A.-.* FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY . ScB Section \5 - /eW^ 7 FIRST PART: In the Antient way of OFFICES WITH PSALMS, HYMNS, and PRAY'RS; for every day in the Week, and every Holiday in the Year. FOURTH EDITION: Corre&ed and Augmented. DIRECTIONS. THh ': Book confifl \s chiefly of Twelve Of- fices: One for each day in the Week : One for our Saviour's Feafts : One for the ,H. Ghoft : One for theB. Virgin : One for Saints ; and one for the Dead. Each Office has four Tarts i Matins and Laudsjw- the Morning. VeiperS and Com- plin, for the .Evening. The manner of reciting. When one fay es his Vrayers alone \ the cir~ cumflances are free, to be governed hy his own Devotion. "Butiftw^fay; together, 'tis convenient they agree on feme Rules : For tvhich purpofe thefe follow i^gare proposed $ yet fo as to be altered by their own difcre- tion, as they pie afe. . The? lace, I fuppofe, tvill be their pru late Oratory, or other convenient Retire* went. A z Matins 'Directions. Matins. Ffft, Both ft and a while ■, to make the Pre- sence of God, and implore his ajjiflance.; either without fet-f or m of -words, or witJj the Prayer, Prevent we beieech Thee, fifc. fecretly. Then both make the fign of '-the Crofs, and fay, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the H. Ghoft. Amen. Then Both, joynlng their hands before their 'brefts, & lowly bowing their heads,fay, .Blefled be the H. and undivided Trini- ty, now and for ever. Amen. Then both kneel and fay y .Our Father. Hail Mary. I believe. Thus far fecretly. Then Both rife,andftanding, A. fays with fin audible voice, O Lord open thouour lips. (Sayingthefe ipords, he makes the fign of the Crofs with his thumb morfd near his mouth?) B. And our mouths ihall declare thy praife. A. O God incline unto our aid. Saying this} he makes the fign of the Crofs, moving his Dlre&ions: his hand from the forehead to the hrefiy then from the left fhoulder to the right. E. O Lord make haft to help us. A. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the H. Ghoft. B. As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, world without end, Amen. Then both fay, Alleluja, except in Lentv when Alleluja is always omitted. Then, Both /landing, A fays the Invita* tory, B repeats it: A fays the firfl Verfe ef the Pialm, B again repeats the In vitato- ry: A fays the fecond Verfe, B/^Invita- tory ; andfo to the end of that Pfalm : A fays, Glory be. B, As it was. A fays the In vita tory, B repeats it. Then, of the Hymn, each recites his Stanza. Then One fays the Antiphon : Hie Other legins the Pfalm, which they recite alter- nately, both fitting. Andfo all the refl of the Pfalms and Antiphons. At the end of 'every Pfalm, Both rife, or at leafl bow their heads,, while the firfl Verfe of Glory be, &c. is [aid. The three Pfalms beingended,Both7fland± i#g, fay fecretly Our Father- — A 3 Then Dire&ions. Then A reads the firfl Leflbn : after which, B begins the Refponfbry, as far as to the firfl Star. There A takes it and goes on to the next full point. Then B to the fe- cond Star ; and that Star A again repeats to the next full point, as before. Thus are all Refponfories faid. B reads the fecond Leflbn ; A Begins the Refp. to the firfl Star ; B goes on to the full point : Then A to thefecond Star ; and that B repeats. A reads the third Leflbn, B legins the Refp. A goes on, &c. as ahove. At the end of the t bird JtefponCory) Te Deum is faid,on all Sundays and Holidays; except the Sundays of Advent and Lent,and then tis omitted, and immediately after the third Refponfbry, Lauds begin ; andfo, al- ly ays, on theWeek-days,regularlyRut becaufe, i# Families efpecially, want of time for both on the Week-days may perhaps make it con- wenient to affign Matins alone for one week, and Lauds for another ; thers a concluding Pray'r put at the end of each Matins ; af- I ter which Commemorations, &c. as at\ Lauds. Lauds. Directions. Lauds. TJEfore Lauds, paufe awhile,lo rejuti on -O what you have read, and to renew aU tention. Theny Both fianding, A begins, O God incline, &c.(fiyingthefe words, . he makes the ftgn of the Crofs from forehead to brefl, &c.) B.O Lord make haft, &c. as at Matins, But, //Lauds alone be f aid, fay the whole MatinSjIntrodudtion^^/invitatoryrT?;^, The Ant.dWPfalrns are all recited alter- nately, Both fitting. Then, bothflanding up, One reads the Capitulum, orfhort Leilbn ; the Other begins the Hymn ; of which, each fays his Stanza, to the end. Then Bfays the Ant. A the Ver£ B. the Refp. A. Let us Pray. Then, Both kneeling, A fays the Prayer of the Day, B Amen. On all Sundays andHolidayStimmediate- ly after the Hymn, the Cant. Benedidus is f aid, with its Ant. before and after. In all Commemorations, Bfays the Ant. AtheVerf.BtheRdp. A /7*? Prayer. After all the Prayers, both of the day, A 4 and Bire&ions. and of the Commemorations, A fays. A. O Lord hear our Prayers. B. And let our fupplications come to vThee. A. Blefs we our Lord f B. Thanks be to God. A. May the fouls of the Faithful de- parted, through the mercy of God, reft in peace. B Amen. Paufe and meditate according to your de- votion. Tlxn hfaysy The Bleffing of God Almighty, Father, Son, and H. Ghoft, delcend upon us, and dwell in our hearts forever, BAmen. Paufe a while ^ then rife • and fo ends the Morning-Office. Vefpers BOth fl and a while \ to make the prefence of God \& implore his grace : Then fay r, In the Name, &c. Bielled be, &c. as at Ma- tins. Then kneeling fay , Our Father. Hail Ma- ry. Thus far fecretly. Then both rife and ft and. A fays and illy. O God incline, &c. as at Lauds. The Ant. Pfalms,Gapitulum, Hymn '(bn Sundays Dire&iony. Sundays and Holidays the Magnificat, @V.) and all the reft of Vefpers are [aid in the fame method as at Lauds. Complin. A.rXUr help is, &c. B. ^J Who made, &c. All the Verficles, Refponfbries, Anti- phons, Pfalms, Hymn, are f aid alternate- ly. A fays the Capitulum. B the An- tiphon, \A. B. Nunc Dimittis alternately on Sundays and Holidays) A the Verficle, Tithe Refponfi Thenr both kneel duringthe reft of the Office. A fays, Let us pray, andthe"PrayJr^ * Amen. A Vouchafe, B. Amen. A. All the Verficles following : B. All the Refponfbries. A. The Prayr> Vifit we. B. Amen. A. O Lord hear. B. and let our. A. Blefs we our Lord. B. Thanks be to God. A. May the fouls, &c B. Amen. \ Taufe a while : then A fays, Our Lord give us his peace. B. And lifeeverlafHng, Amen. Then A fays One of the great Antiphons of cur B.Lzdy. TS.Amen. A f A- [ms Dire&iotis. & fays the Verficle : & thf RefponC^ Let us pray, and the Prayr. 5. A ivhofe Office is aftua/lyfaid, both at Lauds and Vefpers. The Jame rule is alfo to be obferud for the Occafionals. Holy days of Obligation. ^//Sundays, New Years-day, Twelf- day, Candlemas, the Annunciation, Afc (iimption, und Nativity of the B. Virgin, all Dire&ions. all the twelve Apoftles, S. Jofeph, the Invention of H. Crofs, S. John Baptift, S. Ann {Mother of the B. Virgin,) S. Lau- rence* S. Michael, All-Saints, Chriftmas- day,S. Stephen^ H. Innocents,S. Silvefter. To which are here added (for the de- vout) S.Mark,S.Mary Magdalen, S.Luke. Moveable Holidays. Eafter-day, with two days next follow- ingy Afcenfion-day , Whit-fimday with two days following, Corpus Chrifti-day. Fafting-days. All Lent (except Sundays:^) the Embsf- days : the Eves 0/Chriftmas and Whitfiia- day ; of Candlemas, and the Annunci- ' ation (unlefs it fall in Eafter-week) of the Nativity and AlTumption of theft. Virgin; of All- Saints; of all the Twelve Apoftles {except S. John Evang. and SS. Philip and Jacob;) of the Nativity of S. John Baptift ; of S. Laurence : all Fridays ; except in Chriftmafs, and between Eafter and Af- cenfion. {As long as the Bridegroom is with tts, Mat. 9. 15.) Ember-days. Wednefday, Fry day and Saturday^ next Dire&ions. next following the Firft Sunday in Lent; Whitfanday, the Exaltations//^? H.Crofi, and S. Lucy V day. Days of Abftinence. All Sundays in Lent j all Saturdays in the Tear; Munday, Tuefday and Wed- nefday before Afcenfion; and S. Marks Day, if it fall not in Eafter-Week. Thefe Leflbns are out ofU. Scripture; but the particular places not always cited J?ecaufe fometimes the Leflbn is not taken out of one place ) but composed of many. THE ( I ) THE O ffi.ce For Sunday. MATINS. hitrodu&ion. PRevent,we befeechthee, O Lord, our ani- ons with thy holy infpirations, and carry them on by thy gracious affiance, that every pray'r and work of ours may begin alwayes from thee, and by thee be happily ended ,. through Chrift our Lord, Am® . IN the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghoft, Amen. BLelTed be the holy and undivided Trini- ty, now and for ever, Amen* OUr Father who art in Heaven, hallow- ed be thy name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven : Give us this day our dayly Bread, and for- give us our trefpafles as we forgive them that trefpafs againfl: us ; And lead us not in- to temptation2but deliver us from eyil, Amen* 2 Sunday Matins. HAil Mary, full of grace, our Lord is with thee : Blefled art thou among wo- men:, and bleffed is the fruit of thy womb, JESUS: Holy Mary, Mother ofGod, pray for us finners?now and in the hour of our death) Amen. 1 Believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth : and in Je- fus Chrilt, his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghoft ; born of the Vir- gin Mary ^ fufFerM under Pontius Pilate ; was Crucified, dead, and buried \ He defcended in- to hell:, the third day He rofe again from the dead ; He afcended into heaven, and fits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty ; from thence He fhall come to judge the living and the dead : I believe in the H. Ghoft } the holy Catholick Church :, the Communion of Saints ; the forgivenefs of Sins •, the Refurrefti- on of the Body; and Life Everlafting, Amen. V. O Lord open thou our Lips : . R. And our mouths fhall declare thy praife. V. O God incline unto our aid: R. O Lord make haft to help us.. V. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the H- Ghoft: R. As it was in the beginning, both now and ever, world without eod, Amen. AHeluja. Thus far is. the Introduction; and it is [aid in the beginning of every Matins, except Thofe of the Dead. In Sunday Matins. 3 In Lent Allelujah is evJry where omitted. Irrvitatory : Come, let's adore our glorify M Jefus. Come, let's adore our glorifyM Jefus. ¥fd. L BEhold the Angels aflembled in their Quires ; & the blelTed Saints ready with their Hymns: behold the Church prepares her folemn Offices ; and fummons all her Chil- dren to bring in their prayfes. Come, lee's adore our glorify'd Jefus. The Kin? of heaven himfelf invites us, and gracioufly calls us into his own prefence : He bids us fbfpend our mean employments in the world ; to receive the honour of treat- ing with him. Come, let's ?dore our glorifyM Jefus. To him we ow all the days of our life •, at leaft^ letus pay this one to his fervice: a fer- vice fo fweet and eafie in it felf •, and fo infi- nitely rich in its eternal rewards. Come, let's adore our glorifyM Jefus. Let us chearfully afcend to the houfe of our Lord j the place he has chofen, for our fakes, to dwell in : let us reverently bow to his holy Altars •, where himfelf in perfon comes to meet our prayers- Come, let's adore our glorify'd Jefus. Glory be to the Father? and to the Son, and totheH.Ghoft. As 4 Sunday Matins. As it was in tfce beginning both now and ever, world without end, Amen. Come, let's adore our glorifyM Jefus. Come? let's adore our glorify'd Jefus. Hymn L BEhold we come, dear Lord> to Thee : And bow before thy Throne : We come to offer, on our knee, Our vows to thee alone. What e're we have, what e're we are, Thy bounty freely gave : Thou dolt us here in mercy fpare ; And wilt hereafter fave. But O, can all our flore afford No better gifts for Thee ? Thus we confefs thy riches, Lord 5 And thus our poverty. 'Tis not our tongue or knee can pay The mighty debt we ow : Far more we fhould, than we can fay, Far lower we fhould bow. Come then, my foul, bring all thy pow'rs. And grieve thou haft no more : Bring ev'ry day thy choyceft hours? And thy great God adore. But Sunday Matins. j But, above all* prepare thy heart? On this his own bleft Day ; In its fweet task to bear thy part, And fing, and love and pray. Glory to Thee, Eternal Lord ! Thrice bleffed Three in One : Thy name at all times be ador'd ; Till time it felf be done. Amen. Antifkon. This is the day which our Lord has made ; let us be glad and rejoyce therein : Alleluja* ry be to the Father, &c. As it was, Sec. Ant : This is the day which our Lord has made ; let us be glad and re Joyce therein : AUeluja. Am. Thou haft created alj things, O Lord, for the ufe of man •, and man for the enjoy- ment of thy felf. e thou but prefent, gracious God \ and fill Souls with thy chall love : No farther motive (hall we need to draw ; nor other Temple to addrefs our Prayers.- Since every place? where Thou art not. is holy ; and where thou art is Joy and Peace. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Thou hail created all things, O Lord, or the ufe of Man ; and Man for the enjoy - \ient of thy felf* Jjm\ Has the Almighty Goodnefs made all things for us \ & lhall we do nothing for Him ? nothing for our felves? (pfal. IV. COme, let us lay afide the cares of this world -, and take into our minds the Joys of Heaven. Let us empty our heads of all other thoughts^ and prepare that upper room to entertain our God. Retiring from the many diflra&ions of this life ; and clofely recollecting all the forces of cur Soul. So to purfue in earnefl; that One neceffary work? io Sunday MM ins. work ; the fecuringto our felves the Kingdom of Heav'n. Why fhould we thus negled that facred Sci- ence •, and be bufy in every thing but our own Salvation ? Why fhould we ftill forfake the real fub- itence \ to embrace an empty fancy ? Miferable are they, O Lord, who ftudy all things elfe i and never feek to taft thy fvveet- nefs. Miferable, though their skill can number the Stars ^ and trace out the vvayes of the Planets. To know thee, O Lord, is to be truly wife •, and to contemplate thee, the higheft learning. But, O thou glorious God of Truth ; in whom the Treasures of Knowledg are all laid up! Unlefs thou draw the Curtain from before our eyes \ and drive away the clouds that in- tercept our fight. Never fhall we fee thofe heavenly Myfteries, nor difcern the beauty of thy Providence. Send forth thy light, O thou morning Star ! and lead us to thy holy HilL Send forth thy truth, O increated Wifdom! and bring us to thy bleiled Tabernacle- Shew us thy felf, O gracious JESU ! and in thee we fhall behold all we can wifli. Only fo much we beg to conceive of thy Ma- jefty ; as may move our hearts to feek thee. Only j Sunday Matins. it Only fo much of thy unapproachable Deity, as may guide our Souls to find thee. If we may not know thee clearly now \ let us know fo far, that we long to know farther. If we cannot love thee perfedly in this life; let us lovefo much that we defireto love more. So let us know and love thee here -, O Thou Soveraign Biifsof our Souls! That we hereafter may know thee better; and love thee more for ever. Glory be, &cm As it was, &c. jint. Has the Almighty Goodnefs made an things for us^and fhall we do nothing for him ? nothing for our felves ? Our Father, &c. Firfl Leflbn. i Cor. 15C and Coll. 3 J CHrift is rifen from the dead, and become the firfl fruits of them that (lept ; for, by a Man came death, and by a Man the Refur- r eft ion of the dead : And, as in Adam all dyey even fo in Chrift lhall all be made alive. If then you be rifen with Chrift, feek the things that are above, where Chrift is fitting on the right hand ofGochmindthe things that are above,not thofe which are on the Earth-, for you are dead, & your life is hidden with Chrift in God: when Chrift, who is your life, fhall appear •, then fhaliyoualfo appear with him in glory. Mor- tify therefore your Members that are on the Earth; Fornication, Uncleannefs, Luft, evil B Con- . X.z -• Sunday Matins. Concupiscence, and Avarice, which is the fir- vice of Idols : for which things the wrath of God comes on the Children of incredulity .And now lay you alfo away Anger and Indignation, Malice, Blafphemy, and Filthy Talk out of your Mouth: Lye not one to another: Deveft your felves of the old man, and put on the new; who is renew'd into the knowledge of Qod,according to his Image who created him, where there is not Gentil and Jew, Circum- cifion and Uncircumcifion, Bond and Free \ but all, and in all, Chrift. Refponfory : Q Glorious Jefu ! in whom we live, and without whom we dye *, mortify, in us all fenfual defires, and quicken our hearts with thy holy love : that we no longer efteem the vanities of thism>rld,but place our afFe&i- 6ns entirely on; Thee \ * Who dy'dft for our fins, and rofe'ft again for our Juftifrcation. O Thou our only hope and portion in the Land of the Living I may our thoughts and difcour- fesftill be of thee, our works and fufferingsall for thee > *Who dyd'ft for ourfinsj andro- ic'it again for our Juftification. Second LeiTon. Coll. 3. P' lit you on therefore, as the Eleftof God, ' holy and beloved, the Bowels of Mercy, Benignity, Humility, Modefty, Patience, fup- porting one another, and pardoning one ano- ther : If any have a quarrel aeainlt any one, as .our i Sunday Matins. 13 our Lord has pardon'd us, fo alfo do you. But> above all thefe things have Charity,which is the band of perfection :, and let the peace of Chrift triumph in your hearts, in which you are callM in one body, andbethankfull. LettheWo^d of Chrift dwell in you abundantly, in all wif* dom 5 teaching and admonilhing your felves with Pfalmsand Hymns, and Spiritual Canti- cles ^ finging with grace in your hearts to God* What everyoudo in word or deed>do all in the name of our Lord Jefus Chrift \ giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Women, be fubjed to your Husbands, as you ought in our Lord : Men love your Wives, and be not bit- ter towards them : Children obey your Pa- rents in all things •, for that is well-pleafing to our Lord : Fathers, provoke not your chil- dren to indignation *, that they become not dis- couraged : Servants^ obey in all things your Mailers according to the Fleih : not with eye- fervice, as pleafing men •, but in Simplicity of heart, as fearing God. Whatever you do5 do ir from the heart, as to our Lord, and not to men: knowing you (hall receive of our Lord the reward of the inheritance. Serve our Lord Jefus-, for he that does injury fliall receive what he has done unjuftly :, and there is no ac- ceptance of Perfons with God. Refp. Open thou our Eyes, O Lord, that we may fee the beauty of thyCommands^how wife andfweet in themfelves, how neceffary and be- B 2 nefi- 14 Sunday Matins. neficial to us ; * While they improve our feli- city here, and intitle us to That of hereafter. Guide thou our lives, O gracious Lord, in the ways of thy Precepts;that by obferving faith- fully thefe excellent Rulcs,we may all be every . where happy : * While. Third Leflbn. Heh. iz. and 13. LAyingafide every weight,and fin that com- t paiTes us about •, let us run with patience to the Combat e that's fet before us : looking on Jefus, the Author & Finilher of our Faith-, whodefpifingthe fliame for the joy that was propos'd him* fuftained the Crofs, and fits on - the right hand of the Throne of God. Think diligently on him, who indurM fuch contra- ction of finners againft himfelf *, that you be not wearied, and faint in your minds. For you have not yet refilled to blood,ftriving againft iin ; and you have forgotten the exhortation, .which fpeaks to yonas children, fay ing, My Son jiiegleftnot the Difciplinof our Lord, nor be weary while thou art rebuk't of him:for whom pur Lord ]oves he chaftens, and fcourges every Child he receives. Now no Difcipiin for the prefent feems to be joyful, but grievous -7 but afterward it will render, to them who are ex- ,erci$'d by it, themoft peaceable fruit of Ju- stice. Fallow Peace with all men, and Holi- nefs, without which none fhaHfee God •, and iook diligently left any one be wanting to the grace Sunday Matin?. iy grace of God. Let Brotherly love abide in you1*, and forget not Hofpitality * for by it foiiife have entertainM Angelsunawares. Remember them that are in bonds, as if you vyere bound with them-, and them that labour, as being your felves alfo in the body. Let your conver- sation be without covetoufnefs? contented with what you have •, for he has faid, I will not leave thee, nor forfake thee: fothat wemay confidently fay, our Lord is my help-, I will not fear what man can do to me. And the God of Peace, who brought again from the Dead the great Paflor of the Sheep, in the blood of the eternal Teftament, our Lord Jefus Chrift, make you perfeft in all goodnefs, that you may do his Will,working in you that which is well-pleafing in his fight, through Jefus Chrift} to whom be glory for ever and ever/ Amen. Refp. Thither, O my Soul, let us ftill be go- ing,where once to arrive is always to be at refb, there let us dwell o1 *°ady in hope, where once to enjoy, is alwa^ .0 be happy : *Since what- e'rewc defire we are fure to have ; and what- e're we have can never be taken from us. Let us believe, and obey, and fufFer } let us read* and meditate, and pray : Heaven's a reward worth all our pains : *Since what eVe we de- fire we are fure to have ; and what eVe we have can never be taken from us. ' Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the H. Ghofl : * Since whate're we defire, B 3 we 16 Sunday Matins. we are fure to have ; and whate're we have? can never be taken from us I Te Deum. \J\1 ^ praife thee our God ; we acknow- V V ledge thee our Lord : Ail the Earth adores thee \ the Father Eter* nal. To thee the bleffed Angels ; to thee the Heavens and all their Powers: To thee the Cherubin and Seraphin perpe- tually fing : Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Sabbaoth : The Heavens and the Earth are full- of the Majefty of thy Glory. The glorious Quire of Apollles praife thee. The renown'd fociety of Prophets blefs thee. The white-rob'd Army of Martyrs glorify thee : The H. Church throughout the World confefles thee. Father of immenfe Majefly: Thy adorable, true and only Son : Alfo the Holy Spirit the Comforter. Thou art the King of Glory, O Chrifi ! Thou art the eternal Son of the Father : Thou, being to undertake the delivery of Man, did'ft not difdain the Virgins Womb. -Thou, having overcome the fting of death v open'dit to believers the Kingdom of Heav'n. Thou Sunday Matins. 17 Thou fitteft at the right hand of God, in the glory of thy Father- We believe thou fhak come to be our Judge. Help therefore, we befeech thee, thy fer- vants, whom thou hall redeemed with thy precious blood : Make them be mimb'rd with thy Saints in glory everlafling. Lord fave thy people, and blefs thy Inhe- tance. And govern them/ and raife them up even to eternity. Every day we glorifie thee ; and praife thy Name for ever and ever. Vouchfafe,0 Lord,to keep us this day with- out fin. Have mercy on us,OLord,have mercy onus. Let thy mercy, OLord, be onus-, as our hope is in thee. In thee, O Lord, havelplac'dmyhope; let me not be confounded for ever. Pa ufe a while ; to reft eft on what yen have faid7 and to renew your attention «r then begin Lauds : Sunday Lauds. V./^VGod incline unto our aid : R. V-/ O Lord make haft to help us : V, Glory be, *fc B 4 RA> 1 8 Sunday Lauds. R. As it was, &c. Alfefoja. Ant. O how adorable are thy counfels. O Lord ! how ftrangely endearing the ways of thy love ! Alleluja. Tfal V. Sing to our Lord a Pfalm of Joy j ling' prai- fes to the God of our falvation. Sing with a loud and chearful voice ; fing with a glad and thankful heart. Say to the weak of fpirit be ftrong ; and to the forrowful, be of good comfort. Tell all the world this foul-reviving truth : and may their hearts within them leap to hear it. Tell them, the Lord of life is rifen again ; and has cloathed himfelf with immortal glory. He made the Angels meflengers of his vifto- ryy and vouchfaf'd even Himfelf to bring us the joyful news. How many ways did thy mercy invent ; O Thou wife contriver of all our Happinefs ! To convince thy followers into this blelt be- \&tj and fettle in their hearts a firm ground of hop$. Thou appearMft to the holy women in their return from the Sepulcher-, and open'dfl their eyes to know and adore thee : Thoa overtook'It in the way the two that difcour-s'd of thee ; and madeft their hearts burn within them to hear thee. Thou Sunday Lauds. 1 9 Thou fhewMft thy felf on the ftedfafl fhore, to thy weary Difciples labouring at Sea ; Labouring, alas, all night in vain ; without the blefling of their beloved Jefus : Thou fhew'dft thy felf, and told'ft them who thou wert : in the kind-known token of a beneficial miracle: Thorow the doors, though fhut, thou fwiftly pafled'ft \ to carry peace to thy com- fortlefs friends 1 To encourage their fears with thy powerful prefence ; and fecure their faith by thy chari- table arguments. How did'ft thou condefcend to eat before • them; and invite. them to touch thy impafli- ble body ! How did'ft thou fweetly provbke that incre- dulous fervant *to thruft his hand into thy wounded fide ! Actions, we know, unfit for thy glorify 5d ftate; but abfolutely neceflary for our flow be- lief. How often, O my gracious Lord, inthofe blefled forty days, *did thy charity caft to meet with thy Difciples ! That thou might'lt teach them ftill fome ex- cellent truths and imprint ftill deeper thy love in their hearts. Difcourfing perpetually of the Kingdome of Heaven ; and eftablifhing means to bring us thither. B 5 At 20 Siwdtiy Eauis. i At laft, when all thy glorious task was done; and thy parting hour from this earth ap- proached. Thou tenderly gatheredft: thy children a- bout thee v and in their full fight went'It up into Heaven : Leaving thy deareft blefling on their Heads** and promifing them a Comforter to fupply thine abfence. Q how adorable are thy Cotfnfels,OLord ? how ftratjgely endearing the. ways- of thy love t Say new my foul, is not this evidence clear 6notigh5 *toanfwera!l our darkell doubts ? Is not this hope abundantly fufficient* to > fweeteri all our bittereit forrows. What though wemourn and be affli&ed here; and figh under the miferies of this world for a lime? Wc'refure our tears (hall one day be turnM into joy ^ and that joy none ihall take from us, What though oar bodies be crumbled into: duft ; and that duft blown about o're the face of the- Earth ? Yet we undoubtedly know our Redeemer lives, and fiipiil appear inbrightnefs at the lafi great day He (hall appear in the mid'ft of innumerable Angels : and with tiiefe very Eyes we lhall fee him. We R $0£aj Matins. 21 We (hall fee him in whom we have fo long believed*, we fhall find him, whom we have fo often fought- We ffiall poflefs him whom our fouls have lov'd j and be united to him for ever, who is the only end of our being. Glory be, &%'. As it was, &c. Pfal. VI. Aifc thy head, O my foul ! and look up ; and behold the Glory of thy Crucified Saviour. He that was dead and lay'd in the grave, *low enough to prove himfelf Man. Is rifen again and afcended into Heaven, "*high enough to prove himfelf God. He is rifen, and made the Light his Garment*, and commanded the Clouds to be the Chariot of his triumph, The Gates of Heaven obeyed their Lord •, and the everlaiting doors openM to, the King of Glory. Enter bright King, attended with thy beau- teous Angels-, and the glad train pf thy new delivered Captives. Ehter and repofTefs thy ancient throne ', and: .reign eternally at the right hand of thy Father. May every Knee bow low at thy exalted Name, and every tongue confefs thy Glory. May all created Nature adore thy Power •, a:;d %%, Sunday Lauds. and the Church of thy redeemed exult in thy goodnefs. Whom have we in Heav'n,0 Lord,but thee; who exprefly went'it thither to make way for thy followers ? What have we on Earth but our hope, by following thee, *to arrive at lalt where thou art gone before us ? O glorious JESU, our ftrength, our Joy, and the immortal life of all our fouls ! Be thou the principal Subjeft of our fludies, afiddayly Entertainment of our moft ferious thoughts. Draw us, O deareflLord, from the World and our felves, that we be not entangled with any earthly defires. Draw us after thee, and the odours of thy fweetnefs v that we may run with delight the ways of thy commands. Draw us up to thee on thy Throne of blifs •, that we may fee thy face>and rejoyce with thee forever in thy Kingdome. Glory be, #*.. As it was? &c. PfaL VII. WHy fhould our hearts ftill dwell upon earth-, fince the treafure of our hearts is returnM to Heaven ?; Since our glorifyM Jefus is afcended above*; $0 preparers a place in his own Kingdome ? ^ A, place of reft, and fecure peace ^ where we. Sunday Lauds. %$ we (hall fee and praife and adore him for ever : A place of Joy and everlafling Fruition ; where we fliall love^and poffefsj.and delight in him for ever. O happy we5 and our poor fouls -7 if once admitted to that blifsful Vifion ! If once thofe heav'nly portals unfold their gates ; and let us in to the Joys of our Lord. How will our fpirits be ravifht within them- felves ; to reflect on the fulhefs of their own Beatitude ! How fhall we all rejoyce in one anothers fe- licity ; but infinitely more in the infinitely greater felicity of God! O Heaven! towards thee we lift up our lan- guifhing heads -, and with ftretcht-out hands reach at thy glories. When, O thou finifher of all' our hopes ! when fhall we once behold that incomparable Light? ThaC Light which.illuminates the Eyes of Angels, and renews the youth of Saints. That light which is thy very felf, O Lord our God! whom we fhall there fee face to face. Whom we fhall there know as we are known : wefliallknow thee in thine own clear light. O Light ftiing thou perpetually in our eyes : that thy brightnefs may darken the falfe lultre oi this WoricL Q 24 Sunday Lauds. O light ! filed thou thy flames in our hearts, that thy heat may confume all other de- fires. That we may burn continually with the cbaft love of thee -, till thine own bright day appear. Till we be calPd from this vail of dark- nefs, into the glorious prefence of the living God. To fee him that made the Heavens and the Earth •, and difpofes all the Creatures in fo beauteous order. To fee him that firft gave us our being, then governM us in our way, *and brought us at length to fo bleft an end. Mean while, O gracious Lord, the Crown of all thy Saints ^ and only expectation of thy faithful fervants! Make us entertain our life with the comfort of this hope ; and our hope with the aflurance ofthypromifes. Make us ftill every day more perfeftly un- derftand *our own great duty, and thy infinite love: Make us continually meditate the advance- ment of thy. glory <, and invite all the world to ling thy praifes- Praife our Lord, O you holy Angels ! Praife him O you happ : Saints ! Prain himh O you Faithful departed in his trace? Praife him 0 you lining whofubfift y his mercy ! Praife- i Sunday Lauds. z$ Praife him in the vafl immenfity of his Pow- er 5 praife him in the admirable vvifdom of his Providence- Praife him in the blefi^ effects of his goodnefs ; praife him in the infinitenefs of ail his Attributes : Be thou for ever thine one full praife,0 glo- rious God ! and, to all the felicities thou ef~ fentially pofleffeft, may every creature fay, Amen- Glory be, &'& As it was* &c Ant : O how adorable are thy Counfels, O Lord ! how ftrangely endearing the ways of thy love ! Alleluja. Capituluftt) i Pet. i. BLelTed be God, and the Father of our Lord Jefus Chriih who, according to his great mercy, has tegerlei I us to a lively hope ; by the Rgiurreft on of Jefus Chrift from the dead, tp ail inheritance incorruptible, and pure, and which cannot fade, confervM for you in the heavens- Hjtib£ I L WA\e my foul, rife from this1 bed Of dullard fiuggilh earth ; Quickly rife, lift ip thy head, And fee thy Lords new birth. Once a5 Sunday. Lands* Once he came, O blefled He ! Born of a Virgin- Womb : Now he comes (both times for theej Sprung from a Virgin- tomb. Lo he rifes Frefh and bright, Incircled round with Stars ; Which from him take all their lights And from his glorious Scars. Still as He his progrefs makes Up to his heav'n again ^ Each bleft Saint his mufick takes. And follows in his train. Thus together They afcend, Tillatheav'ns gate they, come :7 Where the Angels all attend, To bid them welcome home. Soon they know again their King,< Soon they his Call obey } All the Quires come forth to fing,,. And Grown with mirth the Day. . Come, my foul, let us rejoyce, Let us our confort bring : . Up. to heav'n lets lift our voice, , And with the Angels fing. Glory> honour, powY and praife, Sunday Lauds? z? To the myfterious Three j] As at the firft beginning was, May now and ever be. Amen. Ant : Why feck you the living among the dead ? He is rifen, He is not here : He is glo- rioufly afcended, and the heav'ns have re- ceived him. Alleluja, Alleluja. Benedittus. BLefled be our Lord, the God of Ifrael ; for he has vifitcd and redeem'd his People: And rais'd np a Kingdom of Salvation to uSj in the Houfe of David his Servant. As he fpake by the mouth of his holy Pro- phets, who have been iince the world be- gan: Salvation from our Enemies ; and from the hands of all that hate us. To fliew mercy to our Fathers > and tore- member his holy Teftament : The Oath which he fware to Abraham our Father, that he would give unto us. That being deiiverM from the hands of our enemies, we may ferve him without fear : In Holinefs and Juftice before him * all the days of Our life- And thou Child (halt be called the Prophet of the Higheft jfor thou fnalt go before the face of our Lord, to prepare his ways : To ^,8 Sunday Lauds. To give knowledge of falvation to his Peo- ple ; for remiflion of their fins. Through the tender mercy of our God, whereby the day fpring from on High has vi- fited us : To give light to them that fit in darknefs, and in the fhadow of death ^ to direct our feet into the way of Peace. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant : Why feek you the living among the dead ? He is rifen, He is not here : He is glo- Tioufly attended, and the Heav'ns have re- ceived Him. Alleluja, Alleluja. V. Our Lord is Rifen and Afcended indeed: R. The firft fruits of thofe that dye in ban Love. Let us Pray. OGod, who haft glorify M ourVidorious Saviour,with a vifibly triumphant Refur- reftion from the dead, and Afceniion into Hea- ven, where he fits at thy right hand ;the Worlds fupream Governour, and final Judge ! Grant, we humbly befeech thee, his Triumphs and Glories may ever fhine in our eyes ; to make us more clearly fee thorow his fufFerings, and more courageoufly wade through our own : being allured by his Example, that if we en- deavour to live and dye like him, purely for the advance of thy love in our felves and o* thers, thou wilt raife again our bodies too* and Sunday Lauds. 29 (and conforming them to his glorious body, call I as up above the Clouds, and give us pofleflion m thy everlafting Kingdom : Through the I fame our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son> who, with thee and the H. Ghoft, lives and reigns OneGod, world without end, Amen. COSM MEMO ^jTlOTiS. For the B. Virgin, 1 Reg 2. A'it. And the King fate on his Throne1, and a Throne was plac'd for the King's Mother, and (he fate on hi© right hand : and the King faid to her, ask on my Mother, for 1 will not deny thee. V. Ask thou all bleflings for us, O Bleffed among Women ! R. Of thy womb's BlefTed Fruit, our Lord Jcfus. Let us pray. O God, who haft endow'd the ever BleiTed Virgin Alary withallthegraceson earth, and all the glories in heaven, worthy the Mo- ther of thy Son, the Worlds great Redeemer ! Grant we befeech thee, that, as we praife and magnifie thy Name, for fo highly exalting the lowhnefs of thy[Handraaid, we may be encou- MS* by the confidence of her interceflion, to hope dill more in thy mercy ; both for par- don 30 Sunday Lauds:. don of 0111? fins, and conduit of our lives, and joyful reception into thy everlafting King- dome. For the Saints. Ant. They feem, in the eyes of the fooli(h> dead to themfelves and all the world ; but: they reft with God in immortal peace, and>exer- cife towards us a far greater charity. V. Hear thou, O Lord, their prayers for us in heav'n ; R. Who on earth have taught us to ptay. Let us pray. O Eternal Father, whofe H. Spirit, by thy bleiTed Apoftles, has planted in the world the faving Doftrine of thy Son : and watered it with fo much fweat and blood of them and their followers, that it has o're- fpread the earth, and born much fruit to hea- ven ! Molt thankfully we praife thee for ths gracious Lives and Deaths of all thy Saints here, and the glorious Crowns with which they are rewarded in thy Kingdome •, where, we humbly befeech thee, accept their inter- ceffion for us finners \ applying fo home to our hearts their Memories and Merits, that we too, by thy grace, may in fome meafure live and dye like them, and be crownM at length with the fame blifsful rewards. For Sunday Laucls. 31 For the Church. ^f.Letus,in all things grow in him,who is :>ur head,Chriib from whom the whole body, jeing compact and knit together by every oynt f fubminiftration, increafes to the edi- fying it felf in charity. V. We all are members of the fame Bo- R. Let us love, and ferve, and pray for one mother. Let us pray- OGod, who gathereft thy Flock out of all Nations, into the faving Fold of one Hatholick Church ; where thy providence has )rdainM Bifhops and Paftors immediately to "eed thy Sheep and Lambs, and oneSupream governor tofecure Unity among the refbBlefs ^e befeech thee, *Qhy fervant N. who at ^refent fits in the known Chair of St. Peter, .vith all the graces necelTary to that higheft 3ffice on earth. Blefs] all Bifhops and their "lergy, with courage? and skill, and fatherly rare, to edify and guard their feveral Charges. 31efs all the faithful with a filial love and due obedience to their Superiors. That theclear- lefs of truth and beauty of holinefs daily in- :reafing in thy Church, through every ones de- fout purfuance of their duties, all Herefies *nd Schifms may at length vanilh among Chriili- 3X Sunday Lauds. Chriftians, and all Pagans and Jews be happi- ly won into her facred bofom, the fole Ark of Salvation. * Omit all within thefe Q ^during the Vacancy. For the King. Ant. Be fubjett to all in Authority : to the King, as moll excellent \ and to the Rulers, as fent by him for punifhment of the bad and reward of the Good. Be fubjeft* for fo is the Will of God ; that, by doing well? yoq may flop the mouths of the ignorant and ma- licious. V, Be fubjed, not only for fear ^ R. But for Confcience fake. Let us pray. OGod, by whom alone Kings reign, and all kinds 2nd degrees of lawful Magi- flracy are fubftituted, to provide for tltf publick Peace, among fuch infinite varieties of humours and interefts, and by reftrain»i ing private injuries, to remove the impedij ments of true Charity, that fo the whole ftat<| and each Member may be built up together to their greateft fitnefs for thy heav'nly King dom ! Preferve, we humbly befeech thee, an< and govern, by thy grace, our covereign Lor King CHJR-LES : Endow his Royal Perfo ■wit Sunday- I 33 with Wifdom and Courage, and all qualities befitting his '\ei;'.i Oflxe: Blefs him with fidelity and diligence in his Minifters; and wkh reverence and obedience in all his Sub- jefts. That thefword of Juftice in his hand may eftabliih us in peace and plenty *, to our freer improvement under the Difciplin of true Virtue, and the higher exalting his own Crown in the Kingdom of Eternity : through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, with? &c, V. O Lord hear? &c. R. And let our, &o V. Blefs we our Lord. R.Thanks be to God. V. May the Souls of the Faithful departed, through the mercy of God, reft in peace. R. Amen- Paufe and meditate a while, accor- ding to your devotion : Then fay, The bleffing of God Almighty, Father, Son* and H. Ghoft, defcend upon us, and dweW in our hearts for ever, Amen. Paufe a while, then rife : And fo ends the Morning; Office. J6 T.hefe four Commemorations are fxld '.. every Day at the end of Lauds. Sun* 34 Sunday Vefpers. Sunday Vefpers. IN the Name of the Father, and of the Soi^ and of the H. Ghoft, Amen- BlefTed be the H- and undivided Trinity, now and for ever. Amen- Our Father. Hail Mary. V. O God incline unto our aid. R. O Lord make haft to help us. V . Glory be to &c R. As it was &c. Alleluja. Ant. Glorious things are faid of Thee? thou City of the King of Heav'n. Alleluja. Pfal. VI II. LEt them, O Lord, feek other delights j who exped no felicity from thee. Let them fill up their time with other im- ployments, who think thy rewards not worth their labour. As for thy Servants, our chief content fhall be, * to meditate the Glories preparM for us above. All the few years we live fhall fpend them- felves, * to purchafe that one eternal Day. That Day whofe brightnefs knows noNighf, nor ever fears the leaft Eclips. Whofe chearful brow no Cloud o'reeafts *, nor ftorm molefts the paflage of its rays. But (till fhines on ferene and clear \ and fills with fplendors that fpacious Palace. It . * Sunday Vefpcrs. 37 It needs not the fading luftre of our Sun ; nor the borrowed filver of the Moon. The Sun that rifes there is the Lamb; and the Light that fhines, the Glory of God. O how beauteous truths are fung of thee, thou City of the King of Heav'n ! Thy Walls are raifed with precious flones ; and every gate is of one rich pearl. Thy manfions are built with choice!! Jew- els •, and the pavement of thy Streets is trans- parent Gold. Down in the midfl: runs a chryital river, perpetually flowing from the throne of God. There all along thofe pleafant banks, de- licioufly grows the Tree of Life. Healing all wounds with its balmy leaves ; and making immortal all that but taft its fruit. Thus is the holy City built ; thus is the New Jerkfalem adorn'd. O fortunate and glorious City ! how free and happy are thy glad Inhabitants ! Every head wears a royal Crown \ and eve- ry hand a palm of Victory. Every Eye ore-flows with joy, and every Tongue with Pialms of Praife. Behold, O my Soul? the Inheritance we feek, and where can we find more Riches to invite us ? Behold the felicities to which we arc tallM ; and where can we meet fuoh pleafuies to en- tertain us? C Avvav 3 6 Sunday Vefpers. Away then all vain and worldly defires \ be banifht for ever from molefting my peace. Defcend thou blefled Heaven into my heart ; or rather take up my heart to thee. Thy joys are too great to enter into me \ O make me fit to enter into them. Make me Hill think on my Country above j and there eftablifhmy eternal heme. Where I fhall dwell perpetually, in the view of my God •-, and be fillM forever with the fweetnefs of his Prefence. Glory be, &c As it was, &c •Ant. Glorious things are faid of thee, thou City of the King of Heaven! Alleluja. Ant. If thefe imperfeft fhadows fo fweetly pleafe ; how will the real fubftance tranfport our hearts ! Alleluja. PJal. IX. >Left be thy gracious Wifdom, O Lord* *that fo mercifully floops to our low conceits. Under thefe veils thouhid'il thofe glorious myfteries , too high and fpiritual for our flefh and blood. Thou hid'ft, or rather fo revealVtthy fu- blime rewards *to take us with things we mod admire. Scepters and Crowns thou knoweft are apt *£owin the hearts of us thy Children. ' Children alas, too truely in.ufeful know- l* * ledge: Sunday Vefpers. $j ledge : O that we were fo in love and du- ty" What is a drop of Water to the boundlefs Ocean, or a grain of Dull to this vaft Globe ? Such, O my God, and infinitely lefs *are the richeft Kingdoms here below. Should we compare their molt pompous ftate *to the meaneft degree in the Court of Heaven. When thou haft fed us a while with Milk, thou invk*ft our appetite to ftronger meat. Thou teii'it us of a fvveet delicious life, in the bleft focieiy of Saints and Angels : With whom we (hall dwell in perpetual friendfhip: and be lovM and efteemM by theiu all for ever. Thou tell'ft us of a pure foul-ravifhing joy •, to behold the amiab'e face of Jefus: Whofe gracious fmiles fhine round about ; and fill the Heav'ns with holy gladnefs. Thou telPft us ftill of incomparable higher delights; harken, O my foul, and humbly a- dore thy God : Whofe bounty has provided thee large re- wards ; fince thev are no lefs than his very felt: Kimfelf he will clearly unveil before us*, and openly fhew us that great fecrct. O happy fecret, if once at4aftdifclosM \ if once we but fee the face of our God ! What is it, glorious Lord, fo fee thy face \ C z bar jg Sunday Vefpers. but to know Thee as Thou art in thine- own bleft Being ? To know the immenfity of thy felf-fubfift- ing EfTence ; and the infinite excellence of all thy- Attributes. To know the Power of the Eternal Father ; and the Wifdom of the Increated Son* To know the.Goodnefs of the H. Ghoft; and the incomprehenfible Glories of the undi- vided Trinity. This, O my Soul, is the top of happinefs.; this the fupreme perfe&ion of our nature This, this alone is the aim of our being j the hope and end of all our labors. When we are come to this, we dial] pre* fently reft, and our fatisfyM defires reach no farther. We fhall be fillM with overflowing blifs, 2nd our utmoft capacities hold no more- But in one ACi of Joy be eternally fixt; ^nd that one aft fpring frelh for ever. Glory be, &c. As it was, &*. Ant, If thefe imperfect fhadows fofweetly pleafe-, how will the real fubftance tranfport cur hearts ! Alleluja. Aht. Never can we fay too much of this glorious fubjeit •, never can we think enough of the felicities of Heav'ji. Alleluja. Tfal Sunday Vefpcrt. 39 Ffal. X. A Rife my foul, to thee thefe joys belong; arife and advance thy felf on high. Leave here below -all earthly thoughts, and fly away with the- wings of thy Spi- rit. Fly to that glorious Land of Promife ; and gladly falutethofe heavenly regions* Hail happy Paradife of pure delights ; thou beauteous Garden of never-fading flow- ers ! Hail bleft Society of beatifyM Spirits ; who perpetually contemplate the eternal Deity. Hail, and for ever may your glories grows till they rife fo high, they can grow no more. Hail, and among your chearfull Hymn* remember us *who dwel below in this vale of tears. We hope one day to come up to You •, and i be plac'dtofing in your holy Quires. We hope to know all things producM ; we hope to know that all-producing Caufe. O what a fire of love will it kindle in ouf hearts, when we fhall fee thofe lhining my- fteries ! When our great God, like a burning Mir- ror, fhall ftrike his brightnefs on the Eyes of our Soul C 3 O what 4© Sunday Vefpers. O what exceffive joy will that love pro- duce, a love fo violently defiling, and fo fully fatisfy M ! When onr Capacities fhall be ftretch'd to the utmoft, and the rich abounding Object fill and overflow them. O what profound repofe will that joy be- pet, a joy fo infinitely high, and fo eternally fecure ! When in an amorous languifhment, we fhall fweetly diifolve, into that blifsful union with our firft beginning- When, without lofing what we are, *we fhall become even what he is. We (hall take part in all his Joys, and fhare in the glories of all his Heavn. O what divine and raviihing words are thefe ! how gently they enter and delight my ear ! How they difFufe themfelves over all my brain : and ftrongly penetrate to my very Soul ! Methinks they turn to fubftance as they go, and I feel them jfcif and work through all my powers. Methinks they lye as a Cordial at my heart, find fend forth Spirits to quicken and refreih me. There, O my Soul, we /hall reft from all our labors, which are but the way to all fliad ' h-appine fs. There Stmday Vefpcrs. 41 There we fhall red from fin and forrovv^ and no longer be troubled with our felves o:: others. There we fhall reft for ever in the protect! - on of our God, in the arms and bofom of ourdearefc Lord. OHeav'n! the Eternal fonrce of all thefe: joys, and infinitely more, and infinitely grea- ter. As the Hart pants after the water-brooks*- foletmy^Soul thirft after thee. After thee let me dayly figh and mourn* and with a fixt and longing Eye look up, and fay. "When, O my God, fhall I fit at that foun- tain head, and drink my fill of thofe living ftreams ? When fhall I be inebriated with that torrent of pleafures> which fprings for ever from thy glorious Throne ? O that the days of my banifhment were ful- ly finiiht ! How is the time of my pilgrimage- prolonged ? Why am I (till detained in this vaily of tears? ft ill wandring up and down in this wildernefs of dangers ? Come thou* fweet Jefus, my only hope? *and fure deliverer out of all my forrows: Come thou, and here begin to dwell in my heart? and fit me for the life I fhall lead here- after. C 4 Come, 4^ Sunday Fefpers. Come* O my deareft Lord, and prepare my Soul for thee, and then, when thou plea- feftj take it to thy felf. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Never can we fay too much of this glorious fubjeft* never can we think enough of the felicities of Heav'n. Alleluja. Capit. Rom. XII. LEt love be without diflimulation. Hate that which is evil, cleave to that which is good. Love brotherly charity one towards another ^ with honour preventing one ano- ther. In bufinefsnot flothful. In fpirit fer- vent. Serving our Lord. Rejoycing in hope. Patient in tribulation. Irftant in prayer. Communicating to the neceffities of the Saints. Praftifing hofpitality. Blefs them that per- fecute you: Blefs and curfe not. Re Joyce, Vt ith them that rejoyce •, weep with them that weep, being mutually of the fame mind : not aflefting high things, but condefcending to mean things. Be not wife in your own con- ceits. Render to none evil for evil. Be fe- licitous to do well, not only before God, but in the fight of all men. If it be poffible, as much as is in you, live peaceably with every one. Revenge not your felves, moft dearly beloved, but give place to wrath, for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, faith Sunday Vefpers. 4$ faith our Lord. But, if thy Enemy hunger, give him meat, if he thirft, give him drink : for, doing this, thou fhalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil : but 0- vercome evil with good. Hymn III. WHy do we feek felicity? Where 'tis not to be found : And not, dear Lord, look up to thee. Where all delights abound ? Why do wre feek for treafure here> On this falfe barren Sand : Where'nought but empty fhels appear, And marks of Shipwrack Hand ? O world, how little do thy joys Concern a Soul, that knows It felf not made-for fuch low toys3 - As thy poor hand bellows ! How crofs art thou to that deilgn For which we had our birth ! Us? who were made in Heav'n to fliine? * Thou bow'ft down to thy Earth. Nay, to thy Hell, for thither fink All that to thee fubmit : Thou drew Tc fome flowers on thebriLk, To drown us in the Pit. C 5 World, ^4 Sunday Vefpers. World, take away thy tmfel wares, That dazle here our Eyes : Let us go up above the Stars, Where all our treafure lies. The way we know, our dearefl Lord Himfelf is gone before : And has ingag'd his faithful w7ord To open us the door. But, O my God ! reach down thy hand, And take tts up to thee : That we about thy Throne may Hand, And all thy glories fee, All glory to the facred three, One ever-living Lord : As at thefirft, ftill may he be BelovM, obey'd, ador'd- Amen.- Ar.t. G glorious God! thy infinite Perfecti- ons caufe us to admire thee ; and thy boun- teous prcmifesingageustohopeinthee : Thy incomparable beauty ravilhes our hearts, and the joys thou halt prepared for ustranfcend our willies. Alleluja* Magnificat. Y Soul magnifies our Lord ; And my Spirit has rejoyced in Goct V Saviour : Becaufe Sunday Fefpers. 45 Bccaufc he has regarded the lowlinefs of his handmaid. For behold from hence- forth* all Generati- ons lhall call me blelled : For he that is mighty has done great things to me, and holy is his Name. And his mercy is on them that fear him, from Generation to Generation. He has fhewed flrength in his Arm, he has fcattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hasdeposM the powerful from their feat, and exalted them of low degree* He has fillM the hungry with good things, and the rich fent empty away- He has receivM ffraei his Child, being mindful of his mercy. As he fpake to our Fathers, to J&tdhtfn and his feed forever. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. O glorious God ! thy Infinite Per- fections caufe us to admire Thee> and thy bounteous promifes ingnge us to hope in Thee: Thy incomparable beauty ravifliesour hearty and the joys Thou haft prepared for us tran- feend all our willies. Allckija. V. It has not afcended into the heart of Man. R. What God has prepared for thofe that love him. Let 4^ Sunday Fefyers. Let us pray. OGod ! who gracioufly woo'ft us to our Eternal Inheritance, bydefcribing its - inexpreffible glories all manner of ways which are apt to work upon our low conceits •, that they may fitly infinuate tbemfelves, and be- come by degrees abfolute Mailer of our hearts ! Bring them, we befeech Thee, ftill feafonably into our memories, and fo ftrong- ly fettle them in our affe&ions, that our Souls being wholly ravifh'd with thofe great hopes, all the temptations and vanities of this world may fly unconcerningly by us : and never be able to diftratt our intire, and fteady, and .«; dayly ftrengthening defires of entring once for eyer into poffeffion of thy Kingdom, through our Lordjefus Chrift thy Son, tvho, [ with, &c. V. OLord hear, &c. R. And let our, &c. Vv Blefs we our Lord. R. Thanks be to Gcd. V. May the Souls of the Faithful depar- ted, through the mercy of God; .reft iui peace. R. Amen... Faufe Sunday Complin. 47 Paufe a while, to reflect on what you have /aid, and* to renew your at- tention : Then hegin Complin. Sunday Complin. V. /^Vllr help is in the Name of our Lord, | R. V>/ Who made heav'n and earth. V. Concert us? O God, our Saviour! R. And turn away thy anger from us- ! V* O God incline unto our ayd. R. O Lord make haft to help us : V. Glory be, Ore. R. As it was, &c. Alleluja. Ant. All is unquiet here, till we come to Thee ^ and repofe at lail in the Kingdom of Peace- Pfal. XL \ 7 T 7 Ho will give me the wings of a Dove; V V that.I may fly away and be at reft ? That I may fly away from the troubles of this life j and be at reft, dear Lord, with Thee. Here we, alas are forcM to figh, and bear with grief the burthen of our miferies. Often we encounter chance that endanger us; 48 Sunday Complin. us •, and divert our progrefs in the way to Blifs. Often we are aflaulted with temptations that overcome us •, and fet us back in the ac- counts of eternity. How many times, O my Soul, have we plainly concluded, *chat this earth affords no real joy ! How many times have we fully agreed, that heav'n alone is the place of happinefs! Yet do thefe falfe allurements again de- ceive us ; and ileal away our hearts to dote upon folly.1 Yet do inconftant we forget our refolves •, and wretchedly negledl our true felicity. O thou vi&orious Conquerour of lin and death ! do thou affift us i'n this dangerous war- fare. Othou benign Refrelher of diftrefled Spi- rits ! do thou relieve us in this tedious pilgri- mage Make us flill thirft and figh after Thee \ the' living fountain of life-giving ftreams. Make usdefpifc all other delights-, and fet our affeftions entirely on thy joys. Since nothing, Lord, can fatisfie our fouls but Thee ; O let our fouls feek nothing but thee. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Tfal. Sunday Contpltn. 41; Pfal: XII. Give me, O Lord, the innocence of Doves •, and fill my Soul with thy mild Spirit: Then (hall I need none of their wings ; fince Heaven it felf will dwell in my heart. 'Tis on the proud thou look'ft afar off:, but inclin'ft thine ear to the humble and meek : Who delight in the peace of a contented mind ; and limit their thoughts to their own little fphear : Never intermedling with the aftionsof 0- thers j unlefs where reafon and charity en- gage 'em : But their belovM imployment is to fit in filen^e ; and think on the happinefs they ex- pedt hereafter. To meditate the joys of Saints and Angels } and blifsful Villon of the face of Jefus. O how fecure and fweetly do they fleep 5 who go to bed with a quiet conference ! Who, afcer a day of faithful induftry^ in a courfe of juft and pious living. Lay down their wearied heads in peace,and fafely reft in the bofom of Providence. If they awake, their confeience comforts them in the dark *, and bids them not fear the fliadow of dearh : Noj nor even death it felf; but confident- ly look up, *and long for the dawn of that e- terual day* This ^0 Sunday Complbr. This too my foul, fhould be our care •, to cote and cenfure, and correft our felves : Toftrive for maftery over the paffions that moleft us*, and difmifs from our thoughts what no way concerns us. Are notourownoccafions bufinefs enough, to fill as much time as this life deferves ? Does not the other at leaftdeferve *every minute of leifure we can fpare from this ? Let then the worldly purfoe their liberties •, and fay and do as they think fit : What' s that to thee, my foul ! who {halt not anfwer for others -, unlefsthou fome way make their faults thine own. Thy pity may grieve? and thy charity en- deavour ; but, if they will not hear, follow thou thy God. Follow the way that leads to truth ; follow the truth that lead to life; Follow the fteps of thy beloved Jefus •, who alone is the way, the truth, and the life. Follow his holinefs in what he did ; follow his patience in what hefufferM. Follow him that calls thee with a thoufand promifes , follow him that Crowns thee with infinite rewards. Follow thy faithful Lord, O my foul, to the end, and thou'rt fure in the end to pofiefs him for ever. Glory be* &f> As it was? &'c. Tfal. Sunday Complin. 5 1 Pfal. XIII. MEeknefs, indeed, is the heav'n of this iifci but the heaven of heav'ns> O Lord, is above with Thee. Meeknefs may qualify our miferies here.-, and make our time pafs gent Her away : But, to be fully happy, we muft flay till hereafter ; till thy mercy bring us to our laft great end. That glorious end, for which our fouls are made ; and all things elfe to ferve tfcem in their way. 'Tis not to fport our time in pleafures"** that Thou O Lord, haft placM us here. *Tis not to gain a fair eftate ; that thy kind- nefs ftill prolongs our days. But to do good to our felves or others \ and glorify Thee in improving thy creatures. To increafe every day our longing defires *of beholding Thee in thine own bright felf O glorious Lord, whofe infinite fweetnefs *provokes and fatis_fies all our appetites ! May my entire affe&ions delight in thee ; above all the vain enjoyments of this world. Above all praife and empty Honour \ above all Beauty and fading Pleafure. Above all Health and deceitful Riches \ a- boveall Power and fubtleft Knowledge- Above 5^ Sunday Complin. Above even all thy own bounty can give j and what ever is not Thy very felf. . O may my wearied foul repofe in thee i the home and center of eternal reft ! May I forget my felf to think on thee •, and fill my memory with the wonders of thy love. That infinite love, which when my thoughts confider: not as they ought? alas> butaslanr able. The Goods or Ills of this World lofe their name ; and yield not either relilh or diftajt. O my adored Jefus ! ht me love thee al- ways j becaufe from eternity thou haft loved me. O let me love thee only, gracious God ! becaufe thou alone deferv'lfc all my heart. Always and only let me love thee, O Lord I fince always my hope is only in thee, G.ory be, &c. As it was, &c. Jnt. All is unquiet here till we come to thee; and repofe at Jaft in the Kingdom of Peace. Hymn IV. DEar Jefu, when will it be> That I no more fhall break with thee I When will this war of paffions ceafe -7 And let my foul enjoy thy peace ! Here I repent, and fin again , j Now I revive, and now am flair) : Slain Sunday Complin. 53 Slain with the fame unhappy dart* Which, O, too often wounds my heart : When dearefl Lord, when fliall I be A garden feal'd to all but thee ! No more exposM, no more undone ; Eut live and grow to thee alone- *Tis not* alas, on this low earth, Thatfach pure flow'rs can find a birth : Only they fpring above the skies? Where none can live? till here he dies. Then let me dye, that I may go And dwell where thofe bright Liilies grow : Where thofe bleft plants of glory rife. And make a fafer Paradife. No dangerous Fruit? no tempting Eve% No crafty Serpent, to deceive ; But we like Gods irdeed fliall be : Olet me dye, that life to fee. Thus fays my fong : but does my heart Joyn with the words, and fing its part ? Am I fo thorovv- wife to chufe The Other world, and this refufe ? W hy fhould I not ? what do I find Tnat fully here contents my mind ? What 54 Sunday Complin. What is this meat,& drink,&ileep-, (keep?' That fuch poor things, from heaven fhould What alT'this Honour, or great Place, Or bag of Mony, or fair Face ? What's all the World, that thus we fhouM- Still long to dwell withflefli and blood ? Fear not my foul, ftand to the word, ' Which thou haft fung to thy dear Lord ; Let but thy love be firm and true •, And with morelieat thy wifh renew. O, n ay this dying life make haft? To dye into true life at laft : No hope have I to live before ; But then to live, and dye no more. Great Ever-living God ! to thee? In EfTence One, in Perfon Three, May all thy works their tribute bring^ And every age thy glory fing* Amen.: Capit. i Jo. 2. LOve not the world, nor the things* that are in the world: if any one love the world? the charity of the Father is not in him. For, all that is in the world is concu- pifcenceof the flefrbconcupifcence of the eyes* and pride of life 7 which is not of the Father, but Sunday Complin. 5-5 but of the world : and the world palfes away, and the concupifcence thereof:, but he that docs the will of God abides for ever. Ant. Learn of me, fays our Lord, fori am meek and humble of heart \ and you (hall find reft to your Souls. .Nunc dimittis. NOw thou doft nor our Tongues break forth into violent exprcffions, but our tem- per be always pi;efervM, let the world ftir how 'twill about us> calm and regular •, and as becomes thofe, all whofe Powers are poflefl with the joys of heav'n, and apt to feel in e- very thing only the fweet impulles of hope and charity, through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who with, &c. t V.\ TOuchfafe us we befeech thee, OLord, V a quiet night* and an happy end, R. Amen. V. Lord have mercy on us. R. Chrift have mercy onus. V. Lord have mercy on us. Our Father, &c. V. And lead us not into temptation j R. But deliver us from evil, Amen. V. Into thy hands? O Lord, we commend our Spirits. R. Into thy hands, O Lord, we commend our Spirits. V. Thou haft redeemM us, O Lord, thou God of truth ! R. Into thy hands, O Lord, we commend oui Spirits. V. Preferveus, O Lord, as the apple of thin< eye : R. Under the fhadow of thine wings prote O merciful God, . the weakness of thy fcrvants ! that we, D who 60 Monday Matins. who celebrate the memory of the blefled Mo- ther of our Lord, may, by the aid of her In- tercession, obtain thy grace to rife from our Iniquities ; through the fame Jefus Chrift our Lord, Amen. May the divine AfTiftance, &c. The bleffingpf, &c. From Eaficr to Trinity Sunday. V. Our Lord#give us his peace, R. And life Everlafting, Amen. REjoyce chaft Queen of Angels, and apply AH thofe blelt Quires to ling this Victo- ry:" He that was born of Thee, and dy'd for us, Has conquerM Death ; is rifen glorious : Sing then,and in thy Hymns this mercy crave, That thy great Son our fouls in judgment fave, Amen. V. Rejoyce and triumph, O BlefTed Virgin Mary! Alleluja. R. F or our Lord is rifen indeed. Alleluja. Let us pray. OGod, who, by the Refurreftion of thy Son, our Lord Jefus Chrift, haft Vouch- faPd to make glad the hearts of the world ! grant, we befeech Thee, that, by the prayers . of his immaculate Virgin-Mother, we may attain the joys of eternal life ; through the, rime Jefus Chrift our Lord, Amen. ** May the divine Afliftance, &c. The blefling of, &c. jFW Sunday Complin. 61 From Trinity Sunday to advent Sunday* V. Our Lord give us his peace, R. And life everlaftijg. Amen. HAil Qpeenof Saints0Hail mercies Mother Our life, our hope, our comfort, Hail : To thee, deploring one another* We poor £t>t's banifh'd off-fpring wail, To thee we cry, and our fad moans Sigh out into thy tender ears : To thee our hearts weep bitter groans, la this doleful vale of tears. Hear, glorious Advocate, O hear ! And towards wretched us incline The gracious afpefl of thofe dear Compaflionating Eyes of thine. Soft fource of pity, mild and fweet, O Mary^ ever- Virgin-pure ! Behold us proftrate at thy feet , And by thy pow'rful pray'rs procure, ! That an unwearyM clofe purfuit Of life may bring us fo to dye, We may on Jefiis, thy blefl Fruit, Feaft our glad Eyes eternally. Amen. V. Pray for us, O holy Mothei of God ! flR. That we may be made worthy the promi- fes of "Chrift. D z Let '6z Sunday Complin. Let us pray. f A Lmighty and ever-living God, whey by jLjLthe Cooperation of the H. Ghofl, vouch- fafeft to prepare the Body and Soul of the glo- rious Virgin Mother Mary, thatihe might become the worthy habitation of thy Son! Grant, that* as with joy we celebrate her Me- mory 5 we may, by her pious interceffion,be deliver'd from all temporal evils, and from eternal Death i through the fame JefusChrifl cur Lord, jimen. May the divine Afliftance, &c. The bleffingof, &c. THE «3! T HE Office For Monday, MATINS. Introduction, as page il Invit. Come lei's adore our God that made us* Come? let's adore our God that made us, Pfal. XIV. LEtus with reverence appear before him ? and humble our felves in the prefence of his glory : Let us all bring forth our Pfalms of Praife ••> and fing with joy to our great Crea- tor. Come, let's adore our God that made us. He made us* not we our felves \ and freely beftow'd on us all the reft of his Creatures, to engage oitr hearts to love his Goodnefs? and admire the riches of his infinite Bounty, D 3 Come 6<\ Monday Matins. Come let's adore our God that made us. Our Bodies he framed of the duft of the earth, and gave us a Soul after his own like- nefs •, a Soul which all created Nature cannot fill 5 nor any thing below his own Immenfi- ty. Come, let's adore our God that made us. For himfelf he made us, and for his glori- ous Kingdome : that we might dwell with Him in perfeft blifs, and fing his praifes for ever. Come? let's adore our God that made us. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c Come> let's adore,&c. Come, let's adore* &c. Hymn. V. WAke now, my Soul, and humbly hear What thy mild Lord commands J Each word of his will charm thine ear j , Each word will guide thy hands. Hark how his fweet and tender care Complies with our weak minds : What e're our Hate and temper are,. Still fome fit work he finds. They that are merry let them fing, And let the fad hearts pray : Let thofejftiil ply their chearful wing ? And thefe their fober way. D + So Mont *y Matins. f£ So mounts the early chirping Lark Still upward to the Skies : Soli ts the Turtle in the dark, Sighing out moans and cries. And yet the Lark, and yet the Dove, Both fing, though fevcral parts : And fofhould we, how eVe we move With light or heavy hearts. Or rather Both fiiould both afTaf, And their crofs-notes Unite: Both grief and joy fhould fing and pray 5 Since both fuch hopes invite* Hopes that all prefent forrow heal> All prefent joy tranfeend : Hopes to poffefs, and tafte, and fce3 Delights that never end. All glory to the facred Three, All honor, power and praife - As at the firft, may ever be, Beyond the end of days. Ant. All things lie open to the Eyes of God.y all things are naked to Him with whom w$ fpeak. Pfal. 6$ Monday Matins. Pfal. XV. HAppy are they, O glorious Lord, who every where adore thy Prefence : Happy, who live on Earth as in the fight of the King of heaven ; and every moment fay in their heart, Our God is here : Herein the center of our fouls, .to witnefs all our thoughts } and judge exaftly our moft fe- cret intents. Though his Throne offlatebe eftablifhta- bove -0 and the fplendors of his glory fliine on- ly on the Blelled. Yet his unlimited Eye looks down to this lower world, and beholds all the ways of the Children of dd+m. If we go out, he marks our Steps ; and, when we retire,, our Clofet excludes not him. While we are alone, He minds our contri- vings} and the. ends we aim at in all our ft.u- dies: When we converfe with others, He obferves our deportment \ and the good or ill we do them, orourfelves : In our devotions He notes our carriage \ and regards with what attention we recite our pray'rs. All the day long He confiders how we fpend our time ; andourdarkeft night conceals not our works from him : If Monday Matins. 6j If we deceive our Neighbor, He fpies the fraud v and hears the leaft whifper of a flan- dering tongue : If we in fecretopprefs the poor, or by pri- vate alms relieve their wants : If in our hearts we murmur at the Rich; or live contented with our little portion : What eVe we do, He perfectly fees us ; where e're we are, he is fure to be with us. Why ^ O Thou Soveraign Lord of Heav'n -r why doft Thou ftoop thus low thy glorious Eye? What canft thou find that here deferves thy fight \ among the trifles of our empty world ? What canft Thou find, alas, that fhould not fear thy fight \ among the follies of our vi- cious lives ? 'Tisnot thy felf, O Lord, thou feek'ft to fatisfie •, but all thy defign is for our advan- tage. Thou gracioufly ftand'ft by, to fee us work; that thine awful Eye may quicken our dili- gence. Thou art ftill at hand to relieve our wants -7 that fo friendly a nearnefs may increafe our confidence. Thou appear'ft ftill ready to punifii our fins; that the ihake of thy Rod may prevent our miferies. D $ Sure-, 68 Monday Matins] Sure, O my God, thy favours muft: needs ! be fweet ; fince even thy threatnings have fo much mercy. Sure we muft needs be worfe than blind j if to the face of Heav'n we dare be wicked. Henceforth, O gracious Lord ! as Children freely play, "* in the indulgent prefence of their tender Father : Somakeusftill> with humble boldnefs, re- joyce before Thee our merciful Creator. And as new-pardonM Subjects juftly fear *the angry brow of their offended Prince. So let our oft-forgiven Souls continually tremble *to provoke the wrath of thy dread Majefty. O temper thus our love with reverence •, and thus allay our fear with hope. Glory be. As it was, &c. Ant. All things lye open to the Eyes of our God *, all things are naked to him with whom we fpeak. Ant. Happy we, who have our God fo near 11s •, happy, if our pious lives keep us near .him. Pfal. XVI. MY God ! fince Thou art never abfefil from us \ let us be always prefenf wit! Thee. Let us go upto thy Throne abovejand ther contemplate and admire thy glory. U Monday Matins. 69 Let us attend on thy holy Altars ; and there adore and praife thy mercy. Every where let us feek to meet Thee > e- very where let us delight to find Thee. All our wants let us fpread before Thee ; 'all our Petitions let us offer to thee* Thou willingly inclin'ft thy gracious Ear, *to the Pray'rs that come from a fervent heart. Thou lov'ft to hear us fo treat of Heav'n, as if we made it our bufinefs indeed to go thi- ther- All other things we muft ask with fubmiffion to thee i fince we know not abfolutely what's good for our felves. But thy eternal joys we may beg without re- ftraint -,,and urge and prefs for thy afliftance to gain them. Heav'n we may wifh without the check of refignation ; Heav'n we may pray for with- out fear of importunity. O wife and gracious Lord ! what eVe thou dolt, thy love intends it all for the good of thy fervants. If thou defer'ft fomtimes to grant our re- quells ; 'tis only in charity to make us repeat them. That we may feel more fenfibly our own poverty? and be ftronglier convine'd of our dependence on thee- That we may praftife our hope, while we long 7o Monday Matins. Xongexpett, and increafe our gratitude when we receive at laft. That we may learn this fure and happy skill, of working in our fouls the. Vertueswe defire. By often renewing thofe very deiires ; till themfelves become even the graces we feek. Butr O improvident we ! how unwilling to pray *are molt of us always, and all of us fometimes. \ How do our little Offices feem long and te- dious; and half an hour quite tire our Pati- ence !: How are we flow to begin, and fwift to inake an end ; how heavy while they are fay- ing, and glad when they are faid! Yet fure no eafier work, than to ask what we want * no cheaper purchafe than to have for asking t Sure, nofweeter pleafure than to converfe with God ; nor greater profit than to gain his favor* Still we have new tranfgreflions to confefs ; and fhall never, alas> want infirmities to la- ment. Often, O dreadful Lord V when we fpeak to thee, we do not fo much as hear our felves : Often we purfue impertinent obje&s ; and our carelefs thoughts contradift our words* But, O thou blefled End of all our labors* and only Center of all our wifhes ! Dc i Monday Matins. 71 Do thou reclaim ourwandring fancier; and guide and fix them to attend thy fervice. Night and Day let us call on thee; and never ceafe knocking at the Doors of thy Palace. Let no delay difcourage our hope; nor even refufal deftroy our confidence. But let this firm foundation ftill fuftain us ; and on this let our peace be 'ftabli/ht for e- ver. What's truly neceflary thy Goodnefs will not deny ; the reft our obedience fubmits to tothyPleafure. Glory be, &c As it was, &c. Ant. Happy we, who have our God fo near us \ happy, if our pious lives keep us near him. Ant. You have not, becaufe you ask not : you ask and receive not, becaufe you as~k amifs. Pfal. XVIL DEliver us, O Lord, from asking of thee*what we cannot receive without danger to our felves. Deliver us from prefuming fo on thy bounty.) that we omit to perform our own duty. Still to our devotion let us joyn our bell en- deavours ^ and make our earth comply with thy heaven* If y% Monday Matins] If we defire of thee to relieve our neceffi- ties, let us faithful!/ begin to labor with our hands. And not expert a J>leffing from the clouds, on the idle follies of an undifciplinM life. If we beg grace for victory o're our paf- fions, let us conflantly ftrive to refill their aflaults. Let us wifely fore-fee our Particular dan- gers •, and ufe the proper weapon againft e« Very fin. To obtain the gift of Chaftity, we mull mortify our fenfes } and immediately fly the leafl fhadow of tentation. In vain we approach thy holy Altars •, if our Lives prepare not the way for our Offe- rings. Thou fhut'fl thy ears to our loudeft pray- Vs ; if we open not ours to the voice of the poor. Thou deny 'It to pardon our trefpafles a- gainftthee; unlefs we already have forgiven our Enemies. O the extreme benignity of our glorious God! who treats with his creatures on equal terms : Who deals no otherwife with us miferable wretches, than we our felves commerce with ■ one another. He promifes to give us the fame meafure we give our neighbors •> and performs incom- parably Monday Maths. 73 parably more than he promifes. Preft down and fhaken together, and run- ing over *into the bofoms of them that love him. Such, O my God, is the bounty of thy Goodnefs, and no lefs the patience of thy ge- nerous hand. Thou holdeft thy bleflings hovering oVe our heads ; Hill watching the time when we are fit to receive them : Then thou immediately fend'it them down upon us •, to enter our hearts, and dwell with us for ever. Even that very temper, which thus dif- pofes us, *intirely depends on the favour of thy providence* Every condition thou requireft on our part *being nothing elfe but thine own free gift. Thy mercy alone is the fountain of all our bleflings; and, in what channel foever they flow to us, they faring from thee. Thou art the God of Nature and Reafon , thou art the God of Grace and Religion. Give, gracious God, what thou art pleased to command; and then command what thou pleafeft. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ar.t. You have not, becaufe you ask not* ; ask and receive not,becaufe you ask amifs. Our Father, &c, Firft 74 Monday Matins. Firfi Leflbn. GOD, from the beginning made man, and left him in the hand of his own counfel. He added his Commandments and Precepts \ if thou wilt keep them they will preferve thee* Fire and Water he has fet before thee-, ftretch forth thy hand to which thou wilt. Before man is life and death, good and evil ; that which he chufes (hall be given him : for the Wifdom of God is great) and he is mighty in power, his eyes are towards them that fear him, and he knows every work of man. He has commanded none to do wickedly -, nor given any licence to fin : but the penitent he reftores to the way of juftice , and thofe who were failing in perfeverance he confirms, and appoints them the lot 6f truth. Turn to our Lord, and forfake thy fins : pray before his face, and lefTen thy offences. Be not rafh with thy mouth, nor let thy heart be hafty to utter any thing before God : for God is in heav'm and thou art on earth, therefore let thy words be few. Before prayer prepare thy foul ; and be not as one that tempts God. Go not after thy concupifcences, but turn away from thine own will ; if thou giv'ft to thy foul her de- fire, it will make thee a derifion to thy ene- mies. A wife man will fear in every thing ; #nd in the occafion of fin will take heed of be- ing negligent. He that loves danger fhall pe- riih therein; and he that defpifes fmall things (hall Sunday Complin. 7 5* fhall fall by little and little. Better is he that has lcfs knowledge, and fears, than he that abounds in underftanding, and tranfgrcfTcs the Law of the Higheft. R. My foul, what canft thou wifh for more? behold thy gracious Lord offers thee to chufe what thou wilt, and prcmifes to give thee what thou chufeft. *0 infinite Goodnefs ! 'Tisthyfelf alone 1 chufe: Thou art my only happinefs for ever. I fee my portion here- after depends on my choice here \ but my choice, O Lord, depends on thee: guide me ■with thy holy grace, that I withdraw my af- fections from all vain and perifhable creatures, and fix them intirely on the enjoyment of thee, my Lord, and my God, and my Eternal Fe- licity. * O infinite Goodnefs ! 'tis thy felf- — Second Lcflbn. THe beginning of wifdom is the true de- fire of difcipline 5 and the care of dis- cipline is love \ and love is the keeping of her Laws •, and the keeping of her Laws is the ac- complishment of incorruption, and incorrup- tion make us next to God : therefore the de- fire of wifdom leads us* to an everlafting Kingdom. If then you be delighted with Thrones and Scepters, feek wifdom that you may Reign for ever. Into a malicious foul wifdom will not enter, nor dwell in a body fubjedtofins : for the H. Spirit will fly from him 7 6 Monday Matins. him that diflembles, and withdraw himfelf from thoughts that are without understand* ing, and be chafed away when iniquity comes in. The Spirit of wifdom is gentle, and will not deliver the Carfer -from his own lips : for God Is witnefs of his reins, and fearcher of his heart? and hearer of his tongue, therefore he that fpeaks unjuft things cannot be hidden, nor fhallthfechaftifing ven- geance forbear him. If thou fhalt call for wif- dom, and incline thy heart to prudence ; if thou fhalt feek her as money, and dig her up as treafure : then fhalt thou understand the feanof our Lord, and find the knowledge of God. For our Lord gives wifdom? and from his mouth is prudence and knowledge. R. Send down, O thou God of our Fathers, and Lord of mercy ! fend down thy Wifdom from thy holy heav'n, and from the feat of thy greatnefs : to be in us, and labor with us, and teach us what is acceptable to thee, *That we may know our end, and wifely chufe our way •, and order all our adlions to our true felicity. Our thoughts are fearful and our prudences uncertain ; we fcarce con- jecture the things that are on earth, and find with pains the things that are in fight : Give us O Lord the wifdom that affifts at thy Throne, and rejeft us not from among thy Children. *That we may— --- Thirc Monday Matins. 77 Third LefTon. THe Spirit of thofe that fear God (hall live, and at his fight (hall be blefled : for their hope is in him that faves them, and the e}7es of God are on them that love him. He that fears our Lord (hall tremble at nothing, be- caule he is his hope : He raifes up the foul> and illuminates the eyes, and gives life and health and bleffing. Our Lord is only theirs who expeft him in the way of truth and juftice: the Higheit allows not the gifts of the wicked* nor regards the oblations of the unjuft', nor pardons their offences for the multitude of their facrilices. By mercy and faith fins are purged; and by the fear of our Lord every one declines from evil, Defpife not a man that turns himfelf from fin> nor upbraid him • therewith : remember we are all in ftate to be blam'd. Forgive thy neigbor that hurts thee i and when thou pray'ft,thy fins (hall be forgiven thee. One man referves anger a- ■gainft another, and does he feek pardon of God ? he has not mercy on a manlike him- felf: and does he intreat for his own fins ? Re* member the laft things, and ceafe to be at en- mity: remember the fear of God \ and be not angry with thy neighbor. Haft thou finnM ? do fo no more, but withall pray that thy for- mer fins may be forgiven thee. Fly from fin as from the face of a ferpent : if thou ap- proach, it will bite thee 3 the teeth there- of 7 8 Monday Matins^ of are as the teeth of Lyons, killing the Souls of Men. He thatis-wafht from the dead, arid touches him again :, what does his wafhing profit him ? fo a man that fails from his Sins, and does the fame again :, what avails it to have humbled himfelf? who will hear his Prayer? R. Deliver us, O Lord, from relapfing in- to the fins we have repented \ the fins we fo often have promifed to amend : Deliver us from all malice and enmity with our Neigh- bors ; and from opprefiing the poor, who have none to defend them. *Then may we confidently expert thy protection •, if we ferve thee, and love one another. Thou art our iirengthvO Lord, whom fhall we fear? Thou art our Salvation, of what fhall we be afraid/ nothing can hurt us, but our own vicious defires } nothing can endanger us, but difobedience to our God, *Then may we.