^7- « I- LII3T^A.IIY OF TUK Theological Seminar y, » , . PRINCETON, N. J. Case^_. ^ Shelf, Division Sec-'ion .\-.: J Book, 'Q.\ " No 5 . V. ^^ *%»* \, A COMPENDIU ^j,.^^^^ infpire thg moft ^levated conceptions of Religion and Virtue. Now though I look on fuch an undertaking as truely laudible, yet a certain felf-diffidence intervenes, which does not indeed proceed fo much from any confcioufnefs I enter • tain of my ignorance of either the Author's lan- guage, or meaning, but rather from a jealoufy of my not being fo much mafter of Englifh, as might enable me to do juflice to fo glorious an Author ; an Author, the fublimity of whofe fenti- ments, merit the moft maftcrly ftrokes of the fineft pen, put into the hands of the moft enlarged, and refined genius. Being thus embarrafied by this obfticle, I thought proper, Sir, to apply unto you, whofe fituation in life muft, in an eminent degree, render you acquainted with literature, for your candid advice. Now, in order that you may the better judge, and determine in this cafe, I have fent you a fpecimen of the intended tranf- lation, with the original, which I hope you will perufe, and compare together, and after perufal, and comparifon, frankly tell your mind. If your judgment is in my favour, I fhall with the greater ardor proceed, if otherwife, I ftiall bear matters, with a philofophical patience, I had almoft faid a ftoical apathy. Being \ INTRODUCTION. v Being encouraged by the Gentleman, alluded to, the Editor proceeded, and thinks, that he cannot afford the world a better character of both the author, and the original work, than what was drawn by Mr. Robert Foulis, Printer for the Aca- demy of Glafgow in the year. One thoufand fe- ven hundred and thirty niHe. Which I have tranf- jated and is as follows. ^- 3 To [ vi ] To the Benevolent Reader the Bookfellcr willieth all. Health. AT length I deliver to you, defcribed with my own types, John Frederick Ofterwald, an incomparable Divine and Preacher, and a very ve- nerable Deacon of the Church of Neucomium, his Compendium of Chriftian Theology. This fmall volume, if you only regard it's fize, will appear to be of little value, but after looking ^into it's contents, will be deemed greater than any price. It is a notorious fad, that for the moft part, fuch compends of fciences as have been made public to the world, have not been attended with that de- gree of fuccefs which might be wifned for, which can be attributed to no other caufe, but that their authors frequent weighing the moment of things in imjuft balances, without a difcriminating judgment, orr.itting matters of the greatell moment, dwell upon the furface and inutilities; and thus, inftead of compends, rather obtrude upon their difciples, the lofs of leifure and tirhe. The cafe here is quite the reverfe, where this very great man of the mofl penetrating judgment, propounds the capital topics of univerfal Theology, with that peiffpicuity, that force of argumentation, that fim- plicity, and which is the principal recommendation of a Divine, that defire of promoting peace, that I mud ingenioufly alTert, no book equal to it, hath hitherto been extant, and would not fcruple to ap- ply [ vii ]" ply to it that Epithet of the Jews concerning the Sacred Writings themfelves, viz. that it contains the moft momentous doftrines, every where pen- ding on pregnant exprefiions. Nor, certainly. Reader, is there any caufe why you fhould enter* tain the fmalleft doubtfulnefs concerning thefe afTertions, or