THE BENSON LIBRARY OF HYMNOLOGY Endowed by the Reverend Louis Fitzgerald Benson, d.d. t LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY 60 7o Famous Hymns EDITED BY E. O. EXCELL AND D. B. TOWNER For price of this book, see nest page CHICAGO The Bible Institute Colportage Associaticm 826 La Salle Avenue Copyright, iy07, by The Bible Institute Colportage Association ot CMcaao PRIC Full Cloth Covers - Mjuiila Covers - ,ES AND BINDINGS — 25 cents per copy, postpaid ; $20.00 per hundred, charges not paid. - 1 5 cents per copy, postpaid ; $ 1 0.00 per hundred, charges not paid. PUBLISHERS NOTICE: The new hymns oontained in this collection are secured by copy- right in the United States and British Empire, and must not be ased in any way without permission from the owners thereof. Famous Hymns All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name! £. PEBBoraT. CORONATION. GUVEB GOLDHir. ^=t^~: T^i=^ it=; f=^=S-g:t 1. AU 2. Ye 3. Let 4. haU chos ev that the power of Je - sus' namel Let an - gels pros-trate fall, - en seed of Is - rael's race, Ye ran-somed from the fall, • 'ry kin-dred, ev - 'ry tribe On this ter - res-trial ball with yon - der sa-cred throng We at His feet may fall; r—r Z^^t^k Siiii i^ m S3^ S^* r- r i±it: Bring forth the roy - al Hail Him who saves you To Him all maj - es ■ We'll join the ev - er ■ di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord of by His grace, And crown Him Lord of ty as-cribe, And crown Him Lord of last-ing song, And crown Him Lord of t f f 9 ifTfM =g ^ all; all; aU; all; i ^=5= t s Bring forth the roy - al di - a - dem, And crown Him Lord Hail Him who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord To Him all maj - es - ty as-cribe. And crown Him Lord We'll join the ev - er - last-ing song, And crown Him Lord s tz^^-v ^ ^ of all! of aU! of all! of all! ^ E. 0. E. Grace, Enough for Me! WORDS AND MUSIC COPYRIGHT, 190B, BY E. O. EXCELL. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. E. 0. ExCKLLi #^ ma=t=^. ^ ^^^ -.t-tt'^^i: ■s)' 1. In look - ing thro' my tears one day I saw Mount Cal - va-ry; 2. While stand - ing there my trembling heart, Once full of ag - o - ny, 3. When I be - held my ev - 'ry sin Nailed to the era - el tree, 4. When I am safe with - in the veil, My por - ticn there will be m. k m V— V-^ V 1/ ? Beneath the cross there flowed a stream Of grace, enough for me Could scarce be-lieve the sight I saw Of grace, enough for me. (enough forme.) I felt a flood go thro' my soul Of grace, enough for me. To sing thro' all the years to come Of grace, enough for me. ^g *: ^ E m jtiii ■»-=— ^» — ^■ ^r-^^r-p=^ ■\rV Chorus. Grace is flowing from Cal-va-ry, Grace as fathomless as the sea, Grace is flow-ing from Cal-va-ry, for me, Grace as fath-om-less as the roU-ing sea. ^ ^ feJ^ rit. i ^^^s tiy^ E* :tc=^ f=Pr=^ Grace for time and e-ter-ni-ty, .... Grace, . enough for me I Grace for time and e - ter - ni - ty, A-bun-dant grace I see, e-nough for me! rLv- E^\f\\ I' m I ■^ P=i: -TIT f^ I For You as Well as Me. J. H. Sahmis. COPVRIGHT, 1907, Br DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B. TOWKBB. t:^ 3^ :i= ^ t3=^ -^T-tr 1. Great things the Lord has done for me, For His re-deem-ing love 2. He left His throne, His life He gave, He suf - fered all my pains; 3. My heav - y load He bore a - way, He heard my hum-hie prayr; 4. He sent the Ho-ly One to he My Com- fort -er and Guest, II h r ^ ^ 15 I i .»- ♦ . ?^ ^ ¥- P:? £=* .J_Js_|_ -m — «- 3^ :s: :i==i: -0— -*— t ^Z ^S Is deep - er than the deep - est sea, And wide as heav'n a - bove. For me, a - ris - ing from the grave, He lives and ev - er reigns. He turned my dark-ness in - to day, And saved me from des - pair. To show the things of Christ to me. And lead me in - to rest. £ f±^ g ^ Chorus. :ifeHE3=tE3Si J^-t--^ BESS I ^"=W^^ :izt« Yes, deeper, wid-er than the sea The fountain of His love must be. boundless sea, :..rf « m^^ JL mast be. y I' [> • [> ■ r — - f" I l~ S^ *=t= :t^=r^ N^M ^=^-4^.M ^ a:r£B=g3 ^^ A fountain flowing full and free, .... It flows for you as well as me. A fount - ai n _ flow-ing full and free. i^-- 11 -■^E^. J^fcs tm I I iTT There's Victory in My Soul! COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY OANIEU B. TOWNER. JAUBS M. GBAT. ENGLISH COPVRieHT. D. B. TOWNBB. s *^E^S^3±E3^ ^^ I ' The bur - den of my fear and sin On Christ by faith I roll, I know there is a test for me, A bat - tie to be won, E'en death it - self I do not fear, Since Christ hath borne its sting, On bat - tie fields of long a - go When Is - rael drew the sword, ^ ^ 1t=^ k=^ 11=^ f — ^1 L i^-r-J Wt 1 — v—[ — r J-^4 ^ m a^a^^^ *=? t?^ffF^F^ And now I have His peace with - in, And vie - fry in my soul. But God be-stows the vie - to - ry Ere yet it is be - gun. While faith re-gards His com - ing near His crown with Him to bring. 'Twas not • her strength o'er-eame the foe, But trust - ing in the Lord. ^ t g^=F=^ m t=^ Chorus. infct ^ ^Tl=S= ^^^^- -<^— There's vic-to-ry in my soul, Vic-to-ry in my soul! vie • to - ry in my soul, vie - to - ry in my soul! |J= ffi-T f- HTi E££;gfe^ iz ^ ^ =^=^=t=«= -1^-4^ t^=^± -f^-M 3^ -i=#: f=^ ^ r mi I grasp the prom-is - es by faith— There's vic-to-ry in my soull pr om - is - es by faith — :tc p Bring Peace to My Soul! WORDS AND MUSIC COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY E. O. EXCEU. HiLEN M. DUNGAN. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. :^=^ » i=S: ^ 1. When earth-ly cares and sorrows roll Like o -cean bil-lows o'er my soul No 2. I need Thee, oh, I need Thee so, To help me as I on -ward go; Sin's 3. No cloud can hide from me Thy face, No storm deprive me of Thy grace, No 4. In joy or sor-row still be near To drive a-way my ev-'ry fear; Earth's Si «± i x=^ -JflUfl t= r-r-r t=:f^=l!? I 11^=::^ f=1=t temp-est can my barque con-trol If Thou wilt on - ly bring peace to my soul, ar - rows can-not lay me low, If Thou wilt on - ly bring peace to my soul, sin with - in my heart have place, If Thou wilt on - ly bring peace to my soul, chang-es can-not harm me here If Thou wilt on - ly bring peace to my soul. =^ r ^^m H=dp|:» =^ :^ t ^m r-^-tr Chorus. aa j i^j-^ ^ i ^^ ^=tjp=j^r^==5±? rr^ S=Pe: rr f Bring peace to my soul to - day, . . . Bring peace ... to - day, . . . to-day, sweet peace to-day. m^ i=M=3i n n^ t=z^t=t ^^^ r-1 — t^ ^ ^ i ^=s^^^ m -m— — m — m — «- Bring peace to my soul to-day, to-day, Bring peace to my soul to - day! i ^ *^ — pi; r 1/" g r g ' i^ p !>> 1 — t/" '■ " There is Glory in My Soul! Gbacb Wkisks Davis. -4- OOPYRISHT, 1894, BY CHAS. H. GABRIEL. E. O. EXCELL, OWNER. Chas. H. Gabsiel. :^=f^ ^^~:^ t=^ :^ 5 ^=i ^^ 3^^ -J T t 1. Since I lost my sins and I found my Saviour, There is glo - ry 2. SinceHecleans'dmy heart, gave me sight for blind-ness, There is glo - ry 3. Since with God I've walk'd,hav-ing sweet com-mun-ion, There is glo - ry 4. Since I en - ter'd Canaan on my way to heav- en, There is glo - ry in my soul! Since by faith I sought and ob-tain'd God's favor, There ia in my soul! SinceHetouch'dand heal'dme in lov - ing-kind-ness, There is in my soul! Brighter grows each day in this heav'n-ly un - ion, There is in my soul! Since the day my life to the Lord was giv - en. There is u rrP > — p k^ nc i czn :^t=P=^ fct m ti rt I Chorus. U U I ^zti rt ^-^- ^: s J—^ b — b— ♦— •— * t: 5 ■2S- l±33^ :^ 1 ^-V glo-ry in my soul! There is glo - ry, glo-ry, there is glo-ry in my E6 r i| \) U~^ 1 r r =^ — ^ r i 3E3^EEEEjEEg^^^B^ glo-ry, there is glo - ry in my soul! There is glo-ry in my soul! glo - ry in my soul! ^ E. E. Hewitt. Coming to Thee. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY LIZZIE E. SWENEY. SELL, OWNER :t^=f^ -^-^^-^ :f5=t -4- Jno. R. Swkney. ^^^sse ^ :t 1. Too long have I wandered, too long roamed afar, Un-heeding the beams of 2. Thy sweet in - vi - ta - tion is cheer-ing my soul, Like music from heav-ea 3. I need the full cleans-ing of Cal - va - ry's tide; The robe, fair and spotless, 4. Oh, make me so steadfast, so true and sin -cere, I'll fol-low Thee whol-Iy, -^ — * — • — * — P •-T-^ — m^:^ — a— 1»— ^^^m £3i :p=p: 4c=p: P^=:^ :t^=t^ u k U U ^ w k ^ V -A- the bright Morning Star; But still its fair beau-ty is shin - ing for me, So the soft ech-oes roll; Thy cross is my ref-uge. Thy promise my plea. For Thy grace will pro- vide; Thy riches are boundless, Thy mer-cy is free, So dis - miss - ing all fear; My strength and salvation, my vie - to - ry be, For £ ^^ ^^ i2=tz: 5 ^ ^ b u u 1^^- Chorus. 1^^=:^ now I am com -ing, my Sav-iour, to Thee. Cora - - ing to Com-ing to Thee, I am iS ^ ^ 7— pT ^=^ \^-^ ^-^ Mc ^, :t: U 1/ U k -a — F Com ? -^-i " " u ^ ^ r 7 ir ]^ - ing to Thee; .... Whilst Thee, I am com - ing to Thee; Whilst Thou art Thee, . ing to Thee, Com - ing to Sigi £ -^— ^- &=?: ^^ :^=t^=^t^ -t^=i?=t^ g_= ^-4- P k 1/ t^ FT=f=f-f- ^^^ la Thou art call - - ing me, call -ing, art call- ing for me, ITS I'm com-ing, my Sav-iour, to TheeT £3^^^^ m^ V k ^t=F=P :t^=t^ 8 He Knows it All! Words altered by D. B. T. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B. TOWNM. fcfe Sffl±^^3«3^ t^=^ S^^^J=^ 1. He knows the bit - ter,wea-ry way, The end - less striv-mg day by day, 2. He knows how hard the fight has been. The clouds that come our lives between, 3. He knows when faint and worn we sink, How deep the pain, hownearthe brink 4. He knows-oh,tho't so full of bUss! For though oneartb our joys we miss, ^ ij^ t3=t: ^E lS^ 2:^ uTLrT t: t=i5=i&=;^ ^S^ ^^ ^ The souls that weep, the souls that pray — He knows The wounds the world has nev - er seen — He knows Of dark de - spair we pause and shrink — He knows We still can bear it, feel - ing this — He knows He knows ^ *± ^ ^ izrHS: r all! all! all! aU! all! ^ =P=F ^ Chorus. ^ F-^-- S"-^— iw s: :d: He knows it aU, m ^^ ^ He knows it all, "■^^'l* P^ -JF=^ He knows, He knows it all, He knows. He knows it all, 1± :e: ^ The bit • ter, wea - ry way- He knows ^ J ^S ^ s J J. aU! The bit ter, wee • IT we; — The Sav - iooi knows it alii 9 E. 0. E. I am Happy in Him. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY E. O. EXCELU. WORDS AND MU8IC. E. 0. ExCKix, feN=j .^^ RJ ' N My soul is so hap-py in Je - sus, For He is so precious to me; He sought me so long ere I knew Him, Whenwand'ring afar from the fold; His love and His mer-cy sur-round me, His grace like a riv-er doth flow; They say I shall some day be like Him, My cross and my burden lay down; ¥^ UKe mm, my cross ana my ouraen lay aown S=t d: r- r r r r I TTTTX^ t rt=f^ ir ^ -^^^ j^^=5 i rr^-i^ 1^ ^; rr^-i- .^-^ ^l.^' 4 His face it is heaven to b7t:i: i. m His voice it is mu-sic to hear it, Mis face it is neaven to see. Safe home in His arms He hath bro'tme,To where there are pleasures untold. His Spir - it, to guide and to comfort, Is with me wher-ev-er I go. Till then I will ev-er be faith -ful. In gath - er-ing gems for His crown. -/!-=- -g-!-p-^r tnSz ^=ti=t: IJ J Chords. iP t=fc P :t:fc ^=P^ I am hap-py in Him, ^X >^ am hap-py in Him, -g— g-^-f»-f*-^ I am hap-py in Him; I am hap - py in Him; ^^rf 1^ tziL irf fa=^=Jz=^ ^P S^ f=fc:^ =J^^ "tr r My soul with delight He fills day and night. For I am hap-py in Him. 10 He is So Precious to Me. C. H. G. ifc^ I I I COPYRIGHT, 1962, BY CHAS. H. QABRIEL. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY E. O. EXCELL. Chab. H. GABRm,. ^^^- ^^s^^^^^^m^ -9 * 1. So pre-cious is Je -sus,my Saviour, my King, His praise all the day long 2. He stood at my heart's door 'micJ sunshine and rain, And pa-tient-ly wait-ed 3. I stand on the mountain of bless-ing at last, No cloud in the heavens 4. I praise Him because He ap-point-ed a place Where some day thro' faith in -0—0— mM m ff^£=ff=r m^ ttic *=t 42- t^ 3^3^ ^ 4— J- ^^^m i^ with rap-ture I sing; To Him in my weak-ness for strength I can cling, an en - trance to gain; What shame' that so long He en-treat-ed in vain, a shatl-ow to cast; His smile is up -on me, the val - ley is past, His won-der-ful grace I know I shall see Him-shall look on His face, i^^ ff i £ I KS '^- f 1 — r ^=i^ Chorus, 4 For He is bo pre-cious to me. For He is so pre-cious to ^t? » F — \ — I — I b—\ 1 15 F s^ f^ H3 3=:E5 ^=Jt FS3 « — •-! — * — I 0- I I 'I r i pre - cious to me, so pre - cious to me, me, For He is bo pre-cious to me, 'Tis heaven bS' E I ll-ilL^I ^^z^ f- rit. ^ ^ i i M 3^ I ^^S :5=^ 3= ^)=^^ ^: ^ -0- -0- m - - w ^, .,<3). low My Re-deem-er to know, For He is bo pre-cious to meTT. . . isfcs ^ r"rr rF g ±E^ ^ J ^ 1 — 4^ — Liznrzj a -> ^ | r M l te: 11 Some Fair Tomorrow We Shall Know. JcLU H, Johnston. COPYRIGHT, 1607, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B. Towner. U - - - -^-. 1. Some fair to-mor-row we shall know Life's mys-ter-ies that hurO us so, 2. Some fair to-mor-row we shall know The se - cret joy be-neath our woe; 3. Some fair to-mor-row we shall know Why seeming good we must fore-go, 4. Some fair to-mor-row we shall know. We trust in Him who tells us so; ■v-p- 1==i ^ ^ ^ ^ p ■^^m^^ m^^ m r- And how the bur-dens furnished wings To lift us o-ver earth-ly things. The love and wis-dom in dis-guise Will then be o-pen to our eyes. While plans are hindered which we tho't Were all for Je-sus' glo - ry wrought. Se - rene and pa-tient, we a - bide To see our sor-row glo - ri - fied. M r- Chorus. ^1 L L L I v — i-^-—-^ — J m. V r r ^ V \^ V fair to-mor-row we shall know I Then let us wait His time be-low, While ?EEfSE£: *=lz: :fz; =^=^=^=^- :^ S^S^ ^ t" Pg^ 1 k- 'f iWi hope m ^dr may bor-row from that bright morrow A light to cheer us as we go, L L L-4» — ^ — I — hr— I — ^ I f— ^-^-^^— ^ 1=tc 1^-^ 1^-4 — f^ -^ ii^^^^^^i^^il hope may borrow from that bright morrow A light to cheer us as we go. £^ % u '^-^-v-^ ^± 12 Ada R. Habbrsbon. Solo, or Unison. Is He Yours? COPYRIGHT, 1806, BY CHA8. M. ALEXA^DER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. BOB«BT HABEHESS, n -Zir ^ A Sav - iour who died our sal-va-tion to win, A Sav-iour who A Shep-herd who giv - eth His life for the sheep, A Shep-herd both A Pi - lot who know-eth the dan-gers at hand, A Pi - lot who A Shel-ter from tem-pest, from wind and from storm, A Shel-ter from ^m. -tirir^- £ ^ 5 knows how to save us from sm,— Yes, He is the Sav-iour, the might -y to save and to keep,— Yes, this is the Shep-herd, the bring-eth all ves - sels to land, — Yes, this is the Pi - lot, the judg-ment, a Shel - ter from harm, — Yes, this is the Shel - ter, th« is^ li=^ffli I E3E^E^ * li^'^Ur ■cf^- Tt ^ rail. a. tempo. m ■p-- ^ 4-^ Sav-iour we need. And He is Shep-herd we need, And He is Pi - lot we need. And He is Shel-ter we need, And He is a Sav - iour in - deed! a Shep - herd in - deed! a Pi - lot in - deed! a Shel - ter in - deed! t- m ^f- jf^ V rw^ 1=^: ^^^ P m ? Chorus. -f ^j— ^- t rjsi'- ^m^^ *~ J ^P m \~~ ^f ^ u=zS=M^ l it — JLI gizB- r^— # Is He yours? is He Is He yours? -| — \r Is this Saviour, who loves you,your8? yours? ' ^rf=S yours? is He fcfe«^ P ^^rm^ •s-p — w — » ^v \^ ^ 13 Holy Bible, Book Divine. John Burton. Slow, with dignity. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY E. O. EXCELL. S. ExoEU.. m :X -iS>-. s^ 1. Ho - ly Bi - ble, Book di - vine, Pre- cious treas-ure, thou art mine, 2. Mine to chide me when I rove, Mine to show a Sav-iour's love, 3. Mine to com -fort in dis- tress, Suff-'ring in this wil - der - ness; 4. Mine to tell of joys to come, And the reb - el sin - ner's doom; A — ^ --r L-Sl Y-P- 3^ u -fi" — ■ \ -»p- r' r i^ -^-f- S ^i:^ -^-g^ ■^^ -^-gj- r r- r* f r- r- -S-i- r i Rit. ■^— i Mine to tell me whence I came, Mine to tell me what I ami Mine thon art to guide and guard. Mine to pun - ish or re - ward. Mine to show, by liv - ing faith, Man can tri-umph o - ver death. thou ho - ly Book di - vine, Pre - cious treas-ure, thou art minel A=X =]: ^J^Fr^l^r i^ JM ^, iS-*- -^-st V — r r-r Choeus. f :d^^^ i ^=rl^^ :^ f=^^ 5t i Mine, mine, Book di - vine, Pre-cious treas-ure, thou art Ho - ly Bi - ble, « , ^ E -^ ^ 5 ■| — r- =t i i P^ 5i±^ -zS- I thou ho - ly Book di-vine, Pre-cions treas-ure, thou art r Eg5£ ^ mine! 14 Here am I! jnuA H. Johnston, COPYRIQHT, 1806, BY J. B. TROWBRIDGE. ^^i^ : t^l' -i! I n J. B. Trowbbiboi. J u M ^^^^^ ^ c ^' T=f 9 —J—^ 1. Je - SU9, Mas - ter, hast Thou mes - sag - es to send? Here am I, 2. Sav-iour, is there not some low -ly task to do? send me, 3. Dost Thou need a hand to bear a shin - ing light? Use my hand. 4. Working, wait -ing, what -so -e'er Thy ho - ly will, Here am I, ^=f=^^ir=m ^ -f^ r-n^ — g \> p 1 — I — r A V ^=:t- 5 :fc ^ g=l=^ ]^ ^i± ^ 5=^F^ here am II Wait - ing, list'n - ing, at Thy feet I low - ly bend, send me! Gird me now for serv - ice, make me strong and true, use my hand! Dost Thou need a pa - tient watch - er in the night? here am II Mas - ter, let me Thy de - sire a -lone ful-fill. ?= wm :S= '^ r— i. k !' \, ^^ -4—4- Chords. S^ i W^^^ - ^ A *: vn Here am I— do not pass me by! Send me on some er - rand, Lord, for Thee! Let me serve Thee, Lord, at Thy com-mand! Keep me to Thy heart for-ev-er nigh! ^ u ^ i^^ ^^ ^ Read - y for Thy serv-ice, -]^- r b t ^ =6= — ^=^==r=T — r ^ F^ 4=rf ^m 35^^#^ 4. F V. — h Vi- ^r-v—^- y t^ I r ^ u ^ u Mas-ter, here am II Hush my heart to hear -^- Thee call-iDg from on high; i i=^=S: ?^4-^-^-f __| 1 U-l- * i ^3^ Choose Thou for me, let me still re - ply— i Mas-ter, here am II i3<» — ?:^bi pr=f^F> >^f i !*c>'B f^^fe ffff i a 15 James H. Ohat. #3 Only a Sinner. COPYRIQHT, 1905, BV DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLiaH COPYRIGHT. D. B. TowifflB. :fc riM r t. i £E^^^^ Izz^f^ziS ■^ — p — f^ 1. Naught have I got-ten but what I re-ceived; Grace hath besto wad it since 2. Once I was fool-ish, and sin ruled my heart, Caus-ing my footsteps from 3. Tears un - a- vail- ing, no mer - it had I; Mer - cy had saved me, or 4. Suf - fer a sin-ner whose heart o - ver-flows, Lov-ing his Sav-iour, to ^Ef^^J r V 1> V - r- ^ -^ r- :t=^=t^ Eg fc: ^ ^^=i i ^^ i I !iiave be-iieved; Boast - ing ex-clud - ed, pride I a - base; I'm God to de-part; Je - sus hath found me, hap - py my case, I elje I must die; Sin had a-larmed me, fear - ing God's face; Bat tell what he knows; Once more to tell it would I em-brace — I'm fc^ i 5^^ ^ -^ — ?— t^ — r Chorus. ^^^^^^^m i on - now now on - r ly a sin-ner saved by grace! am a sin-ner saved by grace! On I'm a sin-ner saved by grace! ly a sin-ner saved by grace! ,^_^ fi ^ s:. ly a sin - ner saved by grace, fe4 i t ^^^ i ^r^ t :t h— r-{^-t7 r- h ^ ^ ^p=^ -^-^- On-ly a sin - ner saved by grace! This is my sto-ry, to iEfejsi =^i — fc — i^-tr— r=P^ t— r-f— r-r- fe^a^ £3^ 3^ 1^=i^ i^ ^^=g I^EEi God be the glo-ry,— I'm on-ly a sin-ner i=^ £=t^MN£ ^3 ii £ 1^" g * h saved by grace I ^ t^-t" V— t- 16 B. G. Sfaffobd. It is Weir with My Soul. COPYRIGHT, le04, BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. P.P. m Hr T #=^=1^4 1. When peace like a riv - er at - tend - eth my way, When 2. Though Sa - tan should buf - fet, tho' tri - als should come, Let 3. My sin — oh, the bliss of this glo - »: - ous tho't— My 4. And, Lord, haste the day when the iCt\\ shaJ be sight. The ^ ^ J. :s: ^ f mt =1: -J — 4- -^m s^ s ? E^ gs sor - rows like sea - bil - lows roll, this blest as - sur - ance con-trol, sin — not in part but the whole,- clouds be roll'd back as a scroll, ^ What-ev - er my lot, Thovt hast That Christ hath re-gard - ed my -Is nailed to His cross, and I The trump shall re-sound, and the e=i P=»==t-.: m e=F^ tz r- X W=F ^ C ^3 3^3 r-T- T" taught me to say: "It is well, help - less es - tate, And hath shed bear it no more; Praise the Lord, Lord shall de-scend,— "E - ven so" — it is well with my soul. it is well with my soul." His own blood for my soul, praise the Lord, my soull £L ^ M ^ i m lz^=l= te :t=: Chorus, It is well with my soul, It is well with my soul. ^~ ^ It is well, it is well with my soul! JL i^ S^ 17 TiU We Get Home. E. 0. S. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY E. O. SELLERS. E. 0. Sellbbs. ^^R =J 4H-Md g ^^^^ 1. Thro' toil and sor-row, thro' pain and strife, Thro' days of bless-ing 2. The' oft the jour-ney seem dark and drear, And rough the path-way 3. He will not suf - fer us to be tried More than we're a - ble, 4. All thro' the jour-ney of life be -low, His bless -ed Spir - it -J — i and all thro' life. His Word is faith -ful: we trav - el here. Still He is lead-ing and will pro - vide A way more bless - ed He will be - stow, And won-drous glo - ry ^a r — F— H wher-e'er we roam wher-e'er we roam, for us who roam, — is yet to come .J— t 1 — I — r 1 — r ^ d: Chorus. =1: i r=^ i i r ^^=t=^ ^ "-i: He wDl be with us till we get home. 1,2,3. Till we get home, His pow'r will keep us till we get home. His pres-ence with us till we get home. Aft - er the strug-gle, when we get home. 4. When we get home, 5^ g— g— t e^£ :t=t: r p t* i 1 ^^^^^^m. i w^ till we get home, He will be with us till we get homel when we get home. And won-drous glo - ry when we get homel get homel i^ ^t ^ 5 :|=1=: i i I I p i 18 The Heavenly Home. COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. HARBIKT H. PWRSON. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. May he used as a duet. D. B. TOWNBB. ^^^S r r f^ fc^; =r H^ i=s=t^ 1. Be-yond the veil that lies be-tween And hides from sight the world un- 2. And one I know a-mid that throng Has watch'd and hoped and waited 3. Dear earthly friends gone on be-fore Still love me as in days of 4. I hear the song the ran-somed sing A-round the throne of Christ, the m ' b i » ^^ xzz Ii=r i ■i — r-r ^ — ^ seen, There is a home all bright and fair, And friends I love are gath - ered long, My moth-er dear, the guid-ing star That leads me to that home a- yore, And while a - far my foot-steps roam They long to bid me wel - come King; All praise to Him whose wondrous love Prepared for me a home a- ^^ S=J=tt y-v—r T M~i-rrm •"! — • • -i — m — Chorus. t^^=fc ^:|^ «z=:t=*: :^3=*|: * J - ^ -*^=^*- there, far. hap-py home I long to see, Where loved ones watch and wait for home. bove! ^^wm^^m 1 P-V- f± me! With gentle voice, vrith beck'ning hand, They call me to that heav'nly land. ^ bit fi±-e 19 Have Compassion, Lord, on Me! Lizzie Edwards. COPYRIGHT, ^eOl, 1909, BY E. O. EXCELL. WCRD8 AND MUSIC. Jno. R. Sweney. ^S^ 3=s-t3±:3*^r#4^ 1. my Sav-iour, I am wea - ry! Let my cry to Thee as - cend 2.0 my Sav-iour,tho' un- wor- thy, I have no where else to go; 3. my Sav - iour, by Thy Spir-it Thou hast called me o'er and oer; 4. my Sav-iour, do not leave me Here to per-ish at Thy throne; ^g= H f"r ff t^^ ^^ m % ■d ^^ -*| . M . 1 K i K ^ 1 y t ^ - - - - -•' -± -± -*^.-5-. ^ -0-. -#- -#- -0:^0- While in hum-ble sup - pli - ca- tion Nov? be - fore Thy throne I bend! Thou canst par-don my trans-gressions,Tbou canst wash me white as snow! Now re-pent-ant I am com-ing; Lord, my wand'ring soul re- store! In Thy ten - der, lov - ing mer - cy Cleanso and make me all Thine own! Chorus ^: ma ztfiii s =]^ Weak and help-less, yet be-liev-ing, Cast-ing all my care on Thee, Weak and helpless, yet be-liev - ing. Q ~bv~ g: i±m ^ m ^ IS ^^^^ V^-V- --^ I^J^ ad lib. ^ I am hop - ing, trust-ing, pray-ing; Have cdtp-pas-sion,Lord, on me! I am hop-ing, trusting, praying; m S -«-=- a^ 20 James M. Grat. ril Never Turn Back Again. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B, TOWNEB. fH'r r -II ^: 1^=t: '^==f^ t=i=i 5: 1. I've part -ed at last from the world and its store, Its 2. E-nough I have had of earth's pleas - ure and sin, Its 3. One glimpse I be - held of a won - der - ful face, One 4. Though night may be dark afid though storms may a - rise, Though mXJ^ l'-i=^-tM=f=^=^ -^ — p t^-f—^-- ^^ M-f— t=j^ 1 =^=?=^ ^ ^==t: i - dols no long - er do I a - dore; On heav - en my con-fiict with - out and its fears with -in; I've end - ed the vis - ion of Je - sus, one touch of grace. One prom - ise I Sa - tan may of - fer a tempt - ing prize, Yet ev - er on -pr-^—p- ^=t fc- ^ ^ h :&: ^ hope I have fixed ev - er-more — And I'll nev-er turn back a - gain! past, a new life 1 be - gin— And I'll nev-er turn back a - gam! heard, which by faith I em-brace— And I'll nev-er turn back a - gain! Christ I am keep -ing my eyes— And I'll nev-er turnback, a - gain! ». -0- r^ ^ ^ -#- • ^ ^_ ■F r ±l# j-^ — ^- ^ S ^— r-j^p='j--| i i=k f=^- -tr-^—p- Chorus. •^=^=P= !^=^ , ^ \^ -0- ■^^=^ HOKUS. . 1 1^-^ 1 K ^ .. , I I'll nev - er, nev - er, I'll nev-er turn back a - gain; nev - er, nev - er, _ :5=t I W ^r^ -S^ ^t=^ I'll nev • er, nev-er. No, nev-er turnback a - gam! nev - er, IS '^ ^. -Sr^ ^^ htf L L I h- f ^^ --f-s=^ 21 E. A. 8. The Sunshine of Grace. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. E. A. SubwkUm 1f=^ :^=t=t i r=s ^^ ^— g — 8 - r 1. Just 2. Just 3. Just 4. Just car-ry car-ry car-ry car-ry - r— a^ the sun-shine of grace in your face As a - long life's rough the sun-shine of grace in your face When the winds of temp- the sun-shine of grace in your face When the dark clouds of the sun-shine of grace in your face When the death an-gel S^ ^ :Jt ^=^:± ^—^r-^ ^^^PSE^^^ J^-4- ^* P ^ P-^ ■^r-V ¥^ i^E^^m high-way you pass; It will bright-en and cheer many souls that are dear, ta - tion blow hard; It will quell ev-'ry blast, and give vic-t'ry at last, sor - row hang low; It will brighten the gloom, bringing hap-pi-ness soon, knocks at your door; It will banish death's sting, and triumphant you'll sing E^ ^ f. lib. ^ Chorus. V u If yon car - ry the sun-shine of grace. If you car - ry the sun-shine of grace. Just car - - ry the If you car-ry the sun-shine of grace, just car-ry the sun-shine, the As you soar to the king-dom of gra^e. ■ ' w - • -^•-p- -0- -d-". ^- "^ * tig . hit - P ^Ese ^ b -U-P- V V iPP^ sun - shine of grace in your face; It will brighten and cheer snn - shine, the sun-shine of grace in your face; i kr=t5=fc te^ ' ad lib. & I^oeS fcrf: % S=^ ^ ma-ny souls that are dear, If you car - ry the sun-shine of grace. :k: K F -r-r r^ ^9::^^- 22 As Thy Days Thy Strength Shall Be. E. E. HawTTT. COPYRIGHT, 1907, 1909, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Jno. R. Sweney. f^i ^^^Ei :^ m^ t:=t ^ r ^~r Mt 1. Need - ful strength for me each day, Strength to walk in du - ty's way; 2. Strength the heav-y yoke to wear, Strength my dai-Iy cross to bear; 3. Strength when beams of pleasure glow. Love's sur-pass - ing joy to show; 4. Wouldst thou have this bless-ed strength, Of-fered all the jour-ney's length? ±± ^ ^ :t=i: p — ^ For my Sav - lour says to me: "As thy days thy strength shall be." In the bat - tie fought with sin. Strength the vie - to - ry to win. When the shad - ows gath - er dim. Strength be-cause I lean on Him. Close to Je - sus ev - er be, He will give this strength to thee. -4- ^=^ faf ^ ^ =if=^ 1 tr-t ■tit Chorus. "As thy days thy strength shall be "—Oh, what grace His words display! "As thy day8 thy strength shall be " — Oh, what grace ^ ^ :t titt 5±{i U^^ E^ :^-=^ t=1rt=t r-rr- AU a - long my pilgrim way Je-sus gives me strength each day. All a-long my pil-grim way Je-sas gives. He gives lP=t: t-y t-FT- 23 It is a Good Thing to Give Thanks. Jambs M. Oelat. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY OANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B.TowiWR. :fc :t=1^ P S *: 3E^ a good thing a good thing a good thing a good thing ^' i to give thanks un-to to give thanks un - to to give thanks un - to to give thanks un - to ^(=r the Lord, And to the Lord On the the Lord, For His the Lord, And to -v-^ :=t m m ^-. K — 3== 4^^==fe: ■f— ^ ?=^^=^ E^e praise in cheer-ful lay, For His f aith-f ul - ness ev - 'ry night shows forth, harp of sol - emn sound. On an in-stru-ment of the sweet-est strings, tho'ts are ver - y deep; Lo! His en - e - mies shall be scat-tared far, let His fruit be seen, For the trees of God are like Leb - a - non, t^ ^^-A |E^ ^ ^± Chorus. J = =^ :r =1: =^ ^=^_J_Jy_^ :^^ IT And His mer - cy ev - 'ry day. '^ For His works the wide world round. Praise the Lord! Praise the But the right-eous shall He keep. Praise the Lord! And their leaf is ev - er green. Kb I a^i^ te^ ^3f=^ r fe^T^^ 33 3^ :t: -\» #- IT |-f Lord! And His wondrous name a-dore! Praise the Lord I Praise the Lord! _^ Praise the Lord! g r t 7 >; t^— ^^ ^6^ iE^ =f=t^ 31 -^-r- ifc ^- ±1 =t ^ -S^-#-^-«— Jt: i ^ is^ Praise the Lord! For He is Most High for - ev - er- morel Praise the Lord! -x^ t^^^ ^ is: t f=^= 1^ 24 The Way of the Cross Leads Home. COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY CHA8. H. GMBRIEL. Jessie Brown Pounds. copyright, 1907. by e. o. excell. Chas.H. Gabrox,. ^ ^S ^?=* 1. I must needs go home by the way of the cross, There's 2. I must needs go on in the blood -sprink-led way, The 3. Then I bid fare • well to the way of the world, To p— 3 r^ i* -! ^ It j i l l ^ .R I ! I J ^ :^T3^rt=j:q IS no oth - er way but this; I shall ne'er get sight of the gates of light path that the Sav - ionr trod, If I ev - er climb to the heights sub-lime walk in it nev- er more; For my Lord says "Come," and I seek my home, m ^ ■fS'-r- ft-r-! f ;. ss 3 a=tr-^-p-^"1 --^ M -^ ^^-M ^ Chorus. J ^^ ^^ . 1 gSgB ^— 'f^- If the way of the cross I miss. Where the soul is at home with God. The way of the cross leads Whei3 He waits at the - pen door. m^ k1 — r-f ^ Irdc V TT N N k ^ te i^ -J- -\ 1- 1=1 f ■1— r-t home. The way of the cross leads home; It is sweet to leads home, leads home; m mjrrirrrtf ^ p^ i=& 4 — I i fe-4 I H H = iJ ^ 3 1 — r . know, as I on - ward go, The way of the cross leads home. ^? fee I ^ If i k ^ t==F P 25 Forwaurd, Men and Brothers! David Linbset. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY E. O. SELLERS. *=>: -, 1 1 \—^l H i • — •• r- E. 0. Sellers. 4- 1. For-ward, men and broth-ers! Hear the Sav - iour's call! Countless souls are 2. Ours a roy - al stand - ard, Ours a glo - nous strife, Win-ning men from 3. Cour - age! fal - ter nev - er, In Christ's strength be strong;Now the strife and ^^^^ -^ i I D E. ^ ^^ =F r wait - ing, There is work for all; Shall we lin - ger 1 - dly While the e - vil To a ho - ly life; Je - sus Christ the Cap-tain, Faith in dan - ger, Soon the tri-umph-song; Strike the shack-Ies quick-ly With the te^ I it=t- g kJ=B^ ^^ l2=p: H — r ■\ — \- 3 E^33j3=jzz|j=y r ^T days pass on? God and an - gels beck- on; For-ward, ev-'ry one! Him our shield; Hast - en for-ward, broth - ers, Till sin's bulwarks yield! might-y sword; For-ward, men and broth-ers, Con - quer by His Word! ^ ^ -4- ^i t- iz 1=^ -^— ^. ^ t^ Chorus ^? ^E^ ^ 3: For-ward, men and broth- ers! Hear the Sav - iour's call! lEi i^ 42- ^^ 1= ^K 3^E 5^3^ T- CouDt - less sools are wait • iug, There is work for all. — .^ — ?= - . -g- f - — ^ — iQ- S ^=ir ^^ -42- ^?=S:: i 26 "Forward!" is the Order. copyright, 1907, by daniel b. towner. Charles Wesley Fletcher. English copyright. i| f: i D. B.TOWNKB, r=r=3=H g P=I l."For-ward!" is the or - der, Men of God, a- way! Leave the camp be- 2. For-ward, press theba-t-tlel One in pur -pose go, Shun-ning strife with 3. For- ward, ev - er for-ward! We must camp to - night Where the foe this m Y' . 'g ig , m ^ ^ m m -^- hind you. Seek the field and fray; See the line ex - tend-ing From the com-rades, Fight the com-mon foe; Sin's de - fi - ant ban-ners Float in morn-ing Holds the dis-tant height; Lol the marshalled millions, Wheel-ing ^^ r tm :t= humblest door ev-'ry breeze in - to line, ^i#ig EE To the throne of mon-archs On the farthest shore, - ver hearts and na-tions— We must cap-ture these. Pledged to die or con - quer For their King di-vine. t 'm=.l fcf^ ^eS fe Chorus. X -A- SBTE^ Ir ^ r -r r iP^ For-ward then, ye faith - ful! Think not of re - treatl ' Think not, think not of re - treat! u g E i^E i^ Death for Christ is =* :J: =# ^: tri - umph, Life ^m^ "I — ' for self. de - feat. N h^-H^^^fN^^ ^ 27 I Bel Edgar JUftTris. leve. eOPVRIQHT, 1803, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. L. B. Joins. 1. I am saved from my sin, and to joy en - ter in, — 2. 'Tis by faith I can say Je - sus saves me to - day,— 3. There is com - fort and rest on His shel - ter-ing breast. ^^iNI^^^^^^ With the With the With the :^=r=^- =fcr= S-^±Eg fc s e^ t=i^=^ -F IS heart I be - lieve on the Sav - iour; I have won heart I be - heve on the Sav - iour; Waves of love heart I be - lieve on the Sav - iour; I will praise - der - ful o'er me Him in ^EE £ f #-=- e=tt=£=£: m p=t\ I, i peace, from my bur-dens re-lease,— I be-lieve on the Son of God. roll, all is well with my soul, — I be-lieve on the Son of God. song, tell His love all day long,— I be-lieve on the Son of God. .:f^ — '£'• f" t — S-^- S T -£ 1 =P= tz Chorus. ^ M- I be-lieve, I be-lieve, With the heart I be-lieve on the Sav - iour; I be-lieve, I be-lieve. With the heart I be-lieve Jesus saves; m t=^ m^^ ^ i±r ^Tt ■F=r^r=F=f= I be-lieve, I be-lieve, I bs-lieve on the Son of God! I be-lieve, I be-lieve, I be-lieve on the Son, the Son of GodI fe t^ 28 The Hand that was Wounded for Me! Harbiet H. Pieeson. COPYRIGHT, 1905, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B.TOWNIR. 1. The hand that was nailed to the cross of woe, In love reach-es 2. E'en now I can see, thro' a mist of tears, That hand still out- 3. The band that wrought wonders in days of old, Holds treas-ure more ..=E=£ ^^^ ^ _^_ii__t £ :t=t i •iii^ lit 3= ^ |t-^^t^=J^ ^=r :s: * down to the world be-low; ' Tis beck-on - ing now to the souls that roam, stretched o'er the gulf of years, With healing and hope for my sin-sick soul, — pre-cious than gems or gold, The price of re-demp-tion from sin and shame, S-^ I t^-; c t - tP ^ -SS-. T: Chorus. mu^^ rt 4= =4= E^^a ^=f -tr-p- And point-ing the way to the heav'n-ly home. One touch of its fin-ger vrill make me whole 1 The hand of my Sav-iour The gift of sal - va-tion thro' Je - sus' name. SS^ ^^^e i -^ r t=i= ^a ^ ^il ^Ol^^ I see, .... The hand that was wounded for me; .... 'Twillleadmein mj SaT-ionr I Bee, was wonnded for me; J J I I • -#- J I I u - f—r - fei^ ^^f^ E^EEE I Bee, I see, -J— 4 I ' for me; I roll. ^=X "^m ■A 1 « 1 1- lore to the mansions a-boye,The band that was wounded for me I . . was wounded for me! 29 E. E. Hbwitt. To Calvary I Will Go. •0PYRI9HT, 1900, BY LIZZIE E. 6WENEY. E. O. EXCELL, OWNER. Jno. B. Swenkt. 1. Down in-to the fount-ain 1 would deep-er go, Down in - to the fount-ain 2. Down in-to the fount-ain, deep-er, deep-er still, Till the grace of Je - sub 3. Down in-to the fount-ain flow-ing from the cross; Let the might-y cur -rent e saa f g ^MM=Mt=f= jr-r-lr : k-k-l^— k-4 =4: P t^ > 1^ i^ 1^ 1/ 1/ h h h ta: 4i-4^ ^ =1= ^ mak - ing white as snow; Tho' with sins of scar -let and of crim-son dyed, all my be - ing fill. Till the Ho - ly Spir - it works the change di- vine, sweep a - way all dross; Ev - er there a - bid - ing thro' His wondrous love, ' b — \j — b — / — 1 'U 1/ b ^ ' ' — ^F=t^— k-^=^ 4i— ^ :^=t^ Chorus. 3^^^^^^^3P^^S I shall come up spot-less from the sav -ing tide! rr. Cal-v'rv I will Mak-ing earth-en ves-sels with His glo - ry shine! \ tj- „„• „ • n ■ ™^,., , , ., ..( ills voice 13 call-mg Washing there the garments for the feast a - bove! --fi-t-f: ^S^ go, The bless-ed Word I know. The pre-cious blood of Je - sus cleans-eth still To "who -so - ev - er will,"— fefey^^^S^ : i^ V ^ =fe: m^ ^El t=^i^=^ PH^ =r =r=f^ ^- 3e white as snow! Down in-to the fonnt-ain I would deep - er gol i I 1 I ^-^— V V b 1/ " 1 ° 30 C. H. G. O That Will Be Glory! COPYRIGHT, teOO, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. CHAa. H. GABRm. fefe P^^m^3ES^^^:4=4 1. When all my la - bors and tri-als are o'er, And I am safe on tha'i 2. When, by the gift of His in - fin-ite grace, 1 am ac - cord-ed in 3. Friends will be there I have loved long a - gc; Joy like a riv - er a - ■0 p ^ « ^ • ■ * — » — - — =. — - — ^ ^^ ^^ m I I r iT t=^^^^ r I I i^ B P^ -^ i ^- 3^ beau - ti - ful shore. Just to be near the dear Lord I a - dore heav - en a place. Just to be there and to look on His face round me will flow; Yet just a smile from my Sav - iour, I know, tep --^=w sizi ^ r—\ — \ — \—\—r rit. ^ Chorus. J — \ — \ — ^ ^=^=J=^=^ « d r J- f^r -&~- Will thro' the a - ges be glo - ry for me. ... that will be ... . that wiU miiiii £ u ^ J- 1 — i— 1 — r-"i — \ — r tt_-j__t_J — I ,J J 4 I . ^ m ^ ' * * * S U-xA^- v^ -*— #■ ^-■^^ nrr — rtT^^^^ I I ' I glo - ry for me, Glo -ry for me, glo - ry for me; When by His grace be glo - ry for me, Glo -ry for me, glo-ryformr ^ s ^^ :8^J-t--t ±* ^ I J ^^ — -J J ~1 — I -t-,-4 :^ ¥~»~rv I shall look on His face, That will be glo - ry, be glo - ry for me! U^ £— £ — r «=!=£ |L f i l l I _4— jg-J J i :f:=4: 31 W. A.«. He is Able to Deliver Thee. COPYRIGHT, 1887, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUeiC. W. A. OoDis. 4— I I r.-^ 1^=:^ ^ m h fe ^ -p — e--« — ft T — j i-^-lA-i zr 1. 'Tis the grand -est theme thro' the a - ges rung, 'Tis the grand - est 2. 'Tis the grand - est theme in the earth or main, 'Tis the grand - est 3. 'Tis the grand - est theme, let the ti - dings roll To the guilt - y ^t T -f- ^:t | T f 5^ ■i — r =£F=^ ^t={^ t=^ S^ ^ A 1 1 1 --Pi- \ 3=3B m^ theme for a mor-tal tongue, 'Tis the grandest theme that the world e'er sung: theme for a mor-tal strain, 'Tis the grandest theme, tell the world a - gain: heart, to the sin - ful soul; Look to God in faith. He will make thee whole, '— p— ri — \ — r— p g " ' ' ' 1 — r— r- M^ ^=^^ h ^i n ^z±i ^■^ Chorus. "i — !^ <- hin i frr nf fT iTrncf ii 32 Fannt J, Cbosbt. The Hour of Prayer. COPYRIGHT, 1B07, BY E. O. EXCELl. W0RD6 ANO MUSIC. fcfcfc=i^^^=;M=t5 JM.'R.Swwmr. t; ^^g^^^^pg *=* M s — # 1. Glo - ry to God for the joy to meet Here at the hour of prayer; 2. Far from the world we may turn a - way Here at the hour of prayer; 3. Rich are the blessings that all may seek Here at the hour of prayer; 4. Oh, what a ho - ly and calm re -pose Here at the hour of prayer.' l ^ i >»it- k^ |i ^ — I t -I k | > »• \\ > -f I i k litzj f ;i^ U 1^ 1/ U 1/ ^ I L/ I ^ i ^3^B =1^ 5=i 4 -L^ ^ zz a ^=^ n=g FJ #1 — # — • Wei - come the bliss of com-mun - ion sweet Here at the hour of prayer.' Glad - ly we rest from the toUs of day Here at the hour of prayer. Grace for the wea-ry, the faint, the weak, Here at the hour of prayer. Love in its ful - ness the heart o'er-flows Here at the hour of prayer. 3: m i*=f= p—r~p-r—p 1^ ^ h ^ L/ ^ L/ U Chorus. uj^UU^-& mrwi s ^= IJX333 3=*z #— Nearer the gate to the soul's bright home, Nearer the vales where the faithful roam, i? =^ PTP^ 0—M.. V^- v^ u l > \/ -^ \r-p ^ V V V f t^ s ^ h Near - er to God and the Lamb we come, Here at the hour of prayer. mi^U t Ur ^^^^^^ 33 God's Skies are Blue. Ella Ladsbb. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. fe&=^ ^— fe D. B. TOWNKB. ^fefc^^i^ ^-s^ 3^ ^^=9=tg^ -p-r- 1. It rain-drops fall when most you wish for sun-shine, Grieve thou no more; 2. If sor - row deep in heav-en's love and mer-cy Should us en-shroud, 3. If o'er a new-made grave the tears are fall-ing, Faith points a- bove 4. What though the cares of life press thick upon you, Nev - er de - spair: i^ii m^ £^£553S3E|»Ei EEE T=i: p^ t^^=t ^a Ejs^ I p- -m-.—m—r — P — m — d ^ "v-t^-j- =4= ^^ I Be - hind the clouds the sun is ev - er shin - ing, Storms will pass o'er. Be sure God's wis- dom sees the sil-ver lin - ing Be - hind the cloud. To where the light of His dear face is shin - ing On those we love. For since God watch-es, noth-ing shall be-fall that You can-not bear. m m :f= m^E^^ m trt r r ir g ^ ^ ^^ ^^^ Chorus. m^^ i t=fc JMi- m r r-f=R= E3iS3 =s=^ is 1* God's skies are blue, And shine with heaven's radiance Each gloomyday; al - ways blue, :l^={^ =i^=^ ;^=:t t=fc h J. f^ 21^= ^— j — R- H nIT ~^J. R 1 =1=1 ^ I -.: Al-though His hand lets fall a cloud-y cur-tain. It will pass a - wayl ^ 0- ^ ^ «±=l^ m ^ ^^ 1 l^ U 1/ u fJ :t= 34 E. T. Cassel. The King's Business. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Fu>RA H. Cassel. :^ ^ #=^ r M h ^T-^'- r f^J^^3^^ ^ t: 1. I am a stran-ger here with - In a for - eign land, My home is 2. This is the King's command, that all men ev - 'ry- where Ee- pent and 3. My home is bright - er far than Shar-on's ros - y plain, E - ter - nal ^ •-! 0t •_ ^fi^^^^ p — " — p—r -^ V ^ V m :fc=t: :f^ :^=fc :f^ fc=&: ^ i^^s^ 3^^: sa 5:^=S=S: far a - way up - on a gold-en strand; Am - has - sa - dor to be of turn a -way from sin's se - duc-tive snare; That all who will o - bey, with life and joy thro' - out its vast do - main; My Sov'reign bids me tell how I. ff ■»— IS 15 '^f t^ Chorus. ^^ N-, 3=1: 3—3—^-^ :r r ^^^— realms be - yond the sea, I'm here on business for my King. Him shall reign for aye. And that's my business for my King. This is the mor-tals there may dwell, And that's my business for my King. 'f' M . m (2 a^^^^^0 0. ^^^^m ^ iAz^ t —k-Lj^ k k J 1^ ^^ :t^ :^^=«: '&:^zfXx 3^^^^33 j-s — ^ mes- sage that I bring, A mes-sage angels fain would sing; "Oh, be ye m^^^^m -Tk-t^ fe^ ^ r-M^-k- J3j=g 4_ g_g: :^^=i|3 ^-]V^^-^- ^^^^^^ k ' -^, reconciled," Thus saith my Lord and King, "Oh, be ye reconciled to Godl" gy|ftg- c±=g E^ ^ Pg ^ ^a I^H =t==^ k k U 35 C. H. G. Keep the Heart Singing! OOPYRiaHT, 1102, BY CHA8. H. GABRIEL. COPYRIGHT, 1807, BY E. O. EXCELL. -4- Cbis. H. Gabbisl. 1^=^ :&=f^ fc ^=fc: ^=jzi:zrts^ ^ ^ ^-^■ 1. We may Kght- en toil and care, Or a heav-y bur -den share, With a 2. If His love is in the soul. And we yield to His' con- trol, Sweetest 3. How a word of love will cheer, Ein-dle hope, and ban-ish fear, Soothe a '^=^,^=t=t=^ 4^- p—v- K-a *- m :ki t=t: ^^=«=j=r ^ ^ word, a kind-ly deed, or sun-ny smile; We may gir -die day and night mu - sic will the lone - ly hours be-guile; We may drive the clouds a-way, pain, or take a - way the sting of guile; Oh, how much we all may do, f— p — ft — f — g — * . s \ p p \p. t=^ z=g: ^^ tr^r-^-\r P 1. 1/ ^-^ t^=^=t5: U k 1/ ^ ^ U mMMn^'jm M Fine. -z^^^ With a ha - !o of de- light, If we keep the heart singing all the while! Cheer and Dless the darkest day, If we keep the heart singing all the while! In the world we trav-el thro', If we keep the heart singing all the while! eSi5 -^ *ai SEEJSEIEEe ^ m^prmr^ ^^ fczzifcE^ Chorus. W -^-!^^ — !^ ;f-- ^-i =z^ P -fa m '^'xrr Keep the heart singing all the while; .... Make the world brighter with a singing, singing all the while; brighter, fetPiffet^^^SEfS^ ■ ^^ k t U-^U^ ^ I ^=u^ ^^ i ,1!; S3=3 £^*EJS ,2). 5. £^^ -J^^ trrtr ' • - - - -^r smile; . ..... Keep the song nngmg, lone- ly hours we may be-guile, brighter with a smile; .^_. ,^. _^_ .^_ N ^ tr l,OI "1111 O BlllllC, __. ,- _- .-_ I 1 36 W. H. Bathuest, arr. The Old Time Fire. COPyRIGHT, 1905, Br DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B. TOWNEB. -^ t=t: S^^ r=r^ 1.0 for that Jlame of liv-ing fire Which shone so bright in saints of old, 2. Where is that Spir-it, Lord, who dwelt In Abram'sbrea8t,and sealed him Thine, 3. That Spir-it who from age to age Proclaim'd Thy love and taught Thy ways, 4. Is not Thy grace as might-y now As when E - li - jah felt its pow'r — 5. Re-mem-ber, Lord, the ancient days; Re-new Thy work, Thy grace re-store, Pgj I I — r— r- ■#— « — m — 0"^ r^i^ rtr^ri- 1 — r- "ioiLiS: Which bade their souls to heav'n aspire, Calm in dis-tress, in dan'ger bold! Who made Paul's heart with sorrow melt, And glow with en-er- gy di- vine? Bright-ened Is-ai - ah's viv-id page, And breath'd in Da-vid's hallowed lays? When glo-ry beamed from Moses' brow, Or Job en-dured the try-ing hour? And while to Thee our hearts we raise, On us Thy Ho - ly Spir-it pour! ^ s m 3ii± ili-p- ^ -\$ p ^ *: m ^ Chords. t=^ m ^ -I I r ^ t=tz=%i t=i ? Send the old time fire up - on us, Lord! Send the old time fire up-on us. Lord! i fe^ .LjLt>_Xi ; r Jif s ^_ji 3 f 1 . r r . f ±4 ^^ i ^=s= H=^-5=t^^'^ Send the old time fire up-on us. Lord, And burn up all the dross! ^ ^=4^^444 4 ^^^ ! 37 Full Surrender. Bebecca S. Pollasd. COPYRIGHT, 1801, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. D. B. TOWNBB. M ^3 «— 'A=^ r ^ 1. Sav-iour,"ti8 a full sur - ren - der, All I leave to fol - low 2. As I come b deep con - tri - tion At this con - se - era - ted 3. No with-hold-ing— full con-fess-ion, Pleasures, rich-es, all must 4. Be this theme my song and sto - ry Now and un - til life is 5. Oh, the joy of full sal - va - tion! Oh, the peace of love di - Thee; hour, flee; o'er; vinel 1 — L. r r I' M i I ^ i r i fe I ^ I it=* ^ :t i =t t= r t ^ i f "r Thou my lead - er and de - fend-er From this hour shalt ev - er be! Hear, Christ, my heart's pe - ti-tion, Let me feel the Spir - it's powerl Ho - ly Spir - it, take pos - ses-sion, I no more, but Thou in me! This my rapt-ure, this my glo - ry, Till I reach the shin - ing shore! Oh, the bliss of con - se - era - tion— I am His, and He is mine! At± -i-s-Ui- 1 1" g 1^^ m '^==^- I I Chorus. I ^ — L 3^^ I sur - ren - der all! I sur - ren - der alll I sur - ren -der all! I sar - ren • der all! ^— ^ I ^ » y - k^ :t=t: ^^=t=^ ^ =i=^ 'r All I have I bring to Je - sus, I sur - ren - der all! Hf-f^ m I -^ ^ '--t -^^ ^^ 38 Teach Me. EateUluer. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY E. O. EXCEU.. WORDS AND MUSIC. VlOTOB H. Benkb. ^ ^^f^n^TT t *=*: 3E ^, 9 i tS Scrpt ■•-I- T 1/ i* u 1. Teach me, ThoaHo-ly Spir - it, How to do my Mas-ter's will; 2. Teach me how to be sub-mis - sive, Free - ly con - se-crat-ing all, 3. Teach me how to trust Him ful - ly, E'en when faith is sore-ly tried; 4. Teach me how to fol - low tru - ly, Nev - er run-ning on be - fore, i ^ t£=£qfe=£ ^ ^ -»- ^ %^ -U— ^— 1^ 31=^ -^-r^-^ r h -^- ^=r^ ^^3 ^^ ^£ In - be-dience to His bid - ding. Help me His commands ful - fill. Fond-est hopes with joy re - sign - ing In sur-ren - der to His call. Teach me how to tell the sto - ry Of a Say - iour cru-ci - fled. Ev - er m His foot-steps walk - ing Till my serv-ice here is o'er. i i=s=^ 4--M- i ^ 'b I 1,. 1. [. — ^ 1^ f l|'- W — E ^ ^ ^ ^ P Chorus. =4 > ^ i ^-^^ :*=M fc^ S Teach me, teach me, Teach me ev'ry day what to do and what to say; Teach me, Holy Spirit, teach me. Holy Spirit, u ^^i^ t^^: -*- i=S^ :fiiy ££ fc^ ^bb 'i ^ M^=&=^=r f m ^ e^s ^ I k k 1/ 1/ J f^ Teach me, teach me, How to do my Master's will! .... Teacb me, Ho>lr Spir-it, me. Eo>l7 Spir-it, mr Master's wiui t-y-yr\rTT \ — ?-tr 39 There Shall Be Showers of Blessing. Ei, Nathan. COPYRIGHT, 1835, BY JAMES McGRANAHAN. i h h h James McGranahar. i ^B :f5=(^ i=^^^ ^-i t i : 1. "There shall be show- era of bless-ing," — This is the prom - ise of loTe; 2. "There shall be show - ers of bless-ing," — Pre-cious re - viv - ing a - gab, 3. "There shall be show - ers of bless-ing,"— Send them op -on us, Lordl 4. "There shall be show- ers of bless-ing,"— that to - day they might fall, m^=^-UU-^3=^fTfU F V !> V i t=:^ I I r r r ^ h ^ ^ ^' r r r i 3± g g g 8 t=t=r t # There shall be sea - sons re - fresh - ing. Sent from the Sav - iour a - bove. - ver the hills and the val - leys Sound of a - bun - dance of rain. Grant to us now a re - fresh - ing. Come, and now hon - or Thy WordI Now as to God we're con- fess - ing, Now as on Je - sus we caill m IriE ^^m e; :t^=;^ ^ u k *^ t=p Chorus, m ^ — ^ ^^=^^=^=#=pd ■0 — 4n — -—-^-. — 1 — -■ ^s Show - ers of bless - ing, Show - ers of bless - ing we need; Show . ers, show - ers ^:i_. « — r P ^ — P p T I 'P ^ V ^ V V I; ^ ^ J ,h ,h .^ ^ r r .r / 3^ i-?-i i : i ■"7-u m Mer - cy-drops round us are fall - mg. But for the show - ers we plead. W—^—- ^ . ^-^^-J^.-r- -f- -f t- > ^d^ ^ii^=^ m i • — I f^ ! ri 0— -^ 40 The Gift of Grace. copyright, 1»07, by daniel b. towner. ChABLKS Wesley FLETGHSB. English copyright. D. 6. TOWNIB. -J — ■ ¥^ g i=5=J= 5 #= ■0— 1. Un - count - ed years may not suf - fice To un - der-stand the grace 2. Not worlds of wealth or hu- man worth Could e'er re -deem the lost; 3. In Him God's grace and jus- tice meet, The smit - ten Rock of God; 4. And can I look up - on that face, Still scarred with wounds for me. ^^^ rS r' ^=^ t f^TT^ '^ — ■— i ^ I ^ s^ =t ^s Which fur - nished me a sac - ri - fice To suf - fer in my place. The love which brought God's Son to earth A - lone could meet the cost. I take the liv - ing wa - ter, sweet, He takes the smit - ing rod. And e'er f or - get that lov - ing grace A - lone has set me free? gr lT- g | [' [ ^=^^ ^g g ^ f t=J^ Chords. =i=2=t: s ^3Ei ^ms t^ir-p- Grace, won - der - ful grace, Pro - vid - ing a Grace, won- der-fnl grace, grace, won- der-fnl gracei Pro - vid- k-^ k I m i£- ii=^cifc :p=P=^,^=tz P=^ Ei .=^ P=^ ^ -s*- H S par - don for me; ing a par - don for me; . — t/— t^-r Grace, won - der - ful Grace, won - der - ful gi^ce. f f-^-f P rf « P F •- i | f~ i» If • y "p b :=i p *: t-={^ /4d iift. :^ ^^^^ PPS :£ ^ grace, .... Of-fered so free on Cal - va - ryi grace, won-der-ful grace. Of - fered so free on Cal - va - ry, on Cal - va - ryl ♦ y ^ » ^ r-l 1 1— p v^-t^ 41 Was There Ever a Friend so True? copyright, 1»06, by the bible institute colportage Harriet Fithian. association of Chicago. Ira 6. Wilson. t^=i: T1 I have a dear Sav-iour who loves me, I know, And whose This won - der - ful Friend is a help - er in - deed; He has He soothes me in sor - row with songs in the night, And in- His love is a fount -ain of bless - ing so pure, Ev - er ms^ m w i» » y L— ^ =^=^ i^ p k h=i t=^ 1^=t m ^ :t will I de-light to do; He's present to cheer me wher-ev - er I go, — promised to lead me thro', And clos-er He comes than a broth-er in need, — spires me with hope a- new; He fills me with cour-age my bat-ties to fight, — flow-ing for me, for you; His powr is un -fail -ing. His prom-ise is sure, — ^ i-g— r ^ Ci ^^JJ li S iE:^^^ tzT-lr V 1/ w P 1/- Chorus. p k ^ Was there ev - er a friend so true? Was there ev - er a friend <»o M±=^=^ :^ 1^=^ ^ ^-T-^ ^^^^^m ^4- :|^=ft -rn r-tr iM-:-^ true? Was there ev - er a friend so true? I oft - en have BO true? so true? i£ES t- & t=t=^ 1 — tr-r V U V M: ^t rr^ 1^^ ^- :=*: *-r- r- ^-l^ =P proved Him, I ev - er will love Him— Was there ev-er a friend so true? N^Frfttrrto ^=t p li^— V- 42 Christ at the Door. J. Gbiggl te COPYRIGHT, 1889, BY E. O. EXCELL. — ^ . FaA5E A. SOIPEIlfS. :ft gg^^^?