-— Glory be, &g *Then may we, &c, Taufe a while to refiett^ and renew attention : then begin Lauds. Orr if Matins alone be [aid, end as follows. Ant. Confider well your fteps, O ye chil drenofmen! behold who regards you-: wall fincerely5 and walk confidently •, for his Rck and ftaff are ever at hand to comfort you. V. Fea Monday Matins. y9 V. Fear not, Oye of little Faith! He is here. R. Prefume not. O ye much inclinM to folly! He is here. Let us pray. OGod, who art ever prefent to all that thou haft made^ ftill watching to im- prove us, as we grow fit for greater bounty ! Keep, we humbly befeechthee, our Eys con- tinually fix'd on thine over us j at once awfully checking our Inclination to folly, and ten- derly, encouraging our purfuit of true Good : Make us always feel our felves under thy lure protection in our dangers, and with- in free reach of thy gracious ear for whate- ver real Good we faithfully ask, and ufe our juft endeavours, according to thy Difcipline, to attain ; through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, with, &c. Then Commemorations, &c. to the end, as at Sunday Lauds, fag. 29. Monday Lauds. If Lauds alone be faid^ begin with the \ntr<>> duftion and Invitatory, all the-wcek^ daysy as at Matins, p. 63, elfe only^ OGod incline, &c. Ant. Blefs we our Lordy O my Soul } and all that is within me praife his holy Name. tfsL So Monday Lauds Pfal. XVIII. ("^Ome, let usfing the praifes of our God} Tj and joyfully recite his divine Perfecti- ons. His Being is of himfelf alone ; and his e- ternal EfTence knows no dependence. His knowledge fathoms the extent of all things 9 and his Power commands them as he,pleafes. His Goodnefs is fupreamly infinite; and all his glorious Attributes tranfcendently adorable. Come let us fing the praifes of Our God ; and joyfully recite his divine perfections. He is the Source of all felicity, eter- nally full of his own unchangeable Blifs. Before time began, He was ; and when the Sun mull lofe its light, his day will remain the fame for ever. The heaven of heav'ns is the Palace of his Glory, and all created nature the fubjcft of his Dominion. In his prefcnce the brightefc Seraphins co- ver their faces •, and all the blefled Spirits bow down their heads to his foot-ftool. Come, let us fing aloud the Prerogatives of our God; and ftretch our utmofl: thoughts to exalt his Greatnefs.. But, O moll glorious and dreadful Dei- ty -? how dare we wretches undertake thy praife ! How Moday Lauds. 8r How dare cur fin-polluted lips pronounce :iy name, or where ihall we ieek exprefli- ns fit for thee ? All we can fay is nothing to thy unfpeak- ble Excellencies ; all we can think, but a aint fliadow of thy unconceivable Beauties : Even the voice of Angels is too low to each thy Worth ; and their higheft ftrains all infinitely fhort of thee. Only in this fhall thy fervants rejoyce ; ndall the Powers of our fouls be glad. That thy felf alone art thine own full praife; it to thy felf thine own glory. live our great God, eternally incompaft with the beams of thine own inacceflible ight i Live our ador'd Creator, and reign for e- cr *on the Throne of thine own immortal kingdom. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c Vfal. XIX. rOo glorious art thou O Lord, in Thy felf*, and thy dired: ray Ihines too bright 3r our eyes. Yet may we venture to praife thee in thy ?qrks,and contemplate thee, at leaft,- reflefU :1 from thy creatures : In them we may fafely. behold our mighty taker 5 and freely admire the Magnificence i our God. Heav'n S^ Monday Lauds. Heav'n and earth are full of his Greatnefs heaven and earth were created by his Pok er: From him all the Hofls of Angels receiv' their being ^ from him they have the honoi to affirft in his prefence : He kindled warmth and brightnefs in th Sun; and beauteoufly garnilht the Firm; ment with Stars, He fpread the Ayr, and ftorM it wit flocks of birds; Hegather'dthe Waters, an repleniiht them with ftioals of filhes : He eftablifht the Earth on a firm founds tion, and richly adorned it with inrtumera ble varieties. Every Element is fill'd with his bjeflings and all the world with his liberal Miracles He fpake the word, and they were made he commands, and they are dill prefervM : He governs their motions in perfed order and diftributes to each its proper Office. Contriving the whole into one vaft Ms chin •, a fpacious Theattr of his own unliitt f!ed Greatnefs. O glorious Architect of univerfal nature whodifpofeft all things in number, weigh, and meafure / How does thy wifdom engage us toadmi: thee, How does thy Goodnefs oblige us I love Thee! Not forthemfelves alone, O gracious Go \ Monday Lauds. $$ did thy hand produce thofc happy Spi- rits: But to receive in charge thy little Flock ; and fafe condud them to the folds of Blifs. Not for themfelves at all, O bounteous Lord ! were the reft of this huge Creation framed. But to fuftain our lives in the way ^ and carry us on to our eternal home- O may our fouls firft praife thee for them- felves ; and imploy their whole powers to improve in thy fervice : May we praife thee, O Lord? for all thy gifts •, but infinitly above all, ftill value* the Giver. May every blcfiingbe a motive of gratitude; and every creature a ftep of approach to- wards thee. So ftiall we faithfully obferve their end ; and happyily arrive at ours : Ufing them only to entertain us here } till our fouls be prepared for the life of heav'n : Till they become full ripe for thee ; and then fly away to thy holy prefence. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c- Pfal. XX. TTOw admirable is thy Name, O Lord, JLJL over all the earth ! how wife and gra- . cious thecounfels of thy Providence! E After 84 Monday Lauds. After thou had'ifc thus prepared the world 5 as a houfe ready furnifht for man to inha- bit: Thy mighty hand fram'd our bodies of the duft , and built them in a fhape of ufe and beauty. Thou didft breath into us the fpirit of Life 1 and fit us. with faculties proportioned to oui .end. Thou gav'ft us a foul to govern our bodies \ and reafon to Command in our foul. Thou reveaPdft to us a Law for the im- provement of our reafon ; and enabledft us by thy grace to obferve that Law* Thou mad'ft us Lords over a!i thy crea- tures ; but little inferior to thy glorious Angels. Thou compeKedfl whole Nature to ferve us without reward , and invitedfl us to love Thee for our owrn happinefs. Thou defigii'dlt us an age of pure delight '■* in thatfweet and fruitful Garden : Where,having led a long and pleafant life thou promifedft to transplant us to thine ow; Paradife. All this thou dfdfh O glorious God ; th .full Pofleffor of univerfal blifs ! Not for any need thouhadftof usi orth leaft advantage thou could'il derive from or . being : Monday Lauds. 85 All this thou didft, O infinite Goodnefs \ the liberal beitower of what e're we pot- fefs: Not for any merit, alas, of ours ; or the Icaft motive We could' offer to induce thee: But for thine own execflive Charity > and the meer inclination of thine own rich Nature: That empty we might receive of thy ful- nefs ; and be partakers of thy overflowing bounty. So (heels the generous Sun his beams; and freely fcatters them on every fide. Guilding all the world with his beauteous light:, and kindly cherifhing it with his fruit- ful heat. And fodoft thou, and infinitely more; O thou God of infinite more perfections ! So we confefs thou dolt to us ; but we, what return have we made to thee ? Have we confiderM well the end of our be- ing, and faithfully comply'd with thy pur- pofe to fave us ? Ah wretched we ! we negledt thy holy tules; and govern our actions by chance and hu- mour. We quite forget cur God that made us ; and fill our heads with thoughts that undo us. Pardon, O gracious Lord, cur paft ingra- . titude > and mercifully direct our time to come. E 3 ^ V ^ ;J86 Monday Lauds. Teach every paflage of our yet remaining life, to exprefs an acknowledgment fit for thy mercies. . O make our fenfes fubjeft to our reafoa, and our reafon entirely obedient to thee : O make the whole Creation confpire to \ thy honour \ and all that depend on thee joyn .together in thy praife. This is the only praife thou expe&eft from •us-, and the whole honour thou requireft of /hy Creatures. 'That, by obferving the orders thou ap- jpointeft here, in this lower region of motion and change. We may all grow up to be happy hereaf- ter; in that ftate of permanency and eternal :reft <31ory be, &c. As it was, &o Ant. Blefs our Lord, O my Soul; and all d|hat is within me praife bis holy Name. x Capit. 4. Apoc. WOrthy art thou O Lord our God, to receive glory, and honor? and pow- ,tv : becaufethou hail created all things, and Worthy will they are, and were created. H .Hymn. VI. Ark, my Toul, how every thing % Strive 10. ferve our bounteous King : EadE Monday Lauds) 87 Each a double tribute pays -0 Sings its part? and then obeys. Nature's chief and fweeteft Quircr Him witlrchearful notes admire: Chancing every day their Lauds. While the grove their fong applauds. Though their voices lower be? Streams too have their melody : Night and day they warbling run , Never paufe, but (till fing on. Alt the flow'rs that guild thefpring* i Hither their itill-mufick bring : If heav'n bleft them, thankful they Smell morefweet, and look more gar* Only we can fcarce afford This fhort Office to our Lord : We on whom his bounty flows, All things gives, and nothing ows.v Wake for fhame my fluggifh heart ; Wake and gladly fing thy part : Learn of birds, and fprings, and flowVs, How to ufe thy nobler pow'rs. Call whole nature to thy aid ; Since 'twas He wThole nature made : E 3 Joy* 88 Monday Laud's. Joyn in one Eternal Song, Who to one God all belong. Live for ever, glorious Lord ! Live by all thy works adorM : One in three, and three in One? Thrice we bow to thee alone. Amen. jiinf. The boundlefs Ocean of being could not contain his ftreams ; but overflowed upon pare nothing, and behold a beauteous world appeared :' Heaven and Earth and all therein, from the highcft Angel to the leaft grain of duft h all together the moftperfed participa- tion of hisvEflence. V. He fpake the word, and they were made R.- He but commanded, and they v/ere cre- ated. Let us pray. ^Almighty Lord, the only wife and good Greater of the Univerfe ; who macTft all corporeal nature for the ufe of Man, 'and Man for.his- own felicity ^Enlarge our fouls, webefeech thec> humbly to admire and adore thy infinite fulnefs of being in thy felf, and thy immenfe liberality of it to us •, and mercH fully carry on the whole Creation to its end vouchfafing fo to order all thy creatures a bout us, by thy grace, that they may attaii their perfection in duly ferving us, and w . our ; Monday Vefper*. 89 ours in eternally injoying thee • through our Lordjefus Ch'rift thy Son, who-, with, &c. CofnmtfnoY anions ^ &c. ^pag, 29. 1 Monday Vefpers. N the Name, &"e. &fag. 34. Am\ To know thee, O Lord, is the higher: learning \ & -to fee thy face,the only happmefs, ?M xxi. LEt us no^v confidetsO Lord our God^let to thankfully remember what thou art to us, Thou art the great Beginning of our Na- ture, and glorious end of our A Thou art thefafe Condufter of our pilgri- mage-,and the eternal reft of our wearied fouls. Such words, alas, our narrownefs is con- ftrainM to ufe, when we endeavour to fpeak thy bounties. Wider a little can our thoughts extend ; yet D 4 infinitely 5>o Monday Vefpcrs. infinitely lefs than the leaft of thy mercies. Tel] us thy felf •, one word of thine expref- fes more *, than all the eloquence of Men and Angels. Tell us thy felf, O thou mild inftru&er of the ignorant ! what thoo art to us. Say to our Souls? thou art »our Salvation ; but fay it fo that we may hear thee. Gladly will we run after the found of that voice ; and hope by following it to find out thee. When we have found thee once, O thou joy of our hearts ! *never let us lofe thy fight again. Never let us turn our eyes from thee •, but fleadily fix them on thy glorious face- Suffer us not to go, till thou haft given us thy bleflingj and then may thy bleffing bind us fafter to thee- Glory be, gK. As it was, &c. -$ut. To know thee, OLord, is the high- eft learning •, and to fee thy face the only hsppinefs. Am. To know our felvesis the truefl wif- dom *, and to fee our own poverty, thefafeft riches. Pfal. XXIL ' Et us now confider, O Lord our God ! let j us humbly remember? what we are to P thee. We Monday Vefpcrs. 91 We who, alas, are nothing in our felves \ what can we be to thy Immenfity ? Thoa who art all things in thine own rich felf \ what canft thou receive from our pover- ty? This only we are to thee,. O great Creator I the unthankful objed of all thy bounties. This only we are to thee, O dear redeem- er ! the unworthy caufe of all thy fitflcrings. Guilty we committed the crime ; and thou with thine innocency undertook^ the punifh- ment- We went a ftray from the path of life * and thy mercy came down from heav'n to feek us- Tofcekusin the wildernefs where we had loll our felves ; and bring us home to the dif- ciplin of thy love. Lord, what are we, that thou fhould^ft thus regard *fuch poor and vile and iriconfiderabb wretches ! What can our good will avail thy Blifs, that with fo many charms thou woo'it us to love -thee ! What can our malice prejudice thy content , that thou threatneft fo violently if we love thee not ! Is there, Omy God, not felicity enough *in the fweetnefs alone of loving thee ? Is there perhaps not mifery enough *in liv- ing depi \yM of thy blifsful love ? £ 5 Yes 9 2' Monday Vefpers*. Yes, yes? dear Lord, and that thou know'ft ; and that's the only caufe * which movM thy goodnefs to court our affe&ion. Thou know'ft we elfe would caft away our felves ; by doating on the follies of this deceit- ful world. Thou know'ft the danger of our wilful na- ture ; and therefore ftriv'ft, by greateft fears and greateft hopes, And all the wifeft arts of love and bounty, to draw us to thy felf and endow us with thy Kingdom. Unhappy we ! whofe frowardnefs required fo ftrange proceeding, * to force upon us our own Salvation. Happy we ! whofe wants have met fo kind a hand? that needed but our emptinefs to en- gage him to fill us. Happy yet more, that our Lord, who thus favours us now *, will, at laft, even give us himfelf. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. To know our felves is the trueft wif- dom ; and to fee our own Poverty, the fafeft riches. Anu Vanity of Vanities, all is Vanity ; But the love ©f God, and hope to enjojj him. m ftionday Vefpers. 93 Pfal. XXIII. LOrd, without thee, what's all the world to us* *but a flying dream of bufie Va- nities ? It promifes indeed a Paradife of blifs ; but all it performs is an empty cloud. Thine are the joys that fhine fixt asthe ftars^ and make the only folid heav'n. Lord, without thee, what are we to our felves, but the wretched caufes of our own ruin ? ' We, till thou gav'ft us being, were purely nothing ^ more remov:d from happinefs, than the miferableft of thy creatures. Now thou haft made us? we wholly depend on thee, and perifli immediately if thou for- fake us. Thou, without us, art the fame all- glorious E (Fence 5 brim-ful of thy own eternal felici- ty. Without us, thy Royal Throne Hands firm for ever ; and all the Powers of heav'n obey thy pleafures. Pity, O gracious Lord, our imperfeft na* ture \ whofe every circumflance is fo contra* ry to thine. Thou dwePft above in the Manflons of do- ty } and we below in houfes of clay. Thou, 54 Monday Vefpen. Thou art Immortal, and thy day out-Jives ail time ^ we every moment go down-wards to our grave. Thou art Immenfe, and thy pre fence fife the heavens: but the greateft of us, alas, how little are we! Two yards of air contain us while we live ; and a few fpans of earth fuffice us at our death- When, O my God, fhall thefe diftances meet together ? when will thefe extremities embrace each other ? We know they once were miraculoufly joyn'd *% in the facred Perfonof thy eternal Son, When the King of heaven ftoopt down to earth ; and grafted into his own Perfon the na- ture of man. We hope they once again fhall be happily u- nited*, in our blifsful vifion of thy glorious felf: When the children of the earth fhall be ex> sited to heav'n ; and made partakers of thy divine nature. But are there no means for us here below ? O thou infinitely high and glorious God ! Is there no way to approach towards thee-; anddiminifh, atlealt, this uncomfortable dii ftance ? None but the way of holy Love :: whicl *one can attain but by thy free gift. Kor Monday Vefpen. 95 Nor mull we ilnners dare to ask thou fliould'ft love us, being infinitely unworthy to be calPd thy fervants. Rather let us humbly beg the grace we may love thee j who art fo many ways worthy of more than our hearts. And yet, O deareft Lord, unlefs thou firffc love us, ck ivveetly draw us by thy gentle hand : Never ftiall we be fo happy as to love thee ; nor ever happy unlefs we love thee. O bounteous God ! to all thy favors add this oae, of making us efteem thee above them all. Be thou to us our God and all things 5 and make us nothing in our own eyes. Be thou our whole everlafting delight *, and let nothing elfe be any thing to us : Glory be, £?c. As it was, &c. A>k. Vanity of Vanities? ail is Vanity ; but the loy?e of God, and hope to enjoy him. Ctpt. Ephef 6. CHildren obey your Parents, in our Lord, forthisisjuft: and you Fathers? provoke not your Children to anger } but bring them up indifciplin and the fear of our Lord. Ser- vants be obedient to your Matters according to theflefh; with fearand trembling in the fim- plicity of your hearts, as to Chrift : not fer v- ingjto the eye as it were pleajfing flieu> but as the 9 6 Monday Vefpers. the fervants of Chrift, doing the will of God from the heart •, knowing that whatever good any one fhall do> that (hall he receive of our Lord, whether he be bond or free. And you Mailers, do the fame things to them, forbear- ing threatnings •, knowing that both then- Lord and yours is in heav'n, and with Him is no acceptance of Perfons. Hymn VII. LOrd ! who fhall dwell above with Thee, There on thy holy Hill? Who fhall thofe glorious Profpetts fee, That Heav'n with gladnefs fill? Thofe happy Souls that prize that life, Above the bravefl here : Whofe greateft hope, whofe eag'relt ftrife Is once to fettle there. They "life this World, but value That, " That they fupremely love: They travel through this prefent flate : But place their home above. Lord ! vyho are. they that thus chufe Thee, But thofe Thou firft didft chufe ? To whom Thou gav'ft thy grace moil free,. Thy grace not to refufe. Wc Monday Fefpers. 9* We for our felvcs can nothing do, But all on Thee depend : . Thine is the work and wages too i Thine both the wray and end. O make us Hill our work attend, And we'll not doubt our pay : We will not fear a bleffedend. If thou but guide our way. Glory to Thee, O bounteous Lord I Who giv'ft to all things breath : Glory to Thee, Eternal Word ! Who fav'It us by thy death : Glory, O blefled Spirit, to Thee, Who filPit our hearts with Love : Glory to all the Myftick Three, Who reign one God above. Amen. Ant. He that fram'd the heart of man defignM it forhimfelf) and bequeath'd it unquietnefs, till pofleft of its Maker : V. Vanity of Vanities, all is Vanity : R. But to love our God, & attend his fervice. Let us pray. OGod, who alone art all in all things to us ; and to whom we are nothing but wretched objects of thy Bounty^ which the more it flows upon us, the more we truly feel our 9$' Monday Complin. our own pure emptinefs and want of it! En- creafe, we humbly befeech thee, this happy fenfe in thy fervants, by the experience we e- very day have* how unfatisfaftory this world is ; and grant that, finding it ordainM by Thee to breed and widen, not fill our capacity ; we may make this only ufe of all thy Creatures here, to raife and heighten our defires of thy infinite felf in Eternity, through our Lord JESUS Chrift thy Son, who, with &c. V. O Lord hear &c— — As at Sunday VcJ- pers, page 46. Monday Complin. V./^\Ur help is in &c As page 47. V_y Ant. All thy ways, O Lord> are mer- cy and wifdom:, and all thycounfeis tend to our Happinefs. Pfal. XXIV. MY God, in every thing I fee thy hand r in every paflagc thy gracious Provi- dence. Thou wifely governlfc the houfe tbbu haft built •, and prevented: with thy mercies all our wants. Thou callft us up in the early morning, & giveft us light by the beams of thy Sun : To labour every one in their proper Office: and fill the little place appointed them in the| eWorld- - (Thou providTE a reft for our weary Evening J an< Monday Complin . 99 and favour'ft our deep with a fhady darknefs : To refrefti our bodies in the peace of Night *, and favethe waft of our decaying Spirits. Again thouawak'ft ourdrowfy Eyes; and bid'ft us return to our daily task. Thus has thy wifdom mixt our life^ and bcauteoufly interwoven it of reft and work : Whofe mutual changes fweeten each other, and both prepare us for our greateft Duty , Of finishing here the work of our Salvati- on, to reft hereafter in thy holy peace. Glory be> &c As it was, &c. Pfal. XXV. LOrd how thy bounty gives us all things elfe, * with a large and open hand ! Our Fields at once are coverM with Corn ; and our Trees bow under the weight of their Fruit- At once thou fill'ft our Magazines with plen- ty •, and fend'ft us whole QiowVs of other blef- fings. Only our time thou diftilPft by dropsy & never giv'ft us two moments at once : But tak'ft away one when thou lendeft ano- ther : to teach us the price of fo rich a Jewel r That we may learn to value every hour *, & not childiflily.fpend them on empty trifles : Much lefs malicioufly murther whole days-, in purfuiug a courfe of firx and fhame. Lord,, as Thou thus haft taught our Igno- rance \ fo let thy grace enable our weaknefs, Wife- loo Monday Complin. Wifely to manage the time thou giv'ft'us, and ftill prefs on to new degrees of Improve- ment : That, with our few but well-fpent years, we may purchafeto our felvs a bleft Eternity, Glory be, &c. As it was. Pfal.XXVL IT was thy mercy too, O gracious Lord, to difpence by parcels our portion of time : That the fucceeding day may learn to grow wife : and correct its faults by experience of the paft. Elfe, were our Being all at once \ as it ftalt be in the next Eternal Life. - Our fins would have here -no powef to be re-* pented* and then, alas, how defperatc were we ! \ We, who are born in the way to" rtiifery ;' and, unlets we change, can never be happy. We, who fo often wilfully go aftray -0 and, unlefs we return, mult peri (h for ever. O Thou, in whofe indulgent tends * are both our Time and our Eternity ! Whofe Providence gives every minute o: out life ; and governs the fatal period of ow death ! O make us every Evening, ftill provide *t< pafs^with comfort that important hour. Make us ftill ballanee ' our accounts fo Her Monday Complin. 101 Heaven ', and ftrive to increafe our Trcafurcs with Thee. . , That, if we rife no more to our acquain- tance here \ we may joyfully waken among thy blefled Angels: 'There to unite our Hymns with theirs ; and all together in one full Quire- 017 be, &c- As it was &c. Ait. All thy ways, O Lord, are mercy and wifdome; and all thy Counfels tend to our Happinefs- Hymn VIII. NOw, my Soul, the day is gone, • Which in the morn was thine ; Now its glafsno more fhall run. Its Sun no longer fliine. True, alas ! the day is gone •, O were it only fo : Is't not loft as weH as done ? Call up thy counts and know. Are we fo much nearer Heav'n* As to the Grave wTe bow ? Has our forrow made all'ev'n, And clearM the debts we ow ? From what vice have we refrained To break the courfe of fin ? What I oz Monday Complin. What new vertue have we gain'd, To make us rich within ? Time is well beftow'don thofe,-. Who well their time beftow : Whofe main concern ftill forward goes ; Whole hopes ItilL riper grow. Who> when eVe the clocks proclaim Another hour is paft, Have an Art to fet their aim And thoughts upon their Laft": That their lafl: and happieft hour, Which brings them to their home, Where they fing and blefs the PowV>. By which they thither come. O my God, of life and death The ever-living King! Since thou giv'ft to all their breath, May alLthy glory fing* Glory 5 honour, pow'r and praife To the myfterious three : - As at firft beginning was> May now, and ever be. Amen. Capit Monday Complin. 103 Cap it. Ephef 4. BE angry and fin not ; let not the Sun go down upon your wrath -, and contriftate not the H. Spirit of God, in which you arc feaPd to the day of redemption. Let all bittcrnefs, and anger, and indignation> and clamori and blafphemy, with all malice, be taken away from you : be gentle one to a- nother, and merciful j pardoning one ano- ther, as God alfo in Chrifl has pardoned you Ant. Happily ends that day, whofe evils end with it, cancel'd by juft contrition ; happily begins that night, which is intro- duced with afpiration to our Eternal Reft. V. The day is thine, and the night is thine. R. Lord, may thy grace, through both, breed us up alio thine. Let us pray. OGod ! whofe gracious providence vouch- fafes us a frequent Monitor of our own and the Worlds laft end, by burying every day in the filcnt grave of night! Sweeten, we humbly befeech Thee, and ren- der familiar to our expectation Thofe ter- rible periods of time, by our conftant due ufc 104 Monday Complin. ufe of this? to even our accounts with Thee, and fit our felves for fleep with a devoui Compofure of our fouls to the Eternal reft and grant that our yielding fo often and Ic eafily at the fummons of our drowfy hu- mors, to fufpend for fome hours all opera tions of the whole man, may teach our fouli to refledt themfelves into a more reafonabl< willingnefs, when ever thou calleft, to leari our bodies in the bed of duft, and pafs in- to the ftate of their own perfect and ever- waking activity and blifs) heightn'd by fun hopes of a compleatly glorifying Refui% redtion *, through our Lord Jefus Chrift thj Son, who, with, &c. Vouchfafe.us we, &c. As page $6. tt the end. TH (ioO THE o ffice For Tuesday. MATINS. Introduction, as page i. Imtit. Come let's adore cur Gcd that pre- fer ves us. Come let's adore our God that preferves us. Pfal. X.XVII FRom thee, O Lord, we derive our being j and from the fame Goodnefs cur Continu- ance to be: if thou withdraw'ft thy hand but a moment, weinftantly return to our fir ft no- thing. Comejet's adore our God that preferves us. From ail our enemies his Providence de- t fends us*, and covers our head in the day of \ danger: he fends in his grace to relieve our weaknefs ; and difappoints the tentatiors that threaten to undo us. Come, lo6 Tuefday Matins. Come,let's adore our God that preferves us. Here his Almighty Power fuftains our life, and mercifully allows us fpace to repent : that, by well employing the time he lends us, we may wifely provide for our own Eternity. Come,let's adore our God that preferves us. He ftill repeats his BlelBngs to us j and fhall we negled our duty to him ? he freely be- ftowrs on us all our day -, and fhall we not fpcn half an hour in his fervice ? Comejet's adore our God that preferves us. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Come,let's adore,&c. Come,let's adore>&c Hymn I X. COme let's adore the gracious hand, That brought us to this Light : That gave his Angels ftrift Command To be our Guard this night. When we laid down our weary head, And fleep fealM up our ey^ : They flood and watcht about our bed, To let no harm come nigh. Now we are up, they ftill go on, And guide us through the day : They never leave their Charge alone i What e'rc befets our way. A, Tuefday Matins. 107 And, O ray Soul, how many fnares Ly fpred before our feet ! In all our joys, in all our cares, Some danger ftill we meet. Sometimes the fin does us o'retake* And on our weaknefs win: Sometime our felves, our ruin make ; And we oVetake the fin- O fave us, Lord, from all thofe darts, That feek our Souls to flay : Save us from us, and our faife hearts ; Left we our felves betray. Save us, O Lord •, to Thee we cry, From whom all bleflfmgs fpring : We on thy grace alone rely •, Alone thy glory fing. Glory to Thee, Eternal Lord 9 Thrice blefled Three in One ! Thy name at all times be ador'd, Till time itfelf be done, Amen- Ant. If We receive all we have of God, why do we boaft as if we had it of our felves ? Tfal. ip8 Tyefday Matins. Pfal. XXVIIL ^TOt unto us, O Lord, not unto us -; bu1 xN to thine one blclt Name give all the glory. When we have applyM our utmoft cares, and us'd all the diligence that lies in oui power: What can we do? but look up to Thee: $nd fecond qur endeavours with prayers foi thy blefling? When we have impIorM thy gracious mer- cy ; and offer'd thee our deareft Sacrifice tc obtain it. What can we do, but fubmit cur hopes and expeft the iflue from thy free Good- nefs ? ^ We know, and Thou thy felf has taugh us^ unlefs Thou defend 'ft the City, the Guarc watches in vain. We know, and our own experience telJ us; unlefs thou reach forth thy hand, w are prefently in danger of finking. Every moment of our day fubfifb by Thee and every ftep we take naoves by thy ftrengt Even the line we now repeat, muflt b<, its breath of Thee; and flop if , thou d» ny'ft it. If thou deny'ft, who can compell tf ,W ill v or call in queftion thy Decrees? Tutfday Maths. io£ Arc wc not all thy Creatures, O graci- ous God ! and as helplefs Children, hanging at the breft of thy Providence ? Are we not all as clay in thy hands*, to frame us into veiTels of what ufe thou pleafeft ? Behold we confefs, O Lord, in 1 hee wc live 5 in Thee we move, and have our Being. All our fufficiency proceeds from Thee ; and all cur fuccefs depends on thy favour* Others may tell us the way we fhould go •, but thou alone canll enable us to walk. Others may tell us the way-, but even they muft firft be taught by Thee. Tney muft be moved by Thee to aft that charity ; and fo all at laffc is refolvM into Thee. Should we prefume, O Lord, to divide thy grace ; and proudly challenge any fharc to our felvs : Thy mighty truth {lands up againft us; ardour own infirmities plainly confute us. Should'/!: thou feverely examine our hearts -: and ask who works all their a&ions in their. Sure we mult needs bow down our heads ; and from our low dull humbly fay, Nothing are we, O Lord, but what thou haft made us; nothing have we, but what thou haft given us, Only our fins are entirely our own *, which I Q my |hy SVace extin^uiflj for ever. 1 Fa O no Tuefday Matins. O may all felf- preemption4 dy in us \ and our whole confidence live only in thee. .May even our frailties make us more ftrong ; and our being nothing teach us to be humble. So fhall thy power, O God, be magnify'd in our weaknefs; and thy mercy triumph in relief of our mifery. i -Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. If we receive all we have of God.; . -why do we boaft as if we had it of our felvs ? Ant, God is my Saviour, whom fhall I fear? God is my Proteftor, of what fhall I bea- fraid? Pfal. XXIX. THus we depend, and happy we in this de- pendence, did we but know our own true intereft. We and our whole Concerns are depofited with God-, and where can wc find a better i hand to enfure them ? Is he not wife enough to chufe fafely for us, who difpofes all nature in iiich admira- ble order ? Has he not power to go thorow with his purpofe, who commands the wills of mer and Angels ? .Want! Tuefday Maths. xi$ Wants he perhaps an inclination tp fa- vour us, who defires our felicity more than our owii hearts ? He fecu> the Fowls of the air* and cloaths the liihes of the field. Without his providence not a fparrovv fails to the ground \ and (hall we miftruft his care to his children ? Under his government wre have livM all this while; and can vye now fufpeft He'i forfake us ? He has (hewn his bounty in extraordinary graces, and will he deny us- his lefler blet- fings i He has freely beftowred on us his deareft Son : how {hall He not with Him give all things clfe ? All that are truely ufeful to carry us on our way, and bring us at length to his eternal reft. If our neceflities be the effeftsof our folly* we mull not prefume he'l maintain us in our fins. Rather wre fhould ft rive to moderate our appetites; and correct the vices that have bred thefe miferies. But if our wants be innocent andpreffing ; he'l fooner do a miracle than break his word. His wrord, which hefo often has folemnly engagMri fo often prov'd by a thoufand expe- riments. F 3 Ask ill Tuefctay Matins. Ask but the former ages, and they will tell you * the wonders he wrought in favour of his fervants. He multiplyM the oyl in the poor widows Crufe, and fed his Prophet by theferviceof a Raven. He dryM the Sea into a path for his Peo* pie, and melted the Rocks to refrefh their thirit. He made his Angels flewards of their pro- vision; and nourifb't them in the wildernefs- with the bread of heav'n. Still, O my God, thy eternal charity re- tains f the fame affections for them that re- ly on thee. Still thy all- feeing Wifdom governs the world ; with the fame immenfe unalterable goodnefs. Nay furely now the ftreaffls of thy merqf run more flrong •, and have wrought to them* felves a larger channel. Since thou brought'It down the waters from* above the heavens *> and openedft, in thine own body, a fpring of life. A fpriqg of joy and blifs to revive our hearts ; and overflow them with a torrent of everlafting pleafures. Glory be7 &c. . As it was, &c. jint. God is my Saviour, whom fllaH I fear? , ' God fuefliy MtifaS. 113 God is rhy Protector, of what (hall I be a- fraid ? Ant. Seek firlt the Kingdom of God, and all things elfe fhall be added to you. Tfal. XXX. LEt us then fit down in peace, O my Soul 1 and reft fecure in the bofom of provi-* dence- Let us not difturb the order of thofe mer- cies, which our God has defigned us in his eternal counfcls. Every accident may be turnM into ver- tnc > and every vertue is a ftep to our glo-*' rious end. If our affairs fucceed, let us praife our great Benefa&of } arid think what he'l give us hereafter, who fo favours us here. If they mifcarry, let us yield to the will of heav'iij and learn by our croffes in this World to betake us to the other. What ever happens, let this be our con- ftant rule ; to provide for the future life^ and be contented with theprefent. Shall we not patiently accept a little evil *y from him that has given us fo much good ? Shall the being without fome one thing we * need not * more fenfibly affeft us, than the having all we need? F 4 Ingratc 1 14 Tuefday Matins. Ingrateful we ! the common benefits we all in joy * defer ve the thankfgiving of a whole life. The air we breath in, and the Sun that ihines on us, the water and the earth that fo faithfully ferve us : The exercifes of our fenfes, and the ufe of our wits ; if not in excellence, at leafi in fome degree. • All thefe, O Lord, thou generally giv'ft to the Good, and to the Bad ; and fpr the leafl: of thefe none can praife thee enough. What fhall we fay to thofe high iupernatu- ral bleffingsi the Son of God to redeem us, and Heav'n to reward us j What (hall we fay ? can we yet complain* becaufe fome few perhaps are more profpe- rcus than we? Should we not rather look down on the ma- ny below us ; and be thankfull to fee our felves more favoured than they ? Should we not reckon o're the miferiesof mankind ; and blefs our God that has fo far preferv'd us? Had we fome defperate Canker breeding on our face, or noifom leprofy fpreading o're our skin. (Thefe we muft all confefs are incident to our nature, and more than thefe due to our fins.) What would we give to be as now we are? Tuefday Matins. iif are ? how gladly change for a moderate af- lliftion ? 'Tis but interpreting our worft Condition well i to find motives enow for our grati- tude to God. Tis but interpreting our bell condition fro- wardly ; to find defects enow to think our felves miferable. Did you adore as you ought, the Wifdom of our God •, we fhould eafily trufl him to rule his own world. Could we underftand the fecret chara&er of of his Decrees^ we fhould read in each fylla- ble a perfed harmony. Teach us, O Thou bleft Enfightnerofour minds •' teach us to expound thy adtions in a fair fenfe. Suffer us not to follow our private fp!~ rit -, left we create to our felves a volunta- ry mifery. . Still let us conflrue the affli&ions thou fend'ft us j as meant to corred, and not tc* dellroy us : To prevent fome fin, or pradife fome ver- tue ', and when we need our croiTes no longer^ thou'lt take them away. Mean while, O gracious Lord, make us wait thy time; and not impatiently prefcribe limits to thee. Make us rejoyce that our lots are in thy hands : but O, let thy mercy chufe favourably for us. F 5 E>if n6 Tuefiay Matins. Difpofe as thou pleafeft our condition here; only our portion hereafter, let it be with thy BiefTed. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. An. Seekfirft the Kingdom of God ^ and all things elfe fhall be added to you.. Our Fa- ther, &c Firft Letfbn. H Ave confidence in our .Lord with all thy ■ heart, and rely not on thine own pru- dence: in all thy ways think on him, and he: will direft thy ftcps. Be not wife in thine own conceit : fear God, and depart from evil. The* greater thou art, fo much the more humble thy felf ; and thou fhaltfind grace before God : for, the Power of God only is great, and he ft honorM of the humble. Seek not the things that are too. high for thee y nor fearch into thofe that are above thy ftrength : but the things which God has commanded thee,, think always on them, and in nlany of his works be not curious i fince 'tis not necefTa- ry for thee to fee with thine eyes thofe things that are hidden. Place thy treafure in the precepts of the Higfoefl:, and it fliall profit thee more- than gold. Lay up thy alms in the heart of the poor 2nd it fhall obtain for theeagainfF all evil : above the fhield of the mighty, and above the fpear, it fliall fight againft fuefday Matins. 1 17 againfl the enemy. In all thy gifts fhew a chcarful countenance, and dedicate thy tythes with gladnefs- Give to the Highelt, accord- ing to what he has given thee \ and with a good eye do according to the Ability of thy hands : for our Lord is thyrewarder, and he will repay thee feven times as much. When the ways of a man pleafe our Lord, he will convert even his enemies to peace- The heart of a man difpofeshis way, but it per- tains to our Lord to direct hisiteps. He that is patient is better than the ftrong \ and he that rules over his mind, than the Conqueror of Cities. There isnowifdom, there is no prudence^here is no counfel againfl our Lord : the Horfe is prepared for the day of bat- tle \ but our Lord gives falvation. R. Well may we give thee> O Lord, fome part of what we have, fince we receivM of thee even all we have : well may we give with gladnefs to thee:, fince thy bounty rewards us with fo great advantage. *0 make us ftill^ niiftruit our felves, and with an humble con- fidence rely on thee. Without thy bleffing our labors are in vain ; and againfl thy de- crees no policy canfucceed : but if we hum- bly fubmitto thee, thou wiit dired usy if we p thy commandments, thou wilt defend • us. *0 make us— &COSld *i8 Tuefday Matins. Second Leflbn. WHen thou com'ft to the fervice ofGod* ftand in juftice and fear, and prepare thy foul for tentation. What ever is brought upon thee receive, and in thy for row bear up) and when thou art humbled have pati- ence :• for gold andfilver are tryM in the. fire j and acceptable men in the furnace of afflicti- on* Believe God* and he will recover thee: order thy way aright, and hope in him \ keep his fear, and grow old therein. You who fear our Lord expeft his mercy ; decline not from him, left you fall: believe, him, and your reward (hall not mifcarry. You who lear our Lord hope in him ; and mercy fhall come to you for your refrefhment : love him, and your hearts fhall be illuminated. Behold the generations of men ; and know that none has hopM in our Lord, and been confounded'. Who ever continued in his commandments and was forfaken *, orcaliMupon him, and he defpisM him ? God is companionate and mer- cifuV, and will pardon fins in the d^y of tri- bulation ; and protect all thofe that feek him m truth. Wo to the double heart and wicked Ijrps, and the hands that work evil, and the iinnerthat goes an the earth two ways, Wo to them that are of dillbTute heart •, who be- lieve v&t God? and therefore fhall not be pro- tectees TuefJay Matins . 119 tededby him- Wo to them that have loft patience, and forfaken the right Path, and declined into perverfe way : what will they do, when our Lord fhall begin to look into them ? R. Teach us, O gracious Lord, to begin our works with fear; and go on with obedi- ence, and finifh them with love : and after air, fit humbly down in hope, and with a chear- ful confidence look up to thee ; *'Whofe promifes are faithful, and rewards infinite. All this we may do for men, and yet they fail us ; we may fear. and obey, and they for- get our fervice^ we may love and hope, and they negle&our afFeftions : onlythou O Lord our God, whom we no way can benefit, doft every way oblige us * ; Whofe promi- fes r B Third. LefTon. > Ecaufe femence is not fpeedlly pronounc'cl ) againft the wicked, the Children of Men commit evil without fear : but, tho" a finner offend an hundred times, and be forborn by patience, I know it. (hall be well with them that fear God; There are juft n:en to whom evil things 'happen, as jth6* they had done rhc works: of the impious > nr.d thcre^rfc iijlJ5i6iA who live fecure, as 'f they had dond the deeds of the juft: and this 1 10 TuefJay Matins. this alfd I judge moft vain. The jult and the wife, and their works are in the hands of God i yet no man knows whether he be worthy of love or hatred: but all things are referved uncertain for the time to come •, be- caufe all things happen alike to the good and to the bad. As is the virtuous, fo is the Jin* ner; and as the perjurM, fo he ' that fvvears the truth: by this the hearts of menare fiilM With malice and contempt while they live ; and after are led away into Hell. I turn'd me to another thing, and faw under the Sun y that the race is not to the fwift, nor the battle t& the ftrong? nor bread to the wife, nor riches to the learned, nor favour to men of skill : but time and chance in all things. R. And, fure, 'tis fitteftfo: for, what can1 an infinite Power, and Wiftf cm, and Good- nefs do, bit that which is belt ? Lord I fub* rnit and adore thy Providence, which fcat- ters thefe temporal things with a feeming negligence •, as trifles of fo little importance, that they fig^i&e neither love nor hatred. ^Nothing bat Heaven is indeed considera- ble.:, nothing but < Eternity deferves our e- fteem/ Fix thou our fleps, O Lord, that weAaggbf not at the uneven' motions dftiu World i but, .iteadify go on ,to our gtoriou: home : not cenfuung our journey by the wea- ther 'we meet :> nor turning out of the waj Tuef and with thy own bleft hands work our Redemption. Thy felf didft take upon thee our frail na- ture ; and vouchfafe to be born of an humble Virgin. Condefcending to the weaknefles of a Childi a Child whofe Parents were poor and une* Jteem'd in the world. . Not declining the mean entertainment of a ftable : O, how unfit for the birth of the King of Heav'n. But contenting thy felf with the Cradle oi a Manger ; and the uneafie Lodging on a bed of Straw. \ Refuting the fofc Accommodations of the Rich, to undergo the inconveniencies of J poor Stranger. Only the faithful Joftpb Hood waiting oi thee ; and provided, as he was able, for hi helplefs Family ; Only thy pious 'Mother dearly cmbrac' thee Tuesday- Lands. 115 theei and wrapt thy tender limbs in little Clouts Wonder O Hea.rens, and be amazM O Earth } and every creature humbly bow your heads: Bow and adore this incomprehenfible my- ftery } The WORD was mack ftefej and dwelt nmongft ns. But moll of all-, we who are moll con- cerned y the banilht Children of unfortunate jidatn. Let us bow down our faces to the duft: ; and proftrate adore fo unfpeakable a mer- cy. Behold thus low my Saviour ftoopt for me y to check the pride of my corrupted nsr- turdF Behold thus low He ftoopt to take me from the ground 5; and raife me to the felici- ties of his own Kingdom. Lift up thy voice with joy^ O my Soul -, ind fing H [anna to the new-born Jefus. Call all the blefTed Angels to celebrate his birih, and repeat afrefh that heavenly An- thfnt. Glory be to God on high *on earth fcace^ towards mm of good will. Lift up thy voice aloud? 0- my Soul! and to the Quires of Heav'jn )oyn the mufick of the Church* Glory 12 6 Tuefday Lauds. Glory be, &c. As it was> &c. Pf*i. XXXIII- REjoyce all yon faithful Nations of the earth, when you hear the fwcet Name of our dear Redeemer. Rejoyce, and with your bended knees and hearts, *adore the blefled Jefus. He is the Son of the ever-living God; e- qqaliy participating the glories of his Fa- ther. He is that great Mi flits whom the Pro- phets foretold, and all the Ancient Saints fo long expected. At length, in thefulnefsof time, he camev to vifit in perfon our miferable world : He came with his hands full of miracle^ and every miracle full of mercy: • He made the crooked become ftraigbt *, and the lame to walk and leap for joy : He openM the ears of the deaf to hear j and gave fight to. them that were Born blind : He loofenM die tongues of the dumb tc fpeak : O may he govern ours to ling hi* praife ! He clensM the leprous by the word of hi mouth : and heaFd their difeafes vwha but touchthis Garment- Tc Tuefclay Lauds. 127 To the poor he reveal'd the treafures of bis Gofpel \ and taught the fimple the my- fteries of his Kingdom. He cafl out Devils by the command of his Will ; and forcM them to confefs and adore .lis Perfon. He raifed the dead from the grave to life ; :he dead that was four days bury^d and cor- rupted : Nay eyen Himfelf, being flain for us on the Crofs, *and his tomb made fail and fecured with a guard : He rais'd again by his own vi&orious power; and carry M up our Nature into the higheft Heavens. AlLthefe ftupendious figns, O glorious Je- fu ! were done by the hand of thy Almigh- ty mercy. To witnefs thy truth with the feal of leav'n ; and endear thy precepts with obli- ging miracles. That, thus engaged we might believe in theej and, obeying thy Law, be eternally fav'd. O let not all this love, dear Lord, be loft 7 by fo many Tokens fo kindly expreft. One miracle more we humbly beg^ but one as ftrange and hard as any of the reft. Soften our ftony hearts into a tender fenfc *of thy great goodnefs and their own true duty. ' ' Raife Raife our dead fpirits from this heavy earth, to dwell with thee in the Land of the Living: That, as we here admire thy bounteous Power, and daily ling the wonders of thy Grace •, We may hereafter adore thy Blefled ?elf1 and fing eternally the wonders of thy Glory. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Praife our Lord, O my Soul, and for- get riot all his benefits. Cap it. Jude. v. 24, z 5% TO him who is able to preferve you without fin, and fet you immaculate be- fore the fight of his glory, in exultation, at the coming of our Lord JESUS Chrift : to the on- ly God our Saviour,by JESUS Chrift our Lord] be glory and magnificence, Empire and Pow- er, before all ages, and now, and to all ages for ever, Amen* Hymn X. LEt others take their courfc, And fing what Name they pleafe : Let wealth or beauty be their Theme i Such empty found* as thefe. H TuefJaj Lauds. up For me, Til neVe admire A lump of burnilht clay : How eYe it fhines, it is but dull ; And fhall to duft decay. S wect JESUS is the Name My Song ft ill fhall adore : Sweet JESUS is the charming word# That does my life reflore. When I am dead in grief ; Or, which is worfe, in fin : I call on JESUS, and he hears, And ! to live begin- Wherefore to thee bright Namet Behold, thus low I bow ; And thus again: yet is all this Far lefs than what I ow. Down then* down both my knees > Still lower to the ground ; While, with mine Eyes and Voice lift up, Aloud thefe lines I found. Live glorious King of Heav'n, By all thy Heav'n adorM : Live gracious Saviour of the World, Our chief and only Lord. Lire 130 Tuefday Lauds Live and for ever may Thy Throne eftablifht be : For ever may all hearts and tongues Sing-Hymns of praife to Thee. Amen Ant. Behold our faithful Lord has remem- bered his word: He has raifed up among us th< long-expefted Prophet like Mofcsy and put his word in his mouth, and he hath taught us. V. He has led us out of the bondage oi R. And made us way to the true Land of Canaan. Let us pray. OGocT, who, topreferve in reach of hap- pineTs thofe whom thou preferv'il ill Being, fent'ft down, in the fulnefs of time (as thy mercy,ancient as our mifery > had pro- mifed) the true Mejfias to fave the World from the ruin into which Adams* fall had plungM it ! Fill our fouls, we befeech thee, through deep Admirations of this thy excef- fivebounty? with an overflowing love of thy felf, infinitely fuller of Goodnefs than ev'r thy felf fcanfi exprefs to us : and grant that this love, ftiay fo powerfully endear to u; our Heav'nly Mailer's ruling Precepts anc • Example, that our perfeft obferving then ma Tuefday Vefpers. 131 nay reciprocally raifc this love, til] it fit js for our only Blifs, the eternal enjoyment )f Thee ; through our Lord Jefus Chrift, :hy Son, who with &c. Commemorations^ &c. As f age 29. Tuefday Vefyers. 1 N the Name, &c. As Page 34. Ant. Who is like thee, O Lord, amongft :he Gods ! who is like thee, terrible in jiidg- nents ! Pfal. XXXIV. .r* Peak no more proudly vain duft, nor pro- 3 voke any longer the living God. Seal up thy lips in humble filence jand trem- blingly remember his dreadful judgments. Remember how the earth opened it felt ; & wallowM up alive fo many thoufands. Remember how the clouds rain'd fire and rimftone j and buried whole Cities in their "»wn afhes. Remember how the general deluge oVeipred ^e world, and fwept away almolt all man- ifldi G Re- 132, Tuefday Fefpers. Remember, and ask the caufe of all this ru- iri, and tell it aloud to the bold offender. Tell him, 'twas Sin, and fuch as his? that drew upon them fo fwift deftru&ion. Sin threw the Angels down from heav'en; and chain'd them up in eternal darknefs. Sin banilht Adam out of Paradife; and turned that delicious garden into a field of weeds. O God, how terrible is thy mighty arm ; when Thou ftretcheft it forth to be aveng'd on thine enemies ! O fin, how fatal is thy defperate malice ; that pulls on our heads all the thunder of heaven ! O my foul* how dull and fenflefs are we \ to fleep fecure, as if all were fafe! Can we repeat thefe amazing truths; and not tremble at the wrath of the divine juftice? Can we confider the deplorable end of fin-' hers \ and ft ill go on in the ways of fin ? Even while we ling thy praifes, O glori- ous Lord, our very duty ihould fear before Thee ? ' What ihould corrupt nature, then, do} when it fees its felf ready to offend Thee? What fhould.a guilty Confcience do: when it fees its felf ruin'd by offending Thee r Strike thou our hearts , O Thou infinite £lajeity5 with an awful reverence of thy grea ,Cor Tuefday VefperS. ijj Correct our many levities into a pious fad- nefs;& break our proud fpirits to bow to thee: Still may our conferences cry aloud within us, Dare you commit this evil, and fin againft your God ? Dare you commit this evil, and undo your felves ? and plunge your own Souls in ever- lafting Torments ? Forbid fo rafh a madnefs, gracious Lord ! and make thy judgments on others,, mercies to us. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Who is like thee, O Lord, among the Gods ! who is like thee? terrible in judg- ments ! A?tt. Who is like thee, O Lord, among the Gods! who is like thee,amiable in mercies ! Pfal. XXXV. X TTTIpeaway the tears from thine eyes, V V O my foul ! and clear thy heart from all clouds of defpair. He that's thus infinite in Power to punifh, * is full as infinite in Goodnefs to fave. How often have we broken his divine Com- mands, yet ftill his earth fuftains and krr&s fed How often have we abnsM our fulnefs of bread •, yet ftill his clouds fhower plenty upon us: Himfelf with his own Almighty Word con- fined the waters ; andfharply reproachM their officioufnefs to deftroy : G 2 Hitherto 1 3 4 Tuejday Vefpers. Hitherto fhall you come, and no farther ; and here will I ftay your proud waves. Only the ambitious Angels find no forgive- r.efs \ becaufe theirobftinacy refufes to feek it: Elfe, could thofe rebel- fpirits difclaim their crimes, and turn again to obey their Maker : His clemency would foon revoke their fen- tence ; and reftore them to (hine in their firft bright feats. But O ! the excefs of mercy vouchfaf'tto , Adam -, and to us? duft and afhes* his pofteri- ty! For whom the Soveraign King of Jieav'n ^humbled himfelf todefcend upon earth. Leading a poor laborious life ; and fuffe- ring a painful, ignominious death : Only to teach us how to live? and how to dye ; and what in both to aim at. Thy mercies, Lord, are above all tfiy works; and this aboveall thy mercies- Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Who is like thee, O Lord, among the Gods-' whoislike thee, amiable in mer- cies ! Ant. Dreadful art thou? O Lord, in the .Terror of thy Judgments ; but infinitely more . /uniablein the fweetnefs of thy Mercies. PfaL Tucfday Vefpen. t\% TfJ. XXX VI. STill let us ring the mercies of our God ; and hold and (hake a little lo; ger this Tweet key. When we, alas ! lay buried in the Abyfs of nothing \ his own free goodnefs firil call'd us into being. He faihionM our limbs, in our mother's womb *, and filj'd our Nurfe's breft with milk- He enlarged our little fteps when we begun to go ; and carefully prefer v'd oar helplefs in* fancy : Commanding even his Angels to bear us hi their hands -, left we dafti our feet againft a Hone. How many dangers have we happily efcsp% and not one of them but was govern'd by his Providence ? How many blefiings do we daily receive ; and not one of them but proceeds from his Bounty ! He provided Tutors to inftrudl our youth ; and plant in our tender minds the feeds of vertue. He appointed Paftors to feed our fouls ; and fafely guide them in the ways of Blifs. He founded his Church on an immoveable Rock 5 to render our Faith firm and fecure* He feal'dhis love with Sacraments of grace; to breed and nourilh in us the life of charity. G 3 All 1 36 Tuefday Vefpers. All this thou haft done, O merciful Lord ! the wife Difpofer of heav'n and earth. All this thou haft done, and ftill goeft on *, by infinite ways to gain us to thy love. Thou command'ft us to ask, and promifeft to grant ; thou inviteft us to feek> and af- ibr'ftustofind. Thou vouchfafft even thy felf to ftand at tbedcre and knock ; and, if we open? thou en- tr eft and filPflrour hearts with joy. If we forget thee, thou renew'ft afrefh our memory ; if we fly from thee, thou ftill find'ft fome means to recahus. If we defer our amendment, thou pati- ently ftay^ft for us ; and when we return thou open'ft thy arms to imbrace us. Surely, O my God ! from all eternity, "* thou haft call thy gracious eye upon us. Surely thy merciful hand hasfignM our lots-, and market us out for thy everlaftiug favors. We know thy ways are in the deep Abyfs •, and ncnecan found the bottom of thycoun- fels : Yet may we fafely look on the flowing ftreams i and gather this comfort from their gentle courfe : When we were not, thou freely lov'dft us, thou wilt not forfake us, now we ftrive to love thee : When we had loft our way, thou fought'ft after us : thou wilt not refufe us, now we feek after thee* Lord, f ue j day Vefpers. lyy Lord, all we have is derivM from thee 5 and all we expert can come from none but thy felf. Accomplifh thine own bleft purpofe in us •, and linifh thefe happy beginnings towards us : For our hopes are great, thou haft chofen us to thy Glory ilnce already thou fo kind- ly halt difposM us by thy Grace. Glory be, &c. As it was> &c. Am. Dreadful art thou O Lord, in the Terrors of thy judgments : but infinitely more amiable in the fweetnefs of thy mer- cies. Capit. Rom. 13. LEt every foul be fubjeft to the higher Pow'rs •, for there is no Power but of God, and they that be, are ordainM of God : who ever therefore refifts the Power; r^-s the ordinance of Godjand they who refift,pur- chafeto thejnfelves damnation.ForPrincesare not a terror to good, but evil works. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the Power? Do than which is good, & thou fhalt have praife ofit : for he is the minilter of God to thee for good: but if thou doft evil, fear, for he bears not the fword in vain:forheisthe minifter of God,are- vengerto wrath on him that does evil. Where- fore be fubjeft to what is fo neceflary •, not on- ly for wrath,but alfo for Confcience, Anchfor this caufe da you alfo pay tribute ; for they G 4 arc 138 Tuefday Vefpers. are the Minifters of God, ferving to this very purpofe. Render therefore, to all, their dues ; tribute, to whom tribute •, cuftom, to whom cuftom ; fear, to whom fear ; honor, to whom honor. Ow no man any thing, b«t to love one another ; for he who loves has fulfilled the Law. Hymn. XL FAin would my thoughts fly up to Thee, Thy peace, fweet Lord, to find : But when I offer, ftill the World Lays clogs upon my mind. Somtimes I climb a little way, And thence look down below : How nothing, there, do all things feem> That here make fuch a fhow ! Then round about I turn my Eyes, To feaft my hungry fight : I meet with Heav'n in every thing •, In every thing delight. I fee thy Wifdom ruling all; And it with Joy admire : I fee my felf among fuch hopes As fet my heart on fire. ! Who Tuefday Fefpers. 139 When I have thus triumph't a while. And think to build my neft : Some crofs conceits come fluttering by, And interrupt my reft. Then to the Earth again I fall, And from my low dull cry \ 'Twas not on my Wing, Lord, but thine? That I got up fohigh. And now, my God, whether 1 rife> Or flill ly down in duft : Both I fubmit to thy bleft will > In both on thee I trull. Guide thou my way* who art, thy fclf> My everlafting end : That every Hep, or fwift, or flow, Still to thy felf may tend. To Father, Son, andH. Ghofl, One confubflantial Three* All higheft praife, all humblefl thanks, Now and for ever be. Amen. Jnt. What heart can refill the great King of Kings ? terrible, & amiable ; & mightily fhewing both, in glorious miracles of ven- geance and love. V. His right hand holds a golden Scepter: R. And his left a flaming fword. G s Let 140 Tuefday Citmplitr. Let us pray, OGod, who, by hopes and fears, the main fwayers of our Nature here, haft gracioufly provided to counterpoife our weight downwards, and fuftain our faint Progrefs up to thee in thy Kingdom ! Grant, we humbly befeech Thee, that the many no- torious Examples of thy dreadful Judgments on obftinate and incorrigible finners, may ftrongly over- aw our vices and impenitence •, and thy many more eminent inftances of in- dulgence and mercy to the penitent and truly defirous of vertue, may incourage our weak- nefs> and make us efFe&ually endeavour to gain it, by the abundant and furely Efficacious means thou haft vouchfaf't in thy Church > through our Lord Jefits Chrift thy Son, who> with, &c V. O Lord hear &c. As Page 46. Tat j "day Com\ tin . V/ Ur help is in, &c. As Page 47. Ant. Thou art, O Lord, all goodnefs anc patience, and we, alas, alj fin and difobedi ence. pfi u< Tuefday Complin. 141 PfiJ. XXXVII. GOod God ! how extreamly ingrateful are we ? how ftrangely infenfibleof our ma- nifeft duty ? Every creature hears thy Voice, but we \ every thing lives by Rule, but we. The Sun obfervs his conftant riling, and fets exadtly at his appointed time. The Sun ftands ftill, if thou commandelt \ and even goes back, to obey thy will. And yet the Sun pretends no reward •, nor looks to be placfd in an higher heav'n. We who expeft thofe glorious promifes ; and aim no lower then the heaven of heav'ns. Shall we forget the law of our God •, that only inftrutts us to perfed our felves ? We who are bought by the blocd of JE- SUS •, and freely redeemed by h.s facred Crofs: Shall we neglett fo gracious a Saviour, whofe only defign is to draw us to his love ? Shall we negled fo generous a love 3 whofe only efFed is to make us happy ? O may thy holy will, dear Lord, be all our rule, and thy gracious hard our only g u'.de : O may thy infinit gocdnefs epgage us to* love Thee : and thy blefled love prepare us to enjoy thee. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. PM 14^ Tuefctay Complin. Tfal XXXVIII. WHat did I fay, O Lord my God ! we guide not our lives by thy ftrait rules? It was too mild and gentle a reproof, for us who quite contradict thy Laws. What thou forbidlt we eagerly purfue; and what thou command'ft our frowardnefs ilill refills. We boldly converfe with temptation and fin ; which thy charity advifes us to fly like death. Wetimorouflyfearalofsorfrown; where thou bidft us proeeed with undaunted cou- rage. We govern our aftions by our own wild fancies \ and exped thy Providence fhould comply with our humors. We would have Thee relieve us when we lift i) and rain and fliine as we think fit. Pardon, O gracious Lord, this rude pre- verfnefs :, and fafliion our fpirits to fubmit to Thee. Make us exaftly obferve what Thou pre- fcrib'it ; how bitter fo ever it tails to our fenfe: We are fure thy Wifdom knows our infir- mities } we are fure thy Goodnefs delights in cur relief. Glory be, &c As it was, &c- Pfal. Tueftlay Complin. 143 Pfal. XXXIX. T-r^Was not alone to make the day*, that JL Thou O Lord, did'ft make the Sun : But to teach us thefe pious Leffons; and write them plain as its one beams : So fhould our light fhine forth to others ; and fo our charity warm their coldnefs : So, when they fay we arc under a cloud, * we fhould, like the Sun, be really above it : And, though we appear fometimes Eclipft, or even extinguifht in a night of forrow : Still we fhould fhine to our felves and Thee; and flill go on the ways of light : Still) like the regular Sun, unchangedly ex- : ped * the appointed periods of bright and dark. Only in this we gladly difagree j and blefl be our God who made the difference : Not like the Sun, that every night goes down ; and muft at laft be quite put out. When wc have finifht here our courfe, and feem to fet to this dark earth : We hope to rife and fet no more •, but fhine perpetually in a brighter heav'n. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Thou art, O Lord, all goodnefs and patience ; and we> alas, all fin and difobedi- ence. Hymn 1 44 Tuefday Complin. Hymn. XII. BLefled, O Lord, be thy wife grace, That governs all our day : And to the night affigns its place? To reft us in our way. If wprks the labouring hand impair, Or thoughts the ftudious mind : Both are conilder'd by thy care* Both fit refrefiiment find. Fit to relieve their prefent ftate, Fit to prepare the next : While we are taught to meditate This plain and ufeful Text : As every night lays down our head, And Morning opes our eyes ; So fhall the dull be once our bed, And fo we hope to rife : To rife, and fee that beauteous light Spring from thofe eyes of Thine •, Not to be check't by any night, But clear for ever fhine. All glory to the facred Three, One ever-living Lord : As at the firft, ftiil may he be jfctov'd, Obey'd, Ador'd. Amen. Tuefday Complin. i^ Ctpit. i Pet. 4. THe end of all is at hand i be wife therfore* watch in prayers : but above all have mutual charity continually among your felvesi for charity covers a multitude of fins. Ufe hofpitality one towards ano- ther , without murmuring: every one, as he has receivM grace, miniftring the fame one towards another ^ as good difpenfers of the manifold grace of God. If any man fpeaks, as the words of God, if any man minifter, as of the Power which God gives : that in all things God may be honored by JESUS Chrift:, to whom is Glory and Empire, for ever and even Amen. Ant. The Sun runs it's Courfe, or Hands ftill, or goes back? as thou command'ft; the raging Sea grows calm, nay divides it's waves at thy word : Only Thine own Ifrael refift the voice of their God. V. A Rod of Direftion is the Scepter of thy Kingdom •* R. Swaying man to obferve the difcipline of life. o Let us pray. Gracious Lord, whofe Laws are but necelTary Rules of Soul-faving love, and 146 Tuefday Complin. and whofe Commands are but efficacious Ad- vices of what our nature requires to grow happy ! Quicken, we befeech thee, the ilack- nefs of our obedience to them, by often re- flecting on this thy generous Goodnefs : and grant that the ready obfervance paid by all other creatures to thy leaft will in ferving us, may fo reproach our perverfe refilling the guidance of thy fwect fpirit, towards our own only good, which thou kindly call'ft thy Service ^ that we may feel our felves confounded with fhame at our notorious fol- lies, and be henceforth apter to learn, by all the w7orld about us, our duty to thee \ through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who with, &c. Vouchfafe us, Sec* Jis $ag. 56 to the end THE ( 147) THE Office For Wednesday. MATINS. Introduction } as page u Invit. Qome lei's adore our God that go- verns us. Come let's adore our God that governs us. Tfal. XL. HE is our great and fovereign Lord \ the ablolute King of heaven and earth : he fees at once the whole frame of all things and thorowly comprehends their various natures, Come^let's adore our God that governs us. To every creature he appoints a fit Office ; and guides all their motions in perfect or- der: till he has wrought his glorious defign, to finilh the world in a beauteous cloze. Come, 148 Wednefday Matins. Come Jet's adore our God that governs us. All thefe he governs with infinite vvifdom •, and all for the good of them that love him his counfelsare deep, and beyond our reach \ but all his ways are juft and merciful. Conner's adore our God that governs us. He governs his Enemys with a Rod of Iron, and punirties their wilfulnefs with eternal mi- feries: but his fervants he blefies with the priviledg of Children ; and provides for their duty a rich Inheritance. Come* let's adore our God that governs uSi Glory be, &c. As it was, &c Come? let's adore, &c Come? let's adore, &c Hymn, XIII. OPen thine Eys, my Soul, and fee Once more the light returns to thee : Look round about, and chufe the way Thou mean'ft to travel o'reto day. Think on the dangers thou may'fl: meet, And always watch thy Aiding feet. Think where thou once has faPn before ' And mark the place, and fall no more. Think on the helps thy God bellows } And caft to fteer thy life by thofe : Think on the fweets thy heart did feel When thou didft well, and do fo ftill. Thin Wednefday Matins. 149 Think on the pains, that (hall torment Thofe ftubborn fins that ne're repent : Tfvnk on the joys which wait above* To Crown the head of holy Love. Think what at lafl will be thy part, If thou go'ft on where now thou art: See life and death fet thee to chnfe , One thou muft take, and one refufe. O my dear Lord, guide thou my courfe, And draw me on with thy fweet force ; Still make me walk, ftiil make me tend, By Thee my way, to Thee my end. All glory to the facred Three, One undivided Deity : As it has been in agej gone* May now, and ever, ftiil be done. Amen. Ant. The day will come, it will infallibly come, when God will deftroy all that work iniquity. Pfal. XLT. WHy do you laugh, unhappy wret- ches, who tire your felves in the ways of fin ? Ways that indeed feem fmooth at firft ; Hit lead to danger, and end in ruin. Why do you boaft your pleafant life, who lye aileep in the Arms of Death ? Awake, 1 50 Wednefday Matins. Awake? and chafe the Dream away, thai deludes your lick heads with empty fancies Awake, and fiilyour Eys with Tears; anc fadly look on your real miferies. Whither, alas, will your fouls be hur ry'd \ when, in cold defpair, you figh awaj your laft faint breath? They fliall fly amaz'd from the fight of Hea- v'n i and hide their guilty felves in. eternal darknefs. There they fliall dwell with intolerable pains j and weeping and wailing and lamen- ting for ever. Your underltanding fhall fit as in a deep Dungeon \ and think on nothing but its owr Calamities. Your Will fliall be heightnM to a madnefs of defire ; and perpetually rackt with the defpair of obtaining. Your Memory fliall ferve but to renew your forrows ; and your whole fouls be drown'd in a: fea of bitternefs. You fliall wifh the Mountains to fall upoj you : and cry to the Hills to cover you. But nothing fliall fall on you but the wratl of God 5 nor cover you but your own Con fufion. There, every vice fhall have its prope torment •, prodigioufly bred out of its owj corruption. Th Wednefday Matins. i^x 'The Lafcivious (hall burn in unquenchable re^ perpetually flaming from their own ailions. The Glutton and the Drunkard fhall ;ainly figh *for a drop of water to cool their pngues. The furious Colerick fhall rage like mad )ogs ; and the fpiteful Envious gnaw their :wn bowels. The riches of the Covetous fhall be as 10ms in their fides ; and the Proud be irown down to the bottom of contempt- The Slothful fhall miferably deplore their )ft time \ and languifh with grief for their lipid negligence. \ But O, what horrid pangs fhall feize them ^\ and wound and pierce the very center E their fouls ! When they fhall fee themfelves eternal* P deprivM *of the bright and blifsful Vifion f God. When they (hall fee themfelves eternal- i banifht *from the fweet and gracious refence of Jefus. That God who made them to enjoy his lory ; that Jefus who redeem'd them to be eirs of his felicity. Then they fhall curfe the day of their irth, and the unfortunate companions that iveigled them to fin. They 1 5 r Wednefday Matins. They fliall curfethis vain deceitful world, and cry out with a defperate enraged fu- ry. Are thefe the effefts of thofe fond de- fires, whofe enjoyment we made our chief felicity ? Alas ! what avail us, now, our wanton li- berties ; and the fugitive pleafbres we fc eagerly purfu'd ? What comfort receive we from thofe emp ty honors, and faithlefs Riches we fo highlj eiteemed ? They all are vanifht away, like a fhadow and as a Cloud of Smoke that's fcatter'c with the Wind. But the remorfe and punifhment endur* for 'ever •, and torture our Spirits with per petual anguifh- / Thus fhall they cry, and none regard t( hear them ; thus fhall they mourn, and non< be found to pity them. O fad expedance of a difiblute life ! C dreadful confequence of an impenitent death Eternally to long for what they neve can enjoy ^^ternally to fuffer what they m ver can avoid. Bkffed be thy gracious Providence, < God, that with fuch tender care forewan us of our dangers. O fave us too, dear Lord, from all tho.1 dangers \ fave us for thy mercies fake. Sa^ Wednefday Matins 15-3 Save us, and make us fearful to do *what, when we have done, will make us refera- ble to fufter. Quicken our apprehenfions of the ruinous effects of Sin •, and with thy terrible threat- nings check our unbridled pafTions : That, if thy glorious promifes move not our hearts, the fear, at leaft, of hell may fright us into heav'n. Glory be, &c As it was, &c- Ant. The day will come, it will infallibly come, when God will deftroy all that work iniquity. Am. The day will come, it will infallibly come, when God will Crown all that love his glory. Pfal. XLII. T T\ 7Hy do you mourn, yon children V V of the light, to whom belong the 1 promifes of Blifs ? Who feed on the pleafant fruits of piety* i and the continual feaftof a good confeience. Who taft already the fweetnefs of hope ; : and hereafter fhall be fatisfied with the ful- I nefs of fruition. What can moleftyour happy ftate, whom the God of Glory has chofen for him- ; felf? I Whom he has adopted into his own Fami- ly, and defign'd for heirs of the Kingdom < of hcav'11. "That 1 54 Wednefday Matins? That Blefied Kingdom, where all delights abound ^ and forrow and tears are baniftit away. Where none are fick, or grow old, or dye \ but flourifh in healthy and youth, and immortal life. Where none are perplext with cares or fears ; but dwell fecure and free for ever. Where we no more fhall be fubjett to chance *, no more exposM to the danger of tentation. Where we no more fhall be croft by o- thers -7 no more difquieted by our paf- fions. But a ferene tranquillity perpetually within us; and innumerable joys all round about us. Joy in the excellencies of our glorify'd bodies ; joy in the perfe&ions of our enlarged fouls. Joy in the fweet fociety of Saints > joy in the glorious company of Angels. Joy in the ravifhing fight of our beloved Jefus-; joy in the blifsful Union with the adored Deity. All fhall be joy, and love, and peace } and all endure for eternal ages. Let then the impenitent finner tremble with fear :, and the obdurate heart break a-j funder with grief. But i Wednefay Matins. 1 55 But for the hopeful Innocent, kt them always be glad ; and the fervants of Jefas rejoyce and fing. Sweet is the yoke of thy love, O Lord ^ and light the burthen of thy commands. ButC how far more rich are thy faith- ful promifes! how infinitely -greater thy glo- rious rewards! When every vertue fhall wear its proper Crown -0 and Ihine with a Diadem fit for its own head. The humble there fhall be highly exalted ; and the poor in fpirit preferM to be Kings : The meek fhall pofTefs that holy Land ; and the mourners be comforted with eternal refrelhments ! The clean of heart (hall fee the God of purity ; and the lovers of peace have the priviledge of his Children : They who hunger and thirft after Heav'n fhall be fiUM ; and the merciful entertained with the embraces of mercy. They who fufFer Perfecution fhall abun- dantly be rewarded •> and the • enlightners cf others fhine bright as the Stars* They who relinquifh any thing for Cod, fhall receive an hundred fold ; and ail the i! Juft be in glory for ever. Then fhall they blefs the true friend Chat reproved them ; and the charitable hand that aflifted to their happinefs. H They #$.6' Wtrlnefday Matins. They fhall blefs the Provident Mercies of /heir God :, and fing aloud the Victories ot his Grace. ; Is this the EfTed of thofe little pains we took? are .thefe the repairs for thofe petty lofles wefufler'd. Happy we who eternally to enjoy whatever can de- light, . Blefl be thy gracious Providence, O Ggc^ jthat with fq large a bounty woos us to oui . Happinefs: Woos us in a way we are fo apt to Lk taken ; the love of our felves> and our owi tgreat Intereft. As thou haft prepared fuch felicities fo jus j O may thy grace prepare us for then] O may this belt of works take .up all ou time -, at leaft take up .the be# pf or .tiJiie. h Wednesday Matins. i'57 At leaffc every morning let us renew our hope \ and cloze the evening with the fame fvveet thoughts. Let us not faint, and we furely fliall fee *a profperous iiTue out of all our forrows. Still let us labour, ftill let us fuffer ; our troubles are fhort, and our joys eternal.* Glory be, &c. As it was. &c An. The day will come, ic will infallibly come*, when God will crown all that 4ove his glory. Art. What will it profit us> to gain the whole world? and lofe our own Souls? or what (hall we give in exchange for our Souls ? Pfld. XLIII. COnie now, my SouL, and chufe -0 for life and death are fet before thee. Chufe while thy gracious Lord allows thee day ; left the night of darknefs overtake thy negleft. Chufe, but remember thy Eternity is con- cerned ; and examine w:ell ere thou mak'it thy refolve- Call all the pleafures of the World be- fore thee; and ask if any of them be wort ii fach pains. Ask if to fatisfy fotne irregular paflion *can recompenfe the forfeiture of fuch fe- licities : Ask if the vain forbidden things tkou lovV: H 2. *d£fervc 158 Wednefday Matins. Meferve thy affeftion better than thy Ma- ker. Are they more worthy in themfelves, or beneficial to thee J that thou canft prefer them before thy Redeemer? Doll thou expett-to be quiet by enjoying them? or everlaitingly happy by their pro- curement ? Will they protect thee at the hour of thy death ?#or plead thy caufe at the day of Judg- ment ? O no, they but deceive me with a fmiling look i which I too often have provM by dear experience. Tis heaven alone that yields a true con- tent ; 'tis heav'n alone that fills us with de- light .Take then away your .flatteries faHe world ; and leave me free for better thoughts. Turn thou thy face to me, dearjefu^ and ,J;eep mine eyes.ftill turnM towards thee : That I may look continually on thy glorious beauties \ and be ravifht for ever with the .charms of thy fweetnefs. ^Tis thee, chaft Spoufe of Souls, 'tis thee alone I chufe ; and dedicate my felf entire!] to thy fervice. Thou art my fole and abfolute Lord ; b thou my part and inheritance for ever. But, O my deareft Lord, do thou chufe me and guide my uninftru&ed foul to chufe the Omai Wednefday Matins. I ft; O make me chafe to love thee, till I come to fee thee j and then I am furc I cannot chyle but love thee. Here we, alas, move (lowly in the dark ; led on by the Argument of things not feen. But did wc clearly fee what we fay we be-' lieve i we foon fliould change the courfe of our life. Did we but fee the damned in their flames 5 or hear them cry in the midft of their tor- meiKs : How fnculd we fear to follow them in their Sins v which we know have plungM them in- to sll thofe miferies ! How ihould we flrive againft the nfcxt tentation3 and cait about to avoid the dan- ger! Did we but fee the Glories of the Saints ; or hear the fweec Hymns they continually fing : How Ihould we ftudy to imitate their lives ; which we know have rais'd them to all their Happinefs. How ihould we feek all occafions of improve- ment} and make it our bufinefs to work out our falvation. Nay, did our faith but firmly believe *the truth we every day recite in our Creed. What would we do, to attain thofe joys ! what would we not do, to efcape thofe for- rows! H 3 Would i6o Wedtiefday Matins. Would half an hour be too long to pray ? or once a week too often to fait ? Would the pardon of an Injury be too hard a Law? Or the making Reftitution too deara price ? Diirft we return to our fins again -0 or fpend cur time in idleueis and folly. Yet is all this as fure as if we faw it ; and would move as much, if we ferioufly con- fiderM it : If we conflder'd what Pm fure we believe \ we fliould never live asl'm fure we do. . Which of us doubts but ere long we fhall all be dull ? Yet which of us lives as if we thought to dye ? . Pity, O gracious Lord, the frailties of thy fervants -, and fuffer not our blindnefs to lead us into ruin. Supply our want of fight by a lively faith ; and ftrengthen our faith by thy powerful grace. Make us remember, 'tis no childrens fport, *to gain or lofe the Kingdom of Heav'n. Make us chufe wifely, and purfue our choice?, and ufe as well the means as like the end. O fet thou right the byafs of our hearts that in all our motions we may draw ofFfron the World. That we may fiill incline towards thee and reft, at laft, in thy holy prefence* Thoi Wednesday Fvlathtsl 16 { Thou arc our LorcU and we will fervC thee in fear y thou art our God, and we will" love thee in hope. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c Aft. What will it profit us to gain the* whole World, and lofe our own Souls ? Or what fhall we give in Exchange for our? Souls ? Our Father, £:c Firft LefTon- THe fear of our Lord is the beginning of wifdom. If tinners intice thee, confenc not to them *., if they fay come with us? walk not with them : for their feet run to evil and make haft to (bed blood v nay, themfelves lye in wait, even againft their own blood? and pradife deceits againft their own fouls. They have hated difcipline, and not received the fear of our Lord: therefore fhall they eat the fruits of their way, and be fill'd with their own counfels. The bleffing of our Lord is on the head of the juft ; but iniquity co- vers the mouth of the impious. The memo- ry of the juft is with praifes -, but the name of the wicked fhall rot. He that walks fin- cerely walks confidently ; but he that goes crooked ways fliall be made manifeft- He that digs a pit fhall fall into it-, and he that? lays a fnare for another fhall perifh in it. He that gives wicked counfel, it fhall be turnM upon himfelf^ and he not know whence H 4. it i6z Wedntfday Matins. it comes. He that will be reveng'd (hall find vengeance of our Lord ; and he will furely keep his fins in remembrance. The hope of the juft is joy i'but the expectation of the impious (hall perifh. That which the wicked fears, (hall come upon him \ and to the juft, their defire (hall be given them. ■ R. O fweet and admirable Providence ? Thou haft commanded, and fo it is ; that the inordinate afFedion of every one (hail be his puniihment:. *For, aswefow, fofhaHwe reap; and, as the tree falls, fo Ihall it ly. Thy grace, O Lord, is the feed of glory, and fin the root of mifery : he that fovvs in the Sefh lhall reap corruption ; and he that fows in the fpiritr life everlafting, *For* agn — Second LefTon. FGlhw not, in thy ftrength, the concupi- fcence of thy heart ; nor fay, how migh- ty am 1 ! who can controul me in what I have done ? for God is a fure revenger. Say notr I have frn'd, and what harm has happenM to me ? for the Higheft is a patient punifher. Be not without fear of thy fin, though for- given ; nor add one fiu to another. Say not,th.e mercy of our Lord is greats he will have- pity on my many offences: for mercy and wrath come fpeedily from Him -, and his indignation keeps an ey upon finners. De- fer not to be converted to our Lord; nor Wednesday &fatfoi: 163* nor put it off from day to day : for his wrath (hall come fuddenly, and in the time of vengeance he will deitroy thee Though hand joyn in hand, the ungodly (hall not be unpunifht : but the feed of the juft (hall be favM. The congregation of the wicked is as tow wrapt together; and their end a flame of fire. Every corruptible work (hall fail at lalt, and the Doer thereof fhall go with it ? but every excellent deed fhall be juftified, and he that does it be honoured therein. R. My foul* how many thoufand have been furprifc'd in the midft of their fins, and hurried away to everlafting forrows! and we alas, how many times have we been guilty, and yet our God has fpar'd us! * O my indulgent Saviour* no other reafon can I give wny I'm not miferable, but that thou arc merciful. Blefled be thy patience that: indures fo long; and blefled be thy grace that delivers at laffc. * O my — • Third Lfffon. LEnd to ^y neighbour when he is in ne- ceflity j and pay thou thy neighbour a- gain in his time : keep thy word? and deal faithfully with him-, and thou (halt always find that which is neceflfary for thee. Do good to the juft, and thou (bait have crear reward ^ if not from him, aflliredly fronv our Lord. Lofe thy mony for thy brother H 5 and* 164^ Wednefday Matins. and thy friend:, and hide it not under a. Itone to be lolt. Be not afhamM to fay the truth : for there is a fhame that brings fin, and a fhame that brings glory and grace. Accept no perfon againft thy foul^. nor let the refped: of any caufe thee to> {all. Reverence not thy neighbour in his offence > nor refrain from fpeaking when thiere is occafion to do good- By no means contradid the truth ; nor be afhamM to con- tefs thy fins. Be not hafty in thy words, vifid:remifsand unprofitable in thy deeds. Let oot thy hand be ftretcht out to receive? and closed to give; Be not- as a lyon in thy. ^oafe ; nor opprefs thofe that are under thee, fear our Lord and the King , and with de- trailers meddle not j for their perdition fhall fuddenly come upon them. He that fwears much (hall be filPd with iniquity, and mif- diief fhall not depart from his houfe : if he deceive his brother? his fin fhall be upon Mm v if hedifTemble, he doubles his offence v and if he fwear in vain, he fhall not be ac- quitted. Turn away thy face, from- a wo- man trirnly dreft j and gaze not at anothers beauty: for by the beauty ofawomanmany rave perifht •, and it inflames concupifcence as a fire- Be not at the feaft of great drinkr crs •, nor at the riotous banquets of thofe who bring their diflies together to eat : for the drunkard and the' glutton, fhall be con- futed ; . Wednzfday Matins. i6f fum'd ; and the drowfy clothM with rags. I paft by the field of a flothful man, and by the Vmyard of a fool ; and, behold, it was run over with nettles, and thorns covered its face, and the ftone wall was deftroyM \ which when I faw, I faid it in my heart, and- by the example learnt difcipline : By what things a man fins, by the fame he Avail be tormented* R. BlefTed, O my God, be thy Providence for ever, which fo plentifully furnifhes us with rules of vertue : and fo fafely guides all thofe fouls to happi-nefs, who chufe to live under thy fweet government. * As thou Kail fhown us the way, Lord give us ftrength to walk in it ; and bring us in the end to thy eternal reft. Make us ferioufly re- fleft on every line we read, and love the: truth when it molt reproves us : Make us- labour to csrreft every error of our lives, and always humbly implore thy gracious af-: fiftance. *As thou haft-;--- Glory be, &c. As thou haft- — Faufc, &c. Then Lauds, Or, if Matins akne be faid, conclude as follows. Antm Before man is life and death, Good and Evil ; that which he chufes fnall be given him : V. He that follows Vertue chufes Good : R. Bot the Vicious liver, endlefs Evil. Let * 6 & w'edmfd'ay Lauds Let us- pray. OGod, whofe wife Government referyes eternal joys for thofe, who obferving afry right Difcipline of Love, mortify their afFs&ions- here to all things but thee ; and sternal griefs forfuch, as negle&ing thy Law «£ Reafon, indulge to their paffions ! Grantr we humbly bcfeech Thee, that thy gracious acquainting us with this indifpenfable order a*8 end of thy Providence may continually fway our choice, to leave the broad and flat- fcfring Road of prefent cafe, leading to death, and prefs refolutely forward in the rough and narrow path which leads to true life •, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, thy Son, who with, &c. Commemorations^ &cm As fag. 29. Wednesday Lauds. V-/ God incline, &c. As fag. 1 7. Ant. All my life long will I praife my God "; and lift up my hands to . his holy. Throne. Ffal. XLIV. LEt them negleft" thy praifes, O Lordy who never confider thy mercies : Let them be filent to thee, O gracious God,} whofe mouths are, full of themfclvcs,- Bat Wtdncfday Lcutds. 167 But as for us, who fubfilt by thy gifts, and thankfully acknowledge the Riches of thy Goodnefs : Our hearts fhall continually meditate on thee \ and our lips delight to ling thy glo- ry. Blefled for ever bz thy Name, O Jefb v and blefled be the fweetnefs of thy Wif- dontr Whofe irrfinit Charity has vouchfaPt our Earth *fuch excellent Rules to guide it to Heaven. Thou taught'fl: us that happy skill of find- ing our lives, by a generous lofing them to follow thee. Thou taught'fl: us to love our true felves bell, by wifely hating our miftaken felves. Thou tanght'ft us to trample this World under our feet; andufe it as a ftep toclrmb up to the next. From thee we learn thofe glorious Myfte- ries, that exalt our faith fo high above resr- fon- From thee We derive thofe Heroick Coun- fels, that raife our fouls lb far above na- ture. From thee alone, and from thy School -of grace, *a!l we know we learn, and all we do we receive. How long, alas, might we have wanderM ltere3 in the midft of darkaefs ajid error ? Had 1^8 Wednefday Lauds. Had not thy love and pity, O merciful Lord, brought down thy very felf to become* our light. Never Ihould we elfe have learnt to de- ny our felves; and take up our Crofs and follow thee. Never fhould we have known that great fecret of peace ; to forgive our Enemies, and do good to thofe who defpitefully#ufe us. On the unfatisfying things of this low Earth, fhould we blindly havefet our whole affe&ions : Hadft thou not told us of the Kingdom of Heaven •, and bid us lay up our Treafures there. Hadft thou not terrify'd us to fear thy wrath 5 by declaring the miferies that at- tend our fins: Hadft thou not invited us to obey thy Com- mands ; by propofing the felicities of a pi- ous life. What haft thou promifed, gracious Lord,-. *to the meek and poor in fpiritl What haft thou promifed to the Wee- pers here •, to thofe that hunger and thirft after holinefs! How many joys has thy bounty prepared, for the lovers of mercy, and the makers of peace! How Wcdnejday Lams. i6p How many bleflings for the pure heart ; and thofe who with patience bear their Crof- fes! O thou all-feeing Wifdom of the eternal Father, and Soveraign King of-Men and An- gels ! Who from thy glorious Throne, didft de- fcend on our Earth, familiarly to teach the Oracles of Heav'n. Writethou thefe facred words in the tables of our hearts ^ and fuffer not, at any time, our paflions to break them-. Make us ftill ftudy Thee, our Heavenly Matter •, and continually admire the beauty of thy Law. A Law that fo clearly Ihews us our end ; and fo plenteoufly furnilhes means to attain it, A Law that fo fafely cures our infirmities j and fo fitly fupplies all our defedts. A Law fo exactly conform to true reafon -, and fo highly perfedtive. of humane nature; A BlelTed Law, that makes, even here, our life more fweet j, and leads us hereafter to e- verlafting. felicity. Glory be, Sec. As it was, &c- Pfal. XLV. NEver will" we ceafe to 'exalt thy Good - nefs, O Jefu s fince thou never ceafeil to oblige us with new Bleflings* Thy i^o VPcdnefday Lauds. Thy generous charity could not thus be fa* tisfyM, to have only fpokento us the words' of life : 'Twas not encmgh for thy exceflive love, that thy Heav?nly Sermons told us our duty : But thou mull urge and provoke our Obe- dience \ by thefweet enforcement of thine own Example. Thou forbad'ft thy Followers to affeft fu- perfluities ; and thine own Provilion was a few Barly Loaves. Thou command'ft the rich to give alms with chearfulnefs ; and beflow'ft on the poor- eft wretch even thy precious, felf. Thou bid'il us not fear them that kill the* body ; and* yieldeft up thine own to the death on the Crofs. Thou injoyn'ft us to love our fierceft Ene- mies , and thy dying breath pray'd for thy Crucifiers. Thy perfed S^oul needed not, as our weak Natures* *the outward forms and difcipline' of Religion : Yet thou vouchfafed'ft toobferve the com* mon Feafts -0 and aflift at the publique Offices of the Temple : To watch, and pray, and faft, with fo fer- vent a zeal; that thy Pradice out-did thine' own Precepts. This life, and even death it felf, our merci- ful Lord undercook*1, to mark out for us the way to Heav'fl, 'Eg We due f day Lauds* 171 To beat it plain by his own facred fteps ; and render our paffage thither eafie and fe- cure. Shall we not then, O my Soul, rejoycingly follow that path ; *which we fee our Saviour trod before us ? Which we fee, though fpred all o're with thorns-, yet carried himdireftly to the glo- ries of Paradife ? Shall we not confidently rely on fo gracious a Leader; who promifes, if we faint, to look back and relieve us ? O deareft Lord, bow down thy merciful Eye ; and pity the frailties of our imperfect nature. Reach forth tfty hand and flrengthen us with thy grace; that nothing divert our ad- vance towards thee. But, in this dangerous Labyrinth of the World, and the whole courfe of our Pilgri- mage here ; Thy Heav'nly Di&ates may be our map, and thy holy Life our guide. Glory be, &o As it was, &c . PfaL XLVL M Ay every Agefing praifes to our Gcd; and all generations adore his Provi- dence. From the beginning his mercy has ftill laid means, *to raifeus to thofe blefied objects a- bove our nature. At jyz Wednefday Eauds. At firft he created Adam with all neceffiry knowledg; and then ordain d the Patriarchs to inform their families. Afterwards he chargM the Angels to bring us his Commands ; and often infpirM the Pro- phets to declare his Will. When he had done all this, and found it not enough : to guide untoward man to his true end : What did He then to fave the perifhing world ? Q ftrange excefs of the divine good' nefs ! He fent even his own beloved Son to dwel among us ; and teach us the art of working our Salvation : That facred art of training up our fouls for heav'n j and fitting them for the blifsfut Union with himfelf. ButO, Thou King of glorious fweetnefs, whofe flowing tongue dropt milk and honey ! We were, alas, not happy to behold thy Perfon ^ nor our ears worthy to hear thy Voice. Yet e're we were born thou hadft us in thy. thoughts j and provided'!!: a method to Tup? ply that defeft- Selefting a number of choice Difciplesj and thorowly infhi&ing them in thy heaven- ly Dodrine. That they might keep alive the memory of thee j and witnefs to all Nations thy ftu- pendious works. Thou Wedrtefday Lauds. 173 Thou verifyMft their Miflion with the power of Miracles, and enflamMft their hearts with the fire of thy Spirit: O're all the world they . proclaim'd thy Law-, and undauntedly preachM the cruci- fy'd God. Deep in the breads of the Faithful did they write thy Gofpel-, and feal it before their eyes with their own blood. Their SuccelTors depofited the fame pre- cious treafure, in the common Magazin of the Univerfal Church : Enjoyning their Children to guard it with their lives *, and convey it unchanged to ft> ture ages- Thus is the Cathalique Faith defcended. on us ; and thus fhall continue to the end of the world : 'Tis but to ask our Fathers, and they will tell us •, our Anceftors, & they will inftrudt us. Blefled be thy Wifdom, O Lord, which has laid fuch marks to feek thy Church *, * and openM our eyes to find it- Blefled be thy Power that has wrought fuch miracles to confirm thy faith \ and in- clin'd our hearts to believe it- How many Souls are unhappily fedcc'd •, and lofe themfelves in the wildernefs of He- refy ! While 'we, by thy Providence, are direct- ly led * the ftraight and only way to blifs. How 174 Wcdnefday Lands. How many Nations ly miferably involved * in the darknefs of barbarifm and unbelief! While we enjoy a clear noon-day ^ and fafely walk in the light of truth. O inf.nite Goodnefs ! who freely chufoft ** to pour forth thy bleflingson unworthy us : As 'tis from Thee alone we receive thefe favours •, to Thee alone let us return our prai- fes. Glory be &c. As it was Sec An. All my life long will I praife my God ^ and lift up my hands to his holy Throne. Cafit. i Peter 5. THe God of all grace, who has called us to his eternal glory in Ghrift JESUS, will himfelf, after you have fufFered a little, per- fect, cenjirm, and ftablifh you : To him be glo- ry and empire, for ever and ever, Amen. Hymn XIV. T* li Y God, had I my breath from thee J\ I This Pow'r to fpeak, and fing ? | And fhall my voice, and fhall my fong* Praife any but their King ? My God, had I my Soul from Theer This powVto judgandchufe? And fhall my brain, andftiallmy will, Their beft to thee refufe ? Alas, Wednesday Lands. ' iy$ Alas, not this alone or That Haft thou beftow'd on me : But all I have, and all I hope, I have and hope from Thee, And more I have, and more I hope, Then I can fpeak or chink : Thy bleflfnigs firft refreih, then fill, Then overflow the brink. • But though my voice and fancy be Too low to reach thy praife: Yet both (hall ftrain thy glorious Name High as they can to raife. Glory to thee, immortal God, One great Coequal Three : As at the firft beginning was, May now, and ever be. Amen. Am. I have planted, and fencM) and fet Guardians over it: What more can I do for my Vineyard? fays our Lord- V. Still ic needs thine own continual eye: R. Still the deaw of Heav'n, to keep it fruitful. Let us pray. OGod, whofe Eternal Wifdom, the Word made Fitjh and dwelling among hs^ ndt only told the World, with his own facred Mouth, the unthought onfteps which lead di- raftly 1 7 6 Wednefday ( Lauds. redly to Heav'n : but .trod them out plain with his own facred Feet, and ordain'd o- thers after him, through all generations, to guide ours fteadily in them ! Let not, we humbly befeechthee, fomuch love and care be loft on us : but vouchfafe us thy continual- ly neceflary Grace, not only to learn by roat and profefs with our lips this precious Way, kept ftill open to our eys, but make it our whole life to walk diligently in i% ev'n to Death and beyond : through our Lord Jefus Chrift, thy Son, who, with, &c. Commemorations, &c. As fag. 29. Wednefday Vtfars. 1 N the Name, &c. As ^^34. Am. A good Confcience is a continual feaft : and a peaceful mind, the Antepaft of heav'n. Pfal. XL VII. LOrd, how fecure and quiet they liye,whom thy grace preferves in innocence ! The day goes fmoothly over their heads, and-filent as the fhadow of adyal. The fpirits of their fancy run calm and e- ven> and ebb and flow in obedience to rea- fon. All their delight is to think on heav'n : and reckon oVe the joys they fliall one day poffefs. Till Wednefday Lauds. 177 Till fome unruly pafllon prefs to come in, and by its fawning out-lide gain admittance. It promifes at firffrall joy, all happinefs ; but foon difcovcrs its pernicious intent. Soon it grows bold to undermine their re- pofe \ and open adore to all their enemies. So, at a little breach of the City wall, a whole Army pours in their numerous bo- Enflaving allthatfubmitto their violence, and deftroying all that make head to re- fill it. And fuch, alas is their confufion *, when once they have yielded to the firft allault. Immediately a throng of tumultuous fpi- rits croud into their heads \ and utterly con- fume the little remnant of their peace. • O the diftradtion of a life led by humor \ and the miferable thraldom of being fubjeCt to our paflions ! How often do they engage us to contend with others, and imbitter all our days with ftrife and envy ! How often do they quarrel even among themfelves; and raife a war in our own bo- foms ! If they by chance agree in one defks ; they many 'times vex us wittl their being difap- pointed. If they perhaps fomtimes fuccecd^ they feldom produce the expected content* If ij8 Wednesday Vefpcrs* If they delight our corrupted taft \ and we greedily fwallow their unwholfom fweet- nefs : Then 'tis, alas, they moft of all undo us $ feeding the humour of our fatal difeafe. Vain at the beft, and fhort are the injoy- ments of this World ; and, after a little flat- tery? betray us into ruin. Save us, O BlefTed Jefu, or elfe we perifh \ awake, and with thy fpeedy mercy refcuethy fervants. Send down thy powerful grace to fuftain our part-, and thorowly reduce thefe unquiet diforders; That we again may return to out* for- mer reft > and conftantly injoy an univerfal peace. Peace with the bad, by bearing their inju- ries ; and with the good? by conforming to their vertues : Peace with our felves, by fubduing Senfe to Reafon : and with thee, by improving Reafon with Religion. Glory be, &c As it was, &c. Ant. A good Confcience is a continual feaft : and a peaceable mind, the Antfepaft of heas?n. Ant. Thou art, O Lord, the only Anchor of our hope , fave us, O Jcfu, or elfe m perilh. ffal Wednesday Vefpers. 179 Pfal. XLVIII. THus are they miferably toft up and down, who float on the waves of their own paflfions. Their wearied Souls foon faint within therhj when they fee the Lord has withdrawn his prefence. They feck him, but cannot find him ; they call, but he gives them no anfwer. O, ftill feekon, ftill call on your God • for his mercy will furely awake at hit. Though he fometimes may {lumber for a while i to try your duty, or punijh your dif- obedience : Though he may fufFer a while the fury of the tempeft ; to (hew you your hopelcfs flats, if left to your felves. Yet be aiiurM He'll hear your prayers at laft ; Hell not permit you to peri'lh for ever- And now, when all their fears were grown to the height ; and no means appear'd to fu- ftain their patience : When the proud waves beat violently a- gainft them \ and coverM their little veflel with defpair and ruin : Behold, his blefled voice commands a calm 5 and immediately the Sea and Winds o- bey him: Immediately his Sun arifes in their hearts ; and with its gentle beams revives their hopes. I Then i8o Wedcnefday Vefpers. -Then is their darknefs turn'd into light; and the clouds difperft into a bright day. Then they recoUeft their fcattered thoughts} and range them again in their ancient or- der. Often they look back on the dangers they have efcap't ; and as often biefs the mercy that deliver'd them. Often they look forwards on the courfe they are going ; and as often fing with joy for their happy change. Welcome again the eafieyoke of Chrift ; and the light burthen of loving our Savi- our : Welcome the holy Offices of fweet devo- tion ; and that foul-enflaming filent prayer. Now we difcern this beauteous truth 5 (and O may we print it deeply in our minds.) That the pleafures of vertue are pure and conftant, and infinite bleflings attend to re- ward it: But the purfuit of vice is troublefome and Intricate \ and finifhes its courfe in an abyfs of mifery. Pity, O Lord, thou Raifer of them tha< tall, and fole Suftainer of them that itand Pity thy Childrens weaknefs, who look it to thee? and dearly know we are nothin .in our felvcs IVednefefday Vefpers. i8r Let us not lofc this unhappy experience •, but teach us wifdom from our own mif- carriage. Teach us to obferve where our error was; and fortify our felves againft that defect- To fupprefs our tentations in their firfl approach \ when their power is weak and our choice in full ftrength. To remember how formerly their flatte- ries haveabusMus; and? when they counter- feit again, be no more deceivM. Never to look on the face of pleafures, as they come dreft up and fmiling towards us: But always refleft how fadly they go off-, and leave nothing behind but their venomous fting. So fhall we gain the belt of Victories ; while we mailer our own corrupt inclina- tions : • So fhall we be honourM with the nobleft of Triumphs : while our conquerM paffion's draw us up to Heaven- Glory be, &c As it was, &c. Ant. Thou art, O Lord, the only Anchor of our hope •, fave us, O Jefu, or elk we per- ifh. Ant. All our lots are in the hands of God ; and all our fafety in the afliftance of his grace. 1 1 Tjal. i$z Wednefday Vefyers. Pfal. XLIX. LOrd7 as thy all- wife Providence feems-to deep fomtimes, and permit the ftorm to grow high and loud. Yet never fjails to relieve thy fervant^ who faithfully call on thee in their day of trouble : So let thy favourable hand itill bear us up, .when thou feeil us charg'd with any flrong .ailault. Leave us not then to our own infirmi- ties v left the Enemy of our fouls prevail a- £ainft us. Forfake not our mifery when wc are fain } left we ly for ever groveling on the ,Earth. Suffer not our frailties to become a cuftom 3 -left we dy unpenitent, and perifli without re- covery. Deliver us, O Lord, from the occafions of fin ; and the importunities of fuch as delight jn folly. Deliver us from thefnare of enticing com- pany j and the dangerous infe&ion of ill ex- -.ample : Infection that fpreads in every place its poyfonous air:, and where ere it enters, corrupts and kills. Once more, my foul, let us* repeat this pray er: and humbly irpplore again fo neceflary-. •biefiing. JDelm Wednesday Fefperi. i$$ Deliver uss O Lord, from the occafions of fin •, ahd the importunities of fuch as delight in folly : Deliver us from the fnare of inticing com- pany : and the dangerous infection of ill ex- ample. Set a ftrid watch continually over our eyes; and diligently keep the dore of our lips. Govern all ourSenfes, that they feduce not our minds : and order every motion of our heart and fancy. Perfect: O dear Redeemer, the work thou haft begun ; and make even our paffions fer- vants of thy grace. Change our rude Anger to a feverity a- gainftour felves, and a prudent zeal for o- thers : Convert our Fear into atimoroufnefs to of- fend, and an awful reverence of thy facred Name, Let all our affections be turn'd into Chari- ty, that our hearts may defire nothing but thee. Whom we may fafely love with our whole ftrength ; whofe heav'n we may covet, and fearnoexcefs O Thou, whofe blifsful vifion is the joy of Angels, and Soveraign Happinefs of all thy Saints ! O that our fouls could love thee without limits ', as thou art in thy felf molt infinitely amiable! I 3 That 184 Wednesday Ve[ptr%. That we could fix all our thoughts on thee, and never t;ake them off from the memory of thy Sweetnefs ! Atleaft, O thou fountain of eternal boun- ty, that flows fo freely with perpetual blef- lings ! Let every day we receive of thee *flill fct apart fome portion of its felf. Serioufly to meditate thy infinite mercies *and heartily rejoyce in thy glorious re- wards : Mercies that give us all we have \ and re- wards that referve for us all we can wiih- Glory be, &€. As it was, &c- jfyt'4 All our lots are in the hands of God, and all our fafety in the afliftancc of hi* rrace- G*fh, Gal. V. *"pHe works of the fleft are mamfeft ; which jL are fornication, uncleannefs? wanton- nefs, luxury, ferving of Idols, witchcraft, enmities, contentions? emulations, angers; brauls, feditions* lefts, envies? murtbersg drunkenneffes, riots, and fuch like: and they who do fuch things (hall not obtain the King- dom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is charity, joy? peace, patience, benignity? goodnefs, long - fuffering, mildnefs, faith* modefty, continency, chaility :■ againft fuch there is no Law. Hymn% , Wednesday Vefpers. Hymn. XV. LEt them go court what joys they pleaH; < Aud gain what er'e they court : Forme, I find but little safe* In all their' giycll fport. Be thou alone but with my heart, My God, my only Blifs : I (hall not murmur at my part, Nor envy their fuccefs. They talk of pleafcre, talk of gain 5 None mult their humor crofs : 11 1 know their pleafure's pai.i \ Their grcateft profit, lofs. Let them talk en ; and have not we Our gains, our pleasures, too ? Plea fares that fpring more fweet and free 1 Gains that more fully flow. Nay, well endur'd, our very pains Tousapleafure are : And all our loflcs turn to gains •, If hopes may have their fhare. And furethey may, fuch hopes as chear The heavVefpoufed breft : Hopes, thatfo ftrangely charm ushered What will they be pofTeft ! I + All i86 We/lnefday Vefpers. All Glory to the facred Three •, All honor, power and praife : As 'twas at firft, ftill may it be, Eeyond the end of days. Amen. Ant. When O my foul* did we ever fol- low our paffions, but they inftantly wrought our difturbance, and threatened, at laft our ruin ? when did we ever turn our thoughts to piety, but it prefently brought us peace, and refrefiit our minds with new hopes cf feli- city ? V. The winds are often rough* and our own weight prefles us downwards. R. Reach forth, O Lord-, thy faving hand, and fpeedily deliver us. Let us pray. OG O D, whofe infinite mercy has vouch* faft us the mighty Refcue of thy only Son> from the defperate rebellion of our -paf- jJons, which utterly confound the govern- ment and peace of our fouls ! Grant, we humbly befeech thee, that our experience of the miserable effefts of yielding to their al- lurements, may make us warier in obferving, andfevererin reprefling their firft motions; & thv grace fo ftrongly fortify us againft all their furious and repeated a(Taults,that Reafon naay more and more recover its due force, and calmly joy n with Faith to fecure and ex- alt, , in our hearts, the blifsful throne of thy Charity \ Wcdnefday Complin. 187 Charity ; through the fame our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &c. V. O Lord hear, &c. As Pag. 46. Wcdnefday Complin. V.V^/urhelp is in, &c As Pag. 47 Ant. Repent now, my foul, for the evils thou haft done-, and blefs thy God for the goods thou haft receivM PfaL L. WEll, we are fo much nearer our grave; and all the world is older by a day. The portion of the wicked is fomuch lefs \ and their time of punifhment fo much ap- proacht. The fufferings of the Patient are fo much dirainifht; and their hopes of delivery fo much increaft. They, who have fpent this day in fin and folly, *fee ail their thoughts now vanifht like a dreanj. They fee all's paft but a fear of revenge ; and the beft that can follow is a bitter repen- tance. But fach as have wifely beftowed their time, and made another new ftep towards heav'n : They fee their joys come to meetthernin the way, and ftill grow bigger as they come : I 5 Til! i,8£ Wednefiay Complin. Til!, by an holy death, they joyn in one? and d wel together for eternal ages. O Thou bleft Author of all our hopes, and perfeft fatisfier of all our wifhes ! Do thou inftruft us in this great wife truth : and let every Evening renew it on our minds : That the things of this World are of little import, fmce its joys and griefs lalt but for a time; But the future ftate moft infinitely con- cerns usi where life and death endure for tver: -Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. TfaL L I. WE are nearer indeed the end of our life : but what arc we nearer the c:;d for which we live. What have we done,my foul, to day, *that's . truly advancive to our lalt great home ? Have we ejicreait our efteem of Ijeav'n ; aivd fettled its love more Itrongly in our hearts ? Have we avoided any known temptation >. or faithfully refifted, when we could not a- Coid.'?; Have we interrupted our cuftom2ry faults^ j.nd checkt the vices we arc molt inclin'd to ?■- Have we embraced the opportunities of good: which [Vednefclay Complin. 189 which the mercy of Providence has offerM to our hands ? Have we induftrioufly contrived occafions, to improve, as we are able, our felves and others ? Aias, dread Lord, whar do we fee ; when feriouily we look into our guilty feives ! When we reflect on our former years c, nay even the follies but of this one day. So many hours mifpent in nothing •, fo ma- ny abus'd in woffe than nothing. Pardon, O meek Redeemer, what our paf- fions have done •, and favourably fupply what: our weaknefs has omitted. Make us hereafter more carefully watch, that our time improbably Hide not away. Make us felect every day fomefit retreat : to ftudy the knowledg of our felves and thee : Our felves? to correft our many infirmi- ties : and thee, to adore thy infinite per fefti- ens. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Pial. LII. Little thou know'It, O Lord, is the good wedo y> and every grain of it derivM from thee : Great we confefs, are the evils we commit.: and all to be chargM entirely on our felves. Tell me my foul, when firft thou haft well cxaminM ^the innumerable circumitv 1 concern thy ftate; T 190 Wednefday Complin Tell me, and let not pride deny the truth, nor any thing divert thy free confefilon \ Could we have favM our felves from that dangerous tentation, unlefs our God had powerfully fuftain'd.us ? Could we have carryM on that pious pur- pofe, unlefs his hand had bleft our endea- vours ? No, to thy felf, O Lord, give all the praife j if thy creatures have performed the leaft good work. Give to thy felf all the glory, O Lord ! if they have not committed the worftof fins. Thy hand alone direfts us to do well > and the fame bleft hand reftrains us from ill : 'Tis not in us to efteeni thofe unfeen joys •, and defpife the flatteries of this deceit- ful world : 'Tis not the work of corrupted nature, to mortify our fenfes, *and patiently bear the croiTes we meet. Of our felves w7e are inclhvd to none of thefe i but the grace of God enables us to all. Grace gives us flrength to'overcome our pafHons ; and the world and the flefh (hall be iubjedt to us : Grace gives us faith to fortify our reafon -, and heav'n it felf fhall be conquered by us. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c Ant. Repent now,, my foul? for the evils thou haft done-, and blefs thy God for the - **i thou haft received. Hymn Wednefday Complin. 191 Hymn. XVI. ANd do we then believe There is a world to come} Where all this world lhall fummon'd be5 To take their final doom ? Is there a heav'n indeed, To crowrn the Innocent ? Is their a hell, and horrid pains? The wicked to torment? Are thefe eternal too, And never to have end ? Shall never thofe delights decay, Tfaofe forrows never mend ? Good God ! is all this true ? And fure moft true it is : And yet we live, as if there were Nothing fo falfe as this. O quicken, Lord, our faith Of thefe great hopes and fears : And make the laft days trumpet be Still founding in our ears. Still may this glorious hope Shine bright before our eys;. We lhall at laft go up to meet Our Jefus in the sfcles. 1 Come^ i$z We cine f day Complin. Gome, Jefu, Come, and take Our banifht Souls to thee : Come quickly Lord, that in thy light Our Eys thy light may fee. Glory to Thee great God, One Coeternal Three : As at the firft beginning was May now and ever be. Amen. Cafit. Philip. 4, FOr the reft. Brethren, whatever things are true, whatever honeft, whatever juft, what ever amiable, whatever of good fame ; if there be any vertue, if any praife of difcipiine, think upon thefe things, which you have both learnt, and receiv'd, and heard, and feen in me. Thefe things do, and the God of Peace fhall be with you. Ant. Every night approaches us nearer our laft \ which refervs for usj eternal wages •, juftly, yet with a vaft and generous bounty, proportioned to the works of our days. V. The Wife will always keep their Lamps ready trimm'd ; R* That the Bridegroom's call may never furprize them. Let us Pray. OGod,. whofe merciful providence fwcefr- cns and .makes eafy tbe^ laborious courfeof our Pilgrimage through this. world, with Wednesday Complin. i$y with conftant convcniencies and feafons of repofe! Vouchfafeus,we humbly befeech thee, to make our due advantage of this thy mercy i Compofing onr fouls mcrefatisfycd- ly to reft, by a faithful recollection every Evening, how we have kept our way, and whether w7e are advanc'ti and grant that* reflecting with hearty contrition on every ftepwe have made awry, and with thankful acknowledgments on thofe thou hall led us right, we may henceforth be render'd more wary of our deviating inclinations, and more attentively obfequious to the ileady guidance of thy grace-, through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &c. Vouchfafe, &c. As Page 56 THE ( *5>4 ) THE Office For Thursday. MATINS. Introduction, as page i. Jnvit. Come let's adore our God that feeds us. Come let's adore our God that feeds us. PfiJ. LIII. HE freely opens his bounteous hand ; and fills, with his bleflings, every living creature: he gives even Kings their daily bread, and all the world's maintain'd by his Provifion. Come, let's adore our God that feeds us. He feeds our underftanding with the know- ledge of truth \ and ftrengthens our wills with his holy grace : he refrefhes our memories with a thoufand benefits, and feafls our whole fouls witheverlafting hopes- Gome, let's adorq our God that feeds us. With Thurfday Matins. 19 ? With Himfelf and with his facred Flefh he feeds us, and nourifhes us up to immortal life : beginning even here that blefled union, which (hail fully be perfected in hisown Kingdom. Come, let's adore our God that feeds us. Come all we fervantsof fo gracious a Lord •> whom he daily entertains with innumerable mercies : come all you Children of fo loving a Father; for whom lie has provided an eternal feaft. Come, let's adore our God that feeds us. Glory be, Src. As it was? &c. Come? let's adore? &c. Come, let's adore, Sec. Hymn XVII. Rife royal Sm ! rife and fing (King: Thy fouls kind Shepheard? thy hearts Stretch all thy pow'rs ; call if you can, Harps of Heav'n to hands of man : This foveraign fubjeft fits above j The belt ambition of thy love.. Lo here the Bread of Life? this day's Triumphant Text, provokes thy praife : The living and life-giving Bread, To the great Twelve diftributed fr When Life himfelf at point tody Of love was his own Legacy. But, left Thatdy too, We are bid, Ever to do what He once did ; And 196 Thurfday Matins. And by a mindful myftick breath, ^ That we may live, revive his death , With a miraculous Bread and Wine, TranfumM and taught to turn Divine, The Heav'n inftrufted Houfe of Faith Here a Myfterious diftate hath *, That they but lend theix? form and face* . Themfelves with reverence leave their place, Nature, and Name, to be made good By a nobler Bread, more needful Blood. Where nature's law no leave will give, Bold Faith takes heart,^ and dares believe : In different /fecks. Names not Things, Himfelf to me my Saviour brings : As meat in that, as drink in This y But ftill .in both one Chriir he is. Yet the receiving mouth here makes Nor wound nor breach in what it takes : Let one alone, or thoufands be Here the Dividers, Cngle He Bears home no lefs, All They no more -y. Nor leave they Both lefs than before. Lo the life- food of Angels, then, BowM to the lowly mouths of men : Lo the full final Sacrifice, On which all Figures fixt their Eyes : The ranfomM ifaac and his Ram, The. Manna and the Pafchal Lamb, Jcfu, Thurfd&y Matins. 197 Jefu, to Thee we (inner sfue-, O Thou our Food and Shepherd too ! Still by Thyfelf vouchsafe to keep, As with thy felf thou feedTt thy Sheep : Bleft be that Love which thus makes Thee Mix with our low mortality. O may it raife and fet us up Convicters of thine own full Cup ; Co-heirs of Saints: that fo all may Drink the fame Wine, and the fame way : Nor change the pafture, but the place \ To feed on Thee, in thine own Face. Amen. ^k/f .Upon this Rock will I build my Church; and the gates of Hell Ihail not prevail agaiaft it Pjnl. LIV. HE who made the Sun to enlighten our fteps, in the Pilgrimage of this fhort life : Has he ordain'd no guide to conduct our fouls, in the difficult way to their eternal home ? He who feeds the Ravens thatcall upon-him^ has he not provided bread for his Children ? He has •, and ftill his mercy furaifhes means, to perform whatever hisjuftice commands. Long fince he efpousM to himfelf an unfpot- ted Church ; and promised it his Prefence to the end of the World. Eftablifliing his truth on a firm Pillar *, a folid foundation to fuftain our Faith. That we waver no longer as little Children ; nor 198 Thurfdaj Matin?. nor be carried about with every Wind of E5o- ftrine. Nor confume ail our dayes in ftudying to be- lieve \ without ever proceeding to life and a&ion. ThisSpoufe,0 thou gloriour King of Heaven, and admirable Lover of poor ruinM Man! This humble Spoufe Thou cam'ft down to WOO) & dearly purchafe with thine own Blood. Thou haft indowM her with eminent prero- gatives, above the reft of the Daughters of Earth : Preferving her in the midft of jfetfJ and T** l&n* \ and, the fubtler Enemies, Politicians and Preferving her bright and Confprcuous as the Sun j that every open eye may fee her light. Preferving herftillin perfeft Unity, while all that divide from her are divided among them- felves. Thou haft adornM her with the beauty of Order ; and the precious Jewels of Heroick Vertues. Thou haft ftrengthenM her Hands with the power of Miracles \ and crown'd her head with a diadem of Saints., Thou haft, given her the Keys of all thy Treafures ? and open'd to her the Myfteries of Heaven it felf : Myfteries that free our Souls from the Do- minion of Senfe : and place them above the reach of Reafon. Thefe thurfday Matins. 199 Thefe thy whole Church unanimoufly at- tests} as deriv'd from thee? their Original fource : J Whence running along through every age, they have always maintained their conftant channel. O may they flill bear on their courfe •, and ftill fpread wider their wholfom ftreams. May ail the World be watered with this dew of Heav'n j and bring forth fruit to Everlaft- ing Life; But, O unhappy you? who feek new paths -, and blindly follow your miileading guides ! You who forfake the known Church- way to truth •, and charge the whole Christian world with malice and error. Tell me,can any reafon confiderately think; that fo many witnefles iliould confpire in a falfehood? Such as mull neceflarily damn themfelves : anddefperately endanger all their pofterity : • Such as by every Ey may eafily be difcernM: & the credit of the forgers confounded with ihame. Stay till a thoufand Mothers freely agree, 4:0 poyfon themfelves and their beloved Chil- dren : Stay till a Nation folemnly vote, *that a wave of the Sea is firmer.than a Rock. When you have feen this done; and the deluge of Antichriit himfelf invade the world : Yet zoo Thurfday Matins. Yet (hall that Holy Ark ftili float above ; and fave the Juft from the fury of the waves. O the exceffive goodnefs of our merciful God •, who has made his Teftimonies even too credible : Too credible to be doubted by any thing but ignorance \ too credible to be denyM by any thing but pafllon. We are almoft now conftrain'd to believe \ Lord grant us grace but to hope and love. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c Ant. Upon a Rock will I build my Church, & the gates of Hell (hall not prevail againft it. Ant. How admirably, O Lord, has thy Wifdom contrived our Salvation ; infilling* even by our fenks, grace into our fouls. Pfal. LV. SAfe in this hand has our provident Lord"* depofited the Richeft Treafures of his Kingdom : Commanding his Priefts to confcrve them with Reverence, and difpence them to others with a prudent charity. Soon as we're born into this world of dan- ger -, his vigilant Baptifm ftands ready to fave us. Ready to wipe out the guilt of our birth, and write our new names in the book of life. What all eternity could never have worn off; a little fprinkling of water vvafhes a- way. When Thurfday Mat bis. 201 When we are come to riper years; and a fit capacity of profelTing our Faith. His holy Bifliops myfterioufly anoint our foreheads; tocherifiiand Confirm our grow- ing belief: That we never be afham'd of the Crofsof Chrifk but to the face of death freely confefs him. If in our fpiritual combat we receive a v:ound> he has appointed perfons exprefly to cure us : Only he requires wTe fhould open our fores before them, and heartily repent our wilful rafimefs. He requires we fhould fatisfy the w7orld and our own fouls ; in repairing the damage they fuftain by our trefpafs. HeaPd by the bitter "waters of Pennance, we are immediately invited to all the fweet- nefs of Paradife : To tall the delicious bread of Angels \ to eat even the Flelh it felt of the Son of God : So to become intirely one with him \ while we feed on his Body, and are governed by his Spirit- That the world may continue in a bleft fuc- ceilion, he folemnly fanfrify'd the rites of Marriage : Exalting that ftateto the honour of a Sacra- ment, that we might more regard the holi- nefs of its duties. To 20Z Thurfday Matius. To prevent the failing of Governors in the Church •, the Church, for which this world continues. Themfelves are impowerM to kindle frefh lights ^ who ftill may mine on, when old ones are fpent. Yet is there one important period of our life; the ficknefs that fummons us to the bar of death : Nor has our gracious Lord forgotten thisi but carefully provided an holy Un&ion. To allay our fears in that fad hour ; and ftrengthen our hopes of everlafting felicity : That we may finifh our courfe in peace j and go up with joy to receive our crown. Thus by thy wife, indulgent care *, O Thou fweet Condu&er of our Souls ! Every flation of our pilgrimage has a fit en- tertainment*, & every defed a proper remedy. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. How admirably, O Lord, has thy Wifdom contrived our Salvation ; infufing e- ven by our fenfes, grace into our fouls ! Ant. We confefs we are bound to do ma- ny things againft: our will; why not believe fome few above our underftanding ? Pfal. LVI. THefe are the feven bright golden Candle- fticks, fet up to enlighten and adorn the Church. But behold; in the midft, One like the fon of map, Thurfday Matins. %o$ man, but is indeed the Son of God : Behold One difguisM in the fhape of Bread -, but is indeed the Son, both of God and man. He whom the Scraphims proftrate adore, and fly with all their wings to perform his com- mands. He who came down to dy for us finners \ and afcended again above the higheft heav'ns : Himfelf is there, and gracioufly frays our coming, to receive our pray'rs, and fend us home with his blefling. He's there, though notdifcern'd by fenfe? : nor the myfteriesof his prefence comprehen- ded by reafon : * Yet may a lively faith pafs through the veil, and confidently enter into the Holy of Holies. A faith that works by love may enter \ and fill it felf with celeftial Manna •, But the uncharitable faith fhall be caft into darknefs ; among them that believe & tremble. Behold, O Lord, we believe & hope ; perfect, by thy vigorous grace, our faint endeavours. Quicken our half-dead faith into a ready af- fent, where ever thou art pleas'd to engage thy word. Why fhould we doubt the Power of God can do fomthing, that the weaknefs of man cannot nnderftand ? Which of us knows how the common I wc eat "* is naturally turn'd into our own fub- Itance ? K A:;d And fhaii we difpute the fupernatural con- verlion * of this blefled bread, into the fub- itance of our Saviour ? Shall we fubmit our reafon to the" fecrets of na- ture ; & make it judgof the myfteriesofgrace ? Shall we rely on the reports of men, where . we do not fee \ and diflruit the word of God, becaufe we do notfee ? No, let us now believe? that hereafter we may fee 5 when our eyes lhall be openM in the Kingdom of Light: Where our .dark Faith (hall ceafe into Vill- on j and our Hope expire into full Enjoyment : Where all our afledions fliali be contracted , into Love, and Love extended to Eternity. ' Glory be, &c. As it was, &c- Am. We confefs we are bound to do many i things againft our will ; why not believe fome few above our iinderftanding? Our Father, &c. Firft Lellbn. CHrift loved his Church, and gave Himfelf 1 for it, that he might fanttify it, clean- fing it by the Laver of water, in the word of life ; that he might prefentto himfelf a glori- ous Church, not having fpot or wrinkle. And he gave fome Apoftles,and fome Prophets,and fome Evangelifts, and fome Paftors, andDoc* tors y for the confummation of the Saints, for jtSe work of the Miniftry, for the edifying v& le body of Chriit, till we all meet into the uni- ty Thurfday Matins. l6$ ty & knowledge of the Son of God, into a per- fect man, into the meaftire of the age of the fulnefsof Chrift. That henceforth we be not children, wavering, and carry'd about with every wind of do&rine, by the wickednefs of men, and their craftinefs to circumvent in- to error : but following the truth in charity, let us in all things grow in Him, who is our Head, Chrift. And I befeech you> Brethren, by -the name of our Lord Jefus Chrift, that you all fay one thing, and that there be no Schifms among you, but that you be perfect in one fenfe, and in one knowledge. Mark them that make diflentions and fcandals, contrary to the Doftrine which you have learn't ; and avoid them : for fuch ferve not Chrift our Lord, but their own belly, and by fwect fpeeches and benedictions feduce the hearts of the fimple. Believe not every fpi- rit, but prove the fpirits whether they be or God; for, manyfalfe Prophets arc gone out. into the world : Therefore, Brethren, ftand faft, hold the Traditions which you have learned, whether by word of mouth, or our Epiftle. Obey your Prelats, and be ful to them*, for they watch, as being to render account for your fouls. R. My God, if ravenous Wolves feek by force to devour me, tndwith threats and pe4 narltics fright me From thy Faith •, thisflWti my guard againft all their Violence, * I K a • Ueve ::%06 Thurfday Matins. lieve my Cr.eed ; and, in it, One only Ca- tholick and Apoftolick Church. If wily Fox- es Teek by craft to deceive, me? andwithw.it and fallacies to feduce me from thy truth ; this {hall be my evafion from all their fubtil- j lity, * I believe- Second Leflbn. A Nd Jefus coming near Tpake to his Dif- ciples, faying, All power is given me i In heav'n and in earthy Go therefore and teach all Nations, Baptizing them in the -.name-of the- Father, and of the Son, arid of theH.Ghoft: teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you ; and behold I am with you always, to the end of the World. The ^Apoftles hearing that Samaria had re- ceivM the word of God, Tent to them Peter : and John ; who5 when they were come, pray'd for them, that they might receive the.H. fcChofc; Tor he-was -not yet come upon any of them, but they were only BaptizM in the %name»-of our Lord Jefus: then they,Impos'd their -Hands on them, and they receivM the uH.Ghoft. And Jefus Taid to his Difciples, As my Fa- ther fent me, I alfo fend you : And he breathM ,on them, and faid, Receive you the H. Ghoft : whofc Sins you (hall Forgive, they are for- given, and whofe you ihall .Retain they are tretain'cL The Thurfday Matins. zo? '" The Chalice of benediction which we blek, is it not the Communication of the Blood of Chrift ? and the bread which vye break, is it not the participation of the Body of our Lord? When they had OrdainM to them Priefts in every Church? and h2d pray M with fafl> nigs \ they commended them to our Lord in whom they believ'd. For tiis caufe (hall a Man leave his Father and Mother, and cleave to his Wife j and they fhall be two in one fiefh : -this is a great Sacrament ; but I fpeak in Chrift and in the Church. Is any one Tick among yon ? let him bring in the Priefts of the Church, and let them pray over him, Anointing him with Oyl in the name of our Lord : and -the prayer of faith fhall fave the fick, and our Lord fhall raife him up; and, if he be in fins, they (hall be remit- ted him. Now, to him that is able to do all things more abundantly than we defire or underftand, according to the power that works in us ; to him be glory in theChurch,and in Chrift Jefus, to all generations, world without end, Amen* R. Blefied,0 Lord,be thy holy Name, who haft provided the Scriptures for the comfort of the Faithful, and Wetted be thy gracious Wifdom, who haft left in thy Church, a Rule to interpret Them : *Left the unlearned and inftable fhould pervert them them to their K 3 owa ^oB Thursday Matins. own definition. Renew, O merciful Lord, a right fpirit in the world \ a fpirit of hu- mility and obedience : that, in reading thofe facred Books, none may prefer theh> private, fancies before the teftimony of the Church:* but readily fubmit to them, whom he that hears? hears thee, and he that defpifes, dcf- pifesthee: *Lefl>- Third Leflbn, J Cor. n. FOr I receivM of our Lord that which alfo I have delivered to you ; that our Lord Je- fus, in the night wherein he was. betray'd, took bread? and, giving thanks brake, and faid, Take and eat, This is my Body which {hail be delivered for you : this do in Com- memoration of me. In like manner alfo the Chalice, after he had fupt, faying, This Cha- lice is the new Teftament in my Blood y. this do, as often as you fhall drink it, in Comme- ration of me : For as often as you eat this Bread, and drink the Chalice? you (hall fhew Lords death, till he come. Therefore, who e- ver fhall eat this Bread or drink the Chalice of our Lord unworthily, fhall be guilty of the Body and Blood of our Lord ; but let a man prove himfelf,and fo let him eat of that Bread, and drink of the Chalice: For he that eats and drinks unworthily, eats and drinks damnation- to himfelf, not difcerning our Lords Bodv. R. I am the bread that came down from Hsav'n > not as your Fathers eat Mami* and dy'd : Thurfdfay Matins. 209 1 dyM : He that eats of this Bread (hall live for ever : and the bread which I give is my Flefh, for the life of the World. *The'fe, O my dcardb Saviour, arcthy very words; Ogive us always of this Bread ! As the living Father fait me, and I live by the Father; fo he that: eats me /hall live by me, and I will raife him up at the laft day ; for my Flefh is meat in- indeed, and my Blood is drink indeed r *Thefe— - Glory be, &c. *Thefc- — - Fiu(fi9 8rc« Then Lauds : Ory if Matins afore be [aid, ccn-- dude as followeth. Ax. Let none excufe their wandrings from 'the ftraight Path of Life: behold a fteady Guide ! let none pretend faintnefs and want of fpirits to walk in it > behold, at every ftep, abundant refrefhments. V. The Church fhines ever bright, as the Sun •, R. And fheds all about as quickning Beams • Let us Pray, OGod, who halt eftablifht a perpetually fure and Confpicuous Miflrefs of thy faving Truth amongft us, furnifht with apt means efficacioufly to apply it in all impor- tant feafons ; particularly with a moft mira-- culous power to renew our Saviour's own moving Prefence, beyond all doubt, to our very fenfes! Secure us, we humbly befeech K 4 thee, a,io thurfday Lauds. thee, by this thy gracious Providence againft all dimnefs in our Faith, or coldnefs in our Charity ; and beget fuch a heat in us, by walk- mgly diligently in thy clear light, at ev'ry turn fo ftrongly reflected on us, as may at .length let us heartily on fire, to pafs beyond all Sacramental Veils, and eternally behokl thee face to face; through our Lord Jeius Chrift thy Son, who, &c. Commemorations, &C. As Pag. 29. Thurfday Lands. V.Vj God incline, &c. As Tug. 17. An. How great is the multitude of thy fveetnefs, O Lord -, which thou haft hidden for thofe that love thee ! Pfal. LVII. WHere, O thou boundlefs Ocean of Charity ' Where will thy overflow- ing Jtreams Hay their courfe ? We, and our gratitude ftrive to oppofe thee*, but nothing can refill thy Almighty Goodnefs. When the impiety of man was at the height; -and their treacherous heads plotting to be- tray thee : Then did thy wifdom mercifully confult, to overcome our malice with thy bounty. Immediately thou ccntrivMft an admira- ble Thurfday Lauds. ir* ble wjy, to invite all the world to a feaft of miracles : A fcaft where thy facred Body fhould be our food, and thy precious Blood our drink : A feaft where thy whole all glorious felt*i$ freely given to the meaneft gueit : A feaft of peace and love and incompara- ble fweetnefs; to which thine own bleft mouth thus kindly calls us, Come to me, you that labour for holinefs* and are oppreft under the weight of your fins. Come to me> you that hunger after heav'n, andthirftto drink at the fountain of blifs. Come to me, and I will refrefh you, with the wine of gladnefs, and the bread of life. Come you that are weak,that you may grov? ftrong i and you that are ftrong, leaft you be- come weak. Come you that have leifure, and here en- tertain your time; come you that are bufjv and here learn tofanftify your imployment ■; Come all, and gather freely of this celefti- al Mamu •, and fill your fouls with the food of Angels. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c- PfaL LV1II. TBus does our gracious Lord invite, anl ihall we go ? fhall (inters dare to jic down at his table? TMus He invites? andfliall we not go? fliaiH wretch iii. thurfday Lauds. wretches prefume to refufe his Call ? Rife then, my foul, and take thy fwiftefl wings ^ and fly to the Pre fence of this great Myftery. Soon as thou com'ft, bow low thy head \ and humbly adore our hidden God. Our God, who is come thus far to meet us ; and brings along with him a. whole heaven to entertain us. Arife, and leave the world behind thee', and run with gladnefs to falute thy Lord. Enter the Palace of that admirable Taber- nacle; the boufe. of his own moll glorious Refidence.. There we fhall fee the Eternal Word, that defcended from heav'n to become man for us. We fhall fee him Hill more wonderfully a- bridgM -7 into a leiTer fpace and lower fhape. There we fhall fee the Lord of glory, veiled with the familiar forms of bread and wine. There we fhall fee the Prince of Peace, focrifice himfelf to reconcile us with his Fa-, ther : There we fhall fee, O ftupendious mercy \ the Son of God ftoopeven to the mouths of men. Can we, O dear Redeemer ! believe thefe Wonders •, and not be ravifht with admirati- on of thy love? Can we acknowledg thy fupream Veracity; and L^ Thurfday LJu&i. 213 and not believe (were they poflible^ ftiil grea- ter wonders ? What though our eys fay ther's nothing but bread ? our faith allures us therms nothing but our Saviour. Shall not the Almighty Power, that made our fenfes, exceed the operation of his own creatures ? Shall we refufe to believe our God : be- caufe his mercies tranfcend our capacities. No, no : 'tis thy very felf we fee, O Blef- fed Jefu! 'tis thine own light by which we fee thee. None but an infinite Wifdom could ever have invented *fo ftrange, and highland pro- digious a myftery. None but a more than infinite Goodnefo- would haue imparted *fo dear and tender" and rich a bleffing. Glory be, &'c. As it was, &c. • Jfat LIX. LOrd5 who are we, unworthy finners : that thus thou regardeft our wretched dull ? What is all the world comparM to thee : that thus thou feem'ft to difrcgarct thyfclf?" ?Tis for our fakes, and to draw us to thy love : that thou pcrfonally vouchfafeit to dwell among us, ^Tis for our fakes, and to fpare the infir- mity of our nature : that thy brightuefs ap- pears not in its proper lu fixer B-lefled 2 14 Thurfday Lauctr. BleiTed, OJefu> are the eys that fee thee ia this kind difguife •, and the mouth that reve- rently receives thee : BleiTed yet more is the heart that defires thy coming \ and longs to fee thee in thy beaute- ous felf. O Thou eternal Lord of grace and glory -, our joy and portion in the Land of the Liv- ing ! What haft thou there prepar'd for thy fer- vants ; who beftow'ft fuch pledges of thy bounty here ! What doft thou there referve in thine own Kingdom ; who giv'ft us thy felf in this place of banifhment ! How will thy open vifion tranfport our foul 7 when our dark faith yields fuch de- light! Nothing on earth fo fweet, as to kneel whole hours before thee ; and one by one con- iider thy innumerable mercies : What it muft be in heaven to fhine contin- ually before thee \ and all in one contemplate rhy unfpeakable glories ! Xfrmy adorM Redeemer,when will that hap- fpy day appear \ that mine eys may behold thee without a veil ? When will thefe clouds and fhadows pafs a- way ; that thy beams may fhine on me in their full brightnefs ? Objednotagainftme, deareft Lord ; that none Thurfctay Lauds. 11 f none can fee^thy face and live : Thofe fears thy love has chang'd, and all my hope *is now to live by feeing thee : Say not, O thou mild and gracious Ma- jefty ! if I approach thy prefence I muft dy : Rather inftrutt me fo to dy ; that I may live for ever in thy Prefence. Glory be, &c As it was, &c> jtot. How great is the multitude of thy fweetnefs, O Lord-, which thou haft hidden for thofe that love thee ! Capit. 7. Apoc. A Men, Benediction and Glory and Wif- dom, and Thankfgiving, Honour, 2nd Power, and Strength^ be to our God for ever and ever, Amen. Hymn XVIII. With all the powVs my poor foul hatfb Of humble love and loyal faith ; Thus low, my God, I bow to thee, Whom too much love bow'd low'r for me. Down bufy Senfe, Difcourfes dy 5 And all adore Faith's Myftery : FaltH is my skill, Faith can believe As fail as Love new laws can give. Faith is my ey, Faith ftrength affords, To keep pace with thofe pow'rful words:1 And words more fure, more fweet than they* LoYe could not think Truth could not fay. O dear. 2i6 Thurfday Lauds. O dear Memorial of that death, Which ftill furvives and gives us breath ! Live ever, bread of Life, and be My food, my joy, my All to me. Come glorious Lord, my hopes increafe^ And fill my portion in thy peace : Gome hidden life, and that long day For which I languifh, come away. When this dry foul thofe eys (hall fee, And drink the unfeal'd fource of thee : When glory's Sun faith's fhade fhall chafe i And, for thy veil, give me thy face. Ant. He feeds the young Ravens that call on Him-, and fays, He efteem us much better than them: behold a full proof; He feeds them and all things elfe ; but to feed us, behold yet a fuller } O Riddle of Bounty ! even out of the Feeder himfelf comes food for us. V. The bread of life, which came down from heav'n? R. Feed us with the bread of fcience and underftanding. Let us Pray. O Bounteous Lord, the continual fupplier of thy creatures with all convenient fu~- ftenance •, to advance our growth and ftrength, fit to take heav'n by violence, and rife at length eternal enjoyers ofthyfelf ! Fix, we befeech thee, our eys and adoration on that open Hand which thus gracioufly gives us our. daily Tkurfifay Vefpcrs. tij daily bread : and grant that the miraculous Feaft of thy Sons Body and Blood may duly fanftify our tails to all other thy bounties ; that they may relilh, as they are, only thy great love to us-, and feed, as they ought, purely thv dear love in us : through the fame our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &c. Commemorations, &c. As pag. 29. I Thnrfdny Vt[[crs. N the Name, &c. As Tag. 34. Ant. Whether, O my God, fhould we wander, if left to our felves ? where ihould we fix cur hearts, if not directed by thee ? UNhappy man ! at firft created juft ; as every work comes fair from the hands of God- At firft endo.\'d with dominion o're the Earth; and, .which was mere, with dominion o're thy felf At nrft, not only madefole Lord of Para- dife ; but heir apparent of the Heav'n of heav'ns. All this thou loft by one rafh ad \ difobey- ing the Law of thy wife Creator. All this, alas, we loft by thy tranfgreflion ; which brought in fin, and death, and unive*- fal mifery. ©ur bodies were depra\M by thy diilem- pcrj xi 8 Thurfday Vefpers. per ; and our fouls made fit for fuch deprav- ed bodies. Our fenfes quickly rebePd againfl reafon \ and both together confpir'd againfl grace. Dulnefs and ignorance oVefpred the world; error and vice polTeft mankind. The Law they obfervM was their own un- ruly appetites \ and the Deity they worfhip'd, the work of their own hands. Even the feleded people of the true God ; the favourite Nation of the Almighty Pro- vidence, They who were brought out of Egypt with fo many wonders; & feated in a Country flow- ing with Milk and Honey. They, who had feen the Sea divide be- fore them ; and Hand on each fide, as a wall to defend them. They who had tafted the Quails and Mans na from heaven ; and drunk of the ftrearas that came guttling from the Rock. Even they forgot their great Deliverer*, and fet up for their God a Golden Calf They could not worfhip what they did not fee ; they muft have Gods to go before them. Thus lay the miferable world all cover'd with darknefs-, and the thickeft milts of grofs Idolatry. Thus had poor man quite loft his way, and all he could do, was to wander, up and dowfl awhile. Till, thurfday Vefpers. 2 1 9 Till, when his few vain years were fpent, he fuddenly defcended to everlafting for- rows. ThismovM thy pity, gracious Lord ! who often art found by thofe that feek thee not. Who never with- draw'lt thy hand in time of need \ but conftantly fupply'ft us in ail our diitrefles. This mov'd thy pity to undertake our re- lief ; and come down thy felf, and dwell a- mong us- That as our nature usM to w'orlhip what it faw ; we now fhould fee what we might iafely worfhip. But thou again, dear Lord, muft leave our world \ and, though it be good for us, 7tis hard to part from Thee : Thou muft again afcend into thy Fathers bofom, to prepare a place for thy faithful Fol- lowers. Yet, even then, O thou wife and infinite Goodnefs ! thou didft not wholly forfake our earth. Only thy ufual cloaths and fhape were changM •, but thy former Setf ftill dwells a- mong us* Still thou art really here to move us by thy prefence, and entertain our devotions without fear of excefs. We know 'tisimpollibleto adore our God too 220 Thurfday Vefpers. too much; O that 'twere poflible to adore him enough. Gtory be, Sec As it was, 3cc. Ant. Whether, O my God, fhould we wander, if left to our felves ?xwhere fliould we fix our hearts, if not directed by Thee? Ant. Blefled be thy Providence, O God, that fo tenderly nnries up the world •, ftill growing on to new degrees of perfection. Pfal. LXi LOrd, what a happy change has thy coming wrought ! what glorious Effetts has thy Do&rine produced ! Narrow was once the gate, and ftraitthe path to Bliis? and few there were that found it- Once in a populous City not Ten that were jutt ; and en the whole earth but eight that were favM. Now we fee Thoufands, with a ftrong and generous love, run fwiftly after Thee in the ways of thy Counfels : Now, we fee Millions, with a fair degree of hope, walk conftantly towards Thee in the ways of thy Commandments: Now we fee Kings and mighty Nation* fubmit to Thee ; and hope all the world will ere long adore Thee. Whence, O my God, could this ftrange improvement come ; but that JESUS amen- ding left himfelfon our Altars? Whence Thurfday Vefp^rs. izi Whence could this blefiing fpring, but from his holy Life-, and the infinit merits of his painful Death ? Both which, are here miraculoufly united \ and the Fruits of both abridged into this one Myftery. Thi; is the Myftery that gives life and fpi- rit to the Church ; and works all the wonders that adorn the world. This builds cur great and fumptnous Tem- ples > to beltow on our God the belt houfe we have. This with our richeft treafures beautifies our Altars •, to entertain our Lord in the belt way we can. This breeds the reverence we pay. to Priefts \ and excellently difpofes us to believe and obey them : This keeps alive our dear Redeemers * death •, and applies to our Souls all the ver- tue of his Paffion. This fiU* our hearts with heroick Courage^ to do and fuffer for the Name of JESUS. This is, in fine, the food of Faith, and Hope, and Love ; and thefe three fit us for eternal happinefs. O bleft memorial of my Saviours love, and faithful Seal of all his promifes ! If I forget to fing of thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth. If I forget to meditate on Thee, let my head 222 Tliirfcfuy Fefpers. head forfeit its power to think- All the fhort time I remain in thy Prefence, I will wholly employ to adore thy Majefty. Thee will I blefs for all thy mercies-, to Thee will 1 open all my neceflities. Begging thy Pardon for my paft Offence!;, & thy gracious Afliitance for the time to come. Imploring thy peace for the Souls departed -, and thy Blefling for all the world. O fpotlefs Lamb, once (lain for us on the Crofs •, and daily facrificed on the holy Altar ! Be thou our powerful Advocate with thy heav'nly Father > and foliate by thy Merits his mercy for us. Offer thy facred Self before his Throne, & turn away the wrath we deferve for our fins. So flaves are refcuM from their chains, * and prifoners from the doom of death : While they appeafe their offended King* with the pleafing remembrance of his beloved Son. And fo hope we, and infinitely more 5 from the infinitely greater Mediation of JESUS. If Thou, O Lord, (halt thus reftore our li- berty ; and cloath thy fervants in the robes of innocence. Then (hall we all delight tobcftill in thy prefence •, & follow thee, where're thou goeft. In thy Proceffions,we'l wait on thy triumph ; in thy Vifiting theSick,werl attend thy charity. When thou art Lifted Up, we'l bow before Thee; Tburfday Vefpers. 213 rhce; when rolcmnly Expos'd, we'l publick- y adore Thee. Where e're Thou art vve^l never forfake riiec \ where e're we are our hearts fhall be vith Thee. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Bleflcd be thy Providence, O God,that b tenderly nnrfes up the World \ ftill grow- ng on to new degrees of perfection. Ant. This is the greatefl charity that God limfelf can beftovv : fince God can beltow no- ting greater than himfelf. Pfal. LXII. ANddoes our glorious God not only viflt 9 but dwell perpetually with us men upon >arth ? He whom the heaven of heav'ns cannot con- :ain ; does he make his refidence in our little Tabernacles ? Where are you holy Angels,that you fly not fwiftly down \ and in your white Robes at- :end your Lord .? Where are you carelefs men, that you run not quickly hither ; and with your lowcft ho- aiage bow to your King ? Who thd9 he fhines out clear to the Blef- fcd alone-, and the beams of his glory ftrikc bright upon their faces. Yet have his mercies to us far more of mi- , raclcj far more of care & tender Providence. While he not only is pleafed to be among us; but 224 Thar f day Vtfpers. but condefcends to become even one with us: While he not only is our God to go before us ; but our very food to enter into us. O fouls redeemed by the Blood of JESUS ; and nourifht with the flefh of his facred Body ! Why melt you not away into tears of Joy } for being fo regarded by the King of Heavn ? Why not, at leaft, dilfolve into tears of for- row j for fo little regarding him ? Who will not tremble with an amorous re- verence, that ftands in the fight of fo great a Majefty ! Who can forbear to be tranfported with joy ; that thinks, I'm going to receive my God ! My great and glorious God, who, meerly out of love, * thus gives me Himfelf in pledg of my Salvation. O infinite fweetnefs, how good is it for us to be here > and behold our Lord transfigured before us ! Here let us make a thoufand Tabernacles \ one, O my JESU, for Thee, and one for each of us. That in our little Tents we may dwell about Thee \ and ling and bow and rejoyce before Thee. Whatfhould the captive wifh but liberty? arid the weary Pilgrim, but to be at reft .p What fliould the lick defire, but health -? and what can 1, but to be with my God ? But itay, am~ I dreft like a friend of the 1 ' Bride- Thurftlay Fefpers. z%$ Bridegroom *, that I fafely may come to this Marriage Supper ? Have I confidcrM,hovv chart thefeeyesfhonld be, which go to behold the God of purity ? Have 1 confider'd how clean that mouth Jhould be, which prefumcs to eat the Bread of Heav'ii ? But moft, how all-celeftial that foul fhould be, which afpires to an union with the Body of our Lord ? Look, look my heart, look well into thy felf -, and fcriftly fearch every corner of thy breli. Alas, how poor and dull and empty are we ! how infinitely unworthy fo divine a Sacrament ! Yet are wc call'd by Him that can command ; by Him that fees aird pities our mifery. He bids us come, he furely will receive us ; and with his bounteous fulnefsfupply our de- fers. Go then my foul, go to that facred Table ; and take thy part of that delicious Banquet. Go all inflam'd with love, and joy, and hope, and quench thy holy thirft at that Spring of Blifs, When thou haft tafted the fweetnefs of thy \ Gcd •, and feel'it his heav nly ftreams flow | gently on thee. Open thy happy breft, andifuck thofe waters 1 in •, and let them freely run over all thy powers. Let them foak deep to the root of thy heart \ V and 2x6 Thurfday Vefpers. and turn thy barren heath into a fruitful land: Fruitful in holy thoughts, and pious words •, fruitful in good and jufl: and charitable deeds. Fruitful to thy felf, in thine own improve- ment i fruitful to others in thy good example. No more ingratitude to fo gracious a God \ no more neglect of fo glorious a Majefiy. Away falfe pleafures, fin and vanity; for the God of holinefs hath toucher my heart. He has himfelf gone in, and taken full pof- feflion \ and feaPd it up for his own fervice. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. This is the greateft charity that God himfelf can bellow ; fince God can bellow no- thing greater than himfelf. Capit. i Cor. 13. IF I fpeak with the tongues of men and An- gels^ and have not Charity ; I am become as founding brafs, or a tinckling- Cymbal ; and if I fhould have Prophecy and underftand all mylteries, and all knowledge, and if I fhould have all Faith, fo that I fhould remove Mountains, and have not Charity ; I am no- thing. Charity is patient, is benign j Cha- ^ rity envies not, deals not perverfly, is not * puft up, is not ambitious, feeks not her own, is notprovok't to anger, thinks not evil, re- Joyces not upon iniquity, but rejoyccs with the truth*, fufFers all things, believes all things, hopes all things, bears all things. Charity ne- ver fails : but whether Prophcfies, they fnall be Tkurfday Fefpers. 217 be made void ; or tongues, they fhail ccafe ; or knowledg, it fliall be deftroyM. For we know in part, and Prophecy in part ; but when that which is perfed fhall come, that which is in part fhall be made void. When I was a child, I fpakeas a child,* I underftood as a child, I thought as a child : but when I became a man, I put away childifli things. Now we fee darkly through a glafs, but then face to face ; now I know in part, but then I fliall know, even as 1 am known. And now there remain faith, hope, Charity, thefe three s but the greatelt of thefe is charity. Hymn XIX. DO I refolve an eafy life, Stor'd with plenty, free from ftrife ? When dear Lord, thy days and nights PafsM in poverty and fights. Do I defign a gentle death, Singing out my^aged breath? When, my Saviour ! tortures tore Thy (foul from body) drownM in gore ? O dread daily Sacrifice / Afting in a fweet difguife Jefus Paffions o're again ; Such undue conceits reftrain. Keep Hill lively in my mind •, How I ought to be rellgn'd : How this Pattern ought deftroy All my ftafual grief or joy. L Arc T%% fhurfday Veffers. Are fufferings Ills ?. no •, Goodnefs chofe His and our way to blifs through thbfe : Are pleafures Goods ? no ; Wifdom fcorn'd Their dalliance, and us forewarned, This, this make my Ditty be, Atleaft, when-ever thee I fee ; „ Thee, it's ground fo oft repeating, To prevent my fouls forgetting. •Jefu.1 thusarmM, no terrors (hall Make my vertuous courage fall : No flatteries here my bleft hopes drown : Since thy Crofs led to thy Crown- Live for ever glorious Lord, \ Live by heav'n and earth adof'd • O may both their praifes give *They who fee, we who believe. Amen. Am. Thou art attended our glorious Re- deemer, to prepare a place for us ; yet con- tinueft ftill here our gracious Emmanuel^ to prepare us for it. V. 'Tis thy delight, O Lord, to be with the children of men \ R. O make hours to be with the God of beav9n. "Let us Pray. OGod, who, feeing the dulnefsofourfpi- rits need fo often frefh impulfes o: fenfe, haft wonderfully contriv'd our a Jor.e-faving Object, thy facrifie'd Son, con tiauafr 1 Thurfday Vefpers. 229 tinually to folicite our hearts by his own dear Prefence, ftill really among us ! Reclaim, we humbly befeech thee, all our wandring affecti- ons, with this miracle of goodnefs, and com- pofe them into fuch a diligent and devout at- tendance on our gracioufly veylM Jefus \ that we may daily feed our adoration and love of him, and daily grow in our defires of feeing eternally his glorious Face-, who with thee and the H.Ghoft lives and reigns One God world without end : Amen. V. O Lord hear, &c. As Pag. 46, Thurfday Comflin. V. V/Ur help, &c. . As Pag. 47. Ant. What coukPft thou fay, dear Lord* more fweet than this ? Thy delight is to be with the children of men. Pf*l. LXIII. WHo will give me this happy favour \ that I may find my God alone ? That I may find him in the filence of re- tirement ; where the noife of this world can no way interrupt us. But .that my God may fpeak to me? and I to him 5 as deareft friends converfe to- gether : That I may unfold before him all my wants ; and freely ask the charity of his counfeJ. L 2 What .. 2J0 fhurfday Complin. What 'fhall I do, O my gracious Lord, to be happy here ? What fhall I do to be happy hereafter ? Nature already has thus far taught me \ that, in all I undertake, I feek my own good . Only I have caufe to fear, I may mi- flake that good \ and fetupan Idol inflead .: of Thee. Unlefs my God vouchfafe to inftrutt me \ and fhew my foul its true felicity. Hark, how the Eternal Wifdom givesthee advice; and let every word fink deep into thy foul. Seek with thy firft endeavours the Kingdom of heav'n *, and all things elfe fhall be added to thy wifh. Love with thy whole afFe&ions the injoy- mentof thy God ; and all things elfe fhall con- fpire to thy happinefs. All thefe, my lips confefs, are excellent truths ; but when? O my God, fhall my life confefs them^ When fhall I perfectly overcome my paffi- ons \ and guide them fo, that they may draw me to thy light ? While theyare mine, alas, I cannot govern them : behold, dear Lord,, I offer them all to thee. Check thou their lawlefs motions by thy grace \ left: they violently carry me away from r7 duty- { Wean Thursday Complin. oyj Wean thou my heart from the follies of this world j and quicken its appetite to thy folid joys. That I may hunger and thirit perpetually af- ter thee: and thofe glorious promifes thou haft made to thy fervants. That my whole foul may feek thee alone -d lince thou alone art all my heav'n. Glory be, &c9 As it was, &c> ffal. LXIV. •\7yHenOmy foul, fhall thy God find V V thee alone , free from thofe bufy thoughts that fill thy head? O with what ready chanty would he theft inftruft thee : and let thee into his blefteti Se- crets ! Himfelf would become thy familiar Gueil \ and dwel with thee in perpetual joy. Lord) Thou muft enter fiffc and ch thofe fancies away: and confecrate my foul a. temple to thy felf Take thou entire poiTefTion, and hold it fait for ever , and fufFer not the enemies of jmy peace to return. Sit thou as Soveraign King, and abfolutely command ; for thy government is mild, and rewards are infinite. What haft thou promisM, gracious Lord, *to him that receives thee with an humble love ! All that's contain'd in thofe fweet and my- L 3 ftick zyz Thurfday Complin. ftick words, *he dwels in me, and I in him. O blefled words, if once my foul can fay, He dwels in me, and I in him / He is my refuge in all temptations 5 he is my comfort in all diftrefles : He is my fecurity againft all enemies : he dwels in me, and I in him. What can an infinite bounty give greater than it felf ? and what can an empty creature receive greater than it's God ? O glorious God, my life, my joy : and the only center of all my hopes / Were my unfteady foul once united to thee; or once had relifht the fweetnefs of thy pre- fence : How would all other company fcem dull and tedious •, and the whole world be bitter to my taff/ How would my thoughts cleave fall to thee; and gladly feal this everlafting Covenant ' If thou, O Lord, wilt dwel with me, my heart fhall continually attend on thee. Night and dsy will I fingthy praifes : and all my life long adore thy mercies. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. PfaL LXV. - THou art my only hope, O blefTed Jefu I and thy favour alone is all things to me. In thee I find the providence of a father? and the tender kindnefs of an indulgent mo- ther- In Thurfday Complin. 233 fn thee I enjoy the proteftion of a King,and the rare fidelity of a conftant friend. In thee I poflefs whatever I want : and thy fulnefs exceeds even my utmoft defires. Thou art, OJefu, my God and all things : what can I think or wifh for more ? Already enough is faid for them that love : and know the value of thofe precious words. O fweetand charming w7ords, My God and all things / fweet in excefs to thofe that taft them ; Not to the corrupted palates of the world ; who relifh nothing but the food of fenfe. Words that revive the fainting mind : and fill its darkefl thoughts with light and joy. O may thefe blefled w7ords dwel on my tongue ; and live for ever in my faithful me- mory •' Where e're I am in this conftant world ; and what ever buiinefs entertains my hand : Still let my inward ey look up towards thee: and fix its fight on thy glorious face ? Still may I wrilh and long for that happy day, which opens to my foul fo bleft a view : Where I fhall fee, and no longer darkly be- lieve, *thatthou, OLord, art my God and all things. Glory be &c. As it was &c THE Office For Friday. MATINS. Introduction, as page tj /tf^.Come let's adore our God that redeemed us. Come let's adore our God that redeemed us. Pf*L LXVI. WHen we had fold our felrs to fin, and were all become the flaves of Satan : our blefled Jefu defcended from Heav'n, and with a vaft price bought out our freedom. Come,let's adore our God that redeemed us. The price was no lefs than hisowndeareft blood, which he plenteoufly fhed on the holy Crofs : depositing fo his ineftimable life, to- refcue us finners from eternal death. Come,let's adore our God that redeemed us. Let us confecrate this day to his facred memory, and tenderly companionate his un- paralleled fufferings 0 repenting from our hearts our many fins^ ; and thankfully admi- ring his infinite mercies, Come, i Friday Matins. 237 Come,let's adore our God that redeem'd us. Let us wean our minds from unbecoming delights, and mortify our fenfes with a pru- dent reftraint : that, carryM on the wings of falling and alms, our prayers may mount up more fwiftiyto Heav'n. Come,let's adore our God that redeemed us, Glory be, &c. As it was, (irt. Come, let's adore, &c. Come? let's adore, &c. Hymn. XXI. COme, let's adore the King of love, And King of fufFerings too : For love it was that brought him down, And fet him here in wo. Love drew him from his Paradife, Where flow'rs that fade not grow : And planted him in our poor dull, Among us weeds below. Here for a time this Heav'nly Plant Fairly grew up ana thrivM -7 DifTus'dits fweetnefs all about> And all in fweetnefs livM. But envious frofts and furious ftorms So long fo fiercely chide \ This tender FlowV at laft bowM down Its bruifed head, and dy'd. O narrow thoughts, and narrower fpeeth/ Here your defers confefs \ The 2 1 8 i Friday Maths. The-life of Chrift, the death of God* How faintly you exprefs! Help, O thou blefled Virgin root? Whence this fair FjowV did fpring; Help ustoraife both heart and voice, , And with more Spirit ling. To Father* Son, and Holy Ghoft, One undivided Three, < All highefjt praife, all humbleft thanks, Now and for ever be. Amen- Ant. Take up thy Croft, and follow thy Lord ; for his yoke is fweet, and his burthen light. Pfal. LXVIL MY God, who can complain of doing too much , if they confider the labours of JESUS? Thofe painful labours he fo freely under- took, and mildly ftoopt to his humble task. Whenhe might have flown on the wings of Cherubins ; he chofe to walk with us worms in the dull: When he might have callM for Manna from Heaven; inthefweatof his brows he would cat his bread : When he might have made the Angels his. foot flool -0 he rather became fervant of his Pa- rents : Living with them in their little cottage-, and readily obeying even their leaft com- mand. There Friday Matins. 239 There, in that humble privacy, He increafl in wifdom \ and grew in grace both with God and man. Still by his pious candor gaining the love. *of thofe happy few that faw his life: That faw thy holy life, O glorious JESU! and heard with joy and wonder thy incompa- rable fayings. That felt a gentle motion flir their hearts? to love and imitate fo bleft a pattern. O that the fame fweet fpiritof grace*might draw our minds, dear Lord, to thee ! O that we could, in every paflage of our life, ftill adually reOeft on the example of thine ! Thy retirements were fill'd with holy fpecu- lations 5 and in the midft of builnefs thy mind was free for Heav'n. Thy converfe with others mifpent no time ; but beftowM every moment in excellent chari- ty. TO inftruft the ignorant-, and reduce the de- ceived v to comfort the afflifted, and heal the difeasM • TO convince the froward, and abfolve the penitent ; and perfwade all the world to be truly happy. it was thy meat and drink to do thy Father's will, O make it ours to perform thine! Make us in every a&ion ftill think on thee ! what thou wouldft courfel us to do. What thou thy felf wouldft do, O bleffed JESjl: z^Q ' Friday Matins. JESU : if thou again wert here among us. And when we thus have learnt our duty ; Lord,make us do what thou haft made us know. •Glory be &c . As it was &c. Ant. Take up thy Crofs, and follow thy Lord : for his yoke is fweet, and burthen light. Ant. He humbled himfelf for us, & became obedient to death ; even the death of the Crofs. Pfal. LXVIIL MY God who can repine atfufferingtoo much; if they remember the afflicti- ons of JESUS: Thofe many afflictions he fo patiently en- durM, and bore with filence all their weight. Even from his humble cradle in thegtot of Bethlehem^ to his bitter Crofs on the mount of Calvary. How little do we read of glad andprofpe- rous! how much of pains and grief and per- petual Affronts ! Somtimes abandon'd by his nearefl friends; and left alone among all his difcomforts : Somtimes purfuM by his fierceft enemies ; and made the common mark of all their fpite : Somtimes they plot to infnare Him in his words •, and envioufly (lander his miraculous deeds. Somtimes tumultuoufiy they gather about him to gaze at and abufe this Man of forrows. Somtimes they furionfly feize on his Perfofl^ and hale and drag him along the ftreets ; At Friday Matins. 