^ ^ r£ •^ .2 -^ Q. 4 J5 -^-^ IE ; i^ ^ Q. ♦^ i.^. s, ^ o , t^ $ ^ S 0) c - w o bj) • § i 3 ^ ^"^ ^ £ .^ O M <0 "kJ •g rt t/-) ■g- ^ ^ ^ « -D c s ^ CO 0) 1 ^ al s C/ ^^S ^ /(D5 o^ u c, I // ^^^ Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2011 witii funding from Princeton Tiieological Seminary Library littp://www.arcliive.org/details/appealtocandidofOOsli AN APPEAL TO THE CANDID OF ALL DENOMINATIONS t IN WHICH THE OBLIGATION, SUB.JECTS, AND MODE OF BAPTISM ARE DISCUSSED BY REV. HENRY SLICER, IN ANSWER TO THE REV. W. F. BROADDUS, OF VIRGINIA, AND OTHERS. WITH A FURTHER APPEAL, IN ANSWER TO MR. BROADDUS'S LETTERS. THIRD EDITION, REVISED BY THE EDITOR. I speak as unlo wise men ; judge ye what I say. — 1 Cor. x, 15. Hearken to me ; I also will sliovv" mine opinion. — Job xxxii, 10. NEW-YORK : PUBLISHED BY GEORGE LANE, For the Methodist Episcopal Church, at the Conference Office, 200 Mulberry-street. /. Collord, Printer. 1841, Entered according to Act of Congres?, in the year 1841, by George Lane, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New-Yorii. OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND M^^ OP '"^ ^^ BAPTISM. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. When an individual presents himself in the character "of a controversial writer, a proper respect for public opinion requires that he state the reasons which have induced him to take such an attitude. The following pages have not been called forth by a fondness for writing, — nor from the want of other important matters with which to occupy the writer's time, — but by the solicita- tions of friends ; and by what he at least con- siders an imperious call of duty, in view of the responsible relation which he sustains to the people of the Potomac district. There are times when silence may become treason; and error, unexposed, may be passed off for valid truth. Until lately, I have had no intention to write on the subject of Christian baptism ; and even now I should not have written — so numerous 4 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND and pressing are my engagements — could I have persuaded myself that the circulation of any one of the excellent tracts that have been ■written by others would have met our peculiar circumstances in relation to this subject. With a district two hundred miles in length ; containing six or seven thousand church mem- bers ; with fifty-two large meetings to attend in about forty-eight weeks, and a travel of about two thousand five hundred miles to per- form in the same time ; I considered that I had no time to devote to writing on this subject^ without oppressing myself, or neglecting mat- ters having a prior claim upon me, and possess- ing a paramount importance. The former I have done, in view of the necessity laid upon me, in order to avoid the latter. At different times and in several places, at the instance of my friends, I have been led to make remarks on the obliga- tion, mode, and subjects of baptism ; and have administered the ordinance to hundreds of adults "^ of all ages, from the sire of seventy, down to the youth; as well as to infants. With the Baptists, as a people, we have had no quarrel, and for many of them we have had, and do still entertain, more than mere respect; and if our views, as expressed in the following pages, should be thought to be expressed in language MODE OF BAPTISM. 5 too severe, we have only to say, that where we have seemed in the least caustic, it was because we considered the case required it. We have no interests that we have not laid at the feet of truth ; and none that we are not willing to peril in its defence. And we wish it distinctly understood, that we take the whole responsibility of the views herein expressed. We have not sought to make proselytes to a party; nor have we even interfered with any who have been awakened at Baptist meetings ; we have acted soleiy on the defensive, in order to save our people from perplexity, and prevent others from " bereaving us of our children." Some eighteen months ago, I found a pam- phlet circulating in the community, written by Elder W. F. Broaddus, entitled, " Strictures oa Mr. Dieffenbacher's doctrine of water baptism, infant baptism," &c. I read it, and found a good deal of ridicule and sophistry employed against those who hold infant baptism, and baptism by sprinkling ox pouring. I took no public notice of it, until the tenth day of last November, when at Upper- ville, Va., by request, I delivered an argument on baptism, in which I replied to all the matter contained in the strictures which I thought en- titled to notice ; but, lest any offence should be 6 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND taken, I purposely avoided the mention of Mr. B.'s name. After I had administered the ordinance to twenty-three adults and some infants, as I pre- ferred to discuss the subject pubhcly, I made a general offer to debate the matter with any gen- tleman, minister or layman, within the bounds of my district, at any time and place which might be appointed for that purpose. A Bap- tist minister present declined the offer publicly, in the presence of about one thousand persons. Mr. Broaddus knew of what had passed, but did not see proper to accept the offer. He, however, preached a sermon on the same subject in the same village about three weeks afterward, which sermon he published after the lapse of about four or five months. I accident- ally heard of his intention to preach, two days before the time, and that a rumour, or report, was in circulation through the neighbourhood by his friends, that I was expected to be present on^the occasion. I wrote immediately to Up- perville, informing my friends that I had re- ceived no notice of the appointment from Mr. B., and in the letter renewed the offer to de- bate the matter, which letter was handed him, by a friend of mine, before he preached. About three days after he delivered that ser- MODE OF BAPTISM. 7 mon, I received a letter from him, requesting me to publish my sermon, and very kindly offering to review it, in case I should publish ; and oifered as an inducement to me, the follow- ing language : " Controversies, when properly conducted, must always do good." I took no notice of the letter, because I con- sidered it a fair decline of my offer ; and be- cause I have always believed that the subject could be brought home to those who are least informed on the subject, (and of consequence most liable to be misled,) better by an oral than a written argument, and at less expense to the community. In his " Note to the reader," and in the commencement of his sermon, he has used my name, and informs the reader that his discourse was occasioned " by the excitement''^ which my sermon ''''produced in the village and neighbourhood,'^ and that I had made " an at- tempt to prove that infant sprinkling was an ordinance of the New Testament." The candid reader will be able to judge how far I have succeeded in the ^^ attempt,'^ in the following pages. I think it very likely that the ffty-nine adults baptized by pouring in that place and its vicinity, within the few weeks previous, gave that gentleman more uneasiness than the ^^ attempt'''' at proving "infant sprinkling." 8 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND He takes for granted that he is right in his " understanding and practice" of the ordinance — and that / am wrong; and he sets out to " counteract the wrong impressions''' that I may have made. This looks a little like begging the question. As Mr. B. was so kind as to offer to be rc- viewer for me, and was so kind as to write " strictures" for Mr. D., I suppose he, least of all, will complain of my performing the like kind office for him; as one "good turn deserves another" — and I accept on his part the loill for the deed. If he should think proper to write again, and should produce any arguments that I have not replied to in these pages, I shall answer him in some way. But I give the reader notice that / shall not wi'ite again, to answer arguments, or sophistry, that I have already replied to. In the discussion 1 have (so far as I knew them) taken up all the arguments used by the Baptists, and have not confined myself to Mr. B.'s " sermon" and " strictures" alone. While / am fully convinced that the Baptists, as a denomination, had their rise in Germany in 1521 or 1522, under Nicholas Stork, Munt- zer, John of Leyden, Knipperdoling, and others, I have forborne giving an account of them, as MODE OF BAPTISM. 9 it is found in Robinson's Charles V., and in a View of All Religions, by Ross, published in London, 1664 ; as I know the matter to be very- offensive to our Baptist friends ; also believing it to be unrighteous to attribute the " iniquities of the fathers to the children." Although Mr. B. has laboured hard to establish the charge of lieresy against the founder of Methodism, in the matter of baptismal regeneration, a doctrine which he must have known that wise and good man no more held than he believed that " Thomas Stork held communion with God, by means of an angel," yet / loill not retaliate by recounting the doctrines and practices of the German Ana- baptists. Here I take leave of this subject, praying that God may keep us from the by-ways of error, and lead us into the way of truth. HENRY SLICER. Alexandria, October 7, 1835. 10 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. When the Appeal was first put to press, the author was not aware that the demand for the work would be more than to justify the issuing of a small edition ; accordingly, a thousand copies were issued, nearly all of which were disposed of in a few weeks, and another edition was demanded, with a request that it should be enlarged in one or two parts. The reception with which it met from the candid and intelligent of different denomina- tions, not excepting the Baptists, (for I never heard of its giving much offence to any one except Mr. B.,) and the assurances of its use- fulness which reached me from different parts of the country, convinced me of the propriety of revising and enlarging the work, and publish- ing a second edition. But as I wished to know what course Mr. Broaddus would take in the matter, it was judged best to defer the publica- tion of a future edition, until he should either reply, or decline any further controversy on the subject. After waiting some time for an answer, I learned, through a friend, that he would reply about Christmas ; I looked in vain to that period for an answer, for it passed, and also the long MODE OF BAPTISM. 11 month of January, and the cold month of Feb- ruary, and the winds of March, and the showers of April, all passed, and no answer came ; and in the month of June, while I was just aboiit to conclude that Mr. B. had abandoned the idea of answering, a friend informed me that the reply was then in press. I then began to rea- son in my own mind, in order, if possible, to lind out what could have detained the answer for seven long months, and upon reflection I recollected that the Upperville sermon, although delivered the sabbath before winter, was not issued from the press until the ice and snow of the cold season had all melted, and the singing of birds was heard in the land ; and what makes this the more remarkable is, the fact that his note to the reader is dated December, 1834 : — has this all been the replt of accident? or does not Mr. Broaddus know^ that an argument for immersion stands but little chance of exerting a proselyting influence in mid-winter? But be this as it may, one would think that if "he found (as he says he did) that my bold asser- tions were likely to pass for sound argument with some, who lacked either capacity or lei- sure to examine for themselves ; while the se- rious imputations I had cast upon his motives were likely to awaken suspicions in a com- 12 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND munity but little acquainted with him, unfavour- able to his reputation ;" surely he should have hastened to the fescue of his favourite theory from the hands of those " bold assertions," and from those ." who lacked capacity or leisure to examine for themselves," and especially to have silenced all " suspicion unfavourable to his reputation ;" and more especially, " as he soon found that some of my readers were inclined to attribute his silence to a consciousness of guilt," page 59. And yet, strange to tell, this gentle- man defers his answer for seven months. Per- haps he thought that the impression that my ^^hold assertions*^ made last fall, with regard to the ordinance, would, with the aid of a little time, become erased from the minds of the good people of Virginia, who were destitute of ^^ capacity or leisure to examine for themselves" — and that he could repeat over the arguments, I will not say " bold assertions," of his stric- tures and sermon, and utter his complaints long and loud, about being " misquoted," " misrepre- sented," his " motives impugned," " personal defamation," &c., &:c., and thus hide himself in the smoke of his own raising. And if he did not succeed in slaying " Goliath," he would at least show the community that, "Although vanquished, he can argue still." MODE OF BAPTISM. 13 I promised the candid reader not to answer " arguments or sophistry that I had already re- plied to." I shall, in a Further Appeal, how- ever, take such notice of Mr. B.'s twenty-one letters as I may think them entitled to. I confess I expected when I wrote that Mr. B. would reply, for I knew that those who have vanity enough to compare themselves to the warrior David, page 42, would make a show of fight, although there might be, in reality, neither a sling in his hand, nor a '■''smooth stone left in the shepherd'' s bag;^^ they would fancy, too, that they heard the death-gToan of the giant, and that they had given his head to the host of Israel, and his carcass to the fowls of heaven — to the vultures, of course. But in all seriousness, (speaking without a figure,) I was surprised that the gentleman should show so much morbid sensibility, and that he should take up so much of his letters in attempts to excite the sympathy of the public for the much injured man. Could not the can- did reader judge whether my weapons were those of ^'personal d^efamation" and ^'•sarcasm," or those of Scriptural argument and sober rea- son ? Did Mr. B. fear that the candid reader had not " capacity" to see that I was " almost a stranger to the use of all weapons, except 14 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND sarcasm and personal defamation, ^^ that it became necessary, in his " note to the reader," to inform him of it ? I sought (as far as the nature of the case would admit) to use ^'' soft words'*^ and ^^hard arguments.''^ If, however, I had known that Mr. B. was "« man of" extra-^^ ordinary sensibility," I might have used " soft arguments" and ^'■hard words," which might have been more acceptable to the gentleman on several accounts, for certainly the intelligent reader will see that Mr. B. is no novice in those at the present, and with a little more practice he might become an adept both in the use of " soft arguments" and ^'•hard words." But I will not rail, but leave the gentleman to digest his own spleen. I shall not promise to demonstrate any thing, either in regard to my own innocence or the goodness of my cause — I shall leave to the candid reader the task of making up a judg- ment for himself, both with regard to the sub- ject and the writer. It may have been as well for Mr. B. to put a promise in his "note to the reader" that he will demonstrate his " own innocence," and that my " views of baptism are altogether without foundation in the word of God" — as it is possible many of his readers MODE OF BAPTISM. 15 may not be able to see the demonstration of either in the body of his loork. Having carefully read Mr. B.'s letters, I am more than ever convinced that the views of baptism held by our Baptist friends cannot be maintained. All I ask of you, intelligent reader, is a can- did examination of this revised and enlarged "Appeal," with the "Further Appeal," and I shall have no anxiety for the issue. " I speak as unto wise men — ^j.udge ye what I say." HENRY SLICER. Georgetown^ D. C, July, 1836. OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND M065. " -t BAPTISM. In calling public attention to the subject of Christian baptism, Ave wish to declare plainly and fully our views, without intending to offend any; and not expecting to give offence to the liberal and candid, who, while they claim the right to think, and according to their best light entertain and express their opinions, accord to others cordially the same which they claim for themselves. In the arguments which we may adduce on the subject, it is not our design so much to prove that others are not right, as to prove that we are not wrong. And if, when we have gone through the argu- ment, we shall have failed to convince you that ours is the " more excellent way," we shall not think you any the worse Christians, unless, in the spirit of bigotry, you should unchristian others who may not agree with you in their doctrines and usages. For we conceive that no views of doctrine, or of the ordinances, how- ever correct, can save any man, unless he be spiritually regenerated. For " neither circum- 2 18 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND cision availeth any thing, nor imcircumcision, but a neio creature^ Many who have been as orthodox as an apostle, and have received the rite of baptism, have proved themselves to be but " baptized infidels, washed to fouler stains." Having said thus much, we shall proceed to speak, First, of the obligation and perpetuity — Secondly, of the subjects — And thirdly, of the mode of baptism. THE OBLIGATION AND PERPETUITY OF CHRIS- TIAN BAPTISM. On this part of the subject we and our Baptist friends have no controversy — as Ave agree alike to assert and maintain the obligation of the ordinance. But there have been many, bearing the name of Christ, who look upon the subject with indifierence, and others who argue against it, saying that it is a ^^ carnal ordinance^'' and ought long since to have become extinct in the church of Christ. And in support of their views they adduce several passages of Scripture, and maintain that the baptism of the Spirit super- sedes the necessity of water baptism. The views of such have grown, in part, out of the fact that our Baptist friends generally have confounded Christian baptism with the baptism of John, whereas the two should be considered entirely distinct, as we hope to be able to show hereafter. The two passages on which such MODE OF BAPTISM. 19 as deny the obligation of baptism mainly rely are to be found, John iii, 30, " He must in- crease, but I must decrease ;" and 1 Cor. i, 17, " For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel." They conclude from the passage in John, that as he was to decrease as Christ increased, therefore baptism ought to have ceased in the church centuries since. The conclusion is good from the premises, but the premises are false, and the conclusion is therefore good for nothing ; for in the same chapter you will find John's disciples informing him that Christ was baptizing, and all men were flacking to him ; and John said, " I am not the Christ." " I came to bear witness of him." " He must increase, I must decrease." Consequently we hear nothing of John's baptism after he was beheaded, only that St. Paul rebaptized some at Ephesus who had previously received John's baptism. See Acts xix, 1-7. John received a temporary commission to herald the approach of the Messiah and his kingdom ; and baptizing the people with the baptism of repentance, taught them to believe on him who was to come ; — i. e., on Christ Jesus. And so little were the disciples at Ephesus acquainted with Christianity in its doctrines or spirit, that they had not so much as heard whether there was any Holy Ghost. We request you to refer to the passage and read it attentively, as we shall have occasion to quote it again in the course of the argument. The view we have given of John's baptism we 20 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND are happy to find supported by that able and distinguished minister of the Baptist Church, Robert Hall, of England. See liis Works, vol. i, p. 372. His words are, " No rite celebrated during the ministry of John is entitled to a place among Christian sacraments." It is to be regretted, however, that most of his less intel- ligent brethren differ with Mr. Hall in opinion. Some of them have maintained from the pulpit, and others from the press, that John's was Christian baptism. On this point the Rev. Mr. Broaddus seems not, as yet, to have made up an opinion. See sermon, p. 34. The other passage (quoted from Corinthians) will be found, upon examination, not to weigh against the obligation of the ordinance. A fac- tion had arisen in the church at Corinth, the apostle was informed that they had raised par- ties, and had used his name, and the names of his friends Apollos and Cephas. He writes them a severe letter, remonstrating against their course, and asks, " Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you ? or M-ere ye baptized in the name of Paul ? I thank God that / baptized none of you, but Crispus and Gains." And why ? He immediately assigns the reason, " Lest any should say that I had baptized in mine own name." " For Christ sent me not to baptize," &c. ; i. e., my main and most important business is to preach the gospel. He did baptize some, as you learn from the context ; and it is certain that he baptized others, in other places, as the twelve disciples at Ephesus, &;c. But as a MODE OF BAPTISM. 21 wise master builder, he had learned to give to things severally the importance due to them. Having thus shown that these texts lie not against the obligation of the ordinance, we must remark, that as Christ gave a command to the apostles, after his resurrection, to dis- ciple all nations, by baptizing and teaching them ; with the promise to be with them to the end of the w^orld ; and as that command has neither been revoked nor complied with to its full extent, the obligation still rests upon the ministry to administer the rite, and upon the nations to submit to it. And furthermore, when the apostles went forth in obedience to the above command, whenever and wherever the word took effect upon the hearers, and they were willing to receive Christ, the apostles dedicated them, if Jews, to Jesus, as the true Messiah, and, if Gentiles, to the true God — Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. On the day of Pentecost, when the three thousand cried out, " Men and brethren, what shall we do ?" (although, in all probability, many of them had been baptized by John,) Peter said, " Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ, for the re- mission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." And when Peter opened the kingdom of heaven to the Gentiles, in the house of Corne- lius, as he had done to the Jews on the day of Pentecost, while he was speaking, the Holy Ghost fell on the conorregation. " Then an- 22 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND svvered Peter, Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have re- ceived the Holy Ghost, as well as we ? And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord," Acts x, 44-48. Will any one, in view of this' evidence, still assert that water baptism is not obligatory? Those who main- tain that the baptism of the Spirit supersedes the necessity of the baptism of water differ in judgment with the apostle Peter. And you, my reader, can judge whose opinion is entitled to most deference ; the inspired apostles, who received the command at the mouth of Christ, or one, or many at this late period, who are not under the infallible inspiration of the Spirit; as is evident from the fact, that those who deny the obligation of baptism disagree among them- selves upon the most important points in Chris- tian theology. It will be in vain to say that the ordinance has been abused, by having too much stress laid upon it; for the abuse of a good thing is not a valid argument against its use. " I speak as unto wise men, judge ye what I say." ON THE SUBJECTS OF BAPTISM. We shall now present for your consideration and judgment our views in ansioer to the question, who are the proper subjects of the ordinance? Before I enter fully into this part of the sub- ject, I beg your serious and candid attention to two important preliminary considerations, namely, that as there is but one true God and MODE OF BAPTISM. 23 one true faith, so this true God has never had more than one church in the world, from the day that pious Abel by faith offered an accept- able sacrifice, to the present hour. 1 am aware that this principle has been disputed, but I take my firm stand upon the truth of God, and shall maintain this view, without fear of successful contradiction. In the sermon of Mr. B., p. 14, he says, " The truth is, there never was a visible church of Christ on earth, until he came and established it himself." There was a visible church of Christ before his coming as really as there has been since ; as is evident from Acts- vii, 38, " This is he that was in the church in the WILDERNESS with the angel," — compared, with Exodus xxiii, 20, 21, " Behold I send an ANGEL before thee, &c., provoke him not, for he will not pardon your transgressions," — com- pared with 1 Cor. X, 4 and 9, "And did all drink the same spiritual drink ; for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them ; and that rock was Christ." " Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were de- stroyed of serpents." It is clear from these passages, 1st, that God had a church in the wilderness ; 2dly, that the angel spolcen of as having power to pardon sin was Christ ; 3dly, that he was with the church; 4thly, that him they tempted, and fell under his retributive ad- ministration. In all the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, the province of reading men's hearts is ascribed to God alone, and conse- 24 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND quently he alone can tell with infallible cer- tainty who are, and who are not, members of the i?ivisible church of God. But, so far as man can judge from those actions which are an index to the hearts of men, we should con- clude that such as Zachariah and Elizabeth, Simeon and Anna, under the Jewish economy, were really members, constituting a visible church; especially as we have the testimony of God to their guileless and Scriptural piety. If Mr. B. means to say that no church is a visible church that has unworthy members in it, then, indeed, there never was a visible church of Christ on earth, even in the brightest period of the church's history. Was the church in the days of the apostles a visible church of Christ, any more than the Jewish church had been, when among the baptized were seen Judas, Demas, Simon Magus, and others ? But if Mr. B. means to say that the church of God and the church of Christ were tvw, then we ask how he can maintain such a view, without denying the unity of the Godhead, or the essential divinity of Christ ? There was one church purchased by the blood of Christ : " Feed the church of God, which he (Christ, the true God) hath purchased with his own blood," Acts xx, 38. Which church was this ? I answer, The flock of God, embracing his people in every age, and under every dispensation. Hence Christ is called " a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." See Rev. v, 6 ; xiii, 8. This church is sometimes called MODE OF BAPTISM. 25 " a temple" or " building ;" then Christ is the " corner stone," " the foundation," Eph. ii, 20, and 1 Cor. iii, 11. And we learn from Isaiah, the prophet, who wrote seven hundred years before the opening of the gospel dispensation, that this " tried stone," this " precious corner stone," was laid in Zion for a foundation. Isaiah xxviii, 16. This is " the stone, elect, precious," on whom whosoever believed was not confound- ed. 1 Peter ii, 6. This church is again called " a flock" or " sheepfold :" " He shall feed his flock like a shepherd, and cany the lambs in his bosom." In Jeremiah xxiii, 1-6, this flock is spoken of, and comforted with the promise of better days, under pastors that should care for them and feed them. This prediction was fulfilled in the days of the Messiah. And in direct allusion to this and similar passages he said, " I lay down my life for the sheep." " Other sheep I have which are not of this (Jewish) fold, them must I bring, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd." You hear one of those sheep saying, under a former dispensation, " The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want ;" see Psalm xxiii, 1, 2, 3. David's Lord was Christ. See Psalm ex, 1, and Matt, xxii, 44. Again the church is called a " family ;" one family, not two or more. " Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named ;" see Eph. iii, 15. Sectarian bigotry, either among Jews or Chris- tians, would like to make partitions in this building of God, or divisions in this immense 26 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND family; but the liberal-minded Paul, who had completed his education in the " third heaven," had learned that the true God had but one family in the universe. In the eleventh chapter of Hebrews we have the names of some of the most distinguished members of this family, from the first martyr, Abel, down to the venerable and faithful Samuel, who from a child of three years old had been actively and publicly en- gaged in the service of this church. Jesus, speaking of the Gentiles, says, " They shall come from the east and the west, and shall sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and the prophets in the kingdom of God." Whether you interpret the phrase " kingdom of God" to mean that part of the family which is on earth, or that part which is in heaven, either will answer our pur- pose. We thank God, " our Father who" is "in heaven," that he has but one family, and has constituted of angels and redeemed men one vast brotherhood. See Rev. vii, 9-17. Again, the church is called, in Rom. xi, 24, " a good olive tree." And although some of the branches were broken off for unbelief, the olive was never rooted up ; but on that stock the Gentiles were grafted, and the apostles in- formed the Jews that they should be grafted in again, if they abode not in unbelief. We admit there were, from time to time, circumstantial differences in the church of God under different dispensations, but her identity has been always maintained. She has been, and still is, substan- tiallj/the same. She was once a family church, MODE OF BAPTISM. 