FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY GOSPEL AND EPISTL The Christian Year. 3y/*ftE B|^l^E REVEREND JOHN ANKETELL, A. M., FCl'NOER OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH IN DRESDEN, SAXONYJ AND SOME TIME PROFESSOR OF HEBREW AND GREEK EXEGESIS IN SEABURY DIVINITY SCHOOL. THE CHURCH RECORD COMPANY, 2 COOPER UNION. N. Y. COPYRIGHTED By the Rev. John Anketell, A. M. 1889. ihstidiezh:. PA01 Bion, haste to meet thy King— 1st Sunday in Advent i Lord, Thy word abideth ever— 9d Sunday in Advent 8 On the banks where Jordan rolled— 8d Sunday in Advent, - - •.» oe, the Saviour reigns— 4th Sunday in Advent 10 L Saviour's Birth Christmas Day, - - - n In bondage to the Law Bunday after Christmas, .... i_» Jssusl v all most hoi; Circumcision of Christ - - - 19 Brlghl o'er Bethlehem's lowly mangers— Epiphany Evening, - n Jesul Our Eternal King— Epiphany Morning IB ised Bon of God, Whose Life- isl Bunday after Epiphany, - if, Christ Thy oonstanl blessing— 9d Sunday after Epiphany, - it Almighty and Eternal God 3d Sunday after Epiphany, - - 18 Down from the mountain Bweeps ith Sunday after Epiphany, - 19 This earth, Lord, Is one vasi field— 6th Sum lay after Epiphany, 90 On thy watch-tower, Ambakoum— 6th Sunday after Epiphany, - ji Bun, while the day is dawning— Septuagesima Sunday, - - 99 Christ on Thy Throne of endless— Sexageaima Sunday, - - 99 Mercy, O Thou Son ol David— Quinquagesima Sunday, - - - i\ En this hour of grief and prayer— Ash Wednesday, - 9B ! rty days and nights 1st Sunday in Lent - . . . •_•,; Almighty God, Who seesi ad Sunday in Lent 91 Holy, Holy, Holy God id Sunday in Lent, 88 Paint yet pursuing, the Victor— 4th Sunday in Lent - - - '2'.» Bunday In Lent - - - - m Grant us, O Lord, a meeb Bunds Baster, 81 Lord Jesu, by Tl I Friday, 89 In slumber rest O Saviour blest— Easter Even, v.\ Bing "wt. -v. I iter Day, :;» 1 disciples passed— 1st Sunday after Easter, ... - :{.-, Bhepherd and Bishop of our souls— 9d Bunday after Easter, - - 86 A little while we shall not see— 3d Sunday after Easter, 81 God, Who only order'st human will— 4th Bunday after Easter, En this our blest Rogation-tide— 6th Sunday after Easter, - - 89 glorious Victor, Prii rning, - - - i" As on Olivef s green height— Ascension Evening, n From the Father forth pr ling— Sundai osion, • - ai spirit of Power and Love— Whitsunday, Ever-blessed Trinity— Trinity Sunday, - u o I.<>\ k. forsaking realms on I » i i_r 1 1 — 1st Sunday after Trinity, - IS iV INDEX. PAGE Bright shine the golden lights— 2d Sunday after Trinity, 46 O'er far distant mountains— 3d Sunday after Trinity, 47 God. Proteetor of Thy floek— 4th Sunday after Trinity, 48 Grant, Lord, that the course of all— 5th Sunday after Trinity. - 4;» God, Who hast prepared true pleasure— 6th Sunday after Trinity, so Lord, of all power and might— 7th Sunday after Trinity. - - .">i O God, Whose endless might— 8th Sunday after Trinity. 52 Grant, Lord, we beseech Thee— 9th Sunday after Trinity. - - H O'er the guilty city— loth Sunday after Trinity, :>4 Proudly the Pharisee lifted his voice— 11th Sunday after Trinity, - 55 Almighty, everlasting God— 12th Sunday after Trinity, - 56 To the traveller, bleeding and wounded— 13th Sunday after Trini: Lord of the harvest, Christ, our God— 14th Sunday after Trinity, - 58 O Christ, in notes of gladness— loth Sunday after Trinity, Out of the portals of Xain's fair city— Kith Sunday after Trinity. - 60 Let Thy grace, O Lord, prevent— 17th Sunday after Trinity, - - n All thanks to Thee, good Lord— 18th Sunday after Trinity. - - 62 O Christ, the Monarch and Lord of all— 19th Sunday after Trinity, 63 O Jesus, heavenly King— 20th Sunday after Trinity, - 64 Arm us. Captain of Salvation— 91st Sunday after Trinity, - - 65 Lord, forever blest— 93d Sunday after Trinity, 66 God, our Refuge. God, our Might— 23d Sunday after Trinity, 67 'Jesus, my child e'en now is dead— 24th Sunday after Trinity, - 68 God of our fathers, our Trust— Thanksgiving. 69 happy hour, when sprang to power— National, - 70 The Loed, Our Righteousness— Sunday next before Advent, - 71 " There is no grief Great as the joy to be made one in will With Him that is the heart and rule of life And Thee, God born of God, Thy Name is ours. And Thy large grace more great than our desire." A. a - TO THE MEMORY OF MY FIBST-BORS SON, JOHS WILLIAM-. Born at Darien, Conn.. B. Matthias's Day, 1861, Entered into Rest. April 9, 1861. ffor so 1be Givetb 1f3is Beloved Sleep. ZFZRZE^^aiE. A great and increasing desire lias been manifested in many quarters for special hymns to be used on the differ- ent Sundays in the year. Hoping in some measure to be able to supply this need, the author of this work, who for many years has been engaged in the translation of hymns from the Latin, German, and other languages, has now prepared a series of original hymns for each Sunday and great Festival, based upon the Scriptural teaching of the service for the day, and written in a variety of easy, flowing and familiar metres. At present it has been found impossible to issue a musical edition ; but, if sufficient encouragement be given to the work, another edition will be issued with the hymns set to simple and familiar tunes, carefully selected from the best English and German sources, with a very few origi- nal compositions. The proper tune for each hymn, with the name of the author, is indicated in this edition. Whatever may be the lack of poetic merit in these simple hymns, the author fervently hopes and prays that, in these dark days of doubt and disbelief, they may be found full of intense adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ, as "the true GOD and Eternal Life," and endued with "a Hope that is full of Immortality." For his own reward he asks only that, which was so beautifully expressed by the saintly poet Lyte : "Might verse of mine inspire One virtuous aim. one high resolve impart, Light in one drooping soul a hallowed lire. Or bind one broken heart : Death would be sweeter then. More calm my slumber 'neath the silent sod, Might I thus live to bless my fellow men. And glorify my GOD.'" THE AUTHOR. jfypmne for t$t Cfynetxan ^ear* THE FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT. \uuwvnU. German. 1. 7 Behold, thy King c<>mrtli unto thee ! S. Matthew, 21: 5. l. Sion, haste to meet thy King, Psalma and glad hosannas sing, Btrew thy palm.-, tliy garments spread For tln i Judge <>r quick and dead! •J. Meek, He rides upon tlic colt: QOD, Who wields the thunderbolt, Lays 1 1 is royal glory by In our Flesh tor man to die. 3. Enter now the temple gate, Where He stands in princely state; Join the children's song of praise To the King of endless days. 4. For the LORD who comes with grace, Soon shall show His shining face; Christ, who for our sins atone. 1. Comes 'mid angel hosts enthroned. ."'. Heavens shall vanish like a scroll, Sun and moon in darkness roll, When the dead the trumpet hear, When the Judgment books appear. • I. On that day of doom and grace. Grant us with Thy Baints a place, Save us from the realms of night. Clothe us with Eternal Light ! Xew York City, S. Barnabas s Day, 1889. 8 HYMNS FOR THE CHRIMIAN YEAR. THE SECOND SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Corona-. W. H. Monk. 2. 8. < ? 8, 7, 4, 7. Through patience and comfort of the Scriptures ice may have hope. Romans. 15: 4. 1. Lord. Thy word abideth ever. Swift to succor, sure to save. If with Faith's supreme endeavor We Thy promised mercy crave: Let its glory Light the darkness of the grave ! 2. Sweetest peace and consolation Dwell for ever in that word : For its tidings of salvation Tell us of a promised Lord, Throned in Heaven. By angelic hosts adored. 3. There the prophet's glowing vision Shows the joy of latter days : There the wise man's just decision Guides our feet o'er earth's dark wa\ s ; All its pages Shine with truth's immortal rays. 4. There we read the wondrous story. Of the Babe of Bethlehem. Crucified, but crowned with glory. Promised Rod of Jesse's stem : Soon to meet us. Decked with royal diadem. 5. Lord, be this our consolation. When earth's joy shall pass away ; In death's hour of tribulation, In the awful Judgment Day : Heavens may vanish. But Thy word shall stand for aye ! June 13, 1889. BTMHfi rOl Tin: OHB EL THE THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Hci nlciii. If. Hi rntein, l«77. 3. 7- (a). ll> ihaUprepan Thy way bejon Thee. 8. MatL, 11: 10. 1. on the banks where .Ionian rolled, Preaching penitence and fear, Stood the Prophet, Ions foretold, Crj ing, •• Baste, the Lord i- near ! '" 2, Lei the ministers of grace So prepare, Lord, Thy way, Thai with j<>\ we meet Th\ race On the awful Judgment Day. Jum L3, L889. .. In the night their en is heard, •• Lo ! the Bridegroom soon shall c< >m«- ! " Let the Bride at that glad word Easten to her heart'.- true home. 1. rear bj year thai Advenl crj Rings upon the startled air ; •• Basten, tor the Lord is nigh ; Let your lamps be trimmed with care." jer, listening ear Catch with joy that welcome Bound : I la-ton. for the Lord is near : Knter. where truejoys are found. »'.. Grant us, Lord, the perfect peace of a mind well stayed <>n Th< Rest, where earthly labors Light, where darkness cannot be ! l--:; {altered). 