^I'^'^ia 1 1 Through faith $ Sara alfo received fhength * Jj-,' to conceive leede,and was delivered ofachilde d Thiarewardit when (he was paftage, becaufe (hee iudgcdhim »oi referred to •%» .- faithful! which had promifed. fr.l'"^Iirife''al 1 2 And therefore fprang thereof one , even of p,"heache[h >■ one which was^ dead.J#»»4nyasthefUrre$ofthe Abrabanthefa- skie in multitude, and as the fand of the fea (bore ihtrofaUthefaiA. which is innumerable. ."h *°°'*'*' 1 3 All thefe died in g f^th , and received not , c'^«.6.i3. 7 Abraham aad Sara. ^Gea.11.4. cTbiifceadatioo is feiagaioft their raberoadea $ Ceo I7il9> aadai.a. f Ai uolikdr lo btattchildtcn.ai if ibehjdbtoeftaikedead. (UUidb». vvhicb they had tdiilt they tivtd. tad Miawtd tb«m tv«a 10 their ((am, Howfaith worketh. h Thii it ihtfiimrt the h promifes, but fawe them afarre olT.and belee- \l'nrs°fiZ'fid' "^^ r/ww.and i received them thankefully , and i ForthePatrUrkt confcfled that they were ftrangeis and pilgrimes Tpererv'nt-tvhen On the earth. tkfj rccthcd the j^ pqj they that f^y j-yj-h things.declare plain- t",Tr!!i^i.nZ ly.thattheyfeekeacounirey. »MiU)V ,f.tttart. I J And 11 they had bene mindfuU ot that ctun- snd calling en thi trey, from whence they came out, they had leafure "*"« 'f" ^"'- to have returned. 1 6 But now they defire a better , that is an hea- venly: wherefore God is notaftiatredofthem to be called theijf God : for he hath prepared for them a citie. By faith* Abraham offeted^ip Ifaac.when t Tritdtftht hcUfhth scflife IBtrtmndt IB •hat Hily h^c t«n JcntX ftnlidhim Ddit, andfia^aJnnheft ktlctttHdinlKft. J Ctn.il, x». wm.fj. n Frtm ivkieh 4t»ti. B Ft thttt v>*i mt ihi irut and Vrit death eftft- se , iut ai it ■»*:* ti>tdiath,ij mianti mhtrf/ ittfttmtda\fia4 H rttrt to halu fifcn ataint. t Iftac ♦C«i.>7*8.35. » lacob. Ctn^i.tS. lofepb. Cin.$o,it, ifi C«». tfraid <• irim^ imt ♦» Extd a!«. 14 Rahab. ^ ^nitatlur' tmfletfCUt tmtdntfTi. he was k try ed , and he that had received the ' pro- mi/es, oftered his onely begotten fonne. 18 (To whom it was laid , Jin Ifaac Qiall thy feede be called.) 19 For hee confidered that God was able to raifeiiwnp even from the dead : from » whence he received him alfo after »a fort. 20 t By faith '^ Ifaac blefled Jacob and Efau, concerning things to come. 21 9 By faith x lacob when he was a dying.blef- fed both the fonnes of lofeph , and "k baning on the end of his ftaffe.worlhipped G»i. XX 10 By faith ♦ lofeph when hee dyed, made mention of the denaning of the children of Iftaei, and gave commaundement of his bones. 23 >. «|. By faith Mofes when he was bome.was hid three moneths of his parents, becaufe they fiw hee was a proper childe. neither ©feared they the kings S commaundement. 24 By faith * Mofas when he was come to age, refufed to be called the fonne of Pharaohs daugh- cer, 2) And choie rather to TufTer adver&tie with the people of God , then to enioy the p pleafures of 6nne for a feaibn, 26 Efteemingthe rebuke of Chrift greater ri;. ches , then the ireafurcs of ^gypt : for hee had re- ipeft untotherccompenlfeof the reward. 27 By faith he forfooke Egypt , and feared not the fierceneffeof the king : for he endured , as hee tbat&w him which is inviHhle. 28 Through faith he ordained the J-Paffeover and the effufioH of blood, leaft hee thatdefltoyed the firft borne , (hould touch them. 29 i» By faith they tit paffed through the red fea as by drieland, which when the Egyptians badaf-' fiyedto doe, they were iVvallowed up. 30 »3 By faith the *wal]s of lertcho fell downe after they were comnaffed about feven dayes 31 « 4 By faith tne s harlot + Rahab periled when jlhehad Chap. xif. Cfarift' is onr cjfample. loi life: other alio were » racked , and would nor ben Himitntthihat delivered , that they jnight receive a better refnire- f "/""'"> w^"* ^ion. ^niicthui r^reiuhl, 36 And others have bcene tiyed by mockirgs Xa"l,Sj'i^,^',X and fcourgm^s, yea, moreover by bonds , and pn- f.h,i,thu^hti, fonmenr, ") tutreamtfc^er- i7 They were fioned . they were hewen afun- ''',"""! rf'*!'*!' der , they were tempted, they were flaine with the ^uZVffe," fword. they wandrcd up ami downe inilheepes i» ab ara^ifca- skinnes , and ijUgoates skinnes , being deftitiue, »'o" "*"">''«''* affli(fted,4>i<< tormented: .ircumnanceofiie 38 Whome the world was not worthie r^- they T^uctL', ««.':, wandered m wilderneffes and roountaines , and bemaiveiirfat, bj dennes, and caves cftheearth. bowmuch thepro- 39 i« And thefe all through faith obtained good "''*' °"'''°?' '» report.and received, not the promife. 7,ZT'^Zt,^ 40 Ood providing a better thing for us , that wnin deed «hi- they » without us (hould not be made perfite. ^'"^ »"> "'• fo '*>« . ,, , . , . tbeiifii:li and QUI* iiaioocj aiiiaiioiticircoQrcccation aodouri. y Bm ft-m Ckri/I afatrttf t F,r thtir/ultatim . and hang »f,n Chrijl.tvkt If 4, fkiiind n «r da)*t. ' CHAP X I I. efthtFatfiir. hart thtm^ut aiji 4tpr thimfife. iS. 6id«oD,Baiac, ■odecbciiudgtt asd riofb«t». • lud^.^.ti, . 1*^ l-WK.1J.a4. for the time Gedeon , of :J Barac . and of f Sampfbn , and of * lephte, alfo of David, and Samuel, and of rhe Prophets : 33 Which through faith fiibdiicd kingdomes, wrought rigbteoufnefle , obtained the f ptomifes, flopped the mouthes of lyons. /"If 7'*lij ^'* Quenched the violence of fire, efcapedthe y " i"''-*" edgcof the fworde , of weake were madeftrong. waxed valiant in battell , turned to flight the armies ofthealiams. The t Women received their dead raifed to <■; Thefittiffthe frcmi/ii. I • Utfiemeth f» . - ■M4«r the fifie ^ ' »fiha< wfntM tfStutpt*, vUfifenw Eba, raifid ag^tfitm dttuh : and ih* fbttn*. 'fittiWh'ftfiK't BUu'tinf'rtdtthiimttlit*. a Htitthnt tntl} Ij iht ixamfUi efthtFaihtri hfire tteitid exfiort ihtm t> f^tiemt and'tmlancit, 3 hut alfe t, tht txamflitf ChrijI. ,, That thi chaj!enini, of C>4 canHii be ri^Mj lud^td tj the umfatd/enfe tfrntfifh. «y Herefore, ♦ i let us alfo, feeing that we are 4, f.^ . ^ compafled with fo great a cloud of witneffes, eoJoff 3" ** caft away every thing that prefleth downe, and the ej.h». 4!34. finnethata hangeth fofafton : let ns run with pa- '•!<'•»'• lience thej-ace that is fet before us, '. *" applying of' 2 a b Looking unto Jefus the authour and fim- pi„ X" bj'-^ (her of our faith . who for the « ioy that was fet be- ought to be Aimd fore him, endured the crofle , and defpifed the »P»o'uBD»tbt Iharae, and is fet at the right hand of the throne of IT'"''* ""-,"- Qod "'"gawayaij 3 3 tonfidei therefore him that endureth fach mtoti!' '"'* " fpeakingagainftoffinners , leaft ye (hould be wea- • Forfinm if/!