BV 4070 .A76 G4 1883 Auburn Theological Seminary (N.Y.) General catalogue of the GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE Auburn Theological Seminary, AUBURN, N. T. 1883. w<- GENERAL C/VTALOGUE OF TJIE AuBUKN Theological Seminaky, INCLUDING THE TRUSTEES, TiUUSURERS, PROFESSORS, AND ^X. U ]M N I 1883. A U i; U R N , N . Y . Daily Advertiser and Weekly Journal Printing House, 18S3. TABLE OF CONTENTS. EXPLANATORY STATEMENTS, ..... 5-8 GENERAL LISTS. Trustees, .-.--.-- g-14 Treasurers, ........ 14-15 Professors, ..--... 15-17 Alumni, by Classes, ...... 18-1S6 Post Graduates, - - - . . . 1S7-S NECROLOGICAL LIST. ( In the Order of the Dates of Death) - - 189-288 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS, .... 2S9-293 INDEX, ........ 294-308 EXPLANATORY STATEMENTS. Plcdsc read before eoiisiiliiui:^ the Catalogue. It is a distinctive feature of this Catalogue that it separates the no- tices of the dece ised from those of the living, arranging the former by themselves in the order in which the deaths occurred. This plan has its disadvantages as well as its advantages. That it renders possible the stereotyping of the Necrological list, in some future edition, when it shall have been made as complete, up to date, as it is ever likely to be, seemed to the compiler a decisive consideration. As long as a man is living, his record is subject to change, and is therefore not ready to stereo- type. Under this view of the case, the names of the deceased, in the few instances where the date of death has not been at least approxi- mately ascertained, have been placed in the Class lists and not in the Necrology. With some variations, each full notice consists of two or three parts, viz : first, statistics of personal history ; second, statistics of profes- sional services ; third, special statistics. In the professional statistics, the name of a place is that of a field of labor, and presumably, a field in which the man is a pastor or acting pastor. Wherever the case is known to be otherwise, the design has been to indicate it. The design has been to insert the names of all persons who, at any known date, have been trustees, treasurers, professors or students of Auburn ; and to insert each name in all the lists to which it belongs. But \\\t full notice of each person appears in only one list. A reference to this is given in the other places where the name occurs. The full notice of men who deceased at a known date appears, in all instances, in the Necrological list. In the other lists, simply the name is given, with the date of death, the latter serving as a reference to the place of the full notice. The full notice of living men who have been students, appears in the list of Alumni. In the cases in which any of these have also been trus- tees, professors, or post graduates, only their names are given in these other lists, with a reference to the class to which they belonged. In the case of men who belonged to different classes in the Semi- nary, the full notice is given in the list of the class with which they graduated; but if they did not graduate here, usually in that of the class with which they were first connected. 6 EXPLANATORY STATEMENTS. Those who pursued selected studies only are catalogued with the class with which they principally studied. As the fullest notice includes all the briefer ones, the latter are omitted in the references in the alphabetical index. Each class is catalogued in two alphabetical lists, the second of which contains the names of men of whom it is known that they did not graduate with the class, though they were at some time connected with it. In a few special instances, men who substantially completed the course have been listed as graduates, although they were not so, technically. In the Necrological list, the age at death is given by the nearest birthday, which is sometimes the last birthday, and sometimes not. When several successive fields of labor or places of residence are in the same State, the mention of the State is ordinarily omitted, except in the first of the successive items. The same method is adopted with names of religious denominations, and of modes of service. The Catalogue shows some lack of uniformity in the spelling of names of places. In most instances this is due to their being variously spelled by intelligent correspondents. There is also a great lack of uniformity in the matter of abbreviations, but this is the less important since no abbreviations are used except such as are self explaining. It is probable that some of the ordinations reported as by Congrega- tional Associations were actually either by Consociation, or by Council called within the limits of the Association named. The compiler has deemed it no part of his duty to publish a record of cases of di'^cipline, either by the Seminary authorities or by the va- rious ecclesiastical bodies to which the Auburn men have belonged. He has tried, however, so to adjust the record that it shall not appear to hold any ecclesiastical body responsible for men whom it has disfel- lowshiped. The compiler has taken especial pleasure in the record of those Alumni who did not enter the ministry, or who soon left it for other ])ursuils. As good citizens and effective Christian workers, the larger number of these men need not blush to compare themselves with their clerical brethren. They are a standing and sufficient proof that a Theological education is not lost, even if its recipient turns out to have no call to the ministry. As to ''published works," the original idea was to include only vol- umes in this Catalogue The mention of pamphlets, articles, and other lesser works has been unsystematically and therefore unequally made. The compiler greatly regrets his lack of uniformity of plan in this matter. He also regrets that the necessary limitations of his work prevent the specific commemoration in it of certain large classes of the friends of the Seminary, or of certain important phases of the work which the Seminary has accomplished. As it now stands, it does not men- tion the founders of the Seminary, as such, nor its long roll of com- missioners from the Presbyteries, nor the generous men and women who have contributed to its endowment. Such of these men as were also trustees or treasurers or professors or students of Auburn, are, in- deed, mentioned in those characters, but, with a few exceptions, their KXl'LANATOKY STATEMENTS. 7 gifts and special services, either to Auburn or to other institutions, are not here recorded. The compiler has ke[jt in mind that this Catalogue is strictly a book of statistics He has carefully filed every scrap of information which has come into his possession, that it might be available for use in case any one should feel called upon to write a. voXwrna o( i/ie/)iorabiiia ; but he has refused to admit non-statistical material into the Catalogue. Had it been practicable, however, he would gladly have added the fol- lowing to the lists herein printed : First, a list of the founders and commissioners of the Seminary, in the order of their first terms of service. This should have included the persons who were present at the preliminary meetings, before the Board of Commissioners was organized, or who otherwise prominently participated in the founding of the Seminary, together with all the commissioners who have actually attended any meeting of the Board, a notice of all the years in which he attended being attached to the name of each one. If a commissioner has at any time been a student of the Seminary, or a trustee or professor or treasurer, it should have been noted, with date, in this list. If not, and if his relations to the Seminary were somewhat permanent, the list should have included statistics of him. Attached to this should have been the roll of the presidents, clerks, and stated clerks of the Commissioners, with their dates of service. Secondly, a list of the financial benefactors of the Seminary. This should have been, in form, less strictly statistical than the other parts of the Catalogue. It should have included some account of the vari- ous attempts to raise money, from the first, v^^ith the names of the finan- cial agents, salaried and unsalaried, who have been employed. To this should have been added the names of the principal donors, in the or- der of their first noted gifts. If the name of a donor occurs in the previous lists of the Catalogue, there should have been a reference to it, and if not, a brief statistical sketch. In this list it would have been possible to do that which could not be done in the other lists, namely, to make grateful and decorous acknowledgment of the beneficence of the men and women who have endowed the Seminary. It might have been completed by adding the history of the names of professorships, buildings, and halls in the old building, with other memorial names. Thirdly, there should have been a series of generalizations from the preceding lists ; for example, a complete list of works published by members of the Seminary ; a roll of foreign missionaries, and one of pioneer missionaries; a roll of pastorates exceeding 25 years; a roll of College and Seminary presidents and professors, and tables repre- senting 'he sources whence the Seminary has drawn its supply of stu- dents, and the fields whither it has distributed its graduates. These additions would have been of genuine statistical value. Nev- ertheless, in view of the current estimates of the worth of such work, the compiler is more afraid of being censured for having devoted too much time to it than too little. For accuracy and completeness, it is believed that this Catalogue will compare favorably with other works of the kind. But of course it is EXPLANATORY STATEMENTS. far from ]:>erfe(:t. //, jvhcii vou discover an error or a deficiency^ you will at once call the attention of the compiler thereto, you will contribute to the greater accuracy of the next Catalogue. To the Rev. Henry A. Hazen, statistician of the Congregational Churches, to the librarians or others in charge of statistics in the Con- gregational House and in Williams, Amherst, Hamilton, Yale, Union, Dartmouth, Middlebury and other Colleges and Universities, to Eros. Page, Day, Robinson and Close of the subscription Committee, to a large number of long-suffering clerks of Presbyteries, Associations, Sessions, Consistories, Churches, and of pastors ot Churches of various names, to very many of our Alumni, and of other men and women who love Auburn, and not least, to the patient, painstaking printers of the Advertiser office, the thanks of the compiler are due for help rendered him in his task. WILLIS J. BEECHER. Auburn, Jan., 1883. GENERAL LISTS. TRUSTEES. Note. When the date of the death of a Trustee is given, the full notice of him will be found in the Necrological list, under that date. When only the Seminary class to whicli he belonged is given, tlie notice will be found in its proper place in the list of that class. As the naines of the men who have been elected Trustees, but have not served, have been published in previous Catalogues, it has been thought proper to retain them, but without statistics. 1S20-21, *JoHN LiNCKLAEN, died Feb. 9, 1822. 1820-22, *Gi.EN CuYLER, died Sept. i, 1832. 1820-34, *Henry Davis, D. D., died March 8, 1852. 1820-24, ^David Hyde, Esq., died April 12, 1824. 1820-32, "^Thaddeus Edwards, died April, 1832. 1820-21, and [822-31, *Gen. Henry McNiel, died May 16, 1844. 1820-64, *Rev. Levi Parsons, died Nov. 20, 1864. 1820-22, *Rev. Benjamin Brearly Stockton, died Jan. 10. 1861. 1820-30 and 1835-57, ■^Dirck Cornelius Lansixg, D. D., died Mar. 19, 1857. 1820-34 and 1846-63, *WiLLiAM Wisner, D. D., died Jan. 7, 1871. 1820-29, *Henrv Axtell, D. D., died Feb. 11, 1829. 1820-27, *Ep.enezer Fitch, D. D., died Mar. 21, 1833. 1820-28, *Rev. David Higgins, died June 18, 1842. 1820-49, *Rev. Seth Smith, died Jan. 30, 1849. 1820-35, ^William Brown, Esq., died March 11, 1854. 1821, ■^Bradley Tuttee. Resigned after a few weeks. 1821-29. *CoL. Samuel Pjellamy, died March 20, 1829. 1821-29, *HoN. Nathaniel Woodhull Howell, LL. D., died Oct. 15' ^851- 1822-36, *HoN. John Harvey Beach, died Aug. 8, 1839. 1824-50, *Eleazar Hills, died Sept. 25, 1856. 10 TRUSTEES. 1827-55, *K.EV. Henry Dwicht, died Sept. 7, 1857, 1828-40, *HoRACi<: Hills, died Sept. 18, 1873. 1829-35, *Rev. Henry Pierce Strong, died Aug. 28, 1835. 1829-45, *James Skinner Seymour, died Dec. 3, 1875. 1829-45, *HoN. Hiram Foote Mather, died July 11, 1868. 1830-32, I. T. Marshall. Of Oswego. Removed to Texas. No information concerning him. 1831-46, *JosiAH Hopkins, D. D., died June 21, 1862. 1832-38 *HoN. Samuel Miles Hopkins, LL. D., died Mar. 9, 1837. 1832-34, *Rev. John Keep, died Feb. 12, 1870. 1834-37, *Sereno Edwards Dwight, D. D., died Nov. 30, 1850. 1834-74, *HoN. John Porter, died Feb. 3, 1874. 1834-37, *HoN. Gerrit Smith, LI.,. D., died Dec. 2, 1874. 1835-74, Abijah Fitch. Born in Cooperstown, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1799 ; united with the Second Presbyterian Church in Auburn, Apr. 6, 1831 ; married to Miss Eleanor Nelson, of Auburn, Feb. 22, 1821. Engagedin Mercantile business and Manufacturing, Auburn, 1817- 34; City Real Estate business from 1834. 1836, *Rev. Medad Pomeroy. Declined to serve. Preferred being commissioner. 1836-42, *Rev. Washington Thacher, died June 29, 1850. J 837-43 and 1846-53, *LeonarD Elijah Lathrop, D. D., died Aug. 17, 1857. 1838-45, *Miles Powell Squier, D. D., died June 22, 1866. ^^387 *Jabez Goodell. Never served. 1838-39, *Nathan Munro, died July 5, 1839. 1839, *Salem Town. Never served. 1840- Richard Steel. Born in Granville, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1795; united with the First Presbyterian Church in Troy, N. Y., May, 18 15 ; sej"ved as drug- gist's apprentice with Dr. Gurdon Corning, of Troy; married to Miss Altie Hyde, of Auburn, Feb. 19, 1823 ; married to Miss Sarah Markoe Knowles, of Darby, Pa., June i, 1831 ; mar- ried to Miss Mary Caldwell Knowles, of Philadelphia, June 23. ^834. Treasurer of Seminary, 1823-38, 1847-55; secretary of Trustees, 1844-46; auditor from 1855. Merchant and druggist in Auburn, 1817-72; still resident in Auburn. TRUSTEES. 1 1 1840-49, SiMKON North, D. D., LL. 1). Born in Berlin, Conn., Sept. 7, 1802 ; united with the First Con- gregational Church in Middletown, Conn., 1818 ; graduated from Yale C'oUege in 1825 ; studied Theology at Yale Divinity School; I-I>. 1). from Western Reserve College, in 1842; S. T. I), from Wesleyan University, in 1849; married to Miss Francks H. Huhharo, of New Haven, Ai)r. 21, 1835. Ordained at VVinfield, N. Y., by Oneida Association, May 25, 1842 ; professor of Greek and Latin, Hamilton College, 1829- 39; president of Hamilton College, 1839-57; since resident in Clinton. 1841, *AzARiAH Smith. Never served. 1841-68, *SiMEON Bknjamin, died Sept. i, 1868. 1842-48, ''^'ARisrARCHUS Champion, died Sept. 18, 1871. 1843, *HoN. Ashley Sampson. Never served. 1845, *Benjamin p. Johnson. Never served. 1845, *HoN. John J. Knox. Never served. 1846- Sylvester Willard. Born in Saybrook, Conn., (now Chester), Dec. 24, 1798; united with the Congregational Church in Wilton, Conn., 1816 ; studied at the Academy in New Canaan, Conn. ; College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, 1820-3; married to Miss Jane Fran- ces Case, of Canton, Conn., Sept , 1830. Practiced Medicine in Brutus, (now Sennett), N. Y., 1823-34 ; in Bristol, Conn., 1834-40; in Chicago, III., 1840-3; resident in Auburn since 1843; president of tlie Oswego Starch Factory from its organization in 1848; first president of Auburn Water Works Co. ; president of Auburn Savings Bank, 1859-79. Secretary of Trustees of Seminary, from 1846. 1846-52, *Hon. Ap.ner Hollister, died Mar. 13, 1852. 1848-54, *Hon. Elijah Rhoades, died Feb. 9, 1S58. 1848-55, *Hiram Hickok Seelye, died Jan. i, 1855. 1849-51, ^William Henry Spencer, D. D., class of 1841-44, died Feb. 16, 1861. 1849- Samuel Hart Gridley, D. D., class of 1826-29. 1851-76, ^Philemon Halstead Fowler, D. D., died Dec. 19, 1879. 185 1- Timothy Stillman, D. D., class of 1827-30. 1852-58, *Ror.ERT Woodruef CoNDiT, D. D., died Feb. 11, 1871. 1854-57, *HoN. Alfred Coup., died Dec. 17, 1S60. 12 TRUSTEES. 1855- Albert Tracy Chester, D. D. Born in Norwich, Ct., June 16, 1S12; united with the Congrega- tional Church in 1829; graduated from Union College in 1833; studied Theology with Dr. Nott, of Schenectady; l3. D. from Union College in 1847; married to Elizabeth Stanley, of Mount Morris, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1836 ; married to Mrs. L. P. Harvey, of Wisconsin, Nov. 29, 1876. Ordained and installed at Ballston Spa, N. Y., by Albany Presby- tery, Oct. 26, 1836; Ballston Spa, 1836-39; Saratoga Springs, 1839-49; Buffalo, North Presbyterian Church, 1849-60; prin- cipal Buffalo Female Academy, i860. President of Trustees since 1870. 1855-58, Henry Kendall, D. D., class of 1840-43. 1855-69, *HoN. Frederick Starr, died Nov. 27, 1869. 1857-63, *NicoLL Havens Bering, M. D., died Dec. 19, 1867. 1858- James Boylan Shaw, D. D., class of 1829-32. 1858-61, Augustus Woodruff Cowles, D. D. Born in Reading, N. Y., July 12, 1819 ; united with the First Pres- byterian Church in Geneva, N. Y., August, 1835; graduated from Union College in 1841 ; studied Theology at Union Theo- logical Seminary, N. Y. ; D. D. in 1857 ; married to Miss Fran- ces Caroline Goold, of Brockport, N. Y., June 15, 1847. Ordained and installed at Brockport, by Presbytery of Rochester, February, 1847; Brockport, 1846-56; President of Elmira Fe- male College from 1856. 1860-71, *Samuel Ware Fisher, D. D., died Jan. 18, 1874. 1863-70, *Hon. John Fisher, died March 28, 1882. 1863-76. *VViLLiAM Carpenter Wisner, D. D., died July 14, 1880. 1865- Levi Parsons, D. D., class of 1851-4. 1869- Hon. Israel Seldon Spencer. Born in Camden, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1813 ; united with the First Presbyterian Church in Syracuse, Fall of 1852; studied Law in the office of the Hon. Ichabod S. Spencer; married to Miss Mary Jane Roberts, of Lenox, N. Y. ; married to Miss Clarissa Jane Benham, of Bridgewater, N. Y. Began the practice of Law in Syracuse, 1845 ; elected Judge in 1850. Published several important papers on legal subjects. 1869-73, JosiAH Butler Williams. Born in Middletown, Conn., Dec. 16, 1810 ; united with the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Albany, N. Y., 1830; studied at Acad- emy at Middletown ; married to Miss Mary Huggeford Hardy, of Ithaca, N. Y., 1842. Merchant and banker; resident of Albany, N Y., 1829-38; of Ithaca, since 1838. TRUSTEES. 13 1S70-81, *HoN. Edwin IVvrher Morgan, died Oct. 13, 1881. 1S72- S.AMUKi. Oilman Brown, D. D., LL. D. Born in North Yarmouth, (now Yarmouth,) Me., Jan. 4, 1813; united with tlie Oongregational Church in Hanover, N. H., 1827 ; graduated from Dartmouth Oollege in 1831 ; Andover Seminary, graduated 1837; 1) I), from Columbia ('ollege in 1852, and LL. 1). from Dartmouth in 1868; married to Mrs. Sakah Van Vechten Savacje, of Schenectady, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1846. Ordained at Woodstock, Vt., by Council, Oct., 1852; professor of Oratory and Belles Lettres, Dartmouth, 1840-63; professor of Intellectual Philosophy and Political Economy, 1863-67 ; pres- ident of Hamilton College, 1867-81. Published" Life of Rufus Choate," 1862, and Liaugural addresses, eulogies. Historical addresses, . I). Born in Bethel, Conn., Dec. 29, 1799; united with the Congrega- tional Church in Bethel, May, 1820 ; graduated from Union College, 1820; studied Theology with Rev. VVm. Andrews and Rev. Bennet Tyl^r' 1821-23; I). D. from Hamilton College in 1843 ; I,L. I), from Amherst, 1866; married to Miss Elizaukih Taylor, of llethel, Oct. 8, 1822. Ordained pastor, Kent, Conn., by Litchfield North Association, Dec. 10, 1824; installed Litchfield, Conn., July 3, 1829; professor of Theology, Western Reserve College, 1836-44; Auburn, 1844-52 ; professor of Mental and Moral Science, and vice-president, Union College, 1852-66; president of Union College, 1866-68; resident Amherst, Mass. Published "Rational Psychology," 1849; "Moral Philosophy," 1853; "Empirical Psychology," 1854; "Rational Cosmology," 1858; " Creator and Creation," 1872; "Humanity Immortal," 1872; "Logic of Reason," 1875; Revised "Empirical Psy- chology," 1882. Moderator of General Assembly, 1856. 1852-54, Clement Long, D. I)., died Oct. 14, 1861. 1854-76, and Emeritus till death, *Ei)win Hall, D. D., died Sept. 8, 1877. 1876- Ransom Bethune Welch, D. D., LL. D., class of 1849-52. HEUREW LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. 1867-70, *Rev. James Edward Pierce, class of 1862-65. "^^^^^ J'-^'Y 13, 1870. 1871- Willis Judson Beecher, D. D., class of 1861-64. 18 ALUMNI. ALUMNI. Note. — When the date of the death of an Alumnus is given, the full notice of him will be found in the Necrological list, under that date. 1821-4. *JosiAH Bacon, died April 14, 1S75. *Jacob Catlin, died Aug. 31, 1855. George Washington Elliott. Born in Thornton, N. H., Sept. 18, 1796; united with the Con- gregational Church in Campton, N. H., at 19 years of age; studied at Phillips Academy and Dartmouth College ; married to Miss Nancy Fitch, of Auburn, May 17, 1826 ; married to Mrs. Susan Caroline Bates Cowen, of Palmyra, N. Y. Ordained and installed, Lenox, N. Y., by Council, Spring of 1826; Second Church, Lenox, 1826-30; Bergen; Mt. Morris, 1832-4; Churchville; Newark, 1836 ; Lowell and Washington, 111., 1838- 51 ; secretary of Home Missions, and afterward of Bible Soci- ety, for Wis., from i85i,five or six years; since resident in Mil- waukee. Horatio Foote, D. D. Born in Bernardston, Mass., 1796; united with the Congregational Church in Burlington, N. Y., 1820; graduated from Union College in 1820; received the degree of D. D. from Chadwick College in 1846; married to Abigail Kirkland, of Bridgewater, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1826. Ordained and installed at Kingston, U. Canada, Union Presby- terian Church, by Presbytery of Cayuga, Sept. i, 1825 ; Kingston 1825-28; Champlain, N. Y., 1830 ; Montreal, Canada ; Burling- ton, Vt. ; Fourth Church, Hartford, Ct. ; Buffalo, N. Y. ; Gales- burg, 111., 1839-40; Quincy, 111., First Congregational Church, 1840-7 ; Chaplain U. S. Hospital, 1862-5 ! Quincy, 111., Centre Congregational Church, 1847-77 ; resident in Quincy. William Johnson. Born in Fairfield, N. Y., 1797 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1821. Ordained at Millville, N. Y., by Presbytery of Niagara, June 29, 1825; Barre, 1828; Lexington, 1829-32; Sharon, O., 1835-50 and 1856-8; since when no trace of him. *SoLOMON Stevens, died June 7, 1861. ALUMNI. 19 *Wii,i.iAM T(n)i), died Aug. ii, 1874. *AsA K. J'.UKi., died June 29, 1S37. *AMr.R()SE EgglI'.ston, died Jan. 23, 1865. *SaiMuel Manning, died .April 16, 1843. *Chari.ks Yai.e, died Nov. 28, 1864. 1822-5. *Sri:i'HKN Pekt, died Mar. 21, 1855. *FuANKLiN Putnam, died Oct. 11, 1859. *George Seymour, died June 15, 1825. ^Nathaniel Sukkkield Smith, died Jan. 10, 1881. *George Taylor, died June 30, 1842. Sidney Weller. Graduated from Union College in 1820; Senior year at Auburn. Reported in Minutes of Assembly, W. C., Halifax, N. C., 1831, Brenkleyville, 1832-40; reported in Seminary Catalogues, Hal- ifax, 1836, '39, '50, '53, and dec'd in Catalogue of 1858. *Zenas Clapp, died Jan. 29, 1837. *James Fitch Coggswell, died May, 1862. *Samuel Nicholas Shepard, died Sept. 30, 1856. 1823-6. *John Watson Adams, D. D., died April 4, 1850. John Treat Baldwin. Born in New Milford, Ct., September 11, 1796; united with the Congregational Church in New Milford, June 17, 1816 ; gradu- ated from Princeton College in 1823 ; some months with Dr. Taylor in New Haven ; Middle and Senior years in Auburn ; married to Mrs. Maria Scoville Smith, of New York, Oct. 9, 1831. Ordained at Springfield, N. Y., by Presbytery of Ikiffalo, Sept. 6, 1827; Holley, 1826; Hamburg and Aurora, Erie Co., about three years; then resident for more than 37 years at Franklin- ville, preaching there and in other places, and laboring for Bible Societies in Pa., Ohio and Mich. ; in Missouri part of one year ; 20 ALUMNI. in Oregon, 1872-3; in California, doing active pioneer work, from 1873 ; Yreka, Cal. *MoRRis Barton, died Feb. 13, 1857. *Elisha Cowles, died May 17, 1826. *JoHN Berrien Fish, died Dec. 22, 1869. *RoBERT William Hill, died Jan. 16, 1856. ■*Edwin Holt, died June 26, 1854. *HiRAM Huntington Kellogg, D. D., died Jan. i, 1881. *Oliver Platt, died Sept., 1824. *George Robert Rudd, died Feb. i, 1881. Hiram Smith. Born in Westfield, Mass., Sept. 21, 1800; united with the Congre- gational Church in Ellington, Ct., Jan., 181 7 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1823; at Auburn, Middle and Senior years ; married to Miss Adeline Fellows, of Montville, Conn., 1836 ; married to Miss Rachel C. Kellogg, of Colchester, Conn., 1838. Ordained at Shelburne, Mass., by Franklin Association, Nov. 10, 1830; Marcellus, N. Y., 1827-34; Margaretta, O., 1834-8; Almont, Mich., 1838-42; then resident in Margaretta, preach- ing 18 years, and teaching for 3 years more ; since resident in Hillsdale, Mich., preaching occasionally. *WiLLiAM Beardsley, also 1827-30, died Dec. 13, 1866. *Gardner K. Clark, died Mar. 19, 1870. *Henry Hotchkiss, died Oct. 23, 1831, *Herman Norton, died Nov. 20, 1850. *JosEPH Ayer Pepoon, died Dec. 31, 1874. JosiAH B. Wilkinson. United with the Presbyterian Church in New Providence, N. J., July I, 1813; Princeton Seminary, 1822-3; entered Senior, Auburn, Dec, 1825 ; also catalogued in Middle year, with class of 1824-7. Licentiate of Presbytery of Elizabeth town, until 1829. 1824-7. ^Lemuel Brooks, died Sept. 21, 1881. *JoEL Campbell, died May 15, 1872. ALUMNI. 21 RoRERT Bond Campfiei.d. Born in Newark, N. J., June, 1802; united with the First Presby- terian Church in Newark, May, 1817 ; graduated from Princeton College in 1824 ; course, and one post graduate year at Auburn ; married to Miss Harriettk Seymour Perkins, of Amherst, Mass., June, 1829. Ordained and installed at New Preston, Conn., by Litchfield South Association, Nov. 16, 1831 ; assistant pastor, Caldwell, N. J., 1828-9; assist, sec. of Bd. of Dom. Miss, of Gen. Assembly, 16 months ; New Preston, Conn., ,3^ years ; dist. sec. of Am. S. S. Un., New York, 28 years ; Synodical sec. of S. S., 4 years ; work of Am. and For. Ch. Un., 10 years; resident in Newark, N. J. *Abner P. Clarke, died Feb. 6, 1835. *Tertius Strong Clarke, D. D., died April 14, 1875. Christopher Cory. Born in Westfield, N. J., June 13, 1800; united with the First Pres- byterian Church in Westfield, 1819 ; studied at Bloomfield Academy; studied with Rev. John Ford, 1823-5 ; Middle and Senior years in Auburn ; married to Miss Mary Hedges Baker, of Westfield, Aug., 1827. Ordained at Bloomfield, N. J., by Presbytery of Newark, Dec. 25, 1827 ; West Town, N. Y., 1828-32 ; Elkhart, Ind., 1S34; Lima, Ind., 1836-49, and resident there since. Henry Dean. Born in Stamford, Conn., 1792 ; Senior year in Auburn ; Pound- ridge, N. Y., 1829; Streetsborough, O., 1S34-5, residing there 1836-8; New York, teaching, 1839; Brooklyn, teaching, 1846-54. *Elias Riggs Fairchild, died April 22, 187S. *Lewis Dunham Howell, died Sept. 25, 1847. *Isaac Jones, died Jan. 27, 1876. *Beaufort Ladd, died March 19, 1879. Alvah Lilly. Born in Ashfield, Mass., Dec. 19, 1799; united with the Congre- gational Church in Hawley, Mass., 1816; graduated from Wil- liams College in 1824; married to Miss Catherine Headley, of Walton, N. Y., April 14, 1828 ; married to Ruth Owen, of Lisle, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1841. Ordained at Franklin, N. Y., by Presbytery, July 15, 1829 ; County missionary for Delaware Co., 1 year ; Columbus, i year ; Ham- ilton, 1831-3 ; Newfield, 1834-9 ; Gorham, 1839-44 ; Pewaukee, Lisbon and Hartland, Wis., 1844-53; Varney, N. Y., 1853-4; Gorham, 1854-63 ; Pewaukee, Wis., 2 years; resides in White- water, Wis. *EnENEZER Mead, died Dec. 28, 1848. *Adam Miller, died Dec. i, i88i. 22 ALUMNI. *Bennett Fairchild Northrop, died March 4, 1875. *Frye Bailey Reed, died Aug. 24, 1877. *Ebenezer Seymour, died June 21, 1S79. *JosEPH Steele, died April 25, 1872. *TiMOTHY Stowe, died Oct. 13, i860. *Henry Philip Tappan, D. D., LL. D., died Nov. 15, 1881. *Daniel Van Valkenburgh, died Nov. 24, 1864. *James Adams, graduated with Class of 1826-9, died Feb. 7, 1857. *Edwards Abbott Beach, died May 23, 1881. *Jairus Burt, died Jan. 15, 1857. *Alanson Baldwin Chittenden, died April ii, 1S53. *Ralph Clapp, died Jan. 19, 1882. *John Conway, Jr. Remained six months in the Seminary, then returned to the farm to take care of his parents; married, and died in 1851 ; beyond this, no clue to localities or dates. *Aaron Garrison, died Dec. 11, 1839. *George Hornell, graduated in Class of 1S25-8, died Sept. 9, 1855. *Leverett Hull, died Sept. 3, 1852. *Warren Isham, died May 18, 1863. *WiLLiAM Weed Marvin, died Oct. 28, 1868. *John McDonald, died Aug. 15, 1866. *Erastus Noble Nichols, died Feb. 17, 1882. *Joel Parker, D. D., died May 2, 1873. *Ethan Pratt, died Nov., 1850. George Spaulding. Born in Plainfield, N. Y., 1798; united with the Congregational Church in Groton, N. Y., January 5, 181 7 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1824; in Auburn to middle of Senior year; married to Miss Olive Selover, of Auburn, Feb. 13, 1828. Ordained and installed at Madison, N. Y., by Council, Jan. 9, 182S ; Madison, 1827-9 ! Gilbertsville, 1831-2 ; Bainbridge, 1833; Southport, 1837; Varna, 1846-52; Jasper, 1853; Can- isteo, 1854-60; Weston, 1861-3; Tyrone, 1864 ; Newfield, 1865 ; Waverly, 1867 ; Brooklyn, Pa., 1868-75 ; Ev. at Canasarega, N. Y., since 1876. Josiah B. Wilkinson. See 1823-6. ALUMNI. 28 1 825-8. *IsAAC FooTE Adams, died Nov. 23, ]876. William Brobston. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., 1804 ; united with the Locust Street Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia as early as 1818; graduated from Union College in 1825 ; married to Miss Hannah Ann Cromartie, of South River, N. C, 1830. Ordained in Cumberland Co., N. C, by Presbytery, Dec. 18, 1830 ; went as home missionary to Elizabethtown, Brown Marsh, South River and Big Swamp, N. C ; labored in N. C. till 1848; then in Wisconsin for some years ; then for a short time near Shelbyville, Tenn. ; then city missionary in Nashville, Tenn., till about i860; then in Wisconsin again; now for some years resident in Chicago. Published papers on Temperance, &c. Ror.KRT Brown. Born in Stockbridge, Mass., March 21, 1803 ; united with the First Presbyterian Church in Auburn, 1826 ; graduated from Williams College in 1825; entered Auburn Middle class; married to Miss Eliza Headley, of Walton, N. Y., summer of 1828. Ordained 1832; Mexicoville, N. Y. ; Rose Valley; UeRuyter; according to the Annals of Williams College, he was living in Dayton, Ohio, 1870. *Isaac Crai!B, died Mar. 29, 1866. *LuKE DeWitt, died Oct. 31, 1S77. *Charles Edwin Furman, D. D., died June 10, 1880. Ransom Hawley. Born in Bridgeport, Conn., April 24, 1802 ; united with the Con- gregational Church in Bridgeport, March 4, 1821 ; studied with Rev. Elijah Waterman ; married to Sarah M. Hall, of Bridge- port, June 14. 1S30. Ordained, Washington, Ind., by Presbytery of Wabash, Nov. 21, 1829; Washington, 1828-34; Bloomington, 1834-41; Putnam- ville, 1841-65 ; resident tnere till 1879, andsince then in Terre Haute. Published several addresses. *Asa Hixon, died Nov. 16, 1862. *George Hornell, died Sept. 9, 1855. *Cyrus Hudson, died Dec. 11, 1875. *JosiAH James Kirkpatrick, died early in 183 1. Ulrie Maynard. Born in Hartford, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1798; united with the Congre- 24 ALUMNI. gational Church in Adams, March, 1819 ; graduated from Ham- ilton College in 1825 ; married to Olive Branch, Aug. 26, 182S. Ordained at Litchfield, N. Y., by Oneida Presbytery, August 6, 1828; home missionary in Union and Fayette Cos., Ind., 1828 -32 ; pastor in Darien, Ct., in 1835 ; most of his life doing ser- vice as a revival evangelist, or an agent ; resident in Castle- ton, Vt. Hiram Lindsley Miller. Born in New Vernon, N. J., Jan. 28, 1804; united with the Pres- byterian Church in Morristown, N. J., Aug. 8, 1822; studied at Academies at Basking Ridge and Morristown, N. J. ; married to Miss Adeline Little, June i, 1S30. Ordained, Sparta, N. Y., by Presbytery of Genesee, Aug. 24, 1831 ; Buffalo, N. Y., 1828 ; Lockport, 1828-9 ; Avon, 1829-30; Jkigh- ton, 1831-2; Trumansburgh to 1836; Saginaw City, Mich., a year or two from 1836 ; since resident there, elder of First Pres- byterian Church, engaged in business. *Benjamin Coleman Smith, died Oct. 17, 1861. *Joel Talcott, died Dec. 25, 1871. Samuel LItley. Born in Dalton, Mass., Feb. 19, 1798; united with the Church in Chesterfield, Mass., 1824 ; graduated from Union College in 1826; married to Mary J. Eastman, of Concord, N. H., April 14, 1834. Ordained at North Rochester, Mass., by Old Colony Assoc, Nov. 3, 1832; New Bedford, Mass., 1828-30; North Rochester, 1830-5: Eping, N. H., 1835-7; Southfield, Mass., 1837-46; Austerlitz, N. Y., 1846-57; resident in Hudson 1858-60, in Con- cord, N. H , 1869-74, and since in Chatham, N. Y. George Washington Warner. Born in Hardwick, Vt., Aug. 14, 1800; united with the Presbvte- rian Church in Athens, O., April, 1819; graduated from Ohio University in 1825 ; married to Miss Susan Eliza Wyckoff, of Auburn, June 28, 1828. Ordained pastor, Wooster, O., by Presbytery of Richland, Nov., 1833; Coshocton and Keene, O., 1828-31; Cortland, N. Y., and Jordan, N. Y., 1831-2 ; Wooster, O., 1832-6 ; Massillon, 1836 -43; agt. Am. Bib. Soc, 1844-6; farmer and evangelist, Cayuga Co., N. Y., 1847-50; Weedsport Presbyterian Church, 1850-62; pioneer work in Colorado, 1S62-3; missionary and Bible work in Central New York, 1864-8; Canaan Centre and Canaan Four Corners, N. Y., from 1868. Ashbel Shipley Wells. Born in Jericho, Vt., Dec. 3, 1798; united with the Congregational Church in Jackson, Me., July, 1816 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1824; entered Middle class, Nov. 16, 1826, and ALUMNI. 25 studied a year and a half; married to Miss Sophia Hastings, of Clinton, N. Y., Mar. 24, i vice-president of Trustees from 1870. Bloomer Kent. Resident at Franklin, N. Y., when in the Seminary. The General Catalogues place him at Hamden, N. Y., 1836 and 1839, Lower Sandusky, Ohio, 1850 and 1853, and dead, 1858. Eliphalet Kent. Born in Dorset, Vt., March 17, 1800; united with the Congrega- tional Church in Greenfield, N. Y., 1818 ; graduated from Williams College in 1826 ; married to Miss Frances Capron, of TinmouthjVt., Aug., 1829 ; married to Mrs. Fannie Morris, Sept. 14, 1844. Ordained at Pittsford, Vt., by Rutland Association, Aug. 26, 1829 ; home missionary in Shelby and Bartholomew counties, Ind., five years ; pastor of Greenwood Presbyterian Church, Ind., 5 or 6 years ; in charge of Shelby County Seminary till 1844; afterward preaching and teaching ; resident at Shelbyville, Ind. *Milton Kimkall, died Oct. 10, 1865. *Tertius Dunning Southworth, died Aug. 2, 1874. 28 ALUMNI. John Taintrr. Entered, Junior, June, 1827 ; catalogued as from Boston, 1827-8, and from Coxsackie, 1828-9 ; not in the (jeneral Catalogues till 1858, and then starred ; one letter says he went to Ohio. *Samukl WooDiiUKY, died Nov. 17, 1876. *David R. Barnes. Junior, 1826-7 ; Middler, 1827-8 and 1828-9 ; catalogued resi- dence, Austerlitz, and Ch. membership, Chatham ; according to General Catalogues, Herkimer County, 1836 and 1839 ; North Wrentham, Mass., 1850 and 1853, and dead, 1858. *Harpf.r BoiKs, died March 7, 1867. *I)avid Cushinc, died June i, 1849. *Enoch KiNc.sHUKY, died Oct. 26, 1868. *J()HN Rkid Moskr, entered class of 25-8, died April 18, 1877. *Tertius Rkynolds, died June 25, 1863. Df.xtkr Wittkr. Born in Hinsdale, Mass., July 15, 1803 ; united with the Congre- gational Church in Aurora, Ohio, 181 9 ; graduated from Yale College in 1824 ; Auburn, Jun. and Mid. years ; married to Miss Emily Moss, of Augusta, N. Y., June 1829 ; married to Miss Mary DeForest, of Cincinnati, O., March 31, 1859. Ordained and installed at Burton, Ohio, by Presbytery of Grand River, March 25, 1829 ; pastor at Burton, and supplying other Churches till about 1849 ; since resident in Burton, supplying Churches ; supply in Burton, 1857-67. 1827-30. Joseph Bloomfield Baldwin. Born in Newark, N. J., Nov. 24, 1804 ; united with the First Presbyterian Church in Newark, July, 1817 ; graduated from Yale College, 1827 ; married to Miss Sarah Ann Tenney, of Brandon, Vt., May 26, 1834 ; married to Miss Rosina P. Whitman, of Windsor, Mass., April 22, 1854. Ordained in New York, N. Y., by Third Presbytery of N. Y., Aug., 1831 ; missionary New York City ; Essex, N. Y., 2 years ; Ticonderoga, 2 years; Canaan, 1834-40; West Cummington, Mass., 1841- ; Weathersfield Centre, Vt. ; retired from active service, having preached 50 years ; resident West Cummington. Linus Williams Billinoton. Bora in Orange, N. J., Jan. i, 1802 ; united with the Presbyterian ALUMNI. 29 Church in Liidlowville, N. Y., May, 1820 ; studied at Ithaca Academy and privately ; entered Auburn on examination; mar- ried to Miss Sophia (Iardnkr, of Bennington, Vt., March 16, 1830. Ordained Cohocton, N. Y., by Presbytery of Bath, Feb., 1830; Cohocton, 1829-30 ; Starkey,i83i-3 ; Dresden, 1834 ; Richmond, 1835-41 and 49-53 ; Scottsville, 1841-8; Fairport, Congrega- tional Church, 1848-9 ; East Mendon, 1853-6; North Bergen, 1856-61 and 1868-9 ; Barre Centre, 1862-8 ; resident at Bergen, supplying churches, 1870-1; Allegany, 1871-7 ; resident at Scottsville since 1877. Published Review of Andrew Jackson Davis' Revelations, 1848; and addresses and newsi)aper articles. *Anskl Briiximan, died Sept., 1838. *Sheli)On Dibble, died Jan. 22, 1845. *JoEL GooDELL, died Nov. 24, 1877. *JoHN LooMis Howard, died June 2, 1830. *Bknjamin Franklin Hoxsey, died Sep. 10, 1835. Asa Johnson. Born in South Deerfield, Mass., Feb. 13, 1802 ; united with the Congregational Church in So. Deerfield, Sept., 1828 ; graduated from Union College, in 1827 ; married to Miss Julia Warner Sadd, of Austinburgh, Ohio, July 14, 1830 ; married to Miss Mary Sophia Sill, of Moreau, N. Y., Sept. 27, 1854. Ordained at Henrietta, N. Y., by Genesee Consoc, June 2, 1830 ; home miss, in Southern Mo., and in Hamilton County, Ohio, till 1832 ; Richmond, N. Y., i year; Nunda, N. Y., 4 years; then Peru, Ind., till 185 1 ; Goshen, Ind., 185 1-3 ; missionary of Synod of Albany, N. Y., 1853-5 ; teaching at Peru, Ind., 1855-7 ; Adel, Iowa, preaching also in other places, 1857-75 ; since then living with his son, Rev. E. P. Johnson, of the class of 1872-5, now pastor in Marshall, Mich. ■ *William Lewis, died April 4, 1838. Cyrus Nichols. Born in Reading, Mass., Oct. 31, 1799 ; united with the Congre- gational Church in Newburyport, Mass., 1822 ; graduated from Williams College in 1827 ; married to Miss Dolly Diana HuRLBUT, of Hoosick Falls, N. Y., July 25, 1830. Ordained Henrietta, N. Y.. by Genesee Consoc, June 2, 1830 Palmyra, Mo., 1830- ; collecting funds for Marion College Racine, Wis., 1836; preached at Racine, Grafton, Decatur agt. for A. H. M. S., and for the Pres. Board of Home Miss. resident at Racine. *JoHN Bower Preston, died Oct. 17, 1877. *JosEPH Merrill Sadd, died Sept. 12, 1872. 30 ALUMNI. Luther Shaw. Born in Rutland, Vt., July 4, 1800; united with the Congrega- tional Church in Rutland, Aug., 1817 ; graduated from Middle- bury College in 1826; married to Miss Julia Chamukrlin, of Romeo, Mich., Aug. 8, 1831 ; married to Miss Lucy Ann Wrkiht, of Tallmadge, Ohio, 1835. Ordained at Henrietta, N. Y., by Genesee Consociation, June 2, 1830 ; Washtenaw Co., Mich., 1830 ; Romeo and Rochester, 1831-6 ; Almont. 5 years from 1836 ; Armada, 5 years; Algonac and Newport, 5 years ; New Haven and Ray, 4 years; Armada again, 4 years; in 1863. moved to 'I'allmadge, Ohio, where he still lives ; here he supplied vacant churches for 2 years, and was for 9 years agent of A. B. S. in Summit and Portage Cos. Timothy Siillman, D. D. Born in Wethersfield, Conn., March 21, 1802 ; united with the Yale College Church, April, 1820 ; graduated from Yale College in 1822 ; received the degree of D. D. from Yellow Springs College in 1856; married to Miss Mary Ann Edwards Abell, Aug. 7, 1832. Ordained at Sheridan, N. Y., by Buffalo Presbytery, May 12, 1830 ; resident in Dunkirk from 1830, pastor there 8 years, and agent of Am. Bethel Soc. 30 years ; stated clerk of Presbytery from 1834, for 47 years ; trustee of Auburn from 1837. Published History of Buffalo Presbytery, 1867. *Reuben Tinker, died Oct. 26, 1854. *Wm. ToiiEY, died Sept. 10, 1849. ^Alfred White, died Oct. 19, 1867. *James Blake Wilson, died April 25, 1879. *George Clinton Wood, died Jan. 5, 1879. *Alfred Wright, died Nov. 18, 1S65. *David R. Barnes. See 1826-9. *WiLLiAM Beardsley, entered class of 1823-6 ; died Dec. 13, 1866. *Baruch Butler Beckwith, died July 4, 1870. *MosES Ashley Curtis, D. D., died April 10, 1872. *Blackleach Burritt Gray, died Feb. 18, 1870. *Davii) Downs Gregory, died Sept. 16, 1874. *William a. Gregory. From Sand Lake, N. Y. ; in Auburn a few months from March, 1828 ; had poor health, and left the Seminary for secular pursuits ; probably died in 1831. ALUMNI. 31 *C()MF()RT Hamilton, M. D., died Oct. 9, 1878. *J()HN Kki.ley, M. D., died Jan. 16, 1872. *Lk\vis Rkma Lockwooi), died Si)ring of 1880. *l)ARNAiiAS Phinni;y, died Nov. 14, 1848. 1828-3 1 . *IsAAc Bi.iss, died .Aug. 9, 1851. Edwin Bkonson. Horn in Delhi, N. Y., July i, 1799; united with the Congregational Church in Washington, Conn., July i, 1820; graduated from Union College in 1828 ; married to Mary Hiichcock, of Homer, N. Y., March 28, 1832. Ordained, Parma, N. Y., by Genesee Consoc, June 8, 1831; Springvvater, N. Y., 1834; Guilford, 1836; Wysox, Pa., 1838-9; Windsor. N. Y., 1840-3 ; Scottsville, 1844-6; Rome, Pa., 1847 ; agent at Mehoopany ; Mehoopany, 1856-61; Laporte, 1862-4; resident at Monroeton, from 1865. Chari.ks Chapman. Born in Saybrook, Conn., March 4, 1804 ; united with the Presby- terian Church in Catskill, N. Y., 1820; graduated from Hamilton College in 1826 ; married to Miss Elizabeth Hanford Porikr, of Hamden, N. Y., Jan. 25, 1832. Ordained, Franklin, by Delaware Presbytery, 1832 ; Walton Second Church, 1832-7 ; Jeffers, 1837-40; Colchester, 1840-3 ; Walton Second Church again, 1843-7 ; Meredith, 1848-56 ; Monterey, 1856-76 ; residAt in Rock Stream, preaching oc- casionally, from 1877. Elias Child. Born in E.xeter, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1806; united with the Congrega- tional Church in Exeter, May 14, 1820; graduated from Union Collef;e in 1828 ; married to Miss Melissa Hollister, of Ballston, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1831 ; married to Miss Sylvina Thorp, of Butternuts, N. Y., May 11, 1833; married to Miss Susan Parker Cleaveland, of Billerica, Mass., Oct. 16, 1867. Ordained Franklin, N. Y., by Delaware Presbytery, 1832 ; 2 years home missionary ; 3 years in Smyrna, N. Y. ; 2 years in Cass- ville ; 7 years in Albion, and Clinton, Mich., then left the active exercise of the ministry, by reason of ill health ; connected with Eleemosynary institutions, and in mercantile busines; resident in Utica, N. Y. Sylvester Cowles, D. D. Born in Otisco, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1805 ; united with the Church in Otisco, Oct., 1824; graduated from Hamilton College in 1828 ; received the degree of D. D. from Hamilton College in 82 ALUMNI. 1873; married to Miss Mary Hays, of Clinton, Aug., 1831 ; married to Miss Frances W. Wood, of New Haven, Conn., Sep., 1846; married to Miss Sophia M. Philips, of Milford. N. H., Aug., 1878. Ordained by Onondaga Presbytery, Sept. 5, 1831 ; Napoli, 1831 ; Ellicottville, 1836 ; Kredonia, 1839 ; Lodi, 1843; EUicotlville, 1846-50; Olean, 1850-61; Randolph, 1862--6 ; Gowanda, 1867- 74; preached and organized churches in Cat. Co.; Evangelist, residing at Randolph from 1875. Published sermons and addresses. *RicHARD Montgomery Davis, died June 13, 1S42. *Davil) Robertson Downer, died Nov. 28, 1841. *Levi Griswoi.d. Entered Auburn from Choconut, Pa. ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1828; Vienna, N.Y., 183? ; Marcellus, 1834; Otisco, 1837-9; Brutus, 1840; Ludlowville, 1842-9 ; resident, Skaneate- les, 1849-52; Victory, 1853-4; Genoa, 1855-6; resident, Clin- ton, Conn., 1858-60; starred in Gen. Catalogue of 1861. *Henry Rexfori) Hitchcock, died Aug. 29, 1855. *Henry Richard Hoisington, died May 16, 1858. Lorenzo Lyons. Born in Colerain, Mass., April 18, 1807 ; united with the Congre- gational Church in Montrose, Pa., April 6, 1823 ; graduated from- Union College in 1827; married to Betsey Custis, of Elbridge, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1831 ; married to Miss Lucia G. Smith, missionary on Maui, July 14, 1838. Ordained at Auburn by Presbytery of Cayuga, Sept. 20, 1831 ; missionary and pastor at Waimea, Hawaii, from 1832. Published, all in Hawaiian, Articles on the Sabbath, 1834-5 ; Children's Hymn Book, 1836-7; Scripture Lesson Book for Children ; Children's Hymn Book, enlarged, with tunes ; Bible Lessons ; Lessons on Pentateuch ; " Children's Lyre," 1863 ; "Hawaiian Hymns," three successive revisions and enlarge- ments; Hawaiian Hymn Book, 1870; " Flag of Glory," 187 1 ; "Sacred Songs," 1873; "Golden Robin," 1874; "Royal Dia- dem," 1878; E.xposition of the Seven Apocalyptic Seals, 1878-9; Weekly S. S. Lessons from 1873; besides editorial work on three papers and numerous contributions in prose and verse. *Edwards Marsh, died Nov. 5, 1877. *William a. Richards, died May 2, 1835. Ebenezer Harrison Stratton. Born in Williamstown, Mass., Oct. 29, 1806 ; united with the Cong. Church in Williamstown, Sept., 1826 ; graduated from Williams College in 1828; Auburn till Feb., 1831, completing ALTMNT. 38 the course with Dr. (Irilfin, of Williamslown ; married to Miss MiNKRV A Oi.iviA I!knnI',i' I', of Aubum, Mar. lo, 1H33; mar- ried to Miss Char 1. 01 ri'. I.i.wis, of Orangeville, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1.S54; married to Miss Fkancks IJusii, of liranchpoit, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1H74. Ordained at (laines, N. Y., by Niagara Presl)'y, Jan., iali.ou. Born in Washington, Mass., Jan. 17, 1806; united with the Con- gregational Church in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., 1830; gradu- ated from St. Lawrence Co. Academy in 1832 ; married to Jane BissKi,!,, of Madrid, Aug., 1836. Ordained and installed at Gainesville, N. Y., by Presbytery of Genesee, 1837; Gainesville, 20 years ; Clarence, N. Y., 20 years ; Byron, N. Y., 3 years; resides at Clarence. *Orlo Bartholomew, died May 7, 1864. ^Frederick H. Brown, died July 31, 1861. *Calvin Ceark, died June 4, 1877. *RussELi, Salmon Cook, died Sept. 4, 1864. 42 ALUMNI. Ethan Barrows Crane. Born in West Troy, N. Y., July 15, 181 1; united with the First Pres. Church in Schenectady, Summer of 1827 ; graduated from Union College in 1832 ; Auburn the course, and post graduate 1835-6 ; married to Miss Deborah Elizabeth Pratt, of Saybrook, Conn., Oct. 8, 1839. Ordained and installed at Saybrook, by Middlesex Consoc, June 28, 1838; Saybrook till 1851; resided in Brooklyn, N. Y., 20 years, and "labored somewhat in the ministry"; acting pastor at South Meriden, Ct., 1874-9; resident Brooklyn, N. Y., 1 88 1. *Jonathan Crank, died Dec. 25, 1877. *David Andrews Frame, died Sept. 24, 1879 Charles Frkdkrkk Halsey. Born in Plattsburgh, N. Y., Nov. 16, 1803; united with the First Presbyterian Church in Plattsburgh, 1829; studied at Platts- burgh Academy and privately; married to Miss Svlvia Ann Morse, of Chateaugay, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1837. Ordained at Champlain, by Presby. of Champlain, Jan., 1836 ; Russelltown, Canada, 1835-8 ; Stockholm, N. Y., 2 years ; Carth- age, 3 years; Waddington, 5 years; Huntingdon, Canada; Underhill, Vt., 2 years; Richmond, 6 years; Warsaw, Wis., 1858-63; Collinsville, 1863-6; Tamaroa, 1867-8 ; Brownstown, 1869-73; Marine, 1873-81 ; Fosterburgh, 111., 1881. *William Hemphill, died May 15, 1833. *Norman Kellogg, died Jan. 12, 1879. *Merit Sidney Platt, died Dec. 3, 1880. Albert Rhamanthus Raymond. Born in Sherburne, N. Y., Nov. 5,1804; united with the Pres. Church in Malta, at 16 years of age; graduated from Union College in 1831; Princeton, 1831-2; Auburn, 1832-5, and post grad., 1835-6 ; married to Miss Mary Lucy Wright, of Salem, Pa., Sept. 28, 1847. Ordained by Presby. of Chenango, Sept., 1837 ; prin. of Classical School, Cazenovia, N. Y., and supply of Pres. Ch., Nelson, 1836-7; Greene, 1837-8; Conklin, N. Y., and Liberty, Pa., 1838-9; Liberty and Franklin, 1839-43; Salem and Sterling, 1844-68 ; ev., resident at Hamlinton, Pa. William Mason Richards. Born in Hartford, Ct., July 11, 1S05 ; united with the First Pres. Church in Troy, N. Y., 1826; graduated from Williams College in 1832; married to Miss Caroline Dougherty, of Belcher- town, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1835. ALUMNI. 43 Ordained and installed at Deerfield, Mass., by Franklin Assoc, Nov. 25, i rtisident at Westfield since 1870, supplying Churches. *Ebenkzer VVkeks Rohinson, died April 8, 1869. *Jami'.s Mai/ihy Sayke, died May 9, 1874. James Scott. Entered Aub. Sen. class, from Newburgh, on dismissal from the Western Theo. Sem. ; the name is omitted from the Gen. Cata- logues previous to 1858, and is credited with the record of another man, from that date. John Frederick Scovill. Born in Fort Edward, N. Y., May 9, 1812 ; united with the Pres. Church in Chester, N. Y., about 1830; studied at Union College in class of 1836 ; entered Auburn Middle class, Oct. 25, 1835; married to Miss Elizabeth Busier Hasbrouck, at Fort Edward, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1837. Ordained pastor of Pres. Ch. of Glenn's Falls, N. Y., by Presby. of Troy, Nov., 1837; remained there till June, 1842; Holland Patent, 1843-9; ceased to be a minister of the Pres. Ch. ; on the staff of the N. Y. Evangelist ; engaged in the busi- ness of Magazine Publishing, in N. Y. ; resident in Brooklyn, N. Y. Washington Stickney. Came to Auburn from Lockport, N. Y. ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1834; Auburn the course, and postgrad., 1837-8; married to Miss Buckingham, of Exeter, N. Y. Ordained and installed at Verona, N. Y., by Presby., Aug. 3, 1842 ; Exeter, N. Y. ; Verona; Indep. Ch., Canastota ; Fort Plain; resident several years in Lockport, N. Y. ; went West. *Thomas Rockwell Townsend, died Sept. 11, 1875. Robert Edmund Willson. Born in Amenia, (now Northeast) N. Y., Mar. 28, 1807 ; united with the Cong. Church in Northeast, Spring of 1831 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1834; East Windsor Sem., 1834-5 ; Auburn, 1835-7, and post grad., 1837-8; married to Miss Mary Strong, of Phelps, N. Y., Feb. 20, 1838. Ordained and installed at Hammondsport, N. Y., by Presby. of Bath, Dec, 1838; Hammondsport, 14 years; Corning, 4 years; Clyde, 14 years ; Havana, 5^ years; evang., residing in Hudson, N. Y., 1875-8, and since then in Philadelphia, Pa. Published "A Review of a Farewell Sermon by the Rev. Mr. Russ ;" and sermons, reviews and articles. ALUMNI. 51 *Vkkn()N WoiADir, died Oct., 1X47. S.AMl'I'.l, Mll.KS Hoi'KlNS, 1). 1). Born in Oeneseo, N. Y., Aug. ANN1S1'KR, 1). 1). Born in Conway, Mass., Oct. 5, 1812; united with the M. E. Church in Sept., 1828 ; graduated from Wesleyan Univ. in 1836; Auburn, to Dec. of Middle year; D. I), from Wesleyan Univ. in 1850; married to Miss Lucy Kimball, Aug. 12, 1840. Ordained Deacon, 1842, and Elder, 1844, both in Oneida Conf. of M. E. Church ; tea. Cazenovia Sem., 1838-43; prin. of same, 1843-56 ; prof, of Exegetical Theology, Garrett Biblical Inst., from 1856; resident in Evanston, 111. Published a Commentary on Isaiah (in " Whedon's Series.") 1882. Mil ION I)RA1)LKV. Bom in Stockholm, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1812; united with the Pres. Church in Potsdam, N. Y., Autumn of 1829 ; graduated from Middlebury College in 1835 ; Auburn, 1837-8; studied private- ly with Rev. Aaron Foster; married to Miss Sarah Jonf.s, of Fort Covington, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1838. Ordained at Parishville, N. Y., by Presby. of St. Lawrence, Au- tumn of 1839; Cong. Ch., Parishville, 1839-43; Pres. Ch., Richland, Mich., 1844-78 ; still resident there as pastor emeritus. *RoBERT Taft Conant. See 1838-41. Isaac Pierson Stryker. Born in Orange, N. J., 1815 ; united with the Pres. Church in Whitesboro, N. Y., 1830 ; studied at Oneida Institute; first year at Auburn, second and third at Yale; had previously studied Law; married to Alida Livingston VVoolsey, of Utica, N. Y., 1848 ; married to Mrs. Eliza Turner, of Whites- boro, N. Y., July 9, 1879. Ordained at Rock Stream, N. Y., l)y Presby. of Steuben, Feb. 2 1843; Watkins, 1842-6; Vernon, 1847-52; Hoboken, N. J., 1852-5; Urbana, 111., 1856-61; New Milford, Pa., 1863-4; Montrose, 1864; army chaplain, 1864-5 '■> resident in New York City, 1865-80, and Closter, N. J., since 1880. *Eliakim Ware Sylvester, M. D., died Mar. 29, 1879. 1838-41. *Davil) Avery Abbey, died Dec. 6, 1865. *JOHN MiLION BeNHAM. Came to the Seminary from Bridgewater, N. Y. ; member of the Church in Cassville ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1837 ; 60 ALUMNI. supply of Church in Worcester, N. Y., 2 years, 1846. It is said that he ceased to be a minister ; went to California, and soon died. Charlks Carroll Carr. Born in Romulus, N. Y., March 22, 1812 ; united with the Pres. Church in Romulus, May, 183 1 ; graduated from Union Col- lege in 1838; married to Miss Eleanor I^'olwell, of Romulus, Aug. 24, 1841. Ordained and installed at Pres. Ch., Horse Heads, N. Y., by Presby. of Chemung, June 30, 1841; Painted Post, 1856-9; Burdett, 1859-63; Horse Heads, 1841-56, and from 1863. *RoBER'r Taft Conant, died Jan. 28, 1879. Horace Eraser. Born in Steuben, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1808 ; united with the Pres. Church in Phelps, 1830; graduated from N. Y. City Univ., 1837; Union Theo. Sem., 1836-7 ; married to Sarah Dey, of Varick, ^837- Ordained and installed at Branchport by Presby. of Geneva, 1841 ; Branchport, 1841-3; Angelica, 1843-4; Branchport again 2 years; Lafayette, 1854-6; Canoga, 1857-60; resident Canoga, 1860-4, Varick, 1864-70, and West Town from 1870. *George Williston Gridley, died Sept. 25, 1846. *Hiram Harris, died Aug. 26, 1872. Parsons Clark Hasiin(;s, Ph. I). Born in Clinton, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1813 ; united with the First Pies. Church in Auburn, about 1833; graduated from Hamilton College in 1838 ; Ph. D. from Hamilton College in 1880 ; married to Miss Mary Ann Guernsey of Rochester, N. Y., May, 1842 ; married to Miss Sarah Sheldon, of Hartford, Conn., April 7, 1852. Ordained and installed at Manlius, N. Y., by Presby. of Onondaga 1845 ; E. Avon, 1841-2 ; Cong. Ch., Clinton, 1843-4; Manlius, 1845-51; chap, at Hamilton Col., 1851-4; Cong. Chs. in Mass., 1855 ; resident in Brooklyn, N. Y. William Hoi;arth, D. D. Born in Geneva, N. Y., April 3, 1814 ; united with the First Pres., Church in Geneva, May i, 1831 ; graduated from Union College in 1S40 ; I). D. from Univ. of N. Y. in 1858; married to Miss Fidelia Lyman Hastings, of Geneva, April 26, 1842. Ordained and installed at Wilmington, Del., by Presby., Dec. 6, 1841 ; Hanover St. Ch., Wilmington ; Geneva, N. Y., First Pres. Ch., 1846-55 ; First Pres. Ch., Brooklyn, 1855-8; Jeffer- son Ave. Pres. Ch., Detroit, Mich., 1858-73; North Pres. Ch., Geneva, N. Y., from 1873. William Hunter. Born in North of Ireland, Feb. 2, 1813; united with the First ALUMNI. 61 C'luircli of VVaterlown, N. Y., May iJ^SS; graduated from Oneida Institute 1.S3S; married to Mary E. Morris, of Aul)urn, May 18, 1842. Ordained and installed at Sprint^water, N. Y., by Presby. of Ontario, Sept. 25, 1844; where he yet remains. *K()i)Ki-;icK. Li'.K HuRi.r.rR r, died I""el). 14, 1854. *Geor(ik Ivks KiNd, J). 1)., died March 12, 1873. *Chari,ks Gold Lkk, died Oct. 9, 1856. *FosTER Lilly, Jr., died Oec. 23, 1855. L.WVRENCE MkUCEREAU, J R. Born in Union, N. Y , July 6, 181 1 ; united with Pres. Ch. there, 1832; graduated from LJnion College, 1839; studies of Junior year at Schenectady ; Auburn, 1839-41 ; married to Miss Adic- LAiDE Stone, of Rensselaerville, N. Y., Se[)t. 30, 1846. Ordained at Candor, N. Y., by Presby. of Tioga, March, 1843; Deposit, 1841-2 ; Middleburgh, Ref. Ch., 1842-5 ; West Troy, Pres. Ch., 1845-6; Cong. Ch., (iroton, 1846-7; Milford, 2 years; Nevvfield, 1847-50; tea. Ames, 1853-5; tea. Little Falls, 1856-8; tea. Brooklyn, 1869; evang. Brooklyn, from 1874, supj)lying at Five Corners, and other ])laces. *Charles Morcan, died Dec. 18, 1870. Cyrenius Ransom. Born in Chazy, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1810 ; united with the Cong. Church in Chazy, 1826; studied at Plattsburgh Acad, and Geneva Lyceum ; married to Miss Mary Esther Scribner, of Platts- burgh, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1841. Ordained by Presby. of Champlain, Feb., 1842; LTnion Ch., Moriah, N. Y., 18 years ; Pres. Church, Port Henry, 10 years; Wadham's Mills, 1866-9; Peru, 1870-2; chajjlain of Clinton State Prison ; resident in Dannemora. *Levi Rose, died June 4, 1S52. *JoHN Tompkins, died Aug. 15, 1866. Peter Strykkr Van Nest, D. D. Born in Amsterdam, N. Y., Aug. 21, 1813 ; united with the Ref. Church in 1830; graduated from Union College in 1838; D. I). from Centre College in 1876; married to Caroline Barker, of South Wales, N. Y.. Nov. i, 1842. Ordained and installed at Flint, Mich., by Detroit Presby., 1842; Fentonville ; Flint; Union Corners; Tuscarora, N. Y., 1851; Romulus, 1853-5 ; Iowa City, La., 1856-61 ; Geneva, Wis., 1861-7 ; Dutjuoin, 111., 1868-70; Elkhorn, Wis., 1871-3; Centralia, III, 1874; Burlington, Wis., 1875; White Hall, 111., 1877-9 ; South Pres. Ch., St. Louis, 1879-81 ; Genoa Junction, Wis., 1881. Published many articles and addresses. 62 ALUMNI. El. IAS Ogdkn Ward. Born in C'hathain, N. ]., Fel). 5, i8to; united with the Bethany Pres. Church, May 13, 1S31 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1838; married to Amy Kmeline Farkak, of Harford, Pa., Oct. 14, 1841. Ordained and installed at Dundaff, Pa., by Presby. of Montrose, April 13, 1S42 ; Dundaff, 1841-53 ; Bethany, Pa., from 1853. Samui'.i- Born in Verona, N. Y., June 16, 181 3 ; united with the Second Cong. Church in Verona, Jan. i, 1831 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1838; married to Miss Sophia B. Drf.ssek, of Goshen, Mass., Sept. 20. 1842. Ordained at Fulton, N. Y., by Oswego Presby., Nov. 15, 1842 ; Vernon Centre, N. Y., 1843; Mt. Pleasant, Pa., 1846-57; Providence Ch., Scranton, Pa., 1857-68; evangelist in South and West, 1868-71; Moriches, N. Y., 1872-6; Cutchogue, from 1876. Published " History of Mt. Pleasant," 1855. Horace Winsi.ow. Born in Enfield, Mass., May 18, 1814; united with the First Pres. Church in Rochester, N. Y., 1834 ; graduated from Hamilton College in class of 1839; Auburn, 1838-40; graduated at Union Theo. Sem., N. Y., in 1841 ; married to Miss Charlotte H. Pi: ptikone, of Simsbury, Ct., May, 1850. Ordained and installed at New Windsor, N. Y., by North River Presby., May 25, 1842 ; New Windsor, 1842-3 ; Lansingburgh, 1843-5; Rockville, Conn., 1845-52; New fJritain, 1852-8; Great Barrington, Mass., 1858-62; chaplain U. S. A., 1862; pastor at Binghamton, N. Y., 1863-8; Willimantic, Conn., 1869-81 ; resident in Simsbury, 1882. Horace Hills, Jr. Born in Auburn, N. Y., Jan 8, 1818; united with the 2nd Pres. Church in Auburn, 1838 ; graduated from Union College in 1838; Auburn, 1838-40; married to Miss Elizabeth Cooper Roberts, of Middletown, Conn., June 17, 1846; married to Mrs. Abby Louisa Crafts Wilmot, Nov., 1874. Ordained Deacon in St. George's Church, N. Y., by Bishop B. T. Onderdonk, April, 1842, and advanced to the Priesthood, about a year later ; St. Andrew's Church, Walden, N. Y.; Middletown, Conn.; St. Paul's, Detroit, Mich.; Glenville, Conn.; Newtown ; Detroit, again; Rahway, N. J.; Stillwater, Minn.; Wabasha, Minn.; resident there since 1877. Franklin Shumway Howe. Born in Springfield, Vt., Aug. 26, 1809; united with the Pres. Church in Riga, N. Y., 1828 ; studied at Oxford Acad, and Rochester Inst.; Auburn, 1838-40; studied privately; A. M. ALUMNI. 