10 HYMNS FOB THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ADVENT. Christ Church. C. Steggall, Mus. D. 4. 6, 6 6, 0, 8, 8. Rejoice in the Lord always. Phil, 4: 4. 1. Rejoice, the Saviour reigns ! Rejoice, the Lord is King ! O'er mountains and o'er plains Let ransomed nature sing : With holy heart, \vith tuneful voice Let all before the Lord rejoice. 2. 'I lie Advent of our Lord Shall wake our joyful song ; The comfort of His word Shall make our courage strong ; With holy heart and tuneful voice Let all before the Lord rejoice. 3. The Lord is near at hand, Put anxious care away : He comes to rule His land, Oh, haste the happy Day ! With holy heart and tuneful voice Let all before the Lord rejoice. 4. Then let, Lord, Thy peace, Which passeth human mind, Our Faith and Hope increase, Our hearts to Jesus bind : With holy heart, with tuneful voice Let all before the Lord rejoice. Jane 13, 1889 {altered at the suggestion of Dr. Steggall, the musical editor of u Hymns Ancient and Modern "). El mns i OB Tin: I iikisi i \n \ BAB. 11 CHRISTMAS DAY. >V(>iliiiaclit. ./. AnketeU. 5. D, l, I. T. The WORD became FLESH. 8. John, 1:14. 1. o Joy of Earth I A Saviour's Birth To fallen man is granted ; The Bong of Love is Bung above, Ami Bhepherds hear it chanted. 2. Their wakeful eyes with glad Burprise Sec white-robed angels Bhining; The ravished ear a Bong ••an hear, All melody combining : :;. •• Be glory g'wcu iii highest Heaven, To God through years anending ; On earth may Peace and Love increase, Good will to men descending." I In haste they seek that Infant meek, Whose cradle is a manger, And at His feet with homage meet They hail the heaven-horn Btranger. 5. And we with them in Bethlehem Will seek the Lord of glory, Will sing His praise through endless days And tell Bis wondrous story. »;. Sweet Babe, so (rail ! The thorn, the nail shall cause Thee bitter Borrow ; But BOOH Thy [light shall end in light, And an Easter morrow. 7. Thy Star Divine shah 1 ever Bhine To guide the pilgrim Btranger ; While Faith shall own Thy Love alone. And worship at Thy manger I April, 1877. 12 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY. S. Thomas. Handel, or Tansur? 6. S. M. G()l> sent forth His Son. Galatians, 4: 4. 1. In bondage to the Law. We groaned beneath its yoke ; Bat God our heavy burden saw. And sin's strong letters broke. 2. In fulness of the years He sent His only Son, To save us from our guilty fears By deeds which He hath done. 3. The Virgin bears the Child ; Angelic hosts rejoice ; We hail Thee JESUS undehled, Named by the angel's voice. 4. Mercy and truth are met Within our hearts to dwell, And God Most High is with us yet, Our own Emmanuel ! 5. His Spirit in our hearts Still Abba, Father, cries ; His comfort nevermore departs, While earthly pleasure dies. 6. In bondage now no more, We trust Thy faithful word And, heirs of God, Thy grace adore Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. June 14, 1889. HYMNS FOB 1 HI. 0HBI81 I \N 1 I ak. 19 THE CIRCUMCISION OF CHRIST. Morton Brocktostarj . 7. 8, 7. Thou shall call His Karm JESl S. S Hatt, I: 21. 1. Jesus I Name of all most holj . Borne bj < h id's beloved Son, \\ ho for us, all meek and lowly. Came to earth, the Blessed one ! 2. In Thj Name alone confiding, Can we conquer death and hell ; In Thy Name alone abiding, Can we in God's Presence dwell. :;. Sacred Name ol Saviour, given On Thy Circumcision Day, When the ancient Law was riven, And its glory passed awaj : ■i. Nevermore shall Sinai'.- terror Fill with fear the faithful heart ; Thou shait save from human rwov. Thou our Joy and Jesus art ! 5. Jesi - 1 Ly Thy Blood forth flowing For our souls, bo rich and i'n Heavenly grace on ua bestowing, Make as One with God in Thee. 6. In Thy saered heart abiding, Fill our hearts with perfect Love. Through earth's night ol sorrow guiding To Heaven's light of joy above. Honor, power, and might, and blessing Be t" Thee, the Father'- Son : We. the H<»iy Ghost confessing, Praise the GODHEAD, Three in One. June 1 1. 1889. 14 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE EPIPHANY (EVENING). Moultrie. G. Cobb. 8. D, 8. 7. For we saw His star in the east. S. Matt., 2 : 2. 1. Bright o'er Bethlehem's lowly mangers, Beamed a new and lustrous star, Guiding by its light the strangers From their Orient land afar ; Where beneath its silver shining Lay a fair and wondrous Child, God and Man in One combining, Born of virgin tmdefiled. 2. Then, the midnight silence breaking. Sages from a distant land Came, their humble homage making, Priceless Offerings in their hand To the King of Earth and Heaven. To that fair and holy Child. Man's atoning Saviour given. Born of virgin undetiled. 3. Gold they offer, rich in splendor, Fitting tribute of a King : Frankincense they humbly render To their God, Whom angels sing ; But of all their gifts undying Myrrh sheds forth a sweet perfume. For it tells of Jesus lying Silent in His rock-bound tomb. 4. Lord, we haste to Bethlehem going With our gold of fervent love ; Offer myrrh, Repentance showing : Incense bear to God above : Who, beneath the Star's soft shining, Cradled lay, a heavenly Child. God and Man in One combining, Born of virgin undetiled. January, 1877. HYMNS I OB TIM 0HBI81 I \s I r\i:. LS THE EPIPHANY (MORNING). German, 9. 7 This la M>i Beloved 5 Jfatt., 3: it. 1. Jesu ! Our Eternal King ! Thy Epiphany we Bing, Manifested by Thy grace To <»ur lost and fallen race. 2. O'er Thy cradle phone a Btar, Guiding pilgrims from afar, Bearing to their Maker's feet Gold and myrrh and incense Bweet 3. In fair Jordan's crystal wave Thou wast merged our Bonis to Bare; To Thee came the Heavenly Dove, With the Father's voice of Love. t. At the t • • ; t s t in Galilee Wondering guests Thy glory Bee ; Water owns Thy power Divine, Changing into ruddy wine. 5. Jesu! Lord of Lite Divine! Let Thy Star upon us shine. Wash us witii Thy savin-- Blood, Be Thy Wine our Bacred Pood : •'>. Till, upborne on Beraph's win--. Heaven's Epiphany we sing, Praising with the angel host, Father. Son. and Holy Ghost Austin. Minnesota. 1878. 16 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. Spohr. F. L. Spohr. 10. C. M. / must be about My Father's house (or, business). S. Luke, 2: 49. 1. Blessed Son of God, Whose Life Our life to glory leads, With gems of truth Thy Word is rife. That he may run who reads.* 2. Thy miracles of power and grace Are glorious in our sight ; But more within our hearts' embrace Thy sacred words delight. 3. We see Thee in the Temple hall, And there with glad surprise Thy words of heavenly wisdom fall Like manna from the skies. 4. Grave doctors wonder at the lore Of One so young and mild : For there Thy words full witness bore, Thou art the Father's child ! 5. But not within those courts to stay Was Thy most holy will. Prepared Thy parents' call t' obey. And subject to them still. 6. Lord, lead the way Thy footsteps trod. By Faith and not by sight : Lead from earth's darkness up to GOP, In pure, celestial light ! June 15. 1889. * Habakkuk ii : 2. Commonly misquoted &3,"He,w/tv runs, man read." Bl ma IOB 1 1 1 1 . I m:: LB. 17 THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. s. Kdith. /•;. Husband. 11. P.. J Thou h'ist kepi thi good wim until now. 8. John, •_': 10. 1. Christ, Thy constant blessing Shall hallow all our «Ia\ - : Through Thee true joy possessing, We Bing <>ur hymns of praise ; Come, Mghl and glory Bhedding, And change by Power Divine The water ol Earth's wedding To Eeaven's eternal wine. 2. Thou dosl noi grudge brief pleasure To creatures of the dust, [f well we guard the treasure Committed to our trusl ; [f with Thy moderation We ase the gifts of earth. ks beira of Thy salvation And sous of heavenly birth. :;. When clouds of darkness gather, Ami earthlj joj - are dumb, We look to Thee, Father;* Thine hour is not yet come ! Oh, haste Thy blest appearing, Epiphany Divine I Our hearts Tor over cheering With purr, celestial wii Gract Church Rectory, WhiU N. v.. Trinity Sunday. 1889. * Isaiah ix : 0. Heb. "Father of Eternity." 18 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. Federal Street. H. K. Oliver. 12. L. M. (a). I will ; be thou clean. S. Matt., 8: 3. 1. Almighty and eternal God, Behold our dangers and distress, In mercy spare the threatening rod, Stretch forth Thy hand to help and bless ! 2. By sin's foul leprosy defiled, Our days in pain and grief consume : By Satan's subtlety beguiled, We tremble at Thy righteous doom. 3. But Thou art come to seek and save, In Galilee Thy power was seen ; Redeem us from a sinner's grave, Say these blest words : "I will ; be clean ! " 4. We are not worthy, dearest Lord, That Thou beneath our roof shouldst come ; But speak for us the saving word, Let not Thy healing voice be dumb. 5. Give us to eat that sacred Food, The Flesh of Thy beloved Son, To drink by Faith His saving Blood, And triumph in His victory won. G. Cleanse our frail bodies by His Flesh, Wash with His Blood our ransomed souls ; Our lips with seraph's Love refresh, Touched by the altar's living coals !* June IT, 1889. * Isaiah, vi : 6. hymn* rOB TBI OHBJ LB. 1 9 THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. T<-|ll|M-x1. ./. Anketell. 