PRINCETON, N. J. \ ^ 1 1 / -g ?; ^ Section r .sai5. . 6-/^^^. Number. \J 4>/ J, NEW LITERAL VERSION OF THE BOOK OF PSALM S: WITH A PREFACE AND NOTES. By the Rev. STEPHEN ^STREET, M. A. OF queen's college, oxford, RECTOR OF TREYFORD IN SUSSEX. VOL. L irOKPATHS iv EYArOPdY EFK^Mm. \. O N D O N: PRINTED BY J, DAVIS, FOR B, WHITE AND SON, F LE ET - ST R E ET, M.DCC.XC. ^9/:Zf PREFACE. WHENEVER a new interpretation of obfcure and difficult writings is of- fered, it is naturally expeded that fome ac- count fhould be given of the rules which the interpreter has taken for his guides. I fhall therefore here ftate, as briefly as may be, thofe by which I have endeavoured to diredl myfelf in the prefent attempt. The authors of the books of fcripture ufed an intelligible ftyle ; that is, they wrote according to the received methods of fpeak- ing among their countrymen — an eftablifli- ed and regular fyntax, and the didates of good fenfe. Whenever any thing contrary a 3 to ti PREFACE, to thefe appears in the copies we have of their works, fome corruption of the original text is to be fufpeded. * The fcripture is uniform ; no one part of it contradidts another ; for it was all written by the infpiration and under the di- reftion of the fame fpirit. Hence it follows, that no reading, interpretation, or explan- ation of any pafTage in it is to be admitted as genuine or true, if it be not perfedly confonant to the remainder of holy writ. Many pafTages of fcripture have, befide the literal fenfe, a myllical one. t In explaining fuch pafTages, the literal fenfe is firft to be fought for, and afcertained * See Kennicott's Diflertation on I. Chronicles, XL pag. 66. 472. &c. t " I choofe Hammond, becaufe I think his plan of " interpretation is the right one j he endeavours firft to " give the literal fenfe, and thence deduces the myftical " one." — Part of a Letter from Dr. Lowth to Mr. Mer- rick, publifhed in the notes of Mr. Merrick's Verfion of the Pfalms, page 133, according PREFACE. vii according to the rules of fober criticifm, be- fore any attempt is made to difcover the myftical one. For doing otherwife is as ab- furd as it would be to try to read a piece of writing, without knowing the chairader in which it was written. * The Hebrew text of the Old Teftament has received many corruptions from the er- rors of tranfcribers and editors, and from the common cafualties to which all ancient books have been fubjed. The obfcurity of many parts of fcripture is owing to thefe corruptions, and can be removed only by the corredion and emen- dation of them. The rules for correding fuch of the cor- ruptions, that have been introduced into the text, as cannot be correded on the authority of manufcripts and verfions, muft arife from an attentive confideration of thofe places * See the General DifTertation at the end of Kennicott's Hebrew Bible. a 4 where VUl PREFACE. where miftakes have been deteded by any means, and from a regular indudion made from thofe particular inftances. * Th'^ errors of tranfcribers and editors are found to have arifen from the great fi- milarity of fome of the Hebrew letters — from the copyifts having tranfpofed fome- times fmgle letters, fometimes parts of words, and fometimes whole words, and even fen- tences — from the bad method which they ufed to correft fuch miftakes as they dif- covered themfelves to have committed, by writing the true reading after the falfe one, without erafing the fault — tfrom their in- ferting into the text glofles, and other mar- ginal annotations — from their putting in ufelefs letters, in order to fill up the remain- ders of lines which the matter of the author did not fill, that their copy might look uni- * See the Preliminary DifTertation to the New Tranf- lation of Ifaiah, by the Bifliop of London : pages 57 and 58. t See Kennicott's State of ^e Printed Hebrew Text, Piflert. II. page 405. fonn PREFACE. ix form and handfome — from their having in- judicioufly fupplied by conjedure words or letters which the injuries of time or accident had effaced from their prototype — '^''' and from their having fometimes made two words into one. There is Ukewife reafon to be- Ueve that fome copies were made by an amanuenfis, who wrote the words down as they were given him by a t reader, without feeing them in the copy from which they were pronounced : and that thus letters, and even words, fomewhat alike in found, but very unlike in appearance, were fometimes miftakenly written for each other. The Hebrew letters which are moft alike, and Vviiich therefore have been moft fre- quently miftaken for each other, may be claffed according to their refemblance to each other, as follows: p')?^ 11, HH, p;^, CD. * See Kennicott's State of the Printed Hebrew Text ^ Diilert. L page 24 ; and Differt. 11. page 341. t See Kennicott's State of the Printed Hebrew Text, DiiTert. I. page 56. The X PREFACE. The letters which appear moft liable to be changed into others by the injury of time, or accident effacing part of them, are as follows : ^ into "^ and '^ ; ^ into ^, \ or "^ ; 1 into '' ; n and H into "^ or *T ; v into 3, or fometimes into ^ ; into ; ^ into 3 ; ^ inta *| ; p into ^ or /^ ; ^ into H, or H, or % or ''''* The fheets of the manufcripts being ruled has alfo occafioned fome miftakes, the ruled line being taken for part of letters. Thofe which have been moft liable to be miftaken for each other on this account are, n and n for D and Q, and "^ and 1 for 2. Conjechures for the folution of difficulties by fubftituting one of thefe letters for the other — or by leaving out letters that are ufe- lefs — or by reftoring to their proper places letters, words, or fentences, that plainly ap- pear from the connection of the {qpSq to * See Kennicott's State of the Printed Hebrew Text, DilTert. I. pages 87 and 526. ^ have PREFACE. XI have been tranfpofed — may be propofed with fome hopes of fuccefs. The divifion into commata (or verfes, as they are ufually called) was not made in the text of feripture by the writers of the different books of it, but long fmce their time ; nor are they of any import to the fenfe, and therefore they may be fafely neglected. * The moft ancient copies of the HebrevT Bible were written without any fpaces or dis- tances between the words; wherefore it is poffible that the letters may in fome places have been erroneoufly divided into words ; fo that if, by a new divifion of them, any difficulty can be conquered, there will be reafon to fufpedt that to be nearer the true reading t : and fince the invention of the fi- nal letters J is pofterior to the time when the * See Kcnnlcott's Bible, Dlflertat. General, feci 28, and the note on that place. t See the notes on Ifaiah xxx. 7, and Ivli. 2, in Dr. Lowth's New Tranflation of Ifaiah, pages 157. 248. % See Kennicott's State of the Printed Hebrew 7>xtj Diilert. II. pages 211 and 212. fcriptural xn PREFACE. fcriptural authors wrote, the intervention of one of the letters f } D f] *^ is no great argu- ment againft dividing the letters of any text after a new manner. ^•''Numbers were fometimes cxpreffed in Hebrew by the letters of the alphabet. The fame caufes and occafions of error in tranfcribing exiiled before the time when the moft ancient of the verfions we have were made, or the oldeft of the manufcripts now extant were written : and thofe caufes may have produced errors and corruptions in the text, for the correction of which it would be in vain to expedl any help from thofe fources ; fo that nothing more can be at- tempted in thofe places than conjeftural emendations : but thefe (if they be founded on principles drawn from an attentive and accurate confideration of the caufes that have produced fuch errors as have been de- tected by the examination of manufcripts, or * See Kennicott's State of the Printed Hebrew Text, DifTert. II. p. 209. , ^ other PREFACE. Xlll other means equally certain) may often be propofed with a great degree of probabi- lity *. But where there is no difficulty or obfcu- rity, conjectural alterations are moft certainly needlefs, and may be very dangerous. •f The collation of Hebrew m.anufcripts publifhed by Dr. Kennicott, fuggefts very frequently necelTary and ufeful corred:ions. The greater number of manufcripts there is that are thus compared, the greater proba- bility there may be of our coming at the true reading. But, till all that any where exift have been examined, it will be no deci- five argument againft any conjedural emen- * " Emendationes ex conjecSlura petltae, ficut nee te- " mere unquam admittendse, ita nee temere rejiciendae." Wetftenii Teftamentum Gr^ecum, pag. 854. t Johannes Bern, de Roffi, ProfefTor of Languages at Parma, has alfo publifhed a Collection of Various Read- ings of the Old Teftament, from MSS. and editions. I had never feen his work till I was revifmg this for the prefs ; but, in doing that, I thought myfelf fortunate in having the afliftance of it. ^. dation. XIV PREFACE. elation, that fuch reading has not been found as yet in any manufcript ; for it may be dif- covered in the very next that is infpeded. But, if one or two ancient copies fupport a reading, that from other reafons appears to be probable, it may then be fairly efteemed to be genuine. The ancient verfions were made by men who were not infpired. The Septuagint and Arabic verfion of the Pfalms feem to have been the performances of Jews, who may eafily be fuppofed to have been biaffed, in their rendering of fome paflages, by Jewifh prejudices. '^'* Yet Hill thofe verfions are of great ufe very often in afcertaining the true reading and fenfe of the text. The Syriae ver- fion of the Pfalms bears fome marks of being the work of a f Chriftian, The Arabic verfion * " Judicio virorum noflrae aetatis, verfiones antlqusc " non folum illuftrant textum fcripturse, fed etiam emen- " dant.'*— Kennicott's Hebrew Bible, DifTertat. General, fea. 63. t Efpecially In the arguments or titles prefixed to the difierent Pfalms. 2 generally PREFACE, XV generally treads clofe in the fteps of the Sep- tuagint, though in fome places it varies from it. The Syriac frequently differs both from, the Septuagint and the Arabic. All of them fhould be confulted, but no one of them muft be always implicitly followed. It is to be prefumed that the Apoftles, In their citations from the Old Teftament, gave pearly the fenfe of the paffage they quoted. An objedion has been made to the apo- ftolical writings, that their quotations from the Old Teftament do not agree with the Hebrew. To this it has been anfwered, thai they took their citations from the Septua- gint •!'. But upon comparing all the cita- tions * « There were, fome years ago, great objedlons « made to the citations in the New Teftament from the " prophecies in the Old : thefe were faid often not to " agree with each other. One thing faid, in order to " account for the difagreement, was, that the writers of « the New Teftament took their citations from the Sep- " tuagint tranflation : but I found that, though this might " be fometimes the cafe, yet it was not generally true." Introduction to Prophecies and other Texts cited in the New xvi PREFACE. tions in the New Teftament with all the places they are taken from in the Old Tef- tament, and collating them both with the Hebrew and with the Septuagint, this an- fwer will hardly appear to be fufficient. Probably the Apoftles ufed the fame liberty, in quoting pafTages from the Old Teftament, that other writers do when they cite works written in a different language from that which they themfelves are ufmg : that is, they quoted in fome places the very words of the law and the prophets, in their original language ; and, in others, cited them in a more loofe and lefs precife manner, weaving into their writings the fubftance and fenfe of the paffages they referred to, expreffed either in the Hebrew or Greek language. But when Hebrew was found, in after times, to be lefs commonly underftood in the Chriftian churches, the Septuagint verfion of thofe places, which the Apoftles had cited in He- New Teftament, compared with the Hebrew Original and the Septuagint Verfion, by T. Randolph, D.D. Pre- fjdentofC. C. C. Oxford. 6 brew, PREFACE. xvii brew, was inferred in their flead, without correding the errors of that verfion'-J^*. Thus it * One argument in favour of this hypothefis is, that in many places the Hebrew would be more to the Apof- tles purpofe, where the Septuagint is now inferted. Fur- ther, a comparlfon of the pafTage quoted from Ifaiah [x. 22. 23] in the 27th and 28th verfes of the ninth chapter of the Epiftle to the Romans with the Septuagint ver- fion will afford another argument in favour of this fup- pofition* Epiille. 'E«v rj ocpt^fxo<; Tuv viuv 'l5? Septua. K«t iav yiv^lca Aao? 'icrpajjX, u; ^ a^^oq rriq Epiftle. ^xXcKTavj? TO y.aycihzi^^cx. *** a-uj%(Tilcci, Aoyov ** Septua. ^ccXaa-anq to Kxrct?^nfjf.yi.(X, ocvlav cru^rio-eion. Aoyov ya^ Epiille. avvliKuv xai cvPisyi,vuv h ^iy.cnoa-vyy\* oti "hoyov a-vv\i\(/.'niMivo\) Septua. avviiXuv y.on crvilsixvuv Iv hyLOcioa-wn' ot» 7^oyov cvvttl^^yii^ii'ov Epiftle. woijjcTEt Ktpio? im tjjj ynq Septua. Kypio5 'Woi'/iJi\ ly rji oiK8[j(.£iivi oAji. The paflages refemble each other fo ftrongly, that we may fairly conclude one of them to have been taken from the other. But they are neither of them grammatical COnftrudlion. The claufe (rvfkXuv xcn a-vilef/.vuv Iv ^iy.cciocrvvvi has neither nominative cafe nor verb in it 5 nor is there any fubftantive to agree with the two participles a-wliXuv and o-vvIbim'uv ; yet^ 2s though this had been aperfedt fen- tence, the pext claufe begins with ©t*, becaufe. I cannot perfuade myfelf that one who reafoned fo accurately as b Stp xviii PREFACE^ it may have happened that there appear at prefent in the New 1 eftament fome paflages cited with the greateft accuracy from the Septuagint, while there are in thofe writings other quotations from the Old Teftament which bear no refemblance to that tranf- lation. Perhaps, therefore, thofe quotations from the Old Teftament in the apoftolical writ- ings, which differ from the Septuagint, are more to be depended on as guides in tranf- lating the fame paffages from the Hebrew, than thofe which tally exactly with the Sep- tuagintt The points frequently miflead interpreters; though perhaps they might have been in- ferted with a good intention originally, with a view of preferving the pronunciation of the language, and afcertaining the fenfe of fome certain words in particular places. By St. Paul ufually has done, would have quoted a pafTage which was both unintelligible and ungrammatical, from any verfion, to fupport his argument. long PREFACE. 5C1X long cultivation they might afterwards have been brought to their prefent form ; and then affixed to the whole Hebrew Bible, for the prefervation of that fenfe in which the learn- ed among the Jews meant it fhould be un-; derftood : fo that they exhibit to us the moft approved rabbinical conftruing of the text, and are only fo far to be depended on. But a knowledge of them may often fuggeft valuable emendations of the text, by pointing out places where the matres ledionis have been left out on their infertion "'''•. Our knowledge of any dead language muft be imperfed : for all we can know of it muft be from books ; and there may un- doubtedly have been, in any dead language, * " Punda Maforetica, quae a re6to fententlae tra- " mite, hie ut alibi, liaud rarb liomines iis obftri6los pef- *' peram diducunt," Kennicott's Hebrew Bible, Differ- tat. General. fe£i:. 177. See Owen's Inquiry into the Prefent State of the Septuag. Appendix, page 173 5 and the Preliminary Difcourfc to the New Tranflation of Ifaiah, by the Bifhop of London, page 54 ; and Kenni- cott's State of the Printed Hebrew Text, Differt. L pages 303 and 345. b z many XX PREFACE. many words, many modes of expreflion, of common ufe and general acceptation, which neverthelefs may occur but once in all the books of that tongue that are come down to us : and any word or root may have had a fignification which the waiters, whofe books have been preferved to our time, have not ufed it in at all, or in which they have ufed it but in one place. Books written in derived or kindred lan- guages and dialefts, may have preferved fenfes of fome words or roots, which no writing in the original language has pre- ferved ; though neverthelefs they might have had thofe fenfes in that tongue, as well as in thofe defcended from it. Therefore recourfe may fometimes be had, with good hopes of fuccefs, to the other Ori- ental languages, for the folution of difficulties in the Hebrew ; the former being plainly al- lied to, or derived from, the latter. In interpreting any phrafe or fmgle word, regard PREFACE. XXI regard muft be had to the context ; for the true fenfe is that which fits well to what goes before, and what follows after *. The dividing the poetical books of fcrip- ture into hemiftics, or lines, after the man- ner propofed by Dr. Lowth, is of great ufe and advantage ; and gives much affiftance to- wards afcertaining the true reading, elucidat- ing obfcure, and explaining difficult pafTages. The Arabic and Syriac verfions preferve an account of the number of verfes in each pfalm. Upon comparing thofe numbers with the numbers of the commata, into which the Pfalms are divided in the tranfla- tion of the Engllfh Bible, it will clearly ap- pear that the verfes fpoken of by the au- thors of thofe verfions muft be utterly dif- ferent from the commata of that tranllation. * " In voce, phrafi, vel perlcopa interpretanda, accu- " rate legenda fiint quae prsecedunt et quse fequuntur ; " videndumque quomodo prima, media, et ultima inter fe " cohaereant/'— WctfteniiTeflamentum Grscum,vol.ii» page 875. ^ But XKii P R E t^ A C E. But the numbers given by thofe verfions as the number of verfes In each pfahn, though they feldom perfectly agree, tally very nearly with the number of Unes into which they would each be divided, according to the theory propofed by Dr. Lowth, the late ver}^ learned bifhop of London -. The figures which are ufed in the poetical books of the Old Teftament, are taken from images that were familiar to the Jews ; for they alluded to the phenomena of nature in their country — to their habits of public and private life — to the fads of their national hiftory — to their law, and the ceremonies of their religion. Figures taken from each of thefe topics are fo frequent in the Pfalms, and in the other poetical parts of the Bible, * See the table at the end of this work. Thofe who would fee fomewhat further concerning the antiquity of the divifion of the text of the Pfalms in the Septuagint into c-Tip/o», or lines, may confuk Grabe's edition of the Septuagint, and his Prolegomena to the Pfalms, &c* (which make the laft volume in that edition), cap. i. ,fe6l. 2. cap. ii. feet. lo. that. PREFACE. xxiu that, if we would underftand thofe writings, we muft learn not only the language and phrafeology of the Jews, as accurately as we are able, but their rites, cuftoms, &c. ; we muft ufe ourfelves to trace even their methods of thinking ; muft endeavour to fee, as it were, with their eyes, eftimate things by their opinions, and read the works of Hebrews as though we were Hebrews ourfelves *. Many paflages of fcrlpture, which allude to ancient manners,, may be explained, and receive great light, from an attention to the modern cuftoms of the fame country ; for there is not that rapid change and variation in fafhions and the way of living among the Eaftern nations, that is to be found in Eu- ropean countries. Their cuftoms and man- ners, as they have been more fimple, fo alfq they have been lefs mutable -f. * See Lpwth de Sacra Poeii Hebrjeorum, pag. 46, 47, &c. t See Harmer's Obfervations on Divers PalTages cf Scripture. See alfo a reafon affigned tor this by Mon- tcfquieuj Efprit des Loix, vol, i. page 325. A pritif!" XXIV PREFACE. A principal caufe of obfcurity in the Pfalms is our having loft, in great meafure, the hiftory of the occafions on which they were written ^5 and being thus left without any other clue to guide us in tracing the drift and intention of many of them, than fuch as a clofe attention to the matter and ftru£lure of the compofitions themfelves fur- nifhes. Therefore in tranflating them this muft conftantly be given ; and thus fome of the Pfalms will be found to be elegies, vented by the plaintive voice of grief, and diftrefs, and affiidion — fome, fongs of tri- umph full -of exultation and joy — fome, odes on moral fubjeds, replete with the precepts of piety and virtue, that were appointed to be fung in the fervice of the tabernacle or temple at particular feafons — fome, -prayers intended either for the private ufe of the poet and the mufician, or to be introduced among the rites of public v/orfhip — fome of thefe works will appear to have been defigned to Jiave been chaunted refponfively by different ^ See Lowth de Sacra Poefi Hebraeorum, page 268, "" choirs, PREFACE. XXV choirs, and others without fuch alternate dl- vilions. The reftoration of the divlfion into alter- nate parts in thofe odes, which were defigned to be fung in the refponfive way, fliould be attempted ; for it will conduce much to re- move obfcurities, if it can any where be ef- fected, many difficulties having arifen merely from the lofs of this divifion, and the intro- duftion of that into commata (or verfes, as they are ufually called) which we have in the Englifh Bible. If any one doubt of this, let him take a chorus from the Athaliah of Racine, let him neglecfl the method in which the author meant it fnould be divided into parts, and the verfification, and let him fplit it into a number of fcraps of one fentence or half a one each, without regard to the fenfe or grammatical conftrudion ; he will, foon find that, by fuch kind of treatment, what was originally clear, coherent, intelli- gible and beautiful may become obfcure, disjointed, and perhaps not even to be un» derftood. c Many XXVI PREFACE, Many of thefe rules and principles will be perceived to have been before fuggefted and made ufe of by two authors of diftinguiflied fame and merit; and indeed it is almoft impof- fible for any one to attempt to give a tranfla-' tion of any part of the Old Teftam.ent (if he wifh to improve on the Englifli verfion at prefent in ufe) without adopting the me- thod pointed out by the penetration, judg- ment and profound critical fkill of the late Dr» Lowth, and making ufe of the great dif« coveries of Dr. Kennicott. Some of the rules here offered, It muft be confefled, do not come recommended by thefe great authorities : but they are either fuch as have been before eftabliihed by au^ thors of credit and reputation, or in them- felves obvious and evidently ufeful, or elfe eafily deducible from fuch as are already re- ceived. For, to ufe the words of the younger Buxtorf *, " Non decet equidem priorum * See the Preface to Buxtorf 's Hebrew Concordance, pag. 8, col. 2, lin. 47, 6cc, " veftigla PREFACE, xxvii *' veftigia contemnere ;" but, at the fame time, " permiffum et nobis eft et invenire ** aliquid, et mutarc, et relinquere. Qui ante " nos fcripferunt non domini, fed duces nof- ^' tri fuerunt ; crefcunt base indies, et inven- " turis inventa non obftant ; multum fubinde *' etiam futuris relinquitur." The whole that is aimed at in the pre* fent performance, is to give a clofely literal tranflation*, and, by endeavouring to reftore the original form of thefe compofitions, to exhibit them in their ancient femblance. Of the ancient verfions I have been able to con- fult only the Septuagint and the Vulgate, in the way I could have wiihed ; my very {len- der knowledge of Arabic and Chaldee, and my utter ignorance of the Syriac language, obliging me to be content in general with that Latin tranflation of the Arabic and Sy- * That is, fuch as for each line in this verfion to be the literal Englifh of the correfpondent lifle in the ori- ginal. I had at firft intended to have preferved the very order of the Hebrew words in the tranflation, but was afterward diiTuaded frpm it by a learned friend. rlag Jixviii PREFACE. i*iac verfions, and of the Targum, which is given in the London Polyglott. The emen- dations of the text that are propofed, arc humbly fubmitted to the judgment of the learned ; I fhall not be furprifed if many of thofe, that are founded on conjedure only, fhould be thought inadmiiTible : a young man living in the country, and not having much opportunity of advice or affiftance from perfons of greater years, learning, and experience, may be expeded to fall into fome miflakes in fuch attempts. After I had pub- lifhed Propofals for printing this work, the Rev. Dr. Sturges, of Winchefter, was fo good as to impart to me fome obfervations on different paffages in the Pfalms, taken from the German tranflation of the Bible, publifhed by Michaelis : thefe obfervations had been colleded by the late Bifhop Lowth, and communicated by him to Dr. Sturges, who alfo favoured me in the moft friendly manner with his advice, in regard to many other points relating to my undertaking. In revifing my work, I have endeavoured to avail myfelf of thofe advantages to the ut- moft of my power, 6 SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THIS WORK. THE KING'S LIBRARY. Ti HE Right Hon. the Earl of Alliburnham The Right Hon. the Countefs of Aylesford The Right Hon. H. Addington, Speaker of the Houfe of Commons Sir William Afhhurft I. H. Addington, Efq. M.P. Richard Aubrey, Efq. John Adye, Efq. The Rev. Mr. Alcock, of Trotton Francis Anneiley, Efq. M. P. The Rev. Mr. Attwood B His Grace the Duke of Buccleugh Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. Prefident of the Royal Society The. Hon. William Broderick a Lady SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Lady Bromley, at Mrs. Curzon's, Davies-ftreet Sir William Burrell, Bart. The Rev. Dr. Buller, Dean of Canterbury William Baker, Efq. David Barclay, Efq. 2 Copies Mrs. Anna Barnard The Rev. Dr. Barton, late Warden of Merton Coll, Oxford, dec. The Rev. Philip Barton, Subdean of Exeter. The Rev. Dr. Barrow, Soho-fquare The Rev. J. Barwis, Niton, Ille of Wight John Thomas Batt, Efq. Mrs. Batchelor The Rev. J. Baynes, of Droxford, Hants Hinds Beach, Efq. The Rev. Dr. Berdmore, Warden of Merton Coll Oxford Mr. Beaumont Francis Love Beckford, Efq. Baling Park Mr. Jonathan Bell The Rev. John Bi(hop, Redor of Cold Higham John Boldero, Efq. of Afpeden Hall William Boldero, Efq. Charles Boldero, Efq. Charles Boone, Efq. M. P. Thomas Boone, Efq. 2 Copies Thomas Boone, junior, Efq. The Rev. Mr. Boucher, of Epfom Mrs. SUBSCRIBERS NAMES, , Mrs. Bowyer Mifs Bramftone The Briftol Library Society Thomas Browne, Efq. M. P. The Rev. Mr. Browne John Browne, Efq. Trinity Coll. Camb. The Rev. Dr. Bucknjer Mrs. Buckle, of Seymour-llreet Lewis Buckle, Efq. of Prior*s- court, Berks Richard Bull, Efq. Mrs. Bulftrode Mifs Burn Francis Burton, Efq. M. P. Mrs. Burton The Rev. T. Buttler T. F. Buxton, Efq. George Byng, Efq. of Berkeley-fquare C His Grace the Archbifhop of Canterbury His Grace the Archbidiop of Cailiel The Right Rev. the Lord BiOiop of Carlifle The Right Hon. Lord Frederic Campbell The Right. Rev. the Lord BiOiop of Chefter The Right Hon. the Marquis of Clanricarde The Right Hon. the Marchionefs of Clanricarde The Right Hon. the Earl of Clanbraffil The Right Hon. the Countefs of Clarendon The Right Hon. Lady Mary Coke az The SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. The Right Hon. the Earl of Cardigan The Hon. Mr. Cholmondeley The Hon. Mrs. Cholmondeley The Hon. Afheton Ciirzon, Davies-ftreet Sir H. Gough Calthorpe, Bart. M. P, Lady Cockburn Sir George Cornewall, Bart. M. P. RightHon.LadyCharlotteCurzon,St.James*s-fquarc Dowager Lady Chapman. 2 Copies Mr. Nathanael Chappeli The Rev. George Champagne, at Lord Uxbridge's The Rev. James Chelfum, D. D. Redor of Drox- ford, Hants Trench Chifwell, Efq. M. P. The Rev. Dr. Clare The Rev. John Clark, of Trinity Coll. Cambridge Mr. Cobden, Petersfield The Rev. Mr. CoUinfon, of Queen's Coll. Oxford The Rev. Mr. Collyer, ProfelTor of Hebrew^ Cambridge Mrs. Collyer The Rev. Mr. Cookfon, Redor of Priorfdean. 2 Copies Dr. Coombe The Rev. Dr. Cooper, Prebendary of Durham The Rev. Dr. Courtenay, Redor of St. George'S;, Hanover- fquare The Rev. Mr. Cracherodc 7 Jeremiah SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Jeremiah Crutchley, Efq. M. P. The Rev. Mr. Cummings, Fellow of Trinity Coll. Camb. George CurlingjEfq. Great RufTel-ftreet, Bloomfbury D The Right Hon. Lord Digby The Right Hon. Lord Douglas Vifcount Duncannon The Right Hon. Lady Dynevor The Hon. Mrs. Dorien Sir Henry Dafliwood, Bart, M. P. Sir Thomas Dundas, Bart. M. P. Lady Cottrel Dormer The Rev. Dr. Dampier, Dean of Rochefler The Rev. Mr. Dalton, Redor of Northwood, lile of Wight Mrs. Dalton, of Eydon, in Northamptonfhire The Rev. D. Davis, of Chichefter The Rev. Mr. Delafoffe, of Richmond Mr. T. Dcane Francis Dickens, Efq. M. P. The Rev. Dr. Dickens, Preb. and Archdeacon of Durham Edward Defborough, Efq. at the Earl of Uxbridge's Mr. Thomas Docwra Mr. Henry Dohng, of Rogate, Suffex Silvefter Douglas, Efq. a 3 The SUBSCRIBERS NAMfiS. The Rev. Mr. Douglas, Fellow of Bennet Coll- Cambridge William Drake, junior, Efq. M. P. E The Right Hon. the Earl of Exeter The Right Rev. the Lord Bilhop of Exeter The Right Hon. Lord Eardley Sir Henry Englefield, Bart. The Rev. Mr. Eaton, Redor of St. Ann's, Soho, and Archdeacon of Middlefex John Thomas EUis, Efq. M. P. The Rev. Mr. Empfon, Vicar of Scawby, Lincoln- Ihire The Rev. Mr. Evans, of Hahng Illand The Rev. Arthur Evans, Mafler of Gloucefter Schoc^ F The Right Hon. Earl Fortefcue The Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Fitzwilliam The Hon. and Rev. Mr. Finch, at Lady Aylcsford's The Rev. Mr. Fitz- Adams Mr. Fitzgerald, Charles-llreet, St. James's The Rev. J. Faulder, Wickham, Kent Mrs. C. Fletcher, of Chichefter A^dmiral Forbes, Saville^row Mifs Forbes Mr. Fofs The Rev. William Fofler, D. D. Eton College The SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. The Rev. Dr. Fothergill, Provoft of Queen's Coll^ Oxford John Fuller, Efq. Edward King Fordham, Efq. Royfton G His Grace the Duke of Grafton The Right Hon. the Earl of Glandore The Right Hon. Vifcount Grimftone The Right Hon. W. W. Grenville, one of his Majefty's Principal Secretaries of State. 3 Cop. Mr. Samuel Galton, jun. The Rev. Mr. Gooch, Archdeacon of Sudbury Mrs. Govvland Thomas Greg, Efq. The Rev. B. Grifdale, Tooting, Surrey The Rev. Mr. Guidon Thomas Gundr}'^, Efq. Mr. Richard Gurney H The Right Hon. the Earl of Harcourt The Right Hon. the Eart of Hard wick The Right Hon. Lady Frances Harpur Sir Charles Hotham, Bart. K. B. The Rev. Mr. Hall, of Queen's Coll. Oxford The Rev. L. G. Halton, of Queen's Coll. Oxford Mrs. Hatton, Portman-fquare The Rev. Dr. Hamilton, Archdeacon of Colchefter Ofgood Hanbury, Efq. a 4 V/illiam SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. William Hanbury, Efq. Mrs. George Hardinge Mrs. Brabazon Harrington The Rev. Dr. Heath, Eton Coll. Dr. Heberden The Rev. T. Heberden, Canon of Exeter Charles Herbert, Efq. Mrs. Felton Hervey The Rev. Dr. Hey, of Sidney Coll. Cambridge Mrs. Hibbert Mr. Daniel Higgs, of Sudbury Philip Hollingworth, Efq. The Rev. Mr. Holyoake The Rev. Mr. Hooley, Vicar of Roplcy The Rev. Mr. Huntley, of Boxwell The Rev. Mr. Huntingford I The Rev. Cyril Jackfon, D. D. Dean of Chrift Ch. The Rev. W. Jackfon, Greek ProfefTor, Oxford Chriftopher Jackfon, Efq. of Petersfield David Jenner, Efq. of Merton Coll. Oxford George Jennings, Efq. M. P. Edward Jerningham, Efq. Jervoife Clark Jervoife, Efq. M. P. Mrs. Imber, of St. Thomas-flreet, Wincheftcr Thomas Johnes, Efq. M. P. The Rev. Mr. Johnes, of Briftol The Rev. Mr. T. JoUiff The SUBSCRIBERS NAMES* The Rev. Mr. Jones, of Didmarton Jofhna Iremonger, Efq. Mrs. Iremonger Lafcelles Iremonger^ Efq. K The Right Rev. the Lord BiOiop of Killaloe Samuel Kilner^ Efq. Fellow ofMerton Coll. Oxford Jofeph Kilner, Efq. Fellow of Merton Cpll. Oxford Mrs. King Edward King, Efq. Edward Knight, Efq. Portland- place Richard Payne Knight, Efq. M. P. The Right Hon. the Earl of Leicefter The Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bifliop of Lichfield and Coventry The Rev. Dr. Law, Archdeacon of Colchefter Mifs Lawley The Rev. Dr. Layard, of Caftle-ftreet The Rev. Mr. Lax, Fellow of Trinity Coll. Camb. Benjamin Lethieullier, Efq. M. P. Mr. John Lloyd Mr. Charles Lloyd The Rev. Dr. Lockman, Canon of Windfor The Rev. Mr. Lowth, Prebendary of Winchefler The SUBSCRIBERS NAMES, M The Right Hon. Lady Vifcountefs Middleton The Rev. Dr. Marfden, Precentor of St. Afaph Mrs. Martyn The Rev. Mr. Mead George Medley, Efq. M. P. AdolphusMeetkerke,Efq. Julians^ nearBuntingford Philip Metcalfe, Efq. M. P. Jeremiah Milles, Efq. Thomas Milles, Efq. The Rev. Mr. Morgan The Rev. Mr. Moore, Archdeacon oC Cornwall Mr. James Moore, of Lifs, Hants Eng. Mulhaufen, Efq. Jofeph Mufgrave, Efq. N His Grace the Duke of Newcaftle His Grace the Duke of Norfolk The Hon. and Rev. Mr. Neville Sir Roger Newdigate, Bart. The Rev. Dr. Nalh, Bevere, near Worceder Richard A. Neville, Efq. M. P. Mifs Neville The Rev. Mr. Newfliam The Rev. Mr. Nutcombe, Chancellor of the Churck of Exeter Mr. William Na(h, Royfton O The Right Hon. the Earl of Oflbry The SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. The Right Rev. the Lord Bifhop of Oxford Sir George Oiborne, Bart. G. Ofbaldefton, Efq. P The Right Hon. Earl Powis The Right Hon. Lord Paget The Hon. Edward Phipps, Jermyn-ftreet The Hon. W.W. Pole The Hon. Mrs. Pole Sir James Peachey, Bart. The Right Hon. Lady Caroline Peachey Lady Peachey John Peachey, Efq. M. P. 2 Copies Mrs. Peachey. 