5 ^Sl ^ . 1- 5". Srom f ^e £i6rat|? of (]profe60or ^dmuef (gtifPer in (glemori? of 3ubge ^amuef (ttlifPer QSrecftinribge (presented 6l? ^antuef (ttliffer QBrecfeinrtbge &ong to f ^ fei6rart? of (princefon C^eofogicaf ^eminarj BR 75 .B73 1846 v. 2 Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. Works of the Puritan Divine s WORKS ENGLISH PURITAN DiymES. BUNYAN. THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL AND THE TJNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF : JSo ma^ to I^eaDen but ti^ %Z0U0 €fivi0t: THE STRAIT GATE. JOHN BUNYAN: TO WHICH IS PEEMXED, AN INTRODUCTORY ESSAY ON HIS GEKIUS AND WRITINGS , liV THB V" REV. ROBERT PHILIP. Airmon ow ' t«» uitt and tim»« of bumtak." NEW YORK: WILEY & PUTNAM, 161 BROADWAY, 1846. CONTENTS. Pag*- 1 Preface. 2. A CliTorLolo|ical Critique on Bdnyan's Genius and Writings, 3. The G-reatness ol the Soul, . . 1 4. Justification by an Imputed Righteousness, . 117 5. The Strait Gate, . ... 207 BUNYAN'S GENIUS AND WRITINGS. « CnRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE WHITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. In the Bunyan-like sketch of Bunyan's Life prefixed to the first vohime of this series, Mr Hamilton has said that my " researches have left few desiderata for any subsequent de- votee." He himself has proved, however, that both new and beautiful lights may be thrown around the old facts by devo- tees. So also has Dr Cheever of America, in his splendid Lec- tures on the Pilgrim's Progress. Besides, there is yet room for much research into the history of Bunyan's mind. The progressive development of his intellectual powers has never been traced by any of his biographei's or critics. It could not be traced by Southe}^, Montgomery, nor Macauley ; because, when they wrote, there was no clue to the chronology of his " Sixt}'- Books." Criticism could only guess at the order in which his works appeared. Thus the matter stood, until Mr Kilpin of Bedford discovered, in 1838, Charles Doe's Circular of 1691, which contains a complete list of them, with their dates, taken from Bun- 3^an's own lips just before his death. This important document, however, came into my hands when " the Life and Times" of Bunyan were nearly printed off in stereo- type. Then I could only insert it, and that only by taxing a literary friend to digest the bibliography. The following running critique is, therefore, an outline of the opinions and 11 A CHRO^^OLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON impressions of the wTiter, as these were moulded hy reading anew the works of Bimyan in the order, and under the circumstances, they originatec^. I thus conciliate attention, because I hope to gratify it somewhat, by glimpses of Bunyan's intellectual his- tory, which could not be given until the friends of his memory in Bedford found out the list of his friend Doe ; — " The Struggler^ as he calls himself, " for pre- serving the works in folio." Gladly, however, would I have hailed a critique, founded upon that list, from any other pen ; but, as none has appeared, although it has been six years before the public, I feel bound to do what I can, in order to create a public demand for something worthy of the subject, now that both " The British" Quarterlies can command the best writers of the age. I begin, there- fore, by answering the question, — " What can the man do that cometh after the king ?" Bunyan is the very king of more arts than Allegory and Anal^^sis ; and if this question be put in reference to all that he has done as a writer, the only answer that can be given to it, by a man who really knows what Bunyan has done, must be, — " It is yet to be shewn hoio, and why^ and when, he did so much, and did it so well." Now, this is not easily shewn. Whoever shall explain it, to any good purpose, must understand Bunyan's own nature, almost as well as he himself understood Human nature. And the understanding must be almost instinctive too ; or, the result of strong sympathies with him ; for the laws of his intellectual being blend so with its spiritual aspirations and responsibilities, that his head can never be analysed apart from his heart, nor his heart comprehended by any head, which is unbaptized "with the Holy Ghost and Fire." Whoever has no absorbing and burning love to immortal souls, and thus to "the Shepherd and Bishop of souls," can neither tell nor see why Bunyan thought or wrote as he TBE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OP BUNYAN. Ill did. He was forever watching for souls, as one that " must give an account ;" and that watching made his intellectual eye ransack " the depths of Satan," as well as " the secrets of the heart ;" and scrutinize the aspects of the world, as well as range the open fields of visible nature. Nothing that he wrote terminated upon himself, or had its chief charm to him, in either its point or pathos. He sought with keen zeal, and enjoyed with keener zest, happy thoughts, and " picked and packed words," as he calls his Saxonisms, but not for their beauty or point as composition, nor as speci- mens of his own vein ; but because they were wanted to arrest attention, and were likely to rivet instruction. " The tongues of angels" would have had no attraction for him, had they been intelligible only to himself, and to minds of his own order. All his soul was set upon win- ning souls ; and therefore it was concentrated upon the powers of his mother-tongue, as the vernacular of the mul- titude, and thus the natural way to the heart. If there be any truth in these remarks, they prove that there was more power about Bunyan's intellect, than his spiritual admirers generally suppose ; for it commands, or wins, the admiration of men who have no spiritual dis- cernment, and no taste for devotion. And it did so, when there was less of both in England than there is now. It commanded homage even in the court of Charles II., and made the Cavaliers of the Restoration, as well as the Round- heads of the Protectorate, wonder. And still, both Readers and Writers, who have no sympathies with experimental piety, either as it weeps or rejoices, almost weep and re- joice with Bunyan's Pilgrims. Fashion, and his own wide-spread fame, have, no doubt, something to do w'xih. this. It would be infra dig. in any literary circle, not to admire John Bunyan. He is an integral part of the National character, in common with IV A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON Milton and Shakespeare ; and thus it is Patriotism to praise him. But still, after deducting all this matter-of- course praise, there remains a succession of Master-spirits who have paid homage to his genius, in spite of all their hatred to his sect as a Nonconformist, and to his senti- ments as an Evangelical. Neither Dr Johnson, nor Dr Southey, nor Sir Walter Scott, nor Lord Byron, could re- member, for their life, whilst reading Bunyan, that he was anything but just a great and good man, who had been very ill-used, in bad times. The fact is, he had filled the wide field of their vision wdth creations they could not imitate, nor find a parallel to, nor help admiring ; and thus they gave way to the gush of their own emotions, because no other writer had ever awakened, in their mighty minds, similar emotions, from such sources, or by such scenes. He thus threw the bigotry ^ of Johnson and Southey, and the banter of Scott and Byron, into a mesme- ric sleep, and left them Clairvoyant on " the borders of Emmanuel's Land." That Coleridge and JMacauley, Franklin and Macintosh, should have manifested some relish for the sinritualities of " The Pilgrim's Progress," as well as for its pure Saxon and vivid personifications, is only what might be expected from their early intimacy with the Bible, and with men who had much of Bunyan's love to the Bible. Franklin's father was driven to America by the same iron rod of the Stuarts, that drove Bunyan into Bedford jail. Indeed, both his Father and Mother had, nsost likely, heard Bun- yan ; for they were Korthamjitonshire Nonconformists, and their ancestors had been amongst the first Protestants, in that county, who dared the wrath of " bloody INIary." Thus their piety, which was quite of Bunyan's order, was just as likely to give young Franklin a taste for some of the spiritualities of the Pilgrim, and his intimacy with THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. V Whitefield to promote it, as his early familiarity with Xenophon's Memorabilia were sure to make him appre- ciate the natural beauties of the Pilgrim. So also Cole- ridge was well prepared by his theological studies, as well as by his dreamy life, to sympathize with Bunyan's spiri- tual moods. And as to Macintosh and Macauley, they had seen, from their " youth up," living specimens of holy pil- grims, and had heard much of Covenanters who, like Faithful at Vanity Fair, had been " faithful unto death." Thus there is no mystery in the moral sensibilities of these men, to some of the high and holy peculiarities of Bunyan, as those appear in his Pilgrim. But not one of these dis- tinguished writers evinced any acquaintance with the varied forms in which all the chief beauties of the Pilgrim's Pro- gress appear in Bunyan's other works. I have shewn in another place, that the germs of that work existed in his " Strait Gate," a year before it was written ; and what is more to the point, that the brightest gems in the Pilgrim lie scattered throughout all his books, in which its grand points are touched, although never in the same forms or settings. Sometimes, indeed, they are expanded and polished, beyond their size and lustre in the allegory ; and at other times, the splendid filings of both the enchasing gold and the chaste gems, are sprinkled upon pages where no one would expect to find them. It is impossible to doubt, in the face of this fact, the importance of drawing public attention to many of Bun- yan's treatises ; or, of bringing them out in such volumes as the present. His literary critics have given the public no clue or key to his iich mines of thought, feeling, and diction, in such treatises as " The Greatness of the Soul," and " The Beauty of Holiness." They have confined their criticism to his allegories ; whereas he himself, without at all injuring either the Holy War or the Pilgrim, breaks up VI A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON his vital and vivid personifications into Maxims, Argu- ments, and Appeals, which are as powerful as his Pictures are enchanting. Bunyan is himself, even in his doggerel Rhymes, as well as in his Catechisms and Sermons. He fights Quakerism, Pharisaism, and Antinomianism, in the same style as Christian fought Apollyon ; or Mr Great Heart, Giant Maul. He reasons as well with Pliables of all sorts, as with the one who went as far as the Slough of Despond ; and unmasks more Talkatives than the son of Say-well of Prating-Row. Dr Southey thought that By- Ends was the picture of some particular individual ; hut Bunyan often depicts the whole generation of such gentr}--, with graphic accuracy. " I ohserve," he says, in his Bar- ren Fig-Tree, " that as there are trees wholly noble, so there are also their semblance ; not right, but ignoble. There is the Grape, and the Wild-grape ; the Rose, and the Canker- rose ; the Apple, and the Crab. Now, fruit from these wild trees, however it may please children to play with, yet the prudent and grave count it of little or no value. There are also in the world a generation of Professors, that bring forth nothing but wild olive-berries ; Saints only before men ; Devils and Vipers at home. Saints in world ; but sinners in heart and life. Well, saith God, this profession is but a cloak. I will loose the Reins of this man, and give him up to his own vile affections. ' I will answer him by my- self !' Ezek, xiv. 7. Thou art too hard for the Church. She knows not how to deal with thee. Well, I will deal with that man myself !" So also in his " Righteous Man's Desires," he says, " Some men's Hearts are narrow upwards, and wide downwards ; narrow as for God, but wide as for the world. They gain for the one, but shut themselves up against the other. The heart of a wicked man is widest downward ; but it is not so with the Righteous. His desires, like the temule Ezekiel saw in vision, are still THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OP BUNYAN. vU widest upwards, and spread towards heaven. A full Purse, witli a lean soul, is a great curse. Many, while lean in their Estates, had fat souls ; but the fattening of their estates made their souls as lean as a rake, as to all good." In like manner, it is not in By-path JMeadow, where Christian listened to Vain-Confidence ; nor at Beelzebub's Orchard, where little Matthew ate grapes which gave him " the gripes," that Bunyan displayed his deepest ac- quaintance with the " bane and antidote" of Temptation. He says in his " Notes on Genesis," " In time of tempta- tion, it is our wisdom and duty to keep close to the Word, which forbids the sin, and not to reason with Satan as Eve did. So long as we retain the simplicity of the Word, we have Satan at the end of the staff ; for unless we give way to a doubt of it, he gets no ground on us. Eve went to the outside of her liberty, and set herself upon the brink of danger, when she said, ' We may eat of all, but one tree.' When people dally thus with the Devil, they fall by temp- tation." It is needless to say, that such Passages are in fine keep- ing with both the beauties and the power of the Dialogues they refer to. They are quoted here, in order to prove that Bunyan was his own Commentator on the Pilgrim's Pro- gress, in his other Works, in the case of almost all its finest personifications ; or, in order to shew, that floods of light could be thrown upon all his Allegories by his own lamps. It will now be seen, that his literary Critics -were not likely to appreciate or understand him fully ; and that his spiritual Commentators ought not to have confined them- selves to either his own history, or that of his Times, for il- lustrations of his Pilgrim. Even Dr Cheever of New York, who has eclipsed the Avhole host of Bunyan's Commenta- tors, in both point and pathos, and placed himself like the Apocalyptic Angel, full in the very " Sun" of the Vision, as Vlll A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON well as clothed himself with its Rainbows, has evinced no familiarity with the unvisionary forms of the Great Truths embodied in the Pilgrim's Progress. He has evidently quoted, at second-hand, except from Bunyan's poetry. This is much to be regretted, in reference to England. Such an American as Dr Cheever, was just the man to make Eng- lishmen aware of the peculiarities and beauties of Bunyan's prose. They would have struck him more than they do English readers, and thus have struck sparks from his own spirit, which would have set our curiosity on fire, as well as consumed the dross of our familiarity with our own idioms. For, just as American travellers make us look as with new eyes upon our own scenery and architecture, because they bring both to a standard that we never judged of them by, so they discern more readily than ourselves the force of the mother-tongue, because they have less of it in familiar use, or in its original forms. America has a vernacular of its own, and thus it is as much alive to the peculiarities of our idiom, as we are to those of the New World. But although I should be glad to see American discernment applied to Bunyan's Works at large, I depre- cate the bare idea of England leaving to any nation — even to Scotland — the honour of analyzing and illustrating the works of her own Son, now that all nations who have a literature, class him with Shakespeare or Milton, as a man of genius ; and now that he has won the homage of her own best Critics. England has living sons who can com- mand universal attention, and confer everlasting fame, in various ways, if they would unite to do for Bunyan, what has been so often and well done for all Genius of his order ; and, in doing so, they will identify themselves with the immortality of our old English, by restoring to it idioms which will annihilate both the latinized and frenchificd formalities that have been grafted upon the parent stock, as TUE WRITINGS AND GENII] S OF BUNYAN. IX well as wither the parasitical Germajiisms that have crept around it, and are inflicting an "injury" without "lending a grace" to the language. This may seem extravagant to those who have only dipt into Bunyan's works at large, and even to those who may study the Treatises in this volume in order to test the truth of the assertion ; but it is quite capable of ample proof, if my limits were not narrow. Indeed, narrow as they are, I do not despair of proving that Bunyan was himself, when- ever his subject allowed him to be so, or called for his graphic touch. Even in the very first treatise he wrote, " Gospel Truths Opened,''' he is alternately logical and imaginative. Dr Southey said of it — " It is a calm, well- arranged, and well-supported statement of the Scriptural doctrines on momentous points." It is so much so, that it has been compared, as an argument, apart from learning, 9 Pr Pye Smith's " Scripture Testimony." This fact ren- ders aixj specimen of its induction unnecessary here, won- derful as that is, in the case of a man who had never before tried his hand at composition. What it is, in point of vivacityj will be seen from the following specimens. On the Angelic Testimony to the truth of the Saviour's resur- rection, Bunyan says — " Here is the Angel of the Lord ready to satisfy the disciples that Jesus was risen from the dead. And lest they should think it was not the right Jesus he spoke of, ' Yes,' saith he, ' it is the same Jesus that you mean. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, do you not V Why, ' He is not here, he is risen.' ' But do you speak seriously ? ' ' Yea, surely. If you will not believe me, behold the place where they laid him !' See how plainly this Scripture doth testify of Christ's resurrection. ' Yea/ saith the angel, ' Lo it is as I have told you. You seek a Saviour, and none will content you but he that was cruci- fied. Well, you shall have him. But he is not here.' ' But X A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON where shall we find him V ' Why, he goeth before you into Galilee, where he used to be in his life-time before he was crucified.' " Thus Bunyan's vein appears the moment we break ground, ilnd how obvious it is, when he applies to hiinself the ascertained facts of the gospel ! " Here, in- deed, is my life ; namely, the birth of this 3Ian, the right- eousness of this jNIan, the blood of this Man, the death and resurrection of this Man ! — the Son of Mary — the Son of Man — the Son of God — the true God ! I say, here is ray life, if I see this by faith icithout me, through the operation of the Spirit within me. I am safe, I am at peace, I am comforted, I am encouraged ; and I know that my comfort, peace, and encouragement is true, and given me from hea- ven by the Father of mercies." Thus also he applies this test to others. " Thou thinkest that thou art a Christian. Thou wouldest be sorry else. Well, but when did God shew thee that thou wert no Christian 1 When did the Spirit of the Lord shew thee that hadst no faith in thee by na- ture ? Dost thou not say in thine heart, that thou never hadst thy faith to seek, but always believed with as good a faith as any one alive ? If so, know for certain that thou hast no faith of the operation of God. If thy guilt of sin goes off, and convictions go off, in any way but by the blood and righteousness of Christ, thy guilt goes off, not riffht, but wrong, and thy latter end will be a very bitter end." These passages are oiithreahs from the continuous stream of Bunyan's main Argument, and thus they are but loose as composition. Besides, he was writing for the first time. But still, in the Argument itself, his power of condensation, as a theologian, was never surpassed by himself afterwards. He ^^ picked words" better in his next treatise ; but he never "packed'"' them better, even when he understood his own power. THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. xi It has been said already, that the real secret of Bunyan's eloquence was his intense solicitude to win souls to Christ. Accordingly, his first " Call to the Unconverted" was en- titled, " Sighs from Hell, or The Groans of a Damned Soul." That work shews that the Pilgrim's Progress was germi- nating in his spirit at an early period. Hence it opens thus : — " Friend, because it is a dangerous thing to be walking towards the place of Darkness and Anguish, and because, notwithstanding, the journey that most of the poor souls in the world are taking, I have thought it my duty, for preventing thee, to tell thee w^hat sad success those souls have had, that have persevered therein. Why, friend, it may be — ^nay, twenty to one — thou hast had thy hacJc to Heaven, and i\\y face towards Hell, ever since thou didst come into the world. Why, I beseech thee, put a little stop to thy earnest race, and take a view of what entertainment thou art like to have, if thou do in deed and in truth persist in thy course. ^ Thy w^ays lead down to Death, and thy steps to Hell.' It may be, indeed, the path is pleasant to the flesh ; but the end thereof will be bitter to thy soul. Hark ! dost thou not hear the bitter cries of them that are newly gone before thee, saying, ' Let him dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue, that is so tormented in this flame.' Dost thou not hear them say, ' Send one from the dead, to prevent my father, my bro- ther, my father's house, from coming to this place of tor- ment ?' Shall not these mournful groans pierce thy flinty heart 1 Wilt thou stop thine ears, and shut thine eyes ? And wilt thou not regard ? Take warning, and stop thy journey before it be too late. Wilt thou be like the silly fly, that is not quiet, unless she be either entangled in the spider's web, or burnt in the candle ? sinner, sinner, there are better things than Hell to be had ! There is Hea- ven, there is God, there is Christ, there is communion with Xil A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON an innumerable assembly of saints and angels ! Consider ; would it not wound thee to the heart, to come to thy death- bed, having thy sins flying in thy face — thy conscience uttering, of itself, thunder-claps against thee — the thoughts of God terrifying thee — Death, with his merciless paw, seizing upon thee — Devils standing ready to scramble for thy soul, and Hell enlarging itself to swallow thee up ] For, mark. Death doth not come alone to an Unconverted Soul ; but with such company as, wast thou sensible of it, would make thee tremble. Hell cometh with Death to the Ungodly. Here comes Death, and Hell, unto thee ! Death goeth into thy body, and sepai-ates soul and body asunder. Hell stands without, to crush thy soul with its everlasting grinders. Lo, it will come to this ! Blessed are those that through Christ's mercies, by faith, do escape these soul- murdering companions ! " In his Treatise on the Parable of Dives and Lazarus, Bunyan represents Dives as objecting thus to Abraham, when he says, " They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them ;" — " This is the thing (to be short), my brethren are unbelievers, and do not regard the Word of God. I know it, by myself ; for when I was in the world, it was so with me. The Scriptures, thought I then, what are they 1 A dead letter ; a little ink and paper, of three or four shillings price. Alack ! what is Scripture 1 Give me a ballad, a news-book, George on horseback, or Bevis of Southampton. Give me some book that teaches curious Arts, that tells old Fables. And, as it was with me then, so it is with my brethren now ! They are so hardened in their own ways, and so bent on following sin, that, let the Messengers of Christ preach until their hearts ache, till they fall down dead with preaching, they will trample it under foot, and swine-like rend them, rather than close in with those gentle and blessed proffers of the Gospel." THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OP BUNYAN. Xlll But Bunyan could woo in his own way, as well as warn. He tries, in this Treatise, to win such men as Dives described ; and, in order to this, he gives them the full benefit of his own experience, as to the sufficiency of Scripture, without Messengers from the invisible world. " I tell thee, friend, there are some Promises I would not leave out of the Bible, for as much gold as could lie between York and London, even if piled up to the stars ; because, through them, Christ is pleased by his Spirit to convey comfort to my soul. I say, when the Law curses, when the Devil tempts, when Hell-fire flames in my conscience, then is Christ revealed so sweetly to my poor soul through the Promises, that all is forced to fly, and leave off to accuse my soul. On this ac- count, how excellent are the Scriptures to thy soul ! They are so large as to say, Christ will in nowise cast out. Crimson sins may be white as snow. 0, how is it with thy soul ! Oh ! I say, regard — regard — ^for Hell is hot. orod's hand is up ! The Judgment-Day is at hand. The Graves are ready to fly open ! The Trumpet is near the sounding ! The sentence will ere long be passed, and then neither you nor I can call Time again !" Thus there was from the first, in Bunyan's spirit, as in Whitefield's, a "secret place of thunder," and "a fountain of tears," that discharged alternate bursts of terror and tenderness — bolts of Sinai, and dew of Hermon. And this twofold power, he retained to the end of life ; but he never displayed it better than in the first outpourings of his baptized spirit, whilst he Knew nothing about the art of writing for the press. By the time he wrote his next Treatise, " The Doctrine of Law and Grace Unfolded," or, " The Two Covenants," he had met with scholars, in the jail at Bedford, whose conversation made him aware that writing was an art. His fellow-prisoner, Coxe, the cordwainer, who insisted upon pleading his own cause in both Greek and Hebrew, XIV A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON and thus "wound up" the law^'ers, as his judge said, had given Bunyan some idea of Aristotle's logic, and of Plato's eloquence. This led him to deprecate criticism, and to in- crease his vocabulary. Hence he says in the Preface to his work on the Covenants, " I never went to school to Aris- totle or Plato, but was brought up in my father's house in a very mean condition, among a company of poor country- men." He had also, if not the Book, his own vivid recol- lections of " Luther on the Galatians," to test and form his style by. Accordingly, whilst he eschews " fantastical ex- pressions, and whimsical scholar-like terms," he employs many compound words, and theological technicalities, which never occur in his first work. Indeed, its general character is not unlike Witsius or Boston on the Covenants. It is not so perspicuous as Dr Russell's work on the sub- ject ; but it is quite as cogent, and far more spirited. It smacks much of Luther ; but it also improves upon him. That Luther's work was before Bunyan's eye, or dis- tinctly recollected by him, there can be no doubt, although he never names him. Luther says to Satan, " In telling me that I am a great sinner, thou givest me a sword to cut thine ovm throat ; — for Christ died for sinners." This hint was quite enough to set Bunyan off in his own style. He says to a timid penitent, " Didst thou never learn to out- shoot the Devil with his own bow, and to cut off his head with his own sword 1 Question, ' 0, how should a poor soul do this? This is rare, indeed!' Answer. ' AVhy, truly thus : Doth Satan tell thee, thou prayest but faintly, and with very cold devotion ? Say, I am glad you told me ; for this will make me trust the more to Christ's prayers, and the less to my own. Also, I will endeavour henceforward to make the heavens rattle again with my mighty groans. And whereas thou tellest me that I am so weak in believing, I am glad you mind me of it. It will THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. XV make me restless till I have strong faith ! Poor soul, if thou didst get this art, to outrun Satan in his own shoes (as I may say), and to make his own darts pierce him, then thou mightest say of his temptations, as of other things, they work together for my good.' P. 160. Objec- tion. ' But I find so many weaknesses in every duty I perform, that it maketh me out of conceit with myself, and to think that my duties are little worth.' Answer. ' Thou by this means art taken off from leaning on any- thing below a naked Jesus for eternal life. It is like, thou wouldst send thy soul to Hell in a bundle of thy own Righteousness, if thou wast not sensible of many by- thoughts and wickednesses in thy best performances.' " P. 161. No treatise of Bunyan's is better worth an attentive per- usal than this one ; for no man can read it, either as a critic, or as a mere theologian. It impales, as well as em- pannels, the conscience, even if the conscience has been slain by the law, and healed by the Gospel, for years. The spiritual Reader is compelled to go deeper into his own case, than any Doctrinal Book upon Law and Grace evM- led him ; and the general reader cannot but feel himself in the grasp of a gigantic hand, and under the gaze of an eye, that he can neither resist nor evade, but by closing the book* and that, he can hardly do, if the Pilgrim has any charms for him, or Bunyan's own life any interest. For every now and then, Bunyan strikes off some miniature likeness of himself, now as " an old covenant-man," and anon as " a new covenant-man," that whoever loves him must read on. It will tempt some to read this Treatise, when I say, that the late Dr Waugh drew some of his " sharp arrows" from it. He made them, indeed, more " polished shafts" before shootinir them from his magnificent bow ; — for he improved XVI A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON whatever he appropriated ; — but they were taken from Bunyan's quiver ; and so also, not a little of the sweet and healing Balm he sent after them was extracted from such Balsam-trees ; never, however, without due acknowledg- ment. Bunyan's next work, of any size, was on Prayer ; and as extempore prayer was then a State crime, no one can wonder, however much he may regret, that the Prayer- Book came in for some of that odium which odious means of enforcing it created. Besides, one extreme begets ano- ther. I am no apologist for Bun3'an's low estimate of forms ; but I deny that it is so low, or so vulgar, or so bit- ter, as was the Laudean estimate of free prayer. That poured far more scorn upon " the Spirit of supplication," than ever Bunyan did upon the form of it. No one knew this fact better than Dr Southey. It w^as not fair, therefore, to con- ceal it, w^hen calling Bunyan's prejudices " unreasonable." AVanton and impious prejudices wer€ then rampant, against all avowed dependence upon the Holy Spirit for help in prayer. So much was this the fact, that good Bishop Hall, although writing for Laud, rebuked them, and gave burning utterance to his own love of " praying in the Holy Ghost." It is due to Bunyan's Catholic spirit, to place his work on Pftyer in this light. Apart from its occasional sar- casms upon the Liturgy, it is full of wise and warm appeals on the spirit of prayer, and quite as severe against extem- pore parade as against heartless formality. Its great defect is, that, in analyzing the Lord's Prayer, it refers the peti- tion, " Thy Kingdom come," to the second coming of Christ to judge the world. Contemporary with this Treatise, is most of Bunyan's Poetry ; but as no one reads his Rhymes now, I say nothing about them ; except that his efforts to write in numbers, clumsy as they were, increased his power of " picking and THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. XVII packing words." This is very obvious in his next prose work, on "The Resurrection of the Dead, and Eternal Judgment." Indeed, it is somewhat heavy by condensa- tion ; and not, as might be expected, full of vivid visions of the last day. But although calm in its solemnity, and close in its reasonings, and sparing of epithets, there are many sublime and beautiful passages in it ; and, as usual with Bunyan, they are expansions of some scriptural fact or figure. What can be more beautiful than his expansion of the emblem of the Resurrection from a grain of wheat ? " There is a poor, dry and wrinkled kernel cast into the ground j and there it lieth, swelleth, breaketh, and, one would think, perisheth. But, behold, it receiveth life, it chippeth, it putteth forth a blade, and groweth into a stalk. There also appeareth an ear ; it also sweetly blossoms, with a full kernel in the ear. It is the same wheat ; yet behold how the fashion doth differ from what was sown ? And our Iran will be left behind, when we rise again. The body ariseth, as to the nature of it, the self same nature ; but as to the manner of it, how far transcendent ? " The glory of the terrestrial is one, and the glory of the celestial ano- ther !" So also, what can be more sublime than his expansion of the oracle, " It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power ?" Realizing this change, when the mortal puts on immortal- ity, he thus appeals to the Saints, " At our first appearance, the world will tremble. Behold the gates of death and the bars of the grave, are now carried away on our shoul- ders, as Sampson carried away the gates of the city. Death quaketh, and Destruction falleth dowTi dead at our feet ! \yhat then can stand before us ? We shall then carry that grace, majesty, terror, and commanding power in our souls, that our countenances shall be as lightning. Then shall " Death be swallowed up of victory !" XVm A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE OX But lest any of his Readers should be unable to realize this change, he says in the next breath, " You know that the things candied by the art of the Apothecary, are so swallowed up with the sweetness and virtue of what they are candied in, that they are as if they had no other nature than that in which they are boiled ; while yet, in truth, the)'' retain their own proper nature and essence. So, let us lose our proper nature, and we absolutely lose our being, and are annihilated into a nothing. But no ; we shall be candied hy being swallowed up of Life. AVe shall be as if we were all spirit ; but, in truth, it is this body, a spiri- tual body." I might multiply passages of this kind ; but, as I am merely tracing the progress of Bunyan's intellectual power and literary habits, it is unnecessary. What I want to shew is, the Pilgrimage of his Mind and Pen, before he "wrote his Pilgrim's Progress. That work came " suddenly^'' into his mind as an Allegory ; but both as theology and literature, it was the result of much patient thinking and writing, during more than twenty years. It was, no doubt, partly dreamt in prison ; and, most likely, without any help from any books but the Bible and Fox's Martyrology. It was not published, nor even written, however, until after his release in 1672 ; and then his other Avorks amounted to twenty-two, in all. Thus it is unwise to speak of the Pil- grim, as if it were not the work of a practised writer. Buny an wrote it with ease when he caught the full Idea of it ; but that ease arose from long practice. In 1665, lie wrote his Treatise on the Millenium ; or, " The Holy City, Kew Jerusalem ;" but whether before or after his work on the Last Bay, is uncertain. If before it, then he intended by it to halance the glories of the Latter Bay, by the solemnities of the Last Bay. If after it, he in- tended to soften these solemnities, by the bright prospects THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. XIX of the preceding Millenium. And in his circle of Readers, there Avas need then for the two Books in the same year ; for the one is too exclusively confined to the end of the world, and the other to the meridian of the Millenium. Bunyan, however, was no Millenarian, in either the visionary or the vulgar sense of that name. The Fifth Monarchy Men would not have read his Book then, nor could the Personal Reign Men bear it now. I mention this distinctly, because the subject itself is unpopular at present. I am not sorry for this ; but I am very sorry, now that the IMissionary Spirit is popular, that the Treatise on "The Holy City" is not more known to general readers. Indeed, on Bunyan's own account, it ought to be studied by all his admirers. I had no adequate idea of the grasj? of his mind, until I studied this work. Its ingenuity also is of a peculiar kind. In "Solomon's Temple Spiritualized," and in "The House of Lebanon," Bunyan is often whimsical as well as ingenious. He gets a little angry too, when a Type becomes unman- ageable in his hands ; and then, he never writes well, until a new one puts him into good humour again. Not so in his " Holy City." He felt all but inspired, from the beginning to the end of it. Indeed, he regarded it as more a Vision than his Allegories. And no wonder ; for, when their Characters were struck out, they were ready to speak for themselves, each agreeably to his own name. But the gorgeous magnificence of everything in the Apoca- lyptic Jerusalem, was unlike anything Bunyan had ever seen ; and not at all in keeping, at first sight, with his general idea of the simplicity and spirituality of the Chris- tian Church. The man who had only preached in Barns, and Barn-like Chapels, and only to the poor then, seems but ill prepared to identif}«the Church with a city paved with gold, and blazing with jewels, and rich with the honour and glory of both the kings and nations of the earth. And XX A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON yet, the splendours of that city only increase the spiritua- lity of his simple views of the Church. I may as well confess at once, that I think " the Holy City" the most profound and eloquent work that Bunyan ever wrote. He himself, I suspect, thought so too. Not, however, that he would have hrought it into comparison with his Allegories, or preferred it at all to them, so far as general usefulness is concerned. But, as sweeping the whole circle of Church Prophecy, and as harmonizing Jewish types with Christian symbols, and as reducing Apocalyptic figures to Evangelical facts, and dazzling visions to sober realities, he did both think and say, that he had caught " Something of that Jasper Light in which the Holy City will come down." He did reckon his discoveries to be both providential and gracious in a very special sense, and from " no ordinary frame of spirit." And the work justifies his own opinion of it. Why, then, it may be said, has it almost fallen out of notice 1 This question is only too easily answered. There was no Missionary Spirit in the Christian Church when Bunyan wrote ; and thus he could give no grand practical bearing to his own grand conceptions. Indeed, he himself did not see their real bearings upon the kingdom of Christ so far as the Means and Manner of its coming are con- cerned. How could he, then ? But he was as surely enabled by God to write " the Holy City" for our Times, as to write the Pilgrim for all Time. Even as an Ecclesiastical Treatise, it is invaluable at this crisis ; for it presents a view of the Christian Church, which no Christian durst quarrel with, and which none but Christians could under- stand. In a word, I never saw the man yet, in any Church, Avho would not be both wiser and better, were he as familiar with Bunyan's " Jasper Light," as he is with the Pilgrim ; nor carvl conceive of a greater service to Pro- THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BDNYAN. XXI testant Missions, at this crisis in their history, than giving "the Holy City," a practical bearing upon their spirit. Whoever will do that in Bunyan's spirit, will serve more generations than his own. I would not, even if I could, give a digest of this work ; and nothing I could quote would either sustain or illustrate what I have said of it. It must be read as a whole, in order to be appreciated. Let no one expect, however, to find any of Bunyan's wit, fancy, or even quaintness in it. It is all child-like in its piety, and angel-like in its majesty ; for both its grace and grandeur arise entirely from reflect- ing the glories of Scriptural language. Hence it will disap- point any one who has no ear for the music of the Prophetic and Apocalyptic Harps of Inspiration, or who has no eye for the sublime and beautiful of divine truth. It will off'end no one, however, whose taste is not squeamish, and tire no one who, like myself, has no taste for either modem Millenarianism, or fanciful interpretations of prophetic vials, seals, and trumpets. Bunyan's Millenium begins, indeed, where others end. His next work was his own Life, or " Grace Abounding to the Chief Sinners" — a book too well known to be characterised here. It would be wrong, however, not to mention, that he had to lay a restraint upon himself as to its style, from his having polished his preceding work so much. He elaborated his Holy City, he says, " first with doing, and then with undoing, and after that with doing again." He had thus acquired a loftier diction. But he had also been amidst the final glories and solemnities of Time, and these had placed all his past history in their own vivid lights, and thus thrown him into his natural position again. But still he did not forget his new command over language. Hence he said of his auto-biography — " I could have stepped into a style much higher, and could have XXll A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON adorned all things more ; but I dare not. God did not 'play with me in trying me, nor did I play when I sunk as into a bottomless pit, and the pains of hell gat hold upon me ; wherefore I may not play in relating them, but be plain and simple, and lay down the thing as it was. He that liketh it, let him receive it : and he that doth not, let him produce a better. Farewell !" No one can regret this resolution, however much he feel, with Dr Southey, that had Bunyan " dreamt of being ' for ever known,' and taking his place among those who may be called the Immortals of the earth, he would probably have introduced more details" of his life ; " but glorious dreamer as he Avas, this never entered into his imagination." Dr Cheever also says with great truth and beauty — " As you read the ' Grace Abounding,' you are ready to say at every step, Here is the future Author of Pilgrim's Progress. It is as if you stood beside some great Sculptor, and watched every movement of his chisel, having had his design ex- plained to you before, so that at every blow some new trait of beauty in the future statue comes clearly into view." Dr Cheever would have applied this praise to Bunyan's miniatures also, had he been familiar Avith tliem. The last work of importance that Bunyan wrote in prison Avas on " Justification," or " No Way to Heaven but by Jesus Christ." It is Lutheran throughout, but Avithout either violence or paradox. It is acute Avithout sarcasm, and clear Avithout being superficial. It is not, hoAA^ever, profound nor original, as compared Avith his treatise on the Covenants. Still there are some vivid pictures in it, and some keen detections of Avhat he calls " the fine-spun thread of unbelief." One Picture I must extract. " Joshua the High Priest stood before the Angel, clothed, not Avith Right- eousness, but Avith filthy rags. Sin upon him, and Satan by him. And this before the Angel ! What must he do 1 THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. XXIU Go away ? No, there he must stand ! Can he speak for himself 1 Not a word ; Guilt had made him dumb ! Had he nothing clean 1 No ! But his lot was to stand before Jesu-s Christ, that maketh intercession for transgressors ; and the Lord said, The Lord rebuke thee, Satan ! But is Joshua now quit ? No ; he standeth yet, nor can he clear him- self. How then 1 Why, the Lord clothes him with change of raiment. The iniquity was his own ; the Raiment was the Lord's." This vivacity, although it do not prove that his health was unimpaired by his long imprisonment, proves that his spirits were good even to the last ; for his release was un- expected when it came, and thus its prospect did not cheer him. He was also a bold, as well as a thankful man, when he came out of prison. He was, as ever, a peaceful man, and candid even to a proverb ; but he had no concessions to make to his enemies when he was restored to his friends. Then he published the " Confession of his Faith and Prac- tice," and prefaced it thus : — "I say again to mine Ene- mies, let they themselves be judges if any thing in the following doctrines savour of either heresy or rebellion ; or if they find aught in my writing or preaching to render me worthy of almost twelve years' imprisonment, or one that deserveth to be hanged, or banished for ever, accord- ing to their tremendous sentence ! My Principles, indeed, are such as lead me to a denial to communicate with the Ungodly and Profane, in the things of the Kingdom of Christ. Neither can I consent, in or by the Superstitious Inventions of this world, that my soul should be governed in any of my approaches to God, because commanded to the contrary, or commended for so refusing. Wherefore, excepting in this one thing — for which I ought not to be rebuked — I shall, I trust, in despite of slander and falsehood, discover myself at all times a peaceable and obedient subject. But if no- XXIV A CHKONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON thing will do, unless I make my conscience a continual butchery or Slaughter-Shop, — unless, putting out mine own eyes, I commit myself to the Blind to lead me, as I doubt not is desired by some, — I have determined, the Almighty God being my help and shield, yet to suffer, — if frail life continue so long, — even till the moss shall grow upon mine eyebrows, rather than thus violate my faith and principles. ' Will a man leave the snow of Lebanon, that cometh from the Rock of the field ; or shall the cold flowing waters that come from another place be forsaken ? ' " Thus Bunyan came out of Prison, as Daniel did out of the lions' den, and Shadrach, Meshech, and Abednego out of the fiery furnace, avowing all he was cast in for, and evincing a spirit that neither bonds nor death could crush or bend. But whilst this dauntless confessor thus flung defiance at his Enemies, he meekly said to his Friends, " I marvel not that both yourself and others do think my long im- prisonment strange ; or rather, strangely of me, for the sake of that ; for, verily, I should have done it myself had not the Holy Ghost long since forbidden me. 1 Pet. iv. 12." He then tells them how that confinement tested his princi- ples. " I was never so sordid as to stand to a Doctrine, right or wrong ; much less, when so weighty an argument as above eleven years' imprisonment is continually dogging of me, to pause and weigh, and pace again, the grounds and foundations of those Principles for which I thus suff^ered. But having asserted them, not only at my Trial, but also since ; and all this tedious tract of time examined them in cool blood a thousand times by the Word of God, and found them good, I cannot, I dare not now revolt, or deny the same, on pain of eternal damnation !" This, solemn as it is, refers to his Open Communion Principles, as well as to his Creed at large. His Creed is, of course, thoroughly Cal- vinistic ; but not hyper at all. He was not inclined to THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. XXV that ; and, had he been so, John Dennes' lash and logic, which never spared Bunyan, would have driven him from it ; for they were as acute as they were unmerciful. For this reason, amongst others more historical and cogent, I threw doubts upon tlie authorship of a Treatise on Reproha- ti'on, which is found in Hogg's edition of Bunyan's works. That is seven years ago, and I have seen nothing since to change my opinion of its spuriousness. Bunyan's release from prison did not relieve him from either work or warfare. His Free Communion Principles, as a Baptist, had offended the whole body of the general Baptists, prior to his imprisonment ; and his Confession of Faith, when he came out, provoked their best and worst pens. He was thus compelled to defend himself. But he did so, like himself, briefly and blandly ; and then set all his heart upon his original object, — winning souls. He seems to have been shocked by the increase of ignorance and ungodliness that had over-run Bedfordshire and the whole circle of his old Itineracy, during his long imprison- ment. The sight made him forget, for a time, not only all his acquired power of writing with effect, but also his cherished design of the Pilgrim's Progress. He even threw it aside, in order to write his " Light to them that sit in Darkness." He could think of nothing but that darkness, from the moment he saw it with his own eyes. It haunted him, until he brought his book, as well as his preaching, to bear upon it. Such being its origin, I need not say that the book is elementary. It is also written in what Luther would have called a criLcified style. It thus leaves no room for criti- cism. This is equally true of its contemporary, on " Chris- tian Behaviour." That too, the general state of Family- Morals around him^ loudly called for. In a literary point of view, however, it is interesting as the germ of the XXVI A CHROrN^OLOGlCAL CIMTIQUE ON Treatise on "The Beauty of Holiness," which he wrote ten years afterwards. This Bibliographic fact requires, therefore, some notice of it here. Besides, it ran through four Editions, before that Treatise came out. It seems very gratuitous, but it is necessary, to remind the Reader of either Work, that the Restoration had a most ruinous influence upon both public and private morals. The well known Thomas Brooks, of London, foresaw this, and tried to rouse the Public, to resist the incoming tide of profligacy and impiety, whilst yet "The Beau ties of Holiness" were compared, by the Nation, to " the dew of the morn- ing." Hence he brought out in 1662 his elaborate (but not, as might be expected from Brooks, his brilliant) work, entitled, " The Cro^^^l and Glory of Christianity ; or a Holy Life the only way to Happiness." It is written up to the marh of the Commonwealth Tim^s ; but it was thus above the spirit brought in by the Restoration, although it was dedicated to " All the Lords, Knights, Ladies, Gentry, Ministers and Commons of England," that had even " but the least desire, the least mind, or the least will, to escape Hell, and go to Heaven." But, not all the fame of Brooks, either as a scholar, a wit, or a preacher, could obtain a hearing for him in the circles he most wished for one, when Charles II. acquired public influence. Brooks himself, in writing it, could not shake off' the fear of failing in his ob- ject ; and thus he failed to write with his usual point and vivacity, for his Book, although not dull, is heavy, not- withstanding all its historic illustrations. Bunyan, I have no douljt, felt this, as well as saw the necessity of a Treatise on Holiness " for rteiv Converts," now that many old Con- verts were less strict than he had known them. Besides, the Book was dear as well as " long and tedious ;" and his opinion was that a "niultitudeof AVordsdroAvn the memory," and that " the Reader may find inside a Sheet, what some aie forced to hunt a whole Quire for." He did not say this THE WRITINGS a:;d gemus of BUNYAX. XXVll of Brooks by name ; but there can be no doubt of the re- ference ; for the work was the Book of the day^ on the sub- ject, amongst the old Puritans of the Commonwealth. These remarks cannot offend any one who is familiar with Brook's " Beauty of Holiness," and they ought not to deter an^^body from reading it. It is an immense mine of intellectual wealth, often massive in its veins, and gorgeous in its fractures. " It hath dust of gold." All the salient points and personages of all History obey the Author's ])idding, and minister to his purpose. His pedantry is more splendid than Jeremy Taylor's, although not so chaste as Thomas Watson's ; and his fearless fidelity is not sur- passed by either Latimer or Baxter. Still, the work is heavy. As Bunyan says, "it drovrns the memory." I read it often ; but it always reminds me of the galleries of the Louvre or Versailles, where the profusion of pictures creates confusion of mind. Banyan's high sense of the beauty of a holy life is, per- haps, more obvious in his tract on " Christian Behaviour," than in the treatise on the " Beauty of Holiness." In the latter it is seen chiefly in his loathing of sin, and in his lofty conceptions of what Believers owe to Christ. But in the former it is seen chiefly in his relish for moral harmonics, in the family and the Church. I can make room for only one specimen of this. " The doctrine of the Gospel is like the dew and the small rain that distilleth upon the tender grass, wherewith it dolh flourish and is kept green. Chris- tians are like the several flowers in a garden, that have each of them the dew of Heaven, ^vhich, being shaken with the wind, they let fall at each other's roots ; whereby they are jointly nourished, and become nourishers of each other." It will be readily conceived how Bunyan teaches husbands and wives, parents and children, masters and servants, to verify this both at home and in the Church, His counsels are, indeed, homely ; but they are stirring also. XXVlll A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON Ilis next little work, " InsLructioii for the Ignorant," although only a Catechism, is such a Catechism as only Bunyan could produce. He knew by bitter experience what Ignorance is, and by long experience what forms of Knowledge find the readiest entrance into vacant minds. Hence, he makes the Ignorant put his Questions as their own, instead of asking them questions. Nor is this all. He makes them identify themselves with every point in some way ; either by kindling youthful curiosity, or by drawing out the natural conscience dexterously. I will not venture to institute either a contrast or a comparison between Bun- yan's Catechism, and those most in use now in Families and Sunday Schools ; but I do most respectfully submit to the Heads of both the propriety of stud^dng his Catechism for themselves, to see whether his plan might not facilitate their own work. It deserves consideration also, whether Dr Watts' Catechisms might not be well followed by that of Bunyan ? Catechetical associations, with the name of the author of the Pilgrim's Progress, seem to me invaluable, now that Bunyan is a universal favourite with children. Indeed, I can conceive of nothing so fascinating to the young, as setting them to ask John Bunyan questions. Nothing, however, is farther from my design, in throwing out this hint, than to insinuate any dissatisfaction with our current Evangelical Catechisms, or to disturb the order of Schools. Usuage and order, when not unfavourable to the development of the young mind, ought not to be disturbed by anything less practical than themselves. Still they ought not to be pleaded against anything more fascinating, if it be equally practical. I will only add, that Bunyan kept his long-cherished design of the Pilgrim's Progress in abeyance, in order to w/*e his Catechism. THE WRITINGS AND UENIUS OF BUNYAN. XXIX So he did also, in order to follow up his " Grace Abound- ing," by a Treatise on " Salvation by Grace." This was a wise step. His wonderful Narrative had then been ten years before the public ; but as it was not a fair specimen of the ordinary " Reign of Grace," he felt imperatively called upon to do as much justice to Grace as it " reigns through Christ Jesus," as a Dispensation or Economy, as he had done to it as it reigned in his own case. This he did, as far as his Calvinism would allow him ; and it allowed him to go as far as Calvin went, when he said in Geneva, " Because many entangle themselves in doubtful and thorny imaginations, while they seek for their salva- tion in the hidden Counsel of God, let us learn to seek no other certainty, save that which is revealed to us in the Gospel. I say, — let this seal suffice us, that ' whosoever believeth in the Son of God hath Eternal Life." Calvvii's Acts, p. 372. London 1585. Bunyan says, indeed, not a little about Election in his work on Grace ; but the Reader who should suspect him of meaning but " a Remnant," in the vulgar sense of that word, would do him great injus- tice. He says much, too, of the Sovereign Will of God ; but chiefly because he thought it " Ooodwill,''' and the only Will that could be calculated upon for salvation. Besides, he was too shrewd to dream that any thing could be gained b}^ putting the will of Man in the room of the Divine Will. And as to Grace, he loved best to contemplate it in Him who is " full of grace and truth." Hence, after glancing at it, theologically, in Christ, he breaks out thus — " But, methinks, we should not have done yet Avith this grace of the Son. Thou Son of the Blessed, what grace was mani- fested in thy condescension ! Grace brought thee down from heaven, Grace stripped thee of thy glory. Grace made thee bear such burdens of sin, such burdens of sorrow, such burdens of curse, as are unspeakable ! Son of God, XXX A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON grace was in all thy tears, Grace came bubbling out from thy bleeding side ! Here is Grace indeed. Unsearchable Riches of Grace. Grace to make Angels wonder — to make Sinners happy — to make Devils astonished ! " We come now, 1676, to the real era of the Pilgrim's Progress — an event hardly less influential upon the mind of England than its contemporary, the marriage of the Prince of Orange into the Stuart family, was upon the liberties of England. Too much has been said by Critics and Commentators about the prison-origin of the Pilgrim. This censure falls most heavily upon myself. Indeed, I was unwilling to be awakened from the popular dream, that the Pilgrim was u-ritten, as well as conceived, in Bed- ford Jail ; for I never heard or suspected any thing else, until Doe's dates, taken from Bunyan's " own reckoning," came into my hands ; and then 500 pages of my Life of him were stereotyped. But neither I, nor others, can be fairly blamed for this mistake. "We had no clue to the precise Book, of which Bunyan says — " which, when almost done, Before I was aware, I this begun." He adds — " And thus it was. I writing of the xcay And race of Saints, in this our Gospel-day, Fell suddenly into an Allegory About their journey and their way to Glory." But this is equally descriptive of his " Heavenly Footman," and his " Strait Gate ;" and no original edition of either was to be found ; and thus no date could be assigned to them with any certainty. Dr Southey felt and deplored this, because it left even him unable to trace " satisfactorily the progress of Bunyan's mind ;" but he had no doubt as to the birth-place of the Pilgrim. And in one sense, and THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUN Y AN. XXxi tliat the best, there is no reason to doubt its prison-origin, so far as its spirit, and not its allegoric form, is concerned ; for Doe's chronology proves only that the '*' Heavenly Foot- man" was written nearl}'^ twenty years after, and the " Strait Gate" the year before, the Pilgrim's Progress, Thus both conjecture and imagination are left quite at liberty to fancy when, and how much, the D^mgn was formed in prison ; and, what is better, it is now certain that the Book itself was written in Bunyan's own Cottage at Elstow ; which will, from henceforth, be a more sacred spot than ever. And now, if I might venture upon a guess, as to the time and occasion when Bunyan began to meditate the design of making his own experience tell, in some way, as a Pilgrimage, I would fix upon the Jasper-Light Vision of ^■' The Holy City," which brought all his powers into full play, and revealed to him what could be made of allegoric symbols. My chief reason for this opinion is, that the catholic spirit of the tw^o is the same. No one could teli from either, what visible church the v/riter belonged to. The only thing obvious is, that he hated Babylon " with a per- fect hatred," and as perfectly- loved " all who love our Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity." It has been already stated, on Doe's authority, that Bunyan was writing " The Strait Gate" when his Allegory struck him; and he himself says that he was " almost done" when it did so. Of coui-se, therefore, the point at wdiich the vision of his Pilgrim broke upon him " suddenly and unaw^ares,'^ is somewhere near the end of the book. But who will venture to fix that point at Avhich he laid down his pen, and shut his eyes, upon every thing around him, in order to see the new creations within him ? I will not, certainly. It is the feet, however, that he begins towards the close of the Book, to classify and designate Professors of religion ; and soon drops Classes, in order to deal with »' XXXll A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON individuals. He groups " the Wordy, the Covetous, the Wanton Professors," and then brings up separately, " the Opi7U07iist, the Formalist, the Legalist, the Libertine, the Latitudinarian, and the Free- Wilier'' Can this be the point where his Pilgrims grouped and individualized themselves upon the canvass of his spirit 1 Did the " Glorious Dream- er" fall asleep here, to awake in his own spiritual world ? I doubt it. These Personifications seem hasty and rude drafts of Characters, which he had seen during his trance, and sketched just as he awoke. Hence, although graphic, they are not complete. Any one can perceive that Bunyan was holding himself in, when he hits off the Formalist thus — " He is a man that hath lost all but the shell of re- ligion. He is hot, indeed, for his form ; and no wonder, for that is his all to contend for." So in the case of the Legalist ; — " He hath no life but what he makes out of duties. This man hath chosen to stand or fall by Moses, the condemner of the world." So also the Libertine ; — " He pretendeth to be against forms and duties, as things that gender bondage. This man pretends to pray always, but under that pretence prays not at all. He pretends to keep every day a Sabbath, but he casts off all set times for the worship of God." Who, that knows Bunyan's vein, does see that he never would have stopt with the^.e master- strokes, had he not had, at the moment, secret reasons ? To me, he was evidently dashing off bold outlines in haste, in order to finish his Essay, and begin his Allegoiy ; for everything in the " Strait Gate," afterwards, is equally brief and abrupt. I leave this explanation with the Reader, as Bunyan did his theory of the disproportion of the gold and silver Chargers in the Temple, saying, " He that can find a fitter ante-type than is here proposed, let him do it, and I will be thankful to him. He that will scoff, let him scoff. The Chargers are a type of something^ THE AVKITIKGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. XXX)U Tlie only thing I liave any room or inclination to say concerning the Pilgrim's Progress is, tliat it went through several large Editions in little more than a year. This is the best National symptom of that year ; History itself being the judge. Is it not, therefore, time, now that the editions are innumerable, and modern ones illustrated by the best Artists in the kingdom, to have done with all Criti- cism on the merits of that immortal Book 1 Too much, indeed, cannot be written by Genius, Learning, or Piety, in order to commend and enforce the great Truths it incul- cates ; and it is good taste, as well as good policy, to con- nect such Lectures as Dr Cheever's with the Book ; but no writing about itself can make it either plainer or more beautiful. The subject may be expounded, and expanded, and even endeared ; but the Book speaks more and better for itself than all the Talent of the world could. It is, indeed, because Bunyan has spoken to the heart of all his readers, that any of the Critics on his Pilgrim are listened to ; and the ready ear that even his best Critics get, is lent, either in order to ascertain whether they love his Pilgrim, or to compare the impressions made by it upon extraordi- nary minds, with those it makes upon any mind that has a heart or a conscience. The time was, when vven, John- son, Southey, Macauley, and Montgomery were useful, in succession, even to the Pilgrim's Progress ; but that time is past, and can never return unless " Chaos come again." Let such writers do as much for " The Holy War," if they would serve Bunyan now. It has been mentioned that the Pilgrim was successful at once. It createJ, indeed, a great sensation, and no man more enjoyed its popularity than Bunyan himself. " A good report maketh the bones fat," Solomon says ; and Bunyan verified the proverb. He came out of prison, as might be expected, lank and pale ; but he became plump and rosy c XXXIV A CIir.0"OLO«ICAL CRITIQUE ON Avlien Ins Pilgrim grew popular. This may be seen by comparing the succession of his p rtraits. Fresh air and free exercise had, of course, much to do with this ; but his spirits recovered their tone also from tlie public estimation won l)y his Works. ^ But now, what does the reader think was the next Work Bunyan undertook, Vvhen his Pilgrim brought him into general notice ? It was not the Second Part of the Allegory. That was not published until 1684. It was his Treatise on " The Fear of God" — a vrork as calm and cogent as the Pilgrim is fascinating. This step is quite in keeping with Bunyan's supreme and absorbing object, as a Watcher to win souls. I have often repeated this, as the grand secret of all his mental efforts, and as the end to which he held all things in subordination. And now that he had the public ear more than ever, he more than ever exerted himself to give a right tone to the public mind. Now in nothing was that mind more wanting or weak at the time th.an in Godly Fear. There was none of that Fear in the Court ; and what there was of it in the country, had to endure " cruel mockings," as well as frequent persecution. Besides, the Pilgrim's Progress was lively, and thus it laid hold upon minds of all orders, and was read with avidity by men of all characters. This frightened some of Bunyan's solemn ancj austere friends, and led them to question the prudence of a Book that pleased even the Ungodly. Xow although he himself was not at all startled by this kind of popularity, but even regarded it as " a token for good," still it made him feel deeply that lie ought to do his best, and that at once, in order to turn the stream into right channels, and thus to saving account. But before characterizing this Book, I v>ill just mention, that Bunyan seems to ha\e caught, whilst writing it, the idea of his " Iloly War," almost as unexpectedly as the THE WKITIKGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. XXXV Allegoric Form of his Pilgrim whilst finishing his " Strait Gate." I judge this, from illustrations in it like the fol- lowing : — '' The Fear of God is seated in the hearty and the heart is, as I may call it, the Main Fortress, the mys- tical world, Man, It is not placed in the head, as know- ledge is ; nor in the moutli, as utterance is ; but in the heart the seat of all. And so it is in the Will special. The way the will goes, all goes. " If a soul should be possessed of all things possible, yet if this Fear of God be wanting, all other things will give place in time of Rebellion, and the soul be found under the conduct of Hell, when it should stand up for God and his Truth in the world. A man cannot watch if he be destitute of this Fear. Let him be confident, and he sleeps, and unadvisedly lets into the Garrison those that should not come there." Here, I apprehend, is the origin, as to j^rm, of Bunyan's Pneumatological Allegory ; but its spirit, as in the case of the Experimental one, was born whilst the Jasper-Light shone upon the Battle of Armageddon. As the Treatise on " The Fear of God" is well kno\vii, and a wiser cannot be easily imagined, its great defect, perhaps, should be first noticed here. Now there is only one Scriptural motive to the Fear of God left out ; but that one is, " Unto you that fear My name shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in his wings." Now the Saviour did shine with healing, first, upon those who feared God ; and still, He shines to heal those only whom Godly Fear had wounded. There is, indeed, nothing to heal where there is no fear of God. There is nothing inconsistent with these facts in Bunyan's Treatise, but much in perfect harmony with them. It was, indeed, his utter hopelessness of any believing the Gospel, either apart from, or before, the Fear of God, that led him XXXV^ A CliKUAOLuGlCAL CKITIQUE ON to place its necessity in so many lights, and to ply the understanding, heart, and conscience with all kinds of arguments. But still, the great fact is not there in its own form. This is the more remarkahle, because his own Christian, in the Pilgrim's Progress, is a living illustra- tion of it. Besides, no man in the world knew better than he did, the connection between Godly Fear, and a welcome to appropriate all the Promises of both grace and glory. " thou Man that fearest the Lord," he exclaims, " take this Blessed Word, and hang it like a chain of gold about thy neck, — ' As Heaven is high above the earth, so great is his Mercy to them that fear him,' Here is Mercy nigh thee, — mercy enough, — everlasting mercy upon thee. This is long-lived mercy. It will live longer than thy sin, longer than thy temptation, longer than thy sorrow, and longer than thy persecutors. It is Mercy " from everlasting" to contrive thy salvation, and Mercy "to everlasting" to weather out all thy adversaries, Now, what can Death or Hell do to him that hath this mercy of God upon him V The most remarkable parts of the Book, however, are up- on Ungodly Fear ; and that he deals with in Luther's style, as well as in his ow^n, " This Ungodl}^ Fear puts men up- on adding to the will of God their own inventions and performances, as a means of pacifying God. How it has racked and tortured the Papists for hundreds of years \ What else is the cause of their penances, such as creeping to the Cross, going barefoot on pilgrimages, whipping themselves, wearing of sackcloth, giving money for pardons, &c. &e,, but this ungodly fear of God ! For could they be brought to believe that Christ died for our sins, and was raised again for our justification, this fear would vanish, and so consequently all these things with it," But whilst any Protestant can Lutheranize in this way now, not many would venture to Bunyanize in the follow- THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OrBUNYAN. XXXVU ing manner : — " Well, poor Christian, how much, dost thou think, is there of God — of his Spirit — of his Word, in thy Fears (lest thou shouldest be in a delusion), from Fancy or the Devil 1 Just no7ie at all ; for it cannot be that (such fears) are the natural and true workings of the Spirit of God ; no, not even as a Spirit of bondage. These are not His doings. Dost thou not see the very paw of the Devil in them ] For they tend to the hardening of thy heart." Thus Bunyan treated the Racks, upon which so many Godly Protestants torticre their own faith and hope, as delu- sion or hypocrisy. His next Book was the well known " Come and Wel- come to Jesus Christ ;" a work, not very easily character- ized in a few words, although as highly characteristic of himself, perhaps, as anything he ever wrote. He cries both " Come," — and " Welcome," with equal energy and impar- tiality, to all who have any wish to come. Even to the Backslider, he says, " The Text makes no exception against thee. It doth not sa}^, any ' htm,' but a Backslider ; but indefinitely openeth wide its golden arms to every coming soul, without the least exception. Therefore thoic mayest come." I have shewn, in another place, how fond Bunyan was of golden emblems. Here is another specimen of this. " God hath prepared a Golden Altar for thee to offer thy prayers and tears upon. It is called golden to shew its worth. It is Christ. This Altar then makes thy Groans, golden groans ; thy Tears, golden tears ; thy Prayers, gol- den prayers, in the eye of that God thou comest too." But he was quite as fond of natural images. " God hath strewed all the way from the gate of Hell, to the gate of Heaven, with flowers out of His own garden. Behold how the Promises, Invitations, Calls, lie around thee like lilies. Take heed that thou do not tread them under foot, sin- ner !" XXXVIU A CHEOXOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON In this work also, he turns to good account his long familiarity with Fox's Book of Martyrs ; making them '■ Cry, Come," by telling what they themsslves had found \)\ coming to Christ. But, to what Book or Event, should his " Holy War" be traced % A satisfactory antiquarian answer can, I think, be given to this question, although not in this Essay. His recollection of what he had seen at Jie siege of Leicester, whilst he was in Cromwell's army, and the traditions still current of that of Bristol, furnished him with both cha- racters and manoeuvres which his fertile imagination could well turn to spiritual account. This I intend to shew in a Criticism on the Holy War, should no professed Antiqua- rian edit and annotate that Work. In the meantime, I must content myself to say here, that it was written at the same time as his treatise on " The Greatness of the Soul," in this volume. This coincidence itself throws much light upon both the Allegory and the Pinner's Hall Sermon. They are worthy of each other, as well as explanatory of each other. Indeed, had not Bunyan been pondering deep- ly the greatness, and thus the worth, of the soul, he could not have found in it the Population of Mansoul, nor even its Magistracy. On the other hand, had not the Powers and Affections of the soul taken allegoric forms and military action, which derive life from well known men and events, even he could not have condensed the massive thoughts, nor struck out the brilliant lights, that abound in the ser- mon. This hint renders all Criticism utterly needless, in the case of the treatise on the Soul. It is the mine out of which he dug all the ore of his Allegory. It will not surprise any one, who can appreciate the tone of thought and feeling in these two works, to be told that Bunyan's " Ban-en Fig Tree" was composed at the same time. Indeed, it is just one of those turns which such THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. XXxix thinking -was likely to take, whilst his mind was alter- nately thronged, and his heart thrilling, with vital facts and m^^stic visions. It was a relief also from the strain of dark and dazzling imaginings, and the terseness of logical reasoning. Hence The Barren Fig Tree, although often awful, and always searching, is rather descriptive than dis- criminating. It deals also much with the body as well as w-ith the soul ; and in this style ; — " Death is now at work, cutting down the harren Professor ; hewing both bark and heart asunder. The man groans, but Death hears him not. He looks ghastly, care-ful, dejectedly. He sighs, he sweats, lie trembles. Death matters not ! And now, could the soul be annihilated, how happy it would count itself ? But it sees that this must not be. Stay in the body, it may not. Go out of the body, it dares not. Life is going, — the blood settles in the flesh, the lungs being no more able to breathe through the nostrils. At last, out goes the trem- bling soul, and is seized by the devils that lay lurking for it in the chamber ! Friends take care of the body ; wrap it up in the sheet or coffin ; but the soul is out of their reach !" As a specimen of Paraphrasing a Parable without dilu- ting or torturing it, " The Barren Fig Tree" is, perhaps, the very best that could be studied as a model. There is nothing extraneous in it, and hardly anything extravagant. In a word, it gives just such definite and condensed views of every point, as might be expected from a mind, then giving distinct impersonation, and relative power or place, to abstractions, as well as new weight to familiar maxims. Hence he apprised the readers of his Holy War, that his " next Riddle may ring their passing Bell." Bunyan's mind was now at its meridian, in all senses. He felt this, and immediately set himself to write the Second Part of the Pilgrim's Progress. They much mis- fit xl A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON take, Avho imagine that he was a " Glorious Dreamer," by accident, or witliout effort. His ideas and designs had many a form, before they haunted his " night visions." He did dream, asleep and awake ; and wait for happy moods ; but he prepared himself for these helps. Accordingly, not all the popularity of the first part of his Pilgrim could tempt him for years to write a second part. Even the provocation given him by dishonest imitators, could not prevent him from "biding his time." He knew that he was not ready to come up to his own mark, nor to sustain Christiana and her children, as the family of Christian required, and the Avorld expected. He, therefore, broke new ground for himself, by studying the soul profoundly, and the sieges well ; and not until then, did he venture to go over the old Pilgrimage anew. Nor was this all he did, in order to make sure that the second Part s)iould not in- jure the first. He wrote it at intervals, whilst engaged up- on his Life of Badman, and his " Holy Life the Beauty of Christianity." Thus there was "method" in Bunyan's in- spiration. It was an afflatus when it came ; but it did not come unsought, nor abide untested. Mercy is the imper- sonation of the beauty of that Holiness he was then study- ing, as well as partly the image of Badman's lovely wife. Dr Southey, although he had not this clue to the Life of Badman, saw clearly that the " ability" displayed in it was not " inferior" to that in the Pilgrims, The reason is now obvious. Bunyan was measuring, at this time, bis new "Works by his old standard, and trying to excel himself. This fact will account also for much of both the acuteness and comprehensiveness that distinguish his " Pharisee and Publican." That work is from the same mint and metal as the Works just named. Bunyan came out of Mansoul, and up from his second Pilgrimage, and direct from tlie erave of Badman, to write and preach it. This hint, pev THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. xU haps, will tempt some who read it in the first Volume of the Puritan Library, to go over it again, that they may see for themselves how much his other studies, at the time, gave a character to it. He himself knew how its point came ; and said, in the original Preface, " 1 say, art thou a Pharisee ? Here is a Pharisee for thee ! Art thou a Pub- lican ? Here is a Publican for thee ! God give thee the Publican's heart, if thou art in the Publican's sins, that thou mayest partake mercy with the Publican ! So wish- eth thy friend, John Bunyan, 1685.'* The Reader has already formed his own opinion of " The Jerusalem Sinner Saved ;" the first treatise in the former volume. In Charles Doe's Circular it stands No. 38, in the order of Publication, and is dated 1668, the year in which Bunyan died. This is, however, anything but the date of its composition. As a Sermon, it was his favourite, and had been preached, in substance, in many places, both be- fore and after his imprisonment. In the original Preface he says of it, " I have found, through God's grace, good success in preaching on this subject, and perhaps so I may by my writing upon it too. I have been vile myself ; but have obtained mercy ; and I would have my companions in sin partake of mercy too : and therefore I have wrote this little Book." The fact is, he wrote and published so much during what Doe calls "the time of King James 11. 's Liberty of Conscience," that he was seized with "a sweating distem- per" in the spring of 1688. It was this illness that was brought back by his journey to Reading. "We thus get at the secret of his hard work. He had no confidence in James, and therefore he made the most of Liberty while it lasted, and took care that sermons which he might never preach again should not be lost to the world, if he should be aaain silenced. XiU A CnRON(. LOGICAL CRITIQUE ON There remain still, tweiitv of Banyan's Books to be no- ticed upon which Doe's Circular throws no light by dates, and thus gives no clue to their origin. I can, therefore, only characterise such of them as throw any new light upon Bunyan himself ; for it would he hazardous to locate them from internal evidence. No one, I think, would ven- ture to decide from comparison, which of his two Series of beautiful views of the River of Life was first given ; whether that which bears this name, or that which occurs in " The Saint's Privilege and^ Profit." It is not worth while to illustrate this. But, at whatever time these Treatises were written, they were deliberate efforts, and made in happy moods. The boldest thing, perhaps, in descriptions of the River of Life, springs out of his own recollections of his " insatiable thirst" for mercy and grace, when his soul was as in a thii*sty land. No man but himself would have dared to compare this spiritual thirst to the cravings of Job's Behemoth I " Nothing but Rivers will satisfy such a soul. A pond, a pool, a cistern, will hold much ; but ponds, pools, cisterns will do nothing for him. He is like him of whom it is said. Behold, he drinketh up a river, and hastetli not. He trusteth that he can draw up Jordan into his mouth. He taketh it with his eyes," Job, xl. 23. Bunyan felt this to be a daring comparison, and therefore did not name Behemoth. He followed it up, however, by another equally bold, and more sublime in its associations. His eye fell upon that prophetic group of " The Poor and Needy," whom Isaiah depicts a? seeking water whei-e there is none, and as failing for thirst. He listens to the Pro- mise, " I the Lord will hear them." Then he asks and answers the question, " But, Lord, how wilt thou quench their boundless thirst ? ' I will make the Wilderyiess a pool of water.' Behold, liere is a pool as big as a wilder- ness ! Enough, one would think, to satisfy any soul. Oh, THE V»HITI.