^ :a=i: i ■^ ^ ^ ^ >T ^ 1. Be- hold, a Stran-ger at the door! He gently knocks, has knocked before; 2. love - ly at - ti-tudel He stands With melting heart and la-den hands; 3. But will He prove a Friend in-deed? He will— the ver-y Friend yoa need; 4. Ad-mit Him ere His an - ger bum— His feet, de-part- ed, ne'er re-turn; ■#-^-# » [^ fer-J \-r^ f^ f^ 'AhM ^ ^. ^ U J^-ffl ^ ^ J^ m fei ^ \^ U V iLJO(Z. U U 1/ ^ m fe^^y; ^ t^ ^-^ :tp -tT^:^irir\?i-r =Er :i=^ Has wait - ed long, is wait-ing still; You treat no oth-er friend so ill. match-less kindness! and He shows This matchless kindness to His foes. The Friend of sin-ners? yes, 'tis He, With garments dyed on Cal - va - ry. Ad - mit Him, or the hour's at hand You'll at His door re-ject - ed^stand. -» — r*-^—P — ^ — <• — ^-^-^r(^- — »^ P r^ ^^atBC ^r-Ffl^ ^g^ ^ Chorus. V U k 4- U ^ I ^:^ -N-^- ^m^ ^=15 -*— s^ m t- f ?=f=7=^=^ He is knock-ing, gen-tly knock-ing, He is gen-tly knock-ing, He is knock-ing, gen - tly knock-ing. S3 -rc-rr^ ^ P ^ ^ U knock - - ing at your door; 'Tis Je-sus knocking knocking, gen-tly knocking at your door, a t your door; knocking ^--t f^ ^ 5 3=PP^C^ ^ •^v /. ^ -^— ^ i H'^^ 'gen-tly at your door, — Why will you have Him turn a-way? He is knock-ing,— why will _ ^ .p. .p. .p- ^ ^^ .p. .^ i ^ r fFerrrrrm E£ i i ^ ^ ^ M ^ 1^ l^ P 1 ?-t r-|^— g^ 43 Rachel BrvsBS. What More Can He Do? COPYRIGHT, 1B07, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. i :fc tz Jno. R. Swenet. t: ttfcit :fc ¥ r 5 :^z=J: r 1. O lost ones, in dan-ger no long - er re-main! TheSav-iour is 2. He calls thro' the Gos- pel, re -pent and be-lieve; He calls and en- 3. He calls thro' His mer - cy, and still you de - lay; He calls by His 4. haste. He is wait-ing, yoa can - not re - fuse The way of sal- ^?-^-g^ t^^ t^ ee V- -^ ^- ^=ti^ -V—V V—Y V V ^ tr. t: :^=fc itz* 3^ t= it i • 9 \^-' — p *^— 17- call-ing a - gain and a - gain; Re - mem-ber the an-guish He treats you His grace to re - ceive; He of - fers full par-don, and Spir-it, you grieve Him a - way; Ah, soon your pro - ba - tion per- va-tionwith glad - ness to choose 1 His blood of a-tone-ment is -p- -^ -0- -0- ^Ht-^ j/ V ^— fc— b V--=Y : k— k k J t — r t=^ HnJ: i :^ ••8:^ ^ S j^-- ^--^ f^ a(i Zi& Fine. 1^3^^* i=1S: 1 ^==i^ 8uf-fered for you; His life paid your ran-som— what more can He do? on - ly de-mands Your lov - ing sub-miss - ion to all He commands, haps may be o'er, And then your Re-deem - er will call you no morel flow -ing for you. He of -fers it free - ly— what more can He do? i ly^ 1 > i!^£ 4=EB £:E ^4t^-V— ^ Chorus. i2=:t:[--:t=1^=:^ D. S. — His life paid your ran-som — what more can He do? f^-t^^^ ^- ^^E?E^^_^Zt=^^^E3 ^ V 1/ k k What more can He do, what more can He do — His hands and His feet to the ^^ Ts -#- -#- IziM:^ ^^— t ^: i: l=|z=bl=f=zf v—k-k— k- :^=f^ 5^K 1^=^ 0.5. :ti=* I 3^^^E^E^pEte5EE« cross nailed for you? What more can He do, what more can He do- ^ ' * t: f T ->—» — » — • — »" 44 Edgar Lewis. Lean on His Arms! COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. L. E. JONBS. 1. Just lean up -on the arms of 2. Just lean up - on the arms of 3. Just lean up -on the arms of 4. Just lean up -on the arms of I i ^ ^ ^ h ^ Je - sus, He'll help you a - long, Je - sus, He'll bright-en the way, Je - sus, bring ev - 'ry care, Je - sus. Then leave all to Him, ^P= ^ H^ -V - ^r :t=(=: t:^ ^;=^ :g— 8 g: 4=S=^i^t=S^=3 ^- trust His love un - fail - ing He'll glad - ly where He lead - eth, His that has seemed so heav - y, Take full of love and mer - cy, His help you a - long; If you will brighten the way; Just fol - low bring ev-'ry care! The bur- den leave all to Him; His heart is *^E 1^ *=^ e |E=i X Chorus. 3^P^^^ f^=j^ ^3 i ^ f^f=f=r ^ f^ -» — '-Si'-- ^— p?— p iTi U U » fill your heart with song. gen - tie voice o - bey. Lean on His arms, to the Lord in pray'r. eyes are nev - er dim. Leanup-on His arms, ful - ly tmst-ing in His love; trust-ing in His love; U C C U^ Lean on His arms, all His mer-cies prove; Lean on His Lean up - on His arms, and all His mer - cies prove; Lean up - on His .hi „h J .-^ I -^ J U.h '-9 1 ^^^^ ^ :^ ^ J ^,h :t;=itz^ fc ^ itl: i ^^ f=f ^=5 34- arms, look -ing home a-bove; Just lean on the Sav-iour's armsl S arms, ev-er A * ^ k - k f .f- f ^ ^^-P-pf4 r 1 45 There is Glory Enough for Us AIL jAias M. Gray. COPYRIGHT, 1«0e, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. fct ^m ^ fc:^^ D. B. TOVHIB. &r i T=t=r r r=r 3^^ :t=d 1. He came from the bos-om of God, He ex-iled Himself from His throne; 2. Despised and re- ject - ed of men, Ac-quaint-ed with sor-row was He; 3. His back to the smit-ers He gave, His face un-to mock-ing and shame; 4. But hark! He a-rose from the dead; The bat - tie with sin has been won; ^^3^^^^^^^^^^S^^^^^^Sp^t=: v—^-v—v- ad lib. E ^m a s SH ^- p 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ The path of af- fiic-tion He trod Was trod-den by Je-sus a - lone. Dis-hon-ored a - gain and a - gain The Sin - less con-sent-ed to be. - be - di-ent e'en to the grave Our low - ly Re-deem-er be - came. The price of the blood that He shed Is glo - ry al-read - y be - gun. i^t^ I Sil stzt £=E Chorus. i t= :X ^-J^ r ,f^ h E :^ ife ^=tJ ^ i44^1- r3-3 ^ -^P^^ There is glo - ry e-nough for us all, Glo-ry al-read-y be- There is glo - - ry e - nough for ds all, Glo - ry al- £ fe^«=£ i E@ -^— »^ ^-^^\ ^^ W^ i ^- gunl .... In the vie - to-ry Je - bus has won There is glo - ry, read - y be-gani x— v s 11=1 i V=P=^=^- ««^s ^ p k -M^ r— f— f^^ ^^^^^fe^s glo-ry, there is glo-ry, Yes, glo-ry e-nough for us all! 46 Hibrhttb Watebs. -4- Fight the Good Fight COPYRIGHT, 1905, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. d: A. E. LiND. M=(!^==t fc= :{^=^ r ^ ' ^-f^^-J- ^ti :^:^=1: 1. Bu - gle calls are ringing out, "For-ward" is the bat -tie shout, See where 2. Sound the charge against the foe, Lay the hosts of er - ror low; In His 3. Fight the fight of faith and love, Looking un - to Him a - bove; Loy - al ^JF T-g-^TV g g g iF.~r~r II i r r \ $^=P=i=^ ^ i Chorus. Adapted and arr. -i — al — •! — d ^^ • ^m. ^ •— :^ floats the conqa'ring sign, On-ward to the war di-vinel name, vie -to-rious King, Let the song of triumph ringi And when the bat-tie's sol - diers, do and dare. Your Commander's joy to share. ^ ^^-^z:fcl=r:i^=.M^ ^ ^^^^^jB^i^^^^^ fcf^ ifc m - ver, We shall wear a crown, We shall wear a crown, We shall wear a crown! And ^ -L I % '-'^ ~ t • » ^ :p V- XA^-^ - 1^^ - k-^ i-?_.»_p2l ^ h t ^-^-- ^ Fine. ^^ u ^^-^ when the bat-tie's o - ver. We shall wear a crown In the new Je - ru - sa - leml I D. S.-wAen f Ae battle's o - ver, We shall wear a crown In the new Je-ru- sa- lem! D. S. ^^g ^^ J- -l-r-i ^- ^ ^=^^=P^F*=^ /t^*-#: g I 9 — a^ Wear a crown, wear a crown, A - way o - ver Jor- dani And ^ l2A Wear a crown, wear a crown, -,-S- J-J- I 47 Nothing Satisfies But Jesus. Mrs. C. H. M. WORDS AND MUSIC COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY E. O. EXCELL. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT, SECURED. Mrs. C. H. UORBIS. ^=^ 1. Noth-ing sat - is - fies but Je - bqs, Bread of life to mor-tals giv'n; 2. Since I heard the voice of Je - sus, Since mine eyes be-held the King, 3. With His joy my heart is thrill - ing, All my hope in Him I see; i 4±=r=r ^ :?=r e- £^ J i— k - ^ ^ I^ZZI^ =^^£=^=& I — ^^—p—p—p—^ ^^ r May His pres-ence now re-fresh us Like the morn-ing dew from heav'ol All my love, my heart's af-fec-tion, All I have to Him I bring. Doubt and gloom and fear dis-pel - ling, Christ is All in all to mel I: ^,ia- L c£ ag i^ ^ '-^=^ V 1/ 1/ k Chorus ^T=i ^ Sis^^^ i Give me Je - bus, give me Je - sus, Take the world but give me Je-sus, Give me Je • sas, give me Je - sas, s^ »= r— tr x^-^a-. ^ 1^ 1 I sat-is - fy with ev-'ry blessing, His love and peace my soul possess-ing PS L^-^llAl^AJ^ h I f fff f t— t-r-:t- -]^4M^ A^J^- fei^z:^ t^ 33 r^- To all be - side my heart re - plies: There's naught but Je-sus sat - is - fiesi 48 Etemail God, Celestial King. WHUAH WRANGHAM. fcfe COPrRIQHT, 1*07, BV DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B. TOWNBB. I J 1 \j,^i ^ ~— r\-Ty ^ II I ^=^=1 e KB? 1. E - ter - nal God, ce - les - tial King, Ex-alt - ed be Thy glorious name; 2. My heart is fixed on Thee, my God; I rest my hope on Thee a - lone; 3. With thosewho in Thy grace a-bound,To Thee I'll raise my thankful voice #= T-^^ ^ fS^H^gj r- P^ s Kfc^ Let hosts in heav'n Thy prais-es sing, And saints on earth Thy love proclaim! I'll spread Thy sa-cred truths abroad. To all mankind Thy love make known. Till ev - 'ry land the earth a-round Shall hear, and in Thy name re-ioice. M lauu tuo caitu a-i B? MM ^w^ i£ ±* Chorus. ^ S?^ 3=^ A - wake, r — lyre! With ^ my tongue! a - wake, my i ^^^^ EE ■^-u P3 -tr-p-- A - wake, my tongue! a - wake, my lyre! ^ ^ ^ 3=^: :fc JtZ^^ZZ ^-0—0^ — ^-»- mom-ing's ear-liest dawn a - rise. To songs of joy my & S 1 C L — te l I I ■P- P-^- ::$:: s=s To Bongs of joy I fc=f-j= g=l=i ^r^ — ^ ;fES3i r ;^:3t:»: 3^ eouls in ^- spire, And swell your mu - sic to the skies! R^^ ^ i^ll :^ -L ^• 3 ^^ £: I i^ £^M my soal in ' spiie 49 W. H. LlGHTALL. A Sinner Made Whole. COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY CHA8. H. 0A8RIEL. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY E. O. EXCELL. Chas. H. Gabriel. i r^=^^^ teE C-e tlZJJ T ^ ^ ' i-^-^ =r=4 3^=3=^ 1. There's a song in my heart that my lips can-not sing, 'Tis praise in the 2. I shall stand one day faultless and pure by His throne, Transformed from my 3. All the mu - sic of heav-en, so per-fect and sweet, Will blend with my ^ high -est to Je-sus, my King; Its mu-sic each moment is thrilling my soul, im - age conformed to His own; Then I shall find words for the song of my soul, song and will make it complete; Thro' a - ges un-end - ing the ech- oes will roll. tz i ^g^i %±^=h=s±^ fe=^=g^ ^^ u ^ v Chorus. , For I was a sin-ner, but Christ made me whole. A sin-ner made whole, a mi M =tH i i35^E 1=^ ^ i> [» I \, -- i *=f; ^^m Rit. -J^^^-^-4 sinner made whole! The Saviour hath bought me and ransomed my soul I My heart it is eingmg, the anthem is ringing, For I was a sinner, but Christ made me whole! ♦ • ^ - . « • -^ T. ^ - . m m m f^' ^ ^• ^ ^- T =^=^ I 50 W. S. Mabtw. Love Found a Way. COPYRIGHT, ie07> Br DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B. TowiiBB. 1. No hope had I, no light with - in, Till Je - sus saved me from my sin; 2. My burdened heart found no re - lief, And deep-er grew my pain and grief; 3. I looked to Christ as on the tree He bore my sins and guilt for me; m 12± g =fa£=^==fa :S=S m ^^;=^ ^t^^^iis^^- :t2?E trw ± t^^ I wandered on from day to day, To bring me back love found a way. My heav - y debt I could not pay, But, praise the Lord! love found a way. In ten - der tones I heard Him say: "My child,to save, love found a way." >Mt ^ 1 \ >— =» fe l^ ^ ^ ifel^K ■| r Chorus. ^=^ ^^- w=^- !i=:J ^± ^=^ Love found a way my life to save, His precious blood Christ free-ly gave; ?^ ^ r^ ^' • J^ — s — ft^ — f ^ f t T - "r .-^ p- i^^^^^=^ fcJjEE f± *: ^ W^^ *: ^^ I itz: 7-t \ ; " gZJ ±^=t:» ^=t5^=^: I For years I prayed and hoped and tried, But now I trust the Cru -ci-fied. ^^^ M=g^ ;S 1 ^ 51 Fanny J. Crosby. Thou Wik Remember Me. COPYRIGHT, 1807, 1809, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Jno. R. Swenky. ^^ r-f - ^ r*««- &=t B^ ^=t ? ^^^=Pi^ r r 1. I want no oth - er hand, Lord, But Thine my guide to be, 2. No tongue can tell the joy I feel Since I am one with Thee; 3. Thy Spir - it's seal is on my heart. Thy im - age there I see; 4. No pow'r shall break my firm re - solve To live and die in Thee; ^r-f- T' , ^ 1 17— ■ i^ :S=r sm ^ For well I know thro' all my life Thou wilt re-mem - ber me. And this my song the whole day long: Thou wilt re-mem - ber me. And ev - 'ry hour the wit - ness have Thou wilt re-mem - ber me. For grace thro' faith has taught my soul Thou wilt re-mem - ber me. i :b — \ b— =F=P=F U i: i^=tt:::i::4^ Choros. ffi — i ^ i J-IJ — ^ hr-l-l b ^-—9 — "-* h it # «^^ — t^r ^ Thou wilt re - mem-ber me, Lord, Thou wilt re - mem-ber mel ^3 Z.. Pf ^ . i M k 1 1 — k I l/Jfe t ^ ^S ^ i I :j=r -i=i=i^ r- Thy Word has said, and I be-lieve, Thou wilt re-mem - ber me. r7 »^ .0 «n :^=^ B p tt g i f T \ r\f ±m 52 Rejoice, Rej r-1/- \r=i^- ti $±=i—9-ii—t^^^ fc 3±Efz^ ^ — p [.— k =^ f: sin and a new work joic-ing be - cause it spake, and His will it Fa-ther, all bail to be-gun, Sing praise is done; A child was done; Great price the Son, All hail imm$^d=m to the Fa-ther and of the Fa-ther, joint- of my par-don. His to the Spir - it, the ^ 1^=^^ ^— i ^ k ^ V :^ -fc-J^ e^=^ ^^ — ^— r- ^ *i praise to the Son, Saved by heir with the Son, Saved by own pre-cious Son; Saved by great Three in One! Saved by the the the blood of the blood of the blood of the the blood of the Cru- Cru Cru Cru ci - fied One! ci - fied One! ci - fied One! ci - fied One! Saved! Glo-ry, I'm saved! glo-ry, I'm saved! saved! . . My sins are all pardoned, my guilt is all gone! " P lT^ -t U ^ tt r— M ^ Saved! . . l,^ ^ saved! . . I am saved by the blood of the Cru-ci-fied One! Glo-ry, I'm saved, glo-ry, I'm saved! ^ i^ ^m izr U^-M^ £^ V ^ k 56 Ye are My Witnesses. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. CHABUB WKSUT FLETCHBB. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. -fe-^-4^ 1^ ta^ ir-j i t^ —^i t: t: t: ^^ 1. The Sav - lour IS summoned to tn - al a-gain, De-pend - ing, my 2. Thy heart is the home where He deign-eth to dwell, He reach - es lost 3. Tour hope of o'er-com - ing the arch foe is through The blood of the 4. The Mas-ter is wait -ing to hear you con-fess His good-ness and j». ^. ^ ^ J*. -^ .•- m mm^m^ E=E=£=££: % ■ — rir^r- t^^ WZZM. fe-J^-T \> U P ^ \> 1^:4^=^=1^:^ ~ r r — ^-t — I T T^ — ^-^ ^^ T brother, on you To speak as His wit-ness to per-ish -ing men, sin-ners through thee; He us - es thy lips the good ti - dings to tell: Lamb and thy word, Con-fess - ing the grace He ex-tend - ed to you, mer-cy, so grea^t; Your word may save qth-ers from sin and distress; ^=^f = rT fe£ =£j£:4l P fe£=£ ^FF t=i;^t= Chorus. ^=:t^ =^ And tell what His pow-er can do. Thy faith-ful-ness setteth men free. Tell it, tell it, Ac-knowl-edging bless-ings con-f erred. Some fu-ture time may be too late. Tell it. oh, tell it in words true and plainF ^* jft. -0.-0. _ j^ jt. ^ .^. j^. t^^E^^=fet=f m s±s±g mmm m w=^ V- •— *- =«=P=^ ^ u t;J u u u 1^ i M^ r h i:r 1^ g^^±^^gr=^=F^^S^^ f=. Lest Je - BUS should trust you in vainj Did He die in your place, h. fc t r t f— » — » fc i ■^4- m :(;=z^=tt i a -rt ! I J -t^ -J^J— ^-f m ad lib. ^ I 3E±£ i^ i ^=r ^=p r t^ f ^ m I . I Did He grant you His grace. And can you in si - lence re - main? :^=^ :i^=:i ^^ ^ 57 Christ Received! Sinful Men. An. from NBtKiSTER. COPYRIGHT, 18B2, BY JAMES McGRANAHAN. James McGrakabas. 1. Sin-ners Je - sus will re -ceive: Sound this word of grace to all 2. Come, and He will give you rest; Trust Him, for His Word is plain; 3. Now my heart condemns me not, Pure be - fore the law I stand; 4. Christ re-ceiv - eth sin - ful men, E - ven me with all my sin; ^^- iSl =^=^ ^ i^ r ^ fe^ ti f. ± £ii :^ ± t t ^ 3i^ 3= Who the heav'n - ly path-way leave, All who lin - ger, all who fall. He will take the sin - ful - est; Christ re - ceiv - eth sin - ful men. He who cleansed me from all spot Sat - is - fied its last de-mand. Purged from ev - 'ry spot and stain, Heav'n with Him I en - ter in. Refrain. U k P Sing it o'er and o'er a - gain: Christ re- Sinc it o'er a - gain, sing it o'er a - gain: t=feM^ I IXS-U:^ -^-^— ^ k-r— i :fl: 3 m -,-K- ^^=^n^-rri^-^r^ eth sin-ful men! Make the mes ceiv ceiv-eth sin - ful men, Christ re-ceiv-eth sin -ful men! sage Make the message plain. ■* mi£^m m p;r^-n-n ^m t=fe=tta==t=rr^ S^ 3 zzit i± 3± »-^— 1#- ^t-v ■^.inji a clear and plain: Christ re-ceiv- eth sin-ful men! make the mes - sage plain: t ^^tfe4=iEt l=t= m - g"^ ^- 58 Let Him In! J. B. Atchwson. COPYRIGHT, 1881, BY JOHH J. HOOD. E. O. EXCELL, OWNER. B, 0. EXCELt. i i^ ^ m ^i^ m t ^T W- ^ f^r^'r^ r— r 1. There's a Stran-ger at the door, 2. - pen now to Him your heart, 3. Hear you now His lov - mg voice? 4. Now ad - mit the heav'n-ly Guest Let Let Let Let Let the # Hun Him Him Him "Kvl pi - t^ 1 Saviour ra, m; in; in; in; Let the Saviour in; '^m m f^ T^ P P f f r -^^ u 1/ ^ ^ s ^ w He has been there oft be - fore. If you wait He will de - part, Now, oh, now make Him your choice, He will make for you a feast, ^'^ ■^gr " w ^ J- Let Let Let Let Let the Savioui in, Him Him Him Him m; in; in; in; Let the Savioar in; m m ^ I -^ » '» »-#- t^ ^^^S ^- ^^=^1 Let Him in, ere He is gone, Let Him in. He is your Friend He is stand-ing at your door, He will speak your sins for - giv'n, Jt. ^ JL JL A. Let Him in, the Ho - ly One, He your soul will sure de - fend, Joy to you He will re - store. And when earth ties all are rivn, t :k=ic 'i=^ :P=P= fe£3^ m m fc^ e :t=^ ■P^ ^^j=iM^^ =T 3S i «= Je - sus Christ,the Fa-ther's Soa, He will keep you to the end, And His name you will a - dore, He will take you home to heav'n, J r Let Let Let Let Let the Saviour in. Him Him Him Him V V inl in! in! inl Let the Sayiour inf m^ ftftwM usx ^i f^ V V V i> \ 59 Trust and Obey. J. H. SlXHIB. eOPYRIOHT, 1887, BY D. B. TOWNER. -I \ ^ m :t5=^ D. B. TOWHKB. i r F7 = ^-^ B^^ ^ m When we walk with the Lord In the light of His Word, What a glo- ry He Not a shad-ow can rise, Not a cloud in the skies, But His smile quickly Not a bur-den we bear, Not asor-row we share, But our toil He doth But we nev - er can prove The de-lights of His love Un-til all on the Then in fel - low-ship sweet We will sit at His feet, Or we'll walk by His :=t 5=t: S^ rrr r— r- p~^=^ ■p=^^- 5^ i^ :* 1^ i 1^=?: ^i^ -^^— >- ^S sheds on drives it rich - ly al - tar side in 1^ our way! While we do His good will He a-bides with us still, a - way; Not a doubt nor a fear. Not a sigh nor a tear re - pay; Not a grief nor a loss. Not a frown nor a cross we lay; For the fa - vor He shows And the joy He be - stows the way; What He says we will do. Where He sends we will go,— m :S=ir ^=Sz ^ ^ -S" — :fe: 1 — \ — r :^^=l^ Chorus. ^ 1 1- m =t i iE a=j=:=4^ 1^=:^ 3=Fr=f And with all who will trust and o Can a -bide while we trust and o But is blest if we trust and o Are for those who will trust and o Nev - er fear, on - ly trust and o bey. bey. bey. bey. bey. Trust and o - bey, for there's i -t-VT ^ g^ ^=fe^^hE ^=£^=^ r— r— r— 1 (2 • 1 — r -i-r-} -¥ t=± !^ a= :9 ^(^=t: ^ ■^ ■*■ -&■ V L/ no oth-er way To be hap-py in Je-susbut to trust and o - beyl ^^ :i= -•- -0- -^ -^ -*- ■*- -•--i*--#- -^ ^ — h "-i i 1 hs.5 " ^T— r-t 60 E&BBIET E. JOHES. Will I Shine Like the Stars? COPYRIGHT, 1907, Br DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. -^ .— ^-T-J ^ D. B. TOWNHB. :^ :tt^ 'T~ TT ^^ f 4 M EE?3 S^ 1=^ 1. I am think-ing just now of that won-der-ful clime Where the songs of the 2. Am I loy - al to Christ, am I spread-ing His fame In His field, in my 3. With His sword in my hand do I stand for the right? Am I ea - ger to 4. Do I win for my Lord, in my jour-ney a- long, Pre-cious souls all His -p-y- •I — r-r-r— r-tr :=^d:: ^^ ES3 :r=r :&: blest fill the air; When I stand with the saved in that re - gion sub-lime, home, ev - 'ry-where? All His mer - cy and love do I dai - ly pro-claim? do and to dare? Am I filled with His love? Am I strong in His might? rich - es to share? Am I serv - ing my King by con- fes-sion and song? ^ fe:^^. » !• ~W~r P * p I* 5=t m p=^ ^=^ p k 'I — r-p—\ — r-^ Chorus. ^— ^n-4 ~m tz ^ :^ ^^=?= t --^ ^^ -<^-^ I shine like the stars o - ver there? Will I shine i^t= -l»^ ^ -^-^ Will I shine -f—w- I=E 4—1^ ^ ■-^ 3 3* ■:^ e±^ pE3 ^ the stars In that home so de-light-ful and fair? With the sheaves like the stars With the sheavea e ^ :i^=t^ :t=fcit -^ -v~p-r -i2- ^^ ^ P i have won, Will I shine like the stars o - ver there? "^ I have won, will I shine o - ver there? 3=F« I h^ ^ -y=:^---^ 61 Get Ready to Welcome the King! Fannie K. Ailen. An. by J. M. G. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY ERNESTO- SELLERS. E. 0. Sellers. ^ 1^— |!i— 4- ^^ 3^^ S^S: 1. A ser - vant of Je - sus am I, To you this mes-sage I 2. Dark e - vil has long held its sway; Its end is com-ing and 3. All pow - er to Je - sus is giv'n, As-cend-ed to heav'n a- 4. Then lift up your heads, ye saints. Tour great re-demp-tion be- M. .(2.. ^ fc^ ^ 4^-4^-4- I r r 4W4^ ^ m ^=n i \i i-i ^ — r bring: The night is far spent, the near, For Je-sus, God's Son, shall gain; He hum-bled Him-self to bold; The night is far spent, the m m day dawns at length. Get read-y to come to His throne, The Sav-iour to die on the cross, But soon He is day is at hand. The day by the ^ y p ^ %±:^ 4-^ m& m t==t: -^ r — ^T-p - Choeus, 4- i ^ BE r^ #=E wel-como the King! sin-ners bo dear, com-ing to reign, proph-ets fore-told! ^^ ^ Get read-y to wel-come the King, Get to wel-come the Einff, ■• r^ — » • — » — * * ^% W 1 r ^ f 4- m 4- :t S ^y :S=S=S ^ ^ read - y It 1 ^-^1 ^-- ---— « i^ to wel-come the King; The night is far spent, the ^ V I 1?— I ?— I — b- J: ^ ss :i J^— ^ g ^ i ^ i=r ^ f day dawns at length, Get read - y to wel-come the Kingl i^^ ^-=fc ^^ ^.^ f y ^^ i 62 w. T.M, Yes, There's One! COPYRrCHT, 1»0B, BY THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COIPORTAQE ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO. mrr^^^ :t^=t^ to: ffri. W. T. MOBRia. ^^ j-^-i-i ^9=9 i ^ 1. Is there a Friend on whom sinners may call? Yes, there's one, yes, there's one; 2. Is there a Sav-iour for souls that are !ost?Yes,there's one, yes, there's one; 3. Is there a ref-uge from sor-row and sin? Yes, there's one, yes, there's one; 4. Is there a ha-ven of rest from all care?Yes, there's one, yes, there's one; 5. Is there a heav-en where we all may meet?Yes, there's one, yes, there's one; u u ^ ^ f_j>_ti-^ ^^ tot- :^=r=t ^gi f 4-J ^-^= A Friend who will help you what-everbe-fall? Yes, there's one, on-ly one; A Saviour who'll rescue,tho' great is the cost?Yes, there's one, on-ly one; A ref-uge for all who would en - ter in? Yes, there's one, on-ly one; A ha-ven where Sa-tao can nev-er ensnare? Yes, there's one, on-ly one; Where loved ones who've gone on before we may greet?Yes, there's one, on-ly one; -«- _^ -^ -^ _ - ' f- f- -r*' . r "P ^ ^ rr [ Ft«= r-^^ ^ ^ -r to&ifc b — b — • — *■ i=io^t^ ^ V 1/ ^ 1^ I — t?- Je - sus of Naz - a-reth, cru - ci - fled. On the cross for sin-ners died; ^ :J-5^__^^ -^ -«■ ^ t dfj^^fe *=± *3 I BZZXXI s i=*: 335 p p 1/ p- He is a Friend when there's none be- He is the Sav-iour, there's none be^ He is the ref-uge, there's none be- He is the rest-ing-place, there a- With Him in heav-en the saved a - •side; ■side; side; bide; bide; ^_^:^gLA h § Yes, there's one, on Yes, there's one, on Yes, there's one, on Yes, there's one, on Yes, there's one, on ly one! ly one! ly one! ly one! ly one! f-tT-fl ^ !> t' k: P s:^ J. 6. Atghinbon. All for Jesus. COPYRIQHT, 1897, BY E. O. EXCEU. WORDS AND MUSIC. £. 0. ExCTU. I I |FfH=^==^f^ All, yes, all All, yes, all All, yes, all All, yes, all give give give give I to Je - BUS, It to Je - BUS, It to Je - BUS, It to Je - sus, It -&- be - longs to be - longs to be - longs to be - longs to Him; Him; Him; Him; All All All All my heart I my voice I my love I my life I h I i give give give give tt. to Je - sus, It to Je - sus, It to Je - sus. It to Je - sus. It be - longs to be - longs to be - longs to be - longs to ST' Him; Him; Him; Him; J- isa? Ev - er - more to be Hia dwell-ing, Plead-ing for the young and hoar - y, Lov - ing Him for love un - ceas - ing. Hour by hour I'll live for Je - bus, Efet Ev - er - more His prais-es swell-ing, Tell - ing of His pow'r and glo-ry, For His mer - cy e'er in - creas - ing, Day by day I'll work for Je - sus, S a ^ F=i=T I ti =5=^^= - 1 *^ ^ ■^ i -i- -t - er-more His good -ness tell -ing. It - ing o'er and o'er the sto - ry. It His watch-care nev - er ceas-ing, It - er-more I'll hon - or Je - sus. It be - longs to be - longs to be - longs to be - longs to Him- Bim. Him. Him. 64 When He Comes. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B. TOWNEH. Eliza Stbanq Baird, Arr. English copyright. D. B. TOWMEB. -* — «-^ 1. Make us read-y when the Lord descends! Grant that we may gladly greet Him, 2. Make us read-y when the Lord descends! Let our lamps be trimmed and burning, 3. Blessed morning when the Lord descendsIWe shall then with praise receive Him, ^rr-f 1 — v-^^^^- 2^- =1?=^ U#-J^-4U^i-J ■=t i U' p I 1 P — d S3E ^ Hast-mg forth with joy to meet Him — Make us ready when the Lord de-scends! All our hearts for Him be yearning— Make us ready when the Lord de-scends! E - ven sih - ners will be-lieve Him On that morning when the Lord de-scends. jLjLJfJf_ i tJL**^:ji^ 1 te^=^"^SE^E :t=)c t^=^ ^^ f Chorus. -I I i i 4^— N ^ 3J3EiE?53 S=S: When He comes, when He comes, When He comes to reign in right-eous-ness, ?-^r: -^^-^ ,f f f f / / ^m isa m \ k y- Wi=i ^- gg 5 «=s^ S m e When He comes, when He comes. Make us read-y when the 'Lord de-scends! S=?- jg-±.X ^ I 65 How Sweet is His Love! Jambs Rowe. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSrO. E. 0. EXCEIX. ^=^ :^=^ ^ :^ :^ 4=^ l=^=^=5 t ^^4 ^ r i±^3 U p k {J 1. When troub-led my soul and when peace I would find, How sweet is the 2. When faint - ing and help - less I fall in despair, How sweet is the 3. When dark is the night and when sore - ly distressed, How sweet is the £±=t=^ ip ^^ I -■^=^ V — K V=^- ^^w^^m^^m ■\^ ' '^ ----- \j ^ love of Je - sus! When lone - ly I feel, and when friends are unkind, love of Je - sus! When suf-f 'ring with pain, and when sor - row I bear, love of Je - sus I When long -ing my soul for His com -fort and rest. fttl * e£ m g^fei m ^ ^ 1/ 1^ ■^-y- V=^ :f^==fc Chorus. Se=B^2 t ■■t=^ |±^^ =^=r How sweet is His lovo to me! -#— t=8: . . . . how sweet, .... how sweet, how sweet is His love. how how sweet is His love, sweet, how sweet is His love How sweet is His love to me! When J- ± ^^^^=^g^^ g ^^ V==^ ^ =r^=p ^t^ h P^ h P r friends all have gone , and I suf - f er ^i=9=J me! Kg a-lone. How sweet is His love to /7\ ^^B ^ U 1^ u TO «-j- U l^ L' 66 G. H. Q. Oh, it 18 Wonderful! COPYRIGHT, 1898, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORUS AND MUSIC. Chas. H. GABBni. r? ? r M r ^T- 1 ^ I — \ I -4 \ IN I I - — =^: I iTit- -*- ^r ' -«- -f- V 1. I stand all a - mazed at the love Je - sus of - fers me, Con -fused at the 2. I mar - vel that He would descend from His throne divine To res - cue a 3. I think of His hands, pierc'd and bleeding to pay the debt! Such mercy, such ' ' ■ ■ ■ ' I > 15 I s 'i J J W ^m ^3=i 5bJ ■• Zr r r -f2- i^i^S^--iP^— 4— Jr-S m ^ ^ t -^ T^--b^- i. i ^t ' ^ i 4 "5 grace that so ful - ly He prof -fers me; I trem-ble to know that for soul so re -bel-liou3 and proud as mine; That He should ex-tend His great love and de-vo-tion can I for- get? No, no, I will praise and a- J=J=4=J ^ -iS: ^ r Tit. rit. ^ ? *=* r^-rr. *=«- ^^ ^ -4- me He was cru-ci-fied, That for me, a sin-ner. He suffer'd. He bled and died, loveun - to such as I, Suf - fi-cient to own, to re-deem and to jus - ti - fy. dore at themer-cy-seat, Un - til at the glo-ri-fied throne I kneel at His feet. i ^ J J ^.,y.^il^J J J J iij ^ _^ Chorus. :ir i :fc^ f rt^ ^^ ^T=f=i Oh, ^ is won - der - ful that He should care for me won - der - ful! P^ i SJ: Oh, it is Wonderful! -I ^^^S^P^gP Enough to die for me; Oh, it is won-der-ful, won-der-ful to me! won - der - ful! _ fe 5^a •:^=t r-r- Look and Live! COPYRIGHT, 1889, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORUS AND MUSIC. P 67 W. A. 0. W. A. Oqden. 1. I've a message from the Lord,Hal-le - lu - 2. I've a mes-sage full of love, Hal-le - lu - 3. Life is of-fer'd un - to you, Hal-le -lu- 4. I will tell you how I came, Hal-le -lu- P-^^ ah ! The message un-to you I '11 give ; ah! A message, my friend, for you; ahl E - ter-nal life thy soul shall have ah! To Jesus when He made me whole: i 53- ^"nrrnr, Pine. ^^^^^m 5=:=5=J^^ 'Tis re-cord-ed in His word, Hal-le -lu-jah! It is on-lythatyou"Iook and live"! 'Tis a message from above, Hal -le -lu = jahl Je-sus said it, and I know 'tis true! If you'll on-ly look to Him,Hal-le-lu-jah!Look to Jesus who a-lone can save! 'Twas believing on His name, Hal-le -lu-jah! I trusted,and He saved my soul! i^Jti ■gL,. # f Mrt jt^^ £^ ■«--» — » » » ¥—¥ »— ^- «^ r u u u I up J).S.-Tis re-eord-ed in His word,Eal -le-lu -jah! It is on-ly that you "look and live"! Chorus. fc^zjM-— -^t- i t^^ p.s. M 1^^ rtTTr""^ r g Look and live,". . . my brother, live. Look to Je-sus now and live! "Look and live, "my brother, live," look and live," :£e^ tt ^^ I 68 The Cleansing Blood. Mrs. Elizabeth Milleb. copyright, 1903, by oscar a. miller. Oscar A. Miller. :p^=fc:t=:t^=r^:1!^ :^ :f-t-^-f: 1^=^ t=iF=i=i=i=i=f 1. When they cru-ci-fied my Saviour On the cross of Cal-va-ry, Th^e a 2. Now I plead the blood of Je - sus, And He's with me all the way; I am 3. He will robe me with white rai-ment When my pil-grim-age is past, And pre- m ■^=^ ^ i . \, - ^=1^^ ^^^ m bless-ed fount was o-pened For my cleansing, full and free, And my sins were hap-py and re-joic-ing In His fa-vor ev-'ry day; In the bur-den sent me pure and spot-less With the sanc-ti-fied at last; I will sing His ^ f=^zzi^z:z^_i,_p— t^zz^ r~^ ^ — p: -^^=^ \^ y \/i u it: h h h h 10-4^- r r t: :ts=fc is=E£=f P=P — P — P — Ps— . , i=9 all for-giv - en Just by faith in His shed blood— They are wash'd away for and the tri - al There is none so kind as He; My Ee-deem-er is my praise and glo-ry Un-to all e - ter - ni - ty, Tell-ing ev - er-more the £ jc=tc 1^^=^ ■^^=^- ^^=^- ■^ fe r ^^ ^=^ 3= -^ — ^- Chokus. ^—%—f ^ ^^^^ pf i ev - er By the crim-son flood! kinsman, And His blood saves me! It cleanseth me, it cleanseth me! The Bto-ry How His blood saved me I Oyes, it^=p: rj-u ,^_^ U U^. m &-tw --I — t- ^iEg; ^ir :3z3= ^^ i =i t"=jEaE3: I precious blood of Jesus Ful-ly cleans-eth me! It cleanseth me, Yes, the precious blood of Je-sas ful-ly cleans-etb, cleans-eth met T^ i r^-'^ The Cleansing Blood. :1!^ ai^r^feii Si ■t=f i=^t=iT=^ it cleans-eth mel The precious blood of Je-sus Ful - ly cleans - eth me. m mmmMmd ■^\ V l l.- m 69 Words Abramgbd. He Died for Thee. COPYRIGHT, 1907, Br DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. -^— q— ^- ^^^ H =^ S P* — a(- r J r^ . D. B. Towner. 1 i -t-^ ^^ 1 Hark, hark,' hark! Come, come, comel Now, now, now I ^i^^ t- 'Tia a mes - sage of mer - cy free; It was Je - sus who res - cued me; To - mor - row too late may be; ^^ ic ~r ^^ m ir-^— i^j^: ^=i=r i=i^i^ ^ sin - He heal sin - ^=?= ner, thy crim * son sins are dark, But Je - sus hath ' eth the lep - er, the lame, the dumb— sin - ner. He ner, with tears of con - tri - tion bow, Con - fess - ing He ^^^t^^ hut ^ Refrain. — A- ^±E3ii3=3=fe3elE§^± died for thee! Died for thee, died for thee! .^_^to-l_- -J \ t-N.=^| 1 1 1 \ Vy. r — Y- ^^m^^^s^m u 6in • Der, thy crim - son sms are dark, But Je - sus hath died for thee! ig e*± u X=-V r— t^- -tr-i — V 70 The Banner of the Cross. E&Nathar. COPYRIGHT, 1884 i 1887, BY JAMES McGRANAMAM. Jakbs McGbasahaii. i ifcifc & :k- 1^=&= :f^:t i^^^^m i^r^ t=t'^^^ TT^ 1. There's a roy - al ban-ner giv - en for dis-play To the 8ol-dier8 2. Though the foe may rage and gath-er as the flood, Let the stand-ard 3. • ver land and sea, wher-ev - er man may dwell. Make the glorious 4. When the glo - ry dawns — 'tis drawing ver - y near — It is hast'ning ^iiS i^fe^ P=F ■ H V V \- T=^ 3=* -I J H a 1^=^ VrT ^4=:=^ of the King; be dis-played, ti - dings known; day by day— As an en - sign fair we And be-neath its folds, as Of the crim-son ban-ner Then be - fore our King the lift it up to-day, sol - diers of the Lord, now the sto - ry tell, foe shall dis - ap-pear, Chords. While as ran-somed ones we sing. For the truth be not dis - mayed! While the Lord shall claim His own! And the cross the world shall ewayl March-mg on, . . . march-ing on, on, fefe ■I»-IH»-I» * U^ K V-^^^ P S " • *-p^\ EE ^t=^ -V — r -r ^^- ^—^ ti -0S>- — -25*- :r f-^- r •— *- y-v- f 1 " - 1 I i> y y ' -^ ^ -^ on, ... . For Christ count ev-'ry-thing but loss! .... And to on, oa, ev-'ry - thin? but loss! t ^^^^^?^^^^. s f— t^ If:: r^rr^ir^ The Banner of the Cross. 4 — ^-^ ^ r^ ^i=it ^ — r crown Him King, toiJ and sing 'Neath the ban-ner of the crossl we'll Be - neath ^0t • fi 'f" . m- A . (^ ^ 5=4=4= 4^ifz -^^^— ^- 5>- r 71 We'll Work till Jesus Comes. EIuzABETH Mills. William Miller. 1^ ^ ^^4-t—^—i—i^ i p^p±Sz=^S= 1. land of rest, for thee I sighl When vrill the mo-ment come 2. To Je - BUS Christ I fled for rest; He bade me cease to roam, 3. I sought at once my Sav-iour's side, No more my steps shall roam; E -U :t=tr ^^ £ £ r M^^^ i :r^ f- r 1^ r i When I shall lay my ar - mor by. And dwell in peace at home? And lean for sue -cor on His bi east Till He con-duct me home. With Him I'll brave death's chilling tide, And reach my heav'n-ly home. J d _-f - -^ ■*■ -f- _- f - -f- -^ d ^=r: Chorus. | m=^ |E?^E =*: ^^ r :^=^ , ^ ^ -r- f" We'll wort till Je - sus comes, We'll work till Je - sus comes, We'll work We'll work i -*- -»- ^ T^ - j- ^^ V J J s^' -i»- -•- -^ -»- -U U !g — H » — • — I ^ # ! — i-fe — U L ^ I —I 1 h^ — I a^ ai -[-- r- -r i We'll work till Je-sus comes. And we'll be gath-ered home! We'll work ^ d ^ p. ^ ' ;7~rT"V~^ ^^_^_^ ^gg ^=^ i » — # « 1 — tr-t— r 72 S. M. I. Hesst. My Father Knows. COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. E. 0. ExcEii. 1. I know my heav'nly Fa-ther knows The storms that would my way oppose, 2. I know my heav'nly Fa-ther knows The balm I need to soothe my woes, 3. I know my heav'nly Father knows How frail I am to meet my foes, 4. I know my heav'nly Fa-ther knows The hour my journey here will close. ^^^^CT m^m -M-i P> — I- i:t=9- -p- But He can drive the clouds a- way, And turn my dark-ness in - to day, And with His touch of love di-vine, He heals this wounded soul of mine. But He my cause will e'er de-fend. Up - hold and keep me to the end, And may that hour, faith-ful Guide,Find me safe shel-tered by Thy side, ^^^^^BH ^ Refrain. SSB at m ¥ ^^=r r And turn my dark - ness in - to day. He heals this wound - ed soul of mine. Up - hold and keep me to the end. Find me safe shel-tered by Thy side. He knows. He My Fa - ther knows. fee ' ir:±t:t=r=z:^ s± knows The storms that would my way op - pose; He I'm sure He knows that would my way op - pose; m My Father Knows. ^ ^ /IN :«^ :r:f^ knows, He knows, And tempers ev'ry wind that blows! My Fa-ther knows, I'm sure He knows, ev-'ry wind that blowsf -f--f -' m ^ /^ IS i2:^=t^^ I n^ ^ ^ M ^ 1^ u 73 I Never Will Cease to Love Him. C. H. G. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Chas. H. Gabriel. i :4: i1^=t^ :t^=t=i ^=t ^=^=8: 1. For all the Lord has done for me I 2. He gives me strength for ev-'ry day — I 3. He saves me ev - 'ry day and hour — I 4. While on my jour-ney here be-low I nev-er will cease to love Him; nev-er will cease to love Kim; nev-er will cease to love Him; nev-er will cease to love Him; i^^g^g= ^ B3 ^E^ -I— I :ti=t: -t2- 1 — r— r— r^k-p-1 — r 4=x ^=s=r ^=r f -«- And for His grace so rich and free I He leads and guides me all the way— I Just now I feel Hie cleansing pow'r— I And when to that bright world I go I nev-er will cease to love Him. nev-er will cease to love Him. nev-er will cease to love Him. nev-er will cease to love Him. Chorus, f r ■ ' ' r r I I f I never will cease to love Him, (He'8)My Saviour, (He's)niy Saviour; 1 1 never will cease to love Him, (for) He's done so much for mel ■^FS-^l L L I 1 1 1 1— I \ > ^ .^ .b- H 1 \: -S=¥=t tuM: 1=t=:p: -rt-r-r- t=&tp-=p 74 Love is the Greatest of All. Harriet H. Pibbson. i=4_,uui^ COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B. TOWKKE. — ^- ^ ^^"^^ i m . », d J t- -.-^ ^ i^^^=i y tl - - ^. ^ ^ 1. Faith has o-ver-come temp-ta - tion, Fear-less faced the sword and fire; 2. Faith has fought and been vic-to-rious, Put the al - ien hordes to flight; 3. Faith has held the cross up-lift - ed High a-bove the wrecks of time; m. it r— ^-r-tr p -^ t^^: ^ ^—^-V~\^^ ?2: 4=: ;i^= "^j r , 1^ =}: h fe h ^ I w^^^m ^ ^ * f Hope has lightened trib - u - la - tion, Pointing t'ward the heart's de-sire; Hope up-held the vis - ion glo - rious Of the tri-umph of the right; Hope the low- 'ring cloud has rift - ed With her prom-is - es sub- lime; A- A I 1=1 S ■^1 *^ ^ ^ ^ ^ p ^ u ^ I 31^ S; 3^33 v- of - fered For a sor - row not her own; from heav-en, Came to van-quish death and sin; Love a-lone her-self has But 'twas Love came down But 'tis Love throws wide the por - tal Of the home be-yond the skies. ^ P P P^ ■^ P=F t==g ^ i 1^^=^^ i=$=j: =^ a -s^ - T Love a-lone has borne and Love a-lone her life has Love that gives to souls im :f :•: # * • g " • L L h- suf - fered Ev - 'ry woe to mar - tyrs known. giv - en, Hearts to heal and souls to win. mor - tal Fade-less joys of Par - a - dise. %^ ^f ^i r=^ r Chords. -^-^ :t ^ =«}=^ ^ g Faith, Hope and Love^- Grac - es from heav-ea they fall; ^=^=t feE^ iz: i>' !>' i. I Love is the Greatest of All. i ^^ t=t: t: 3 r ^ r -V Faith, Hope and Love, — Love is tlie great-est of all. i: 4 ^ ^ m ^=5 i=F^ r Blessed Lord Jesus ! COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B. TOWNEH. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. 75 J. H. Sammis. D. B. Towner. ^^^: ^ ~ i=i =1: ^=:=Jj: m ^ 1. Thou bless-ed LordJe - sus, my Treas-ure di - vine, My spir - it re- 2. Thou bless-ed Lord Je - sus, my Treas-ure di - vine. Thy fa - vor is 3. Thou bless-ed Lord Je - sus, my Treas-ure di - vine, More pre-cious to 4. Thou bless-ed Lord Je - sus, my Treas-ure di - vine. When wilt Thou ar ^ ,_ — ^a C ^— r-S ft — * — H=2 m — 0. I :^ ■=x -^ ^ joie life, me ray es to claim Thee as mine; Thine arm to em-brace me, my and Thy love is as wine; Thy words are as hon - ey that than rich gold from the mine, Than gems from the mountain, than me in beau - ty like Thine? When o'er the dark mountains Thy i ^^- ^ fe3 s r pil - low Thy breast, Is ful - ness of bless - ing and in - fi - nite restl drops from the comb, And they com-fort my soul like a message from home] pearls from the sea. More fair in Thy beau- ty, and dear - er to mel ra - di-ance fling, Bright Star of the Mom-ing, my Bridegroom, my King? T r t 76 B. E. Hewitt. J Will There be Any Stars? COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY JNO. R. SWENEY. USED BY PER. OF L. E' SWENEY, EXECUTRIX. Jno. R. Swxnet. :|^=t=4 ^^^^ t w^^w ?=5 s 1. I am think-ing to - day of that beau - ti - ful land I shall 2. In the strength of the Lord let me la - bor and pray, Let me 3. Oh, what joy it will be when His face I be -hold, Liv - ing Hi B£ 4 p ± ?3^ •1+5= ^ 1/ U k I ?^ ^=^ w ^^=t :t^ f^— M ^=t ^-rrjT -jtr reach when the sun go - eth down; When thro' won-der - ful grace watch as a win - ner of souls, That bright stars may be mine gems at His feet to lay down! It would sweet-en my bliss by my in the in the gfe^ ^EtzFsis: ^^=^ P^=? U V I U i> ^ :t :^ :t fc=t^ ? =t :^: =^=^ ^=^ r^ 'T crown? rolls. crown. Sav - iour I stand, Will there be »n - y stars in my glo - ri - 0U8 day When His praise like the sea - bil - low cit - y of gold Should there be an - y stars in my m hrry ^ t=?=?: 1 — \^—v tf Chorus, i t=± 4^— ti M S-— 1 33 Will there be an - y stars, an - y stars in my crown I ^ When at u s \ g # ev - 'ning the sun go-eth down? When I wake with the blest ..goeth down? * SEE tei ff :J^i^ li^H^ Will There be Any Stars? :t^=f^ t: ^^ e &=(!: t=1^ 5=f+^-j-^ -0 — ^ — ^ ^=3=^-9 In the mansions of rest, Will there be an - y stars in my crown? . . . an - y stara in my crown? i rfMt-^ m ffPP^f^^^g ^==pc ^? rown? . . ira in my cri r - r r^^:=p -t__ k— i^ I y=^ ^^ 1^-t^ J. H. GOMORE. He Leadeth Me. =t ^^^ l± ^ T=r 1. He lead-eth me: bless-ed thought! words with heav'nly comfort fraughtl 2. Sometimes'mid scenes of deepest gloom,Sometimes where Eden's bowers bloom, 3. Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ev-er mur-mur or re-pine; 4. And when my task on earth is done, When by Thy grace the vict'rys won, ftS :5=^ h-T ' H^i Pi £ * n 3 *: ■'■^^s What-e'er I do, wher-e'er By wa-ters still, o'er troub- Con-tent, what-ev-er lot E'en death's cold wave I will I be, Still 'tis God's hand that lead-eth me. led sea — Still 'tis God's hand that lead-eth me. I see, Since 'tis my God that lead-eth me. not flee. Sines God thro' Jor-dan lead-eth me. ^z=a: -I 1 1 1» 1 i^ Chords. ^^^^^^^^m SEE He lead-eth me. He lead i l7rT^7 ~ ^=fal eth me. By His own hand He lead-eth me; -•- - ^ ^ ^r^t t=^ ^^=^ I would be. For by His hand He lead-eth me. . / ' ^ — * — * — f- His faith-ful follower I fe£ ^ 5 ^ T8 W. C. Maetdi. My Anchor Holds. COPYRIGHT, 1902, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. D. B. TowBSt. T—f- -j-g-y ^ 1= p ^±3 T 1. Tho' the an -grysurg-es roll On my tem - pest- driv - en soul, 2. Might-y tides a - bout me sweep, Per-ils lurk with - in the deep, 3. Troubles al-most whelm the soul, Grief s like bil - lows o'er me roll, ^ 15 -^ m Kirrr^r r ^ ^ -p- t: ttl i: :im -i^ ^ Hi I am peace-ful, for I know, Wild-ly tho' the winds may blow. An - gry clouds o'er-shade the sky. And the tem - pest ris - es high; Tempters seek to lure a-stray, Storms ob-scure the light of day, I ^ ^ ^ .(22.. JL. JL ^ m^H ^t^^t^ i -^ V-- i2:W I fe* fi^S^EE j I g j-r- 3 = ^^ffla ^^m p r I've an an - chor safe and sure. And in Christ I shall en - dure! Still I stand the tempest's shock. For my an - chor grips the Rock I Bat in Christ I can be bold — I've an an - chor that shall hold! ^ I J ^^^^^p-ffH-U=Him Chorus. i i. ■ i , i ■\r^- P^f^^^^^^^^f^f^^ And it holds, my an - chor holds; Blow your wild - est, then, And it holds, ...... my an - chor holds, Blow your wild - est 1. I ■ ^ -Ti-r- N J ^M ^-^- :t=r= ^ ■J K^-rA- t=g=3=^ *=:^ P^ :Sq=S: f^^r^ gale, On my bark so small and frail, I shall nev - er, nev • er then, gale, My Anchor Holds. i -^ — d- i ^^r^^r^=F=F=tpf ^ fail; For my an - chor holds, my an • chor holdsl For my an - chor holds, it finn - ly holds, J J ^. :l-^ I *=s;= i^^ E3 ©-^ Wh. R, Nbweix. At Calvary. OOPYRIQHT, 1895, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. D.B.TowireB. 1— r r fc- :fc^ ^^ ti r 3^E33^ :Jq=t=J-Z3J: ^ «^=^ i 1. Years I spent in van - i - ty and pride, 2. By God's Word at last my sin I learned; 3. Now I've giv'n to Je - sus ev - 'ry - thing, 4. the love that drew sal - va-tion's plan! Car - ing not my Lord was Then I trem-bled at the Now I glad - ly own Him the grace that brought it -r— « — % . d I \ —^ 4 S 4 ^ :i^ I i ^ i^ ^-t=t^=r=iFi cru-ci - fied, Know-ing not it was for me law I'd spum'd, Till my guilt -y soul im-plor ■ as my King, Now my raptured soul can on - down to man! the might-y gulf that God He died On Cal-va - ry. ing turned To Cal-va - ry. ly sing Of Cal-va - ry. did span At Cal-va - ry! Chorus. ^^^^ r fe ,r fc ^ tT=i=Z^=t=4T4 Mer-cy there was great, and grace was free; Par - don there was mul -ti e-f^f=HS^ ^ p — I 1/ p {? p t? 14- J^^^u ^ t-^ ^ ^ i£^^ ^ ^ ^=r ^ :^ t plied to me; There my burdened soul found lib-er - ty. At •f- ^ ^ , I. ^-js.-,J^-_h._jg - f- f - -f- Cal-va - ry! L l" L ; [ g HtF JT 1— t =^ :r r-1-t 80 C. H. G. Calling the Prodigal. COPYRIGHT, 1889, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. i Chas. H. Gabhiei.. 1^=^ 0[ , # . t^Ei^^^p^S^^^^ES^Ei^ 1. God is call-ing the prod- i- gal, come with-out de - lay, Hear, 2. Pa - tient, loving, and ten-der - ly still the Pa-ther pleads, Hear, 3. Come,there'sbreadin the house of thy Fa-ther,and to spare. Hear, •^ — 0-^ m — c — ^-^^ — ^ — ^ — — ^:^-». ^: : : i ["t =^= rp-^ ^ ^ 1 — r — p 1/ ^ k i/ 1 — ^ r—r 3^3^ -+-^ :t^=^ f-^ 3^^^=^^t^^5 hear Hira call - ing, call - ing now for hear Him call - ing, call - ing now for hear Him call - ing, call - ing now for thee; thee; thee; ir^ Tho' you've wandered so re-turn while the Lo! the ta-ble is for thee; 0. g^Ff^-ps^ ^ ^=^^z££=u_c_czg I — TT— tr-r— t^r 1 — \ i/ V V - 35^Sa WE& i=S=^^Ei * ^^ as=? r^CTTf'' far from His presence, come today. Hear His loving voice calling still, Spir - it in mer-cy in - ter-cedes, Hear His loving voice calling still spread and the feast is waiting there, Hear His loving voice calling still calling still. ^^^.^^'-EZS y 9 »-Lg-i ^-^J—-\-0 — » m m- 0—XZ rrrf" if- Call - - bg now for thee, ... wea - - - - ryprod-i-gal, Calling now for thee, Calling now for thee, Wea-ry prod-i-gal, come, -:f±=x^^^iiiib^ f^vrrrr s^^mM -V m r come; wea - ry prod - i Call - - - ing now for thee, .... Call-ing now for thee, Call-ing now for thee, L # W-^^^—-ii^9 W U— » 3i^E S -r^^inrV ^r P I M p=jc Calling the Prodigal, w. ^ f=t ■ r~n fTi ^ f f ^ f f-?-" wea . - - . ry prod-i-gal, come! .... Wea-ry prod-i-gal, come, wea-ry prod-i-gal, come! m s=t ■I — t^=iFFt=r==^ 81 Somebody. John B. Clements. WORDS AND MU8IC COPYRIGHT, 1901, BY W. 8 WEEDEN. E. O. EXCELL, OWNER. W- S. Weeden. 1. Some-body did a gold-en deed, Prov-ing him-self a friend in need; 2. Some-body tho't 'tis sweet to live, Will-ing-ly said: "I'm glad to give"; 3. Some-body i - died all the honrs, Care-less-ly crush'd life's fairest flow'rs; 4. Some-body filled the day with light, Con-stant-ly chased a-way the night; j ^i^EJE^^EJ?3:Jr;j^fefcg= | Some Some Some Some -bod-y sang a cheer-ful song, Bright'ning the skies the whole day long — -bod-y fought a val-iant fight, Bravely he lived to shield the right — -bod-y made life loss, not gain. Thoughtlessly seemed to live in vain — bod-y's work bore joy and peace, Sure-ly his life shall nev - er cease — :^^^ t^ ■^=:ti ^ m Was that some-bod -y you? Was that some-bod -y you? ^m %-- 1 U k U 82 i L. R. M. lES Singing Glory! COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B.TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. L. B. MmoB. ^ t: ^ ±z ^ t; :t m I've something in my heart that Je - sus gave to me, It makes me My Sav-iour loosed my tongue that I might speak His praise; Since then I My Sav-iour took my feet from out the mir - y clay; Since then I wea - ry heart, and sad. heav - y - la - den soul, If you vrould -•- ^t•' ^ JL JL .^ ^. M - - l=tc :f=P? a i r-p—^— ^ t=t^ ^ A E ^ fc±=£ l^^iE^=^: ^=r=? feel like sing - ing have been sing - ing have been sing - ing feel like sing -ing -^ ^ ^ glo - ry glo - ry glo - ry glo - ry all all all all the day; He found my cap - tive soul the day; I love to tell the lost the day; He placed them on the Rock the day, Just let the Sav-iour in, ^ -f- — pczztm fc :fc=f^ ^ f^^^^^^ and gave me lib -er-ty. And now I feel like sing -ing of Je - sus and His ways, And oh, it keeps me sing - ing that shall not pass a - way— I can-not keep from sing - ing and let Him take con-trol: Then you will feel like sing - ing n .^^?±5 ■^ ^-p —j. -p—p-t- ?=i =5c glo - ryl glo - ryl glo - ryl glo - ryl r=t^: m r i Chorus. ^3= --^-^ ^|S5 He makes the path grow bright-er ev ■ -i^ b b hr 1 \-W— !i^g i ry pass - ing day He makes the e^fe^ =^=^ p=tp=^ :|^=t-=5 bur - den light - er all a - long the way; His Word is t^^^^ ^tf itVzitte .5U^ my de-light, Singing Glory! ii^ His will I now o-bey, And all the time I'm sing-ing glo - ry! ^ ^ ^ ^ fc t=fc 1^ feSEE^ » • # P ^ | - 83 O Could I Speak! Sahuel Mbdlsy. Arr. LowBLL Mason. 1. conld I speak the matchless worth, could I sound the glories forth Which 2. I'd sing the precious blood He spilt, My ransom from the dreadful guilt Of 3. I'd sing the char-ac-ters He bears, And all the forms of love He wears, Ex- 4. Well, the de-lightful day will come When my dear Lord will bring me home, And 1 — r ^m- 33f£3EE JM^ e^ i^ 8- u ^ -^-r ^ in iny Sav-iour shine, I'd soar and touch the heav nly strings. And vie with sin and wrath di-vine; I'd sing His glo-rious righteousness. In which all alt-ed on His throne; In loftiest songs of sweet-est praise I would to I shall see His face; Then with my Saviour, Brother, Friend, A blest e- ^ 5=t V=^F=\ 1 eeH^^ :k={t ^'^^ .^- %—t=^- :t^=::{t -^-^ »i— gi j=^ :?^=t^=f^ IP 3 t=t-z:^ :fi=i=|=±f=^ Gabriel while he sings In notes almost di-vine, In notes al - most di-vinel perfect heav'nly dress My soul shall ever shine, My soul shall ev - er shine! ev-er-lasting days Make all His glories known. Make all His glories knownl ter-ni - ty I'll spend. Triumphant in His grace, Triumphant in His gracel i l^^^L^ Iti^'It h h ^ ^—^ g±SEBJ,!^j b b b — H^ J -r-TT^ 84 The Ascending King. COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. CHABLSS WKSLBT FLETCHEE. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. :t- t=^ t ^ i D. B.TOWNEB. i^i^s^S^ J 1. On 01 - i - vet the Vic - tor stands, The King of GIo - ry now; His 2. In cloud - y car of white and gold He rides in maj - es - ty, And 3. His train draws near, Swing wide the gates, His tri-umph has be-guni This 4. Ye wist - ful watch-ers, some glad day Your King will come a - gain Aa blood has met the law's demands, Eich blessings fall from outstretched hands His leads in chains, as long fore-told. Both sin and death, our foes of old, To day all heav-en eel - e-brates; The Fa-ther on His throne a-waits The ye have seen Him go a - way, His scep-tre all the earth to sway — Will ^ i=fc ^- gg feH=Es i^ : ^ ^-_ i_^ v-r ad lib. ^^I^ 4^-J^ Chorus. Moderate. :^=:t=4^ ^.=.JMM!^ ^^^ieg^^ ITJ: 0^0-e — — peo - pie to en-dow. their cap-tiv - i - ty. com-ing of His Son. you be read-y then? Af - ter the shock of the bat - tie, Af - ter the ii tH i ttSfe Sz t±tt=:t i. ^ 1. M- E^EEt t-r tz m fall of the foe, % Crowned with the glo-ry of con -quest. Back to His rfrrt ^£S r-^ V V ^—^-v sg ^^tt throne doth He go; m 4^ U^U^rA^ 3=^ ^ t=Ft a±ajE^^ ^^^=p^ An-gels with sil-ver trum-pets Fling the glad echoes a- tr-k The Ascending King. ad lib far, Her-ald His com-ing to heav-en, Tell m Her-ald His com-ing to heav-en, Tell :stz:t=p.: it from star nn-to star! 85 Caiibie E. Brece. Arise and Shine! 0OPYRI«HT, 1897, BV DANIEL B. TOWNEH. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B.TOWNBR. :t i^S ^ 1. A - rise 2. A - rise 3. A - rise 4. A - rise r ^S and shine, thy light is come! The Lord hath made thee free; and shine, thy light is come! Let sin and sor-row hide; and shine, thy light is come! Thy God thy glo - ry is; and shine, thy light is come, And night shall be no more; M ;=t X r i^. ^E^ :^^ % 3 ::t^ '^^^ t The chains of darkness bind no more; Go forth in lib - er - ty! Go forth and show to all the world That light and life a - bide! Show forth the won-ders of His love, And let all praise be His! Shine till the glo-ry of the Lord Is known from shore to shore! ite ^ :J± Si t=t: m Chorus. ^^^^ M ^ H Hi^fH -C^- ^-r-0 / A - rise and shine, thy light is come! A - rise, a - rise and shine! With ' -^ - '■ ' -f^-'-rP^-f- -• » — I i hb^ . ». ^ — ^^^^ * :^£ jg^^^ ^^-U--^ ^^^ m s m^ ■v—^-^r^ 1^=^ -T^- \ love's bright a-dom-ing, Shine forth as the morning, A-rise, a-rise and shinel ^^r-r-r r 86 Fannt J. Cbosbt. My Saviour First of AIL COPYRIGHT, 1901 EY JNO. R. SWENEY. USED BY PER. JRO. B. SWXNST. :|^=t^: S^^3^^ :fc=^ 1. When my life work is end- ed, and I cross the sweU-ing tide, When the 2. Oh, the soul-thrill-ing rapt-ure when I view His bless - ed face. And the 3. Oh, the dear ones in glo - ry, how they beck-on me to come. And our 4. Thro' the gates to the cit - y in a robe of spot - less white He will ^I^^ ^S=bbg ^ ^=^3 U V 1^ 1/ U 1^ u u u i> u :t=^ :rf^ « — d I — L-s-^ n bright and glorious morning I shall see, I shall know my Re-deemer when I lus - ter of His kind - ly beaming eye; How my full heart will praise Him for the part - ing at the riv - er I re - call; To the sweet vales of E-den they will lead me where no tears will ev-er fall; In the glad song of a - ges I shall tL^t^^LJt- g^fc H^-^-^^ ^=t '^ 4^^ m ^ t=^=^- S =t^=^ l^Z t^ ^^ t=^ i M H — ^ reach the oth - er side. And His smile will be the first to wel - come me. raer - cy, love and grace That prepared for me a man-sion in the sky. sing my wel-come home; But I long to meet my Saviour first of all. min - gle with de - light; But I long to meet my Saviour first of all. ifcg= ^^^E^^^E^^ s ^^=^ y — /- l ^k P k— 1^ -^^ Chorus. =R^ :=1= :t^ 1^3 ^-^-j ^-f-f. m ^w^^^^ I shall know Him, I shall know Him, And redeem'd by His side I shall stand, I shall know Him, ^ -0- -0- -#- -9- I shall know Him. ^ JL fz * it ♦ it fe*. I^* My Saviour First of All. ^^^m :f^ i ^=5 -g-# # f- -- ?- -;- ^-f :^ I shall know Him, I shall know Him By the print of the nails in His hand. I shall know Him, h ^ ^ fea ^^TTTc I t^s-^f f^ f^^^mm W ' K tj g Robert Lowrt. 87 Annib S. Hawks. I Need Thee Every Hour. COPYRIGHT, 1900, BY MARY RUNYON LOWRY. RENEWAU, USED BY PER. 5$aE 5 -^ r JMJ^ S3^5 'P^^T^^ r r :§-" :S 3Ei 1. I need Thee ev-'ry hour, Most gra - ciousLord;No teo-der voice like 2.1 need Thee ev-'ry hour, Stay Thou near by; Temp-ta-tions lose their 3. I need Thee ev-'ry hour, In joy or pain; Come quick-ly and a- 4. I need Thee ev-'ry hour. Most Ho - ly One; make me Thine in- f -^-4^ A- ^^m n e^ea r r-^ Chorus. ^^^^^^M Nt Thine Can peace af - ford. pow'r When Thou art nigh. I need Thee, I need Thee, Ev-'ry hour I bide, Or life is vain. deed. Thou bless -ed Son! J- A„ .^,1:^: ^Bfi^ m^ *= P P ^=t^ ^ 5=i-j-4<^M-M need Thee I bless me now, my Saviour, I come to Theel ^ r 88 My Light and My Salvation. Helen D. Sylvesteb. COPYRIGHT, 1805, BY WM. L. OILPIN. Wm, L. Gilpin. :» t=::&=t :t- ii ^^?3^= M 1^=^ ^ m 1. My light and my sal-va-tion, Lord of life, art Thou; Ac-cept 2. God of my sal-va-tion, Thou art be-comemy song; Un-ceas- 3. To all Thy king-ly eplen-dor, To Thy re-deem-ing love, What trib- t=t^: -*-^ E=E f: £ p =1: t=zt=^- I '^^*^i *=M my con - se ing ad - ute shall I _ .. _ . r era - tion, To Thee I pay my vow. Thou art the King of ra - tion And love to Thee be-long. Thro' all the hoar-y ren - der, My loy-al-ty to prove? Sav-iour, high and J f r f—fi f— r^H \—^'^ ^ — p—\-0 — I — F — I — \-^- — ^ ^ i m -^ ^=^ J: -I P — I 1- ^- «1 — - #-— # — ai \- -^- ::fe ^ JuS- r- love hath set me free; sweet and bless-ed sto - ry, The Word has still been true; To-day its blessed pag - es My all Thy love and might, With-in my heart so low - ly. Be S t T^-. -©-= \ ^^E^^ ^-\ — 4 Chorus. g^^^i^i -^ — ^ Sav - lOur died for me I hope and strength re-new. Lord, my life and Thou my lile and light! O Lord, my life, my life and light, %- g: i fct ^^^m s ^^m^- Lord, my life, my life and light, my 4— ^^M ^: Tf^ i/ V k 1 i I ■ 1/ ^' my sal - va-tion, I love Thee and a-dore; I rest on my life and my I rest on Thee, A- I i J- ^ m^^mm ^fc t^ Sf« and my sal - va - (ion, -i— r I rest on Thee, I My Light and My Salvation. ^^ V -M- -I — I ta: I ^=FF^f=^=^^f=f-r i^p * . J ' ^- r S Thee, the true foun-da - tion, I rest for- ev - er-morel I rest on Thee, on Thee, the true ^ l^A^ J_^2:..-^^._J_J_ S^SP^P ?^ —^ \ — rest on Thee, on Thee, The true -^n-r 89 p. p. B. Let the Lower Lights be Burning. COPYRIGHT, 1905, BY THE JOHN CHURCH CO. P. P. Buss. te ^^m^^^^ n^^ i^ 1. Bright-Iy beams our Fa-ther's mer-cy From His light-house ev - er - more, 2. Dark the night of sin has set - tied, Loud the an - gry bil-lows roar; 3. Trim your fee - blelamp, my broth-er; Some poor sail - or, tem-pest-toss'd, r— ^ V \' \> m^mm fc=± ^ ^±3 ^ V i/ But to us He gives the keep-ing Ea - ger eyes are watch-ing, long-ing. Try - ing now to make the har - bor, ^ e t ^ fi *- ' — 1 . K— *-!- — h — b — fj — '- y — ^ t^T=^r- t^t^— k- Of the lights a - long For the lights a - long In the dark-ness may ^ 1^ the shore, the shore, be lost! — » — — »-i — 10 1 J± i Chords. _^ ] J^J^-r4 m^^^0 ^m -i-b- EP±EFEfc m Let the low - er lights be burn-ing! Send a gleam a-cross the wave! ■ZZl m :fc: iiNI ■ I P p—y ^ ^■ 4^— f^- ^i-1 ^^ ^. -d — ^ irf Some poor faint-ing struggling sea-man You may res-cue, you may save 1 -0-^ ^ :-^g±=^g v=; r — 9 V p r 90 Christ Jesus Hath the Power. Jaubs M Gray. '&I- COPYRIGHT, 1903, BY OANIEl B. TOWNER. 4^- D. B. ToWNM. t ^- :^ ^ fc^ 3^ 3J±^E ite: ^S= ^ bath hath 1. Christ Je - sus 2. Christ Je - sus 3. Christ Je - sus hath 4. Christ Je - sus hath ^^^^^ % the pow'r, The pow - er to the pow'r, The pow - er to the pow'r, The pow - er to the pow'r, The pow - er to ^ '^ for - give, re - new, con - sole, de - Btroy, m ' . d -4-— € — m — « — ^ ^ ^ h j_ g j—r-'i—i—i- t^ JllOgl i==9=f=^- The pow'r to quick-en whom He will, And make the sin - ner live. The pow'r to cleanse your heart from sin, And make you whol - ly true. The pow'r to car - ry all your care — On Him your bur - dens roll. The pow'r to bruise your en - e - my Who would your soul ^ - noy -^ ^ ^ ^-^ ^ i^^ i i^ 15 m V \' v=^ fc^ f^=$^=::fc i i s &^^S^±^ jQ± n - Christ Je Christ Je Christ Je Christ Je BUS SUS SUS SUS s^ hath hath hath hath % P ^ the pow'r, tell it far the pow'r For ev - er - more the pow'r To wipe the tear the pow'r, When on your dy and near! to keep; a - way; ing bed. = S^ik — P — ^ p i fS fc^=F#=#=i^ ±=31: % ^_]S_JS. ^=f = Fg=^-^^=i^^ ^ bring to Him your guilt ■ none can pluck you from O place in Him your con - To give your soul the vie - H ■y heart, And grace shall ban - ish fear I His hand, Or rob Him of His sheep! fi-dencel O trust Him, and o - bey! to - ry. The powr to ra[se the dead! I I i3 I ^^ v=^- iS ^^p= :t^=t^: Chords. 4s_^ — fc-4- 4s_|^_4^ 1 i j^-fc- X ; ;: j 1^ ^ - 3± ^fcfe=^4J^5 Christ Je - bus hath the pow'r. The pow'r of God He wields! Christ Je-sus S^ ^ &— r-1?— fa ^ ^-J^ Christ Jesus Hath the Power. ^==tF ^ ^ m^ M " K- ^ '^-^ hath the pow'r, My heart sur-ren-der yieldsl Christ Jesus hath the pow'r, I e p^^=F=g =^== feg^^ ^ £ l-p ^fggi^ r^ — v-L v-^L^L—^ ^ t ^—^- t^nxx x^- t=i .-.rail. I ^^^ ^^^-^- se i^B ^33 trust Him ev-er-more! Christ Jesus hath the pow'r, I wor-ship and a-dorel ggEr 1^ P P k 91 ^Almost Persuaded/ p. p. B. P. P. Buss. ^m E5 :|^ l-I «- z<5^S±^=£ :ST=S: ^==^: 1. "Al-most per-suad-ed" now to be - lieve; "Al-most per-suad-ed" 2. "Al-most per-suad-ed"— come, come to - day! "Al-most per-suad-ed" — 3. "Al-most per-suad-ed"— har - vest i^ past! "Al-most per-suad-ed"— ^« ±— -t 5^ i i Christ to re - ceive; Seems now some soul turn - not a - way! Je - sus in - vites doom comes at last! "Al-most" can -not to say: "Go, Spir-it, you here, An - gels are a - vail, "Al-most" is > \ ■ -'- ^ V»-^ — to — I go Thy ^ray; Some more con-ven - lent day lingering jear. Prayers rise from hearts so dear; but to fail; Sad, sad, that bit - ter wail: le t=t: i^^ f v ^ — I — r On Thee I'll caU." wanderer, come! 'Al-most— but lostl" ^ mm^mm 92 Would You Believe? Caroline Sawyer. COPYRIGHT, 1S99, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. D. B. TOWNEt w :t=t^ ^ ^ ^^ f: i=^==±= z^r-v 1. If you could see Christ stand-ing here to -night, His thorn-crown'dhead and 2. If you could see that face, so calm and sweet,Those lips that spake words 3. He whis-pers to your heart, turn not a - way, For He's be - side you ^s— «-h-«-rMf- B^^ Efe ^ ^ \^ ^ ^ - 1 — ^ tz :^ ^^ :^=1^ i=^ -^ ^ t ^-r 3:7 pierced hands could view, Could see those eyes that beam with heav'n's own light, on - ly pure and true, Could see the nail-prmts in His ten - der feet, in your nar - row pew; If you will list - en you will hear Him say -3 ^ ^ r^ V — p — p — p- E3^ i Chorus. -4^4 m ^=^ And hear Him say — "Beloved, 'twas for you " — Would you be-lieve, And hear Him say — "Beloved, 'twas for you " Last v. In lov - ing tones— "Beloved, 'twas for you " — Will you be-lieve, Would you be-lieve. Last V . Will you be-lieve. h ^ ^ I s :tec=r -> » f ^ 12: 1^ P^ v—p—p—p- :^^=^=t^=h:i: ^^^^ and Je - sus re - ceive and Je - sus re - ceive 1^=^F1^ =^ ^^=^=^: =i± m If He were stand For He is stand ing ing i and Je - sus re - ceive? and Je - sus re - ceive? ^ ^ ^ y It He we 'e stand - ing For He is stand - ing -0- -^ -*- -^ —I is: — iry-p-p- i=fc^:^± -p-p' Would You Believe? here? Would you be - lieve and Je - sus here; ...... Will you be - lieve ........ and Je - sus here, were stand-ing here? Would you be -lieve here, is stand-ing here; Will you be - lieve — I- -^— ^— ^— j- fcti £ "^"TT-^ -^— ^- ceive ceive? and Je - sus re - ceive and Je-Bus re - ceive? For He If He were stand - ing For He is stand - ing If He were stand-ing, If He were stand-ing stand - ing. For He is stand-ing I ,^1 here? here. here? . here. , g|rxf-H =£^ i±g: m V V V V u u V i I 93 Edwabd Hopper. Jesus, Saviour, Pilot Me. -4- J. E. GODLD. Sg teS 3?=3^i3 ia 1. Je - sus, Saviour, pi - lot me - ver life's tem - pest-uous sea! 2. As a moth - er stills her child, Thou canst hush the o - ceaa wild; 3. When at last I reach the shore, And the fear - ful break - ers roar m i 4 — P- r-3- ■ts- ^^ Z>. C-Chart and compass come from Thee: Je - sus, Sav-jour, pi -lot me! D. C-Wondrous Sov-'reign of the sea, Je - sus, Sav - iour, pi - 1 t me! O. (7.-May I hear Thee say to me: "Fear not, I will pi -lot Thee"! D.e. Unknown waves be - fore me roll, Hid - ing rock and treach'rous shoal; Boist'rous waves o - bey Thy will When Xhousaystto them:"Be still!" 'Twixtme and the peace - ful rest, Then,whilt lean - ing on Thy breast, ^^^^^^^m -^^ ^=^ ^= m !>■ l - ^1 r 94 J. OaTUAN. Jr. Count Your Blessings! COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND "'_'°iO. E. 0. EXOBUL. r r .r M ^ *=t 'ffhi-^^ ^ ^3i i i t r - t=S^ ^^ 1. When up - on life's bil-lows you are tem - pest-tossed, When you are dis- 2. Are you ev - er burdened with a load of care? Does the cross seem 3. When you look at oth - ers with their lands and gold, Think thai Christ has 4. So a - mid the con - flict, wheth-er great or small, Do not bfl dis- i u Wti rlU m i^=t^ vW V V k -W- f^=:f^ r r -^ gFpg=^ ^ — ^— r :% cour - aged, thinking all is lost. Count your man-y blessings, name them heav - y you are called to bear? Count your man-y blessings,— ev - 'ry prom-ised you His wealth un-told; Count your man-y blessings mon- ey couraged, God is o - ver all; Count your man-y blessings, an - gels W^^ til Hfe^j^^^ t— r i^=«^ :i^=t^: t t=^ -(^nnf :f^=:t i M i I — g— tf -^■ t one by one, And it will sur-prise you what the Lord hath done, doubt will fly, And you will be sing - ing as the days go by. can «• not buy — ^Your re - ward in heav - en, nor your home on high, will at - tend, Help and com -fort give you to your jour - ney's end. ' ' ^ ' F g ' ' I ' ^ ^ V p m^ • ? i? F f t&ir Chokus. JlC / I -Mi ^m #-f- I by m one by V f Count your blessings. Name them one by one; Count your Count your man-y bless-ings, Name them one by one; Count your man-. i ir ')i \ i \ t V^ ^ ¥ ^^1 f-f p-rrv m Count Your Blessing's! £=*: F f=*H-r f ^ E 5 ^m i g -»-v r bless-ings, See what God hath done; Coont your See what God hath done; Coant yoai many blessings, TT. — ■*• ^M t i=i ^^^ fe£^ -^ut:. ^ ^ P ^ k >^ n ![/ i^ p hitg rit. i ^ g jig Name them one by one; Coont your many blessings, See what God hath donel rf^-y ^f r f tr i f f ill; V U ^ ^-1 ^ 95 When I Survey. Isaac Watts. E. MiLLKB. -4- ra=T ^ jKs-^ ^=t^: r ' I 1. When I 8ur-vey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glo-ry died, 2. For - bid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ my GodI 3. Seel from His head, His hands, His feet, Sor-row and love flow mingled downl 4. Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were an oS-'ring far too small; UtaslI m . f? ^^3-f ^ s ^=2— ^ t iii ;=t r m r^ I I fc f ^ ^=jhhU:^ I ^ r My rich-est gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. All the vain things that charm me most, 1 sac-ri - fice them to His blood. Did e'er such love and sor - row meet, Or thorns com-pose so rich a crown? Love 80 a-maz-ing, so di - vine, De-mands my soul, my life, my alll i ^ ^^^g^^ £=t ra 96 JnuA H. Johnston. Saving Grace. COPYRIGHT, 1901, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. D. B. TOWNBB. 1. golden day when light shall break And dawn's bright glo-ries shall un- 2. Life's npward way, a nar-row path, Leads on to that fair dwelling- 3. I dim-ly see my jour-ney's end, But well I know who guid-eth ope for me the gates of gold! live who trust re-deem - ing grace, matchless love is full and free. A -P- f- -p- I- — fe Earth's lit - tie while will Sing, sing, my heart, a- . And when with Him I ^- m^ ^^ -^- -f-r- I V- 'Xr- '^—f--f—4- -k— 1» » *7 t~ rit. ^ ■A-=^ a tempo. m \r4z i=^ t. ^^^-^^^^H soon be past, My pil - grim song will soon be o'er; The 'grace that long the way! The grace that saves will keep and guide Till breaks the en - ter in. And all the way look back to trace, The conqu'ror's -p-AA . ^ ^^^k^^^^^^^'^^^^^^ ^£ J— + t=i=t5=i: :j h m --% i =J ^ •• -d- -j^- _^. _JU saves shall time out last, And be my theme on yon - der shore. glo - rious crown-ing day, And I shall cross to yon - der side. palm^ I then shall win. Thro' Christ and His re-deem - ing grace 1^.^ -m- t sr-^ ^ m :t — « — -p--^ -^f^ F^ ^ Chorus. Saving Grace. m^M ^s ^^m^Ef ^± ^^M ^ Then I shall know as I am known, and stand complete be-fore the throne; f" rt*. I r>- .^ ,-v. I r: ^ i$ i E ,HSt ^^^^^m te ^-ir ■It' Then I shall see my Sav-ionr's face, And all my song be "Saving grace!" m u=u ^^^^^ w bzd V= VAi-V I g- -feS-^ 97 Fairest Lord Jesus. Cbusadbbs' Hyun. Arr. by RiCHAED S. WiLLIS. =1: 3: -^- 3=^?^J=s ^T t f— If : 1. Fair - est Lord 2. Fair are the 3. Fair is the Je - sus, mead - ows, sun - shine, i? Rul - er of all fair - er still the fair - er still the na - tore, wood-lands, moon - light. gE^=^ ^ -W— b=^ r^Y- -r-=^ -I — I ifi ■^ ^^ ^ 233^^3 Thou of God and Robed in the bloom-ing And all the twink-ling man the Son, Thee garb of spring; Je - star - ry host; Je - will I cher - ish, sus is fair - er, sus shines bright-er, Thee will I hon - or, Je - sus is pur - er, Je - sus shines pur - er. 4- -I- Thou my soul's glo - ry, Who makes the woe - ful Than all the an - gels f- .r- f- ^--Ci- joy and crown! heart to sing! heav'n can boast! E PP E: tl I 98 Some Day. Victor M. Stalit. COPYRIQHT, 1003, BV THE WINONA PUBLISHING CO. Chas. H. Gabbibl. t — -f-r :^ ^ :l^=^ J- ^ 1- ^ J.. 5 :^ ^= ^^=4-=$^^ -4=^ -^ - i I Some day 'twill all be o - ver — The toil and cares of Some day I'U see the man-sions Of heav-en's cit - y Some day I'll see the Sav - iour, And know Him, face to J. i.^. U ^ ib/ life; fair; face; Some Some Some A m. ^'=^ ^ r^ ♦ r „ h r- :t !* rt^ ^^=5: day the world be vanquish'd,With all this mortal strife; Some day, the journey day I'll greet with pleasure The dear ones waitmg there; Some day I'll hear the day re - ceive,un-meas-ured,The blessings of His grace; Some day He'll smile up - i. J^^^ J^ J I I I ^ ^ ^ I i , ... — — ?*- — -*- -#- -^- hj . S S * b^ d ^ J . -1^ S S ^ P dtt TT f 3^i :^ :t=^ ^5 -Ji —i-^ T-- y-^ i end - ed, I'll lay my bur - den down; Some day, in realms su- per- nal,Re- voic - es Of God's an - gel - ic throng; Some day I'll join the cho - rus In on me from that white throne a - bove; Some day I'll know the full - ness Of J J I J. jii ii :ib;.j^^.^i J J &: ii 1—t r Chorus. =± ill JH^-r- J^ 'f^=fm '^=i::^ m i=^=t -* m #-1-'^— ^ ^ ^^ If: LT^ -f=^=? ^-f-g-p- i ceive heaVn His 1 at last my crown. some hap-pjr day, s im-mor-tal song. Someday, some happy day, Un - dy - ing love. some hap-py day, ^ h ^ I n - - iN#^ e ^E Some Day. E^ The Lord will wipe all tears a - way, And I shall go to dwell with ^S •a-f-8 — « r 0^ % SH- ; •- ■^ i ^ *=pHfc=t ^ all tears a - war, I X ^m^ ^m =t=s - y u u u ^ '^^-=^^ I m w^^^mf rrrnrn ^^H«= rr Him, To dwell with Him some bap-py dayl to dwell with Him, To dwell with Him hap • py dayl ^ =P3 ^i£ I £ :5— M: V V > tr- p 1. P 1/ i^ 1/ '^ ^ 99 Fling Out the Banner! Gbobgb W. Doane. J. Baptiste Calkin. ^p^l^^i^^ 1. Fling 2. Fling 3. Fling 4. Fling 5. Fling out the ban-ner! let it float Sky-ward and sea-ward, high and wide; out the ban-ner! an - gels bend In anx-ious si - lence o'er the sign, out the ban-ner! hea-then lands Shall see from far the glo-rious sight, out the ban-ner! let it float Sky-ward and sea-ward, high and wide; out the ban-ner! wide and high. Sea-ward and sky-ward let it shine; J^. J^Jl ^-=^ %^±i^ \ <— r ± ^ 3±3Es3^ 3: 3^ t -x- The sun that lights its shin-ing folds. The cross on which the Sav-iour died. And vain -ly seek to com-pre-hend Thewon-der of the love di-vine. And na-tions,crowd-ing to be born, Bap-tize their spir- its in its light. Our glo - ry on - ly in the cross. Our on - ly hope the Cru-ci-fied. Nor skill, nor might, nor mer-it ours; We con-quer on - ly in that sign. § ^^^ =^ P^ :^=rf=£ f: =1= ^ 100 AdaK. Habebshon. Oh, What a Change! COPYRIGHT, 1906, BY CHA8. M.ALEXANDER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. m :f^==f: fe^ BOBERl HABESESS ^^E t:^ :t=9 :J=S igiE^^=?=l ^ Soon will our Sav - lour from heav-en ap - pear; Sweet is the Lone - li - ness changed to re - a - nion com - plete, Ab-sence ex- the dark-ness a - way, Night will be mag - ni - fi - cent strength, Fail - ure will Sun - rise will chase all Weak-ness will change to ^m M=£=^fe^^ ii ;^=t= E f =^=S= $ ^ U b L/ hope and its pow-er to cheer; All will be changed by a glimpse of His changed for a place at His feet, Sleep-ing ones raised in a mo-ment of changed to the brightness ol day. Tempests will change to in - el - fa - ble change to per-fec-tion at length, Sor-row will change tc un-end-ing de- t^t :tu pg=ps±£^^ m^ * j^ ^ p FT =t=t= I L/ U U U k^=t^ t: h h ^m ^ i a±Ei2^ face — time, calm, light. This is the goal at the end ol Liv - ing ones changed to His im - age Weep-ing will change to a jo - bi ■ Walk-ing by faith change tc walk-ing fe f^L^^g^ f I t our sub lant by ^ race! lime! psalm! eight! :^ m =t^^ CHORns. i ^nfc*: «3 p-- 3E ^i=3= 5^ Oh, what a change, .... Ob, what a change, .... When I shall Oh, what s change, Oh, what a change. m J^jJlL^* ^=P= ^ ^ ^ I'fftftl^ n :«=* Oh, What a CRange! :^ ±=^ g^ga ^ Ea ^^Ei±j 1^ ^ His woD-der-fuI facel Ob, what a change, . . . Oh, what a Oh, what a change, te^ N ## p ^^=p=^^-^-^ :^rtn=:f^ fazd: m ^ -42- change, When I shall Oh, what a change, see His m. -^-^ ^E^ face! ^^ i?b i. ^ 101 p. p. B. Hallelujah, What a Saviour! ■A — I 3 p. p. Buss. -^^ :3=9=i: -rzr 'Man of Sorrows"— what a name For the Son of God who came Bear-ing shame and scoff-ing rude, In my place condemned He stood, Guilt -y, vile and help-less we; Spot-less Lamb of God was He; Lift - ed up was He to die; "It is fin-ished!" was His cry; 5. When He comes, our glo-rious King, All His ran-somed home to bring. fet^ J * ^NN^^ _j — I — ! — r^^ rt ^ iS—i- Ru - ined sin-ners to re-claim! Hal-le - lu - jah, Sealed my par-don with His blood; Hal-le - lu - jah. Full a - tone-ment— can it be? Hal-le - lu - jah, Now in heav'n ex - alt - ed high; Hal-le - lu - jaii, Then a - new this song we'll sing: "Hal-le - lu - jah, what a Say - lour! what a Sav - iourl what a Sav - iour! what a Sav - iourl what a Sav - iourl" 102 My Soul is Filled with Singing. W. C. Mabtir. eOPYRIGHT, 1801, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. THE BIBLE INSTITUTE COLPORTAGE ASSOCIATION, OWNER. Edward H. Fdllbb. i^ I I I ^ =^=^i--i =)= j^=J 3Jz=^^:=|^=j ^ 1. Be -fore I found my Sav - iour I had a load of care, No 2. Since I have found the Sav - iour My heart is free and light, My 3. I'm ev - er look-ing home-ward Where per - feet bliss a-waits, Where faXJlX-Ll4 g r f l f"r=r7lt t l :p=t=t=0 ±=fc=£ 3^^ ^T=S=^ W± f=f 1 — T com - fort in my sor - row, No help my yoke to bear; But days no more are drear- y, No sad - ness comes with night; But crowns a-wait our com - ing, Be - yond the pearl - y gates; My £ ;^=g^4# ^ V — y m *^ ^ -v-^ r r now that I know Je - sua, And all my cares are gone, My joy is mine un-ceas - ing. And sun - shine floods my way — I'm heart is filled with long - ing To pass those por - tals fair, And -J*—- 1^ — ^J — I . h 1 1 ■^ _h — ^3-4 soul is filled with sing -ing, And my lips are filled with song I on the road to heav - en. And to ev - er - last - ing dayl greet the friends and an - gels Who a - wait my com - ing there. h 1> — y— 4->-^rl jt- § itczitz; My Soul is Filled with Singling. Chorus. pi^mm^ -f^-rri^-K '^- ^ My soul is filled with sing-ing, My days are bright with love, My soul My days f i C H i^=^=g= N=M= f t V i ^1-* p=t=t=t=p=tt=* £^ ?^-^d r^£^=gb IS F=ff r r r I'm hap - py here, and wait - ing For the per - feet bliss a - bove! J. ^ ^-4^-^^^ t ^ i 'V -t — I i -^ — g^ ^ ^ 103 My Faith Looks Up to Thee! Rat Palmer. OLIVET. LowEix Mason, 1. My faith looks up to TheG,Thou Lamb of Cal-va - ry, Sav-iour di-vine! Now hear me 2. May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart, My zeal inspire; As Thou hast 3. While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide;Bid darkness 4. When ends life's transient dream.When death's cold sullen stream Shall o'er me roll,Blest Saviour, while I pray, Take all my guilt a - way, let me from this day Be wholly Thine! died for me, may my love to Theo Pure, warm and changeless be, A living fire! turn to day. Wipe sorrow's tears a-way, Nor let me ev-er stray From Thee a-side! then in love Fear and dis-trust re-move; bear me safe a-bove, A ransomed soul! m -42- teB^ 104 Lauba E. Newell. Oh, Wondrous Love! COPYRIGHT, 1907, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. ENGLISH COPYRIGHT. L. B. Cbapuan. 1. A light shines on my pil-grim way, That once to me was dim, 2. Oh, bound-less is His love di - vine, A - maz-ing is His grace; 3. At morn, or noon, or yet at night, Per-chance His Toice shall call; ^t-TrE^ 1^ -^ fei s w ^ v=^ -v-v ^^=^ J ^-4^ 1^ i^—t—V -=F -^ Andearthseems bright wher-e'er I stray Since I am led by Him, Lo, I am His, and He is mine, And I shall see His facel And when my spir - it takes its flight To where no tears shall fall, S-l^g±=^=gziig=z[£= M#3fei^^ fe=k— k -v-v :^=^ t=^ =t i '^^t-f-h'^ *3^ 1=±S I By Him in whom I place my trust; For shel - ter now I Oh, bless -ed thought, When day is done My spir- it shall be Still trust -ing in the love di - vine, Through all e - ter - ni i ^ ^. ^ I s. flee free; ty. m V V V tp— r r=±: I ,4 tE^^ 1 m^^^ ^m To Him who knows I am but dust — Je - sus who died for Through Him the vic-t'ry shall be won, For Je - sus died for I'll sing His praise, whose peace is mine, For Je - sus died for £^S^E£ t: me! me I me! ^ J^=t^^-^=P=P=f r Chorus. Oh, wondrous love, vouchsafed for me, When Jesus died Oh, wondrous love, vouchsafed for me. -1^^^:^ Whea Je-sus died m ilZB -^-s- 1r- V P i/ Oh, Wondrous Love! ^^ rf=^=^ ^ fr-i r*= -]=^ C C J" -^1-^ -^-f=PF^-^ on Cal - va - ry! la Him I trust, to Him I on Cal-va-ry! In Him I trust, 5=^^ r4 v^ ms ^EB^^ EE ■^ — s- ^ ■_^^ ^ > ^ ^5fei ri7. I t=l: =^i5 flee, And 'tis e-nough, He died for me! to Him I flee, And 'tis e-nough. He died for me! ^ 4 =t^=^=§- SE^ ^S -^-^ ^?fe CT=^ a p k 1^ ^ Soldiers of Christ, Arise ! COPYRIGHT, 190B, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. 105 Chables Wesley. D. B. TowintR. fc^ ^i rr ^-- ■\ r- i± m ^4 -^ 1. Sol-diers of Christ, a - rise And put 2. Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in 3. Stand then in His great might, With all 4. From strength to strength go on; Wres - tie, 5. Still let the Spir - it cry In all your ar - mor on, His might - y pow'r, His strength en - dued; and fight, and pray; His sol - diers: "Come," M=^ £=£=q:^=^=f :-£ bE^ :^ £ ^r^=^ -fr-rj ?