The New Topical Text Book Introduction byR.A.Torrey tihvaxy of t:he irheological ^eminarjo PRINCETON . NEW JERSEY FROM THE LIBRARY OF ROBERT ELLIOTT SPEER .N53 7o On^ (Xa^ ^, Psa. 106: 43-45. Jer. 3: 12,13. Jer. IS: 7, 8. Jer. 31 : 18-20. Joel ? : 12—14. Luke 15 : 18-20. Is slow. Psa. 103: 8. tsa. 48: 9. Jon. 4 : 2. Nah. 1 : 3. Is righteous. Psa. 58: 11, 11. Lam. 1 : 18. Rom. 2: 6, 8. Rom. «: 5, 6. Rev. 16:6,7. The justice of, not to *w questioned. Rom.9:18, 20, 22. Manifested in terrT'c. Exo. 14: 24. Psa. 76: 6— 8. Jer. IS): 10. Lam. 2: 20-22. Manifested in iuc'fments and afflic- tions. Job 21: 17. Psa. 78: 49— 51. Psa. 90: 7. Isa. 9: 19. Jer. 7: 20. Eze. 7:19. Heb, 3: 17. Cannot be resisted. Job 9: 13. Job 14:13. Psa. 76:7. Nah. 1:6. Aggravated by continual provoca- tion. Num. 32:14. Specially reserved for the' day of wrath. Zcp. 1 : 14—18. Mat. 25 : 41. Rom. 2:5, 8. 2 The. 1: 8. Rev. 6: 17. Rev. 11:18. Rev. 19:15. AGAI'^ST The wicked. Psa. 7 : 11. Psa. 21 : 8, 9. Isa. 3:8. Isa. 13: 9. Nah. 1: 2 3. Rom. 1 : 18. Rom. 2: 8. Eph'. 5:6. Col. 3:6. Those who forsake him. Ezr. 8: 22. Isa. 1 : 4. Unbelief. Psa. 78: 21, 22. Heb. 3: 18,19. Jno. 3:36. Impenitence. Psa. 7: 12. Pro. 1: 30, 31. Isa. 9 : 18, 14. Rom. 2 : .5. Apostacv. Heb. 10:26. 27. Idolatry. Deu. 29: 20, 27, 28. Dcu. 32: 19, 20,22. Jos. 23: 16. 2 Kin. 22 : 17. Psa. 78 : 58, .59. Jer. 44 : 3. Sin, in saints. Psa. 89: 30—32. Psa. 90:7—9. Psa. 99:8. Psa. 102: 9, 10. Isa. 47:6. Extreme, against those who oppose the gospel. Psa. 2:2, 3, 5. 1 The. 2 : 16. Folly of provoking. Jer. 7: 19. 1 Cor, 10:22. To be dreaded. Psa. 2: 12. Psa. 76: 7. Psa. 90: 11. Mat. 10: 28. To bo deprecated. Exo. 32: 11. Psa. 6:1. Psa 38:1. Psa. 74:1, 2. Isa. 64:9. V^moval of, should be prayed for. Psa. 39: 10. Psa. 79: 5. Psa. 80: 4. Dan. 9: 16. Hab. 3:2. Tempered with mercy to saints. Psa. 30 : 5. Isa. 26 : 20. Isa. 54 : 8. Isa. 57 : 15, 16. Jer. 30: 11. Mic. 7 : 11. To be born with submission. 2 Sam. 24: 17. Lam. 3: 39, 43. Mic. 7:9. Should lead to repentance. Isa. 42: 24, 25. Jer. 4 : 8. Exemplified against, The old world. Gen. 7: 21—23. Builders of Babel, Gen. 11: 8. Cities of the phiin. Gen. 19: 24, 25. Egyptians, Exo. 7: 20. Exo. 8: 6, 16, 24. Exo. 9: 3, 9, 23. Exo. 10: 13, 22. Exo 12: 29. Exo. 1 1 : 27. Israelites, Exo. 32: 35. Num. 11 • 1,33. Num. 14: 40-45. Num. 21: 6. Num. 25: 9. 2 Sam. 24 1, 15. Eue- mies of Israel, 1 Sam. 5:6. 1 Sam. 7 : 10. Nadab. d-c. Lev. 10. 2. The Spies, Num. 14 : 37. Korah, die. Num 16: 31, 35. Aaron and Miriam. Num. 12: 9, 10. Ftt'c K'tJiflrs, Jos. 10 : 25. Abime- lech, Jud. 9: 56. Men of Beth-shemesh, 1 Sam. 6: 19. Saiil, 1 Sam. 31: 6. Uzzah.2Sain. 6: 7. SauPs familij. 2 Sam. 21 : 1. Sennacherib, 2 Kin. 19 : 28, 35, 37. Anointing, With oil. Psa.92:l1^ With ointment. Jno. 11 : 2. Was used for Decorating the person. Ruth 3: 3. Refreshing the body. 2 Chr. 28 : 15. Purifying the body. Est. 2: 12. Isa. 57:9. Curing the sick. Mar. 6: 13. Jas. 5:14. Healing wounds. Isa. 1 : C, Luke 10 : 34. Preparing weapons for war. Isa. 21 : 5. _ Preparing the dead for burial. Mat. 26: 12. Mar. 16: 1, with Luke 23 : 56. The Jews very fond of. Pro. 27: 9. Amos 6: 6. Was applied to The head. Psa. 23 : 5. Ecc. 9 : 8. The face. Psa. 104:15. The feet. Luke 7 : 38, 39. Jno. 12 : 3. The eyes. Rev. 3:18. OiNTMl-.NT FOR, Richly perfumed. So. of Sol. 4 : 10. Jno. 12:3. Most expensive. 2 Kin. 20: 13. Amos 6:6. Jno. 12:3. 5. Prepared by the apothecary. Ecc. 10: 1. An article of commerce. Eze. 27: 17. Rev. 18:13. Neglected in times of affliction. 2 Sam. 12: 20. 2 Sam, 14: 2. Dan. 10; 3. ANO, APO. Neglect of, to guests, a mark of dis- respect. Lvike 7 : 46. A token of joy. Ecc. 9: 7, 8. Deprivation of, threatened as a pun- ishment. Den. 2S:40. Mic. 6: 15. Wlsy recommimdod by Christ in times of fasting. Mat. 6:17,18. Anointing of the Holy Ghost. Is from God. 2 Cor. 1 : 21. That Christ should receive Foretold. Psa= 45: 7. Isa. 61: 1. Dan. 9: 24. Fulliiled. Luke 4: 18, 21. Acts 4: 27. Acts 10: 38. Heb. 1:9. God preserves those who receive. Psa. 18: .50. Psa. 20:6. Psa. 89: 20-23. Saints receive. Isa. 61: 3. 1 Jno. 2: 20. Is abiding in saints. 1 Jno. 2: 27. Guides into all truth. 1 Jno. 2 : 27. Typified. Exo. 40: 13— l.i. Lev. 8:12. 1 Sam. 16:13. 1 Kin. 19:16. Anointing, Sacred. Antiquity of. Gen. 28: 18. Gen. S:>: 14. Consecrates to God's service. Exo. 30: 29. Persons who received; Prophets. 1 Kin. 19 : 16. Isa. 61 : 1. Priests. Exo. 40: 13-15. Kings. Jud. ^ 8. 1 Sam. 9: 16. 1 Kin. 1:34. Things which received; Tabernacle, &c. Exo. 30: 26, 27. Exo. 40:9. Brazen altar. Exo. 29: 36. Exo. 40 : 10. Brazen laver. Exo. 40:11. Those who partook of. Protected by God. 1 Chr. 16: 22. Psa. 105: 15. Not to be injured or insulted. 1 Sam. 24:6. lSam.26:9. 2 Sam. 1:14,15. 2 Sam. 19:21. Oil or ointment for; Divinely prescribed. Exo. 30 : 23—25. Compounded by the priests. 1 Chr. 9 : 30. An holy anointing oil for ever. Exo. 30:25,31. Not to be imitated. Exo. 30: 32. To be put ou no stranger. Exo. 30: 38. Jews condemned for imitating. Eze. 23:41. Illustrative of the anointing Of Christ with the Holy Ghost. Psa. 45: 7. Isa. 61: 1, with Luke 4: 18. Of saints with the Holy Ghost. 1 Jno 2 : 27. Antichrist. Denies the Father and the Sou. 1 Jno. 2:22. Denies the incarnation of Christ. 1 Jno. 4:3. 2 Jno. 7. Spirit of, prevalent in the Apostolic times. 1 Jno. 2: 18. Deceit, a characteristic of. 2 Jno. 7. Apostates. Described. Deu. 13: 13. Heb. 3:12. Persecution tends to make. Mat. 24 : 9, 10. Luke 8 : 13. A worldly spirit tends to make. 2 Tim. 4:10. Never belonged to Christ. 1 Jno. 2:19. Saints do not become. Psa. 44: 18, 19. Heb 6: 9. Heb. 10:39. It is impossible to restore. Heb. 6: 4-6. Guilt and punishment of. Zep. 1: 4-6. Heb. 10:25-31,39. 2 Pet. 2: 17, 20-22. Cautions against becoming. Heb. 3 : 12. 2 Pet. 3:17. Shall abound in the latter days. Mat. 24:12. 2 The. 2:3. iTim. 4: 1-3. Exemplified. Amdziah, 2 Chr. 25: 14, 27. Professed disciples, Jno._ 6: 66. Hymeneus and Alexander, 1 Tim. 1 : 19, 20. Apostles, The. Christ pre-eminently called " The Apostfe." Heb. 3:1. Ordained by Christ. Mar. 3: 14. Jnt). 15:16. Eeceived their title from Christ. Luke 6: 13. Called by God. 1 Cor. 1:1.1 Cor. 12 : 28. Gal. 1: 1,15,16. Christ. Mat. 10: 1. Mar. 3: 13. Acts 20: 24. Rom. 1:5. The Holy Ghost. Acts 13 : 2, 4. Were unlearned men. Acts 4 : 13. Selected from obscure stations. Mat. 4:18. Sent first to the 'house of Israel. Mat. 10 : 5, 6. Luke 24 : 47. Act' 13:46. Sent to preach the gospel to all na- tions. Mat. 28:19, 20. Mar. 16:15. 2 Tim. 1: 11. Christ always present with. Mat. 28 : 20. Warned against a timid profession of Christ. Mat. 10:27-33. The Holy Ghost given to. Jno. 20: 22. Acts 2: 1—4. Acts 9: 17. Guided by the Spirit into all truth. Jno. 14: 26. Jno. 15: 26. Jno. 16:13. Instructed by the Spirit to answer adversaries. Mat. 10: 19, 20. Luke 12:11, 12. APO. 17 ARM. Specially devoted to the oflSce of the ministry. Acts b: 4. Acts 20- 27. Humility urged upou. Mat. 20: 26, 27. Mar. 9: 33-^7. Luke 22: 24—30. Self-deuial urged upon. Mat. 10: 37—39. Mutual love urged upon. Jno. 1.5: 17. Equal authority given to each of. Slat. 16: 19, with Mat. 18:18. 2 Cor. 11:5. Were not of the world. Jno. 15 : 19. Jno 17 : 16. Were hated by the world. Mat. 10: 22. Mat. 24:9. Jno. 15: 18. Persecutions and sutterings of. Mat. 10:16,18. Luke 21: 16. Jno. 15: 20. Jno. 16 : 2. Saw Christ in the flesh. Luke 1 : 2. Acts 1 : 22. 1 Cor. 9:1. 1 Jno. 1:1. Witnesses of the resurrection and ascension of Christ. Luke 24 : 33— . 41 , 51 . Acts 1 : 2—9. Acts 10 : 40. 41 , 1 Cor. 15:8. Empowered to work miracles. Mat, 10:1.8. Mar. 16: 20. Luke 9: 1. Acts 2 : 43. Ark of the Covenant, The. Dimensions, &c. of. Exo. 25: 10. Exo. 37 : 1. Entirely covered with gold. Exo. 25:11. Exo. 37:2. Surroundeti with a crown of gold. Exo. 25: 11. Furnished with rings and staves. Exo. 25 : 12—15. Exo. 37 : 3—5. Tables of testimony alone placed in. Exo. 25 : 16, 21. 1 Kin. 8 : 9, 21. 