\aS AND GENIUS OF BUKYAN. xllU but that will not do ! Wlierefore, 'He will open Rivers, Fountains, Springs in the Desert' ; "-arid all this to quench their drought. Tho}^ shall be abundantly satisfied." — Saint's Privilege. He calls the other Treatise, " Biniyan's Bill of his Master's Water of Life," in allusion -to the cwr^s effected by Grace ; taking care, however, notdo let his Bill be con- founded with the Puffs of Quacks, or the fame of " Bath, Epsom, or Tunbridge waters." Beauty is the chief cha- racteristic of this Work, so far as it is literature. All the Rivers named or described in Scripture lie before him ; the dark, the fiery, the stormy, and the bitter waters ; " but the River of Life is none of them." He says of it, "its streams make glad the City of our God." They are the waters that the Doves like to sit by (Song, v. 12), because in their clearness they can see tliemselves as in a glass. These be the streams in wliich thejc wash their eyes, and by which they solace and content themselves. As in fair waters a man may see the body of the sun, moon, and stars, and the very body of Heaven, so he that stands upon the brink of this River, and washe.th liis^eyes with its water, may see the Son of God, the Stars ,0:^ God, the glory of God, the City of God." This will reijiind'the Reader of the De- lectable Mountains, where the Pilgrims got glimpses of Emmanuel's Land through " the^ perspective glass," when they had washed in the founta,kis of water amongst the Vineyards. It will be readily supposed that the crystal-clearness of the River of Life fascinated Bunyan. So it has many ; but only few in this way : — " I hare read of some Seas so pure and clear, that a man may see the bottom, though they be forty feet deep. I know this River is a deep river ; but it is not said that we can see no bottom. The comparison implies that a man with good eyes may see to the bottom. Xliv A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON So then, we shall look down througli these crystal streams, and see what he at the bottom of all. The bottom of all is, that we might be saved ! ' These things I say,' saith Christ, ' that ye might be saved !' What a good, sound bottom is here !" It will be easily conceived how Bunyan dives down, as well as looks down, into the depths of " the channels of great Avaters," and what " goodly pearls" he brings up. He commends the water also in his own way, as both medicinal and life-giving. " This is Water of Life. Probatum est. It is the Right Holy Water ! It never fails. It will cure the most desperate melancholy. It will dissolve doubts, though they have grown as hard as a stone in the heart. It will make you a White Soid, which is better than a White Skin. It gently purgeth, yet more effectually than any other waters. It provokes appetite, and makes us long for what is wholesome. If any ask why I thus allegorize, I answer, the text doth lead me to it." The two or three Latin phrases in this Work would not prove that it was a late composition, for he picked up seve- ral of them whilst in prison. But the question, " why alle- gorize thus ?" seems to throw it back to a time when Alle- goiy was not expected from him ; and thus to place it prior to his Pilgrims. But however this may be, there can be no doubt as to what was his last Work. That was his " Ac- ceptable Sacrifice ; or the Excellency of a Broken Heart." This appears, not from Doe, but a Preface by a well-known London ^Minister, Mr Cokeyn, in 1668. A fornight after Bunyan's funeral, Cokeyn wrote, " I assure the Reader that this whole Book was not only prepared, but also put into the Press, by the Author himself, whom the Lord was pleased to remove before these sheets could be all wrought off." Thus he ended his own Pilgrimage as he began it, by " the sacrifice of a broken and contrite spirit ;" but how THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OP BUNTAN. xlv differently it was presented at last, to what it was at first ! Its first writhings and roarings at the Altar were terrific ; but its last quiverings were all as gentle as they were humble, and its last flames, like those of Manoah's Sacri- fice, fit for an Angel to ascend in to Heaven. I am not guessing, in thus taking his last Work as a specimen of his own contrite spirit in the last year of his life. Cokeyn, who knew him well, and loved him dearly, said, whilst his ashes were hardly cold, " What is here written is but a transcript of his own heart. For God, who had much work for him to do always, was always hewing and hammering him by His Word, and sometimes by more than ordinary trials and desertions. The design was, the humbling and keeping of him low in his own eyes. The truth is, as he himself sometimes acknowledged, he alwa^'s needed the "thorn in his flesh," and God in mercy sent it him, lest, under his extraordinary circum- stances, he should be exalted above measure ; which, per- haps, was the evil that did most easily beset him. These facts give a peculiar interest to the Treatise under notice. There is a calm and deep solemnity about its appeals to the conscience, that indicates, if not a dying man, yet a subdued man, who is too much absorbed with eternal realities to be either violent or harsh, even when wielding them against the hardened. When Bunyan was in his prime, he neither would nor could have confined himself to a few weighty words, when quoting the four " Beholds !" in Isaiah — " Behold, My servants shall eat, but ye shall be hungry ; Behold, My servants shall drink, but ye shall be thirsty ; Behold, My servants shall rejoice, but ye shall be ashamed ; Behold, My servants shall sing for joy of heart, but ye shall cry for sorrow of heart, and howl for vexation of spirit," Ixv. 13. This, at any former time, would have roused him to " the top of his bent." Xlvi A CHRONOriOQlCAL CiClTIQUE ON But now, he calmly says — " How many Beholds are here ! Every Behold is not only a call to the careless to consider, but also a declaration from Heaven that thus it shall he at last with all impenitent sinners. That is, when others sing in Heaven, they shall sorrow and howl in hell ! AVherefore, let me advise, that 3^ou be not afraid of, but rather covet a broken heart and contrite spirit. I say, covet it now, now the "White Flag is hung out, now the Golden Sceptre of Grace is held forth to you. And take this notice, that this is not the first time that I have given you this advice." He evidently felt, when he wrote thus, that it might be the last time he could advise. It must not be supposed, however, from this subdued tone in the peal of his Thunderbolts, that " The Acceptable Sacrifice" is at all tame or vague. So far is this from being the case, that a better specimen of his natural clearness and comprehensiveness could hardly be named. His intellect is in full and healthy play all throughout. He is perfectly at /t07ne in every corner and secret chamber of the heart, and for ever, in each, clothed with that " Light," vivid and varying, which Scripture alone furnishes, as " armour of light," Indeed, were it proper, it would be quite possible, to read the Book as a specimen of discernment, equally wonderful and wise ; for when he seems to have multiplied views of Heart, until no more can be added, he begins a new series, as if the former had hardly touched the point at all. And then, these " endless divisions and subdivisions," which, are so tiresome, in general, in this style of writing, are never distinctions without a difference here ; but, as in a powerful Microscope, the heart is placed under a scale of lenses, which always shew something new in it. But now, Charles Doe's List is no longer a lamp. He dates nothing, after Bunyan's death ; and thus neither the origin nor the order of his other Works can be ascertained THE WRITINGS AX1> GENIUS OF BUNYAX. xlvil from this source. Old Prefaces, which are but few, and internal evidence, which is but conjectural as to time, form my only guide now. There is reason to regret this ; for some of his undated works are highly characteristic of his best moods. In general, however, they bear marks of both reading and observation, that take them out of his Prison. This is not the case with Bunyan's masterly " Defence of Justification by Faith," written in answer to Bishop Fowler's " Design of Christianity." That was written in Prison, although not whilst his imprisonment was rigid ; for the Church-Book at Bedford shews that in 1671, the date of the work, he was often present at Church Meetings. He wrote it also in order to ascertain and shew his own fitness for the pastorate of that Church, as well as in order to defend the Truth. Fowler was not Bishop at the time ; but he was a rising man. Bunyan risked something, there- fore, by pillorying him, whilst he himself was still a prisoner. He both knew and avowed this ; but it did not prevent him from describing his Book on the title-page, as " Mr Fowler's pretended Design of Christianity proved to be nothing more than to trample under foot the Blood of the Son of God, and the idolizing of Man's own Righteous- ness ; as also how, while he pretends to be a Minister of the Church of England, he overthroweth the wholesome doctrine contained in the 10th, 11th, and 13th of the Thirty-Nine Articles, and falleth in with the Quaker and Romanist against them." The former part of this charge he sustains by quotations from Fowler, which shew, as Bunyan says, that he " striddles over the Atonement like a spider over a wasp, and twists against Faith like an eel upon an angle." It will be easily conceived how such a Book called all his powers into play. He calls his Answer " an unpleasant Scribble ;" but no one else, who loves the Gospel, will think it so, except when it smacks of the vio- xlviii A CHKOXOLOGICAL ClUTIQUE ON lence of its times. He concludes it by identifying Fowler v»ith Camjnan the Jesuit, and Pen the Quaker, by parallel passages ; but he had not a name then to give it notoriety. Even his uncontroversial treatise on Justification had not reached a second edition when he died. It would be interesting to know when or where he wrote his " Israel's Hope Encouraged ;" for, although in one sense it may be referred to any period of his literary life, yet it is so clear and tender, that it evidently arose out of some wide and warm smypathy with spiritual despondency, in his own circle. If it was printed as he wrote it, it was intended to meet cases in that crisis, " when Great mercy, or No mercy," was the onh^ alternative. How Bunyan meets a case of this kind, may be judged even from one specimen. " This man stands under Cains gibbet, with the halter of Judas, to his own thinking, fastened around his neck. And now he cries, " Great Mercy, or Ko Mercy ; for little Mercy will do me no good !" To such as these, good wishes, tender fingers, or compassion, without great mercy, can do nothing. But God's Mercy is great and tender. Things may be great in quantity, and of little value. A diamond as little as a pea is preferred to a pebble, though big as a camel. God's Mercies are rich and great. They are manifold, as well as a multitude. There is no single Flower in God's Gospel Garden. They are all double or treble. There is a wheel within a wheel, a blessing within a blessing, in all His mercies." But whilst this Work abounds in such efforts to mend Bruised Reeds, and to pour fresh oil around Smoking Lamps, it is equally full of an instructive theology. How wise it is, must be judged from one specimen ; for I have no room for more. His general object is to distinguish between Hope and Faith ; and his plan is this ; " Faith comes by hearing ; Hope by experience. Faith believeth the truth of the Word ; Hope THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. xlix waits for its fulfilment. Faith lays hold of that end of the Promise that is next to us, viz. as it is in the Bible ; Hope lays hold of that end of the Promise that is fastened to the 3Iercy-seat. Thus Faith and Hope get hold of both ends of the Promise, and carry All aua}- ! Faith fights for Doctrine ; Hope for a reward. Faith for what is in the Bible ; Hope for what is in Heaven. Faith purifies the heart from bad Principles ; Hope fi-om bad manners. Faith sets Hope to work ; Hope sets Patience to work." In a word, Bunyan might w^ell close this Discourse by saying to the Reader, " Doth not all this make thy Heart twitter after the Mercy that is in God ]" His well-known treatise, '' Paul's Departure and CroA\-n" also, smells more of the lamp than of the prison. I have searched it in vain for any reference to himself, as distin- guished from other sufferers, although its object is to inspire courage under existing persecution and reproach ; which seem to have been rife then. Indeed, he evidently feared at the time, that Martyrdom awaited some of his people, as well as himself. Hence he appealed to them thus, " The blood of the Apostles cried, till it laid Jerusalem in heaps. Thy blood also will have a voice that may do others good. It may convince thy children, neighbours, and enemies, that thou wert for the Truth. Yea, who knows but their thoughts of thy resolution to resist unto blood for Christ, may have so good an effect upon some, as to make them close with His ways ? The three children in the fiery Furnace made Nebuchadnezzar cry out, " There is no God like their God." Here he evidently refers to the effect of Faithful's martp-dom upon Hopeful, in his Pilgrim. " Now, I saw in my dream, that Christian went not forth alone ; for there was one whose name was Hope- ful, — (being so made by the beholding of Christian and 1 A CHRONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE ON Faithful in their words and behaviour whilst suffering at the Fair), — who joined himself unto him, and entering into a Brotherly Covenant, told him that he would he his companion. Thus one died to bear Testimony of the Truth, and another rises out of his ashes." By this process of reviewing Bunyan's undated Works, they might be classed with some accuracy. But I forbear, in the hope of yet discovering more of the original Prefaces. Besides, enough has been chronologically authenticated, to enable future Critics to trace the chief stages of his own mental Pilgrimage ; and that was all I proposed to myself in this Essay. By that, therefore, it should be judged ; and not by the degree of justice it does to Bunyan's Works at large ; for I have been excluded from the use of many the finest things they contain ; having used them profusely in his "Life and Characteristics." No one, in this re- spect, would have had my disadvantages to write under. Bunyan's " world" would have been " all before" any one else, " where to choose ;" whereas, its corners only have been open ground to me. This remark I owe to him, in order that no one may judge of his Beauties by the present specimens of them. These are not unfair specimens ; but they are certainly not the best, good as they are. It will now be understood, why no notice is taken here of his " Solomon's Temple Spiritualized," his " House of Lebanon," his Antichrist's Ruin," or his " Notes on Gene- sis." I was debarred from re-setting the gems they contain. Besides, could these works be dated, as to the time of their publication, or even of their composition, neither their beauties nor their peculiarities would illustrate iheprogre-^s THE WRITINGS AND GENIUS OF BUNYAN. li of his mind. His spiritualizing ])elorgs to his history throughout. He began with his intellectual and religious liabits of thinking, in Solomon's Temple ; and whether in or out of Prison, he was for ever visiting it, or John's " New Jerusalem," in search of " hidden wisdom." It is, however, want of room that prevents all notice here of his " Antichrist's Ruin." That is both a pithy and prudent Book, and w-ell worth republication, now that the endow- ment of Popery at home is indorsing Antichrist abroad, and now that England is flirting with Babylon, whilst Germany is bearding " the Beast." But, to conclude. It is impossible not to foresee that the bearings of this Chronological Critique upon the birth- place of the Pilgrim's Progress, will create some sensation^ now that Publishers and Artists are vying with each other in paying homage to the genius of John Bunyan. No one, how^ever, can well be more unwilling than I was, to be couA^inced that it was not written in Bedford Jail. Indeed, I could almost wish that my own theory should be upset. It is introduced by no " flourish of trumpets ;" for, much as I love the Cottage at Elstow, I venerate the memory of the old Jail more ; and, somehow, do so still. But " Facts are chiels that winna dyig." It is, however, also the fact, that the Pilgrim w^as both designed and dreamt of in Prison. It became an Allegory at Elstow ; but, as a Vision, Bedford Jail w^as its Patmos. Nothing is more obvious to me, after much and long research, than its perfect independence of any one or more of Bunyan's other Works. There is, in most of those which preceded it, what he would call, " a hankering" after a living form of the Spiritual Pilgrimage ; and this design both took some features from what he had w^ritten in Jail, and gave some features to what he wrote lii A CURONOLOGICAL CRITIQUE, &C. on coming out ; but these Works owe far more to his secret purpose, than the Pilgrim owes to them. In a word, the Pilgrim's Progress is related to them, just as Milton's Paradise Lost is to his prose Works. B.OBEBT Philip. Maberley Cottage, Dalston, bth November 1845. THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF : WITH THE CAUSES OP THE LOSING IT. GREATiN^ESS OF THE SOUL. UNSPEAKABLElSrESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF ; WITH THE CAUSES OF THE LOSING IT. PREACHED AT PINNERS-HALL. " Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul 9" — Mark, viii. 37. I HAVE chosen at this time to handle these words among you, and that for several reasons — 1. Because the soul, and the salvation of it, are such great, such wonderful great things ; nothing is a matter of that concern as is, and should be, the soul of each one of you. House and land, trades and honours, places and preferments, what are they to salva- tion, to the salvation of the soul ? 2. Because I perceive that this so great a thing, and about which persons should he so much concerned, is neglected to amazement, and that by the most of men ; yea, who is there of the many thou- sands that sit daily under the sound of the gospel that are concerned, heartily concerned, about the salvation of their souls ? — that is, concerned, I say, as the nature of the thing requireth. If ever a lamentation was fit to be taken up in this age about, for, or concerning anything, it is about, for, and concerning the horrid neglect that everywhere puts A 2 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND forth itself with reference to eternal salvation. Where is one man of a thousand — yea, where is there two of ten thousand that do shew hy their conversation, puhlic and private, that the soul, their own souls, are considered hy them, and that they are taking that care for the salvation of them as becomes them ? — to wit, as the weight of the work and the nature of salvation requireth. 3. I have there- fore pitched upon this text at this time to see if peradven- ture the discourse which God shall help me to make upon it will awaken ^'ou, rouse you off of your beds of ease, se- curity, and pleasure, and fetch you down upon your knees before him, to beg of him grace to be concerned about the salvation of your souls. And then, in the last place, I have taken upon me to do this, that I may deliver, if not you, 3'et myself, and that I may be clear of your blood, and stand quit, as to you, before God, when you shall for ne- glect be damned, and wail to consider that you have lost your souls, Ezek. iii. 18, 19. When I say, saith God to the wicked, thou shalt surely die, and thou the prophet or preacher givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the^ wicked from his wicked way to save his life, the same \yicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at thy hand. Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul. " Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" In my handling of these words, I shall first speak to the occasion of them, and then to the words themselves. The occasion of the words was, for that the people that now were auditors to the Lord Jesus, and that followed him, did it without that consideration as becomes so great a work — that is, the generality of inem that followed him were not for considering iirst with themselves what it was to profess Christ, and what that profession miglit cost them. " And when he had called the })eople unto him," the great multitude that went with him (Luke, xiv. 25), " with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after CNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF, 3 me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me," ver. 34. Let him first sit down and count up the cost Rnd the charge he is like to be at, if he follow me ; for fol- lowing of me is not like following of some other masters. The winds sit always on my face, and the foaming rage of the sea of this world, and the proud and lofty waves thereof, do continually heat upon the sides of the bark or ship that myself, my cause, and my followers are in ; he there- fore that will not run hazards, and that is afraid to venture a drowning, let him not set foot into this vessel. " So Avho- soever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, he cannot be my disciple. For which of 3"ou, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first and counteth the cost, whether he have suflicient to finish it ?" Luke, xiv. 15, 26-29. True, to reason this kind of language tends to cast water upon weak and beginning desires, but to faith it makes the things set before us, and the greatness, and the glory of them, more apparently excellent and desirable. Reason will say, Then who will profess Christ that hath such coarse entertainment at the beginning ? but faith will say. Then surely the things that are at the end of a Christian's race in this world must needs be unspeakably glorious, since whoever hath had but the knowledge and due consideration of them have not stuck to run hazards, hazards of every kind, that they might embrace and enjoy them. Yea, saitli faith, it must needs be so, since the Son himself, that best knew what they were, even " for the joy that was set be- fore him, endured the cross, and despised the shame, and is set do^^1l on the right hand of the throne of God," Heb. xii. 2. But, I say, there is not in every man this knowledge of things, and so by consequence not such consideration as can make the cross and self-denial acceptable to them for the sake of Christ, and of the things that are where he now sit- teth at the right hand of God (Col. ii. 2-4) ; therefore oui Lord Jesus doth even at the beginning give to his followers this instruction. And lest any of them should take distaste at his saying, he presenteth them with the consideration of 4 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND three things together — namely, the cross, the loss of life, and the soul ; and then reasoneth with them for the same, saying, Here is the cross, the life, and the soul. 1, The cross ; and that you must take up, if you will follow me. 2. The life ; and that you may save for a time, if you cast me off. 3. And the soul ; which will everlastingly perish if you come not to me, and abide not with me, Now con- sider what is best to be done. Will you take up the cross, come after me, and so preserve your souls from perishing ? or will you shun the cross to save your lives, and so run the danger of eternal damnation ? or, as you have it in John, will you love your life till you lose it ? or will you hate your life, and save it ? " He that loveth his life shall lose it, and he that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal," John, xii. 25. As who should say, He that loveth a temporal life, he that so loveth it as to shun the profession of Christ to save it, shall lose it upon a worse account than if he had lost it for Christ and the gospel ; but he that will set light by it, for the love that he hath to Christ, shall keep it unto life eternal. Christ having thus discoursed Avith his followers about their denying of themselves, their taking up their cross and following him, doth in the next place put the question to them, and so leaveth it upon them for ever, saying, " For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ?"' ver. 36. As who should say, I have bid you take heed that you do not lightly, and without due consideration, enter into a profession of me and of my gos- pel (for he that without due consideration shall begin to profess Christ, will also without it forsake him, turn from him, and cast him behind his back) ; and since I have, even at the beginning, laid the considci-ation of the cross before you, it is because you should not be surprised and overtaken by it unawares, and l)ecause you should know that to draw back from me after you have laid your hand to my plough, will make you unfit for the kingdom of hea- ven, Luke, X. 62. Now, since this is so, there is no less lies at stake than salvation, and salvation is v^-orth all the UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 6 world, yea, worth ten thousand worlds, if there should be so many. And since this is so also, it will be your wisdom to begin to profess the Gospel with expectation of the cross and tribulation, for to that are my gospellers in this world appointed, 2 Thess. iii. 3. And if you begin thus, and hold it, the kingdom and crown shall be yours ; for as God count- eth it a righteous thing to recompense trilHilation to them that troultle you, so to you who are troubled, and endure it, (for we count them happy, says James, that endure, James, v. 11) rest with the saints, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his migiity augCiS in flaming fire, to take vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel, &c., 2 Thess. 1. 7. And if no less lies at stake than salvation, then is a man's soul and his all at the stake ; and if it be so, what will it profit a man if, by forsaking of me, he should get the whole world 1 " For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul V Having thus laid the soul in one balance, and the world in the other, and affirmed that the soul outbids the whole world, and is incomparably for value and worth beyond it ; in the next place, he descends to a second question (which is that I have chosen at this time for my text), saying, " Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" In these words, we have first a supposition, and such an one as standeth upon a double bottom. The supposition is this — That the soul is capable of being lost ; or thus — It is possible for a man to lose his soul. The double bottom that this supposition is grounded upon is, ]. A man's ignorance of the worth of his soul, and of the danger that il is in ; and the second is, for that men com- monly do set a higher price upon present ease and enjoy- ments than they do upon eternal salvation. The last of these doth naturally follow upon the first ; for if men be ignorant of the value and worth of their souls, as by Christ in the verse before is implied, what should hinder but that men should set a higher esteem upon that with which their carnal desires are taken, than upon that about which 6 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND they are not concerned, and of which they know not the worth ? But again, as this by the text is clearly supposed, so there is also something implied — namely, tliat it is impossible to possess some men with the worth of their souls until they are utterly and everlastingly lost. " What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" That is, men when their souls are lost, and shut down under the hatches in the pits and hells in endless perdition and destruction, then they will see the worth of their souls, then they will consider what they have lost, and truly not till then. This is plain, not only to sense, but by the natural scope of the words, " What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" Or what would not those that are now for sin made to see themselves lost, by the light of hell-fire (for some will never be convinced that they are lost till, with rich Dives, they see it in the light of hell-flames) ; I say, what would not such, if they had it (Luke, xvi. 22, 23), give in exchange for their im- mortal souls, or to recover them again from that place and torment ? 1. The first is, that the loss of the soul is the highest, the greatest loss — a loss that can never be repaired or made up. " What shall a man give in exchange for his soul V — that is, to recover or redeem his lost soul to liberty. I shall observe two truths in the words. 2. The second truth is this, that how unconcerned and careless soever some now be about the loss or salvation of their souls, yet the day is coming (but it will then be too late) when men will be willing, had they never so much, to give it all in exchange for their souls. For so the ques- tion implies — " What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" What ^^■ould he not give 1 What would he not ])art with at that day, the day in which he shall see him- self damned, if he had it, in exchange for his soul ? The first observation, or truth, drawn from the Avords is cleared by the text, " What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" — that is, there is not any thing, nor all the things under heaven, were they all in one man's hand, ana TJNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 7 all at his disposal, that would go in exchange for the soul, that vv'ould be of value to fetch back one lost soul, or that Avould certainly recover it from the confines of hell. " The redemption of the soul is precious, it ceaseth for ever," Psalm xlix. 3. And what saith the words before the text but the same — " For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ?" What shall profit a man that has lost his soul ? Nothing at all, though he hath by that loss gained the whole world ; for all the world is not worth a soul, not worth a soul in the eye of God and judgment of the law. And it is from this consi- deration that good Elihu cautioneth Job to take heed, " Be- cause there is wrath," saith he, " beware, lest he take thee away with his stroke : then a great ransom cannot deliver thee. Will he esteem thy riches ? no, not gold, nor all the forces of strength," Job, xxxvi. 18, 19. Riches and power, what is there more in the world ? for money answereth all things — that is, all but soul-concerns. It can neither be a price for souls while here, nor can that, with all the forces of strength, recover one out of hell-fire. DocT. 1. — So, then, the first truth drawn from the words stands firm — namely, that the loss of the soul is the highest, the greatest loss, a loss that can never be repaired or made up. In my discourse upon this subject I shall observe this method — I. I shall shew you what the soul is. II. I shall shew you the greatness of it. III. I shall shew you what it is to lose the soul. IV. I shall shew you the cause for which men lose their souls ; and by this time the greatness of the loss will be manifest. I. I shall shew you what the soul is, both as to the various names it goes under, as also by describing of it by its powers and properties, though in all I sliall be but brief, for I intend no long discourse. 1. The soul is often called the heart of man, or that in and by which things, to either good or evil, have their rise; 8 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND thus desires are of the heart or soul ; 3^ea, before desires, the first conception of good or evil is in the soul, the heart. The heart understands, wills, affects, reasons, judges, but these are the faculties of the soul ; wherefore heart and soul are often taken for one and the same. '' My son, give me thy heart. Out of the heart proceedeth evil thoughts," &c., Prov, xxiii.26 ; Matt. xv. 19 ; 1 Peter, iii. 15 ; Psalm xxvi. 6. 2. The soul of man is often called the spirit of a man, because it not only giveth being, but life to all things and actions in and done by him. Hence soul and spirit are put together as to the same action — " With my soul have I de- sired thee in the night, yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early" (Isaiah, xxvi. 9) ; when he saith, " Yea, with my spirit I will seek thee," he explaineth not only with what kind of desires he desired God, but with what principal matter his desires were brought forth : it was with my soul, saith he ; to wit, with my spirit within me. So, that of Mary, " My soul," saith she, " doth magnify the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in GoK my Saviour ;" not that soul and spirit are in this place to be taken for two superior powers in man ; but the same great soul is here put under two names or terms, to shew that it was the principal part in Mary — to wit, her soul, that magnified God, even that part that could spirit and put life into her whole self to do it. Indeed, sometimes spirit is not taken so largely, but is confined to some one power or faculty of the soul, as " the spirit of my understanding ; and be re- newed in the spirit of your mind" (Job, xx. 3) ; and some- times by spirit we are to understand other things : but many times by spirit we must understand the soul, and also by soul the spirit. 3. Therefore, by soul Ave understand the spiritual, the best, and most noble part of man, as distinct from the body, even that by which we understand, imagine, reason, and discourse. And indeed (as I shall further shew you pre- sently), the body is but a poor empty vessel without this great thing called the soul. " The body without the spirit, or soul, is dead" (James, ii. 26), or nothing but a clod of UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 9 dust (her soul departed from her, for she died.) It is therefore the chief and most noble part of man. 4. The soul is often called the life of man, not a life of the same stamp and nature of the brute ; for the life of man — that is, of the rational creature — is that, as he is such, wherein consisteth and abideth the understanding and conscience, &c. Wherefore then a man dieth, or the body ceaseth to act, or live in the exercise of the thoughts, which formerly used to be in him, when the soul departeth, as I hinted even now ; her soul departed from her, for she died ; and as another good man saith, " in that very day their thouglits perish," ike, Psalm cxlvi. 4. The first text is more emphatical : " Her soul was in departing" (for she died.) There is soul of a beast, a bird, &c., but the soul of a man is another thing ; it is his understanding, and reason, and conscience. Sec. And this soul, when it departs, he dies. Nor is this life, when gone out of the body, annihi- lated, as in the life of a beast ; no, this in itself is immortal, and has yet a place and being when gone out of the body it dwelt in ; yea, as quick, as lively is it in its senses, if not far more abundant, than when it was in the body ; but I call it the life, because so long as that remains in the body, the body is not dead. And in this sense it is to be taken where he saith, " He that loseth his life for my sake, shall save it unto life eternal ;" and this is the soul that is intended in the text, and not the breath, as in some other places is meant. And this is evident, because the man has a being, a sensible being, after he has lost the soul ; I mean not by the man a man in this world, nor yet in the body, or in the grave ; but by man Ave must understand either the soul in hell, or body and soul there after the judgment is over. And for this the text also is plain, for therein we are presented with a man sensible of the damage that he has sustained by losing of his soul : " What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" But, 5. The whole man goeth under this denomination ; man, consisting of body and soul, is yet called by that part of himself that is most chief and principal. " Let every soul 10 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND (that is, let every man) be subject to the higher powers," Rom. xiii. 1. " Then sent Joseph, and called his father Jacob to him, and all his kindred, threescore and fifteen souls," Acts, vii. 14. By both these, and several other places, the whole man is meant, and is also so to be taken in the text ; for whereas here he saith, " What shall it pro- lit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul ?" it is said elsewhere, " For what is a man ad- vantaged if he shall gain the whole world and lose him- self ?" and so consequently, or, " What shall a man give in exchange (for himself) for his soul ?" (Luke, ix. 25) his soul when he dies, and body and soul in and after judgment ? 6. The soul is called the good man's darling. " Deliver, Lord," said David, " my soul from the sword, my darling fi-om the power of the dog," Psalm xxii. 20. So again in another place, he saith, " Lord, how long wilt thou look on ? rescue my soul fi-om destruction, my darling fi-om the power of the lions," Psalm xxxv. 17. ,My darling — this sentence must not be applied universally, but only to those in whose eyes their souls, and the redemption thereof, is precious. My darling — most men do by their actions say of their soul, my drudge, my slave ; nay, thou slave to the devil and sin ; for what sin, what lust, what sensual and beastly lust is there in the world that some do not cause their souls to bow before and yield unto ? But David here, as you see, calls it his darling, or his choice and most ex- cellent thing ; for indeed the soul is a choice thing in itself, and should, were all wise, be every man's darling, or chief treasure. And that^t might be so with us, therefore our Lord Jesus hath thus expressed the worth of the soul, saying, " What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" But if this is true, one may see already what misery he is like to sustain that has, or shall lose his soul ; he has lost his heart, his spirit, his best part, his life, his'darling, him- self, his whole self, and so in every sense his all ? " And now Avhat shall a man," what would a man, but what can a man that has thus lost his soul, himself, and his all, " give in exchange for his soul ?" Yea, what sliall the man that UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 11 has sustained this loss do to recover all again, since this man, or the man put under this question, must needs he a man that is gone from hence, a man that is cast in the judgment, and one that is gone down the throat of hell. But to pass tliis, and to proceed. I come next to de- scribe the soul unto you by such things as it is set out by in the Holy Scriptures, and they are in general three — I. The powers of the soul. II. The senses, the spiritual senses of the soul. III. The passions of the soul. I. We will discourse of the powers, I may call them the members, of the soul ; for as the members of the body, being many, do all go to the making up of the body, so these do go to the completing of the soul. 1. There is the understanding ; which may be termed the head, because in that is placed the eye of the soul ; and this is that which, or by which the soul, discerning things that are presented to it, and that either by God or Satan — this is, that by which a man conceiveth and apprehendetli things so deep and great that cannot by mouth, or tongue, or pen, be expressed. 2. There is also belonging to the soul, the conscience, in which I may say is placed the seat of judgment ; for as by the imderstanding things are let into the soul, so by the conscience the evil or good of such things are tried, espe- cially when in thee. 3. Place the judgment, which is another part of this noble creature, has passed by the light of the understanding, his verdict upon what is let into the soul. 4. There is, as also the fancy or imagination, another part of this great thing, the soul ; and a most curious thing this fancy is ; it is that which presenteth to the man the idea, form, or figure of that, or any of those things, where- with a man is frighted or taken, pleased or displeased. And, 5. The mind (another part of the soul) is that unto which this fancy presenteth its things to be considered of, because without the mind nothing is entertained in the soul. 6. There is the memory too, another part of the soul ; and 12 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND that may be called the register of the soul ; for it is the memory that receiveth and keepeth in remembrance what has passed, or has been done by the man, or attempted to be done unto him ; and in this part of the soul, or from it, will be fed the worm that dieth not when men are cast into hell ; also from this memory will flow that peace at the day of judgment that saints shall have in their service for Christ in the world. 7. There are the affections too, which are, as I may call them, the hands and arms of the soul ; for they are they that take hold of, receive, and embrace what is liked by the soul ; and it is a hard thing to make tlie soul of a man cast from it what its affections cleave to and have embraced. Hence the affections are called for when the apostle bids men " seek the things above ; set your affections upon them," saith he (Col. iii.) ; or, as you have it in another place, " Lay hold of them ;" for the affections are as hands to the soul, and they by which it fasteneth upon things. 8. There is the will, which may be called the foot of the soul, because by that soul, yea, the whole man, is carried hither and thither, or else held back and kept from moving. These are the golden things of the soul, though in carnal men they are every one of them made use of in the service of sin and Satan. For the unbelieving are throughout im- pure, as is manifest, because their " mind and conscience (two of the masterpieces of the soul) are defiled" (Tit. i. 15) ; for if the most potent parts of the soul are engaged in their service, what, think you, do the more inferior do 1 But, I say, so it is ; the more is the pity ; nor can any help it. " This work ceaseth for ever," unless the great God, who is over all, and can save souls, shall himself take upon him to sanctify the soul, and to recover it, and per- suade it to fall in love with another master. But, I say, what is man without this soul, or wherein lieth his pre-eminence over a beast 1 (Eccles. iii. 19-21) ; nowhere that I know of ; for both (as to man's body) go to one place, only the spirit or soul of a man goes upward — to wit, to God that gave it, to be by him disposed of with UNSPEAKABLEIVESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. lli respect to things to come, as they have been and have done in this life. But, II. I come, in the next place, to describe the soul by its senses, its spiritual senses, for so I call them ; for as the body hath senses pertaining to it, and as it can see, hear, smell, feel, and taste, so can the soul ; I call, therefore, these the senses of the soul, in opposition to the senses of the body, and because the soul is the seat of all spiritual sense, where supernatural things are knowTi and enjoyed ; not that the soul of a natural man is spiritual in the apostle's sense, for so none are but those that are born from above (1 Cor. iii. 1-3), nor they so always neither. But to go forward. 1. Can the body see ? hath it eyes 1 so hath the soul. " The eyes of the understanding being enlightened," Ephes. i. 18. As, then, the body can see beasts, trees, men, and all visible things, so the soul can see God, Christ, angels, heaven, devils, hell, and other things that are invisible ; nor is this property only peculiar to the souls that are illumi- nated by the Holy Ghost, for the most carnal soul in the world shall have a time to see these things, but not to its comfort, but not to its joy, but to its endless woe and misery, it dying in that condition. Wherefore, sinner, say not thou, " I shall not see him ; for judgment is before him, and he will make thee see him," Job, xxxv. 14. 2. Can the body hear ? hath it ears ? so hath the soul ; see Job, iv. 12, 13. It is the soul, not the body, that hears the language of things invisible. It is the soul that hears God when he speaks in and by his word and Spirit ; and it is the soul that hears the devil when he speaks by his illusions and temptations. True, there is such an union between the soul and the body that ofttimes, if not always, that which is heard by the ears of the body doth influence the soul, and that which is heard by the soul doth also influence the body ; but yet as to the organ of hearing, the body hath one of his own distinct from that of the soul, and the soul can hear and regard even then when the body doth not nor cannot ; as in time of sleep 14 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND deep sleep and trances, when the body lieth by as a thing that is useless. " For God speaks once, yea twice, yet man (as to his body) perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a A-ision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men in slum- Ijerings upon the bed ; then openeth he the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction," &c., Job, xxxiii. 3 4-lG. This must be meant of the ears of the soul, not of the body ; for that at this time is said to be in deep sleep ; moreover, this hearing, it is a hearing of dreams, and the visions of the night. Jeremiah also tells us that he " had the rare and blessed visions of God in his sleep" (Jer. xxxi. 26), and so doth Daniel too, by the which they were greatly comfoi-ted and refreshed ; but that could not be, w^as not the soul also capable of hearing. " I heard the voice of his words," said Daniel, " and when I heard the voice of his words, I was in a deep sleep on my face, and my face to- wards the ground," Dan. x. 8, 9. 3. As the soul can see and hear, so it can taste and relish, even as really as doth the palate belonging to the body. But then the thing so tasted must be that which is suited to the temper and palate of the soul. The soul's taste lieth not in, nor is exercised about meats, the meats that are for the body. Yet the soul of a saint can taste and relish God's word, and doth ofttimes find it sweeter than honey, nour- ishing as milk, and strengthening like to strong meat, Heb. vi. 5 ; Psalm xix. 10 ; 1 Peter, ii. 1-3 ; Heb. v. 12-14. The soul also of sinners, and of those that are unsanctified, can taste and relish, though not the things now mentioned, yet things that agree with their fleshly minds, and with their polluted, and defiled, and vile affections. They can i-elish and taste that which delighteth them ; yea, they can find soul-delight in an alehouse, a whorehouse, a playhouse. Ay, they find pleasure in the vilest things, in the things most offensive to God, and that are most destructive to themselves. This is evident to sense, and is proved by the daily practice of sinners. Nor is the word barren as to this : " They feed on ashes," Isaiah, xliv. 20, " They spend tlieir money for that which is not bread," Isaiah, Iv. 2. UNSPEAKABLENESB OF THE LOSS THEHEOP. 15 " Yea, they eat, and suck sweetness out of sin. They eat M\) the sin of my people as they eat bread," Hosea, iv. 8. 4, As the soul can see, hear, and taste, so it can smell, and bring refreshment to itself that way. Hence the church saith, " Her lingers dropped with sweet-smelling myrrh" (Cant. v. 5, 13); and again, she saith of her be- loved, that " his lips dropped sweet-smelling myrrh." But how came the church to understand this, but because her soul did smell that in it that was to be smelled in it, even in his word and gracious visits, The poor world indeed cannot smell, or savour anything of the good and fragrant scent and sweet that is in Christ ; but to them that be- lieve " his name is as an ointment poured forth, and there- fore the virgins love him," Cant. i. 3. 5. As the soul can see, taste, hear, and smell, so it hath the sense of feeling, as quick and as sensible as the body. He knows nothing that knows not this ; he whose soul is past feeling, has his conscience seared with a hot iron, Eph. iv. 18, 19 ; 1 Tim. iv, 2. Nothing so sensible as the soul, nor feeleth so quickly the love and mercy, or the anger and wrath of God. Ask the awakened man, or the man that is under the convictions of the law, if he doth not feel, and he will quickly tell you that he faints and dies away by reason of God's hand, and his wrath that lieth upon him. Read the first eight verses of the 38th Psalm (if thou knowest nothing of what I have told thee by experience), and there thou shalt hear the complaints of one whose soul lay at present under the burden of guilt, and that cried out that without help from heaven he could by no means bear the same. They also that know what the peace of God means, and what an eternal weight there is in glory, know well that the soul has the sense of feeling, as well as the sense of seeing, hearing, tasting, and smelling. But thus much for the senses of the soul. III. I come, in the next place, to describe the soul by tJie passions of the soul. The passions of the soul, I reckon, are these, and such like — to wit, love, hatred, joy, fear, grief, anger, &c. And these passions of the soul are not therefore 16 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND good, nor therefore evil, because they are the passions of the soul, but are made so by two things—to wit, principle and object. The prmciple I count that from whence they flow, and the object that upon which they are pitched. To ex- plain myself. 1. For that of love. This is a strong passion ; the Holy Ghost saith " it is strong as death, and cruel a3 the grave," Cant. viii. 6, 7. And it is then good, when it flows from faith, and pitches itself upon God in Christ as the object, and when it extendeth itself to all that is good, whether it be the good word, the good work of grace, or the good men that have it, and also to their good lives. But all soul love floweth not from this principle, neither hath these for its object. How many are there that make the object of their love the most vile of men, the most base of things, because it flows from vile aff^ections, and from the lusts of the flesh ] God and Christ, good laws and good men, and their holy lives, they cannot abide, because their love wanteth a prin- ciple that should sanctify it in its firSt motion, and that should steer it to a goodly object. But that is the first. 