FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY S5^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 witii funding from Calvin College THE CHUECH MML. ^, ^ ^ ( , NOV 11 ^^^^ A. FROM THE PRAYER BOOK HYMNAL, ADDITIONAL HY^XS, HYMNS ANCIENT AND MODERN, AND HYMNS FOR CHURCH AND HOME. Use in Churches where licensed by the BISHOP, v-^ ^ ^ r rvi o n ^. j . . & ■;. : . d 12) OLtte.rS»cin PHILADELPHIA : RICHARD McCAULEY, 1S69. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1869, by Richard McCauley, in the clerk's office of the District Court of the United States, for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. W. W, BATES, Printer, 710 Sansom St. CONTENTS. HVMN. Advent .... 1— 16 Christmas . 17— 26 Epiphany .... 27— 39 Septuagesima, &g., . . 40— 44 Lent 45— 58 Passion Sunday- . 59— 62 Palm Sunday 63— 66 Holy Week, Ac, . 67— 77 Easter Even 78 Easter-tide . 79— 94 Ascension .... 95—100 Whitsun tide . . 101—113 Trinity Sunday . 114—123 Baptism .... . 124—130 Confirmation 131—135 The Holy Communion . 136—142 Ordination, &c., . 143—148 The Laying of a Corner Stone 149 Consecration of a Church 150-157 General Hymns . 158—296 The Lord's Day . 297—309 Morning .... . 310-319 Evening .... 320—335 Rogation Days . 336—337 Ember Days .... 338 The Festivals . . 339—368 Thanksgiving Day 369—378 Fast Day . 379—382 War 383—384 Famine .... . 385—386 Pestilence . , . . . 387 The Old and New Year , . 388—391 Missions .... 392—405 Burial of the Dead . . 406—413 To be used at Sea 414-418 Hymns for Children . . 419—427 1. III-5. 1 Lo ! He comes with clouds descending, Once for favour'd sinners slain : Thousand thousand saints attending, Swell the triumph of His train : Hallelujah : Jesus Cheist shall ever reign ! 2 See the Judge our nature wearing. Pure, ineffable, divine : See the great Archangel bearing High in heaven the mystic sign: Cross of glory ! Christ, be in that moment mine ! 3 Every eye shall now behold Him Robed in awful majesty : Those that set at naught, and sold Him, Pierced and nail'd Him to the tree. Deeply wailing, Now the true Messiah see ! 4 Yea, Amen ! let all adore Thee High on Thike eternal throne ! Lo ! they cast their crowns before Thee And the kingdom is Thixe own ! Men and angels Kneel and bow to Thee alone ! 6 ADVENT. 2. CM. 1 Hark ! the glad sound, the Saviour comes, The Saviour promis'd long ! Let every heart prepare a throne, And every voice a song. 2 On Him the Spirit largely pour'd, Exerts His sacred fire ; Wisdom and might, and zeal and love. His holy breast inspire. 3 He comes, the pris'ners to release, In Satan's bondage held; The gates of brass before Him burst, The iron fetters yield. 4 He comes, from thickest films of vice To clear the mental ray ; And on the eyes oppress'd with night, To pour celestial day. 6 He comes, the broken heart to bind, The bleeding soul to cure. And with the treasures of His grace, T' enrich the humble poor. 6 Our glad Hosannas. Prince of peace, Thy welcome shall proclaim j And heaven's eternal arches ring With Thy beloved name. ADVENT. III-3. Hail, Thoij long expected Jesus, Born to set Thy people free ! From our sins and fears release us, Let us find our rest in Thee. 2 Israel's strength and consolation. Hope of all the saints, Thou art ; Long desir'd of every nation, Joy of every waiting heart. 3 Born Thy people to deliver. Born a child, yet God our King, Born to reign in us for ever. Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. 4 By Thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone ; By Thine all-sufficient merit, Raise us to Thy glorious throne. 4. Ill-l. 1 Watchman ! tell us of the night, "What its signs of promise are ? Traveller ! o'er yon mountain's height, See that glory-beaming star ! "Watchman ! does its beauteous ray Aught of joy or hope foretell ? Traveller ! yes ; it brings the day, Promis'd day of Israel. ADVENT. 2 "VTatchman ! tell us of the night, Higher yet that star ascends ! Traveller ! blessedness and light, Peace and truth, its course portends. Watchman! 'will its beams alone Gild the spot that gave them birth ? Traveller ! ages are its own, See, it bursts o'er all the earth. 3 Watchman ! tell us of tho night, For the morning seems to dawn, Traveller ! darkness takes its tiight, Doubt and terror are withdrawn. Watchman ! let thy wanderings cease, Hie Thee to Thy quiet home. Traveller! lo I the Prince of Peace, Lo ! the Son of God is come ! 5. ITI-3. 1 Hark ! a thrilling voice is sounding ; " Christ is nigh !" it seems to say, " Cast away the works of darkness. ye children of the day !" 2 Wakened by the solemn warning, Let the earth-bound soul arise ; Christ our Sun, all sloth dispelling, Rises in the morning skies. ADVENT. 3 Lo I the Lamb, so long expected, Comes with pardon down from heaven Let us haste, in godly sorrow, Through His blood to be forgiven. 4 So when next He comes with glory, Wrapping all the earth in fear, May we by His love be shielded ! May He to forgive draw near ! 6. III-3. 1 See, He comes ! whom every nation, Taught of God, desired to see, Filled with hope and expectation That He would their Saviour be. Sing ! oh sing with exultation ! Haste we to our Father's home ! Peace, redemption, joy, salvation. Now from heaven to earth are come ! 2 See, He comes ! whom kings and sages, Prophets, patriarchs of old, Distant climes and countless ages. Waited eager to behold. Sing ! oh sing with exultation ! Haste we to our Father's home ! Peace, redemption, joy, salvation. Now from heaven to earth are come ! 10 ADVENT. 3 See I the Lamb of God appearing ! God of God, from heaven above ! See the heavenly Bridegroom cheering His own Bride with words of love ! Glory to the Eternal Father, Glory to the Incarnate Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit, Glory to the Three in One ! •y. C. M. 1 Sing to the Lord a new-made song, "Who wondrous things has done, "With His right hand and holy arm, The conquest He has won. 2 The Lord has through th' astonish'd world, Display'd His saving might, And made His righteous acts appear ■ In all the heathen's sight. 3 Let therefore earth's inhabitants Their cheerful voices raise. And all with universal joy Resound their Maker's praise. 4 "With harp and hymn's soft melody, Into the concert bring The trumpet and shrill cornet's sound, Before th' Almighty King. ADVENT. 11 5 Let the loud ocean roar her joy, With all that seas contain; The earth and her inhabitants Join concert with the main. 6 Let floods and torrents clap their hands, "With joy their homage pay, Let echoing vales, from hill to hill, Redoubled shouts convey : 7 To welcome down the world's great Judge, "Who does with justice come, And with impartial equity, Both to reward and doom. 3>*>^< 8, C. M. 1 Once more, Lorb, Thy sign shall be Upon the heavens displayed. And earth and its inhabitants Be terribly afraid: For, not in weakness clad Thou com'st, Our woes, our sins to bear, But girt with all Thy Father's might, His judgment to declare. 2 The terrors of that awful day, Oh ! who can understand ? Or who abide, when Thou in wrath Shalt lift Thy holy hand ? 12 ADVENT. The earth shall quake, the sea shall roar, The sun in heaven grow pale ; But Thou hast sworn, and wilt not change, Thy faithful shall not fail. 3 Then grant us, Saviour, so to pass Our time in trembling here, That when upon the clouds of heaven Thy glory shall appear; Uplifting high our joyful heads, In triumph we may rise, And enter, with Thine angel train, Thy palace in the skies. 9. L. M. 1 HosANXA to the living Lori> ! Hosanna to the incarnate "Word ! To Chbist, Creator, Saviour, King, Let earthy let heaven, hosanna sing, 2 Hosanna, Lord I Thine angels cry ; Hosanna, Lord ! Thy saints reply : Above, beneath us, and around, The dead and living swell the sound. 3 Saviour I with protecting care Return to this. Thy house of prayer : Assembled in Thy sacred name. Here we Thy parting promise claim. ADVENT. 13 4 But chiefest in our cleansed breast, Eternal ! bid Thy Spirit rest ; And make our secret soul to be A temple pure, and worthy Thee. 5 So, in the last and dreadful day, When earth and heaven shall melt nvrny, Thy flock, redeemed from sinful stain, Shall swell the sound of praise again. lO. L. M. 1 Heavenly Word, Eternal Light, Begotten of the Father's Might, Who, in these latter days, art born For succour to a world forlorn ; 2 Our heai'ts enlighten from above. And kindle with Thine own true love; That we, who hear Thy call to-day. May cast earth's vanities away. 3 And when as .Judge Thou drawest nigh, The secrets of all hearts to try ; When sinners meet their awful doom, And saints attain their heavenly home ; 4 let us not, for evil past. Be driven from Thy Face at last ; But with the blessed, evermore Behold Thee love Thee, and adore. 14 ADVENT. 11. II-3. 1 COME, come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel ; That mourns in lonely exile here, Until the Son of God appear. Rejoice ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel Shall come to Thee, Israel ! 2 come. Thou Rod of Jesse, free Thine own from Satan's tyranny; From depths of hell Thy people save, And give them victory o'er the grave. Rejoice ! Rejoice ! Emmanuel Shall come to Thee, Israel ! 3 come. Thou Day-Spring, come and cheer Our spirits by Thine Advent here; Disperse the gloomy clouds of night, And death's dark shadows put to flight. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to Thee, Israel ! 4 come, Thou Key of David, come And open wide our heavenly home ; ^lake safe the way that leads on high, And close the path to misery. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to Thee, Israel ! 5 come, come. Thou Lord of Might ! Who to Thy tribes, on Sinai's height, ADVENT, 15 In ancient times didst give the law, In cloud, and majesty, and a-we. Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel Shall come to Thee, Israel I 12. II-7. 1 Great God- what do I see and hear ? The end of things created : The Judge of all men doth appear On clouds of glory seated: The trumpet sounds, the graves restore The dead which they contained before; Prepare, my soul, to meet Him. 2 The dead in Christ are first to rise At that last trumpet's sounding ; Caught up to meet Him in the skies. With joy their Lord surrounding; No gloomy fears their souls dismay His presence sheds eternal day On those prepared to meet Him. 3 The ungodly, filled with guilty fears, Behold His wrath prevailing ; In woe they rise, but all their tears And sighs are unavailing: The day of grace is past and gone; Trembling they stand before His throne, All unprepared to meet Him. 1 6 ADVENT. 4 Great Judge, to Thee our prayers we pour, In deep abasement bending ; shield us through that last dread hour, Thy wondrous love extending ; May we, in this our trial day, With faithful hearts Thy word obey, And thus prepare to meet Thee. 13. P^ M. 1 Let me not. Thou King Eternal, Enter hell's domain infernal ! Where is grieving, where is sadness, W^here is sorrow, where is madness. Where despair is ever sighing. Where the worm is never dying, Where the shameless are astounded. Where the guilty are confounded. 2 Me, may Zion welcome, saved ; Tranquil city, seat of David ; God its builder, light immortal ; Orient pearl each blazing portal ; Crystal gold its streets ; the nation Of the blest its population ; Living rock the walls that bound it, Christ the guard that dwells around it. 3 With what joyous grafulations Throng Thy gates the festive nations ! What the warmth of their embracing 1 ADVENT. It TVhat the gems Thy walls enchasing! Through that city's streets are wending, Holy threngs, their anthems blending ; There may I, with myriads glorious, Chant Thy praise in psalms victorious ! 3>@<< 14. P. M, 1 Day of wrath ] that day of mourning ! See fulfilled the prophet's warning, Heaven and earth in ashes burning 1 2 Oh, what fear man"'s bosom rendeth, When from heaven the Judge descendeth. On whose sentence all dependeth ! 3 Lo ! the trumpef s wondrous swelling Peals through each sepulchral dwelling. All before the Throne compelling. 4 Death is struck, and nature quaking, All creation is awaking, To its Judge an answer making. 5 Lo, the book, exactly worded, Wherein all hath been recorded; Thence shall justice be awarded, 6 When the Judge His seat attaineth, And each hidden deed arraigneth, Nothing unavenged remaineth. 1 8 ADVENT. 7 What shall I, frail man, be pleading ? Who for me be interceding, "When the just are mercy needing ? 8 King of Majesty tremendous. Who dost free salvation send us. Fount of pity ! then befriend us. 9 Think, kind Jesus, my salvation Cost Thy wondrous Incarnation ; Leave me not to reprobation. 10 Faint and weary Thou hast sought me, On the cross of suffering bought me ; Shall such grace in vain be brought me ? 11 Kighteous Judge, for sin's pollution Grant Thy gift of absolution ; Ere that day of retribution. 12 Guilty, now I pour my moaning, All my shame with anguish owning ; Spare, O God, Thy suppliant gi'oaning. 13 Thou the harlot gav'st remission, Heard"st the dying thiefs petition ; Hopeless else were my condition. 14 Worthless are my prayers and sighing. Yet, good Lord, in grace complying. Rescue me from fires imdying. ADVENT. 19 15 With Thy favored sheep, oh, phxce me, Nor among the goats abase me ; But to Thy right hand upraise me. IG While the wicked are confounded. Doomed to fiames of woe unbounded, Call me, with Thy saints surrounded. 17 Bow my heart in meek submission. Strewn with ashes of contrition; Help me in my last condition. 18 Day of sorrows, day of weeping, When in dust no longer sleeping, Man awakes in Thy dread keeping. 19 To the rest Thou didst prepare him By Thy Cross, Christ, upbear him ; Spare, God, in mercy spare him. 15. L, M. 1 That day of wrath, that dreadful day. When heaven and earth shall pass away, AVhat power shall be the sinner's stay ? How shall he meet that dreadful day ? 2 When shrivelling, like a parched scroll. The flaming heavens together roll ; When louder yet, and yet more dread. Swells the high trump that wakes the dead. 20 ADVENT. 3 Oh, on that day, that wrathful day, When man to judgment wakes from clay, Be Thou, Christ, the sinner's stay Though heaven and earth shall pass away. 16. III-3. 1 Light of those whose dreary dwelling Borders on the shades of death, Jesus, now Thyself revealing, Scatter every cloud beneath. 2 Still we wait for Thine appearing. Life and joy Thy beams impart. Chasing all our doubts, and cheering Every meek and contrite heart. 3 Show Thy power in every nation, Oh thou Prince of peace and love, Give the knowledge of Salvation, Fix our hearts on things above. 4 By Thine all-sufficient merit, Every burden'd soul release : By the presence of Thy Spirit, Guide us into perfect peace. (Hljrlstmas. IT. C, M. 1 'While, shepherds watch'd their flocks by night, All seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around. 2 " Fear not," said he, for mighty dread Had seiz'd their troubled mind ; " Glad tidings of great joy I bring " To you, and all mankind. 3 " To you, in David's town, this day " Is born, of David's line, "The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord; " And this shall be the sign : 4 " The heavenly Babe you there shall find, " To human view display'd, "All meanly wrapt in swathing bands, " And in a manger laid." 5 Thus spake the seraph, and forthwith, Appear' d a shining throng Of angels praising God, who thus Address'd their joyful song : 6 " All glory be to God on high, '• And to the earth be peace ; " Good -will, henceforth, from heaven to men " Begin and never cease." 22 CHRISTMAS. 18. III-l. 1 Hark ! the herald -an gels sing Glory to the new-born Kixg, Peace on earth, and mercy mild, God and sinners reconciled. Joyful, all ye nations, rise, Join the triumph of the skies ; With the angelic host proclaim Christ is born in Bethlehem. Hark ! the herald-angels sing Glory to the new-born King. 2 Christ, by highest heaven adored, Christ, the Everlasting Lord, Late in time behold Him come. Offspring of a Virgin's womb. Veiled in flesh the Godhead see ! Hail, the Incarnate Deity ! Pleased as Man with man to dwell, Jesus, our Emmasuel. Hark 1 the herald-angels sing Glory to the new-born King. 3 Hail, the heaven-born Prince of Peace ! Hail, the Sun of Ptighteousness ! Light and life to all He brings, Pvisen with healings in His wings. Mild He lays His glory by, Born that man no more may die, CHRISTMAS. 23 Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth. Hark ! the herald-angels sing Glorj to the new-born King. 19. c. M. 1 The race that long in darkness pined, Have seen a glorious light ; The people now behold the dawn, "Who dwelt in death and night. 2 To hail Thy rising, Sun of life, The gath'ring nations come, Joyous, as when the reapers bear Their harvest treasures home. 3 For Thou our burden hast removed ; Th' oppressor's reign is broke ; Thy fiery conflict with the foe Has burst his cruel yoke. 4 To us the promised child is born ; To us the Son is given ; Him shall the tribes of earth obey, And all the hosts of heaven. 5 His name shall be the Prince of Peace, For evermore ador'd; The "Wonderful, the Councellor, The mighty God and Lord. 24 . CHRISTMAS. 6 PIis poTver increasing still shall spread, His reign no end shall know; Justice shall guard ITis throne above, And peace abound below. 20. Chorus. — Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing ! Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King. 1 Ziox ! the marvellous storj'- be telling, The Son of the Highest, how lowly His birth ! The brightest archangel in glory excelling. He stoops to redeem thee. He reigns upon earth. Chorus. — Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing ! Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is Kixg. 2 Tell how He cometh, from nation to nation. The heart- cheering news let the earth echo round ; How free to the faithful He offers salvation. How His people with joy everlasting are crown'd. Chorus. — Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing ! Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King. CHRISTMAS. 25 3 Mortals ! your homage be gratefully bringing. And sweet let the gladsome hosanna arise ; Ye angels, the full hallelujah be singing, One chorus resound through the earth and the skies. Chorus. — Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing ! Jerusalem triumphs, Messiah is King. 21. III-3. 1 Hark I what mean those Holt voices, Sweetly sounding through the skies ? Lo ! th' angelic host rejoices ; Heavenly hallelujahs rise. 2 Cherubs tell the wond'rous story. Joyous seraphim reply, "Glory in the highest, glory ! Glory be to God most High ! 3 "Peace on earth, good- will from Heaven, Reaching far as man is found ; Souls redeemed and sins forgiven ! Loud our grateful harps shall sound. 4 "Christ is born, the great Annointed: Heaven and earth His Praises sing ! Oh ! receive whom God appointed, For your Prophet, Priest, and King. 5 " Hasten, mortals, to adore Him ; Learn His name to magnify, Till in heaven ye sing before Him, Glory be to God most High !" 26 CHRISTMAS. 22. p. M. 1 Christians, awake, salute the happy morn, Whereon the Saviour of mankind was born ; Rise to adore the mystery of love, "Which hosts of angels chanted from above ; With them the joyful tidings first begun Of God Incarnate, and the Virgin's Son. 2 The praises of redeeming love they sang, And heaven's whole orb with Alleluias rang j God's highest glory was their anthem still, Peace upon earth, and unto men good-will. This day hath God fulfilled His promised word. This day is born a Saviour, Christ the Lord. 3 Oh I may we keep and ponder in our mind, God's wondrous love in saving lost mankind ; Trace we the Babe, AYho hath retrieved our loss, From the poor manger to the bitter cross ; Tread in His steps, assisted by His grace. Till man's first heavenly state again takes place. 4 Then may we hope, the angelic hosts among, To join, redeemed, a glad triumphant throng; He that was born upon this joyful day. Around us all His glory shall display ; Saved by His love, incessant we shall sing Eternal praise to heaven's Almighty King. CHRISTMAS. 2T 23. c. M. 1 Mortals, awake, with angels join, And chant the solemn lay ; Joy, love, and gratitude, combine, To hail th' auspicious day. 2 In Heaven the rapturous song began, And sweet seraphic fire Through all the shining legions ran And strung and tun'd the lyre. 3 Swift through the vast expanse it flew, And loud the echo rolled The theme, the song, the joy, was new, 'Twas more than Heaven could hold. 4 Down through the portals of the sky, Th' impetuous torrent ran ; And angels flew, with ecstacy, To bear the news to man. 5 Hark ! the cherubic armies shout. And glory leads the song ; Good -will and peace are heard throughout Th' harmonious angel throng. 6 Hail ! Prince of life ! forever hail, Redeemer, Brother, Friend ! Though earth, and time, and life should fail, Thy praise shall never end. 28 CHRISTMAS. 24. III-5. 1 Angels, from the realms of glory, Wing your flight o'er all the earth, Ye who sang creation's story. Now proclaim Messiah's birth; Come and worship. Worship Christ, the new-born King. 2 Shepherds, in the field abiding, Watching o'er your flocks by night, God with man is now residing, Yonder shines the Infant-light; Come and worship, Worship Christ, the new-born King, 3 Sages, leave your contemplations, Brighter visions beam afar. Seek the great Desire of nations ; Ye have seen his natal star ; Come and worship. Worship Christ, the new-born King. 4 Saints, before the altar bending, Watching long in hope and fear, Suddenly, the Lord descending, In His temple shall appear ; Come and worship. Worship Christ, the new-born Kixg. 5 Sinners wrung with true repentance, Doomed for guilt to endless pains, CHRISTMAS. 29 Justice now revokes the sentence, Mercy calls you, break your chains ; Come and worship, "Worship Christ, the new-born King. 25. L. M. 1 Christ, "Redeemer of our race, Thou Brightness of the Father's Face, Of Him, and with Him ever One, Ere times and seasons had begun. 2 Thou that art very Light of Light, Unfading Hope in sin's dark night, Hear Thou the prayers Thy people pray, The wide world o'er this blessed day. 3 To-day, as year by year its light, Sheds o'er the world a radiance bright, One precious truth is echoed on, *' Tis Thou hast saved us. Thou alone." 4 Thou from the Father's throne didst come To call His banished children Home ; And heaven, and earth, and sea, and shore. His love who sent Thee here adoi-e. 5 And gladsome too are we to-day Whose guilt Thy blood has washed away; Redeemed, the new-made song we sing; It is the birth-day of our King. 30 CHRISTMAS. 1 Come, hither 1 ye faithful, Triumphantly sing ! Come, see in the manger The angels' dread King, To Bethlehem hasten, With joyful accord ! Oh, come ye, come hither To worship the Loud ! 2 True Sox of the Father, He comes from the skies; To be born of a Virgin He doth not despise. To Bethlehem hasten, etc. 3 Hark, hark to the angels ! All singing in Heaven, *' To God in the highest. All glory be given!" To Bethlehem hasten, etc. 4 To Thee, then, Jesus. This day of Thy birth, Be glory and honour Through heaven and earth; True Godhead Incarnate! Omnipotent Word! Oh, come ! let us hasten To TTorship the Lord ! Cplpl}anti. 27. II-6. 1 Hail, to the Lord''s Annointed, Great David's greater Son ; Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive froe, To take away transgression, And rule in equity. 2 He comes with succor speedy, To those who suffer wrong, To help the poor and needy, And bid the weak be strong; To give them songs for sighing, Their darkness turn to light, Whose souls, condemn'd and dying. Were precious in His sight. 3 He shall descend like showers Upon the fruitful earth ; And love, and joy, like flowers. Spring in His path to birth : Before Him, on the mountains. Shall peace, the herald, go ; And righteousness in fountains. From hill to valley flow. 4 To Him shall prayer unceasing. And daily vows ascend; His kingdom still increasing, A kinordom without end: o2 EPIPHANY. The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand for ever; That Name to us is love. 28. p. M, 1 Brightest and best of the sons of the morn- ing ! Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid! Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide "where our Infant Redeemer is laid. 2 Cold on His cradle the dew-drops are shining. Low lies His head with the beasts of the stall: Angels adore Him in slumber reclining, Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all. 3 Say, shall we yield Him in costly devotion, Odours of Edom and offerings divine, Gems of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the forest and gold from the mine? 4 Vainly we oflFer each ample oblation, Vainly with gifts would His favor secure ; Richer, by far, is the heart's adoration, Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning ? Dawn on our darkness, and lend us Thine aid 1 Star of the East the horizon adorning. Guide where our Infant Redeemer is laid. EPIPHANY. 33 29. II-5. 1 Rise, crowned with light, imperial Salem rise ! Exalt thy tow'ring head and lift thine eyes ! See heav'n its sparkling portals wide display, And break upon thee a flood of day ! 2 See a long race thy spacious courts adorn, See future sons and daughters yet unborn, In crowding ranks on every side arise. Demanding life, impatient for the skies ! 3 See barb'rous nations at thy gates attend, Walk in thy light, and in thy temple bend ! . See thy bright altars throng'd with prostrate kings, While every land its joyous tribute brings ! 4 The seas shall waste, the skies to smoke decay. Rocks fall to dust, and mountains melt away; But fix'd His word, His saving pow'r remains — Thy realm shall last, thy own Messiah reigns. 30. III-5. 1 Ox the mountain's top appearing, Lo ! the sacred herald stands, Welcome news to Zion bearing, Zion long in hostile lands. Mourning captive, God Himself shall loose thy bands. 34 EPIPHANY. 2 Has thj night been long and mournful ? Have thy friends unfaithful prov'd ? Have thy foes been proud and scornful, By thy sighs and tears unmoved ? Cease thy mourning ; Zion still is well belov'd. 3 God, thy God will now restore thee ; He Himself appears thy Friend ; All thy foes shall flee before thee ; Here their boasts and triumphs end ; Great deliverance Zion's King will surely send. 4 Enemies no more shall trouble ; All thy wrongs shall be redress'd ; For thy shame thou shalt have double, In thy maker's favour blest: All thy conflicts End in everlasting rest. :>>^c 31. III-2. 1 As with gladness men of old Did the guiding star behold ; As with joy they hailed its light, Leading onward, beaming bright ; So, most gracious Lokd may we Evermore be led to Tkes, EPIPHANY. 35 2 As with joyful steps they sped To that lowly manger-bed ; There to bend the knee before Him Whom heaven and earth adore, So may we with willing feet Ever seek the mercy-seat. 3 As they offered gifts most rare At that manger rude and bare ; So may we with holy joy, Pure and free from sin's alloy, All our costliest treasures bring, Christ ! to Thee our heavenly King. 4 Holy Jesus, every day Keep us in the narrow way ; And, when earthly things are past, Bring our ransomed souls at last Where they need no star to guide, Where no clouds Thy glory hide. 6 In the heavenly country bright Need they no created light ; Thou its Light, its Joy, its Crown, Thou its Sun which goes not down ; There forever may we sing Alleluias to our King. 32. c. M. 1 The people that in darkness sat A glorious Light have seen ; The Light has shined on them who long In shades of death have been. 36 EPIPHANY 2 To hail Thee Son of Right eousness, The gathering nations come ; They joy as when the reapers bear Their harvest treasures home. 3 For Thou their burden dost remove, And break the tyrant's rod. As in the day when Midian fell, Before the sword of God. 4 For unto us a Child is born. To us a Son is given. And on His Shoulder ever rests All power in earth and heaven. 5 His Name shall be the Prince of Peace. The Everlasting Lord, The Wonderful, the Counsellor, The God by all adored. 6 His righteous government and power Shall over all extend ; On judgment and on justice based, His reign shall have no end. 7 LoKD Jesus, reign in us, we pray. And make us Thine alone, "Who with the Father ever art, And Holy Spirit One. EPIPHANY. 3T 33. ^' M. 1 What star is this with beams so bright, More beauteous than the noonday light ? It shines to herald forth the Kixg, And Gentiles to His cradle bring. i. 2 See now fulfilled what God decreed, "From Jacob shall a star proceed;" And eastern sages with amaze Upon the wond'rous vision gaze. 3 The guiding star above is bright, Within them shines a clearer light, Which leads them on with power benign To seek the Giver of the Sign. 4 True love can brook no dull delay ; Nor toil nor dangers stop their way : Home, kindred, father-land, and all They leave at their Creator's call. 5 Jesu ! while the star of grace Allures us now to seek thy face, Let not our slothful hearts refuse The guidance of that light to use. 6 All glory, .Jesu, be to Thee For this Thy glad Epiphany ; Whom with the Father we adore And Holt Ghost for evermore. 4 3S EPIPHANY. 34. c. M. 1 Joy to the ■world, the Lord is come I Let earth receive her King ; Let every heart prepare Him room, And heav'n and nature sing. 2 Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns, Let men their songs employ ; While fields, and floods, rocks, hills and plains Eepeat the sounding joy. 3 No more let sin and sorrow grow, Nor thorns infest the ground ; He comes to make His blessings flow, Far as the curse is found. 