2 Copies Jofeph Palyart, Efq. of Lifbon William Parfons, Efq. Granville Penn, Efq. The Rev. Mr. Pickering Frederic Pigoii, Efq. WilHam Henry Pigou, Efq. William Plumer, Efq. M. P. The Rev. E. Pole, of All Souls College, Oxford Richard Potenger, Efq. Mr. Porter, of Bifhopfgate-flreet The Rev. Dr. Poyntz, Prebendary of Durham The Rev. Mr. Price The Rev. Mr. Parfon John Purling, Efq.M.P. The SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. R The Dean and Chapter of Rochefter The Rev. John Randolph, D. D. Canon of Chrift- church and Regius ProfeiTor of Divinity, Oxford The Rev. W. Ralfe, Vicar of Daulifh Mr. Randal The Rev. Mr. Jonathan Raflileigh Philip Ralhleigh, Efq. The Rev. G. Richards The Rev. John Richards, of Naflau Town in the Bahamas Mr. Thomas Richardfon, of Iron Adon, Gloucefter- fhire Mr. James Robfon Denys Rolle, Efq. The Rev. William Rofe, of Beckenham John Reeves, Efq. Middle Temple. 2 Copies Wm. Boughton Roufe, Efq. M. P. S The Right Hon. the Marquis of Salifbury The Right Hon. Earl Spencer The Right Hon. Lord Vifcount Stormont The Hon. and Right Rev. the Bifhop of Salifbury The Right Hon. Lord Sandys The Right Hon. Lord Sheffield The Right Hon. Lord Vifcount St. Afaph The Right Hon. Sir John Skynner Sir John St. Aubvn, Bart. M. P. Sir SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Sir John Sebright, Bart. Sir George Shuckburgh, Bart. M. P. Sir Thomas Skipwith, Bart. Lady Skipwith The Hon. Mrs. Shirley Lady Skynner Mrs. Sainfbury, of Mareland, Hants The Rev. Dr. Sandby William Sandby, Efq, Walter Scott, Efq. Mifs Seymour Mifs Louifa Seymour Mr. Seweil^ London-ftreet, St, Pancras The Rev. Dr. Sharp, Archdeacon of Northumber- land The Rev. J. Shepperd, Paddington Evelyn Shirley, Efq. Mrs. Skynner Mifs Skynner Mr. James Slater Mifs Harriet Slater Lewin Smith, Efq. J. Smith, Efq. M. P. R. Smith, Efq. M. P. Mrs. Smith Thomas Stanley, Efq. M. P. • George Steevens, Efq. Mrs. Stepney, at the Earl of Uxbridge's General SUBSCRIBERS NAMES* General Stibbert Richard Stonhewer, Efq. The Rev. John Street, Vicar of Barkway ' William Strode, Efq. The Rev. Dr. Sturges, Chancellor of the Diocefe of Winchefter James Sutton, Efq. New Park, Wilts. 3 Copies Mrs. Sutton. 2 Copies Sutton Coldfield Book Society John Swale, Efq. Gower-ftreet T Sir John Thorold, Bart. M. P. The Rev. Chriftopher Taylor, Vicar of Selborne John Temped, Efq. M.P. The Rev. W. M. Tomkyns, Vicar of Amwell, Herts Charles Townley, Efq. Charles Townlhend, Efq. The Rev. Thomas Trodd, Petersfield Mrs. Tryon Mifs Tryon John Turner, Efq. The Rev. Mr. Twigge U The Right Hon. the Countefs of Uxbridge Robert Udney, Efq. The Rev. Mr. Vincent The Rev. Benjamin Underwood, Prebendary of Ely The Rev. Mr* Valpy, Reading, Berks The SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. w The Right Hon. the Earl of Warwick The Right Hon. Lady Charlotte Wentworth The Hon. Mrs. Windham The Rev. Thomas Wagftaffe, Redor of Barley The Rev. Mr. Walton The Rev. Stephen Wefton, B. D. Redor of Mam. head, Devon The Rev. Charles Wefton, Prebendary of Durham. i Copies The Rev. John Whicher, Petersfield Samuel Whitbread, Efq. M. P. The Rev. Edmund White, Vicar of Newton Va, ience, Hants The Rev. Gilbert White, of Selborne, Hants Thomas Holt White, Efq. John White, Efq. Sir Francis Willes Edward Willes, Efq. Ralph Willet, Efq. George James Williams, Efq. Chriftopher Willoughby, Efq. Jofeph Windham, Efq. Mr. Winter, of Midhurft Mr. Hale Wortham Pcnruddoc Wyndham, Efq. Mr. Wyndus, of Ware. 2 Copies The Rev. Dr. Wynne His SUBSCRIBERS NAMES. Y His Grace the Archbifliop of York Sir William Young, Bart, M. P. Mr. Young, of Bear-ftreet, Leiccfter-fquarc NEW LITERAL VERSION OF THE PSALMS, OTHE happinefs of that man who hath not walked after the counfel of the un- godly. And hath not ftood in the way of the finful. And hath not fat in the aflembly of fcoffers. But his delight is in the law of Jehovah, And in his law he continually mqditateth day and night! Becaufe he (hall ever be like a tree planted near ilreams of water. Which bringeth forth it's fruit in due feafon, B Whofe PSALM II. WRofe foliage never fadeth. And it bringeth all it's produce to maturity. Not fo are me ungodly, but as the chaff. Which the wind conftantly fcattereth. For this reafon the ungodly fhall not be able to ftand in judgement. Neither the fmful in the congregation of the righteous ; Becaufe Jehovah regardeth the way of the righ- teous. That the way of the ungodly may come to nought. II. TO what purpofe do the nations aflembk tumultuoufly. Do the peoples vainly mutter, Do the kings of the earth ftand up, And do the counfellors deliberate together againft Jehovah, And againft his anointed ? We fhall pluck off their bonds. And we ftiall caft away from us their cords ; He that fitteth in the heavens will laugh at, Jehovah will deride them : 5 "Pot P S A L M II. 3 5 For he will fubdue their mighty ones with his wrath, And with his fury he fhall confound them . € But as for me, I am anointed king Over Zion, his holy mountain : 7 I will repeat the decree of Jehovah ; He faid unto me, ^' Thou art my fon, " I this day have begotten thee : ^ '^ Afk of me, and I will give thee the nations for thine heritage, ^' And for thy polTeffion the utmofl Hmits of the earth. 9 " Thou (halt break them with a rod of iron, *f As veflels of the potter thou flialt dafli them in pieces." 10 Therefore now, O ye kings, be wife; Be inflrudled, ye judges of the earth ; 1 1 Serve ye Jehovah with fear. And v/orfhip him with trembling : 12 Kifs the fon, left he be angry. And ye perifli and your generation. For with quicknefs his wrath confumeth. O the happinefs of all that truft in him ! B 2 IIL PSALM III. III. t A PSALM BY DAVID, WHEN HE FLED FROM ABSALOM, HIS SON, JF'ir/l Singer. 2i /^ Jehovah, how numerous arc mine ad- V-/ verfaries! They are many that rife up againft me ; 3 They are many that fay of me, " There is no falvation for him in God." H vD 4 But thou, O Jehovah, art a (hield around me, my glory, and he that exalteth mine head. Second Singer. 5 With my voice unto Jehovah I cry. And he ever anfwereth me from his holy hill. rho 6 As for me, I lay me down, and I fleep, y I awake, while Jehovah fupporteth me • 1 fear not the multitudes of the people,] Which are fet againft me on all fides. Firfl Singer, 8 Arifc, O Jehovah, and favc me, O God 1 For P S A L M IV. 5 For thou canft fmite the jaws of all mine ene- mies. Thou canfl break the teeth of the ungodly. Second Singer. 9 To Jehovah belongeth falvation. Both, Upon thy people be thy blefling. TDD IV. I TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David, with Stringed Inftrumcntc. 2 A NswERiNG me on my crying, O my XX. righteous God, Thou haft fet me free from diftrefs. Having pity on me, and hearing my prayer. 3 O fons of men, how long will ye be heavy of heart ? Wherefore do ye love vanity, Do ye feek after falfehood ? H^D 4 But ye know, that Jehovah hath (hewed won- derful mercy to me : Jehovah ever hearcth, when I cry unto him. B 3 5 Tremble 6 P S A L M V. 5 Tremble, and commit not the fin that is in your hearts ; On your couch be ftill. H^D 6 Sacrifice the facrifices of righteoufnefs. And put your truft in Jehovah, 7 O ye many, that fay, " Who will fhew us any good?" The light of thy countenance has been diftin- guilhedly ihewn on us, O Jehovah ; 8 Thou haft given joy to mine heart Greater than that of the time, when their corn and wine are increafed. 9 I always lay me down, and fleep in peace. While thou alone, O Jehovah, makeft me to dwell with confidence. V. I TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David, on Wind Inftruments. e TT-^^-^ ^^ words, O Jehovah, confider JL A my meditation : 3 Hearken unto the found of my crying, my king and my God, For unto thee I conflantly pray. 4 O Je- P S A L M y. 7 4 O Jehovah, in the morning thou (halt ever hear my voice ; In the morning I will prepare myfelf, and I will look unto thee : 5 For thou art not a God that delightefl in the ungodly, Nor fhall the wicked abide with thee, 6 Nor fhall the profane (land before diine eyes. Thou hateft all that work iniquity ; 7 Thou wilt deftroy all that fpeak falfehood ; The man of blood and deceit thou detefteft, O Jehovah : 8 But I, fuch is the abundance of thy mercy, (hall come to thine houfe, I fhall bow down at thine holy fanduary with veneration of thee. 9 O Jehovah, lead me with thy righteoufnefs; Becaufe of mine enemies make my way ftraight before thee, 10 For there is no truth in their mouths ; Their infide is iniquity. Their throat is a gaping fepulchre, They make their tongues deceitfully fmooth. 11 Punifli them, O God, let them fall through their own counfels ; Cafl them down becaufe of the multitude of their offences. For they have rebelled againft thee. B 4 12 But S P S A L M VL 12 But let all that truft in thee rejoice; For ever let them fhout, becaufe thou doft overfhadow them. And let thofe that love thy name exult in thee: 13 While thou doft blefs the righteous^ O Jehovah, As with a target of favour thou doft encompafs him. VL 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David, with Stringed Inftruments, together with the Harp of Eight Strings. 2 /^ Jehovah, neither in thy wrath reprove V^ me, Neither in thine indignation corredl me. 3 Have pity on me, O Jehovah, for I am weak; Heal me, O Jehovah, for my bones are afflidled, 4 And my foul is exceedingly difturbed. 5 But, O thou Jehovah, how long flddl this continue ? Return, O Jehovah, deliver my foul. Save me becaufe of thy mercy. 6 Surely in death there is no calling thee to mind. In the grave who can pay homage to thee ? j^ lam weary with fighing,,-: ' I water PSALM VII. 9 I water my couch with tears, I make my bed fwim every night. 8 Mine eye is confumed with vexation; It is funk in mine head becaufe of all mine enemies. 9 Remove from me, O all ye workers of ini- quity ! When Jehovah heareth the found of my la- mentation, 10 Jehovah heareth my petition, Jehovah receiveth my prayer, 11 All mine enemies fhall be put to fhame, and exceedingly confounded ; They fliall turn back, they fhall be abafhed in an inftant, VII. 1 A SONG EXPRESSING GRIEF, Which David fang unto Jehovah, becaufe of the Words of Cus of the Tribe of Benjamin. 2 /^ Jehovah, my God, in thee I feek refuge; \J^ Save me from every one that pur- fueth me, 3 And proted mc, left they tear me like a lion, Whilft there be none to refcue, none to de- liver. 4 0Je. 10 PSALM VII. 4 O Jehovah, my God, if I have done this things If there be iniquit}^ in mine hand, 5 If I have returned retributions of evil. When I was fet free from thofe that were mine enemies without reafon^ 6 Let the foe purfue my foul, , And let him feize and tread to the ground my life. And let him cafe mine honour in the dufl. rhu 7 Arife, O Jehovah, in thy wrath ; Lift up againfh the fury of mine enemies. And exert in my favour the judgement thou haft ordained ! S Then fhall the affembly of the people furround thee, 9 And for this caufe Jehovah, that judgeth the nations, Ihall be highly celebrated. Give fentence upon me, O Jehovah, according to my righteoufnefs, And recompenfe me according to mine in- tegrity. 10 Let evil confume the ungodly; But eftablifh thou the righteous, O fearcher of the heart and reins. 1 1 The righteous God is my fhield, The high God, that faveth the juft of heart. 12 God PSALM VIIL ij 12 God is a righteous judge, 13 And againfl: the wicked he is daily provoked: If he will not turn, he (harpeneth his fword. He bendeth his bow, and maketh it ready, 14 And he prepareth againfl him the inftruments of death ; He ufeth his fiery arrows. 15 Behold him, that is in labour with iniquity, Conceiveth oppreflion^ and bringeth forth falfc- hood ; 16 He holloweth out a pit, and diggeth it deep. But he falleth into the deftrudlion he con- trived ; 1 7 His oppreflion returneth on his own head, And his violence cometh down on his own ikull. 18 I will alway praife Jehovah for hisjuftice. And I will chaunt the name of Jehovah, the moft high. VIII. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David, upon the Harp of Gath. 2 /^ Jehovah, our Lord, how glorious is thy V-/ name throughout the whole earth, Thou^ 12 PSALM VIIL Thou that fettefl thy majefty above the hea* vens ! 3 From the mouth of babes and fucklings thou eflablifliefl: thy glory. By making thy foes appear contemptible. By quelhng the hoftile and the revengeful. 4 When I look on thine heavens, the v^ork of thy fingers, The moon and the flars, which thou haft formed, 5 What is mortal man, that thou ihouldft call him to mind, And a fon of Adam, that thou fliouldit place him in authority ; 6 That thou fhouldft make him little lower than the angels ; That thou fhouldft crown him with glory and honour ; 7 That thou fhouldft make him ruler over the works of thine hands. Placing every thing under his feet, 8" All cattle both fmall and great. And alfo the beafts of the held, 9 The fowl of the heavens, and the fifties of the fea. That pafs through the paths of the waters ! 10 O Jehovah, our Lord, how glorious is thy name tbrou2;hout the whole earth ! IX. PSALM IX. 13 IX. t TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, A Pfalm of David, performed by Virgins and a Youth, Chorus of Virglsis, 2 T WILL praife thee, O Jehovah, with mine i whole heart; I will recount all thy wonderful works : 3 I will rejoice and exult in thee, I will chaunt thy name, O mofl high, 4 Becaufe my foes are put to flight. They fall, they perifh before thee. 5 Surely thou didfl execute the fentence and the decifion in my favour ; ^ Thou fattefl: on the throne, O righteous judge i Thou didfl rebuke the nations, thou didil de- ftroy the ungodly. Their name thou haft blotted out for ever : 7 The enemy is deftroyed; and the cities thou haft razed are defolate for ever. The very memory of them is periftied. ToutL % But Jehovah continueth for ever, Eftablifhing by judgement his throne, 9 And 14 P S A L M IX. 9 And he will judge the globe in righteoufnefs : He (hall pafsfentence on the peoples with equity ; 10 And Jehovah fliall ever be a defence for the opprefled, A feafonable defence in diftrefs. Chorus of Virgins, 1 1 All that know thy name fhall confide in thee, Becaufe thou doft not defert them that feek thee, O Jehovah. ToiitJj. 1 2 Sing ye concerning Jehovah, that dwelleth at Zion; Declare among the peoples his doings. He forgetteth not the crying of the afflided, 1 3 But, making inquilition for blood, he remem- bereth them. 14 Jehovah had pity on me, beholding mine af- flidion under them that hated me. Chorus of Virgins. Becaufe I am raifed from the gates of death, 15 Therefore I will rehearfe all thy praifes in th€ gates of the daughter of Zion ; I will exult in thy falvation. Toutk P S A L M X. 15 ToutL 16 The nations are funk into the pit they them- felves made. Their own foot is caught in the net they did fet. 1 7 Jehovah is known to execute judgement. The ungodly is entrapped in the work of his own hands. hSd }P^n 1 8 In the grave the ungodly ihall continue, And all the nations that forget God. Chorus of Virgins. 19 But never lliall the deflitute forget. That thou wik not ever, difappoint the hope of the affli6led. 20 Arife, O Jehovah, that mortal man prevail not ; Let the nations be judged before thy prefence! 21 Put, O Jehovah, a dread upon them. That the nations may know themfelves to be mortals. ■ w Herefore, O Jehovah, flandeft thou at fuch a diftance, Dofl i6 P S A L M X. Dofl thou hide thyfelf fo long in the time of diftrefs ? 2 With pride the ungodly perfecuteth the af- fliaed, He catcheth him by the fraud he hath dcvifcd : 3 For the ungodly is mad for the delire of his foul. And woundeth the weak, defpifing Jehovah. 4. The ungodly, in the pride of his wrath, never feeketh after God ; 5 All his devices are profane, his ways are fo at all times. Becaufe thy judgements are high above him, he defpifeth all his enemies ; 6 H faith in his heart, *^ I fhall not be moved; *' Through generation and generation I fhall go on without calamity.'* 7 His mouth is full of curling, and fraud, and deceit -, Under his tongue are oppreffion and iniquity. 8 ' He fitteth in fecret corners of caves. That he may flay the innocent in fequeftered places ; His eyes are on the innocent, he marketh him out as a prey ; 9 He lurketh in a fequeftered place; Hke a lion. In the covert he lurketh to flay the afflidted. The poor is taken by his alluring ; 10 In P S A L M X. 17 10 In his net he is cruflied, he is brought down. When the poor fall by his ftrength, 1 1 He faith in his heart, ^^ God hath forgotten, ^^ He hath covered his face, he will never fee.*' 12 Arife, O Jehovah, my God, lift up thine hand, forget not the afflided ! 13 Wherefore fhould the ungodly defpife God, 14 Should he fay in his heart, that thou wilt not feek to fee it ? But thou wilt fee opprefTion and vexation : In thine hand the poor is left ; Thou alone an the helper of the orphan. 15 Breaking the power of the ungodly and the wicked, Punifh the impious, and let him be no more. 16 O Jehovah, eternal king, let the heathen pe- rifli from the land ! 17 Since thou hearefl the defire of the afflidted, O Jehovah, eflablifli their heart, 18 And let thine ear liften to the caufe of the or- phan and the oppreflcd ! Let mortal man no longer be opprefTive in the earth. XL i8 P S A L M XL XL 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, By Pavid. BY Jehovah I am protecled ; How fay ye then to my foul, '^ Flee to the mountains^ hke a bird ?** 2 When, lo, the ungodly bend their bows. And fet their arrows on the firing. To fnoot fecretly at the jufl of heart, 3 When fundamental laws are fubverted. What fhould the righteous do ? 4 Jehovah is in his holy fandluary, Jehovah is in the heavens his throne ; . His eyes contemplate the poor. His eye-lids examine the fons of Adam. 5 Jehovah examineth the righteous and the wicked ; But he hateth the man that loveth violence. 6 He fhowereth on the ungodly balls of fire and fulphur, And a tempeftuous wind is the portion of their cup. ^ For the righteous Jehovah loveth righteoufnefs. The jufl fhall behold his countenance. XIL PSALM XIL 19 XII. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David, with the Harp of Eight Strings. SAVE me, O Jehovah, for the pious arc confumed. The fpeakers of truth are reduced to a few among mankind. They fpeak vanity each to his neighbour : The flattering hps fpeak from a falfe heart. Let Jehovah cut off all the flattering lips, The tongue that fpeaketh great things. Which fay, '^ With our tongue we will be flrong, ^' Our lips flial] be for us : '' Who is lord over us ?" " Becaufe of the mifery of the afflided, '^ Becaufe of the lighing of the deftitute, ^^ I will now arife," Jehovah faith, *^ I will place the affli6ted in fafety from the enemy that layeth fnares for him." The words of Jehovah are pure words. As filver purified in the furnace, And gold refined leven times. Do thou, O Jehovah, preferve us. Defend us from this generation for ever. The ungodly flalk proudly about. While villainy is exalted among mankind. C 2 XIII. ac PSALM XIII. XIII. 1 70 HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David. 2 T T O W long, O Jehovah, wilt thou forget ^ -*- me ? For ever ? How long wilt thou hide thy countenance from me ? 3 How long wilt thou give pain to my foul, Afflidlion to mine heart day and night ? How long (liall my foe be exalted over me ? 4 Regard me ! Anfwer me, O Jehovah, my God; Enlighten mine eyes, left I ileep in death, 5 Left my foe fay, '' I have prevailed," And mine enemies exult, becaufe I am re- moved. 6 Since I confide in thy mercy. Let mine heart exult in thy falvation. I will fing unto Jehovah, when he hath been kind unto me. And I will chaunt the name of Jehovah the moft high. XIV. PSALM XIV. 21 XIV. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David. TH E fool faid in his heart, ^' There is no God." They were corrupt, they committed abomi- nable iniquity ; There was none that did good, not even one. Jehovah from heaven looked down on the children of Aram, To fee if there were one wife, feeking after God. They were all perverted together, they ftank ; There w^as none that did good, not even one ; And the workers of iniquity knew not God. They utterly devoured my people ; They called not on the name of Jehovah. Here they were greatly terrified, becaufe God was with the generation of the righteous. They made a mock of the counfel of the af- flicted, becaufe Jehovah was his refuge. Who giveth from Zion falvation unto Ifrael. Becaufe Jehovah turneth tiie captivity of his people, Jacob exulteth, Ifrael rejoiceth. C 3 XV. 22 P S A L M XV. XVL XV. Jehovah, who fhall fojourn in thy ta- bernacle ? V/ho (liall dwell upon thine holy mountain ? •o He that proceedeth uprightly, and adeth righteouily. And that fpeaketh the truth from his heart. Neither is there flander in his tongue. Nor doth he mifchief to his friend. Nor bringeth he difgrace on his neighbour ; (The worthlefs is defpifed in his eyes. But he honoureth them that fear Jehovah) That fweareth unto a friend, and doth not de- ceive him ; That pu|;teth not his money unto ufury. Nor taketh a bribe againft the innocent : He that adeth thus (hall not be removed. XVI. A WRITING BY DAVID. Reserve me, O God, for I take refuge in thee! 2 I have PSALM XVI. £3 2 I have faid unto Jehovah, ^* Thou art my Lord ; ^' Good diing;s all are from diee/' o 3 As for die divinities which are on the earth. And die mighty ones, I have no delight in them. 4 Their idols are many, after them men haften ; I would not pour out their libations of blood. Neither would I utter their names with my lips. 5 O Jehovah, thou hail appointed my portion and my cup. Thou art the fupporter of my lot ; 6 A pleafmg poffeffion is allotted me. Yea, I have an agreeable inheritance. 7 I blefs Jehovah, becaufe he hath inftruded me : Though in the night my reins chaftife me, 8 I account Jehovah before rae alway ; While he is on my right hand, I fhall never be removed. 9 Surely mine heart fhall rejoice, And my liver iliall exult; Yea, my fieili (liall remain with hope, 10 That thou wilt not leave my foul in the grave, Thou wilt not fuffer thine holy one to fee cor- ruption ; 1 1 Thou wilt flicw me the path of life ; I Ihall be filled with joy in thy prefence, Withj)leafure at thy right hand forever. ' C 4 XVII. 24 PSALM XVIL XVII. 1 " A PRAYER BY DAVID. HEAR, O righteous Jehovah, attend to my cry, Liflen to my prayer that cometh from lips free from deceit ; 2 Let judgement in my favour proceed from thy prefence. Let thine eyes behold that which is juft. 3 Thou haft examined mine heart, thou haft over- looked me in the night ; Thou haft tried me, thou didft find no ill device in me, 4 Nor doth my mouth tranfgrefs in the works of mankind. According to the word of thy lips I keep from the paths of ruin, 5 Direding my treading in thy ways. That my footfteps may not flip. 6 I invoke thee^ furely thou wilt anfwer me, O God ; Incline thine ear unto m.e, hear my words, 7 O thou that fheweft thy mercies wonderfully. That faveft them that truft in thee, from thofe that rife up againft them. - 8 With PSALM XVII. 25 8 With thy right hand guard me as the fight, the pupil of an eye ; Under the (hadow of thy wings hide me 9 From the ungodly that would defpoil me. The enemies of my foul encompafs me ; 10 They have clofed their net upon me; 1 1 Their mouths fpeak proudly ; Even now they ftalk round me. 12 They fix their eyes on me like a lion That watcheth for prey, couching on the ground. And like a young lion that abideth in a thicket. 13 Arife, O Jehovah, prevent them, make them bend ! Let thy fword deliver me from the ungodly, 14 Thine hand, O Jehovah, from mortals. Scatter the mortals of this age. Their belly is fliU of fwine's flefh and mice ; Their fons are fatiated, and they leave the remnant to their little ones. 15 As for me, with righteoufnefs I contemplate thy countenance, I am fatisfied when thy glory awaketh. XVIIL 26 PSALM XVIIL - XVIII. I TO KIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. By David, the Servant of Jehovah, who compofed the words- of this fong, when Jehovah had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and ^ from the hand of Saul: and he faid, I LOVE thee exceedingly, O Jehovah, my itrength. Chorus. 3, Jehovah is my defence and my flrong hold, and my deliverance ; My God is my faftnefs in which I take refuge. My fhield, and the horn of my falvation, and mine high place. 4 Singing praife, I alway invoke Jehovah, And I am faved from my foes. 5 The billows of death ruQied upon me, And the torrents of Belial terrified me ; 6 The cords of the grave did furround me. The fnares of death prevented me : 7 In my trouble I invoked Jehovah, And I did cry unto my God : He from his fltnftuary heard my voice, And my crying unto him reached his ears ; 8 Then PSALM XVIIL 27 S Then the earth reeled and trembled. And the foundations of the mountains were fhaken. And they did quake, becaufe his indignation was hot. 9 The fmoke afcended from his noflrils. And fire from his mouth devoured ; The coals flamed from it, 10 And he bent the heavens and came down. And it was dark under his feet ; 1 1 And he rode on a cherub^ and dew, And moved fwiftly upon the wings of the wind ; I 2 And he made darknefs his covering, That which encompaffed him his pavihon, Watery darknefs in clouds of the iky. 13 From the brightnefs before him the clouds pafTed away. They kindled into coals of fire, 14 And Jehovah thundered throughout the hea- vens, And the moft high uttered his voice : 15 And he fent forth his arrows, and fcattered them, And he darted many lightnings, and made them roar. 16 Then the channels of the feaAvere feen. And the foundations of the globe were un- veiled At 28 P S A L M XVII!. At the rebuke of Jehovah, At the breath of the bhfh of his wrath. 17 He fent from on high, he took me. He drew me oi^t of the great waters, 18 He protedted me from my miighty foe. And from thofe that hated ine when they were ftronger than I was. 1 9 They prevented me in the day of my calamity. But Jehovah was a fupport unto me, 20 And he brought me forth to a large place ; He dehvered me, becaufe he delighted in me. 21 Jehovah always rewardeth me according to my righteoufnefs. According to the purity of mine hands he re- quiteth me. 22 When I keep to the ways of Jehovah, And am not impioufiy difobedient to my God, 23 When all his judgements are before me. And I rem.ove not his ftatutes from me, 24 And I am blamelefs before him. And I keep myfelf from iniquity ; 25 Then Jehovah reWardeth me according to my righteoufnefs. According to the purity of mine hands in his fight. David. 26 Wirh the merciful thou ilicweli thyfelf mer- ciful, Witii PSALM XVIIL Z9 With the blamelefs man thou (lieweft thyfelf blamelefs, 27 With the purified thou fhewed thyfelf pure. With the perverfe thou dofl wreftle. 28 Surely thou dofl: alway fave the affli6led peo- ple. And thou doft always humble the haughty eyes : 29 Truly thou doft make my lamp fhuie^ O Je- hovah ; O my God, thou enlightened my darknefs : 30 Surely through thee I could rout an hod, And through my God I could bound over a rampart. Chorus, 31 God, perfect is his way, The word of Jehovah is pure. He is a fhield to all that take refuge under him. 32 But who is a deity except Jehovah? And who is a defence unlefs our God ; 33 The God that girdech me with ftrength. And cleareth my ways perfe<5lly, 34 Rendering my feet equal to thofe of the hart. While he enableth me to ftand on the chfTs, «5 Inftrudling mine hands in war. So that mine arm can draw a bow of brafs ? 30 PSALM XVIII. David. 56 Thou dofl give me the fhield of thy falvation. And thy right hand upholdeth me, ' And thy kindnefs maketh me great ; 37 Thou makefh room for my footfteps under me. So that the foles of my feet do not flide. 38 I purfue mine enemies, and overtake them. Neither do I turn again, until they are de- ftroycd. 39 I wound them fo that they are not able to fland. They fall beneath my feet. 40 While thou girdefl me with warlike ftrength. Thou makeft them that rife up againft me bend under me, 41 And thou delivereft unto me the neck of my foes, Thofe that hate me, and I utterly deftroy them : 42 They cry, and there is none to fave ; Unto Jehovah, and he doth not anfwer them ; 43 And I grind them as fmall as the duft that llieth in the wind, I trample them to pieces as the mire of the ftreet. 44 Thou dofl deliver me from the feditions of the people. Thou dofl make me a ruler of nations : A people, I knew not, ferve me, 45 With an attentive ear they hearken unto me : 4 Foreign PSALM XVIIL 31 Foreign nations fubmit themfelves unto me ; 46 Foreign nations are confounded, and they fhud- der within their fortrelTes. Chorus. 47 Jehovah and my bleffed defence liveth. And the God of my falvation is exalted, • 48 The God that avengeth me. While he fubdueth peoples under me. David, 49 O my deliverer from my foes. Truly thou exaltefl me above thofe that rife up againft me ; 50 Thou doft ever proted me from the man of violence : Therefore I will praife thee among the nations^ O Jehovah, And of thy name I will fmg. Ckofus, 51 Giving great falvation to his king. He will ever ad mercifully toward his anointed. Toward David and his feed for ever. XIX, 32 PSALM XIX. XIX. I TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, A Pfalm by David. 2. rir^HE heavens proclaim the glory of God; A The firmament declareth the work of his hands. 3 Day unto day abundantly uttereth this ; And night unto night maketh known Jehovah. 4 There is no fpeech, neither is there language. But that their voice is heard ; 5 Throughout the whole earth their voice fpread- eth. And to the utmoft limit of the univerfe their words. In them he hath placed a tabernacle for the fun ; 6 And he, like a bridegroom, cometh forth from his chamber ; He exulteth, like one that is ftrong, in running his courfe. 7 From the extremity of the heavens he fetteth out. And his circuit is to their utmofl limits. And nothing is hidden from his heat. I'l le PSALM XIX. 33 8 The law of Jehovah is perfed, reftoring the foul ; The tefhimony of Jehovah is fure, making wife the fimple ; 9 The precepts of Jehovah are right, rejoicing the heart ; The commandment of Jehovah is clear, en- lightening the eyes ; 10 The fear of Jehovah is pure, enduring forever; The judgements of Jehovah are truth, they are altogether righteous ; 1 1 More defirable than gold, and than much fine gold. And more fweet than honey, and the dropping of honeycombs ; 12 Yea, thy fervant is enlightened by them ; In obferving them the confequence is great. 13 Who can difcern bis errors ? Cleanfe me from fecret crimes ! 14 Yea, from prefumptuous fins reftrain thy fer- vant ! Let them not have dominion over me ! That I may be virtuous. And guiltkfs of great fin. 15 Pleafing be the words of my mouth. And the meditation of mine heart before thee, O Jehovah, my ftrong hold, and my redemp- tion. D XX. 34 PSALM XX. XX. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David. Chorus, z XEhovah anfwereth thee always in the day %} of diftrefs. The name of the God of Jacob exalteth thee: 3 He fendeth thine help from the fandtuary. And from Zion he fupporteth thee : 4 He remembereth all thine oblations. And he confumeth thy burnt offerings with fire. rhu 5 He giveth thee all thy willies. And he maketh all thy counfels fucceed. 6 We rejoice in thy fafety. While through the name of our God we grow great. Jehovah fulfilleth all thy requefts, David, y Now do I acknowledge that Jehovah hath faved-. his anointed, He anfwereth him alway from his holy heavens With the might of his faving right hand. Chorus, PSALM XXL 35 chorus. 8 Some with chariot, and fome with horfes ; But we with the name of Jehovah, our God, are ftrong. 9 They bow, they fall ; But we are rifen, and Ihall continue ftill. 10 Jehovah hath faved the king; He anfvvereth us ahvay, when we invoke him. XXI. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY* A Pfalm by David. O Jehovah, in thy flrength a king (hall re^ joice, And in thy falvation he fhall greatly exuh; Thou haft granted him the defire of his heart. And thou haft not withheld the requeft of his lips: n^D For thou preventeft him with bleffings of good. Thou fetteft a crown of pure gold on his head. He afked of thee life. Thou giveft him length of days to all eternity. His glory fliall be great through thy falvation ; D 2 Thou 36 PSALM XXI. - Thou wilt place upon him majefty and honour; y For thou wilt make him a bleffing for ever. Thou wilt tranfport him with joy in thy pre- fence ; S Becaufe that king confideth in Jehovah, And through the mercy of the mofl high he (hall not be moved. 9 Thine hand fliall be felt by all thine enemies, Thy right hand fliall find them that hate thee; 10 Thou fhalt place them in a furnace of fire in the time of thy wrath. Jehovah with his anger fliall burn them up. And the fire fliall devour them. 1 1 Their fruit fliall perifli from the earth. And their feed from among the fons of Adam, 1 2 Becaufe they intended mifchief againft thee ; They meditated a defign they were not ahle-U acco'jjplijh ; 1 3 While thou flialt make them a defolation. In thine excellence thou flialt be efhabliflied be- fore their faces : 14 Jehovah fliall exalt thee, we will fing of thy might, And we will celebrate thy power. XXIL ^M PSALM XXII. 37 XXII. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. An earnell Petition for iVid. A Pfalm by David. Y God, my God, wherefore haft thou deferted me ; Art thou fo far from my crying, from the words of my roaring ? 3 O God, I cry in the day, and thou anfwereft not. And in the night I have no reft. 4 But, O thou that inhabiteft the fanduary, The fongs of Ifrael are, 5 ^^ In thee our fathers trufted, / ^^ They trufted, and thou didft alway dehver them : 6 " They did cry unto thee, and they were re- fcued, ^^ They trufted in thee, and they were not put to fhame." 