13. Hi rebuked th* winds and tin sea. 8. Matt., 8: 26, 1. Down from the mountain 9Weep& thf will I storm. Waves of Grennes'reth raise their fierce form, Trembling disciples Clamor and weep. Silent the Master rests in calm sleep. 2. Then a1 their outcry rises the Lord; Winds own their Monarch, waves know the Word ; Hushed is their fury answering His cry, Stilled by His mandate : ••'Peace: it is I !"' :;. So when temptation sweeps o'er OUT path, Waves of fierce anguish Inn in in their wrath : Rise, Lord and Master, wake from Thy Bleep Save, or we perish, save from the deep ! i. When the Bharp death-pang stitles our breath, When o'er our pillow hovers dark Death : Haste to our rescue, answer OUT cry. Give Thy Bure comforl : •• Peace : it is I I" Jam 13, L889. * S. Augustin, Homily xiii. 20 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. All. in (*ott. H. Kngelmann, 1540. 14. 8, 7, 8, 1, S, 8, 7. Letooth grow together until the harvest. S. Matt., 13: 30. 1. This earth, Lord, is one vast Held. Where tares and wheat arc growing: Vile tares the arts of Satan yield, Rich wheat Thy grace bestowing; But both these fruits together grow For Thine eternal bliss, or woe. While time's swift stream is flowing. 2. Our zealous hands too oft would pluck These growing fruits asunder Before the Day of Doom, when st ruck- By heavenly bolts of thunder, The tares are burned in flames of Love, While reapers bear the wheat above To lands of joy and wonder. 3. Then grant us, Lord, true grace and power, Thy holy Name Confessing, To make still purer every hour Our hearts, Thy wheat possessing: Root out the tares of sin and shame. That, doing all in Jesus' Name, We share His endless blessing ! To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Holy Spirit. The everlasting Three in One. Be praises due their merit : ever Blessed Trinity, Adored through ages, grant that we Our Kingdom may inherit. Bridgeport. Conn.. June 20, 1888. in mns rOB i in. 0HBI8T1 \\ J i \k. \L\ THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER THE EPIPHANY. BeneventOt 8. Webbe, 15. Ts (a). Tht Son oj OOD was manifested that //< might i GOD. 8. Luke, B: 11. 1. Christ, on Thy Throne of endless beauty Beated, Where the bright lampsof glorj shine, od high, Bj the sweet songs and harps of angels greeted ; List to our rv\ . 2. Oh, that the tongues of men, like angel voices, Rightly Thy power and wisdom could declare ! Where tongues ma} fail, Love's glowing hear! rejoices Tribute to bear. :\. Thou art the Sower; by Thy grace is planted Seed in our souls a precious, living Food, [fwe but take and keep the pardon granted Through Thy blest Blood. i. Some by the way is lost, a scattered treasure; Some on the rock BpringS up in careless pride : Thorn- choke the Beed with worldly toil or pleasure, Till love has died. 5. Sonic to the harvest comes, 'mid joy and Binging, Thirty and sixty fold that .-'olden -rain: Grant as, dear Lord, a hundred-told forthbringing, With Thee to reign. ii. Shining like stars of -lory in the Heaven. Then Bhall we praise the Father, praise the Son, Praise the Blest spirit, with His graces .-even ; Cod Three in One!* June 22, 1888. Or, Glory to God eternal In the Heaven ; To the One Father, to the Only S«>n, To the true Spirit, with Hi- graces seven : God Three In One. 2-4 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. QUINQUAGESIMA SUNDAY. Batty. Moravian, 1760, 18. 8, 7. The greater of these is LOVE. 1 Cor., 13; 13. 1. Mercy, 0, Thou Son of David ! We, like Bar-Timaens, cry; For their souls alone are saved, Who for aid on Thee rely. 2. Blind, we turn to Thee for vision ; Poor, we seek Thy loving fac Heeding not the vain derision Of the souls, who spurn Thy grace. 3. Thou wilt hear us and deliver With Thy fulness from above, Thou of all good gifts the Giver, Fountain of Eternal Love! 4. Oh ! that from that Fountain flowing Streams of Love our hearts may cheer : That, Thy grace on us bestowing. Perfect Love may cast out tear. 5. Send Thy Holy Spirit, giving That most precious gift of Love : Bond of Peace, without which living Souls are dead to Life above. 6. Prophecy Heaven's light shall banish, Tongues and miracles shall cease : Faith and Hope shall never vanish. Love shall reign in realms of Peace ! June 22, 1889. IIYV ASH WEDNESDAY. 19. '/'/ kneeling al Thy feet, Bear as from Thy mercy Beat, id Thy Holy Paraklete. ."». Zion's trumpets loudlj Bound To the earth's remotest bound ; Lei our tribes God's Ark Burround. I. Priests before the altar weep : Save Thy people from the deep, [loose them from their fatal Bleep ! 5. Lei us join their earnest cry, Praying to our Lord on high : Hear, oh, hear, a sinner's Bigh ! 6. Make us new and contrite hearts, Whence Thy grace no more departs Mourning Bin and Satan's arts. 7. Save us from a Binner's Gate, Help us ere it be too late, Hear us, for Thy Love is great. 8. By Thy bitter pains and fear-. r>\ Thine agonizing tears, Save ua ere our doom appears ! God, the Father, God the Son, GOD, the Spirit, Three in (> Crown us for a race well run ! Or, To Thy Name all praise lie done. s. Philip. II. //. Monk. Jutk '2-2. L889. 20 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE FIRST SUNDAY IN LENT. Chalvcv. L. G. Hayne. 20. D. S. M. In labours, in watching s, in fastings. 2 Cor., 6:5. 1 . Thy forty days and nights, O Christ, in deserts wild, Thou didst abstain from earth's delights, All pure and undented : To Thee the tempter came To show Thee pleasure's path. To bid Thee prove God's holy Kame, And tempt by pride His wrath. 2. But Satan's arts were foiled, In vain his subtle power, Thy holy soul remained unsoiled In dark temptation's hour : For not by bread alone Our fainting souls are fed ; Thy word and sacraments we own, Our true, immortal Bread ! 3. Lord help us fast and pray In this our solemn Lent, And follow in the sacred way Thy holy footsteps went ; Till earth's dark shadows flee. Till dawns our Easter Day, And angel hands that strengthened Thee, Shall roll the rock away ! Then God the Father bless, To God the Son give praise, And God the Holy Ghost confess, One God through endless days ; As was in ages past, Is now, and still shall be, While Heaven's eternal ages last : One Blessed Trinity. Nativity of S. John Baptist, 1889. HYMN- fOB ini: . HKISTIAN VIAII. 87 THE SECOND SUNDAY IN LENT. Iliiinluirir. .//•/■. fry L. Mason. 21. L M. (a). Have menu <>n no . Lord, Son of David J tfatt., 15: 22. l. AJmightj God, Who seesl no power We have t<> help ourselves in need ; Our bodies keep when perils lower. Our bouIs from Qerce temptation lead. To Thee there came a bitter cry From one, who dwelt by T\ ri;in wave : "0 Son of David, Lord most high, Have mercy and mv daughter save I " 3. She was not of Thy chosen pace, Her lathers knew not Israel's GOD : Vet contrite BOITOW BOUghl Thy lace. And owned in Faith Thy chastening rod. I. Thy silence moved her earnest prayer, ]\iv zeal obtained Thy blest reward ; For they the crown of thorns must wear, Who Beek Thy crown of glory, Lord ! 5. So now we watch, we fast, we pray, Our sin- confess, our frailty mourn, And tread with tears the narrow way. Bearing the cross Thy hands have home. 6. Teach us. Lord, to last aright, Grant us Thy grace to watch and pray, Till ends earth's gloomy Lenten night. Till dawns Thine own bright Easter Dav ! ■ee June 2."). 1881). 28 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT. S. Leonard. H. Hiles. 22. C. M. Christ shall shine upon thee. Ephesians, 5:14. 1. O Holy, Holy, Holy God. Enthroned above the skies. Lead onward in the path Christ trod, The path to Paradise ! 2. We tain would follow His blest feet, And walk in His pure Love : An o tiering and a savor sweet To bear our souls above. 3. Long slumbered we on sin's soil bed, Till came a Voice Divine : u Wake, thou that sleepest, from the dead, And Christ shall on thee shine ! " 4. The strong man armed his palace held, And kept his spoil in peace : Till Thy right hand the tyrant felled, And bade his triumph cease. 5. With lasting and with strong desire Our souls to Thee we raise ; Kindle our hearts with sacred fire To sing our Saviour's praise ! 6. Blest is the womb that bare Thee, Lord, The breast where Thou didst lie ! More blessed they that hear God's Word, And heed His guiding Lye ! June 26, 1889. HTMH8 rOB tin: I BBI8T1 IS \ i \u. 98 THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT. Consolation* a. Webbe, 23. II. 10. Make tic m> n Hi down, 8. •/"////. »; : 10. l. Paint, yel pursuing, tin' Victor advancing, Drinks of the brook in the \\;i.\ warriors bread, Where its bright waters are Bparklingand dancing, Quenches Bis thirst, and in j<>\ lifts hj~ Head. •_'. Painting with hunger, with deadly thirst burning, Pasting ami weeping through Lent'- vale <>r tears, \- we march onward, for Bweet solace yearning, Lo ! in the desert Thy table appears ! :;. Poor t«> the world Beem the gifts Thon bast given, Paltry and useless Thine own Bacred Pood: Gladly we cut of the Bread Benl from Heaven, Joyfully drink <>l Thy pure, precious Blood. I. I- there not room tor the weak and tin' weary, Room for the outcast of village and town t Conic from the hovel and prison-house dreary, Hear how your Saviour cries: "Make them -it down!" 5. Laj but your sins at tin 4 (ret of tin* Master, Like tlif weak woman who loved ami was blest, Wash with your tears Hi- feet, let them (low faster, Trust in His mercy and lean on His breast • ;. So in our mid-Lent Thy praise we are singing; Painting, our souls by Thy spirit are fed ; Penitent heart- to Thy blest altar bringing, Here m the desert Thy tai»le is spread ! Praise to the Father, the Son. and the Spirit, Praise as of old t«» our God, Three in one ; Praise Him ye angels, and men -inn- His merit Now and for ever, while ages shall vun. Jam -Jo. L889. 