1 4 1 At laffc, they all confph e to take away his lifeiand condemn him to a /harp & cruel death. Have you feen a harmlefs Lamb*ftand fllent in the midft of ravenous wolves *, So Hood the Prince of Peace & Innocence > befiegM with a ring of favage Jews. When they blafphemM him he replyMnot again, and, when they injarioufly ftruck him, he only obfervM their raftmefs : When they provok't him with their utmofl malice, he pleaded their excufe ; and when they kiPd him, he earneftly prayM for their pardon. O ftrange Ingratitude of humane nature ; thus barbaroufly to crucify the worlds Redee- mer ! O admirable love of the worlds Redeemer* thus patiently to dy for humane nature ! Say now, my Soul, for whom thy dearefl Lcrd * indurM all this and infinitely more : Canft thou complain of thy little troubles -0 when the King of glory was thus afflidted ? Canft thou complain of a meanly furnifht houfe, when the Son of God had not where to lay his Head ? We wear the badg of a Crucify M Lord-, & fhall we fhrink back at every Crofs we meet ? We believe in God that was CrownM with Thorns, and fhall we abide retread on nothing but Rofes? Before our Eyes, O JESU, wc fee thee hujcble 242 Friday Matins. humble and meek* and (hall thy fervants be proud and infolent? We fee thee travail up and down, poor and unregarded; and fhall. thy followers ftrive to be rich and efteemM ? Thy charitable labours were malicioufiy flander'd, and fhall not our faults have the. patience to be reprovM ? Thou difdain'dft not to be caPd in fcorn, the Carpenters Son-, and cannot our lownefs tear a little difparagement ? O how unlike are we to that blefl: Original, who defcended from Heav'n to become our Pattern! How do we go aftray from that facred path, which the holy JESUS tracM with his own fteps! Pity, O dear Redeemer, the infirmities of thy children •, and Itrengthen with thy grace our fainting hearts. Annus, O glorious Conquerour of fin and death, againft all the fears and terrors of this world. Arm all our powrers with thofe celeftial ver- tues, of Faith, and Hope, ar d invincible Love : That we may Hill go on, and refolutely meet * whatever Hands in our way to heav'n. Since we mvft Mer as Chriilians, and de- Terve it as finners; Lord, let us bear it as becomes thy fervants, Glory be, &c. As itwas, &c> JnK * Friday Matins. 243 jint. He humbled himfelf for Oft* and be- came obedient to death 3 even the death of the Crofs. Ant. Unworthy are we? O Lord, of the Ieaft of thy favours : may thy facred Paffion make us worthy the greateft. V[d- LXIX. MY God, when I confklcr what thou haft fufFer'd for us, and what we have done againft our felves: I am amazM at the wonders of thy goodnefs, and confounddfcat the vilenefs of our mifery. Our fins were the caufe of thy cruel death ; yet ftill we permit them to live in us. We entertain the word of thine enemies y and treacheroufly lodge them in our ownbo- fomes : Preferring a petty Intereft before thy hea- ven •, a tranfitory pleafure before eternal feli- city. Many we confefs, are the follies of our life , and our Confciences tremble at their own great guilt. Many are the times thou haft gracioufly pardon'd us •, and ftill we relapfe, and abufe thy clemency. The memory of our Tranfgrefllons is bit- ter to us, and the thought of our ingrati- tude extreamly affii&s us. But is there, O my JESU, any ftain fo feu!, which thy precious Blood cannot wafh away ? Is 244 Friday Matins. Is there any heap of fins fo vaft, to exceed the number of infinite mercies ? O no, Thou canlt forgive more than -we can offend 5 but thou wilt not forgive> un- lefs we fear to offend : Unlefs we feek to Thee for peace and re- concilement \ and humble our felves in thy •holy Prefence. Wherefore? behold O Lord, we fall down at thy crucified Feet ; and there ask pardon for our perverfe affedlions : Reverently we kifs thy pie^d Hands ; and implore forgivenefs of our wicked aftions : Humbly we falute thy bleeding Side \ and j fupplicate thy grace to purify our intentions. AH we can offer thy offended Majefty, to pacify the juflice of thy wrath, Is only an humble eye bath'd in tears ; and a penitent heart-broken with contrition : Only a firm Refolve to change our lives : and even all this we muft beg of Thee. O Thou, our gracious and indulgent Lord ! who freely pardon'ft all that truly repent : Who giv'ft repentance to all that ask-, and invit'ft all to ask, by promifing to give ! Make us look ferioufly into our own brefts ; and heartily lament our many failings : Make us fearch diligently for our bofom- fins ; and ftrive to caft them out with prayer and falling. Open thou, O Lord, our lips to accufe our crimes-, Friday Matins. 2 4 J crimes ; that we blufh not to confefs what we fear'd not to do ? Correct our pafl fins with the works of Penance:; that the ftains they leave, may be quite ta'ne away. P refer ve us hereafter with thy powerful grace, that no temptation furprize, or over- come us. Extend thy mercy, O Lord, over all our works ; fince Thy felf has declared 'tis above all thine own. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ait. Unworthy are we, O Lord, of the leaf! of thy favours ; may thy facred Pafiion make us worthy the greateft. • Our Father, &c. Firft LefTon. ATtend to me, O my People, ! hear me, O my Nation ! for a Law fhall proceed from Me j and my Judgment fhall reft to be & light of the world. I gave my Back to the fcourgers, and my Cheeks to thofe who pluckt off the Hair. I turn'd not away my Face from them that rebuk't me, and fpit up- on me. I have trodden the Wine-prefs alone^ and of the Gentiles, there was not a Man with me. I lookt about, and there was no helper ', I fought, and there was none to aid. All that faw me, laught me to fcorn , they (hot out their lips, and (hook their heads : He hop't in the Lord, let him deliver him:, becaufe He Zj\6 Friday Matins. He delights in him, let him fave him. I was ■ as one that was deaf, and heard not •, and as a dumb man, that opens not his Mouth. They who fought evil againft me? fpake vanities \ and meditated deceits all the day long. They openM their Mouths upon me, as a Lyon ra- vening and roaring: many dogs incom pall me-, the counfel of the malignant befiegM me. They piercM my Hands and my Feet, they numbred all my Bones, they divided my Gaiments, and for my Vefturethey call Lots. They gave me Gall to eat? and, in my thirft, Vinegar to drink. I am poured out as water, and all my Bones are disjoynted \ my Heart is made like Wax, melting in the arid'It of my Bowels : My Strength is dry'd up like a pot-flieard; and my Tongue cleav'd to my Mouth, Thou haft brought me down to the duff: of death. R. All this, OblefledJESU/ thou taught'fl thy holy Prophets, to prepare the world for thy coming: all this, and infinitely more, Thou. verifyMft in thine own Perfon ; with pains, and forrows, and reproaches, able to j make even Patience it felf break forth into, this fad complaint, * O all you that pafs h>y! the way, behold and fee, if there be grief like to my Grief! I was betrayM, and bound, and led away captive \ I was revil'd, and buf- feted, and fcornfully fpit on ; I was ftript, and fcourgMv and condemn'd to a cruel death : I Friday Matins. 147 death} I was crownM with thorns, andpierc'c with nails, andcrucify'd among theeves : *0 all-— Second LelTon. NO w therefore faith our Lord, Turn to me with all your heart, in falling and weeping and mourning. Rend your hearts and not your garments? and be converted to the Lord our God : for he is benign and mer- ciful, patient and of much companion, and ready to pardon your offences : who knows if he will return and forgive and leave behind him a blefling? Seek our Lord while he may be found, call on him while he is nigh. Be- hold the hand of the Lord is fhortned that he cannot fave ; nor his ear heavy that it cannot hear : but your iniquities have divided be- tween you and your God, and your fins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear- Let the impious forfake his way> and the wick- ed man his thoughts, and return to our Lord> and he will have mercy on him \ and to our God ; for he is bountiful in pardoning. Waffl you, be clean, take away the evil of your thoughts from mine eys : ceafe to do perverfly, learn to do good \ feek judgment, relieve the opprefTed, judg for the fatherlefs, defend the > widow. Come now, and argue with me, ,' faith our Lord : though your fins be as Scar- let, they (hall be white as fnow ; and though they be red as verrattlion, they {hall be white as wool, R. Who 248 Friday Matins. R. Who will give water to my head, aijda fountain of tears to my eys : that day and night I may continually weep and mourn and lament, for my own fins, and for my Savi- ours fufferings ! *0 my ador'd Redeemer ! make us heartily forry to have offended Thee ; make us fpeedily mend, left we ruine our felvs. Thou haft given us thefe holy rules to guide our lives, and enforc't them on us by thine own examples •, falling, and praying, and weeping, and humbling thy felf to death, e- ven the death of the Crofs : *0 my Third Leflbn. BEhold in the day of your faft you find plea- fure> and exadl of all your debtors* you faft to debates and contentions, and ftrike with the fift impioufly. Is this fuch a faft as I have choferi ; a man to afflid his foul for a day? is this it; to wind his head about like a Circle, and fpread fackcloath and afhes ? Is not this rather the faft I have chofen ? diflblve i the bands of impiety, unlofe the heavy bur- ' thens-, break in pieces every yoke* and let the oppreft go free \ deal thy bread to the hungry, and bring the poor and harbourlefs into thy houfe-, when thou feeft the naked co- j ver him, and defpife not thine own flefh. Then fhall thy light break forth as the morn- < ing, and thy health fpeedily arife, and thy Ju-f ftice go before thy face •, and the glory of oui Lord compafs thee round about. Then (hall thot Friday Matins. 249 thou call, and our Lord will anfwer : thou (halt cry, and he will fay, behold I am here : I am he who blots out thy iniquities for my own fake, and thy fins I will remember no more : I am the Lord thy God, who teach thee profitable things, and govern thee in the way where thou walkeft : I am the Lord thy God, Vho take thee by thehand, and fay to thee, fear not, I will help thee; fear not, for I am with thee> fhrink not alide, for I am thy God. R. My God, never let me fo rely on any outward performances, that I neglett the im- provement of my mind ; left my fading be- come an unprofitable trouble, and my prayer a vain lip-labor. *The Soul and the Body ma^e a Man •> and the Spirit and Difcipline make a Chriftian. Never let me fo pretend to inward perfe&ion, that I flight the out- ward obfervancesofReligion;leftmy thoughts grow proud and phantaftick, and all my argu- ments be butacover for licencioufnefs, *The Soul- Glory be, &o *The Soul Panfe, &c. Then Lauds : Or, if Matins done be fad^ conclude as follows. Ant. O ye foolifh ! when will yeunderfland the gracious providence of our Lord; in chafte- ning whom he loves, and fcourging every Child he rrreiva* j> V. 2 jo Friday Matim. V. Gold it felf is tryed and refined in the Fire : R. And the faithful Man in the furnace of Afflidions. Let us pray. OGod, who by our great Matter's dear Example haft taught us what labours and fufFerings Heav'n defervs ; and may require* to take it by violence ! Confound, we humbly befeech thee, the nice tendernefs of Nature in us, by this thy more tenderly cond^fcending Grace : Anddifpofe us more eafily to follow it by this plain Reflection, that, flnce Flefh and Blood cannot enter into tby Kingdom, whatever inures us pradically to put them off here by prudently deny ing-ev'n their juft Con- tentments, moft certainly helps us in our ipay thither ; and is ufeful to perfed farther even the Perfedeft \ through our Lord Jefus Chrift, thy Son, who with, &o Commemorations &c. as fag. zym Friday Lands. v\j God incline, &o As fag. 17. Ant. Come, let us glory in the Crofs of our Lord Jefus Chrift ; in whom is our life and health, and Refurredion. TfaU inday Lauds. 2$i PJal. LXX. SHall we rejoyce, my Soul, to day ? Shall we not mourn at the Funeral of our dear Redeemer! Such, O my Lord, was the excefs of thy Goodnefs^ to derive joys for us, from thine own forrows. Thou forbad'ft thy Followers to weep for thee ; and referv'dfi to thy felf alone the fhame and grief. Thou inviteft all the world to glory in thy thy Crofs, and command'!! us to delight in the memory of thy pafllon. Sing then, all you dear-bought Nations of the Eartbi ling Hymns of glory to the H- Jefus. Sing every one who pretends to felicity:, (Ing immortal praifesto the God of our Salvation : To him? who for usindurM fo much fcorn : and patiently receivM fo many Injuries : To him, who for us fwet drops of Bloody and drank off the dregs of his Fathers wrath : To the eternal Lord of Heav'nand Earth ; who for us was ilain by the hands of the wicked: Who for us was led away as a Sheep to the Slaughter, and as a meek Lamb openM not his mouth, Whither, O my God, did thy companion carry thee ! How did thy Charity too far pre- vail with thee ! Was it not enough to become man for us * but thou mult expofe thy felf to all our mi- series'? M Was a ji Friday Lauds. Was it, not enough to labour all thy life- . but thou mull fuffer for us even the pains of , death ? No, gracious Lord, thy mercy flill obfervM *fome wants in our nature as yetunfupplyM. ■ Thou faw'ft our too much fondnefs of Life *needed thy parting with it, to reconcile us to death. Thou faw'ft our fear of fufferings could no v way be abated ; but by freely undergoing them n thine own per fon. O blefled Jefu ! whofe grace alone *begins and perfe&s all our hopes: How are we bound to praife thy love ! how ; Infinitely obligM to adore thy goodnefs ! At any rate thou would'il ftill goon,to heal . our weak and wounded nature : Even at the price of thine own dear Blood ; Thou wouldMt finifh for us the purchafe of • Heav'n. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Pfil. LXXI. A Wake, my Soul, and fpeedily prepare * thy richefl: facrifice of humble praife : Awake, and fummon all thy thoughts * to make haft and adore our great Redeemer. For now 'tis time we fhould reverently go ; and offer our hearts at the foot of his Crois. Thither let us fly from the troubles of the World ; there let us dwell among the mercies tCfHeav'n. Under Friday Lauds. 2^ Under theJhade of that happy Tree letts kneel, and often look up to our deareft Lord. Let us remember every paflage of his Jove ; and be fure that none efcape our thanks. Let us companionate every ftroak of his death, and one by one falute his facred wounds. Blefl: be the hands that wrought fo many miracles ; and were bor'd with cruel nails. Blefl: be the Feet that fo often travaiPd for or, and at laft were unmercifully fattened to the Crofs. Bred be the Head which was crowned with Thorns •, the head thatfo induftrioufly ftudied our Happinefs. Bleft be the Heart which was pierced with a Spear -, the Heart that fb paflionately lov'd our peace. Bleft be the ijjtire Perfon of our CrucifyM Lord; and may all our powers jqyn in his Praife : In thy eternal praife, O gracious Jefu ; and the raviihing thoughts of thy incomparable fweetnefs. O what excefs of kindnefs was this ! what ftrangeextremity of love and pity ! The Lord is ibid, that the (lave may be free; the Innocent condemned, that the gdif- ty may be fav'd. - The Phyfician is fick that the Patient may be cur'd, and God hirafelf dies that man may «w. M 2 Tell n54 Friday Lauds. Tell me, my Soul, when firft thou hall well xonfiderM,andlookt about among all we know. Tell me, who ever wiftit us fo much good ? .who ever lovM us with fo much tendernefs ? What have our Reared friends done for us -, .or even our Parents, in companion of this Charity ? No lefs than the Son of God came down to redeem us > no 'lefs than his. own dear life was the price he paid for us. What can the favour of the whole world promife us, compar'd to this miraculous boun- ty ? • No lefs than the joys of Angels are become , our hope \ no lefs than the Kingdom of hea- /v'n is made our inheritance- -. Glory be> &c As it was, &c. ffal- LXXII. TO thee, OGod, weow our whole felvs ; for making us after thine own Image. To thee, O Lord, we ow more than our ielvs, for redeeming us with the death of thir.e only Son. Nor were our ruins fo foon repairM \ as at firft our being was eafily prcduc cU Thy Power to create us faid but one word, .and immediately we became a living foul. But thy Wifdom to redeem us both fpake *nuch, *and wrought more, and fufferM moft -of all. To Friday Lauas. SfJ? To redeem us, He humbled himfelf to this low world j and all the infirmities of our mifc- rable nature. He patiently endur'd hunger and thirffc^ and- nalicious affronts of enraged enemies. How many times did he hazard his life, to fuftain with coarage the truths of heaven J How many tears did he tenderly weep? in compafiion of his blind, itograteful Country ! How many drops of blocd did he fhed, i» that doleful garden, and on the bitter Crofs ! The Crofs, where, after three long hours *of grief and Pname and intolerable pains, He meekly bowM his fainting head ; and in an agony of prayer yielded up the Ghoft. So fcts the glorious Sun in a fad cloud •, and leavs our earth in darknefs and disorder: But goes to fhine. immediately in the other- world; & foon returns again,& brings us light. And fo dofl thou, dear Lord, and more j thy very darknefs is our light. 'Tis by thy death we are made to live *, and by thy wounds our foars are heaPd. O my adorM Redeemer, whotook'ft upon' thee all our miferies', to impart to us thine own felicities ! Can we remember thy labours for us , and not be convinc't of our duty to thee ? Can our cold hearts recount thy fufferings ? & not be inflamM with the love that fuffer'd ; Can we believe our falvation celt thee fo M-3. deir 5 x $6 Friday Lauds. dear 5 and live as if to be fav'd were not worth car pains? Ingrateful we, how do we (light the kind- refsofourGod ! how careleily comply with /as gracious defign ! For all his gifts he requires no other return than to hope ftil! more, and defire ftill grea- ter bleflings. For ail his favours he feeks no other praife : than our following his fteps to arrive at his .glory. O glorious Jefu ! behold to thee we bow ; . h humbly kifs the duit,in honour of thy death. Behold thus low we bow, to Implore thy ble.Ting.-jaiidthefureaffiftance of thy fpecial grace. That we may wean our afTeftions from all vsindefires*, and clear our thoughts from all impertinent fancies. Then dial] our lives be intirely dedicated to thee, and all the faculties of our fouls to thy holy fervice. Our minds ihnll continually ftudy thy know- ledge, and oar wills grow every day ftronger in thy Jove. Our memories (hall faithfully lay up thy mercies, and both tongue and heart fnall ling for ever. Glory be, &c. As it was? &c< Am. Come," let us glory in the Crofs of our Lord Jefus Chrift \ in whom is our life, and health, and refurre^tion. Cavtt. Friday Lauds 257 Cafit. 2,Ccr. 1. BLefled be the God and Father of our r JefusChrift, the Father of mercies, and God of all confolation ; who comforts us in all our tribulations*, that we alfo may be able to comfort them who are in any diftrefs, by the confolation where with we alfo £re comforted of God. For,as the paflions of Chrift abound in us, folikewiieby Chrilt our comfort abouj Hymn XXII. T line now your felvs, my heart- ftri: \ Let us aloft our voices raife : ( hig$ s That our loud fong may reach the Sky ; And there prefent to Thee our praife. . To thee, bleft Jefu, who cam'ft down, From thofe bright fphears of joy above : Topurchafe us a dear-bought Crowr, And woo our Souls t'efpoufe thy love. Long had the world in darknefs fate ; Till Thou and thy all-glorious light Began to dawn from heavens fair gate, And" with thy beams difpel their night, • We too, alas! Hill there had flood-, As common flaves in the fame fhade : But mercy came, and, with his blood, Our general ranfom freely paid. Not all the fpite of all the Jews, Nor death it felf could him remove : Still He his bleft defignp urfues ; And gives his life, to take our love. M 4 And 238 Friday Lauds. And now, my Lord, my God, my all! What fhall I moft in Thee admire? That pow'r which made the world, and fliall The world again diflolve with fire ? O no, thy firange humility, Thy wounds,thy pains,thy CrofS)thy death: Thefe fhall alone my wonder be, My health, my joy, myftafF, my breath. To Thee, great God ! to thee alone, Three Perfons in one Deity, As former ages Itill have done, All glory now and ever be. Amen. +Ant. We are bought with a Price, even the moll precious fweat and blood of Jefus \ henceforth to call him Mailer, whofe fervice is perfect freedom, and gives us elFe&ual pow- er to become the ions of God. V. The chains fell off our hands and feet : R. When Thine, dear Redeemer, were nailMtotheCrofs- Let us Pray. O Eternal Father, who fent'ft down thy only Son to redeem the world inflav'd to fin and Satan, by affuming our frail nature, and powerfully teaching us both by word and example, its fole way to that blifs, for which we are created ! Grant, we humbly befeech Thee, thatthecontinual memory of his bicter paffion and death ontheCrofs may beget ia us an uttsr difvalue of the Goods or Ills we meet , Friday Lauds. 279 meet with here,compar\i to the advancing our felves or others in the efteem of what we hope hereafter : through the fame our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, with, &c. Here? on every Friday and other d*y that is Fafted^ fayy knee liner. V. Lord have mercy on us. R. Chrift have mercy on us. V. Lord have mercy on us. Our Father, &C. V. And lead us not into temptation : R. But deliver us from evil, Amen. V. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mer- cy on us. R. For our Souls truft in thee. V. And under the fhadow of thy wings will we hope ; R. Till our iniquities pafs away. V. Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we are weak. R. Heal us, O Lord, for wTe have finned againft'thee. V. Our iniquities are gone over our head : R. And like a fad burthen lit heavy on us. V. Will not our God require an account of thefe things. R. Will he not examine every paiTaze of our lives ? V. He fees the fecrets of our hems \ R. . And our darkeft Sins are not hid from Him, M $ V. Lord 160 Friday Lauds. R. Lord make us judge our felves, left we be condemned by thee , R. And chaftifeour felves, left we be pu- niftt by thee : V. Make us mortify our fenfes with dif- creet Aufterities ; R, Particularly contrary to the Paflions which moleft us: V. That we may reduce our bodies into fubje&ion to our minds •, R. And our minds into fubje&ion to Thee : ¥. That, as our too much liberty brought us to folly v R. Our juft feverity may bring us to pardon. V. Pardon, O Lord, the iniquity of our fins*. R. And graciouily remove away all thy pu- nifhments : - V. Enter not into judgment with thy fer- vants, O Lord ; R. For in thy fight fhall no one living be; jufiifyM : V. Our ruin, we confefs, is wholly from. our felvcs i - R. And all our hope is in thy falvation : V. If we repent, and fay, Now we'll begin, R. ' lis time now to rife from deep •, V. Behold temptation Hands at thecoor, R. And our weak refinance lets it in: V. Our corrupt nature confpires with oui Enemies. R. And our evil cuftoms prevail againft us V. Pir Friday ' Lauds. 16 1 V. Pity us, O Lord, thoa who knovv'It whereof we are made : R. Wean us from this world, Thou who mad'lt us for a better : V. Deliver us from the occafions that fc often endanger us ; R. Deliver us from the occafions that fo often overcome us : V. Deliver us from all fudden and difa- ftrous mifchances : R. Deliver us from the miferies of ever- lafling torments. V. Why art thou fad> O my Soul ? R. And why art thou difquieted within me ? V. Still truit in God, for ftill we will praife his Name- R. He is our Saviour, and our God. V. O praife our Lord, for he is good 5 R. And his mercy endures for ever : V. Let all who fear cur Lord: new ia ;, R. That his mercy indures for ever : V. He was mindful of us in our low eftate 5 R. For his mercy indures for ever : V. And redeemed us from our Enemies ; R. For his mercy endures for ever : V.He will guide us here in the ways of peace;, R. For his mercy indures for ever : V. He will bring us hereafter to the joys of Eternity. R* For his mercy indures for ever. V . O Lord hear, & c > R And let cur , & :\ Ltr 2 6-z Friday Vefpers*. Let us Pray. OGod,~ whodidft feverely punifh our fir ft Parents for eating the forbidden fruit and haft fo often recommended to us the ne- cellary duties of abftinence and fading! Grant, we befeech thee, that, by obferving diligently thy holy Difcipline proposM to us in the Laws and Pra&ice of thy Church, v;e may correct our levities, and revenge our excefTes, and fubdue ouf irregular appe- tites, and frultrate the temptations of the Enemy? and fecure our perfeverance, and daily proceed to new degrees ofVertueand Devotion: Till, in the end of our lives, we x-eceive the end of our labours, the Salvati- on of our Souls in thy Heavenly Kingdom ; through our Lord JESUS Chrift, thy Son, who* with, &c. Commemorations, &c. As pa g. 29. Friday fcffcrs. 1 N the Name, Sec. As yage 34. . Ant. O fenfelefs we, that fo little con&der what we do againft our Saviour, or what He fuSered for us. PfaL LXXIII. LOrd how the world requites thy love! how ingrateful are we to thy bleiled me- mory ! We negligently forget thy facred Paffion a or; Friday Fejpers. 26 $ or rather, far worfe, our fins renew thy Of- ferings. While we deprive others of their right, what do we elfe but divert thee of thy cloaths r While we delight in ftrife and Schifms-7 what do we elfe but rend thy feamlefs coat ? Ifwedefpife the leaft of thy Servants, are we not as fo many Herods that fcorn'd thee ? If we for fear proceed againft our Confci^ ence^ how are we better than Ptktc that condemned Thee ? By forfaking thy Will to follow our own 5 do we not chufe a murtherer before Thee ? By. retaining a (harp and bitter malice 5 do we not give thee Vinegar and Gall to drink ? Byfhewing no mercy to the poor and a£ Aided j do we not pafs by the Crofsas ft ran- gers unconcerned ? Thus we again crucify the Lord of Glory ; and put him afrefh to an open fhame. Is this, O wretched we ! the. duty we pay *to the facred memory of our dear Redeemer ? Are ihefe the thanks our gratitude returns * to that ftrange excefs of our Saviours love ? When we fate in darknefs, he took us by the. hand 5 and kindly led us into his own light. We fought not him? but he came from far to find us j we lookt not towards him, but his mercy callM after us •, He calPd aloud in words of tendernefs ;' why will you periftb O you Children of Men? Why 264 Friday Vefpers. Why will you run after empty trifles', as if there were no joys above with me ? Return, O you dear-bought Souls ! and I will receive you 5 repent, and though you had really crucify M me, 1 will forgive you. Behold, O Blefled JESU, to Thee we come; and on thy holy Crofs faften all our confidence. Never will wTe unclafp our faithful hold ; till thy grace has fealM the Pardon of our fins. Never will we part from that ftandard of hope^ till our troubled Confciences be dif- mift in peace. There will we ftand, and figh, and weep ; and every one humbly fay to thy mercy : JESU, my God I fuffer violence •, anfwer Thou for me- Glory be, &c As it was, &c. Ant. O fenfelefs we-, that fo little con- fider what we doagainft our Saviour, or vfrhat he fuffered for us ! Ant. He is the propitiation for our Sins ; and not for ours only, but for the fins of the whole world. Pfal. LXXIV.. BE fiient, O my Soul, and thy Lord will anfwer for thee :' be content, and He is thy fecurity : Be innocent, and he will defend thee-, be humble, and he will exalt thee : He will forgive thee all thou repenteft *, He- will bellow on thee more than thou askeft. Never Friday Vefptrs. z6$ Never let us fear the favour of our God ; if we can but efteem and defire it : He that fo freely gave us himfelf-, will he not with himfelf give us all things elfe ? Is not his painful life, and bitter death *fufficient pledgof his love to us? Is not his infinite love to us * fufficient mo- tive of our duty to him ? A duty to which we are fo many ways obliged ^ and wherein our Eternity is fo high- ly concerned. Surely they have little Faith, and far lefs Hope; who doubt the -mercies of fo graci- ous a God : Mercies confirmed by athoufand Miracles ; and dearly feal'd with his own Blood : That innocent Blood which was Ihed for us •, to appcafe the wrath of his offended Father: That Blood* whofe every precious drop * was worthy to fave fo many worlds. O bleft, and all redeeming Blood, which fiow'dft fo freely from the fource of life ! Bath our polluted Souls in thy clear ftreams: and purge away all our foul impurities. Cleanfe us, O merciful Lord, from our fecret faults j and from thofe darlirg fins that nroft abufe us. Wafli off the ftains which our malice has caus'd in others, and thofe which our weak- nefs has receiv'd of them, Let not them perifh by curcccafion; nor us be undone by theirs : But z66 Friday Vefper?. But let our charity aflift one another \ and thy clemency pardon us all. Pardon O gracious JESU, what we haye been} and with thy holy Difcipline correct what we are : Order by thy Providence what we fhaJl be \ and in the end, crown thine own gifts. Glory be, &c. As it was, &:c. Ant. He is the Propitiation for our Iins:, and not for ours only, but for the fins of the whole world. Ant. Now is the time of acceptance? now is the day of Salvation, let us demean our. felves as the fervants of God, in falling and watching, in patience and charity. PfaL LXXV. SHould'fi thou, O Lord, have dealt with us in rigour*, we had long fince been fentenr ced to eternal death : Long fince our guilty fouls had been fnatcht away ? & hurried down to everlalling torments. But thy gracious mercy has reprieved our lives ; and given us fpace to work out our par- dons. Now is the time of acceptance with Thee \ now .is the day of Salvation for us : Now let us mourn for cur former offences--, and bring forth fruits worthy of repentance. If we O JESU, have hitherto perfecuted thee •, and with our Has nail'd thee on the Tree of death : Nov?. Friday Veffers. z6j Now let our whole endeavours attend thy fervicej and loyally confpire»to un-crucify their Lord. Let us afcend the 'Mount of Calvary, and often as we go, kifs thy holy fteps. Wc kifs thy ileps, when we love thy ways 5 and humble our felves? and follow thee. Let us there on our knees approach thy Crofs ; and reverently cover thy naked Body : We cover Thee, when our charity cloaths thy fervants; and hides the infirmities cif thy little ones. Let us there with tend Yell care unfaften the nails; and gently draw them out of thy hands and feet: We draw them out> when we freely obey thy will; andloofen our afteftions from cleav- ing to the World. Lord, when we thus have refcuM Thee; and placMThee again on thy Throne of glory : Inftead of Thy felf> nail Thou us up to the Crofs ; who really deferve what Thou really endurMft. Crucify our flefh with the fear of Thee ; and give us our portion of forrow here. Crucify the world to us, and us to the world ; that, dead to it, we may live in Thee. At leaft, live thou in us* O holy JESU ! and fit oyr fouls for fo glorious a gueft. Enter into our hearts, and fill them with thy fclf ; that no Room be left for any thing but Thee, One %6$ Friday Fefpers. One only hope we have, thy care of us-, one only fear, our.negleft of our felves. Glory be, &c. As it was. &c. jAnt. Now is the time of acceptance 5 now is the day of falvation : let us demean our felves as the fervants of God ; in falling and watch- ing, in patience and Charity. Capit. Philip. 2. IF there be any confolation in Chrift if any comfort of Charity, if any fellowfhip of fpirit, if any bowels of Commiferation, fulril my joy : that you be of one meaning, having the fame charity i of one mind, of one fenti- ment. Let nothing be done by contention? nor by vain glory 5 but in humility, every one counting others better than themfelves j eve- ry one confideringnot the things that are their own, but thofe that are of others. Let this mind be in you, which was alfo in Cbrifi JE- SVS-rwhOi being in the form of God, thought it no robbery to be equal to God : but he aba- fed himfelf, taking the form of a fervant,made into the fimilitude of men, and in fhape found as Man. He humbled himfelf, being made obedient to death,even the death of the Crofs; for which God has exalted him-.and given him a name above all names: that at the name of JESVS every knee bow, of things in Heaven, of things on Earth, and of things under, the Earth ', & every tongue confefs, that our Lord JESVS chrifi is in the glory of God the Fa- her. Hymn Friday Vefpers. z€$ Hymn XXIII. ANd now, my foul, can ft thou forget That thy whole life is one long debt Of love to him? who, on this Tree, Paid back the flefli he took for thee ? Lo, how the ftreamsof precious blood Flow from five wounds into one flood ; With thefe he wafhes all thy ftains, And buys thy eafc with his own pains. Tall tree of Life ! we clearly now That doubt of former Ages know i It was thy wood fhould make the Throne Fit for a more than Solomon. Large Throne of love ! royally fpread With purple of too rich a red : Strange colli y price ! thus to make good Thine own efteem, with thy Kings blood. Hail faireft Plant of Paradife j To thee our hopes lift up their eyes ; O may aloft thy branches fhoot, And fill the Nations with thy Fruit- O may all reap from thy increafe, The Juft more ftrength, the finner peace : While our half-witherVl hearts and we Engraft our felves, and grow on thee. Live, O, for ever live, and reign, Bleft Lamb whom thine own love has (lain ; And may thy loft fheep live to be True lovers of thy Crofs and Thee. All 270 Friday Vefper?. All glory to the facred Three, One undivided Deity *, As it has been in ages gone? May now, and ever, ftill be done. Amen. Ait, .Our Lc: d dyM for us, that we might live in him \ and putting off the old man with all his concupifcences, be renew'd. henceforth in the fpirit of our minds. V. Behold, dear Saviour, thou art exalted from the earth. R. Fulfil thy word, and draw all things to thyfelf. ' Let us Pray. OGod, who at the price of thy only Sons laft drop on the Crofs, haft won our hearts from this life and all the goods of it, to the ible purfuit aud hopes of Thy felf in eter- nity / Poflefs; we befeech thee, and abfblutely difpofe of what Thou haft fo dearly paid for: mortifying us to this world,and confirming our courage to .fight manfully under the Banner of our crucify'd JESUS ; that we ftand the fhock of all temptations, and nothing in life or death be able to feparate us from thy Jove in Him our glorious Redeemer, who, with &c. Here, on all Fridays,, and other Days that, arc faficd7 fay kneding. V. Lord have mercy on us. R. Chrift have mercy on us. V.Lord 'Friday Vefpers. 271 V~ Lord have mercy on us. Our Father^ &c. V. And lead us not into temptation ; R. But deliver us from evil, Amen. V. Who will give water to our eyes : R. And a fountain of tears to our head ? \ \ That we may weep, day and night,. R. The lofs of our time paft, and the dangers of our time to come. V. That we may weep for our many fins : R. And humbly confefs our grievous offences. V. We have finned with our Fathers, we have finn'd : R. We have done unjuftly, we have commit- ted iniquity. V. We have broken the Laws of our Maker : F„. We have provok't the wrath of ourjudg. V. Wehavedefpis'd thegoodnekof our God : R.What /hall we do,0 thou Preferver of men/ V. W hat (hall we do, but appeal from the Bar of thy Juftice, R. To thy mild and gracious Seat of xMercy, V". Spare us, O Lord, for thy Mercy fake: R. Spare the works of thine own hands, V. Spare us whom thou hall made for the en- joyment of thy Self: R. Spare us whom thou hall redeem'd with thy precious Blood. ^ardon, O Lord, our fins of weaknefs and furprize ' R- Pardon our fins of wilfulnefs and malice. V. Par- lyz Friday Vtfptrs. V. Pardon our relapfing into the fins we have repented* R.Pardon our lying in fins without repentance. V. Make us fo grieve for our fins that we hate them, / R. And hate them fo, that we quite forfake them : V. Check our unruly paffions with thy holy fear : R. And guide our lives in the ways of difci- pline : V. That we may turn to thee with our whole heart } R. In falling, weeping and mourning : V, That we may humble our fouls in prayer : R. And redeem our fins with alms: V. That we may root out our vices with con- trary vertues ' R.And bring forth fruits agreeable to penance. V. Hear us, O merciful Lord, when we pray for our felves. R. Hear us, when we pray for others. V, Remember the Congregation thou haft pofTeft from the beginning : R. Defend and govern and increafe it for even V. Give to thy Priefts the fpirit of knowledg f R. The fpirit of holinefs and zeal and wifdonu V. Give to thy People the fpirit, of docility : R. The fpirit of obedience, devotion, and charity. V. Reveal thy felf, O Lord, to thofc whe never knew Thee : R. And| Friday Vefpers. 273 R. And bring home thofe who have gone a- ftray from Thee. V. Prefci ve, we befeech Thee> our King and Council : R. And blefs all the People of this Nation -• V. Blefs us with health,and peace,and plenty : R. And make us ufe them with fobriety, gra- titude, and charity. \r. Reward, O Lord, our kindred,friends,and benefactors •* R. And forgive our enemies, and all that hate us. V. Comfort thofe that mourn, and are op- preft with their afflictions : R. Or labour under the burthen of a troubled mind. V. Relieve the poor who have none to help them 5 R. And defend the caufe of the fatherlcfs and widow. V. Srengthen thofe who langnifh on the bed of their ficknefs 5 R. And thofe who ftruggle in the agony of death. V. Have mercy on the Faithful departed in thy grace-, • R. Have mercy on all the world, and bring us to thy glory. V. O Lord hear, &c. R. And let our? &c. Let 274 Friday Vefpers. Let us Pray. OGod,who by thy H. Dodlrine haft taught us to fait, and watch, and pray, and by thy B. Example powerfully engagM us to fol- low thy fteps i Vouchfafe us, we befeech thee, thy grace, fo to mortify our bodies, by with- drawing the fewel from our unruly paffions, and reducing our immoderate fleep to the mea- fures of neceffary refrefhment, that our minds may the better be difposM for prayer & medi- tations 5 devoutly to celebrate here the Fails & Feftivals of the Church, and eternally to re- joyce with thee hereafter in the Kingdom of thy glory •, where with the Father and the H. Ghoft thou liveft and reigneft One God world without end, Amen. V. O Lord hear &o As Page 46. Friday Complin. V. vJ^ilr help is in, &c. As Pag. 47. Ant\x\ peace will we fleep and take our reft, for Thou, O Lord, haft particularly eftablifht us in hope. Pfat. LXXtfl. C1 Ome,Iet us now call olfour thoughts, from j ranging abroad where they but lofe them- felves. Let us diligently examine the accounts of our time ^ and fum up the profit we have made to day. What Friday Complin. zy $ What have we gainM by all we have feen or heard ? fince nothing's fo barren, but may yield fome fruit : Had we the art to cultivate it right \ and fitly apply it to our own advantage. If we have fpyM fome good example, which our gracious God prefents to excite us. Did we immediately entertain the motion ; & refolve in our heart effectually to follow it ? If we have fain among vicious company \ which, O ! too often engages into folly: Did the danger increafe our care ; and the fin of others breed vertue in us ? . We have heard perhaps fome melancholy news, of fudden flckneHesj or unexpected deaths- But do we fear to be furpriz'd our felves ; and provide betimes for that day of trial ? We meet with accidents enow to difparagc this world ; but do we really feel it lcfe cre- dit in our hearts ? Does our efteem of the other grow ftrong & high j and every one faithfully tell his own foul ? ' Tis not in this poor world thou mult expect content ; nor hope to enjoy a perfeft reft. Order thy whole affairs with utmoft skill ; and, which is feldom feen, let all fucoeed : Still thou [halt find fomthing to trouble thee; and even thy pleafures will be tedious to the », Where eVe thou gcclt, ftjUcrofles will fol- low thee; fincfe) where eVe thou goelt, i carried thy fe!f. N Who :\y6 Friday C&mplin. Who then, my God, is truly happy? or rather, who comes neareft happinefs ? He that with Patience refolves to fuffer * what e'er his endeavours are not able to avoid. Happy yet more is he that delights tofuffer, and glories to be like his crucify M Saviour. When thou art come to this my Soul ; that thy croiles feem Tweet for the love of JESUS. Think then thy felf fublimely happy; for ihre thou haft found a heav'n upon earth. Atleaft, the beit heav'n this earth can af- .ford j & take it as a pledg of a better to come. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. P/al. LXXVH. \A ^ Soul,when thou art thus retir'd alone, ^VL and fitly difpos'dfor quiet thoughts. Never let the greatnefs of another moleil thy Peace ^ nor his profperous condition make thee repine. Say not in thy heart, had I that fair Eftate, or were intruded with fo high a Place-, I fhould know how to contrive things bet- ter •, and never commit fuch grofs miftakes. Tel! me, how dole thou manage thine own imployments; and fit the little room . thou hold'ft in the world? If thou halt leifure. art thou not idle*, and • pendeft thy precious time in unprofitable fol- lies ? If thou art bufie, art thou not fo too much, #nd leav'ft no time to provide for thy Soul ? Do Friday Complin. 277 Do thy riches make thee wife ^ and gene • roufly afTift the innocent poor ? Does thy poverty make thee humble ; and faithfully labour for thy little family ? Doft thou, in every flate, give thanks to heav'n ; and contentedly fubfcribe to its feve- reft decrees ? Canit thou rejoycingly fay toGod,*0 mya-- dor'd Creator ! I'm glad my lot is in thy hands ? Thou art all wifdom, & feeft my wants •, thou art all goodnefs, and delighteft to relieve me : Under thy Providence I know I am fafe :, what ever befals me, thou guid^ft to my ad- vantage. If thou wilt have me obfcure and low ; thy bleffed will, not mine, be done. If thou wilt load my back with crofTes, and imbitter my days with grief or ficknefs : Still may thy blefled will, O Lord, be done ; (till govern thy creatures in thine own beft way. Place where thou pleafeit thy other favors, but fecure to my Soul a portion in thy love. Take what thou wilt of the things thou haft lent me ; but leave in my heart the Poiiefilou of thy Self. Let others be preferM, and me negleiled \ let their affairs fucceed, and mine mifcarry. Only, one thing I humbly beg, and may my gracious God vouchfafe to grant it. Cad me not away from thy prefence for ever; - ipc my name out of the book of \\ N 2 But 2*y% Friday Complin. y But my eternal hopes, let them remain \ & Itill grow quicker as they approach their end. v Glory be? &c. As it was, &c. PfaL LXXVUL MY thoughts, run o'er the paflages you have met to day ; or rather forget fuch impertinent things : What have wefeen but diftrafting vanities ? & what brought home but unprofitable fancies ? How often have we felt our minds difturbM ! how often endangerM by unhappy accidents ! Somtimes we frowardly throw our felves down ; and, like fullen children, will not ftand. Somtimes the tempeft throws us down, and, like weak children, we cannot ftand. Yet are we venturing ftill among the fnares ; enticM by the appearance of fome prefent delight. We weary our felves with running after flies*, which are hard to catch, aud trifles when they .are caught. This we purfue, and follow that, but no- thing we meet can fill our hearts : Till we have found out Thee, O gracious Lord ! our only full all-fatisfying Good. Fill we have found out Thee, not by a dark belief: * but clearly, as Thou art in thine own bright Self. Remember, O my Soul, this truth of the world we live in*, which our own experience too. evidently proves: The Friday Compile. The eye is not til I'd with feeing its varie- nor the car with hearing all its harmony. Remember this truth of the world we hope.} made fur'e to our faith by the word of JESUS. The eye has not fecn fiich beauteous Glories; nor has the ear heard fuch ravifhing Charms- Nor can the Mart: it felf conceive fuch irxre- drblc joys ; as our God has provided for them that Jove him. As our blelled JESUS' has purchafed for'his fervants \ and even for Thee, my Soulr to crown thy Patience. Wherefore in Peace lay down thy- Head i. and reft fecure in the proteftion of thy God : Whofe mercy fo gracioufly has fingled Thee out;&foftronglyeftablilhtonhimfelfthyhope- Glory be, &*.% As it was, C^c. Ant. In peace will we deep and take our reft \ fotThou, O Lord, haft particularly eftablifu us in hope. Hymn XXIV. 'npls not for us, and our proud hearts, X O mighty Lord ! to chufe our parts* But aft well what Thou giv'ft : *Tis not in our weak pow'r to make One ftep o'th way we undertake ^ Unlefs Thou us reliev'ft. What thou haft given, Thou canft take^ Arid, when thou wilt, new gifts canft make:,. All flows from thee alone : When thou didft give it, it was thine ; N 3 When ^8o Friday Complin. When thou retook'it it, 'twas not mine : Thy will in all be done- It might perhaps too pleafant prove, Too much attractive of my love , So make me lefs love Thee : Some things tlere are, thy Scriptures fay7 And reafon proves, that Heav°n and they Do feldom well agree. Lord ! let me then fit calmly down, And reft contented with my own ^ That is, what thou allow'ft : Keep thou my mind ferene and freer Often to think on Heav'n and Thee j And what thou there beftow'ft. There let me have my Portion, Lord i There all my Lofles be reftor'd \ No matter what falls here : Is't not enough that we /hall fing, And love for ever our bleft King ; Whole goodnefs placM us there ? Great God, as thou art One, may we With one another all agree \ And in thy praife confpire : May Men and Angels joyn and fing Eternal Hymns to Thee their King ; And make up all one Quire. Amen. Capit. Galat. 6. GOd forbid that I fhould glory, fave in the Crofsof our Lord JESVS Cbnft ,by whom the world is crucify M to me, & I to the world. For Friday Cow pi in. 2,81 For El ' ' ^neither circumcifion avails any things nor uncircumciilon ; but a new Crcr. - rare : and whoever (hall follow this rule, peace on them, and mercy, and on the Ifrael of God, ^/r%Coniider,0 my Soul5& fee, that nothing happen unprofitable to thofe who know how to ufe it; and really feck, by tempering right their minds, to build them up in true Vertuc. V. Day to dav utters words of inftrudtion : ' R. And night to night affords Science. Let us Pray. OGod, whofe provident mercy makes evc-- ry day a new branch of the Tree of Knowledge to us? whence the Evening may fa- ther frefh variety of fruit, fie tonouriftithofe Souls whom thy Grace has brought to feed on the Tree of Life, the Crofs of JESUS / Grant, we humbly befeech Thee,that no experience of good or evil which this day has afforded, may be loft on us ; but what ef re of moment has hap- pened to our felves or others, may, by feafona- bte wife confideration, be fitted to render us more skilful in difcerningthe true value and life of this ftate, in all its poftures •, and ftron* ger to facrifice up, with our Saviour,our whole Concerns and Being here, to thy will, and the fole advance of thy glory, which at length will furely crown thy Servants with immor- tal Blifs-, through our Lord Jefus Chrift, thy Son, who, with, &c. Vouchfafe, &c. As Ta«e 56, to the end-. N 4 THE (Z82) THE Office For Saturday, MATINS, Introduction, as page lj J^.Come letfs adore our Victorious Redeemer Come, let's adore our Victorious Redeemer. Pf*l. LXXIX, COmc all you powers of my delivered foul, and pay your Homage to the Prince, of our Salvation : Caft your unworthy felves at his facred Feetj and renew your vows of fol- lowing his fteps. Come,let's adore our Vi&orious Redeemer. He triumph! ever death in his own Body \ & enables us to conquer it in ours : imparting to us his Heavenly skill ; and provoking our cou- rage with infinite rewards. Come, let's adore our Victorious Redeemer, He changM the corrupted government of the world; and eftablifhta new and holy Law ; that, as we were vaflals to fin before, we might now .become the free fubje&sxrf. grace. Come, Saturday Mxtins. 183.* Come> let's adore our Victorious Redeemer. Let us live and dy in his bleft obedience •, & no temptation ever feparate us from him-, who, if we refill, will make us overcome *, and, when we have overcome, will crown us with peace. Come, let's adore our Victorious Redeemer. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Come let's adore, &c. Come, let's adore, &c. • Hymn XXV. LOrd we again lift up our eyes, And leave our fluggifh Beds ; But why we wake, or why we rife, Comes feldom in our Heads, Is it tofweatand toyl for wealth, Or fport our time away ; That thou preferv'fbus ftill in health, And giv'ft us this new day ? No, no, unskilful foul, not fo •, Be not deceivM with toys : Thy Lords commands more wifely go, And ainvat higher joys- They bid us wake to feek new grace, And fome frefli vertue gain : They call us up to mend our pace, Till we the prize attain That glorious prize for which all run, Who wifely fpend their breath : Who, when this weary life is done, Are fure of reft in death. N 5 Not 284 Satttrddy Matins. Not fuch a reft as here we prove? DifturbM with cares and fears ;; But endlefs joy, and peace, and love ; Unmixt with grief and tears. Glory to Thee, O bounteous Lord I Who giv'ft to all things breath : Glory to Thee, Eternal Word ! Who fav'ft us by thy death : Glory, O blelTed Spirit, to Thee, Who filPft our fouls with love i Glory to all the myftick Three, Who raign one God above. Amen* Ant. This is, alas, the Land of the Dying •, but we hope to fee the glory of God, in the Land of the Living. Pfal. LXXX. PRoftrate before thy Tomb, O Lord j be- hold we freely confefs our mifery : And, in the lowlieft pofture of affli&ed Pil- grims, humbly implore thy mercy. Peacefully in the grave thy Body reposM •,. and thy Soul went triumphing to redeem thy Captives. But we, alas, thy helplefs orphans ; how. are we left in the midft of our Enemies ! To how many dangers isour life expofed?with how many tentations are we round befiegM ? Tentations in meat,tentations in drink ; ten- tations in converfing, tentations in folitude : Tentations in bufinefs, tentations in leafure ; ten- Saturday Matins. ^ 285- tentations in riches, tentations in poverty. All our ways arc ftrev/d with fnares •, and even our own fenfes confpire againft us. Whether, O my God, fhall our poor fouls • go \ encompalt with a body fo frail, and a World fo corrupt ? Whether, but to Thee, thcjuftifyeroffin- ners;& to thy grace,the Suftainer of the weak ? ' Thy grace inftructs us what we ought to do \ and breeds in us the will to endeavour what we know. Thy grace inables us to perform our re- folves 5 and, when all's done, thy grace mult give the fuccefs. Govern us with this thy grace, O Eternal Wifdom / and direft our fteps in thy fafe way. • Order every chance, to prevent our falling ; and ftill lead us on towards our happy end. Give us the eye and wing of an Eagle ? to fee our danger, and fly fwiftly away. If we muft needs engage our Enemy \ and no ■ means left to efcapethe encounter : Strengthen us, O Lord, to perfevere with courage ; that we never be wanting in our fide- lity to Thee. Convince us, Bleffed j E S U, into this firm judgment > and may our memories faithfully retain it ; What ever our fenfes fay to deceive us *, or the world to obfcure fo beauteous a Truth : That Thy Self alone art our chiefeft good ; 2 86 Saturday Matins, and,the fight of thy glory our fiipream felicity- Glory be, &c As it was, &c. Ant. This is, alas, the land of the Dying ; but we hope to fee the glory of God, in the land of the Living. Ant. Well done*, thou good and faithful fer- vant j I gave thee two Talents, and thou haft gainM two more ; enter into thy Mafters joy. Pfal. LXXXI. HAppy are they, O Lord, who have fo much employment ; that there remains no room for idle thoughts. Happy are they, who have fo little bufinefs; that they want not fpace to attend their fouls. Happy yet more arc they, who, in the midft of theii; work, *can often think of the wages above. Whom nothing diverts from that chief coiv cern * of feeking to make their election fure : But, while their backs are bowM down with labour \ they freely can raife up their minds to Heaven : And, while they are ty'd to their Beds with Sicknefs,:. can yet move on towards their Eter- nal reft. Often they re Joyce with themfelves alone j and filpntiyfay in their, contented hearts : Here we, alas, are narrowly confin'd \ and our time entertainM with trivial affairs : But hereafter we expert an unbounded enr largement ; and the fame glorious office with- the hleiled Angels*- Here. Saturday Matim. 287 Here we are fubjeft to a thoufand miferics ; and the moft profperous life is vain and fhort : But hereafter we expect an infinity of joy ; and the folid pleafures of heav'n for ever. We, too, O gracious Lord, who now adore thee^and in thy prefence fing thefe holy words-* We humbly prayThee guide us in the mid- dle path that we never decline to any vicious extreme, Deliver us from the ftormy fea of bufmefs ; and the dead water of allothful life * Left we be caft away by forgetting thee \ or become corrupted by neglefting our felves. Make us, fometimes at leaft, recolleft our thoughts •, how much foever our condition di- ftraftsus. Make us look up with confidence in our God-, how low foever our affe&ions deprefs us. Make us look up to the eternal mountains \ and feed cur fouls oa this fweet hope. The day will come, when, out of this dark world *we.fhall joyfully afcend to that beaute- ous light. The day wilLcome,&; cannot be far off?when we ihall reft for ever in the bofom of blifs- GJory be, &c. As it was, &c- Ant. Well done thou good and faithful fer- vant, I gave thee two talents, 2nd thou haft gainM two more \ enter into thy Mailer's joy. Ant. Well done tbou good and faithful fer- vant 288 Saturday Matins. vant) I gave thee five talents, and thou haft gainM five more ; enter into thy Mailer's joy. Pf*l. LXXXI1. HAppieft of all, O Lord, are they, * whofe very bufinefs is thy fervice. Who not only beftow an interrupted glance, - but fteadily fix their eyes on Thee. Who not only vifit thy houfe fometimes ; but night and day dwell in thy prefence. If the Sun rife, it finds them at their pray- ers •, and, when it fets, leaves them at the fame fweet task. Every place is a Church to them ; and every day a holy Sabbath •' Every objed an occafion of Piety •, and eve- ry accident an exercife of Vertue. Do they behold the beauteous ft&rs ; they prefently adore their great Creator. Do they look down on the fruitful Earth ? they inflantly begin to praife his bounty. Let War or Peace do what they will -, and the inconftant world reel up and down ■■ They pafs through all as unconcern'd \ and fmoothly go on their regular courfe ' Looking ftill up to that glorious life above \ & entertaining this prefent in hope & folitude. If they depart fomtimes from their proper center, and forfake a while their belovM re- tirement •• 'Tis to approach, and give light to others 3 and enflame fome cold or lukewarm heart. While - Saturday Matins. 289 While they are thus abroad, their minds are at home with th<:e^ and nothing can divide them from thy dear prefence • Yet do they wifely make haft to return \ and enjoy Thee alone in their little Cell. There Thou receiv'ft them as familiar friends ; and freely admit'ft them to thy fecret fweetnefs. Thou giv'ft them a tall from thine own full board ^ and overflow^ their hearts with the Wineofgladnefs. Often they feel a little beam from Heaven* ftrike gently, and fill their -brefts with light •• Often that gentle light is kindled into a flame j and chaftly burns with pure deflres : Defires that ftill mount upland aim at Thee? * the fupernatural center of all their hopes* O happy ftare of reverend Difcipline ! free from the cares and tumults of this world ■ Free from the dangerous allurements of fin, and perpetually follicited with engagements to vertue. Where they feldom fall, and quickly rife \ and make fwift advances in the way to heav'n \ Where they live in purity, and dy with con- fidence,and goto fing among the Quires of An- gels. Bleft Providence! who govern^ all things in perfettwifdom 5 and aflign'ft to everyone his proper place : If thou haft pleas'd todifpofe our lives,in cir- -camftances lefs favourable than thefe. O 290 Saturday Matin?.*. O let thy powerful hand fupply our wants, and lead us on in our low path < That* at leaft^afar off we may follow them, who ftrive to tread fo near thy iteps.. So fhall we too, though flowly, arrive, fk at the rich inheritance of that holy Land ■; So (hall we gladly enter thofe Blisful gates > and d well for ever in the City of peace. Glory be> &c As it wiis, 5cc. . -Ant. Well done thou good and faithful fer- vant, I gave thee five talents? and thou haft gain'd five more \ enter into thy Mailers joy. Our Father, &c Firft LelTon. HAve thy thoughts in the precepts of God* and let thy chief bufinefs be his Com- mandments. Deliver him that fufFers injury \ out of the hands of the proud, and be not faint- hearted when thou fitted in judgment- Bemerr ciful to Orphans as a father, and as an hus- band to their mother ? and thou fhalt be as the obedient Son of the Higheft ; and he will have mercy on thee more than a Mother. He that calumniates the poor, upbraids his Makers but he honours Him that pities the neceffi- tous. The wicked fhall be call out in his ma- lice > but the juft has hope in his death. Our Lord will not accept any perfon againfl the poor j and will hear the prayer of him that is injurM. He will not defpife the pray- er of the Fatherlefs ; nor the widow when ihc Saturday Matins. 291 flie powVs out her words of complaint, Do not the Widows tears run down her cheeks, and is not her cry againft him that caufes them ? but from the cheeks they go to heaven \ and our Lord who hears them will not bcpleafcd. Turn not away thine eys in anger from the poor ; nor give him occafion to curfe thee be- hind thy back : for the prayer of him that cur- fes thee in the bitternefs of his foul lhall be heard. He that made him (hall hear him. Remember not every wrong of thy neighbour; nor do any thing by injurious pra&ifes- Con- temn not the juft man that is poor ; nor mag- nify the linful that is rich. The Great) and the J^dg, and the mighty are in honor •, but there's none greater than he that fears God. R. Lord, with what admirable wifdom doffc thou govern the world ! Thou mak'ft'the poor, and appoint'ft them their task of inno- cent work; Thou mak'/t the rich, andgiv'/l theui leafure for their better improvement \ and both poor and rich, to need and help one another. *0 give us hearts to comply with this thy bleXt defign \ that every one may ftrive for the good of all. One God created us,i one Saviour redeemed us ; oneH. Spirit fandifyM us: that we all may live in love and unity and mutual affiftance. *Q give us » 1 Second 2 than an houfe full of vi&ims with brawling. Better is a poor man walking in his iimpli- city, than the rich in crooked ways. Sweet is the laborer's fleep> whether he eat much or little ; but the fatiety of the rich fufFers him not to flee}). Some, who have nothing, are as if they were rich ; and others, who abound in wealth, are as if they were poor. Some> Saturday Matins. 293 Some give of their own, and become richer ; others take what's not their own, and are al- ways in want. The flncerity of the jult (hall direft them •, and the deceitfulnefs of the per- verfe (hall deftroy them. R. Give me, O thou fweet Difpofer of aH things ! give me neither beggery nor riches, but only things neceflary for my fuftenance : *Left perhaps being full, I be allur'd to deny thee j and fay, who is the Lord ? or, com- pelled by want, fteal, and forfwear the name of my God. Or rather, deareft Lord, give me what thou pleafeft * fince thy felf haft taught me now a more perfect Leflbn, to fub- mit intirely my will to thine : only I ftill may beg, that in all my ways thy Providence go- vern me, and in alt my temptations thy grace- preferve me, *Left Third Leflbn. TIs better to go to the houfe of mourning, than to the houfe of banqueting : for tit that the end of all men is figrify'd, and he that is alive thinks what hereafter he ihall be. All flefh (hall wax old asgrafs : and as leavs growing on a green Tree, fome bud forth, and others fall off, fo is the generation of flefh and blood : one is buried? and another is born. If a man live many years, and rejoyce in them all, he muft remember the darkfome time, andthofe many days, which when they come> the things that are paft fhall be reproved of vanity. 1 94 Saturday Matins. vanity. Rejoyce therefore, O young man^ inthy youth, and. let thy mind be chearful ; walk in the way of thy heart, and in the fight of thine eys : but know, for allthefe God will bring thee to Judgment. Remem?- ber thy Creator in the days of thy youth : before the time of affliction comer and the years approach of which thou fhalt lay, they pleafe me not. Before the dull return to its earth, from whence it came> and the fpirit to God who gave it. Of making many books there is no end*, and much ftudyis wearinefs to the (left. Let us hear the Conclufion of all: Fear God and keep. his Commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. R. In all thy works remember thy lad end* when thou muft bid a long farewel to all this World : remember that dreadful Day of the Univerfal Judgment, when thou muft give ac- count for every idle word : *And thou (halt not fin forever. Remember the joys prepa- red for the innocent? and the miferies that at- tend the wicked; Remember how nearly it concerns thy foul, to have a good or bad eterr nity : *And thou Glory be, &c. *And thou- — •• Taiife^ &c. Then Lauds : Ory if Matins alone be faid, conclude as follows. Ant. Befoberand vigilant \ for oar Ad- verfary Saturday Matins. 29; verfary the Devi], as a roaring Lion, goes about, . .feeking whom he may devour : whom refill, ftrong in Faitli. V. We mult refill evil, that we may purfue good .* R. And efcaping Hell, arrive at Heaven. • Let us Pray. O God who feed and pitiefl the infirmity -of our Nature, furrounded on every iidcwith the worfl of daggers, temptations to folly ! Strengthen us we befeech thee> with thy fole-powerful Grace, to tend continually on our guard \ refolv'd, ev'n to death, either warily to avoid, or floutly break through all that offers to divert or flop the advance of our love to thee alone : and grant us fo wife- ly to improve the Talents of Capacity and Means thy -Providence afllgns us in our pre- fent ftate of life, that, at the great day of Ac- count, we may every one be received with thofe precious words, Well done, good and faithful Servant^ enter into thy M afters joy y through our Lord Jefus Chrifl, thy Son, who, &c- Cjommcmorapfcns &c. aspag. 2,9. .0 Saturday Lauds. God incline, &c. 4sf*g. 17. Ant% When thou hadft overcome the fling of death i thou opcndM the Kingdom of Hea- ■v'iuoal] Believers, Vfal. x^£ Saturday Lauds. Pfal. LXXXIIL IF we rejoyc'dfor ourfelrs, in the fufferings of our Lord •, let us now rejoyce for hira> that his fufferings are ended : Now that the fowler's net is broken ; and the meek and innocent Dove efcap't : Now that the cup of bitternefs is paft away, and never poflible to return again. Never again, O deareft Jefu,(hall thofe bleft Eyes weep ; nor thy H. Soul be forrowful to death : Never fliall thy precious life be fubjeft any more *to the bloody malice of ambitious Hy- pocrites. Never fhall thy innocence any more be ex- posed *to the barbarous fury of an ingrateful Multitude. But thou (halt live and reign for ever ^ and all created nature perpetually adore thee. O happy end of weil-indur'd Afflidicns / O blefied fruirs that fpring from the Crofs of Je- fus / Look up my foul, and fee thy crucify'd Lord *fit gloriouily inthron'd at the right hand of his Father. Behold the ragged purple now turnM into a robe of light i and the fcornful Reed into a Royal Scepter. The wreath of Thorns is grown into a (park* ling Diadem ; and all his fears poJifht into brightnefs. His Saturday Laud*. 297 His tears are all now changM into joy : An^ the laughter of his perfecuters into fad defpair. Herod long iince perifht in miferable con- tempt •, and PiUte ftill trembles with everlaft- ing fears. The impenitent Jews are fcatterM oVe the world ; to atteft his truth, and their own ob- durate blindnefs. But himfelf is crownM with eternal Tri- umphs; and the fouls he has redeemed ihall fing his victories for ever. Liv>e glorious King of men and Angels : live happy Conqueror of lin and death- Our praifes Ihall always attend thy Crofs-, and our patience endeavour to bear our own. Through fierccft dangers our Faith fhall fol- low thee ; and nothing wreft from us our hope at laft to fee thee. We'l fear no more the fling of death ; nor be frighted at the darknefs of the grave Since thou halt changM our grave into a bed of reft ; and made death it felf but a paf- fage into life. Wc'I love no more the plcafures of vani- ty ; nor fet our hearts on unfatisfying riches. Since thou haft open'd Paradife again, and purchased for us the Kingdom of Heav'n. Glory be, &c As it was, &c. Pfal. LXXXtV. BLefled -be- thy Name, O holy Jefil! and blefled be the mercy of thy Providence. Who z$$ Saturday Lauds. Who haft caft our lot in thcfe times of grace : and defign'd our birth in the days of light. When we may clearly fee our ready way ; and direftly go on to our glorious end. Till thou appeared'!!:, O thou only light of the world, our miferable Earth lay covefd with darknefs. Till thou went'ft away, O thou fovereign Loirdof life, thy Saints fate expecting in the {hades of death ! The Kingdom of Heav'n was clofe (hut up ^ and none permitted to behold thy glory. Soon as thine own affliftions were ended ; thou communicatedft thy joys to all the world. All that efteemM fo bleft a fight, and flood prepared to entertain thy coming. As for the reft* whole eys are Ihut ; or turn'd away by their own malice. Thy prefence yields them no more joy } then light tothofe who will not fee- But the hearts that love thee thou fill'ft with gladnefs •, and overfloweft them with an Oce- an of Heavenly delights. Come happy fouls, to whom belongs *fo fair a title to all thefe mercies. Come, let us now raife up our thoughts ; and continually meditate our future beatitude. Let us comfort our labours with the hope of reft *, and our fuflerings with the expeftance of a quick reward. Now Saturday Lauds. 299 Now that the hand of our gracious Lord * has unlockt the gates of everiafting blifs. Now that they ftand wide open to admit *fuch as prefs on with their utmofl: flrength. Such as have wifely made choice of Heav'u *for the only end and bufinefs of their life. Rejeding all thefe falfe allurements *, to at* tend the purfuit of true felicity. O blelfed JESU ! our hope, our flrength ; and the full rewarder of all thy fervants •' As thou haft freely prepar'd for us ready wa- ges ; fo> Lord, let thy grace enable us to work. Make us direft oiir whole life to Thee ; and undervalue all things compar'dwith thy love. Seal thou our eyes to the illufions of this world ; and open them upwards to thy folid glories. • That when our earthly Tabernacle fliall be diffolvcd ; and this Houfc of Clay fall down into the Duft. We may afcend to Thee, and dwell above ; in that Building, not made with hands, eter- nal in the Heav'ns. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Pf«l. LXXXV. PRaife our Lord, O ye Children of Men! praife him as the Author of ail your hopes- Praife our Lord, O you blefled of Heav'n ! praife Him as the finifher of aH your joys. Sing, O you reverend Patriarchs, and holy' Prophets •' ling Hymns of glory to the great Mejfias. O Sing , 300 Saturday Lauds. Sing and rejoyce all you Ancient Saints ; who fo long reposM in the bofom of Abraham. Bring forth your belt and pureft incenfe ; & humbly offer it at the Throne of the Lamb. The Lamb that was {lain from the begin- . ning of the world ; bythefprinklingofwhofe blood you all were favM. O ftill fing on the praifes of the King of peace -•> and blefs for ever his vi&orious mercy. °Twas he diflblvM the power of darknefs: and brake afunder the bars of death. 'Twas he came down to vifit your Prifons : and lead you away out of the ihades of forrow. How did your glad eyes fparkle with joy ; to fee at laft your DefirM Redeemer. How were your fpirits tranfported with de- light i to behold the fplendors of his glorious ■ prefence .' His prefence, that can quickly turn * the iaddefl night into a chearful day. That can change a dungeon into a houfe of mirth > and make every place a Paradife. O glorious Prefence ! when fhall our Souls be fillM * with ftrong and conftant defires of enjoying Thee ? When deareft JESU! fhall our defires be fiHM* with the. everlafting fruition of thy B. felf? Henceforth,for thee and for thy facred love; % O Thou great and only Comfort of our Souls t May all afflictions be welcome to us ; as whol- Saturday Lands. 3or wholfom Phyfick to correct our follies. May the pleafures of the world be reje&ed by us •, as dangerous fruits that fill us with dif- eafes. May we, by thy example, neither fear to dye, nor refufe the labours of this life: But, while we live, obey thy grace •> that, when we dye, we may injoy thy glory. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c Ant. When thou hadil overcom the fling of death, Thou open'dft the Kingdom of Heav'n to all believers. Cafit. 2 Pet. 3. TAke heed) left being led afide by the er- ror of thcunwife, you fall away from your' own ftedfaftnefs. But grow in grace, and the knowledg of our Lord JESUS Chrift : to Him be Glory, both now* and to the day of Eternity. Amen. Hymn XXVI. MY God, to thee our felves we ow, And to thy bounty all we have : Behold to thee our praifes bow, And humbly thy acceptance crave. If we are happy in a friend, That very friend 'tis Thou b'eftow'fl: • His power, his will, to help our end, Is juft fo much as thou allow'It If we enjoy a free eftate, Our only Title is from Thee ; O * Thou 3 02 Saturday Lauds. Thou mad'ft our lot to bear that rate, Which elfe an empty blank would be. If we have health, that well-tun'd ground. Which gives the mufick to the reft : Jt is by thee our ayr is found. Our food fecur'd, our Phylick bleft. If we have hope one day to view The glories of thy blifsful face : Each drop of that refre/hing deaw, Muft fall from heav'n and thy free grace. Thus then to Thee our praifes bow, And humbly thy acceptance crave : ; Since 'tis to thee our felves we ow, And to thy bounty all we have. Glory to thee, great God, alone 5 Three Perfons in one Deity : As it has been in ages gone 7 May now, and ftill for ever be. Amen, sfnt. 'Tis confummated} Thou haft, O JESU, overcome in thy Body all the Powers of darknefs : their Hour is paft, but thy fouls ex- ternal blifs remains ; and, behold, that of thy triumphant Refurre&ion approaches. V. Be not afraid of thofe who kill the Body. R. And after that have no more they can do. Let us fray. OGod, who haft fubmitted thy only Son, our Saviour JESUS, to expire on the Crofs, and defceiud into the Grave } that he might Saturday Vefpcrs. 355 might dcftroythe life of fin, and bury the ter- rors of death ; Grant, we befeech Thee, they may never revive or rife again, to tempt or fright us from the ways of vertuej nor fhake this fure and fundamental truth, yvhich thy grace has laid in our Hearts, that the greateifc mifchiefs cur falvation can toft us here, are but momentary, & workabove meafure exceeding- ly in us an eternal weight of glory,through the fame our Lord JESUS Chrift thy Son who,&t. CommcmcTMions^ &c. Asp^f. 29. 1 Saturday f^efpcrs. N the Name, &c Asfagtu. Ant. Thy who ufe this world, let them be as if theyus'd it not: for the figure of this world- pafles away. Pfal. LXXXVI. WHy do we flillpurfue this world i and fo eagerly feek its fond enjoyments ? A world of vanity and falfe deceits j a world of mifery and fad difafters : Whofe crofles are folid, and comforts empty ; whofe forrows are permanent, and delights pafs quickly away. A world where the innocent are condemned with fhame ; and the guilty freed with ap- plaufe.. Where often the wicked are advanc'd to ho- nour i and the. vertuous oppreft with difgrace- O 3 Where- 304 Saturday Vefpcrs. Where friends fall off, and kindred forget -r and every one minds his private intereft. Yet are we taken with this crooked world* and blindly court its painted face. We make fome ugly paffion miftrefs of our heart •, afhd negleft the pure and amiable Love of JESUS : Whofe Goodnefs to us gives us all we have \ whofe Perfe&ions in himfelf are more than we can conceive. Thou art, O glorious JESU? the beauty of Angels 0 and the everlafting joy of all thy Saints. Thou art the heaven of heav'n it felfj and in thy fight alone is the fulnefs of Blifs. All this thou art? and infinitely more •, and yet, alas, how few efteemThee! The world, we dearly know, too often has deceivM us ; and our rafhnefs cares not to be undone again. Thou never, O JESU> hall failM our hope fc and our dulnefs fears to rely on Thee. The world diflrads and embroils our fpi- rits, and wretched we delight in our mifery : Thou always, O JESU, filllfc our hearts, with peace*, and fenflefs we are weary of thy happinefs. 1 he world calls, and we faint in fol-. lowing it ; Thou calPft, and we are ftill re- lieved by Thee. Yet is our .nature fo ingrate&lly perverfe ; we Saturday J^efpers. 305- we run after that which tires, and abandon that which refrefhes. Somtimes our lips fpeak glorioufly of Thee > O Thou living fountain of eternal Blifs .' * Some happy times we rclifh thy fweetnefs j and decry aloud the Poyfon of the world. But we are foon enticed by its guilded Cup, and ea-fily for fake the waters of life. O B. JESU, who took'ft upon thee all our frai Ities •, to beftow on us thine own perfe&ion •' Teach us to prize the joys of heavV, and part with all things elfe to purchafe thee- Make all the pkafures of this life feem bit- ter to our tails ; as they are indeed pernicious to our healths. Let not their flatteries any more delude us*, nor iuperfluous cares perplex our minds. But may our chief delight be to think on' thee ; and all onr ftudy to grow in thy love. Glory be &c. As it was Sec Ant. They who ufe this world, let them be as if they usM it rot : for the figure of this world paflesaway. Ant. We, by a fond felf-love? blame every thing, but. our felves ; while nothing can hurt us, but our own mifplac'tafFeftions. Pfal. LXXXVil. A LI this is true, and yet the world is • lovM #, and our nature inclines to affe&s its-vanities. 'Tis lov'd, and fo it juftly deferves, did O 4 we 3 o 6 Saturday Vefpers. we under (land its real value. Our life indeed feems mean and trivial ; and all things about us troublefom and dangerous. Yet? O my God, is their confequence ex- cellent in this ; -that they are our only way of. coming to Thee. This world, and this alone's the womb that breeds us } and brings us forth to fee thy light. This is alone the proper Machine, wherein thy hand has fet our lives ; To learn the art of managing it right, and wind up our felves to thy glorious heav'n. O that we had that happy skill ; how Toon would every thing help forward to advance us. Whether we eat or drink? or whatever elfe * an innocent hand can undertake : If we regard our faithful end -9 and order all* to the improvement of our minds- They inftantly change their fecularname; & defervedly arepreferM to become religious. Riches themfelves, and imperious honour * have not fo perverfe and fixt a malice : But a prudent ufe converts them to piety j.& makes them fit inftruments of higheft Blifs. ' Our very delights, O the Goodnefs of our God / may fo be tempered with a wife alloy : That his mercy accounts them as parts of our duty i and fails not to give them their full reward. f While they are entertainM for the health of our bodies, or the juft refreflimenfi of our wearied fpirits. And Saturday Vefpers. 307 And both our bodies and fpirits conftant- ly applyM *to gain new degrees of the Jove of heav'n. Thus, gracious Lord, every moment of our lives *may ftill be climbing up towards Thee* : Thus may we ftill proceed in thy fervice; c- ven then when we moft of all ferve our felvs. And then indeed it is we belt ferve our felvs \ when we are bufieft hvwhat we call thy fervice. Thou fweetly vouchfapft to ftile that thy glory ; which in very truth is nothing but our interefh Thou kindly complaint wcdiihonotir thy Name:, when wre only mifchief our own fouls. O Blelfed Jefu, King of clemency •, and great revvarder of every little grace ! Thou, who by all we can do pretend eft no gain •, but beftow'ft on us all thy felf haft done. Thou who cam'ft down from heav'n to fhew us a pattern : and mad'ft us free to work for our own profit. Inftruft our gratitude to confecrate all to Thee*, fince all, by thy bounty, will redound to our felvs; Glory be,. &c. As it was, &c slxt. We, by a fond felf- love, blame eve- ry thing but our felvs ; while nothing can htiirt us but our own mifplac't affections. Jtet. It is decreed for all men^onceto dy- ; and after death,. Judgment. O- 5- */"*? 30$ Saturday Vefpers. Pf*l. LXXXVIII. THis life indeed is the way we muft walk-, but this alone cannot bring us to our end. Ere we arrive at our appointed home ? we mud be led through the gates of Peath : Where we fhall abfolutely beftripttff all we have ; and carry nothing with us but what we are: Where we not only muft quit the whole world-, but leave behind us even part of our feivs. Haft thou, my foul, feen fome Neighbour dy ? and doft thou remember thofe circum^ Itances of forrow ? We are fure, the cafe ere long will be our own; and are not fure but it may be very foon. Have we our felvs been dangeroufly fick ? & do we remember the thoughts we had then ? How we refolvM to corre Lord Jefn, thou long defire of our hearts \ come quickly, thou full delight of our Souls : Come, and declare to all the world thy Glory, come? and reward before all the World thy fervants. Lo, where aloft he comes in power and Majefty 5 attended with a train of innumerable Angels* Behold, 310 Saturday Vtfpers. Behold, where he fits inthronM on tfefe wings of Gherubins} and takes at once a view of all mankind. Soon he commands his Angels to fever his Sheep ; and gather them together on his right hand. Firft then,to them he turns his glorious face; arid fhines upon them, with thefe ravifhing words : Come you Blefled of my Father? poflefs the Kingdom * prepared for you from, the be- ginning of the world, O the joys their fouls ihall feel ; when;thofe heavenly words found in their ears ! Joys that the wit of man cannot conceive ; joys that the tongues of Angels cannot ex- prefs. Letitfuffice, themfelvs fhall tall their own felicity ; and feed on its fvveetnefs for ever. But 0> with what dejedled eys and trem- bling hearts *ihall the wicked ftand expefting their Judge. What fhall they do when,whereYethey look* *their ey can meet with nothing but defpair ? Above>the offended Judg ready to condemn them 5 below, the bottomlefs Pit gaping to devour them. Within, the Worm of Confcience gnawing their Bowels \ and round about all the World in flames. What fhall they do, when that terrible voice Saturday Vefpers. 311 voice *(hall ftrike them fuddenly down to the bottom of Hell ? Go you accurfed into everlafting fire, pre- pared for the Devil and his Angels. The day of man is paft, when finners did what they pleas'd > and God feem'd to hold his peace. 'Tisnow the day of God* when his wrath fhall fpeak in thunder ; and finners fuffer what their wickednefs defervs. Then fhall they fink immediately into the Pit of forrow^ and dwell in darknefs and tor- ments for ever. While the Juft (hall go up in joy and tri- umph ; and reign with our Lord in his King- dom for ever. Thus (hall the whole Creation be finally dif- pofed j and Mercy and Juftice divide the World. O my Soul ! who now art here below ; and read'ft thefe dreadful truths as things efar off: Know, thou (halt then be prefent, and fee them with thine eys jand be thy felf concern?d. for all eternity. Know, as thou liv'fi, thou art like to dy > and as thou dy'Itthou art fure to be judgM. Think what a fad condition it will be, to find thy felf on the wrong hand : Think what thou then would'ft give to have repented in time •, think what thou would'ft give for a little time to repent. Watch 3 1 2, Saturday Vefyers. Watch therefore now and continually pray; for we know not the Hour when the Son of man will come. O Son of God and Man, who cam'ft in mer- cy to fave us \ bring the fame mercy with thee, when thou comeft to judgus. Mean while, aflift us with thy Heav'nly grace ; to ftand perpetually with our accounts preparM : That we may dy in the peace of God and his H. Church > and go to live with Him and his B. Saints. Glory be, &c As it was, &c. Ant. U is decreed for all men once to dy^ and after death? Judgment. Gapit. Titus 2. SPeak thou the things which become found do&rin. That the aged men be fober? chalte, wife, found in faith? in charity, in patience : likewife the aged women, that they be in holy attire? not fpeaking ill of others, not given to much Wine ; teaching good things? that they may learn the young women wifdom : to love their Husbands : to love their Children , to be prudent, chaft, fober,, to have a careof theHbufe? to-be gentle, fub- jed to their Husbands : that the word of God be not blafphemed. Young men alfo exhort to be fober : Servants to be obedient to their Matters, pleafing them in everything: not contradicting, not defrauding, but {hewing gpbda Saturday Vefpzrs. 