7 But I am a worm, and not a man ; The fcorn of the human race, and the contempt of the people. S All that fee me deride me, D 3 They 38 PSALM XXII. They diftort their lips, they (hake their heads^ Jaying, 9 ^^ He trufted in Jehovah, let him deliver him ; ^^ Let him proted him, fmce he deUghted in him/* 10 Surely thou didft draw me forth from the womb, O thou in whom I trufted when at the breaft of my mother. J I To thee I have been devoted from my birth ; From the womb of my mother thou haft been my God. 1 2 Be not far from me, for diftrefs is near, There is none to help me. 13 Many fteers furround me. The mighty bulls of Bafan encompafs me : 14 They open their mouths againft me. Like a ravenous and roaring lion. 15 As water I might be poured out. And all my hones are diffolved ; Mine heart is become like wax. It is melted in die midft of my bowels. 16 My moifture is dried away like that of a potf- herd. And my tongue cleaveth to my jaws. And death will place me in the duft, 1 7 While dogs furround me, The crowd of the wicked encompafs me ; They pierce mine hands and my feet ; 4 18 They PSALM XXII. 39 1 8 They count all my bones, They gaze, they flare at me : 19 They divide my raiment in portions among them, And upon my clothing they cad lots. 20 But, O Jehovah, be not thou far diftant, O my ftrength, haften to aid me. 21 Proted my life from the fword. My folitary flate from the hand of dogs ; 22 Save me from the mouth of the Hon, And mine afflided condition from amidfl the horns of the unicorns. 23 I will celebrate thy name among my brethren. In the midft of the congregation I will praife thee, /aywg, 24 *^ O ye that fear Jehovah, praife him, ' ^^ O all ye feed of Jacob, glorify him, ^' And ftand in awe of him, O all ye feed of Ifrael ; 25 " Becaufe he neither defpifeth nor hateth the afflided ftate of the miferable, '^ Nor hideth his face from him, but, when he crieth unto him, he hearkeneth." 26 My fong of praife in the great congregation (hall be of thee, Sayings ^^ My vows I will pay before them that fear him : 17 '' The afflided fliall eat and be fatisfied. D 4 " Let 40 PSALM XXIII. " Let all that feek him praife Jehovah, *^ That maketh their heart to live for ever. 28 ^^ Let all the limits of the earth recoiled, and return to Jehovah ; '^ And let all the tribes of the Heathen fall proflrate before him ; 29 ^f For unto Jehovah belongeth the fovereignty, " And the dominion over the nations. 30 ^^ Let all the inhabitants of the earth worftiip at his temple ; ^^ Let all that go down to the duft bend before him ; '^ Becaufe my foul fhall live through him, 31 *^ My feed fliall ferve him, it fhall bear record concerning Jehovah, 32 " To the rifing generation they (hall relate his righteoufnefs, '^ To the people that fhall be born what he hath done." XXIII. I A PSALM BY DAVID. Fir/l Singer, J Eh OVA H is my lliepherd, I fhall never want ; 2 In pleafant places full of grafs he maketh me repofe ; Unto PSALM XXIV. 41 Unto waters inviting to reft he gently leadeth me; 3 He reftoreth my foul, he guideth me in the paths of righteoufneji. Second Singer, 4 Through thy name, though I walk through the vale of the fliadow of death, I dread not any evil, for thou art my fupport. Thy fceptre and thy ftalf, they comfort me. 5 Thou fpreadeft a table before me, In the prefence of my foes thou anointeft mine head with oil. My cup is full of liquor. Both, 6 Ah ! may thy goodnefs and mercy follow mc throughout my life. That I may dwell in thine houfe, O Jehovah, for a length of days. XXIV. A PSALM BY DAVID, T Leader of a Procejfion, O Jehovah belongeth the earth, and that which filleth it. The 42 . PSALM XXIV. The globe, and thofe that dwell on it. 2 For he on the waters laid its foundations. And on the conflux of the waters he eftabliflied it. The Perfons of the Proceffion, 3 Who fliall afcend the mountain of Jehovah, And who fhali ftand in his holy place ? The Leader of the Procejfion, 4 The clean of hands and pure of heart. Who doth not lift up his foul unto vanity, IS either fwear with intention to deceive, 5 Shall obtain a blefiing from Jehovah, And the reward of righteoufnefs from the God of his falvation. The Perfons of the Procejfion . 6 Such is the generation of them that feek and defire thy countenance, O God of Jacob, The Leader of the ProceJJton, 7 Lift ye up, O gates, your heads. And be ye lifted up ye antient doors, That the King of Glory may enter. Priefls in the Tabernacle* 8 Who is this King of Glory ? Leader of the Procejfion^ Jehovah ilrong and mighty, Jehovah mighty in Yv\ir. PSALM XXV. 43 The Perfons of the ProceJ/lon, 9 Lift ye up, O gates, your heads. And be lifted up ye antient doors. That the King of Glory may enter. Pr'iejls in the Tabernacle, 10 Who is he, this King of Glory ? The Perfons of the Procejfion. Jehol^ah, Lord of Hods ; he is the King of Glory. XXV. 1 BY DAVID. Ftrjl Singer, NTTNTO thee, O Jehovah, I lift up my U foul. 2 ^ In thee I have trufted, that I fhould not be put to confulion. Let not my foes exult over me, O God 1 3 Jl Yea, let not all that await on thee be con- founded. But let the traitorous be confounded in their vanity. 4 *1 O Jehovah^ inftrud me in thy ways, Teach 44 PSALM XXV. Teach me thy paths. 5 n Dire6t me with thy truth^ and teach me. For thou art the God of my falvation, 1 And I depend on thee every day. 6 ? Call to mind, O Jehovah, thy compaflioD and thy mercies. For they have exifted from all eternity; 7 n Call not to mind the fins of my youth and my tranfgreflions ; ^ According to thy mercy remember me, be- caufe of thy goodnefs, O Jehovah. Second Singer, 8 D Jehovah is good and juft, Therefore he inftrudeth finners in the vvay^ 9 ** He diredeth the meek into judgement. And teacheth the humble his way. 10 D All the paths of Jehovah are mercy and truth To them that keep his covenant and his tef- timonies. Fir^ Singer. 1 1 7 For the fake of thy name, O Jehovah, have pity on me. And forgive my fin, though it be great. Second Singer. 1 2 rj Who is the man that feareth Jehovah ? He will inflrud him in the way he lliould chocfe ; ■ 13 : He PSALM XXV. 45 13 !J He fhall continue in profperity. And his feed fliall inherit the land. 14 D The counfel of Jehovah is in favour of them that fear him. And he teacheth them his covenant. 15 i? Mine eyes are conftantly on Jehovah, For he deHvereth my feet from the net. FitJI Singer. 16 ^ Have regard to me, and have pity on me. For I am foHtary and affli6led. 1 7 '^ ReHeve the diftreifes of mine heart. And extricate me from my difficulties. 18 p Shorten mine afflidion and my travail. And take away entirely the puniilmient of my fin. 19 1 Look on my foes^ for they are numerous. And they hate me with violent enmity. 20 fe^ Preferve my foul and proted me. That I may not be confounded^ for I trufl in thee. 21 n Let integrity and jufliice preferve me, Becaufe I depend on thee, O Jehovah. BotL 22 Refcue Ifrael, O God, out of all his diftreffes. XXVI. 46 PSALM XXVI. XXVI. 1 BY DAVID. GIVE fentence in my favour, O Jehovah (For I have walked uprightly. While I have trufted in Jehovah that I (hould not be removed). 2 Examine, O Jehovah, and prove me. Try my reins and my heart, 3 For piety toward thee hath been before mine eyes. And I have condu6led myfelf according to thy truth. 4 I never fat with vain perfons. Neither have I walked with the dilfemblers. 5 I deteft the aifembly of the wicked, And I never continue with the ungodly. 6 I wa(h mine hands in innocency. That I may be converfant near thine altar, O Jehovah, 7 To be heard with the found of adoration. And to recount all thy wonders. 8 O Jehovah, I love the habitation of thine ho- linefs. And the place of the dwelHng of thy glory. 9 Take not away my foul with the fmful, And PSALM XXVII. 47 And my life with the men of blood, 10 In whofe hands is fraud. And their right hand is full of bribery. 1 1 Becaufe I have walked uprightly, refcue me, 1 2 And have pity on me, for my foot hath trod in the right way ! In the congregation I will blefs thee, O Jehovah. XXVII. 1 " BY DAVID, David, JEhovah is my light and my falvation, whom fliould I fear ? Jehovah is the flrength of my life, whom fliould I dread ? 2 W^hen the wicked advanced againft me to de- vour my flefli. Mine enemies, and they that hated me. They themfelves {tumbled and fell : 3 Though an hoft fhould encamp againft me, mine heart would not fear ; Though war fliould arife againft me, in this I would confide. 4 One thing I have afked of Jehovah, which I de- fire, That 4S PSALM XXVIL "that my dwelling may be in the houfe of Je« hovah all the days of my life. To contemplate Jehovah with pleafure. And to fearch in his fanduary ; 5 For he could conceal me in his pavilion in the day of evil ; He could hide me under the covering of his tabernacle ; He could fet me up on a rock, 6 And prefently could exalt mine head above my foes that furround me. And I fhould offer in his tabernacle facrifices of praife, 1 fliould fing and chaunt unto Jehovah. 7 ^^ Hear, O Jehovah, my voice when I cry, 8 ^^ Have pity on me and anfwer me !" (unto thee faid mine heart) 9 " My face feeketh thee, thy countenance, O Jehovah, I do feek; ^^ Hide not thy face from me, *• Turn not away from thy fcrvant in anger ; *^ Thou art mine help, do not defert me, " Neither forfake me, O God of my falvation. 10 *' Though my father and my mother forfake me, " Yet let Jehovah take me up. 11 " Infhrud me, O Jehovah, in thy way, '^ And lead me in the path of righteoufnefs be- caufe of mine enemies : 11 '' De- PSALM XXVIII. 49 12 " Deliver me not over unto the will of mine adverfaries T' Though falfe witnelTes rofe up againft me, and fpake violently, 13 I believed that I fliould fee the goodnefs of Je- hovah in the land of the livine. Chorus, 14 Wait with rehance on Jehovah. Be firm, and ftrengthen thine heart, And wait with rehance on Jehovah. XXVIII. ^ BY DAVID. -?/V/^ Singer, UNTO thee, O Jehovah, I cry, O my God, be not deaf unto me. Left, if thou be infenfible toward me, Then I Oiould become like them that are gone down to the grave. 2 Hear the voice of my petition on my crying to thee. When I lift up mine hands to thy holy fane- tuary. 3 Number me not with the ungodly, And with the workers of iniquity, VOL. I. E That so - PSALM XXVllL That fpeak peaceably to their neighbours. When evil is in their heart. 4 Give unto them according to their work. And according to the evil of their doings. Give unto them according to the deeds of their hands^ Return their reward unto them. Second Singer, 5 Becaufe they attend not to the work of Je- hovah, ^' And the deeds of his hands, 6 Let the bleiTed Jehovah pull them down, and not build them up. When he heareth the voice of my petition. 7 Jehovah is my ftrength and my (hield. In him my heart trufteth. That I fiiould be affifted and my flefh fliould exult, And with my fong I fhould pay homage to him. 8 Jehovah is the ftrength of his people. And he confirmeth the falvation of his anointed. Both. 9 Save thy people, and blefs thine inheritance. And fec4 them and lift them up for ever. XXIX. PSALM XXIX. 51 XXIX. t A PSALM BY DAVID. ASCRIBE unto Jehovah, ye fons of the mighty, Afcribe unto Jehovah glory and might, 2 Afcribe unto Jehovah the honour due unto his name^ Fall proftrate before Jehovah with holy reve- rence. 3 The voice of Jehovah is above the waters ; The glorious God thundereth, Jehovah — above the great waters. 4 The voice of Jehovah is ftrong, The voice of Jehovah is majeftic ; 5 The voice of Jehovah breaketh the cedars. Yea, Jehovah can break the cedars of Lebanon^ 6 And can make Lebanon bound like an hind calf. And Sirion Hke an young unicorn. 7 The voice of Jehovah fcattereth flames of fire, 8 The voice of Jehovah can fhake the wildernefs, Jehovah can (hake the wildernefs of Cades ; 9 The voice of Jehovah can fhake the oaks. And can llrip the forefts : And in his fanduary every thing deckreth his glory. E 2 Jehovah 52 PSALM XXX. 10 Jehovah prefided over the dckige, And Jehovah remaineth king to eternity 1 1 Jehovah giveth might to his people, Jehovah bleffeth his people with peace. XXX. 1 A PSALM. An Ode on taking pofTeffion of the Houfe hullt for David. Davtd. 2 *¥* ^^^^^^ extol thee, O Jehovah, becaufe thou A haft raifed me up, Becaufe thou haft not made my foes to triumph over me : 3 O Jehovah, my God, I cried unto thee, and thou didft heal me. 4 O Jehovah, thou haft raifed my foul from the grave. Thou haft reftored me to life from among thofc that defcended to the pit. Chorus of Attendants. 5 Sing ^'^e unto Jehovah, O his faints, And pay homage vvith commemorating his ho- linefs. 6 Though he rebuke in his wrath, » In PSALM XXX. SS In his favour is life ; Sorrow may tarry during a night. But in the morning there is joy. David. 7 When I faid in my profperity, I Ihall never be removed, 8 O Jehovah, with thy favour thou hadft fo ftrongly eftabhflied mine honour, Thou didft cover thy face, I became con- founded ; 9 I did cry unto thee, O Jehovah, And unto my Lord I did pray, faying^ 10 ^^ What profit is there in my blood, ^^ When I go down to the pit ? *^ Shall the duft praife thee ? ^^ Shall it declare thy truth? 1 1 " Hear, O Jehovah, and have pity on me, " O Jehovah, be thou mine aid !" 12 Thou didft change for me my wailing into dancing, Thou didft loofe my fackcloth. And thou didft gird me with joy ; 13 Therefore I will chaunt thee, O my glory, and will not be filent ; O Jehovah, my God, to eternity I will pay ho- mage to thee. E 3 XXXL 54 PSALM XXXL XXXI. I TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David. N thee, O Jehovah, I fought refuge, That I might not be put to confufion for ever ; Jaying, *^ Through thy righteoufnefs dehver me;i ^^ Incline thine ear unto me ! '' Hafle ! proted ir^e ! *' Be unto me as a flrong faftnefs, *^ As an houfe of defence to fave me. ^^ Surely thou art my rock and my defence, *' And for the fake of thy name thou wilt guide me, and gently lead me ; ^^ Thou wilt bring me out of this net they have fet for me, ^' For thou art my fupporter. '' Into thine hands I commend my fpirit. '^ Refcue me, O Jehovah, God of truth ! " Thou hated, O Jehovah, thofe that ferve vain idols J ^^ But I trufl in thee, O Jehovah. '^ I will exult and rejoice in thy mercy, ^' When thou haft beheld mine affli<5lion, 4 '' And PSALM XXXI. 55 ^^ And haft taken notice of my foul in diftrefs, 9 *^ And haft not lliut me up in the power of the enemy, ^^ But haft made my feet to ftand in a v/ide place. " Have pity on me, O Jehovah, for diftrefs is come upon me, 10 " Mine eye is wafted with vexation, '^ My foul and my body are dljjo'ved : 11 ^' For my life hath been confumed in afHiclion, '^ My years in fighing : " My vigour faileth through mifery, 12 ^^ And my bones are v/afted. ^^ Among mine enemies I am becom.e a re- proach, ^' A grief to my neighbours, " And a terror to thofe that were mine ac- quaintance : *' Seeing me in the ftreet they flee from me. 13 ^^ I am forgotten as one dead ; *' I am out of remembrance as a veilel that is deftroyed. 14 " Surely I hear the muttering of many that dv/ell round me, ^' While they conftilt together againft me, *^ They devife the taking away my life. 15 " But I truft in thee, O Jehovah, E 4 *^ Magnified be Jehovah/' 18 Becaufe I am afflided and deflitute, O Jehovah, they plot againil me, . Thou art mine aid and deliverance, O God, do not delay. XLL PSALM XLL 8r XLI. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David. 2 ^^ The happinefs of him that is wife ! He is V-^ never exhaufted ; In the day of calamity Jehovah deUvereth him, 3 Jehovah preferveth him, and keepeth Mm ahve. And maketh him to profper on the earth, And doth not give him up to the will of his foes. 4 Jehovah fupporteth him upon the bed of Ian- guor, Upon his refllefs bed in his ficknefs. 5 As for me, 1 fay, O Jehovah, have pity on me. Heal my foul though I have fmned againft thee. 6 Mine enemies conftantly fpeak againft me. Saying, " When (hall he die, and his name periOi ?" 7 And if they come to fee me, they fpeak falfe- hood, Their heart coUefleth mifchief againft me ; 8 They go out into the ftreet, they confpire againft me; VOL. I. G They 82 PSALM XLl. They that hate me whifper concerning mc ; They plot mifchief againft me ; 9 They pour out ill language at vsxq^ faying; '' Since he is down, may he rife no more !" I o Even the man I was at peace with, whom I con- fided in. He that did eat of my bread, hath lift up his heel againft me. I I But do thou, O Jehovah, have pity on me, 1 2 And raife me, that I may repay them for this. I know, if thou art pleafed with me, 1 3 My foe fliall not exult over me. But in mine integrity thou wilt fupport me. And wilt make me ftand before thy face for ever* ^he End of the Firft Book. 1 4 Bleffed be Jehovah, God of Ifrael, from all eter- nity, even for ever. Amen and amen- THE THE SECOND BOOK. XLII. I TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. An inftrudive Pfalm by the Sons of Korah. a A S an hart crieth for ftreams of water, Xx So my foul crieth for thee, O Jehovah ; 3 My foul thirfteth for God, for the living God. When fhall I go and behold the prefence of God! 4 My tears are my food day and night. While they fay to me daily, ** Where is thy God ?" 5 Thefe things 1 will call to mind, and I will pour out my foul within me, When I fhall pafs, with the affembly of the great, G 2 To 84 . PSALM XLIL To the houfe of God with the found of re- joicing, And of the pralfe of the feftal throng. 6 Why art thou cafl down, O my foul. And why art thou difturbed within me ? Put thy truft in God, for I will flill praife him, 7 The fafety of my perfon, and my God. My foul is caft down within me ; Therefore I call thee to mind, O God, in the land of Jordan and Hermon, from mount Mizar. 8 Deep foundeth unto deep with the noife of thy cataradls ; All thy billows and waves pafs over me, 9 By day ^' let Jehovah exert his mercy toward me,^' And by night my fong is a prayer to the liv- ing God. 10 I fay unto God, my rock, wherefore haft thou forgotten me ? Wherefore muft I go mourning, while the foe oppreffeth me ? 11 While they are breaking my bones, mine ^d- verfaries reproach me By PSALM XLIII. 85 By faying unto me ail the day, ^^ Where is thy God ?^' 1 2 Why art thou caft down, O my foul. And why art thou difturbed within me ? Put thy trufl in God, for I will ftill praife him. The fafety of my perfon, and my God. f GIVEfentence for me, O Jehovah, and plead my quarrel with an impious nation, Deliver me from a deceitful and unjuft man. When thou, O God, wert my flrength, where- fore haft thou caft me off ? Wherefore muft I go mourning, while the foe opprefTeth me ? Send forth thy light and thy truth ! Let them lead me, let them bring me To thine holy mountain and to thy dwelhng, That I may come to thine altar, O Jehovah, O God of the joy of mine exultation. That I may praife thee with the harp, O Jeho- vah, my God. Why art thou caft down, O my foul. And why art thou difturbed within me ? Put thy truft in God, for I will ftill praife him. The fafety of my perfon, and my God. G 3 XLIV. $6 PSALM XLIV, XLIV, TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. An Inllrudive Pfaim by the Sons of Korah. OGoD, we have heard with our ears, our fathers have related to us, The work thou wroughteft in their days, in the days of old. Thou didil extirpate the nations, but didil plant them. Thou didil deftroy the peoples, but madeft them (hoot forth. For they got not poffeffion of the land by their , own fword. And their own arm did not fave them. But thy right hand and thine arm. And the light of thy countenance, becaufe thou hadft a favour unto them. Thou, O my King and my God, didil ordain the falvation of Jacob. Through thee we did puih our foes. Through thy name we did trample on thofe that rofe up againfl us ; For not in our bow did we confide^ IS! either did our fword fave us, 8 But PSALM XLIV. S7 S But thou didft fave us from our foes. And didft difgrace thofe that hated us ; 9 Of God we fang all the day. And we did praife thy name for ever. H/D 10 But now thou haft eaft us off, and putteft us to confufion. Neither doft thou go forth with our hofts. 1 1 Thou turneft us back before the foe. And thofe that hate us defpoil us. 12 Thou delivereft us up, as ftieep, to be de- voured. And thou difperfeft us among the nations. 13 Thou doft fell thy people for no price. And fetteft not an high value on them. 14 Thou makeft us a contempt to thofe that dwell among us, A laughing-ftock and derifion to thofe around us ; 15 Thou makeft us a bye- word among the na- tions, A thing to ftiake the head at among the peoples. 16 All the day our confufion is before us. And ftiame of countenance covereth us, 1 7 Becaufe of the voice of the reviling and blaf- phemous. Before the hoftile and revengeful. 18 All this is come upon us. But we have not forgotten thee, G 4 Neither 88 PSALM XLIV. Neither have we broken thy covenant, 19 Nor hath our heart gone back, Nor hath our treading turned afide from thy way, 20 Though thou haft fmitten us into the lowefl place, And haft covered us with the (hadow of death. 2 1 If we did forget the name of our God, And did ftretch out our hands to any ftrange deity ; 22 Yea, God would difcover that. For he knoweth the moft fecret thoughts of the heart. 23 But for thy fake we are killed all the day. We are accounted as llieep for ilaughter. 24 Arife 1 wherefore lleepeft thou, O Jehovah ? Awake, and do not forget us for ever ! 25 Wherefore doft thou hide thy countenance, Doft thou forget our afflided and opprefTed ftate, 26 While our foul is bowed to the duft. Our body cleaveth to the ground ? 27 Arife, give aid unto us, Refcue us for the fake of thy nam^. XLV. PSALM XLV. 89 XLV. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. An inftruftive Pfalm with Six-ftringed Inftruments, by the Sons of Korah. An Ode of Love. 2 TVyf"^^^ heart boileth over with a good IVX fubjea:, I will rehearfc my work concerning the king. My tongue, move fwiftly, haftening to repeat. 3 Tliou art more beautiful than the fons of Adam, Grace is poured out from thy lips, Therefore may God blefs thee for ever. 4 Thy fword is girt on thy thigh ; Great is thy majefty and thy dignity. j Profper, ride on In the caufe of truth, and meeknefs^ and right- eoufnefs. And thy right hand Ihall (hower down terror. ^ Thine arrows fliall be fliarp, The peoples fhall fall beneath thee. f he Jons of thy bow jhall fierce into the heart of the advcrfaries. 7 O king, 90 PSALM XLV. 7 O king, God hath eflablifhed thy throne for ever and ever ; A fceptre of juftice is the fceptre of thy king- dom. 8 Thou loveft righteoufnefs, and thou hated im- piety. Therefore Jehovah, thy God, anointeth thee With the oil of gladnefs above thine equals, 9 With myrrh, and aloes,. and caffia. All thy garments are from the fandluary of Je- hovah. 10 The daughters of kings make thee rejoice amid thy coftly pomp : The queen ftandeth at thy right hand in gold of Ophir. 11 Hearken, O daughter, and confider, and in- cline thine ear. And forget thy people, and the houfe of thy father, 12 Becaufe the king loveth thy beauty; Surely he is thy lord. And be thou fubmiflive unto him. 1 3 Then the daughter of Tyre Jhall come with a prefent, The rich among the people Ihall attend thy prefence. 14 The PSALM XLV. 91 14 The king's daughter is very glorious; Her appearance is glorious with edging of gold; 15 Her vefture with needle work. She is brought with rejoicing unto the king, J 6 The maidens of her train, her companions. Coming with her, fhall be brought with re- joicing ; With gladnefs and exultation they (hall enter the palace of the king. 17 Thy fons fliall be in the place of thine an- ceftors. Thou (halt appoint them as princes throughout the whole earth. J 8 I will make thy name be remembered through- out every generation. So that the peoples ftiall praife thee for ever and ever. XLVI. 92 PSALM XLVL XLVI. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. An Ode, by the Sons of Korah together with Virgins. Sons of Korah, 2 /^ OD is our refuge and flrength, \J' He is our great aid in diftrefs. 5 Therefore we are not terrified if the earth do change. And if the mountains be removed into the midft of the fea : 4 The waves of it may rage and fwell ; The mountains may tremble at the heaving of it; rhn 5 But the ftreams of a brook refrefh the city of God, The holy habitation of the mod high. 6 God is in the midft of her, fhe (hall not be re- moved ; God fliall help her at the appearance of the morning. 7 The nations were in agitation, the kingdoms were in commotion ; He fpake with his voice, the earth melted with fear. PSALM XLVL 93 F"trgtns'. 8 Jehovah of hods is in our favour. The God of Jacob is our fortrefs. Sons of Korah, 9 Come, behold with aftonifhment the works of Jehovah, The wonders he hath wrought on the earth : 10 Making wars to ceafe to the utmofl limits of the earth. He breaketh the bow, and fnappeth the fpear. And burneth the chariots with fire. 11 Sayingy ^^ Be Hill, and acknowledge that I alone am God, " I am exalted above all nations, I am exalted above the earth." Virgins. 1 2 Jehovah of hofts is in our favour. The God of Jacob is our fortrefs. XLvn. 94 PSALM XLVIL XLVIL 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by the Sons of Korah. 2 /^ All my people, clap the hand, ling V-^ loudly to God with the voice of joy. 3 For Jehovah, the moft high, is worthy to be feared, a king great above all gods. 4 He fubdueth peoples under us, and nations un- der our feet ; 5 He choofeth with us our inheritance. The beautiful land of Jacob, which he loveth. 6 God is to be extolled with fhouts, Jehovah with the found of the trumpet. 7 Sing ye to God, fing ye ; fing to our king, fing ye : 8 For he is king of all the earth ; to God fing yc an exquiiite fong of praife. 9 God is king over '.the nations, God that fitteth on his holy throne. 10 The rulers of my people are coUeded before the God of Abraham ; Surely to God, our (hield, belongeth the earth, he is greatly to be extolled. XLVIIL PSALM XLVIII. 95 XLVIII. X AN ODE. A Pfalm by the Sons of Korah. Chorus of Men and Women, 2 ^^ REAT is Jehovah, and worthy to be V-X praifed exceedingly In the city of our God, his holy mountain ; 3 Beautifully lituated, the joy of the whole earth is mount Zion, The glorious walls of the city of the great king, 4 God is known in her palaces as a fure refuge. 5 For lo, the kings alTembled, and paiTed by to- gether ; 6 They fa^y, they were fo aflonifhed. They were confounded, they were hurried away with fear ; 7 Trembling feized them there. Pain like that of a woman in travail, 8 As Juddenly as the eaft wind wrecketh the fl^ipj of Tarlis. 9 Like as we have heard, fo have we feen Of the city of Jehovah of hofts. Of the city of our God, God eilabiiflieth her for ever. 96 PSALM XLVIII. Chorus of Women. I o We await thy mercy, O God, in the midfl of thy temple. II Like as thy fame, fo is thy praife, O God, To the utmoft limits of the earth. Righteoufnefs filleth thy right hand. 1 2 Mount Zion rejoiceth continually. The daughters of Judah exult Becaufe of thy judgments. Chorus of Men. 13 Go round Zion, and encompafs her. Count ye her buildings, 1 4 Contemplate her ilrength, Mark diftindlly her palaces. That ye may relate thefe things to pofterity. Chorus of Men and Women, 15 Surely this God (hall be our God for ever and ever. He fliall lead us to all eternity. XLIX. PSALM XLIX. 9;^ XLIX. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY* A Pfalm by the Sons of Korah. 2 T TEARKEN to this, all ye peoples, A JL Liften, all ye inhabitants of the earth, 3 Both men of obfcure birth, and men of family. Both wealthy and poor ; 4 My mouth (hall fpeak wife fentences. And the meditations of mine heart ihall be in- ftrudlion ; 5 I will attrad the ears with a parable, I will utter to the muiic of the harp dark fay- ings. 6 Wherefore (hould I fear in the days of calamity. When the wickednefs of the fraudulent fur- roundeth me, 7 Of thofe, who confide in their ftrenglh. Who boafl of the greatnefs of their wealth ? 8 No man can ranfom another. Nor give unto God an expiation for him^ 9 And the precious ranfom of his life. When it ceafeth for ever, 20 So that he might continue to eternity, VOL. I. H And 98 PSALM XLIX. And might not fee corruption. 1 1 But it is feen, fubtil men continually die. Together the deceitful and the fimple perilh. And they leave their fubflance to others, 12 And their tomb becometh their dwelling for ever, Their habitation for all generations. They call the lands after their own names, 13 Though a man of wealth, when he receiveth not inftru6lion, , Refembleth the beads, and is like them. 14 This is their way, the perverfenefs of them. And their pofterity run after their voice like (heep. rh^ 15 They are laid in the grave. Death feedeth upon them ; They defcend, as well as the righteous, to the tomb. And their flrength to deftrudion : The grave becometh their habitation, 16 But God ihall redeem my foul from the power of the grave, For he Ihall receive me. tlbo 1 y Fear not, when any one groweth rich. When the glory of his houfe is increafed, 1 8 For he (hall take away nothing at his death. Nor (hall his glory defcend after him. 19 Though P S A L M L. 99 19 Though he may make his foul happy while he hveth. And may be oppreflive, that thou may eft do him good, 20 Thou fhalt bring him to the habitation of his anceftors. He fhall fee the light no more. 21 A man of wealth, when he receiveth not in- flrudion, Refembleth the beafts, and is like them. L. 1 A PSALM BY ASAPH. TH E mighty God, Jehovah, fhall fpeak. And he (hall call the world from the rifing of the fun to the place of its fetting; 2 Out of Zion, which is perfeft in beauty, God fhall fhine forth ; 3 Our God fhall come, and fhall not be filent ; Fire fhall devour before him. And it fhall be exceedingly tempeftuous round him ; 4 He fhall call the heavens above, H 2 And loo P S A L M L. And the earth, when he judgeth his people \ 6 And the heavens Ihall declare his juftice. When God himfelf is judge. p]^D 5 " Gather my faints unto me, " That have made a covenant \vith me above facrifice : 7 ^' Hear, O my people, for I fpeak, ^^ O Ifrael, for I proteil unto thee, ^^ I am God, even thy God. 8 *' I reprove thee not on account of thy facri- fices, " Thy burnt offerings are alway before me ; 9 "I will not accept a fleer from thine houfe, '^ Nor he goats from thy folds ; 10 ^^ For to me belong all the animals of the fo- reft, " The beads on a thoufand hills : i\ ^^ \ know all the fowl of the heavens, ^^ And every living creature of the field is be- fore me : 12 '^ If I be hungry, I will not tell thee, ^^ For the univerfe, and all that is in it, belong to me. \^ ^' Shall I eat the flefh of bulls, '^ Or (hall I drink the blood of goats ? 14 '^ Sacrifice praife unto God, " And offer thy prayers to the mod high, 15 " And invoke me in the day of diftrefs, " And |P S A L M L. loi ^^ And I will deliver thee, and thou flialt glo- rify me." 1 6 But to the impious, God faith, ^^ What haft thou to do with the book of mine ordinances, '^ That thou fhouldft take my covenant in thy mouth, 17 " When thou hateft reformation, '^ And doft caft my word behind thee? 18 "If thou feeft a thief thou doft favour him, " And with the adulterers is thy portion. 19 " Thou employeft thy mouth in mifchief, " And thy tongue frameth deceit ; 20 " Thou fpeakeft falfely againft thy brother, " Thou uttereft fcandal againft the fon of thy mother. 21^^ Thefe things thou haft done ; and can I be filent ? ^^ Can I be ftill ? (hall I indeed be like thee ? " I will rebuke thee, and I will reckon for thy crimes." 22 Mark now this, ye that forget God, Left he tear you in pieces, and there be none to deliver : 23 " He that facrificeth praife glorifieth me, " And to him that is upright in the way I will ftiew my falvation.*' H 3 LI. loa PSALM LI. LI. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. 2 A Pfalm by David, when Nathan the Prophet came to him after that he had gone in to Bathfheba. 3 TTAVE pity on me, O God, according to JTJL thy goodnefs, According to the greatnefs of thy mercies blot out my crime ! 4 Wafli me thoroughly from my wickednefs. And cleanfe me from my fm ! ^ For I acknowledge my guilt. And my fm is conftandy before me. 6 I have finned privately againfl thee. And I have committed this evil before thy fight; Therefore thou art juft in thy faying. Thou art clear in thy judgment. 7 Lo, I was formed in iniquity. And my mother conceived me in lin : 8 Lo, thou loved truth. Teach me the hidden and fecret things of thy wifdom ; 9 Purge me with hyfTop, that I may be clean, Walli me, that I may be whiter than fnow. 10 Make me to hear of joy and gladnefs. That PSALM LI. 103 That the bones thou haft broken may rejoice. 1 1 Hide thy face from my fin, And blot out all mine iniquities ; 12 Create a pure heart in me^ O God, And renew a right fpirit within me ; 13 Rejed me not from thy prefence. And take not thine holy fpirit from me. 14 Reftore me the joy of thy falvation. And let a princely fpirit fupport me : 15 I will teach the guilty thy ways, And fmners fhall be converted unto thefe. 1 6 Deliver me from blood-guiltinefs, O God ! O God of my falvation, let my tongue cele- brate thy mercy ! 17 O Lord, open thou my lips. And my mouth Ihall declare thy pjaife. 18 For thou defireft not facrifice, that I fliould give it. Thou delighteft not in burnt oiferings. 19 The facrifices pleafmg unto God, are a broken fpirit, • An heart broken and contrite, O God, thou never defpifeft. 20 Be gracious with thy favour unto Zion, Build thou the walls of Jerufalem. 21 Then thou (halt be delighted with the facrifices of the righteous, H 4 The 104 PSALM LIL The burnt offerings and the fat ; Then (hall they offer fleers upon thine altar. LIL I TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. Z An inftrudlve Pfalm by David, when Doeg the Edomitc went and told Saul, and fald unto him, " David came to the Houfe of Ahimelech." David, 3 TT THEREFORE art thou mad, O thou V V mighty one, in doing evil ? 4 Thy tongue devifeth mifchief againft the pious all day long. Like a razor that is fharpened, executing flaughter. 