FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY /s, /ay Sectlei a^c/ Csctiu7x.c stud a ; it7 &&c 15. &7rff. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 MAN XP CT O F PRAYERS For the USE of the SCHOLARS O F JVinchefler College, And all Other "Devout Christians. To which are added, Three HYMNS: For Morning, Evenings and Midnight. By Dr. T h o. Ken, late Lord Bifhop of Bath and Wells. ■ ■ " ■ * ' m ■ ' ■ ■■■' ■ ■ ■ * Clje Ctomtp^eigfjtfj €&mon. ■ To which is perfixed, A faithful Account of his Lordfhip's Life, LONDON: Printed for S. Eirt, in Ave-Mary-Lane ; J. Hodges, againfl: St. Magnus's Church, London- Bridge ; and J. and J. Rivjngton, in St, Paul's Cbunb-Vard* M DCC LV, ms^-- WASS&e THE LIFE O F Dr. Thomas Ken, Late Lord Bishop of BATH and WELLS. ^^^^ HIS excellent Prelate was ^j^j^ the youngeft Son of Thomas Eg$pr Ken, of FurnivaTs Inn, a ^5 Gentleman defccnded of an antient and worthy Family ; or Piece of a Chap- ter for Winchefler Scholars. 33 ter out of the Gofpel, or.Hiftorical Books, becaufe they are the moft eafy to be underftood, remembring the Ex- ample of young Timothy^ who v/as bred up to know the Scripture from a Child, 2 Tim. iii. 15. But if you want Time on ordinary Days to read the Scripture, be lure to read fomewhat of it on Sundays and Holidays, and confider that you have it daily read to you in the Hall before Dinner and Supper, and at Night when you are juft going to Bed, that you may clofe the Day with holy Thoughts ; and if you hearken diligently to it when it is read, you do in efFecl read it yourfelf. Now to make your Reading the more profitable to you, begin with one or more of thefe Ejaculations. Ejaculations before reading the Holy Scripture. "\^ Herewithal, Lord, fhall a young Man cleanfe his Way ? Even by ruling himfelf after thy Words, PfaL cxix. 9. B 6 Lord, 34 A Manual of Prayers *Lord, open my Eyes, that I may fee the wonderful Things of thy Law. O Heavenly Father! I humbly beg thy Holy Spirit fo to help me at this Time to read and underftand, and to remember and pradlife thy Word, that it may make me wife to Salvation. "When you are thus prepared, good jPhilotheus, then begin to read, and confider that it is God's moft holy Word you read ; and that all the while you are reading, God is fpeaking to you ; and therefore read with At- tention and Humility, and endeavour, as much as you can, to fuit your AfFedtions to the Subject you read. For Inftance ; if you read any of God's Commands, they fhould excite in you a Zeal to keep them. If you read any of God's Threaten- ings againft Sinners, or his Judgments on them, they fhould excite in you a Fear to provoke him. When for Winchefter Scholars. 35 When you read any of his gracious Promifes, they fhould encourage and quicken your Obedience. When you read any of God's Mer- cies, they fhould excite you to Thankf- giving. When you read any great Myftery recorded in Holy Writ, you are to proftrate your Reafon to divine Reve- lation. And to this purpofe, in the midft of your Reading, fay, Lord, give me and therefore we are lb frequently commanded to pray without ceafing : Not that we can be always on our Knees, but that we would accuftom ourfelves to frequentThoughts of God, that wherefoever we are, he fees us. And when we think on God, we ihould have always an Ejaculation ready to offer up to him ; and by this means we may pray, not only feven times a Day with David, but all the Day long, PfaL cxix. In your reading Holy Scripture, efpecially in the Pfalms, you may eafily gather thefe fhort Sentences which moft affedt you, for they are moll pro- per for this Ufe •, and when you have learn'd them without Book, fay one of 38 A Manual of Prayers of them now-and-then, as they occur to your Mind, or Occafion requires, or as your Devotion prompts you. But be not troubled, if being other- wife lawfully employed, or if being indifpos'd, you pafs a whole Day with- out faying any •, for to omit them is no Sin : Nor be you fcrupulous in what Pofture you fay them ; for they being Ihort Breathings of the Soul to God, require not that Solemnity, as fet Prayers do. Now to give you fome Inftances of Ejaculatory Prayer, take thefe fol- lowing : At going out. O R D, blefs my Going-cut, and my Coming-in, from this Time forth for evermore, Pf cxxi. 8. After a Sin committed O R D, be merciful to me, mife- rable Sinner ; and for the Merits of my Saviour, lay not this Sin to my Charge, After for Winchefter Scholars. 39 After any Bleffing, or Deliverance. Lory be to Thee, O Lord, for this Bleffing, tfr, this Deliverance. Praife the Lord, O my Soul •, and all that is within me, praife his Holy Name, Pfal ciii. 1. At giving Alms. C\ Lord, who didft not defpife the Widow's Mite, accept of this Lit- tle I now give to relieve one of thy poor Members, Mark xii. 42. After having done any Good. jM* O T unto me, O Lord, not unto me, but unto thy Name, be the Praife, Pfal cxv. 1. In Temptation. ORD, fuccour me w r ith thy Grace, that I may overcome this Temp- tation. Di- 40 A Manual of Prayers Directions for the Evening. COnfider, good Philotheus, how many that have gone to Bed well over Night,have been found dead the next Morning ; and therefore it highly concerns you to take care to make your Peace with God before you go to fleep. I advife you therefore towards Night, or when you go Circum, to call yourfelf to an Account how you have fpent the Day. Examine your Thoughts, and Dif- courfes, and A&ions, and Recreations, and Devotions, and fee what has been s^amifs in any of them. ^ Gonfider what Idlenefs or Unchaftity, what Lying and Stubbornnefs, you have been guilty of j or whether you have had a Quarrel with any of your Fel- lows ; and if you have, be fure to be. Friends with him before you fay your Prayers. Again, confider what particular Blef- fing, or Deliverance, God has vouch- fafed you the Day paft, that you may give for Winchefter Scholars. 41 give Thanks for it, and then fay as follows. Evening Prayer. E T my Prayer, O Lord, be tet forth in thy Sight as Incenfe, and the lifting up my Hands be as an Even- ing Sacrifice, Pfal. cxli. 2. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God, I miferable Sinner muft acknowledge that I have offended Thee this Day, in Thought, Word, and Deed ; particu- larly by {Here mention any Sin you have been guilty of) : But I fly into the Arms of thy Fatherly Compafllon, Lord, for thy Mercies fake, forgive me : Cleanfe me from my Wickednefs, and ftrengthen my Weaknefs, that I may overcome all the Temptations which daily furround me, and continue conftant in my Obedience. Accept of my humbleft Praife and Thankfgiving, O Lord, for all the Goodnels Thou haft this Day fhewed me ; for all the Helps of preventing or reftraining Grace Thou haft vouchsafed me ; for whatever I have done this Pay, which is in any meafure accepta- ble 42 A Manual of Prayers ble to Thee •, for whatever Progrefs I have made in my Study -, for thy Prefervation of me from all the Mi- feries and Dangers wj^ich frail Morta- tality is every Moment expofed to ; particularly {Here name any particular BleJJing or Deliverance God hath fent jou.) Praife the Lord, O my Soul, who faveth thy Life from Definition, and crowneth thee with Mercy and loving Kindnefs. O Heavenly Father, to thy Al- mighty Protedtion I recommend my- felf, and all my Relations, and all that belong to this College. O Thou that never flumbereft, nor fleepeft, watch over us, to preferve us from Sin and Danger. Lord, let it be thy good Pleafure to refrelh me this Night with fuch feafon- ablk Reft, that I may rife the next Monftsg more fit for thy Service. O pardon ^my Failings, and hear my Prayers, for the Sake of my Bleffed Saviour, in whofe holy Words I fum up all my Wants. Our Father, &c. Eja- for Winchefter Scholars. 43 Ejaculations at going to Bed. Ord, as I now go to my Bed, I muft one Day go to my Grave 5 O make me wife to confider my latter End. I will lay me down in Peace, and take my Reft 5 for it is Thou, Lord, only makeft me dwell in Safety, Pfal. iv. 8. Directions for Midnight. IF you chance to wake in the Night, or can't fleep, beware, Philotheus^ of idle and unclean Thoughts, which will then be apt to crowd into your Mind ; and therefore to arm your- felf againft them, I advife you to learn Pfaim cxxx. Cs? cxxxix by Heart ; or treafure up fome Ejaculations in your Mind, which will be excellent Matter for your Thoughts to feed on.« For Inftance, Ejaculations for the Night. HOU, Lord, haft granted thy lov- ing Kindnefs in the Day-time •, and in the Night- feafon will I fing of Thee, and 44 d Manual of Prayers. and make my Prayer to the God of my Life, Pfal. xlii. 8. O Lord, the holy Angels are now before thy Throne in Heaven : They never reft Day or Night from thy Praifes ; and with them do I now fing Hallelujah, Salvation, and Ho- nour, and Glory, and Power, be unto our God, for ever and ever. Amen^ Amen. Rev. vii. 15. Lord, I know Thou wilt one Day call me to give an Account of my Stew- ardfhip ; but when thou wilt come, I know not, whether at Even, or at Mid- night, or at Cock-crowing, or in Morn- ing, Mark xiii. 35. O do Thou give me Grace to watch, and to pray always, that at thy Coming thou mayft fay to me, Well done, good and faithful Servant : , enter into the Joy of thy Mafter. Amen, bleffed Lord, Amen. But have a care, Philotheus, you fix not your Mind too much, neither flrive to repeat too many devout Expreffions, for fear of hindering your Sleep, and of indifpofing yourfelf for the Duties of the Day following, Direftions for Winchefler Scholars. 45 Directions for the Lord's Day. A Good Chriftian, Philotheus^ that takes care to fpend every Day well, will take more than ordi- nary Care to fan&ify the Lord's Day, it being the proper Employment of that Day, to attend God's Worfhip, and to provide for our Souls ; and therefore 'tis fit you Ihould add fome Petitions to your Morning and Evening Prayer, re- lating to the folemn Duties of the Day, fuch as thefe are which follow. Before Church-time. C\ My God, I humbly befeech thee ^ m ^ to prepare my Soul to worfhip Thee this Day acceptably, with Reve- rence and godly Fear ; fill me with that Fear which works by Love ; purify my Fleart from all vain, and worldly, or finful Thoughts 5 fix my Affeftions on Things above, all the Day long ; and, O Lord, give me Grace to receive thy Word, which I fhall hear this Day, into an honeft and good Heart, and to bring forth Fruit with Patience, Luke viii. 15, Hear 46 A Manuel of Prayers Hear me, O God, for the fake of Je~ fus my Saviour. Amen^ Amen. When you come into the Church, or Chapel, not only on the Lord's Day, but on any other Day, ufe this fhort Preparatory Prayer at your firft kneeling down. In the Church, o Lord, I humbly beg thy Holy Spirit to help my Infirmities at this Time, and to difpofe my Heart to De- votion, that my Prayers and Praifes may be acceptable in thy Sight, thro* Jefus Chrift my Saviour. After Church-time. f~\ Lory be to Thee, O Lord God Almighty, Glory be to Thee, who haft permitted me to appear be- fore Thee this Day, and to tread thy Courts. Lord, pardon all my Failings in thy Service this Day paft, the Wander- ings, and.Coldnefs, and Indevotion of my Prayers ; for the Sake of my Bleffed Saviour, have Mercy upon me. Lord, for Winchefter Scholars. 47 Lord, make me a Doer of thy Word, and not a Hearer only, left I deceive my own Soul, Jam. i. 22. When you are called to Repetition at Night, remember, PhUotheus, to make fome Amends for your negligent Hear- ing at the Church ; and treafure up in your Memory fome little Portion of thofe Inftru&ions you have heard, to direct your Pra&ice. Directions for the Receiving the Holy Eucharifl. TH E Receiving of the BlelTed Sacrament, good Philotheus, is the mofl divine and folemn A at fome convenient Time, to withdraw your- felf into your Chamber, or into the Chapel, and there to begin to commune with your own Heart, and to call your 'Sins to Remembrance : But firft pray heartily to God for his Grace to aiiiit you. A Prayer before Examination. |LT Ear the Voice of my humble Pe- tition, O Lord, now I cry unto Thee, and lift up my Hands toward thy Mercy-feat. Behold, Lord, now I am about to fearch for Winchester Scholars. 