27 then a national church, and subsequently a uni- versal church. She once looked forth as the morning, was afterward fair as the moon, and finally clear as the sun, and terrible as an army with banners. From the dawn of her morning to her meridian splendour, she leaned upon her beloved, " Christ." The furniture of this temple has been altered ; some of the branches of this olive tree broken off: but the temple's beauty is not marred ; and the " root and fatness of the olive tree" still remain. In conclusion, we remark, from the time the covenant of mercy was intimated to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, down to the call of Abraham, and to the confirming of that covenant with him; see Gen. xvii, 2, and Gal. iii, 17; and from that to the giving of the law, four hundred and thirty years after ; and from that to the coming of Christ ; and from his advent until now, men have been justified, sanctified, and for ever saved, in the same way, and under the auspices of the same covenant of mercy. For this is tlie " covenant confirmed of God in Christ^'' Gal. iii, 13-20. " He was made a curse for us," " that the bless- ing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, through Jesus Christ," that we might receive " ikiQ promise of the Spirit through faith." Our Baptist friends contend that this covenant, of which circumcision was the sign and seal, con- tained only the grant of the earthly Canaan to the natural seed of Abraham. But surely the apostle understood the matter in an entirely 28 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND different sense, for he says, the blessing of Ahraham was to come on the Gentiles, and that they were to receive the promise of the Spirit by faith. , This is precisely what Peter refers to, i. e., " the promise of the Spirit," when, on the day of Pentecost, referring to the charter of the gospel church, he says, " The promise is unto you, and to your children," &c., Acts ii, 38, 39. And in giving an account of the falling of the Spirit on Cornelius and his family, he says, " Forasmuch, then, as God gave them (the Gentiles) the like gift as he did unto us, (Jews,) who believed on the Lord Jesus Christ ; what was I, that I could withstand God ?" Acts xi, 17. Here you see in Christ, according to the language of the covenant, all the families of the earth were to be blessed. St. Paul says, " The scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abra- ham," Gal. iii, 8. This promise, referred to above, the promise of mercy and grace, " I will be a God to thee and to thy seed," was ordained in the hands of a Mediator ; and when this Mediator appeared, we find that a company of Jewish shepherds, and a company of Gentile philosophers, alike present themselves at his shrine as the representatives of the two great divisions of the family of man ; as the " first fruits of the fast coming harvest" of the world to Christ. When Jesus looked over the Samaritan people, he said to the apostles, " Say ye not four iMODE OF BAPTISM. 29 months, and then cometh harvest ? lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white already to harvest." " Other men (patriarchs and prophets) have laboured, and ye have en- tered into their labours," John iv, 35, 38. The church has always been " God's husbandry" as well as " God's building," and the fields had been under culture for four thousand years. Although the state of morals in the visible church at the coming of Christ was greatly sunken, Jesus said to his disciples, " The scribes and Pharisees sit in Moses' seat; there- fore, whatsoever they command you, that ob- serve and do, but do ye not according to their loorks, for they say, and do not." And of this visible church, John the Baptist and Jesus were both members, as also his apostles. For in addition to the observance of the rite of circum- cision, they kept the passover, up to the eve of Christ's apprehension and crucifixion. The true state of the case seems to be this : — When the Messiah, " the promised seed," the Mediator of the (Abrahamic) covenant,'" "the minister of the true tabernacle," appeared and presented his claims, those of the visible church who ad- mitted his Messiahship, and were gathered to the Shiloh, were continued in the true and good olive, and those who rejected him were broken ofi'. The children of the visible kingdom were cast out, the rite of circumcision gave way to the rite of haptism, and the passover was superseded by the institution of the Lord^s supper. See 1 Cor. v, 7. Our Baptist friends 30 OBLIGATIOX, SUBJECTS, AND admit this, so far as adults are concerned. It is true, however, that Mr. B., in his Strictures, pages 4 and 5, intimates very strongly that cir- cumcision has never been discontinued by an " express command." His words are, " Why not both circumcise and baptize them? You have never had any ' express command'' to dis- continue the one, and practise the other." Now, candid reader, although Mr. B. may not be able to see in God's word any passage abrogating circumcision, yet you will see one in which it is set forth, if you will look at Acts xv, 1, 2, 5, 10, 28, 29. And we learn from Acts xvi, 4, that Paul, Silas, and Timotheus went through the churches, delivering the decrees to them on this subject ; and the decree on the " dis- continuing of circumcision" was the result of the judgment of a council of apostles and elders, confirmed by the Holy Ghost. See the passage above referred to. And in confirmation of the fact that baptism came in the place of circumcision, the apostle calls baptism the " circumcision of Christ," Col. ii, 11, 12. And I am supported in this opinion by one of Mr. B.'s witnesses : " The great Whitby (as he calls him, — and I suppose, if the testimony of the idtness is good for Mr. B., his testimony will be as good for me against Mr. B. — Let us hear the witness) says, ' The apostle, speaking here of the circumcision made without hands, and of the circumcision made in baptism, and consisting in the putting off the sins of the flesh, cannot, by the circumcision MODE OF BAPTISM. 31 of Christ, mean his own personal circumcision, which was made with hands, but that which he hath instituted in the room of it, viz., baptism. That baptism, therefore, is a rite of initiation to the Christians, as circumcision was to the Jews.' " See Whitby on the place. Who doubts that circumcision \vas the ini- tiating rite among the Jews, and in the church, from the day \vhen Abraham was ninety-nine, and Ishmael thirteen years old. For as our Lord said, " Circumcision was not of Moses, but of the fathers." And if baptism is not the initiating rite, the seal and sign of the covenant of mercy, the church, under the gospel, lias no initiatory rite. But Mr. B., p. 17, supposes that " the coming of the promised seed (the Messiah) put an end, however, to the Abrahamic covenant, and conse- quently to all its ordinances, for ever." Shock- ing ! that men should be willino- to disannul the only covenant of mercy and grace from God to man, a covenant that embraced the promise of Messiah, and the blessing of all natio7is through him, in order the more effectually to deprive unoffending infants of the rights which they had enjoyed unmolested for about two thousand years. Under what covenant, pray, do such conclude themselves ? " Christ was made a curse for us, that the blessing of Abraham might come on us through faith." How, then, I ask, can the covenant be done away, and its blessings still enjoyed by Jews and Gentiles ? I hope it will not be said that the blessing of Abraham is the 32 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND possession of the earthly Canaan. God made two covenants with Abraham, one before the birth of Ishmael. See Gen. xv, 7-21. In this was contained the grant of the earthly Canaan to his natural seed, through the line of Isaac and Jacob. This covenant was ratified by the passing of a burning lamp and a smoking fur- nace between the pieces of slain beasts which Abram had provided, while a " horror of thick darkness fell upon Abram," emblematical, or typical, of the hard bondage which his natural seed should endure in Egypt. The metes and bounds of their inheritance were distinctly marked out. This covenant received not its full accomplishment until the days of David. See Acts vii, 45 ; 2 Samuel viii, 3, &c. ; and 2 Chron. ix, 26. About fourteen years afterward God changed the name oi Ahram to that oi Abraham; see Gen. xvii, 5-27 ; and having said in regard to the first covenant, chap, xii, 2, " I will make of thee a great nation^'' he now says, chap, xviii, 4, 5, " Thou shalt be k father of many nations." This last is called, by way of eminence, " the covenant." Of this covenant, circumcision was the sign and seal. \ ask the candid reader to put the statements of Mr. B., on the subject of this covenant, in contact with the testimony of Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist. When John was eight days old, and they were about to perform upon the " unconscious infant'''' the rite of cir- cumcision — about to put upon him the seal of MODE OF BAP7ISM. 33 the Abrahamic covenant — the tongue of Zacha- rias was loosed, and being filled with the Holy- Ghost, he uttered the following language : — " Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, for he hath visited and redeemed his people. And hath raised up a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David ; as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, which have been since the world began : that we should be saved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us ; to perform the mercy promised to our fathers, and to remember his holy cove- nant ; the oath which he sware to our father Abraham, that he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hand of our enemies, might serve him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before him, all the davs of oun life ;" see Luke i, 67-80. Do these words even intimate that the ad- vent of the Messiah " would put an end to the Abrahamic covenant?''^ as Mr. B. says above. And does Zacharias celebrate the abolition of this covenant ? Does he not rather bless God for the manifestation of the " mercy promised^'' and the bestowment of those important bless- ings included in the Abrahamic covenant ? To remember his holy covenant, as a covenant-keep- ing God, is to give to those who have " taken hold of his covenant" those immunities vouch- safed in tliis contract or stipulation. The intelligent reader will perceive that Za- charias never intimates that the possession of the earthly Canaan was any part of the bless- 3 34 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND ings embraced in the covenant of circumcision. The mercy promised to our fathers embraced all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus ; and only embraced temporal good secondarily. The temporal advantages connected with cir- cumcision were restricted to the seed of /Vbra- ham according to the flesh, through the line of Isaac. We read that " Abraham took Ishmael, his son, and all that were born in his house, and all that were bought with his money, every male of the family of Abraham, and circumcised the flesh of their foreskin, in the self-same day, as God had said unto him." The circumcision of these persons entailed upon them no right to the land of Canaan ; nor did the circumcision of slaves in after times procure them either civil liberty or landed property ; they must therefore have received some spiritual privileges, or they gained nothing by the rite. Mr. B. says, page 16 of his sermon, " We know that Esau and Ishmael, and others, descendants of Abraham, were rejected from the covenant of salvation by Jesus Christ." Then their circumcision was a solemn mockery. How can he know this, when, according to his own showing, the covenant of salvation was not ofl^ered to them, and the only covenant of which they knew any thing was purely of a temporal nature? Hence ho says, page 16, ''- Every one of Abraham's natural descendants might have been sons of perdition, and yet all the ends proposed (by the covenant) might have been accomplished." Candid reader, can you MODE OF BAPTISM. 35 credit such views ? " I speak as nnto wise men, judsre ye what I say." That Gentiles derived spiritual privileges from circumcision is clearly evident from Isaiah Ivi, 6, 7, " Also the sons of the stranger, that join themselves to the Lord to serve him, — and taketh hold of my covenant ; even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer ; their burnt offer- ings and sacrifices shall be accepted upon mine ahar," &c. As the covenant is called the covenant of circumcision, no uncircumcised person could take hold of it ; nor was it permitted to any one who had not received the sign of the covenant to enter into the temple and engage in its sacred services. The persons mentioned in the text therefore were circumcised Gentiles, and all the immunities which they enjoyed, as here enume- rated, were of a purely religious nature. The apostle Paul, who was well acquainted with this whole subject, has spoken, we think, in a way calculated to settle the question, Rom. iii, 1, 2, 3, "What profit is there of circum- cision ?" The answer is, " Much every way ; CHIEFLY, because that unto them were commit- ted the oracles of Godr We hope our Baptist friends will not make so wide a mistake as to say that the oracles of God are the earthly Canaan. Although the Jews had temporal benefits as a nation, connected with circumcision, yet the rite was not instituted on that account. " Cir- 36 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND cumcision \ erily projlieth, if thou keep the law; but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circum- cision is made imcircumcision," Rom. ii, 25. Here, again, the profit of circumcision is not made to consist in the enjoyment of temporal blessings ; but in keeping the law, or oracles of God. Surely this did not regard the earthly Canaan. Mr. B. sajrs, page 17 of his sermon, " While he (that is, Abraham) was, literally, the father of the whole Jewish family, he was, spirituall)'-, the father of none but believers, even among his own offspring : and now, as circumcision was enjoined upon all his natural seed, it follows, of course, that the design of it was literal, and that its benefits were to be looked for in con- nection with the literal import of the several promises which God had made to him : thus, those who were circumcised should be acknow- ledged his natural descendants ; should be pro- tected by the arm of God in the enjoyment of the privileges connected with all that arrange- ment by which it was designed to keep them a separate nation ; and finally should inherit the land of Canaan. A candid observer must per- ceive, that as the literal provisions of this cove- nant were confined to Abraham's natural seed, the literal rites of the covenant must also be confined to that people." The statements made in this quotation are plainly and flatly contradicted by the facts in the case. The three hundred and eighteen men of Abraham's house who were circum- MODE OF BAPTISM. 37 cised, were they a part of his natural seedl Gen. xiv, 14. And were those, and Ishmael, and his seed, kept a separate nation ? And did they finally inherit the land of Canaan ? Again ; were those servants acknowledged his natural descendants? Mr. B. says so. What say you, candid reader ? The idea that circumcision was designed only as a national badge, (the idea that is so confidently advanced by some of our Baptist teachers,) is contradicted by the facts connected with the original institution of circum- cision, as well as by the facts connected with the history of the institution. For if it was a national badge to the Jews, or descendants of Abraham by the line of Isaac and Jacob, it v/as equally so to the descendants of Abraham by the line of Ishmael and Esau. For the Ish- maelites, Arabians, and Saracens, all practised the rite ; and at this day, circumcision is the initiating rite to the Mohammedan as well as the Jew. How can that be a national badge to one nation that is practised by many nations? " I speak as unto wise men, judge ye what I say." Having shown, as we trust, in the foregoing observations, the identity of the church, and that the covenant made with Abraham (of which circumcision was the sign and seal) was the covenant of grace, intimated in Eden to Adam, (when his whole posterity were yet in his loins,) and fully made known under the gospel dispensation ; the seed of the woman having now bruised the serpent's head, by his cruci- 38 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND fixion on the cross, having " been made a curse for us, thai the ' blessing of Abraham^ might come on all that believe, both Jews and Gentiles ; that, according to the stipulations of the cove- nant, he might be the ''father of many nations-^'''' we shall now proceed to show that, in this covenant, (as understood anciently,) the right of infant church membership was recognised. In proof that infants were to be recognised as having membership in i\ie family church, see Gen, xvii, 11-13: "And ye shall circumcise the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall be a token of the covenant betwixt me and you. And he that is eight days old shall be circum- cised among you, every male child in your generation ; he that is born in the house, 01^ bought with money of any stranger, which is not of thy seedy This was the original constit^ition of the church of the true God : the original charter of that " Jerusalem which is the mother of us all," Gal. iv, 26. And here the rights of " unconscious babes''^ are acknowledged. This charter was in force, observe, four hundred and thirty years before the giving of the law. And St. Paul says, Gal. iii, 17, The law did not disannul the covenant which was confirmed of God in Christ four hundred and thirty years before. We see the covenant carried into effect in respect to children during the law. We quote, in proof, 2 Chron. xxxi, 14, 19. In this pas- sage, brethren, wives, sons, daughters, and little ones, are all mentioned as enterinainto the house MODE OF BAPTISM. 39 of the Lord. And this extended " through all the congregation," and we are told that Heze- kiah, in tliis arrangement of the congregation, did that which was right and good before the Lord his God. Verse 20. Now we never heard it denied that the priests and Levites entered not into the active and official services of the temple until the age of thirty : we see this illustrated in the case of John the Baptist, who was of the tribe of Levi, and the family of Aaron. Yet we learn from the passage in Chronicles, that the " little ones'^ of three years old entered into the " house of the Lord," and made a part of the congregation. This will throw light on that passage in Deut. xxix, 10, 13, " Ye stand this day all of you before the Lord your God, ' your little oneSy &c., to enter into covenant with the Lord your God," &c. Children of three years old enter into covenant with God ? Yes, this is their own personal act. Nor are these the only places where little ones are public characters ; for Joshua, in confirming or renewing the national covenant on Mount Gerizim, " read all the words of the law, the blessings and cursings, according to all that is written in the book of the law," to the little ones — to children three years old. Josh, viii, 34, 35. " It is clear from the passages adduced, that children of three years old were members of the national church, and engaged in the most sacred rites and so- lemn transactions, equally with their fathers. They were, no doubt, subject to the same pre- 40 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND paratoiy purifications, and were treated on the same ritual principles as their fathers." You find from 1 Sam. i, 22,24,28, and ii, 11, that as soon as Hannah weaned Samuel, she brought him and lent him to the Lord, " And he ministered unto the Lord before Eli the priest^ being a child girded with a linen ephod." " Having shown that, by the authority of God, infants were received into the covenant and the church ; that at three years of age they were publicly recognised as members of the church, and personally performed public acts of mem- bership, it follows, that the same divine author- ity which granted the right must be shown to have cancelled it, before they can justly be de- prived of it ; and as no one pretends that God has prohibited the membership of infants under the gospel, the original grant must remain in full forceJ^ We shall explain this part of the subject by an illustration or two. What is called in most of the states of this Union the common laio, is the law of the commonwealth, unless in the particular case the common law has been re- pealed by express statute law. Hence it is sometimes a question in the courts, (which cannot be decided without an appeal,) whether the case before the court is actionable at com- mon law, or whether it has been provided for by express statute. Apply the matter. We find the right of infant church membership acknowledged in the Old Testament Scriptures, and in the church of God, for about two thou- >r<5DE OF BAPTISM. 41- sand years. We take their having had a title as prima facie evidence that they have a title still. We look into the New Testament, (which I consider the book of statute law for the church,) to see if there is any precept or pre- cedent, any " Thus saith the Lord," for ex- cluding infants ; any abrogating statute ; and we find none. Take another case : There is now in Virginia what is called a " new constitu- tion f^ has any intelligent citizen of the state ever entertained an idea that this is any other than the old constitution amended, by the au- thority of the state, vested in a convention of the citizens ? Are not the privileges of the citi- zens precisely the same as under the old con- stitution, except so far as that was amended by the direct action of the convention ? Do not the strong features of the constitution remain the same ? Were the terms of citizenship altered 1 or the essential privileges of the citizens in- fringed, by the partial amendments which are found to have been made ? Or does any citizen infer other amendments, from the fact that he finds some plainly stated in the new charter or constitution ? And if a question should arise in the state about implied privileges, or abridged rights, I suppose the gentleman who should indulge his imagination in the case would be expected to furnish the burden of proof , to sup- port his inferences : he would not be allowed to change the old constitution by inference. Apply the illustration to the case in hand. We call upon our Baptist friends to show, if they can, 42 OBLIGATION, SUBJEC1V3, AND that there has taken place, under the New Testament dispensation, any essential change in the privileges of the church, or its members. Zion, indeed, has " enlarged her borders," but her " citizens]^ and their privileges are substan- tially the same. Here we might rest this branch of the argument, until those who exclude little children from the visible family of God should produce the statute of repeal by which their privileges are taken away. And till this be done, their rights may be safely rested upon the original grant. But we shall show not only that they were in the church formerly^ but that Christ did not exclude them under the gospel economy. I am aware that many objections are urged against the administration of the ordinance to children ; and when argument fails, sneers and ridicule are made to do what argument cannot, and Scripture will not, accomplish. It is called " infant sprinkling," " baby sprinkling." And again it is asked, " What do they know about the ordinance ?" Take one specimen of many, from Mr. Broaddus's sermon, p. 41 : " Thanks to the ingenuity of Pope Stephen III. for an invention which secures the dear little crea- tures a place in heaven, wdthout the inconve- nience and danger of being plunged into a stream or pool of water." It is likely iMr. B. has a better opinion of the pope's close commu- nion. Query : Can he, or the pope, furnish a "Thus saitii the Lord," for excluding their brethren from the table of our common Lord, MODE OF BAPTISM. 43 and thus " making terms of communion that are not terms of salvation V See Robert Hall's, Works. Can Mr. B. furnish a " Thus saith the Lord" for the observance of the first day of the week as the Christian sabbath, instead of the seventh ? Yet he, and the whole Christian world, so far as I know, (except the seventh- day Baptists,) agree to adopt it as the sabbath. I suppose that can be managed without an express warrant, and can be abundantly made out from precedent and inference, &lq,., &c., as it does not stand in the way of " believers' baptism," or " baptism by immersion." We trust, candid reader, to furnish you evidence, with regard to the subjects of baptism, which shall not, with you, at least, be set aside by irony or ridicule. PROSELYTE BAPTISM. That baptism was in existence before the days of John the Baptist seems evident from the writings of some of the Jews, especially as practised in the case of proselytes. Maimonides holds on this subject the following language : — " In ALL ages, vjhen a heathen (or a stranger by nation) was willing to enter into the covenant of Israel, and gather himself under the wings of the majesty of God, and take upon himself the yoke of the law, he must be first circumcised, and secondly baptized, and thirdly bring a sacrifice ; or if the party were a woman, then she must be first BAPTIZED, and secondly bring a sacrificed — Clarke's Commentary at the end of Mark. 44 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND And this fact does not rest on the authority of the Jews alone, for that the practice existed, and was known to the heathens, is clear from the words of Epictetus : (he is blaming those who assume the profession of philosophy with- out acting up to it:) " Why do you call your- self a stoic ? Why do you deceive the multi- tude ? Why do you pretend to be a Greeli, when you are a Jew, a Syrian, an Egyptian ? And when we see one wavering, we are wont to say, This is not a Jew, but acts one. But when he assumes the sentiments of one who hath been baptized and circumcised, then he both really is, and is called a Jew," &c. This practice, then, of the Jews — proselyte baptism — was so notorious to the heathens in Italy and Greece, that it furnished this philo- sopher with an object of comparison. Now, Epictetus lived to be very old — he is placed by Dr. Lardner A. D. 109 ; by Le Clerc, A.D. 104. He could not be less than sixty years of age when he wrote this : and he might obtain his information thirty or forty years earlier, which brings it up to the time of the apostles. Those who coidd think that the Jews could institute proselyte baptism., at the very moment when the Christians were practising baptism as an initia- tory rite, are not to be envied for the correct- ness of their judgment. The rite dates much earlier, probably many ages. I see no reason for disputing the assertion of Maimonides, not- withstanding Dr. Gill's rash and fallacious lan- guage on the subject. See Facts and Evi- MODE OF BAPTISM. 45 tlences, as quoted by Watson. " This baptism of proselytes, as Dr. Lightfoot has fully shown, was a haptis7n of families, and comprehended their ufant children; and the rite was a symbol of their being washed from the pollution of idolatiy. Very different, indeed, in the extent of its import and office, was Christian baptism to the Jewish baptism ; nevertheless, this shows that the Jews were familiar wdth the rite as it extended to children, in cases of conversions from idolatry; and, as far at least as the con- verts from paganism to Christianity were con- cerned, they could not but understand Christian baptism to extend to the infant children of Gen- tile proselytes, unless there had been, what we nowhere find in the discourses of Christ, or the writings of the apostles, an express exception of them." — Watson on Baptism. It is objected to infant baptism that infants are not capable of believing, and that as the apostles received a comnfiission to baptize be- lievers, Mark xvi, 15, 16, therefore infants ought to be refused the ordinance. This reason lies equally against infant salvation. An argument that proves too much (as this does) proves no- thing, only that he who uses it is hard run for an argument. Let us look at this matter a moment. Infants cannot believe, therefore they ought not to be baptized. Infants cannot believe, there- fore they must be damned ! For the text says, " He that helievcth not shall be damned." Mr. B. says, p. 7, "I will engage to prove, that the commission actually excludes all unl 46 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND Avhetlier unconscious infants or unbelieving adults." " Why tell them to baptize believers, if they were to baptize all men indiscrimi- nately?" Why should he thus "beat the air?" He never heard an intelligent Pedobaptist say that " all men indiscriminately''* are to be baptized. Why did he not quote Eph. ii, 8 ? " By grace are ye saved through faith." But infants have no faith ; therefore they cannot be saved. Or this : " If any will not work, neither shall he eat." Children cannot work, therefore children should not be allowed to eat ; and thus, by his reasoning, furnish a pretext for starving children according to the word of the apostle. Or he might have quoted : " The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven in flaming lire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and obey not the gospel." Infants know not God, and obey not the gospel, therefore he will take vengeance on them, &c. This is a kind of logic that puts more in the conclusion than is in the premises, and is therefore a 7nere sophism. Again : " Baptism," say they, " is the answer of a good conscience ; infants cannot have the answer of a good conscience, therefore they ought not to be baptized." Infants have not an evil conscience, and that is more than can be said for many adults, who have been baptized upon a profession of faith. They have innocence to recommend them ; while of Simon Magus it is said, " Simon himself believed also ; and when he was baptized," &c. We soon hear of this man who had received "behevers' baptism," MODE OF BAPTISM. 