5 Thou lovefl evil more than good, Falfehood more than fpeaking righteoufly, HvD 6 Thou lovefl all that fpeak of deflrudion, the deceitful tongue. 7 Truly God (hall deflroy thee for ever ; He fhall fcare thee, and fweep thee away from thy tabernacle. And thy root from the land of the living. H/D Chorus PSALM LII. 105 Chorus of his Followers, S Then the righteous fliall fee it, and (hall re- joice, And (hall laugh concerning him, faying^ 9 '^ Lo, the man that made not God his flrength, '^ But confided in the greatnefs of his wealth, ^^ And flrengthened himfelf in his wicked- nefs !" David, 10 But I (hall be flouriQiing in the houfe of God, like an olive tree ; I do confide in the mercy of God that endureth for ever and ever. 1 1 I will praife thee, O Lord, for ever, for thou a6teft with mercy and truth. And I will fpread abroad thy fame for ever before thy faints. LIIL io6 PSALM UIL LIIL 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. An inftrudlve Pfalm by David concerning Profanenefs. 2 nr^HE fool faid in his heart, ^' There is no X God." They were corrupt, and they committed abo- minable iniquity, There was none that did good, not even one, 3 God from heaven looked down on the children of Aram, To fee if there were one wife, feeking after God: 4 They were all perverted together, they flank ; There was none that did good, not even one; 5 And the workers of iniquity knew not God. They utterly devoured my people; They called not on the name of Jehovah. 6 Here they were greatly terrified w^hen there was no fear ; But God fcattered the flrength of the polluted ; They were put to confufion, becaufe God hated them, 7 Who giveth from Zion falvation to Ifrael ; But Jehovah turneth the captivity of his people; Jacob exultcth, Ifrael rejoiceth. LIV. PSALM UV, 107 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. An inflru£live Pfalm of David, to he accompanied with Mu* 2 fical Inllruments, 'written when the Ziphites went and faid unto Saul, ** Is not David " hidden among us?" 3 ^^ G0D5 for the fake of thy name fave me, V-/ And in thy might execute the fentence in my favour. 4 O God, hear my prayer, liften to the words of my mouth ; 5 For the proud are rifen up againft me. And deftroyers feek after my Hfe ; They fet not God before them. n7D 6 Behold thiSy O God, and aid me^ Lord, the fupport of my life ! 7 Let the evil return upon mine enemies, Deilroy them in thy truth. 8 I will facrifice unto thee with a free will ; 1 will praife thy name, for it is good. 9 But fave me from every diftrefs, And let mine eye fee vengeance on mine ene- mies. LV. iG>8 PSALM LV. LV. r TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. An inftrii6:ive Pfalm of David, to be accompanied with Mufical Inftruments. L Solo, I S T E N, O God, unto my prayer. And hide not thyfelf from my peti- tion ; Hearken unto me, and affift me ! 3 I am dejeded in my prayer, 4 Becaufe I am difturbed with the voice of the enemy, With the oppreffive violence of the impious. For they feek to bring evil upon me. And with fury they are fet againft me. 5 Mine heart is fick within me, and the terrors of death are fallen upon me ; 6 Fear and tremor come upon me, and horror covereth me ; 7 And I fay, ^' Who will give me wings ? '^ Like a dove I would fly away, and I would remain, t " Lo, I would get to a didance by fleeing, I would fojourn in the defert, 11 vD 9 *M would PSALM LV. 109 9 • ^"^ I would be fwift in efcaping from the impe- tuous blaft, *^ From the devouring whirlwind.'* so O Jehovah, divide their tongue. For I have {een rapine and fedition in the city, 1 1 Day and night they go round on her walls. 12 Both iniquity and violence are in tlie midft of her, Fraud is within her, Nor do wickednefs and deceit remove from her public places. 1 3 For it was not an open enemy that put me to difgrace, then I could have borne it ; It was not a foe that was too ftrong for me, then I had hidden myfelf from him ; 14 But thou, a man in mine eflimation mine equal, 15 And one that knew me, for we confulted fweetly together, Wc walked in the houfe of God with the con- gregation, i 6 Let death come upon them, let them defcend to the grave alive ; For v/ickednefs is in their dwelling, in the midft of them. 1 7 I cry unto God, that Jehovah may fave me ; 1 8 In the morning, evening, and noon, I pray. And I cry that he may hear my voice, Jayingy 19 ^f Deliver no PSALM LV. 19 *« Deliver my foul in peace from them that af- fault me, ^^ Though they come againft me with a mul- titude." Chorus* 20 Let God hear I And let him that inhabited antiquity, afflid them ; Becaufe there is no reformation in them. Neither do they fear God ; 21 They have laid hands on fuch as were at peace with them. They have broken his covenant. 22 Softer than butter were the words of their mouths, But war was in their heart ; Their words were fofter than oil. But they were drawn fwords. 23 Place thy reliance on Jehovah, And he himfelf (hall fupport thee. He will never fufFer the juft to be removed. Solo, The bloody and deceitful men fhall not live half their days, 24 Becaufe PSALM LVL ui 24 Becaufe thou, O God, (halt bring tlietn down to the pit of deftrudion ; But as for me, I will confide in thee, O God. LVL 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, On the Afflidion of the Warriors that were at a diilance from their native Country^ written by David when the Philiflines had him in Gath. 2 TTAVE pity on me, O God, for man tram- -■- -^ pleth on me. Making war all the day, he opprefleth me. Mine enemies trample on me the whole day, 3 For great are they that war againfl: me from an elevated ftation. 4 But \yhac fhould I fear ? I confide on thee : 5 Concerning God I ling, faying, ^^ I confide in God, I will not dread what flefli can do unto me." 6 AU the day they pervert my words againfl me. All their inventions are for mifchief. 7 They list PSALM LVL 7 They gather together, they watch me. They mark my fteps, as though they lay in wait for my life, 8 That there fhould be no efcaping from them. With fury fubdue the heathen, O God ! 9 Do thou remember my fear. Place my tears before thee, 10 Then (hall mine enemies be turned back. In the day I invoke thee ; 1 1 This I know, for thou art my God. Concerning Jehovah I fing, faying, 12 " I truft in God, I will not dread what man can do unto me." 13 Unto thee, O God, I will pay my vows, I will offer praifes unto thee, 14 When thou haft faved my foul from death, and my feet from ftumbling. To walk before thee, O God, in the light of die living. LVII. PSALM LVII. 113 LVII. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. Written down by David, that it might not be loft^ when he efcaped from Saul in the Cave, " T TAVE pity on me, O God, have pi- XX ty on me, ^^ For my foul feeketh refuge in thee, '^ That I may take flielter under the (hadow of thy wings, '^ While the mifchief palTeth by." I cry thus unto God, the moft high. Unto the God that is kind unto me. That he may fend from heaven and fa^^e me. Putting to difgrace them that trample on me. God fendeth his mercy and truth. He delivereth my foul from the midft of the lions, When I lie among the fiery fons oi men, Whofe teeth are fpears and arrows. And their tongue a Iharp fword. VOL, I. 1*6 Exalte 114 PSALM LVII. 6 Exalted above the heavens, O God, Above all the earth be thy glory. 7 They did fet a net for my feet, To reduce my foul they dug a pit before me ; They fell into the midil of it. piSo 8 Mine heart is prepared, I will fing and celebrate God, Yea, the glory of Jehovah. 9 Awake^ lute and harp, I will awaken the morning. 10 I will praife thee among the peoples, O Je- ,hovah, I will celebrate thee among the nations. 1 1 Yea, magnified unto the heavens be thy mercy, And unto the fkies thy truth. I a Exalted above the heavens, O God, Above all the earth be thy glory. LVIII. PSALM LVIII. 115 LVIir. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, Written down by David, that it might not be loft. DO ye indeed fpcak that which is juft, O ye judges ? Do ye adminifter juftice with integrity to the fons of men ? Yea, in your heart ye contrive oppreflion. Your hands commit rapine in the land. The ungodly err even from their birth. The fpeakers of faifehood go aftray even from the time of their nativity. They have poifon, like the poifon of a ferpent. Like that of the deaf afpic, which ftoppeth his ears. Which will not hear the voice of the charmer Skilful in chaunting incantations. God lliall break their teeth in their mouths, Jehovah fhall deftroy the grinders of the lions ; He fhall fet his arrows againft them, they fhall be entirely cut off; They fhall melt, like water they fhall flow from themfelves, I 2 9 Like ii6 PSALM LIX. 9 Like as the fliiiie of a fnail diftilleth ; Like an abortion, they fhall not fee the fun. 10 Sooner than the thorn could prepare your pots. Like a living animal in them, hot indignation fhall make them fhudder. 1 1 The righteous (liall rejoice, while he contem- plateth the vengeance, He fhall wafh his footfteps in the blood of the ungodly. 12 Then fhall men fay, " Truly there are rewards for the righteous, '^ Truly there is a God that judgeth the earth." LIX. [ TO HIM THAT-GIVETH VICTORY. Written down by David, that it might not be loft, when Saul fent, and they watched the Houfe to kill him. ^ TJROTECT me from mine enemy, O God! XT Exalt me above thofe that rife up againfl me. 3 Protedt me from the workers of iniquity. Save me from the blood-thirfty men ! 4 For lo, they lie in wait for my life,. The PSALM LIX. 117 The mighty men are gathered together againft me. But I have not tranfgreffed, nor committed of- fence, O Jehovah ; 5 Without any fault of mms they run, and make ready againft me. Arife at my cry, and behold this ! 6 And O thou Jehovah, God of hofts, God of Ifrael, awake : When thou punilheft all the heathen, fpare not all tbe/e deceivers. p^Q 7 They fit with a rabble, they make a diftur- bance. They go round the city like dogs, 8 Lo, they utter iniquity from their mouths. Reproaches from their y^ps, faywg^ '^ For who doth hear ?" 9 But, O thou Jehovah, make them a laughing- ftock. Turn them to derifion among all nations, 10 O my llrength, I will frng unto thee. When, O God, thou haft been my defence. 1 1 O God, let thy mercy prevent me, O God, have regard to me among mine ene- mies. 12 Slay them not, left my people forget it ; Scatter them through thy might. And fubdue them, O Jehovah, my fhield. I 3 13 Their ii8 PSALM LIX. 13 Their mouth and their lips utter that which is finful, Therefore let them be taken in their pride. Becaufe they fpeak with curfmg and falfehood^ 14 Scatter them with fury, fcatter them till there be none remaining ; That men may know that Jehovah ruleth in Jacob, And to the utmoft limits of the earth. nSj^ 15 They lit with a rabble, they make a diftur- bance, 16 Like dogs they go round the city, They wander about to devour ; If they be not fatisfied, they fpend the night in howling. 1 7 But I will fing thy might. And in the morning will celebrate thy mercy. When thou haft been my faftnefs. And an afylum to me in the day of diftrefs. 1 8 O my ftrength, I will fing unto thee. When thou haft been my defence, O God ©f mercies. LX, P S A L M LX. 119 LX- 1 TO HIM THAT CIVETH VICTORY. On the Six-ftringed Lute. 2 Written by David to be learnt, when he fought with th€ Syrians of the River and the Syrians of Zobah, after Joab returned, when he had fmitten eighteen thou- fand of the Edomites in the Valley of Salt. The Army. 3 . /^ God, thou hadfl caft us off, thou hadft V^ fcattered us. Thou haft been angry %mth us, thou turneft again to us. 4 Thou hadft made the land tremble, thou hadft riven it afunder; Heal the breaches of it, for it ftill fhaketh. 5 Thou haft fliewn thy people hardftiip. Thou haft made us drink the wine of trembling. Da'vld, 6 Thou giveft to them that fear thee a ftandard to be borne before me ; 7 That thy beloved people may be delivered, thy right hand faveth and helpeth me. 8 God hath fpoken from his fanduarf : I 4 T exult. I20 PSALM LX. I exult, and divide Sichem, And I meafure the valley of Succoth. 9 Gilead is with me, Manaffeh is with me. The heads of Ephraim the mighty, the judges of Judah. 10 Moab is the pot in which I wafh. Over Edom I caft my (hoe, Againfl PhiUllia I continually triumph. 1 1 Who led me to the ftrong city ? who led me to Edom ? 1 2 Was it not thou, O God ? The Army. Haft thou caft us off ? Wilt not thou go forth with our hofts ? 13 Give us aid againft the enemy, Becaufe vain is the falvation of man ! The Priefts. 14 Through God we fliall do valiantly. And he it is that (liall tread down our enemies. LXL PSALM LXI. i2t LXL * X TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David, with Stringed Inftruments. Solo, ^ TTEAR my cry, O God, liften to my prayer! 3 -fi- A From the utmoft limits of the land I in- voke thee, while mine heart fainteth. That thou fhouldft fet me on a rock, that thou fhouidfl lead me ; 4 For thou art my refuge and tower of ftrength againft mine enemies, 5 And I will fojourn in thy tabernacle for ever, 6 That I may be fheltered in the fecret place of thy paviUon. h'tD Chorus, Since thou, O God, heareft my prayers, And givefl an inheritance to them that fear thy "name, 7 Add thou days unto the days of the king. Let his years be as a generation and a generation: S Let him continue for ever before thee, O God ; Let mercy and truth preferve him : 9 So will I fing thy name for ever. And pay mv vows day by day. LXIl. 10.2 PSALM LXIL LXII. I TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, For Jeduthun, a Pfalm by David. Solo, % T T P O N God only my foul dependeth, from Vy him is my falvation ^ 3 He alone is my rock and my fafeguard. Setting mc up on high^ fo that I cannot be re- moved. hSd 4 How long will ye be malicious againfh me ? Will ye commit murder, all of you ? Like the wall of a leaning fence that is pufhed down, 5 They ftudy entirely to overthrow mine exalted ftation. They haflen to lye; they blefs with their mouth. But in their heart they curfe. pj^Q 6 Upon God only my foul dependeth, for from him is mine lK)pe ; 7 He alone is my rock and my fafeguard. Setting me up on high, fo that I cannot be moved. 8 Upon God dependetb my falvation and my glory; The PSALM LXII. 123 The rock of my ftrength, my protedion is God, 9 Put your truft in him alvvay, O ye people ; Pour out before him your heart. Chorus, God is our refuge, nbp Solo, JO The fons of men are entirely vanity; The fons of men are deceitful on the balance ; They are altogether lighter than vanity in af- cending. 11 Trufl not in oppreflion, and hurry not awa7 wealth with violence; When it increafeth, fet not your heart upon it, 1 2 There is one important truth^ there are two, that I have heard — 13 ^^ That power belongeth to God, even to thee, O merciful Jehovah ; ^' That thou wilt reward every man according to that he doeth." LXIIL 124 PSALM LXIIL LXIIL A Pfalm by David, when he was in the Wlldcrnefs of Judah. David. OJehovah_, thou art my God ; I feek thee early : My foul thirfte'th for thee, My flefli burneth with delire for thee. In a land parched and dufly, from being with- out water ; That in the fancluary I might behold thee. Looking on thy power and glory ; For thy mercy is better than life. My lips fliall celebrate thee. Yea I will blefs thee while I live ; I wall hft up mine hands unto thy name. As though my foul and my lips were fatisfied with oil and fatnefs ; My mouth fliall fing fongs of joy. When I call thee to mind on my couch ; During the watches of the night I will medi- tate on thee, When thou hail been mine aid. And PSALM LXIV. 125 And I will fing with joy under die fliadow of diy wings. 9 My foul cleaveth unto thee ; Let thy right hand hold me, 10 While they, that without caufe fcek my life. Go down into the earth, 1 1 Expire on the edge of the fword. And become a portion for foxes. Chorus, 12 But let the king rejoice through God, Let every one that fweareth to him exult. While the mouth of the fpeakers of falfehood is flopped. LXIV. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David. 2 ^^ God, hear my voice in my fupplication, V^ Defend my life from the dread of mine enemies ! 3 Hide me from the council of the wicked. From the aflembly of the workers of iniquity, 4 Who 6 PSALM LXIV. 4 Who iharpen like a fword their tongue. And aim their arrow^ even an evil report, 5 To fhoot fecretly at him that is upright ; They hit him fuddenly, and are not feen. 6 They flrengthen in their own favour an evil re- port. They relate in fecret deceiving things ; They fay, " Who Ihail fee us r' 7 They fearch for iniquity to accomplifli it. They explore entirely both the mind of man And the depth of the heart. B But let God fhoot an arrow at them, 9 Let them be fmitten fuddenly that they may fall: Let their own tongue be againft them ! Let all that fee them be terrified at them ! X o And let all mankind behold it. And let them declare it the work of God, And let them learn inftru6lion from his doing it. 1 1 Let the righteous rejoice in Jehovah, And feek protection from him ; And let all the juft of heart exult. LXV. p PSALM LXV, itj LXV. to HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David. An Ode. RAISE awaiteth thee, O God, in Zion, And to thee ftiall the vow be paid in Je- rufalem. 3 O thou that heareft prayer, unto thee (hall all flefh come ; 4 Saying, ^^ Iniquity hath prevailed over us ; ■^ Do thou cover our fins. ■^ O the happinefs of him whom thou doft choofe. And doft bring near U thee, to dwell in thy courts ! He is fatisfied with the good of thine houfe. Of thine holy fanduary. O terrible in thy juftice ! hear us, O God of our falvation ' '^ ThoUj that art the hope of all the extremi* ties of the earth, and of the diftant feas, ■^ That haft fixed the mountains by thy might, 'V That art girded with ftrength, 8 « That 11^ PSALM LXV. 8 ^^ That controuleft the roaring of the feas> *^ The roaring of their waves, ^' And the turbulence of the peoples, 9 *^ So that the inhabitants of the extremeft parts of the earth ftand in awe at thy wonders 1 ^^ Thou makefl the outgoings of the morning and the evening to rejoice : ID " Thou vifiteft the earth, thou plentifully wa- tered it, thou doft enrich it ; '^ Diftributing the fulnefs of the waters, O God, thou doft prepare its corn ; '^ Yea, thus thou doft prepare it ; 1 1 " Watering the clods of it, the bottom of the furrows of it, ^^ With fliowers thou doft moiften it, thou doft blefs the increafe of it. 12 ^^ The year is crowned with thy goodnefs : *^ Thy clouds drop fatnefs, 13 ^' They drop fweets with honey; ^^ And the hills are girded with joy, 14 /^ The mountains are clothed with flieep, ^^ And the valleys are covered with grain ; " They fhout, yea they fing.'' LXVI. PSALM LXVL 129 LXVI. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, A Pfainu An Ode. Solo, 2 Q HOUT unto God, O all the earth, k3 Sing the glory of his name. Sing the glory of his praife. 3 Say unto God, ^^ How wonderful are thy works ! '^ Becaufe of thy great might thine enemies fhall fubmit themfelves before thee. 4 ^' All the earth (hall worfliip thee, and (hall ling unto thee, '^ They fhall celebrate thy name.'* |-|^)3 5 Come, fee the deeds of Jehovah, Who is tremendous in his counfels concerning the fons of Adam : 6 He turned the fea into dry ground ; Through the river they paffed on foot. F'trjl Semichorus, There we rejoiced in him. VOL. I. K Sok, I30 PSALM LXVL Solo, 7 He ruleth with his power for ever. His eyes look on the exiles among the heathen. Second Semichorus, Let them extol God. ^^ Solo, % With them, O ye peoples, blefs our God, And make the found of his praife to be heard, 9 He preferveth our fouls alive. And fuffereth not our feet to be removed. Chorus. 10 But thou didft try us, O Jehovah, Thou didft prove us as fdver is proved : 1 1 Thou didft bring us into ftraits. Thou didft lay oppreflion on our loins, 12 Thou madeft men ride over our heads. We went through fire and water ; But thou haft brought us forth into a place plenteoufty refreftied with ftreams. Solo, 13 Twill come to thine houfe with facrifices. And I will pay to thee my vows, which my lips uttered, 14 And my mouth pronounced when I was in dif- trefs. 15 I will PSALM LXVIL 131 15 I will offer to thee burnt offerings of fat, I will facrifice rams and incenfe. Oxen together with goats. p]^p 16 Come, hearken, all ye that fear God, while I relate What he hath done for my foul. 1 7 I did cry unto him with my mouth. And I lifted up my tongue, faying^ 18 ^^ If I do fee iniquity in mine heatt, ^^ Let not Jehovah hear me." 1 9 But God did hear me, he liftened to the voice of my prayer. 20 Bleffed be God, becaufe he did not turn afide my prayer, and his mercy from me. LXVIL TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, A Pfalm to be accompanied with Stringed Inftruments, An Ode. G Chorus, OD (hall have mercy on us, and blefs us, and make his countenance to fliine on K 2 Solo^ 132 PSALM LXVIL Solo, 3 When thy way is known m the earth. Thy faving power among all nations. 4 The peoples (hall pay homage to thee, O God, All peoples fhall pay homage to thee. 5 The nations fhall exult and rejoice, Becaufe thou wilt judge the peoples with equity, And thou wilt comfort the nations on the earth. 6 The peoples fhall pay homage to thee, O God, All peoples (liall pay homage to thee. Chorus, 7 The earth Ihall produce her increafe, God, even our God, fliall blefs us, ^ God fl:iall blefs us, and all the utmoft limits of the earth fhall fear him. LXVIIL PSALM LXVIIL IJ3 LXVIII. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David. An Ode. Firjl Semichorus, 2 f"^ OD arifeth, his enemies are fcattered, V-X And thofe that hate him flee from his prefence. Like as the driven fmoke is difpelled, 3 And as the molten wax before fire. The wicked perifh before the face of God. 4 But the righteous rejoice. They exult at the prefence of God, Yea, they leap with joyfulnefs. Second Semichorus, 5 Sing unto God, celebrate his name ; Extol him that rode through the wiidernefs, for Jehovah is his name. And exult in his prefence. 6 A father to the fatherlefs, a defender of the widows K % Is 134 PSALM LXVIII. Is God in his holy habitation. 7 It is God that bringeth the foHtary home. Yea the exiles that dwelt in a parched country, That releafeth the bound from their bonds. David, 8 O God, at thy going forth before thy people. At thy marching through the wildernefs, hSd 9 The earth trembled, yea the heavens dropped, yea the clouds dropped water ; The mountains melted before Godj even Sinai before Jehovah God of IfrdeL 10 Thou doft fprinkle a rain of kindnefs, O God> on thine heritage ; 1 1 When it fainteth, thou truly giveft life to them that dwell in it, Thou dofb prepare for the afflided in thy good- nefs, O God. Chorus, 1 2 Jehovah gave the matter of thefe glad tidings, 13 A mighty hoft, kings and troops, are fled ; They are fled, and the matron that abode at home (hall fliare in the fpoil ; J 4 Since there lay at the entrance of the tents a dove, covered with filver. And her feathers with fine gold. I j When the Almighty fcattered kings there, 1 6 Whit^ PSALM LXVIII. 135 16 "Vyiiite with images was the great mountain, the mountain of Bafan, The mountain of eminences, the mountain of Bafan, Flrji Semkhorus. 1 7 Why look ye to the mountains of eminences ? Doth Jehovah delight in a mountain for his ha- bitation ? Truly Jehovah remaineth for ever. Second Semkhorus. 1 8 God^s chariots of burning flame are myriads, Thoufands of feraphs drive them ; Jehovah was amid ft them in the holy place of Sinai, David. 19 Thou doft afcend up on high ; Thou doft lead prifoners a captive train ; Thou doft give gifts unto men. Chorus. Becaufe Jehovah, the God, eftablilheth the ex- iles, 20 Blefled be Jehovah, who daily fupporteth us. The God of our falvation. pj^p F'trji Semkhorus. 21 The God for us is a God of power to fave, K 4 And 136 PSALM LXVIII. And to Jehovah, the Lord, belong the gates of death. 22 Surely God fmiteth the head of his enemies. The hairy crown of him that proceedeth in wickednefs. Second Semtchorus. 23 Jehovah faid, from Bafan I can bring jyc« back, I can bring j^« back as from the depths of the Tea ; 24 Therefore thy foot fhall be wafhed in blood. The tongue of thy dogs fhall be red with it. David. 25 Seen are thy proceffions, O God, The proceffions of my God, my king ; 26 To the fandluary the fingers precede. Then come muficians in the midft of damfels with tymbrels. 27 In companies they blefs God, Jehovah, the fountain of IfraeL 28 There are the rulers of Benjamin the youngeft. The council of the princes of Judah, The princes of Zabulon, the princes of Nap- thali. Fi7jl Semic/jorus. §9 May God confirm thy flrength ! ^ Second PSALM LXVIII. 137 Second Semlchorus, Strengthen, O God, what thou haft wrought for us from thy fanduary. David. 30 Unto Jerufalem kings fhall bfing prefents to thee. Firjl Semichorus, 3 1 He hath rebuked the wild beaft of the reed. The alTembly of the bulls with the fteers. Second Semichorus. He hath difperfed the peoples that marched for pieces of filver. The peoples that take pleafure in war. Chorus, 32 The wealthy (hall come from Egypt, CuQi (hall haften to give his hand unto God. Ftrjl Semichorus* 33 Ye kingdoms of the earth, fing unto God ; Second Semichorus. C haunt ye Jehovah, p^p FlrJl Semichorus. 34 To him that rideth on the higheft heavens from all antiquity. Second ijS PSALM LXVIIL Second Semtchorus, Lo, he uttereth with his voice a mighty found. Flt'Jl Semtchorus. 35 Afcribe ye flrength unto God ; His majeily is over Ifrael, And his power is above the clouds. Second Semlchorus* 36 Terrible is God among his faints. Unto Ifrael he giveth ftrength. And might to his people. Chorus » Bleffed be God. LXIX. PSALM LXIX. 139 LXIX. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. With Slx-ftrlnged Inftruments. By David, SAVE me, O God, for the waters are come in, even to my foul ! I fmk in deep mire, where there is no footing ; I am entered into immenfe waters, and the ftream overwhelmeth me. I am weary with crying, my throat is parched ; Mine eyes are wafted with looking for my God. Thofe that hate me without caufe are more than the hairs of my head ; Thofe that are mine enemies wrongfully are more numerous than my locks. Can I then reftore what I have not taken by violence ? O God, thou knoweft my folly, and my fins are not hidden from thee. Let not thofe who truft in thee, O Lord Jeho- vah of hofts, be abai^ed becaufe of me. Let I40 PSALM LXIX. Let not thofe who feek thee, O God of Ifrael, be put to fliame on my account. 8 Surely for thy fake I have fufFered reproach ; Shame hath covered my countenance ; 9 I have feemed to my brethren one fpurioully born. An aHen to the fons of my mother. 10 For the zeal of thine houfe hath confumed me. And the reproaches of them that reproach thee fall upon me. 1 1 When I afflidl my foul with fafhing, Then that is made a reproach againft me ; 1 2 When I make fackcloth my clothing. Then I become a bye word with them. 13 They that fit in the gate infult me. The fongs of the drunkards ahije me, 14 But let my prayer be made unto thee, O Jeho- vah, in an acceptable time ; O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me ! 15 With the ftrength of thy faving power free me from the mire, that I may not fink. That I may be delivered from them that hate me, and from the watery deep ; 1 6 That the ftreani of water may not overwhelm me. Nor the deep fwallow me up. Nor the grave fliut its mouth upon me. 17 Hear PSALM LXIX. 141 1 7 Hear me, O God, according to the goodnefs of thy kindnefs. According to the greatnefs of thy mercy turn unto me, 1 8 And hide not thy countenance from thy fervant. Since diftrefs is come upon me, hear me quickly! 19 Draw near unto my foul, refcue it. Deliver me from mine enemies. 20 Thou knoweft my difgrace, and my dilhonour. And my fhame before all mine enemies. 21 Reproach hath broken my heart, and I faint. And I long for means to efcape, but there are none ; And for comforters, but I find them not. 22 And they give me bitter hylibp to eat, And in my thirft they bring me vinegar to drink. 23 Let their table before them become a trap. And a fnare for their puniihment. 24 Let their eyes be darkened^ that they may not lee ; And make thou their loins alway to bend : 25 Pour out upon them thine indignation. And let the fury of thy wrath lay hold on them : 26 Let their palaces be defolate. Let there be no inhabitant irt their tents. 27 For they perfecute him whom thou haft fmit- ten, And i4a PSALM LXIX. And they add to the grief of thofe whom thou haft wounded. 25 Add iniquity to their iniquity, And let them not enter into thy mercy. 29 Let them be blotted out of the book of the Hv- ing, And let them not be written with the righteous. 30 But as for me, humbled and afflided as I am. Let thy faving power, O God, raife me up : 31 ^hen I will celebrate the name of God with a fong, And I will magnify him with praife ; 32 And that fhall be better, in the fight of Jehovah, Than a fteer with horns and hoofs. 33 The afflided fhall fee it ; thofe that fear God fhall rejoice. And their heart fliall be animated, 34 When Jehovah lifteneth to the afflided. And doth not defpife his prifoners. 35 Praife him fhall the heavens and the earth. The feas, and all that moveth in them, 36 When God fhall fave Zion, And fhall build the cities of Judah ; 37 That the feed of his fervants may inherit it. And that they may dwell there, and pofTefs it ; And that they who love his name may inhabit it. LXX. PSALM LXX. 143 LXX. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfahn by David to excite the Memory of God. 2 ^^ God, to deliver me, O Jehovah, to help V-^ me, haften I 3 Let thofe be abafhed and afhamed that feek my hfe. Let thofe be turned backward and confounded that feek my ruin, 4 Let them be defolate through the confcquence of their fhame, that fay at me, hah ! hah f 5 Let them that feek thee triumph and rejoice in thee. And let thofe that love thy falvation, fay al- way, " Magnified be Jehovah !" 6 Becaufe I am afflidled and indigent, O God, haften unto me : Thou art mine helper and deliverer, O Jehovah, do not delay ! LXXL 144 PSALM LXXI. LXXI, 1 "T N thee, O Jehovah, I feek refuge, A That I may not be put to difgrace for ever; 2 In thy righteoufnefs deliver me, and make me to efcape ; Incline thine ear unto me, and fave me I 3 Be unto me for a ftrong faftnefs, Inflead of an houfe of defence to fave me. Surely thou art my rock and my defence; 4 O God, deliver me from the hand of the wicked. From the grafp of the oppreffive and violent, 5 Since thou hafl: been mine hope, O Lord Jeho- vah, My confidence from my youth ! 6 By thee I have been fupported from the womb. From the bov/els of my mother thou didft fe- parate me. My fong of praife is alway concerning thee. 7 I have appeared unto many like a prodigy, Becaufe thou haft been my ftrong protedlion. 8 My mouth is full of thy praife. All the day long of thy glory. 9 Caft me not away in the time of mine old age, Defert me not when my ftrength faileth, 10 Since P S A L M LXXL 145 10 Siiice mine enemies fpeak againft me. And thofe that watch my life take counfel to- gether, faying, 1 1 God hath deferted him, purfue and tear him to pieces, For there is none to deliver him. 12 O God, be not far from me, O God, haften to mine aid ! 13 Let the adverfaries of my foul be abaflied and put to (hame. Let thofe that feek to do me evil be quickly covered with difgrace and confufion ; 14 That I may ftill continue. And may add unto all thy praife ; 1 5 That my mouth may relate thy bounty, All the day long thy faving power. Though I am ignorant of books, 16 I will proceed with fbrength, O Lord Jehovah, I will commemorate thy righteoufnefs. 1 7 Thou alone haft been my inftrudor from my youth. And yet, lo, 1 declare thy wonders. 18 Yea, even unto old age and grey hairs, O God, defert me not. Until I fliall have declared thy power to pof- terity, VOL. I. L To 146 PSALM LXXI. To all that (hall come hereafter thy might, 19 And thy righteoufnefs, O God, to the higheft. For thou haft done great things ! God, who is like unto thee ? 20 Though thou haft made me fee many diftrefles and calamities, reftore, revive me, And bring me back from under the earth, and exalt me. 21 Increafe my greatnefs, return, comfort me ! 22 Then I will praife thee with inftruments of mu- fic; 1 will celebrate thy truth, O God : 23 To thee with the harp, O holy one of Ifrael^ / will fing. My lips and my foul, which thou haft redeemed, will rejoice when I fing unto thee ; 24 Yea, my tongue fliall utter thy praife all the day, When thofe that feek my ruin are abafhed, when they are put to difgrace. LXXII. PSALM LXXIL 147 LXXIL FOR SOLOMON. OGoTt, give thy judgments to the king, And thy righteoufnefs to the Ton of a king. Let him judge thy people with righteoufnefs, And thine afflided ones with jufhice. That the mountains and hills may produce peace for the people. With righteoufnefs let him decide in favour of the afflided of the people. Let him fave the fons of the diftreffed. And let him crufh the oppreffive, that they may fear thee. As long as the fun, and longer than the moon, A generation of generations may he rule. Like as the dew is unto the fliorn herbage. And as the fmall rain that enricheth the foil. Let him make righteoufnefs to bloom in his days, And plenty of peace until there be no moon ; And let him rule from fea to fea, And from the river to the utmofi: limits of the land. Let the inhabitants of the defert bow before him. And let his enemies lick the dud. L 2 10 Let 148 PSALM LXXn. 10 Let the kings of TaiTis and of the ifles bring an offering, Let the kings of Arabia and Sab^a prefent a gift; 1 1 And let all kings bow unto him. Let all nations ferve him, 12 Becaufe he defendeth the diftrefled when he crieth. And the afflided when there is none to help him; 13 He protecleth the poor and the diflreifed. And he faveth the lives of the afflided ; 14 He refcueth their foul from fraud and violence, And their blood is precious in his eyes. 1 5 May he live, and let there be given unto him gold from Arabia ; Let prayer be made for him conllantly, All day let them blefs him. 1 6 Let him be as a quantity of corn on the ground. On. the top of the mountains let his fruits wave like Lebanon, Let them ilourifh out of the city like the grafs of the earth. J 7 Let his name continue for ever. Let his name be eflabliflied before the fun ; And may all the tribes of the earth be blefled through him. Let all nations glorify him. T'be End of the Second Booh 18 BlefTed PSALM LXXII. 