I 1 4 I ^ •* ■«siWIK!iJ)!!i mim THE PSALTER, DEFINED AND EXPLAINED IN ITS MUSICAL BEARINGS, AND DIVIDED ACCORDING TO ITS VINDICATING THE PSALMS OF DATID REGARDING THEIR ORIGINAL DESIGN AND SPECIAL ADAPTATION TO THE PURPOSES OF SAC31ED SONG, IN AIX AGES. Tne sacred themes by David sung, Of pure poetic fire : Translated from the Hebrew tongue, Adapted fur the Lyre ; Designed with care to show the air And spirit they inspire. BY ABNER JONES, PEOFK880E OP MUSia NEW YORK: MASON BROTHERS, Nos. 5 & 7 MERCER ST. 1860. Entered accordinK U Act of Congress, in tlic year IROO, by ABNER JONES, in ths Clerk's Office if the District Court of the United States, for the Southern District of New York. Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://www.archive.org/details/psalmsofdavidrenOOjone ADVERTISEMENT. The Psalter, as will be seen by a glance at the title-page, goes out unfinished. When completed, it will contain a new rendering of the Psalms, both for reading as well as chanting, according to their musical cadences, which it is confidently believed will give new interest and at- tractions ; the subjects in their present form being exceedingly uneven besides being interrupted at every step by the improper division of the present verses. The author hopes soon to complete this, when it will con- stitute a book by itself, or accompany the metrical version as may seem desirable. As to the tunes it now contains, they will be found, it is hoped, attract- ive, and, for the department they are intended, useful. They are of the most plain and simple kind, and may serve at least for a beginning, till more suitable ones can be obtained. To bring the entire psalms to the style of Old Hundred, Mear and Dundee, would be to destroy their de- sign at the outset. Still about one-quarter to one-third of the Psalms may be successfully and appropriately sung to that style of music. The author has neither room, time, nor disposition for extended remarks or explanations. The plan of the work originated with himself, and he cannot see anything to prevent its being convenient, more economi- cal, and by far superior to any i^Islu. now in use. A little experience, and the tunes will be adapted to the several Psalms with the greatest ease. Besides, the books, when both are opened, become widened so that they will readily remain open on the piano and organ. When, in 1832, the author published " The Melodies of the Church," containing some four hundred tunes, and one thousand two hundred and twenty pieces of sacred poetry, the public were slow to acknowledge the need or utility of having the music and poetry in the same volume ; not remembering that music is a part of psalmody, is the oldest or at least of equal age, and is to last the longest. Now the feeling has greatly changed, and such works are by no means scarce. Almost every denomination has them in use. The type of the music, though small, is clear and beautiful ; and it is hoped will be found s ifficiently distinct to refresh the memory when needed. That the work may prove usefiil, and at least lead to something bet- ter is the sincere desire of THE AUTHOR. (ii) THE PSALTER. ALEPH. L. M. 6 lines. Pa. 1. m^^^^m^. MISSIONARY CHANT. L. M. 6 lines. Ps. 1. i^^^ff -j-rrr flT=Ef ^ iP I P m NAZARETH. L. M. 6 lines. Ps. 1. ENOCH. THE PSALTER. 8s & 10s. 6 lines. Ps. 1. EDEN. 9s & 12s. ^iiiglg i ^:£ = £££«tS iBii GIMEL. 7s&6s. D. -^=^ ■^^ mm ^^^^ t^ ^i^ig^^i^ ii^ii^^* e^3^ SALEM. S.M.D. Omit slurs inZdiilth line. The last strain,for5lh^6thlitie. Pa.l. ;n=^^^ .ist_2d_. :=3^=5zt :=t2- ^^ > 1^ !»'- -U— U- THE PSALTER. HAIL TO THE BRIGHTNESS. 12s & lis. ALL SAINTS. 12s. 6 lines. ,^i-4-4| BETH. S. M. H. Ps. 1. g^ ^^=^ r=f^ ^^^^^^ ^ m g E^^ i^ SAUL. L. M. D. s .r^- f- — y — I — \ i 1 i jj- 3ijn,ig_-^ — «_■■ i # | »-t : :»=zt: ^ ^= gg =F^ **? THE PSALTER. AUTUMN. 8s & 7s, D MISSION. 7s & 6s, D Ps 2. m^^^^^m Oe£e*e^ *^==*=J= iiiiiUS 3=r ^253 ^ ^^^e^^=i^^=^ig=fe?^i^ ^^ '^ > r r-ir g EVENING MEDITATION. 8s & 7s, D. THE PSALTER. SHIELD. 8s & ; Is. 1 jcvPi 1 1 1 \ 1 ! 1 \— — 1 \ 1 1 1 . r — 1 — : 6 Ps. 3. i^^!r— h— ^-r 1 1 1 r 1 H^ -^r \-r-r-r r h-H-i — " 5^: :^ES SEr lESS^tt^ w^^^^^m SHETLAND. lis & 8s. ' ^^ i^-^yEg^JSrgzgj sii ^ i^? ,= y-hp-r =g±i =P=P±i ffii ABSALOM. C. M. H. »;;— |j i»- P~E :W=it^=iS- 1=^ S^fet :-i~i =^ EDDY: L. M. D. e T II E P S A L T E R . NEHILOTH. C. M. H. P». 5. fcfrg=^ ^=^^*^g|g| r iF- f- Tf-^g Eg ±^^^ 12s & 9s THE PSALTER DEVOTION. C. M. D. P9. 5. t»t=*=f= EfEE b#L#'_£=E£ liiillpssE :t:= MiB^^ F«=F SHEMINITH. 7s & 6s. D. D.c. Pb. 6. 8s & 7s. D, Ps. 6. FIXE. =^^^1^ H N -y srziqz -t» ia P ~ — ■— * 1* ^. — n C2=3tt: :t«=t*=:fe: S ^d±t :55=|t: :*=^=Sb=f= =fe U t i >— -tg i^ii ^^S^S ^E GITTETH: L. M. D. GATH. THE PSALTER. O. M. D. Ps. 8. GREENVILLE. 8s & 7r. ^^^^^^m '^^^m^m^m^^ LABBEN. C. M. D. Ps. 9. A^=^\M=^ ^ ^ ^' J- N -an — ^ 1 1 — • -*■ .1 , K -p- iS c~rT^ -f=i-j-i* ^^W^ ^a =FF^ SELAH. C. M. D. PHILISTIA. THE PSALTER. 8s & 7s. D. Ps. 8. AL-MUTH. L. M. D. Pa. 9. ELLIOTT. S. M. D. Ps. 11. li^^^^^^^i 10 THE PSALTER GOODWIN. 78 & 6s. Pa. 11. WARD. L. M. -^ P ^ 4 1 isi — l-"^— -br — 1?3 — H 1 S'— mr m —\ ■m--'^^ — ® h^ — - — I 1 s< f= 1— -T --- -1 R— F ^^- — F- i : = :t=:^ PLEYEL. L. M. ^ list. I 2(1.| 313^ MEAD. 8s&7s. D. C. Ps. 23. ^iiiii!|ig|!iteiiplspigi ?jfr^zg^p^^-:[gEg|^ ^Xi gg ^ BALERMA. THE PSALTER lis & 8s. orC. M. 11 Ps. •:3. =5=^U=Lr[ SICILY. 8s & 7s. Ps. 15. 'P=^r^=rT ^::S=ar:gSH^ I!i3^5^i ^5=f= a"Fg^^=tF^ '^-J^ T* ^ l^r — ^-i-^i CREATION. lis. Ps. 19. ^Iffg^-SEfEgT ^gE yPg^g^ f- p h' I i -Fp-H^H ^i- F^— t— 1-P i t=t- hl— GATES. C. M. 6 lines. Ps. 24. t=S=rt— -« — *J— -g- ,-f^-' _g— --g-— :g-_,:g 'r'^ ^-T^T!?^."^ . .. ' — * — £ — r— 1- — K- Hs--^H=ii; — k — & T i Bi -~ ^' r^ I I — r n 12 THE PSALTER. NEW YORK. 12s&8». orO, M. mm'^s^^ Pg. 29. -PI^-E, 1 1 — L| p 1 V^ U 1 pXi 1 r I o r-L-J • — ' M I "r" Jr I III i l TrT-i- ii^^fegfe MAITLAND. C. M. D i^ m Ps. 17. ^— J— I =2iZ=^ fcfeg^J^fefefe^l^ ^— r ^-g : pur- CONGREGATIONAL CHANT. Ps. 18. tzT^ P^ Jtr=i|5=^ THE PSALTER. L. M. D. MICHTAM. L. M. D. ■9=^-- BRAINARD. 8s & 73. Hal - le - lu - jah. Ps. 29. ^-^-N-i a^^ ^ a^=5l- ii I5E W- =^^ s -sM-r ^ ^ ^^t^=l =l=f: 14 THE PSALTER HIND L: M: D. Pi: 22: ls;5iyEJ;j;^g^,yEJ^J^E^g CALVARY: lis & lOs, D: -j^^-y^- ^JtJ§-ZS^-tfI* , -^ I * ^ -f- - g--^l-n-«-rg-^I^*-rf*-* ^s jgi g-rTF-ptf =P=p: KINGSTON. 8 & 7. 6 lines. m. -^ -a»— • — UMsi^ m s^^cg- Fine. iS:^ ■^m^^' ^^ii^i§iiEigii^gFSi§iS Ihille ■ III - JHh. THE PSALTER ^zE^s^^i ^ s=s=^s=5=^=«iI33ts=i ^ rr ■ f^ i — Fi ! p^— '^ — h' — I II I I - i-i — i- ^ i^p- KOTHWELL. lis or L. M. 61/ uniting two 1st notes of each measure. Ps. 29. ^%:£ts=g=iEE^^sdEpgE«^^^s5£^Ea^t^ ^^^S^§§ii^ ;^^^^^feB^^ i^-j!s J . r~i Hul . lo . Ill . HARPER. 7s & 6s. D: Hal - le - lu -ji Ps. 28. ^i^^ BRADFORD. 8s. D. 16 THE PSALTER. TRENTON. lis. 6 lines. P8. 24 i^ip^^n^pi i^s^l &^^^^^^^3^S^I :F:^tj:::=t=?=±t=T ?m t~r-T^ t=i=^i?