2 Chr. 5:10. Heb. 9:4. Mercy-seat laid upon. Exo. 25 : 21. Exo. 26 : 34. Placed in the Holv of Holies. Exo. 26 : 33. Exo. 40 : 21. Heb. 9 : 3, 4. The pot of manna and Aaron's rod laid up before. Heb. 9: 4, with Exo. 16:33,34. Num. 17 : 10. A copy of the law laid in the side of Deu. 31 : 26. Anointed with sacred oil. Exo. 30:26. Covered with the vail by the priests before removal. Num. 4:5, 6. Was CALLED, THE Ark of God. 1 Sam. 3:3. Ark of God's strength. 2 Chr. 6 : 41. Psa. 132: 8. Ark of the covenant of the Lord. Num. 10:33. Ark of the testimony. Exo. 30: 6. Num. 7: 89. A symbol of the presence and '.'ory ot God. Num. 14:43,44. Jos ': 6. 1 Sam. 14 : 18, 19. Psa 132 : 8. Esteemed the glory of Israel. 1 Sam. 4:21,22. Was holy. 2 Chr. 35:3. Sanctified its resting-place. 2 Chr. 8: 11. The Israelites inquired of the Lord before. Jos. 7:6— 9. Jud. 20: 27. 1 Chr. 13:3. ' Was CARRIED By priests or Levites alone. Deu. 10:8. Jos. 3:14. 2Sam. 15:24. 1 Chr. 15:2. Before the Israelites in their jour neys. Num. 10:33. Jos. 3:6. Sometimes to the camp iu war. 1 Sam. 4:4,5. Profanation of, punished. Num. 4: 5, 15. 1 Sam. 6 : 19. 1 Chr. 15 : 13. Protecting of, rewarded. 1 Chr. 13:14. Captured by the Philistines. 1 Sam. 4:11. Miracles connected with Jordan divided. Jos. 4: 7. Fall of the walls of Jericho. Jos. 6 : 6-20. Fall of Dagon. 1 Sam 5 : 1—4. Philistines plagued. 1 Sam. 5 ; 6-12. Manner of its restoration. 1 Sam. 6 : 1—18. At Kirjath-jearim twenty years. 1 Sam. ( : 1, 2. Removed from Kirjath-jearim to the house of Obed-edom. 2Sam 6: 1—11. David made a tent for. 2 Sam. 6: 17. 1 Chr. 15 : 1. Brought into the city of David. 2 Sam. 6 : 1'2— 15. 1 Chr. 15 : 2,5— j:8. Brought by Solomon into the temple with great solemnity. 1 Kin. 8: 1—6. 2 Chr. 5 : 2—9. A type of Christ. Psa. 40:8. Rev. 11 : 19. Armies, Antiquity of. Gen. 14 : 1—8. Ancient, often numerous. Jos. 11 : 4. 1 Sam. 13: 5. Of different nations often confeder- ated. Jos. 9:2. Jos. 10:5. Jud. 3: 13. 1 Kin. 20:1. Troops often hired for. 1 Chr. 19 : 7. 2 Chr. 25:6. Were composed of Bowmen and sliugers. 1 Chr. 12: 2. Jer. 4 : 29. Spearmen or heavy troops. Psa. 68:30. Acts 23: 23. Cavalry. Exo. 14 : 9. 1 Kin. 20: 20. War-chariots. Jos. 17: 16. Jud. 4: 3. Often consisted of the whole effec- tive strength of nations. Num. 21 : 23. 1 Sam. 29: 1.' Furnished with standards. So. of Sol. 6:4. Isa. 10:18. Jer. 4:21. Accompanied by beasts f burden and wagons for baggagt Jud. 7: 12. 2 Kin. 7:7. Eze. 23:2., ARM. 18 ARM. Generally io three divisions. Gen. 14:15. Job. 1:17. Were led by Kings in person. 2 Kin. 18: 13. 2 Kin. 25 : 1. Experienced captains. 2 Kin. 18: 17, 24. Called the Wings of a nation. Isa. 8:8. Jer. 48:40. Power of Kings. 2 Chr. 32 : 9. Hosts. Jos. 10:5. Jud. 8:10. Bands. 2 Kin. 24 : 2. 1 Chr. 7 : 4. Began their campaigns in the spring. 2 Sam. 11:1. Often went on foreign service. Jer. 5:15. Jer. 50:3. Marched Often in open line. Hab. 1 : 6, 8. With order and precision. Isa. 5: 27. Joel 2: 7,8. With rapidity. Jer. 48: 40. Hab. 1:8. With noise and tumult. Isa. 17: 12, 13. Joel 2 : 5. Employed in Fighting battles. 1 Sam. 17 : 2, 3. 1 Chr. 19:17. Besieging cities. Deu. 20: 12. Isa. 29:3. Assaulting cities. Jos 7:3, 4. Jud. 9 : 45. Often surprised their enemies. Jos. 8:2. 2 Chr. 13:13. Je;.51:12. Commenced their battles with a shout. 1 Sam. 17 : 20. 2 Chr. 13: 15. Jer. 51 : 14. Toil and fatigue often endured by. Eze. 29 : 18. Divided the spoil. Exo. 15:9. Zee. 14:1. Sent out foraging parties. 2 Kin. 5 : 2. Exercised savage cruelties on the vanquished. Jer. 50:42. Lam. 5: 11-13. Amos 1 : 13. Frequently the instrument of God's vengeance. Isa. 10:5, 6. Isa. 13:5. In latter ages received pay. Luke 3 : 14. 1 Cor. 9 : 7. Encamped In the open fields. 2 Sam. 11 : 11. 1 Chr. 11 : 15. Before cities. Jos. 10: 5. 1 Sam. 11: 1. Fear occasioned by. Num. 22 : 3. Jen 6:25. Devastation occasioned by. Isa 37 : 18. Jer. 5:17. Often destroyed by Their enemies. Exo. 17: 13. Jos. 10: 10, 20. Jud. 11: 33. 2 Sam. 18:7. 1 Kin. 20:21. Themselves through divine inter- position Jud. 7 : 22. 1 Sam. 14 ; 15,16. , Chr. 20:23. Supern ,ural means. Jos. 10: 11. 2Ki< 19:35. Brought their idols with them. 1 Chr. 14:12. Compared to Whirlwinds. Jer. 25 : 32. Waters of a river. Isa. 8: 7. Caterpillars. Jer. 51: 14, 27. Grasshoppers. Jud. 6: 3 — 5. Jud. 7: 12. Locusts. Isa. 33 : 4. Rev. 9:3,7. Flies. Isa. 7 : 18, 19. Clouds. Eze. 38:9— 16. Overflowing torrents. Isa. 28 : 2. Dan. 11 : 10, 26. iLLtlSTRATIVE OF Multitudes of angels. 1 Kin. 22: 19. Psa. 148 : 2. Dan. 4 : 35. Mat. 26 : 53. The Church. Dan. 8: 10-13. So. of Sol. 6:4, 10. Numerous and heavy aflflictions. Job 19 : 12. Armies of Israel, The. First mention of. Exo. 7 : 4. Collected by Sound of trumpets. Jud. 3: 27. Jud. 6:34. Special messengers. Jud. 6: 35. 2 Sam. 20: 14. Extraordinary means. Jud. 19: 29, with Jud. 20:1. 1 Sam. 11:7. Enrolled by the chief scribe. 2 Kin. 25 : 19. - Called The host. Deu. 23: 9. 1 Sam. 28: 19. The armies of the living God. 1 Sam. 17 : 26. Composed of infantry. Num. 11: 21. Jud. 5 : 15. Horsemen and chariots introduced into, after David's reign. 1 Kin. 1 ; 5. 1 Kin. 4:26. Divided into Three divisions. Jud. 7 : 16. 1 Sam. 11:11. Van and rear. Jos. 6: 9. Companies of thousands, &c. Num. 31 : 14. 2 Kin. 1 : 9, 11. 1 Chr. 13 : 1. 1 Chr. 27:1. Commanded by the captain of the host. 2 Sam. 2:8. 2 Sam. 17:25. 2 Sam. 20:23. Often led by the king in person. 1 Sam. 8:20. iSam. 15:4, 5. 2 Sam. 12:29. 1 Kin. 22 ch. Inferior officers of, appointed by The shoterim or chief officers. Deu. 20:9. The king. 2 Sam. 18 : 1. 2 Chr. 25 : 5. The captain of the host. 2 Sam. 18: 11. 2 Kin. 4: 13. Persons liable to serve in. Num 1: 2,3. Persons exempted from serving in: Who had builded a house. Deu. 20:5. ARM. ARM. Who had planted a vineyard. Deu. 20:6. Who were lately betrothed. Deu. 20 : 7. Who were newly married. Deu. 24 : n. Refusing to join, stigmatized. Jud. 5 : 1.")— 17. Refusing to join, often punished. Jud. 21 : 5, 8— 11. 1 Sam. 11:7. The fearful allowed to leave. Deu. 20:8, Jud. 7:3. Sometimes consisted of the whole nation. Jud. 20:11. 1 Sam. 11:7. Strict discipline observed in. Jos. 7 : 16 21. 1 Sam. 14 : 24—44. Educated in the art of war. Isa. 2: 4. Mic. 4: 3. Often supplied with arms from pub- lic armories. 2 Chr. 11: 12. 2 Chr. 26 : 14. Before going to war Were numbered and reviewed. 2 Sam. 18: 1, 2, 4. 1 Kin. 10: 15, 27. Required to keep from iniquity. Deu. 23 : 9. Consulted the Lord. Jud. 1 : 1. Jud. 20:27, 28. Encouraged by their commanders. 2 Chr. 20:20. Ark of God frequently brought with. Jos. 6:6, 7. iSam. 4:4, 5. 2 Sam. 11: 11. 2 Sam. 15:24. Attended by priests with trumpets. Num 10 : 9. Num. 31 : 6. 2 Chr. 13 : 13, 14. Praises of God often sung before. 2 Chr. 20:21, 22. Often disposed to battle with Judg- ment, &c. 2 Sam. 10:9. Bravery and fidelity in, rewarded. Jos. 15:16. ISam. 17: 25. 1 Sam. 18:17. 2 Sam. 18:11. 1 Chr. 11:6. Men selected from, for difficult enter- prises. Exo. 17 : 9. Num. 31 : 5, 6. Jos. 7 : 4. Jos. 8 : 3. Jud. 7:5,6. 2 Sam. 17:1. Directed in their movements by God. Jos. 8:1.2. Jud. 1:2. 2 Sam. 5:25. 1 Chr. 14 : 16. With the aid of God all-powerful. Lev, 26 : 3, 7, 8. Deu 7 : 24. Deu 32 : 30. Jos. 1 : 5. Without God easily overcome. Lev. 26: 17. Num. 14: 42, 45. Mode of provisioning : Food brought by themselves, Jos. 1: 11. Food sent by their families. 1 Sam. 17 : 17. Ct)ntribution levied. Jud. 8 : 5. ISam. 25: 4—8. By presents. 2 Sam. 17 : 27—29. Congratulated on returning victori- ous. 1 Sam. 18: 6, 7, with Exo. 15: 1-21. Purified on returning from war. Ni'K.. 31.19-25. Disbanded after war. 1 Sam. 13:2. 1 Kin. 22:36. Part of, retained in times of peace by the kings. 1 Sam. 13: 1, 2, 1 Chr, 27: 1-15. Arms, Military. Made of iron, steel, or brass. Job 20: 24. ISam. 17:5, 6. Offensive: Sword. Jud. 20: 15. Eze. 32 : 27. • Two-edged sword. Psa. 149: 6. Pro. 5 : 4. Dagger. Jud. 3: 16, 21, 22. Dart or javelin. 1 Sam. 18: 10, 11. 2 Sam. 18:14. Spear or lance. 1 Sam. 26:7. Jer. 50:42. Battle-axe. Eze. 26 : 9. Jer. 51 : 20. Bow and arrows. Gen. 48: 22. 1 Kin. 22:. 34. Sling. 1 Sam. 17: 50. 