30 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT. Hallett. J. H. Shepherd. 24. Six Ts (a). Before Abraham was — I AM I S. John, 8: 58. 1. Great High Priest of coming good, In a house not made with hands, Cleansing by Thy precious Blood Israel and the Gentile lands; Jesu, hear Thy Children cry, Hear us from Thy Throne on high ! 2. Not the sprinkled blood of beasts Purines from sinful stain; All the rites of Jewish priests Cold and lifeless works remain : Thou the Mediator art, Giving peace to each true heart. 3. Abraham joyed to sec Thy Day, Gazing on it from alar: Prophets sought the distant ray Of the bright and Morning Star, Jesus, our atoning Lamb, Son of God— the great I AM! 4. In this solemn Passion-tide, When we plead Thy pard'ning grace, Crucify our sinful pride, Every guilty lust efface; Wash us in Thy precious Blood, Save us by that cleansing flood! June 26, 1889. V BYMKfl rOB TBI OBBIBTXAS ykai:. ::] THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE EASTER. Pai Del, ./. /;. Dykes. 25. 108. In the Nauru of JE8U8 i \h ry knee shall >><>}<•. Phil., 2: 10. 1. Qranl as, Lord, a meek and lowly mind, To every virtue, everj truth inclined, To follow in Thy step- the narrow way, That leads to glory and eternal Day. 2. Equal to GOD, in highest Heaven enthroned, r..\ angels and archangels Monarch owned, Thou i honghtest not the might that crowned Thy head, An object to be greatly coveted ; :>. But putting from Thee crown and sovereign slate. Emptying Thyself of power and honor great, Thou Cam'st to earth iii fashion of a slave. For us to bear our death the cross the grave I i. So God hath highly magnified Thy fame, And given Thee a Name o*er every name. That in the Name of JESUS all should how Of things in Heaven, and earth, and realms below. 5. We follow in Thy path with festive palms. We greet Thee, Son of David, with our psalm- : Grant that the lips, which glad 'Hosanna !' en. May never shout with sinners — c Crucify !' f>. Soon shall wc bear Thy body to the tomb. Soon bury it with spiee and Bweet perfume, Earth's busy throng a daj may deem Thee dead. Heaven's Easter glory shall lift up Thy Head ! June '27. L889. 32 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. GOOD FRIDAY. Passions -Choral. H. L. Ha88ler, 1601. 26. D., 7, 6. They crucified Him. S. John. 19: 18. 1. Lord Jesu, by Thy passion Our guilty souls release: Like Thine our Bpirita fashion. And fill our hearts Avith peace: The spear Thy blest side wounding, Pours forth a sacred tide Of grace and love abounding, Our sin and shame to hide! 2. We mourn Thy bitter anguish. O Maker of our race! Thy pallid features languish. And angels veil their face! The skies are darkened o'er Thee, The graves give up their dead. The rocks are rent before Thee: — Their Maker bows His Head! 3. Thy body, torn and bleeding, Shall bear for us the rod; Thy wounds, our pardon pleading, Shall make our peace with God: Thy grave so dark and lowly. Shall save from death's dark night ; Thy Resurrection holy Shall lead to realms of light! 4. When death's dark angel hovers Above our parting souls. When death's dark shadow cover-. And death's dark river rolls: Be near us, blessed Jesus, Who hast for sinners died, From death's sharp pangs release us, Then bear us to Thy side! June 2T, 1889. UVMNS I HklSTIAN VI! VH. EASTER EVEN. Bah* 97 - _ ■'■ Anl.rtril, Li- 3, 7, 8, 7, 8, 8. { Leonine), //<■ laid It in his own m w tomb. 8. Matt, 27: 69. 1. fa slumber pest, Saviour blest, Thj three daj b' Bilence keeping; While Roman guard holds watch and ward, And weary eyes are weeping: For Boon an Easter dawn shall beam, Boon Easter sunlight o'er Thee Btreaml 2. Thv race Is run. Thy victory won, On Calvary's altar dying; ThyspoUe8a soul has reached the goal, Where prisoned souls arc lying: For them Thy Easter dawn shall beam, Thy Easter Bunlight o'er them Btream! 3. Beneath the wave our bouIs to lave. Dear Lord, with Thee descending, We wait the hour when comes Thy power, And rock-built tombs arc rending: For us that Easter dawn shall beam, That Easter Bunlight o'er as Btreaml I. So may we rest, Bweet Saviour blest, In Thy dear heart for ever, With puredelight through earth's dark night, In bonds that none can sever: Till Beaven'a bright Easter dawn shall beam, I ill Easter sunlight o'er as Btreaml God, Three in One. Blest Father, Son, And Spirit, God for ever, Accept ourpraise through endless days; Thy Being ceases never; It is, and was in ages past, And Bhall be while all aires last June 26, L8fi 34 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. EASTER DAY. Anastaste. ./. Anfo'tt'U. 28. 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 8. Christ is risen from the dead. I Cor., 15: 20. 1. Ring out, sweet Easter bells, ring out ! The world to life is waking And heavenly hosts in triumph shout, The joy of man partaking ; For He, who died our souls to save. The Lord is riseo from the grave. Alleluia ! 2. Once more the sea its wave divides. That we our Lord may follow ; Then o'er the foe in triumph ridi The host of sin to swallow ; For He, who saved us from our doom, The Lord is risen from the tomb. Alleluia ! 3. The Roman guard in vain shall keep His dark and silent prison ; No more sad Magdalen shall weep, For Christ the Lord is risen : The Saviour, who for sinners bled, The Lord is risen from the dead. Alleluia ! 4. So sing we, Lord, the joy of earth In Easter hymns to heaven. And bless the new, immortal Birth To man by Jesus given ; For Thou, dear Lord, art risen indeed. Enthroned on high to intercede. Alleluia ! January. 1877. HI mns i OB Tin < HkisTi \\ J i \i;. THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. h.iton.ili. /«.'. Y. Barrow*, 29. 6j l. Beaa fc unto you. S.John, 20: 19. 1. To Bad disciples passed The hours of light; The sun was sinking fast In Bhades of night. Alleluial 2. Then comes His ilock to greet, The risen Lord; He -how- His handsand reel ; Blest 'Peace!' His word. Alleluia! 3. Their glowing hearts rejoice. Thej banish fear; They know their Master's voice, His words are dear. Alleluia! i. lie breathes on them in love, No more to grieve; The Holy Ghost, the Dove, He bids receive. Alleluia! ."». 'Whose sins ye do forgive, They are forgiven; Retained, account they give Above, in Heaven. 1 ^ ^_ Alleluia! o. Lord grant as at this hour To put away The leaven and the power or sin's dark Bwayl Alleluia! 7. Our Faith the palm shall win, The world o'erthrow, shall triumph over Bin, Ami powers below. Alleluia! B. The Father ami the Son. Ami Spirit, Three. Are (Joi> for ever One; Their words agree. Alleluia! 9. The spirit, water, blood, Like witness bear; r».\ Faith their endless good Our bouIs may share. Alleluia! 19. Lord, give US Faith and Hope And Love for Thee; So more in sin to grope; By grace set free! t Alleluia! To Cod the Father. Son. And Spirit, Three; True Gk>D for ever One. All glory be. Alleluia! June 27, 1889. 36 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Doniinus Regit. ./. B. Dykes. 30. 8, T {Iamb'u). I am the good Shepherd. S. John. 10: 11. 1. Shepherd and Bishop of our soul>. To Thy dear Ibid returning. We stray no more on barren knolls, Thy heavenly pasture spurning. 2. In sin's dark wild we went astray, Beyond the distant mountains. Athirst, we took our weary way. Far, far from lile*< fresh fountains 3. But Thou to seek the lost didst come, With toil and pain and weeping, To bear us safely to our home : My holy covenant keeping. 4. Thy Sacrifice true grace hath won The bonds of sin to sever ; Thy blest example leads us on : Oh, help our weak endeavor ! 5. The wolf without the gate may howl, Where folded flocks are sleeping, We fear no savage beasts that prowl Where Thou Thy watch art keeping. 6. Good Shepherd, Thou our Shepherd art. Our every want supplying. For Thou dost bear us near Thy heart, On thy blest bosom lying ! To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Holy Spirit Be glory. Blessed Three in One ; All ages praise Thy merit. June 28, 1889. II, HNS i OB i HE I ill. i- , I \ n I THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. I.n\. • /. B 31. 1". I. Your sorrow tihatt be turned into joy. 8. •/"/\ departs; A little while, Be cornea with blest reward To faithful hearts. •_'. A little while His Father's house lb- seeks: Why question \, T<> faithful hearts the truth His promise sp< Revealed -hall lie. :;. Though, while with constant griefwe weep and mourn, The world rejoice; Our grief t<> jo\ . our doubt to faith shall turn. When sounds 11:- roice, 1. The mother in her pangs <>t' travail cri< Her hour is come; With joy the child <>f anguish meet- her ej Then grief is dumb. Ls 81 - rs and a- pilgrims on the earth We wander here: Oh! keep u- from the lust that stain- our birth, In holy fear. 6. Thou Bhowest souls in error Thy true light, That they may turn: Lord, guide us in Thy fellowship aright, Thy truth to learn! To GOD, the Father. Son. ami Holy Ghost, Blest Three in One, n by men ami angel host, While ages run. June 28, l- 38 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. S. Paraklcte. J. Anketell. 