49 fearch into my own Heart ; but, alas, alas ! my Heart is deceitful, and defpe- rately wicked •, how can I know it ? Jer. xvii. 9. Thou therefore, that fearch* eft the Heart, and trieft the Reins, difcover to me all the Evil and Deceits of my own Heart, that I may confefs bewail, and forfake them, and obtain Mercy. Lord, hear me, Lord, help me, for the Merits of Jefus, my Savi- our. Amen j Amen. Rules to be obferved in Examination. "JLT Aving prayed for God's Afliftance, doubt not, Phiiotheus, but he will vouchfafe it you \ and to guide you in your Examination the better, obferve theie following Directions : When you examine yourfelf, either by the following Catalogue, or by that in the Whole Duty of Man^ or by an) other, paufe a while on every Parti- cular; and if you find yourfelf Not guilty, then fay, Glory be to Thee, O Lord, for preserving me from this Sin ; and fo go on. When your Confcience anfwers Guilty, then it will be your beft way, having faid, Lord, have Mercy upon C 2 me, fO A Manual of Prayers me, and forgive me this Sin, to write down that Sin in a Paper, that you may have it ready to confefs to God, when your Examination is done. You are to confider, Philotheus^ that there are feveral Degrees of young Pe- nitents -, and fome are more, fome lefs finful. For Inftance : Some there are, who either through want of conicientious Parents, or thro* often ftifling good Motions, or through Inconftancy, or Heedleflhefs, or Unad- vifednefs, or vicious Company, or Ill- nature, ot youthful Lulls, and the like, have been from their Infancy very neg- ligent of learning, or at leaft of prac- ticing their Duty. Again, fome there are amongft thefe, whofe Sins are more heinous than or- dinary, in regard they are accompanied with feveral Aggravations •, for any Sin is much aggravated, if it be commit- ted knowingly, or deliberately, or frequently ; and, more than that, if it be committed obftinately, or prefump- tuoufly, or on flight or no Temptations, or againft Checks of Confcience, or a- t gainft Reproofs, or Admonitions, or iChaftifements, or Vows to the contra- ry > for Winchefter Scholars. 51 ry ; but moft of all, if it be committed fo long, and lb often, till it becomes habitual, till the Sinner does take De- light in it, or boafts of it, or makes a Mock of it, or tempts others alfo to commit it. All thefe, and the like Circumftances, do very much heighten the Guilt of any Sin. You may eafily from hence guefs what Progrefs you have made in Wick- ednefs •, and if you find yourfelf in the Number of any of thefe, by all means, good Philotheus, refolve to repent im- mediately, and to confefs your Sins with all their Aggravations ; for be fure of this, that every other Step you run farther from Heaven, every other Hour you continue longer in a finful Courfe, makes your Sins the more hard to he mattered, and your Repentance the more difficult. On the other Side, fome there are, tho' I fear but few, who, having been brought up in the Nurture and Admo- nition of the Lord, have been by the Goodnefs of God fecur'd from violent Temptations, and enormous Sins ; who have, like Jofiah, while they were yfct young, fought the Lord, and have in a C 3 great 52 A Manual of Prayers great meafure kept their Baptifmal Vow, and preferved a Senfe of their Duty, 2 Chron. xxxiv. 3. Such as thefe have fewer Sins to con- fefs, and thofe Sins lefs aggravated ; and therefore have greater Obligations to magnify God's Mercy than others : But if you are in this Number, have a care of growing carelefs in your Exami- nation, or of prefuming on your own Innocence ; for if we fay, or think, we have no Sin, we miferably deceive ourfelves, 1 John L O PhilotbeuS) the beft of Men, God knows, have very much Evil in them to deteft and bewail, and have infinite Need of a Saviour •, and therefore let him that ftandeth, take heed left he fall, 1 Cor. x. 12. Whatever you do then, be fure to keep your Heart with all Diligence, and pray for conftant Supplies of God's Grace -, for perhaps the Devil defers his tempting you till you are grown up, and become your own Mailer, and have not that Tendernefs of offending, or that Awe of Parents, or Superiors, which you now have. Be not over-fcrupulous, Philotheus, either for Winchefter Scholars. 53 either to make yourfelf guilty of more Sins than really you are, or to reckon up all your Infirmities, or daily Failings, or Sins of Omiflion, which would render your Examination endlefs and impofll- ble •, but examine yourfelf chiefly about your wilful Sins, or Sins of Commif- iion \ and know, there be many Sins, even of CommifTion, that you may doubt whether you have committed, or no ; many that you have quite forgot ; but be not diiheartened at it ; for Holy David hath taught you, that a general Confeffion of fuch Sins is enough, when he prays to God to cleanfe him from his fecret Faults, Pfal. xix. 12. That you may gain a true Senfe of your Sins, by your Examination, la- bour to imprint in your Mind awful Apprehenfions of the Day of Judg- ment, and of God the great Judge, in whofe Prefence you now are ; and to raife fuch Apprehenfions, dwell a while in fuch Meditations as thefe. Motives to Examination. C\ My Soul, thou art now in the Prefence of the great Judge of Heaven and Earth, before whofe dread - C 4 ful. 54 A Manuel of Prayers ful Tribunal thou muft certainly appear at the Day of Judgment, to give a ftrid Account of all thy Aftions, of e- very idle Word, and every evil Thought, and thy own Confcience will then be thy Accufer. Think, O my Soul, think, if thou eanft, what unimaginable Horrors will feize an impenitent Sinner, when the laft Trump calls him out of the Grave, and the Devils begin to drag him to God's Judgment-f^at ! What would fuch a Wretch give to purchafe one fuch Opportunity of Repentance, as God now in great Mercy gives thee ? If ever thou hoped to efcape thofe Horrors, O my Soul, make thy Peace with God ; judge thyfelf here, left thou be condemned hereafter. The Examination itfelf. T Adjure thee, O my Soul, in the Prefence of the great Judge, who knows all the Secrets of thy Heart ; I adjure thee, as thou wilt anfwer before God's Judgment- feat at the laft Day, to tell me •, Does not thy daily Experience teach thee, that thy whole Nature is corrupt, prone for Winchefter Scholars. 55 prone to all that is evil, averfe to alt that is good ? How haft thou (pent thy Time from thy Childhood to this very Mo- ment ? How haft thou kept the folemn Vow of thy Baptifm ? What good Duties haft thou omit- ted ? What Sins haft thou committed ? In paiticular, what Sin art thou guilty of, more immediately againfi God ? Art thou guilty of any Infidelity, or Atheifm, and Diftruft in, or Preemp- tion on, o:- Defpair of God's Mercy ? Art thou guilty of any wilful Igno- rance of God, or of any Idolatry, in worfhiping any Creature ? Haft thou loved any Thing more than God^ or fear'd any one above h : m ? Haft thou been guilty of Hypocrify in God's Service, or of forfaking God, and of reforting to the Devil, to Witches or Wizards ? Art thou guilty of repining or mur- muring at God's Providence, or of being impatient under his Afflictions, or of being unthankful for his Mer- C K cies, $6 A Manual of Prayers cies, or of being difobedient to his Com- mands, or of being incorrigible under his Judgments ? When, and in what manner, haft thou been guilty of dishonouring God ? By blaiphemous or irreligious Thoughts, or Difcourfes ? or by tamely hearing others blafpheme ? By taking God's moft holy Name in vain ? or by cuftomary or falfe Swear- in, or by the Breach of any lawful Oath, or iblenin Vow ? By any Sacrilege, or irreverent Be- haviour in God's Houfe, or mif- pend- ing the Lord's Day ? or any Negleft of, or Inattention to God's Word, read or preach'd ; or Unprofitableness under the Means of Grace ? Have I difhonoured God by Cold- riefs, and Wanderings, and Indevotion, or CarelefTnefs in my Prayers ? or by my Wearinefs in his Service, or by my total Negleft of it? or by unworthy Communicating ? By Impenitence, or putting off the evil Day, or fuperficial and partial Repentances, or frequent Relapfes, or refitting the good Motions of God's Spirit ? By for Winchefter Scholars. 5f By abetting any Schifm, or Herefy, or Profanenefs ? O my Soul, what Sins art thou guilty of more immediately agawjl tbyfelft Art thou guilty of Pride, either of thy Cloaths, or of thy Eftate, or of thy Credit, or of thy Parts, or of thy own Holincfs ? or of boafting of thy own good Deeds, or of commending thyfelf, or of being greedy of Praife, or of performing good Duties to gain Applaufe, or of committing Sin to avoid Reproach of Men ? Haft thou been immoderately greedy of Riches, or of fen iual Pleafures ? or guilty of Peevifnnefs, or of too violent, or too lading Fits of Anger, or ci Inconftancy, or of Inccnnderation, or of Difconteatednefs with thy Con- dition ? Hail thou been guilty of mif-fpend- ing thy Time, or of Negligence in re- filling Temptations, or of not improving thofe Opportunities of Learning and Piety, which God gives thee in this Place •, or of abufmg thy natural Parts, to Sin ? C 6 B&ft 5 8 A Manual of Prayers Haft thou been guilty of any Intem- perance in Eating, or in Drinking, or in Sleeping, or in Recreations, fpend- Ing too much Time on them, or being too greedy after them ? Haft thou been guilty of Idlenefs, or of downright Drunkennefs, or of laughing at it in others ? Haft thou been guilty of any Un- cleannefs of the Eye, or of the Hand, or of the Fancy, of any Lafciviouf- nefs, or Luft, or Fornication, or A- dultery ? or haft thou taken Delight in lewd Company, or in vicious or un- chafte Songs, or Stories, or Expref- iions ? O my Soul, what Sins art thou guilty of more immediately againft thy Neighbour ? How, when, where, againft whom haft thou been guilty of any Injury, or . Injuftice, or Oppreflion, or Breach of Truft, or Promife, or of any Fraud, or Theft, or Flattery, or Diffi- mulation, or Treachery, or Lying, or of giving any unjuft Scandal ? How, when, where, againft whom haft thou been guilty of any ill Lan- guage, or Detra&ion, or Slander, or * Tale- for Winchefter Scholars. ^ Tale-bearing, or rafli Ccnfuring, or Back-biting/ or of Contemning, or Scoffing at thy Neighbour, either for his Infirmities, or tor his being reli- gious ? How, when, where, againft whom haft thou been guilty of any Conten- tiouihefs, or Spite, or Revenge, or of delighting cauflefly to grieve thy Neighbour, or of Railing, or of actu- ally hurting him, or of murdering him in thy Mind, by ill Wifhes or Curfes ? Haft: thou been guilty of bit- ter Imprecations, or bearing falfe Wit- nefs, or Covetoufhefs of any thing he pofTeffes ? Haft thou been guilty of Unthank- fulnefs to thofe that have done thee Good, or have reproved thee r or of Uncharitablenefs to the Poor, or to any Chriftian in Diftrefs ? or of any Unnaturalnefs to any of thy Rela- tions ? or of any Evil-fpeaking, or Dif- refpedt, or Stubbornnefs againft any of thy Governors, either Civil or Ec- clefiaftical ? or, in particular, againft thy Parents, or Superiors in this Place ? or of any wilful Difobedience to the law- 6o A Manual of Prayers lawful Commands of all or either of them ? Haft thou tempted any other to Sin, by Connivance, or Encourage- ment, or Command, or Perfuafion, and mightily increased thy own Guilt, by furthering the Damnation of thy Brother ? In cafe, Philotheus, you do find this Examination too difficult for you, or are afraid you ihall not rightly perform it, or meet with any Scruples or Trou- bles of Confcience in the Practice o^ it, I then advife you, as the Church does, to go to one of your Superiors in this Place, to be your fpiritual Guide ; and be not afhamed to unburthen your Soul freely to him, that, befides his ghoftly Counfel, you may receive the Benefit of Abfolution : For, though Confef- fion of our Sins to God is only Matter of Duty, and abfolutely neceffary, yet Confefllon to our fpiritual Guide alfo is, by many devout Souls, found to be very advantageous to true Repen- tance. If upon your Examination,P£//0/£«/.