3x3 good fidelity in all things } that in all things they may adorn the do&rin of God our Savi- our. Hymn XXVII. LOrd, what a pleafant life were this, If all did well their parts : If all did one another love Sincerely with their hearts! No Suits of Lav/, nonoife of war Our quiet minds would fright : No fear to lofe, no care to keep What juftly is our right. No envious thought, no fland'ring tongue Would eVedifturb our peace : We fhould help them, and they help us, And all unkindcefs ceafe. But the All- wife chofe other laws, And thought it better fo: He made the world \ and fure he knows What's beft with it to do. Tis for our good, that all this ill Is fuffered here below : Tis to correct thofe dangerous fweets* That elfe would poifon grow- So ftorms are raisM to clear the ayr, And chafe the clouds away : So weeds grow up to care our wounds. And all our pains allay . How often, Lord, do we miftake, When we our plots deiign ! Rule 3 14 Saturday Vefpers. Rule thou hereafter thine own world \ Only thy Self be mine : Or rather, Lord, let me be thine } Elfe I am not mine own: Givemethy felf, or take thou me, Undone if left alone. To thee great God of Heavrn and Earth ! Each knee for ever bow : May all thy blefled ling above, And we adore below. Amen, Ant. Thou giv'ft us tafts of good here ; to beget & feed in us an appetite : Thou giv'ft us but tafts here, to draw our affedions up to thy felf \ whofe fruition alone can fully fa- tisfy us. V . Vain and prepofterous it is, to expe O my Soul, into thine own bofom, and fearch what thou aira'It at in all thy thoughts. Where doft thou place thy chief felicity ? and whither tend thy ftrongeft defires ? Go to the Great and Prudent of the world ; and learn of them to chufe thy interefts. Do they not there increafe their eftates \. where they mean to fpend moft of their life P Do 3 1 6 Saturday Complin. . Do they projert their Manfion feat,in a Coun- try through which they pafs as travellers ? No more, my foul, fliould we build our beft hopes, "* on the fandy foundation of this pe- rifhable earth: Where, fure we are, we cannot flay long •, and are not fure we may ftay very little. O Thou eternal Being,who changeft not^yet art the caufe and end of all our changes ! Who ftill remain^ the fame rich fulnefs in thy Self>the fame bright glory taall thy Bieffed! Teach us? O Lo,rd,to ufe this tranfitory life^ as Pilgrims returning to their beloved home. That we may take what our journy requires^ and not think of fetling in a forreign country : But wifely forecafl our treafures fo j to be. happy there where we muft alwayes be. . Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Pfal. XC. NOw thou haft found thy happy end •, and' found it the only Good that lafts for ever: Study, O my foul, to know ftill more 3 and ftill more value thofe immortal joys. Strive for fo glorious a prize with thy whole force ; and the utmoft ftrainingsof all thy fa- culties. Purchafe at any rate that bleft inheritance ; and wifely negled even all things elfe. All that divert thee from thy holy courfe } or but retard the fpeed of thy advance. For, Saturday Complin. 317 For, though the leaft in the Kingdom of Heav'nbe happy enough \ where every Veffel is fiPd to the brim : Yet to enlarge our capacity to the leaft higher degree * deferves the bufieft diligence of our whole life. Shall the induftrious Bee endure no reft •, but fly and fing and labour all the day ? Shall the unwearied Ant be running up and down, to fetch and carry a few grains of corn ? And we, for whom all nature/o faithfully works, and tires it felf in a perpetual motion : For whom the tender providence of God ** commands even his Angels to watch and pray. For* whom the adorM JESUS came down from heaven ; and fpent a. whole life in conti- nual labours. Shall we fleep on in a drowfy floth ; and not ftir a finger to help our felves ? Awake my foul, chide thy fluggifti thoughts > and let their ftupid folly plainly know, We have a ftore to provide, as well as-Antsj and infinitely richer than their poor hoard : We have a work to do as well as Bees ; and infinitely fweeter than all their honey. What can fo nobly enrich an immortal foul* as ft ill to be gathering a ftock for eternity ? What can fo highly delight one that every day improves-, as daily to fee theencreafe of his hope ? O blcfled hope ! be thou my chief delight: & the only treafure I covet to lay up. Be 3l8 Saturday Complin. Be thou the quickening life of all my athen we bell perform this bell ofw<#ks; when all our powers are quiet in thee. Yet let not this thy facil fweetnefs> deareft Lord ! be abus'd by us to a wanton negleft. But make us love Thee fo much more , as *Thou more difcover'ft the excefs of thy love. Glory be, &c. As it was, #*?• Ant. Too often are we troubled about many things i when the truly neceilary is but One. .Hymn 310 Saturday Complin. Hymn. XXVIII. MY Soul ; what's all this world to thee ; This world of fin and wo •, Where only fcnfe cantaft its Tweets, And thofe unwholfom too ? Truth is thy food, truth thy delight; Which cannot here be free : Thy mind was born to know and love What this life neVe can fee. Malicious world, how doll thou lay And cover thy falfe baits ! Here, thofe of Pleafure, there? of gain: Each for our ruin waits. Unhappy we, it is our fault : 'Tis we our life abufe.: The world prefents a furnilht fhop* And we the tools mifufe. So have I feen a little Child, If Nurfe but turn her eye ; Inftead of haft, take hold o'th bjade, And cut it felf and cry. This little child ; alas, am I ; Self-wilPd, felf-wounded too .• But, Lord, turn not thy face away i Left I my felf undo. O make me {till to ufe this world, That I the other gain : O make me fo the other love, That this its end attain- It Saturday Complin. 32 x Its end, to breed up fouls for Heaven ; Then be it felf new dreft : No more corruption, no more change : But one perpetual reft. To Father, Son, and holy Ghoft, The undivided Three, One equal glory, one famepraife, Now and for ever be. Amen. Ca?it, Theflal. 5. THe day of our Lord fhall come as a thief in the night : Let us not therefore fleep as others, but watch and be fober. For God has not appointed us to wrath, but to the purcha- fing Salvation by our Lord JESVS Chrifl^ who dyed for us: that whether we wake or fleep, we may live together with Him. Ant. We have here no permanent City ; but ;are bound in queft of J'erufMem above, the e- ternal manfion of blifs. V. JESUS came down, to give us a glimpfc of it : R. And made his own life the Card to di- rect us to it. Let us pray. OGod, whofe eternal Providence hasim- barkt our Souls in the Ship of our Bodies, not to expert any port or Anchorage on the Sea of this world, but fteerdire&ly through it to thy glorious Kingdom ! Grant? we be- feech 3^2 Saturday Complin. feech Thee* that, daily refle&ing "with what care and unwearied diligence the wretched Ad- venturers for all forts of vanity purfue round about us their defperate courfes-, we may heartily feel our felves confounded with juft reproach ; who, knowing our ingagement on fo important a voyage? yet take fo little pains to perform it. Preferve us, O Lord, from the dangers that on all fides aflault us? and keep our AfFeftions ftill fitly difpofed to receive thy holy infpirations •, that carried fweetly and ftrongly forward by thy H. Spirit? we may happily arrive at laft in the Haven of eternal Salvation •, through our Lord JESUS Ghrift thy Son, who, with &c. Vouchfafe, &c. As Tagt 56. to the e/?d. THE THE OFFICE for our B. Saviour. See Directions. On «/7Feafts of our B. Saviour, fay Proper Invit. Antiph. Ver£ Refp. and Pray- er (as in Feftivals^ omitting thofe here fet down : Elfe, if this Office be [aid on any day that is not aFeaft oj our Saviour, fay all as here. MATINS. Introduction, as page i. Invit. To day let's adore our God that re- deemed us. To day let's adore our God that redeemed us. Pfal. XCII. BRing to our Lord all you his fervants , bring to our Lord thefacrifice ofpraife; bring to our Lord all you Nations of the Earth ; bring hymns of glory to his great Name. P To 3 3 4 Maths for our B. Saviour. Today let's adore our God that redeem'd us. He is our God, and we his People; created by his goodnefs to be happy for ever: he is bur Redeemer, and we his purchafe 7 reftor'd by his death to a better eternity* To day let's adore our God that redeemed us. * Let us learn of Him, and he will teach us his ways •, let us follow Him, and we fhaH walk in the light: for the Law and*its types were given by Mofts ; but grace and truth czmeby JESVSChnfi. To'day let's adore our God that redeemed us. > Come let's afcend to the houfe of our Lord, and celebratethis day with a holy joy : implo* ring, his mercy for all we need, and blefling his bounty for all 'we have. To day let's adore our God that redeemUus. Glory be> &c As it was, — To day, &c. To day, &c. r Hymn XXIX. }ESU, who from thy Fathers throne To this low vale of tears cam'ft down j In our poor nature dreft : O may the charms of that fweet love Draw up our fouls to thee above, And fix them there to reft* JESU, who wert with joy conceivM, With joy wert born, while no pain grievM Thy Mothers Virgin- Womb : • O may we breed, and bring Thee forth In Matins for our B. Saviour. 315- In our glad Hearts \ for all is Mirth Where thou art pleasM to come. JESU, whofe high and humble birth, In Heaven the Angels, and, on earth, T^he faithful Shepherds fing : O may our Hymns, which here run low, Shoot up aloft, and fruitful grow, In that eternal Spring. JESU* how foon did'ft Thou begin To bleed, and fuffer for our iln The Circumcifing knife / ^^ O may thy grace, by making good*^ Our fouls juft caufe ^gainfl flelh and blood, Cut off that dangerous ftrife. JESU, who took'ft that Heav'nly Name, ThyblefledPurpofe to proclaim, Of faving loll mankind : O may we bow our heart and knee, Bright King of Names, to glorious Thee* And thy hid fweetnefs find. JESVU who thus began'ffc our Blifs, Thus carryMIt on our Happinefs, To thee all praife be paid : O may the Great Myfterious Three For ever live ; and ever be • AdorM, belov'd, obeyM. Amen. Ant. BlelTed be the mercy of our God^ who has left no way untry'd, that could pof- fibly recover us. P 2 Vf*U 30 my Soul, for ili2me at fo ftrange a , weaknefs, and weep for grief at fo extreme ; an ingratitude.) .We childifhly prefer'd a trivial apple, ** before the Law of our God, and the fafety of our own lives : We fondly embrac't a little prefent fatis- fadipn, before the Pleafures of Paradife and ; the eternity, of ikzfn. . Be- Matins for our B. Saviour. 327 Behold the unhappy fource of all our mi-* feries} which (till increasM its ftreams, as they went farther on : Till they exacted, at lafl, a deluge of ju- flice, todrovvn their deluge of iniquity. And here, alas> had been an end of Man*, a fad and fatal end of the whole world : Had not our wife Creator forefeen the dan- ger-, and in time prevented the extremity of the ruin * Referving forhimfelfa few choice plants, to replenifh the earth with more hcpefol fruit. Yet they grew quickly wild, and brought forth fowr grapes \ and their childrens teeth werefetonedg. Quickly theyafpiredtoan intolerable pride * of fortifying their wickednefs againft the power of Heav'n. Juftice was now provok't to a fecond deluge^ and to bring again a cloud o're the earth. But mercy difcover'd a bow in the cloud ; and our faithful God rememberM his promife. Allaying their punifhment with a mikter fentence ; and only fcattering them from the place of their confpiracy : Which yet his Providence turnM into a blef- fing, by making it an occafion of peopling the world. Still their rebellious nature difobeyM again i and neither fearM his judgments, nor valuM bis mercies: P 3 But 3 2 8 Matins for our B. Saviour. But, with a gracelefs emulation, propaga- ted fin, as far as his Goodnefs propagated mankind. - * Then he fete&ed a private Family ; and in- rreaft and governed them with a particular tendernefs : Giving them a Law by the hands of An- gels : and engaging their obedience by a thbu- land favours. But they negle&ed too their God, and hcav'n \ and fell in love with the ways of death. When thou hadft thus, O dearefl: Lord I try'd every remedy ^ and found our difeafe beyond all cure. When the light of nature prov'd too weak a guide \ and the general flood too mild a cor- rect ton-' When the miracles of Mcjes could not fof- ten our hearts -0 nor the law of Angels bring any to perfect ion • When all was reduc't to this defperate Hate ; and no imaginable hope left to recover us- 'Behold, the eternal Wifdom finds a ftrange expedient*, tljelaft and higheft inftance of al- mighty love .; Himfelf he refolves to cloath with our flefh ; and come down among us, and d v to reedem us . Wonder, O my foul, at the mercies of thy Lord, how infinitely tranfeendingev'nour ut- moft wifhes. Wonder at the admirable jprovidsnee of his Matins for our B. Saviour. 3 zp his counfels; how cxaftly fitted to their great delign. Had he been lefs than God, we could never have believM * the fublimc Myiteries of h'o heavenly Doitrin * Had he been other than Man, we muft need3- have wanted * the powerful motive of his ho- ly Example • Had he been only God, he could never have fufter'd * the leafu of thofc aifliftions he fo glorioufly overcame : Had be been merely Man, he could never have oVecome * thofe infinite afflictions he fo patiently fuflferM. O bleiTed JESU! both thefe Thou art in thy felf, be Thou both thefe to us •' Be thou our God) artd make us adore The: f be thou our Leader, and make us follow Thee. Glory be, £:c. As it was? 8rfcfc. At. BleiTed be the mercy of our God; who has left no means untryM that could pof~ iibly recover us- Ant. Lord> Thou not only offer'ft us far tion, but lay'ft-fti means before-hand to i« us accept it. TfuL XCIV. SOon as this bleffc decree was made, of fen- ding the Son of God to redeem mankind • Immediately his goodnefs was ready to come among us, had our ungracious world been ready to receive him. P 4 But 3 }0 Matins for our B. Saviour. But we as yet were too groft and fenfual ; and utterly incapable of fo pure a Law •• We were immerft in cares and pleafures ; and wholly indifposM for fo perfeft an obedi- ence. While we were thus unfit for Thee > O thou God of pure and perfett holinefs ! Thou gracioufly wert pleased to Hay forts; and all that time prepare us for thy prefence .• From the beginning entertaining us with hope; and through every age confirming our faith. How early, O my God, didftThon engage to relieve us ! The Seed of the Woman frail breaks the Serpents head. How often didfi thou repeat thy promife to Abraham ! In thy feed jhall all the Nations of the earth be blcffecl How many ways did thy mercy invent, * by unqueftionable tokens to give notice of thy Coming ? Behold a Virgin frail conceive and bear a Son • and his name frail be vailed God with us : A branch jl) alt jhoot out of the flock of Jeflc ; and from the root of that branch frail firing a Flower. The [pirit+of our Lord frail reft upnHim^ the fpirit of wifdom-, and piety ^ and forti- tude. Our Lord frail raife up a Prophet like Ma- les 5 and put his words in his mouthy and he jhall teach us: And Maths for our B. Saviour. 331 And thou Bcthelem, who art little among tin thonfands of Juda, out of thee frail He come thatJs to be the Ruler of Ifrael. Whofe goings forth are from the beginning • even from the days of eternity. Hark how the Eternal Father introduces his Son, commanding firft all the Angels to adore him. Thou art my Sony this day have I begotten thee ^ Thou art my Son} and 1 mil be thy Father : I will give Thee the Gentiles for thine inheri- tance ^ and the Qids of the world for thypoffeffion. ^Tis too little that thou raife up the Tribes of Jacob, and convert the dregs of Ifrael. Thou art appointed alight fcr the Gentiles *0 and a Saviour to the ittmoft parts of the earth. Hark, how the antient Prophets re!oyce in the Mtffias^ and in foft and gentle words fore- tel his fweetnefs. He frail come down as rain into a fleece ofwccl, and as drops of deavo di frilling on the earth. He frail feed his flock^ like a Shepherd ; axd gently lead thofe that are with young. He frail gather his Lambs with his arms j and carry them in his own bofom. 'the bruifcd reed he fr)all not break \ nor cpfi 1 b the fmrkmg flax. J uft ice and Peace frail flour ifr in his days ^ and fin and death be deftroy^dfer ever. Then frail the cy:s of the blind b: cpe/Sd *9 " ayd the ears of the deaf be made to hear. p 5 The» 3^ Matins for our B. Saviour. Then pall the tongues of the dumb be looferi*d\ end the U.me man leap like a Buck. Thus did thy holy Servants prophecy of Thee. Thus did their children fing thy praifes. Mlejfed be the Lord cur God-> who alone does wonderful things ; andbleffed be the Name of*his Majefry for ever. His dominion pall reach from fea tofea ^ and from the river to the end of the world. They who dwell in the wilder nefs pall kyeel be- fore Him ; and his enemies palllickjhe duft. The Kings of Tharfi55 and the Ifles pall cjfer him prejents 5 tye Kings of Arabia and Sdbz pall bring him gifts. All the Kings of the earth pall adore him ; 4nd all Nations do him fervice. For he pall refcue the weak^ from the Rand of the mighty \ the weak who hzd none to help him. He pal I be favourable to the fimple and the needy ; and prcferve the fouls of the poor. He pall deliver them from ufury and Q^rcjfi~ en ; and their name pall be honourable in his fight . He pall live, and to Him pall be given of the gold of 'Arabia \ they pall adore him perpetually^ and ble/s Him all day long. O thou eternal King of heav'n and earth / make good to thy fervants thefe happy pre- dictions. So rule us here that we obey thy grace •, fbv fevotir us hereafter that we enjoy thy glory. Glory be, &c* As it was, &c- Am*. Matins for our B. Saviour. 333 Ait- Lord, thou not oply offer^ft us falva- tion, but lay'fl- in means before-hand to make us accept: it. Ant. All's one to Thee, O mighty Love/ whether joy or forrow, fo mankind be favM. BfaL XCV. TWas not thy joys alone, O deareft Lord ^ that thou infpirMit into thy H. Pro- phets : But thou reveaPdft to them thy forrows too*, and commandedft topubliih them with a tender care : That they not only fhould fpeak thy words j but, the more to aJfeft us, put on thy per fon. 0 let our Eyes ran down With watery and ov.r hearts faint away with grief \ While w>e remember the faff0 rings of our Lord ; and hear his fad complaints. 1 gave my Body to th:fe that beat it ; and ?ny cheeks to thofethat buffeted ihtm. 1 turned not away from them that reproach7 1 me ,*■ nor from them that fpit on my Face : Myenem'es whifper together ', end fi it? fully lign me *, when will he dye, and his name penjh ? * My familiar friend, who did sat of my brtar\ "* has lifted up his heel again fl: me. Bat thou upheld]} me, 0 Lordz in my in t ty, and fePji me before thy face for ever. They compafi me about with 'words of malice ^ and fomht apainft me withent a cau/e. 1 hey rewarded, me evil red for my love > J 334 Matins for ourB. Saviour. I am poured forth like Water -7 I am taken away as afoadow when, it declines. My heart within me is as mtlted wax ; and all toy honts^ are out ofjoynt.. Myftrength is dryed up like a Bot~foeard t and my tongue cleaves to the roof of my mouth. I expeftedfome to pity me, and there was nont; I lookrt for Comforter j, hut I found not one. 0 my God, my God, how far haft thonforfak^n me I thou haft brought me into the duft of death. Our Fathers called to Thee, and were delivered^ they tr ufted in thee, and were not abandoned : But I am a worm and no man ; the reproach of men , and the defpifed of the People. All that fee me laugh me to fcorn \ they Jhoot cut the lip, and {hake their head, faying, He tr ufted in God that he would fave him ; let him deliver him, if he ddight in him. Be not far from me, O Lordy my ftrength ! for trouble is nigh, and none to help me. The -Affembly of the wicked have inclofed. me a* lent \ they pierce my h/ands and my feet. 1 may till all my Bones \ they game and ft arc upen me : They part my Garments among them-, and on my Vefture they caft lots. They gave me gall to eat? and in my thirft. vi* veger to drinks All thefefed things, O Lord, thy Prophets foretold •, to prepare our faith for fuch exor- bitant truths. All Maths for our B. Saviour. 335 All thefe indeed they exprefly foretold ; but could there be found fuch wretches as would aft them ? Yes, O my God ! thine one felefted Na- tion confpirM againft thee ; and with innu- merable affronts moll barbaroufly murther'd thee. This too, even this thy cruel death> thou plainly forefhewdft ; The Inhabitants of Je- rufalem fiall look on me yhom they crucify* d. But, O you H. Prophets ! what wasthedif- mal caufe, "* that Ihed the blood of this fpot- lefs Lamb ? He had^ they quickly anfwer, done no ini^ quity^ nor could any j craud be found in his mouth. But He was fmitten for the fins of the people 5 and taken away from the Land of the living. He delivered up himfelf to death y and was numbered with the wicked ^ he bore the fins of mar ny, and prayed for his t r an fojr effort. j4E we like Sheep have gone aftrs.y \ and God laid on him the iniquity of us all. He was wounded for our iffznees ; and bruifed far cur tranfgnffions. The Chafiifement of our peace was upon him ^ and by his firipes we were healed* O BlefTed Jefu, who took'ft upen thee our infirmities, to beftow on us thy own perfecti- ons ! Heal us, thou great Phyfician of our fouls ! and let us fin no more left a worfe thing befcll us* Heal 336 Matins for our B. Saviour. Heal us by the Myftery of thy holy Incar- nation , and the meeknefs of thy humble birth. Heal us by the precious blood of thy Cir- cumciiion ; and the fweet and ever blefled name of Jefus. Heal us by thy gracious manifeftation to the Gentiles ; and the powerful influence of all thy Miracles. Heal us by the exemplary obedience of thy Prefentation •, and the Soveraign balfom of thy Pa (lion. Heal us by the joys of thy victorious Refb'r- re&ion j and the triumph of thy glorious Af- cenfion. Heal us by the memory of all thy Blefiings ; heal us by the memory of this days mercy. Heal us thou great Phyfician of our fouls ! and let us fin no more5 lefta worfe thing be- fall us. Glory be, &c. As it was? &c. Ant. Al\'sone to Thee, O mighty Love! whether joy orforrow, fo mankind be fav'd. Our Father, &c Firft UffoK Ifa. II. A Branch (hall come forth from the root of Jeffe, and a flower rife up out of his root, and the fpirit of our Lord (hall reft up- on Him : the fpirit of wifdom and under- standing, the fpirit of Counfel and itrength, che fpirit of knowledg and piety? and the fpi- rit of the fear of our Lord fliall replenifh him. He Matins for our B. Saviour. 3 37 He (hall not judg according to the fight of the eys, nor rebuke according to the hearing of the ears ; but he (hall judg the poor in jufticc ; and rebuke, for the mild of the earth? in e- quity : he fhall ftrike the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips kill the impious. Juftice fhall be the Girdle of his Loyns, and Faith the binder of his reins. The Woolf fhall dwell with the Lamb, and the Leopard lydown with the Kid-, the Calf and the Lyon and the Sheep fhall abide together, and a little Child lead them : they [hall not hurt, and they fhall not kill in all my holy mountain ; becaufethe earth is fillM with the knowledge of our Lord, as the wa- ters cover the Sea. In that day the root of Jefle, which flands for a fign to the People , him fhall the Nations befeech ; and his Se- pulcher fhall be glorious : R. Thus, H. Jefu ! did the ancient Pro- phets foretel thy perfedions, and the bleffed changes thy Dc&iine fhould produce: the cruelty of the proud fhould be foftenM into meeknefs, and the innocence of the weak be protecled-by the ftfong : and peace and Cha- rity flourifho're the World. *Thiswasthy Wife and gracious defign, to make us h: by making us holy Thou haft planted the feeds of all thefe effedts :, O give the increafe, that we may gather the fruit : defend good} and rebuke the wicked, and fill the Earth 338 Matins for our B. Saviour. Earth with thy knowledge ; that all dif- cord and animofity may utterly ceafe, and juftice and equity govern our lives. *This was Second Leffon. Heb. k. GOD? who> in time paft, diverfly and many ways fpake to our Fathers in the Prophets, has laft of all in thefe days fpokcn to us in his Son, whom he has appointed heir of all> by whom alfo he made the worlds : who being the brightnefs of his glory, and the figure of his fubftance^ and fuftaining all things by the word of his power, having made purgation of fins, fits at the right hand of Majefty on high •, being fo much better than Ange!s> as he has inherited a more ex- cellent name above them. For, to which of his Angels has he at any time faid ? Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee: anda- gain, 1 will be to Him a Father, and he, (hall be to me a Son : and again, when he brings in the Firft-begctten into the world, he fays* And let all the Angels of God adore him. To the Angels indeed he fays, he makes his An- gels Spirits, and his, Minifters a flame of fire : but to the Son, thy Throne, O God, fhall be for ever and ever, the Scepter of thy Kingdom is a Scepter of equity j thou haft loved juftice and hated iniquity *, therefore has God, thy God ? anointed thee with the oyl of glad- nefs above thy fellows, Thou in the begin- ning, Matins for our B. Saviour. 339 ning, O Lord, didft found the earth, and the heav'ns are the works of thy hands : they fhall perifh but thou (halt continue, and they all fhall wax old as a garment, and as a ve- fture (halt thou change them, and they fhall be changed ; but thou art the felf fame, and thy years fhall not fail. R. Live, glorious Jefus \ and reign for e- ver, eternal King of heav'n and earth ; may all thy Blefled above perpetually adore thee, and all thy fervants here continually praife thee: * And every tongue confefs that Thou, O Lord, art molt high in the glory of thy Father* Alleluja. Thou wert for us obedient to death, even the death of the crofs:, where- fore God has exalted thee, and given thee % Name above every name, That at the Name of Jefus every knee bow, of things in hea- v'n, of things on earth, and of things under the earth: *And every tongue — — ■ Third Lejfotii Ephef. 1. BLefTed be God, and the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who has blefled us with all Spiritual benedictions in celeflial things in Chrift ; as he has chofen us in him before the conftitution of the world y that we fhould be holy and immaculate in his fight in charity. Who has predeftinated us into the adoption of children, by Jefus Chrift, to himfelf, according to the purpofe of his will i to the praife of the glory of his grace by 340 Maths for our B. Savimr. by which he has made us gracious in his be- loved Son. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the remiffion of fins \ ac- cording to the riches of his grace, which has exceedingly abounded in us in all • wifdoili and prudence* That he might make known 10 us the myftery of his will, according to his good pleafure which he purposM in him j that, in the difpenfation of the fulnefs of times, he might reftore all things in Chrift which are in heav'n and earth. R. Lord, what are we that thou fhouldfl thus regard us! Thou haft chofen us in thy Son before the world began? and freely pre- deftinated us into the adoption of thy chil- fdren : Thou haft made us heirs of thy King- dom, and co-heirs with Ghrift. *0 happy we, if we forfeit not thefe mercies ; but la- bour by good works to make fure our electi- on. Thou. haft redeem'd us by the blood of Jefus, and given us in him remiffion of our fins ; Thou haft by him revealM to us thefe- crets of heav'n, & promis'd to reftore us here to holincfs, and replenifh with our fouls the vacant feats among thy glorious Angels. *0 happy we, &c- Glory be, &c. "*0 happy we if* Te Dwm. As Pag. 16. (to he omitted in Ad- vent, and Lent. ) Panfe, ■■ Then Lauds Lauds for our B. Saviour. 341 Lands for our B . Saviour. V.vJ God incline, Sec. As fag. 17, Am. Blefs our Lord, O my foul ; a;;d all that is within me praife his holy Name. Pfal. XCVI. I)Raife our Lord all you Nations of the earth, praife him with the voice of joy and thanksgiving, Praife him with the well-tunVl firings of your heart * praife him with the fweettft ia- ftrument, Obedience. - Let every one that pretends to felicity *fing immortal praifes to the God of our fal- vation. He is our full and all-fufficient Redeemer^ he has perfe&ly finifht what he gracioufly un- dertook. For all our trefpafles he has made fatisfafti- on, for all our forfeitures lie has paid the ran- fom. We by difobedience were banifht from Pa- radife, and he has receivM us into his own Kingdom. We wanderM up and down in the wilder- nefsof error ; and he has guided us into the ways of truth. We were by nature the children of wrath ^ and 34^ Lauds' for our B. Saviour. and he has mediated our peace with his offen- ded Father. We were become the flaves of fin ; and he has bought our freedom with his own blood. We were in bondage to the dominion of Satan-, and he has overcome and confin'd his power. We were in danger of finking into hell 5 and he has fav'd us from that bottomlefs Pit. The gates of heav'n were fhut againft us; andhewentuphimfelf, andopenMthemtoall Believers : Difiblving for ever the terrors of death ; andn-endring it now butapaflage into life. OdeareftLord, who mad 'ft us firft of no- thing :> and reftor'dft us again when we had undone our felves ! Who wouldft at any rate redeem us from mifery ; at any rate procure our felicity ! How came we wretches to be fo confide'rd \ how came we finners to obtain fuch favour ! That from thy Throne of glory, where Se- raphins adorMthee, *thou fhouldft defcend on our earth where Haves affronted thee : That thou fhouldft lead a life of poverty & labour ? and dy a death of {frame & fbrrow. That thou fliouldlt do all this for fuch worms as we \ without the leaft concern or be- nefit tothyfelf. Onlytoraifeusup from our humble dufti and fet us to fhine with thy glorious Angels. O infinite JO infinite Goodnefs, the bounteous Author of all our hopes ; and ftrong deliverer from all [our fears. What fhall we fay to this thy cxceflive cha- rity ? what fhall we render for thefe thy un- fpeakable mercies? We fearch over all we have, and find no- thing to return thee, but what thy felf haft freely given us. We fearch over all thou haft given us, and find nothing thou expedeft; but that we ufe thy gifts to make our felves happy. Omay our fouls perpetually blefs thee ; and every minute of our time be fpent in thy fer- vice. Let us not live, O Lord, but to love thee ; nor breath, but to fpeak thy praife ; nor be at all, but to be all Thine, Glory bej &c As it was, &c. Pfal. XCVII. Sing on, my Soul, the praifes of thy Lord ; fing on with frem attention the mercies of thy God. Whofe wifdom has contrived fo compendi- ous a method, to redeem mankind by one ftort word, • He faw the only caufe of all our ruin *was our Love mifplac'c on this prefent world : He faw the only remedy of all our mifery ,*4vas to fix our Love on the world to come : This therefore was his great intent i and in this concentered all his merits. To 144 Lauds for our B. Saviour. To change the byafs of our wrong-fet hearty by eftablifhing among us new motives of Charity : Such as might ftrongly incline our affecti- ons : and effkacioufly draw us to Love our true* Good : Such as might gain by degrees upon all man* kind, and render falvation eafie and univerfal. For this, he came down from his Fathers bofom, to teach us the Rules of eternal life : That we might firmly believe thofe facred truths which God himfelf with his own mouth had told us- For this, he converfi fo long on our earth, to encourage and provoke us by his own Ex- ample. That we might confidently imbrace thofe unqueftionable vertues, which God himfelf in his own Perfon had pra&isM. For this, he ^ndurM thofe fharp and many affli&ions ', and became at laft obedient even to death. That we might patiently fuffer what ever fliould befall us; when God himfelf was fo treated by his creatures. For this he fo often preacht of the joys of heaven ) and fet them before us in fo clear a light. That* feeing fo rich a prize hang at the race's end, we might run and {train our ut> raoft force to gain ic For For this, lie ordain'd the Myfteries of grace, and left us a Sacrifice made all of mi- racles. That he might breed and nourifh in us the life of Charity ; and ravifh our hearts with the fweetnefs of his prefence. For this, he eflablilht a perpetual Church ; and fent the H. Ghoft to infpire and govern it. That it might flourifh for ever in truth and fanttity ; and plant the fame heav'nly feed o- ■ver all the world. For this, he afium?d thofe ftrange endea- ring names *of Friend, and Brother, and Spoufe to us wretches* Doing far more for us then all thofe names import ; then all our hearts can wiih. BleiTed, O glorious Jefu ! bethewifdomof thy mercy ; that has found fo fweet and ftiWfc a way to faveus. Thou art, O Lord? the caufe of our Love? and Love the caufe of our happinefs. By Love, we fulfill all thy commands ; and by making us Love> Thou fulfilPd/t all thy father's. By Love we are reconciled from enemies to friends;by Love we are tranflated from death to life. By Love we are delivered from the fear of hell ; by Love we are adopted to be heirs of heav'n. By Love we are difpos'd for that blififul Vifion ; 346 Lauds for our B. bavtour. Villon , by love we are fecur'd of the enjoy- ment of our God : Who, by the fole perfe&ion of his own free Goodnefs,*can never deny himfelf to any that love him. Elfe would their Very loving-him be the caufe of their mifery •, fince the mifery of a foul is the want of what it loves. Thus, Lord, whate're thy holy Books re- cord of Thee, in Exprefllons fuited to our low capacities. What'ere they fay of thy reftoring all things, and repairing again the ruins of mankind. All is exactly verifyM by this one line, which may our thankful hearts repeat with joy; Heav n is attained by Love alone ^ and Love alone by thee. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c P/al. XCVIII. STill50 my Soul, let us fing a few lines more, to him whofe mercies are no fewer than infinite. To him, whofe pity took us by the hand^ and kindly led us into his own light. To Thee, OBJefu, our Lord, our God ! who alone art the fource of all our Happinefs. The World, till thou cam'ft, fate wrapt in darknefs ^ and few difcern'd fo much as a fhadow of thee. They followM the appetites of fence and humour i Lauds for our B. Saviour. 347 humour *, and plac't their felicity in being profperous here. Little coniidering the life to come ; and lefs the joys that entertain that life. This was* alas! their mifcrahle Hate ; and, worfe then this* they had no power to help it- How could they believe what they never heard -, or love what they never believed ? How could they defire what they never lovM :, or be glad to receive what they never defired ? 7 T was thou, OLord, firfl taught'ft us our true end, *the blifsful Vifion of the eter- nal Deity. 'Twasthou firfl: taught'ilus the true means to attain that end i by a hearty Love and de- lire to attain it- O the bled changes which thy hand has wrought ! the happy improvements which thy coming has product ! Now every woman and illiterat man * can difcourfe familiarly of the higheft truths : The Creation of the World, and the fall of Adam j the Incarnation of God, and the Re- demption of man •• Thy myfteryof the Trinity, and miracle of the Refurrevftion 5 the day of Jad^menc and State of Eternity. AU thefe wye know ; but 'twas Thou, O Lord, who taught'It us, and by the H. Chuixii firXt fpredft them o're the world : Q, Now 348 '.Lauds for our B. Saviour. /.Now Thou haftopenM our eyes, we plain- i ly fee * what unaffifted nature could ne're have reacht: We fee* the framing right our Affecti- ons here, * is both the caufe and meafure of our happinefs hereafter. ' If we fupreamly efieem the Goods of the future life, we {hall find them there and be happy. \ If we love Heaven with our whole foul, and prefs on ftrongly with all our force * We fhall enter into its glories with a ft range furprizing delight ; and poilefs them for ever in a perpetual ejxtafy . We fee, our fouls are made to know, and perfeft themfelve<> by the worthiell obje&s. We fee, their Kature is free and uncon- finM; ;.and nothing can fill them, but that which is infinite: AH other knowledges enlarge our Faculties 5 . and breed new defire to know ftill more : Which if unfatisfy'd, we yet are miferable j ilncenone can be happy who want their defire. -Only the fight of God fills us to the brim \ and infinitely overflows our utmoft capacities. It fills and overflows all the powers of our fouls, with joy and wonder? and unconceiva- ble fi veetnefs. Obleil and glorious fight ! when will the happy day appear, *and open to my foul that leauteous profpeft ! 'When, Lauds for our B. Saviour. 349 When, deareft Lord, fhall I fee thee face to face ! when (hall I heartily> at leaft, dc- lire to fee thee ! Thou art my full and high felicity ; and on- ly and alone fufficient for me. O make me ardently love thee, that I may eagerly defire thee ; and eagerly defire thee> that I may tranfportedly enjoy thee / Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Blefs our Lord, O my foul \ and all that is within me praife his holy Name. Capa. Ephef. 3. NOw, to Him who is able to do all things more abundantly than we defire or un- derftand •, according to the powsr that works in us :, to Him be glory in the Church, and in Chrift Jefus, to all generations world without end, Amen. Hymn XXX. SWeet JESU, why, why doft thou love Such worthlefs things as we ? Why is thy heart ftill towards us, Who feldom think on thee? Thy bounty gives us all we have, And we thy gifts abufe : Thy bounty gives us evn Thy felf? And we Thy felf refufe. My foul, and why, why do we love Such wretched things as thefe ? a * t: J Jo 'Lauds for our B.Savhur. ; Tlrefc that withdraw us from our Lord> ^And his pure eyes difpleafe. > JBf eak off, and be no more a Child, >. To run and fweat and cry-} .While all this ftir, this huge concern ?« Is only for a fiy : Some filly fly that's hard to catch, And nothing when 'tis caught ; • Such are the toys thou ftriv'ft for here ; Not worth a ferious thought. > Break off; and raife thy manly eye, Up to thofe joys above * Behold all thofe thy Lord prepares, To woo, an&crownthy Love. Alas, dear Lord, I cannot love, Unlcfs Thou draw my heart : •Thou who thus kindly mak'ft me know? O make me do my part. * Still do thou love me, O my Lord ! That I may itill love Thee * ; Sill make me love thee, O my God ! That thou may'ft ftill love me. Thus may my God and my poor foul Still one another Jove ; Till I depart from this low world, T'enjoy my God above. :To Thee, great God, to thee alone, ■; Ojje;coeternal Three, AH Lauds far our B. S*viot4i\ 3 jT * All pow'r and praife, all joy and blifs, Now and for ever be. Amen* Then, all Proper, (as in Feftivals.*) Elfe^ as Follows. ^,T>Lefledjbe thy hoty Name, O glorious JLJ Son of God / and blelTed be thy mer- cy for ever : Thou halt perfectly fulfilled all thy Prophets foretold, and infinitely tranfeended all the wonders they admirM : Thou hail done enough to convince us into faith, and fufferM too much to inflame us with thy love. JienedittHs^ arc. As Pcge 27. Then re- peat Am. V. BlelTed be thy H. Name, O glorious Son of God: R. And biefled be thy Mercy for ever. AI- lelujah : Let us Pray. MOIt gracious Lord, who fo lov'dft the world, that thou gaveft thy felf to re- deem it : and humbly took'ft upon thee our low nature, that thou mightlt familiarly teach us the truths offalvation, and invincibly for- tify us againft all Perfecution, and efficaciouf1 ly draw us after thee into thine own Kingdom, by thy holy Life, and precious Death, and glorious Refurreclion ! Grant us, we befeech thee, fo to meditate thefe infinite mercies, and fill our whole fouls with the memory of this love: that we may live in thy obedience, and dye in thy favour* and rife again to rejoyce d3 with 3 5 2 Vefpers for our B. Saviour. with thee for ever in thy glory •, who with the Father arid the H. Ghoft, liveft and reigneft One God world without end, Amen. Commemorations &c. as par. zym i Fefpers for our B. Saviour. fcN the Name? &c, As page 34. Ant. Thy Judgments, O Lord, we confefs are juft; but deal, we befeech thee, with thy fervantsin mercy. PfaL XCIX. Lift up thy voice Jemfalem, and be not a-* fraid j fay to the Cities of Jnda^ behold your God : Behold the Lord your God is come with a ftrong hand : his reward is with him, and his work before him : He is come to bring redemption to all the world ; and gracioufly offers it firft to you his People. But you refusM the Holy One and the Juft j and defirM a murtherer to be granted to you. Hark with how fvveet and elegant a Com- panion * thy kind Redeemer complains of thy ingratitude. O JerHfalemJJerufalem ! thou that killeft the Prophets j and ftonefl them who are fent to thee ! How often would I have gathered thy chil- dren together j as a Hen gathers her chickens under Vefpers for our B. Saviour. r her wings, * and thou wouldcfl not f Hark, with how tender and charitable reproof,thy Lord unwillingly withdraws from Thee his favour. O hadft thou known in that thy day the things which belong to thy peace / buc now they are hid from thine eyes. Hearken once more, and if his kindnefs cannot move thy love, * He'i try how his an- ger can work upon thy fean Hearken then ar,d tremble at thofe terrible threatnings, with which thy provident Lord forewarns thee of thy danger. Gird thee with fackcloth Jerufalcm, and lye down in allies 5 cover thee with mournings and bitterly lament • For the days (hall come when thy enemies fhall befiege theej afld compafs thee abouc ' with a trench. They fhall not leave one (lone upon another, but beat thee to the ground, and thy children in thee. Thy People fhall be flain by the edg of the fword, and led as (laves into all Countries. They fhall wander up and down without King or Prince j they fhall mourn without fa* crifice or altar : And Jmtfalem (hall be troden under feet by the Gentiles ; tiil the fulnefs of Nations be ac- complifht. ButO, how long> Lord, holy and merci- 3 £4 Vefpers for our B. Saviour. ful •, how long ! Wilt thou be angry with them for ever ? Haft thou not faid, he that fcatters Jfrael will gather them again; and keep them as a Shepherd does his flock ? Remember thy anttent promifes, O Lord; and fave the remnant of thy once-lov'd IfraeL Take away the veil from before their eyes ^ that they may fee thy truth and embrace it. Take away the hardnefs from their ftony hearts, that they again may be thy People, and thou again their God. Then fhall they lay afide the garment of mourning, and put on the brightnefs which comes from Thee. T hey fhall celebrate the Jubilee of this their greateft Deliverance, and every one fing in that day of joy. Come let's afcend to the mountain of our Lord : let us learn his ways and walk in his paths. As 'twas our wicked nefs to go aftray from our God •, fo now, returned, let us feek him ten times more. Too late have we known thee, O thou an- cient Truth ! too late have we lov'd thee? O Thou defirM of all Nations ! We were milled by the ef r or of our Father s \ We were abusM by our own blind pafiions. The Kingdom we expe&ed deferves not that name; afhoirt, and vain, and troublefom profperity. Thy Vefpersfor our B. Saviour, j tf Thy Dominion? O Lord, is holincfs and peace ^ and of thy Kingdom there fhal] be no end. Such was the Kingdom thou promifedft to David^ Thy Throne will I cftablifo for ever. Such is the Kingdom thou giv'ft to thy Ser- vants, they (hall live and reign with The* for ever. O make us love.dear Lord, this eternal King-' dom* and all things elfefhall be added to it. O make us love this eternal Kingdom^thougfr nothing elfe (hall be added to it. Glory be, &x. As it was* &c. Ant. Thy judgments, O Lord, we confe& are juft \ but deal, we befeech Thee, with thy fervants in mercy. Am. Thou art O Lord, the true light of the world ; they who follow thee walk not ia darknefs. Tfal. C. Rife holy Spoufe of the Son of God ; rife and put on thy robes of joy : Rife, and fhine forth? for thy glory is come-, and the fplendor of our Lord R\ ikes bright upon thee. The Gentiles /hall walk in the beams oft light; and Kings in the luftre of thy brightaefe* Liftupthine eyes round about, 2nd behold, ibey gather all together, and flock to Tnee. Thy Sons (hall come from far, and t-iiy Daughters be nuril at thy fide. as ft $?<$ Vefpenfor our B. Saviour'. Then thou (halt fee and flow in abundance, thy heart (hall wonder, and be enlarg'd with gladnefs. When the multitude of the Sea (hall be converted to thee \ and the ftrength of the Gentiles fubmit to thy Laws. The fonsof ftrangers fhall build thy walls ; and Princes obey thy commands. The Nation fhall perilh that will not ferve thee •, and the Kingdom be utterly wafted that refufes thee. The fonsof thy affliders fhall bow before thee-, and they that defpisM thee kifs thy foot-Heps. For our Lord fhall be thy everlafting light, and the days of thymourning fhallend in glory. To thee (hall be given the Keys of heav'n ?. & thou fhalt fhut and open thofe eternal dores. Thy foundation fhall be laid on a firm rock $ and the gates of hell not prevail againft fchee. A way fhall be made fo direct and plain, that the Paflofigers, though fools, (hall not err therein. And the Earth fhall be filled with the know- ledg of our Lord? * as the waters cover the. Sea. AH this we read, all this we firmly believe £, for the mouth of our Lord has fpoken it. Heav'n and earth fhall pafs away ; but not a tittle of his Word be difappointed for ever. Many Vefpers for our B. Saviour. 3^7 Many of the facred Prophecies are alrea- dy fulrilPd ; abundantly fufficient to allure us of the reft. Already a Virginias brought forth a Son ; and given him the gracious Name of JESIH. The Kings of the Eaft have been led to him by a ftar j and ofter'd him gold and frankin* cenfeand myrrh. His holy parents have prefented him in the Temple , and the devout Simeon was over* joy'd to fee him. In his tender infancy he fled into B&f* 5 & the Idols fell down attheprefence of a child, He paft his private life in peace and meek- nefs, and taught a contradicting People in patience and humility. He confirmed his dodrin with innumera- ble miracles ; and defended the truth to the laft drop of his blood. He rofe again viftorioufiy from the grave ; and afcended in triumph to the right hand his Father. And there, O glorious JESU, mayft then fit and reign v till all thy enemies become thy fbot-ftool. Nor has thy judgment flept, O dread: Lord ! but with a fwift and terrible vengeai crufht them into ruin : lemfakm long fince was made a heap of itoncs ', and the children of thy Cruel; run wandering o're the world. • 3 5 8 Pefpersfor our B. Saviour] While thou art thus fevere in the precisi- ons of thy juftice , thou haft not forgot thofe of thy mercy; Thoufands of that ingrateful City have acknowledged Thee their Lord i thoufands of that perverfe generation have fubmitted to thy Scepter : Whole Nations of the Gentils have em- brace thy faith ; and.remoteft Iflands re- ceived thy law. BlefTed for ever be thy Name O Lord ! and blefTed be the fweetnefs of thy mercy : Whoreveal'ft thyfelfto thofe that knew Thou haft planted us, O Lord, in thine cwn Vineyard ; and fencM us about with thy holy difcipline. Where is the fruit we fhould always be bear- ing, fince good works are never out of feafon ? Of our felves, alas, we are dry and barren ; and our nature* at belt, brings forth no- thing bnt lea.v.s» O Vefpcrs for our B. Saviour. tfy O Thou> in whom while wc remain we IWq7 and from whom divided we inftantly dy! Curfe not, we humbly beg, thefe ftpit- lefs branches:, left they wither away, and be call into the fire. Pronounce not againft us that dreadful fen- tence, Cut them down, why cumber they the ground ? But mercifully cat them off from their wild flock, and graft them in thy felf the only true vine. Water, O Lord, our weeds with the dcaw of heaven \ and blefs our low flirubs with thy powerful influence : So grapes fhall grow on thorns \ and figs be gathered on thirties. Glory be &c. As it was &c. Ant. Thou art, O Lord, the true light of the world, they who follow thee walk not in darknefs. Ant. In thee, O Lord, is all our hope ; have mercy on the works of thine own hands. Pfal. C L REjoyce in our Lord all you children of Adam^ rejoyce in the bounty of his free grace : No longer now confinM to a few choice Favorites* and the narrow compafs of a pri- vate Family. He has thrown down that partition-wall ^ andopen'd the way of life to mankind : That 360 Vefpersfor our B. Saviour. That all may believe and love him here ; and all injoy and be happy in him hereafter. But O ray God / what we do fee, vfrhen we look abroad into the wide world ? We fee the fad effects ; but cannot fee the caufe? *why fo many Kingdoms ly mifera- bly wafte. We know, O Lord, thy ways are in the deep abyfs •, and humbly adore thy fecret Gounfels. Only we cannot think on their lamentable condition \ without pitying their mifery, and imploring thy mercy. Some have not yet fo much as heard of thee :, and others, who have heard, refufe to enter- tain thee. Some who have once acknowledged thee, have quite fain away; andothersrejeftwhat they lift, and obey by halfs- Many even of thofe, who rightly believe* "*abufe their holy faith by a wicked life. Thus the far greatelt part of wretched mankind, whom thy goodnefs created to thine own fimilitude \ Whom thou haft redeemM with thv pre- cious blood, and defign d to fo great and long a happinefs. Still fail, alas, of their true end, *and dy in their fins, and eternally perifh. Look down? O Lord, and behold from heaven; behold from the. Habitation of thy holinefs, Where Fefpers for our B. Saviour. 361 Where is thy Zeal, and the bowels of thy mercy ? where are thy promifes to thy be- loved Son ? Haft thou not faid all Nations (hall adore him •, and all the Tribes of the earth be blefled in him ? Haft thou not faid thy felf, O glorious Je- fu ! If I be exalted^ I will draw all men to me ? Haft thou not given thy Difciples exprefs Commiflion, *to Go into all the world, and Preach to every Creature ? RemembenO thou God of everlafting truth! remember, O thou Author and Finifher of our faith / Remember thefe thy dear engagements ^ and gracioufly accomplifh what thou haft mer- cifully begun. Vifit, O Lord, thine own houfe firft ; and thorowly redrefs what thou find'ft amifs. Make our lives holy as thou haft made our faith j and perfe&ly unite us in the bonds of love. Kindle, in the hearts of Kings and the great ones of the world, "*an Heroick fpirit to advance thy glory. Enflame the hearts of Prelats and the Priefts of thy Church, *with a generous Zeal of cor.- verdon of fouls. Convince them all5 ''tis the end and duty of their place, *to improve mankind in vertue and Religion. One l6z Vefpers for our S. Saviour, One mercy more we humbly beg : which O may thy Providence favourably fupply / Prepare, O Lord, the hearts of thofe that em and make them apt to receive the truth. Then chufe thy burning and thy fhining lights; and fend them forth over all the world. Send them, O God of infinite Charity 1 but fend them not alone ; *left they faint by the way, or mifcarry in the end. Go with them thy felf, and guide them by thy grace : and crown their labors with thy powerful bleffing. So fhall the humble vallies be raisM up^ and the ftubborn mountains be brought low : So fhall the crooked paths be made direft* and through ways fmooth and plain. So fhall the glory of God be every where reveal'd \ and all ftefh fee it together. Happy the times when this fhall come to pafs: happy the eys that fhall fee thefe times. Come glorious days wherein that Sun (hall fhine, *which enlightens all at once both the Hemifphears. Come, H. Jefu, and make thofe glorious days ; and let no cloud o'recaft them for ever. Come, and in the largeft fenfe maintain thy Title j Be effectively the Saviour of the uni- verfal world. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. To thee, O Lord, we look up for fal- vation ; have racfcy on the works of thine own hands* Ca%itr Vefpcrs for our B. Saviour. 3 63 Cdpit. Titus. 2. THe grace of God our Saviour has appear- ed to all men j inftrufting us, that, de- nying all iniquity and worldly defires, we fhotild live foberly, juftly and pionfly in this prefent world : Expe&ing the blefled hope, and the coming of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jefus Chrift 5 who gave himfelf for us, that he might redeem us from all ini- quity, and purify to himfelf an acceptable People, zealous of good works. Hymn XXXI. JEfu, whofe grace infpires thy Priefts To keep alive, by folemn feafts> The Memory of thy love : O may we here fo pafs thy days. That they at laft our fouls may raifc To feaft with thee above. Jefiij behold three Kings, from far Led to thy Cradle by a^ftar. Bring gifts to thee their King ; O guide us by thy light, that we May find thy lov'd face, and to thee Our felves for tribute bring. Jefu, the pure and fpotlefs Lamb, Who to the temple humbly came, Thofe legal Rights to pay : O make our proud and fhibborn will Thine and thy Churches laws fulfill, Whate're rond nature fay. Jefib 364 Vefpers for our B. Saviour. Jefu, who on that fatal wood Pour'dft forth thy life's laftdrop*>f bloody Nail'd to a fhamefui Crofs : O may we blefsthy love, and be Ready, dear Lord, to bear for thee All grief, all pain, all loft. Jefu, who, by thine own love {lain. By thine own powV took'ft life again? And from the grave did'ft rife : O may thy death our fpirits revive, And at oar death a new life give, A life that never dies, Jefu, who to thy Heav'xi again Return'dft in triumph, there to reign Of men and Angels King : * O may our parting fouls take flight. Up to that land of joy and light, And there for ever fing. All glory to the facred Three, One undivided Deity. All honour, pow'r and praife ? O may thy blefled Name (hine bright, .^ Crown'd with thofe beams of beauteous light Its own eternal rays. Amen. Then all proper (as in Fejtivals) Elfe as Follows. Ant. Come all you Nations of the Earth, whom the. mercy of our Lord has fo dearly re- deem'd > Vefpersfor oar B. Saviour. 3 6 J deemM-, Come, and, in honour of the divine Son, fing the Canticle of the Blefled Mother, Allelujah. Magnififart as Page 44. Then re- peat At. V. My foul magnifies our Lord. R. And my fpirit hath rejoye'd in God my Saviour. Let us pray. OHoly and ever blefled Jefu, who, being the eternal Son of God> and molt high in the glory of thy Father, vouchfaPdft for us finners to be born of an humble Virgin, to be fubjecft to the weakneffes of a little Child? to grow up in a life of privacy and labour, and declare thy fell at lafl: the Redeemer of the World ; by ^ftablifhing a perfect law of grace, and confirming it with innumerable miracles, and fuffering for it intolerable per- fections even to death itfelf : Work in us* we humbly befeech thee, the happy effects of all thefe mercies ; that* believing in thee, we may imitate thy life, and obeying thy commands, enjoy thy promifes ; who, with the Father and the H. Ghoft, liveft and reignelt, one God, world without end, A- men. V. O Lord hear, &c. As P^e 46. Complin ^66 Complin for our B. Saviour. Complin for onrB. Saviour. V. V>/Ur help is in &c As Pane 47; Ant. Whither, O my God, fhould we go but to Thee ? Thou halt the words of E- ternal Life. Pfal. CI I. REtire now, my foul, from thy common thoughts, * permitted to entertain thy lefs ferious hours: Retire, and call thy wandring fancies home: and fpeedily range them into peace and order: That thou may'fl fo be prepar'd to hear thy Lord * invite thee, among the reft, to tafte his fweetnefs. Come to me you that labour ^ and art oppreft j And I will refrejh you. Take up my yokg and learn of me, for J am tneek^ and humble of heart • and you fiiall find reft to your fouls. For my yoke is fweet and my burthen light. Enough, dear Lord, enough is faid, to draw all the world to thy holy difcipline. What can be ofFerM fo agreeable to our Nature, * too much, alas, inclinM to plea- fure and profit. What can be offer'd fo powerfully attrac- tive •> as to make our work delightful, and then reward it ? As Complin for our B. Swiour. 367 As to propofc an employment, like the mufick of Churches ; devout and fweet and gainful to the performers ? Whither, O my God, fhould we go but to Thee ? Thou haft the words of Eternal Life. Thou art our wifeft Inftrufter to know what to do ^ and only Enabler to do what we know: Thou art the free beftower of all we hare; and faithful Promifer of all we hope: Thou kindly calPft us ; O make us gladly hear thy voice, * and conftantly follow it till we come to Thee : Suffer us no longer to go aftray like loft Sheep •, wandring up and down in our own by-ways: Suffer us no longer to be diftra&ed among many things, * from thee, O Lord, who art but one : But gather us up from the world into our felves ; then take us from our felvs into Thee : There to be ravifht with thy holy embra- ces : -there to be feafted with the Antepafts of Heav'n. O how unfpeakable are thy fweetnefles, O Lord , which thou haft hid for thofe who fear Thee ! Which thou haft partly revealed to thofe who love Thee, and keep their tafts uncor- rupted with the world. But 3 63 Complin for our B. Saviou'r. But O, what are they then to thofe who fee Thee ; and in that fight fee all things elfe ! To thofe who rejoyce perpetually before Theei anc* in that joy find ail joys elfe. O beauteous truth, which known inforces love, and lovM begets felicity ! Live thou for ever in my faithful memory ; and be my conftant guide in all my ways : Still let me think on thofe joys above \ aud undervalue all things compared to my falvation. Still let me think on my Saviours love* that purchafed for me ail thofe joys. O my adorM Redeemer ! be Thou the maf- ter-wifh of my heart ; the fcope and end of all my meditations. Soon as I wake, let me look up to thee ; and, when I rife, firfl lowly bow to thee : Often in the day let me call in my thoughts to Thee^ and when I go to reft cloze up mine eys in Thee. So ihail my time be govern'd by thy grace ; find my eternity crownM with thy glory. Glory be> &c* As it was, &c. Pfd. CHI. MY God, when I remember thofe words of Thine, Repent, for the Kingdm of He*v*n is at hand : When I confider they were the firft thou fpoakeft in publick •, the chofen text of the Eternal Wifdom: Inftantly Complin for dur \$. Savitmr. 369 Inftantly I'm ftruck with the importance of the duty; and deeply affe&ed with the power of the motive. If what this laft line fays be not wholly true •, but repeated in courfe, as a form of devotion • Forgive, dear Lord, the deceitfulnefs of my heart •, and make me think as well as fay my Prayers. Make me apply thofe fearching words to my felf , and bind them fait on my own foul? Repent, O my foul, for the Kingdom of Heav'n is at hand 4 repent, for the King- dom of Heaven depends on thy repentance. Unhappy me! I cannot live without fin ^ nor hope for pardon without due repentance: I cannot repent without the grace of God; nor obtain his grace, without his own free gift. O my fweet Saviour JESU, who cam'il not to call the jult ; £mt fuch as I am, tinners to repent : Since I am not ftrong enough to be perfect- ly innocent; at leaft, make me humble e- nough to be truly penitent. Make me heartily forry for what I have done atnifs^ and not do again what v/ill iHake me forry. Wo to the day and hour wherein I finriM } wo to the many days and hours I have foo- liflily raifpent. Or 370 Complin for our B. Saviour. Or rather, wo to me, who abufe my days and hoars, allow'd by thy goodnefs to work out my falvation. Deliver me, O Lord? from thepunifhments I deferve ; deliver me from the fins that de- ferve thofe punifhments. Teach me that fafe and ealie method, *of cenfuring my felf, to be acquitted by thee. Every night let me fit as an impartial judgj and call before me all my day. Let me feverely examine every thought and word ; and ftrittly fearch every Deed and Omiflion. Condemning my Offences to their juft pen- nance : and making more firm and wary re- folves. Imploring for the pafl the mercy of Hea- ven •, and) for the time to come, the fame unbounded mercy. If I perhaps find fome little thing well done, wfyen weighMwith the allowance in- dulged our frailty ; Let me return all the glory to my God ; and beg his grace to continue and improve it. His is the hand that fows the. feed > his is the blefling that gives the increafe. Thus let mp once a day, at leafl, look home, and ferioufiy inquire the itate of my foul. What ere my weaknefs or malice may have done, let me now und<\ with a hearty contrition. Let Complin for our B. Saviour. 37* Let not the fun go down upon ray wrath, nor on any other unrepented fin. Still let me write at the foot of my account, *ReconcilM to my God> and in charity with ail the world : Then go to bed with a quiet conference ; and fallafleep in peace and hope. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. rfii. civ. LOrd, e're I take my leave of this Holy day, * which thy Church has fan&ifyM in honour of thy memory : Let me repeat fome few words more *of thofe incomparable many thou haft left a- mong us. Let me attentively meditate their fubftan- tial fenfe ^ and fettle them as principles of my life and adion. Liy not up fat y~:ir jelvestrcafures on earth \ where rufl and moth corrupt-) and Thecvs break throw and fteal. But lay up for your ft Ives treafures in He a* vJn -0 where neither rujt nor moth corrupt-, Theev:s break^thorow and fleal. For-, where your treafure is^ there rail your heart be alfo. Go now, you curious? and fludy what you pleafe ; for me, Pie ftay> and liiten to my Sa- viour. He'l teach me high and fare and ufeful truths ; he'I teach me truths that will make me happy. R Hark 37* Complin for *ur ,B. Saviour. Hark but this one word more, and yott'I flay too i if any fenfe of your eternal good can hold you. Hark how he kindly tells us this new glori- ous Secret : We Jhall be hereafter like the An- gels in Heaven. Ofweet and precious word to them that re- lifti it> and thoroughly digeft its ftrong nourifhment. rXo them that feed on't often as their daily- bread > We Jhall be hereafter like the Angels in heaven. And what? O dearefi Lord, are thofe blef- fed Angels, *but Spirits that know and love and delight for ever ? Such, O my foul, we fhall be, and that fweet life we fhall lead } We fhall be and live 'like the Angels inheav'n. We fhall know all that's true, and love all that's good \ and delight in that knowledge and love for ever. No ignorance fhall darken us, nor error .deceive us * We fhall be like the Angels in heav'n* 'No cares fhall perplex us, nor crofles af- flift us > We fhall be like the Angels in hea- ven. Our joys fhall be full and pure and ever- kiting 5 Wc fhall be like the Angels inhea- v'n. Cbccr thee, my foul, and blefs thy boun- teous Complin for our B. Saviour. 37$ tcous Lord; 'tis by him we (hall be like the An- gels in heaven. Cheer thee, and raifc thy hopes yet glori- oufly higher •, We (hall be like himfelf, for we (hall fee him as he is. Glory be, &c. As it was, &o Ant. Whether, O my God, fhould we go but to Thee .' Thou haft the words of eter- nal life. Hymn XXXII. LOrd, now the time returns For weary man to reft ; And lay afide thofe pains and cares With which our day's oppreft : Or rather change our thoughts >• To more concerning cares -, How to redeem our mifpent time With fighs, and tears, and prayVs: How to provide for heav'n, That place of reft and peace *, Where our full joys (hall never wain> Our pleafures never ceafe. Bleft be thy love, dear Lord, That taught us this fweet way ^ Only to love Thee for Thy felf. And for that love, obey. O Thou> our fouls chief hope ! We to thy mercy fly ; Where're we are, thou canft protect, Whate're we need fupply. R 2 Whe- 374 Complin for ow B .Saviour. -Whether we fleep or wake, To thee wre both refign : By night we Tee as well as day, If thy light on us fhine. Whether we live or dy, Both we fubmit to Thee : In death we Uveas well as life, If thine in death we "be. Glory to thee great God, One coeternal Three : To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoit JBternal glory be. Amen; -Capa. iThef. 5. Bllt we who are of the day, let .us be fober ; having on us the breft-plate of faith and charity; &, for a helmet, the hope of falvation. For, God has not appointed us to wrath, but to the purchafing falvation thorow Jefus Chrift our Lord ; whody'd for us? that whether wre wake or fleep, we might live together with him. Ant. By feeking our felyes in this world of vanity, we lofe both thee, O Lord, and our own fouk ; byleeking ourfelves in Thee and thy love, we iind both thee and our own hap- pinefs : enjoying already a Tweet pofleffion of hopes to end e'relong in-afweeter fruition- of dory. Mim dimittist as Page 55, Then re- peat Am. V, Thou Complin for our B. Saviour. 3 7 f V. Thou art, O Lord, the free befrower of all we have. R. Thou art the. faithful Promifer of all we expect. Let us Pray, OBlefled Jefir, whofe facred Body, after thou hadil finifhtin it the work of our re- demption, was taken down from the Crofs > and after a fhort repofe in the Sepulchcr, was raised again to a glorious immortality : Grant us, we befeech thee, io frequent/' • renew in our minds the memory of ttty grave? that we always be prepared for own: and {o fcrioufly to reflect on theco- fequences of a holy death* that every we grow lefs affefted to this tranfitory life, and more in love with thy eternal joys; who, with the Father, and the H. Ghoft, liveil reignelt one God world without end, Amen- Vouchfafe, &c- As Page 5 6. to thi St '3 THE. C370 THE OFFICE for the H. Ghoft. MATINS. IntroduBioriy as page u Jnvit. Come let's adore our God that fan&i* fies us. Come let's adore our God that fanftifies us. ffdl. CV. COmc, let us humbly firfl implore his grace, to make us worthy to adore our Santtiiier, who from the Father and the Son eternally proceeds \ and with the Father and the Son is equally glorify'd. Come, let's adore our God thatfan&ifies us. He infufes into us the breath of life, and brings us forth in our fecond birth : a birth that makes us heirs of heav'n, and gives us a fcitle to everlafting happinefs. Come let's adore our God that fandtifies us. Let us prepare our Underftandings to allent to his Truths, and our Wills to follow his di- vine Matins for the H. Ghoft, 377 vine Infpirations : let us fill our Memories with his innumerable Mercies, and our whole Souls with the glory of his Attributes. Come, let's adore our God that fanttifies us. Let us confidently addrefs to him our Peti- tions, who promifes to help the infirmity of our prayers: let us not doubt the bounty of his goodnefs, but hope he will grant what Himfelf infpires to ask. Come, let's adore our God that fanttifiesus- Glory be, &c. As it was, &c, Come, let's adore &o Come, let's adore &c. Hymn XXXIII. COme, H. Spirit, come and breath Thy fpicy odors on the face Of our dull region here beneath •, And fill our fouls with thy fvveet grace. Come and root out the poys'nous weeds, Which over-run and choke our lives : And in our hearts plant thine own feeds, W hofe quick'ning pow°r our fpirit revives. Firft plant the humble Violet there, That dwels fecore by dwelling low : Then let the Lilly next appear, And make us chaft, yet fruitful too. But O! plant all the Virtues, Lord! And let the metaphors alone ; Repeat once more that mighty word ; Thou need'ft but fay, Let it be done. R 4 We 3 7 8 Matins for the H. Ghoft. We can alas, nor be, nor grow, Unlefs thy powerful mercy pleafe : Thy hand muft plant, and water too ; Thy hand alone mult give th'increafe. Do, then, what thou alone canft do ; Do what to thee fo eafie is ; Condudt us through this world of wo,. And place us fafe in thine own blifs. All glory to the facred Three, One ever-living Sovereign Lord •, As at the firft, ftill may he be BelovM and praisM, fear'dand adored, Amen. 'Ant. In thofe days, faith our Lord, I wilt pour out my Spirit upon all fleih } Alleluja,. Alleluja, Pfal. CVI. LOrd, with how fweet and natural a con- duct * does thy Providence govern the Children of men ! Leading them on from one degree to ano- ther • till thou haft brought them up to their high eft perfection ' Thou put'ft them to learn in the fchool of Virtue ? and difpofeft their capacities into fe- deral forms. In the firft ages, when the world was young* *Thou gav'ft them for their guide the book of Nature. Jhcte thy divine afliftance helpt them.to read *forne Mat h^ for the H. Ghoff. 5 jy *lbme few plain Leflbns of their duty to thee- They faw this admirable frame of Creatures; and, as far as thefe could argue, they could con- clude • Sure ther's a God, the caufe of all thiogj : fure ther's a Providence, the difpofer of all things •' He mufl be powerful that made fo vafl a World j he muft be wife that contrivM fiich excellent works, He mull be Goodnefs it felf that did all this for us : and we ingrateful wretches if wc.1 do nothing for him- Thus far fome. few could fay, and very few could do ; with thofe. flender affiftancss they then enjoyrd. After, Thcu gav\ft thy People a written Rule } which trainM them up in a fet from of difcipline j Which grew and fpred into a publick Reli- gion, & uniformly profeft by a whole Nation. They had fome weak conceit of the King-- dom of heav'n ; and fome imperfeft means 1 9 bring them thither .- But, for thofe high fupernatural Myflerie \ *that fo gicrioufly~exalt the Chriftianf They ail, alas, were blinds or in the do 1 nnd dangeroufly exposM to the effects of their trance .< anringthofe clear Inflrudions, to know their End ; wanting thofe powerful motives to iovo their God. R 5 Y« 2$6 Matins for the H. Gbofi. Yet this preparM them for the times of grace;, to which thy mercy, O Lord, re- lerv'dft far greater favours. To which Thou hadft promised by thy holy Prophets, *an effufion of bleffing from thine own full hands:: / will put my law in their bowels y and write it, in their hearts : I will be their Ccdr and they Jh all be my people. J. will pour out my fpirit upon alt fit ft •, and pnr fons and your daughters fiall prophejy. They Jhall teach no more every one his Neighbor ; for all Jh all know me, from the great eft to the leaft. O merciful Lord, who haft lovM us from #ie. beginning ; be gracioufly pleas'd to love us to the end. Pitty the unhappy flate of falne mankind* which neither Nature nor Law could bring to perfe&ion. If any ripe fouls came forward to the birth ;, there wanted fpirit to bring them forth. But O, fend out thy Spirit, O Lord, and; they fhall be created i and from their nothing of ftnraifed to the life of Holynefs, Send out thy Spirit and renew the face of the earth*, and our weeds and our thorns (hall De tnrnM into a Paradife. -Glory be &c. As it was &c. Ant. Inthofe days, faith our Lord, I will pour out my Spirit ugon all Eklh : AUeluja^ Allduja.j. Matins for the H. Ghofi. 381 Ant. When He afccnded on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men \ Al- leluia, Alleluia. Pfal. CVIL LOok up languifhing world, look up, and fee * how pun&ually thy faithful Lord performs his word. When He had finifht here that glorious Work * which his goodnefs undertook for our Redemption. When he had told us what wre ought to do, and what to fufFer for the Kingdom of Heav'n. When he himfelf had done more then he required of us : and fufferM more than our boldeft hopes could exped of him. When He had wrought our Salvation fo far, that he faw his abfence more expedient for us : He firft prepares the hearts of his Difci- ples •, and comforts their forrows with thefe fweet words: Children? I will not leave yon Orphans , hit writ pray to my Father? and he frail give yon ano- ther Comforter t Even the Spirit of Truth, w\to frail teach ft* all things j and bring to your remembrance what- ever I have f aid, Peace 1 leave with you, my Peace I give yon ^ kt not your heart be troubled, nor let it be a] raid : I go to my Father? and to your Father ? to my . &od? and your Cod j - I ]fii Matins for the H. Ghofi. 1 go to prepare a place for yon -> thaty where / am-> there may my followers be* This faid, He led them forth together, and gave them his blefling; and parting from tjiem went away into Heav'n. So loving Mothers, when the weaning time is come, withdraw themfelves from their be* loved Children. But while they thus deprive their tender little ones * of their own moft dear and all- fiipplying pre fence i They ftill depute fome faithful friend to alTift them ^ for, though they leave e'm, they mean not to forfake 'em. Such and far greater was the care of our ©odi as his love is far greater than that of Mothers. He. faw it neceflary for fo my fterious a faith, to be fhown in a clear and fupernatural light to the firft Believers. That they might confidently recommend to * others * what they knew fo infallibly was cer- tain to themfelves. He faw it neceffary for fo perverfe a World, to infufe into its firft Converters the fulnefs of Charity : That with an ardent zeal they might in- ftruft their hearers ; and with a patient cou- rage overcome their oppofers. He faw it neceflary for fuch variety of Na- tions -9 to fiirnilh hi5 Preachers with variety ef Tongues,. 7'hat Maths for the H. Ghcft. 3 8 j That they might teach every one in their native fpeech ; and underftand their doubts> and fatisfy their obje&ions. Wherefore? when the appointed time was come ; as all the works of God go forth in their fkteft feafon : When the Difciples were gathered together in one mind and place ; and fo excellently dif- posM for the viiits of heav'n. When they had long continued in ardent Prayer ; and wrought up their affeftions to the utmoft point of defire. Suddenly there was made a found from heav'n : whence every good and pcrfeft gift defcends. A. vehement wind fill'd the whole houfe -y for the grace of God is ftrong and liberal. Behold, on the head of each fate a tongue as of fire ; the propereft enablements tc con- vert the world. While they were all illuminated with a pure light, and all enfiamed with a fervent heat ; And, to communicate both to every Na- tionAvere all indued with the gift of languages- Thus was the promife of our Lord fuliilPd ^ thus were the Meflengers of everlafting peace prepared. Miraculoufly baptiz'd with the H. Ghofl and with fire -^ and perfectly qualify'd for their great commiffion. To Preach to every. Creature this aanpy Goipei 3 84 Matins for the H. Ghojl. Gofpel, He that believes and is baptized JhaH befav^d. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. When he afcended on high,, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men : Al- leluja, Alleluja. Ant. This is our Lord's doing, and it h wonderful in our eyes: Alleluja, Alleluja. PfaL CVIII. HOw glorious is thy grace, O Lord, over all the world y how admirable the in- fluence of thy H. Spirit ! They, who through dulnefs fo flowly un- derftood *the often repeated Leflbns of their divine Mafter. Now,with the firll fwift glance fee through all; and nomyftery can pofe them, nor error deceive them. They* who through fear forfook their Lord, and fled all away from the danger of being his : Now rejoyce in fuffering for his Name ; and neither life nor death can forbid them to* confefs him. They, who knew only their Mother-tongue,, and that no better then as fimple Fifher- men. Now fpeak to every Nation in their feve- ral language •, and with their powerful elo- quence ravifh their hearts. They, who? even after our Saviour's Refur* zztlion. Maths for the H. Ghoft. ^f redion, fhut fait the doors for fear of the feivsh Now, in the open flreets and publick Sy- nagogues, confidently proclaim the Name of Jefus. Thefe were new Bottles fiU'd with new wine •, that made them quite forget their for- mer felves. Wine that exalted them into a generous- Spirit *of defpifing all things for love of Jefus. Wine that, in the midft of Racks and Pri- fons, *made them often break forth into that fweet extafy. No joy like the pain of fufPring for Jefus, no life like the death endurM for his love. O, were there now fuch tongues of fire, to kindle in the world thofe divine flames •' O, were there now fuch hearts in the world > to receive the holy fparks that fall from Heav'n ! The Prince of the Apoftles preacht but one Sermon -, and immediately converted three thoufand fouls. He preacht again* and wrought but one miracle } and five thoufand more were added to the Church. Thus every day they increaft in number ; &, which was better* their number increalt in ver^ tNft They were inebriated with the heavenly Wine > and fiU'd wish the fame Heroick fpirit. They $6 Matins for the H. GfoJF. They fold all they had ; and brought the price, *and laid it down at the Apoftles feet. They liv'd in common, and callM nothing their own ; and, even in their wiU and under- ftanding, they were all united. Every one had enough, and that's to be rich; none had too much, and that's to be free- Free from the cares that perplex the weal- thy; free from the testations that wait on fu- perfluity. Had ft thou been there, my foul, to have feen *the flaming ardours of thofe firft Con- verts -' Imagin at leafb, and know, thy utmoft fancy *is far below what they really pra&ifed.- O how devoutly did they viiit thofe holy places, where our B. Lord had ihed his blood ! The Garden where he prayM, and the Hall where he was condemned *, the Mountain where he fuffer'd, and the Sepulcher where he was buryM. At every Station they fell down on their knees and- faces i and ador7d, and meditated* and pray'd... They prayM, and mingled with their pray- ers, their tears ; they wept and mingled wish their tears their complaints. Ah, deareffc Lord/ why were; not we fo happy *to be converted by thee while thoa dweVdft amonftft us ?; W by no t^ ,to entertain falvation when .thou bro»ght'£t. Matins for the H. Qhofl. ^87 brought'ft it to our homes ; and prefer'dft our little Nation before all the world ? Unhappy we, how came this mifery to pafs *thatmanyof us look't on thy miracles, and faw them not •' Before our eys thou gav'ft fight to the blind} & our fouls were darkned with fin & prejudice. Thou did'ft cleanfe the leaprous, and heal all manner of difeafes \ Thou did'it raife the dead? and call out Devils with thy word. Yet we, alas, how many of us blafphem'd thy Name •, how many confpirM with thy bloody crucifyers ? Spare us,0 Lord: have mercy on us>0 Jefu ■/ for we knew thee not to be the Lord of glory . Bleifed be thy H. Spirk,who has open'd our eys -, and made us fee through the veil that ec- clipll us. Now we believe thee the Mtjfiab we expett- edjnow we acknowledg thee the King ot'JJrael. Such were the fervours of thole happy times; and 0> how happy were our times had we thofe fervours ! , But ours are become miferable by Schifms and Herefies ; and the darknefs that covers a great part of the earth. Ours are become miferable by the unfruit- ful lives, *and fcandalous examples of too many Chriftians. Too many, alas ! Yet even the Gates of Hell *canne*re prevail againft the power of God. Still 388 Matins for theH. Ghoft. Still the fame Spirit governs the world •, and keeps alive the feme primitive fire. Still there are hearts full of the H. Ghoft ; full of that ravifhing wine of divine love. Stiil there are fouls who renounce all they bave;& take up their crofs & follow our Lord : Still there are fiery tongues kindled by the breath of Heav'n ; who carry their facred flames into every Nation. Still the Apoftolick Church is true to its •name; and fends abroad her burning and her ihining lights. Still the Almighty Goodnefs is true to his Church) and conferves it One, and Holy, and Univerfal. O keep u$ B. Spirit, in this thy fold of grace •, & bring the whole world into one flock. That all may be of the fame mind here y and all enjoy the fame happinefs hereafter. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. ^r.This is our Lord's doing-, and it is won- derful in our eys \ Alleluja, Alleluja- Our Fatherr &c. FirftLeflbn, Jo. 14. f A Mem Amen, I fay to you, he thatbelievs jljL in me, the works that I do, he alfo fhall do i and greater than thefe fhall he do, be- caufe I go to the Father : and whatever you fhall ask in my name, I will do \ that the Fa- ther may be glorifytt in the Son- If you love me, keep my Commandments 5 and I will ask Matins for the H. Ghojl. ^89 ask the Father, and he will give you another Paraclet to abide with you for ever : the Spi- rit of truths whom the world cannot receive, becaufe it fees him not, nor knows him \ but you know him) for he fhall abide with you and be in you. R. Bleflcd be thy merciful Providence, O JESU! who, when Thou hadft finifht thy great work on earth, afcendedft into hearn to draw up our minds even thither after Thee ; Alleluja. * That where our happinefs is, there might our hearts be alfo ; Alleluja, Alleluja. Blefled be thy infinite Goodnefs, O dear Re- deemer I who, when thou hadft taught us the words of eternal life, fent'ft down the H.Ghoft to make us obferve them* and raife up our af- fections to that glorious Kingdom whither thou art gon before us ; Alleluja: * That where our Second Leflbn, Attt 2. WHen the days of Pentecofi were accom- plifht they were all together in one place : And fuddenly there was made a found from heav'n as of a vehement wind coming* and it fillM the whole houfe where they were fitting : And there appeared to them parted tongues, as it wTere of fire, and fat upon each of them-, and they were replenifht with the H. Ghoft, and began to fpeak with divers tongues, according as the H. Ghoft gave them to fpeak. And there were dwelling at Jerq* [Mem 390 Matins for the &. Ghoft. fakm Jews* devout men, of every Nation un~ der heav'n: and,1 when this noife was made? she multitude came together, and was afto- nifht in their mind ; becaufe every one heard them fpeak m his own tongue the wonderful works of God._ R. Thus were the words of the Prophets fulfilM, and the promifes of our Saviour per- formed, and the faith of the Chriftian Church iriiraculoufly begun : Alleluja. * O may it ftrll go on and increafe and multiply ; till every Nation fpeak in their own tongues the won- derful works of God ; Alleluja, Alleluja. Go- vern, O bleiTed Spirit, the Church thou fo wonderfully, haft eflabiiflit j govern it with thy ' fpecial grace? and always preferve it in obe- dience to Thee, and us in obedience to it ; Alleluja. * O may— — Third LeiToo, Ails 4. ANd the multitude of Believers had one heart and one foul : nor did any fay that ought was his own of what he pofTefly but all was common to them. And the Apoflles with great power gave teflimony to the refurrefti- on of Jefns Chrifi our Lord, and great grace was in them all. Nor was there any one ree- dy among them : for as many as were owners of land or houfes, fold them, and brought the price of what they fold, and laid it at the feet of the Apoflles ; and to every one was divided, as every one had need. r. a Lauds for the H. Ghofi. 