FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY JMyWoh * JUL 221936 * SPIRITUAL SONGS COMPILED FOR THE USE OF THE SOCIETY OF SPIRITUALISTS WASHINGTON, E). C. Eternity of Nature. Cosmian, 49. Thou, Nature, grandest theme of all ! From rolling worlds to flow'ret small. 'Tis one sublime, unending chain, That comes and goes, and comes again. Eternal matter ! quenchless force ! No hand can stay thy circuit's course, But deep in the abyss of space The systems run their destined race. And man, who treads this mundane ball, Is but a part of this vast All. He lives, he dies; so star and sun Their onward journeys deftly run. And hardened worlds, like aged man, Dissolve when past the fated span ; And parted forms, that erst we saw, Revive again by Nature's law ; And bloom, and teem, and fade, and die, As matter hath eternally ; And thus existence circles round, Nor first nor last was ever found. 2 Sit Not Idly. Cosmian, 48. Sit not idly, with hands folded, Each one has some work to do, And if life has care for others, Why have only joy for you ? Seek not only sweetest roses ; Faint not in the heat of strife ; Arm ye now with Truth and Duty ! Courage for the cares of life ! Ask not if the world applauds you, Be content with duty done ; Conscience clear will then reward you, With the crown you've truly won. 3 Live for Something. Cosmian, 50. Live for something ; be not idle, Look about thee for employ ; Sit not down to useless dreaming, Labor is the sweetest joy. Folded hands are ever weary, Selfish hearts are never gay; Life for thee hath many duties — Active be, then, while you may. Scatter blessings in your pathway — Gentle words and cheering smiles ; Better far than gold and silver, Are their grief-dispelling wiles ; As the pleasant sunshine falleth Ever on the grateful earth, So let sympathy and kindness Gladden well the darkened hearth. Hearts are sore, oppressed and weary, Drop the tear of sympathy ; Whisper words of hope and comfort, Give and thy reward shall be Joy unto thy heart returning From this perfect fountain-head ; Freely as thou freely givest, Shall the grateful light be shed. Sympathy. Cosmian, 44. Peace to the man, wise, just, and good, Whose heart compassionate and kind, Breathes nought but pure good will to man, Justice with tenderness combined. The sympathy of mortal woes, The manly, undissembled tear, The pang that vibrates through the breast, The sigh that speaks the mind sincere. Be mine the comfort, mine the joy, The prompt, the timely aid to lend ; In all the acts of social love, The hopeless, helpless sufferer's friend. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5 When the Mists are Cleared Away. When the mists have rolled in splendor, From the beauty of the hills, And the sunshine, warm and tender, Falls in kisses on the rills, We may read Love's shining letter In the rainbow of the spray, We shall know each other better, When the mists have cleared away. Chorus. We shall know as we are known, Never more to walk alone In the dawning of the morning, When the mists are cleared away. If we err in human blindness, And forget that we are dust ; If we miss the law of kindness, When we struggle to be just, Snowy wings of peace shall cover All the pain that hides away ; When the weary watch is over, And the mists have cleared away. — Cho. When the silver mists have veiled us From the faces of our own; Oft we deem their love has failed us, And we tread our path alone. We should see them near and truly, We should trust them day by day. Neither love nor blame unduly, If the mists were cleared away. — Cho. g The Operations of Nature. Tune— L. M. All nature speaks, let men give ear, And stand erect, attentive, free ; The voice of Nature they shall hear, The works of Nature they shall see. Behold the stars with sparkling light, And planets which in order move ! They mount in ether's tow'ring height, And raise our thoughts to orbs above. The glorious sun, whose gentle beams Enliven all things here below ; And lucid moon, with paler gleams, Great Nature's power in grandeur show. Survey the whole capacious earth, The sea and land, rocks, hills and plains The power of Nature gave them birth, And by one law the whole maintains. Y Perpetual Change. Tune— C. M. The presence of perpetual change Is ever on the earth ; To-day is only as the soil That gives to-morrow birth. Where stood the tow'r there grow the weeds, Where grew the weeds the tow'r ; No present hour its likeness leaves To any future hour. Of each imperial city built Far on the Eastern plains, A desert waste of tomb and sand Is all that now remains. Our own fair city full of life, May have some future day, When power and might and majesty Will all have passed away. But in all changes brighter things And better have their birth ; The presence of perpetual love Is ever on the earth. $ The Triumph of Truth, Tune — Auld Lang Syne. Come let us join in cheerful song, With hope's inspiring ray ; Let every tongue with grateful praise Proclaim this joyful day ; For life immortal rends the veil Of error's dark domain, And every gloomy phantom fades At reason's glorious reign. The earth and sky are all aglow With orbs of living light : While truth's victorious banners rise On every mountain height ; Take courage, then, doubting soul, For all that's great and good Will be revealed to every mind, As truth is understood. No sin-atoning sacrifice Can banish pain and woe ; But manfully we learn to live By reaping what we sow ; The bitter fruits of each misdeed As kindly point the way, ; As do the joys in sweet return Which teach us to obey. SPIKITUAL SONGS. 9 Kindness. Cosmian, 46. As you travel o'er life's weary way, And mingle with earth's busy throng, Your burden will lighten each day, Tf you help a brother along. Chords. Ne'er stopping to help up a brother, Who falls in the conflict and strife, Too often we jostle each other, And crowd on the highway of life. What matters the riches of earth, That stay but a moment at best, While wealth that in kindness hath birth Issure to outlast all the rest ? 