^ NAYTON. lis. 1—rt 1^? i^E^Sl^P^^Sl ^e=rFi :^ OAKSVILLE. C. M Ps. 98. ■•H-'^ 1 — hH^ J * \ < f — 1^—1 ! d — ^-«^-«*- sac: 4Kff--^- r i^: IOWA. S. M. :M=F^ ^^ m ^5=f^^=^- igpippgEp^ipJ ^isiii^gii^i MARLOW. CM. \Omit in repent. -t r— 1- HERMON. THE PSALTER. C: M, 6 lines, 17 Ps: 32. k^ ^ — ' — f f^ - " — tf m ^— ' — «e> — :^--T- ■ ^=^ &:^^m s^ ^ 1=1= ■Z=-f:S=t^==^ |C (B^-ldE—lA :?z: VINTON. C. M. D. Pa. 33: ^ ^ :;^ ^^^i ^^i rit:^: Tit— t :[=}= ARCHIBALD. L. M. H. 3=1= ^:^M^N=g^=^M=*|=^ ^^-^— gL ^^g i^^^^Pi ^^s :l_rl]t ^::±; £=g= ^ ^NrfK feg s ^1^ J J -H-^— ^=;j i*±* - ^ 5 -?^4-a^=lF f — f r-*r i^^j^^^p^jg^^^^jE^ =g=™ ABBA. 8s & 7s, D. 18 THE PSALTER. ARIEL. C: P: M. Pb. 48: ABIMELEOH. O: M. H. Ps 24. ^ --1 — 3" f= , I :?4-.-r^- P— H* '^ F S— <* i»-r-^— „ <^ , ^T: ?i :£f =^==F br=l^ i^i fe;5=j=j=^^S3U=^-i# ^ ff iigi^Ei^ !— g:-P|* -p -[^ ■ ■ » i* — ^-pg — ^. :t=t: ?d=p=»: ZERAH. O- M HUNTINGDON. C. M, 6 lines. Ps. 34. i^^^JS ^^ fe^EE^ ^:^ wm 'TT — t: i^iiMUr?!^^ gl^^^^Mlifei^ i»— p- THE PSALTER COURT STREET. lis & 8s D. VISION. 7s & 6s. D: fe^ii^il^iil^ii^i^i^i FEDERAL STREET. L. M. 6 lines. ^ 1 1 1-1 — ! !- Ps. 41. i(^3]=s; ^E^E p-^rg-;fF gz=g^ g=:^ g^^^g^^^ r^Efa 20 THE PSALTER. LENOX. S. M. H. ,.b i-uJ ^ — irr=:= ^_- i i — F d— Ps: 97. K k k— ft . . r-.-^^ ^ MARTYN: L: M: D; Or 7s, By omitting thejirst note of each line. ViM: 1 r E^^ ^£^ ^u 1^ m^^'^ -^z^^i ^i^i^Sifli^ Hal - le-lu-jah, Hal - le-lu-jah. MISSIONARY HYMN. 7s & 6s, Ps. 27. ll^^^^^ii^iis^ ^g pffE3^^ iiigiipg:i;^| ^ YARMOUTH, 7s & 6s. Hal - le • lu - jah. Ps, 31: i ^BBi^: fe^^iiHi]^! MAYVIIiLE. THE PSALTER. C. M. 21 Ps. 43. E^ 'J , I *|— *b i^i ^ ^(=5- =^^=^^=^ ■S2->— , ^ 1 1 1 — w^ ■> i#~ 1 — r H. M. Ps. 45. ^^ ^ ses 4=P ^^ :3ipn=S= as t^ =1*: 3ctor^ Pg: ^E* I? -r I I - ^ IF^; t:g- rrV t:^^^^ fe^E^l^E^^S P^^^P§ -j==w=wn ALAMOTH. C. M. D. l^|3zt; DENNIS. S. M H. Or Us & 8s, By omitting the slurs. ^^- REFUaE. L. M. D. Ps. 46. S^ca^^z^^,:fzF2=:1?=fc?i=rfc:g:rI 22 THEPSALTEK. JEDUTHAN. L. M. D. Ps. 39. a=ti=fcj^^ ^^^^ E3Es^3: ^=& -?—*-" :«=^ 1^ g ^g Fr~r^TE PAUL. 7s & 6s. w^^^ g s -^ *" — '^- '•-ir^ f^L ^ "^ I " ' ^ ? — r* 1=— T*^ * — r^ rn w 1 £ E — 1— ' » 1 z^ 1 I— 1 1 & 5EEE^t3^^EEe =Tr=r MENDON. L. M ^^^ -r I — m =S- ^ ^^^^s^ ^e^i^^^^ t=t g LYONS. 10s & lis. Ps. 114. ppii^^ mp^^i ^j'^ji^Siji THE PSALTER. ANGOLA. 8s & 7s. 6 lines. 23 P3 34. iH 24 SPENCER. THE PSALTER. O. M. D. Ps. It. 1^ r=nz ^ ^^=^ 3^^E^^ M-=m;: gf rg=y ,^^ (=i- ^331 I22=tzS <=g— ^-3» ^ ^= ^- ^^^ SHEPHERD. 7s & 6s. Ps. 23. — H~|j~ R — I 1 ^ — *i~[T- , ! J - 11 ARUNDEL. C. M. Ps. 138. m te^^ ?l^ WILMOT. Hal-le-lu-jah. Ps. 149. FINE. MOUNT. 12s & 9s. D. Hal - le - lu - jah. Ps. 91. FINE ^s^Sij^ igijgg^^i^ HOWARD: THE PSALTER. C:M: 26 Ps: ]19; COVENTRY: 0: M: Ps: 149: .A — I . I f n-^-l 1 ri. m — »— r?-; n-| rra ' rl .* — •— rS — n ;i^i iilsi^S f^t^^ ORTONVILLE. Hal-le - lu - jah. Ps: 00: ^|rja3*rp;5=zrP=zg=:=g: >$4t- :f=|- ii^ss^i^^p »EEe: ii ?=fi=^^.E =n^=FP^ ii ARLINGTON, C, M, Ps: 82: J^-4^ :t=Lia.-:g-^=:t::: -Mrr^r-.-^ Hal -Te - lu - jah. PETERBORO; C: M: jah. Ps. 119: -F2 ^i^: a^^=^^ iS=tz ;^=tt Hal- le - lu - jah. Ps. 30. ft*:-':*: ^EE^^^ ■Jt: fe^^P^ SAYBROOK. C. M. T. i^ 1»S— JE ^3 ^>r ^'^ .^L:^ ^e^^= Ds=3t ^fc:^ '« S—y-)B —.— m- ^^g * • * •i~li ^r- g: i^ W ^ -fci?;:^r4=[^rrrjS— h — ! '■< J>iUN ^1 Jl Jr-h I i- l I I 1 1 i — k- y-t^-tT : WAKEHAM: lis & 9s: tefctr Zi'- i# r> ^ - ::i*- I -j - fe^fac :!£=; itzrjzz zfe^gz: - y- i *- gi ::=r: Fi^ ^^^^gg:^ «^* pj Q^p^p i MANCHESTER. C: M: D: I 3^1i 13^^83 i=i S-5-^ &• a* — »r- ■^-l-a.;-*-^ :^^ g35Ef 3 ^fq ^»^i^^ g^ THE PSALTER. DEDICATION. O. P: M. ^^-^^2:^^ 27 Ps. 30. DAYTON. 8s & 7s. 6 lines. Hal-le - lu jah. Ps. 32. v-jp r ^frpg— "— fg— . r— f— r-rf^ = Hi < ' — t= t — i =gg XENIA. 8s & 7s. D: Ps. 116. ffci E5^ Hal-le- lu- jah. 28 THE PSALTER. TARSUS. C. M. D. Ps: 145. i^g^^^^Si^^^^Hi P^^ '^^^^ !* ' > ' >* ' BENEVENTO. 7s, Ps. 103. 2^=t . — -c — i^ n I — I — I — J_^-^ _-e_;e- ■m — I ' — ki f^ — H-^ — ■ — ^ — «_u*_:_«_C^_l_i 1 1 , . ^_ D. c. :S'. EgEEeE a=='= iBEg ^'=f4r-^- g:gj^ :s^ii ITALIAN HYMN. 6s & 4s. 'sz ^t - -(SI-: •!— *< »i^=^"— a*— l-,»^-T-H — ^— I • 1 — II NARRATIVE CHANT. Ps. 68. ^g^iJ|^^EfJ8^38Eg: THE PSALTER. ST. MARTINS. C. M. * 29 'fe^^^^^^^^S BACA. O M. D. 1 — \ — r 11=;^=^^ tiH^-p:f-f:|^gL sijCS gzSf^^ --^- i*-^-\^- iL-b-U-i^ :n*19- A-=^ -Is> — S^ ;k^ ^•^: P^ a=3=| =i=iJ= iS^ ?=S= g^ -r — ^ T^=S5= i^ ?zljzEE .t=t= PALESTINE 8s & 7s, D. BETHANY. C. M. D. Hal-le-lu - jail. Ps. 19. =^=? Si m ^E i^ =?2=1k: :t=;=t ^^^ -^ 30 THE PSALTER BEVEREDGE. lis & 9s. Ps. 40. s^igiiii^ffiii^ ^m tP=9-- fet MARION. L. M. g ^^^gpe^^pi|i il ^igs =g '=F^ ^^^3^^^^ ^g^ ?M= [ |. || |!|? d .a ij | g ; -* l i- g — ^ I i-TT ;?^: fE^^= NATHAN. C. M. D. Ps. 51 3=3="^ -I — *l— =1=1=^ ^3=3=1:^: 1331 zmz=f:=?ti m ^ 33^E Si: — «^- ^^^^ ^^^ IS i^zib =p=f CHESTER. 9s & 12s. Ps. 123. ^fel^lSIISte?3lifiliMt^i ^^t^^iim^^li^ THE FSALTER. C. M. I 1st time. 31 Ps. 119. m l=Fd= '^^11%: =^i=S=i-- e=pf=S' p —f^— \ * -j*- -^ ■^=f-^=\ _^__^ m IRVING. L. M. Ps. 187. ^~ fTd= ^m EC 1- -« — a — 2 '" SEgSff q*=± S3 ■-^s! — fc?^~Tl ~ — — ~ — t — L — c' n± — 2 — r I ~ — ■■ — 3 — ^1T~ :ii=iT^ ^E^ LOT. 8s & 7s. 6 lines. Hal-le-lu- jah. Ps. 140. fc^ —I I I F 11 y=s- ^ ^ -^~^-~ F :g — a — 3e: E^E^EE^ffl si-a JORDAN. C. M. Ps. 47. asfclji ^ -f^- fi^ tL ?m r^- =t= ^^=^-- ~r-^~^ S^jz ~:&~ E §I^-^F.*^P'=?^=?*H 1^^^ --^f^^^ ■^-i?-*_< SOLO '— -H--J-4- ■^f:z!fz- r-r-r-r ^i: M-r^-^-^L^ t=t=:t=t: L_ a D : u, i 1 ZION. 8s & 7s, or 8s, 7s & 4s. ;P^^^'-aii Omit in Ss Jf 7s. ■'^^TJ »"»-*■* *-»>«!> ^^^^liiiiSi^^r'^^ THE PSALTER. 33 HEBRON. L. M. Ps. 101, ^— q=piF=^^— t- =^^=? 1^=2:1 DENFIELD. C. M. Ps. 57. :fcr2^ ^t*Eg^ i=i=5-^J#sti -■^—4^ =?=F^ i^^gi :p=»: BOYLSTON. S. M. Hal-le - lu - jah. Ps. 100. fes=s==?= ^E^g :P8^P= E^Et?EE^=^ £^=i= ?=tff*z=-: liiiE^ =!: =q=l l3=i3=la li r^F-^fr:^ =^=& I * i # r gipsxn LEON. 8s & 7s. D. Hal-le - lu-jah. Ps. 19. MIGDOL. L. M. Pa. 98 ;^Piiiipi pili ^;^m pP! Hal-le-lu-jah. 84 THE PSALTER. APHEKA. 0. M. D. Omit In repeat. Pa. 116. feif^5*^ltpfeg^l^^g^iip Ftl?r(?=nJ^riL» Ilal-le - lu jah. KUREMBURG. L. M. D. i=: Vs. 14(1. FI.NE. ■ — - — ^ — =c ^3 £ 3=i i? — I -E- 1 s »■ gs-=l P ^ .-S^ D. C. :=g=l ii^Sil Hul - le - lu - jah. C. M. Q. Ps. 107. F^tat ¥B *^^ ^j- i -^ ±^ - ■||-H-IV- »-J -J-^ =g£:3= »-^_J- g:; Jig:. fe^gyj^aa^Rg^-R^^f^sgE^^jaig icz:cr Siii^i LILIES. L. M. =Si?i^^ aea i^^^ ziz^e^rrcs-i T~"y =^ ^ ^=»z mwmmw r -» - -r^- : 1 — -{*- - |*- ?5 THE PSALTER DELAWARE. 8s, D. 35 ^=^ W =«=«= ^ m LONDON. 12s & 8s, or O. M. S^SS ^ i — . — I — —I — — ST. LOUIS. C M. OLD HUNDRED.* L. M. Halle- lu - jah: Ps. 100. =i=?^ ^3,z& ?: :gi i^^i^siii ■j^t New arrangement Halle-lu-jah. 36 THE PSALTER RIVINGTON. L. M. D. GOLGOTHA. 7s & 6s. D. 3EE3^^ 1^ ^lEFi KERR. L. M. :t:=P=?t ""^fc^i^ei UZ. O. M. D. Hal • lelu - jiili. Ps. 62. ;3=T j=i^ "?=-- ^i=g^pi^e^ie :r=«=r CUMMINGS. C.P, Mj Ps. 94. gr yh jI -y-fS'-^ : THE PSALTER. 37 SIRION. 8s & 7s. ^«r=at -g=g: ^=^ c: — ff — ff—r-& (s—T,-^ — r I r - 3=F _-« ,«=_ =t=t: isll^S^i^^ii^ill :SEe3 i ^=tr=E -—I « \ ' ^^—-e-,^ T=^- MEAR. C. M. Or 12s & 8s, By omitting the slurs. m^^^^mmmmmm, ST. AWNS. C. M. ^=^=r 3^ iS^i^S^^i :ac=ii= :f!— *. -f^^ ^^^pi^P S==2=:=t :ff--e- ^lESEEj Z^^ZJ 4=t: WATTS. 