47 that his heart " is not right in the sight of God," " he is in the gall of bitterness" " Thou hast no part or lot in this matter." And 1 conclude Simon's was not a solitary case. Mr. B.'s illustration on page 7 I tliink very unfortunate ; because there is an obvious want of analogy in the case. His words are, " Sup- pose the governor of Virginia should send out recruiting officers, under a commission reading as follows, viz. : Go through all the state and call upon all the inhabitants to enlist in the army, giving them ten dollars each ;" he says, *' can any one suppose that imconscious infants are included among those who are to receive the ten dollars ?" " The cases (^he says) a!re precisely parallel." I suppose, if infants were as capable of being soldiers, of bearing arms, and marching to the battle field, as theij were anciently, and are noio, of receiving the sign of the covenant, then indeed there might be some analogy; but until that is proved, we shall not alloAv Mr. B. to pass off assumption for proof, or sophistry for argument, or agree that he shall beg the question where the proof is absent; as he has done more than once in his Strictures and sermons. Again : the wording of the commission, in Matt, xxviii, 19, 20, is urged against the pro- priety of admitting children to baptism. We must always try to put ourselves in the circum- stances of those who are addressed, and ask what would be the sense which, in their 'peculiar circumstances, we would have been likely to put 48 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND upon the words. Dr. Watts remarks, tliat we often interpret the meaning of terms from early- impressions made upon us by local circum- stances. Hence, says he, " a youth raised in sight of a parish church, that has a steeple on it, always associates in his mind, when he hears the word church, the idea of a house with a steeple,^^ &c. So when a man unacquainted with ancient customs reads in the New Testa- ment, " Men do not put new wine into old bottles, lest the bottles burst," &c., he is at a loss to understand the matter ; for his mind directly recurs to the fact that glass bottles which have been tried can be better trusted to stand the process of vinous fermentation than 7tew ones. But there was no difficulty in the minds of those to whom the words were spoken originally ; because they knew of no bottles ex- cept those made of skins, which were always strongest when new. If the original commission to " disciple all nations, baptizing them," &c., had been given to Mr. B., or any of his brethren, of whom it may be said that " infant baptism is their soul's abhorrence," I frankly confess that it would have been necessary to give such specific directions to admit the children to the ordinance with the parents ; and it might have been ne- cessary, for aught I know, to work a miracle in order to convince them that there was any sense or justice in baptizing " a babe.^^ Christ might have found their prejudices as stubborn as were Peter's, who could not discover that MODE OF BAPTISM. 49 " God was no respecter of persons, until, while in a trance, a sheet was let down from heaven, and a voice said to him three times^ Kill and eat ;" and the Spirit said, " Go with the men (of Cornelius) doubting nothing, for I have sent them.'' Men's prejudices become very invete- rate, especially when they grow up under a system of exclusiveness. Hear Mr. B., page 27, for the proof of the above : '' This species of tyranny over men's consciences (i. e., baptizing infants) would better suit the avowed doctrines of the Church of Rome, than the professed libe- rality of Protestants. It would be difficult for me to perceive any thing more arbitrary in bap- tizing adults at the point of tlie sv)ord, than in taking unconscious infants, and imposing upon them submission to a religious rite, with respect to which they have no volition or choice." The reader can perceive from this quotation the views and feeling^s of Mr. B. w^ith regard to infant baptism. I hesitate not to declare, that the doctrine contained in the above is calculated to subvert that order and subordination which is necessary to the well-being of society. For if it is tyranny in the parent to dedicate the child to God in baptism, without the child's choice ; then is the child's liberty taken away, if the parent requires it to observe the Christian sab- bath, or to go to the house of God, instead of to the temple of an idol. The apostle considered it not warring with the liberty of the gospel, or of the child, to say, " Children, obey your pa- rents in all things,"" Col. iii, 20 ; and to require 4 50 OBLIGATION, KUBJECTS, AND tlie parent " to bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord," Eph. vi, 4. If the judgment of the parent is to govern the child in its minority, surely it cannot be a sore evil to the child to be dedicated to God in baptism, before it is instructed and admonished in the Lord. Such ^^ tyrannical imrents''' have the ex- ample of Abraham, the father of the faithful, to encourage them ; and the example of all the faithful, from Abraham down to Joseph and Mary, the reputed father and real mother of Jesus ; for at eight days old, Jesus was solemnly recognized as a member of the church, by the rite of circumcision. Yet this, according to Mr. B., was about as arbitrary as if John, at the age of thirty, had baptized him " at the point of the sword." From the above it will appear how inveterate are the prejudices of this gentleman against infant baptism. Hence I say, if he, and those "who think and feel as he does on this subject, had received the commission which Peter and his fellow apostles received, the directions to admit infants would, of necessity, have been very definite. But as it was, the commission Avas put into the hands of Jews, who had never known a church that did not admit, and main- tain, the right of infant church membership. They, of course, would so understand the com- mission, as to admit the children with their parents, as was always the case when Gen- tiles were proselyted to the Jewish religion. MODE or BAPTISM. 51 Being well acquainted with this practice, they would admit the children, unless forbidden to do so. Peter and his brethren had never learned to think of a church that excluded children from membership, and of course would not attempt to form a church upon a new model, unless spe- cijically directed so to do. Jewish children were called the " disciples of Moses ;" and when the commission said, " Go and disciple all nations, baptizing them and teaching them," &c., they would make disciples of adults and their chil- dren, as the Jewish missionaries had been ac- customed to do from the beginning. They who valued themselves upon being the children of Abraham would not reject the infant children of the followers of Abraham's faith. " If ye be Christ's, then ar^ ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." St. Paul. It is objected further, if they are admitted to baptism, on the same ground they ought to be admitted to the sacrament of the Lord's supper. This objection is more specious than valid. It is evident to all who reflect, that there is a manifest difference existing in the two ordi- nances, baptism and the Lord's supper, — as is obvious from the Scriptures, and from the prac- tice of the Baptists themselves. I suppose they do not admit all to the communion (however unworthy) who have been once baptized. Now, infants have no capacity to "discern the Lord's body," or to examine themselves before ap- 52 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND preaching the supper. Nor is it ever said of baptism, " He that receives it unworthily, re- ceives it to his own damnation." The children of Jewish parents, though regu- lar church members, did not eat of the passover until a given age. So says Calvin, Institutes, b. iv, ch. 16: "The passover, which has now been succeeded by the sacred supper, did not admit guests of all descriptions promiscuously ; but was rightly eaten only by those who were of sufficient age to be able to inquire into its signiiication." Josephus says, Antiq., lib. xii, ch. 4, " The ld.w forbids the son to cat of the sacrifice before he has come to the temple, and there presented an ofiering to God." " Children at the age of twelve years," says Poole, " were brought by their parents to the temple ; and from that time they hegaii to eat of the passover, and other sacrifices." I shall quote but three more authorities on this point. " Till a child was twelve years old, he was not obliged to go to Jerusalem at the lime of the passover."— Stackhouse, Hist. Bib., b. viii, ch. 1. " The males were not brought to the temple till they were twelve years old, and the sacrifices they ate were chiefly peace offerings, which became the common food to all that were clean in the family." — Dr. Doddridge, Lee, p. 9, prop. 155. Hence we find, in Luke ii, 21, 41, 42, that although Jesus was circumcised at eight days MODE OF BAPTISM. 53 old, and his pajr?its went, up evcnj year to the passover feast, yet there is no intimation that Jesus ever kept the feast, until he was twelve years old : " And when he was twelve years old, they went up to Jerusalem, after the custom of the feast," The learned Dr. Gi]l, a Baptist writer, has spoken to the same effect : " Ac- cording to the maxims of the Jews," says he, " persons were not obliged to the duties of the law, or subject to its penalties in case of non- performance, until they were, a female, at the age of twelve years and one day, and a male at the age of thirteen years and one day. But then they used to train up their children, and inure them to religious exercises before. They were not properly under the law until they had amved at the age above mentioned ; nor were they reckoned adult church members until then, nor then neither, unless worthy persons : for so it is said, ' He that is worthy, at thirteen years of age, is called a son of the congrega- tion of Israel.' " — Gill's Com. on Luke ii, 42. From the examination of this objection to infant baptism, our views are strengthened ; for it appears that although infants were formerly circumcised, they were not required to eat the passover. And although infants are to be bap- tized, ^^as they may he the subjects of the renew- ing of the Holy Ghost, and sprinkling of the blood of Christ," signified by baptism, and can thus be distinguished visibly as the special property of Christ, yet they cannot, in the sup- per, " discern the Lord's body," and partake of 54 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND it " in remembrance of him ;" and are morally and physically incapable of coming to the Lord's table, according to the meaning of the institution. And although, at some periods of the history of the church, in some places infant communion was held ; yet it was never said to have come down from the days of the apostles, nor did it ever generally prevail in the Christian church. I suppose it came into the church as an inno- vation, the result of superstition^ and prevailed about as extensively, and stood upon the same footing, as the practice of baptizing men and women naked ; dipping them three times, and then giving milk and honey to the baptized. We shall, in the next place, try to ascertain how the apostles understood their commission, from the manner in which they executed it, as we find the matter detailed in the Acts of the Apostles. We think it cannot be shown that in any case where parents were baptized, their children were left still to be the disciples of Moses, or in an outcast heathen state. We think the cases of family or household baptism recorded, furnish, at least, very strong presumptive evi- dence for infant baptism ; and I suppose pre- sumptive evidence for them will be considered good, until some counter evidence is produced. It is true that Mr. Broaddus says, (sermon, page 11,) "I have myself baptized four house- holds, and not an infant among them." In the whole course of his ministry, I suppose in MODK OF BAPTISM. 55 some twelve or fourteen years, after baptizing hundreds, as I presume, he has baptized "/owr households, and not an infant among them." I really feel a little curiosity to know who they were, and how many souls the four households contained. I wonder if there were any married persons among them? I hope, if this gentle- £ man should write again, he will give us some information on these extraordinary cases, for it is surely extraordinary to hear of a Baptist preacher baptizing even one household, except, perhaps, where a man and his wife, or a hachelor and his maiden sister, constitute a household. We are thankful to Mr. B. for this piece of in- formation. It seems, then, that in the course of his whole ministry, after having baptized hundreds, he has met with and baptized four households that had no infants in them. Now, in the Acts of the Apostles, and in the Epistles, there are a few families only men- tioned. And in every case where there is mention of a family, there is the total absence of evidence that any part of the family was refused baptism. In every case where baptism is mentioned in connection with a family, the evidence, as far as it goes, is in favour of the baptism of the parent and the cMldren. We will take, first, the case of Lydia, Acts xvi, 15 : " And when she was baptized, and her househcldP But Mr. B. thinks, page 10, that possibly the household were " Lydia's partners in her mercantile operations ;" he says, possibly they were ^^ journeymen diers,'' " or 56 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AXD were they mere travelling companions ?" Our Baptist friends are so bent upon cutting off the right of infants to baptism, that they will sup- pose any thing, however preposterous, to evade the argument drawn from household baptisms. They will suppose that even partners in business with Lydia, or ^''journeymen diers^* were baptized, and constituted " brethren," al- though there is no intimation that she had so much as one partner or one journeyman; and if she had, (which we think very unlikely,) then they were baptized and made brethren, without grace ; for the passage makes no mention of the heart of any person being opened, except Lydia's ; and there is no intimation that those journeymen either repented or believed, and of course could not have received " believer's baptism." I appeal to you, reader, to judge, who would be the most fit for baptism, — the children of a believing mother, or a house- hold oi graceless ^'■journeymen diersr " I speak as unto wise men." God said, " I will be a God to thee and to thy seedr Peter said, " The promise is unto you and your children.^'' And Luke says, " Lydia was baptized, and her household^ " Judge ye what I say." Is there not strong presumptive evidence that the apostles baptized children with their parents ? But Mr. B. had to suppose that Lydia had a dying establishment, in order to find a use for " journeymen ;" and then he thinks it would MODE OF BAPTISM. 57 have been " unsuitable" and " inconvenient" for her to have brought her infant or infants with her such a distance, even if she had them at home. He thinks it " very improbable" that she would have them with her. Now, candid reader, I think just the reverse ; for if Lydia left Thyatira, and came to Philippi, and set up a dying establishment that needed journeymen, and went to housekeeping with her " partners" or "journeymen," or both, then /say, it is ex- tremely improbable that she would have left any ,part of her family at Thyatira, much less her " infant offspring." However inconvenient it might be to a mother to bring her children such a distance, yet with a mother's heart, she would doubtless find it much more inconvenient to have them so far from her. The editor of Calmet, Facts and Evidences, pp. 13, 14, has proved that otKog, the v/ord used in the passage, when spoken of persons, de- notes a family of children — and includes chil- dren of all ages. And he offers not only ffty examples to prove it, but says that " three hun- dred instances have been examined, and have proved perfectly satisfactory." The same writer says, that when the sacred writers include servants, and the whole domes- tic establishment, they use the word oiKia, and the passage above should be read, " And when she was baptized and her family." Lydia, then, had a family of children ; and these children were baptized at the same time with their mother. 58 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND Again, as this woman appears not to have been past the meridian of life, the presumption is that part of those children were young. What Mr. B. says about those persons who consti- tuted Lydia's family being the brethren spoken of in the fortieth verse who were comforted by Paul and Silas, when examined a little, will appear destitute even of probability. He asks, with an air of triumph, " Can these things be said with propriety of unconscious babes ?" I answer. No, — and there is no necessity that they should be so applied. Reader, if you will look at A^erses 16, 18, you will find that the apostles held public meetings in Philippi ^^ many days" after Lydia's conversion before they were cast into prison ; and during all that time exercised their ministry unmolested, until they cast the spirit of divination out of a " girl ;" which cir- cumstance led to the imprisonment of Paul and Silas. There can be no doubt that many were converted at these meetings ; especially as Paul, in his epistle to this church, represents them as having lived in fellowship m the gospel " from THE FIRST DAY," Phil, i, 5. And, moreover, there were two of the apostolic company who were not in the prison with Paul and Silas, as you w^ill see by examining the context. The company consisted at least of — 1st, Timothy; 2d, Paul ; 3d, Silas ; 4th, Luke. They lodged at the house of Lydia, until Paul and Silas were cast into prison. On the day after they were released from their imprisonment, " they entered into the house of Lydia : and when MODE OF BAPTISM. 59 they had seen the brethren, they comforted them and departed." This verse does not so much as intimate that " the brethren" were Lydia's family. When the intelUgence of the release of the apostles from prison was noised abroad, of course the whole of the brethren, Timothy, Luke, and others, would repair to Paul's lodgings to see him ; and when he had given them his farewell benediction, he departed. Once more, on this case of family baptism. It will be urged, there is no positive proof that there Avere infants in the family of Lydia. True, and there is no positive proof that there were any adults besides Lydia herself. " But here is positive proof of the baptism of children, and a family of children, mentioned in connection with the baptism of the parent, Avithout a hint being dropped respecting their faith, conversion, or consent, or even of their attending to the things spoken of Paul ; though the account con- tains a detail of the parents' conversion, in such a way, that their conversion could not well have escaped notice had it actually taken place." " It will not be contended, we presume, by the Baptists, that any adults Avere baptized of whose faith Ave have not good proof, for this Avould destroy the Avhole fabric of 'belicA^ers* baptism.' When, therefore, we find children baptized of AA'hose faith Ave have no proof at all, the conclusion is inevitable, that children Avere not baptized by the apostles on the same grounds as adults." '.' If the sacred writers have taken care to 60 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND apprize us of the previous faith of all the adults who received baptism, in order that succeeding ministers might not mistake in giving the ordi- nance to an adult unbeliever ; did it not equally behoove them, if they required the same quali- fications in children, to use the same care in notifying their faith, with the record of their reception of the ordinance? And as, in fact, they have not done this, does it not necessarily follow, that faith in children is not a necessary qualification ?" — D. Isaac, p. 185. In fact, we never should have known that Lydia had a family, were they not incidentally mentioned as accompanying her in baptism : — " And when she was baptized and her family." Insert her baptism, we find her family; omit her baptism, she has no family recorded : the act of her baptism cannot be separated from that of her family. Now if her family were of mature age, capable of " attention to the word spoken," capable of having their hearts opened, capable of believing, how is it that they are not mentioned together with her, as attending, &c., since they are mentioned together with her as receiving baptism 1 Surely, Luke did not think their being baptized a more important fact than their having " their hearts opened," &c., so that he should mention the one and omit the other : but I shall be told, we are to infer their repent' ance and faith from the fact of their baptism. Our opponents are as glad to be allowed an inference sometimes as their neighbours. But, if their conversion is to be inferred from the fact MODE OF BAPTISM. 61 of their baptism, then might the cotiversion of the mother be inferred from her baptism, and there was no necessity that Luke should have detailed the circumstances of her change; we might have settled the whole matter by inference, as well as a part of it. And as he detailed the circumstances of the conversion of the mother, and said nothing of the family, only that they were baptized with her, the inference, we think, in the minds of all vf\\o have not a theory to support by rejecting the evidence, must be irre- sistible, that they did not receive baptism on the same conditions that Lydia did, but were made disciples by baptism, that they might be taught " the things belonging to the ' kingdom of God.' " The cases of the household of Stephanus, 1 Cor. i, 16, and the household of the Philip- pian jailer, Acts xvi, 33, we shall not dwell upon. One remark or two on this last men- tioned case, and we shall proceed. Our Baptist friends have often attempted to do away the evidence drawn from this case, as Mr. B. does, Sermon, p. 10, by referring to that part of the passage which says, that they spake to him the word of the Lord and to all that were in his house, and that he rejoiced, believing in God, with all his house, &c. The preaching evidently took place in the outer jyrison, w^here Paul and Silas were, before they were thrust into the inner prison; "and they spake to him the word of the Lord and to all that were in his house." Ver. 32. Here the word ocKta is used. 62 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND which includes the buildings occupied by the servants and prisoners, as well as those appro- priated to the use of the family. See Mr. Tay- lor's Facts and Evidences. When St. Paul says, ver. 31, " Thou shalt be saved and thy house," he uses another word, otKog, which in- cludes the parents and children. Hence, when he believed, we find, ver. 33, " he was baptized, and all his, straightway^ And suppose his family did rejoice with him, there might still be infants in it. Have you never read, " Out of the mouth of hahes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise ?" It would be well if our Baptist friends would seriously consider this case in the light of truth and the spirit of candour. Though the servants and prisoners together must have amounted to several persons, and though the family was imdoubtedly numerous, yet we do not read of any one besides him, and all his, being bap- tized. If we suppose, with a Baptist, that the whole of the jailer's family were converted mider this sermon, it would be one of the most singular circumstances which the history of the church has furnished, that the loork of conversion should stop just there ; — not one of all his family left ; not one of all the rest taken. Allow, the children icere baptized on the ground of their father's faith, and all the mystery and difficulty of the passage vanishes at once. — D. Isaac, p. 192. One thing at least is certain, that the jailer and his family were not baptized according to .MODE OF BAl'TItiM. 63 tlie practice among the Baptists of modern times. For we learn from the passage, that " they were baptized the same hour of the night." No such case can be found in the history of those who deny infant baptism. There are four reasons why a Baptist minister would not have baptized the jailer and his family, as the apostles did, after about half an hour's teaching. 1st, He would not have deemed them suffi- ciently instructed. They were all idolaters an hour before. 2d, They could not have furnished the re- quired evidences of their being the subjects of a gracious change. It is common for Baptists to delay baptism for weeks, sometimes for months. 3d, The concurrence of the church could not be had. Lydia and " the brethren" must have been consulted. 4th, There was no opportunity for a public profession of Christianity, where the " imposing ordinance'^ could be witnessed. I judge that the " pattern" St. Paul worked by differed in several respects from the pattern of those who hold nothing hut believers^ haptism. Perhaps we could show (if we were disposed to cavil and find fault with our neighbours) that the practice of our Baptist friends differs very widely from the practice of the apostles, as we find theirs detailed in the Acts. We have dwelt longer on the baptism of famihes than we intended. We shall therefore proceed to other evidence for infant baptism. 64 OBLIGATIOiN, SUBJECTS, AND We next adduce what our Lord says, Mark X, 13-16 ; Luke xviii, 15 ; Matt, xix, 13 : " Suf- fer the little children to come unto me, and fur- bid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God. ''^ With this passage Mr. B. seems somewhat per- plexed, for he endeavours to make it appear that those children might have been capable of believing. Sermon, p. 13, and Strict., p. 8, he says, " I am led to doubt exceedingly whether the children brought to Jesus were unconscious babes, or Avhether there ever were any uncon- scious infants brought to Jesus." Now / suppose, if they had been capable of " believing," as Mr. B. supposes, then neither the disciples nor even a Baptist preacher woidd have rebuked those that brought them, or have '^forbidden the children ;" as believers are not only capable of being ".blessed," but have a right to baptism, accord- ing to our opponents. Luke says they were " infants." I presume their infants were about as '^'■unconscious" as our infants. How ridicu- lous it is to see a man come with " Schrevelius's Lexicon," or any other Lexicon, in his hand, to tell, or prove to plain people, that although Mark says they were " young children','' and Jesus calls them " little children" and Matthew calls them " little children" and Luke says they were " infants," and they all say " they were brought" to Jesus, and " he took them up in his arms" and put his hands on them, "ye/' there never ivcre any unconscious infants brought to Jesus !" In his Strictures, Mr. B. has tried one mode of evading this case ; and in his sermon, another MODE OF BAPTISM. 65 mode, both equally absurd, and going alike to show how very obnoxious the case of those children is to the Baptist cause. The phrase " kingdom of God," and " king- dom of heaven," used by the evangelists, Mattkeio, Mark, and Luke, I hold to mean, ge?ie' rally, the church under the gospel dispensation : " The kingdom which (Daniel said) the God of heaven was to set up at the end of the seventy weeks," represented in the vision by the " little stone taken out of the mountain without hands," Dan. ii, 44, 45. I am not only supported ia this view by critics generally, but also by that famous Baptist preacher, Robert Hall. His words are — " The kingdom of God, a phrase which is constantly employed in Scripture to denote that state of things which is placed under the avowed administration of the Mes- siah."