4 He rules the world with truth and grace, And makes the nations prove The glories of His righteousness, And wonders of His love. 35. ' III-3. 1 Earth has many a noble city ; Bethlehem, thou dost all excell ; Out of Thee the Lord from heaven Came to rule His Israel. 2 Fairer than the sun at morning Was the star that told His birth, To the world its God announcing Seen in fleshly form on earth. EPIPHANY. 39 3 Eastern sages at His cradle Make oblations rich and rare ; See them give, in deep devotion, Gold, and frankincense, and mjrrh. 4 Sacred gifts of mystic meaning : Incense doth their God disclose, Gold, the King of kings proclaimeth, Myrrh, His sepulchre foreshows. 5 Jesu, whom the Gentiles worshiped, At Thy glad Epiphany, Unto Thee, with God the Father And the Spirit, glory be. 36, III-2. 1 God of mercy, God of grace. Shew the brightness of Tut Face ; Shine upon us, Savioue shine. Fill Thy Church with light divine ; And Thy saving health extend Unto earth's remotest end. 2 Let the people praise Thee, Lord ; Let Thy love on all be poured ; Let the nations shout and sing Glory to their SaviouR King ; At Thy feet their tribute pay, And Thy Holy Will obey. 40 EPIPHANY. 8 Let the people pi-aise Thee, Loed ; Earth shall then her fruits aflford ; God to man His blessing give, Man to God devoted live ; All below, and all above, One in joy, and light, and love. STl III-3. 1 Alleluia, song of sweetness, Voice of joy that cannot die; Alleluia is the anthem Ever dear to choirs on high ; In the house of God abiding, Thus they sing eternally. 2 Alleluia ihou resoundest. True Jerusalem and free ; Alleluia, joyful Mother, All thy children sing with thee ; But by Babylon's sad waters Mourning exiles now are we. 8 Alleluia cannot always Be our song while here below; Alleluia, our transgressions Make us for a while forego ; For the solemn time is coming When our tears for sin must flow. EPIPHANY. 4 J 4 Therefore in our hymns we pray Thee, Grant us Blessed Trinity, At the last to keep Thine Easter, In our Home iDeyond the sky : There to Thee for ever singing Alleluia joyfully, 3S. s, >r. 1 How beauteous are their feet Who stand on Sion's hill; Who bring salvation on their tongues, And words of peace reveal. 2 How charming is their voice : How sweet their tidings are : "Sion, behold thy Saviour King. " He reigns and triumphs here." 3 How happy are our ears That hear this joyful sound, Which kings and prophets waited for, And sought, but never found. 4 How blessed are our eyes That see this heavenly light : Prophets and kings desired it long. But died without the sight. 5 The watchmen join their voice, And tuneful notes employ: Jerusalem breaks forth in songs, And deserts learn the joy. 42 EPIPHANY. 6 The Lord makes bare His arm Through all the earth abroad: Let every nation now behold Their Saviour and their God. 39. c. M. 1 O'er mountain tops the mount of God In latter days shall rise, Above the summits of the hills, And draw the wond'ring eyes. 2 To this the joyful nations round. All tribes and tongues, shall flow, Up to the mount of God, they'll say. And to His House we'll go. 8 The beams that shine from Zion's hill Shall lighten every land ; The King who reigns in Salem's tow'rs, Shall all the world command. 4 Among the nations He shall judge, His judgments truth shall guide; His sceptre shall protect the just, And crush the sinner's pride. 5 For peaceful implements shall men Exchange their swords and spears ; Nor shall they study war again Throughout those happy years. EPIPnANY. 43 6 Come, ye house of Jacob ! come To worship at His shrine ; And, walking in the light of God, "With holy graces shine. . Septitagcsima. 1 Creator of the world, to Thee An endless rest of joy belongs ; And heavenly choirs are ever free To sing on high their festal songs, 2 But we are fallen creatures here, "Where pain and sorrow daily come ; And how can we in exile drear Sing out, as they, sweet songs of Home ? 3 Father ! "Who dost promise still That they who mourn shall blessed be ; Grant us to weep for deeds of ill That banish us so long from Thee : 4 But weeping, grant us faith to rest In hope upon Thy loving care ; Till Thou restore us, with the blest, Their songs of praise in heaven to shax^e. 41. L. M. 1 Lord, in perfect bliss above Thou couldst not need created love : And yet Thou didst Thy power display. And earth's foundations firmly lay. 44 SEPTUAGESIMA. 2 Things that were not, at Thy command, In perfect form before Thee stand ; And all to their Creator raise A -wond'rous harmony of praise. 3 But even while the world came forth. In all the beauty of its birth, In Thy deep thought Thou didst behold Another world of nobler mould. 4 For Thou didst will that Christ should frame A new creation by His Name ; Its seed, the living word of grace, He scatters wide in every place ; 5 Its home, when time shall be no more, In Heaven with Thee for ever more ; Accepted in Thy boundless love, To share His throne and joy, above. 6 Father, bless, for they are Thine, O Son, direct in love divine, Holy Ghost, with grace endue The old creation and the new. 1 How blest were they who walked in love With Christ, while yet He dwelt above ; A righteous band, sustained by grace ; The fathers of the faithful race. SEPTUAGESIMA. 45 2 "who can tell as sliould be told The praises of those men of old ; Their patient faith, their longing sighs Of hope uplifted to the skies? 3 Strangers and pilgrims here below They deemed the world an empty show : To purer joys their hearts were given, The better land they sought was Heaven. 4 The soul that truly cleaves to God Still longs to gain that blest abode: Christ, forbid our souls to roam. And fix them on our own true Home. 43. c. M. 1 There is a book, who runs may read, "Which heavenly truth imparts, And all the lore its scholars need. Pure eyes and Christian hearts. 2 The works of God above, below, Within us and around. Are pages in that book to show. How God Himself is found. 3 The glorious sky, embracing all, Is like the Maker's love, "Wherewith encompassed great and small In peace and order move. 46 SEPTUAGESIMA. 4 The moon above, the church below, A wondrous race they run : But all their radiance, all their glow, Each borrows of its Sun. 5 The Saviour lends the light and heat, That crown His holy hill ; The saints, like stars, around His seat Perform their courses still. 6 Thou, Who hast given me eyes to see And love this sight so fair, Give me a heart to find out Thee, And read Thee everywhere. :>>^c 44. II-l. 1 Great mover of all hearts. Whose Hand Doth all the secret springs command Of human thought and will. Thou, since the world was made, dost bless Thy saints with fruits of holiness, Their order to fulfill. 2 Faith, hope, and love, here weave one chain But love alone shall then remain When this short day is gone : Love, Truth, endless Light, When shall we see Thy Sabbath bright With all our labours done? SEPTUAGESIMA. 3 "We sow 'mid perils here and tears ; There the glad hand the harvest bears, "Which here in grief hath sown ; Great Three in Oxe, the increase give ; These gifts of grace hy which we live, "With heavenly glory crown. 45. ^'"t- 1 Lo I now is our accepted day. The time for purging sins away, The sins of thought, and deed, and word, That we have done against the Lord. 2 For He the Merciful and True Hath spared His people hitherto; !sot willing that the soul should die Though great its past iniquity. 8 Then let us all with earnest care And contrite fast, and tear, and prayer, And works of mercy and of love. Entreat for pardon from above ; 4 That He may all our sins efface, Adorn us with the gifts of grace- And join us to the angel band For ever in the Heavenly Land. 5 Blest Three in Oxe and One in Three, Almighty God we pray to Thee, That Thou wouldst now vouchsafe to bless Our fast with fruits of righteousness. 47 48 LENT. 46. L M. 1 My God permit me not to be, A stranger to myself and Thee ; Amidst a thousand thoughts I rove, Forgetful of my highest love. 2 Why should my passions mix with earth, And thus debase my heav'nly birth ? Why should I cleave to things below, And all my purest joys forego ? 3 Call me away from flesh and sense, Thy grace, Lord, can draw me thence ; I would obey the voice divine, And all inferior joys resign. 47. L. M. 1 O Thou, to whose all searching sight The darkness shineth as the light, Search, prove my heart ; it looks to Thee, burst its bonds, and set it free I 2 Wash out its stains, remove its dross, Bind my affections to the cross ; Hallow each thought, let all within Be clean, as Thou, my Lord, art clean. 3 If in this darksome wild I stray, Be Thou my light, be Thou my way ; No foes, no violence I fear, Ko harm while Thou, mj God, art near. LENT. 49 4 "When i-ising floods my soul o'erflow, When sinks my heart in waves of woe, Jesus, Thy timely aid impart, And raise my head, and cheer my heart. 5 Saviour ! where'er Thy steps I see, Dauntless, untired, I follow Thee : let Thy hand support me still, And lead me to Thy holy hill. 48. III-5. 1 Jesus, Lord, we kneel before Thee, Bend from Heaven Thy gracious ear, While our waiting souls adore Thee, Friend of helpless sinners hear ! By Thy' mercy, deliver us, good Lord ! 2 From the depths of nature's blindness, From the hardening power of sin. From all malice and unkindness. From the pride that lurks within, By Thy mercy, deliver us, good Lord ! 3 When temptation sorely presses, In the day of Satan's power. In our times of deep distresses. In each dark and trying hour, By Thy mercy, deliver us, good Lord I 5 50 LENT. 4 Jesus, may Thy promised blessing, Comfort to our souls afford; May we now Thy love possessing Find at last the great reward; By Thy mercy, deliver us, good Lord ! 49. Ill 3. 1 Sweet the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the cross I spend ; Life, and health,- and peace possessing. From the sinner's dying Friend, 2 Love and grief my heart dividing, With my tears His feet I'll bathe ; Constant still in faith abiding, Life deriving from His death, 3 Here I'll sit for ever viewing Mercy streaming in His blood ; Precious drops my soul bedewing. Plead and claim my peace with God. 4 Lord, in ceaseless contemplation. Fix my heart and eyes on Thee, 'Till I taste Thy whole salvation, And unveiled Thy glories see. LENT. 51 50 C. M. 1 Once more the solemn season calls A holy fast to keep ; And now within the temple walls, Both priest and people weep. 2 But vain all outward sign of grief, And vain the form of prayer, Unless the heart implore relief. And penitence be there. 3 We smite the breast, we weep in vain, In vain in ashes mourn, Unless with penitential pain The smitten soul be torn. 4 In sorrow true then let us pray To our offended God, From us to turn His wrath away And stay the uplifted rod. 5 God, our Judge and Father, deign, To spare the bruised reed ; We pray for time to turn again, For grace to turn indeed. 6 Blest Three in One, to Thee we bow ; Vouchsafe us in Thy love, To gather from these fasts below Immortal fruit above. 52 LENT, 51. II-4. 1 Thou who dost to man accord His highest prize, his best reward ; Thou hope of all our race ; Jesus, to Thee we now draw near, Our earnest supplications hear, "Who humbly seek Thy Face. 2 ^Yith self-accusing voice within, Our conscience tells of many a sin In thought and word and deed : cleanse that conscience from all stain, The penitent restore again, From every burden freed. 8 If Thou reject us, who shall give Our fainting spirits strength to live ? 'Tis Thine alone to spare : With cleansed hearts to pray aiight, And find acceptance in Thy sight, Be this our lowly prayer. 4 'Tis Thou hast blest this solemn fast; So may its days by us be passed In self-control severe, That when our Easter Morn we hail, Its mystic feast we may not fail, To keep with conscience clear. 5 Blessed Trinity, bestow Thy pardoning grace on us below. LENT. And shield us evermore ; Until within Thy courts above, We see Thy Face, and sing Thy love, And with Thy saints adore. 52. - s. 1 Have mercy, Lokd, on me, As Thou wert ever kind ; Let me, oppressed with loads of guilt, Thy wonted mercy find. 2 "Wash off my foul offence. And cleanse me from my sin ; For I confess my crime, and see How great my guilt has been. 3 The joy Thy favour gives Let me again obtain, And Thy free Spirit's firm support Idy fainting soul sustain. D>®>^c 54. c. M. 1 Through all the changing scenes of life, In trouble and in joy, The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. 2 magnify the Lort> with me, "With me exalt His Name ; "When in distress to Him I called, He to my rescue came. LENT. 8 The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just ; Deliverance He affords to all AVho on His succour trust. 4 make but trial of His love, Experience will decide How blest are they, and only they, "Who in His truth confide. 5 Fear Him, ye saints, and you will thea Have nothing else to fear, Make you His service your delight, Your wants shall be His care. 55. L, M. 1 Where high the heavenly temple stands. The house of God not made with hands, A great High Priest our nature wears. The Guardian of mankind appears. 2 He, "Who for men their surety stood, And poured on earth His precious Blood, Pursues in heaven His mighty plan, The Saviour and the Friend of man. 3 Jesus, Who suffered here below, Feels sympathy with human woe. And still remembers, in the skies. His tears, His prayers, His agonies. 56 LENT. 4 In every pang that rends the heart, The Man of sorrows had a part ; Touched with the feeling of our grief, He to the sufferer sends relief. 5 With boldness, therefore, at the Throne, Let us make all our sorrows known, And ask the aid of heavenly power To help us in the evil hour. 56. II-2. 1 God is our refuge in distress, A present help when dangers press, In Him undaunted we'll confide ; Though earth were from her centre tost, And mountains in the ocean lost, Torn piece-meal by the roaring tide. 2 A gentler stream with gladness still The city of our Lord shall fill. The royal seat of God most high ! God dwells in Sion, whose fair tow'rs. Shall mock th' assaults of earthly pow'rs, While His Almighty aid is nigh. 3 Submit to God's almighty sway, For Him the heathen shall obey. And earth her sov'reign Lord confess : The God of hosts conducts our arms, Our tow'r of refuge in alarms, As to our fathers in distress. LENT. 57 57. p. M. 1 Behold the Lamb of God ! Thou for sinners slain, Let it not be in vain That Thou hast died ; Thee for my Saviour let me take, My only refuge let me make Thy pierced Side. 2 Behold the Lamb of God ! Into the sacred flood Of Thy most precious Blood My soul I cast : "Wash me and make me clean within, And keep me pure from every sin. Till life be past. 3 Behold the Lamb of God ! All hail, Incarnate Word, Thou Everlasting Lord, Saviour most blest ; Fill us with love that never faints, Grant us with all Thy blessed Saints, Eternal rest. 4 Behold the Lamb of God ! "Worthy is He alone, That sitteth on the throne Of God above ; One with the Ancient of all days, One with the Comforter in praise, All Light and Love. 58 LENT. 1 Lord, turn not Thy Face from me, "Who lie in "woelul state, Lamenting all my sinful life Before Thy mercy-gate ; 2 A gate that opens wide to those That do lament their sin ; Shut not that gate against me, LcrF/, But let me enter in. 3 And call me not to strict account, How I have sojourned here ; For then my guilty conscience knows How vile I shall appear. 4 With favour Lord look down on me, "Who Thy relief implore ; As Thou art wont to visit those "Who Thy blest Name adore. 5 let Thy tender mercy now Afford me needful aid ; According to Thy promise Lord, To me. Thy servant, made ! 6 Mercy, Good Lord mercy I ask ; This is my humble prayer ; For mercy, Lord is all my suit. let Thy mercy spare. (Hljs Iiitl] ^mibaVi in £cut. ( Sometimes called Passion Sunday, ) 59. L. M. 1 The Royal Banners forward go, The Cross shines forth in mystic glow, "Where He in flesh, our flesh who made, Our sentence bore, our ransom paid. 2 There whilst He hung, His sacred Side By soldier's spear was opened wide, To cleanse us in the precious flood Of Water mingled with His Blood. 3 Fulfilled is now what David told In true prophetic song of old. How God, the heathen's King should be, For God is reigning from the tree. 4 tree of glory, tree most fair, Ordained those Holy Limbs to bear, How bright in purple robe it stood. The purple of a Saviour's Blood. 5 Upon its arms, like balance true. He weighed the price for sinners duo. The price which none but He could pay, And spoiled the spoiler of his prey. 6 To Thee, Eternal Three in Oxe, Let homage meet by all be done ; As by the Cross Thou dost restore. So rule and guide us evei*more. CO TZE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT. 60. L. M. 1 We sing the praise of Him Who died. Of Him AVho died upon the Cross ; The sinner's hope let men deride, For this Tve count the world but loss. 2 Inscribed upon the Cross we see In shining letters, '*God is Love, He bears our sins upon the tree. He brings us mercy from above. 3 The Cross I it takes our guilt awa3\ : It holds the fainting spirit up ; It cheers with hope the gloomy day, And sweetens every bitter cup. 4 It makes the coward spirit brave. And nerves the feeble arm for fight ; It takes its terror from the grave. And gilds the bed of death with light. 5 The balm of life, the cure of woe, The measure and the pledge of love, The sinner's refuge here below, The angels' theme in heaven above. 6 To Christ, Who won for sinners grace, By bitter grief and anguish sore, Be praise from all the ransomed race For ever, and for evermore. THE FIFTH SUNDAY IX LENT. 61 61. L. M. 1 WiiEX I survey the wondrous Cross On which the Prince of Glory died. My richest gain I count but loss, And pour contempt on all my pride. 2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the Cross of Christ my God ; All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His Blood, 3 See, from His Head. His Hands, His Feet, Sorrow and love flow mingling down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown ? 4 Were the whole realm of nature miue, That were an offering far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my life, my soul, my all. 5 To Christ, Who won for sinners grace, By bitter grief and anguish sore. Be praise from all the ransomed race, For ever, and for evermore. 6-2. "^" ni-.s 1 Now, my soul, Thy voice upraising, Tell in sweet and mournful strain, How the Crucified, enduring Grief, and wounds, and dying pain, 6 62 THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT. Freely of His love was offered, Sinless was for sinners slain. 2 Scourged with unrelenting fury For the sins which we deplore, By His livid Stripes He heals us, Raising us to fall no more ; All our bruises gently soothing. Binding up the bleeding sore. 3 See ! His Hands and Feet are fastened ; So He makes His people free : Not a wound whence Blood is flowing But a Fount of Grace shall be ; Yea, the very nails which nail Him Nail us also to the Tree. 4 Through His Heart the spear is piercing. Though His foes have seen Him die ; Blood and Water thence are streaming In a tide of mystery, Water from our guilt to cleanse us, Blood to win us crowns on high. 5 Jesus, may those precious Fountains Drink to thirsting souls afford ; Let them be our cup and Healing, And at length our full Reward ; So a ransomed world shall ever Praise Thee, its Redeeming Lord. <^\]t Sunbav^ na't before (Easter. (Sometimes called Palm Sunday.) 63. ni-4. 1 Who is this that comes from Edom, All His raiment stain'd with blood, To the captive speaking freedom, Bringing and bestowing good; Glorious in the garb He wears, Glorious in the spoil He bears ? 2 'Tis the Saviour, now victorious, Trav'ling onward in His might ; 'Tis the Saviour, how glorious To His people is the sight! Satan conquer'd, and the grave. Jesus now is strong to save. 3 Why that blood His raiment staining ? 'Tis the blood of many slain j Of His foes there's none remaining, None, the contest to maintain : Fall'n they are, no more to rise, All their glory prostrate lies. 4 Mighty Victor, Reign for ever. Wear the crown so dearly won ; Never shall thy people, never Cease to sing what Thou hast done ! Thou hast fought Thy people's foes; Thou hast heal'd thy people's woes ! C)i THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE EASTER. 64. II-6 All glory, laud, and honour To Thee, Redeemer, King ! To Whom the lips of children Made sweet Hosannas ring. 1 Thou ai-t the Kixa of Israel, Thou David's Royal Son, Vv'ho in the Loed's Name comest, The' King and Blessed One. All glory, &c. 2 The company of Angels Are praising Thee on high. And mortal men, and all things Created make reply. All glory, &c. o The people of the Hebrews With palms before Thee went, Our praise and prayer and anthems Before Thee we present. All glory, &c. 4 To Thee before Thy Passion They sang their hymns of praise, To Thee now high exalted Our melody we raise. All glory, &c. 5 Thou didst accept their praises ; Accept the prayers we bring, Who in all good delightest Thou good and gracious King. All glory, &.C. THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE EASTER. G5 65. L. M. 1 Ride on ! ride on in majesty! Hark I all the tribes Hosanna cry ; Saviour meek, pursue Thy road, With palms and scattered garments strowed. 2 Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! In lowly pomp ride on to die : Christ, Thy triumphs now begin O'er captive death and conquered sin. 3 Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! The angel armies of the sky Look down with sad and wondering eyes, To see the approaching Sacrifice. 4 Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! The last and fiercest strife is nigh: The Father on His sapphire Throne Awaits His own anointed Sox. 5 Ride on ! ride on in majesty ! In lowly pomp, ride on to die : Bow Thy meek Head to mortal pain. Then take, God, Thy Power, and reign. 66. ni-3. 1 Hail, Thou once despised Jesus, Hail, Thou Gallilean King ; Thou didst suffer to release us ; Thou didst free salvation bring ! CG THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE EASTER. Hail, Thou agonizing Saviour, Bearer of our sin and shame ; By Thy merit find we favour ; Life is given through Thy name. 2 Paschal Lamb, by God appointed, All our sins on Thee Avere laid; By Almighty love anointed, Thou hast full atonement made. All Thy people are forgiven Through the virtue of Thy blood; Opened is the gate of heaven, — Man is reconciled to God. 8 Jesus, low we bow before Thee, Mediator glorified ! All the heavenly hosts adore Thee, Seated at Thy Father's side ; There for sinners Thou art pleading, — There Thou dost our place prepare ; Ever for us interceding. Till in glory we appear. 4 Worship, honor, power and blessing Thou art worthy to receive ; Loudest praises, never ceasing, INIeet it is for us to give. Help, ye bright angelic spirits. Bring your sweetest, noblest lays; Help to sing our Saviour's merits. Help to chant Emmanuel's praise. (jpmus for tljc Cjoh) lUrek ant) (5oo^ Jrlbau. 6V. III-4. 1 He "Who once in rigliteous vengeance Whelmed the world beneath the flood, Once again in mercj cleansed it With His own most precious Blood; Coming from His Throne on high, On th3 painful Cross to die. 2 the wisdom of th' Eternal ! tlie depth of love divine! O the sweetness of that mercy Which in Jesus Christ did shine! We were sinners doomed to die; Jesus paid the penalty, 3 When before the Judge we tremble. Conscious of His broken laws, May the Blood of His atonement Cry aloud, and plead our cause, Bid our guilty terrours cease, Be our pardon and our peace. 4 PraxcE and Author of Salvation, LoB.1) of ]Majesiy supreme, Jesu, praise to Thee be given By the world Thou didst redeem, Glory to tlie Fathee. be, And the Spieit One with Three. 68 HYMNS FOR THE HOLY WEEK AND GOOD FRIDAY. 68. III-2. 1 Sign's Daughter, weep no more. Though thy troubled heart be sore ; He of Whom the Psalmist sung, Hk Who woke the Pi-ophet's tongue, Christ, the Mediator blest, Brings thee everlasting rest. 2 In a garden man became, Heir of sin, and death, and shame ; Jesus in a garden wins Life, and pardon for our sins ; Through His hour of agony Praying in Gethsemane. 8 There for us He intercedes ; There with God the Fatheh pleads; Willing there for us ta drain To the dregs the cup of pain. That in everlasting Day He may wipe our tears away. 4 Therefore to His Name be given Glory both in earth and heaven ; To the Father, and the Sox, And the Spirit, Three in One, Honoux', praise, and glory be. Now and through eternity. IIYMXS FOR THE HOLY WEEK AND G9 GOOD FRIDAY. 69. n-G. 1 Sacred Head, surrounded By crown of piercing thorn ! bleeding Head, so wounded, Pveviled, and put to scorn ! Death's pallid hue comes o'er Thee, The glow of life decays. Yet angel hosts adore Thee, And tremble as they gaze. 2 I see Thy strength and vigour All fading in the strife. And death with cruel rigour Bereaving Thee of life ; O agony and dying ! love to sinners free ! Jesu, all grace supplying, O turn Thy Face on me. 3 In this Thy bitter, passion. Good Shepherd, think of me Vrith Thy most sweet ccmpassicn, Unwoi'thy though I be : Beneath Thy Cross abiding, For ever would I rest ; In Thy dear love confiding. And with Thy presence blest. TO HYMNS FOR THE HOLY WEEK AND GOOD FRIDAY. •yo. ii-i 1 SixxER, lift the eye of faith, To true repentance turning; Bethink thee of the curse of sin, Its awful guilt discerning ; Upon the Crucified one look And thou shalt read, as in a book, AVhat well is worth thy learning. 2 Look on His Head, that bleeding Head, With crown of thorns surrounded ; Look on His sacred Hands and Feet, Which piercing nails have wounded ; See every Limb with scourges rent : On Him, the Just, the Innocent, AVhat malice hath abounded I 3 None ever knew such pain before, Such infinite afiliction ; None ever felt a grief like His In that dread Crucifixion : For us He bare those bitter throes. For us those agonizing woes In oft -renewed infliction. 4 sinaer, mark, and ponder well Sin's awful condemnation ; Think what a sacrifice it cost To purchase thy salvation ; Had Jesus never bled and died, Then what could thee and all betide But uttermost damnation ? HYMNS FOR THE HOLY WEEK AND TI GOOD FRIDAY. 5 Lord, give us grace to flee from sin, And Satan's wiles ensnaring, And from those everlasting flamea For evil ones preparing. Jesu, we thank Thee, and entreat To rest forever at Tht Feet, Thy heavenly glory sharing. 71. III-2. 1 Go to dark Gethsemane, Ye that feel the tempter's power, Your Redeemer's conflict see. Watch with Him one bitter hour; Turn not from His griefs away, Learn of Jesus Christ to pray. 2 Follow to the judgment hall ; View the Lord of life arraigned ; Oh, the wormwood and the gall; Oh, the pangs His soul sustained ! Shun not suffering, shame or loss ; Learn of Him to bear the Cross. 3 Calvary's mournful mountain climb ; There, adoring at His Feet, Mark the miracle of time, God's own sacrifice complete ; "It is finished!"' hear Him cry; Learn of Jesus Christ to die. GOOD FRIDAY. ^^. 11 L 1 See the destined day arise ! See, a willing Sacrifice, Jesus, to redeem our loss, Hangs upon the shameful Cross I 2 Jesu, who but Thou had borne, Lifted on that tree of scorn, Every pang and bitter throe, Finishing Thy life of woe? 3 Who but Thou had dai^ed to drain, Steeped in gall, the cup of pain ; And with tender body bear Thorns, and nails, and piercing spear ? 4 Thence the cleansing Water flowed, Mingled from Thy Side with Blood; Sign to all attesting eyes Of the finished Sacrifice. 5 Holy Jesu, grant us grace In that Sacrifice to place All our trust for life renewed. Pardoned sin, and promised good. 13. L. M. 1 Come and mourn with me awhile , come ye to the Saviour's side; come together let us mourn; Jesus our Lord, is crucified. HYMNS FOR THE HOLY WEEK AXD To GOOD FRIDAY. 2 Have we no tears to slied for Ilim, AVliile soldiers scoff and Jews deride ? Ah I look how patiently He hangs ; jEsrs, our Lord, is crucified. 3 How fast His Hands and Feet are nailed ; His Throat with parching thirst is dried ; His failing Ej^es are dimmed with Blood ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. 4 Seven times He spake, seven words of lov3; And all three hours His silence cried For mercy on the souls of men ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. 5 Come let us stand beneath the cress ; So may the Blood from out His Side Fall gently on us drop by drop ; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified. ', A broken heart, a fount of tears Ask, and they will not b3 denied; Lord Jesus, may we love and weep, Since Thou for us art crucified. 74 c. M. 1 Angels, lament; behold, your God Man's sinful likeness wears; Behold, upon the accursed tree Man's sins the Saviour bears. 7 74 HYMNS FOR THE HOLY WEEK AND GOOD FRIDAY. 2 Christ, with wondering minds we see "What mighty love was Thixe ; Did God consent to suffer thus, And, oh, shall man repine ! 