63 from MarictUi College in 1X44; iiKirried to Miss Ci^aka Pir':R- SON, of New York City, March 13, 1S44; married to Miss Martha R. Stk.wart, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 4, iack Cherry, died Oct 15, 1864. *Si'KNCKR Si:ari,e Clarkk, died Oct. 12, 1844. *VViLLiAM \Vi:i,i,iNGT()N CoLLiNS, died Nov. 21, 1871. *Wn. 1,1AM Sheldon Franklin, died Mar. 6, 1882. ■""Francis Haven, died Oct. 21, 1842. ^Horace Henry Hopkins, died July 25, 1843. *MoKRisoN HuooiNS, died Feb. 15, 1859. William M. Leooeit. C'ame to .Auburn from Charlemont, Mass.; mein. of Church there; graduated from Union College in i^M). 'I"he (ien. Catalogues report him as tea. in Ky., and the Union Col. Cen. Cat. of 1868, as tea. in May held, Ky. Charli:s MERRirr Morehouse. Porn in Charlton, N. Y.; united with the Pres. Churc:h in 1838; graduated from Union College in 1839; married to Miss Ade- line A. Averille, of Ontario, Ind., Sei)t. 25, 1849. Ordained and installed at Ontario, Ind., by St. Joseph Presby., 1848; Homer, Mich., 1844-5; Maumee, O., 1845-6; Logans- port, Ind., 1846-7 ; Ontario and Cireenfield, 1848-51; Allegan, Mich., 1 85 1-4; Baraboo, Wis., 1854-5 ; Evansville and \icinity, 1855-62; Sun Prairie and vie, 1863-6; Union Grove, 1867-9; resident Evansville, preaching occasionally. Addison Muzzy. Born in Dublin, N. H., Sept. 20, 1808; united with the Cong. Church in Pulaski, N. Y., 1831 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1830; married to Miss Laura Ann Pease, of Auburn, 1843- Ordained pastor, Bristol, O., by Presby. of Trumbull, 1843; Bris- tol to 1849; agt. of Am. Tr. Soc, III., 1850-7; since engaged in fruit and stock farming ; resident in Ciienoa, 111., and elder of Church there, till 1882 ; resident in Ottawa, Kan. Selden E. Peck. Conditionally admitted to the Aub. Mid. class from Western The. Sem., Oct. 14, 1840. William James Smith. Born "in Hamburg, N. Y,, Aug. 4, 1813; united with the Pres. Church about 1834; studied at Hamilton College; married to Miss Harriet Maria Lee, Salisbury, Conn., Aug. 6, 1843. ALUMNI. 65 Ordained and installed at Mill Creek, Va., by Krie Preshy., 1S44; Mill Creek, ia(;c;. Came to Aul)iirn from Nortliamjiton, Mass.; member of ("hurcli in Northampton ; [graduated from Union College in 1841 ; Auburn, June to Oct., 1841 ; took charge of a Cong. Church in New York City. The Un. Col. Gen. Cat. dates his death in 1848. Daniki. C'lark. Born in Williamstown, Vt. ; graduated from Dartmouth College in 1839; Auburn, 1840-2. Not ordained ; was a teacher in Richmond and IMiiladelphia. Isaac C. Day. Came to Auburn from the Church in Amherst Col. ; said to have graduated from Amherst College ; perhaps the same with Isaac Day, of Amherst, class of 1841, who is reported in the Triennial of 1878 as a minister, in mercantile business, Providence, R. I. *Wii. 1,1AM NoRRis Edwards, died Aug. 3, 1867. Stei'hen Dec:atur Helms. Born in Bloomingrove, N. Y., March 6, 1815 ; united with the Pres. Church in Seneca Falls, N. Y., 1835; studied at Ceneva Lyceum and Oberlin College; in Auburn a few weeks of Senior year, till the death of Prof. Richards. He afterwards studied Theology at Oberlin, and labored for many years in Pres. and Cong, churches, and in editorial work ; resident of Auburn, 1879 -81 ; and in Highland, Iowa, since 1881. Aaron C. Johnson. Entered Aul)urn as mem. of 3rd Church, Newark, N. J. ; Auburn, (apparently) 1840-2; starred in Gen Cat. of 1858. Erastus Martin Kellogg. Born in Richland, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1815; united with the Pres. Church in Praltville, N. Y., 1829; graduated from Hamilton College in 1840; two years in Auburn; married to Hannah Read French, of Nashua, N. H., Aug. 25, 1841. Ordained and installed at New Haven, N. Y., by Oswego Presby., Oct. 26, 1842 ; New Boston, N. H., from 1846 ; Mason Village, from 1852 ; Lyme, from 187 i ; Manchester, N. J., from 1873. Henry Kendall, D. D. See 1841-4. Charles Elirhalet Lord, D. D. Born in Portsmouth, N. H., Feb. 11, 1817 ; united with the Cong. Church in South Berwick, Me., about 1831 ; graduated from Dartmouth College in 1838; tea. So. Berwick, 1838-9; teacher Kingston, N. C, 1839-40; Yale Div. School; Auburn, 1842-3; Union Sem., N. Y., 1843-4; D. D. from E. Tenn. VVesleyan 72 ALUMNI. Univ. in 1870; married to Miss Eunice Elizabeth Pike, of Newburyport, Mass., Jan. 15, 1857. Ordained, jonesville, Mich., by Presby., May 8, 1S44 ; Marshall, Mich., 1844; Niles, 1844-7; Evansville, Ind., i year; Cong. Churches of Stratham, N. H., South New Market, N. H., West- brook, Me., and Cape Elizabeth, Me., one year each ; Mt. Ver- non, N. H., 1857-61 ; Easton, Mass., 1863-7 ; Chester, Vt., 1867-9; Pres. Church, Beverly, N. J., 1869-70; professor of Evidences of Nat. and Revealed Theol., Lay CoUe^je, Brooklyn, 1873-82 ; also supplying Church at Pelham Manor. 1876-7. *CoRNELius Sanfori) Mead. See 1841-4. Lewis Edward Sikes. Born in Northampton, Mass., Oct. 19, iSio; united with the Cong. Church in Brattleboro, Vt., Mar., 1S34; graduated from Union College in 1841 ; Auburn, Junior year ; two years at New Haven ; married to Miss Lucretia Smith, of Laporte, Ind., 1848. Ordamed at Naperville, 111., by Fo.x River Union, 1S46 ; home miss, in 111., 1846-59, in Midi., 1859-70, and in Ivan., from 1870; resident in Vienna, Kan. EbENEZKR TlKKKR. Born in Cherry Vniley, N. ¥., July 29, 1819; united with the Dutch Ref. Church in Buel, N. Y., about 1839 ; graduated from Oneida Inst, in 1840 ; at Auburn parts of 1841 and 1843 ; com- pleted the course at Oberlin ; A. M. from Oberlin College, about i860; married to Lois Patchen, of North Cage, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1844. Ordained at Oberlin, O., by Lorain Co. Assoc, 1844; at Frede- ricktown, O., 1844 6; teaching and preaching at Nora, 111., 1854-9; president of Liber College, 1859-68; teaching. Union City, Ind., 1868-9; Straight Univ., New Orleans, 1870-1 ; Tougaloo Univ., Miss., 1871-3; prin. of Union Literary Inst., Spartansburg, Ind., 1846-54, and from 1873. Norman Tucker. Born in Cherry Valley, N. Y., May i, 1814; united with the Pres. Church in Cherry Valley, Fall of 1831 ; graduated from Oneida Inst, in 1839; at Auburn, Junior and Middle years ; married to Mauilla Skiff, of Cicero, N. Y., June 11, 1844. Ordained at Troy, Mich., by Presby. of Detroit, Feb., 1844; labored as home miss, in Mich., at Troy and Southfield, at Dear- born and Nankin, at Wayne, at Webster, at Southfield again, at De.uborn again, at White Lake and Springfield ; health failed in 1868; resident near Laingsburgh, Mich. ALUMNI. 73 18 4 14 Nathaniki. H. Barnks. Born in Grafton, Mass., i K-Ockford, E. Tenn., (resident at Maryville) from 1870. Addison Toyman. Born in East Hampton, Mass., Dec. 3, 1813 ; united with the ist Cong. Church in East Hampton, March, 1832 ; graduated from Williams College in 1839 ; married to Miss Lheresa Lyman, Sept. 9, 1845 5 married to Mrs. Catherine A. Pitkin, of Del- avan. Wis., Dec. 4, 1847. Ordained by Galena Presby., May, 1847; Geneseo, 111., 1845-7; prill, of Geneseo Acad., 1847-54; Sheffield, 1854-68; Kellogg, Iowa, 1868-70; Valley Church, 1871; Mitchelville and Rich- land, 1872 ; resides in Kellogg. Sarin McKinney. Born in Binghamton, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1816 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Binghamton, 1833 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1841 ; Union Sem., N. Y., 1841-2 ; Auburn, 1842-4 ; married to Miss Elizabeth Sheldon Corliss, of Greenwich, N. Y., Jan. 27, 1847. Ordained by Presby. of Tioga, April 16, 1S45 ; Bath, N. Y., 1845 ; Greenwich, 1845-7; past. Fredonia, 1847-51; Franklin, Pa., 185 1-3; Bergen, N. Y., 1854-7 ; health failed ; in business in Binghamton. ^Cornelius Saneord Mead, died June 26, 1879. Joel Wakeman, D. D. Born in Rhinebeck, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1809 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Prattsburgh, N. Y., 1832 ; studied at Academy in Pratts- burgh ; D. D. from Alfred Univ. in 1862; married to Miss Abi- gail T. JuDSON, of Prattsburgh, Mar. 27, 1838. Ordained and installed at Almond, N. Y., by Angelica Presby., Jan., 1S46 ; Almond, 1844-65; Painted Post, 1865-8; Camp- ALUMNI. 75 bell, 1868-72; Almond, 1872-4; Milburn, 1874-9; resident in Painted Post. Published " Satanic License," 1852; "'Hie way to Jesus," 1871; "The Fatal Exchange," 1882. *James Brown, died July 25, 1851. *GusTAVus F. Goss, died about Sept. 22, 1846. *Charles Jerome, died May 31, 1873. Wii.LiAM W. Lord, Auburn, 1841-3. JoSIAIl I,YMAN. Born in Easthampton, Mass., Oct. 9, 181 1 ; united with the Cong. Church in Easthampton, 1829; graduated from Williams Col- lege in 1836 ; tea. Canaan and Ithaca, N. Y., and Easthampton, Mass, 1836-41; Auburn, 1841-3 ; married to Miss Mary Louisa Bin(;ham, of West Cornwall, Vt., May 22, 1844. Never ordained, on account of failure of health ; tea. in Bristol, Conn.; Williston, Vt., and Lenox, Mass.; manufacturer of re- flecting telescojies ; inventor of the protracting trigonometer ; resident in Lenox, Mass. JOSEI'H RUSLING PaGE, 1). D. Born in New Bunsvvick, N. J., Aug. i, 1817 ; united with the M. E. Church at about 16 years of age ; studied at Friends' School, N. Y. City ; studied with a view to the ministry two years with Rev. Alonzo Welton ; in Seminary, 1841-3 ; D. D. from Hamil- ton College in 1876; married to Miss Laura Henderson, of Weedsport, Oct. 18, 1843. Ordained at Plymouth, N. Y., by Oneida Assoc, Feb. 6, 1839 Plymouth, 1838-9; pastor in Periy, 1839-41, 1843-57, 1859-68 Cong. Ch., Stratford, Conn., 1S57-9 ; fin. agt. of Ingham Univ. East Avon, N. Y., 5 years ; Brighton, N. Y., from 1875. Published several pamphlets; correspondent " Wyoming " of N. Y. Evangelist. *WlLLIAM ROWLATT. Born in England ; entered Aub. from Park Church, Buffalo ; educated as a sailor ; Auburn, 1S41-3 ; married before entering ; said to have gone South; mem. ol Presby. of Ottawa ; chap, of Seamen's Beth. Ch., Chicago ; mem. of Presby. of Geneva to 1849. Ehenezer Tucker. See 1840-3. Benjamin Welles. See 1842-5. 1842-5. Henry Darling, D. D., LL. D. Bom in Reading, Pa., Dec. 27, 1824 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Reading, Summer of 1838; graduated from Amherst 76 ALUMNI. College in 1842 ; Union Sem., N. Y., 1842-3; Auburn, 1843-5; D. D. from Union College in i860 ; LL. D. from Lafayette College, 1881 ; LL. D. from Hamilton College, 1881 ; married to Miss Julta' Strong, of Fayetteville, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1846; married to Miss Ophelia Wells, of Hudson, N. Y., April 29, 1853- Ordained and installed at Hudson, N. Y., by Presby. of Columbia, Dec. 30, 1847; Vernon, N. Y., 1846-7; Hudson, 1847-53; Clinton St. Ch., Phil., 1853-61 ; invalid, 1861-3 ; Fourth Pres. Ch., Albany, N. Y., 1863-81 ; president of Hamilton College from 1 88 1. Published " The Closer Walk," 1863 ; "Christian Unity "; "Doing Nothing — but Receiving"; " Conformity to the World"; with many pamphlets, sermons, addresses and articles. Moderator of Gen. Asseml,)ly, 1881. *WiLLiAM Ripley Downs, died Dec. 21, 1880. *JoHN J. Gardner. Graduated from Middlebury College in 1842 ; Aub. Sen. class from The. Dep. of Western Reserve Col.; starred in the Auburn Gen. Catalogue of 1853; supposed to have died 1850. Nathaniel Dwioht Graves. Born in Belchertown, Mass., Jan. 21, 1814; united with the Pres. Church in Niagara Falls, Fall of 1832 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1842 ; Lane Sem., 1842-3 ; Auburn, 1843-5 ! married to Miss Cornelia Hannah Bradish, of Floyd, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1845. Ordained pastor. New York Mills, N. Y., by Presby. of Utica, Jan., 1846 ; N. Y. Mills, 1846-9 ; Genoa 1st Ch., 1849-54 ; Cong. Ch., Allen's Grove, Wis., 1854-9; 2nd Cong. Ch., Beloit, 1859-67 ; Kewanee, 111., 1868-71; Pres. Ch., Kewanee, past., 1872-5; Garden Plain from 1875. *Na'ihaniel Lasell, died Feb. 4, 1880. Nathan Leighton. Born in Franklin, (then Lawsville) Pa., Aug. 13, 18 13 ; united with the Pres. Church in Franklin, 1835 ; graduated from Univ. of the City of N. Y., 1841 ; married to Miss Ruth Gardner, of Tunkhannock, Pa., Oct. 17, 1845. Ordained by Presby. of Montrose, Fall of 1847 ; Moravia, N. Y., 1845; Cuba, 1846-9; Southport, 1850; Champlain, 1850-4; Wantage, N. J., 1854-8; Newfoundland, N. J, 1858-67, and taught there till 1871 ; Jewett, N. Y., 1871-7 ; resident in Tunk- hannock. Published "The Bible and Pulpit for Freedom," 1858. Albert Paine. Born in Woodstock, Ct., July 21, 1819 ; united with the Church in E. Woodstock, 1835 ; graduated from Yale College in 1841 ; Aub. ALUMNI. 77 Sen. class from Yale Div. Sch.; studied also at Andover ; married to Sarah Sargknt, of W. Amesbury, Mass , Nov. 20, 1X49. Ordained pastor, West Amesbury, by Council, 184H ; West Ames- bury to iHN Nk. r ri,K'iuN I'ovvKi.i., died June 27, 1H77. Chari.ks Richards. Born in Darien, Conn., Dec. 9, iiS(iN Kki.i.ogc; Strong, i), 1). Born in Aurora, N. Y.', Mar. 27, 1823 ; united with the C'hurch in Clinton, N. Y., 1838 ; graduated from Hamilton C'ollege in 1842 ; 1). I), from Hamilton College in 1869 ; married to Miss Matilda E. Ci.AKK, of Spencer, N. Y., SeiJt. 9, 1846 ; married to Miss Madorah J. Elder, of Cortland, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1849. Ordained and installed at Otisco, N. Y., by Presby. of Onondaga, Dec, 1846 ; Otisco, 1846-55 ; Monroe, Mich., 1855-63 ; for 10 months of that time chaplain of 7th Mich. Vols. ; Galena, III, 1863-6 ; Park Ch., Syracuse, 1866-70 ; Pine St. Chi, Harrisburg, Pa., 1870-4 ; 1st Pres. Ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., 1874-6 ; Clyde, N. Y., 1877-9; Hoboken, N. J., 1879-82. 1m)\vakd Taylor, 1). I). Porn in Pee, Mass., Oct. 6, 182 1 ; united with the Church in Wil- liams College, July, 1842 ; graduated from Williams College in 1842 ; D. I), from Olivet College in 1869 ; married to Miss Jane Gaston Wood, of Aurora, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1847. Ordained and installed at Hinsdale, Mass., by Council, Feb., 1847 ; Hinsdale, 1847-50 ; John St. Pres. Ch., Lansingburgh, N. Y., 1850-6 ; Kalamazoo, Mich., Cong. Ch., 1856-63 ; South Cong. Ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1863-7 ; Binghamton Cong. Ch., 1868- 77 ; resident in Binghamton ; acting pastor of Ch. at Norwich, from 1880. William Wallace Williams, D. D. Born in Vernon, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1821 ; united with the Pres. Ch. » in Vernon, 1839; graduated from Amherst College in 1843 ; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1872 ; married to Anna E. Jerome, of Camillus, N. Y., Dec. 18, 1849. Ordained and installed at Camillus, N. Y., by Presby., Feb., 1848 ; Camillus, 1848-53 ; pastor Toledo, O., from 1853. Morgan LeRoy Wood. Born in Amsterdam, N. Y., May 8, 1820 ; united with the Cong. Church in Kingsboro, N. Y., 1839 ; graduated from Union Col- lege in 1842 ; Auburn to May 28, 1846 ; married to Miss Eliz- abeth Wakeman, of Saratoga Co., N. Y., 1847 ; married to Miss Mary Wakeman, of Farmersburg, la., 1857. Ordained by Otsego Presby., Apr. 24, 1850 ; Conklin, N. Y., 1848 ; Ludlowville, 1850 ; Tribes Hill, 1853 ; Limestone, 111., 1859 ; Carrollton, 1862-9 ; Greenfield, 1869-75 ; suffering from loss of voice, 1875-80 ; Belle Plaine, Kan., 1881. Asa Adams. See 1844-7. William Wel.ster Belden, D. D. Born in Moscow, N. Y., June 25, 1821 ; united with the 3rd Cong. Church in Hartford, Conn., Mar. 1, 1837 ; graduated from Mun- 82 ALUMNI. son Acad., Mass. ; A. M. from College at Worcester, Mass., 1852 ; D. D. from College of Western Va., 1873 ; Auburn, 1843-5 ; Yale, 1845-7 ; married to Miss Elizabeth Passmore Tabor, of Smithfield, R. I., Aug., 1852. Ordained pastor. Orange, Conn., by Council, Aug. 23, 1849 ; Orange, 1849-54 ; Palmer, Mass., 1855-6 ; Fitch ville. Conn., 1856-60 ; Attleboro, Mass., 1860-5 i Gardner, 1867-9 ! Bristol, Conn., 1869-73 ; Newburyport, Mass., 1875-7 ; Gloversville, N. Y., Pres. Ch., 1877-8 ; Jordan, 1879-80 ; Guilderland, 1881. *Asahel Lyon Krooks, died Sept. 16, 1879. George Bushnei.l, D. D. Born in Washington, Conn., Dec. 13, 1818 ; united with the Cong. Church in New Preston, Conn., 1832 ; graduated from Yale Col- lege in 1842 ; Auburn, 1843-5 '» Yale Div. Sch. ; D. D. from Beloit College in 1879 ; married to Miss Mary Elisabeth Blakk, of New Haven, Conn., May 21, 1851. Ordained and installed at Worcester, Mass., by Council, Dec. 3, 1848; Worcester, 1848-58; Waterbury, 1858-65; ist Cong. Ch., Beloit, Wis., from 1865. James H. Capon. Admitted to Jun. Class, Oct., 1843 ; member of Church in Quality Hill, N. Y. ; not long in the Sem., and never catalogued. Alexander Dick. Born in Bathgate, Scotland, July 15, 1818 ; united with the Free Baptist Church in Lanark, Ont., 1836 ; graduated from Hamil- ton College in 1843 ; at Auburn, 1843-4 ; afterwards in Theo. Dept. of Whitestown Sem. ; married to Miss Frances Anna Gleason, of Kirkland, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1844. Ordained and installed at Varysburgh, N. Y., by Com. of Genesee Quar. Meet, of Free Baptists, Dec. 28, 1845 ; seven pastorates in N. Y., Canada W., and O. ; 12 years in educational work ; edi- tor o{ Law and Gospel Tribune^ Buffalo, N. Y. Horace Lyman. Born in East Hampton, Mass., Nov. 15, 1815 ; graduated from Williams College in 1842; dismissed from Auburn, Oct. 17, 1845 ; studied at Andover ; married to Miss Mary Denison, of Castleton, Vt., Oct., 1848. Ordained at Castleton, (Cong.) Oct., 1848 ; Portland, Or., 1848-54 ; Dallas. 1854-7 ; prof, of Math, in Pacific Univ. from 1857. *MoNTGOMERY MoRGAN Wakeman, died Sept. 11, 1876. 1844-7. Asa Adams. Came to Auburn from Franklin, la. ; member of Church in W. Res. Col. ; graduated from Union College in 1843 ; Auburn, ALUMNI. 88 1843-4 and iiS45-7; said to be a lawyer, residing at I'loods, near Cohocton, N. Y. Hon. JOSI.AH BUSHNEI.I, Gkinnki.l. l>orn in New Haven, Vt., Dec. 22, 1S21 ; united with the Church in 1841 ; graduated from Oneida Inst, in 1843; Auburn, 1845- 7 ; married to Miss Julia Ann Chapin, of Springfield, Mass., Feb. 5, 1852. Ordained and installed at Greenwich, N. Y., (C'ong.) [848; Green- wich ; Union Village, 4 years; Washington, D. C., i year; N. Y. C'ity ; voice failed ; founder and president of Grinnell Univ., now Iowa College ; State Senator of Iowa, 4 years ; author of Iowa Free School law ; member of Congress 4 years ; resident, Grinnell, Iowa. *\Vm. Hollistkr Gukrnsey, died April 7, 1850. Wii. 1,1AM Grken Huiir.ARI). Born in Marshall, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1814; united with the Church in Panama, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1837; graduated from Hamilton College in 1844; married to L. Amelia Gleason, of Clinton, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1847. Ordained and installed at Summerhill, N. Y., by Cortland Presby., Mar. 13, 1850; Meridian, 1847-9; Summerhill, 1849-56; Dryden, 1S56-60; Wilson, 1860-7 ; Schoolcraft, Mich., 1867-9; Millville, N. Y., 1869-71; Barre Centre, 1871-6; Mendon, 1876-81; Parma Centre, 1881. *Andrew Phillips, died Oct. 21, 1880. Job Pikrson, D. D. Born in Schaghticoke, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1824; united with the Church in Williams College 1842 ; graduated from Williams College in 1842 ; D. D from Olivet College, 1881 ; married to Miss Rachel W. Smith, of Geneva, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1849. Ordained and installed at Pittsford, N. Y., by Presby. of Rochester, Feb. 12, 185 1 ; Corning, N. Y., 1847-9 '■> Pittsford, 1850-6; Vic- tor, 1856-63 ; Kalamazoo, Mich., 1863-8 ; Ionia, Mich., 1868- 78 ; resident in Ionia, engaged in literary labor. * Willi AM Wiltshire Robinson, died Nov. 14, 1850. *LvMAN Byles Waldo, M. D., died July 9, 1879. *WiLLiAM Frederick Williams, D. D., died Feb. 14, 1871. *Henry Balch. Entered Seminary from the Church in Harwinton, Conn. ; studied at Western Reserve ; at Auburn two months ; one year at Lane ; was a bookseller at Meadville, Pa., where he died, 1865. 84 ALUMNI. Charles Little. Born in Columbia, Ct., 1818; united with the Church in March, 1841 ; graduated from Yale College in 1844; two years at Auburn, and third year at Yale; married to Cornelia Mary Newton, of Sherburne, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1847; married to Susan Robbins of Brockport, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1853. Ordained at Columbia, Ct., by Council, Sept. i, 1847 ; missionary in Madura, India, 1847-59; Manlius, N. Y., about i year; Cheshire, Conn., 1862-5 ; Woodbury, 1865-7; Lincoln, Neb., 1868-70; editor at Crete, Neb., 1872 ; Corning, Iowa, 1874-5 ; Lewis, from 1875. *LIenry Van Vleck Rankin, died July 2, 1863. 1845-8. Philos Gunicos Cook. Born in Constable, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1807 ; united with the Am. Pres. Church in Montreal, Can., March, 1827 ; graduated from Middlebury College in 1833 ; tea., mostly in Buffalo, N. Y., 1833-45 ; married to Miss Clarissa Columbia Tottingham, of Pittsford, Vt., Oct. 16, 1840. Ordained and installed at Ludlowville, N. Y.,by Presby. of Ithaca, Nov. 15, 1851; chap, of State Pris., Auburn, 1848-51; Pres. Ch., Ludlowville, 1851-6 ; agt. of Am. S. S. Un., for Western N. Y., 1856-9 ; city and Beth, miss., Buffalo, 1859-62 and 1865-74; chap, of 94th N. Y. Vet. Vols., 1862-5; Wells St. Pres. Ch., Buffalo, and city miss., 1874-82. Ali'.kkt H. Corliss. Came to Auburn from the Church in Union Village; Auburn, 1846-8. Ordained and installed at Western, N. Y., by Presby. of Utica, Oct. 3, 1849 ; Western, to 1852; Marshall, 1852-4; Holland Patent, 1854-70; Lima, 1870-5; Waterville, 1875-82 ; resident in Utica. Russell Searle Eggleston. Born in Westfield, Mass., Sept. 17, 1816; united with the Cong. Church in W. Springfield, Mass., 1842 ; married to Elizabeth Trowbridge, of North East, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1850. Ordained at Dryden, N. Y., by Council, Oct., 1849 ; at Dryden, 1848-52; Moravia, N. Y., 1853-5; Madison, O., 1855-9; Greens Farms, Ct., 1859-61 ; Knowlesville, N. Y., 1861-6 ; Pompey, 1866-9; Gaines, 1869-76; resident at Gaines. *George Lyman Hall, died Oct. 20, 1857. *LoREN Eaton Haven, died July 23, 1849. Alumni. ' 85 Jam v.s H e r v v. v J k r o m e. l>orn in I'ompey, N. Y., Oct. 2.3, 181S; united with the I'res. Church in I'ompey, July 6, 1845 ; studied at Pomi)ey and Homer Academies ; married to Miss Mary Ann'p, of I'ompey, 1.S49; married to Miss T^ouisa Grken, of Cazenovia, 1H77. Preached only a few months ; not ordained; resident in Lincoln, Neb. Cai.VIN Sl'RACUE Sha'i-'iuck. Born in Springfield, Mass., Sept. 8, 1822 ; united with the Olivet Cong. Church in Springfield, March, 1842 ; graduated from Oneida Institute, 1845 ; Middle year in Lane Seminary ; Junior and Senior years at Auburn; married to Miss Antoine tie Rradshaw, of Newark, N. Y., Nov. 2, 1859. Ordained at Center Lisle, N. Y.,by Council, Oct. 11, 1849 ; Groton, N. Y., 1848-9; Greenwich, 1850-60; Farmington, Pa., 1860-3 ; Emerald Grove, Wis., 1863-7 and 1868-70; missionary in Southwest, 1867-8 and 1870-4; Millville, N. Y., 1874; North Adams, Mich., to 1882 ; Litchfield, Mich. Francis Volney Warren. Born in Eden, N. Y., April 18, 1820; united with the Cong. Church in Eden, April, 1836; studied at Austinburg, O., and Eden, N.Y. ; married to Miss Harriet Newel Thomas, of Angelica, June 16, 1S49. Ordained at Bellona, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, in 1852; Angelica, 1848-9; Hopewell, 1849-52; Pulteney, 1852-9; Wampsville, 1859-64; Wattsburg, Pa., 1864-74; has since supplied at Fairview, Pa., and Angelica, N. Y., for short periods ; resident at Angelica. Alanson Thorp Wood. Born in Junius, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1816; united with the Pres. Church in Allen, N. Y., 1834; graduated from Mission Inst., Quincy, III, 1844; married to Miss Caroline Susan Judson, of Prattsburgh, N. Y., 1849; married to Mrs. Harriet Plumb Hunter, of Nevinville, Iowa. Ordained and installed at West Unity, O., by Maumee Presby., 1850; West LInity to 1855 ; Bryan and Farmer; Cohocton, N. Y., 1857; Branchport, 1858-9; Winslow, 111., 1860-5 ; Kendall, 1865-6; Olivet, Iowa; Tecumseh, Falls City, Helena, Neb.; Beloit, Kan. ; resident in Helena, Neb. David Barr. Came to Auburn from Niagara, C. W. ; member of Church in Toronto; graduated from (Queen's College in 1844; left Jan. 28, 1847; Senior year at Princeton; the Princeton Catalogue says that he was born in Scotland, and is an Episcopalian. Chalon Burgess. See 1846-9. 86 ALUMNI. HiRAM Parker Crozier. Born in Covington, N. Y., Sept. i, 1823 ; united with the Cong. Church in Hume, Winter of 1842 ; studied at OberHn College 16 months; Auburn, to March, 1846; married to Miss Delia Bethiah Smith, of Pike, Oct. i, 1847. Ordained by Whitesboro Assoc. ; Dryden Pres. Ch., 1845-7 ; Peterboro, 1847-S ; Huntington, N. Y., 1858-64; resident Brooklyn, N. Y., in business. *RiCHARD Salter Storrs Dickinson, died Aug. 28, 1856, James Douglass. See 1847-50. Philander Griffin. See 1846-g. Luther Calvin Hallock. Born in Smithtown, L. Is., May 23, 1816 ; united with the Christian Church in N. Y. City, 1833; studied at Miller's Place Acad.; Auburn, 1845-6; Union Sem., 1846-8 ; married to Miss Fanny Kate 1'uthill, of Wading River, L. I., July 30, 1849. Ordained at Wading River by Consoc. of Long Island, Dec. 8 1848 ; Wading River, 1847-52 ; Charleston, S. C, 1852-3 John's Island, 1854-5 ; Comae, L. I., 1856-7 ; health failed farming, preaching occasionally, and conducting services for the Rocky Point branch of the Mount Sinai Con. Ch. ; resident in Rocky Point, L. I. *RoBERT Hunter, died March 11, 1872. Samuel Lewis Merrell. Born in Utica, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1822 ; united with the First Pres. Church in Utica, Aug. 31, 1837 ; graduated from Williams College in 1845 ; Auburn, 1845-7 ; Princeton, 1847-8; married to Miss Cornelia Elisabeth Hale, of Knoxboro, N. Y., June I, 1853. Ordained and installed at Norwich Corners, N. Y., by Oneida Assoc, Jan. 8, 1850 ; Norwich Corners, 1850 ; Sangerfield, 1851 ; Remsen and Alder Creek, 1852-4; Pres. Ch., Martinsburgh, 1854-7 ; Cape Vincent, 1857-61 ; chaplain 35th Reg. N. Y. V. 1861-3; Theresa, 1863-7; Lysander, 1867-75 ; resident at Sacket's Harbor, 1875-81 ; Camden, Ark., 1881. Edward Brown Walsworth, D. D. Born in Cleveland, O., 1818; came to Auburn from CMuirch in Palmyra; graduated from Union College in 1844; Auburn, 1845-7 ; Union Sem., N. Y., 1847-8 ; D. D. in 1867. Ordained by Presby., Sept. 27, 1848; E. Avon, N. Y., 1848-52 ; Marysville, Cal., 1852-61 ; Oakland, Cal., 1861-4 ; pres. Pacific Fern. Col., Oakland, Cal., 1864-72; past. Albion, N. Y., from 1872. George G. Wickson, LL. D. Came to Auburn from Toronto, Can.; member of Church there ; dismissed Sept. 16, 1846 ; said to have been professor in Semi- nary at Toronto, and to be residing in Lyons, N. Y. ALUMNI, 87 1846-9. Nathan Bosworih. Born in IMiarsalia, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1819 ; united with the Cong. Church in Bharsalia, i niarried to Miss Emma J. Johnston, of Ovid, N. Y., June 2, 1853. Ordained at Dunkirk, N. Y., by Buffalo Presby., 1856 ; Little Valley, 11 years; Panama, 15 years, preaching also at Ash- ville, 5 years of this time ; Silver Crtek, from 1875. Published many sermons. Samuel Minor Camim'.ei.l, D. D. Born in Campbelltown, N. Y., June i, 1823 ; united with the Pres. Church in Campbelltown, April, 1841 ; studied at Franklin Academy, Prattsburg, and privately ; A. M. from Hamilton College, 1855, and D. D. from Hamilton, 1864 ; married to Sophia L. Burton, of Prattsburgh, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1845 ; married to Mrs. Mary B. Judson, of Prattsburgh, May i, 1878. Ordained and installed at Paris Hill, N. Y., by Oneida Assoc, Nov., 1850 ; Alder Creek, 1849-50 ; l^aris Hill, 1850-7 ; Dansville, 1857-8; Westminster Ch., Utica, 1858-66; Central Ch., Rochester, 1866-81 ; First Pres. Ch., Minneapolis, Minn., 1881. Published " Across the Desert, a life of Moses." 1872; "The Story of Creation," 1877. *JusTus l^ooLiTTLE, died June 15, 1880. *Simeon Sartwell Coss, died May 25, 1865. Philander Griffin. Born in Warren, N. Y., April 21, 1818 ; united with the Pres. Church in Little Lakes, Warren, about 1835 ; graduated from Union College in 1845 ; entered Aub. 1845, grad. 1849 ; married to Mrs. Mary Maria Parkherst, of Chicago, 111., April 5, 1851. Ordained at St. Catherines, Canada, by Buffalo Presby., June 10, 1857 ; chaplain among sailors and boatmen, Chicago, III., 2 years ; for I'ethel Soc, in P.uffalo, N. Y., 11 years ; Carlton Pres. Ch., 6 years; Middlefield Centre, 4 years; Otego, 3 years; Guilford Centre, from 1875. 88 ALUMNI. *Thomas Hazlktt, died Jan 22, 1S49. Isaac Nkwton Hurd. Came to Auburn from Aurora; member of Church theie ; married to Miss Rebecca L. Hudson. Big Flat, N. Y., to 1851 ; miss., Arcot, India, 1851-7 ; Cliintadre- pettah, 1857-9 ; Colchester, N. Y., 1860-3 ; Red Bluff, Col., 1864-7 ; San Francisco, Cal., 1867-9; Carson City, Nev., 1870-1 ; Virginia City, 1872-5 ; Oakland, Cal., 1876 ; Menlo Park, 1877-80; Tucson, Arizona, 1881 ; Hollister, Cal., 1882. Jeremiah Petkie. Born in Herkimer, N. Y., July 16, 1825 ; united with the Pres. Church in Schenectady, 1842 ; graduated from Union College in 1846 ; married to Miss Eeizabeth Agar, of Penn Yan, June 13, 1852. Ordained and installed at Dresden, N. Y., by Presby. of Ceneva, F'all of 1849 ; Dresden, 1849-52 ; Volney, 1852-6 and 1868-72 ; Cleveland, 1856-8; Westmoreland, 1859-63; Herkimer, Ref. Ch., 1864-8 ; Pomi)ey, from 1872. ^Frederick Starr, Jr., died Jan. 8, 1867. ^Nathaniel Potter Coi.trin, died Dec. 26, 1877. Abijah Barnum Duneab. Born in Ovid, N. Y., Aug. 29, 1810 ; united with the Church in Yale College, 1831 ; graduated from Yale College in 1833; Auburn, 1846-8 ; married to Miss Mary Ann Wright, of LeRoy, N. Y., June 29. 1853. Ordained at Lima, Mich., by Council, Oct. 31, 1849; Rose Valley, N. Y., 1848; Saline, Mich., 1849-50; Ovid, N. Y., 1850-3'; prof of Languages and Mor. Phil., Ingham Univ., 1853-4; I)rin., Jonesville, 1S54-5 ; prof, of Lang, and Mor. Phil., Elmira College, 1855-8; eyes failed; farmer. Traverse City, Mich., from 1863. *Albert Mandeli,. See 1849-52. Frederick Schwartz Jewell, Ph. D. Born in Elliott Mission Station, Mo., Jan. 23, 1821 ; united with the Pres. Church in Pemville, Tompkins Co. ; studied at Groton and Munro Academies; Auburn from Dec, 1846, to some time in 1849; A. M. from Amherst College in 1851 ; Ph. D. from Lafayette College in 1869; married to Miss Julia Adelaide Chapin, of Springfield, Mass., Jan. 27, 1854. Ordained by Presby. of Ithaca, 1849; Cincinnatus, N. Y., 1849- 51; Morrisville, 1854; tea. Schuylkill Haven, Pa., 1852; prof in Normal Sch., Albany, N. Y., 1854-69 ; preached, Greenbush, 1870-3; ord. Dea. by Bishop Doane (Prot. Ep.) March i, 1874, and Priest., Dec. 20, 1874; St. James Ch., Winsted, Conn., 1875-8; Canon in Cathedral, Fond du Lac, Wis., 1878-80; St. Mark's Ch., Evanston, 111., from 1880. ALUMNI. 89 Thomas M. McEntkk. Auburn, 1846-7; became a lawyer and traveling man ; has a fam- ily ; lives in California. RUIIARI) OsilOKNK. Came to Auburn from Church in Union Village; graduated from Union (College in iorn in Sandlakc, N. Y., Sept. (S, iS..'^; united with tlie Church in Williams College, Dec, i 843 ; graduated from Williams College in 1848; 1). 1). from Maryville C'ollege in 1879; married to Miss Mary Ahkiaii. Hitchcock, of Tomhannock, N. Y., May 5,1852; married to Anna Whkki.ock. Pi'.akk, of West Troy, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1858. Ordained at Whitehall, N. Y., by Troy Presby., June 14, 1852 ; Harwinton, Conn., 1854-9; IJranford, 1859-64; Montrose, Pa., 1864-81 ; Marathon, N. Y., from 1881. Published several sermons. *H()MKK liAKTij: r r, died Aug. 25, 1865. *WiLi,iAM Wai.i.ack Pagk, died Dec. 30, J871. JOSIAH AlJDISON pRiKsr, D. D. Born in Albany, N. V., 1822; united with the P>roadway Tab. Church in New York, 1842 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1847 ; Junior year at Union, New York, 1847-8 ; Mid. and Sen. years at Auburn ; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1872 ; married to Frances Walker, of Cooperstown, N. Y., 1852. Ordained and installed at Cooperstown, by Otsego Presby., June 25, 185 1 ; Cooperstown, 1851-5 and 1862-4; Homer, 1855-8; Montclair, N. J., 1858-61 ; Gloversville, N. Y., 1864-8 ; Quincy, 111., 1868-75; Newton, N. J., 1875-80; resident Montclair, 1881. *Marshai.i, Dankorth Sanders, died Aug. 29, 187 1. *JoHN Dennis Strong, died May 14, 1859. William Waith. Porn in London, Eng., Jan. 30, 1824; united with the Cong. Ch. in Ellington, N. Y., 1841 ; studied [)rivately ; married to Miss Sarah Ann Potwine, of Ellington, Apr. 11, 1848; married to Miss Henrietta Louisa McConnkll, of Ellington, Aug. 24, 1858. Ordained at Weslfield, N. Y , by Buffalo Presby., June 15, 1853 ; Pres. Church, Lancaster, N. Y., from 1851. Samuel John Austin. Born in Becket, Mass., Nov. 22, 1824; graduated from Union College in 1847; .'\uburn, 1848-9; partial course at Hartford, class of 1854-7, and i year at Andover ; married to Miss Jen- nie Clark, 1858; married to Miss Susan M. Miller, 1863. Ordained pastor, Mason Village, N. H., (Cong.) Feb. 25, 1857 ; Mason Village, 1857-9; Gardner, Mass., 1850-64; Orford, 1864-8; ^Varren, 1868-77; Chicopee Falls, from 1877. *Daniel Bond, died Aug. 20, 1852. *Arunah Hall Lilly, died Aug. 13, 1875, 94 ALUMNI. Charles Steiumns Syi, ester. Born in Williamstown, Mass., Aug. 12, 1826 ; united with the Cong. Church in Williamstown, July, 1841 ; graduated from Williams College in 1846 ; Auburn, 1849 ; invalid ; grad. Hartford Theo. Sem., 1856; married to Miss Harriet Arms, of Conway, Mass., May 15, 1857 ; married to Miss Julia Ann Sykes of Hatfield, Mass., May 11, 1871. Ordained, Spencertown, N. Y., by Presby. of Columbia, Oct., 1857 ; Spencertown, 1857-62 ; Second Ref. Ch., Coxsackie, 1863-4 ; Cong. Ch., Richmond, Mass., 1865-6 ; Feeding Hills, 1866-81 ; resident Hartford from 1881. 1849-52. Philander Anderson, M. D. Born in Mercer, Pa., July 15, 1823 ; united with the Pres. Church in Mercer, 1842; graduated from Wabash College in 1849; Lane Sem., 1849-50; Auburn, 1850-2 ; married to Miss Emma Amanda Drogan, of Indianapolis, Ind., Sept. 4, 185 i. Ordained at Huntington, Ind., by Fort Wayne Presby., 1852 ; Hartford City, Ind., 1852-4; Zionsville, 1855; physician, Zionsville, 10 years, druggist, cvrc, 7 years, and since 1870, banker ; resident Anthony, Kan. David Edwards Blaine Born in Varick, N. Y., March 5, 1824; united with the M. E. Church in May, 1842 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1849 ; married to Miss Catherine V. Paine, of Seneca Falls, N. Y., Aug. 1 1, 1853. Ordained at Elmira, N. Y., in E. Genesee M. E. Conference, Aug. 24, 1853 ; Seattle, on Puget Sound, 1853-6 ; Portland, Oregon, 1856 ; Oregon City, 1856-8 ; Corvallis, 1858 ; Santiam Academy, principal, 1858-9; Lebanon, 1859-60; Lebanon and Albany, 1 860-1 ; presiding elder of Upper Willamette district, 186 1-2 ; principal of Portland Acad., 1862-3; Cazenovia, N. Y., 1863- 4; resident in Waterloo, 1864-73; Barclay, Pa., 1873-4; Mainsburg, 1874-6; Reading Centre, N. Y., 1876-8; Hope- well, 1878-9 ; Richmond from 1879. RoRERT Russell Booth, D. D. Born in New York, May 16, 1830; united with the Rivington St. Church in New York, April, 1847 ; graduated from Williams College in 1849; D. D. from Univ. of New York in 1864; married to Miss Emma Louise Lathrop, of Auburn, Oct. 26, 1853. Ordained and installed as colleague pastor of First ch., Troy, N. Y., by Presby. of Troy, Nov., 1853; Troy, 1853-8; pastor of First Ch., Stamford, Ct., 1858-61 ; of Mercer St. Church, New York, 1861-70; of University Place Church, New York, from 1870. ALUMNI. 95 *J()HN Cami'I'.ri.i,, died March, i86(j. NaTHANIKI, GkORGK C'l.AKK, 1). 1)., LI,. D. Born in Calais, Vt., Jan. i8, 1825; united with the C"on^^ ("hurch in Montpelier, Vt., i. Reed, of Montpelier, Aug. 16, 1854; mar- ried to Ei.iZAiiKTii S. VyoRtESTER, of Auburndale, Mass., May 8, 1 86 1. Ordained at lUirlington, Vt., by Council, 1857; ])rof. of Lat. and Eng. Lit., Univ. of Vt., 1852-62; prof, of Logic, Rhet. and Kng. Lit., Union College, 1862-5 ; foreign secretary of A. B. C. F. M. from 1865. Published " Elements of the English Language," 1863 ; and many articles Thomas Condon. Born in Ireland ; came to Auburn from Camillus ; member of Ch. in Camillus. Home miss., St. Helen's, Or., to 1855; Tualatin, 1855-7; (irand Prairie, 1857-62 ; Dallas, 1862-74 ; Forest Grove, 1875-7 ; prof. in State Univ., Eugene City, from 1877. S. Mills Day. Born in Richmond, N. ¥., Aug. 8, 1827 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Ithaca, N. Y., Jan., 1848 ; graduated from Union College in 1850 ; Middle and Senior years at Auburn; married to Miss Lucy E. Maxwell, of Geneva, N. ¥., Nov. 30, 1852. Ordained and installed at Hammondsport, N. ¥., by Presby. of Bath, June 30, 1852; Hammondsport, 1852-7; Havana, 1857 -61 ; Honeoye Cong. Ch. from 1862. Published " Pencilings of Light and Shade," 1850. George Palmer Folsom, D. D. Born in Buffalo, N. Y.. Dec. 16, 1826 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Cleveland, O., 1837 ; graduated from Williams College in 1847 ; tea. South Bend, 1847-8; in business, 1848-9; D. D. from Williams College in 1881; married to Miss Lillie Graham Eraser, of Monroe, Mich., Oct. 28, 1S52. Ordained at Batavia, N. Y., by Genesee Presby., 1853 ; Attica, N. Y., 1852-9; Geneseo, 1859-68; dis. sec. of Church Erec. Bd., at Chicago, 111., 1869-71 ; I3araboo, Wis., 1872-8; Chicago, 111., 1879-80 ; Iowa City, la., from 1880. Published Sermons and Historical Addresses. Francis Hendricks. Came to Auburn from Ovid ; graduated from LInion College in 1846. Ordained (Pres.) about 1853 ; New Berlin, Pa., 1853-5, 1857, i860 -2; Fremont, O., 1856; Northumberland, Pa., 1858; resident in Philadelphia, stated supply of Mantua 2nd Ch. and other Chs., 1862-79 ; ^ea.., 1880, and chaplain from 1880. 96 ALUMNI. John Russell Hkrrick, D. D. Born in Milton, Vt., May 12, 1822; united with the Cong. Church in Milton, 1831 ; graduated from Univ. of Vt. in 1847; Andover Jun. and Mid. years; Aub., 1851-2; D. D. from Union College in 1867, and same from Univ. of Vt.; married to Miss Harrtkt Emily Brownell, of Sharon, Conn., May 12, 1856. Ordained and installed at Malone, N. Y., by Presby. of Champlain, June, 1854; Malone, 1854-67; prof, of Theology, Bangor The. Sem., 1867-73; South Hadiey, Mass., 1874-8; pres. of Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Or., from 1880. Published many articles and reviews. Joel Kennedy. Born in St. Ann's, Canada, 1816 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in St. Ann's, 183 i ; graduated from Western Reserve College in 1849; married to Miss Martha Jane Stimson, of Allegan, Mich., 1864. Ordained at Medina, by Presby. of Niagara, 1854 ; Middleport from 1852; Niagara City from 1855; VVaterville from 1858; Al- legan, Mich., from i860 ; Albion, Mich., from 1864 ; Howell, Mich., from 1867 ; Breckenridge, Hamilton and N. Y. Settle- ment, Mo., from 1868; Gardner, 111., from 1875; Joy, 1876-80; Avoca, Iowa, from 1880. *Ali!ert Mandell, died Oct. 7, 1871. Luther Parker Mai thews Born in Stockholm, N. Y., March 20, 1824 ; united with the Cong. Church in Berlin, O., 18^1 ; studied at Western Reserve College; Auburn Senior class from West. Res.; married to Miss Sarah Hubbard, of Sylvania, O, Feb. 15, 1853. Ordained at Sylvania, by Presby. of Monroe, May, 1853 ; Sylvania, 1852-4; (iarnavillo, Iowa, 1854-61; Colesburg, 1861-75 ; Post- ville, 1875-S ; Crete, Neb., from 1878. Francis Samuel McCabe, D. D. Born in Terre Haute, Ind., July 8, 1827 ; united with the Centre Pres. Church in Crawfordsville, Ind., 1843 ; graduated from Wabash College in 1849; I>ane Sem., 1849-50 ; Auburn, 1850-2 ; D. D. from Wabash College in 1871 ; married to Miss Eleanor Emerson Johnson, of Peru, Ind., Sept. 25, 1855. Ordained and installed at Peru, by Presby. of Fort Wayne, Oct., 1852 ; Peru, 1852-67 ; Topeka, Kan., from 1869. Edward Dafydd Morris, D. D. Born in Utica, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1825 ; united with the Ch. in Yale College, 1848 ; graduated from Yale College in 1849 ; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1863; married to Frances E. Parm- ELEE, of Fair Haven, Ct., 1S52 ; married to Mary Bryant Treat, of Tallmadge, O., 1867. Ordained at Skaneateles, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, 1852 ; Au- burn 2nd Ch., 1852-5; Columbus, O., 1855-68 ; prof. Eccl. Hist. ALUMNI. 97 Lane The. Sem., 1868-74 ; prof. Theol., l.ane The. Scni. from 1874. Published sermons, articles, ike; Notes on Theolog}^ 1881. John C'.ami'bkll Moses. Born in Ticonderoga, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1824 ; united with the Cong, ('hurch in Clymer, N. Y., 1847; graduated from State Nor. Scii., Albany, 1846; married to Miss Catherine Aurili.a Terry, of l'"rencii Creek, N. Y., July 21, 1850. Ordained and installed at Dundee, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, Mar. 15, 1853; Dundee, 1852-6; Lenox, 1856-8; Fowlerville, 1858-62; Dundee, 1862-70; Ellington, Conn., 1870-2; resident in Clinton, Iowa. rublished several sermons. John Newbanks. Born in Chazy, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1824; united vviih the Pres. Church about 1841; graduated from Williams College in 1849; Union Sem., 1849-50 ; Auburn, 1850-2 ; married to Miss ALary Taylor Wotkyns, of Troy, N. Y., May 5, 1845. Ordained and installed at Chester, N. Y., by Presby. of Troy, Fall of 1853; Troy, 1853-4, and resident there since, in ill health. *Henry North Peck, died Mar. 9, 1854. James Pierpont. Born in Pittsford, N. Y., July 28, 1819 ; united with the Third Pres. Church in Rochester, N. Y., about 1829; graduated from Hamilton College in 1849; married to Miss Maria Cushman DiiiBLE, Oct. 5, 1852. Ordained at Rochester, N. Y., by Rochester Presby., Oct., 1852 ; went to California in 1853 ; has served 12 Churches there, of which he organized 6 ; chaplain of Sailors' Home, San Fran- cisco, from 1S79. Hon. Julius Hawley Seelye, D. D., LL. D. Born in Bethel, Ct., Sept. 14, 1824 ; united with the Cong. Church in Bethel, June, 1843; graduated from Amherst College in 1849 ; one year in Germany in addition to the Auburn course ; D. I), from Union College in 1862 ; LL. D. from Columbia College in 1876; married to Elizabeth Tillman James, of Albany, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1854. Ordained and installed at Schenectady, N. Y., by Classis of Schenectady, Aug. 10, 1853; Schenectady to 1858; prof, of Mor. Phil, and Metaphysics, Amherst College, 1858-75 ; in Congress, 1875-6; pres. of Amherst Col. from 1877. Published Translation of Schwegler's History of Philosophy, N. Y., 1856; " Lectures to Educated Hindus," Bombay and Boston, 1S73 ; "Christian Missions," N. Y., 1875 ; sermons, addresses and reviews. 98 ALUMNI. Alfred Martin Stowe. Born in Marlborough, Mass., March 9, 1819 ; united with the Pres. Church in Mexico, N. Y., 1836 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1849; married to Miss Harriet Pierson Tichenor, of Canandaigua, June 1, 1854. Ordained, Waterloo, N. Y., by Geneva Presby., 1852 ; dist. sec. of Am. Tract. Soc, 1852-60; dist. sec. of Pres. Board of Home Miss. 1860-73; financial sec. of Auburn Theo. Sem. from 1873, residing at Canandaigua, N. Y. Milton Waldo, D. D. Born in Newark Valley, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1822 ; united with the Cong. Church in Berkshire, N. Y., July 4, 1840; graduated from Hamilton College in 1S48 ; I). D. from Hamilton College in 1868 ; married to Miss Maria L. Hardenburgh, of Auburn, Sept. 6, i855. Ordained at Spencer, N. Y., by Council, Oct., 1852; Spencer, 1852-3 ; Utica, agt. for Am. Tr. Soc. for Central N. Y., 1853-4 ; New Orleans, La., agt. for same for five Southwestern States, 1854; Lawrence, 111., home miss., 1856-8; past. Lacon Pres. Ch., 1858-61 ; Hornellsville, N. Y., 1861-72 ; Hudson, 1872-5 ; Phelps, 1875; Watkins, 1875-82. Published Historical Sketch of the Thacher family, 1869. Ransom Bethune Welch, D. D., LL. D. Born in Greenville, N. Y. ; united with the Bleecker St. Pres. Church in New York, 1848 ; graduated from Union College in 1846 ; Andover, Jun. and Mid. years; Aub., Mid. and Sen.; D. D. from Rutgers College in 1868 ; also from Univ. of City of New York, 1868 ; LL. D. from Maryville College, 1872 ; married to Miss Lydia B. Kennedy, of Clifton Park, N. Y., June 5, 1861. Ordained and installed at Gilboa, N. Y., by Classis of Schoharie, 1854; Gilboa, 1854-6; Catskill, 1856-9; prof, of Log., Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Union College, 1860-76 ; iirof. of Christian Theol., Auburn, from 1876. Published " Faith and Modern Doubt," 1876 ; and many articles, addresses, &c. ; Notes on Theology, 1881-2. George Washington Connit. Born in Elyria, O., Sept. 20, 1823 ; graduated from ^Villiams Col- lege in 1849; at Auburn part of Junior year ; grad. at Hartford Sem., 1853 ; married to Miss Lucy L Tyler, of Williamstown, Mass.,- Aug. 15, 1853; married to Miss Louisa Howe, of Port- land, Me., Oct. 30, 1866. Ordained and installed at Deep River, Conn., (Cong.) Dec. 20, 1854; Deep River, 1854-6 ; Pres. Ch., Deep River, 1856-62 ; Ref. Church of Fallsburg, Woodburne, N. Y., 1862-5 I New Prospect, 1866-70 ; became Deacon- Evangelist in Catholic Apostolic Church, July 26, 1876; tea. Fond du Lac, Wis. ALUMNI. 99 *Pakk. Sua riiK k Donki.son, I). l).,died May 6, 1882. Martin I.uriiKR Gayi.oud. Born in Otisco, N. Y., June 16, 1823; united with the Cong. Churc:li in Otisco, Dec, 1842; graduated from Amherst College in 1848; left Auburn in poor health, at close of 2nd year; married to Miss Elisaiseth Edwards, of Southampton, Mass., Nov. 16, 1858. Never ordained; Fruit Nursery and Farming in Kan., 1855-68, and since in Mass. ; resident in Easthampton. Yates Hickev. Born in Phelps, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1823; united with the Pres. Ch. in Mishawaka, Ind., May, 1840 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1849; Auburn, 1849-51 ; married to Sarah B. Ingraham, of Geneva, N. Y., March 20, 1851. Ordained at Palmyra, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, 1854 ; he was engaged for many years in the service of the Am. Tract Soc, and has ever since been in that of the International Sabbath Association. At different times, he has supplied Churches at Greenville, N. Y., at Athens, Pa., and elsewhere ; resident Nor- ristown. Pa. *HENRy LoBDELL, died Mar. 25, 1855. John Milton Shaw. Graduated from Madison Univ. in 1850 ; Auburn, 1 850-1, from Sterling; a minister in the Baptist Church ; miss, to Mexico. David Davis Van Antwerp. Born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Mar. 8, 1822 ; united with the Re- formed Church; graduated from Univ. of Mich, in 1849; at Auburn Junior year ; finished his Theological studies at Grand Rai)ids, Mich. ; married to Miss Jane Caroline Faxon, of Albion, Mich., 1851. Ordained Deacon in 185 1, and Priest in 1852, at Grand Rapids. Mich., by Prot. Ep. Bishop of Mich.; St. Stephen's Ch., Terre Haute, Ind.; St. Paul's, Beaufort, N. C; St. Luke's, Kansas City, Mo. ; St. Thomas', Baltimore, Md., where he resides. Published " Popular History of the Church," 3 vols. 1850-3. Byron Bosworth. Born in East Pharsalia, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1823 ; united with the Pres. Church in Lancaster, N. Y., 1848 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1850 ; entire course at Auburn, and a post graduate year at Princeton ; married to Miss Eliza A. Macy, of Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1855. Ordained by Presby. of Cayuga, Nov. 5, 1857 ; Pres. Ch., Cham- plain, N. Y., 1854-5; Cong. Ch.. Morrisville, 1855-6; Homer, 100 ALUMNI. 1856-7 ; Kingston, Mass., 1857-9 ; Henrietta, N. Y., 1859-65 ; Pres. Ch., Victor, 1865-6 ; Phelps, 1866 ; Cong. Ch., Phoenix, 1866-7; Pres. Ch., Greenville, 1867-76 ; Hammondsport, from 1876. *Oliver Bronson, died Jan. 10, i860. Isaac Eddy Carey. Born in Locke, N. Y., July 29, 1822 ; united with the Cong. Church in Kiantone, N. Y., 1836 ; graduated from Yale College in 1849 ; married to Miss Eliza Ann Wright, of Auburn, Jan. I, 1851. Ordained by Presby. of Buffalo, Jan., 1854; Springville, N. Y., 1853-4; First Pres. Ch., Freeport, 111., 1854-7 and 1862-72; Peoria, 111., 1857-60; Keokuk, Iowa, 1860-2 ; Waterloo, 1873- 5 ; Cong. Ch., Huntsburg, O., 1876-80; resident there. *Laurentine Hamilton, died April 9, 1882. *HuBERT Pierre Herrick, died Dec. 20, 1857. CoRYDON Webster Higgins. Born in Worthington, Mass., Jan. 18, 1823 ; united with the Church in Williams College in 1848; graduated from Williams College in 1849; Middle and Senior years at Auburn ; married to Harriet Ward Chapin, of Rochester. N. Y., June 21, 1853. Ordained and installed at Spencer, N. Y., by Council, 1855 ; East Avon, 1853; Spencer, 1855; Newfield, 1858; Big Flats, 1865; Cottage Grove, Wis., 1866; Osborn, Mo., 1868-80; Parkville, from 1880. *Edward Silas Lacy, died Aug. 23, 1875. Joseph Nelson McGiffert. Born in New York City, Dec. 8, 1829; united with the Pres. Church in Hudson, N. Y., July 4, 1847 ; married to Miss Harriette W. Pushman, of Manlius, Nov. 3, 1853. Ordained at Hillsdale, N. Y., by Columbia Presby, Nov. 15, 1853; Hillsdale, 1853-7; Sauquoit, 1857-66; Ashtabula, O., from 1867. Published several sermons. *Henry Norton Millerd, died Sept. 13, 1873. Jacob Kent Warner. Born in Strykersville, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1823 ; united with the Cong. Church in Strykersville, April, 1842 ; graduated from Yale College in 1850; married to Miss Mary .A^nna Platt, of Brooklyn, N. Y., June 30, 1854; married to Miss Elizabeth Webster Moron, of Johnstown, Wis., Dec, 1865; married to Miss Mary Louisa Brown, of Burdett, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1871. Ordained at Waterloo, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, 1858; Cong. Ch., Allegany, 1853 ; Pres. Ch., Burdett, 1855 ; Dundee, 1857; Center, Wis., 1859; Johnstown, 1862-8; resident in Burdett, N. Y., and Jacksonville, Fla. ALUMNI. 101 Wakkkn William Warnkr. Born in Vernon, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1824; united with the Cong. Church in Oberlin, ()., 1841 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1850; married to Miss Anna Gatks Lewis, of Chicago, III. Ordained at Mannsville, N. Y., by Black River Consociation, Jan. 20, 1858; New Haven, N. Y., 1854; Belleville, 111., 1855; Dodgeville, Wis., 1856 ; Sackets Harbor, N. Y., 1858; Cham- pion, 1859; Paris Hill, i860; Lebanon, 1862; Lawrcnceville, 1864; South Canton, 1866 ; Norfolk and Raymondville, 1869; Tort Leyden, 1871; Volney, 1875-80; Coventryville from 1880. John Ali'hkus Woodhull. Born in Ronconkama, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1825 ; united with the Cong. Church in Mt. Sinai, L. L, Apr., 1838; graduated from Yale College in 1850; studied at Bangor; admitted to .Auburn Mid- dle class, Jan., 1852; graduated at Auburn; studied also at New Haven; married to Joanna Brown, of Rocky Point, L. L, July 20, 1853. Ordained and installed at Wad ham's Mills, N. Y., by Essex Co. Consociation, Jan. i, 1856 ; New Village and Commack, L. I., 1858-66; Northville, L. L, 1866-9 ; New Preston, Ct., 1869-72; Groton, Ct., 1872-80; Baiting Hollow, N. Y., from 1880. Published Review of Cong. Ch. of Groton, Ct., 1877. John Bascom, D. D., LL. D. Born in Genoa, N. Y., May i, 1827; united with the Pres. Church in Ludlowville, 1843 ; graduated from Williams College in 1849; Auburn Mid. class, 1851-2; tutor, Williams Col., 1852-3; Andover, 1854-5 ; LL. D. from Amherst College in 1873 ; D. D., Iowa College, 1875 ; married to Abime Burt, of Great Barrington, Mass., Dec, 1852 ; married to Emma Curtis, of Sheffield, Mass., Jan., 1856. Ordained at Pownal, Vt., by Council, Dec, 1859; 19 years prof, of Rhetoric in Williams College ; pres. of Univ. of Wis , from 1874. Published " Political Economy," 1859 ; "Aesthetics," 1862 ; " Phil- osophy of Rhetoric," 1865 ; "Principles of Psychology," 1869 ; " Science, Philosophy and Religion," 187 1 ; " Philosophy of En- glish Literature," 1874; " Philosophy of Religion," 1876 ; "Com- parative Psychology," 1S78; "Ethics," 1879 ; " Natural Theol- ogy," 1880. Frank Fields Ellinwood, I). I). Born in Clinton, N. Y., June 20, 1826; united with the Cong. Ch. in Clinton, 1842 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1849 ; \j Auburn, Mid., 1851-52; Princeton, 1852-3; D. D. from Univ. of N. Y., in 1865; married to Miss Rowana Hurd, of New York, June 26, 1853 ; married to Miss Laura PIurd, of Fair Haven, Vt., Apr. 15, 1867. 102 ALUMNI. Ordained and installed at Belvidere, N. J., by 4th Presbytery of Phila., June 21, 1853 ; Belvidere, 1853-4 ; Central Ch., Rochester, N. Y., 1854-65 ; sec. of Pres. Com. of Ch. -Erection, 1866-70; of the Memorial Fund Committee, 1 870-1 ; of the Board of For. Miss., from 1871 ; resident New York. John Daniel English. Born in Red Hook, N. Y., Apr. 3, 1827 ; united with St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Rhinebeck, N. Y., at t6 years old ; studied at Hartwick Sem. and Williams College ; in Auburn until the middle of Sen. year; married to Susan Adeline Miller, of Hartwick Seminary, Feb. 15, 1853. Ordained at Rhinebeck, by the New York Synod, Sept. 6, 1853; Luth. Ch., Ghent, 1853; Middleburgh, 1854-8; Fayette, 1858- 62 ; 148th N. Y. Vols., 1862-3 '■> ii^ '^'"'^ army again, 1864-5 '■> ^^''•• Hartwick Sem., 1866-71 ; Pres. Ch., West Fayette, N. Y., 187 i -5 ; farming, near Waterloo. John Wesley Pratt. Born in Pratt's Hollow, N. Y., Dec. 8, 1815 ; united with the M. E. Church in Port Gibson, 1833; graduated from Wesleyan Univ. in 1839 ; Auburn, 1838-40, and allowed to attend lectures of Mid. and Sen. classes, Sept., 1851 ; married to Miss Caroline Strong, of Lansing, Dec. 31, 1840. Ordained at Ithaca, N. Y., in Oneida Conf , by Bishop Janes, 1851 ; Cayuga M. E. Ch., 1840; tea. Groton Acad., Farmer, Macedon and Red Creek Acads., 1841-6 ; farming, Lansing, 1847-50; M. E. Ch., Port Byron, 185 1-2; Ludlowville, 1853; Ledyard, 1854-5; located, 1856; farmer, Lansingville, from 1857. George W. Quereau. Came to Auburn from Red Creek ; mem. of M. E. Church there; graduated from Wesleyan Univ. in 1849; Aub., Mid., 1851-2; said to be a minister of the M. E. Church, in educational work, connected with some Conference in the West. Daniel Russell. Born in Naples, N. Y.; united with the Pres. Church in Watkins, 1843 ; studied at Franklin Acad., Prattsburg ; A. M. from Ham- ilton College in 1859 ; attended lectures of Mid. and Sen. class- es, 1851-2 ; married to Miss Maria Hunter, of Wayne, Sept. 22, 1848; married to Mrs. Mary Jane Wood, of Eagle, Oct. 11,1857. Ordained and installed at Oramel, by Presby. of Angelica, 1850; Oramel, 1849-55 ! Pike, 1855-67 ; Cedar Falls, la., 1867-70; Manchester, 1870-6 ; West Union, 1877 ; Anamosa, from 1878. Stewart Sheldon. See 185 1-4. ALUMNI. 103 18 5 1-4. Charles Fisk Bkach. Born in Jewett, Greene Co., N. Y., Sept. 5, 1827 ; united with tlie Pres. C'hurch in Hunter, July, 1849 ; studied at Delaware Inst, and Prattsville Academy ; received the degree of A. M. from Knox College, 111., in 1859; married to Miss Harriktte Adelia Lockwood, of Hempstead, N. Y., June 2, 185 1. Ordained and installed at Springfield, N. Y., by Presby., Jan. 10, 1856; Springfield; missionary work in Iowa; Washington, 111., 1859-64; Centralia, 1864-7; Portage (^ity, Wis, 1867-71 ; Paris, Ky., 187 1-3; editor of "Kentucky Presbyterian," now "National Presbyterian," from 1873, at Louisville, Ky. Published " The Christian Worker," 1869, and several sermons and tracts. Rex Rescum Hart Dexter. Born in Fairfield, N. Y., April 2, 1819; united with the First Pres. Church in Allen, about Nov., 1840; studied at Middle- bury and Nunda Academies, ; Middle and Senior years at Auburn; married to Miss Mary Jane Staunton, of LeRoy, Nov. 30, 1854. Ordained at Byron, N. Y., by Presby. of Genesee, April, 1857 ; Pike, 1854; Byron, 1856-7; Corfu, 1857-9; Pavilion, 1860-8, and 1874-6; six years in poor health at Wyoming; Portage- ville, 1876-80 ; Bethany Centre, from 1880. Archibald McDougall. Born in Campbeltown, Argyleshire, Scotland, Feb. 22, 1825 ; united with the Church in Lockport, N. Y., 1842 ; graduated from Union College in 185 1 ; studied with Rev. F. G. Hibbard, D. D. ; Auburn, 1852-4; married to Miss Emily Elizabeth Walker, of Havana, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1849. Ordained and installed at Sherburne, N. Y., by Presby. of Chenango, Feb., 1854; Sherburne, 1854-60; Dryden, 1860-7; Second Pres. Ch., Bloomington, III., 1867-70; resident there ; Farm Ridge, III., 1882. Levi Parsons, D. D. Born in Marcellus, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1829; united with the Pres. Church in Marcellus, Sept. i, 1850 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1849 ; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1874 ; married to Miss Mary Wadsworth, of Richfield Springs, Nov. 21, 1854; married to Miss Harriett M. Pease, of Auburn, Sept, 14, 1858. Ordained and installed at Mount Morris, N. Y., by Presby. of Ontario, July 10, 1856 ; Otisco, 1854-5 ; Mount Morris from i8c;6. Succeeded his father as Trustee of Auburn, 1865. 104 ALUMNI. Stewart Sheldon. Born in Perry Centre, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1823 ; united with the Cong. Church in Perry Centre, 1841 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1848; Auburn, Mid., 1851-2; Sen., 1853-4; married to Miss Sarah Ward, of Perry Centre, July 15, 1852. Ordained, Warsaw, N. Y., by Council, Aug., 1854 ; York, 1852 ; Silver Creek, 1853; Wellsville, 1855-60 ; Pawtucket, R. I., i860 -6; Chilicothe, Mo., 1866-7 ; Lansing, Mich., 1868-9; Yank- ton, Dakota, general miss., (Cong.) for Southern Dakota, from 1869. Allen Traver. Born in Claverack, N. Y., Dec. 11, 1826 ; united with the Evang. Luth. Church in Ghent, Aug., 1846 ; graduated from Penn- sylvania College in 185 1 ; admitted to Aub. Mid. class from Union, N. Y., Jan., 1853 ; married to Miss Jane Elizabeth Clark, of Hartwick Seminary, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1854. Ordained at Downsville, N. Y., by Hartwick Synod, Sept., 1854; Pres. Ch., Lafayette, 2 years ; Ludlowville, 3 years ; Belmont, 2 years ; Corfu, 2 years ; Wampsville, 2 years ; Dresden, 2 years ; preached temporarily in other places ; resident Rochester, N. Y. Benjamin Rush Catlin. Born in West Winfield, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1829 ; united with the Pres. Church in Clinton, 185 1 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 185 1 ; Auburn, 185 1-2 ; tut. Hamilton Col., 1853-6 ; married to Miss Mary Elizabeth Morrill, of Meriden, N. H., July 28, 1856. Ordained at Meriden, by Council, Jan., 1865 ; chaplain of 115th U. S. C. T. in Va. and in Texas, 1865-6 ; Meriden, N. H., 1866-72 ; examiner of patents, Washington, D. C. Henry Martyn Knox. Born in Knoxboro, N. Y., June 10, 1830 ; united with the Cong. Church in Augusta, Aug., 1850 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1851 ; Auburn, 1851-2; married to Miss Charlotte Bass Cozzens, of Vernon, N. Y., Apr. 22, 1857. Never ordained ; in business in St. Paul, Minn.; for 10 years chairman of the Central Committee of the Minnesota State S. S. Assoc; "Public Examiner" of State of Minnesota. Henry Axtell Lounsbury. Born in Ovid, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1827 ; united with the Pres. Church in Ovid, July, 1847 ; graduated from Union College in 1849 ; Auburn, 1851-3; Union, N. Y., 1853-4. Ordained and installed at Hampton Falls, N. H., by Council, Feb. 13, 1856 ; P. Seabrook, N. H., 1856-8 ; S. S. Beverly, Mass., 1858-9; S. S. Wilton, Me., 1860-2; S. S. Richmond, Me., 1862 -5; Barnstable, (Hyannis) Mass., 1866-9; Shirley Village, Mass., from 1870 ; resident Boston; Pres. Ch., Granville, N. Y., 1882. ALUMNI. 106 Hon. John 'rmujuoRK VVkntwokth. Born in (ireenlield, N. Y. ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Plymouth, 1836; graduated from Union College in 1846; Princeton, 1846 -7 ; studied and jjracticed Law in Saratoga Springs and Chicago, 1847-53; Auburn, part of 1853-4; married to Miss Frances Mcl)()NALi), of Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1852. Lawyer, Chicago, 111., to 1856; since then in Wis., dist. attorney, 4 years, clerk of Circ. Court, 6 years, and Judge of Circ. Court for the past 7 years ; resident in Racine. 1 852-5. Charles Eliphalet Bailey. Born in Westmoreland, N. Y., July 11, 1822; united with the Cong. Church in Westmoreland about 1837 ; graduated from Cleveland Univ. in 1851 ; dismissed from Auburn, May 26, 1853; afterward in Oberlin ; married to Miss Laurinda Adela Clark, of Rochester, O., Oct. i, 1850. Ordained at Weymouth, O., by Council, May, 1856 ; Huntington, O., 1854; Weymouth, 1855-6; Ontario, 111., 1856-7; founder of Grand Traverse College, 1857 ; Cong. Ch., Benzonia, Mich., 1860-3 ! ^^^- "i^d treas., Grand Traverse College, residing in Benzonia, from 1862. * Joseph Breck. Hungary; Aub. Sem., 1852-4; Lane Sem., 1854-5; returned to Pesth, Hungary. *Edwin Otwav Burnham, died Aug. i, 1873. Walter Varick Couch. Born in Westfield, N. Y., Feb. 18, 1829; united with the First Cong. Church in Clinton, about Feb., 1851 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1851 ; teaching ; Aub., 1852-3; Princeton, 1854-6; married to Miss Helen Jane Paige, of LeRoy, N. Y., June 27, 1861. Ordained and installed at East Pembroke, N. Y., by Presby. of Genesee, Oct., 1857 ; Moscow, 1856 ; Cong. Ch., Sherman, 1856- 7; E. Pembroke, 1857-60; Ellicottville, 1861-3 ; dist. sec. of Am. Tr. Soc. from 1864; resident in Rochester. Edwin Rutsen Davis. See 1854-7. *Ira Odell DeLong, died May 30, 1868. *JoHN Levis Jones. See 1853-6. Edwin Dyer Newberry. Born in Augusta, N. Y., 1827; united with the Church in 1846 ; graduated from Cleveland Univ. in 1852 ; at Auburn first half of Junior year ; completed the course at Union, New York; married to Sarah F. Taylor, of Baltimore, Md., 1857, 106 ALUMNI. Ordained and installed at Philadelphia, Pa., by Third Presby. of Philadelphia, April 14, 1856 ; Olivet Pres. Ch., Philadelphia, 1856-61; Ionia, Mich., 1861-8; Atco, N. J., 1868-72; First Pres. Ch., Haddonfield, 1872-80; Philadelphia, Pa., (Ev.)from 1880. Isaac Thompson Whittemore. Born in Essex, Ct., July 12, 1824; graduated from Madison Univ. in 1852; admitted to Aub., Mid. class, from Theo. Sem. of Madison Univ.; Auburn, 1853-4; married to Miss Mary A. SxiLLMAN, of Hamilton, N. Y., July 31, 1855. Ordained at Joliet, 111., by Presby. of Chicago, Oct., 1856; Ira, N. Y., 1854-6; Pontiac, 111., 1856-60; Fairbury, 1860-2; Rushville, 1862-4 ! Plymouth, 1864-9 ; Solomon City, Kan., I -^ years ; Wamego, 2 years; VVathena, 1872-3; Good Hope, 11!., 1873-9 ; Newton, Iowa, 1879-81 ; Norwood, 111. 1 853-6. William Burt Dada. Born in Otisco, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1827 ; united with the Cong. Church in Homer, 1844; graduated from Hamilton College in 1853; Mid. year at Union, N. Y.; Jun. and Sen. years at Auburn ; mar- ried to Miss Laura E. Uyon, of Genoa, N. Y., July 3, 1856. Ordained and installed at Skaneateles, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, July I, 1856; Skaneateles, 1856-8; Jackson, Mich., 1859-60; Minneapqjis and Little Falls, Minn., 1860-1 ; Cong. Ch., Clear Water, 186 1-7 ; Lake City, 1867-71 ; East Palmyra, N. Y., Pres. Ch., from 1873. *DiLLis Dyer Hamilton, died July 22, 1876. *JoHN Levis Jones, died May 3, 1S71, Charles S. Marvin. Born in Walton, N. Y., 1828; united with the Cong. Church in Walton at about 18 years old ; studied at Delaware Lit. Inst.; Jun. and Sen. years at Aub.; Mid. year at Andover; married to Miss Mary Eklls, of Walton, June, 1856. Ordained at Colchester, N. Y., by Presby. of Delaware, June, 1857 ; Deansville, 1856-7; past. Harpersfield, 1857-9, and 1864-6; in- valid, residing at Walton and supplying Walton 2nd Cong. Ch., E. Pharsalia, Hebron, &c., and serving in the Christian Com- mission, 1859-64; home miss, in Iowa and Nebraska, 1867-79 ; Roxbury and Canton, Kan., from 1880. 1 854-7. *JuDSON AspiNWALL, died Oct. 10, 1867. ALUMNI. 107 Ai.viN Cooper, M. D. Born in Jefferson, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1826; united with the Pres. Ch. in Jefferson, Nov., 1851 ; studied at Delaware Lit. Inst.; gradu- ated from Albany Medical College, with degree of M. D., 1850; took second and third years at Auburn ; married to Emma Manwaking, of Sidney Centre, N. Y., Sept., 1857. Ordained and installed at (iowanda, N. Y., by Presl)y. of lUiffalo, Jan., 1858; Sidney Centie, 1854-5 ; (iowanda, 1857-9 ; Dur- ham, 1859-70; East Palmyra, 1871-2; Junius, 1873-8 ; Newark, 1878-81 ; Howard, from 1881. Edwin Rutskn Davis. JBorn in Lysander, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1823; united with the Pres. Church in Haldwinsville, 1851; graduated from Hamilton College in 1851; Auburn, 1852-3 and 1855-7; married to Mrs. Anna Makiah Henry, of Paldwinsville, Sept. 20, 1854. Ordained and installed at Onondaga Valley, N. Y., by Presby. of Onondaga, July, 1857; Onondaga Valley, 4 years ; Camillus, 5 years ; Avon Springs and East Avon, 2 years ; Chicago, 111., acting ])astor, 3 years ; resident in Chicago, Presbyterial mission- ary and dist. sec. of Home Missions. William John Knox. Born in Augusta, N. Y., May 17, 1828 ; united with the Cong. Church in Augusta, 1847 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1852; tea., 1852-3 and 1854-5; Princeton, 1853-4; Auburn, \J 1855-7 ; married to Miss Celia Mary Davis, of Florence, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1861. Ordained and installed at Bridgewater, N. Y., by Oneida Assoc, June 28, 1862 ; Cong. Ch., Deansville, 1858-9 ; Florence, 1859 -61; Bridgewater and VVinfield, 1861-3; resident Knoxboro Robert Norton. Born in Goshen, Ct., Feb. 18, 1822 ; united with the Cong. Church in Goshen, May, 1836 ; studied at Goshen Academy ; took only the Senior year at the Seminary ; married to Julia A. G. HoRSFORD, of Moscow, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1849. Ordained at Rushford, N. Y., by Assoc, of Allegany and Wyoming, July 27, 1858; Second Ward Pres. Ch. of Lockport, 1857-60 and from 1874 to present time; First (American) Pres. Ch., St. Catherine's, Canada, 1860-74. Jacob Post, D. D. Born in Amsterdam, Holland, April 20, 1822 ; united with the French Protestant Church in Amsterdam, 1S40; studied in the Netherlands Univ. ; Mid. and Sen. years in Auburn ; married to Lady Hendrika Hermina Cosyn, of Gouda, Holland. Ordained and installed at Manlius, N. Y., by Onondaga Presby., 1857; Manlius; Oswego; Chicago, 111., Holland Pres. Ch., 1874-9 ; Milwaukee, Wis., Perseverance Pres. Ch., 1870-4 and from 1879. 108 - ALUMNI. Frank LeBaron Robbins, D. D. See 1855-8. Hon. Derwin Welton Sharts. Born in Oxford, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1830 ; united with the Second Cong. Church in Hamilton, April, 1846; graduated from Madison Univ. in 1854; Hamilton Theo. Sem., 1854-5; Au- burn, 1855-7 ; married to Miss Julia Frances Saxe, of Niagara Falls, June 17, 1861. Ordained at Greenville, N. Y., by Presby. of Columbia, Sept., 1857 ; Pres. Ch., Walden, 1857-9 '■> Cong. Ch., Madison, 1859 and 1 86 1-5 ; Niagara Falls, 1859-61 ; Chr. Com., 1864- 5 ; Pres. Ch., Solon, O., 1865-8 and Cong. Ch., Chagrin Falls, 1865-6; North Ch., Cleveland, O., 1868-70; Cong. Chs., Aurora and Mantua, 1870-1 ; Owosso, Mich., 1871-4; and resident there since. Member of Mich. Legislature, 1876 and J878. George Van Deurs. Born in Nakkeboelle, Isle of Fuhnen, Denmark, April 20, 1825 ; united with the Moravian Church in Christianfeld, Schleswig, April, 1839 ; graduated from the Moravian Academy in Christian- feld in 1839; at Auburn, Middle and Senior years; married to Selma Rosamunde Suigarde Verbkck, of Utrecht, Holland, April 10, 1854. Ordained at Pultney, N. Y., by Presby. of Bath, June 23, 1858; jasper, 1857-8; Philadelphin, Pa., 1858-68; Utica, N. v., 1872-3; Washington, 1). C, 1874-5; Troy, N. Y., Oak- wood Av. Ch., 1868-72 and 1875-80; Romeyn Chapel, New York, from [880. Published " A Course of Prayer for one Week," 1862 John Franklin Severance. Member of Church in Amherst College ; graduated from Amherst. College in 1848 ; in Aub. first half of Mid. year. Tea. in Auburn ; preached, Niagara Falls, Wilson, Franklin, N, Y. ; chaplain U. S. A.; Sherman, N. Y., 1870; Madison, O. to 1872; not now in the ministry; teaching, Geneva, 111., 1880. 1 855-8. Lucius E. Barnard. Born in Waitsfield, Vt., June 14, 1828; graduated from Univ. of Vermont in 1853; Aub. Mid. class, March 23, 1857, from An- dbver ; married to Miss Emma S. Barnard, of Detroit, Mich., Mav 14, 1861. Ordained at Amboy, (Belle Isle) N. Y., by Presby., Mar. 8, 1859 ; Hannibal, 1858-9; Amboy, 1859-60; Waukegan, III, 1861-2 ; Galesburg ; Georgia, Vt., 1864 ; ceased to be a minister ; studied Law. ALUMNI. 109 *MiLT()N A. Brown, died Summer of 1858. *Ai!NEK DeWitt, died April 17, 1877. Joshua Bkkrs Hai.i,. Born in Madrid, N. Y., July 11, 1826; united with the Cong. Ch. in Madrid, 1844 ; graduated from Univ. of Vt., in 1853 ; Union, N. Y., 1855-7 ; Auburn, 1857-8 ; married to Miss EuoKNiA Frances Camprei.i., of Montpelier, Vt., July 14, 1858. Ordained and installed at Lysander, N. Y., by Presby., Feb. 8, 1859; Lysander, 1858-64; Tomhannock and Johnsonville, 1S64 -7; Olivet Ch., Lansingburgh, 1S67-9 ; Elk Rapids, Mich., 1870-9; resident in Oviatt from 1879. Evan Harris. Born in Wales; studied at Brecon College in class of 1853 ; Auburn, 1856-8; reported as supply at Redfield, N. Y., in Gen. Catalogues of 1858 and 1861 ; said to have left the ministry, and returned to Wales. WiLMAM Henry McGiifert. Born in New York, N. Y., March 25, 1836; united with the Pres. Church in Hudson, Jan., 1850; studied privately; married to Miss Fannie Helen Higbv, of Palmyra, Sept. 6, 1858. Ordained and installed at Boonville, N. Y., by Presby. of Utica, Nov. 5, 1858; Boonville, 1858-62 ; North Adams, Mass., 1862- 5 ; Pontiac, Mich., 1865-70 ; 1870-2, in poor health, but preach- ing as opportunity offered; Calvary Ch., Parkersburgh, W. Va., 1873-4; First Pies. Ch., Parkersburgh, 1874-5 ; ill health, 1875 -6; Lonaconing, Md., 1876-8; Orange, Conn., 1879; resident in New Haven, Conn., 1880; Hudson, N. Y., 1881 ; Claverack, 1882. Wilson Barlow Parmelee. Born in Westford, Vt., May 16, 1832; united with the Cong. Ch. in Tinraouth, Vt., July, 1855 ; graduated from University of Vt. in 1853; married to Elizabeth P. Brayton, of Westernville, N. Y., June 1 1, 1862. Ordained and installed at Westernville, N. Y., by Utica Presby., Sept. 14, 1859; Westernville to 1869; Little Falls, 1869-72; since resident at Westernville. Frank LeBaron Rohbins, D. D. Born in Camillus, N. Y., May 2, 1830 ; united with the College Church in Williams College, 1852 ; graduated from Williams College in 1854; Aub. Mid. in 1854-7; Sen., 1855-8 ; D. D. from Union College in 1878; married to Miss Lucy Morton Hartpence, Oct. 14, 1874. Ordained at Columbus, O., by Association ; Pres. Ch., Walnut Hills, O., I year ; Green Hill Pres. Ch., Philadelphia, Pa., 7 years from i860 ; Oxford Pres. Ch., Philadelphia, from 1868. 110 ALUMNI. Albert Gallatin Thornton. Born in Saco, Me., Dec. 31, 1826 ; member of Church in Scarboro ; graduated from Bowdoin College in 1848 ; now living in Ireland. Matthew Alonzo Gates. Born in Mendon, N. Y., Nov. 14, 1826; graduated from Mich. Univ. in 1855 ; left Auburn at close of 1857. Ordained at Salem, N. H., (Cong.) Sept. 2, 1858 ; Tinmouth, Vt., to 1864; Peru, 1867-8 ; Warner, 1875-6; resident St. Johnsbury ; Barnet to 1882. 1856-9. Isaac Warren Atherton. Born in Milton, Mass., Dec. 27, 1826 ; united with the Cong. Church in Hallowell, Me., about 1842 ; studied at Beloit College; Auburn, 1857-9; married to Miss Auelia Susan HiGBEE, of Beloit, Wis., April 9, 1853. Ordained at Cedar Rapids, la., by Iowa City Presby., Sept., 1859; Cedar Rapids, 1859-64; Brimfield, 111., 1866-8; Los Angeles, Cal., 1868-71 ; Riverside, 1871-5 ; Cloverdale, 1875-7 ; Kohala, Hawaii, 1878-80 ; Healdsburg, Cal., from 1881. *Anthony Dev Axtell, died Oct. 17, 1866. William Nathaniel Bacon. Born in Orwell, Vt., Oct. 11, 1829 ; united with the Cong. Church in Orwell, March, 1847 ; graduated from Middlebury College in 1853 ; married to Harriet Emmeline Cutts, of Orwell, July 26,1855. Ordained and installed at Pomfret, Vt., by Windsor Co. Conference, Dec. 28, 1859; Pomfret, 1859-63; Shoreham, Vt., from 1864. Alphonso Loomis Benton. Born in Cortland, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1831 ; united with the Pres. Church in Cortland, April, 1849; graduated from Hamilton College in 1856; married to Miss Emma Sandford, of Ovid, N. Y., Jan. 14, i860. Ordained and installed at Lima, N. Y., by Presby. of Ontario, Mar. 6, 1861 ; Lima, 1860-70; associate pastor of Cent. Ch., Buffalo, 1870-2; Fredonia, 1872-82; Montrose, Pa., 1882. Walter Halsey Clark. Born in Milton-on-the-Hudson, N. Y., July 2, 1832 ; united with the College Church in Williamstown, Mass., Spring of 1852 ; graduated from Williams College in 1854; married to Miss Maria M. Jackson, of Xenia, O., Jan. i, 1861, at Corisco, West Africa. Ordained at Milton, N. Y., by Presby. of North River, June 30, 1859 ; missionary at Gaboon, Africa, 1859-68 ; translating and printing at home, 1868-70; home miss, in Nebraska, 1870-8; principal of Silver Ridge Seminary, Nebraska, from 1878. ALUMNI. Ill FUKUKKICK WiLl.SON Fl.INI'. Born in Fayetteville, N. Y., May 19, 1H33; united with the Pres. Church in Dryden, Aug., 1850 ; graduated from Union College in 1856 ; married to Miss Emily Powers Beardsley, of Auburn, Oct. 19, 1859. Ordained and installed at Silver Creek, N. Y., by Presby. of Buffa- ■ lo, June, 1861 ; Silver Creek ; Cohoes, 1864-6; St. Paul, Minn., sup])lying House of Hope Pres. C'h. and other Churches, 1866- 76; Kingston, Pa., 1876-82; edit., Philadelphia, 1881 ; Winona, Minn., 1882. Georck Washington Hood. Graduated from Mich. Univ. in 1856; came to Auburn from Lodi, Mich.; supposed to be farming there. Thomas Boyd Hudson, D. I). Born in Auburn, N. Y., July 8, 1826 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Auburn, 1842 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1851 ; D. D. from Hamilton College in 187 1 ; married to Miss Mary Marshall Clark, of Cuyahoga Falls, O., Oct. 5, 1859; married to Miss Clara Baiser, of Cuyahoga Falls, O., June 11,1863. Ordained and installed at Union Springs, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga; Union Springs, 1859-61; chaplain 75th N. Y. Vols., 1861-2; Fulton, N. Y., 1862-3; North East, Pa., 1864-9; Clin- ton, N. Y., from 1869. John Francis Kendall, D. D. Born in Volney, N. Y., March 4, 1832 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in East Bloomfield, May, 1850; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1855; D. D. from Wabash College in 1873; married to Julia C. Birdseye, of Pompey, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1859. Ordained and installed at Baldwinsville, N. Y., by Presby. of On- ondaga, Aug. 31, 1859 ; Baldwinsville till 186S ; 2nd Ch., Colum- bus. O., 1868-71 ; La Porte, Ind., from 1871. Published "Chart of Scripture Offerings," 187 1. Raphael Kessler. Came to Auburn from Harmony, Pa.; mem. of Church in Susque- hanna; graduated from Hedingen Acad., Germany, in 1848. Ordained, 1859; N. Y. City, 1859-61 ; Mt. Pleasant, Pa., 1861-5 ; Webster Groves, Mo., 1865-72 ; W^ilmington, 111., 1873 ; Pontiac, 1874-6 ; Brandt, Pa., from 1880. Elizur Newell Manley. Born in Johnstown, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1826 ; united with the Cong. Church in Richville, Spring of 1847 ; graduated from Williams College in 1856 ; married to Miss Cordelia Maria Ingerson, of Evans' Mills, N. Y., May 19, 1858. Ordained and installed at Oakfield, N. Y., by Presby. of Genesee, June 14, 1859; Oakfield, 1858-63; Boonville, 1863-6; Elba, 1867 ; Camden, from 1868. 112 ALUMNI. William Moore Robinson. Born in Summit, Pa., Oct. i, 1827 ; united with the Cong. Church in Cincinnatus, N. Y., 1850; studied at Hartwick Seminary in class of 1846 ; married to Charity A. Coe, of Paterson, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1851. Ordained and installed at Second Pres. Ch., Genoa, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, June 22, 1859; Genoa, 1858-62; Greene, 1863-4; chaplain 114th N. Y. S. Vols., 1864 to close of war; Foresti)ort, N. Y., 1866-9; Westernville, 1870-1 ; Rossie, 1872-3; Heuvelton, 1874-7 ; Frankville, Iowa, from 1878. DWIGHT SCOVEL. Born in Warren, N. Y., May 10, 1834; united with the Cong. Church in Clinton, 1850; graduated from Hamilton College in 1854; taught in Del. Lit. Inst., 1854-6 ; married to Miss E. L. Wadsworth, at Cherry Valley, June 16, 1859. Ordained pastor of Oneida Lake and Ridge Chs., by Onondaga Presby., 1858; Oneida Lake and Ridge, 1858-61; Lakeville, 1861-7 ; Mendon, 1867-71; Marcellus, 1871-80; Wilson from 1880. Archibald Muirhead Shaw. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, April 11, 1830 ; united with the Pres. Church in New York Mills, N. Y., Fall of 1851 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1856 ; married to Miss Almira Fanny Nowler, of Oneonta, N, Y., Nov. 24, 1859. Ordained at Waddington, N. Y., by Presby. of St. Lawrence, 1859 ; Waddington, 1859-61; Lenox, 1861-3; Avon, 1863-5; Con- stantia, 1865-7; invalid, Benton Harbor, Mich., 1867-8 ; Cong. Ch., Watervliet, 1868-9; P^es. Ch., Concord, 1869-71; Tekonsha, 1871-4; invalid; Glenwood, N. Y., 1876-7 ; resident Clinton, supplying Williamstown and elsewhere, 1878-82 ; Lyons Falls, 1882. Charles Edwin Stebbins. Born in Waterloo, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1831 ; united with the Pres. Church in Waterloo ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1856 ; married to Miss Caroline F. Stebbins, of Waterloo, Oct. 10, 1859 ; married to Mrs. Lucy A. Butts, of Port Jervis, N. Y., Dec. 31, 1874. Ordained and installed at Second Pres. Ch., Galesburg, 111., by Presby. of Knox, Dec. 14, 1859; Galesburg, 1859-61; Phelps, N. Y., 1861-5; Ovid, 1865-70; Adams, Mass., 1870-6; Brookfield from 1876. John Tatlock, D. D. Born in Liverpool, Eng., Jan. 29, 1835 ; united with the Church in Williams College, 1855 ; graduated from Williams College in 1856; D. D. from Williams College, 1881; married to Miss Lucy Beman Whitman, Williamstown, Dec, 1858. ALUMNI. 113 Ordained and installed at South Adams, Mass., by Berkshire North Assoc, Nov. 29, 1859; South Adams, 1859-67; Wood- side Pres. Ch., Troy, N. Y., 1867-8; Hoosick Falls from 1868. Published "Bible in Pictures," 1880-2. GuiDO Vkrheck, D. D. Born in Zeist, near Utrecht, Holland, Jan. 23, 1830 ; graduated from Moravian Acad, in Zeist, 1848; 1). 1). from Rutgers College in 1875; Japanese order of "the Rising Sun," 1877; married to Miss Maria Manion, of Philadelphia, 1859. Ordained by Presby. of Cayuga, Mar. 22, 1859 ; miss, of the Reformed Ch. to Japan ; Nagasaki, 1859-69 ; Tokio, from 1869; (in Japanese Govt, service, 1863-78; president of Im- perial University of Tokio.) Published in conjunction with other persons, many tracts, public documents, and missionary reports. Benjamin Franklin Willoughby. Born in Groton, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1833; united with the First Congregational Church in East Groton, 1847 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1856 ; married to Miss Sarah E. Sittser, of Auburn, Jan. 25, i860. Ordained pastor at Canoga, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, 1859; Canoga, 1859-61 ; Parishville, 1861-2 ; Verona, 1862-5 ; Augusta, 1865-9; Sauquoit, from 1869. Charles Eugene Knox, D. D. Born in Knoxboro, N, Y., Dec. 27, 1833 ; united with the Cong. Church in Augusta, June, 1848 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1856 ; Junior year at Auburn ; Middle and Senior years at Union ; D. D. from Princeton College in 1874 ; married to Miss Sarah Fake, of Clinton, Sept. 27, i860. Ordained and installed at Bloomfield, N. J., by Presby. of Newark, June 8, 1864; Newark, 1864-73 '■> president of German Theo. School, Newark, from 1873. Published "Year with St. Paul," 1863 ; Course of graded S. S. Text Books, 5 in number, 1864-7 '■> " Eove to the End," 1868 ; "David the King," 1874; Reports for Ger. Theo. School, sermons, &c. Col. William Kreutzer. Born in Benton, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1828; united with tiie Pres. Church in Branchport, 1856 ; graduated from Genesee College in 1854; Auburn, 1857-8; married to Miss Emma Josephine Wood, of Red Creek, April 10, 1866. Never ordained ; teacher; in Vol. service of U. S., 1861-5 ; in hardware business, Lyons. Published "98th New York Volunteers," 1878. 114 ALUMNI. 1857-60. John Campbell. Born in Bangor. Ireland, 1828 ; united with the Pres. Church in Skaneateles, N. Y., 1850 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1857 ; nearly completed the course at Auburn ; married to Miss Hannah L. Viall, of Mechanicsville, N. Y., 1863. Ordained at Peru, N. Y., by Presby. of Champlain, i860 ; Peru, 1 860-1 ; Mechanicsville, 1861-4; Taberg, 1864-5; Johnson- ville, O., 1866-7 ; Central Col., O., 1868 ; South Trenton, N. Y., 1869-71 ; Norwich Corners, 1872 ; Clifton Park, 1873 ; since then, on a farm, preaching as opportunity offered ; resides at Clifton Park, N. Y. Jeremiah Nixon Diament. Born in Cedarville, N. J., Oct. 4, 1828 ; united with the Second Pres. Church in Cedarville, about 1842; graduated from Mid- dlebury College in 1857 ; married to Miss Mary Emma Pet- tengill, of Grafton, Vt., Aug. 9, i860; married to Miss Mary Elizabeth Hamilton, of Belleview, Neb., Apr. i, 1867. Ordained and installed at Franklin, Pa., by Presby. of Montrose ; Franklin, 1860-5 5 Redfield and Osceola, N. Y., 1865-8 ; Stan- ton, Mich., and other places, 1868-74; Cherrytree, Pa., 1875-7; resident. Grant P. O., Pa., 1877-82 ; miss, in Wealaka, Creek Nation, 1882. John Henry Dillingham. Born in Oneonta, N. Y., Oct, 26, 1830; united with the Pres. Ch. in Oneonta, Apr., 1850; graduated from Hamilton College in 1857 ; married to Miss Mary L. White, of Ellington, N. Y., Mar. 10, 1861. Ordained at Barton, Wis., by Presby. of Milwaukee, June 20, i860 ; Manitowoc, 1860-3; Wenona, III., 1863-6; Belleville, 1866-9; Fairmount Pres. Ch., St. Louis, Mo., 1869-73 ; Paola, Kan., 1873-4 ; Rossville, 111., 1874-80 ; South Saginaw, Mich., from 1880. William Hart. Born in Scotland, 1834 ; united with the Pres. Church in Geneseo, N. Y., about 1853 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1855 ; married to Miss Mary Y. Selover, of Auburn, Oct. 30, 1861. Ordained and installed at Auburn, by Presby. of Cayuga, 1861 ; chap. 19th N. Y. S. v., 1 861-3; Pres. Ch., Maiden, n! Y., 1863 -8; Fifth Pres. Ch., Washington, D. C, 1868-70 ; Bath, Me., Cong. Ch., 1870-9 ; Westport, Conn., from 1879. Edward William Hitchcock, D. D. Born in Homer, N. Y., May i, 1833 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Homer, May, 1848; graduated from Yale College in 1857 ; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1879 ; married to Evelyn P. Hawley, of Homer, July 19, i860. ALUMNI. 115 Ordained and installed at 'I'onipkinsville, T.. I., by South Classis of New York, Aug lackburn Univ. in 1878 ; married to Miss Helen Louisa Willard, of Cayuga, N. Y., June 19, i860. Ordained and installed at Waverly, N. Y., by Presby. of Chemung, Sept., i860 ; Waverly, 1860-7 '■> Hyde Park, 111., 1867-81 ; Second Pres. Ch., Springfield, from 1881. Herrick Johnson, D. D., LL. D. Born in Caughnewaga, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1832 ; united with the First Pres. Church in Buffalo, Fall of 1854 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1857 ; D. D. from Western Reserve College in 1867 ; LL. D. from VVooster Univ. in 1882; married to Miss Catherine Spencer Hardenbergh, of Auburn, September 6, i860. 116 ALUMNI. Ordained and installed at Troy, N. Y., by Presby. of Troy, June 28, i860; Troy, 1860-2; Third Ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., 1862-8; First Ch., Philadelphia, Pa., 1868-74; prof, of Homiletics and Past. The., Auburn, 1874-80 ; Fourth Ch., Chicago, 111., and prof, of Homiletics in, Theo. Sem. of the Northwest, from 1880. Published many sermons, addresses, articles, tracts, Sunday School lessons, &c. ; " Christianity's Challenge," 1881. Moderator of General Assembly, at Springfield, 111., 1882. John Levis Jones. Born in Wales, May i, 1829; united with the Cong. Church in 1845 ; studied at Whitestown and Cazenovia Seminaries ; married to Miss Margaret Lamson, of New York Mills, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1861. Ordained and installed at New Berlin, N. Y., by Chenango Presby., Oct. 8, 1861 ; New Berlin till 1866; Guilford Centre,' 1866-73 ; Villisca, Iowa, 1873-81 ; Essex, from 1881. Charles Wesley Maccarthy. Born in Ox Bow, N. Y., March 28, 1830; united with the First Church in Geneseo Village, April, 1849 ; graduated from Williams College in 1856 ; married to Miss Florence Eliza Wilcox, of Oakfield, N. Y., Nov. 22, i860; married to Mrs. Caroline Elisabeth Bachman, of Romulus, March 6, 1867. Ordained by Presby. of Genesee, May i, 1861 ; East Pembroke, N. Y., 1860-2 ; U. S. Army, 1862-5 ; principal of Rural Seminary, East Pembroke, 1865-6 ; Portageville, 1866-75 '> Oneida Valley, Oneida Lake and Ridgeville, 1875-7 ; Constantia and Cleveland from 1877. George W. Mackie. Came to Auburn from Rochester ; mem. of Brick Church in Rochester. Ordained about i860 ; Lakeville, N. Y., 1861 ; Adams, 1862-5; Janesville, Wis., 1865-6; Chicago, 111., 1866-73 ; Galena, 1873- 5 ; Adams, N. Y., 1876 ; Chicago, 111., 1876-8 ; resident in Adams, N. Y. Augustus Marsh. Born in Aurora, Erie Co., N. Y., June i, 1834; united with the Pres. Church in Tekonsha, Mich., Aug., 1848; graduated from Univ. of Mich., 1855 ; married to Miss Martha S. Hewitt, of North Sterling, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1863. Ordained at Blissfield, Mich., by Presby. of Monroe, Nov., i860; Brooklyn, Mich., 1860-2; Grand Rapids, ist Pres. Ch., 1862-6; Portland Cong. Ch., i year; same place, Pres. Ch., 8 years ; Clam Lake, (now Cadillac) since 1875. Martin Powell Ormsby. Born in Underhill, Vt., June i, 1830; united with the Cong. Church in Greenville, 111., April, 1848 ; studied at Greenville ALUMNI. 117 Academy; admitted to practice Law, Sept., 1854; married to Miss M. Catharink Huffman, of Shell^yville, 111., Dec. 25, i860. Ordained at I'isgah, 111., by Presby. of Illinois, Sept., i860 ; Shel- by ville, Wilmington and Mt. Carroll, 111., 1860-4 ; Minonk, 1864 -70; Winchester, 1871-2 ; Eureka, 1872-80; Monticello from 1880 Andkkw Parsons. Born in Sharon Springs, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1830 ; united with the First Pres. Church in Elmira, Summer of 1849; graduated from Williams College in 1857 ; married to Miss Selona White, of Auburn, May 22, 1862. Ordained at Richfield Springs, N. Y., by Presby. of Otsego, June, i860; Richfield Springs, 1860-6; Ottawa, Kan., 1866-70; Weyauwega, Fremont and Royalton, Wis., 1870-5 ; Hunter, N. Y., from 1875. George Ransom. Born in Chazy, N. Y., May 16, 1831; united with the Cong, Church in Chazy, March, 1840 ; studied at Champlain and Schoharie Academies ; married to Armenia A. Slack, of Mexico, N. Y., June 27, 1870. Ordained at Redford, N. Y., by Champlain Presby., July 10, 1861 ; Redford, 1860-4; Muir, Mich., from 1864. *Thomas W. Roberts, died Sept. 26, i860. Lewis Benjamin Rogers. Born in Albion, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1833; united with the First Pres. Church in Albion, May, 1848 ; graduated from Union College in 1857 ; married to Miss Martha Sophia Goold, of Carlton, June 5, i860. Ordained by Niagara Presby., Oct., 1863; Honeoye Falls, N. Y., 1860-1 ; Marengo, Iowa, 1863-4; Somerset, N. Y., 1867-71; Millville, 1871-4 ; Pueblo, Col., 1874-5 ; resident in Albion, N. Y. *Thomas Sherrard, died Aug. 10, 1874. Joseph Emerson Tinker. Born in Honolulu, Sandwich Islands, Jan. 20, 1833; united with the Pres. Church in Westfield, N. Y., Oct., 185 1 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1857; married to Miss Pamelia J. Beard, of Pompey, N. Y., May 14, 1863. Ordained and installed at Willoughby, O., by Presby. of Cleveland, June, i860; Willoughby, 1860-6; Franklinville, N. Y., 1867- 70 ; Portville, 1870-81 ; Sinclairville, from 1881. Son of Reuben Tinker of 1827-30. Edwin B. Van Auken. Came to Auburn from Rochester, N. Y.; mem. of Wash. St. Pres. Church in Rochester ; Honeoye Falls, 1863-5 '■> Mendon, 1865- 7; Bergen, 1867-9; tea. Rochester, from 1870. 118 ALUMNI. Augustus Field Bkard, D. D. Born in South Norwalk, Ct., May ii, 1833; united with the First Cong. Church in Norwalk, May, 185 1; graduated from Yale College in 1857 ; one year at Auburn, two years at Union ; D. D. from Syracuse University in 1875 ; married to Miss Eliza GoDDARi), of Cape Elizabeth, Me., Aug. 19, 1861 ; married to Miss Annie D. Barker, of Calais, Jan. 2, 1865. Ordained by Fairfield Co. West Assoc, May 24, i860; Cape Elizabeth, Me., 1860-2 ; pastor of Central Cong. Ch., Bath, 1862-9; pastor of Plymouth Cong. Ch., Syracuse, N. Y., from 1869. Richard Crittenden. Aub. Sen. class from Andover ; dismissed after one week ; finished Theological course in New Haven ; Cong. Ch., North Guilford, Conn. ; service of Am. S. S. Un. ; resident in Bellefonte, Pa. George Seaman Gray. Born in N. Y. City, July 10, 1835 ; united with the Market St. Ref. Church in N. Y. City, June, 1851 ; graduated from Yale College in 1857 ; Auburn, Middle class, 1858-9 ; Union Sem., N. Y., 1859-60; married to Miss Sarah Brown, of Cincinnati, O., May I, 1861. ^ Never ordained; preached Portland, Me., i860; Westbrook, 1860-2 ; Cincinnati, O., 1862-3 ; tea. Englewood, N. J., 1863- 6 ; since in business in Cincinnati. Moses J. Eierekman. Educated as an Israelitish Rabbi ; came from Germany in 1858; Auburn, 1858-9; said to reside in Chicago ; engaged in business and lecturing on the Talmud. Daniel Henry Rogan. Born in Kingsport, Tenn., June, 1830 ; united with the Church in Kingsport, 1849 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1857 ; dismissed to Maysville Theo. Sem., May 5, 1859; married to Harriet Eaton Hunt, of Amherst, Mass., May 10, 1859. Ordained and installed at Bristol, Tenn., by Holston Presby., Nov., 1859; Bristol, 1859-61 ; Bernardston, Mass., 1861-3 ; First Cong. Ch., Greenfield, 1863; North Amherst to 1866; Pres. Ch., Hudson, Wis., 1870 ; Cong. Ch., Newton, Iowa, 1871-4; Anoka, Minn., 1875; Univ. Ch., Newton, la. ; Cedar Rapids, from 1880. Samuel Scoville. Born in North Cornwall, Ct., Dec. 21, 1834; united with the Cong. Church in North Cornwall, May, 1846 ; graduated from Yale College in 1857 ; at Auburn, Feb. 5, 1858 to close of Jun. year ; second year at Andover ; third year at Union, N. Y. ; married to Miss Harriett Eliza Beecher, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 25, 1861. ALUMNI. 119 Ordained and inslallc-d at Norwich, N. Y., bv Sus(iuehanna Assoc, Sept., i fres. Ch., Oneida, N. Y., 1864-7; I'roy, 1867-78; ist Pres. Ch., Rochester, from 1878. Wallace Walter Thorpe. Born in Skaneateles, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1833 ; united with the Pres. Church in Skaneateles, Jan., 1852; graduated from Hamilton College in 1858; married to Miss Julia Maria Ausjin, of Binghamton, May 30, 1861. Ordained at West Salem, Wis., by the La Crosse Dist. Conv., Feb. 7, 1864; chaplain 3rd N. Y. S. Vols., 1861-2; Cong. Church, Sparta, Wis., 1863-5 '■> Athens, Tenn., Pres. Ch., and prin. of Acad., 1865-9; Waterloo, la., 1870-3 ; Marshalltown, 1874-7; ist Pres. Ch., East Des Moines, 1877-80 ; Centreville from 1881. William Henry Webb. Born in Homer, N. Y., June 7, 1833 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Homer, 1853 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1858; mar- ried to Miss H. Elizabeth Prince, of Auburn, May 9, 1861. Ordained and installed at Suspension Bridge, N. Y., by Ontario Assoc, July 18, 1861 ; Sus. Bridge, 1861-3 ; Adrian, Mich., 1865-74; Springfield, O., from 1874. William Swan Adamson. Born in Dundee, Scotland, 1832 ; united with the Pres. South Ch. in Dundee, 1850 ; studied at N. Y. Central College and Univ. of Heidelberg ; Auburn, 1858-9 ; Union Sem., N. Y., 1859-61 ; married, June 20, 1876. Ordained and installed at Greene, N. Y., by Council, Sept. 17, 1861 ; Greene, 1861-3; Chr. Com., 1863; Wolcottville, Conn., 1863-6; Ansonia, 1866-71; ord. (Prot. Ep.) Jan. 25, 1874; St. Thomas' Ch., Ravenswood, N. Y., 1874-9; St. Paul's, Phila., Pa., from 1879. W. L. Beemer. At Auburn from Dec, 1858, to Apr., 1859. James Deane. Born in Utica, N. Y., Apr. 21, 1836 ; united with the Church in Williams College, May, 1855 ; graduated from Williams College in 1857; Auburn, 1858-60; married to Miss Annie Maria BoswoRTH, of Salisbury, Conn., Oct. 12, 1858. Ordained at Sandisfield, Mass., by Council, Oct. 31, 1866; home miss, work in 111., 1860-1 ; East Canaan, Conn., 1861-2 ; lieut. and capt. of U. S. Vols., 1862-5; Sandisfield, Mass., 1865-7; Westmoreland, N. Y., 1867-78 ; Phoenix, 1878-81 ; Howell's, from 1 88 1. James Boardman Gilbert. Born in Pittsford, Vt., Aug. 12, 1826 ; united with the Cong. Ch. 122 ALUMNI. in Pittsford, 1840 ; graduated from Univ. of Vermont, in 1853; Auburn, 1858-60; married to Miss Harriet Brannan Eaton, of Dubuque, la., Nov. 13, 1862. Ordained at Dubuque, la., by Dubutjue Assoc, Oct. 16, i860 ; Lucas Grove, Lansing, Maquoketa, Mason City, Toledo, Buck- ingham, Durant, Rockford, all in Iowa, 1860-80; Fontanelle, Neb., from 1880. Matthew LaRue Perrine Hill. Born in East Bloomfield, N. Y., March 11, 1834; united with the 1st Pres. Church in Geneva, 1852; graduated from Williams College in 1858; one year at Auburn and two at Princeton; married to Miss Marcelia Farnham, of Johnstown, Oct. 20, 1870. Ordained and installed at Little Falls, N. Y., by Albany Presby., Sei)t. 19, 1861 ; Little Falls, 1861-8; Gloversville Pres. Ch., 1868-70; Jacksonville, Florida, 1870-2; Des Moines, Iowa, 1872-5 ; Corning, N. Y., from 1875. Henry Richard Hoisington. See 1860-3. Isaiah Bardslev Hopwoou. Born in Bredbury, Cheshire, Eng., Nov. 6, 1831 ; united with the Church in March, 1853 ; graduated from Univ. of City of New York, 1859 ; Middle year at Auburn ; graduated at Union, N. Y., 1861 ; married to Phebe L. Berry, of Dover, N. J., May 9, 1861. Ordained and installed at Coventry, N. Y., by Presby. of Chenan- go, July 15, 1861 ; Coventry, 1861-3; Oxford Furnace, N. J., [S63-5 ; Parkville, L. I., 1865-7; Paterson, N. J., 1867-74; Newark, Calvary Ch., from 1874. William Lusk. Graduated from Union College in 1858; dismissed from Aub., Oct. 15, 1858; graduated at Princeton ; served several Churches ; rector of P. E. Ch., North Haven, Conn., 1882. William Jackson Stoutenburgh. Born in Macedonia, Pa., Sept. 20, 1833 ; graduated from Williams College in 1858; Auburn, 1858-9; Union Sem., N. Y., 1860-1. Ordained and installed by Presby., Sept. 17, 186 1 ; N. Y. City, 1861-4; Cong. Ch., Allen's Grove, Wis., 1864-6; Pres. Ch., Manitowoc, 1866-8; Tecumseh, Mich., 1868-74; Birmingham, 1874-6 ; Lapeer, 1876-9; South Haven, 1870-80; Wilmington, 111., from 1880. John Coleman Taylor. Born in Benton, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1833 ; united with the Cong. Ch., in Penn Yan, 1849; graduated from Union College in 1S58; Jun. year in Auburn, Mid. year in Union, last year in Andover ; married to Sarah J. McCarrick, of Prattsburgh ; married to Miss Sarah Life, of Rye, Feb. 22, 1875. ALUMNI. 123 Ordained and installed at Sweden Center, N. Y., by Rochester Presby., Feb. ii, 1862; Sweden Center, 1861-5; Corry, Pa., 1865-7 ; Groton, N. Y., 1867-71 ; Hanover St. Cong. Ch., Mil- waukee, Wis., 1872-4 ; Cuba, N. Y., from 1875. RoiiKRT C. Wai.i,. In the Seminary two months ; now rector of P. E. Ch., in Carth- age, Mo. 18 5 9-62. John Steubins Bacon. Born July 12, 1833; united with the Church in Palmyra, N. Y., Oct., 1858 ; studied at Genesee College; A. M. from Hamilton College in 1875 ; married to Sarah H. Prentiss, of Pultney, N. Y., May 5, 1858. Ordained at South Butler, N. Y., by Presby. of Lyons, Sept. 9, 1862 ; Amboy, 1862-70 ; Syracuse Fourth Pres. Ch., 1870-6 ; Niagara Falls, from 1876. James Brown Beaumont. Born in Dresden, N. Y., June 5, 1831 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Penn Yan, 1851; graduated from Amherst College in 1858 ; married to Miss Anna Persis Gaylord, of Naj^les, N. Y., June, 1862 ; married to Miss Harriet Newell Morris, of Montclair, N. J., Nov., 1867. Ordained and installed at Olean, N. Y., by Presby. of Genesee Valley, May, 1862; Olean, 1862-7; Waverly, 1867-71 ; Wash- ingtonville, 1871-82; Chatham, N. J., [882. Published several sermons. Irving L. Beman. Born in Bethany Center, N. Y., 1834; united with the ist Pres. Church in Waterford, Pa., 1852. Ordained and installed at Cortland, N. Y., by Presby. of Cortland, 1863 ; Cortland, 1862-5 ; Philadelphia, Pa., 1865-8; Mechanics- ville, N. Y., 1869-72 ; Cong. Ch., Vineland, N. J., 1872-4; Mor- risania Station, 1877 ; Crown Point, N. Y., 1878-82 ; St. John, N. B., 1882. Published many popular articles and short stories. Archihald Crawford. Born in Ireland ; came to Auburn from Church in Yellow Springs, la.; graduated from Yellow Springs College in 1859. Cong. Ch., Paris Hill, N. Y., 1863 ; in Ireland from 1863 ; minis- ter of U. P. Church near Newark, N. J., 1871-2 ; of U. P. Church in Phila., Pa., 1880. Horace Franklin Dudley. Born in Hanover, N. H., Jan. 1, 1832 ; united with the ist Cong. 124 ALUMNI. ' Church in Hanover, 185 1 ; graduated from Dartmouth College in 1859; Union, N. Y., 1859-60; Auburn, 1860-2 ; married to Miss Josephine Samson, of Charlestown, Mass., Sept., 1862. Ordained (Cong.) Sept. 6, 1S65 ; Pres. Ch., South Trenton, N. Y., 1862-5 ; Paris, 1865-7 ; Morrisville, 1867-73 ; Warsaw from 1873, Published sermons and addresses. CoRi,iss Barlow Gardner. Born in Brockport, N. Y., Dec. i, 1829 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in l^rockport, Feb., 1855 ; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1857 ; married to Harriet Freeman, of Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1862. Ordained at Clarkson, N. Y., by Presby. of Rochester, Jan. 20, 1863 ; Cuba, 1864-75 > Westminster Church, Rochester, from 1875- Edmund Miner. Born in Scriba, N. Y., April 26, 1829 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Belleville, 1852 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1859 ; married to Miss Lucy B. Hunting, of North Henderson, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1862. Ordained and installed at Baraboo, Wis., by Presby. of Columbus, Feb., 1863; Baraboo, 1862-4; Mineral Point, 1864-7; Big Rapids, Mich., 1867-70; Camillus, N. Y., 1870-1 ; Westfield, 187 1-4; Warren, 111., 1874-6; Norwood, 1876-80; Paxton, 1880-2 ; Batavia, 1882. Marcus North Preston. Born in Lodi, (now Gowanda) N. Y., July i, 1835 ; united with the Cong. Church in Berlin, Wis., March, 1853; graduated from Williams College in 1859 ; first year at Union, N. Y.; second and third at Auburn; married to Miss Rebecca B. Tenney, of Chester, N. H., May 12, 1862. Ordained and installed at Skaneateles, N. Y., by Cayuga Presby., Sept., 1862, where he yet remains. Philander Read. Born in Wattsburg, Pa., May 4, 1830 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Wattsburg, March, 1850; graduated from Amherst College in 1859; married to Miss Amelia Lindia McNeill, of Centre Point, Iowa, Oct. i, 1868; married to Miss Mary Jane Mus- COTT, of Lewis Co., N. Y., Apr. 29, 1874. Ordained at Carrollton, La., by Council, Jan. 4, 1863 ; soldier, 1861-3 ; chaplain U. S. A., 1863-5; Rolla, Mo., 1866; Centre Point, Iowa, 1867 ; Austin and Harrisonville, Mo., 1869 ; Ellin- wood, Kan., 1873-80 ; also Atlanta, 1873-7, and Sterling, 1877-80 ; Augusta, from 1880. John P. Roe. Came to Auburn from Moodna, N. Y.; mem. of Church there. Lansingburgh, 1863-4 ; Cornwall, 1865 ; Oshkosh, Wis., from ALL'MNI. 1^5 1866 ; health failed; fruit farmer near Oshkosh for many years; Pres. Ch., Weyauwega, 188 1-2. *Seth WiLLARD Segur, died Sept. 24, 1875. F^DWARD PaYSON WiLLARD. Born in Cayuga, N. Y., May 27, 1835 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Cayuga, 1853; graduated frotn Williams College in 1858; read law one year, before entering Auburn ; married to Miss Mary E. Winnie, of Carson City, Nevada, May i, 1867 ; married to Miss Frances C. Young, of Philadelphia, Pa., June, 187 1. Ordained at Oakland, Cal., by Presby. of San Francisco, Jan. 8, 1867 ; has labored in Canaan, Ct., Columbia, Cal., Vienna, Mich., Erie, Mich., &c.; Cayuga, N. Y., since 1879. *VVii.LiAM Augustus Wolcott, died Nov. 29, 1866. John Castleton Long. See 1867-70. Norman xAlling Millerd. Born in Summer Hill, N. Y., 1827 ; united with the ist Cong. Ch. in Prairie du Chien, Wis., 1856; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1847 ; dismissed to Chicago The. Sem., Aug. 29, i860; married to Miss Clara Elizabeth Church, of Prairie du Chien, 1857. Ordained at Hartland, Wis., by Pres. and Cong. Conv., Milwaukee Dist., 1861 ; Raymond, Wis., i860; Quincy, 111., 1862-4 ; She- boygan, Wis., 1866-9 ; Benton Harbor, Mich., 1872-5 ; Chicago, 111., 1875-7 ; resident there. 1860-3. William Riley Benham. Born in Fleming, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1838; united with the M. E. Ch. in 1850; graduated from Oneida Conf. Seminary in i860, and from Genesee College in 1866 ; married to Miss Mary Amelia Mather, of Livonia, N. Y., Sept. 13, 1865. Ordained at Waterloo, N. Y., in M E. Church, Sept. 3, 1865 ; Macedon, 1865-6 ; Lima, 1867-9 > I'enn Yan, 1 870-1 ; Rochester, 1872; inv., 1873; Victor, 1874-6; resident Canandaigua, 1877- 81 ; Newark, M. E. Ch., from 1881. John Shepard Bingham. Born in Verona, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1834; united with the Pres. Ch. in Durhamville, Summer of 1852; graduated from Princeton Col- lege in 1858; married to Miss Mary Williamson, of Verona, Aug. 27, 1858. Ordained at Portageville, N. Y., by Genesee Valley Presby., June, 1864; Poitageville, 1863-6; Belmont, 1866-70; Almond, 1870 126 ALUMNI. -i; tea. Canisteo and afterward Wellsville, 1871-82 ; preaching, Wis., 1882. Frederic Augustus Chase. Born in King's Ferry, N. Y., Jan. 29, 1833 ; united with the Cong. Church in Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov., 1857; studied at Mich. University ; A. M. from Milton College, 1872; married to Miss Julia Augusta Spence, of Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 13, 1863. Ordained at Parishville, N. Y., by St. Lawrence Consoc, July, 1863 ; Parish ville, 1863-5 ; Lyndonville, from 1865 ; took charge of Lyons Female College, Iowa, 1868 ; prof, of Nat. Science in Fisk Univ., Tenn., from 1872. Charles Albion Conant. Born in Temple, Me., July 28, 1S33; united with the Cong. Church in Temple, 1855 ; graduated from Union College in i860 ; Bangor Seminary, 1860-2; Auburn, 1862-3; married to Miss Harriet Loomis Bunn, of Amsterdam, N. Y., 1863. Ordained at Moravia, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, July, 1864; Moravia, 1863-5 ; Five Corners, 1865-71 ; Pike, 187 1-2 ; Amherst, Mass., 1872-6; Duluth, Minn., 1876-8; Cannon Falls, 1878-81 ; St. Paul, 1882. William Cgnway Curtis. Born in Norwalk, Conn., May 10, 1837 ; united with the Cong. Church in Norwalk, about 1853 ; graduated from Williams College in i860; married to Miss Fannie M. Norton, of East- port, Me., Aug. 26, 1868. Ordained at Titusville, Pa., by Presby., Sept., 1863 ; Titusville, 1863-5 ; Cong. Ch., Eastport, Me., 1865-6 ; Richmond, from 1868. Wright Caleb Galpin. Born in Candor, N. Y., Dec. 10, 1832 ; united with the First Pres. Ch. in Auburn, Autumn of i860; graduated from Susquehanna Sem.; 2 years at Yale College, after leaving Auburn ; married to Miss Ann Sophia Clarke, of Binghamton, Sept. 14, 1858; married to Miss Julia Eliza Smith, of Dunmore, Pa., 1875. Ordained at Troy, Pa., by Susquehanna Presby., May, 1873 ; ordination delayed by ill health; Fremont, Neb., 1868-71; Hawley, Pa., 187 1-6; LInadilla, N. Y., 1876-9; resident in Binghamton. Frank Gilbert. Born in Pittsford, Vt., Sept. 28, 1839 ; united with the Pres. Church in Middle Granville, N. Y., 1857 ; graduated from Univ. of Vt. in 1859; married to Miss Frank Baker, of Farm- ersville. Cat. Co., N. Y., 1863. Never ordained; Scipio, N. Y., 1864-5; Peoria, 111., 1865-6; editor of P^vening Journal, Chicago. Published "The World, Historical and Actual," 1882. ALUMNI. 127 Henry Richard Hoisington. Born in liatticotta, Ceylon, Oct. 4, 1H36 ; united witli the First Cong. Church in VVilliamstown, Mass., 1854 ; graduated from Williams College in 1857 ; Auburn, 1858-9 and '61-3 ; married to Miss Marion Fknton, of Mansfield, Conn., Oct. 19, 1865. Ordained at Warren, O., by Mahoning Presby., May 4, 1864; Warren, 1863-7 ; Circleville, O., 1867-72 ; North Pres. Ch., Cleveland, O., 1872-80; Coventry, Conn., from 1881. Son of Henry Richard Hoisington, of 1828-31. Skneca McNkii.l Born in Ridgefield, Conn., May 31, 1835 ; united with the ist Cong. Church in Ridgefield, Sept., 1852; graduated from Yale College in 1856 ; married to Miss Alice B. Smith, of North Snlem, N. Y., Aug. 24, 1857. Ordained and installed at Guilford Centre, N. Y., by Presby. of Chenango, July 8, 1863; Cong. Ch., Guilford Centre, 1863-6; Smyrna, 1866-70; Madison, 1870-2 ; ist Cong. Ch., West New- bury, Mass., 1872-8; Pres. Ch., Newburyport and Cong. Ch., Georgetown, 1878-80 ; ist Cong. Ch., Milford, Conn., from 1880. John Rees Lewis. Born in Deerfield, N. Y., Jan. i, 1837 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Utica, Autumn of 1856; graduated from Hamilton College in i860; married to Miss Emma Jane Marsh, of Deer- field, Oct. 28, 1863. Ordained at Morrisville, N. Y.. by Oneida Assoc; Morrisville, 1863-6 ; Boonville Pres. Ch., 1866-79 '■> Mexico, 1879-81 ; Mid- dletown from 1881. William Wirt Macomber. Born in Westfield, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1836 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Westfield, probably Jan., 1852; graduated from Western Re- serve College in i860 ; married in Minneapolis, Minn., 1863. Ordained at ist Pres. Ch., Buffalo, N. Y., by Presby. of Buffalo, May 20, 1863 ; Gold Hill and Silver City, Nevada, 1863-5 ; Marysville, Cal., 1865-8; Kenosha, Wis., 1868-9; Virginia, Nev., 1869-71; 2nd Cong. Ch., San Francisco, 1871-3; Pres. Ch., Jamestown, N. Y., 1873-4; Whitestown, 1875 '■> Evang., Oneonta, N. Y., and Cleveland, O., 1875-9 ; Pres. Ch., Crestline, p., 1880 ; Monroe, Mich., 1881-2. Samuel Miller. Born in Augusta, N. Y., Nov. i, 1829 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Augusta, Nov., 1850 ; graduated from Hamilton College in i860; Aub. Mid. class from Union; married to Miss H. A. Hodges, of Augusta, 1852; married to Miss Mary Abagail Bigelow, of Auburn, Summer of 1862. Ordained at Eaton, N. Y., by Oneida Assoc, June, 1864; Eaton from 1862 ; Sherburne, from 1867 ; Deansville ; Oriskany Falls ; Pitcher, from 1878. 128 ALUMNI. *VViLLiAM Jarvis Gregg Nutting, died Oct. 21, 1879. David Henry Palmer. Born in Phelps, N. Y., Oct. 15, 1839; united with the Brick (Pres.) Church in Rochester, 1858 ; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in i860 ; married to Miss Jane Elizabeth Gilmore, of Aure- lius, N. Y., June 25, 1863. Ordained at Buffalo, N. Y., by Presby. of Buffalo, May 20, 1863; Aurelius, 1862-3 5 Virginia City, Nev., 1863-4 ; Columbia, Cal., 1864-6; Prattsburgh, N. Y., 1867-71; Caledonia, 4 months; Brockport, 1872-5 ; Penn Yan from 1875. William Wesley Palmer. Born in Chenango, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1836 ; united with the Pres. Ch.; studied at Yale College ; married to Miss Emma Sophia Red- ford, of Carlton, N. Y., 1863. Ordained and installed at Owego, N. Y., by Presby.; preached in various Churches ; resident in Binghamton, and now in Che- nango Bridge. George Olcott Phelps. Born in Gloversville, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1834; united with the ist Pres. Church in Kingsboro, July 6, 1856 ; studied at Amherst College; married to Miss Sarah Azup.ah Harris, of Newport, N. Y., June 8, 1858. Ordained and installed at Oneonta, by Presby. of Otsego, June II, 1863; Oneonta, 1863-9; Valatie, 1869-71 ; Deposit, 1872- 4; Allen St. Ch., N. Y. City, from 1874. Samuel Wheeler Pratt. Born in Livonia, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1838; united with the Pres. Church in Geneseo, July, 1855; graduated from Williams College in i860; married to Miss Lucilla B. Field, of Canandaigua, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1863; married to Miss Sara M. McKay, of Campbell, Feb. 25, 1880. Ordained pastor. Brasher Falls, N. Y., by Presby. of St. Lawrence, 1863; Brasher Falls, 4 years; Hammonton, N. J., 4 years; Pres. Ch., Prattsburgh, N. Y., 1872-7; Campbell, N. Y., from 1877. Published " A Summer at Peace Cottage," 1880 ;. correspondent " Steuben " of JV. V. Evaiigelist. Albert Chester Reed. Born in Albany, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1832 ; united with the 14th St. Pres. Church in New York, Nov., 1853; graduated from Williams College in i860 ; married to Miss Sarah M. Merriman, of Elbridge, N. Y., March 8, 1865. Ordained and installed at Elbridge, N. Y., by Cayuga Presby., June 25, 1863; Elbridge, 1863-6; Port Byron, 1866-73; Flushing, L. L, 1873-8 ; Manchester, Vt., from 1878. *Comfort Israel Slack, died Feb. 24, 1865. ALUMNI. 129 Samuki, Caijsio VanCamp. Born in TuUy, N. Y., Jiint; 29, 1837; united with the Cong. Church in Truxton, June, 1859 ; studied at Union College in class of 1861 ; married to Miss Lottik A. Ide, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1863 ; married to Miss Clara S. Crippen, of Worces- ter, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1874. Ordained at Marathon, by Cortland Presby., July, 1872 ; Pitcher, 1869-72; Worcester, 1872-4; Milford, 1874-9; Greene, 1879-81 ; resident in TuUy. John Edap.dukl VVkrih. Born in Malacca, Java, Dec. 7, 1835 ; united with the Pres. Church in Rock Hill, Mo., 1857; graduated from Union College in 1859; married to Mrs. L. S. Craigue, Feb. 8, 1882. Ordained at Auburn, by Presby. of Cayuga, 1863 ; chai)lain 25th N. Y. Vols., 1863-5; chap. 13th Mo. Vet. Cav., 1865-6; St. Louis, Mo., 1866-8; Pres. Ch., Warsaw, 111., 1869; in business, Springfield, Mo., 1870-81 ; Cong. Ch., North Chester, Vl., 1882. Samuel Dewllt Westfall. Born in Milford, Pa., Dec. 4, 1832 ; united with the Pres. Church, Summer of 1854 ; graduated from Hamilton College in i860; married to Miss Helen Gertrude Smlih, of Ripon, Wis., Oct. 15, 1875. Ordained at E. Palmyra, N. Y., by Presby. of Lyons, April 10, 1867; Cong. Ch., Deansville, 1863; tutor, Hamilton Col., 1863-5; Arkport, N. Y., 1865-7 ; Redwood Falls and Beaver Falls, Minn., 1869-72; Rushford, 1872-4; Utica, 1874-5, and Fre- mont from 1872. Edward Payson Adams. See 1865-8. Henry Martyn Grant. Born in Oroomiah, Persia, June 3, 1836 ; united with the 3rd Pres. Church in Newark, N. J., Aug., 1S40; studied at Hamilton College ; Junior and Middle years in Auburn ; Senior year at Union Sem., N. Y. ; married to Miss Mary Jeannette Put- nam, of Cortland, N. Y., Aug. 19, 1863. Ordained and installed at North Canaan, Conn., by North Litch- field Consoc, Nov. 17, 1863; North Canaan, 1S63-6 ; Webster Groves, Mo., 1866-70; Smyrna, N. Y., 1870-1 ; ist Pres. Ch., Stirling, N. J., 1871-6; New Providence, 1876-8; Middleboro, Mass., Cong. Ch., from 1878. Charles Winslow Hamlin. Graduated from Hamilton College in 1858; in Aub. from Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. and Oct. of Junior year ; practicing Law in Buffalo. Almon Redfield Hewlit. See iS6^-6. 130 ALUMNI. Benjamin Howard, M. D. Born in England; studied at Williams College in Class of 1859; Auburn part of Junior year ; M. A. from Williams College in 1869 ; M. D., Coll. of Phys. and Surg., N. Y., 1858 ; surgeon in U. S. Army from 1861. J. W. Scott Kough. Came to Auburn from New])ort, Pa. ; graduated from Dickinson College; Auburn to March, 1S62 ; never ordained; in forward- ing business, Newport, Pa. 186 1-4. Clarence Hall Beebe. Born in Hamilton, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1836 ; united with the M. E. Church in E. Hamilton, Spring of 1858; graduated from Cazenovia Seminary in 1861 ; married to Miss Lucy A. Gris- WOLD, of Vernon Centre, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1864. Ordained at Winfield, N. Y., by Oneida Assoc, Jan. 10, 1865 ; Winfield and Bridgewater, 1864-70 ; Clayville Pres. Ch., from 1870. Published class pamphlet, and occasional lectures. Willis Judson Beecher, D. D. Born in Hampden, O., April 29, 1838; united with the Cong. Church in Vernon Centre, N. Y., May, 1849; graduated from Hamilton College in 1858 ; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1875 ; married to Miss Sara Maria Bolter, of Ovid, N. Y., June 14, 1865. Ordained and installed at Ovid, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, June, 1864; Ovid, 1864-5; prof. of Moral Science and Belles Lettres in Knox College, 111., 1865-9 ; First Church of Christ, Galesburg, 111., 1869-71 ; prof, of Hebrew in Auburn, from 1871. Published "Farmer Tompkins and his Bibles " 1874. *WiLBERFORCE Kerr Boggs, died July 26, 1872. William Campbell. Born in Yorkshire, England, (at Stubbs, near Pontefract) Oct. 25, 1829 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Kossuth, Iowa, Winter of 1852-3 ; graduated from Yellow Springs College in 1858; S. S. missionary, 185S-61 ; married to Miss Emma Char- lotte Atwood, of Yellow Springs, Iowa, June 10, 1858. Ordained and installed at Chaumont, N. Y., by Presby. of Water- town, Oct., 1864; Chaumont, 1864-6; Adel, Iowa, 1866-8; Synodical missionary, Iowa, residing at DeSoto, 1S68-73 ; Onarga, 111., 1873-6 ; Manhattan, Kansas, from 1876. ALUMNI. 131 riiii.KMoN Rot Is w KM, Day. Horn in I'^hnira, N. Y., Jan. 1 1, 1838; united with the Cong. Church in West Avon, Conn., 1855 ; graduated from Williams College in 1861 ; married to Miss Hknkiktta M. Woodford, of West Avon, June 1, 1864. Ordained at Auburn, by Presby. of Cayuga, May, 1864; chaphiin of Y. M. C. A., Troy, N. Y., 1864-9; ^'^^t Cong. Ch., Saratoga, 1869-73 ; Burlington, Conn., 1873-8 ; resident in West Avon, 1878-81 ; 7th Pres. Ch., N. Y. City, from i88r. Edward Dukinson. Porn in East Avon, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1832; united with ist J'res. Ch., Mundy, Mich., 1853 ; graduated from Univ. of Mich, in 1861 ; married to Miss Ellen Francks Bell, of Mundy, Aug. 7, 1861. Ordained at Fentonville, Mich., by Saginaw Presby., Sept., 1864; Fentonville, 1864-8; Winterset, Iowa, 1868-70; Holly, Mich., 1870-4; Evart, 1874-5; Brodhead, Wis., 1875-82; Murphys- boro, III., 1882. Alhro Leander Greene. Born in Brookfield, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1835 ; united with the Class of M. E. Church in Brookfield, about 1845 ; studied at Brookfield and Potsdam Academies; married to Miss Amelia P. Young, of North Hammond, N. Y., May 26, 1864; married to Miss Clara N. Young, of North Hammond, May 21, 1873. Ordained by Presby. of Steuben, Dec. 3, 1865 ; Pultney, N. Y., 1864-7 ; Truxton, i year ; Harrisville, 2 years; Richford, 1870- 3; Knowlesville, 1873-4; Riga, 1874-6; Stockholm, 1877-80; DePeyster from 1880. Gavin Lindsay Hamilton. Born in Lesmahago. Scotland, Feb. 16, 1831 ; united with the ist Cong. Church in Johnsonville, O., Dec. 10, 1854; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1861 ; first and third years at Au- burn, Middle year at Rochester ; married to Miss Catherine Ann Semple, of Rochester, May 10, 1864. Ordained and installed at Vernon, N. Y., by Presby. of Utica, Jan. 31, 1865; Vernon, 1864-8 ; Pittsford, 1868-71; Memorial Church, Rochester, 1S71-5; Wilson, 1875-g; Parma Centre, 1 880-1 ; Alden from 1881. James Thompson Hanning. Born in Scotland, Aug. 15, 1840 ; united with Pres. Church in 1857; studied at Knox Col., Toronto; married to Miss Maria Manita Tousley, of Springville, N. Y., July 15, 1865. Ordained and installed at Gorham, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, June 28, 1864; Gorham, 1864-5; Springville, 1865-7; Sand- wich, 111., 1867-8; Marseilles, 1868-71, and in business there since. 132 ALUMNI. Alexander McLean Heizer. Born in Frankfort, O., Oct. 9, 1838 ; united with the Church, May II, 1850 ; graduated from Yellow Springs College in 1861 ; mar- ried to Miss Phareby Melvina Titterington, May 12, 1864. Ordained at Keokuk, Iowa, by Presby. of Keokuk, June 14, 1864 ; Black Hawk, Col., 1864; Winterset, Iowa, 1864, for 3 years; Montana, 2 years; Iowa City, preaching at Oxford and other places, 1870-3; Wapello and Toolsboro, Iowa, 1873-9; Medi- apolis, Iowa, 1879-80, and resident there. Henry M. Higley. Came to Auburn from Owego ; mem. of Cong. Church there; mar- ried before entering the Sem. Ordained at Onondaga Valley, N. Y., by Council, May 31, 1865 ; Onondaga Valley and Onond. Hill, 1864-5 ; Gaines, 1865-9 ! State of Mich., 1869; Addison, N. Y., 1870-2 ; Otto, 1872-3 ; Friendship, 1873-8 ; Salamanca from 1879. *J()hn W. Holm, died Sept. 10, 1863. John Kelland. Born in Devonshire, Eng., Nov. 21, 1833; came to Auburn from the Church in Flint, Mich.; graduated from Mich. Univ. in 1S61 ; married to Miss Fanny E. Shasland, of Finston, Devonshire, Oct. 12, 1861. Ordained and installed at x\ngola, Mich., by Presby. of St. Joseph, Spring of 1865 ; Angola and Salem, two years; Omro, Wis., 3 years ; Lawton, Mich., 2 years ; Southfield and Wing Lake ; Cass City from 1877. Alexander Lamberton. Born Feb. 28, 1839; came to Auburn from Plattsburgh, N. Y.; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1866, after completing the Auburn theological course ; married to Mrs. Eunice B. Hussey, of Auburn, May, 1864. Ordained by Presby. of Brooklyn, 1869 ; Tompkins Ave. Church, Brooklyn, 3 years ; since resident in Rochester, N. Y. Published papers on Natural History, &c. Charles Montgomery Livingston. Born in Gloversville, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1828; united with the Ch. of the Puritans, New York, May, 1847 ; graduated from Union College in 185 1 ; taught for several years before entering the Seminary ; married to Miss Marcia B. Macdonald, of Johns- town, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1855. Ordained at Wellsville, N. Y., by Genesee Valley Presby., Aug. 9, 1864; Wellsville, 1864-7; Chillicothe, Mo., 1867 ; Gilbertsville, N. Y., 1868-70; Watertown 2nd Pres. Ch., 1870-7 ; Cincinnati, O., 25th Ward Pres. Ch., 1877; Cleveland, 1880; Indianapolis, Ind., 1881 ; Orange Valley, N. J., evang., from i88i. Published Notes on Baptism, 1873. ALUMNI. 133 TiiKoDoKK I). Marsh. I)()rn in Orangcville, N. Y., July 22, 1837 ; came to Auburn from Church in Ann Arbor, Mich.; graduated from Univ. of Mich, in 1857 ; married to Miss Sarah Lamp., of Branrhport, N. Y., May 5, 1864. Ordained at Tekonslia, Mich., by Presby. of Marshall, A])r., 1864; Central City and Black Hawk, Col., 4 years; Hastings, Mich., 1868-74; Paw Paw, 1874-80; Grand Rapids from 1880, Synod, miss. *Frki>k,ricr Augustus Parmenter, died Apr. 7, 1865. Calvin Pkrin Quick. Born in Royal Oak, Mich., Oct. 15, 1835 ; united with the Pres. Church in Birmingham, Mich., early in 1847 ; graduated from Univ. of Michigan in 1861 ; married to Miss Sophia Willcox Lombard, of Pavvlet, Vt., May 10, 1864. Ordained at Fentonville, Mich., by Presby. of Saginaw, Sept. 15, 1864; Flushing, 1864-5; Rochester, 1866-9; teaching, same place, 1870-1 ; from 1873, Pres. Ch., Concord, Mich. David McKip-ben Rankin. Born in Butler Co., Pa., Dec. 16, 1836 ; united with the Pres. Church in Muddy Creek, Pa., Sept., 1858; graduated from the Academy of West Sunbury, Pa., in 1858; married to Miss Mary Elizabeth Rhodes of West Sunbury, Nov. 9, 1859. Ordained at Cuyahoga Falls, O., by Council, June, 1865 ; Cuya- hoga Falls, 2 years; Spartansburg and Tidioute, Pa., 2 years; Great Bend, 3 years; Ilion, N. Y., 187 1-8; Charlotte, 1878-81 ; Holley, 1881-2 ; Richfield Springs, 1882. Isaiah Reid. Born near Salem, Washington Co., Indiana, April 16, 1836 ; united with the Reformed Presb. Church, Sharon, Iowa, Sept., 1856 ; graduated from Yellow Sjjring College, 1861 ; married to Aliss Mary Ellenor Braden, at Northfield, Iowa, June 13, i860. Ordained by Keokuk Presby., June 14, 1864 ; Pres. Ch., Nevada, Iowa, 9 years ; Albion, Mich., 16 months; resident Nevada, do- ing evangelistic work, from 1875 ; mem. of Presby. till 1880; in charge of Indep. Pres. (^h., Centre Grove, 1881-2. Published " Highway Papers," now " The Highway," monthly from 1875, weekly since 1879; tracts, &c. Augustus Chesterman Shaw, D. D. Born in Attica, N. Y., Nov. 13, 1838 ; united with the Brick Ch. in Rochester, N. Y., May 2, 1852 ; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1861; D. D. from Franklin College in 1877; married to Miss Unicy L. Farnham of Silver Creek, N. Y., Oct. 10, 1865. Ordained at Rochester, N. Y., by Presby. of Rochester, Jan. 15, 1865; Clayville, 1864-70; Fulton, 1870-9 ; Wellsboro, Pa., from 1879. 