==^ -0-' ' 3"=t ^ ^m^^Si r Strong in the strength which God supplies Thro' His e - ter-nal Son! Who in the strength of Je - sus trusts Is more than con-quer - or.' But take, to arm you for the fight, The pan - o - ply of God! Tread all the pow'rs of dark-ness down, And win the well-fought dayl Till Christ the Lord de-scends from high. And takes the conqu'rors homel ^ t^ ^^ ^ ^ t rf^^^ M^ ^^s-- 106 Have Faith in God. M. A. S. COPYRIGHT, 18»7, BY MAY AGNEW STEPHENS. MAY AGNEW STEPEDEHS* ES^zS =:t^ g- ^ j ^ ■- ^=^ i :^=^ t-^T— :f=3 ■v—^ 1. Do you ev - er feel down-heart-ed or dis - cour-aged? Do yoa 2. Darkest night will al-ways come be - fore the dawn-ing, Sil - ver 3. God is might-y— He is a - ble to de - liv - er; Faith can 11=1^ *=i-- m t 4=t^=fc V ^ P— tr ^ ^ — \ =^^=^=i=fc i: ^ fc*: fBE^EE^EfEi ev - er think your work is all in vain? Do the burdens thrust upon you lin -ings shine on God's side of the cloud; All your jour-cey He has promised vie -tor be in ev-'ry try-ing hour; Fear, and care, and sin, and sorrow ^ ^^ ^^■#--■#- §1 : i-^ r t ^=4: i— ^ rr 5 -^— tr :t^=t^ ^ ■V—\r ad lib. wm t^ ^ t: #iii^ t^ :t^ ^?5^^ ^r^rz^T-^ir T ' s- - - - ^ r T make you trem-ble, And you fear that you shall ne'er the vic-t'ry gain? . . . vie - fry gain? to be with you, Naught has come to you but what His love al-lowed, . . His love al - lowed. be de - feat-ed By our faith in God's al-might-y conqu'ring pow'r. . . conqu'ringpow'T, hi h - h S N S . . . I \ t Have faith in God, the sun will shine, Have faith in God, the sun will shine, §i zzfc=tz=fc=c=3 -M=^ itr; i;:^ I :^=P^ ^^;=^^:^ ^m irf/T^ Tho' dark the cloud may be The' dark the dead to - day; may be to - day; ^^=^=>^^4 ^ m=i=H^ m Have Faith in God. ^^- i—i- m '-g: F His heart hath planned . . . your path and mine; .... His heart hath planned youi path and mine: m m 5 f-^—fs p^ ^^::=^ rit. *|— :fc Have faith in God, . . . Have faith in God, s have faith al - way have faith al - way. r P^^^3 : J=M: ^^^^^^^m. 107 Come, Thou Almighty King! Charles Wesley. ITALIAN HYMN. Felice Giabdini. S ^ 3^ iF TTi-g ' M^J iifi U f ^ Come,Thou al - mighty King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise; Father all- Come,Thou in-car-nate Word,Gird on Thy mighty sword.Our pray'r attend;Come and Thy Come, ho-ly Com- fort - er. Thy sa-cred witness bear In this glad hour; Thou who al- io the great One in Three The highest prais-es be Hence ev-er-morel His sov'reign * g ^tf^^terf ■fL HS2- :W- 3ig -^-^-^ — 1 1- 1 I — erS r tst glo - ri-ous. O'er all vie - to - ri-ous, Come and reign o - ver us, Ancient of days! peo-ple bless, And give Thy Word success: Spir-it of ho- li-ness. On us descendl might-y art. Now rule in ev - 'ry heart And ne'er from us depart,Spir-it of pow'r! ma] - es-ty May we in glo - ry see, And to e - ter - ni - ty Love and a - dore! 1 — ^-r r 108 Follow Me! G. H. Bills. COPYRIGHT, 1S99, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. M. L. McPhail. h h r h ^f^^^^^^^^^^ 1. Like a chime of sil-ver bells In the darkness ring-ing, Comes a voice that 2. Lost one, will you close your ears To the mag-ic sto - ry That can charm a- 3. Lo! the tempt-er doth de-ceive, Lur-ing you to sad-ness, Then he mocks you fe^ i^ 3^=^: k 1^ V U 1/ U U V V U =4: :t^=:Jn=±=:t5: ^Eg^^^*E^fE|E| i=t^ =3=^ ev - er tells Of the Shepherd's care; To the wand'rer from the fold Love is way your fears When earth's joys depart? Shall the spell of evil hide From your while you grieve,Pointing to despair; From his fet-ters break away, Seek the ^— i - ^^!. — b — I — Mt^ — b — h3 — b — I ' tzzp: :;^=:t^ «^ k P k P k V 4^-- f^- I ^: £ t=4- i r=f=i=i^ :l=^ ^< ev - er bring-ing Ti-dings from the gates of gold. Of a welcome there, eyes the glo - ry That for - ev - er will a - bide With the pure in heart? path of glad-ness. Spurn the pleas-ures that de-cay, Of their sting be-ware. Si^ — * — p — b — b' EEE :t^=;^=t^=t^: ■^~V- \> u Chorus. ^ ~x ^- 3 m ^^-t-- ^ ^^ tr^ "Fol - low Me," hear the Shep-herd say-ing; "Seek the "Fol - low, fol-low, fol-low Me," "Seek the door to U P U U i/ U b k P U I' U ^ Follow Me! r ^ Nr p^ :t P P P >* * ^- * l3^- ^ P b door to pas-tares ev - er fair"; Heed, heed thy pastares fair, to Heed, heed thySav-iour's voice, -m- -m- -0- -m- -m- -*- -#- -#- te^^^^^^PP^^ :f^ l/U^l/UUbU rrt^ ■l-« — m — S- #- -0- 0- -«- ' ^ Saviour's tender plead-ing, Fol - low Him and find a welcome there! heed His Fol-low in His footsteps. Find a bless-ed wel-come there! 1^^ Ju U U u k> i i ^-L i. i . i. IT U 1/ U 109 HCGH STOWELL. The Mercy-Seat. Thomas Hibthigs. i^^ii^^^^iS i :^: 1. From ey-'ry storm-y wind that blows, From ev-'ry swell-ing tide of woea, 2. There is a place where Je-sus sheds The oil of glad-ness on our heads, 3. There is a spot where spir-its blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend; 4. There, there on ea-gle's wing we soar. And time and sense seem all no more, --e— ^ -4 ^ St i 3E r-n- ^^ :& s I I ^ 1— — I l-J ■^ There is a calm, a sure re-treat,— 'Tis found be- neath the mer-cy-seat. A place than all be-side more sweet,— It is the blood-bought mer-cy-seat. Tho' sun-dered far, by faith they meet A-round one com-mon mer-cy-seat. And heav'n comes down our souls to greet, And glo-ry crowns the mer-cy-seat! 1 110 A Little Bit of Love. E. 0. E. COPYRIGHT, 1904, BY E. O. EXCELL, WORDS AND MUSIC- INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. E. 0. EXCELL. I SS3 ^i 3r ^ I ^ M J I :^ 1. Do you know the world is dy-ing For a lit -tie 2. From the poor of ev - 'ry cit - y, For a Ut - tie 3. Down be - fore their i - dels fall-ing, For a lit - tie 4. WhDe the souls of men are dy-ing For a lit -tie bit of bit of bit of bit of love, love? love, love, ^ ^^TT U I^ I ^ h }^\l =^ t= ^^-rf ^L- ^ ±1 IJZZtlZIg Ev - 'ry-where Hands are reach Ma - ny souls While the chil - we hear the sigh - ing For a lit - tie bit of love; -ing out in pit - y For a lit -tie bit of love; in vain are call - ing For a lit - tie bit of love; dren too are cry - ing For a lit - tie bit of love, ■#■•■■■ # •-=- r [• f I P pIf^ f^ ^ i u V ^ i fc^=fc i ^ ^ ^ P-T- 3=53^ For the love Some have bur - If they die Stand no long isM? that rights a wrong, Fills the heart with hope and song; dens hard to bear, Some have sorrows we should share; in sin and shame, Some-one sure - ly is to blame ■ er i - dly by. You can help them if you try; ^^ V=^ -- V=^ _ i — V P F -^^=V 5 :fc They have wait-ed, oh, so long. For a lit -tie bit of lovel ShaU they fal - ter and de - spair For a lit - tie bit of love? For not go -ing in His name, With a lit -tie bit of love. Go, then, say-ing:'* Here am I," With a lit -tie bit of lovel ^w -^^^^ ^ t i l t rt i i TT: : r E VI ( i' A Litde Bit of Love. Refrain, I h -t ^3?^^ 15: :^ '^-'^-^T-ir^ For a lit - tie bit of love, For a lit - tie bit of For a lit - tie bit of love, For a lit - tie bit of With a lit - tie bit of love, With a lit - tie bit of With a lit - tie bit of love, With a lit - tie bit of m^ e :S± u \ love, love, love, love. 42- ^^i^=p^=ES^^^ ^ f^ =i lovel love? love, love! I They have wait-ed, oh, so long, For a lit - tie bit of Shall they fal - ter and de - spair For a lit - tie bit of For not go - ing, in Hi3 name, With a lit - tie bit of Go, then, 8ay-ing:"Here am I," With a lit - tie bit of ^:^i^ 1^ p -f- -^ -^ ^-A Where He Leads Me. COPVniQHT, 1890, BY i. 6. MORRIS. wm F 111 E. W Blamdlt. J. S. N0EB13. ^T:r=3T=r4=g^ -^- it ^ ^S5 -^ li^^ 1. I can hear my Saviour call-ing, I canhearmy Saviour call -ing, 2. I'll go with Him thro' the gar-den, I'll go with Him thro' the gar-den, 3. I'll go with Him thro' the judgment, I '11 go with Him thro' the judgment, 4. He will give me grace and glo -ry, He will give me grace and glo - ry, m? 5^=£i^t=[? i m^M. m — i^-i ^ ^ 1^=^- v. C. -Where He leads me I will fol-low. -^— 4M- z: Where He leads me I will fol - low, ad lib. ,~ ,~ D. C. ^=^ ^^sm ^t^ ^5= "r j r-i-^iTN^ :t- I can hear my Saviour call-ing:' I'll go with Him thro' the gar-den, I'll go with Him thro 'the judgment He will give me grace and glory. ^M -^ p=:t=5= 'Take thy cross and follow, fol - low Me." I'll go with Him, with Him all the way, , I'll go with Him, vrith Him all the way. And go with me, with me all the way. Where He leads me I will fol-low, Fll go with Him, with Him all the way. 112 From the Cross to the Crown. Fanny J. Crosby. COPYRIGHT, 1907, 1909, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Jno. B. Sweney. SE^ :fc :(^=:t i=^=^ iT^ ^ t=^ 1. Be strong and cour-a - geous what - e'er may be - fall, We know our Re- 2. His cup of af - flic - tion was filled to the brim, And are we not 3. This life is a con-flict, a bat - tie with sin, Yet trust-ing in 4. Tho' friends that are dear-est have gone from our sight, 'Tis on - ly to f'r i7-4 p fp [• ■ |» ES ^ ^a J±^ 4=4^ ■V— t^ -p—r t=^ II Ea «=r ^S3 ^ deem-er will an - swer our call; Tho' sor - row and tri - als are will-ing to 8uf - f er for Him? The robe of His glo - ry for Je -sua thro' grace we shall win; The world may op -pose us, the en - ter the man-sions of light; Their war - fare is o - ver, their -0- ^ m — ^0 0—0 *_! ^ — * — jz « — *_ ii^^M^i ^^ ^—p- :t=t: ^ 4^=4= -M=: 4^-^ ^Sf3=t 4 weigh-ing us down, Yet hope looks a - way from the cross to the crown, us He laid down, To show us the path from the cross to the crown, tempt-er may frown, Yet faith lead-eth on from the cress to the crown, bur - dens laid down, How short was their path from the cross to the crown! M ^^ m j±^ h ^ =^=^ :k=t2: -V— t^- ■p—r Chords. :^=:it t: ii=^ From the cross to the crown let us fol-low our Lord, From the cross to the ^ ^ N N -M fi ^fi ^ m /• l« — (• -# — d (*- ^ I f: ^ in^=*: :^=t: S r—1r-ir ■zii: ^ From the Cross to the Crown. :«=r M l r f: i *=t ^ :S=S: r f ^^ crown let us cling to His Word; Tho' sor - row and tri - als are r — r—t -fr H - H^ -P— ^— P r-tr -t^— V- ^^ J :t=ft :t i= :t i=^ ^f=^f^ ^ :gT^: #-r- weigh-ing us down, Yet faith leads us on from the cross to the crown! m ij=t ^ :?— ^^f * .n. :t=C=qE 1^ :t^=tc 113 Mary Thompson. March On, March On! COPYRIGHT, 1907, 1909, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. JNO. R. SWENEY. w — 9 — » r^ 1. March on, march on to vie -fry, ar-myof the Lord; Take up the 2. March on, march on with Srm-ness, Your peerless ranks dis-play Tho' le-gions 3. March on, the Lord is with you. His arm your strength and shield; Not all the 4. March on, march on with boldness. Lay not your ar-mor down Till ev - 'ry ' — M l P I r - =t=s=r =^3EEE :PiEt r— r =4 i Chorus. =t F 1=1 m s 3 4 ^ 3=f f" Gos - pel ban - ner,Gird on the Spir-it's sword! rise a-gainst you In battle's dread ar-ray! March onward,march onward.And pow'rs u - nit - ed Can drive you from the field! foe is conquered. And faith receives her crown! 4- -I — ^P— c — b — I — I — ^^^ — \ . ^, \ r I H I g^ t=tp -n — r i^ J — ts- =t OS 33 N^ f ziia; fciS i- r^ g: tJ r f thro' the world be-low To Je-sus your Redeemer Shout glo-ry as you go! P' f — P iJ^F -^ .i i^=^^g=M ffidc P^ I M I i 114 The Good Old-Fashioned Way. COPYRIGHT, 1903, BYE. O. EXCELL, WORDS AND MUSIC. INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED, J. Oatman, Jr. £. 0. EXGEIi. :f^ :I^ i t :^ ^^m -i~» *^ 1. I am on the Gos-pel high-way, Press-ing for-warcl to the goal 2. From the snares of sin-ful pleas-m-e Here my feet are al - ways free; 3. Ma -ny friends have gone be -fore me, They have laid thek ar-mor down, 4. Just a few more steps to fol-low, Just a few more days to roam, ^^ f—ruB ^msE^ r- rl n ^ m &^ Where for me a rest re-main -eth In the home-land of the soul; Tho' the way may be called nar-row. It is wide e-nough for me; With the pil-grims and the mar-tyrs Have obtamed a robe and crown; But the way grows more de-hght - ful As I'm draw -ing near - er home; m f=Ff±=E=P=f=l«^ ^ m r — M kF— 1 1- p-t—r U k :^=M^ :^=t ^S^= _p — I — ^ '^ — I ^ -^>rT tr^^ ^^ Ev - 'ry hour I'm mov-ing on-ward. Not a mo-ment to de - lay; It was wide e-nough for Dan- iel. And for Da - vid in his day; On this road they fought theur battles, Shout - mg vie - fry day by day; When the storms of life are o - ver, And the clouds have rolled a - way, I. h . fe^ U^ ^ t ^ :^ :rf^ 1 ^1 I am go - ing home to glo - ry I am glad that I can fol-low I shall - ver-come and join them I shall find the gates of heav - en -^--J 4^ • . " g ^iJ W tth: In the good old ■ In the good old ■ In the good old • In the good old ■ f ash-ioned way. fash-ioned way. f ash-ioned way. fash-ioned way. \j b r Chorus. The Good Old-Fashioned Way. ^^^ Id the good old - fash-ioned way, In the good old - fash-ioned way, i^ — P — !•: ^r jEfcrf: Mznn U 1/ U 3=?' i«^= xd=d: t— r — tr-- ■4^- -H ^-i- =i^ i^ I am go - ing home to glo - ry h ^: fr: t 0-r0 0-^-»- 0- E^EE 1-^- £^E In the good old-fash-ioned D.C. wayl 1^^^ 2=?: ^ :t^=t=:t^t fc^: Coda. ^d; i-^^ k p ^ Then palms of vic-to-ry, crowns of glo-ry, Palms of vic-to-ry I shall wear! ti::t^rt^ IB IczEtztzB =f;^ ^ s 115 Break Thou the Bread of Life. Mart A. Lathbdry. BY PER. OF BISHOP VINCENT, OWNER OF COPYRIGHT. W. F Sherwin. BE? ■4- iSziz^ -Lgi # »- ^±^-=^ 1. Break Thou the bread oflife,DearLord,to me,AsThon didst break the loaves Beside the sea; 2. Bless Thou the truth, dear Lord,To me,to me, As Thou didst bless the bread By Galilee; a __* ^bS &=: m £ ^ jS?- fefel^i Be-yond the sacred page I seek Thee, Lord; My spirit pants for Thee, living Word! Then shall all bondage cease, All fetters fall, And I shall find my Peace, My All in all! 116 Hallelujah for the Cross! HORATIDS BONAR, arr. COPYRIGHT, 1882, BY JAMES MCGRANAhAN. a =f -i:^ ^-^ James McGranahan. —I 1 p— > N-^-lJ-J-L^ r- li^y ^* i 1. The cross itstand-eth fast, Hal-le-lu - jah, hal-le - lu - jahl De-fy-ing 2. It is the old cross still, Hal-le-lu - jah, hal-le-lu- jahl Its tri-umph 3. 'Twas here the debt was paid, Hal-le - lu - jah, hai-le - lu - jah! Our sins on --i— ,-1 : ^-1 ^ . J. h;-- fc-^ \ m^ft-r-,^ «- 2i: 'snz -^B it±t ^^ iOt^ ^B^ r5 ^ i ^ I^^igg^ T T^ I— M-^— i— J=if|gB ev-'ry blast, Hal-le-lu- jah, hal-le - lu-jah! The winds of hell have blown, The let us tell, Hal-le-lu -jah, hal-le -lu-jah I The grace of God here shone Thro' Je-sus laid, Hal-le-lu -jah, hal-le -lu-jah! So round the cross we sing Of Stp! ^ ^ iEl -v-^ r-{^ Cres. world its hate hath shown, Yet it is not o-ver thrown, Hal-le-lu-jah for the Christ the bless-ed Son, Who did for sin a - tone, Hal-le-lu-jah for the Christ our of - fer - ing, Of Christ our liv-ing King, Hal-le-lu-jah for the cross 1 cross! cross! Solo. Sop. or Ten. of Duet. ' 4 \ :fc -I \- 1^=^ -z?- :^ Hal - le - lu - jah. Soprano and Alto.* hal - le - lu - jah, hal • le- ^ t ^ ^ ^ 1^ ^^15=1 --i=^ Cho. mp. Hal-le - lu - jah, Tenor and Bass. hal - le - lu - jah, hal - le* wm m -p—\^ * If desired, tbe Soprano and Alto may sine the opper Staff, omitting the middle Staff. ^^ Hallelujah for the Cross! ^ r- i n r^ ->— V4 ^^ -I-.— v l # — gj 1 --r~r- jah for the cross! lu Hal-le-lu - jah, !^ N N K K t=«=ft 4=1^ ^ h h ^T i M—ftzztfc: * ^-f— M*^^^s=r=r=* jT^rr U U ^ 1/ i ^ u la - jah for the cross, hal-le-lu-jah for the cross! Hal-le-Iu-jah, m £ p^Hz£ lfl [ ^ h^-£=^=^ g y'l [>■ i^ !>■ ^i.p=t^ V 1/ P ^ I ^-4- P t ^ 1/ 1/ rM- i ^b|c :i^ 9^ r Hal - le-lu - jah. it shall nev-er suf-fer loss! m Hal-Ie-Ia-jah, it shall nev-er suf-fer, nev-er suf-fer lossl #^ y ^ p _ f » ^ ^ p p — > ^ h ^ , tHiZI^ff ^ c g c e !> ' 1/ y !> ' 1/ — ] / V V p +gi-s-j *=f=fc=t=t^=i^ /■ Full Chobus. l/^ ^ , j 4 J^ J. d --:J3jj*^ -«-«-«-•« «-€>- i 1 1 ^=f Mi sa^ I Arthur S. Sullivan. f ^ -^ -si- b"^ ^-t Chords. m s r T On-ward, Christian sol - diersl March-ing as to war, J J With the cross of m fegEE ^Aitfe g fciES: I r r ^: :b=^z=:.^z:^ :^ E 5= S^^ -4— if -i — t- J J * : ^-^ i?''-^*— rh^**^-^^ Je - sus Go - ing on be - fore. Interlude. -t?- S>- —' -*- M . -r- rn ^(S— is- tt^ a 4= r I ii8 Little Soldiers of the King. A. C.B. COPYRIGHT, 18»6, BY P. W. BLACKMER. n^ s ^t u ^ Mrs. A. C. Blodoett. m t?& m Introduction and Interlude. Fty=H S^ES r f 'f r r ^ I I 1. Tramp, tramp, tramp I hear us com-ing, 2. - ver vale and hill re - sound-ing, 3. Je - sua is our might-y Cap-tain, J: m -tt' jt^ — n T T~ n i . r^4 --:=^ -l-*Lj H -t ^=i^j==;q= J==4q J — :? — t* r f f I I I I I I tie sol - diers of the King; Chil-dren, hear the might-y call; His com-mand we must o - bey; Lit- Flags un-furrd and ban-ners fly-ing, Come and join the roy - al ar-my, For- ward march, and nev - er fal-ter, @ ;^E^ Chords. 11 Loud-ly let our watch-word ring! In our ranks there's room for all! Onward, forward, We shall sure-ly win the day! ■n-^ — ^-^ — P-. I I Let us march a« tr- r^f^-. ^f ^ t^^-i-T i-t l^rJd=p5 T r r i ' '' ' ■ ■ '^ '^ r r r T r gainst the foe! In our Leader's name ad-vanc-mg. On to vic-t'ry we will gol •t -t -t 119 Nellie Talbot. ril be a Sunbeam. COPYRIGHT, 1000, BY E. O. EXCEUL. WORDS AND MUSIC. E. 0. GXGELL. ^ ^-1 — d- j ] ^ q *—- j( — :i— ^-i d :*^^ 1. Je - sus wants me for a sun -beam, To shine for Him each day; 2. Je - sus wants me to be lov - ing And kind to all I see; 3. I will ask Je - sus to help me To keep my heart from sin; 4. I'll be a sun-beam for Je - sus; I can if I but try; *=* t^=t fc: i: J r=f^^ 5F tt^ In ev - 'ry way try to please Him, At home, at school, at play. Showing how pleasant and hap - py His lit - tie one can be. Ev - er re - fleet -ing His good- ness. And al - ways shine for Him. Serv-ing Him mo-ment by mo - ment, Then live with Him on high. ■Ci:^-r:i=r-t; Chorus. I 4- > h i — f — ^- 3^ W ^- ^ X- A sun - beam, a sun - beam, Je - sus wants me for a sun - beam; A sun - beam, a sun - beam, I'll be a sun - beam for Him. 120 Eben E. Bexfobd. Little Sunbeams. . COPYRIGHT, 1802, BY E. O. EXCELL. WORDS AND MUSIC. Chas. H. Gabrisi. r-t- :^ W :t=^- tz ^ i=:^ t: -• ff w 9 ^ 1. I think God gives the chil-dren, As thro' the land they go, 2. The clouds may hide the sun - shine Ot heav - en from our sight, 3. Then let us live our mis - sion Of sun -beams day by day. y m 1— ± ±=^ D ^ • -^ The most de- light - ful mis -sion That an - y one can know; And life have much of sor - row To mar the heart's de - light; And scat - ter joy and bright - ness A - bout us all the way; ■^ — ^ -^ -»*- -^ , ^ ^ i=4v *: He wants us to be sun -beams Of love, and hope, and cheer, But if like f aith-ful sun - beams We chil - dren do our part, Let's chase a - way life's shad-ows With lov - ing tho't and deed, -^ -»*■ -if- •»»- -a^ •»"»- D.S. To bright - en up the shad - ows That oft - en gath - er here. We'll bring a ray of bright - ness To ev - 'ry shadowed heart, And be the sun-shine-mak - ers Of which the world has need. -In all life's shad - y pla - ees We shine as best we can. €- — s- — e- ^ t3 >„L_U^^ If L z= H J_ I I ' I -I = Chorus. D. S. 121 Jessib H. Brown. Anywhere with Jesus. COPYRIGHT. 1887. BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. D. B. TOWNBE. :|^ t '^ i^- tB^ ^r^f=f 1. An - y- where with Je - sus I 2. An - y-where with Je - sus I 3. An - y-where with Je - sus I £ can safe - ly go, An - y-where He am not a - lone, Oth-er friends may can go to sleep When the dark'ning h I ^ -l» — -» — » — " # » ^ • ~b -^ -»- — »- ^ ^ *=^ :t=t=^^ i^ ^^ ^^yi-jy^ -rl-^— i ^=8: ^ :fc leads me in this world be - low; An - y-where with - out Him dear-est fail me, He is still my own; Tho' His hand may lead me o - ver shadows round a - bout me creep, Know-ing I shall wak - en nev - er I Sr^-^ ^ • -*-• f^-^* f- f- -f- -f- -•- * s 4=nf:=t^ ^ ^ ^ =i=FI gis^ 4^ — i-=^-i — « — « — — p — ^ — \ — -I — joys would fade, An - y-where with Je - sus drear - est ways. An - y-where with Je - sus more to roam, An - y-where with Je - sus ^ =Fr-=-iE: I am not a - fraid. is a house of praise, will be home, sweet home. gig Chords. S3^£ g^iEijE^lEEJEH^S^EE^ i=T * I An - y -where I an - y-where! Fear I can not know; n i 1 1- i r-4^c=t :it i f S ^=^ An - y - where with Je - sus I can safe - ly An - y - where with Je - sus 1 can sale - ly go. 122 El Nathhi. Why Not Now? COPYRIOHT, 1891, BY C. C. CASE. C C. Casb. 1. While we pray and while we plead, While you see your soul's deep need, 2. You have wandered far a - way; Do not risk an - oth - er day; 3. In the world you've failed to find Aught of peace for troub - led mind; 4. Come to Christ, con - fes-sion make; Come to Christ, and par - don take; e^ Si^^^fe Sis ^ i '4 ei 1^ t T While our Fa - ther calls you home, Will you not, my brother, come? Do not turn from God your face, But to-day ac -cept His grace. Come to Christ, on Him be - lieve, Peace and joy you shall re - ceive. Trust in Him from day to day, He will keep you all the way. :^ ISi^ le r I b I I Cborus ^^^^^^^^ ^t^^ 4^' Why not now? . . . why not now? . . Why not come to Je - sus now? Why not now? why not now? r^ m .3t to^siil: m^Ei^ tS^^^E^ S^ Why not now? . . why not now? . . Why not come to Je - sus now? Why not now? why not now? m pttfe ^^m r i^ 123 Q.F.R, Why do You Wait? eOPTRiaHT, IBOe, by the JOHN CHURCH CO. Gio. F. Boo*. ^ 1 h I j^r r h ^ h^ -r r r J r ~-'^B p^^m^^^s^^ =f^ :S-^r^ 1. Why do you wait, dear broth-er, Oh, why do you tar - ry so long? Your 2. What do you hope, dear broth-er, To gain by a fur-ther de - lay? There's 3. Do you not feel, dear broth-er, His Spir-it now striv-ing with - in? Oh, 4. Why do you wait, dear broth-er? The har-vest is pass-ing a - way, Your g=l=F4=4^ IJ- ifc:^ g^^l^^^^^^^^^ ^ > ^ ^t^ ^ m Saviour is wait-mg to give you A place in His sanc-ti - fied throng, no one to save you but Je - sus, There's no oth - er way but His way. why not ac-cept His sal-va - tion, And throw off thy bur-den of sin? Saviour is long-ing to bless you, There's dan-ger and death in de - lay. Bg^^SE ^g^-HHH4 §g bUl/l/L-U M I U ^f Chords. ^ why not? Why not come to Him now? i t P~gzJ^T g '^m i^ k £^13^,=;^ Why not? why not? ^4 m i; r Why t' : ^-U b not come to Him pi now? -^^ pi 124 Onward, Christian Soldiers! SlBINB BABVNfi-GOflU). A.RlSnB SCLUVAI 1 L r=t=t P ^ - i ^'g ~ 7 S3^e 1. Onward, Christian sol-diers! Marching as to war, With the cross of Je - sus 2. At the sign of tri - umph Satan's host doth flee; On, then, Christian sol - diers, 3. Like a might-y ar - my Moves the church of God; Brothers^^e are tread - ing 4. Onward, then, ye pec - pie. Join our happy throng. Blend with ours your voic-es m 4^4^^4Mnf=un& Ad=i j!l3zii: * ■j i : i i g ' i-i^^j^z; Go - ing on be - fore; Christ, the roy - al Mas - ter. Leads a-gainst the foe; On to vie - to - ry! Hell's foun-da-tions quiv - er At the shout of praise; Where the saints have trod; We are not di - vid - ed; All one bod - y we, In the tri-umph song; Glo - ry, laud and hon - or Un - to Christ, the King, ^^^ S&i^ W^t^ ^ ^ Refrain. For-ward in - to bat - tie See His ban-ners go! Brotners, lift your voic - es. Loud your anthems raise. Onward, Christian sol-diers! One in hope and doc - trine. One in char - i - ty. This thro' count-less a - ges Men and an-gels sing. s^ rrn ^^^ r m. j-j ?^ m ^s r i l l ^ V V -p t=r ^^ -^ -# V T -2=^ ' ' ' " U Marching as to war. With the cross of Je - sus Go - I'ng on be-tore. iA#:firf#fte i 125 All Hail the Power of Jesus* Name! E. Pereonet. diadem. ¥ ^ ? r5 1 , i Ff ¥=FT t t t 1. All hail the power of Je - sus' name, Let an - gels prostrate fall, 2. Ye chos - en seed of Is - rael's race. Ye ran-somed from the fall, 3. Let ev - 'ry km - dred, ev - 'ry tribe On this ter - res - trial ball, 4. that with yon - der sa - cred throng We at His feet may fall, gf^p *(22 lU^^jt ££ ^ iij. ^ ^ ^ J m ^ ^ ^ :inti -f- 'Ur- Let an - gels pros - trate fall, Bring forth the roy - al di Ye ransomed from the fall. Hail Him who saves you by On this ter - res • trial ball, To Him all maj - es - ty We at His feet may fall! We'll join the ev - er - last t ^. -^— ^ k^. a - dem, His grace, as - cribe, ing song. m. ^^ £ F And crown Him, crown Him, i ir* '^^^ V^nJ^aJ: - J TU J g a=fc rr " ' r r^-^f- r g~ ? ~r^r- g g ^ And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, And crown Him Lord of And crown Him, crown Him, i n^ f ^±4: m ^ r- -^ p ^ And crown Him, crown Him, crown Him, crown crown Him, crown Him, — — ^ •H 1 ♦- — #-^ -(2- r- all? crown Him, And crown Him Lord of all! crown Him, 1^^ ^=t : r 1 -s — ^- ^ m m z z^mzf.- Uim»^ And crown Him Lord of all! 126 W. D. COBNEIX, sit. Wonderful Peace. COPYRIGHT, 1888, BY DANIEL B. TOWNER. W. G. COOPKB, 1. Far a - way in the depths of my spir-it to-night Rolls a 2. What a treas-ure I have in this won -der-ful peace, Bur -led 3. I am rest - ing to-night in this won -der-ful peace, Rest-ing 4. And me-thinks when I rise to that cit - y of peace, Where the 5. Ah soul! are you here with-out com-fort and rest, March-ing ^g3 ^^^^^^m r^dr mel - - dy eweet-er than psalm; In ce - les - tial-like strains it un- deep in the heart of my soul, So se - cure that no pow - er can 8weet-ly in Je - sus' con - trol; For I'm kept from all dan -gar by Au-thor of peace I shall see, That one strain of the song which the down the rough pathway of time? Make Je - sus your Friend ere the _ ^ fc r ^ ^ h. fc ^ ceas-ing - ly falls O'er my soul like an in - fi - nite calm, mine it a - way, While the years of e - ter - ni - ty roll! night and by day, And His glo - ry is flood -ing my soull ran-somed will sing In thatheav-en - ly king-dom will be: shad-ows grow dark; ac-cept of this peace so sub - limel l2«=g: i2=t=t= F= ^ - ^^ — ^ =«==l=^f s^3 m Chorus. ^-A— fc m Peace, peace,won-der-ful peace, Coming down from the Father a-bovel Sweep ^ ^ fc=t^P^=}^ t k^=t m ■9-*' «ESe - ver my spir-it for-ev-er, I pray, In fath-om-less bil-lows of lo_vel M^fe^=q^ fe R m ^l i ^ 127 Where is My Boy Tonight? E. L. With tenderness. COPYRIGHT, 190B, BY MARY r^UNYON LOWRY. RENEWAL. USED BY PER. Robert Lowby. 