— Hall's Works, vol. i, p. 372. Now Christ says, " Of such ('infants,' 'little chil- dren') is the kingdom of God," and says to the adults who were present, " Verily I say unto you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein." It is worthy of remark, that while the disciples forbid the children, and rebuked those that brought them, the Master " was much displeased" with those knovying adults^ and took the infants in his bosom, and gave them his blessing. A Baptist may ask, " How could an infant be blessed?" they are " uncon- scious," " why should infants be forced without their choice" to Christ, and have his blessing 5 66 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND put upon them " without their consent?" " They might choose to reject Christ when they become aduhs." These, and a thousand other questions might be asked. But the how and the lohy is not the matter to be settled by us ; here are the facts, " he took them in his arms," " he blessed them ;" he said, " Of such is the kingdom of God." It is very doubtful with me whether Mr. B.'s " extreme doubts" on the subject, even with the use of his " Lexicon," will invalidate, in the minds of my readers, the force of these facts. It is hard to reason against facts. But suppose, for argument sake, that the " kingdom of God" means the kingdom of glory, our opponents gain nothing by it ; then the children are fit for heaven, and, I suppose, are fit for the church on earth. What Mr. B. says in his Strictures about angels being unfit for a place in the gospel church is altogether gratui- tous ; — where is it written 1 He admits. Strict., p. 8, that " the blood of Jesus may be applied to children," fitting them for heaven : and still he says, " they are fitted by an infiuence that never fits men for the gospel kingdom^ This sseems like very strange doctrine. I suppose Mr. B. holds the doctrine of original sin, in opposition to Pelagius ; if so, infants need an application of the blood of Christ, to purify, or make them holy ; then the question occurs, How is this blood applied ? The Scriptures at- tribute the work uniformly to the Holy Spirit : hence the angel said, Luke i, 15, of John the Baptist, that " he shall be filled with the Holy MODE OF BAI'TISM. 67 Ghost, even from his mother's womb." Now, candid reader, do you know of any other way to fit men for the gospel church, or the kingdom of glory, than by an application of " the blood of Jesus, through the eternal Spirit V We read of but one song among the redeemed in heaven ; they all were redeemed by the blood of Jesus, and all sino one song. Infants, who are in a state of justification, Rom. V, 18, consequently not guilty, having never committed actual or personal transgres- sion, are made the model for adults : " Except ye be converted, and become as little children ;" " whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God, as a little child," &c. Yet our Baptist friends admit the adults, who are formed on the model, and reject the children, who are the model by Avhich the qualifications of the adult are set forth. Strange ! passing strange ! We shall be told, however, " they were not baptized, but blessed;" v/here is the proof? " They were to be received in the name of Christ." " They were not to be forbidden to come to him." The Baptists say, all were to come to him in his church by baptism. I there- fore infer they were baptized, and I have just as much evidence of the baptism of those chil- dren as any Baptist can find in the New Testa- ment of the baptism of St, Peter and. St. John ; for I have never seen any evidence that Christ ever applied water to them hut once, and then be only washed their feet. An objector will say, But we infer they were baptized. Very 68 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND good. You will allow me the same liberty. / infer those children were baptized, for surely they obtained some grace, when it is said, " he blessed thcm.'^ This is more than can be said with truth of many an adult church member. See Watson's Exp. on Matt, xix, 13, 14. The Epistles were written to the churches, and were to be read in the churches ; and chil- dren — young children — are addressed, and ap- propriate instruction given them, equally with fathers, wives, servants, &c. We shall be told they were not " unconscious babes." They were so young that they were " yet to be brought up,^^ and were not to be '■'■ provoked''^ by their parents, lest they should be " discouraged." They had been " baptized into Christ ;" — into bis kingdom as subjects, — into his school as scholars, or disciples, — and were to " obey their parents in the Lord i?i all thi?igs" and to be " brought up in the instruction and discipline of the Lord." Surely such were not adult be- lievers. When was a Baptist church seen that had persons in it that needed bringing up ? There is no precedent in Scripture with re- gard to the particular age at which the ordinance ought to be given, except one. That is the case of Jesus, " who began to be about thirty years of age." We suppose " our friends," who talk so much of " following Jesus down to Jordan," and " fulfilling all righteousness," would hardlv recommend all persons to defer baptism until the age of thirty — although this is a part of Christ's example. More of this hereafter. MODE OF BAPTISM. 69 When they tell iis we cannot find the word " infant" in connection with baptism in the Scriptures, and therefore have no " Thus saith the Lord" for it — '• no Scripture precedent" — I answer, They cannot find the words boy, girl, old man, young man, yet they occasionally baptize some of each. This is very much like a man rejecting the doctrine of the Trinity, be- cause he does not find the word Trinity in the Scriptures. I shall produce one more evidence from the Scriptures, 1 Cor. vii, 14 : " For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife," &c., " else were your children unclean ; but now are they holy." Mr. B. has given. Sermon, pp. 12, 13, a caricature of the argument of Pedobaptists on this passage. He says, " Some of them con- tend that infants ought to be baptized, because they are pure, and others contend that they need it because they are impure ;" and then gravely says, " but I cannot see the force of the argu- ment." What argument ? If he had taken\s much pains to present the Pedobaptist view of the passage as he has to give the fanciful and far-fetched exposition of the Rev. Mr. Dagg, the reader might have had some idea of the argument for infant baptism drawn from the passage. In many places in the Scriptures (Exod. xix, 6; Lev. X, 10; 1 Chron. xxii, 19; 2 Chron. xxiii, 6 ; Ezek. xxii, 26 ; Luke ii, 23 ; Acts x, 28, and xi, 8, 9 ; Heb. ix, 13) the word "holy" is applied to things or persons, separated from 70 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND common, and devoted to religions nses ; sepa- rated from the world and devoted to God : and is often applied to the visible church, under different dispensations. Hence the Jews are called a " holy people ;" and Peter calls the Christian church " a holy nation." They were so, professionally, being " separated from the world to God ;" although each individual mem- ber was not " intrinsically liolyP While our opponents say that the word " holy," as applied to the children in the text, signifies that they were " legitimate" children, they do not pretend to furnish a single text from the Scriptures where the word has that sense ; while they expect us to take their interpretation without proof, the good Mr. Baxter has shown, (Baxter's Inf. Oh. Membership.) that in near six hundred places in the Bible, the word has the sense which I have given it above, i. e., " a separation to God" This eyidence, I should think, must be decisive with all who do not interpret Scripture by a creed, but are content to take their creed out of the Scriptures. If, then, the children of Christians are "holy," i. e., " separated to God," are they separated to God in the church, or out of it ? If it is replied. They are separated to him in the church; then they must be church members, and that is what we wish to prove ; if, on the other hand, it be replied. They are " separated to God" in the world ; then truly they present an anomalous case, they are truly " peculiar." They do not belong to the church, they do not belong to the MODE OF BAPTISM. 71 world. " The church is in Christ ;" — " the world lieth in the wicked one," but those hap- less children are in neither ; they neither be- long to God nor the devil ! If they are not " unclean" but " holy," the apostle clearly establishes, or asserts, a distinc- tion between the children of heathens, who 1 were unclean, and devoted to heathen gods, and the children of professing Christians, which were separated and devoted to God. " The unbelieving husband (being one flesh with the believing wife) is sanctified by the wife," and vice versa; so that the children are not "un- clean," or left in a heathen state, but " separated to God" with the believing parent. I am sup- ported in this opinion by the learned Whitby. His language is — " And though one of the pa- rents be still a heathen, yet is the denomination to be taken from the better, and so their off- .spring are to be esteemed, not as heathens, i. e., unclean, but holy, as all Christians by denomination are." See Whitby on the place. Clemens Alexandrinus held the same view of tliis passage. "Hence, then," says Whitby, " the argument for infant baptism runs thus : If the holy seed among the Jews was therefore to be circumcised, and be made federally holy, by receiving the sign of the covenant, and being admitted into the number of God's ' holy people,' because they were born in sanctity, or were seminally holy ; for the root being holy, so are the branches also; then, by like reason, the holy seed of Christians ought to be admitted 72 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AXD to baptism, and receive the sign of the Christian covenant." What merit " Mr. Dagg's Exposition" may- possess as a whole, I am unprepared to say, but the specimen Mr. B. has given of it surely does not present it in a very favourable light. Hear him : " If a believing husband must leave his wife because she is an unbeliever, for the same reason your offspring must be cast ofT; for they would, upon the principle herein in- volved, he as unclean, on account of unbelief , to the believing parents, as an unbelieving husband or wife would be to the other who is a believer." But perhaps Mr. B. may bring a Lexicon to prove that the term translated " children" means " posterity." Certainly it does, and so includes the youngest infants. Now, although Mr. D. and Mr. B. both talk about infants or children •' being in unbelief^ one says, they are " unclean on account of unbelief," the other says, " infants are baptized in unbelief" I should like those gentlemen to furnish one single text of Scripture where either children or infants have unbelief attributed to them, or are said to be " in un- belief" There is a manifest discrepancy, not to say a flat contradiction, in the language used by Mr. B. in his Strictures, p. 10, and in his Sermon, pp. 7 and 26. When reasoning, in the Strictures, on the salvation of infants, he says, " The gospel cannot condemn them, because they cannot he guilty of the sin of unbelief '' In his sermon, when he wants to exclude them from the rite of baptism, he says, " I will engage MODE OF BAPTISM. 73 to prove, my hearers, that the commission act- ually excludes all unbelievers, xchether unconscious infants or unbelieving adults." Again he says, " Thousands of believers omit it, (i. e., baptism,) because they were baptized while m unbelief! /" I think this needs a salvo ; there is, at least, " a glorious uncertainty''^ about it. We have seen, from the evidence produced above, that the children of those Corinthians were not *' unclean," but "holy;" and as no in- stance can be given of a person being called holy who was not a member of the visible church of God, the inference is undeniable that holy infants belonged to the visible church of Christ. " Having thus established their membership, I shall take their baptism for granted, till our Baptist brethren admit people into their churches without the ordinance." — D. Isaac, p. 164. Mr. B. asks a question on this point, which I must say a word in reply to. " Was baptism designed for the benefit of holy beings ? The commission in that case ought to be read. Go ye, &c,, and baptize all you find who are holy. Upon that plan, all adults would be excluded, seeing all adults are sinners." He says, Ser- mon, p. 2.3, " Baptism brings us, after regenera- tion, into the visible kingdom of Jesus Christ." Are they " regenerated.,^^ and yet sinners — " buried with Christ in baptism," and yet sinners — " cru- cified with Christ, that the body of sin might be destroyed,^'' and yet sinners ? The apostle says, "their children were holy;" and take Mr. B.^s 74 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND interpretation of the word, and say they were holy in the longest, broadest, highest sense of that word, even then, I suppose, candid reader, you will admit that holiness would furnish as valid a reason for ^^ baptism'^ as "sin" especially in view of the fact that the holiness of the " holy Jesus" did not disqualify him for baptism ! ! We remark in evidence, further, the antiquity of the practice of infant baptism may be consi- dered as strong evidence on the subject. If the baptism of children was not practised by the apostles and by the primitive Christians, when and where did the practice commence ? To this question Baptist writers generally do not attempt to give an answer, because they cannot. It is an innovation, say they, not upon the circumstances of a sacrament, but upon its essential principle. And yet its introduction produced no struggle ; was never noticed by any general or provincial council ; and excited no controversy. This itself is strong presump- tive evidence of its early antiquity. Our Baptist friends, from time to time, have attempted to find its origin. Mr. B. says, Ser- mon, p. 27, it was introduced by the Romish apostacy, and " calls on all candid Pedobaptist Protestants, as they would desire the world to be delivered from the abominations of popery, to abandon this popish ceremony." This re- minds me of the famous argument of some people against the doctrines of Christ's divinity, and the Trinity of persons in the Godhead ; that they ought to be rejected by Protestants, MODE OF BAPTISM. 75 because they were a part of the doctrines of the Church of Rome. Query : Is this the cause why such large bodies of men, who have denied infant baptism at different periods, in Germany, Poland, &c., have been Socinians?!! See Benedict's History of the Baptists, pp. 172-175. I suppose that it is the part of charity and candour to " rejoice in the truth^'' whether that truth be found among Protestants or Catholics — ■ with Luther or the pope. Unfortunately for our Baptist friends, however, infant baptism is not only foimd with Luther and the pope, but with the Greek Church, that never had any connec- tion with the pope, from the earliest periods of her history. And if, as the Baptists say, (Be- nedict's Hist, of the Baptists, pp. 58-60,) infant baptism was introduced in Africa from the first to the middle of the third century, confined at first to catechised minors, and in about forty years decided to be the right of infants by an ecclesiastical council, how did it happen that there was but little more said on the subject until the year 416? And how did it happen that although the Vandals overran that part of Africa about " the year 429, and the Catholics fled into Europe, carrying infant baptism with them," " that its entrance into Europe was of a later date," and " the first ecclesiastical canon in Europe on the subject was" as late as " the sixth century?" " And the first imperial law on the subject in the eighth century, by the empe- ror Charlemagne ?" 76 OELIGATIOX, SUBJECTS, AND Mr. Jiidson supposed that infant baptism was introduced toward the close of the second cen- tury — while Mr. Broaddus considers it a relic of popery; although popery did not exist, as such, until' after the sixth century. This is only a differenco of opinion between two Bap- tist preachers, each rejecting infant baptism ; one dating its origin only four hundred years later than the other. No marvel that we should differ from them, when they cannot agree among themselves, on the origin of so great an innovation upon '■'■gospel order P Now we would ask Mr. Benedict, and our Baptist friends, where were the Baptist churches all this time? The descendants of "their an- cient brother," John the Baptist ; were there none found faithful among the primitive Chris- tians, to utter the voice of warning on the sub- ject of this great innovation ? There was none found, candid reader, to object, except Tertul- lian, and he objected as much to the baptism of " unmarried believers" as he did to infants ; and admitted the validity of " infant baptism" where there was danger of death. Of course, then, he was not a Baptist. Mr. Benedict says. History, page 92, "We date the origin of our sentiments, and the be- ginning of our denomination, about the year of our Lord 29 or 30 ; for at that period John the Baptist began to immerse professed believers in Jordan and Enon, and to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord's anointed, and for the setting up of his kingdom." It is generally MODE OF BAPTISM. 77 admitted that John baptized hundreds of thou- sands. If this was the origin of the Baptist denomination, what became of all those thou- sands for about twelve hundred years, that there was none found to demur at infant baptism ? ! Surely they could not have been in existence in Christendom, or they did not look upon the baptism of "unconscious babes" in the same light that modern Baptists do ; one or the other of these conclusions we think inevitably true. Mr. Broaddus, Sermon, pp. 21, 22, attempts to dispose of the " testimony of the fathers" in a very summary manner ; and in support of his views quotes Dr. Hill. Now if the " testimony of the fathers" having been in the keeping of the Church of Rome is sufficient reason, as those gentlemen suppose, why it should be rejected, I would ask, if the infidel might not urge the same reason against his receiving the New Testament Scriptures ? The classing " infant baptism" with " infant communion," transubstantiation, &c., is altogether gratuitous. It stands on different grounds. Let us hear on this subject the sentiment of the intelligent and candid Baptist writer, Dr. Gale. He says, " I will grant it is probable, that what all or most of the churches practised immediately after the apostles' times had been appointed or practised by the apostles them- selves ; for it is hardly to be imagined that any considerable body of these ancient Christians, and much less that the whole, should so soon deviate from the customs and injunctions of 78 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND their venerable founders, whose authority they held so sacred. New opinions or practices are usually introduced by degrees, and not without opposition. Therefore, in regard to baptism, a thing of such universal concern and daily prac- tice, I allow it to be X)ery probable that the pri- mitive churches kept to the apostolic pattern. I verily believe that the primitive church main- tained, in this case, an exact conformity to. the practice of the apostles, which, doubtless, agreed entirely with Christ's institutions." — See Gale's Reflections on Wall, page 398. I shall adduce, now, tv/o or tliree testimonies from the fathers, to show^ what was the practice of the primitive church. Justin Martyr, who wrote in the second cen- tury, speaks of some who were then sixty or seventy years old, " who were made disciples" or members "in their infancy. '" But jMr. B., referring to his Lexicon, says, Strictures, p. 7, the word rendered " infant" may be rendered youth. I shall not stop here to dispute about this word. Irenseus, who wrote within sixty- seven years of the apostolic times, says, "Christ came to save all persons by himself; all, I mean, who by him are baptized unto God ; infants and little ones, and children and youths." — Dr. Wall, Inf. Bap., vol. i, ch. 3. He is said to have been personally acquainted with Poly- carp, a disciple of St. John, and had heard him preach. Origen, of the Greek Church, who was a maa of great learning, and acquainted extea- MODE OF BAPTISM. 79 sively with the church, and who had good op- portunity to know the practice of the apostles, as his great grandfather was a Christian, and coteniporary with the apostles, says, " Infants, by the usage of the church, are baptized. The church had a tradition, or command, fro?n the apostles, to give baptism to infants.'^ — Wall's Defence, pp. 372, 383 ; Dr. Doddridge's Lect., p. 9. Mr. Judson tried in vain to overturn this testimony. Cyprian, and the cou7icil of Carthage, in the year 253, where sixty-six bishops met, not to decide whether infants Avere to be baptized, but whether they might be baptized before the eighth day ; and they were unanimously of opi- nion, " that they {infants) might be baptized as soon as they were born." — Cyprian, epist, 66. Lord Chancellor King, in his account of the primitive church, remarks, " Here, then, is a synodical decree for the baptism of infants, as formal as can possibly be expected, which is of more weight than the private judgment of a father, and more authentic ; as he might give his own opinion only, but this (the decision of a synod) denotes the common practice and usage of the whole churchr — Inquiry into the Consti- tution, &c., part ii, ch. 3. Pelagius maintained infant baptism, although the practice made against his heresy. He de- nied original sin — and was the author of what is called Pelagianism. He lived three hundred years after the apostles. He says, " Men slan- der me, as if I denied the sacrament of baptism 80 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND to infants. I never heard of any, not even the most impious heretic, who denied baptism to in- fants."— Wall's Hist, of Inf. Bapt., p. 62. This man had every inducement to deny infant baptism, if he could have found a shadow of evidence to have borne him out. The usage of the church in this respect was a standing, irrefragable argument against his heresy. So much for the " testimony of the fathers." You can judge, candid reader, whether it is to be passed over as nothing worth, in view of the fact, that those v/ho " deny infant baptism" have no evidence to put in bar. The Christian church was early divided in sentiment, on doctrine, and split into sects, who ever kept upon each other a watchful eye ; and the " pattern" could not have been so altered as to admit the universal prevalence of such an innovation, without an alarm being given. Our Baptist friends try to make out their re- lationship with the Waldenses, those witnesses for the truth in the dark ages. I confess I was a little amused at the attempt of Mr. Benedict, in his history, on this subject. That Peter de Bruis, and his followers, (who were only a small fraction of the people called Waldenses,) did deny infant baptism is unde- niable, but on different grounds from our Baptist friends. This man arose in France about twelve hundred years after Christ, and held that infants could not be saved, and therefore ought not to he baptized, " as they could not work out their own salvation." MODE OF BAPTISM. 8l They held about the same proportion to the great body of the Waldenses, icho held infant baptism, as the "Seventh-day" Baptists do to the great body of the Baptists, who hold "the Lord's day" as the sabbath. If I were to re- port that the Baptists in the United States keep the " seA^enth day" as their sabbath, I should be about as near right as Baptist writers are when they say that the Waldenses " denied infant baptism," for those luho have denied it among them have been as about one to thirty. — Dr. Miller on Baptism, pp. 40-43. In an expose of the views of the Waldenses, made as early as the twelfth century, although they oppose many errors of the Romish Church — such as praying to saints, purgatory, masses, &c., and say that there are but two sacraments, baptism and the Lord''s supper — yet they utter not one word against " infant baptism." — Wat- son's Diet., art, Waldenses. They had bishops among them; "and after the opening of the reformation under Luther, the Waldenses sought intercourse with the reformed churches of Ge- neva and France ; held communion ivith them ; received ministers from them ; acknowledged them as brethren in the Lord, (fee. Now it is well known that those churches held infant baptism ; and this fact alone we think sufficient to show that those pious people were Pedobaptists." — Dr. Miller, p. 43. Why should those who deny infant baptism wish to prove that the Waldenses were their predecessors or ancestors ? If they could make 6 82 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND this out, they Avould then be nine hundred years from the days of John the Baptist ; for Mr. Be- nedict, in his History, can furnish no certain eiddence that the Waldenses had any existence earlier than the ninth century. Let our op- posing brethren give the world a " Thus saith the Lord" for rejecting infants, and then there is an end to the controversy. No doubt, from the earliest history of the Waldenses, Albi- genses, &c., there was a difference of opinion among them on many points, as there is now among different denominations of Christians, not excepting the Baptists. There may have been some, besides the followers of Peter de Bruis, who differed with the great body of their brethren, for some reason, about infant baptism ; but surely this does not justify an effort to make out that that people, as a people, were not Pedo- baptists. I know a number of Baptists who are in favour of free communion, and some who communed with Christians of other denomina- tions, until they endangered their membership in their own church thereby ; and I might show from the works of that celebrated man, John Bunyan, that he admitted members to his com- munion who had been baptized in infancy, and had never received v/hat is called " believers' baptism," — Bunyan's Works, vol. ii, pp. 216-21 9. But would it be fair and honourable in me to draw a general conclusion from these particular cases ? and then say, '' The Baptists in Virginia are in favour of free communion ; and the Bap- tists in Europe, in the days of Bunyan, admitted MODE OF BAPTISM. 83 persons to church fellowship without believers* baptism ?" Surely nothing would be more un- fair. We have seen, from historical evidence, that the church, for twelve hundred years, (not to say for fifteen hundred and twenty-two years,) ahvays held infant baptism, and during all that time none ever rejected it, on cm\j such grounds as are now urged by our Baptist brethren. He who can, in view of all this evidence, persist in his opposition to the baptism of children, must, it appears to me, be prepared to make a sacrifice of all historical evidence, at the altar of a pre- judice that is both deaf and blind ; too deaf to hear the voice of reason, and too blind to see the light of truth. This language is strong ; because it is the result of strong conviction on my own mind. I have long since learned, that where men can laugh, and sneer, at the consci- entious conduct of people as pious as themselves^ because they choose to dedicate their children to God in baptism ; and ca.n make sport with the feelings of a mother, who v/islies to have her child given to God in his ordinance before it dies ; (Mr. B.'s Sermon, p. 26 ;) — I say I have long since learned, that with such (at least) no other language vriil make any impression. You had as well attempt to " draw out leviathan with a hook," .Tob xli. Such, in the language of St. Paul, (Titus i, 13,) need to be " rebuked sharply ;" and though they may not bo induced to be " sound in faith^'' they may, perhaps, be taught to treat with Christian courtesy those 84 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND who, as Bunyan says, '• may not see it their duty to jump v:ith iliemP A candid Baptist friend once said to me, " It would not do for us to admit infant baptism." " Why V said I. His reply was, "• We would be like farmers who cut off their corn while it is young." " Thank you for your candour," was my reply. " You think that if all the children Avere baptized in infancy, there would be no corn gathered into the Baptist garner in adult age." I liaAe often wondered why the baptism of children should so disturb our " differing brethren." But I perceive, hi Mr. B.'s Sermon, p. 26, a little light on this point : he says, " It is a positive evil^ Why so ? Look, reader, lower down on the same page, and you will see. Because by it " thou- sands who are brought to the knowledge of the truth" are led to refuse "believers' baptism." This, to be sure, is a sore evil; but, happily, not so much to the convert as to those who would proselyte him, by teazing him about " believers' baptism." A man goes on in sin, his baptized neighbour never reproves him or talks seriously to him about the " salvation" of his precious soul ; he goes to a Pedobaptist meeting ; is awakened and converted to God — returns home — soon has a visit from his neigh- bour. He wonders what has brought his friend so early to see him. Neighbour. I wish to have a little conversa- tion with you. Convert. Certainly. Neighbour. I was pleased to hear that you MODE OF BAPTISM. 85 have ^\found grace'^ at the meeting ; I wish you to tell me your experience. The convert proceeds to detail his experience. Neighbour. " Very good ;'''' '''a gospel experi- rience,'^ " very much like my own ;" " now all you want is one things Convert. Pray, neighbour, what is that? I am happy in God ; " believing, I rejoice with joy unspeakable." I am not conscious of want- ing any thing but " more graceP What do you Neighbour. Why — why — the " Master says," " Believe and he baptized."* Convert. O, is that what you mean? On that subject I have no concern. I was baptized in infancy ; and I now have the thing signified, i. e., "the renewing of the Holy Ghost," — ^just as the Jewish children received the seal of the covenant in childhood, and at adult age became " circumcised in heart." Neighbour. Well, but you must obey the " commandment." Convert. Neighbour, my parents were Chris- tians^ and you cannot show me a commandment, or a precedent, for baptizing the children of Christian parents at adult age. And moreover, I cannot join a church whose confession of faith I do not believe ; and I could not receive be- lievers' baptism, if I wished it, without joining your church. * I cannot find those words in this form in the New Testament. They remind me of the old coloured man's text — " The Lord says, Be baptized in much ivater." 86 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND Neighbour. Why, friend, as for the confession of faitli, you need not inind thaty for one of our elders said, " He would not give the confession of faith room in his saddle-bags." And again, we hold nearly the same doctrines those do among whom you found the Lord ; as you may find from our preaching. We may differ a little about falling from grace ; but that is not much, you know." Convert. Well, friend, I cannot judge so much what men believe in our day from their preaching as from their confessions of faith. Neighbour. I wish you well, neighbour. Fare- well. Convert. I wish you the same ; for I trust, as St. Paul says, " we have been both baptized by one Spirit into Christ.''^ They part, and he who would have " com- passed sea and land" to make a proselyte of his neighbour, says, as he walks mournfully home, filed with disappointment and chagrin, "It is a POSITIVE evil" that my neighbour was baptized in infancy. We have seen, candid reader, in the course of this argument, 1. God has but one church, and never had more. Christ was the angel that was with the church " in the loilderness, and they tempted Christ;' 1 Cor. x, 9. 