2. There is hatred, which I count another passion of the soul ; and this, as the other, is good or evil as the principle from whence it flows and the object of it are. " Ye that love the Lord, hate evil" (Psalm xcvii. 10 ); then therefore is this passion good, when it singleth out from the many of things that are in the world that one filthy thing called sin ; and when it setteth itself, the soul, and the whole man, against it, and engageth all the powers of the soul to seek and invent its ruin. But, alas, where shall this hatred be found 1 What man is there whose soul is filled with his passion, thus sanctified by the love of God, and that makes sin, which is God's enemy, the only object of its in- dignation 1 How many be there, I say, whose hatred is turned another way, because of the malignity of their minds 1 They hate knowledge, Deut. vii. 10; 2 Chron. xix. 2; Psalm, xxxiv. 21 ; Job, xxi. 14 ; Mai. iii. 14 ; Prov. i. 22; viii. 12 ; xxix, 10. UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 17 They hate God. They hate the righteous. They hate God's ways. And all is, because the grace of final fear is not the root and principle from whence their hatred flows, " For the fear of the Lord is to hate evil ;" wherefore, where this grace is wanting for a root in the soul, there it must of necessity swerve in the letting out of this passion ; because the soul, where grace is wanting, is not at liberty to act simply, but is biassed by the power of sin, that, while grace is absent, is present in the soul. And hence it is that this passion (which when acted well is a virtue) is so abused, and made to exercise its force against that for which God never ordained it, nor gave it licence to act. 3. Another passion of the soul is joy ; and when the soul rejoiceth not in iniquity, " but rejoiceth in the truth" (1 Cor. xiii. 6), this joy is a very strong passion, and will carry a man through a world of difficulties ; it is a passion that beareth up, that supporteth and strengtheneth a man, let the o})ject of his joy be what it will. It is this that maketh the soul fat in goodness, if it have its object accordingly ; and that which makes the soul bold in wickedness, if it indeed doth rejoice in iniquity. 4. Another passion of the soul is fear, natural fear ; for so you must understand me of all the passions of the soul, as they are considered simply and in their own nature. And as it is with the other passions, so it is with this ; it is made good or evil in its acts as its principle and objects are ; when this passion of the soul is good, then it springs from a sens? of the greatness, and goodness, and majesty of God ; also God himself is the object of this fear — Matt, x. 28 ; Luke xii, 5, " I will forewarn you," says Christ, " whom ye shall fear. Fear him that can destroy both body and soul in hell ; yea, I say unto you, fear him," But in all men this passion is not regulated and governed by these principles and objects, but is abused and turned, through the policy of Satan, quite into another channel. It is 18 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND (Num. xiv. 9 ; 2 Kings, xvii. 7, 38) made to fear men, to fear idols, to fear devils and Avitches, yea, it is made to fear all tlie foolish, ridiculous, and apish fables that every old woman or atheistical fortune-teller has tlie face to drop be- fore the soul. But godly fear is another passion of the soul. 5. Another passion of the soul is grief, and it, as those aforenamed, acteth even according as it is governed. When holiness is lovely and beautiful to the soul, and when the name of Christ is more precious than life, then will the soul sit down and be afflicted, because men keep not God's law. " I beheld the transgressors, and was grieved ; because they kept not thy word," Psalm cxix. 158. So Christ, he looked round about with anger, " being grieved for the hardness of their hearts," Mark, iii. 5. But it is rarely seen that this passion of the soul is thus exercised. Almost everybody has other things for the spending of the heat of this passion upon. Men are grieved that they thrive no more in the world ; grieved that they have no more^ carnal, sensual, and worldly honour ; grieved that they are suffered no more to range in the lusts and vanities of this life ; but all this is because the soul is unacquainted with God, sees no beauty in holiness, but is sensual, and wrapped up in clouds and thick darkness. 6. And lastly, There is anger, which is another passion of the soul ; and that, as the rest, is extended by the soul, according to the nature of the principle by which it is acted, and from whence it flows. And, in a word, to speak nothing of the fierceness and power of this passion, it is then cursed when it breaketh out beyond the bounds that God hath set it, the which to be sure it doth when it shall by its fierceness or irregular motion run the soul into sin. " Be angry, and sin not," (Ephes. iv. 26, 27), it is the limi- tation wherewith God hath bounded this passion ; and what- ever is more than this, is a giving place to the devil. And one reason among others why the Lord doth so strictly set this bound, and these limits to anger, is, for that it is so furious a passion, and for that it will so quickly swell up the soul with sin. as they say a toad swells with UXSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 19 its poison. Yea, it will in a moment so transport the spirit of a man, that he shall quickly forget himself, his God, his friend, and all good rule. But my business is not now to make a comment upon the passions of the soul, only to shew you that there are such, and also which they are. And now from this description of the soul, what follows but to put you in mind what a noble, powerful, lively, sen- sible thing the soul is that by the text is supposed may be lost, through the heedlessness, or carelessness, or slavish fear of him whose soul it is ; and also to stir you up to that care of, and labour after, the salvation of your soul, as becomes the weight of the matter. If the soul were a tri- vial thing, or if a man, though he lost it, might yet him- self be happy, it were another matter ; but the loss of the soul is no small loss, nor can that man that has lost his soul, had he all the world, yea, the whole kingdom of hea- ven, in his own power, be but in a most fearful and miser- able condition. But of these things more in their place. II. Having thus given you a description of the soul, what it is, I shall, in the next place, shew you the greatness of it. And the first thing that I shall take occasion to make this manifest by will be by shewing you the disproportion that is betwixt that and the hody ; and I shall do it in these fol- lowing particulars — 1. The body is called the house of the soul, a house for the soul to dwell in. Now everybody knows that the house is much inferior to him that by God's ordinance is ap- pointed to dwell therein ; that it is called the house of the soul, you find in Paul to the Corinthians : " For we know," saith he, '' if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dis- solved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens," 2 Cor. v. 1. We have, then, a house for our soul in this Avorld, and this house is the body, for the apostle can mean nothing else ; therefore he calls it an earthly house. If our earthly house — our house. But who doth he personate if he says, This is a house for the soul ? for the body is part of him that says, our house. In this manner of language he personates his soul with 20 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND the souls of the rest that are saved ; and thus to do is com- mon Avith the apostles, as will be easily discerned by them that give attendance to reading. Our earthly houses ; or, as Job saith, " houses of clay," for our bodies are bodies of clay : " Your remembrances are like unto ashes, your bodies are bodies of clay," Job, iv. 19 ; xiii. 12. Indeed, he after maketh mention of a house in heaven, but that is not it about which he now speaks ; now he speaks of this earthly house which we have (we, our souls) to dwell in, while on this side glory, where the other house stands as ready pre- pared for us when Ave shall flit from this to that, or in case this should sooner or later be dissolved. But that is the first ; the body is compared to the house, but the soul to him that inhabiteth the house ; therefore, as the man is more noble than the house he dwells in, so is the soul more noble than the body. And A^et, alas ! Avith grief be it spoken, hoAV common is it for men to spend all their care, all their time, all their strength, all their, Avit and parts for the body, and its honour and preferment, even as if the soul were some poor, pitiful, sorry, inconsiderable, and under- thing, not Avorth the thinking of, or not Avorth the caring for. But, 2, The body is called the clothing, and the soul that which is clothed thereAvith. Noav everybody knoAvs that the body is more than raiment, CA^en carnal sense Avill teach us this. But read that pregnant place : " for Ave that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened (tliat is, Avith mortal flesh), not for that Ave Avould be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be SAvalloAved up of life." Thus the greatness of the soul appears in the j^re- ference that it hath to the body — the body is its raiment. We see that, above all creatures, man, because he is the most noble among all visible ones, has for the adorning of his body that more abundant comeliness. It is the body of man, not of beast, that is clothed Avith the richest orna- ments. But noAv Avhat a thing is the soul, that the body itself must be its clothing ! No suit of apparel is by God thought good enough for the soul but that which is made UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 21 by God himself, and that is that curious thing the body. But oh ! how little is this considered — namely the great- ness of the soul. It is the body, the clothes, the suit of apparel, that our foolish fancies are taken with, not at all considering the richness and excellency of that great and more noble part, the soul, for which the body is made a mantle to wrap it up in, a garment to clothe it withal. If a man gets a rent in his clothes, it is little in comparison of a rent in his flesh ; yea, he comforts himself when he looks on that rent, saying. Thanks be to God, it is not a rent in my flesh. But ah ! on the contrary, how many are there in the world that are more troubled for that they have a rent, a wound, or a disease in the body, than for that they have souls that will be lost and cast away. A little rent in the body dejecteth and casteth such down, but they _^are not at all concerned, though their soul is now, and will yet further be, torn in pieces. " Now therefore consider this, ye that forget God, lest he tear you in pieces, and there is none to deliver," Psalm 1. 22. But this is the second thing whereby, or by which, the greatness of the soul appears — to wit, in that the body, that excellent piece of God's workmanship, is but a garment, or clothing, for the soul. But, 3. The body is called a vessel, or a case, for the soul to be put and kept in. " That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour," 1 Thess. iv. 4. The apostle here doth exhort the people to abstain from fornication, wliich in another place he saith, '* is a sin against the body." And here again he saith, '' This is the will of God, your sanctification, that you should abstain from fornication, that the body be not de- filed, that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour." His vessel, his earthen vessel, as he calls it in another place — " For we have this treasure in earthen vessels." Thus, then, the body is called a vessel ; yea, every man's body is his vessel. But what has God prepared this vessel for, and what has he put into it ? Why, many things this body is to be a vessel for, 22 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND Lut at present God has put into it that curious thing, the soul. Cabinets, that are very rich and costly things of themselves, are not made nor designed to he vessels to be stuffed or filled with trumpery and things of no value ; no, these are prepared for rings and jewels, for pearls, for rubies, and things that are choice. And if so, what sliall we then think of the soul for which it is prepared, and that of God, the most rich and excellent vessel in the world ? Surely it must be a thing of worth, yea, of more worth than is the whole world besides. But, alas ! who believes this talk ? Do not even the most of men so set their minds upon and so admire the glory of this case or vessel, that they forget once with seriousness to think, and therefore must of necessity be a great way off, of those suitable esteems that becomes them to have of their souls 1 But oh, since this vessel, this cabinet, this body, is so curiously made, and that to receive and contain, what thing is that for Avhich God has made his vessel, and what is that soul that he hath piit into it ? Wherefore thus, in the third place, is the greatness of the soul made manifest, even by the ex- cellency of the vessel, the body, that God has made to put it in. 4. The body is called a tabernacle for the soul. " Know- ing shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, that is, my body, by death," 2 Pet. i. 14 ; John, xxi. 18, 19 ; 2 Cor. v. 1. So again, " For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God," ^'c. In both these places, by " tabernacle" can be meant nothing hut the body ; wherefore both the apostles in these sentences do personate their souls, and speak as if the eoul was the all of a man ; yea, they plainly tell us that the body is but the house, clothes, vessel, and tabemacle for the souls. But Avhat a famous thing therefore is the soul ! The tabemacle of old was a place erected for worship, but the worshi])pers were far more excellent than the place ; so our body is a tabemacle for the soul to worship God in, but must needs be accounted much inferior to the soul, for- asmuch as the worshippers are always of more honour than UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEKEOF. 23 the place they worship in ; as he that dwelleth in the ta- bernacle hath more honour than the taheniacle " I serve," says Paul, " God and Christ Jesus with my spirit (or soul) in the Gospel" (Rom. i. 9), but not with his spirit out of, but in, this tabernacle. The tabernacle had insti-uments of worship for the worshippers ; so has the body for the soul, and we are bid to " yield our members as instruments of righteousness unto God," Rom. vi. 13. The hands, feet, ears, eyes, and tongue (which last is our glory, when used right), are all of them instruments of this tabernacle, and to be made use of by the soul, the inhabiter of this taber- nacle, for the soul's performance of the service of God. I thus discoui-se to shew you the greatness of the soul. And in mine opinion there is something, if not very much, in what I say. For all men admire the body, both for its manner of building and the curious way of its being com- pacted together. Yea, the further men, wise men, do pry into the wonderful work of God that is put forth in framing the body, the more still they are made to admire ; and yet, as I said, this body is but a house, a mantle, a vessel, a tabernacle for the soul. What, then, is the soul itself? But thus much for the first particular. Secondly, We will now come to other things that shew us the greatness of the soul. And, 1, It is called God's breath of life. " And the Lord God formed man," that is, the body, " of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and he became a living soul," Gen. ii. 7. Do but compare these two together, the body and the soul ; the body is made of dust, the soul is the breath of God. Now if God hath made this body so famous, as indeed he has, and yet it is made but of the dust of the ground, and we all do know what inferioi* matter that is, what is the soul, since the body is not only its house and garment, but since itself is made of the breath of God ] But further, it is not only said that the soul is of the breath of the Lord, but that the Lord breathed into him the breath of life — to wit, a living spirit, for so the next words infer — " And man became a living souL" Man, 24 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND that is, the more excellent part of him, which for that it is principal it is called man, that bearing the denomination of the whole ; or man, the spirit and natural power, by which, as a reasonable creature, the whole of him is acted, '%ecame a living soul." But I stand not here upon definition, but upon demonstration. The body, that noble part of man, had its original from the dust ; for so says the word, " Dust thou art (as to thy body), and to dust shalt thou return," Gen. iii. 19. But as to thy more noble part, thou art from the breath of God, God putting forth in that a mighty work of creating power, " and man was made a living soul," 1 Cor. XV. 45. Mark my reason. There is as great a dis- parity betwixt the body and the soul as is between the dust of the ground, and that here called the breath of life of the Lord. And note fui-ther, that as the dust of the ground did not lose, but gained glory by being formed into the body of a man, so this breath of the Lord lost nothing neither by being made a living soul. man ! dost, thou know what thou art ? 2. As the soul is said to be of the breath of God, so it is said to be made after God's own image, even after the simi- litude of God. " And God said. Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him," Gen. i. 26, 27. Mark, in his o^^^l image — in the image of God created he him ; or, as James hath it, " It is made after the similitude of God" (James, iii. 9), like him, having in it that which beareth semblance with him. I do not read of anything in heaven, or earth, or under the earth, that is said to be made after this manner, or that is at all so termed, save only the Son of God himself. The angels are noble crea- tures, and for present employ are made a little higlier than man himself; but that any of them are said to be made " after God's own image" (Heb. ii.), after his own image, oven after the similitude of God, that I find not. This character the Holy Ghost, in the Scrijitures of ti-uth, giveth only of man — of the soul of man ; for it must not be thought that the body is here intended, in whole or in part. UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS TnEREOP. 25 For thoiigli it be said that " Clirist was made after the similitude of sinful flesh" (Phil, ii.), yet it is not said that sinful flesh is made after the similitude of God. But I will not dispute ; I only bring these things to shew how great a thin^-, how noble a thing, the soul is, in that at its crea- tion, God thought it worthy to be made, not like the earth, or the heavens^ or the angels, cherubims, seraphim s, or arch- angels, but like himself, his own self, saying, " Let us make man in our own likeness. So he made man in his own image." This, I say, is a character above all angels ; for, as the apostle said, " To which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my son '?" So, of which of them hath he at any time said. This is, or shall be, made in or after mine image, mine own image ? what a thing is the soul of man, that, above all the creatures in heaven or earth, being made in the image and similitude of God ! 3. Another thing by which the greatness of the soul is made manifest is tliis — it is that (and that only, and to say this is more than to say, it is that above all his creatures) that the great God desires communion with. " He hath set apart him that is godly for himself,"-^that is, for com- munion with his soul ; therefore the spouse saith concern- ing him, " His desire is towards me" (Cant. vii. 10) ; and therefore he saith again, " I will dwell in them, and walk in them," 2 Cor. vi. 16. To " dwell in," and " walk with," are terms that intimate communion and fellowship ; as John saith, " Our fellowship, truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ" (1 John, i. 1, 2) ; that is, our soul-fellowship ; for it must not be understood of the body, though I believe that the body is much influenced when the soul has communion with God ; but it is the soul, and that only, that at present is capable of having and mainta ining of this blessed communion. But, I say, what a thing is this that God, the great God, should choose to have fellowship and communion with the soul above all ! We read indeed of the greatness of the angels, and how near also they are unto God ; but yet there are not such terms that bespeak such familiar acts between 26 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND God and angels as to demonstrate that they have such com- munion with God as the souls of his people may have. Where has he called them his love, his dove, his fair one ? and where, when he speaketh of them, doth he express a communion that they have with him by the similitude of conjugal love ? I speak of what is revealed ; the secret things belong to the Lord our God. Kow, by all this is manifest the greatness of the soul. Men of greatness and honour, if they have respect to their own glory, will not choose for their familiars the base and rascally crew of this world, but will single out for their fellows, fellowship, and communion, those that are most like themselves. True, the king has not an equal, yet he is for being familiar only with the nobles of the land ; so God, with him none can compare ; yet since the soul is by him singled out for his walking mate and companion, it is a sign it is the highest born, and that upon which the blessed Majesty looks, as upon that which is most meet to be singled out for com- munion with himself. Should we see a man familiar with the king, we would, even of ourselves, conclude he is one of the nobles of the land ; but this is not the lot of every soul (some have fel- lowship with devils, yet not because they have a more base original than those that lie in God's Idosoui, but they, through sin, are degenerate, and have chosen to be great with his enemy) ; but all these things shew the greatness of the soul. 4. The souls of men are such as God counts worthy to be the vessels to hold his grace — the graces of the Spirit in. The graces of the Spirit — what like them, or where here are they to be found, save in the souls of men only ? " Of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace," Psalm xlv, 13. Received, into what ? into the hidden parts, as Davdd calls it. Hence the king's daughter is said to be " all glorious within," because adorned and beautified with the graces of the Spirit. For that which David calls the hidden part, is the inmost part of the soul ; and it is therefore called the hidden part, because the soul is UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 27 invisible, nor can any one living infallibly know what is in the soul but God himself. But I say, the soul is the vessel into which this golden oil is poured, and that which holds, and is accounted woi-thy to exercise and improve the same. Therefore the soul is it which is said to love God — " Saw ye him whom my soul loveth ?" (Cant. iii. 1-4 ; Isa. xxvi, 9) ; and therefore the soul is that which exerciseth the spirit of pi-ayer — " with my soul have I desired thee in the night, and with my spirit within me will I seek thee early." With the soul also men are said to believe, and into the soul God is said to put his fear. This is the vessel into which the wise virgins got oil, and out qf which their lamps were supplied by the same. But what a thing, what a great thing therefore is the soul, that that, above all things that God hath created, should be the chosen vessel to put his grace in ! The body is the vessel for the soul, and the soul is the vessel for the grace of God. But, 5. The greatness of the soul is manifest by the greatness of the price that Christ paid for it to make it an heir of glory ; and that was his precious blood ; 1 Cor. vi. 20 ; 1 Peter i. 18, 19. "We do use to esteem of things according to the price that is given for them, especially when we are convinced that the purchase has not been made by the esti- mation of a fool. Now the soul is purchased by a price that the Son, the wisdom of God, thought fit to pay for the redemption thereof — what a thing then is the soul ? Judge of the soul by the price that is paid for it, and you must needs confess (unless you count the blood tliat hath bought it an unholy thing) that it cannot but be of great worth and value. Suppose a prince, or some great man, should on a sudden descend from his throne, or chair of state, to take up, that he might put in his bosom, something that he had espied lying trampled mider the feet of those that stand by ; Avould 3'ou think that he would do this for an old horse-shoe, or for so trivial a thing as a pin or a point ] Nay, would you not even of yourselves conclude tliat that thing for which the prince, so great a man, should make such a stoop, must needs be a thing of very great worth ? Why, this is the 28 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND case of Christ and the soul. Christ is the prince, his throne is ill heaven, and as he sat there he espied the souls of sig- ners trampled under the foot of the law and death for sin. Now what doth he, but comes down fi-om his throne, stoops dovm. to the earth, and there, since he could not have the trod den-down souls without price, he lays down his life and hlood for them, 1 Cor. viii. 9. But would he have done this for inconsiderable things ? No, nor for the souls of sinners neither, had he not valued them higher than he valued heaven and earth besides. This, therefore, is another thing by which the greatness of the soul is known. 6. The soul is immortal ; it will have a sensible being for ever, none can kill the soul, Luke, xii. 4 ; Matt. x. 28. If all the angels in heaven, and all the men on earth, should lay all their strength together, they cannot kill or annihi- late one soul. No ; I will speak without fear, if it may be said, God cannot do what he will not do ; then he cannot annihilate the soul ; but notwithstanding all his wrath, and the vengeance that he will inflict on sinful souls, they yet shall abide with sensible beings, yet to endure, yet to bear punishment. If anything could kill the soul, it would be death ; but death cannot do it, neither first nor second. The first cannot ; for when Dives (Luke, xvi. 22, 23) was slain as to his body by death, his soul was found alive in hell — " He lift up his eyes in hell, being in torment," Mark, ix. The second death cannot do it, because it is said their worm never dies, but is always torturing them with his knawing. But that could not be, if time, or lying in hell-fire for ever, could annihilate the soul. Now this also shews the greatness of the soul, that it is that which has an endless life, and that will therefore haA^e a being end- lessly. what a thing is the soul ! The soul then is immortal, though not eternal. That is eternal that has neither beginning nor end, and therefore eternal is properly applicable to none but God ; hence he is called the " eternal God," Deut. xxxiii. 27. Immortal IS that which, though it hath a beginning, yet hath no end : it cannot die, nor cease to be. And this is the state UWSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 29 of the soul. It cannot cease to have a being when it is once created ; I mean a living, sensible being. For I mean by living, only such a being as distinguishes it from anni- hilation, or incapableness of sense and feeling. Hence, as the rich man is after death said to " lift up his eyes in hell" (Luke, xvi. 22, 23.), so the beggar is said, when he died, " to be carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom." And both these sayings must have respect to the souls of these men ; for as for their bodies, we know at present it is other- wise with them. The grave is their house, and so must be till the trumpet shall sound, and the heavens pass away like a scroll. Now, I say, the immortality of the soul shews the great- ness of it, as the eternity of God shews the greatness of God. It cannot be said of any angel but that he is immortal, and so it is and ought to be said of the soul. This therefore shews the greatness of the soul, in that it is as to abiding so like unto him. 7. But a word or two more, and so to conclude this head. The soul ! — why, it is the soul that actuateth the body in all these things (good or bad) that seem good and reasonable, or amazingly wicked. True, the acts and motions of the soul are only seen and heard in and by the members and motions of the body, but the body is but a poor instru- ment, the soul is the great agitator and actor. " The body without the spirit is dead," James il^ 26. All those famous arts, and works, and inventions of works, that are done by men under heaven, they are all the inventions of the soul ; and the body, as acting and labouring therein, doth it but as a tool that the soul maketh use of to bring his invention unto maturity, Eccles. vii. 9. How many things have men foimd out to the amazing of one another, to the Vv'onderment of one another, to the begetting of endless commendations of one another in the world ; while in the meantime the soul, which indeed is the true inventor of ail, is overlooked, not regarded, but dragged up and down by every lust, and prostrated and made a slave to every silly and beastly thing. the amazing darkness that hath covered the face of the 30 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND hearts of the children of men, that they cannot deliver their soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand 1 though they are so cunning in all other matters, Isa. xliv. 20. Take man in matters that are abroad, and far from home, and he is the mirror of all the world ; hut take him at home, and put him upon things that are near him, I mean, that have respect to the things that concern his soul, and then you will find him the greatest fool that ever God made. But this must not be applied to the soul simply as it is God's creature, but to the soul sinful, as it has wil- lingly apostatized from God, and so suffered itself to be dar- kened, and that with such thick and stupifying darkness, that it is bound up and cannot, it hath a napkin of sin bound so close before its eyes, that it is not able of itself to look to and after those things which should be its chiefest concern, and without which it will be most miserable for ever. 8. Further, as the soul is thus curious about arts and sciences, and about every excellent thing of this life, so it is capable of having to do with invisililes, with angels, good or bad, yea, with the highest and supreme Being, even with the holy God of heaven. I told you before that God sought the soul of man to have it for his companion ; and now I tell you that the soul is capable of communion with him, when the darkness that sin hath spread over its face is removed. The soul is an intelligent power, it can be made to know and understand depths, and heights, and lengths, and breadths, in those high, sublime, and spiritual mysteries that only God can reveal and teach ; yea, it is capable of diving unutterably into them. And herein is God, the God of glory, much delighted and pleased — to wit, that he hath made himself a creature that is capable of hearing, of knowing, and of understanding of his mind when opened and revealed to it. I think I may say, with- out offence to God or man, that one reason why God made the world was, that he might manifest himself, not only by, but to the works which he made ; but (I speak with reverence) how could that be, if he did not also make some UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 31 of his creatures capable of apprehending of him in those most high mysteries and methods in which he purposed to reveal himself ? But then, what are those creatures which he hath made (unto whom when these things are shewn) that are able to take them in and understand them, and so to improve theyi to God's glory, as he hath ordained and purposed they should, but souls 1 for none else in the visible world are capable of doing this but they. And hence it is that to them, and them only, he beginncth to reveal himself in this world. And hence it is that they, and they , only, are gathered up to him where he is (for they are they that are called the spirits of just men made perfect, Heb. xii. 23) ; the spirit of a beast goeth do\^^lward to the earth, it is the spirit of a man that goes upwards to God that gave it (Eccles. iii. 21 ; xii. 7) ; for that, and that only, is capable of beholding and understanding the glori- ous visions of heaven ; as Christ said, " Father, I will that tliose whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am, that they may behold my glory w^hich thou hast given me ; for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world," John, xvii. 24. And thus the greatness of the soul is manifest. True, the body is also gathered up into glory, but not simply for its own sake, or because that is capable of itself to know and understand the glories of its Maker ; but that has been a companion with the soul in this world, has also been its house, its mantle, its cabinet and tabernacle here ; it has also been it by which the soul hath acted, in which it hath wrought, and by which its excellent appear- ances have been manifested ; and it shall also there be its co-partner, and sharer in its glory. Wlierefore, as the body here did partake of the soul's excellencies, and w^as also con- formed to its spiritual and regenerate principles, so it shall be hereafter a partaker of that glory with which the soul shall be filled, and also be made suitable by that glory to become a partaker and co-partner with it of the eternal ex- cellences which heaven will put upon it. In this world it is a gracious soul (I speak now of the regenerate), and in that world it shall be a glorious one ; in this world the 32 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND body was conformable to the soul as it was gracious, and in that world it shall be conformable to it as it is glorious ; conformable, I say, by pai-taking of that glory that then the soul shall partake of ; yea, it shall also have an addi- tional glory to adorn, and make it yet the more capable of being serviceable to it and with it in its great acts before God in eternal glory. what great things are the souls of the sons of men ! 9. But again, as the soul is thus capable of enjoying God in glory, and of prying into these mysteries that are in him, so it is capable with great profundity to dive into the mysterious depths of hell. Hell is a place and state utterly unkno\Mi to any in this visible world, excepting the souls of men ; nor shall any for ever be capable of understanding the miseries thereof, save souls and fallen angels. Now I think, as the joys of heaven stand not only in speculation, or in beholding of glory, but in a sensible enjoyment and unspeakable pleasure which these glories will yield to the soul (Psalm xv. 11), so the tonnents of hell will not stand in the present lashes and strokes which by the flames of eternal fire God will scourge the ungodly with ; but the torments of hell stand much, if not in the greatest part of them, in those deep thoughts and appre- hensions which souls in the next world will have of the nature and occasions of sin, of God, and of separation from him ; of the eternity of those miseries, and of the utter im- possibility of their help, ease, or deliverance for ever. 0, damned souls will have thoughts that will clash with glory, clash with justice, clash with law, clash with itself, clash with hell, and with the everlastingness of misery ; but the point, the edge, and the poison of all these thoughts will still be galling, and dropping, and spewing out their stings into the sore, grieved, wounded, and fretted place, which is the conscience, though not the conscience only ; for I may say of the souls in hell, that they all over are but one v/ound, one sore. Miseries as well as mercies sharpen and make quick the apprehensions of the soul. Behold Spira in his UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 33 book, Cain in his guilt, and Saul with the witch of Endor, and you shall see men ripened, men enlarged and greatened in their fancies, imaginations, and apprehensions, though not about God, and heaven, and glory, yet about their loss, their misery, and their woe, and their hells, Isa. xxxiii. 14 ; Psalm 1. 3 ; Rev. xiv. 10 ; Mark, iii. 44, 46. 10. Nor doth their ability to bear (if it be proper to say they bear those dolours which there for ever they shall en- dure), a little demonstrate their greatness. Everlasting burning, devouring fire, perpetual pains, gnawing w^orms, utter darkness, and the ireful words, face, and strokes of divine and infinite justice will not, cannot make this soul extinct, as I said before. I think it is not so proper to say the soul that is damned for sin doth bear these things, as to say it doth ever sink under them ; and therefore their place of torment is called the bottomless pit, because they are ever sinking, and shall never come there where they will find any stay Yet they live under wrath, but yet only so as to be sensible of it, as to smart and be in perpe- tual anguish by reason of the intolerableness of their bur- den. But doth not their thus living, abiding, and retain- ing a being (or what you will call it), demonstrate the greatness and might of the soul 1 Alas ! heaven and earth are short of this greatness, for these, though under less judgment by far, do fade and wax old like a moth-eaten garment, and in their time will vanish away to nothing, Heb. i. Also we see how quickly the body, when the soul is under a fear of the rebukes of justice, how soon, I say, it wastes, moulders away, and crumbleth into the grave ; but the soul is yet strong, and abides sensible to be dealt withal for sin by everlasting burnings. 11. The soul by God's ordinance (Heb. ix. 27), while this w^orld lasts, has a time appointed it to forsake and leave the body to be turned again to the dust as it was, and this separation is made by death ; therefore the body must cease for a time to have sense, or life, or motion ; and a little thing brings it now into this state ; but in the next VOL. II. C 34 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND world the wicked shall partake of none of this ; for the hody and the soul being at the resurrection rejoined, this death that once did rend them asunder- is for ever over- come and extinct ; so that these two which lived in sin must for ever be yoked together in hell. Now there the soul being joined to the body, and death, which before did separate them, being utterly taken away, the soul retains not only its own being, but also continueth the body to be, and to suffer sensibly the pains of hell without those de- cays that it uses to sustain. And the reason why this death shall then be taken away is, because justice in its bestowing its rewards for trans- gressions may not be interrupted (Matt. x. 28), but that body and soul, as they lived and acted in sin together, might be destroyed for sin in hell together (Luke, xii. 5) ; de- stroyed, I say, but with such a destruction which, though it is everlasting, will not put a period to their sensible suf- fering the vengeance of eternal lire, 2 Thess, i. 8, 9. This death, therefore, though that also be the wages of sin, would now, were it suffered to continue, be a hindrance to the making known of the wrath of God, and also of the created power and might of the soul. 1. It would hinder the making known of the wrath of God, for it would take the body out of the way, and make it incapable of sensible suffering for sin, and so removing one of the objects of ven- geance, the power of God's wrath would be so far undis- covered. 2. It would also hinder the manifestation of the power and might of the soul, which are discovered much by its abiding to retain its own being while the wrath of God is grappling with it, and more by its continuing to the body a sensible being with itself. Death, therefore, must now be removed, that the soul may be made the object of wrath without molestation or interruption. That the soul, did I say 1 yea, that soul and body both might be se. Death would now be a favour, though once the fruit of sin, and also the wages thereof, might it now be suffered to continue, because it would ease the soul of some of its bui-den ; for a tormented body can- UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF, 35 not but he a biirden to a spirit, and so the wise man insi- nuates Avhen he says, " The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity ;" that is, bear up under it, but yet so as that it feels it a burden. We see that, because of the sympathy that is between body and soul, how one is burdened if the other be grieved. A sick body is a burden to the soul, and a wounded spirit is a burden to the body ; " a wounded spirit who can bear 1" but death must not remove this burden, but the soul must have the body for a burden, and the bod}^ must have the soul for a burden, and both must have the wrath of God for a burden. Oh, therefore, here will be burden upon burden, and all upon the soul, for the soul will be the chief seat of this burden. But thus much to shew you the greatness of the soul. III. I shall now come to the third thing which was pro- pounded to be spoken to, and that is to shew you what Ave are to understand by losing of the soul, or what the loss of the soul is — " What shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" First, The loss of the soul is a loss, in the nature of it, peculiar to itself. There is no such loss as to the nature of loss as is the loss of the soul, for that he that hath lost his soul has lost himself. In all other losses it is possible for a man to save himself, but he that loseth his soul losetli himself — " For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself V Luke, ix. 25. Where- fore, the loss of the soul is a loss that cannot be paralleled. He that loseth himself loseth his all, his lasting all, for himself is his all, his all in the most comprehensive sense. What mattereth it what a man gets, if by the getting thereof he loseth himself 1 Suppose a man goeth to the Indies for gold, and he loadeth his ship therewith, but at his return, that sea that carried him thither swallows him iij) — now what has he got ? But this is but a lean simili- tude with reference to the matter in hand — to wit, to set forth the loss of the soul. Suppose a man that has been at the Indies for gold should at his return himself be taken by them of Algiers, and there made a slave of, and there 36 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND be hunger-bit, and beaten till his bones are broken, what has he got ? what is he advantaged bj his rich adventure ? Perhaps you will say, he has got gold enough to obtain his ransom. Indeed this may be, and therefore no similitude can be found that can fully exemplify the matter, "' for what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" It is a loss that standeth by itself, there is not another like it, or unto which it may be compared ; it is only like itself, it is sin- gular, it is the chief of all losses, the highest, the greatest loss. " For what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ]" A man may lose his wife, his children, his estate, his liberty, and his life, and have all made up again, and have all restored mth advantage, and may therefore, not- withstanding all these losses, be far enough off from losing of himself (Luke, xiv, 25 ; Mark, viii. 35), for he may lose his life, and save it ; yea, sometimes the only way to save that is to lose it ; but when a man has lost himself, his soul, then all is gone to all intents and purposes. There is no word says, he that loses his soul shall save it ; but, con- trarywise,the text supposeth that a man lias lost his soul, and then demands if any can answer it — " What shall a man give in exchange for his soul 1" All, then, that he gains that loseth his soul is only this, he has gained a loss, he has purchased the loss of losses, he has nothing left him now but his loss, but the loss of himself, of his whole self. He that loseth his life for Christ shall save it, but he that loseth himself for sin, and for the world, shall lose himself to perfection of loss ; he has lost himself, and there is the full point. There are several things fall under this first head, upon which I would touch a little. 