^ , you find you have any way wronged your for Winchefter Scholars.. Si your Neighbour, refolve upon the firft Opportunity to make him fome fuitable Satisfaction, and to afk his Forgiveneis; for you are firft to be reconciled to your Brother, before you come to the Altar to offer your Gift, Mattfo v. 24. If you are guilty of tempting any other to Sin, atk God's Pardon for him as well as yourfelf 5 and, if you have any Opportunity to do it, exhort him to Repentance. But if any have wronged you, for- give the Injury prefently 5 for you beg Forgivenefs of God on this very Con- dition, that you yourfelf forgive your Brother. This Examination of yourfelf, Phik- theiiii I fuppofe will be Tafk enough for you at one Time ; and therefore, that you may not tire yourfelf, you may conclude with this fhort Prayer. A Prayer for Examination. C\ LORD God, I have now, by ^^^ thy Aftiftance, confider'd my own evil Ways : O Thou, who only know- eft the Heart, and who only canft change it, create in me fuch a broken and €z A Manual of Prayers and contrite Heart, which thou haft promifed not to defpifc, and lb deep a Senfe of my own Sin and Mifery, that my Repentance may bear fome Pro- portion to my Guilt. O my God, par- don all my Failings, and perfedl that good Work Thou halt begun in me, for the Merits of Jefus my Saviour, in whofe holy Words I fum up all my Wants. Oar Father, &c. At the very next Opportunity of retiring you can get, refolve, good Philotheus, with the Prodigal, to return to your Heavenly Father, and humbly to beg Forgivenefs ; and having brought your Catalogue of Sins with you, kneel down, and with the loweft Proftration of Soul and Body, make your Confef- fion to God of your Sins, and of your Aggravations. A Form of Confejfion. f~\ Thou great Judge of Heaven and ^^^ Earth, before whofe glorious Majefty even the good Angels, who never finned, fall proftrate, and trem- ble : With what Debasement and Dread ©usht I to appear before thy awful Pre- for Winchefter Scholars, 63 Prefence, who am but Duft and Afhes, and, which is infinitely worfe, a mifer- able wretched Sinner ! Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Al- mighty, Thou art of purer Eyes than to behold Evil with the lead Appro- bation : The Way of the Wicked, and the Sacrifice of the Wicked, is an Abo- mination to thee, Prov. xv. 8. Woe is me then, O Lord, woe is me ! for I have inclined unto Wicked- nefs with my Heart ; but for the Sake of thy well-beloved Son, call not out my Prayer, nor turn thy Mercy from me, PfaL Ixvi. 20. Miferable Wretch that I am ! I have gone aftray from the very Womb 5 I was fhapen in Wickednefs, and in Sin did my Mother conceive me : Who can bring a clean Thing out of an un- clean ? What is Man then, O God, that he fliould be clean ; or he that is born of a Woman, that he fhould be righteous ? Thou, Lord, putteft no Truft in thy Saints, and the Heavens are not clean in thy Sight, and the very An- gels thou chargeil , with , Polly, Job iv.' 18. Plow 64 A Manuel of Prayers How much more abominable, then, and filthy am I, who daily drink Ini- quity like Water ? Lord, pity, and cleanfc, and for- give, and fave me, for thy Mercies fake. I know, O God, that in my Flefh dwelleth no good Thing ! for when I would do Good, Evil is prefent with me ; for I fee a Law in my Members warring againft the Law of my Mind, and bringing me into Captivity to the Law of Sin, Rom. vii. Lord, have Mercy upon me, and deliver me from this Body of Death, from this Tyranny of Sin. Alas, alas ! my whole Nature is corrupt, infinitely prone to all Evil, and averfe to all that is Good -, my Underftanding is full of Ignorance and Error ; my Will is perverfe ; my Me- mory tenacious of all Things that may pollute me, and forgetful of my Duty > my Pafiions are inordinate, my Senfes the Inlets of all Impurity ; and I have abufed all my Faculties : I am unclean, unclean ! Lord,, pky* and deanfe, and forgive, and fave me, for thy Mercies fake. O Lord for Winchefter Scholars. 6$ Lord God, how have I through my whole Life violated the folemn Vow I made to Thee in my Baptifm, by eagerly pursuing the Vanities of this wicked World, by eafily yielding to the Temptations of the Devil, by greedily indulging my own carnal De- fires and Lufts, by a fruitlefs and dead Faith, and by Diibbedience to thy holy Will and Commands ! Father, I have finned againfi: Hea- ven, and in thy Sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy Son. 1 have finned, O Lord God, I have finned againfi thee, by — {Here confefs out of your Paper the Sins which you have committed more immediately againfi God, with their Aggravations that accompany them : For lnfiance. Lord, I have committed this Sin, or thefe Sins frequently, againfi Checks of Confcience, &c. and then add) Father, I have finned againfi: Hea- ven, and in thy Sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy Son : O pity, and cleanfe, and forgive, and fave me, for thy Mercies fake. I have 66 A Manual of Prayers I have finned, O Lord God, I have finned againft Thee, and againft my own felf, by {Here confefs the Sins you have commit- ted more immediately againft y our f elf, with their Aggravations, &c. and fay as before.) Father, I have finned againft Hea- ven, &c. I have finned, O Lord God, I have finned againft Thee, and againft my Neighbour, by — {Here confefs the Sins you have commit- ted more immediately againft your Nighbour, with their Aggravations^ &c. and add as before) Father, I have finned againft Hea- ven, &c. O Lord God, my Wickednefs is great, and my Iniquities are infinite •> they are more in Number than the Hairs of my Head -, and my Heart would fail me, but that I well know my Mercies are more numberlels than thy Sins, PfaL xL 12. Have Mercy upon me therefore, O Lord, according to thy great Good- neis j according . to the Multitude of thy for Winchefter Scholars. 67 thy Mercies do away my Offences, Pfal.ll 1. Who, alas ! can tell how oft he of- fendeth ? O cleanfe Thou me from my fecret Faults, from all my Sins of Ig- norance, or Infirmity, or Omiffion, or which I have not obferved, or which I have forgot : Lord, lay none of them to my Charge; Father, forgive me; Lord Jefus, have Mercy upon me. O remember not the Sins and Of- fences of my Youth ; but receive me, O Heavenly Father, into the Arms of thy fatherly Companion, as Thou didft the returning Prodigal ; and forgive me all my Tranfgreflions, for the Merits of Jefus, thy only well-beloved Son, and my Saviour. Amen^ Amen. When you have thus confefs'd your Sins, good Philothens, endeavour to be ftill more fenfible of them, and to bewail them with a true penetential Flatred, and Shame, and Sorrow for them ; then make fteady Refolutions of forfaking them, and cry earneftly to God for Pardon and Grace \ for you muft as well put on the New Man, 68 A Manual of Prayers Man, as put off the Old, Eph.iv. 22. Of all which Afts of Repentance I give you the following Inftances, and advife you to fay them over as devoutly as poflibly you can. Atts of Shame. f\ Lord God, I am afhamed, and blufti to lift up my Face to Thee ; for my Iniquities are increafed over my Head, and my Trefpaffes are grown up unto the Heavens ! Ezra ix. 6. O my Soul, what Fruit have I reap- ed from all the Pleafures of Sin which flattered me, which are but Vanity, and Vexation of Spirit ! Lord, I am afhamed of my own Folly, and Madnefs, and Dilingenuity, when I call to mind how greedily I have fucked in my own Pollution ^ how treacheroufly I have betrayed my own Soul to Temptations, and com- bined with the very Devils to haften and increafe my own Damnation \ how obftinately I have fled from Thee, when thy Mercy purfued me with Pro- mifes of Pardon ; how unworthily I have abufed thy Goodnefs, and For- bearance, fot WiAchefter Scholars. 69 bearance, and Long-fuffering, which ihould have led me to Repentance. Surely, after I was turned, I repent- ed \ and fince I have confidered my Ways, I am afhamed ; yea, even con- founded, becaufe I bear the Reproach of my Youth, Jer. xxxi. 19. ASts of Ahbcrrence. Hate all evil Ways, O Lord ; but thy Law will I love, Pfal. cxix. O Lord God, nothing is more abo- minable in thy Sight, or more diaboli- cal, nothing more defaces thy divine Image, of makes me more odious in thy pureft Eyes, than Sin ; and there- fore I hate and abhor it ! O Lord God, I confefs I have no- thing good in me, nothing that can any way move Thee to companionate fo loathfome a Sinner, by thy own free, and undeferved, and infinite Mercy, and the Merits of my Sa- viour ! O Lord God, I cannot but admire the Riches of thy Goodnefs, who haft Spared me fo long, and haft given me this Opportunity of Re- pentance, 70 A Manual of Prayers pentance. O do Thou yet magnify thy Mercy more in my Forgivenefs. O cleanfe me from all that Filth my Soul hath contradted, which now renders me odious to my own felf, as well as to Thee. M Afts of Contrition. Iferable Wretch that I am, that I fhould begin fo early to offend my Creator, and fin fo much in fo fhort a Time ! Lord, 1 fear I never yet thoroughly confidered how evil and how bitter a Thing it is to depart from Thee : O make me every Day more and more fenfible of the Error of my Ways, and of my own infinite Yilenefs ! Miferable Wretch that I am, that ever I fhould commit thofe Sins, which expofe me to all the Phials of thy Wrath, to all the Curfes of thy Law, to all thy Judgments temporal or fpiri- tual in this Life, and to all the Horrors, and Defpair, and Torments of the dam- ned in the Life to come ! Miferable Wretch that I am, that ever I fhould tranfgrefs that Law of thine, O God, which is fo juft, and holy, for Winchefter Scholars. yi holy, and good, and pcrfedl, and fo condefccnding to my Infirmities ; and in keeping of which there are fo great, fo unconceivable Rewards ! O, that with Mary Magdalen I could weep much, and love much, having fo much to be forgiven ! Luke vii. 38. O gracious Lord, look on me, as thou didfb on Peter ; and let thy com-' paffionate Look fo pierce my Heart, that I may weep bitterly for my Sins ; Luke xxii. 61. O Lord God, break this hard Heart, for Thou only canft: do it, and melt it into Tears of Contrition ! Mi- ferable Wretch that I am, that I fhould fin fo much, and yet grieve fo little ! Woe is me, miferable Wretch, woe is me, that ever I fhould offend fo indulgent, fo liberal, fo tender a Fa- ther ! Woe is me, that ever I fhould repay the infinite Love, and the intolerable Sufferings, of my Saviour for me, with nothing but thofe Sins which oc- cafioned thofe very Sufferings ! D Woe 72 A Manual of Prayers Woe is me, that ever I fhould grieve the Holy Spirit, by reje&ing of many of his good Motions, from whom only I derive Grace and Confo- lation ! O Lord God, every flight worldly Trouble is apt to draw back Plenty of Tears from mine Eyes ; but when I would weep for my Sins, which are the greateft Calamities that can poffibly befal me, either my Eyes are dry, or my Tears too few, to bewail fo many Provocations ! O Bleffed Spirit, inftil true penitent Sorrow into my Soul ; make my Head Waters, and my Eyes Fountains of Tears *, or do thou fupply the Want of them with Sighs and Groans unuttera- ble ! Rem. viii. 26. But alas ! I know all the Tears I can poffibly ihed, can never wafh away the leaft of my Sins ; 'tis thy Blood only, Lord, that can do it ! O Bleffed Saviour, How can I ever fufficiently lament the Guilt of my Sins, which was lb great, that nothing but thy own ineftimable Blood could expiate ! OHea- for Wincheftcr Scholari. 73 Heavenly Father, in the Defect of my own Tears, I offer thee the Blood of thy own well-beloved Son •> for his Sake have Mercy upon me. Amen 7 Amen. Refolution. C\ Lord God, with Shame I confefs, ^"^ that other Lords befides Thee have hitherto had Dominion over me, Jfa. xxvi. 1 have been in the Snare of the Devil, and have been led captive by him, and Sin hath reigned in my mor- tal Body, and I have obeyed it in the Lulls thereof-, but henceforth I relblve to ferve none but Thee, and from this very Moment I utterly for- fake all my Sins, and turn to Thee, 2 Tim. ii. Rom. vi. O my God, I do from my Heart renew my baptifmal Vow, which, alas ! I have hitherto fo often vio- lated •, I do for ever renounce the Devil, and all his Works, and all his Temptations ; I do for ever renounce all the Vanities of this wicked World, Yihich may prevent me from thy Ser- D 2 vice. 74 A Manual of Prayers vice, and all the finful Lulls of the Flelh. O my God, I do ftedfaftly believe all the Articles of the Chriftian Faith, and will keep thy holy Will and Com- mandments, and walk in the fame all the Days of my Life. All this I am bound to do and be- lieve, and by thy Help fo I will ; and I heartily thank Thee, O heavenly Fa- ther, who haft called me to this State of Salvation, through Jefus Chrift my Saviour ; and I humbly pray Thee for his Sake to give me Grace, that I may continue in the fame to my Life's End* Oblation. T? Leffed be thy Name, O Lord God, who haft fet before me Life and Death, and haft bid me chufe Life- Behold, Lord, I do with all my Heart chufe Life. I chufe Thee, O my God •, for Thou art my Life. Save, Lord, and hear me, O King of Heaven, and accept of my Sacrifice, even the Sacrifice of my whole Heart, which I now .give Thee, Omy for Winchefter Scholars. 