'Tis treasure that thieves can not steal, Nor fire nor flood can destroy, And all that you do for man's weal Will prove in the future a joy. 10 Tne Faith of Love - Cosmian, 40. What is it, that the crowd requite Thy love with hate, thy truth with lies ? And, but to faith, and not to sight The walls of Freedom's temple rise ? Yet do thy work, it shall succeed In thine or in another's day ; And if denied the victor's meed Thou shalt not not lack the toiler's pay. Faith shares the future's promise ; Love's Self-offering is a triumph won ; And each good thought or action moves The dark world nearer to the sun. Then faint not, falter not, nor plead Thy weakness ; truth itself is strong ; The lion's strength, the eagle's speed Are not alone vouchsafed to wrong. 11 Generosity. Cosmian, 38. Bless'd is the man whose generous heart With kind affection glows ; Who seeks to heighten human bliss, And lessen human woes. Whose ready hand assists the poor, His hapless lot to bear ; Who visits oft the mourner's door, The lone retreat to cheer. Who guides the steps of giddy youth, Through mirth's deluded maze, And warns them of the thorns unseen, Which strew false pleasure's ways. No unrelenting feelings harsh His tender bosom knows ; But to repentant, contrite sighs, A mild forgiveness shows. His heart in native goodness warm ; Eorich'd with pure delight, Sees all existence smile around, Enraptur'd at the sight. 12 Lore. Cosmian, 37. 'Tis love that paints the purple morn, And bids the clouds, in air upborn, Their genial drops distil ; In every vernal beam it glows, And breathes in every gale that blows, And glides in every rill. It robes in cheerful green the ground, And pours its flowery beauties round, Whose sweets perfume the gale ; Its bounties richly spread the plain, The blushing fruit, the golden grain, And smile on every vale. 'Tis love alone inspires the mind With feelings tender, sweet, and kind, Which constitutes our bliss ; For discontent bids comfort rise ; The heart with genial warmth supplies, And nothing feels amiss. 13 Exhortation. Cosmian, 20. Let such as make the truth their choice, Attend to nature's simple voice ; Nor let their minds attempt to rove Beyond the objects of their love, Beyond the .objects of their love. Here all is plain— xthe truth we see In Nature's pure simplicity : 0, let us never more complain That Nature's works are sought in vain, That Nature's works are sought in vain. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 14 Speak Gently. Tune— C. M. Speak gently, it is better far To rule by love than fear; Speak gently, let no harsh word mar, The good we may do here. Speak gently to the young, for they Will have enough to bear ; Pass through this life as best they may, 'Tis full of anxious care. Speak gently to the aged one, Grieve not the careworn heart ; The sands of life are nearly run, Let them in peace depart. Speak gently to the erring ones — They must have toiled in vain ; Perchance unkindness made them so ; O, win them back again ! Speak gently — 'tis a little thing, Dropped in the heart's deep well ; The good, the joy that it may bring, Eternity shall tell. 15 Work for the Light is Coniiiig. Work, for the light is coming ; Work through the morning hours ; Work while the dew is sparkling ; Work 'mid springing flowers ; Work when the days grow brighter, Work in the glowing sun ; Work, for the light is coming, And life's work begun. Work, for the light is coming ; Work through the sunny noon ; Fill brightest hours with labor ; Rest comes sure and soon. Give every flying minute Something to keep in store ; Work, for the light is coming, When man works the more. Work for the light is coming, Under the sunset skies; While their bright tints are glowing Work for daylight flies. Work till human life fadeth, Fadeth to shine no more ; Work until the light breaketh From the spirit shore. 16 Tbe J Can Not D^ Tune— I.. If. Say not they die, those martyr souls, Whose life is winged with purpose fine ; Who leave us pointing to the goals; Who learn to conquer and resign. Such can not die; they vanquish time, And fill the world with glowing light, Making the human life sublime With memories of their sacred might. They can not die whose lives are part Of that great life which is to be, Whose hearts beat with the world's great heart, And throb with its high destiny They can not die whose life enshrines A soul of truth and human love ; Their beacon light eternal shines, Guiding unto the realms above. Then mourn not those who, dying, gave A gift of greater light to man : Death stands abashed before the brave ; They own a life he may not ban. l^ The Harmony of Nature. Tune— Old Hundred. Eternal Father, by thy hand All nature moves at thy command ; And gems of beauty everywhere Are interwoven by thy care. Thy many attributes divine From worlds and systems ever shine ; Whose magnitude and power proclaim The glory of thy holy name. Our feeble thought would fain explore Un fathomed space without a shore ; Where rolling spheres in silence rest, While borne and rocked upon thy breast Yet thou art one, with one design, In which all harmonies combine ; Each star a note with pearly key, Divinely tuned, Lord, by' thee. Then let our grateful songs rehearse, The anthem of the universe, ,,^ While songs of nature interlude The chorus of infinitude. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 18 Sunshine. Cosmian, 25. I love the sunshine everywhere — In wood and field and glen ; I love it in the busy haunts Of town-imprisoned men. I love it when it streameth in The humble cottage door, And casts the checkered casement shade Upon the red brick floor. I love it where the children lie Deep in the clover grass, To watch among the twiuing roots The gold-green beetle pass. Oh yes ! I love the sunshine bright ! Like kindness or like mirth Upon a human countenance, Is sunshine on the earth. 