#- riedand faint in your mindes. L"'"" "• all^ct 4 4 Ye have not yet refifted unto blood , fyi'/„''.Z' """* ving againft finne. » He feweth be- y J And yee hare forgotten the confolation, '"'"•"»■•»*• which fpeaketh unto you as unto children , ±iAy »«*«''/''>'■»/««» fonne. defpife not the chaftenin^ of the Lord .'nei^ ^'Sin.'t^'^l! ther faint when thou art rebuked of him. liogiy ovcicamc 6 For whome the Lord ioveth.hee chalteneth : •'! tberougbotai and he fcourgeth tvtry funne that he receiveth. 9^*^' 1""* "'r- 7 ifyeeendurechaftening Godofreredh.w|L.*;;;-'/;r' felfe unto you as unto lonnes : for what fonne is it faith. whome the father chafteneth not ? e vfbertuhehti 8 If therefore ye be without coneftion.where- '" 'f'°^.°'^ bJttH. of all are partakers .then are ye baftards , and not pow'r ,'y« ftlffcl^ fonnes. willipgiy ,h. i/„„. 9 tf Moreover wee have had the fathers of our ""'oif oCibe croft, bodies wh ich correAed us. snd we gave them reve- ^ ao ampiigcaii- rcnce;Jhouldwenot much rather be in fubjedi-^j","*",';;^; on unto the father of fpirits.that we might live ? tbc peifon.and ih« 1 o 7 For they verely for a few dayes chaftened tking. thtmfeivei, vvbich be compa. leth betwixt them* feWet ■ for how |;rest ii Tefiii io comparifoo erui , and bov* faire more giUvoua tbingidtd be fuffertbea wee> 4 Hee takrihao aigumeot of the pioAt which commethtoutby Godj chanirementt 1 uoleOe wee beio fault. Firft ofaUbecaufc tone, orthat rebeUiouiTtickfdacfleofcur fleOi . i coDdly , becaufe they are teftimoain of bit fatbciiy good will towatdcui, iofo mucb that they ihew tbemfeWettobe baflarda, which cannot abide 10 bcchafteDcd of God. J Prov. 3. II. < Thirdly lifall men yeeldthii light to fatheri, to whom irext afiet Ood weeowe tbii iife , ttiaiibeymay ligbtfutly correft iheif children , (ball we« not be mucb more fabjcfi to that our Father > whoiiifaeAutkot of tbefpiriiaall and evcrlafting life? 7 An ampliScation of the fame argument: Tbofr farhertbavecorreAed ui after their faoSc. for fome fraileaod traafitotie profile: but God cbadeneib and in&rufted u> forour fingnlarptofite , toniikeuiparcakM* ofbisholiRetfe : which thing a'thoif b tb«ft OHi £(afu doc not p refcatly {«K ftttbacodof ifatnatiei pigovtib ic IcfusfheMediatour. TotheHebrewes. Sundric exhortations* s ThtcocciiK^on, US after their owne pkafiue , but he clxtfttned m vttman got for- for ouf profitc , that wc III Jghc be panakers of his W3rrf<.ouijjjou.iy holinefle. »ndkfep« ..uay" jj i>;ow no chaftifing^or the prefent feemeth , ai forrtforth ai to be loyous, but gnevous : but aherwarcl , it brin- •>t nuy) v*iibou£ geth the qiiirf^jfrime of righteoufneffe , nnto chem .-iny iiiggfttDg 01 which are thereby exercileti. itumlilisg. • ' •■'■ i TbfdcUiiptiu.. , , , , of a man thai ii out downc, antl^»ttr weake knecs, •theari and clean. 13 And make e llrain;ht ftcps uDto your feete, dircoufig«<. leA that which jjhalting.be turned out of the way, 'ou'',"'' aod'.i .bat butJ".: it rather be healed. you Oie'w example 14 * sFollow peacc withallmen.and holines, ofgoodJiftfor without the which noicaii (hall fee the Lord. othe.jtofoiiow. , J. loTakehcedtf .that no manfillaway from 9 wemu'i t luV th'^ g"^2 of God : let no f root of bitteines fpf ing ia jieace . and boli- up and trouble you, ieait thereby many be dehJed. ueirewichaii men. 15 11 Let therebe no fomicatonr , Or prophane ao werauitttu. pcif^,,-, as "^ Efau , wliichforone portion ofmeate ^:rt:.°':. uihiswahright. dcftrineandea- 17 » For ye know how that afterward alfo when ample of life. hc would hive inherited the bleCsin^ , he was reie- f Tb; ■ ■ ' ' " «c.w.""""'' hcfo,.ghtr;MH/./V«?withteares. 3\ weniuftef- j8 '^ For yce aic noccoTTJCunto thc -f mount chew foicicjiion. that might be*" touched, nor unto burning; hre, nor and a ^roj-hinc ^^ blackneffe and darkenelVe , and temp;:ft, a"min'd argiVe"h ^9 Neither unto the found ofa trumpet .and not to Gtd btsdue tlic voicc of wordes .which they that heard it , ex- , honour, v«i>ich culed themfclves , -k that the word Ihouldnot be Vvickrdntfl-eboV9 f" j^^„ ^^ ^\^^^ ^^ jj,Ore. « lec/tb plnl. to ( For they were not able to abide that which ihe horriD.ee:;. WIS commaunded , + yea.though a.beall touch the ample of Efiu tnoiintaine , it (hall be ftoned , or thrnil through «,che.bu, with a dart: I Gra! •r.ls.' 1 » And lb terrible was the i fij^ht which appea- j Thtrew'ai do red, that Mofcs ftid, I feare .md quake.) yiaceiefifjihii 5., But yc are come unto the mount Sion , and jepeutance : aud it ^^^-^^ ^-^ ^f ^j^g .-yj^jr Qod . the Cele«i;lll Hicr.H- ^c'^rwhi^ hi're. folem, and to the companie of innumerable Angels . j.-entaDcev;a(.for i3 And to the afl'embly and congregation cf ■^^htn hewasgsa: the firft.bome, which are written in heaven , attd to eutcfhiiUtheri g^ ^j^^ iurfjr; of all , and to theipiiits of iulUiid fifbt, hetbieaiOfd . ^ ° iiib-ciheitokiW « pettite men, jbiro." 24 And to lefus the Mediatour of the new Te- ja vfowheappli. ftarrent.and tothe blood of fprinkling that fpea- *tbiie£.mcex- iteth better things then thatof Abel. rrophTaruLd ij- '3 See that ve defpiie not him th.t fpeakcth: Jungly oBice of for if they eicapcd not which retuied nun , y Inake (Chritt compaied nn e.irih : much more fliail we n«t efcape , if wee -with Mofci .after ^^^^^^ ^ f^^^ j,-^^ j^^j fpeakcth from heaven. TA'mIuZ'' 1^ MWhofe voice then ihooke the earth, and ma. fogreat . bow no w hat h declared , faying, .J. Vet 1 once more wil urcit jhinkeyou J Huke, HOt the earth onely, but alio heaven. ^"'^' ^\°'t' °rn{ ^7 And this vv^rde , Yet once more, fignifieth Jn.>And.b,? theremoovingofthofcthini;s which areibiken,as coinpaiifon he dt- of thing* which are made with ^4»if,that the xUreih aifopaiti- things which are not (haken , may remaine. '""'"lod 19,16 ^'^ I ; Wherefore leeing wee receive a king. fc \V£.icbniig;htbetoiicbtdwitbhaodM.wbtchv»a«ofa groffe aud earibly ir.atier- i^ExoJao.ij. 'E'cd. 151,11, i The ttape and forme vv'ticb be faw ■ woich ^vajnocounterfeuaod forged (hape, bu'a irueo'ic- k SohecalUto totm ibat arc lakeii up into heaven , aliboiigb one part of them do«tb fleepein the eanh. JJ Tbeai plyingofibefoimct eomparifoti .ifitwere not lawfull tocoaieirne bij ■tvordevvbichfpakeon the eartb.bow much lell'e biiroice which i. tnm teavcn > S4 H* comiiareih the lltdfaftmairftievl the GofpeI,t»berewtih tbewbole world wa» Jhiktn.andeveitbe verie frame of heaven war aj it were altoniflied , w"h the finall and vaBilliing found of ike govetoancehytbeL.iw. st Ajge a 7. 