149 1 8 Blefled be the Lord Jehovah, God of Ifrael, Who alone doeth wonderful things ; 19 And blefled be his glorious name for ever, And let his glory fill all the earth. Amen and amen. Here end the Prayers of David, the fon of JeflTe, L3 THE THE THIRD BOOK, LXXIII. A PSALM BY ASAPH, TRULY God is good unto Ifrael, to the pure of heart. 2 Yet, for my part, my feet had well nigh flipped> My treading was almoft gone, 3 Becaufe I was jealous of the profane, I faw continually the peaceable ftate of the im- pious ', 4 For there came no pain upon them. Their ftrength was perfedb and firm, 5 They were not fubjed to the toil of men. And they were not plagued together with th reft of mankind. 6 Surely pride doth continually cover their cloth- L4 7 Rapine iSz PSALM LXXIIL 7 Rapine produceth ornaments for them. Through fatnefs their iniquities were exceffive, 8 The thoughts of their heart were corrupt. And they fpake with wickednefs : They did utter oppreffion with haughtinefs ; 9 They did fet their mouth againft the heavens. And their tongue went throughout the earth : 10 Therefore my people turned unto them. And they fqueezed for themfelves that which was full. 1 1 And they faid, ^^ How Ihould God know it ? ^^ And is there knowledge in the Moll High?" 12 Lo, thefe inipious and licentious men flill gait^- cd ftrength : i^ Jnd IJaid^ ^' Surely is it in vain I purge mine heart, *' And continually wa(h mine hands in inno- cency ; 14 *^ And am fmitten all the day ?" And my reafoning was with the queflions-:- 13 '^ Shall I,'' faid I, " then be accounted as one of them ? *^ Lo, with the generation of thy fons doll thou deal deceitfully, O Jehovah V' 16 Then I ftudied to ynderftand this. But it was difficult in mine eyes, 1 7 At length I went into tjie fandluary, O QocJ \ Then I learnt their latter end, 6 18 That PSALM LXXIII. 153 18 That thou doft fet them in llippery places; Thou makeft them fall from an elevated fla- tion, 19 That they become a defolation in an inftant ; They are fvvept away, they are confumed with utter deftrudlion ; 20 Like the images of a dream, when one awaketh, O Lord, So thou makeft the image of them to vanilh. 21 Though mine heart was in a fermentation. And in my reins I was troubled, 22 And I was ftupid, I was ignorant, I was before thee like a brute : 23 Thou didft hold my right hand, 24 Thou didft lead me with thy counfel, That afterward thou mighteft receive me with glory. %^ Whom can I compare to thee in heaven ? And I love nothing on earth more than thee ; 26 'Though my flefli and mine heart be confumed, God is the defence of mine heart, and my por- tion for ever. 27 But lo, they that are eftranged from thee fhall peridi. Thou fhalt deftroy every one that committeth fornication againft thee ; a 8 But, for my part, it feemeth good to me to draw near to God, To 154 PSALM LXXIV. To place in the Lord Jehovah my confidence, To recount, all thy works in the gates of the daughter of Zion. LXXIV, I AN INTSRUCTIVE Pfalm BY ASAPH. WHEREFORE, O Jehovah, haft thou re- jected us ? Shall thy wrath burn againft the flieep of thy pafture for ever ? Q. Remember thy congregation which thou haft purchafcd. Which of old thou haft redeemed ; The tribe of thine inheritance. The mountain of Zion that thou haft dwelt in. 3 Lift up thy footfteps againft the pride of the conqueror ! The foe comniitteth evil in thy fanduary. 4 Thine enemies roar in the midft of thy place of worftiip ; 5 They ered their ftandards, they do not acknow- ledge thee : Like one that lifteth up axes amidft an entan- gled vv^ood, 6 So PSALM LXXIV. 155 - So Aow they utterly dafli in pieces all the carved works of it with a pickaxe and hammers ; They burn thy fandluary to the ground, They polkite the dweUing place of thy name : I They fay in their hearts, let us fupprefs them entirely ; They burn the whole place of worfliip of Je- hovah to the ground. ^ We fee not our prodigies, there is no more any prophet ; Neither is there among us one that underftand- eth. 10 How long, how long, O God, (hall the foe con- tinue to revile us ? Shall the enemy defpife thy name for ever ? I I Wherefore doll thou turn away thine hand t And why is thy right hand retrained within thy bofom ? 1 2 Yet, O God, my king, in former days. Working falvation in the midft of the earth, 13 Thou didft divide the fea with thy might. Thou didfl break the heads of the dragons on the waters, 14 Thou didft bruife the heads of leviathan. Thou gaveft food to the people, 15 In the parched places thou didft caufe a fpring, yea a torrent, to burft forth ; Thou didft dry up mighty rivers. 1 6 Through 156 PSALM LXXIV. 1 6 Through thee is the day, through thee is the night. Thou didft prepare the hght, 1 7 And the fun thou didft place ; Each extremity of the earth, The fummer and the winter, thou didft form them. 1 8 Remember this reviling foe, O Jehovah, And the foolifli people that defpife thy name 1 19 Deliver not unto death the foul that worftiippeth thee ; The life of thine afflided one forget not for ever ! 20 Have regard to thy covenant, for the habitations of the land are full of darknefs and rapine. 2 1 Let not the poor remain abafhed ; Let the afflided and diftrefled praife thy name ! 22 Arife, O God, plead thy caufe. Remember how the fool revileth thee all day ; 23 Forget not the voice of thy foes. The tumults of them that rife up againft thee, the conftant iniquity of them. LXXV. PSALM LXXV. ' 157 LXXV. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, A Pfalm by Afaph. An Ode. Chorus* ''^ JE pay homage to thee, O God, we pay homage ; We invoke thy name, and we relate thy wonders. Solo. 3 When I receive the congregation^ I judge with equity. 4 The land and its inhabitants are melted with fear ; I fupport the pillars of it. p}Sq 5 I fay to the fools, be not foolilli ; And to the ungodly, fet not up your horn ; 6 Set not up your horn on high, And fpeak not with a perverie neck ; 7 For neither from the eail, nor from the weft. Nor yet from the fouth, cow el b promotion ; 8 But God is the judge; This man he humbleth, that he exaketh. 9 Surely there is a cup in the hand of Jehovah ; And 1^8 PSALM LXXVI. And the wine is turbid, full of the mixture ; And he poureth from it : Yea, the lees of it are fqueezed, That all the ungodly upon earth may drink. ID But, for my part, I (hall ever exult, I fliall fing concerning the God of Jacob : 1 1 I will cut off all the horns of the ungodly ; The horns of the righteous Ihall be exalted. LXXVI. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, A Pfalm by Afaph, with Stringed Inftruments. An "Ode. Chorus, GOD is known in Judah, In Ifrael great is his name; And at Salem is his tabernacle. And his dwelling is at Zion. There brake he the arrows and the bows, Ke deflroyed the fhield and fword of war ; And he ilione forth on the raoft glorious of mountains. 2 6 The PSALM LXXVI. 159 6 The (Irong of heart were deipoiled of a booty, they llept their lleep ; Neither did any of the men of valour find their hands. > Solo, 7 At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, the rider and the horfe were ftupefied. 8 Thou indeed art terrible ; and who can Hand before thee during thy wrath ? Chorus, 9 From heaven there was the found of juftice ; The earth was in fear, and was ftill, 10 When God arofe to judgment, To fave all the meek upon earth. ,-(^q Solo, 1 1 When thou doft gird on wrath. The refidue of mankind pay homage to thee. Chorus. 1 2 Vow and pay your vows to Jehovah, your God. Let all that are around him bring gifts unto him that ought to be feared. 1.3 He can controul the fpirit of princes ; He is to be dreaded by the kings of the earth. LXXVII, i6o P ^ A L M LXXVIL LXXVir. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, A Pfalm by Afaph for Jcduthun. 2 1^ /FY cry is unto God, and I complain ; -JVX My cry is unto God, that he fhould hearken unto me. 3 In the day of diflrefs, I feek Jehovah ; IMine eye in the night floweth with tears, and ceafeth not ; My foul refufeth comfort. 4 I call God to mind, and I am in agitation ; I am dejeded, and my fpirit is overwhelmed with grief. hSd 5 Mine eye is poireffed by watching, I am difturbed, and I fpeak not ; 6 I think of the days of ancient times, I call to mind the years of yore; 7 I meditate in the night within mine heart ; I am in dejection while my fpirit enquireth — 8 " Will Jehovah caft me off for ever ? '« And will he receive me with afFedion no more ? 9 " Shall his goodnefs entirely ceafe ? '' Hath PSALM LXXVII. i6i '^ Hath his word failed for all generations ? ID ^^ Shall God forget to have pity } '' Yea, hath he fliut up his mercy in wrath?" nho 1 1 Then I fay, '^ This is mine infirmity ; ^^ I will call to mind the changes efFedled by the right hand of the Mofl High, 12 " The works of Jehovah. ^^ Surely I will recoiled thy wonders of old time, 13 " And I will meditate on all thy works, " And on thy performances I will deeply re- iledt. 14 " O God, holy is thy v/ay. " Who is the deity fo great as God > 15 '^ Thou art the Deity that performed the won- der i ^^ Thou madeil known thy power among the peoples ; 16 '^ Thou didft redeem with thine arm thy peo- ple, '^ The fons of Jacob and Jofeph* 17 ^^ The waters faw thee, O God, ^^ The waters faw thee, they were in pain, '^ Yea, the deeps did tremble : 18 " The ikies poured down water, '' The ether refounded, yea, thine arrows went forth, VOL. I. M 19 " The i62 PSALM LXXVIII. 19 '' The loiuid of thy thunder with the whirl- wind : '^ Thy hghtiaings did gleam upon the globe, '' The earth did tremble and fhake : 20 '^ Thy way was through the fca, '^ And thy path through the mighty waters ; *' And thy footfteps were not known : 11 " Thou didft lead, hke a flock of fheep, thy people *' By the hand of Mofes and Aaron." LXXVIII. AN INSTRUCTIVE TJahu BY ASAPH. LISTEN, O my people, to mine inftru^lion. Incline your ear to the words of my mouth : I will open my mouth in a grave difcourfe, I will utter pointed truths of antient times, Which we have heard, and we know them. And which our fathers delivered to us. We will not conceal them from their de- fcendants. Relating to poflerity the praifes of Jehovah and his might. And P S A L M LXXVIII. 163 And the wonders which 'he wrought, 5 When he ordained teilimonies in Jacob, And eftabliflied a law in Ifrael, Which he taught our forefathers. That they might make them known to their children ; 6 That pofterity might know. The children, which fhould be born, might arife, and tell their fons, 7 lliat they lliould place their hope conftantly in God, And lliould not forget the works of God ; But fhoiild obferve his commandments ; § And fliould not be, as their anceflors, A generation perverfe and offending ; A generation whofe heart was not firm. Neither was its fpirit fledfafl toward God. 9 The children of Ephraim, armed and fhooting with the bow. Are defeated in the day of battle ; 10 Becaufe they keep not the commandment of God, And refufe to walk according to his law, 1 1 And forget his works. And his wonders which he hath fhewn them. 12 Before their anceftors he wrought wonders. In the land of Egypt, in the plain of Zoan. M 2 13 He 1 64 PSALM LXXVIII. 13 He clave the fea, and . he made them pafs through. And he caufed the waters to f^nd Hke an heap 5 14 And he led them with a cloud by daj^. And all the night with a light of fire : 1 5 He clave the rocks in the wildernefs. And he gave them drink as from the great abyfs^ 16 And he brought forth ftreams from the ftone. And he made the water defcend in rivers. 17 Yet they continued to fm ftill againft him. To provoke the Mod High in the defert ; iS And they tempted God in their heart. By demanding food for themfelves ; 19 And they fpake againft God, They faid— ^' Will God be able to fpread a table in the wilderncfs ? 20 " If he fmote the rock, and the waters flowed, " And the ftreams burft forth, '^ Is he able to give bread alfo ? *^ Yea, can he prepare flefli for his people ?" 21 Therefore Jehovah heard, and was exceeding wroth. And the fire burnt fiercely againft Jacob, Yea, and anger arofe againft Ifrael ; 22 Becaufe they believed not in God, Neither trufted in his faving power. 23 Then he commanded the ether above, And PSALM LXXVIII. 165 And he opened the doors of the heavens, 24 And he fhovvered down mannah upon them to cat, And he gave them heavenly grain ; 25 Man did eat ethereal food. He fent them vidual even to fatiety. 26 He removed the eaft wind from the heavens. And by his might he brought the fouth wind, 27 And he fliowered upon them fleOi as though it had been duft. And winged fowl as the fand of the fea ; 28 And it fell in the midft of their camp. Round about their habitations. 29 Then they ate, and were filled exceedingly, Becaufe the objed of their defire was given them. 30 They were not feparated from this objed of their wifhes. Even yet their food was in their mouths, 3 1 When the wrath of God arofe againft them, And made a llaughter among the moil robufl of them, And cut off the youths of Ifrael. , 32 After all this they fmned flill more. Neither did they put their truft in his wonder- ful power ; 33 And he confumed their days in vanity. And their years in hafte. M 3 34 While 1 66 PSALM LXXVm. 34. While he flew them, then they fought hirn, And they turned, and entreated God, 35 And called to mind that God was their de- fence, And that God, the Mod High, had redeemed them ; 36 And they flattered him with their mouth, And lied unto him with their tongue, 37 AVhen their heart was not fixed on him, Neither were they ftedfafl in his covenant. 38 But he, being merciful, forgave their iniquity, Neither would he deftroy them ; But frequently turned away his wrath. And would not roufe all his fury ; 39 Becaufe he remembered that they were flefh. Of a fpirit tranfitory and fleeting. 40 Thus did they provoke him in the wildernefs. They irritated him in the defert ; 41 While they fat and tempted God, And required a particular miracle of the holy One of Ifrael. 42 They called not to mind his power, The day when he refcued them from afrlic- tion ; 43 When he fliewed his prodigies among the Egyp- tians, And his wonders in the plain of Zoan ; 44 When he turned their rivers into blood, And PSALM LXXVIIL 167 And their ftreams could not be drunk ; 45 He fent among them the mofcheto to devour them. And the frog that it might defliroy them ; 46 And he gave their crops to the devouring graiT- hopper, And their labour to the locuft ,* 47 He cut off their vines with haildones. And their fig-trees with pieces of ice ; 48 And he delivered their cattle to the hail. And their flocks to flafhes of lightning ; 49 He fent upon them the fiercenefs of his wrath. Fury, indignation, and woe : , By fending the minifters of evil, 50 He levelled a way for his anger. He referved not their foul from death. But he flopped their life with the peftilence ; 51 And he fmote every firft-born among the Egyp- tians, The firft fruits of the womb in the dwellings of Ham. 52 But he made his own people go forth like fheep. And led them in the vv^ildernefs like a flock ; ^2 And guided them v/ith focb confidence, that they v/ere not alarmed, While the fea overwhelmed their enemies. J 4 Then he brought them to the border of his fanduary, M 4 Of 1 68 PSALM LXXVIII. Of this mountain, the acquifition of his right hand ; 5^ And he cafl out the nations from before them. And fubdued them throughout the country that was to be inherited, And he made the tribes of Ifrael dwell in their tents. 56 Then they tempted God, the Mod High, And they did not obferve his teftimonies ; 57 And they flarted alide, and dealt untruly like their anceftors ; They returned back like a bow when it (hooteth. 58 They gave him caufe to be angry by their high places. And they gave him caufe to be jealous by their idols. 59 God heard, and was very wroth, And he was greatly difgufted with Ifrael ; 60 So that he forfook his dwelUng at Shiloh, The tabernacle he had dwelt in amongft man- kind; 61 And he delivered the ftrength of it to captivity^ And the beauty of it to the hand of the enemy; 62 And he gave up his people to the fvvord. And was exceedingly angry with his inheritance. 6^ Fire devoured the young men of it, And the virgins of it were not celebrated with fongs ; 2 64 The PSALM LXXVIIL 169 64 The priefts of it fell by the fword. And the widows of it could not lament. 6^ Then the Lord awoke, as one refrefhed with fleep : Like a man of valour elevated with wine, 66 He fmote the enemies of it back. He gave them a lafting difgrace. 67 Then he reje6ted the tabernacle of Jofeph, And he made not his choice in the tribe of Ephraim ; 168 But he chofe the tribe of Judah, The mountain of Zion, which he loveth ; 69 That he might build on high his fandluary. On the earth he might lay its foundation for ever; 70 And he made choice of David his fervant. And he took him from the flieep-folds ; 7 1 He brought him from following the fucklings. To feed Jacob his people. And Ifrael his inheritance ; 72 And he was a fliepherd to them after the inte* grity of his heart. And he led them with a prudent hand. LXXIX, 170 PSALM LXXIX. LXXIX. A PSALM BY ASAPH. OGoD, the heathen are come into thine in- heritance, They have poUuted thine holy fancluary. They have made Jerufalem heaps. They have given the carcafes of thy fervants for food to the fowl of the heavens, * The flefli of thy faints to the beafts of the earth ; They have (lied their blood about Jerufalem like water, And there has been none of them buried. We are become a matter of contempt with thofe that dwell among us ; A matter of dcrifion and fcoffing to thofe around us. How long, O Jehovah, wilt thou be angry ? For ever fhail thy jealoufy burn like fire ? Pour out thine indignation on the nations that do not acknowledge thee. And on the kingdoms that do not call on thy name ; For they have devoiu-cd Jacob, And PSALM LXXIX. I7L And they have laid wade his habitation. S Remember not againft us our former fms. Hafle, let thy mercies come quickly, for wc are greatly exhaufted. 9 Help us, O God of our falvation, for the fake of the glory of thy name ; And proted us, and forgive our tranfgreffions for the fake of thy name ! 10 Wherefore fliould the heathen fay, " Where is their God ?" Acknowledged by the heathen before our eyes Be the vengeance of thy fervants' blood that has been fhed ! 1 1 Let the lighing of the prifoners come before thee ! According to the greatnefs of thy might Preferve as a remnant the children of the dead ! 12 And return to thofe that dwell among us feven- fold into their bofom Their reproaches, with which they have re- proached thee, O Lord ! 13 And we, wretches, thy people, and the flieep of thy pafture. Will celebrate thee for ever. To future generations we will rehearfe thy praife. LXXX, 172 PSALM LXXX, LXXX. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by Afaph. On the Six-ftringed Lute. J/aph. a /^ Shepherd of Ifrael, hear! \w/ Thou that leadefl Jofeph as a ilock of flieep. That dwelleft between the cherubim, 2 Shine forth in fplendour before Ephraim, Ben- jamin and Manalleh : Roufe thy might, and come to fave us ! Congregation, 4 O God of hofls, reilore us. And let thy countenance (hine on us, that wc may be faved ! J/apk 5 O Jehovah, God of hofls. How long wilt thou be enraged againft the prayer of thy people ? 6 Thou makeft them eat the bread of grief. And PSALM LXXX. f73 And makeft them drink largely of tears. 7 Thou haft fet us at variance with thofe that dwell among us, And our foes deride us. Congregation, 8 O God of hods, reftore us. And let thy countenance fliine on us, that we may be faved. Afaph. ^ Thou didft remove a vine from Egypt, Thou didft caft out the heathen, and didft plant it; • 10 Thou hadft regard to the appearance thereof. And it (hot forth its roots. And filled the land ; i I The ftiade thereof covered the mountains. And the boughs of it the great cedars ; 1 1 It fpread out its branches to the fea. And its tender (hoots to the river : 1 3 Wherefore haft thou broken the fence thereof, So that all who pafs the road do crop it, 14 The boar from the foreft doth root it up. And the beaft of the field doth browfe there- on ? 15 O God of hofts, turn now. Look from the heavens. And 174 PSALM LXXX. And have regard to and vifit this vine ; 1 6 And eilabhih that which thy right hand did plant. 1 7 Thole that burn it with fire and deftroy it. At the rebuke of thy countenance let them pe- rifli ! 1 8 Let thine hand be upon the man of thy right hand, Upon the fon of man, whom thou doft ftrength- en for thyfelf j 1 9 And let us not be turned back from thee ! Give us life, becaufe \ve call on thy name ! Congregation. 20 O Jehovah, God of hofts, reftore us. And let thy countenance fhine on us, that we may be faved. LXXXL PSALM LXXXL 175 LXXXI. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY, On the Harp brought from Gath. By Afaph. 2 O ING joyfully unto God, our flrength, kU Shout unto the God of Jacob. 3 Lift up the tuneful voice, and ilrike the tym- brel, The plealing harp, together with the lute. 4 Sound the trumpet in the beginning of the month. In the new moon, on the day of our feftival ; 5 For fuch was the command given to Ifrael, And the ordinance of the God of Jacob, 6 Teflimonies were eftablilhed in Jofeph, On his coming forth from the land of Egypt, 7 After he had heard a language he did not un- derftand. His (houlder had carried the pots. His hands had been enflaved with the bafket. 8 " In 176 PSALM LXXXI. 8 " In diftrefs thou didft invoke me, and I de- livered thee; ^^ I anfwered thee from the hiding place of the thunder. " I proved thee at the waters of Meribah. rho 9 " Hearken, O my people, and I will make a teftimony with thee, '' O Ifrael, if thou wilt liflen unto me, ID '' There fhall be no flrange god in thee, " And thou (halt not bow down to any ftrange deity ; 11 " I, Jehovah, am thy God, *' Who brought thee up from the land of Egypt : " Open thy mouth, and I will fill it. 12 " When my people doth not hearken to my voice, '^ And Ifrael doth not fix his affedions on me, 13 " Then I will employ them with the inven- tions of their own heart ; " They fhall walk after their own counfels. 14 ^' If my people hearkeneth unto me, " And Ifrael will walk in my way, 15 " I will quickly humble their foes, '^ And I will turn mine hand againfl their enemies ; 16 " The PSALM LXXXII. 177 16 ^^ The haters of the Lord fhall fail before them : ^^ But their time fhall continue for ever ; 17 " And they fhall eat of the fat of wheat, ^^ And with honeycomb I will fatisfy them." LXXXII. 1 A PSALM BY ASAPH. GOD ftandeth in the congregation, God (hall give fentence in the, midft of the judges, Jaying, 2 '^ How long will ye pronounce unjufh decrees, ^^ And lift up the face of the wicked ? p|^Q 3 " Give judgment in favour of the poor and the orphan, " Do juflice to the afflidted and defhitute, 4 ^^ Deliver the poor and the indigent, '^ Prote<5l them from the hand of the impious." 5 They do not know, neither will they under- ftand. They will go on in darknefs ; All the pillars of the land are rotten. 6 I did fay ye were gods, and fons of the Moil High, all of you ; VOL. I. N 7 But 178 PSALM LXXXIII. 7 But ye fhall die, like a mortal being, And ye fhall fall, O princes, together. 8 Arife, O God, judge the earth. For thou canft lead the heart of all nations. LXXXIII. AN ODE. A Pfalm by Afapb. OGoD, hold not thy peace in this thine own caufe, Be not quiet, neither be thou filent, O God ; For lo, thy foes are tumultuous. And they that hate thee lift up their heads. They form a crafty defign againfl thy people. And they confult againfl thy faints. They fay, " Come, let us cut them off from being a nation, " That the name of Ifrael may be remembered no more ;'' For they unite their hearts with one accord. And againfl thee are confederated The tents of Edom and Iflimael, Moab and the Hagarenes ; 8 Gebal, PSALM LXXXIII. 179 8 Gebai, and Ammon, and Amalek, and Phi- liftia : 9 Aflyria alfo is leagued with the inhabitants of Tyre ; The peoples are become auxiliaries to the chil- dren of Lot. p(^j3 10 Do thou unto them as thou didft unto Midian, As unto Sifera, as unto Jabin ; 1 1 That perifhed at the river Kiflion, That became dung on the earth at Endor. 1 2 Make them and their princes as Oreb and Zeb, Make all their fovereigns as Zebah and Salma- nah ; 13 Becaufe they have faid, ^' Let us pofTefs our- felves of the habitation of God." 14 O God, make them like chaff. Like flubble before the wind, 16 So purfue them with thy tempeft. And hurry them away with thy whirlwind. 1 5 As fire confumeth the foreft. And as flame fcorcheth the mountains, 1 7 Let dilhonour fill their countenance. Until they feek thy name, O Jehovah. 1 8 Let them be abalhed and difmayed for the fu- ture. And let them be turned back and deflroyed, 19 Until they know, that thou — N 2 Jehovah i8o PSALM LXXXTV. Jehovah is thy name — Thou alone art the Moft High over all the earth. LXXXIV. I TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by the Sons of Korah, on the Harp of Gath. Firjl Singi er. 2 T TOW lovely are thy dwellings, O Jehovah, aI God of hofts ! 3 My foul wiflieth and longeth for the courts of Jehovah, Mine heart and my flefli cry unto the God of life. 4 Yea, the bird hath found an houfe, And the dove a neft for her. Where Ihe can lay her young, Near thine altars, O Jehovah, God of Hofts, My king and my God. 5 O the happinefs of thofe that dwell in thine houfe ! They continually praife thee in their hearts, rhn 6 O the PSALM LXXXIV. i8i 6 O the happinefs of the people whofe ftrength is in thee, 7 Faffing the ways in the valley of Bacah, they drink of a fpring ; Yea, the rain fuddenly filleth the pools, 8 They go from ftrength to ftrength. Chorus, Feared be the God of gods in Zion, 9 Jehovah, the God of hofts. Fuji Singer. Hear my prayer ; Liften, O God of Jacob, TO'D 10 O our fhield; O God, Behold and regard the face of thine anointed ! 11 For one day in thy courts is better than a thoufand. Second Singer. I would choole rather to be in the porch of the houfe of God, Than to dwell within the tents of the wicked ; 12 For Jehovah, the God of hofts j is a fun and a fhield, Jehovah beftoweth grace and glory ; 13 Nor doth he withhold any thing good from thofe that walk uprightly. ^ N 3 Chorus. :ti PSALM LXXXV, Ck O the happinefs of the man that trufteth in thee, O Jehovah, God of hofts I LXXXV. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by the Sons of Korah. DOST thou become favourable to thy land, O Jehovah ? Dofl thou turn the captivity of Jacob ? Dofh thou take away the iniquity of thy people? Haft thou forgiven all their fin ? n^D Haft thou put an end to all thy fury ? Doft thou turn from the fiercenefs of thy wrath ? Reftore us, O God, our Saviour, . And diffipate thine indignation againft us ! Wilt thou be enraged with us for ever ? Wilt thou make thy wrath to endure through generation and generation ? Wilt thou not turn and revive us. That thy people may rejoice in thee ? S Shew PSALM LXXXV. 183 8 Shew us thy mercy, O Jehovah, and give us thy falvation ! 9 I hearken what Jehovah, our God, will fay. When he (hall fpeak peace to his people. And to his faints, and to the reformed of heart. 10 Truly his faving power is near to them that fear him. When his glory dwelleth in our land ; 1 1 Mercy and truth meet together, Juftice and peace embrace ; , 1 2 Truth fhooteth up from the earth. And juftice is confpicuous from heaven ; 13 Yea, Jehovah giveth profperity. And our land yieldeth its increafe ; 14 The juft profpereth in his prefence, Becaufe l\e placeth his footfteps in his way. LXXXVL 1 84 PSALM LXXXVL LXXXVI. . 1 A PRAYER BY DAVID. INCLINE thine ear, O Jehovah, anfwer me. For I am affiidted and indigent. 2 Preferve my foul, for I am pious ; O God, fave thy fervant that trufteth in thee I 3 Have compaffion on me, O Lord, for I cry unto thee all day ; 4 Cheer the fpirit of thy fervant, for I lift up rny foul to thee ! 5 Becaufe thou, O Lord, art good, and forgiving, And abounding in mercy toward all that invoke thee. 6 Liflen to my prayer, O Jehovah, And attend to the voice of my fupplications. 7 I cry unto thee in a time of diftrefs, furely thou wilt hear me. 8 There is none like thee among the gods, O Lord ; Neither is there any that can do like unto thy works ; 9 All nations whom thou haft made fliall come, And fhall worfhip before thee, O Lord, And PSALM LXXXVI. 185 And iliall glorify thy name ; to For thou art great, and doeft wonderful things; Thou art God, thou alone. 1 1 Teach me thy way, O Jehovah, I will walk in thy truth ; Mine heart diall rejoice in the fear of thy name. 12 I will praife thee, O Lord God, with mine whole heart. And I will glorify thy name for ever ; 1 3 After that thy mercy hath been great toward me. And thou haft delivered my foul from the deep grave. 14 O God, the proud rife up againft me. And an aflembly of tyrants feek my life. And do not fet thee before them. 15 But O thou, Lord God, tender and compaf- fionate. Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy and truth, 1 6 Have regard unto me, and have pity on me ; Give ftrength unto thy fervant, and help the fon of thine handmaid ! 1 7 Shew in my favour a token of thy goodnefs. That thofe that hate me may fear, and be abafhed ; Becaufe thou, O Jehovah, doft help and com- fort me. LXXXVII. iS6 PSALM LXXXVII. LXXXVII, A PSALM BY THE SONS OF KORAH, An Ode. The Foundations on the holy Mountains. 2 TEHOVAH loveth the gates of Zion. ^ %} Above all the dwellings of Jacob thou art glorious in fame : In thee is the city of the God. ^^Q 4 I will celebrate Rahab and Babylon for men of knowledge, Lo, Philiflia, and Tyre with Chaldea ; 5 But of Zion it (hall be faid. Such an one was born there, This man, and that man was born in her ; And this fame did lay her foundations. 6 The Moil High, Jehovah, fhall mention in re- giftering the peoples. Such an one was born there ; nSo 7 And of fingers, as well as inftrumental mufi- cians, all the fprings are in thee. LXXXVIIL PSALM LXXXVIII. 187 LXXXVIII. AN ODE. A Pfalm for the Sons of Korah. TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. An inftruftive P/alm on Sicknefs through Afflidion, by Aiman, the Ezrahite. O Jehovah, God of my falvation, I cry in the day, I complain in the night before thee ; Let my prayer come unto thy prefence. Incline thine ear to my calling ; For my foul hath had abundance of calamities^ And they reduce my Hfe to the grave. I am accounted as one of thofe that are gone down to the pit ; I am become hke a man that has no ftrength ; I Like the dead I am efteemed. Like the flain that lie in the fepulchre, Whom thou remembered no more. And they are cut off by thine hand. 2 7 Thou 1 88 PSALM LXXXVIII. 7 Thou haft placed me in a moft profound pit. In an obfcure place, in a dark abyfs. 8 Thine indignation prefTeth upon me. And thou doft afflid me with all thy waves. rhn 9 Thou haft fet mine acquaintance at a diftance from me, Thou haft made me an abomination to them. / am confined, that I cannot go forth ; ID Mine eyefight faileth through afflidion. I cry unto thee, O Jehovah, every day ; . I ftretch out mine hands to thee. 1 1 For the dead wilt thou perform a miracle ? Yea, fliall the deceafed arife, fliall they praife thee ? rho 12 Shall thy mercy be recounted in the fepulchre. Thy truth in the midft of deftrudion ? 13 Shall thy miraculous power be acknowledged in obfcurity. And thy juftice in the land of oblivion ? 14 When I cry unto thee, O Jehovah, And in the morning my prayer cometh early unto thee, 15 Wherefore, O Jehovah, doft thou rejed my foul, Doft thou hide thy countenance from me ? 16 I have been afftided and tormented from my youth ; I have PSALM LXXXIX. 189 I have borne thy horrors, I have been dlftraded. 1 7 Thy rage hath paffed over me, Troubles from thee have entirely confumed me; 18 They have furrounded me Hke water every day. They have encompaifed me entirely. 19 ThoQ haft removed to a diftance from me him that loved me^ and my companion. Mine acquaintance and mine affectionate friend. LXXXIX. I AN INSTRUCTIVE FJahl BY ETHA^', THE EZRAHITE. I Will fing thy mercies for ever, O Jehovah, With my mouth I will celebrate ftiy truth through generation and generation. Of old the mercy was appointed ; Thou didft fix the token of thy truth in the heavens : For thou, O Jehovah, didft declare, " I have made a covenant with my chofen, '^ I have fworn unto David my fervant ; " I will confirm thy feed for ever, 7 '' While ipo PSALM LXXXIX. *^ While I eftablifh thy throne through gene- ration and generation." ^Sd 6 The heavens confefs thy miraculous power, O Jehovah ; Yea, thine immutability in the alTembly of the holy ones. 7 For who in heaven can be compared to Jeho- vah, Among the fons of the mighty can be likened to Jehovah, 8 A God feared in the afTembly of the holy ones. Great, and to be dreaded, above all that are around him ? 9 O Jehovah^ God of hofts, who is endued with might as thou art ? Thine immutability furroundeth thee. 10 Thou rulefl the fwelling of the ocean ; When it lifteth up its waves, thou doft trium- • phantly govern them. 1 1 Thou, like a warrior, fmoteffc Rahab, With thy mighty arm thou didft da(h in pieces thy foes* 12 To thee belong the heavens, yea to thee the earth. The globe, and the fulnefs th(^reof ; Thou didft lay the foundation of them. 13 The PSALM LXXXIX. ^91 13 The north and the fouth, thou didft create them — Tabor and Hermon, in thy name they rejoice. 