2 Kin. 3:25. Handstafl. Mat. 26:47. Called weapons of war. 2 Sam. 1 : 27. Called instruments of war. 1 Chr. 12:33,37. Called instruments of death. Psa. 7: 13, Defensive : Helmet. 1 Sam. 17 : 5, 38. 2 Chr, 26 : 14, Coat of mail, breastplate, haber- geon, or brigandine, 1 Sam, 17: 5, 38. Exo. 28: 32. Jer. 46: 4. Rev. 9:9. Girdle. ISam. 18:4. 2 Sam. 18: 11. Target. ISam. 17: 6. Greaves. 1 Sam. 17: 6. Shield. 1 Kin. 10: 16, 17, 1 Kin. 14 : 26, 27. Buckler. 1 Chr. 5: 18. Eze. 26: 8 Called harness. 1 Kin. 22: 34. Called armor. Luke 11 : 22. For sieges: Battering rams. 2 Sam. 20: 15. Eze. 4 : 2. Engines for casting stones, &c. 2 Chr. 26:15. Not worn in ordinary. 1 Sam. 21: 8. Put on at the first alarm. Isa. 8:9. Jer. 46:3,4. Armories built for. 2 Kin. 20: 13. So. of Sol. 4:4. Great stores of, prepared. 2 Chr. 32 : 5. Were provided , Bv individuals themselves. 1 Chr. 12 : 33, 37. From the public arsenals. 2 Chr. 11:12. 2 Chr. 26: 14. Often given as presents. 1 Kin. 10: 25. Before using Tried and proved. 1 Sam. 17: 39. Burnished. Jer. 46: 4. Eze. 21 : 9 — 11, 28. Anointed. Isa. 21 : 5. ARM. 20 ASC. Part of, borne by armor-bearers. Jud. 9:54. 1 Sam. 14:1. 1 Sam. 16:21. Hung on the walls of cities. Eze. 27 : 10, 11. Of the vanquished, Taken off them. 2 Sam. 2: 21. Luke 11 : 22. Sometimes kept as trophies. 1 Sam. 17:54. Sometimes burned. Eze. 39:9, 10. Of conquered nations taken away to prevent rebellion. Jud. 5: 8. 1 Sam. 13: 19-22. Inferior to wisdom. Ecc. 9: 18. Illdstkative of Spiritual armor. Eom. 13:12. 2 Cor. 6 : 7. Eph. 6 : 11—14. 1 The. 5 : 8. Spiritual weapons. 2 Cor. 10: 4. Eph. 6: 17. Judgments of God. Isa. 13:5. Jer. 50:25. Arrows, Deadly and destructive weapons. Pro. 26:18. Called shafts. Isa. 49:2. Sharp. Psa. 120 : 4. Isa. 5 : 28. Bright and polished. Isa. 49: 2. Jer. 51 : 11. Sometimes poisoned. Job 6: 4. Carried in a quiver. Gen. 27 : 3. Isa. 49 : 2. Jer. 5 : 16. Lam. 3 : 13. Discharged Frow a bow. Psa. 11 : 2. Isa. 7 : 24. From engines. 2 Chr. 26: 15. At a mark for amusement. 1 Sam. 20:20—22. At the beasts of the earth. Gen. 27:3. Against enemies. 2 Kin. 19: 32. Jer. 50 : 14. With great force. Num. 24: 8. 2 Kin. 9 : 24. Fleetness of, alluded to. Zee. 9: 14. The ancients divined by. Eze. 21 : 21. Illustrative Of Christ. Isa. 49:2. Of the word of Christ. Psa. 45 : 5. Of God's judgment. Deu. .32:23— 42. Psa. 7: 13. Psa. 21:12. Psa. 64 : 7. Eze. 5 : 16. Of severe afflictions. Job 6: 4. Psa. 38 : 2. Of bitter words. Psa. 64 : 3. Of slanderous tongues. Jer. 9: 8. Of false witnesses. Pro. 25: 18. Of devices of the v.icked. Psa. 11 : 2. Of young children. Psa. 127 : 4. Of lightnings. Psa. 77: 17, 18. Hab. 3:11. (Broken), of destruction of power. Psa. 76:3. (Falling from the hand), of the paralyzing power. Eze. 39 : 3. Arts of the. Apothecary or perfumer. Exo. 30: 25, 35. Armorer. 1 Sam. 8:12. Baker. Gen. 40 : 1. 1 Sam. 8 : 13; Brick-maker. Gen. 11: 3. JExo. 5:7, 8 18 Brazier. Gen. 4 : 22. 2 Tim. 4 : 14. Blacksmith. Gen. 4: 22. 1 Sam. 13: 19. Carver. Exo. 31 : 5. 1 Kin. 6 : 18. Carpenter. 2 Sam. 5:11. Mar. 6:3. Calker. Eze. 27 : 9, 27. Confectioner. 1 Sam. 8: 13. Dyer. Exo. 25:5. Embroiderer. Exo. 35: 35. Exo. 38: 23. Embalmer. Gen. 50 : 2, 3, 26. Engraver. Exo. 28:11. Isa. 49: 16. 2 Cor 3: 7 Founder. Jud. 17:4. Jer. 10:9. Fuller. 2 Kin. 18 : 17. Mar. 9 : 3. Gardener. Jer. 29:5. Jno. 20:15. Goldsmith. Isa. 40: 19. Husbandman. Gen. 4 : 2. Gen. 9 : 20. Mariner, . Lovers of pleasure more than of God. 2 Tim. 3: 4. Lying. Psa. 58:3. Psa. 62:4. Isa. 59:4. Mischievous. Pro. 24 : 8. Mic. 7 : 3. Murderous. Psa. 10:8. Psa. 94:6. Rom. 1:29. Prayerless. Job 21 : 15. Psa. 53:4. Persecuting. Psa. 69: 26. Psa. 109: 16. Perverse. Deu. 32:5. Proud. Psa. 59: 12. Oba. 3. 2 Tim. 3:2. Rejoicing in the affliction of saints. Psa 35 * 15 Reprobate. ' 2 Cor. 13: 5. 2 Tim. 3: 8. Tit. 1:16. Selfish. 2 Tim. 3:2. Sensual. Phi. 3:19. Jude 19. Sold under sin. 1 Kin. 21 : 20. 2 Kin. 17:17. Stiff-hearted. Eze. 2:4. Stift'-necked. Exo. 33:5. Acts 7: 51. Uncircumcised in heart. Jer. 9:26. Unjust. " Pro. 11 : 7. Isa. 26 : 10. Unmerciful. Rom. 1:31. Ungodly. Pro. 16 : 27. Unholy. 2 Tim. 3: 2. Unprofitable. Mat. 25: 30. Rom. 3: 12. Unruly. Tit. 1:10. Unthankful. Luke 6: 35. 2 Tim. 3: 2. Untoward. Acts 2 : 40. Unwise. Deu. 32 : 6. Chariots. Carriages for traveling, &c. Gen. 46 : 29. Carriages used in war. 1 Kin. 20: 25. AVheels of. described. 1 Kin. 7 : 33. Bound with traces. Mic. 1 : 13. Drawn by Horses. 2 Kin. 10: 2. So. of Sol. 1 : 9. Asses and camels. Isa. 21:7. Value of in Solomon's time. 1 Kin. 10:29. Drivers generally employed for. 1 Kin. 22:34. 2Chr. 18:33. Sometimes driven by the owners. 2 Kin. 9:16, 20. Sometimes driven furiously. 2 Kin. 9:20. Isa. 5:28. Jer. 4:13. Bounding motion of, referred to. Nah. 3:2. Noise occasioned by, referred to. 2 Kin. 7: 6. Joel 2: 5. Nah. 3:2. Rev. 9: 9. introduced into Israel by David. 2 Sam. 8: 4. Multiplied by Solomon. 1 Kin. 10: 26. Imported from Egypt. 1 Kin. 10: 28, 29. For war, Armed with iron, Jos. 17 : 16. Jud. 1 : 19. Lighted by night with torches. Nah. 2:3. Commanded by captains. Exo. 14. 7. 1 Kin. 16:9. Advantageously manoeuvred in a flat country. Jud. 1 : 19. 1 Kin. 20: 23—25. Formed part of the line of battle. 1 Kin. 20:25. Used in pursuing enemies. Exo. 14:9. 2 Sam. 1: 6. Kept in chariot cities. 1 Kin. 9: 19. 1 Kin. 10:26. Used in war by the Egyptians. Exo. 14 : 7. 2 Kin. 18: 24 Canaanites. Jos. 17: 16. Jud. 4: 3. Philistines. 1 Sam. 13:5. Syrians. 2 Sam. 10: 18. 1 Kin. 20: 1. Assyrians. 2 Kin. 19:23. Ethiopians. 2 Chr. 14 : 9. 2 Chr. 16:8. Babylonians. Eze. 23: 24. Eze. 26: 7. J.ews. 2 Kin. 8: 21. 2 Kin. 10: 2. Kings rode in, to battle. 1 Kjn. 22: 35. Kings used, in common. 1 Kin. 12: 18. 1 Kin. 18: 44. Persons of distinction used. Gen. 41:43. 2Kin. 5:9, 21. Jer. 17:25. Acts 8 : 28. Often attended by running footmen. 1 Sam. 8:11. 2 Sam. 15:1. iKin. 1:5. Consecrated to the sun. 2 Kin. 23: 11. The jews condemned for Multiplying. Isa. 2:7. Trusting to. Isa. 22 : 18. Isa. 31 : 1 . Taken in war, often destroyed. Jos. 11 : 6, 9. Jer. 51 : 21. Mic. 5: 10. Nah. 2:13. Illustrative of The clouds. Psa. 104:3. The judgments of God. Isa. 66: 15 Angels. 2Kin. 6: 16, 17, with Psa 68: 17. Prophets. 2 Kin. 2: 12. 2 Kin. 13: 14 Christ's love to His church. So of Sol. 6:12. Elijah taken to heaven in one of fire. 2 Kin. 2 : 11. Charity^ Explained. ICor. 13:4— 7. Enjoined. Col. 3:14. (See Love to Man.) Chastity. Commanded. Exo. 20:14. Prov. 31. 3. Acts 15: 20. Rom. 13:13 Col. 3:5. 1 The. 4 : 3. Required in look. Job 31 : 1. Mat CHA. CHI. Required ill heart. Pro. 6:25. Required in speech. Eph. .5 : 3. Keep the body in. 1 Cor. 6: 13, 15—18. Preserved by wisdom. Pro. 2: 10, 11, 10. Pro. 7:1-5. Saints are liept in. Ecc. 7:26. Advantages of. 1 Pet. 3: 1, 2. Slum those devoid of. 1 Cor. 5: 11. 1 Pet. 4: 3. The wiclved arc devoid of. Rom. 1 : 29. Eph. 4:19. 2 Pet. 2 : 14. Jude 8. Temptation to deviate from, danger- ous. 2 Sam. 11 : 2 — 4. Consequences of associating with those devoid of. Pro. 5:3— 11. Pro. 7 : 25-27. Pro. 22 : 14. Want of, excludes from heaven. Gal. 5:19-21. Drunkenness destructive to. Pro. 23: 31—33. Breach of, punished. 1 Cor. 3: 16, 17. Eph. 5:5, 6. Heb. 13: 4. Rev. 22: 15. Motives for. 1 Cor. 6 : 19. 1 The. 4 : 7. Exemplified. Abimelech, Gen. 20: 4, 5. Gen. 20: 10, 11. Joseph, Gen. 39: 7— 10. Ruth, Ruth 3: 10, 11. Boaz, Ruth 3: 13. Cherubim. Form and appearance of. Eze. 1 : 5 — 11, 13, 14. Animated by the Spirit of God. Eze. 1 : 12, 20. Engaged in accomplishing the pur- poses of God. Eze. 1 : 15, 21. Eze. 10:9-11,10, 17. Tlio glory of God exhibited upon. Eze. 1 : 22, 26-28. Eze. 10: 4, 18, 20. Sound of their wings was as the voice of God. Eze. 1 : 24. Eze. 10 : 5. Placed at the entrance of Eden. Gen. 3:24. Of gold. Formed out of, and at each end of the mercy seat. Exo. 25 : 18 — 20. Placed over the ark of the covenant. 1 Sam. 4: 4. IKin. 8:6, 7. 2 Chr. 5:7,8. God's presence manifested between. 2Sam.6:2. 