32. 9s (Trochaic). It is expedient for yon that I go away. S. John, 16: 1. 1. God, Who only ordercst human will, Grant our love to Thee may so abound, That Thy holy mandates we fulfil, And our hearts be fixed where joy.- are found ! 2. Every perfect gift is from above Coming from the Father of the Lights, Where no change is seen, no shadows move, Days ne'er dawn, and fall no murky nights. 3. Of His own free-will our souls were born, New-begotten by His Word of truth, Hasting to that coining Easter morn, When we rise to life and endless youth. 4. Lord, ascending to Thy heavenly home, Bitter grief has filled our aching heart ; But the Comforter could never come, Didst Thou not awhile from us depart. 5. When Truth's glowing Spirit fills the soul, Feet are guided in the paths of peace, Lips are touched as with the altar's coal, [cease Tongues speak forth God's praise and never 6. Hasten, Lord, that bright and glorious day, When to gathered thousands, as they meet, Glittering tongues of fire their light display — Send, oh send, the promised Paraklcte ! Father, Son and Holy Spirit blest, Triune God ; as in the ages past, Glory be to Thee by all confessed Now, and while eternal ages last, June 28, 1889. ■Tim i 01 TBI ciiuisti \N yi:\i:. THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EASTER. Njiiilnnl. Sir A. 8. Sullivan. 33. B, B, B, l. hall ask the Father in My Nam . 8, John, 16: 23. i. rn this our blest Rogation-tide, When gates of pearl are opening wide, Dhee al Thy Father's ride, i». hear our prayer: j. o Thou that hearesl fervenl prayer, On Thee shall all flesh cast its care, Ami seek Thy help its woes to bear, Lord, hear our prayer' r all upon Thee wait, Thou givest food to small ami (Treat, Thy holy gifts from Heaven's fair gate, Loud, hear our prayer ! 4. Before Thee DOW Thy children plead : Behold and bless the growing ^r^\. The harvest grant, the hungry feed, Lord, hear our prayer! "». Drive from our coast the foreign foe, Let no dire pest among us go, Defend from earthquake, fire and woe. Loud, hear our prayer! 6. (live pure religion undefined, To visit every Borrowing child, And walk unspotted through earth's wild, Loud, hear our prayer! 7. () Maker of the starry frame, We ask the Fat her in Thy Name : Thy Life, Thy Death our only claim ! Lord, hear our prayer ' 8. So in our blest Rogation-tide, Ere Heaven's bright gates stand open wide, To seat Thee at Thy Father's side, 1. >BD, hear our pray To God the Father, God the Son, Ami (ion the Spirit, Three in One. Be glory given and homage done. Lord, hear our prayer ! N. /'' U r'< Dd :. 1SS8. 40 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE ASCENSION DAY (MORNING). Hinimelfalirt. P. Nlcolal, 1599. 34. D., 8, 8, 1. As they were looking, He ivas taken up. Acts, 1 : 9. 1 . O glorious Victor, Prince of Peace, Whose kingdom nevermore shall cease. On clouds to Heaven ascending! We see Thee soar above the sky, While angels 'ALLELUIA!' cry, Thy royal state attending. Alleluia Upon the Mount of Olives stand The holy apostolic band To take Thy parting blessing; Th' eternal gates lift up their heads, High Heaven its glory o'er Thee spreads, The stars their King confessing. Alleluia! 3. On God's right hand, Thy chosen place, Divine Redeemer of our race, Thou art in triumph seated: Oh, lead us upward by Thy grace, Where saints and angels see Thy face, In bliss and joy completed. Alleluia! 4. great High Priest, still intercede. Send down Thy Comforter to plead, And aid our weak endeavor; That when as Judge Thou shalt descend. When earth, and time, and death shall end, We reign with Thee for ever ! Alleluia! To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be endless glory given; As was throughout all ages sung. Is now, and shall be by each tongue Of saints, and hosts in Heaven. June 23, 1889. HYMN- I OB Till (111,' K. 11 THE ASCENSION DAY (EVENING). Dix. ocher. 35. Si\ Ts. If e was received up into the Heaven. 8. Mark, 16: 19. 1. '-en height, From their eager, loving sight, They, who J ops attend, • heir Lord to Heaven ascend; So in;i\ we w ith Faith's glad eye, Him throned above the Bky. 2. Aa the clouds receive their King, While tin- heavenly arches ring; As Il<' Boars through angel bands To His bright, celestial lands: So may we by Faith arise To our home beyond the b! :;. As the white-robed angels came In their mighty Monarch's name. Cheering with their promise glad Hearts with grief and longing sad: Grant, dear Lord, Thy angels may I us on our heavenward way. I. Hoi\ Jesu, Light of Light, Hidden from our mortal Bight, On Thy flaming sapphire Throne! We, Thy flock, are not alone: Ever shines Thy Presence here. Thy Blesl Comforter is near! Soon shall end earth'.- winter «ln\ . - >ii earth's clouds Bhall pass away, i the awful Judge shall come, All our deed- to search and sum: Lei n- then Thy steps attend. Lord, with Thee t<> Heaven ascend? April, 1877. 42 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION DAY. <.«'iM-va Anonymous. 36. 8, B, 3. The Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the FATHER. 8. John, 15: 26. 1. From the Father forth proceeding, Christ, Thy Spirit Bend ; Ou i- weak steps to glory leading ; Guide and Friend ! 2. On the Mount of Expectation, As we upward gaze ; - id our promised Consolation With IIi< rays. :;. We have seen Thee heavenward going To Thy Throne on high : Now the Spirit's grace bestowing, Bear our cry. 4. Thou hast borne our death and anguish, Blows have marred Thy face ; Let us now no longer languish For Thy grace. ."). Though awhile Thy Love may grieve as With a heavy rod : Thou wilt not as orphans leave us, Christ, our Goo ! 6. From the gates with glory streaming Send our hearts 1 Desire ; Crown our ransomed heads with gleaming Tongues oi* fire ! 7. From the Father forth proceeding, Christ, Thy Spirit send ; Onward, upward, heavenward leading To the end ! Father, Son. and Holy Spirit, GOD for ever One To Thine everlasting merit Praise be done. 8. Mary's Church Castleton, X. Y., June 23, 1889. HYMNS rOl THK -Hi:: i;. WHITSUNDAY. ( irej. //. ( 37. 6, 6, I. »'•. '». •'•. I. The PARAKLETE, the Holy Spirit. 8. •/<>/. I i : 26. 1. Spirit <>f Power and Love, Come from Thj Throne ;i'»<>\ e, Bleel Radiance bright ! \-. brooding o'er the w&\ •. E2arth from it- wreck t<> Bave, Qod first tin' mandate gave, ■Lei there be light !' 2. Tliv power to prophets wont , Know ledge ;iinl counsel -out. Wisdom and might : Thou on each faithful bead Bright tongues of fire did'sl Bhed, Teaching the truth to Bpread, • Let there be light !' i omforter, II<>I\ Dove, spirit of Grace and Love, (Juido us aright ! Purge \\ hut is dead and cold. All in Thine [mage mould, Earth in Thine arms enfold ! 'Let there be light P i. God, throned above the sk Praises to Thee arise Through earth's dark night : Father, ot Beaven, adored ; Son, the [ncarnate Word ; Spint. Life-Giver, LORD ! Let there be tight P Juru 23, 1889. II HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. TRINITY SUNDAY. Capetown. German. 38. 7, 7. 7, 5. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord G()J>, the Almighty. Rev. 1: 8. 1. Ever blessed Trinity. Three in One, and One in Three, Prayer and praise we give to Thee, Lord of Life and Death ! Thou of all art God and King, Distant stars their tribute bring. Creatures of the dust, we sing With our fleeting breath 3. Where the living creatures beam, Where the swift winged seraphs gleam. Where Heaven's radiant glories stream. Stands thy Throne on high. 4. Where no mortal foot hath trod, Save of Jesse's root the Rod, •Holy, Holy, Holy, God!' All, adoring, cry. 5. We, who toil and strive below. Crushed by sin, and care, and woe, To the Fount, whence blessings flow, Xow our voices raise ! 6. Father, Sox and HOLY Ghost, THREE in One; from every coast. Earth, and Heaven's adoring host, Thy true Godhead praise ! June 19, 1889. m mn- fOB Tin: 0HBI81 I iV n \u. THE FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Henley* Son ih German. 39. L M. QOD U Lovi . 1 v i/bAn, I : 16. I. o L<>\ e, forsaking realms on high, For (alien man to bleed and die, Lead In the waj Tli.\ Btepa have trod ! For he, thai loves, is horn of God. •j. We crave do! purple robes of state, While Lazarus hungers at our gate; Nor sumptuous fare before as spread — And Thou no place to lav Thy head ! I.* some Thy will gives earthly power, Or golden riches 1 ample dower, A.8 Btewards of Thy bounty here, The sick to heal, the poor to Cheer. 1. Oh ! may we use these gifts aright, Before the fall of Death's dark night, When angels bear thejusl away To light, and joy, and peace, and day. 5. Oh ! may we never lift the head In pain and anguish from our bed, And hear far-offsweel anthems Bung While not a drop can cool our tongue ! 6. Where Love dwells not is hate and hell, There pa — ion'- angry surges -well: Where Love sits throned is Heaven above, Km- Lo\ i; is Heaven and God is Love ! My :;. 