14 Power and might belong to thee ; Thine hand is flrong, thy right hand is ex- alted. 15 Juflice and judgment are the bafis of thy throne, Mercy and truth go before thy face. 16 O the happinefs of the people that acknow- ledgeth thee, O Jehovah, with praife ! They walk in the light of thy countenance, 17 Through thy name they rejoice all the day, And by thy juflice they are exalted. 1 8 When thou wert the glory of our ftrength. And thou didft exalt our horn with thy fa* vour; 19 When our defence was from Jehovah, And our dominion from the Holy One of If- rael ; 20 Then thou didft fpeak in a vilTon to thy faints. And didft declare, " I have given help unto a man, *' I have exalted a youth from among the peo- ple; 21 *^ I have found David, my fervant, '' With ijfe PSALM LXXXIX. '^ With mine holy oil I have anointed him ; 22 " Whom mine hand (hall eftabhfh, " Yea^ mine arm fhall ftrengthen him ; 23 " The foe (hall not be elated over him, " Neither (hall the fon of iniquity injure him. 24 " But I will deilroy his enemies before his face, *^ And I will fmite thofe that hate him ; 25 ^^ And my truth and my mercy fliall be with him, *^ And through my name his horn fliall be ex- alted ; 26 ^^ I have appointed his hand to rule unto the fea, 27 ^^ And his right hand unto the rivers, " He (hall invoke vn^^/ayingy Thou art my fa- ther, *^ My God, and the rock of my falvation. 28 " Moreover, I will give him a firft born, ^^ Supreme over the kings of the earth. 29 " I will preferve my mercy towards him for ever, ^' And my covenant with him fliall be immu- table ; 30 " That I may efliablifli his feed to eternity, ^' And his throne as the days of heaven. = 31 " If PSALM LXXXIX. 193 31 "If his Tons defert my law, and walk not in my judgments, 32 ^Mf they profane my ftatutes, and do not ob- ferve my commandments, f$ " I will vifit their fm with a rod, and their ini- quity with flripes ; 34 " But I will not take away my mercy from him, " Neither will I be falfe to my promife. S5 " I will not annul my covenant, " And I will not change what hath iffued from my lips : 36 " This one thing I have fworn by my holi- nefs, . " That I will not be falfe to David. 37 " His feed (liall endure for ever, " And his throne (hall be hke the fun before me, 38 " And like the moon, it (hall be eftabliflied for ever, ** And to eternity, like the heaven it fliall be ftable/* rho • 39 Yet thou haft rejeded, thou art difgufted at, thou art angry with thine anointed. 40 Thou haft overturned the covenant with thy fervant, VOL. I. O Then J 94 PSALM LXXXIX. . Thou profaned his diadem on the earth ; 41 Thou breakeft down all his defences^ Thou makeft his fortreffes to be burnt with fire ; 42 All that pafs the road pillage him ; He is become an obje6l of reproach among his neighbours ; 43 Thou exalted the right hand of his enemies. Thou dod make all his foes to rejoice ; 44 Thou turned back his fword. And dod not fupport him in battle. 45 Thou fended his purifying priefi into captivity^^ And thou throwed down his throne to the ground ; 46 Thou dod cut off the days of his young men, Thou dod cover his men of rank with difgrace. 47 How long, O Jehovah, wilt thou hide thyfelf i^ Shall thy wrath burn like fire for ever > 48 Remember how tranfitory I am. Of what a degree of vanity thou had created all the fons of men. 49 What man ftiall live and not fee death. And diall deliver his foul from the power of the grave ? 50 Where are thine antient mercies, O Jehovah, Which thou did.d promife firmly to David witU an oath ? 51 Re, P S A L M LXXXIX. 19^^ 51 Remember the ignominy of thy fervants, O Lord ; I bear in my bofom all the taunts of many peo- ples, ^2 With which thy foes, O Jehovah, reproach. With which they reproach the footfleps of thine anointed. ^he End of the Third Booh .S3 Bleffed be Jehovah for ever. Atnen and amen. 0^ ^ THE THE FOURTH BOOK. xc. A PRAYER BY MOSES THE MAN OF GOD. o Chorus, Jehovah, thou hafl been a refuge to us through generation and generation. Solo* Before the mountains were brought forth. Or the earth and the globe were formed. And from the beginning of time to the end thereof thou exiftefi. Do not turn weak mortals to deflrudion. But fay, ^^ Return ye fons of men." Since a thoufand years in thy fight are as yef- terday \ O 3 5 And 198 PSALM XC 5 And as a watch in the night, fuch is the rapid ftream of them ; They are as a dream in the morning. As the herbage changeth, 6 In the morning it fhooteth up, But it is changed before the evening, It is cut down, it is withered ; 7 So we are confumed by thy wraths And are deflroyed by thine indignation, 8 Thou doft place our crimes before thee. Our fecrets before the hght of thy countenance; 9 While all our days roll away at thy fury, We bring our years to an end. 10 As it were a thought are the days of our years. In them are feventy years ; And if through ftrength they be eighty years. Then the excefs of them is labour and forrowo 1 1 But he is haftily and fwiftly cut off. Who feeleth the power of thy wrath. And the terror of thy fury. 1 2 To number our days fo teach us. That we may apply the heart to wifdom. 13 Turn, O Jehovah; how long will thou affit5t us'i ^urn and comfort thy fervants j 14 Fill us foon with thy mercy, That we may rejoice and be glad all our days. 1 5 Make us rejoice as many days as thou haffc af- flicled us. As PSALM XCL 19^ Js many years as we have feen of adverlity. i 6 Shew unto thy fervants thy works. And the way unto their children. Chorus, 1 7 May Jehovah, our God, be favourable unto us, And may he profper the work of our hands on us» XCL OThou that dwelieft under the protedion of the Moft High, That under the fhadow of the almighty Jeho- vah doft remain. That fay eft to Jehovah, ^^ My defence and my fecurity, ^^ My God, in whom I will truft," Surely he Ihall fhroud thee from the net of the enfnaring fpeaker of evil ; With his plumage he fliall overfpread thee. And under his wings thou (halt be proteded : His truth fhall be a target and Ihield to thee. Thou (halt not be alarmed with nodurnal ter- ror, With the arrow that flieth during the day, O 4 6 With 200 PSALM XCI. 6 With the peftilence that ftalketh amidft ob- fcurity^ With the deftrndion that confumeth at noon : 7 It {liall overturn a thoiifand at thy fide, And a multitude at thy right hand. But it (hall not touch thee : 8 Only with thine eyes thou Ihalt behold, Thou (halt fee the punifliment of the wicked. 9 Becaufe thou haft made Jehovah a protection. Thou haft made the Moft High thy refuge, 10 No evil fliall opprefs thee. Nor any plague come nigh thy dwelling ; 1 1 But he fnall charge his angels concerning thee, To guard thee in all thy ways ; 1 2 That they (liould fupport thee on their hands. Left thou ftiouldft ftrike thy foot againft a ftone; 13 That thou may eft tread on the black fnake and the afpic, That thou mayeft trample on the ferpent and the dragon ; 14 Saying, '^ Becaufe he fetteth his affedions on me, therefore I will deliver him, " I will exalt him, becaufe he acknowledgeth my name ; 15 " He (hall invoke me, and I will hear him, '' I will be with him when he is in diftrefs, ^^ I will refcue him from danger, and make him glorious ; : 16 '' I will PSALM XCll. 201 i6 " I will fatisfy him with length of days, " And I will regard him with my faving power." XCII. A PSALM. An Ode for the Day of the Sabbath. IT is good to praife Jehovah, And to fing of thy name, O Mofl High, In the morning to declare thy mercy. And in the night thy truth. Upon an inftrument of ten firings and the lute. In the pfalm accompanied with the harp. Since thou haft made me to rejoice through thy works. Through the operation of thine hands, I fmg loxxdly, faying, " How great, O Jehovah, are thy works ! ^^ Thy thoughts are exceeding incomprehen fible." A perfon that is fimple doth not know. And a perverfe one will not underftand this. While the ungodly flourifh like grafs. And 202 PSALM XCIL And all thofe that work iniquity bloom, .Until they be cut oif for ever. 9 But thou, O Jehovah, (halt be exalted for ever 5 10 For lo, thy foes, O Jehovah, Lo, thy ibes (hall perljQi. All the workers of iniquity fliali be difperfed ; 1 1 But thou (halt elevate mine horn, like that of an unicorn, Mine old age (hall be vigorous with fatnefs ; J 2 And mine eye fhall fee on mine enemies. Mine ear (hall hear of the misfortunes of thofe that rife up againft me. 13 The righteous (hall ilourifh like a palm tree. Shall grow like a cedar in Libanus. 14 Thofe that are planted in the houfe of Jehovah, In the courts of our God, (liall flourifh ; 1 5 In old age they (liall flill put forth buds. They lliall be full of fap and vigorous, 16 To (hew that Jehovah, my defender, is juft^ And that there is no iniquity in him. XCIIL PSALM XCIII. 203 XCIII. O Jehovah, O King, with a vefture of dignity, A veflure, O Jehovah, of might thou girdeft thyfelf; Truly thou didft fix the globe. That it cannot be removed. Thy throne was eftablifhed before thap-timc^ Thou exljiefi froni all eternity. O Jehovah, the floods lift up. The floods lift up their voice, The floods lift up their waves ; With the found of great waters Majeftic are the billows of the fea: Jehovah on high is more majeflic. Thy teftimonies are very firmly eflabliflied In thy beautiful holy houfe, O Jehovah, for a length of days. XCIV. 204 PSALM XCIV. XCIV. Firjl Singer, 1 ^'^ OD of vengeance, Jehovah, V-X God of vengeance, fhine forth in fplen- dour ! 2 Arife, O judge of die earth. Return a retribution to the proud ! 3 How long (ball the wicked, O Jehovah, How long fhall the wicked exult, 4 Shall they fpeak and utter perverfenefs ? How long fliall all the workers of iniquity boafl: themfelves ? 5 They fmite thy people, O Jehovah, And they afflid thine inheritance ; 6 They flay the widow and the ftranger. And they murder the orphans ; 7 And they fay, Jehovah doth not fee it, Neither doth the God of Jacob underfland it. Second Singer. 3 Attend to inftrudlion, O ye fimple among the people : O ye perverfe, when will ye learn wifdom ? 9 He that fixed the ear, (hall not he hear ? He that formed the eye, fhall not he fee ? 10 He PSALM XCIV. .205 10 He that chaftifeth the nations, fliall not he cor- red ? He that teacheth man knowledge, Jhall not be know ? 1 1 Jehovah knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity. Firjl Singer, 12 O the happinefs of that man, whom thou, O Jehovah, doft corred. And doft inftrud him in thy law, 1 3 That he may be quiet in the days of wickednefs. Until the pit be digged for the ungodly ! 14 For Jehovah will not forfake his people. And he will not defert his inheritance ; 15 But ftill righteous judgment fliall be reftored. And all the upright of heart fliall be his fol- lowers. 1 6 Who rifeth againft the evil doers for me ? Who ftandeth againft the workers of iniquity for me ? 17 If, O Jehovah, thou didft not help me, In a httle time my foul would inhabit filence. 18 When I fay, '' My foot flippeth," Thy mercy, O Jehovah, fuftaineth m.e. 19 In the multitude of the perplexities that I have within me. Thy comforts deHght my foul. ^ ■ Second 2o6 PSALM XCV. Second Singer* £0 Shall Jehovah blefs the throne of wickednefs. That compel leth labour beyond the term pre- , fcribed ? 21 They gather together againft the life of th^ righteous^ And they condemn the innocent blood. 22 But let Jehovah be unto me an high place. And God the rock of my defence. 23 And let him turn their own iniquity againft them, And let him deftroy them in their own wick- ed nefs. Both, Let Jehovah, our God, deftroy them. XCV. 1 X^OME, let us fhout to Jehovah, V^ Let us fing loudly to the rock of our fal- vation, 2 Let us come before his prefence with praife. With pfalms let us fing aloud unto him : 3 For Jehovah is a great God, I And PSALM XCV. 207 And a king great above all gods ; ^ Becaufe the dcepefl places of the earth are in his power, And the tops of the mountains belong to him ; 5 Becaufe to him bdongetb the fea. And he it was thax made it. And his hands formed the dry land. 6 Come let us worfliip, let us bow down. Let us kneel before Jehovah, our maker ; 7 For he is our God, And we are the people of his pafture. And the Iheep of his hand. This day furely ye will hearken to his voice, that Ja'ithy 8 " Harden not your hearts as at Meribah, '^ As in the day of temptation in the wilder- nefs, 9 " When your anceftors did tempt me. 10 " They proved me, they faw my works forty years. '^ I was difgufted widi that generation, " And I faid, they are a people of an erring heart, ^^ And they indeed will not know my way. 11 " Therefore I fware in my wrath, " That they fhould not enter into my reft." 2o8 PSALM XCVL XCVI. 1 O ING ye unto Jehovah a new fong, O Sing unto Jehovah, O all the earth ; 2 Sing unto Jehovah, blefs his name, Announce from day to day his faving power. 3 Tell among the nations of his glory. Among all peoples of his miraculous adts. 4 Truly Jehovah is great, and greatly to be praifed ; He is to be feared more than all other gods ; 5 For all the gods of the peoples are vanity. But Jehovah made the heavens. 6 Homage and honour are before his face. Might and glory are in his fanduary. 7 Afcribe to Jehovah, O tribes, O peoples, Afcribe to^ Jehovah glory and might; 8 Afcribe to Jehovah the glory due unto his name. Bring an oblation and enter his courts ; 9 Worfhip Jehovah with holy reverence. Tremble before him, all ye inhabitants of the earth. 10 Proclaim among the nations, Jehovah is king. Yea, he fixed the globe that it cannot be re- moved ; He will judge the peoples with equity. 7 II Let P S A L M XCVII. 209 i I Let the heavens rejoice, and let the earth leap for jo V; Let the Tea and the fulnefs thereof roar^ i± Let the field, and all that is in it, exult. Yea let all the trees of the foreft fhout 13 Before Jehovah, becaufe he cometh, Becaufe he cometh to judge the earth : He will judge the world in righteoufnefs, And the peoples according to his truth. XCVII. Cfjorus. JEHOVAH is king, let the earth leap for joy. Let the numerous ifles rejoice. Clouds and thick darknefs are around him, Righteoufnefs and judgment are the fupporters of his throne. Fire goeth before him. And burneth up his enemies on every fide: His lightnings gleam o'er the world ; The earth beholdeth, and trembleth ; Like wax the mountains melt at the prefencc of Jehovah, At the prefence of the Lord of the whole earth. VOL. I. P 6 The 210 PSALM XCVIl. 6 The heavens declare his righteoufnefs^ And "all peoples behold his glory. 7 They (hall be aba(hed that ferve images* That iing praife unto idols : All gods (hall fall proftrate before him. Firjl Semichorus, 8 Zion fliall hear and rejoice. And the daughters of Judah fhall leap for joy . Becaufe of thy judgments, O Jehovah : 9 For thou, O Jehovah, art fupreme over all the earth ; Thou art exalted far above all gods. Second Semtchorus, I o Jehovah loveth thofe that hate wickednefs ; He preferveth the lives of his faints. He protedeth them from the power of the wicked. I I Light fpringeth up for the righteous. And joy for the upright of heart. Chorus. %z Rejoice, ye righteous, in Jehovah, And fmg praife with commemorating his holi- nefs. XCVIII. PSALM XCVIlL 2.11 XCVIIL SING to Jehovah a new fong, For he performeth wonderful things ; Wrought falvation for us hath his right hand. Yea his holy arrri. Jehovah hath made known his power to fave. He hath revealed his righteoufnefs to the afflict- ed of the nations. He hath remembered his mercy toward Jacob, And his faithfulnefs to the houfe of Ifrael ; All the ends of the , earth behold the falvation of our God. O all the earth, fing loudly to Jehovah ! Burft forth into m.elody, and fliout, and fing ; Sing to Jehovah with the harp, With the harp and an harmonious voice; With clarions and the found of the trumpet Shout before the king Jehovah. Let the fea and the fulnefs thereof roar ; Let the globe, and thofe that inhabit it^ Let the rivers clap the hand ; To2:ether let the mountains Ihout Before Jehovah, becaufe he cometh; He cometh to judge the earth, P 2 He 212 P S A L M XCIX. He will judge the globe in righteoufners, And the peoples in equity. XCIX. Chorus. 1 TTEHOVAH is king ; let the peoples tretn- J ble : He that fitteth between the cherubim ; let the earth quake. 2 Jehovah in Zion is great. And he is exalted above all peoples. Flrjl Semichorus. 3 They (hall pay homage to thy name ; It is great and terrible, 4 Holy and mighty. Thou art a king that loveft judgment : Thou didft eftablifh equity of judgment. And thou doft execute juflice in Jacob. Second Semlchorus, 5 Extol ye Jehovah, our God, and fall proftrate before his footftool. 6 He fandified Mofes and Aaron among his faints, And P S A L M XCIX. 213 And Samuel among thofe that invoked his name; Who called on Jehovah, and he heard them ; He fpake to them from a pillar of cloud. They kept his teftimonies, and the command- ment that was given them. F'lrjl Semichorus. O Jehovah, our God, thou didft hear them ; Thou wert the God that fupported them, And that took vengeance of the plots againft them. Second Semkhorus. Extol ye Jehovah, our God, And fall proftrate in his holy mountain. For Jehovah, our God, is holy. C SI4 P S A L M C C. A PSALM OF PRAISE. OAll the earth, fing loudly to Jehovah^ Serve Jehovah with joy, Come before his prefence with fhouting. Acknowledge that Jehovah alone is God ; He made us, and to him we mortals belong, His people, and the iheep of his pafture. Enter his gates with praife. His courts with a fong. Pay homage to him, Blefs his name. For Jehovah is good ; To eternity endureth his mercy. And through generation and generation his truth. CL PSALM CI. 2T5 CL A PSALM BY DAVID. I Will ling of piety and judgment; Concerning thee, O Jehovah, I wil} chaunt ; I will inflru6t in the path of virtue The men thou (halt place under me. I will walk within mine houfe in the upright- nefs of mine heart, I will not fet a wicked thing before mine eyes. I detefh him that committeth tranfgreflion ; he fhall not cleave unto me. The perverfe heart (hall remove from me ; I will not know a wicked perfon. The fecret accufer of his neighbour, hini will I deftroy ; The lofty- eyed and proud of heart, I will not eat with him. Mine eye (hall be upon the faithful in the land, to reft with me. He that walketb in the path of virtue, (hall minifter unto me. None that adteth deceitfully (liall dwell in mine houfe ; P 4 H? ^i6 PSALM CIL He that fpeaketh falfities (liall not be eftablilhed before mine eyes. 8 With nice examination I will deftroy all the un- godly in the land. That I may cut off all the workers of iniquity from the city of Jehovah. CIL J A .jPrayer for an afflided Perfon, when he fainteth, and poureth put his Dejeftion before Jehovah, O Jehovah, hear my prayer. And let my crying come unto thee ! Hide not thy face from me ; Incline thine ear unto me in the time of my diftrefs ; Haflien to anfwer me when I call. For my days vanifh like fmoke, And my bones are burnt up like a firebrand ; Mine heart is fmitten, and withereth hke grafs ; For I forget to eat my bread. Becaufe of my fighing my bone cleaveth to my fkin ; I refenible a pelican in the wildernefs ; I am PSALM CII. 217 i am become like a bird of prey, that liveth in defert places ; 8 I watch, and I am like the lonely bird on the houfe-top. 9 Throughout the whole day my foes revile me. They confpire madly againfl me. 10 Surely I eat allies as bread, And I mingle my drink with weeping, 1 1 On account of thy fury and thy rage, Becaufe thou haft made me defolate, and call me down. 12 My days decline like a (hadow. And I like grafs do wither ; 13 But thou, O Jehovah, flialt remain for ever; And the memory of thee through generation and generation. 14 Thoii flialt arife, thou flialt have mercy upon Zion, When it is time to have pity on her. When the feafon cometh ; 15 Becaufe thy fervants have an affedion to her ftones, And they are grieved for her being in the diifl: 16 Then fliall the nations fear the name of Jeho- vah, And all the kings of the earth thy glory. 1 7 When Jehovah buildeth Zion, Appeareth in his glory, 18 Hath 2i8 PSALM Cfl. 1 8 Hath regard to the prayer of the deflitutc^ And doth not defpife their petition : 1 9 That (hall be written for pofterity. And the people that fhall be hereafter fhall praife Jehovah; 20 Becaufe Jehovah from the height of his holy place did look down, From the heavens he caft his eye on the earth, 2 1 To attend to the anguifli of the prifoner. To loofe the fons of the dead ; 2 2 That they might record in Zion the name of Jehovah, And his praife in Jerufalem, 23 When the peoples are gathered together. And the kingdoms, to ferve Jehovah. 24 Afflidion cutteth (liort my flrength in the way ; 25 I fay, O my God, deftroy me not in the midft of my days ! Thy years continue through an age of ages : 26 At the beginning thou didft lay the foundation of the earth, And the heavens are the work of thy hands ; 27 They may perifh, but thou (halt flill remain ; Yea the whole of them may be v/orn out like a garment ; Thou canil renew them like a vefture ; 28 Though they be changed, yet thou art the fame. And thy years fhall never be finiflied. 2 , 29 Let PSALM cm. 219 29 Let the fons of thy fervants remain in the land, And let their feed be eftabliflied before thee. CIIL I /^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ Jehovah, V-/ And all that is within me, his holy name. :^ O my foul, blefs Jehovah, And forget not all the kindnefs of him 3 That remitteth all thy fins. That healeth all thine infirmities, 4 That redeemeth thy life from the grave, That furroundeth thee with mercy and benefits, 5 That filleth thy future days with good. So that thy youth is renewed like that of an eagle. 6 Jehovah executeth juftice And judgment for ail that are opprelTed ; 7 He (hewed his ways unto Mofes, His works to the children of Ifrael. 8 Jehovah is tender and compaffionate. Slow to anger, and of great mercy : Q Not to eternity will he be angry. Neither for ever will he preferve his indig- nation ; TO He :^2o PSALM cm. .10 He hath not dealt with us according to our iins, Neither hath he requited us according to our iniquities ; 1 1 But, as the heaven extendcth over the earth. So doth his mercy extend over them that fear him ; 12 As the eaft is diftant from the weft. At fuch a diftance he hath fet our faults from us; 13 As a father is tender toward his children, Jehovah is tender of them that fear him ; 14 For he knoweth our frame. He calleth to mind that we mortals are duft. 15 Man, like thofe of the grafs are his days. Like the flower of the field fo doth he bloom ; 16 But a blaft pafTeth over him, and he is no more. Neither doth his place know him again. 1 7 But the mercy of Jehovah is from eternity, And to eternity on thofe that fear him ; And his righteoufnefs to children's children, 18 Toward fuch as keep his covenant. And toward them that remember his ordinances to pradife them. 19 Jehovah hath eftablilhed his throne in the hea- vens, And his kingdom ruleth over all. 20 Biefs PSALM CIV. 221 20 Biefs ye Jehovah, O ye his angels, Strong in might, that execute his word. While liftening to the found of his word, 21 Blefs ye Jehovah, O all ye his hotls, His minifters that execute his pleafure. 22 Blefs Jehovah, O all his works. In all places throughout his dominion. O my foul, blefs Jehovah. CIV. Flrjl Singer. I /^ My foul, blefs Jehovah. ^^ O Jehovah, my God, thou art exceeding great. Thou art clothed with dignity and majefly. Second Singer, ■z He putteth on light as a robe. He extendeth the heavens as an awning ; 3 That frameth his chambers v/ith waters. That ufeth the clouds for his chariot, That walketh on the wings of the wind. 4 He maketh his meffengers winds. His minifters a fire of flame. c He 222 PSALM CIV. ^ 5 He fixed the earth on its bafis. It ihall not be removed for ever. F'lrjl Singer. 6 The abyfs, like a garment, was its covering i The waters flood above the mountains ; 7 From thy rebuke they fled, From the found of thy thunder they hurried away ; 8 They afcended the mountains, they defcended the vales. To the place thou hadft appointed for them ; 9 They do not pafs the limit thou hafl placed ; They cannot return to cover the earth. Second Singer, ID Sending out fountains. Which flow among the mountains in torrents^ 1 1 That all the beafts of the field may drink. The thirfty wild affes may allay their drought ; 1 2 That the fowl of the air may dwell near them, May utter their cry among the currents : 13 Watering the mountains from his chambers, That the earth may be full of the fruits of his works ; 14 Making grafs to (hoot up for the beafi, And vegetables for the fervice of mankind ; By bringing forth bread from the earth, i; And PSALM CIV. 223 15 And wine, that cheereth the heart of man. While it enliveneth the countenance ; He fuftaineth the heart of mortals with fatnefs and food. 16 The trees of Jehovah are plentifully nourilhed, The cedars of Libanus, which he hath planted ; 1 7 There the birds build their nefts ; As for the ftork, the fir-trees are her dwelling. 1 8 The fleep mountains are for the wild goats ; The rocks are a refuge to the field mice. F'lrjl singer » 19 Having made the moon for a certain period. And the fun, which knoweth his place of fet- ting, 20 Thou haft appointed darknefs, that it may be night : During that, all the animals of the foreft move, 2 1 The lions are roaring for prey. And in feeking their food. 22 Thou makeft the fun to arife; they gather toge- ther. And they couch in their dens : 23 Man goeth forth to his labour. And to his toil till the evening. 24 O Jehovah, how manifold are thy works \ With wifdom thou haft made them all ! The earth is full of thy creatures ; 25 So 2H PSALM CIV, 25 So is the great and extenfive fea ; There are reptiles innumerable. The fmalleft as well as the largefl animals ^ 26 There the fhips run to and fro. And that leviathan, whom thou didft form to fport in it : 27 All of them depend on thee For the giving of their food in its feafon. 28 Thou givefl: // to them, they gather // ; Thou opened thine hand, they are filled with good; 29 Thou hidefb thy countenance, they quickly perifh ; Thou takeft away their breath, they expire. And they return to their duft. 30 Thou fendeft forth thy fpirit, they are created ; And thou reneweft the face of the earth. Second Singer, 31 The glory of Jehovah fhall endure for ever; Rejoice in his works fliall Jehovah, 32 That looketh on the earth, and it trembleth ; That toucheth the mountains, and they fmoke. 33 I will fmg to Jehovah as long as I live, I will chaunt to my God while I exift. 34 My meditation (hall be pleaiing to hinr. And I v/ill rejoice in Jehovah. 35 The fmners (liall be confumed from the earth. And PSALM CV. 225 And the ungodly, till there be none remaining, O my foul, blefs Jehovah, BotL Hallelujah. CV, 1 T)^^ homage to Jehovah, invoke his name, JL Celebrate his works among the peoples ; 2 Sing unto him, chaunt unto him. Meditate on all his miracles ; 3 Boaft yourfelves of his holy name. Let the heart of them rejoice that feek Jeho- vah. 4 Seek ye Jehovah, that ye may be ftrengthened. Seek his countenance conftantly ; 5 Remember the miracles which he hath wrought. His wonders, and the judgments of his mouth, 6 O feed of Abraham, his fervant, O fons of Jacob, his chofen. Chorus, 7 He, Jehovah, is our God ; VOL. 1, Q^ His 226 PSALM CV, His judgments 2S^Ju'preme over the earth 5 8 He for ever remembereth his covenant. For a thoufand generations the thing he hath ordained, 9 What he promifed unto Abraham, And his oath unto Ifaac, 10 And what he confirmed to Jacob as an immu- table decree. And to Ifrael an eternal covenant, 1 1 Saying, ^' To you I will give the land of Ca- naan, '^ ^0 he the portion of your inheritance," i 2 When they were as yet but few in number. And fojourners in it. 13 When they went from nation unto nation, From one kingdom to another people, 14 He fuffered not any mortal to opprefs them. And rebuked kings for them, I J Sayingy '' Touch not mine anointed, ^' And do my prophets no harm." 16 When he called for a famine on the land. And brake all the ilaff of bread, 3 7 He fent a man before them. For a Have Jofeph was fold ; 18 His feet were hurt with the chain. His body was in irons, 19 Until the time that what he faid came to pafs. That PSALM CV. 227 That the word of Jehovah (hewed him to be guiltlefs. 20 The king fent, and brought him forth. The ruler of the people, and fet him at large ; 2 1 He appointed him lord of his houfehold, And governor of all his property, 22 That he might chaftife his princes according to his will. That he might inftrud his elders in wifdom. 23 Then Ifrael came into Egypt, And Jacob fojourned in the land of Ham. 24 Then he increafed his people exceedingly. And made it more numerous than its ene- mies : 25 Their heart turned to hate his people. To devife wiles againft his fervants : 26 He fent Mofes, his fervant, And Aaron whom he had chofen, 27 That they might lay on them his wonderful and portentous plagues : 28 On the land of Ham he fent darknefs, and hin- dered them from moving, Becaufe they difobeyed his word j 29 He changed their waters into blood. And he flew their fifli ; 30 Their land produced frogs la the moft retired apartments of their kings ; 0^2 31 He -28 PSALM CV. 3 1 He fpake, and the mofcheto came. And flies in all their coaft. 32 He gave them heavy dorms of hail. Flames of fire were on their land, ^^ And he fmote their vines and their fig-trees. And brake the trees of their coail ; 34 He fpake, and the locufl came. And innumerable grafshoppers, 35 And devoured ail the iierbage in their land. And confumed the fruits of their foil ; 36 And he fmote ail the firil-born in their coun- try. The firfl froits of their child-bearing pains. 37 Then he brought them forth with fiiver and gold. Neither was there one in his tribes that fell. 3 8 The Egyptians rejoiced at their departure. For the dread of them was fallen upon them. 39 He fpread out a cloud for a protection. And fire to give light during the night ; 40 They afked, and he brought the quails. And he gave them plenty of bread from hea- ven ; 41 He opened the rock, and the waters ran. The ftream flowed in the parched defert. 42 Surely he remembered his holy word Given unto Abraham his fervant ; 43 And PSALM CVL a?9 43 And he brought forth bis people with triumph^, His chofen ones with joy ; 44 And he gave them the lands of the heathen. And they took pofleffion of the labour of the peoples, 45 That they might keep his ordinances. And that they might obferve his laws. Hallelujah. CVL Solo, I TTALLELUJAH, JL Jl Pay homage to Jehovah^ for he is good. For his mercy endureth for ever. % Who can diftindly rehearfe the mighty ads of Jehovah^ Can make known all his praife ? 3 O the happinefs of thofe who obferve juflice. Doing righteoufly at all times ! Chorus, 4 Remember us, O Jehovah, with the favour thou ujeft to Jhew to thy people ; 0.3 Vifi^ i30 PSALM CVI. Vilit us with thy faving power, 5 Regarding with goodnefs thy chofen ones ; That we may rejoice with the joy of thy na- tion, That we may fing praife in thine inheritance. 6 We have finned as our anceftors did, We have done evil, we have been wicked. 7 Our anceftors did not learn wifdom by thy mi- racles in Egypt, They did not remember the multitiide of thy mercies, But were difobedient at the fea, at the Red Sea. Solo. 8 Yet he faved them for the fake of his name. To make known his might ; 9 And he rebuked the Red Sea, and it became dry. And he made them walk through the deep as if it had been a defert ; 10 And he faved them from the hand of the enemy. And he refcued them from the hand of the foe ; 11 But the waters overwhelmed their adverfa- ries. Not one of them was left. 12 Then PSALM CVI. 231 12 Then they believed in his word. They fang his praife, 13 They hafted, they forgat his works, They did not wait for his counfel, 14 But they lufted greatly in the defert. And tempted God in the wildernefs ; 15 And he gave them their defire. And fent loathing to their foul. i6 Then they were jealous in the camp againft Mofes, Againft Aaron that was fandified to Jeho- vah : 17 The earth opened^ and fvvallowed up Da- than. And overwhelmed the company of Abiram ; - 1 8 And fire was kindled in the congregation. And a ilame burnt up the impious. 1 9 They made a calf in Horeb^ And bowed down to the molten image, 20 And changed their glory for the refemblance of an ox that eateth grafs ; 21 They forgat God their faviour. That had done great things in Egypr^ 22 Wonderful things in the land of Ham, Terrible things at the Red Sea ; 23 And he would have fpoken to caufe their utter deftrudion, 0^4 Had 232^ PSALM CVI. Had not Mofes^ his chofen, ftood in the breach before him, To turn his indignation from deftroying. 24 Then they efleemed vile the land they fliould have defired ; They beHeved not on his word ; 25 But they murmured in their tents. And they hearkened not to the voice of Je- hovah ; 26 And he fware to them. That he would make them fall in the wilder- nefs, 27 And that he would caft off their feed among the nations. And that he would fcatter them through the countries. 