2 Kin. 19:15. Psa. 80:1. Psa. 99:1. The oracles or answers of God de- livered from between. Exo. 25 : 22. Num. 7:89. Called the cherubim of glory. Heb. 9:5. Representations of, made on the Curtains of the tabernacle. Exo. 20:1,31. Vail of the tabernacle. Exo. 26: 31. Vail of the temple. 2 Chr. 3:14. Doors of the temple. 1 Kin. 6 : 32, 35. Walls of the temple. 2 Chr. 3 : 7. Bases of brazen lavers. 1 Kin. 7: 29 : 36. Riding on, illustrative of majesty and power of God. 2 Sam. 22: 11. Psa. 18: 10. Children. Christ was an example to. Luke 2 : .51. J no. 19: 26, 27. Are a gift from God. Gen. 33: 5. Psa. 127 : 3. Are capable of glorifying God. Psa. 8: 2. Psa. 148: 12, 13. Mat. 21 : 15, 16. Should be Brought to Christ. Mar. 10: 13—16. Brought early to the house of God. 1 Sam. 1:24. Instructed in the waysof God. Deu. 31 : 12, 13. Pro. 22 : 6. Judiciously trained. Pro. 22: 15. Pro. 29:17. Eph. 6:4. Should Obey God. Deu. 30:2. Fear God. Pro. 24:21. Remember God. Ecc. 12:1. Attend to parental teaching. Pro. 1 : 8, 9. Honor parents. Exo. 20:12. Heb. 12:9. Fear parents. Lev. 19:3. Obey parents. Pro. 6: 20. Eph. 6: 1. Take care of parents. 1 Tim. 5:4. Honor the aged. Lev. 19 : 32. 1 Pet. 5 : 5. Not imitate bad parents. Eze. 20: 18. An heritage from the Lord. Psa. 113: 9. Psa. 127:3. Not to have, Considered an affliction. Gen. 15: 2, 3. Jer. 22 : 30. A reproach in Israel. 1 Sam. 1: 6, 7. Luke 1 : 25. Anxiety of the Jews for. Gen. 30: 1. iSam. 1: 5,8. Often prayed for. 1 Sam. 1: 10, 11. Luke 1 : 13. Often given in answer to prayer. Gen. 25 : 21. 1 Sam. 1 : 27. Luke 1 : 13. Treatment of, after birth, noticed. Eze. 16: 4. Mostly nursed by the mothers. 1 Sam. 1:22. 1 Kin. 3: 21. Psa. 22: 9. So. of Sol. 8:1. Weaning of, a time of joy and feast- ing. Gen. 21:8. 1 Sam. 1:24. Circumcised on the eighth day. Phi. 3:5. Named at circumcision. Luke 1 : 59. Luke 2 : 21. Were named After relatives. Lukel:59, 61. From remarkable events. Gen. 21: 3, 0, with Gen. 18 : 13. Exo. 2 : 10. Exo. 18: 3, 4. From circumstances connected with their birth. Gen. 25 : 25, 26. Gen. 35 : 18. 1 Chr. 4 : 9. CHI. 42 CHI. Often by God. Isa. 8 : 3. Hos. 1 : 4, 6, 9. Often numerous. 2 Kiu. 10: 1. 1 Chr. 4:27. Numerous, considered an especial blessing. Psa. llo: 14. Psa. 127: 4, 5. Sometimes born wlien parents were old. Gen V>: 3, 6. Gen. 17: 17. Luke 1 : 18. Male, If first born, belonged to God and were redeemed. Exo. 13: 12, 13, 15. Birth of, announced to the father by a messenger. Jer. 20 : 15. Under the care of tutors, till they came of age. 2 Kin. 10: 1. Gal. 4:1. 2. Usefully employed. 1 Sam. 9:3. 1 Sam. 17: 15. Inherited the possessions of their father. Deu. 21 : 16, 17. Luke 12 : 13, 14. Received the blessing of their father before his death. Gen. 27 : 1-4. Gen. 48 : 15. Gen. 49 ch. Female, Taken care of by nurses. Gen. 35 : 8. Usefully employed. Gen. 24: 13. Exo. 2 : 16. Inherited property in default of sons. Num 27:1-8. Jos. 17:1—6. Fondness and care of mothers for. Exo. 2:2— 10. 1 Sam. 2:19. 1 Kin. 3:27. Isa. 49: 15. IThe. 2:7, 8. Of God's people, holy. Ezr. 9: 2. 1 Cor. 7:14. Of God's people, interested in the promises. Deu. 29:29. Acts 2:39 Prosperity of, greatly depended on obedience of parents. Deu. 4: 40. Deu. 12 : 25, 28. Psa. 128 : 1—3. Frequently bore the curse of parents. Exo. 20:5. Psa. 109: 9, 10. 'Were required To honor their parents. Exo. 20; 12. To attend to instruction. Deu. 4: 9. Deu. 11:19. To submit to discipline. Pro, 29: 17. Heb. 12:9. To respect the aged. Lev. 19:32. Mode of giving public instruction to. Luke 2 : 46. Acts 22 : 3. Power of parents over, during the patriarchal age. Gen. 9: 24, 25. Gen 21 : 14. Gen. 38 : 24. Often wicked and rebellious. 2 Kin. 2:23. Rebellious, punished by the civil power. Exo. 21: 15—17. Deu. 21: 18-21. Sometimes devoted their property to avoid supporting parents. Mat. 15:5. Mar. 7:31, 12. Could demand their portion during their father's life. Luke 15 : 12. Amusements of, Zee. 8: 5. Mat. 11: 16, 17. Casting out of weak, &c. alluded to. Eze. 16: 5. Inhuman practice of offering to idols. 2 Kin. 17: 31. 2 Chr. 28: 3. 2 Chr. 33:6. Illegitimate, Had no inheritance. Gen. 21 : 10, 14. Gal. 4: 30. Not cared for by the father. Heb. 12:8. Excluded from the congregation. Deu. 23: 2. Sometimes sent away with gifts. Gen. 25:6. Despised by their brethren. Jud. 11: 2. Destruction of, a punishment. Lev. 26:22. Eze. 9:6. Luke 19; 44. Grief occasioned by loss of. Gen. 37 : 35. Gen. 44 : 27-29. 2 Sam. 13:37. Jer. 6 : 26. Jer. 31 : 15. Resignation manifested at loss of. Lev. 10: 19, 20. 2 Sam, 12: 18-23. Jobl: 19—21. Children, Good. The Lord is with. 1 Sam. 3 : 19. Know the Scriptures. 2 Tim 3:15. Observe the la w of God. Prov. 28 : 7. Their obedience to parents is well pleasing to God. Col. 3 : 20. Partake of the promises of God. Acts 2 : 39. Shall be blessed. Prov. 3:1-4. Eph. 6:2,3. Show love to parents. Gen. 46:29. Obey parents Gen. 28: 7. Gen. 47:30. Attend to parental teaching. Prov. 13:1. Take care of parents. Gen. 45:9, 11. Gen. 47 : 12. Make their parents' hearts glad. Pro. 10:1. Pro. 29:17. Honor the aged. Job. 32 : 6, 7 Adduced as a motive for submission to God. Heb. 12:9. Spirit of, a requisite for the kingdom of heaven. Mat. 18:3. Illustrative of a teachable spirit. Mat. 18:4. Exemplified. Isaac, Gen. 22 : 6—10. Joseph, Gen. 45:9. Gen. 46:29. Jeph- thath''s daughter, Jud. 11:34,36. Sam- son, Jud. 13 : 24. Samuel, 1 Sam. 3 : 19. Obadiah, 1 Kin. 18: 12. Josiah, 2 Chr. 34 : 3. Esther; Est. 2 : 20. Job, Job 29: 4. David. 1 Sam. 17 : 20. Psa. 71 : 5. Daniel, Dan. 1:6. John the Baptist, Luke 1:80. Children in the Temple, Mat. 21 : 15, 16. Timothy, 2 Tim. 3 : 15. Children, Wicked. Know not God. 1 Sam. 2 : 12. Are void of understanding. Pro. 7:7. Are proud. Isa. 3 : 5. CHI. 43 CHR. With regard to parents Hoarken uot to them. 1 Sam. 2: 25. Despise them. Pro. 15:5, 20. Eze. 22:7. Curse them. Pro. .30:11. Bring reproach on them. Pro. 19:26. Are a calamity to them. Pro. 19: 13. Are a grief to them. Pro. 17 : 25. Despise their elders. Job 19 : 18. Punishment of, for Setting light by parents. Deu. 27:1G. Disobeying parents. Deu. 21: 21. Mocking parents. Pro. 30:17. Cursing parents. Exo. 21:15, with Mar. 7:10. Smit ing parents. Exo. 21 : 15. Mocking a prophet. 2 Kin. 2:23, 24. Gluttony and drunkenness. Deu. 21:20,21. Their guilt in robbing parents. Pro. 2S:24. Exemplified. Esau, Gen. 26 : 34, 35. Sons of Eli, 1 Sam. 2 : 12, 17. Sons of Saniiiil, 1 Sam. 8: 3. Absalom, 2 Sam, 15 : 10 Adoi, ijah, 1 Kin. 1 : 5, 6. Chil- dren at Bethel, 2 Kin. 2:23. Adram- melech and Stiarezer, 2 Kin. 19:37. Christ, Character of. Altogether lovely. So. of Sol. 5: 16. Holy. Luke 1 : 35. Acts 4 : 27. Rev. 3:7. Righteous. Isa. 53 : 11. Heb. 1 : 9. Good. Mat. 19:16. Faithful. Isa. 11 : .5. 1 The. 5 : 24. True. Juo.l:14. Jno. 7:18. IJno: 5 : 20. Just. Zee. 9 : 9. Jno. 5 : .30. Acts 22 : 14. Guileless. Isa. 53:9. 1 Pet. 2:22. Sinless. Jno. 8 : 46. 2 Cor. 5 : 21. Spotless. 1 Pet. 1 : 19. Innocent. Mat. 27 : 4. Harmless. Heb. 7:26. Resisting temptation. Mat. 4 : 1—10. Obedient to God the Father. Psa. 40: 8. Jno. 4:34. Jno. 15:10. Zealous. Luke 2: 49. Jno. 2: 17. Jno. 8 : 29. Meek. Isa. 53:7. Zee. 9: 9. Mat. 11 : 29. Lowly in heart. Mat. 11 : 29. Merciful. Hob. 2 : 17. Patient. Isa. ,53:7. Mat. 27:14. Long-sutTering. 1 Tim. 1:16. Compassionate. Isa. 40: 11. Luke 19:41. Benevolent. Mat. 4: 23, 24. Acts 10: 38. Loving. Jno. 13:1. Jno. 15:13. Self-denying. Mat. 8 : 20. 2 Cor. 8 : 9. Humble. Luke 22: 27. Phi. 2:8. Resigned. Luke 22: 42. Forgiving. Ltike23:34. Subject to His parents. Luke 2: 51. Saints are COB formed to. Rom. 8:29. Christ is God. As Jehovali. Isa. 40: 3, with Mat. 3: 3. As Jehovah of glory. Psa. 24:7, 10, with 1 C)or. 2 : 8. Jas. 2:1. As Jehovah, our Righteousness. Jer. 23: 5, 6. with 1 Cor. 1 : 30. As Jehovah, above all. Psa. 97: 9, with Jno. 3: 3J. As Jehovah, the First and the Last. Isa. 44: 6, with Rev. 1: 17. Isa. 48: 12—16, with Rev. 22: 13. As Jehovah's Fellow and Equal. Zee. 13:7. Phi. 2:6. As Jehovah of Hosts. Isa. 6: 1—3, with Jno. 12: 41. Isa. 8: 13, 14, with 1 Pet. 2 : 8. As Jehovah, the Shepherd. Isa. 40: 11. Heb. 13:20. As Jehovah, for whose glory all things were created. Pro. 16: 4; with Col 1: 16. As Jehovah, the Messenger of the covenant. Mai. 3: 1, with Mark 1: 2, and Luke 2: 27. Invoked as Jehovah. Joel 2 : 32, with Acts 2: 21, andl Cor. 1: 2. As the Eternal God and Creator. Psa. 102:24—27, with Heb. 1: 8, 10-12. As the mighty God. Isa. 9 : 6. As the Great God and Saviour. Hos. 1:7. with Tit. 2: 13. As God over all. Psa. 45 : 6, 7. Rom. 9 : 5. As the true God. Jer. 10: 10, with 1 Jno. 5 : 20. As God the Word. Jno. 1 : 1. As God, the Judge. Ecc. 12 : 14, with 1 Cor. 4:5. 