3 Xo Saviouk, no ! the power of death Thy Cross hath overcome. To save ug, not from earthly woe, But from th' eternal doom. 4 The flesh may shrink, but we submit, Whatever our Cross may be. So Thou by grace enable us To bear it after Thee. 5 Thy stripes have healed us, and Thy Blood Our guilty stains etfaced : Then may Thy name, by sins of ours Be never more disgraced. ^3>^0<^ 75. II-G. 1 Oh, sacred head, now wounded! "With grief and shame weighed down Oh, sacred brow surrounded With thorns Thy only crown I Oh, sacred head what glory, What bliss till now was Thine ! Yet though despised and gory, I joy to call Thee mine. HYMNS FOR THE HOLY y\"EEK AND ,0 GOOD FRIDAY. 2 On me, as Thou art dying, Oh, turn Thy pitying eye ! To Thee for mercy crying, Before Thy Cross I lie. Thy grief and Thy compassion Were all for sinners' gain ; jNIine, mine was the tran?gression, But thine the deadly pain. 8 "What language shall I borrow To praise Thee dearest Friend, For this Thy dying sorrow, Thy pity without end ! Oh, make me Thixe for ever, And should I fainting be. Lord let me never, never, Outlive my love to Thee. 4 Be near when I am dying; Oh show Thy Cross to me! And to my succor -Qymg, Come, Lord, and set me free. These eyes new faith receiving, From Thine eyes shall ziot more; For he who dies believing. Dies safely through Thy love. '76 III-2. 1 SATiorR, when in dust, to Thee Low we bow th' ad onucr Kuee 76 HYMNS FOR THE HOLY WEEK AND GOOD FRIDAY. Yv'hen, repentant, to the skies Scarce we lift our streaming eyes : 0, by all Thy pains and wo, Suffer'd once for man below, Bending from Thy throne on high Hear our solemn litany. 2 By Thy birth and early years, By Thy human griefs and fears, By Thy fasting and distress In the lonely wilderness : By Thy vict'ry in the hour Of the subtle temper's pow'r Jesus, look with pitying eye ; Hear our solemn litany. 3 By Thine hour of dark despair, By Thine agony of prayer, By the purple robe of scorn, By Thy wounds — Thy crown of thorn, By Thy Cross — thy pangs and cries j By Thy perfect sacrifice ; Jesus, look with pitying eye; Hear our solemn litany. 4 By Thy deep expiring groan. By the seal'd sepulchral stone, By Thy triumph o'er the grave, By Thy pow'r from death to save ; Mighty God, ascended Lord, To Thy Throne in heav'n restor'd. Prince and Saviour, hear our cry, Hear our solemn litany. HYMNS FOR THE HOLY WEEK AND TT GOUP FRIDAY. '51'. P. M. At the Ci'oss her station keeping Stood the mournful Mother weeping, "Where He hung, the dying Loed ; For her soul of joj bereaved, Bowed with anguish deeplj grieved, Felt the sharp and piercing sword. Oh, how sad and sore distressed. Now was she that Mother blessed Of the sole-begotten One; Deep the woe of her affliction "When she saw the Crucifixion Of her ever-glorious Son. Who, on Christ's dear Mother gazliig'. Pierced by anguish so ama2ing, Born of woman, would not weep? Who, on Christ's dear Mother thinfciag^, Such a cup of sorrow drinking. Would not share her sorrows deep*? For His people's sins chastised She beheld lier Son despised, Scourged, and crowned with thorns cntwiJicd ; Saw Him then from judgment taken, And in death by all forsaken, Till His Spirit He resigned- Jesu, may such deep devotion Stir in me the same emotion. Fount of love, Redeeming kind. That my heart, fresh ardour gaiLing' And a purer love attaining, 31aj with Thee acccptaucc find. faster (Bvtiu 7S. iii-i. J Resting from His work to-day In the tomb the Saviour lay ; Still He slept^ from Head to Feet, Shrouded in the winding-sheet, Lying in the rock alone, Hidden by the sealed stone. 2 Late at even there was seen Watching lone the Magdalene; Early, ere the break of day, Sorrowful she took her way To the holy garden glade, Where her bui-ied Lord was laiJ. 3 So with Thee till life shall end, I would solemn vigil spend; Let me hew Thee, Lord, a shrine In this rocky heart of mine. Where in pure embalmed cell None but Thou may ever dwelL 4 Myrrh and spices will I bring^,. True affection's offering; Close the door from sig^ht and sound Of the busy woi-ld around ; And in patient watch remain Till the Lord appear again. (Basin- Dtm 79. iii-i, 1 Christ the Lord is ris'n to-day, Sons of men and angels say : Raise your joys and triumphs high, Sing ye heav'ns, and earth reply ! 2 Love's redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the yict'ry won : Jesus' agony is o'er, Darkness veils the earth no more. 3 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal, Christ has burst the gates of hell; Death in vain forbids Him rise, Christ hath opened paradise. 4 Soar we now where Christ hath led, Following our exalted Head ; Made like Him, like Him we rise, — Ours the Cross, the grave, the skies. SO. ni-1, 1 Christ the Lord is risen to-day ; Christians haste your vows to pay ; Offer ye your praises meet At the Paschal Victim's feet. For the sheep the Lamb hath bled, Sinless in the sinner's stead ; "Christ is risen," to-day we cry; Isow He lives, no more to die. 80 EASTER DAY. 2 Christ, the Yictim undefiled, Man to Goi> hath reconciled ; "Whilst in strange and awful strife Met together Death and Life. Christians, on this happy day- Haste with joy your vows to pay ; "Christ is risen," to-day we cry; Kow He lives, no more to die. 3 Christ, Who once for sinners bled, Kow the first-born from the dead, Throned in endless might and power, Lives and reigns for evermore. Hail ! eternal Hope on high ! Hail ! Thou King of Victory ! Hail! Thou Prince of life adored! Help and save us, gracious Lord. SI. L. M. 1 Light's glittering morn bedecks the sky, Heaven thunders forth its victor-cry. The glad earth shouts her triumph high, And groaning hell makes wild reply ; 2 While He, the King, the mighty Kixg, Despoiling death of all its sting. And trampling down the powers of night. Brings forth Eis ransomed saints to light. EASTER DAY. 81 3 His tomb of late the threefold guard Of watch and stone and seal had barred ; But now, in pomp and triumph high, He comes from death to victory. 4 The pains of hell are loosed at last ; The days of mourning now are past ; An Angel robed in light hath said, "The Lord is risen from the dead." 5 Lord of all, with us abide In this our joyful Easter-tide: From every weapon death can wield Thixe own redeemed for ever shield. 6 All praise be Thixe, risen Lord, From death to endless life restored : All praise to God the Father be, And Holy Ghost, eternally. 82. ^ "" III-l. 1 Jesus Christ is risen to~day, Our triumphant holiday ; "Who did once upon the Cross Suffer to redeem our loss. Alleluia ! 2 Hymns of praise then let us sing, Unto Christ our heav'nly King ; Who endur'd the cross and grave, Sinners to redeem and save. Alleluia ! 82 EASTER DAY. 3 But the pains which He endured Our salvation have procured ; Now above the sky He's Kixg, "Where the angels ever sing. Alleluia ! 4 Xow be God the Father prais'd, With the Son from death uprais'd, And the Spipai, ever blest ; One true God, by all confessed. Alleluia ! S3. III- 1 Christ is risen ! Christ is risen ! Tell it with a joyful voice, He has burst His three days' prison, Let the whole wide earth rejoice ; Death is vanquish'd, man is free, Christ has won the victory. 2 Tell it to the sinners, weeping Over deeds in darkness done, Weary fast and vigil keeping, Brightly breaks their Easter Sun ; Christ has borne our sins awaj^ Christ has conquer'd hell to-day. 3 Christ is risen ! Christ is risen ! He has oped the eternal gate ; "We are loos'd from sins dark prison, Risen to a holier state. Where a brightening Easter beam On our longing eye shall stream. ^ EASTER DAY. 83 84. III-l. 1 At the Lamb's high feast -we sing Praise to our victorious King, Who hath washed us in the tide Flowing from his pierced Side ; Praise we Him, Whose love divine Gives His Sacred Blood for wine, Gives His Body for the feast, Christ the Victim, Christ the Priest. 2 Where the Paschal Blood is poured. Death's dark angel sheathes his sword; Israel's hosts triumphant go Through the wave that drowns the foe. Praise we Christ, Whose Blood was shed. Paschal Victim, Paschal Bread ; With sincerity and love Eat we Manna from above. 3 Mighty Victim from the sky. Hell's fierce powers beneath Thee lie ; Thoc hast conquered in the fight, Thou hast brought us life and light ; Now no more can death appal, Now no more the grave enthral ; Thou hast opened Paradise, And in Thee Thy saints shall rise. 4 Easter triumph, Easter joy. Sin alone can this destroy ; From sin's power do Thou set free Souls new-born, Lord, in Thee, 84 EASTER DAY. Hymns of glory and of praise, Ri?en Lord, to Thee we raise ; Holy Father praise to Thee AVith the Spirit ever be. 85. III-l. 1 Christ, the Lord is risen again ; Christ hath broken every chain; Hark, angelic voices cry. Singing evermore on high. Alleluia ! 2 He, Who gave for us His life, "Who for us endured the strife, Is our Paschal Lamb to-day ; We too sing for joy, and say. Alleluia I 8 He, Who bore all pain and loss Comfortless upon the Cross, Lives in glory now on high, Pleads for us and bears our cry : Alleluia ! 4 He, Who slumbered in the grave. Is exalted now to save ; Xow through Christendom it rings That the Lamb is King of kings. Alleluia ! EASTER DAY. 85 5 Xow He bids us tell abroad How the lost may be restored, How the penitent forgiven, How we too,may enter heaven. Alleluia ! 6 Thou, our Paschal Lamb indeed, Christ, Thy ransomed people feed : Take our sins and guilt away, Let us sing by night and day Alleluia ! 86. ,^ L. II. 1 The Lamb's high banquet called to share, Arrayed in garments white and fair. Our Red Sea past, we fain would sing To Jesus our triumphant King. 2 Upon the altar of the Cross His Body hath redeemed our loss ; And, tasting of His crimson Blood, Our life is hid with Him in God. 3 Protected in the Paschal night From the destroying angel's might, In triumph went the ransomed free From Pharaoh's cruel tyranny. 4 Xow Christ our Passover is slain. The Lamb of God without a stain; His Flesh, the true unleavened Bread, Is freely offered in our stead. 86 EASTER DAY. 5 all-sufficient Sacrifice ! Beneath Thee, hell defeated lies; Thy captive people are set free, And crowns of life restored by Thee. 6 We hymn Thee rising from the grave, From death returning, strong to save ; Thine own Right Hand the tyrant chains, And Paradise for man regains. 7 All praise be Thine, risen Lord, From death to endless life restored; All praise to God the Father be, And Holy Ghost eternally. s"y. ii-i. 1 Come see the place where jEsrs lay. And hear angelic watchers say, "He lives, Who once was slain : Why seek the living 'midst the dead? Remember how the Saviour said That He would rise again." 2 joyful sound ! glorious hour. When by His own Almighty power He rose, and left the grave ! Now let our songs His triumph tell, AVho burst the bands of death and hell, And ever lives to save. EASTER DAY. 8T 3 The First-begotten of the dead, For us He rose, our glorious Head, Immortal life to bring ; What though the saints like Him shall die, They share their Leader's viciory, And triumph with their King. 4 Xo more they tremble at the grave* For Jesus will their spirits save, And raise their slumbering dust: risen Lord, in Thee we live, To Thee our ransomed souls we give, To Thee our bodies trust. )>»i. 1 Ye Choirs of new Jerusalem, Your sweetest notes employ. The Paschal victory to hymn In strains of holy joy. 2 For Judah's Lion bursts His chains, Crushing the serpent's head ; And cries aloud, through death's domains To wake the imprisoned dead. 8 Devouring depth of hell their prey At His command restore ; His ransomed hosts pursue their way Where Jesus goes before. 4 Triumphant in His glory now To Him all power is given ; To Him in one communion bow All saints in earth and heaven. 5 AVhile we. His soldiers, praise our King, His mercy we implore, Within His palace bright to bring And keep us evermore. EASTER DAY. 89 6 All glory to the Father be ; All glory to the Son ; All glory, Holt Ghost, to Thee, While endless ages run, 90. p. M. Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Alleluia ! 1 The strife is o'er, the battle done ; The triumph of the Lokd is ^von ; let the song of praise be sung. Alleluia ! 2 The powers of death have done their ■yvoi'Gt; And Jesus hath His foes dispersed ; Let shouts of praise and joy outburst. Alleluia ! 3 On that third morn He rose again In glorious majesty to reign ; let us swell the joyful strain. Alleluia ! 4 He closed the yawning gates of hell ; The bars from heaven's high portals fell; Let songs of joy His triumphs tell. Alleluia ! 5 Lord, by the stripes which wounded Thee, From death's dread sting Thy servants free, That we may live, and sing to Thee Alleluia ! 90 EASTER DAY. 91. C. M 1 Since Christ our Passover is slain, A sacrifice for all, Let all, -with thankful hearts, agree To keep the festival : 2 Xot with the leaven, as of old, Of sin and malice fed ; But with unfeign'd sincerity. And truth's unleaven"d bread, 3 Christ being raised by Pow'r Divine, And rescued from the grave. Shall die no more ; death shall on Him Xo more dominion have. 4 For that he died, 'twas for our sins He once vouchsafed to die; But that He lives. He lives to God For all eternity. 5 So count yourselves as dead to sin. But graciously restored, And made, henceforth, alive to God, Through Jesus Christ our Lord. 9"2. p. y 1 Jesus lives ! no longer now Can thy terrors, Death, appall us ; Jesus lives ! by this we know Thou, Grave, canst not enthrall us. Alleluia ! EASTER DAY. 91 2 jEsrs lives ! henceforth, is death But the gate of Life immortal , This shall calm our trembling breath, When we pass its gloomy portal. Alleluia ! 3 Jesus lives! for us He died ; Then, alone to Jesus living, Pure in heart may we abide. Glory to our Saviour giving. Alleluia! . 4 Jesus lives I our hearts know well Nought for us His love shall sever ; Life, nor death, nor powers of hell Tear us from His keeping ever. Alleluia ! 5 Jesus lives I to Him the Throne Over all the world is given : May we go where He is gone, Rest and reign with Him in Heaven. Alleluia ! 93. c. M. 1 Christ from the dead is raised, and made The First-Fruits of the tomb ; For, as by man came death, by mau Did resurrection come. 92 EASTER DAY, 2 For, as in Adam all mankind, Did guilt and death derive ; So, by the righteousness of Christ, Shall all be made alive. 3 If then ye risen are with Christ, Seek only how to get The things which are above, where Christ At God's right hand is set. 94. II-( 1 The Day of Resurrection ! Earth, tell it out abroad ; The Passover of gladness, The Passover of God. From death to life eternal, From earth unto the sky, Our Christ hath brought us over With hymns of victory. 2 Our hearts be pure from evil, That we may see aright The Lord, in rays eternal Of resurrection-light ; And, listening to His accents, May hear so calm and plain, His own "All hail," and hearing May raise the victor strain. EASTER DAY. 93 3 Now let the heavens be joyful, And earth her song begin, The round world keep high triumph, And all that is therein ; Let all things seen and unseen Their notes of gladness blend, For Christ the Lord is risen, Our Joy that hath no end. 95. L. M. 1 Our Lord is risen from the dead, Our Jesus is gone up on high; The powers of hell are captive led. Dragg'd to the portals of the sky. 2 There His triumphal chariot waits, And angels chant the solemn lay: "Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates, Ye everlasting doors give way." 3 Loose all your bars of massy light, And wide unfold the radiant scene ; He claims those mansions as His right ; Receive the King of Glory in 4 "Who is the King of Glory, who?" The Lord that all his foes o'ercame. The world, sin, death, and hell o'erthrew; And Jesus is the conqueror's name. 04 THE ASCENSION. 5 Lo ! His triumphal chariot Aviits, And angels chant the solemn lay, "Lift up 3^our heads, ye heavenly gates, Ye everlasting doors give "way. 6 "Who is the King of Glory, who?" The Lord of boundless power possess'd, The King of saints and angels too, God over all, for ever bless' d. 96. III-l 1 Hail the day that sees Him rise To His Throne above the skies; Christ, the Lamb for sinners given, Enters now the highest heaven. 2 There for Him high triumph waits ; Lift your heads, eternal gates ; He hath conquered death and sin, Take the King of Glory in. 3 Lo, the heaven its Lord receives, Yet He loves the earth He leaves; Though returning to His Throne, Still he calls mankind Plis own. 4 See He lifts His hands above ; See He shows the prints of love ; Hark, His gracious lips bestow Blessings on His Church below. THE ASCENSION. 95 5 Still for us He intercedes, His prevailing death He pleads, Near Himself prepares our place, He the first-fruits of our race. 6 Lord, though parted from our sight Far above the starry height, Grant our hearts may thither rise, Seeking Thee above the skies. 97. L. M. 1 Lord most High Eternal King, By Thee redeemed Thy praise we sing , The binds of death are burst by Thee, And Grace has won the victory. 2 Ascending to the Father's Throne Thou claim'st the kingdom as Thine own; Thy days of mortal weakness o'er. All power is Thine for evermore. 3 To Thee the whole creation now Shall in its threefold order, bow. Of things on earth, and things on high, And things that underneath us lie. 4 In awe and wonder angels see How changed is man's estate by Thee, How Flesh, makes pure, as flesh did stain, And Thou, true God, in Flesh doth reign. 95 THE ASCENSION. 5 Be Thotj our Joy, mighty Lord, As Thou wilt be our great Reward; Let all our glory be in Thee Both now and through eternity. 6 All praise from every heart and tongue To Thee, ascended Lord, be sung ; All praise to God the Father be, And Holy Ghost, eternally. 9S. L. M, 1 Saviour, Who for man hast trod The winepress of the wrath of God, Ascend and claim again on high; Thy glory left for us to die. 2 A radiant cloud is now Thy seat. And earth lies stretched beneatb Thy feet ; Ten thousand thousands round Thee sing. And share the triumph of their King. •3 The angel-host enraptured waits: "Lift up your heads eternal gates I" GoD-and-MAN ! the Father's Throne Is now for evermore Thixe own. 4 Our Great High Priest and Shepherd Thou Within the vail art entered now, To offer there Thy precious Blood Once poured on earth a cleansing flood. THE ASCENSION. Ot 5 And thence the Church, Thy Chosen Bride, "With countless gifts of grace supplied. Through all her members draws from Thee Her hidden life of sanctity. 6 Christ, our Lord, of Thy dear care Thy lowly members heaveu-ward bear ; Be ours with Thee to suffer pain, "With Thee for evermore to reign. 7 All praise from every heart and tongue To Thee ascended Lord be sung ; And praise to God the Father be, And Holy Ghost eternally. 99. s. 31. 1 Thou art gone up on high, To realms beyond the skies ; And round Thy Throne unceasingly The songs of praise arise: 2 But we are lingering here. With sin and care oppressed ; Lord send Thy promised Comforter, And lead us to our rest. 3 Thou art gone up on high ; But Thou didst first come down, Through earth's most bitter misery To pass unto Thy crown: 9 98 THE ASCENSION. 4 And girt witli griefs and fears Our onward course must be ; But only let this path of tears Lead us at last to Thee. 5 Thou art gone up on high ; But Thou shalt come again, With all the bright ones of the sky Attendant in Thy train. 6 Lord, by Thy saving power So make us live and die, That we may stand in that dread hour At Tny right hana on high. ??»S3^C 12^, S. M. 1 Soldiers of Christ, arise. And put your armour on, Strong in the strength which God supplies, Through His Eternal Son. 2 Strong in the Lord of hosts, And in His mighty power ; Who in the strength of Jesus trusts, Is more than conqueror. 3 Stand then in His great might, With all His strength endued ; And take, to arm you for the fight, The panoply of God. 4 That having all things done, And all your conflicts past, Ye may behold your victory won. And stand complete at last. BAPTISM. 121 12S. C. 31. 1 With Christ we share a mystic grave, With Christ we buried lie ; But 'tis not in the darksome cave By mournful Calvary. 2 The pure and bright baptismal flood Entombs our nature's stain ; New creatures from the cleansing wave With Christ we rise again. 3 Thrice blest, if through this world of sin, And lust, and selfish care. Our resurrection-mantle, white And undefiled we wear. 4 Thrice blest, if, through the gate of death. Glorious at last and free, We to our joyful rising pass, Risen Lord, with Thle. 129. '"" III-l. 1 Soldier's, who are Christ's below. Strong in faith resist the foe ; Boundless is the pledged reward Unto them who serve the Lord. 2 'Tis no palm of fading leaves That the conqueror's hand receives; Joys are his serene and pure, Light that ever shall endure. 11 BAPTISM. 6 For the souls that overcome, Waits the beauteous heavenly Home, "Where the Blessed evermore Tread, on high, the starry floor. 6 Passing soon, and little -worth Are the things that tempt on earth ; Heavenward lift thy soul's regard ; God Himself is thy Reward. 7 Father, Who the crown dost give, Saviour, by Whose death we live, Spirit, Who our hearts dost raise. Three in One, Thy Name we praise. 130. p 1 Blessed Jesus, here we stand. Met to do as Thou hast spoken, And this child at Thy command To the Font we bring in token That To Thee it here is given ; For of such shall be Thy heaven. 2 Yes, Thy warning voice is plain. And we fain would heed it duly, "He who is not born again. Heart and life renewing truly, Born of water and the Spirit, Shall My kingdom ne'er inherit." BAPTISM. 12: 3 Therefore hasten we to Thee, Take the pledge we bring, oh ! take it ; Let us hei'e Thy glory see, And in tender pity, make it Now Thy child, and leave it never ; Thixe on earth and Thine forever. 4 Make it, Christ, Thy member now, Shepherd, take Thy lamb and feed it, Prince of Peace, its peace be Thou, Way of Life, to Heaven, oh, lead it ; Vine, this branch may nothing sever, Be it graflF'd in Thee forever. 5 Xow upon Thy heart it lies, "What our hearts so dearly treasure : Heavenward lead our burden'd sighs, Pour Thy blessings without measure; AVrite the name we now have given ; Write it in the book of Heaven. (llcmtu'mati0u. 131. L. M. 1 Happy day, that stays my choice On Thee, my SATiom and my God ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice. And tell Thy goodness all abroad. 2 happy bond ! that seals my vows, To Him who merits all my love ; Let cheerful anthems fill His house, V»'hile to His sacred Throne I move. 124 CONFIRMATION. 3 'Tis clone, the great transaction's done ; Deign, gracious Lord, to make me Thixe Help me, through grace, to follow on. Glad to confess Thy Voice divine. 4 Here rest, my oft divided heart, Fix'd on thy Gob, thy Saviour, rest ; Who with the world would grieve to part,, "When call'd on angels' food to feast. 5 High heaven, that heard the solemn vow That vow renew'd, shall daily hear. Till in life's latest hour I bow. And bless in death, a bond so dear. 132. c. M. 1 Witness, ye men and angels, now, Before the Lord we speak ; To Him we make our solemn vow, A vow we dare not break : 2 That, long as life itself shall last, Ourselves to Christ we yield ; Nor from His cause will we depart, Or ever quit the field. 3 We trust not in our native strength. But on His grace rely, That with returning wants, the Lord Will all our need supply. CONFIRMATION. 1l5 4 Lord, guide our doubtful feet aright, And keep us in Thy ways ; And, while we turn our vows to prayers, Turn Thou our prayers to praise. 133. c, :.i. 1 My God, accept my heart this day, And make it always Thixe, That I from Thee no more may stray, No more from Thee decline. 2 Before the cross of Him who died. Behold I prostrate fall ; Let every sin be crucified, Let Christ be all in all. 8 Anoint me with Thy heavenly grace. Adopt me for Thine own ; That I may see Thy glorious face, And worship at Thy Throne. 4 May the dear blood once shed for me, My blest atonement prove ; That I from first to last may be The purchase of Thy Love ! 5 Let every thought and work and word To Thee be ever given ; Then life shall be Thy service, Lord, And death the gate of heaven! 126 CONriKMATION. 134. p. >] 1 My faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine ! Now hear me while I pray: Take all my guilt away ; Oh, let me from this day Be wholly Thine. 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart ; My zeal inspire ; As Thou hast died for me, 0, may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire. 3 While life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread. Be Thou my guide ; Bid darkness turn to day ; Wipe sorrow's tears away, Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 135. L. M. 1 Come Holy Ghost, Creator blest, Vouchsafe within our souls to rest ; Come with Thy grace and heavenly aid. And fill the hearts which Thou hast made. CONFIRMATION. 12T 2 Comforter, to Thee we cry ; Thou heavenly gift of God most High: Thou Fount of life, and Fire of love, And sweet Anointing from above. 3 Finger of the Hand divine. The sevenfold gifts of grace are Thixe ; The promise of the Fathek Thou, Who dost the tongue with power endow. 4 Thy light to every sense impart, And shed Thy love in every heart, The weakness of our flesh supply Vrith strength and courage from on high. 5 Drive far away our ghostly foe, And peace for evermore bestow ; If Thou be our preventing Guide, No evil can our steps betide. Qll]^ £)olvi (Communion. 136. c. M. 1 Thou, God, all glory, honour, power. Art worthy to receive ; Since all things by Thy power were made, And by Thy bounty live. 2 And worthy is the Lamb all power. Honour and wealth, to gain, Glory and strength ; who for our sins A sacrifice was slain. 128 THE HOLY COMMUNION. 3 All -vrorthy Thou, who bast redeem"d And ransom'd us to God, From every nation, every coast, By Thy most precious blood. 4 Blessing and honour, glory, power. By all in earth and heaven, To Him that sits upon the Throne, And to the Lamb be given. 137. L, M 1 My God and is Thy table spread, And does Thy cup with love o'erflow ? Thither be all Thy children led. And let them Thy sweet mercies know. 2 Hail I sacred feast, which Jesus makes, Rich banquet of His flesh and blood: Thrice happy He, who here partakes That sacred stream, that heavenly food. 3 AVhy are its bounties all in vain Before unwilling hearts display'd ? Was not for you the victim slain ? Are you forbid the children's bread ? 4 let Thy table honour'd be, And furnish'd well with joyful guests; And may each soul salvation see. That here its holy pledges tastes. THE HOLY COMMUNION. 129 5 Drawn by Thy quick'ning grace, Lord, In countless numbers let them come; And gather from their Father's board, The Bread that lives beyond the tomb, Xor let Thy spreading Gospel rest, Till through the world Thy truth has run ; Till with this Bread all men be blest, Who see the light or feel the sun. 3>«^C 13S. c. M. 1 And are we now brought near to God Who once at distance stood ? And, to affect this glorious change, Did Jesus shed His blood ? 2 for a song of ardent praise, To bear our souls above! What should allay our lively hope, Or damp our flaming love ! 3 Then let us join the heavenly choir. To praise our heavenly King ! may that love which spread this board, Inspire us while we sing — 4 " Glory to God in highest strains, And to the earth be peace ; Good-will from heaven to men is come, And let it never cease 1" 130 THE HOLY COMMUNION. 139 L. H 1 To Jesus, our exalted Lord, That Name, in lieav'n and earth ador'd Fain would our hearts and voices raise A cheerful song of sacred praise. 2 But all the notes which mortals know, Are weak, and languishing, and low : Far, far above our humble songs, The theme demands immortal tongues. 8 Yet whilst around His board we meet, And worship at His sacred feet let our warm affections move, In glad returns of grateful Icve. 4 Yes, Lord, we love and we adore, But long to know and love Thee more ; And whilst we taste the bread and wine, Desire to feed on joys divine. 5 Let faith our feeble senses aid, To see Thy wondrous love displaj'd ; The broken Flesh, Thy bleeding veins, Thy dreadful agonizing pains. 6 Let humble, penitential wo. With painful, pleasing anguish flow ; And Thy forgiving love impart. Life, hope, and joy, to every heart. THE HOLY COMMUNION. 131 140. r. M. 1 Bread of the world in mercy broken, "Wine of the soul in mercy shed, By Tvhom the words of life were spoken, ' And iu whose death our sins are dead : 2 Look on the heart by sorrow broken, Look on the tears by sinners shed. And be Thy Feast to us, the token That by Thy grace our souls are fed. 141. ^^^ ni-1 1 Bread of heaven, on Thee we feed, For Thy Flesh is meat indeed ; Ever may our souls be fed "With this true and living Bread, Day by day with strength supplied, Through the life of Hi3i who died. 2 Vine of heaven, Thy Blood supplies This blest cup of sacrifice ; Lord, Thy Wounds our healing give, To Thy Cross we look and live ; Jesus, may we ever be Graftd, rooted, built in Thee. 142. c. M. 1 God unseen, yet ever near. Thy presence may we feel , And, thus inspired with holy fear, Before Thixe altar knesl. 132 THE HOLY COMMUNION. 2 Here may Thy faithful people know The blessings of Thy love, The streams that through the desert flow The Manna from above. 8 "We come, obedient to Thy word. To feast on heavenly food : Our meat, the Body of the Lord, Our drink, His precious Blood. 4 Thus may we all Thy words obey, For we, God, are Thixe ; And go rejoicing on our way, Renewed with strength divine. ©riiuatiou, or institution of min- isters. 143. L. M. 1 Go forth, ye heralds, in My Xame, Sweetly the Gospel trumpet sound; The glorious jubilee proclaim, Where'er the human race is found. 