19 No Effort Fruitless. Cosmian, 21. Scorn not the slightest word or deed, Nor deem it void of power ; There's fruit in each wind-wafted seed, Waiting its natal hour. A whispered word may touch the heart , And call it back to life ; A look of love bid ill depart, And still unholy strife. No act falls fruitless ; none can tell How vast its power may be ; Nor what results enfolded dwell Within it silently. Work, and despair not ; bring thy mite. Nor care how small it be ; Peace is with all who serve the right, The noble, true, and free. 20 To-Day. Cosmian, 23. All around us, fair with flowers, Fields of beauty sleeping lie ; All around us clarion voices Call to duty stern and high. Call to duty stern and high. Following every voice of mercy With a trusting, loving heart, Let us in life's earnest labor Still be sure to do our part, Still be sure to do our part. Now, to-day, and not to-moTrow, Let us work with all our might, Lest the wretched faint and perish, In the coming stormy night. In the coming stormy night. Now, to-day, and not to-morrow, Lest, before to-morrow's sun, We too, mournfully departing, Shall have left our work undone. Shall have left our work undone. 21 The Happy By and By. Spiritual Wreath, 6. Oh, how sweet it is to think, That beneath a cloudless sky, We shall meet to part no more, In the happy by and by. Chorus. In the happy by and by, In the happy by and by ; We shall meet to part no more, In the happy by and by. Where the ransomed spirits wait, To coDduct us o'er the tide, Into mansions fair and bright, Over on the other side. We will leave our troubles here, And we'll lay our burdens down, When we cross the silent stream, To put on the golden crown. 22 Pity. Cosmian. 29. Let such as feel oppression's load, Thy tender pity share ; And let the helpless, hopeless poor Be thy peculiar care. Go, bid the hungry orphan be With thine abundance bless'd ; Invite the wand'rer to thy gate, And spread the couch of rest. Let him who pines with piercing cold, By thee be warmed and clad ; Be thine the blissful task, to make The downcast mourner glad. Then pleasant as the morning light, In peace shall pass thy days : And heart-approving, conscious joy Illuminate thy ways. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 23 Equality. Tune— Arlington. All men are equal in their birtb, Heirs of the earth and skies; All men are equal, when that earth Fades from their dying eyes. Tis man alone who difference sees, And speaks of high and low ; And worships thi se, and tramples these, While the same path they go. 0, let man hasten to restore To all their rights of love \ In power and wealth exult no more, In wisdom lowly move. 24 Spiritual Fellowship. Tune— Boylston. Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in holy love ! The fellowship of kindred minds- Is like to that above. We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain ; But we shall still be joined in heart, And gladly meet again. This glorious hope revives Our courage by the way ; While each in expectation lives, And longs to see the day. 25 C° me > Gtentle Spirits. Tune — Ortonville. Come, gentle spirits, to us now ; Look on with tender eyes ; Touch your soft hands upon each brow ; Sweet spirits from the skies. Come from your homes of perfect light, Come from your silvery streams, Come from your sceneg of joy more bright Than we e'er know in dreams. Oh, speak to us in gentle tones ! Our hearts are seeking now A beauty like to that which shines Upon each angel brow. Like holy star- beams on a sea r Filled bright with happy isles, Whence sullen storms forever flee,. Where heaven forever smiles — They come, and night is no more night.. Pale sorrow's reign is o'er ; For death is but a gate of light, And gloomy now no more. 26 0"> Come, Angel Band. My latest sun is sinking fast, My race is nearly run ; My strongest trials now are past, My triumph is begun. Chorus. Ob, come, angel band, Come and around me stand ; Oh, bear me away on your snowy wings. To my immortal home. Ob, bear me away on your snowy wings r To my immortal home. I know I'm nearing the holy ranks Of friends and kindred dear, For I brush the dews on Jordan's banks The crossing must be near. Chorus. I've almost gained my heavenly home ; The spirits loudly sing ; The holy ones, behold, they come I Sweet rest and joy they bring. 27 Time. Cosmian, 17. When warm impetuous passions rise, And fame of pleasure lures our eyes, Or, bent on Virtue's path sublime, We chide the feathered foot of Time. In vain we war with nature's force ; Time's rapid car pursues its course! Nor wisdom's nor ambition's power Can stop the swiftly moving hour. The gay, the great, the good, the just, Alike are journeying to the dust; Then haste, the race of duty run, Nor blame the quick revolving sun. Days, months, and years, your rounds fulfil Witness our good intentions still ; Nor let one vagrant day pass by Unblessed by Reason's victory. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 28 ^ ew Year's Song. Cosmian, 212. Rin^ out, wild bells, to the wild sky, The flying cloud, the frosty light, The year is dying in the night ; Ring out, wild bells, and let him die, Ring out, ring out, ring out, wild bells, And let him die, and let him die. Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy bells, across the snow ; The year is going, let him go, Ring out the false, ring in the true. Ring out the grief that saps the mind For those that here we see no more ; Ring out the feud of rich and poor, Ring in redress for all mankind. Ring out the slowly-dying cause, And ancient forms of party strife ; Ring in the nobler modes of life, With sweeter manners, purer laws. Ring out false pride in place and blood, The civic slander and the spite, Ring in the love of truth and right, Ring in the common love of good. Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier hand ; Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the light that is to be. 29 Homes 'Round us Here. Cosmian, 202. Oh, think of the homes 'round us here, Which might all be made joyous and bright, If the world did but see and revere One great law, that of justice and right. Cho. — 'Round us here, round us here, think of the homes 'round us here. Oh, think of the hearts 'round us here, Who all homeless life's journey must go In despair which refuses a tear ; Ever crushed with a burden of woe. Cho. — 'Round us here, round us here, The poor homeless hearts 'round us here. I Be helpers to those 'round us here ; Gentle love and true kindness are best; Preach the gospel of gladsome good cheer, And obey sweet charity's behest. Cho. — 'Round us here, 'round us here, 'Tis best to help those round us here. 30 Cit r of tne Li s ht - Cosmian, 217. Have you heard the golden city Mentioned in the legends old, Everlasting light shines o'er it, Wondrous tales of it are told ; Only truthful men and women Dwell within its gleaming wall, Wrong is banished from its borders, Wrong is banished from its borders, Justice reigns supreme o'er all. We are builders of that city All our joys and all our groans Help to rear its shining ramparts. All our lives are building stones ; But the work that we have builded Oft with bleeding hands, and tears, And in error and in anguish, And in error and in anguish, Will not perish with our years. It will be, at last, made perfect, In the universal plan, It will help to crown the labors, Of the toiling hosts of man ; It will last and shine transfigured In the final reign of right. It will merge into the splendors. It will merge into the splendors, Of the City of the Light. 31 While the days are going by There are lonely hearts to cherish While the days are going by ; There are weary souls who perish While the days are going by. If a smile we can renew, As our journey we pursue, Oh ! the good we all may do While the days are going by. There's no time for idle scorning While the days are going by ; Be our faces like the morning While the days are going by. Oh ! the world is full of sighs, Full of sad and weeping eyes ; Help your fallen brother rise While the days are going by. All the loving links that bind us While the days are going by, One by one we leave behind us While the days are going by ; But the seeds of good we sow, Both in shade and shine will grow, And will keep our hearts aglow- While the days are going by. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 32 Praise of Nature. Cosmian, 13. 1 'raise to thee, all bounteous Nature I Praise to thee from every tongue ; Join ray heart with every creature, Join the universal song. Fur the social ties of friendship, For the charms of mutual love ; For the endearing smiles of kindred,, Which in peaceful order move. For ten thousand blessings given, For the hope of future days, Sound this name where man has striven, Sound aloud all Nature's praise. 33 Pleasures of Life. Cosmian, 4. Pleasant is life, and sweet the light That pours from yon bright orb of day, Revealing to our raptured sight, The universe in rich array. Pleasant is life, and sweet its ties, The touching charities of man ; Friend, brother, child, and parent rise, Endearing life's progressive plan. Pleasant is life, aud sweet its way, When under Reason's kindly guide; Then moral evils die away. — Then moral pleasures will abide. 34 Soft Flowing River. Cosmian, 174. Soft flowing river, star-lighted stream, Filling with music nightly her dream, Mingling thy waters roll by the shore. But softly, oh, softly thy music outpour. But softly, oh, softly thy music outpour. Breezes of evening, pilgrims of song, Sing to the dreamer all the night long, Mingling your voices, song and encore, But softly, oh, softly your music outpour. But softly, oh, softly your music outpour. Dreamer, she sleepeth, tranquil and blest; Evening to morning, sweet be her rest; Mingling thy voices, night, as of yore, But softly, oh, softly thy music outpour, But softly, oh, softly thy music outpour. 35 Stand for the Right. Cosmian, 173. Stand for the right! tho 1 falsehood rail, And proud lips coldly sneer, A poisoned arrow can not wound A conscience pure and clear. Stand for the right 1 stand for the right I Stand for the right I and with clean hands- Exalt the truth on high ; Thou'lt find warm, sympathizing hearts Among the passers by ; Stand for the right ! stand for the right ! Men who have seen and thought and felt, Yet could not boldly dare The battle's brunt, but by thy side Will every danger share. Stand for the right ! stand for the right I Stand for the right! Proclaim it loud ! Thou'lt find an answering tone In honest hearts, and thou'lt no more Be doomed to stand alone. Stand for the right ! stand for the right ! 36 Sweet Bye and Bye- Cosmian, 199. We believe in the dawn of a day When the minds of all men shall be free From the gloom that hangs over their way, From the fear of the dreadful ' k to be." Chords. In the sweet bye and bye, We shall fear not the dreadful " to be," In the sweet bye and bye, It is coming for you aud for me. We have faith that the power of love Will destroy every phantom of fear, And the bright sun of science above, Will dispel every cloud that is near. — Cho. We have hope that the love of the truth In humanity's bosom will glow; So that men, whether old or in youth, May speak freely , not fearing a blow. — Cho. We rejoice in the dawn of that day ; It is coming — we see it afar ; Men are waking, and soon they will say, " Truth alone is our bright guiding star." Cho. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 37 The Children's Song. Cosmian, 213. We hold our lives like lily flowers, May we be pure as they and white, May sunlight shine upon our hours, And we be sweet in all men's sight ; And when at last our winter nighs, Oh may on earth our seeds we strew Which from the dust shall re-arise To bloom in other flowers anew. 38 There is no Death. Spiritual Wreath, 13. There is no death ; no dying here, Tis only change from sphere to sphere, This seeming death on earth so rife, Uplifts the soul to higher life. Chorus. Beautiful life, life that never will end, Beautiful life, life, sweet life, We're going home to dwell for aye, With angels in eternal day. There is no death, 'tis life prolonged, A call to which we'll all respond ; As one by one our spirits rise To view the land of Paradise. — Cho. There is no death ; 'tis spirit birth ; A summons from the toil of earth ; 'Tis passing to that blissful shore, Where parting moments come no more. Cho. 39 Reconciliation. Spiritual Wreath, 17. 