188 46 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Bethany. L. Mason. 40. 6, 4, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 4, Compel them to come in. S. Luke. 1 1: , _ , : > .. 1. Bright shine the golden lights In God's blest home ; Christ to His Feast invites; Will ye not come ? Earth hath no joy like this Supper oflove and bliss : Will ye yonr guerdon mis Will ye yet roam ? 2. Make vain excuse no more, Answ'ring His call ; Haste to His open door, Enter His hall : Seek not this earthly life. Leave fields, and goods, and wife. Soon o'er our toil and strife Death's shadows tall ! 3. Heal us, all poor and lame, Crippled and blind, Christ, Who our Saviour came. Gentle and kind! Thy soul is meek and pure. Thy grace is swift and sure. * Thy mercy shall endure ! Seek — ye shall find ! July 3. 1889. (For •" Xearer. my GOD.") God. throned above tho ski.--. Glory t<> Father, Son. Ancfenl of Da Anthems t<. Thee arise, Thy Nam.' we pr;ii><': Father, ..;' Heaven, adored s. .n. the Incarnate Word : Spirit, life-Giver, Lord; Guide all our ways! An.l Ghost: (ion. the Blest Three in One, Praised by Heaven's \u<>\ : Lead, Holy Trinity. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. HYMNS F<>U Tin 0HBI8T1 \N Y! LB. 17 THE THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Moore. sir ./. 8tevenson, 41. D. 11, !». Joy shall b< in h< inner thai rep* ni< th. s . /.'//.•' . 15: 7. 1. O'er far distant mountains we strayed rrom the fold ( u i he Shepherd and Bishop of ><>uls ; We wandered through deserts in hunger and cold. Where the River of Death darkly rolls: Then came the kind Shepherd, Who Baw our < 1 1 - 1 1 » ■ — . Ami leaving the ninety and nine, Those just ones, who need n<>t Ins mercj to bl< He Boughl us with Buccor Dh inc. 2. He Bought us with Borrow and fasting and woe, Descending from glory abo^ e ; Ah ! little tin 1 Bheep of Hia pasture can know All the depths ol His infinite Love ! Il<> found OS nil weary and hungry and cold: Then, tenderly laid on his breast, He bore us triumphantly home to His fold. In His mercy and goodness to rest. :\. Let Th\ tenderness, Master, enkindle our Same For the lost piece of Bilver to search ; To rescue the erring ami lost in Thy name. And to lead them sale home t<> Thy Church ! There is joy anion-- angels o'er penitent pouls, Who are washed in Thy Blood ami forgiven ; The tide ol' their melody ceaselessly foils. Ami rings through the arches of Heaven. To the Father give glory, the Son be adored, To the Holy Ghost Bing we our praise ; one God in Three Persons, <>nmi|>otriit Lord. Our Creator, the Aneimit of Days : A- in the beginning His glory was sung. I- now as in ages long past, And shall be by every kindred ami tongue, While the auv< of ages shall last July 4. 1889. 48 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE FOURTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. 42. Is. Plevel. I. Pleyel. The whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. Romans. 8: 22. 1. God, Protector of Thy Hock, All our Strength, our Hope, our Rock, Here our Guide and Ruler be, That we lose not Heaven and Thee ! 2. Here we suffer pain and woe, Tears of grief and anguish How ; There, when Israel is sealed,* All Thy glory stands revealed. 3. Longingly Creation waits. Kneeling low at Heaven's bright gates, Hoping that the sons of day Soon may see Thy dawning ray. 1. Now Creation groans in pain, Loose, oh, loose the captive's chain ! Give the glorious liberty Of the sons of God, set free ! 5. We, the creatures of Thy grace, Long to see Thy glorious face, Waiting for Adoption's day, When our sin shall pass away. 6. While we struggle here below, Let Thy grace upon us ilow ; Let the Father's mercy be Our sure guide to Heaven and Thee ! July 6, 1889. Gospel for All Saints' Day. HVMNs rOl 1 Hi: I IIKIS'l I \\ VI'.Mt. l'.» THE FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Vernon. i man. 43. P. From henceforth thou shall (ZtoypdSr) take mi n aHve. s. Luke, 5 : i«>. 1. Grant, Lord, that the coarse of all time Be peaceablj ordered by Thee ; The Church in each country and clinic Rejoice from all bondage Bet free ; That all may be made of one mind. In love joined to shun evil arts, Be pitiful, courteous and kind, And sanctify GOD in their hearts. 2. Earth's fishermen labor for death. The Bpoil <>!* the waters to keep ; We seek to give souls vital breath, And roseate the lost from the dee]) : Lon^, long have we toiled all t lie night, And cast hut in vain our weak net; Lord, come with the dawning of light ! Thou can'sl not Thy promise forget. :'.. Except Thou shall build by our hand, All fruitless the builder's vain toil; Except Thou shall watch o'er the land, The enemy comes to despoil : oh. rescue Thy fish from the sea, Where roam the tierce monsters ofprey, And bear them in safety to Thee, Enticed by Thy sweet Life away I* All praise to the Father, and Son. And Spirit for ever adored : Omnipotent GOD, Three in One. Our Maker, Redeemer and Lord : A- was in the ages long past, Is now. and forever shall be : While aires of ages shall last. Praise God, ever One. ever Three. July 8, 1889. * "From the fierce ocean of the world's sea of sin Thou by Thy sweet Life enticest them away." S. Clem. Alex. Orphic Hymn to Christ. lErofiioir IlooXtSy atiatSv, 50 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE SIXTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Morgan. J. Anketell. 44. 8, 7, 8, 3. We were buried therefore with Him through Baptism. Rom., 6: 4. 1. God. Who hast prepared true pleasure For the souls that seek Thy face. Pour into our hearts the treasure Of Thy grace ! 2. From the bright baptismal waters, Children of earth's sin and strife, Rise we God's dear sons and daughters. Heirs of Life. 3. Christ, our Lord, hath gone before us On death's dark and unknown shore ; Now arisen, reigns He o'er us Evermore. 4. Soon He sends the joyful morrow ; When, released from toil and pain, Nevermore to sin or sorrow, We shall reign. 5. Oh, the glory ! oh, the beauty Of that Resurrection morn ! Tread we but our path of duty Till it dawn. 6. Death in Christ shall free and ease us From the load of sin abhorred ; Then we live to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. Father, Son and Holy Spirit, One true God in Persons Three, Praise shall to Thy endless merit Ever be. July 8, 1889. imn roe thb uujuitiab fiab. 51 THE SEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. s. 4flM« ./. li. fykes. 45. 0. M. And the end) Life Eternal, Rom,) <">: 22. l. Lord of all power and might, Who arl The Source of all good things, Graft holy Love in each trne heart, Kept safe beneath Thy fringe ' •_'. \\\ nature prone to lust and sin, From righteousness set free; We sought all carnal joy to win. And earth's delight to see. 3. We found such freedom, toil and strife. With Death its last reward ! But God has given Eternal Life Through Jesus Christ our Lord. 1. He BOUghl us in the desert drear, He spread lor us His hoard. He fed n- with His heavenly cheer : Hifi mercy be adored ! :». Thousands, Lord, Thy banquet taste, But still Thy gifts Buffice; Thy hidden riches never waste, Fresh Btreama <>r mercy rise. ♦ ;. Oh. feed us ever at Thy side. While earth and time shall be : Then, Lord, our marriage feast provide From Lite's immortal Tree ! July 8, 1889. 52 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. S. Michael. Day, 1588. 46. S. M. And if children, then heirs. Rom., 8:17. 1. God, whose endless might O'er Heaven and earth holds sway, Dispel the darkness of the night, And grant the light of day ! 2. As debtors to the flesh, Too long we walked in sin, Till by Thy Spirit's grace the fresh, New Life was formed within. 3. No longer slaves to fear From doom and wrath we fly ; Adoption makes us, children dear. Our Abba, Father ! cry. 4. If children, then as heirs Of God, with Christ our Lord, Our pain and sorrow Jesus shares ; We wait His blest reward. 5. Oh, fix our hearts on Thee, From all false prophets save, And make our hearts a fruitful tree, Thou Conqueror of the grave ! 6. We would not cry, ' Lord, Lord, ' With lips unmoved by Love : But let true Faith find sure reward Laid up for us above. July 9, 1889. hymns rOB TI1K OHBISTIAH VK\K. Vi THE NINTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Home* S Man. 47. lis. And the Rock was Christ, i Corinthians, 10: i. l. Grant, Lord, we beseech Thee, Thy Spirit of Might, To think and do always such things as air right ; Thai we, who without Thee do all thai is ill, r»\ Thee be enabled to live for Thy will. •_'. Oar fathers released from their bondage by Thee, Were ander the cloud and baptized in the sea ; They followed Thy gracious, omnipotent hand Through deserts and dangers to Beek their true land. Sweet food in the desert Thou gavesl Thy (lock, They drank the pure water that flowed from the I lock ; Yet some in their wantonness rose up t«> play. Thy Love they despised so they fell by the way. I. We flee from the darkness and bondage of sin, W'c pass through the water our freedom to win; Led on by Thy hand we are marching along, Salvation our watchword and Heaven our Bong. .). We i'vinl from the table prepared for Thy (lock, We drink from Thy fountain, for Christ is the ROCK; Oh, let not the tempter his malice employ To tear us from Jesus and infinite joyl 6. But let OS, Thy steward- and children of light, Make friends of earth's Mammon in earth's weary night ; That, when its brief comfort and joy pass away, We rise by Thy grace to the Mansions of Day. July 0, 1889. 