134 • ALUMNI. George Grantham Smith. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 31, 1833 ; united with the Church in Darby, Pa., 1850 ; graduated from Princeton College in 1861; entire course at Auburn, and a post graduate year, 1873-4; married to Miss Anna Maria Swift, of Auburn, 1866. Ordained at Philadelphia, Pa., by Phila. 3d Presby., 1864; home missionary in Montana, 2 years ; Savannah, N. Y., i year ; Sen- nett, i^ years; Genoa, 2^ years; Pittsford, 2 years; Buffalo 6th St. Pres. Church, 1874-8; resident in Buff^ilo, 187S-80; Clear Creek, Pres. Ch., 1880-2. *JoHN Bacon Steele, died Nov. 29, 1863. William Walcott Wetmore. Born in Whitestown, N. Y., Feb. 25, 1842 ; united with the Pres. Church in Whitestown. 1859; graduated from Hamilton College in 1861 ; married to Miss Martha A. McIntyke, of Ann Ar- bor, Mich., Oct. 31, 1865. Ordained at Ann Arbor, Mich., by Presby. of Washtenaw, Oct. 26, 1864 ; Ann Arbor, Pres. Ch., 1864-5 I DesMoines, Iowa, 1865-6; Rock Island, 111., 1867-8; Clinton, Mich., 1868-70 ; Albion, 1871; Wataga, 111., 1871-4; Cannonsville, N. Y., 1875-81; resident in Ann Arbor, Mich., supplying Church in Plymouth. *George White, died Mar. 14, 1870. James Vincent Benham. Born in Dryden, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1839; united with the M. E. Church in Skaneateles ; graduated from Cazenovia Sem. in 1861 ; Auburn, 1861-2 ; married to Miss Mary Isabel Hamilton, of Lansingville, N. Y., Jan. i, 1863 ; married to Miss Emma Baker, of West Dryden, Sept. 21, 1870. Ordained at Utica, N. Y., (M. E.) by Bishop Kingsley, Apr. 21, 1867; Lansingville, 1862; New Hope, 2 years; Owasco, 3 years ; West Dryden and Asbury, 2 years ; Cincinnatus, 3^ years; Homer, 2 years; Newark, 3 years; Corning, 3 years; Palmyra, from 1881. Thomas Campbell. See 1862-5. Edgar J. Hueston. Came to Auburn from Petersburgh, Mich. ; Junior year at Au- burn ; married to Miss Putnam, of Auburn, Aug., 1862; enlisted I nth N. Y. Vols., Aug., 1862; mustered out as Brevet Major, June, 1865. *Ebenezer Porter Hyde, died Aug. 31, 1868. ALUMN'I. 135 John Gkorck Osi'.ornk. Born in Verona, N. Y.; graduated from Hamilton College in 1861; in the Sem. but a few weeks, leaving by advice of physician ; married to Miss HAKRiK.r Mac n in, of Verona, 1861 ; farming in Joslyn, 111. *Jamks Edward Pikrck. See 1862-5. Edward Payson Rok. Horn in New Windsor, N. Y., 1838; united with the Church in Spring of 1854 ; studied at Williams College ; one year at Au- burn ; afterward part of a year at Union, New York ; married to Miss Anna Paulina Sands, of New York, Nov. 24, 1863. Ordained at Somers, N. Y., by North River Presby., Summer of [862 ; chaplain of Harris Light Cavalry, 1862-4 ; hospital chap- lain at Fortress Monroe, 1864 to close of war ; Highland Falls Pres. C'h., 1866-74; resident at Cornwall-on-the-Hudson, from 1874. Published " Barriers Burnt Away," 1872 ; " Play and Profit in my Garden," 1873 ; "What can she do.?" 1873; "Opening of a Chestnut Burr," 1874; " Near to Nature's Heart," 1875 ; "Man- ual on the Culture of Small Fruits," 1876; "From Jest to Ear- nest," 1876; "A Knight of the 19th Century," 1877 ; "A Face Il- lumined," 1878; "Success with Small Fruits," 1880; "Without a Home," 1881. Edwin Alexander Spence. Born in Salem, Mich., Oct. 2, 1837 ; united with Union Church in Salem, at 11 years old ; graduated from Univ. of Mich, in i860 ; Auburn, 1861-3 ; Andover, 1863-4; married to Mrs. Susanna M. Richardson, of Ann Arbor, Mich., May 6, 1874. Ordained at Westford, Mass., by N. Middlesex Assoc, Sept. 27, 1866 ; 2d Cong. Ch., Dover, N. H., and U. S. Christian Com- mission, 1864-5; Westford, 1865-8; Wheatland, Iowa, 1872; East Providence, R. I., 1873 ; but with intervals of ill health, which compelled him to retire; resident in Ann Arbor, Mich. *Ge()rc,e W. Whitney, died 1864. William Wilmer. Born near Cincinnati, O., Oct. 19, 1838 ; united with the Pres. Church at College Hill, July, 1S61 ; graduated from Farmers' College in i860; Junior year at Auburn, 2 years at Lane; mar- ried to Kate F. Wood, of Cincinnati, O., May 23, 1865; mar- ried to Lizzie K. Peabody, of Henniker, N. H., Aug. 18, 1875. Ordained at Montezuma, Ind., by Crawfordsville Presby., Sept., 1865 ; Montezuma from 1864; Monticello from 1867; Williams- port and Attica from i86g. Aaron McCracken Woodhull. Graduated from Hamilton College in 1861 ; in Auburn a few ■ weeks ; never matriculated. 136 ALUMNI. 1862-5 David Irving Biggar. Born in Huntingdon, Canada, Jan. 8, 1836; united with the 2nd Pres. Church in Huntingdon, Sept., 1852 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1862 ; married to Miss Mary Esther Wood, of Litchfield, N. Y., July 18, 1867. Ordained and installed, Verona, N. Y.. by Presby. of Utica, June 2. 1865; Litchfield, 1865-7; Verona, 1867-77; Camillus from 1878. Thomas Campbell. Born in England, May 12, 1835 ; united with the Church in Kossuth, Iowa, April, 1856 ; graduated from Yellow Spring College in i860; Auburn, 1861-3 and 1864-5 '■> married to Miss Susan Hubhell, of Auburn, June 15, 1863. Ordained and installed at Sennett, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, March 22, 1866 ; Sennett, 1865-7; Shakopee, Minn., 1867-70 ; Camp Point, 111., 1870-2; LeSueur, Minn., from 1872. Thomas Franklin Chafer. Born in Hull, Yorkshire, England, Nov. 11, 1830; united with the Pres. Church in College Hill, O., Nov., 1861 ; graduated from Farmers' College, in 1861 ; married to Miss Lois Lomion Sferry, of Morgan, O., June i, 1865. Ordained at Rising Sun, Ind., by Madison Presby., April 11, 1866 ; D(jwner's Grove, 111., from 1866; Morgan, O., from 1872; E. Smithfield, Pa., 1877-81 ; Rock Creek, O., from 1881. Thomas Edward Davis. Born in England, Sept. 21, 1835 ; united with the Cong. Church in Marcy, N. Y., 1857 ; studied at Marietta College; A. M. from Marietta, 1876; married to Miss Ellen Elizabeth Smith, of Schroon Lake, N. Y., May i, 1866. Ordained at Milwaukee, Wis., by Presby. of Milwaukee, about 1865; Cong. Ch., Racine, 1865-6; Pres. Ch., Mechanicsville, N. Y., 1867-8 ; Cong. Ch., Unionville, Conn., from 1869. Published various historical and memorial pamphlets. Hervey Crosby Hazen. Born in Ithaca, N. Y., June 26, 1841 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Ithaca, Nov. 7, 1852 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1862 ; married to Miss Ida Julia Chapin, of Ludlow, Vt., July 2, 1867. Ordained at Ithaca by Presby. of Ithaca, Aug., 1867 ; Madura Mission, India, 1867-70; Liverpool, N. Y., 1870-6; Manlius and Jamesville, N. Y., 1876-8; Spencer, N. Y., 1878-9; Man- lius. 1879-82; HoUev, 1882. AMJMNI. 137 IIknky I'osT Born in CasUcton, Vt., Jan. i, 1H39 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Castloton, Apr., 1H57 ; graduated from Middlebury College in i860; married to Miss M. Condit of Auburn, July 26, 1866. Ordained at Columbus, Ind., by Madison Presby., Sept. 13, 1865 ; Vevay, Ind., 1865-6 ; Cong. Ch., Beloit, Wis., from 1866. John McLkan, I). I). Born in Waterville, N. Y., Sept. 3, 1837 ; united with the Pres. Church in Vernon Centre, N. Y., 1858; graduated from Ham- ilton College in 1862 ; married to Miss C.\rrik Evans, of Be- loit, Wis., Oct. 8, 1878. Ordained and installed at ist Pres. Ch., Galena, 111., by Presby., 1866; tutor Hamilton Col., 1865-6; (ralena, 1866-72; Beloit, Wis., from 1872. Published sermons, speeches and essays. Jonathan Bradlky Morsk. Came to Auburn from Sharon, O. ; studied at Oberlin College ; married before entering the Seminary. Ordained and installed at Moravia, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, Sept. 27, 1865; Moravia, 1865-6; Clinton, la., 1866-7; tea. Lyons, 1867-8; Pres. Church, Preble, N. Y., 1868-70; Sidney Plains, 1870-4; Whitestown, 1874-6; artist, resident in Utica, from 1876. John Van Cougnkt Nki.lis, Ph. D. Born in Fort Plain, N. Y., July 7, 1833 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Peoria, 111., April, 1858; studied at Union College ; Ph. D. from Union College, 1880; married to Miss M. Virginia Metcalfe, of Cherry Valley, N. Y., June, 1865. Ordained and installed at Jordan, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, June, 1865 ; Jordan, 1865-8 ; Dryden, 1868-71 ; Addison, 1871- 3 ; Gowanda, 1873-8 ; Gilbertsville from 1878. Er.EN Burt Parsons, D. D. Born in Pittsfield, Mass., March 3, 1835 ; united with the ist Cong. Ch. in Pittsfield, Jan., 1853 ; graduated from Williams College in 1859 ; studied in Harvard Univ. Scientific Department; two years at Union, N. Y., last year at Auburn ; D. D. from Maryville College, i88j ; married to Miss Clara Bigelow, of Baldwins- ville, N. Y., June 15, 1869. Ordained at Madison Sciuare Pres. Ch., N. Y., by Fourth Presby. of N. Y., Apr. II, 1865; chaplain ii6th U. S. Infantry; Turin, N. Y., 1866; Sauquoit, 1867-8; Baldwinsville from 1868. Necrologist of Williams Col. ; published memorial pamphlets. Henry Thomas Perry. Born in Ashfield, Mass., May 6, 1838; united with the Cong. Ch. in Ashfield, Sept., 1856; graduated from Williams College in 188 ALUMNt. 1862; married to Miss Jennie H. Jones, ot Rolla, Mo., Sept. 19, 1866. Ordained at North Adams, Mass., by Berkshire N. Assoc, Dec. 20, 1865 ; missionary of A. B. C. F. M., at Marash, and now at Sivas, Turkey. *James Edward Pierce, died July 13, 1870. Chandler Newell Thomas. Born in Bangor, N. Y., July 8, 1835 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Bangor, June, 1856; graduated from Middlebury College in 1861 ; married to Miss Marion H. Martin, of Malone, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1865. Ordained and installed at Fort Covington, N. Y., by Champlain Presby., July 16, 1865 ; Fort Covington from 1865. Chester Cook Thorne. Born in Rensselaerville, N. Y., Feb. 27, 183 1 ; united with the M. E. Church in Charlotteville, N. Y., i860; graduated from Union College in 1857 ; first year at Biblical Institute, Concord, N. H.; second and third at Auburn; married to Miss Emeline Min- THORNE Browne, of Owego, N. Y., 1859; niarried to Miss El- len Judith Day, of Deansville, 1868. Ordained at Jordan, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, June, 1866 ; Deansville, 1865; Rensselaerville, 1868-70; Stillwater, 1871-2; Manchester from 1873. Published several sermons. *ALr,ERT True, died Oct. 18, 1871. Henry Ward. Born in Dover, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1835 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Deposit, N. Y., 1856; graduated from Hamilton College in 1862 ; married to Basha Barnes, of Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1865. Ordained, Minneapolis, Minn., by Presby. of St. Paul, Jan. 3, 1866; Minneapolis, 1865-7 ; East Church, Buffalo, since 1867. Abel Sweet Wood. Born in Marcy, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1836 ; united with the 2d Pres. Church in Auburn, 1863 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1861 ; Auburn, 1863-5 ! married to Miss Sarah Weeks, of Verona, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1867. Ordained and installed at Niagara City, N. Y., by Council, Nov. 13, 1868 ; Verona, N. Y., 1865-7 ; Niagara City, 4 years; Ko- komo, Ind., 6 years; St. Joseph, Mich., from 1877. Solon Cobb. Born in Carver, Mass., Sept. 12, 1838 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Carver, 1855 ; Aub. Mid. class from Andover ; one year in AI.UMNI. 139 Auburn ; married to Miss FIannah I). Anihony, of New lied- fortl, Mass, June, 1H65. Ordained at Owego, N. Y., by 'I'ioga I'resby., Oct. 1 1, 1864 ; Owego, 1864-9; CJong. C'h., Medford, Mass., 1869-74; New Bedford, 1874-6 ; Jacksonville, Fla., 1876-8 ; Pres. Ch., Erie, Pa., from 1878. MoKTiMKR Andrew Hydk. Born in Auburn, May 8, 1842; united with the ist Pres. Church in Auburn, 1854; graduated from Union College m 1862; Auburn, part of 1862-3, and Mid., 1865-6 ; Cen. Theol. Sem., N. Y., 1867- 8; married to Miss Fkaniclin Klafp, of Philadelphia, Pa., May 30, 1877. Ordained Deacon, Trinity Chapel, N. Y., by Bisho]) Potter; ord. Priest, St. John's Ch., Detroit, Mich., by Bishop McCrosky, May 6, 1869 ; St. Mark's, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1868-9 ; Mt. Clem- ens, Mich., 1869-70; Pekin, 111., 1871-3; St. Louis, Mo., 1873- 6; Maiich Chunk, Pa., 1876-7; Huntington, Conn., 1877-80; Crossvvicks and .Allenlown, N. J., 1880-2. Gkorgk Lansing Raymond. ^ Born in Chicago, III., Sept. 3, 1839; united with the Ref. Church in Owasco, N. Y., 1857 ; graduated from Williams College in 1862 ; dismissed to Princeton at close of Jun. year; married to Miss Mary Et.tzaheth Blake of Philadelphia, Pa., July, 1872. Ordained and installed at Darby, Pa., by Phila. 3d Presby., Apr. 28, 1870 ; Darby, 1869-74 ; prof, of Oratory, Williams Col., 1874- 81 ; prof, of Rhetoric, Princeton Col., from 1881. Published " Colony Ballads," 1876; "Ideals made Real," 1877 ; "The Orator's Manual," 1879. 1863-6. Gustavus Rosinbury Alden. Born in Greene, Me., Feb. 15, 1832 ; united with the Ref. Church in Richmond, L. I., 1859 ; married to Miss Isabella M. Mac- DONALD, of Gloversville, N. Y., May 30, 1866. Ordained and installed at .'Mmond, N. Y., by Genesee Valley Presby., Nov. 14, 1866; Almond, 1866-7 ! Olean, 1867-9 ! Nas- sau, 1869-70; Cooperstown, 1870-3; New Hartford, 1873-6; Greensburg, Ind., 1876-80 ; Cumminsville, O., 1880-2 ; Carbon- dale, Pa., 1882. Since 1874, Mr. and Mrs. Alden have been associated in the pub- lication of "The Pansy," " The Sabbath School Monthly," &c. German Hammond Chatterton. Born in Rutland, Vt., July 15, 1832 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in West Rutland, Summer of 1846 ; graduated from Middle- bury College, 1854; married to Miss Anna Fenton Mazuzan, 140 ALUMNI. of Brandon, Vt., Feb., 1857 ; married to Miss Anna Spkes, of Greenville, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1868. Ordained in Janesville, la., Oct., 1866, by Presby. of Dubuque; Janesville, 1866-7 5 Ackley, 1867-9 ; Presb. miss., Dubuque, 1869-71 ; resident in Sutherland Falls, Vt., 1871-3 ; preaching Northwood, la., 1873-5 '- Charles City, 1876 ; Des Moines, 1877 ; resident Sutherland Falls, Vt., from 1878. T. Madison Dawson. Born in Gloucester Co., N. J., April 10, 1845 ; studied at Crozier College ; A. M. from Wabash College in 1867. Pres. Ch., Lewisburgh, Pa., i year ; Seventh St. Pres. Ch., New York, 3 years; Monticello, N. Y., 2 years; East Oakland Pres. Ch., California, 1872-5 ; member of Presby. till 1875 ; writing for the press in Oakland, 1875-8 ; U. S. Consul at Apia, Sa- moan Islands, 1878. Merritt Gally. Came to Auburn from Rochester ; graduated from Univ. of Roches- ter in 1863. Ordained by Presby. of Lyons, about 1866; Marion, N. Y., 1866- 7 ; resident Rochester, 1868-77, ^.nd N. Y. City from 1878. WiLLARD Putnam Gibson. Born in Charleston, Vt., June 24, 1829 ; united with the Pres. Church in Skaneateles, 1853 ; graduated from Oberlin College in 1859 ; married to Miss Mary M. Root, of Springville, N. Y., Mar. 21, 1854. Ordained and installed at Pana City, 111., by Presby. of Alton, Oct., 1866; Pana, 1866-70; Kingston, Pa., 1871-5 ; New Milford, 1875-6; Greenville, N. Y., 1876-81 ; Conklingville, 1882. Almon Redfiei.d Hewitt. Born in Greenfield, N. Y., Aug. 12, 1833; united with the Church, Oct. 12, 1851; Auburn, 1860-2; in the Army, 1862-5 '■> Auburn, 1865-6 ; married to Miss Rachel Ann Traphagen, of Junius, N. Y., Nov. 6, 1866. Ordained and installed at Weedsport, N. Y., by Presby. of Cay- uga, Sept., 1866, where he still remains. Joel Spencer Jewell. Born in Elmira, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1832 ; united with the Church in West Newark, Apr., 185 [ ; studied at Oberlin College ; married to Miss Harriet Cortright, of West Newark, Mar. 19, 1861 ; married to Mrs. Sara Jane Knight, of Auburn, June 5, 1866. Ordained by Presby. of Cortland, Nov., 1866 ; Preble, N. Y., 1866-8 ; ist Pres. Ch. of Genoa, (address, Kings Ferry) from t868. Solomon Horatio Moon. Born in Ashford, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1839 ; united with the ist Cong. Church in Twelve Mile Grove, 111., June, 1853 ; graduated from ALUMNI. 14 L ]^cloil College in 1863; married to Miss Chai^.oi tk Brandi', of ISrandt, Pa., Oct. 15, 1868. Ordained and installed at Susciuehanna Depot by Presby. of Mon- trose, June, 1867; Susquehanna Dep., 1866-71 ; Oilbertsville, N. v., 1871-7; Brandt, Pa., 1877-8; Osceola from 1878. Published historical sermons in 1869 and 1876. WiLMAM NoHi.E Page, 1). I). Porn in Chelsea, Vt., April 4, 1837; united with the Cong. Church in West Bloomfield, N.Y.,Sept. i, 1863; graduated from Hamil- ton College in 1863; in the Army, 1862-3; 1). 1). from High- land Univ. in 1878 ; married to Miss Jennie N. Peck, of West Bloomfield, Sept. 27, 1862. Ordained and installed at Trumansburgh, N. Y., by Presby. of Ithaca, June, 1866 ; Trumansburgh, 1866-9; Jacksonville, Fla., 1869-70 ; Amenia, N. Y., 1870-3 ; First Pres. Ch., Leavenworth, Kas., from 1873. Francis H. Seeley. Came to Auburn from Middlebury, Vt.; graduated from Middle- bury College in 1863. Pres. Ch., Richfield Springs, N. Y., 1867-82 ; Delhi, 1882. Edward Southworth. Born in Groveland, Mich., Dec. 3, 1834; united with the Free Bapt. Church near Waterford, Pa., 1857; studied at Hamilton College in 1860-1 ; married to Miss Sarah Huntly Hum- phrey, of Rochester, N. Y., July 10, 1866. Ordained and installed at Jefferson, Wis., by Presby. of Milwau- kee, Apr. 14, 1867; Jefferson, 1866-7; Palmyra, Cong. Church, 1867-71 and 1874-6; Cresco, la., 1871-4; Sheldon from 1878. Published pamphlets and articles. Charles Henry Wheeler. Born in New York, Aug. 18, 1838 ; united with the Pres. Church in Sag Harbor, N. Y., 1856 ; graduated from Univ. of Michi- gan in 1862 ; married to Mary Louise Younc, of Marion, N. Y., 1868. Ordained at Providence, Pa., by Presby. of Montrose, Apr. 10, 1867; Cong. Ch., New Milford, Pa., 1866-7; Penfield, N. Y., 1867-69; Malta, 111., (resident in Creston) from 1870. *Emmons Hughitt, died Oct. 28, 1864. Samuel Swain Mitchell. Born in Hudson, N. Y., Sept. 8, 1840 ; united with the 4th Ave. Ch., N. Y. City ; graduated from Williams College in 1S63 ; Auburn, 1863-4; Union Sem., N. Y., 1S64-6 ; married to Miss Lucy Myers Wright, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Apr., 1867. 142 ALUMNI. Ordained at Morristown, N. J., by Presby. of Newark, Oct. 3, 1866; miss, of A. B. C. F. M., Abeih, Syria, 1866-8; Jefferson, Wis., 1869-70; since resident in various cities in Europe ; now in Heidelberg. J(jHN KiLBURN Williams. Born in Charlotte, Vt., Feb. 21, 1835; united with the Cong. ("li. in Charlotte, May, 1853 ; graduated from Middlebury C'ollege in i860; Auburn, Jun. year; completed course at Andover; married to Miss Anna Eliza Denison, Sept. 25, 1866. Ordained and installed at Bradford, Vt., by Council, Nov., 1S66 ; Bradford, 6 years ; West Rutland from 1872. 1864-7. Henry Samuf.l Barnum. Born in Stratford, Conn., Aug. 13, 1837; united with the Pres. Church in Lock Haven, Penn., Dec, 1855 ; graduated from Yale College in 1862 ; married to Miss Lucretia L. Parker, of Guilford, Conn., May 22, 1867; married to Miss Helen Ran- DLE, of Norwalk, Conn., March 10, 1869. Ordained at Auburn by Presby. of Cayuga, May 7, 1867; mission- ary of A. B. C. F. M. at Harpoot, E. Turkey, 1867-72; and at Van since 1872. George Bayless. Born in Millburn, N. Y., Jan. 2, 1837; united with the Church in Conklin, 1854 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1864 ; mar- ried to Miss Carrie C. Culver, of Syracuse, N. Y., May 28, 1867. Ordained and installed at Phelps, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, 1867; Phelps, 2.2 years; First Ch., Dubuque, Iowa, i year; McGrawville, N. Y., 1871-81; Mexico from 1881. ^William B. Hendryx, died Jan. i, 1867. *IsAAC Newton Lowry, died Mar. 16, 1871. *Darius Carter Sackett, died Feb. 10, 1871. Joseph Edwin Scott. Came to Auburn from Buffalo, N. Y. ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1859; taught, 1859-64; married to Miss Anna Hig- GiNS, of Mecklenburg, N. Y. Ordained and installed at Millville, N. Y., by Presby., 1867; Mill- ville, 1867-70; Indianapolis, Ind., Olivet Pres. Ch., 1870-1 ; miss, of A. B. C. F. M., Harpoot, and afterward Van, Turkey, from 1872; now at Jonganoxie, Kan. ALUMNI. 143 Dakius Rovkr Siiooi". Jjorn in Freeport, Pa., Jan. 15, 1H33; united with the First C'ong. C'hurcli in Ann Arbor, Mich., June, 1857 ; graduated from I'niv. of Mich, in 1864; married to Miss Anna E. Sianfuci.d, of Ann Arbor, June 3, 1867. Ordained at St. Paul's Church, Tenn., by Union Presby., Sept., 1867 ; Maryville, Tenn., 1867 ; Bellevue, Mich., 186S-73; supt. of Schools, Eaton Co., 1873-5; Manchester, 1876; St. Louis, 1877-8; Hastings, Mich., 1879-80; Bellevue, 1880-2; S(;uth Haven, 1882. Sextus LvDDv Smith. Born in Springville, N. Y., Mar. 6, 1842 ; united with the Pres. Church in Springville, July, i86o; studied at Springville Academy; married to Miss Carrie Mariah Souirks, of Spring- ville, Aug. 10, 1864. Ordained l^arton. Wis., Nov., 1867, by Presby. of Milwaukee ; JJarton, 1867-9; Cardner, 111., 1869-71; Union Mills, Ind., from 1872. *Ali!ERT Pavson VVorthing'ion, died May 6, 1867. James McKnight Ckak;. Born near Bristol, England, about 1839; united with the ist Pres. Church in Utica ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1864; in Auburn to Dec. 8, 1866 ; married, about 1868. Ordained, Oct., 1874; teaching, 1867-71; in the ministry of the M. E. Ch., 1871-4; resident in Ripon, Wis., invalid, and afterward past, of an Indep. Ch., 1874-80 ; Pres. Ch., Manito- woc, from 1880. William Hubbell Fisher. Came to Auburn from Clinton, N. Y. ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1864 ; Auburn, 1864-5 5 married to Miss Mary Lyon, of Lyon's Falls, N. Y. Never ordained ; practicing Law in Cincinnati, O. Mortimer Andrew Hyde. See 1862-5. Hermon Dutilh Jenkins, D. D. Born in Columbvis, O., Jan. 14, 1842; united with the Pres. Church in Waverly, N. Y., April, 1858 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1864; first year in Auburn, last two in Union Sem., New York ; D. D. from Beloit College, 1881 ; married to Hakriei' N. Burrill, of Utica, N. Y., Oct 29, 1S68. Ordained and installed at Joliet, 111., by Presby. of Chicago, Sept., 1868; Joliet, 1868-73; Freeport, 111., ist Pres. Ch., from 1873. 14-t ALUMNI. 1865-8. Edward Payson Adams. Born in East Bloomfield, N. Y., Dec. 14, 1833; united with the ist Cong. Church in East Bloomfield, 1849; graduated from Hamilton College in 1858 ; entered Auburn in iS&o ; re- admitted to Jun. class, having been in U. S. signal service, 1S65 ; married to Miss Charlotte Adelaide Stanley, of Elmira, N. Y., 1868. Ordained and installed at Dunkirk, N. Y., by Presby, of Buffalo, Dec, 1876; Hannibal, 1868-70 ; New Berlin, 1870-2; Dunkirk from 1876; mem. of Presby. to 1881 ; resident in Dunkirk. Myron Adams. Born in East Bloomfield, N. Y., March 12, 1841 ; united with the Cong. Church in Butternuts, N. Y., 1858 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1863; married to Miss Hester Rose Hopkins, of Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 23, 1868. Ordained and installed at Dunkirk, N. Y., by Presby. of Buffalo, Oct. 19, 1869; Union Springs, 1868-9; Dunkirk, 1869-76; Ply- mouth Cong. Ch., Rochester, from 1876. William Henry Bates. Born in Champion, N. Y., May 20, 1840; united with the M. E. Church in Champion, probably Mar., 1S54 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1865 ; married to Miss Ellen Joanna Peckham, of Pulaski, N. Y., July 8, 1868. Ordained at McGrawville, N. Y., by Cortland Presby., Jan. 20, 1869; McGrawville, 1868-71 ; Waverly, 1871-8; Adams, 1878- 80 ; Clyde from 1880. Daniel Webster Beadel. Born in Depauville, N. Y., May 17, 1837 ; united with the M. E. Church, .^prii, 1857 ; graduated from 111. State Normal Univ. ; married to Miss Frances Harriet Johnson, of Hannibal, N. Y.,July 13, 1865. Ordained at Syracuse, in Central N. Y. Conf. of M. E. Ch., by Bishop Janes, April, 1867 ; Elbridge, 1868-9 ! Montezuma, 1869-70; Moravia, 1870-2; presiding Elder; Geddes, 1875- 6; resident there, in ill health; chaplain; Sec 'y. of Am. Co- operative Rel. Assoc. Dana Williams Bigelow. Born in Waterville, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1843 ; united with the Church in Waterville, Mar., i860; graduated from Hamilton College in 1865 ; married to Miss Katherine Huntington, of Auburn, June 24, 1868. Ordained and installed at Fayetteville, N. Y., by Presby. of Syracuse, Sept., 1S68; Fayetteville, 1868-72 ; Pitcher, Cong. Ch., 1872-7 ; Utica, West Ch., from 1877. ALUMXI. 145 HikAM Ward Congdox. liorn in Watertown, N. Y., July i, 1841 ; united with the Brick Church in Rochester, N. Y., 1863; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1865 ; married to Miss Flora A. Potter, of Camden, N. Y., Sept., 1873. Ordained at Evans Mills, N. Y.. by Presby. of St. Lawrence, Oct., 1875; Coudersport, Pa., 1873-4; Havana, N. Y., 1876-8; Smithville Hats, 1878-81 ; Wyoming from 1881. *Alexani)kr Douglass, died Dec. 4, 1875. Stephen Grosvknor Hopkins. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., July 23, 1840 ; united with the Ref. Ch. of Owasco Outlet, 1857; graduated from Hamilton College in 1863 ; in the Army ; married to Miss Mary Comstock Haight, of Auburn, June 9, 1869. Ordained and installed at Corry, Pa., by Presby. of Erie, Oct., 1868; Corry, 1868-76; Columbus, O., 1876-9; supplying Churches, 1879-81 ; Deposit, N. Y., from 1881. Son of Prof Samuel Miles Hopkins of 1834-7. Ali!ert Franklin Lyle. Born in St. Stephens, New Brunswick, April 11, 1839 ; united with the Howard Pres. Church in San Francisco, Cal, Dec. 6, 1857 ; graduated from College of California in 1864; married to Miss Louisa Thomas, of Union Springs, N. Y,, June 22, 1872. Ordained at 2nd Pres. Ch., Auburn, by Presby. of Cayuga, 1868 ; home miss, in Colorado, 1868-9; Union Springs, N. Y., 1869- 73; West Uiica Pres. Ch., 1874-7; Ilion, 1878-81. George B. Peck, M. D. Born in Cincinnati, O., Sept. 14, 1833 ; united with the Vine St. Cong. Church in Cincinnati, 1847 ! graduated from Miami Univ. in 1857 ; graduated from Medical School of Harvard Univ., with degree of M. D., 1863. Ordained at Venice, O.. by Presby. of Cincinnati, Sept. 15, 1875 ; Beverly, N. J.. 1868-9 ; Bond Hill, O.. 1875-6 ; resident physician and chaplain at Consumptive's Home, near Boston, from 1876. Henry Martyn Simmons. Came to Auburn from Paris Hill, N. Y. ; born, 1841 ; united with the Church after entering Seminary; graduated from Hamilton College in 1864 ; Auburn, 1866-8. Licentiate of Presby., to 1870; Unit. Ch., Waukesha. Wis., 1880. Alfred Snashall. Born in Kent, England ; came to Auburn from the Central Park Church, New York City. Victor, Iowa, to 1870; Hannibal, N. Y., 1870-2; Wampsville, 1873; resident Binghamton, 1876-7, and Red Creek, 1S78; Martville ; Portland, Or. 146 ALUMNI. Theodore Tyler Wing, M. D. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., June r, 1844 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Carlisle, Pa., 1858; graduated from Dickinson College in 1864 ; Signal Corps, U. S. Vols.; M. D. from Univ. of Pa., 1873; married to Miss Harriet Schlager Brandt, of Brandt, Pa., Oct. 15, 1868. Not ordamed ; i)reached, Onondaga Valley, N. Y., 1868, and Rolla, Mo., i86y ; practiced Medicine, Philadelphia, 2 years, and since at Susquehanna Depot. Edwin A. Barnes. Came to Auburn from Church in Kings Ferry, N. Y.; left Dec. 11, 1865. Howard Cornell. Born in Milton, N. Y., Sept. 10, 1840; united with the Church, April, 1857 ; graduated from Union College in 1865 ; Auburn, 1865-6 ; Union, N. Y., 1866-8 ; married to Jessie Kirby, of Athens, Pa., Sept. 29, 1880. Ordained and installed at Constantia, N. Y., by Presby. of Syracuse, March 17, 1874 ; Constantia, 1871-6 ; Nichols, 1876- 9 ; Orwell, Pa., from 1879. Brainerd Taylor DeWitt. Born in Marietta, O., April 28, 1840; graduated from Marietta College in 1865 ; Auburn, 1865-6; Lane Sem., 1867-8. Ordained by Scioto Presby., Apr., i86g ; Frankfort, Iowa, to 1871 ; Van Wert, O., 1871-3; Austin, Minn., 1874; Gilroy, Cal., 1874-6; Columbus, O., 1877 ; Sturgis, Mich., 1878; Fairview, Pa., from 1878. *Alexander H. Fullerton, died about 1875. Richard Sill Holmes. Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., July 6, 1842 ; united with the Cong. Church in Greenwich, Mar., 1S57 ; graduated from Middlebury College in 1862; Auburn, 1865-6; married to Miss Fannie Pardee Olmsted, of Auburn, Oct. 20, 1869; married to Miss Alida L. Dodge, of Newburgh, Sept. 7, 1881. Not ordained ; tea. in Auburn to 1878; pres. of Y. M. C. A. of State of N. Y., 1871 ; general S. S. work, 1878-9 ; in business in Auburn. Charles Mills Whittlesey. Born in Ceylon, July 15, 1842 ; united with the Pres. Church in Dover, N. J., 1853 ; graduated from Yale College in 1864 ; two years at Auburn; married to Louise A. Wakelee, of Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1867. Ordained at Sidney, N. Y., by Chenango Presby., 1868; New Berlin, 1867-9 I Bethany Church, Utica, 1869-70; Chicago, 111., 1872 ; Spencerport, N.Y., 1873-9 ! resident Rochester from 1880. Published " Gospel Work and Truth," 1878. ALUMNI. 147 1 866 9. CuAkl.KS BOYl). Came to Seminary irom Ottawa, Can. ; born 1.S40 ; mem. of Gould St. (Muircii in Toronto ; graduated from Albert College ; Aub. Mid. class, from Nov. 14, 1S67 ; said to have returned to Canada ; supposed to be a minister in P. E. C"h. ; LacoUe, near Quebec, 1876. Hknrv a. Duiioc. Jlorn in 1844; came to Aub. from 4th Pres. Church in New Orleans, La.; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1875 ; Ludlow, Vt. ; Emporium, Pa., 1873; rect. of P. E. Ch., Tona- wanda, N. Y. ; prin. of School for ladies, Tonawanda. Al'.EL GrOSVENOR Hul'KINS. Born in Avon Springs, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1844; united with the Hamilton Col. Church, Winter of 1863-4; graduated from Hamilton College in 1866 ; married to Miss Sophie Louisa Williams, of Clinton, N. Y., July 24, 1872. Ordained at Utica, N. Y., by Presby. of Utica, April 16, 1874; prof, of Latin, Hamilton College, from 1869. Son of Prof Samuel Miles Hopkins, of 1834-7. Charles Carrington Johnson. Born in Wampsville, N. Y., July 3, 1837 ; united with the ist Cong. Church in Clarkson, N. Y., May, 1853; studied at Kremlin Inst., Buffalo, N. Y., through the College Freshman year ; taught, and entered the Army ; married to Miss Mary Charlotte Green, of Sherburne, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1866. Ordained and installed at Holley, N. Y., by Presby. of Rochester, Oct. 19, 1869; Holley, 1869-73; Smyrna, Cong. Ch., from 1873- *JOHN Davis Jones, died Oct., 1876. Hiram Huntington Kellogg, Jr. Born in Galesburg, 111., Jan. 23, 1842 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Washington, 111., 1863 ;' graduated from Hamilton College in 1866 ; served in 86th 111. Vols.; married to Miss Mary E. Jacks, of Batavia, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1874. Ordained at Central Pres. Ch., Des Moines, la., by Presby. of Des Moines, July 14, 1869 ; organizing and serving Churches in la., 1869-71 ; Pres. Ch , Evans Mills, N. Y., 1871-4; Seneca Castle from 1874. Son of Hiram Huntington Kellogg, D. D., of 1823-6. Henry Loom is. Born in Burlington, N. Y., Mar. 4, 1839; came to Aub. from Ch. in Ham. Col. ; Capt. of U. S. Vols.; graduated from Hamilton College in 1866 ; married to Miss Jane Herring Greene, of New York City, Mar, 6, 1872. 148 ALUMNI. Ordained at 2d Pres. Church, Auburn, by Presbytery of Cayuga, Spring of 1869; Jamesville, 1870-1; miss, of Pres. Bd., Yoko- hama, Japan, 1871-6; resident in San Rafael, Cal., 1876-81; supt. of work of Am. Bib. Soc, for Japan, residing in Yokohama, from 1 88 1. Wallace Bliss Lucas. Born in Cortland, N, Y., Jan. 28, 1843 ; united with the Presby- terian Church in Cortland, May, 1855; graduated from Hamil- ton College in 1866; married to Miss Mary J. McQuken, of Morrisville, N. Y., June 30, 1869. Ordained pastor Meridian, N. Y., by Cayuga Presby., Sept. 29, 1869, and is yet there. Daniel Charles McCoy. Born in Clayton, 111., May 30, 1836 ; united with the First Pres. Ch. in Clayton, Jan., 1850 ; studied at Knox College in class of 1866 ; in the Army from 1864: married to Miss America H. Pollock, of Burlington, la., July 14, 1869. Ordained at Clayton, 111., by Presby. of Schuyler, Sept. i, 1869 ; miss, of A. B. C. F. M. to China, from 1869; ist Pres. Ch. of Peking, China, from 1872. Eugene John Ranslow. Born in Georgia, Vt., Oct. 21, 1842; united vvith the ist Cong. Church in Underbill, Vt., July, 1861 ; graduated from Middle- bury College in 1866; married to Miss Ellen Eliza Kings- bury, of Norwich, Vt., May 11, 1869. Ordained at Swanton, Vt., by Council, June, 1869 ; First Church, Swanton, 1869-75; Wells River, from 1875. Devello Z. Sheffield. Born in Gainesville, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1841 ; united with the Cong. Church in Castile, May, 1866 ; studied at Warsaw Academy ; married to Miss Eleanor Woodhull Sherrill, of Pike, N. Y., July 27, 1869, Ordained at Auburn, by Cayuga Presby., Spring of 1869 ; from that time missionary near Peking, China. Published " Digest of Theology," and "Guide to Holiness," both in Chinese, 1876. William Armstrong Simkins. Born in Moravia, N. Y., Aug. 16, 1S39 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Auburn, Autumn of 1866; graduated from Mich. Univ. in 1864 ; married to Miss Amanda Julia Coijurn, of Auburn, July 28, 1869. Ordained and installed at Romulus, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, Feb., 1870 ; Romulus, 1869-72 ; Salina, Kan., from 1873. Erastus Williams Twichell. Born in Springville, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1841 ; united with the Pres. Church in Springville, i860 ; graduated from Amherst College ALTMNI. 149 in 1H66 ; married to Miss Sarah Frances Oarlock, of AubLirn, Oct. 7, 1869. Ordained at Allegany, N. Y., by Presby. of Genesee, 1869; Allegany, 1869-70 ; Biirdett, 1870-80 ; resident Auburn froni 1880, preaching in Ref. Ch., Cato, 1882. Joseph L. VVhiiing, Born in Lyndeboro, N. H., Jan. 30, 1835 ; united with the Pres. Churcli in Jasper, 186 1 ; graduated from Genesee College in 1866 ; married to Miss Lucy E. Jackson, July 28, 1869. Ordained at Auburn, by Cayuga Presby., Spring of 1869; mis- sionary in N. China from 1869. I'ublished (with others) S. S. Lesson Helps in C'hinese, 1878, 1879. Evarts Kent. Born in Benson, Vt., March 12, 1843; united with the Cong. Church in Ripton, Vt., 1863 ; graduated from Middlebury College in 1865 ; Auburn, 1866-7 ; Andover, 1867-9 ! niarried to Helen M. Beckwith, of Alstead, N. H., 1872. Ordained and installed at Michigan City, Ind , by Council, May 23, 1871 ; Mich. City, 1871-80; Clinton St. Ch , Chicago, 111., 1 880- 1 ; ist Ch., Atlanta, Cra., from 1881. 1867-70. James M. Boyd. Came to Sem. from Ottawa, Can.; born 1842; mem. of Pres. Church ; studied at Albert College ; Auburn, 1868-70 ; married July 30, 1873. Ordained by Presby. of MUwaukee, 1871 ; Barton, Wis., 1S70-2; Demorestville, Can., 1872-6, or longer. David Riddle Breed. Born in Pittsburg, Pa., June 10, 1848 ; united with the Third Pres. Church in Pittsburgh, 1861 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1867 ; married to Mary E. Kendall, June 16, 1870. Ordained and installed at St. Paul, Minn., by Presby. of St. Paul, Sept., 1870, pastor of House of Hope Pres. Church, where he remains. [ames Glenann Butler. Born in Frampton, Can., Mar. 20, 1837 ; studied at Williams Col- lege in class of 1865 ; U. S. military service from 1862 ; married to Margaret Graham, of Philadelphia, Pa., May 14, 1864. Ordained and installed at Grand Tower Ch., III., by Presbv. of Cairo, Oct. 29 and 30, 1870, where he remains. 150 ALUMNI. Charles Pierpont CoiT. Born in Hastings, N. Y., May 3, 1839; united with the Baptist Church in Central Square, N. Y., 1859 ; graduated from Uni- versity of Rochester in 1S67 ; married to Miss Susie H. War- ner, of Owego, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1874. Ordained pastor of North Pres. Ch., Binghamton, N. Y., by Presby. of Binghamton, June, 1870 ; North Ch., 1870-4 ; Hamp- den Pres. Ch., Baltimore, Md., 1874-5 ; Memorial Pres. Ch., Rochester, N. Y., from 1875. Henry Martyn Dodd. Born in Ridgeville, O., Aug. 6, 1839 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Alexander, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1859 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1863 ; married to Miss Ella W. Allen, of Great Barrington, Mass., Nov. 30, 1870. Ordained and installed at De.xter and Brownville, N. Y., by Presby. of St. Lawrence, Jan. 2, 1873; Pres. Ch., Manlius, 1870-2; Dexter and Brownville from 1872. Samuel Jackson Fisher. Born in 1847; came to Auburn from the Westminster Church in Utica, N. Y.; graduated from Hamilton College in 1867; mar- ried to Miss M. Annie Shreve, of Trenton, N. J., Oct. 20, 1870. Ordained and installed at Swissvale, Pa., by Presby., Nov., 1870 ; yet there. *WiLLiAM Rheem Halrert, died Apr. 14, 1881. Ogden Henderson. Came to Auburn from Dresden, O.; mcrn. of Church there; born 1840; graduated from Marietta College in 1865 ; married to Miss Helen Fitch Nelson, of Auburn, Oct. 20, 1870. Ordained at Auburn 2d Ch., by Presby. of Cayuga, 1872; Scipio, 187 1 ; Newton, 111., 1872; Nashville, 1873; Centralia, 1874; res- ident Iowa City, la., 1875-80, and Cedar Rapids, 1880; meml)er of Presby. of Iowa City till 1880. David James. Born in Wales, 1836 ; came to Auburn from Baltimore, Md.; mem. of Ch. in Carlisle, Pa.; studied at Dickinson College. Wamps- ville, 1870-1. Albert Lee. Born in Kirkland, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1841; united with the Pres. Ch. in Clinton, N. Y., 1863 ; studied two years at Harvard Univ.; three years at Auburn, and one at Yale Divinity School ; mar- ried to Miss H. Maria Dutton, June 13, 1876. Ordained and installed at Rutland, N. Y., by Council, Aug. 10, 1876 ; Rootstown, O.; Rutland and Burrville, N. Y., 1875-9 ; East Watertown, 1880; Dorr, Mich., 1881; Dwight, 111., 1882. ALUMNI. 151 John Castt-kton Lonc;. Born in Manningtree, Eng., ICS31; united with tlie C'ong Church in (Griffin's Mills, N. Y., 1848 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1857; in Auburn, 1859-60 and 69-70; teacher, 1860-9; mar- ried to Miss Fkancks Cornelia Hknshaw, at Hatavia, N. Y., Nov. 29, i860. . ^ Ordained and installed at Elba by Presby. of (ienesee, 1870 ; Elba, 1870-4 ; Union Springs, 1874-8; Castile from 1878. *J()SK.i'H CiKoiir LoNc.i.EV, died May 6, 1871. John McMasier. Born in Spencer, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1839; united with Cong. Church in Spencer, A|)r., 1858; studied at Owego Acad.; married to Miss LouisF. RiCYNOi.ns, of Nichols, Oct. 6, 1875. Ordained at Marathon, N. Y., by Presby. of 15inghamton, May, 1872; C'openhagen, 1870-1 ; Marathon, 1872; Athens, Pa., 1873-- 81 ; resident in Spencer. *George Norton, died Oct. 11, i86g. Albert Cole Sewall. Born in Blue Hill, Me., March 25, 1845 ; united with the Pres. Church in N. Granville, N. Y., July, 1858; graduated from Williams College in 1867; married to Miss Helen S. Ives, of South Easton, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1871. Ordained and installed at Newark, N. Y., by Presby. of Lyons, Oct. 13, 1871 ; Newark, 1870-3; Williamstown, Mass., from 1873- Published " Life of Professor Albert Hopkins," 1879. Grenville Pierce Sewall. Born in Westbrook, Me., Sept. 18, [841 ; united with the Pres. Church in North Granville, N. Y., July, 1858; graduated from Williams College in 1867 ; married to Miss Rosamond E. Cole, of Williamstown, Mass., Sept. 24, 1879. Ordained and installed at Cayuga, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, Dec. 28, 1870 ; Cayuga, 1869-79; Troy, Pa., from 1879. Charles H. H. Wolff. Born in Holland about 1840; mem. of ist Pres. Church in Aub. ; studied at Amsterdam Gymnasium ; married to Miss Dup.oc, of Auburn, 1870. Ordained at Auburn by Presby. of Cayuga, 1870 ; miss, of Ref Ch. to Japan, in Yokohama, Hirosaki, Nagasaki, 1870-5 ; Govt. Schools, Japan, 1875-82. *Ed\vard Gihbs BiCKFORD, died Oct. 19, 1877. Amory Howe Bradford. Born in Granby, N. Y., April 14, 1846 ; united with the Wesleyan Methodist Cluirch in Penn Yan, about i860 ; graduated from 152 ALUMNI. Hamilton College in 1867; one year at Auburn and two at Andover; married to Julia M. Stevens, of Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1870. Ordained and installed at Montclair, N. J., by Council, Sept. 28, 1870, where he remains. Herman B. Dean. Came to Auburn from Waterloo, N. Y.; mem. of M. E. Church in Dayton, O. ; left the Seminary, Apr. 18, 1870; licentiate of Presby. of Geneva, till 1870. His wife died, 187 i. Ordained at Prescott, Wis., (Cong.) May 20, 1873 ; Ludington, Mich.; St. Clair; Springfield, III, 1877 ; Paris, Texas, 1878. *Isaac Anderson Martin, died Oct. 30, 1875. Marcv Ellsworth Nelson. See 1868-71. Luther Allen Ostrander. Born in Franklinville, N. Y., July 14, 1843; united with the ist Pres. Church in Chicago, 111., 1858 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1865 ; ist year in Chicago; Aub., 1868-9 ; Union, N. Y., 1869-70 ; married to Miss Eliza A. Thomson, of Constanti- nople, Turkey, May 25, 187 1. Ordained and installed at Dubuque, Iowa, by Dubuque Presby., Nov. I, 1871 ; Dubuque, 1871-6; Owego, N. Y., from 1876. Elizur Hull Pratt. Born in Durham, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1842 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Durham, July, 1862 ; graduated from Williams College in 1867; Auburn, 1867-9; Union, N. Y., 1869-70; married to Miss Kate E Carter, of Evans Mills, N. Y., Jan 4, 1871. Ordained at Adams, N. Y., by St. Lawrence Presby., May, 187 1 ; Cape Vincent, N. Y., 1871-7 ; ed. Baltimore, Md., 1877-9 ; asst. ed. of iY. V. Evangelist from 1879. Published "Sketch of Town of Cape Vincent," 1876; Sunday School Catalogue, 1880. Alexander Brown Riggs. Born in Portsmouth, O., June 21, 1842 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Portsmouth, about March, 1856; graduated from Jefferson College in 1863 ; 4 years in the study and practice of Law ; two years at Auburn, the third at Union N. Y.; married. to Charlotte Bown Richardson, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1870. Ordained and installed at Fort Plain, N. Y., by Montgomery Clas- sis, Dec. I, 1870 ; Fort Plain, 1870-6 ; Pres. Ch., Waterford, from 1876. Edward Willard Wetmore. Born in Detroit, Mich., Sept. 5, 1846; united with the Church in May, 1862 ; graduated from Univ. of Michigan in 1867 ; Au- burn, 1867-9; married to Julia Ranney Wells, of Howell, Mich., July 27, 1876. ALUMNI. 153 Prof, of Nat. Sci., Robert Col., Constantinople, 3 years; tea. in (ireylock Inst., South VVillianislown, Mass., i year ; prof, of i'liysics and Clicm., Detroit High School, Mich., from 1H75. 1 868-7 1 . Wii.i.i.iiM Jamks Arnky. (Iradualed from Vermilion lnst.,0.; Aiib. Sen class from Western Theo. Sem. Great }5end, I'a., to 1875; Reading, 1875-8; Blissfield, Mich., from 1878. Henry T. Cowlf.y. Came to Auburn from Castile, N. Y.; mem. of Church there; born about 1838 ; graduated from Antioch College in 1867. Miss, to Dakota Indians, Kamia and Mt. Idaho, Idaho Ter., and Spokane Falls, VV. T., 1871-80. Cassius Horatio DnuiLE. Born in Stone Church, N. Y., June 21, 1845; united with the Cong. Church in E. Bloomfield, Mar. 2, 1862 ; graduated from Haniilton College in 1868; married to Miss Alice Marv Con- DiT of Auburn, Sept. 27, 187 i. Ordained at Geneva by Presby. of Geneva, Apr., 1872 ; asst. past., Pres. Ch., Waterloo, 1871-2; Perry, from 1872. Alfred John Hutton. Born in Brunswick, N. Y., June 20, 1842 ; united with the Church in April, 1854 ; graduated from Williams College in 1866; mar- ried to Miss Harriet Wise Hyatt, of New York, Oct. 4, 187 1. Ordained and installed at West Troy, N. Y., by Classis of Sara- toga, July, 187 1 ; West Troy, 1871-9; Pres. Church, Cortland, 1879-81; Ref. Ch. on the Heights, Brooklyn, from 1881. Charles Francis Janes. Born in Downsville, N. Y., x'^ug. 7, 1847 I united with the Cong. Church in Walton, N. Y., 1858 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1868 ; married to Miss Maria Elizaheth McLaurv, of Walton, May 22, 1871. Ordained and installed at O.xford, N. V., by Otsego Presby., 187 i ; Oxford, 1870-3; Corning, Iowa, 1873-7 ; Verona, N. Y., 1878- 82 ; Onondaga Valley, 1882. Son of Frances Janes, of 1830-3. Henry Thaddeus Miller. Born in Tuscarora, N. Y., Aug. 17, 1842 ; united with the Brick (Pres.) Church in Rochester, June 2, 1867 ; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1868; married to Miss Jennie Kennedy, of York, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1871. Ordained and installed at Victor, by Presby. of Rochester, June 1, 1871; Victor, 1871-3; Medina, 1873-5 > Chicago, 6th Ch., 1875-82. 154 ALUMNI. Marcy Ellsworth Nelson. Born in Lewis, N. Y., Nov. 17, 1845 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Jan., 1867 ; Auburn, 1867-71 ; married to Miss Frances Sophia CoNABLE, of Ale.xander, N. Y., April 16, 1873. Licentiate of Presby. of Emporia till 1877 ; Pavilion, N. Y., 1871-2 ; Branchport, 1872 ; Hutchinson, Kan., 1874-5 '■> resident Webster, N. Y. Edward Allen Reed, D. D. Born in Lansingburgh, N. Y., June 24, 1843 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Lansingburgh, June, 1858 ; studied at Lansing- burgh Acad. ; D. D. from Rutgers College in 1881 ; married to Miss Mary Anne Bliss, of Lansingburgh, May 30, 1871. Ordained and installed at Springfield, Mass., by Council, June 14, 1871 ; ist Ch. of Christ, Springfield, 1871-8; Madison Ave. Ref. Ch., N. Y. City, from 1878. Charles Spencer Richardson. Born m Pittsford, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1845 ; united with the Pres. Church in Geneva, 1858; graduated from Hobart College in 1865 ; married to Miss Frances M. Weed, of Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 17, 1875. Ordained at Geneva, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, 1871 ; prof, in Robert College, Constantinople, 187 1-4; Pres. Ch., Malone, N, Y., from 1874. John Ogden Gordon. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., March 10, 1S50; united with the 3d Pres. Church in Pittsburgh, 1867 ; graduated from Western Univ. of Pa., in 1866 ; 2 years at Auburn ; last year at Union, N. Y. ; mar- ried to Emma W. Bacon of Troy, N. Y., May 31, 1877. Ordained and installed at Rensselaerville, by Presby. of Columbia, Mar. 26, 1872; Rensselaerville, 1871-80; Lincoln, Neb., from 1880. Charles Marion Howe. Born in Girard, Pa., Mar. 21, 1842 ; united with the ist Pres. Ch. in Vinton, Iowa, in 1862; graduated from Dartmouth College in 1868, and from Iowa State University in 1867; two years at Auburn, 3d year at Sem. of Northwest ; married to Miss Mary O. Dennis, of Iowa City, la., June 15, 1870. Ordained and installed at Eldora, by Presby. of Waterloo, Nov. r, 1871; Eldora, 1871-80 ; Janesville, Iowa, from 1880. Samuel Lanty McAfee. Born in Emerson, Mo., May 13, 1841; united with the Pres. Ch. in New Providence, Dec, 1857; graduated from Pardee College in 1869; two years at Auburn, and one at Sem. of the North- west ; married to Miss Mary Esther Poage, of Ashley, Mo., Apr. 19, 1 87 I. ALUMNI. 155 Ordained and installed at Red Oak, Iowa, by Presby. of Mo, River, Dec 17, 1871 ; Red Oak, 1871-82 ; Winnebago City, Minn., 1882. Hknry Nki.son Paynk. Born in Horse Heads, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1840; united with the 1st Cong. Church in Janesville, Wis., June 6, 1858 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1868 ; first year at Chicago The. Sem., second at Auburn, third at Lane; married to Miss Ki.iZAiiKiii Amelia PoRTKu, of Auburn, Sept. 7, 1871. Ordained and installed at ist Pres. Ch., Minneapolis, Minn., by Presby. of St. Paul, Oct. 5, 1871 ; Minneapolis, 1871-5; Onon- daga Valley, N. Y., 1876 ; Lima, 1876-8 ; Associated Pres. Ch., O.xford, 1879-81 ; Poone, la., from 1881. 1869-72. John Evf.ritt Bef.cher. Born in Ellsworth, Conn., Jan. 22, 1842 ; united with the Pres. Church in Vernon Centre. N. Y., Mar., 1861 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1869. Ordained at Cohocton, N. Y., by Presby. of Steuben, Apr. 7, 1875; Pres. Ch., Turin, N. Y., 1872-3 ; Jasper, 1873-5 '■> Holt, Mich., 1876-7 ; Bad Axe, 1877-81 ; Chatfield, Minn., 1881-2. Jeremiah Meacham Chrysler. Born in Theresa, N. Y., Mar. 2, 1841 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Theresa, Spring of 1859; graduated from Hamilton College in 1869 ; married to Miss Emilie Lord Knowles, of Cojjenha- gen, N. Y., June 19, 1872. Ordained and installed at Collamer, N. Y., by Presby. of Syracuse, May 21, 1872 ; Collamer, 187 1-6; East Syracuse, 1875-S ; Still- water from 1878. James Hunter Clark. Born in Liberty, O., Dec. 31, 1843; united with Pres. Ch., Liberty, Dec, 1856; studied at Washington and Jefferson Colleges ; Aub. Sen. class last half year, from Theo. Sem. of N. W. ; married to Miss Amy H. Belden, of Maiden, 111., April 6, 187 I. Ordained and installed at Castile, N. Y., by Presby., 1872; Cas- tile, 1872-3 ; Streator, 111., 1873-5; Atchison, Kan., 1875-8; res- ident Youngstown, O., 1880; Millard Ave. Cong. Ch., Chicago, 1882. Harlan Page Dunning. Born in Havana, N. Y., May 22, 1841; united with the Pres. Ch. in Baraboo, Wis , 1864 ; graduated from Beloit College in 1869 ; married to Miss Mary Elizaiseth Alexander, Dec. 25, 1869. Ordained and installed at Canoga, N. Y., by Presby. of Ceneva, May 19, 1872; Canoga, 1872-5; Seattle, W. T., 1875-6; Corval- lis, Or., from 1866. 156 ALUMm. Erwin Colton Hull. Born in Auburn, N. Y., Nov. i, 1844; united with the Cong. Ch. in Hannibal, N. Y., March 6, 1864; graduated from Hamilton College in 1869 ; married to Miss Rosanna Stewart Mack, of Southwest Oswego, N. Y., July 23, 1873. Ordained and installed at Prairie du Lac, Wis., by Presby. of Wis. River, Oct. 10, 1872 ; Prairie du Lac, 1872-6 ; Elba, N. Y., from 1876 ; Cong. Ch., Ellsworth, Conn., from 1880. John Wilkord Jacks. Born in Batavia, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1845 ; united with the Ham. Col. Church in Nov., 1864; graduated from Hamilton College in 1867; tea. Lowville Acad., 1867-8, and VVhitestown Sem., 1868-9. Ordained and installed at Romulus, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, Aug. 27, 1872; still there. David Murray. . / Born in Ontario, Can., June 26, 1842; graduated from Knox Col- ^ lege, Toronto, in 1867; Princeton, 1868-70; Auburn, (on letter from Princeton) 187 1-2; married before entering'iAuburn. Ordained and installed at Alden, N. Y., by Presby., 1872; Alden, 1872-6 ; Saline, Mich., 1876-9 ; mem. of Presby. of Detroit till 1879 ; said to be practicing Law. Albert Barnes Robinson. Born in Cabot, Vt., Dec. 16, 1846 ; united with the Cong. Church in Guilford Centre, N. Y., Feb., i860 ; graduated from Hamil- ton College in 1868 ; married to Miss Eliza Bronson Cotes, of Springfield, N. Y., May 30, 1872. Ordained and installed at Unadilla, N. Y., by Otsego Presby., Oct. 30, 1872; Pres. Ch., Unadilla, 1871-6; Tonawanda, 1876-9; Perrysburg, O., from 1879. Theodore Baker Williams. Born in Prattsburg, N.Y., Jan. 27, 1845; united with the Cent. Pres. Church in Rochester, Nov., 1866; graduated from Univer- sity of Rochester in 1869 ; married to Miss Clara B. Clark, of Parma, N. Y., Oct. 3, 1877. Ordained at Prattsburgh, N. Y.,by Presby. of Steuben, Apr., 1873; Campbelltown, 1872-5 ; Mooers, 1875-6 ; Unadilla, Stockbridge and Plainfield, Mich., 1876-81 ; Charlotte, N. Y., from 1881. John Lovell Douglass. Born in 1848; came to Auburn from Niles, Mich.; mem. of Ch. in Hamilton Col.; studied at Hamilton College in class of 1869 ; in Auburn a few weeks of Junior year. William D. Duncan. Born in 1842 ; came to Aub. from Fulton, Mo. ; mem. of M. E. Church in Lima, N. Y. ; studied at Genesee College; in service of U. S. ; Auburn, 1869-70; said to have married near Rock Stream, N. Y., 1870, and to be resident there. ALUMNI. 157 Isaac D. Fowi.f.k. Born in 1846 ; came to Aubmn froin York ; mem. of ("hiirch there; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in [S69 ; Auburn, 1869-70 ; druggist in Lansing, la. John Svi.vanus. See 1870-3. *Chari,es Augustus Wetmorf., died July 6, 1874. William Hknkv Whiting. Born in Lyndeborough, N. H., Jan. 3, 1842 ; united with the Church in Jasper, N. Y., 1858 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1869; LL. B., 1877; Auburn, 1869; married to Miss Carolink Virginia Andrews, of Rochester, Jan. 20, 1874; tea. House of Refuge, Rochester, 1870-4; practicing Law in Roch- ester. 1870-3. Leonard Wilson Church. Born in Afton, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1843 ; united with the Pres Church in VVhitestown, N. Y., 1864 ; graduated from Whitestown Seminary, 1870 ; married to Miss Jennie Pauline Lake, of Easton, Mass., July 3, 1873. Ordained at Winfield, N. Y., by Council, Sept. 24, 1S73; Winfield and Bridgwater, 1873-9; New Lebanon from 1879. Samuel Lee Conde. Born in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaiian Is., Sept. 20, 1837 ; united with the Mission Church in Hawaii, 1850; studied at Oahu, (H. I.) College; grad. at Normal School, Albany, N. Y., 1858; prac- ticed Law in Madison Co., 1860-70 ; line and staff officer in service of U. S. ; married to Miss Elisabeth L. Collier, of Chittenango, N. Y., Dec, 30, 1861. Ordained pastor, Troy, Pa., by Presby. of Lackawanna, May 20, 1873; Troy. 1873-9; evangelist, 1879-80; Pres. Ch., Tunk- hannock, from 1880. Son of Dr. Daniel Toll Conde, of 1831-4. *Thomas Kitchel Crane, died Feb. 20, 1876. Delos Edwin Finks. Born in Sherburne, N. Y., Nov. 5, 1842; united with the Church in Hamilton Col., Nov. 25, 1866 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1870 ; married to Miss Nettie V. Rogers, of Geneva, N. Y., May 13, 1873. Ordained at Auburn, by Cayuga Presby., 1873 ; home miss, at Fairplay, Col., 1873-6; Fort Collins, 1876-81 ; North Denver from 1 88 1. *Roselle Andrew Fuller, died Spring of 1880. 158 ALUMNI. Clark Baikman Gillp:tte. Born in Periiiton, N. Y., Mar. 25, 1845 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Victor, N. Y., 1S69 ; graduated from Union College in 1871 ; entered Auburn on letter from Union Seminary, middle of Sen- ior year; post graduate at Lane, 1876-7 ; married to H. Addie Andrews, Apr. 19, 1875. Ordained pastor at Emporium, Pa., by Presbytery of Northumber- land, Oct. 22, 1873; Emporium, 1873-5; Milwaukee, Wis., 1875-6; Oakfield, N. Y., 1878-80 ; Elba, t88o-i ; Nelson, Pa., from 1 88 1. Martin Ellis Grant. Born in Henderson, N. Y., June 27, 1843; united with the Ham. Col. Church in 1870; graduated from Hamilton College in 1870; married to Miss Dessie Ellis, of Plessis, N. Y., June 6, 1877. Ordained at Fort Dodge, Iowa, by Presby. of Fort Dodge, 1875 ; Moingona, Iowa, 1873-5 '■> Plessis, N. Y., 1876-7 ; Cape Vincent, from 1877. RuFus Smith Green. Born in Sidney Plains, N. Y., Apr. i, 1848 ; united with the Ham. Col. Church in 1863; graduated from Hamilton College in 1867 ; married to Miss Lucy Anna Roiunson, of Walton, N. Y., July 23. 1873. Ordained pastor, Westfield, N. Y., by Presby. of Buffalo, Sept. 30, 1874 ; Westfield, 1873-7 ; ist Pres. Ch., Morristown, N. J., 1877 -81 ; Lafayette St. Ch., Buffalo, N. Y., from 1881. William Sylvester Holt. Born in Mt. Hawkins, 111., Aug. 24, 1848: united with the 1st Cong. Church in Ripon, Wis., 1866 ; graduated from Ripon College in 1870; one year at Seminary of Northwest, 2 years at Auburn ; married to Miss Frances Adella Pratt, of Webster, N. Y., May 28, 1873. Ordained at Owatonna, Minn., by Presby. of Winona, Aug., 1873 ; miss, of Pres. Bd. to China, Shanghai, 1873-4; Soochow, 1874- 6, and in charge of mission press, Shanghai, from 1876. Published many articles ; editor of CJiiuese Recorder^ i year ; man. ed. of The Teiitpei ance Union, Shanghai. Marlin Dwelle Kneeland. Born in Thorn Hill, N. Y., Sept. 24, 1848; united with the Pres. Church in Cazenovia, 1865 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1S69 ; married to Miss Sarah Appleton Lord, of Mont- pelier, Vt., Oct. 27, 1875. Ordained pastor of Pres. Ch. of Waterloo, by Presby. of Geneva, June I, 1873; Waterloo, 1873-82; Fredonia, 1882. Son of Doct. Jonathan Kneeland, of 1836-9. John McLachlan. Born in Argyleshire, Scotland, Oct. 27, 1843; united with the Church in Spring of 1862 ; graduated from Hamilton College, AliUMNI. 159 in 1S70; inarrictl to Miss IIarkiki Ni:\vki,l Rokinson, of Walton, N. Y., May 20. 1873. Urdained pastor, Pleasantville, I'a., by I'rcsby. of Erie, Aug. 19, 1873; Pleasantville, 1873-82 ; Waterloo, N. Y., 1882. William IJark Minton. IJorn near Gallatin, Tenn., Oct. 21, 1849; united with the I'res. Church in Cailinville, HI., 1866; graduated from Blackburn University in 1870; Hlac:kburn Theo. Sem., 1870-1 ; Auburn, 1871-3; married to Miss ()livl\ Jkroml Hughks, of ]^>elle- ville. 111., June 7, 1875. Ordained at Nashville, III., by Presby. of Cairo, Spring of 1874 ; home miss, in Southern 111., 1873-4 ; Pres, Ch., Anna, 111., 1874-7; Fort Wayne, Ind., 1878-81; Litchfield, 111., from 1881. William Augustus Rice. Born in Kingsport, E. Tenn., Nov. 5, 1850 ; united with the 2nd Pres. Church in Knoxville, Tenn., 1866 ; studied at Williston Seminary ; married to Miss Mary McClellan Stewart, of Vincennes, Ind., Oct. 28, 1869. Ordained, 2nd Pres. Ch., Auburn, by Presby. of Cayuga, Ajjril, 1873; 2nd Pres. Ch., Chattanooga, Tenn., 1873; Westernville, N. Y., 1873-7 ; Marshall, Mich., 1877-9 ! Wolcott, N. Y., from 1879. Ja.mes Robertson. Born in Montreal, Sept. 25, 1846 ; united with the Church in Perry ; studied at Alexander and Perry Acads. ; married to Miss Frances H. Royce, of Albion, N. Y., Oct. 9, 1873. Ordained pastor, Elbridge, N. Y., by Presby. of Syracuse, Nov. 18, 1873; Elbridge, 1873-5; San Diego, Cal., 1876; Sweden, N. Y., 1876-9; Lima, 1879-81; Presb. Hospital, N. Y., 1881 ; resident in Pike, preaching occasionally. James Snow Root. Born in Phelps, N. Y., June 21, 1845 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Phelps; graduated from Hamilton College, in 1S70; married to Miss Emma Leila Cline, of Phelps, July 27, 1870. Ordained pastor at Camillus, N. Y., by Syracuse Presby., June, 1S73 ; Camillus, 1873-7 ; Liverpool, 1877-81 ; Adams from 1881, Pres. Ch., and prof of Elocution in Hungerford Col. Inst. Published Chart of Monthly Concert Work, 1882. Frederick Dwicht Seward. Born in Laketown, Ind., Dec. 11, 1842 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Mankato, Minn., Oct., 1861 ; graduated from Western Re- serve College in 1870 ; one year at Lane ; two years at Auburn ; married to Miss Emma A. Hovr, of Tallmadge, O., June 30, 1 87 I. Ordained pastor, Hannibal, N. Y., by Presby. of Syracuse, May 14, 1873; Hannibal, 1873-7; Prattsburgh. 1877-9; Fowlerville, 1879-81; San Buenaventura, Cal., from 1881. 