1. He that has lost his soul has lost himself. Now he that has lost himself is no more at his own disposal. While a man enjoys himself, he is at his own. disposal. A single man, a free man, a rich man, a poor man, any man that enjoys himself, is at his own disposal. I speak after the manner of men. But he that has lost himself is not at his own disposal. He is, as I may say, now out of his own UA'SPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 37 hands ; he has lost himself, his soul-self, his owniself, his whole self hy sin, and wrath and hell have found him ; he is therefore now no more at his own disposal,hut at the dis- posal of justice, of wrath, and hell ; he is committed to pri- son, to hell-prison, there to ahide, not at pleasure, not as long and as little time as he will, hut the term appointed hy his judge ; nor may he there choose his own affliction, neither for manner, measure, nor continuance. It is God that will spread the fire and brimstone under him, it is God that will pile up Avrath upon him, and it is God himself that will blow the fire. " And the breath of the Lord, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it," Isaiah, xxx. 33. And thus it is manifest that he that has lost himself, his soul is no more at his own disposal, but at the disposal of them that find him. 2. Again, as he that has lost himself is not at his own disposal, so neitlier is he at liberty to dispose of what he has ; for the man that has lost himself has something yet of his own. The text implies that his soul is his when lost, yea, when that and his all, himself, is lost ; but as he cannot dis- pose of himself, so he cannot dispose of what he hath. Let me take leave to make out my meaning. If he that is lost, that has lost himself, has not, notwithstanding, something that in some sense may be called his own, then he that is lost has nothing. The man that is in hell has yet the powers, the senses, and passions of his soul ; for not he nor his soul must be thought to be stripped of these ; for then he would be lower than the brute ; but yet all these since he is there are by God improved against himself; or, if you will, the point of this man's sword is turned against his o\vn heart, and made to pierce his own liver. The soul by being in hell loseth nothing of its aptness to think, its quickness to pierce, to pry, and to understand ; nay, hell has ripened it in all these things ; but, I say, the soul with its improvements as to these, or anything else, is not in the hand of him that hath lost himself to manage for his own advantage, but in the hand, and in the power, and to be disposed as is thought meet by him into whose 38 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND revenging hand by sin he has delivered himself — to wit, in the hand of God. So, then, God now has the victory, and disposeth of all the powers, senses, and passions of the soul for the chastising of him that has lost himself. Now the understanding is only employed and improved in and about the apprehending of such things as will be like daggers at the heart — to Avit, about justice, sin, hell, and eternity, to grieve and break the spirit of the damned ; yea, to break, to wound, and to tear the soul in pieces. The depths of sin which the man has loved, the good nature of God whom the man has hated, the blessings of eternity which the soul has despised, shall now be understood by him more than ever, but yet so only as to increase grief and sorrow, by improving of the good and of the evil of the things under- stood, to the greater wounding of the spirit ; wherefore now, every touch that the understanding shall give to the memory will be as a touch of a red-hot iron, or like a di'aught of scalding lead poured down the throat. The memory also letteth these things do^x^l upon the conscience with no less terror and perplexity. And now the fancy or imagination doth start and stare like a man by fears be- reft of wits, and doth exercise itself, or rather is exercised by the hand of revenging justice, so about the breadth and d-epth of present and future punishments, as to lay the soul as on a burning rack. Now also the judgment, as with a mighty maul, driveth down the soul in the sense and pangs of everlasting misery into that pit that has no bottom ; yea, it turneth again, and, as with a hammer, it rivetteth every fearful thought and apprehension of the soul so fast that it can never be loosed again for ever and ever. Alas ! now the conscience can sleep, be dull, be misled, or flatter no longer : no, it must now cry out ; understanding will make it, memory will make it, fancy or imagination will make it. Now, I say, it will cry out of sin, of justice, and of the terribleness of the punisliment that hath swallowed him up that has lost himself. Here will be no forgetfulness ; yet nothing shall be thought on but that which will wound and kill ; here v.ill be no time, cause, or means for diver- UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 39 » sion ; all will stick and gnaw like a viper. Now the me- mory will go out to where sin was heretofore committed, it will also go out to the word that did forhid it. The un- derstanding also, and the judgment too, will now consider of the pretended necessity that the man had to break the commandments of God, and of the seasonableness of the cautions and of the convictions which were given him to forbear, by all which more load will be laid upon him that has lost himself ; for here all the powers, senses, and pas- sions of the soul must be made self-burners, self-tormenters, self-executioners by the just judgment of God ; also all that the will shall do in this place shall be but to wish for ease, but the wish shall only be such as shall only seem to lift up, for the cable-rope of despair shall with violence pull him down again. The will indeed will wish for ease, and so will the mind, &c., but all these wishers will by wishing arrive to no more advantage but to make despair, which is the most twinging stripe of hell, to cut yet deeper into the whole soul of him that has lost himself ; wherefore, after all that can be wished for, they return again to their burning chair, where they sit and be- wail their misery. Thus will all the powers, senses, and passions of the soul of him that has lost himself be out of his own power to dispose of for his advantage, and will be only in the hand and under the management of the reveng- ing justice of God. And herein will that state of the damned be worse than it is now with the fallen angels ; for though the fallen angels are now cast down to hell, in chains, and sure in themselves at last to partake of eternal judgment, yet at present (Job, i. 7 ; ii. 2) they are not so bound up as the damned sinners shall be ; for notwithstand- ing their chains, and their being the prisoners of the horrible hells, yet they have a kind of liberty granted them, and that liberty will last till the time appointed, to tempt, to plot, to contrive, and invent their mischiefs against the Son of God and his. And though Satan knows that this at last will work for his futuve^condemnation, 3'et at present he iinds it some diveraiDU to his trembling mind, and ob- 40 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND tains, through his so busily employing of himself against the gospel and its professors, sometliing to sport and refresh himself withal ; yea, and doth procure to himself some small crumbs of minutes of forgetfulness of his own present misery, and of the judgment that is yet to pass upon him ; but this privilege will then be denied to him that has lost himself ; there will be no cause nor matter for diversion ; there it will, as in the old world, rain day and night fire and brimstone from the Lord out of heaven upon them, (Rev. xiv. 10, 11); misery is fixed; the worm will be always sucking at, and gnawing of, their soul ; also, as I have said afore, all the powers, senses, and passions of the soul will throw their darts inwards, yea, of God will be made to do it, to the utter, unspeakable, and endless tor- ment of him that has lost himself. Again, 3. All therefore that he that has lost himself can do is, to sit down by the loss. Do I say, he can do this 1 — oh ! if that could be, it would be to such a mercy ; I must therefore here correct myself, — that he cannot do, for to sit down by the loss implies a patient enduring ; but there will be no such grace as patience in hell with him that has lost himself ; here will also want a bottom for patience — to wit, the providence of God ; for a providence of God, though never so dismal, is a bottom for patience to the af- flicted ; but men go not to hell by providence, but by sin. Now sin being the cause, other effects are ^^T0ught ; for they that go to hell, and that there miserably perish, shall never say it was God by his providence that brought them thither, and so shall not have that on which to lean and stay themselves. They shall justify God, and lay the fault upon them- selves, concluding that it was sin with which their souls did voluntarily work ; yea, which their souls did suck in as sweet milk, that is the cause of this their torment. Now this will work after another manner, and will produce quite another thing than patience, or a patient enduring of their torment ; for their seeing that they are not only lost, but have lost themselves, and that against the ordinary means UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 41 that of God was provided to prevent that loss ; yea, when they shall see what a hase thing sin is, how that it is the very worst of things, and that which also makes all things bad, and that for the sake of that they have lost themselves, this will make them fi-et, and gnash, and gnaw with anger themselves ; this will set all the passions of the soul, save love (for that I think will he stark dead), all in a rage, all in a self-tormenting lire. You know there is nothing that will sooner put a man into, and manage his rage against himself than will a full conviction in his conscience that by his own only folly, and that against caution, and counsel, and reason to the contrary, he hath brought himself into extreme distress and misery. But how much more will it make this fire burn when he shall see all this is come upon him for a toy, for a bauble, for a thing that is worse than nothing. Why, this is the case with him that has lost himself ; and therefore he cannot sit down by the loss, cannot be at quiet under the sense of his loss. For sharply and wonder- ful piercingly, considering the loss of himself, and the cause thereof, which is sin, he falls to a tearing of himself in pieces with thoughts as hot as the coals of juniper, and to a gnashing upon himself for this ; also the divine w^isdom and justice of God helpeth on this self-tormenter in his self-tormenting work, by holding the justice of the law against which he has offended, and the unreasonableness of such offence, continually before his face. For if to an en- lightened man who is in the door of hope the sight of all past evil practices will work in him vexation of spirit to see what a fool he was (Eccl. i. 14); how can it but be to them that go to hell a vexation only to understand the report, the report that God did give them of sin, of his grace, of hell, and of everlasting damnation (Isa. xxviii. 19), and yet that they should he snch fools to go thither. But to pursue this head no fiu-thcr, I will come now to the next thing. Secondly, As the loss of the soul is, in the nature of the loss, a loss peculiar to itself, so the loss of the soul is a double loss ; it is, I say, a loss that is double, a loss both by 42 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND man and God ; man has lost it, and by that loss has lost himself ; God has lost it, and by that loss it is cast away. And to make this a little plainer unto you, I suppose it will be readily granted that men do lose their souls. But now how doth God lose it ? The soul is God's as well as man's (Jer. xxxviii. 16 ; Ezek. xviii. 4); man's, because it is of himself ; God's, because it is his creature ; God has made us this soul, and hence it is that all souls are his. Now the loss of the soul doth not only stand in the sin of man, but in the justice of God. Hence he says, " What is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away," Luke, ix. 25. Now this last clause, " or be cast away," is not spoken to shew what he that has lost his soul has done (though a man may also be said to cast away himself), but to shew what God will do to those that have lost themselves, what God will add to that loss. God will not cast away a righteous man, but God will cast away the wicked (Job, viii. 20 ; Matt. xiii. 48), such a wicked one as by the text is under our consideration. This, then, is that which God will add, and so make the sad state of them that lose themselves double. The'man for sin has lost himself, and God by justice will cast him away ; ac- cording to that of Abigail to David. " The soul of my Lord," said she, " shall be bound in the bundle of life with the Lord thy God ; and the souls of thine enemies, them shall he sling out, as out of the midst of a sling," 1 Sam. XXV, 29. So that here is God's hand as well as man's ; man's by sin, and God's by justice. " God shall cast them away ;" wherefore in the text above mentioned he doth not say, " or cast away himself," as meaning the act of the man whose soul is lost ; but, " or be cast away," supposing a second person joining with the man himself in the making up of the greatness of the loss of the soul — to wit, God him- self, who will verily cast away that man who has lost him- self. God shall cast them away — that is, exclude them fi-om his favour or protection, and deliver them up to the due re- ward of their deeds ! He shall shut them out of his hea- ven, and deliver them up to their hell ; he shall deny them UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 43 a share in his glory, and shall leave them to their own shame ; he shall deny them a portion in his peace, and shall deliver them up to the torments of the devil, and of their own guilty consciences ; he shall cast them out of his affection, pity, and compassion, and shall leave them to the flames that they by sin have kindled, and to the worm, or biting cockatrice, that they themselves have hatched, nursed, and nourished in their bosoms. And this will make their loss double, and so a loss that is loss to the uttermost, a loss above every loss. A man may cast away himself, and not be cast away of God ; a man may be cast away by others, and not be cast away of God ; yea, what way soever a man be cast away, if he be not cast away for sin, he is safe, he is yet sound, and in a sure hand. But for a man so to lose himself as by that loss to provoke God to cast him away too, this is fearful. The casting away, then, mentioned in Luke is a casting away by the hand of God, by the revenging hand of God ; and it supposeth two things — 1. God's abhorrence of such a soul. 2. God's just repaying of it for its wickedness by way of retaliation. 1. It supposeth God's abhorrence of the soul. That which we abhor, that we cast from us, and put out of our favour and respect with disdain, and a loathing thereof. So when God teacheth Israel to loath and abhor their idols, he bids them " to cast away their very covering as a stinking and menstruous cloth, and to say unto it. Get you hence,'' Isa. XXX. 22. " He shall gather the good into vessels, and cast the Imd away," Matt, xiii. 48 ; xxv. 41. Cast them out of my presence, 'Well, but whither must they go ? The answer is, Into hell, into utter darkness, into the fire that is prepared for the devil and his angels. Wherefore, to be cast away of God, it sheweth unto us God's abhorrence of such souls, and how vile and loathsome such are in his di- vine eyes. And the similitude of Abigail's sling, mentioned before, doth yet further shew us the greatness of this ab- horrence — " The souls of thine enemies," said she, " God 44 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND shall sling out as out of the middle of a sling." When a man casts a stone away with a sling, then he casteth it furthest from him, for with a sling he can cast a stone fui*- ther than hy his hand. " And he," saith the text, " shall cast them away as with a sling." But that is not all, neither ; for it is not only said that he shall sling away their souls, hut that he shall sling them away as " out of the middle of a sling." When a stone is placed to he cast away just in the middle of a sling, then doth the slinger cast it furthest of all. Now God is the slinger, abhorrence is his sling, the lost soul is the stone, and it is placed in the very middle of the sling, and is from thence cast away. And therefore it is said again that " such shall go into utter, outer darkness" — that is, furthest off of all. This, there- fore, shews us how God abhors that man that for sin has lost himself. And well he may ; for such an one has not only polluted and defiled himself with sin (and that is the most offensive thing to God under heaven), but he has abused the handiwork of God. The soul, as I said before, is the workmanship of God, yea, the top-piece that he hath made in all the visible world ; also he made it for to be delighted with it, and to admit it into communion with himself. Now for man thus to abuse God ; for a man to take his soul, which is God's, and prostrate it to sin, to the world, to the devil, and every beastly lust, flat against the command of God, and notwithstanding the soul was also his, this is horrible, and calls aloud upon that God whose soul this is to abhor, and to shew, by all means possible, his abhorrence of such an one. 2. As this casting of them away supposeth God's abhor- rence of them, so it supposeth God's just repaying of them for their wickedness by way of retaliation. God all the time of the exercise of his long-suffering and forbearance towards them did call upon thom, wait upon them, send after them by his messengers, to turn them from their evil ways ; but " they despised at, they mocked, the messengers of the Lord," Hosea, xi. 2. " Also they shut their eyes, and would not see ; they stopped their ears, and UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 45 would not understand ; and did harden themselves against the beseeching of their God," Rev. x. 21 ; Job, xxi. 14, 15 ; Mai. iii. 14. Yea, all that day long he did stretch out his hand towards them, but they chose to be a rebellious and gainsaying people ; yea, they said mito God, depart from us ; and what is the Almighty that we should pray unto him ? And of all these things God takes notice, writes them down, and seals them up for the time to come, and will bring them out, and spread them before them, saying, I have called, and you have refused ; I have stretched out mine hand, and no man regarded ; I have exercised pa- tience, and gentleness, and long-suffering towards you, and in all that time you despised me, and cast me behind your back ; and now the time, and the exercise of my patience, when I waited upon you, and suffered your manners, and did bear your contempts and scorns, is at an end ; where- fore I will now arise, and come forth to the judgment that I have appointed. But, Lord, saith the sinner, we turn now. But now, saith God, turning is out of season ; the day of my patience is ended. But, Lord, says the sinner, behold our cries. But you did not, says God, behold nor regard my cries. But, Lord, saith the sinner, let our beseeching find place in thy compassions. But, saith God, I also beseeched, and I was not heard. But, Lord, says the sinner, our sins lie hard upon us. But I offered you pardon when time was, says God, and then you did utterly reject it. But, Lord, says the sinner, let us therefore have it now. But now the door is shut, saith God. And what then ? Why, then, by way of retaliation, God will serve them as they have served him ; and so the wind- ing up of the whole will be this — they shall have like for like. Time was when they \A'ould have none of him, and now will God have none of them. Time was when they cast God behind their back and now he will cast away their soul 46 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND Time was when they would not heed his calls, and now he will not heed their cries. Time was " when they ab- horred him, and now his soul also loatheth them," Zech. xi. 8. This is now by way of retaliation — like for like, scom for scorn, repulse for repulse, contempt for contempt ; according to that which is written, " Therefore it came to pass, that as I cried, and they would not hear ; so they cried, and I would not hear, saith the Lord," Zech. vii. 11-13. And thus I have also shewed you that the loss of the soul is double — it is lost by man, lost by God. But oh ! who thinks of this ? who, I say, that now makes light of God, of his word, his servants and ways, once dreams of such retaliation, though God to warn them hath even, in the day of his patience, threatened to do it in the day of his wrath, saying, "Because I called, and ye refused ; I have stretched out my hand, and no man regarded ; but' ye have set at nought all my counsel, and would none of my re- proof : I also will laugh at your calamity ; I will mock when your fear cometh ; when your fear cometh as desola- tion, and your destruction cometh like a whirlwind ; when distress and anguish cometh upon you. Then shall they call upon me, but I will not answer ; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me." I will do unto them as they have done unto me ; and what unrighteousness is in all this ? But, Thirdly, As the loss of the soul is a loss peculiar to it- self, and a loss double, so, in the third place, it is a loss most fearful, because it is a loss attended with the most lieavy curse of God. This is manifest both in the giving of tbe rule of life, and also in, and at the time of execution for, the breach of that rule. It is manifest at the giving of the rule — " Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the words of this law to do them. And all the people shall say. Amen," Deut. xxvii. 26 ; Gal. iii. 10. It is also manifest that it shall be so at the time of execution — " Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels," Matt, xxv. 41. What this curse is, none do know so well as God that giveth it, and as the fallen angels, and the spirits UNSPEAKABLENESS OF TUE LOSS THEREOF. 47 of damned men that are now shut up in the prison of hell, and bear it. But certainly it is the chief and highest of all kinds of curses. To be cursed in the basket and in the store, in the womb and in the barn, in my cattle and in my body, are but fleabitings to this, though they are also insupport- able in themselves ; only in general it may be described thus. But to touch upon this curse, it lieth in a depriva- tion of all good, and in a being swallowed up of all the most fearful miseries that a holy, and just, and eternal God can righteously inflict, or lay upon the soul of a sinful man. Now let reason here come in and exercise itself in the most exquisite manner ; yea, let him now count up all, and all manner of curses and torments that a reasonable and an immortal soul is or can be made capable of, and able to suffer under, and when he has done, he shall come infinitely short' of this great anathema, this master-curse which God has reserved amongst his treasuries, and intends to bring out in that day of battle and war, which he purposeth to make upon damned souls in that day. And this God will do, partly as a retaliation, as the former, and partly by way of revenge. 1 . By way of retaliation : " As he loved curs- ing, so let it come unto him ; as he delighted not in bless- ing, so let it be far from him." Again, " As he clothed himself with cursing like as with a garment, so let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones ; let it be unto him as a garment which covereth him, and for a girdle wherewith he is girded continually," Ps. cix. 17-20. " Let this," saith Christ, " be the reward of mine adversa- ries from the Lord," &c. 2. As this curse comes by way of retaliation, so it cometh by way of revenge. God will rigiit the wrongs that sinners have done him, will repay ven- geance for the despite and reproach wherewith they have affronted him, and will revenge the quarrel of his cove- nant. And the beginning of revenges are terrible ; what, then, will the whole execution be, when he shall come in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of Jesus Christ ? And there- fore this curse is executed in wrath, in jealousy, in anger 48 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND in fury ; yea, the heavens and the earth shall be burned up with the fire of that jealousy in which the great God will come, when he cometh to curse the souls of sinners, and when he cometh to defy the ungodly, Deut. xxxiii. 41, 42. It is little thought of, but the manner of the coming of God to judge the world declares what the souls of impeni- tent sinners must look for then. It is common among men, when we see the form of a man's countenance changed, when we see fire sparkle out of his eyes, when we read rage and fury in every cast of his face, even before he says aught, or doth aught either, to conclude that some fearful thing is now to be done, Dan. iii. 19, 23. Why, it is said of Christ when he cometh to j\idgment, that the heavens and the earth fly away (as not being able to endure his looks), that his angels are clad in flaming fire, and that the elements melt with fervent heat, and all this is, that the perdition of un- godly men might be completed, from the presence of the Lord, in the heat of his anger, from the glory of his power. Rev. XX. 11, 12 ; 2 Pet. iii. 7; 2 Thess. i. 8, 9. Therefore God will now be revenged, and so ease himself of his ene- mies, when he shall cause curses like millstones to fall as thick as hail on the hairy scalp of such an one as goeth on still in his trespasses, Psalm Ixviii. 21. But, Fourthly, As the loss of the soul is a loss peculiar to it- self, a loss double, and a loss most fearful, so it is a loss everlasting. The soul that is lost is never to be found again, never to be recovered again, never to be redeemed again. Its banishment from God is everlasting : the fire in which it burns, and by which it must be tormented, is a fire that is ever, everlasting fire, everlasting burnings ; the adder, the snake, the stinging-worm, dieth not, nor is the fire quenched ; and this is a fearful thing. A man may endure to touch the fire with a short touch, and away ; but to dwell with everlasting burnings, that is fearful. Oh, then, what is dwelling with them, and in them, for ever and ever ! We used to say, light burdens far carried are heavy ; what then will it be to bear that burden, that guilt, that the law and the justice and wrath of God, will lay upon the lost UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS TnEREOF. 4f) soul for ever ? Now tell the stars, now tell the drops of the sea, and now tell the hladcs of grass that are spread upon the face of all the earth, if thou canst ; and yet sooner mayst thou do this than count the thousands of millions of thou- sands of years that a damned soul shall lie in hell. Sup- pose every star that is now in the firmament was to burn (by himself one by one) a thousand years a-piece, would it not be a long while before the last of them was burned out ? and yet sooner might that be done than the damned soul be at the end of punishment. There are three things couched under this last head that will fill up the punishment of a sinner. The first is, that it is everlasting. The second is, that therefore it will be impossible for the souls in hell ever to say, Now we are got half way through our sorrows. The third is, and yet every moment they shall endure eternal punishment. The first I have touched upon already, and therefore shall not enlarge, only I would ask the wanton or unthinking sinner whether twenty, or thirty, or forty years of the de- ceitful pleasures of sin is so rich a prize as that a man may well venture the ruins that everlasting burnings will make upon his soul for the obtaining of them, and living a few moments in them. Sinner, consider this before I go any further, or before thou readest one line more. If thou hast a soul, it concerns thee ; if there be a hell, it concerns thee ; and if there be a God that can and will punish the soul for sin everlastingly in hell, it concerns thee ; because, In the second place, it will be impossible for the damned soul ever to say, I am now got half way through my sor- rows. That which has no end has no middle. Sinner, make a round circle, or ring, upon the ground, of what big- ness thou wilt ; this done, go thy way upon that circle, or ring, until thou comest to the end thereof; but that, sayest thou, I can never do, because it has no end ; I answer, but thou mayst as soon do that as wade half-way through the lake of fire that is prepared for impenitent souls. Sinner, 50 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND what wilt thou take to make a mountain of sand that will reach as high as the sun is at noon 1 I know thou wilt not he engaged in such a work, because it is impossible thou shouldst ever perform it. But I dare say the task is greater when the sinner has let out himself to sin for a servant, because the wages is everlasting burnings, I know thou mayst perform thy service, but the wages, the judgment, the" punishment is so endless, that thou, when thou hast been in it more millions of years than can be numbered, art not, nor ever yet shall be, able to say, I am lialf-way through it. And yet, 3. That soul shall partake every moment of that punish- ment that is eternal. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange ilesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire, Jude, 7. 1. They shall endure eternal punishment in the nature of punishment. There is no punishment here wherewith one man can chastise another that can deserve a greater title than that of transient or temporary punishment ; but the punishment there is eternal, even in every stripe that is given, and in every moment that it grappleth with the soul, even every twinge, every gripe, and every stroke that jus- tice inflicteth, leaveth anguish that in the nature of punish- ment is eternal behind it. It is eternal, because it comes fi"om God, and lasts for ever and ever. The justice that in- flicts it has not a beginning, and it is this justice in the operations of it that is always dealing with the soul. 2. All the workings of the soul under this punishment are such as cause in its sufferings to endure that which is eternal. It can have no thought of the end of punishment, ])ut it is presently recalled by the decreed gulf that bindeth it under perpetual punishment. The great fixed gulf, it knows, will keep it in its present place, and not suffer it to go to heaven (Luke xvi. 26) ; and now there is no other place but heaven or hell to be in, for then the earth, and the works that are therein, will be burned up. Read the UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 51 text, " But the day of tlie Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, and the earth also, and the works that are therein, shall be Inirnt up," 2 Pet. iii. 10. If, then, there will be no third place, it standeth in their minds, as well as in God's decree, that their punishments will be eternal ; so then, sorrows, anguish, tribulation, grief, woe, and pain, will in every mo- ment of its abiding upon the soul, not only flow from thoughts of what has been, and what is, but also from what will be, and that for ever and ever. Thus every thought that is truly grounded in the cause and nature of their state will roll, toss, and tumble them up and down in the cogita- tions and fearful apprehensions of the lastingness of their damnation. For I say, their minds, their memories, their understandings, and consciences wdll all, and always be swallowed up with " for ever ;" yea, they themselves will by the means of these things be their own tormentors for ever. 3. There will not be spaces, as days, months, years, and the like, as now, though we make bold so to speak (the better to present our thoughts to each other's capacities), for then there shall be time no longer ; also day and night shall then be come to an end. — " He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end" (Job, xxvi. 10), until the end of light with dark- ness Now when time, and day and night are come to an end, then there comes in eternity, as there was before the day and night, or time, were created ; and when this is come, punishment nor glory must none of them be mea- sured by days, or months, or years, but by eternity itself. Nor shall those concerned either in misery or glory reckon of their now new state as they used to reckon of things in this world ; but they shall be suited in their capacities, in their understandings and apprehensions, to judge and count of their condition according as will best stand with their state in eternity. Could we but come to an understanding of things done 52 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND in heaven and hell as we understand how things are done in this world, we should be strangely amazed to see how the change of places and of conditions has made a change in the understandings of men, and in the manner of their enjoyment of things. But this we must let alone till the next world, and until our launching into it, and then, whether we be of the right or left hand ones, we shall well knoAv the state and condition of both kingdoms. In the meantime, let us addict ourselves to the belief of the Scrip- tures of truth, for therein is revealed the way to that of eternal life, and how to escape the damnation of the soul, Matt. XXV. 33. But thus much for the loss of the soul, unto which let me add, for a conclusion, these verses fol- lowing : — These cry, alas ! but all in vain ; They stick fast in the mire ; They would be rid of present pain. Yet set themselves on fire. Darkness is their perplexity. Yet do they hate the light ; They always see their misery, Yet are themselves all night. They are all dead, yet live they do, Yet neither live nor die ; They die to weal, and live to woe — ^ This is their misery. Now will confusion so possess These monuments of ire, And so confound them with distress, ^ And trouble their desire. That what to think, or what to do. Or where to lay their head, They know not : 'tis the damned's woe To live, and yet be dead. These castaways would fain have life. But know they never shall ; They would forget their dreadful plight. But that sticks fast'st of all. God, Christ, and heaven, thoy know are best* Yet dare not on thorn think ; They know the saints enjoy their rest. While they th( ir tears do drink. UNSrEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 63 IV. And now I am come to the fourth thing — that is, to shew you the cause of the loss of the soul. That men have souls, — that souls are great things, — that souls may be lost, this I have shewed you already ; wherefoi-e I now proceed to shew you the cause of this loss. The cause is laid down in the 18th chapter of Ezekiel in these words : — " Behold, all souls," says God, " are mine ; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine : the soul that sinneth, it shall die." It is sin, then, or sinning against God, that is the cause of dying — of damning in hell-fire — for that must be meant by dying ; otherwise, to die, according to our ordinary acceptation of the notion, the soul is not cap- able of, it being indeed immortal, as hath been afore asserted. So, then, the soul that sinneth — that is, and persevering in the same — that soul shall die, be cast away, or damned. Yea, to ascertain [assure] us of the undoubted truth of this, the Holy Ghost doth repeat it again, and that in this very chap- ter, saying, " The soul that sinneth, it shall die," verse 20. Now, the soul may divers ways be said to sin against God ; as, 1. In its receiving of sin into its bosom, and in its re- taining and entertaining of it there. Sin must first be re- ceived before it can act in, or be acted by, the soul. Our first parents first received in the suggestion or motion, and then acted it. Now it is not here to be disputed when sin was received by the soul, so much as whether ever the soul received sin ; for if the soul has indeed received sin into itself, then it has sinned, and by doing so has made itself an object of the wrath of God, and a firebrand of hell. I say, I will not here dispute when sin was received by the soul, but it is apparent enough that it received it betimes, because in old time every child that was brought unto the Lord was to be redeemed, and that at a month old (Exod. xiii. 13 ; xxxiv. 20), which to be sure was very early, and implied that then, even then, the soul in God's judgment stood before him as defiled and polluted with sin. But al- though I said I will not dispute at what time the soul may be said to receive sin, yet it is evident that it was precedent 54 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND to the redemption made mention of just before, and so be- fore the person redeemed had attained to the age of a month ; and that God might, in the language of Moses, give us to see cause of the necessity of this redemption, he first dis- tinguisheth, and saitli, " The firstling of a cow, or the first- ling of a sheep, or the firstling of a goat," did not need this redemption, for they were clean, or holy. But the first- born of men, who was taken in lieu of the rest of the chil- dren, and the " firstling of unclean beasts, thou shalt surely redeem," saith he. But why was the firstborn of men coupled with unclean beasts but because they were both unclean. But how ? I answer, the beast was unclean by God's ordination, but the other w^as unclean by sin. 'How, then, it will be demanded, how a soul, before it was a month old, could receive sin to the making of itself unclean 1 I answer, there are two ways of receiving, one active, the other passive. This last is the way by which the soul at first receiveth sin, and by so receiving, becometh culpable, because polluted and defiled by it. And this passive way of receiving is often mentioned in scripture, Exodus, xxvii. 3 ; 2 Chron. iv. 5 ; Matt. xiii. 20-23. Thus the pans re- ceived the ashes ; thus the molten sea received three thou- sand baths ; thus the ground receiveth the seed ; and this receiving is like that of the wool which receiveth the dye, either black, white, or red ; and as the fire that receiveth the water till it be all quenched therewith ; or as the wa- ter receiveth such stinking and poisonous matter into it, as for the sake of it, it is poured out and spilled upon the ground. " But whence should the soul thus receive sin ?" (Psalm li.) I answer, from the body, ■while it is in the mother's belly ; the body comes fi'om polluted man, and therefore is polluted — " Who can bring a clean thing out of an imclean ?" Job, xiv. 4. The soul comes from God's hand, and therefore as so is pure and clean ; but being put into this body, it is tainted, polluted, and defiled w^ith the taint, stench, and filth of sin ; nor can this stench and filth be l)y man purged out, when once from the body got into the soul ; sooner may the blackamoor change his skin, or UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 65 the leopard his spots, than the soul, were it willing, might purge itself of this pollution. " Though thou wash thee Avith nitre, and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked hefore me, saith the Lord God." 2. But as I said, the soul has not only received sin, but retains it, holds it, and shews no kind of resistance. It is enough that the soul is polluted and defiled, for that is suf- ficient to provoke God to cast it away ; for which of you would take a cloth annoyed with stinking,, ulcerous sores, to wipe your mouth withal, or to thrust it into your bosoms ? and the soul is polluted with far worse pollution than any such can be. But this is not all ; it retains sin as the wool retains the dye, or as the infected water receives the stench or poisonous scent ; I say, it retains it willingly ; for all the power of the soul is not only captivated by a seizure of sin upon the soul, but it willingly, heartily, una- nimously, universally falleth in with the natural filth and pollution that are in sin, to the estranging of itself from God, and an obtaining of an intimacy and compliance with the devil. Now this being the state and condition of the soul from the belly, yea, from before it sees the light of this world, w^hat can be concluded but that God is oiFended with it ! For how can it otherwise be, since there is holiness and justice in God ? Hence those that are born of a woman, whose original is by carnal conception with man, are said to be as serpents as soon as born. " The wicked (and all at first are so) go astray as soon as they are born, speaking lies. Their poison is the poison of a serpent ; they are like the deaf adder that stoppeth his ear." They go astray from the belly ; but that they would not do if aught of the powers of their soul were unpolluted. " But their poison is the poison of a serpent." Their poison — what is that ? Their pollution, theu' original pollution, that is as the poison of a serpent — to wit, not only deadly, for so poison is, but also hereditary. It conies from the old one, from the sire and dam ; yea, it is also now become connatural to and with them, and is of the same date witli the chil(J 56 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND as bom into the world. The serpent has not lier poison, in the original of it, either from imitation or from other infec- tive things abroad, though it may by such things be helped forward and increased, but she brings it with her in her bowels, in her nature, and it is to her as suitable to her present condition as is that which is most sweet and whole- some to other of the creatures. So, then, every soul comes into the world as poisoned with sin ; nay, as such which have poison connatural to them ; for it has not only re- ceived sin as the wool has received the dye, but it retaineth it. The infection is got so deep, it has taken the black so effectually, that the fire, the very fire of hell can never purge the soul therefrom. And that the soul has received this infection thus early, and that it retains it so surely, is not only signified by children coming into the world besmeared in their mother's blood, and by the firstborn's being redeemed at a month old, but also by the first inclinations and actions of children when they are so come into the world, Ezek. xvi. Who sees not that lying, pride, disobedience to parents, and hypo- crisy, do put forth themselves in children before they know that they do either well or ill in so doing, or before they are capable to learn either of these arts by imitation, or seeing understandingly the same things done first by others ? He that sees not that they do it naturally from a principle, fi'om an inherent principle, is either blinded, and has retained his darkness by the same sin as they, or has suffered himself to be swayed by a delusion from him who at first infused this spawn of sin into man's nature. Nor doth the averseness of children to morality a little demonstrate what has been said ; for as it would make a serpent sick should one give it a strong antidote against his poison, so then are children, and never more than then, disturbed in their minds, when a strict hand and a stiff rein by moral discipline is maintained over and upon them. True, sometimes restraining grace corrects them, but that is not of themselves ; but more oft hypocrisy is the great and first moving wheel to all their seeming compliances UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS TllEllEOF. 