75 my God, I offer Thee my Senfes and Paffions, and all my Faculties 5 I offer Thee all my Delires, all my De- figns, all my Studies, all my Endea- vours, all the Remainder of my Life \ all that I have, or am, I offer up all ia- tirely to thy Service. Lord, fanclify me wholly, that my whole Spirit, Soul, and Body, may become thy Temple. O do Thou dwell in me, and be Thou my God, and I will be thy Servant* Amen y Amen y 1 Cor. vi. A&s of Charity. C\ Lord God, I do from hence- ^-^ forth refolve to love my Neigh- bour as myfelf, and to love him not in Word only, but in Deed and in Truth, John i. 3. 1 do from my Heart forgive all Men their Trefpaffes \> da Thou, Lord, for- give them alfo. Lord, blefs them that hate me, and do good to them that have any way def- pitefully ufed me : O repay them Good for Evil. O my God, blefs all thofe that I have any way wronged •, have Mercy on D 3 all J 6 A Manual cf Prayers all thcfe to whofe Sins I have been any way accefiary, and give them all Grace to forgive me. Amen^ Amen. Petition of Pardon. OThou Father of Mercies, and God of all Confolation, be merciful to me a miferable Sinner. Lord, remember all thy gracious Calls of Sinners to Repentance, all thy Proteftations, that Thcu delight- eft not in the Death of him that dies, and that Thou would have all to be faved, Ezek. xviii. 32. 1 5T7;//. iiV 4- Lord, remember all the exceeding great and precious Promifes, which Thou haft made to penitent Sinners. Lord, remember that thy Mercy is over all thy' Works, that in Mercy Thou delighteft, and that all the holy Angels, feeing Thee well pleafed in the Exercife of that Mercy, rejoice at the Converfion of a Sinner; that the great- er my Sins are, the more will that Mer- cy be magnified in my Forgivenefs, Luke xv. 10. Lord, remember that thou didft fo love the World, as to give thy only beloved for Winchefter Scholars. 77 beloved Son a Ranfom for it, John iii. Rem. viiii. O Heavenly Father, Thou that fpareft not thy only Son, but deliver- edft him for us, wilt thou not with him alfo freely give us all Things ? and if all Things, wilt thou not alfo give us the Pardon of our Sins ? O my God, I firmly believe Thou wilt, on that Ranfom my Saviour hath paid for me : and on all thy gra- cious Promifes of Pardon, which for his Sake thou haft made to me, I wholly rely-, here only is the fure and ftedfaft Anchor of my Soul, to which my Faith and Hope fhall for ever adhere. All this, Lord, do I plead, to im- plore thy Forgivenefs. Behold, Lord, though my Failings are many, yet to the utmoft of my Power, I have confeffed, and bewailed, and forfaken my Tranfgreffions. Be- hold, Lord, I come at thy Call, and I come weary and heavy laden with the Burthen of my Sins : Be it unto me according to thy Word. O Thou that axt. faithful and juft, forgive me my D 4. Sins^ 7 8 A Manual of Prayers Sins, and cleanfe me from all Unrigh- teoufnefs. Lord, do thou in no wife caft rne from Thee, but heal my Back- Hidings, and love me freely ; eafe me of my Burthen, that I may find Reft in Thee -, and fay unto my Soul, Be of good Cheer, thy Sins are forgiven thee, Matth. xi. 29. 1 John i. 9. John vi. 36. Hof xiv. 4. O Heavenly Father, for thine own infinite Mercies Sake, for thy Truth and Promife Sake, for all the Merits and Sufferings of the Son of thy Love, in whom thou art always well pleafed, pardon all my Sins and Failings, and receive me into thy Favour. Amen y O Lord God, Amen r Amen. A Petition for Grace in general. OLord God, I have fworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous Judgments, Pfal. cxix* But alas ! I am able of myfelf to do nothing that is good, not fo much as to think one good Thought ; and I no fooner fhall rife from my Knees, but I fear I fhall be tempted to thofe very Sins I have now folemnly re- nounced i for Winchcfter Scholars. ;y Flounced-, and thofc Temptations will certainly overcome me, unleis thou, Lord, doft feafonably interpofe thy Grace to with-hold me. But I can do all Things thro' Thee ftrengthcning me : Do thou then, O bleffed Saviour, perfect thy Strength in my Weakneis ; for in thee only is my Truft, Phil. lit. O my God, Thou haft promifed to give thy Holy Spirit to thofe that afk it, Luke xi. 3. Behold, Lord, I do hum- bly, I do now earneftly afk thy Holy Spirit of Thee : O fulfil thy gracious Promife to me : O vouchfafe me that Holy Spirit I pray for, to purify my corrupt Nature, to ftrcngthen my Weaknefs, to comfort me in Troubles, to fupport me in Difcouragements, to fuccour me in Temptations, and to aflift me in all Parts of my Duty ; that I may ever hereafter live in thy Fear, and in conftant, fincerc, and univerfal Obedience to all thy righteous Laws. Thou, O Searcher of Hearts, knoweft the Sin (or Sins) I am moPc inclined to {Here name it, or them ) -,. and herein will lie my greateft Dan- D 5 gen 80 A Manual of Prayers ger of Back-fliding : But, O my God, I beg a double Portion of thy invifi- ble Aid againft it (or them) : Hold Thou up my Goings in thy Paths, that my Footfteps flip not. O work in me that victorious Faith, by which I may overcome the World, the Devil, and my own corrupt Nature, i John v. 4. True it is, O Lord God, that there are many Sins, which upon Examina- tion, I find, thro' thy Grace, I have not yet committed *, and therefore not unto me, Lord, but to thy Name be the Glory. But alas ! there is in my corrupt Nature fo great a Pronenefs to Evil, fo great a Curiofity to try what Sin is, that without thy reftraining Grace, every Temptation, w r hen I fhail have more Age and Liberty, and Opportunity to enforce it, v/ill be apt to draw me from my Obedience, and to overthrow all my prefent Refolu- tions. But my Help ftandeth in Thee, O great Creator, who haft made Heaven and Earth ; and I commit my Soul to thy Keeping. O Thou that art Faithful, as well as Almighty, keep that Mc which is committed to thy Truft'v watch for WincReffcr Scholars. 8 1 watch over me, that I may not be beguiled by the Deceitfulnefs of Sin, or betrayed by my own treacherous Heart, or furprifed by my ghoftly Enemies ; and give me Grace to watch and to pray inceffantly myfelf, left [ enter into Temptation. Hear, Lord, from Heaven, and fuccour me, for the* alone Merits of Jefas my Saviour. Amen* Amen^ i Pet. iv. 19. Petitions for particular Graces. OThat my Ways, Lord, w'ere made- fo direft, that I might keep thy Statutes ! For then fhall I not be con- founded, when I have Refpedt unto all. thy Commandments, Pfalm cxix. Vouchfafe me thy Holy Spirit there- fore, O Lord God, to work in me whatever is well-pleafing in thy Sight, that, for the Time to come, I may bring forth Fruits meet for Repent- ance. O let it be thy good Pleafure to create in me a faving Knowledge of. Thee, and of my Duty, juftifying Faith, true fanclifying Grace, and a, purifying Hope, an ardent Love, and D 6 §2 A Manual of Prayers a filial Fear of Thee, a conftant Deflre of plcafing Thee, and a great Tender- nefs of offending Thee. Lord, create in me a penitent Heart, a refigned Will, and mortified Af- fections, an habitual Mindfulnefs of thy Prefence, and a fteady Devotion in my Prayers, fincere Intentions and Zeal for thy Glory, Perfeverance in all holy Purpofes, and Conftancy in all Trials and Temptations. Lord, create in me a reverential Awe of thy Name, a Delight in thy Service, a fecret Regard to this Day and Houfe of Prayer, and a great Attention to thy Word ; a daily Care of my Time, and Diligence in my Studies. Lord, make me chafte and tempe- rate, humble, and advifeable, and pa- tient of Reproof; and create in me a chearful and meek, a contented and confiderate, a quiet and peaceful Spirit. Lord, blefs me with Health and Competency of Living, with a good Underftanding, a retentive Memory, and a ready Apprehenfion ; and with fuch a Meafure of temporal good Things* for Winchcftcr Scholars. 2% Things, as Thou feed fit for me ; and give me Grace to make a right Uie of all thole Blefllngs I have al- ready received. Lord, purify my Thoughts, bridle my Tongue, guide all my Actions, guard all my Senfes, flop my Ears, and turn away my Eyes from Sin and Vanity. Lord, give me Grace to be juft in all my Dealings ; to do to all Men as I would they fhould do to me ; to be fubjeft to my Parents, and to all my Superiors ; to the King as Supreme, and to all Civil Magiilrates ; to the Pallors of thy Church, and to all my Governors in this Place : O grant that I may render due Honour and Obedience to them all in their ieveral Stations. Lord, make me willing to forgive Injuries, and unwilling to offer any -, make me grateful to my Benefactors, friendly to my Equals, condefcending to my Inferiors, companionate to the Afflifted, charitable to the Poor, ac- cording to my Ability, a Lover of good Men, and kind to my Enemies ; and give me Grace to keep always a Con- 84 A Manual of Prayers Confcience void of Offence towards Thee, and towards Men, and to con- tinue in the Communion of the Church without wavering. O merciful God, keep thy Servant from all wilful, deliberate, or pre- fumptuous Sins, and let no Wickednefs have Dominion over me. From Stubbornefs and Pride, Idle- nefs and Sloth, Intemperance and youthful Lufts, Inconftancy and Ly- ing, good Lord, deliver me. From irreligious Principles, and falfe Teachers, unruly Paffions, and violent Temptations, from contrail- ing vicious Habits, or taking Plea- fare in Sin ♦, from Profanenefs and ill Company, Envy and Malice, De- traction and Uncharitablenefs, good Lord, deliver me. From the Errors and Vices of the Age, and all remanent Affeftions tc* Sin ; from the Sin (or Sins) my cor- rupt Nature is mod inclined to (Here name it, or them) ; from whatfoever is offenfive to tliee, or deftruftive to my own Soul, good Lord, deliver me;. Hear me, O Heavenly Father, andi conform my whole Life to the Ex- ample. for Winchefter Scholars. 85 ample of my bleflcd Saviour, and that for his Sake, in whofe holy Words I fum up all my Wants : Our Father which art in Heaven^ &c. * You are now, good Philotheus, by God's Help, gone over the hardeil Part of your Preparation for the Holy Sacrament. The next Thing you are to do, is to examine yourfelf, whe- ther you do fufficiently underftand what the Sacrament is ; then to afk yourfelf with what Intentions you do approach it, and to pray for God's Grace to difpofe you for worthily re- ceiving; and all thefe Particulars, to- gether with all that you are to know and believe concerning the blefled Sa- crament, are contained in thefe fol- lowing Meditations, which I advife you to read over devoutly at feveral Times, till you are in fome Meafure affedted with them. Meditations 8 & A Manual of Prayers Meditations on the Holy Euchariji. On the Outward Elements. T Adore thee, O blefled Jefus, my Lord, and my God, when I con- fider what that Sacrament is, to which thou now inviteft me, and of whac Parts it conlifts - of an outward and vifible Sign, and of an inward and fpiritual Grace ; for thou, Lord, who- knoweft our Infirmities, and now little able we are to conceive Things hea- venly and fpiritual, in Pity to our dark and feeble Apprehenfions, haft ordained outward, and obvious, and vifible Signs, to reprefent to our Minds thy Grace, which is inward and invi- fible : Thou haft ordained Bread and Wine, which is our corporal Food, to pifture out to our Faith the Food of our Souls, On the inward Part^ or Thing fignified. F know, O my God, that I muft look thro 5 the outward Elements, and fix my Faith on that which they fignify,. and which is the inward and invifible Grace, even thy own bleffed Body &nd Blood, which is verily and in- deed! for Winchefter Scholars. 