1 It •ppeareta evidently in ihiitbat ibe Prophet fptikeih of thecallingof theGentilei.tbat Jhclewoideiinuft berefcitediot e'kingdoiiie ofCarill. ij A general 1 exhorta- ••ion tolivereverently and leligioutly under the molt happie fub.eftiou offoinighiiea tiog.vvio at he bleffeth bir mofk mightily, fodorth he mod fevtrely revenge (be A«ytlioui, Aadthii (I ibc (uatm «f 4 Cbiiiliaa life ,xe(f c&tog tbc fi(>l tabic, dome 1 which cannot be Ibatcen , let us have grace m Byrewrmcfi* whereby wemayfoferve God .that wetuay pleafe «>"■« 't»< l>oo«a himwitUrev/renceand.feare. , [' S^ep'e'f^tlt"' 29 For 4( even our God »/ a confuming fire, tbeir ductiu. D Religioui aoj CHAP. XIII. todlyftire. 1 ■Hftihtti^Hdkjfnniicltn But" not caried .ibout with divers and ftrange ''|^^^^°"' ''*''' d'jdrines : * for ir isagoixlthingthat the heart be b'^EvrntheLotJ Uabliilied with grace , and not with i.f- pied therein. a, r u U c He fette.h man ■ 10 7 Weehave an f.lrar , \TOerebr they have jg,i„(iGod. no authoritie to eate , whidi.gferve in the Taber- 4 we baveiofet nacle. befo|eu.theex. 1 1 4- For the bodies of ^hofe beafts whofe blood 'ir:;'::;;.:::';^ isbrought into the holy plilde,bfaring his croffe. ^ Mich.a.io. p Now iha- ihofc Corp jrallfaciificei are taken away, he teacheth uithitibetrue ' fecrificejofconfeffionreinaiue . which conlift partly in giving of thankel , and J-artlj ifl JibeJHliiif, wub whttb fwiificti indeed Sod »« 8owey£ing;ao to ^ Make you fit doe his will , i working in you that which is plea- or roiete. fantin his fight through lelusChrift, to whom 6** i Hence comm«k- • re " J " I, thatfayine ofiho- praife for ever and ever. Amen. Fa behove- able for VI.' « Rooi.r.3. 3 The fecond , Be- 7 Neither let that man thinke that he fliall re- ceive any thing of the Lord, ft,, . , „ .. g A double minded man v unliable m 8 all his ■ ^l^% Let the brother of b lowe degree reioyce in thathe is exalted: • u 1. -, 10 s Aoaine . he that is ; rich . in that hee is kedifceroedfromfaintdandfor. time. TbecroBe^.: tviihGoddoeibpolifhaudSne " " perfeSingofui in Chrift. ; foiafilydone. He weiethe iniirument wheiei Th'et'for"'" «""'«« and efr,;a of affliSioDI, ii the , .nanfweretoap.ivyobieaion : Iii.eafily fayd.bu. fweretbthatwe o.edeinthi. cafe a faneothermaeerof f„i.ht?v hat ii. with aVure confidence of God , who i. mod bount.full and Ubtrall. flidioa. f -Jrlat.?.? it>af.il,»4 ,9.iobi4.i3.andi«,23. f^Vby> made low : 9 for 3S the flcure of the graffe.lhall he 9 Aaafguiwnt •f vanilll away. "ken of the veri» • 11 For tfxt^i'fcfw the riinnerifeth.with heat, then '=^"'"°['''%, , the -raire withereth . and his floure fallech away, ^orthaV.hey «,"'*'' and tne goodly fhape of it perilheth : evenfo IhallmoftMiaeand the rich man wither away in » for God cannot he t€mp-^''„i,pa"'o°,"^* ten with evill, neither tempteth he any man, _ bearetheetofle; 14 But eyerie man is tempted, whenhee isa^d headdeth* drawen away by hisowneconcupifcence ,and is 'o;':'^ "S""""* .--,■'•' ' iNBicbcompre. ^""'^°- . . . « . , • J • 1 • i. ^""^"^ •'■' '■""'«« J J . Then when lnflh.ith conceived. It bringeth ofali the former, forth a finne. and linne when it is finid^ed, bfiilgeth to wit, becaufe vn forth death. wThetrotneTf' 16 13 Erre not my deare brethren, life, but yet ©r 17 Every good giving and eve lyperf eft gift is grace accordin. from above, and commeth downe from the o Fa- tothepromife. ther of lights, with whome is no vatiablsnefle, nei- fJ^J'J:'^- . ther plliadow of turning. bytheLo.duy.t^ ig 14 Of his owne q will begateheus with the him. word of trueth , that we Ibould be as the ' firft fruits u Thetbtiing himfilfr Jo ■■ fir vorkfuch.tv^ f^th iS The third admonition ■ The word of God prefctiijetb a rule not oaelytodoewell, butalfotofpealte well. y The fcu,rai»i cfaU brMinf^, and CHrredffetkjnf , a„dr*-;t.n;. the tich oppreiVe you by tyranny , and doe they not ""*'■«•« 7- '"^ '<• draw you before the iudgement feats ? VT»nZV,?ht,fui "7 Doe "ot they blafpheme the worthy Name tindhc'imliHe after which ye be e named > c Haheiee iHt {■w^itf>}M»>*r}i"<'* t' i"') h this meatteiTi>iihy»irfehei indeed crM man to it freftTTtd before luirihtr' x Heedlevc'th wkicbiicalled •pMcfiroa. i 4Butif yefulfillthe froyall Law according to the Scripture, vvfc»i;<» /4«t/i , Thou Ihalt love thy ■♦ Tbecondufi. neighbour as thy ielte.ye doe well c^^^l^^^''^ 9 But it yee regard the perfons , ye commit cannot agree with finne . and are rebuked of the Law . as tranfgref- ibcacceptingof fours. p,^t,„ „,, to him that ihaweth not h raetcie . and mercie re- maj htlpe ijav ioyccth againit condemnation. kjndtfduetj, 1 4 , What availerh it my brethren . though a ^^ttrpT^u?" man (aith , he h.ith faith , whea,hc huth no workes? thefameco-xiuS. can that f. ith favc him ; on .- rbey do not I r 9 For if a brother or a filler be naked and love tbcii neigh. defatuteofd,.y!yfood. , , „ . ^la^^., \6 And one of you fay unto them . Depart in j^titiouny bo- peace : waime your felvei.and hll your bellies, not- nour other- for he withlbnding yegive them not thole things, which doeth not obey arencedfulitoth.bodicuhathdpethit. , ^^^'olt'^X 17 i'ven lo the taith . ifit have no workes.iScommaodementj dead in U fclfe. of God that, that 18 But iforaeman might fay. Thou haft the i'noficommo- faith, and I have workes : Ihew we thy faith out of 2'^7/,^°[)';™;,",V thy workes , and I will Ihewe thee my faith by my g,u„,iiy fo,,|ie' workes. breach ofthc 19 lo Thou beleeveftthat there is one God : whole Lawe.al- 'hou doeft well : the devils alio beleeve ^^ ' ^i^^t^rtdlt^''''' tremble. _ g SotthataU 20 " But wilt thou un.^erftand , Othou vaine finne, are ef^all, man , that the faith which it without workes , i%i"tlecAuftbtihjt 1 , breilkfth one iit.t xt Was not Abraham our father k lultihed ^„4,^^^^,,^'j,„^ through warkes .i- when he offered Ifaac his ibnne rf,f Ltn-t^jt'er. upon the altar ? « Aproore:b«- j 2 Seeft thou not that the faith I wrought with ^^'^f^ ,1^,^,'.';;**' his workes i apd through the woikes was the faith j,j .befeiie fan«j, made 'U pci feii. »nd the body of t3 And theSciipture was n fulfilled which faieth, ih^ Lawcoun.t * Abraham beleeved God , and it was imputed un- ^"*|b'fctocliin.« to hiiw for righteoufnelie : and hec w^s called the ^,-,j,^;,^,^,^,^_ friendofGod. tife .