2. In that church, the right of infants to mem- bership was admitted for tsvo thousand years. 3. That right never was done away by any " statute of repeal." MODE OF BAPTISM. 87 4. The only two general covenants that God ever made with man, he made with Adam in the garden of Eden,* — the covenant of WORKS, which was broken ; and the covenant of grace in Christ. 5. This covenant of grace was the same that w^as confirmed to iVbraham, (four hundred and thirty years before the giving of the law,) of which circumcision w^as then made the seal and sign. 6. This covenant recognised the right of children to membership, and admitted them to the sign of the covenant. 7. This covenant was fully developed under the gospel dispensation, when Christ became visibly '• the minister of the covenant." 8. Under the gospel, the children of the Jews were not rejected, because none were broken off from " the true olive," except for *' unbelief," of which Jewish infants were incapable. 9. Christ encouraged the reception of chil- dren in his name, and blessed them; and put no clause in the commission of the apostles, to change the order which had existed, with regard to children, for thousands of years. 10. They all, being Jews, would so under- stand the commission as to admit the children^ unless forbidden so to do. 11. The baptism of families was practised in the days of the apostles, and it is unreason- * I am happy to find this view borne out by the old Phi- ladelphia Baptist Confession of Faith, printed by Benjamin Franklin in 1742, pp. 73-74. 88 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND able to suppose there were no infants among them. 12. The church practised it for at least twelve hundred years without opposition, except from TertuUian and the Petrobrusians ; who opposed it on different grounds from those on which our Baptist friends oppose it. 13. If it had been an innovation upon " gospel order," or a departure from the " original pat- tern^'' some Baptist, surely, would have raised his voice against it, in twelve centuries. An innovation of the kind could not have been in- troduced without a spirited controversy ; the existence of which controversy no Baptist has ever been able to shov*'. 14. And finally, that the Waldenses, those opposers of the corruptions of the Romish Church, were generally Pedobaptists. In concluding this part of the general argu- ment, we say, He who takes the Baptist view of this subject has to suppose, on the contrary, that when the gospel dispensation was opened, a dispensation of larger promises and increased privileges and liberality, the right of infants to membership was taken away ; and that this took place without one hint or reason being given for it ; without any single mention of it in the apostolic writings. Nay, that instead of such notice and explanation, a mode of expres- sion was adopted under the " new economy,^'' simi- lar to that used before ; calculated to convey the idea that parents and children stood in their old relation, notwithstanding the supposed painful MODE OF BAPTISM. 89 change. That parents, Christian parents, saw their children rejected, who always had seen them admitted while they were Jews ; and yet no murmur was heard, no explanation asked. Is this credible ? This silence " pleads trumpet tongued" against the views of our Baptist friends, and has the weight of a hundred arguments for infant baptism. The argument, therefore, is reduced to this : " If infant baptism is an innovation, it confess- edly entered the church very soon after the canon of Scripture closed ;" and in a few years more, " without a single precept to warrant, or a single example to encourage it ; yea, with the well known practice of the apostles, and of all the churches they ever planted, directly, openly, palpably against it; under all these disadvan- tages, it so universally prevailed, that, upon the face of the whole earth, there was not a church found where it was not performed." Yea, more ; it entered the church, it prevailed, it became universal, without a whisper of opposition, without a word of dispute. All parties in the eastern church, and all parties in the western church, confederating to connive at the error, to blot out every trace of it from the page of history, and never to utter a single loord from which it could be discovered that they had departed from the gospel rule ; to that man who believes this, what can be incredible ? Such, surely, would make good disciples of the doctrine of transubstantia- tion. For such, we think, could easily take another step ; and, denying the evidence of their 90 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND se7ises, swallow a wafer for the real body and blood of Christ. A few observations more in reply to the question, Who are the proper subjects of bap- tism ? and we shall close this part of the gene- ral argument. We readily admit that believers, in the fullest sense of that word, are proper subjects, and that the possession of the highest religious experi- ence furnishes no bar to the reception of the outward sign. In reading the Acts of the Apostles, it will be seen that the ordinance was given both to those that had, and to those that had not, received the Holy Ghost. On the day of Pentecost, when three thousand inquired what they must do, Peter said, " Repent and be baptized every one of you, for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost." By what they saw and heard, espe- cially the gift of tongues, by which each was enabled to hear the wonderful works of God in the language in which each was born, they were convinced of the Messiahship of Christ, and saw their own guilt and danger, and in- quired of the apostles the way of escape. We presume it will not be said that they had a Christian experience, in the usual sense of that phrase. See Acts ii. In the eighth chapter of Acts we find re- corded the case of the Samaritans, who heard Philip "■ preaching the things concerning the kingdom of God, and the name of Jesus Christ ; and when they saw the miracles which he MODE OF BAPTISM. 91 wrought, they believed his preaching upon the evidence of those miracles, and ' were baptized, both men and women.' " And it was not until " the apostles at Jerusalem had heard that Sa- maria had received the word of God," and had sent down Peter and John, who laid their hands on them and prayed, that the Holy Ghost came on them. Now if our Baptist friends should say, that what they received was not the ordi- nary, but the extraordinary gift of the Spirit of God, for the purpose of speaking with tongues, (fee, they must say it upon their own responsi- bility, for there is not a shadow of evidence of it in the text. And if they should still persist in saying that they were genuine converts, eocpe- rie7iced believers, before Peter and John came to them, then they admit that a man may be an experienced Christian without the Holy Ghost ; and if one man, or many, (as in this case), theji all might, and the conclusion would be, there is no need of the Holy Ghost in constituting men real believers, genuine converts. For Luke says, verses 15, 16, "Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost. Far as yet he loas fallen upon none of them ; only they were bap- tized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Then laid they their hands on them, and thev received the Holy Ghost." But if our Baptist friends should still say that these people had a religious experience before they were baptized, then they throw themselves into another dilemma ; for what is said of their 92 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND religion is said also of Simon's : in verse 13 it is said, " Then Simon himself believed also; and when he was baptized," &c. Did Simon obtain the gTace of evangelical faith before baptism ? Then he must have fallen from grace, and fallen foully too ; for Peter said to him, verses 21, 23, " Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter;" " Thou art in the gall of bitterness" Then what becomes of the favourite doctrine, " once in grace, always in grace ?" But perhaps I shall be told, Simon Magus never had any grace ; then he got an experience without grace, or, if you like it better, he was baptized without grace, and if he was, so were the rest, for what is said of their faith is said of his. I may be told further, Simon was a reprobate, and never had any thing more than a common call and common grace. Then Philip baptized a repro- bate. And even after he had offered to buy the Holy Ghost with money, Peter exhorted him to repentance and prayer, that he might be for- given. Query: If Simon had given heed to Peter's exhortation, (and there is some proof that he did, verse 24, for he asked an interest in the apostle's prayers,) and had prayed, re- pented, and become a genuine believer, would our Baptist brethren have thought it necessary to re-baptize Simon 1 If they apply the same rea- soning to adults that they do to children, in ex- plaining the commission, or what Mr. Campbell calls " the law of baptism," namely, that baptism must always follow faith, and not go before it, in any case, as the commission says, " He that MODE OF BAPTISM. 93 believeth and is baptized ;" — did Simon's want of evangelical faith vitiate, or render his baptism a nullity? If it did, then he ought to have been re-baptized upon his repentance ; if it did not, then I cannot see how the baptism of an infant is rendered a nullity, by its unbelief, when at adult age. The argument attempted to be drawn from the order of the words in the commission is entirely sophistical. As much so as if I were to say, that because " John the Baptist baptized in the wilderness, and preached the baptism of repentance," therefore John always baptized the people frst, and preached the baptism of re- pentance to them afterward. Having digressed thus far, I remark, this case of Simon's is a very perplexing case, especially to all Calvixist Baptists, for, when examined, it is found to endanger one of two of their favourite opinions. From both horns of the dilemma- it is impossible to escape. Either Simon had no grace and vjas baptized without an experience, or he had grace when baptized, and afterward so utterly lost it, that he had no part or lot in the matter. They can take, candid reader, just which side of the question, just that horn of this dilemma that may suit them best. It is common, of two evils, for men in self-love to choose the least ; and as grace is more valu- able than water, even " much xcater^'' I suppose they will cling to the consolation of the Lord's dear people, " where he begins a work of grace, he always carries it on to the end," and will 94 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND suppose that Philip, some how or other, ('' al- though he was full of wisdom and of the Holy- Ghost,") made a mistake, and baptized an im- proper candidate in that particular case. The true state of the case seems to have been this : Philip entered Samaria, commenced preaching Christ, and, to confirm his doctrine, began to "heal the lame," "to cure the palsied," and to cast out unclean spirits, that cried with a loud voice as they came out of those who were possessed of them. »Simon and the Samaritans heard his message, saw the miracles, were con- vinced that the message was true, were willing to enter the school of Christ as disciples, by- baptism, that they might be made better ac- quainted with this new religion. Christianity was established by miracle, and those who gave it credence in the early part of its history rested their faith or conviction of its truth, not so much upon a thorough knowledge of its peculiar doctrines, as upon the evidence brought home to their minds through the me- dium of their senses ; and those senses were powerfully addressed by the miracles of our Lord and his apostles. So ignorant were the apostles themselves of the peculiar doctrines of Christianity, that up to the period of the Saviour's crucifixion, " they wondered what the rising from the dead should mean." Eloquent Apollos himself knew so little of the peculiarities of Christianity, (even after he had convmced the Jews that Jesus was Christ,) that it was neces- sary a plain mechanic and his wife should teach MODE OF BAPTISM. 95 him the way of the Lord " more perfectly.''^ And so ignorant were the twelve disciples, found by- Paul at Ephesus, that they knew not that there was any Holy Ghost. See Acts, ch. xix. And those disciples received the Christian baptism from the hands of the apostles, in addition to the baptism of John, which they had previously received ; and when they had received water baptism in the name of Jesus, and Paul had laid his hands on them, " the Holy Ghost came on them." The case of Saul of Tarsus, as found in the Acts, ch. xxii, is in point. He was exhorted by Ananias to " arise and be baptized and wash away his sins, calling on the name of the Lord." To this penitent sinner he said, " Why tarriest thou ? arise and be baptized." It would not look well to fly in the face of the text, and say that his sins were washed away before he was ad- mitted to the ordinance. The Ethiopian eunuch is the only person that we find in the Acts professing to believe with the heart unto righteousness, in order to bap- tism. And his faith seems to have had refer- ence to one point alone ; he said to Philip, " I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son o-f God." He heard but one sermon, was in company with Philip perhaps one hour, and, ere they parted, Philip made a disciple of him by baptism. It is true that Cornelius, and those in his house, Acts, ch. x, did receive the Holy Ghost while Peter was speaking the word, and re- ceived Christian baptism subsequently ; but the 96 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND reader will observe that this was a peculiar case ; it was the opening of the gospel dispen- sation to the Gentiles ; when Peter, with the keys which Christ gave him, vi^as to " open the kingdom of heaven to the Gentiles," as he had done previously to the Jews. And the same reason that made it necessary to show Peter a vision to induce him to go to Cornelius, made it necessary to send upon those Gentiles the Holy Ghost prior to baptism ; and, by examining the passage, you may observe that the six brethren who came from Joppa with Peter were asto- nished when they observed that God had given the Gentiles the Holy Ghost. " Then said Peter, who can forbid water ?" &c. When the news of this visit reached Jerusalem, they of the circumcision contended with Peter ; and he, in making his defence, adduces this circum- stance as his vindication : " While I was speak- ing, the Holy Ghost came on them^'' &c., " and what was I that I could withstand God ?" These, doubtless, had a religious experience, in the fullest sense of the word ; but it will ap- pear evident, we think, to all who examine the gospels and the Acts, that the ordinance was never delayed for the want of an experience of grace. In almost every case, both Christ and his apostles gave the ordinance to all without exception, and without delay, who applied to them, and were willing to assume the respon- sibilities of discipleship. Hence we find ia John vi, 60, 66, " Many, therefore, of his dis' cipleSy when they had heard this, said, This is MODE OF BAPTISM. 97 a hard saying, who can bear it? &c. And Jesus said, Doth this offend you ? But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him." Now, here are many disciples, who, of course, were baptized persons, that did not believe. And we are told that ^^ Jesus knew from the beginning'^ that they believed not. They therefore never had believed ; and consequently w^ere not be- lievers at the time of their baptism. And they never had faith afterward; for we read, '-^they went back and walked no more with htm.'" In further proof, it may be observed, that of all the thousands that Christ baptized before his death from "Jerusalem and the region round about," of them, on the day of Pentecost, there were to be found but one hundred and twenty disciples, until the conversion of the three thou- sand. Where were they? Had so many thou- sand true believers, with one consent, made shipwreck of faith ? No, reader ; they had been struck with the splendour of his miracles, they offered themselves as disciples, were entered into his school by baptism ; but, disliking after- ward his spiritual teachings, and the simplicity of his religion, they " went back.^^ It is much easier to enter the church of Christ as disciples by baptism, than to perform those solemn, spi- ritual, and importaTit duties to which we are introduced by taking this badge of discipleship. From what we have written above, it will be gathered that we consider all as fit subjects for 7 98 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND baptism who credit the gospel message, are willing to receive Christ as their Saviour, and assume the responsibilities of Christianity. I was informed lately by a minister of the old Baptist Church, that a certain Dr. T., who, I am told, is one of Mr. Campbell's preachers, has been engaged lately re-baptizing the mem- bers of the old Baptist Church, who, years ago, received what is called " believers' baptism.^^ They received believers' baptism before. What are they receiving now ? 1 suppose the doctor is baptizing them " for the remission of sins." Query — Is not this reversing the order of Christian experience ? or tacitly confessing that they were deceived before, and only had a false hope ? I presume they repented, be- lieved, and were baptized upon an experience of grace. And now do they go back ? If they Avere baptized before, according to Mr. C's " law of baptism,^'' pray what law are they now baptized under ? Has Dr. T., in " expounding the ancient gospel" to them, added a supple- ment to the law ? This reminds me of the case of a member of the Baptist Church, not one hundred miles from this, who has received' baptism three different times. Do men who read their Bibles imagine that they tind a " Thus saith the Lord" for giving Christian baptism to any man more than once ? It is trifling with God's ordinance, and has as little authority from God's word as from common sense. In the close, suffer me to repeat the language of .MODE OF DAPTlti.M. 99 Dr. A. Clarke : — " The repetition of Christian baptism I beheve to be profaned Let us all who have been solemnly dedicated in baptism to God, Father, Son, and -Holy Ghost, recollect that " we are debtors to keep the whole law," And may God, whose we are, " send us help from his sanctuary, and strengthen us out of Zion," that we may walk worthy of our high, holy, and heavenly calling. MODE OF BAPTISM. On this part of the subject I think Mr. Broad- dus's iruotto or text a very unfortunate one, as he cannot show any analogy between the detailed directions given to Moses for building the taber- nacle, and the casual or accidental manner in which baptism is mentioned in the New Testa- ment. For if God had given as specific direc- tions for baptizing as he did anciently for making the tabernacle, it would not have been neces- sary for Mr. B. to labour through forty-two pages to show the pattern given for baptism. He says. Sermon, p. 6, that he selected that motto '■'■ as suggesting the necessity of a rigid adherence to the EXPRESSED vjill of God, esjoecially in relation to institutions,^'' <^c.; and then proceeds to assert a fanciful distinction between what he calls *' moral and positive requirements," and says, " The manner of performing a moral obligation may be perfectly indifferent ;" but declares it is not so with ^'positive institutions." Unfortu- 100 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND nately for Mr. B., he has not even attempted to furnish a single proof from God's word in sup- port of this view oi positive institutes and moral duties- To. be sure he quotes Bishop Hoadley in proof. But I cannot perceive that the bishop's words sustain Mr. B.'s position. Mr. B. says '■'■positive institutions f^ the bishop says '■^posi- tive duties^ Now, positive duties may he insti- tutions, or they may not. If Mr. B. had been so good as to tell where this saying of the bishop's is to be found, we should have been better able to tell whether the words will bear that kind of application. So far as we can perceive, the evidence is not to the point, but to be proved. Mr. B. says on the same page, " We may ex- pect to find the Avord of God very explicit on the subject of positive institutions," and yet his distinction is unsupported by a single text of Scripture. I enter my dissent from his starting position relative to positive institutions, because it stands opposed to facts. 1. Circumcision was a positive institute ; and can any man show any detailed explicit direction about the manner of performing the rite? 2. The sacrament of the Lord's supper is a positive institute. Do the Scriptures give specific directions about the manner of attending to that ? It was first cele- brated in the night, in a reclining posture, with unleavened bread, in an upper room, &c., &c. ; and yet what intelligent Christian supposes that these things are any more than mere circum- stances, or that they are necessary to the accept- able celebration of that supper 1 Do our Baptist iMODE OF BAPTISM. 101 brethren celebrate it at night ? or with unlea- vened bread ? And would not Mr. B. himself as soon receive the sacrament of the Lord's supper on the Lord's day, in the house of God, as on Thursday night, in an upper room of a private house ? I know there are superstitious people who regard a mere circumstance in a sacrament as a matter of great moment. And so there were those of old who thought more of " tithing mint''' than they did of the " love of GodJ^ Let our Baptist friends apply their own prac- tice with regard to the sacrament of the Lord's supper to the principle which Mr. B. laj-s down with regard to ^'positive institutions,^' and they will see a great want of agreement between his principles and their practice. And say, candid reader, is the institution of baptism more im- portant than that which represents " his broken body" and '^ his shed blood'' — and shows forth the Lord's death till his coming again ? Why, then, this insistiiig on a " pattern" for baptism, when no man can show in God's word a ^^ pat- tern" for the sacrament of the Lord's supper ? Bread and wine are spoken of for the one, and water as the element for the observance of the other. And although Mr. B. says, p. 27, " The word of God knows nothing for baptism but immersion" I as unhesitatingly declare, that the word of God speaks of baptism where immer- sion was utterly out of the question. Now, candid reader, I have just placed my assertion alongside of Mr. B.'s, hoping that you will re- ceive neither the one nor the other in this matter 102 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND wiihowt pronf. The proof I hope to be able to give yon in the following pages. Mr. B. commences on the mode, by finding fault with the translators for leaving the Greek terms untranslated ; giving them an English termination, instead of translating them im~ merse, immersed, immersion, &c. And both in the Strictures and Sermon, King James, the bishops, and translators, are treated without ceremony. The impartial reader will judge whether it is likely that the king, the bishops, and forty-seven translators would form a consjiiracy against the truth ; and give to the world a translation that did not express fully what they believed to be the sense of the original term haptizo. I would ask Mr. B., Who prevented the Latin and French translators from translating the original, so far as to favour immersion only ? And v/hy he did not furnish evidence that Dr. George Campbell, in his translation of the gospels — or the great Dutch reformer, Martin Luther, in his translation of the Bible — has translated the ori- ginal differently from King James's translators ? For he says, Sermon, p. 29, that both Dr. Camp- bell and Luther held the original term as mean- ing immersion or dipping only. To be sure, Mr. B. says that Luther calls John the Baptist " John the Dipper," and gives what he considers the German of Luther's Testament — " Johan- nes der Taufer" — which Mr. B. (the translator) renders " John the Dipper." Reader, I do not pretend to be able to translate German, but I MODE OF BAPTISM. 103 Strongly suspect that this gentleman has hit as ivide of the truth here, as in making haptizo mean immersion only. A friend of mine, who under- stands and speaks the German, informs me that the English of ^'■Johannes der Taufer'^ is John the Baptist ; and that the German for Dipper or Immerser is not ^'■Taufer^' but " Tuncker;" hence the name of that sect of Christians called " Tiinckers,^^ or vulgarly ^' Du7ikards" who bap- tize candidates by dipping them three times. The translators, in retaining the original word in the translation, only followed what had been the general practice ; for, even as far back as the second century, the author of the Peshito, an old Syriac version of the New Testament, the oldest version extant, although the Syriac has a word which signifies to plunge, dip, im- merse, has never used that word in the transla- tion to denote baptism. Prof. Stewart, p. 78. Again : that the precise idea of immersion can- not apply to baptizing, or that it does not appear that the words baptize and baptism would be properly rendered by the words immerse, im- mersion, we may safely conclude from the fol- lowing consideration : — The earliest Latin trans- lators did not find the Greek words properly represented by mergo, immergo, immersio ; al- though these words properly signified to immerse, immersion, and were commonly so used in the Latin language. They saw there was a mean- ing to the Greek word which their word denoting immersion did not fairly represent. And this was at a time, too, when there were no contro- 104 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND versies on the subject ; and at a time, too, if we believe the Baptists, when every person bap- tized was immersed. Yet the Latin translators, if the Baptist system be correct, must first have left a word untranslated, for which they had terrns in every respect corresponding and ap- propriate. And secondly, they must have done this with the rite of baptism continually before their eyes, performed by immersion, on account of which they would be the more inexcusable. But these things are not so. They found the words employed in a ceremonial sense ; they therefore retained the original wards themselves, leaving to the institution itself to make known its mode. They therefore latinize the Greek words, and give us haptizo, baptisma, baptismus. However, for doing so, they had high authority ; the authority or example of the Holy Spirit ; and that, too, in a similar case. The Hebrew word, pesach, is retained by the inspired writers of the New Testament, in the Greek word pascha. The Latins latinize the same word. — Prof. Elliot, pages 81, 82. These cases are parallel — one referring to the institute of the passover, and the other to the institute of baptism. But Mr. B. tells us that Dr. Carson, a Baptist writer, says that " baptizo, in the whole history of the Greek language, has but one meaning. It not only signifies to dip or immerse, but it never has any other meaning." — Sermon, p. 28. Mark that, candid reader, as I shall, in the course of the argument, place John the Bap- MODE OF BAPTISM. 105 TTST, St. Peter, and St. Paul, all against this Dr. Carson ! ! At present, however, I shall only place one doctor against another. Dr. Adam Clarke, Commentary, Matt, iii, 6, asks, " Were the people dipped or sprinkled? for it is certain bapto and haptizo mean both." " When Greek meets Greek, then is the tug of war." As these doctors disagree, I shall call in other witnesses presently. Perhaps, reader, you are ready to ask me, if this is the sa,me Dr. Clarke quoted by Mr. B., Strictures, page 15, in support of im- mersion, as the exclusive mode ? Yes, identically the same. Mr. B., I perceive, has left the doc- tor out of his cloud of iDitnesses, in his sermon. I suppose he began to suspect he had not treated the doctor very fairly in the first publication. But it may be that he may wish to suggest that Dr. Clarke was a sprinkler, like the king, bishopSy and translators, and that his account of the mat- ter was influenced by his creed, or practice of baptizing. Very good ; and Dr. Carson was a dipper — his criticism, no doubt, was influenced by his practice in baptizing; — so in this, at least, they are about equal. Which of the doctors was the greater scholar, and conse- quently best prepared to judge, I shall not at- tempt to decide ; I leave that to the reader. Dr. Carson, however, has made a concession on this subject, which will go a great way in destroying the weight of his testimony. While he contends that baptizo always signifies to im- merse, he acknowledges that " all the lexico- graphers and commentators are against Mm in 106 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND that opinion''^ — Carson, Bapt., p. 79, as quoted by Dr. Miller. How far the confidence which, in the face of this acknowledgment, he expresses that they are all icrong, and that his interpreta- tion alone • is right, is either modest or well- founded, must be left to the judgment of the impartial reader. Mr. B. says that " Professor Stuart, as a Biblical critic, is perhaps not excelled by any man in the United States ;" and this critic says of Dr. Carson, " He lays down some A^ery ad- venturous positions, in respect to one -meaning, and o?ie only, of words ; which, as it seems to me, €V€7y lexicon on earth contradicts, and always must contradict." — Stuart on the Mode of Bap- tism, p. 100. So much for Rev. A. Carson and his translation of haptizo. One more remark relative to the translators of the common version. It is not only unchris- tian to trample upon the ashes of dead men, by impugning their motives and misrepresenting their conduct, but it is ungenerous to charge them and the bishops with making a translation to favour sprinkling, when half the evidence, at least, which the Baptists adduce to favour im- mersion is drawn from the manner in which these same translators have rendered the Greek prepositions, — in Jordan — out o/the water, &.c. When, if they had indulged any design to de- ceive, they might have given them fairly a dif- ferent rendering. Here, as the Baptists will tell you, we have a translation, partly support- ing sprinkling, and partly against it. Surely, MODE OF BAPTISM. 