87 deed taken and received by the Faith- till in the Lord's Supper. But tell me, O thou whom my Sou! loveft, how canft thou give us thy Flefli to eat ? Lord, thou haft told me, that thy Words they are Spirit, and they are Life, and are therefore not carnally to be underftood : Lord, I believe, help thou my Unbelief, John vi. I believe thy Body and Blood to be as really preient in the Holy Sacra- rnent as thy divine Power can make it, though the Manner of thy myfte- rious Prefence I cannot comprehend. Lord, I believe that the Bread that we break, and the Cup that we drink, are not bare Signs only, but the real Communication of thy Body and thy Blood, and Pledges to aflure me of it ; and I verily believe, that if with due Preparation I come to thy Altar, as certainly as I receive the outward Signs, fo certainly fhall I receive the Thing fignified, even thy moft blefled Body and Blood; to receive which inefti- mable Bleffing, O merciful Lord, do thou fit and prepare me, Amen^ Amen. 1 Cor. x. Who 88 A Manual of Prayers Who infiituted it. T Adore thee, O bleffed Jefus, my Lord, my God, when I confider that this holy Sacrament was thy own Inftitution $ for it was thou, Lord* who in the Night thou wail betrayed* didft take Bread, and after that the Cup, and didft blefs them, and give them to thy Difciples. O bleffed Sa- viour, let thy Divinity, thus ftamped on, it, ftrike into my Soul an holy Awe and Reverence in approaching it : O create in me heavenly Difpofi- tions to celebrate fo heavenly an In- ftitution. Amen> Amen. For what End. T Adore thee, O bleffed Jefus, my Lord and my God, when I con- fider for what End thou didft inftitute thy holy Sacrament, implied in thy own Command, Do this in Remem- brance of me. But what need this Command, O gracious Lord ? Is it poffible for me ever to forget thee my Saviour, who haft done fo great Things for me ? Alas* for Winchefter Scholars. S9 Alas, alas ! my own fad Experience •tells me it is : Woe is me \ every Temptation, every Vanity, is apt to make me forget thee, though thy own dying Words bid me remember thee. But, O blefied Lord, for thy infi- nite Mercies fake, pardon all my ftupid Forgetfulnefs and Ingratitude hitherto, 2nd do thou now create in me fuch a thankful and lively Remembrance of thy dying for me, that may excite me to give up myfelf intirely to thee, as thou didft give up thyfelf on the Crofs for me. Amen* Amen. A Thank/giving for Chrift's Suffering. /^\Thou, my crucified Saviour, Glory ^^^ be to thee, for caufing my Suf- ferings to be regifler'd in the Gofpel : There I have read, and remember the Works and Triumphs of thy Almighty Love, for which I will always adore and praife thee. I remember, O gracious Lord, how thou, who thoughteft it no Robbery to be equal with God, waft made in the Fafhion of frail Man, Phil. ii. of the vileft and moft comptemptible of Men; for thou tookefl on thee the Form -go A Manual of Prayers Form of a very Servant : I remember how many Reproaches, and Contra- d ; 6tions, and Blafphemies, and Perfe- ctions, thou didft endure from a* wicked and perverfe Generation •, and all this to fave us finful Men. Lord JefuS) was ever Sorrow like unto thy Sorrow ? Worthy art thou, O Lamb, that was jlain, to receive Power., and Riches, and Wifdom^ and Strength, and Honour, and Glory 7 and Blejfmg, Rev. vii. 12. I remember, O gracious Lord, how thou didft endure a moft bitter Agony, and didft fweat great Drops of Blood, falling to the Ground ; how thou, who art God above all, blefied foe ever, waft treacheroufly betrayed and apprehended, and bound as a Male- faftor ; how thou waft fet at nought by Herod, and his Men of War, and forfaken of all thy Difciples, and de- nied by Peter ; and all this to fave us finful Men, Rom. ix. v. O Lord Jefus, was ever, Sec. I remember, how thou, O God of Truth, waft accufed by falfe Wit- nefles ; for Windiefter Scholars. 91 ncflfes ^ how thou, v/hom all the An- gels adore, wail blind .- folded, and buffetted, and mocked, a id fpit upon, and ftri] ped nakedj and fcourged ; and ail this thac we may be healed by thy Stupes, and to fave us (infill Men. Lord Jefus^ was ever, &c. I remember, Lord, how thou, that art the great Judge of Heaven and Earth, waft thyfelf dragged to the Judgment-feat, and condemned ; how thou, O King of Heaven, waft crowned with Thorns, and oppreffed with the Weight of thy own Crofs ^ and all this to fave us finful Men. O Lord Jefus, was ever, &c. I remember, O blefled Saviour* how thou, who art the Lord of Glory, and the fole Author of Life, w r aft put to a moft ignominious Death; how thy Hands and thy Feet were nailed to a Crofs ; how thou waft crucified between two Thieves, and number'd with the TranfgreiTors ; how thou hadft a Potion given to thee to embitter D thy 92 A Manual of Prayers thy very laft Gafp ; and all this to fave us finful Men. O Lord Jefus, was ever, &c. I remember, O gracious Lord, how when thou wert hanging on the very Crofs, thou waft fcoffed at and reviled ; how infinitely then thou wert afflidted and bruifed for our TranfgrefTions, when the Iniquities of us all were laid on thy Shoulders ; how thou didft then exprefs an Anguifh greater than all the Tortures of thy Crucifixion, when thou didft cry out, My God, my God, why haft thou forfaken me ! and how thou didft at the laft give up the Ghoft, and die thyfelf, that we might live. O Lord Jefus, was ever, &c. I unfeignedly believe, O gracious Lord, that thou didft fuffer all this for finful Men, and in particular foi me, when we were all thy utter Ene- mies, and had nothing in us to mov( thee to pity us, but our extreme Mi- fery ; nothing to move thee to fave us, but our great Unworthinefs, and thy greater Mercy. O the fcr Winchefter Scholars. 93 O the Depth of the Riches of thy Love, bleifeu Lord ! How unutterable is thy Mercy, and thy Love pail find- ing out ! O all ye holy Angels, behold and wonder ! Wretched Man hath finned againft God, and God himfelf has fuffered the Sinner's Punilhment. Was there ever Sorrow like that which my Lord and my God endured fcr me ? Was there am Love like to that Love my Lord and my God hath /hewed me ? O ye bleeffd Hoft of Heaven, who rejoice at the Converfion of one fingle Sinner, adore and praife my crucified Saviour, who died for the Sins of the World ; adore and praife that un- known Sorrow, that wonderful Love, which you yourfelves muft needs ad- mire. O my gracious Lord, my Heart is now full of the Senfe of thy Love ; and what have I to return to thee but Love again ? 'Tis all I have to offer thee ; accept it, O merciful Lord, im- perfect as it is. And do thou daily heighten 94 d Manual of Prayers heighten my Senfe of thy Love to me, that I may daily heighten my Love to thee. O thou infinite Lover of Souls, with all my Heart I love, I praife, I adore thy Love to me ; but, alas ! I can never do it enough. O do thou at laft, gracious Lord, tranflate me to thy Kingdom of Glory, that there I may love thee to the ut- termoft Capacity of a Creature, and praife thee to all Eternity. Amen^ Lord Jefus, Amen y Amen. What Benefit we receive by it. ¥ Adore Thee, O blefled Jefu, my Lord, and my God, when I con- fider the Benefits, which through thy Mercy we receive by thy Holy Sacra- ment. Glory be to thee, O Lord, who there makeft thy own Body and Blood to become our fpiritual Food, to ftrengthen and refrefh our Souls. Glory be to thee, O Lord, who by this heavenly Food doft myftically unite us to thyfelf ; for nothing be- comes one with our Bodies, more than the bodily Food we eat, which turns into for Winchefter Scholars. ty^ into our very Subftance •, and nothing makes us become one with thee, more than when thou vouchfafeft to become the very Food of our Souls. Glory be to thee, O Lord, who by this immortal Food doit nourifti our Souls to live the Life of Grace here, and doft raife us up to Life everlaft- ing hereafter. Lord, do thou ever- more give me this Bread. Amen y Amen. John vi. 51. Motives of Receiving. OBlefled Saviour ! what more pow- erful Motives can I have to per- fuade me to communicate, than thy Command, and the admirable Effe&s of the Holy Sacrament ? But, alas ! my corrupt Nature is apt to fubje£t me to low and bafe In- ducements to this Duty ; fuch as are* Fear of my Superiors Difpleafure : If I abftain > or Shame of not appearing as devout as my Equals ; or the mere Cuftom of the Place, or of the Seafon. But, Lord, I do from my Heart: renounce all thefe and the like carnal Confiderations, and I come to thy Altar, to renew my Baptifmal Cove- E naj t c)6 A Manual of Prayers nant with thee, of which thy Sacra- ment is a Seal. I come to teftify my Senfe of thy Love, O heavenly Father, in fo loving the World, as to give up thy only Son to die for me. I come to teftify my Faith in thee, and my Love towards thee, O bleffed Saviour, and thankfully to comme- morate thy wonderful Love in dying for me. I come, Lord, to teftify my Sted- faftnefs in the Communion of thy Church, and my Charity to all the World. I come to thy Table, O Lord, out of the Senfe I have of the Want of that fpiritual Food, to which thou therp inviteffc me. Alas ! alas ! I am foon apt to grow weary of Well-doing ; a few Prayers, very little Duty, is apt to tire me ; every flight Temptation is apt to over- come me ; and I know there is no Food can ilrengthen my Soul but thy Body % no Cordial can revive my drooping Obedience, but thy Blood : and 'tis thy moft bleifed Body and Blood I hunger and thirft after : O gracious for Winchefter Scholars. 97 gracious Lord, grant that I, and all that communicate with me, may feci its laving Efficacy. O feed, O refrefh, O nouriih our Souls with it to Life everlafting, and that for thy own in- finite Mercy Sake, which moved thee to offer up thy Body and Blood for us. Amen^ Amen. Prayer for Preparation. BLeffed Lord Jefus ! I even trem- ble, when I confider, that he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, is guilty of thy Body and Blood, and eateth and drinketh Damnation to his own Soul •, and this fevere Sentence on unworthy Communicants makes me afraid to come to thy Altar, 1 Cor. xi. 29. But when I confider, that thy Sen- tence is as fevere againft thofe, who being invited, refufe to come, (tor thou haft laid, they fhall not tafte of thy Supper j and unlefs we eat thy Flefn, and drink thy Blood, we have no Life in us) I am then afraid to keep away, John vi. But bleffed be thy Mercy, O Lord , for in this Straight my Soul is in, thou E 2 art <)$ A Manual of Prayers art my Guide ; thou by giving me this Opportunity of receiving, inviteft me to thy Table j thou called me to feek thy Face, and my Heart replies, Thy Face, Lord, will I feek. If thou, Lord, fhouldil be extreme to mark what is done amifs, alas ! alas ! I am then unfit, not only to communicate, but to fay even my daily Prayers. I know, Lord, that if I fhould ftay till I am worthy to come, I fhould then never come - ? and therefore, tho' I am unworthy of fo unfpeakable a Mercy, yet I come to beg thy Grace to make me worthy, or at leaft fuch as thou wilt accept. O bleffed Jefus, do thou fo open my Eye of Faith, to difcern thy Body and BloocJ in the Holy Sacrament ; do thou fo dilpofe my Soul at this Time to communicate, that I may feel all the happy Effefts of thy own divine Inftitution ; that my Soul may re- ceive fuch lafting Imprefnons of thy Goodnefs, and be fo ravifhed with the Love of thee, and with the in- comparable Delights of thy Service, £nd with fuch an early Foretafte of Heaven, for Winchefter Scholars. 99 Heaven, that all the Pleafures of Sin, which in my growing Years may tempt me, may appear to me taftelds and unwelcome. O Heavenly Father, c loathe me with the Wedding Garment, even the Graces of my bleffed Saviour •, for then am I fure to be a welcome Gueft to thy Table, when I fhall come thi- ther in the Likenefs of thy own well- beloved Son, in whom thou art always well pleafed. O Heavenly Father, fill me with a lively Faith, profound Humility, filial Obedience, inflamed Affeftions, and univerfal Charity : O raife in my Soul all thofe heavenly Tranfpofts of Zeal and Devotion, of Love and Defire, of Joy and Delight, of Praife and Thankfgiving, which become the Re- membrance of a crucified Saviour, which become one redeemed by the Blood of God, and that for his fake only that redeemed me -, in whofe holy Words I fum up all the Graces and Blefiings I (land in need of: Our Father, which art in Herien, &c. This Prayer, Philctbeus, is proper for you to add to your Morning E 3 Prayer, i QO A Manual of Prayers Prayer, the Day en which you arc to receive, Direfiions in "Time of Receiving. IN Time of receiving, good Phi- ktheus, labour all yoy can to keep your Heart affected with the pub- lick Prayers, and to fill up all the va- cant Minutes with holy- Ejaculations, fuch as thefe which follow : At going to the Altar. IN the Multitude of thy Mercies, O Lord God, do I now approach thy Altar : O pardon my Sins, and receive me gracioufiy. Amen^ Amen. At the Offertory. ELefTed be thou, O Lord God •, for all Things come of Thee, and of thy own do I now give thee, i Chron. xxix. 14. O let this Alms be an Odour of a fweet Smell, a Sacrifice acceptable and well-pleafing to thee, Phil. iv. 18. At for Winchefter Scholars. 