5» with admonitions, wliich indulgent parents are apt to over- look, yea, and sometimes, through unadvised ness, to com- mit for the principles of grace. I speak now of that which comes before conversion. But as I said before, I would not now dispute, only I have thought good thus to urge these things to make my assertion manifest, and to shew what is the cause of the damnation of the soul. 3. Again ; as the soul receives sin, and retains it, so it also doth entertain it — that is, countenance, smile upon, and like its complexion and nature well. A man may de- tain — that is, hold fast — a thing which yet he doth not regard ; but when he entertains, then he countenances, likes, and delights in the company. Sin, then, is first received by the soul, as has been afore explained, and by that re- ception is polluted and defiled. This makes it hateful in the eyes of justice ; it is now polluted. Then, secondly, this sin is not only received, but retained — that is, it sticks so fast, abides so fixedly in the soul, that it cannot be gotten out ; this is the cause of the continuation of abhorrence ; for if God abhors because there is a being of sin there, it must needs be that he should continue to abhor, since sin continues to have a being there. But then, in the third place, sin is not only received, detained, but entertained by the now defiled and polluted soul ; wherefore this must needs be a cause of the continuance of anger, and that with aggrava- tion. When I say, entertained, I do not mean as men entertain their enemies, with small and great shot, but as they entertain those whom they like, and those that are got into their affections. And therefore the wrath of God must cei-tainly be let out upon the soul, to the everlasting damnation of it. Now that the soul doth thus entertain sin is manifest by these several particulars — 1 . It hath admitted it with complacence and delight into every chamber of the soul ; I mean, it has been delightfully admitted to an entertainment by all the powers or faculties of the soul. The soul hath chosen it rather than God ; it 58 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND also, at God's command, refuseth to let it go ; yea, it clioosd;h that doctrine, and loveth it best (since it must have a doctrine), that has most of sin and baseness in it, Isa. Ixv. 12 ; Ixvi. 3. " They say to the seers. See not ; to the prophets. Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits," Isa. xxx. 10, These are signs that the soul with liking hath entertained sin ; and if there be at any time, as indeed there is, a war- rant issued out from the mouth of God to apprehend, to condemn, and mortify sin, why then, 2. These shifts the souls of sinners do presently make for the saving of sin from those things that by the world men are commanded to do unto it — 1. They will, if possible, hide it, and not suffer it to be discovered, Prov, xxviii. 13 ; Job, xx, 12, 13. " He that hideth his sins shall not prosper." And again, they hide it, and refuse to let it go. This is an evident sign that the soul has a favour for sin, and that with liking it, entertains it. 2. As it will hide it, so it will excuse it, and plead that this and that piece of wickedness is no such evil thing ; men need not be so nice, and make such a pother about it, calling those that cry out so hotly against it, men more nice than wise. Hence the prophets of old used to be called madmen, and the world would reply against their doctrine, " Wherein have w^e been so wearisome to God, and what have we spoken so much against him ?" Mai. i. 6, 7. 3. As the soul will do this, so to save sin it will cover it with names of virtue, either moral or civil ; and of this God greatly complains, yea, breaks out into anger for this, saying, " Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil ; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness ; and put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter," Isa. v. 20. 4. If convictions and discovery of sin be so strong and so plain that the soul cannot deny but that it is sin, and that God is offended therewith, then it will give flattering pro- mises to God that it will indeed put it away, but j^et it will prefix a time that shall be long first, if it also then at all UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 69 performs it, saying, Yet a little sleep, yet a little slumber, yet a little folding of sin in mine arms, till I am older, till I am richer, till I have had more of the sweetness and the delights of sin. Thus, " their soul delighteth in their abominations," Isa. Ixvi. 3. 5. If God yet pursues, and will see whether this promise of putting sin out of doors shall be fulfilled by the soul, why then it will be partial in God's law ; it will put away some, and keep some ; put away the grossest, and keej) the finest ; put away those that can best be spared, and keep the most profitable for a help at a pinch, Mai. ii. 9. 6. Yea, if all sin must be abandoned, or the soul shall have no rest, why then the soul and sin will part (with such a parting as it is), even as Phaltiel parted with David's wife, with an ill-will and a sorrowful mind ; or as Orpha left her mother, with a kiss, 2 Sam. iii. 16 ; Ruth, i. 14. 7. And if at any time they can, or shall, meet with each other again, and nobody never the wiser, oh, Avhat courting will be betwixt sin and the soul. And this is called doing of things in the dark, Ezek. viii. 12. By all these, and many more things that might be instanced, it is manifest that sin has a friendly entertain- ment by the soul, and that therefore the soul is guilty of damnation ; for what do all these things argue but that God, his word, his ways and graces, are out of favour with the soul, and that sin and Satan are its only pleasant com- panions. But, Secondly, That I may yet shew you what a great thing sin is with the soul that is to be damned, I will shew how sin by the help of the soul is managed from the motion of sin, even till it comes to the very act ; for sin cannot come to an act w^ithout the help of the soul. The body doth little here, as I shall further shew j^ou anon. Ther^is then a motion of sin presented to the soul (and whether presented by sin itself, or the devil, we will not at this time dispute ;) motions of sin, and motions to sin there are, and always the end of the motions of sin are to prevail with the soul to help that motion into an act. But, I say, 60 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND there is a motion to sin moved to the soul, or, as James calls it, a conception. Now behold how the soul deals with this motion in order to the finishing of sin, that death might follow, Rom. vii. 5. 1. This motion is taken notice of by the soul, but is not resisted nor striven against, only the soul lifts up its eyes upon it, and sees that there is present a motion to sin, a motion of sin presented to the soul, that the soul might midwife it fi-om the conception into the world. 2. Well, notice being taken that a motion to sin is pre- sent, what follows but that the fancy or imagination of the soul taketh it home to it, and doth not only look upon it and behold it more narrowly, but begins to trick and trim up the sin to the pleasing of itself and of all the powers of the soul. That this is true is evident, because God findeth fault with the imagination as with that which lendeth to sin the first hand, and that giveth to it the first lift towards its being helped forward to act. " And God saAv that the wickedness of man was great in the earth" (Gen. vi. 5, 12, 13) ; that is, many abominable actions were done ; for all flesh had corrupted God's way upon the earth. But how came this to be so ? Why, every imagination of the thoughts, or of the motions that were in the heart to sin, was evil, only evil, and that continually. The imagination of the thoughts was evil — that is, such as tended not to deaden or stifle, but such as tended to animate and forward the motions or thoughts of sin into action. Every imagination of the thoughts — that which is here called a thought is by Paul to the Romans called a motion. Now the imagination should and would, had it been on God's side, so have conceived of this motion of and to sins as to have presented it in all its features so ugly, so ill-favoured, and so unreasonable a thing to the soul, that the soul should forthwith have let down the sluice, and pulled up the draw-bridge, put a stop with greatest defiance to the motion now under consideration ; but the imagination being defiled, it presently at tlie very first view or noise of the motion of sin, so acted as to for- ward the bringing the said motion or thought into act. So, UNSPEAKABLEINESS OF THE LOSS THEUEOP, 61 then, the thought of sin, or motion thereto, is first of ail entertained by the imagination and fancy of the soul, and thence conveyed to the rest of the poAvers of the soul to be condemned, if the imagination be good ; but to be helped forward to the act, if the imagination be evil. And thus the evil imagination helpeth the motion of and to sin towards the act, even by dressing of it up in that guise and habit that may best delude the understanding, judgment, and conscience ; and that is done after this manner : suppose a motion of sin to commit fornication, to swear, to steal, to act covetously, or the like, be propounded to the fancy and imagination ; the imagination, if evil, presently dresseth up this motion in that garb that best suiteth with the nature of the sin. As if it be the lust of uncleanness, then is the motion to sin drest up in all the imaginable pleasurableness of that sin ; if to covetousness, then is the sin drest up in the profits and honours that attend that sin ; and so of theft and the like ; but if the motion be to swear, hector, or the like, then is that motion drest up with valour and manliness ; and so you may count of the rest of sinful motions ; and thus being trimmed up like a Bartholomew- baby, it is presented to all the rest of the powers of the soul, where with joint consent it is admired and embraced, to the firing and inflaming all the powers of the soul. And hence it is that men are said to inflame themselves with their idols under every green tree, " and to be as fed horses, neighing after their neighbour's wife (Isa. Ivii. 5 ; Jer. v. 8) ; for the imagination is such a forcible power, that if it putteth forth itself to dress up and present a thing to the soul, whether that thing be evil or good, the rest of the faculties cannot w^ithstand it. Therefore when David prayed for the children of Israel, he said, " I have seen with joy thy people, which are present here to ofi^er wil- lingly unto thee ;" that is, for preparations to build the temple. " Lord God," saith he, " keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people for ever, and prepare their hearts unto thee," 1 Chron. xxix. 17, 18. He knew that as the imagination was prepared, so 62 TUE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND would the soul be moved, whether by evil or good ; there- fore as to this, he prays that their imagination might be engaged always with apprehensions of the beauteousness of tlie temple, that they might always, as now, offer willingly for its building. But, as I said, when the imagination hath thus set forth sin to the rest of the faculties of the soul, they are presently entangled, and fall into a flame of love thereto ; this being done, it follows that a purpose to pursue this motion, till it be brought into act, is the next thing that is resolved on. Thus Esau, after he had conceived of that profit that would accrue to him by murdering of his brother, fell the next way into a resolve to spill Jacob's blood. And Rebecca sent for Jacob, and said unto him, " Behold, thy brother Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, purposing to kill thee," Gen. xxvii. 42 ; Jer. xlix. 30. Nor is this pur- pose to do an evil without its fruit, for he comforted him- self in his evil purpose : " Esau, as touching thee, doth comfort himself, pm-posing to kill thee." The purpose, therefore, being concluded, in the next place, the invention is diligently set to work to find out what means, methods, and ways will be thought best to bring this purpose into practice, and this motion to sin into action. Esau invented the death of his brother when his fiither was to be carried to his grave, Gen. xxvii. 42 ; 2 Sam. xi. 13. David purposed to make Uriah father his bastard child by making of him drunk, Amnon pui-posed to ravish Tamer, and the means that he invented to do it was by feigning himself sick. Absalom purposed to kill Amnon, and invented to do it at a feast. Judas purposed to sell Christ, and invented to betray him in the absence of the people, Luke, xxii. 3-6. The Jews purposed to kill Paul, and invented to entreat the judge of a blandation [endea- voured to persuade him] to send for him, that they might murder him as he went. Acts, xxiii. 12-15. Thus you see how sin is, in the motion of it, handed through the soul — first, it comes into the fancy or imagina- tion, by which it is so presented to the soul as to inflame it UNSPEAKABLENESS 01-' THE LOSiS TnEllEOF. G3 with desire to hring it into act ; so from this desire the soul proceedeth to a purpose of enjoying, and from a purpose of enjoying to inventing how, or by what means, it had best to attempt the accomplishing of it. But, further, when the soul has thus far, by its wicked- ness, pursued the motion of sin to bring it into action, then to the last thing — to wit, to endeavour to take the oppor- tunity which by the invention is judged most convenient, so to endeavours it goes till it has finished sin, and finished, in finishing of that, its own fearful damnation. " Then lust, when it hath conceived, bringeth forth sin : and sin, wlien it is finished, bringeth forth death," James, i. 15. And who knows but God and the soul how many lets, hindrances, convictions, fears, frights, misgivings, and thoughts of the judgment of God, all this while are passing and repassing, turning and returning, over the face of the soul 1 how many times the soul is made to start, look back, and tremble, while it is pursuing the pleasure, profit, applause, or preferment that sin, when finished, promiseth to yield unto the soul 1 for God is such a lover of the soul, that he seldom lets it go on in sin, but he cries to it by his word and providences — " Oh! do not this abominable thing that I hate!" especially at first, until it shall have hardened itself, and so provoked him to give it up in sin-revenging judgment to its own ways and doings, which is the terriblest judgment under heaven ; and this brings me to the third thing, the which I now will speak to. 3. As the soul receives, detains, entertains, and wilily worketh to bring sin from the motion into act, so it abhor - reth to be controlled and taken off this work — " My soul loathed them," says God ; " and their soul also abhorred me," Zech. xi. 8. My soul loathed them, because they were so bad ; and their souls abhorred me, because I am so good. Sin, then, is the cause of the loss of the soul ; because it hath set the soul, or rather, because the soul of love to sin hath set itself, against God. "Woe unto their souls, for they have rewarded evil unto themselves," Isa. iii. 9. That you may the better perceive that the soul, through 64 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND sin, has set itself against God, I will propose, and speak briefly to, these two things — I. The law. II. The gospel. I. For the laAv. God has given it for a rule of life, either as ^^Titten in their natures, or as inserted in the holy Scrip- tures ; I say, for a rule of life to all the children of men. But what have men done, or how have they carried it to this law of their Creator, let us see, and that from the mouth of God himself. Firsty They have not hearkened unto my law, Jer. vi. 19 ; ix. 13 ; xvi. 11 ; xliv. Secondly, They have forsaken my law. Thirdly, They have forsaken me, and not kept my law. Fourthly, They have not walked in my law, nor in my statutes. Fifthly, Her priests have violated my law, Ezek. xxii. 26 ; Hos. viii. 12. Sixthly, And, saith God, I have written to him the great things of my law, hut they were counted as a strange thing. Now whence should all this disobedience arise? Not from the unreasonableness of the commandment, but fi*om the opposition that is lodged in the soul against God, and the enmity that it entertains against goodness. Hence the apostle speaks of the enmity, and says, that men are enemies in their minds, their souls, as is manifest by wicked works, Col. i. 21. This, if men went no further, must needs be highly pro- voking to a just and holy God ; yea, so highly offensive is it, that, to shew the heat of his anger, he saith, " Indigna- tion and wrath, tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doth evil (and this is evil with a witness), of the Jew first, and also of the Gentiles, that doth evil" (Rom. ii. 8, 9), that breaketh the law ; for that evil he is ciying out against now. But, II. To speak of the gospel, and of the carriage of sinful souls towards God under that dispensation. The gospel is a revelation of a sovereign remedy, provided UiS'SPEAKABLENSS OF THE LOSS THEREOF, 65 hy God tlirougli Christ, for the health and salvation of those that have made themselves objects of wrath by the lireach of the law of works ; this is manifest by all the Scripture. But how doth the soul carr}^ it towards God when he offereth to deal with it under and by this dispen- sation of grace? Why, just as it carried it under the law of works — they oppose, they contradict, they blaspheme, and forbid that this gospel be mentioned. What higher affront or contempt can be offered to God, and what greater disdain can be shewn against the gospel 1 Acts, xiii. 45 ; xviii. 6 ; 2 Tim. ii. 25 ; 1 Thess. ii. 13-15. Yet all this the poor soul, to its own ^^Tong, offereth against the way of its OAVTi salvation, as it is said in the w^ord of truth, " He that sinneth against me wrongs his own soul : all that hate me love death," Prov. viii. 36. But further, the soul despiseth not the gospel in that revelation of it only, but the great and chief Bringer thereof, with the manner also of his bringing of it. The Bringer, the great Bringer of the gospel, is the good Lord Jesus Christ himself ; he came and preached peace to them that the law proclaimed war against (Eph, ii. 17) ; he came and preached peace to them that were far off, and to them that were nigh. And it is w^orth your observation to take notice how he came : and that was and still is (as he is set forth in the word of the gospel), to wit, first, as making peace himself to God for us in and by the blood of his cross ; and then as bearing (as set out by the gospel) the very characters of his sufferings before our faces in every tender of the gospel of his grace unto us. And to touch a little ujjon the dress in which, by the gospel, Christ presentetli hhuself unto us while he offereth unto sinful souls his peace by the tenders thereof. 1. He is set forth as bom for us, to save our souls, Isaiah, ix. 6 ; Luke, ii. 9-12 ; 1 Cor. xv. 3 ; Gal. iii. 13 ; Rom. x. 4 ; Dan. ix. 24. 2. He is set forth before us as bearing of our sins, for us, and suffering God's wrath for us. 3. He is set forth before us as fulfilling the law for us, 66 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND and as bringing of everlasting righteousness to us for our covering. Again, as to the manner of his working out the salva- tion of sinners for them, that they might have peace and joy, and heaven and glory, for ever — 1. He is set forth as sweating of blood while he was in his agony, wrestling with the thoughts of death, which he was to suffer for our sins, that he might save the soul, Luke, xxii, 24. 2. He is set forth as crying, weeping, and mourning under the lashes of justice that he put himself under, and was willing to bear for our sins, Heb. iii. 7. 3. He is set forth as betrayed, apprehended, coixlemned, spit on, scourged, buffeted, mocked, crowned with thorns, crucified, pierced with nails and a spear, to save the soul from being betrayed by the devil and sin ; to save it fi-om being apprehended by justice, and condemned by the law ; to save it from being spit on in a way of contempt by holi- ness ; to save it from being scourged with guilt of sins as with scorpions ; to save it fi-om being continually bufleted by its own conscience ; to save it from being mocked at by God ; to save it from being crowned with ignominy and shame for ever ; to save it fe*om dying the second death ; to save it from wounds and grief for ever. Dost thou understand me, sinful soul ? He wrestled with justice, that thou mightst have rest ; he wept and mourned, that thou mightst laugh and rejoice ; he was betrayed, that thou mightst go fi*ee ; was apprehended, that thou mightst escape ; he was condemned, that thou mightst be justified ; and was killed, that thou mightst live ; he wore a crown of thorns, that thou mightst wear a crown of glory ; and was nailed to the cross, with his arms wide open, to shew with what freeness all his merits shall be bestowed on the coming soul, and how heartily he will receive it into his bosom. Further, all this he did of mere good- will, and ofFereth the benefit thereof unto thee fi-eely ; yea, he cometh unto thee in the word of the gospel, with the blood running UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF, 67 down from his head upon his face, with his tears abiding upon his cheeks, with the holes as fresh in his hands and his feet, and as with the blood still bubbling out of his side, to pray thee to accept of the benefit, and to be recon- ciled to God thereby, 2 Cor. v. But Avhat saith the sinful soul to this ? I do not ask Avhat he saith with his lips, for he will assuredly flatter God with his mouth ; but what doth his actions and carriages declare as to his acceptance of this incomparable benefit 'I " For a wicked man speak- eth with his feet, and teacheth with his fingers," Prov. vi. 12, 13. With his feet — that is, by the way he goeth ; and with his fingers — that is, by his acts and doings. So, then, what saith he by his goings, by his acts and doings, unto this incomparable benefit, thus brought unto him from the Father by his only Son Jesus Christ ? What saith he ? Why, he saith that he doth not at all regard this Christ, nor value the grace thus tendered unto him in the gospel. First, He saith, that he regardeth not this Christ, that he seeth nothing in him why he should admit him to be entertained in his affections. Therefore the prophet, speak- ing in the person of sinners, says, " He (Christ) hath no form nor comeliness, and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him" (Isaiah, liii. 2, 3); and then adds, to shew what he meaneth by his thus speaking, saying, " He is despised and rejected of men." All this is spoken with reference to his person, and it was eminently fulfilled upon him in the days of his flesh, when lie was hated, maligned, and persecuted to death by sinners ; and is still fulfilled in the souls of sinners, in that they cannot abide to think of him with thoughts that have a tendency in them to separate them and their lusts asunder, and to the making of them to embrace him for their darling, and the taking up of their cross to follow him. All this sinners speak out with loud voices, in that they stop their ears and shut their eyes as to liim, but open them wide and hearken diligently to anything that pleaseth the flesh, and that is a nursery to sin. But, fiecondly, Aa they despise, and reject, and do not regard 6S t;;e greatxess of the soul, and liis person, so they do not value the grace that he tendereth unto tliem by the gospel ; this is plain by that indifFerency of spirit that always attends them when at any time they hear thereof, or when it is presented unto them. I may safely say, that the most of men who are con- cerned in a trade will be more vigilant in dealing with a twelvepenny customer than they will be with Christ when he comes to make unto them by the gospel a tender of the incomparable grace of God. Hence they are called fools, ''■because a price is put into their hands to get wisdom, and they have no heart unto it," Prov. xvii. 16. And hence again it is that that bitter complaint is made, " But my people would not hearken to my voice, and Israel would none of me," Psalm Ixxxi. 11. Now these things being found, as practised by the souls of sinners, must needs after a wonderful manner provoke ; wherefore no marvel that the heavens are bid to be astonished at this, and that damnation shall seize upon the soul for this. And indeed, the soul that doth thus by practice, though with his mouth (as who doth not ?) he shall shew much love, he doth interpretatively say these things, Jer. ii. — 1. That he loveth sin better than grace, and darkness better than light, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed — " And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men love darkness more than light (as is manifest), because their deeds are evil." 2. They do also, by their thus rejecting of Christ and grace, say, that for what the law can do to them, they value it not ; they regard not its thundering, tlireateniugs, nor will they shrink when they come to endure the execu- tion thereof ; wherefore God to deter them from such bold and desperate ways, that do interpretatively fully declare tbat tboy make such desperate conclusions, insinuates that the burden of the curse thereof is intolerable, saying, "Can thy heart endure, or can thy hands be strong in the day that I shall deal with thee ; I the Lord have spoken it, I will do it " Ezek. xxii. 14. UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 69 3. Yea, by tlicir thus doing, they do as good as say that they will run the hazai'd of a sentence of death at the day of judgment, and that they will in the meantime join issue, and stand a trial at that day with the great and terrible God, What else means their not hearkening to him, their despising of his Son, and the rejecting of his grace ; yea, I say again, what else means their slighting of the curse of the law, and their choosing to abide in their sins till the day of death and judgment. And thus I have shewed you the causes of the loss of the soul ; and assuredly these things are no fables. Object. But some may object, and say. But you de- nounce all against the soul, as if the body were in no fault at all, or as if there were no punishment assigned for the body. Answ. 1. The soul must be the part punished, because the soul is that which sins. " Every sin that a man doth is without the body," fornication or adultery excepted. Is without the body — that is, as to the wilily inventing, con- triving, and finding out ways to bring the motions of sin into action. For alas ! what can the body do as to these ? It is in a manner wholly passive ; yea, altogether as to the lusting and purposing to do the wickedness, excepting thf sin before excepted ; ay, and not excepting that, as to the rise of that sin ; for even that, with all the rest, ariseth and proceedeth out of the heart, the soul : " For from within, out of the heart of man, proceed fornication, adultery, mur- der, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness : all these evil things come from within, and defile the man," ] Cor. vi. 18. That is the outward man. But a difference must ahvays be put betwixt defiling and being defiled, that which defileth being the worst ; not but that the body shall have its share of judgment, for body and soul must be destroyed in hell ; the body as the instrument, the soul as the actor ; but oh ! the soul, the soul, the soul is the sinner, and therefore the soul, as the principal, must be punished, Mark, vii. 21-23. And that God's indignation burneth most against the 70 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND soul appears in that death lias seized upon every soul already ; for the Scripture saith that every natural or un- converted man is dead, Luke, xii. 4 ; INIatt. x. 28. Dead ! How ] Is his hody dead 1 No, verily ; his hody liveth, hut his soul is dead. Dead ! But with what death 1 Dead to God, and to all things gospelly good, hy reason of that benumbing, stupefying, and senselessness, that by God's just judgment for and by sin hath swallowed up the soul, Eph. ii. 1-3. Yea, if you observe, you shall see that the soul goeth first, or before, in punishment, not only by what has been said already, in that the soul is first made a partaker of death, but in that God first deals with the soul by con- victions, yea, and terrors perliaps, while the body is well ; or in that he giveth up the soul to judicial hardness, and fui-ther blindness, while he leaveth the body to do his office in the world ; yea, and also when the day of death and dis- solution is come, the body is spared, while the soul is tor- mented in unutterable torment in liell. And so, I say, it shall be spared, and the clods of the valley shall be sweet unto it, while tlie soul moumeth in hell for sin. It is true, at the day of judgment, because that is the last and final judgment of God on men, then the body and soul shall be re-united, or joined together again, and shall then together partake of that recompense for their wickedness which is meet. When I say, the body is spared, and the soul tor- mented, I mean not that the body is not then at death made to partake of the wages of sin, " for the wages of sin is death" (Rom. vi.) ; but I mean, the body partakes then but of temporal death, which, as to sense and feeling, is suiuetlmes over presently, and then resteth in the grave, while the soul is tomienting in hell. Yea, and why is death suffered to slay the body 1 I dare say, not chiefly for that the indignation of God most Tiurneth against the body ; but the l^od}^ being tbe house for the soul in this world, God even pulls down this body, that the soul may be strijjped naked, and being strip})ed, may be carried to prison, to the place where damned souls are, there to suffer in the beginning of suffering that jnniishment that will be endless. TJXSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 71 2. Therefore the soul must be the part most sorely punished, because justice must be distributed with equity. God is a God of knowledge and judgment ; by him actions are weighed ; actions in order to judgment, 1 Sam. ii. Now by weighing of actions, since he finds the soul to have the deepest hand in sin, and he says that he hath so, of equity the soul is to bear the burden of pimishment. Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right in his famous distribu- ting of judgment 1 Gen. xix. 25. He will not lay upon man more than right, that he should enter into judgment with God, Job. xxxiv. 23. The soul, since deepest in sin, shall also be deepest in punishment. " Shall one man sin," said Moses, " and wilt thou be wroth with all the congrega- tion ?" Numb. xvi. 22. He pleads here for equity in God's distributing of judgment ; yea, and so exact is God in the distribution thereof, that he will not punish heathens so as he will punish Jews ; wherefore he saith, " Of the Jew first, or chiefly, and also of the Gentile" (Rom. ii. 9) ; yea, in hell he has prepared several degrees of punishment for the several sorts or degrees of offenders — " And some shall receive greater damnation," Luke, xx. 47. And will it not be unmeet for us to think, since God is so exact in all his doings, that he will, as I may say, carelessly, without his weiglits and measures give not to soul and body, severally, tlieir punishments according to the desert and merit of each ? 3. The punishment of the soul in hell must needs, to be sure, as to degree, differ fi-om the punishment of the body there. AVhen I say, differ, I mean, must needs be greater, whether the body be punished with the same fire with the soul, or fire of another nature. If it be punished with the same fire, yet not in the same way ; for the fire of guilt with the apprehensions of indignation and wrath are most properly felt and apprehended l)y tlie soul, and by the body by virtue of its union with the soul ; and so felt by the body, if not only, yet I think mostly, by way of sympathy with the soul (and the cause, we say, is worse than the dis- ease) ; and if the wrath of God, and the apprehensions of 72 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND it, as discharging itself for sin and the breach of the law, he that with which the soul is punished, as sure it is, then the hody is punished by the effects, or by those influences that the soul in its torments has upon the body, by virtue of that great oneness and union that is between them. But if there be a punishment prepared for the body dis- tinct in kind from that which is prepared for the soul, yet it must be a punishment inferior to that which is prepared for the soul (not that the soul and body shall be severed, but being made of things distinct, their punishments will be by that which is most suitable to each), I say, it must be inferior, because nothing can be so hot, so tormenting, so intolerably insupportable, as the quickest apprehensions of, and the immediate sinking under, that guilt and indigna- tion that is proportionable to the offence. Should all the wood, and brimstone, and combustible matter on earth be gathered together for the tormenting of one body, yet that cannot yield that torment to that which the sense of guilt and burning-hot application of the mighty indignation of God will do to the soul ; yea, suppose the fire wherewith the body is tormented in hell should be seven times hotter than any of our fires ; yea, suppose it again to be seven times hotter than that which is seven times hotter than ours, yet it must, suppose it be but created fire, be infinitely short (as to tormenting operations) of the unspeakable wrath of God, when in the heat thereof he applieth it to, and doth punish, the soul for sin in hell therewith. So, then, whether the body be tormented with the same fire wherewith the soul is tormented, or whether the fire be of another kind, yet it is not possible that it should bear tlie same punishment as to degree, because, or for the causes that I have shewed. Nor indeed is it meet it should, be- cause the body has not sinned so, so grievously as the soul has done ; and God proportioneth the punishment suitable to the offence. 4. With the soul by itself arc the most quick and suitable apprehensions of God and his wrath ; wherefore that must needs be made partaker of the sorest punishment in hell ; it UNSFEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 73 is the soul that now is most subtle at discerning, and it is the soul that will be so ; then conscience, memory, under- standing, and mind, these will be the seat of torment, since the understanding will let wrath immediately upon these, from what it apprehends of that wrath ; conscience will let in the wrath of God immediately upon these, from what it fearfully feels of that wrath ; the memory will then as a vessel receive and retain up to the brim of this wrath even as it receiveth by the understanding and conscience, the cause of this wrath, and considers of the durableness of it ; so then the soul is the seat and receiver of wrath, even as it was the receiver and seat of sin ; here then is sin and ^vl'atll upon the soul, the soul in the body, and so soul and body tormented in hell-fire. 5. The soul will be most tormented, because strongest ; the biggest burden must lie upon the strongest part, espe- cially since also it is made capable of it by its sin. The soul must bear its own punishment, and a great part of the body's too, forasmuch as so far as apprehension goes, the soul will be quicker at that work than the body. The body will have its punishment to lie mostly in feeling, but the soul in feeling and apprehending both. True, the body by the help of the soul will see too, but the soul will see yet abundantly further. And good reason that the soul should bear part of the punishment of the body, because it was through its allurements that the body yielded to help the soul to sin. The devil presented sin, the soul took it by the body, and noAv devil, and soul, and body, and all must be lost, cast away — that is, damned in hell for sin ; but the soul must be the burden-bearer. Object. But you ma* say, Doth not this give encourage- ment to sinners to give way to the body to be in all its members loose, and vain, and wicked, as instruments to sin ? Aiisw. No ; forasmuch as the body shall also have his share in punishment. For though I have said the soul shall have more punishment than the body, yet I have not said that the body shall at all be eased by that ; no, the body will have its due. And for the better making out of 74 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND my answer further, consider of these following particu- lars — 1. The hody will l)e the vessel to hold a tormented soul in ; this will be something ; therefore man, damned man, is called a vessel of wrath (Rom, ix. 22), a vessel, and that in both body and soul. The soul receiveth wrath into it- self, and the body holdeth that soul that has thus received, and is tormented wuth, this wrath of God. Now the body being a vessel to hold this soul that is thus possessed with the \vrath of God, must needs itself be afflicted and tor- mented with that torment, because of its union with the body ; therefore the Holy Ghost saith, " His flesh upon him shall have pain, and his soul within him shall mourn" (Job, xiv. 22) ; both shall have their torment and misery, for that both joined hand in hand in sin, the soul to bring it to the birth, and the body to midwife it into the Avorld ; therefore it saith again, with reference to the body, " Let the curse come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones," Ps. cix. 17-19. Let it be to him as a garment which covereth him, and as a girdle, &:c. The body, then, will be tormented as well as the soul, by being a vessel to hold that soul in that is now possessed and distressed Avith the unspeakable wrath and indignation of the Almighty God, and this will be a great deal, if you consider, 2. That the body as a body will by reason of its union with the soul be as sensible, and so as capable in its kind, to receive correction and torment as ever, nay, I think more ; for if the quickness of the soul giveth quickness of sense to the body, as in some case, at least, I am apt to think it doth, then forasmuch as the soul will now be most quick, most sharp in apprehension, so the liody by reason of union and sympathy with the soul will be most quick and most sharp as to sense. Indeed, if the body should not receive and retain sense, yea, all its senses, by reason of its being a vessel to hold the soul, the torment of the soul could not, as torment, be ministered to the body, no more than the fire tormented the king of Babylon's furnace (Dan. iii.), or than the king of ]\Ioab's lime-kiln was afflicted because CNSPEAKABLENESS OF TOE LOSS THEREOF. 75 the king of Elom's bones were burnt to lime therein, Amos, ii. 1. But now the body has received again its senses, now therefore it must, yea, it cannot choose but must feel that wrath of God that is let out, yea, poured out like floods of water into the soul. Remember also, that besides what the body receiveth from the soul by reason of its union and sympathy there- with, there is a punishment, and instruments of punish- ment, though I will not pretend to tell you exactly what it is, prepared for the body for its joining with the soul in sin, therewith to be punished ; a punishment, I say, that shall fall immediately upon the body, and that such an one as will most fitly suit with the nature of the body, as wrath and guilt do most fitly suit the nature of the soul. 3. Add to these, the durable condition tliat the body in this state is now in with the souL Time was when the soul died, and the body lived, and that the soul was tor- mented while the body slept and rested in the dust ; but now these things are past ; for at the day of judgment, as I said, these two shall be re-united, and that which once did separate them be destroyed ; then of necessity they must abide together, and as together abide the punishment pre- pared for them ; and this will greaten the torment of the body. Death was once the wages of sm, and a grievous curse ; but might the damned meet with it in hell, they would count it a mercy, because it would separate soul and body, and not only so, but take away all sense from the body, and make it incapable of suffering torment ; yea, I will add, and by that means give the soul some ease ; for with- out doubt, as the torments of the soul extend themselves to the body, so the torments of the body extend themselves to the soul ; nor can it be otherwise, because of union and emypathy. But death, natural death, shall be destroyed, and there shall be no more natural death, no, not in hell. And now it shall happen to men, as it hath done in less and inferior judgments, 1 Cor. xv. 26. " They shall seek death, and desire to die, and death shall not be found by 76 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, A^iD them," Jer. ix. 21, Thus tlierefoie they must abide together; death that used to separate them asunder is now slain — 1. Because it was an enemy in keeping Christ's body in the grave ; and 2, because a friend to carnal men in that, though it was a punishment in itself, yet Avhile it lasted and had dominion over the body of the wicked, it hindered them of that great and just judgment which for sin was due unto them ; and this is the third discovery of the manner and way of punishing of the body. But, 4. There will then be such things to be seen and heard, which the eye and the ear (to say no more than has been said of the sense of feeling) will see and hear, that will greatly aggravate the punishment of the body in hell ; for though the eye is the window, and the ear a door for the soul to look out at, and also to receive in by, yet whatever goeth in at the ear or the eye leaves influence upon the body, whether it be that which the soul delighteth in, or that which the soul abhorreth ; for as the eye affecteth the heart, or soul, so the eye and ear, by hearing and beholding, both ofttimes afflict the body, Lam. iii. 51. " When I heard, my belly trembled, rottenness entered into my bones," Hab. iii. 16. Now, I say, as the body after its resurrection (Dan. xii, 2 ; John, v. 29) to damnation, to everlasting shame and contempt, will receive all its senses again, so it will have matter to exercise them upon, not only to the letting into the soul those aggravations which they by hearing, feeling, and seeing, are capable to let in thither, but, I say, they will have matter and things to exercise themselves upon for the helping forward of the torment of the body. Under temporal judgments of old, the body as well as the soul had no ease, day nor night, and that not only by reason of what was felt, but by reason of what was heard and seen. " In the morning thou shalt say, Would God it were even ! and at even thou shalt say. Would God it were morning !" 1. " For the fear of thine heart, wherewith thou shalt fear ;" 2, " and for the sight of thine eyes, which thou shalt see," Deut. xxviii. 