160 ALUMNI. John Syt.vanus. Born in Aherystwytli, Wales, 1837; came to Auhurn from Church in Cincinnati, O. ; graduated from Marietta College in 1867 ; entered Auburn from Lane in 1869, and afterward fell back one year. Eirlham, Iowa, 1874-5; De Soto, 1876; Palo Pinto, Tex., 1877 ; Breckenbridge, 1877-81 ; Inman, Neb,, 1882. Joseph Leonard Waugh. Born in Saucjuoit, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1844; united with the Church in Ham. Col., Feb., 1866 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1867 ; tea. Carthage, N. Y., 1867-8, and Webster Acad., 1869- 70 ; married to Miss Libbie M. Chapin, of Russell, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1873 ; married to Miss Belle H. Tavlor, of Brasher Falls, N. Y., Apr. 19, 1876. Ordained i)astor, Brasher Falls, N. Y., by St. Lawrence Presby., July 3, 1873 ; Brasher Falls, 1873 9 ; resident St. Albans, Vt., from 1879. Maurice Dwight Edwards. See 187 1-4. George Dukfield Meigs. Born in Ga]li|)olis, Ohio, Aug. 3, 1844 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Pottstown, Pa., Jan., 186 t ; graduated from Lafayette College in 1865; married to Miss Clara A. Calkins, of Wells- boro, Pa., Jan. i, 1879. Ordained at Lawrenceville, Pa., by Wellsboro Presby., Sept. 12, 1876; past. Mansfield, 1876-82; resident Wellsboro, 1882. Hugh Brown Rice. Born in Rogersville, Tenn., 1845 ; united with the 2nd Pres. Ch. in Knoxville, i'enn., 1859; graduated from Amherst C(>llege in 1870 ; Auburn, Junior year from Dec. 13, 1870 ; Christian Theol. Sem., Eureka, 111.; married to Miss Sadie Edwards, of Sullivan, 111., 1872. Ordained at Webster, 111., (Christian) 1872 ; Webster, 1872 ; Rock Island, 1873 ; resident San Francisco, Cal., from 1875. 1871-4 Robert Lucky Bachman. Born in Kingsport, Tenn., June 14, 1844; united with the Pres. Church in Jonesboro, Tenn., 1858 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1871 ; married to Miss May Rose, of East Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 14, 1876. Ordained pastor Fayetteville, N. Y., by Presby. of Syracuse, Sept. 29, 1874; Fayetteville, 1874-80; First Church, Utica, from 1880. ALUMNI. 161 Hi'.NRY MkI VIl.l.K ClRTlS. Born in Middlebury, (now Akron) O., June 2(S, 1849 ; united with the 3rd Cong. Church in Slierburne, N. Y., 1864; graduated from Western Reserve College in 1871 ; married to Miss Eva C'r.'\mkr Goss, of Auburn, Nov. 12, 1874. Ordained by (ienesee Valley Presby., Aug., 1875 ; Olean, N. Y., 1874-80; Belvidere, 111., 1880-1 ; L-'lint, Mich., from 1881. Maurick Dwkiht Edwards. Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Apr. 29, 1847; united with the 3d Pres. Church in Pittsburgh, 1863; graduated from Hamilton College in 1870; in Auburn 1870-1 and 1872-4; married to Miss Annie Louise Deane, of St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 3, 1877. Ordained pastor of Dayton Ave. Pres. Ch., St. Paul, Minn., by Presby. of St. Paul, Oct. 21, 1874, and remains there. George Flavki, Humphreys. Born in Athol, Mass., May 4, 1847 ; united with the Cong. Church in Athol, 1865 ; studied at VVillianis College in class of 1871 ; married to Hattie Beatrice Hotchkiss, of Virgil, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1875. Ordained and installed at North Church, Amherst, Mass., by Council, Jan. 7, 1875 ; Amherst, 1875-7 ; Elmwood Cong. Ch., Providence, R. I., 1877-82; Milford, N. Y., 1882. George Chekver Jewell. Born in New York City, May 19, 1844 ; united with the Pres. Church in Hector, N. Y., June, 1858; graduated from Yale College in 187 1 ; New Haven Theo. Sem., i year ; Auburn, 2 years ; married to Miss Susan Elizabeth Wilder, of DeRuyter, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1876. Ordained pastor, Parma Centre, N. Y., by Rochester Presby., Oct. 8, 1876 ; Parma, 1874-7 ; Cong. Ch., Ellington, 1878-80 ; Sand Bank, 1881-2. George Washington Leonard. Born in Allegan, Mich., Feb. 21, 1840 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Auburn, Winter of 1857-8 ; studied at Auburn Acad- emy ; married to Miss Jane Ann Ratcliffe, of Clear Creek, la., June 9, 1874. Ordained at Manchester, la., by Dubuque Presby., Oct., 1874; Mount Hope Pres. Ch., Union City, 1874-7 ; Springville, Utah Ter., from 1877, William Reed. Born in Lansingburgh, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1847 ; united with the 1st Pres. Church in Lansingburgh, June, 1863; graduated from Hamilton College in 1871 ; married to Miss Laura Dexter North, of Clinton, N. Y., July 29, 1874. Ordained and installed at Calvary Pres. Ch., Buffalo, by Presby. of Buffalo, Dec. 10, 1874 ; Buffalo, 1874-81 ; Mt. Ida Memorial Ch., Troy, from 1881. 162 ALUMNI. George Russell Smith. Born in Carlton, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1847; united with the ist Pres Church in Albion, N. Y., 1861 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1870; married to Miss Elizaijeth E. Hutchinson, of Gaines, N. Y., June 17, 1874. Ordained pastor, Dryden, N. Y., by Cayuga Presby., Nov. 18, 1874; Dryden, 1874-6; Elbridge, 1876-80; Marcellus, 1880-2; prin. of Acad., Canandaigua, 1882. Benjamin Alexander Williamson. Born in Washington, D. C, Feb. 3, 1849 ; united with the 4th Pres. Church in Washington, Aug., 1862 ; graduated from Col- umbian College in 1870 ; married to Miss Hattie A. Parme- LEE of Gouverneur, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1876. Ordained pastor at Theresa, N. Y., by Presby. of St. Lawrence, Oct. 27, 1874; Theresa, 1874-6; Stillwater, 1876-7 ; Mirabile, Mo., 1879; Chillicothe, Mo., 1880-1; Hamilton, 111., from 1881. *James Kinnier Wilson, died Nov. 26, 1879. Charles Anderson, Jr. Born in Sennett, N. Y., April 4, 1847; united with the Pres. Ch. in Union Springs, N. Y., 1866 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1869; instructor in Robert College; Aub. Mid. Class, 1872-3 ; Senior year at Andover ; married to Miss Abbie Fran- ces Hamlin, of Constantinople, Turkey, June 16, 1873. Ordained and installed at North Woburn, Mass., by Council, Sept. 2, 1874, where he remains. Son of Charles Anderson of 1840-3. William McKay Campbell. Born in Embro, Ont., 1846; united with the Knox Church in Em- bro, 1868; studied at Knox and University Colleges, Toronto; Junior year at Auburn, Mid. & Sen. years at Seminary of N. W. Ordained at Bay City, Mich., by Saginaw -Presby., 1877 ; Idaho Springs, Col., 1875-6 ; Byron, Mich., 1877-8 ; Mt. Pleasant, 1879-82 ; Spring Lake, 1882. Allen Ford DeCamp. Born in Charlottburg, N. J., Feb. 9, 1848; united with the ist Pres. Church in Morristown, N. J., Jan. 6, 1864; graduated from Williams College in 187 1 ; two years at Auburn, third year at Union Theo. Sem., N. Y. ; married to Miss Anna B. Wilcox, of Schenectady, N. Y., Oct. i, 1874. Ordained and installed at Shawano, Wis., by Presby. of Winne- bago, Jan., 1875 ; Shawano, 1875-7 ; South Egremont, Mass., from 1877. James Tooker Ford. Born in Madura, India, Aug. 3, 1848; united with the Cong. Ch., in Groton, Mass. ; graduated from Williams College in 1871; Auburn, 1871-2; Union Sem., N. Y., 1872-4; married to Miss Sarah Russell Holmes, of Douglas, Wis., Sept. 24, 1877. ALUMNI. 163 Ordained at Madison, Wis., by Wisconsin River Presby., June 6, 1876; Oxford, 1874-7; Black River Falls, 1877-8; Maiden Rock, 1878-81 ; Oxford from 188 1. Charles Kimham, Hovt. Born in Sennett, N. Y., July 20, 1846 ; united vvitli the ist Pres. Church in Auburn, 1863; graduated from Hamilton College in 1870 ; Auburn, 1871-3; married to Miss Kate B. Stevens, of Lee, Mass., July 20, 1881. Westmoreland, N. H., 1873-4; Knoxboro, N. Y., 1874-5 ; teach- ing Waterloo, 1875-7 ; Oregon, 111., 1877-8 ; teaching Saratoga, N. v., 1879-80 ; prin. of Aurora Acad., 1882 ; prof. Eng. Liter- ature, Wells College, 1882. *Freuerick Gridley Kendall. See 1872-5. Edward Chittenden Ray. Born in Rochester, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1849 ; united with the Church in Hamilton College, Jan., 1869 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1870 ; Union Sem., N. Y., 1870 ; Rochester, 1870-2 ; Auburn, selected studies, 1872-3; married to Miss Martha Washington Prescott, of N. Y. City, Oct. 13, 1874. Ordained at Vernon Centre, N. Y., by Presby. of Utica, June 19, 1874; Vernon Centre, 1873-5; S^"^ ^'''•- Elizabeth, N. J., 1876- 81 ; Hyde Park, III, from 1881. Edwin Forrest Robb. See 1872-5. John Ross Sutherland, D. D., Born in Kirk Hill, Ont., Nov. 7, 1846; united with the Pres. Church in Cold Springs, Ont., 1869 ; studied at Knox College, Toronto, in class of 1870; Auburn, 1871-2 ; Sem. of the North- west, 1872-4; A.M. from Wooster Univ., 1878 ; D. D. from How- ard University in 1879; married to Miss Adelia Matthews Atkin, of New York City, Oct. 7, 1874. Ordained pastor, 8th Pres. Ch., Indianapolis, Ind., by Presby. of Indianapolis, 1874 ; Indianapolis, 1874-5 ; Grand Haven, Mich., 1875-80 ; Jacksonville, 111., from 1880. James Urquhart. Born in Oxford Co., Ont., about 1842; united with the Pres. Church in Embro, Ont., 1867 ; studied at Knox College, Toronto ; Princeton, Junior year, 1870-1 ; Auburn, Junior year, 1871-2; engaged in mission work, 1872-3; inmate of Insane Asylum, London, Ont., since 1874. 1872-5. Eugene Cheeseman. Born in New Hudson, N. Y., March 11, 1841 ; united with Cong. Ch., Arcade, N. Y., 1857 ; 90th N. Y. Vols., 1864-5 ; graduated 164 ALUMNI. from Hamilton College in 1869 ; prin. Coxsackie Acad., N. Y., 1869-70; Marion Col. Inst., 1870-2; Rochester The. Sem., 1872-3 ; Auburn, 1873-5 ; married to Miss M. Eliza Holt, of Webster, N. Y., Dec, 1869. Ordained at Sidney Plains, N. Y., by Presby. of Otsego, Oct., ( 1875 ; Sidney Plains, 1875-7 ; Fowlerville, 187S ; Rose, 1879-82 ; Mt. Pleasant, Mich., 1882. Lyman Calvin Gray. Born in Wales, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1843; united with the Church in Mt. Carroll, 111., Aut. of i860 ; graduated from Knox College, 111., in 1871 ; tea., 1871-2 ; married to Miss Mary Scrtpps, of Astoria, 111., Aug. 9, 1871. Ordained pastor at Fort Dodge, Iowa, by Presby. of Fort Dodge, Oct. 12, 1875; Fort Dodge, 1875-8, and still resident there; supply at R. R. Chapel, Chicago, 111., 1879; 2nd Ch., Rolfe, la., from 1881. Edward Payson Johnson. Born in Peru, "ind., Jan, 26, 1850 ; united with the 2nd Pres. Church in Galesburg, 111., Dec, 1866 ; graduated from Wabash College in 187 1 ; married to Miss Clara Brownell, of Troy, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1878. Ordained pastor, Sandy Hill, N, Y., by Presby. of Troy, June 23, 1875 ; Sandy Hill, 1875-9; Marshall, Mich., from 1879. *Frederick Gridlev Kendall, died Aug. 26, 1881. Lewis Hall Morey. Born in Medina, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1846 ; united with the Pres. Church in Livonia, N. Y., July, 1864; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1872 ; one year at Rochester Theological Sem- inary, two years at Auburn ; married to Miss Maria Fidelia Day, of Livonia, Aug. 26, 1874. Ordained pastor, Pittsford, N. Y., by Rochester Presby., May 25, 1875 ; Pittsford, 1875-80; Seneca Falls from 1880. Edwin Forrest Robb, Born in Pittsburgh, Pa., Sept. 7, 1845; united with the U. P, Church in Aledo, 111., May i, 1864; graduated from Cornell University in 1870; Junior year at Sem. of the Northwest; Auburn, 187 1-3 and 1874-5 ; married to Miss Julia A.Cherry, of Auburn, June 3, 1873. Ordained at Auburn, by Cayuga Presby., May, 1873 ; home miss. in Colorado, 1873-4 ; Knoxboro, N. Y., 1875-81 ; Boonville from 1 88 1. Robert Dilworth Scott. Born in Enon Valley, Pa,, Dec. 18, 1846 ; united with the Pres. Church in Clarkson, O., Dec. 6, 1862; graduated from Western Reserve College in 1872 ; married to Miss Amanda Carpen- ter, of Poland, O., May 12, 1875. ALUMNI. 165 Ordained pastor, Youngstown, O., by Presby. of Mahoning, June 8, 1875 ; Youngstown, 2d Pres. Ch., 1875-9 ; ist Pres. Ch., E. Cleveland, 1879-82 ; Lake ist Ch., Chicago, 111., 1882. CuRNi'.Lius Stanton Stowits. Born in Flat Creek, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1846; united with the Free Baptist Ch. in Flat Creek, May, 1865 ; graduated from Hamil- ton College in 1872; married to Makia V. Puinam, of Con- stantine, Mich., May 19, 1875. Ordained at Bergen, N. Y., by Presby. of Genesee, Sept. 28, 1875 ; Bergen, 1875-7 ; Westfield from 1877. Morton Fitch Trippe. Born in Bridgewater, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1847 ; united with the Pres. Church in Rose, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1868; graduated from Hamil- ton College in 1872 ; married to Sarah L. Holmes, of Blooms- burgh, Pa., May 18, 1875. Ordained pastor, Augusta, N. Y., by Utica Presby., June 15, 1875 ; Augusta, 1875-9; Sodus, 1879-81; miss, to Indians at Ton- awanda, (resident at Versailles) from 1881. James Anderson, See 1S73-6. Georoe Robert Bird. Born in London, Eng., April 23, 1849 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in St. Catherines, Ont., Nov. 9, 187 1 ; graduated from North London Collegiate Institute, Eng., in 1864; Junior and Middle years at Auburn ; married to Miss Belle Ratcliffe, of Clear Creek, Iowa, Dec. 25, 1874. Ordained Pastor at Frankville, Iowa, by Presby. of Dubuque, Oct. 14, 1874; Frankville, 1874-5; home miss, in Utah, 1875-80; Seattle, W. T., from 1880. Robert Erven Cutler. Born in Plymouth, O., March 3, 1846 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Plymouth, 1865 ; graduated from Western Reserve College in 187 i ; Junior and Middle years at Auburn ; married to Mrs. Louisa Plum, April 2, 1872. Ordained at Sodus, N. Y., by Presby. of Lyons, Oct., 1874 ; Sodus, 1874-5; Cong. Ch., Maiden, 111., 1875-6; prin. of Schools, Tiskilvva, 111., 1S76-82, and Harvard, 1882. Lyman Edwin Hanna. Born in Harrisville, O , July 5, 1847 ; united with the Church in Palmyra, Mich., July, 1867 ; graduated from Western Reserve College in 1872 ; studied at Auburn, 1872-3 ; Union Sem., N. Y., 1873-5 ; married to Miss Emma Hartman, of Medina, O., June 6, 1877. Ordained at Clayton, Mich., by Presby. of Monroe, Sept. 20, 1875 ; Clayton, 1875-6 ; Bergen, N. V., 1 87 7-80 ; Corfu from iSSo. 166 ALUMNI. Brainard Gardner Smith. Came to Auburn from Canandaigua ; mem. of Church there ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1872 ; at Auburn a few weeks ; in business in New York City. Melancthon Woolsey Stryker. See 1873-6. *William Henry Tallmadge, died Feb. 24, 1880. Lewis Russell Webber. See 1875-8. 1873-6. James Anderson. Born in Sennett, N. Y., May 14, 1850; united with the Pres. Church in Union Springs, 1866 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1872; Auburn, 1872-3 and 1874-6; married to Miss Sarah Elizabeth FosTer, of Sennett, Sept., 1881. Ordained by Presby., 1876 ; home miss., St. Jo, Texas, from 1876. Son of Charles Anderson of 1840-3. Myron Nevins Bartholomew. Born in Augusta, N. Y., September 12, 1846 ; united with the Pres. Church in Augusta, 1859; graduated from Hamilton College in 1873 ; in ill health since graduating at Auburn ; resident in Augusta. Son of Orlo Bartholomew of 1832-5. Benjamin Bonney Dayton. fJorn in Lima, N. Y., April 5, 1854; united with the ist Pres. Ch. in Geneva, March, 1866 ; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1873; married to Miss J. Anna Hay, of Amboy, N. Y., Dec. 3, 1878. Ordained pastor cf Pres. Church of Amboy, (Belle Isle) N. Y., by Presby. of Syracuse, June 27, 1876; yet there. Published series of Church Annuals, &c. Elias Baldwin Fisher. Born in Aurelius, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1841 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Auburn, 1866; graduated from Hamilton College in 1873- Ordained and installed. Savannah, N. Y., May 14, 1880; Nichol- son, Pa., 1876-7 ; Savannah, N. Y., from 1879. French William Fisher. Born in Batavia, Genesee Co., N. Y., Nov. 3, 1840 ; united with the ist Cong. Ch. in Macon City, Mo., Apr., 1870 ; graduated from Genesee College, scientific course, in 1869 ; Rochester The. Sem., Jun. year ; Auburn, 1874-6 ; married to Miss Elisa- beth R. Brown, of Penfield, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1870. Ordained by Ontario Cong. Association, June 7, 1876; Franklin- ville, N. Y., 1876-81 ; Ponvilie from 1881. ALUMNI. 167 CiiAkLKs Krkdkric Goss. Born in Meridian, N. Y., June 14, 1852; united with the 2nd Pres. Church in Auburn, 1865 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1873; married to Miss Rosa E. Houghtcjn, of Clinton, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1876. Ordained, Austin, Texas, by Presby. of Austin, 1876 ; Weather- ford, Tex., 1876-8; Limestone, N. Y., 1878-81 ; Utica, Bethany Ch., from 1881. Son of Simeon Sartvvell Goss, of 1846-9. Alexander Jackson. Born in Glasgow, Scotland, Feb. 13, 1845 ; united with the Calton U. P. C'h. in Glasgow, about 1863 ; studied at Glasgow and Edin- burgh Universities ; studied at U. P. Divinity Hall, Edinburgh ; Mid. and Sen. years at Auburn; married to Miss Agnes Marr Armstrong, of Townhead, Scotland, Sept. 10, 1872. Ordained and installed at Pres. Ch., Amenia, N. Y., by Presby. of North River, 1876; Amenia, 1876-9; Warren, O., from 1879. Published pamphlets, addresses, &c. George Marsh Janes. Born in Otego, N. Y., Oct. 14, 1843; united with the Cong. Ch , Walton, 1855 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1866 ; mar- ried to Miss Mattie Vedder, at East Pembroke, N. Y., 1868. Ordained pastor, Colchester Pres. Ch., by Otsego Presby., June 22, 1876; Colchester, (Downsville) 1876-80; Coventry, from 1880. Son of Francis Janes of 1830-3. *\ViLLiAM McDuffee, died June 2, 1874. WiLLiAxM Henry Niles. Born in Beaver Dam, Wis., May 6, 185 1 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Corning, N. Y., May, 1866 ; graduated from Cornell University, scientific course, in 1872 ; married to Miss Frances Elizabeth Prentiss, of Hornellsville, Oct. 2, 1876. Ordained by Presby. of Steuben, Sept. 16, 1876 ; Stephenville, Texas, 1876-81 ; Jacksboro from 1881. Son of William Allen Niles, D. D., of 1847-50. Randal Pease. Born in Virgil, N. Y., 185 i ; united with the Pres. Church in Dry- den, Apr., 1865 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1871. Ordained pastor of 2d Pres. Ch. of Oswegatchie by Presby. of St. Lawrence, June 6, 1876 ; Oswegatchie, 1875-S ; Waddington from 1879. Warner Bradley Riggs. Born in Macedon, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1849; united with the Western Pres. Church in Palmyra, June, 1864 ; graduated from Yale Col- lege in 1871 ; married to ^Iiss Lilla Graham, of Austin, Tex., May 14, 1878. Ordained at Austin, Tex., by Presby. of Austin, May 14, 187S ; Brenhani from 1878. 168 ALUMNI. Melancthon Woolsey Stryker. Born in Vernon, N. Y., Jan. 7, 185 i ; united with the 13th Street Church in N. Y. City, 1866 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1872 ; Auburn, 1872-3 and 1874-6 ; married to Miss Clara Elisabeth Goss, of Auburn, Sept. 27, 1876. Ordained pastor, Calvary Ch., Auburn, by Presby. of Cayuga, May, 1876 ; Bergen, N. Y., 1873-4 ; Auburn, 1876-8 ; Ithaca, ist Pres. Ch., from 1878. Son of Isaac Pierson Stryker, of 1837-40. Published "The Alleluia," 1879; "Church Praise Book," 1881. Ormond Worthington Wright. Born in Acworth, N. H., Sept. 24, 1850; united with the Pres. Church in Fredonia, N. Y., 1865 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1873 ; married to Miss Minnie Barkins Starr, of Auburn, Oct. 30, 1877. Ordained by Presby. of Emporia, Aug. 4, 1877 ; Dodge City, Kan- sas, 1877-82. Hermann Carl George Brandt. Born in 1851 ; came to Aub. from Church in Susquehanna Depot, Pa.; graduated from Hamilton College in 1872; Auburn, 1873-4 ; married to Miss Margaret Catlin, of Clinton, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1875. Assist, prof, of Mod. Lang., Hamilton College, 1874-6; prof, of German, John Hopkins Univ., 1876-82 ; prof, of German, Ham- ilton College, 1882. Frank Norton Greeley. Born in Chicopee Falls, Mass., May 6, 1850 ; united with the Ch. in Aug., 1866 ; studied at University of Michigan ; optional studies at Auburn, 1874-6; married to Anna Cheney Buck- HOUT, of Oswego, N. Y., May 6, 1873. Ordained, Orwell, N. Y., by Council, Nov. 13, 1S77 ; Volney ; Or- well, 3 years ; New Haven to 1881, and still resident there. Ferdinand Krug. Born in Crumstadt, Germany, Jan. 26, 1849 ; united with the Lutheran Church, 1863 ; graduated from Western Reserve Col- lege in 1873 ; Auburn, 1873-5 ! married to Miss Melitta Barnes, of Rock Stream, N. Y., May 24, 1876. Ordained pastor, Hanging Rock, O., by Presby. of Portsmouth, Nov. 2, 1875 ; Hanging Rock, 1875-9; Bloomingburgh, from 1879. Benjamin Farrington Sargent. Born in Hopkinton, N. H., Mar. 21, 1853 ; united with the ist Cong. Church in Hopkinton, Mar., 1864 ; graduated from Ham- ilton College in 1873 ; Junior year, Chicago ; Auburn, 1874-5 ; Senior year. Union, N. Y. ; married to Miss Eliza A. Patter- son, of Whitney's Point, N. Y., May 16, 1878. Ordained pastor, Paxton. 111., by Council, [une 22, 1877; Paxton, 1877-80; Grand Rapids, Mich., from 1880. ALUMNI. 169 Christophrr Snydkr Vincent. Born in Coeymans, N. Y., 1845 ; united with the Christian Ch., 1862; graduated from Hamilton College in 1873 ; at Auburn till March, 1874; married to Miss Ella Palissa Hammond, of Au- burn, Apr. 23, 1874. Ordained j-jastor, Turin, N. Y., by Presby. of Utica, Sept. 30, 1874 ; Turin, N. \'., 1.S74-7; .Sinclairville Cong. Ch., 1878-9; Univ. Ch., Norwalk, O., 1879-81 ; 3d Univ. Ciuirch, I^niltimore, Md., from 1881. Hezekiah Wehsier. See 1876-9. 1874-7. John Qijincv Adams. Born in Ogden, N. Y., Aug. 8, 1849 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Ogden, May, 1866 ; graduated from the Univ. of Rochester in 1874 ; married to Miss Clara Southgate, of Rochester, N. Y., June 7, 1877. Ordained at Hannibal, N. Y., by Presby. of Syracuse, May 28, 1878 ; Mexico, 1877-8 ; Walnut St. Ch., Evansville, Ind., 1878- 81 ; Boulder, Col., from 1881. William Lucian Austin. Born in West Milford, Va., May 30, 1848; united with the 2d Pres. Church in Wheeling, W. Va., Oct., 1865 ; studied at Hampden Sidney College ; married to Miss Martha T. Knight, of Bal- timore, Md., June 7, 1877. Ordained by Presby. of Steuben, at Naples, N. Y., Oct. 27, 1877 ; Naples, 1877-80 ; Miles City, Montana, 1880-1 ; Dunkirk, N. Y., from 1881. Charles Martin Bartholomew. Born in Augusta, N. Y., July 10, 1849; united with the ist Pres. Ch. in Augusta, March 6, 1870 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1874; married to Miss Nellie Manzer, of Middlefield, N. Y., Feb. 5, 1877. Ordained at Rushville, N. Y., by Ontario Cong. Conference, June 27, 1877, where he remains. Son of Orlo Bartholomew of 1832-5. John Manly Chase. Born in Albany, N. Y., March 23, 1849 ; united with the Congre- gational Church in Franklin, N. Y., 1867 ; graduated from Cornell University, scientific course, in 1872 ; married to Miss Ella Abigail Draper, of Westford, N. Y., Aug. 28, 1873. Ordained pastor, Worcester, N. Y., by Presby. of Otsego, June 6, 1877 ; yet there. Carlos Tracy Chester. Born in Niagara Falls, N. Y., March 17, 185 1 ; united with the Pres. Church m Havana, N. Y., Feb., 1867 ; graduated from 170 ALUMNI. Hamilton College in 1874; married to Miss Helen Hawley, of Auburn, Sept. 20, 1877. Ordained pastor, Andrew Pres. Ch., E, Minneapolis, Minn., by Presby. of St. Paul, Aug. 7, 1877; E. Minneapolis, 1877-81; Wilson Ave. Ch., Cleveland, O., from 1881. Edward Dillon. Born in Philadelphia, Pa., July 25, 1858; united with the Rich- mond Pres. Church in Philadelphia, June 30, 1867; studied at Univ. of Pennsylvania, 3 years ; 3 years at Auburn, and one year at the Ref Pres. Theo. Sem., Philadelphia. Ordained and installed at Woodbury, N. J., by West Jersey Presby., Oct. 4, 1877 ; still there. Charles Page Emerson. Born in York, Pa., March 28, 1853; united with the Eastburn, Ptiila., Church, Winter of 1870-1 ; studied at College of New Jersey. Ordained, 1877; Stillwater, Minn., 1877-9; Escanaba, Mich., 1879 ; resident in Philadelphia, Pa., from 1880. Moses Aaron Hopkins. Born in Dublin, Pulaski Co., Va., Dec. 25, 1846 ; united with the Madison St. Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Md., Mar., 1874 ; graduated from Lincoln Univ., 1874; Junior year at Lincoln ; Auburn, 1875-7 ; married to Miss Carrie Elizabeth Payne, of Utica, N. Y., Oct. 14, r875. Ordained by Presby., 1877 ; Franklinton, N. C, from 1877. John Kenyon Kilbourn. Born in Newville, Pa., Jan. 19, 1849 ; .united with the Cong. Ch. in Augusta, N. Y., Sept., 1867 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1874. Ordained, Clarence, N. Y., by Buffalo Presby., Nov. ri, 1880 ; Clarence, 1877-81 ; East Mendon, 1882. George William Knox. Born in Rome, N Y., Aug. 11, 1853 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Rome, about 1868; graduated from Hamilton College in 1874; married to Miss Anna Caroline Holmes, of Auburn, May 11, 1877. Ordained at Elmira, N. Y., by Presby. of Chemung, June 3, 1877 ; miss, of Pres. Bd. to Japan from 1877. Published " Koyeki Mondo," ist series, i88i,2d series, 1882. Son of Dr. Wm. Eaton Knox of 1840-3. Charles Mahlon Lombard. See 1875-8. George Angus McKinlay. Born in Pleasant Lake, Ind., Dec. 14, 1847; united with the Cong. Ch. in Ontario, Ind., Nov., 1865 ; studied at La Grange CoUe- aLumni. 171 giate Institute; Auburn, 1H75-7 ; married to Miss Julia Brace Patch, of Ontario, Ind., Dec. 24, 1869. Ordained pastor of the Pres. Church of Miral)ile, Mo., by Platte Presby., April, 1874; Mirabile, 1872-5; Ovvasco Outlet Ref. Ch., 1876-7 ; Carrolton, Mo., 1877-9 ! Forest City, 1879-81 ; Gallatin from 1881. Robert McLean. Born in Vernon Centre, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1846; united with the Bap. Church in Vernon, 1863; graduated from Univ. of Roch- ester, 1874 ; married to Miss Lucy Norkis, of Galena, 111., Aug., Ordained at Beloit, Wis., by Presby. of Milwaukee, Sept. 3, 1877 ; miss, of Pres. Bd., San P'elipe, Chili, and Concepcion, Chili, from 1877. Editor El Repiiblicano, weekly jiaper. *Geor(;e Alva Penny, died Sept. 16, 1874. *George Woolsey Ryerson, died June 7, 1876. *VVilliam David Swinton, died Feb. 10, 1878. Charles Henry Van Wie. Born in Ira, N. Y., Oct. 22, 185 i ; united with the Pres. Church in Meridian, 1863 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1874. Ordained ])astor at Lyon's Falls, N. Y., by Presby. of Utica, Apr., 1878; Lyon's Falls, 1877-80; Williamstown from 1880. Julius Edward Werner. Born in Wengelsdorf, Prussia, July 17, 1849 ; united with the Stone St. Pres. Church in Watertown, Apr., 1865 ; graduated from Williams College in 1874; married to Miss Mary Robinson of Canandaigua, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1880. Ordained pastor. Oaks Corners, N. Y., by Geneva Presby., 1877 ; Oaks Corners, 1877-81 ; Haddonfield, N. J., from 1881. Gerard Johan Bussemaker. Born in Holland, 1845 ; united with the Mennonite Church in Holland ; studied at Almelo Gymnasium, Holland, and at Meadville, Pa. ; left the Seminary shortly before the close of Junior year. John Edward Close. Born in Nailsworth, Glo'shire, Eng., Dec. 12, 1848; united with Cong. Church in Ruscombe, Eng., June, 1864 ; graduated from Lewisham Congregational School, London, Eng., in 1863 ; Junior and Middle years at Auburn ; married to Mary Ellen Hooper, of Stroud, Eng., Oct. i, 1872. Ordained pastor, Jordan, N.Y., by Presby. of Syracuse, Feb. 21, 1876 ; Jordan, 1876-80 ; Pittsford from 1880. 172 Alumni. Seth Reed Gordon. Born in Mercer Co., Pa., Oct. 31, 1852; united with the Unity Pres. Church in Mercer Co., 1865 ; graduated from Westmin- ster College in 1874; Auburn, 1874-5; Western Theol. Sem., 2d and 3d years ; married to Miss Fannie E. Torrence, of Xenia, O., May 8, 1878. Ordained pastor, Pulaski, Pa., by Shenango Presby., June 19, 1877; Pulaski, 1876-80; Sharon (Moon P. O.) from 1880. Edward Marvin Knox. Born in Knoxboro, N. Y., Oct. 16, 1850; united with the Cong. Church in Augusta, N. Y., 1866 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1874; first two years at Auburn ; Union, New York, 1877-8 ; married to Miss Ella Elizaheth Qua, of New York, Oct. 16, 1878. Ordained at Aurora, Neb., by Kearney Presby., April 12, 1879; Shavertown, N. Y., 1876-8 ; home miss., Nelson, Neb., 1878-82 ; Malad, Idaho, 1882. Jermain Gildersleeve Porter. See 1875-8. Thomas Smith Scott. Born in Enon Valley, Pa., Nov. 9, 1849 ; united with the Pres. Church in New Lisbon, O., Mar., 1868; graduated from West- ern Reserve College in 1874 ; Auburn, 1874-6 ; Union Sem., N. Y., 1876-7 ; married to Miss Hattie Elisabeth Osborn, of Hudson, O., Nov. 7, 1877. Ordained, North Benton, O., by Mahoning Presby., Sept. 26, 1877 ; Collamer, O., 1877-9 5 Westminster Pres. Ch., Rockford, 111., from 1879. 1875-8. William Alanson Beecher. Born in Vernon Centre, N. Y., Aug. 10, 1852 ; united with the Pres. Church in Vernon Centre, March, 1862 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1874; Ham. Col. Law School, 1875 ; Yale The. Sem., 1875-7 ; Auburn, 1877-8; married to Miss Carrie Knight, of Brookdale, Pa., May 24, 1882. Ordained pastor, DeKalb, N. Y., by Presby. of St. Lawrence, Oct. 10, 1879; DeKalb and DeKalb Junction, 1878-81; Conklin from 1 88 1. Herbert Erastus Davis. Born in Lysander, N. Y., July 11, 1852 ; united with the Pres. Church in Marshall, Mich., Apr., 1875 ; graduated from Univ. of Michigan in 1873; married to Miss M. Etta Hobart, of Athens, Mich., May 15, 1878. Ordained at Auburn, by Presby. of Cayuga, May 10, 1878; Pres- byterial miss, of Lake Superior Presby., 1878-9; Negaunee, Mich., from 1879. ALUMNI. 173 SkWAUD MaNDKVH.I.K, DODdE. Born in Verona, N. Y., April 13, 1S46; united with the Cong. Church in Rosemond, 111., Sept., i860 ; graduated from Hamil- ton College in 1872; married to Miss Alice Emily Miller, of Deansville, N. Y., Dec. 5, 1872. Ordained, Lebanon, N. Y., by Council, Nov. 19, 1878; Lebanon, 1878-80 ; Milford, 1880-1 ; Evansville, Jnd., Pres. Ch., from i88r. George Henry Ferris. Born in Hillsdale, Mich., Dec. 26, 1853 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Hillsdale, Nov., 1870 ; graduated from Princeton Col- lege in 1874; tutor in Princeton, 1875-6; entered Auburn Mid. class, on examination ; married to Miss Lucy Hall, of Auburn, July 2, 1878. Ordained at Phelps, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, Apr. 17, 1878; miss, of Pres. Bd., Kolapoor, India, from 1878. Augustus Frederick. Born in Rupertsberg, Hesse Darmstadt, May 14, 1849; united with the Church in Port Chester, N. Y., Jan. 12, 1S67 ; gradu- ated from Princeton College in 1875 ; married to Miss Sarah Elizabeth Telford, of Port Byron, N. Y., June 20, 1878. Ordained pastor at Swedesboro, N. J., by Presby. of West Jersey, Oct. 8, 1878 ; Swedesboro, 1878-9 ; Chateaugay, N. Y., from 1879. *Charles Hervey Gaston, died Feb. 24, 1881. Richard Cleveland Hastings. Born in Jaffna, Ceylon, March 27, 1854; united with the 7th St. Cong. Church in Cincinnati, O., Oct. 7, 1866 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1875. Ordained by Presby. of Utica, Apr. 9, 1878 ; miss, of A. B. C. F. M. at Jaffna, Ceylon, from 1878. Arthur Stephen Hoyt. Born in Meridian, N. Y.. Jan. 3, 185 i ; unitedgwith^'the' Pres. Ch. in Meridian, April, 1862 ; gr.iduated from Hamilton College in 1872 ; instructor in Robert College,]^i872-5';|married to ^Miss Mary Hewson, of Auburn, Oct. 9, 1879. Ordained ])astor at Oregon, 111., by Presby., Dec. 23, 1879 ; Ore- gon from 1878. Charles Mahlon Lombard. Born in Skaneateles, N. Y., Dec. 75, 1844; united with the ist Pres. Church in Schenectady, N. Y., Mar. 26, 1865 ; graduated from Ll^nion College in 1865 ; in Auburn 1874-5, and 1876-8. Ordained at Lyons, lotva, by Presby. of Cedar Rapids, Mar. 9, 1880; Lyons from 1879. 174 ALUMNI. William Jamks McKee. Born in Harrisville, Butler Co., Pa., Feb. 21, 1851 ; united with the 2nd Presbyterian Church in Galesburg, 111., Apr. 7, 1867 ; graduated from Knox College, 111., in 1872; married to Miss Abbie Porter Ketchum, of Marshall, Mich., Oct. 22, 1879. Ordained at Clintdnville, Pa., by Butler Presby., June 26, 1878 ; miss, of Pres. Bd. at Ningpo, China, from 1878. Eneas McI>ean. Born in Vernon Centre, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1849; united with the Pres. Church in Vernon Centre, Jan., 1863; graduated from Hamilton College in 1875 ; taught in Robert College ; entered the Auburn Middle Class ; married to Miss Ella Norris, of Scranton, Pa., June 26, 1878. Ordained, Cent. Ch., Rochester, N. Y., by Rochester Presby., June 9, 1878; miss, of Pres. Bd. in Valparaiso and Concepcion, Chili, from 1878. Published some tracts. Jermain Gildersleve Porter. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1852 ; united with the Union Pres- byterian Church in St. Louis, Mo., Spring of 1864; graduated from Hamilton College in 1873; assistant professor of Astrono- my, Ham. Col., 1875-7; Auburn, 1874-5 and 1877-8; married to Miss Emily Snowden, of Washington, D. C, July 3, 1879. In the service of the U. S. Coast Survey from 1878. William Satterlee Potter, Jr. Born in State Bridge, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1850; united with the Pres. Church in Hamilton College, Jan., 1875 ; graduated from Ham- ilton College in 1875 ; married to Miss Celia Emma Case, of Verona, N. Y., July 21, 1875. Ordained at Second Pres. Ch., Auburn, by Cayuga Presby., May 10, 1878 ; Petoskey, Mich., from 1878. Arthur John Waugh. Born in Sauquoit, N. Y., June 30, 1852 ; united with the Pres. Church in Carthage, Jan. i, 1870 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1872 ; married to Miss Margaret Boyd Agan, of Saratoga Springs, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1878. Ordained, Cape Vincent, N. Y., by Presby. of St. Lawrence, Sept. 25, 1878; Plattsburgh, N. Y., 1878-80; Willoughby, O., from 1880. Lewis Russell Webber. Born in Martinsburgh, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1843; united with the Pres. Church in Martinsburgh, July 5, 1857 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1872; Instructor at Robert College, 1873- 7 ; Auburn, 1872-3 and 1877-8 ; married to Miss Mary L. WooLWORTH, of Copenhagen, N. Y., June 18, 1878. Ordained, Lyon's Falls, N. Y., by Presby. of Utica, Sept. 10, 1878 ; Martinsburgh from 1878. ALUMNI. 175 James William Whiik. Born in Sweden, N. Y., Nov. 4, 1850 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Sweden, May, 1867 ; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1875 ; married to Miss Ellkn Margarkt Hill, of Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1878. Ordained, Rochester, by Rochester Presby., June 11, 1878 ; Cong. Ch., Maine, N. Y., 1878-81 ; Berkshire from 1881. Waki) Batchklor. Born in Waverly, Pa., Jan. 9, 1850; united with the Pres. Church in Waverly; studied at Cornell Univ.; Chicago Theol. Sem., special course, 2 years, closing 1876 ; Auburn, 2 years elective, 1876-8 ; married to Miss Gertrude Pedrick, of Waverly, Sept. Ordained at Morrisville, N. Y., by Council, Nov. 20, 1879 ; Mich- igan Centre, Mich., 1874 ; Bristol, III, 1874-6 ; Lebanon, N. Y., 1876-8 ; Morrisville, 1878-81 ; miss. Chapel of N. Y. Ave. Pres. Ch., Washington, I). C, from 18S1. Isaac Prudrns Bielby. Born in Oriskany, N. Y., March 11, 1847 ; came to Auburn from Pres. Ch., Rome, N. Y.; studied at Whitestown Seminary in 1867-8 ; practiced Law 3^ years ; in Auburn but a short time. Archibald Herbert Bill. Born in Morristown, N. J., July 2,1850; united with the Pres. Church in Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 7, 1867 ; studied through Junior year at Dickinson College ; at x-Vuburn partly through the Mid- dle year. Marcus de Lafayette Booher. Born in Kingsport, E. Tennessee, Feb. 26, 1850 ; united with the , Pres. Church in Kingsport, Feb. 14, 1865 ; graduated from Princeton College in 1875 ;_ Studied Theology' Junior year at Princeton, and part of the two following years at Auburn. Ordained pastor at Reading, Mich., by Monroe Presby., Aug. 3, 1879 ; Reading from 1879-82 ; Grand Rapids, 1882. James Stewart Curtis. Born in Jamestown, N. Y., June 7, 1850 ; came to Auburn from the Pres. Church in Hillsdale, Mich.; studied 3 years at Hills- dale College ; left Auburn at close of Junior year, in poor health; resident in Lexington, Ky. Henry Wesley Harvey. Born in Cazenovia, N. Y., Apr. 2, 1S47 ; united with the Pres. Church in Richland, Mich., Jan. i, 1871 ; graduated from Olivet College in 1875; Junior year at Yale Divinity School; Middle year at Auburn. 176 ALUMNI. Ordained pastor, Litchfield, Minn., by Presby. of St. Paul, April 17, 1878 ; Wilmar, Minn., 1877-80 ; Paw Paw, Mich., from 1880. EwEN Cameron Livingstone. See 1877-80. Henry Elliott Mott. Born in Brocki)ort, N. Y., Oct. 17, 1S52 ; united with the Church in Hillsdale, Mich., April 10, 1868 ; graduated from Princeton College in 1874 ; ^ year at Auburn ; 2 years in Union, N. Y.; married to Miss Emma Cornelia Pratt, of Hillsdale, Mich , Oct. 8, 1878. Ordained, Hillsdale, by Presby. of Monroe, Nov. 12, 1878 ; Albion, 1878-82; Augusta, Me., Cong. Ch., 1882. Hiram Foster White. See 1876-9. 1876-9. William Hervey Allbright. Born in Blisworth, Northamptonshire, England, Nov. 25, 1849 ; united with the Baptist Church in Blisworth, 1869 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1876; married to Miss Mary Esther Manley, of Camden. N. Y., Sept. 16, 1879. Ordained pastor of Auburn 2nd Ch., by Presby. of Cayuga, June 6, 1879. Charles Taylor Burnley. Born in Nottingham, England, Sept. 15, 1846 ; united with the ist Presbyterian Church in Ulica, Nov. 4, 1866 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1873 ; married to Miss Grace Phillips, of Pascoag, R. L, July 2, 1873. Ordained pastor at^Sennett, N. Y.,by Presby. of Cayuga, June, 1879. Ebenezer Baker Cobb. Born in Auburn, Oct. 23, 1855 ; united with the Hamilton College Church in Jan., 1872; graduated from Hamilton College in 1875; 3 years at Auburn, and post-graduate year at Union. Ordained pastor, Ramapo, N. Y., by Hudson Presby., April 29, 1880. Charles Carroll Hemenway. Born in Amber, N. Y., Feb. 17, 1850 ; united with the ist Church in Marcellus, Sept. i, 1867 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1874 ; married to Miss Ida E. Shackelford, of Glasgow, Mo., June 17, 1879. Ordained pastor of Auburn Central Ch., by Presby. of Cayuga, Apr. 9, 1879. Palmer S. Hulbert. Born in Lochaber, Nova Scotia, March 7, 1849; united with the Chalmers Church in Lochaber, June, 1869 ; graduated from ALUMNI. 177 Wabash College in 1876 ; married to Miss Rosa M. Stacky, of Auburn, Sept. 16, 1879. Ordained pastor at Waverly, N. Y., by Presby. of liinghamton, June 19, 1879; Norwich Corners and Litchfield, 1878-9; Waverly, 1879-82; Fremont, Neb., 1882. Wilbur Hutchins Johnson. Born in Ovid, N. Y., Feb. 16, 1851 ; united with the Pres. Church in Ovid, July, 1864; graduated from Hamilton College in 1875 ; two years at Union Theo. Sem. ; Senior year at Auburn. Home miss.. Forest River, Dakota, 1881. *r)Avii) Edwin Kohler, died Dec. 15, 1877. Edwin Koons. Born in Starkey, Yates Co., N. Y., Feb. 28, 1848; united with the Pres. Church in Rock Stream, N. Y., Mar., 1868 ; studied at Starkey Seminary in 1873-6 ; married to Miss Abbie E. Wade, of Malloryville, N. Y., June 10, 1879. Ordained pastor, Hannibal, N. Y., by Presby. of Syracuse, Oct., 1880; Ludlowville, 1879-80; Hannibal from 1880. WiLi.ARD King Spencer. Born in New Hartford, Conn., Sept. 9, 1853; united with the Re- formed (Dutch) Church in Syracuse, 1870 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1875 ! married to Miss Jennie Arrilla Harrison, of Palmyra, N. Y., Dec. 24, 1879. Ordained pastor of ist Ch., Lansing, Mich., by Presby. of Lansing, Sept. 17, 1879. George Black Stewart. Born in Columbus, O., Feb. 28, 1854; united with the 2nd Pres. Church in Columbus, Apr., 1870; graduated from Princeton College, 1876 ; Sem. of North West, 1876-7 ; Auburn, 1877-9 ; married to Miss Marv Adeline Thompson, of Columbus, O., June 18, 1879. Ordained pastor of Calvary Ch., Auburn, by Presby. of Cayuga, April II, 1879. Edward Kellogg Strong. Born in Otisco, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1852 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Galena, 111., May, 1865 ; graduated from Princeton College in 1874. Ordained pastor. Homer, Mich., by Presby. of Lansing, May 19, 1881 ; Sharon, Conn., 1879-80; Homer from 1880. Son of Dr. Addison Kellogg Strong, of 1843-6. Hezekiah Webster. Born in Sennett, N. Y., March 31, 1849 ; united with the Pres. Church in Ham. Col, Nov. 14, 1868; graduated from Hamilton College in class of 1872 ; instructor in Robert College, Turkey ; Auburn, 1873-4 ^"d 1877-9. 178 ALUMNI. Ordained pastor, Belle Valley, Pa., by Erie Presby., Nov. 4, 1879. Peter Alonzo Wessels. Born in Cherry Valley, N. Y., Feb. 12, 1841 ; united with the Ref. Church in Glenville, N. Y., 1857; studied at Williams College in class of 1876 ; Drew Theo. Sem., 1876-8; Auburn, 1878-9. Ordained at Huml)oldt, Neb., by Nebraska City Presby., Sept. 8, 1880 ; Hansen, Neb., 1879-80 ; Nemaha City, 1880. Hiram Foster White. Born in Palmyra, N. Y., Sept. 11, 1S49 ; united with the Pres. Church in East Palmyra, July, 1869 ; graduated from Williams College in 1871; Auburn, 1875-7 and 1878-9; married to Miss Mary Louisa Chamberlain, of Fond du Lac, Wis., Oct. 15, 1879. Ordained, Seward, Neb., by Presby. of Nebraska City, April 4, 1880; Beatrice, Neb., 1879-81 ; Juneau, Wis., from 1881. Orville Compton. Born in Southport, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1846 ; united with the Pres. Church in Wells, Pa., early in 1859 ; studied at Alfred Univer- sity and Oberlin College, preparatory course ; Auburn, special studies, two full years, 1877-9 ; married to Miss Hannah Jane McAfee, of Athens, Pa., Oct. 16, 1872. Ordained Deacon, M. E. Church, Autumn of 1872, and Elder, Autumn of 1874 ; previous to Oct., 1877, had charges at Gaines and New Albany, Pa., and Beaver Dam, New Hope, Borodino, Enfield and North Lansing, N. Y.; Wahoo, (now Bennet) Neb., from 1879. 1877-80. Albert W. Allen, Jr. Born in Union Springs, N. Y., Feb. 26, 1854 ; united with the Pres. Church in Union Springs, Jan., 1866 ; studied 2 years and 2 terms at Hamilton College in class of 1878 ; married to Miss Agnes M. Hill, of Auburn, July 7, 1880. Ordained pastor, Deansville, N. Y., by Council, June 17, 1880. Frederick Campbell. Born in Paris Hill, N. Y., Jan. 17, 1857; united with the Central Pres. Church in Rochester, N. Y., June, 1867 ; graduated from Princeton College in 1877 ; Rochester The. Sem., 1877-8 ; Au- burn, 1878-80 ; married to Miss Mary B. Knight, of Auburn, Oct. 13, 1880. Ordained, Painted Post, N. Y., by Presby. of Steuben, Apr. 25, 1882; Painted Post from 1880. Graham Cox Campbell. Born in Middlestewiacke, Nova Scotia, Nov. 9, 1847 ; united with ALUMNI. 179 the I'res. C'hurcli there, Sept., iracticed Law in New York and in Tioga Co., 1794-6, and in Canandaigua from 1796 ; Attorney General for Western N. Y., 1799-82 ; first Judge of Ontario Co., 13 years from 1819 ; representative in N. Y. State Legislature; representative in Congress, 1813-14. 1852. Henry Davis, D. D., Trustee 1820-34, aet. 81. Born in East Hampton, L. I., Sept. 15, 1771 ; graduated from Yale College in 1796 ; studied Theology with Dr. Charles Back- us, then of Somers, Conn.; D. D. from Union College in 18 10 ; married to Miss Hannah Phoenix Treadwell, of Plattsburgh, Sept. 22, 1 801 ; died of consumption at Clinton, Mar. 8, 1852. He had 4 sons and i daughter. His wife, i son and i daughter survived him. Ordained 1809; tutor in Williams, 1796-8; in Yale, 1799-1803; prof, of Greek, Union College, 1806-9; pres. of Middlebury, 1809-17 ; of Hamilton, 1817-33 ; resided in Clinton, N. Y., un- til his death. Published orations, sermons and addresses. President of Trustees of Aub. Sem., 1820-4. Hon. Abner Hollister, Trustee 1846-52, set. 69. Born in Glastenbury, Conn., Sept. 26, 1782 ; united with the Pres. Church in Ira, N. Y.; married to Miss Mary Woodbridge Elwell, of Manlius, Dec. 3, 1804; married to Mrs. Nancy Dunscome Kirkpatrick, of Syracuse, March 7, 1843 ; died of typhoid fever at Meridian, N. Y., Mar. 13, 1S52. He had 6 sons and 4 daughters ; his wife, 5 sons and i daughter survived him. Came to Meridian, 1805 ; farmer, hotel keeper, and county Judge. 208 NECROLOGY. [June 4,'52. Levi Rose, class of 1838-41, jet. 49. Born in North Branford, Ccnn., 1803; graduated from Williams College in 1839; entered Auburn Mid. class. Oct., 1839; mar- ried to Miss Eliza Stratton, of Auburn ; died of consump- tion at Howard, N. Y., June 4, 1852. Barton, Canada West, 3 years ; Burton, O., i year ; Howard, N. Y., 7 years. Crispus Wright, class of 1835-8, ait. 43. Born in Westford, N. Y., i8og; united with Dr. Kirk's Church in Albany; graduated from Oneida Inst. ; Auburn, 1836-7; mar- ried to Miss Betsey Burr, of Meredith, N. Y., Feb. 13, 1838 ; died of apoplexy at Exeter, N. Y., July 5, 1852. He had 2 sons and 4 daughters ; his wife, 2 sons and 3 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor, Coventryville, N. Y., by Presby. of Chenango, June, 1842; Meredith, 1837-9; Windham, 1839-41; Coventry- ville, 1841-51; resident at Exeter, 1852. Daniel Bond, class of 1848-51, aet. 26. Born in Adams, N. Y., Sept. i, 1826; united with the Pres. Ch. in Adams, N. Y., June 27, 1843; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1848; Auburn, 1848-50; Union Sem,, N. Y., 1850-2 ; married to Miss Mary Seymour Hastings, of New York, 1852 ; died of typhoid fever at Peekskill, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1852. His wife survived hitn. Ordained pastor, Peekskill, N. Y., by Presby., June 29, 1852. Leverett Hull, class of 1824-7, aet. 56. Born in Bethlehem, Conn., Dec. 3, 1796 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1824; died of cholera, Sandusky, O., Sept. 3, 1852. Ordained at Utica, N. Y., by Presby., Feb. 4, 1829 ; Augusta, 1827-30; Deposit; Guilford, 1833; Watertown ; Angelica, 1835-8; Dansville, 1843 ; Sandusky, O., 1846; Sandusky, agt. of A. B. C. F. M., and of Seaman's Friend Soc. Charles Luther Adams, class of 1847-50, tet. t,^. Born in Sullivan, N. Y., 1820; united with the Pres. Church in Baldwinsville, N. Y. ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1847; Union, N. Y., 1847-8; Auburn, 1848-50; married to Miss Amelia Lewis Leland, of Auburn, Oct. i, 1850 ; died of ulceration of the liver at Paris, Wis., Oct. 23, 1852. His wife and son survived him. Ordained, Baldwinsville, N. Y., by Presby., Oct., 1S50 ; Neenah, Wis., 1850-2. 1 853. Alanson Baldwin Chittenden, class of 1824-7, aet. 56. Born in Durham, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1797; united with the ist Pres, Church in Durham, July 7, 1816 ; graduated from Union College in 1824; Auburn from June 4, 1825 and 1825-6 ; married to Miiy6,'54.] NECROLOGY. 209 Miss Anna C. Corrs, of Saugertics, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1829 ; died of softening of the brain caused by injury, at Schenectady, N. Y., April 12, 1853. He had i son; his wife survived him. Miss, of Ref. Ch., .Montgomery Co., 1827-8; Glen, and miss, at Charlestown, 1831-4; /\mity, 1834-9; Westerlo, 1839-40; Sharon, 184 1-5. 1 854, RoDKKicK Lke Huri.i'.urt, class of 1838-41, xt. 41. ]]orn in Castleton, (now Seneca Castle) N. Y., Oct. 3, 1812 ; united with the I'res. Church in Castleton, Jan. 25, 1832 ; gradi'.ated from Oberlin College in 1838 ; first two years at Oberlin, Senior year at Auburn ; married to Miss M.-xtilda Hakt, of Castleton, Oct. 28, 1841 ; died of typhoid fever at Castile, N. Y., Feb. 14, 1854. He had i son and 4 daughters ; his wife and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained and installed at Youngstovvn, N. Y., by Presby. ; Little- ville; Youngstovvn, 1844-52 ; Castile from 1S52. Henry North Peck, class of 1849-52, aet. 32. Born ir. Harwinton, Conn., March 23, 1822 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1849; married to Miss Ada Porter, of New Hartford, N. Y., 1852 ; died of typhus fever at Detroit, Mich., Mar. 9, 1854. He had i son, who survived him, Henry Porter Peck, of 1878-81. Ordained, Paris Hill, N. Y., by Oneida Assoc, Sept. 28, 1852; Kalamazoo, Mich., 1852-3; Fort St. Cong. Ch., Detroit, 1854. William Brown, Trustee 1820-35, ret. 84. Born in Tiverton, R. I., April 30, 1770 ; graduated from Yale College in 1789; married to Alice Deming, April 9, 1795 ; died ot paralysis of the lungs at Brooklyn, N. Y., March 11, 1854. He had i son and i daughter, both of whom survived him. Lawyer in .Auburn from 181 1 ; resident in New York and Brooklyn from 1832. Secretary of Board of Trustees, 1820-34. Samuel Corylus Wilcox, class of 1837-40, set. 44. Born in Sandisfield, Mass., Dec 21, 1809 ; graduated from Williams College in 1835 ; married to Miss Anna Brewster, of Roches- ter, N. Y. ; married to Miss Mary S. Darling, of Reading, Pa., Dec. I, 1846 ; died of consumption at Owego, N. Y., March 25, 1854. His wife and 4 children survived him. Ordained pastor, Ovvego, N. Y., by Presby. of Tioga, May 25, 1842 ; Berkshire; Ovvego, Pres. Ch., 1841-7; Williamsburg, Mass., 1847-9; Ovvego, N. Y., Cong. Ch., 1849-53, and resident there till death. Jacob Eugerton Blakeley, class of 1848-51, jet. 34. Born in Pawlet, Vt., June 9, 1820 ; graduated from Middlebury College in 1844 ; teaching, 1844-8 ; Union Sem., N. Y., 1848-9; Auburn, 1849-51 ; died of consumption at Pawlet, May 6, 1854. 210 NECROLOGY. [July 2,'54. Ordained pastor, East Poultney, Vt., (Cong.) Mar o, [853 ; East Poultney, 1S51-4. Edwin Holt, class of 1823-6, ast. 49. Born in New London, Conn., Aj^r. 17, 1805 ; united with the Ch. of whi< h Dr. Spring was pastor, in New York, April, 1823 ; studied at Columbia College in 1821 ; studied Medicine, nearly comi)leting a course ; married to Miss Emily TncoMB, of New- bnryport, Mass., July 24, 1828 ; died of Asiatic cholera at Evans- ville, Jnd., July 2, 1854. He had 4 sons and 3 daughters; his wife, 2 sons and one daughter survived him. Ordained pastor at Westfield, N. J., by Presby. of Elizabethtown, Nov., 1827; Westfield, 1826-30; Macon, Ga., 1831-6 ; Ports- mouth, N. H., 1836-40 ; Carmine St. Ch., New York, 1843 ; res- ident Newburyport, Mass., 1846; resident Greenland, N. H., 1849-50 ; Madison, Ind., 1S51-2 ; resident Evansville, Ind., from 1853- Stephen Stanley, class of 1837-40. Born in East Bloomfield, N. Y. ; united with the Pres. Church in LeRoy, 1825 ; studied at Hamilton College in class of 1839; married to Miss Fidelia Emeline Warner, of Geneva, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1841 ; died of cholera at Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1854. He had 3 sons and 1 daughter ; his wife, i son and daughter survived him. Ordained pastor, Fairport, N. Y.,by Rochester Presby. ; Fairport, I year; practiced Medicine ; sang in public and gave concerts ; resided in Corning. Edwin Hall Crane, class of 1848-51, jet. 29. Born in Westmoreland, N. Y., May 30, 1825 ; united with the Pres. Church in Clinton, about 1838 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1844 ; married to Miss Ann Eliza Cowles, of Otisco, Feb. 22, 1852; died»of typhus fever, at Gawar, Persia, Aug. 27, 1854. His wife and son survived him. Ordained, Clinton, N. Y., by Presby., May 28, 1851 ; Cassville, N. Y., 185 1-2 ; miss, of A. B. C. F. M. among the Nestorians, 1852-4. Reuben Tinker, class of 1827-30, c'et. 55. Born in Chester, Mass., Aug. 6, 1799 ; united with the ist Cong. Church in Hartford, Conn., Aug. 6, 1820 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1827 ; married to Mary T. Wood, of Chester, Mass., Nov. 14, 1830 ; died of malignant tumor at Westfield, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1854. He had 3 sons and 4 daughters, all of whom, with his wife, survived him. One son is Joseph Emerson Tinker, of 1857-60. Ordained at Chester by Mountain Assoc, Nov. 3, 1830; miss, of A. B. C. F. M., to Sandwich Islands, 1831-40 ; Madison, O., 1841-5 ; Westfield, N. Y., 1845-54. Mur. 2I,'55.] NECROLOGY. 211 1855. Hiram Hukok Skki.yk, Trustee 1848-55, a;t. 52. Korn in Lansingburgh, N. Y., April 30, 1803 ; united with the Ch. in Lansingburgh at about 18 years of age; studied at Academy in Lansingburgh; married to Miss Mary Taylor, of Lansing- burgh ; died at Geneva, N. Y., Jan. i, 1855. His wife died Sept., 1856 ; no children. Relinquished preparation for the Ministry on account of failing eyesight; merchant in IJurlington, Vt., till 1828; merchant in Geneva from 1828. Na'1il\n l^KNjAMiN, class of 1831-4, cet. 43. Born in Catskill, N. Y., Dec. 14, 181 1 ; united with the Williams- town Church while Sen. in College ; graduated from Williams College in 1831 ; Junior and Middle years in Auburn; grad. at Andover ; married to Miss Mary G. Wheeler, of N. Y. City, April 26, 1836 ; died of typhus fever at Constantinople, Jan. 27, T855. He left a widow and children. Ordained Williarastown, Mass., (Cong.) Apr. 21, 1836; agt. A. B. C. F. M., and attending Medical lectures in New Haven, 1834-6; missionary at Athens, Smyrna, and Constantinople, 1836-55- Francis Janes, class of 1830-33, net. 52. Born in East Hampton, Mass., May 18, 1803 ; united with the Cong, Church in East Hampton, May 5, 1823; graduated from Williams College in 1828 ; Junior and Middle years at Auburn ; married to Miss Emily A. Marsh, of Lisle, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1832; died of typhoid fever at Dansville, N. Y., Jan. 20, 1855., He had 4 sons ; his wife and 3 sons survived him. Sons in the classes ot 1857-60, 1868-71 and 1873-6. Ordained, Chenango Forks, N. Y., by Assoc, 1832 ; Chenango Forks ; Walton, 1837 ; Union, 1839-41 ; Otsego, 1842 ; Madison ; Sauquoit ; Colchester (Downsville) from 1846. Stephen Peet, class of 1822-5, ^^- 5^- Born in Sandgate, Vt., 1797 ; united with the Cong. Church in Lee, Mass., at 16 years of age ; graduated from Yale College in 1823; Princeton, 1823-4; Auburn, Senior year; studied also at New Haven ; married to Mrs. Martha Denison Sherman, May I, 1826; died of inflamination of lungs at Chicago, 111., March 21, 1855. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters, all of whom, with his wife, survived him. Ordained and installed at Euclid, O., Feb. 22, 1826; Euclid, 1826-33 ; 3gt. Am. Bethel Soc, residing at Cleveland, O., and Buffalo, N. Y., 1833-7 ; Green Bay, Wis., 2 years, from 1837 ; ist. Pres. Ch., Milwaukee, 1839-41 ; gen. agt. of A. H. M. S. 1841-2 ; founder and general agent of Beloit College ; Cong. Ch., Batavia, 111. ; one of the founders of Chicago Theological Seminary; in 1836, editor of the ^?/^ia!/ ^i"ited with the Cong. Church in Southampton, at 21 years old; graduated from Amherst College in 1824; Auburn a year and a half; finished the course with Rev. Sylvester Burt ; died at Canton, Conn., Jan 15, 1857. He had i son, who went before him ; his wife survived him. Ordained pastor at Canton Centre, by Hartford North Assoc, Dec. 20, 1826, and remained there till death. Archibald Ferguson, class of 1848-51. Came to Auburn from Ogdensburgh, N. Y. ; died at Charlotte, N. Y., Jan., 1857. Pittsford, N. Y., 1852 ; Charlotte, 1853-7. James Adams, class of 1826-9. Born in North Carolina, 1800; united with the Pres. Ch., Bloom- field, N. J., before 1820; came to Auburn from Bath, N. C; graduated from Princeton College in 1824; Auburn, catalogued Jun. and Mid. in class of 1824-7, Mid. in 1825-8, Sen. in 1826-9 ; married to Miss Fanny Maria Thompson, of Sche- nectady, Oct. 17, 1833; died of consumption at Union Church, Miss., Feb. 7, 1857. He had 3 sons, who, with his wife, sur- vived him. Ordained, 1830; prin. of Acad., Bloomfield, N. J ; Pres. Ch,, Dun- daff. Pa., 1830-3 ; Monticello, N. Y., 1833-53 ; taught at Cov- ington, Miss., Buffalo, N. Y., and Union Church, Miss. Morris Barton, class of 1823-6, tet. 57. Born in Scipio, N. Y., Aug. 14, 1799 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Auburn, Oct. 24, 181 7 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1823 ; married to Miss Ann P. Thompson, of Broad- alban, N. Y., Aug. 18, 1827 ; died of apoplexy at Romulus, Feb. 13. 1857. He had 5 sons and 5 daughters ; his wife, 5 sons and 4 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor at Romulus, N. Y., by Presby., Nov. 21, 1825 ; Romulus till 1846, and resident there till his death. Sept. 7, '5 7.] NECROLOGY. 215 DiKCK CouNKi.ius Lansino, D. D., Professor, xt. 72. Born in Lansingburgh, N. Y., Mar. 3, 1785 ; united with the Ch. in Yale Col. in 1802 ; graduated from Yale Col. in 1804 ; D. D. from Williams Col. in 1826 ; married to Miss Elizahkih Vander- HK\i)KN, of Lansingburgh, Feb. 14, 1805 ; married to Miss Laura Alexander, of Onondaga, Feb. 11, 1813; married to Miss Su- san Frances Van Raust, of New York, Nov. 28, 1831 ; mar- ried to Mrs. Laura Camp Dickinson, of Hanover, N. H., April 15, 1852 ; died of inflammation of stomach at Walnut Hills, ()., Mar. 19, 1857. He had 6 sons and 7 daughters; his wife, 3 sons and 5 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor at Onondaga, N. Y., by Presby., Dec, 1807 ; On- ondaga 8 years from 1806 ; Stillwater, 1814-16 ; Park St. Church, Boston, Mass., 1816; Auburn ist Ch., 1817-29; Utica 2nd Ch., 1829-33; Houston St. Pres. Ch., New York, 1833-5 ; resided at Auburn, 1835-8; 111., 1838-9; Utica, Syracuse and Auburn, 1839-46; Chrystie St. Church, N. Y., 1846-8; Clinton Ave. Church, Brooklyn, 1848-55 ; trustee of Auburn, 1820-30 and 1835-57; vice pres. of Trustees, 1820-4; prof, of Sac. Rhet. and Past. The., 182 1-6 ; he served without salary, and, as financial agt., raised large sums for the Seminary. Published "Sermons on Important Subjects," 1825. Leonard Elijah Lathrop, D. D., Trustee, set. 61. Born in Hebron, Conn., Aug. 26, 1796; graduated from Middle- bury College in 1815 ; studied Theology with Dr. Matthews of N. Y. City, and with Rev. John M. Mason, D. D. ; teaching in Kinderhook ,N. Y., and in New York City, and afterward in Wilmington, N. C. ; D. D. from Hobart College in 1840; married to Miss Maria Ludlow, of Kinderhook, June, 1819 ; died of heart disease at Sharon, Conn., 17, 1857. He had 6 sons and 6 daughters ; his wife, 5 sons and 4 daughters sur- vived him. Ordained pastor, Wilmington, by Presby., Jan. 10, 1823 ; Wilming- ton, 1819-24; Salisbury, Conn., 1824-36; 2d Pres. Ch., Auburn, 1836-51 ; Sharon, Conn., 1853-7. Trustee of Aub., 1837-43 and 1846-53. Henry Dwight, Trustee 1827-55, a;t. 74. Born in Si)ringfield, Mass., June 25, 1783; united with the ist Church of Christ in Springfield, Nov. 7, 1808; graduated from Yale College in 1801 ; in business for several years ; studied Theology with President Dwight at New Haven, and with some one at Princeton, N. J. ; married to Mrs. Susan Miles Sill, of Utica, May 17, 1814; died of general prostration at Geneva, N. Y., Sept. 7, 1857. He had 2 sons and i daughter, who, with his wife, survived him. Ordained pastor at Utica, N. Y., by Presby., Feb. 3, 1813 ; Utica, ist Ch., 1813-17 ; his voice failing, he engaged in banking, Geneva, N. Y., where he remained from 181 7 ; director of A. H. M. S. from its organization, and president of the same, 1837-57 ; vice pres. of Trustees of Aub. Sem., 1830-55. 216 NECROLOGY. [Oct 20,'57. George Lyman Hall, .class of 1845-8, ?et. 42. Born in Augusta, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1S15 ; united with the Cong. Church in Augusta; studied at Augusta Acad. ; taught the same 7 years; A. M. from Hamilton College in 1854; married to Miss Ellen Mary Cleaver, of Marcy, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1850 ; died of fever at Mecklenburgh, N. Y., CJct. 20, 1857. He had 2 sons and i daugliter; his wife, r son and daughter survived him. Burdett, N. Y., 1847-50; Phillipsville, 1850-1 ; supplying at Trenton and other places, 1852-5 ; Mecklenburgh, 1855-7. John Dunbar, class of 1832-5, ret. 53. Born in Ware, Mass., Mar. 7, 1804; united with the Cong. Church in Ware, Feb. 4, 1827 ; graduated from Williams College in 1832 ; Auburn. Junior and part of Middle year ; married to Miss Es- ther Smith, of Hadley, Mass., Jan. 12, 1837; died of intermit- tent fever, at Robinson, Kan., Nov. i, 1857. He had 3 sons and 4 daughters, all of whom survived him. Ordained at Ithaca by Cayuga Presby., May, 1833 ; missionary among the Pawnee Indians, 1834-47 ; preaching, farming, and State Superintendent of Schools, Oregon, Mo., 1848-55 ; moved to Kansas. Published "The Pawnee's Book," 1836. Hubert Pierre Herrick, class of 1850-3, xt. 31. Came to Auburn from McDonough ; graduated from Amherst College in 1849 ; married to Julia , of Granville, O., 1853 ; died of African fever, at Nengenenge, W. Africa, Dec. 20, 1857. Ordained 1853 ; Gaboon mission of A. B. C. F. M., 1853-7. 