imagine that they proceed fom any fordid views of making gain. For, long fmce, hath the illuftrious Ofterwald, by other writings which he. has publidied, of the greatefl utility to the Chrillian worldj proved, that only things of fuch importance could proceed from him, being born for the good of the Church. The greatefl Divines have acknowledged the fignal weight, and moment of this writing, who, during the fpace of thirty years fince, have judged it advantageous, nay even necelTary, both in their private and pub- lic fchools, to infiil} into their auditors, the pure and facred flreams of falutary dodrine, Ofterwald being their guide. In a word, the judgment formed by all, concerning this Compendium, who have ever been acquainted with it, appears even from this, that there was not one fmgle perfon among them, who, feeing that at that time the precious treafure could not be otherwife obtained, did not tranfcribe it with his own hand, or take care that it fhould be done for him, all being of opinion, that neither pains nor coft fhould be fpar- ed in the acquifition. It had indeed been long fmce defired, that either the celebrated Author himfelf had been the Editor, er that he had given permiffion to others to be fo, but previoufly, ap- plications of fuch fort have been fruitlefs. Now at at length having obtained leave from the venera- ble old man himfelf, to be the publifher, this I have certainly done with the greateft care and at- tention, in order that I might deliver it unto you^ Reader, as corfedt as poflible, and free from the errors of tranfcribers. The principal paflages in Sacred Scripture, which are only cited, I have every where fet down in full. Therefore, friend- ly Reader, with gladnefs of heart enjoy this gift^ and let your fervent prayers be united with mine to Almighty God, that he may keep it's venerable author in fafety, until he arrives at the age of Neflor; moreover, that he may abundantly fup- ply him with (Irength, to edify the Church of Chrift, not only as a preacher, but hkewife by the addition of various writings, with which we arc well affured his delks are replete. Farewell. SUB. lLhn Kinnear, Efq; K- . Walter Kiibraith, JiF Curry, J-. Scott, Wm Karvey, Wm Dougal, Ceo. C'-ocket, Jas Donachy, Robt M'Clintock, Efq; Dan. Clerk, Jas. W'lfon, David Dougal, Tho. Craig, Jas. Edmiilori, Wm. Crocket, Matt. Campble, Jas. Crocket, Wm Mackey, John Matherall, J'='an Matherall, Peter K'^lly, J.)hn Humes, And. Young, David Boyd, John M'Crea, Wm. Raddy, Wm. Hamilton, Robt. Alexander, Jas. Orr, Sam. Latta, Hugh Peoples, Jas. Mitchel, John Meafon, J:is. Stewart, Anthonv Galladier,^ Jos Wark, Hen. Ofburn, Tho. Dougal, Efq; Rev. Tho. Bond, Rev. Patt Davifon, Sam. Patter fon, Jas. M'Donald, Mntt. Gray, John Thomfon, 2 fets, Arch SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. XI Arch. Woods, Wm Latta, John Hannah, . ^ Tho. Kinnear, Robt. M Cafter, Rev. Wm. Cunningham, Alex. Porter, Jas Sm) th. And. Hamilton, Jas Welfh, John Hood, Sam. Hood, Ddvid Patterfon, David Mackey, Jas. Smvth, h'htt. Hamilton, Sam. Alexander, Tho. Crocket, Rev. And. Fergufon, Rev. Mr. Brook, John Fulton, David Fulton, Wm. Leathim,^ Wm. M'llwain, Efq; Jas. Smyth, David Porter, Geo. M'Glachlin, John Porter, Tho, Marfhal, • John Motherall, John Carl well, Jas. M'Dowef, B Hen. Carfwell, Ja?. Hodge, Allan Carfwell, Tho. Craig, John Harkin Jof. Carfwell, John Welfh, John l^lemin, John Marfhal, Jofhua Anderfon, John Cunningham, Robt. Bruce, Tho. Fiemin, Robt. Ram