54 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE TENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Barrows. R. Y. Barrows. 48. D. 6, 5. Thou kneivest not the time of thy visitation. S. Luke 19 : 44. 1. O'er the guilty city, As in sin it slept, Tears of tender pity Lord, Thine eyelids wept; As upon it gazing, In its pride arrayed, All its charms amazing, Thy sad eyes surveyed. 2. 'Had'st thou known My mission, And the Peace I brought, With sincere contrition Thou hadst pardon sought; Then my visitation Would have cheered thy night, And my sure salvation Been thine endless light ! 3. Soon the angry foe man Rushes o'er thy walls ; Zealot bands and Roman Spoil thy sacred halls ; Soon thy sons and daughters, Banished from their land, Shall by distant waters Mourn, an exile band.' 4. Let Thine ears be ever Open to our prayers ; Lord, forsake us never In our wants and cares ; May Thy visitation Be our shield and guard, And Thy sure salvation Our Divine reward ! July 10, 1889. hymns rOB i in: em;i>i i \n m \k. THE ELEVENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Trisagtoa. //. Smart. 49. LOfl {Dactylic). Gk)D, be merciful to me—the sinner! s. Luke, L8: 11. 1. Proudly the Pharisee lifted hie voice : •(ion, in my fasting and tithes I rejoice; Thank Thee I am not as other men are, Like thai vile Publican, standing afar! 1 2. Meekly the Publican smote on his breast, Raised not Ins eyes as his sin he confessed, Boasted no merit, but pleaded with Thee: 4 Gon, on the sinner have mercy on me !' :;. Born in our sin as the children of wrath, Lord, we have wandered and strayed from Thy path; Washed in Thy fountain and saved by Thy Blood, Grace, planted in us, can blossom and bud. i. Not unto us be the merit we boast, [f as true warriors we stand at our post ; Thine be the glory, our frailty we see : JBBUS, have mercy on sinners— on me! 5, As we march onward through conflict and care, Grant us. dear Saviour, true fasting and prayer; Ours be the Struggle the race well to run ; Thine be the glory for good we have done. 6. When our last battle with Satan is o'er. When we are crowned for the sorrow we bore, Still all our song of Thy goodness shall be: Lord, Thou hast mercy on sinners— on me! Praise to the Father, and praise to the Son, Praise to tin 1 Spirit, our (Jon, Three in One Praise us was given in ages past. Is now. and shall be, while ages shall last. July 11, 1889. 56 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE TWELFTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Quebec. Sir H.Baker. 50. L. M. (a). He saith unto him, Ethpattach (Ar.) that is, Be opened ! S. Mark, 1 : 34. 1. Almighty, everlasting God, More swift to hear than we to pray, Forgive our guilt that fears the rod, And give good gifts we need each Any. 2. Such trust have we to God through Christ, Who came our Sacrifice to be : No worthiness of ours sufficed : Our hope is fixed alone in Thee. 3. The ancient ministry of death, Written and graved on Sinai's stone, Was glorious, as the Prophet saith, So that the face of Moses shone. 4. More glorious was the Spirit's law, That shone on Christ's transfigured face, When rapt Apostles gazed with awe, And longed to linger in the place. 5. Unstop our ears to hear Thy Word, Unloose our tongues to sing Thy praise, Let Thy ethpattach still be heard, That we our choral songs may raise. 6. So shall we join the angel choir, That chants its praise before Thy Throne, And waft to Heaven our fond desire To be for ever Thine alone. July 11, 1889. HYMN- 101 THF. « III; \i:. .",7 THE THIRTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. ( iiniiiiiil/iiiiiiiii. /• ./. Stevenson, 51. D, 9, 7. Who i* my neighbour 1 s. Luke, 10: 29. 1. To the traveller, bleeding and wounded, Forsaken and ready to die, The Love of the Stranger abounded, Who saw him with sorrowful eye, Who nursed him in tendere-t fashion. And bore him safe on to the inn : Where, where, shall we find Buch compassion, Dear Lord, for our sorrow and pin? 2. Christ Thy sweet mercy we cherish, Samaritan sent from on high ! Who found us when ready to perish, When Priest and when Levite passed bj ; Who poured in Thy wine of devotion. Who soothed us with oil of Thy grace, And bore us with saered emotion To dwell in Thine own hallowed pi; 3. We follow Thy footsteps, dear Master, To rescue the lost and the poor ; The hours of our journey fly faster. Not long shall our BUnllghl endure : The Beeds, thai we sow in our sadi Shall blossom and grow by Thy grace; Our sheaves in the harvest of gladness Shall shine in the light of Thy la- All praise to the Father, of Heaven. All praise to the Infinite Son, All praise to the spirit be given, True (Jon in Three persona yel One; Ai was in the agea long perished, [fl now, and for ever shall be : Thy Love in our hearts -hall be cherished, Thy glory on high may we see ! July 11, 188 58 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE FOURTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Victory. G. P. A. Palestrina. 52. 8, 8, 8, 4(a). Thy Faith hath saved thee. S. Luke, 17: 19. 1. Lord of the harvest, Christ, our God, Increase our Faith, our Hope, our Love, To walk the way Thy steps have trod, That leads above. 2. To walk the way Thy Spirit leads, And not fulfil our carnal lust ; For he, who heavenly wisdom heeds, Thy word will trust. 3. Of old we shared the sinner's lot, And feared Thy just, avenging rod ; For they, who do vile deeds, shall not Be heirs of God. 4. The Spirit's fruit is love, joy, peace, Long-suffering, faith and holy awe ; Against these blessed fruits' increase There is no law. 5. Cleansed from the leprous taint of sin, Our souls have heard Thy voice Divine ; Alas ! how few Thy praise begin ! Where are the nine ? 6. Lord of the harvest, praise we give ; Thy precious Blood can save the soul ; In Thee alone our spirits live, By Faith made whole. To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be glory given and homage done, While ages run. July 12, 1889. mm roa thi ohbisti \n i iab. N THE FIFTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. HARVEST HYMN. IfeWl. <;. j. Webb. 53. I>. 7, »;. Bui seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteous- ness. 8. Mutt., 6; 88. 1. o Christ, in notes of gladness Our harvest \\\ inns we raise : Thou gives! BOngS \'"i sadness. Thou turuesi prayer to praise : Redeemer, we adore Thee, Thy goodness ever Bing ; We bring our Bheaves before Thee, And hail Thee, Israel's King ! 2. The fowls sow not. nor gather With anxious care their food : Yet Thou, their heavenly Father, : Dost feed their hungry brood ; Tin 4 lilies stand more splendid Than Solomon arrayed, By Thy blest care defended ; Then why are we dismayed ? :i. II" GOD BO clothe with beauty The grasses of the field, Whose bloom the tire, as booty, To ashes soon shall yield ; Shall He not Clothe and feed thee. Preserve thy soul from death. And through the desert lead thee, O thou of little faith? l. The Gentile in his blindness Seek- but himself to \\^^\ : We trust our Father's kindn- ThOU knuwest all our need ; Not anxious for the morrow. We own Thy loving grace ; Sufficient is brief sorrow ; We Beefe our Father".- face I July 13, L889. * Isaiah ix : 6. GO HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN TEAR. THE SIXTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Nain. Old Melody. 54. 11, 10. God hath visited His people. S. Luke, r. 16. 1. Out of the portals of Nain's fair city, Bearing its burden of grief to the tomb, Conies a sad train full of sorrow and pity, Mourning a victim of death's early doom. 2. Borne on that bier, in his deep slumber sleeping. Lies a fair youth, long his mother's sole pride; Near him the widow, in agony weeping, Loudly to Heaven for mercy has cried. 3. To them approaches a sorrowful Stranger. By the proud Pharisee spurned and abhorred, Cradled in poverty, laid in a manger : Heaven's mighty Monarch, Eternity's Lord ! 4. See how He touches the bier, as they wonder, See the bright teardrops of Love in His eyes ! Death's iron fetters are riven asunder At His words 'Weep not'; and, 'Young man arise !' 5. Hushed are the accents of mourning and sorrow. Sighing and sadness have vanished away ; Weeping endured for a night, but the morrow Brought the bright dawn of a glorious day. 6. Lord, when Thou comest, Thy blest harvest bringing. May we with joy at Thy summons arise. Borne by the reapers, their sweet anthems singing. Up to bright mansions of bliss in the skies !* June 25, 1889. ♦See the doxology for the Fourth Sunday in Lent. mora roB m omari ti imam. Bl THE SEVENTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Hliiinciitliiil. ./. Blumenthal. 55. 7a(a). one Lord One Faith- One Baptism, EphesianSf L: i. 1. Let Thy grace, Lord, prevent All our Bteps, and guide our w&y : That, on holy actions bent, We may rise to endless Daj ! 2. Grant us, from Thy Throne above, (J race to make our calling sure ; That, with lowliness and love, Our long-suffering may endure. 