40 God of the granite and the rose ; Soul of the sparrow and the bee; The mighty tide of Being flows, Thro' all thy creatures back to Thee. Thus round and round the circle runs, A mighty sea without a shore, While men and angels, stars and suns, Unite to praise Thee evermore. O, ye who sit and gaze on life With folded hands and fettered will, Who only see, amid the strife, The dark supremacy of ill ; Know that like birds, and streams, and flowers, That life that moves you is divine, Nor time, nor space, nor human powers, Your Godlike spirit can confine. Spirit Yoices. Air — Greenville. In the silence of the midnight, When the cares of day are o'er, In my soul I hear the voices Of the loved ones gone before ; Hear them words of comfort whisp'rin^ That they'll watch on every hand ; And I love, I love to list to Voices from the spirit land. In my wanderings oft there cometh Sudden stillness to my soul ; When around, above, within it, Rapturous joys unnumbered roll ; Though around me all is tumult, Noise and strife on every hand, Yet within my soul I list to Voices from the spirit land. Loved ones that have gone before me Whisper words of peace and joy ; Those that long since have departed, Tell me their divine employ Ts to watch and guard my footsteps ; 0, it is an angel band! And my soul is cheered in hearing Voices from the spirit land. 41 Seeds. Cosmian, 109. We are sowing, daily sowing Countless seeds of good and ill, Scattered on the level lowland Cast upon the windy hill ; Seeds that sink in rich brown furrows. Soft with nature's gracious rain; Seeds that rest upon the surface Of the dry, unyielding plain. Seeds that fall amid the stillness Of the lowly mountain glen ; Seeds cast out in crowded places, Trodden under foot of men ; Seeds by idle hearts forgotten, Flung at random on the air, Seeds by faithful hearts remembered, Sown in love with hope and care. Seeds that lie unchanged, unquickened, Lifeless on the teeming mould ; Seeds that live and grow and flourish When the sower's hand is cold ; By a whisper sow we blessings, By a breath we scatter strife, In our words and looks and actions. Lie the seeds of death and life. 10 SPIRITUAL SONGS. ^2 Marching to Join Them. Air— Marching Through Georgia. Now let all the earth rejoice and sing a glad refrain, Lo, there comes a heavenly voice — our friends return again ; They come with ever beck'ning hand, And peace through all the land, While we are marching to join them. Chorus. Sing on, sing on, your grandest anthem sing, Sing on, sing on, till heaven and earth shall ring, They come with ever beck'ning hand, And peace through all the land, While we are marching to join them. Here is comfort, here is joy, for every doubt- ing mind — Heavenly joy without alloy, for all of human kind, The pearly gates stand wide ajar, Inviting near and far, While we are marching to join them.— Cho. Thus from doubt and sorrow free, we sing a glad refrain, Sing and shout a jubilee over and again, For angels come with beck'ning hand, And peace through all the land, While we are marching to join them. — Cho. 43 Silent River Air — Spiritual Harp, p. 224. When for me the silent oar Parts the silent river, And I stand upon the shore Of the strange Forever, Shall I miss the loved and known Shall I vainly seek mine own ? Can the bonds that make us here Know ourselves immortal, Drop away like foliage sere At life's inner portal ? What is holiest below Must forever live and grow. He who plants within our hearts All this deep affection, Giving, when the form departs. Fadeless recollection, Will but clasp the broken chain Closer, when we meet again. 4.4. The Blessings of To-day. Cosmian, 117. Strange we never prize the music Till the sweet- voiced birds have flown ; Strange that we should slight the violets Till the lovely flowers are gone ; Strange that summer skies and sunshine Never seem one half so fair, As when winter's snowy pinions Shake the white down in the air. Let us gather up the sunbeams Lying all around our path ; Let us keep the wheat and roses, Casting out the thorns and chaff; Let us find our sweetest comfort In the blessings of to-day ; With a patient hand removing All the briars from our way. ^5 Noble Lives. Cosmian, 114. There are hearts that never falter In the battle for the right ; There are ranks that never alter Watching through the darkest night. And the agony of sharing In the fiercest of the strife, Only gives a nobler daring, Only makes a grander life. There are those who never weary, Bearing suffering and wrong ; Though the way is long and dreary, It is vocal with their song, While their powers in Truth's furnace, Bending to its gracious will, In a purer mold are fashioned, By its loving, matchless skill. 46 Welcome Angels. Air — Pleyel's Hymn. Angels come ye in the light, Make our earthly pathway bright. Scatter flowers around our feet, Fill the air with perfume sweet ; Blessed is your mission clear, Coming from another sphere ; Guide us in the proper course. By your sweet harmonious voice. Angels, welcome ! draw ye near To us lend the listening ear, Give us strength our foes to greet, Lovingly as brothers meet ; Crush all bitter, warring strife, By your principles of life, For the truth increase our love, Make us one with heav'n above SPIRITUAL SOXGS. 