28 Then they were connedec} with Baal-peor, And they ate the offerings of the dead ; 29 And they vexed him with their deeds, So that the plague broke forth arnong them : 30 But Phineas ftood up, and executed juftice. And the plague was ftayed ; 3 1 And that was accounted to him for righteouf- nefs Throughout all generations for ever. 32 They provoked him alfo to indignation at the Vv-aters of Meribah, Anc^ PSALM CVI. 233 And evil came upon Mofes on their account ; 23 For they vexed his fpirir, So that he fpake ralhly with his lips. 34 They did not extirpate the peoples. Which Jehovah had commanded them to de- ftroy ; ^i^ But mingled themfelves with the nations. And learned their doings, 36 And lerved their idols. So that they became a fnare unto them ; 37 And they facrificed their fons and their daugh- ters to demons, 38 And they did fhed innocent blood. The blood of their fons and their daughters. Whom they offered up to the idols of Ca- naan ; So that the land was defiled with blood, 39 And they were polluted by their doings. And they committed fornication by their deeds : .p Then the anger of Jehovah burnt fiercely againfl his people. And he held his inheritance in abomination ; 41 And he delivered them into the hand of the heathen, So that thofe who hated them did rule over them ; 42 And ^34 PSALM CVL 42 And their foes did opprefs them^ While they were humbled under their hand. 43 Many times he deHvered them. But they rebelled againfl him by their de- figns, 44 And were brought low by their wickednefs. But he had regard to them when they were in diftrefs, 45 When he heard their cry ; And in their favour he called to mind his co- venant. And changed his purpofe according to the greatnefs of his mercy ; 46 And made them appear worthy of pity. In the fight of all that led them away cap- tive. Chorus. 47 Save us, O Jehovah, our God, And gather us from among the nations, That we may pay homage to thine holy name. That we may celebrate thee with praife. J'he End of the Fourth Book, 48 Bleffed PSALM CVL 235 48 Bleffed be Jehovah, God of Ifrael, From the beginning of time to the end thereof; And Jet all the people fay, Amen, Hallelujah. THE THE FIFTH BOOK. CVIL Soio. PAY homage to Jehovah, for he is good^ For his mercy endureth for ever : Let thofe fay thus, who have been redeemed by Jehovah, Who hath redeemed them from the hand of the enemy. And hath gathered them from the countries. From the eaft and from the weft. From the north and from the fouth. They wandered in a wlldernefs ; Their way was through a defolate country; They found no city to dwell in : They were hungry, yea thirfty j 0^7 Their t^Z PSALM CVII. Their foul fainted within them : 6 When they cried to Jehovah on their being in diilrefs. He delivered them from their tribulation, 7 And guided them the diredt way. To go to a city where they fhould dwell. Chorus, 8 Let them acknowledge before Jehovah his mercy. And the wonderful things he hath done for the children of Adam ; 9 Since he hath given a fufEciency to the hungry foul. And the famifhed he hath filled with good. Solo, JO Thofe that fat in darknefs and the fliadow of death. That were bound in afflidion and iron, 1 1 Becaufe they had rebelled againft the words of God, They had defpifed the counfel of the Moft High, 12 When their heart was humbled with grief. They were fallen, and there was none to help, 13 When they cried to Jehovah on their being in diftrefs. He PSALM CVII. 239 He faved them from their tribulation, 1 4 And brought them out of darknefs and the flia- dovv of death. And plucked off their bonds. Chorus, 13 Let them acknowledge before Jehovah his mercy. And the wonderful things he hath done for the children of Adam, 16 Since he hath broken the doors of brafs. And hath cut afunder the bolts of iron. Solo, 1 7 The foolifli, becaufe of their finful way. And becaufe of their iniquities, are afflifted ; 1 8 Their foul doth naufeate all food. And they approach to the gates of death ; 19 When they cry to Jehovah on their being in diftrefs, . He faveth them from their tribulation, 20 He fendeth his word, and healeth them, ' And refcueth them from deftrudion. Chorus, 21 Let them acknowledge before Jehovah his mercy. And the wonderful things he hath done for the children of Adam ; 22 And 240 F S A L M CVIfo 2 2 And let them offer facrifices of praife^ And recount his works with a fong. Solo. 23 Thofe that go on the fea in ihips, Exercifing traffic on the great waters, 24 Thefe men, they fee the works of Jehovah, And his wonderful doings on the ocean. 25 Becaufe he fpcaketh, and there arifeth a tem° peftuous wind. And lifteth up the waves thereof,* 26 They afcend to the iky. They defcend to the abyfs. At the roaring their foul melteth with fear ; 27 They reel to and fro, and ftagger like one that is drunk, And all their fkill is fwallowed up. 28 When they cry to Jehovah on their being in diftrefs, Then he bringeth them out of their tribulation; 29 He ftayeth the tempefl with a calm. And the rolHng billows of it are huflied ; 30 Then they rejoice becaufe they are at eafe. And he leadeth them to the port of their defire. Chorus* 3 1 Let them acknowledge before J'ehovah his mercy. And P S A L M CVII. 241 And the wonderful things he hath done for the children of Adam, 32 And let them extol him in the congregation of the people. And let them praife him in the council of the elders. Solo, 33 He can make rivers in a defert. And fprings in a parched country ; 34 A fruitful land be can change into a fait wafte, Becaufe of the wickednefs of thofe that inhabit it; 35 He can make a defert a pool of water, And a dry country fprings of water ; 36 And fettle there the hungry. That they may build a city to dwell in ; 37 That they may fow fields and plant vineyards. And may make fruits of increafe ; 38 And he can blefs them, fo that they (hall mul- tiply exceedingly. And their cattle Ihall not be few. 39 But if they tranfgrefs, they are brought low By tyranny, calamity, and afflidion. 40 He can pour fliame on princes. And feduce them into a pathlefs abyfs ; 41 While he raifeth the diftreifed from affliftlon, And maketh his tribes like a flock of flieep. ^'OL. I. R 42 The ^42 PSALM CVIIL 42 The righteous fee this, and rejoice, And all iniquity fhutteth up its mouth. Chorus, 43 Whofo is Wife, he will obferve thefe things. And he will underftand the mercies of Jeha- vah. CVIII* AN ODE. ' A Pfalm by Afaph. *rht Leader., MINE heart is prepared, I will fmg and celebrate God. Yea the glory of Jehovah. Awake, lute and harp, I will awaken the morning. 4 I will praife thee among the peoples, O J^ hovah, I will celebrate thee among the nations. Yea, magnified unto the heavens be thy mercy. And unto the ikies thy truth* 6 Exalted PSALM CVIII. 243 6 JExalted above the heavens, O God, Above all the earth, be thy glory. 7 That thy beloved people may be delivered, thy right hand faveth and helpeth me. 8 God hath Tpoken from his fanduary : I exult, and divide Sichem, And I meafure the valley of Succoth. 9 Gilead is with me, ManalTeh is with me. The heads of Ephraim the mighty, the judges of Judah. 10 Moab is the pot in which I wafh. Over Edom I caft out my fhoe, Againft Philiftia I continually triumph. 1 1 Who led me to the ftrong city ? who led me to Edom ? 1 2 Was it not thou, O God ? The Army* Haft thou caft us off? wilt not thou go forth with our hofts ? 13 Give us aid againft the enemy, Becaufe vain is the falvation of man ! The Prkjls. 14 Through God we fliall do vahantly. And he it is that ftiall tread down our enemies. R 2 CIX. 244 PSALM CIX< CIX. r to HIM THAT GIVETH VICTO^Yo A Pfalm by David. OGoi> of my praife, thou Ihalt not be fi- lent, 2 When the mouth of impiety, and the mouth of deceit, is opened againfl: me; They fpeak againft me with a lying tongue, 5 And they furround me with words of hatred. And war againll me without caufe ; 4 In return for my love they are mine enemies ;^ 5 Though I pray for them, yet they devife evil againft me in return for good, And hatred in return for mine aifedion. 6 He who fitteth in judgment on me is an im- pious perfon. And an adverfary ftandeth at his right hand while he giveth fentence ; 7 He produceth that which is wicked. And his petition is alway for that which is fmful. 8 His days fnall be few ; Another PSALM CIX. 245 Another fliall take his office ; 9 His children (liall be orphans. And his wife a widow. 10 His children fhall wander continually, and beg. And they fhall be cad out from their defolate habitations. 1 1 Ufury fliall enfnare all that he hath. And flrangers (hall take his labour as a fpoil. 12 There Hiali not be one to extend mercy to him. And there fhall be none to have pity on his fa- therlefs children. 1 3 His pofterity fhall come to deftruftion. In another generation their name fhall be blot- ted out. 14 The iniquity of his anceftors fhall be remem* bered before Jehovah, ]SI either fhall the fin of his mother be wafhed away ; 15 Thefe fhall be before Jehovah conftantly. And he fhall cut off their memory from the earth. 16 Becaufe he remembereth not to aft merci- fully. But he perfecuteth one that is aiHided, and poor. And broken-hearted, to put him to death. R 3 17 Be* 246 PSALM CIX. 17 Becaufe he alway loveth curfing, therefore it fhall come upon him ; Becaufe he dehghteth not in bleffing, therefore it fhall be far from him ; 18 Becaufe he clothes himfelf in curfing as a robe. It fliall be to him as the cloak he is covered with. And he fhall be conftantly girded widi it as with a girdle ; And it fliall enter into his infide like water. And hke fat into his bones. 20 From Jehovah this fliall be the reward of mine adverfaries. And of thofe that fpeak evil againfl: my foul. 2 1 But, O thou Jehovah, my lord. Deal mercifully with me for the fake of thy name, Becaufe thy mercy is good ; 22 Deliver me when I am afflicted and v/retched. And mine heart is fick within me. 23 I am departing like a fliadow when it length- en eth, I am moving away like a iocuft; 24 My knees totter through fafting, And my flefli is dry for want of fatnefs ; 25 And 1 am becom.e a bye word them, They look on me, they fliake their heads. 26 Help PSALM CIX. 247 26 Help me, O Jehovah, my God ; Save me according to thy mercy, 27 That they may acknowledge that it is thine hand, That thou thyfelf, O Jehovah, haft done it. 28 They (hall curfe, but thou fhalt blefs ; They that rife up againft me fhall be abafhed ; Thy fervant iliall rejoice ; ^9 Mine adverfaries fhall be clothed with fhame. And they fhall be covered with confufion as with a cloak. 30 I will celebrate Jehovah greatly with my mouth. And amidft the multitude I will praife him ; 3 1 For he fhall ftand at the right hand of a wretch- ed man. Saving my life from my judge. R 4 ex. i48 P S A L M CX, ex. A PSALM BY DAVID. JEHOVAH hath faid to my lord, '^ Sit on my right hand, *^ Until I make thine enemies thy footftool." 2 Jehovah (liall fend the rod of thy ilrength from Zion, And thou (halt rule in the midft of thine ene- mies; 3 Unto thee iliall belong the dominion in the day of thy power. With holy honours from the womb. Thy birth fhall be comparable to the dewy dawn. 4 Jehovah hath fworn, and he will not repent, " Thou art a prieft for ever, after the order of Melchizedek." 5 Jehovah on thy right hand. Wounding kings in the day of his wrath, ^ Shall condemn thofe that are full of pride among the nations, W^ounding the chief on the earth. 7 He PSALM CXL !i49 7 He fhall appoint thee a leader of many in the way, So Ihall he elevate thine head. CXL HALLELUJAH, I H T Will pay homage to Jehovah with my A whole heart, 5 In the private council of the juft, and the congregation. z Jl The works of Jehovah are great, n Worthy of being enquired into by all that delight in him. 3 n Homage and honour are his due, *! Becaufe his righteoufnefs endureth to eter- nity, 4 T He hath made liis wonderful works worthy of remembrance. n Jehovah is merciful and full of pity : 5 ID He giveth booty to them that fear him ; ** He remembereth his covenant for ever ; 6 p He hath (hewn his people the might of his deeds, ^By 250 PSALM CXI. 7 By giving them the inheritance of the hea- then. 7 D The works of his hands are truth and juf- tice ; 3 All his ordinances are immutable, 8 D Fixed to eternity for ever, y Made in truth and equity. 9 3 He fent redemption to his people, li He ordained his covenant for ever. p His name is holy, and worthy to be re- vered. 10 '^ The fear of Jehovah is the firfl fruits of wifdom, C^All that pra6life it have a good under- {landing, n The praife of it endureth for ever. CXII. PSALM CXII. 251 CXIL HALLELUJAH, K ^^^ The happinefs of every one that fear- \^ eth Jehovah, 3 That dehghteth exceedingly in his com- mandments ! i His feed fhajl be mighty on the earth, ^ The generation of the juft ihall be bleffed ; n Riches and wealth fhall be in his houfe, T And his righteoufnefs endureth to eternity. ? Light fpringeth up amidft the darknefs for the juft, n The tender, the merciful, and the righteous. to The man fliall be profperous that hath pity and lendeth, •^ That reftraineth his words with judgment, D For he fliall not be removed for ever. ^ The righteous fliall be had in everlafting re- membrance, D He fliall not fear evil report : 3 His heart is fixed, he trufteth on Jehovah ; D His heart is firm, he will not be alarmed, i> Even when he beholdeth his enemies. 9 5 He 252 PSALM CXIIL 9 Q He diftributeth his riches, he giveth to the wretched; 1{ His righteoufnefs endureth to eternity, p His horn fhall be exaked with glory. 10 ^ The wicked man feeth this, and is enraged, V He gnafheth his teeth, and pineth away. n The defire of wicked men fliall be loft. CXIIL HALLELUJAH. PRAISE, O ye fervants of Jehovah^ Praife the name of Jehovah. Let the name of Jehovah be blefied From the prefent time even to eternity ; From the rifing of the fun to his fetting Praifed be the name of Jehovah. Jehovah is exalted over all nations. His glory is above the heavens. Who is as Jehovah our God is, 6 One that dwelleth on high, and looketh low. In the heaven, and on the earth ; 7 One that raifeth the poor from the duft. That he may exalt the wretched from the dung- hill 8 To D PSALM CXIV. 253 S To feat them with princes, With the princes of his people ; 9 One that maketh the houfe of the barren wo- man full of inhabitants, That with the joy of a mother of children (he rejoiceth ? CXIV. PRAISE ye Jehovah. When Ifrael came forth from among the Egyptians, The houfe of Jacob from among a barbarous people. Thou, Judah, waft his holy one. Thou, Ifrael, his dominion. The fea faw, and fled, Jordan turned backward ; The mountains bounded Hke rams. And the hills like the young of the flock. What ailed thee, O fea, when thou didft flee ; O Jordan, when thou didft turn backward ; O mountains, when ye did bound Hke rams, O hills, like the young of the flock ? 7 At 254 PSALM CXV. 7 At the prefence of the Lord the earth was in pain. At the prefence of the God of Jacob, 8 That changed the rock into a pool of water. The marble into fountains of water. CXV. F'lrjl Semichorus» NO T for our fake, O Jehovah, not for our fake. But for the fake of thy name give glory. On account of thy mercy and on account of thy truth ! Wherefore lliould the nations fay, '' Where is now their God,'' When our God from heaven can bring to pafs all that he pleafeth ? Their idols are filver and gold. The work of human hands : There is a mouth to them, but they cannot fpeak ; There are eyes to them, but they cannot fee ; There are ears to them, but they cannot hear ; There PSALM CXV. 255 There is a nofe to them, but they cannot breathe ; 7 Their hands cannot feel. Their feet cannot walk. Neither can they fpeak through their throat. 8 Become like them let them that make them^ And every one that trufteth in them ! Second Semkhorus* 9 The houfe of Ifrael trufteth in Jehovah, He is their affiftance and defence. I o The houfe of Aaron trufteth in Jehovah, He is their affiftance and defence. I I They that fear Jehovah truft in Jehovah^ He is their affiftance and defence. 1 2 May Jehovah^ remembering us, blefs us ! May he blefs the houfe of Ifrael ! May he blefs the houfe of Aaron ! i 3 May he blefs them that fear Jehovah, The fmall together with the great ! Fi)ji Semichorus. 14 May Jehovah ad4 unto you. Unto you and unto your children ! Second Semichorus. 1 5 May ye be bleffed of Jehovah, That made the heaven and the earth t Chorus* 256 PSALM CXVL Chorus, 1 6 The highefh heavens helo'ng to Jehovah, And he gave the earth to the children of Adam. 1 7 Shall not the dead praife Jehovah, And (hall not ail that go down to filence ? 1 8 And v/e mortals, we will blefs Jehovah From the prefent time even to eternity. CXVI, H A L L E L U J A H.- 1 Rejoice, becaufe Jehovah hath heard the voice of my prayer, Becaufe he hath inclined his ear unto me in the day that I cried. The cords of death did furround me. And the nets of the grave had caught me; I did feel diftrefs and anguifli, And I did invoke the name of Jehovah, fay- ing, '' Ah, Jehovah, deliver my foul !" Jehovah is full of pity, and righteous, 2 Yea PSALM CXVL 257 Yea, our God is merciful ; 6 Jehovah preferveth the fimple ; I was brought low, and he faved me. 7 Return, O my foul, to thy reding place. Since Jehovah hath been kind unto thee ; 8 For my foul is delivered from death. Mine eye from weeping, And my foot from flumbling ; 9 I lliall walk before Jehovah in the land of the living. 10 I believed that I was loft, I was indeed exceedingly afflided ; III faid, in mine affright, all the man faileth. 12 What (hall I return to Jehovah for all his kindnefs unto me ? 1 3 I will Hft up the cup of falvation. And I will invoke the name of Jehavah ; 14 I will pay my vows to Jehovah Openly now before all his people. 15 The death of his faints is of great moment in the eyes of Jehovah, 16 Ah, Jehovah, becaufe I am thy fervant, I am the fon of thine handmaid. Thou haft fet me at large from my bonds. 17 I will offer the facrifice of praife unto thee. And I will invoke the name of Jehovah ; 18 I will pay my vows to Jehovah VOL, 1, S Ocnly 258 PSALM CXVIL Openly now before all his people 19 In the courts of the houfe of Jehovah, In the midfl of thee, O Jerufalem. CXVIL HALLELUJAH. 1 T) RAISE Jehovah, O all ye nations j A Celebrate him, O all ye peoples ; 2. For his mercy is great toward us. And the truth of Jehovah endureth to eternity, CXVIIl. PSALM CXVIIL 259 CXVIII. t HALLELUJAH, The King. PAY homage to Jehovah^ for he is good \ Truly his mercy endureth to eternity. 2 Let the houfe of Ifrael now fay, " Truly his mercy endureth to eternity." 3 Let the houfe of Aaron now fay, " Truly his mercy endureth to eternity." 4 Let thofe that fear Jehovah now fay, ^^ Truly his mercy endureth to eternity.'* 5 From a flate of diflrefs I invoked Jehovah, Jehovah anfwered me by fetting me at large, 6 Jehovah is for me, he is in mine aid, I will not fear what man can do unto me. 7 Jehovah is for me, he is in mine aid. And I can look on mine enemies. Chorus of Attendants, 8 It is better to truft in Jehovah than to confide in man; 9 It is better to truft in Jehovah than to confide in princes. S 2 the 26o PSALM CXVIII. The King, I o All the heathen -did furround me ; In the name of Jehovah I did cut them in pieces : I I They did furround me, yea they did furround me entirely ; In the name of Jehovah I did cut them in pieces : 12 They did furround me like bees ; They are become extind z.% Joon as a fire of thorns. In the name of Jehovah I did cut them in pieces. 13 I ftumbled greatly as if I were falling. But Jehovah helped me. 14 Jehovah is my flrength, and the fubjedl of my fong, And he is alway a fafety unto me. Chorus of AttendantSm 15 The voice of joy and gladnefs is in the dwellings of the righteous. The King, 16 The right hand of Jehovah flrengthened. The right hand of Jehovah exalted me ; 1 7 The right hand of Jehovah beftowed ftrength on me^ • That PSALM CXVIII. ^ 261 That I might not die, but live, And recount the works of Jehovah. 18 Jehovah did greatly chaftife me. But he did not give me up unto death. 19 Open for me the gates of righteoufnefs; I will enter into them, I will pay homage to Jehovah. Chorus of Priejls. 20 This is the gate that belongeth to Jehovah, The righteous do enter in at it. The King, 2 1 I will pay homage to thee, for thou haft heard me. And thou haft been my falvation. Chorus of Attendants, 22 The ftone, that the builders rejeded, Is become the head of the corner ; 23 This is from Jehovah, It is wonderful in our eyes : 24 This to-day Jehovah hath done ; We exult and are glad through him. The King, 25 Ah, Jehovah, fave ftill ! Ah, Jehovah, fend profperity ftill ! S 3 chorus 26a PSALM CXVIll. Chorus of Priejis, 26 Bleffed be he that cometh in the name of Jeho^ vah ! We blefs you from the houfe of Jehovah. Chorm of Attendants, % 7 Jehovah is God, And he conflantly enhghteneth us. Bind the victim with cords Unto the horns of the altar. The King, 28 Thou art my God, And I will pay homage to thee ; O God, I will extol thee. Chorus of Priejis and Attendants, sp Pay homage to Jehovah, for he is good 1 Truly his mercy endureth to eternity. CXIX, PSALM CXIX. 26^ CXIX. K ^^ The happinefs of thofe who are up- \^ right in their proceeding, Of thofe that walk after the law of Jehovah 1 the happinefs of thofe who obferve his tef- timonies. Who feek him with the whole heart I Yea they commit no iniquity. And they walk in his paths. Thou haft commanded thine ordinances to be greatly obferved. Ah ! may my paths be diredled to the obfer- vance of thy ftatutes ; Then I fhall not be put to confufion, Becaufe I have regard to thy command- ments. I (hall pay homage to thee with a juft heart. When I have learned the judgments of thy righteoufncfs. 1 will obferve thy ftatutes ; Do thou never forfake me. 3 With what can a young man cleanfc his way, by obferving //, like thy word ? S 4 10 With c64 PSALM CXIX. 10 With mine whole heart I feek thee ; Suffer me not to deviate from thy command- ments ! 11 In mine heart I treafure thy word. To the end that I may not fin againft: thee. 12 Bleifed be thou, O Jehovah ! Teach me thy ftatutes. 13 With my lips I recount all the judgments of thy mouth ; 14 I delight in the path of thy teflimonies. As fuperior to all wealth ; 15 I contemplate thine ordinances. And I have regard to thy ways. 1 5 I take delight in thy ftatutes, I do not forget thy word. 17 ^ Be kind unto thy fervant. That I may live and obferve thy word ! 18 Take away the covering from mine eyes. That I may fee the wonderful things in thy law. 19 I am a fojourner upon earth. Hide not thy commandments from me. ao My foul is worn with pining for thy judg- ments alway. 21 Thou doft rebuke the proud ; Thofe that deviate from thy commandments are curfed. 22 Remove PSALM CXIX. 265 22 Remove difgrace and contempt from me, Becaufe I keep thy teftimcnies. 23 Even princes may fit and fpeak agalnft me; Thy fervant will meditate on thy ftatutes. 24 Yea thofe that take delight in thy teilimonies are the men of my council. 25 *1 My foul cleaveth to the dull ; Revive me, according to thy word. 26 I call to mind my ways, when thou doil afHift me ; Teach me thy ftatutes ! 27 Inftrud me in the way of thine ordinances. And I will meditate on thy wonders. 28 My foul wafteth away with afflidion ; Raife me up, according to thy word. 29 Turn afide the way of the falfe from me. And teach me thy law. 30 I have chofen the way of truth, I have not forgotten thy judgments. 31 I cleave unto thy teftimonies ; O Jehovah, put me not to (liame ! 32^ I will run the way of thy com.mandments. When thou had enlarged mine heart, 33 n Teach me the way of thy ftatutes, O Jeho- vah, And I will keep it unto the end. 34 In^ z66 P S A L M CXIX. 34 Inflriid me how I may keep thy law. And I will abferve it with mine v/hole heart. 35 Dired: me in the track of thy command^ ments, For in it I do delight. 36 Inchne mine heart unto thy teftimonies. And not to covetoufnefs. 37 Turn away mine eyes from looking on vanity. Lead me in thy way. 38 Eftabiifli thy word with thy fervant. And I will walk in the fear of thee. 39 Turn afide my difgrace when I am in fear^ For thy judgments are good. 40 Lo, I pine for thine ordinances ; Revive me with thy righteoufnefs ; 41 1 And let thy mercy come upon me, O Jeho- vah, Thy falvation according to thy word : 42 Then I fhall anfwer the reviling, Becaufe I have confided in thy word : 43 . And do thou never take away the word of thy truth from my mouth ; For I depend on thy judgments, 44 And I will obferve thy law Confliantly for ever. 45 When I fliall walk at large, Becaufe I feek thine ordinances, 2 46 Thci^ PSALM CXIX. 267 46 Then I fhall fpeak of thy teflimpnies before kings. And I fhall not be abalhed, 47 Becaufe I am converfant in thy command- ments, which I love; 48 And I lift mine hands to thy commandments. And I meditate on thy flatutes. 49 t Remember thy word unto thy fervant. Upon which thou haft made me depend. 50 This hath been my comfort in my diftrefs. For thy word hath revived me. j I The proud have derided me exceedingly ; I have not turned afide from thy law. 52 I called to mind thy judgments of former times, O Jehovah, And I took comfort. ^3 Horror feized me on account of the un- godly That forfake thy law. ^4 Thy ftatutes were my fongs ♦ In the houfe of my fojourning ; 55 I called to mind thy name in the night, O Jehovah, That I might obferve thy law. 56 Thus was it with me. For I kept thine ordinances. 57nOJe- 268 PSALM CXIX. 57 no Jehovah, my portion, I have promifed to obferve thy words. 58 I entreat thy countenance with mine whole heart ; Have pity on me, according to thy word. 59 I think on my way, And I turn my feet unto thy teftimonies ; 60 I am ftill, and I am not tumultuous. In order to obferve thy commandments. 6 1 The cords of the impious have bound me, I forget not thy law. 62 In the midfl of the night I rife to pay ho- mage to thee, Becaufe of thy righteous judgments. 63 I am an aflbciate of all that fear thee. And of them that keep thy ftatutes. 64 Of thy mercy, O Jehovah, the earth is full ; Teach me thy ftatutes. 6 5 tD Do good unto thy fervant, O Jehovah, according to thy word. 66 Teach me good difcretion and knowledge. That I may be ftedfaft in thy command- ments. 67 Before I was afflidled I did err. But now I obferve thy word. 68 Thou art good and beneficent ; Teach me thy ftatutes ! 65 The PSALM CXIX. 269 69 The proud contrive falfehood agalnft me ; For my part, I keep thy flatutes with mine whole heart. 70 Their heart is as grofs as fat ; As for me, I am converfant in thy law. 71 It is good for me that I was afflided, Becaufe I learned thy ftatutes. 72 The law of thy mouth is better, in mine ef- teem. Than thoufands of gold and filver. 73 *> Thine hands have made me and formed me ; Inftrudt me, and I will learn thy command- ments. 74 They that fear thee (hall look on me and re- joice. Since I depend on thy word. 75 I acknowledge, O Jehovah, that thy judg- ments are juft. And with faithfulnefs thou haft heard me. 76 Let thy goodnefs now be my comfort. According to thy word unto thy fervant. 77 Let thy mercies come upon me, that I may live ; For thy law is mine employment. 78 Let the proud be put to fliame, for they have been falfely malicious againft me ; As for me, I meditate on thine ordinances. 79 Let 270 P IS A L M CXIX. jg Let all thofe turn unto me that fear thee- And that know thy teflimonies. 80 Let mine heart be perfed in thy ftatutes. So that I may not be pat to fhame. 8 1 3 My foul is confumed for wanf of thy falva-^ tion, I depend on thy word. 82 Mine eyes are wafted with looking for thy word. While I fay, " When wilt thou comfort me ?" ^3 Though I am become like a fkin in die fmoke, I do not forget thy ftatutes. 84 Thy fervant burnetii with defire, O Jeho- vah; When wilt thou execute judgment on my perfecutors ? S5 The proud dig pits for me, Which are not according to thy law. 86 All thy commandments are truth. They perfecute me falfely ; help me. Uj Within a Httle they have made an end of mc upon earth ; But, for my part, I do not defert thine ordi- nances, 88 With thy mercy revive me, Becaufe PSALM CXIX. 27t Becaufe I obferve the teftimonies of thy mouth. 89 ^ Thy word is eternal, O Jehovah ; It is more firmly fixed than the heavens : 90 Thy faithfulnefs endureth through generation and generation ; Thou didfl fix the earth, and it remaineth firm; 91 By thy decree it continueth to this day -, For the univerfe obeyeth thee. 92 Had not thy law been mine employment. Then I had perifhed in mine afflidlion, 93 I will never forget thine ordinances. For through them thou hafl made me live. 94 To thee I belong, fave me, For I feek thine ordinances. 95 The impious lie in wait for me to deflroy me. But in thy teftimonies I inftrud myfelf. 96 To every ftudy I fee a limit. But thy commandment is above m^afure ex- tenfive. 97 f2 How greatly do I love thy law ! All the day long it is my meditation. 98 Thy commandment maketh me wifer than my foes. Therefore t^^ PSALM CXIX. Therefore it fhall be with me for ever. 99 I am wifer than all my teachers, For thy teftimonies are my meditation. 100 I am better inftruded than the elders. For I keep thine ordinances. 1 01 From every evil path I refrain my feet. To the intent that I may obferve thy word. 102 From thy judgments I do not turn afide, Becaufe thou doft inflru6V me. 103 How much more pleafant is thy word to my palate. Than honey to my mouth ! 104 By thine ordinances I inftrudl myfelf. Therefore I hate every path of falfehood. 105 ^ Thy word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my paths ; 106 I have fworn, and I will continue. To obferve the judgments of thy righteouf- nefs. 107 I am greatly afflidled, O Jehovah ; Revive me, according to thy word. 108 Accept now the free-will offerings of my mouth, O Jehovah, And teach me thy judgments. 109 My foul is conllantly in thine hands. And I forget not thy law. no The impious have fet a trap for me, 7 But PSALM CXIX. ^73 But I have not ftrayed from thine ordi- nances, in I have chofen thy teftimonies as n.y lot for ever. For they are the joy of mine heart, 112 I have indined mine heart to praftife thy ftatutes. For the recompence is eternal. 213 & Vain opinions I hate. But thy law I love. 1 14 Thou art mine hiding place and my fhields I depend on thy word. 1 1 5 Remove from me, ye evil doers, That I may keep the commandments of my God. 1 1 6 Support me according to thy word, that I may live. And make me not afhamed of mine hope^ 117 Suftain me, that I may be fafe, And I will have regard to thy ftatutes alway* 118 Thou doft deprefs all that deviate from thy ftatutes. For falfehood is their care. 1 1 9 Thou doft account all the impious on the earth as drofs. Therefore I love thy teftimonies. VOL. I. T 120 My 2 74 PSALM CXIX. 1.20 My flefh trembleth through dread of thee, And I fland in awe of thy judgments. 121 j^l have executed judgment and juftice. Do not leave me to mine oppreffors. 122 Deal kindly with thy fervant. Let not the proud opprefs me. 123 Mine eyes are wafted zvilb looking for thy falvation, And for the word of thy righteoufnefs. 124 Do unto thy fervant according to thy mercy. And teach me thy ftatutes. 125 I am thy fervant, inftrud; me. That I may know thy teftimonies. 126 There is a tim.e to facrifice to Jehovah, But they have broken thy law. 127 Therefore I love thy ftatutes More than gold and filver ; 128 Therefore I guide myfelf by all thine ordi- nances, I hate every path of falfehood. 129 iD Wonderful are thy teftimonies. Therefore doth my foul keep them. I JO The opening' of thy words giveth light, Inftrudting the fimple. 13 1 I open my mouth, and pant. While PSALM CXIX. 275 While I long for thy commandments. 132 Have regard to me, and pity me in judg- ment, Becaufe of my love to thy name. 133 Dired my footfteps according to thy word, Neither let any iniquity have dominion over me. 134 Refcue me from the oppreflion of man, Becaufe I obferve thine ordinances. 135 Make thy countenance to fhine on thy fer- vant. And teach me thy flatutes. 136 Mine eyes pour down rivers of water. On account of my not having kept thy law. 137 '^ Thou art righteous, O Jehovah, And thy judgment is juft. 138 Thou haft ordained thy teftimonies with great juftice and truth. 139 My zeal confumeth me, Becaufe mine enemies forget thy words. 140 Thy word is exceeding pure. And thy fervant loveth it. 141 I am fmall and defpifed. But I forget not thine ordinances. 142 Thy righteoufnefs is righteous for ever. And thy law is truth. 143 Afflidion and diftrefs came upon me, T 2 Thy 276 PSALM CXI}t. Thy commandments were mine employ- ment. 144 Thy teftimonies are righteous for ever: Inftrud me, and I fhall live. 145 pi call with mine whole heart ; Hear me, O Jehovah ; I keep thy commandments. 146 1 invoke thee ; fave me, Becaufe I obferve thy teftimonies. 147 I rife before the dawn, and I ci*y ; For thy words I wait. 148 Mine eyes prevent the night watches. That I may contemplate thy word. 149 Hear thou my voice according to thy mercy ; O Jehovah, revive me by thy judgments. 130 They that purfue vice have it nigh. And are far from thy law. 131 Be thou near to me, O Jehovah, Becaufe thy commandments are truth. 152 I have known long lince concerning thy tef- timonies. That thou hadft eftablifhed them for ever. 153 "^ Look on mine afflidion, and fet me free. For I have not forgotten thy law. 154 Fight thou in my behalf, and refcue me ; Revive PSALM CXIX. 277 Revive me through thy word. 155 Salvation is far from the wicked. For they do not enquire after thy ftatutes, J j6 Thy mercies are numerous, O Jehovah ; With thy judgments revive me. 157 My perfecutors and mine adverfaries are many. But I have not dech'ned from thy teftimo- nies. 158 I look on the treacherous, and I am dif- gufted, Becaufe they obferve not thy word. 159 Look on me^ for I love thine ordinances ; O Jehovah, revive me according to thy mercy. 1 60 The chief attribute of thy word is truth. And all thy righteous judgments are eternal. 161 ^ Princes perfecute me without caufe. But mine heart ftandeth in awe of thy word. 162 I triumph concerning thy word, Like one that hath taken great fpoil. 163 I hate and deteft falfehood. But I love thy law. 164 Seven times a day 1 praife thee, Becaufe of thy righteous judgments. 165 They have great peace that love thy law, T 3 Ana 278 PSALM CXIX. And there is nothing that maketh then\ ftumble. 1 66 I await thy falvation, O Jehovah, And I pradlile thy commandments. 167 My foul obferveth thy teftimonies. And loveth them exceedingly. 