391 >|R. O happy life! O heav'n upon earth! this is the blcft effect of the fire of the true Spi- rit ; which warms without fcorching,andfliincs without fmoaking;and enlightens without con- fuming. Kindle in our hearts, O Lord , this ho- ly fire of -meeknefs and peace and unity: *That all the world may know whofe Difciples we are? by feeing us love one another3Alleluja.But, O .' deliver us from the contrary fire, the fire of the falfe fpirit ; that fcorches without warm- ing, .and fmoaks without fliining, and con- fumes without inlightening ? deliver us from fchifm and herefie, and every leafl uncharita- ble paffion ; *That all the Glory be, &c * That all the ■ Te Deiwu &c. AsPaae 16. .Lands jgr the H. Ghofi. V.W God incline? &c As fag. 17. Ant. Kindle in our hearts, O Lord, thy holy fire,that we may offer to thee incenfe of praiie-' Alleluja. Tfd. CIX. COnfider now, my foul, the mercies of thy God,confider the wonders he has wrought for the Children of men. The eternal Father created us of nothing ; and fet us in the way to everlafting happinefs • The eternal Son came down from heav'n to feek us -, and reftorM us again when we had loft ourfelyes* Th? 3 9 '$ Lauds for the H. Ghofi. The eternal Spirit fends his grace to fantti- fy us ;and gives us ftrength to walk in that ho- ly way. Thus every perfon of the facred Trinity * has freely contributed his peculiar blefllng: And All together, as One Co-infinit Good* nefs, *have gracioufly agreed to compleai our felicity. But) O ingrateful we ! was it not enough, to receive of our God all we have and are ? Was it not enough that the Son of God fhould come down^ and live to teach us, and dy to redeem us ? Was not all this enough to make us love ? & love is all he aimM at, & love is all we needed. Let us confefs to Thee, O merciful Lord, let us confefs to thee our miferable condition. Such was,alas,the corruption of our nature, and fo many and ftrong the tentations round about us, That, without this thy laft miraculous Fa- vour * offending the H-Ghoft to guide and quicken us. We fhould have ftiH remainM in our old dul pace*, flow to underftand, and flow to obey : We fhould have quite forgotten our God that made usj and negletted the fervice of our Lord that bought us : Had not thy fulnefs been readily furnifht * with one blefling more to beftow on thy chil- dren: Hadft Lauds for the H. Gbojt. 393 Hadft not thou providently refervM a bet- ter blelfing , than the deaw of the clouds and fatnefs of the earth : Better than plenty of Corn and Wine, * or the multitude of pofterity, or dominion o're our Brethren. Thefe were the great rewards of the old law : but,behold,far greater than thefe are here: Divine refrelhments from the heav'n of heav'ns, and the rare delicious fruits of the H.Ghoft: Meeknefs and peace and joy diffusM in our brefts, ftrength and undaunted courage kind- led in our hearts : A thoufand fweet embraces of the Spoufe of Souls * a thoufand dear pledges of his ever- lafting love : Thefe are the great rewards of the Law of Grace, and given to prepare us for the King- dom of Glory. O B. Spirit, who beftow'ft thy favours as thou pleafeft , and the more thou haft given, ftill the more thou giv'ft ! Fit and difpofe thy fervants firft to enter- tain thee, then gracioufly vouchfafe to de- fcend into our heart. Fill us, OH.Ghoft, and our little Veffelsi and as thou firft us, inlarge our capacities. Make us, the more we receive of Thee, ftill grow in defire of receiving more : Till we afcend to thofe fatisfyingjoys above, where 3 94 Lauds for the H. Ghofl. where all our faculties fhall beftretchttothe utmoft : Where they fhall all be fil'd to the brim ; & overflowed with a torrent of pleafure for ever. Glory be? &o As it was, &c. PfaL CX. BLefled for ever be thy name O H. Spirit ; and blefled be the bounty of thy goodnefs* When the Eternal Father, by creating the world, * had declared Himfelf and his Al- mighty Power. When the Increated Word, by redeeming mankind, * hadrevealM Himfelf and his infi- nite Wifdom, ' When now there remained but one fealmore *to be openM of the Book of divine Myfteries: Behold a ftrange condefcendence to our weak nature^the invifibkSpirit vifibly appears. He defcends from Heav'n inthefhapeof a Dove ; & gently lights on the Prince of Peace. Again he defcends in the likenefs of fire ; & miraculoufly fits on the heads of the Difciples. Mingling thus together in one bleft compound thofe chief ingredients of excellent virtue •• Mildnefs,to allay the heat of zeal ; and zeal, to quicken the indifferency of mildnefs. 1nnocence>to adorn the light of knowledge knowledge dired the fimplicity of innocence. O bleft and admirable Teacher ! who can in* ftruft like the Spirit of God / He needs no years to finilh his courfe ; but with Lauds for the H. Ghofl. 395- with a fwift and efficacious touch confum- mates all things. He enter'd the foul of a young delighter in mufick ; and prefently fandifyM him into a Compofer of Pfalms- He took a poor Shepherd from following the flock ; and immediately raisM him to the degree of a Prophet. He by one Lellbn perfefted the Difciples \ and politht rude Fifhermen into eloquent Preachers. He touch't the heart of a perfecuting Pha- rifee *, and inftantly changed him into a glo- rious Apoftle. All this Thou haft done, O infinite Good- nefs ! and all we do is wrought in us by Thee. v By thee we are regenerated at firft in our Baptifm :, by Thee confirmed in the Impoflti- on of Hands. By Thee we are hcalVl in the Sacrament of Penance \ by Thee prepared for that banquet of the Bread of Angels. By Thee thy choicer fervants are confecn- ted into Priefts-, by Thee our Marriages are fanftify'd into bleflings. By Thee our fouls are comforted on our beds ofSicknefs; and by thy holy Undion all life is governed. If in the Church be any Wifdom or Knew- ledg \ if any real Sanaity or decent Order. S If 396 Lauds for the H. Gkoft. If any Faith of the myfteries of religion ; if any Hope of everlafting falvation. If any Loyeof God as oar foveraign blifs ; if any mutual Charity of one towards another. If any Miracles to convert unbelievers \ or quicken devotion in fuch as faintly believe : All flowes from thee, and thy free Grace} O thou boundlefs Ocean of eternal mercies ! All flowes from Thee i and may we all re- turn *our litle ftreams in tribute to thy bounty ! May € very favour thou oflfer'ft be thankful- ly received, and every talent thou beftoweft i diligently improvM. So fhall we faithfully perform our duty ; ■and render to thy grace its }uft glory. While what e're we have, we acknowledge from Thee ; and what e're thou giv'ft us is • not in vain. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Pfal. CXI. S Til-let us fing, OB. Spirit; to Thee j let us humbly fing thefe few lines more. To Thee, the eternal Love of the Father • and the Son, and glorious Finifher of that fa- cred Myllery. To thee, the quickening Spirit of regene- rate Souls, in whom they live and move and . have their being. To thee, the Soveraign Balfam of our /wounds, and only comfort of all our forrows. To thee, our Refuge in this place of banilh- ment, Lauds for the H. Gfoft. 397 dent, and faithful Guide in this wandring Pil- grimage. To Thee,the facred Pledg of our free adop- tion^ enfuring Seal of our eternal Salvation. What do we fay, O Thou adorable Spirit of God •' what do we fay, when we utter fuch words as thefe ? We fay what we can in our low capacity ^ but alas, how fhort of thy unfpeakable excel- lencies ! O that we had the tongues of the Saints and Angels ! O that we had thine own miraculous tongues ! Thofe which fate flaming on the heads of the Apoftles ; and made them fpeak thy wonders in every language. Still all our praifes would be poor and nar- row, flill infinitely lefs then thy more than in- finite perfections. But, if we cannot fpeak as our God d$- ferves \ fhall we hold our peace, which our God forbids ? Wo be to them, O Lord, who ape filent of thee \ and fpend the breath thou #v & them on any but thy felf. O Thou who open'It the months of the dumb ; and makeft the tongues of children e- loquent ! lnfpire thy fervants, if not with Exprefiloh* fuitable to thee j at leaft with fuch as are pro- fitable to us : S 2 Such 3^3 Laucis for the H. Ghofl. Such as may inftruft us what we ought to doc, fuch as may move us to do what we fay. And, when we havetry'd our beft endea- - vours ; and tafken meafure of our own defers. Let us beg this charity of thyBlefled above, • to fupply our weaknefs with their worthier Hymns. Praife the eternal Spirit, O thou Queen of 'Saints; by whom the world's Redeemer was conceivM in. thy womb : By whom thou wert made the mother of the Son of God j fo high a favour to thee? and fo happy to us. Praife him all you Quires of rejoycing An- gels j whofe early grace confirmed you in glory. Praife him you reverend Patriarchs, whofe ways he governM -, and by particular provi- dence led you to felicity. Praife him you ancient Prophets, whofe fouls he infpirM, *to teach his chofen People 'the mind of Heaven. Praife him you glorious ApofHes5whofePer- : fon he empowVd, *to be Embaffadours of ■ peace betwixt Heav'n and Earth. Praife him you generous Martyrs,whofe fpi- : rits he encouraged ; and gave you viftory o're the terrors of death. Praife him you blefled ConfefTors, whofe lives he fanftifyM ; and gave you vi&ory o're the world and your felves. Praife him you holy Virgins/whofe fouls he efpoufed •> Lauds for the H. Gliofl- -\$g efpoufed} and confecratcdyour chafl bodies into Temples for hirnfdf. Praife him yoa faithful departed, whofe hope he fuilains ; and will at lalt bring you 10 full fruition ; Praife him aIIyouElcft,in your feveral ! py ftates^blefs him, and magnify him for e Praife him in the power and freedom oi his grace \ praife him in the greatnefs and ett ty of his glory. Praife him* O my foul, for his metric thee 5 praife him for his goodnefs to ali the world. Praife him on- thy choiceft inftrument, tnat of thy heart \ praife him in thy beft wo. tfrofe of the Church. Glory be, &o As it was, &c Ant. Kindle in our hearts, O Lord, 1 holy fire ; that we may offer to thee the fa'ceofe of praife : Alleluja. Capit. Rom. 8. T7T7E are debtors,not to the flefh, to HVe V V according to the flefh : for if live according to the flefh you (hall dy 5 bii by thefpirityoit mortify the deeds of the flefh, you (hall live. For, whoever are led bytheSjpi- ritof God, are the Sons of God :, and if Son ^ then heirs ; Heirs truly of God, and co-Ikv. . of Chrift -, if we fuffer with him, to be alio glorifyM with him. S 3 II 400 Lands for the H. Ghoft. Hymn XXXIV. COme milti and holy Dove. Defcend into our breft 5 Do thou in us, make us in thee For ever dwell and reft. Come and fpread o're our heads Thy foft all-cherifhing wing *, That in its (hade wefafe may fit, And totheepraifes fing. To thee who giv'ft uslife \ Our better life of grace : ~Who giv'ft us breath and ftrength and To run and win our race. (Tpeed* If by the way we faint, Thou reacheft forth thy hand : If our own weaknefs make us fal1> Thou mak'ft our weaknefs ftand. When we are Aiding back, Thou doftour danger ftop*, When we again, alas> are faln> Again thou tak Yt us up : Elfe there we ftill muft ly> And ftill fink lower down ; Our hope to rife is all from thee, Our ruin's all our own. O my ingrateful foul / What fhall our dulnefs do For Lauds for the H+ Ghofl. ^q i For him that does all this for us, Only our love to woo ? We'l love thee then, dear Lord! But thou muft give that love : We'l humbly beg it of thy grace ; But thou our pray'rs mull move* O hear thine own felf fpeak * For thou in us doft pray : Thou can'ft as quickly grant as ask i > Thy grace knows no delay. Glory to thee, O Lord, One Co-eternal three : To Father, Son, and H. Ghclt One equal glory be. Amen. Ant. Come H. Spirit, the free Difpenfer -of all graces •, vifit tht hearts of thy faithful fervants, and repleniih them with thy facred infpirations : illuminate our underftandings* and inflame our affe&ions, and fan&ify aU the faculties of our fouls ; that we may know, and love, and conitantly do the things that belong to our peace, our everlalting peace> Alleluja, Alleluja. Beneditlns, as Page 1 7. Then re- peat Ant. V. Our departing Lord promifed he would not leave us Orphans. R. H. Paraclit: fhew thou fupply'ft his place to us: S4 Let 40A, Lauds for the H. Ghoft. Let us pray. OGod, who miraculoufly fent'ft down the H. Ghoft, tofupply theabfenceof thy Son,and comfort his heartlefs Followers^ in- ftruft them in all things neceflary to their great work, the converfion of the World ! Grant, we humbly befeech thee, that our devout com- memorating thofe fiery tongues, which fate on each of their heads^and producM fuch glorious efFedSomay increafe the fervour of our hearts* to continue and atteft, by ail fruits of grace, the fame Spirits ftill abiding with us \ through our Lord JefusChrift thy Son j who, with thee in the unity of the fame B. Spirit, lives and reigns one God world without end, Amen. Commemorations, &c. Aspag. 29. - im » ftffers for the H. Ghofi. JLN the Name, &c, As/^34.. Ant. We are not our own, but the temples of the H. Ghoft ; let us dedicate our felves in- tirely to his fervice. Pfal. CX1I. COme, let us now again prepare our hearts, and humbly offer this our evening facri- fice. >' Let us clear our heads of all other thoughts ; that fill us, at beft, with nothing but emptinefs. Let us remember our God is a pure Spirit •, and Vefpers for the II Ghoft. 40 ; and delights to dwell in a clean tabernacle : He will not enter a foul that's fubjett to . , nor ftay where he finds his grace negle&ec'- If he vonchfafe us the bleflin^of a vifit : (a ; i O how Heav'nlyTwcct and ravifhing is his ; fence !) Let us open wide our bofoms to receive h'.^:1 andfummon all^our powers to come and enter- tain him. Come,my Underflanding, and bring all t know'ft; all that enlightens thee in the v y to felicity. Come, my Will, and call in all thy love: ; and contraft them into one, and fettle it her? for ever. Come, my Memory, with all thy fwarm-f notions; and forget them all but what con- cerns thy eternity. Come? my whole Soul, with thefe thy fa- culties about thee *, and proftrate adore the ex- ternal Spirit: Behold, He now is with us and fits in our hearts, as on his Throne •, *to receive our pe- titions, and give us hisblefiings'. Ke never will forfake us, if wechace Writ not away :, but guide and comfort us with his holy infpirations. Come then, and with devout eft reverCTce attend •, and hear what the Lord our God wilt' fay. He leads us thus into retirement and filen^e, S 5 and* 404 Vefpers for the H. Gboft. and tfiere familiarly fpeaks to our heart. ^ Tell me,0 you defignM for everlafting hap- pinefs ! tell me now freely, for none fhall in- terrupt us. What do you chiefly delight to think on ? and what do you aim at in all thofe thoughts ? Confider well the queftion I propofe \ and, when you have examin'd your felves, give me your anfwer. O Thou, our merciful* though offended JGpd ! behold thus low we bow our guilty make us look through, and fee beyond it. r Make lis delight in the hope it enjoys ; but incomparably more in the joy it hopes. A joy Fefpers for the H. Ghoft. 407 A joy which none but thy felf can give \ none but thy felf can make capable to receive. Give us, O gracious Lord, thou free Begin- ner,* & perfect Finifherof all vcrtuous anions ! Give us a right Spirit to guide our intenti- ons \ that we may aim directly at our true end. Give us a holy fpiritto fanttify our affecti- ons ; that what we rightly delign, we may pioufly purfue : Give us an heroick fpirit to confirm cur hearts-, that what we piouily endeavour, we may courageoufly atchieve. Suffer not the flefh to deceive us any more : but fortify our fpirit againfl all its aflaults? If the flefh grow bold, and infolently de- mand, *how can you live without thofe liber- ties. Let the fpirit anfwen their Followers are Haves •, and the fervice of God is the only true freedom. If the ficfh alledge, what joy in fuffcring ills, or doing contrary to our own inclinations ? Let the fpirit reply, thatthecrofsof Chriffc is fw cet, and nothing fc glorious as the con- queil ot our (elves- If the flefh infill, what do yon fee or Lear, *or excrcife any Senfe in, but the things of this world ? Let the Spirit immediately enter this protcft, and 408 Vefpers for the H. Ghoft. and may every experienced foul fubfcribe the truth ! #I fee its vanity, and feel its vexation ^ and ' meet in every thing its falfenefs and dan- ger. Away then flefh and blood, away deceit- ful World ; you cannot enter into the King-- dom of Heav'n. You were created only to ferve us in the way •, and fet us down at our Journeys end. Away with all your fond deluding dreams -7 be banilht for ever from our awakened fouls. Come thou to us bleft fpirit of Faith ! and govern our lives with thy holy maxims. Subdue our Senfe to the diftates of Rea- fo^ \ and perfect our Reafon with the Myfte- ries of Religion. Teach us so love and fear what we fee not now, as at too great a diftance for our ihort fight : But what we are fure will hereafter be * our blifs or mifery for ever- Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Asa. Quicken us by thy grace, 0 H. Spi- rit } that we may thorowly mortify the works -of the flefh. Ant. Deliver us, O gracious God, from every evil fpirit, and vouchfafe to give us thine own good fpirit. Vcfpers for the H. Ghoft* qop Pfat. CXIV. LEt not our Lord be angry, and we will fpeak yet once •, for we have much to ask, and He has infinite to give. We have much to ask for our felves and all the world •, who depend intirely on his free goodnefs. Many, O Lord, are the graces we want i and none can give them but thy bounty. Many are the fins and miferies we are ex- posed to j and none can deliver us but thy Pro= vidence. Deliver us, O Lord, from what thou know'ft is againft us ; deliver us from what we our felves know will undo us. Deliver us from the fpirit of Prophanenefs and Infidelity, from the fpirit of Error and Schifm and Herefy. Deliver us from the fpirit of Pride and A- Tarice ; from the fpirit of Anger and Sloath and Envy. Deliver us from the fpirit of Drunkennefs and Gluttony ; from the fpirit of Lull, and Wantonnefs, and Impurity : Deliver us, O gracious God, from every evil fpirit -, and vouchfafe to give us thine own good fpirit. Vouchfafe to give us the fpirit of Forti- tude; the Spirit of Temperance and Jultice and Prudence : The -fpirit of Wifdom and Under/landing, and 4 1 o Vefpers for the H. Ghofi^ and Counfel \ the Spirit of Knowledg, and Piety? and Fear of Thee. The Spirit of Peace, and Patience, and Be- nignity •, the fpirit of Humility, Sobriety, and Charity. O Thou, who never deny^ thy favours-} unlefs we firit deny our obedience ! Thou, who art often near us? when we are far from thee 7 often ready to grant? 'when we are unmindful to ask ! Refufenot? O Lord, to hear us, now wre call on Thee \ and make us ftill hear Thee when thou call'ft to us- Fill our Underftandings with the knowledg of fucli Truths,- as may fix them on thee the eternal Verity. Inure our Wills' to unbrace fuch objects, as may unite them to thee the fovereign Good^- cefs. Shew us the narrow way that leads to life ; the way which few can find, and fewer follow. Guide us (till on in the middle path of ver- tue *, that we never decline to any vicious ex- treme. Let not our Faith grow wild with fuperfiu- ous branches ; nor be ftript into a naked and fruitlefs trunck : Let not our hope fwel up to a raft prefump- tion , nor ihrink away into a faintdefpair. Let not our Charity be cooPd . into a carelefs iadiiferency *, nor heated into a furious zeal. But But above all, fuffer us not, O thou B. and H. Spirit / to be guilty of thofe unpardonable /ins againft Thy felf : Suffer us not obftinately to perfift in any known vvickednefs ; nor malicioufly impugn any known truth. Suffer us not to dy in our fins without re- pentance; but O have mercy onus in thatfe- rious hour. Have mercy on us, and govern us in our life j have mercy on us, and fave us at our death. Glory be, &c% As it was, &c. Ant. Deliver us, O gracious God, from every evil fpirit ; and vouchfafe to give us thine own good fpirit. Capit* Gal. 5. NOw, the works of the flefh are manifeft j fornication, uncleannefs, impudicity, luxury, ferving of Idols ; witchcrafts, enmi- ties, contentions, emulations, angers, brawls, difTenfions, feds, envies, murders-, drunken- nefs, banquetings, and fuch like: which I foretell you, that they who do fuch things (hall not obtain the Kingdom of God. But the Fruit of the fpirit is Charity, Joy, Peace, Pa- tience, Benignity, Goodnefs, Long-fuffering, Mildnefs, Faith, Modefty, Continency, Cha- ttily -, againft fuch there is no Law. And they who are Chrift's, have CrucifyM their Flefh with its vices and concupiscences, if we live in the Spirit, in the Spirit let us walk. Let'ns not 4 1 i Fefpersfor the H. Gktft. - not be covetous of vain Glory : envying one; another, provoking one another. Hymn XXXV. COme H- Spirit, fend down thofe beams* Which gently flow, in filent ftreams, From thy bright Throne above : Come Thou enricher of the poor. And bounteous fouree of all our ftore % Come, fill us with thy lore. Come Thou our fouls delicious Gueft 5 The wearied Pilgrim's fweeteft reft * The Sufferer's bell relief: Come Thou our paffions cool Allay ; Whofe comfort wipes all tears away> And turns to joy all grief. Come thou bright Sun,lhoot home thy darted Pierce to the center of our hearts> And make our Faith love thee : Without thy grace> without thy light, Our ftrength is weaknefs, our day nighty We can nor move, nor fee. Lord wafli our fmful ftains away ; Water fromHeav'n our barren clay j Our many bruifes heal : To thy fweet yoke our ftifFnecks bow ; Warm with thy fire our hearts of fnow \ Our wandering feet repeal. O grant thy Faithful, deareft: Lord, Whofe only hope is thy fure word, The Vefpcrs for the H. Ghoft* 413 The feven gifts of thy Spirit: Grant us in life t'obey thy grace ; Grant us at death to fee thy face \ And endlefs joys inherit. All glory to the facred three One ever-living Deity, All powV and blifs and Praife : As at the firft when time begun, May the fame homage ftill be done, Till time it felf decays. Amen. Ant. BlefTed be thy Name, O H. Spirit of God, who divideft thy gifts to every one as thou pleafeft, and workeftallin all I In Thee our forrows have a Comforter to allay them, and our fins an Advocate to plead for them \ in Thee our ignorances have a guide to direft them ; and our frailties a Confirmer to ftreng- then them ; and all our wants a God to relieve, them: Alleluja* Alleluja. Magnificat ■, as Page 44. Then re- peat Ant. V. By thy precious fruits Thou art furely known. R. Controlling all the manifeft works of the fleftu Let us Pray. OGod, who by thy H. Spirit didft at firft eftablifh and fanftify thy Churchy and 'by the fame Spirit dolt ftill preferve and go- vern it ! Hear we befeech Thee, the pray'rs of 414 Vefpers for the H. Ghofi. of thy fervants, and mercifully grant ns the perpetual afififtance of thy grace y that we never be deceived by any falfe Spirit, nor o- vercome by the vicious fuggeftions of flefh and blood -, but in all our dov.bts be dire&ed into the way of truths and in all our aftions guided by thy H. Spirit \ who with Thee and* thy c- ternal Son, lives and reigns One God, world without end,- Amen. - V. O Lord hear, &c. Asi^46* . Then fay the Complin of the day \ for thit Office has none of- its oiw^ TI^E! C 4*5 > ;_ 1 THE OFFICE For the B. Virgin. On her days of Obligation, fay all .proper {as in Feftivals~) Elje as Follows. MATINS. lntrodu&ion> as page 1. Jnvit. Hail Mary full- of grace ; our Lord is with thee. . YmXAUry full of grace^our Lord is with thee. Pfal. CXV. H Ail Virgin! Mother of the Worlds Re- deemer-, and glorious Queen of Saints and Angels : may all the Nations of the Earth confefs thy greatnefs, and all the Quires of Heav'n ling praifes to thy Name. HzilMary full of grace, our Lord is with thee. Hail full of grace:, who by that Holy title art far more honoured then by all thy Privi- ledges } 4x6 Matins for the B. Virgin. A ledges : while thy wtiole Soul was replenifli'd with the love of God, and by that love made fit to enjoy him. RailMary full of grace,our Lord is with thee; Our Lord, the eternal Son of the Father, Second Perfon in the Sacred Trinity ; who xhofe thee out, among all the Daughters of Men ; to advance thee to the dignity of Mo- ther of God. HzilAfary fullof grace,our Lord is with thee. With thee, while here thou livMft below onourearth,toprote&&fanttify thee by his fpecial Grace : with thee, while now thou fhin7fl above inhisHeav'n, to be himfelftby everlafting Glory. HailMary full of grace,our fcordfis with thee. Glory be, &o As it was, &c. Hail Mary full, &c. Hail Mary full, &c- Hymn XXXVI. HAil Second Eve \ Eve without blot, Born to wafh out the firft E ve's fpot ! Mothers both of humane race, She by Nature, Thou by Grace. By the Serpent, ticM to Pride, Firft (he finnM, and then (he dy'd \ Poys'ning with the fatal Fruit, All her Branches in their root. Humility rais'd Thee to tread On that Serpents braifed head. Thy Matins for the E. Virgin. 417 Thy Fruit heafd th' envenom'd wound, ReftorM, and made us far more found* She left us heirs to pain and grief > Ills without number or relief ; Heirs to a Death, which chang'd all thefe To worfe, to endlefs miferies. Now our Inheritance is flore OfBleffingshere, and hopes of more: No fting, no frights in Death remain j We dy not> but are born again. - Happy difference ! happy we Who curfes turn'd to bleiTings fee ! Happy Thou, Conduit of our Good ! Happy *fl He who is the Flood / To the Father and the Son, And H. Spirit three and One, Bleifing, Praife and Glory be All time and all Eternity. Amen. Ant, From a Woman came the beginning of fin, arid by her we all dy : Pfal. CXVI. NOt to thy great Creator, Ungrateful Man \ but to thy carclefs felf give all the blame. He made thee Juft, and all his Creatures good y and meafurM their goodnefs by their ufefulnefs to Thee : For whom, and for whofe fake alone He made them , and to whofe only fervice He freely gave them. Angels 4 1 8 Matin s for the B. Fir gin. Angels immediately fuftain'd by the Power of God, could never need them} and being pure Spirits, could never ufe them. Mens Bodys mull themfelves in time decay ; and cannot be the end of what they cannot out-live. Man therefore, composed of both thefe Na- tures 5 a Mortal Body, and an Immortal Soul : Fitted by the one to need and ufe this world; and by the other qualify 'd to furvive it. Man is alone the end of all this beauteous frame •, man is the Ruler and Lord of all the Earth : There to employ and fuflain himfelf^ and improve in the love of his infinite Bene- factor. Till by degrees grown ripe for the other Life, he mildly fhould pafs away and be tranf- lated to Eternity. ButO •' unhappy Eve forfeited all this:, by wilfully difobeying the Divine Command. She would go walk a while near the for- bidden Tree ; and fee at lea ft the dange- rous Fruit- There the malicious Tempter finds hera- lone-, unguarded by the prefence of her wifer Husband. She unadvifedly entertains difcourfe ; and fears not to converfe with one whofe plot was to betray her. But ftands and liftens to his flattering lyes : and Matins for the B. Virgin. 4 1 9 and looks again on the enticing fruit : Often and long and earneftly (he looks up- on it, and reckons to her felf its rare per* fedtions : To delight the eye, and pleafc the taft> * and enrich the underftanding with variety of knowledg. Thefe conceits redoubled in her fancy \ till they grew too ftrong to be governM by Rea- fon- Then over- born by Paflion fhe takes and eats, and becomes her felf the Tempter of her Husband. He fondly obeys his Wifes foft words'* and, to gratify her, offends his Maker. Thus were they both engagM in that fatal Rebellion, which deftroy'd themfeives and their whole Pofterit^ O God, who, in thy fclf-fubliftingEfler.cc, art the perfedt Fulnefs of increated Being ! And, in thy overflowing Bounty, macrii the world, * the perfecft Fulnefs of ere* Being ! Behold the definition thy Enemy wrought, and let not his malice prevail gainft thy Goodnefs. Take pity, O Lord ! on the works oft own hands i take pity on us for thy me! lake. Deliver us from the temptations to us, deliver us from thofe to which we T Dcii- 4 2 o iviatins for tue tst Virgin. Deliver men from the allurements of Wo- men ; and Women from the importunities of Men. Deliver us all from the fnares of the Ser- pent ^and reftore us to thy favour, and con- firm us in thy grace ! Glory be, &c As it was, &c. Ant. From a Woman came the beginning Ci i'in ; and by her we ail dy. Am. As -by a Woman came fin and death*, fo, by the Fruit of a Woman came Grace and Life. Pfil. CXVIL NOt to thy felf, proud man ! not to thy felf $ -but to thy great Creator give all the Glory. We eaiily could fall, but could not rife a* ga>n •, we could offend our Gcd, but not fo much as ask his pardon. But yet before we ask'd heheard * the voice of our neceffities crying up to Heaven : He heard and pityM our deplorable condi- tion :, andjon the Bench of Juftice remember'd Mercy. While-he pronouncM his Sentence againft • every Offender ; he favourably di'ftinguifh'd betwixt the weak and the malicious : Reprieving immediately the life of Man*, end promifmg in time a full Redemption : With his own mouth, which cannot fail, he promised ; 2 'the Worn* :rcak^ A Maths for the B. Virgin. 4 2, i A Virgin flail conceive and bear a Sony and his name JhaU be called God with us. A branch flail Jhoot out of the fiocl^ of Jefle \ and from the root of that branch flail faring a Flower. He is the chofen one in whom my Son! delights : He flail give Law to the Gentiles. He flail deftroy Death for ever ; and rf his Kingdom flail be no end. This as thy mercy freely promised, Ogra* dousLord!the fame unchangeable mercy faith- fully performed. Behold an Archangel fent down from hcav'n, not to Jerufa!em0 but to private Na- zareth : Not to the Palace of fome mighty Princefs ; but to the mean Cottage of an humble Virgin : One meanly efpous'd to an ordinary Trades- man j a match made up for nobler ends then wealth or pleafure : One ftill imploy'd; either at her work, which is good Devotion \ * or at her Devoti- on, which is a better work. To her , retirM in her little Oratory, and re- ligioufly watching in Prayer and Meditation, Behold the glorious Angel reverently ap- proaches, with words all full of Honour and Religion : She chaftly fears to converfe alone ; the doubly fafe in his and her own Vertue. She modeftly is troubled to hear her fetf T 2 prais'dj T2, M&ttns for the B. Virgin. praised j though all was juftly due to her per- lecftions. She wifely ponders ail he had faid \ and with a patient filence attends the reft. At laft Ihe fpeaks \ and, in a few fit words, * implies what Ihe believes, and propofes what fhe doubts. He, to encourage -her Faith, and fatisfy her queftion, difcourfes the manner of this great Myftery. Enforcing his Argument with the inftance of a miracle, and preventing all Objections with the Omnipotence of God. She, thus convinced, replys no more, but in thefe humble words refigns her felf : Behold the handmmd of our Lord^ be it done to me according to thy word. Come now, come all you pious fouls, who bear Devotion to the B . Virgin : Come, and joyn all together in this glorious Anthem, composed by no lefs then a bright Archangel. Hail Marry full cf graee$ cur Lord is with thee ; blejfed art thou among Women. Come, and when you have thus celebrated her Honour ; remember you apply your felves to imitate her Lifef- Learn of her to be chafte and modeft*, to know the times of fpeech and filence : To reflrain your own words to few and pertinent j and hear thofe of others with re- ipedt and patience : To Matins for the B. Virgin. 423 To inure your fclves to think and confide^ and not rafhly engage in any weighty aftio To propofe your difficulties with rar/ and prudence:, and readily yield to Reafoa- and Authority : But? above all, to adore the infinite Power of God •, and Hill conclude your wi(hes with fubmiflion to his Will. Glory be, &c- As it was> &c. Ant. As by a Woman came Sin and Death (o by the Fruit of a Woman came Grace and i A.t. Whence is this to me, that the tti& ther of my Lord fhould come to me ? T[aL CXVIII. BUt fhe w7ould humble her felf yet move ir and become the Handmaid even of her Neighbour : Her heart was full and ran over with joy h and fhe would feek a Friend fit to receive it. Quickly (he puts in practice what (lie had wifely refolvM ; and goes on foot to vifit the-' devout Elizabeth. She goes in haft, & ftaysnot by the way ; un~ lefs perhaps for Religion, to vifit the Temple : There to adore her God, and offer up her felf; and the miraculous Firil- fruits of her Virgin- Womb : Soon as her Piety had performM its duty : fhe returns to her work, and finifhes her Journey : Entriqg the houfe with a cheerful modelty \ and fainting her holy Kinfwoman with a reve- rend Love. T 3 And' 424 Maths for the B. Virgin. And here behold an admirable interview ; behold a glorious fcene made all of Miracles! The Barren Mother, and a child the grea- teftofMcn; the Virgin-Mother, and an In- fant the God of Heav'n ! Behold how they all perform their parts \ and all in order to the Worlds Redemption. The venerable Elizabeth _j§ ravifht with joy \ and bleffes the Virgin-Mother, and her adorable Son. The Virgin-Mother is tranfported ev'nto extafy ; and magnifies our Lord in that fwee- teft Canticle. The great Prccnrfor begins betimes his Of- fice ; and in his Mothers W omb leaps for joy. While all this time the Son of God invifib-ly moves them ; and works with his almighty grace all thefe wonders in them. If their firft meeting produc't fuch excellent effe&s, * think what a Heavenly life they led the whole three months. Think how the Mother of our Lord hum- bled her felf j to affifl: with all diligence the Mother of his fervant. Think how the good Elizabeth efteemed her felf exalted, to be the fervant of the Mou- ther of our Lord. Think how they both fincerely contended"* in Love and honour to prevent one another : Think how they often retired to their pri- vate Prayers, to enflame their own fouls with the. divine Fire Think tins for the B. Virgin. Think how they often met together in pi- ous conferences ; to encreafe that holy FL by their mutual fervors : Each heartily rejoycing at the improveir. of the other ; and by that excellent Chancy each improving her felf. O you devout Sex ! look dill on thefe bright mirrors; and by their pure Reflexions drefs your lives. Let there be found among you no Pride, nor Envy : no hafty Anger, nor deliberate Malice : No vain Superfluity, nor fordid Avarice 9 no churlifh Sullennefs, nor fcandalous Levity. toLet there be found no cenfuring Humour* talk ill of others *? and misinterpret and difpraife their Anions : No fond conceits to , think well of your felves y and be only pleafed with thofe who. flatter you : But converfe together, like this incompa- rable Pair j in peace and love, and mutual affiftance. And you, O Men, who boafl: the advantage * ofycur Sexj come you and gather fomthing too, from thefe Examples : Diftrufl: not a Myltery becaufe 'tis obfeure ; but firmly believe becaufe 'tis certain: Decline not a good work becaufe 'tis diffi- cult j but readily undertake it becaufe 'tis profitable : Increafmg here the comfort of your Hope 3 T 4 and 4 16 Matins for the B. Fir gin. and in the life to come the fweetnefs of your Fruftion : But. let us ail, both Sons and Daughters of our firit Parents * confefs our felves ftain'd y/ith the fame Original Impurity. Let us confefs our felves guilty of many a&ual Tranfgrefllons ; and humbly beg the prayers of thefe great Saints. Of thefe and all the glorious Quires of Heav'n *, to obtain for us the pardon of our Sins. Let us implore the mercy of JESUS ; to" hear their prayers and relieve our wants. To guide and'ftrengthen us with his holy grace ; and crown his grace with cverlafting glory. Glory be, &c. As it was* Sec Ant. Whence is this to me, that the Mo- ther of our Lord fhouldcometomel Our Father- - Firft Lejfon. Gen. 3. 22. 26. zS. f \ Nd our Lord God faid to the Serpent •, I jL-L will put enmity between thee and the woman, and thy feed and her feed: (he (hall break thy head ffl pieces. And the Angel of our Lord from Heav'n called Abraham the fe- cond time, faying ; I have fworn by my felf> fayes our Lord, becaufe, thou haft done this thing, and notfpared thy only Son forme ; I will blefs thee, and multiply thy feed as the liars of Heav'n, and as the fand that is on the Sea Matins for the B. Virgin. 417; Sea-fhore : They fhall poffefsthe gates of their Enemies ; and all Nations of the Earth fhall be blefled in thy feed, becaufc thou haft obeyM my Voice. And our Lord appear'd to Ijaac, and faid, To thee and to thy feed I will give : all thefe Countrys, accomplifhing the Oath which 1 fware to Abraham thy Father ; And in thy feed fhall be blefled all Nations of the Earth. And Jacob faw in his fleep our Lord leaning upon a Ladder, faying to him, I am the Lord God of Abraham thy Father, and the God of Jfimc : the Land wherein thou fleepeft 1 will give to thee and to thy feed. And thy feed fhall be as the drift of the earth : Thou* fhalt be fpread to the Eaft and Weft, and North and South. And all the Tribes of the Earth fhall be blefTed in thee, and in thy feed. Rcf. Frailty of Man, and Goodnefs of God ! we were no fooner made, but finn'd ; we no fooner fionM, but he fhewM mercy : giving us • prefent afluram e of relief, and confirming that afliirance by often promifes. * Thy Head fhrJ.l be crufht, proud ferpent ; and, 'fpight of thy malice, all Nations of the Earth be once again blefied. We are glorioufly re- vengM cf our treacherous Enemy ; a woman was feducM to eat the forbidden Fruit which undid us-, and a Woman fhall be rais'd to brine; forth a bkffed Fruit which fhall fave us. * Thy Head fhall be ** T 5 Sc~ 4x§ Matins for tfo B. Virpn< Second LeJJon. Ifai, 7. ANd our Lord fpake farther to Aehaz^, faying: Ask thee a fign from the Lord thy God^ in the depth below, or height above. And Achaz. fay'd, I will not ask and tempt the Lord. And he fay'd, Hear then, O houfe of David! Is it a fmall matter for you to be 6 oublefom to men? that you are alfo trouble- fom to God ! Therfore (hall our Lord himfelf give you a fign. Behold, a Virgin lhall con- ceive,and bring forth a fon, and his name /hall be called Emannel. He (hall eat Butter and Ho- ny, that he may know to refufe.evil and chufe good, Ref. Hear houfe of David I hear the joyful news : That woman which mercy was pleasM to promife, Omnipotence is pleas'd fhould be both a Mother and a Virgin. *And with ex- tafies of Gratitude and joy refledt, that Omr nipotence joyns with Mercy to redeem Man- kind. Let us pray our Emanuel to be true to his name? and be always with us : kt us pray him to make us always with him : Let us make way for our prayers, by always flying evil and following good. * And with extar fiss- Third Ltjjon^ Luk. 1.. ANd in the fixth Month, the Angel Ga- briel was fent from God to a City of Ga- lilee naoKd Na^areth^ to a Virgin, efpoufed to Maths for the B. Virgin. 429 to a man whofe name was pojeph, of the houfe" of David; and the Virgins name was M And the Angel, coming in unto her, faid. Hail full of grace, our Lord is with thee, BIcffed artthoif among Women. And, whenfhe hear J' hintjihe was troubled at his faying, & thought within her felf what manner of falutation this fliould be. And the Angel faid to her, Fear not Mary, for thou haft found grace with God : Behold thou (halt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and flialt call his name Jefus: He (hall be great, and called the Sen of the moft High ; and our Lord God fhall give him the Throne of his Father David^rA he (hall reign in the Houfe of Jacob forever^, and of his Kingdom there fhall be no end. Then faid Miry to the Angel , how fhall this be done, becaufe 1 know no man ? And the Angel anfwerM and faid to her , the Holy Ghoft fhall come upon thee, and the power of the moft High overfhadow thee, therefore slfo that holy thing which fhall be born of thee fhall be called the Son of God. And be- hold thy Cofln Elizabeth , fhe hath-alfo con- ceiv'd a. Son in her old age, and this is the fixth month with her who was called barren : for with God no word fhall be irrrpolfible. And -Mary faid-, behold the Handmaid of our Lord, be it done to me according :o thy word. Acfp. Behold the merciful promifes at laffc accom* 430 Jbauds for the B. Virgin. accomplilht! behold Her by whofe feed the Serpent's head thall be crufht ! behold Him in whom all the Tribes of the Earth ihall be blefTed. *BleiTed art thou among Women, and blefied is the fruit of thy Womb. The depth of the Myftery itagger'd not her Faith, riot her new greatnefs her humility : it feem- ed impoffiblc> but yet Ihe believed \ (he was exalted to the honour of Mother of God, j$t remained his Hand-maid. *Blefled art shou- ■ • — * Glory be, &c. —BlefTed art thou ; Te Deum. ■ As fage 16. Paufe thw- — - v.O. Lauds for thz B> Virgin. JWx help is in &c. As ?wt 47. An. Congratulate me all you that love our Lord: becaufe, being but little, I pleafed the Higheft, and of my Bowels engendered God and Man. PfuL CXIX. PRaife our Lord all you Nations of the; Earth ; praife him for the mercies vouch- -faf't hisB. Mother. He that is mighty has done great things to her \ and holy is his Name- He fanftify'd her with an early grace ; a grace which tound her out in her Mothers Womb: And Lauds for the B. Virgin. 4|r And there prepared and began to build *a pure Ark for the living God. He took care of her Infancy and Youth -7 and priviledgM them with the B Idling of well- fpent Age. Thole years which carelefs Education play9 away, till we trifle our hearts into a love of vanity : By little follies training up our fouls to grea- ter; and corrupting our Tafte till it rellifli nothing elfe Thofe years which, when improved at belt, by the happy care of wifer Difcipline, Serve but to till the foyl and receive the feed * for a backward and often barren Spring ; He made, in her, bring forth their fruit i both in perfeftion and in abundance ; That when the Angel firft appeared. He found her already full of Grace. Fit to be o'refhadowed by the power of the moft High 3 fit, of the Handmaid, to become the Mother of God. He expefted her confent to redeem the World, and glorioufly woo'd it by an Embaf- fador from Heav'n. For her he changed the courfe of Nature, and made her at once a Mother and a Virgin. For her he chain'd up the power of Sin, and freed her from the curfe of bringing forth with pain. She 4 1 % LauAs for the B. Firgirr. She receivM Commifllon from Heaven, to give that fweet Name to which all knees muft bend. To her was intruded the joy of Men and Angels ; fhe fed and cloathM the giver of all things. His tender years paft under her Govern- ment, and the Creator of the Univerfe was fubjeft to Her : ; And, as infinite Bounty ufes firlt to give, * then, by thofe Gifts, make way for more and greater: He overflowed her into a larger channel •, then overflow'd that Channel with a larger Flood. He out-did the priviledge, to conceive him in her Womb\ by a greater Grace, to con- ceive Him in her mind. He filled her foul with numberlefs bleflings, and thofe the beft of BlefTings, Vertues. Hejdaily fhed new beams into her Under- Handling ; beams of fublime and pure and holy Light. He daily kindled new flames in her Will } flames of cha»fte and ftrong and active Love. Which made her flill approach more near; and unite, more clofely, and adhere more firmly. Nature, a heavy load toothers, hardly and flowly drawn to good : Turn:d Grace, in her, and helpM her for- ward„ Lauds for tho B. Virgin. 433 ward, fmoothing her way and quickning her pace: While prefling likewife on to the fame end, it made the Mother raife the Saint •* And flic with her whole united ftrength, lov'd at once her God and Son : Whom neither Man nor Angel can love like her, fince he is to none what he is to her : One Objeft (training the utmoft force* both of Rational and Animal Nature. And not altogether another thing, butev'n a piece of her vcryfelf. Blefled for ever be the fruit of thy womb, who has made thee blefled among women " Blefled through all Generations and be- yond, blefled among Saints and Angels to e- ternity. O may we all fulfil her holy Prophecy, and by calling her Blefled become blefled our felves- Glory be, &c. As it was? &c. Pfal. CXX. P Raife our Lord all you Nations of the Earth, Praife him for the mercies Vonch- faf M you by his B. Mother. Mercies fo various in their kirds, and mr- merous in their particulars j and yet, alas, all needed by us. Lift up your eyes to heav'n and fee * how high.- if fin deprefsM it not, our Nature may be raisM. Bluft 434 Lauds for the B. Firgin. Blufh at the low contemptible aims * of our prepofterouily foolifh Ambition. Purfuing poor and fhort and feldom-com- paft vanities *, and negle&ing true,and infinite^ and fecure happinefs. Neglefting to enter the always open gates of blift, negle&ing to poflefs the Throne that Hands ready for us. She who fits on the higheft was once one of us ; and mounted by fteps in which every one may follow. Her life is ftorM with patterns of all forts \ 'tis but taking out thofe which fit us. If thou art Great? lookup to her $ though greateft in ■ vertue, yet great tooev'n thy way : Sprung from the glorious race of Kings ; Mother of the Soveraign King of Kings. Learn to magnify, as (he did, God for all his gifcs y to acknowledg them his, and thy felf but his Steward. Learn to place, as (he did, thy Greatnefs right \ not in Honours* or Vifits* even of Kings or Angels: But in thy hopes of the truly great things to come, and remaining here the handmaid of our Lord. If thou art Poor, repine not at thy lot : great as (he was, fhe keeps thee Company. Poorly marry'd and poorly maintained ; lodg'd among Bealts, and brought to bed in a Stable/ Unva- Lauds for the B. Virgin. 43 5- Unvalued amongft men,and unregarded^ yet always quiet, always contented. Learn not to fear Poverty, which never [un- derstand often encreafes the riches of Vertue. Not to think him poor who mifles theTrea- fures of this world ^ but hun who Jays up none lathe other. You that have Bufinefs make her your Ex- ample •, charg'd, but not difturb'd with grea- ter cares then yours. She had, as you perhaps, a Family to pro- vide for \ Friends to comply with, long Jour- nies to go : But you have not,asflie, the Heir of Heav'n in your charge } to be fecur'd againft united Power and Malice. And yet fhe went through all with a fteady pace •, never turning out of,nor flopping in her way. Learn,that Variety of employments is from unerring Providence, but the diftra&ion from your faulty felves. Learn to difpatch your many affairs with care ; but be follicitous only for the Neceflary One : Learn to let no multitude divert you from it •, learn to make them all carry you to it. You that have leifure make her your exam- ple -, and learn to improve it to your belt adr vantage. To fail in no poin^no circumftance of duty, but 43 6 Lauds for the B. Virgin. but accomplifh all things according ta the law of God. Garefully to lodge the words of HeavV in your heart; and diligently prefcrve and often ponder them. In holy Company and -at holy Exercifes, with Mary the Mother of Jefus,. Hill to make one. But, fhall we vainly think, by reckoning- one by one, * to funi up all the benefits received by her? Benefits of example, benefits of prayers; benefits of comfort,& encouragement & hope.4- Bell we may guefs at the numberlefs ftreams, by looking upon the inexhauftible* fource. Every good and perfed gift proceeds from God, and God was pleas'd to proceed from her. This Mercy of Mercys let us never forget •, this Mercy of Mercys let us pften repeat : By the Blefled Mother we received Him, from whom we have both her and every good. Glory be, &c As it was, &o. Pfal. cxxr. PRaife our Lord you happy Nations of Heav'n •, praife him you whom praife be- comes : Impure lips pollute the holy Sacrifice \ we fhould firft learn to praife him with our Lives. But wely afleepin a Lethargy offing nei- ther Lauds for the B. Virgin. , 437 ther his commands nor our own danger can keep us watching. Sometimes we wake a little and repent", then fink down into the fame follies and fleep again. My God, when (hall I thorowly fhake off" this drowfinefs, and rife and run in the ways of thy command. Whlat fweetnefs is it to think of thee, what happinefs to love, what a Heaven to poflefs thee. Yet thou ly'ithid, and I feek thee not-, thou art near, and I find thee not. Overcome our perverfe Laiinefs, Almighty Goodnefs! and mercifully compel us to come to thee. Add this one more to thevafl heap of thy mercys, but one without which all the reft are ufelefs: Give us efFe&ually to will and to doj and fuf- fer not thy grace in us to be void. Mean while we will humbly beg the blefl Quires above . * to fupply our defeats and praife thee for us. And by attending to their holy Songs, learn and hope to firig one day with them. ■ Praife hint you bright flaming fpirits, for railing his humble handmaid above you all : And teach us to blefs and truft the power of grace, whofe unbounded flights cv'n your Nature reaches not. Teach us you, who, with a contented resig- nation 4 3 8 Lauds for the B. Virgm. nation* faw *an inferiour Creature become your Queen \ The way to fecure glory is to fubmit, * with- out envy or murmur, to all decrees of Pro- vidence- Praife him you glorious Apoftles, for her Perfe&ions, of which you were once the day- ly Wknefles. And which you have taken care to inftruft the world ^exceeded yours, the chofen ones of the Son of God. For, you fled frighted, and left him in his diftrefs ; her fearlefs love never forfook him. If we cannot reach the height of her exam, pie \ never to fall, never to Humble. Let us learn the next degree of you •, when fallen, quickly to rife again. Not to defpair and give over for loft> if we happen to be mif-led by frailty \ But haft to return into our way again, and purfue our journey with greater care. Praife him you generous Martyrs, who re- fitted to death ; and enter'd the Land of Pro- mife through the red Sea of your blood. Praife him for her, whofe vidlory was grea- ter then yours ; fince no Sword cuts like the fword of forrow. And teach us the true courage, to fear no- thing but fin ; and with a virtuous violence to carry HeaYen. Praife him you ftedfaft Confeflbrs, who, by pofTefling Lauds for the B. Virgin. 439 poileffing here *your fouls in patience, pofleft them now in glory. Teach us to follow hers and your Example ; and never be afhamed of the Crofs of Chrilt : To Hand unmov'd the (hock of all Temptati- ons \ and believe to Jultice, and confefs to Sal- vation. .Praife him you pure Virgins, whofechafte hearts *were always fit temples of the H. Gholt. Praife him for her, vvhofe greater purity *was fo happy a pattern and encouragement to yours. ' You faithfully labourM in gathering the true Riches \ yet happy (lie out- went you all. Teach us to be like you, ctean of heart •, that we may with you enjoy the bleft effett, to fee God. Praife him thy felf, O B. Virgin ! who bell canfl do what can be well done by Crea- tures. Praife the unexhaufted fource of Bounty; never thelefs rich for enriching others. Praife him for fnowering down that Bounty on thee ; for thou hadft nothing but what he gave thee. Praife him for fhowTering it down in fuch plenty, and giving thee the perfections of all. Martyrs had courage, ConfefTors Conftanr . cy, * Virgins Purity \ but thou all Vcr- tues. Praife 440 Lauds for the B. Virgin. 4 Praife Him ; and with thy praifes mingle thy prayers, that we too at laft may praife Him with thee. Glory be Sec. As it was &c. Ant. Congratulate me all you that love our Lord : becaufe, being but little, I pleafed the Higheft, and of my Bowelk engendered God and Man : Capit. Mzt. i. BEhold the Angel of our Lord appeared to Jofeph in his deep, faying, Jofeph thou Son of David, fear not to take Mary thy Wife : for, that which is conceived in her is of the H. Ghoft. And (he fhall bring forth a Son, and thou fhalt call his Name JESUS ? for he fhall fave his People from their Sins. Hymn XXXVI. LEt our praifes ftill go on, Hearts and tongues devoutly vy> To fing with holy Harmony, The great Mother and greater Son. What fhe had, (lie had from Him, What (he had from him, fhe had : To both we jultly pay the glad Tribute of our humble Hymn. Great in the ftreams of glorious blood, Greater in humility. The Lauds for the B. Virgin. 441 Th£ humble Handmaid's railed to be Daughter, Mother, SpoufeofGod. What Heav'n and Earth cannot contain Lay fhut up in the narrow room Of her fpotlefs Virgin- Womb: Got without fliame, born without pain. • Her miraculous purity- Was, by God Almighty Grace Forcing Nature to give place, Fruitful in Virginity. To him, from whom is all our Good, Life, and food? and all we have, And all we hope, her chaft Womb gave Bis life? her facred Breads his food. He whofe Commands. the raging Sea. And lawlefs Winds, and ftubborn Fate Obey, and trembling Angels wait, Himfelf to her would fubjed be. To her blefled Womb we ovv AH our bleilings, all our good -: Since we ovv that precious blood, Whence our hopes and title flow, Toth' undivided Trinity, Powerfal Father, and Wife Son, And H. Spirit, three in one, Glory now and ever be. Amen, A*£± Fear not Mrryy for thou haft found Grace with God : Blefled art tliou among women. B:- 44* Vefpers for the B. Virgin. BenedittHs^ as Page 27. And re- peat Ant. V- Behold the Handmaid of our Lord. R. Be it done to me according to thy word. Let us pray. OGod, who, by a ready and obedient Af- fent to thy feeming-impoffible word, vouthfafedffc to fit the B. Virgin Maryy to be- come the miraculous Mother of thy Son ! Fit us, we humbly befeech thee,by a continual live- ly Faith in thy Promifes, and Obedience to thy Commands, to become Co-heirs with him of thy Kingdom ; who with, &c- Commemorations^ &c. As par. 29. Pefpers for the B. Virgin. JlN the Name, &o As Page 34.. Ant. Gracefulnefs is deceitful, and beauty vain : but the Woman that fears our Lord, fhefhallbe praifed. Pfal. CXXII. FOnd (hortnefs of the miftaken World ! un- happy crofsnefs of proud Mortality ! To abound in our own fenfe we think is Wif- dom > and vertue to do what we have a mind to : While things go on as we think fit; and Heaven affords us all we wifh : While we have plenty of Food and Cloaths> and whatever our fupcrfiuity calls convenient : While Vefpersfor the B. Virgin. 443 While all our Humours go on uncheckt* and nothing crofles them either in our felvs or Friends • We make a fhift to live without mur- mur*, and think our felves refigned, becatife we have nothing to complain of. But if the unerring Wifdom of our great Governor * difpofe of things in another or- der: If we feed more hardly, or are cloath'd more courfly ; if we are not what we have bin, or what we would be : We prefently repine, and in our vain hearts * nourilh mutinysof difcontent. Unmindful what we are; meer duft the bell of us * , and to whom nothing at all is due : Unmindful what the world is; never fo bad, * but we may be Saints in it if we will: Unmindful of the promifes of God, and the Hundred- fold* alTurM on thofe who leave any thing for him. Not fo thou, O BlefTed among wromen ! full of wifdom, becaufe full of grace ' Thou kneweft thy Pedigree derived from Kings: yet contentedly marryedit a poor Tradefman. Thou wert honoured with an Embafly from Heav'n ; courted to alliance with the Divinity. And for this became flTfpe&ed by thy huf- U band \ 444 Vefptrs for the B. Fir gin. band ; upon the point of being call off with the taint of a black difgrace. How would another have flood to her de- fence ? how fenfibly refented fo undeferv'd an injury ? When all thy fault was excefs of purity } extraordinarily favoured and made miracu- -.loufly fruitful. Thou hadfl, no doubt, made fome pro- vifion 5 fuch as thy low condition could af- ribrd, Againfl the time of thy approaching Deli- very , to receive the King of heav'n and earth as well as thou could'fl. But 'twas thought fit thou fhouldfl be difap- pointed? and call'd away from thy litle con- veniencies ; Brought a helplefs ilranger to an unknown place-, in which no houfe was open to Thee ; Thruit unregarded to lodg with Beafts, and be delivered in a Stall. Soon as the time and ceremonies were pafl, which the Law appointed for Mothers ; A. new Decree of Providence calPd thee a- way, from thy Friends and Country? intoba- niihraent. Not leaving thee fo much as the poor con- tent, to breath with freedom thy Native air. What had the Mother of God deferv'd, to be expo^a.to.C^h, as we. think harfli To Vefpers for the B. Virgin. 44 J To be deprefsM to fo low a condition ? to be fufpe&ed of infamy ? and by an husband fo juft and pious ? To be made a companion for beafts ? to be carryM from her acquaintance and home ? Alas! the wonder is only in our ignorance, meafuring things by our vain conceits. She, who knew our lots are in the hands of Providence, which never fails to draw the befh That 'tis not what happens? but how we ufe it, which makes the difference betwixt good and bad. Never grumbles, nor thinks her felf hard- ly usM j but does her part? ancl leaves- the reft to Heaven. And fee / Ambition never aimM fo high, as her humble refignation reach't. God takes her protection upon Himfelf, and fets her right in the opinion of her Husband : Exprefly deputing an Angel to Jcfepb) to clear her Innocence and quiet his fufpicions. : ^ He fends down his own heavenly Officers to wait at her Stable, and brings Kings from far to adore and offer Guifts. He infpires the good Elizabeth * to own, and proclaim her blefTed among Women. He infpires herfelf, to know and foretel, that all Generations fliould call her BlefTed. Let Pomp and Greatnefs and the reft * of the foolifhly admir'd out-fides of Happinefs* ' • Produce;if they can,contents like thefe, and U z equal 44^ >Vefpen-for the B. Virgin. .equal the honours of this negle&ed Trades- anans Wife. Let us learn at laft by her example, fecure- Jy to trull the Oracles of truth. To venture our little All in the bottom of Providence, and not doubt the return of an Hundred- fold** To let unerring Wifdom chufe our ways, s and only mind to walk them unblamably. .Glory be* &c As it was, &c. Ant. Gracefulnefs is deceitful and Beauty vain, but the woman that fears our Lord, flie .fliallbepraifed. Ant. Many 'Daughters have gather'd ri- t dies* but Thou halt out-gon them all. Pfat. CXXIIL \X t\TEll 'we will humble and fubmit to V{V Providence -0 we will be wife becaufe * .wemuft.* For, all the grumbling relu&ance of our .proud nothing * qannot fruftrate the pur- pofes of the Almighty. Bleft be his Mercy, which accepts for fer- , vice**: Obedience to a true,but happy neceflity. .For, .we fhould foon be all undone, could our perverfnefs crofs his Goodnefs. But, xeacfrus, perfeft Miftrefs ! left: our • faults * dam up the courfe of his flowing ble£ fings, Teach Vefpers for the B. Virgin. ■ 44^ Teach us what we muft do to keep * our little channels open to the flood. Follow her to the bell place to learn, the- Temple, whither fhe went every year with her Husband. Not oblig'd by the Law given only to men, but carry'd by a Zeal, which needed no com- mand. Blufli at the cold floth? which benums our life * and heavily moves to what is direttly commanded- We take all liberty the law allows* and of- ten ftretch it to alloty us more. When importunity calls on our debts we pay them 5 but are deaf to charity and our' Neighbours wants- We negligently hear a Mafs on a Feftival^ day, and trifle out the reft m idle Divertif- nients : We weakly mean to be happy hereafter; but go on purfoing the impediments of that happinefs ftrongly ; As if two Mailers could be ferv'd at once f as if Heav'n alone were to be purchased for nothing. But O ! the incomprehenfible ways of Pro-, vidence ! while fhe is intent on ferving the Fa- ther, (he lofes the Son : Her eys no longer fee their dearefl light y. her Child isgon, and with him all her com- fort. U 3 What 44^ Vefpersfor the B. Virgin* What doft thou now afflicted Mother! what muft I do, when crofles drown my Soul in bitternefs ? Without complaint, without repining, fhe turns with a quiet care to do her part. She feeks him firft among his kindred and acquaintance ; but among the comforts of this world, ev'n She could not find JESUS : Then, with a prompt fubmiffion, breaks off her journey, and patiently goes back the way the came: Searches thsee days with an unfucceftful di- ligence i and at laft returns agaia to the Tern- Knowing, though worldly endeavours fail, they are never diiappointed who have their re- conrfe to God : There fhe finds, by a joyful experiment, God is nevgr hid from thofe who feek him as they ought, With diligence, and patience, andrefigna- tion ; in holy Places, and holy Company, and holy A&ions. She finds the Goodnefs of God prevents defires right fct ; and before (lie prays, has what fhe would pray for. She finds the Goodnefs of God exceeds de- fires right fet j and receives more than fhe meant to ask. She not only finds immediately her beloved Son j but finds Him honour'd to admiration. Vefpers for the B. Virgin . Yet her cagerncfs to repollefs Him dilbr ders not the Allembly j fhe experts, with a patient and wondring joy, the end. When opportunity fervM, (lie gently quires * why he had left his grieving Parent^ But, by his anfwer, was iiiltruftcd * I ways of Providence were beyond her com- prehenfTon. She underftood not- what he fayM ; but yet flie knew it was the word of God : And harkcnM to it with refpeu, and lay up in her heart Mth care. Could we, with her Humility, acknow- ledg our ignorance*, and not take upon Li in things we underftand not. Patiently wait the time of inftruttion ; a prepare for it by preferring the words of God: Do all that depends on us, as if nothing were expetted from God-, expert all fro::i God, as if nothing depended on us. We might hope, by the happy fuccefs of the Mother*, that Jefus too wTould go with us. We might hope, by the Example of the Son, to profit in grace and wifdom before God and Man. x Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Many Daughters have gathered riches ; but thou haft out-gon them alt. Ant. She openM her mouth to wifdom7 and the Law of mercy was in her Tongue : She- ll 4 conli- 4 5 ° Vefpers for the B. Fir gin. confiderM the ways of her houfe, and eat not her bread in Idlenefs. Pfal. CXXIV. COme, let us pradtife what we have learnt', not always fow and never reap. Getting no more by our vain inquiries, then the fatisfa&ion of a fruitlefs curiofity. 'Tis not knowing what to do will make us happy ; we moft faithfully fall to work, and do what we know. Let us in earneft be refign'd to all God fends \ and, if he fends what feems grievous> have recourfe to him. So fhall our crofTes be either taken away, which is what we defire \ or be turn'd into BleffingSj which is better than what we defire. When by conftant Pra&ice we are perfect in this ; we may come again, and take out a new Leflbn. Follow the comforted Mother from the Temple home •, and fee her turn that into a Temple too. O teach us this important skill \ what un- known fecret hadft thou, to do this ? She did juft what we do* or fhould do •, fuit* ed her mind and adions to her Hate : She led the life of a Wife and Mother \ on- ly (he led it well and perfectly. How do we pull down crofTes by our fol- lies 5 prepofteroufly thwarting the orders of Providence ' While Vefpers for the B. Virgin. 451 While the ignorant Lay- man will play the Divine \ the Divine intrench on the affairs of the World. The Trades-man cenfures the conduct of the State : the man of bufinefs dired the Contemplative : Every one negle&s his own Duty ; and thrufts into his Neighbours, and hinders both him andhimfelf. Let us learn to walk quietly in our own road ; and not ftray into the ways of others : Let the Religious pray, & the Pallor teach 5 the Superior command, and the Subjed obey. All heartily love God? and all earneftly feekhioi; every one in Aftions proper to his Colling : Thofe that are placed in the world with joy rernembring * fhe paft from thence to the higheft Throne in Heav'n : By doing >vell what her place required*, by care of her Family, and regard to he-r Neighbour: Nat abftaining ev'n from the hcufe of feafting ; whither, to our comfort, her Son went with her : That we may be fure no ACtion of oar Cal- ling * if duly perform'd, excludes his Com- pany : 1 hat Heav'n may be purfu'd in the midft of jollity \ and oecafions of practiiing vertue be met with every wkere- U 5 There* 45* Fefpers far the B. rir^m. There, this prudent Gueft, who well urw derftood *the hony of pleafure has often its feret flings ^ ObfervM that negligence or poverty * had like to have exposM the Bridegroom to. ftame* She pities his difirefs, and with a chari- table promptnefs, which Hays not to be in- created to do a good Office. Lays hold on the Occafion to aflilfc her Neighbour, by preferving his credit in the eye of the Company. She turns to her Soir, for, well Jhe knew * whether to go in all diftrefles. To him? obferve the eloquence fhe ufes> fhe only fayes, They have no Wine. Though he feemM backward and uncon- cerned, (he breaks notofFdifcouraged or fro- ward j But feeks to mal^e others do their duty too ; admonilhing therwaiters to obey his directi- ons; And when fhe had done what depended en her, quietly fubmits the event to him. Never fear Repulfes, you who ask as you; ©aght:: behold, He antedates his time, and gratifys her with a miracle. Why may not we too, in all our wants, & torn with confidence to the fame fure relief? Let thofe wants fpeak for us, not thruft in- to their place * perhaps irregular, perhaps- unfit defires : Sia- Fefpers for the B. Firghi. 45-3 Sincerely acknowledge our own fliortnefs, fincercly fubmit to infinite wifdom and good- nefs ; That knows what we need much better than our felves, and is much more careful of our good. Bear what delays or traverfes it fends with patience ; obferve and obey what it commands with exattnefs. Then hope to be heard, as fhewas? and fee * our Water of Affliftion turn'd into Wine of Comfort. Glory be? &o As it was, &c. Ant. She openM her mouth to wifdom* and the Law7 of mercy was in her tongue : ft e confiderM the ways of herHoufe, and eat not her bread in Idlenefs. Cafit. Luc. 1. ANd Mary arofe in thofe days, and went into the Hill-Country with haft, into a City of Jndab ; and enter'd into the Houfe of Zachary, and fa luted Elizabeth. And it came to pafs, when Elizabeth heard the Salutation of Maryy the Babe leapt in her w7omb: And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Ghoft 454 Vefpers for the B. Virgin. Hymn XXXVIII. WHat numerous errors lead the mind,, Of giddy weak mankind, Aitray, in the variety Of ruinous Vanity I One's caught by glory's painted' Facer Honour and Noife and Place? And he gets to be talked on , where* And how he'l feldom hear? Others fo after mony pant, That what they have they want*- Bat, what,. alas! are rich linM bags To him whofe foul wears rags ? Others their heads with notions vex., And idle doubts perplex v Hi dtofs vain words, and puff, and fvvellf Their proud hearts into Hell. And all this while our way is plain -,. Diftover'd without pain -■ It needs no Gold, nor Power, nor higta Flights of Philofophy. Guided by grace and a right heart, By acfting well her part, Bled Mary reacht the height of Blifs^ Which ail thefe wanderers mifs. Let others catch at wealth and Fame,. At empty skill and name y. Ha- Vefpers (or the B. Virgin. 45-5? He follow her my God to fee. For He's enough for me. Honour? praife, and glory be To the great One and Three ; And all my glory, all my praife. That only Name to raife. Amea. jiht. Elizabeth cryed out : Blefled art thoir among Women, and blefTed is the Fruit of thy Womb .* Bkfled is She who believed. And Mary faid Magnificat^ as Page 44. Then re- repeat Ant. V. My Soul magnifies our Lord , R. And my Spirit has rejoyced in God my Saviour. Let us Pray. OGod, whofe grace inftrufted the hum- ble Virgin ^7 to turn all the Senfo fhe had of her glorious Prerogatives iota magnifying,, and exulting in thee! Sanftify we befeech thee all thy Bounties to us, by- making us imitate her blefled Example, and. ftrive with all our force, to encrcafe,. by what- ever thou art pleafed to give us, thy Eftecnr. ar.d Glory \ through our Lord JESUS Chrilt thy San, v,hro> with, &o V. Q Lord hear, &c> As Page 46. Com* 4?6 Complin for the B. Virgin. Complin for the B. Fir gin. V. KJ Ur help is in, &o As pag. 47. Ant. Blefled art thou, Mary, who belie* vedft ; behold, all things are accomplifhi which wef e told thee from our Lord. Ffal. CXXV. HAppy are they who finifli well their courfe*, and break not off for weari- nefs or difcouragement • Who know the prize is at the races end y and that 'tis to no purpofe to fet out if we run not through. So our great Mailer lov'd hischofen ones to the end 5 fo his B. Mother carryM her love from the Manger to the Crofs. Ah ! whither go'ft thou ? confider well ; ** thou blefled among Women, but yet a Wo- man •• To expofe thy felf to the infolence of bar- barous men, triumphing in the oppreflion of defencelefs innocence • To be pointed at for the Mother of a con- demned man 5 condemnM when fedition and homicide were fparM •* To fee thy beloved Son treated with a cru- city. * Thou canft not look upon without hor- ror in a Stranger- Doft Complin for the B. Fir gin. 4 f 7 Doft thou remember Simcorts Prophecy ? dolt thou know how (harp the Sword of Sor- row is ? Tarry, and give thy felf the pittifiil com* fort * of being at leaft abfent from the fcene of forrow. O unreliable force of true love ! all our weaknefs is only want of thee : See> how a feeble woman overcomes * the joynt aflaults of Fear, and Shame, and Grief. Defpifes the danger, and matters the grief ; "* and through all obftacles arrives at the place of horror. There Hands, and while the Sword of for- row cuts her heart* Hill owns her Son, and cleaves to his Crofs. With a filent and patient fadnefs ftill looks on ; and fees and feels his bitter torments •• Sees the Body receivM from her, * torn with ftripes and thorns and nay Is. Loaded with fufF'rings, and with the hea- vyeftof fuffrings, Infamy; and at latt yeil- ded up into the hands of Death. Say not hereafter, cold pretender to Ver- tue Mam too weak to go through fuch a Temptation •• Too weak to fcruggle with that afflidion \ to bear that fcorn, or matter that paflion. Has nature made thee weaker than woman ? the world expos'd thee to greater try als ? Cleave with the B. Virgin, to the Crofs 4 5 8 Complin for the B. Virgin. of Chrijl •, be patient and filent, and reflgnrd : With thy whole heart love heaven alone V and love it in all events, and to the end .* And the worft that can come will do thee no harm, the worft that can come will do- thee moft good •• Work thee up here to a ftronger Vertue, and hereafter to a higher glory. For, the Unvaluablc Jewel becomes moft precious, to thofe who buy it at the greateft rate. Happy who give for it all they have ! hap- pieft to whom heav'n gives moft to give. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Pfxl. CXXVL AT laft the winter of grief is paft, the ftorms of Tryals are blown over. Arife, Thou more than Mother, jFriend of God ! and tarn thy tears of grief to tears of joy. The Spring of comfort now appears. _^nd calls thee to thy Reward and our lnftruclion. What extafys of delight fucpeed thy afflic- tions ! delight beyond exprsffion or conceit •' And yet which pronatfe more to come? ztA ferve but for a taft and tarneft of greater. With- trances of joy thou feeft thy Son a- gain *, living thou feeit Him? and fecure from dying ai'i'y more. His deforming Scars turn'd into raviGiing. beauty? his frame and contempt into everla- itvTig glory.. A*- Complin for the B. Virgtn. 45:9 Again thou refum'ft the priviledge of a Mo- therland haft that deareftpart of thee again to embrace. Again thou converfeft familiarly with him, and hear'fl his fweet and inftru&ive words. And when thou hadfl learnt it was expedi- ent he fhould leave the world, Thou wert a wit- nefs of his return to heav'n. Thou faw'ft him afcend in glory above the clouds, to take himfelf the firft place, and prepare the next for thee. Thou felt'ft the ravifhing effefts of the pro- mifed comforts, his torrent of inebriating pleafures overflowed thee. The glorious promifes of thy Sons greatnefs> to reign over the houfe of Jacob, and draw the whole world to him, . Thou faw'itnow haflning to their happy performance ; thou faw'ft the never- ending Kingdom begin. r Who now can think thy pall afflictions mi- ferys, which wrought the channel to fuch a flood of delights ! Had they, if poflible, bin more and greater ; they were yet no price for what thou hadft for them. Happy thou, who, by a fleady belief and faithful practice *of thy Son's Leflbns, ob- taind'fi this Hundred-fold. But infinitely happier in what remains be- hind ^eternal Blifs, fo fure and now fo near. Happy $6o Complin for the B. Virgim Happy we who? by the care of providence, are callM for witnefTes of thy happinefs. CallM to obferve what ways thou went'Ib^ta* reflect whither thofe ways have brought thee. But, can we be content to fee, or* at moft admire, and then leave off with an unconcern- ed coldnefs? ^ Do not our fouls in fecret fay, fomthing' like this I too may do ? 1 may be refignM in fuch a Crofs ; I may pra&ice Vertue in fuch an occafion. I may quit this content or that convenience} and hope too for my Hundred-fold. Let us but obey the motions of Grace * let tts but truffc the Oracles of Truth. And a happy experience will affuredly con- vince us, they never will, nor can deceive us. Then we may lift up our heads & open our bo- fbms,not now to hundred folds,but infinitudes. And fee a boundlefs Ocean of Joy come ro wi- ling on us, to fwallow up our Souls in pleafure for ever. Glory be, &c As it was, &c» Pfal. CXXVII. O Different ways of the Flefh and Spirit! O different ends to which they lead! Proud flefh perfwades us to reckon for our life, the few and foon-paft years we fpend in this world. To confine our chiefeft and all our cares to it ; to think it loft, if unknown or unefteem'd : To Complin for the B. Virgin. 46 x To purchafe glory for it, if we can •, and', if we cannot, envy thofe who do. To place this Glory in noife and talk, ^oft- en wrong, almoft always ungrounded. In crouds:& trains & domineering over thofe * who many times are better then our felves. And, what comes of it, when, in a continu- al vexation of Spirit *we have confum'd our. uneafy years ? Like Squibs, which fly with a fiery train* *and crack aloft* then fall andftink. We break in pieces at the touch of Death } &' tumble from our vain height down into hell: There to inherit grief and torment •, to be hated and fcornM for wretched fools. And thkdefervedly, ev'n in our own judg- ments, and by all Creatures, & for all eternity. Ifthis be the glorious end of deceitful Flefh; let thy mercy, Lord, lead me in the ways of the Spirit. Make me, with thy bleft Mother, chufe the better part, and remember this World's for ufe? not enjoyment: An Inn,to baytand lodg in by the way ; not the permanent City in which we are to dwell, Make me do well the bufinefs Thou fendeft^ but make my felf no more; and, when that^s done* retire with her into privacy. Where fhe led a life, like the motion of a Dyal, *filent and unperceiv'd 5, but which ftill points true. We- we humbly befeech thee, with grace to keep* like her, and ponder all thefe things continually in our hearts, and bring forth Fruits worthy of them in our Lives and Deaths; through our Lord JESUS Chrift thy Son, who, with, &c. Vouchfafe us, &c. As f age 56 to the end. THE (.4*7 ) THE OFFICE for Saints. See Directions. On all Saints days of Obligation, fay all proper (as in Fe- ftivalsi) 0» others, all as Follows. ' MATINS. Introduction, as page i, Jnvit. Come, let's adore the King of Saints. Come,let's adore the King of Saints. Pfal. CXXVIII. GReat is the Majefty of the King we fervc, and rich the fplendors of his Court : oVe all the world lie fends his commands, and none dare refill, or difpute his power : Gome, let's adore the King of Saints. Great is the clemency of our gracious So- X yeraign> 468 matins for Saints. veraign, to pardon the offences of repenting dinners: Great is the bounty of our glorious Lord, to crown with rewards his faithful fer- vants. Come, let's adore the King of Saints. Thoufands of Saints attend in his prefence, snd Millions of Angels wait on his Throne : all beauteoufly ranged in perfert Order, all joyfully finging the praifes of their Crea- tor. Come, let's adore the King of Saints. • Thou art our King too, blefled JESU ; and we, alas ! thy unprofitable Subjects; we cannot praifeThee like thofe thine own bright Quires \ yet humbly offer our little tribute. Come, let's adore the King of Saints. Let us bow low our heads to Him, before whom the Seraphins cover their faces : let us bow low our hearts to Him, afi whofe feet the ^Saints lay down their Crowns. Come, let's adore the King of Saints. Glory be, &c As it was? &c Come, let's adore, &c Come> let's adore, Sec. Hymn. XL A Wake my foul, chace from thine eyes Thisdrowly lloth, and quickly rife ; . Up, and to work apace : No Matins for Saints. 46^ No lefs than Kingdoms arc prepared, And endlefs blifs for their reward, Who finifh well their race. *Tis not fo poor a thing to be Servants to Heav'n, dear Lord, and Thee* As this fond world believes : Not even here, where oft the Wife Are molt exposM to injuries, and friendlefs vertue grieves. Sometimes thy hand lets gently fall A little drop, that fweetens all The bitter of our cup : O what hereafter fhall we be, When we fhall have whole draughts of Thcc Brim- fill, and drink them up. Say, happy fouls? whofe thirft now meets The frefh and living ftream of fweets, Which fpring from that bleft throne; Did you not find this true ev'n here ; Do you not find it truer there, Now Heav'n is all your own ? O yes, the fweets we tall exceed All we can fay, or you can read i They fill, and never cloy \ On earth our cup was fweet, but mixt ;• Here all is pure, refin'd, and fixty All Quinteflence of Joy. Hear'ii thou my foul what glorious thingt The Church of Heav'n in triumph lings X2 Of fe 470 Matins for Saints. Of their bleft life above ? Chear thy faint hopes, and bid them live6, All thefe thy God to thee will give, If thou embrace his love. Great God? of rich rewards? who thus Haft crownM thy Saints, and wilt crown us i As both to Thee belong, O may we both together fing Eternal praife to Thee our King, In one eternal fong. Amen. Ant. Happy are thy Saints, O Lord ! who wifely chofe their end? and constantly purfu'd the Cleans to attain it. >FfaL CXXIX. TE11 me, you eager lovers of the world ! , ^vJjat 'tis you aim at in all your preten- ces ? You weary your bodies with reftlefs labour \ and afflicft your minds with perpetual care- Day and night you are ftill perplext \ ftill bufily plotting to compafs your ends. Tell me what are thofe ends you fo long have fought •, and I will tell you what you foon will find. While they are many, they but diftratt your thoughts ; and ctten engage them to quarrel among themfelves. One end, and one alone's the way to peace ; and on that one muft all the reft depend. 'lis Mat ins for Saints. 471. ?Tis true, and by that rule we guide our lives ; what eYe we undertake is only to bo Happy. yTk to be happy that wc ftrive to be great, and enrich our felves by defrauding others. JTis to be happy that we run after plea- fures j and covet in every thing our own proud- will. But wer alas! miflakeourHappinefv, and" foolifhly feek where 'tis not to be found. As filly Children think to catch the S"an \ when they fee it fetting at fo near a dillance. They travel on and tire themfelves in vain 5 for the thing they feek is in another world : Juftfo we judg, and juft fo are deceived y when we think to meet with Heaven upon- Earth. This world, alas! has now no Paradice 5 but all its fruits are weeds and thorns : All dangeroufly mixt with occaiions of Sin ; all fprinkled over with the bitternefs of forrow. What did we ever paflionately love, but ft ill in the end it made us repent. Nay the bell end was heartily to repent, and- learn by our falling to tread more fure. 'Tis not then here we mult feek our happi- nefs j and yet 'tis happinefs we all mult feek. Pity us, O Lord, who live below in the dark} ftill wifhing for reft, but finding none. X 3 Scat-- 47^ Maths for Saintf. Scatter thofe milts of paffion that blind cur eyes ; and fhine upon us with thy beau- teous light. Convince us thorowly there's a better world than this \ a happier People than thofe we know : That we may now begin our journey thi- ther ; and fit our felves for that blefled com- pany. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Happy are thy Saints, O Lord, who wifely chofe their end •, and conftantly purfu'd the means to attain it. Ant. O how glorious is the Kingdom of Heav'n, where our Lord reigns in- the midft of his Saints. Pfal. CXXX. . IF thus our Nature tend to -Happinefs ^ there's fure fome happinefs to content our Nature: Sure the All-wife Creator has provided means, to fatisfy the appetites' which himfelf has made. Doubt not, my foul, the bounty of thy Lord 3 but turn all thy fear on thine own un- worthinefs. Lock up,and fee a rich delicious Land \ that flows with fwecter ftreams than milk %ut bony. Look Matins for Sahifs. 