11 47 They Are Waiting. Air— Home, Sweet Home. They are waiting for our coming On the bright celestial shore, Where the spirit knows no sorrow, And the cares of life are o'er ; Where no cloud shall hide the sunlight, Where no tear shall dim the eve. Where no heart shall throb with anguish, And the loved ones never die. Where the springs of life eternal From the silvery crystal stream, And the seasons, ever vernal, Clothe the fields in living green ; Where the roses never wither, And the lilies never fade ; Where the brooklets murmur ever 'Neath the forest's cooling shade. They are ever, ever near us, We are never left alone ; In our daily toils they cheer us, And they bless our peaceful home ; Earth's short voyage will soon be over. Heaven's pure joys are near at hand, Angel loved ones round us hover, Guiding us to the " Summer Land/' 4.9 Good-By. Air— Spiritual Harp, p. 144. As the sweet bird that sings, Folds her bright starry wings When evening's long shadows draw nigh. So we every one When our work is done, Would whisper a gentle good-by. 0, ye children of light, E'er by day and by night You're guided by One from on high ; The innocent heart From hope can not part, Though softly it whispers good-by. Then dispel ev'ry fear, While still lingering here, And part not the lips with a sigh, But join in the song Soft floating along, And give us an answering good-by. Happy hours have been spent In the sweetest content By angels who came from on high ; 'They see that the good Will be understood And gently they whisper good-by. 4-g Happy Greeting. Air — Edinburg. How cheering the thought that the angels of! God Do bow their bright wings to the world they • once trod, Do leave the sweet joys of the mansions above, To breathe o'er our bosoms some message of love. Chorus. Happy greeting to all ; Happy greeting to all ; Happy greeting, happy greeting, Happy greeting to all. They come, on the wings of the morning, they come, Desirous to guide some poor wanderer home, Some brother to lead from a darkened abode, And lav him to rest in the arms of his lov'd. Cho. They come when we wander, they come when we pray, In mercy to guard us wherever we stray ; A glorious cloud, their bright witness is given, Encircling us here are these angels of heaven. Cho. 50 Spirit Communion. Air — O Come. Come Away. come, come away, from error now oppress- ing The earth with gloom, dark as the tomb. O come, come away. come where bright, celestial day Is lit by truth's eternal ray, Where holy glories ever play, 6 come, come away. From sorrow and grief, on which thy mind is dwelling This sweet commune, gives calmness soon. come, come away. Come, angels wait to speak with thee. Of sweet and blissful harmony, That fills all souls with joyful glee, come, come away. The dim darkness flees, the gloom is fast receding, Before the ray of endless day, come, come away. come, and in a circle bright, May all our souls with joy unite, To catch the heaven-inspiring light. come, come away. 12 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 5X Sweet Summer-Land. Air — Maryland, My Maryland. home of love ! we sing of thee, Summer-land, sweet summer-land, In joyous tones of melody. Summer-land, sweet summer-land. Thy skies are clear, thy fields are fair, And flowers perfume the balmy air, And all is bright and radiant there, Summer-land, sweet summer-land. We know thy homes are bright and fair, Summer-land, sweet summer-land, We know our loved ones gather there, Summer-land, sweet summer-land. And troops of children dance and play, And weave bright flowers in garlands gay, And gain fresh beauty day by day, Summer-land, sweet summer-land. With chain of love entwine us now, Summer-land, sweet summer-land, And bind thy peace upon our brow, Summer-land, sweet summer-land. Then 'mid the din of earthly care, Then in temptation's dreary snare, We'll feel thy calm and soothing air, Summer-land, sweet summer-land. Thy flowers shall strew our earthly way, Summer-land, sweet summer-land, Bright eyes shall make our night as day, Summer-land, sweet summer-laud. We'll tread with courage, then, and faith For every rugged way earth hath May be to thy bright shore a path, Summer-land, sweet summer-land. 52 Joy to the World. Air — Antioch Joy to the world— the darkness flies, Let earth with gladness sing. The morning comes, o'er all the skies ; She waves her purple wing. Joy to the world — for truth abounds, And error withering dies. In fragments hurled upon the ground, Her broken altar lies. Joy to the world— for man is free, His broken fetters fall. He scorns to bow again his knee At Superstition's call. Joy to the world — the anthem be — A song of triumph sing. grave, where is thy victory, death, where is thy sting ? 53 Opening Song. Cosmian, 130. As, brethren, here again we meet. In friendship's name each other greet, And seek with earnest hearts to find The truest blessings for mankind. Our liberal friends we welcome here, Who bring kind words our hearts to cheer Who seek emancipation all From error's dark and fatal thrall. May science lend her helping hand, And shed her light o'er all the land ; Our minds with nobler aims inspire, To climb the hill of knowledge higher. Let peace and concord here abide, With charity our thoughts to guide, And truth and love and wisdom be The friend of all the brave and free. 54 The Better Land. Air— Duke Street. There is a land mine eye hath seen In visions of enraptured thought, So bright that all that lies between Is with its radiant glory fraught. A land upou whose blissful shore There falls no shadow, rests no pain ; There those who meet shall part no more, And those long parted meet again. There sweeps no desolating wind Across that calm, serene abode ; The wanderer there a home may find Within the paradise of Gcd. 55 Charity. Air — Woodland. The man of charity extends To all a liberal hand ; His kindred, neighbors, foes and friends, His pity may command. The sick, the pris'ner, poor and blind, And all the sons of grief, In bim a benefactor find ; He loves to give relief. Then let us all in love abound, And charity pursue ; Thus shall we be with glory crowned, And love as angels do. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 13 50 Scatter the Germs of the ^9 Beautiful. Cosmian, 151. Scatter the germs of the beautiful ! By the wayside let them fall, That the rose may spring by the cottage gate, And the vine on the garden wall ; Cover the rough and the rude of earth With a veil of leaves and flowers, And mark with the opening bud and cup The marcli of summer hours. Scatter the germs of the beautiful I In the peaceful shrine of home, Let the pure and fair and the graceful there In their loveliest lustre come; Leave not a trace of deformity In the temple of the heart, But gather above its hearth the gems Of nature and of art. 57 The Spirit's Birth. Air— St. Pauls. Ps. of L., p. 16. There is no death — 'tis but a shade ; Be not of outward loss afraid ; There is no death — it is a birth — A rising heavenward from earth. Sharing that life's unbounded span, Eternity is thine, man ! Think of the future as a sphere Where roses blossom all the year. 58 Nature's Temple. Air — Temple. Spiritual Harp, p. 83. The turf shall' be my fragrant shrine ; My temple, Lord, that arch of thine ; My censer's breath the mountain airs, And silent thoughts my earnest prayers. My choir shall be the moonlit waves, When turning homeward to their caves ; Or when the stillness of the sea, Even more than music breathes of thee ! I'll seek by day some glade unknown, All light and silence, like thy throne ; And the pale stars shall be at night, The only eyes that watch my rite. Thy heaven, on which 'tis bliss to look, Shall be my pure and shining book, Where I shall read in words of flame, The glories of thy wondrous name. If We Knew. Air — Charity. Spiritual Harp, p. 15. If we knew the secret sorrows That are bleeding other hearts ; Could we count the throbs of anguish When the masking smile departs, We would have more words of kindness Oftener a smile of cheer, If we only knew the sufferers, With their silent heart-aches here. If we knew the heavy burdens, By our fellow trav'lers borne. All their crosses, all their struggles, With no fortune as yet won ; We would cease our harsh upbraidings If we all could understand ; We would give unto the weakest; Oftener a helping hand. If we knew how many jewels May be buried 'neath our tears, If we knew 'mid tares the thickest Grain might spring for coming years; We would count each blessed sunbeam, Smother every little sigh, If we knew in all the present How it would be by and by. (50 Shout the Glorious Tidings. Air— Ring the Bells of Heaven. Shout the glorious tidings ; angels come to- day, With a message for earth's weary ones ; See the gates are open, friends are on the way, Let us welcome them with joyful song. Chords. Angels welcome to our homes, we sing, May you light, and hope, and comfort bring ; Bless you, sweet evangels from the other shore, We would seek your guidance evermore. Shout the glorious tidings, angels come to- day, Lifting up the shadows and the gloom. Truth .like million torches flashes o'er the way, Blessed freedom to the soul has come. Cho. Shout the glorious tidings, angels come to- day, Mortals swell the anthem loud and long, Love the grave has conquered ; death no more holds sway; Hail the spirits' resurrection morn. — Cho. 14 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 61 Greeting. Cosmian, 147. We give you joyous greeting, Friends of our noble cause, Who have lit the torch of reason. By light of nature's laws ; We give you joyous greeting, Ye toilers in the field, Who, the right with patient working, Will never justice yield. We give you joyous greeting, Workers so bold, so free, To unite your scattered forces In ranks of harmony ; We give you joyous greeting. Armed with the power of right ; To demolish ancient error And give us day for night. g<2 death's Stream Bridged. Air — Auld Lang Syne. Come friends and brethren, all unite, And swell an anthem grand ; The glorious presence we invite, Of a pure and heavenly band. Chorus. mortals shout aloud for joy, Your glad hosannas sing, The grave is robbed of victory And death has lost its sting. iStorm-tossed and weary ones of earth, Behold th 1 resplendent star, Which lights the stream of death across, And brings our loved ones near. — Cho. The so-called dead have been restored, We see them face to face, And life triumphant swells the song, In spite of death's embrace. — Cho. 63 The Isles of the By and By. We shall meet again in the By and By, Where the mountains gleam in the morning sky, We shall meet again in the land of Love, The world of joy and peace above. Chorus. We shall meet again, we shall meet again In the beautiful Isles of the By and By, We shall meet again, we shall meet again, In the Isles of the By and By. In the balmy Isles where the angels roam By the crystal seas of our Father's home, There are forms of grace and of beauty rare, And the ones we have lost are there. —Cho. We must part in tears when the twilight dies, On the far-off hills of our evening skies ; We shall meet in joy where our dear ones stand, In the gates of the Morning-Land.— Cho. We shall fall asleep when the autumn grieves, O'er the fading flowers and falling leaves ; We shall wake again where the angels sing. In the bloom of eternal spring. — Cho. (54: Scatter Seeds of Kindness. Air — Gospel Hymns, No. 174. Let us gather up the sunbeams, Lying all around our path, Let us keep the wheat and roses, Casting out the thorns and chaff. Let us find our sweetest comfort In the blessings of to-day, W'ith a patient hand removing All the briers from the way. Chorus. Then scatter seeds of kindness, Then scatter seeds of kindness, Then scatter seeds of kindness, For our reaping by and bye. Strange we never prize the music Till the sweet-voiced bird is flown ! Strange that we should slight the violets Till the lovely flowers are gone ! Strange that summer skies and sunshine Never seem one half so fair, As when winter's snowy pinions Shake the white down in the air. — Cho. If we knew the baby fingers, Pressed against the window pane, Would be cold and stiff to-morrow — Never trouble us again — Would the bright eyes of our darling Catch the frown upon our brow ? Would the prints of rosy fingers Vex us then as they do now ? — Cho. Ah 1 those little ice-cold fingers, How they point our memories back To the hasty words and actions Strewn along our backward track ! How those little hands remind us, As in snowy grace they lie, Not to scatter thorns — but roses — For our reaping by and by. — Cho. SPIRITUAL SONGS. 