67 ; v. 34. Nay, he tells them a little before that U^■SPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 77 they should be mad for the sight of their eyes which they should see. See ! why, what shall they see ? Why, themselves in hell, with others like them ; and this will be a torment to their body. There is bodily torment, as I said, ministered to the body by the senses of the body. What think you ? If a man saw himself in prison, in irons, upon the ladder, with the rope about his neck, would not this be distress to the body as well as to the mind ? To the body, doubtless. Witness the heavy looks, the shaking legs, trembling knees, pale face, and beating and aching heart ; how much more, then, when men shall see themselves in the most dreadful place (Luke, xvi. 28) ; it is a fearful place, doubtless, to all to behold themselves in that shall come thither. Again ; they shall see others there, and shall by them see themselves. There is an art by which a man may make his neighbour look so ghastly, that he shall fright himself by looking on him, especially when he thinks of himself, that he is of the same show also. It is said concerning men at the downfall of Babylon, that they shall be amazed one at another, " for their faces shall be as flames," Isa. xiii. 8. And what if one should say, that even as it is with a house set on fire within, where the flame ascends out at the chimneys, out at the windows, and the smoke out at every chink and crevice that it can find, so it will be with the damned in hell. That soul will breathe hell-fire and smoke, and coals will seem to hang upon its burning lips ; yea, the face, eyes, and ears will seem all to be chimneys and vents for the flame and smoke of the burning which God by his breath hath kindled therein, and upon them, which will be beheld one in another, to the great torment and distress of each other. What shall I say 1 Here will be seen devils, and here will be heard bowlings and mournings ; here will the soul see itself at an infinite distance from God ; yea, the body will see it too. In a word, who knows the power of God^s wrath, the weight of sin, the torments' of hell, and the length of eternity ? If none, then none can tell, when they 78 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND liave said what they can, the intolerahleness of the torments tliat Avill swallow up the soul, the lost soul, when it is cast away by God, and from him, into outer darkness for sin. But thus much for the cause of the loss of the soul. I now come to the second doctrine that I gathered from the words — namely, that how unconcerned and careless soever some now be about the loss or salvation of their souls, the day is coming (but it will then be too late) when men will be willing, had they never so much, to eive it all in exchange for their souls. There are four things in the words that do prove this doctrine — 1. There is an intimation of life and sense in the man that has lost, and that after he has lost, his soul in hell — "■ Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" These words are by no means applicable to the man that has no life or sense ; for he that is dead according to our common acceptation of death, that is deprived of life and sense, would not give twopence to change his state ; there- fore the words do intimate that the man is yet alive and sensible. Now were a man alive and sensible, though he was in none other place than the grave, there to be con- fined, while others are at liberty, what would he give in exchange for his place, and to be rid of that for a better ! but how much more to be delivered from hell, the present place and state of his soul ! 2. There is in the text an intimation of a sense of tor- ment — " Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul 1 I am tormented in this flame." Torment, then, the soul is sensible of, and that there is a place of ease and peace. And from the sense and feeling of torment, he would give, yea, what would he not give, in exchange for his soul ? 3. There is in the text an intimation of the intolerahle- ness of the torment, because that it supposeth that the man whose soul is swallowed up therewith would give all, were his all never so great, in exchange for his soul. 4. There is yet in the text an intimation that the soul is UxNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS TUEREOF. 79 sensible of the lastingness of the punishment, or else the question rather argues a man unwary than considerate in his offering-, as is supposed by Christ, so largely his all in exchange for his soul. But we will in this manner proceed no further, but take it for ;^anted that the doctrine is good ; wherefore I shall next inquire after what is contained in this truth. And, first, that Grod has undertaken, and will accomplish, the breaking of the spirits of all the world, either by his grace and mercy to salvation, or by his justice and severity to damnation. The damned soul under consideration is certainly sup- posed, as by the doctrine, so by the text, to be utterly care- less, and without regard of salvation, so long as the accept- able time did last, and as the white flag that signifies terms of peace did hang out ; and therefore it is said to be lost ; but, behold, now it is careful, but now it is solicitous, but now, " what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" He of whom you read in the gospel, that could mind to do nothing in the days of the gospel but to find out how to be clothed in purple and fine linen, and to fare sumptuously every day, was by God brought so down, and laid so low at last, that he could crouch, and cringe, and beg for one small drop of water to cool his tongue (Luke, xvi. 19, 24) ; a thing that but a little before he would have thought scorn to have done, when he also thought scorn to stoop to the grace and mercy of the gospeL But God was resolved to break his spirit, and the pride of his heart, and to humble his lofty looks, if not by his mercy, yet by his justice ; if not by his grace, yet by hell-fire. This he also threatens to bring upon the fool in the Pro- verbs — " They shall call, they shall seek, they shall cry," Prov. I 22-32 ; Zecli. vii. 11-13. Who shall do so 1 The answer is. They that sometimes scorned either to seek, or call, or cry ; they that stopped their ears, that pulled away their shoulders, and that refused to seek, or call, or cry to Ood for mercy. Sinner, careless sinner, didst thou take notice of this first 80 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND inference that I have drawn from my second doctrine ? If thou didst, yet read it again ; it is this, " God has under- taken, and will accomplish, the breaking of the spirits of all the world, either by his grace and mercy unto salvation, or by his justice and severity to damnation." The reason for this is this : God is resolved to have the mastery, he is resolved to have the victory. " Who will set the briers and thorns against me in battle, I will go through them and burn them together," Isa. xxvii. 4. I will march against them. God is merciful, and is come forth into the world by his Son, tendering of grace unto sinners b}^ the gospel, and would willingly make a conquest over them for their good by his mercy. Now he being come out, sinners like briers and thorns do set themselves against him, and will have none of his mercy. Well, but what says God ? Saith he, " Then I will march on." I will go through them, and burn them together. I am resolved to have the mas- tery one way or another ; if they will not bend to me, and accept of my mercy in the gospel, I will bend them and break them by my justice in hell-fire. They say they will not bend ; I say they shall ; now they shall know " whose word shall stand, mine or theirs," Jer. xliv. 25-28. Where- fore the apostle, ^^ hen he saw that some of the Corinthians began to be unruly, and to do those things that did begin to hazard them, saith, "Do ye provoke the Lord to jealousy ? are ye stronger than he ?" (1 Cor. x. 20-22) ; as who should say. My brethren, are you aware what you do 1 do you not understand that God is resolved to have the mastery one way or another ? and are you stronger than he ? If not, tremble before him, or he will certainly have you under his feet — " I will tread them in mine anger, and trample them in my fury," Isa. Ixiii. 3. Thus he speaks of them that set them- selves against him ; therefore beware. Now the reason of this resolution of God, it flows from a determination in him to make all his sayings good, and to verify them on the consciences of sinners. And since the incredulous world will not believe now, and fly from wrath, they shall shortly believe and cry imder it ; since they will not now credit the AND UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 81 word before they see unto salvation, they shall be made to credit it by sense and feeling unto damnation. The second inference that I draw from my second doc- trine is this : " That it is, and will be the lot of some to bow and break before God too late, or when it is too late." God is resolved, as I said, to have the mastery, and that not only in a way of dominion and lordship in general (for that he has now), but he is resolved to master — that is, to break the spirit of the world, to make all men cringe and crouch unto him, even those that now say " There is no God ;" or, if there be, yet " What is the Almighty, that we should serve him 1" Ps. xiv. 1 ; Job, xxi. 15; Mai. iii. 14. This is little thought of by those that now harden their hearts in wickedness, and that turn their spirit against God ; but this they shall think of, this they must think of, this God will make them think of, in that day (2 Pet. iii. 1-4), at which day they also now do mock and deride, that the scripture might be fulfilled upon them. And, I say, they shall think then of those things, and break at heart, and melt under the hand, and power, and majesty of the Al- mighty ; for " As I live," saitli God, " every knee shall bow to me ; every tongue shall confess to God," Isa. xlv. 23 ; Rom. xiv. 10-12. And again, " The nations shall see, and be confounded at all their might ; they shall lay their hand upon their mouth, their ears shall be deaf ; they shall lick the dust like a serpent, they shall move out of their holes like worms, or creeping things of the earth ; they shall be afraid of the Lord our God, and shall fear because of thee," Micah, vii. 16, 17. For then they, will they, nill they, shall have to do with God, though not with him as merciful, or as one that may be entreated ; yet with him as just, and as devouring fire ; yea, they shall see that face, and hear that voice, from whom and from which the heavens and the earth shall fly away, and find no place of stay, Heb. xii. last verse. And by this appearance, and by such Avords of his mouth as he then will speak to them, they shall begin to tremble, and call for the rocks to fall upon them and cover them ; for VOL. II. F 82 THE GREATNESS OF TUE SOUL, AND if these things will happen at the execution of inferior judgments, what will be done, what effects will the last, most dreadful, and eternal judgment have upon men's souls? Hence you find that at the very first appearance of Jesus Christ, the whole world begins to mourn and lament — " Every eye shall see him, and they also that pierced him : and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him," Rev. i. 7. And therefore you also find them to stand at the door and knock, saying, " Lord, Lord, open unto us," Luke, xiii. 25, 26 ; Matt. xxv. Moreover, you find them also desiring, yea, also so humble in their desires as to be content with the least degree of mercy — one drop, one drop upon the tip of one's finger. What stooping, what condescension, what humility is here ! All and every one of those passages declare that the hand of God is upon them, and that the Almighty has got the mastery of them, has conquered them, broken the pride of their power, and laid them low, and made them cringe and crouch unto him, bending the knee, and craving of kindness. Thus, then, will God bow, and bend, and break them ; yea, make them bow, and bend, and break before him. And hence also it is that they will weep, and mourn, and gnash their teeth, and cry, and repent that ever they have been so foolish, so wicked, so traitorous to their souls, and such enemies of their own eternal happiness, as to stand out in the day of their visitation in a way of rebellion against the Lord. But here is their hard hap, their dismal lot and portion, that all these things must be when it is too late. It is, and will be, the lot and hap of these to bow, bend, and break too late, JVIatt. xxv. You read, they come weeping and mourning, and with tears ; they knock and cry for mercy ; but what did tears avail ? Why, nothing ; for the door was shut. He answered and said, " I know you not whence you are," Luke xiii. 26-28. But they repeat and renew their suit, saying, " We have eat and drank in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets." What now ? Why, he returns upon them UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS TllEKEOF. 83 his first answer the second time, sayine^, " I tell you, I know you not whence you are ; depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity;" then he concludes, " There shall be weeping and gnashing- of teeth, when you shall see Abra- ham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, and yourselves thrust out." They come weeping, and go weeping away. They come to him weep- ing, for they saw that he had conquered them ; but they departed weeping, for they saw that he would damn them ; yet, as we read in another place, they were very loath to go from him, by their reasoning and expostulating with him — " Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee ?" But all would not do ; here is no place for change of mind, — " These shall go away into ever- lasting punishment ; but the righteous into life eternal." And now what would a man give in exchange for his soul ? So that, as I said before, all is too late ; they mourn too late, they repent too late, they pray too Ut3, and seek to make an exchange for their soul too late. " Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul V Two or three things there may yet be gathered from these words ; I mean, as to the desires of them that have lost their souls, to make for them an exchange : " What shall a man give in exchange ?" — w4iat shall, what would, yea, wdiat would not a man, if he had it, give in exchange for his soul ? 1. What would not a man — I mean, a man in the con- dition that is by the text supposed some men are and will be in — give in exchange to have another man's virtues in- stead of his own vices ? " Let me die the death of the righteous ;" let my soul be in the state of the soul of the righteous — that is, with reference to his virtues, when I die, " and let my last end be like his," Num. xxiii, 10. It is a sport now to some to taunt, and squib, and deride at other men's virtues ; but the day is coming when their minds will be changed, and when they shall be made to count those that have done those righteous actions and 84 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND duties which they have scoffed at, the only ])lessed men ; yea, they shall wish their soul in the blessed possession of those graces and virtues that those whom they hated were accompanied with, and would, if they had it, give a whole world for this change ; hut it will not now do, it is now too late. What then shall a man give in exchange for his soul ? And this is more than intimated in that tAventy- fifth of jMatthew named before ; for you find by that text how loath they were, or will be, to be counted for unright- eous people — " Lord," say they, " when did we see thee an hungered, or athirst, naked, or sick, and did not minister unto thee '?" Now they are not willing to be of the number of the wicked, though heretofore the ways of the righteous were an abomination to them. But, alas! they are before a just God, a just judge, a judge that will give every one according to his ways ; therefore, " Woe to the soul of the wicked now," Isa. iii. 11. It shall go ill with him, for the reward of his hands shall be given him. Thus, there- fore, he is locked up as to this ; he cannot now change his vices for virtues, nor put himself nor his soul in the stead of the soul of the saved ; so that it still and will for ever abide a question unresolved, " Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul V I do not doubt but that a man's state may be such in this world, that if he had it he would give thousands of gold to be as innocent and guiltless in the judgment of the law of the land as is the state of such or such, heartily wishing that himself was not that he is ; how much more then will men wish thus when they stand ready to receive the last, their eternal judgment. " But what shall a man give in exchange for his soul ?" 2. As they would for the salvation of their souls be glad to change away their vices for the virtues, their sins for the good deeds, of others, so what would they not give to change places now, or to remove from where now they are, into paradise, into Abraham's bosom ? But neither shall this be admitted ; the righteous must have their inheritance to themselves — " Neither," said Abra- ham, " can they pass to us, that would come from thence" UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 86 (Luke, xvi. 26); neither can they dwell in heaven that would come from hell. They then that have lost, or shall lose, their souls, are bound^to their place, as well as to their sins. When Judas went to hell, he went to his home, to his own place (Acts, i. 25); and when the righteous go hence, they also go home to their house, to their own place ; for the kingdom of heaven is prepared for them. Matt. xxv. 34. Between heaven and hell, "there is a great gulf fixed" (Luke xii. 32); that is, a strong passage ; there is a great gulf fixed. What this gulf is, and how impassable, they that shall lose their souls will know to their woe ; because it is fixed there where it is on purpose to keep them in their torment- ing place, so that they that would pass from hell to heaven cannot. But I say, '•' Would they not change places 1 would they not have a more comfortable house and home for their souls 1" Yes, verily, the text supposes it, and the 16th of Luke affirms it ; yea, and could they purchase for their soul a habitation among the righteous, would they not 1 Yes, they would give all the world for such a change. What shall, what shall not a man, if he had it, if it would answer his design, give in exchange for his soul 1 3. As the damned would change their own vices for virtues, and the place where they are for that into which they shall not come, so what would they give for a change of condition 1 Yea, if an absolute change may not be ob- tained, yet what would they give for the least degree of mitigation of that torment which now they know will without any intermission be, and that for ever and ever ] " Tribulation and anguish, indignation and wrath" (Rom. ii. 8, 9 ; 2 Thess. i. 7-10); the gnawing worm, and ever- lasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power, cannot be borne but with great horror and grief ; no marvel then if these poor creatures would for ease for their souls be glad to change their con- ditions. Change !— with whom1 with an angel, with a saint ; ay, with a dog or a toad ; for they mourn not, they weep not, nor do they bear indignation of wrath ; they are 86 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND as if they had not been ; only the sinful soul abides in its sins, in the place designed for lost souls, and in the condition that wrath and indignation for sin and transgression hath decreed them to abide for ever. And this brings me to the conclusion, which is, " that seeing the ungodly do seek good things too late," therefore, notwithstanding their seek- ing, they must -still abide in their place, their sins, and their tonnent — " For what can a man give in exchange for his soul 1" Therefore God saith, that they there must still abide and dwell, no exchange can be made, Isaiah 1, 11. Ezek. xxxii. 25, 27, " This shall they have of mine hand, they shall lie down in sorrow;" they shall lie down in it, they shall make their bed there, there they shall lie. And this is the bitter pill that they must swallow down at last ; for after all their tears, their sorrows, their mournings, their repentings, their wishings and wouldings, and all their inventings and desires to change their state for a better, they must lie doAvn in sorrow. The poor condemned man that is upon the ladder or scaffold has, if one knew them, many a long wish and long desire that he might come down again alive, or that his condition was as one of the spectators that are not condemned and brought thither to be executed as he. How carefully also doth he look with his failing eyes, to see if some comes not fi"om the king with a pardon for him, all the while endeavouring to fumble away as well as he can, and to prolong the minute of his execu- tion. But at last, when he has looked, when he has wished, when he has desired, and done whatever he can, the blow with the axe, or turn with the ladder, is his lot, so he goes off the scaffold, so he goes from among men ; and thus it will be with those that we have under conside- ration ; when all comes to all, and they have said, and wished, and done what they can, the judgment must not be reversed — they must lie down in sorrow. They must, or shall lie do^^^l. Of old, when a man was to be chastised for his fault, he was to lie do^^m to receive his stripes ; so here, saith the Lord, they shall lie down — " And it sliall be, if the wicked man be worthy to be beaten, UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 87 the judge shall cause him to lie down, and to be beaten be- fore his face," Deut. xxv. 2. And this lying down was to 1)? his lot after he had pleaded for himself what he could — and the judge shall cause him to be beaten before his face, while he is present to behold the execution of judgment ; and thus it shall be at the end of the world ; the wicked shall lie down and shall be beaten with many stripes in the presence of Christ, and in the presence of the holy angels, 2 Thess i ; Rev. xiv. 10. .For there will be his presence, not only at the trial as judge, but to see execution done, nay, to do it himself by the pouring out, like a river, his wrath as burning brimstone upon the soul of the lost and cast-away sinner. He shall lie down. These words imply that at last the damned soul shall submit ; for to lie down is an act that signifies submission, especially to lie down to be beaten. The wicked shall be silent in darkness. When the malefactor has said and wished all that he can, yet at last he submits, is silent, and, as it were, helps to put his head into the halter, or doth lay down his neck upon the block, 1 Sam. ii. 9. So here it is said of the damned — " They shall lie down in sorrow." There is also a place that saith, " These shall go away into everlasting punishment," Matt. xxv. 46. To go, to go to punishment is also an act of submission. Nov/ sub- mission to punishment doth, or should, flow from full con- viction of the merit of punishment ; and I think it is so to be understood here — " For every mouth shall be stopped, and all the world (of soul-losers) become guilty before God," Romans, iii. 4, 19 ; Luke, xiii. 25-28 ; INIatthew, xxv. 44. Every mouth shall be stopped, not at the be- ginning of the judgment, for then they plead, and pray, and also object against the judge ; but at the end, after that by a judicial proceeding he shall have justified against them his sayings, and have overcome these his judges, then they shall submit, and also lie down in sorrow ; yea, they shall go away to their punishment as those who know they deserve it ; yea, they shall go away with silence. Now, How they shall behave themselves in hell, I will not 88 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND here dispute ; whether in a way of rage and hlaspheiny, and in rending and tearing of the name and just actions of God towards them, or Avhether hy Avay of submission there ; I say, though this is none of this task, yet a word or two, if you please. Doubtless they will not be mute there ; they will cry, and wail, and gnash their teeth, and perhaps too sometimes at God ; but I do not think but that the justice they have deserved, and the equal administration of it upon them, will for the most part prevail with them to rend and tear themselves, to acquit and justify God, and to add fuel to their fire by concluding themselves in all the fault, and that they have sufficiently merited this just damnation ; for it would seem strange to me that just judgment among men shall terminate in this issue, if God should not justify himself in the conscience of all the damned. But as here on earth, so he will let them know that go to hell that he liath not done without a cause, a sufficient cause, all that he hath done in damning of them, Ezek. xiv. 23. I come now to make some use and application of the whole. And, 1. If the soul be so excellent a thing as we have made it appear to be, and if the loss thereof be so great a loss, then here you may see who they are that are those extravagant ones ; I mean, those that are such in the highest degree. Solomon tells us of a great waster, and saith also, that he that is slothful in his business " is brother to such an one," Prov. xviii. 9. Who Solomon had his eye upon, or who it was that he counted so great a waster, I cannot tell ; but I will challenge all the world to shew me one for wasting and destroying may be compared to him that for the lusts and pleasures of this life will hazard the loss of his soul. JMany men will be so profuse, and will spend at that pro- digal rate, that they will bring a thousand pounds a year to five hundred, and five hundred to fifty, and some also will bring that fifty to less than ninepence ; but what is this to him that shall never leave losing until he has lost his soul ? I have heard of some who would throw away a UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 89 farm, a good estate, upon the trundling of one single bowl ; but what is this to the casting a\vay the soul 1 I say, what is this to the loss of the soul, and that for less than the trundling of a bowl 1 Nothing can for badness be compared to sin ; it is the vile thing, it cannot have a worse name than its own ; it is worse than the vilest man, than the vilest of beasts ; yea, sin is worse than the devil him- self, for it is sin, and sin only, that hath made the devils devils ; and yet for this, for this vile, this abominable thing, some men, yea, most men, will venture the loss of their soul ; yea, they will mortgage, pawn, and set their souls to sale for it, Jer. xliv. 4. Is not this a great waster ? doth not this man deserve to be ranked among the extra- vagant ones 1 What think you of him wdio when he tempted the wench to uncleanness said to her, " If thou wilt venture thy body, I will venture my soul V Was not here like to be a fine bargain, think you ? or was not this man like to be a gainer by so doing 1 This is he that prizes sin at a higher rate than he doth his immortal soul ; yea, tliis is he that esteems a quarter of an hour's pleasure more than he fears everlasting damnation. What shall I say ? This man is minded to give more to be damned, than God requires he should give to be saved ; is not this an ex- travagant one ? " Be astonished, ye heavens ! at this, and be ye horribly afraid !" Jer. ii. 9 — 12. Yea, let all the angels stand amazed at the unaccountable prodigality of such an one. Object. 1. But some may say, I cannot believe that God will be so severe as to cast away into hell-fire an im- mortal soul for a little sin. Ansio. — I know thou canst not believe it, for if thou couldst, thou wouldst sooner eat fire than run this hazard ; and hence all they that go down to the lake of fire are called the unbelievers ; and the Lord shall cut thee (that makest this objection) asunder, and shall appoint thee thy portion w^ith such, except thou believe the gospel, and re- pent, Luke, xii, 46. Object. 2. But surely, though God should be so angry 90 THE CmEATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND at the beginning, it cannot in time but grieve him to see and liear souls roaring in hell, and that for a little sin. Answ. — Whatsoever God doth, it abideth for ever, (Eccles. iii. 14) ; he doth nothing in a passion, or in an angry fit ; he proceedeth with sinners by the most perfect rules of justice ; wherefore it would be injustice to deliver them whom the law condemneth, 3'ea, he would falsify his word, if after a time he should deliver them ft-om hell, con- cerning whom he hath solemnly testified that they shall be there for ever. Object. 3. but, as he is just, so he is merciful ; and mercy is pitiful, and very compassionate to the afiiicted. Answ. — but mercy abused becomes most fearful in tormenting. Did you never read that the Lamb turned lion, and that the world will tremble at the wrath of the Lamb, and be afiiicted more at the thoughts of that than at the thoughts of anything that shall happen to them in the day when God shall call them to an account for their sins. Rev. vi. 16, 17. The time of mercy will be then past, for now is that -ac- ceptable time, behold now is the day of salvation ; the gate of mercy will then ])e shut, and must not be opened again ; for now is that gate open, now it is open for a door of hope, 2 Cor. vi. 2 ; Matt, xxv, 10 ; Luke, xiii. 25. The time of shewing pity and compassion will then be at an end ; for that as to acting towards sinners will last but till the glass of the world is run, and when that day is past, mark what God saith shall follow, " I will laugh at your calamity, I will mock when your fear coineth ; when your fear cometh as desolation, and your destruction cometh like a whirlwind ; when distress and anguish com- eth upon you," Prov. i. 26, 27. Mark you how many pinching expressions the Lord Jesus Chi-ist doth threaten the refusing sir.ner with who refuseth him now — I will laugh at him, I will mock at liira. But when, Lord, wilt thou laugh at, and mock at, the impenitent 1 The answer is, " I will laugh at their calamities, and mock when their fear cometh ; when their TJNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS TIIEllEOF. 91 fear cometh as desolation, and their destruction like a whirlwind ; when distress and anguish cometh upon them." Object. 4. But if God Almighty be at this point, and there be no moving of him to mercy at that day, yet we can but lie in hell till we are burnt out, as the log doth at the back of the fire. Poor besotted sinner, is this thy last shift 1 wilt tliou comfort thyself with this ? are thy sins so dear, so sweet, so desirable, so profitable to thee, that thou wilt venture a burning in hell-fire for them till thou art burnt out ? Is there nothing else to be done but to make a covenant w^ith death, and to maintain thy agreement with hell 1 Isa. xxviii. 15. Is it not better to say now unto God, Do not condemn me ? and to say now, Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner 1 Would not tears, and prayers, and cries, in this acceptable time to God for mercy yield thee more benefit in the next world than to lie and bum out in hell will do % But to come more close to thee. Have not I told thee already that there is no such thing as a ceasing to be ? that the damned shall never be burned out in hell 1 there shall be no more such death, or cause of dissolution, for ever. This one thing, well considered, breaks not only the neck of that wild conceit on which thy foolish objection is built, but will break thy stubborn heart in pieces. For then it follows, that unless thou canst conquer God, or with ease endure to conflict with his sin-revenging wrath, thou wilt be made to mourn while under his everlasting wrath and indignation ; and to know that there is not such a thing as a burning-out in hell-fire. Object. 5. But if this must be my case, I shall have more fellows ; I shall not go to hell, nor yet burn there, alone. Answ. — What, again ; is there no breaking of the league that is betwixt sin and thy soul ? What, resolved to be a self-murderer, a soul-murderer ? what, resolved to murder thine own soul 1 But is there any comfort in being hanged with company ? in sinking into the bottom of the sea with 92 THE GREATKESS OF THE SOUL, AND company ? or in going to liell, in burning in hell, and in enduring the everlasting pains of hell, with company ? 0, besotted wretch ! But I tell thee, the more compan}-, the more sorrow ; the more fuel, the more fire. Hence the damned man that we read of in Luke desired that his brethren might be so warned and prevailed with as to be kept out of that place of torment, Luke, xvi, 27, 28. But to hasten ; I come now to the second use. Use 2. Is it so ? Is the soul such an excellent thing, and the loss thereof so unspeakably great ? Then here you may see who are the greatest fools in the world — to wit, those who to get the world and its preferments will neglect God till they lose their souls. The rich man in the gospel was one of these great fools, for that he was more con- cerned about what he should do with his goods than how his soul should be saved, Luke, xii. 16-21. Some are for venturing their souls for pleasures, and some are for ven- turing their souls for profits ; they that venture their souls for pleasures have but little excuse for their doings ; but they that venture their souls for profit seem to have imich. " And they all with one consent began to make excuse ;" — excuse, for what 1 why, for the neglect of the salvation of their souls. But what was the cause of their making this excuse 1 Why, their profits came tumbling in. I have bought a piece of ground ; I have bought five yoke of oxen ; and I have married a (rich) Avife, and therefore I cannot come. Thus also it was with the fool first mentioned ; his ground did bring forth plentifully, wherefore he must of necessity forget his soul, and, as he thought, all the reason of the Avorld he should. Wherefore he falls to crying out, What shall I do ? Now, had one said, Mind the good of thy soul, man ; the answer would have been ready, But where shall I bestow my goods 1 If it had been replied, Stay till harvest ; he returns again. But I have no room where to bestow my goods. Now tell him of praying, and he answers, he must go to building. Tell him he should frequent sermons, and he replies, he must mind his work- UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF, 93 men, Tsa. xliv. 20. He cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand ? And see if in the end he did not hecome a fool ; for though he accomplished the building of his barns, and put in there all his fruits and his goods, yet even till now his soul was empty, and void of all that was good ; nor did he, in singing of that requiem which he sung to his soul at last, saying, " Soul, take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry," shew himself ever the wiser ; for in all his labours he had rejected to get that food that indeed is meat and drink for the soul. Nay, in singing this song he did but provoke God to hasten to send to fetch his soul to hell ; for so begins the conclusion of the parable — " Thou fool, this night shall thy soul be required of thee ; then v/hose shall those things be which thou hast provided ?" So that, I say, it is the greatest folly in the world for a man, upon any pretence whatever, to neglect to make good the salva- tion of his soul. There are six signs of a fool, and they do all meet in that same man that concerns not himself, and that to good purpose, for the salvation of his soul. 1. " A fool has not an heart, when the price is in his hand, to get wisdom," Prov. xvii. 16. 2. " It is a sport to a fool to do mischief, and to set light by the commission of sin," Proverbs, x. 23. 3. •' Fools despise wisdom ; fools hate knowledge," Prov. xiv. 9, 4. " A fool after restraint retui-ns to his folly," Prov. i. 7,22. 5. " The way of a fool is right in his ovm eyes," Prov. xii. 15. 6. " The fool goes merrily to the correction of the stocks," Prov. vii. 22, 23. I might add many more, but these six shall suffice at this time, by which it appears that the fool has no heart for the heavenly prize, yet he has to sport liimself in sin ; and when he despises wisdom, the way is yet right before him ; yea, if he be for some time restrained from vice, he 94 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND greedily turneth again thereto, and will, Avhen he has finished his course of folly and sin in this world, go as heedlessly, as carelessly, as unconcernedly, and quietly, down the steps to hell, as the ox goeth to the slaughter- house. This is a soul-fool, a fool of the higgest size (Luke xii, 21); and so is every one also that layeth up treasvire for himself on earth, and is not rich towards God. Object. 1. But would you not have us mind our worldly concerns ? Answ. — Mind them, but mind them in their place ; mind thy soul first and most ; the soul is more than the body, and eternal life better than temporal ; first seek the king- dom of God, and prosper in thy health and thy estate as thy soul prospers. Matt. vi. 33 ; 3 John, 2. But as it is rare to see this command obeyed, for the kingdom of God shall be thought of last, so if John's wish was to light upon, or happen to some people, they would neither have health nor wealth in this world. To prosper and be in health, as their soul prospers — what, to thrive and mend in outwards, no faster ] then we should have them have consumptive bodies and low estates, for are not the souls of most as unthrifty, for grace and spiritual health, as is the tree without fruit that is pulled up by the roots ? Object. 2. But would you have us sit still and do no- thing ? Answ. — And must you needs be upon the extremes ; must you mind this world to the damning of your souls ; or will you not mind your callings at all ? Is there not a middle way 1 may you not, must you not, get your bread in a way of honest industry, that is caring most for the next world, and so using of this as not abusing the same ? 2 Cor. iv. 18. And then a man doth so, and never but then, when he sets this world and the next in their proper places, in his thoughts, in his esteem, and judgment, and dealeth with both accordingly, 1 Cor. vii. 29-31. And is there not all the reason in the world for this 1 are not the things that are eternal best ? Deut. viii, 3 ; Matt. iv. 4 ; U.NSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 95 Heb, X. 39. Will temporal things make thy soul to live ? or art thou none of those that should look after the salva- tion of their soul ? Object. 3. But the most of men do that which you for- bid, and why may not we ? Answ. — God says, "Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil," Exod. xxiii. 2 ; Matt. vi. 33. It is not what men do, but what God commands ; it is not what doth present itself unto us, but what is best, that we should choose, Luke, x. 41, 42 ; Prov. xvi. 32 ; xix. 16. Now, " he that refuseth instruction, despiseth his own soul ; and he that keepeth the commandment, keepeth his own soul." Make not therefore these foolish objections. But what saith the word, how readest thou 1 That tells thee, that the pleasures of sin are but for a season ; that the things that are seen are but temporal ; that he is a fool that is rich in this world, and is not so towards God ; " and what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul. Object. 4. But may one not be equally engaged for both 1 A')isw. — A divided heart is a naughty one ; you cannot serve God and mammon, Hos. x. 2 ; Matt. vi. 24 ; Luke, xvi. 13 ; xxi. 34 ; 1 John, ii. 15 ; Prov. xi. 4. " If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him ;" and yet this objection bespeaks that thy heart is divided, that thou art a mammonist, or that thou lovest the world. But will riches profit in the day of wrath 1 yea, are they not hui-tful in the day of grace % do they not tend to surfeit the heart, and to alienate a man and his mind from things that are better ? why then wilt thou set thy heart upon that which is not ? yea, then what will become of them that are so far off of minding of their souls, that they for whole days, whole weeks, whole months, and years to- gether, scarce consider whether they have souls to save 1 Use 3. But, thirdly. Is it so ? Is the soul such an ex- cellent thing, and is the loss thereof so unspeakably great ? Then this should teach people to be very careful to whom they commit the teaching and guidance of their souls. 96 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND This is a business of the greatest concern ; men will be careful to whom they commit their children, who they make the executors of their will, in whose hand they trust the writing and evidences of their lands ; but how much more careful should we be — and yet the most are the least of all careful — unto whom we commit the teaching and guidance of our souls. There are several sorts of soul-shepherds in the world — 1. There are idol shepherds, Zech. xi. 7. 2. There are foolish shepherds, Zech. xi. 15. 3. There are shepherds that feed themselves, and not their flock, Ezek. xxxiv. 2. 4. There are hard-hearted and pitiless shepherds, Zech. xi. 3. 5. There are shepherds that instead of healing, smite, push, and wound the diseased, Ezek. xxxiv. 4, 21. 6. There are shepherds that cause their flocks to go astray, Jer. i. 6. 7. And there are shepherds that feed their flocks ; these are the shepherds to whom thou shouldst commit thy soul for teaching and for guidance. Quest, You may ask. How should I know those shep- herds ? Atisw, — First, surrender up thy soul unto G-od by Christ, and choose Christ to be the chief shepherd of thy soul, and he will direct thee to his shepherds, and he will of his mercy set such shepherds over thee " as shall feed thee with knowledge and understanding," 1 Peter, ii. 25 ; iv. 19 ; John, x. 4, 5 ; Cant. i. 7, 8 ; Jer. iii. 15 ; xxiii. 4. Before thou hast surrendered up thy soul to Christ, that he may be thy chief shepherd, thou canst not find out, nor choose to put thy soul under the teaching and guidance of his under-shepherds, for thou canst not love them ; be- sides, they are so set forth by false shepherds, in so many ugly guises, and under so many false and scandalous dresses, that should I direct thee to them while thou art a stranger to Christ, thou wilt count them deceivers, devourers, and wolves in sheep's clothing, rather than the shepherds that UN8PEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 97 belong to the great and chief Sheplierd, who is also the Bishop of the soul. Yet this I will say unto thee, take heed of that shepherd that careth not for his own soul, that walketh in ways, and doth such things, as have a direct tendency to damn his own soul ; I say, take heed of such an one, come not near him, let him have nothing to do with thy soul ; for if he be not faithful to that which is his own soul, be sure he will not be faithful to that which is anotlier man's. He that feeds his own soul with ashes (Ezek. xiii. 18-23), will scarce feed thine with the bread of life ; wherefore, take heed of such an one ; and many such there are in the world. " By their fi-uits you shall know them ;" they are for flat- tering of the worst, and frownii^ upon the best ; they are for promising of life to the profane, and for slaying the souls that God would have live ; they are also men that hunt souls that fear God, but for sewing pillows under those armholes which God would have to lean upon that which would afflict them : " These be them that with lies do make the heart of the righteous sad, whom I have not made sad, saith God ; and that have strengthened the hands of the wicked, that he should not return from his wicked way, by promising of him life." And as thou shouldst, for thy soul's sake, choose for thy- self good soul-shepherds, so also, for the same reason, you should choose for 3'ourself a good wife, a good husband, a good master, a good servant ; for in all these things " the soul is concerned," Gen. xxiv. 3 ; Psalm ci. 7. Abraham would not suffer Isaac to take a wife of the daughters of Canaan, nor would David suffer a wicked servant to come into his house, or to tarry in his sight. Bad company is also very destructive to the soul, and so is evil communica- tion ; wherefore be diligent to shun all these things, that thou mayst persevere in that way, the end of which will be the saving of thy soul, Prov. xiii. 20 ; 1 Cor. xv. 33. And since under this head I am fallen upon cautions, let me add these to those which I have presented to the© already — a 98 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND 1. Take heed, take heed of learning to do evil of an) diat are good. It is possil:)le for a good man to do things that are had, ; hut let not his had action emholden thee to run upon sin. Seest thou a good man that stumhleth at a stone, or that slippeth into the dirt, let that warn thee to take heed ; let his stumhle make thee wary, let his fall make thee look well to thy goings ; " ever follow that which is good," 1 Thess. v. 15. Thy soul is at stake. 2. Take heed of the good things of bad men, for in them there lies a snare also, their good words and fair speeches tend to deceive (Rom. xvi. 17, 18) ; learn to he good by the word of God, and by the holy lives of them that be good, (Prov. iii. 31 ; xxiv. i.) ; envy not the wicked, nor desire to be with him ; choose none of his ways : thy soul lies at stake. 