- we a.e upo« Cbii condition de- livered from the ciirfe of the Law by tbe mercie of God , that in likcfun wefliouM inaintaioeandthtrilh charitieaorl good will one lowardri another , and whofodoeth cotfo, Ihall not talteofthe gr.ice of God. b Heihai it h.ird ,i„d cHrriCh a/ainll hit nc-f AAiur, irr/// hclpcih I'im rot , he p>.i'.! finh 1 uii^e to kimfilfTmrd^ 8 The Sfih f lace which hangeib verie well with tne former trea- tife, toiicbiag a true and lively faiib . And [hf prcptfition ufibii place ii this.' faith which briMgeth not foot lb work's , if not ihji fiitb wbereby weeare irinified,'_iutaB imageof taitb : or elfe ihij, thty are not iiiltiticd liyfaitb .which fheweoot tbe enVfii oi't'aith. $ Tbe Aril lealcn^aken ol a timiliiude : If a mail fay tooneibjtit biingrie , Fill thy bellie ,and yet giveth biin nothing , thii ftiall not be iruecharitie : fo if a man fay he brictvetb and bMogetb fot:b no worker ofbiifaiib , tbiilball not be a iruefaitb.bui a ceriaiiiedcad thing fei out with ibenameoffaiib.wbcreofnomin Jiaibtobrag.utilelfe be will openly incurrereprrhcufion , feeing that tbecaufein undei- ftood by theeffedi. i JJ-y > tbui may every man beaiedowue the pride. lo Ano- ther reafon taken of an ahfur.fiiie : nfuch.ifaiih were the true faith whereby we a« iuftififd, the devils (hou d be iudifiej ; for they haue tbat,but yet notwithftanding they tremble , and are not inllifedtbrtetbre. oeiiber iiihat faith a truefaitb. ii Tbt third leafon from the example of Abraham , who no doubt had a true faith .- but bee in oHeringhii foiine, fliewed biniftife to have that faith which war not void of workel,' andtheteforehe received a true teftiaionie when it wasfaid. that faith war imputed to bimforrighteoufoeffc. k Wai he notby hiiworkriknoweuand found to be iuliified? / for he fpeaketh not hereof tbe cauferof lullincaiion , butby what e(feeffcduaII and ' fruitfull with good worker. m That tbe fjitbwat declared iq be a true faitb, and that by worke». n Then was the Scripture fulfilled , when it appeared plaiacl;}, Jbow tmtly it wu wtittfo ofAbrahani. 4 Gta.a;.*. roin.4 3. gal4t.3,6. 14 " ife of the tonguei 14 « i Ye fee then how that of workes a man is o iuftified.andrKitoff faith onely. 2f '3 Likewife alfo was not ^ Rahab the har- lot inftiheti through workes. when Ihe had recei- ved the meiVengers.and feni them outarvother way? 'he *^ '* ^^^ °* ^^^^ ^°''y without the fpirit is dead, even fo the fai.h without works is de.td. II TbeooBctufl- on : fcff is ontly inllififd .hat hath thai faiib which hath v%orke» fol- lowing It. o tt prcouid p oftk.tt deitJitnd fruiilesfauhWiidtytuhafitf. t} A fourth rirafon : lakra from a like example ofKabab the harlot, who alfo prooucd by her v9ork» that (he in at juDifi^d by a true faith. a li-Tlt.t.i. 14 The cooclufioQ rq)eated agatue; faith which bhDg;eth not forth fruiuaadworki, isoot faith, but adeadcarcafe. C H A P. III. 3 Till f heme thit a Chrijiitn mj.n ntuli gouerne hii tanme vithihetr'dle effaiiliand charitie, 6 hie JecUretCihe ccmntttluici 4nil mifdiefei thuiTrifiie ihntff, i; itndhtitv much manj ipifetl^me 17 differeih from kiapenlj. \/[Y ' brethren, benotmany mafters, ^ know- ing that wee a Qial seceiue the greater con- demnation. 2 Forin many things wee flfinne all. 3 If any manfinne not in word , he is .a perfect mau, and able to bridle all the body. \^ 3 4 Beholde , wee put bitters into the horfes Chap, iij.iiij. Friendfhip of the world. loj If This wifedomedefcendeth not from above, but «■/ earthly, {enfuall, and devilifl^. ^ uefettetlmer^ 1 6 For where en\ ying and ftrife // , there is fe- 'J„j^'"r»{'u 't^mn'of I The (Iw part or place : Let oo man vfurpe( ai moft men airvbitioufly doe; authority tL iudge aadceDluTroihcii lightecufly. a A realtn : Be- caufe they irouoke Oods teucr agaioll tbcvnfciuei, which do focgri- oufly «Qd ngi/ioufly mouthes , that they (hould obey us, and wee turns about all rheirbodie. 4 Behold alfo the fiiippes, which though they condeinoeotberi, be lo great , and are driuen of fierce winds, yctare lietDg tbeniftlutt tjjgy turned about with a very Imali rudder ,whi- r^yluttir- therfocuerthegouernourlifteth. ccafc olm 7i',s ma. 5 £"£" fo the tongue is a litk member.and boa- fteth of great things: fbcholde. howe great a thing alitlefirekindleth. 6 And the tongue is fire, yea , a b worlde of wickedneffe : fo is the tongue fet among our members, that it dcfileth the whole bodie, and c fetteth on fire the courfe of nature , and it is fet on fire of hell. 7 For the whole nature of beafts, and of birdcs, 'eft that there and of creeping things , and things of the fea is ta- nao which nied, and hath bene tamed of the nature of man. 3°ault'''^»lal, 8 But the tongue can no man tame. Ithanun- feiog It is a tare ^uly euill, tull ot deadly poylon. vrtoeto bridle the 9 6 Therewith bleffe we God euen the Father, toDgoe. and therewith curfe we men , which are made after ^X^^"' 'he . fimilitude of God. theooe taken from lo « Out of one mouth procccdeth bltffing ttitbridieiofho'- andcutfing: ray brethren, thefe things ought not ■'•- "tterfrom fo to be. Jltrlikf artd jroud finding fault riiili B Or, Pumlte. 3 Thefeuentb place . touching thebrid.ling ofifae .i.o^ue, loy- D*d with ihe for- mer tj that it i fes, the the mdderi fitipi , kow great vs'atters may be b/oughrtopane by the good mo- deraiii.nof .he toogue. S On the contrary part be flieweth how great ^ifcom- modiiieiarifeby the iutemperao- cieoftbe tonguCj tbioughout ttit whole wild to tie tode that n 1 1 Doeth a fountaine fend fporth at one place fweete water and bitter ? 12 Can the figge tree, my brethren.bring forth oliues , either a vine figgts: fo can no fountaine make both fait water and l^veete. 1 3 9 Who is a wife man and endued with know- ledge among you ? let him ll*w by good conver- ifatiou his works in meekcneife of wikdume. 14 Butifyee haue bitter enuying, and ftrife in your hearts, reioycenot, neither be lyars againft thetrueth. en may fo much the more diligentfy give thimfrfTeito moderate it. b -in keapi ./ jll mij^fitfn. c if « nl'ii to fi< the rrUl' iror dt in Jin. 6 AmoDtftotBer fauliJ of thetODgue, the ApoWechiefly teproovrth b«tkbinii.gand fpeakinjevi I of nur neighbour j, evco in 1 htm tfptcially which other- ^fewil' feeme godly aud icfi^ioui 7 Hee denieth by two reafjoj , that God can bt iiaifrd by ti:aiman . that ufeih eutfed fpcakitig , otto back ite : firrt btcaufe Iran i» ttit image ol God . vA^ich whofoever re.trenceih notdotb not honour G^d hiniflft. 