2 Cor. 5 : 10. 2 Tim. 4 : 1. As Emmanuel. Isa. 7: 14, with Mat. 1:23. As King of kings and Lord of lords. Dan. 10:17, with Rev. 1:5. Rev. 17: 14. As the Holy One. 1 Sam. 2:2, with Acts 3: 14. As the Lord from heaven. 1 Cor. 15:47. As Lord of the sabbath. Gen. 2: 3, with Mat. 12: 8. As Lord of all. Actsl0:.36. Rom. 10: 11-13. As Son of God. Mat. 26 : 63-67. As the Only-begotten Son of the Father. Jno. 1 : 14, 18. Jno 3: 16, 18. 1 Jno. 4:9. His blood is called the blood of God. Acts 20:28. As one with the Father. Jno. 10: 30, 38. Jno. 12 : 45. Jno. 14 : 7—10. Jno- 17:10. As sending the Spirit, equally with the Father. Jno. 14 : 16, with Jno. 15 : 26. As entitled to equal honor with the Father. Jno. 5 : 23. CHR. U CHR. As Owner ot all things, equally with the Father. Jno. 16 : lo. As unrestricted by the law of the sabbath, equally with the Father. Jno. 5 : 17. As the Source of grace, equally with the Father. 1 The. 3:11. 2 The. 2 : 16, 17. As unsearchable, equally with the Father. Pro. 30:4. Mat. 11:27. As Creator of all things. Isa. 40: 28. Jno. 1:3. Col. 1:16. Heb. 1 : 2. As Supporter and Preserver of all things. Neh. 9:6, with Col. 1:17. Heb. 1:3. As possessed of the fulness of the Godhead. Col. 2 : 9. Heb. 1 : 3. As raising the dead. Jno. 5: 21. Jno. 6:40,54. As raising Himself from the dead. • Jno. 2:19, 21. Jno. 10: 18. As Eternal. Isa. 9 : 6. Mic. .5 : 2 Jno. 1:1. Col. 1 : 17. Heb. 1 : 8—10. Rev. 1 : 8. As Omnipresent. Mat. 18:20. Mat. 28 : 20. Jno. 3 : 13. As Omnipotent. Psa.45:3. Phi. 3: 21. Rev. 1:8. As Omniscient. Jno. 16 : 30. Jno. 21 : 17. As discerning the thoughts of the heart. 1 Kin. 8: 39, with Luke 5: 22. Eze. 11:5, with Jno. 2:24,25. Rev. 2:23. As unchangeable. Mai. 3: 6, with Heb. 1 : 12. Heb. 13 : 8. As having power to forgive sins. Col. 3:13, with Mar. 2: 7,10. As Giver of pastors to the Church. Jer. 3 : 15, with Eph. 4 : 11—13. As Husband of the Church. Isa. 54: 5, with Eph. 5 : 25—32. Isa 62 : 5, with Rev. 21 : 2, 9. As the object of divine worship. Acts 7:59. 2 Cor. 12:8,9. Heb. 1:6. Rev. 5:12. As the object of faith. Psa. 2:12, with 1 Pet. 2 : 6. Jer. 17 : 5, 7, with Jno. 14:1. As God, He redeems and purifies the Church unto Himself. Rev. 5: 9, with Tit. 2: 14. As God, He presents the Church to Himself. Eph. 5 : 27, with Jude 24, 25. Saints live unto Him as God, Rom. 6:11, and Gal. 2: 19, with 2 Cor. 5: 15. Acknowledged by His Apostles. Jno. 20:28. Acknowledged by Old Testament saints. Gen. 17: 1, with Gen. 48: 15, 16. Gen. 32: 24—30, with Hos. 12:3-5. Jude 6: 22-24. Jude 13: 21,22. Job 19: 25-27. Christ, the Head of the Church. Predicted. Psa. 118: 22, with Mat. 21: 42. Appointed by God. Eph. 1 : 22. Declared by Himself. Mat. 21 : 42. As His mystical body. Eph. 4: 12, 15 Eph. 5:23. . Has the pre-eminence in all things. 1 Cor. 11 : 3. Eph. 1 : 22. Col. 1 : 18. Commissioned His Apostles. Mat. 10: 1,7= Mat. 28:19. Jno. 20:21. Instituted the sacraments. Mat. 28: 19. Luke 22 : 19, 20. Imparts gifts. Psa. 68:' 18, with Eph. 4:8. Saints are complete in. Col. 2:10. Perverters of the truth do not hold. Col. 2 : 18, 19. Christ, the High Priest. Appointed and called by God. Heb. 3:1,2. Heb. 5: 4,5. After the order of Melchizedek. Psa. 110: 4, with Heb. 5: 6. Heb. 6: 20. Heb. 7: 15, 17. Superior to Aaron and the Levitical priests. Heb. 7: 11, 16, 22. Heb. 8: 1, 2, 6. Consecrated with an oath. Heb. 7: 20, 21. Has an unchangeable priesthood. Heb. 7 : 23, 28. Is of unblemished purity. Heb. 7: 26, 28. Faithful. Heb. 3:2. Needed no sacrifice for Himself. Heb. 7 : 27. Offered Himself a sacrifice. Heb. 9: 14, 26. His sacrifice superior to all others. Heb. 9:13, 14, 23. Offered sacrifice but ones. Heb. 7 : 27. Heb. 9 : 25, 26. Made reconciliation. Heb. 2:17. Obtained redemption for us. Heb. 9:12. Entered into heaven. Heb. 4: 14. Heb. 10:12. Sympathizes with those who are tempted. Heb. 2: 18. Heb. 4: 15. Intercedes. Heb. 7: 2.5. Heb. 9: 24. Blesses. Num. 6 : 23—26, with Acts 3 : 26. On His throne. Zee. 6:13. Appointment of, and encouragement to steadfastness. Heb. 4: 14. Typified. Melchizedek, Gen. 14 : IS— 20. Aaron, <&c. Exo. 40 : 12—15. Christ, the King. Foretold. Num. 24 : 17. Psa. 2 : 6. Psa. 45th. Isa. 9: 7. Jer. 23: 5. Mic. 5:2. Glorious. Psa. 24:7-10. 1 Cor. 2:8. Jas. 2: 1. Supreme. Psa. 89: 27. Rev. 1: ,5. Rev. 19:16. Sits in the throne of God. Rev. 3 : 21, CHR. 45 CHU, Sits on the throne of David. Isa. 9 : 7. Eze. 37: 24, 25. Luke 1: 32. Acts 2:30 Is King of Zion. Psa. 2 : 6. Isa. .52 : 7. Zee. 9: 9. Mat. 21:5. Jno. 12: 12-15. Has a righteous kingdom. Psa. 45: 6, with Heb. 1 : 8, 9. Isa. 32 : 1. Jer. 23:5. Has an everlasting kingdom. Dan. 2 : 44. Dan. 7 : 14. Luke 1 : 33. Has an universal kingdom. Psa. 2: 8. Psa. 72: 8. Zee. 14: 9. Rev. 11: 15. His kingdom not of this world. Jno. 18 : 36. Saints, the subjects of. Col. 1 : 13. Rev. 15 : 3. Saints receive a kingdom from. Luke 22 : 29, 30. Heb. 12 : 28. Acknowledged by The wise men from the East. Mat. 2: 2. Nathanael. Jno. 1 : 49. His followers. Luke 19: 38. Jno. 12: 13. Declared by Himself. Mat. 25: 34. Jno. 18:37. Written on His cross Jno. 19: 19. The Jews shall seek unto. Hos. 3: 5. Saints shall behold. Isa. 33:17. Rev. 22 : 3, 4. Kings shall do homage to. Psa. 72 : 10. Isa. 49:7. Shall overcome all His enemies. Psa. 110: 1. Mar. 12: 36. 1 Cor. 15:25. Rev. 17:14. Typified. 3Ielohizedek, Gen. 14: 18. David, 1 Sam. 16: 1, 12, 13, with Luke 1 : 32. Solomon, 1 Chr. 28 : 6, 7. Christ, the Mediator. In virtue of His atonement. Eph. 2 : 13—18. Heb. 9 : 15. Heb. 12 : 24. The only One between God and man. 1 Tim. 2:5. Of the gospel covenant. Heb. 8:6. Heb. 12 : 24. Typified. Moses, Deu. 5: 5. Gal. 3: 19. ^laron, Num. 16: 48. Christ, the Prophet. Foretold. Deu. 18: 15, 18. Isa. 52:7. Nah. 1 : 15. Anointed with the Holy Ghost. Isa. ^":1. Isa. 61: 1, with Luke 4: 18. jno. 3: 34. Alone knows and reveals God. Mat, 11 : 27. Jno. 3 : 2, 13, 34. Jno. 17 : 6, 14,26. Heb. 1:1, 2. Declared His doctrine to be that of the Father. Jno. 8 : 26, 28. Jno. 12 : 49, 50. Jno. 14 : 10, 24. Jno. 15 : 15. Jno. 17 : 8, 16. Preached the gospel, and worked miracles. Mat. 4: 23. Mat. 11: 5. Luke 4: 43. Foretold things to come. Mat. 24 3—35. Luke 19: 41, 44. Faithful to His trust. Luke 4: 43. Jno. 17: 8 Heb. 3: 2. Rev. 1: 5. Rev. 3:14. Abounded in wisdom. Luke 2: 40, 47.52. Col 2:3. Mighty in deed and word. Mat. 13: 54. Mar. 1 : 27. Luke 4 : 32. Jno. 7:46. Meek and unostentatious in His teaching. Isa. 42: 2. Mat. 12: 17—20. God commands us to hear. Deu. 18 : 15. Matt. 17 : 25. Acts 3 : 22. Acts 7:37. God will severely visit our neglect of. Deu. 18 : 19. Acts 3 : 23. Heb. 2 : 3. Typified. Sloses, Deu. 18: 15. Christ, the Shepherd. Foretold. Gen. 49: 24. Isa. 40: 11. Eze. 34:23. Eze. 37:24. The chief. 1 Pet. 5 : 4. The good. Jno. 10:11,14. The great. Mic. 5 : 4. Heb. 13 : 20. His sheep He knows. Jno. 10: 14, 27. He calls. Jno. 10 : 3. He gathers. Isa. 40: 11. Jno. 10: 16. He guides. Psa. 23: 3. Jno. 10: 3,4. He feeds. Psa. 23:1, 2. Jno. 10:9. He cherishes tenderly. Isa. 40: 11. He protects and preserves. Jer. 31: 10. Eze. 34: 10. Zee. 9: 16. Jno. 10:28. He laid down His life for. Zee. 13 : 7. Mat. 26: 31. Jno. 10: 11, 15. Acts 20: 28. He gives eternal life to. Jno. 10:28. Typified. David 1 Sam. 16: 11. Church, The. Belongs to God. 1 Tim. 3 : 15. The body of Christ. Eph. 1 : 23. Col. 1 : 24. Christ, the foundation-stone of. 1 Cor. 3: 11. Eph. 2: 20. 