2 The joyful news to all impart, And teach them where salvation lies ; With care bind up the broken heart, And wipe the tears from weeping e^^es. 3 Be wise as serpents, where you go, But harmless as the peaceful dove ; And let your heaven-taught conduct show That ye're commission'd from above. ORDINATION OR INSTITUTION 133 OF MINISTERS. 4 Freely from Me ye liave received, freely, in love, to others give ; Thus shall your doctrines be believed, And, by your labours, sinners live. 144. L. M. 1 -'Go preach My Gospel," saith the Lord, "Bid the whole earth My Grace receive ; Explain to them My sacred word, Bid them believe, obey, and live. 2 '-111 make My great commission known And ye shall prove My" Gospel true, By all the works that I have done. And all the wonders ye shall do. 3 " Go heal the sick, go raise the dead ; Go cast out devils in My Name ; Xor let My prophets be afraid, Though Greeks reproach, and Jews blas- pheme. 4 TThile thus ye follow my commands, I'x with you till the world shall end, All power is trusted in My Hands : I can destroy, and can defend." 5 He spake, and light shone round His Head ; On a bright cloud to heaven He rode : They to the farthest nations spread The grace of their ascended God. 12 134 ORDTNATIOX, OR INSTITUTION OF MINISTERS. 145. L. .^I. 1 Father of mercies ! bow Thixe ear, Attentive to our earnest prayer : We plead for those who plead for Thee, Successful pleaders may they be ! 2 How great their work, how vast their charge Do Thou their anxious souls enlarge; Their best acquirements are our gain, AVe share the blessings they obtain. S Clothe, then, with energj'- divine. Their words, and let those words be Thine; To them Thy sacred truth reveal. Suppress their fear, inflame their zeal. 4 Teach them to sow the precious seed, Teach them Thy chosen flock to feed ; Teach them immortal souls to gain — Souls that will well reward their pain. 5 Let thronging multitudes around, Hear from their lips the joyful sound ; In humble strains Thy grace implore. And feel Thy new creating pow'r. 6 Let sinners break their massy chains, Distressed souls forget their pains; Let light through distant realms be spread, And Zion rear her drooping head. I ORDINATTOX OR INSTITUTION 135 OF MINISTERS. 146. 1. M. 1 Guardian of the Church Divine, The sevenfold gifts of grace are Thine, And kindled by Thy hidden fires The soul to highest aims aspires. 2 Thy Priests "with ■wisdom, Lord, endue, Their hearts with love and zeal renew ; Turn all their weakness into might, Tholt the source of life and light. 3 Spirit of truth, on us bestow The faith in all its power to know ; That with the saints of ages gone, And those to come, we may be one. 4 Protect Thy Church from every foe. And peace, the fruit of love, bestow ; Convert the world, make all confess The glories of Thy righteousness. 14'y. L. M. 1 Lord, pour Thy Spirit from on high, And Thine ordained servants bless; Graces and gifts to each supply. And clothe Thy priests with righteousness. 2 Within Thy temple when they stand. To teach the truth as taught by Thee, Saviour, like stars in Thy right hand, Let all Thy Church's pastors be. 136 ORDIXATTON, OR INSTITUTION OF MINISTERS. 3 "Wisdom and zeal, and love impart, Firmness and meekness from above, To bear Thy people in their heart. And love the souls whom Thou dost love 4 To love, and pray, and never faint. By day and night their guard to Keep, To warn the sinner, form the saint, To feed Thy Lambs, and tend Thy sheep. 5 So, when their work is finished here, They may in hope their charge resign ; So, when their Master shall appear, They may with crowns of glory shine. 148. c. M. 1 Lord, Thine appointed servants bless, That they may faithful be. To preach the truth in righteousness, And sinners win to Thee. 2 Uphold them by Almiglity power, Thy strength divine impart, And, in each dark and trying hour, Cheer Thou their fainting heart. 3 In holy watchfulness and prayer, keep them near Thy side ; May they with loving zeal declare A Saviour crucified ! 4 Great Shepherd of Thy sheep, draw near. Thy Spirit now be given ; That they who preach, and those who hear, May sing Thy praise in heaven. J ^l)t £aplng of cr (Cornn' Stone. 149. L. M. 1 Lord of Hosts, Whose glorj fills The bounds of the eternal hills, And yet vouchsafes in Christian lands. To dwell in temples made "with hands ; 2 Grant that all -we, who here to-day Rejoicing this foundation lay. May be in very deed Thine own, Built on the precious corner-stone. 3 Endue the creatures with Tiir grace. That shall adorn Thy dwelling-place ; The beauty of the oak and pine, The gold and silver, make them Thixk. 4 To Thee they all pertain ; to Thee The treasures of the earth and sea ; And when we bring them to Thy Throne We but present Thee with Thine own. 5 The heads that guide, endue with skill ; The hands that work, preserve from ill ; That we, who these foundations lay, May raise the topstone in its day, ) Both now and ever, Lord, protect The temple of Thine own elect ; Be Thou in them, and they in TheEj ever-blessed Trinity 1 ^\)t Consecration of a Cljurcl). 150. L. w 1 AxD -wilt Thou, eternal God, On earth establish Thine abode ? Then look propitious from Thy Throne. And take this temple for Thine o-\vn. 2 These walls we to Thine honour raise, Long may they echo in Thy praise ; And Thou, descending, fill the place With the rich tokens of Thy grace. 3 Here may the great Redeemer reign, With all the graces of His train ; While power divine His word attends, To conquer foes and cheer His friends. 4 And in the last decisive day, When God the nations shall sui-vey, May it before the world appear. Thousands were born for glox'y here, • 3>®r. 1 Great God, witli wonder and with praise, On all Thy works I look ; But still Thy wisdom, power, and grace, Shine brightest in Thy book. 2 The stars that in their courses roll. Have much instruction given: Cut Thy good word informs my soul How I may soar to heaven. 3 The fields provide me food, and show The goodness of the Lord ; But fruits of life and glory grow In Thy most holy word. 4 Here are my choicest treasures hid, Here my best comfort lies ; Here my desires are satisfied, And here my hopes arise. 5 Lord, make me understand Thy law. Show what my faults have been ; And from Thy Gospel let me draw Pardon for all my sin. 6 Here would I learn how Christ has died To save my soul from hell ; Xot all the books on earth beside, Such heavenly wonders tell. 13 146 GENERAL HYMNS. 7 Then let me love my Bible more. And take a fresh delight, By day to read these wonders o'er. And meditate by night. o-o::«>, Bo Thou forever near , Teach me to love Thy sacred -word, And view my Saviour there. 5i^C 1, when life is ended. Bring me to my heav'nly home. >o^@4o* 164. 11-4. 1 Blow ye the trumpet blow : The gladly-solemn sound ! Let all the nations know,. To earth's remotest bound. The year of jubilee is come - Keturn, ye ransom'd sinners home. 2 Jesus, our great High Priest, Hath full atonement made : Ye weary spirits^ rest ; Ye mournful souls be glad : The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 3 Extol the Lamb of God, The sin-atoning Lamb ; Redemption by His Blood Throughout the world proclaim : The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners home. i GENERAL HYMXS. 151 4 Ye slaves of sin and hell, Your liberty receive, And safe in Jesus dwell, And blest in Jesus live : The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 5 Ye who have sold for naught Your heritage above. Shall have it back unbought, The gift of Jesus' love : The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home. 6 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of heavenly grace ; And, saved from earth, appear Before your Saviour's face: The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom'd sinners home. 165. s. M. 1 Grace ! 'tis a charming sound ! Harmonious to the ear ; Heaven with the echo shall resound, And all the earth shall hear. 2 Grace first contriv'd a way To save rebellious man. And all the means that grace display. Which drew the wondrous plan. 152 GENERAL SYMNS. 3 Grace guides my wondering feet To tread the heavenly road, And new supplies each hour I meet While pressing on to God. 4 Grace all the work shall crown Through everlasting days ; It lays in heaven the topmost stone, And well deserves the praise. 166. c. M. 1 There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Emmaxiel's veins; And sinners plunged beneath that flood Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, as vile as he, Wash all my sins away. 3 Dear, dying Lamb, Thy precious Blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed Church of God Be saved, to sin no more. 4 E'er since, by faith, I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds suppl}', Bedeeming love has been my theme, And shall be, till I die. GEXE7.AL HYMNS. 153 5 Then in a nobler, sv^eeter song, I'll sing Thy power to save, "When this poor, lisping, stammering tongue Lies silent in the grave. 167. c. M. 1 Father, to Thee my soul I lift. On They my hope depends, Convinc'd that every perfect gift From Thee alone depends. 2 Mercy and grace are Thine alone, And pow'r and wisdom too : Without the Spirit of Thy Son We nothing good can do. 3 Thou all our works in us hast wrought, Our good is all divine ; The praise of every holy thought And righteous word is Thixe. 4 From Thee, through Jesus, we receive The pow'r on Thee to call, In whom we are, and move, and live: — Our God is all in all. 168. III-l. 1 SiXG, my soul. His wondrous love, Who, from yon bright throne above, Ever watchful o'er our race, Still to man extends His grace. 154 GENERAL HYMNS. 2 Heav'n and earth by ITi^r were made, All is by His sceptre sway'd ; "What are we that He should sho-w So much love to us below ? 3 God, the merciful and good, Bought us with the Saviouk's Blood ; And, to make our safety sure, Guides us by His Spirit pure. 4 Sing, my soul, adore His name ; Let His glory be thy theme : Praise Him till He calls thee home, Trust His love for all to come. 169. c 1 All ye who seek for sure relief, In trouble and distress. Whatever sorrow vex the mind, Or guilt the soul oppress : 2 Jesus, "Who gave Himself for you, Upon the Cross to die, Opens to you His sacred Heart: Oh, to that Heart draw nigh, 3 Ye hear how kindly He invites ; Ye hear His words so blest : *'A11 ye that labour come to Me, And I will give you rest." GENERAL HYMXS. 155 4 Jesus, Joy of saints on high, Thou Hope of sinners here : Attracted by those loving words, To Thee I lift my prayer. 5 Wash Thou my wounds in that dear Blood Which forth from Thee doth flow ; New grace, new hope inspire ; a new And better heart bestow. ITO. "^" II-l 1 Ye fields of light, celestial plains, Where pure, serene eflfulgence reigns, Ye scenes divinely fair, Your Maker's wondrous power proclaim; Tell how he form'd your shining frame, And breathed the fluid air. 2 Join all ye stars, the vocal choir; Thou dazzling orb of liquid fire, The mighty chorus aid; And, soon as evening veils the plain, Thou moon, prolong the hallow"d strain, And praise Him in the shade. 8 Thou heaven of heavens, His vast abode, Proclaim the glories of thy God; Ye worlds, declare His might ; He spake the word, and ye were made, Darkness and dismal chaos fled, And nature sprung to light. 156 GENERAL HYMNS. 4 Let every element rejoice ; Ye thunders, burst with awful voice To Him AVho bids you roll ; His praise in softer notes declare, Each whispering breeze of yielding air, And breathe it to the soul. 171. III-l. 1 Sovereign Ruler of the skies, Ever gracious, ever wise. All our times are in Thy hand, Ail events at Thy command. 2 He that formed us in the womb, He shall guide us to the tomb. All our ways shall ever be Order'd by His wise decree. 8 Times of sickness, times of health. Blighting want, and cheerful wealth, All our pleasures, all our pains. Come, and end, as God ordains. 4 May we always own Thy hand, Still to Thee surrender'd stand. Know that Tiiou art God alone We and ours are all Thy own. GENERAL HYMNS. 157 172. L. M. 1 All glorious God, what liymns of praise, Shall our transported voices raise : "What ardent love and zeal are due, AVhile heaven stands open to our view. 2 Once we were fallen, oh, how low ! Just on the brink of endless woe ; When Jesus, from the realms above. Borne on the wings of boundless love ; 3 Scatter'd the shades of death and niaht, And spread around, His heavenly light ; By Him what wondrous grace is shown To souls impoverished and undone ! 4 He shows, beyond these mortal shores, A bright inheritance as ours ; Where saints in light, our coming wait, To share their holy, happy state I 173. C. 31. 1 Saltation I oh, the joyful sound, Glad tidings to our ears ; A sovereign balm for every wound, A cordial for our fears. 2 Salvation I buried once in sin, At helUs dark door we lay ; But now we rise by grace divine, And see a heavenly day. 14 15S GENERAL HYMNS. 3 Salvation I let the eclio fly The spacious earth around ; While all the armies of the sky Conspire to raise the sound. 4 Salvation ! Thou bleeding Lamb, To Thee the praise belongs: Our hearts shall kindle at Thy Name, Thy Name inspire our songs. 174. c. >i 1 To our Redeemer's glorious naoae Awake the sacred song ! may His love (immortal flame I) Tune every heart and tongue 2 His love, what mortal thought can reach ! What mortal tongue display ! Imagination's utmost stretch In wonder dies away. 3 He left His radiant Throne on high, Left the bright realms of bliss, And came to earth to bleed and die ! Was ever love like this ? 4 Dear Lord, while we adoring pay Our humble thanks to Thee : May every heart with rapture say, "The Saviour died for me." r GEXEUAL HYMNS. 109 5 may the sweet, the blissful theme Fill every heart and tongue ; Till strangers love Thy charming Name And join the sacred song. 1X5. s. 1 I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord, The house of Thine abode. The Church, our blest Kedeemer sav'd With His own precious Blood. 2 I love Thy Church, God ! Her Trails before Thee stand, Dear as the apple of Thine eye, And graven on Thy Hand. 3 If e'er to bless Thy Sons, My voice or hands denj'. These hands let useful skill forsake This voice in silence die. 4 If e'er my heart forget Her welfare, or her wo, Let every joy this heart forsake, And every grief oerflow. 5 For her my tears shall fall ; For her my prayers ascend ; To her my cares and toils be given, Till toils and cares shall end. 160 GENERAL HYMNS. 6 Bej'ond my highest joy I prize her heavenly ways, Her sweet communion, solemn vows, Her hymns of love and praise. 7 Jesus, Thou Friend divine. Our Saviour and our King : Thy Hand from every snare and foe, Shall great deliv'rance bring. 8 Sure as Thy truth shall last. To Zion shall be given The brightest glories earth can yield. And brighter bliss of heaven. 176. s, 1 Blest is the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love ; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Father's Throne, We pour united prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one Our comforts and our cares. 3 We share our mutual woes. Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. I GENERAL HYMNS. IGl 4 When we at death must part, How keen, how deep the pain ! But we shall still be join'd in heart, And hope to meet again. 5 From sorrow, toil, and pain, And sin we shall be free ; And perfect love and friendship reign Throughout eternity. o>^c ITtH. s. 1 No change of time shall ever shock My firm atfection. Lord, to Thee : For Thou hast always been my rock, A fortress and defence to me. 2 Thou my deliverer art, my Gou ; My trust is in Thy mighty power ; Thou art my shield from foes abroad, At home my safeguard and my tower. 8 To Thee I will address my prayer, To Whom all praise we justly owe ; So shall I by Thy watchful care, Be guarded safe from evei'y foe. 1G2 GENERAL HYMXS. ITS. fM. 1 With joy shall I behold the da}-, That calls my willing soul away To dwell among the blest; For lo ! my great Redeemer's pow'r Unfolds the everlasting door, And points me to His rest. ! Ev"n now, to my expecting eyes The heav'n-built tow'rs of Salem rise ; Their glory I survey-: I view her mansions, that contain The angel host, a beauteous train, And shine with cloudless day. Thither, from earth's remotest end, Lo ! the redeem'd of God ascend, Borne on immortal wing ; There, crown'd with everlasting joy. In ceaseless hymns their tongues employ Before th' Almighty King. The King a seat hath there prepar'd, High, on eternal base uprear'd For His eternal Son ; His palaces with joy abound; His saints, by Him with glory crown'd, Attend and share His Throne. GEXE2AL HYNMS. 163 5 ^lother of cities I o'er thy head Bright peace, with healing "vviugs outspread, For evermore shall dwell : Let me, blest seat ! my name behold Among thy citizens enroll'd, And bid the world farewell. 1T9. L. M. 1 Triumphant Ziox ! lift thy head From dust, and darkness, and the dead, Though humbled long, awake at length, And gird thee with thy Saviour's strength! 1 Put all thy beauteous garments on. And let thy excellence be known : Deck'd in the robes of righteousness, The world thy glories shall confess. 3 Xo more shall foes unclean invade. And fill thy hallow'd walls with dread ; Xo more shall hell's insulting host Their vict'ry and thy sorrows boast. 4 God from on high has heard thy pray'r, His Hand thy ruins shall repair ; Nor will thy watchful Monarch cease To guard thee in eternal peace. 164 GENERAL HYMNS. ISO. C. M. 1 The Son of God goes forth to vrar, A kingly crown to gain ; His blood-red banner streams afar ; Who follows in His train ? 2 Who best can drink His cup of woe, And triumph over pain, "Who patient bear His Cross below — He follows in His train. 3 The martyr first, whose eagle eye Could pierce beyond the grave, Who saw his Master in the sky, And called on Him to save : 4 Like Him, with pardon on His tongue, In midst of mortal pain, He prayed for them that did the wrong: Who follows in His train? 5 A glorious band, the chosen few. On whom the Spirit came : Twelve valiant saints, their hope they knew, And mocked the cross and flame : 6 They met the tyrant's brandished steel, The Lion's gory mane ; They bowed their necks the death to feel; Who follows in their train ? GENERAL HYMNS. 1C5 7 A noble army, men and boys, The matron and the maid, Around the Saviour's Throne rejoice, In robes of light arrayed : 8 They climbed the dizzy steep of heaven. Through peril, toil and pain ; God ! to us may grace be given To follow in their train ! ^^@®« 1S6. III- 1 Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee ; Let the water and the blood, From Thy side, a healing flood. Be of sin the double cure, Save from wrath, and make me pure. 2 Should my tears for ever flow, Should my zeal no languor know, This for sin could not atone. Thou must save, and Thou alone ; In my hand no price I bring, Simply to Thy Cross I cling. 3 While I draw this fleeting breath. When mine eyelids close in death, When I rise to worlds unknown. And behold Thee on Thy Throne, Eock of Ages, cleft for me. Let me hide myself in Thee. 172 GENERAL HYMNS. ISl. p. M. 1 Just as I am — without one plea, But that Thy Blood was shed for me, And that Thou bidst me come to Thee, Lamb of God, I come 2 Just as I am — and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot — To Thee, Whose blood can cleanse each spot, Lamb of (jOD, I come. 3 Just as I am — though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, With fears within, and foes without — Lamb of God, I come. 4 Just as I am, poor, wretched, blind — Sight, riches, healing of the mind. Yea, all I need, in Thee to find, Lamb of God, I come. 5 Just as I am, Thotj wilt receive. Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because Thy promise I believe — Lamb of God, I come. 6 Just as I am — Thy love unknown. Has broken every barrier down : Now to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, La3ib of God, I come. GENERAL HTilNS. 173 ISS. C. M. 1 Forever here my rest shall be. Close to Thy bleeding side ; This all my hope, and all my plea, "For me the Saviour died." 2 My dying Saviour and my God, Fountain for guilt and sin ! Sprinkle me ever with Thf Blood, And cleanse and keep me clean. 8 Wash me, and make me thus ThixE own ; "Wash me, and mine Thou art ; Wash me, but not my feet alone. My hands, my head, my heart. 4 Th' atonement of Thy Blood apply, Till faith to sight improve ; Till hope in full fruition die, And all my soul be love, 1^9. P. 31. 1 A MouxTAix fastness is our God, On which our souls are planted : And though the fierce foe rage abroad. Our hearts are nothing daunted. What though He beset. With weapon and net, Array'd in death-strife ? In God are help and life : He is our sword and armour. 174 GENERAL HYMNS. 2 By our own miglit we naught can do ; To trust it were sure losing ; For us must fight the Right and True, The Man of God's own choosing. Dost ask for His name ? Christ Jesus we claim ; The Lord God of Hosts ; » The only God : — vain boasts Of others fall before Him. q What though the troops of Satan fill'd The world with hostile forces ? E'en then our fccirs should all be still'd; In God are our resources. The world and its KixG No terrors can bring: Their threats are no worth : Their doom is now gone forth : A single word can quell them. God's word through all shall have free swc And ask no man's permission : The Spirit and His gifts convey, Strength to defy perdition. The body to kill, Wife, children, at will, The wicked have power: Yet lasts it but an hour ! The kingdom's ours for ever ! GENERAL HYMNS. 175 190. L. M. 1 jEsrs, Thy blood and righteousness My beauty are, my glorious dress ; Midst flaming worlds in these arrayed, AVith joy shall I lift up my head. 2 When from the dust of death I rise To take my mansion in the skies, E'en then shall this be all my plea, '•Jesus hath lived and died for me." 3 This spotless robe the same appears When ruined nature sinks in years ; No age can change its glorious hue ; The robe of Christ is ever new. 4 Oh I let the dead now hear Thy voice ; Bid, Lord, Thy banished ones rejoice; Our beauty this, our glorious dress, Jesus, the Lord, our Righteousness, 191. ' III-l. 1 Jesus, Saviour of my soul, Let me to Thy bosom fly. While the waves of trouble roll, W^hile the tempest still is high Hide me, my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of life is past ; Safe into the haven guide ; 0, receive my soul at last ! 1T6 GENERAL HYMNS. 2 Other refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Tpiee ; Leave, ah ! leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me ; All my trust on Thee is stayed, All my hope from Thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 192. c. M. 1 Thou, from Whom all goodness flows, I lift my soul to Thee ; In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes. Good Lord, remember me. 2 If on my aching burdened heart. My sins lie heavily ; Thy pardon grant, Thy peace impart : Good Lord, remember me. 8 If trials sore obstruct my way, And ills I cannot flee, Then let my strength be as my day : Good Lord, remember me. 4 If worn with pain, disease, and grief. This feeble frame should be. Grant patience, rest, and kind relief: Good Lord, remember me. 5 And oh, when in the hour of death I bow to Thy decree, Jesu, receive my parting breath : Good Lord, remember me. I •GENERAL HYMNS. 1^7 193. C. M. 1 A living stream as crystal clear, Welling from out the Throne Of God, and of the Lamb on high, The Lord to man hath shewn. 2 This stream doth water Paradise, It makes the angels sing ; One precious drop within the heart. Is of all joy the spring: 3 Joy past all speech, of glory full, But stored where none may know, As manna, hid in dewy heaven, As pearls in ocean low. 4. Hye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard, Nor to man's heart hath come, What for those loving Thee in truth, Thou hast in love's own home. 5 But by His Spirit, He to us The secret doth reveal ; Faith sees and hears : but for wings To touch, and taste, and feel: 6 Wings like a dove, to waft us on High o'er the flood of sin ! Lord of the Ark put forth Thine Hand, And take Thy Wanderers in. 1Y8 GENERAL HYMNS. 194. c. M. 1 Ye servants of the Lord, Each in his office, wait, Observant of His heavenly vrord, And watchful at His gate. 2 Let all your lamps be bright. And trim the golden flame ; Gird up your loins as in His sight, For awful is His Name. 3 AVatch ! 'tis your Lord's command, And while we speak He's near; Mark the first signal of His Hand, And ready all appear. 4 happy servant he. In such a posture found ; He shall his Lord with rapture see, And be with honour crowned. 6 Christ shall the banquet spread With His own royal Hand, And raise that faithful servant's head Amid His angel-band. 195. c. M. 1 Jesus, the very thought of Thee With sweetness fills the breast ; But sweeter far Thy face to see, And in Thy presence rest. GENERAL HYMNS. 119 2 Xo voice can sing, no heart can frame, Xor can the meaaory find A sweeter sound than Jesus' Name, The Saviour of mankind. 3 Hope of every contrite heart, Joy of ail the meek. To those who fall, how kind Thou art, How good to those who seek ! 4 But what to those who find ? Ah ! this Xor tongue nor pen can show ; The love of Jesus, what it is None but His loved ones know. 5 Jesus, our only Joy be Thou, As Thou our Prize wilt be ; In Thee be all our glory now, And through eternity, 196. c. M. 1 Thou art the way — to Thee alone From sin and death we flee ; And he who would the Father seek, Must seek Him, Lord, by Thee. 2 Thou art the truth — Thy word alone True wisdom can impart ; Thou onl}'^ canst inform the mind And purify the heart. 130 GENERAL IIYMXS. 3 Thou art the life — the rending tomb Proclaims Thy conqu'ring arm, And those who put their trust in Thee Nor death nor hell shall harm. 4 Thou art the way, the truth, the life ; Grant us that way to know, That truth to keep, that life to win, Whose joys eternal flow. 197. III-l 1 Lord, for ever at Thy side Let my place and portion be: Strip me of the robe of pride, Clothe me with humility. 2 Meekly may my soul receive All Thy Spirit hath reveal'd ; Thou hast spoken — I believe. Though the oracle be seal'd. 3 Humble as a little child, Weaned from the mother's breast. By no subtilties beguil'd, On Thy faithful word I rest. 4 Israel ! now and evermore In the Lord Jehovah trust ; Him, in all His ways, adore, Wise and wonderful, and just. GENERAL HYMNS. 181 I9S. r. 31. 1 Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wing?, Thy better portion trace ; Rise, from transitory things, Towards heav'n, thy destin'd place; Sun and moon, and stars decay, Time shall soon this earth remove ; Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepar"d above. 2 Cease, my soul, cease to mourn. Press onward to the prize ; Soon thy Saviour will return, To take thee to the skies: There, is everlasting peace, Rest, enduring rest, in heaven ; There, will sorrow ever cease, And crowns of joy be giv'n. 199. III-l 1 Children of the heavenly Kixg, As we journey, let us sing ; Sing the Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in His works and ways. 2 We are trav'lling home to God In the way the fathers trod ; They are happy now, and we Soon their happiness shall see. 16 182 GENERAL KYMXS. 3 Banish'd once, by sin betray'd, Christ our advocate was made ; Pardon'd now, no more we roam, Christ conducts us to our home. 4 LoBD, obediently we'll go, Gladly leaving all below; Only Thou our leader be, And we still will follow Thee. 3>@raise of joy and praise. Alleluia. To the glory of their King Shall tha ransomed people sing Alleluia. And the choirs that dwell on high Shall re-echo through the sky Alleluia. They in the rest of Paradise who dwell, The blessed ones, with joy the chorus swell, Alleluia The planets beaming on their heavenly way. The shining constellations, join and say, Alleluia, Ye clouds that onward sweep, Ye winds on pinions light. Ye thunders, echoing loud and deep, Ye lightnings wildly bright. In sweet consent unite your Alleluia. Ye floods and ocean billows, Ye storms and winter snow. Ye days of cloudless beauty. Hoar frost and summer glow. Ye groves that wave in spring. And gloi'ious forests, sing Alleluia. First let the birds, with painted plumage gay, Exalt their great Creator's praise, and say Alleluia. 192 GENERAL HYMNS. Then let tlie beasts of earth, with varying strain, Join in creation's hymn and ci-y again Alleluia. Here let the mountains thunder forth sonorous Alleluia. There let the valleys sing in gentler chorus Alleluia. Thou jubilant abyss of ocean, cry Alleluia. Ye tracts of earth, and continents, reply Alleluia. To God, Who all creation made, The frequent hymn be duly paid : Alleluia. This is the strain, the eternal strain, the Lord Almighty loves: Alleluia. This is the song, the heavenly song, that Christ the King approves : Alleluia. Wherefore we sing, both heart and voice awak- ing. Alleluia. And children's voices echo, answer making. Alleluia, Now from all men be out-poured Alleluia to the Lord ; With Alleluia evermore The Sox and Spirit we adore. Praise be done to the Three in One, Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen. 210. L. M. 1 PRAISE the Lord in that blest place. From whence his goodness largel}" flows: Prais3 Him in heaven, where He His face. Unveil'd in perfect glory shows. GENERAL HYMX3. ] G' 2 Praise Him for all the mighty acts "Which He in our behalf has done ; His kindness this return exacts, With which our praise should equal run. 3 Let the shrill trumpet's warlike voice Make rocks and hills His praise rebound; Praise Him with harp's melodious noise, And gentle psaltery's silver sound. 