107 candid reader, tliese same forty-seven trans- lators, who produced the common version in 1613, were" either very stupid, or very honest. I think the latter. I shall next take some notice of Mr. B.'s list of Pedobaptist witnesses. Sermon, pp. 30, 31, and Strictures, pp. 14-16. Some of these wit- nesses I shall be obliged to pass by, as I have not their works at hand to refer to. The reader may be able to judge of the fairness, or rather unfairness, with which Mr. Booth and Mr. Broaddiis have treated them all, from a speci- men or two which we expect to give. The reader will bear in mind, that Mr. B.'s proposition which he wishes to sustain is, that " immersion, or dipping, is the only proper mode," or that " baptizo means to dip only.'' — Strictures, p. 15. And he brings these Pedo- baptist witnesses into court to prove this. We shall see whether he allows them, in his hands, to tell the luhole truth in the case. I hope he will not do as some people do, in quoting the words of Christ as a witness for unconditioned perseverance, viz., " Of all lohom thou hast given me, I have lost none ;" — so far, the witness seems to support the position ; but suffer him to speak on, — " but the son of perdition.'' Ah, this puts quite another face upon the text ; as I hope to do, upon the testimony of, at least, some of these witnesses. Attend to me patiently, gentle reader — I am, in part, pleading the cause of dead men, represented as having lived and died ^'■inconsistent," and who are not here to 108 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND speak for themselves, but whose record is on high. I shall begin with Dr. A. Clarke. Mr. B., in his Strictures, page 15, after quoting part of a sentence from Dr. Clarke's Commentary on Romans vi, 4, says, " I do think I have proved, beyond all question, that haptizo means to im- merse, and nothing else." " It has but one meaning; — these learned men knew it, and their candour forced them to acknowledge it." Reader, does Dr. Clarke acknowledge it? Hear him fully on Romans vi, 4 : "It is probable that the apostle here alludes to the mode of admi- nistering baptism by immersion; I say it is PROBABLE — but not absolutely certain that he does so, as some imagine ; for in the next verse, our being incorporated into Christ by baptism is also denoted by our being planted or grafted to- gether in the likeness of his death : and Noah's ark floating upon the water, and sprinkled by the rain from heaven, is ^figure corresponding to baptism, 1 Peter iii, 20, 21 ; but neither of these gives us the same idea of the outward form as burying. We must be careful, there- fore, not to lay too much stress on such a cir- cumstance." Does this prove Mr. B.'s position? I think not. He has taken great liberties with this witness ; first he mutilates the sentence, — then gives it as a whole, putting a period in the place of Dr. C.'s comma, — and then puts the •words baptize and immersion in italics ; and the word probable, which the doctor purposely itali- cised twice in the note, Mr. B. does not empha- MODE OF BAPTISM. 109 size at all. It is bad enough to take such liberties with living men. Mr. Wesley is the next witness we shall call. Mr. B. has treated him with as little candour as he has the doctor. In his Strictures, p. 15, he attempts to quote Mr. W. on Romans vi, 4, and mutilates the sentence ; puts a period where Mr. W. has none, and prefixes to the note these words, "/if seems the part of candour to confess,^' when Mr. W. has no such words in his note. It is a pity that Mr. B. should have lost sight of his own candour in attempting to find that quality in Mr. W.'s Notes. Mr. Wesley's commentary on a parallel pas- sage in Col. ii, 12, is often quoted by Baptist preachers, to prove that he favoured immersion only. I have heard them do this myself. Al- though that note is not in Mr. B.'s printed ser- mon, I will give it to the reader to disabuse his mind of any erroneous impression on that sub- ject. This note, when made to speak in favour of immersion, is quoted thus : " The ancient manner of baptizing by immersion is manifestly alluded to here." This is only part of the sen- tence used by Mr. Wesley, and one word left out of that. The note, when fairly quoted, proves nothing for the Baptists. Mr. W.'s words are as follows : " The ancient manner of baptizing by immersion is as manifestly alluded to here as the other manner of baptizing by sprinkling or pouring of water is. Heb. x, 22. But no stress is laid upon the age of the bap- 110 OBLIGATiON, SUBJECTS, AND tized, or the manner of performing it, in one or the other place," &c. Candid* reader, does either of these passages contain the evidence that Mr. Wesle}^ acknowledges immersion as the only mode ? "I speak as unto wise men." Mr. B., Sermon, p. 30, quotes two cases from Mr. Wesley's Journal to prove that he ^^ preferred immersion^'' neither of which proves any such thing. The first is the case of a child which he baptized at eleven days old, according to the " rule of the Church of England," by immer- sion ; and as Mr. W. happened to mention that the child began to recover from the time of its baptism, Mr. B. infers that by mentioning that circumstance Mr. Wesley intended to recom- mc?id immersion. I infer, on the contrary, that he meant to recommend infant baptism. The other case is the case of Mr. Parker's child, in Georgia, which Mr. W. refused to bap- tize because its mother refused to let it be dipped, assigning as his reason, that the rubric of his Church required it to be dipped, unless it were weak or unwell. — Wesley's Jfournal, Feb. and May, 1736. This was three years before Mr. Wesley formed any society ; while he was a very young man, and was a priest in the Church of England. He, of course, as a con- scientious man, felt himself bound to regard the rubric of his Church. He gives this as his reason, and utters no objection to the child being baptized by sprinkling or pouring, by another person. According to Mr. B.'s own MODE OF BAPTISM. Ill showing, the grand jury thought Mr. W. justi- fiable in A'iew of the rubric. Mr. W. could not be supposed to have under- stood the subject of baptism then as perfectly as he did when he Vv^-ote his treatise on that sub- ject more than twenty years afterward. In that treatise he says, "And as there is no clear proof of dipping in Scripture, so there is very pro- bable proof of the contrary. It is true, we read of being buried Avith Christ in baptism. But nothing can be inferred from such a figurative expression. Nay, if it held exactly, it would make as much for sprinkling as for phmging; since in burying, the body is not plunged through the substance of the earth, but rather earth is poured or sprinkled upon it."- — Works, vol. vi, p. 13. And finally this witness says, "The greatest scholars, and most proper judges in the matter, testify that the original term translated baptize, means not dipping, but tvashing or cleansing." Does this prove Mr. B.'s assertion true or false ? He says Mr. Wesley ^'preferred immersion, and he v/ould have restored immer- sion if he could." I think the reader will see a very great want of fairness in the manner in which the gentleman has treated Mr. Wesley. As I am now on the testimony of Mr. W., it may not be amiss to remark that the attempt Avhich Mr. B. makes, in his sermon, to prove that Mr. W. held baptismal regeneration, and held even worse views than ]\Ir. A. Campbell, I think un^vorthy a serious notice. 112 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND His attempt to throw contempt on the Epis- copalians, Presbyterians, Methodists, and others, by attributing to them the doctrine of baptismal regeneration, is one of those stratagems used to mislead the mind of the reader ; a part of that finesse which is used for the purpose of prose- lytism — a tub to decoy the whale, until he can be brought within the reach of the ecclesiastical harpoon — an attejnpt to prove that he is right by proving that others are wrong. The next witness I shall call upon in the list of Mr. B.'s witnesses is Professor Stuart. He produces the testimony of the professor to prove immersion as the exclusive mode. Sermon, p. 32. He quotes him thus : " Both of these words [bapto and baptizo) mean to dip, plunge, or immerge into any thing liquid." The professor says, (Stuart on the Mode of Baptism, pages 29 and 81,) "There is, then, no absolute certainty from usage that the word, (baptizo,) when applied to designate the rite of baptism, means, of course, to immerge or plunge. It may mean washing; possibly (but not proba- bly) it may mean copiously moistening or bedew- ing ; because words coming from the common root (bap) are applied in both these senses, as we have seen above." " No injiuiction is any- where given in the New Testament respecting the manner in which this rite shall be performed. If there be such a passage, let it be produced. This cannot be done. But it will doubtless be said, that ' the manner of the rite is involved in the word itself, which is used to designate it, MODE OF BAPTISM. 113 and that therefore this is as much a matter o£ command as the rite itself.' To this I answer, that it would prove a great deal too much." Again Professor Stuart saj^s, p. 98, " If you say, The classical use of the word abundantly justifies the construction I put upon it; my reply is. That classical usage can never be very certain in respect to a word in the New Testa- ment. Who does not know that a multitude of Greek w-ords here receive their colouring and particular meanings from the .Hebrew, and not from the Greek classics ?" The sentiment of the professor is confirmed by the practice of the apostle Paul, who well understood both the Hebrew and Greek ; for in Heb. vi, 2, he speaks of the " doctrine of baptisms'' and in ix, 10, of " divers baptisms ;" in both of which places he doubtless applies the word to those ceremonial vmshmgs or purifications used among the Jews, which, he says in verse 13, "were performed by sprinlding the unclean." And we remark here, without fear of successful contradiction, that wherever an administrator and a subject are found under the Jewish regulations, or Old Testament arrangements, the one administer- ing and the other receiving any of those " divers baptisms," the mode was never by immersion. It is true, the Jews washed or bathed themselves and their clothes; but these washings they per- formed naked, and in private, and never re- ceived them from the hands of an administrator. If the reader will refer to Num. xix, 17, 21, he will see the ceremony detailed to M'hich the 8 114 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND apostle refers in Heb. ix, 13, and calls it a hap- iism ; and he will see that the hyssop was dipped in running water, and the perso7i was sprinkled. It is worthy of remark also, that among the ancient heathens, purification was often per- fonned by sprinkling water upon the unclean with a branch of olive, or other tree. See the account in Potter's Greek Antiquities, p. 200 ; and an instance also in Virgil's iEneid, vi, 229. The reader will judge from the testimony we have adduced from Professor Stuart, whether Mr. B. has quoted him fairly. That the witness finds immersion practised in " ancient times'''' not by "the jirst church, ^^ as Mr. B. has it, Sermon, p. 32, is true, but he finds equal evidence, he says, for baptizing men and women naked, and that by dipping them three times, &c. He says, " Revolting as this cus- tom was, yet it is as certain as testimony can make it." P. 75. Now, candid reader, I leave you to judge how much reliance is to be placed on the mutilated testimonies from Pedobaptist writers adduced by Mr. B. You can judge of the balance from those I have examined. I will close this part of the subject with a quotation from that clear and conclusive writer Peter Edwards, who was himself for a number of years a Baptist preacher, and who discovered the weakness of the argu- ments of the Baptists, while reading Mr. Booth's book m favour oi their views. He says, (speak- ing of Mr. Booth's eighty witnesses, to which Mr. Broaddus refers,) '• He quotes a number of iMODE OF BAPTISM. 115 authors, wlio, as he says, understood the term ' baptize' to mean immersion, pouring, and sprinkling ; and these quotations he calls con- cessions. Concessions of what ? That the word meant immersion only ?. If so, he made them concede what they never did concede, and what they had no thought of conceding. It is a shame to abuse the living or the dead, and it is a bad cause that requires it ; I doubt whether one of the eighty abused critics was on his side." — Edwards, pp. 159, 160. We shall now proceed to notice the history of the ordinance, as we find it in the New Testament ; and see whether the facts therein detailed favour our views, or the views of the Baptists. AVe shall first remark upon an allu- sion of the apostle Paul to a case of baptism of men, women, and children, v/hich occurred in an early period of the history of the church ; even before what Mr. Booth calls the Ecclesias- iico-Political Constitution had any existence. The case is recorded in Exod. xiv, 19, 22, and is referred to by the apostle, 1 Cor. x, 2, "And were all baptized unto Moses, in the cloud and in the sea ;" and yet Moses says, " They went into the midst of the sea upon dry ground." Here I put the apostle Paul against Mr. Broad- dus and Dr. Carson, as I promised to do. They say, " The Scriptures know nothing for baptism but immersion." The apostle being judge, here were six hundred thousand men, besides women and children, all baptized while they were on " dry ground^'' and all " dry shod.'''' 116 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND The reader ranst judge between these gentle- ^men and the apostle. But I shall be told that they were baptized *' in a figure," as they were surrounded.' It is dangerous to be making figures to destroy the plain, obvious meaning of Scripture. And moreover, they appear not to have been surrounded, for there was dry land behind them to the shore, and dry land before them to the opposite shore ; and the cloud as a pillar of fire between them and the Egyptians ; so they only had water on their right and left, as two walls. However many " figures" there are in the passage, there is no figure of immersion or dipping in the case. The Holy Spirit has seen fit to give us the mode in which these people " were baptized unto Moses." In Psalm Ixxvii, 16, 17, where the psalmist refers to God's having " led his people by the hand of Moses and Aaron," he has these remarkable words : " The waters saw thee, O God, the waters saw thee ; they were afraid ; the depths also were troubled. The clouds poured out water." That the passage of Israel through the Red Sea is referred to here, no man of candour will doubt who reads the passage with attention. In answer to the ques- tion. How were they baptized in the sea 'i we remark. As the action of a natural agent, the wind was employed to make a passage for them ; the extreme agitation of the waters by it would occasion a mist or spray; by this, as they passed along, they v/ould be sprinkled ; and this, I presume, is what the apostle means MODE OF BAPTISM. 117 when he says they were baptized in, or by the sea. But if our Baptist brethren be dissatisfied with this explanation, it is impossible to njake the history bend to their views : the Israelites could not be dipped, plunged, or overwhelmed in the sea, if the statement be true that they went through it on dry ground. Here is an- other indisputable proof that baptism cannot mean immersion only. The only immersion on that occasion was the overwhelming of the Egyptians in the deep, " who sank like lead in the mighty waters," and who were seen not again, until they floated up upon the shores of the Red Sea, as evidences of Jehovah's wrath. But we shall be told that the baptism of Israel to Moses was " not Christian baptism." This is granted, and yet that does not invalidate the argument drawn from the case ; because the greatest scholar, and best critic of all the apostles, St. Paul, calls it baptism. But Mr. B. says, " The Scriptures know nothing for bap- tism but immersion." There he is fairly at issue with the apostle Paul. I w411 not insult the reader's piety and good sense, by even inti- mating which of the witnesses is most entitled to credit. Most of the evidence which our Baptist friends bring to support their mode of baptism is brought from what is said of John's bap- tizing in Jordan, at Enon-, from the case of the eunuch, baptized by Philip ; and from the passages in Rom. vi, 4, and Col. ii, 12, where 118 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND the apostle speaks of being buried with Christ by baptism, &c. We might refuse, if we thought it necessary, all the evidence brought from John's baptism ; as it is clear from the Scriptures, and especially from Acts xix, that ^'John's haptisirC'' was essen- tially different from the " Christian haptismy Of this truth the celebrated Robert Hall, of the Baptist Church, was fully convinced ; as the reader may see by a reference to his Works, vol. i, pp. 372, 376. But as Baptist preachers and people do not agree among themselves with regard to John's baptism, and as we wish to allow them all the evidence they can with any fairness claim, we shall not avail ourselves of the advantage above alluded to. It is said that John baptized " in Jordan," also " in the wilderness ;" — " in Bethabara, be- yond Jordan ;" — and " in Enon near to Salem," &c. It is allowed on all hands, that the Greek particles, rendered in, into, out of, &c., have such latitude of meaning, and are translated so variously, that nothing certain can be inferred in this controversy from their use. The first sense which Parkhurst, in his Greek Lexicon, gives to " apo,'^ is from. " He came up from the water." And that sense is given it in this text : " Who hath warned you to ^qq from (not out of) the wrath of God." And " eis" has the sense of to or unto, in the following scriptures, viz., in Matt, xv, 24, " I am not sent but unto (not into) the lost sheep of the house of Israel." MODE OF BAPTISM. 119 Rom. X, 10, "With the heart, man believeth unto (not into) righteousness." Matt, iii, 11, " I indeed baptize you with water unto (not in- to) repentance." And Matt, xvii, 27, " Go thou to the sea (not into) and cast a hook," &:c. The preposition " en," rendered in Jordan, is in the New Testament one hundred and fifty- times rendered with ; and more than a hundred times rendered at. And the passage would be fairly rendered at Jordan, or with the water of Jordan. And with regard to the eunuch, they went down to the water, and came up from the water, "tvould be as correct a rendering as into and out of. So we see that the argument of the Baptists, drawn from the Greek particles, evaporates at once, and we are left to deter- mine the mode of baptism from other evidence. Mr. B. seems to think, that to discuss these particles is a " small business," but concludes that the translators were " honest'''' in translating them, and that " in their primary signification they all favour immersion." This is a summary- mode, such as we have on page 21 of his Ser- mon ; where, although he rejects and ridicules *' the testimony of the fathers," yet declares — *' I am perfectly satisfied that the preponderance of that testimony is most decidedly in our fa- vour." He thinks that John's being at Jordan and Enon is conclusive evidence that he bap- tized the people by immersion. Then I reply, that Ananias baptizing Saul of Tarsus in a pri- vate house, and Peter baptizing Cornelius and others in a private house, is conclusive evidence 120 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, Ax\D that neither Saul nor Cornelius were immersed; for, reader, did you ever hear or know of a Bap- tist preacher immersing people in a private house? On the contrary, I have both heard and read of persons being baptized by pouring, at creeks and rivers. It cannot be shown, we presume, that one of those who received John's baptism was in the water as much as ankle deep ; as we shall now proceed to show. " The chief weight of many arguments is owing to our inattention to the differences of times, places, circumstances, manners, &c, ; modernize, and lay the scene of John's ministry in this country, as most, I presume, do, and then examine your ideas, and see what truth there is in them. You provide him with a large church or meeting house, in a large town, or populous country place ; he preaches, his congregation is affected, and at the close of the service they request liim to baptize them ; he marches at the head of them to a river for this purpose. You never see ministers going with either adults or infants to a river to sprinkle them, but you see ministers, "who call themselves Baptists, going down into rivers to immerse people, and you conclude John the Baptist used immersion. John, how- ever, did not live in a large town, but in the wilderness ; he had neither church nor meeting house to hold the people who .resorted to him ; the scene of his ministry is the side of a river; he preached out of doors. Geographers inform us that the banks of the river Jordan abounded MODE OF BAPTISM. 121 with trees ; and as the cUmate was hot, he and his congregation would surely take their station under their shade, and enjoy the atmosphere, which would be cool, in consequence of its vicinity to the water. Now, suppose he used sprinkling, where, under these circumstances, could he so conveniently and agreeably perform it as in the river just at hand?" — Isaacs on Baptism, p. 47. " But why," it is asked, " did John take his station beside a river, or at Enon, where there was much water, if it were not for the conve- nience of baptizing?" I answer — 1st, Because it was a central situation. " Then went out to him Jerusalem and all Judea, and all the region ROUND ABOUT JoRDAN." As John did not itine- rate much, it was important to select a situation for the exercise of his ministry at which it would be most convenient for the surrounding inhabitants to attend. 2d, When we look at the immense numbers who resorted from all parts to hear John, it would be absolutely ne- cessary for him to take his station where there was " much water^'' supposing but little was needed for baptism. " Then went out unto him ALL the land of Judea, and they of Jerusa- lem, and ALL the region round about Jordan," Mark v, 4 ; Matt, iii, 5. Make what deductions you will from these statements, you cannot make any common sense of the words, if you do not suppose the numbers to have been very great.- They would not all come on foot ; water would be wanted for drink for the people, for 122 OBLIGATIOxN, SUBJECTS, AND culinary purposes, for their various ablutions, and for their cattle. And as they flocked in vast numbers to John, many of them, no doubt, had to wait .for days or weeks before the rite could be administered to them ; and during all this time, in the heat of Palestine, great quan- tities of water would be necessary for the accommodation of the multitude. In our cli- mate, although much cooler, we always select a place for camp meetings, when such can be had, where there is " much watery And we sometimes appoint them near rivers, although we expect not more than five thousand persons to attend them ; yet it is not our calculation to immerse one individual of the thousands that attend. If the reader will consult 2 Chron. xxxii, 3,4, he will see a case in point. When Sennacherib invaded this very coimtry where John was preaching and baptizing, we read that " they stopped all the fountains, and the brook that ran through the midst of the land, saying. Why should the kings of Assyria come and find much water?-'' It was thought the Assyrian army would need much water ; but no one ever sus- pected their king intended to baptize them in it. No, they wanted it for other purposes ; and so did the thousands who attended the ministry of John, at Jordan and Enon. The reader should bear in mind, that while Christ, and the twelve, and the seventy, were going about into the towns, villages, &.c.» John was comparatively local in his ministry, which MODE OF 13APT18M. 123 made the multitude greater, and required them to come a greater distance ; and often to remain longer to accomplish the purpose of their visit Ihe PEOPLE CAME to Johi ; Christ and Ids mi~ msters ^ve.vt to the people. Again we say, It IS utterly incredible that John could have immersed the vast multitudes that came to him besides domg the preaching and answering the questions put to him, and (according to the practice of modern Baptists) receiving and judging of the experience of the candidates. 1 suppose they will not deny that they gave in an experience to John, especially as Mr. Bene- dict, in his History of the Baptists, calls John their " ancient brother^ Robert Hall felt the weight of this objection to immersion ; drawn from the number to be baptized Hence he says, " It is by no means certain, however, that John was the only person who performed that ceremony ; indeed, when we consider the prodigious multitudes that flock- ed to him, the 'inhabitants of Jerusalem, Judea and all the region round about Jordan,' it seems scarcehj practicable ; he most probably employed coadjutors," &c.— Hall's Works, vol. i, p. 361 Now I suppose, reader, that I have as o-ood a right as Mr. Hall to find a solution to'tliis diftculty. The Scriptures do not say one word about a single coadjutor employed by the Baptist. 1 account for his being able to bantize the '^pro- digious multitudes^ as Mv. H. calls them, on another principle, viz., he administered the or- dmance by sprinkling or pouring. This was 124 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND Mr. Wesley's view of it. See his notes on Matt, iii, 6. " It seems," says he, " that they stood in ranks on the edge of the river, and John, passing along before them, cast water on their heads or faces, by which means he might baptize many thousands in a day." It is not supposed that John exercised his ministry more than twelve or eighteen months, and yet, at a moderate calculation, he must have baptized one million of people ; for Mr. B. supposes, Sermon, p. 35, that Jerusalem alone ' contained a million of people ;" then take " Judea, and the region round about Jordan," &c., and allow that one half of the inhabitants received his baptism, which we think not un- likely ; then we ask, during how many hours in the day could any man preach, and stand in the water, for the purpose of baptizing by im- mersion ? We will admit, for the sake of argu- ment, that he could endure this labour six hours each day, for eighteen months. And say that he baptized as expeditiously as the gentleman in Culpepper did, of whom Mr. B. speaks, Ser- mon, p. 35, " who baptized seventy-five persons very decently in twenty-five minutes ;" — I say, suppose all this, and when he had accomplished his eighteen months' work, at the rate of one thousand and eighty each day, he would have given the ordinance to a little upward of half a million. What Mr. B. says about its taking " no more time to baptize hy immersion than hy sprinkling, ^^ Sermon, p. 35, utterly astonishes me. Can you think, gentle reader, that this MODE OF BAPTISM. 125 carries upon its face the appearance oi proha- hility? Again, John, as the son of a Jewish priest, would most likely use water in the way in which it was commonly used among the Jews, i. e., by sprinkling. And if it be said that " John's baptism was from heaven," I reply, So were the divers baptisms among the Jews. Heb. ix, 10, 13. And as the Jewish priests entered upon their work at thirty years of age, so did John. And using, like them, an applica- tion of water to the body, as an emblem of moral purity ; it is left to any impartial judgment, whether he is most rationally supposed to have plunged men under the water, (a thing unprac- tised among them,) or whether he only sprinkled or poured water on them, a rite divinely insti- tuted, and every day familiarly practised in that church.'^ — Towgood on Baptism, p. 104. And to the fact that John came as the harbinger of the Messiah, about to appear, for whom the Jews were all anxiously looking ; so much so, that they inquired of him " if he were the Christ ;" — I say, to this fact may be attributed the great and general influx of disciples to •John. He applied sacramental water to them, and bid them repent, reform, and look for, and believe on the Messiah, just about to appear, who w^ould apply the Holy Ghost to their souls, as he had applied the purifying element to their bodies ; saying to all the people, " I indeed baptize you loith water; he shall baptize you u-ith the Holy Ghost.^' Here is a clear intima- tion from John himself that the water was ap- 126 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AXD plied to the suhject, and not tlie subject applied to the water. What John calls being baptized with the Holy Ghost, Matt, iii, 11, Christ calls, being baptized with the Hoi?/ Ghost, Acts i, 5. And Peter calls it being baptized with the Holy Ghost, Acts ii, 16. And in Acts xi, 17, 33, it is said to be " POURED out" and " shed forth." And in Acts X, 44, it is said, the Holy Ghost fell on THEM ; and also in xi, 15, Peter says, it fell on them. Now I suppose that the word bap- tize, in the mouth of John the Baptist, is equal to the word baptize in the mouth of St. Peter ; and equal also to the same word in the mouth of Jesus Christ. Here I put, not a lexicographer ^ or an army of them, against Dr. Carson and Mr. Broaddus, but, what is of infinitely more weight, (for, however great the witness of men may be, " the witness of God is greater,") John, Peter, and Christ, all against these gentle- men. I hope, reader, you will never become so learned as to declare that pouring is no bap- tism, when you have the authority of Christ himself for using the word in the sense of pouring, viz., " Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost, not many days hence." This is the prediction of Christ ; and it had its fulfil- ment on the day of Pentecost, by the pouring out and shedding forth of the Spirit upon the apostles. Now, candid reader, was there any thing like immersion here ? And if John understood the language which he used when speaking of the baptism of the Spirit, and if the MODE OF BAPTISM. 