fay, Chas Gibfon, Wm Bredin, Robt. Allen, Aaron M'Lucss, John Bredin, John Morrifon, Wm. Mackey, John Mackey, Alex. Craig, James Porter, *Wm. Difert, Mofes Porter, John Dunlap, John Arbuckle, Sam. Elder, Mary Dean, Wm. Wilfon, Alex. M'llwain, z JoFia su SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. John Sampfon M'llwain, James Alexander, Robt. Porter, Tho. Berry, Mofes Dun, James Difert, And. Porter, John Laird, Wm. Evvin,' Mr. Morrow, Mofes Scott, Jofeph Cannan, Walter Marfhal, Frances Longwell, James Smiley, Rer. James Patten, Owens Culhoun, Nat. Wiley, James Dougherty, Wm. White. G'o. Anderfon, Wm. Wiley, Rev. Robt. Scott, Mich. Cary, Efq; Mifs Frances Cary, Rev. Mr. Ray, John Montgomery, Efq*, Rev. Mr. Chichefter, Captain Ball, Tho. Dougherty, John M'Colgan, Wm. Murry^ Chas. Dougherty, Apoth. \ Geo. MarHial, James Dougherty, ' James Elder, Mofes Campbl.e, Mr. Cary, 20 fets, Wm. Campble, Tho. Sawbridge, James Eaird, Tho. Culhoun, James Begs, Robt Moor, Rev. John Irwin, Robt. Snodgrafs, John Longwill, Matt. Logan, John Hutchifon, Tho. Richie, Mofes Wallace, Rev. Ifaac Bar 3 fets, James Billingflcy, Efq^ Robt Patterfon, John Patterfon, , Wm. Douglas, John Park, James Johnfton, John Roger, Robt. Teas, John Crawford, John M'Connel, David Hunter, James Brown, Rev. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Rev. Robt. Reed, John Lamy, L, L. D. Chancellor of the Die- cefe of Derry, , Wm. Knox, 'Efq; Rbbt. Clerk, Chas Nelbitt, Efq; Jas. Stephen fon, Mercht. Hugh Henderfon, Peter Clerk, Robt. Hughfton, Wm Patter fon, James Steel, John Carfcll, John Mitchel, Wm. Luke, James Johnfton, Sam. Henderfon, James Baird, Sam. Boyd, James Thompfon, John Mackey, Jofeph Lapfley, David Henderfon, Tho. Shaw, And. Rodger, Sam. Clerk, James Lawry, John Allen, Jarre t Martin, John Lowry, Tho. Wilfon, B James Cunningham, John Gibbons, Alex. Hakins, Wm. Vance, Hugh Brown, John Stewart, Robt. Forker, Arthur Steen, Dr. B!air, Rich. Rolls, John Brifon, James M'Gregor, John Montgomery, Tho. Crawford, Mercht. Ifaac Fitfgerald, John Dougherty, Hugh Lagan, And. Stephenfon, Tho. Lapflie, Robt. Sreen, Arthur Quigly, Wm. Crawford, Geo. Keatly, Robt. Portei-, Rev. Dan. Felloon, Wm. Hickinbottom, And. M'Corkle, Gufla. Henderfon, Jas. Boyd, John Boyd, Wm. Kinkead, Wm. Cochran, 3 Jas. XIV SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Jas. Patterfon, Robt. Clerk, JoC Thompfon, Mercht. Hugh Morifon, Rf-v John Maifhal, Rev Robt. Law, R >br. Lawry, R'.;bf Calwell, R.)ht. Mc^or, John Wilkey, Alex. Anderfon, And. Irwin, John Wilfon, Mofes King, Wm. Trown, Mofes B.iird, Jas. Ball, Efq; Wm. Law, F.fq; Wm. Kilbraith, Sam. Rofs, John Elliot, John Alexander, James Alexander, Tho. Allen, Michael Bicket, Jofeph Kemps, John Cooper, Mofes Baird, Jas. Wartlaw, Mercht. Dan. Wacob, Wm. Ralfton, Mercht. Arch. Johnfton, Geo. Beatv, Jas. Neilfon, Wm. Young, Efq; Robt. Neilfon, Dan. Ghlefpey, John Lawry, Vidor Moderwell, Al- X. RulTel, Wm. M^Clure, Jofeph Htnderfon, Arch. Shaw, John Elliot, Oliver Lecliey., Dan. Elliot, Robt Wilfon, James Teenin^ James Blair, Charles Blair, James Ta\ lor, Nathan Neilfon, James Allen, Rev. John Cox 4 fets. Jofeph Barclay, Mercht?. Rev. And Alexander, Robt Neilfon, Wm. Nt'ilfon, fen. Wm. Neilfon, jun. Robt. MHer, And. Gamble, John Lyon, James Cooper, John L)on, Capt. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. XV Capt. Sam. Brown, Robert Boak, Wm. Smyth, James Smvth, Sam. Smyth, John Crawford, Tho. Emry, Wm. Young, Jas M'Atire, John Sel fridge, Sam. Wacob, Alex. Brown, John Brown, James Entnkin, Charles Wacob, Mofes Patten, R >bt. Knox, Walter Knox, David Chifm, Dan. Henderfon, Wm. Knox, ManafTus Niele, Wm Patten, John Niele, John Patten, Wm Patten, Wm. Patterfon, Breathy Hamilton, Efq; Francis Bogs, James fnch, James Watfon, John Adams, Tho Afh, Robt. Scot, Wm. Kerr, Rev Wm. Law, Robt. Hood, J'lmep Crai^, Eph. Srephrnfon, Wm. Waddd, James Hamilton, Carh. Watfon, Gab Watfon, Jas. Maifhal, And. Sproul, ' Robt Orr, And. Coulter, John Davis, Matt. Watfon, James Hunter, Wm. Culhoun, Hugh Purdoiti, Jofeph Woods, John Maxwell, Sam. Patton, H'jgh Gourney, John Barclay, Efq-; 2 fets. Wm M'Crea, lohn H )]mes, Mercht. Wm. Pollock, M^Fcht. Matt. Edwards, Mercht. Robt. Ker, Mercht. John Porter, John Alexander, Printer, ' John XVI SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. John Bcllew, Printer. Ben. Fenton, Efqi Nat. Edle, Efq; Wm. Hamilton, Efq-, lohn Montgomery, Efq; Guftavus Hamilton, Alex. Moorhead, Rev. John Holms, 3 fets. John M'Crea, 3 fets. Mifs Letitia Winefly, Major James Hamilton, Hugh Bro'Am, John Logan, 3 fets. Geo. Hamilton, Sam Ofburn, Rev. Sam. Lettlmon, Matt. Chambers, John Anderfon, Tho. Cunningham, James Alexander, John Ram fay, Tho. Fulton, John Jamphry, Alex. Jamphry, Chas. Donelly, vHugh Knox, Robt. Kerr, Guftavus Knox, John Luke, Walter M'Crea, Mercht. John M'Crea, James Hamilton, Geo. Lindfey, James Lov^, Tho. Campble, Hen Clerk, Mich. Allen, Wm. He t trick, John Hamilton, Wm. Armftrong, Jofeph Armftrong, Sam. Gamble, Robt. Meather, Robt. Stephenfon Arthur M'Clure, Tho. Gamble, Mich. M'Atire, John M'Atire, Sam. Arthur, Wm. Davis, Rich. Watfon, James Henderfon, Sam. Wallace, And. Watfon, Sam. M'Clemens, Tho. Meather, ■ James Baird, Robt. Gamble, Wm. Hall, Hugh Hamilton, Jofeph Moorhead, James Kinkead, Adam Logan, John Smyth, Rof: SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. XVM Rofs King, Jeremiah Smyth, Jofeph M'Neilly, James Forfyth, Robt. Meather, James Hamilton, David Glen, John Brown, Tho. M'Bride, Robt. Love, James M'Morris, Robt. Hall, Ralph M'Craken, Stephen Hamilton, Mofes M'Cain, John Brown, Wm. Brown, And. Picket, James Provin, John Latta, Stephen Tod, James Brown, Capt. Arch. Armftrong, John Smyth, Robt. Alexander, And. Clerk, Robt. Hamilton. John M'Atire, Wm. Arbuckle. James Kee, Tho. Arbuckle, Sam. M'Clea, 3 fets, And. Robinfon, James Callen, John MClemans, Sam. M'Neilly, Triftram Joans, Wm. Matthews, Wm. M^Clea, John ArbucklCj John Granger, Patt. Hall, Sam. Lighton, Anthony Lyon, John Mackey, James Henderfon, Jofeph Stephenfon, Rev. Mr. Hammell, James Lytic, Wm. Cultrachin, Alex. Denifton, Chriftopher Smyth, John Chifm, fen. John Chifm, jun. Wm. Fergufon, Robt. Pat trick, James Rankin, James Meaclim, Capt. Robt. Woods, Henry Woods, Tho. Woods, And. Cunningham, Wm. M'Mains, Wm, Caldv/ell, C John SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. John Kee, James Hunter, Tho. M'Go^an, Jofeph M'Crea, Wm. Hamilton, James L'TnTey, Jofeph A'buckre, Wm'. Baird, R')bt. Higlands, AVm. Cummin, Tho, Smyth, Walter Bfown, Wm. Patchel, John Hamilton, James Hamilton, John M'Crea, Walter M'Crea, James Davis, Robt. M'Farland, Matt. Davis, James Boak, Charles Pollock, John Pollock, John Hunter, Tho. Weer, John Scott, John Boyd, Sam. Smyth, John Moody, George Hafty, Jofeph Rofs, Tho. Knox, John Hunter, Mofes M'Cain, John Porter, James Porter, Tho. Boak, John Wright, James Miller, kn. Wm. B'jak, Jofeph Morton, Wm. Jordan, Robt. M^Morris, John Martin, And. Hogften, James Jordan, Mr. Porter, Rubt. Cummins, John Logan, Rev. James Knox. Rev. Henry Miller, Tho. Brown, James Jackfon, Richard Smyth. Robt. Miller, Jacob Alexander, James Miller, Robt. M'Gee, James Hamilton, Wm. Brown, Edward Boorman, Wm. Shaw, Robt. Dun, James Miller, Wm. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Wm. Gore] an, Aaron Gorclan, David Mitchel, James Lowrimer, Alex. Smyth. James Welfh^ And. Gilkey, John Stephenfon, David Bar, Benjamin Deglifs, Wm. Litheo, Richard Cochrari, Simon Robifon, John Henderfon, Mr. Ramfay, Rev. VVoodGibron,D. D. Rev. Hugh Delap, Wm. Ramfey, Gay in Dudgeon, Mifs. Eliza. Ewin, John Dudgeon, Sam Early^ James Woods, fen. John Booth, jun. John Hall, James Hall, Pat. Buchannan, James Orr, Rev. Jas. Rogers, And. Paul, Wm. Baxter, Sam. Crawford, James Mitchel, John M^Kmla, And. Bowonnan, Wm. Young. Francis M'Farlan, Rev. Tho. Paul, John Dunean, Tho. Rogers, Wm. Letts, •James Simfon, A. M. John M'Farlan, Wm. M'Connel, Hugh Ranldn, And. Graham, - James Hunter, Wm. Stewart, James Johnttown, Wm. Simfon, Hugh Ktnnear, Charles Scott, Hugh Hiy, Dan. M'Farlan, Rev. Atid. Cochran, Robt. Rogers, James. Glafgow, Sam. Kilbreath, Efqj Robt Gay, Geo. Stewfirt, Efq; John Mullan, Wm. Porter. David Denny, Robt. Denny, ?. John XX SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. John Mnxwel, Pat. M'Cafhlen, Tho. Caldwell, Alex. M'Donnel, And. Sfmple, Wm. Rogers, Jofias Wat Ton, Robt. Hamilton, Dan. Gray, Robt. Patterfon. D. Ecles, Efq-, fen. 2 fets. D. Ecles, Efq, jun. 3 fets. Rev. Alex. Achinleck, Wm. Moor, Henry Walfi, Robt. Bowonnnan, Geo. Bovvonnan, Apoth. Rev. Hugh Young, Wm. Wacob, And. Wacob, John Wacob, John Dewar, James Sprov, I, James Adams, Hugh Kelfo, • And. Sproul, Matt. Hamilton. Wm. Levifton, Alex Condee, James Boy), Wm. Davis, John Gordon, John Denny, John M'Donnel, Wm. M'Kewn, James 5herdon, Dr. S. M'Cullock, 2 fets. Rev. James Stinfon, James Reid, James Duff, Rev. Geo. Harris, Matt. Trimble, ' Wm. M'Pherfon, John Arnold, James Johnftown, John Wilfon, Wm. Crookfhanks, Charles Johnfton, Robt. Murdock, John Johnrton, Mercht. Wm. Maxwel, Rev. John Davis, Rev. 'Mr. Leech, Rev. Mr. Clerk, Jofeph Park, Nat. Cunningham, Robt. Calender, jofeph Alexander, Rev. Dr. Kearney, Alex. Delap, John Harris, John Rankin, Wm. Burk, Mrs. Delap, Rev SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. x^ Rev. Wm. M'Neilly, Rev. And. Miller. Rev. Mr. Kerr, Geo. Orr, Robt. Black, * John Patten, Mr. Wm. Delap, Surg Henry Logan, John White, John Sproul, Efq-, Robt. Thompfon, Chas. Hazlet, Apoth. David Brown, Robt F'jllerton, James Reed, James Hamilton, Efq-, Rev. James Delap, Mark Campble, John Ward, John M'llwee, Sam. Hog, Wm. M-Connel, Patt. M'Couch, Peter M'Nut, John M'CJure, Pavid Campble, Wm. Akins, Francis Henderfon, James Smyth, Patt M'Gowan, John Corbit, Sam. White, James Wat, Efq-, Alex. Nefbit, Merchf. John Hunter, Mercht. James Scott, Wm. Swiney, Efq; Patt. Dunfmoore, Hen. Dunfmoore, Wilbrant Olphret, Efq.; Wilbrant Olphret, Geo. Miller, James Irwin, David Dunfmoore, Wm. Dunfmoore, James Lockhead, Matt. King, Charles Knox, John Aljoe, John Knox, James Stewart, John Finley, Efq; ^ fets. Robt. Johnllon, Robt. Dunfmoore, Alex. Chambers, Alex. Hymen, John Beaty, Charles M^Caficey, John Aljoe, James Aljoe. Charles Stewart, James Hunter, John Fofter, Valentine Moffit, C 3 Wm. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Wm. Patton, Efq; Dan. Williams, Rev. R. Mahafey, A. M. Rev. David Allen, Jas. Purviance, Mercht. Oliver Scott, Elq; Rev. John Law, Rev. John Adams, Rev. Francis Gray, Mr. Culhoun, Surveyor, Rev. Jofeph Ofburn, Thos. White, And. Martin, James Tyler, Rev. Wm. Knox, Mr. Robt. M'Murdy, Jof. Smyth, And. Dun, Wm Dunfmore, Hugh Menan, Rev. Sam. Patten, Tho. Bond, Efq; Mr. Matthews, Rev. Mr. Skipton, Rev. James Taylor, Rev. jofeph Gray, John Moor, Matt. Clarke, Sam. Patten, Wm. Hunter, Rev. Wm. Magee, Mr. John Johnlton, Mr. Jof. Read, John Hunter, David Irwin, The. Ray, CON- [ xxiii ] CONTENTS. PREFACE. Page h V->J 11. CanctrnmgGsd. Chap. I. Concerning the Esiftence of God 84 II. The Attributes of God 9» III. The Holy Trinity 1 1 1 "T^he Firfl Part of Theohgy. Concerning the Time 'which preceded ike Advent of 0efifi. Chap. I. Concermng the Creation 120 II. PrpvidcEce 130 III. Sin 145 IV. Decrees 156 V. The Antediltivian World 164 VI. The CalHr-g of Abraham 168 VII. The Law of Mofes 173 VIII. The Prophets 179 IX. The various State of the Jews 183 X. The State of other Nations 189 ^he Loiter Part of The'ihgy. Concerning the ^ime fubfequent to the Advent of Chrijl. S E C T I O Ni I. Chap. I. Concerning John the Baptiji 197 S E C T I O N IL Conceming Jefus Chriji. Chap. I. That Jefus is the Meffiah 204 II. Concerning [ XX'V ] II. Concerning the Perfon of Chrift 21* lU His thf^eefold Office 215 IV. His »wofold State 227 SECTION U!. Corrcernitig the Cin/Htufiin of the Church. Chap, 1. Concerning the Mifllon of the Holy Spirit 234 II. The Preaching of the Apoftles 238 III. The D^ftrudlion of the J^ws 241 iV. The Callitg of the GcjiJles 246 V. Tne Conftitutlon of the Church 249 SECTION IV. Cancer King the DoSrine vJikh is preached in the Church. Chap. T. Concerning Faith 253 II. Repentance 264 III. Good VVorks 272 IV Promifes and Threatnings 284 V. Juftification 291 VI. Sanftiflcatlon 298 SECTION V. Concerning the Church. Chap'. T. What we are to underftand by the Church 304 II. Church Government 314 in. Difciplfne 322 IV. The various State of the Church 330 SECTION Vf. Concerning the AjftJidHCes to Sanation. Chap. I. Concerning Internal Aflirtances 336 If. External Afllftances 340 III. Sacraments 343 IV. Raprifm 350 V. The Holy Supper \ 355 SECTION VII. Concerning a future World. Chap. I. Concerning the State of Man after Death 367 II. The End of the World 373 in. The Refurrection * 376 IV. The Latl Judgment 382 V. Life Eternal 389 VI. Death Eternal 391; ■ B.«L. ' ^VfcJlRiaA.ttMHJiaiHU!*.g 13CBa C O M P E N D O F CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY. THE PREFACE. WHOEVER" afpires after the facred office of a Minifter of the Gofpel, previous to all other confiderations, ought maturely to confider what is the fcope of his ftudies, or wherein the method and nature of that moft facred funftion confifts i this is neceflary, in order that he might turn his attention towards himfelf, and be well aflured, whether his vocation to it be from God, as likewife, that he might fully comprehend what he has to undergo, in order that he might become a fit paftor of Chrifl's flock. In our preface, therefore, we (hall endeaVoij^ to explain the three following particulars. Firft. Wherein the nature of the miniflry of the Gofpel D Goniiils. 