8 Si-c.-nd'y bccaofe the order -f naiure which God hath fet in ■'thi"g> , will noifuff-r ihingi that atefocuiitraiy ;he one to ibeothci , to Itaiidethe one with tht oti.er. 9 Theeif,bt pan wbich oan^cih with ihe totmer.iiu.'hing nicikeneflVofniinde . againft which he fcneth enuie aod -• conitntiouwniBdc. And dition, and all maner o levill works. 1 7 But the wifedome that iz from above , is firft """ heaunij vife. pun;, then peiceable , gentle , eafic'io be intreated, •'"'"j ^>-'»inh firth full of d mercie and good fruires , without iudging, iuti'l'e'jifMj " and without hypocrilie. - •«•?/« .re/ermAait 18 10 Andulefruiteofrighteouf^effeisfowen''"■''i"'»Cf,'i/^l.- ln peace , of them that make peace. '^eu"'^ ihefrnfit 10 Becaufe the world perfwadcth itfelfethat they aremifefablewhich iive^[)eaceafaly andfi.iip:y, 00 the contrary (idc the ApoUle pronouncei;'- ^bat they ftuU at thelengtb' reap ethe harveft of peaceable righteoufiies . ' ' CHAP. IV. I ii;t r!:k.oneth tif thtmifiUefei that preceeje ffthcvcrktstf ihefiefh. 7 Hee txliirtiihtc humilitie, 8 and ti: pur^e the heart 3 from f ride, lO iackt'l'nx, 14 anU Ike frriifHlnefe of cur enne infamhit . P Rom , whence are wan es and contentions i He go*tli oo among you ? are they not hence, etunoi your '""■"'^"i ""'>« famt pleafurcs, that fight in your members ? aruiment.condem. 2 Ye luft , and haue not : ye envie. and defire ciufeio'f ww". an Doe ye thinke that the Scripture fayeth in but incurable vaine. The fpirit that dwelleth in us , lufteth after 'o™'""- . r 1 He leprehen.- en'l»e? dethtbsniby 6 But tie Scripture oftereth more grace , <««i name, which are therefore faith, J God refilkththe proude , and notaliiamtd to giuerh grace to the himible. 1° Vb""™"'!?'''* 7 ^ ! Submit your felves ro Gotl : refift the de- ^j he!'«ofthe'i,. viil, and he will flee from you. luii, and pieafur«i» 8 Drawe neere to God , and he will draw ncere in asking thinga to you. Cleanfe your hands, ye fuuiers. and purge ^^'''' '^f"^'^ J , J ■'i 1 - J J r o of themfelveaan. your hearts, ye double minded. la^.f^u , „, b^j^g €, 6 Siiileraffli6lions,androrowye,?.ndweepe: jawfuii. a>ketbei». let your laughter be turned into mourning, and to wicked purpo- yaur ioy into » heavineife. "^'^"^ othmea. 10 ■•' Caft downe your felves before the Lord,|-„„ ^„y p^^i, „^,. and he will lift you up. brideledlultel 1 1 7 Spcake not cvill one of another, brethren. »"tf v'^ai'""'"*- He that fftiketh LviUof his brother , or hee .lut ^■J^^'j^V'"^^^^^^^^^ condemneth his brother, Ipeaketh eviil oi the Law, becaufe that^e' and condemneth the Lawe : and if thou condem- it^tgiveth him- neftthe Lawcthouartnotanobftrverof theLaw, feif'toihe world* but ..iudge. iZ"r'}"^A^^' ti tf. mO'dand b'eakethrbe band of that holy and fpirituall inaria^e. 4 The trikiogawayof" auobieftion : Indr^de oui mindes runnc headlong in tothtft'vicei, but wee oughrfia* ake he' r.iallno;brio ■ idefts ; c^eg I efe foun aine ofall tbtfemifchi fei, ai •otwithltauding ihrrr i, no true wifedcmrbut that iibeavuiJy,aii(ifraioc(boiuiuiBdci(o all kicde of true modciaitoa and fun^iUitie, of tbem : which care vaine-, feeing ibai God iffifteih the ftubburne. and giveih that gia bunibleiha! lunnounieth alllholevicet. .J. Prov. j. 34. 1 ptier. y. J. ^ Eptef.4, J7. J The.ODclufiou : Weemulifet tbeconrayveuutsagafnft ihofe vices, and therefore wfctrta- wee obtycd the fuggfflioni oftbcilevill . wee inuft fubmitour mindts to God , and veiilt it^e dtviil , w*itb a cenaioe and afiured hopeof viflorie : To be fhort , wee muft emj Ioy oui felves to come neeif unto God bv puritie and fKiceiiryoriile. 6 Hee gocib on in the fame companion of oe^mraries, and fetieih againftihofeiropbaceiojtiao earneft forowe of mindc . and againft pi ide and arrojancie.holyraodeilie a ij ('i»j -Wir-e die Creii.im mr^n' an hculi'ntffe lo^nea rriih fh.ir.nfaj.ne'^e , trl.iihh '»te Jie-.e in a '-JlJctrnt r.Bntrw.in.e . and fetid at iiyrert tif 00 the ;,rropban; rich men. aod I'uch u ^rcdronned in •Iheir riotejufnelffi mocking »t ibeir foolilVi confidence vrhen aithere i< ■notbinj; indeed tnoievaiaeihen Tht Hitrenet tall < day that ii Mfpointtdiofi- Icmne ianlteX^nrt 41 dij of fltH'^h'tlf »tfiafiir,g. J Heapf>lie;b that to ibe poore, ig#>icb be fpake againft-.he rich, livatniDgthtni to •wail for the LotJl e. uenge'theinjutifj vihich the rich meD doe them. 3 The taking away of an objeaioD : Although hit eomnjing ferve to linger , yet at the leaitwemud follow the buihaodm^n. who doe fatienily waite for the limes that are i;roper for the fruiieiof theearih. And again*, God will not deferre the lead iote of ihe time ihai br hath appointed. 4 Commen. deth Chtidian patience, fo tbatwbereaj other through imijatienceuferoaccufeoae ainoibtr.tbefaithfitll on the couirary fide complainc not although they nceivt iojurie. i By grudgiog, heemeanetb a ceitaineiaward complaining which betoktrneih im- ytilence. ; The ccnclufion. The Lord ijat (be doore . who will difendhti cwo,aad revenjetil toe mie« »nd therefore we need not to trouble our fdvei. ftandeth before the doore? to « Toke, my brethren, the Prophets for an* B«"f«"»ft enfampleof furffenng advetfitie , and of lon^pa- ^"X.b'ari','" tiente , which have fpoken in the name of the ii good to repell Lord. ioiuiioby what 1 1 Bcholde , we count them bleffed which en- P"""" ''"="'• dure. Yee have heard of the patience of lob , and .i.',„Vh»,?m;!; have knowen what « end the Lordw«if. For the once Pathet^ Lord is very pitifull and mercifull. whofe paiieme 1 1 7 But before all things.my brethren,* fweare ^ » moftbappj not . neither by heaven . nor by earth , nor by any „ , J^^C^^i, other oathe : but letfyouryea.be yea,and/»»r nay , nm pather. never nay, ieaft ye fall into condemnation. foifjketbhi». 15 8 Is cny among you afflidled? Let him pray, " wbaieatj cbe Is any merry? Let him fing. "sfT/.h^^ 14 9 Is any hcke among you ? Let him call tor jhebefl men the Eldets of the Church, and let them pray for fometimei him. and anoint him with § g oy le in the h Name ot tfcrougbimp«ti. .u„T J « / enccbreake the Lord. .c■l.^ur u r .. outintooathe. If And the prayer 01 taithlhall lave the ficke.fometiTOleirer, and tl]^ Lord Ihall raifehimup : and if he havefomnimesgrea- comt&?ted i finnes, they (hallbc forgiven him. "' • '•'« Apoftle i)enieit from the^ trueth , and fome man hath k .converttd''">riy andflaily. ,. 