1 Pet. 2: 4, 6. Christ, the head of. Eph. 1 : 22. Eph. 5 : 23. Loved by Christ. So. of Sol. 7: 10. Eph. 5 : 25. Purchased by the blood of Christ. Acts 20 : 28. Eph. 5 : 25. Heb. 9 : 12. Sanctified and cleansed by Christ. 1 Cor. 6:11. Eph. 5:26,27. Subject to Christ. Rom. 7 : 4. Eph, 5:24. The object of the grace of God. Isa. 27:3. 2 Cor. 8:1. CHU. 46 CIR. Displays the wisdom of God. Eph. 3:10. Shews forth the praises of God. Isa. 60:6. God defends. Psa. 89: 18. Isa. 4: 5. Isa. 40:25. Mat. 16: 18. God provides ministers for. Jer. 3 : 15. Eph. 4:11,12. Glory to be ascribed to God by. Eph. 3:21. Elect. 1 Pet. 5 : 13. Glorious. Psa. 45 : 13. Eph. 5 : 27. Clothed in righteousness. Rev. 19: 8. Believers continually added to, by the Lord. Acts 2 : 47. Acts 5 : 14. Acts 11:24. Unity of. Rom. 12:5. 1 Cor. 10:17. 1 Cor. 12:12. Gal. 3:28. Saints baptized into, by one Spirit. 1 Cor. 12:13. Ministers commanded to feed. Acts 20:28. Is edified by the word. 1 Cor. 14 : 4, 13. Eph. 4 : 15, 16. The wicked persecute. Acts 8: 1 — 3 1 The. 2 : 14, 15. Not to be despised. 1 Cor. 11 :22. Defiling of, will be punished. 1 Cor. 3:17. Extent of, predicted. Isa. 2 : 2. Eze. 17:22—24. Dan. 2:34,35. Hab. 2:14. Church of Israel. Established by God. Deu. 4: 5—14. Deu. 26: 18, with Acts 7: 35, 38. Admission into, by circumcision. Gen. 17 : 10-14. All Israelites members of. Rom. 9: 4. Was relatively holy. Exo. 31: 13. Num. 16:3. Had * An appointed place of worship. Deu. 12: 5. Appointed ordinances. Exo. 18 : 20. Hcb. 9:1,10. Appointed feasts. Lev. 23: 2. Isa. 1: 14. An ordained ministry. Exo. 29:9. Don. 10: 8. The divine presence manifested in it. Exo. 29: 45, 46. Lev. 26: 11, 12. 1 Kin. 8:10, 11. A spiritual church within it. Rom. 9:0-8. Rom. 11:2-7. In covenant with God. Deu. 4: 13, 23. Acts 3: 25. The deiDOsitory of holy writ. Rom. 3: 2. Called the Congregation of Israel. Exo. 12 : 47. Lev. 4:13. Congregation of the Lord. Num. 27 : 17. Num. 31 : 16. Privileges of. Rom. 9: 4. Proselytes admitted into. Num. 9: 14. Num.15: 15, 29. Supported by the people. Exo. 34 : 20. Deu. 16: 17. Worship of, consisted in Sacrifice. Exo. 10: 25. Lev. 1: 2. Heb. 10: 1. Prayer. Exo. 24: 1. Psa. 5: 7. Psa. 95: 6. Praise. 2 Chr. 5: 13. 2 Chr. 30: 21. Reading God's word. Exo. 24: 7. Deu. 31:11. Preaching. Neh. 8 : 4, 7. Attachment of the Jews to. Juo. 9 : 28, 29. Acts 6: 11. Members of Required to know its statutes. Lev. 10: 11. Required to keep its statutes. Deu. 16: 12. Required to attend its worship. Exo. 23 : 17. Separated from, while unclean. Lev. 13: 46. Lev. 15: W. Num. 5: 2-4. Excommunicated for heavy of- fences. Num. 15: 30, 31. Num. 19: 20. Persons excluded from. Exo. 12: 48. Deu. 23: 1-4. Eze. 44: 7. 9. A typo of the church of Christ. Gal. 4:24-26. Heb. 12:23. Circumcision. Instituted by God. Gen. 17 : 9, 10. Described. Gen. 17: 11. Exo. 4: 25. Enforced by the law. Lev. 12: 3, with Jno. 7 : 22. Called the Covenant of circumcision. Acts 7:8. Circumcision in the flesh. Eph. 2 : 11. Concision. Phi. 3: 2. A painful and bloody rite. Exo. 4 : 26. Jos. 5: 8. Promises to Abraham previous to. Rom. 4:9, 13. A seal of the covenant. Gen. 17: 11. Rom. 4: 11. Introductory Jewish sacrament. Gal. 5:3. Outward sign of. Rom. 2: 28. Inward grace of. Rom. 2 : 29. Necessary to enjoying the privileges of the Jewish Church. Exo. 11 : 48. Eze. -44: 7. Was performed On males home-born and bought. Gen. 17 : 12, 13. On the eighth day. Gen. 17: 12. Lev. 12: 3. Even on the sabbath day. Jno. 7 : 22 23 with" knives of flint. Exo. 4 : 25. Jos. 5: 3. hnarg.) By the heads of families. Gen. 17: 23. Exo. 4 : 25. CIR. 47 CIT. By persons in authority. Jos. 5:3. In tlie preseiico of the family, &c. Luke 1 : hS — 01 . Accompanied with naming the chihi. Gen. 21 : 3, 4. Luke 1 : .ji). Luke 2 : 21. First performed ou Abraham and his family. Gen. 17 : 24—27. Not performed in the wilderness. Jos. 5 : ."). Performed by Joshua at Gilgal. Jos. 5:2,7. Punishment for neglecting. Gen, 17: 14. Exo. 4 : 24, 2(1. Without faith, vain. Rom. 3: 30. Gal. 5 : C. Without obedience, vain. Rom. 2 : 25. 1 Cor. 7 : 19. The jews Denominated by. Acts 10: 45. Gal. 2: 9. Held it unlawful to intermarry with those not of the. Gen. 34: 14. Jud. 14:3. Held no intercourse with those not of the. Acts 10: 28. Acts 11:3. Gal. 2:12. Despised as unclean those not of the. 1 Sam. 14:6. 1 Sam. 17:26. Mat. 15:26, 27. Eph. 2:11. Sometimes performed on slain ene- mies. 1 Sam. 18: 25-27. 2 Sam. 3: 14. Abolished by the gospel. Eph. 2: 11, 15. Col. 3:11. Performed on Timothy as a matter of expediency because of the Jews Acts 10: 3. Necessity of, denied by Paul. Gal. 2t 3-5. Necessity of, asserted by false teach- ers. Acts 15: 24. Gal. 6: 12. Tit. 1 : 10. Trusting to, a denial of Christ. Gal. • 3:3,4, with Gal. 5 : 3, 4. Paul denounced for opposing. Avts 21:21. Saints the true spiritual. Phi. 3: 3. Col. 2:11. Illustr.\tive of Readiness to hear and obey. Jer. 0:10. Purity of heart. Deu. 10: 16. Deu. 30:6. Purity of speech. Exo. 0: 12. Cities. First mention of. Gen. 4 : 17. Designed tor habitations. Psa. 107 : 7, 30. Often built to perpetuate a name. Gen. 11: 4. Often founded and enlarged by blood and rapine. Mic. 3: 10. Hab. 2: 12. Built Of brick and slime. Gen. 11 : 3. Of stone and wood. Psa. 102: 14. Eze. 26 : 12. Of brick and mortar. Exo. 1 : 11, 14. On solid foundations. Ezr. 6: 3. R(-v. 21:14. Wit h compactness. Psa. 122 : 3. Often of a square form. Rev. 21 : 16. Beside rivers. Psa. 46: 4. Psa. 1.37 : 1. On hills. Mat. 5: 14. Luke 4: 29. Rev. 17 : 9. In plains. Gen. 11 : 2, 4. Gen. 13 : 12. In desert places. 2 Chr. 8: 4. Psa. 107 : 35, 36. In pleasant situations. 2 Kin. 2: 19. Psa. 48:2. .Arranged in streets and lanes. Num. 22: 39. (mary.) Zee. 8:5. Luke 14: 21. Entered through gates. Gen. 34: 24. Neh. 13 : 19, 22. Surrounded with walls. Deu. 1 : 28. Deu. 3:5. Often fortified by nature. Psa. 125 : 2. Isa. 33 : 16. Often fortified by art. 2 Chr. 11: 5-10, 23. Psa. 48: 12, 13. Jer. 4: 5. Dan. 11 : 15. Sometimes had suburbs. Num. 35: 2. Jos. 21 : 3. Were called after The family of the founder. Gen. 4: 17. Jud. 18:29. The proprietor of the land. 1 Kin. 16:24. The country in which built. Dan. 4 : 29, 30. Numerous. Jos. 15: 21. 1 Chr. 2: 22. Jer. 2 : 28. Densely inhabited. Jon. 4:11. Nah. 3: 8. Often great and goodly. Gen. 10: 12. Deu. 6: 10. Dan. 4: 30. Jon. 3: 3. Often of great antiquity. Gen. 10: 11- 12. Often insignificant. Gen. 19 : 20. Ecc. 9:14. Different KINDS of; Royal. Num. 21: 26. Jos. 10: 2. 2 Sam. 12:26. Fenced. Jos. 10: 20. Isa. 30: 1. Treasure. Exo. 1 : 11. Commercial. Isa. 23: 11. Eze. 27 : 3. Chariot. 2 Chr. 1: 14. 2 Chr. 9: 25. Store. 2Chr. 8:4, 6. Lovitical. Lev. 25 : 32, 33. Num. 35 : 7, 8. Refuge. Num. 35:0. Inhabitants of, called citizens. Acts 21 : 39. Prosperity of, increased by commerce. Gen. 49: 13, with Deu. 33: 18, 19. Eze. 28:. 5. Artificial mode of supplying water to. 2 Kin. 18: 17. 2 Kin. 20: 20. Infested by dogs. 1 Kin. 14: 11. Psa. 59 : 0, 14. Under governors. 2 Chr. 33: 14. 2 Cor. 31:32. Provided with judges. Deu. 16: 18. 2 Chr. 19:5. CIT. 4« CLO. Protected at night by watchmen. Psa 127 : 1 So. of Sol. 5 : 7. Isa. 21 : 11. Furnished with stores. 2 Chr. 11 : 11, 12. Garrisoned in war. 2 Chr. 17 : 2, 19. Often had citadels. Jud. 9 : ol. A great defence to a country. 2 Chr. 11:5. Afforded refuge in times of danger. Jer. 8:11-16. Often deserted on the approach of an enemy. 1 Sam. 31 : 7. Jer, 4 : 29. Weke frequently Stormed. Jos. 8:3— 7. Jud. 9:44. Besieged. Deu. 28 : 52. 2 Kin. 19 : 24, 25. Pillaged. Isa. 13 : 16. Jer. 20 : 5. Wasted by pestilence. 