26 The Preface. confifts. Second. What qualifications are requi- fite in a Minifler of the word of God. Th/ird. What preparation is necefiary, in order to the undertaking this office in a proper manner. I. THE duty and office of a minifter of the Church confifts of four parts, tirft. To teach or announce the doctrine of the Gofpcl. Second. To celebrate divine worfhip, and be em- plbyed about facred things. Third. To prefide over the Church, and rule the flock. Fourth. To be entirely devoted to piety. I. The firft duty is to teach. For fince know- ledge is the fountain from which all religion, faith and piety do fpring, it was therefore the divine pleafure to conftitute, or fet apart a certain order of men in his Church, whofe peculiar office fhould be to infl:ru(ft others. Matt, xxviii. 19. 2 Tim. iv. 2. Tit. i. 9. Alfo, Eph. iv. 11. There Paflors are termed Doctors, or Teachers ; but now it is the duty of fuch to teach, both what we are to believe, and what we ought to pradtifc, in order that we may become partakers of falvation. This cannot otherwife be accomplifhed better, than by- expounding the word of God in it's genuine purity and fimplicity; efpccially by imbuing the minds of younger perfons, or children, with the grcatell care and folicitude, with the knowledge of reli- gion ; but this being granted by all, we fhall not fpend time in proving it. II. Ministers upon th" Nature of the Mlniftry nf the G. zj IL Ministers are appointed for this purpofe, viz. to celebrate divine vvorlhip, and to be em- ployed about' things that are facred, ^s -prayer, praifes, reading the Scripture, adminiftration ot the facraments, and whatever other things apper- 4ain to the worfliip of God. See Acls vi. 4. xiii. 1. 2. 3. 4- &c. To this refers that antient infti- tution, obferved.in the Jev/ifh, as well as in the Chriftian Church, by which the Priells, Levires, likewife Blfliops, and the whole body of the Cler- gy, were officially bound to attend facred conven- tions at certain hours, to read and recite certain. portions of Scripture, prayers, and praifes, which pious inftitution has fallen into difufe among us, not- without a fignal detriment to the Church. III. The office of Minifters confifts in the go- vernment of the Church, and in the care of their flocks, as we fhall demonftrate more fully in it's proper place. But this much we thought proper to obferve at our entrance upon Theology, be- caufe an opinion hath almofl: univerfally prevailed in our churches, that the office of paftors is fully difcharged by the preaching of the word, and ad- miniftration of the facraments. But fcarcely did any opinion more dangerous ever infedt the minds of mankind than this, which defines Minifters as being no more than preachers, or teachers, who at certain hours and appointed feafons, harangue the multitude, recite prayers, and celebrate certain external rites in the Church. There is fomething in the cafe no lefs necefl'ary, but far more difficult, viz. the government of the Church, and the care D 2 of 28 The Preface. of fouls. Sec I Tim. iii. 5. Heb, xiii. 17. Which duty, indeed, ought to be performed, not only in a public, but likevvife in a private manner, and in every particular family. Ads xx. 20. Now, this may be accompliflied by admonifhing each private perfon, reprehending fmners, exciting the flothful and remifs, comforting the afflided, announcing remilTion of fins to the penitent, and the wrath of God againll: fuch as are obftinate. Add to this, the exercife of difcipline, expelling unworthy per- fons the communion of the facraments, nay, the excommunication of fuch as are deeply immerfed in vice, anfl obdurate, who with the greatefl effrontery, dare to tranfgrefs in the moft public manner. All thefe a