8 H^Diew^Jh , . , ^ , , . , , , tocDtft r^medie 20 Let him know th,it hee which hatii convcr ,g,j^, an ,^,4,-, ted the {inner from going .iftray out of his way, om.towii. prayer* nialllave a (bule from death , andlkal hidcamul- which have their , cr place both in fo. tltudeoffinnrs rowand ioy. 9 Hee fcevceib peculiarly , to what pfcyficiaiis ffpici-lly wee mult goe. when we« atedifeafed , town . to thr prayers otibe El'lti* , which thee alfocouIJe curette bodie ( for fo much at the gitt of hea ng war iheuii force aod take away the cbiefeft caufe of lickoelTe. ar.rf riileafej, oy ubjeioiog flrihelicke through their prayeri and Whortationt , lemilsiOB ol finnci. ^ MJrkf«, ij. g Tbit viai a fjpne oftbegifiofheilii.g : ana n.wc feeing wee bave the gift no more , the figne is no longer neceflary b By caili' g on heNameofthe tord. i HfB bath teafan in making mtnioniot fi.inti , iic/f^e Tvtrldt J 3 andiheir femtr tif! , anJ fi RALL OF PETER. a > Eledl according to the » foreknowledge of I refer farjioSng God the Father unto b fandification of the Spirit. '°''p."'t''/''^« ' duetieiofa Chri- fliao life , reafoneth fitft of the principlei and beginning of all Chrifiian aflion»,ri/iD^ farje higher then nature, and c«ryingu»alfo fai re above the fame. For he Qieweththal wee which ate otherwife oCnature fmrwri , were through the free inircieof God tie Father fi.ncbofeor acccrd-ngrothe furp.fe ,f ^wi.whi, mVer ,ill(rclh ner fhitirtth tht fume. b Thathein/Jet Apart frcmihg tip cfihe Ivickfdivcrli;* iJtftugh tk r9*'h!"£ •ftl" tif'j Cheff, ihtjfhtuU hi ecnfi.rMtiti.td.Eihtfi,!, throngh Vlihity}tttd thmjellei to Cod. E T E R an Apoftle of I E S V S C H R I s T . to the flrangers that dwell here and there throughout Ponius, Galatia, Cappadocia, Afia aiw Bitbynia, Tteendoffdtb. through obedience anci Tprinkeling of the blood of Ie}js Chrift : Grace an.i peace be mukiplied unro you r i Bleded de God , even the Father of our Lord Itfus Chriit , which according to his aboim- EptrlaJUn^hpt.dant merciehath begotten us againeuntoaclive- Iv hope by the refurrettion of ieliis Chri{\ffotn the dead. To an inheritance immortall and iindefi- Icd , and that withereth no: , leferved ia heaven for us. J- » which are kept by the power of God through faith unto (alvation , which is prepared to be fl-ifwed in the d lafl time. 6 Wherein ye reioyce , though now for a fea- fon (ifnecde require) ye are in heavinelle, through imnifoldtentations. 7 That the triallofyour faith, being much more precious then golde that perilheth ( tliough it be tried with fire ) might be found untoj««r praile , and honour and glory at the e appealing of Ie(us Chria : 8 Whome yee have not feene , and yet love hm, in whome nowe , though yee fee him nor, yet doc you beieeve , and reioyce with ioy unfpeakea- ChapJ. Tbe price of our redemption. 104 1 4 * As obedient children, not falh-oncd your ^Ives unto the former Inftesofyour igno- ' s Nowc hee flieweih by Vrbac vv^y wee come unco that gloiy.to wit, tbiougb all kindeofaffliai- oni, wtartcia jBotwnbltanding faith iiiakfth u> fo Ttcute chat wee accootone- ly oot overcome with foiowe. but alfa through the behold iog ofGod htmfrlfe f who othei- wife i« inv.fible; bjg and elo: ious ^ith th( of faith are un- fpeakeablyioy. full: becaufe ■II fucb tbJDgi> ai they are bat for atiiiKifo arethey nut applied uota uitodeliroy ui.bucasic were by fire to fturgeutiaodto make mi (lerfitCi that at the length we may. obteioe Taiv*- tioa. d Thii it that time irWf A Da- fiitl ctiUtlh the time tfthe endt, rthtnaiihat treai reflnine tf aU ,hin^,J%M,, rvhich alt crea- 9 Receiving the g end of your fai>:h , tven die falvation ofj>o«r foules. 10 3 Ot the which falvation the Prophets have inquiredand fearched. which prophecied ofthe grace that Ihould c«me unto you. 1 1 Searching when or what time the Spi- rit which teftihed before of Chrift which was in them, flioulde declare the fufterings thatj/ould €tme unto Chrift, and the glory that Ihould fol. lowe. It Unto whome it was revealed , that not unto themfalves , but unto us they Ihouldemi- nifter the things which are Ihewed unso you by them wlich have preached unto you the Gofpell by the holy Ghoft f iint downe from heaven, the which thinjrs the Aneels delire to be* holde. '^^ 1 i 4 Wherefore Z girde up the loynes of your trinde : be fober , s and truft h perfedly on that grace < that is brought unto you , 7 in the revela- tion of lefus Chrift, tutti letk.' f"t Aim. a. 19. c Hefftakft^cftUfiCcnicfrnmn^rifChTJIi. | Of,rtyr.vJ. 3 BSepotteiha difference betweene true ft jih .that ti to fay, that faith which otitly bath .neye tothedoftriDe ofthe Prophe-sand Apoftln, and falfe faith : Afterward her malteth twodegteei ofone and the felfe fame faith . accoMiog to the maoeiof ibe diveri revelation!, whea.ai iudeede it ii buioneonelyfaHh : Tbirdly, hefaytb, that the preachiag of the Apolilei iaibe fulfilling ofthe pieichingofihe Prophet*, although the latter end of it beat yet looked for of the vrry Angeli. f He allikletb to the Jiropbecie of loel > which wa> exhibited upostbe day ofPeotecon, iotbe Aponiei, aiitvverehi the fitft fruiu ofthe holy GhoA , vvoicb ibis fame our Fcvrdcclatetb. »AB . 1,6. 4 Hee guetb frotn fai h to hope , whicb iiinHerdea companioo that eaonotbe fandnd from faith r andheuftthao argument tajteo of compaiifon : We ought not to be wearied inlocking for fo eicelleotatting , wbicb the very Angelf *yaite for with great defire. g Thi» ii a borrowtdffeach , lakenof a common ufige amoofH them: fof byrealontbat they woare long garimn's, thty could not invaileunlrlKrtb^ gi-fdcd up tbcmfetvet : and hence it it teat ChriUfayde, Let your loynei be girded up. ; He fetteth forihvcry briefly , what mantr ofhopeouri ougbtiobe, 10 wU, continaal , uotiH,v*eenioy thetoing we hoyefor ; then, what we have to hope for, to wit. grace(that ii, free falvation) reve-iled to ujin the Gofpell, *nd aottbat. tiatmen doeraflily andfondlypromifeiothemftlvet- k Soundly apdfincerely. « Anargumeot toftirre upourmindM feeingtbatOoddo««hnof. «7ait till wee fcekehitn , butcaufeihfo grcisabenelrtto be brought even unto u>. 7 Heefettethouttheend oftaiih , leaft aoy man Ihould prcmifehimfelfe , either ybonerorl»terthat fullla.vation , to wit, tte latter comming ofChtift : and there- withal! warneth ui, oottomeafuretheHigniiieofthe •ofpeJiactoidiDgtotbejitftirt iUtCffeciBj Ult (tut wbich 4KC «K ooWi >• oe t yet (cjuled. Hec pafleth fioin fiibaoij If But as he v/hic'h hath called you . is holy. To f,°u'i'Jof ,h«n be ye holy in -f all maner of cot-. e.