05 Forsake Not the Right. Air— Spiritual Harp, p. 141. In the dark hour of peril, forsake not the right ; Though the storm gather wild on the ocean at night ; If the lone bark speed true on its tempest- tossed way, To-morrow 'twill rest in the sun-lighted bay. If foes gather round thee, forsake not the right ; Let Truth cheer thee on with its beacons of light ; The hour is the darkest that heralds the morn ; That no wer is the fairest that hideth the thorn . If friends should forsake thee, forsake not the right ; Heaven's shore is before thee, immortal and bright ; The love of false friendship is valueless there ; The friends that depart only purchase despair. If sorrow encompass, forsake not the right ; The harvest of joy shall yet gladden thy sight ; The mourner that walks through the valley of tears Shall travel the path of the glorified years. 00 The Pilgrim. Joyfully, joyfully, onward I move, Bound for the land of bright spirits above, Angelic choristers sing as I come, Joyfully, joyfully, haste to thy home ; Soon, with my pilgrimage ended below, Home to the land of bright spirits I'll go, Pilgrim and stranger no more shall I roam, Joyfully, joyfully, resting at home. Friends fondly cherish'd have passed on before, Waiting, they watch me approaching the shore ; Singing to cheer me as thither I roam, Joyfully, joyfully, haste to thy home. Sounds of sweet melody fall on my ear ; Harps of the blessed, your voices I hear ! Rings with the harmony, heaven's high dome, Joyfully, joyfully, haste to thy home. Death, with thy weapons of war lay me low, Strike, king of terrors, I fear not thy blow ; Spirits have broken the bars of the tomb, Joyfully, joyfully, will I go home ! Bright will the morn of eternity dawn, Death shall be banished, his sceptre be gone ; Joyfully then shall I witness his doom, Joyfully, joyfully, safely at home. 0*y Anniversary. Air — Spiritual Harp, p. 121. We have come unto the mountain And the city of our God, To the ways of truth and beauty, By the souls perfected trod, And the resurrection trumpet Shall not wake them from the sod, As we go marching on. Chorus. Glory, glory Hallelujah, Glory, glory Hallelujuh, Glory, glory Hallelujah As we go marching on. Break the bread of consolation To the souls oppressed with care ; Ever in our spirit mansions There is bread enough to spare, Surely none need faint with hunger, While we have such blessed fare As we go marching on. — Cho. Bind we up the broken-hearted And confirm the feeble knees, For the kingdom has been opened To the least of such as these, And we need not ask St. Peter To be readj 7 with his keys, As we 2:0 marching on. — Cho. 0g Song of Liberty. Arouse ye liberal souls, in the East and in the West, Strike for the good old cause of freedom. Shall man, for his opinions, by bigots be oppressed, Here in this land of boasted freedom ? Chorus. Freedom forever ; hurrah, friends, hurrah, Down with the tyrants, let justice be law. As we rally for our liberties, rally once again Shouting the good old cry of freedom. To speak his thought, let every one claim the sacred right, 'Neath the starry flag of freedom. The pen will win our battle, it must conquer in its might All for the glorious cause of freedom. Cho. Arouse ye liberal souls, in the East and in the West, Strike for the good old cause of freedom. Defend our thought and speech, and the free- dom of the p v ess, Our watchword must evermore be freedom. Cho. [6 SPIRITUAL SONGS. 69 Where the Roses Ne'er Shall Wither. Air — Spiritual Harp, p. 226. Where the roses ne'er shall wither, Nor the clouds of sorrow gather, We shall meet, we shall meet, Where no wintry storm can roll, Driving summer from the soul, Where all hearts are tuned to love. On that happy shore above. Chorus. Where the roses ne'er shall wither, Nor the clouds of sorrow gather, Angel bands will guide us thither, Where the roses ne'er shall wither. Where the hills are ever vernal, And the springs of youth eternal, We shall meet, we shall meet, Where life's morning dream returns, And the noonday never burns, Where the dew of life is love, On that happy shore above.— Ceo. Where no cruel word is spoken, Where no faithful heart is broken, We shall meet, we shall meet, Hand in hand and heart to heart. Friend with friend no more to part ; Ne'er to grieve for those we love, On that happy shore above,— Cho. ^Q Across the River. Air— Ortonville. Across yon river's shining waves, I've watched the golden light That slumbers on the purple hills, And on the mountain's height. Full well I know beyond those hills A fairer city lies, With towers, minarets and walls. Than ever met mine eyes. My thoughts would sometimes linger there, For on that other side Dwell many friends who long ago Have crossed the swelling tide. But now I feel an interest there I never felt before, For all that made life beautiful, Is on that farther shore. The jeweled links that bound me here, Have fallen one by one, And now the chain is worthless quite. The precious clasp is gone. Fain would I climb the distant hills Which hide that city fair, For all my treasure, all my hope, And all my heart are there. ^J The Morning Light is Breaking. The morning light is breaking, The darkness disappears, The sons of earth are waking To penitential tears. Each breeze that sweeps the ocean, Brings tidings from afar, Of nations in commotion, Prepared to banish war. Blest river of progression, Pursue thy onward way ; Flow thou to every nation, Nor in thy richness stay. Stay not till all the lowly, Triumphant reach their home ; Stay not till all the holy, Proclaim : " The truth is come.' 7 72 Doxologies. L. M. Let all with grateful hearts adore The Great, Unknown, Eternal Power. Whose certain laws we seek to know. And then a glad obedience show. C. M. To Wisdom, Mercy, Truth and Love. We pay the homage due ; May all the virtues more abound, And these our hearts renew. May the truths which have been spoken. Guide us in our life below ; Angels bread of life have broken, And our hearts with joys o'erflow. May the blessed word forever Cheer us in our onward way ; And, with cheerful courage ever, May we work and watch and pray. m im I "