1 Sam. 5: 11. Wasted by famine. Jer. 52 : 6. Amos 4:6. Depopulated. Isa. 17 : 9. Eze. 26: 19. Burned. Jud. 20: 38, 40. Isa. 1 : 7. Made heaps of ruins. Isa. 25 : 2. Razed and sown with salt. Jud. 9 : 45. DiiTiculty of taking, alluded to. Pro. 18 : 19. Jer. 1 : 18, 19. Perishable nature of. Heb 13: 14. Illustrative of Saints. Mat. 5: 14. Visible church. So. of Sol. 3:2,3. Eev. 11:2. Church triumphant. Rev. 21 : 2. Rev. 22 : 19. Heavenly inheritance. Heb. 11 : 16. The apostacy. Rev. 16: 10. Rev. 17: 18. Riches. Pro. 10: 15. Cities of Refuge. Design of. Exo. 21: 13. Num. 35: 11. Jos. 20:3. Names &c. of. Deu. 4: 41—43. Jos. 20: 7,8. Required to be Easy of access. Deu. 19:3. Isa. 62: 10. Open to all manslayers. Jos. 20: 4. Strangers might take advantage of. Num. So : 15. Those admitted to. Were put on their trial. Num. 35:12,24. Not protected outside of. Num.35: 20 : 27. Obliged to remain in, until the high priest's death. Num. 35 :25, 28. Afforded no asylum to murderers. Exo. 21 : 14. Num. 35 : 16—21. Illustrative Of Christ. Psa. 91 : 2. Isa. 25 : 4. Of the hope of the gospel. Heb. 6:18, (The way to,) of Christ. Isa. 35: 8, Jno. 14:6. Clouds. Formed from the sea. 1 Kin. 18:44, Amos 9 : 6. Are the garment of the sea. Job 38:9, God Established. Prov. 8 : 28. Balanced in the air. Job. 37 : 16. Disposed in order. Job 37 : 15. Brings over the earth. Gen. 9:14, Binds up. Job 26: 8. Spreads out. Job 26 : 9. Scatters. Job 37: 11. Power and wisdom of God exliibited informing. Psa. 1.35:6,7. Psa. 147: 5, 8. Jer. 10 : 13. Jer. 51 : 16. Power and wisdom of God exhibited in condensing. Job 36 : 27, 28. Job 37: 10,- 11. Pro. 3:20. Made for the glory of God. Psa. 148 : 4. Called the Clouds of heaven. Dan. 7 : 13. Mat. 24:30. Windows of heaven. Gen. 7:11. Isa. 24:18. Bottles of heaven. Job 38 : 37. Chambers of God. Psa. 104:3, 13. Waters above the firmament. Gen. 1:7. Dust of God's feet. Nah. 1 : 3. Different kinds of, mentioned; White. Rev. 14 : 14. Bright. Job37:ll. Zee. 10:1. Thick. Job. 22 : 14. Job 37 : 11." Black. 1 Kin. 18:4.5. Swift. Isa. 19:1. Great. Eze. 1 : 4. Small. 1 Kin. 18:44. Often cover the heavens. Psa. 147 : 8. Often obscure the sun, &c. Job. 36 : 32. Eze. 32 : 7. Often dispersed by the wind. Hos. 13:3. Uses of; To give rain. Jud. 5:4. Psa. 104: 13, 14. To supply dew. Pro. 3: 20. Isa. 18:4. To moderate heat. Isa. 25 : 5. From the west, bring rain. Luke 12 : 54. Though small, often bring much rain. 1 Kin. 18:44, 45. Thunder and lightning come from. Psa. 77 : 17, 18. The rainbow appears in. Gen. 9:13, 14. Frequently the instruments of God's judgments. Gen. 7:11,12. Job. 37: 13. Psa. 77:17. Man Ignorant of the spreading of. Job. 36:29. CLO. 49 COM, Ignorant of the disposing of. Job 37 : 15. Ignorant of the balancing of. Job 37 : 16. Cannot number. Job 38 : 37. Cannot cause to rain. Job 38 : 34. Cannot stay. Job 38 : 37. Illustrative Of multitudes of persons. Isa. GO: 8. Heb. 12:1. Of hostile armies. Jer. 4:13. Eze. 38 : 9, 16. ^ Of sins of men. Isa. 44 : 22. Of judgments of God. Lam. 2:1. Eze. 30:. 3. Eze. 34:12. Joel 2: 2. Of unsearchablenessof God. 2 Sam. 22:12. Psa. 97:2. Eze. 1:4. (Riding upon,) of the power and greatness of God. Psa. 104 : 3. Isa. 19:1. (Passing away,) of the goodness and prosperity of hypocrites. Hos. 6 : 4. Hos. 13 : 3. (Without water,) of false teachers. Jude 12 V. (Carried away by a tempest,) of false teachers. 2 Pet. 2 : 17. (Without rain,) of the fraudulent. Pro. 25 : 14. (A morning without, )of wise rulers. 2Sam. 23:3, 4. (When seasonable,) of the favor of good rulers. Pro. 16: 15. Cloud of Glory. First manifestation of. Exo. 13 : 20, 21. Called The cloud. Exo. 34:5. Pillar of cloud and pillar of fire. Exo. 13 : 22. Cloudy pillar. Exo. .33 : 9, 10. Cloud of the Lord. Num. 10 : 84. The presence of God. Exo. 33 : 14, 15. God's glory manifested in. Exo. 16: 10. Exo. 40 : 35. God came down in. Exo. 34: 5. Num . 11 : 25. God spoke from. Exo. 24:16. Psa. 99 : 7. Was designed to Regulate the movements of Israel. Exo. 40 : 36, 37. Num. 9 : 17—25. Guide Israel. Exo. 13 : 21. Neh. 9:19. Shew light to Israel. Psa. 78: 14. Psa. 105 : 39. Defend Israel. Exo. 14:19. Psa. 105 : 39. Cover the tabernacle. Exo. 40: 34. Num.9: 15. Was dark to the enemies of Israel. Exo. 14 : 20. Was the Shekinah over the mercy- seat. Lev. 16: 2. Continued during the jourueyings of Israel. Exo. 13 : 22. Exo. 40 : 38. Manifested in the temple of Solomon 1 Kin. 8 : 10, 11. 2 Clir. 5 : 13. Eze 10:4. Special appearances of; At the murmuring for bread. Exo 16 : 10. At giving of the law. Exo. 19: 9, 16 Exo. 24 : 16-18. At sedition of Aaron and Miriam Num. 12:5. At the murmuring of Israel on re port of the spies. Num. 14: 10, At the rebellion of Korah, &c. Num. 16:19. At the murmuring of Israel on ac count of Korah's death. Num 16:42. At Christ's transfiguration. Mat 17:5. At Christ's ascension. Acts 1 : 9. Our Lord shall make His second ap pearance in. Luke 21:27. Acts 1: 11 Illustrative of The glory of Christ. Rev. 10 : 1. The protection of the church. Isa. 4:5. Commandments, The Ten. Spoken by God. Exo. 20:1, Deu. 5: 4,22. Written by God. Exo. 32:16. Exo. 34 : 1 , 28. Deu. 4:13. Deu. 10 : 4. Enumerated. Exo. 20:3— 17. Summed up by Christ. Mat. 22: 35—40. Law of, is spiritual. Mat. 5: 28. Rom. 7:14. (See Law of God.) Commerce. The barter of one commodity for an- other 1 Kin. 5:8, with 11 V. The exchange of commodities for money. 1 Kin. 10: 28, 29. Called Trade. Gen. 34 : 10. Mat. 25 : 16. Traffic. Gen. 42 : 34. Eze. 17 : 4. Buying and selling. Jas. 4 : 13, Articles of, called Merchandise. Eze. 26: 12. Mat. 22: 5. Wares. Jer. 10:17. Eze. 27:16. Jon. 1 : 5. Persons engaged in, called Merchants. Gen. 37 : 28. Pro. 31 : 24. Chapmen. 2 Chr. 9 : 14. Traffickers. Isa. 23:8. Sellers and buyers. Isa. 24 : 2. Carried on in fairs, &c. Eze. 27:12, 19. Mat. 11 : 16. Inland, by caravans. Job 6: 19. Isa. 21:13. Maritime, by ships. 2 Chr. 8:18. 2 Chr. 9:21. Persons of distinction engaged in. Isa. 23:8. COM. 50 COM. Increased the wealth of nations and individuals. 2 Chr. 9: 20— 22. Pro. 31:14—18. Eze. 28:4, 5. Carried on by Islunaelites. Gen. 37:25. Egyptians. Gen. 42 : 2—34. Ethiopians. Isa. 45 : 14. Ninevites. Nali. 3:16. Syrians. Eze. 27 : 16, 18. People of Tarshish. Eze. 27 : 25. Tyrians. Eze. 28 : 5, 13, 16. Jews. Eze. 27:17. Of the jews • Under strict laws. Lev. 19:36, 37. Lev. 25:14, 17. Commenced after their settlement in Canaan. Gen. 49: 13, with Jud. 5:17. Greatly extended by Solomon. 1 Kin. 9:26, 27. 2 Chr. 9:21. Checked in Jehoshaphat's time. 1 Kin. 22:48, 49. Success in, led to pride, &c. Eze. 28: 2,16-18. Evil practices connected with. Pro. 20 : 14. _ Eze. 22 : 13. Hos. 12 : 7. Denunciations connected with abuses of. Isa. 23:11. Eze. 7:12, 13. Eze. 27 : 32—36. Eze. 28 : 16-18. Articles of; Blue cloth. Eze. 27 : 24. Brass. Eze. 27:13. Corn. 1 Kin. 5:11. Eze. 27 : 17. Cattle. Eze. 27: 21. Chests of rich apparel. Eze. 27 : 24. Chariots. 1 Kin. 10:29. ' Clot hes for cha riots. Eze. 27 : 20. Embroidery. Eze. 27 : 16, 24. Gold. 2 Chr. 8:18. Honey. Eze. 27:17. Horses. 1 Kin. 10 : 29. Eze. 27 : 14. Ivory. 2 Chr. 9 : 21. Eze. 27 : 15. Iron and steel. Eze. 27 : 12, 19. Land. Gen. 23:13-16. Ruth 4 : 3. Lead. Eze. 27:12. Linen. 1 Kin. 10:28. Oil. 1 Kin. 5:11. Eze. 27:17. Perfumes. So. of Sol. 3 : 6. Precious stones. Eze. 27 : 16, 22. Eze. 28 : 13, 16. Purple. Eze. 27 : 16. Slaves. Gen. 37 : 28, 36. Deu. 24 : 7. Silver. 2 Chr. 9:21. Timber. 1 Kin. 5 : 6, 8. Tin. Eze. 27:12. White wool. Eze. 27:18. Wine. 2 Chr. 2 : 15. Eze. 27 : 18. JUustrative of intercourse with the apostacy. Eev. 18 : 3—19. Communion of Saints. According to the prayer of Christ, Jno. 17:20,21. Is WITH God. iJno. 1:3, Saints in heaven. Heb. 12:22—24. Each other. Gal. 2: 9. 1 Jno. 1 : 3, 7. God marks, with His approval. Mai. 3: 16. Christ is present in. Mat. 18 : 20. In public and social worship. Psa. 34:3. Psa. 55:14. Acts 1 : 14. Heb. 10:25. In the Lord's supper. 1 Cor. 10: 17. In holy conversation. Mai. 3: 16. In prayer for each other. 2 Cor. 1 : 11. Eph.0:18. In exhortation. Col. 3 : 16. Heb. 10: 25. In mutual comfort and edification. IThe. 4:18. 1 The. 5:11. In mutual sympathy and kindness. Rom. 12:15. Eph. 4:32. Delight of. Psa. 16: 3. Psa. 42: 4 Psa. 133 : 1—3. Rom. 15 : 32. Exhortation to. Eph. 4 : 1—3. Opposed to communion with the wicked. 2 Cor. 6 : 14—17. Eph. 5 : 11. Exemplified. Jonathan, 1 bam. 23: 16. David, Psa. 119: 63. Daniel, Dan. 2: 17, 18. Apostles, Acts 1 : 14. The Primitive Church, Acts 2: 42. Acts 5 : 12. Paul, Acts 20 : 36—38. Communion of the Lord's Supper. Prefigured. Exo. 12: 21-28. 