1858 Hon. Elijah Rhoades, Trustee 1848-54, set. 67. Born in Chesterfield, Mass., Mar. 7, 1791 ; united with tiie Pres. Church in Manlius, N. Y., July 22, 1831 ; studied at Williams College in class of 1813; married to Miss Anda Lucia Gardi- ndr, of Manlius, Mar. 4, 1818; died at Pittsfield, Mass., Feb. 9, 1858. His wife and adopted daughter survived him. He was a merchant by occupation. He was County Clerk, and in 1841, State Senator. Henry Richard Hoisincton, class of 1828-31, ret. 57. Born in Vergennes, Vt., Aug. 23, 1801; united with the Pres. Ch. in Buffalo, N. Y., about 1822; graduated from Williams College in 1828; married to Miss Nancy Lyman, of Chester, Mass., Sept. 21, 1831 ; died of heart disease at Centre Brook, Conn., May 16, 1858, on the Sabbath, while preaching from the words, Mill-. 17, '5!).] NECKOl.fXiV. 217 "I'o-day if ye will hear Iiis voice, harden not your hearts." He had 3 sons and 3 daughters ; his wife, r son and 3 daughters sur- vived him. His son, H. R. H., Jr., grad. in class of 1860-3. Ordained pastor, Aurora, N. Y., by Presby., Aug. 30, 1831 ; Au- rora, 1831-3 ; miss, in Ceylon, princij^al of Batlicotta Seminary, 1833-50; Cong. Churcli, Williamstown, Mass., 1853-6; Centre Brook, Conn., 1057-8. I'ublished " The ( )riental .Astrrjnomer," 1848. Mii/i'<^N A. Brown, class of 1855-8. Came to Auburn from Palmyra, N. Y. ; graduated from Univ. of Rochester in 1855 ; married before entering Sem. ; died Summer of 1858. His wite and 2 sons survived him. Appointed chap, of Auburn Prison. John Harvey Rick, class of 183 1-4, ast. 58. Bern in Sharon, N. Y., March 9, 1800; catalogued Senior in 1833-4; not el.sewhere mentioned in the Auburn records; mnr- ried to Miss Phiebe C. Eastman ; married to Miss Louisa N. Dorv, Nov. 6, 1849 ; died of heart disease at Greene, Pa., June 21, 1858 His wife, 2 sons and i daughter survived him. Ordained, Rodman, N. Y., by Black River Assoc, May 8, 1832 ; Cambria, N Y. ; B jamensville, and Grimsby. C. VV. ; Rutland, N. Y. ; Barton, C. W. ; Cirand Haven, Mich. ; Gowanda, and Sheridan, N. Y. ; Wattsburgh, and Wayne, Pa ; Clymer, N. Y. ; Middlebrook and Greene, Pa., 1856-8. 1 859. Morrison Huggins, class of 1839-42, set. 42. Born in Marion, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1817 ; graduated from Union Col- lege in 1837 ; married to Miss Abigail Fleming ; married to Miss Isabella G. Simpson ; died of pneumonia at Rockford, 111., Feb. 15, 1859. His wife and 3 children survived him. Ordained pastor, Havana, N. Y., by Presby. of Chemung, 1842 ; Havana, 1842-56; Rockford, 111., 1856-9. John M. Craeb, class of 1834-7, ^et. 55. Born in Garrard Co., Ky., 1804 ; graduated from Miami Univ. in 1834 ; Western The. Sem. ; Auburn, Dec, 1834 to 1836 ; married to Miss Amanda R. Root, May 17, 1838 ; married to Miss Mahitable Ford, May 31, 1849; married'to Miss Cathe- rine Reecr,_ Mar. 20, 1855 ; died of dropsy at Bryan, O., Mar. 17, 1859. His wife and 4 children survived him. Ordained, May 15, 1838; New Lexington, O., 1839-41; Lima, 1842-7; Montpelier, 1851-2; Williams Centre, 1853-5; Bryan from 1856. John Dennis Strong, class of 1848-51, fet. 38. Born in Rockaway, N. J., Jan. 26, 1821 ; graduated from Williams College in 1848 ; married to Miss Julia C. Chase, of Auburn ; 218 NECROLOGY. [ May 14/59. diedat Lovvville, Wis., May 14, 1859, of inflammation of liver. His wife and only son survived him. Fort Madison, Iowa, 185 1 ; Iowa City, 185 1-5 ; Springfield, 1855- 6 ; Fairplay, Jamestown, Lowville, and Leeds, Wis., 1856-9. Absalom K. Barr, class of 1829-32, set. 53. Born in Rowan Co., N. C, Oct. 4, 1806; united with the Church while in College ; graduated from Univ. of N. Carolina in 1826 ; taught 2 years ; Union The. Sem., Va. ; Aub., 1831-2 ; married to Miss Marietta Lockwood, of Sennett, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1833 ; married a second time ; died of heart disease at Springfield, O., June 5, 1859. He had 5 or more children ; his wife and 3 chil- dren survived him. Ordained by Concord Presby., Nov. 5, 1834; Mecklenburgh Co., N. C, 1832-5 ; Onondaga and Yates Counties, N. Y., 1835-43 ; Richland Co., O., 1843-54 ; resident Springfield, O., from 1854. Nathaniel Marcus Crane, class of 1833-6, set. 54. Born in West Bloomfield, N. J., Dec. 12, 1805 ; graduated from Washington College in 1832 ; Auburn Senior class on dism. from Western Theol. Sem. ; married to Miss Julia A. Ostranuer, about 1836 ; died of typhoid fever at Indian Town, Iowa, Sept. 21, 1859. His wife, 2 sons and 4 daughters survived him. Ordained by Presby. of Cayuga, Autumn of 1836 ; miss, among the Tamul people in Southern Hindustan, 1836-44; resided 2 years in N. J., and 2 in Warren Co., Pa. ; Sugar Grove and Ir- vine, 6 years ; Bethesda, New Bethlehem and Middle Creek, 1854-7 ; Indian Town, Iowa, from 1858. Franklin Putnam, class of 1822-5, xt. 58. Born in Marietta, O., July 22, 1801 ; united with the Church in 1823; graduated from Ohio Univ. in 1823; married to Miss Annie G. Brice, of Athens, O., 1826 ; died of congestion of lungs at Thorntown, Ind., Oct. 11, 1859 ; his wife and 3 sons survived him. Ordained and installed at Springfield, O., by Presby. of Dayton ; Springfield, 1827-8; Dayton, 1829-36; Circleville, 1837-42; 2nd Pres. Ch., Delaware, O., 1843; resident in Tiffin, supply- ing Churches from 1846 ; Greenville to 1855, and 1857; Re- public, 1856; Thorntown, Ind., from 1858. Published a volume on the Division of the Presbyterian Church in 1837- 1860. Oliver Bronson, class of 1850-3, set. 34. Born in Utica, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1826 ; united with the 2d Pres. Ch. in Albany about 1842 ; graduated from Union College in 1845 ; practiced Law in LTtica ; Middle and Senior years in Auburn ; married to Miss Annie Lightbody, of Utica, 1853 ; died of Dec. 17, 'GO.] NECROLOGY. 219 lieinonhagc from lungs, J;in lo, i860. His wife and i child survived him. Ordained pastor, Kinderhook, N. Y., by ("lassis of Rensselaer, May, 1854; Sherburne, N. Y., 1853-4; Kinderhook, 1854-7; invalid; Janesville, Wis., Pres. Ch., 1857-60. Ai?RAH.'\.M 1). ISkimsI'.kiioi'k, classof 1830-3, CEt. 65. Born in Fishkiil, N. Y., June 5, 1795 ; studied at Columbia Col- lege; pait ((f Middle year in Auburn ; married to Miss Matilda L. MooKR, of Champlain, N. Y. ; died of a spina! affection at C'hamplain, Mar. 2, i860. His wife survived him. Ordained and installed at Chazy, N. Y., by Champlain Presby., Sei)t., 1833 ; C'hazy ; Plaitsburgh ; Keesviile ; Champlain, 1839- 50; Chazy, 1852-7. Henry Root, class of 1831-4, tet. 47. Born in Canaan, N. Y., July 17, 1813 ; studied at Williams Col- lege in class of 1833 ; married to Miss Lavinia Norton ; died of bilious pneumonia at Feltz, Mich., Apr. 5, i860. His wife and I child survived him. Ordained pastor, by Washtenaw Presby., 1835; Ashtabula, O., 2d Ch., 1834-5 ; Dexter, Mich., 1835-6 ; Sylvan, Mich., 1836-9 ; Howell, 1839-42; Addison, 1843; Granville; Raisin and Do- ver; Bunker Hill"; Portland, 1854-8; Feltz, 1858. Thomas W. RotiERTS, class of 1857-60, xt. 30. Born in North Wales, (Montgomeryshire) Oct. 10, 1830 ; studied at Whitestown Sem. ; died from railroad accident, at Cayuga, N. Y., Sept. 26, i860. Ordained, New York Mills, N. Y., by Assoc, of Welsh Congrega- tionalists, Nov. 14, 1856; Cayuga, Pres. Ch., i860. Timothy Stow, class of 1824-7, ^^- 62. Graduated from Hamilton College in 1823 ; Aub. Senior class from Bolton; licentiate of the Northern Associate Presbytery; died al Lawrence, Mich., Oct. 13, i860. Ordained, Greene Co., N. Y, by Presby., Nov., 1827 ; Elbridge, 1827-32 ; Montrose, Pa., 1834-8 ; resident in Montrose, and in New Bedford, Mass., from 1854. Alfred Cokb, Trustee 1S54-7, at. 63. Born in Stonington, Conn., 1797 ; united with the 2d Pres. Church in Phila., Pa., at about 20 years of age ; studied at Stonington Acad. ; married to Miss Mary Bickford, of Syracuse, N. Y., 1852 ; died of prostration at Canandaigua, N. Y., Dec. 17, i860. No children ; his wife went before him. In wholesale grocery business, Philadelphia, to 1822; Valparaiso, S. America, mining and shipping, 1822-40 ; for a time U. S. consul ; resident in Chittenango, N. Y., 1840-5, and in Syracuse, from 1845, in mercantile pursuits and manufacturing. Vice pres. of Auburn Trustees, 1855-7. 220 NECROLOGY. [Jan.l0,'61. Benjamin Bkearley Stockton, Trustee 1820-22, set. 71. Born in Hackettstown, N. J., Jan. 31, 1790; graduated from Middlebury College in 1809 ; graduated at Andover Seminary ; died of decay of vital powers at Williamsburg, L. I., Jan. 10, 1861. Ordamed by Utica Presby., 1812 ; labored in Skaneateles; Palmyra; Pornpey from 1829; Camillus ; LeRoy, 1833-5; Montgomery from 1835 ; Brockport; Geneseo ; Phelps; resident in Williams- burg from 1858. William Henry Spencer, class of 1842-5, a^t. 47. Born in Madison, Conn., Oct. 13, 1813; came to Auburn from the Church in Mt. Morris ; graduated from University of N. Y. ; married to Miss Almira Hopkins, of Williamstown, Mass. ; died of gangrene of the liver at Chicago, Feb. 17, 1861. He had I son and 2 daughters ; his wife, son and i daughter sur- vived him. Ordained pastor, Utica, N. Y., by Presby. of Utica, 1845 ; ist Pres. Ch., Utica, 1844-50; ist Pres. Ch., Milwaukee, Wis., 1850-4; Sec. of As'5., Com. of Pub., Philadelphia, 1855-6; pastor. Rock Island, 111., 1857-8 ; Westminster Ch., Chicago, 111., 1859-61., Trustee of Auburn, 1849-51. William H. Bradford, class of 1835-8, ast. 47. Born in Cooperstown, N. Y., Aug. 5, 1814; united with the Church in Homer, N. Y. ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1833 ; studied Law 2 years ; married to Miss Sarah Cobb, of Chicopee Falls, Mass. ; died of heart disease at Homer, N. Y., Apr. i, 1 86 1. One son survived him. Ordained pastor, Berkshire, N. Y., by Tioga Presby., 1838 ; Berk- shire, 2 years ; assistant editor, and at times sole editor of the New York Evangelist, for 17 years ; wrote also for other period- icals, and edited school books published by Ivison & Phinney ; resident at Homer, N. Y., from 1858. Solomon Stevens, class of 182 1-4, cet. 66. Born in Cavendish, Vt., Sept. 5, 1795 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Brandon, Vt., Nov. i, 1818 ; graduated from Middleb'.iry Col- lege in 1 82 1 ; married to Miss Betsey Hickok, of Venice, N. Y., Mar. 7, 1825 ; died of heart disease at Cleveland, O., June 7, 1861. No children ; his wife survived him. Ordained at East Groton by Cayuga Presby., July 8, 1828 ; Au- rora; Danby, N. Y., 1829-32; Castle Creek; China, 1835 ; Or- angeville, N. Y., 1839; Peru, O., 1840; Dover, 1843; Newton Falls, 1843 and 1860-1 ; Avon, 185 1 ; Somerset, Mich., 1854-8. Frederick H. Brown, class of 1832-5, tet. 55. Born in Stockbridge, Mass., Nov. i, 1806; united with the ist Church in Auburn, Nov. 5, 1826 ; Auburn, 3 years and ])ost graduate 1835-6 ; married to Miss Samantha Chandler, of Miiv, '(;2.] NKCKol.oGV. 221 Auburn ; died of paralysis at Sandusky, ()., July 31, i resident there, supplying Churches, 1855-9 ; Green Mountain, 1859-60 ; Durango and Cottage Hill, 1863-5. David Avery Abbey, class of 1838-41, jet. 53. Born in Olive, N. Y., (Shokan P. O.) Apr. 6, 1813 ; united with the Ref. Church in Shokan about 1830 ; graduated from Yale College in 1838; married to Miss Blandina M. Broadhead, Shokan, 1842 ; died of typhoid fever at Apalachin, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1865. His wife and i daughter survived him. Ordained pastor, St. Catherines, Can.; St. Catherines ; Lundy's Lane; Orange, N. Y. ; Mead's Creek to 1852 ; Rondout, 1853-4 ; West Dresden, 1854-7 ; New Milford, Pa., 1857-62 ; Apalachin from 1862. Simeon Shurtleff, M. D., class of 1832-5, ?et. 58. Born in Montgomery, Mass., July 9, 1808 ; united with the Cong. Church in Blandford, March 5, 1826; graduated from Am- herst College in 1832 ; Auburn, 1832-3; M. D. from Berkshire Med. Col. in 1835 ; married to Miss Mary Ann Phelps, of Sims- bury, Conn., Jan. 12, 1837 ; died of typhoid pneumonia at Sims- bury, Dec. 23, 1865. No children; his wife survived him. Physician at Simsbury, 1835-41 ; at Westfield, Mass., 1841-65. Made special studies and collections in Conchology, and in New Eng. Nat. History. Juno 22,'6G.] NECROLOGY. 229 1866. Samuel Lee, class of 1832-5, act. 60. Born in Jericho, Vt., July 20, 1805 ; united vvitli the Church at 19 years old ; graduated from Vermont Univ. in 1831 ; Auburn, 1832-3; married to Miss Susan Hyde; died of consumj^tion at Hudson, C)., Jan. 28, 1866. His wife and 5 children survived him. Ordained by Oneida Assoc, Sept. 23, 1834; Cazenovia, N. Y., i year ; Medina, O. ; Claridon ; Pres. Chs., Mantua and Streets- borough ; Mantua to 1855, and resident there, 1856-8; resident Hudson, 1859-62, and Mantua Centre from 1863. Isaac Ckaf.b, class of 1825-8, ait. 69. Came to Auburn from Lansinghurgh ; mem. of Church in Ballston ; graduated from Union College in 1826 ; married to Mrs. Elizabeth (Nelson) Choate, of Auburn, about 1834; died at Madison, Mich., Mar. 29, 1866. No children ; his wife survived him. Ordained pastor Groveland, N. Y., by Presby. of Ontario, Mar. 10, 1831; Groveland, 1831-2 ; Phelps, 1836 ; Chaijinville, 1837 ; Mecklenburgh, 1839-43 ; Dover, Mich., 1846 ; Madison, 19 years. Samuel Lawrence Tuttle, class of 1837-40, ast. 51. Born in Bloomfield, N. J., Aug. 25, 1815 ; united with the Pres. Church, Bloomtield, 1830 ; graduated from Princeton College in 1836 ; married to Miss Amelia Camp, of Newark, N. J., June 8, 1841 ; married to Miss Margaretta Thompson, of Madison, N. J., Jan. 15, 1861 ; died of inflammatory rheumatism, at Madison, April 16, 1866. He had 3 sons ; 2 sons survived him. Ordained pastor, Caldwell, N. J., by Newark Presby., Mar. 9, 1841 ; Caldwell, 1840-9 ; Am. Bib. Soc, 1849-54; Madison Ch., N. J., 1854-62 ; Am. Bib. Soc, 1862-6. Published " Hist, of the Pres. Church, Madison, N. J.," 1855 ; '* Madison, N. J., in the Revolution ; " and important documents on Bible cause. Miles Powell Squier, D. D., Trustee 1838-45, cet. 74. Born in Cornwall, Vt., May 4, 1792 ; graduated from Middlebury College in 181 1 ; Andover Sem., 1811-14; D. D. from Middle- bury College in 1852 ; married to Miss Catherine Seymour, of Rome, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1820 ; resident in Geneva from 1826 ; died of exhaustion at Geneva, June 22, 1866. His wife survived him. Ordained pastor, Buffalo, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, May 3, 1816 ; Vergennes, Vt., 1814-15 ; miss.. Western, N. Y., 1815- 16; Buffalo 8 years ; financial ag't of Auburn Sem., i year; 230 NECROLOGY. [Julyl6,'66. Geneva, ag't A. H. M. S., 1826-33; founded the Geneva Ly- ceum, 1831 ; managed Lyceum and supplied various Churches, 1S33-45 ; worlcing for Beloit College, Wis., 1845-9 ; prof, of Int. and Mor. Phil., Beloit, 1849-63, and emeritus prof, till his death. Published " The Problem Solved," 1855 ; " Reason and the Bible," i860; Tracts of Am. Tr. Soc, Nos. 446, 464, 481, 483; and posthumously, " Autobiography and Miscellaneous Writings," 1867 ; " The Being of God," 1868. Eli Graves, class of 1834-7, aet. 63. Born in Rupert, Vt., Feb. 18, 1803 ; came to Aub. from Church in Fairhaven, Vt. ; studied privately ; married to Miss Naomi Whedon, of Hebron, N. Y., 1829; died of typhoid fever at Quitman, Ga., July 16, 1866. His wife, i son and i daughter survived him. Ordained by Council, Aug. 27, 1837 ; Boston, (Bethany Ch.) Ga., and many other Churches in Georgia and Florida. Harvey Chapin, class of 1834-7, cet. 68. Born in N. Y., 1798 ; came to Aub. from Warsaw, and Church in W. Res. Col. ; studied at Western Reserve College ; Auburn, 1835-7 ; died in burning house at Tipton, Mo., July 27, 1866. Ordained, Perry Village, by Presby., Oct., 1839 ; Owatonna, Minn., 1855-65 ; Ti])ton, Mo., from 1865. John McDonald, class of 1824-7, ^t. 70. Born in Brooke Co., Va., (now W. Va.) July 25, 1794 ; studied at Ohio Univ.; Auburn, 9 mos., entering June 13, 1825 ; married to Miss Nancy N. Means; died of congestion of bowels at Charlestown, III., Aug. 15, 1866. His wife and 9 children sur- vived him. Ordained pastor, Burlington, O., by Athens Presby., 1827 ; Bur- lington, O., till 1828 ; Bethesda Ch., Ky., 1828; Shippingsport, 111., 1830; Union Grove, 111., 1831-2 ; Manchester, O., 1834; Pleasant Prairie and Charlestown, 111., from 1836. Note. — The Aub. Catalogues star this name from 1836. The identity is doubtful. John Tompkins, class of 1838-41, set. 56. Born in Vernon, N. Y., April 30, 1810 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Vernon, 1828 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1838 ; married to Cornelia Kilbourne, of Marshall, N. Y., Sept. 29, 1841; died of neuralgia of the stomach at Marcellus, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1866. He had 3 sons and i daughter, who, with his wife, survived him. Ordained pastor, Marcellus, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, Feb. 22, 1842, where he remained till death. Oren Johnson, class of 1829-32, set. 66. Born in Coleraine, Mass., Feb. 22, 1801 ; united with the Cong. Church there, Sept. 28, 1828; graduated from W^illiams College Nov. 2n,'GG.] NECROLOGY. 231 in 1829; married to Miss Sarah F. Brown, of Newark, N. J., Jan. 3, 1855 ; died of internal tumor at Beaver Dam, Wis., Sept. 20, 1866. No children ; his wife survived him. Ordained by Bath Presby., Sept. 17, 1833 ; Woodhull, Jasper, Kennedyville, Avoca, N. Y., and Elkland, Pa., 11 years; home miss., Beaver Dam, 1844, and resident there till his death. Robert Ransom Kellogg, class of 1835-8, x\.. 53. Born in Hudson, N. Y., May 18, 18x3; united with the Cedar St. Pres. Church in N. Y., 1828 ; graduated from Univ. of N. Y. City in 1835; Aulnirn, 1835-7 ; Union Sem,, N. Y., 1837-8; married to Nliss Mary Elizabeth Morse ; died of congestion of brain at Milford, Pa., Sept. 25, 1866. His wife and 3 children survived him. Ordained pastor, Dover. N. J., by Newark Presby., Dec. 5, 1838 ; Dover, 1838-9; Brooklyn, N. Y., 4th Ch., 1839-40; Cong. Ch., Romeo, Mich., 8 years; 2nd Pres. Ch., Detroit, 8 years; dist. sec. of Am. and For. Chr. Un., 2 years, LeRoy, N. Y., past, and chan. of Ingham Univ., 2 years; Lima, 2 years; Milford, Pa., from 186 1. Anthony Dey Axtell. class of 1856-9, set. 32. Born in Auburn, N. Y., March 5, 1834; united with the ist Ch. in Geneva, November 30, i860; graduated from Williams College in 1854; married to Miss Almena Bradley, of Olean, N. Y., 1862 ; died of consumption at Olean, Oct. 17, 1866. No children ; his wife survived him. Ordained by Presby. of Troy, Feb., 1866 ; Olean, N. Y. ; Olivet Ch., Lansingburgh, 1865. Samuel Dunton, class of 1826-9, ?et. 69. Born in Cambridge, N. Y., Mar. 23, 1798 ; came to Aub. from Church in Amherst College ; graduated from Amherst College in 1826; married to Miss Sarah Maria Carpenter; died of consumption, Oct. 29, 1866. His wife, i son and i daughter survived him. Ordained Winfield, N. Y., by Council, Sept. 16, 1830; Norwalkand Peru, O., 1830-1 ; Florence, 1832; Fitchvilie, 1832-5 ; Eden from 1836; Huron from 1843 ; Malta, N. Y., 1845-8; resident Saratoga Springs from 1850. William Augustus Wolcott, class of 1859-62, set. 35. Born in Aurora, Erie Co., N. Y., Dec. 8, 1831 ; came to Auburn from Church in Griffin's Mills; graduated from Hamilton College in 1859; married to Miss Amanda S. Hotchkin, Aug. 20, 1862 ; died of consumption at Pultney, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1866. He had i son ; his wife and son survived him. Ordained pastor, Campbelltown, N. Y., by Chemung Presby., 1863 ; Campbelltown, 1862-3, when his health failed. William Beardsley, class of 1823-6, xt. 69. Born in New Fairfield, Conn., Dec. 11, 1797 ; united with the Ch. in ampton Village, N. Y., 1816 ; graduated from Hamiltori 232 NECROLOGY. [Dec. 13,'66. College in 1823 ; Auburn, i year and 6 mos., 1823-4 and 1828- 9 ; married to Miss Bethiah Van Valkenburgh, of Auburn, Oct. 19, 1825 ; died of inflammation of bowels, at Wheaton, 111., Dec. 13, 1866. He had i son and 2 daughters ; his wife, i son and I daughter survived him. Ordained at Hampton Village, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1829, by Oneida Assoc; Evans and Eden, 1829-31 ; Jefferson, O., 183 1 ; Andov- er, 1831-3; Freedom, 1833-4; Atwater, 1833-7; West Bloom- field, N. Y., 1838; tea. Mission Inst., Quincy, 111., 1839-47; tea. Griggsville, I year; Bristol, 1848-52; Victoria, 1852-7; Farm Ridge, 1857-9; prof. Wheaton College, 1859-66. 18 6 7. Frederick Starr, class of 1846-9, aet. 41. Born in Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 23, 1826 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Rochester, 1836; graduated from Yale College in 1846 ; married to Miss Helen S. Mills, of Auburn, July 23, 1850; died of typhoid fever, at St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 8, 1867. He had 2 sons and 5 daughters; his wife, i son and 3 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor, Weston, Mo., by Lexington Presby., 1850; Weston, Mo., 1850-5; sec. Wes. Ed. Soc, and agt. Aub. Sem., 1855-61 ; Pres. Ch., Penn Yan., 1861-4 ; St. Louis, Mo., 1864-7. Ezra Benedict Fancher, class of 1835-8, vet. 57. Born in Patlerson, N. Y., Nov. 9, 1810; united with the Pres. Ch. in Richfield Springs, N. Y., 1830; graduated from Union Col- lege in 1835 ; at Auburn, 1835-6 and 1837-9; married to Miss Lucetta McGraw, of McGrawville, N. Y., 1842 ; died of in- flammation of bowels, at McGrawville, Jan. 27, 1867. He had 4 sons and 3 daughters ; his wife, 4 sons and 2 daughters sur- vived him. Ordained at McGrawville, by Cortland Presby., July, 1841 ; labored there 27 years, until his death. Harper Boies, class of 1826-9, ait. 70. Born in Blandford, Mass.. April 21, 1707 ; came to Aub. from Ch. there ; graduated from Williams College in 1826 ; Auburn Jun. and Mid. years; married to Miss Letitia Shepard, of Bland- ford, June 8, 1820; married to Miss Margaret iioTCHKiss, of Hnrpersfield, June 26, 1850 ; died of inflammation of the lungs, at Harpersfield, Mar. 7, 1867. He had 3 sons and i daughter; his wife survived him. Ordained pastor, Harpersfield, N. Y., by Presby., July 28, 1830 ; Tolland, Mass., 1829-30; Harpersfield, 1830-5 ; Dalton., 1835- 41 ; tea. Granville ; Harpersfield, 1850-7, and resident there till death. Juno]0,'67.] NECROLOGY. 233 Arthur Burtis, D. D., class of 1830-3, aet. 59. Born in New V^jrk City, Oct. 25, 1807 ; united witli the Rutgers St. Pres. Ch in N. Y., June, 1829 ; grad. from Union College in 1827 ; 2 years in Princeton, and Senior year in Auburn ; I). D. from Union College in 1850; married to Miss Grace E. Phillips MoRSK, of Cherry Valley, 1833; died of inflammation of bowels at Oxford, O., Mar. 23, 1867. His wife, 3 sons and 3 daughters survived him. Ordained ])astor, Fort Plain, N. Y., by Montgomery Classis, 1835 ; Fort Plain; Little Falls, Pres. Ch. ; Cherry Valley, agt. of Am. Tr. Soc. ; IJinghamton, i year; Oxford, 7 years; Vernon, i year: Buffalo, ist Ch , 1847 ; South Pres. Ch., Buffalo, 3 years, and Tabernacle Ch., 4 years, and 2 years agt. of Am. and For. Christ. Un. ; preparing young men for College; prof, elect of Greek, Miami Univ , 1866-7." Charles Uanforth, class of 1826-9, a^t. 67. Born in Ru])ert,Vt., Aug. 23, 1800; united with the Pres. Church; graduated from Williams College in 1826; married to Miss Cor- nelia Flowers Sadd, of Austinburg, O., Apr., 1830; died of typhoid fever at Oberlin, O., Apr. 29, 1867. He had 2 sons and 3 daughters; his wife, 2 sons, and i daughter survived him. Ordained at Auburn by Presby., July 21, 1829 ; home miss., Ind. and O. ; Mantua, 1832-3 ; Brookfield and Hubbard, 1833-4 ; Orwell, 1834-42 ; Brush Creek and Sinking Spring, 1843-50 ; Guilford, 1850-3 ; resident Oberlin, from 1853. Albert Payson Worthington, class of 1864-7, ^t. 25. Born in Milford, Mich., July 5, 1842; graduated from Hamilton College in 1864 ; died at West Durham, N. Y., May 6, 1867. His wife survived him. Henry Mills, D. D., Professor of Biblical Criticism, set. 81. Born in Morristown, N. J., March 12, 1786 ; united with the Pres. Church in Morristown ; graduated from Princeton College in 1802 ; teaching for several years ; tutor in Princeton, 1810-11; studied Theology with Dr. Jas. Richards, at Morristown; D. D. from Amherst College, 1833; married to Miss Maria Moore Barkins, April 30, 1816; died of nervous prostration at Auburn, June 10, 1867. He had 2 sons and 5 daughters; his wife and 3 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor, Woodbridge, N. J., by Presby. of New Jersey, 1816; Woodbridge, 1816-21 ; professor in .A-uburij, 1821-54, and emeritus professor till his death. Published " Hymns from the German," 1845 ; " Hymns of Hild- ebert ;" and many articles. William B. Hendryx, class of 1864-7, ^st. 29. Born in Ovid, N. Y., May 28, 1838 ; united with the Pres. Church in Tecumseh, Mich., July, 1858; graduated from Michigan University in 1864 ; married to Miss Delia Eliza Conkling, 234 NECROLOGY. [June 21/67. of Tecumseh, Aug. 14, 1862 ; died of typhoid fever at Tecumseh, June 21, 1867. He had i daughter ; his wife and daughter survived hitn. Not ordained ; preached at Reedsburg, Wis. Henry E. Peck, class of 1842-5, ast. 46. Born in Rochester, N. Y., 1821 ; graduated from Bowdoin College in 1841 ; at Lane, 1842-3 ; at Oberlin, 1843 ; Auburn Mid. Class from Jan., 1844; died in Hayti, July 9, 1867. The Aub. Gen. Catalogues place him at Rochester, N. Y., 1850, and prof., Oberlin, O., 1861 ; the Year Books place him in Ohio, 1854, Wellington, 1857; Oberlin, 1858-60 and 1862-7; Wake- man, 1861. WiLi.i.^M NoRRis Edv^^ards, class of 1840-3, cXt. 55. Born in Richmond, July 4, 1812 ; came to Auburn from Church in Williams College ; grad. from Williams College in 1838 ; Auburn, 1840-2 ; married to Miss Mary Kelley, of Troy, O., July 10, 1856; died suddenly at Troy, Aug. 3, 1867. No children ; his wife survived him. Teacher Nunda, N. Y., 1838-40; invalid, 1843-5 ; tea. of Acad., Lebanon, O., 1845-7; tea. Vincennes, Ind. ; tea. Dayton, O., 4 years ; supt. of Union Sch., Troy, O., 1852-67. Alexander McGlashan, class of 1840-3, eet. 61. Born in Queenstown, Canada, Feb. 23, 181 2 ; united with the Church at about 20 years old ; studied at Geneva Lyceum and Hobart College; married to Miss Ellen Buell, of East Bloomfield, N. Y., Dec. 16, 1857 ; died of chronic diarrhea at St. Catherines, Can., Sept. 9, 1867. His wife and 2 sons survived him. Ordained by Presby. of Cayuga, 1843 ; service of Am. Tract Soc, and afterward, of Am. Sea. Fr. Soc, Mobile, Ala., 1843-59; past. Pelham, Can., 1859-63; New York City, 1863-6; established " Church of the Sea and Land ;" Bethel work, St. Catherines, 1866-7. Vinal Smllh, class of 1829-32, cet. 66. Came to Auburn from Otisco ; graduated from Union College in 1829 ; A,uburn Middle Class, June, 1831, from Union Theolog- ical Seminary, Va.; married to Miss Emily F. Bassett ; died of bowel disease, at Shortsville, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1867. He had I daughter; his wife and daughter survived him. Ordamed, Champion, by Black River Assoc, Sept. 4, 1832 ; most of his life a teacher in Liberty, Va. Judson Aspinwall, class of 1854-7, aet. 34. Born in Genoa, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1823 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Elmira, N. Y.; graduated from Williams College in 1854; Aub. Mid. and Sen., 1855-7 ; married to Miss Harriet Ann McWiLLiAMS, of Elmira, June 29, 1857; died Oct. 10, 1867, of Doc. 20/67.] NECROLOGY. 235 intermittent bilious fever, at Ba,x.ter Springs, Kan. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters, all of whom, with his wife, survived him. Ordained and installed at Keokuk, Iowa, by Presby., Dec. 30, 1858; Jordan, N. Y., 1857-8 ; Keokuk, 1858-9; Warsaw, 111., 1859-61 ; Olathe, I'rairie ("ity and Black Jack, Kan., 1861-4. Ai.KRKD WniTK, class of 1827-30, ajt. 68. Born in Hebron, Conn., Dec. 13, 1799 ; united with the Church in VVilliamstown, Mass., July 20, 181 2; graduated from Williams Col. in 1827 ; married to Miss Pamelia Judd, of Williamstown, Aut. of 1830; married to Miss R. C. Birge, Dec, 1840; died of tumor on neck at South Williamstown, Oct. 19, 1867. He had I son and 4 daughters; the son, at least, survived him. Ordained by Genesee Consoc, 1832 ; Me.xicoville, N. Y.; Candor; Fairport ; Constantia ; Frankfort ; Granby, Conn., 1847-8 ; On- ondaga Hill, N. Y., 1850; Jamesville, 1851-2 ; Otsego ; Coop- erstown ; Hartland, Conn , 1859-60 ; U. S. Sanitary Commission, 1865 ; Westford, Conn., 1865-7 ; resided at South Williamstown, Mass. Daviu Fairman Judson, class of 1848-51, Kt. 45. Born in Prattsburgh, N. Y., Feb. i, 1823; united with the Church there, Jan. 7, 1838; studied at Prattsburgh Acad. ; married to Miss Mary Beach Lawrence, of Prattsburgh, 1844 ; died of pneumonia at Seneca, Kan.., Nov. 21, 1867. He had 2 sons and 4 daughters, all of whom, with his wife, survived him. Ordained at Naples, N. Y., by Presby. of Bath, 1852 ; Gaines, N. v., 1851-3; Smyrna, 1853-7; Addison, 1857-62 and 1865-7; resident Prattsburgh, 1862-5. NicoLL Havens Dering, M. D., Trustee 1857-63, a^t 74. Born in Shelter Island, Jan. i, 1794 ; united with the Brick Ch. in New York; graduated from Yale College in 1813; M. D. from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., in 1817; married to Miss Frances Huntington, of Rome, June 6, 1826; married to Miss Sarah Huggins Strong, of New York, Oct. I, 1844; died of nervous prostration at Utica, N. Y., Dec. 19, 1867. He had i son and 6 daughters ; his wife, son and 4 daughters survived him. Practiced Medicine in New York City, 1817-42 ; Rome, 1842-7; Utica from 1847. Samuel J. McCullough, class of 1835-8, ^t. 58. Born in Dickinson, Pa., 1809 ; came to Aub. from Church in Ithaca, N. Y.; graduated from Union College in 1835 ! <^ied at Tioga, Pa., Dec. 20, 1867. Ordained pastor, Honeoye Falls, by Presby., Oct. 30, 1839 5 Honeoye Falls ; Lawrenceville ; Farmington, Richmond, Sulli- van, 1849-51 ; Tioga, Pa., from 1851. 236 NECROLOGY. [Apr. 26,'G8. 1868. Ebenezer C. Beach, class of 1826-9, ^t. 66. Born in Kingsboro, N. Y. ; united with the Church there ; gradu- ated from Middlebury College in 1826; died at Lysander, N. Y., April 26, 1868. Ordained by Presby. of Albany, 1831 ; Baldwinsville, N. Y., 1829- 30; Lysander, 1830-58, and resident there till death. Ira Odell DeLong, class of 1852-5, eet. 44. Born in Pleasant Valley, N. Y., Sept. 2, 1824; united with the Pres. Church in Palmyra ; Lane Sem., Junior year ; Auburn, 1853-4 ; Union Sem., N. Y., 1854-5, and post grad. 1858-9 ; married to Miss Susan Elizabeth Upham, of Brunswick, Me., June 24, 1863 ; died in Macedon, N. Y., of consumption, May 30, 1868. He had one daughter ; his wife survived him. Ordained by Presby. of Ontario, June 23, 1863 ; Keokuk, Iowa, I year; Hornellsville, N. Y., 1859-61 ; Nunda, 1861-3; Mace- don, 1863-4; Honeoye Falls, 1864-8. Hon. Hiram Koote Mather, Trustee 1829-45, aet. 72. Born in Colchester, Conn., Feb. 13, 1796; united with the Church in Yale College, July 4, 1813 ; graduated from Yale College in 1813 ; studied Theology two years at .\ndover ; studied Law with Wm. Brown, Esq., of Auburn ; married to Miss Sally Ann Hyde, of Auburn, April 8, 1821 ; married to Miss Mary Parsons Cole, of Auburn, Nov. 26, 1831 ; married to Mrs. Anna Tallman (Smith) Norton, of Chicago, Oct. 15, 1857; died of pneumonia at Chicago, 111., July 11, 1868. He had 5 sons and 5 daughters ; his wife, 4 sons, and 2 daughters survived him. Practiced Law in Elbridge till 1844 ; State Senator, 1828-32 ; practiced Law in Niles, Mich., [844-53, ^"d was Circuit Court Commissioner ; practiced Law and was Master in Chancery in Chicago, from 1853. Jeremiah Woodruff, class of 1828-31, aet. 68. Born in Litchfield, Conn., 1800; Auburn 6 months from Dec, 1829, from Lisle, N. Y. ; died of dropsy, at Lansing, Iowa, July 25, 1868. His wife and i child preceded him ; he left children. Ordained (probably) by Chenango Presby., 1831 ; Preston, N, Y., 1831 ; Triangle, 1832-5 ; Chenango Forks, 1836-49 ; Baker, 1849; Triangle, 1849-51 ; Richford, 1851-6; So. Bristol, 1857 ; Cohocton, 1858-60; Penfield, 1860-6; Lansing, la., 1867. Ebenezer Porter Hyde, class of 1861-4, jet. 31. Born in Youngstown, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1837 ; united with the Ch. in Youngstown, at about 16 years of age; studied at Yale College in class of 1863 ; Aub. Jun. class from New Haven The. Sem., Mar. '(;;».] NECROLOGY. 237 Feb. 14, 1862 ; returned to New Haven at close of Mid. year ; married to Miss Carrie W. Highy, of New Haven, July 15, 1863 ; died of consumi)tion at New Haven, Conn., Aug. 31, 1868. He had i son, who, with his wife, survived him. Served one year as Army chaplain ; So. Coventry, Conn., 1S65-7. Simeon Benjamin, Trustee 1841-68, a;t. 7O. Born in Upper Acpiabogue, L. I., May 29, 1792 ; united with the Church in Aquabogue, at 14 years of age; married to Miss Sarah Wickham Goldsmith, of Mattituck, L. I., March 20, 1816; died of inflammation of the lungs at Elmira, Sept. I, 1868. He had 3 sons and 4 daughters ; one daughter survived him. In business in New York, 1810-12; in Aquabogue, 1812; after a few years, wholesale dry goods merchant in New York ; from 1835, in Elmira, N. Y., banking and railroad business. Enoch Kingsbury, class of 1826-9, ^^- 68. Born in Langdon, N. H., Apr. 21, 1800; united with the Church before 1826 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1827 ; Auburn Middle year ; Union The. Sem. of Va., 1828-9 ; married to Miss Fanny Rosanna Goodwin, of Simsbury, Conn.. Nov. i, 1830; died of consumption at Danville, 111., Oct. 26, 1868. He had 5 sons and 3 daughters ; his wife, 2 sons and i daughter survived him. Ordained at South Hadley, Mass., by Assoc, Nov. 3, 1830 ; home miss., Va., 1828-9; Danville, 111., preaching also in other fields, 26 years from 1830 ; afterward resident in Danville, preaching there and elsewhere. William Weed Marvin, class of 1824-7, ast. 75. Born in Argyle, N. Y., Sept. 26, 1793 ; united with the Church in Walton, N. Y., before 1824 ; married to Fanny Cornwell, of Walton, Nov. 23, 1839 ; died of old age at Unadilla, N. Y., Oct. 28, 1868. He had 3 daughters ; his wife and daughters survived him. Resided in Walton, N. Y. ; was in the Seminary a year or more, from June, 1S25 ; left in poor health and became deranged. After his recovery, he lived on a farm. 1 869 John Campbell, class of 1849-52. Came to Auburn from Perth, C. W. ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1849; Spencer, N. Y., 1854-8; Melbourne, Canada E., 1867; died in Canada, Mar., 1869. His wife, 3 sons, and 6 daughters survived him. 238 NECROLOGY. [ Mar. 3,'69. Alfred North, class of 1847-50, st. 62. Born in Exeter, N. H., about 1807 ; learned the printing business ; studied Hebrew, Latin and (ireek privately, 1830-2, and earlier ; printer, N. Y., 1832-4 ; for A. B. C. F. M., Singapore, Ind., 1834-43, and Madura, 1843-7; married to Miss Bryan; mar- ried to Miss Martha Bryan ; died of pneumonia at Chilton, Wis., Mar. 3, 1869. He had 2 sons and 2 or more daughters. Ordained about 1851 ; Middlefield Centre, N. Y., 1852-6; Pitts- ford, 1856-60; Attica, 1860-4; resident in I.eRoy, 1864-5; farming in Kan., 1866; home miss., Tipton, Mo., 1867-8; Chilton, Wis., 1868-9. Ebenezer Weeks Robinson, class of 1834-7, cet. 57. Born in Granville, N. Y., May i, 1812 ; united with the Church in Pulaski, 1831 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1834; married to Miss Sarah Bacon Adams, of Franklin, Mass., 1838; died of pneumonia at Washington, D. C, April 8, 1869. He had 3 sons and 3 daughters ; his wife, 1 son and 3 daugh- ters survived him. Ordained pastor, Assonett, Mass , by Council, May 2, 1838 ; As- sonett, 12 years ; Si:>rague, Conn., 6 years; Bethany, 12 years; secretary and treasurer of Howard University, 1868-9. Published "Ecclesiastical History of Connecticut," 1861. George Norton, class of 1867-70, ?et. 26. Born in Sangerfield, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1843; came to Aub. from Ch. in Hamilton Col. ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1866 ; tea. Lookout Mountain, Tenn., 1866-7 ; died in St. Paul, Minn., Oct. 1 1, 1869. Hon. Frederick Starr, Trustee 1855-69, aet. 71. Born in Warren, Conn., May i, 1799 ! united with the ist Pres. Church in Rochester, 1822 ; married to Miss Lucv Ann Hills, of Rochester. Nov. 23, 1831 ; twice married ; died in Rochester Nov. 27, 1869. He had 5 sons and 2 daughters; his wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Resident in Rochester, N. Y., from 1822 ; cabinet maker ; piano manufacturer, 1850-64 ; member of State Legislature, 1839 ; pro- prietor of the Genesee Evangelist. President of Trustees of Auburn, 1865-9. John Berrien Fish, class of 1823-6, tet. 75. Born in Connecticut Farms, N. J., July 23, 1794 ; united with the Church in Gallipolis, O., Fall of 1821 ; Middle and Senior years at Auburn ; married to Lucia Hull, of Bridgewater, N. Y., 1826; married to Nancy Stevens, of Patterson, N. Y„ Aug. 23, 1837 ; died of diabetes at Catskill, N. Y., Dec. 22, 1869. He had 9 children, 8 of whom, with his wife, survived him. Ordained 1828; preached at Canterbury, Liberty, Monticello, Sidney Plains, Hartwick, Sangerfield ; Sidney Plains again, to 1852; Hunter, 1853-4; Big Hollow, 1854-60; resident Hugh- sonville, 1861-2, and then at Catskill. Jiily4,'7().] NKGKOLOGV. . 239 1 870. John Kf.ep, Trustee 1832-4, a;t. 89. Born in Longmeadow, Mass., Apr. 20, 1781 ; graduated from Yale College in 1802; studied Theology with Rev. Asahel Hooker, of Goshen, Conn.; married to Miss Lydia Hale, of Goshen, 1805 ; died of old age at Oberlin, O , Feb. 12, 1870. He had i son, who survived him. Ordained pastor, Blandford, Mass., 1805 ; Blandford, 1805-21 ; Homer, N. Y., 1821-33 ; Cleveland, O., ist Pres. Ch., 1833-6 ; financial agent, Oberlin College, 1837-9 and from 1850; Wooster, O.; Lockport, and Albion, N. Y.; Mansfield, O., Hart- ford, O., Arcade, N. Y., Litchfield, O., 1840-50. Blacklf:ach Burritt Gray, class of 1827-30, tet. 72. Born in Sherburne, N. Y., Mar. 31, 1797 ; studied at Hamilton College; Auburn, 1827-9 ; married to Miss Mary Nash Ar- NETT, of Auburn, Sept. 25, 1829 ; died of pneumonia at Canan- daigua, Feb. 18, 1870. He had 4 sons and 2 daughters ; his wife, 3 sons and i daughter survived him. Ordained pastor, Sheridan, N. Y., by Presby., May 12, 1830; Sheridan, 1829-33; Byron, 1833-7; Jamestown, 1837-9; Brighton, 1840-50 ; Seneca Castle, 1850-68 ; resident Canandaigua from 1868. George White, class of 1861-4, '^t. 36. Born in Huntingdon, Canada, Jan. 29, 1834 ; united with the Pres. Church in Huntingdon, about 1854; graduated from Williams College in 1861 ; married to Miss Harriet A. Beale, of Spen- certown, N. Y., June 15, 1864 ; died of consumption at Schaghti- coke Point, Mar. 14, 1870. No children ; his wife survived him. Ordained pastor at Old Schaghticoke, N. Y., by classis of Saratoga, Oct. 14, 1864; where he remained 5 years. Gardner K. Clark, class of 1823-6, ^t. 74. Came to Auburn from Church in Bradford, Vt. ; graduated from Union College in 1823; Auburn, 1824-5 ; died ^^ Saratoga, Minn., Mar. 19, 1870. Ordained at Danby, N. Y., by Presby., June 21, 1831 ; Spencer, 1828-32 and from 1838; Preble, 1832-8 and 1850-5 ; Saratoga, Minn., from 1855. Baruch Butler Beckwith, class of 1827-30, fet. 65. Born in Lyme, Conn., March 29, 1805 ; united with the Williams Col. Church in 1823 ; graduated from Williams College in 1827 ; 2 years at Auburn and i at Yale Div. Sch. ; grad. 1831 ; mar- ried to Miss Maria Ely Sterling, of Lyme, Conn., May 23, 1832 ; died of nervous prostration at Gouverneur, N. Y., July 4, 1870. He had no children ; his wife survived him. 240 NECROLOGY. [Julyl3,'70. Ordained pastor at Athol, Mass., by Council, June i, 1831 ; Athol, 1831-4 ; Walpole, N. H., 1835-6 ; Castine, Me., 5 years from 1837; Hill, N. H., I year; Perry, N. Y. ; Gouverneur, N. Y., 1844-66. James Edward Pierce, class of 1862-5, ret. 31. Born in West Townshend, Wyndham Co., Vt., Aug. 12, 1839 ; united with the Cong. Church in West Townshend, 1853; grad- uated from Middlebury College in 1861 ; Auburn, 1861-3 and 1864-5 ; tutor in Middlebury, 1863-4 ; married to Miss Frances Hall, Auburn, July 11, 1866; died of heart disease at Auburn, July 13, 1870. He had i son ; his wife and son survived him. Ordained by Cayuga Presbytery, March 22, 1866; professor of Hebrew Language and Literature in Auburn, 1865-70. Charles Morgan, class of 1838-41, ast. 58. Born in Columbus, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1813 ; united with the Cong. Church in Columbus, about 1829; graduated from Union Col- lege in 1838 ; married to Miss Susan Clark, of Schenectady, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1841 ; died of pneumonia at East Troy, Wis., Dec. 18, 1870. He had 3 daughters; his wife and daughters survived him. Ordained at .Auburn, by Presby. of Cayuga, 1841 ; Geneseo, N. Y., 2 years from 1841 ; Granada, Miss., 1844-7 ; Attica, N. Y., 1847-50; Geneva, Wis., 1858-9; East Troy, 1850-8 and 1859-70. 1871. William Wisner, D. D., Trustee, aet. 89. Born in Warrick, N. Y., April 18, 1772 ; admitted to practice Law, 1805 ; studied Theology with Rev. Simeon R. Jones ; A. M. from Williams College in 1820; D. D. from Delaware College in 1842 ; married to Miss Julia Carpenter ; died in Ithaca, Jan. 7, 1871. Preached in Athens, Pa., 4 years from 181 1 ; Ithaca, N. Y., 1816- 31 ; Brick Ch., Rochester, 183 1-5 ; First Pres. Ch., St. Louis, Mo., 2 years; Ithaca again, 1838-49; afterward resident in Ithaca. Trustee 1820-34 and 1846-63. Moderator of Gen. Assembly, 1840. Published "Incidents in a Pastor's Life," 1852. Darius Carter Sackett. class of 1864-7, aet. 31. Born in Canandaigua, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1839; united with the Church at the age of 17 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1864; married to Miss Mittie C. Smith, of Canada, Dec. 19, 1866; died of consumption, at Canandaigua, Feb. 10, 1871. Ordained pastor at Rock Stream, N. Y., by Presby. of Chemung, June 12, 1867; Rock Stream, 1866-71. M:iy (J.'TI.J NECROLOGY. 241 RoisKKT WooDRUKK CoNDiT, I). D., Trustee 1852-8, get. 75. Born in Stillwater, N. Y., Sept. 17, 1795 ; united with the Church in Hanover, N. J.; graduated t'roni Princeton College in 1814; 1). 1), from Hamilton College in 1847; married to Harkiettk W'liriTLKSKY, of Danbury, Conn., 1818 ; died of paralysis at Oswego, N. Y., Feb. 11, 187 i. He had r son and 6 daughters ; his son and 5 daughters survived him. Ordained jjastor, Montgomery, N. Y., by I'resby., Dec. 13, 1820; preaching in the South, 1818-20; Montgomery, 1820-30; ist Pres. Ch., Oswego, 1831-71. WiM.iAM Frk.dkkick Wi Li.TA MS, D. D., class of 1844-7, act. 53. Horn in lUica, N. Y , Jan. 7, 1818; united with the ist Pres. Ch. in Utica, 1851 ; studied at Yale College; married to Miss Sarah Pond, of Rome, N. Y.; married to Miss Hattie Hard- ing, of Auburndale, Mass.; married to Miss Carrie Barbour, of Philadelphia ; married to Miss Catherine Pond, Verona Centre ; died of dysentery at Mardin, E. Turkey, Feb. 14, 1871. He had 3 sons and i daughter; his wife, 2 sons and daughter survived him. iMiss. of A. B. C. F. M. at P>eirut, Mosul, and Mardin. Isaac Newton Lowrv, class of 1864-7, ^^- ~9- Born in Mecca, Ind., Nov. 30, 1842; united with the Church in Wabash College, early in 1861 ; graduated from Genesee Col- lege in 1864 ; married to Miss Mary E. Smith, of Auburn, July 23, 1867 ; died of consumption at Minneapolis, Minn., Mar. 16, 1871. He had"! daughter; his wife survived him for a short time. Ordained at Lima, N. Y., by Presby., July 16, 1S67 ; miss, of A. B. C. F. M. in Syria, 1S67-70 ; East Avon, N. Y., 1870-1. John Levis Jones, class of 1853-6, jet. 45. Born in Ireland, Dec. 11, 1825 ; united with the Pres. Church in Schaghticoke, N. Y., 1842; studied at Acad., Salem, N. Y. ; Auburn, Mid., 1853-4; Sen., 1855-6; married to Miss Ruth Ann Locke, of Chester, N. Y., June 25, 1854; died of cancer of stomach at Solomon City, Kan., May 3, 1871. He had i son and 5 daughters ; his wife, son and 4 daughters survived him. Ordained and installed at Whitney's Point, N. Y., 1854; Sweden and Riga, to i860; home miss., Emerson, Mo., 1860-1, and Camp Point, Rushville, Brooklyn, 111., 1861-5 ; Mattoon, 1865- 8; Salina, Solomon City and vicinity, Kan., from 1868. Joseph Grout Longley, class of 1867-70, fet. 48. Born in Hawley, Mass., May 26, 1823 ; came to Auburn from Church in Hawley; studied at Amherst College; engaged in teaching ; in the Army ; agt. for Freedmen ; after graduating preached occasionally ; A. M. from Amherst, 1869 ; not married ; died of consumption at Greenville, III., May 6, 1871. 242 NECROLOGY. [June 22,'71. Hugh Carlisle, class of 1826-9, ^^- 7^- Came to Auburn from Philadelphia ; mem, of 5th Pres. Church there ; graduated from Amherst College in 1826 ; died at Rootstown, O., June 22, 187 1. N. C, from 1829 ; Rough Creek, Va., from 1832 ; West Hanover, Ind., 1836; Cape Vincent, N. Y., from 1846; resident Cat- asauqua, Pa. ; Birmingham, O., 1854-6; Hartford, 1856-S ; res- ident Croton, 1858-70, and Rootstown, 187 i. Marshall Danforth Sanders, class of 1848-51, set. 48. Born in Williamstown, Mass., July 3, 1823 ; graduated from Williams College in 1846 ; taught in Social Circle and Athens, Ga., 2 years; married to Miss Georgiana Knight, of Peru, Mass., Sept. 4, 185 1 ; married to Miss Carrie E. Webb, of Adams, N. Y., April 6, 1870 ; died suddenly in Ceylon, Aug. 29, 1 87 1. His wife and 6 sons survived him. Ordained in Peru, Mass., (Cong.) 185 i ; miss, of A. B. C. F. M. in Ceylon from 185 i to his death ; prin. of Batticotta Sem. Aristarchus Champion, Trustee 1842-8, aet. 87. Born in Westchester Parish, Colchester, Conn., Oct. 23, 1784; united with the Cong. Church in Westchester, May 21, 1809 ; graduated from Yale College in 1807 ; never married ; died of old age at Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1871. He resided in Rochester most of his life, and was occupied in the care of his father's and his own property. Charles Grandison Clark, class of 1826-9, ^t. 75. Born in Preston, Conn., April 8, 1796 ; came to Aub. from Church there; graduated from Amherst College in 1827; married to Miss Elizabeth Platt, of Ann Arbor, Mich., Aug. 30, 1830 ; married to Miss Mary E. Chadwick, of York, N. Y., Aug. 31, 1859; died of paralysis at Ann Arbor, Mich., Oct. 2, 1871. He had 3 sons and i daughter ; his wife and i son survived him. Ordained at Madison, N. Y., by Oneida Assoc, Sept. 9, 1829 ; Webster, Mich., 1829-48 ; Kensington and New Hudson, 2 years ; Lodi, 2 years; Webster again, 1852-8 ; afterward resident at Ann Arbor. Albert Mandell, class of 1849-52, set. 45. Born in Aurora, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1827 ; united with the Pres. Church in Aurora, Spr. of 1843 ; studied at Cayuga Lake Acad. ; Auburn, 1846-7, 1848-9, 185 1-2 ; post grad. year in Union Sem., N. Y. ; married to Miss Elizabeth Maria Joy, of Ludlowville, N. Y., Jan. 4, 1853; died of congestion of lungs at Penn Yan, Oct. 7, 187 1. He had 3 sons ; his wife and i son survived him. Ordained pastor, Westernville, by Presby. of Utica, Aut. of 1855 ; Ludlowville, 1850; Westernville, 1855-8; Skaneateles, 1858-60; Newark, N. J., 1862 ; Madison, 1862-9 '■> resident Aurora from 1870. Jan. 1(;;7'2.] NECROLOGY. 243 Albert Truk, class of 1862-5, aet. 32. Born in Ovvego, N. Y., Oct. 30, 1839; came to Aub. from Cong. Church there; graduated from Williams College in 1862; mar- ried to Miss M.VRiA Pitcher, of Warren, Pa., May 16, 1865; died of nervous exhaustion at Saratoga, N. Y., Oct. 18, 187 1. His wife and adopted daughter survived him. Ordained 1865 ; Cedar Falls, Iowa, 1865-6 ; Elbridge, N. Y., from 1866. William Wellington Collins, class of 1839-42, set. 55. Born in Smyrna, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1816 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Smyrna, 1831; graduated from Hamilton College in 1839; married to Sarah Eleanor Lacey, of I'reble, Aug. 2, 1846 ; died of typhoid fever at Parma, Mich., Nov. 21, 1871. He had 3 daughters ; his wife and daughters survived him. Summer Hill, N. Y., from 1841 ; Preble from 1843 ; Pres. Church, Onondaga Valley, from 1846; Sodus from 1849; E. Palmyra from 1854 ; Dundee from 1858 ; Eddytown from 1859; Maine from i860; Penfield from 1864 ; Quincy, Tekonsha and Parma, Mich., 1866-71. Joel Talcott, class of 1825-8, ?et. 72. Born in Vernon, Conn., 1799 ; united with the Church in Vernon, 1818 ; graduated from Yale College in 1825 ; died in Wakeman, O., Dec. 25, 1871. Ordained at Hartford, Conn., by North Assoc, July i, 1828; Wellington, O., 1828-39 > Sullivan, 1839-45 ; Brighton, O., 1846 ; Charleston, 1849; Wakeman, 1850; resident in Wakeman till death. William Wallace Page, class of 1848-51, aet. 54. Born in Albany, N. Y., July, 1818 ; came to Auburn from 4th Ch. there; graduated from Union College in 1842; Union, N. Y., 1842-3 ; Auburn, 1849-51 ; died at Troy, N. Y., Dec. 30, 1871. Ordained pastor, Kent, Conn., by Litchfield North Consoc, Dec. 7, 1853 ; Scipio, N. Y., 1851-2; Union Springs, 1852-3; Kent, 1853-5; Ridgebury, 1856-7 ; 2nd Ch., Danbury, 1857 ; Rough Creek, Va., 1858-9 ; Guilderland, N. Y., 1862-5; Troy, 1865-7, and resident there till death. 1872 John Kelley, M. D., class of 1827-30, ast. 74. Born in Hami)stead, N. H., Jan i, 1798 ; united with the Cong. Church in Hampstead, June 13, 1819; graduated from Williams College in 1825 ; in Seminary part of Junior year ; M. D. from Fairfield Med. College ; married to Catharine Maria Sweet- man, of Carlisle, N. Y., 1834 ; died Jan. 16, 1872, in Esperance, N. Y. He had 2 sons and t, daughters. 244 NECROLOGY. [Feb. 6,'72. Practiced Medicine in Fultonville, in Carlisle 14 years, and in Es- perance the remainder of his life. George Washington Thomson, class of 18,^3-6, ret. 60. Born in Clark's Mills, N. Y., Sept. 3, 181 1 ; united with the Ch. in Clinton, N. Y., Sept. 4, 1831 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1833 ; married to Miss Elizabeth Brainard, of Vero- na, N. Y., 1839; died of mesenteric rupture at Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 6, 1872. His wife, 2 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor, Munnsville, N. Y., by Oneida Presby., June 11, 1838; Munnsville, about 2 years ; in charge of the " Polytechny" School, Chittenango, 1840-5 ; Onondaga Academy, 1845-7 ; Riga Academy, 1847-9 '■> i^ business ; teaching a School for boys Syracuse ; in business ; supplied Churches as opportunity offered ; resided in Syracuse and afterward in Buffalo. Robert Hunter, class of 1845-8, set. 52. Born in New Lebanon, N. Y., 1820 ; came to Aub. from Church in Miss. Inst. ; graduated from Mission Institute, 111., 1845 ; Auburn, 1845-7 ; died March 11, 1872. Charlestown, O., -1848-52; Clay, Iowa, 1858-61; Columbus City, 1861-8; Nevinville from 1868. Moses Ashley Curtis, D. D., class of 1827-30, set. 64. Born in Stockbridge, Mass., 1808 ; united with the Church in Williamstown, 1826 ; graduated from Williams College in 1827 ; in Auburn 3 months of Junior year; D. D. from the Univ. of I N. Carolina in 1852 ; married in N. C, 1834; died in Hills- borough, N. C, Apr. 10, 1872. Ordained Priest in P. E. Church, at Richmond, Va., May 31, 1835 ; officiated in North and South Carolina. Published reviews, sermons, and papers on botanical subjects. Joseph Steele, class of 1824-7, vet. 71. Born in Kingsboro, N. Y. ; June 8, 1801 ; joined the Church at Kingsboro, July 20, 1817 ; graduated from Union College in 1824 ; married to Miss Julia A. Bacon, in 1830; married to Miss Harriet B. Hopkins, of Great Barrington, Mass., Feb. i2,'i835 ; died of heart disease at Mobile, Ala., April 25, 1872. His wife, with I daughter and 2 of their 3 sons, survived him ; one son was John Bacon Steele of 186 1-4. Ordained at Albany, N. Y., by Presby., Jan. 10, 1828 ; Sarato- ga Springs, 1828-9 ; Cong. Church in Castleton, Vt., 1828-54 ; teacher in Burr Seminary, 1854-6 ; lived in Middlebury, Vt., preaching, &c., from 1856. Joel Campbell, class of 1824-7, ^et. 76. Came to Auburn from Woodbridge, N. J. ; mem. of Church there ; graduated from Amherst College in class of 1825 ; died of con- gestion of lungs at La Fayette, N. J., May 15, 1872. He had i son and i daughter ; his wife, son and daughter survived him. Sept. 21/72.] NECROLOGY. 245 Honesdale, Pa., 1829-35; Utica, N. Y., S. S. agt., i niarried to Anna Caroline Johnson, of Morristown, Oct. 22, 1839 ; married to Jane Jack- son, of Newark, N. J., May 18, 1842 ; died of congestion of the brain at College Hill, O., Jan. 18, 1874. He had 5 sons and 3 daughters; his wife, 3 sons and 1 daughter survived him; sons in 1864-9, and 1867-70. Ordained pastor, West Bloomfield, N. J., by Presby. of Newark, Apr., 1839; West Bloomfield, 1839-43; 4th Pres. Ch., Albany, N. Y., 1843-6 ; 2d Pres. Ch., Cincinnati, O., 1846-58 ; pres. of Hamilton College, 1858-67 ; Westminster Church, Utica, N. Y., 1867-71 ; resident, ])aralyzed. at College Hill, O.. 1871-4. Moderator of General Assembly, 1857; published " The Three Great Temptations,"' 1852; "Occasional Sermons and Ad- dresses," i860 ; "Life of Christ," posthumously. George Randall Howe Shumway, class of 1831-4, a^t. 66. Born in Oxford, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1808; united with the Pres. Ch. in Oxford in 1820 ; obtained his literary and classical education at Oxford Academy; married to Miss Emily Charlotte Ford, of Lawrenceville, Pa., Feb. 17, 1835 ; died of congestion of the lungs at Lawrenceville, Jan. 28, 1874. He had i son and 3 daughters ; his wife, 1 son and 1 daughter survived him. Ordained pastor. Palmyra, N. Y., by Geneva Presby., Jan. i, 1835 ; Palmyra, 1834-42 ; Newark, 1844-70 ; Fall Brook and Tioga, Pa., and Peach Orchard and Painted Post, N. Y. Hon. John Porter, Trustee 1834-73, set. 83. Born in Hadley, Mass., Oct. 24, 1790; united with the 2d Pres. Church in Auburn, I^ec. i, 1853 ; graduated from Williams Col- lege in 1810 ; married to Miss Abigail Martha Phillips, of Middletown, Conn., Feb. 17, 1825; died of paralysis at Auburn, Feb. 3, 1874. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters ; his wife, i son and I daughter survived him. Resident in Auburn from 1812 ; practicing Law from 1815 ; Sur- rogate from 1828, 8 years; State Senator, 1843-7 ! secretary of Trustees of Aub. Sem., 1834-44. jAisiES Maltby Sayre, class of 1834-7, set. 60. Born in Catskill, N. Y., March 4, 1814 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Catskill, June 5, 1831 ; graduated from Williams College in 1834; entered the Middle class at Auburn, on dismission from Princeton, June, 1836 ; he never married ; died of pneumonia at Catskill, May 9, 1874. 250 NECROLOGY. [Jiine2,'74. Ordained pastor, Rondout, N. Y., by Presby. of North River, Sept. i8, 1839; Rondout to 1842; from this time his health did not allow him to do professional work ; resided in Catskill, engaged in business. William McDuffee, class of 1873-6, set. 27. Born in Philadelphia, May 29, 1847; united with the Olivet Pres. Church in Philadelphia, June 8, 1866 ; studied at Hamilton Col- lege in class of 1873 ; unmarried ; died of consumption in Phil- adelphia, June 2, 1874. Charles Augustus Wetmore, class of 1869-72, aet. 31. Born in Norwich, N. Y., Nov. 8, 1843 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Norwich, Jan., 1862; graduated from Hamilton College in 1869 ; left the Seminary on account of ill health in the Fall of 1870; married to Miss Sarah A. Pollard, of Seneca Falls, Mar. 21, 187 1 ; prin. of Leicester Academy, Mass., from the Spring of 187 I ; died of heart disease at Waumtek Hotel, Jeffer- son, N. H., July 6, 1874. His wife and i daughter survived him. Tertius Dunning Southworth, class of 1826-9, ^^- 73- Born in Rome, N. Y., July 25, 1801 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Bridgewater ; graduated from Hamilton College in class of 1827 ; Andover, 1826-7 and 1828-9; Auburn, 1827-8; married to Miss Martha Warren, of Weathersfield, Vt., June 17, 1839; died at Bridgewater, N. Y., Aug. 2, 1874. No children; his wife survived him. Ordained at Utica, N. Y., by Oneida Presby., Oct. 7, 1832 ; Bridge- water ; Sauquoit, 1830-2; Claremont, N. H., 1833-8; Frank- lin, Mass., 1S38-50; Lyndon, Vt., 1852 ; White Creek, N. Y., and Bennington and Pownal, Vt., 1852-7 ; Kenosha, Wis., 1859- 68; resident Bridgewater from 1869. William Todp, class of 182 1-4, tet. 73. Born in Marcellus, N. Y., March 8, 1801 ; united with the Pres. Church in Marcellus, Oct. 5, 1817 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 182 1 ; married to Miss Lucy Brownell, of Penn Yan, N. Y., Dec. 12, 1828 ; married to Mrs. Clarissa Annette Frost Woodward, in India, Dec, 1836; married to Miss Ruth SouTHWiCK, of Poughkeepsie, Oct., 1840 ; died of paralysis at Madura, Kan., Aug. 10, 1874. No children; his wife survived him. Ordained at Ira, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, July 12, 1826 ; Ben- ton, 1828-30 ; West Dresden, 1830-3 ; miss, at Jaffna, Ceylon, and at Madura, India, 1833-9; Perryville, Md. ; Warren, Pa. ; Sugar Grove ; Ellington, N. Y., 1849-51 ; Grand Detour, 111., 1854-8; Junction City, Kan.; Madura; farmer at Madura, 1872-4. Thomas Sherrard, class of 1857-60, ast. 45. Born in Co. of Antrim, Ireland, December, 1829 ; united with the Church at Tecumseh, Mich., Oct., 185 1 ; graduated from Univ. Sopt.28;74.] NECROLOGY. 251 of Michigan in 1857; Auburn Junior class, on dismission from Princeton, P'eb. 5, 1858; married to Miss Valkkia Diantha Gray, of Milwaukee, June, i860 ; died at Brooklyn, Mich., of brain disease, Aug. 10, 1874. He had 2 sons and 6 daughters ; his wife, 2 sons and 4 daughters survived him. Ordained at New Ducjuoin, 111., by Presby. of Alton, Apr. 14, i86i ; Centralia, 1860-64 ; Pres. Church, Brooklyn, Mich., 1865-75. Obadiah ('ottgrave Beardsley, class of 1826-9, a^t. 76. Born in Harpersfield, Delaware Co., N. Y., June 3, 1798 ; united witli the Pres. Churcli in Eden, N. Y., 1820 ; graduated from Union College in 1826; married to Miss Clarissa Pomeroy Rust, of Skaneateles, Oct. 24, 1830 ; died of palsy, at Albion, Aug. 23, 1874. He had 2 sons and i daughter; his wife and daughter survived him. Ordained by the Buffalo Presby., at Sheridan, May 12, 1830; home miss, in Stockton, Charlotte and Gerry, 2 years ; Pres. Church of Silver Creek, from April i, 1832, 13^ years ; Pres. Church of Honeoye Falls, from Oct., 1846, 11 years; Middle- port from Nov., 1858, 3 years. David Downs Gregory, class of 1827-30, aet. 72. Born at Sand Lake, N. Y., Aug. 27, 1802 ; came to Aub. from Church in Deposit ; graduated from Williams College in 1827 ; Auburn, 1827-9; Andover, 1829-30; married to Miss Sarah Salome Rhoades, of Skaneateles, N. Y., Nov. 29, 1830 ; mar- ried to Miss Elizabeth Bury, of Grosse He, Mich., Jan. 29, 1852 ; died at Binghamton, Sept. 16, 1874. His wife and daugh- ter survived him. Ordained at Fredonia, N. Y., by Buffalo Presby., Nov. 10, 1831 ; Ripley, 1 830-1 ; Fredonia, 183 1-3 ; Westfield, 1833-8; Bingham- ton, 1838-47; Tabernacle Church, Cincinnati, O., 1847-52 and 1858-9; North East, N. Y., 1852-8 ; Prattsburgh, 1859-66; sup- plied Chs. in vicinity of Binghamton. George Alva Penny, class of 1874-7, ^t. 26. Born in Unadilla Forks, N. Y., May 21, 1848; united with the Church in Hamilton College, April, 1871 ; graduated from Ham- ilton College in 1874 ; not married ; died in Auburn, Sept. 16, 1874. Stanley Parmlee Hough, class of 1835-8, ret. 61. His name was afterwards changed to H(jugh P. Stanley; born in Bristol, Conn., Jan. 15, 1814 ; united with the ist Pres. Ch. in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1828 ; graduated from Oneida Institute in 1836; studied at Yale College ; Mid. year at Auburn; Prince- ton The. Sem., 1837 ; married to Miss Ann Parker Green, of Whitesboro, N. Y., Oct. 18, 1841 ; married to Miss Caroline Elizabeth Wilcox, of Whitesboro, Dee. i, 1847 ; died of dropsy at Chicago, 111., Sept. 28, 1874. He had 2 sons and 4 daughters, who, with his wife, survived him ; i child went before him. 252 NECROLOGY. [Nov. 19,"?4. Ordained, Marshall, N. Y., by Whitesboro Assoc, Apr. 8, 1840; Oriskany, N. Y.; his health failed; edited Friend of Man, at Utica, N. Y.; in commission business in Chicago, 111. Hon. Jared Fordham Ostrander, class of 18,^2-5, ?et. 69. Born in Plattekill, Ulster Co., N. Y., Sept. 13, 1805 ; united with the ist Cong. Church in Pompey, 1826 ; graduated from Oneida Institute in 1832 ; Auburn, Jun. and part of Mid. years ; married to Miss RowENA Wells, of Pompey Hill, July 23, 1834 ; died of cancerous disease of stomach at Mantorville, Wis., Nov. 19, 1874. His wife, i son and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained, Oswego, N. Y., by Assoc, Sept. 3, 1834 ; Oswego, 1834-5 ; South Onondaga, 1835-6 ; Milwaukee, Wis., 1836-8 ; Jefferson Co., Wis., on a farm, but preaching much, and doing miss, work, 183S-66 ; resident Mantorville, from 1866; Judge of Probate of Dodge Co. Hon. Gerrit Smith, LL. D., Trustee 1834-7, aet. 78. Born in Utica, N. Y., March 6, 1707 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Peterboro, N. Y., Mar. 17, 1826; graduated from Hamilton College in 1818 ; LL. D. from Adrian College; married to Miss Wealthy Ann Backus, of Clinton, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1819; mar- ried to Miss Ann Carroll FrrzHUOH, of Geneseo, Jan. 3, 1822; died of dropsy of the brain in New York, Dec. 2, 1874. He had 7 children ; his wife, i son and i daughter survived him. Admitted to practice Law, 1853 ; member of Congress, 1853 ; ac- tive and noted as a public man, an orator, and an opponent of slavery. Published, besides pamphlets and articles, " Gerrit Smith in Con- gress," 1855; "Sermons and Speeches," 1861 ; "The Religion of Reason," 1864; " Speeches and Letters "; " The Theologies," 1866 ; " Nature the Base of a Free Theology," 1867 ; " Corres- pondence with Albert Barnes," 1868. Sidney Holman, class of 1830-3, ast. 75. Born in Royalston, Mass., Jan. 5, 1800 ; came to Aub. from Ch. there; graduated from Williams College in 1830; Auburn from June, 1831, through the Middle year; married to Miss Myra Fisher, of Templeton, Mass., Jan. 8, 1833 ; married to Miss L. C. Griswoli), of Brandon, Vt., after 1852 ; died at Goshen, Mass., Dec. 31, 1874. He had i son and 3 daughters, and left a widow and 2 daughters. Ordained and installed at Saugus, Mass., (Cong.) Jan. 16, 1833; Saugus, 1832-4; Killingly, Conn., 1836-8; Webster, Mass., 1838-40; Millbury, minister and resident, 1840-56; Holyoke, 1856-62; Goshen, 1862-5; Windsor, 1865-9; Gohsen, 1870; East Weathersfield, Vt., from 1871. Joseph Ayer Pepoon, class of 1823-6, set. 78. Born in Hebron, Conn., March 5, 1797 ; united with the ist Church, Painesville, O., May 10, 1818; entered the Auburn Mid. Apr. 14,'7f>.] NECROLOGY. 