168 I obferve thine ordinances, and thy teftimo- nies, For all my way is before thee. 169 HLet my cry approach to thy prefence, O Je- hovah ; Inftrud me with thy word. 170 Let my prayer come before thee ; Deliver me, according to thy word. 171 My lips fhall utter thy praife, For thou dofh teach me thy flatutes : 172 My tongue (hall utter thy word. For all thy commandments are juft. 173 Let thine hand be mine help, For 1 have chofen thine ordinances. 174 I pine for thy falvation, O Jehovah, And thy law is mine employment. 175 Let my foul live, that it may praife thee ; And let thy juflice help me. 176 I go aftray, like a (heep that is loft ; Seek thy fervant, for I have not forgotten thy commandments, 2 cxx. PSALM CXX. ^-7^ CXX. AN OPE OF THE ASCENT, Did cry unto Jehovah in diftrefs, and lie anfwered me ; Jehovah dehvered my foul from the lip of falfehood. From the tongue of deceit. What fliall he give unto thee. And bring upon thee, tongue of deceit? Arrows exceeding Iharp, Together with the glowing coals of juniper. Woe was me, when I fojourned in Mefech, And I dwelt among the tents of Kedar ! My foul dwelt a long time there, With thofe that hated peace. 1 was peaceable; But, when I fpake. They were for war. T 4 CXXL ^8o PSALM CXXL CXXL AN ODE OF THE ASCENT. Solo, Lift mine eyes above the mountains, to the place whence mine help cometh. s Mine help is from Jehovah, that made the hea- vens and the earth. Chorus, 3 He will not fufFer th)^ foot to be moved. Neither will he flumber that guardeth thee. r Solo, 4 Lo he, that guardeth Ifrael, will neither Dum- ber nor lleep. Chorus, 5 Jehovah is thy guard, Jehovah is thy protedion on thy right hand. 6 The fun Ihall not injure thee by day. Nor the moon by night. 7 Jehovah fhall guard thee from all evil. He fhall preferve thy foul : 8 Jehovah PSALM CXXII. aSi 8 h Jehovah fhall guard thy going out and thy coming in From this time forth for ever. CXXII. J AN ODE OF THE ASCENT, Firjl Singer, I Was glad when they faid unto me, '^ To the houfe of Jehovah let us go : 2 ^^ Our feet iliall ftand in thy gates, 3 " O Jerufalem, built as the metropolis ; 4 " Unto which the tribes go up together, " The tribes of Jehovah, the congregations of Ifrael, " To pay homage %o the name of Jehq- vah." 5 Surely there are fet the thrones of judgment. The thrones of the houfe of David. Second Singer* 6 Pray ye for the peace of Jerufalem. Ckorus, %Sz PSALM CXXIIL Chorm, May they that love thee profper ! 7 May peace be within thy walls. Security within thy palaces ! Firjl Singer* 8 For the fake of my brethren and neighbours, I fay now, *^ Peace be upon thee." Second Singer, 9 For the fake of the houfe of Jehovah, om God, I wifh profperity unto thee. CXXIIL AN ODE OF THE ASCENT. Solo, UNTO thee do I lift up mine eyes, O thou that dwelleft in the heavens. Choruso P S A L M CXXIII. 283 Chorus. 2 Behold, as the eyes of fervants are on the hand of their mafler, As the eyes of a maid are on the hand of her miftrefs. So are our eyes upon the hand of Jehovah, our God, Until that he have mercy upon u3. 3 Have mercy upon us, O Jehovah, Have mercy upon us, for we have had great abundance o£fcorn ; 4 Our foul hath had great abundance of the de- rifion of the infolent. Of the fcorn of the proud. CXXIV. zB4 PSALM CXXIV. CXXIV, AN ODE OF THE ASCENT, IF Jehovah had not been for us, Ifrael may now fay. If Jehovah had not been for us. When men rofe up againft us, Surely they had fwallowed us up alive In the heat of their wrath againft us : Surely the waters had fwallowed us up. The ftream had palTed over our foul ; Surely the fwelling waters had paffed over our foul. BlefTed be Jehovah, who did not give us up a prey to their teeth. Our foul is like a bird that is efcaped from the fnare of the fowler : The fnare is broken, and we wretches are ef-? caped. Oar help is in the name of Jehovah, Who made the heavens and the earth. CXXV. PSALM CXXV. 2S? CXXV. 1 AN ODE OF THE ASCENT. Solo* THEY that truft in Jehovah fhall be as mount Zion, which cannot be moved. 2 For ever Jerufalem (hall continue ; mountains are round her ; And Jehovah will be round his people from the prefent time even to eternity ; 3 That the tribe of the wicked may not reft on the lot of the righteous. Left the righteous fhould put their hands to ini- quity. Chorus of the People, 4 Send profperity, O Jehovah, on the good, And on thofe that are juft in their hearts. Solo. 5 But thofe that turn afide to their perverfe ways. Let Jehovah make them go with the wages of iniquity ; And let peace be upon Ifrael, CXXVI. 2&6 PSALM CXXVL CXXVL 1 AN ODE OF THE ASCENT. WHEN Jehovah turned the captivity of Zion, We were hke them that recover from ficknefs; 2 Then our mouth was filled with laughter. And our tongue with joy. Then faid they among the nations, " Magnificently hath Jehovah aded in favour of thefe men." 3 Magnificently hath Jehovah aded in our favour, and we rejoice ; 4 Jehovah hath reftored us from our captivity. As he rejioreth the torrents in the dry country. 5 They that did fow with tears, with joy do reap : 6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing the veifel with the feed^ Cometh again with joy, bearing the fheaves of it. CXXVII. PSALM CXXVII. 2^7 CXXVIL AN ODE OF THE ASCENT, BY SOLOMON. IF J ehovah build not an houfe. In vain do the builders of it labour on it. If Jehovah keep not a city. In vain watcheth the fentinel. It is in vain for you early rifers To rife from reft, eating the bread of care. When he giveth to his beloved double. Lo ! an inheritance from Jehovah, are children ; A reward, fruits of the womb. As arrows in the hand of the vaHant, So are fons, yea the youths. O the happinefs of that man who hath filled his quiver with them ! They (hall not be abaflied, but fliall fpeak againft their enemies in the gate. CXXVIII. 188 PSALM CXXVIIL CXXVIII. AN ODE OF THE ASCENT. Firjl Singer. The happinefs of every one that fearetH Jehovah, That walketh in his ways. Second Singer. 2 Surely thou (halt eat the labour of thine hands : O thine happinefs and thy profperity ! 3 Thy wife, like thofe of the vine fliall her fruits be within the walls of thine houfe ; Thy children, hke olive plants round about thy table. ^ Fir/i Singer. 4 Behold ! For thus bleiTed fhall that marl be That feareth Jehovah. Second Singer, 5 Jehovah ihall blefs thee. And thou (halt fee Jerufalem in profperity All PSALM CXXIX. 289 All the days of thy life; And thou fhalt fee thy children's children, And peace upon Ifrael. CXXIX. I AN ODE OF THE ASCENT, FROM my youth they have frequently op- preiTed me, Ifrael may truly fay, ^ From my youth they have frequently opprelTed me. Yet they have never been able to make an end of me : J They have cut furrows on my back. They have made long ridges, like tliofe of ploughed ground. 4 Jehovah, the righteous, hath cut through the cords of the wicked. 5 The enemies of Zion are ever made afhamed, and put to flight ; 6 They are like the grafs of the houfe top, which withereth before it be plucked up ; '7 With which the reaper filleth not hrs hand, , VOL, T. U Nor 290 PSALM CXXX. Mor he that bindeth up the fheaves his bofom ; 8 Nor do they that pafs by it fay to thenty " The bleffing of Jehovah be upon you, " We blefs you in the name of Jehovah." CXXX. 1 AN ODE OF THE ASCENT. FROM the deep I did invoke thee^ O Je- hovah, 2 Saying, " Lord, hear my voice, ^^ Let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my petition ; 3 ^' If thou (houldfl alway obferve our iniquities, *^ O Jehovah, who could ftand ? 4 ^« But with thee there is forgivenefs, ^^ Therefore thou art revered." 5 I waited for Jehovah, my foul did wait ; 6 And for his word I did long, my foul did long for Jehovah, More than they that watch do for the morning. When watching to offer incenfe. 7 Let Ifrael confide on Jehovah, For with Jehovah there is mercy, And PSALM CXXXI. 291 ~ And with him there is great power to redeem, 8 And he fliali redeem Ifrael from all his iniqui- ties* CXXXL AN ODE OF THE ASCENT Solo, O Jehovah, mine heart is not puffed up^ Neither are mine eyes lifted up. Neither am I converfant with great things,- Nor upon things too wonderful for me do I ever fet a value : But I make my foul quiet within me, as his mo- ther quieteth one that is weaned ; My foul within me is like one that is weaned. Chorus* Let Ifrael confide on Jehovah, From the prefent time even to eternity. U z CXXXIL 292 PSALM CXXXIL CXXXII. AN ODE OF THE ASCENT. Leader of the Procejfion, O Jehovah, remember David and all his care. Who fware unto Jehovah, And vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob, /^j/;^^, ^^ I will not come within the tabernacle of my family, ^^ I will not afcend the couch of my bed, ^* I will not give ileep to mine eyes, '^ Slumber to mine eyelids, " Until I find a place for Jehovah, " An habitation for the Mighty One of Jacob.*' Chorus of Ephrathites, Lo, we heard of this at Ephrata, We found it in the plains of the foreft : We do come to his dwelling ; We will fall proftrate before his footflool,^^^' ^^ Arife, O Lord, unto thy refting place, ** Thou and the ark of thy might. Q " Let PSALM CXXXII, 293 ^ ** Let thy priefts be clothed with righteouf- nefs, ^^ And let thine holy ones (hout with joy. 10 '^ For the fake of David thy fervant, ^' Turn not away the countenance of thine anointed.*' ffig/j Prlejl, 1 1 Jehovah did fwear unto David that which fhall be true, He will not turn from it : " Of the fruit of thy body I will place on thy throne. 12 ^^ If thy children keep my covenant, " And the teftimonies that I fhall teach them, " Their children alfo fhall fit on thy throne for ever." 13 For Jehovah hath made choice of Zion, He hath feleded it for an habitation for him- felf, Jaying, 14 " This city (hall be mine abode for ever, '^ Here I will dwell, for I have an aifedion ta her, 15 *^ I will furely blefs her provifions, ^^ I will give plenty of bread to her poor, 16 *^ And her priefts I will clothe with falvation, " And her holy ones fliall fing aloud with joy : 17 ^^ There I will make the horn of David flourifli, U 3 ''\ have 294 PSALM CXXXIII. " I have ordained a fucceflion for mine anointed. 1 8 " His enemies I will clothe with (hame, ^^ But upon him his crown fliall bloom." CXXXIII. 1 AN ODE OF THE ASCENT. BEHOLD how good, how pleafing it is to reft, O brethren ! 2 Yea, it is altogether as /wee t as the precious oil poured on the head, Which defcended on the beard of the aged Aa- ron to the collar of his robes ; 3 As the dew of confecration which fell on the mountain of Zion, When there Jehovah ordained the bleffing of life for ever. GXXXIV. PSALM CXXXIV. 295 CXXXIV, AN ODE OF THE ASCENT. The Captain of the Guard in the Temple, LO, blefs ye Jehovah, O all ye fervants of Jehovah ! O ye, that fland in the houfe of Jehovah by night, 2 Lift up your hands with holinefs, and blefs Je- hovah 1 The Guard. ^ From Zion blefs thee let Jehovah, That made the heavens and the earth. U 4 CXXXV. 1^6 PSALM CXXXV. cxxxv. HALLELUJAH. Solo* PRAISE ye the name of Jehovah ; Praife it, ye fervants of Jehovah, Which (land in the houfe of Jehovah, In the courts of the houfe of our God. Praife ye Jehovah, for Jehovah is good; Sing unto his name, for he is gracious ; For Jehovah hath chofen Jacob for himfelf, Ifrael for his peculiar treafure. Wherefore I acknowledge that Jehovah is great^ And that our Lord is above all gods. All that he will Jehovah executeth. In the heavens, and in the earth. In the fea, and in all the abyfs ; Raifing vapour from the furface of the earth. He formeth the lightnings with the rain, Bringing forth the wind from his treafuries ; Who fmote the firft-born of Eg3^pt, From man even to bead. Sending figns and wonders into the midft of thee^ O Egypt^ Upon PSALM CXXXV. 297 Upon Pharaoh and upon all his fervants ; 10 Who fmote nations that were numerous. And flew kings that were mighty, 1 1 Namely Sihon, king of the Amorites, And Og, king of Bafan, And all the kingdoms of Canaan, 12 And gave their land/^r an inheritance, An inheritance to Ifrael his fervant. Chorus* 13 O Jehovah, thy name is eternal ; O Jehovah, the remembrance of thee Jhall en- dure through generation and generation. Solo. 14 For Jehovah pafleth judgment in favour of his people. And he will inchne to mercy toward his fer- vants 'y 15 The idols of the nations are filver and gold. The work of human hands. 16 There is a mouth to them, but they cannot fpeak ; There are eyes to them, but they cannot fee; 17 There are ears to them, but they cannot hear; Yea, there is no breath in their mouths. 1 8 Become like them let them that make them, And every one that trufteth in them. 19 O houfe 298 [P S A JL M CXXXVI. 19 O houfe of Ifrael, blefs ye Jehovah ; O houfe of Aaron, blefs ye Jehovah ; 20 O houfe of Levi, blefs ye Jehovah ; Ye that fear Jehovah, blefs ye Jehovah, Chorus, 21 Blefled from Zion be Jehovah, That dwelleth at Jerufalem. CXXXVI, HALLELUJAH. Solo, PAY homage to Jehovah, for he is good ; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — Solo, Pay homage to the God of gods ; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — Solo, Pay homage to the Lord of lords , Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — Solo, To him who alone performeth great won- ders ; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — Solo. To him that made the heavens with wif- dom ; Chor. PSALM CXXXVL 299 Chor, Surely his merc}^ is eternal — 6 Solo. To him that fixed the earth on the waters; Chor. Surely his mercy is eternal — 7 Solo, To him that made the great lights ; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — 8 Solo, The fun for the regulation of the day ; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — 9 Solo, The moon and the ftars for the regulation of the night ; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — 10 Solo. To him that fmote the Egyptians in their firit-born ; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — 1 1 Solo, When he brought forth Ifrael from among them ; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — 12 Solo, With a mighty hand and a ftretched-out arm ; Chor. Surely his mercy is eternal — 13 Solo, To him that divided the Red Sea; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — J 4 Solo. When he made Ifrael pafs through the midft of it ; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — J 5 Solo. But he overthrew Pharaoh and his hod in the Red Sea ; Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal— 16 Solo, PSALM CXXXVI, To him that led his people in the wilder- nefs; Surely his mercy is eternal — And made the water flow from the Jolid rock ; Surely his mercy is eternal — To him that fmote kings that were greats Surely his mercy is eternal — And who flew kings that were illuf- trious ; Surely his mercy is eternal — Namely, Sihon, king of the Amorites ; Chor. Sui'ely his mercy is eternal — And Ogj king of Bafan ; Surely his mercy is eternal — And gave their land for an inheritance ; Surely his mercy is eternal — An inheritance to Ifrael his fervant ; Surely his mercy is eternal — Who remembereth us in our trouble ; Chor. Surely his mercy is eternal — 24 Solo, And refcueth us from our enemies ; Chor. Surely his mercy is eternal — 25 Solo. Who giveth food to all fleih ; Chor. Surely his mercy is eternal — 26 Solo. Pay homage to the God of heaven ; Chor. 300 16 Solo. Chor. Solo. Chor, 17 Solo. Chor, 18 Solo. Chor. 19 Solo. Chor. 20 Solo. Chor. %l Solo. Chor. 22 Solo. Chor. 23 Solo. PSALM CXXXVII. 301 Chor, Surely his mercy is eternal — Solo,* Pay homage to the Lord of lords ; Chor. Surely his mercy is eternal. CXXXVII. BY the rivers of Babylon here we fit. Yea, we weep when we think of Zion ; Upon the willows that are in it we hang up our harps. But here our captors demand of us a fong, And thofe who have taken us captive, joy ; Saying, '' Sing us one of the odes of Zion/' How can we fmg an odi^ /acred to Jehovah in a foreign country ? If I forget thee, O Jerufalem, let my right hand forget me ; Let my tongue cleave to my palate, if I do not remember thee. If I do not extol thee, O Jerufalem, above the chief of my joy. Remember, O Jehovah, the fons of Edom, That faid, in the day of Jerufalem, Raze ye, raze ye even her foundation ! 5 8 Ah, 302 PSALM CXXXVIIL 8 Ah, defpoiling daughter of Babylon, O the happinefs of him that fliall repay thee thy kindnefs which thou fheweft to us ! o O the happinefs of him that (hall feize and dafh thy little ones againft the rock ! CXXXVIIL B Y D A V I D. I Will praife thee, O Jehovah, with mine whole heart. In oppofition to other gods I will fing of thee. I will proftrate myfelf at thine holy temple. And I will pay homage to thy name, Becaufe of thy mercy and becaufe of thy truth : For thou haft made thy name great above every thing. In the day that I call thou alvvay heareft me. And thou ftrengtheneft me in my foul with cou- rage. All the kings of the earth fhall pay homage to thee, O Jehovah, When PSALM CXXXVIIL 203 When they hear the words of thy mouth ; And they fhall ling concerning the ways of Je- hovah, ^^ That great is the glory of Jehovah ; ^^ And that Jehovah is exalted ; " Yet he beholdeth the humble, ^^ And he bringeth evil on the haughty from afar." If I walk in the midft of diftrefs^ thou doll ani- mate me ; Thou extendeft thine hand againft the wrath of mine enemies. And thy right hand^ O Jehovah, faveth me. Thy mercy is kind unto me, O Jehovah ; Thou doft never forfake the works of thine hands. CXXXIX, 304 PSALM CXXXIX. CXXXIX. 1 TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David. O Jehovah, thou haft thoroughly exa- mined me, and knoweft me ; 2 Thou knoweft my fitting down, and my rifing up; Thou underftandeft my thoughts from a dif- tance ; 3 Thou fifteft my path and my couch ; And all my proceeding thou forefeeft^ 4 Though there be not a word on my tongue. 5 Lo, O Jehovah, thou knoweft all the paft and the future ; Thou didft form me, and didft place thine hand on me. 6 This v/onderful knowledge is too high for me, I cannot attain unto it. 7 Whither can I go from thy fpirit ? And whither can I flee from thy prefence ? 8 If I cUmb the heavens, there thou art ; If I make a bed of the grave, lo, thou art pre- fent ; 9 And PSALM CXXXIX. 305 9 And if I lift my wings toward the rifing fun. Or if I dwell beyond the weftern fea, 10 Even there thine hand will flill lead me. And thy right hand will hold me. 11 Shall I fay, «^ At leail the darknefs will veil me;" But the night is luminous round me, 12 Yea, the darknefs is not obfcure before thee ; And the night is as bright as the day, The darknefs is as fhining light. 13 Surely thou didfl form my reins ; Thou didfl: cover me in the womb of my mo- ther, 14 I will pay homage to thee, for thou art dread- fully wonderful, O Jehovah ; Thy works are marvellous, and my foul know- eth it well. 15 My fubfl:ance would not be hidden from thee. Though I were made in fecret, I were artificially formed beneath the earth ; 16 Thine eyes would fee mine imperfed limbs. And in thy book all of them would be written. As foon as they were formed, before they were united. 17 Yet of how great value have thy thoughts con- cerning me been ! O God, how many have been their excel- lencies ! VOL. lo X yS \i 3o6 PSALM CXXXIX. 1 8 If I fliould count them, they would be more than the fand. Thou hail cut off, O Jehovah, mine enemies from thy people ; 19 Yea thou, O God, haft llain the wicked and the men of blood : 20 They are removed from me who provoked thee by wicked purpofes. And made light of thy teftimonies. 21 Do I not hate them that hate thee, O Jehovah? Yea I am difpleafed with them that rife up againft thee, 22 I deteft them with the utmoft abhorrence ; they are as enemies with me, 23 Search me thoroughly, O God, and know mine heart ; Prove me, and take notice of my thoughts, 24 And fee that there is no idolatrous way in me ; And lead me in thine eternal path. CXL, PSALM CXL. J07 CXL. I TO HIM THAT GIVETH VICTORY. A Pfalm by David. ^ TXELIVER me, O Jehovah, from the man -B^ of mifchief, Preferve me from the man of rapine, 3 Who ftudy mifchief in their hearts. All the day they excite hoflihties ; 4 They have (harpened their tongue like that of a ferpent. The poifon of afpics is under their lips* hSd 5 Keep me, O Jehovah, from the hands of the impious, Preferve me from the man of rapine, Who ftudy to fupplant my fteps. 6 The proud fet a trap for me. And they fpread a net of cords for my feet ; They plant fnares for me on the way fide. ^^ 7 I fay unto Jehovah, Thou art my God; Hear, O Jehovah, the voice of my petition ! 8 O Jehovah, O Lord, the ftrength of my fai- vation, X 2 The joS PSALM CXL. The covering of mine head in the day of battiCj 9 Grant not, O Jehovah, the defires of the im- pious. But make his artifice to fail, rho 10 Let not thofe that furround me elevate their head; Let the iniquity of their own lips overwhelm them ; 1 1 Let live coals with fire fliower down on them ! Caft them into pits, that they may rife no morel 12 The man of an evil tongue, let him not be eflabhfhed in the land ! The man of rapine, let mifchief hunt him unto ruin ! 13 I know, O Jehovah, when judgment is executed for the afRided, Juftice for the diftreffed, 14 The righteous will furely pay homage to thy name. The jufl: will turn unto thy countenance. CXLL PSALM CXLL 309 CXLL A PSALM BY DAVID, O Jehovah, I invoke thee, haften unto me! Hear my voice on my crying unto thee ; Let my prayer be fet as incenfe before thee. The hfting up of mine hands as the evening facrifice. Place, O Jehovah, a watch upon my mouth, A guard upon the door of my lips ; Let not mine heart incline to fpeak evil. To fin prefumptuoufly with the impious. With the workers of iniquity ; And may I never feed on their dainties ; Let the righteous fmite me kindly, and reprove me. And let not the oil of the impious anoint mine head ; But let my prayer be ever againfl: their wicked- nefs, Sayingy " May their judges be overthrown on the edge of a rock, ^^ That they may hearken to the words of Je- hovah, for they are fweet ! X3 7 "Lik^ 3T0 P S A L M CXLII. 7 ^^ Like a thing cut in pieces and broken on the ground ^^ Let their bones be fcattered at the mouth of the grave V* 8 While mine eyes are upon thee, O Lord Jehovah, fFhile I truft in thee, rejed not my foul ! 9 Keep me from the trap they have fet for me. And from the fnares of the workers of iniquity ! 10 Let the impious fall into their own toils; As for me, let me ftill pafs on. CXLII. t An inflru6llvc P/alm by David, when he was in a Cave* A PRAYER. 2 "W TITH my voice unto Jehovah I cry, \ V With my voice unto Jehovah I make my petition ; 3 I pour out before him my dejcdion, I relate before him my diftrefs, 4 While my fpirit fainteth within me ; Jaylng, ^^ Thou know eft my path, 5 *' I" PSALM CXUI. 311 " In the way that I walk they have fet a trap for me ; " Looking to the right hand, and feeing there was none to deliver me, ^^ That my fleeing would be vain, *^ That there was no one that defired I ihould live, ^^ I have cried unto thee, O Jehovah ; ^* I have faid, Thou art my confidence, " My portion in the land of the living. *^ Lillen to my cry, for I am exceedingly ex- haufted ; ^' Protedt me from my purfuers, for they are flronger than I am. '^ Bring my foul out of confinement to pay ho- mage to thy name ! *^ The righteous will come round me when thou art favourable unto me." X 4 CXLIIL 3ia PSALM CXLIII. CXLIIL A PSALM BY DAVID, O Jehovah, hear my prayer, Liftqi unto my petition in thy truth, Anfwer me in thy righteoufnefs, 2 And enter not into judgment with thy fervant. For no one that breathes can be jullified before thed. When the foe purfueth my foul, fmiteth my life to the ground, Maketh me dwell in darknefs like the dead for ever; 4 When my fpirit fainteth within me. Mine heart is confounded in the midil of me — 5 I call to mind the days of ancient times, I contemplate all thy work, I meditate profoundly on the doing of thine hands ; 6 I fpread out mine hands unto thee. My foul in a parched country thirfleth for thee. 7 Haflen, help me, O Jehovah ! my fpirit is con- fumed ; Hide not thy countenance from me, 7 So PSALM CXLIIL 313 So that I may become like to them that go down to the pit ! S Make me to hear of thy mercy foon. For I truft in thee ; Inftrudl me in the way that I (hould go. For I hft up my foul unto thee. 9 Proted me from my foes, O Jehovah, For I flee unto thee. 10 Teach me to perform thy will. For thou art my God. Let thy good fpirit lead me on the earth in rec* titude ; 1 1 For the fake of thy name, O Jehovah, revive me. In thy righteoufnefs bring my foul out of dif- trefs, 3 2 And in thy goodnefs cut off my foes. And deftroy all that afflid my foul ; For I am thy ferva^if. CXLIV. 3X4 PSALM CXLIV, CXLIV. BY DAVID. BLESSED be Jehovah, my rock. That inilrudeth mine hands in war. My fingers in battle ; s Mine afylum and my flrong hold. Mine high place and my deliverance ; My {hield, and that under which I am protecfled. He that fubdueth the peoples under me, 3 O Jehovah, what is man, when thou takell no- tice of him ; A fon of the human race, when thou thinkell on him ! 4 Man refembleth vanity ; His days are as a fleeting fhadow. 5 O Jehovah, that dofl bend the heavens when thou defcendeft. That doft touch the mountains and they fmoke, 6 Making the lightnings flafh, that thou mayeft difperfe them. Sending PSALM CXLIV. 31^ Sending forth thine arrows, that thou mayell confound them — 7 Send thine hand from on high, deUver me, And refcue me from the great waters ; From the hand of the fons of foreigners, 8 Whofe mouth fpeaketh vanity. And their right hand is a right hand of falfe- hood. 9 O God, I will fing then a new fong unto thee. With the ten-flringed lute I will chaunt unto thee, 10 O thou that givefl vidory unto kings, O thou that deliverefl David thy fervant. 1 1 From the fvvord of wickednefs deliver me, And refcue me from the hand of the fons of fo- reigners, Whofe mouth fpeaketh vanity. And their right hand is a right hand of falfe- hood ; 12 That our fons may be as plants increafing in fize throughout their youth ; Our daughters as the carved corners of the building of the fandluary ; 13 Our flores full of produce of every kind ^ Our flocks in thoufands. In ten thoufands in our open paftures; J 4. Our oxen ftrong for labour ; No 3i6 PSALM CXLV. No burfling forth, no rufhing out. No outcry in our public places. 15 O the happinefs of that people who are in fuch a ftate 1 O the happinefs of that people whofe god is Jehovah ! CXLV. A SONG OF PRAISE, BY DAVID. F'trjl Singer. K'F Will extol thee, O my God and my A king. And I will blefs thy name for ever and ever; 2, D Every day I will blefs thee. And I will praife thy name for ever and ever. Second Singer, 3 Jl Great is Jehovah, and exceedingly 10 be praifed -, And his greatnefs there is no exploring. Fir/l Singer, 4 '^ Generation to generation fiiall celebrate thy works. And PSALM CXLV. 317 And they (hall declare thy mighty adls ; 5 n The honour, the glory of thy majefty they (hall fpeak of. Thy wonders they fhall relate ; 6 ^ And they Ihall tell of the might of thy tre- mendous deeds. And they fliall difcourfe of thy greatnefs ; 7 t They fliall largely commemorate thy great goodnefs. And they fliall fing aloud of thy righteouf- nefs. Second Singer, 2 n Jehovah is merciful and tender ; Slow to wrath, and of great kindnefs, 9 vD Jehovah is good to all. And his mercy is over all his works, Firfi Singer. 10 ** All thy works fliall praife thee, O Jehovah, And thy faints fliall blefs thee ; 11 2 They fliall fpeak of the glory of thy kingdom. And they fliall difcourfe of thy might ; 12 7 While they make known to the fons of the human race thy mighty ads. And the glory of the honour of thy kingdom. 13 Thy kingdom is an eternal kingdom. And thy dominion over all generations. Second 3iS PSALM CXLV. Second Singer. 14 i Jehovah is immutable in all his words ^ And kind in all his deeds % 14 D Jehovah raifeth up all that are fallen. And all that (loop he fetteth upright. Firjl Singer, 15 y The eyes of all await on thee. And thou art he that giveth them their food in its feafon, 16 t3 Opening thine hand. And filling every thing that liveth with plea- fure. Second Singer, 17 ^ Jehovah is righteous in all his ways. And kind in all his deeds. 18 p Jehovah is near to all that invoke him. To all that invoke him with fmcerity ; 19 *1 He accomplifheth the defire of them that fear him. And he hearkeneth to their cry, and faveth them. 20 V Jehovah prefer veth thofe that love him, • But he entirely cutteth off all the impious, ai n My mouth fhall fpeak of the praife of Jeho- vah, And all fxcfli (hall blefs his holy name for ever and ever, CXLVL PSALM CXLVL J19 CXLVL HALLELCJJAH, OMy foul, praife Jehovah ! I will praife Jehovah as long as I live; I will fing to my God as long as I exift. Rely not upon princes. Upon any mortal in whom there is no power to fave ; His fpirit departeth, He returneth to his earth ; On that very day his defigns come to nought. O the happinefs of him who hath the God of Jacob in his aid, Hath his reliance on Jehovah, That made the heavens and the earth. The waters, and all that is in them. That keepeth bis promife for ever. That executeth judgment in favour of the op- prefTed, That giveth bread to the hungry I Jehovah releafeth the prifoners, Jehovah openeth tke eyes of the blind, Tehovah 32a PSALM CXLVIL Jehovah fetteth upright thofe that are bowed down. Jehovah loveth the righteous, g Jehovah guardeth the flrangers ; He fupporteth the orphan and the widow. But he fubverteth the proceeding of the im- pious. ID Jehovah fhall reign for ever, Thy God, O Zion, through generadon and ge- neration. CXLVIL HALLELUJAH. PRAI SE ye Jehovah, for it is good ; Sing of our God, for it is fweet ; To the jufl the fong of praife is pleafing. Jehovah buildeth up Jerufalem, He coUedeth the exiles of Ifrael, He, that healeth the broken-hearted. And bindeth up their fores. Reckoning the ftars by number^ He PSALM CXLVIL 321 He calleth every one of them by name. ^ Great is our Lord, and abounding in might; And there is no eftimatino; his wifdom. 6 Jehovah is4:he fupporter of the meek. Bringing down the wicked even to the ground* 7 Sing akcrnately to Jehovah with veneration, Chaunt with the harp unto our God, S That covereth the heavens with clouds, That prepareth the fmall rain for the earth. That maketh the herbage (hoot up on the mountains, 9 That giveth to the animal creation their food^ To the young of the ravens when they cry. 10 He doth not dehght in the ftrength of the horfe. Nor is he pleafed with the legs of the man : 1 1 Jehovah is pleafed with them that fear him, With them that depend on his mercy. 12 Celebrate Jehovah, O Jerufalem^ Praife thy God, O Zion, 13 For he ftrengtheneth the bars of thy gates, He bleiTeth thy children within thee. 14 Eftablifhing peace in thy borders> He giveth thee abundance of the fat of wheat^ 15 Who fendeth his word even to the earth, And his command moveth with fpeed ; 16 Who giveth fnow like unto wool. And fcattcreth the hoar frofl like adies * voL« I* y 17 That 322 PSALM CXLVIII. 1 7 That cafleth down his ice in fmall pieces : What is there that can ftand before his froft ? 1 8 He fendeth his word, and maketh them melt ; He changeth his wind, and th§ waters are la- vifhed. 19 He, who hath declared his word unto Jacob, His ftatutes and judgments unto Ifrael, 20 Hath not dealt fo with all the heathen. Neither do they know thofe judgments. Praife ye Jehovah, CXLVIII. HALLELUJAH. Solo. PRAISE ye Jehovah amidft the heavens^ Praife ye him in the high eft heavens ; Praife ye him, all ye his angels ; Praife ye him, O all his hofts ; Praife ye him, O fun and moon ; Praife ye him, all ye ftars of light ; Praife ye him, O heaven of heavens. And ye waters which are above the heavens. S Choi PSALM CXLVIII. 323 Chorus, 5 Let them pralfe the name of Jehovah ; For he commanded, and they were created : 6 And he fixed them for ever and ever, Giving a decree that cannot be tranfgrelTcd. Solo. 7 Praife ye Jehovah from the earth, O ye whales, and all the abyfs ; 8 Fire and hail, fnow and vapour, Tempeftuous v/ind executing his word ; 9 O mountains, and all ye hills 5 Fruit-bearing trees, and all cedars ; 10 Animals, and every bead. Reptile, and winged fowl ; 1 1 Kings of the earth, and all peoples • Princes, and all judges of the earth ; 1 2 Youths, and alfo maidens. Old as well as young. Chorus. 1 3 Let them praife the name of Jehovah, For his name alone is worthy to be extolled ; 14 His majefty is over the earth and the heavens, And he exalteth the horn of his people. y 2 CXLIX. 324 P S A L M CXLIX. CXLIX, A Song of Pralfc for all the Saints of Jehovali, for the Chlldreis of Ifrael in Combat. HALLELUJAH. SING to Jehovah a new ode, His fong of praife in the congregation of the holy ones. Let Ifrael rejoice in him that made him,^ Let the children of Zion exult in their king. Let them praife his name in the dance. Let them fing unto him with the tabret and harp. When Jehovah fheweth favour to his people. He maketh the humble glorious with falvation« His faints fhall exult with glory. They (hall fmg loudly upon their fophas in their divujjs. The praifes of God (hall be in their throat, And a two-edged fword in their hands. To execute vengeance on the heathen, Corredion on the nations ; To bind their kings with fetters, And PSALM CL. o O f» And their men of rank with chains of iron ; 9 To execute on them the vengeance that is written ; Such is the honour referved iov his faints. CL. HALLELUJAH. Solo, PRAISE ye God in his fanduary, Praife ye him in the firmament of his ftrength ; Praife ye him according to his mighty ads, Praife ye him according to his exceeding great- nefs. Praife ye him with the clangour of the trumpet, Praife ye him with the hue and harp ; Praife ye him with the tabor and pipe, Praife ye him with inftruments of many ftrings and pipes ; Praife ye him with cymbals well tuned, Praife ye him with loud cymbals. Chorus.^ 326 PSALM CL. Chorus, 6 Let every thing that doth breathe praife Je- hovah. End of the Fifth Book. Hallelujah. JtND 0^ THE FIRST VOLUME. J 1 BS1430.S915V.1 A new literal version of the book of Princeton Theological Semmary-Speer Library