3. Make Thy Church on earth but One, Knit in bonds of Love and Peace : Let Thy Will on earth be done. Let Thy Kingdom still increase. i. One our Lord. Who died to Bave ; One our Faith, by all confe8s'd ; One our Baptism, guilt to lave ; ONE our GOD and Father blesl I .">. Lot the Body then he ONE; \\\ the Spirit called to rise, Through the merits of the Son, To it> Kingdom in the skies. There Thy voice shall .-ay : True friend, Thou nasi Bought the lowest place ; Now to higher joys ascend, Ever to behold My Face I July 15, I 62 HYMNS FOR THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. S. Columba. H. S. Irons. 56. 6, 4, 6, 6. Who shall also confirm you unto the end. I Cor., 1: 8. 1. All thanks to Thee, good Lord. For Thy rich grace, Now given by Thy Word To all our fallen race ! 2. The world, the flesh and sin Our strength oppose ; Grant us Thy grace to win, And triumph o'er our foes. 3. In Thee all fulness dwells Of power above, And age to age still tells Thine all-prevailing Love. 4. The work, Thy Love began, Continue still ; That Love to God and Man May all our being fill. 5. Confirm us to the end, That so we may With joy to Heaven ascend When dawns the last, dread Day. 6. Great David's promised Son On God's right hand, Grant us, the victory won, Before Thy Throne to stand ! To God the Father, Son, And Spirit Blest, Eternal Three in One, All glory be addressed. July 15, 1889. HYMNS FOR TBI 0HBI8TIAH VI \R. THE NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. DaMUHK6Mft -/. Anketell. 57. «.'s (Dactylic). The Son oj Mam hath power on earth to forgic tins, 8. Matt., 9: 6. 1. o Christ, the Monarch and Lord of all, Thy praise Bhall ring through the Bounding sky, While earthly empires rise and fall, While generations of mortals die. 2. Before Thee perish both Crown and throne. The prince and peasant are laid to r» - While saint- Thine infinite Godhead own, Incarnate Son of the virgin blest ! 3. Oh. may we walk in Thy light and truth. Made free from vanity's darkened mind, Released from tyrannous lusts of youth, And avarice 'round our heart-strings twined. 1. And since without Thee we cannot please, But all our efforts are weak and vain : Send forth Thy spirit, our grief appease, And let His counsel direct and reign. 5. 'Mid sin and BOITOW our hearts rejoice: We Bcorn the scribes and their faithless talk :* We listen hut to Thy gentle voice : •Thy sins forgiven, arise and walk V 6. The Son of Man hath this power on earth To soothe our sorrow, our sins forgive : Oh. grant us. children of heavenly birth True absolution, that we may live! Praise <;<>D the Father, and QOD the Son. And God the spirit, blest Persons Three. True (Jon. Who was through all ages One, Is now, and shall through all ages be. July l.-i, 1**9. * Huxley, Elsmere & Co. 64 HYMNS FOR THE CHRI8TIAN YEAR. THE TWENTIETH SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Christ Church. Dr. C. Steggall. 58. 6, 6, 6, 6, 8, 8. The wedding is ready. S. Matt., 22: 8. 1. Jesu, heavenly King ! Thy marriage feast is spread, Thy servants tidings bring, We haste Thy courts to tread: In wedding dress O Lord, may we, From sin set free, Thy bounty bless ! 2. No robe have we to wear, Save that Thy grace has given: The garment, bright and fair, Thy Love sent down from Heaven: In wedding dress, Lord, may we Thy glory see, Thy Name confess ! 3. From outer darkness save, Where grief and tears are found: The grace, Thy mercy gave, Oh, let it still abound ! That wedding dress, Lord, may we Our brethren see With joy possess ! 4. In psalms and hymns and songs We would Thy Love proclaim ; Our thankful spirit longs To bless Thy holy Name : In wedding dress, Lord, may we Rejoice in Thee, Our Righteousness ! July 16, 1889. hymns i OB Tin-: CHBI8T1 \N vi:\k. THE TWENTY-FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. ./. ./. Kowuieau, 59. 8, T. Put "'I ih> whole armour oj Pod. Ephesians, 6: 1 1. 1. Arm as, Captain of Salvation, That, as warriors undismayed, We maj stand t<> guard our Btation, In Thy panoply arrayed. 2. Round us powers of darkness gather, As around the darkened Cross ; ( 1) Snip them from us, Heavenly Father; L<'i earth's gain be counted loss I 3. Not with flesh and Mood we wTestle; Here the strong world-rulers (2) fight : Help, oh, help the weaker vessel By Thine all-atoning might ! i. Gird our loins with truth from Heaven, Make our breast-plate righteousm To our feet let peace be given, Bo true faith Thy shield to bless. 5. So the fiery darts of Satan We Bhall quench, and wield the -word Ofthe Spirit, as we wait on Thee, and trust Thj living word. 6. Glorious Captain of Salvation. Who by death our life hast won, Here we bow in adoration ; Save us, God's eternal Sox ! July it. m Hi Colossians ii: ll, lo. (2 Ko6no\ 66 HYMNS F )R THE CHRISTIAN YEAR. THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Absolution. J Anketell. 60. D, 5, 7, 9. That your Love may abound yet more and more. Phil, 1: 9. 1. Lord, for ever blest, Grant us holy rest, Keep Thy house, the Church, in godliness ; That, preserved by Thee From all perils free, Our good works Thy glorious Name may bless. 2. Let our Love abound ; Give us more profound Knowledge of Thy sacred will and way ; That we may approve Things that are above, Kept sincere and blameless till Christ's Day. 3. Blessed King of Heaven, Much hast Thou forgiven : Nought could we repay of sin's vast debt ! Let the heavenly Dove Fill our hearts with Love. Our poor brother's trespass to forget. 4. So shall we have place Near Thy glorious face, When upon us bursts the light of Heaven ; And our souls shall hear Words for ever dear : ' I forgive thee, for thou hast forgiven ! ' God, the Father, Son. Spirit, Three in One, Trinity by earth and Heaven adored : As it was of old. Still Thy praise is told To all ages, ever God and Lord. Jul!/ IT. 1S89. •i HYMNS ft)B i hi: I iiiusti VS Vi Ml. THE TWENTY-THIRD SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY. Vi^ail. ./. RotervmuOer, 61. Six 7 For <>iir < ifi\t nship is in tfeavi u. Phil. t 3: 20. i. God our Refuge, our Might, Author of all godh light, Hear Th\ Church's fervent prayer, Make her cause Thy constanl care ; All we ask \\ iih faithful mind, M;i\ we through Thy mercy find ! 2. A- we follow in Thy way, show the path that lead- today : Let as never count tin- Cross Of our Lorn the lake, where the foam crests were waving, O'er the rough billows. Thy voice cried: tl Be Btill ! " •1. Crown our broad prairies with Bheaves rich and golden, Pill all our dwellings with plentj and health ; Lei our fair children, as in the days olden, Find in Thy blessing their joy and their wealth. .">. still with Thy wisdom our magistrates guiding, Grant to our warriors true h< "aits, Btrong and brave ; On the wide ocean let proud navies riding, star leading them over the wave. 6. Guard well our UNION, unmoved and unshaken, Love he the bond that shall hind us as ONE : Sate i> our trust, if by Thee unforsaken ; Shine on us ever, Eternity's Sun ! :. God of our fathers, adored through all a_ Father. Son. Spirit, our hoinage we yield : Guard us in peace, and, when tierce battle rag Be Thou our helmet, our -word and our shield ! Tarrytown Centennial, September, 1880. 70 HYMNS FOR Till: CHfetStlAfc YEAK. NATIONAL. Jerusalem. C. E. Roper. 64. C. M (Leonine). Ye shall be free indeed. S. John, 8. 36. 1. happy hour, when sprang- to power The land where heroes dwell ; For God hath given from highest Heaven Her ITnion — guard it well ! 2. The battle-field its strength lias sealed With shot and bursting shell : Our valiant dead have fought and bled For Union — guard it well ! :->. Through circling years, through hopes and fears. While empires rose and fell. The fabric, grew, majestic, true — A Union — guard it well ! 4. Woe to the hand, which strikes that band. Or would its safety sell ; Heaven's righteous blow shall strike the foe Of L^nion — guard it well ! 5. From East to West, o'er mountain crest, Where mighty rivers swell, Our shout rings forth from South to North : ■• The Union — guard it well ! " 6. Great God of grace, throned in the place, Where hosts thy praises tell, Look from above and guard with Love Our Union — guard it well ! T. Blest Father, Son and Spirit, One True God. all fear dispel ; Prom year to year make still more dear Our Union -guard it well ! tft. Morris Pari: X. Y., July 4, 1887. BT1I1 71 THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE ADVENT. IMllM 111. lop Jenru 65. )'.l// !'/•:// TSIDHKENU. /< remiah 23 1. The Lord oub Righi bousness, Our shield and Btrength shall be, True [srael to bl< And make the Gentiles fri 2. A righteous Branch shall reign, or David's royal birth. GOD'S justice l<> maintain And judgment in the earth. •'). Hi- table shall be spread In deserts wild and drear. Where Heaven's Eternal Bread The faithful heart shall cheer. L Stir uj> (»ur wills, O LORD, To do Thy holy will : With plenteous reward Our longing hopes fulfil ! When fade- the falling year. When dies the withered flower When winter Bnows appear, And winter tempests lower ; Thy light to as impart. A- we with joy eonfi Thine Advent in our heart, O Lord oub Righteous*! J>nn 25, 18 J J oca kv &£& v\bi6roi'.