3. Take heed of playing the hj^pocrite in religion. What of God and his word thou knowest, profess it honestly, con- form to it heartily, serve him faithfully ; for what is the hypocrite bettered by all his profession " when God shall take away his soul ?" Job, xxvii. 8. 4. Take heed of delays to turn to God, and of choosing his ways for the delight of thy heart, " for the Lord's eye is upon them that fear him, to deliver their souls," Psalm xxxiii. 18, 19. 5. Boast not thyself of thy flocks and thy herds, of thy gold and thy silver, of thy sons and of thy daughters. What is a house full of treasures, and all the delights of this world, if thou be empty of grace, " if thy soul be not filled with good V Eccles. vi. 3. But, Use 4. Is it so 1 is the soul such an excellent thing, and IS the loss thereof so unspeakabl}'- great ? Then I pray thee let me inquire a little of thee, what provision hast thou made for thy soul ? There be many that through their eagerness after the things of this life do bereave their soul of good, even of that good the which if they had it would be a good to them for ever, Eccles. iv. 8. But I ask not concerning this ; it is not wjmt provision thou hast made for this life, but what for the life and the world to come. DXSPEAKABLENESS OV THE LOSS THEREOF. 99 " Lord, gather not my soul with sinners," said David (Ps. xxvi. 9) ; not with men of this world ; Lord, not with them that have tlieir portion in this life, whose helly thou fillest with thy hid treasures. Thus you see how Solomon laments some, and how his father prays to be delivered from their lot who have their portion in this life, and that have not made provision for their soul. Well, then_, let me inquire of thee about this matter. What provision hast thou made for thy soul ? And, 1 . What hast thou thought of thy soul 1 What ponderous thoughts hast thou had of the greatness and of the immor- tality of thy soul ? This must be the first inquiry ; for he that hath not had his thoughts truly exercised, ponderously exercised, about the greatness and the immortality of his soul, will not be careful after an effectual manner to make provision for his soul for the life and world to come. The soul is a man's all, whether he knows it or no, as I have already shewed you. Now a man will be concerned about what he thinks is his all. We read of the poor servant that " sets his heart upon his wages" (Deut. xxiv. 14, 15) ; but it is because it is his all, his treasure, and that wherein his worldly worth lieth. Why, thy soul is thy all ; it is strange if thou dost not think so ; and more strange if thou dost think so, and yet hast light, seldom, and trivial thoughts about it. These tv.'o seem to be inconsistent, therefore let thy conscience speak ; either thou hast very great and weighty thouglits about the excellent greatness of thy soul, or else thou dost not count that thy soul is so great a thing as it is, else thou dost not count it thy all. 2. Wliat judgment hast thou made of the present state of thy soul ? I speak now to the unconverted. Thy soul is under sin, under the curse, and an object of wrath ; this is that sentence that by the word is passed upon it — " Woe to their souls, saith God ; for they have rewarded evil to them- selves" (Isa. iii. 9) ; this is the sentence of God. Well, but what judgment hast thou passed upon it while thou livest in thy debaucheries ? Is it not that which thy fellows have passed on theirs before thee, saying, " I shall 100 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND have peace, though I walk in the imagination of my heart, to add drunkenness to thirst," Deut. xxix. 19-21. If so, know thy judgment is gross, thy soul is miserable, and turn, or in little time thine eyes will behold all this. 3. What care hast thou had of securing of thy soul, and that it might be delivered from the danger that by sin it is brought into ? If a man have a horse, a cow, or a swine that is sick, or in danger by reason of this or that casualty, he will take care for his beast, that it may not perish, he will pull it out of the ditch on the Sabbath day. But, oh \ that is the day on which many men do piit their soul into the ditch of sin ; that is the day that they set apart to pursue wickedness in. But I say, what care hast thou taken to get thy soul out of this ditch ? — a ditch out of which thou canst never get it without the aid of an omnipotent arm. In things pertaining to this life, when a man feels his own strength fail, he will implore the help and aid of another ; and no man can by any means deliver by his own ann his soul from the power of hell (which thou also wilt confess, if thou beest not a very brute) ; but what hast thou done with God for help ? hast thou cried ? hast thou cried out ? yea, dost thou still cry out, and that day and night before him — " Deliver my soul, save my soul, preserve my soul, heal my soul, and I pour out my soul unto thee ?" (Ps. xvii. 13 ; XXV. 20 ; xli. 4 ; Ixii. 5 ; Ixiii. 1-8) ; yea, canst thou say. My soul, my soul waiteth upon God, my soul thirsteth for him, my soul folio weth hard after him 1 I say, dost thou this, or dost thou hunt thine own soul to destroy it 1 The soul with some is the game, their lusts are the dogs, and they themselves are the huntsmen, and never do they more halloo, and lure, and laugh, and sing, than when they have delivered up their soul, their darling, to these dogs ; a thing that David trembled to think of, when he cried, " Dogs have compassed me about ; save my darling, my soul, from the power of the dog," Ps. xxii. 16, 20. Thus, I say, he cried, and y«t these dogs were but wicked men. But, oh ! how much is a sin, a lust, worse than a man to do us hurt ; yea, worse than is a dog, a lion, to hurt a lamb ' UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 101 4. What are the signs and tokens that thou hearest about thee concerning how it will go with thy soul at last ? There are signs and tokens of a good, and signs and tokens of a bad; and that the souls of sinners will have (Phil, i, 27, 28 ; Heb. vi. 9 ; Job, xxi. 29, 30 ; Isa. iii. 9) ; there are signs of the salvation of the soul, evident tokens of salvation ; and there are signs of the damnation of the soul, evident signs of damnation. Now which of these hast thou ? I can- not stand here to shew thee which are which ; but thy soul and its salvation lieth before thee, and thou hast the book of signs about these matters by thee ; thou hast also men of God to go to, and their assemblies to frequent. Look, to thyself; heaven and hell are hard by, and one of them will swallow thee up ; heaven, into unspeakable and endless glory ; or hell, into unspeakable and endless tor- ment. Yet, 5. What are the pleasures and delights of thy soul now 1 Are they things divine, or things natural 1 Are they things heavenly, or things earthly ? Are they things holy, or things unholy ? For look what things thou delightest in now, to those things the great God doth count thee a ser- vant, and for and of those thou shalt receive thy wages at the day of judgment — " His servants you are to whom you obey, whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto right- eousness," Rom vi. 16. Wicked men talk of heaven, and say they hope and desire to go to heaven, even while they continue wicked men ; but I say, what would they do there I If all that desire to go to heaven should come thither, verily they would make a hell of heaven ; for I say, what would they do there ? why, just as they do here ; scatter their filthiness quite over the face of heaven, and make it as vile as the pit that the devils dwell in. Take holiness away out of heaven, and what is heaven 1 I had rather be in hell were there none but holy ones there, than be in heaven itself with the ' children of iniquity. If heaven should be filled with wicked men, God would quickly drive them out, or forsake the place for their sakes. It is true, they have been sinners, 102 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND and none but sinners, that go to heaven ; but they s,re washed, — " Such were some of you, but ye are washed (1 Cor. ix. 10, 11), but you are justified, but you are sanc- tified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the Spirit of our God." When the maidens were gathered together for the great king Ahasuerus, before they were brought to him into his royal presence, they were to be had to the house of the women, there to be purified with things for purification, and that for twelve months together — to wit, six montlis Avith oil of myrrh, and six months with sweet odours, and other things (Esther, ii. 3, 9, 12, 13), and so came every maiden to the king. God also hath appointed that those that come into his royal presence should first go to the house of the women, the church, and there receive of the eunuchs things for purification, things to " make us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light," Col. i. 12. None can go from a state of nature to glory but by a state of grace (1 Cor. v. 5 ; Rom. ix. 23) ; the Lord gives grace and glory ; hence he that goeth to heaven is said to be wrought for it, fitted, prepared for it. Use 5, Again, fifthly. Is it so ? is the soul such an excel- lent thing, and is the loss thereof so unspeakably great ? Then this doctrine commends those for the wise ones that above all business concern themselves with the salvation of their souls ; those that make all other matters but things by the bye, and the salvation of their souls the one thing needful. But but few comparatively will be concerned with this use ; for where is he that doth this 1 Solomon speaks of one man of a thousand (Eccles. vii. 28). How- ever, some there be, .and blessed be God for some ; but they are they that are wise, yea, wise in the wisdom of God, 1. Because they reject what God hath rejected, and that is sin. 2. Because they esteem but little of that which by the word is counted but of little esteem, and that is the world. 3. Because they choose for a portion that which God commendeth unto us for that which is the most excellent UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 103 thing — viz. himself, his Christ, his heaven, his word, his grace, and holiness, these are the great and most excellent things, and the things that they have chosen that are truly wise for their soul (and all other wise men are fools in God's account, and in the judgment of his word), and if it be so, glory and bliss must needs be their portion, though others shall miss thereof—" The wise shall inherit glory, but shame shall be the promotion of fools," Pro v. iii. 35. Let me then encourage those that are of this mind to be strong, and hold on their way. Soul, thou hast pitched riyht ; I will say of thy choice as David said of Goliath's sword, " There is none like tliat ; give it nie." " Hold last that thou hast, that no man take thy crown," Rev. iii. 11. Oh ! I admire this wisdom ; this is by the direction ot tne Lawgiver ; this is by the teaching of the blessed Spirit of God ; not the wisdom which this world teacheth, nor the wisdom which the world doth choose, which comes to nought. Surely thou hast seen something of the world to come, and of the glory of it, through faith (1 Cor. ii. 6) ; surely God has made thee see emptiness in that wherein others find a fulness, and vanity in that which by others is counted for a darling. Blessed are thine eyes, for they see, and thine ears, for they hear. But who told thee that thy soul was such an excellent thing as by thy practice thou declarest thou believest it to be ? What ! set more by thy soul than by all the world 1 What ! cast a world behind thy back for the welfare of a soul ? Is not this to play the fool in the account of sinners, while angels wonder at and rejoice for thy wisdom ? "What a thing is this, that thy soul and its welfare should be more in thy esteem than all those glories wherewith the eyes of the world are dazzled ! Surely thou hast looked upon the sun, and that makes gold look like a clod of clay in thine eyesight. But who put the thoughts of the excellences of the things that are eternal — I say, who put the thoughts of the excel- lency of those things into thy mind in this wanton age 1 in an age wherein the thoughts of eternal life and the salva- 104 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND tion of the soul are with and to many like the Morocco ambassador and his men, of strange faces, in strange habits, with strange gestures and behaviours, monsters to behold. But where hadst thou that heart that gives entertainment to these thoughts, these heavenly thoughts ? These thoughts are like the French protestants, banished thence where they willingly would have harbour. How came they to thy house, to thy heart, and to find entertainment in thy soul ] The Lord keep them in every imagination of the thoughts of thy heart for ever, and incline thine heart to seek him more and more. And since the whole world have slighted and despised, and counted foolish the thoughts and cogitations wherewith thy soul is exercised, what strong and mighty supporter is it upon and with which thou bearest up thy spirit, and takest encouragement in this thy forlorn, unoccupied, and singular way "? for so I dare say it is with the most ; but certainly it is something above thyself, and that is more mighty to uphold thee than are the power, rage, and malice of all the world to cast thee down, or else thou couldst not bear up, now the stream and the force thereof are against thee. Object 1 . I know my soul is an excellent thing, and that the world to come and its glories, even in the smallest glimpse thereof, do swallow up all the world that is here ; my heart also doth greatly desire to be exercised about the thoughts of eternity, and I count myself never better than when my poor heart is filled with them ; as for the rage and fury of this world, it swayeth very little Avith me, for my heart is come to a point ; but yet, for all that, I meet with many discouragements, and such thing-s that indeed do weaken my strength in the way. But, brave soul, pray tell me what the things are that discourage thee, and that weaken thy strength in the way ? Why, the amazing greatness of this my enterprise, that is one thing. I am now pursuing things of the highest, the greatest, the most enriching nature, even eternal things ; and the thoughts of the greatness of them drowned me ; for when the heat of my spirit in the pursuit after them is a UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 106 little returned and abated, methinks I hear myself talking thus to myself : Fond fool ! canst thou imagine that such a gnat, a ilea, a pismire as thou art, can take and possess the heavens, and mantle thyself up in the eternal glories ? If thou makest first a trial of the successfulness of thy en- deavours upon things far lower, more base, but much more easy to obtain, as crowns, kingdoms, earldoms, dukedoms, gold, silver, or the like, how vain are these attempts of thine ; and yet thou thinkest to possess thy soul of heaven ! Away, away ! by the height thereof thou mayst well con- clude it is far above out of thy reach ; and by the breadth thereof it is too large for thee to grasp ; and by the nature of the excellent glory thereof, too good for thee to possess. These are the thoughts that sometimes discourage me, and that weaken my strength in the way, Atiszo. — The greatness of thy undertakings does but shew the nobleness of thy soul, in that it cannot, will not, be content with such low and dry things as the baseborn spirits that are of the world can and do content themselves withal. And as to the greatness of the things thou aimest at, though they be, as they are indeed, things that have not their like, yet they are not too big for God to give, and he has promised to give them to the soul that seeketh him (Luke, xii. 32 ; Matt. XXV. 14 ; Col. i. 4) ; yea, he hath prepared the king- dom, given the kingdom, and laid up in the kingdom of heaven the things that thy soul longeth for, presseth after, and canndt be content without. As for thy making a trial of the successfulness of thy endeavours upon things more inferior and base, that is but a trick of the old deceiver. God has refused to give his children the great, the brave, and glorious things of this world (a few only excepted), because he has prepared some better thing for them (1 Cor. i. 27 ; Heb. x. 39 ; xi. 36-40 ; Col. vi. 9 ; 1 Pet. i. 8, 9) ; wherefore faint not, but let thy hand be strong, for thy work shall be rewarded ; and since thy soul is at work for soul-things, for divine and eternal things, God will give them to thee ; thou art not of the number of them that draw back unto perdition, but of them that believe to the 106 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND saving of the soul ; thou shalt receive the end of thy faith, the salvation of thy soul. Object. 2. But all my discouragements do not lie in this. I see so much of the sinful vileness of my nature, and feel how ready it is to thrust itself forth at all occasions to the defiling of my whole man, and more. Now this added to the former, adds to my discouragement greatly. Atisw. — This should be cause of humiliation and of self- abasement, but not of discouragement ; for the best of saints have their weaknesses, these their weaknesses. The ladies as well as she that grinds at the mill know what doth attend that sex ; and the giants in grace as well as the weak and shrubs are sensible of the same things, which thou layest in against thy exercising of hope, or as matter of thy discouragement. Psalm Ixxvii. 2, poor David says, his soul refused to be comforted upon this very account, and Paul cries out under sense of this, " wretched man that I am !" and comes as it were to the borders of a doubt, saying, " Who shall deliver me" (Rom. vii, 24) ; only he was quick at remembering that Christ was his righteous- ness and price of redemption, and there he relieved himself. Again ; this should drive us to faith in Christ ; for there- fore are corruptions by divine permission still left in us, not to drive us to unbelief, but to faith — that is, to look to the perfect righteousness of Christ for life. And for further help, consider, that therefore Christ liveth in heaven, making intercession (Rom. v. 6-9), that thou mightest be saved by his life, not by thine, and by his intercessions, not by thy perfections, Col. i. 20 ; 1 Peter, i. 13 ; v. 5 ; 2 Cor. vii. 11 ; Mark, xiii. 37 ; 2 Peter, i. 10. Let not therefore thy weaknesses be thy discouragements ; only let them put thee upon the duties required of thee by the gospel — to wit, faith, hope, repentance, humility, watch- fulness, diligence, &c. Object. 3. But I find, together with these things, weak- ness and faintness as to my graces^ ; my faith, my hope, my love, and desires to these and all other Christian duties are weak ; I am like the man in the di-eam, that would UXSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. 107 have run, but could not ; that would have fought, but could not ; and that would have fled, but could not. A?isw. 1. Weak graces are graces, weak graces may grow stronger ; but if the iron be blunt, put to the more strength, Eccles. X. 10. 2. Christ seems to be nwst tender of the weak, '' He shall gather his lambs with his arm, shall carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead them that are with young," Isa. xl. 11. And again, " I will seek that which was lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and I will bind up that which was broken, and will strengthen that which was sick," Ezek. xxxiv. 16, Only here will thy wisdom be manifested — to wit, that thou grow in grace, and that thou use lawfully and diligently the means to do it, 2 Pet. iii. 18 ; Phil. iii. 10, 11 ; 1 Thess. iii. 11-13. I come, in the next place, to a use of terror, and so I shall conclude. Is it so? is the soul such an excellent thing, and is the loss thereof so unspeakably great 1 Then this sheweth the sad state of those that lose tlieir souls. We use to count those in a deplorable condition that by one only stroke are stript of their whole estate ; the fire swept away all that he had ; or all that he had was in such a ship, and that ship sunk into the bottom of the sea ; this is sad news, this is heavy tidings, this is bewailed of all, especially if such were great in the world, and were brought by their loss from a high to a low, to a very low condi- tion ; but alas ! what is this to the loss about which we have been speaking all this while ? The loss of an estate may be repaired, or if not, a man may find friends in his present deplorable condition to his support, though not recovery ; but far will this be fi-om him that shall lose his soul. Ah ! he has lost his soul, and can never be relieved again, unless hell-fire can comfort him ; unless he can solace himself in the fiery indignation of God ; terrors will be upon him, anguish and sorrow will swallow him up, because of present misery ; slighted and set at nought by God and his angels, he will also be in this his miserable state, and this will add to sorrow, sorrow, and to his vexa- tion of spirit, howling. 108 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND To present you with emblems of tormented spirits, or to draw before your eyes the picture of hell, are things too light for so ponderous a subject as this ; nor can any man frame or invent words, be they never so deep and profound, sufficient to the life to set out the torments of hell. All those ex- pressions of fire, brimstone, the lake of fire, a hery furnace, the bottomless pit, and a hundred more to boot, are ail too short to set forth the miseries of those that shall be damned souls. " Who knows the power of God's anger ?" (Psalm xc. 11) none at all ; and unless the power of that can be known, it must abide as unspeakable as the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge. We hear it thunder, we see it lighten ; yea, eclipses, comets, and blazing stars are all subject to smite us with terror ; the thought of a ghost, of the appearing of a dead wife, a dead husband, or the like, how terrible are these things! But alas, what are these ? mere fleabitings, nay, not so bad, when compared with the torments of hell. Guilt and de- spair, what are they, who understands them unto perfec- tion ? The ireful looks of an infinite ]\Iajesty, what mortal in the land of the living can tell us to the full 'how dismal and breaking to the soul of a man it is when it comes as from the power of anger, and arises from the utmost indignation 1 Besides, who knows of all the ways by which the Almighty will inflict his just revenges upon the souls of damned sinners? When Paul was caught up to the third heaven, he heard words that were un- speakable ; and he that goes do^vn to hell shall hear groans that are unutterable. Hear, did I say '? they shall feel them, they shall feel them burst from their wounded spirits as thunderclaps do from the clouds. Once I dreamed that I saw two (whom I knew) in hell, and methought I saw a continual dropping from heaven, as of great drops of fire lighting upon them to their sore distress. Oh ! words are wanting, thoughts are Avanting, imagination and fancy are poor things here ; hell is another kind of place and state than any alive can think ; and since I am upon this sub- ject, I will here treat a little of hell as the scriptures will INSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEUEOF. 109 give me leave, and the rather because I am upon a use of terror, and because hell is the place of tonnent, Luke, xvi. 1. Hell is said to be beneath, as heaven is said to be above ; because as above signifieth the utmost joy, triumph, and felicity (Prov. xv. 24) ; so beneath is a term most fit to describe the place of hell by, because of the utmost op- position that is between these two ; hell being the place of the utmost sorrow, despair, and misery ; there are the un- derlings ever trampled under the feet of God ; they are beneath, below, under. 2. Hell is said to be darkness, and heaven is said to be light (Matt. xxii. 12), — light, to shew the pleasurableness and the desirableness of heaven ; and darkness, to shew the dolesome and wearisomeness of hell ; and how weary, oh ! how weary and wearisomely, as I may say, will damned souls turn themselves from side to side, from place to place, in hell, while swallowed up in the thickest darkness, and griped with the burning thoughts of the endlessness of that most unutterable misery ! 3. Men are said to go up to heaven, but they are said to go dow^n to hell (Ezek. xxxii. 17-19), — up, because of exaltation, and because they must abound in beauty and glory that go to heaven ; down, because of those sad dejec- tions, that great deformity and vile contempt that sin hath brought them to that go to hell. 4. Heaven is called a hill or mount, hell is called a pit, or hole (Heb. xii. ; Rev. ix. 2 ; xiv.), — ^heaven, a mount, the mount Zion, to shew how God has and will exalt them that loved him in the world ; hell, a pit or hole, to shew how all the ungodly shall be buried in the yawning paunch and belly of hell, as in a hollow cave. 5. Heaven ! It is said of heaven, the height of heaven — and of hell, the bottomless pit (Job, xxii. 1 2 ; Rev. ix. 2 ; XX. 3) — the height of heaven, to shew that the exaltation of them that do ascend up thither is 1)oth perfect and unsearch- able ; and hell, the bottomless pit, to shew that the downfall of them that descend in thither will never beat an end — do^vn, down, down they go, and nothing but down, down still. 110 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AM) 6. Heaven ! It is called the paradise of God ; but hell, the burning lake (Rev. ii. 7 ; xxii. 15) — a paradise, to shew how quiet, harmless, sweet, and beautiful heaven shall be to them that possess it, as the garden was at the beginning of the creation ; hell, the burning lake, to allude to Sodom, that since its destruction has turned, into a stinking lake, and to shew that as their distress was unutterable, and to the highest amazement, full of confusion and horror, when that tempestuous storm of fire and brimstone was rained from the Lord out of heaven upon them, so to tlie utmost degree shall it be with the souls that are lost and cast into hell. 7. It is said that there are dwelling-houses or places in the kingdom of heaven, and also that there are the cells or the chambers of death in hell, John, xiv. 1-3 ; Zech. iii. 7 ; Isa. Ivii. 1,2; Prov. vii. 27 ; Deut. xxxii. 22 ; Ps. Ixviii. 13. There are mansions or dwelling-places in heaven, to shew that every one of them that go thither might have his reward, according to his work ; and that there is hell, and the lowest hell, and the chambers of death in hell, to shew there are places and states in hell too, for sinners to be imprisoned in according to their faults (Luke, xx. 47) ; hence it is said of some, These shall receive greater damna- tion ; and of others. That it shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the judgment than for them, &c. The lowest hell, Luke, x. 12, 14. How many hells there are above that, or more tolerable tormenting places than the most exquisite torments there, God and they that are there know best ; but degrees without doubt there are ; and the term "lowest" shews the utmost and most exqui- site distress ; so the chambers of death, the second death in liell, for so I think the words should be understood — " Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death," Prov. vii. 27. These are the chambers that the chambers in the temple, or that the dwelling-places in the house in heaven, are opposed to ; and this opposition shews, that as there will be degrees of glory in heaven, so there will of torments in hell ; and there is all reason for it, since UNSPEAKABLENESS OP THE LOSS THEREOF. Ill the punishment must be inflicted by God, tlie infinitely just. Wh}' should a poor, silly, ignorant man, though damned, be punished with the same degree of torment that he that has lived a thousand times worse shall be punished with ? It cannot be ; justice will not admit it ; guilt, and the quality of the transgression will not admit it ; yea, the tormenting fire of hell itself will not admit it ; for if hell- fire can kindle upon nothing but sin, and the sinner for the sake of it, and if sin be as oil to that fire, as the Holy Ghost seems to intimate, saying, " Let it come into his bowels like water, and like oil into his bones" (Psalm cix. 17, 18), then as the quantity of the oil is, so will the fire burn, and so will the flaming flame ascend, and the smoke of their torment, for ever and ever. Suppose a piece of timber a little bedaubed with oil, and another that hath been soaking in it many a year, which of these two, think you, would burn fiercest ? and whence would the flaming flame ascend highest and make the most roaring noise ? Suppose two vessels filled with oil, one containing the quantity of a pint, the other containing the quantity of a Hogshead, and suppose that in one place they were both set on fire, yet so that they might not intermix flames ; nay, though they did, yet all would conclude that the most amazing roaring flame would be upon the biggest vessel, find would be the effect of the greatest quantity of oil ; so it will be with the wicked in hell, the lowest hell is for the biggest sinners, and theirs will be the greater damnation, and the more intolerable torment, though he that has least of this oil of sin in his bones, and of the kindlings of hell- fire upon him, will find he has hell enough, and will be weary enough thereof, for still he must struggle with flames that are everlasting ; for sin is such a thing, that it can never be burned out of the soul and body of a damned sinner. But again ; having treated thus of hell, we will now speak a word or two of sin, for that is it upon which hell-fire seizes, and so on the soul by that. Sin \ it is the sting of 112 THE GREATNESS OP THE SOUL, AND hell — the sting of death is sin. By " death" in this place we must not understand that which is natural, but that which is in hell, the second death, even everlasting damnation ; for natural death the saints die, yea, and also many sinners, without the least touch of a sting fi*om that ; but here is a death that has a sting to hurt, to twinge, and wound the sinner with, even then when it has the utmost mastery of him. And this is the death that the saved are delivered from ; not that which is natural, for that is the end of them as of others (1 Cor. xv. 55 ; Eccles. ii. 15, 16) ; but the second death, the death in hell, for that is the portion of the damned, and it is from that that the saints have a promise of deli- verance — " He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death," Rev, ii. 11. And again, " Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection ; on such the second death hath no power," chap. xx. 6. It is this death, then, that hath the chambers to hold each damned soul in ; and sin is the twining, winding, biting, poisoning sting of this death, or of these chambers of hell for sinners to be stricken, stung, and pierced with. " The sting of death is sin." Sin in the general of it is the sting of hell, for there would be no such thing as torment even there were it not that sin is there with sinners ; for as I have hinted already, the fire of hell, the indignation and wrath of God, can fasten and kindle upon nothing but for or because of sin ; sin then, as sin is the sting and the hell of hells, of the lowest and upmost hells ; sin, I say, in the nature of it, simply as it is concluded both by God and the damned to be a breach of his holy law, so it is the sting of the second death, which is the worm of hell. But then, as sin is such a sting in itself, so it is heightened, sharpened, and made more keen and sharp by those .circumstances that as concomitants attend it in every act ; for there is not a sin at any time committed by man but there is some circumstance or other attends it that makes it, when charged home by God's law, bigger and sharper, and more venom and poisonous to the soul than if it could be committed without it ; and this UNSPEAKABLENESS OF THE LOSS THEREOF. 113 is the sting of the hornet, the great sting. I sinned without a cause to please a base lust, to gratify the devil ; here is the sting. Again ; I preferred sin before holiness, death before life, hell before heaven, the devil before God, and damnation before a Saviour ; here is the sting. Again ; I preferred moments before everlastings, temporals before eternals, to be racked and always slaying before the life that is blessed and endless ; here is the sting. Also, this I did against light, against convictions, against conscience, against persuasion of friends, ministers, and the godly lives which I beheld in others ; here is -the sting. Also, this I did against warnings, forewarnings, yea, though I saw others fall before my face by the mighty hand of God for commit- ting of the same ; here is the sting. Sinners, would I could persuade you to hear me out. A man cannot commit a sin but by the commission of it he doth by some circumstance or other sharpen the sting of hell, and that to pierce himself through, and through, and through with many sorroAvs, 1 Tim. vi. 10. Also, the sting of hell to some will be, that the damnation of others stands upon their score, for that by imitating of them, by being deluded by them, persuaded by them, drawn in by them, they perish in hell for ever ; and hence it is that these principaf sinners must die all these deaths in themselves that those damned ones that they have drawn into hell are also to bear in their own souls for ever. And this God threatened to the prince of Tyrus, that capital sinner, because by his pride, power, practice, and policy, he cast down others into the pit ; there- fore saith God to him, " They shall bring thee down to the pit, and thou shalt die the deaths of them that are slain in the midst of the seas." And again ; " Thou shalt die the deaths of the uncircumcised by the hand of strangers ; for 1 have spoken it, saith the Lord." Ah ! this will be the sting of them, of those that are principal, chief, and, as I may call them, the captain and ringleading sinners. Vipers will come out of other men's fire and flames, and settle upon, seize upon, and for ever abide upon their consciences, H 114 THE GREATNESS OF THE SOUL, AND and this will be the sting of hell, the great sting of hell to them. I will yet add to this ; how will the fairness of some for heaven, even the thoughts of that, sting them when they come to hell. It will not he so much their fall into the pit, as from whence they fell into it, that will be to them the buzzing noise and sharpened sting of the great and ter- rible hornet. " How art thou fallen from heaven, Lucifer !" there is the sting, Isa. xiv. 12 ; Matt. xi. 23. Thou that art exalted up to heaven shalt be thrust down to hell, though thou hast nfade thy nest among the stars, from thence will I fetch thee down ; there is a sting, Obad, 4. To be pulled, for and through love to some vain lust, from the everlasting gates of glory, and caused to be swallowed up for it in the belly of hell, and made to lodge for ever in the darksome chambers of death, there is the piercing sting. But again ; as there is the sting of hell, so there is the strength of that sting ; for a sting, though never so sharp or venom, yet if it wanteth strength to force it to the de- signed execution, it doth but little hurt. But this sting has strength to cause it to pierce into the soul ; the sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law, 1 Cor. xv. 56 ; Rom. iv. 15 ; vii. 8. Here then is the strength of the sting of hell ; it is the law in the perfect penalty of it ; for without the law, sin is dead. Yea, again he saith, where no law is, there is no transgression ; the law then folio weth, in the executive part of it, the soul into hell, and there strengtheneth sin, that sting in hell, to pierce by its unutter- able charging of it on the conscience, the soul for ever and ever ; nor can the soul justly murmur or repine at God or at his law, for that then the sharply apprehensive soul will well discern the justness, righteousness, reasonableness, and goodness of the law, and that nothing is done by the law \mto it but that which is just and equal. This therefore will put great strength and force into sin to sting the soul, and to strike it with the lashes of a scor- UNSPEAKABLENESS 01' THE LOSS THEREOF. 115 pion. And yet to these the abiding life of God, the Judge and God of this law, will never die. When princes die, the law may be altered by the which at present transgressors are bomid in chains ; but, oh ! here is also that w^hich will make this sting so sharp and keen, the God that executes it will never die. " It is of the Uving God," Heb. x. 30, 31. J U S T 1 1 1 C A T I E BT AN IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS; OK, NO WAY TO HEAVEN BUT BY JESUS CHRIST. JUSTIFICATION AN IMPUTED RIGHTEOUSNESS; OR, NO WAY TO HEAVEN BUT BY JESUS CHRIST. Justification is to be diversly taken in the scripture. 1. Sometimes it is taken for the justification of persons. 2. Sometimes for the justification of actions. 3. And sometimes for the justification of tlie person and action too. It is taken for the justification of persons, and thatj (1.) As to justification with God ; or, (2.) As to justification with men. As to justification with God — that is, when a man stands clear, quit, free, or, in a saved condition before him, in the approbation of his holy law. As to justification with men — that is, when a man stands clear and quit from just ground of reprehension with them. Justification also is to be taken with reference to actions ; and that may be when they are considered, 1. As flowing from true faith ; or, 2, Because the act done fulfils some transient law. (1.) As actions flow fi'om faith, so they are justified, be- cause done before God in, and made complete through, the perfections of Jesus Christ, 1 Pet. ii. 5 ; Heb. xiii. 15 ; Rev. viii, 1-4. (2.) As by the doing of the act some transient law is ful- filled ; as when Jehu executed judgment upon the house of Ahab — " Thou hast done well," said God to him, " in exe- 120 NO WAY TO HEAVEN cuting that which is righteous in mine eyes, and hast done to the house of Ahab all that was in mine heart," 2 Kings, X. 30. As to such acts, God may or may not look at the quali- fication of those that do them ; and it is clear that he had not respect to any good that was in Jehu, in the justifying of this action ; nor could he, for Jehu stuck close yet to the sins of Jeroboam, but " took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord God of Israel," chap. x. 29, 31. I might hence also shew you, that a man may be justi- fied even then when his action is condemned ; also that a man may be in a state of condemnation, when his action may be justified. But with these distinctions I will not take up time, my intention being to treat of justification, as it sets a man free or quit from sin, the curse and con- demnation of the law in the sight of God, in order to eternal salvation. And that I may with the more clearness handle this point before you, I will lay do-\vn and speak to this proposition — That there is no other way for sinners to be justified from the curse of the laAV in the sight of God, than by the imputation of that righteousness long ago performed by, and still residing with, the person of Jesus Christ. • - The terms of this proposition are easy ; yet if it will help, I will speak a word or two for explication. (1.) By a sinner, I mean one that has transgressed the law ; for " sin is the transgression of the law," 1 John, iii. 4. (2.) By' the curse of the law, I mean that sentence, judgment, or condemnation which the law pronoimceth against the transgressor. Gal. iii. 10. (3.) By justifying righteousness, I mean that which stands in the doing and suffering of Christ when he was in the world ; Rom. v. 19. (4.) By the residing of this righteousness in Christ's per- son, I mean, it still abides with him as to the action, though the benefit is bestowed upon those that are his. BUT BY JESUS CHRIST. 121 (5.) By the imputation of it to us, I mean God's making of it ours by an act of his grace, that we by it might be secured fi-om tlie curse of the law. (6.) When I say there is no other way to be justified, I cast away to that end the law, and all the works of the law as done by us. Thus I have opened the terms of the proposition. Now the two first — to wit. What sin and the curse is, stand clear in all men's sight, unless they be atheists, or desperately heretical. I shall therefore in few words, clear the other four. First, Therefore justifying righteousness is the doing and suff^ering of Christ when he was in the w^orld. This is clear, because w^e are said to be " justified by his obe- dience," Rom. V. 19 ; by his obedience to the law. Hence he is said again to be the end of the law for that very thing — '' Christ is the end of the law" for righteousness," &c., Rom. X. 4. The end, what is that ? Why, the requirement or demand of the law. But what is it 1 Why, right- eousness, perfect righteousness, Gal. iii, 10. Perfect right- eousness, what to do ? That the soul concerned might stand spotless in the sight of God, Rev. i. v. Now this lies only in the doings and sufferings of Christ ; for " by his obedience many are made righteous ;" wherefore as to this Christ is the end of the law, that being found in that obedience, that becomes to us sufficient for our justifi- cation. Hence, we are said to be made righteous by his obe- dience ; yea, and to be w^ashed, purged, and justified by his blood, Heb ix. 14 ; Romans, v. 18, 19. Secondly^ That this righteousness still resides in and with the person of Christ, even then when we stand just before God thereby, is clear, for that we are said when justified to be justified " in him." — " In the Lord shall ail the seed of Israel be justified." And again ; " Surely, shall one sa,y, in the Lord have I righteousness," &c. And again ; " For him are ye in Christ Jesus, who is made unto us of God righteousness^" Isa. xlv. 24, 25 ; 1 Cor. i. 30. Mai-k, the righteousness is still "in liim," not "in us ;" even 12'2 NO WAT TO HEAVEN then when we are made partakers of the benefit of it, even as the wing and feathers still abide in the hen when the chickens are covered, kept, and warmed thereby. For as my doings, though my children are fed and clothed thereby, are still my doings, not theirs, so the rigiiteous- ness wherewith we stand just before God from the curse still resides in Christ, not in us. Our sins when laid upon Christ were yet personally ours, not his ; so his righteous- ness when put upon us is yet personally his, not ours. What is it, then? Why, " he was made to be sin for us, Avho knew no sin ; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him," 2 Cor. v. 21. Thirdly, It is therefore of a justifying virtue only by imputation, or as God reckoneth it to us ; even as our sins made the Lord Jesus a sinner — nay, sin, by God's reckoning of them to him. It is absolutely necessary that this be kno^vn of us ; for if the understanding be muddy as to this, it is impossible that such should be sound in the faith ; also in tempta- tion, that man will be at a loss that looketh for a right- eousness for justification in himself, when it is to be found nowhere but in Jesus Christ. The apostle, who was his craftsmaster as to this, was always " looking to Jesus," that he " might be found in him" (Phil. iii. 6-8), knowing that nowhere else could peace or safety be had. And indeed this is one of the greatest mysteries in the world — namely, that a righteousness that resides with a person in heaven should justify me, a sinner, on earth. Fourthly/, Therefore the law and the works thereof, as to this must by us be cast away ; not only because they here are useless, but also they being retained are a hindrance. That tliey are useless is evident, for that salvation comes by another name. Acts, iv. 12. And that they are a hin- drance, it is clear, for the very adhering to the law, though it be but a little, or in a little part, prevents justification by the righteousness of Christ, Rom. ix. 31, 32. What shall I say ? As to thiri, tbe moral law is rejecte