127 sign is to agree with the thing signified, the shadoin with the subslance, how could John give water baptism by immersion, when he knew that Christ would pour out, or shed forth, the Spirit ? But Mr. B., Sermon, p. 39, thinks it very " absurd" to suppose that " the manner of the immaterial Spirit should be represented by the use that is made of a material element." How absurd — " strange enough is the argument" drawn from the pouring out of the Spirit. But, unfortunately for this gentleman, on the very next page he is guilty of this very ah surdity. Hear him, in quoting Ezek. xxxvi, 25 — " Then will / sprinkle clean water upon you," &c. He says, " The allusion is, unquestionably, to those divine influences by which men are cleansed from their moral defilement." " Divine influ- ences," are they immaterial? or has Mr. B. found some mode of purifying men without the immaterial Spirit ? — some " divine influences" that are not of the Spirit of Gcd ? He quotes the very text that is against him, and says, " God himself is to sprinkle clean water ;" and this clean water to he applied by sprinkling represents the " divine influences," Mr. B. him- self being judge. But then it is " absurd" to represent the " immaterial Spirif' by the " ma- terial element v*^ater." So God himself is re- presented here as guilty of this " absurdity." For if the question be asked. How will God cleanse them from their idols ? the answer is, With " clean water. ^^ In what manner will he 128 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND apply the element ? the answer is, " I will sprinkle clean water ^ipon you." It is strange that men should thus talk, not only without book, but against the book of God. In such cases they demonstrate nothing but their own folly, or the weakness and hopelessness of their cause. The baptism of the Spirit by " pouring," and " SHEDDING FORTH," and " FALLING UPON," &C., has always been very embarrassing to our Bap- tist friends. Mr. B., Sermon, p. 39, labours hard to evade the matter, by attempting to show that the disciples, on the day of Pentecost, were immersed in the Spirit. He asks, " Were they immersed in the Spirit, when the Spirit filled the room where they were sitting, or were they not? I am willing your common sense should decide." Here he will have it, that though the Spirit was " poured," it was poured until the room was filled, so that they luere immersed in it. It is strange that Christian men will persist in tying down the word baptize to one meaning only, and that at the expense of the word of God, and even of common sense. For that he has " erred in vision," or " stumbled in judg- ment," the reader can clearly see, by a refer- ence to Acts ii. Not one word is said there about the Spirit '■''filling the house,''^ nor of its " overwhelming the disciples." The language in Acts ii, 1, 2, is, " And when the day of Pen- tecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came A sound from heaven as a rushing mighty MODE OF BAPTISM. 129 wind, a7id it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost." If it is said the house was filled, and they were therefore immersed, the questions may be asked, With what was the house filled? With luhat were they immersed? In English, it is expressed by the pronoun " IT,"—" it filled all the house ;" the Greek has no pronoun. Well, what is the antecedent to "zY.?" I answer, the word ^^ sound y The word in the Greek is " echos," an echo, a rever- berating sound. So it seems Mr. B, has only erred in vision, so far as to mistake a sound, an echo, for the Spirit of God. Is, then, a reverberating sound, surrounding the bodies of the apostles, and the Spirit of God falling upon their hearts, the same thing? The reader can judge. The sound filled the house, and — if you please, though it sounds rather odd — they were immersed in the sound. But this is not to be confounded with the cloven tongues, or the Hohj Spirit, mentioned in the following verses " They were all filled with the Holy Gpiost." The SOUND filled the place ; the Spirit filled the persons; the sound was without them; the Spirit was vnthin them. The old prophet did not commit such a blunder as to mistake the sound of wind for the voice of the Spirit. " x\nd behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the 9 130 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks, before the Lord ; but the Lord was not in the wind," 1 Kings xix, IL As in this case, the wind came before the Lord spake to the prophet in *' a still small voice ;" so, on the day of Pente- cost, the rushing mighty wind came first, and filled the house, then the Lord poured out upon them the Holy Ghost. But orantinff, for the sake of arorument, that the Spirit is intended by the sound, the Baptist manner of administering the ordinance is not helped by it. For the sound, or Spirit, came Dowx, DESCENDING upon them. The baptismal element came upon the subjects. They did not descend into it. The element was active ; the subjects were passive ; which exactly corre- sponds with our mode. In the mode of Mr. B. this order is completely reuer^ec?. The view of Mr. Broaddus, on this case, makes against a favourite notion of many of his Baptist brethren, viz., that the baptism promised by Christ, and given on the day of Pentecost, was restricted to the apostles as the subjects; and to the ex- traordinary or miraculous gifts conferred upon them ; and not to the ordinary gift of the Holy Spirit, conferred upon all Christians. For if, as he says, " the mind was the Spirit,^'' then all present were equally immersed with the apos- tles ; and we learn from verse 15 of the pre- ceding chapter, that " the number of the names together were about a hundred and twenty^ " And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all, with one accord, in one I MODE OF BAPTISM. 13^1 PLACE." " And suddenly there came a sonnd from heaven," &c. So that they all obtained the extraordinary influences of the Spirit. It is not admitted by those who refer the baptism of the Spirit to its extraordinary influences, that any received it, except the twelve apostles ; yet Mr. B.'s interpretations of the matter give mira- culous powers to them all, one hundred and twenty in number. Both he and they are wrong, for the idnd was not the Spirit; and the baptism of the Holy Ghost is not confined to the apos- tles : for Joel said, " It shall be poured out upon ALL FLESH," verse 17; and Peter said, "The promise is to all, as many as the Lord our God shall caU,''^ verse 39. Reader, no man in his senses ever supposed that " all flesh," — " all that the Lord should call''" to be Christians, — were to receive the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Ghost. You see, then, with what pro- priety our Baptist friends attempt to turn into ridicule the practice of Pedobaptists praying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. In every case Avhere the Spirit is spoken of as having been given, it is said to have been " SHED FORTH," Or " POURED OUT," Or " CAME ox THEM," or " FELL ON ALL THEM Avhich heard the word," " On the Gentiles, also, was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost." Acts x, 44, 45. And in xi, 15, 16, Peter says, "And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell ox them, as on us at the beginning. Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that he said, John indeed BAPTIZED u-ith WATER ; but ye shall be bap- 132 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND TizED with the Holy Ghost." There is no ivind, or sound, said to have filled the house of Cornelius, when the Holy Ghost was poured out upon the Gentiles. This, notwithstanding, Peter calls a hoptism of the Holy Ghost, by pouring out or falling upon them. Query — Did Peter give them loater baptism by immersion, in full view of the fact that God had just given them spiritual baptism by pour- ing? It is scarcely credible. It is enough for me to be satisfied that I fol- low the example of hirn who baptizes with the Holy Ghost ; that I apply the water to meji's bodies as he applies the Spirit to their souls. Thus a spiritual baptism will be administered in the church to the end of time ; and this ordi- nance will be given according to the Pedobap- tist mode ; for it is written, " I will pour out my Spirit upon all fteshy — See Isaacs on Baptism, pp. 57, 58. So much for Mr. B. and his " immersion in the Spirit." Again : Most of the cases of bap- tism recorded in the Acts furnish strong, not to say conclusive, evidence that they were not baptized by immersion, but in some other way. I am aw^are that our Baptist friends have a wonderful facility at finding '^ streams,^' ''baths,^^ ^^tanhs,^^ ^^ pools,'' " hogsheads," &c.. Sermon, p. 35, whenever they read of a case of baptism. Unfortunately for their cause, however, they very often cannot agree among themselves con- cerning the means or facilities for giving the ordinance by immersion in the particular case. MODE or BAPTIciM. 133 Hence, when you ask, Where were the three thousand baptized on the day of Pentecost ? each sets his imagination to work to find a baptizing place. 3*Ir. B. says. Sermon, p. 38, "The city was watered by the brook Kidron, and the pools of Siloam and Bethesda, which would furnish an abundant supply of water." In the warm season the brook Kidron was generally dry, and travellers say that it is dry nine months in the year ; and that those three thousand were baptized in warm weather is evident from the fact that the feast of Pentecost took place at the close of wheat harvest. This stream was always inconsiderable, except after heavy rains : and these made the stream muddy and unfit for bathing. Mr. B. says that the filth from the city did not run up stream, and there- fore they might have gone above the city for the purpose of immersion. But the reader will recollect that this gentleman has said " Jerusa- lem contained a million of inhabitants ;" and, according to Strabo, was about sixty furlongs, or about eight miles in length. Then, sup- posing the preaching to have taken place in the temple, as is most likely; and admitting that temple to have stood in the midst of the city; it would have been a journey of at least four miles to have gotten to Kidron above the city. Some of our Baptist friends, feeling the difficulty connected with the supposition that they were baptized in Kidron, (especially as the passage says not one word about their leav- ing the place o( preaching in order to receive 134 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND the ordinance,) and their theory requiring them to find some means whereby to immerse the three thousand, have supposed that they were baptized in the " brazen lavei\'" or in the vessels used by the Jews for purification, &c. The reader v/ill recollect that these public and pri- vate bathing places were in the keeping of the enemies of Christ — those who had been his betrayers and murderers. It is not likely that thei/ would allow Peter, and the other apostles, to use them for the baptizing of their converts. If there had been a probability that Peter wished to drown those who had received the doctrine of Christ's Messiahship, then, indeed, he might possibly have been permitted to use their baths. Moreover, the manner of purifying among the Jews must have been — generally, at least — by sprinkling or pouring, as we may learn from John ii, 6 : *' And there were set six water pots of stone, after the manner of the purifying of the Jews." We have no doubt there was water enough in Jerusalem to immerse ten thousand people, and we should believe they were bap- tized by that mode, if we had any evidence of it. But, in the total absence of all evidence, we cannot take the suppositions of our Baptist friends for proof Again, the cases of Cornelius and his family, Saul of Tarsus, and those that Paul met at Ephesus, Acts xix, and the jailer and his family at Philippi, were all cases where the ordinance was administered without so much as a " Ja?/i" or ^^ cistern''^ being mentioned. But MODE OF BAPTISM. 135 the immersionists are always ready with the means to immerse ; they find a " bathing tub" in the house of Cornelius, and a tank, or cistern, in the jail at Philippi, and a hath in the private house where Ananias found penitent Saul of Tarsus. I would just suggest, that if they were to apply the reasoning which they use with regard to " infant baptism" to these cases, it would ruin their own cause. The baptism of Lydia and her family, and of the eunuch, are all the Christian baptisms that were performed out of doors, so far as we have any information. On the case of Lydia, Mr. B.. Sermon, p. 37, makes a remark calculated to mislead the reader. " It is worthy of remark," says he, " that the sermon which produced her conversion was preached by the river side, and that she and her family were baptized before they went into her house. As they were at the river side, they could readily be immersedP And I say, as they were near the water, they could be readily sprinkled. If the reader will be at the pains to look at Acts xvi, 13-15, he will see plainly that Mr. B.'s remark is unfair, and makes an erroneous impression. The state of the case was simply this : Paul, Silas, Ti- mothy, and Luke, in their travel, came to Phi- lippi ; they remained there " certain days ;" and when the sabbath came, they "walked " out of the^^ idolatrous city, and found a few women by the river side holding a prayer meeting. What, it may be asked, induced these women to go out there to worship ? Not to receive baptism. 136 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AXD candid reader ; that, in all probability, was not in all their thoughts when they went to the river side. They were either Jews or prose- lytes, who were not suffered to worship the true God within the limits of the heathen city. And when the apostles went out, and, as by accident, fell in with these devout women, they " sat down and spake to them." x\nd while Paul was speaking, " the Lord opened Lydia's heart." And he, pursuing the *' apostolic pat- tern," gave the ordinance of baptism just where the word took effect. When the word took effect on the people out of doors, they did not go into the house to administer the ordinance ; and when it took effect in the house, they did not go out of doors to give the ordinance ! If Paul had been a preacher of the modern Baptist stamp, and had worked by their " pattern," he would not have given Lydia baptism until she had related a " Christian experience," such as should be considered " evangelical ;" and per- haps not until she had waited for weeks or months, to be certain that she was not deceived. Paul's practice in this case was just such as a Pedobaptist's would have been. They never go from water in order to baptize. And he bap- tized Lydia and her family at the ^' river side,^* not IN the river, before they went into the house, or even into the city. Reader, this presents a striking contrast with a case which occurred under the administration of a Baptist preacher, not fifty miles from where Mr. B. now lives. A candidate presented him- MODE OF BAl'lISJI. 137 self in the " church meeting,*' and related his " experience ;" from which it appeared he had been convicted several years before, and converted some twelve months, or more, prior to his offering himself for baptism. The preacher was highly- delighted with the delay; pronounced it an " apostolical experience," — " the work not of a few days, but of years ;^^ and admitted him to the ordinance. So he understood the " apostolic pattern." I leave it to the candour and common sense of the reader, whether the New Testa- ment furnishes any such case as the above !. Saul of Tarsus was baptized on the third day after his conviction, and that is the longest delay we read of. In justice to Mr. B., I must say, he is not the preacher referred to. On the case of the jailer, Acts xvi, 23 to 40, Mr. B., Sermon, p. 37, has attempted a strange imposition upon tlie reader. He does indeed " correct the diction of the Spirit by that of the party," in the language of Mr. G. Campbell, as quoted by Mr. B. Putting certain words in capital letters, he makes an attempt to prove that the jailer and his family went out to a place where there was water sufficient to immerse them. I was more convinced from this part of Mr. B.'s sermon than from any other, that he considered his cause in danger. I request the reader to take up his Bible, the plain man's lexicon, and just look at the passage in the spirit of candour, and he will see, without the wisdom of Solomon, that this gentleman has attempted to make the passage speak a language 138 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND which Luke, the writer, never intended. He has put the words ^^ brought''^ and ^'- outp and *■'- brought them into his house^'' in capitals, and says, " As to the facilities for obtaining water, the river Strymon, as geographers tell us, ran through the city, where water could be had, even if the jailer had no bathing cistern on his premises ;" and then says, " I have shown that the jailer, and Paul, and Silas, went out of the house to administer baptism ; and though they should have to go live miles to a river or bath, I will put them to that trouble, before I will consent that baptizo shall be deprived of the meaning which Professor Stuart says ' all lexi- cographers and critics of any note have assigned to it.' " Professor Stuart says just the contrary, as I have shown in another place. Mr. B. pro- ceeds : " But the truth is, to a mind disposed to be governed by the plain, common sense mean- ing of the language of Scripture, there will be no difficulty in finding water for immersion within reach of the jailer's house, or indeed in his house, prepared for the purpose in a hogs- head, if it were not so fully stated that they were baptized while out of the house" Baptist preachers heretofore (so far as I am informed) have never dreamed that they were baptized out of the house, but have invented a ^^cistern^^ or '^tank'^ in the jail. This gentleman has struck out a new course — invented a new salvo for the case. He had just as well have put the words " thrust them into," in verse 24, in capi- tals, to prove that Paul dipped them into the r MODE OF BAPTISM. 1 39 '^Sfrj/mo7i" as to have put '^brought theni out," and ''brought them into his house,^^ in capitals, to prove that they went out to a baptizing place. One would have been as near the truth as the other. And these are the men who stand up and tell the people they only need to look into the New Testament, without note or comment, to see " the law of baptism." and the practice of the apostles under that law. " The Bible," say they, " is the best book on baptism." Most commentators give the text first, and then the explanation, but these reverse this order. They give the Baptist comment first, and then the sacred text. The comment is, " The word baptize means to dip or immerse onlyf^ and then if you meet with a text like the one under consideration, where it is difficult to find water for immersion, then you must apply your com- ment on the word *' baptize ;" and have them plunged, any how, even if you immerse them in a figure, " or immerse them in a wind or sound,^^ for the Spirit, or have them go to the river " Strymon," or even five miles at midnight ; and if you cannot see that they were really out of doors, you can immerse them " in a hogs- head" of water, prepared for the purpose. I will now give the reader a view of this case as it stands in the passage referred to above. In verse 23, we find that " the magistrates laid many stripes on Paul and Silas, and cast them into prison, charging the jailer to keep them safely." In verse 24, we find, " he having re- ceived such a charcre. thrust them i7ito the inner 140 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND prison, and made their feet fast in the stocks." I ask, Where are they now? You say they are in. the inner prison, or dungeon. Very good. When God had shaken the jail with an earth- quake, verse 26, and the doors flew open, " and every one's bands were loosed," the jailer awakening up, " called for a light, sprang in, and fell down before Paul and Silas," and brought them out, and said. Sirs, what must I do to be saved ? Verses 29, 30. I ask, Where are they now 1 You say, Just where they were before they were put in the in?ier prison. That is true. Reader, you will take notice that the words " brought them out'''' occur before any thing is said either about believing or baptism, and before there was any preaching. And they said, verse 31, "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." *' And he took them the same hour of the iiight, and washed their stripes ; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway.'''' Verse 33. " And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them," &c. Verse 34. And the reader will find in verse 40, that " they went out of the prison, and entered into the house of Lydia." Mr. B.'s version of the matter makes them come out of the house at midnight to preach the gospel, as well as to baptize ; for the words, brought them out, are before his " speaking to them the word of the Lord," for they are not said to have been brought into his house until after the baptizing ; he brought them in to give MODE OF BAPTISM. 141 them something to eat. As Mr. B. will have them brought out of the jail before the service took place, and as we have seen they were not in the jailer's apartment until after the baptism ; then they must have exhibited the odd spectacle of persons going out of a building to preach at midnight. Unfortunately for Mr. B.'s theory, where the bringing out is spoken of, nobody is mentioned but Paul, Silas, and the jailer. Yet, when the baptizing is mentioned, " he and all his" are " baptized straightioay .''^ The true state of the case was evidently this : he brought them out of the dungeon into the outer prison, and asked, " What must I do to be saved ?" The family, children, and domestics are assembled to hear the sermon, " and they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house.'' Here the Greek w^ord vmia is used, which signifies the household, the whole do- mestic establishment, according to Schrevelius's Lexicon. He interprets it by the Latin word domus, w'hich Cole's Latin Dictionary interprets, a house, family, household, &lc. When the sermon was over, and the jailer had received baptism, with all his family, and had washed the stripes of the preachers, " he took them into his house, and set meat before them," &LC. Nov/, I suppose, in this, as in all large cities, the jailer occupied a part of the same building with the prisoners. At least, he was so near, that in the midnight hour, when he av/aked up, he saw " the prison doors open ;" and when he drew out his sword to commit 142 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND suicide, Paul cried to him, " Do thyself no harm." And he " called for a light, and sprang in." I ask again, Where 1 Into the inner prison. The phraseology of the passage would leave the impression on the mind of an unbiassed reader that the jailer's family resided in a part of the same building with the prisoners. The Roman law made prison keepers answerable for the safe keeping of those committed to them : hence the precaution this man took to put the prisoners in the dungeon, and make " their feet fast in the stocks." And hence he was about to take his own life, " when he supposed the prisoners had fled." We find, from Acts xii, 18,19, that the keepers of the prison who let Peter escape paid for it with their lives. And they were under the same civil jurisdiction or laws with the Philippian jailer. I am quite willing to leave it to the decision of the intelligent reader ; in view of the law — in view^ of the fact of Peter's escape, and the death of those who suffered him to escape — in view of its being midnight, and in view of the passage saying not one word about their going away from the prison ; — whe- ther they went to the " river Strymon," or to any other place, for the purpose of immersion ? So much for Mr. B.'s " brought them out." As it regards a bath or cistern in the prison, for the comfort and cleanliness of the prisoners, we would remark that such things are not very common, even now, after all the untiring efforts of such men as John Howard, the philanthropist, in behalf of prisoners ; and they made no part MODE OF BAPTISM. 143 of the appendages of an ancient heathen prison. I think it will appear that the circumstances of this case of baptism are qnite as inflexible against ijnmersion as Mr, B. is disposeid to think the Greek word iSaTrrci^o is for it. And if he had possessed candour enough to quote his Schrevelius on this word, as he did on the word Traidia when arguing against the " infants,''^ Sermon, p. 13, we should have had a different account of it. It suited his purpose better to quote Dr. Carson, as he makes the word mean immersion only. And if, in the case above referred to, viz., Traidia^ he had possessed the candour to quote the parallel passage in Luke xviii, 15, he would have found the word " ,i3fjfda," the plural of jSpecpoc, used, which Schrevelius would inform him signifies "m- fans,'" an " i?fa7it" a " babe." He would thus have been saved from the ridiculous attitude of a Christian teacher attempting to explain away the words of the Holy Ghost, as used by St. Mark. The case of the eunuch, found in iVcts viii, 26 to 39, is considered by our opponents as conclusive evidence in favour of immersion. But when this matter is sifted a little, the evi- dence will not appear quite as conclusive as those have thought who have been taught all their life to consider nothing to be baptism that falls short of dipping or immersion. With re- gard to the prepositions used here, we have shown in another place that nothing can be gathered from their use in this controversy. 144' OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND Mr. B. seems to concede that the eunuch's im- mersion cannot be proved from ^^ going into" and " coming ouf^ of the water. He says, Stric- tures, p. 17, and Sermon, p. 36, " You must not suppose that my argument is founded on going into, and coming out of, the water : for all this, I know, might be done without any immersion; here is the argument : Why should they go into the water, merely to sprinkle ?" and asks, " Who ever said that going into the water means im- mersion ? Did any intelligent man ever say so ?" I reply that many men have said so ; but as it regards their intelligence, we say nothing. In this case, as in most others, Mr, B. has to re- sort to his version of haptizo. When we refer to the passage, we find that the eunuch was travelling through a country which was " a desert,^^ and, consequently, the water they came to was not a considerable stream ; as is probable, we think, from the fact that in that country even small streams made the places where they w^ere found populous, as any person can see by a reference to the map. And, moreover, as the streams where John is said to have administered the ordinance are mentioned hy name, it is probable that if this had been a watercourse, or stream, worthy a name, its name also would have been given. The language of the eunuch is, " See, here is water!" — an exclamation, as though he had unexpectedly discovered it. The reader may find, by a reference to the passage which he was reading at the time Philip fell in with him, MODE OF BAPTISM. 145 that it stands in intimate connection with, and is di part of the ^amc prophecy, where Isaiah, lii, 15, speaks ot" Christ " sprinkling many 7iations.'" And hideed there are but six verses between, that passage and the text from which " PhiUp preached unto him Jesus." He, no doubt, gave him to understand that himself and others were acting under a commission to " disciple all na- tions, baptizing them," &c., and, of consequence, when he became willing to receive Christ, he offered himself for baptism. I can see, there- fore, how he could readily understand the rite of initiation to be administered by sprinkling. For, whether the passage above quoted was explained by Philip as alluding to baptism lite^ rally, or to the thing signified by it, in either case the mode is by " ^sprinklings many na- tions." So I conclude that he did not give him baptism by immersion, as a symbol of that spi- ritual washing that was to be effected by sprinkling. But perhaps an immersionist would like to suggest that the prophet refers to what Christ would do himself; and that, therefore, the prophecy cannot refer to the apostle's making " disciples of the nations by sprinkling." I reply, that it is very common in Scripture language for God to be represented as doing Avhat he causes to be done. The reader can find a striking case in point, John iii, 22 : " After these things came Jesus and his disciples into the land of Judea ; and there he tarried with them and baptized.''' Compare this with the first and second verses of the next chapter : " AVhen, 10 146 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND therefore, the Lord knew how the Pharisees had ' heard that Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John.' Though Jesus himself baptized not, hut his disciples.'" Here is evi- dently as plain a declaration that " Christ bap- tized,'^ as the prophet has, " he shall sprinkle many nations," and yet we are informed subse- quently that " Jesus baptized not, but his dis- ciples." How natural, then,, was it for the eunuch to ask for baptism, if Philip gave him an explana- tion of the prophecy, as referring to the ordi- nance of Christian baptism given by " sprinkling the nations." Whatever others may think, I am decidedly of the opinion that this is the genuine interpretation of the passage. And that the whole of the fifty-second and fifty-third chapters of Isaiah refer to what should take place under the gospel ; " the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow," in the setting up and establishment of the gospel kingdom ; when the Messiah should " see his seed," " and the pleasure of the Lord should prosper in his hands," when " his doctrine" shall " come down" on the nations " as rain," under the preaching of his apostles and their successors, and when by their hands he should *' sprinkle many nations.