9s & 8s. Hal - le - lu - jah. Ps. 51. -r I r: :: r— r— r— gE rf T Id-^ 38 SOLOMON, THE JPSALTER. 0. M. D. ^^ '?-b — FT ^ \ ^ 'r-\ Hi — i — '— f- SrE ^5=g r-» -w ^=±H gjggi^l^S l HAMBURG. L, M. I Omit in repeating. Pa. OJ. ^^IPS^gi^l^^ i^igi^^i^^^ig^ i^ -r -r- ^ a^; =^ Hal - lo - lu PSALM. 7s 6 lines. jail. P?. 50. PF — I t-Y\ ^1 T^C H— ' 1 I I ' g i JJ, — 1 COWPEB. C. M. Omit in repeat Ps. 150. -—-—31, — —T~- a :=: — n- > : ^Sl^^^bfed^&tsi^P KINGSLEY. 7s & 6s. Omit in repeat. Hal- le - lu - jah. P3. 59: J, I umit in repeat [ i,» )3 i^ ^^ ^^jj — ^H — r-^-* — ^ — I to- -. — I — -S — I 1^—. ■ -^M- ~» — to •-+-——« 3: :y: WORSHIP. C. M. H. Hal-le - lu - jah. Ps. 65. F-g^*- — i— I p^- 1 * — to — to — I — —I — ' — I — BE THE PSALTER. 41 ORKNEY. 9s. Ps. 131. s*"— g-^ ' ' — ^ !i il MANHATTAN. 8s & 7s. HH^ ^ L* iJ I*' , :t=:t 3 RINDG-E. C: M., 10 lines. Hal-le - lu -jail, Ps. 60. I^^^gig EVER. C. M. D. EFFINGHAM. 12s, 6 lines: or L. M. P3. 48. i=t PROCLAMATION: 10s. P]/ repeating the first half. Ps: 49: ir^iii^iigig^li^^S T H K P S A L T E K . MASCHIL. 8s & 7s. | Omit i)i repeat. 43 OTTO. 8s & 7s. 6 lines. Hal • le - lu - jah. Ps. 147. ^ ^— f^^r— ^ — ' — P- -r— p- 1 L-J ^ ? — 1 n iSii^Si^^ WINCHESTER. 13s & 12s orL. M. -i H Ual-le - lu-jah. Ps. 125. C. M. ^- ^S^E 3^ i^-f^-rf^^z^ 1 (Z^ \r:?zi 44 THE PSALTER, AHAM. 8s & lis, 6 lines. Pa. 60. -^sri^^^:-^. ■& 33 =1: ^^^^ ^^3^^ ^ES z]'3^B 3^5 f ^^^j^^j^ ,-C5-— -i-»— •— *!— ^— *-3» ,^-1- ^S FOSTER: 8s. I I t: ^: ^-S-^ :ffl::33!rn:i!?r JOSHUA. 8s & 7s, D. Ps; 146: z^Et::t ^Igi Si jalr. '^ L^— ' e^ — ;H I _-f -^. J». .A- .^- -^ .0 .^ -^ .^^ J — -, — p> _«- .^- Hal - le - lu - jah. STEPHENS: C; M: 6 lines, By repeating ths first part. Ps. 92: ■9 ^ ^, I ^ I , I — I r 1 ^ T-1 " ■ I . — nil ;i?=Pa: ""* Hal-le - lu - jah. QUADRUPLE CHANT; L: M: D. I's: 78 :S-^5S^£^ '1^" THE PSALTER. LET EVERY HEART REJOICE. 0. M: T: 45 Ps. 81. ^^f^ t^ BROOKLYN. O. P. M: Ps. 66: REST, L. M., 6 lines, By repeating the first cadences 1 I J- i-gi- Ps: 97: ^EE^ ^Hppirzg^ Hal-le- lu- jah. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF TUXES. A PAGE. Aleph— L. M. 6 Hues.* 1 All Paints— 12s 6 lines 3 Autumn— 8s & 7s P. Arr 4 Absalom— C. M. H.* 5 Adoration— S. M. !>.* 7 Al-muth— L. M. D* 9 Archibald— L. M. H.* 14 Abba— 8s & 7s D. Dr. M 17 Ariel— C. P. M. Dr. M 18 Abimelech— C. U. H.* 18 Almoth— C. M. D.* 21 Angola— Ss & 7s 6 linos.* 23 Acriou— L. M. T. Dr. SI 23 Arjndel— C. M 24 Arlington— C. M 25 Asaph— L. M. T.* 26 Apheka— C.il. D. Dr. M 34 Always— L. JI. T.* 41 Aram— 8s & lis 10 lines.* 44 B Beth— S. M. H.* 3 Berford— 17s & 8s P. Arr 6 Billings— 12s & lis D., or C. M. D. Arr. 8 Benton— L. M. D.* 9 Balerma— lis & 8s, or C. M 11 Brainerd- 8s & 7s.* 13 Bradford— 8s D.* 15 Benevento — 7s 28 Baca— C. M. D. W. B. B 29 Bethany— C. M. D.* 30 Beveridgc— lis &9s.* 30 Boylston— S. M. Dr. M 33 Babel— C.M. D.* 46 Brooklyn— C. P. M.* 45 c Cowpcr— C. M. Dr. M 33 Cummings— C. P. M.* 36 Chester— 9s & 12s P. Arr 30 Cush— C. M.* 7 Creation — lis. Arr 11 Congregational Chant — * 12 Coronation— C. SI. D 13 Calvary— lis & 10s D.* 14 Court Street— lis &8sD.* 19 Carrael— H. SI.* 21 Coventry— C. SI 25 D Dalcth— 8s &7s.* 2 Devotion— C. SI. D.* 7 Dennis— S. M. H. , or 8s & lis. Arr 21 Dundee— Us & 8s, or C. M.- 23 Dedication— C. P. SI.* 27 Dayton— 8s & 7s 6 lines.* 27 Downs— C. SI. Dr. SI 27 Decachord— 9s 6 lines.* 32 Denfield— C. SI. Dr. SI 33 Delaware— 8s D. W. B. B 35 Dover— S. M 41 E Enoch— 8s & 10s— 6 Unes 2 Eden— 9s &12s.* 2 PAGE. Evening Psalm— C. SI. D.* 4 Evenmg Sleditation — 8s & 7s D.* 4 Eddy— L. SI. D.* 5 Elliott— S. SI. D.* 9 Evan— C. SI 29 Edom—C. M. 10 lines.* 39 Egypt— C. SI. D.* 42 Ever— C. SI. T.* 42 ElBingham — 12s 6 Unes, or C. SI. Arr... 42 F Federal Street— L. SI. 6 lines 79 Foster— 8s. W. B. B 44 G Gimel— 7s & 6s D.* 2 Gittclh— L. SI. D.* 7 Gath— C. SI. D.*.. g Greenville — 8s & 7s 8 Goodwin— 7s & 6s. G. J. W 10 Gates— C. SI. 6 lines.* 11 Golgotha— 7s & 6s D.* 36 Gaulut— Ss & 7s. Dr. SI 40 H Hail to the Brightness— 12s k Us. Dr. Sf. 3 Hind- L. SI. D.* 14 Harper— 7s & 6s D.* 15 Hermon— C. SI. 6 lines. Dr. M 17 Huntingdon— C. SI. 6 lines.* • . 18 Howard — C. SI 25 Hebron— L. SI. Dr. SI 33 Hamburg— L. SI 38 I Iowa— S. M 16 Italian Hymn — 6s &4b 28 Irving- L. SI.* 81 J Jonah— 7s & 6s D.* 9 Juduthan— L. SI. D. W, B. B 22 Jordan— C. St.* 31 Joshua— 8s &7sD.* 44 K Kingston — 8s & 7s 6 lines.* 14 Korah— S. P. SI.* 23 Kerr— L. SI.* 36 Kish— 12s &9s D.* 39 Kenilworth— 7s & 6s D. Dr. SI 40 Kingsley— 7s & 6s.» 40 L Labben— C. SI. D.* 8 Lenox— S. SI. H. Arr. Dr. SI 20 Lyons— 10s & lis 22 Lot— 8s & 7s 6 lines.* 31 Leon— 8s & 7s D. Dr. SI 33 Lilies— L. SI.* 34 London— 12s & 8s, or C. SI 35 Lanesboro' — C. SI. D. Arr 33 Let Every Heart Rejoice — C. M. T. Arr. 5 G. J. W 4 (47) 48 ALPUABETlCAL LIST OF TUNES. JS. I'ACK. Missionary Chant— L. M. 6 lines. Cb. Z. . 1 Mission — "s & 6s D.* 4 Minor — 8s & 7s ]>.* 7 Mayhow— S. M. D* 10 Maitlana— C .M. D. Arr 12 Miclitam— L. M. ]).* 13 Marldw— C. XI. Dr. M IB Martin — L. M. , or Vs -(> Missionary Hymn — Ts & Cs. Dr. M 20 Mavvillo— C. M.* 22 Monclou— U M. Arr 22 Mount— 12s & 9s 0.* 24 Mancbester — C. U. D.* 20 Marion— L, M. Dr. M 30 Moravian Hymn — C. M. D. Arr 32 Mahalelh— Ss & Cs D.* 32 Migdol— L. M. Dr. M 33 Jloar— C. M. , or 12s and 8s 37 Manhattan— 8s & 7s.* 41 Melody— C. M 43 Mascbil— 8s & 7s.* 43 N Nazareth — L. M. 6 bnos. Arr 1 Nehilotb— C. M. H.* 6 Negiuotb— C. M. D.* 6 Notting Hill— C. M 10 New York— 12s & 8s, or C. M 12 Newry — L. M 15 Nay ton— lis. Dr. M 16 Narrative Chant—* 29 Nathan— C. M. D.*. 30 Nuremberg — L. M. D. Arr 34 Nottingham- C. M. Arr 38 Naomi— C. M. Dr. M 40 Oaksvillc— C. M. Ch. Z , 16 Olmutz— S. M 23 Ortonvillo— C. M. H 25 Old Hundred— L. M. Arr 35 Orkney- 9s. Dr. M 41 Otto— "Ss & 7s 6 bnos.* 43 P Pelew— L. M. 6 lines.* 4 Pleyel— L. M. Arr 10 Pleyel— lis. Arr 19 Portuguese Hymn — lis. Arr 12 Princeton— 7s & 6s D.* 18 Pisgab— S. M. H.* 15 Peterboro'— C. M. Arr 25 Palestine- 8s &7s D.* 29 Praise— C. M. Q.* 34 Psalm — 7s o lines.* 38 Paul— 7s & 6s.* 22 Proclamation — 10s.* 44 Q Quadruple Chant— L. M. D.* 44 B Rolhwell— lis, or L. M 15 Remind— 8s D.* 19 Refuge- L. M. D.* 21 Roudout— C. P. M.* 31 PAOB. Reminding — C- M. C lines 35 Kivingtou— I,. M. D.* 80 Rest— L. M. 6 hues. W. B B 46 Rindge— C. M. 10 lines. Arr 42 S Salem— S. M.* 2 Saul— L. M. D.* 3 Sbiol( " 22. 2 " 72 2 " 122. 4 (1 " 23. 6 " 73 1 » 123. 2 i( " 24. 5 " 74 1 " 124. 2 li " 25. 2 " 75 1 " " 12.5. 2 (( " 26. 2 " 76 2 " 126. 2 (1 " 27. 3 " 77 1 '' " 127. 2 « " 28. 2 " 78 1 •* 128. 2 (( " 29. 5 " 79 1 '^ 129. 1 " " 30. 2 " 80 2 " " 130. 2 << '' 31. 2 « 81 2 " 131. 2 X " 32. 4 « 82 2 '■ 132. 2 If •' 33. 3 " 83 1 •' 133. 4 <( " 34. 4 " 84 5 •' 134. 4 '« " 35. 2 " 85 2 " 135. 1 (< " 36. 3 " 86 2 " 136. 1 " " 37. 2 " 87 2 " " 137. 4 <( " 38. 2 " 88 1 " 138. 2 I( '' 39. 2 " 89 1 " i:'.o. 2 « " 40. 2 " 90 3 " 140. 1 « " 41. 2 " 91 2 " 141. .") " « 42. 3 " 92 4 " 142. 2 <( " 43. 2 '' 93 2 " 143. 2 " " 44. 2 " 94 1 " 144. 2 (( " 45. 3 " 95 3 " 145. 3 " « 46. 3 " 96 3 " 146. 4 « « 47. 4 " 97 3 " 147. 3 M .-^ OF DAVIb. PSAIiM 6.