4 Let them who joyful hymns compose. To cymbals set their songs of praise ; To well-tuned cymbals, and to those That loudly sound on solemn days. 5 Let all that vital breath enjoy, The breath he does to them afford, In just return of praise employ ; Let every creature praise the Lokd I 211. IV-L 1 PRAISE ye the Lord, Prepare your glad voice His praise in the great Assembly to sing : In their great Creator Let Israel rejoice ; And children of Sion Be glad in their King. 17 194 GENERAL HYMNS. 3 Let them His great Name Extol in their songs, With hearts well attun'd His praises express : Who always takes pleasure To hear their glad tongues, And waits with salvation The humble to bless. 3 With glory adorn'd, His people shall sing To God, who their heads With safety doth shield ; Such honour and triumph His favour shall bring therefore for ever All praise to Him yield. D>#4C 212 ni-3 1 God, my King, Thy might confessing, Ever will I bless Thy Name ; Day by day Thy Throne addressing, Still will I Thy praise proclaim. 9 Honour great, our God befitteth ; Who His majesty can reach ? Age to age His works transmitteth, Age to age His pow'r shall teach. GENERAL HYMNS. 195 3 They shall talk of all Thy glory, On Thy might aud greatness dwell, Speak of Thy dread acts the story, And Thy deeds of wonder lell. 4 Nor shall fail from mem'ry's treasure "Works by love and mercy wrought ; "Works of love, surpassing measure, "Works of mercy, passing thought. 5 Full of kindness and compassion. Slow to anger, vast in love, God is good to all creation; All his works His goodness prove. 6 All Thy works, Lord, shall bless Thee Thee shall all Thy saints adore ; KiXG supreme shall they confess Thee, And proclaim Thy sov'reign pow'r. 213. c. >i. 1 Thee will I bless my God and King, Thy endless praise proclaim ; This tribute daily I will bring. And ever bless Thy Name. 2 Thou, Lord, beyond compare are great. And highly to be praised: Thy majesty, with boundless height, Above our knowledge raised. 196 GENERAL HYMNS. 3 Eenown'd for mighty acts, Thy fame To future time extends ; From age to age Thy glorious Xame Successively descends. 4 "Whilst, I Thy glory and renown, And wondrous works express, The world with me, Thy might shall own, And ThY great power confess, 5 The praise that to Thy love belongs. They shall with joy proclaim : Thy truth of all their grateful songs Shall be the constant theme. 214. III-l 1 Songs of praise the angels sang: Heaven with Hallelujahs rang, When Jehovah's work begun, "When He spake and it was done. 2 Songs of praise awoke the morn. When the Prince of peace was born ; Songs of praise arose, when He Captive led captivity. 3 Heaven and earth must pass away ; Songs of praise shall crown that day ; God -will make new heavens and earth: Songs of praise shall hail their birth. GENERAL IITMNS. 197 4 Saints below, witli heart and voice. Still in so7igs of praise rejoice ; Learning here by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above. 5 Borne upon their latest breath Songs of praise shall conquer death ; Then, amidst eternal joy, Songs of praise their powers employ. 3>®«^< 211'. L. M. 1 Faith leaves our gloomy vale of night, Shrouded by sin from glory's ray, And, rising to the fields of light. Basks in a rich, eternal day. \ GENERAL IIYMXS. 109 2 Faith calms the sinner's stubborn will, When rise the waves of guilty pride : She worships at the holy hill Where Nature's mighty Sovereign died. 3 When dangers press, and anxious fear Sinks the weak heart, and checks the strong, Faith, like a pitying angel, near, Cheers the despairing saint along. 4 And when Death's whelming surges roll, And Life's frail bark to wreck is driven — Faith fires the dying Christian's soul. And plumes his drooping o^ing for Heaven! 218. m-3. 1 Guide me, Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land ; I am weak, but. Thou art mighty ; Hold me with Thy pow'rful hand. 2 Open now the crystal fountains Whence the living waters flow; Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through. 3 Feed me with the heavenly manna In this barren wilderness; Be my sword, and shield, and banner; Be the Lord, my righteousness. 200 GENERAL HYMXS. 4 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside, Death of death, and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side. 3>0<< 219. c. M. 1 Awake, my soul, stretch every nex-ve, And press with vigour on, A heavenly race demands thy zeal, And an immortal crown. 2 A cloud of witnesses around. Hold thee in full survey ; Forget the steps already trod, And onward urge thy way. 3 'Tis God's all-animating voice That calls thee from on high ; 'Tis His own hand presents the prize To thine uplifted eye. 4 Then wake, my soul, stretch every nerve, And press with vigour on, A heavenly race demands thy zeal. And an immortal crown. GENERAL HYMNS. 2C1 229. L. M. 1 As, when the weary traveller gains The height of some commanding hill, His heart revives, if o'er the plains He sees his home, though distant still ; 2 So, when the Christian pilgrim views By faith, his mansion in the skies, The sight his fainting strength renews, And wings his speed to reach the prize. 3 The hope of heaven his spirit cheers ; Xo more he grieves for sorrows past ; Xor any future conflict fears. So he may safe arrive at last. 4 Lord, on Thee our hope we stay, To lead us on to Thine abode ; Assured Thy love will far o'erpay, The hardest labours of the road. 221. c. M. 1 While Thee I sjeek, protecting Power, Be my vain wishes still'd : And may this consecrated hour With better hopes be fiU'd, 2 Thy love the pow'r of thought bestow'd, To Thee my thoughts would soar ; Thy mercy o'er my life has flow'd, That mercy I adore. 202 GENERAL HYMNS. 3 In each event of life, how clear Thy ruling hand I see ! Each blessing to my soul more dear, Because conferr'd by Thee. 4 In ev'ry joy that crowns my days, In ev'i'y pain I bear, My heart shall find delight in praise. Or seek relief in prayer. 5 When gladness wings my favour'd hour Thy love my thoughts shall fill : Resigned, when storms of sorrow low'r. My soul shall meet Thy will. 6 My lifted eye, without a tear, The gathering storm shall see ; My steadfast heart shall know no fear, That heart will rest on Thee. 3>e^c 22a. s. 1 where shall rest be found ! Rest for the weary soul ? — • 'Twere vain the ocean's depth's to sound, Or pierce to either pole. 2 The world can never give The bliss for which we sigh : 'Tis not the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die. GENERAL HYMNS. 20^ 3 Bej'ond this vale of tears There is a life above, Unmeasur'd by the flight of years — And all that life is love. 4 There is a death, whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath: what eternal horrors hang Around the second death ! o Lord God of truth and grace. Teach us that death to shun, Lest we be driven from Thy face, For evermore undone. 2*23. c. M. 1 God of our fathers ! by whose hand Thy people still are blest, Be with us through our pilgrimage, Conduct us to our rest. 2 Through each perplexing path of life Our wand'ring footsteps guide ; Give us each day our daily bread. And raiment fit provide. 3 spread Thy shelt'ring wings around. Till all our wand'rings cease, And at our Father's lov'd abode, Our souls arrive in peace. 204 GENERAL HYMNS. 4 Such blessings from Thy gracious hand Our humble pray'rs implore ; And Thou, the Lord shall be our God, And portion evermore. 224. c. M. 1 Come, Lord, and warm each languid heart. Inspire each lifeless tongue ; And let the joys of heaven impart Their influence to our song. 2 Sorrow, and pain, and ev'ry care, And discord there shall cease ; And perfect joy, and love sincere, Adorn the realms of peace. 3 The soul from sin for ever free. Shall mourn its power no more ; But, clothed in spotless purity. Redeeming love adore. 4 There shall the followers of the Lamb Join in immortal songs ; And endless honours to His name, Employ their tuneful tongues. 5 Lord, tune our hearts to praise and love. Our feeble notes inspire ; Till in Thy blissful courts above "We join the angelic choir. GENERAL HYMNS. 205 225. c. M. 1 There is a land of pure delight, Where saints immortal reign ; Eternal day excludes the night, And pleasures banish pain. 2 There everlasting spring abides. And never-fading flow'rs ; Death, like a narrow sea, divides This heavenly land from ours. 3 Bright fields beyond the swelling flood Stand dress'd in living green ; So to the Jews fair Canaan stood, "While Jordan roll'd between. 4 But tim'rous mortals start, and shrink To cross the narrow sea ; And linger, trembling on the brink, And fear to launch away, 5 Oh ! could we make our doubts remove, Those gloomy doubts that rise. And see the Canaan that we love With faith's illumin'd eyes. 6 Could we but climb where Moses stood, And view the landscape o'er, Not Jordan's streams, not death's cold flood. Should fright us from the shore. 18 206 GENERAL HYMNS. 226. III-.- 1 Bless'd be Thou, the God of Israel, Thou, our Father, and our Lord ! Bless'd Thy majesty for ever! Ever be Thy name ador'd ! 2 Thine, Lord, are pow'r and greatness, Glory, vict'ry, are Thine own ; All is Thine in earth and heaven, Over all Thy boundless throne. 3 Riches come of Thee, and honour, Pow'r and might to Thee belong; Thine it is to make us prosper, Only Thine to make us strong. 4 Lord our God! for these. Thy bounties Hymns of gratitude we raise; To Thy Name, for ever glorious, Ever we address our praise ! aa-y. s. 3V 1 Heirs of unending life. While yet we sojourn here, let us our salvation work With trembling and with fear. 2 God will support our hearts With might before unknown ; The work to be perform'd is ours, The strength is all His own. GENERAL HYMNS, 20 T 3 'Tis He that works to will, 'Tis He that works to do; His is the powei' by which we act, His be the glory too ! 228. L. M.' 1 My God, when at Thy throne I bend, And humbly sue for mercy there. For me behold the sinner's Friend, And for His sake receive my prayer. 2 Remember not my shame and guilt, My thousand stains of deepest dye; Think of the blood which Jesus spilt, And let that blood my pardon buy. 3 Remember not my doubts and fears. My strivings with Thy grace divine; Think upon Jesus' woes and tears. And let His merits stand for mine. 4 No claim, no worth, Lord, I plead : Thy free unbounded grace I crave ; And oh ! if great my guilt and need. The greater, Lord, Thy grace to save. 229. p. M. 1 Rejoice, the Lord is Kimg, Your Lord and King adore ; Mortals, give thanks and sing, 208 GENERAL HYMNS. And triumph, evermore; Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. 2 Jesus the Saviour reigns, The God of truth and love : When He had purged our stains. He took His seat above : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice, 3 His Kingdom cannot fail ; He rules o'er earth and heaven: The keys of death and hell Are to our Jesus given : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. 4 He sits at God's right hand Till all His foes submit. And bow to His command And fall beneath His feet : Lift up your heart, lift up your voice ; Rejoice, again I say, rejoice. 230. p. 1 Nearer, my God, to Thee ! Nearer to Thee ! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me ; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! GENERAL HYMXS. 209 2 Though like a -svanderer, Weary and lone, Darkness comes over me, My rest, a stone, — Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my Gob, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! 3 There let my way appear Steps unto heaven; All that Thou sendest me In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee 1 4 Then, with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise, Out of my stony griefs Altars I'll raise ; So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ! 5 Or, if on joyful wing. Cleaving the sk}^ ! Sun, moon, and stai^ forgot, Upward I fly ; Still all my song shall be. Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee 1 210 GENERAL HYMNS. 231. P. M. 1 Come, Thou Almighty King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise ! Father all glorious, O'er all victorious, Come and reign over us. Ancient of daj-s. 2 Come, Thou Incarnate "Word, Gird on Thy might}' sword ; Our prayer attend ; Come, and Thy people bless; Come, give Thy word success; Spirit of holiness, On us descend. 3 Come, Holy Comforter, Thy sacred witness bear. In this glad hour: Thou, Who Almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne''er from us depart, Spirit of power. 4 To Thee, great One in Three, The highest praises be, Hence evermore ; Thy sov'reign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. GENERAL HYMNS. 211 232. c. M. 1 HELP US, Lord ; each hour of need Thy heavenly succour give ; Help us in thought, and word, and deed, Each hour on earth we live. 2 help us when our spirits bleed With contrite anguish sore ; And when our hearts are cold and dead, help us. Lord, the more. 3 help us through the prayer of faith More firmly to believe ; For still the more the servant hath, The more shall he receive. 4 help us, Jesu. from on high ; We know no help but Thee ; help us so to live and die As Thine in heaven to be. 233. in-3. 1 Praise, my soul, the King of Heaven, To His feet thy tribute bring ; Ransomed, healed, restored, forgiven, Evermore His praises sing, Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Praise the everlasting King. 212 GENERAL HYMNS. 2 Praise Him for His grace and favour To our fathers in distress ; Praise Him still the same as ever, Slow to chide, and swift to bless; Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Glorious in His faithfulness. 3 Father-like, He tends and spares us, AVell our feeble frame He knows ; In His hands He gently bears us, Rescues us from all our foes ; Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Widely yet His mercy flows. 4 Angels in the height adore Him! Ye behold Him face to face; Saints triumphant bow before Him ! Gathered in from every race : Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise with us the God of grace. 234. in-1 1 Oft in danger, oft in woe, Onward Christians, onward go ; Bear the toil, maintain the strife, Strengthened with the Bread of life. GENERAL HYMNS. 213 2 Let not sorrow dim your eye, Soon shall every tear be dry ; Let not fear your course impede, Great your strength, if great your need. 3 Let your drooping hearts be glad ; March in heavenly armour clad ; Fight, nor think the battle long. Soon shall victory wake your song. 4 Onward then to glory move ; More than conquerors ye shall prove ; Though opposed by many a foe, Christian soldiers, onward go ! , 5 Hymns of glory and of praise, Father, unto Thee we raise ; Holy Jesus, praise to Thee With the Spirit ever be. 235. III-l 1 Conquering kings their titles take From the foes they captive make ; Jesus by a nobler deed. From the thousands He hath freed. 2 Yes none other name is given Unto mortals under heaven, Which can make the dead arise, And exalt them to the skies. 214 GENERAL HYMNS. 3 That which Cheist so hardly -wrought, That which He so dearly bought, That salvation, mortals, say, Will ye madly cast away ? 4 Rather gladly for that Name Bear the cross, endure the shame ; Joyfully for Him to die Is not death, but victory. 5 Jesu, Who dost condescend To be called the sinner's Friend, Hear us as to Thee we pray. Glorying in Thy Name to-day. o>^c 236. c. M, 1 Jesu, Thy mercies are untold Through each returning day ; Thy love exceeds a thousandfold Whatever we can say : ^ That love which in Thy Passion drained For us Thy precious Blood : That love whereby the saints have gained The vision of their God. 3 'Tis Thou hast loved us from the womb, Pure source of all our bliss. Our only hope of life to come, Our happiness in this. GENERAL HYMNS. 2] 5 4 Lord grant us while on eanli we stay Thy love to feel and know; And when from hence we pass away To us Thy glory show. 23-^. s. 1 Blest are the pure in heart, For they shall see our Gon ; The secret of the Lord is theirs, Their soul is Christ's abode. 2 The Lord, Who left the heavens Our life and peace to bring. To dwell in lowliness with men, Their Pattern and their King, 3 He to the lowly soul Doth still Himself impart ; And for His dwelling and His Throne Chooseth the pure in heart, 4 Lord, we Thy presence seek; May ours this blessing be : Give us a pure and lowly heart, A temple meet for Thee. 216 GENERAL HYMNS. 23S. c. J 1 My God, how -wonderful Thou art, Thy majesty how bright, How beautiful Thy mercy-seat, In depths of burning light. 2 How dread are Thixe eternal years, everlasting Lord : By prostrate spirits day and night Incessantly adored. 3 How wonderful, how beautiful, The sight of Thee must be, Thixe endless wisdom, boundless power, And awful purity, 4 how I fear Thee, Living God, AVith deepest, tenderest fears. And worship Thee with trembling hope. And penitential tears. 5 Yet I may love Thee too Lord, Almighty as Thou art. For Thou hast stooped to ask of me The love of my poor heart. 6 No earthly father loves like Thee, No mo'.her, e'er so mild, Bears and forbears as Thou hast done With me Thy sinful child. GENERAL IIVMXS. 217 7 Father of Jesus, love's reward, "What rapture will it be, Prostrate before Thy Throne to lie, And ever gaze on Thee. 239. P. M. 1 My SATiorK, as Thou wilt ! Oh, may Thy will be mine ! Into Thy hand of love I would my all resign, Through sorrow or through joy. Conduct me as Thixe own. And help me still to say, My Lord, Thy will be done. 2 rd}^ Saviour, as Thou wilt ! If needy here and poor, Give me Thy people's bread, Their portion rich and sure, The manna of Thy word Let my soul feed upon ; And if all else should fail. My Lord, Thy will be done ! 3 My Saviour, as Thou wilt ! Though seen through many a tear; Let not my star of hope Grow dim or disappear. 19 213 GENERAL HYMNS. Since Thou on earth has wept And sorrowed oft alone, If I must weep with Thee, My Lord, Thy will be done. •i 'Sly Saviour, as Thou wilt ! All shall be well for me : Each changing future scene, I gladly trust with Thee. Straight to my home above, I travel calmly on, And sing in life or death, My Lord, Thy will be done ! 240. 1 To Christ the Prince of Peace And Son of God most high, The Father of the world to come, We lift our joyful cry, 2 Deep in His heart for us The wound of love He bore, That love which still He kindles, in The hearts that Him adore. o Jesu, Yictim blest, What else but love divine, Could Thee constrain to open thus That sacred Heart of Thixe. GENERAL HYMNS. 210 4 Fount of endless life, Spring of water clear I flame celestial, cleansing all "Who unto Thee draw near 1 5 Ilide me in Thy dear Heart, For thither do I fly ; There seek Thy grace through life, in death Thixk immortality. 241. s, M, 1 Far from my heavenly home, Far from my Father's breast, Fainting, I cry, blest Spirit, come, And speed me to my rest. 2 My spirit homeward turns, And fain would thither flee ; My heart, Sion, droops and yearns, AVhen I remember thee. 8 To thee, to thee, I press, A dark and toilsome road ; "When shall I pass the wilderness, And reach the saints' abode '! 3 Gob of my life, be near. On Thee my hopes I cast, O guide me through the desert here, And brintr me home at last. 220 GENERAL HYMNS. 242. IIM. 1 Jesu, grant me tliis, I pvfiy, Ever in Thy heart to stay ; Let me evermore abide Hidden in Thy wounded Side. 2 If the evil one prepare, Or tlie world, a tempting snare, I am safe when I abide In Thy Heart and wounded Side. 3 If the flesh, more dangerous still, Tempt my soul to deeds of ill, Naught I fear when I abide In Thy Heart and wounded Side, 4 Deatli will come one da}'^ to me ; Jesu, cast me not from Thee : Dying let me still abide In Thy Heart and wounded side. 243. A..>«£^ ^^*J» ife> 1 My God, my Father, while I stray Far from my home, in life's rough wa^ teach me from my heart to say, "Thy will be done.'' GENERAL HYMNS, 221 2 Thougli dark my path, and sad my lot, Let me be still and murmur not, Or breathe the prayer divinely taught, ■"TiiT will be done."' 3 "What though in lonely grief I sigh For friends beloved no longer nigh, ♦Submissive would I still reply, " Thy will be done." 4 If Thou shouldst call me to resign What most I prize, it ne'er was mine; I only yield Thee what is Thine ; '"Thy will be done." 5 Let but my fainting heart be blest With Thy sweet Spirit for its guest, My God, to Thee I leave the rest ; "Thy will be done." C Eenew my will from day to day. Blend it with Thixe, and take away All that now makes it hard to say. "Thy will be done." 2-14. , c. M. 1 The roseate hues of early dawn, The brightness of the day. The crimson of the sunset sky, How fast they fade away 1 222 GENERAL EY3INS. 2 Oh, for the pearly gates of heaven. Oh, for the golden floor. Oh, for the Sun of Kighteousness That setteth nevermore I 3 The highest hopes -we cherish here, How last they tii-e and faint ; How many a spot defiles the robe That wraps an earthly saint I 4 Oh, for a heart that never sins. Oh, for a soul washed white, Oh, for a voice to praise our King, Nor weary day nor night. 5 Here faith is ours, and heavenly hope. And grace to lead us higher ; But there are perfectness, and peace. Beyond our best desire. 6 Oh, by Tnr love, and anguish, Loeu, And by Thy life laid down. Grant that we fall not from Thy grace, Nor cast away our crown. 245. * III- 1 To the Name of our salvation Laud and honour let us pay ; "Whiqh for many a generation Hid in God's foreknowledge 1;!}% But with holy exultation We may slug aloud to-day. GENERAL HYMNS. 223 2 Jesus is the Name we treasure ; Name beyond what words can tell ; Name of gladness, Name of pleasure, Ear and heart delighting well ; Name of sweetness, passing measure, Saving us from sin and hell. 3 'Tis the Name for adoration, Name for songs of victory. Name for holy meditation In this vale of misery ; Name for joyful veneration By the citizens on high. 4 'Tis the name that whoso preacheth Sjaeaks like music to the ear; Who in prayer this Name beseecheth Sweetest comfort findeth near; Who its perfect wisdom reacheth Heavenly joy possesseth here. 5 Jesus is the Name exalted Over every other name; In this Name, whene'er assaulted, We can put our foes to shame ; Strength to them who else had halted, Eyes to blind, and feet to lame. 6 Therefore we in love adoring This most blessed Name revere ; Holy Jesu, Thee imploring So to write it in us here, That hereafter heavenward soaring. We may sing Aviih angels there. 224 GENERAL HYMNS. 246. III-3. 1 Praise the Lord! ;y^e heavens, adore Him, Praise Him, angels, in tlie height; Sun and moon, rejoice before Him, Praise Hi3i, all ye stars and liglit : Praise the Lord! for He hath spoken. Worlds His mighty voice obeyed; Laws, which never shall be broken, For their guidance He hath made. 2 Praise the Lord ! for He is glorious; Xever shall His promise fail ; God hath made His saints victorious, Sin and death shall not ])revail. Praise the God of our salvation ; Hosts on high. His power proclaim; Heaven, and earth, and all creation. Laud and magnify His Name! 247. II-3 1 From highest heaven th' Eternal Son, With God the Father ever One, Came down to suffer, and to die : For love of sinful man He bore Our human griefs and troubles sore. Our load of guilt and misery. 2 Sing out, ye saints of God, and praise 'The Lamb, Who died, His flock to raise From sin and everlasting woe ; AVith angels round the Throne above, tell the wonders of His love, The joys that from His mercy flow. GENERAL HYMNS. "I'c 3 In darkest sliades of night we lay Without a beam to guide our "way, Or hope of aught beyond the grave ; But He hath brought us life and light, And opened heaven to our sight, And lives for ever strong to save. 4 Rejoice ye saints of God, rejoice, Sing out and praise with cheerful voice The Lamb Whom heaven and earth adore To ni3i Who gave His only Son, To God the Spirit, with Them One, Be praise and glory evermore. 248 L. 1 Let every heart exulting beat "With joy at Jesu's Name of bliss; y\'ith every pure delight replete, And passing sweet, its music is. 2 Jesus the comfortless consoles, Jesus each sinful fever quells ; Jesus the power of hell controls, Jesus each deadly foe repels. o speak His glorious Name abroad ! Jesus let every tongue confess : Let every heai't and voice accord The Healer of our souls to bless. 226 GENERAL HYMNS. 4 Jesu, the sinner's Friend, abide "With us and hearken to our prayer; Thy frail and erring wanderers guide, In mercy our transgressions spare. 5 All might all glory be to Thee Refulgent with this Name Divine ; All honour, worship, majesty, Jesu, for evermore be Thixe. 249. II-3 1 Love, Who formedst me to wear The image of Thy Godhead here ; Who soughtest me with tender care Though all my wanderings Avild and drear : Love, I give myself to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be. 2 LoTE, Who e'er life's earliest dawn On me Thy choice hast gently laid ; Love, Who here as Man was born, And wholly like to us wast made ; Love, I give myself to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be. 3 Love, Who once in time wast slain, Pierced through and through with bitter woe Love, Who wrestling thus didst gain That we eternal joy might know ; O Love, I give myself to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be. GENERAL HYMNS. 4 Love, Who lovest me for aye, AVho for my soul dost ever plead; Love, Who didst my ransom pay, AYhose power sufliceth in my stead ; Love I give myself to Thee, TiiixE ever, only Thine to be. 5 Love, "VMio once shall bid me rise From out this dying life of ours ; Love, Who once o'er yonder skies Shalt set me in the fadeless boAvers; Love, I give myself to Thee, Thine ever, only Thine to be. 250. c. I 1 God of hosts, the mighty Lord, How lovely is the place. Where Thou, enthroned in glor}', show The brightness of Thy face ! 2 My longing soul faints with desire To view Thy blest abode ; My panting heart and flesh cry out For Thee, the living God. 3 The birds, more happy far than I, Around Thy temple throng ; Securely there they build, and there Securely hatch their young. 223 GENERAL EYMXS. 4 LoRW of hosts, my King and God, How highly bless"d are they, IVho in Thy temple always dwell, And there Thy praise display ! 251. L. M, 1 Christ, "Who dost, prepare a place For us around Thy Throne of grace, \\e pray Thee, lift our hearts above, And draw them with the cords of love. 2 Source of all good, Thou, gracious Lokd, Art our exceeding great reward ; How transient is our present pain I IIow boundless our eternal gain ! 3 With open face and joyful heart "We then shall see Thee as Thou art ; Our love shall never cease to glow. Our praise shall never cease to flow. 4 Thy never-failing grace to prove, A surety of Thine endless love, Send down Thy Holy' Ghost, to be The raiser of our souls to Thee. o future Judge, Eternal Lord, Thy Name be hallowed and adored; "Whom with the Father we adore And Holy Ghost for evermore. GENERAL HYMNS. 229 252. IT-1 1 WORSHIP the Ktxg All glorious above ; gratefully sing His power and His love ; Our Shield and Defender The Ancient of days, Pavilioned in splendour, And girded vrith praise. 2 tell of His might, sing of His grace, "Whose robe is the light, AVhose canopy space ; His chariots of "wrath The thunder clouds form, And dark in His path On the "wings of the storm. 3 Frail children of dust. And feeble as frail, In Thee do ive trust, Nor find Thee to fail. Thy mercies how tender ! How firm to the end ! Our Maker Defender, Redeemer and Friend. 4 measureless Might, Inefi"able Love ! While angels delight To hymn Thee above, 20 230 GEXERAL HYMNS. Thy ransomed creation, Though feeble their lays, With true adoration Shall sing to Thy praise. 253. II-3. 1 Light, "Whose beams illumine all From twilight dawn to perfect day, Shine Thou before the shadows fall That lead our wandering feet astray ; At morn and eve Thy radiance pour. That youth may love and age adore. 2 Way, through Whom our souls draw near To yon eternal Home of Peace, Where perfect love shall cast out fear, And earth's vain toil and wandering cease ; In strength or weakness may we see ' Our heavenward path, Lord, through Thkk. 3 Truth, before Whose shrine we bow, Thou priceless pearl for all who seek, To Thee our earliest strength we vow, Thy love will bless the pure and meek ; When dreams or mists beguile our sight, Turn Thou our darkness into light. 4 Life, the well that ever flows To slake the thirst of those that faint, Thy power to bless, what seraph knows ? Thy joy supreme what words can paint? In earth's last hour of fleeting breath Be Thou our Conqueror over death. GENEr.AL HYMNS. 2ol 5 Light, Way, Truth, Life, Jesu, born mankind to save. Give Thou Thy peace in deadliest strife, Shed Thou Thy calm on stormiest wave; Be Thou our hope, our joy, our dread. Lord of the living and the dead. 254. c. M. 1 To celebrate Thy praise, Lord, 1 will my heart prepare ; To all the list'ning world, Thy works, Thy wondrous works declare. 2 The thought of them shall to my soul Exalted pleasures bring: Whilst to Thy Name, Thou Most High, Triumphant praise I sing, 3 The Lord forever lives, Who has His righteous throne prepar'd, Impartial justice to dispense, To punish or reward. 4 All those who have His goodness prov'd Will in His truth confide ; Whose mercy ne'er forsook the man That on His help relied. 