^' I conclude, from the above, that Philip and the eunuch came to a spring or run of water ; that they both alighted, and going to the water, he received the ordinance, and afterward went on his way rejoicing. But Mr. B. asks, " Why MODE OF BAPTISM. 147 should they go into the water in order to sprinkle .'"' I reply, For aiiglit thai appears to the contrar\', they were no more in the water than the sons of the prophets were '• when they came «f* to Jordan to cut down wood," 2 Kings vi, 4 ; the san;e preposition is used in the case under consideration. I presume the sons of the prophets hardly stood in the river to fell trees. The missionary, Mr. Wolf, found a sect of Christians in Mesopotamia who called them- selves " the followers of John the Baptist," who baptized children at thirty days old, and who performed the rite by sprinkling water upon the child at the edge of a river. See his Journal, vol. ii, p. 311, as quoted by Watson. Mr. Wolf asks, " Why do they baptize in rivers ?" An- swer : " Because St. John the Baptist baptized ill the river Jordan." " Thus we have in modern times, river baptism without immersion^ We next notice a favourite argument of ouv Baptist friends, drawn from the supposed immer- sion of Christ. " If nobody else ever w^as bap- tized by immersion," say they, " surely tJie Master was; and we are commanded to take lip our cross and follovj hi?n.^^ We are by no means convinced that Christ 2cas immersed. And if it could be shown that he was, I have not been able to find in the New Testament the command to receive the same baptism that he received. I hold that the baptism of Jesus Christ was veri/ peculiar; such as no other * Etc; ror ~opdav?]v. See vcr-^ion of ihe J,XX. — Ed. 148 OBLIGATfONj SUBJECTS, AND person ever received. 1st. He being without sin, could neither repent nor promise amend- ment of life. 2d. Being the wisdom of God, he could be tausfht nothinsf. 3d. Beinsf the Go & Christ, he could not profess that he v/ould be- lieve in him that should come after him, that is, in Imnsclf. He therefore was baptized, 1st. To honour the office of his herald ; 2d. That he might fulfil the righteousness of John's dispen- sation ; and 3d. Tha.t by this rite he might be inducted into his public office, as the " prophet like to xMoses ;" as the High Priest over the house of God. The language of Robert Hall is, " He was inaugurated into his office at his baptism, till which period he remained in the obscurity of private life," &c. See Works, vol. i, p. 372. At thirty years of age the priests were " washed with water," and " anointed with oil," Exod. xxix, 4, 7, and Lev. viii, 6, 10-12. So we find that Christ, at the age of thirty, was washed of John at Jordan, and " anointed with the Holy Ghost ;" and John said, " I knew him not, but he that sent me to baptize said, Upon whomsoever thou shalt see the Spirit descend and light vpon him, he it is that baptizeth with tlie Holy Ghost." I suppose Mr. B. vrill hardly say that while Jesus stood upon the bank of Jordan the Spirit immersed him; (when 'the text says, "It de- scended upon him like a dove," John i, 32, 33 ;) as there is nothing said here about a loind, or sound, filling all out of doors. Those who talk MODE OF BAPTISM. 141) SO much of '' following Christ down to Jordan," and are perpetually troubling the weak, but sincere believer in Jesus, about being immersed in imitation of Christ's example, ought to recol- lect that he was circumcised as well as bap- tized, and that after his baptism he fasted forty days and nights, and had a severe rencontre with the great adversary of God and man, be- fore he entered upon the discharge of the func- tions of his high office. They should recollect also that he regularly kept the Jewish passover, and his disciples also kept it with him ; he also washed their feet, and said to them, " Do to one another as I have done to you." Those who would receive the baptism which Christ re- ceived from John, (even if this were possible,) would need rebaptizing, in order to be initiated into the Christian church ; for we have the authority of St. Paul, Acts xix, and of that dis- tinguished Baptist preacher, Robert Hall, of England, for saying that John's was not the Christian haptism. His words are, as quoted in the first part of this discussion, '■^ No rite celchrated at that time (i. e., during John's mi- nistry) is entitled to a place among Christian sacramexts, since they did not commence with the Christian dispensation." — Hall's Works, vol. i, p. 372. Now if our Baptist friends will insist that they must go to the water, and do as Jesus did, (i. e., receive John's baptism,) we cannot go with them, for we cannot consent to abandon our right to an interest in the Christian dispensation. Hear the words of our Master, IjO OBLIGAIIOX, SUBJECTS, A\D Luke vii, 28: "Among those that are bora of women, there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist ; but he that is least in the. kiiigdom of God IS greater than heP And Mr. Hall says, that " the phrase kingdom of God is constanthf used to denote that state of things under the administration of the Messiah." See as above. He, therefore, who would forsake the king- dom OF God, or Christian church, and go back to John at Jordan, under the fanciful idea of following Christ, might, with equal propriety j have his male children circumcised at eight days old, and constantly keep the Jewish pass- over ; for he could plead the example of Christ in honouring these institutions also. But I shall be told that the Scriptures say, *' And straightway coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens opened," Mark i, 10. It is said in Matt, iii, 16, " And Jesus, when he was baptized, locnt up straightway out of the water." In both these places the Greek word a~o is used, the tirst sense of wdiich, according to Parkhurst's Lexicon, is " from ;" so we see that nothing can be fairly made out from his case to show that even the manner in which he received the ordinance was by plunging. His coming up, and going up, show nothing for im- mersion ; because they imply action, whereas in immersion the subject is always passive. We must now call the attention o( the candid reader to the favourite argument of our differing brethren, drawn from a fanciful interpretation of Rom. vi, 4, " Therefore we are buried with f MODE OF BAPTISM. 151 him by baptism into death," &c., and Col. ii, 12. Mr. B., Sermon, p. 10, seems to consider this allusion of the apostle as a most conclusive argument for the mode of baptism by immersion. Ho says, *' I pause to admire the wisdom of the Most High, in putting it into the mind of his inspired servant to describe the ordinance of baptism by so familiar an allusion. Let the learned, my brethren, dispute about the mean- ing of Greek verbs and prepositions, you all understand what a hurial is, and if Paul called baptism a hurial, you will easily decide whether" he meant, sprinkling, pouring, or immersion.^'* Query — Did any of Mr. B.'s hearers or readers ever witness a hurial where the hody was dipped or plunged in the earth? I dare say they have tuitncssed many w^here the body had the earth SPRINKLED OR POURED UPON IT. It is casy for those who do not think much to be led away with the sound of a word ; but I hope better things of you, intelligent reader. There are several serious difficulties which lie against this fanciful argument for imTnersion : 1st. Although Mr. B. says St. Paul " describes it by an allusion''' (rather a strange method of de- scription, by the way, and that, too, in a matter where he says, " We may expect to find the word of God very explicit upon the subject," Sermon, p. 6,) yet in all the four gospels, in all that John the Baptist and Jesus Christ ever said with regard to baptism, there is not one solitary intimation that the ordinance had any reference to a hurial : either to the burial and 152" OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND resurrection of Christ, or any other. Again : in all the Acts of the Apostles, in all that they said, from time to time, on the subject of bap- tism, there is no such allusion ; nor is there in the Epistles, except in the two passages above referred to. 2d. That St. Paul has reference to the mode of literal baptism in these passages is exceedingly doubtful ; because no such idea was given him at his own baptism by Ananias^ as that he was to " arise and be baptized, to represent the burial and resurrection of Christ" On the contrary, he said, "Arise and be bap- tized, and WASH away thy sins, calling on the name of the Lord." He was taught, then, to consider baptism as representing the wash- ing away of sins, and not to consider it as re- presenting a grave, the place of loathsomeness and corruption. The fine idea that we hear so often advanced about the " liquid grave,^"* the " expressive rite," the " watery tofnb," &c., is a modern invention, and has no authority from the word of God. Who can see any resemblance between a man wading into a creek or river up to his waist or armpits, and another dipping the rest of his body under water, and the laying away of the body of Jesus in a sepulchre, above ground, hewn out of a solid rock, there to remain three days ? Jonah's being three days and nights in the belly of the fish, ims the sign of the burial and resurrection of Christ ; hence Jesus told the Jews, " There shall 710 other sign be given you but the sign of the prophet Jonah ;" and yet our MODE OF BAPTISM. 153 Baptist friends will have it that baptism was, and is, the sign or representation of Christ's burial and resurrection. But, reader, their practice is at izjctr with their theory; for if, as they say, baptism does really represent the burial and resurrection of Christ, then they should not require persons to be baptized before they admit them to the Lord's supper ; because in this they require them to show forth the burial and resurrection of Christ before they allow them to obey the command of Jesus, in showing forth his passion and death in the sacred supper. They thus reverse the order of those important facts, and show the hordes resurrection before his death. I have to urge against this interpretation, 3d, That it proves too much ; for if, " being buried," in the passage, alludes to the mode of baptism, then so does " being planted, or grafted, in the like- ness of his death," allude to the mode of bap- tism ; for the subject is the same in verses 5 and 6 as in verse 4. And " being crucified" also must refer to the mode. In the passage in Colossians, the " rising with him" spoken of is said to be " through the faith of the operation of God." We can see no good sense in which it can be said, a man rises in baptism " through faith:' If any thing in these passages can be shown to allude to the mode of baptism, then partial irnrnersion, as " planting," or using the sign of the cross, has as much evidence in their favour as immersion. In conclusion, we are of opinion 154 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND that these passages refer to the spiritual baptism spoken of in the word of God, 1 Cor. xii, 13, " For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles ;" and we have seen that the " one Spirit" is adminis- tered, by pouring, falling tipo?i, &c. The pas- sage may be considered as referring to the mighty energies of the Spirit of God, whereby the believer is regenerated, " crucified with Christ," " planted in the likeness of his death;" and if baptism literally is referred to at ail, it is only as the instrumental cause, the initiating rite, by which we enter the church, where by professio?i we are, and in fact ought to be, " dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ." If our Baptist friends- will insist still that the mode of baptism by im- mersion is referred to, and that the ordinance is intended to represent the burial and 7'esur- rcction of Christ, I have two questions to ask : 1st. If the rite was intended to represent these two things, how did it come to pass that the disciples were so ignorant of the doctrine of Christ's resurrection up to the eve of his cruci- fixion, that " they wondered what the rising from the dead should mean V 2d. If this ordinance has been instituted to represent the burial and resurrection of Christ, then we ask. Where is the Christian rite that is the emblem of moral purity ? Christianity has but two sacraments — baptism and the Lord's supper ; the first, em- blematical of the " Spirit's" influences, and the second commemorative of the breaking of the MODK OF BAPTISM. 155 body, and the shedding of the blood, of the Sou of God. Blood and water came forth from the pierced side of Jesus, emblematical of atone- ment and of purity. ^^ By water we are purified, and pardoned by his blood. ''^ " There are three that bear witness in earth ; the Spirit, the water, and the blood ; and these three agree in one," 1 John V, 8. I consider this text as referring to the Spirit of God, the water of baptism, and the blood of Jesus, all agreeing in one mode of administration^; and that is sprinkling or pouring. Mr. B. says, Sermon, p. 27, " Baptism does not necessarily include the idea of water at all. We might baptize with meal, with oil, with honey, with sand ; the question is, What action constitutes baptism ?" Query — Could a man be immersed in sand ? Sand or meal might be poured or sprinkled on the subject, but the " action^'' as he calls it, could never be dipping or plunging. The word " baptizo," as it occurs in Mark vii, 4, 5, with regard to the washing of hands, cups, tables, &c., cannot be inter- preted as signifying the action of dipping only : for though their hands and cups might have been dipped, yet surely they did not wash or baptize their " brazen vessels,''^ and " tables," or " couches," by immersion. i We now notice the argument from antiquity. Mr. B. thinks that the practice of the " ancient church" shows the " pattern" of baptism, and he quotes Mosheim and Robinson, Sermon, p. 41, to prove that the pattern was by immersion. That immersion was practised in the second 156 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND century, and for some time subsequent, we firmly believe. The Baptist argument on this" point runs thus : " The Baptists practise im- mersion, and so did the ancient church ; and, therefore, so did John the Baptist and the apostles." This to them is demonstration. But stop, reader, we must look a little at this argu- ment. The primitive church, in this mode of arguing, is made the connecting link between the New Testament times and our own. Let us now try another argument. In the primitive church, the people were immersed naked, both men and women ; therefore John and the apos- tles immersed people naked ; therefore the Bap- tists ought to immerse people naked. Again : The primitive church gave milk and honey to the baptized, and used unction ; so did John the Baptist and the apostles, so ought the Baptists. Again : The primitive church baptized infants, so did John and the apostles, so ought the Bap- tists. If our friends should object to my insist- ing on the argument being thus pushed to its consequences, I must contend, if the pattern is to be found in the second century, they must ?iot alter that pattern : for Mr. B. says, Sermon, p. 6, " Unless the plan laid down jn the pattern is iinplicitly pursued, the thing required is not performed at all.'''' I will prove by Mr. B.'s witness, (and he will tell the truth in this mat- ter, no doubt, as he is a Baptist,) that the an- cients gave the ordinance, the subjects being in a state of nudity. " The primitive Christians baptized naked. There is no ancient historical MODE OF BAPTISM. 157 fact better authenticated than this." — Robinson's History of Baptism, p. 85. Wall says, " The ancient Christians, when they v/ere baptized by immersion, were all baptized naked ; whether they were men, women, or children. They thought it better represented the putting off the old man, and also the nakedness of Christ on the cross. Moreover, as baptism is a washing, they judged that it should be the v/ashing of the body, not of tlie clothes^ — Wall, chap, xv, part 2. So they understood the pattern. If it were necessary, vve could produce an abun- dance of testimony to confirm this point. And I leave it to the intelligent reader to judge, whether they received this pattern '^ in the mount,'^ or whether it was the offspring of su- perstition. Religion, like the Saviour, is often, placed between two thieves — Superstition on the right hand, and Atheism on the left. The one makes a puppet of her, sets her out in gaudy attire, and mars her native beauty ; the other strips her naked of her vestments, and exposes her to the scorn and contempt of the world. But let these men esteem her as they list, she is nevertheless the fair daughter of the Almig'hty, the queen of heaven, and beauty of the whole earth. And it is known to all that read and think, that human nature has always been prone to add to the simple ceremonies of Christianity. Imposing ordinances are no proof of the genuineness of a religion, under the gospel, where "the true worshippers worship the Father in spirit and in truth." 158 OBLIGATION. SUBJECTS, AXD The Baptists very often are found vaunting about the uniformity of their views and prac- tice ; they will tell you that they have always rejected " infant baptism," and always practised immersion. ■ If the reader will attend, I will give him a fact or two from a Baptist writer that will prove a small drawback upon these high preten- sions. In Benedict's History of the Baptists, vol. i, pp. 150-152, it is said, "The American Mennonites have adopted pouring, instead of im- inersion, and it is probable that many, and I know not but most, of the European Mennonites have done the same." The reader will bear in mind that these Baptists have been a numerous sect, in the Netherlands, Upper Saxony, Prus- sia, Russia, Poland, France, &c., 7 could not, by any possible construction, be ex- plained away. He knew that Schrevelius, to whom he referred for the meaning of the ori- ginal word in Mark, interprets the word in Luke to mean, " a very little child." And if he had consulted " Donnegan's Lexicon" on MODE OF BAPTISM. 195 the word, he would have found that it signifies " A NEW-BORN BABE," and ROt " boij, cliUd, youth, servant^'' (fee, as Mr. B. defines the word in Mark to mean. This inflexible word in Luke could not be twisted so as to make against infants, therefore he passed it over in solemn silence ! What he says, page 29, about children being the " model for adults," and doves, and sheep, and serpents being models also, is far-fetched, ajid perfectly ridiculous. When Mr. B. fur- nishes a passage from God's word, where it is said that Christ took sheep, or doves, or ser- pents ^'- into his arins" "and blessed them," and said, " Of such is the hingdom of God" and, " 'S'i/^rG." That li.is gentleman has dealt largely in the latter, I presume the reader has discovered during this examination. " What is the chaff to the wheat ? saith th- Lord," and hovv is the wheat of truth to be separated from the chaff of error without " sifting ? ' As it regards his strong or jjlain tes- timony for immersion in the case of the eunuch's baptism, it remains to be shown. My former 256 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND argument on this case he has not met, as the reader can see by comparing the Appeal, pages 143-147, with his Letters, pages 81, 82, 83. On page 86, Mr. B. gives us quite a short method for disposing of the matter in contro-. versy. He Says, "Now, sir, I will tell you what our ' favourite argument' is — it is this, the word of our Kvig, throughout, is in favour of immersion. This is my ' favourite argument.' I find immersion in the pattern ; and I find no- thing else there." This is begging the question with a witness. Does the reader see any ar- gument in his ^'favourite argument .?" Why did he not attempt to answer my re- marks upon the " supposed i?nmersion''^ of Christ ? Also my exposition of Rom. vi, 4; and Col. ii, 12? The view I took of their argument for immersion, drawn from antiquity, where the rite was performed (according to the Baptist historian, Robinson) upon naked subjects, both male and female, he passes over lightly, as though he wished to keep it from the view of his readers. Being hard pressed by the case which I gave from Benedict's History of the Baptists, where. Roger Williams received baptism by immersio-:* from the hands of a layman, who never had been dipped himself, Mr. B., on page 88, has 'iiade a CONCESSION, that, upon reflection, seem to have alarmed the gentleman himself, jud>;ing from what he wrote immediately after. Here it is : " I GRANT, SIR, THAT, IF A MAN HAS NOT BEEN IMMERSED, HE vIAY IM- MODE OF BAPTISM. 257 MERSE OTHERS, and his neglect of HIS OWN DUTY MAY NOT DISQUALIFY HIM FOR ASSISTING OTHERS IN THE DISCHARGE OF THEIRS." Now, LET IT BE KNOWN TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, THAT, ElDER BrOAD- DUS BEING JUDGE, ALL PEDOBAPTIST MINIS- TERS ARE QUALIFIED TO GIVE THE ORDINANCE BY IMMERSION ! ! So that if you prefer the Methodists, Pres- byterians, Episcopalians, or any others, to the Baptists, you may receive valid baptism, by IMMERSION, at their hands ! But he was evi- dently alarmed at his own admission, as I shall show the reader. He says, on the same page, " But I have always thought it singular, that those who ridicule immersion, &c., should, after all, consent to immerse those who cannot be convinced that sprinkling or pouring is ' the more excellent way.'" And asks me, "How, then, can YOU CONSENT TO IMMERSE ?" " HoW can you encourage people in their superstition .?" He then adds, " On the last page of your 'x\p- peal' you call immersion the ' child of supersti- tion.' " This is not as it is there written. I called it no such thing. Why has he wrested my words from their proper connection in this case ? He knew that I was speaking of bap- tism, performed upon naked subjects. But he must make the impression that I considered immersion superstitious ; and then adds, " Sure- ly, HEREAFTER YOU WILL NOT BE FOUND WIL- LING TO immerse; OR IF YOU SHOULD, CAN ANY CONSENT THAT YOU SHOULD IMMERSE 17 258 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND THEM, WHILE THEY KNOW THAT YOU CONSIDER IT A VIOLATION OF THE WORD OF GOD? I TROW NOT." I said, candid reader, above, that the gentleman was alarmed at his own con- cession. He admits that / am qualified, but hopes nobody will consent that / shall immerse them. But who told Mr. B. that I consider im- mersion a violation of the loord of God ? Where is it written ? He says, " While they knoio^ I so consider it. Why did he not give the proof of this allegation ? For the best of all reasons : he could not. We prefer sprinkling or pouring in baptism ; but we would rather immerse per- sons who cannot be convinced of the validity of baptism after these methods, than they should go where there is " no confession of faith," and xohere scarcely any two, even of the ministers, agree in opinion. We think " iniity of faith '^ and " the bond of peace," more important to a religious denomination, than the particular form of an out- ward ceremony ! I have now reached Mr. B.'s last letter, ipi which there are some things I intend briefly to notice. I have observed that he seems to be very much concerned about the existence of different denominations of Christians ; and says, " I think I am ready to do any thing I can safely do, to bring the scattered flock of Christ together." And very gravely asks, " Will you do the same ? Allow me to hope that you will." Perhaps the reader is ready to ask, What does Mr. B. wish you to give up for the sake of union? Why, gentle reader, he only modestly asks, that we MODE OF BAPTISM. 259 give up infant baptism, and that loe cease to bap' tize adults by pouring, or sprinkling, and adopt immersion. Or in other words, that we shall ALL BEcojiE Baptists. Well, wliat does he propose to do for union 1 Just nothing at ally but be a Baptist still ; for he does not even allude to any concession to be made on his part. A kind and liberal soul, truly ! He makes a pro- position which contains really nullification and consolidation, in order to union. He would nullify both infant baptism and baptism by pour- ing ; and then consolidate the whole Pedo- baptist world into one great Baptist church, in order, as he says, '• to bring the scattered flock of Christ together." It would be thought, from what he has said, that those who reject infant baptism, and give the ordinance by immersion, are a very united people — for this, the reader perceives, is Mr. B.^s prescription for union. And so they are united, in two things, at least ; first, to oppose infant baptism; and, second, to contend for im- ?iiersio?i as the exclusive fnode. Beyond this they have few sentiments in common. The history of the church will show, that among those who have rejected the baptism of infants, there has been found error of all dimensions — from Ter- tuUian, who held it to be improper to baptize W7i//z«mec? people, down to Peter De Bruis, who held that infants could not be saved, and there- fore ought not to be baptized — from the Ger- man Anabaptists, who held polygamy, and ran through the streets with a Bible in one hand 260 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, AND and a sword in the other, crying, " Repent and be baptized I" to the thousands of Europe and Ame- rica, who, in more modern times, have denied THE DIVINITY OF Christ, and held the error of Pelagius, &c. This gentleman will find it necessary to look out for some other mode of " uniting the flock." We go against all pretejided " unions, ^^ and think genuine Christian concord may be main- tained without consolidation. Let our Baptist brethren become more liberal toward other sects, and more united among themselves, and we shall have a better union of heart and sentiment than can be brought about by any such consolidation of discordant materials as is proposed by the plan of Mr. B. I would beg leave to suggest, that this gentleman would do well to give the world an example of the uniting effect of their views of baptism, among themselves, before he concerns himself about trying his plan upon the Pedobaptist community. True charity always begins at home ! He alleges " that a very great number of our people do not have their infant offspring baptized," and infers therefrom " that it is not deemed a matter of great importance." " A very great number of our people !" Mark that. Where do they live ? I do not know them. Now, if he has stated the truth about the Metho- dists, it becomes them to see to it. And if they DO " have their infant offspring baptized," they will recollect that this gentleman has misrepre- sented them publicly in saying that " a very great number of them" neglect this duly. MODE or BAPTISM. 261 On page 88, Mr. B. says that '* I consider immersion a violation of the word of God ;" and on page 89, says tliat " I profess to have no ob- jection to immersion." Now what confidence, candid reader, can the public have in a contro- versialist who will thus, to carry his point, blow hot and cold almost in the same breath ? When he becomes alarmed lest some " should consent"' that /should dip them, he says, " While they know that you coxsider it a violation OF THE word of God." But when he wishes to bring about his union of "aZZ sincere believers in one communion ^^ he says, " You profess to have no objection to immersion — you believe IT Scriptural baptis.m." Does the intelli- gent reader suppose that the gentleman will be found ingenious enou2[h to reconcile these con- jlicting statements ? And yet he says to me on the very next page, " I am not aware of misre- presenting your views in any instance whatever. If I could know that any observation, in all these letters, sets your views in an improper light, 1 would sooner suppress the whole that I have written than to publish that observation." In conclusion, I remark, I have observed throughout his twenty-one " letters" a continual disposition manifested to make profc^^-zo/i^-. He commenced by professing Xo have no object in view "but to maintain the purity of our Lord's institutions," page 4, and concludes with the profession which I have given above. Did he expect to impose upon his readers by confessing his convictions about the ordinance^ and professing 262 OBLIGATION, SUBJECTS, ETC. his innocence in the matter of misrepresentation? &c. This plan may succeed with such as have committed their understanding and judg- ment to the keeping of a priest, contented that he shall think, and reason, and judge for them. But I flattet myself, that amidst the light of the nineteenth century, the intelligent and candid of all denominations will need something more than sophistry for argument^ or assumption for proof upon so solemn a subject as the true nature of a Christian sacrament. This gentleman has, more than once, in his Letters, intimated a hope that he might convince me of the correctness of his views, inviting mc to examiyie the Scriptures and his arguments, as though he wished his readers to suppose I had never examined the subject, and that by being catechised as a school boy I might be led to adopt his views of baptism. This is one of the stratagems by which he seeks to convince, not me, hut OTHERS. I wish the reader to under- stand that, for the last fifteen years, more or less, I have been engaged in examining and " sift' ing^' by the Scriptures, the subject of water bap- tism, and have been led to adopt the conclusions stated in the course of this and the former ar- gument. These views I commend to the can- did and careful examination of the intelligent reader, in the fear of God, and in view of THE RIGHTEOUS RETRIBUTIONS OF THE LAST i ■iV