101 At Confecration. OBIefled Jefu, in the Bread bro- ken, I call to Mind thy Body- torn with Whips, and Thorns, and Nails ; and in the Wine poured out, I call to Mind thy precious Blood, Ihed for my Sins. Glory be to thee, O Lamb of God, that didft offer thyfelf a Sacrifice to take away the Sins of the whole World : Lord, have Mercy on me, and take away mine alfo. IFhilft others are Communicating. OMy God, whom have I in Hea- ven but thee ? And there is none on Earth I defire in Companion of thee, PfaL lxxiii. 25. As the Hart panteth after the Water- Brooks, fo panteth my Soul after thee, OGod, PfaLxlii: 1. My Soul is athirft for thee, O God, my God. Bleffed Saviour, I am thine, I am wholly thine •, for thou haft bought me with a Price, with the ineftimable Price of thy own Blood, 1 Cor. vi. E 4 Lord, io2 A Manual of Prayers Lord, fuffer not the Price of thy own Elood to periih, and I will al- ways glorify thee in my Body, and in my Spirit, which are thine. If there be many Communicants, and thou haft much vacant Time, Philotheus, and doft want devout Mat- ter to employ thy Thoughts till all have communicated, thou mayft theji repeat the ^hank/giving for Cbriff's Suffering, p. 89. either in Whole, or in Part, as thou feeft it needful. When the Prieft comet b towards ysu. Lord God, I now defire to re- new my Covenant with thee, and to feal it in this Sacrament. Lord, put thy Laws into my Mind, and write them in my Heart : And for the Paffion of thy Son, which I now commemorate, be merciful to my Un- righteoufnefs^ my Sins and my Ini- quities remember no more ; and be thou my God, and I will be thy Ser- vant. Amen, Amen. Heb. viii. 10. O my Soul, tafte now, and fee how gracious the Lord is, Pfal. xxxiv. 8. After fir Winchefter Scholars. 103 After Receiving the Bread. GLory be to thee, O Lord, who feedeft me with the Bread of Life. O Lord God, who didft fanftify us by the Offering of the Body of Jefus once for all, fandtify me, even me, O Heavenly Father, Heb. x. 10. After Receiving the Cup. GLory be to thee, O Lord Jefus who permitteil me to drink of the Fountain of Life freely. My Beloved is mine, and I am his. BlelTed Saviour, thou haft loved us, and wafhed us from cur Sins in thy own Blood ; and therefore to thee be Glory and Dominion, for ever and ever. Amen^ Amen, Rev. i. 6. Glory be thee, O Jefus, my Lord and my God, for thus feeding my Soul with thy rnoft bleffed Body and Blood : O let thy heavenly Food transfufe new Life, and new Vigour into my ul, and into the Souls of all that communicate with me, that we may all grow more humble and contrite for E c our 1/34 A Manual of Prayers our Sins, that we may all love thee, and ferve thee, and delight in thee, and praife thee more frequently, more inceffantly, than ever we have done heretofore. Amen^ Amen. After the Congregation is difmifled, PbilotbeuS) if you cannot get Privacy in your own Chamber, I advife you at the firft Opportunity to go into the Chapel, and there to give God Thanks for that great Bleffing, of which he has now made you a Partaker. A Thank/giving after Receiving. OHow plentiful is thy Goodnefs, my Lord, and my God, which thou haft laid up for thofe that fear thee, which thou haft laid up for thofe that put their Truft in thy Mercy I Pfal. xxxi. 19. Was it not Love infinite enough, deareft Lord, to give thyfelf for me on the Crofs ? "Was not that Sacrifice of thyfelf fufficient to expiate the Sins of the whole World ? What, Lord, could thou then do more for me ? All the mighty Hoft of Heaven ftocd amazed to fee the Biood of God fhed; for Winchefter Scholars. 105 fhed, to fee their King of Glory, (to whom from the firft Moment of their Being they had fung their Hallelujahs) nailed to a Crofs •, and all this to fave Sinners. Sure, Lord, none of all thofe blef- fed Spirits, with all the glorious Illu- minations they had, could ever have imagined how thou couldft give thy- felf more to us than thou haft done. And yet for all this, thou haft wrought new Miracles of Love for us •> and, as if it had not been Love e- nough to have given thyfelf for us on the Crofs, thou haft found out a Way to give thyfelf to us in the Holy Sacrament - 9 to unite thyfelf to us with the moft intimate Union that 'tis pof- iible to conceive •, to become the very Food, the Life, - the Strength, the Support of my Soul •, to become one with me •, to become the very Soul of my Soul. O Lord God, this is fo inconceiv- able a Blefling, that is, fo divine an Union, that the very Angels, who fo much defire to look into the great Myfter/ of our Redemption,, who learn thy manifold Wifdom from thy Church ro 6 A Manned of Prayers Church, and frequent the Places of thy publick Worfhip, do erowd about our Altar, and with awful Admiration contemplate the Holy Sacrament, i Pet. i. 12. Eph. iii. io. i Cor. x. What Thanks then, gracious Lord, can I return to thee for thofe Won*. ders of Love thou haft {hewed to me, wretched Sinner •, which the very An- gels, who never finned, fo much ad- mire ? O deareft Lord, raife thou my D^ votion to the higheft Pitch it can pof- fibly reach, to praife thee ; inlarge my Soul to its utmoft Extent, to love thee. How can I ever more offend fuch Riches of Mercy as are in thee, O crucified Saviour ! And yet, whilft I carry this Body of Sin about me, I fear I fliall : But, Lord, I do from my Heart renounce and abhor all Things that difpleafe thee ; I refolve, to the utmoft of my Power, to refift all Temptations, and to become as totally thine, as my frail Nature will permit me. O gracious Lord, who haft fo in- finitely loved us, and given us ever- lafting for Winchefter Scholars. 107 lading Confolation, and good Hope through Grace, comfort my Heart, and for ever eitablifli it in every good Word and Work. Blefling, and Honour, and Glory, and Power, be unto him that fiteth on the Throne, and unto the Lamb, for ever. Rejoice in the Lord Jefus, O my Soul j for of him cometh my Sal- vation. I will love thee, O Lord, my King, and I will praife thy Name for ever and ever. Glory be to thee, O Lord God, for giving me this bleffed Opportunity of coming to thy Altar. O grant I may never more pollute my Soul, which thou haft now made thy Temple to refide in, who art the God of Purity. Praife the Lord, O my Soul ; while I live, will I praife the Lord : As long as I have any Being, I will fing Praifes unto thee, O bleffed Saviour, my King and my God. O gracious Lord, pardon all my Failings, accept all my Prayers and Praifes, and fupply all my Wants, which 1 08 A Manual of Prayers which I fum up in thy own bleffed Words : Our Father *, &c. Remember, good Philctheus, that when you have receiv'd the Holy Sa- crament, your greateft Work is then but beginning, which is, to obferve all the Promifes you have made to God of future Obedience •, and "there- fore 'tis good for you to read over now and then, and to renew your Refolutions, and to examine yourfelf how you have kept them, that you may preferve in your Soul a ferious Senfe of your Duty, and a confcien- tious Care to perform it. Form of general Thank/giving. WOrthy art thou, O Lord of Heaven and Earth, to receive Glory, and Honour, and Power ; for thou haft created all Things, and for thy Pleafure they are, and were created,, Rev. iv. 11. Thou haft made Heaven, the Hea- ven of Heavens, with all their Hoft, the Earth, and all Things that are therein : Thou prefer veil them all-, and for Winchefter Scholars. 109 and the Hoft of Heaven praifeth thee, Nehevi. ix. 6. Glory be to thee, O Lord God Almighty, for creating Man after thine own Image, and making lb great Variety of Creatures to minifter to his Ufe. Glory be to thee, who giveft us Life, and Breath, and all Things ; who giveft us fruitful Seafons, and filleft oui* Hearts with Food and Glad- nefs, Aols xiv. ^7. Glory be to thee, O Lord God, for all thy many Blefiings and Deliver- ances \ for all thy Forbearance and Lons-fufferinff to this finful Nation : Glory be to thee, O Lord, who haft made me alfo fhare in thofe publick Mercies, and for that Light of the Gofpel thou vouchfafeft us, of which the greateft Part of the World is totally ignorant, Glcry be to thee, O Heavenly Fa- ther, for my Being and Prefervation, Strength and Health, Underftanding; and Memory, Friends and Benefac- tors, and for all my Abilities of Mind and Body. Glcry no A Manual of Prayers Glory be to thee, O Heavenly Fa- ther, for my competent Livelihood, for my Education in this College, for all my known or unknown Deliver- ances, and for the Guard thy holy Angels keep over me. But, above all, Glory be to thee, for giving thy only Son to die for my Sins, and for all the fpiritual Bleffings he has purchased for me •, for my Bap- tifm, and all the Opportunities thou giveft me for fcrving thee, cr of re- ceiving the Holy Eucharift ; for what- ever Sin I have efcaped, for whatever Good I have done, or thought ; for all my Helps of Grace, and Hopes of Heaven, Glory be to thee. Praife the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me, praife his Holy Name. Glory be to thee, O Lord Jefus, for thy inexprefTible Love to loft Man : Glory be to thee, O Lord, for con- defcending to take our frail Nature en thee : Glory be to thee, for all thy heavenly Do£trine to inftrucl us^ thy great Miracles to convince us, and thy unblameable Example to guide us. Glory for Winchefter ars. 1 1 1 Glory be to thee, O blefled Jefus, for thy Agony and bloody Sweat, for all the Torments and Anguilh of thy bitter Paffion. Glory be to thee, O blefled Jefus, for thy glorious Refurre&ion, and Afcenfion into Heaven, and Intercef- fion for us at the Right-hand of thy Father. O gracious Lord, thou that haft done fo much for me, how can I ever fufficiently praife and love thee ? Praife the Lbrd Jefus, O my Soul, and all that is within me, praife his holy Name. Glory be to thee, O blefled Spirit, Glory be to thee, for all the miracu- lous Gifts and Graces thou didft be- ftow on the Apoftles, to fit them to convert the World, and for infpiring the facred Penmen of Holy Scrip- ture. Glory be to thee, for inftilling holy Thoughts into my Soul, for all the Ghodly Strength, and Support, and Comfort, and Illumination, we receive from thee ; for all thy preventing, and reflraining, and fan&ifying Grace, Glory be to fhee. Blefled 112 A Manual of Prayers BlefTed Spirit, let me never more by my Sins grieve thee, who art the Au- thor of Life and Joy to me. Praife the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me, praife his holy Nam,; Here, Philotbeus, if you recite this Thankfgiving on anyFeftival or Saint's Day, you may add, Particularly, O Lord, I am bound to praife thee for the great Bleffing we this Day commemorate (Here mention it •, for Inflance, the 'Nativity of our Bicjfed Saviour, or the like). Or, for the Saint, whofe Memory we this Day celebrate (Here you may name him, ayid add) \ Praife the Lord therefore, O my Soul, and all that is within me. Bleffing, and Honour, and Thankf- giving, and Praifes more than I can utter, more than I can conceive, be unto thee, O moft adorable Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, by all Angels, all Men, all Creatures, for ever and ever. Amen, Amen. A for Winchefter Scholars. 113 A Form of general Intercejfion. HOIy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, I, miferable Sinner, humbly acknowledge that I am alto- gether unworthy to pray for myfelf ; but fince thou haft commanded us to make Prayers and Interceffions for all n, in Obedience to thy Command, and in Confidence of thy unlimited Goodnefs, I commend to thy Mercy and divine Providence the Wants and Neceflities of all Mankind. Lord, let it be thy good Pleafure to reftore to thy Church Catholick pri- mitive Peace and Purity, and to pre- ferve it againft the Gates of Hell. Particularly, O Lord God, I im- plore thy Mercy for this finful Nation •, for the Iniquity of the Land is exceed- ing great. Alas ! alas ! we are unthankful for thy Bleffino;s, incorrigible under thy Tuds;- ments, and unprofitable under all the Means of Grace •, and what can we expeft from thee, but to drink deep of the Cup of thy Wrath ? And, Wretch that I am ! my Sins have increafed the Heap of the pub- lick 1 1 4 A Manual of Prayers lick Impieties, and made their Cry the louder to Heaven for Vengeance. But, O Lord God* in the midft of Judgment remember Mercy : Turn thou us, Lord, and fo fhall we be turned : O be favourable to thy Peo- ple, and give us all Grace to turn to thee, in Failing, Weeping, and Mourn- ing, to put a Period to our Provoca- tions, and do thou put a Period to cur Punilhments. O Lord God, cut of the Multitude of thy Mercies, give us Grace to fear thee, ajid to keep thy Commandments always, that it may be well with us, and thou mayft rejoice over us, to do ws Good. Amen, Amen. O let it be thy good Pleafure to blefs us all, from the higheft to the loweft, in our feveral Stations : To defend the Church of England from all the Affaults of Schifm, or Herefy, or Sacrilege $ and to blefs all Bifhops, Priefts, and Deacons, with Apoftolical Graces, exemplary Lives, and found Doftrine. O let it be thy good Pleafure to fave and defend our Sovereign Lord the King from all his Enemies % grant him for Winchefter Scholars. 