5 Sing praises therefore to the Lord, From Sion, His abode; Proclaim His deeds, till all the world Confess no other God. 232 GENERAL HYMNS. 255. L. A 1 God, my heart is fixed, 'tis bent, Its thankful tribute to present ; And, with my heart, my voice I"ll raise, To Thee, my God, in songs of praise. 2 Awake, my glory; harp and lute, No longer let your strings be mute ; And I, my tuneful part to take, Will with the early dawn awake. 3 Thy praises, Lord, I will resound To all the listening nations round; Thy mercy highest heavens transcends, Thy truth beyond the clouds extends. 4 Be Thou, God, exalted high ; And as Thy glory fills the sky, So let it be on earth displayed, Till Thou art here, as there obey'd. 256. s 1 To bless Thy chosen race, In mercy, Lord, incline ; And cause the brightness of Thy face On all Thy saints to shine: o That so Thy wondrous way May through the world be known : While distant lands their tribute pay And Thy salvation own. GENERAL HYMNS. 2^ 3 Let differing nations join To celebrate Thy fame: Let all the Avorlcl, Lord, combine To praise Thy glorious Name. 251. c, M. 1 In Thee I put my steadfast ti^ust, Defend me, Lord, from shame: Incline Thine ear, and save my soul. For righteous is Thy Name. 2 Be Thou my strong abiding-place, To which I may resort : Thy promise, Lord, is my defence. Thou art my rock and fort. 8 My steadfast and unchanging hope Shall on Thy power depend ; And I in grateful songs of praise My time to come will spend. 4 Thy righteous acts and saving health My mouth shall still declare ; Unable yet to count them all, Though summ'd with utmost care. 258. L. M. 1 Let me with light and truth be bless'd ; Be these my guides to lead the way. Till on Thy holy hill I rest, And in Thy sacred temple pray. 234 GENERAL IIYMXS. 2 Then will I there fresh altars raise, To Go]), Who is ray only joy ; And well-tuned harps, with songs of praise^ Shall all my grateful hours employ. 3 Why then cast down, my soul ? and why So much oppress'd with anxious care ? On God, thy God, for aid rely, Who wdll thy ruined state repair. 259. II-3. 1 God's temple crowns the holy mount, The Lord there condescends to dwell ; His Sion's gates, in His account, Our Israel's fairest tents excel : Yea, glorious things of Thee we sing, city of th' Almighty King ! 2 Of honour'd Sion we aver, Illustrious throngs from her proceed ; Th' Almighty shall establish her, And shall enroll her holy seed : Yea, for His people He shall count The children of His favour' d mount. 3 He'll Sion find with numbers fill'd Who celebrate His matchless praise ; Who, here, in hallelujah's skill'd, In heaven their harps and hymns shall raise ; Sion, seat of Israel's King, Be mine to drink thy living spring ! GENERAL HYMNS. 2oO 260. L. M. 1 With one consent let all the earth To God their cheerful voices raise ; Glad homage pay with awful mirth, And sing before Him songs of praise. 2 Convinced that He is God alone, From Whom both we and all proceed ; We, whom He chooses for His own, The flock that He vouchsafes to feed. 3 enter then His temple gate. Thence to His courts devoutly press ; And still your grateful hymns repeat. And still His Name with praises bless. 4 For He's the Lord, supremely good, His mercy is for ever sure ; His truth, which always iirmly stood, To endless ages shall endure. 261. L. M. 1 TiiY presence. Lord, hath me supplied, Tiiou my right hand support dost give ; Tiiou first shalt with Thy counsel guide, And then to glory me receive. 2 Whom then in heaven, but Thee alone, Have I, Whose favour I require ? Throughout the spacious earth there's none, Compared with Thee, that I desire. 236 GENERAL nYMXS. 3 My trembling flesh and acliiug heart May often fail to succour me ; But God shall inward strength impart, And my eternal portion be. 262. s 1 BLESS the Lord, my soul, His grace to Thee proclaim; And all that is within me, join To bless His holy Name. 2 bless the Lord, my soul, His mercies bear in mind ; Forget not all His benefits, Who is to thee so kind. 8 He pardons all thy sins, Prolongs thy feeble breath ; He healeth thine infirmities, And ransoms thee from death. 4 He feeds thee with His lore, Upholds thee with His truth ; And, like the eagle's, He renews The vigour of thy youth, 5 Then bless the Lord, my soul, His grace, His love proclaim ; Let all that is within me, join To bless His holy Xame. GENERAL HYMNS. 237 263. III-l. 1 Magnify Jehovah's Xame ; For His mercies ever sure, From eternity the same, To eternity endure. 2 Let His ransom'd flock rejoice, Gather'd out of every land, As the people of His choice, Pluck" d from the destroyer's hand. 3 In the wilderness astray, In the lonely waste they roam, Hungry, fainting by the way, Far from refuge, shelter, home : — 4 To the Lord their God they cry ; He inclines a gracious ear. Sends deliverance from on high, Rescues them from all their fear : 5 Them to pleasant lands He brings, AVhere the vine and olive grow ; Where, from verdant hills, the springs Through luxuriant valleys flow, 6 that men would praise the Lord. For His goodness to their race ; For the wonders of His word, And the riches of His grrace ! 238 GENERAL IIYMXS. 264. II-2 1 The Lord unto my Lord thus spake: "Till I TuY foes Thy footstool make, Sit Thou at my right hand : Supreme in Sion Thou shalt be, And all Thy proud opposers see Subjected to Thy just command." 2 "Thee, in Thy power's triumphant day, The willing people shall obey ; And, when Thy rising beams they view. Shall all, (redeemed from errours night,) Appear more numerous and bright Than crystal drops of morning dew." 3 The Lord hath sworn, nor sworn in vain, That, like Melchizedech's, Thy reign And priesthood, shall no period see : Annointed Prince ! Thou, bending low, Shalt drink where darkest torrents flow, Then raise Thy head in victory ! 265. L. 1 .Jesus the very thought is sweet! In that dear Name all heart-joys meet ; But oh I than honey sweeter far The glimpses of His presence are. GENERAL HVMNS. 239 2 No word is sung more sweet than tliis, No sound is heard more full of bliss, No thought brings sweeter comfort nigh Than Jesus Son of God most high. 3 Jesus the hope of souls forlorn, How good to them for sin that mourn ! To them that seek Thee, oh how kind! Cut what art Thou to them that find ? 4 No tongue of mortal can express, No pen can write the blessedness, He only who hath proved it, knows AYhat bliss from love of Jesus flows. 5 Jesus King of wondrous might ! Victor, glorious from the fight ! Sweetness that may not be expressed, And altogether loveliest ! 6 Abide with us, Lord, to-day. Fulfil us with Thy grace, we pray ; And with Thine own true sweetness feed Our souls from sin and darkness freed, 266. L. M. 1 Love, how deep ! how broad I how high ! It fills the heart with ectasy. That God, the Son, of God should take Our mortal form, for mortals' sake. 210 GENEPwAL EYMXS. 2 He sent no angel to our race, Of higher or of lower place, But wore the robe of human frame Himself, and to this lost world came. 3 For us He was baptized, and bore His holy fast, and hungered sore ; For us temptation sharp He knew ; For us the tempter overthrew. 4 For us He prayed, for us He taught, For us His daily works He wrought. By words, and signs, and actions, thus Still seeking not Himself, but us. 5 For us to wicked men betrayed. Scourged, mocked, in purple robe arrayed, He bore the shameful Cross and death ; For us at length gave up His breath. 6 For us He rose from death again, For us He went on high to reign, For us He sent His Spirit here To guide, to strengthen, and to cheer. 7 To Him Whose boundless love has won Salvation for us through His Son, To God the Father, glory be. Both now and through eternity. GEXERAL IIYXXS. 241 267. c. M. 1 When I pour out my soul in prayer, Do Thou, Lord, attend ; To TiiY eternal Throne of grace Let my sad cry ascend. 2 Oh, hide not Thou Thy glorious face In times of deep distress ; Incline Thine ear, and, when I call^ My sorrows soon redress. 3 My days, just hastening to their end, Are like an evening shade ; ;My beauty does like wither'd grass, "With waning lustre fade. 4 But Thixe eternal state, Lord, No length of time shall waste ; The memory of Thy wondrous works From age to age shall last. 26S. c. M. 1 Jesus King most wonderful, Thou Conqueror renowned, Thou Sweetness most ineffable, In whom all joys are found I 2 When once Thou visitest the heart, Then truth begins to shine, Then earthly vanities depart, Then kindles love divine. 21 242 GENERAL HYMNS. 3 Jesus L"ght of all below, Thou Fount of living fire, Surpassing all the joys we know, And all we can desire : 4 Jesus may all confess Thy Name, Thy wondrous love adore ; And, seeking Thee, themselves inflame To seek Thee more and more. 5 Thee, Jesus may our voices bless ; Thee may we love aloue ; And ever in our lives express The image of Thine Own. 269. c. J 1 God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform ; He plants His footsteps in the sea. And rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in the unfathomable mines. With never failing skill, He treasures up His bright designs, And works His gracious will. 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take ; The clouds ye so much dread Are big with mercy, and shall break In blessings on your head. GENERAL HYMNS. 243 4 Judge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust Him for His grace ; Behind a frowning Providence He hides a smiling face. 5 His purposes -will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour ; The bud may have a bitter taste But sweet will be the floAv'r. G Blind unbelief is sure to err, And scan his work in vain ; God is His own interpreter, And He will make it plain. 2 to. s. 3 1 In mercy, not in wrath, Rebuke me, gracious God ! Lest if Thy whole displeasure rise, I sink beneath Thy rod. 2 Touch'd by Thy quick'ning pow'r, My load of guilt I feel : The wounds Thy Spirit hath unclos'd, let that Spirit heal. 8 In trouble and in gloom, Must I forever mourn ? And wilt Thou not, at length, God, In pitying love return I 244 GENERAL HYMXS. 4 come, ere life expire, Send down Thy pow'r to save ; For who shall sing Thy Name in death Or praise Thee in the grave ? 5 Why should I doubt Thy grace, Or yield to dread despair ? Thou wilt fulfil Thy promis'd word, And grant me all my prayer. a-n. c. M. 1 Tnor, to Whom all creatures bow Within this earthly frame, Through all the world how great art Thou ! How glorious is Thy Name. 2 In heaven Thy wondrous acts are sung, Nor fully reckoned there ; And yet Thou mak'st the infant tongue Thy boundless praise declare. 3 When heaven, Thy beauteous work on high, Employs my wond'ring sight ; The moon, that nightly rules the sky, With stars of feebler light ; — 4 0, what is man, that. Lord, Thou lov'st To keep him in Thy mind ? Or what his offspring that Thou prov'st To them so wondrous kind ? GENERAL HYMX3. 245 5 Kim next in power Tnor didst create To Thy celestial train ; Ordained, Avith. dignity and state, O'er all Thy works to reign. 6 They jointly own His pow'rful sway, The beasts that prey or graze ; The bird that wings its airy way ; The fish that cuts the seas. 7 Thou, to Whom all creatures bow Within this earthly frame, Through all the world how great art Tuoir How glorious is Thy Xame I an. c. 31. 1 God's perfect law converts the soul. Reclaims from false desires ; With sacred wisdom His sure word The ignorant inspires. 2 The statutes of the Lord are just, And bring sincere delight ; His pure commands in search of truth Assist the feeblest sight. 3 His perfect worship here is fix'd, On sure foundations laid ; His equal laws are in the scales Of truth and justice weigh'd; 246 GENERAL HYMNS. 4 Of more esteem than golden mines, Or gold refined with skill ; More sweet than honey, or the drops That from the comb distil. 213. c. : 1 The Lord himself, the mighty Lord Vouchsafes to be my guide ; The Shepherd, by "Whose constant care My wants are all supplied. 2 In tender grass He makes me feed, And gently there repose ; Then leads me to cool shades, and where Refreshing Avater flows. 3 He does my wand'ring soul reclaim, And, to His endless praise. Instruct with humble zeal to walk In His most righteous ways. 4 I pass the gloomy vale of death, From fear and danger free ; For there His aiding rod and staff Defend and comfort me. 5 Since God doth thus His wondrous love Through all my life extend. That life to Him I will devote, And in His temple spend. GENERAL HYMNS. 24T 1 He's hlest Wliose sins have pardon gain'd, Xo more in judgment to appear; Whose guilt remission has ohtaiu'd, And Whose repentance is sincere. 2 No sooner I my wound disclos'd, The guilt that tortur'd me within, But Thy forgiveness interposed, And mercy's healing balm pour'd in. 3 Sorrows on sorrows multiplied, The hardened sinner shall confound : But them who in His truth confide, Blessings of mercy shall surround. 4 His saints that have perform'd His laws, Their life in triumph shall employ ; Let them, as they alone have cause, In grateful raptures shout for joy. *2t5. I.. M. 1 For Thee, God, our constant praise In Sion waits, Thy chosen seat ; Our promised altars there we'll raise, And all our zealous vows complete. 2 Thou, Who to every humble prayer. Dost always bend Thy listening ear. To Thee shall all mankind repair, And at Thy gracious throne appear. 248 GENERAL HYMNS. 3 Our sins, though numberless, in vain To stop Thy flowing mercy try ; Whilst Thou o'erlook'st the guilty stain. And washest out out the crimson dye. 4 Bless'd is the man, who near Thee placed, Within Thy sacred dwelling lives ! 'Tis there abundantly we taste The vast delights Thy temple gives. 276. IV-1. 1 The Name of our God In Israel is known ; His mansion beloved In Sion alone : There broke He the arrows The enemy hurl'd, And honour'd His mountain Above all the world. 2 The pride of Thy foes Is turn'd to Thy praise ; Their fierceness o'er-ruled Thy providence sways ; Their sin overflowing Thy power will restrain; Thy arm on the wicked New glory will gain. GENERAL HYMNS. 249 3 Ye nations, to God Vow homage sincere ; Devote to Him gifts, Love, worship, and fear ; Before Him, ye mighty, Your spirits repress : Ye high, and ye humble, His wonders confess] •2?-y. III-3 1 God shall charge His angel legions Watch and ward o'er thee to keep ; Though thou walk through hostile regions, Though in desert wilds thou sleep, 2 On the lion vainly roaring, On his young, thy foot shall tread ; And the dragon's den exploring. Thou shalt bruise the serpent's head, 3 Since, with pure and firm affection. Thou on God hast set thy love, "With the wings of His protection He will shield thee from above. 4 Thou shalt call on Him in trouble, He will hearken. He will save : Here for grief reward thee double. Crown with life beyond the grave. 250 GENERAL HYMNS. 2TS. L. M. 1 With glory clad, with strength array'd, The Lord that o'er all nature reigns, The world's foundation strongly laid, And the vast fabric still sustains. 2 How surely slablish'd is Thy Throne ! Which shall no change or period see ; For Thou, Lord, and Tnor alone, Art God from all eternitj'. 3 The floods, Lord, lift up their voice. And toss the troubled waves on high , But God above can still their noise, And make the angry sea comply. ' 4 Thy promise, Lord, is ever sure, And they that in Thy house would dwell. That happy station to secure, Must still in holiness excel. 279. L. M. 1 Come, loud anthems let us sing. Loud thanks to our Almighty King ; For we our voices high should raise When our salvatioa's rock we praise. 2 Into His presence let us haste. To thank Him for his favours past ; To Him address, in joyful songs. The praise that to His Name belongs. GENERAL HYMNS. 251 8 For God the Lord, eiitliron"d in state, Is with unrivair J glory great ; A KiXG superior far to all Whom gods the heathens falsely call. 4 The depths of earth are in His hand, Her secret wealth at His command; The strength of hills that reach the skies Subjected to His empire lies, 5 The rolling oceans vast abyss By the same sov'reign right is His ; 'Twas made by His almighty hand, That formed and fixed the solid land. G let us to His courts repair, And bow with adoration there ; Down on our knees devoutly all Before the Lord, our Maker fall. 7 For He's our God, our shepherd be, His flock and pasture-sheep are we : then ye faithful flock, to-day His warning hear, His voice obey. 2.SO. c. M. 1 RENDER thanks and bless the Lord Invoke His sacred Name ; Acquaint the nations with His deeds, His matchless deeds proclaim. 252 GENERAL IIYMXS. 2 Sing to His praise in lofty hymns. His wondrous works rehearse; Make them the theme of your discourse. And subject of your verse. 3 Rejoice in His almighty Name, Alone to be ador'd; And let their hearts o'erflow with joy That humbly seek the Lori>. 4 Seek ye the Lord, His saving strength Devoutly still implore ; And where He's ever present, seek His face for evermore. 5 The wonders that His hands have wrought Keep thankfully in mind ; The righteous statutes of His mouth, And laws to us assign'd. 281. c. M. 1 God, my heart is fully bent To magnify Thy Name ; My tongue with cheerful songs of praise Shall celebrate Thy fame. 2 Awake, my lute ; nor Thou my harp, Thy warbling notes delay ; Whilst I with early hymns of joy Prevent the dawning day. GENERAL HYMXS. 253 3 To all the listening tribes, Lord, TiiY wonders I will tell, And to those nations sing Thy praise That round about us dwell. 4 Because Thy mercy's boundless height The highest heaven transcends. And far beyond th' aspiring clouds Thy faithful truth extends. 5 Ce Thou, God, exalted high Above the starry frame ; And let the world, with one consent, Confess Thy glorious Name. 2S2. c. M. 1 We build with fruitless cost, unless The Lord the pile sustain ; Unless the Lord the city keep. The watchman wakes in vain, 2 In vain we rise before the day, And late to rest repair. Allow no respite to our toil. And eat the bread of care, 3 Supplies of life, with ease to them. He on His saints bestows ; He crowns their labours with success, Their nights with safe repose. 22 254 GENERAL HYMNS. 253. s. M. 1 The Spirit, in our hearts, Is whispering, sinner, come : The Bride, the Church of Chkist, proclainiS To all His children, come : 2 Let him that heareth say- To all about him, come : Let him that thirsts for righteousness, To Christ, the fountain, come: 3 Yes, whosoever will. Oh, let him freely come, And freely drink the stream of life : 'Tis Jesus bids him come. 4 Lo, Jesus, Who invites, Declares, I quickly come ; Lord ! even so ; I wait Thy hour : Jesus, my Saviour, come. 254. ni-1. 1 Sinner, rouse thee from thy sleep, "Wake, and o'er thy folly weep ; Raise thy spirit dark and dead, Jesus waits His light to shed. 2 Wake from sleep, arise from death, See the bright and living path : Watchful tread that path ; be vrise, Leave thy folly, seek the skies. • GENERAL HYMNS. 255 3 Leave thy folly, cease from crime, From this hour redeem thy time ; Life secure without delay, Evil is the mortal day. 4 Be not blind and foolish still; Caird of Jesus, learn His will: Jesus calls from death and night, Jesus waits to shed His light. 2S5. III-l. 1 Thixe for ever ! God of love, Hear us from Thy throne above; Thixe for ever may we "be Here and in eternity. 2 Thine for everl Lord of life, Shield us through our earthly strife ; Thou the Life, the Truth, the way, Guide us to the realms of day. 3 Thine for ever I oh, how blest They who tind in Thee their rest ; Saviour, Guardian, Heavenly Friend, defend us to the end. 4 Thine for ever ! Saviour keep Us Thy frail and trembling sheep ; Safe alone beneath Thy care, Let us nil Thy goodness share. 25G GENERAL HYMNS. 5 Thine for ever ! Thou our guiele, All our wants by Thee supplied, All our sins by Thee forgiven, Lead us. Lord, from earth to heaven. 3^«>^c 233. p. 1 Paradise, Paradise, Who doth not crave for rest ? Who would not seek the happy land Where they that loved are blest ? Where loyal hearts and true Stand ever in the light. All rapture through and through, In God's most holy sight. 2 Paradise, Paradise, The world is growing old ; Who would not be at rest and free Where love is never cold ? 2G4 GENERAL HYMXS. Wliere loyal hearts and true Stand ever in the light, All rapture through and through, In God's most holy sight. 8 Paradise, Paradise, 'Tis weary waiting here ; I long to be where Jesus is, To feel, to see Him near ; Where loyal hearts and true Stand ever in the light, All rapture through and through. In God's most holy sight. 4 Paradise, Paradise, I Avant to sin no more, I want to be as pure on earth As on Thy spotless shore ; "Where loyal hearts and true Stand ever in the light, All rapture through and through, In God's most holy sight. 5 Paradise, Paradise, I greatly long to see The special place my dearest Lord In love prepares for me ; "Where loyal hearts and true Stand ever in the light, All rapture through and through, In God's most holy sight. GENERAL HYMNS. 265 6 Lord Jest, King of Paradise, keep me in Thy love, And guide me to that happy hind Of perfect rest above ; Where loyal hearts and true Stand ever in the light. All rapture through and through, In God's most holy sight. D^^C 294. c. M. 1 The Head that once was crowned with thorns Is crowned with glory now ; A royal diadem adorns The mighty Victor's brow. 2 The highest place that heaven affords Is His, is His by right. The King of kings, and Lord of lords. And heaven's eternal Liglit. o The .Joy of all who dwell above. The .Joy of all below, To whom He manifests His love. And grants His Name to know. 4 To them the Cross, with all its shame, With all its grace, is given : Their name an everlasting name, Their joy the joy of heaven. 23 266 GENERAL HYMNS. 5 They suffer with their Lord below, They reign with Him above, Their profit and their joy to know The mystery of His love. 6 The Cross He bore is life and health, Though shame and death to Hni ; His people's hope. His people's wealth, Their evei'lasting theme. 295. c. M. 1 Come let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the Throne : Ten thousand thousand are their tongues, Bat all their joys are one. 2 "Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry, '' To be exalted thus ; *' Worthy the Lamb our lips reply, "For He was slain for us." 3 .Jesus is worthy to receive Honour and power divine ; And blessings, more than we can give, Be, Lord, for ever Thixe. 4 Let all creation join in one To bless the sacred Name Of Him that sits upon the Throne, And to adore the Lamb. 267 GENERAL HYMNS. 296. p. M 1 Jesus, my Saviour, look on me! For I am weary and opprest ; I come to cast myself on Tuee , Thou art my Rest. 2 Look down on me, for I am weak ; I feel the toilsome journey's length ; Thixe aid omnipotent I seek ; Thou art my Strength. 3 I am bewildered on my way ; Dark and tempestuous is the night ; Oh I shed Thou forth some cheering ray Thou art my Light. ' 4 I hear the storms around me rise, But, when I dread th' impending shock, My spirit to her refuge flies ; Thou art my Rock, 5 "When the accuser flings his darts, I look to Thee — my terrours cease ; Thy cross a hiding-place imparts ; Thou art my Peace. 6 Standing alone on Jordan's brink, In that tremendous, latest strife, Thou wilt not suff'er me to sink ; Thou art my Life. 7 Thou wilt my every want supply, Even to the end, whate'er befall; Through life, in death eternally, Thou art my AIL (Klje £orti'0 Dim 29'y. II-4. 1 A'svake, ye saints, awake, And hail this sacred day ; In loftiest songs of praise Your joyful homage pay : Welcome the day that God hath blest, The type of heaven'seternal rest. 2 On this auspicious morn The Lord of life arose ; He burst the bars of death, And vanquish'd all our foes : And now He pleads our cause above, And reaps the fruits of all His love. 3 All hail, triumphant Lord! Heaven with hosannas rings, And earth, in humbler strains. Thy praise responsive sings : Worthy the Lamb that once was slain, Through endless years to live and reign. 4 Great King, gird on Thy sword, Ascend Thy conquering car ; While justice, truth and love. Maintain Thy glorious war: This day let sinners own thy sway, And rebels cast their arms away ! THE lord's day. 269 29S. II'3. 1 Great Gob ! this sacred day of thine Demands the souVs collected powers ; Gladly we now to Thee resign, These solemn, consecrated hours : may our souls adoring own The grace that calls us to Thy throne ! 2 All-seeing God ! Thy piercing eye Can every secret thought explore ; May worldly cares our bosoms fly, And where Thou art, intrude no more ; may Thy' grace our spirits move, And fix our minds on things above ! 3 Thy Spirit's powerful aid impart, And bid Thy word, with life divine, Engage the ear, and warm the heart ; Then shall the day indeed be Thine : Then shall our souls adoring own The grace that calls us to Thy throne. 299. 114. 1 In loud exalted strains, The Kixo of glory praise ; O'er heaven and earth He reigns. Through everlasting days. But Zion, with His presence blest, Is His delight, His chosen rest. 270 THE lord's day. 2 KiXG of glory ! come, And with Thy favoui- crown Tliis temple as Thy dome, This people as Thy own. Beneath this roof vouchsafe to show, How God can dwell with men below. 3 Now let Thine ear attend Our supplicating cries ; Now let our praise ascend, Accepted to the skies: Now let Thy gospel's joyful sound Spread its celestial influence round. 4 Here may the list'ning throng, Imbibe Thy truth and love ; Here Christians join the song Of Seraphim above ; Till all who humbly seek Thy face. Rejoice in Thy abounding grace. 3QQ, L. 1 My opening eyes with rapture see The dawn of Thy returning day ; My thoughts, God, ascend to Thee, While thus my early vows I pay. 2 I yield my heart to Thee alone, Nor would receive another guest ; Eternal King I erect Thy throne, And reign sole monarch in my breast THE lord's day. 271 3 Oh, bid this trifling world retire, And drive each carnal thought away ; Ncr let me feel one vain desire, One sinful thought, through all the day. 4 Then, to Thy courts when I repair, My soul shall rise on joyful wing. The wonders of Thy love declare, And join the strains which angels sing. 301. III-l. 1 Morn of morns, and day of days ! Beauteous were thy new-born rays, Brighter yet from death's dark prison Christ, the Light of lights, is risen. 2 He commanded, and His word Death and the dread chaos heard : shall we, more deaf than they. In the chains of darkness stay ? 3 Nature yet in shadow lies, Let the sons of light arise And prevent the morning rays With sweet canticles of praise. 4 While the dead world sleeps around. Let the sacred temple sound Law, and prophet, and blest psalm Lit with holy light so calm. THE LORD S DAY. Unto hearts in slumber weak Let the heavenly trumpet speak And a newer walk express Their new life to righteousness. Hear us, Lord, and with us be, Thou Fount of charity, Thou Who dost the Spirit give, Bidding the dead letter live. 30-2. III-l. 1 Ox this day, the first of days, God, the Father's Name we praise ; Who, creation's Fount and Spring, Did the world from darkness bring. 2 On this day th' Eternal Son Over death His triumph won ; On this day the Spirit came With His gifts of living flame. 3 Oh ! that fervent love to-day May in every heart have sway, Teaching us to praise aright God, the source of life and light. 4 Father, Who didst fashion me Image of Thyself to be, Fill me with Thy love divine, Let my every thought be Thi>'e. THE lord's day. 27- 5 Holy Jesis, may I be Dead and buried here with Thee ; And, by love inflamed, arise Unto Thee a sacrifice. 6 Thou Who dost all gifts impart, Shine, Sweet Spirit, in my heart ; Best of gifts Thyself bestow ; Make me burn Thy love to know. 303. L- M. 1 Again the Lord's own day is here, The day to Christian people dear, As, week by week, it bids them tell How Jesus rose from death and hell. 2 For by His flock their Lord declared His resurrection should be shared ; And they who trust in to save, In Him are risen from the grave. 3 We, one and all, of Hni possest Are with exceeding treasures blest ; For all He did and all He bare. He gives us as our own to share. 4 Eternal glory, rest on high, A blessed immortality. True peace and gladness, and a throne, Are all His gifts, and all our own. 2T4 TZE load's day. 5 And therefore unto Thee we sing, Lord of Peace, Eternal King ; TiiY love we praise. Thy Name adore, Both on this day and evermore. 304. ^ "^ II-4. 1 Lord of the worlds above. How pleasant and how fair, The dwellings of Thy love. Thine earthly temples are ! To Thine abode my heart aspires With warm desires to see my God. 2 The sparrow for her young With pleasure seeks a nest ; And wandering swallows long To find their wonted rest ; My spirit faints, with equal zeal, To rise and dwell among Thy saints. 3 happy souls that pray Where God appoints to hear I happy men, that pay Their constant service there ! They praise Thee still ; and happy they That love the way to Zion's hill. 4 They go from strength to strength, Through this dark vale of tears, Till each arrives at length. Till each in heaven appears ; glorious seat whers God our King Shall thither bring our willing feet. THE LORD S DAY. 21 305. L. M. 1 Sweet is the work, my God, my King To praise Thy name, give thanks, and sing To show TiiY love by morning light, And talk of all Thy truth at night. 