-!atiun, both, wbici are^ 1^ 9 Becau/e it is written . it Be ye holy/or I 7d«"°c jf Rut With the precious blood of Chiift , as deth from th< 01 a Lambe undefJed, and without fpot. grace and favour 20 •» Which was A ordeined before the kfoun-''^^°?' ^''■'=5 dation of the world, but was dedarcd in the lafl ^til^^t "l^t. - times for yo-,;r fakes, _ rateth ur.thar II Which by his roeancs doe beleevein '''''^'''"^"'''''e God that rayfed him from the dead, and Mve '^/'''"?. ?>'); ''* himglorie, that your faith and hope might be in ,i,°" ^^° " GotJ- ^ 4, Luke,,7J. 21 '3 Having purifed your foules in obeying ^ Heeftieweth the truech through the Spirit , to * love brotherly '""f^^iS"'.'"" without faining . love one another with a pure'roSui/ heart fervently : on. "5 Beingborneanew, notDfmortaIileede,but * I'vit.n,^^,' ofimmorta]l,by the word of God, who liveth and ""^ " *• endureth for ever. ^o** ^IJ^ctt^h,: ^ 24 MForall § Iflelli«iasgrafre,andalltheglo-diftinguiUi«dtrue rie of roan it as the floure of grafle. The gralle wi ^"'^ *""* '^°P« thereth, and the floure falleth away. ("""" ''*""'''/° '^«''» 2 f ^ / But the worde of the L ord endureth for„c"?eTtit ever: and thisis the worde which is preached the qmcke ana among you. iharpe light of God^agaiDAao outward maike, aDdeameftrevennceflgainllvafiie fevritie. i If you will be called the foanei oftbatFsiher. ♦ Deu'.»o,i7 rom.i.it. gal.j.6. 11 An eihortation, wherein hee fetteth foorth the excellcncie and great nefle of itebeDcliteofSodtha Faiher , infanfiifyingui bytbedeath ofhii owae° Sonne. And bet partly fetteth tha purifyingioftheLaweagaiolt the thing it felfe, thacii, againfi the blood ofChrift, and partly «lfo mens traditionj which heecondemnerh at utterly vaioe 3c fuperftidoui, bee they never fo oldeaiid ancient. •^" i.Cor.fi.ao ana 7.13. hebr.9,t^. i.ioh«:j,7. revel 1,;. ir The taking away of an obieftioo : what waadone to the world before that Chrift wai feot into the worlde > waithere no holinede before, and waitbtre no Church > The Apeftleanfwereth , thatChrift waioideined and appointed to redeemeand delivetr-mankinde , before that mankinde wai; much leflc waithere any Ch'urch without bim before hit coinming into theflclh : yet wc ara happieft above the reft, ro whome Chrift wai exhibited indeede , intbit that be* having fufftred and 01 ercon»death for u> , doeih nowe moll effeftually woikein u» by ihe virtue of hii Spirit , to create in m faith, hope , and charitie. if Rom, a«,aj. efhef.3.9- coloir.j.j*. a.iimoth.i.io. titutia. k From everlafting. '3- Hecommendeth the praflife of obedience , thai ir , cbaritie : earneflly beatine, into their beadiagaine, that he fpeaketh not ofany common chatitie, andfu^ha^ proceedeth from that our corrupt nature 1 but cf that whofe beginning i« iheSpirit of God , which putifieib our foules through the worde layedboideon by faith , and ingendtith alibituaa fpiriiually and everlafting life, a»Gud ijmoft pureanduuely liYiog. » Cbai». J. 17. reman. 1. 10. ephef.41. 14 Areafonwhj wee have neede of thi« heavenly generation, ro wit. btcaufe that men, beethett glone never fo great , arecf nature vcyde of all true and found goodnefle, % Jfai, ♦9. S. iametj.io. 1 The worde ( flefti) flieweth the weaktnefle of our oa. ture , which ir chiefly to beeconfidered in the fleOi it ftlfe. if Againe.leaft Buy man (hould feeke that fpirituall force and verrue in fained imagination!, the Apo. ftlecallethaabacketo the wotdeofGod ; teaching ui futtheiinorr , that there j> n» otherworde>oftbeL0!(ltebc.l9ck«d ftff , thCB ibitnbieb ii f iM«bcd , tDwhick CBtijrnc moil (tuft. SH'A^R A (tone in Sion* !w Peter. To obey Magiftratcsi CHAP. II. 1 He txhsrlt'h the ntv>t hrme m faith , U \e.tJe tlieir liVtt nrfrrerMt U tht/Ume ■ C .tnd t.< ■' ■!>rir faichfhciiUe Jfaiger , ht tr^o^ith in thtt -which yrji foniMe tcuchii^ Clirtlf. ifO Thn hie iriJfh thrm 10 ic citJienrtc .Ma- ^i'.rKitt, II .tnd that ibij ftiitnilj ieati adXrfnie ttfitr ChriiieitxtmfU. •rr Herfore,^. > laying afiJe all rnalicioufneffe.and « Rom. 5,4. "^ all guile , and dirsimuiarion, and envie, and all epfctf4«i. evill fpeaking. '^^l^^l'^l 2^v* ^* * ntvit borne babes defire that fin- X HiWog iitd fof cere mUke of the worde, that yee may growe , thefounditionrhe thereby Spirit of oodrtfe. 3 j Becaufe ycc | have tafied that the Lord /> ^v^hli^LnTn^ b<.U.Uifull. by rb* woTj. aon __ , • ,• - ha/ingbuiitrhtre. 4 4 To whotTie comming as unto a living cp» t-r«t ver.utt ftone , Jiiallowed of nien , but chofen of God and Which are t-.e precioils. Cbr.'itlln'.dion., J ^"-'^ a'eieeveiii fhtwcbobof therein , (hall not bealhamed. o"nm"i« 7 7 Unto you therctote which beleeve.it is 2 Ti;«f«oniif, precious: but unto them which be difobedtent, the thai being newly ^ ftonc which 'he builders dildllowed , the lime is beg,-.rn i,-nce , even f« tkem which ftutrihie at the fuckin? ijrteHfly wor-dc , being difobedicnt , unto the which thing the fairt word a? they.were even ordained. "f/aXl"; 9 ' » But yee are a chofen generation . a royall it were grovfeup ID tbatfpiricuall life. And heealleibit, Syocere notonely becauleitii a mod pure ^in« . bm alfo that we ftiou:d take hsrdfofthein which coiraptu. a ..ji- rcmmrth netr men 3 HecoBiincfideih tha fpiriruall m-urifhrneot for the fweete. ■ efle and (Jrofi'e ofit ' r r. ilce -itfrr. 4 He gortb on tV^tward in the fa ne erho'taTiotj, and vfeth auotbrr kicdt of borowfd fp. ech alludin;; to lae Temy le There- fore ht fayeib.tbjt the companie ofthe Uiih'ull is .<«it were aceitiine holy and I)", vituallbui dirg ' irtlf.f l.ve y ft .nrt . tbe fi)U diiion whereof i> Chrilt as a Itvriy ftone fulleinir g all ihai »rei yned unto him JVi'h hii living vrrtur aid kac tingibein logetberwith himfele a though tfai.fo great a rttifure bene lefted of mco ,- Gu/ng forward in ibe fjireiimlitu )r hre c .inpir tb ui nojv opreite tl-cedto bueade in that fpiritu 'H temple , that *^e Ojuuld ferve him vwita f(iritua.l woilhtp .that is, wi h hulineff and ighteiufnes : but ai the temple, fa iaiUe PrulihooJ bui t upon Chr'ft in whonionely all out fpjritujil off rinpiar- accepted. § R^vei ■ «. « nrpfoovetbitby beieaimonieoitheCroihrtEfai. • Efai ak. 1 « i.m 9. JJ. •> Byfei'in.^ themoft bielfedtondi i.nof be neleritefi, and -ke iiv.il mifcra.lc of ttie lebelhous oneagainft anotfei hee 1 r citetb for AJ-d the belecveit , an.