5 J :^rlfe^ ^ ^: 1. Where is my wand'ring boy to-night, The boy of my tenderest care, 2. Once he was pure as morn-ing dew. As he knelt at his moth-er's knee; 3. could I see you now, my boy, As fair as in old - en time 4. Go for my wandering boy to-night; Go, search for him where yon will; i i p3i tF=?q V'^ t^. S ^ The boy that was once my joy and light, The child of my love and pray'r? No face was so bright, no heart more true. And none was so sweet as he. When prattle and smile made home a joy, And life was a mer - ry chime! But bring him to me with all his blight, And tell him I love him still! ^^^^P^^^ff IT-^ Chorus. Is ot too fast. ^ g?=? = 3 t^^ where is my boy to - night? where is my boy V V v :E=3: to - night? :^P=^ i Eg my boy to-night? My heart o'erflows, for I love him, ho knows; where is my boy to - night? A ^ m ^ m m • ^ ^- 'Al ^^ ^ t=^ ^ -p-^ 128 Fanny J. Ceosbt. Blessed Assurance. eOPYRIGMT, 1873, BY JOS. F. KNAPP. t^=^^=Fl=t=^ Mrs. J. F. Knapp. ' 1 ^ ifclf^ 3?^ ±r i ^ 1/, L/ 1. Bless -ed as - sur-ance, Je-su3 is minel Oh, what a fore - taste of 2. Per -feet sub-mis -sion, per -feet de- light, Vis-ioas of rap - ture qow 3. Per -feet sub-mis -sion, all is at rest; 1 in my Sav - iour am glo-ry di - vine! Heir of sal-va-tion, purehase of God, Bom of His burst on my sight; An-gels de-seend-ing, bringfrom a-bove Ech - oes of hap - py and blest, Watching and wait-ing. look - ing a - bove. Filled with His ^^fe=£E5^ Chords. :|vzzl^=ifE: :^=:^=^ :|t :t I ■X i=^=r -^T S' Spir - it, washed in His blood mer - cy, whis - pers of love, good-ness, lost in His love. This is my sto - ry, This is my s^^^s^^^^y ^EE^±= p±^^^j3E^ song, Prais - mg my Sav - iour all the day long; This is my i mw E =^E=P- ^ n :fc=b: 4=fc=^^F4 HI sto - ry, this is my song, Prais -ing my Sav -iour all the day long! *=i=p ^ 555 m. p==tt t^c I 129 Jesus, Lover of My Soul. Chaeles Wesley. EEFDGE. Joseph P. Holbrook. ^ fa^ ^ ^j i i Tj^ g^^ 1. Je - sus, Lov - er of my soul, Let me to Thy bos- om fly While the near - er 2. 0th - er ref - uge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee;Leave,0 leave me 3. Thou,0 all I want. More than all in Thee I find! Raise the fal - len, 4. Plenteous grace with Thee is found,Grace to cov-er all my sin; Let the heal-ing ^## #^ Siiifa»g wa-ters roll, While the tem- pest still is high! Hide me, my Sav-iour, hide Till the not a - lone. Still sup - port and comfort me! All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my cheer the faint,Heal the sick, and lead the blind. Just and ho - ly is Thy name, I am streams abound.Make and keep me pure within;Thou of life the fountain art, Free-ly f= ^p-^—p- 1 ^P- fe ^^^^^mm t=^ ^rz^Zt storm of life is past; Safe in - to the hav - en guide; re-ceive my sojil at last! help from Thee I bring; Gov - er my de-fence-less head With the shadow of Thy wing! all un-right-eous-ness; False and full of sin I am. Thou art full of truth and grace, let nie take of Thee; Spring Thou up within my heart. Rise to all e - ter- ni -ty. I — I T y^p p V M k^^^iT -g-1 — H-^' " 130 Jesus, Lover of My Soul. MAETTN. S. 6. Marsh. Fine. D.C. ^:=0ig|£g:^^£5SVfe 131 FiU Me Now! E. B. Stokes. COPVaiGHT, 1879, BY JOHN J. HOOO. Jno. R. Swenbt. :1=1^ :^: --^ =gT ^ ^-tr -3?- r 1. Hov - er o'er me, Ho - ly Spir-it, Bathe my trembling heart and brow, 2. Thou canst fill me, gra-cious Spir-it, Tho' I can - not tell Thee how; 3. I am weak-ness, fall of weakness, At Thy sa - cred feet I bow; 4. Cleanse and comfort, bless and save me, Bathe, bathe my heart and brow! l^ ^=h i=: £ A -f2-' 1^33^: Fine. =t 1 t=2a =f ^=^ W^^ now! now! now! now! E Fill me with Thy hal-lowed pres-ence, Come, come and fill But I need Thee, great-ly need Thee; Come, come and fill Blest, di-vine, e - ter - nal Spir - it, Fill with pow'r, and fill Thou art com-fort - ing and sav - ing. Thou art sweet-ly fill -^ A -«■- . ^ ■^- -^ -^ -^ ^ me me me -ing L- I I j= ^ t r- E 1 ri' D.S. — Fill me with Thy hal-lowed ■pTes-ence, Cone, come and fill me now! Choros. ri D.S. =t ^= J \ —M ^=r=^- :9^^ :& F — p— ^ — Fill me now, fill me now, Je - sus, come and fill me now! ^ -^ I 132 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy! J. Hakt. E. 0. E. An. Fine. , j Come, ye sin-ners, poor and need-y. Weak and wounded, sick and sore! 1 tje-sus read-y stands to save you, Full of pit - y, love and pow'r. j D.C.— Glory, Hon- or and sal - va-tion, Christ the Lord has come to reign! ^ t^ I ^ - T—r ¥ ^1 Come, Ye Sinners, Poor and Needy! CHORUS. , . _-^^_e_^ j___.4 ^ e£3±^ :^ D.C. --X a ^34 :i=±5: Torn to the Lord and seek sal - va-tion, Sound the praise of His dear name! ^1 b — fi — I 2 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream; All the fitness He requireth Is to feel your need of Him. 3 Come, ye weary, heavy-laden, Bruised and mangled by the falll If you tarry till you're better. You may never come at all. 133 At the Fountain. t^^=p ^n^-t =^ *=fe: Old Melody. 4^ :^=:^ S^^3=^3^3^eEi^ :|^ fountain fountain fountain fountain fountain 1 1 -0 # ' » 1. Of Him who did sal- va-tion bring— I'm at the 2. Ask but Hi^ grace, and lol 'tis giv'n— I'm at the 3. Tho' sin and sor-row wound my soul— I'm at the 4. Wher-e'er I am, wher-e'er I move— I'm at the 5. In - sa-tiate to this spring I fly — I'm at the drinkingl I drinking 1 Ask, drinking! Je- drinking! I drinking! I k p t^ 1^ k_,^ r r _- ^L , ^4^_^ :fcf^ Chords. I -^ B fc: 3^3^dg^^~,^EJ^^^ :^ -t± 9^ could for-ey - er think and sing- and He turns your hell to heav'n BUS, Thy balm will make me whole meet the ob - ject of my love drink, and yet am ev - er dry » — w- I'm on my journey home! I'm on my journey homeJ —I'm on my journey home! I'm on my journey home! I'm on my journey home! f=f=ff^^ Glo-ry to ^^tl- i H lM^^P—^ W^^ 1i^=^— p—V p—p—ir-p- :| l | P t^ :^ ^ ^ K ^ r 3Se3± b— -* t ^iP IB God, I'm at the fountain drmkmg! Glory to God, I'm on my journey home! (Last verse) — My soul is sat - is - fied! 134 Glory to His Name! E. A. Hoffman. J. H. Stockton. 1. Down at the cross where my Sav-iour died, Down where for cleansing from 2. I am 80 won-drous-ly saved from sin,— Je - 8U8 so sweet-ly a- 3. pre-cious fount-ain that saves from sin, I am so glad I have 4. Come to this fount-ain so rich and sweet, Cast thy poor soul at the ^^ E^ -J^^^^^^=4 ^^^5 ■-I K-^ sin I cried, There to my heart was the blood ap-plied— Glo-ry to His bides with-in, — There at the cross where He took me in, — Glo-ry to His en-tered in; There Je - sus saved me and keeps me clean — Glo-ry to His Sav-iour's feet. Plunge in to-day, and be made com-pl'ete,— Glo-ry to His ^ >5 r0 -0—-0—0 0-^-0— r0 g \ ~T Z~~ D. S. — Thereto my heart was the blood ap - plied — Glo-ry to His Fine. Chorus. ^;^ -I — M E3^ m m^ i name! Glo - ry to His name, s f ^ Glo - ry to His name! -pz- . J P h I am Coming, Lord! L. Hartsough. f^2=i tf 1. I hear Thy wel-come voice, That calls me, Lord, to Thee For cleansing in Thy 2. Tho'comingweakandvile,Thoudost my strength assure, Thou dost my vileness 3. 'Tis Je- sus calls me on To per-fect faith and love. To per-fect hope, and I am Coining, Lord! Chobos. fcl=J: ^ ^^=^ ^=^ m lE^ J- :ijj il fe pre-cious blood That flowed on Cal-va-ry. ful-ly cleanse, Till spot-less all and pure, peace, and trust, For earth andheav'n above. ^=>c i 5 I am com-ing, Lord, Com-ing \LV^f^ •I — tr-tr-r-' - U-k-U- ^ I :f^=^ ^ =t :|t=t: ^ :t as t=r :f^ :^ i : f g r =g^ i^ u ^' - u ' I - ^ now to Thee! Wash me, cleanse me, in the blood That flowed on Cal-va-ryl SEE ^Em s t^=t^ -1©-=- :t=fc t^ Jesus Paid it All. 1 ^r-p- 136 Mra. E. M. Haix. £=±: John T. Grape. 3^^^^^i^ 1^ t m : ^ fl. g f :t: ^^r i±^ 1. I hear the Sav-ioar say: "Thy strength indeed is small; Child of weakness, 2. Lord, now in-deed I find Thy power, and Thine a-lone, Can change the 3. For noth-ing good have I Where-by Thy grace to claim; I'll wash my m izi mm :F _k-k - k i 1 ^^ b ' • \ — —tr t=t: EfeE^ ■I — p-v-v ■J k- Chorus. f^-S- :^ tz ^t—^^zzn r -0-^ watch and pray, Find in Me thine All in all." lap - er's spots. And melt the heart of stone. Je - sus paid it all, gar-men ts white In the blood of Cal-v'ry's Lamb. ^ k -=5=H#— t— H 1 hj— t.-— b— -h- P l Tj^ k t=:t^=t=i^: \> V V ^^i^i^^^iP iziti All to Him I owe; Sin had left a crimson stain, He washed it white as snow! ■f:; -0- -0- I -0-' -0- -0- -*--#-._ I -y-p- y r-v-r 137 Rock of Ages. A. M. TOPLADT. Thomas Hastings. Fine. m 33 3=: # ^fi^ ES: ^- 1. Rock of A - ges, cleft for me, Let me hide my - self in Thee: D. C— Be of sin the dou - ble cure, Cleanse me from its guilt and power. ^-r- J J . -4i?- M D.a t Let the wa - ter and the blood, From Thy wound-ed side which flow'd, :g— T— g- g ^ E 2 Could my tears forever flow, Could my zeal no languor know, These for sin could not atone, Thou must save, and Thou alone: In my hand no price I bring. Simply to Thy cross I cling. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath, When my eyes shall close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown. And behold Thee on Thy throne, Rock of Ages, cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee. 138 Sweet Hour of Prayer. W. W. Walford. Wm. B. Beadburt. m t: ^=f^ li=9: ^=r^?=g 1. Sweet hour of pray'r, sweet hour of pray 2. Sweet hour of pray'r, sweet hour of pray' 3. "Sweet hour of pray'r, sweet hour of pray' Agzg-f^-F^= fP=fcf=fe^ 1/ 'r. That calls me from a world of car3, r. The joys I feel, the bliss I share, r. Thy wings shall my pe - ti - tion bear -M^ m •'8: Fine. S ^=^ 3Bt w u And bids Of To r=^ :|=^ me at my Father's throne those whose anxious spir - its burn Him, whose truth and faith-ful-ness y Make all my wants and wish With strong de-sires for thy En-gage the wait-ing soul : :ztf=b: ^ ^4TN=£ r -es known; re-turn! to bless; S ^f=^ V- t=^ S.-And oft es-caped the tempter's snare, S.-And glad - ly take my sta- tion there, S.-I'll cast on Him my ev - 'ry care. By thy re-turn, sweet hour of pray'r. And wait for thee, sweet hour of pray'r. And wait for thee, sweet hour of pray'r. Sweet Hour of Prayer. :fc D.9. lEa^^' 33^ r =1=^ t=r r ^=^ In sea - sons of dis-tress and grief My soul has oft - en found re-liei, With such I hast - en to the place Where God, my Sav-iour, shows His face, And since He bids me seek His face, Be-lieve His word and trust His grace, m g^f^^fe^^S^ t: t=f= 139 What a Friend we have in Jesus! H. BONAB. C. C. CONVEBSB. -^-^-4^ n ^ a^3£ -\ — ^ m 1. What a Friend we have in Je - sus, 2. Have we tri - als and temp-ta - tions? 3. Are we weak and heavy - la - den, — « — * — •— ?1— d All our sins and griefs to bear! Is there troub-le an -y- where? Cum -bered with a load of care? r=5=:= H ^ ^- £ -• — m — w — » — p- V V 'v VA> P=r t^ » >< i Pine. ^=^= :fc=^ ^r-^ i^ s>-. What a priv - i - lege to car - ry Ev - We should nev-er be dis-cour-aged, Take Pre - cious Saviour, still our ref-uge,— Take -•- -9- -»- -9- 'ry-thing to God in pray'r! it to the Lord in pray'r. it to the Lord in pray'r. I={=1=S =^=T^ 9 j» # t'^ Z -f^^ • * • W p- =6=^=PP= r — V V \^ V V D. S.-All be-cause we do not car - ry Ev - D. S.-Je - sus knows our ev - 'ry weak-ness. Take D. S.-In His arms He'll take and shield thee. Thou 'ry-thing to God in pray'r, it to the Lord in pray'r. wilt find a sol -ace there. D.S. what peace we oft -en for-feit, O what need-less pain we Can we find a friend so faith-ful, Who will all our sor-rows Do thy friends de-spise, for-sake thee? Take it to the Lord in I N _ - _ _ --^- ^ I \ , .^ \,-^Pr^ % V V V V )^ =k=jc bear, share? pray'r, -p-» 140 O Love that Wilt not Let Me Go! Qeobgb Mathesor. Albibt L- Pbaob 1=Ff $=f: ^ :|^ t : i i i ztuS: i 2=4= 1^ t=t: tJ- ^ 1, Love that wilt not let me 2. Light that foUowestall my ■&^- go, I rest my wea-ry soul in Thee; way, I yield my flickering torch to Thee; ^ ^ eg^ ^^ i £=e: j. .id. y t: ig: ig: g: ^^ :k=^^ i :t=^ ^ I give Thee back the life I My heart restores its bor-rowed j^ T ^ 1 owe, That in Thine o-cean depths its flow ray, That in Thy sun-shine's glow its day -•-. — »- £ ?E=P= -^r-v :^ SE£ Sg ar*: ^ :Sn=: May rich-er, ful - ler bel May brighter, fair - er be! BaF^ ^ s *=tt f "I r-p->~R~V 3 Joy that seekest me through pain, I cannot close my heart to Thee; I trace the rainbow through the rain. And feel the promise is not vain That morn shall tearless be! 4 Cross that liftest up my head. I dare not ask to hide from thee: I lay in dust life's glory dead, And from the ground tbere blossoms red Life that shall endless be! 141 Oh, for a Thousand Tongues! Chables Wbslx?, -J— J- Cabl Glassbb. I ! =t1 i ^ — ^ - 5 ^afzi^zfc^i :5: -^ gs -:^ r-^ 1. Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing My great Re-deemer's praise, The glories of my 2. My gra-cious Mas-ter and my God, As - sist me to pro-claim. To spread thro' all the -g - J J .^ :^ s God and King, the triumphs of His grace! earth a-broad The honors of Thy name. p£s^3= ^ -^ 3 Jesus! the name that charms our fears, That bids our sorrows cease: 'Tis music in the sinner's ears, 'Tis life, and health, and peace. 4 He breaks the power of cancelled sin. He sets the prisoner free; His blood can make the foulest clean* His blood availed for me. 142 George Dufpibld. l± &=l :fc Stand Up for Jesus! I 1 i^ G. J. Wbbb. i ti ^ =t: 1 ^i * — I I 1. Stand up, stand up for Je-sus, Ye sol-diers of the cross; Lift high His royal ban-ner, D, S.— Till ev-'ry foe is vanquished, -(2_ Fine. D.S. l^a a:3a =: It must not suf-fer loss: From vlc-t'ry un - to vic-t'ry His ar-my shall He lead. And Christ is Lord in-deed. I ' ' J if:^ t=r ^ 5 fefcic -vi--*- fes -V- :t: r 2 stand up, stand up for Jesus, The trumpet call obey; Forth to the mighty conflict, In this His glorious day: "Ye that are men, now serve Him ' Against unnumbered foes; Your courage rise with danger, And strength to strength oppose. 3 Stand up, stand up for Jesus, Stand in His strength alone; The arm of flesh will fail yon. Ye dare not trust your own; Put on the Gospel armor. And watching unto prayer, Where duty calls or danger. Be never wanting there. 143 Blest be the Tie! John Fawcett. ILasb George Naegeu. 1. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Chris-tian love; The fel - low - ship of 2. Be - fore our Father's throne We pour our ar-dent pray'rs; Our fears, our hopes, our z. J5e - lore our jjaiuer s i E B w^^^m r r 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. ^=* ^ tt r^ r^ iia3 =q= kindred minds Is like to that a - hove, aims are one, Our com-forts and our cares. y; *^ — P- -«• — 5? — I — - — ^—\- ^ #=? 144 Love Divine. Chablks Wesley. S -J-^--^ BEECHER. John Zcndel. f=|=l ^m 3S^ ^ % r^f^^=f=f=f 1. Love di - vine, all love ex-celi-ing, Joy of heav'n,to earth come down. Fix in us Thy 2. Breathe, breathe Thy loving Spirit In - to ev - 'ry troub - led breast! Let us all in 3. Come, Al - might - y to de - liv - er, Let us all Thy grace re - ceive; Sud-den-ly re- 4. Fin - ish then Thy new cre-a- tion, Pure and spotless may we be; Let us see our St f=g=g -r-[-^C-£ =£=pM=^ ES3^ ^ -» — w—»- r-r-r-r sm$iMm^^^m r^ humble dwelling. All Thy faithful mercies crown; Jesus, Thou art all compassion, Pure,un- Thee in - her - it, Let us find the promised rost; Take a-way the love of sinning; Al - pha turn,and never. Never more Thy temples leave;Thee we would be always blessing.Serve Thee whole sal-va-tion Perfectly secured by Thee; Changed from glo-ry in - to glo - ry, Till in ^^ ^im^imBm £Ee SSE^^EtiiESiJEs^ a bound- ed love Thou art; Vis - it us with Thy sal-va-tion. Enter ev-'ry trembhng heart! and 0-me-ga be; End of faith, as its be-gin-ning. Set our hearts at lib- er - tyl as Thy hosts a-bove. Pray, and praise Thee without ceasing. Glory in Thy per-fect love! heav'n we take our place; Till we cast our crowns before Thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise! 145 Samuel Stennet. i Majestic Sweetness. J [s. Thomas Hastings. Sj=t5 ^g :9=^==S±f=i 1. Ma-jes-tic sweetness sits enthroned Up-on the Saviour's brow; His head with radiant 2. No mor-tal can with Him compare Among the sons of men; Fair-er is Ha than 3. He saw me plung'd in deep distress,And flew to my re - lief; For me He bore the 4. To Him I owe my life and breath, And all the joys I have; He makes me triumph S^~[f^ _» *- t=^ 3^ r _ Lz i^^ :t=;^ s 1= ^ Majestic Sweetness. ^ /7\ « ?^3 :^ ;1=:^- ^ia &i *^ ±1 glo-ries crown'd, His lips with grace o'er -flow, all the fair That fill the heav'n-ly train, shameful cross. And car - ried all my - ver death, And saves me from the ^=^^^ His lips with grace o'er -flow. That fill the heav'n-ly train grief, And car -ried all my giief grave, And saves me from the grave ^ i£=^ ^ -^ r 146 The Solid Rock. Edward Mote. Wm. B. Bradbury. =B :t^ t=r=^ tiv ^^ t^^=P 1 j My hope is built on noth-in? less Than Je- bus' blood and righteousness; 1 " *■ I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But whol-ly lean on Je - sus' name. ' o / When darkness veils His love - ly face I rest on His un-chang-ing grace; "* I In ^^^ 'ry high and storm-y gale My an-chorholdswith-in the veil. fe m^ :BE -^^=P=i= ■^r-V- Chords. 4^ h I _«_ :&: £^ On Christ, the sol - id Rock, I stand: All oth - er ground is m t=t^ i :t V ^ r ^JL__j^ _- J- :&=:fc=i= sink - ing sand, All oth - er ground is sink - ing sand. m ^^=^ r 4 When He shall come with trumpet souodt may I then in Him be found, Dressed in His righteousness alone, Faultless to stand before the thronel 3 His oath, His covenant. His blood. Support me in the whelming flood; When all around my soul gives way, Be then is all my hope and stay. 147 My Country, *Tis of Thee. s. F. Smith. AMEEUCA. H. Carbt. :t :|^ i l± t i 3 'i: ^=^ X=qt 1. My coon -try, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of lib - er - ty, 2. My na - tive conn - try, thee. Land of the no - ble free, 3. Let mu - sic swell the breeze. And ring from all the trees 4. Our fath - ers' God, to Thee, Au - thor of lib - er - ty. m^ ^ ^gi ^^ ^±]r~C=P=q r — n ■A ^- ^^EJE^ 3? Of thee I sing; Thy name I love; Sweet free-dom's song; Land where my fa - thers died, Land of the I love thy rocks and rills. Thy woods and Let mor - tal tongues a -wake, Let all that To Thee we sing; Long may our land be bright With free-dom'B f- r r s ^ i i ^=7 ?^ *-^ ^ pil - grims' pride, From ev - 'ry mount -ain side Let free - dom tem - pled hills; My heart with rap - ture thrills Like that a - breathe partake, Let rocks their si - lence break. The sound pro ho - ly light, Pro - tect us by Thy might. Great God, our 1 rt r *- # I L . tB— ^ • ^ i P- S r- E. F ElilBACLT 148 p. Doddridge. O Happy Day! -4- -^ \ rj: ^ I r S£ ^^^5-^ i±E^^r E f- hap-py day that fixed my choice On Thee, my Sav-iour and my God! \ Well may this glowing heart re- joice, And tell its rap-tures all a-broad. / hap - py bond that seals my vows To Him who mer-its all my love! \ Let cheerful an-thems fill His house. While to that sa-cred shrine I move, i ^ -^ m. i^=fe^ Happy Day! ^ ^ i ^4 m Pine, ^ 3 Hap - py day, hap - py day, When Je - sua washed my sins a - way! ^zz%± *- ^' E 42- JL_V — ([_ r :ti=t: ^ P •-S- :t=}: 5"-^ D.S. / He taught me how to watch and pray, ") I And live re-joic-ing ev-'ry day; > -m- -P-' i= ^=1= 1 3 'Tis done, the great transaction's done; I am my Lord's and He is mine; He drew me, and I followed on. Charmed to confess the voice divine. 4 Now rest, my long-divided heart, Fixed on this blissful centre, rest; Nor ever from thy Lord depart, With Him of every good possessed. 149 Isaac Watts. Come, Holy Spirit! AKLINGTON. Thos. a. Aenb. -:=X= ^3=3: ^ S 1. Come, Ho-ly Spir - it, 2. Look how we grov-el 3. In vain we tune our 4. Dear Lord, and shall we 5. Come, Ho - ly Spir - it. g=t=:f=t £ :^ heav'n-ly Dove, With all Thy quick'ning pow'rs; here be-low. Fond of these tri - fling toysl for - mal songs. In vain we strive to rise; ev - er live At this poor, dy - ing rate — heav'n-ly Dove, With all Thy quick'ning pow'rs; A J ^- ^- ^ i=: -^— l- 3±^ Km - die a flame of Our souls can neith-er Ho - san - nas lan-guish Our love so faint, so Come, shed a-broad a sa - cred love In these cold hearts of ours! fly nor go To reach e - ter - nal joys. on our tongues. And our de - vo - tion cold to Thee, And Thine to us so Sav-iour's love, And that shall kin - die dies. great? ours I ^±=k I t; £ e I t^ I. 150 Holy Holy, Holy! Ekgikild Hebgr. John B. Dtkes, 1. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly 2. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - lyl 3. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly! 4. Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly! Lord God Al ■ All the saints a - Tho'the dark-ness Lord God Al - ■ might - y, Ear - ly in dore Thee, Cast - ing down hide Thee, Tho' the eye might - y. All Thy works the their of shall ^^ ij^ 4-t ^ ^ —v ^ ==t: iE shall rise to Thee; the glass - y sea; ry may not see; and sky, and sea; J- Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, Cher-u-him and ser-a-phim On - ly Thou art ho - ly, Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - ly, morn - ing our gold-en crowns a - sin-ful man Thy praise Thy name in songs round glo - earth, S=M8i U Ef M ^P^ W^ 1 — r- r 4^-4-4- ^ 2^ s i ^rr: ^- =pbr5=^- -«5^ mer - ci - ful and might - y, God in three Per - sons, hless-ed Trin - i - ty! fall - ing down he - fore Thee, Which wert, and art, and ev - er-more shalt he. there is none be - side Thee, Per - feet in pow'r, in love and pur - i - ty, mer - ci - ful and might - y, God in three Per - sons, bless-ed Trin - i - ty! ss ^ ES 1 H-f-t- lEK *-^ 151 Isaac Watts. At the Cross. COPYRIGHT, 1885, BY R. E. HUDSON. r± \ -TT^ R. E. Hudson. i^^^g^^s^ J Alas! and did my Saviour bleed. And did my Sov'reign die? 1 Would He devote that sa - - cred head For such a worm as 1? f Was it for crimes that I have done He groan'd upon the tree? (A - maz - ing pit - y, grace . . _ unknown And love beyond degree! At the Cross. :f^=fc tf3^=f^ ^^9=t=^±H^Tfi=i=t± ^^^^m At the the cross where I first saw the light, And the burden of my heart roll'd a - p3i^^^^ r=>=fe ^^^ L [ [ I L C ^^^p^ way, It was there by faith I rece ived my sight, And now I am happy all the day! roU'd a - way, ii 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, And shut his glories in, When Christ the mighty Maker died For man the creature's sin. 4 But drops of grief can ne'er repay The debt of love I owe; Here, Lord, I give myself away,— 'Tis all that I can dol 152 Safely through Another Week. JoEm Newton. Arr. by LOWELL Masor. ^ fet=teq=;Gfc:irt I ( Saf e-ly thro' an-oth-er week God has brought us on our way; ■ \. Let us now a bless-ing seek, Waiting in His courts today; r While we pray for pard'ning grace Thro' the dear Redeemer's name, * I Show Thy rec-on-cil-ed face, Take away our sin and shame; -^-^ ^mi^--m ^T=^=^ 2 1. ^ 1^^ 2E^3 Day of all the week the best, Em-blem of e - ter - nal rest; of e - ter - nal rest. From our worldly cares set free, May we rest this day in Thee; Rest this day in Thee! 3 Here we come Thy name to praise. Let us feel Thy presence nenr. May Thy glory meet our eyes, While we in Thy house appear; Here afford us, Lord, a taste Qi our everlasting feast! 4 Let the Gospei's joyful sound Conquer sinners, comfort saints; Make the fruits of grace abound, Bring relief to all complaints; Thus may all our Sabbauis prove, Till we join the church abov*. 153 There is a Fountain. ■Wm. Cowpeh. Western Melody. -»- -4- -0-0- Itzi 1. There is a fount-ain fill'd with blood, Drawn from Im-man-uel's veins, 2. The dy - ing thief re - joiced to see That fount-ain in his day, 3. E'er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flow-ing wounds sup - ply, 4. Then in a no - bier, sweet - er song I'll sing Thy pow'r to save. fe iii-=± i^ 1 — v-t 1 tn- j^ Fine. s. ^SEt ^ 5 3= And sin - ners plung'd be-neath that flood Lose all their guilt-y stains, And there may I, though vile as he, Wash all my sins a - way, Re - deem-ing love has been my theme, And shall be till I die, When this poor, lisp - ing, stamm'ring tongue Lies si - lent m the grave, T .r' r T r — rg^ t r r i^ E % ]^ S i ^ -^ f -\ — v-x r — V m -^-4- D.S. ^ ^;5= -g— f-s ^_j _i3 3 -^- 9-r ^ Lose all their guilt - y stains. Wash all my sins a - way. And shall be till I die. Lies si - lent in the grave, Lose all their guilt - y stains; Wash all my sins a - way; And shall be till Lies si - lent in m. i r r 1*—^ E 1^ I die; the grave: ?E3iE r 154 Isaac Watts. Jesus Shall Reign. i John Hatton. &I i=e S 3 S: 1. Je-sus shall reign wher-e'er the sun Does His sue- 2. To Him shall endless pray'r be made, And end-less 3. People and realms of ev - 'ry tongue Dwell on His 4. Blessmgs a-bound wher-e'er He reigns, The prisoner 5. Let ev-'ry crea-ture rise and bring Pe-cul-iar U fe ^#^#=f^ J=^ •ces - sive journeys run; prais-es crown His head; love with sweetest song, leaps to loose his chains, hon-ors to our King, ■ M E I Jesus Shall Reign. S^^s^E^^m -S-j-Ua r rnr His kingdom spread from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. His name like sweet per-fume shall rise With ev-'ry morn-ing sac - ri - fice. And in-f ant voi - ces shall pro - claim Their ear-ly bless - ings on His name. The wea-ry find e - ter - nal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. An - gels de - scend with songs a - gain, And earth re-peat the loud A - men! ^F Kf J =i=F^^ i OJj i 155 We Praise Thee, O God! Wm. p. Mackat. J. J. Husband. ^ =* :^ ^^^ ti=^=t We praise Thee, God, We praise Thee, God, All glo - ry and praise Re - vive us a - gain. ^- ^^^^m for the Son of Thy for Thy Spir - it of to the Lamb that was fill each heart with Thy love, light, slain, love, -^- ^ ^ ^- -^ m r r 1- — r — i— For Je - SU9 who died and is now gone a - bove! Who has shown us our Sav - iour and scat-tered our night! Who has borne all our sins and has cleansed ev - 'ry stain! May each soul be re - kin - died with fire from a - bove! -^ -^ -^ -f^- fe^= fc=?