i"&*f fw*^e< ^ T HE N A TURE O F Spiritual Rebellion Consider' And applied to the Presbyterians ; Ta which their Commiffion,eithei; to Preach, or to Adminifter the S acIrAment^ is proved to be^inefie&ual : SERMON, ^readies ty a $crfecutet> an& ^ufffrmg CtEiLGt-rMAN-Of ttyt Church. P A L. UXXXiX. 21, 22. -Po / «3i taf £ thew y Lord, that hate thee ? and am mt I grievei with tfafe that rife up againtl thee ? I hate them rchb perfsil Hatred : 1 count them mine Enemies. N B U R G H : Printed Year .*& dcc xviii- THE P R EF ACE r T"HE Sub] eft of this Sermon wants no Apology : •*■ As it contains the Effentials of the Church ^and all the Benefits of ChriJIian Worjhip, the Notions therein contained will Jl and their Ground agai?iff any attack the Presbyterians can make ; and I flatter my f elf that they will find it the mo ft d>f^ ficidt Task they ever had upon their Hands , to dif- prove one Jingle Pofition therein maintained. I de- fign a more full Enclairciffement upon the fame To- picks, in an Anfwer which will be fpeedily pub- bjhedto Mr. Anderfon 0/ Dumbarton. In the mean Time I hope the Reader will take the hint to con- fider the nature of Church Communion, and of the vafi Comforts which flow from the Presbyterian worfiip, which ajfures EleBion to its Members and eternal Life, before they can prove that they are Baptized. I need fay no more in this Blace, but leave the Determination to candid and im- partial. Readers, for whom thisWork is recommen- ded for their kind Acceptance thereof : $ *h W I Cor ' }tv;\>.^ <£\?T *i Cor. xii. 3^ 2fo JW^?z £tf w T^y that Jefus is the Lord, but by the Holy Qhofi. ^^mm^^sm FT K Apoftle in this Chapter re- lates the various Offices and Pofts affigned to the Chriftians in his Days. To fome (fays he) is given the Spirit of Prophecy, to lome the Gift of Healing ; f bme are Apoftles,fome Prophets; but ftill it is theiame Spirit, which worketh in all, i. e. whether they are thofe ex- traordinary Powers of the firft miraculous Ages of the Church, or fuch as were to continue till the coming of Chrift at the laft Day, they all proceed- ed either from the Influence, or from the Autho- rity of the Spirit of God. From whence we may fafely draw this Conclufion, That withouf tfie Au- thority of this Spirit no religious Office can be A i per- The Nature of performed : Which I think may plainly be deduc- ed from my Text, considered with the fubfequent Verfes of this Chapter ; for in the 4^, $th and 6th Verfes he fpecifies Diverfities of Gifts, Di ver- ities of Adminiftrations, and Diverfities of O perations. By the Gifts of the Spirit are unde** Hood the Word of Wifdom, the Word of Knc ledge, Faith, &c. The Adminlilrations of the Spxnt are the Miniftry of theG^>fpel, as Apoflles,. Teachers, and the like ; and the Operations of the Spirit are Prophecy, working of Miracles heaK ing Difeafes, divers kinds of Tongues v and tir Interpretation ofTongues : All which ar£^cgj£ mentioned in this Chapter, and I havjpang . them in Order for the more particular diftinguifB^, ing the varioi^ Offices of the Spirit alluded fo therein; which leads us on alfo to have an Idea of the Difference between the Graces and the Powers of the Spirit* For Wifdom, Faith and Knowledge are the Graces of the Spirit, and may be common to all Ranks and Degrees of Men ; but to teach and to*prophecy are derived from' the^ Powers of the Spirit, and fuppofe an Ability to ad, and are invefted in particular Perfons ,• whiqjj deteds the Folly of thofe Men who pretend to "Ixercife fuch Powers by Virtue of Grace ; which Pretence they have turned into an unlimited Commiffion to adfc what they pleafe, not confiderfng at the fame Time the ApofUe's Words in this Chapter,nor be- ing able to produce one of their Saints with al! his Spiritual Rebellion confulerd. his Predeftination and Grace, who has been abl e to work one Miracle fince the clear Light of th e Gofpel (as they fay) has fhined amongft them. I. lhall therefore from the Words of my Text deduce thefe following Heads. I. That no Man can perform any religious Office without lawful Appointment. II. The Manner of that Appointment. III. The Confequencesof anUfurpation of thofe Powers. As to the i/?, It clearly follows from my Text ; the Senfe of which plainly implies, That no Man can preach the Satisijccfion & Mediation of Chrift, but by the Holy Ghoft t. c. by the Authority of the Holy Ghoft : For if we mean thereby the In- fpiration of the Holy Ghoft, we muft necefTarily make the Preacher infallible, which contradicts even common Senfe and common Experience, and the Notion is the Parent of Enthufiafm. This muft relate, to preaching, becaufe the con- trary Suppofition makes the Senfe of the Text run thus ; No Man irif 1 ordinary Convj^ation can fay that Jefus is the Savi ra r of MankindAvithout Infpiration ; which, is Qua£erifm : For furely it cannot require fuch a vafb and grand Commilhon- to fpeak what every Man believes in his Heart, and a Truth which ought to-be publifhed to the World. # f Nor does it relate to the common working of the Spirit in the Hearts of Men, for he fpeaks A 3 through The Nature of through the whole Chapter concerning the parti- cular diftinguifhing Gifts and Powers oi the Spirit, which enables Perfons to exercife their different Offices, fometobe Prophets, fome Teachers, &c. and he directs the Scope of this Chapter to that Confufion which fhould arife from Ambition and ufurping of Church Powers; for we muftobferve, the Chrinthians to whom he dire&s this Epiftle, were naturally inclined to Sedition both in Church and State ; for (fays he)^