253 class, April 20, i probably not married; died in Philadelphia, about 1875. Ordained before going to Beverly ; Beverly, N. J., 1870-2. Bennett Fatrchted Northrop, class of 1824-7, ^^t. 73. Born in Brookfield, Conn., Oct. 16, 1801 ; united with the Cong. Church in Bethel, Sept., 1817; graduated from Yale College in 1824; admitted to the Auburn Jun. class, April 20, 1825; married to Miss Martha Stillman, of Wethersfield, Conn., May 5, 1827 ; married to Miss Elizabeth Cotton Bull, of Hartford, June 24, 1845; died of softening of the brain at Griswold, March 4, 1875. He had 5 sons and 3 daughters ; his wife and 3 daughters survived him. Acting pastor, Tolland, Mass., 1827-8; ordained pastor of First Cong. Church, Manchester, Conn., Feb. 4, 1829 ; dismissed, Oct. 29, 1850 ; agt. of Am. S. S. Union, 1850-2 ; pastor at Griswold, Conn., 1853-70. JosiAH Bacon, class of 1821-4, cet. 78. Born in Egremont, Mass., Oct. 29, 1796; united with the Cong. Church in Egremont, Nov. 22, 1816 ; graduated from Williams College in 1820 ; nearly finished Auburn course, but stopped by ill health ; never married; died at Egremont, of congestion of the lungs, April 14, 1875, Licensed by Berkshire Assoc, 1825, but never ordained ; preached I year at Freedom, O. ; taught in Va. ; engaged in farming in Egremont. Tertius Strong Clarke, D. D., class of 1824-7, ^t. 76. Born in Westhampton, Mass., Dec. 17, 1798; united with the Cong. Church in Westhampton ; graduated from Yale College 254 NECROLOGY. [ Apr. 14,'75. in 1824; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1856; married to .^l- MiRA Abigail Marshall, of Granville, Mass., Sept., 1827 ; died at Neath, Pa., April 14, 1875. He had i son and 4 daugh- ters ; 2 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor of Cong. Church, South Deerfield, Mass., Oct. 3, 1827; S. Deerfield, 1827-34; Haddam, Conn., 1834-7; Stock- bridge, Mass., from 1837, 12 years ; Penn Yan, N. Y., from 1850 ; Pres. Church, Franklin, N. Y., from 1852 ; Cuyahoga Falls, O., from 1858 ; Pres. Church, Weedsport, N. Y., 1864-5 ! afterwards resided at Cuyahoga Falls, and preached occasionally. Calvin Morrill, class of 1830-3, ast. 69. Born in Boscawen, N. H., Dec. 6, 1805 ; united with the Bosca- wen Church, Jan. 16, 1820 ; graduated from Dartmouth College in 1829 ; Auburn, 1830-2 ; Andover, 1837 ; married to Miss Mary Clark, of Boscawen, Feb. 28, 1846; died of brain pa- ralysis at Webster, May 14, 1875. His wife survived him ; no children. Never ordained ; farmer in Webster, N. H. ; active as a citizen and Church member. James Richards, Jr., D. D., LL. D., class of i8^t,-6, a^t. 62. Born in Newark, N. J., July 21, 1813 ; son of Prof. James Richards, D. D. ; joined 2d. Pres. Church, Auburn, Jan. 20, 1834 ; student of Union and Hamilton Colleges, in class of 1834; Auburn the course and post grad., 1836-7; A. M. from Hamilton College, 1839; D. D. from Lafayette College, 1850; LL. D. from Planters' College ; married to Miss Beals, of Canandaigua, N. Y., Aug. 25, 1836 ; married to Miss Sarah Wisner, of Penn Yan, Nov. 16, 1847 ; married to Mrs. Helen S. Franklin, of N. Y. City, July 26, 1857; died suddenly at Edinburgh, Scotland, July 30, 1875. His wife, 2 sons and 3 daughters survived him ; i daughter went before him. Ordained pastor at Aurora, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, July 18, 1837; Penn Yan, from 1841 ; Morristown, N. J., from 1847; prof, of Mor. Phil, and Belles Lettres, Planters' College, Miss , from 1853 ; minister in New Orleans ; teacher and minister in Litchfield, Conn. ; pastor in East Boston, Mass., from 1870, in Charlestown, W. Va., from 1872. Published " The Safe Side," 1875. Royal Mann, class of 1829-32, set. 70. Born in Orford, N. H., Nov. 6, 1805 ; graduated from Dartmouth College in 1829 ; Aub. Sen. class from " the Union Seminary ;" married to Miss Sarah P. Lee, of Rochester, Oct. 13, 1839; married to Mrs. Mary A. Rich Raymond, of Penfield, Jan. 31, 1861 ; married to Mrs. Laura Durfee, of Marion, Oct. 16, 1866 ; died of inflammation of kidneys at Marion, Aug. 10, 1875. His wife survived him ; his one son died in the Army in 1863. Sept. 20,'75.] NECUOLOGY. 255 Ordained, Marion, Mar. lo, 1839; teaching in N. Y. City, 1834-8; Marion from 1839, and teacher of Greek and Latin in the Marion Institute for 3 years; Chili; Webster; Marion again; Hector; Penfield, 1859 ; resident in Marion. Arunah Hall Lilly, class of 1848-51, ret. 56. Born at Castle Creek, N. Y., March 18, 1819; united with the ist Pres. Ch. of Binghamton, about 1834 ; graduated from Williams College in 1848; 2 years at Union Seminary, N. ¥.; Mid. year at Auburn; married to Miss Sophia M. Clark Marsh, of Mil- ton, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1852; died of paralysis of the bladder at Troy, Kansas, Aug. 13, 1875. His wife, 2 sons and 3 daughters survived him. Ordained in N. Y. City by 3rd Presby. of N. Y., Oct. 10, 185 1 ; Cranesville, (now Cranford) N. J., 185 1-3 ; Centreville, N. Y., 1853-5; Sherman, Cong. Ch., i year; Silver Creek, 1856-9; East Palmyra, 1859-70; Troy, Kan., from 1871. Edward Silas Lacy, class of 1850-53, aet. 49. Born at Galway, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1826 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Clinton, Nov. 5, 1848 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1850 ; married to Miss Isabella Hill Borland, of Montgom- ery, N. y., Dec. 6, 1859 ; died at St. Helena, Cal., Aug. 23, 1875. His wife, i son and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained, ist Ch., Syracuse, by Presby. of Onondaga, Apr. 12, 1854; home miss, in Crescent City, Cal., i year; ist Cong. Church jn San Francisco, to 1864 ; invalid in Europe, 2 years; farming near Martinsburgh, W. Va., 3 years ; Cong. Church in Brooklyn, Cal., 1871-74. Thomas Rockv^^ell Townsend, class of 1834-7, Kt. 70. Born at South Salem, N. Y., July 6, 1805 ; united with the Church in Lysander, about 1830; married to Miss Jane Holmes, of Genoa, Oct. i, 1828; married to Miss Angerline Bartlett Shapley, of Oswego, Oct. 18, 1834; died at Meridian, Sept, 11, 1875. He had 2 daughters; his wife and 2 grand children sur- vived him. Ordained pastor at Cayuga by Cayuga Presby.. Oct. 30, 1838 ; chap, of Aub. State Prison from 1840; pastor at Fulton, from 1843; Burdett from 1851; Dinsmore and Hyde Park, Pa., from 1855 ; lived at Meridian, N. Y., and supplied Churches from 1866. Caleb Perkins Seymour, class of 1832-5, aet. 67. Born in Granby, Conn., June 8, 1808 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Otis, Mass., 1826 ; graduated from Williams College in 1832 ; never married ; found dead in a deserted house, at Sedalia, Mo., Sept. 20, 1875. Licensed by Cayuga Presby. in 1835; never ordained or settled over a Church ; he engaged in business in Ravenna, O., and afterward taught in Illinois, Iowa, Arkansas, Missouri, Texas, Montana and Kansas. 256 NECROLOGY. [Sept. 24,'75. Seth Wii.lakd Sk(;uk, class of 1859-62, tet. 44. Born in Chittenden, Vt., Dec. 24, 183 1 ; united with the Church in Pittsfield, at the age of 14 ; graduated from Middlebury Col- lege in 1859 ; married to Miss Ellen L. Blossom, of Pittsfield, Sept. 13, 1859 ; died of typhoid fever, while visiting at Tall- madge, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1875. His wife and son survived him. Ordained by Council, in Pittsfield, May 28, 1862 ; pastor of Cong. Church in Tallmadge, Ohio, for 9 years ; Gloucester, Mass., 2 years ; West Medway, 2 years. William Uriah Benedict, class of 1829-32, fet. 67. Born in Stamford, Conn., Sept. 25, 1808 ; joined the Pres. Church of Scipio, N. Y., at 10 years of age ; graduated from Williams College in 1829 ; married to Miss Almira Ann Bennett, of Owasco Lake, Jan. 18, 1834 ; died in Vermontville, Mich., Oct. 18, 1875. His wife, 2 sons and 2 daughters survived him ; two children died before him. Ordained and installed at Ira, by Presbytery of Cayuga, June 10, 1834; Ira, 5 years; Sweden, 2 years; Richmond, i^ years; Vermontville, Mich., teaching and preaching since 1842 ; sec'y and treas. of Olivet College 5 years of that time. Isaac .Anderson Martin, class of 1867-70, ast. 35. Born in Jefferson County, Tenn., 1841 ; united with the Pres. Church in Strawberry Plains, 1852; studied 2 years in Mary- ville College in class of i860 ; Auburn, 1867-9; Lane, 1869-70 ; married to Margaret Ault, of Knox Co., Tenn., in 1873 ; died of typhoid fever at Strawberry Plains, Tenn., Oct. 30, 1875. He had 2 sons ; his wife and sons survived him. Ordained, 187 1 or 1872, by Presby. of Union ; resident at Straw- berry Plains and stated supply of Mount Horeb, St. Paul's, and Hebron, E. Tennessee, from 1871. James Skinner Seymour, Trustee 1829-45, a:t. 85. Born in West Hartford, Conn., Apr. 15, 1791 ; united with the rst Pres. Church in Auburn, Apr. 27, 182 1 ; never married; died of old age at Auburn, Dec. 3, 1875. Clerk in Bank of Hartford; cashier in the Bank of Auburn, 1817- 49 ; president of same, 1849-75 ; by bequest founder of Sey- mour Library and Seymour Hospital in Auburn. Alexander Douglass, class of 1865-8, ret. 37. Born in Cavan, Ontario Co., Canada, Aug., 1838; united with the Millbrook Churcli in Cavan, at the age of 15 ; studied 3 years in Genesee College and Michigan University ; married to Miss Alice Marvin, of Lima, N. Y., March, 1861 ; died at Lima, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1875. One daughter preceded him; his wife, 2 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained at Mendon, N. Y., by Presbytery of Rochester in 187 1 ; Seneca Castle, and Evans Mills, 1868-71; Mendon, 1871-2 ; Menasha, Wis., 1872-3, when health failed. Dec. 24/75.] NECROLOGY. 25 < Kaxtkk Dickinson, I). I)., Professor, xt. 8i. Uorn in Amherst, Mass., April 14, 1795 ; united witli the Cong. Church in Amherst, 181 1 ; graduated from Yale College in 181 7 ; graduated from Andover The. Sem. in 1821 ; I). I), from Am- herst College in 1838 ; married to Miss Martha Bush, of Hoyls- ton, Mass., June 4, 1823 ; died of debility of old age at ]»rook- lyn, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1875. He had 3 sons and 6 daughters ; his wife, I son and 3 daughters survived him ; one son was R. S. S. Dickinson, of the class of 1845-8. Ordained jjastor of Cong. Church, Longmeadow, Mass., March 5, 1823; Longmeadow, 1823-9; 3d Pres. Church, Newark, N. J., 1829-35; prof of Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theol., Lane Seminary, 1835-9; prof, of Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theol. in Auburn, 1839- 47 ; acting prof, at Andover Sem. in same chair, 1848; agt. and sec. of Am, and For. Chr. Un., at Boston, Mass., 1850-9; re- sided at Lake Forest, 111., 1859-68; afterward in Brooklyn. Wrote the "Auburn Declaration," in 1837; Moderator of Gen- eral Assembly at Philadelphia in 1839. Cyrus Hudson, class of 1825-8, ajt. 75. Born in Dorset, Remington Co., Vt., June 30, 1800; united witli the Cong. Church of Dorset in 181 7 ; graduated from Middle- bury College in 1825 ; married to Miss Eliza Marsh, of Vt., Jan. 23, 1829 ; died in Springfield, 111., Dec. 11, 1875. He had 2 sons and 5 daughters ; his wife, i son and 2 daughters sur- vived him. Ordained by Presby. of Cayuga, at Scipio, N. Y., Feb. 3, 1830 ; home miss, at Milan, and W. Groton, to 1831 ; pastor at Canaan Four Corners, 4 years ; Curtisville, Mass., 3 years ; agt. of Am. Tract Soc, 1837-49; pastor at Mount Morris, N. Y., 1840-7 ; Dorset, Vt., 1847-54; afterward engaged in various labors ; res- ident in Belvidere, and in Springfield, 111., from 186S. Louis Hequrmbourg, class of 1836-9, jet. 64. Born at New Haven, Conn., July 15, 181 1 ; graduated at Yale College in 1835 ; Auburn, from Yale Col. Ch., 1835-9 ; married to Miss Emilia Sophia Williams, Oct. 25, 1842 ; died at Mc- Pherson, Neb., Dec. 24, 1875. He had 4 sons and 3 daughters ; his wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained and installed at Dunkirk, N. Y., Oct. 24, 1841 ; Fredonia, I year; Dunkirk, 4 vears ; Jamestown, 3 years; Dansville, 7 years ; Warren, Pa., 7 years ; appointed Army chaplain at Fort Kearney, in 1868 ; transferred to Fort McPherson, Neb., in 1874. 1876. Jonathan Bailey Condit, D. D., Professor, ret. 67. Born in Hanover, N. J., Dec. 16, 1808 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Woodbridge, Aug. 5, 1825 ; graduated from Princeton Col- lege in 1827 ; graduated from Princeton Theol. Sem. in 1830 ; '7 258 NECROLOGY. [Jan. 1, '76. D. D. from Princeton College in 1847 ; married to Miss Eliza Keiurah Wooohull, of Lawrenceville, N. J., July 14, 1831 ; married to Miss Sara Strong Woodhuli., of Longmeadow, Mass., in 1836 ; died of prostatic hypertrophy, at Auburn, Jan. I, 1876. He had i son and 5 daughters ; his wife and 2 daugh- ters survived him. Ordained pastor of Cong. Church, Longmeadow, Mass., by Coun- cil, July 14, 1831 ; prof, of Rhetoric in Amherst College, 1835-8 ; past, of Cong. Church, Portland, Me., 1838-45 ; 2d Pres. Ch., Newark, N. J., 1845-50; ])rof. of Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theol., I.ane Seminary, 185 1-5 ; prof, of Sac. Rhet. and Past, "riieol., Auburn, 1854, and emeritus prof, till death. Moderator of Gen- eral Assembly at Syracuse in 1861. Darwin Chichester, class of 1S40-3, ret. 59. Born in Fishkill, N. Y., April 2, 1817; united with the Brick Pres. Church in Rochester, April 28, 1833 ; graduated from Union College in 1839; married to Miss Amanda Barris, of Chagrin Falls, O., 1843 ; married to Miss Caroline Elizabeth Chapin, of Rochester, Feb., 1850; died of apoplexy, Hammonds- port, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1876. He had 2 sons and 5 daughters, all of whom, with his wife, survived him. Ordained at Jackson, Mich., by Jackson Assoc, Aug 22, 1843 ; ist. Cong. Church of Jackson, 1843-4; Atiica and Pembroke, N. Y., 1844-9 ; North East, Pa., 1850 ; .Mount Morris, N. Y.. 1851-5; Corning, 1856-9; Wolcott, 1859-63; Burdett, 1863-9; Hammondsport, till his death. Published "Hannah's Vow, or Hallowed Motherhood," 1873. Isaac Jones, class of 1824-7, ^t. 89. Born in Norwich, Vt., 1789 ; united with the Pres. Church while young ; entered Sem. from Church in Stafford ; married to Miss Walters, of Western N. Y., 1829 ; married to Miss Maria W. FiNLEY, of Bethel, Va., 1837 ; married to Miss Ellen a M. Bouchelle, of Morganton, N. C, Aug. 10, 1842; died of old age at Columbia, Mo., Jan. 27, 1876. He had i child ; his wife survived him. Ordained by Presby. of Genesee, Feb. 2, 1829 ; resident in Mid- dlebury Village, N. Y., preaching in revivals; supply at May- ville, 1830-2; evang. in Va., 1832-4; Hebron, Va., 1835-9; Columbia, Mo., 1840-6 ; resident at Columbia. Thomas Kitchel Crane, class of 1870-3, ret. 46. Born in Middletown, N. Y., April 26, 1830 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in New Milford, Pa. ; studied in Select School there; mar- ried to Miss Phebe Louisa Crane, of New Milford, Aug. 24, 1854 ; married to Miss Rosetta M. Rounds, Sept. 2, 1873 ; died of blood poisoning at Presb. Hospital. N. Y., Feb. 20, 1876. He had 2 sons and 2 daughters ; i daughter survived him. He became an invalid soon after graduating. Apr. 2!);7(;.] NECKOLOfJY. 259 Skih I'ai^sons Mi.rwin Hastings, class of 1S34-7, xt. 63. liorn in (Pinion, N. Y., April 13, 1813 ; united with the Cong. C^hurch in Clinton, May i, icS3i; graduated from Hamilton College in 1CS33; admitted to the Auburn Mid. class from Andover, Oct. 15, 1835 ; married to Miss Elizabeth Barnard Hui TRICK, of Clinton, Oct. i, 1838; died of paralysis, at Ac- cord, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1876. He had 3 sons and i daughter; 2 sons and the daughter survived him. Ordained at (Clinton, by Presby. of Utica, Feb. 21, 1838; Pres. Church at Vernon Centre, 1839-41 ; Moravia, 1842-5 ; Summer Hill, 1845-8; Pompey Hill, 1848-55 ; Ref. Church at Chitte- nango, 1855-9; Coxsackie, 1860-70; Accord, 1870-6. Amos Payne Hawi.ey, class of 1834-7,261. 62. Born in Moreau, N. Y., May, 1813 ; united with the Pres. Church in Warren, Pa., 1831 ; graduated from Western Reserve College in 1834; Auburn Mid. class from Lane Sem., Oct. 14, 1835 ; married to Miss Sarah .\rtimicia Harvey, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., in 1838 ; died of paralysis of the heart at Jersey City, N. J., Feb. 26, 1876. He had 2 sons; his wife survived him. Ordained pastor at Springville, N. Y., by Buffalo Presby., Jan. 30, 1839 ; Springville from March, 1838; soon after his ordination, he was injured by the fall of a tree, and was never able to preach afterward; resided in Jersey City, N. J. Orson Parker, class of 1830-3, a;t. 75. Born in Methuen, Mass., Oct. 9, 1800 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Adams, N. Y., 1831 ; practiced Law at Adams, 1826-31 ; en- tered the Mid. class at Auburn, Oct. 13, 1831, and remained i year; married to Miss Celestine Gridley, of Adams, 1826; married to Miss Uiana Eleanor Atherton, of Henderson, Sept. 3, 1832; died of paralysis at Havana, March 14, 1876. He had 4 sons and 5 daughters ; his wife, 2 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained at Rodman, N. Y., by the Black River Assoc, May 9, 1832 ; labored as an evangelist, every year, without intermission, till his death, assisting in more than 400 revivals; was engaged in a revival meeting at Havana, when stricken with the paraly- sis which terminated his life. His book on revivals, " The Fire and the Hammer," with bio- graphical sketch, published in 1877. Jonathan Bancroft Parlin, class of 1S33-6, aet. 69. Born in Middlesex Co., Mass., Feb. 24, 1807 ; united with the Cong. Church in Stockholm, N. Y. ; studied at Potsdam Acad, and Western Reserve College ; married to Miss Esther Mor- gan, of Potsdam, N. Y. ; married to Miss Sarah Alma Law- rence, of Norwalk, O., Apr. 10, 1855 ; died of bilious colic at Stacyville, la., Apr. 29, 1876. He had 2 sons and 3 daughters; his wife, 2 sons and 2 daughters survived him. 260 NECROLOGY. [June 7, '76. Ordained by Black River Assoc, 1838; Monroeville, O., Cong. Ch., 10 years to 1849; Birmingham, O., 1850-2; Vermillion, 1853-4 ; Colesburg, Iowa, 1855-61 ; Republic, Pres. Ch., 1861-4; Stacyville, Cong. Ch., 1866-9, and resident there till death. George VVoolsey Ryerson, class of 1874-7, jet. 28. Born in New York City, Jan. 2, 1848 ; united with the State St. Cong, (afterward Pres.) Church, Autumn of 1866 ; studied at Rutgers College in class of 1870; in business in Buffalo, 187 1-4; married to Miss Ellen I. Gazlay, of Buffalo, Feb. 5, 1874; died of typhus fever at Auburn, June 7, 1876. His wife sur- vived him. Silas Clark Brown, class of 1825-8, set. 79. Born in Easthampton, Mass., Sept. 2, 1797 ; united with the Ch. in Prattsburgh, N. Y., Feb. 21, 1819 ; graduated from Union College in 1826; entered Aub. jun. class, June, 1826, and re- mained through Mid. year ; married to Miss Mary Cleveland, of Brooklyn, Conn., Aug. 16, 1830; died of brain disease at West Bloomfield, June 14, 1876. He had 2 sons and 2 daugh- ters, all of whom, with his wife, survived him. Ordained and installed at We-^t Bloomfield, N Y., by Presby. of Ontario, April 23, 1828; West Bloomfield, 1828-37; Batavia, 1835-6; York, 1837-42; Pembroke, 1842-6; resident at West Bloomfield from 1847, supi)lying at Centerfield, 1847-9, West Bloomfield, new Church, 1849-54, Bristol, 1854-60, and other Churches for a few years longer. Published several seimons. DiLLis Dyer PIamilton, class of 1853-6, ret. 53. Born in Sharon, Vt., Jan. 14, 1824; united with the Cong. Church in Royalton, 1842 ; graduated from Univ. of Roch- ester in 1853; entered the Auburn Sen. class from Roch- ester The. Sem., Jan. 21, 1856 ; married to Miss Eliza Saun- ders, at West Gaines, N. Y., Jan. 3, 1854; died of stomatitis at Pompeii, Mich., July 22, 1876. He had 3 sons and 5 daughters ; 3 sons and 4 daughters survived him. Ordained at Cambria Center, N. Y., by Council, Oct. 13, 1858 ; Akron, 1857-9 ; Cambria, 1859-63 ; Clarence, 1863-6 ; Somer- set, I year; Pompeii, Mich., 1868-76. During the eight years of this last pastorate, he also preached in Ithaca, Mich., and other neighboring places. Robinson Smiley Lockwood, class of 1833-6, ast. 70. Born in Springfield, Vt., Aug. 10, 1806; united with the Pres. Ch. in Potsdam, N. Y., 1822 ; graduated from Middlebury College in 1832 ; Auburn, i or 2 years from 1833 ; married to Miss Sarah Ann Noble, of Canton, N. Y., Oct., 1835 ; married to Miss Agnes Radle, of Meadville, Pa., Nov., 1843 ; married to Mrs. Nancy Bates, of Piqua, O. ; died of heart disease at Sept. 2;i,'7G.] NECROLOGY. 261 Mount Vernon, O., Aug. 13, 1876. He had 2 sons and 3 daugh- ters ; I son and 3 daugliters survived him. Ordained pastor of Pres. Ch., Girard, Pa., by Presby. of Erie, Jan. II, 1837 ; (Jirard, 1837-41 ; Meadville, Pa., 2d Pres. Ch., 1841-3; practiced T.avv, Erie, 1846-7; preached, Piqna, O., 1849-50; Berlin Heights, 1858; Steuben, Cong. Ch., 1859-60; resident in Cliicago, 111., 1864-70, in Ludlow, 111., 187 1-3, in Texas, 1873-6. GusTAvus Lemuel Foster, class of 1840-3, ast. 58. Born in Royalton, N. Y., May 5, 1818 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Gasport, 1833 ; graduated from the Oneida Institute in 1840; Auburn from March 10, 1841 ; after graduating at Auburn, i year at Yale Div. School; married to Miss Caroline Rash, of Ann Arbor, Mich., Dec. 31, 1844; married to Miss H. Eliza- beth Pkttengill, of Grantville, Mass., May l;^, 1852 ; died of dysentery at Lapeer, Mich., Sept. 9, 1876. He had 13 children; his wife, 3 sons and 7 daughters survived him. Ordained jiastor of Cong. Church, Dexter, Mich., by Jackson As- soc, Dec. 25, 1844 ; Jackson, 1846-52 ; Union Church, Clinton, 1846-54 ; Pres. Church, Ypsilanti, 1854-62 ; Coldwater, 1862-5 ; Cong. Church, Bethel, Conn., 1865-7 ; Pres. Church, Howell, Mich., 1867-72 ; Lapeer, Mich., from 1873. Montgomery Morgan Wakeman, class of 1843-6, ast. 56. Born in Ballston, N. Y., June 14, 1820; united with the First Pres. Church in Ballston in 1832; sustained examination in College studies at entering Seminary ; A. M. from Union College in 1846 ; Auburn to middle of Sen. year ; married to Miss Alida a. Conde, of Charlton, N. Y., in 1840; died of nervous prostration, at Otho, Iowa, Sept. 11, 1876. He had 2 sons and 2 daughters ; his wife and i son survived him. Ordained by Presby. of Cayuga, 1S49; preached at Union, N. Y., to 1853; Warren Co., 1853-7 ; Lafayette, N. Y., 1858-63 ; National; Farmersburg, Iowa, 1863-73: afterward at May- wood and Des Plaines, 111. Jonathan Alden Woodruff, class of 1831-4, ?et. 68. Born in Coventry, Conn., April 18, 1808 ; united with the Pres. Church in Wayne, O., in 1825 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 183 1 ; Junior year in Auburn ; married to Miss Susan Osborne, of Candor, N. Y., 1831 ; married to Miss AuRELiA Talcott, of Hartford, Conn. ; married to Miss Emily S. Griffith, of Phelps, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1872; died of dropsy at Inilay City, Mich., Sept. 29, 1876. He had 6 sons and 7 daughters ; his wife, i son and 3 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor, 2nd Ch., Madison, O., 1834; Warren, 1832-4; Unionville and Madison, 1834-5 ; Monroe, 1836-7 and 1839-40 ; Wooster, 1838; Stephenson, III., 1841 ; chan. of Rock Island Univ. from 1842 ; Newton Falls, O., 1849; Conneautville, Pa., 2 years; teacher, Olean, N. Y., 1853-5; Conneaut, O., 1856-7; 262 NECROLOGY. [Oct., '76. Allison, Lapeer and Goodland, Mich., 1859-62 ; Pres. Ch., Allison, Mich., 1863-7 ; resident at Burnside and afterward at Imlay, 1868-76. John Davis Jones, class of 1866-9, £et. 37. Born in Pembrokeshire, South Wales, Aug. 14, 1S39 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1866; married to Miss Mary L. Fisher, of Bella, Iowa, March, 1872 ; died of consumption at Pella, Oct., 1876. He had i son and 2 daughters; his wife and 2 children survived him. Ordained by Utica Presbytery, Dec, 1869 ; Unionville, la., 1869- 70 ; English Settlement, 1870-2 ; Monroe, O., 1873-4 ; then resident at Pella, an invalid, till his death. Amos Delos Gridley, D. D., class of 1840-3, set. 57. Born in Clinton, N. Y., Nov. 3, 1819 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Clinton in 1838 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1839 ; studied at .Andover after leaving Aub. ; D. D. from Olivet Col- lege in 1876; married to Miss Ellen M. Bristol, of Clinton, April 17, 1843; married to Miss Mary Twining, of New Haven, Conn., Sept. 25, 1872 ; died of pleuro-pneumonia at Clinton, Oct. 23, 1876. He had 2 daughters ; his wife and daughters survived him. Ordained, probably by Oneida Assoc, June 11, 1846; Pres. Ch., VVaterville, N. Y., 1847-51 ; then resident in Clinton till death. Published " Thoughts for the Afflicted," 1854, and " History of Kirkland," 1874. Samuel VVoodp.ury, class of 1826-9, ^^- §2. Born in Groton, N. H., May 29, 1794; entered Auburn Jun. class from the Bowery Pres. Church, N. Y., "on satisfactory testimo- nials of his classical attainments," Nov. 13, 1826 ; licentiate of Newark Presby. ; never married; died of old age at Natick, Mass., Nov. 17, 1876. Ordained to labor in Cairo, N. Y., by Presby. of Columbia, April 21, 1841 ; left Cairo about July 24, 1842; resided in New York and preached occasionally ; New Lebanon ; Freetown, Mass., 1848-52; Chiltonville, Mass., 1859-65 ; resident at Chiltonville, 1865-9, at Freetown, 1869-72, at Natick, 1872-6. Isaac Foote Adams, class of 1825-8, set. 75. Born in Hamilton, N. Y., Dec. 4, 1801 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Sherburne Hill, 1816; graduated from Hamilton College in 1825 ; married to Miss Laura Austin, of Skaneateles, Nov. 9, 1831 ; died of heart disease at Norwich, Nov. 23, 1876. He had 4 sons and 2 daughters ; his 2 daughters survived him. Ordained by Chenango Presby., Sept. 10,1828; i year at Mt. Pleasant, Pa.; Pitcher, N. Y., 1830-4 and 1S40-5 ; Columbus, 1834-40; Triangle, 1845-9; then called home to Sherburne, to assist in the care of his father; Seeley Creek, Pa., 1855-61 ; Summer Hill, N. Y., 1861-70 ; then resident in Auburn till short- ly before his death. Mar. i;),'77.] NECKOLOGY. 263 Richard Kav, class of 1S29-32, vet. 78. Born in Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 16, 1799 ; united with the English Ep. Church, in childhood ; removed to Canada West in i8ig ; some years later studied at Hadley, Mass.; studied Theology with Rev. Mr. Woodbridge, of Hadley, Mass.; Au!)urn, 1830-2 ; married to Miss Mary Anne Flvnn, of Auburn, June 6, 1832 ; died of apoi)lexy at Lansing, Mich., Jan. 2, 1877. He had 5 sons and 5 daughters ; his vvife and 3 sons survived him. Ordained pastor, Victor, N. Y., by Council, Jan. 23, 1833 ; Victor, 1832-5 ; HoUey, 1838-40 ; Warsaw, 1840-7; Groveland, 1847-9; Oakland, 1849-52 ; Bennington, Mich., 1852-77. John Chase Lord, D. D., class of 1830-3, aet. 71. Born in Washington, N. H., Aug. 9, 1805 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Buffalo, N. Y., Spring of 1830 ; studied at Mad- ison Univ. and Hamilton College in 1820-4 ; lived in iJuffalo, 1825-31 ; admitted to practice Law, Feb. 19, 1828 ; Auburn, 1831-3 ; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1841 ; married to Miss Mary Elizabeth Johnson, of Buffalo, Dec. 9, 1828 ; died of brain disease, at Buffalo, Jan. 21, 1877. He had i adopted daughter ; his wife and daughter survived him. Ordained by Buffalo Presby , Sept. 4, 1833 ; 2nd Pres. Church, Geneseo, N. Y., 1833-5 ; Central Pres. Church, Buffalo, from its organization, 1835-73. Moderator of General Assembly at Charleston, S. C, 1852; pub- lished "Lectures to Young Men," 1838 ; " Lectures on Civiliza- tion, &c.," 1 85 I, and many sermons and pamphlets. John Gray, class of 1826-9, xt. 77. Born in Dorset, Vt., Sept. 21, 1799 ; united with the Pres. Church in Cherry Valley, N. Y., in 1820 ; studied at Cherry Valley Academy ; married to Miss Mary Keeler Hoyt, of Cherry Valley, Sept. 15, 1830; she died Dec. 3, 1863 ; died of general prostration, at Moreland, Jan. 31, 1877. He had 2 sons and 3 daughters, all of whom survived him. Ordained at Root, N. Y., by Classis of Schoharie, July 6, 1831 ; Root, 1829-32; Worcester, 1832-4; Southport, 1834-6 ; More- land, 1836-8; Mead's Creek, Campbell, Hornby, eV'c, 1838-64; Livingstonville, Smithville, Cherry Valley and Monterey, are also named without date, as fields where he labored. Beaufort Ladd, class of 1824-7, ^^- 79- Born in Franklin, Conn., Sept. 19, 1798; united with the Cong. Church in Franklin, July 1, 1821 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1824 ; Auburn, 1825-7 ; married to Miss Mary Lord ; married to Mrs. Clarissa H. Wood, May 4, 1849 ; died of consumption at Victory, March 19, 1877. He had no children ; his wife survived him. Ordained at Oriskany Falls, N. Y., by Oneida Assoc, Sept. 10, 1834 ; preached at Burlington, Columbus, Sangerfield, Clarence, Parma Centre, Fowlerville, Rose Valley, C'oUamer, Victory, 264 KECROLOGY. |;Mar.21,"7?. In i860 he retired from pastoral work to a farm in Victory, N. Y. Samuel Webster Rush, class of 1836-9, set, 71. Born in Virginia, July 10, 1806 ; united with the Cong. Church in Lenox, Mass., 1834; read Law; edited the Piifsfield Argus, and \.\\^ Journal and Argus, 1829-33 ; married to Miss Beisey Weed, of Binghamton, Feb. 12, 1840; died of fever at Bing- hamton, March 21, 1877. He had i son and 3 daughters; his wife and children survived him. Ordained pastor at Binghamton by Presbytery of Tioga, Nov. 20, 1839; Binghamton, 5 years; Skaneateles, 7 years; Norwich, 4 years; Cooperstown, 7 years; resident of Binghamton from 1862 ; chaplain of State Liebriate Asylum, 1866-77. Abner DeVVitt, class of 1855-8, set. 51. Born in South Hadley, Mass., Aug. 7, 1826; united with the Ply- mouth Church in Cleveland, O., 1853 ; graduated from Williams College in 1851 ; practiced Law in N. Y. and Ohio, 1852-5 ; married to Miss Mary E. Hastings, of South Hadley, Mass., Nov. 4, 1858; died of consumption at 'I'roy, N. Y., April 17, 1877. He had 2 sons and 3 daughters; his wife, i son and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor in Hoosic Falls, N. Y., by Presby. of Troy, in 1859; Salina, N. Y. ; Hoosic Falls to 1866; pastor of Park Church, Troy, N. Y., 1866-71; of Third Pres. Church, Troy, N. Y., 1871-7. John Reid Moser, class of 1825-8, aet. 78. Born in Brooklyn, L. L, July 26, 1799 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Chester, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1820 ; graduated from Williams Col- lege in 1825 ; entered Auburn, May 31, 1826 ; entered Prince- ton June 27, 1828; Aub. Mid., 1827-8; married to Miss Lucy Porter Rhoades, of Skaneateles, N. Y., May 23, 1831 ; died of Bright's disease at Syracuse, Apr. 18, 1877. He had i son and 2 daughters ; his wife and son survived him. Ordained at Sag Harbor, L. L, by Presby. of Long Island, April i7> 18335 Westhampton, L. I., 1830-4; Riverhead, 1834-6; Carbondale, Pa., 1836-40 ; Oaks Corners, N. Y., 1841-8; after- ward agt. of Am. Bib. Soc, and preaching occasionally ; living at Sodus, Geneva, Phelps and Syracuse. Grosvenor Williams Heacock, D. D., class of 1841-3, ret. 55. Born in Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1822 ; united with the Central Pres. Church in Buffalo in 1834; graduated from Western Re- serve College in 1840 ; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1856 ; married to Miss Nancy Rice Stone, of Buffalo, June 13, 1848; died of heart disease at Buffalo, May 6, 1877. He had 4 sons and 2 daughters; his wife, 2 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor of the Lafayette Street Pres. Church, Buffalo, Oct. 20, 1845, and retained that pastorate till his death. Juno 27/77.] NECROLOGY. ^Qt) RuKUs Spaui.ding Cusiiman, I). D., class of 1840-3, ;\it. 62. Boin in I'^air Haven, Vt., Aug. 31, 1815 ; uniled with the Cong. Cluirch in Fair Haven, Se])t. 4, 1831 ; graduated from Middle- bury College, 1837; at Lane, 1840-1,31 Auburn, 1841-3 ; D. I). from Middlebury College in 1872 ; married to Miss Sarah Fox CjIBson, of Sandy Hill, N. Y., Aug., 1846; died of prostatic hypertrophy at Manchester, May 18, 1877. He had i son and 2 daughters, all of whom survived him ; Mrs, Cushman died June 13, 1877. Ordained ])astor of Cong. Church of Orwell, Vt., Dec, 1843; Or- well till 1862 ; Cong. Church of Manchester, 1862-77. Thomas Rkkd Rawson. class of 1831-4, i^t. 74. Born in Townshend, \'t., July 10, 1803; united with the Cong, (ihurch in Townshend, Oct. 5, 1823; graduated from Amherst College in 1830; married to Miss Louisa Warner Dawes, of Cummington, Mass., Oct. 17, 1834; married to Miss Sarah Ann 'I'homas, of Wrnon, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1856 ; died of cancer of the stomach at Albany, May 20, 1877. He had 3 sons and 3 daughters ; his wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor of Cong. Ch., Peru, Mass., July 10, 1834; Peru, 1834-6; Malta, N. Y., 1841-2; he lived at Albany, 1836-41, and 1S42-77; superintendent of the Albany Tract and Miss. Soc. ; chaplain at the old Albany Bethel, at the Penitentiary, and at the U. S. Hospital during the war. Published "Dominie and Patrick ; or. The Bible vs. The Papacy." Cai.vtn Clark, class of 1832-5, xt. 72. Born in Westhampton, Mass., March 27, 1805 ; united with the Cong. Church in Westhampton Nov 5, 1826; graduated from Williams College in 1832 ; married to Miss Evelina Porter Creves, of Skaneateles, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1835 ; died of heart disease, at Marshall, Mich., June 4, 1877. No children ; his wife survived him. Ordained at South Bend, Ind., liy Presby. of St. Joseph, April, 1836; preached in Mich., at Homer, Marshall, &c., 1835-7; Richland, 1837-43 ; miss, for Western Mich., 1843-5 ; home mission agt. for Mich., 1845-54 ; Hillsdale, 1854-8 ; district sec. of A. B. C. F. M., for Northern 111., 1858-63 ; dist. sec. of Home Missions for Mich., 1863-69; supplied Churches, and was agent for Mich. Female Seminary, 1869-72 ; Synodical miss., 1872-7. John Nettlet(tn Powell, class of 1842-5, cet. 59. Born in Clinton, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1818 ; united with the Cong. Church in Clinton in 1835 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1840; taught two years; Auburn Sen. class from Yale, Oct. 21, 1844 ; married August 24, 1845, to Miss Mary E. Walrath, of Chittenango ; died of tyi)hoid pneumonia at Medford, Minn., June 27, 1877. He had 2 sons and 3 daughters ; his wife, sons and i daughter survived him. 266 NECROLOGY. ■ [July 4,'77. Ordained at Chelsea, 111., by Presby., Feb. i8, 1846; Chelsea, 1846-50 ; Winslow, 1850-9 ; Peterboro, N. Y., 1860-62 ; principal Yates Polytechnic Institute, Chittenango, N. Y., 1862- 3; Rosendale, Wis., 1863-70; Plymouth, 1871-75 ; Medford, Minn., 1875-77. Oris Fraser, class of 1837-40, jet. 69. Born in Steuben, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1808 ; united with the Pres. Ch in Phelps, 1830; graduated from Univ. of N. Y. City in 1837 ; studied at Union The. Sem. ; entered Auburn, Junior, Dec. 9, 1837 ; married to Miss Jane A. Finn, of PMorida, N. Y., 1840; died of apoplexy caused by sunstroke, at Florida, July 4, 1877. He had i son and 2 daughters ; his wife and daughters survived him. Ordained pabtor of Pres. Ch., Bath, N. Y., by Presbytery, Feb., 1841 ; Bath, 1840-43 ; Springfield and Brooklyn, Pa., 1844-7 5 Rock Stream and Eddy town, N. Y., 1848-62 ; afterward resi- dent at Florida, N. Y. Frve Bailey Reed, class of 1824-7, vet. 84. Born in Brookfield, Vt., July 14, 1793 ; came to Aub. from Church there; graduated from Middlebury College in 1824; married to Asenath Smith, of Brookfield, 1828; died of old age at Pres- cott. Wis., Aug. 24, 1877. He had 4 sons and i daughter ; his wife and 2 sons survived him. Ordained, Clintonville, N.Y., by Presby , April 29, 1830 ; Charlotte, Waitsfield, Barnard, Vt. ; Clintonville to 1840 or longer ; Weslville, 1843 ; Moira, 1846 ; resident Moira, 1849-53 ! resident Omro, Wis., 1854-75, and Prescott, from 1876. Edwin Hall, D. D., Professor, set. 76. Born in Granville, N. Y., Jan. 11, 1802 ; united with the Cong. Church in Granville, Sept., 1821 ; graduated from Middlebury College in 1826; studied Theology privately ; was tutor in Mid- dlebury, and afterward had charge of Middlebury Academy ; D. D. from Middlebury College in 1846 ; married to Miss Fanny Hollister, of Granville, Sept. 2, 1S28 ; died of con- gestion of the lungs at Auburn, Sept. 8, 1877. He had 5 sons and 3 daughters; his wife, 4 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained at Hebron, N. Y., by Presby. of Troy, Aug. 27, 1830 ; Glen's Falls and Sandy Hill, 1830-31 ; had charge of Academy at Bloomfield, N. J., 1831-2 ; First Cong. Church of Norwalk, Conn., 1832-54; prof, of Christian Theology at Auburn, 1854- 76 ; emeritus professor, 1876-7. Published '' Law of Baptism," 1840 ; " Refutation of Baptist Errors," 1840; "Law of Baptism," enlarged edition, 1846; " The Puritans and their Principles," 1846; "Historical Re- cords of Norwalk," 1847; "Shorter Catechism, with Analysis and Proofs," 1859; with many articles, tracts, etc. Nov. 5;77.] NKUHOLOGY. 267 John Bower Preston, class of 1S27-30, vol. 75. Born in Rupert, Vt., Dec. 29, 1802 ; united with the Cong. Church in Rupert, 1820; graduated from Middlebury College in 1826; married to Mary Wheaton, of Hebron, N. Y., July 4, 183 1 ; married to Clarisa North, of Farmington, Conn., 1833 ; died of heart disease at Chicago, Oct. 17, 1877. He had 5 sons and I daughter ; his wife, 4 sons and i daughter survived him. One son is Marcus North Preston, of 1859-62. Ordained at Henrietta, N. Y., by Genesee Consoc, June 2, 1830 ; Fredonia, 1830-5 ; Gowanda, 1835-41 ; Attica, 1841-8 ; Byron, 1848-50 ; Berlin, Wis., 1850-60; Omro, 1860-5 ; Cape Vincent, 1865-71; VVoodville, 1871-4; Manlius, 1874-6. Edward Gif.i'.s Bickford, class of 1867-70, xt. ;^;^. I>orn in Honeoye Falls, N. Y., July 27, 1844; united with the i'res. C'hurch in Lima, Jan. 3, 1864; graduated from Genesee College in 1867 ; 2 years at Auburn ; i year at Union The. Sem., where he graduated ; married to Miss Harriet Stokrs Wil- liams, of Columbus, N. Y., 1870 ; died of small pox at Marash, Turkey, Oct. 19, 1877. He had 3 sons ; his wife and 2 sons survived him. Ordained pastor at Chaumont, N. Y., by Presby. of St. Lawrence, Mar. 5, 1872 ; Chaumont, 1871-4; missionary professor at Ma- rash, I'urkey, 1874-7. Luke De Witt, class of 1825-S, a^t. 80. Born in Salisbury, N. Y., March 12, 1797 ; united with the Church in Salisbury ; studied at Fairfield Academy ; married to Miss Eunice Marietta Servis, of Putnam, O., Apr. 28, 1831 ; died of pneumonia at Latta's, O., Oct. 31, 1877. He had 3 sons and I daughter, who with his wife, survived him. Ordained at Litchfield, N. Y., by Oneida Presby., Aug. 6, 1828 ; Litchfield, N. Y., 1828-30; Salem, O., 1830-2; Logan, 1835; Albany, 1852; Marietta, miss., 1836-7; Big Bottom, 1839; Ma- rietta, 1840; Chester, 1844; Amestown, 1846-8; Lee, 1849 ; Al- bany, 1852. Edwards Marsh, class of 1828-31, ret. 73. Born in Malta, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1804 ; united with the Cong. Church of Bennington Centre, Vt., Aug. 13, 1820; graduated from Ham- ilton College in 1827 ; married to Miss Hannah G. Thompson, of Sparta, N. Y., Feb. 7, 1832 ; she died at Nunda, 1844; mar- ried to Miss Catherine A. Childs, of York, July 17, 1845 ; died of paralysis at Freeport, 111., Nov. 5, 1877. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters; his wife, 2 sons and i daughter survived him. Ordained by Presl)y. of Onondaga, Sept. 7, 1831 ; pastor of Ham- ilton and pjarton, Canada, 7 or 8 years ; Avon, N. Y. ; Nunda, 1842-9; Ypsilanti, Mich., 1849-51; Canton, 111., 1852-68; af- terward at Washington, Mt. Carrol, and Freeport, 111. 268 NECROLOGY. [Nov. 20,'7'7. Richard De Forrest, class of 1830-3, £et. 75. Born in N. Y. City, May 24, 1802 ; united with the Cong. Church in Chili, N. Y., 1820 ; studied at Rochester Classical School ; Jun. and Mid. years in Auburn ; married to Miss Charlotte McKee, of Adams, N. Y., 1823; married to Mrs. Sarah Dart Humphrey, of Vernon, Conn,, Sept. 27, 1852 ; died suddenly of heart disease, Chicago, 111., Nov. 20, 1877. He had i daughter, and 4 step-children, all of whom survived him. Ordained at Champion, N. Y., by Black River Assoc, Sept. 4, 1832; in charge of Churches in VVestern N.Y.,to 1840; preached as evangelist 7 years ; resident in Rochester. Joel Goodell, class of 1827-30, aet. 78. Born m Templeton, Mass., July 22, 1799 ; studied at Hamilton College, and came to Aub. from Church there; married to Miss Lucy Childs, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1830; married to Elmira Brigham, of Dunkirk, N. Y., 1833; married to Miss Clarissa Platt, of Oberlin, O., 1844 ; died in Tabor, Iowa, Nov. 24, 1877. He had 10 children ; his wife and 5 children survived him. Ordained at Henrietta, N. Y., by Genesee Consoc, June 2, 1830 ; home miss, in Missouri, 1830-2; Chester, O., 1832-3 ; Franklin, 1833-4; Harrisville and Westfield, • 1834-5 ; Chatham, 1835; on a farm at Harrisville, supplying Churches as health permitted, till 1854; Clinton, 1854-6; Graham, Iowa, 1857-63; Percival, 1863-4; Tabor from 1864. David Edwin Kohler, class of 1876-9, set. 27. Born in Royalton, N. Y., Oct. 7, 1850 ; united with the Central Pres. Church in Auburn, Jan. 7, 1877; graduated from Cornell University in 1873 ; died of consumption at West Shelby, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1877. Jonathan Crane, class of 1832-5, set. 64. Born in Schenectady, N. Y., March 27, 1814; united with the ist Pres. Church in Schenectady, 1830 or 1831 ; graduated from Union College in 1832; Auburn the course, and post grad., 1835-6; married to Miss Anna H. Whiting, of Brooklyn, N. Y., June II, 1837 ; died of apoplexy at Middletown, N. Y., Dec. 25, 1877. He had 3 sons and 3 daughters ; his wife, 3 sons and I daughter survived him. Ordained pastor, Attleboro, Mass., Oct. 20, 1836; Attleboro, 1836- 54 and 1858-9 ; 20th St. Cong. Church, New York, from 1854; Waltham, Mass., and Patchogue, L. I., 1859-60; Middletown, N. Y., 1860-8 and 1875-7 ; St. Joseph, Mo., and Kalamazoo, Marshall, Mattawan and Plainville, Mich., 1868-75. Published " Memorial of Mrs. Hannah Sandford " and " Memo- rial of Jonathan Crane," his father. Nathaniel Potter Coltrin, class of 1846-9, ?et. 58. Born in Steubenville, O., Feb. 17, 1820 ; united with the Centre Church in Crawfordsville, Ind., Apr. 3, 1843 ; graduated from Juno 4,'78.] NECROLOGY. 269 Wabasli C'ollfgL' in i.S45; .Auburn Mid. ("lass from l,, Nov. 17, 1847 ; remained one year, and then took a year of private study ; married to Miss Ei.kcia M. Holland, of Helchertown, Mass., Apr. 3, 185 i ; died of typhoid ])neumonia at Centralia, 111., Dec. 26, 1877. He had 7 sons and i daughter; his wife, 3 sons and i daughter survived him. Ordained at Mendon, 111 , by Illinois (now (hiincy) Assoc, Oct. 13, 1S50; Jacksonville, C'handlerville, Plymouth, 1850-7; Griggs- ville, 1857-61 ; chap, in the Army, and supi)ly at Litchfield and ^Vythe, 1861-5 ; .Sandoval and Clement, 1867-77. 1878. William David Swinton, class of 1874-7, aet. 26. Born in St. Louis, Beauharnois Co., Canada, April 18, 1852 ; united with the Pres. Church in Beloit, Wis , Spring of 1873 ; graduated from Beloit College in 1874; died of consumption at Milwaukee, Feb. 10, 1878. Elias Ricgs Fairchild, D. D., class of 1824-7, ^^- 77- Born in Morristown, N. J , Aug. 17, 1801 ; united with the ist Pres. Church, Mendham, Oct. i, 1820 ; studied at Amherst College in 182 1-2; Auburn, 1825-7; D. D. from College of Miss, in 1846 ; married to Miss Hannah Hudson, Jan. 14, 1824; she died Aj^ril 7, 1825 ; married to Miss Matilda McGowen, March 17, 1829 ; died of disease of kidneys at Morristown, .April 22, 1878. His wife survived him ; no children. Ordained by Newark Presby., 1829; a few months at Lexington Heights, N. Y., and Bainbridge, N. Y. ; agt. of Am. Bib. Soc, 1827-9 ; pastor at Hardyston, N. J., 1829-38; Montgomery, N. Y., 1838-9, 1847-9 ^"d 1860-1 ; sec. of the Phila. branch of the A. H. M. S., 1839-47; agt. and sec. of the A. and F. Chr. Un., 1849-60; minister at Port Jervis, N. Y., 1862-6; Mt. Freedom, N. J., 1866-70; New Providence, N. J., 1871-5. Luman Coggswell GiLBt:RT, class of 1833-6, ast. 73. Born in Augusta, N. Y., June 8, 1805 ; united with the Church in Peterborn, about 1820; graduated from Western Reserve College in 1833 ; married to Miss Caroline Ripley, of Marl- boro, Conn., Oct. 5, 1841 ; died of typhoid fever at Lone Tree Lake, Minn., June 4, 1878. He had i son and 4 daughters ; his wife and son survived him. Ordained, Bristol, 111., by Ottawa Presbytery, July 16, 1840; Aquabogue, L. L, 1836-8 ; Bristol, 111., 1839-41 ; Sterling and Buffalo, 1841-7 ; Crete, Cong. Ch., 1847-59; Princeton, Alinn., 1859-65 ; East Prairieville, 1866-74; then resident at Lone Tree Lake. 270 NECROLOCxY. [June28,'78. E. Vine Wales, class of 1840-3, ?et. 62. Born in Plymouth, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1816 ; united with the Cong. Church in Plymouth, 1831 ; graduated from Oneida Inst, in 1839 ; entered Aulnirn Mid. class, Dec, 1840, but graduated 1843 ; married to Miss Helen Maria Comstock, of Laurens, N. Y., 1849; died of paralysis of the throat at Oneonta, N. Y., June 28, 1878. He had i son and i daughter ; liis wife and daughter survived him. Ordained pastor, Laurens, N. Y., by Otsego Presl)y., 1844; Laurens, 1844-55 and 1861-5 ; York, 1855-S; Sprakers, Ref. Ch., 1858-61 ; resident Oneonta from 1865 ; retired 1872. Erastus Clark Williams, class of 1840-3, ait. 62. Born in Utica, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1816; united with the Pres. Church in Dunkirk, 1832 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1840; Auburn Mid. chiss, Oct. 18, 1841; married to Miss CoRiNNA N. Wehster, Kingsville, O., Oct., 1846, who died in Feb., i860; married to Miss Helen M. O'Brien, of Cleveland, O., March, 1S64 ; died of bronchial consumption at Dunkirk, Oct. 3, 1878. He had 2 sons and i daughter ; his wife, i son and daughter sur\ ived him. Ordained ])astor at Kingsville, O., by Grand River Presby., 1843; Kingsville, 1843-53 ; resigned on account of failing health ; resident in Dunkirk. Comfort Hamilton, M. D., class of 1827-30, vet. 72. Born in Vermont, Jan. 9, 1807 ; united with 1st Pres, Church in Schenectady, May i, 1825; graduated from Union College in 1826 ; x\uburn, Jun. year ; M. D. from Buffalo Med. College in 1853; married to Miss Amoretta Warriner, of Gainesville, N. Y., Dec. 2, 1832; died of ulceration of stomach at Central Road Station, Pa., Oct. 9, 1878. He had 2 sons and i daughter ; his wife, i son and daughter survived h'im. Practiced Medicine from about 1829, principally in Portage and Buffalo, N. Y., and in Conneautville, Sharon and Erie, Pa. Charles Wiley, D. D., class of 1832-5, ajt. 68. Born in Halburt, L. L, 1810; united with Dr. Joel Parker's Ch. in N. Y. City in 1828 or 1829; studied at Columbia and Prince- ton Colleges in 1825, '30, '31 ; entered Jun. Class in 1832, "on testimonials of his literary acquirements;" Auburn, the course, and post grad., 1835-6; studied also at New Haven; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1846 ; married to Miss Eliza P. Ly- man, of Boston, Mass., May i, 1839 ; died of paralysis at Orange, N. J., Dec. 21, 1878. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters; his wife, 2 sons and i daughter survived him. Ordained pastor at Northampton, Mass., by Council, Nov. 8, 1837 ; Northampton, 1837-45 ; Ref Ch., Utica, N. Y., 1845-55 ! pres. of Milwaukee Univ., Wis , 1855-7 ; Pres. Ch., Lafayette, Ind., 1858-9 ; Cong. Ch., Birmingham, Conn., 1859 ; Ref. Ch., Geneva, N. Y., 1859-65 ; in charge of a private school at Hackensack, N. J., 1866-71 ; from that time resident at Orange. Jail, l!),'?;).] NKCliOLOOr. 271 He edited tlie " Ordo Series of the Classics," published by Henry Hclt & Co., Caesar's C'onimer.tnries, 1873, Cicero's Orations, 1873, Virgil's ^uieid, 1874; lie also ]nil)lished "Principles of Love to God," about 1850, and "Ten Reasons Why I am not a Churchman," about 1864. 1 879 Gk()R(;e Clinton Wood, class of 1827-30, tet. 74. Born in New York City, May 20, 1805 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Williamstown, 1825; grad. from Williams College in 1827; married to Miss Frances Emkline Bulkley, of Williamstown, August 3, 1830 ; died of cerebro spinal meningitis at Jackson- ville, 111., Jan. 5, 1879. He had 2 sons and i daughter; his wife, I son and daughter survived him. Ordained at Henrietta, N. Y., l)y (lenesee Assoc, June 2, 1830 ; St. Charles, Mo., 1830-2 ; Salem, 1833-7; Pleasant Hill, 1838-9 ; prof, in Marion College ; Illinois from 1839 ; Jerseyvilie to 1850; Homer, Mich., 1851-2; Greenville, 111., 1853-7; Jack- sonville, Presb. miss, from 1858. Norman Kellogg, class of 1832-5, ast 78. Born in Sheffield, Mass., Mar. 4, 1801 ; united with the ist Cong. Church in Sheffield in 1822 ; studied i)rivately ; entire course at Auburn, and 6 months as post graduate ; married to Miss Mary Caroline Mason, of Sheffield, Oct. 17, 1827 ; died of paralysis at Sheffield, Jan. 12, 1879. His wife survived him ; no children. Ordained pastor in Mishawaka, Ind., by St. Joseph Presby., 1836 ; Mishawaka, 1836-59 ; Paw Paw, 4^ years ; Stony Creek, 6 years ; resident at Sheffield, 187 1-9. James Aikman Carnahan, class of 1826-9, a^t. 76. Born in Nicholas Co., Ky., Dec. 2, 1802 ; united wiMi the Pres. Church in Concord, Ky., Sept., 1817; studied with William W. Martin, Livonia, Ind., and privately at Louisville, Kv. ; entered the Sem. Jun. class on examination ; married to Miss Isabella Lynn, of Livonia, Ind., Jan. 30, 1830; married to Martha A. Dawson, of Ross, Ind., Feb. 12, 1839; married to Mrs. Catherine B. Judson, of Milan, O., Sept., 1853; died of softening of the brain at D.iyton, Jan. 19, 1879. He had 4 sons and 8 daughters ; his wife, 3 sons and 5 daughters survived him. His youngest son is Robert Aikman Carnahan, of 1879- 82. Ordained at E. Genoa, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, July 8, 1829 ; Lafayette, Ind., 1830-4; Dayton, Ind., 1834-52 and 1856-79; Delhi, 1852-6 ; trustee of Wabash College, from its foundation in 1832 to his death. 272 NECROLOGY. [.Tan. 28,'79. Robert Taft Con ant, class of 1838-41, cet. 69. Born in Barre, Mass., Sept. i, 1810 ; united vvitli the Cong. Ch. in Bane, 1826; graduated from Amherst College in 1836; entered Auburn, Apr. 5, 1838; Middler, 1838-39 and 1839-40; married to Miss Caroline Emily Weston, of Peru, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1841 ; died of nervous prostration at Ogdensburgh, N. Y., Jan. 28, 1879. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters; his wife, I son and i daughter survived him. Ordained pastor, Clintonville, N. Y., by Presby. of Cliami^lain, Nov. 4, 1841 ; Clintonville, 1840; Moira, 1844-6; West Oswegatchie, 1846-8 ; Morristown, 1848-54 ; Evans Mills, 1854-7; Antwerj), 1857-62; Heuvelton, 1862; resident in Ogdensburgh, N. Y., from 1865, teaching and supplying pulpits, as his health permitted. Published sermons and articles. Lemuel Strong Pomeroy, class of 1835-8, jet. 67. Born in Otisco, N. Y., Feb. 1, 1812; graduated from Hamilton College in 1835 ; Auburn, Junior and Middle years ; married to Miss Marett Abigail Elder, of Corllandville, N. Y., May ?o, 1837 ; married to Miss Sarah Hale, of Cortlandville, Feb. 8, 1853 ; married ti Miss Mary Armstrong, of Bricksburg, N. J., Dec. 16, 1868; died of jjaralysis at Junius, Feb. 19, 1879. He had 3 sons and 4 daughters ; his wife, i son and 2 daughters survived him. Prin. of Acad, at Elbridge, 1837 ; tauyhc in Homer, Elbridge and Cortland, 7 years, also supplying Churches ; in business in Cortland to 1850; farming at Otisco, 1850-68 ; minister, Trux- ton, and Pompey Hill, 1868-71 ; Savannah, 1871-8; Junius from 187,8. Eliakim Ware Sylvester, M. D., class of 1837-40, tet. 64. Born in Cazenovia, N. Y., April 28, 1814 ; united with the Cong. Church in Williamstown, Mass., 1831 ;^^graduated from Union College in 1836; left Auburn on account of ill health, 1839; married to Fanny Arms, of Conway, Mass., Oct., 1842 ; married to Elletta Whitlock, of Lyons, N. Y., Jan. 21, 1874 ; died of Bright's disease in N. Y. City, March 29, 1879. He had 2 sons and i daughter, who, with his wife, survived him. Practiced Dentistry for many years, and at length became fruit grower, resident at Lyons, N. Y. Published many papers on Horticulture and Pomology. James Blake Wilson, class of 1827-30, set. 80. Born in Whitesboro, N. Y., Aug. 20, 1799 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1827 ; married to Miss Mary L. Dutton, of Vernon, Spring of 1832 ; married to Miss Elisaketh BuSHNELL, of Ararat, Pa., i860 ; died at Stockton, N. Y., Apr. 25, 1879. One daughter survived him. July 0,'79.] NECROLOGY. 2 1 8 Ordained by Trcsby. of Grand River, iS^r ; Huntsl^urg, O,, 1H30- 2; Thomson, 1832-3; Sherman, N. Y., Wattsburgh, Pa., Stockton, Sheridan, Golden, Ghapinsville, Sand Banks and Orwell, N. v., i(S33-49 ; Elysium, 111., 2 years; miss, of Presby. of Pelvidere; then laid aside by ill health for 3 years; Walth.Tm, 111., 1857 ; Shabbony Grove, 111., 2 years; Ararat, l^a.. 1859-63 ; resident at Great Bend, 1863-71. EiiKNEZER Seymour, class of 1824-7, '^'^- 78- Born in Stillwater, N. Y., Sept. 15, 1801 ; united with the Gong. Ghurch in Stillwater, about 1814 ; graduated from Union Gollege in 1824 ; taught for a few months, and entered Sem. in Jan., 1825; married to Mary Hoe, of New York Gity, Aug. 9, 1831 ; died of inflammation of bladder at Bloomfield, N. J., June 21, 1879. He had 4 sons and 2 daughters ; his wife, 3 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained by Albany Presby. in 1828; pastor, Albia, N. Y., 1831- 2 ; Bloomfield, N. J., pastor, 1834-47 ; then established Bloom- field Institute for Glassical and English education, over which he presided until i860. GoRNELius Sanford Mead, class of 1841-4, set. 6x. Born in West Gharlton, N. Y., 1818 ; came to Aub. from Ghurch in Glenville ; graduated from Union College in 1841 ; entered Auburn, 1840, but grad. in 1844; twice married; his wife Maria Louisa, died Aug. 18, i860, leaving 3 children ; he died June 26, 1879 ; a widow, 3 sons and 3 daughters survived him. Rotterdam, ist Ref. Gh., 1844-9; Herkimer Village, 1849-59; resident Ghatham 1859-70; prin. of Spencertown Acad., i year; supplied Ghurches at Ghent, Stuyvesant Falls, New Goncord, &c. David Henry Hamilton, D. D., class of 1841-4, aet. 66. Born in ('anajoharie, N. Y., Oct. 29, 1813 ; came to Aub. from M. E. Ghurch in Amsterdam; graduated from Union Gollege in 1839; studied Law in Amsterdam, and practiced; D. D. from Union Gollege in 1862; married to Miss Martha S. Wood, of Amsterdam, 1843 ; died of white softening of the brain at Kings- boro, N. Y., July 4, 1879. He had no children; his wife sur- vived him. Ordained pastor in Trumansburgh, N. Y., by Presby., Sept. i, 1844 ; Trumansburgh, 1844-55; New Haven, Gt., 1855-8 ; studying at Univ. of Berlin, 2 years ; Jacksonville, 111., 1S60-72 ; Ripley, O., 1872-9. Published " Autology," 1873; and articles and addresses. Lyman Byles Waldo, M. D., class of 1844-7, set. 64. Born in Edmeston, N. Y., Apr. 9, 1815 ; united with the Pres. Gh. in Newark Valley, Apr., 1831 ; graduated from Hamilton Gol- lege in 1844; M. D. from Cleveland Homoepathic Med. Gollege in 1863 ; married to Mary S. McEntee, of Whitestown, N. Y., July 8, 1847 ; died of bilious fever, at West Troy, N. Y., July 9, 1879. He had 3 sons and i daughter ; his wife, ? sons and daughter survived him. 274 NECROLOGY. [Sept. ]6,'79. Ordained by Prcsby. of Buffalo, Dec. 26, 1849 ; Huron, N. Y., 1847 ; Centreville, 1849-53 ; invalid and agt. of Am. Bib. Soc, 1853-6; Cong. Ch., Eaton, N. Y., 1856; practiced Medicine in Adams, N. Y., 1863-9, in Oswego 4 years, in Lansingburgh 5 years ; resident at West Troy from 1878. AsAHEL Lyon Brooks, class of 1843-6, set. 61, Born in Nelson, N. Y., June 18, 1818 ; united with the Pres. Church in Mayville, N. Y., May, 1835 ; studied two years at Hamilton College ; in Seminary Jun. and Mid. years ; married to Miss Sarah T. Warner, of LeRoy, N. Y., Dec. 17, 1845 ; died of bilious fever, at Wernersville, Pa., Sept. 16, 1879. He had 3 sons and i daughter; his wife and children survived him. Ordained pastor of 4th Ch., Troy, N. Y., by Troy Presby., Sept., 1847 ; Hamilton, 1845-7 ; Troy from 1847 ; Corning from 1849; Albion from 1851; Bridgeport, Conn., from 1854; Chi- cago, 111., from 1856 ; Indianapolis, Ind., from 1859 ; Chicago from 1862 ; Peoria from 1865 ; Decatur from 1868; Danville, 1870-9. David Andrews Frame, class of 1832-5, set. 74. Born in Bloomfield, N. J., 1805 ; united with the Church about 1828; graduated from Princeton College in 1832; at Auburn 4 years, then at East Windsor fifteen months, and afterward at New Haven; died at Montclair, N. J., Sept. 24, 1879. He had I son and i daughter ; the daughter survived him. Preached in Binghamton, and in Conn, and N. J. ; in charge of Bloomtield Academy, 1841 ; of Ashland Hall School, Montclair, N. J., from 1845. William Jarvis Gregg Nutting, class of 1860-3, ^^- 43- Born in Hudson, O., July 14, 1836 ; united with the Pres. Church of Lodi Plains, Mich., at 9 years of age ; graduated from Illinois College in 1856 ; Aub. Mid. class from private study ; married to Miss Lucy Gale, of Peoria, 111., Oct., 1863 ; married to Miss Emily Babcock, of Unadilla, Mich., May, 1865 ; died of ty- phoid fever, at St. Clair, Mo., Oct. 21, 1879. He had 4 sons and 3 daughters ; his wife, 2 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained and installed at Unadilla, Mich., by Presby. of Wash- tenaw, Spring of 1863 ; Unadilla, 1863-5; health failed; Win- chester, 111., i86g ; resident at St. Clair, Mo. William Britton Christopher, class of 1847-50, at. 62. Born in Binghamton, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1817 ; united with the Pres. Church in Marion, N. Y., 15 years of age ; graduated from Union College in 1847 ; entered Auburn from Princeton, Jan., 1848; / married to Miss LuciNDA Pine, of Union Centre, N. Y., Sept. i, 1848 ; died of nervous prostration at Union Centre, Nov. 7, 1879. He had 2 sons and i daughter; his wife and children survived him. Ordained at Center Lisle, by Susquehanna Assoc, Oct. 16, 1849 ; Union Centre, 1849-50 ; Hancock, 1850-2 ; Oneonta and Otego, Fob. 2, 'SO.] NECROLOGY. 