=Ff=l :tc E Chorus Hal-le - lu-jah, Thine the glo-ry!Hal-le-lu-jah, a-men! Re - vive us a-gaini i^m Sq* i=|fc e ^m r 156 My Jesus, I Love Thee! A. J. Gordon. n — \- t=s ^±^ ^^3i^E£ -JzE~ 4=^P=ff^ -^- -if- -iS^ Je - sus, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine; For Thee all the love Thee be - cause Thou hast first lov - ed me, And pur-chased my life, I will love Thee in death. And praise Thee as glo - ry and end - less de - light I'll ev - er a - 1. My 2. I 3. I will love Thee in 4. In man-sions of 1- ^ - i-=F I 1 =1=1^: ^ -•- -♦- -iS^' ^EEt ^^Em fol - lies of sin I re - sign; My gxa - cious Re - deem - er, my par - don on Cal - va - ry's tree; I love Thee for wear - ing the long as Thou lend - est me breath, And say when the death - dew lies dore Thee in heav - en so bright; I'll sing with the glit - ter - ing i S^^ :& ±=£i J t . i r ^ a -f=tte -■^ r r- Sav - iour art Thou; If thorns on Thy brow; If cold on my brow: "If crown on my brow: "If r ^ ^ :^=3Ct ev - er I loved Thee, my Je ev - er I loved Thee, my Je ev - er I ioved Thee, my Je ev - er I loved Thee, my Je ■ rg- -j*- -j*- V« ^ -#- sus, 'tis sus, 'tis sus, 'tis sus, 'tis now! now! now now I" feE 1 -f2- £ 157 Joy to the World! Isaac Watts. m^- ^ A- C. F. Handel. iT=J S 53=J=±i=g r-v ^=^ 1. Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth re-ceive her King, Let ev - 'ry 2. No more let sin and so - row grow. Nor thorns in-fest the ground; He comes to 3. He rules the world with truth and grace,And makes the nations prove The glo-ries i ft t " tl T-iJ: m :fcfe^ J. h t^iT- r rr Joy to the World! ■•r-d- V:^ I ■-=1-^=,- =i^~-'— P — P — P — P — r^ -J heart pre - pare Him room, And heav'n and na - ture sing, And make His bless - ing flow Far as the curse is found, Far of His right - eous - ness And won - ders of His love. And fei'u ^ ^^ rTC=c=^£ ^ ^ :t= And heav'n and na - ture ^ r r r "g -^ :=t ^F^p^ — ttfi ^rt^=t^ r heav'n and na - ture sing, as the curse is found, won - ders of His love, And heav'n, and heav'n and Far as, far as the And wonders,and won - ders na - ture sing, curse is found, of His love. a -.j'- :i ;^_f-^^.^,.^__jj fE^^E^^ U P t V And heav'n and na- ture sin?, My Shepherd is the Lord. LOirVAN. ViEGiL C. Taylor. tiH: -^^-i^- -^4 ^ ^ ^=t m^m^^^m •5 r 1. My Shep-herd is the Lord Most High, And all my wants shall be sup -plied; 2. He in His mer - cy doth re - store My soul, when sink - ing in dis - tress; 3. Yea, tho' I walk thro' death's dark vale, E'en there no e - vil will I fear; 4. For me a ta - ble Thou hast spread. Pre - pared be - fore the face of foes; i^ r r In past-ures green He makes me lie, And leads by streams which gen - tly glide. For His name's sake He ev - er-more Leads me in paths of right-eous-ness. Be - cause Thy presence shall not fail, Thy rod and staS my soul shall- cheer. With oil Thou dost a-noint my head, My cup is fill'd, and o-ver- flows. ^ IM^ T ifei^i ^ EteP# -B2- 159 How Firm a Foundation! M. PORTOGALLO. 1. How firm a foun-da - tion, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in His 2. "Fear not, I am with thee, be not dis-may'd. For I am thy God, I will 3."When thro' the deep waters I call thee to go, The riv - ers of sor-row shall 4. "The soul that on Je-sus hath lean'd for re - pose, I will not, I will not de- w i^RT « ez - eel - lent Word! What more can He say than to you He hath said. To still give thee aid; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Up- not 0- ver-flow; For I will be with thee, thy troub - le to bless, And sert to his foes; That soul, tho' all hell should en-deav - or to shake, I'll £L^ h ^ 5?*^ -f^t ^=K ^ 1^=5z: 4^=1^ g -^- P—^ you who for refuge to Je-sus have fled? To you who for refuge to Je-sus have fled, held by My gracious, omnip-o -tent hand. Up-held by My gracious,omnip-o-tent hand.' sanc-ti - fy to thee thy deepest distress. And sanc-ti-fy to thee thy deepest distress.' nev- er, np,nev- er, no,nev-er for-sake! I'll nev-er, no, nev-er, no,nev-er for-sakel' lev- er, no, nev- e; S^ E^ pass ^i^ 160 Just As I Am. Charlotte Eluott. Wm. Bradbubt. ^ ^ §ii :^=a I7-4- 3t S :g=l 1. Just as I am, with - out one plea But that Thy blood was shed for me, 2. Just as I am, and wait - ing not To rid my soul of one dark blot, 3. Just as I am, tho' toss'd a - bo-ut With many a con - flict, many a doubt, prE?=6: 3& -^ 1 — r »— I h- -f-^ l=t: ze:p:=:t=l=: Just As I Am. And that Thou bidd'stme come to Thee, Lamb of God, I come, I come! To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot,0 Lamb of God, I come, I come! Fight - ingand fears with-in, with-out, Lamb of God, I come, I come! 4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind, Sight, riches, healing of the mind. Yea, all I need in Thee to find, Lamb of God, I come, I come! 5 Just as I am, Thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because Thy promise I believe, Lamb of God, I come, I come! 161 Only Trust Him! J. H. S. 3 :t J. H. Stocktoh 4 ^pil it :^?± 1. Come, ev - 'ry soul by sin oppress'd, There's mer-cy with the Lord, 2. For Je - sus shed His pre-cious blood Rich blessings to be - stow; 3. Yes, Je - sus is the Truth, the Way That leads you in - to rest; 4. Come then and join this ho - ly band. And on to glo - ry go, z=#— ^ — g I ^^_ ^;— -g=pf— r— r— I — r f= : \^^. ^i-X f=f :ft *= ^ -A^ And He will sure-ly give Plunge now in - to the crim ■ Be - lieve in Him with - out To dwell in that ce - les ■ you rest By trust - ing in His Word! son flood That wash - es white as snow! de - lay. And you are ful - ly blest! tial land Where joys im-mor - tal flow! On - ly trust Him, on - ly trust Him, On - ly trust Him now! ) He will save you. He will save you. He will (Omit.) i save you now! m . -^ 4t=t=^ -^ — U— u ^2- :c=: I 162 Take My Life, and Let it Be! Frances R. Havergal. A. H. C. Malan. 1. Take my life, and let it be 2. Take my feet, and let them be 3. Take my lips, and let them be 4. Take my mo - ments and my days, 5. Take my will and make it Thine, 6. Take my love, my God, I pour f— r Con - se - era - ted, Swift and beau - ti- Fill'd with mes - sa- Let them flow in It shall be no At Thy feet its Lord, to ful for ges for end - less long - er treas - ure 1^ J5: Thee; Thee; Thee; praise; mine; store; e Take Take Take Take Take Take my hands, and let them move At the my voice and let me sing Al-ways, my sil - ver and my gold, — Not a my in - tel - lect and use Ev - 'ry my heart, — it is Thme ownl It shall my - self, and I will be Ev - er, Jt- ^ ^ JL ^ ^ 1 f 1==f:: ^eS^ &r 3=jr 5=r im - pulse on - ly, mite would pow'r as be Thy on - ly. of Thy for my I with Thou Shalt roy - al all for love. At the ira - pulse of Thy love I Kuig, Al-ways, on - ly, for my King! ■ hold, Not a mite would I with - hold! choose, Ev - 'ry pow'r as Thou shalt choose! throne. It shall be Thy roy - al throne! Thee, Ev - er, on - ly, all for Thee! ^ - *- ^ -• 163 Nearer, My God, to Thee! Sarah F. Adams. Lowell Mason. rt i^: =^ ■^^^4-S-' ^^^ 3^=3- '^ ^3^ 1. Near - er, my God, to Thee, Near - er to Thee, 2. Tho' like a wan-der-er. The sun gone down, 3. There let the wajr ap-pear Steps un - to heav'n; 4. Then with my wak-ing thoughts, Bright with Thy praise, 5. Of if on joy - ful wing Cleav - ing the sky. Een tho' it Dark - ness be All that Thou Out of my Sun, moon and t^ P j-^p*tt :^3: fc: Nearer, My God, to Thee! as g- =1= S^ ^^^!^± a cross That rais - eth me; Still all my song shall be — be me be be- - ver me, My rest a stone, send - est me, In mer-cy giv'n; ston - y griefs Beth - el 1 11 raise, stars for -got. Up - ward I Yet An So StiU in my dreams I'd gels to beck -on by my woes to all my song shall Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Near-er to Theel ^ *: ■^ e :t=t: i r 164 The Old Time Religion. COPYRIGHT, 1891, BY CHARLIE 0. TILLMAN. Charlie D. Tillman. ^- ^ i ifcrt^ :):? 1^ i^^^. "m <=f 4- ' -9-. 4-. ~W- * '-l^' ' ^-. Cho. Tis the old time re-li-gion, 'Tis the old time re - li-gion, 1. Makes me love ev - 'ry-bod - y, Makes me love ev - 'ry - bod - y, 2. It was good for our moth-ers, It was good for our moth-ers, 3. It has saved our fa - thers, It has saved our fa-thers. I f3EE^ W^ P t * ' f- k 3^ tt ^ t^ U L/ 1^ ^ L m^m^^ ^^^m t ^: 'Tis the old Makes me love It was good It has saved Pf^ time re - li - gion, ev - 'ry-bod - y, for our moth-ers, our fa-thers, And it's good And it's good And it's good And it's good e-nough e-nough e-nough e-nough ^^^^EiE^EEi for me! for me! for mel for mel m '^ i V ^ V :t^=t^ 4 Makes me love the good old Bible, And it's good enough for me! 5 It will lead me to Jesus, And it's good enough for mel 6 It will do when I'm dying, And it's good enough for me! 7 It will take us all to heaven. And it's good enough for mel Topical Responsive Readings 165 Confession and Cleansing ^ But He was wounded for our 1 John 1-5 to 2-2 transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of 5 This then is the message which our peace was upon Him; and with we have heard ^f Him and declare His stripes we are healed. unto you, that God is light, and in 6 All we like sheep have gone Him is no darkness at all. astray; we have tui-ned every one 6 If we say that we have fellow- to his own way; and the Lord ship with Him, and walk in dark- hath laid on Him the iniquity of ness, we lie, and do not the truth: us all. 7 But if we walk in the light, 7 He was oppressed, and He was as He is in the light, we have fel- afflicted, yet He opened not His lowship one with another, and the mouth: He is brought as a lamb to blood of Jesus Christ His Son the slaughter, and as a sheep be- cleanseth us from all sin. fore her shearers is dumb, so He 8 If we say that we have no sin, openeth not His mouth. we deceive ourselves, and the truth 8 He was' taken from prison and is not in us. from judgment: and who shall de- 9 K we confess our sins, He is clare His generation? for He was faithful and just to forgive us our cut off out of the land of the living: sins, and to cleanse us from all for the transgression of my people unrighteousness. was He stricken. 10 If we say that we have not 9 And He made His grave with sinned, we make Him a liar, and tlie wicked, and with the rich in Ilis word is not in us. His death: because He had done no 1 My little children, these things violence, neither was any deceit In write I unto you that ye sin not. His mouth. And if any man sin, we have an 10 Yet it pleased the Lord to Advocate with the Father, Jesus bruise Him; He hath put Him to Christ the righteous: grief: when Thou shalt make His 2 And He is the propitiation for soul an offering for sin, Ke shall our sins: and not for our's only, see His seed. He shall prolong His but also for the sins of the whole days, and the pleasure cf the Lord world. shall prosper in His hand. 11 He shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall be satisfied: by 166 Christ our Sin-bearer His knowledge shall My righteous Isaiah 53 Servant justify many; for He shall bear their iniquities. 1 Who hath believed our report? 12 Therefore will I divide Him a and to whom is the arm of the portion with the great, and He shall Lord revealed? divide the spoil with the strong; 2 For He shall grow up before because He hath poured out His Him as a tender plant, and as a soul unto death: and He was num- root out of a dry ground: He h; bered with the transgressors; and no form nor comeliness; and when He bare the sin of many, and made we shall see Him, there is no intercession for the transgressors, beauty that we should desire Him. 3 He is despised and rejected of men; a Man of sorro.vs, and ac- ., __ quainted with grief: and we hid as 167 Regeneration and Salvation it were our faces from Him; He John 3:1-17 was despised, and we esteemed Him not. 1, There was a man of the Phari- 4 Surely lie hath borne our sees, named Nicodeuius, a ruler of griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet the Jews: we did esteem Him strickeu, smit- 2 The rame came to Jesus by ten of God, and afflicted. night, and said unto Him, Rabbi, we know that Thou art a teacher Jgg Assurance come from God: for no man can do ^ John 5 1-5 9-15 these miracles that Thou doest, ex- cept God be with him. 1 Whosoever believeth that J©- 3 Jesus answered and said unto sus is the Christ is born of God: him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, and every one that loveth Him that Except a man be born again, he begat loveth him also that is be- cannot see the kingdom of God. gotten of Him. 4 Nicodemus saith unto Him, How ^J ^7.,?^^ ^? i^?^ ?^* ^^ ^^® can a man be born when he is old? the children of God, when we love can he enter the second time into God, and keep His commandments. his mother's womb, and be born? ,^^^°^ }^'^ \l.^^^ ^°^^ f ^''^' _ T J tr M , -1 T that we keep His commandments: 5 Jesus answered. Verily,, verily I ^^^ ^.^ commandments are not sav unto thee. Except a man be o-j-ievous born of water and of the_ Spirit, he - ^ ^^^ whatsoever is born of God cannot enter into the kingdom of overcometh the world: and this is ^ „ • , X , . , . , c XI, *. u the victory that overcometh the 6 That which is born of the fesh ^qj-M even our faith is flesh; and that which is born of 5 "^'jjo jg ^^ ^^^^ overcometh the the Spirit IS spirit. world, but he that believeth that 7 Marvel not that I said unto jggus is the Son of God? thee. Ye must be born again. 9 jj ^e receive the witness ol 8 The wind bloweth where it list- men, the witness of God is greater: eth, and thou hearest the sound for this is the witness of God which thereof, but canst not tell whence He hath testified of His Son. it cometh, and whither it goeth: 10 He that believeth on the Sod so is every one that is born of the of God hath the vv^itness in himself: Spirit. he that believeth not God hatb 9 Nicodemus answered and said made Him a liar; because he be- unto Him, How can these things lieveth not the record that God be? gave of His Son. 10 Jesus answered and said unto 11 And this is the record, that him. Art thou a master of Israel, God hath given to us eternal life, and knowest not these things? and this life is in His Son. 11 Verily, verilv, I say unto thee, 12 He that hath the Son hath We speak that we do know, and life; and he that hath not the Son testify that we have seen; and of God hath not life. ye receive not our witness. 13 These things have I written 12 If I have told you earthlv "nto you that believe on the name things, and ye believe not, how of the Son of God; that ye may shall ve believe, if I tell you of ^^^^"^ that ye have eternal life, and heavenly things? that ye may believe on the name 13 And no man hath ascended up °^ A^^. ^^'^ .?^. ^°.^- ^, «, to heaven, but He that came dowi ,,^f ^^\ ^^'^ . '^J^^ conhdence from heaven, even the Son of man ^^f ^^ ^«7.^ ^^ Him that if we which is in heaven. ^% ^^^ thing according to Hia ^ . . , ,^ ,.^^ , ^, will. He heareth us: 14 And as Moses lifted up the ^5 ^^d if we know that He hear serpent in the wilderness even so „ whatsoever we ask. we know •"'^f r^^^^"'!,""^ '"'''' be lifted up: ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^ ^^^ petitions that we 15 That whosoever believeth m ^gg^^ed of Him. Him should not perish, but have eternal life. .. 16 For God so loved the world, 1 69 When Lord Jesus Returns that He gave His only begotten 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Son, that whosoever believeth in 13 But I would not have you to Him should not perish, but have be ignorant, brethren, concerning everlasting life. them which are asleep, that ye 17 For God sent not His Son into sorrow not, even as others which the world to condemn the world; have no hope. but that the world through Him 14 For if we believe that Jesu& might be saved. died and rose again, even so the?? also which sleep in Jesus will God 171 Prayer bring with Him. ^ 15 For this we say unto you by ^^^^ 11:1-13 the word of the Lord, that we 1 And it came to pass, that, as which are alive and remain unto He was praying in a certain place^ the coming of the Lord shall not when He ceased, one of His dis- prevent them which are asleep, ciples said unto Him, Lord, teach 16 For the Lord Himself shall de- ^^s to pray, as John also taught his scend fi'om heaven with a shout, disciples. with the voice of the archangel, 2 And He said unto them, Wheffi and with the trump of God: and the ye pray, say, Our Father, which art dead in Christ shall rise first: in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name 17 Then we which are alive and P^ kingdom come. Thy will be remain shall be caught up together ^^^i^^' .^s m heaven, so m earth, with them in the clouds, to meet - Give us day by day our daily the Lord in the air: and so shall ^'read. _ we ever be with the Lord. ^ ^^^ forgive us our sins; for 18 Wherefore comfort one an- T^^tZ t°n^\? TJI 1°"^ ^^^^ 'I other with these words. indebted to us. And ead us not ^j^^Q ^gj^p^^^^Qj^. but deliver us froia evil. 170 The Work of the Holy Spirit ^ ^nd He said unto them, Which JoHX 16-7-15 °^ ^°'^^ shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and 7 Nevertheless I tell you the say unto him. Friend, lend me three truth; it is expedient for you that loaves; [ go away: for if I go not away, the 6 For a friend of mine in his Comforter will not come unto you; journey is come to me, and I have but if I depart, I will send Him nothing to set before him? unto you. 7 And he from within shall an- 8 And when He is come, He will swer and say, Trouble me not: the reprove the world of sin, and of door is now shut, and my children righteousness, and of judgment: are with me in bed; I cannot rise 9 Of sin, because they believe and give thee. not on Me; 8 I say unto you, Though he wili 10 Of righteousness, because I go ^^ot rise and give him, because he to My Father, and ye see Me no is his friend, yet because of his im- Q^Qi-g. portunity he will rise and give him; 11 Of judgment, because the ^\™f "J f ^'"^ "f ^^t^" , , ^ ., prince of this world is judged. ^ And I say unto you. Ask, and it ^ ^„ -r , ^ .^T.. X shall be given you: seek, and ve 12 I have yet many things to say ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^.^^^^ ^^^ i^ ^l^^U l^^ unto you, but ye cannot bear them opened unto you. °°^* 10 For every one that asketh re- 13 Howbeit when He. the Spirit ceiveth; and he that seeketh find- of truth, is come, He will guide you eth; and to him that knocketh it into all truth: for He shall not shall be opened speak of Himself; but whatsoever n If a son shall ask bread of any He shall hear, that shall He speak: of vou that is a father, will he give and He will shew you things to him a stone? or if he ask a fish, will come. he for a fish give him a serpent? 14 He shall glorify Me: for He 12 Or if he shall ask an egg, will shall receive of Mine, and shall he offer him a scorpion? shew it unto you. 13 If ye then, being evil, know 15 All things that the Father how to give good gifts unto your hath are mine: therefore said I, children: how much more shall your that He shall take of Mine, and heavenly Father give the Holy shall shew it unto you. Spirit to them that ask Him? ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Titles in Small Caps; first lines in uoman. 104 A light shines on my 110 A Little Bit of Love 12 A Saviour who died 61 A servant of Jesus 49 ASinxerMadeWhole 151 Alas, a'nd did my (53 All fok Jesus ij3 All glory to my 1, 125 All Hail the Power of Jesus' G3 All. yes all. I !>1 Almost Persuaded 147 America 121 Anywhere withJesus 85 Arise and Shine 22 As Thy Davs Thy 79 At Calvary 151 At the Cr :\Iy Saviour First op 138 My Shepherd is thb 102 My Soul is Filled WITH Singing 9 My soul is so happy 15 Naught have I gotten lt)3 Neaijer. My God 22 Needful strength for 50 No hope had I 47 Nothing Satisf i e s BUT Jesus 83 O Could T Speak 96 O golden day when 148 O Happy Day 71 O land of rest 43 O lost ones, in danger 140 O Love That Wilt 19 O my Saviour, I am wearv 30 OThatWillBeGlory 133 Of Him who did sal- vation bring 141 Oh. for a Thousand 36 Oh, for thai dame 66 Oh. it is Wonderful 100 Oh, What a Change 104 Oh. Wondrous Love 84 On Olivet the Victor 15 Only a Sinner 161 Only Trust Him 117. 124 Onward. Chris- tian Soldiers 52 Rejoice, the Lost iM 137 Rock of Ages No. Ko. 152 Safely Through 56 55 Saved by the Blooi 96 Saving Grace » 146 37 Saviour, 'tis a full .surrender 21 C Since I lost my sins ■;4 82 Singing Glory S ?tT Sinners Jesus will 153 10 So precious is Jesus 45 105 Soldiers of Christ, Arise 6 98 Some Day 11 Some Fair Tomorrow 39 81 Somebody 100 Soon will our Saviour 70 142 Stand vp for Jesi^s 49 138 Sweet Hour of 58 162 Take My Life and 38 Teach Me 84 The Ascending King 70 The Banner of the Cross 4 The burden of my fear 68 The Cleansing Blood lit) The cross it standeth 40 The Gift of Grace 114 The Good Old-Fash- lONED Way 28 The Hand That Was Wounded for Me 18 The Heavenly Home 32 The Hour of Prayer 34 The King's Business 109 The Mercy-Seat 36 The Old Time Fire 164 The Old Time Re- ligion 78 75 51 17 17 31 164 29 118 59 The SaviOTw is sum- mcned The Solid Roc^ The Sunshine op Grace The Wat of the Cross Leads Home There is a Fountain There 1.3 Glory Enough for Us All There is Glory in My Soul ThereShallBeShow- ERS of Blessing There's a royal banner There's a song in my There's a Stranger There's Victory in My Soul They're Singing Over Me Tho' the angry surges Thou blessed Lord Je- sus Thou Wilt Remem- ber Me Thro' toil and sorrow Till We Get Home 'Tis the grandest theme 'Tis the old time re- ligion To Cavalry I W^ill Go Too long have I wan- dered Tramp, tramp, tramp Trust and Obey 40 Uncounted years may 41 Was There Ever & Friend so True 35 We may lighten toil 155 We Praise Thee, O 71 We'll Work Till Je- sus Comes 139 What a B'rikiVu 43 What More Can Hi Do 30 When all my labors 5 When earthly cares 64 When He Comes 95 When I Survey 86 When my life-work is 16 When peace, like a 68 When they crucified 65 When troubled my bquI 94 When upon life's oil- lows 59 When we walk with 111 Where He Leads Me 127 Where is My Boy 122 While we pray and 123 Why Do You Wait 122 Why Not Now 60 Will I Shine Like 76 Will There be Ant 126 Wonderful Peace 92 W'ould You Believe 56 Ye Are My Wi-p nesses 79 Y'ears I spent in 62 Y'es, There's Ojib TOPICAL INDEX. Adoration— 1, 23, 48, 88, 90, 107, 125, 150. assurance— 11, 16> 78, 128, 159. Bible— 13, 115, 159. Blood of Christ — 29, 55, 68, 135. io3. 160. Children— 44, 118, 119, 120, 142. "Christ as Friend, Helper — 8, 10, 17, 19, 31. 41, 44, 47, 51, 62, 75, 86, 97, 136, 139, 141, 145, 158. Christ as King— 1, 70, 84, 125, 154, 157. Ohrist as Saviour — 12. 43, 45, 49. 57, 58, 62, 83, 90, 101, 136, 146, 161. <.'omfort. Guidance— 5, 17, 22, 28, 33, 35, 44. 47, 51. 72, 7V, 93, 94, 98. 106, 112, 121, 159. Coming to Christ — 7, 77, 135, 160. Consecration— 37, 63, 103, 111, 162. :ros3 of Christ— 2, 24. 40, 66, 70, 79, 95, 116, 134, 151. ^'alth, Trust- 4, 20. 27, 44, 59, 67, 78, 103, 106, 112, 114, 161. Heaven, Home — 17, 18, 24, 30, 52, ' 53, 96. 98, 102. rioly SpDlt— 36, 38, 131, 149. Invitation— 31. 34, 44, 57, 58, 67, 69. 80. 82. 91. 92. 108. 122, 123, 127, 132, 133, 161. Joy, Happiness — 6, 9, 52, 59, 102,, 148, 157. Keeping— 22. 31, 121, 159. Love of God, Christ — 3, 50, 65, 66, 95, 104, 129, 130, 140, 144. Love to Christ — 41, 73, 156. Love — 74, 110. Missionary — 1, 99, IJO, 125, 154. Need— 5, 19, 39, 47, 87, 160, 163. Peace, Rest— 5, 16, 65, 126. Praise— 1, 6. 10, 15. 23. 49, 54, 55. 82. 83. 102, 107, 116, 128, 134, 141, 148, 155. Prayer — 32, 109, 138, 139. Revival— 36, 39, 149, 155, 164. Second Coming of Christ — 16, 61, 64, 71. 84, 100. Testimony — 15, 21, 56, 85, 89. 99. Warfare— 4, 26, 46, 105, 112, 11^ 117, 118, 124, 142. Warning— 42, 43, 60, 91. Work— 14. 25, 34, 60, 71, 76. 81. e>-iF>«iL£:><::5L-.aVtr^