1 1 ~ him a long and happy Reign over us ; and endue him with all thole Gitt:; and Graces, which may make him a Terror to evil Works, and a great Promoter of thy Glory. Blefs him and all his Royal Relations with a great Meafure of all temporal good Things, and with eternal Glory in the World to come. Lord, let it be thy good Pleafure to grant to the Privy-Council, Wifdom from above -, to all Magiftrates, Inte- grity and Zeal for Religion \ to the ! Gentry and Commonalty, pious and juft, peaceable and loyal Hearts ; to .our Armies and Navy, Proteftion and Vidtory 5 to the whole Nation, healthful, and fruitful, and peaceful Times. Lord, let it be thy good Pleafure to grant to all Jews, Turks, Infidels, Atheifts, and Hereticks, Converfion -, to all Malefactors, and wicked Men, timely Repentance ; to all holy Per- fons, Increafe of Grace and Perfe- verance 5 to all that I have tempted any way to Sin, or with whom I have been a Companion in Evil, Contrition and Pardon. Lord, 1 1 6 A Manual of "Prayers Lord, let it be thy good Pleafure to blefs all thofe I have any way wronged, and to forgive thofe that have wronged me •, to comfort the Difconfolate •, to give Health to the Sick, Eafe to thofe that are in Pain, Patience to the Af- flidted, Food to the Hungary, Cloaths to the Naked, Liberty to the Captive, and a fafe Delivery to Women with Child. ' Lord, be thou a Guide to the Tra- veller, Safety to thofe that are at Sea, a Refuge to the Oppreffed ; be thou a Father to the Fatherlefs, take Care of the Widows, pity and relieve all poor Prifoners for Debt, and have Mercy on all Idiots and mad Perfons. Lord, let it be thy good Pleafure to blefs my Parents, my Brothers and Sifters, and all my Relations ; all my Friends, all my Governors in this College, aii my Fellow-fcholars, all who have commended themfelves to my Prayers, particularly (Here ycu may name them y if you fee Occqfiori). Lord, thou belt knoweft all our Con- ditions, all our Defires, all oirr Wants : O do thou therefore fuit thy Grace and for Vv r inchefrer Scholars. 117 and Bleffings to our feveral NecefRties of Body and Soul. Hear, O merciful Father, my Sup- plications, and that for the Sake of thy Son Jefus, who died for us all ; in whole holy Words I film up all my own, and the Wants of all I pray for. Our Father^ &c. If you are a Child of the College, good Philcthcus, I advife you now- and-then to fay that ufual Collect, wherein you give Thanks for the Founder, and pray for the College \ both which you have great Reafon to do in private, as well as in publick, when you confider, that God has made the Founder an Inftrument of doing you much Good, in advantaging your Education ; and the Bleffings you pray for on the College, you have yourfelf a Part in. A Thank/giving for the Founder. I Give thee humble and hearty Thanks, O moll merciful Father, for our Founder, William of JVickham, and all other our Benefadtors, by v/hofe Benefits wc are in this College brought x 1 8 A Manual of Prayers brought up to Godlinefs and good Learning ; and I befeech thee to give us Grace fo to ufe thefe thy Bleffings to the Glory of thy Name, that we may become profitable Members in the Church and Commonwealth, and may be at laft Partakers of the im- mortal Glory of the Refurredtion, through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen y Amen, Directions to ufe the foregoing Prayers. HAVE a great Care, good Phi- lotheus, that you make not any of the Rules here given you a Pre- tence to negleft the Orders and Duties of the Place you live in, or of the School ; for that were Idlenefs rather than Devotion. When you fix on a Day to examine your Soul, or to confefs your Sins in, believe me, Philothens^ nothing will more enforce your Prayers and Re- pentance, than if they are accom- pany'd with Failing and Alms, as you may fee in the Example of Cornelius + whofe for Winchefter Scholars. ny whofe Prayers, and Fading, and Alms, all join'd together, were fo acceptable to God, as made him fend, firft, an Angel from Heaven, and after the Angel, an Apoftle, and after the A- poftle, the Holy Ghoft, to confirm and enlighten him, Afts x. But take Notice, Pbilotheus, that all the Failing I advife you to, is only to fome Fafting-day, or fome one Friday > or Saturday, when your Com- mons are lefs than on other Days, to content yourfelf with your bare Al- lowance, and withal to lay afide fome fmall Matter, according to your Stock, for the Poor. But beware you do not do your Duty only to be feen or approved of by others •, for this were Hypocrify : And take Heed your Performance do not puff you up with a vain Conceit of your Holinefs, and that you are bet-' ter than your Fellows -, for this were abominable Pride : And, alas ! when you have done the belt you can, you fall infinitely fhort of your Duty, and 'tis God's mere Mercy, not any the leaft Worth in you, makes your Service any Way acceptable to him. F When J 20 A Manual of Prayers When you have once thoroughly examined yourfelf, good Philotheus^ and made a particular Confeflion of the Sins of your whole Life, and begged Pardon, there is not the fame abiblute Neceffity of fuch laborious Examination, at your next Commu- nicating, efpecially if you examine yourfelf carefully every Night, and daily repent of the Evil of the Day paft, and are not confeious to your- felf of any great and notorious Sins lince your laft Confeflion •, for if you are not, the Examination and Con- feflion only of what paft fmce your laft Communicating, together with a general Confeflion of your former Sins, and a folemn Renewing of your for- mer A6ts cf Repentance, may ferve the Turn, But if your Confcience accufes you e>f any culpable Negle£t in your laft Examination, or of any great Relapfes, or of any wilful Violations of your laft Vows and Refolutions, in thofe and the like Cafes, it is the fureft Way to begin all your Repentance again. Remember, for Winchefter Scholars. 121 Remember, Pbilotheus, that' tho* 'tis God that works in you to will and to do of his good Pleafure, yet God alfo commands you to work out your own Salvation yourfelf •, and therefore you are to labour for thofe Bleffings, and to pra&ice thofe Graces, you pray for : So that you are to read your Duty in your Prayers. If you find any particular Sin you are guilty of, or any particular Grace which you want, or any particular BlefTing which you are to give Thanks for, which is not here mentioned, 'tis eafy for you to add it to your Prayers, as Occafion requires. In like manner, if you meet with any Paffage in any Prayer, which does not either fo di- redtly, or fo fully, exprefs the Senfe of your Soul, as you could wifh, leave it out. If Opportunity, Leifure, and De- votion, all together, do at any Time v when you go Home, or at Times of Liberty, incline you to make fome prefent Addition to your daily Pray- ers ; or like Daniel and Holy David, not only at J?J; jj jj* Morning and at Evening, F 2 bur 122 A Manual of Prayers but at Noon-day, to pray to God, thou mayft then ufe the Prayer for Particular Graces, Page 81. or thofe Afts of RefolutioU' and Oblation, Pages 73, 74, or on Sundays and Holidays, the Form of General Tbankjgiving ; or on Fafting-days, the Form of General Intercejfton ; as may beft fuit with the Seafon, and with your own Affec- tions. T)ireRions concerning Infirmities. IF, after all the Care and Pains you can take, and your Petitions alfo for God's Grace, you find, in the Performance of thy Duty in your daily Pjayers, Examinations, receiv- ing the Holy Eucharift, or the like, great Coldnefs and Wandrings, and Incompofednefs and Wearinefs of Spi- rit, and that your Heart is little af- fe£ted with it, and that you fall very much fhort of the Rules here laid down, and therefore are ready to conclude, that all you have done is in vain* and difpleafing to God \ be not dif- for Winchefter Scholars. 1 2 3 difheartened at this, Philothcus, 'tis a good Sign to be fa much grieved for your Failings in your Duty ; 'tis an Argument of a filial Tendernefs, and Defire to ferve God better •, that your Spirit is willing, though your Fleih is weak ; and if you ftil! continue your Endeavours and Prayers, patiently relying on God's infinite Goodnefs, and on his gracious Promife of hear- ing you, he will affuredly hear you in his good Time. Know, good PhihtheuS) that this is the Cafe of Thoufands as well as of yourfeif : The very belt of Chriftians fign under the Perverfenefs and Im- potence of their corrupt Nature •, and even thejuft Man falls (tvzn Times a Day, through Sins of Ignorance, or Infirmity, or fudden Surreption, or Inadvertency, or the like ^ though it is true, he rifeth again by an habitual Repentance ; and therefore be not dif- couraged, but daily beg Pardon for your daily Failings. To eafe you in fuch Indifpofitions, or when you are alfo ftreighten'd in Time, or diverted by any unavoid- able Avocations, I advife you to F 3 fhorten 124 -A Manual of Prayers ihorten your Prayers, and, for the longer Morning and Evening Prayer, fay the fhorter : And as for the other Parts of Devotion, throughout this whole Manual, they are cut into fo many Breaks and Divifions on pur- pofe, that you may lengthen or fhor- ten your Prayers, as may beft com- ply with your Occafions and Infir- mities ; only let me warn you feri- oufly, that under Colour of indulging your Infirmities, you do not indulge your Sloth. Be not then affli&ed, good Philo- thettS) if you cannot come up exadly to the Rules here given you : Believe me, it was never imagined you would; it was only hoped, that you would en- deavour it : And know, that it is a great Error of many devout Souls to think all they do fignifies nothing, ■becaufe they fall fhort of the Rules laid down in their Books of Devo- tion ; little confidering that 'tis Sin- cerity God requires of us, and not Perfection ; for if there be a willing Mind in us, it is accepted according to that which a Man hath, and not according to that a Man hath not, 2 Cor. for Winchefter Scholars. 125 2 Cor. viii. 12. So that your Infir- mities ought to humble, but not dif- courage you. For Inftance, Suppofe you jfhould not be able, after all your Endea- vours and Prayers, to fhed any, or but few Tears for your Sins, be not too much call down at it ; for to be troubled for want of Tears, is one Sign of godly Sorrow ; and 'tis cer- tain, though Tears are a very defirable, : they are not always Signs of true Repentance ; for Hypocrites may fhed them, and there may be true godly Sorrow without them ; and perhaps God will at laft give them to you, when his Wifdom fees your Heart in a fit Temper for them. Whenfoever then you are troubled with an afflicted Senfe of your Infir- mities, and for your many Failings, I advife you to fay this Prayer follow- ing,, and to reft fatisfied, that he that died for you, will both hear, and accept, and fuccqur you. o A Prayer againjl Failh Thou companionate Saviour of finful Men, look down from F 4 Ilea- -126 A Manual of Prayers Heaven, and have Mercy upon me, wretched Sinner : O fave me, O help me ; for without thee I can do nothing as I ought. Miferable Man that I am ! my very Prayers and Repentance are accom- panied with fo many Failings, that I am fometimes afraid, that thou, Lord, wilt not hear fuch Prayers, nor regard fuch Repentance. But, O bleffed Saviour, my Lord, and my God, 'tis thy Promife, not to difcourage the leaft Meafure of Grace. Thou wilt not quench the fmoaking Flax, or break the bruifed Reed, Matt. xii. 20. 