-- triumpne b over the "tbn ;.iBff allVi preventrtu an offence wnich a; ifeh h.i^of . that Dane doe mote 'efill this dufttine of the Gofpell .then hi-y wbnh ate thiefeft amongft toe people fGod . a- 'Aere nhjt timr that Pe er wo.e ir^efe tninga the rr.'(te»ard Hidr's andStrie" Thfrerorebeanfutereo (irit ufall b»i ihert is nocaufe whyaiiy ma 1 ftiould be aft' nifhed at this their Itubbjrnieire . as boogi it vctteiHrioge matrrr feeing we haue beene fc.raewa'ned fo loi.g btior^ . ib.'i fllould f" cumcto palTe ■ and morenver tbit It pleaed Gild to ireate and make ceriaine to i i> felfe fam' fn'pofe .mat the S t.ne of G d tmqbt « gl tified i their ialtt nd mmtion- TbiiHly,fot thn the glory oi Cbritt uher-Syfe loo't^ gr at y wbereji n. twitb. . Handing Cbrift remavnrib the fore Bead 01 his Chuub. and th-y'that ftumii e at bim, i call doADeand ouertt>r..w ihemfelues and not ChriH. F r biy al b< ugh they be H created to ihiiende and fiirp-jlr yet rhnr fall and decay is notio ^attnbureth roGod. blitto theirowneobftinaf lliibbiir-intire wbKn c'lnineth bet weeneGodi decree and the mecutioD there, for their cnnderanaiion . and mhe true and ^;^.ptrcanle ef their Helfruft.cn 4 rA'.rtg i, m.i"/. 1, .41 ^tUr^.i,. * //.if. 8 14. rrm 9 13 3 TheciDtraiy member, towit hedefcribetbtbeliDgulaf etcellencieoftherlta : and .il(o left any ,ran fliou d doobt wbeibef bee oecbolen ot icnt.rheAp (lie calleih US t> i. ke to the elTcftu .|l calling . Aat is . o tSe vayieef he Cnfpell fjiiodiog both in our eaiei and minde. by the outward preaching and Sa- CTinenti. wbtitby wee may ceneinely vtideiftand thai eiietlalting dccfe of our faluatinn , ( whtcb otbterwife .« innlt f ..vet and hidien ) a-.d that th.o.gh heoiiely mercy of Gid . wn > freely chufetand calleth vi Therefore tbis on-ly remaioeth, 'fayth he , that by All meaDCf jioi&ble wee fet iboitbfo gieat gagduelfe cftbemoll ' «jightie I befeech you.as ftran- t't,,";,';^""'^."' gets and pelgrims , * nahfteine from flelbly lulis bonati .n. " which fight againft the foule. '° Are3f..nw^y 1 1 «3 * And have your converfation honeft a- ^'j""*.','^,,"'' mong the Gentiks, that they which Ipcakceviilof beM.if. wT'are you is of evil! doers, 14 may by yfur good * woi kes citizen^ of heateu, which they Iball fee , giorihe God in the day ot and ihe.efore w« byilitat^On. ought to iiveac 13 " * Therefore fubmic jotir felves nnto L!w«?no°of!hii e all manner ordinance of man '<» f >r the Loras wold, jvoki' i> fake , 17 whether it be unto the King . ..s unto the "'°'*= "nptbqt fupericiir, °'^''"^ h- aveo y 14 Or unto governours , as unto thf m that are ^wrh^iltiftn fent of him , «8 tor the punilbracnt of cviii doers, iith-wond. and for the prailc of rhcm that doe well. * Romu.i*. If '9 Forfoisthcwiii of God. that by '*'ell f,'\^'„|h,',,, -doinrr yee may put to fuencc the ignorance of the g'^ „.""lT'e"' fooiilhiren, di drenofOoiI 16 As free , and not as having the iibertie fur ''« nota.cor- a cloake of maiicioufnefte .butdS the fervants ot '''"S. "'"•'';'?'' God. ;::h:'t '":,:;:"« 1 7 »" a HoBourallmen: k love* brotherly fel- naurr. bu accor. lowihip , fearc God , honour the King. <*'"« '"''>'■ '>'"«• .'8 S 2, SerTants.beliibiedtoyourmaftrrs ^^^•^l^JI';'"^**^'^''* wirh all fcire.not onely to thegoodandcourcc- no"tobe.rre^ule OUs.buraltotorhefroward. iaus. ip * la For this is thanke worthie, ifaman >* ThethWarv gument : rof al. tKou.;b tb'jft, hiOx later Of. yettheycearenottofi{>bc agaiult oar falvanon. 13 Thefou»tb argummt . taken of he pr jfii uf fo d jjng ; for ay ibis meaie* alfo w« pt luide f >r < ur good name and elli.nation, v\hileft wee compellthema icugthto cha ge heir min.<»i . which fpeake euilofus. K Ci.!' . 3. i«. 14 Tb: St d jtiumeot, wicn aMoisuf ^reat free: Becaiifetbeglory of God !• greatly fetfo.iitn by hatineaiies vibilell bv nam. p'eofour bone/l life . eiieo the moll |Topoane men jiie brougnttintoG'td and fu..mit ih'mfeiven unto biin. i( Ma tb ;> 16 b /iro tJ /"..i ) .ti'i -atjs mrrys. hem 1; That which beffake ^eneia'ly , he now fxpoundeth by partes, defciibing feUcr-illv euery manidueiy AnJ firll of al he .peakeihof obed'enee w ich i» duebothioihe Lawes and alfo to the Ma jnftrat-'i both higher and lower. # Rom. 13 I- c lyjcrdcnmi'.t'j. iimeun: tne 'ram-n^ An^iarJrr-if ef c'uitl ienernrnent; Tvhichhee c^itt orjiri in fume .nat fay hey \wi labevK og» and > the • ighft .Magilturci . and yet coti^emne heir nv illen. at . tocaltoff t.^e biidleof Lawc^aiatth^ittunef ■T>e^ attogeihtrvnskilfuJI in the kongdi.me of God rtf red 1 bu ra hei in nutbat liuing ho ily acci.rding ta the wtli of God . wecfli *i dmake maoifelt tu a I men that me Gofpelisnota cluake lorlin»e and wckedneir- feeing we ate in foe- fonfree, that • yet weare nilltheretUannofGad. and no t.ffiine. jo H^ diiiideib f.eciiiill lifeofman, by occalion of b>,fe things when hefiake in. otw ■ general! parf. t» wit into tbofe duetiei whifb (riuaemenowe o pttuatt men . and efpec ally the fai bfuil o he faithfull, a- d in ntbatfu'ijeaian wbrteby mi'eriou • aiebiiu .d ro tbeiifupe.i.,uti.- bU' fo , thiiKi.tgi be not made equatltoG d . feeiiig thatfcare it ' doeioGod, and honour to Kingi d litihjr'say ofanobjftlioo : Irdeedthecvndir nofferisa-iti ish.'rl -fpe. ciallv iftheyh.iUeftowaidinafters . but this their fiibjeftlbn fta' befomoch thetnore - •cceyiablc to God> if his will ^reuaile more with feruams, then he malleit iQiunci, for Stray {heeepe# hefliewfthpla lythfitClirillditd aKo for feivantii tbatibey (houM bearefo much the more paucDtty thisinequalitybc- twixtmcn which aieofonc ffUe- famenaturf more- , over feting oefore themCti'ilttbat lordof Loidifor an example j ^eciufe he ma- fof f confcieDcc toW«rd God ecclure gtiefe , fuffe- ^«fc j,9 i.Iobnj.y. 14 He floewetb them a reme- dieaeaiuft iaiu^ies, lowi .that they commend their caufctjGod. by hecaf mpleof Chrill ij Hteleeiiieth now to tutn^ hrifpe^chto niaftcrs, vvhi^h oaveaifo thcm- feli'ts a mailer an J ludgein Oeaveb : who will lulllyrwe.igeibelniunes.ha, art done ttfrervantswi-houtanyiefKeaofperfonj. • Ed' ,-3, ;• mat.*. .7 16 Hrcalle.h the letvani! batkc from tit-coutideiationoftiieioiuiies wvh.^h tcty are coiiittamtd to hearei to thinkeupanthegreatneire, and the end of the bcaeficsrtceiued ot Chiift. C H A P. I 11. ■ X That Clir^Jlijn rvomen fit uUnatcontemrethtir huihandii, ihnK^h th'.} tt infidtls. s Heehriige'hinixumji'vci ofgodlj jytmen. S CeueruU exiiortuimi, 14 pa im :_i t, teare firfemtlcn, 1 ! s,.d hldlj tojeeta trejjln nf iinir/.,iih. 18 C>