EMANUEL SWEDENBORG A BIOGRAPHY. MX JAMES JOHN GARTH '^’ILKLNSON. ■ WhM to tkU GalMl «Uck I tort** to tlttoU lh« la vtoa.' Crto4 I, ‘aadakiehtovafdaaaMflaciMMr • Marr*l aol If Ika toaOlr gf haa*«a.’ it* umwwn*, *rto «ttk 4aasUac mtUmee Urn Thjtmm. lttoaaii»iBt«caWi»— a. lartO^ Baa'g Mfaat Saeh tofkto ara ka«. Not g rt oTo^ ohaU latoart to lhao toUgkl. Aa Ihr ya w ftl u a to bjr aatai* wnagkl l> to dwir pItolL* OmiiDmtt U)NIX)X: WILLIAM NEWBERY. 6. KING STREET, IIOLBORN. LONDON ; ^ PRINTED BY WALTON AND MITCBELL, W'arilour Street, Oafurd Street. TO Dr. P. E. SVEDBOM, fellow op the hnivessitv of upsal, H.A. THIS W'OKK IS DEDICATED, the author. V' ,-