2 Sweet is the day of sacred rest ; No mortal care shall seize my breast ; may my heart in tune be found. Like David's harp of solemn sound ; 8 My heart shall triumph in my Lord, And bless His works, and bless His word. His works of grace, how bright they shine ; How deep His counsels, how divine ; 4 0, I shall share a glorious part, When grace hath well refined my heart, And fresh supplies of joy are shed. Like holy oil, to cheer my head. 6 Then shall I see, and hear and know, All I desired or wished below ; And every power find sweet employ In that eternal woild of joy. 306. * L. M. 1 God of truth, Lord of might, Who orderest time and change aright, Brightening the morn with golden gleams, Kindling the noon-day's fiery beams. 2ih THE LORD S DAY. 2 Quencli Thou in us the flames of sti-ife, From passion's heat preserve our life, Oar bodies keep from perils free, And give our souls true peace in Thee. o Almighty Father, hear our cry- Through Jesus Christ our Lord most high, "Who, with the Holy Ghost and Thee, Doth live and reign eternally. sot. II-2. 1 God, my gracious God, to Thee My morning prayers shall oflFer'd be For Thee my thirsty soul does pant; My fainting flesh implores Thy grace, As in a di'y and barren place, Where I refreshing waters want. 2 O I to my longing eyes once more, That view of glorious pow'r restore, Which Thy majestic house displays: Because to me Thy wondrous love Than life itself does dearer prove, My lips shall always speak Thy praise. 3 My life, while I that life enjoy, In blessing God I will employ, With lifted hands adore His name : As with its choicest food supplied. jNIy soul shall be full satisfied While I with joy His praise proclaim. THE lord's day. 2T7 4 When down I lie, sweet sleep to find, Thoc, Lord, art present to my mind ; And when I wake in dead of night, Because Thou still dost succour bring, Beneath the shadow of Thy wing I rest with safety and delight. 30S. L. M. 1 Almighty Father, bless the word, "Which through Thy grace, we now have heard ; may the precious seed take root. Spring up, and bear abundant fruit. 2 We praise Thee for the means of grace, Thus in Thy courts to seek Thy face ; Grant Lord, that we who worship here May all, at length in heaven appear. 309. III-5 1 Lord I dismiss us with Thy blessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peace, Let us each. Thy love possessing, Triumph in redeeming grace ; refresh us Travelling through this wilderness! 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For the gospel's joyful sound; ]\Liy the fruits of Thy salvation In our hearts and lives abound: May Thy presence With us evermore be found! 24 fHorning. 310. L. M. 1 Saviour ! -vvhcn night involves the skies, My soul, adoring, turns to Thee ! Thee, self-abas'd in mortal guise, And Avrapt in shades of death for me. 2 On Thee my waking raptures dwell. When crimson gleams the east adorn ; Thee, victor of the grave and hell: Thee, source of life's eternal morn. 3 When noon her throne in light arrays, To Thee, my soul triumphant springs ; Thee, thron'd in glory's endless blaze. Thee, Lord of lords, and King of kiii"* 4 O'er earth, when shades of evening steal. To death and Thee my thoughts I give, To death, whose power I soon must feel, To Thee, with Whom I trust to live. 311. IIM. 1 Now the shades of night are gone ; Now the morning light is come ; Lord, may Ave be Thine to-day. Drive the shades of sin away. o Fill our souls with heavenly light, Banish doubt and clear our sight ; In Thy service. Lord, to-day, May we labour, watch and praj. MORNING. 2t9 3 Keep our haughty passions bound ; Save us from our foes around ; Going out and coming in, Keep us safe from ev'ry sin, 4 When our work of life is past, receive us then at last ; Night and sin will be no more. When we reach the heavenly shore. 312. L. M. 1 Glory to Thee, Who safe hast kept And hast refreshed me while I slept ; Grant, Lord, Avhen I from deatli shall Avake, I may of endless light partake. 2 I would not wake, nor rise aga'n. E'en heaven itself I would disdain, Wert Thou not there to be enjoyed, And I in praise to be employed. 3 Heaven is, dear Lord, where'r Thou art, never then from me depart ; For to my soul 'tis hell to be But for one moment without Thee. 4 Lord, I my vows to Thee renew. Scatter my sins as morning dew ; Guard my first springs of thought and will. And with Thyself my spirit fill. 280 MORNING. 5 Direct, control, suggest this day All I design, or do, or say ; That all my powers with all their might In Thy sole glory may unite. 6 Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow ; Praise Him, all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, angelic host ; Praise Father, Sox, and Holt Ghost, 313. L. 1 Now that the daylight fills the sky, We lift our hearts to Gob on high, That He, in all we do or say. Would keep us free from harm to-day. 2 May He restrain our tongues from strife, And shield from anger's din our life ; And guard with watchful care our eyes From earth's absorbing vanities. 3 may our inmost hearts be pure, From thoughts of folly kept secure, And pride of sinful flesh subdued Through sparing use of daily food. 4 So we, when this day's work is o'er, And shades of night return once more, Our path of trial safely trod, Shall give the glory to our God. MOllXTNG. 281 314. i:i-i. 1 Christ, "Whose glory fills the skies. Christ, the true, the only Light, Sun of Righteousness, arise. Triumph o'er the shades of night ; Dayspring from on high he near, Day-star in my heart appear. 2 Dark and cheerless is the morn Unaccompanied by Thee ; Joyless is the day's return Till Thy mercy's beams I see. Till they inward light impart, Glad my eyes, and warm my heart. 3 Visit then this soul of mine ; Pierce the gloom of sin and grief; Fill me. Radiancy Divine ; Scatter all my unbelief; ^lore and more Thyself display, Shining to the perfect day. 315. L. M. 1 New every morning is the love Our wakening and uprising prove ; Through sleep and darkness safely brought, Restored to life, and power, and tliought. 2 New mercies, each returning day, Hover around us while we pray ; New perils past, new sins forgiven. New thoughts of God^ new hopes of heaven. 282 MORNING. 3 If on our daily course, our mind Be set to hallow all we find, New treasures still, of countless price, God will provide for sacrifice. 4 The trivial round, the common task, Will furnish all w^e need to ask, Eoom to deny ourselves, a road To bring us daily nearer God. 6 Only, Lord, in Thy dear love, Fit us for perfect rest above ; And help us, this and every day. To live more nearly as we pray. 316. L. M 1 .Jesus, Lord of light and grace, Thou brightness of the Father's Face, Thou fountain of eternal light. Whose beams disperse the shades of night 2 Come, Holy Sun of heavenly love, Come in Thy radiance from above, And to our inward hearts convey The Holy Spirit's cloudless ray. 3 So we the Father's help will claim. And sing the Father's glorious Xame, And His Almighty grace implore That we may stand, to fall no more. MORNING. 283 4 May he our actions deign to bless, And loose the bonds of wickedness ; From sudden falls our feet defend, And guide us safely to the end. 5 May faith, deep rooted in the soul, Subdue our flesh, our minds control: May guile depart, and discord cease, And all within be joy and peace. 6 hallowed thus be every day ; Let meekness be our morning ray, Our faith like noontide splendour glow, Our souls the twilight never know. Sit. L. M. 1 Forth in Thy Name, Lord, I go. My daily labour to pursue ; Thee, only Thee, resolved to know In all I think, or speak or do. 2 The task Thy wisdom hath assigned let me cheerfully fulfil , In all my works Thy' presence find, And prove Thy good and perfect will. 3 Thee may I set at my right hand, "Whose eyes my inmost substance see; And labour on at Thy command. And offer all my works to Thee. 284 MORNING. 4 Give me to beai' Thy easy yoke, And every moment watch and jjray ; And still to things eternal look, And hasten to Thy glorious day. 5 Fain would I still for Thee employ Whate'er Thy bounteous grace hath given, And run my course with even joy. And closely walk with Thee to Ilsaven. 318. L. M. 1 Come, Holy Ghost, Who ever One Art with the Father and the Sox ; Come, Holy Ghost, our souls possess With Thy full flood of holiness. 2 In word and deed, by heart and tongue. With all our powers. Thy praise be sung; May love enwrap our mortal frame. And others catch the living flame. 3 Almighty Father, hear our cry Through .Jests Christ our Lord most high. Who with the Holy Ghost and Thee, Doth live and reign eternally. 319. c. M. 1 Regard my words, gracious Lord Accept my secret prayer ; To Thee alone, my King, my God, Will I for help repair. MORNING. 285 2 Thou in the morn my voice shall hear. And with the dawning day, To Thee devoutly I'll look up, To Thee devoutly pray. 3 Lord, I within Thy house will come, In Thy abundant grace ; And I will worship in Thy fear, Tow'rd Thy most holy place. 4 Let those, Lord who trust in Thee, With shouts their joys proclaim; Let them rejoice whom Thou preserv'st, And all that love Thy Name. 5 To righteous men the righteous Lord His blessing will extend ; And with His favour all His saints, As with a shield, defend. 1 Glory to Thee my God this night For all the blessings of the light ; Keep me, keep me. King of kings, Lender Thine own Almighty wings. 2 Forgive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son The ill that I this day have done, That with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 2SG EVENING. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die, that so I may Rise glorious at the awful day. 4 may my soul on Thee repose, And may sweet sleep mine eyelids close, Sleep that shall me more vigorous make To serve my God when I awake. 5 When in the night I sleepless lie, My soul with heavenly thoughts supply Let no ill dreams disturb my rest. No powers of darkness me molest. 6 Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow Praise Him, all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, angelic host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 321. L. M. 1 Great God I to Thee my evening song With humble gratitude I raise ; let Thy mercy tune my tongue, And fill my heart with lively praise. 2 My days unclouded as they pass. And every onward rolling hour. Are monuments of wondrous grace, And witness to Thy love and power. EVENIXG. 287 3 And vet this thoughtless, "wretched heart, Too oft regardless of Thy love, Ungrateful, can from Thee depart. And from the path of duty rove. 4 Seal my forgiveness in the blood Of Christ my Lord ; his name alone I plead for pardon, gracious God, And kind acceptance at Thy throne. With hope in Hni mine eyelids close. With sleep refresh my feeble frame ; Safe in Thy care may I repose, And wake with praises to Thy Xame. CH3::«<00 322. 111-1 1 Softly now the light of day Fades upon my sight away ; Free from care, from labour free. Lord I would commune with Thee. 2 Thou, whose all-pervading eye Nought escapes, without, within, Pardon each infirmity. Open fault, and secret sin. 3 Soon, for me, the light of day Shall for ever pass away ; Then, from sin and sorrow free. Take me, Lord, to dwell with Thee '. 288 EVENING. 4 Thou who, sinless, yet hast known All of man's infirmity ; Then, from thine eternal throne, Jesus, look with pitying eye. 323. c. 1 Now from the altar of our hearts, Let flames of love arise ; Assist us, Lord, to oifer up Our evening sacrifice. 2 Minutes and mercies multiplied. Have made up all this day ; Minutes came quick, but mercies wcra More swift, more free than they. 3 New time, new favours, and new joys, Do a new song require ; Till we shall praise Thee as we would, Accept our hearts' desire. 324. L. 1 Sun of my soul. Thou Saviour dear, It is not night if Thou be near; may no earth-born cloud arise To hide Thee from Thy servant's eyes. 2 When tie soft dews of kindly sleep My wearied eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought how sweet to rest For ever on my Saviour's breast. EVENING. 283 3 Abide "with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live; Abide with me when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. 4 If some poor wandering child of Thine Have spurned to-day the voice divine, Now, Lord, the gracious work begin ; Let him no more lie down in sin. 5 AVatch by the sick ; enrich the poor With blessings from Thy boundless store Be every mourner's sleep to night, Like infant's slumbers, pure and light. 6 Come near and bless us when we wake, Ere through the world our way we take; Till in the ocean of Thy love "We lose ourselves in Heaven aboTe. 3>8>^Oo ^\]t (Honrersion oi St. ])anl 34S. January 25th. 11-6 1 Christ's foe becomes His soldier, The wolf destroys no more, A sheep within the sheepfold He enters by the door. 2 voice of God Almighty, What wonders hath it wrought I It rends the lofty cedars, It bends the haughty thought. 3 Jesu, our Shepherd, cease not Thy flock from harm to free, And when Thy sheep are wandering lead them back to Thee, TEE CONVERSION OF ST. PAUL, oil 349. III-5. 1 'Gainst what foemen art thou rushing ? Saul, what madness drives thee on! Innocents in fury crushing, Children of the sinless One ? 0, how shortly Shall He make His vengeance known ! 2 See the Lord, from heaven descending, Smites him, blinds him, lays him low See the persecutor bending Humbly, meekly, to the blow ; See him rising. Friend to Christ, no longer foe. 8 Breathing slaughter, chains preparing, 0, how fierce his anger burned ; Trembling now, and lost his daring. Meek obedience he has learned ; The destroyer Now into a lamb is turned. 4 Christ, Thy power is man's salvation, Hardest hearts Thou mak'st TiiixE own ; He who wrought such desolation, That Thy Name might be o'erthrown; Now converted. Thro' the the world that Name makes known 5 Praise the Father, God of heaven, Him Who reigns supreme on high ; Praise the Son for sinners given Both to suffer and to die, Praise the Spirit Guiding us most lovingly. JJrfsmtation of (Iljnst In t\]t (JTemple, COMMONLY CALLED ullje purltuation of St. ilTarii tl)£ 350. February 2nd. ^ ^^ 1 Siox, open -wide thy gates, Let figui'es disappear, A Priest and Victim both in one, The truth Himself, is here. 2 No more the simple flock shall bleed, ; Behold the Father's Sox, Himself to His own altar comes, For sinners to atone. 3 Conscious of hidden Deity The lowly Virgin brings Her new-born Babe, with two young doves. Her tender ofi'erings. 4 The hoary Simeon sees at last, His Lord so long desired. And hails, with Anna, Israel's Hope, With sudden rapture fired. 5 But silent knelt the mother blest, Of the yet silent Word, And, pondering all things in her heart. With speechless praise adored. 0t. illattl)ia0. Sol, February 24th. ^- ^^• 1 How bright those glorious spirits shine, AYhence all their white array ? How came they to the blissful seats Of everlasting day ? 2 Lo, these are they from sufferings great Who came to realms of light : And in the blood of Christ have washed Those robes which shine so bright. 3 Now with triumphal palms they stand Before the throne on high, And serve the God they love, amidst The glories of the sky. 4 Hunger and thirst are felt no more. Nor sun with scorching ray ; God is their Sun, Whose cheering beams, Diffuse eternal day, 5 The Lamb, Who reigns upon the throne, Shall o'er them still preside. Feed them with nourishment devine, And all their footsteps guide. 6 'Mid pastures green He'll lead His flock, Where living streams appear ; And God the Lord from every eye Shall wipe off every tear. 27 Annunciation of tl)£ 33lt^5S£Lr Virgin illanj. 352. ■ March 25th, ^ S. M. 1 Praise we the Lord this day, This day so long foretold, Whose promise shone with cheering ray On waiting saints of old. 2 The Prophet gave the sign For faithful mep to read, A Virgin, born of Davids line, Shall bear the promised seed. 3 Ask not how this should be, But worship and adore ; Like her, whom heaven's majesty Came down to shadow o"er. 4 Meekly she bowed her head To hear the gracious word, Mary, the pure and lowly maid, The favoured of the Lord. 5 Blessed shall be her name In all the church on earth, Through whom that wondrous mercy came. The Incarnate Saviour's birth. St. illark. 353. April 25th. P- >i. 1 Come pure hearts, in sweetest measures Sing of those who spread the treasures In the holy Gospels shrined ; ST. MARK. 315 Blessed tidings of salvation, Peace on earth their proclamation, Love from God to lost mankind. 2 See the Rivers four that gladden With their streams the better Eden Planted by our Lord most dear ; CunisT the fountain, these the waters ; Drink, Sion's sons and daughters, Drink and find salvation here. 3 0, that we Thy truth confessing, And Thy holy word possessing, Jesu, may Thy love adore ; Unto Thee our voices raising. Thee with all Thy ransomed praising, Ever and for evermore. St. JJljUlp an'b St. lames. 354. May 1st. L. M. 1 Ye servants of our glorious Kixg, To Him your thankful praises bring ; And tell the deeds that grace has done, The triumphs by His martyrs won. 2 Since they were faithful to the last, Their holy struggles now are past ; The bitterness of death is o'er. And theirs is bliss for evermore. 316 ST. PHILIP AND ST. JAMES. 3 The flame did scorch, the knife lay bare, And cruel beasts their members tear, Ko powers of earth, no powers of hell The souls that loved their Lord could quell. 4 For ever broken is the chain, That sought to bind them, bat in vain ; let us strive like them to win Our freedom from the bonds of sin. Saviour ! may our portion be With those who gave themselves to Thee, Through all eternity to sing All praise to Thee, the Martyrs' King. St. Barnabas. 355. June nth, L, 1 Thou Whose all redeeming might Crowns every Chief in faith's true fight, On this commemoration day Hear us, good Jesus, while we pray. 2 In faithful strife for Thy dear name Thy servant earned the saintly fame. Which pious hearts with praise revere In constant memory year by year. 3 Earth's fleeting joys he counted naught. For higher, truer joys he sought. And now with angels round Thy Throne, Unfading treasures are his own. ST. BARNABAS. 311 4 grant that we, most gi*acious Gou, May follow in the steps he trod ; And freed from every stain of sin. As he hath won, may also win. 5 To Thee, Christ, our loving King, All glory, praise, and thanks we bring ; "Whom with the Father we adore. And Holy Ghost, for evermore. St 3o\]n Baptist. 356. June 24th. L. Mo 1 The great forerunner of the morn, The herald of the Worb is born ; And faithful hearts shall never fail "With thanks and praise his light to hail. 2 "\Vith heavenly message Gabriel came. That John should be that herald's name, And with prophetic utterance told His actions great and manifold. 3 John, still unborn, yet gave aright His witness to the coming Light ; And Christ, the Sun of all the earth. Fulfilled that witness at His Birth. 4 Of woman born shall never be A greater prophet than was he, "Whose mighty deeds exalt his fame To greater than a prophet's name» 318 ST. JOHN BAPTIST. 6 But why should mortal accents raise The hymn of John the Baptist's praise ? Of whom, or ere his course was run, Thus spake the Father to the Son : 6 Behold My herald, who shall go Before Thy Face Thy way to show. And shine as with the day-star's gleam, Before Thine own eternal beam. St peUr. 35^. June 29th. L. 1 The eternal gifts of Christ the King, The Apostles' glory, let us sing; And all, with hearts of gladness, raise Due hymns of thankful love and praise. 2 For they the Churches' princes are, Triumphant leaders in the war, In heavenly courts a warrior band. True lights to lighten every land. 3 Theirs is the steadfast faith of saints. And hope that never yields nor faints, And love of Christ in perfect glow, That lays the prince of this world low. 4 In them the Father's glory shone. In them the will of God the Son, In them exults the Holy Ghost, Through them rejoice the heavenly host. ST. PETER. 310 5 To Thee, Redeemer, now we cry, That Thou wouldst join to them on high Thy servants, who this grace implore, For ever and for evermore. St. 3amc3, 358. July 25 th, L. M. 1 Gob, Thy soldiers' great Reward, Their Portion, Crown, and faitliful Lord, From all transgressions set us free, Who sing Thy martyr's victory. 2 By wisdom taught he learned to know The vanity of all below, The fleeting joys of earth disdained And everlasting glory gained. 3 Right manfully his cross he bore, And ran his race of torments sore; For Thee he poured his life away, With Thee he lives in endless day. 4 We therefore pray Thee, Lord of love, Regard us from Thy throne above ; On this Thy martyr's triumph day, Wash every stain of sin away. 5 All praise to God the Father be, All praise, Eternal Son, to Thee, Whom with the spirit we adore For ever and for evermore. jSt. Iiai*tI)olom£ru. 350. August 24th. s. M. 1 For Thy dear saint, Lord, Who strove in Thee to live, Who followed Thee, obeyed, adored, Our grateful hymn receive. 2 For Thy dear saint, Lord, Who strove in Thee to die, And found in Thee a full reward, Accept our thankful cry. 3 Thine earthly members fit To join Thy saints above. In one communion ever knit, One fellowship of love. 4 Jesu,Thy name we bless, And humbly pray that we May follow them in holiness. Who lived and died for Thee. St. fllattl)cru. 360. September 21st. c. M. 1 Behold the messengers of Christ, Who sow in every place The unveiled mysteries of God, The Gospel of His grace. 2 The things through, mists and shadows dim, By holy prophet seen In the full light of day they saw With not a cloud between. ST. MATTHEW. 321 3 What Christ, True Man, divinely wrought^ What God in manhood bore, They "wrote as God inspired in "words That live for evermore. 4 Although in space and time apart, One Spirit ruled them all , And in their sacred pages still We hear that Spirit's call. St. illicljaet anb all Angela. SGI. September 29th. III-4. 1 Christ in highest heaven enthroned Equal of the Father's Might, By pure spirits, trembling owned, God of God, and Light of Light, Thee 'mid angel hosts we sing, Thee their Maker and their King: 2 All who circling round adore Thee, All who bow before Thy Throne, Burn with flaming zeal before Tiiee, Thy behests to carry down ; To and fro, 'twixt earth and heaven Speed they each on errands given. 3 First of all those legions glorious Michael waves his sword of flame, Who of old in war victorious Did the Dragon's fierceness tame ; Who with might invincible Thrust the rebel down to hell. 322 ST. MICHAEL AXD ALL xVNGELS. 4 They to aid the sick and dying Called from heaven to swiftly fly, Grace divine and strength supplying, In their mortal agony ; Souls released from bondage here, They to Paradise do bear. 6 To the Father praise be given By the unfallen angel-host, Who in His great war have striven With the legions of the lost.; Equal praise in highest heaven To the Sox and Holt Ghost. 362. L. 1 Praise to God, Who reigns above, Binding earth and heaven in love ; All the armies of the sky Worship His dread sovereignty. 2 Seraphim His praises sing, Cherubim on fourfold wing. Thrones, Dominions, Princes, Powers, Ranks of Might that never cowers. 3 Angel hosts His word fulfil, Ruling nature hj His will; Round His throne Archangels pom- Songs of praise for evermore. 4 Yet on man they joy to wait, All that bright celestial state. For true Man their Lord they see, Christ, the Incarnate Deity. ST. MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. 328 5 On the Throne our Lord Who died Sits in manhood glorified, Where His people faint below Angels count it joy to go. 6 the depths of joy divine Thrilling through those odours nine, When the lost are found again, W'hen the banished come (o reign. 7 Now in faith, in hope, in love, We will join the choirs above, Praising, with the heavenly host, Father, Son, and Holt Ghost. St. £nkt. 363. October i8th. L. M. 1 XoT by the martyr's death alone The saint his crown in heaven has won, There is a triumph robe on high For bloodless fields of victory. 2 What though he was not called to feel The cross or flame, or torturing wheel, Yet daily to the world he died. His flesh, through grace, he crucified. 3 What though nor chains, 6or scourges sore, Nor cruel beasts his members tore, Enough if perfect love arise To Christ a grateful sacrifice. 324 ST. LUKE. 4 Lord, grant us so to Thee to turn That we to die through life may learn, And thus, when life's brief day is o'er, Kejoice with Thee for evermore. 5 Fount of sanctity and love, perfect Best of saints above, AH praise, all glory be to Thee, Both now and through eternity. St. Simon aub St. 3iibt. 364. October 28th. P 1 There is a blessed Home Beyond this land of woe. Where trials never come, Nor tears of sorrow flow ; "Where faith is lost in sight. And patient hope is crowned, And everlasting light Its glory throws around, 2 There is a land of peace, Good angels know it well, Glad songs that never cease Within its portals swell ; Around its glorious Throne, Ten thousand saints adore Christ, with the Father One Aud Spirit evermore. ST. SIMON AND ST. JUDE. 325 3 joy all joys beyond, To see the Lamb who died, And count each sacred Wound In Hands, and Feet, and Side ; To give to Him the praise Of every triumph won, And sing through endless days The great things He hath done. 4 Look up ye saints of God, Nor fear to tread below The path your Saviour trod Of daily toil and woe : Wait but a little while In uncomplaining love, His own most gracious smile Shall welcome you above. 31U Saint's Daij. 365. November ist. "^ III-4. 1 Who are these like stars appearing, These, before God's Throne who stand; Each a golden crown is wearing. Who are ah this glorious band ? Alleluia ! hark they sing, Praising loud their heavenly King. 2 Who are these in dazzling brightness, Clothed in God's own righteousness ; These, whose robes of purest whiteness Shall their lustre still possess, 28 olib ALL SAINT S DAY. Still untocbed by time's rude hand, Whence comes all this glorious band ? 3 These are they who have contended For their Saviour's honour long, "Wrestling on till life was ended, Following not the sinful throng ; These, who well the fight sustained. Triumph by the Lamb have gained. 4 These are they whose hearts were riven. Sore with woe and anguish tried. Who in prayer full oft have striven With the God they glorified ; Now, their painful conflict o'er, God has bid them weep no more. 5 These, the Almighty contemplating Did as priests before Him stand, Soul and body always waiting Day and night at His command: Now in God's most holy place Blest they stand before His Face. S6S. * II-6 1 Heavenly Jerusalem, Of everlasting halls, Thrice blessed are the people Thou storest in Thy walls. Thou art the golden mansion, Where saints for ever sing ; The seat of God's own chosen, The jDalace of the Ki^'o. ALL saint's day. 8-' 2 There Gou for ever sitteth, Himself of all, the Crown ; The Lamb, the light that shineth, And never goeth dovrn. Naught to this seat approacheth, Their sweet peace to molest ; They sing their God for ever, Nor day nor night they rest. 3 Sure Hope doth thither lead us ; Our longings thither tend ; May short-lived toil ne'er daunt us For joys that cannot end. To Christ the Sun that lightens His Church above, below ; To Father and to Spirit All things created bow. 36-y. L. 31. 1 Lu, round the Throne, a glorious band, The saints in countless myriads stand, Of every tongue redeemed to God, Arrayed in garments washed in Blood. 2 Through tribulation great they came ; They bore the cross, despised the shame ; From all their labours now they rest, la God's eternal glory blest. 3 They see their Saviofb, face to face. And sing the triumphs of His grace ; Him day and night they ceaseless praise ; To Hi3i the loud thanksgiving raise : 328 ALL saint's bay. 4 -'Worthy the Lamb, for sinners slain, Through endless years to live and reign; Thou hast redeemed us by Thy Blood, And made us kings and priests to God." 5 may we tread the sacred road That holy saints and martyrs trod ; Wage to the end the glorious strife. And win, like them, a crown of life. 36S. IIl-I 1 Who are these in "bright array ? This innumerable throng. Round the altar, night and day Tuning their triumphant song ? "Worthy is the Lamb once slain, '■Blessing, honour, glory, power, "Wisdom, riches, to obtain "New dominion every hour/* 2 These through fieiy trials trod ; These from great affliction came; Isow before the throne of God, Sealed with His eternal name : Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor palms in every hand. Through their great Redeemer's might More than conquerors they stand. ALL saixt's day. 32D 3 Hunger, thii*st, disease unknown, On immortal fruits they feed , Them the Lamb amidst the throne Shall to living fountains lead : Joy and gladness banish sighs ; Perfect love dispels their fears ; And, for ever from their eyes God shall wipe away their tears. Oil) auks Cibini3 Dar). 369. - - - j^^_^ 1 Praise to God, immortal praise, For the love that crowns our days, Bounteous source of every joy. Let Thy praise our tongues employ: All to Thee, our God, we owe, Source whence all our blessings flow. 2 All the blessings of Ihe fields, All the stores the garden yields, Flocks that whiten all the jjlain, Yellow sheaves of ripen'd grain; Lord, for these our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise. 3 Clouds that drop their fatt'ning dews, Suns that genial warmth diffuse, All the plenty summer pours, Autumn's rich o'erflowing stores ; Lord, for these our souls shall raise Grateful vows and solemn praise. 