'Tis thy Pra&ice, Lord, to comply w T ith the Weaknefs of thy Servants : Thou art the good Shepherd, who carriefl the tender Lambs in thy very Bofom, and gently leadeft thofe that be with young, If a. xl. n. Nay, Lord, 'tis the very Nature fo to do ; for thou thyfelf haft felt hu- man Infirmities, and canft not but commiferate thofe that figh under them, Heh. ii. 15. iv. 17, 18. Why art thou then fo heavy, O my Soul, and why art thou fo dif- quieted for Winchefter Scholars. 127 quieted within me ! O put thy Truffc in thy Saviour, who is the Help of my Countenance, and my God, PfaL xliii. 5. O gracious Lord, do thou pity me, and accept my weak and imperfeft Per- formances, and fupply, by thy bound- lefs Mercy, all the Defedh in my Duty ; and if it be thy Pleafure I fhould ferve thee better, O Lord God, increafe thy Succours of Grace, and I fhall then increafe my Obedience. O thou Lover of Souls, for the Sake of that infinite Compafiion of thine, which moved thee to die for me, hear me, and help me. Amen* Lord Jefus, Amen* Amen. Directions in Time of Sicknefs. FAR be it from you, good Phi- lotheus, to counterfeit yourfelf fick at any Time, to avoid the School, or the like, left God fend you Sicknefs indeed, to punifh your Idle- nefs and Diffimulation. F 5 frit; 12 8 A Manual of Prayers But if it pleafe God to vifit yon with a real Difeafe, let it be your firft Care to make your Peace with Hea- ven •, for God, by taking you off from your ufual Studies, does give you a Call to Repentance *, and the Examination of yourfelf in the Be- ginning of your Sicknefs is as feafon- able and neceflary as before your Communicating : Befides, if your Sick- nefs proves dangerous, you will then, I doubt not, defire to communicate ; {o that to fit you both for the Holy Sacrament, and for Heaven, Exami- nation and Repentance ought to be firft In your Thoughts. Beware, Pbilotheus, of deferring this Duty, becaufe you are young, and think you may have Time enough to repent hereafter ; for you fee, that Perfons younger than yourfelf die, and you are not fure to outlive this Diftemper •, and if you fhould put it oft, till your Sicknefs grows more on you, it may perhaps take away your Senfes ; or if it does not, be fure it will much more indifpofe you to Prayer and Recollection > In for 'Winchefter Scholars. 129 In the Beginning then of your Sick- nefs begin your Repentance ; and fay over this following Prayer, and not only fay, but praftife it : Prayer in the Beginning of Sicknefs. O Heavenly Father, who in thy Wifdom knowefl what is belt for me, Glory be to thee. Lord, if it feem good in thy Sight* divert this Diflemper from me, which I now feel feizins on me, that I may employ my Health to thy Glory, and praife thy Name. But if thou art pleafed it fhould grow on me, I willingly fubmit to thy afflicting Hand 5 for thou art wont to chaftiie thofe whom thou doft love ; and I am fure, thou will lay no more on me, than thou wilt enable me to bear, 1 Cor. x. 13. I know, O my God, thou iendeft this Sicknefs on me for my Good,. even to humble and reform me ; O grant it may work that faving Effect in me. Lord, create in me a true peni- tent Sorrow for all my Sins paft, a ftedfaft Faith in thee, and fincere Re- fohitiocs 1 30 A Manual of Prayers folutions of Amendment for the Time to come. Deliver me from all Frowarclnefs and Impatience, and give me an in- tire Refignation to thy Divine Will : fuffer not the Difeafe to take away my Senfes, and do thou continually fupply my Thoughts with holy Eja- culations. Lord, blefs all Means that are ufed for my Recovery, and re- ftore me to my Health in thy good Time; but if otherwife thou haft appointed for me, thy blefled Will be done. O wean my AfFedtions from all Things below, and fill me with ardent Defires after Heaven : Lord, fit me for thyfelf, and then call me to thofe Joys unfpeakable and full of Glory, when thou pleafeft, and that for the Sake of thy only Son Je- fus, my Saviour, in whofe holy Words 1 fum up all my Wants : Our Father* which, &c. Ejaculations in Time of Sicknefs. FAther, if it be poflible, remove this Cup from me; neverthelefs not my Will, but thine be done, Matt. xxvi. 39. Trouble for Winchefter Scholars. 131 Trouble and Heavinefs have taken hold on me •, but my fure Truft is in thee, O Lord. Forfake me not, O my God, when my Strength faileth me ; hade thee to help me, O Lord God of my Salva- tion, Pfal. xxxviii. 21, 22. Lord teach me fo to number my Days, that I may apply my Heart to Wifdom, Pfal. xc. 12. Deal thou with me, O Lord, ac- cording to thy Name \ for fweet is t*hy Mercy, Lord, what is my Hope ? Truly my Hope is even in thee. O my Soul, tarry thou the Lord's Leifure : Be ftrong, and he fhall com- fort thy Heart, and put thou thy Truft in the Lord. Into thy Hands I recommend my Spirit ; for thou haft redeemed me, O Lord, thou God of Truth ! In my Father's Houfe are many Manfions ; and thou, Lord Jefus, art gone before to prepare the Place for us, that where thou art, we may be alfo, John xiv. 2. Lord, be merciful to me a miferable Sinner. O 132 A Manual of Prayers Lord God, we mull all at the laft Day appear before thy Judgment Seat: O cleanfe me from my Sins, that I may be found blamelefs at the Coming of the Lord Jefus. As the Day goeth away, and the Shadows of the Evening are ftretched out, fo pafieth away my Life, even like a Vapour, that appeareth for a little Time, and vaniflieth away, James iv. 14. Eye hath not feen, nor Ear heard, nor the Heart of Man conceived, the good Things which God hath laid up for thofe that love him. Lord, .do thou therefore inflame my Soul with thy Love, 1 Cor. ii. 9. 1 know, Lord, that thy Judgments are right, and thou of very Faithful- nefs hath caufed me to be troubled,, Pfalm cxix. 75.. O Heaven. 1 y Father, my Hope is wholly in thy Mercy, and in the Me- rits and Sufferings of my Saviour : O,. for his Sake, forgive and fave.. To thefe, and the like Ejaculations r Pbilotbeus, which thou may ft gather thyfelf, thow mayft now-and-then^ either for Winchester Scholars. i j 3 either read a P/2*/w yourfelf, or have one read to you, as particularly Pfalm xxiii, or xxv, or xxvii, or K, or any other that does belt fuit with thy Condition. I need give you no further Direc- tions for the Time of Sicknefs, be- caufe I prefume, Philotheus, that when you feel your Sicknefs prevailing on you, you will then fend for a fpiri- tual Guide, who will give you more particular Advice, and minifter to all the Necefiities of your Soul ; and therefore I fhall only add this Form of •Thankfgiving : A thankfgiving after Recovery,. GLory be to thee, O Heavenly Father, for the Sicknefs thou haft in Mercy fent me. Lord, the Stripes thou didft lay on me, were the Stripes of Love ! Glory be to thee ! Before I was troubled, I went wrong ; but now I will keep thy Word, Pfalm cxix. 67. It is good for me, that I have been in Trouble, that I might learn thy Statutes. Glory 134 .Improve thy Talent with due Care, For the great Day thyfelf prepare-. In A Morning H Y M N. itf t In Converfation be fincere, Keep Conference ^ as the Noon-tide, char } Think how ail-feeing God thy Ways, And all thy fecret Thoughts, furveys. By Influence of the Light divine ', Let thy otun Light to others fhinc ; Reflecl all Heavns propitious Rays, In ardent Love, and ch ear fid Praife. Wake, and lift up thy f elf, my Hearty And with the Angels hear thy Part ; Who all Night Long unwearfdftng, High Praife to the eternal King. Awake, awake, ye heavenly Choir : May your Devotion ?ne infpire, That I, like you, my Age may fpend, Like you, may on my God attend 1 May I, like you, in God delight, Have all Day long, my God in Sight ; Perform, like you, my Maker s Will -> may I never more do III ! Had I your Wings, to Heav'n Fdfiy ; But Godfhall that Defecl fupply, And my Soul, wing d with warm Defre, Shall all Day long to Heav'n afpire. AJ! Pray to thee, who fafe haft kept, And hajl rcfrefod me, whil/l I flepi ; Grant, Lord, when I from Death f jail zvake y 1 may of endlefs Light partake, I would 138 An Evening HYMN. / would not wake, nor rife again : E'vn Heav'n itfelf I would difdain, Wert not thou there to be enjoy' 'd, And I in Hymns to be employed. Heaven is, dear Lord, where e'er thou art : O never then from me depart ; For to my Soul 'tis Hell to be But for one Moment moid of thee* Lord, I my Vows to thee renew, .Difperfe my Si?is, as Morning Dew ; Guard my firjl Springs of Thought and Willy And with thy f elf my Spirit fill. Direcl, contrsul, fuggejl, this Day, All I defign, or do, or fay, That all my Pow'rs, with all their Mighty In thy fole Glory may unite. • Praife God, from whom all Bleffings flow 9 Praife him, all Creatures here below ; Praife him above, ye beav'nly Hojl, Praife Father, Son, and Holy Ghofl. An Evening HYMN. r /JL L Praife to thee, my God this Nighty •*-* For all the Bleffings of the Light : Keep me, O keep me, King of Kings, Beneath thy own Almighty Wings, Forgive An Evening HYMN. 1 39" Forgive me, Lord, for thy dear Son, The III that I this Day have done ; That with the Wurld, my/elf, and thee, I, e*re Ifeep, at Peace may be. Teach me to live, that I may dread The Grave as little as my Bed ; To die, that this vile Body ?nay Rife glorious at the awful Day. O may my Soul on thee repofe, And may fweet Sleep mine Eye -lids clofe j Sleep, that may me more vigrous make, To few e my God, when I awake. When in the Night I fleeplefs lie, My Soul with heavyily Thoughts fupply, Let no ill Dreams dijlurb my Rejt, No Powers of Darknefs me mole ft. Dull Sleep ! of Senfe me to deprive ! I am but half my Ti?ne alive \ Thy fait hf id Lovers, Lord, are grieved, To lie fo long of thee bereavd* But tho* Sleep o'er my Frailty reigns, Let it not hold me long in Chains ; And now-and-then let loofe my Hearty Till it an Hallelujah dart. The f after Sleep the Senfes binds, The more unfetter d are our Minds ; O may my Soul, from Matter free^ Thy Lruelinefs unclouded fee f C i 4 o A Midnight H Y M N. O when Jhall Z, in endlefs Day, For ever chafe dark Sleep away^ And Hymns , with the J up em al Choir ^ JnceJJhnt Jingy and never tire ? O may my Guardian^ while IJJeepy Clofe to my Bed his Vigils keep \ Mis Love Angelical inftil % Stop all the Avenues of III ! May he celeflial jfoy rehearfe, And Thought to Thought with me converfe \ Or j in myftead, all the Night long^ Sing to my God a grateful Song ! Praife God^from whom all BleJJings flow y Praife him, all Creatures here below > Praife him ahove % ye heavenly Hofl^ Praife Father^ Son, and Holy Ghofi. A Midnight HYMN. 7i flY GOD) now I from Sleep awake y J.VJL Tbefole Pofjejfion of me take; From Midnight Terrors me fecure, And guard my Heart from Thoughts impure* Blefs'd Angels^ while we f lent lie 7 Ydu Hallelujahs fing on high ; You joyful Hymn the Ever-blejl, Before fki Throng and never rejl* I with A Midnight HYMN. 141 I with your Choir Celeftial join. In offering up a Hymn divine ; With you in HerrSn I hope to dwell. And bid the Night and World far eweL My Soul, when I /hake of this Duf 3 Lord, in thy Arms I will entrujl \ O make me thy peculiar Care, So?ne Manfion for my Soul prepare. Give me a Place at thy Saints Feet y Or fomefalVn Angel's vacant Seat y Fll Jlrive to ftng as loud as they Who ft above in brighter Day. O may I always ready f and, With my Lamp burning in my Hand ! May I in Sight of Heaven rejoice, Whene'er I hear the Bridegroom' s Voice f All Praife to thee, in Light array d, IVho light thy Dwelling-place hafl made : A boundlefs Ocean of bright Beams From thy All-glorious God-head fir 'earns \ The Sun in its Meridian Height \ Is very Darknefs in thy Sight : My Soul O lighten, and inflame, With Thought and Love of jhy Great Name* Blefsd Jefu, Thou, on Heav'n intent^ Whole Nights hafl in Devotion f pent, Bui I, frail Creature, foon am tird f And all nty Zeal is foon expird. My 142 A Midnight HYMN. My Soul) how canfl thou weary grow % Of antedating Blifs below, In facred Hymns, and heavenly Love y Which will eternal be above. Shine on me. Lord, new Life impart , Frejh Ardors kindle in my Heart ; One Ray of thy All-quick' ning Light Difpels the Sloth and Clouds of Night. Lord, lefl the "Tempter me furprife y Watch over thine own Sacrifice ; All loofe, all idle Thought, cajl out, And make my weary Dreams devout. Praife God, from whom all Blejfmgs floWj Praife him, all Creatures here below $ Praife him above, ye heavenly Hofl, Praife Father , Son, and Holy Ghojh FINIS, W*l