-12S & 83 D. liKRFORD, P. 6. 1 Oh Jehovah, do not in thine au^^-er rebuke, Nor chide me though ■wrath I awake ; Oh Jehovah, I'm drooping, most graciously look, And heal, for with terrors I shake. I am troubled in spirit, my sorrow control, But thou, oh Jehovah, till when ? Return in thy mercy, deliver my soul , Thy mercy will honor thee then. 2 For in death a remembrance of thee is not known, In Sheol no praise meets thine ears ; I am weary of anguish that causes my groan, I water my couch with my tears. From vexation and sorrow my pillow will swim, Let justice for me interpose ; For my eyes and my visage wax old and are dim, Because of my ruinous foes. 3 All ye doers of evil, get hence and depart, Jehovah was hearing me grieve ; And Jehovah hath heard, and is taking my part, Jehovah my prayer will receive ; Overwhelmed and confounded, my foes shall retreat, In shame turning back in dismay ; In a moment unthought they will suffer defeat, And have no such help as my stay. PSALM 6.-C. M. D. NEGINOTH, P. & 1 Rebuke me not in anger, Lord, Nor chasten, though di;^pleased ; But healing grace to me afford, I'm M'cak, with anguish seized. My frame and soul with terrors shake ; How long are thy delays ? Oh ! save me for thy mercy's sake ; Return and wake my praise. 2 For who shall praise thee in the grave ? In death thy name make known ? Oh ! come and show thy power to save ; I'm weary with my groan. AVith tears I make my bed to. swim, By night my couch o'crflows ; From daily grief my sight is dim. Because of all my foes. 3 Let evil-doers from me fly, Nor tempt me to despair ; The Lord hath heard my weeping cry, And will receive my prayer. Jehovah heard my humble call, And he will hear again ; My foes in s'^dden shame shall fall, And seek relief in vain. I THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 13 PSALM 6.— 8s & 7s. MINOR, P. 7. 1 In auger hot rebuke me not, Nor chasten with displeasure ; lu mercy speali, for I am weak, My grief's exceeding measure : My bones are vexed, my soul perplexed, And woe has whelmed me over : How long delay ? save me, I pray, For thy name's sake, Jehovah ! 2 For who in death thy memory hath ? Who will in dust adore thee ? I'm tired with moans and weak with groans, Oh ! when wilt thou restore me ? I steep my bed with tears I shed. Which are like rivers flowing ; My vision fails, my spirit quails, My foes are bolder growing. 3 From me depart, ye proud of heart, Ye seed of evil-doers ! The Lord on high has heard my cry, And speedy help insures. Jehovah heard, I'elief conferred, And will attend my calling : My foes shall turn in shame shall bnrn ; When not aware, be falling. PSALM 7,-C. M. D. GUSH, P. 7. Shiggaion of David, that he sang to Jehovah bocanso of the woi-ds of Cush the Ben- jamiti'. 1 Oh God ! on thee ray hopes depend, save me from all my foes ; Lest they my soul like lions rend, when none can interpose. If wrong within my hands be found, or my returns unjust. The foe may smite me to the ground, my honor to the dust. 2 Awake and make thine anger known, to judgment rise for me : Let gathered nations round thy throne thy truth and justice see. Let innocence my cause defend, thou Judge of all the earth ! Let mischiefs of the wicked end, establish men of M'orth. 3 On God is my defence and stay, who tries the heart and reins ; While sinners tempt him every day, his truth the just sustains. If sinners will not be restored, if they will not repent, The Lord will whet his glittering sword, his bow is ready bent. 4 The wicked travails sore with sin, and falsehood is his child ; He digs a pit and falls therein, by his own works beguiled. His crimes shall come upon his pate, his head shall bear his wrongs ; Jehovah just, Most High and great, will I exalt in songs. 14 THE I'SALM^j OF J>AVI1». PSALM 7.-10S. SAVANNAH, P. 6. 1 Oil Loi\l, my God, on thea my liopos repoic, Appear to save me from piir3uiii;4' foes ; Lest they as raving lions tear my soul, When none arc near tlieir fury to eontrol. Oh Lord, my God, if I with guileful hand. Have causeless spoiled a foe or wronged a friend ; Then let them overtake and on me tread. And lay my life and honor with the dead. 2 Oh Lord, arise in wrath as they have raged, Awake for me the judgment long engaged ; Adoring nations shall surround thy throne, Return on high that they thy justice own. The Lord is judge of all who dwell on earth, Judge me according to my right and worth ; Oh ! let the evils of the wicked cease. The just confirm in rectitude and peace. 3 iSIy shield is God, whose hand the just sustains, And God is One, who tries the heart and reins ; For God will justice for the just display, Though angered with the wicked every day. Unless they turn, his sword he soon will whet, His bow is bent with deadly arrows set ; And he hath aimed the instruments of death, • Ordained to take away the rebel's breath. 4 Behold him writhe with every evil thing, Couc(-'iving mischief, falsehood fortii to bring ; He digs a i)it and rounds it for a snare, And falls himself the heedless victim there. His mischiefs shall upon his head come down ; His violence shall rest upon his crown ; The Lord I'll honor for such right displays. The Lord jNIost High exalt in songs of praise. PSALM 7.-12S & 9s. SHEMEI, P. 6. 1 Oh Jehovah, my God, I will trust thy control, Give ma help and from trouljlers defend ; Lest they tear like a lion, destroying my soul, When afar from a helper or friend. If, Jehovah, my God, I've done this with gulled hands. Hurt a friend, or in wrong spoiled a foe ; Let them catch and subdue ma if justice demands, Both my honor and life trample low. 2 Oh Jehovah, in anger for raging appear. Now awake I the set judgment make known ; Then will nations surround thee, thy justice revere, Oh return for this cause to thy throne. For Jehovah will judge all the earth and bring peace, And my cause shall integrity gain ; Let the evils of sinners and wiclcedness cease, Let the upright thy justice sustain. 3 On Jehovah, who saveth the just, is my stay, Who is trying the heart and the mind ; While the wicked are t.^mpting him every day, Yet his ju>;tice the righteous will find. THE PSALMS OF DAYID. 15 If the wicked turn not, theu his sword he will whet. He hath beut and made ready his bow ; He hath takeu his aim, deadly instruments set, Burning arrows prepared for the foe. 4 See him writhe with iniquitous mischief conceived, And the falsehood brought forth is his child ; He was digging a pit for a foe that was grieved, Into which his own feet were beguiled. On his crown shall his violent dealing be thrown, On his head shall his wrong: doings lie ; I will praise thee, Jehovah, for justice made known. And in songs will exalt the Most High. PSALM 8.-I1. M. D. GITTITH, P. 7. To the Chief Musician upon the Gittith. A Psalm of David. 