330 THAXKSGI^nrXG DAY. ■i Peace, prosperity, and Iiealtli,. Private bliss and public wealth,. Knowledge, with its gladd'ning streams. Pure religion's holier beams ; Lord, for these our so'uls shall raise Grateful tows and solemn praise, 3TO, c. :i. 1 FouxTAix of mercy, God of love. How rich Thy bounties are L The rolling seasons, as they move. Proclaim Thy constant care. 2 When in the bosom of the earth The sower hid the grain, Thy gc/odncss marked its secret birth. And sent the early rain. 3 The spring's sweet influence. Lord, was Thine The plants in beauty grcAV ; Thou gav'st the summer suns to shine, The mild refreshing dew. •1 These various mercies from above r^latur'd the swelling grain ; A kindly harvest crowns Thy love, And plenty fills the plain. 5 We own and' bless Thy gracious swaj^; Thy hand all nature hails ; Seed-time nor harvest, night nor daj', Summer nor winter fails. THAXKSGIYING DAY. 3 3iri. III-l. 1 Praise, praise our God and King ! Hymns of adoration sing ; For His mercies still endure Ever faithful, ever sure. 2 Praise Him that He made the Sun Day by day His course to run ; For His mercies still endure Ever faithful, ever sure : 3 And the silver Moon by night, Shining with her gentle light ; For His mercies still endure Ever faithful, ever sure. 4 Praise Him that He gave the rain To mature the swelling grain ; For His mercies still endure. Ever faithful, ever sure : 5 And hath bid the fruitful field Crops of precious increase yield ; For His mercies still endui-e Ever faithful, ever sure. 6 Praise Him for our Harvest-store, He hath filled our Garner-floor ; For His mercies still endure Ever faithful, ever sure : 7 And for richer Food than this, Pledge of everlasting bliss ; For His mercies still endure Ever faithful, ever sure. 332 THANKSGIVING DAY. S^'2, III-l. 1 Come, ye thankful people, come, Raise the song of Harvest-Home ! All is safely gathered in, Ere the winter-storms begin ; God, our Maker, doth provide For our wants to be supplied ; Come to God's own Temple, come; Raise the song of Harvest-Home ! 2 What is earth but God's own field, Fruit unto His j)raise to yield ? Wheat and tares therein are sown, Unto joy or sorrow grown ; Ripening with a wondrous power. Till the final Harvest-Hour : Grant, Lord of Life, that we Holy grain and pure may be. 8 For we know that Thou wilt come, And wilt take Thy people home ; From Thy field wilt purge away All that doth oifend, that day ; And Thine Angels charge at last In the fire the tares to cast, But the fruitful ears to store In Thy Garner evermore. 4 Come then, Lord of mercy, come, Bid us sing Thy Harvest-Home ! Let Thy Saints be gathered in, Free from sorrow, free from sin ; THANKSGIVING DAY All upon the golden floor Praising Thee for evermore ; Come, with thousand Angels, come : Bid us sing Tuy Harvest-Home ! 3t3. II- 1 Lord of the harvest, once again "We thank Tuee for the ripened grain ; For crops safe carried, sent to cheer Thy servants through another year ; For all sweet holy thoughts supplied Cy seed-time, and by harvest-tide. 2 The bare dead grain, in autumn sown, Its robe of vernal green puts on ; Glad from its wintry grave it springs, Fresh garnished by. the King of Kings : So, Lord, to those who sleep in Thee, Shall new and glorious bodies be. 3 Xor vainly of Thy Word we ask A lesson from the reaper's task: So shall Thixe Angels issue forth ; The tares be burnt ; the just of earth, To wind and storm exposed no more, Be gathered to their Father's store. 4 Daily. Lord, our prayers be said. As Tiiou hast taught, for daily bread; 331 THANKSGIVING DAY. But not alone our bodies feed, Supply our fainting sp'rits' need: O Bread of Life, from day to day, Be Thou their Comfort, Food, and Stay ! 3'y4. CM. 1 'Tis by Thy strength the mountains stand, God of eternal power ! The sea grows calm at Thy command. And tempests cease to lower. 2 Thy morning light and evening shade Successive comforts bring ; Thy plenteous fruits make harvest glad ; Thy flowers adorn the spring. 3 Seasons and times, and moons, and hours, Heaven, eai'th, and air are Thine ; When clouds distil in fruitful showers, The author is divine. 4 Those wandering fountains of the sky, Borne by the winds around, Vv'ith watery treasures well supply The furrows of the ground. 5 The thirsty ridges drink their fill, And ranks of corn appear; Thy ways abound with blessings still, Thy goodness crowns the year. THANKSGIVIXG DAY. 3T5. III-l 1 What our Father does is well; Blessed truth His children tell! Though He send, for plenty, want. Though the harvest-store be scant, Yet we rest upon His love, Seeking better things above. 2 "What our Father does is well ; Shall the wilful heart rebel ? If a blessing He withhold In the field, or in the fold, Is it not Himself to be All our Store eternally ? 3 What our Father does is well ; Though He sadden hill and dell. Upward yet our praises rise For the strength His Word supplies; He has called us sons of God, Can we murmur at His rod ? 4 What our Father does is well ; May the thought within us dwell ; Though nor milk nor honey flow In our barren Canaan now, God can save us in our need, God can bless us, God can feed. 5 Therefore, unto Him we raise Hymns of glory, songs, of praise ; 33G THANKSGIVING DAY. To the Father, and the Son, And the Spirit, Three in One, Honour, might, and glory be, Now, and through eternity, 376. 1 Now thank we all our God, With heart, and hands, and voices, AYho wondrous things hath done, In Whom His world rejoices ; Who from our mother's arms Hath blessed us on our way With countless gifts of love. And still is ours to day. 2 may this bounteous God Through all our life be near us. With ever joyful hearts And blessed peace to cheer us ; And keep us in His grace, And guide us when perplexed, And free us from all ills In this world and the next. 3 All praise and thanks to God, The Father, now be given. The Son, and Um who reigns. With Them in highest heaven. The One eternal God, Whom earth and heaven adore. For thus it was. is now, And shall be evermore. THANKSGIVING DAY. 33Y 1 Salvation doth to Gop belong, His power and grace shall be our song From Him alone all mercies flow, His arm alone subdues the foe ! 2 Then praise this God, who bows his ear Propitious to His people's prayer ; And though deliv'rance He may sta}', Yet answers still in His own day. 3 may this goodness lead our land, Still sav'd by Thine Almighty hand, The tribute of its love to bring To Thee, our Saviour and our King ; 4 Till every public temple raise A song of triumph to Thy praise ; And every peaceful, private home, To Thee a temple shall become. 5 Still be it our supreme delight To walk as in Thy glorious sight Still in Thy precepts and Thy fear, Till life's last hour to persevere. s-rs. p. 1 Re.joice to-day with one accord, Sing out with exultation ; Rejoice and praise our mighty Lokd. Whose Arm hath brought salvation 29 838 TZANKSGIYING DAY. His works of love proclaim The greatness of His Name ; For He is God alone AVho hath His mercy shewn ; Let all His Saints adore IIi.m ! 2 When in distress to Him we cried, He heard our sad complaining ; Oh, trust in Him, whate'er betide, His love is all-sustaining ; Ti'iumphant songs of praise To Him our hearts shall raise ; Now every voice shall say, "0 praise our God alway ;" Let all His Saints adore Him ! 3 Rejoice to-day with one accord, Sing out with exultation ; Rejoice and praise our mighty Lord, Whose Arm hath brought salvation His words of love proclaim The greatness of His Name ; For He is God alone AVho hath His mercy shewn ; Let all His Saints adore Him ! JTast Dan. S'V9. ^ c. 1 Almighty Lokd, before Thy throne TiiY mourning people bend : ' Tis on Thy pardoning grace alone, Our prostrate hopes depend. FAST DAY. 3o9 2 Dark judgments, from Thy hcaA-y haiitl, Thy dreadful power dispLi j ; Yet mercy spares our guilty land, And still we live to pray. 8 How changed, alas ; are truths divine, For error, guilt, and shame ; "\Vliat impious numbers, bold in sin, Disgrace the christian name. 4 turn us, turn us, mighty Lord, Convert us by Thy* grace : Then shall our hearts obey Thy word. And see again Thy face. 5 Then, should oppressing foes invade, We will not sink in fear ; Secure of all-sufficient aid, When God, our God, is near. 380. III-3 1 Dread Jehovah! God of nations! From Thy temple in the skies, Hear Thy people's supplications, Now for their deliverance rise ; 2 Lo '. with deep contrition turning. Humbly at Thy feet we bend; Hear us, fasting, praying, mourning, Hear us, spare us, and defend. 340 FAST DAY. 3 Though our sins, our hearts confounding Long and loud for vengeance call, Thou hast mercy more abounding, Jesus' blood can cleanse them all. 4 Let that love veil our transgressions, Let that blood our guilt efface : Save Thy people from oppression, Save from spoil Thy holy place. 3S1. L. M. 1 God of our life, to Thee we call. Afflicted at Thy feet we fall ; When the great water-floods prevail. Leave not our trembling hearts to fail. 2 Friend of the friendless and the faint, Where shall we pour our sad complaint ? Where but with Thee, Whose open door Invites the helpless and the poor ? 3 Did ever sinner plead with Thee, And Thou reject his lowly plea? Does not Thy word still pledged remain, That none shall seek Thy face in vain ? 4 Then hear, Lord, our humble cry. And bend on us Thy pitying e3'e : To Thee their prayer Thy people make, Hear us, for our Redeemer's sake. FAST DAY. 341 1 WiiEX in the hour of utmost need We know not where to look for aid, When days and nights of anxious thought Nor help nor counsel yet have brought ; 2 Then this our comfort is alone, That we may meet before Thy throne, And cry, faithful Gob, to Thee For rescue from our misery : 3 To Thee may raise our hearts and eyes, Repenting sore, with bitter sighs, And seek Thy pardon for our sin, And respite from our griefs within. 4 For Thou hast promised graciously To hear all those who cry to Thee, Through Him Whose Name alone is great, Our Savioue and our Advocate. 5 And thus we come, God, to-day. And all our woes before Thee lay. For tried afilicted, lo I we stand, Perils and foas on every hand. 6 Ah, hide not for our sins Thy face, Absolve us through Thy boundless grace. Be with us in our anguish still; Free u& at last from every ill. 7 That so with all our hearts may we Once more with joy give thanks to Thee, And walk obedient to Thy word. And now and ever praise the Lord. toar. 383. L. M. 1 God of love, King of peace, Make wars throughout the workl to cease ; The wrath of sinful man restrain, Give peace, God, give peace again. 2 Remember Lord, Thy works of old, The wonders that our fathers told. Remember not our sin's dark stain. Give peace, God, give peace again. 3 Whom shall we trust but Thee, Lord ? Where rest, but on Thy faithful word ? None ever called on Thee in vain, Give peace, God, give peace again. 4 Where saints and angels dwell above. All hearts are knit in holy love ; bind us in that heavenly chain, Give peace, God, give peace again, 384. L. M. 1 Xow may the God of grace and power Attend His people's humble cry ; Defend them in the needful hour, And send deliv'rance from on high, 2 In His salvation is our hope. And in the name of Israel's God Our troops shall lift their banners up, Our navies spread their flags abroad. WAR. 343 3 Some trust in horses ti'ain'd for war, And some of chariots make their boasts ; Our surest expectations are From Thee, the Lord of heavenly hosts! 4 Then save us, Lord, from slavish fear, And let our trust be firm and strong, Till Tht salvation shall appear, And hymns of peace conclude our song, V Jramliu. 3S5. II-l. 1 Although the vine its fruit deny. The budding fig-tree droop and die, No oil the olive yield ; Yet will I trust me in my God, Yea, bend rejoicing to His rod, And by His grace be healed. 2 Though fields, in verdure once arrayed, By whirlwinds desolate be laid. Or parched by scorching beam ; Still in the Lord shall be my trust. My joy ; for, though His frown is just, His mercy is supreme. 3 Though from the fold the flock decay, Though herds lie famish'd o'er the lea, And round the empty stall ; 344 FAMINE. My soul above the wreck shall rise, Its better joys are in the skies ; There God is all in all. 4 In God my strength, howe'er distrest, I yet will hope and calmly rest, Nay, triumph in His love ; My ling'ring soul, my tardy feet, Free as the hind He makes, and fleet To speed my course above. 3S6. c, > 1 Thy chastening wrath, Lord, restrain, Though we deserve it all ; Nor let on us the heavy storm Of Thy displeasure fall. 2 Our sins, which to a deluge swell, Our sinking heads o'erflow. And, for our feeble strength to bear, Too vast a burden grow. 3 But, Lord, before Thy searching eyes All our desires appear ; The groanings of our burden'd souls Have reached Thine open ear. 4 Forsake us not, Lord, our God, Nor far from us depart : Make haste to our relief, Thou, "Who our salvation art. 3.s"y. c. M. 1 In grief and fear, to Thee, Lord, We now for succour fly. Thine awful judgments are abroad, shield us lest we die. 2 The fell disease on every side "Walks forth with tainted breath, And Pestilence, Avith rapid stride, Bestrews the land with death. 3 look with pity on the scene Of sadness and of dread, And let Thine Angel stand between The living and the dead. 4 With contrite hearts to Thee, our King, We turn, who oft have strayed ; Accept the sacrifice we bring, Aiid let the plague be stayed. Z\]t £nb oi tlje llcar. 3SS. c. M 1 Time hastens on ; ye longing saints Now raise your voices high ; And magnify that sov' reign love Which shows salvation nigh. 2 As time departs, salvation comes, Each moment brings it near ; o46 THE END OF THE YEAR, Then welcome each declining dr.y ; "Welcome each closing year. 8 Not many years their course shall run, Not many mornings rise, Ere all its glories stand reveal'd To our transported eyes. 3S9. III-l. 1 For Thy mercy and Thy grace Constant through another year. Hear our song of thankfulness; Jesu, our Redeemer, hear. 2 In our weakness and distress, Rock of strength, be Thou our stay ; In the pathless wilderness Be our true and living way. 3 Who of us death's awful road In the coming year shall tread, With Thy rod and staff, O Goo, Comfort Thou his dying bed. 4 Make us faithful, make us pure. Keep us evermore Thine own. Help Thy servants to endure, Fit us for the promised crown. 5 So within Thy palace gate We shall praise, on golden strings. Thee the only Potentate, Lord of lords, and King of kings. (l1)£ 2Ccn) IJcar. 390. c. 3 1 The year is gone, beyond recall, With all its hopes and fears, "With all its bright and gladdening smiles, With all its mourners' tears ; 2 Th'y thankful people praise Thee, Lord, For countless gifts received, And pray for grace to keep the Faith Which saints of old believed, 3 To Thee we come, gracious Lord, The new-born year to bless ; Defend our land from pestilence, Give peace and plenteousness. 4 Forgive this nation's many sins, The growth of vice restrain. And help us all ivith sin to strive, And crowns of life to gain. 5 From evil deeds that stain the past We now desire to flee ; And pray that future years may all Be spent, good Lord, for Thee. 6 Father, let Thy watchful Eye, Still look on us in, love, That we may praise Thee, year by year, As ang-els do above. 343 THE NEW YEAR. 391. III-l. 1 While with ceaseless course the sun Hasted through the former year, Many souls their race have run, Never more to meet us here : Fixed in an eternal state, They have done with all below : We a little longer wait, But how little, none can know. 2 As the winged arrow flies Speedily the mark to find ; As the lightning from the skies Darts, and leaves no trace behind ; Swiftly thus our fleeting days Bear us down life's rapid stream ; Upward, Lord, our spirits raise ; All below is but a dream. 3 Thanks for mercies past receive ; Pardon of our sins reneAv ; Teach us henceforth how to live With eternity in view : Bless Tht word to young and old ; Fill us with a Saviour's love ; And when life's short tale is told, May we dwell with Thee above. 39-2. ni-3. 1 Saviouk, sprinkle many nations, Fruitful let Thy sorrows be ; By Tht pains and consolations Draw the Gentiles unto Thee : Of Thy Cross the wondrous story, Be it to the nations told ; Let them see Thee in Thy glory, And Thy mercy manifold. 2 Far and wide, though all unknowing, Pants for Thee each mortal breast ; Human tears for Thee are flowing, . Human hearts in Thee would rest ; Thirsting, as for dews of even. As the new-mown grass for rain. Thee they seek, as God of Heaven, Thee, as Man, for sinners slain. 3 Saviour, lo, the isles are waiting. Stretched the hand, and strained the sight, For Thy Spirit new creating, Love's pure flame and wisdom's light ; Give the word, and of the preacher Speed the foot, and touch the tongue, Till on earth by every creature Glory to the Lamb be sung. 393. L. M. 1 .Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does His successive journeys run; 30 350 MISSIONS. His kingdom spread from shore to shore, Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 To Him shall endless prayer be made, And praises throng to crown His head ; His Name like sweet perfume shall rise With every morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms, of every tongue. Dwell on His love with sweetest song; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His Name. 4 Blessings abound where'er He reigns ; The prisoner leaps to burst his chains, The weary find eternal rest. And all the sons of want are blest. 5 Where He displays His healing power, Death and the curse are known no more: In Him the tribes of Adam boast More blessings than their father lost. 6 Let every creature rise, and bring Peculiar honours to our King : Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the loud Amen. 394. L. .^ 1 From all that dwell below the skies, Let the Creator's praise arise ; Jehovah's glorious Name be sung Through every land, by every tongue. MISSIONS. 351 2 Eternal are Thy mercies, Lord, And truth Eternal is Thy Word ; Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, Till suns shall rise and set no more. 395. L. M 1 Spirit of the Living God ! In all Thy plentitude of grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our apostate race ! 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love, To preach the reconciling Word Give power and unction from above, Where'er the joyful sound is heard. 3 Be darkness, at Thy coming, light. Confusion, order, in Thy path j Souls without strength inspire with might ; Bid mercy triumph over wrath. 4 Convert the nations ; far and nigh The triumphs of the cross record ; The name of Jesus glorify. Till ev'ry people call Him Lord. 396. ^ II-I 1 When, Lord, to this our Western land. Led by Thy providential hand. Our wand'ring fathers came. Their ancient homes, their friends in youth, Sent forth the heralds of Thy truth. To keep them in Thy name. 352 MISSIONS. 2 Then, through our solitery coast, The desert features soon were lost ; Thy temples there arose; Our shores, as culture made them fair, Were hallow'd by Thy rites, by prayer, And blossomed as the rose. 3 And ! may we repay this debt To regions solitary yet Within our spreading land ! There, brethren, from our common home, Still westward, like our fathers, roam ; Still guided by Thy hand. 4 Saviour! we own this debt of love, shed Thy Spirit from above. To move each Christian breast ; Till heralds shall Thy truth proclaim And temples rise to fix Thy name Through all our desert west. 397. II-6 1 From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain. They call us to deliver Their land from errour's chain. MISSIONS. 353 2 TTIiat though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle ; Though ev'ry prospect pleases And only man is Tile : In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strewn; The heathen in his blindness. Bows down to wood and stone. 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we, to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? Salvation I Oh, Salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim Till each remotest nation Has learnt Messiah's name I 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story. And yoUy ye waters, roll. Till, like a sea of glory It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er ourransom'd nature The Lamb for sinners slain. Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. 398. P. M. 1 Thof, Whose Almighty word Chaos and darkness heard, And taok their flight. 354 MISSIONS. Hear us Ave humbly pray, And where the Gospel-day Sheds not its glorious ray Let there be light . 2 Thou. Who didst come to bring On Thy redeeming wing Healing and sight, Health to the sick in mind, Sight to the inly blind, Oh! now to all mankind Let there bie light I 3 Spirit of truth and love. Life-giving, holy Dove, Speed forth Thy flight ; Move on the waters' face, Spreading the beams of grace, And in earth's darkest place Let there be light! 4 Blessed and Holy Three, Glorious Trinity, Grace, Love, and Might : Boundless as ocean's tide, Rolling in fullest pride. Through the world, far and wide. Let there be light I 399. L. M 1 Arm of the LoRt>, awake, awake ! Put on Thy strength I the nations shake ! And let the world adoring see. Triumphs of mercy Avrought by Thee. MISSIONS. 355 2 Say to the heathen from Thy throne, I am Jehovah — God alone ! Thy voice their idols shall confound, And cast their altars to the ground. 3 Almighty God ! Thy grace proclaim, In every land, of evei-y name ; Let Zion's time of favour come ; Oh ! bring the tribes of Israel home. 4 Arm of the Lord, awake, awake ! Put on Thy strength ! the nations shake ! Let hostile powers before Thee fall, And crown the Saviour, Lord of all. ^>^o« 400. L. M, 1 Ye Christian heralds go proclaim Salvation through Immaxuel's name ; To distant climes the tidings bear, And plant the Rose of Sharon there. 2 He'll shield you with a wall of fire. With flaming zeal your breasts inspire ; Bid raging winds their fury cease, And hush the tempest into peace. 3 And when your labours all are o'er Then we shall meet to part no more ; Meet, with the blood-bought throng to fall, And crown Messiah Lord of all. 356 MISSIONS. 401. c. M. 1 DauCxHter of Zion, from the dust, Exalt thy fallen head ; Again in thy Redeemer trust, He calls thee from the dead, 2 Awake, awake, put on thy strength, Thy beautiful array ; The day of freedom dawns at length. The Lord's appointed day. 3 Ptebuild thy walls, thy bounds enlarge, And send thy heralds forth ; Say to the South, "Give up thy charge," And " keep not back, North I " 4 They come, they come ; Thixe exiled bands, Where'er they rest or roam, Have heard thy voice in distant lands, And hasten to their home. 5 Thus, though the universe shall burn, And God His works destroy, "With songs the ransom'd shall return. And everlasting joy. 402. IV-I. 1 How wondrous and great Thy works, God of praise ; How just, King of saints, And true are Thy ways: who shall not fear Thee, MISSIONS. 35T And hono"ar Thy Name: Tuou only art holy, Thou only supreme. 2 To nations long dark Thy light shall be shown; Their worship and vows Shall come to Thy throne ; Thy truth and Thy judgments Shall spread all abroad, Till earth's every people Confess Thee their God, «y of re?t and gladness . Father Thou who hast created all God of Hosts, the migh:}- Lord . God of truth, Ljrd of night . God of all the strength and power God of Love, king of Pejce . God our help in ages past, . . God my heart is fully bent . . God, my gracious God to Thee , God, my heart is fix'd 'tis bent . God, Thy soldier's great reward God unseen, yet ever neir . guardian ot the Church Divine . happy day, that stays my choice heavenly Jerusalem .... heavenly word, eternal light, help us Lord, ea-h hour of need Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, . . . Holy Spirit, Lord of grace . . Holy Content to dwe'l .... Jesus, king most won.lerful . Metre. Ilj-mus. P. jr. 230 L. M. 315 L. M. 177 L. M. 363 C. JI. 323 L. H. 384 III-3 62 P. M. 37G L. M. 313 in-1 311 S. if. 262 L. M. 3ii II-3 11 L. M. 73 L. M. 25 L. M. 251 L. M. 279 L. M. 333 II-6 122 P. M. 126 C. M. 250 L. M. 3i;g L. M. 330 L. M. 383 C. M. 185 C. M. 281 II-2 307 L jr. 255 L. jr. 353 C Jt. 142 L. Jt. IJG L. M. lol n-6 36G L. Jt 10 c. jr. 232 L. JI. lU c. >r. 113 L. M. 421 c. jr. 263 192 INDEX. FIRST LINE. M t.o Ilvmns. Jesus, Lord of Light and grace Lord, in perfect bliss above . . Lord, turn not Thy face from us Lord most high eternal king . . Lord of hosts, whose glory fills . Lord behold before Thy throne . love who formedst me to wear . love, how deep I how broad I how light, whose beams illumine all [high Paradise ! Paradise ! ..." praise the Lord in that blest place praise ye the Lord, render thanks and bless the Lord sacred Head surrounded ... sacred Head, now wounded . Saviour who for man hast trod . Sion, open wide thy gates . . sinner, lift the eve of faith . . Spirit of the Living God, . , , Thou to whose all creatures bow Thou to whom all searching sight Thou who dost to man accord Thou from whom all goodness flow Thou whose all redeeming might Trinity, most blessed light . . 'twas a joyful sound to hear . . with due rev'rence let us all . where shall rest be found . . , worship the king .... O'er mountain tops the mount of God O'er the gloomy hills of darkness . Oft in danger, oft in woe . . . Oh, what if we are Christ's . . . Once more, Lord, Thy sign shall be On the mountain's top appearing . Once more the solemn season calls On this day the first of days Oat of the deep I call .... Our Lord is risen from the dead . Our blest Redeemer ere He breathed L. M. 316 L. M. 1 41 C. M. 58 L. M 97 L. M. 149 L. M 426 11-3 ' 249 L. M. 26(5 IL3 253 p. M. 293 L. M. 210 IV-1 211 C. M. 280 II-6 69 n-6 75 L. .M. 98 C. M. 350 II-7 70 L. M. 395 C. M 271 L. M. 47 II-l 51 C. M. 192 L. M. 355 L. M. 332 C. M. 156 C. M. 153 S. M. 222 IV-1 252 0. M 39 iir-5 403 iir-i! 234 S.M.I 339 C. M.l 8 III-5 30 C. M. 50 HI 1 .302 S. M.i 289 L. M. 95 C. JI.i 111 INDEX. 393 FIRST LINE. Praise my soul, the king of heaven, Praise, praise our God and king, Praise to God; immortal praise Praise to God, who reigns above, . Praise the Lord I ye heavens ado'e Praise we the Lord this day . [Him. Regard my words, gracious Lord, Rejoice to-day with one accord. Rejoice I the Lord is king I . , . Resting from His work to-da}-- . Ride on I ride on in majesty Rise I crown" d and light, imperial Sa lem rise I . Rise my soul and stretch thy wings R:)ckofAges, c'eft fur me . . Ruler of the hosts of lijcht . . Saviour, sprinkle many nations .Saviour, source of every blessing. Saviour I who Thy flock art feeding Saviour, when night involves the skies Saviour when in dust to Thee . . Salvation doth to God belong . . Salvation I oh, the joyful sound, . Sea He comes I whom every nation See the destined day arive ! Shout the glad tidings, exultingly sing' Sinner rouse thee from thy s'.eep . Since Christ our passover is slain . Sing my soul. His wondrous love . Sing to the Lord, a new made song Sion's daughter, weep no more Softly now the light of day . . , Soldiers of Christ, arise, .... Soldiers, who are Christ's below . Songs of praise the angels sing ; . Sovereign ruler of the skies . . Met.e. IlymiH. III-3 233 IIM 371 III-2 369 L. M. 363 III-3 246 . S. M. i 352 1 C. M. 319 1 P. M. 378 i F. M. 229 III-l 78 L. M. 65 , ILo 29 1 r. M. 198 in- 2 ] SO : III 1 112 III- 3 392 III-3 163 , 1II-3 124 L M. 310 : IIL2 76 L. 3C 377 C. M 173 III 3 6 III-l 72 ' p. M. 20 Ill- 1 284 C. M. 91 III-l 168 C. M. 7 III-2 68 Ill-l 322 S. M. 127 III-l 129 ! III-l 214 ; lll-l 171 304 INDEX. FIRST LINE. Metre. Ilyniiis. Spirit of mercy truth anil love Spirit of truth'! on this Thy day . Sun of my soul. Thou Saviour dear Sweet Saviour, bless us ere we go, Sweet is the work, my God, my king Sweet the moments rich in blessino; Take up thy Cross ! the Saviour said That day uf wrath, that dreadful day The ancient law dejtarts .... The-day of resurrection ' The earth Lord, is one wide field The eternal gifrs of Christ the king The great forerunner of the morn . The gentle Saviour cnlls .... The Cod of Abraham praise . • The Head that once was crowned with thorns . The Lamb's high banq't called to share The life whicu Gods incarnate word j The Lord my pasture sliall prepare j The Lord unto my Lord thus spal-ie \ The Lord Himself, the mighty Liord ; The name of our God . . . . j The people that in darkness sat The royal banners forward go • . 1 The roseate hues of early dawn . ' The race that long in dai kuess pined The spirit in our hearts . . . . t The starry firmament on high . j The strain upraise of joy and praise! The strife is o'er the batt.e dime . The Son of God goes forth to war . The spacious firmament on high . The year is gone bej'ond recall Thee will I bless, my Uod my king There is a blessed home .... There is a book, who runs may read There is a fountain filled with blood 20J: 15 34f) II-6. 94 C. M. 338 L. M. 357 L. M. 350 S. SI. T?5 P. M 206 C. M. 204 S M. SO C. M. 342 ir-3. no II-2. 2r.4 C. M. 27.') IV- 1 270 C. M. 32 L. M. 59 c. ir. 244 C. M. 19 S. M. 283 L. M. 101 P. M. 209 P. M. 90 C. M. 180 L. M 162 C. M. 390 C. M. 213 P M. 364 c. :.[. 43 C. M. 166 INDEX. 395 FIRST LINE. I Metre. Hymns. There is a land of pure delight . Thou, whose almighly word. Thou art the way to Thee alone Thou art gone to the grave, but v\ . iSmA