( \ ' '^1^. -W^^fx^ .1^. r •Axti^^i Ol *< ^ m\\ ^n 'Hi] ^>itfi {t. PRINCETON, N. J Shelf.. Divisici: Section .. Number. / / / / lie 7. If -^ « I'HIl MINUTE S o 1' r li E PRO€EEDI]\G8 O ¥ T H E PITTSBURGH COIVVEIVTIOIV CALLED BY THE SIGNERS OF THE a A r* ft^ ACT Ai\l* TESTIIflOAl." MAY 14, 18S5. -~neffi«<»— PITTSBURGH: WHITE &. GRANT, PRINTERS. 1835. MINUTES. Thursday, May 14, 1835. The Convention recommended by the signers of the "Act and Testimony," issued by the minority of the last General Assembly, in concert with others, met, in the Second Presbyterian Church in the city of Pittsburgh, at 12 o'clock, M. The Rev. JOHN VVITHERSPOON was called to the Chair, and the Rev. Isaac V. Brown and the Rev. Thomas Alexander were appointed Secretaries, pro tem. The following named persons presented certificates, or other satis- factory evidence of appointment by their Presbyteries, and took their seats as members of the Convention, viz: PRESBYTERIES. Neio York, Neivton, Susquehanna, NciD Castle, . :« Norlhumberlojid, u Huntingdon, Beaver, Redstone, Steiihenvillc, WasJiviglon, Ohio, a Richland, Miami, Oxford, Lancaster, Madison, Kaslcasldn, Louisville, cc South Carolina., Rev. W. W. Philips, D. D. Elder James Lenox, Jr. Rev. George Junkin, D. D. Rev. Jas. C. Sharon. Rev. Jas. Magraw. Elder Jas. Wilson. Rev. John H. Grier. Elder Andrew Ferguson. Rev. John Hutcheson. Rev. Thos. E. Hughes, Sr. Elder John Clark. Rev. Ashbel G. Fairchild. Rev. John Rea. Elder Matthew M'Coy. Rev. Jas. Hervey. Rev. Thos. D. Baird. Elder Dr. Robert Wray. Rev. Wm. Hughes. Elder John Ewalt. Rev. Jas. Coe. Elder E. Burrows. Rev. Thos. E. Hughes, Jr. Rev. Jas. Culbcrlson. Elder John Thompson. Rev. James Blythe, D. D. Rev. John Matthews. Rev. N. L. Rice. Elder John Carr. Rev. Huffh Dixon. ( 4 ) Harmony, T^(-'v. John Withcrspooa, Tuscaloosa, Rev. Joseph B. Adams. Amite, Rev. John L. Montgomery. The following persons also appeared, and presented certiiicates, ov other satisfactory evidence of their appointment as delegates by the niinoritics of the several Presbyteries to which they belong, and took their scats as members of the Convention. rjlESBYERTIKS. New Bnmsu'ick, Rev. Isaac V. Brown. Gcnesscc, Rev. Alex. Denoon. " Elder John MThcrson. Eric, Rev. Johnston Eaton. Portage, Rev. John D. Hughes. Cincinnati, Rev. Joshua L. Wilson. " Elder Wm. Schillenger. South Alahama, Rev. Thos. Alexander. Sale?n, Rev. Alex. Williamson. The Rev. James Blythe, D. D., was requested to preach at 3 o'clock, P. M.; and the Convention resolved on a recess until after the close of ^ivine service. At half after 4 the Convention resumed business. In addition to those whose names have already been recorded, the following persons appeared, and, having presented certificates of their appointment by the Presbyteries to which they belong, took their seats in the Convention. PRESBYTERIES. Carlisle, Rev. John Moody. " ' Elder Robert Elliott- Blair sihUc, Rev. Francis Laird. " Elder Jas. Carothers. Wooslcr, Rev. James Snodgrass. The Rev. Alex. D. Campbell, also, having produced satisfactory evidence of his appointment by the minority of the Presbytery of the Western District, took his seat in the Convention. On motion. Resolved, That this Convention adopt the "General Rules" usually observed by our church judicatories, and printed in the Book of Discipline, as the rules by which the proceedings of this Convention shall be regulated, so far as those rules may be applicable to this house. The Convention proceeded to the appointment of its permanent officers; and ASHBEL GREEN, D. D., was appointed President, the Rev. John Witiierspoon, Vice-President, and the Rev. Messrs. James Culhertson and Ashhel G. Fairchild, Secretaries. On motion. Resolved, That the members of this Convention will spend to-morrow as a day of fasting, humiliation, and prayer, with especial reference to the objects for which they are assembled; and that the Rev. Messrs. Brown and Baird, and Mr. William Schillenger Elder, be a committee, in conjunction with the pastor of this church, to make arrangements for conducting the religious exercises of the dav« ( 5 ) Tiie Rev. Drs. BIythe, Magraw, Montgomery, and Phillips, with the Elders, Robert Wray, Jas. Lenox, Jr., and Arch'd George, were appointed a standing committee, to whom all papers relating to the business of the Convention shall be referred, and through whom they shall be introduced to the Convention. Adjourned, to meet on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Conclud- ed with prayer. Saturday Morning, May 16. The Convention met, and was opened with prayer. Members present as before. The minutes of the last session were read. Yesterday was observed as a day of fasting, humiliation and pray- er, in connexion with the people of the congregation in whose place of worship its sessions are held, and others also. The religious exerci- ses wore well attended, exceedingly solemn and interesting. The following persons presented certificates of their appointment by the Presbyteries to which they belong, and took their ^cats in Con- vention, viz: PRESBYTERIES. Philadelphia, Rev. Ashbel Green, D. D. " Elder Alexander Symington. Newton, Elder Thos. M'Keen. Madison, Elder Victor King. Philadelphia, 2d, Rev. C. C. Cuyler, D. D. Bethel, Rev. J. Le Roy levies. Allegheny^ Rev. John Moore. Elder John White. Georgia, Rev. Nathaniel A. Pratt. Indianapolis, Rev. David Monfort. " Elder John Hendricks. Huntingdon, Elder Jonathan M'Williams. South Carolina, Elder David Leslie. Mississippi, Rev. George Potts. Bedford, Rev. Jacob Green. Elder John Owen. Washington, Elder Jambs M'Farren. Kaskaslda, Elder James A. Ramsey. Oxford,, Elder B. C. Swan. The following persons also presented satisfactory evidence of (heir appointment by minorities of the Presbyteries to which they belon, > ^ t mMf i '"^^ V^r^¥ » ^