1 Oh Lord, our Lord, through nature's frame, How brightly shines thy glorious name ! High o'er the heavens thy splendors blaze. And fill creation with thy praise. From babes hast thou established power, Whose mouth untaught thy works adore ; That infant lips the foe might still. And curb the proud avenging will. 2 When heaven appears thy fingers made. The moon and stars in place arrayed ; Oh ! why should man thy memory share. His son secure thy constant care ; Nest in the scale to angels found. His head with power and glory crowned : Sole monarch of the earth he stands, And rules the creatures of thy hands. 3 All sheep and oxen, Socks and herds, Wild beasts and cattle, fowls and birds ; The fishes which the waters keep, And every thing that cleaves the deep. Oh Lord, our Lord, in all the world, How brightly is thy name unfurled ! Through heaven above thy glories blaze, . And all creation speaks thy praise. PSALM 8.-83 & 7s D. PHILISTLi, P. 9. 1 Oh Lord, our Lord, thy name adored, all nature tells in story ; Whose wonders rise above the skies, to manifest thy glory : Yet babes dost thou with strength eudow.their mouth with wisdom filling; To interpose and calm thy foes, the bold avenger stilling. 2 When heaven was made thy hands arrayed,the moon and stars so splendid ; Why is thy mind toward man inclined, his son by thee attended ? Him thou has made bat just a grade below the angels standing ; With honor crowned, the earth around, assigned for his commanding. 3 All flocks and herds, and beasts and birds, of every class and motion ; The fish that keep beneath the deep, and all that pass the ocean. Oh Lord, our King,while everything, shines brightly with thy splendor; Let earth proclaim thy glorious name, the heavens their pj-aises render. 10 THE FSAL.MS OF DAVID. PSALM 8.-C. M. D. GATH, P, 8. 1 Oh Lord, our Lord, in all the earth How glorious is thy name ! Who hast unveiled thy matchless worth Through all the heavenly frame. Thou hast established strength and skill From infant lips to flow ; That sucklings might avengers still, And calm the raging foe. 2 When heaven appears thy fingers wrought, The moon and stars so fair ; Oh ! why should man engage thy thought, The son of man thy care? But just below the angels made, With power and glory crowned ; All things beneath his feet are laid, The spacious earth around. 3 The beasts and licrds, and folds of sheep, The fowls that wing the air ; The fishes dwelling in the deep, And all things passing there, Oh Lord, our Governor and King, All nature speaks thy fame ! Let worlds above thy splendor sing, The earth thy glorious name. PSALM 8.-8S & 7s D. GREENVILLE, P. 8. 1 Lord, our Lord through all creation, Great and glorious is thy name ! . Praised on high with adoration, Praised from nature's wondrous frame ! Thou hast praise spontaneous founded, Out of infant lips to flow ; Thus avenging power is bounded, Thus is stilled the raging foe. 2 When the heavens were fixed so splendid, Moon and stars thy fingers wrought ; How should man, by thee be tended, How his son engage thy thought : Next to angels raised his standing, Placing glory on his head ; Honored him with powers expanding. O'er the earth his empire spread. 3 Fowls of every wing and motion, Herds, and flocks, and folds of sheep ; All that swim the pathless ocean, All that pass the mighty deep. Lord, our Lord tlirough all creation. Great and glorious is thy name ! Praised on high with adoration, Praised from nature's wondrous frame ! l' H E 1' S A L .Al S Of D A V I D , 17 PSAIiM 9.-L. M. D. AL-MUTH, P. 9. To the Chief Musician. Al-imith labben. A Psalm of David. 1 With heartfelt praise to tbee, oh Lord, Thy wondrous works will I record ; With joy in thee loud anthems try, And celebrate thy name, Most High. My foes turn back in sore dismay, And fr&m thy presence fade away ; For thou hast plead my cause with might. Who on the throne art judging right. 2 Thou hast rebuked and nations taught, And ruin on the wicked brought ; Their cities with the foe destroyed, And made their place and memory void. The Lord forever will remain. And on his throne of judgment reign ; Will judge all peoples, tribes and lands, And rule the world by just commands. 3 The Lord will be a refuge high, To which the soul in grief may fly ; Who know thy name, in thee will trust, For thou wilt ne'er forsake the just. Exult in songs to Zions King, His deeds among the nations sing ; Who seeking blood the guilty minds, The suflerer's prayer an answer finds. 4 See thou my grief from spiteful wrath, And raise me from the door of death ; That all thy praise I may relate. Salvation sing in Zion's gate. The nations in their pits are cast, In their own snares are caught at last ; The Lord is by his judgments known. The wicked by their hands o'erthrown. 5 The wicked shall to hell be turned. And all the realms that God have spurned ; The poor shall not unhelped remain, The needy hope and wait in vain. Lord, let not man prevail by might, Judge thou the nations in thy sight ; Rise up and make them know abroad. They are frail men and thou art God. PSALM Q.-lls & 8s. BILLIXGS, P. 8, 1 I'll praise thee, Jehovah, with heart and with voice, Thy wonderful doings proclaim ; I'll triumph in thee in a song the most choice. Most High is thy glorious name. My foes have turned back and have taken their flight. They stumble and perish from thee ; Thou sittest enthroned and art judging aright, My cause thou hast favored for me. IS THE i'SALMS OF DAVID 2 For thou dost the nations with judf^ents rebuke, The wicked thy wrath has destroyed ; Oh enemy perished ! thy cities forsook, Thy name and thy place are made void. Jehovah is Judge and forever will reign, His throne to eternity stands ; He'll govern the nations and justice maintain, And rule them by righteous commands. 3 Jehovah will be a high place where to hide, A refuge when troubles out-break ; The knowers of thee in thy name will confide, Who will not thy seekers forsake. Sing praise to Jehovah in Zion abroad, His deeds to the nations declare ; Who mindeth the guilty in seeking for blood. And answers the sufferer's prayer. 4 Jehovah, behold how I suffer from hate. And raise me from death's gloomy door ; That I with her daughter in Zion's blest gate, My Saviour with songs may adore. In pits they were digging the nations are thrown, In snares they have hid have been caught ; Jehovah by justice and judgment is known, The wicked their ruin have brought. 5 The wicked shall even turn back into hell, And natioiis who God do forget ; Not always the needy forgotten shall dwell, The poor with their hope overset. Jehovah, arise, nor let mortals prevail, Before thee judge nations abroad ; Jehovah, make all of them know they are frail, And stand in due reverence of God. PSALM 9.-C. M. D. LABBEN, P. 8. 1 With all my heart. Almighty Lord, will I thy wonders tell ; With joyful song thy truth record, and on thy praises dwell. My foes turn back, with fear restrained, and perish from thy sight ; My cause and claim hast thou maintained, who sittest judging right. 2 The nations thy rebukes have quelled, and wicked realms destroyed ; The raging foe from earth expelled, his name and place made void. Jehovah will forever reign, his throne of judgment stands ; And he shall rule the earth and main, and judge all tribes and lands. 