4 7 jr. Look up, and fee a glorious City-, in- comparably braver than the Courts ot Kings- Behold the B. Angels fhining on i'r thrones ; and all the H. Saints triumphing with their Hymns. Behold the glory wherewith their Lord haS: crowrAl them, in the folemn day of their E- fpoufals with Himfelf. Look up, and fee a more exalted feat •, and on it one far brighter than the reft. O, 'tis the Queen of all thofe Saints and Angels, the Virgin-Mother of the Son of God. Look up yet higher, O my Soul, and fee * the facred Humanity of thy dear Red mer. That blefled JESUS, who dyed for us on the Crofs •, and now invites us to partake his Crown. See, and rejoyce in thofe eternal honors, which Heav'n and Earth pay to their King. Look up once more, and infinitly far- ther j and humbly admire the unfpeakablc Myftery. See and adore the fovereign Deity, efTen- tially full of its own bleft Light. Full and overflowing into all his Crea- tures-, which fhine as little beams derived from Him. When thou haft feen all this, my foul ; X 4. and 474 Matins for Saints. and ftayM and dwelt a while among thofe won* ders. Turn down thine Eye towards the earth again j* and fee the petty things that entertain our minds. What is a name of Honour, and a momen- tary Pleafure, comparM to the Blifs of an eternal Paradife ? What is a Bag of Money, or a fair Eftate -, if counter=ballanc't with the treafures of Heaven ? How narrow, there* do our greateft King- doms feem / how fmall a circle the whole Globe of the Earth ! Cities and Towns Ihew like little hills, and the bufie world but as a fwarm of Ants. Running up and down, and joftling one ano- ther \ and all this ftir for a few grains of corn. O Heaven / let me again lift up my eyes to thee , and take a fuller view of that glori- ous profpcdb There let me (land and fix my fleady fight -> till I have look'c my felf into this -firm judg- ment: All the molt profperous fortune can here pofiefs : or even the largeit fancy pofiibly ima- gin i All is an idle dream to thofe real joys • an ab folate nc thing to that folid felicity. Glory be, &c As it was, &c JbttL Maths for Saints. 475^ 'Ant. O how glorious is the Kingdom of Heav'n •, where our Lord reigns in the midlt of his Saints ! At. In thee, O Lord, is all our hope •, in life and death, in time and eternity. Tfal. CXXXL 'npls true ', there is I fee, a glorious ffcate * A preparM above for the fpirits of the^ Perfeft: But how (hall we, poor dufl: and afhes, and laden too with the burthen of our fins ! How lhall we hope to afcend thofe high- er Regions •, or claim a portion in that holy land ? Fear not, my foul ; fend up thy fighs and prayers, and ask with confidence thofe ce- leftial fpirits: They want not knowiedg to refolve our doubts: they want not charity to relieve our needs : Themfelves fometimes' have come down to aflift us ; what will they do, when we go up to wait on them ? Ask the bright Angels, what made them happy j and ftraight they'l anfwer with a fpriteful voice. We readily obe^d our great Creator •, and he lixt us hereto fhine for ever. Ask the bleft Saints what brought them X 5 to 47^ Matins for Saints. to felicity •, and immediately they^l tell you m the fame glad tune, We faithfully lovM our dear Redeemer j and that love placet us here. Ask Both together, what bred thofe excel- lent vertues^ and both together will pro- claim aloud, Blefled for ever be the grace of our God, which alone has wrought all our works m us : Blefled for ever be the Bounty of our Lord, which gave us freely firft, then crownM his own gifts , Hark, how the H. Saints, as more allyM to us, "* bear on alone and* fweetly cloze the fong : Fear not, fay they, you who dwell be- low j and figh under the weight of flelh and blood : Fear not to afcend at lafl to this place of joy •> and take your happy feats among our Quires-* We too livM once in that valley of tears ; and were fet to ftrive with the fame unruly paflionso He that made us oVecom,can as eafily ftreng- r.hen you *, He that has crownM our vi&ories will as furely glorify yours. Fear not, the way is fmoother then you are made believe *, and the time fhorter then perhaps you wifh. 'Tis Matins for Saints. 477 'Tis but to love your own true intereft, which feems no hard command ; and that but while you live, which you feldom think too long. This once well done, you have no more to do; but to come and fing and rejoyce with us/ O you blefl Saints, who now are glad; ly arriv'd * at the quiet harbour of eter- nal reft •' Behold us here below imbarkt on the fame Ship, and bound with all our intereft for the fame Port. Behold us ftrugling yet in this Sea of ftorms, and guide us fafely thorow all our dangers. Come H. Angels with your fwifteft fpeed ; and difappoint the enemies that threaten to fink us. Bend down thy gracious eyes, O Queen of clemency 5 and fill them from our woes with foft compaffion. Then fweeriy turn them to thy Son's mild throne j whofe love Hands always ready to meet thy wifhes. There reprefent to him our needs, our fears ; and favourably obtain for us a hap- py paOage. And thou O foveraign Lord of univcrfal na- ture j on whom the whole celei'iial court con- tinually waits! . Com- 47 8 Matins for Saints. Command thy vigilant Angels to Watclv about us; and carry us ftrongly on to the place of our defires. Save us, O Thou whom the Sea and Winds obey ! fave us, O merciful Lord, or elfe we perifh. Save us, who call on Thee in all our dif- trelTes ; fave us for whom thy glorious Hea- ven pours forth their prayers •• Save us for whom thy immortal felf wert pleasM to dy, and gracioufly receive us in- to thine own bleft Arms* Thou art thy felf, O Lord, the Haven of repofe, bring us to Thy f&lf, and our fouls fhailbefafe. Glory be, &c9 As it was, &c . t ^t. In thee, O Lord, is all our hope ; in iife and death? in time and eternity. Our Father &c FirflLeflbn. Sap. 3. THe Sou^s of the Juft are in the hand of God, and the torment of death fhall not touch them-' they feem'd to the eyes of the unwlfe tody, and their departure was count- ed, affliction, but they are in peace. Tho' before man they fufferM torments, their hope is full of immortality. Vext in a few things, they fhall be well treated in many ^ for God has Matins for Saints. 479 has tryM them and found them worthy Him- felf -as gold in the furnace he has prov'd them, and as a burnt-offering receivM them j and in«#me there fhall be refped of them. The juft fhall (hine, and run to and fro like fparks among the ftubble ' they fhall judg Nations, and have dominion over Peoples, and their Lord (hall reign for ever. They that truft in him fhall underftand truth, and the faith- ful in love fhall remain in him •' forj reft and peace is to his Eleft. R* Rejoyce all you holy Saints> rejoyce, and fing for ever the mercies of our Lord : his bleffed hand has wip't away all tears from your eys ; and now you no more fhall weep, no more complain. * For the even- ing of forrow is paft, and the day of eter- nal joy is come*, Alleluja. Now you no longer fhall figh, to be delivered out of this dark and tedious Prifon: but dwel for ever in that giorious light, the light which fprings from the face of God. * For — ■ Second JLefTon. Sap, 4. THe Juft, if prevented with death, fhall' be in a place of refrefhment. For vene- rable age confifts not in length of time, nor is accounted by number of years •* bun wif- door is the gray hair to a man, and an un- ipoAed life old age, He pkafed God, and was 480 Matins for Saints. was belov'd of Him, and living among fin- ners was tranflated :, he was taken away left malice fhould change his underftanding, or deceit beguile his foul : for the bewi(pbing of vanity obfcures good things, and the wandring of concupifcence perverts the fimple mind. Being made perfect in a fhort fpace he fulfil'd much time ; for his foul pleafed God, therefore he haftnM to bring him out of the midft of iniquities. This the People faw, but did not underfland 5 not laying up fuch things in their hearts : That the grace of God and mercy is with his Saints, and that he has refpeit to his Cho- fen. R. O happy they, whom cur Lord fhall honor on the day of his triumph / and rif- ing from his Seat of Judgment, go glori- ouily before them, and with thefe fweet and gracious words invite them to follow him;, Come you bleffed of my Father, pof- fefs the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world, * The reward of your labours 1 will give you ; I my felfwill be your reward • Alleluja. You have firmly believM, you have readily obey'd, ycu have conftantly fuffer'd; Come, enter now into your Mafters joy. * The reward* Third fflatins for Saints. \l Third Leflbn.S^. 5. THen fhall the Juft ftand with great confi- dence? before the face of thofe who have afflifted him and made no account of his la- bors. When they fhall fee it, they fhall be troubled with terrible fear, and amaz'd at the fuddennefs of his unexpected falvation : & re- penting and groaning for anguifh of fpirit, they fhall" fay within themfelves j Thefe are they whom heretofore we have had in derifl- on, and as a by-word of reproach, Senflefs we efteenfd their lives a madnefs, and their end diihourable : behold, how they are num- bered among the children of God, and their lot is among the Saints. We therefore have errM from the way of truth, and the light of juftice has not fhinM to us : we have wearied our felves in the paths of iniquity and perdi- tion, we have walked hard ways ; but the way of our Lord we have not known. What has our pride profited us \ or what benefit has vaunting of our riches brought us ? They all are pafl away as a fhadow, and as a Polt that runs by in haft; or as a Bird that flies in the. sky, and no fign of her pailage to be found ; but only a found of her wings beating the light air : fo we, asfoon as we were born, began to draw to our end, not able to-ftiew any tGK'en of venue, but were, confum'd in cur own. wicksdae& q%i Maths for Saints] wickednefs. Such things faid they in Hell who-* hadfinn'd. For, the hope of the impious is, as duft, blown away with the wind, and as a thin froth fcatterM by the ftorm. But, the juft fhall live for ever, and their reward is with our Lord, and the care of them is with the* Higheft : therefore (hall they receive a glori- ous Kingdom, and a beautiful] crown from the hand of our Lord ; for with his right hand fhall he cover them, and with his holy arm de- fend them. R. Deliver us, O Lord from that fad de^ plorable end, which thy juftice has prepared for the wicked : deliver us from^hofe vain de- ceitful ways, that lead us to fo miferable an end. *0 make us always fear thy Judgments; that we never1 feel them •, always hope in thy mercies, that we never forfeit them. Blefs us, O Lord, with a happy death \ that our fouls may depart in peace, and go up to dwel among thy Saints and Angels : blefs us, O Lord, with an holy life, and then our death cannot but be happy. *Qmake — ■ — Glory be, &c. * O make -» Tt Bmwv As fage i&. Panfe them* • ( j Zswulf Lauds for Saints. 483 Lands for Saints* V. v_y God incline, &c. As page 17. Avt. The Juft fhall be as Lillies planted in Paradife, Alleluja -, and flourifh in the pre- fence of God for ever, Alleluja. Pfal. CXXXII COme, let's all bring forth our Pfalms \ and go together to the Houfe of Praife : There let us meet in peace and love •, and joyn our hearts and voices into one glad fong. Come, let us ling; but who fhall be our Theme ? what worthy fubjed (hall our Mufick chufe ? No, 'tis not Conquerors we mean to ad- mire; nor any of the Great Ones whom the world applauds, ; But you, Bleft Spirits, who bravely over- came your felves} and led in triumph your own paffions. Who either wifely us'd this world*, or, to be fafer, us'd it not at all. You are the illuftrious worthies we defire to praife ; and guild our hymns with your bright names. Yours 484 Lauds for Saints. Yours are the only Trophies we delight to fetup, and beautify our Churches with your holy pictures.. Sing then aloud, my Soul, the glories of the Saints ^ and let their facred memories be be always in thine. Rejoyce thou, who feePft thefe miferies here, and often complaint of the dangers of this life. Rejoyce, at their glad delivery from all thefe forrows *, and heartily congratulate their fecure felicity. Rejoyce, and with thy bed intruded thoughts admire *the exquifke wifdom of the divine Providence. Who from fuch low beginnings can raife fo great effefts ; yec every ftep thruft connate^ rally on the next. Behold a little feed, that's buried in the earth ; fhoots gently out its tender leaves:, And, nouritht on with the Clouds and Sua climbs up by degrees into a tall ftalk : There it difplays it full-blown hope ; and. crowns its own head with afilver Lilly. Such is the Progrefs of immortal fouls •, e- ven thofe who fhine now among the higheft Seraphins. At firft fhut up in their mothers womb, where they ly confin'd clofe Prifonersin th«<> dark. Thence they come forth to fee, and hear ; and Lauds for Saints. 485- and flowly begin to walk and fpeak. Next they advance to underftand and dif- courfc ; then learn to fly with wings of grace. Till they get up, even beyond themfelves J and believe and live above their own na- ture. At laft the kindly hand of death gives them a ftroke, and they inftantly become like the glorious Angels. Inftantly their dark and narrow knowledg unfolds it fclf, and fpreads into a clear and? fpaclous view : ,. Where they at once fhall fee all the glories ?f heaven \ at once pofle.'s and for ever enjoy hem. s Thus, from the humble feed of v, juft on the top, the Liiiics of Para- dife. I Li Hies that never fade, but ftill (hine cny pnd nil the heavens with their beauteous fweet- nefs : Lillies, that even Salomon, in all his glory* was not array'd like ore of thefe. Sing then, my foui ! but ftili, among thy Hymns, mingle refolves to imitate their ^lives. Thofe are the Lauds moll delightful to them, whofe charity rejoyces at the converil- on of afijmer. Thof 486 Lauds for Saints. Thofe are the Feafts moft profitable to thee, whofeweaknefs needs the impreflions of example. Learn but of them to be humble and meek \ to fubmit all thy wifhes to the Will of Heav'n. To govern thy fenfes by the rule of rea«* fonr and thy reafon by the di&ates of Re- ligion. To defign thy whole life in order to thy end, and eftablifh for thy end the blifs of eternity. Thefe holy Leflbns^ let thy life Tran- fcribe^ and never fear their acceptance of thy praife. Saints like our fervice belt, when our ho- nouring them ^becomes an occafion of bene*, fiting our feives. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. | Pfal. CXXXIII. O Praife our Lord, all you powers of my • foul ; praife the immortal King of Saints and Angels. Praife Him as the Author of all their gra- ces v praife Hirn as the finifher of all their glories. Praife Him in the admirable priviledges of his Virgin- Mother ; whom he obey ?d on Earth, andaflWd intoHeavV. That Lauds for Saints. 487 That he might give us hope our Petitions will be heard, presented by the hand of fo powerful an Advocate. Praife Him in the mighty Hofls of An- gels •, whom He fets about us as the Guard of our lives. That they may fafely keep us in all our ways ; and carry us at lalt to their own home. Praife him in the facred Colledgof Apoflies, to whom he revealM the Myfterys of his Kingdom : That they might teach us too thofe Heav'n- ]y truths : and fhew us the fame bleft way to felicity. Praife him in the generous fortitude of Mar- tyrs i whom he ftrength'nd with courage to re- fill even to death. ■ That we might learn of them to hold faft *our faith : and rather lofe this life, then hazard the Other. i Praife him in the eminent fan&ity of Con- feffors', whofe whole defign was a courfe of Heroick Venue. That we might raife our minds from our ufual lazy flight ; and with a quick and aftive wing mount up towards Heav'n. Praife him in the Angelical purity of Vir- gins ; whofe hearts he enflamM with his divine charity ; That 488 Lauds for Saints. That they might kindle ours with the fame chaft fire ; the fame fervent love to the Spoufe of our Souls. Praife him in the perfeft Holynefs of all his Saints \ whofe lives he moulded into fo vari- ous fhapes. That every fize of ours might readily be funriflit *with a pattern cut out, and fitted for it felf. O Praife our Lord, all you powers of my foul ! praife the immortal King of Saints and Angels. Praife every Perfon of the facred Deity •, and give a hearty Joy to the whole court of Heav'n. Blefled forever be the eternal Father ; who has fixt his Angels in fo high a Happi* nefs : f Triumph bright Angels on your radiant thrones } and Ihine continually in the prefence* of your God Blefled for ever be the Eternal Soa* who* has crown'd fo glorioufly his incomparable Mother : Live molt miraculous Mother of the King of heaven^ and dwell perpetually in the joys of thy Son. Blefled for ever be the Eternal Spirit \ whofe grace prefers all the Saints to glory. Rejoyce every happy Saint in your own fe- licity; rejoyce every one in the felicity of AH, Bleifeci Lauds for Saints. 489 Blefled for ever be the Undivided Trini- ty j vvhofe fight alone is the Heaven of Hea- vens : Sing, all you holy Citizens of heaven ; fing all together everlafting hymns. Sing> and among your higheft fervours for- get not us: who thus in our low way remem- ber you. Still pray our dear Redeemer to fave our fouls ; and ftiU we'l praife his Name for fav- yours. Glory be &c. * As it was &c. Pfal. CXXXIV. BUt, who are we, born here below in the duft,and ftill kept down with the thoughts of this world ? Lord, who are we, that our polluted hands *dare offer to thee the incenfe of praife ? We, who fo often difobey thy commands > andfo feldom weep for our many follies? Forgive, great God5 our boldncfs, who thus ralhly prefume ; forgive cur frailties who thus weakly perform. Plead our excufe, O you glorify *d Spirits ; and with your flaming charity warm our cold- nefs. O praife our Lord, you pure unblemi/ht Angels, who never difpIeasM him with the lealt offence. Praife 49© Lauds for Saints. Praife him, O you freely-pardon'd Saints, who perfectly repented every little tref- pafs. Praife Him with the higheft Office of all your Feafts ; praife him with the loudeft mu- fick of all your Quires. And fo they do : look up, my foul, and fee *the innumerable multitude of trium- phing Spirits. See how they ftand all cloth'd in white robes j with palms in their hands, and gol- den crowns on their heads. Behold the glorious Angels fall down before the Throne : and proitrate adore Him that lives for ever. Behold the blefTed Saints lay their Crowns at his feet, and on their faces adore Him that lives for ever. Hark how they fill that fpacious Temple with their Hymns, while night and day they continually fing ; Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almigh- ty : who was, and is, and is to come \ Alle- luja. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hofts ; heav'n and earth are full of thy glory ; Alle- luja* Glorious art thou in creating all things \ glorious, in preferving them every moment of their being. Glorious in governing them their feveral ways } Lauds for Saints. 49 r ways ; glorious inappointf/Tg them their pro- per ends. Glorious in rewarding thy ferrants above their hopes : glorious in puniihing (inners be- low their demerits. Glorious art Thou, O Lord, in all thy works j but infinitely more in thine own felf- blefled Eflence: Thus they rejoyce above, thus they tri- umph ; and may their jpy and triumph lafb for ever* But O, were we not made, as well as they? * to ferve and glorify our great Creator ? We owHim all we have, and they can ow no more •, they can but do their belt, and we fhould do nolefs. Pardon? B. Spirits, if we worms afpire * to fing the fame bright Name which you adore- _ We are ingagM as deep as you *, but can- not pay without your charity. O, in your golden Cenfers put our prayers *, and offer them perfum'd with the odours of yours. .Though we are now, alas! in this Land of baniihment > and indifpofecl for thofe Songs of Sion. Yet 'tis our hope one day to dwell above \ and hear your holy harps, and learn to ling of you. We hope to walk with you thofe ways Y of 49^ fLauds for Saints. of light;; and f&fow the Lamb with you -where're He goes. Mean while> we every day will joyn our Vows to yours j and fay a glad Amen to all you fing. We, as your Faithful Ecchoes, will every day repeat * thefefew fhortEnds of Your Se- . -raphick Hymns : Salvation to our God who fits on the Throne^ and to the Lamb that redeemM us with his blood; Alleluja, Blefling and Wifdom and Power be to Him that fits on the Throne 0 and to the Lamb for all Eternity, Alleluja. Glory be, &c- As it was, &c. ■Ant. The Juft fhall be as Lillies planted in Paradife, Alleluja ; and flourilh for ever in theprefence of God, Alleluja. Ca.pt. Apoc. 7. r A Fter thefe things I faw a great multitude, JljL which no man could number, of all na- tions, and tribes, and peoples, and tongues ; Handing before the Throne, and in the fight of the Lamb, cloathM in white robes, and palms in their hands. And they cryM with a loud voice, faying, Salvation to our God who fits on the Throne, and to the Lamb. And all the , Angels flood in the Circuit of the Throne, Lauds for Saints. 49 $ Throne, and of the Seniors, and of the four Bealls : and they fell in the fight of the Throne upon their faces, and adorM Cod, faying. Amen •, Benediction, and Glory , and Wifdom, and thankfgiving, honor, and power, and ftrength be to our God for ever and ever, Amen. Hymn XLI. WAke all my hopes ; lift up your eys, And crown your heads with mirth y See how they fhine beyond the skys, Who once dwelt on our earth- peace bufy thoughts ^ away vain cares, That clog us here below : Let us go up above the Sphears, And to each order bow. Hail glorious Angels, Heirs of light, The High born Sons of Fire. Whofe heats burn chafte, whofe flames All joy, yet all defire. £fhine bright Hail holy Saints, who long in hope, Long in the Ihadow fate ^ Till our victorious Lord fet ope Heav'ns everlafting gate. Hail great A potties of the Lamb, Who brought that early ray, Which from our Sun reflected came, Ajnd made our firit fair day. Y i Hail 494 Lauds for Saints. Hail generous Martyrs, whofe ftrong hearts Bravely rejoyc't to prove, ' How weak, pale death, are all thy darts, Compared to thofe of Love. Hail BlefTed Confeflbrs, who dy'd A death* too, love did give ; While your own Flefli you crucify'd, To make your fpirit live. Hail beauteous Virgins, whofe chaite vows Renounce .all fond defires ; TLWho wifely chofe your Lord for Spoufe, And burnt with his pure fires. Hail all you happy Spirits above, Who make that glorious ring About the fparkiing Throne of love* And there for ever fmg. Hail, and among your Crowns of praife, Prefent this little wreath •, \Which* while your lofty Notes you raife, We humbly ling beneath. fAll glory to the facred Three, One ever-living Lord : As at the firft, Hill may he be Belov'd, obey'd? ador'd. Amen* Then Proper, as in Feltivals : Elfe they undaimtedfy en* counterMi death furioufly arm'd with every fhape cf terror. All this they endur'd* and infinitely more* of which unmindful we keep no remem- brance- All this they endur'd, and under all re- joyc't) that they were counted worthy to fuf- fer for JESUS. O generous Souls, who conquered heav'ri it felf \ and enterMby force thofe everlafting gates ! Who fate not down in the loweft forms ; but ftill preft on to new degrees of perfec- tion ! You, who fo freely endeavorM the Salva- tion Vefpers for Saints. 499 tion of others, while yet you were concernM to procure your own : Help us, O blefled Spirits, now your ftete is feenres pray for us, O holy Saints, no.v your charity is compleat. Pray, that the Seed you have fown may take d^ep root ; and bring forth fruit to ever- lasting life. Pray we may follow thofe who imi ate vou;, and not be corrupted by the example or the carelefs-. And, when our prayers feem long or dry* or call us away from feme vanity we love ; When to forgive our enemies feems heavy to us, or any other Duty croffes our humor • Pray? we may then remember what you have done \ and what you have gain'd by do- ing it. Pray5 we may think what our Lord himfelf has done? and what he has promised to then* that fallow him : Their names He will write in the Book of life •, and make them fit with him en his own Throne. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. At. pity, O Lord, the infirmities of thy; fcrvants, and quicken our flowBefs by the ex- ample of thy Saints Ant. Blefled be thy Name, O Lord, wha haft provided us fo great Rewards-, and ftreng-- then'd our hope with fo many witneiies. Y 5. VfaL 5 oo Vefpers for Saints. PfaL CXXXVL Little, 0 Lord, we know, is the good we do ; little, the ill we fuffer with pati- ence : But what, alas, Ihould we have done or fuffer'd, had we not feen fuch divine Exam- ples ? Had not thy provident hand hung out thofe Lamps? ? bright as the Stars, to Ihine before us. Had not thy felf, the Sun of righteoufnefs, appeared., * to light and warm us with thy cherishing beauties. Our faith had been dark, and our charity told -0 and the flower of our hope had Ian- guiftit away* Now we are fure the way to heaven is eafie, made broad and fmooth by fo many Paflen= gers: Men cloathM in flefh and blood like us, and, weak'nd with the fame imperfed nature. Now we are fure the promifes of our God are true; confirmed by as many witneiles as there are Saints in Paradife. Who by their own Experience are joyfully convince ; (a happy Argument where Heaves tlie Queftion.) And by the ravifhing fweets they perpetu- ally taft, are. perpetually excited to adore and: fiug. Faith- Vefpers for Saints. 5 of Faithful is our Lord in all his words -, and overflowing bounteous in all his gifts. While we livM we received the hundred- fold -0 and now are tranflated to an infinity of Blifs. What he freely PromisM he has fully Per- formed ; what he engagM to give us He has abundantly paid. He told us of treafures and golden crowns 5 but the joys we find are incomparably grea- ter: Joys of a far more high and noble race ; which neither we can exprefs, nor you be- low conceive : 'Tis enough for us that we feel them in our breaft } 'tis enough for you, as yet, that you fee them in your faith- Even our lefler happinefs infinitely furpafles "* the greateft pleafuresof your dull world. O how agreeable is the Company we enjoy / how delightful the meeting of our old ac- quaintance ! With whom we have pray'd, and wept, and fufferM -7 with whom we fpake of this day and place : With whom we now can fafely (ing^ free from the fcorn and malice of our enemies. Blefled for ever be the goodnefs of our God, that has brought us hither to his own palace. . This is not like our cottages of clay v nor the 5a 2, Vefpers for Saints. the loathfom prifons where we lay in fetters. This cheerful melody is not like our old complaints :, nor the threatning words of our ftern OpprefTors. The Scene is changed, and, for our world of miferies, behold a Paradife of endlefs feli- cities. Here we fhall live, and ever live \ here we (hall praife our God, and ever praife Him. Thus lings the Church triumphant ••' and thus fhall we ; * if we praftife diligently the LefTons they have taught us. If we inure our felves to the fame bleil Notes, and live in tune with our holy fongs ; We (hall hereafter be admitted to their Quires •, and fing as long and loud as they. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Blefled be thy Name,0 Lord, who haft provided us fo great Rewards*, & ftrengthen'd our hope with fo many witnefies. Ant. If God be with us, who can be a- gainft us? if He juftify us, who can con- demn us ? PfaL CXXXVII. TAke courage now, my foul, and chace away thy doubts j far more are with us than againftus. Ocd and his H. Angels are on our fide; JESUS Fefpers for Saints. 503 JESUS, and his B. Saints, All take our parts. Our great Creator looks on to excite us ; our gracious Redeemer comes down to iiv ftrud us. The B- Spirit is within us to confirm our hearts, and the whole Trinity prefent to crown our victories.. Whom (hall we then fear, thus fafely guar- ded ? who can re lift fo invincible a ftrength ? None but our own corrupted nature dare contend, and the unlucky accidents that con- fpire with it againft usr Somtimes furprizing our unwary negli- gence ; fomtimes defeating even cur ftron- geft refolves. Not that they can compel our wills? unlefs we yield \ or make the lealt wound without our confent. Much lefs prevail againft the power of heav'n j and fruftrate the puroofe of the Al- mighty Wifdonij Whofe mercy has usM more arts to fave us? then the craft of Vice can invent todeftroy us : Such a redemption fo miraculoufly wrought, fuch holy Sacraments fo often repeated : Such glorious promifes fo faithfully afiur'd, and, which revives our hope, fo eailly at- tained. O infinite Goodnefs, how generous is thy love ! how liberally extended over all tho world ! Thou 3fo4 Vefpers for Saints^ Thou inviteft: little children to come to Thee^and the lame and the blind to fit down at thy feaft. None are fhut out of heav'ri> but fuch as will not go in v none made unhappy but thofe who care not to be otherwife. Cheer then thy felf, my heart, and let no fears moleft thee j nor even death it felf a- bate thy courage: Death is a pafiage that was always fhort; and our Saviours Crofs has made it fafe : By the pra&ife of his Saints 'tis grown fa- miliar ; and by their happy fuccefs become defirable. Lofe not then thy hope in fo glorious an enterprife •, Eternity is at ftake, and hea- - v'nthe reward : That heav'n, for which the ancient Her- mits peopled the Defart ; and fo many Re- ligious live bury'd in their Cells : That heav'n, for which the H. ConfefTors fpent all their time \ and innumerable Mar- tyrs laid down their deareft lives : That heav'n, where Millions of Angels continually fing 5 and all the Blefled make one glorious Quire : That heaven? where the ador'd Jefus eter- nally Reigns ; and. the immortal Deity fhines. bright for ever. That very heaven is promised to thee, my foul > that, bleft eternity thou art commanded to hope i Raife- Vefpers for Saints] joy Raife now thy head, and fee thofe beaute- ous Profpefts, that ravifh the hearts of all their Beholders : Yonder, far above the Stars, is thy Savi- our's Kingdom \ yonder we muft dwell when we leave this Earth. Yonder muft our fouls remove to reft; when the ftroak of death (hall divide them from their bodies: And, when the Almighty Power (hall joyn them again,yonder muft we Hvq with our God for ever. O bounteous Lord, the only Author of all we have ; the only objeft of all we hope ! As thou haft thus prepared a Heav'n for us •, O may thy grace prepare us for it. O make us lire the life of the Juft; and let our laft end be like Theirs. That we may dy the death of the Juft \ and live for ever in their bleft fociety. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. If God be with us, who can be againft us ? if he juftify us, who can condemn us. Ca}it. ApOC 7. THefe are they who are come out of great tribulation, and have walht their robes, and made them white in the blood of ths. Lamb : tberefore.they are before .the Throne - of. $06 Vefpers for Saint t. of God, and ferve him day and night in hiV Temple ; and he that fits on the Throne fhal) dwell over them. They fliall hunger no more nor third ; the Sun (hall not fall upon them' nor any heat: for the Lamb who is in the rftidft of the Throne fliall rule them, and conduft them to the living Fountains of Waters } and God Ihall wipe away all Tearsfrom their Eys, Hymn XLI. TEH me you bright Stars that fhine Roundabout the Lambs high Throne f How, through bodies once like mine, How are you thus glorious- grown > Hark with one voice they reply + This was all our happy skill : We on Jefus fixt our Ey, And his eminent followers ftill. As we clearly faw their mind Set and rul'd, we order 'd ours : Both this Hate alone delign'd, Up towards this ftrain'd all our Powers* Taught by Tmfrarce we abflain'd From all lefs for greater Goods : Slight- Vefpers for Saints. '507 Slighting little drops, wegain'd Full and fweet and lafting Floods* ArmM with Fortitude, we bare Letter Evils, worfe to fly : Mortal death we durft out-dare> Rather then for ever dy. Jnfiice we obfervU; by giving Every one their utmbft due : That, in peace and order living, All might freely Heav'n purfue* prudence governM all the reft > Prudence made us (till apply What was fittcft, what was belt* To. advance great Charity. On thofe Golden wheels of Grace* That loves fiery Chariot bear, We arriv'd at this bright place: Follow us and never fear : O fure truth ! O bled Attefters I O that all the world may prove Of both thefe fuch jfcrong digeflers Tnat both thefe may feed' their love- Him who made us all for this, Him who made Himfelf our way> Him 5oS Vefpers for Saints. Him who leads us into blifs, May all praife, and all obey. Amen. Here Proper,, as in Feftivals-, Elfe as follows. Ant. Worthy art thou, O Lord, toreceive the Book, and to open the Seals thereof : For thou wert flain, and haft redeemed us to God with thy Blood out of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation \ and haft made us to our God a Kingdom, Alleluja. Magnificat as Tag. 44. repeat Ant. V. Thou haft made us to our God a King- dom 5 may he reign in it for ever. R. Thou haft prepared for us a King- dom with our God ; may we reign in it for sver. Let us pray, OGod, whofe merciful Providence has ftill from the Beginning fown the feeds of grace in the hearts of thy chofen fervants •, which, at the Refurre&ion of thy Son (the firft fruits of them that ftept) fprungup into glory :*and, by his holy do&rin, and admi- rable life, and precious death, haft infinitely encreaft the means of Salvation, and the number Complin for Saints. 5^09 number of thy Saints ! Grant, we befeech Thee, that we whom thou haft favoured with fo many advantages, may, by the powerful intercedion of that glorious company, obtain thy grace to imitate them here, and rejoyce with them for ever in thy Kingdom hereaf- ter , through the fame our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, with &c. V. O Lord hear, &c. As $ age 46. Complin for Saints. V_yUr help is in, &c. As pag. 47. Ant. Precious in thy fight. O Lord, is the death of thy Saints-, precious to thee, and themfdves, and us. Pfal. CXXXVIII. THns we have paft another day, another ftep towards our long home. We have feen the Sun a few hours more; and our day is loft in its own night. But is it loft ? O carelefs we I and all the holy words we have read and heard ? Leave they no mark in our memories be- hind them, but make a little found and vaniffi in the air ? Have 5io Complin for Saints. HavewenotbeenatafolemnFeaft ? and do we fo foon forget our entertainment ? Could we fee nothing among all thofe rari- ties *that relilht with us,and ftirr'd our appe- tite? Was there no fit provifion for fome virtue 'we want? no proper Remedy for fome Weak- nefs we have ? Are we devout already as the Saints of God? and chafte, and temperate, and reJIgned as they ? Do we defpife this world with a Zeal like theirs \ and value Heav'n at the fame rate with them ? Would we give all we haye, juft now to be there ? and part with life it felf to dy and go thither ? Alas ! how fhortare we of thefe perfedions ! how (lowly do we follow thofe excellent Guides ! OThatwelivM, I dare not fay, bleft fouls, like you; whofe aim was high, and a gene- rous heat giowM in your brefts ' But that our hearts delire were to live like you; and what you really did, we really wiiht to do. O That we liv'd in fome degree like you 5 and lovM to think, and read, and fpeak of you ! To fing and publifli your Heroick Ads \ and where we cannot imitate, at ieaft admire- At Complin for Saints. jii At leaft, let us learn to humble our felves, and check the vanity of our proud con- ceits : Let us mourn and blufli at our many infir- mities; and fo much the louder call to heav'n for relief : Hear us you B. Saints, who dwell fecure a- bove ; and turn your eyes of pity towards us below : Look down with tendernefs on our world of miferies, and bow your charitable knees to the God of mercies : That? what our own unworthinefs cannot obtain, we may hope to receive by your holy prayers. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c- Pfal. CXXXIX. LEt us humble our felves, but not grow faint? at the fight of others fo far be- fore us. Rather let us quickcaour (loth by their fwift pace ; and encourage our fears with their hap- py fuccefs. We> whoprofefs the Religion of allthefe Saints, who liv'd and dyUin the fame Church with us : . We, who partake of the fame holy Sacra- meats, and eat the fame celeltial Food : Why $ i a Complin for Saints] Why fhould we fear, one day, to fliine above, and rejoyce together with you glo-; rious Saints ? Are we not all redeemM by the fame rich price •, and the fame eternal Crowns proposed to us all ? Are we not bred in the fame Apoflolick Faith y and nurit at the breafts of the fame fpiritual Mother ? The Leflbns, I fee, and Teacher is the fame i but the hand is dull, and Instrument out of tune. You livM indeed in a dangerous world like this, and were ty'd to bodies frail as ours • But by a conftant vigilance you oVecame the world, and fubdu'd thofe bodies to the fervice of your minds. You overcame with a joyful heart i and we thus congratulate the triumph of your vidories : You overcame, but not by your own flrong hand ; you now triumph) but 'tis by the boun- ty of your God : Cheer then thy felf, my foul, and raife thy head ; and open thy bofom to the hopes of heav'n. Fear not, our God has a bleffing toofor us f if we have a love and obedience for him. If we delight in the wayes of piety \ and diligently .attend the Offices of devotion. Complin for Saints. 5TIJ If we refrain from the liberties of the World, and curb the loofe fuggeftions of the flefli. If we can look on gold and honour ; and their flaming beams not dazleour eyes. If we perform? with them, the part of faithful fervants, we fhall ftireiy, with them, have the portion of children. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c Pfal. CXL. PRccious in thy light, O Lord, is the death of thy Saints, which finifhes thy greateffc work, the perfecting of Souls. Whom thou efteem'll as the Jewels of hea- ven, and choicely gather'it into thine own Treafury. Precious to themfelves,0 Lord, is the death of thy Saints, which takes ofFthe dusky cover that hides their brightnefs. Which fhapes and polifhes them to a beau- teous luftre :, and fets them as ftars round a- bout thy Throne. Precious to us, O Lord, is the death of thy Saints; which makes us heirs of fo great a wealth .- Which leaves us furnifht with fo rich va- riety, that every kind of want is abundantly fupplyM. Some y 1 4 Complin for Saints. Some teach us courage to encounter dan- gers-, and not, for fear, make Shipwrack of our confcience. Others inftrudt us to converfe with meek- nefsi and patiently bear negle&s and inju- ries. From fome we learn how wifely to ufe this world, and make it ferve us in our way to the next. From others, how more generoufly to re- nounce it ; and pafs our time in peace and prayer. From all we learn this bell of arts, to live and dy like Saints*, and, in the beft of me- thods, their own example. . O graciou? Lord, whofe love ftill looks abouti and fearches every way tofave us fin- ners ! Who cam'ft Thy felf, bright Sun of glory ! *to enlighten our darknefs and warm our fro- zen hearts. Who with thy fruitful beams ftill kindlefl others, to burn as tapers in thy Churches iiand, And, by their near proportionate diftance, ftand fit to ihine into every corner of our lives. O make us blefs thy name for all thefe mercies, and let not one be loft by our in- gratitude. i Let Complin for Saints. $ i £ Let us not fee in vain the crown at the races end; and fit down lazily inthefhades of eafe : Let us not keep in vain thefe facred memo- ries, to be only a reproach to our unprofita- ble lives: But let us ftretch our felves, and purfue to the mark, for the glorious prize that's fee before us. Still with our utmoft fpeed let us follow Them? whofe travails ended in fo fweet a reft. And, when onr life's laft day begins to fall, and bids us haften to prepare for night. Then come you H. Angels and w7atch about us : and fuffer not the enemy to difturb our paflage • Come, and receive in peace our departing fouls ; and bear them fafely to the prefence of our Lord. Then, O thou blefled Virgin -Mother ! protect us with thy favor : and, all you glo- rious Saints ! aflift us with your Prayers. Then, O Thou doar Redeemer of the world, and SoveraignKing of life and death / Thou who defpueft not the tears of the pe- nitent ; nor turn'ft away from the fig lis of the afflifted : Thou who preferv'ft all thai rely on Thee: , and fulfill their defires that long to be with Thee : Z Hear £ iS Complin for Saints. Hear Thou our cries, and pardon our fins ; and gracioufly deliver us from all our fears. Call us to thy felf with thine own blelt voice: callus,, O dear eft JESU, in thine own ; ; fweet words. Come yon Blejfed of my Father, fojfefs the Kingdom * prepared for yon from the foundation of the world. Then, O my happy foul immediately obey •: and go forth with gladnefs to meet thy Lord : To live with him, and behold his glory \ .. jEpjejoyce.withhim, and fing his praife. Glory be, &c. As it was, &c. Ant. Precious in thy fight, OLord, is the death of thy Saints ; precious to Thee, and themfelyesandus. Hymn XLIII. Night forbear •• alas! our Praife, And young Hope newly begun, .Set to grow on thofe bleft dayes, Tender and faint require more Sun, "'TwilL-not hear ; butfullen flies, Summons all the world tofleep; Bids us clofe our books and eyes, What w'have gainM content to keep. ,BleBed Complin for Saints. 5 17 Elcflcd Saints ! thefe broken hours Bids our flownefs ply its wing ; While your quick and a&ive powers Always wake> and always ling. Yet ev'nfuch your School, once, was ; And your now-unwearied Lays, By thus mingling Song and Paufe, Here 'mongusyou lea nit to raife. Here you, thus, took often breath ; Yet have climb'd thofe hills of light " O may your fuccefs bequeath Hope to reach that glorious hight. Though our Notes be fhort and few, And our Refls too oft and long • If we keep in tune with you, We at lad fhall fing your fong. If our utmofl: humble powers Here our daily prayers attend • Thefe poor Pfalms fhall there like yours, In a nightlefs Complin end. Glory, Lord, to Thee alone, Here below, as there above • May thy joys, Great Three in One, Ever draw, and crown our love. Amen. Capit. Mat. 1 1 . CO me to me all you that labour, and are oppreft, and I will refrelh you -* take my yoke upon you, and learn of me, for I Z 2 am $ 1 8 Complin for Saints. am meek and humble of heart •, and you fhali find reft to your Souls ; for my yoke is fweet, and my burthen light. Ant. The juft lhall fhineas the Sun in the prefence of God, and neither night nor cloud , eclipfe them for ever. Nnnc„ dimktisy as Page 55. repeat Ant. V. For the glory of God (hall fhine upon them. R. And the light of the Lamb illuminate . them. 1 Let us Pray. OGod, who, after thy fervants had fpent the day of their life in a courfe of Pie- ty, and heroick virtue, didft clofe their eve- ning with a holy death, and eternal Rewards / Grant us, we befeech thee* fo to imitate thy Saints in the wife beftowing our time here, that we may follow them in their happy paf- fage out of this world, and be admitted to thy everlafting glory with them in the other \ through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, with, &c. Vouchfafe, &c. As Page 56. to the end. THE (519) THE OFFICE for the Dead, MATINS, IntroduSiiony as page l. Jnvlt. Come, let's adore our God to whom all things live. - Come, let's adore our God, to whcrri all things live. P/al. CXLI. HE is the great Creator of the world $ and Soveraign Judg of all mankind •• He fits above on his glorious Throne ; and in his hands are the keys of life and death. Come, let's adore our God, to whom all- things live. Whatever he pleafes he brings to pafs ; and none can refift his Almighty Power : whatever he does, is ftill the beft ; and none can accufc his all- knowing Goodnefs. Z i Come, 5 2,0 Matins for the Dead. Come, let's adore our God, to whom, Sec. All things do live to Thee, O Lord ! Thou fole preferver of univerfal nature •* the blefled Saints rejoyce in thy glory ; and the imper- fe& fouls are fuftain'd in hope. Come, let's adore our God, to whom, &c. Even the unhappy fpirits declare thy ju- ftice;, and the reft of thy Creatures lookup1 for mercy : expelling at laft to be delive- red from corruption, into the glorious li- berty of the Sons of God. Come, let's adore our God, to whom, &c. Lord ! while we breath, make us live to Thee •, and, when we. expire, depart in thy peace ■! that, whether we live or dye, we be always thine; and, after death, ftill live with Thee. Cone, let'^ adore our God, to whom, &c. Give them eternal reft, O merciful Lord! And make thy glorious Light {hine upon them for ever. Come, let's adore our God, to whom. &o Come, let's adore our God, to whom &c. Ant. Come, let us humble our felves in the fight of our God ; and fpread before him all our complaints. Pfal. J Nat ins for the Dead. 52.1 Pfd. CXLII. UNhappy we, the children ofduft/ \ were we born to fee the Sun. Why did our Mothers bring us forth mifery ; and unkindly rejoyce to lu:ar us cry ? Whether, alas ! has their error led us ? in how fad a condition docs our birth en . us? We enter the world with weeping eyes ; and go out with fighing hearts. All the few days we live are full of vani- ty *, and our choicefl pleafures fprinkled with bitternefs. The time that's paft is vanifht like a dream ' j and that which is to come is not yet at all. The prefent we are in, flays but a- mo- ment i and then files away, and never re- turns. Already we are dead to all the years we have liv'd \ and (hall never live them over a-" gain : But the longer we live, the fhorter is our life ; and in the end we become a little-lump of clay. O vain and miferablc world ! how fadly true is all this (lory •' And yet, alas ! this is not all ; but ntvt COm- 5 % i Matins for the Dead. complaints remain? and more, and worfe. We begin our race in contemptible weak- nefs •* and our whole courfe is a progrefs of dangers. If we efcape the mifchances of a child } we pafs on to the rafli adventures of youth. If we out-live thofe fudden ftorms \ we fall into far more malicious calamities • Our own fuperfluous cares deliberately con- fume us, and the erofTes of the world wear out our lives. Should we, by flrange fuccefs, o'recome all thefe, and ftill bear up our profperous head •* We are fure, at laft, old age will find us } and bow our ftrength down to the grave. The grave? from whence no priviledg ex- empts ; nor any power controuls his com* mand; The rich mufl: leave their wealth behind rhem ; and the great Ones of the World he crumbled into duft : The beauteous face mufl: be turn'd into Rottennefs; and the pamper'd body be- come the food of worms. The bufie man mult find a time to dye •, though his full Employment fpare none to provide for it. Even the wife and virtuous mufl: fubmit to fate*, and the heirs of life it felf be the pri- foners of death. This Matins for the Dead. 5*2} This when I fee, I weep and am a- fraid \ fince we all mull drink of the fame cold cup. All mult go down to the fame dark grave* j and none can tell how foon he may be call- ed. To day we are in health among our friends and affairs \ and to morrow arrefted by the hand of death. Nature may faintly ftruggle for a tirrfe; but mull yeild at laft, and be buried in the earth. At laft we muft take our leave of our near- eft Relations ; and bid a long farewel to all the World. Perhaps, the People may talk of us a while ; fometimes as we deferve, and often as they pleafe. Perhaps, 1 >ur bodies once laid out of fight } we no more are rememberM, than if we never had been: Only our good works follow us to the grave j and faithfully go on with us beyond our funera1 Givcthem eternal Reft O merciful Lord ! And make; thy glorious L^hc fhine upon them for ever. Am. Come, let's humbTe our felves in the fight of our God : and fpread before him ail our complaints. Z 5 Ant. 5* 2,4 Matins for the Dead. Ant. 5Tis not for us? O Lord, to chufeour own Conditions \ but to manage well what thou 3ppointe{L Tfal. CXLHl. WHy do we thus bemoan ourfelves; and rafhly utter fuch repining words. Seems it fo hard a fate to tread the path, which all our Anceftors have gone be- fore us ? Adam the; firfi of men ; and Abraham the friend of God : David the man after Gods own heart *, and the B. Mary , Virgin-Mother of, our Lord : Ail thefe have paid their debt to nature ; and fubfcribM the law of Univerfal Morta* lityo JESUS himfelf, the eternal Son of God. expirM on the Crofs \ and went to his glory through the gates of death : And (hall our fond felf-love fo blindly flat- ter us ; to wifti an exception from this gene- ral Rule ? Shall we be murmuring ftill, our life is but a {pan ; and that expofed to innumerable for rows ? Does not the very fhortnefs abate its mife- ries ? do not thofe many miferies commend its- (hortnefs } : Should ; Matins for the Dead. yi<* Should we not rather rejoyce at the light- of death ; that when e're it comes, itill brnigs advantage ? If in our age, 'tis a Hav'n of repofe; and ought to be welcome after fo long a voy- age : If in our youth> it prevents athoufandcr- lamitiesj a thoufand dangers of ruining our fouls : If by any ordinary ficknefs, 5tis thecoirrfe of nature ; if by an outward violence, 'tis al- wayes the will of Heaven. What need we fear how many deaths there are 5 we are fure there can be but one for us. Dying is an ad to be done but once'} and once well done, we are happy forever- Lord * we confefs thy Decrees are jufl '-, and our felves the caufe of all our mife- ries- We facrifice our youth tofport and folly ; and our manly years to luft and pride. We fpend our old age in craft and ava- rice \ and begin not to live till we are rea- dy to dy. Then we bewail the fhortnefs of our time 5 when our felves have prodigally thrown it all away. We lead a loofe and negligent life ; and then complain death takes us unawares, $-l6 Maths for the Dead. Our dayes are perhaps too few to grow rich ; or fatisfy the ambition of a haughty fpirit ." But, to be taught the love of God, and the meek and humble life of JESUS, Requires not fo much the number of years -0 as the faithful endeavours of a pious mind. Could we beftow, on the improvement of our fouls, the time we fo vainly trifle a- way : Our day would be fhort enough not to feem tedious; and long enough to finilhour appointed task. And what, O glorious Lord ! is our bufi- nefs here 5 but to trim our Lamps and wait tby coming? But to fow the immortal feed of hope : and exped hereafter to reap the increafe. ' No matter how late the fruit be gathered^ if ftiil it go on in growing better. No matter how foon it fall from the tree; if not blown down before it be Upe, O thou mod juft, but fecret, Providence } v7ho govern'lial] things by the counfel of thy ". ill: Whofe powerful hand can wound and heal ; lead down to the grave> and bring again ! Behold. Matins for the Dead. $ij Behold, to Thee we bow our heads, apd freely fubmit our dearefl concerns. Strike as thou pleafeft our health, our lives ^ we cannot be fafer then at thy dif- pofe. Only thefefew requefts we humbly make, which, O may thy clemency vouchfafe to hear! Cut us not off in the midfl of our folly } nor fuffer us to expire with our fins unpar- doned : But, make us, Lord, firft ready for thy felf, then take us to thy felf, in thine own fit time. Give them eternal, &c. And may thy, &c. Ant. *Tis not for us, O Lord, to chufe our own conditions •, but to manage well what thou appointeft. Ant. Only our earth ftiall return to earth-, but our better part /hall live for ever, Pfal. CXLIV. MY Soul, all thefe complaints concern not thee; whom thy bounteous God has made immortal: Who, when this Houfe of clay fhall fall into duii, and this narrow ca^e be broken down> Shalt $ i8 Maths for the Deaef. Shalt foar alofc on thkie own free wings; and fpread thy boundlefs eye over all the world. If thou haft happily trained up thy felfr to aim ftill upwards at the- higheft Hea- vens ; Swift, as a flafh ofquickeft lightningrftialt thou inftantly fly to thofe bleflfed Objects.- But, if thy thoughts have flag'd below, and delighted to hover too near this earth ; If above all things thou haft lov'd thy God, but not lov'd all things in order to thy God: Or, if thy tears have been too few, to wafh away throughly the remaining ftains : Unworthy as yet of that blisful light : whofe beams endure not the leaft impu- rity, Thou muft fit down in the fhades of for- row, and dwell in the vale of tears anddark- nefs. There thou muft figh, and mourn; and wait ; till the dayes of thy purifying be ful- ly finifht. O the dear price thofe Prisoners pay^ for neglefting here to perfect their accounts ! How are their fouls enflamM with angnifh ; and continually tortur'd with unfpeakable pains, How Matins for the Dead. 5-29 How do they fadly lament their carelefs liberties •, and the little paflions they too much obey'd / But, alas! their repentance comes now too late, to meet with that mercy they fo long abusM, Now they mud lye in this tedious Dungeon; till their patience have fatisfyM the utmoft farthing. Only this hope fuftains their heart, and fvveetens a little their bitter Cup. That the redeeming Day is flill drawing on? and will infallibly at lalt appear. O may that happy Day make haft to come, and chear their darknefs with its radiant beams / O may that Sun of Juftice fpeedily arife* and difperfe the mill that intercepts their fight! Come Lord, come quickly dearefl JESU ! and refcue with thy power thine own inheri- tance. Thou who canrft humbly once> to redeem us Sinners , come glorioully now to deliver thy Servants : Deliver them, O Lord ! from the fnare of the enemy, and their captive fouls out of the hand of the wicked : That they may pafs from death to life, and dwell with thee in thy blelled peace, Give them eternal, &o And may thy? &c. jim. 5*30 Matins for the Dead. Ant. Only our earth fhall return to earth, but our better part fhall live for ever. Our Father, &c Firft Leflbn. Job. MAn that is born of Woman lives a fhort time, and is filled with many miferies. He comes forth as a flower and is bruifed into dull' \ he flies away as a fhadow, and never continues in the fame ftate : And thinkeft Thou fit to open thine Eyes upon fuch a one, & bring him before thee into Judgment ? Who can make clean him that is conceived of unclean feed ? Is it not Thou, who only art ? The dayes of man are fhort, and the number of his Months are with thee; Thou haft ap- pointed his Limits which cannot be pafTed-* depart a little from him, that he may reft* till as a hireling his wifht-for day fhall come. Who will grant me this, that in Hell Thou wouldft proteft me, and hide me till thy fu- ry pafs away : and appoint me a time wherein thou wilt remember me ? All the dayes, in which I now am in warfare, 1 wait till my change come. Thou (halt call me? and I fhall anfwcr Thee : to the work of thy hands Thou wilt reach forth thy right hand ; Thou hait indeed numbered my fteps j but do Thou par- don my finso R. Where Matins for the Dead. 5-31 R. Where (hall I hide me, O Lord, from the face of thy Wrath ? Where fhall I hide me when Thou com'ft to judg the living, and the dead ? I tremble at my ownllnworthinefs^ I am afham'd, thus impure* to appear in thy prefence. *Wafh me yet more, O Lord, from my iniquities, and purge me thorowly from my Sins. I know the Enemy that ob- ftru&s my way : my Sins exclude me from thy Kingdom, where no unclean thing can enter, nor any clean be deny'd admittance. *WaJh me- Second Lefibn. Job. SPare me, O Lord, for my days are nothing: I have finn7d,what fhall I do to thee-O thou Preferver of men ? why hall thou fet me con- trary to Thee ? And I am become burdenous to my felf. Why doll thou not take away my- fin ? Why doll thou not clear me of my iniquity ? Behold now I fhall deep in theduft* and if thou feek me in the morning I fhall noc be. My foul is weary of my life, I will let my fpeech pafs againfl my felf, I will fpeak in the bitternefs of my foul •, I will fay to God, Condemn me not: tell me, why doll thou judg me fo ? Seems it good to thee to over- charge me, and opprefs the works of thy hands, and help the counfel of the wicked ? Hall thou Eys of flefli, or as man fees {halt Thou 5 3 2* Matins for the Dead. thou alfo fee ? that thou feekeft my iniquity, and feafccheft my fin ? Thy hands have made me, and framM me wholly round about, and doll thou- fo fuddenly caft me down headlong? With Skin and Fleih thou haft clothed me: with Bones and Sinews thou haft compacted me: life and mercy thou haft given me: and thy Vification has kept my fpirit- EL Wo to me? wretched Sinner, what fhall I' do? I have committed evil in the fight of my God : I have offended the Eys of h;s Majefty : Whither fhall I fly from the Juftlce. of my Judg? Whither, but to the mercy of my Sa- viour/ *Have mercy on me, O Lord, have mercy on me : when thou comeft in glory to Judge the World with Fire- My corrupt na^ ture has brought forth fin, and fin has brought forth forrow: where fhall I feek for pardon, where fhall I find relief? But in Thee, my God, my hope, and portion in the land of the living! *Have mercy on me \ Third LrfTon Job. DEliver me, O Lord, and fet me belide thee; and let any mans hand fight a- gainft me. My days are paft^and my thoughts diflipated, tormenting my heart: they have turnM night into day ^ and again after dark- nefs I hope for light. Have pity on me, at leaft you my friends ; for the hand of our Lord J Matins for the Dead. 5-33 Lord has toucht me : He has hedgM my path round about, and I cannot pafs ; and in my way he has put darknefs- Who will grant me that my words may be written ? Who will give me that they may be drawn in a. book with an Iron Pen, and in a plate of Lead j or graven with Steel on a Marhie-ftone ? For, I know my Redeemer lives, and in the lafl day I fhall rife 'out of the Earthr and be compaft again with my Skin: and in my Flefh jhall fee God; whom I my felf fhall fee, and my eys fliall behold^ and no other : This my hope is laid up in my bofom- R. My days are declinM as aihadowy and I am withered awayasgrafsi and nothing re- mains but the cold Grave. O let me call back that uncomfortable word ! my days indeed are decJinM, but my eternity is-fafe; I.aui.wi* therM away as grals 5 but the Spring mil come and revive me into a flower of Paradife : *This my hope is laid up in my bofom. Let then my bodv be crumbled into dufti and my foul detainM tor a t'me in -farrow : I know my Redeemer lives, andin.the laftday I fhall rife out of the E irth, and be compaft again with my Skin, and in my Flefh fhall fee God, and in thatblifsful fight be for ever hapy : *This my hope is laid up in mybofom. Give them Eternal; &c *This my hope is &c. Paufe.'i then. Lauds 5*34 Lauds for the Dead. Lauds for the Bead. Ait. Return, O my foul ! to thy reft a^ gain, thy Lord deals gracioufly with all that love him. 3f*t. CXLV. WHen we have fhed our foleran Tears ; and paid our due fighs to the me- mory of the Dead : Let us wipe our Eys with the comfort of hope: and change our grief into a charitable joy. The Friends we mourn are delivered from this world* and all the miieries we fo juftly deplore. Their bodies tremble no more with the- Palfy ; nor burn with the flames of a fcorch- ing feaver. They cry out no more for want of fleep^ nor roul up' and down their uneafy beds. But quietly reft in the filent grave; till they rife again to immortal glory. Which while they there expeft in peace ; their fouls are enlargM to a fpacious li- berty. No longer confined to this Prifon of the body •, but gone to dwell in the region of Spi- rits* No t I ( Lauds for the Dead. 535- No longer exposM to thefe ftormy Seas; ^ut gladly arriv'd at their fafe harbour. Where though their paflage ftopt a while, ±ey are free from all fear of being caft a- »vay. Though for a time they attend with for* ow? they are fare to rejoyce atlalt for all e- ernity. They are fure at laft to behold their Re- deemer, and live for ever with the Blefied Je- Tus. C, were it not for this fweet hope ; who :ou!d indure fuch killing delays ? Who that but knows the beauty of God, as they all do ; and fees himfelf detained from fo great a happinefs j Detained, for affecting fome trifle here ; if uch we may call what defers ourheav'n. O glorious Lord the free Original Source; and final end of univerfal nature / Since> by thy grace, Thou haft thus be- gun, and fown in their hearts the feed of >lory. O may the fame all-powerful hand *go on :o finifti its own bled work. Ripen the fruit Thou referv-'it for thy felf ; and haften the day of their joyful harveft. Send forth thy B. Angels to reap thy grain; and lay it up fafe in thy heavenly Maga- zine. There 43 6 Lauds for the Dead. There to fupply the place of thofe unhappy tares? which thy juftice threw down into ever- lafting fire. There to affift among thofe holy Quires, which thy mercy eftabliflit in everlafting blifs. Give them eternal, &c. And may thy, &c Pfal. CXLVI, COme, let us praife the Goodnefs of our i God ; who orders every thing to the belt for his fervants : Whofe Providence governs us all our life^j and takes fo particular a care of our death. He calls us down on our beds of licknefs ; and draws the curtain 'twixt the world and us. Shutting out all its vain defigns ; and con- tracting our bufmefs to a little chamber. There, in that quiet folitude, he fpeaks to our hearts •, and fets before us all our life. There, he difcovers the fallacies of this world } and invites us now at laXt to prepare for the other. Thither he fends his Meflengers of Peace ; to treat with our Souls, and reconcile them to heav'n. Thither Lauds for the Dead. 557 Thiiher he fends even his only Son •, to fe- cure our palfage, and conduct us to Him- felf. O, liow quite other will our thoughts be then, to what they were in our carelefs health ! How fhall we freely eenfure what we once -cfteemM ; and be eaiily couvinc't into wifer counfels ! When our unruly fenfes fhall be checkt with pain j and our rafli minds made fober with fear : When the occafions of fin (hall be rexnovM away, and every thing about us incline us to repent. Blefled for ever be thy Name, O Lord * whofe mercy fanftifies even thy punifhments into favours. Thou bring'!]; us low, to perfwade us to be humble : and prefcrib'ft us a ficknefs, to cure our infirmities. Thou command'ft the grave to difpenfe with none but indifferently feize on all a- iike : That all may alike provide for that fatal hour; and none be undone with miftaken hopes. Thou tePft us plainly, we all mud dy } but kindly conceal'ft the time and place. That -every where we may ftand on our .guard j and every moment expert thy coming. Thoi 538 Lauds for the Dead. Thou teacheft us the life of decent Fune: ralsr and the holy charity of praying for the Dead } That we may often renew the memory of our grave, and the wholelbm thoughts of our future ftate : So? with one Aft of excellent piety, *to fhorten the pains of others and prevent our own. Let not, O Lord, thefe gracious Arts be loft > which thy merciful Wifdom contrives for our fakes. But, while w7c thus Temember the death of others, make us ferioufly ftill refleft on our own. And, every time we rcfleft on our own, make us pioufly ftill remember Theirs. Give them eternal, &c. And may thy, &c. Pfal. CXLVII. Opraife our Lord all you Nations of the earth, whom his Providence yet fu- ftains alive : Whom he fo long forbears to ftrike } though our fins have often provok'd his wrath : Whom he fo gracioufly calls to repent ; though our pailions have hitherto negle&ed his voice j Making Lauds for the De ad. 539 Making experiments by the death of other-, to advife hisfervants into a warier life : To clear this ufeful truth, We too muft dyc^ and ftri&ly account for every idle word-; We muft appear before that great Tribunal, and tremblingly receive our everlafting doom. O, praife our Lord all you Faithful Depar- ted ! for his mercy preferves the Juft. Though you dwell below in the Valley of death, and fit afflifted in the fhades of dark- nefs. Yet will He bring you up to his eternal mountains •, and fill your eyes with glorious light. Though your bones be bruifed with forrow \ and your hearts made heavy with faintnefs. Yet you again fiiall be cloathed with beau* ty ; and plac't to fing among the B- Saints. O praife our Lord, all you B. Saints; whom his bounty already has crown'dwith glory. You who, entirely weanM from the allure- ments of this world, found no unwillingnefs at your death to leave it- You who, deiigning your whole life for heav'n, departed with joy to pofTefs your hopes ; Millions of Angels meeting you in the way, and carrying you direitly to the prefence of their King. O praife our Lord all you glorious Angels ; A a whofe 540 Lauds for the Dead. vvhofe bright felicity began fo early ! Stars that aroie in the morning of the World, and Hill maintain your unchange- able luftre. Shining perpetually near the throne of God, as the top and Mafter-piece of all his works. O praife our Lord all you his works ; blefs him and magnify him for ever ! Praife his Almighty Power that gave you your being-, and ft ill preferves you from re- lapfing into nothing : Praife his All-feeing Wifdom, that here direfts your fteps \ and leads you on to your Eternal end: Praife, above all, hisboundlefs Goodnefs ; that pours Lnto every thing as much as it can hold: And, though our fhort fight now reach not fo far, but often miftake? and repine at his Government : Yet, at the lafl: great day, we fhall clearly difcern * a per fed concord in the harfheft note •' When our ador d Redeemer fhall come in the Clouds, and fummon all Nature to ap- pear before Him : There to receive each one their proper part ; exa&ly fitted to their befl: capacity. There to behold the whole Creation ilrive, to exprefs in it felf the perfections of its Maker : Whofe Lauds for the Dead. 541 Whofe admirable Wifdom (hall guide that laft univerfal Scene ; and finifli the whole Alli- en in a beauteous cloze. Give them eternal, &c. And may thy, &c. Ant. Return, O my Soul ! to thy Reft a- gain i for thy Lord deals gracioufly with all that love Him. V.Blefled are the dead, who dy in our Lord. R. They reft from their labors ; for their works follow them. Ant\ I am the Refurreftion and the Life ; he that believes in me, tho* he be dead, fhall live 5 and every one that lives and be- lieves in me fhall not dy for ever. BenedittuS) As page 2 7. Repeat Ant. Then kgetling fay. Our Father, &o And the Mtftrere as follows. V. Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy: R. And* according to the multitude of thy companions, wipe away my offen- ces A a 2 V. Wafh £4-2 Lauds for the Dead. V. Walh me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanfe me from my fin. R. For I know my iniquity; and my Sin is always before me. V. Againft Thee only have I finn'd, and done evil in thy fight \ that Thou may'ft be juftify'd in thy Words, and over- come whqn Thou art judgM- HR. For behold, I- was conceivM in iniquity, , and in fins my Mother brought me forth. V. Behold, Thou haft lovM.Truth \ the in- , certain and hidden things of thy Wif- dom Thou haft manifested to me. R. Thou fhalt fprinkle me with hyflbpe, and • I fhall be clenfed ; Thou fhalt waft me, and I fhall be made whiter than fnow. V. Thou fhalt give to my hearing joy and gladnefs, and the bones Thou haft hum- bled fhall re Joyce. R. Turn away thy face from my fins j and blot out all my iniquities. V. Create a clean heart in me, O God ; and renew a right Spirit in my bowels. R. Caft . me not away from thy face \ and take not thy H. Spirit from me. V; Reftore to me the joy of thy falvation \ and confirm me with an Heroick fpi- rit. R. I will teach the wicked thy ways, and the impious fhall be converted to Thee- V, De- Lauds for the Dead. .54$ V. Deliver me from blood, O God, the God of my Salvation, and my tongue (hall exalt thy Juftice. R. O Lord, open Thou my Lips-, and my* mouth (hall declare thy praife. V. For would'ft Thou have had facrifice, I verily had given it *, with burnt-ofTt^ rings Thou art not delighted : R A fatriilce to God isanaffii&ed Spirit*, $ contrite and an humble heart, O God>> Thou wilt not defpife. V. Deal favourably, O Lord, in thy goyil will with Sion ; that the walls of Jerufa* lem may be built up. RThen fhalt Thou accept the Sacrifice of Juf- tice, oblations of holocaufts \ then Iftalt they lay Calves upon thine Altar. V. Give them eternal, &c- R- And may thy,&c« V. Turn not thy face away from them,0 Lord ; R. Turn not thy face away in wrath from thy fervants. V. Behold their humiliation and their labor •, R. And forgive them all their fins. V. Behold how their fpirit is in anguifh •, R. And their heart troubled within them. v V. Their iniquities have overtaken them •, R. Innumerable evils have compaft them about,; r V. And now, what is their expe&ation but thou, O Lord ? A a 3 R. And V- Before Thee is all their defire. R. And their groans are not hid from Thee. V. As the Hart pants after the water-brooks 3 R. So do their fouls third after thee. V. Their fouls thirft after Thee, the living fountain : R» When fhall they come, and appear before thy face ! V. Their tears are their bread day and night: R. While ftill 'tis faid to them, Where is your God ? V. Convert them, O Lord, thou God of flrength } R. Shew them thy face, and they /hall be^ fafe. V. Bring out their fouls from prifon, to praife thy Name. R. The Juft.ftand expe&ing till thou re- wardfft them, V • How long Lord, wilt thpu forget them for ever? RHow long wiltThou hide thy face from them? V. Turn thee, O Lord, and deliver their fouls: R. Save them for thy mercy's fake. V. Save thy people., O Lord, and blefs thine Inheritance : R. Govern them, and raife them up to Eter- nity. V. That they may walk in the Light of thy Countenance. R. And Lauds for the Deact. f^. R. And rcjoyce in thy prefcnce for ever. V, That their foals may live, and ling thy praife : R. While even thy judgments lead them to their blifs. V. O Lord- hear,. &c. R. And let our, &c, US 12}. • OGod, who in thy Mercy, halt prepa-" red immediate Rewards for the p<:: feet, and, in thy Juftice, immediate Punilh- v ments for the Wicked •, and, mingling thv Mercy and Juftice together, haft ' ordain d a Middle State for thofe who depart in a true but weak degree of divine Charity ! "car, JW bdesch Thee, our Prayers for thefe thy affli&ed fervants, who look up to Thee, and. figh after the times of refrefhmeBt from thy glorious prefence : Forgive them their fins, and deliver them from their forrows, and bring them to the pofleffion of all their wflhes, in reft and peace, ai:d everlafting joy ; through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, with, &c. Aa 4 <£ 546 Lauds for the Dead. A Prayer for any particular Perfon departed. BEhold with pity, we befeech thee, O Lord, the Soul of thy fervant N. for whom we humbly offer our Pray'rs to thy Di- vine Majefty ! And grant that the offences, which humane fraflty has inconfiderately committed? being by thy clemency merci- fully forgiven, and all impediments, by a per- fect cleanfing from the flains of Sin, thorow- ly removed ; the happy effeft of feeing Thee face to face for ever, may immediately fol- low -, through our Lord JESUS Chrift thy | Son, who, with, &c. V. Give them eternal reft, O merciful Lord ! R. And may thy glorious Light (hine upon them for ever. V. May they reft in peace- Amen. Feffers fir the Dead, i N the Name, &c. As fage 34- Ant. Blefied are the fervants whom our Lord fhall find watching ; He finely will be- llow on them all the mercies of Heav'n. Pfal. Vefpers for the Vend. 547 T[aL cxlviii. COme let us make our peace betimes with our God •, before the Evening approach too near. While it is call'd to day^ let us faithfully la- bour, for the night will come wherein none can work. Let us implore his favour \ frit for our felves ; and not till then prefume to beg for others. Let us look firft into our ownbrefts ; and ftriftly examine what pafles there: Left while we pray for the falvation of o- thers, our felves become everlafling Repro- bates. Tell me, my foul, how (land our great ac- counts ? Are all things even betwixt Heaven and us? Are we prepared to go meet our Judge ^ whofe juftice punifhes every leaft defeft. Is there not ftill fome reftitution to make ; which the love of this world tempts us to de- lay ? Is there not ftill fome mif-affeftion to recti- fy; which our own falfe hearts abufe us to cornive at? Not that we efleem, O Lord ! any crea- ture more then thee ; from which abhorred ingratitude defend thy fervants. Bnt 54$ Vefpers for the pead, But that weefleem them more then they deferve:, and £ufy our thoughts too eagerly about them. j We love them in foixie degree for them- felyes:, nut purely as instruments, to bring us to thee. Forgive, OSoveraign Goodnefs, thefeour imperfections ^ and fix our whole hearts on nothing but thy felf. Why are we thus, at bell, but good by Jhalfs ; for whom there's a whole Heav'n pre- pared worth all our labors. Why do we mingle Hill with thy pure grace *fo much of our own corrupted na- ture ? Deliver usy O Lord, from the tentations of this world ; and mercifully fave us from the wrath to come. That dreadful wrath which wefo juftly fean and which, fo many terribly feel : Juilly, they too confefs ; and yet they hope *uri the God of clemency to meet with pity. Pity, O Lord, their miferies, Thou who hcareft their cries ; relieve their forrows, thou who feeft their tears : Pity their fainting eys that perpetually ivake, *till the long expefted day appear. Pity their wearied hands ftretch't out to Thee j and fend thy hlelTcd Angels to unloofc :i:t;ir bonds, . Hht fofftrs for the Dead. 5^9 That they may pafs away to thofe man- fionsof ftfi where holy fouls reft> and weep no more. Give than eternal, &c. And may thy, &&• Ant .Bleflfed are the fervants whom our Lord fnall find watching : He furely will bellow on them all the mercies of heav'n. Ant. Happy they who are pray'd for by o- thers : but far more happy they who pray for themfelves. Pfal. CXL1X. HEarthefeour Pray'rs, O Lord, for thy fervints j and favourably accept our humble charity : Hear their own better Pray'rs, O Lord* for themfelves*, and tenderly regard their dole- ful complaints. Out of that dark and difin^l Prifon behold they cry in theariguifh of their hearts, 6 wretched fre^ what do we feel! what ftrange extremities do we here endure ! How has the jail avenger of our crimes *fe- verely pour'd hiswrath into our fouls ! Every thing afflifts us in this fad abode •> but nothing fo much as our own iniquities. They like a heavy yoke opprefs our necks * and keep down our eys from looking into Heav'n. Lord! 55o Vefpersfor the Dead. Lprd ! we confefs we have followed vani- ty} and negligently perform'd the work thou gav'ft us : We confefs we have gone aftray after the manner of Men 5 but our chief defires were towards thee. In thee we believ'd, and tov'd thy Name; and now we grieve that we loved no more. Quench not,. O.God of mercy } thefmoak- ing Flax ; nor break the bruifed reed : Pardon the Sins of the days of our folly ; and fupply the failings of the days of our Re- pentance. ' O, wTere we now again on earth \ ard. had the benefit but of one months fpace. How would we fpend every minute in pen- Ranee, to purge away thorowly every leaft impurity! How gladly would we take any crofs of fick- nefs •, that might wholfomly imbitter the world to our tail ! How, after this experience, would we heartily ftrive, at any rate to efcape thefe pains ! But we, unhappy we, have dipt our time, which our gracious God fo long in- dulged us. Now we are left ta our fighs and tears y and the too flow and heedlefs cherity of. o- thers. At Vefpers for the Dead. 551 Atleaft, Oyou our friends, fend up your prayers, to haften the day of our glad deli- . verance. At leaft,look well to provide for your felvs; that you come not hither to this place of fuf- Prings. Sufferings, which may your fculs ne're know : Yet may they neVe know worfe then thefe. Thefe are indeed extreamly affliftive : but infinitely lefs than eternal torments. We hope in time to rejoyce again ; we are fure at laft our God will deliver us. But, O, how long delays our Lord to come ? why are the wheels of his chariot fo flow ? Haft thou not faid, O God of Truth, that for thy El eft thofe days fhall be fhorten'd ? Haft thou not faid, O Lord of glory ! behold I come quickly, and my reward is with me ? Come, glorious Jefu / with all thy holy An- gels, and the bright attendance of rejoycing Saints : Come, and redeem the captivity of thy. Children ; and lead them away as Trophies of thy viftory. Thus, deareft Lord, will we cry continual- ly to thee ; and never leave weeping at the. gates of thy Palace : Til] 5 $ % Vefpers for the Dead. Till thou art plea^d to open thofe everla fl- ing dores, and gracioufly fay to our languish- ing fouls, Behold, I am come to pardon and refrefh you \ your fighs and tears have provok'c my pity. Behold, I am come to call you to my felf, and give you pofTeiTionof the inheritance I pro- mised : Come come, you BlefTed of my Father •, re- ceive the Kingdom prepard for you: 5Tis enough that my fervants have wept thus long y come, enter now into your Ma- tters joy. Give them eternal, £:c. And may thy, &c. A«t% Happy they who are pray:d for by'o- thers : but far more happy they who pray for themfelves. Ant. Gracious art Thou O God, in all thy promifes; and bounteoufly faithful irr all thy performances. Pfal. C L. COmfort your felvs, O you heirs of hope \ and be not caft down at your prefent diftrefs. If he defer a while, expert •, for he furely . will come, and bring you relief. He Vefpers for the Dead. ^ j He juftly ftays to punifh your nec'kftf when he qften calAl; and you would net come to him. He mercifully ftays till your fouls be re- fin'd, and able to bear the fplendor of his prefence. Then, will his glorious light immediately appear, and open to your view that blififtil. profpeft : Then will he gracioufly unveil himfelf ^and your eys (hall fee him facetp face. Then will the eternal Deity flane brightly onyour and ravifh your Hearts with everlait* ing Extaiies. All your great hopes fhall be fully fatisfyM, and your long expectation abundantly re- warded : You (hall remember your Affli&ions with pleafure ; when you fee they alone were your way to felicity. Even this very delay fhall ir.creafe your joys ; and every thing confpire to crown yoi> with happinefs. Mean while, our task. fhall be to pray for your peace ; and joyn our humble voice to your ftrong cries. That both our vows, thus charitably uni- ted,may obtain for both the pardon of our fins- But? we, alas ! are duft and alhes \ and ycq your felvs, as yet, imperfaft Opray 554 Vefpers for the Dead. O pray for us, you H. Saints ; whofe well- prepared affettions went ltraightto Heav'n. Pray for us you Quires of Angels *, who a- ffift continually at theThrore of Glory. Pray for us, bright Queen of heavenly Spi- rits, and blefled Mother of the Son of God! Pray for the faithful detained in forrow ; that the days of their banifhment be no more prolonged : Pray for us finners, yet, Pilgrims in the way^ that our fouls may arrive at their true home: Pray that we both may ftill look up to your gloriesiand wifh and long for that happy ftate. Pray that*, in all our eagereft defires, we may ftill fnbmit to the orders of Heav'n. Still frame our fongs of hope and patience ; and ftil cloze all with thefe precious words. Thy Kingdom come, O glorious Lord; and yet, O Lord, thy will be done. Give them eternal, &c. And may thy, &c. Ant. Gracious art thoib O God, in all thy promifes : and bounteoufly faithful in all thy performances, V-Btefled are the dead who dy in our Lord. R. Th:y reft from their labours? for their works follow them. Antm All that my Father gives me fhall come to me : And him that comes to me I will not caft forth. M^gniycat Vefpers for the Dead. 5 55 Magnificat as Pag. 44. repeat Ant. Then Kneeling fay y Our Father *And De profundis^/c//on>/. V . From the depths, O Lord, have 1 cry'd to thee; O Lord, hear my voice: R. Let thy ears txome attentive, to the words of my Petition. V. If thou flialt mark our Iniquities, O Lord} O Lord, who can fuftain it? R. But with thee there is propitiation, and for thy Law I have expefted thee* O Lord, V. My foul has expelled in his word \ my foul has hoped in our Lord : R. From the morning watch even until night, let Ifrael hope in our Lord. V. For with our Lord is mercy •, and with Him is plenteous redemption • R. And he (hall redeem Jfracl, from all its iniquities. V. Give them eternal, &c. R. And may thy glorious light, &c. V. Have mercy on them, OLord: have mercy on them ! R. For their fouls confide in thee : V. And 5 $6 Vefpers for the Dead. V. And in the fhadow of thy wings (hall they hope. R- Till' thei-r iniquities pafs away. V. Have mercy on them, O Lord, and blefs them. R. Shew them the light of thy counte- nance, and be merciful to them. V. Turn not thy face away from them ; R. Left they become like thofe who tfe- fcend into the lake- V. Keep Thou their fruls? O Lord, for tfep? are holy. R. Save thy fervapts who put their truft in Thee. V.. They (hall praife Thee, O Lord, YUtth their whole hearts \ v£ And glorify thy Name for t-ver. V. For thy pjercy already has been great towards tiena i R. Thou haft delivered them from the lowermoft BeU. V. Yet haft Thou fet them id obfcure pla- ces 5 R. As the dead of the World. V. Thy arrows are ftuck deep in them, R. And Thou haft faftenM thy hand upon them- V. Their iniquities are gone over their heads * R. And Vefpers for the Dead. 5*57 R. And keep them down as a heavy bur- then. V. But thou, O Lord, art their ftrongfuf- taincr ; R. Their glory and the lifter up of their heads. V. Thou art alwayes neer to relieve the affiifted i R. And wilt fave the humble of fpi- rit. V. Thou raifeft thofethat are fal'n ; R. And bindeil together the broken- hearts. V. Shew them thy mercy, O Lord> who- call on thy Name. R. Make thenj re}oyce, who lift up their fouls to Thee. V. To Sfe. O Lords they lift up thsir fouls -, R. In thee is their confidence ; let them not be afhamM. V. Let not their enemies triumph over them •, R. For, all that expert thee fhall not be confounded. V. Tho7 they walk in the midft of the fhadow of death \ R. Let them not fear? for thou art with them. V. Thou $5$ Vefpersfor the Dead. V. Thou art their God, and their deli- verer ; R. O Lord delay not thy coming. V. O Lprd hear, &c. R. And let our, &c. Let us pray. OGod, whofe gracious Providence hasf not left defperate the fuff 'ring condition of thy fervants deceas'd imperfect in Charity \ but haft ordain'd that as a tender motive to the Devotions of the living \ by promifing our Piety (hall-be prevalent for their relief! Ac- cept* we befeech Thee, our humble Amplica- tions* for the fouls fufpended in pains Dy thy Juftice, till the purging Fire has rendered thein worthy to enjoy thy blifeful light: that while our companionate memory of their prefent Torments teaches us a greater wari- nefs of incurring them our felvesj thy indul- gent Mercy would vouchfafe them refrefh- ment, and haften their Delivery into the ftate of eternal Reft and Glory with thy Saints : through our Lord Jefus Chrift, thy Son, who with, &c. Prafp Vefpers for the Dead. 559 Prayr for a Particular Departed. Behold with pity, &c. as at Lauds. V. Give them eternal reft, O merciful Lord : R; And may thy glorious light fhine upon them for ever. V. May .they reft in peace. R. Amen. Paufe^&cc. Then begin the Complin of the Day; For this Office has none. V. Our help is ~As page 47. PROPER C 560 ) PROPER of FESTIVALS &c. Note j that thefe 1. 