275 1852-4 ; Lacon, 111., 1854-9 ; Second Ch., Galena, 111., 1859-60 ; Galena Cong. Cli., 1 860-1 ; Mendota, 1862-7 ; on a farm in Iowa, 1867-71 ; also, editing National Prohibitionist^ of Chicago, 1866-70; leader of colony at Cheever, Kansas, 187 1 ; C'ong. Ch., Wabaunsee, 1874-5; Pres. Ch., Wamego, 1875-7; resident in Binghamton, N. Y., 1878; Union Centre, 1879. Published "The Prophetic Antichrist found in the System of American Slavery," 1862 ; two funeral sermons, 1863. Jamks KiNNiER Wilson, class of 187 1-4. Jiorn in Scotland ; came to Aub. from FuUerton Ave. Church in Chicago ; studied at Princeton College ; First two yeais in Sem. of N. W. ; ])art of Sen. year in Auburn ; died Nov. 26, 1879. His wife, A(;nes L. H., and i or more children survived him. Cedarville, N. J., 1875-7'; Wakeeney, Kan., 1877-9. Piiii.KAUJN Hai.sted Fowler, I). D., Trustee 1851-76, jet. 66. Born in Albany, N. Y., Feb. 9, 1814; graduated from Hobart College in 1832; tutor in Hobart one year ; Theological course at Princeton; L). D. from Williams College in 1863 ; married to Miss Jeannette Hopkins, of Geneva, N. Y., 1837 ; died, Utica, Dec. 19, 1879. He left i son and 2 daughters; his wife and i son died before him. Ordained by Presby. of Albany, Sept., 1836 ; Second Pres. Ch., Washington, D. C, 1835-9 ; First Pres. Ch., Elmira, N. Y., 1839-50 ; First Pres. Ch., Utica, 1851-65 ; afterward resident at Utica and San Matteo, Fla. Moderator of Gen. Assembly, 1S69, in New York. Published " Presbyterianism in Central N. Y., " 1877; also a vol- ume on the relations of Labor and Capital, a Memoir of Maj. Wm. Fowler, and many articles, addresses, &c. 1880. George Pierson, class of 1825-8, a^t. 74. Born in Orange, N. J., Oct. 16, 1805 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Orange, Oct. i, 1821 ; graduated from Princeton Col- lege in 1824 ; Middle year at Auburn ; Studied with Dr. Wilson in Va. ; married to Miss Eliza Lindsley Day, of Orange, N. J., Oct. 29, 1828 ; married to Miss Caroline Stull, of Port Jervis, Jan. 16, i860 ; died of Bright's disease, at Florida, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1880. He had 3 sons and 5 daughters ; his wife, 2 sons and 3 daughters survived him. Ordained at Orange, June 22, 1829, by Presby. of Newark ; ass't pastor of Orange First Ch., 1829-31 ; Orange 2nd Ch., 1831-4; Wantage, N. J., 1835-9; Florida, N. Y., 1839-78. Nathaniel Lasell, class of 1842-5, fet. 66. Born in Schoharie, N. Y., Feb. 4, 1814 ; united with the Lutheran Church in Schoharie at age of 14; graduated from Williams 276 NECROLOGY. [Feb.4,'80. College, 1839 ; Auburn Mid. class from Union, N. Y.; married to Mrs. Susan Shaw Todd Winkley, of Amesbury, Mass., June 25, 1856; died of disease of the heart, at Amesbury, Feb. 4, 1880. No children ; his wife survived him. Ordamed and installed, Cong. Ch. of West Stockbridge, Mass., by Council, May 15, 1850; West Stockbridge, 1850-3 ; Ames- bury, 1853-56; Exeter, N. H., 1856-60; Union Church, Salis- bury, Mass., 1860-4 ; Brentwood, N. H., 1866-9 ! West New- bury, Mass., 1869-73 ; Mattapoisett, Mass., 1875-8. William Henry Tallmadge, class of 1872-5, aet. 35. Born in Pultney, N. Y., June 13, 1845 '■> ^^^I'ted with the ist Pres. Church in Ithaca, N. Y., about 1864 ; graduated from Cornell University in 1871 ; Jun. year at Auburn, Mid. year at Union Seminary, N. Y., Sen. year at San Francisco; married to Alice E. Grant, of Union, N. Y., April 26, 1870; died of consump- tion at Elk Grove, Cal., Feb. 24, 1880. He had i son and i daughter, who, with his wife, survived him. Ordained at Sacramento, Cal., by Sacramento Presby., October 3, 1876 ; Woodbridge and Elk Grove from 1875. Lewis Rema Lockwood, class of 1827-30. Aub. Middle class, 1828-9, from Harpersfield ; married to Mary KiZE, of Vt. ; married to Clarii^sa 'I'uttle, of Windham, N. Y. ; married a third time; married to Sap.rina Robinson, of Cameron, N. Y. ; died Spring of 1880, leaving 6 or more chil- dren. Windham, N. Y., 1836-7 ; Cameron, N. Y., and Elkland, Pa., about 1841-3 ; resident Cameron, preaching part of the time, 1852-9 ; Fredericksburg, la,, 1860-1, and afterward resident there and at Fairbanks ; mem. of Presby. to 1862. Roselle Andrew Fuller, class of 1870-3, aet. 37. Born in Philadelphia, N. Y., July 16, 1843; united with the Cen- tral Cong. Church in Bangor, Me., July 10, 1870 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1869; Bangor Theo. Sem., 1869-70; Auburn, 1871-3; married to Miss Flora Louisa Booth, of Westfield, Wis., Oct. 15, 1875 ; died of consumption at Santa Barbara, Cal., (another account says El Paso, Col.) Spring of 1880. His wife died the following Winter ; one daughter sur- vived them. Shawano, Wis., 1873-4 ; Colby and Dorchester, 1874-7 ; then in California till his death. John Eastman, class of 1831-4, eet. 77. Born in Amherst, Mass., July 19, 1803 ; studied at .'Amherst and Williams Colleges ; studied Theology with Rev. T. Packard, D. D., of Shelburne ; in Auburn part of Senior year ; A. M. from Amherst in 185 1 ; married to Miss Prudence Dole, of Charle- mont, Mass., July 28, 1834; died of brain disease at Wellesley, July 14,'80.] NECROLOGY. 277 May 19, 1880. He had 2 sons and 2 daughters; his daughters survived him. Ordained at Charlemont, Aug. 13, 1834 ; Fulton, N. Y., 1834-7 ; Mexico, 1838-40; Evans' Mills (Le Roy) 1841-3 ; Hawley, Mass., 1843-7 ; West Hawley, 1847-55 and 187 1-7 ; Danville, Vt., 1857-67; in Ohio and Indiana 1868-71 ; resident at Am- herst, 1877-8, and afterward at Wellesley. Published two funeral sermons. Charles P^dwin Furman, D. D,, class of 1825-8, Kt. 79. Born in Clinton, Dutchess Co., N. Y., Dec. 13, 1801 ; united with the Church in Ballston Centre, Summer of 182 1 ; graduated from Union College in 1826 ; Mid. and Sen. years at Auburn ; D. D. from Hamilton College in 1878 ; married to Miss Harriet Emeline Johnson, of Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 19, 1831 ; died of kidney disease at Rochester, June 10, 1880. He had 2 sons and 3 daughters, all of whom survived him. Ordained at Skaneateles, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayiiga, June 17, 1830 ; agt. of Am. l"r. Soc. in Ohio, 1828-9; Fort Wayne, Ind., Winter of 1829-30 ; Clarkson, N. Y., 5^ years ; Hamilton, Can- ada, 2 years; Brick Church, Rochester, Winter of 1837-8 ; Vic- tor, 1838-46 ; Medina, 1846-54; afterward resident in Rochester till death ; service of Am. Bib. Soc, 5 years ; supply at Chili, 2 years, Brighton i year, Gates 2^ years, Clarkson 2-k years,rand elsewhere for short periods. Published " Home Scenes," 1874 ; " Valley of the Genesee," 1879 ; and several occasional poems. Justus Doolittle, class of 1846-9, a^t. 56. Born in Rutland, N. Y., June 23, 1824 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Medina, 1834 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1846 ; married to Miss Sophia A. Hamilton, of Auburn, June 20, 1849; married to Miss Lucy E. Mills, of Shanghai, China, Jan. II, 1859; married to Miss Louisa Judson, of Galesburg, 111., Feb. I, 1866 ; died of softening of the brain at Clinton, N. Y., June 15, 1880. He had 4 sons and 2 daughters; his wife, 3 sons and i daughter survived him. Ordained at Auburn by Presby of Cayuga, June 20, 1849 ; miss. to China, in Foochow, Tientsin and Slianghai, 1849-69 and 1872-3 ; re.^ident in Clinton since 1873. Published '' Social Life of the Chinese," 2 volumes, 1865 ; " Vocab- ulary and Handbook of Chinese Language," 2 volumes, 1873. William Carpenter Wisner, D. D., Trustee 1863-76, ast. 72. Born in Elmira, N. Y., Dec. 7, 1808, son of Dr. William Wisner, Trustee 1820-76; united with the Pres. Church in Ithaca, April 27, 1821 ; graduated from Union College in 1830; studied Law; studied Theology privately; D. D. from Union College in 1851 ; married to Miss Jane E. Hanford, of Scottsville, Nov. n, 1834 ; died of progressive paralysis at I-ock])ort, July 14, 1880. He had no children ; his wife and adopted daughter survived him. 278 NECROLOGY. [July22,'80. Ordained pastor of 3d Church, Rochester, N. Y., by Presby., Oct. 24, 1832 ; Rochester, 1831-2 ; Athens, Pa. ; East Avon, N. Y., 18 months; 2d Church, St. Louis, Mo., 1836 ; Lower Church, Lockport, N. Y., 1837-42 ; ist Church, Lockport, 1842-76. Moderator of General Assembly in St. Louis, 1855 ; published "Prelacy and Parity," 1844, and many sermons and articles. Silas Hubbell Ashmun, class of 1835-8, tet. 71. Born in Champlain, N. Y., July 31, 1809; united with the Church in Champlain, Sept. 4, 1831 ; graduated from Union College in 1835 ; married to Miss Mary Van Santvoord, of Schenectady, N. Y., Aug. 22, 1838; died of inflammatory rheumatism at Falls City, Neb., July 22, 1880. He had 4 sons and 2 daugh- ters ; his wife, 2 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor, Henrietta, N. Y., by Presby, 1841 ; Henrietta, 5 years; Riga, 5 or 6 years ; Adams Basin, i year; Waupun, Wis., 6 years; Rural, 1858-67 ; resident at Rural to 1876, at Hum- boldt, Neb., 1877-8, at Falls City from 1879. Jeremiah Whipple Walcott, class of 1840-3, set. 68. Born in Cumberland, R. L, Nov. 27, 1812 ; graduated from Dart- mouth College in 1839 ; Auburn, 1839-40 and 1841-3 ; teaching, 1840-1 ; married to Miss Hannah Burton Church, of Bristol, R. L, May 21, 1844; married to Miss Caroline Cooper, of Auburn, June 27, 1853 ; died of cancer in throat at Green Lake, Wis., Aug. 14, 1880. He had 3 sons and i daughter; his wife and 2 sons survived him. Ordained at Stockbridge, Wis., by Winnebago Dist. Conv., June 30, 1852 ; Virgil, N. Y., 1843-6 ; had charge of Munro Acad., Elbridge, 1846-48 ; Auburn Female Seminary, 1848-50 ; preach- ing Menasha, Wis., 1850-3 ; Ripon, founder of Ripon College, and instructor and financial agent of same, 1853-8 ; resident in Ripon, preaching as opportunity offered, 1858-73 ; in Green Lake, preaching, &c., from 1873. Joseph Buell Ward, class of 1847-50, act. 53. Born in Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 20, 1827 ; united with the Cong. Church in Marietta, O., 1845 ; graduated from Marietta College, 1846 ; Jun. year at Lane, Mid. year at Auburn ; married to Miss Eliza A. Carter, of Marietta, 1853; died of malarious fever in Rochester, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1880. He had i son and i daugh- ter; his wife and daughter survived hira. Never ordained ; in business in Rochester. Very active and effective in Presbyterian Christian work. Samuel Hanson Cox, D. D., LL. D., Professor, set. 87. Born in Rahway, N. J., Aug. 25, 1793 ; united with the First Pres. Church in Newark, 1814; studied at Bloomfield Acad. ; studied Law; studied Theology with Dr. James Richards and Dr. James P. Wilson; A. M. from Princeton College in 1818; D. L). from Williams College in 1823 ; LL. D. from Marietta Oct. 29,'80.] NECROLOGY'. 27^ College in 1S55 ; niarried to Miss Abiah Hydk Clkvelan]>, of Norwich, Conn., April 7, 1817 ; married to Miss Anna Bacon, of Hartford, Conn., in 1870 ; died of old age at Bronxville, N. Y., Oct. 2, 1880. He had 6 sons and 9 daughters; his wife, 4 sons and 5 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor, Mendham, N. J., by Presby., July i, 1817 ; Mendham, 1817-20; Spring St. Church, New York, 1820-25 ; Laight St. Church, New York, 1825-35 ; one of the founders of Union Theological Seminary ; prof, of Sacred Rhetoric and Pastoral Theology, Auburn, 1835-7 ; ist Pres. Church, Brook- lyn, 1837-54; resident at Owego, 1854-6; president of Ingham Univ., 1856-63 ; resident in New York, 1863-70, in Bronxville from 1870. Moderator of General Assemljly, 1846. Published "Quakerism not Christianity," 1833 ; " I'he Ministry we Need," 1835 ; " Memoirs of Evarts," Cornelius Wisner — Introduction, 1835 ; " Theopneuston," 1842 ; "Bower's History of the Popes, with Continuation," 1847 ; " Interviews, Memorable and Useful," 1853 ; with many sermons and contributions to papers and re- views. Andrew Phillips, class of 1844-7, ^t. 58. Born in Hyde Park, N. Y., Aug. 11, 1822; united with the Ref. Church in Hyde Park, 1841 ; studied at Acad, in Hyde Park; studied Law and was admitted to practice ; Studied Theology 2 years with Ur. Ludlow, of Poughkeepsie ; Senior year at Au- burn ; never married ; died of consumption at Hyde Park, N. Y., Oct. 21, 1880. Ordained at Amenia, N. Y., by Hudson River Presby., Spring of 1847 ; Stamford, 1847-8; Cannonsville, 1848-53 ; Waddington, 1853-6: Morristown, 1856-67 ; Kingston, Tenn., 1867-70; North Newburg, N. Y., 1870-75 ; resident at Hyde Park from 1875- Luther Halsey, D. D., LL. D., Professor, aet. 87. Born in Schenectady, N. Y., Jan. i, 1794; united with the Pres. Church in Newburg, N. Y., May i, 18 14 ; graduated from Union College in 1812; studied Medicine; studied Theology with Rev. John Johnson, D. D., of Newburg ; D. I), from Washing- ton College in 1831 ; LL. D. from same, 187 i ; married to Mrs. Anna Gardner Smith, of Newburg, Jan. i, 1818; died of old age at Norristown, Pa., Oct. 29, 1880. His wife died Feb. 22, 1874; no children. Ordained pastor. Blooming Grove, N. Y., by Presby., Aug. 7, 1816 ; Blooming Grove, 1816 ; prof, of Nat. Phil., Princeton College, to 1829 ; prof, of Theol. in Allegheny, 1829-^0 ; prof, of Ecc. Hist, and Ch. Pol., Auburn, 1837-44; again at Bloom- ing Grovt ; instructor in Ch. Hist., Union Sem., N. Y., 1847- 50; resident in Hammonton, N. J. ; lecturer extraordinary in Practical Theol., Allegheny, 1872-7 ; prof, emeritus, Allegheny, from 1877. 280 NECROLOGY. [Nov. 12,'80. Published a pamphlet on Baptism about 1820 ; Introduction to "The Memoirs of John I'rederick Oberlin," 1830 ; and sermons and articles. Erasmus Darwin Willis, class of 1829-32, set. 77. Born in Franklin, N. Y., Aug. 6, 1803; united with the Church at 17 years of age ; graduated from Williams College in 1829 ; married to Miss Eliza (another account says, Cornelia) TowNSEND, of Walton, N. Y., April 30, 1833; died at Baraboo, Wis., Nov. 12, 1880. He had i son and i daughter; the son survived him. Ordained by Columbia Presby., 1832 ; Morrisville, N. Y., 1832-3 ; Eaton, 1834-43 ; Walton, N. Y., and Carbondale, Pa., 1843-51 ; resident at Rockford, 111., 185 1-5 ; act. past. Pecatonica, 1855- 61 ; resident Rockford, sometimes sujiplying Chs., 1861-79, •^^'^ then at Baraboo. Merit Sidney Platt, class of 1832-5, ?et. 76, Born in New Milford, Conn., March 15, 1805 ; united with the Cong. Church in New Milford, Sept., 1832 ; studied at Sharon Acad., Conn. ; two years at Auburn ; third year at New Haven ; fourth year at Auburn ; married to Miss Orinda Gaylord, of New Milford, Sept. 20, 1832 ; died at Glassboro, N. J., of paralysis, Dec. 3, 1880. He had 2 sons and i daughter ; his wife and i son survived him. Ordained and installed at Madison, N. Y., by Oneida Assoc, Oct. 5, 1838 ; New Preston, Conn., 1836-7 ; Madison, N. Y., 1837-54 ; Hamilton, 1854-65 ; Franklinville, N. J., from 1865 ; for 10 years of that time supplied also at Nevvfield and North Vineland, residing at Cilassboro. William Ripley Downs, class of 1S42-5, ast. 70. Born in Pleasant Valley, N. Y., July 6, 1810 ; united with the Central Pres. Church, in New York City, July 18, 1830 ; grad- uated from Hamilton College in 1842 ; married to Miss Sarah HoLLEY, of Auburn, Sept. 22, 1845 ; died in Chicago, of inter- nal hemorrhage, Dec. 21, 1880. He had 3 sons and 3 daugh- ters ; 2 daughters survived him. Ordained at Flagg Creek, 111., by Ottawa Presby., May 26, 1847 ; home miss, in Marengo, Cass, Dupage, 111., 1845-51; prin. of Greenwood Acad., 111., 185 1-2 ; Hornby, Orange, Howard, N. Y., 1852-62 ; resident in Chicago, 111., from 1862. 1881 . Levi M. Graves, class of 1835-8, ast. 71. Born in Canaan, N. Y., May 12, 1810 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Canaan ; graduated from Union College in 1835 ; Auburn, 1835-6; graduated at Allegheny; married to Miss Sarah Jun, 10,'8I.] NECROLOGY. 281 Smith, of Philadelphia, Pa., June 25, 1844; died of jaundice at Rosston, Pa., Jan. i, 1881. His wife and 2 daughters died before him. Ordained and installed at Boiling Spring, Pa., by Presby. of Blairs- ville. May, 1840 ; Warren (now Apollo) Boiling Spring, to 1841 ; Crooked Creek and Appleby Manor, 184 1-6 and 1850-2 ; Ross- ton, Pa., 1862-73, ^"d resident there till death. HiR.VM HUNI'INGTON KeLI.OGG, class of 1823-6, ffit. 78. Born in Clinton, Oneida Co., N. Y., Feb. 26, 1803 ; united with the Cong. Church in Clinton, May, 1820 ; graduated from Ham- ilton College in 1822 ; married to Miss Mary Gleason Chand- ler, of Augusta, N. Y., Oct. 13, 1829 ; died of pneumonia, at Mount Forest, 111., Jan. i, 1881. He had 6 sons and 5 daugh- ters ; 3 sons and 4 daughters survived him ; one son in class of 1866-9. Ordained by Presby. of Oneida, Feb., 1827 ; preached in Camden, Bridgewater, and Salina, N. Y. ; founder of Female Seminary, Clinton, and principal, 1833-9 and 1847-61 ; first president of Knox College, 111., 1839-45 ; pastor of First Church of Christ, Galesburg, 1845-7 ; Washingtcin, 1861-2 ; home mission secre- tary, residing in Chicago, 1862-5 ; Marshalltown, Iowa, 1866-7 ; teaching Des Moines, 1868-9 ; Pres. Chs., Guthrie and Dexter, 1870-5 ; since resident at Mount Forest, supplying Churches. Published occasional sermons and addresses. Hon. Jeremiah PoiMEROy, class of 1829-32, tet. 77. Born in Southampton, Mass., May 4, 1804 ; united with the Cong. Church in Southampton at 18 years of age ; graduated from Amherst College in 1829 ; married to Miss Almira Morton, of Hatfield, Oct. 28, 1832 ; died of old age at South Deerfield, Jan. 5, 1881. His wife and 4 children survived him. Ordained at Painted Post, N. Y., by Presby. of Bath, Oct. 7, 1833 ; Jasi)er, 1832-4; Cohocton, 1834-6; Troy, N. H., 1836-44; Harrisville, 1845-50; Rowe, Mass., 1853-6; West Hawley, 1856-8; West Cummington, 1S58-61 ; Readsboro, Vt., 1861-4; resident South Deerfield, Mass., from 1865 ; member of New Hampshire Legislature, 1844, and of Massachusetts Constitu- tional Convention, 1853. Nathaniel Sheffield Smith, class of 1822-5, ^^ 91. Born in Eaton, N. Y., Feb. 2, 1790 ; united with the Cong. Church in Sherburne ; entered Auburn Middle class ; married to Miss Sarah Bryant Lord, of Morrisville, April, 1832; died of old age, at Buffalo, Jan. 10, 1881. His wife and adopted son sur- vived him. Ordained by Oneida Presby., June 25, 1825 ; Vernon, N. Y., 1828-9 ; Western, 1831 ; Warren, 1833 ; Philadelphia, Pa. ; Sheridan, N. Y., 1842 ; Buffalo, 1845 ; resident in Buffalo till his death. 282 NECROLOGY. [Jan. 19,'81. Albert Melvin Cooper, class of 1877-80, aet. 30. Born in Saline, Mich., June 2, 185 i ; united with the Pres. Church in Saline, March, 1864; graduated from Michigan University in 1876; in Norcross, Ga., and Highlands, N. C., since 1878; licentiate of Southern Presbyterian Church ; died of consump- tion, at Highlands, January 19, 1881 ; unmarried. Lewis Benedict, Jr., class of 1840-3, set. 66. Born in Madison, N. Y., Jan. 14, 1815 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Vernon, Apr., 1831 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1839 ; married to Miss Martha D. Tyler, of Holland Patent, July, 1847 ; married to Miss Frances Beattie Wheat, of Rome, Sept. 3, 1850 ; died at Aurora, 111., Jan. 30, 1881, of heart disease. He had i son and 5 daughters, all of whom, with his wife, survived him. Ordained at Whitewater, Wis., by Beloit Conv., Feb., 1844 ; Rock- ton, 111., Cong. Ch., 1843-52 ; Aurora, 1852-8 ; Geneva, 1858-9 ; Brimfield, 1859-63 ; Lawn Ridge, 1863-70 ; resident at Aurora. George Robert Rudd, class of 1823-6, aet. 80. Born in Vergennes, Vt., July 16, 1801 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Nov., 1817; graduated from Hamilton College in 1823; mar- ried to Miss Fannie Beardslee, of Auburn, Oct. 2, 1827 ; died of paralysis in Lyons, N. Y., Feb. i, 1881. He had 5 sons and 2 daughters ; his wife, 2 sons and i daughter survived him. Ordained and installed at Scipio, N. Y., by Presby. of Cayuga, Feb. 21, 1827 ; Scipio to 1829 ; Prattsburgh, 5 years from 1830; la- bored in Buffalo, Fredonia and Dunkirk ; agt. Western Ed. Soc. from 1839 ; financial agt. Auburn Sem. ; prin. of Auburn Female Seminary, 4 or 5 years ; in his 50th year retired to business, at Lyons. Published sermon on "The Bible in our Public Schools," 1870. Charles Hervey Gaston, class of 1875-8, cet. 31. Born in Munnsville, N. Y., Oct. 6, 1849; united with the Cong. Church in Munnsville, Jan. i, i860; graduated from Hamilton College in 1875 ; married to Miss Clara J. Sterrett, of Phil- adelphia, Oct. 2, 1878; died at Evans Mills, N. Y., Feb. 24, 1881. His wife survived him. Ordained pastor at Heuvelton, N. Y., by Presby. of St. Lawrence, Sept. 25, 1878 ; Heuvelton, 1878-80 ; Evans Mills, 1880. Jared Leigh Elliott, D. D., class of 1831-4, aet. 74. Born in Washington, D. C, June 24, 1807; graduated from Prince- ton College in 1831 ; Auburn, Jun. and Mid. years; Princeton, Sen. year; died at Washington, D. C, April 16, 1881. Ordained pastor. Mariner's Church, Philadelphia, by Presby. of Phila., Sept., 1835 ; Poughkeepsie, N. Y., 1834-5 ; Philadelphia, 1835-6; Washington, D. C, and Frederick, Md., 1836-7 ; chap. U. S. Navy, 1838-42 ; agt. Am. Sea. Fr. Soc, 1843; chap. U. S. A., 1844-9 ; ^ct. mast. U. S. N., 1861 ; chap. U. S. A., 1863-81. JunoG.'Sl] NECROLOGY. 283 Wii.ii AM Riii'.KM Hai.i'.kri', class of 1 867-70, ait. 37. Horn in Carlisle, Pa., July 4, 1844 ; united with the ist Pres. Ch. in Carlisle, March 14, 1858; studied at Dickinson College 3 years ; married to Miss Caihkkine Hannah Line, of Carlisle, Dec. 6, 1866; died of paralysis at Carlisle, April 24, 1881. His wife and 3 children survived him. Ordained and installed at Apalachin, N. Y., by Presby. of liing- hamton, Nov. 15, 1870; Apalachin, 1870-2; Atglen, Pa., (sup- plying also in Christiana) 1872-8; since 1878 at Carlisle, in poor health. Dan'iel Giiii'.s, class of 1835-8, set. 73. Born in Hartford, Vt., Nov. 12, 1S07 ; united with the North Ch. in Hartford, Sept., 1828; graduated from Middlebury College in 1835 ; married to Miss Ei.mira Baldwin, of Bristol, Conn., Nov. 6, 1838 ; died at Hartford, Conn., April 27, 1881. He had 2 sons and i daughter, all of whom, with his wife, died before him. Ordained and installed at West Bloomfield, N. Y., by Ontario Presby., Sept., 1839 ; miss, agent, Willoughby, O., 1847-52 ; Hartford, O., 1853 ; resident Ripley, N. Y., 1855-7 ; Norwich Corners, 1858-9; afterward resident in the following places, laboring more or less actively : Pitcher, Oneida, Apalachin ; Gilead, Conn., 1866-7; E^st Hartford, 1868-73; resident in Hartford, 1874-81. Edwards Abbott Beach, class of 1824-7, ^^- 85. Born in Tinmouth, Vt., Sept 6, 1796; united with the Church in New Lebanon, N. Y., July 2, 1818 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1824 ; entered Auburn near the close of Junior year ; married to Miss Rhoda C. Churchill, of New Lebanon, N. Y., Aug. II, 1829; died at Champaign, III., May 23, 1881. He had 4 sons and 3 daughters, all of whom, with his wife, survived him. Ordained and installed at Stephentown, N. Y., by Presby. of Troy, June II, 182S ; Stephentown to 1835 ; Groton, 1835-40; Homer, O., 1843-50 ; resident Johnstown, O., Beloit, Wis., Granville, O., and Champaign, Ill.,^from 1850. Marvin Root, class of 1829-32, tet. 79. Born in Coventry, Conn., Oct. 7, 1802 ; united with the ist Cong. Church in North Coventry; graduated from Williams College in 1829; six months of Junior year in Auburn; two years in Yale Sem.; married to Miss Loxea Bushnell, of Westbrook, Conn., Sept. 24, 1834 ; died of consumption at Rock Creek, III, June 6, 1881. He had 5 sons and i daughter; his wife, 4 sons and daughter survived him. Ordained at Robbinston, Me., (Cong.) Sept. 25, 1833; in Maine 2 years; \Vapping, Conn.; East Windsor, 1836-40; Colporteur and miss, in Conn., 1840-55 ; Mendon, III., 1855 ; Udina, 1856 -8; Elk Horn Grove, 1858-60; Byron, 1860-2 ; Eagle Point, 284 NECROLOGY. [Aug. 26/81. 1862-3 ; resident in Rock Creek, near Lanark, 1864-76 and from 1880, and in Racine, 1876-80. Frederick Gridley Kendall, class of 1872-5, set. 33. Born in Bloomfield, N. Y., Feb. i, 1849; united with the Church in Hamilton College, Mar. 27, 1869 ; graduated from Hamilton College in 1871 ; at Auburn 1871-2 and 1873-5 '■< married to Miss Elizabeth Ten Eyck Burr, of Auburn, June 23, 1875 ; died of apoplexy at sea, Aug. 26, 1881 ; his wife survived him. Ordained pastor, Grand Rapids, Mich., by Presby., 1875 ; Grand Rapids, 1875-80 ; then visited Europe and died while on his return. Son of Dr. Henry Kendall of 1841-4. Lemuel Brooks, class of 1824-7, ^^- 84. Born in Brookfield, Conn., Nov. 27, 1797; united with the ist Cong. Church in Washington, Conn., 1815 ; studied at Phillips Academy; in Auburn the course, and resident graduate 1827-8- married to Miss Marion Brown, of Ogden, N. Y,, 1S27; died at Churchville, N. Y., Sept. 21, 1881. His wife and 4 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor at Penfield, N. Y,, by Rochester Presby., Mar. 18, 1829; Penfield from 1828; Attica; Bethany; Covington, i year; Chili, 4 years ; Churchville, 4 years ; Webster, 1841-7 ; lost his voice ; resident at Churchville. Hon. Edwin Barber Morgan, Trustee 1870-81, ret. 75. Born in Aurora, N. Y., May 2, 1806; studied at Cayuga Lake Academy, Aurora; married to Miss Charlotte Fidelia Wood, of Aurora, Sept. 23, 1829 ; died of paralysis at Aurora, Oct. 13, 1881. He had 3 sons and 3 daughters; i son and i daughter survived him ; his son is Henry A. Morgan, Trustee from 1882. He always lived in Aurora and did business there ; one of the orig- inal proprietors of the JVew York Times j one of the founders of the Wells & Fargo Express Co., and one of the original share- holders of the U. S. Express Co.; for many years president of the two former of these corporations, and director of the latter ; active in other large enterprises, and in public trusts ; member of Congress, 1853-9. The Dodge-Morgan Library building is named for him, and Mor- gan Hall for his son Alonzo. Henry Philip Tappan, D. D., LL. D., class of 1824-7, set. 77. Born in Rhinebeck, N. Y., April 18, 1805 ; united with the Ref. Ch. in New Paltz, 182 1 ; graduated from Union College in 1825 ; entered Mid. class at Auburn, and graduated ; D. D. from Union College in 1845 ; LL. D. from Columbia College in 1853 ; made Cor. Member of Inst, of France, 1856 ; married to Miss Julia Livingston, of New York City, April 17, 1828 ; died of paralysis of the heart at Vevey, Switzerland, Nov. 15, 1881. He had I son and 4 daughters ; his wife and i daughter survived him. Dec. 7, '81.] NECROLOGY. 285 Ordained and installed at Pittsfield, Mass., by Berkshire Assoc, Sept., 1S28; assist, pastor Ref. Ch., Schenectady, 1827-8; Pittsfield, 1828-32; prof, of Jnt. and Mor. Phil, in the Univ. of the City of N. Y., 1832-8 ; in New York and Brooklyn, preaching, teaching and publishing; president of University of Michigan, 1852-63 ; resident at Berlin, Paris, Nice ; at Basle, Switz., 1874-80, and at Vevey from 1880. Published (according to Allibone) "Review of Edwards' Incjuiry into the Freedom of the Will," N. Y., 1839 ; "The Doctrine of the Will Determined by an Appeal to Consciousness," 1840; " The Doctrine of the Will applied to Moral Agency and Re- sjjonsibility," 1841 ; these three republished, with additions, Glasgow, 1857 ; " Elements of Logic," N. Y., 1844; revised, 1856 ; Int. to " Illustrious Personages of the 19th Century," 1853 ; Treatise on University Education, 1851 ; "A Step from the New World to the Old and Back Again," 1852 ; with many addresses, articles, tracts, &c. Adam Miller, class of 1824-7, ^^- 75- Born in Canajoharie, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1807 ; united with the ist Pres. Church in Auburn, Oct. 21. 1824 ; graduated from Union College in 1824 ; married to Miss Anna Bacon Curtis, of Au- burn, Apr. 30, 1828 ; died of softening of the brain at Harford, Dec. I, 1881. He had 8 sons and 6 daughters ; 6 sons and 3 daughters survived him. Ordained at Harford, Pa., by Susquehanna Presby., Sept. 17, 1829; Oswego Falls, N. Y., 1827-S ; Harford from 1828, being installed there Apr. 28, 1830. Published prize essay on the Traffic in Ardent Spirits, 1855 5 History of the Presbytery of Montrose, 1872 ; Historical Dis- courses, Harford, Pa., 1844, 1878 ; sermon at funeral of Rev. Edward Allen, 1877. Lewis Hamilton, class of 1835-8, aet. 71. Born in Rockaway, N. J., July 10, 1810 ; united with the Pres. Church in Rockaway, 1825 ; studied at Bloomfield Academy, and at Williams and Union Colleges ; married to Miss Ruey HoYT BACON,of Branchport, N. Y., 1840 ; married to Miss Mary Eliza Balcom, of Campbell, Feb., 1843 ; died, struck by loco- motive, at Pueblo, Col, Dec. 7, 1881. He had i son and i daughter ; the daughter survived him. Ordained pastor, Addison, by Presby. of Chemung, July 2, 1840 ; Branchport, i year; Addison, 2? years; Campbell, 4 years ; Hunt's Hollow, 2 years ; Dunkirk, 4 years ; Clarence, 2 years ; Lima, Ind., 2^ years ; Muscatine City, Kan., 1859; Pike's Peak, Col., 1860-3 ;"U. S. Army, 1863-8; Central City, Col., 1869; Denver, 1870-7 ; Poncha Springs, 1878-80 ; Irwin, 18S1 ; for many years marked H. R., though actively at work. 286 NECROLOGY. [.J;irj. 19,'82. 1882. Ralph Clapt, class of 1824-7, ?et. 86. Born in Southampton, Mass., Jan. 19, 1796 ; united with the Cong. Church in Southampton, July, 1816 ; graduated from Amherst College in 1825 ; Auburn, Senior, a short time, from Dec. 2, 1826, having previously studied Theology with Dr. John Wood- bridge, of Hadley, Mass. ; married to Miss Mary Dexter, of Amherst, Mass., May 22, 1828; married to Miss Sophia Marsh, of Bethany, N. Y., Feb. 28, 1841 ; married to Miss Sarah SoBRiNA Brown, of Canadice, Jan. 15, 1854; married to Mrs. Margaret Ballard, of Pekin, Sept. 28, 1858 ; married to Miss Catherine Combs, of Phelps, Sept. 8, 1869 ; died of con- gestion of the lungs at Phelps, Jan. 19, 1882. His wife and 2 sons survived him. Ordained pastor, Bergen, N. Y., by Presby., Feb. 19, 1829, over Church of Byron, Bergen and Clarendon ; Parma and Greece, 1827-8 and 1832-44; Bergen, 1828-32; in the ministry of the M. E. Church, in 13 charges in Western. N. Y., 1845-67 ; then resident in Phelps, in superannuated relation. Lewis Kellogg, class of 1834-7, ret. 76. Born in Mexico, N. Y., Nov. 20, 1805 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Mexico, June, 1821 ; graduated from Oneida Institute in 1834 ; Auburn, 1834-5 ; A. M. from Middlebury College in 1846 ; mar- ried to Abby Halsey Lindsley, of Troy, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1836; died of paralysis, at Whitehall, N. Y., Feb. 11, 1882. He had 6 sons and 2 daughters ; his wife, 2 sons and i daughter survived him. Ordained and installed at Whitehall, N. Y., by Presby. of Troy, Nov. I, 1837; Whitehall, 1837-54 and 1862-8; Oswego, 2d Church, 1 85 4-6 ; Trumansburgh, 1856-62; North Granville, 1870-9; resident at Whitehall from 1879. Published 4 sermons. Erastus Noble Nichols, class of 1824-7, ^t. 84. Born in Amherst, Mass., Oct. 21, 1797; united with the Pres. Ch. in Munnsville, N. Y., Dec, 1818 ; studied at Hamilton College in class of 1824 ; Middle year in Auburn; A. M. from Hamil- ton College in 1874 ; married to Miss Margaret Ludlum Lit- tell, of Auburn, Nov. i, 1827 ; died in Tecumseh, Mich., Feb. 17, 1882. His wife survived him ; they had no children. Ordained and installed at Hector, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, Nov., 1827 ; Hector, i year ; Aurora, 3 years ; Vernon Centre, 2 years; Clinton, Mich., preaching 9 years, and agent of A. B. C. F. M. 3 years, from 1835 ; afterward preached occasionally till 80 years of age ; resident in Tecumseh, Mich. William Sheldon Franklin, class of 1839-42, eet. 70. Born in Aurora, N. Y., Oct. 22, 181 1 ; united with the Pres. Ch. in Genoa, N. Y„ 1828; studied at Cayuga and Cortland Academies, May 0/82.] NKCUOLOGY. 28'i and C^a/.enovia Si-ininary ; A. M. from Madison Univ. in 1855 ; married to Miss II akkikt Nkwell Putnam, of New Woodstock, N. Y., Aug. 23, I.S42; married to Miss Mary Ci.arinua Put- nam, of Katon, Pel). 6, 1850; died of nervous prostration, at Danforth, (in Syracuse) March 6, 1882. His wife and son sur- vived him. Ordained pastor. Five Corners, N. Y., by Cayuga Presby., Jan. 9, 1844; Five Corners, 1842-64; Camden, 1864-7; Marcelhis, 1867-70; Ludlowville, 2 years; Jamesville, 2 years ; Ridgeville and Oneida Pake, 2 years; general sec. of Y. M. C. A., Syra- cuse, 2 years ; resident in Syracuse from 1870. Published several sermons. Hon. John Fishkr, Trustee 1863-70, aet. 76. Born in Londonderry, N. H., Mar. 13, 1806; united with the Pres. Church in LeRoy, N. Y. ; married to Miss Catherine VVyman Blanchard, of VVethersfield Springs, N. Y., Sept. 18, 1833; died of general debility, at Batavia, Mar. 28, 1882 ; he had 7 sons and 2 daughters ; his wife and i son survived him. Came early to LeRoy, N. Y. ; in dry goods business in La Grange ; Warsaw; Hamilton, Canada, 1835-55; Batavia, N. Y., from 1855; ALxyor of Hamilton; member of Congress, 1868-70. Laurentine Hamilton, class of 1850-3, set. 55. Born in Catlin, (now Dix) N. Y. ; united with the Baptist Church in 'Povvnsend, N. Y., Feb., 1842 ; graduated from Hamilton Col- lege in 1850 ; married to Miss Isabella Mead, of Cxorham, Me.. May 3, 1855 ; married to Mrs. Clara Ferson Batchelder, of Berkeley, Cal., July 27, 1875 ; died of apoplexy at Oakland, in the pulpit, Apr. 9, 1882. lie had 2 sons and 2 daughters ; his wife, 2 sons and i daughter survived him. Ordained pastor, Ovid, N. Y., by Presby. of Geneva, Jan., 1854 ; Ovid, 1853-5 ; home miss. Columbia, Cal, 1855-9 ; San Jose, 1S59-64; ist Pres. Church, Oakland, 1864-9; Independent Church of Oakland from 1869. Published " The Future State and Free Discussion," 1869 ; "A Reasonable Christianity," 1880; sermons weekly in the Oak- land Daily JVews, for several years. Park. Shattuck Donelson, D. D., class of 1849-62, jet. 57. Born in Colerain, Mass., Apr. 17, 1825 ; united with the M. E. Church in 1835 ; graduated from Univ. of Mich., 1849 ; at Au- burn, 1849-51 ; D. D. from Asbury Univ. in 1858; married to Miss Katharine H. Dexter, of Dexter, Mich., Sept., 185 1; died of enlargement of the heart, at Dexter, Mich., May 6, 1882. He had i son and 2 daughters; his wife, i son and i daughter survived him. Ordained at Kalamazoo, Mich., by Bishop Janes, (M. E.) 1853; prof, of Anc. Lang., Albion Col, Mich., 185 1-4 ; Lansing. Mich., M. E. Ch., 1854-6 ; pres. of Ohio \Ves. Fem. Col, 1856 2b8 NECROLOGY. [ May 30,'82. -73 ; St. Paul's Ch., Toledo, O., 1873-5 ; presid. Eld., Toledo Dist., 1875-9 ; Trinity Ch., Lima, 1879-81 ; Kenton, 1881-2. Ebenezer Cross Birge, class of 1836-9, ?et. 72. Born in Underbill, Vt., June 5, 1810; united with the rst Cong. Church in Undethill ; studied at Jericho Acad, and Jackson (So. Hanover) College; Princeton, 1836-7; Auburn, 1837-9; married to Miss Lydia Bacon Stebbings, of Burlington, Vt., Sept. 26, 1839 ; died of Bright's disease at Chicago. 111., May 30, 1882, He had i son and 6 daughters; his wife, son and 5 daughters survived him. Ordained pastor, E. Berkshire, Vt., by Northwestern Assoc, Aug. 27, 1840 ; E. Berkshire, 1840-2 ; Stockholm, N. Y. ; after 4 years, went West as home miss. ; Wilmington, O. ; Momence, 111., 1850-5; Algonquin, 1856-61 ; Hambden, O., 1862 ; Jericho, Vt., 1863-5 ■' Underbill, 1867-74 ; Londonderry, 1874-81 ; resident in Chicago from 1881. Henry Allen Austin, class of 1848-51, c-et. 61. Born in Becket, Mass., Nov. 22, 1821 ; united with the Cong. Ch. in Worthington, Mass., 1840; graduated from Union College in 1847; married to Miss Mary Wright Johnson, of Becket, Sept. 28, 185 1 ; married to Miss Carrie Frances Maxim, of Paris, Me., Nov. 30, 1871 ; died of disease of the liver at Pleas- anton, Mich., June 2, 1882, leaving a widow, i son and 2 daughters. Ordained and installed at Otis, Mass., by Council, 1852; Otis, 1851-4; West Hartland, Conn., 1854-5 ; Huntington, 1856-9; farming in Ohio, 1860-4; resident in Pleasanton, Mich., preach- ing part of the time, from 1864. Charles Frederick Halsey, class of 1832-5, aet. 79. To the statistics on page 42 add : Died of senile debility at Fos- terburg. 111., Aug. 17, 1882. He had 4 sons and 7 daughters ; his wife, i son and 5 daughters survived him. William Mason Richards, class of 1832-5, cet. 77. To the statistics on page 42 add: Died of inflammation of the bladder at Berlin, Wis., Aug. 29, 1882. He had i son and i daughter ; his wife and daughter survived him. Erastus Judd Gillett, M. D., D. D., class of 1826-9, a^t. 82. To the statistics on page 27 add : Died of heart disease^^at^Coun- cil Bluffs, Iowa, Nov. 7, 1882. He had 2 sons and'3 daughters; I son and 2 daughters survived him. He was born May 13, 1800, made M. D. in 1864, and pres. of Fac. at Keokuk, 1865. Titus Coan, D. D., class of 1830-3, set. 81. To the statistics on page 37 add: Died at Hilo, Hawaii, Dec. i, 1882. CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. The evidence sliows the existence of the relation of father and son in the following instances not mentioned in the Catalogue : VVii.r.iAM VVisNKR, 'I'rustee r Green Island, 1865-8 ; res- ident Saratoga from 1877. 292 CORRECTIONS AND ADDI'I'IONS. Page 95, addto notice of Francis Hendricks: Born in Fayette, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1820 ; tea. in Ovid and Palmira, 1846-50 ; Aub. from Apr., 1850 ; called to Dryden, 1852; Fre- mont, O., 1855-6; Northumberland, Pa., from 1857; Drawyer's Pres. Ch., Del., from 186 1 ; jjastoral work, Philadelphia, 1863- 74 ; chap, of Pres. Hospital . Page 102, substitute : George Worthy Quereau, D. D. Born in Bangall, N. Y., June 9, 1827; united with the M. E. Ch. in Red Creek, 1840 ; graduated from Wesleyan Univ. in 1849; Auburn, 185 1-3 ; D. D. from Northwestern Univ. in 1866 ; mar- ried to Miss Susan Higgins Smith, of Fall River, Mass., Apr., Ordained (M. E.) 1857; in charge of Providence Conference Sem., E. Greenwich, R. I., 1853-9 ; Jennings Sem., Aurora, 111., 1859-73 ; resident in Aurora, in poor health. Page III, substitute: Raphael Kessler. Born in Trillfingen, (Hohenzollern) Germany, Oct. 27, 1828 ; united with the Rom. Cath. Church in 1841 ; graduated from Hedingen Gymnasium, 1848 ; Auburn, 1857-9; married to Miss Nancy Hannah Brandt, of Brandt, Pa., May 5, 1859. Ordained by 3d Presby. of N. Y., i860; Rivington St. (ier. Pres. Ch., 1859-62 ; Mt. Pleasant and Uniondale, Pa., 1862-7 ! Web- ster Groves, Mo., 1867-72 ; Wilmington, 111., 1872-3 ; Pontiac, 1873-5 5 Brandt, Pa., 1880; resident Holland Patent, N. Y. Page 128, Mrs. W. W. Palmer's name was Rexford. Page 134, make the date of death of John Bacon Steele, 1873. Page 140, add to notice of Merritt Gally : Born at Perry, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1838 ; tirst joined " Brick " Ch., Rochester; married to Miss Mary Allen Carpenter, of Rye, N. Y., Aug. 15, 1866 ; ordained pastor, Marion, Mar. ir, 1867 ; Marion, 3 years. Page 142, make the date of death of William B. Hendryx, June 21. To notice of Joseph Edwin Scott, add : Born in Johnston, Vt., Sept. 28, 1836 ; joined Pres. Ch. in Dela- ware City, Del., Apr., 1863 ; married to Miss Annie Elma Jane Higgins, Aug. 13, 1862 ; ordained by West Jersey Pres- by., Oct., 1867 ; resident Tonganoxie, Kan. Page 152, to notice of Herman B. Dean, add : Married again ; Weatherford, Tex. ; rect. of P. E. Ch., Concord- ville, Pa., 1882 ; Havre de Grace, Md. Page 156, make William D. Duncan resident in Elmira, N. Y. Page 168, to notice of Hermann Carl George Brandt, add : Born in Germany, Dec. 15, 1850; united with Ch. at Susquehanna Depot, 1868. Published edition of Lessing's "Nathan der CORRECTIONS AND ADDITFONS. 293 Weise," 1880 ; Rules for writing German with Latin letters ; and many Philological articles. Page 176, erase the final E from the name of Livingston. Page 180, to notice of J.ames Stevenson Riggs, add : Joined Ch., July, 1865 or 1866 ; married to Miss L. A. Burroughs, of Medina, N. Y., Oct. 20, 1880 ; ordained Aug. 2, 1880. Page 199, to notice of James Richards, add : It is said that he had 7 children ; 2 sons and 2 daughters survived him. Page 200, to notice of Sheldon Dibble, add : Joined Pres. Ch., Skaneateles, Oct. 3, 1819. Page 213, to notice of Eleazar Hills, add : Born in East Hartford, Conn.; came to Auburn 1806. Page 233, to notice of Albert Pavson Worthington, add : Joined the Ch. in Panama, N. Y. ; married to Miss Addie E. Humphrey, of Durham, Oct. 19, 1866 ; his son, born after his death, died April, 1869. Page 236, to notice of Jeremiah Woodruff, add: Converted, 1825 ; before going to Auburn, studied with Rev, Samuel Orton ; married to Miss Nancy Spencer, of Hartford. Conn., 182 1 ; married to Miss Clarissa Thomson, of Chenango Forks, N. Y., 1851 ; he had 6 sons and 3 daughters; his wife, 4 sons and 2 daughters survived him ; ordained, (Cong.) 1832^ INDEX Page. Page. Page. Abbey Austin Barnes David Avery 228 Franklin Dexter 91 David R. 28 Henry Allen 288 Edwin A. 146 Adams Samuel John 93 Nath'l Harrison ■ ■3. 291 Asa 82 William Lucian 169 Barnum Charles Luther 208 Avery Edward Pay son Isaac Foote 144 Henry Samuel 142 262 Jared Reid 36 Barr James 214 Axtell Absalom K. 218 John Quincy John Watson Myron 169 204 144 Anthony Dey Henry 231 190 David Barteau 85 Babcock Sidney Havens 89 Adamson Maltbie Davenport 184 William Swan 121 Bartholomew Bachman Charles Martin 169 Allbright Robert Luckey 160 Myron Nevins 166 William Ilervey 176 Bacon Orlo 224 Alden John Stebiiins 123 Barton Gustavus Rosinl 11 ry 1 39 Josiah 253 Morris 214 Allen William Nathaniel no Bascom Albert W., Jr. 178 Bagg John lOI Erv\in Wheeler 78 Daniel Taylor 71 Horace Hews 119 Batchelor Nathan 225 Bailey Charles Eliphalet 105 Ward 175 Alvord Baker Bates Fenu C. 51 William Henry 144 Joseph Dan forth 63 Anderson Charles Charles 67, 289 162 Balch Henry 83 Bayless George 142 James 166 Baldwin Beach Philander 94 Dwight 26 Charles Fisk 103 Apthorp Rufus John Treat 19 Ebene/er C. 236 119 Joseph Bloomfield 28 Edwards Abbott 283 Arney Ballintine John Harvey 196 William James 153 James 65 Beadel Ashmun Ballou Daniel Webster 144 Silas Hubbell 278 John McKnight 41 Beard Aspinwall Bannister Augustus Field TI8 Judson 234 Henry 59 Beardsley Atherton Barnard Obadiah Cottgrave 251 Isaac Warren no Lucius E. 108 William 231 INDEX. 295 Page. Page. Paeo. Beaumont ijjngham Thomas Thaxter 48 James Biown 123 John Shepard 125 William H. 220 Beckwith Bird Bradley Baruch Butler 239 George Robert 165 Milton Thomas Scott 59 223 Beebe Birge William 36 Clarence Hall 130 Ebenezer Cross 288 Brandt Beecher Bishop H. Carl George 168 293 John Everitt Wm. Alanson 155 172 Sereno Edwards 91 Brayton Willis Judson 130 Blaine David Edwards 94 Isaac 45 Beemer Breck W. L. 121 Blakeley Jacob Edgerton 2cg Joseph 105 Belden Bliss Breed Williiim Webster 81 David Riddle 149 Isaac 207 Bellamy Col Samuel 190 Rlodgett Charles Sumner 180 Bridgman Ansel 195 Bemam Gains M. 48 Brinkerhoff Irving L. 123 Blose Abraham D. 219 Benedict D. Albert 180 Brobston Edwin 57 William 23 Lewis 282 Blue William Uriah 256 John Gilbert 184 Bronson Ben ham Boggs Edwin Huet Hills 31 43 James Vincent 134 Wilberforce Kerr 245 Oliver 218 John Milton 59 Boies William Riley 125 Brooks Benjamin Nathan Harper 232 Asahel Lyon 274 211 Bond Lemuel 284 Simeon 237 Daniel 208 Brown Benton Bonnell Frederick H. James 220 206 Alphonso Loomis no Spencer Randolph 188 Milton A. 217 Bickford Edward Gibbs 267 Booher Marcus de Lafayette 175 Robert Samuel (Jilnian Silas Clark 23 13 260 Booth WUliam 209 Bielby Robert Russell 94 Buck Isaac Prudens 175 Bosworlh Elijah 26 Bigelow Byron 99 Buel Dana Williams 144 Nathan 87 Asa K. 194 Biggar David Irving 136 Boyce William Curtis 48 Bulkeley Hiram Worthington 39 Bill Boyd Burgess Chalon Archibald Herbert T75 Charles James M. 147 149 87 Billington Boy n ton Burghardt Linus Williams 28 Charles 89 Peter Hewins 67 Billman Bradford lUirkhardt Howard 183 Amory Howe 151 John iSi 296 INDEX. Burnell Alfred Hastings Btirnham Edwin Otway Burnley Charles Taylor Pag-. i8i 247 176 214 233 264 82 Burt Jairiis Burtis Arthur, Jr. Bush Samuel Webster Bushiiell George Busse maker Gerard Johan 171 Butler James Glenann 149 Cad well Benjamin Hayes 51 Newton Wordsworth 184 Calkins James Frederic 73 Cameron John Hugh 184 Campbell Frederick 178, 289 Graham Cox 178 Toel 244 John 237 John 114 Samuel Minor 87, 289 Thomas 136 William 130 William McKay 162 Campfield Robert 15ond Capon James H. Carey Isaac Eddy Carlisle Hugh Carnahan James Aikman Robert Aikman 82 242 271 184 Page. 60 53 185 185 Carr Charles Carroll Carruth James Harriman Carter Wm. Smith Carver Andrew Sagendorph Catlin Benjamin Rush 104 Jacob 212 Cellars Wilson Fleming 188 Chadsey Horace Thomas 181 Chafer Thomas Franklin 136 Champion Aristarchus 242 Chapin Harvey 230 Cha])man Charles 31 Chase Frederic Augustus 126 John Manly 169 Chatterton German Hammond 139 Cheeseman Eugene 163 Cherry Chauncy Wallace 225 Henry 45 Chester Albert Tracy 12 Carlos Tracy 169 Porter Lee 185 Chichester Darwin 258 Child Elias 31 Childs Francis 197 Ward 213 Chittenden Alanson B. 208 Page. 274 Christopher William Britton Chrysler Jeremiah Meacham 155 Church Leonard Wilson Churchill Charles Claghorn John E. Clapp 157 57 Ralph 286 Zenas 193 Clark Calvin 265 Charles Grandison 242 Chapin Rufus 37 Daniel 71, 291 Gardner K., 239 James Hunter 155 "L. J. 43 Nathaniel Catlin 246 Nathaniel George 95 Walter Halsey 110 Clarke Abner P. 192 Spencer Searle 200 Tertius Strong 253 Close John Edward 171 Lucius J. 192 Reuben Holmes 26 Co an Titus 37 288 Cobb Alfred 219 Ebenezer Baker 176 Nehemiah 55 Solon 138 Cochran Thomas 203 Coffran Frank Herbert 179 Coggsvvell James F. 221 Coit Charles Pierpont 150 Collins William Wellington 243 LVDEX. 297 Page. Page Page. Coltrin John 40 Cutler Nallianiel Potter 263 Cowles Robert Erven 165 Compton Augustus Wooflruff 12 Cuyler Glen Orville 178 Elisha 190 191 Sylvester 31 Conant Cowley Dada Charles All)ioii I2f) William Burt 106 Robert Taft 272 Henry T. 153 Conde Daniel Toll 39.289 Cox Samuel Hanson 278 Dalton Martin Luther 183 Samuel Lee 157 Coyle Danforth Condit Robert Francis IS3 Charles 233 Jonathan Bailey 257 Crabb Darling Koliert Woodruff 241 Lsaac 229 Henry 75 Condon John M. 217 Davis Thomas 95 Crafts Edwin Rutsen 107 Congdon Erastus 43 Henry Herbert Erastus 207 172 Hiram Ward 145 Craig Richard Montgomery 198 Conklin James McKnight 143 Thomas Edward 136 Willard 53 Luther 73 Crane Oliver Perry 67 Edwin Hall 210 Dawson Connit Ethan Barrows 42 T. Madison 140 George Washington 98 Horace M. 56 Day Isaac C. Philemon Rockv\ell Jonathan 268 Conway Nathaniel Marcus Thomas Kitchel 218 7i 131 95 John 22 258 S. Mills Cook Crawford Dayton Benjamin Bonney Philos Gunicos 84 Archibald 123 166 Russell Salmon 224 Cressy Cooper Dean Benjamin Cothen 192 Artemas 73 All:>ert Melvin 282 Henry Herman B. 152 Alvin 107 Crittenden Richard 118 21 292 Cootes Deane Charles E. 119 Crocker James 121 Cope Charles 57 290 DeCamp Allen Ford Edward 46, 289 Crozier 162 Copeland Hiram Parker 86 DeForest Jonathan 68 Cumpston Richard 268 Corliss Edward Henry 48 DeLong Albert U. 84 Curtis Charles H. 91 Cornell Henry Melville 161 Ira Odell 236 Howard 146 James Stewart Moses Ashley 175 244 Denison Francis Cory William Conway 126 53 Christopher 21 Cushing Dering Couch David 203 Nicoll Havens 235 Walter Varick 105 Cushman DeWitt Covert Rufus Spaulding 265 Abner 264 298 INDEX. Brainerd Taylor Luke Dexter Rex Rescum Hart Page. 146 267 Diament Jeremiah Nixon Dibble Cassias Horatio Sheldon Dick Alexander Dickinson Baxter Edward Edwin Henry Erastus 103 114 153 200, 293 82 185 46 Richard Salter Storrs 213 Dillingham John Henry 1 14 Dillon Edward 170 Dodd Henry Martyn 150 Dodge Seward Mandeville 173 William Edwin 185 Donelson Park Shattuck 287 Doolittle Henry Hopkins 79 Justus 277 Douglass Alexander 256 James 89 John Lovell 156 Downer David Robertson 197 Downs John Vinson 68 William Ripley 2S0 Duboc Henry A. I47 Dudley Horace Franklin 123 Roswell 47 Dunbar John 216 Page Duncan William D. 156, 292 Dunlap Abijah Barnum 88 Dunning Giles Henry 185 Harlan Page 155 Dunton Samuel 231 Dwight Charles Chauncey 13 Henry 215 SerenOjEdwards 206 Eastman John 276 Obadiah 44 Edwards Maurice Dwight 161 Thaddeus 191 William Noriis 234 Eells James 92 Eggleston Ambrose 226 Russell Searle 84 Ellinwood Frank Fields xoi Elliott George Washington 18 Jared Leigh 262 Emerson Charles Page 170 English John Daniel 102 Fairchild Elias Riggs 269 John 54 Fairlee George 179 Fancher Ezra Benedict 232 Farnsworth Marshal Look 195 Fennel Andrew Jackson 68 Ferguson Archibald Page. 214 Ferris George Henry 173 Fewsmith Joseph 16 Finks Delos Edwin 157 Fish John Berrien 238 Fisher Elias Baldwin 166 French William 166 Hon. John 287 Nathaniel Wilcox 204 Samuel Jackson 150, 289 Samuel Ware 249 Wm. Hubbell 143, 289 Fitch Abijah Ebenezer 10 igr Flagler Charles David 120 Flanders John 65 Flint Frederick Willson 11 1 Folsom George Palmer 95 Foote Asahel 194 Horatio 18 Ford James Looker 162 Foster Gustavus Lemuel 261 Fowler Isaac D. 157 Philemon Halsted 275 Fox William Augustine 90 Frame David Andrews 274 Franklin William Sheldon 286 Eraser Horace 60 INDEX. 299 Page. Pagf. Page. James VV. 47 Clark Bateman 158 Halbert Oris 2()6 (ioodell William Rheem 2S3 Frazer Jabe/. 10 Hall John M. 55 Joel . 268 Alanson C. 196 Frederick Gordon Edwin George Lyman 266 216 Augustus 173 Jolm Ogden 154 Joshua Beers 109 47 French Setli Reed 172 Robert Vincent Charles Robinson 68 Goss Hallock Fuller Charles Frederic Guslavus F. 167 201 Luther Calvin 86 Roselle Amliew 276 Simeon Sartwell 227 Halsey Fullerton Gould Charles Frederick 4 Luther 2, 288 Alexander H. 253 Augustus Galestin 204 279 Furman Grant Hamblin Charles Edwin 277 Henry Martyn 129 Lemuel Woodruff 201 Gaily Merritt i Man in Ellis I5S Hamlin 40, 292 Graves Charles Winslow 129 Eli 230 Hamilton Galpin Frederick William 226 Comfort 270 273 Wright Caleb 126 Joel S. 47 David Henry Gardner Corliss Bailow John J. Garrison 124 76 Levi M. Nathaniel Dwight Gray Blackleach Burritt 280 76 239 Dillis Dyer Gavin Lindsay Laurentine Lewis 260 131 287 285 George Seaman 118 Hanna Aaron 196 John 263 Lyman Edwin 165 Gaston Lyman Calvin 164 Hanning Albert Hall 68 Greeley James 'rht)mpson 131 A 56 Frank Norton 168 Charles Ileivey 282 Harrington Gates Gregory David Downs 251 Fordyce Moody 33 227 Alonzo Matthew no William A. 30 Gaylord Green Harris Evan 109 Hemingway Jacfil 57 Rufus Smith 158 Hiram 245 Martin Luther 99 Gibbs Greene Hart Aliiro Leander 131 William 114 Daniel 283 Gib^jpn Gridley Amos Delos 262 Harvey Henry Wesley 175 VVillard Putnam 140 George Williston 201 Gilbert Samuel Hart 27 Hastings Parsons Clark 60 Ashley M. 195 Griffin Richard Cleveland 173 Frank 126 Philander 87 Seth Parsons Merwin 2SQ Hiram Whitney 5S James Board man 121 Grinnell Haven Luman Coggswell 269 Josiah Bushnell 83 Francis Loren Eaton 19S 203 Gillett Griswold Hawley Erastus Judd 27, 288 Levi 32 Jedidialj Mills 69 Guernsey Amos Payne 259 Charles 13 Gillette Wm. Hullister 204 (Chester Warner 120 800 INDEX. Page. Page. Page. Moses Smedley 66, 290 Higley Hopwood Ransom 23 Henry M. 132 Isaiah Beardsley 122 Haynes Henry Post 137 Hornell Edward Chalmers 183 Hill George 212 Hazen Charles Orville 221 Horton Hervey Crosby 136 Hiram Matt. LaRueP. 122, 120 289 George Dinsmore 115 Hazlett Robert William 213 289 Hotchkiss Thomas 203 Hills Henry William P. 191 66 Heacock Eleazar 213, 293 Abel Moore 199 Horace 248 Hough Grosvenor Williams 264 Horace, Jr. 62 289 Stanley Parmlee 251 Headley Hinsdale Hovey Joel Tyler 52 Abel Knapp 198 Jonathan Parsons 224 Phineas Camp 90 Hitchcock Howard Heizer Edward William 114 Benjamin 130 Alexander McLean 132 Harvey Rexford 212 John Loomis 190 Helms Hixon Howe Stephen Decatur 71 Asa 222 Charles Marion Franklin Shumway 154 62 Hemenway Hodges Charles Carroll 176 Silas H. 37 Howell Lewis Dunham 207 Hemphill Hodgman Nathaniel Woodhu 11 207 William 192 Thomas Morey 69 Hoxsey Henderson Hogarth Benjamin Franklin 193 John Christie 185 William 60 Ogden 150 Hoyt Hoisington Arthur Stephen 173 Hendricks Henry Richard 127 Charles Kimball 163 Francis 95 , 292 Henry Richard 216 Charles Sumner Edwin 183 54 Hendryx Hollister William Morris 200 William B. 233 , 292 Abner 207 Hubbard Hequembourg Holm John Niles 73. 291 Charles Louis 257 John W. 224 William Green 83 Herrick Holm an Hubbell Hubert Pierre 216 Sidney 252 Samuel 36 John Russell 96 Hewitt Holmes Hudson Richard Sill 146 Cyrus 257 Almon Redfield 140 Edwin 210 Thomas Boyd III Hibbard William Sylvester 158 Hueston William Warner 180 Hood George Washington III Edgar J. i?4 Hickey Huggins Yates 99 Hopkins Abel Grosvenor 147 Morrison 217 Hickok Horace Henry 199 Hughitt Laurens Perseus 17 Josiah 222 Emmons 225 Moses Aaron 170 Hulbert Higgins Corydon Webster 100 Hon. Sam'l M. 194, 2«9 Samuel Miles 51, 289 Palmer S. 176 David 19S Stephen Grosvenor 145 Hull INDEX. 301 Pane Page. Page. Kiwiii Coltou 15(> Jcnkiii 54, 29(J Hiram Huntington 2S1 I.eveiett 208 Jerome Hiiani Hunt'g'n, 1 ,e\\is ['■• 147 2S6 Humphreys Charles 247 Norman 27r George Fhivcl \(n James lleivey 85 RoIjctI Ransom 231 Hunt Jervis Kendall Tinuilliy Dwighl 69 Timothy liionmlield 73 l''rederick (iriloomer 27 Isaac Newton 88 Asa, Jr Benjamin P. Charles Caningtc 29 F^liphalet 27 William F. 33 )n II 147 F^varts 149 Hurlbert David Sumner "5 Kessler Daniel E. 54 Edward Payson Herrick 164 289 115 Raphael III, 292 Hurlburt Oren 230 Keyes Roderick Lee 209 Simeon 194 Richard Goodell 92 Hutton Stephen Will)ur Hutchins 35 177 Kilhourn Alfred John 153 William 18 John Kenyon 170 Hyde Jones Kimball David 189 Charles 44 Milton 228 Ebenezer Porter 236 I )ewey 179 King George Ives George C. 44 Isaac 258 Joseph Hell, 201 John Davis 262 246 Mortimer Andrew 139 John Levis 116 Kingsbury Enoch Smith Harris 115 John Levis 241 237 IngersoU Judson Kirk Elihu Parsons 44 David F. 235 Ransom Richard 222 Isham Kasson Kirkpatrick Warren 222 James Hatch 246 Josiah James igo Ivison Kavassalas Kneeland Henry 14 Photius 52 Jonathan 56 Jacks Kay Martin Dvvelle 15S John Wilford 156 Richard 263 Knowles Jackson Keeler Charles Jenkins 205 Alexander 167 Seneca McNeill 127 Knox Frederick Johnson John James 79 33 Keep John Theo. John 239 44 , 289 289 Charles Eugene Edward Marvin George William 113, 2S9 172 170 David 150 Kelland Henry Martyn John J. 104, 289 II, 289 Janes John 132 William Eaton 69, 289 Charles Francis 153 William John 107 Francis George Marsh 21 1 167 Kelley John 243 Kohler Legh Richmond 115 David Edwin 268 Kellogg Jenkins Ephraim William 56 Koons Hermon Dutilh 143 1 Erastus Martin 71 1 Edwin 177 '^(rz INDEX. Page. Page. Page. Koiigh Lilly Lyon J. W. Scott 130 Alvah 21 Daniel Braylon 92 Arunah Hall 255 Lyons Kreulzer Foster, Jr. 212 William "3 Lorenzo 32 Krug Ferdinand 168 Lincklaen John 189 Maccnrthy Charles Wesley 116 Lacy Lindsay Peter 181 Mackie Edward Silas 255 George W. 116 Ladd Livingston Macomber Beaufort 263 Charles Montgomery Ewen Cameron 132 179 William Wirt 127 Lamberton Little Charles Malin Alexander 132 84 David 51 Landis Lobdell Mandell John Latshaw 120 Henry 212 Albert 242 Landreth Lockwood Manley James 92 Lewis Rema 276 Elizur Newell III Lane Robinson Smiley 260 M an n Henry Martin 70 Lombard Royal 254 Lansing Charles Mahlon 173 Manning Dirck Cornelius 215 Long Samuel 198 Lasell Clement 221 Marsh Nathaniel 275 John Castleton 151 Augustus lib Lathrop Longley Joseph Grout Edwards Theodore D. 267 133 Alfred Crafts 52 241 Leonard Elijah 215 Loom is Marshall I. T. 10 Lawrence Henry 147 Egbert Charles 1S8 Lord Martin Robert Fowler 45 Charles Eliphalet 71 Isaac Anderson 256 Lee Albert Charles Gold Samuel 150 214 229 Claudius Buchanan Edward John Chase William W. 74 79 263 75 Marvin Charles S. Dwight Edwards John Lorenzo 106 179 56 Leggett VVniiam M. Lotinsbtiry William Weed 237 64 Henry Axtell 104 Mather Leighton Nathan Lowry Hiram Foote 236 76 Isaac Newton 241 Matteson Leonard Lucas Charles Gillett 181 George Washington 161 Wallace Bliss 148 Matthews Lester Liisk Luther Parker 96 Charles Edwards Wm. Hand 54 186 William Lyle 122 Mattoon Charles Nash 46 Lewis Albert Franklin 145 John Rees 127 Maynard William 195 Lyman Addison 74 Ulrie 23 Lieberman Horace 82 , 291 McAfee Moses J. 118 Josiah 75 George Greathouse 197 INDKX. 30:^> PaK^-. '••iKC. Page. Samuel Lanty 154 McNulty ('alvin 254 McCabe Charles Monlcrvillc W9 Morris Francis Samuel ,)6 Mt-ad Edward Dafydd 96 McCoy Cornelius Sanford Ebene/.er 273 202 Morse Daniel Chaiies 14S Enoch 38 Jonathan Bradley ■37 McCullough Meigs Moser Samuel J. 235 George Dullicld 160 John Reid 264 McDonald Merrcll Samuel Lewis Moses John 230 86 John C'aniiiijcll 97 McDougall Mott Archibald 103 Mercereaii Henry Elliott 176 James 37 Lawrence, Jr. Merwin 61 Munro McDuffee Nathan 196 William 250 Charles 58 McEntee Miller Murray David 156 Thomas M. 89 Adam Henry Thaddeus 2S5 153 Muzzy McEwen Hiram Lindsley 24 Addison 64 George Faber 49- Jacob Gerrit Samuel 93 127 Mygatt McGiffert MiUerd Henry Norton Norman Ailing Alston 51 Joseph Nelson William Henry 100 109 24S 125 Nellis John Van Cougnet 137 McGlashan Alexander 234 Mills Nelson Henry 233 Henry Addison 79 Mclntire Miner Marcy Ellsworth 154 Charles'CarroU 120 Robert Armstrong 13 Edmund Bridges 124 McKee Ovid 41 Newbanks William James 174 Samuel Elbert 70 John 97 McKinlay George Angus 170 Minion William Barr 159 Newberry Edwin Dyer 105 McKinney Sabin Mitchell vSamuel Swain 141 Nichols Cyrus 29 74 Erastus Noble 286 Silas 79 Moodie Niles William Allen McLachlan Royal Corbin 181 90 John 158 Moon William Henry 167 McLean Alexander Eneas 66 174 137 Solomon Horatio Morehouse 140 North Alfred 238 John Charles Merritt 64 Simeon ir Robert 171 Morey Northrop McLeod Lewis Hall 164 Bennett Fairchild Henry Horatio 253 49 Alexander B. 186 Morgan McMaster Charles Edwin Barber 240 2S4 Norton George 238 John 151 Henry Augustus i^ , 289 Herman 205 Homer Bartlett 227 Robert 107 McNiel Henry 199 Morrill Nutting 304 INDEX. I '' Page. Page William J. G. 274 Henry North Henry Porter 209 183 William Satterlee 174 Ormsby Selden E. 64 Powell Martin Powell 116 Peet John Netlleton 265 Osborne Stephen 21 I Pratt John (Jeorge 135 Ethan 205 Richard 89 291 Pelotibet Elizur Hull i52 Ostrander Alexander Olympus 54 John Wesley 102 Penny ['arsons Stewart 80 Jared Fordliain 252 Samuel Wheeler 128 l.uther Allen 152 George Alva 251 Ould Wm. Lancaster i8r Pepoon Joseph Ayer 252 Preston John Bovver Marcus North 124 267 289 Page Perrine Priest Joseph Rusling 75 Matthew La Rue 193 Josiah Addison 93 William Noble 141 William Wallace 243 Perry Putnam Paine Albert Henry Thomas 137 Bradford Van Vliet 186 76 Petrie Jeremiah Phelps 88 Franklin Solon G. 2t8 197 Palmer David Henry 128 Quick Calvin Perin 133 William Wesley 128 292 George Olcutt 12S Parker Phil!i])s Quereau George Worthy 102 292 Henry Webster 80 Andrew 279 Joel 246 Rankin Orson 259 Phinney David McKibben 133 Parlin Barnabas 202 Henry Van Vleck 223 Jonathan Bancroft 259 Pierce Ranslow Par melee James Edward 240 Eugene John 148 Wilson Barlow log Pierpont Ransom Parmenter James Pierson 97 Cyrenius George 61 117 Frederick A.ugustus 227 George 275 Raw son Parrey Job 83 Thomas Reed 265 Porter Brown 80 Piatt Ray Parsons Merit Sidney 280 Charles Howell 183 Andrew 117 Oliver 189 Edward Chittenden 163 Eben Burt 137 John Wainvviight 66 Levi 225 289 Pomeroy Levi 103 Jeremiah 281 Raymond Lemuel Strong 272 Albert Ramanthus 42 Payne Medad 10 George Lansing 139 Henry Nelson 155 Samuel Whittlesey 49 Porter Payson Termain G. 174 289 Read Eliot Hale 58 John John 249 187 Philander 124 Pease John Jermain 14 289 Reasoner Lorenzo Warriner 196 Robert Langdon 195 John Stout 38 Randal 167 Post Redington Peck Jacob 107 John H. 197 Georgre B. Henry E. 145 234 Potter Redfield INDEX. 305 Page Page Page. Henry Slonc 49 Charles Charles Edvvaid 201 120 Marshall Danforil 1 242 Kvcd Ebenezer Weeks 238 Sand ford All)ert Chesler 128 Munson S. 60, 291 77, 2S9 112 Richard Marsh 77 David Allen 182 Samuel Newell Sargent Kdwanl AIIlmi 154 William Moore Frye Hailcy 2(>(> William Willshire 205 Benjamin Farringl on 168 Newton 3(^ Sayre \-|llon.y Dibble 5f' Roe William 161 Edward I'ayson 135 James Maltby 249 Rcid John P. 124 Scofield Isaiah 133 Rogan Daniel Henry Ahishai 43 118 Solomoni R. 70 Rt;inin