3 The Lord will shelter souls opprest, in trouble will be kind ; Who know thy name, in thee will rest, who seek thy help, shall find. - Sing praise aloud to Zion's God, his works of truth declare ; Who in avenging guiltless blood, regards the sufferer's prayer. 4 Save me from all malicious hate, from death lift up my soul ; That Btill my song in Zion's gate my Saviour may extol. The nations in their pits are thrown, and caught in their own snares ; The Lord by his just work is known, but sinners fall by theirs. 5 Tfie wicked shall to hell turn back, and realms that God tusdain ; The needy sliall not always lack, the huml)le hope in vain. Rise, Lord, and let not man prevail, judge all the earth abroad ; Make mortals know that thev aro frail, th? nations reverence God. THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 19 PSALM 10. — li. M. D. BENTON, P. 9. Why stand afar aud hide thine eyes, Oh Lord, in times when troubles rise ? The wicked vex the poor with pride, Make them in their own snares to slide. The wicked boast of full reward, Bless worldly men by thee abhorred ; From pride no good by them is sought, Aud God is not in all their thought. Their ways are all averse to right, Thy judgments are above their sight ; They scoff at foes if not approved. And think they never shall be moved. Their mouth is full of oaths and guile. Beneath their tongue are all things vile ; They lurk by cities near the way. And seek the innocent to slay. They hide as lions in their den, Aud crouch for poor unwary men ; Their net the sufferer s feet enfolds. Nor do they think that God beholds. Rise, Lord, and lift thy mighty hand. Think of the sufferers through the land ; .Why have the wicked spurned at God, Who say thou hast no chastening rod ? Thine eyes have seen their mischiefs, Lord, Thy hand shall give a just reward ; In thee will suffering souls confide. Who art the orphans' help ami guide. Break thou the arm of tyrant might, Quell evil men of burning spite ; Seek out their haunts of vice around. Till wickedness no more be found. The Lord is king, his realm shall stand The nations perish from the land ; The Lord the mourner's prayer will hear, Incline the heart and lend an ear ; ' Will judge the fatherless indeed, And help the poor in time of need ; That men of earth oppress no more. Defying God th^y sliuald adore. PSALM 10 - C. M. D. LABBEN, P. 8. Why wilt thou stand afar, oh Lord, In times of trouble hide ; When tyrants catch the poor by fraud, Aud suffjrers burn in pride ? They boast of wealth, aud wiuuiug still, Bless God in proud disdain ; They disregard tiiy sovereign will, Nor thee their thoughts retain. 20 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. 2 Thy judgments are above their sight, They puff at all their foes ; They think to stand by tlicir own might, They dread no future woos. Their mouth is lull of all deceit, Their tongue with all that's vile ; They lurk the innocent to meet, And sufferers to beguile. 3 They hide like lions in their den, Their net the weak infolds ; Their strong ones cat eh unwary men, Nor think that God beholds. Rise up, Jehovah, lift thy rod ! Let sufferers now be spared ; Why have the proud contemned God, And thy just vengeance dared ? 4 Let them not say thou wilt not heed ; Thou dost behold, oh Lord ! Thy hand shall give a righteous meed. For all their wrongs reward. In thee will suffering souls confide, Who art to orphans kind ; Break thou the arm of tyrant pride. Till thou no sin shalt find. 5 Lord, thou art King for evermore ! Proud nations disappear ; When humble souls thy help implore, Thou wilt incline thine ear ; Thou wilt thy people's cause maintain Who still on thee rely ; Nor shall oppressors longer reign A'.d thy great name di^fy. PSALM 11. -C. M. D. SELAH, P. & To the Chiif Musician. A Psalm of David. 1 God is the refuge where I rest ; Why tell my soul with pride, ' Flee like a bird that seeks a neat, On yonder mountain hide?'' For lo ! the wicked bend the bow, In secret fi.^ the dart ; They aim to hiy the godly low, And men upright in heart. 2 When scarce a ]nllar yet remain.";, What have the righteous done ? God in his holy temple reigns. In heaven has set his throne. His eyelids try the sons of men, His ej-es the righteous prove ; Who wicked violence maintain. His soul to hatred move. THE rSALMS OF DAVID. 21 He will his wrath on rebels raiu, His anger is their cup ; And tempests, snares and fiery pain, Shall fill their portion up. For truly righteous is the Lord, And justice will unfold ; His love the upright will reward, His face shall thev behold. PSALM ll.-L. M. D. BENTON, P. 9. I HAVE, Jehovah, made my stay ; How is it to my soul, ye say, " Flee like a bird that seeks a nest, On yonder mountain fly for rest." For wicked men have bent the bow, And fix the arrow for a throw ; They have the righteous in their sight, And watch for men who are uiDright. 1 Now all foundations seem destroyed, How have the righteous been employed ; Jehovah reigns above the sky, Jehovah's throne is heaven on high. His eyes behold the sons of man, His eyelids all their doings scan ; The Lord to try the righteous waits, His soul the proud assailant hates. I He rains on wicked men his wi-ath. And storms and snares await their path ; His anger poured they have to sup. This is the portion of their cup. For only righteous is the Lord, And only justice will award ; His love the righteous will enfold. The upright shall his face behold. PSALM U.-S. M. D. ELLIOTT, P. 9. 1 Jehovah is my guard ; He eyes the sons of man. How say ye to my soul, His eyelids on them wait ; *' Flee to your refuge like a bird. The Lord both good and bad will scan. On yonder mountain stroll ? "' The violent will hate. The wicked bend the bow, o n- • i ^ j. ^ ^t And slylv fix the dart ; ^ wl?'''/°'i, ?,* ^^""-'T' ?^ ^""^^^'^ They aim to lay the righteous low. , y^^'""^ ^'1 th'j wicked sup ; And men upright in heart. And snares and blasts awa.t their path, ^ ° ihe portion of their cup. 2 What now the wall supports ? For well the righteous Lord What have the righteous done ? His justice will unfold ; The Lord is in his heavenly courts, The upright shall his love reward, The Lord is oa his throne. His face shall they behold. 22 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM ll.-Ss & 7s D. DALETH, P. 2. 1 I TRUST the LorJ, and wliy tliis word To vex my soul be saying? "Flee like a bird with terror stirred, On yonder mountain straying ;" For wicked foes have bent their bows, And watch in straits and narrows ; For men upright they fix their sight, And aim their deadly arrows. 2 For now tliat all the pillars fall, What were the righteous doing? The Lord's on high, his throne the sky. Ills eyes mankind are viewing ; His eyelids scan the works of man, On good and bad he waiteth ; Lia tliose that boast of mischief most. And violent, he hateth. 3 For ho shall rain snares, fire, and paiu, The tempest, storm and blasting ; This is the cup the wicked sujj, Their portion everlasting. For well the Lord will give reward. His righteousness unfolding ; And men upright are his delight, His countenance beholding. PSALM 11.