2.3. are ^Proper i\ntiphons to be recited before and after each of the three Pfalms at Matins and Vefpers (Lauds and Complin have no Proper) And the Am. is the Proper one, for Benedi&us and Magnificat ; through- out all thefe Feftivals. Sundays in Advent. AH) as in the Office of cur Savicur, except /ffi//f .Behold the day of our Lord draws nigh -, Come, let's adore him. Then recite the Pfalm, Bring to our Lord- P*g*3x3« 1. Ant. Behold our Lord will appear, and not fail to make good his promifes : if he de- lay awhile, exped-, for he farely will OMW and deliver us Alleluja. 2 Am, Feftivals. <$6\ 2. Art. Come, O Thou Sun of Juftice, and Fountain of eternal light ! come and illumi- nate thole that fit indarkncfs, and in the fha- dow of death j and guide our feet in the way of peace : Alleluja. 3. Ant. Come, O Thou hope of the Gen- tils, and the defired of all Nations-, come and redeem us from the vaifolage of fin, into the only true liberty of ferving Thee i Alleluja. A;t. For Btn, and Mig. Prepare now thy wayes O my foul, before our Lord i make thy Paths ftraight before the face of our God ; for he will come again with glory to judge the living arid the dead \ nfld blcifed all they who are ready to meet him ' Alleluja, Al- leluja. At Lauds recite Benedi&us, Page 27. and at Vcfpzrs, Magnificat. Vage 44. Then, after each, repeat the' Ant. Pre- pare, &c. V. Our Lord is come to redeem the World. Ro Our Lord will come to judg the World. Let $6% Feftivals. Let us Pray* OGod, by whofe Providence thy Church has appointed the folemn time of Ad- vent to forerun the Commemoration of our Saviour's Nativity^^nd prepare its way in our hearts! Grant us we humbly befeechthee, fo devoutly to imploy this holy feafou in the meditating on the Prophefies and gracious preparations of the World for the coming of the Meflias, and on the infinitely greater mer- cies, he brought along with him, and has left behind him: that our fpirits may be raisMto celebrate that great Feaft with due joy and exultation, and thereby better difpos'd to expedt his fecond coming ; who, with thee and the H. Ghoft, lives and reigns oie God world without end, Amen. Nov. 30. S. Andrew. All, as in the Office of Saints, except. i. Soon as the H. Apoftle St. Andrew faw afar off the Crofs prepared for his Martyrdom, he wastranfported with joy ; and triumphing- ly faluted it, as the happy inftrument of his approaching glory: Alleluja. 2. O Feftivals. $6\ 2. OB. Crofs, dearly by mebelovM, and earneflly defirM, and often fought •, and now at length ready to fatisfy my longing foul ! take me up into thy arms, the Difciple of Him who was crucify M on thee : Alleluja, 3 . Take me up into thy arms, O B. Crofs ! and bear me to my glorious Mailer : that by thee He may receive me, who by thee has re- deemed me i AUeluja, Alleluja. Ant. S. Andrew^ foie glory was in the Crofs of our Lord Jepts Chtift ; in whom the world was crucify \1 to him, and he to the world. V. He befought the People not to hin- der his Martyrdom : R. And two days preach't to them, as he hung on the Crofs. Let us Pray. OGod, whofe grace kindled in the B. A- poftle S. Andrtw fo ardent; a love of his Mailer, that it flam'd out in vehement c!e- fires of his Crofs / Grant, we befeeJi thee, that our devout celebrating the Memory of his holy race and happy Reward, may quic- ken thy Charity in our hearts j and encou- rage us with confidence and joy to undergo whatever fufferings thy Providence calls in B b our j 64 -Feflivals. our way* to glorify Thee, and advance Thy Truth, and fecure the attainment of our own eternal falvation : through our Lord Jefus \ Chrilt thy Son, who with? &c. Dec. zi. S. Thomas , A poll. All, as in the Office of Saints, except, v i . The other Difciples faid to Thomas, we have feen our Lord : but he faid, unlefs my felf both fee and feel his wounds? I will not believe. 2.. After eight days, JESUS came in, the t doors being fhut? and faid to Thomas, put in thy finger here? and fee my hands ; and reach hither thy hand? and thrufl it into my fide', and be no longer faithlefs, but be- lieve. 3 . Thomas row no longer able to refill fo , dear an Evidence? cry'd out to Jtfus, my Lord, and my God. Ant. O admirable fweetnefs of our Savi- , our's Spirit •, Thomas was abfent, and incre- dulous, and peremptory; and our Lord for- gives him all, and reflores him to his favor, with the eafy penance of a gentle reproof V. Be- F eft tv ah. 565- V. Bccaufc thou haft feen, O Ttornas, thou haft believed. R. Blefled are they who believe without feeing. iO" Let us Pray. OGod, whofe condescendence, to con- vince the incredulity of thy Apoftie S. Thomas, has turned his hardnefs to be- lieve into a means of facilitating more the Faith of thy Church •* Grant, we befeech thee? that this Feftival-memory of his glo- rious Attelting our rifen Saviour, may quic- ken our hearts, not only in words, but in life and death, like him exemplarily to con- fefs thy Son JESUS our Lord and our God ; to whom with Thee and the H. Ghoft, be all honor and glory, now, and forever. Amen. Dec. 25. Chriftwas-day, andO#. All, as in the Office of our Saviour, except Invit. To day for us our Lord was born • Come, let's adore him. 1. O joyful tidings, worthy an Angel's mouth ! Behold, this day was bcrn to us a Sa- viour, who is Chrilt our Lord: Alleluja. Bbi z. Won* , .fdz6 ''Tefiivdh. z. -Wonderful figns, to feek this new-born King of Heav'n and Earth / You fhall find him .wrapt in fwadling Cloaths, and laid in a I Manger : Alleluja. 3. O bleffed harmony .of the CelefHal 1 Quires -, Glory be to God on high, in earth .peace toyvards men of good will: Alleluja, j Allcluja. Ant. The Shepherds came to Bethlehem - , with fpeed ; and found Mary and Jofeph, and .the Infant laid in the Manger. V. This is the day which our Lord has made, Allelujgo R. This is 'the. Day which made our.Lord. Alleluja. Let -us Pray. OGqd, who every year giv'fl a frefh birth ^o the devotions ofthy Church, by the welcom Feftival of our Saviour's Nativity ! Grant us, we befeech Thee, with fuch tender affections to entertain this firft humble Rifing ;of the .Sun pf Juftice to us, as may better difpofe and ftronglier engage us t,o follow him through the whole painful courfe, which like a. Giant he rejoyc't to run, enlight'ning the world with thy truth, and inflaming it with thy love; till in the end we arrive at Fefiroals: jjfc at his eternal Reft : through the fame our Lord Jefus Chrift thy San, who, with, &C1 Dec. z6. S. Stephen, jiltj as in the Office of Saints, extent i . Stephen full of Grace and Courage wrought " great miracles among the People*, and non-., could refift the Wifdom and Spirit by which ' he fpake j Alleluja/ 2. He cut their hearts with undaunted re prca:hescf them and their Fathers'; as be- trayers and murderers of the juftOne, and thofe that foretold his coming 0 Allelujq. 3. When they gnafht their teeth at him9 he lookt ftedfaftly up, and faw the Heavens open'd, and JESUS ftanding on the right hand of God j Alleluja. Jinu While they ftonM him, S. Stqhp* calfd upon God, and prayM, Lord Jefu re- ceive my Son!. And kneeling down cryM out with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this fin no thstr • Charge. Alleluja. V. He faw the Heav'ns opcnM, he faw and entered. R. He faw by his Faith, and enterM by his ' Charity* B b 3 Let 5 68 Feftivals. Let us Pray. OGod, who, in thy firfl Martyr S. Stephen, haft vouchfafed thy Church an eminent example of perfect Chriftianity ! Kindle, we befeech thee, in our hearts a zealous emulati- on of his graces, that imitating here his Con- ftancy in averting thy truth, and his Charity in praying for our Perfecutors, even to death, we may with him hereafter receive the crown of eternal life j through our Lord Jefus Chrift> &c. Dec. 27. S.John », Evang. \All, as in the Office of Saints* except 1. This is that favorite Difciplfe, wholeanM on our Lord's breaft at his laft fupper •, and to whom were revealM the fecrets of Heav'n : AHeluja. 2. This is He in whom meet all thofe glori- ous Titles, of Apoftle, Evangelift? ard Pro- phet •, of Martyr, Confeffbr, and Virgin : Alleluj?. 3. This is He, who, above all thofe glori- ous Titles, delights in this One, incompara- bly Fefiivals. 569 bly greater than them all, The Difciple whom JESVS luv'd . Alleluja, Allcluja. jint. S- John alone had the care and cou- rage to affift the doleful Mother at the Crofs of her dying Son *, S. John alone had the glory to hear hinifelf and her bequeathed to one a- mother, as Mother and Son. V. The fcalding Oyl could not hurt his chaft Body. R- Nor Bani foment into Pathmos exclude his free conyerfe with Angels. Let us Pray, OGod, by the Prerogative of whofe fpe- cial grace the B. Apoftle S. John ob- tained that tranfeendent character of Beloved of his Majler, and after became the great Dodtor of mutual Charity over all the world ! Grant, we befeech Thee, that his facred Me- mory may encourage us alfo by the fame pu- rity of body and mind? and fleddy love of Thee, and fincere charity one with another, to afpire to fome fliare in that blefled Title, and its happy consequents, thy grace here, and thy glory hereafter ; through our Lord ' Jefns Chrift thy Son, who, &c. B b* Dec* 570 Fefthals. Dec. 28. H. Innocents. All, as in the Office of Saints? except *. God withdrew his only Jfaac^- and left a thoufand happy lambs, to be facrificM in his ftead, and accepted for his fake : Alle- luja. 3. Herod meant to deftroy, bat behold he fav'd. His diligent Cruelty fecur'd the hazard of their Infant-ftate> and by fhedding their blood, effe&ed their Baptifm : Alleluja. 3. Thefe were bought from amongit men? the frit fruits of God and the Lamb , and in their mouths there was found no lye.: for they are without fpot before the ThroneofGod. Ant. A voice was heard in-Ramar lamenta- tion and great mourning ; Rachel weeping for her children, and would not be comforted> becaufe they were not. V- Weep not for thy children, Rachel, behold they are. R. Be comforted, they are. Kings, and - reign with Chriit for ever : Alleluja, Alle- Juja. Let Fejlivafe 57 f Let us Pray. OGod, who, by the Martyrdom of the'H: ' hnxents, haft taught thy Church,: no age or occafion of fufFering for our Saviour is exempt from high rewards-' Grant we be- feechthee, that our celebrating their Festival may make us adore this gracious Ordination' of thy Providence ; and, however feverely it may feem, at any time, to treat us or our re- lations, confirm our hearts in a hopeful refig- nation to thy Will, and allured trull that all leads to eternal advantage : through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who &c, Dec. 31. S. Silvefler. All, as>in th-e Office of Saints, except* 1. This is the holy Pope, who miraculoufly heard the great Emperor Ccnftantwe^ and? by the facred laver of Baptifm, cleansM him* £t-once from the Leprofy of his body, and the- fins of his Soul: Aiicluja. 2. The fign of the Son of man in the Hea- vens, which, copyed on his Banner, made him a Conqueror-, difplayedon his forehead, did incomparably more, made him a Chrifti- xaaaAilekia. B b 5 3, 0 57 2 Feflivals, 3. O happy times, when Paganifmwas a* bolifht, and Arianifm condemned a, when per- fection ceaft, and publick liberty was given to prof efs and praitice as Chriltians and Ca- tholicks: Alleluja, Alleluja. Ant, This is that happy Bilhop, in whom the holinefs of all his Predeceflors began to be rewarded with thofe honourable priviledges, which better enable to govern the univerfal Church. V. With glory and honor thou haft crownM him O Lord ! R. And eftablifht him over the works of thy hands : Alleluja. Let us Pray. OGod?whofe bounty crown'd,evenon earth, thy holy fervant Pope Sylvefisr with the glory of baptizing the firft Chriftian Emperor Conftantwt, and the happinefs of obtaining liberty and encouragement for Chriftianity over all his Dominions.' Grant, 'we befeech Thee, that our celebrating his Feftival may refrelh in us the memory of that high mer- cy to the world •, and render us more tenaci- ous of that primitive Faith, fo eminently, at iength,vi&orious over all perfecutions,through our Lord JefusChrift thy Son? who, &c Jan. Fefiivals. 573 Jan. 1. New-years-day. Isvi:. To Day cur Lord was CircumcifecU and icceived the fweet Name of JESVS-, Allclujaj Come, let's adore him! 1. To day our R.Savionr, who was Lord of the Law, and by his perfed purity abfolute- ly exempt, undertook for us the fmart of Cr- cnmclfin^ and difhonour of being reckon d a- mong Sinners : Alleluja. 2. To day was given him the Name above every Name j that at the Name of J ESVS every knee fhould bo.v, of things in Heav'n, of things on Earth,and things under the Earth : Alleluja, Alleluja, Alleluja. 3. OB. JESU, make good to us thy preci- ous Name, and fave us trom our Sins : that now we may begin a new year of virtue ; and cancel by iepentance all the failings of the old-, Alleluja. Ant. After eight dayes the Child was cir- camcized, and his Name calPd Jef** : as the Angel had appointed before his Conception m the Virgins Womb. c V. Oar 574 Fefiivals. V- Our Infant Lord endured the Knife • R. To Circumcize the concupifcence of our hearts. Let us Pray. OGod, who, for our Example, didffc com- mand thy beloved Son to fubmit his pure and innocent flefh to the rigour of the Lavy ^ and, for encouragement of our hope, mad'll choice of that fweet and amiable Name JESUS ! Teach us we befeech thee, with rea- dinefs and humility to obey thy facred Laws,. how crofs foever to our unmortify'd pafli- ons-, and in all our neceffities with joy and confidence call on that holy Name, in which v/hate're we ask we are promised fhall be- granted ; through the fame our Lord Jefus, Ghrift, who &c. Jan. 6. Twelfth-day, Oft. hwit. Today the H.Kings brought their Pre- fects to our Lord, Ailelujah • Come, let's adore Him * i. Alleluja, AHeluja, Alleluja : This is the pririledg'd Feltiva],. that comes forth adorn- d' with the glory of three Miracles. To day the Wife-men were led by a Star tothe-Cradle of our Lord; and falling down aclor'd Hirru Fejlivals tj? and offered Him their Royal prefents of Gold* Frankincenfe and Myrrh •* 2. Today our gracious redeemer vouch- faPt his prefence at a Marriage fealt 5 and there firft publifht to the world his Divine Power, turning water into wine i Allcluja* 3. To day our B. Saviour was Baptized by S. John, and the H. Ghoft defcended vifibly upon Him, and a voice was heard from Hea- ven? This is my beloved Son in whom I am well f leased t Alleluja, Alleluja. Ant.. Now w-crethefirft-fruitsof the Gen- tiles confecrated to our Lord.; and that fa^ cred Prophefy happily fulfilled,. In his light frail the Gentiles walk^ and Kings in the brightness cfhisrifwg: Alleluja, Alleluja, Alleluja. V. The Sages, entring, found the Child with Mary his Mother ♦ R. An&falling down,. adorM, and offer 'd Him gifts. M 576 Fejihals. Let us Pray. OGod, who,'by the guidance of a miracu- lous Star in the Heav'ns> led'ft the Gen- tiles to the fight of the more miraculous Sun of Juftice, newly rifen to the world in a Stable ; Grant, we humbly befeech Thee, that, en- lightened and inflam'd by the memory of this wonderful Providence? our eys and Hearts may be more lively fixt en thy goodnefs j ftill as gracioufly working towards the accomplifh- ment of thy promifes, to call at length the Jews and all the Earth to the faving Knowledg and love of thy Son, our Lord Jefus Cknft •, who, with, &c Feb. z. Candlemas. A\l^ as in the Office cf onr Saviour, except Invit. To Day our B. Lord was prefented in the Temple, Allelujah •• Cortfe let's a- dore Him. 1. To day the Immaculate Mother humbled her felf to the common rites of Purification : and prefented her firftborn JESUS in the Temple \ and for thelittle price of five Shekels redeemed the World's inestimable Redeem- er, Alleluja. 2. To Fefiivals. ^yj 2. To day the devout Simeon took our Lord in his arms j and, knowing nothing now could make him happier but the Joys of Heav'n, fung aloud this glad farewel to the World) Now let thy Servant ^ O Lord, de- fart in feace according to thy word ^ for mine eya have feenthy Salvation j Alleluja. 3. To day the holy Widow and Prophetefs, Anna, who had fpent her life in falling and Prayer, and in the fervice of the Temple, came happily in, and faw our Lord; and fpake glorioufly of Him to all that expefted the redemption of Jfrael $ Alleluja. Ant. Behold the Lord, thy mighty Go- vernor, comes to his H- Temple ! beglad, O Sion, and rejoyce to meet thy God. V. He comes in the difguife of a poor Child. R. Yet has he provided thofe that difcern and atteft him. Let us Pray. OGod who vouchfaf 'ft us this day to com- memorate the B. Virgin's Presenting, in the Temple, her felf to be purify 'd, and her son to be redeemM* according to the Law : Give us grace, we befeech Thee, to adore and '57* FeftlvAfr. and praife the condefcendence of thy Provi- dence, that by fuch great Examples teaches fis our evident duty, of fubmitting to thy Difci- pline, though feeming perhaps unnecefFary for our (elves : and grant that, as we bear hallowed Candles in our hands, we maycon- fefs in our lives Lord Jefus Chrift, thy Son, to be the light of the Gentiles, and the Glory of thy People Jfrdel ^ who, with &c. Thofewho inftcad of our Saviours Office to day,rather chofe that of the B. Fir gin ,0nly. wave the lnvit. Afb-lVednefday. M^ as in the Of fee of Weduefday, exeqt, Tavit. Come, let us faft,and mourn, and pray ; our Lord is merciful and juft. n Remember, O man, that dnfl thsm 2> art, and into dull thou (hale re* $) turn. m Feftivals. *>79- Say this one Ant. before and after e- very Pfalm at Matins^ and Vefpers^ and before and after three Pfalms at Lauds and Complin. Jfnt4 All Flefh is Grafs,and the Pride there- of as the Flower of the Field; the Grafs withers and the Flower fades, and leave the naked Soul to Judgment. V. Remember, man, that duft thou art. R. And into duft thou (halt return. Let us pray. OGod, whofe providence introduces thy Church to the fober Difcipline of Lcnt% by the mortifying Memmo of the vile and frail matter we are made of:Grant,we humbly befeech Thee, that the Crofs of our Redeem- er, form'd to day in afhes on our foreheads, may lay all our proud conceits in the duft ; and make flefh and blood feel it felf highly honoured, if? by whatever crofles or morti- fications, it may be temper 'd and raifed to be- come a fit inftrument for ripening the Soul in thy love : through our Lord Jefas Ckrift thy Son> who,, &c. Feb- 580 Feftivals. Feb. 24. S. Mat bias. All, as in the Office of Saints? except, 1 . Let them that Hand take heed left they fall ^ Judas was an Apoftlc ^ yet betrayM his Mailer, and dy'd indefpair, and another took his Office. 2. The Eleven appointed two for the va- cant Apoftleihip Bar fab as and Maihias\ and gave them lots and prayed. 3. They pray'd, Thou Lord that know'ft the hearts of all men5 fhew, of thefe two, one whom Thou haft chofen ; and the lot fell on Mathias. A$. The lot fell on Mathias> a continual Follower of Jefus, from the Baptifm of John^ till the day of his Afcenfion : and he was num- ber'd with the eleven Apoftles. V. He liv'd their life? and dyM their death: ,R. And fits with them in glory to judg the twelve tribes of IfraeU Let Fefiivals. j8i Let us pray. OGod, by whofe fpecial grace the B. M** thias was chofen to fupply the room of the Traitor JtaUjj and compleat again the number of Apoftlcs : Grant, we humbly be- feech thee? our celebrating his memory may raife our ambitions, by following his virtues, to fill up the breaches made by our falling bre- thren? and help to accompliih the happy num- ber of thy Eleft ; through our Lord Jefus Chriftthy Son, who, &c. Mar. 19. S. Jofeph. Ally as in the Office of Saints? exccp 1. This is that wife and faithful fervant, whom our Lord appointed over his Fami- ly- 2- This is he who was honorM with the Title of Father of our Saviour, and fpoufe to the B. Virgin-Mother. *• 3- This is he who knew decently to joyn a carriage becoming thefe Titles, with all re- verence to their Perfons. Ant. This was the true Jofeph, whom envy forced into tAEgypt, to preferve the bread of life J whofe Chaftity deferv'd Efpoufals with Purity $&i Feflivds. Purity it felf ; and to whom all the myfieries of Heaven were reveaPd. V.Our Lord framM him fit for his weighti- er Office. R. And carry'd Him perfeftly through it to glory. Let us pray. OGod5 who haft rewarded the blefied. S;?ofeph, with glory in Heaven, worthy thofe high graces vouchfaPt him on Earthy of Spoufe to the R. Virgin, and Father to thy Eternal Son, and faithful Guardian to them both / Grant, we befeech Thee, that? as we celebrate the memory of his glorious Titles, we may imitate the Virtues of his ho- ly life > and, by the like perfect fidelity in whatever thy providence entrufts to our charge, fecure our hopes to attain hereafter the fame everlafting felicity, through our Lord Jefus Chriil thy Son, who,, with? &c, Mar. 2 5. Th' Annunciation. All^ as in the Of/ice of our Saviour, except Inv.To day the Eternal Word was made Flefh ; Corner let's adore him. 1. To Feflivals. 583 1 . To day the Arch- Angel Gabriel was fent from God to the Virgin Mary • and entring her little chamber, humbly prefented Her this honourable falutation ; Hail full (f Grace, onr Lord is with thee-, Bleljed art thon among Wo- men* :*. Behold, Thou fnalt conceive & bear a Son, and Thou (halt call his name JESUS: He ihall be great, and callM the Son of the moft High, and of his Kingdom there fhall be no end. 3. Immediately the B. Virgin fecurM of her chaftity, gave confent to the glorious EmbafTy, Behold the Handmaid of our Lord, be it to me according to thy word. Ant. To day the H. Ghoit came upon the B. Virgin, and the Power of ftie moft High over-fhadowM her \ and, untouch't of man, fhe conceived in her pure Womb the Son of God. V. Hail Mqr% Full of Grace. Ro Blefled art thou among Womea* Let 584 Feftivalsl Let us pray. OGod, who, by the mouth of the Arch* Angel Gabriel^ didjffc fo gracioufly woo thy humble Hand-maid, Mary, that her Vir- gin-Womb immediately conceived the Wordy and veiled thy eternal Son with our huma- nity : Grant us, we humbly befeech thee, with fuch devout Adminiftration to celebrate the memory of this higheft: Myftery, as may feed and increafe thy Charity, begotten in our hearts by thy Spirit ; and ripen it, to bring qs forth partakers of his Divinity? who, with, &c. If the B. Virgin's Office he f aid inftead of our Saviour's to day, only wave the Invit. t Vaffion Sunday. 'Ally as in the Office of our Saviour, except /^.Behold the paflion of our Lord draws nigh: Come let's adore him. 1. Who will give water to my head, and Fountain of Tears to my Eys, that day and night I may weep for my own Sins, and for my Saviours fuflerings ? 2. What* Fcflivals. 5-85* *. What, O myjefu, could our weaknefs want that thou haft not done ; what could our malice invent that thou haft not fufferM ! 3. Far be it from us to glory in anything but the Crofs of our Saviour ; in whom is our life, and health, and refurreftion. faftead of Leflbns, read the PaiTion according to St. Mathew, Chap. z6, and 27. Ant. for Ben. and Mag. Ant. Look up, my Soul, on thy crucifyM Lord, look up and fee the utmoft extremity of divine love : already he had carried on, to a fair degree, the work of our Redemption, in fading and prayings in travailing and preach- ing, in doing miracles and bearing injuries -7 but now, to finifh all with one incomparable charity, behold he fufters even death it felf, and death upon the Crofs. V. What, O Jefu, could our weaknefs want that Thou haft not done ! R. What could our malice invent thou haft notluffer'd! Lc j 86 Fejiivds. Let us Pray. OGo&> who, by~the mortifying Difd- pline of Lent ^ halt gracioufly difpofeid us for the folemn feafon of a clofer preparati- on to celebrate the memory of our Saviour's bitter Pajfion \ Make us, now, we befeech thee, fo devoutly attend to, and thorowly medicate every circumftance of this dear Myllery, that cur Lord Jefus may appear crucifyM even be- fore our Eys \ and melt our Hearts with fuchi tender companion, as may kill in them all fin, the fole caufe of his fufferings, and fit us by perfed love of him for a happy part in his glorious Refurve&ion : through the fame our Lord Jefus Chrift; thy Son, who, &c. S*y Fejlivals. 5-87 Say this Ant. V. R. and Pray'r all tht 'Week following, and Munday, Tuef: day, Wednefday in H. lVeeky im- mediately after the PrayV of the Day ; at Lauds and Vefpers. Then Friday Refponforys. Palm-Sunday. All-, as in the Office of owe Saviour, except Jttvit, To day our Saviour enterM Jtrufakm in triumph ; Come let's adore him. i. Rejoyce, O Daughter of SionJ fhoutfor gladnefs, O Daughter of Jer/tfalem ! behold thy King comes to Thee, the Juft one, and thy Saviour. 2. Strew the way for his triumph, and cry aloud Hofanna! He comes to Thee meek and lowly, and riding on a Cole, the Fole of an Afs. 3. Exult and cry, This is our Lord whom we have long expe&ed 5 He himfelf is come Cc to •<;88 , Teflivftls. to redeem us: This is our God whom wc ig have look't for; kt us ling and re- pyce in his Salvation. Ant. As Jeffs rode to Jernfakm, a very great multitude fpread their Garments and boughs in the way; and they that went, be- fore, and follow'd, cry'd aloud) Hofanna to the Son of David-, Bkffed is he that comes in the Name of our Lcrd> Hofanna in the Highefi. V. The Stones would have cryM fo3 fhould they have held their peace : R. And ownM the divine Author of fo ma- >ny gracious Miracles. t Fefiivah. 589 Jnflead 0/Leflbns, read the Gofpel, Mat. xi. to v. 17. Let us Pray. OGcd, who by this days folemnities re* viv'it to us the memory of our Savi- ours triumph, ufhering in his Paffion ! teach us; we befeech Thee, from this perfeft in— ftance, the ficklenefs of this worlds jufteft glories ; and mortify our efteem of its beft- deferv'd applaufes : and bring our hearts cheerfully to expert a Crofs after them, as the hi way to our eternal glory with thee; through the fame our Lord JESVS Chrift thy Son, who, &c. Cc2 On 590 Fefiivdls. On Monday in Holy-week^ inftead of Leffons read the Paffion according to St. Luke : Which begins Chap. zz. verf.i. and ends Chap. 23. to the end. At. for Ben. Our Lord Jefits rofe from the Tabfe, and laid by his Garments, and girt himfclf with a Towel, and pourM water inro a B;: and wafht the feet of hisDifciplcs, and wip'c them with the Towel. Which having done, He took his garments, and fate down an and' faid to them, Do you know what I have done to you ? you call me Mailer and Lord \ and you fay well, for fo I am : If ther: I, who am your Lord and Matter, have vv your feet; you ought alfo to wafli one another^ : Fori have given you an Example, that ^ I have done to you, you alfo do. Say the Cant. Ben. then repeat the Ant. then kneel, and fay, Chrift was made for us obedient to Death. Our Fa- ther ; all ft lent ly : thenyin a lov>graz<* tone, fay alternately^ Have mercy on me, O God? according to thy. great mercy. C c 3 And J92 Feftivals* And according to the multitude of thy com- panions, wipe away my offences. Wafli me yet more from my iniquity, and cleanfe me from my Sins. ' For I know my iniquity, and my fin is always before me. Againft Thee only have I finnM5& done evil in thy light ; that thou may'ft be juftifyM in thy words, and may 'it overcome when Thou art judg'd. For behold, I was conceived in iniquity j and in fins my Mother brought me forth. Behold thou haft loved truth? the uncertain and hidden things-of thy wifdomThou haft manifefted to me. ' Thou fhalt fprinkle me with HyfTop, and I (hall be cleanfed ; Thou fhalt wafh me, and I (hall be made whiter than fnow. Thou fhalt give to my hearing joy and glad- nefs ; and the bones Thou haft humbled fhall rejoyce. Turn away thy face from my fins ; and blot out all my iniquities. Create a clean heart in me, O God ! and re- new a right fpirit in my bowels. Call me not away from thy face ; and take not thy holy fpirit from me. Reftore to me the Joy of thy falvation ; and confirm me with an Heroick Spirit. I will teach the wicked thy ways, and the kn-\ pious /hall be converted to Thee. Deli- Feftivals. Deliver mc from blood, O Gcd, the Gc my falvation, and my To thy Jufticc O Lord open Th fhall declare th For won Id- it thou have ht had given it ; with bu art not delight: A facriiice to God is ; trite and cm humble h-v.rt", 0 wilt not def] Deal favourably, O Lord, in th with S be built up. Then fhalt thou accept facrifice of oblations of holpcaufts ; thenh * calves upon thine Altar. Look down, O Lord, we befeech 1 1 this thy family, for which our Lord JES Chrifi vouchfafed to be betrayM into hands of the wicked, and undergo tl merits of the Crofs : who, with Thee and H- Ghoft, lives and reigns one God, world without end. Amen. So end the Lauds and Vefpers for thefe three day 's. • C c 4 htti 5?4 Feftivals. Ant. for Mag. Our Lord JESVS^ the night wherein he was betray'd, took bread, and, giving thanks, brake it, and faid, Take and ear, This is my bcdy which fhall be given for you ; do this in commemoration of me : Likewife the Cup aifo, after he had fup't, faying, This Cup ts< the wvo Teftament on my Blood \ this do, as often as you drink it5 in commemoration of me- For, as often as you eat this bread and drink this Cup> you declare our Lord's death till he come, Chrift was made for us obedient to death. Our Father, &c. Have mercy, &c; Look down, &c. At Fefthals. At Complin, begin with the fir -ft f . without Ant. and inftead of rlo- ry be, &c. fay, Chrift was made, &c. Our Father. Have mercy. Look down. And fo fcF the two ft/lowing dayy: Good Friday. AH, as in the ordinary Office of Friday, omitting all Ant. all Hymns, and Glory be, &c. inftead whereof, at the end of every Pfalm, fay, Knee* ling, Chrift. was made for us obe- dient to death, even the death of the Crofs. Inftead of Lcflbns, read the Pafllon according to St. Luke, which be- gins, Luke 2i# j. and ends Luke *3- S3* C c 5 When 59 6 Fzftivals. When you have done the third Pfalm at Lauds and Vefpers, fay this following. Ant. for Ben. and Mag, Look up my foul, on thy crucifyM Lord : look up and fee the utmoft extremity of di« ¥ine love : Already he had carry'd on, to a &ir degree, the work of our Redemption -, in failing and praying, in travailing and prea- ching, in doing miracles, and bearing inju- ries •, but now, to finifli all with one incompa- rable charity, behold He fufFers even death It felf, and death upon the Crofs. Recite the Cant. Repeat the Ant, then Kneel and fayi Chrift was made for us obedient to death,, even the death of the Crofs. Our Father. Have mercy. Look down. And fo end, as on Maund)T-Thurfdayv Holy FeflivaU. $$j Holy Saturday. All as in the ordinary Office of Satur- dayr, omitting all Ant. Hymns , and Glory be, t£>c. Inflead whereof at the end of every Pfalm, fay, Knee* ling, Chrift was made for us obedient to Death, even the death of the Crofs ; wherefore alfo God has exalted Him, and given Him a Name above every Name. Jnftead of Lefibns, read the Paflion according to St. John, in the 1 8, and 19, Chap. When you have ended the third Ffalm ■> at Lauds and Veipers, fay this following. Ant. fir Ben* and Mag. Death is fwallowM up in vidory. De where is thy vidtory ? Death where is Sting? The Sting of Death is Sin 5 and the' Try 59% Feftivals. power of Sin is the Law : but thanks be to God, who has given us victory by our Lord JESUS Chrift. Let us therefore be ftabk and immoveable, abounding always in the work of our Lord, knowing our labour is not in vain in our Lard. Recite the Cant. Repeat the Ant. Thtn kneel and fay, Chrift was made for us obedient to death: even the death of the Crofs ; wherefore aifc God has exalted Him, and given Him a Name above every Name. Our Father. Have mercy. Look down. And fo end, as on Maunday-Thurfday. Eafter-Day. A/Iy as in the Office for Sunday, except u Chrift is rifen from the dead, Allelu- ia :, and become the firft-fruits of them that flepft Allcluja. 2. The Lord of life is rifen again, Alk- lllja y Fcflhals. 599 luja j and has cloathM himfclf with immortal glory, Allelnja. 3 . Hethat raifed up Jcfits will alfo raife up us, Alleluja •, and refine our vile flelh into the likenefs of his glorious body, Alleluja. Jhnt^ Worthy is the Lamb that was flain to receive power, and divinity, and wifdom, and Itrength, and honour? and glory, and blef- fing for ever and ever? Alleluja, Alleluja, Alle- luia. V. O Death, where is thy fling? R. OGravcy where is thy viftory ? Let us Pray. OCod, whofe gracious Providence reftores to thy Church the face and voice of ho- ly exultation? by the triumphant Feftival of our Saviours .Rtfurrection ! Grant, we humbly befeech Thee? that the joy which (hines in our looks may flame in our hearts, and, by purifying them? make us worthy of thofe high and glorious hopes, fo firmly fealed to ws by this days experience? of riling again at laft from our graves, and rejoycing thence- forth for ever in a ftate. of blfisful immor- tality : through cur Lord Jefus Chrifl thy Son, who with, &c. T$*r 6oo Feflivals Eafter-Munday and Tuefday, and ' all Sundays after till ALf- cenfion. Ally as in the Office for Sunday, except i. Our Lord, that was dead and bury'd* rofe again the third day, Alleluja *, loofing the forrows of Hell? according as it was impof- fible that He fhould be holden of it, Alleluja. 2. He left his grave, but not our Earths Alleluja; till He had raisM a Cloud of Wit- nefles to his Refurre&ion, Alleluja, 3. Every day of forty he appeared to fome or others of his Difciples, Alleluja 5 to con- firm their faith? and open their underftan- dings, and prepare their hearts to bear his Afcenfion from them, Alleluja. *Ant, Chriit the third day rofe again, ac- cording to the Scriptures ; and was feen of Cephas, after that of the Eleven, then of more than five hundred Brethren together, more- over of James ^ then of all the Apoftles, V0 Thy Testimonies, O Lord ! are nefc derM even too credible : R;By Feftivals. 60 r R. By fo great a Cloud of Witncfles cn- compairmg us. Let us Pray- OGodT whofc gracious providence efta- blifht the important Faith of our Lord's Rcfurrcilioii) by his frequent Convcrfing with his Difciples and Followers the (pace of For- ty Days after in all molt convincing Circum- ftances ! Grant, we humbly befeech thee, that, by its proper EfFc&s, our Riling from Dead works, and Converfation every ways worthy firm Believers of it, we may dayly more and more attefl this glorious Mattery, and advance that great Day, when, no longer by Faith, but with thefe very eys we fhall lee Him for ever \ who, with thee and the H> Ghoft, &c &Jt fai Teftivah, Say this Ant. V. R. and PrayV every Week-day alfa by way of Com- memoration. Apr. 25, St. Mark Evan. Mas in the Office of Saints, except 1. Blefled art thou Mar\^ Difci.ple.of our £ord, and, after his Afcenfion, chief Militant to the Prince of the Apoltles. 2. Blefled art thou, faithful Writer of the Gofpel of. peace, and Doer of the work of an Evangelift, planting the Church at Alex- andria. 3 . Blefled be His Grace, who has attefted thy Glory :, by miraculoufly flopping a raging ■ Plague at Romey upon the Churches Devotions there through thy interccffion -, and carrying fplemnly down the memory of that mercy throughout ail Generations. 1 At. This is the fecond of thofe Myftical Beads (like to a Lion J with fix Wings round about full of eys within -7 that? before, be- hind? Feftivals. 603 hind, and in the mid ft of the Throne, reft; not day or night, faying, H. H. H. Lord God Omnipotent, who, wa?, and is, and is to come. V, How beautiful are the feet of thofe, R. That Evangelize the Goipei of peace] Let us Pray. OGod, who moll gracioufly fummoneffc thy Church to fpecial Devotions, by theFeaffsof thy Son's B, Difciple and Evan- gelic, S. Murk \ vouchiafc us, we humbly be* feech thee, both in heart to adore thy Provi- dence for fo glorious an Inftrumentof propa- gating the Hiftory of Salvation to us? and in our lives duly to copy out and lhevv our Faith in his Gofpel. And grant that our folemrv Commemorating thy wonderful regard on this day to the prayers and humiliations of our Mother-Church, in her extremity, may encourage our hope, and encreafe our merits^ to obtain, by the fame means tile like favour from thee in all hers and our heceffities $ through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, with j &c. InfteaJ 6o4 Feftivals. Inflead of Commemorations, end Lauds, &c. with the long Litanys. May, i. S. S. Philip and Jacob, Ally as in the Office of Saints, except r. Now it. fuffices thee Philip, our Lord has (hewn thee the Father, and henceforth for H'er thou fhalt fee him face to face, ■ 2. And thou holy Jacob^ the Brother of our Lord, art glorioufly happy :•> enjoying fore- ver the fame blifsful Vifion, Afleluja. 3. Thefe are two of thofe precious ftones> that found and adorn the walls of the hea- venly Jcrufdem, Alleluja. Ant. S. Philip the powerful Apoftle of the Scythia??s, both crucifyM andflonM, afcended to his Mailer : And B. James, the long re- verenced Bijhop of JerHJalem, thrown down from the top of the Temple and brain'd with a Club, breathM out his happy Soul in prayer for his Murderers. V. The Feflivals. 60S V. The fenfelefs world thought their end difhonourable- R. But behold, how high their lot is a- mongft the Saints. o Let us Pray. God, by whofe grace the B. ApofHe;, S. Fhilip and S. ;aerid with their Blood the heav'nly feed, which they had with long fweat Town oYe the world ! Redouble, befeech Thee* the devotions of thy fer- vants by celebrating together their happy Me- mories *, and grant that our Faith, fo preci- oufly conjrm'd, may fruttify into holy lives iand deaths worthy fuch glorious Mailers : ithrough cur Lord Jefus Chrilt thy Son, who, May 3. Invention of the H. Crofs. A!l7 as in the Office of our Saviour, except btv't. To day the miraculous Crofs of our Lord was found, Alleluja ; Come let's a- . dore Him- 1. Glorious art thou, O B. Emprefs He- fe* ! whofe devotions fo miraculoufly refto- red 606 Feftivals. red to the World the Standard of falvation Alleluja- 2. Its only light is apt to enflame all Chrift's Souldiers* through life and death courage- oufly to follow Him ; Alleluja. 3. Come, Ictus glory in the Croft- of cur Lord Jcfus Chrifi^ in whom is our life, and health, and refurredlion \ Alleluja. ji**- This . is that noblefl Tree, planted in the midfl of Paradife j on which the Author of our falvation by his own Death, kill'd the death of us all, Alleluja. V. This H. Sign fhall be in the heaves, Alleluja, R. When our Lord fhall come to Judgment* Alleluja. Let us Pray, OGod, who vouchfaf 'ft to raife again e- ven the Crofs of our Saviour from its ignominious grave, to become a clofe and ftriking memorial of his Pajfion ! Grant, we befeech thee,, that our devout celebrating this I thy fpecial providence, may ft ill more deeply imprint in our hearts its gracious defigu of making us often reftaft on the great benefit of our Redemption, and the infinite love and mercy Fejlivals. 607 mercy of our Redeemer : through the fame our Lord Jefus Chrijt thy Son, who, &c. Afcenfion. 0(5h A/f, as in the Office of our Saviour, except, Invit. To day our glorious Jefus afcended into Heaven, Alleluja. Come let's a- dore him. 1 • I have finifht the work which my fa- ther commanded me^ and now 'tis time I re- turn to him that fent me. Let not your hearts be troubled ; I go to my Father, and your Father j to my God, and your God •, Alleluja. 2. Let not your hearts be troubled *, I go to prepare a place for you : and I will come a- gain, and receive you to my felf, that where I am, there may my fervants be, Alleluja. 3 . Mean while, I will not leave yon defo- late ;> but will pray to my Father, and he (hall give you anotherCbmforter,the Spirit of truth* to dw el with you for ever: Alleluja. Ant. Why ftand we looking downwards on the things of this world ? behold our Lord is 6o8 Feftivds. is afcended into Heaven, and fits in glory at the right hand of his Father : Alleluja. Why fraud we idle with our accounts unprepared ? I behold the fame Jefus (hall come again to judg ! the living and the dead, and give to every one according to his works : Alleluja, Alle- luja. V. All his Difciples faw him Elevated, till a Cloud receiv'd him out of their light, R. All the world (hall fee Him coming in the Clouds of Heav'n, with much Power and Majefty: Alleluja. Let us. pray. OGod, who haft infpirM thy Church to celebrate, this day, the memory of our Saviour's Afctnfwn ; when, having finifht on Earth the great work of our Redemption, he carry'd up his glorify 'd Humanity above the Clouds to its eternal Reft! Grant, we hum- bly befeech thee, that, taking off our eys from thefe vanities here below, we may ftand continually looking 'after him into Heav'n; and heartily expe&ing his appearance thence again at the laft great day hz always ready to obey his Call, and meet him in the Clouds, and follow him into thofe blifsful manfions which he went to prepare for us at thy right hand for ever ; through the fame our Lord JefitsChrifi, thy Son, who, &c. Whit* Feftivals. Cjg IVhitfunday, Munday^ and tuefday. All) as in the Office of the H. Ghoft : and all the Week after only Commemorate. Trinity- Sunday. All) as in Sunday Office^ except Tnviu Come, let's adore the facred Tri- nity, Three Perfons in One God, AI- Jeluja. i. There are Three that bear Witnefs in Heaven \ the Father, the Word, and theH. Ghoft: and thefe Three are One, Alkluja. 2. The Father is God, and the Son is God, and the H. Ghoft is God: yet are they not three Gods, but One God, Alleluja. 3. In this adorable Trinity none is before or after, none greater or lefsthan another: but all the Three Perfons are coequal among themfelves, and coeternal ; Alleiuja. Ant 6 io Feftivals. Ant. To Thee the eternal Father, made by n*>ne \ to Thee the increated Son, begotten by the Father alone; to Thee the B- Spirit? pro- ceeding from the Father and the Son j to Thee, One holy? confubftantial,and undivided Tri- nity? beafcribM all power and wifdom and goodnefs, now and for ever, Alleluja. V. H- H. H. Lord God of Sabbaoth : R. HeavV and Earth are full of the Ma- jelty of thy Glory, Alleluja. Let us Pray. O Eternal Father, who? by the vifible de- scent of thy 5on to redeem the world, and of thy H. Spirit to fan&ify the EIe&, halt wonderfully made thy Churches own experi- ence facilitate our faith of the incomprehen- fible Trinity! Grant us, we befeech thee, in heart and voice to profefs this mofl high and fhpernatural truth ; and rejefting all the falla- cious fuggeftions of fhort reafon, humbly a- dore thee? Three every- way-coequal Per- fons? in the fame indivifible Deity, till we ] come hereafter to thy blifsful prefence, and fee the myftery revealed in thine own glori- ous face', through our Lord Jefus Chriftthy Son, who, &c. « Esftivals. 6 1 r Corpus Chrifti. Oft. All, as in Thurfday Office, except i. lam the living bread that came down from Heav'n : if any one eat of this bread* he (hall live for ever ; and the bread which I will give is my flefh, for the life of the world, Aileluja. 2. Except you eat the flefh of the Son cf man, and drink his blood, you lhali not have life in you, Aileluja, 3. He that eats my flefh and drinks my blood has eternal life, ar.d I will raife I up at the laft day •, Aileluja. Ant. O fweet and facred Feaft, wherein Ghrrft himfelf is received, and the mem of his Paflion renewM*, our minds are with grace, and our future glory fe< us with a dear and precious pledge / AUeli Aileluja. V. In the ftrength of this breed wc Aileluja. R. Even to the Mountain of God. A D d Let ,6iz Feftivals. Let us pray. OGod, whofe infinite mercy has won- derfully contriv'd the very Body of our Saviour, which glorify'd fits at thy right hand in the Heavens? to become ftill the daily vi- fible Objed and Soliciter of our adorations on earth / Grant us> we befeech thee, fo de- voutly to celebrate this glorious Feftival, in- ftituted by thy Church in memory of thatftu- .pendious providence, as may fandify us eve- ry day to feed more ftrongly with it our faith and hope and charity ; and raife in us a high- er appetite of that clear unveiled Vifion, to which our hidden God thus miraculoufiy now condefcends to invite > through the fame our ? Lord Jefiv Chrifi thy Son, who, &c Jun. 2 4. S.John Baptlfl. lAU) as in the Office of Saints, except 1. This is the great Precurfor of the . world V Redeemer, the miraculous Son of ; age and barrennefs* Alleluja. 2. In his Mothers womb he was fanftify'd ; and in his Nativity many Ihall rejoyce, Al- .Je-luja. 3. This Feflivals. 6 1 } 3. This is that burning and Alining 1. who, defpifing the pleafurcs and convenien- ces of the world, chofe his garment; of mels hair : and a leathern girdle about his loyns 5 and his meat was locufts and wild ho- ney, Alleluja. *Ant% This is that Prophet and more the Prophet, of whom our Lord faid, X greater has not riftn among the born of Women j yet the kaft in the Kingdom of Heaven is greater than be\ Alleluja. V. The leaft in Heav'n was greater than John on earth. R. But, tranfiated from earth, He now fhines among the greateft in Heav7n. Let us pray, OGod, whofe gracious Providence fum- mons us this day to celebrate the Na- tivity of the great S. John IBaftifi^ thy Sons holy Precurfor ! Grant, we befeech thee, that, as we fulfil the Prophecy of thy H. Angel by rejoycing to his Nativity, we may improve our felvesand others by imitating his life: while every one of us, in our fevcral condi- tions and capacities, faithfully endeavours to learn of him thofe excellent leflbns, of retir- ednefs and modification, of humility and ielf-derryaf, of zeal for juftice," and courage. D d 2 in $14 Feftivals. in defending the truth, and generous and in- duftrious Charity in all our A&ions ; through cpr Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &c> Jun. 2p. SS. Peter and Paul. rA//y as in the Office of Saints, except i. Thou art the Paftor of the Sheep, O Peter , Prince of the Apoflles! to thee were 4elisier,d the Keys of the Kingdom of Hea- < ven, Alleluja. 2. Thou art a Veffel of Eleftion, O Pout, Do&or of the GentHs ! the great Preacher , of Truth over all the world, Alleluja. .5. Thefe are they who taught us thy Law, O Lord : Thou fhalt eftablilh them Princes o- ver ail the earth) and they fhall propagate thy -Name to the end of the world, Aile- Ant. To day Simon Peter afcended the Crofs, Allelujah ^ to day the Porter of the Kingdom of Heaven joyfully palled to his Mafter. To day the Apoftle Paul bowM his Head to the Sword; Al!elujah;& went to Chrift who fruafc v?ho fo miraculoufly had call'd him', A: ja> Alleluia. V. They finifnt both their race together, Alleluja. R. And received together ti Crowns, Alleluia. • Let us Pray. OGod, who 1 1 vouchfafeft to re1 and excite the devotions of thy Church by the glorious Fellival of its principal Foun* ders, thy Son's great Apoftles- S. Peter and S. f*nl ! Grant us, we befeech Thee, both humbly to adore thy powerful Providence in rendering frail men fo firm a Rock of faving truth, that the Gates of Hell neither have nor can prevail againfl it ; and duly iiibmit to that eminent Authority of the fupream Biihop of Chriftians, which thy infinite wifdom has ordained, as the fitted means to eftablifh or- der, and preferve unity in thy Church: through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who* with, &c, Jim. 22. S. Mary Magdalene. All, ay in the Office of Saints, exceft, i. Altry Magdalene lay at Jefus kzt, and D d 3 made- 6i6 Fejiivats. made a fountain of her eys, and a Towel of her hair, to cleanfe them, Alleluja. 2. She cleanfed his Feet, but more her own SouU and therefore deferv'd tohearthofeB. words from his Mouth, Thy Sips, which are many, are forgiven thee, Alleluja. 3. She cleanfed her Soul, by filling it with the pure love of Jefa, which utterly thruft out all vain affeftions : Her many fins were forgiven her, becaufe fhe loved much, Alle- luja. Ant. See the bleft efFe&s of hearty Penance! Mary's, advanced her to the Priviledges of hanging ever after on Jejus lips, becoming, the renowned Annointer of his Head for his Funeral, His neareft Attendant at his Crofs and Grave? an eminent Witnefs of his Refur- redlion and Afcenficn, and a high partaker of his eternal Glory, Alleluja. V. Martha? was follicitous about many things 5 but heard, that One thing is ntctff&y. R. Mary chofe the belt part, which was never taken from her. Let us pray. OGod, who mercifully refrefhefl thy Churches fenfe of our Saviour's tender and generous kindnefs for the truly Penitent fry I tjf. hythcFcaft of the glorious S* Mity tent ! Grant wc humbly beiccdi Thee, • her folerrm Memory may work its apt effi in us j quickening our Faith and Hope, that, dayly advancing to love Thee much? like our iins, which are many, will alfo be forgiven us, and that wc fhall be favoured by Thee with high graces here, and Glory i after : through our Lord Jefus Chriit thy Son, who? &c. Jul. 2 y. S. James. All-> as in the Office of Saints* fxceft i . No fooner was J;, the moftPriviledgd Apoftles, tothemoft im- portant Privacies of his Mafter, Alleluja, 3. He frankly profelTed the Divinity of our Saviour; and, by his chearfulnefs to lofe his head for it, converted his Accufer to be bis Companion in his Martyrdom, Alleluja- D d 4~ Antt 6i$ Feftivals. Ant. This was a Son cf Thunder, one of our Z,ord?s Brethren and belt beloved } whom, to pleafe the Jews, King Agrippa Tent, the firffc of the Apoftles, a Martyr to his Mailer, Al- leluja. V. B- fames now enjoys his Mothers defire : R. Seated at the right hand ofJESVS ia his Kingdom. Let us Pray. OGod, who by thefeaft of the H. Apoftle S. Jamesy reviv'ft in us the memory of thy great mercy to the world, in fo glorious an Example of readily following our Saviour, both in this life and out of it ! Grant us, we humbly befeech Thee, at the Call of thy Grace, the fame readinefs to quit cur Nets, all entanglements of worldly affections and intereftsj and apply our whole hearts to be- come our felves, and render others worthy Difciples of our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &c. Jul. 2(5. S. Ann. All, as in the Office of Saints, except i. S. Ann, full of the H. Ghoft, exults and cries, rejoyce with me, whofe happy womb, FefiivaPs. nicy womb, freed from barrennefs, has brought forth the branch of promife, Alleluja. x. Blefled is he who hears the prayers of hi 3 fuppliants, and has mademe the glorious Mo- ther of her, whofe Virgin- Womb is Heai in which He rcfided, whofe immenfity no place can contain, Alleluja. 3. I will pour out my Spirit on thy feed, and my blefling on thy GfF-fpring, faith DUI Lord: Alleluja^ Ant. Rejoyce O glorioos Matron, f&r thy prayers are heard, and thy barrennefs com- forted : Thou haft brought forth the Mothe? of all our hopes, the Mother of Jcfus, Alle- luja. V. BletTed art thou among Women, O H. Arm, R. And blefled is the fruit of thy won Mary, Alleluja. Let us Pray. OGod, whofe peculiar Providence fanfti»- fyM the Womb of the barren and de- * vout S- Jbm to bear the blefled among Wo- men? thy Sons Virgin-Mother ! Grant us, \\**- humbly befeech Theft in venerating her me- mory, to adorethy fjee-grace3 v. 6io Feftivah. fafdft her fo glorious a priviledg from Thee, and fo high an honor in thy Church \ through our Lord JESVS Chrift thy Son, who, with, &c Aug. 10. S. Laurence. All^ as in the Office of Saints? except r I . This is the glorious Martyr, S. Lax- rence^ whofe courage remained invincible in the midft of his torments. They broyl'd him on a Gridiron, and he confeft our Lord-, they tryM him with fire, and he was found true; Alleluja, \ 2. They fought his treafures, but his cha- rity had laid them out of their reach: the hands of the poor had carryM them into heav'n ; Alleluja. 3. While they were burning his Fleflv he generouily faid to the Tyrant ; I worfhip my God, and Him alone I ferve, therefore I fear not thy torments \ Alleluja. Jnt. B. Laurerxe, as he lay broyling on the Grid-iron> cry'd to the Tyrant, 'tis now e- roughj turn and eat, for the Goods of the Church, which thou required the hands of the Feflivah. 6zl the poor have carryM up into the heavenly Treafure. V. The. Saint attefted whofc fcrvant he was ; R. By the fign of the Crofs giving fight to the blind. Let us pray. OGod, by whofe grace the glorious Dea- con S. Laurence^ fultained the cruel tor- ments of a lingering death on a Grid-iron, ra- ther than betray the Goods of the Church de- pofited in his hands, or deny the truths of Re- ligion confervM in his heart ! Grant us, we befeech thee, in folemnizing his Feaft, both to praife thy Name for fo great and early an Example of Chriftian courage; and to be ftrengthned by it, againft all poflible tempta- tions, to preferve inviolate our fidelity tc Thee and our fpiritual trufts : through our- Lord Jefus Chrift, thy Son, who, &c. Aug. 6ii Fejlivals. Aug. 15. rAffumption of the B. Virgin. Od. All^ as in the Office of the B. Virgin^ except * f • To day the Mother of Life tailed the fweetnefs of Death, Alleluja : To day her fa- ered Body releasM her Soul to blifs? Alle- luja. 2. To day the B. Virgin was aflumM into Heav'n* Alleluja ^ andfeated in glory above the higheft Angels, Alleluja. 3. We in our Generation, H. Mary^ call thee BlefTed, Alleluja-, BlefTed next that mighty One who has magnify' d Thee, AlleluJ3. Ant. Come forth now all you glorious An- gels and B. Saints of Heav'n! Come forth, and behold your Queen? with the Crown wherewith her Son has CrownM her in the day ofherEfpoufals ; in the day of the glad- nefs of her heart : Alleluja, Alleluja. V. With glory and honour Thou haft crownM Her O Lord ! R. And for ever enthroned her next her Son in his Kingdom. Let Fejlivals. tzi Let us Pray. OGod, whofe Grace ripcnM the B- Vir- gin her felf in time, and, after many well-fpent years,tranllated Hcr3through death, to her eternal Crown ! Grant us, we humbly befeech Thee, in commemorating her Af- fumption ; to raife dayly higher our Affecti- ons after her to Thee, arid exped with grea- ter Joy thy Call of us at length, out of our cottages of Clay, into the fame glorious Kingdom: through our Lord JESVS Chrift thy Son, who, &o Aug. 14. S. Bartholomew. Ally as in the Office of Saints, except 1. His skin, and all he had, and even life it felf S. Bartholomew freely gave, for the tefti- mony of the truth, and for the love of JESUS? Allejuja. 2. At the laft day he fhall rife from the earth, and be compalt again with his Skinj and in his fiefn fhall he fee God7 Alleiuja. 3.. His Body m-uft expeft for a time, in hope-, but his Soul went immediately away to enjoy the blifsful Villon, Alleiuja. Atn 6i4 Fefiivals. Ant. This is that wife Apoftle, who glad- ly put off* his Skin, to enter in at the ftreight Gate^ and quitted his head it felf to receive a a Crown of Glory, Alleluja. V. He now triumphs with thofe who come out of great tribulation. R. Cloathed in Robes wafht white in the blood of the Lamb. Let us Pray. OGod, who, by the Martyrdom of thy B. Apoftle Saint Bartholomew^ refrefh- eft in our memories the glorious atteftations which thy providence has vouchfaPt the world for confirmation of thy Truth ! Grant us, we humbly befeech Thee, with fuch con- cern to refled on the exceffive pains he took and fufferM for propagating the Gofpel, and the fuperabundant rewards he now enjoys in thy blifsful Prefence ; that our faith may be ftrengthen'd and more aftively apply 'd, to carry us on in the fame race to the fame hap- py end *, through our Lord JeJUs Chrtp thy Son, who, &c. Sept- Fe(JivaL. 6zf Sept. 8. Nativity of the B. Virgin* All, as in the Office of the B. Virgin, except 1. To day was born the BlefTed Virgin Ma- ry -7 of the feed of Abraham, and the tribe of Jnda, and Family of David, Alleluja. 2. To day was born the BlefTed Virgin Mary ; Spoufe of the Holy Ghoft, and Mo- ther of the Son of God, and Daughter of the Eternal Father, Alleluja. 3. Let all the World rejoyce in the Nati- vity of the B. Virgin Mary, Alleluja \ of whom was born the Redeemer of all the world, Alleluja. Ant. Welcome to our dark world, thou Day-fpring from on high-, welcome thou long lookM-for Orient to Che Sun of Glory: Alleluja. V. Behold the Root of the Tree of Life \ Alleluja. R. Behold the fource of the Fountain of Grace \ Alleluia, &2 6 Feflivals Let us pray, OGod, who this day calleft us to cele- brate Her Nativity; of whom thy on- ly Son vouchfaf't to take our flefh, and be born the worlds Redeemer. Grant us, we be- feech thee, fo devoutly to rejoyce in the dawn of her immaculate birth, as more fitly may difpofe us to behold and walk by her light, which every moment increasingly fhin'd- be- fore men, through the whole day of her life here; and follow it fetting into eternal glo- ry i through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &c. Jept. xr. S. Mat hew. Ally as in the- Office of Saints, except i. Be not difcourag'd, O my Soul, nor make thy pad offences unpardonable by de* fpair. 2. This is he vv-ho, of a finner, became a Preacher; and of a Publican was calPd to be an Apoftle. 3. Fear not the power of the grace of God ; but Fefllvah. 6zj but take heed of delaying to embrace it, take heed of refilling to obey it. Ant, M'tthcrv, the Cuftomcr, bufrc at his Office, caird by Jejhs but in paffing by, ftraight arofe, left all, and followM himja wile Example to linners: Jefiu irouchfaPt to feaft at his houlc with a great multitude of Publicans, for encouragement to Converts. V. Our Lord came not to call the juft : R. But finners to repentance. Let us pray. OGod, whofe powerful call drew Mat- thew the Publican -from the very receit of Cuftom to become an eminent Apoftle and Evangelift: in thy Church ! Grant us, we humbly befeech thee, in celebrating the B* memory of his life and death* worthy his high and extraordinary Vocation, both to ad- vance thy praife for fo glorious an example of thy grace ; and, complying readily and faith- fully with thy grace? imitate to our utmoft capacities fo glorious an Example \ through cur Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &.c» through our Lord jefus Chriftthy Son, who* with) &c. Ott. 18. S. Luke. Afl> *s in the Office of Saints, except 1, We Commemorate, this day, the great S. Pouts Difciple, and conflant Compani- on, in all his Travails, Alleluja. 2. We ^3° Feftfoals. 2. We celebrate his glory, who deferv'd to be divinely recorded, Lh^ the moft dear Phyfician and Brother, whbfe praife is in the Gof- pel, through aU the Churches, Alleluja- 3- To his infpir^ Pen we owe the third facred Go/pel, and a faithful Hiftory of the be- ginning of the Church, in the Afts of the A- poftles, Alleluja- Ant. Worthy art thouB. L*kgr of high ho- nour in the Church ; whom the Dr. of the Gentiles chofe one of his chiefeft inllruments to build it. V. Thou art the Third of thofe myfti- cal Beafts. R. That inceflantly glorify God at hia .Throne* Let us pray. OGod, whofe fpecial grace renderM£#fc the Phyfician? a glorious difciple, and E- vangelift-, firft curing himfelf, and then hap- pily applying all his life and power to the Cure of others Souls! Grant us, we befeechThee, by his B- memory, encouragement to emulate the better gifts : fan&ifying, if not changing, our temporal vocations to the higheft fpi- ritual advance of our felves and the World ; through our Lord Jefus Chrift thySoij,who,&c. oa. Fcfiivals. 6$ i Oft. 28. SS. Simon and Jude. A//, as in the Office of Saints, except 1 . Thefe are they who planted the Church of God with preaching* and fettled it with miracles, and waterM it with their blood : Aiieluja. 2. They ventured their lives among barba- rous Nations, and converted vail Regions to the faith of Chrift, Alleluja. 3. They rejected the flatteries of the world, and defpifed the menaces of their Perfecu- ters ; and now, for all they did and all they fuiferM, are eternally rewarded, Alleluja. -Ant. The difciple is not above his Mafler, nor the fervant above his Lord : it fufficeth the difciple, that he be as his Mailer, and the fervant as his Lord. V. If they have blafphem'd and flain the Mailer of the houfe. R. How much more them of his houfhold. Let 6}Z Fe/fivals. Let us Pray. OGod, who, by a glorious Martyrdom, calledft the B. Apoftles Simon and Jade from their eminent labors in thy Vineyard, to blifsful reft in thy Kingdom ! Grant us thy gracev we befeech Thee, to improve this devout opportunity of celebrating their Memories* both by praifing thee for fuch ex- cellent Mailers, and prefling more lively on our felves their faving Doftrin and Exam- ples ; through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &e. Nov, Feftlvals. 633 Nov. 1. All Saints. Oft. Ally as in thz Office of Saints, Nov. 1. All Souls. Ally as in the Office of the Dead. After the Pray'r 0/ the Day 4 Lauds with the Long Litanies. E % OCCA> C«38) OCCASIONALS. *To he us' A before the Daily Com- ^memorations, as pag. 29. In time of ; : u 0 ^t a l i r r. Ant\ Why are we flill prefer/M in pet fe<£t Health, amidft fo many fad Example of Mortality ? Is it not that we may by ths means daily learn to dy better ^ and that fuc , experience* at others cofts, of the brittle ^efs of this life, may make it eafier for us by a juft undervalue of it, to fet our heart on our future immortality ? V. They fall on all fides of us into thei fick Beds or their Graves : R. And none of us knows whofe turn wil be next. Lei Occafwnals. £jp; L*t us Pray0 O Gracious God, who, to the fleight warn- ings of particular difeafes, addefl fome^ times the ftrong Allarms of Univerial Conta- gions ; that fo incurable a mifchicf, beyond all ordinary Remedies by which we ufe to eafe our fears, might awake us out of the Lethargy wherein this life's pleafures enchain us, and roufe us into an earned preparing our felvs for Death and our future Eternity ! Adored be thy \ kind Providence, who, by this haveck of Bodies, enforces us to mind that moft incom- parable concernment of fitting our Souls for Heaven : and mercifully grant to thy fervants'* thats inftead of terrifying and diftra&ing our hearts with frightful apprehennons at the ' grim look of Mortality now every where be- Fore our eys (as if the cutting off our lives • here were fo comfortlefs an evil to Christians) we may wifely meet the defign of thy good- nefs ^ and feeling our minds thus checkt in their fenfual career, endeavour to calm them into a fit temper, to rellifh better the immor- tal ftate to which thou fummoneft us \ and, after we have ufed all prudent means for ex- empting our felves from the prefent danger, if the failing of our endeavours make us know ?tis thy will, to pafs cheerfully through it to Thee our Final Good ; through our Lord. JefusChriftthy Son. who, &c» Wan. 6<\6 Occajtonalsl W ARR. 'Ant. Fear not*, our Lord, that faid, AH that take the Sword (undUty) flail perijh with the Sword, faid alfo, on occafion, He that hath not a Svpordy let him [ell his Coat, and buy one. V. A due ufe fanftifies ev'n Judgments into Mercies. R. And makes Warrit felf our way to end- lefs Peace. Let us Pray. OGod, by whofe Ordinance, in the very Nature of Government* ■ the People's Swords are abfolutely fubje&ed to the Prince •, fo that, 'tis their known duty always hearti- ly to draw them at his legal Call, but never without It. Since thy Providence fees fit to en- gage us at prefent in a dangerous War ; vouchfafe, we humbly befeech Thee, our So- veraign, the Courage and Conduft to manage It to thy Glory, his own Honour, and the Publick advantage \ which three we ought fall efteem as one : Vouchfafe us> his fubjefts, the grace to flick clofe to our own part, neither confounding his Counfels with our raw judgments and undutiful cenfures, nor weak- ening his hands by withdrawing our due fer- vice j but freely hazarding our lives and for- tunes Occafwnals. tunes, in ftritt Obedience to liis Or : thy undoubted Vicegerent, and the fa fell pofer of us and ours in thefe extreme Qtfj and refignMly expecting the Iilue from T the worlds juft Governour 5 who wiit for render it the belt to thofe, that fnew inde they love Thee,by thus doing what thou com- mandeft ) through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &c. PERSECUTION. Ant. Blefledarcyou, when men fhallrc- 3nd perfecute you, and fay all manner of againft: youfalfly for my fake. Rejoyce exult, for great is your reward in Heav'D, (ays our Lord* V. Thus the H. Prophets earnM thf Crowns : R. Thus the B- Apoflles climb'd then Thrones, i Let us pray. O Provident Lord ! who permitteth the Pow'rs of Darknefs in this World to perfecute the Children of Light ; that Their luff rings may more notoriously both exercife among themfelves, and atteft to thoje without the utter difvalue of afl Temporal Goods, in comparifon of our Eternal Hopes, attainable E 4 only 6/\% Occajionals. only by purfuing the Do&rine and Difcipliir of Salvation, in the bofom of our Mother, the H. Catholick Church : Suilain us, we humbly befeech Thee, againft being fhaken in this Faith or Praftife, by the rage of our prefent Perfeeutors: and grant that, indue compat fion both of them and our felves, no temptati- ontaay.be able to fway us befide ourduty, ei- ther impatiently to violate our Allegiance to C through our Lord Jefus Chriflv thy Son, who, &o For a Member of the Family SICK. ~ 'Ant. The Wheat mufl lofe its verdure, and either away, to be ripe for the Sickle •, and put off its Chaff, and be ftor'd up in the Gra- nary. V. Such is the progrefs of humane Nature * R. Our Bodies muft diflblve, toraifeusin- to Spirits. Let us Pray. o Soveraign Lord of life and death ! by the order of whofe providence, one of thy^ fervants Occxfionals. 6$}} fervants amongft us lies now dangcroufly fick ; and fummons the utmofl: of our Charity in his (or her J afliftancc : Hear, we befcech Thee, our humble fupplications for him, that, if poflible, this hcknefs may only be for thy greater glory ; and he recover his health? bet* ter inftrutled by this thy difciplinc duly to va-' lue and ufe it : or, if there be no reprieve, but it mail be to death, that he may b*> ftrengthenM by thy grace to bear the ap- proaches to his dillolution, however pain- ful i and ev'n yield up his foul it felf, when Thou pleafefl) with that courage and con-: ftancy, as becomes a hopeful Chriflian. Hear them? Lord, for our felvs 5 That wc may, like the good Samaritan-, each cheerfully per- form the duty of a true Neighbour to him, according to his condition, not declining a- ny coll or pains towards the relief of his Bo dy, much lefs any means in our. power to- wards perfecting his Soul s But grant that, wifely improving- this fit opportunity of ex- ercifing our right judgments? both in Di£ courfe and Pra&ice with him, we may fink them deeper into our felves 5 and thereby be ftronger difposM to pafs fearlefs through the' fame rough way to Immortality ; through < our L6rd Jefus Chriit thy Son, who, &c/' recofeiCd: Ant, The Grave gaped wide to fwallow up thy fervant from among us •, but Thou haft mercifully reprievM him from its greedy jaws, to glorify Thee a while longer with us. V. His foul is fnatcht away from the fnare of the Hunter. R. The fnare is broken and he is delivered. Let us Pray. OGod? whofe mighty hand difpenfes fick- nefs and health, leads down to the grave and brings back again? to render the way thither, and our due preparation for immor- tality through it, by experience and folemn praftice, more ready and familiar to us. Ac- cept, we befeech Thee? our humble Thankf- giving? for reftoring thy fervant and turn- ing his (her) late danger into a Difcipline of improvement : Accept our earneft pray'r,that it may breed a deep fenfe in him how unfteady our fojourning condition is in this world? th3t the leafeof our lives is only at the will of thee, our Lord? whofe feeming to continue it is no fecurity for a day longer j that yet,this is all the time we can have to ftock our felves for Eternity, that? at belt, he muft come to the fame pafs again, the fame fhort Hep into his future ftate : Make, therefore? the thoughts he Occafionals. 64 ^ lie had in his fickncfs govern him now in his health, and the importance and difficulty he found then wholly to clear his foul of : world and difpofe it to an immediate fitneis for furc Blifs, provoke him now to purfuc clofe that one neceflary work. Vouchlafc us all thy grace to feel, in his, our own cafe •, and learn by his example, what equally, con- cerns us all, in health to prepare for ficknefs, and by ficknefs for eternal health ; through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &c. DECEASED. Ant. Grieve not for the Dead ; they are pad all dangerous ftorms \ rather emulate their reft, having finifht well their com fe, V. We, too, (hall land at the fame noble Port •, R. And meet there endlefs joys, it wc arc fo wife as to chufe them. Let us pray. OGod, by whofe providence thy fervant, our Brother I[Sifter], through the Tra- vail of dying, is at length happily born out of the dangerous womb of this world, wherein he has been conceivM and bred by thy grace, into an incomparably more excellent and fe- cure ftate ! Allay, we humbly befeech Thee, by the ferious judgment of this advantage, all trou- 6^6 Prayers at Night troublefome regrets of Nature for the death of our Neighbour, and work in us a friendlier conceit of our own \ That our undifturbed pray'rs may be more prevalent with thy Mer- cy, to haflei) the cleanfing his foul from what- ever needs the purging fire to render it wor- thy the beatifying fight of Thee •, and fo puri- fy our own while we have day in this life, from all dfofiy affeftions, by the warning we thus receive, in refle&ing on others, how much this duty imports us •, that, when the night of death comes, in which none can work, we may be found fit immediately to enter into thy eternal. reft,; through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, &c. Prayer at Night for a Family. « In the Name of the Father, and of the Soib and of the H> Ghoft, Amen. Blcfled be the H, and undivided Trinity now and for ever, Amen. Our Father. Hail Mary. I believe. O Eternal, Infinite, and Almighty God! whofe .gracious wifdpm vouchsafes to to command foch things as are neceflary to fit us for everlafting Blifs, and forbid fuch as are apt to render us eternally miferable ! kWe. wretched finners, the frail o^fpring of dif- for a Family. 6^j* difobedient Jldam, humbly proflratc our fouls and bodies before thy adorable Maje- fty i and, with a true and hearty forrow, each of us particularly thus accufc and condemn our felvs. I confefs to Almighty God, to the B- Vir- gin Mary, to the B- Saint Michael the Archan= gel, to the B. Saint John Baptift, to the H. A- potties S. Peter and S. /W, & to all the Saints; that I have grievoufly finnM in thought, word, and deed ; through my fault , through my fault, through my exceeding great fault. Here paufe a while to examin^ and repent^ and make holy purpvfts j Then fay , Therefore I befeech the B. Virgin Mary9 the B. Saint Michael the Archangel, the B. St. John Bapttft, the H. ApoftlesS. Peter, and St< JW,and all the Saints,to pray to God for me. The great and glorious Lord of heaven and earth have mercy on us, forgive us our fins$ and bring us to everlafting life -, Amen. Lord have mercy on us. Lord have, &c, Chrift have, &c. Chnfi have^&c\ Lord have, &c Lordyhave> &c, Jefu receive our prayers. Lord Jefu grant onr petitions. O Gcd the Father* Creator of the « .worlds Have mercy on ns% 0 &$% Prayer at Night O God the Son,Redeemer of Man-kind, Have* O God the H. Ghoft,Perfeder of the Eleft, O Sacred Trinity, three Perfons and one God, O God, the eternal Fulnefs of all Perfection, O God, the overflowing Source of all Being, O God, the bounteous Author of all our Good, O God who haft Chofen us in thy Son, before the conftitution of the World, O God, who haft Created us of nothing to thine own fimilitude, O God, who preferv'ft us every Moment, that we return not again to nothing, O God, who haft made all "the World for the tife of us, and us for the enjoyment of Thy Self, © God, who haft Redeemed us by the death of thy Son -, and SandifyM us by the grace of thy H. Spirit, O God,who haft brought us to the knowledg of thy Truth •, and bleft us with fo plentiful means of working our falvation, O God, who haft prepared for us a Glorious Inheritance, if we love Thee and keep thy Commandment?, G God, who art Thy Self that Glorious Inhe- ritance, O God, the only End of all our labours, O God, the only Reft of our wearied fouls, O God, the only Joy of our time and eternity* O God,our God, and All things 1 Have mrcy MM*. Have' Have mercy, O Lord, and fparc us. Have mercy , 0 Lord^ tvnlhcur us. From all evil? Deliver us ^ 0 Lord. From all fin, Deliver. From all occafions of offending thy divine Ma- jefty, From the particular temptations to which we are moft exposM, From fudden and unprovided death. From everlafting death, By thy Almighty Power? By thy unfearchable Wifdom, By thy adorable Goodnefs, By all thy glorious Attributes, By all thy gracious Mercies, By the my fiery of thy H. Incarnation, and- humble Nativity, By the fanttity of thy heav'nly Do&rine, and miraculous Life? By the merits of thy bitter Paffion, and all-re- viving Death, By the joys of thy vi^orious Refurre&ion, and triumphant Afcenfion, By the glory of thy eternal Kingdom, and incomprehensible Majefty, In the hour of Death, and in the day of Judg- ment, Deliver tts^ O L(rd* We Sinners Sefeech thee hear us — > — That it would pleafe Thee to give^ us a true and hearty forrow for all cur offences \ We befeecb Thee heaYuu That That it would pleafe Thee to work in us a firm v & fincere refolution of amending our lives* We . That it would pleafe Thee to pardon our fins paft, and prevent us by thy grace for the time to come, That it would pleafe Thee to have pity on the weaknefs of our nature \ and, in all our ne- ceffities, temptations, and dangers, to ftrengthen and relieve us, That, feeing every day our many Imper- feftions, we may quicken our diligence, and humble our felvev and. learn to depend on Thee> That, acknowledging all we have is deriv'd from thy free bounty, we may praife and glorify Thee, and above all thy benefits love ^ Thee our Benefa&or, That, knowing all we hope proceeds from the fame free bounty, we may faithfully endea- ~ vour to ferve and pleafe Thee, and fecure to our felves thy everlafting rewards, That, confidering thy Providence does all things for the bell, we may thankfully ac- cept whatever Thou aflign'ft us \ and not murmur at our part, but drive to ad it well, 4T6at we may diligently obferve the Rules of our feveral places, and contentedly ftoop to the meaneft work of our condition; fweet- ning all our labours with this glad liope, if we be innocent here , we fliall be happy here- after>. That . for a Family. 651 That we may live in p^nce and charity with all the world, efpecially amone our felves? fo particularly engagM by cur union into one Family; patiently forbearing^and freely for- giving, and readily aflifting one another ; That often,in the mid ft of our bufinefs,\ve may fteal up our thoughts to Heaven •, to renew and encreafe our defire of that glorious E- ternity \ That, whether we fleep or wake, we may flill be fafe in Thee \ and, whether live or dy* be alwayes thine, We befeccb Thee hear us* Son of God ! We befeccb Thee hear us, O Lamb of God, that takeft away the fins of the world / Sfxrens 0 Lord. O Lamb of God that takeft away the fins of the world / Near hs O Lord. O Lamb of God, that takeft away the fins of the world ! Nave mercy on hs. V. Lord have mercy on us. R. Chrift have mercy on us, V . Lord have mercy on us. Our Father, &c. V. And lead us not into temptation, R. But deliver us from evil-, Amen. V. Blefs,we befeech Thee,0 Lord,thy Spoufc, the Church : R. Blefs her with the graces of Unity and Truth and Holinefs. V. Blefs thy Servant,our SoveraignLord, King JAMES: R. Blefs 6ff* Prayer Af Night R. Blefs Him with the Spirit of Wifdom and Courage and Piety. V- Blefs all the Nations fubjeft to his Govern- ment p R. Blefs them with the gifts of Peace, and Truth, and unfeigned Charity? V. Blefs our Kindred and Acquaintance, our Friends and Benefactors. R. Blefs our Enemies and Slander ers* and all that defpitefully ufe us. V. Have mercy, O Lord, on the Nations who never knew Thee •' R. And thofe who knew Thee once, but now are fallen from the Truth. V. Have mercy on the Poor, and Helplefs, and AffliAed 7 R And comfort them* with Hope,and Patience> and Relief. V.. Have mercy on the Living,and govern them. by thy Grace j R. Have mercy on the Dead,and bring them to* thy Glory. V. Have mercy on Us thy Servants,here afTem- bled in thy Prefence. R. And Thou? who art our Refuge, be our Defence. V. Into thy hands, © Lord; we commend our fpirits: R. Into thy hands, O Lord, we commend our fpirits. V. Thou haft redeemM us, O Lord, thou God of Truth: R. Into for a FamUy\ 6$% R. Into thy hands, O Lord, we commend our fpirits. V . Preferve us, O Lord, as the apple of thine eye-* R. Under the fliadow of thy wings proteft us. V. Save us,0 Lord,wakingjdefend usfleeping • R. That we may watch with Chrift, and reft in peace. V. Vouchfafe, O Lord, to keep us this Night without fin : R. Have mercy on us, O Lord, have mercy on us. V. Lord, let thy mercy be on us : R. As our hope is in Thee. V . O Lord hear, &c. R. And let our, &C- Let us Pray. OGod, the comfortable repofe of thy fer- vantsinHope, and their blisful Reft: in thy everlafting Pofleffion ! Obedient to thy Call by the voice of our nature, behold we re- tire to lay down our weary heads*, and,inftru&- ed by thy grace, confidently refign up all we are and have, while wefleep, into the hands of thy ever waking Providence. Moll humbly be- feeching Thee, that, if it pleafe Thee to take us hence this night, our foul's eyes, as our bo- dies, may be found abfolutely clofed to all this worlds Goods, and wide open to receive thy ardently-expefted Vifion : or, if thou vouch-- fcfeft 6 f4 Prayer at Night] &c. fafefl by convenient refreihment to protract ftill our lives, we may rife from our Bedh cheerfully difpofed, by good works in our fe- veral vocations, to make our Eleftion fure,and advance our glorious Manfion for ever with Thee \ through our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, who, with Thee and the H. Ghoft, lives | and reigns one God,world without end,Amen. V. O Lord hear. &c. R. And let our; &c. V. Blefs we our Lord. P.. Thanks be to God. V. May the fouls of the Faithful departed, through the mercy of God, reft in peace , Amen. O B. Virgin? Mother of our Lord Jefus Chrift ! Pray for us. G glorious Angels? whom our Lord fends in miflion for the good of his Eleft! Pray for hs. O H. Saints,who, pcrfe&ly fecure of your own happinefs? are charitably follicitousof ours ' Pray for hs. O all you bleft Inhabitants of Heav'n,who con- tinually behold the face of God, and readi- ly difpenfe his benefits to us -' Pray for hs. God the Father fuftain and protect us. Jefus Chrift illuminate and govern us. The H. Spirit fandify and perfed us to life c- verlafting: Amtn. Paufe a while. Then rife, F 1 N J s; ERRATA. PAge 32.I. ult. King JAMES, p. 49* I- *9« the blisftil. p. SO. I.20. lead*. p7 54. 1. 4. /j this. p. 62. 1. 5. Vouch- fafeJ'ft.p. 65.I. 4. firts. 1. 21. ^me«.p. 78. 1. 5. /br his. p.79.1.28. ci.rrc*. p. 89. 1. 14. of.:// our. p. 92. 1. 2. knewft. 1.5.knewft.l.8.knavil.p.93. 1. 24. plcafure. p. 96.1.15.^0 prize, p. 97. 1. 2. 0/ourfelves. p. 103. L 16. afpiration*. p. 104. 1.4. tothe/r. p. 1 1 1. 1. 9. /Vr his.l. 17. give us. p. 1 15.I. 10. did rve. as we p. 1 19. 1.4. way Tip 122. 1. 25. enlightn/tfjr. p. 150. 1. 13. pains', weeping, p. 1 59.I. 29. truth*, p. 165.I. 7. laid it. p. 178. 1. 27. peace/a/, p.i 79. i. 11. (O ftilKL 21. ever; p. 197. 1. i5.*Rock.p.i98.1.7. gloriou*. 1. 13. the Earth, p. 202. 1.6. ffeold. p. 208. 1. 2c. Commemoration. 1. 22. our Lords, p. 209. 1. 29. and particularly, p. 21 0 1. 22. our /^gratitude, p. 21 4. 1. 23. what mult it be. p. 216. 1. i5.efteem*. 1. 17. eke, but to feed us: behold, p.225. 1.4. thofe eys. p.227. 1.23. thy foul from body,drownd. p.233. 1. 2C. this /wconftant. p. 251. 1. 1 2. d. thy. p. 252. 1. 1 1. in thine p. 263. 1. 18. tlj Crofs.p. 287.I.19. ^/'ftions. p. 299. U16.SeeLp.305. I.30. aflfeft. P.3C9 l.io. together ; * from. p. 320. ). 27. fo ufe. p. 344. ]. 2. heart*. p.347. 1.27. thdMyftery.l.31. thy H. p. 362. 1. 17. the rorgh. p. 379. 1. 19. form. p. 380.I. 4. referv'd. p. 391. 1. 21. the incenfe. p. 393.I. 27, hearts, p. 425.I. i^.d.'to. \.\6.to talk, p. 441. 1. 9. God*. p.443. 1. 32. became/?, p. 446. 1. 18. will be. p.451. 1. 5. cenfure. p. 462. 1. 30. mifs it \ fhe, p. 484. 1. 24. it* full . p. 501.I. 3. overflowing/^, p. 508. 1.2. in to. p. 520. 1. 22. mav thy. p. 523. 1. 27. may thy. p. 525.I. 11. an or- dinary, p. 5 26. 1. ult. foritagain. p. 535. I. 4. be ftopr. f% 55o.h 2-. Crofsor. p. 571. 1. ult. Clrjfiian. p* 5 78. . 7. Our Lord. p. 612. L 17. invite us, '•. T i-Cv-l . i-*-v a -^ "^ T7 . _ . &C^*^fi t o 'S »«* O w "C U M § o to CO u J G Cti u appeared in oj Offices: 1 Iff /// u cu co / 3 "So O u a; u u 0 o 9 < a; > E T3 9 9 O • — CO B 9 •— a FT 0 c U f*t ; f- n "So ~7 ~ o 0 > , CO Q ^s X +J U u 5 "Bo _ c M ~ z ty-nine hymn \e ancient zc rc; for every 1 Paris, [66 -~ 13 9 > -r Rj 9 U 9 O * — r— *> O •4— > CI, u >< W vd - [So W 4-1 on • iJ *u ed IJ • — CU ■*— • 03 9 9 O jQ eg u CU E >> cy U •a o s u -^ 2? *-. _T! , *-0 0 r—