-7S & 6s D. OOODWL^ P. 10. 1 My refuge is Jehovah ; why send my soul this word: " Now speed you quickly over yon mountain like a bird? " The bow are sinners bending, and fixing sure the dart ; To slay the just intending, and those of upright heart. 2 What were the righteous doing, that all foundation's gone? The Lord in heaven is viewing, the Lord is on the throne. His eyelids try the godly, his sight on man awaits ; The wicked acting proudly, and violent he hates. 3 His fiery indignation will he on rebels pour ; The storm and devastation, their portion evermore. For righteous is Jehovah, his love of truth untold ; The upright shall moreover his glorious face behold. PSALM 12, -S. M. D. MAYHEW P. 10 To the Chief Musiuiau on the eighth. A Psahu of David. 1 Lord, when the faithful lail, and men of mercy cease ; Help thou the rightcnus to prevail, who seek for truth and peace. Each one with artful smile will act the flatterer's part ; And only speak with lips of guile, and from a double heart. 2 Lord, hush the boasting tongue, and close the lips of fraud. Which say " Our mouth shall make us stroiigf, aud who shall be our Lord ? " For misery fraught with tears, for sufferers spent with sighs ; Thou wilt arise and calm their fears, and punish wrongs and lies. 3 Lord, all thy words are good, thy precepts pure and kind ; Like gold when seven times subdued, and silver well refined. Thou wilt the just u])hold, and ever guanl their walk ; Else vice and crime would grow more bold, the wicked proudly stalk. THE rSAL-MS OF DAVID. 23 PSALM 12.-7S & 6s D. JUNA.H, P. 9. 1 LoBD, the pure and godly cease, tlie true and faithful fail ; Save the few that seek for peace, aud help them to prevail. Each one with beguiling art, his tongue in flattery dips, Proudly speaks with double heart, and with dissembling lips. 2 Lord, destroy the tongue of fraud, and close the lips that say, "Who is over us the -lord, our mouth shall bear the sway ;" He will hear the sufferers' cries, in sore oppression bowed ; Then in just displeasure rise, and save tliem from the proud. 3 Lord, thou wilt the just uphold, and all thy words are kind, Purer than the finest gold, when seven times refined. Thou the sufferer wilt sustain, the meek forever hide ; Else the vilest men would reign, and rule the earth in pride. PSALM 13.-7S & 6s D. SHEMINITH, P. 7. To the Cbii-f Musician. A Psalm of David. 1 How long wilt thou forget me ? Lord, wilt thou ever hide ? How long shall griefs beset me ? my foes e.xult with pride ? Do thou mine eyes enlighten, restore my feeble breath ; My failing vision brighten, lest I should sleep in death. 2 Lest then ray foes exulting, to see that I have failed. Should say in tones insulting, "Against him we prevailed." Cheer me with thy salvation, for I have trusted thee ; I'll sing with adoration, thy work was good for me. PSALM 13.-S. M. D. MATHEW, P.IO, 1 How long forget me. Lord ? shall this forever be? How long shall grief my soul reward, my foes exult to see ? Oh Ijord ! regard my cries, and spare my failing Ijreath ; My God, enlighten thou mine eyes, lest I should sleep in death. 2 Lost then my boasting foe should this a victory call. While they who wish my overthrow shoiild triumph in my fall. I'll trust thy mercy. Lord, which has my strength renewed ; Thy saving help in songs record, tliy dealings all are good. PSALM 13.-C. M. D. XEUIXOTH, P. 6 1 How long -wilt thou forget me, Lord ? Wilt thou forever hide ? How long shall I my griefs record ? my foes exult with pride ? Oh Lord ! enlighten thou mine eyes, and kindly spare my breath ; My God, behold and hear my cries, lest I should sleep in death. 2 Lest then my boasting foes exclaim, "Against him we prevailed ;" And they exult who seek my shame, and joy that I have failed. But I have trusted in thy word, and through tliy mercy stood ; I'll sing thy great salvation. Lord, for thou hast done me good. PSALM 14.-S. M. D. 8ALEM, P. 2. To the Cliiel' Musician, by David. 1 Fools ever inly say, " No God upon the throne ; Corrupt and vile in heart and way, and doing good are none. Jehovah from the skies, beheld the sons of men ; To see if any one were wise, and God had seeking been. 2 They all were turned to wrong, together were undone ; None doing good among the throng, no, not so much as one. Have sinners neither dread, nor knowledge of reward ; Who eat my people up like bread, ajid never seek the Lord ? 3 Great fear their hearts endure, for God is with the just ; They shame the counsel of the poor who in Jehovah trust. Oh ! let salvation speed, from Zion and her King ; Then Jacob glad and captives freed with Israel shall sing. 24 Tiik; r.sALM.s ut uavid. PSALM 14.-C. M. D. SELAH, P. 8 1 Fools in llieir hearts have always said, There is no living God ; They are corrupt, in vileness led, None doing what is good. From heaven Jehovah viewed the race AVhich dwells below the skies ; He looked to see who sought his face, To see if one were w-ise. 2 They were together gone aside, They were in guilt undone ; None taking justice for their guide, None doing good, not one. Have evil-doers any dread, Or knowledge of reward ; Who eat my people up like bread, And never seek the Lord ? 3 There dreadful fear upon them came, For God is with the just ; They still the sufferer's counsel shame, AVho in Jehovah trust. From Zion bring salvation, Lord, Thy captive flock restore ; Then Jacob shall exult accord, And Israel thee adore. PSALM 14.-9S & 8s. SPIER, P. 10. 1 Fools always in heart have been saying, "There is no such being as God ; " Corrupted, polluted, and straying, Not one of them practising good. From heaven Jehovah was viewing The children of Adam abroad ; If any were wisdom pursuing, If any were seeking for God. 2 They all were together jjcrverted ; They all were turned back and undone ; There's none doing good -was asserted, There is none, not even to one. Do sinners not know of a meeting, Wrong-doers of final reward '? My people like bread who are eating, And never are seeking the Lord ? 3 There feared they a fear in great terror. For God with the just will abide ; They shame what the poor seek as error, AVho still in Jehovah confide. Who'll give out of Zion salvation ? The Lord will his captives restore ; And Jacob shall shout acclamation. And Israel in anthems adore. THE PSALMS OF IJ A V I D . 25 PSALM 15.-C. M. NOTTliXG HILL, P. 10. A Psahvi of David. 1 Lord, who shall reach thy holy hill, Aud dwell in heaven with thee? Who walks upright and works no ill, Whose heart and words agree. 2 Who secret scandal still condemns, Whose tongue no slander bears ; Who loves the good, tfle vile contemns. Nor changes what he swears. 3 Who takes no bribe against the pure, Nor usury for gold ; Who doth these things shall stand secure, His God and heaven behold. PSALM 15.-L. M. PLEYEL, WARD, P. 10. 1 Lord, who shall in thy hill abide, And dwell forever near thy side ? Who walks uprightly all his days, Whose heart agrees with all he says. 2 Who has not done his neighbor wTong ; Nor borne a slander on his tongue ; Who shuns the vile and loves the good, And to his oath, though injured, stood. 3 Who ne'er himself for bribes hath sold, Nor put to usury his gold ; Who is of all these things approved, Shall never from his hill be moved. PSALM IS.-lls & 8s. BALERMA, P. U. 1 Oh Jehovah ! what man to thy hill shall ascend, And ne'er from thy temple depart ? He that walks in uprightness and does not offend, And speaketh the truth in his heart. 2 He that harms not his neighbor, nor scandal proclaims, Whose tongue from all slander forbears ; He that honors the good, while the vile he contemns, Nor changes, though hurt, what he swears. 3 He that never for bribes will the innocent sell, Nor usury take for his gold ; Doing thus, in the hill of the Lord shall he dwell, His Saviour forever behold. 2 26 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 15.-83 & 7s. SICILY, P. 11. 1 Lord, what man slial! reach thy temple ? Who may dwell on liigh with thee ? He that sets a rifrht example, lie whose heart and words agree. 2 He whose tongue no slander beareth, Neither seeks for ill reports ; Keeps, thniigli harmed, (o what he sweareth, Shuns the vile, the just supports. 3 He that takoth usury never, Nor a brilje against the pure ; He shall stand unmoved forever, Find in heaven his home secure. PSALM 15.-11S & 8s. DUXDEE, NEW YORK, P. 12. 1 Lord, who shall sojourn in thy temple of light, And dwell in the mount where thou art? Who walks in uprightness is doing the right, And speaking the truth in his heart. 2 Who ueithcr a neighbor will slander abroad, Nor wrong him by scandal sent armed ; One vile his eye hates, honors those fearing God, Nor changes his oath, although harmed. 3 Who never for silver will usury take, Nor bribes against innocent hands ; Thus doing, his temple shall never forsake, Unmoved while eternity .stands. PSALM 16.-C. M. D. MICHTAM, P. 13. Jliclitam of Daviil. 1 On God ! defend, my trust, ray Lord, My good goes not to thine ; Yet blends with saints in sweet accord, With noble friends of mine. The men who other gods will seek. In many sorrows sink ; The names they use I will not speak, Nor their oblations drink. 2 The Lord is ray allotted cup. My heritage, my all ; The lines for me by him set up. In pleasant places fall. His counsel cheers my heart by night, His name be ever blest ; Because he is upon my right, My flesh in hope shall rest. 3 Thou wilt not leave my soul to hell. To gloom and dark despair ; Nor give thy Holy One to dwell. And see corruption there. The path of life wilt thou define, And light the way before : At thy right hand are joys divine, And pleasures evermore. THE rSAI-.MS OF DAVID 27 PSALM I6.-I1. M. D. EDDY, P. 5. 1 Oh Grod ! preserve, ihj trust, my Lord, My goodness cannot reach to thee ; Yet blends with saints in sweet accord, With noble friends beloved by me. Their sorrows shall be multiplied. Who haste to seek another god ; My lips shall cast their names aside, Nor taste their offerings of blood. 2 The Lord, my portion, cup and all. My lot enlarges and maintains ; The lines in pleasant places fall, My goodly heritage remains. His counsel cheers my heart by night. His name with loudest songs be blest ; Since he is ever on my right, My flesh in joyful hope shall rest. 3 My soul thou wilt not leave to hell, Forgotten in the silent gloom ; Nor give thy Holy One to dwell, And see corruption in the tomb. The path of life with light shall beam, And lead me on the heavenly way ; At thy right hand are joys supreme, And pleasures through an endless day. PSALM le.-lls D. PORTUGUESE HYMN, P. 12. 1 Oh God ! ever keep me, my trust and my Lord, My goodness beside thee is feeble in might ; Yet blends with the saints in the sweetest accord, With excellent nobles in whom I delight. Who hasten to seek after some other god. In multiplied sorrows shall languish and fall ; My hands shall not pour their oblations of blood, My lips shall not take up their names to recall. 2 The Lord is my portion unchangeably made, My lot is enlarged, and my cup is secure ; In places delightful the lines have been laid, My goodly estate shall forever endure. The Lord I will bless for his counsel by night, My reins give instruction, my heart is improved ; The Lord I have set for defence on my right, And guarded by thee I shall never be moved. 3 Exulting thy wonders of mercy I tell. In hope will I slumber encompassed by thee ; For thou wilt not leave me in Sheol to dwell, Thy Holy One never corruption shall see. The pathway to life thou wilt show and make clear, Thy presence gives fullness of joy to the goal ; Where at thy right hand ceaseless comforts will cheer. And pleasures forever enrapture the soul. 28 THE PSALMS OF DAVID. PSALM 17 .-Ii. M. D. EDDY. P. 5. A J'i'ayer l)_v Paviil. 1 Lord, hear the right for which I plead, A prayer from lips not insincere ; From thee my judgment shall proceed, Before thine eyes shall truth appear. Thou hast assayed my heart and mind, My nightly musings thou dost read; Thou shalt not evil purpose find, My mouth shall not my thought exceed. 2 Kept by the precepts of thy lips, 1 shun the bold transgressor's way ; Firm in thy paths I set my steps, And have not turned my feet astray. I've called, for thou wilt hoar, oh God ! Show now in kindness help, I ci-ave ; Thou whose right hand is stretched abroad, Those trusting thee from foes to save. 3 Hide me beneath thy wings to rest, Safe as the apple of the eyes ; From those that now my soul molest, From foes that will against me rise. They close their heart and speak with pride, Their eyes are bent to go astray ; They do like lions lurk and hide, When craving to devour the prey. 4 Lord, rise and save me with thy sword. Make worldlings l)Ow and own thy hand, Whose portion is in sordid hoard, Whose wealth their numerous heirs command. Thy righteousness for me I take, Shall see thy face, be near thy side ; With thine appearance shall awake. Be with thy likeness satisfied. PSALM 17 .-C. M. D. MAITLAND, P. 12. 1 Lord, hear a prayer from lips not feigned. And hearken to the right ; From thee let judgment be obtained, And truth shall come to light. My nightly musings thou hast tried, | Assayed my heart and mind ; ■ Nor has my mouth my thought belied. And thou shalt nothing find. 2 I've kept from i)roud destructive men. By precepts of thy lips ; Firm in thy paths my feet have been. In which I set my steps. Oh God ! I've called, fur thou wilt hear, Grant help in love I crave ; Thou, whose right liand is ever near. Those trustin.fS OF DAVID. PSALM 18.- C. M. D. COMiREGATIONAL CHANT, P. 12. To the Chief Musician. Hy .i servant of Jehovah, by David, who .spake unto Jehovah the words of this song, in the day Jeliovnli freed liim frcm the hand of all his foes, and from the hand of Saul. 1 Jehovah, strength oC all my power, My heart to thee I yield ; My God, my rock, my lol'ty tower, My Saviour, help and shield. 1 will on him for succor call, Most worthy of my praise ; So shall my f