1 Cor. 5: 7, 8. Instituted. Mat. 26 : 26. 1 Cor. 11 : 23. Object of. Luke 22: 19. 1 Cor. 11 : 24, 26. Is the communion of the body and blood of Christ. 1 Cor. 10 : 16. Both bread and wine are necessary to be received in. Mat. 26 : 27. 1 Cor. 11 : 26. Self-examination commanded before partaking of. 1 Cor. 11 : 28, 31. Newness of heart and life necessary to the worthy partaking of. 1 Cor. 5:7,8. Partakers of, should be wholly sep- arate unto God. 1 Cor. 10 : 21. Was continually partaken of, by the Primitive Church. Acts 2 : 42. Acts 20:7. Unworthy Partakers of Are guilty of the body and blood of Christ. 1 Cor. 11 : 27. Discern not the Lord's body. 1 Cor. 11 : 29. Are visited with judgments. 1 Cor. 11 : 30. Communion with God. Is communion with the Father. 1 Jno. 1:3. Is communion with the Son. 1 Cor. 1:9. 1 Jno. 1:3. Rev. 3:20. Is communnion with the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 12 : 13. 2 Cor. 13 : 14. Phi. 2 : \. Reconciliation must precede. Amos 3:3. COM. CON. Holiness Jj^sential to. 2 Cor. 6: 14-10, i.flT Promisca to the obedient. Juo. 14 : 23. SAINT8 Dcsiro. Tsa. 42:1. Phi. 1:23. Have, in meditation. Psa. 63:5, 6. Have, in prayer. Phi. 4:6. Heb. 4 : lti._ Have, in the Lord's supper. 1 Cor. 10 : 10. Sliould always enjoy. Psa. 16: 8. Jno. 14 : 16—18. Exemplified. Enoch, Gen. 5: 24. Noah, Qcn. 6: 9. Abraham, Gen. 18: 33. Jacob, Gen. 32: 24—29. Moses, Exo. 33: 11-23. Compassion and Sympathy. Christ set an example of. Luke 19: 41, 42. Exhortation to. Rom. 12 : 15. 1 Pet. 3:8. Exercise towards The afflicted. Job 6: 14. Heb. 13: 3. The chastened. Isa. 22: 4. Jer. 9: 1. Enemies. Psa. 33 : 13. The poor. Pro. 19:17. The weak. 2 Cor. 11: 29. Gal. 6: 2. Saints. 1 Cor. 12: 25,20. Inseparable from love to God. 1 Jno. 3 : 17. Jno. 4 : 20. Motives to The compassion of God. Mat. 13: 27, 33. The sense of our infirmities. Heb. 5: 2. The wicked made to feel, for saints. Psa. 106:46. Promise to those who show. Pro. 19:17. Mat. 10: 42. Illustrated. Luke 10: 33. Luke 15: 20. Exemplified. Pharaoh''s Daiiyliter, Exo. 2: 6. Sliobi, d-c. 2 Sam. 17: 27—29. Elijah, 1 Kin. 17: 18, 19. Nehemiah, Neh. 1 : 4. Job''s friends. Job 2: 11. Jo6, Job 30: 23. David, Psa. 35: 13, 14. Jews, Jno. 11: 19. Paul,l Cor. 9: 22. Compassion and Sympathy of Christ, The. jfecessary to His priestly office. Heb. 5 : 2, with verse 7. Manifested for the Weary and heavy-laden. Mat. 11 : 28-30. Weak in faith. Isa. 40: 11. Isa. 42:3, with Mat. 12:20. Tempted. Heb. 2:18. AfiBicted. Luke 7: 13. Jno. 11: 33, 35. Diseased. Mat. 14:14. Mar. 1:41. Poor. Mar. 8:2. Perishing sinners. Mat. 9: 30. Luke 19:41. Jno. 3:16. An encouragement to prayer. Heb. 4 : 15. Condemnation. The sentence of God against sin. Mat. 25:41. Universal, caused by the offence ox Adam. Rom. 3: 12, 10, 18. Inseparable consequence of sin. Pro. 12:2. Rom.O: 23. iNCEEAfSED BY Impenitence. Mat. 11 : 20—24. Unbelief. John. 3: 18, 19. Pride. 1 Tim. 3:6. Oppression. Jas. 5:1 — 5. Hypocrisy. Mat. 23:14. Conscience testifies to the justice of. Job 9: 20. Rom. 2: 1. Tit. 3: 11. The law testifies to the justice of. Rom. 3:19. According to men's deserts. Mat. 12. 37. 2 Cor. 11 : 13. Saints are delivered from, by Christ. Jno. 3:18. Jno. 5:24. Rom. 8:1, 33 34. Of the wicked, an example. 2 Pet. 2: 6. Jude 7. Chastisements are designed to res- cue us from. Psa 94:12,13. 1 Cor. 11 : 32. Apostates ordained unto. Jude 4. Unbelievers remain under. Jno. 3: 18, 36. The law is the ministration of. 2 Cor. 3:9. Conduct, Christian. Believing God. Mar. 11 : 22. Juo. 14 : 11, 12. Fearing God. Ecc. 12 : 13. 1 Pet. 2 : 17. Loving God. Deu. 6 : 5. Mat. 22 : 37. Following God. Eph. 3:1. 1 Pet. 1 : 15, 16. Obeying God. Luke 1:6. 1 Jno. 5 : 3. Rejoicing in God. Psa. 33:1. Hab. 3:18. Believing in Christ. Jno. 6: 29. 1 Juo. 3 : 23. Loving Christ. Jno. 21 : 15. 1 Pet. 1 : 7,8. Following the example of Christ. Jno. 13:15. IPet. 2:21 24. Obeying Christ. Jno. 14 : 21. Jno. 15 : 14.- Living To Christ. Rom. 14 : 8. 2 Cor. 5 : 15. Unto righteousness. Mic. 6 : 8. Rom. 6:18. 1 Pet. 2:24. Soberly, righteously, and godly. Tit. 2:12. Walking Honestly. 1 The. 4 : 12. Worthy of God. 1 The. 2 : 12. Worthy of the Lord. Col. 1 : 10. CON. 52 CON. In the Spirit. Gal. .") : 23. After the Spirit. Rom. 8 : 1. In newness of life. Rom. 6 : 4. Worthy of our vocation. Eph. 4: 1. As children of light. Eph. 5:8. Rejoicing in Christ. Phi.3:l Phi. 4: 4. Loving one another. Jno. 15: 12. Rom. 12: 10 1 Cor. 13. Eph. 5: 2. Heb. 13:1. ytriviug for the faith. Phi. 1: 27. Jude 3. Putting away all sin. 1 Cor. 5: 7. Heb. 12:1. Abstaining from all appearance of evil. 1 The. 5 : 22. Perfecting holiness. Mat. 5: 48. 2. Cor. 7:1. 2 Tim. 3:17. Hating defilement. Jude 23. Following after that which is good. Phi. 4:8. 1 The. 5:15. 1 Tim. 6:11. Overcoming the world. 1 Jno. 5: 4, 5. Adorning the gospel. Mat. 5:16. Tit. 2:10. Showing a good example. 1 Tim. 4: 12. 1 Pet. 2:12. Tit. 2:7. Abounding in the work of the Lord. 1 Cor. 15 : ,58. 2 Cor. 8 : 7. 1 The. 4 : 1. Shunning the wicked. Psa. 1:1. 2 The. 3:6. Controlling the body. 1 Cor. 9: 27. Col. 3: 5. Subduing the temper. Eph. 4: 26. Jas. 1 : 19. Submitting to injuries. Mat. 5: 39— 11. 1 Cor. 6:7. Forgiving injuries. Mat. 6: 14. Rom. 12 : 20. Living peaceably with all. Rom. 12: 18. Heb. 12:14. Visiting the afflicted. Mat. 25: 36. Jasl: 27. Doing as we would be done by. Mat. 7:12. Luke 6:31. Sympathizing with others. Gal. 6: 2. 1 The. 5 : 14. Honoring others. Psa. 15: 4. Rom. 12:10. Fulfilling domestic duties. Eph. 6: 1—8. 1 Pet. 3 : 1—7. Submitting to Authorities. Rom 13: 1,-7. Being liberal to others. Acts 20: 35. Rom. 12: 13. Being contented. Phi. 4: 11 Heb. 13:5. Blessedness of maintaining. Psa. 1 : 1-3. Psa. 19: 9-11. Psa. ,50: 23. Mat. 5 : 3—12. Jno. 15 : 10. Jno. 7 : 17. Confessing Christ. Influences of the Holy Spirit neces- sary to. 1 Cor. 12: 3. 1 Jno. 4: 2. A test of being saints. 1 Jno. 2: 23. 1 Jno. 4: 2, 3. An evidence of union with God. 1 Jno. 4: 15. Necessary to salvation. Rom. 10: 9,10. Ensures His confessing us. Mat. 10:32. The fear of man prevents. Jno. 7 : 13. Jno. 12 : 42, 43. Persecution should not prevent us from. Mar. 8 : 35. 2 Tim. 2 : 12. Must be connected with faith. Rom 10:9. Consequences of not. Mat. 10 : 33. Exemplified. Nathanael, Jno. 1 : 49. Peter, Jno. 6 : 68, 69. Acts 2 :-22— 36. Man born blind, Jno. 9 : 25, 33. Mar- tha, Jno. 11 : 27. Peter and John, Acts 4 : 7—12. Apostles, Acts 5 : 29— 32, 42, Stephen. Acts 7 : .52, 59. Paul, Acts 9: 29. Timothy, 1 Tim. 6: 12. John, Rev. 1 : 9. Church in Ferga- mos. Rev. 2 : 13. Martyrs, Rev. 20 : 4. Confession of Sin. God requires. Lev. 5 : 5. Hos. 5 : 15. God regards. Job 33: 27,28. Dan. 9: 20, &c. Exhortation to. Jos. 7:19. Jer. 3: 13. Jas. 5:16. Promises to. Lev. 26: 40—42. Pro. 28 : 13. Should be accompanied wtth Submission to punishment. Lev. 26: 41. Neh. 9:33. Ezra 9: 13. Prayer for forgiveness. 2 Sam. 24 : 10. Psa. 25:11. Psa. 51:1. Jer. 14:7-9, 20. Self-abasement. Isa. 64 : 5, 6. Jer. 3:25. Godly sorrow. Psa. 38: 18. Lara. 1:20. Forsaking sin. Pro. 28 : 13. Restitution. Num. 5: 6, 7. Should be full and unreserved. Psa. 32:5. Psa. 51:3. Psa. 106:6. Followed by pardon. Psa. 32: 5. 1 Jno. 1 : 9. Illustrated. Luke 15: 21. Luke 18: 13. Exemplified. Aaron, Num. 12 : 11. Israelites, Num. 21 : 6, 7. 1 Sam. 7: 6. 1 Sam. 12:19. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:24. David, 2 Sam. 24: 10. Ezra. Ezr.9:6. Nehemiah, Neh. 1 : 6, 7. Levites, Neh. 9:4, 33, 34. Job, Job 7:20. Daniel, Dan. 9:4." Pc^ec, Luke 5: 8. Thief, Luke 23 : 41. Conscience. Witnesses in man. Pro. 20:27. Rom. 2:15. Accuses of sin. Gen. 42:21. 2 Sam. 24 : 10. Mat. 27 : 3. Acts 2 : 37. We should have the approval of. Job 27:6. Acts 24:16. Rom. 9:1. Rom. 14:22. The blood of Christ alone can purify. Heb. 9 : 14. Heb. 10 : 2—10, 22. CON. 53 COU. Koop the faith in purity of. 1 Tim. l:l'.t. 1 Tim. 3:9. Of saints, jniro and good. Heb. 13: 18. 1 Pot. 3:16, 21. Submit to authority for. Rom. 13:5. Suffer patiently for. 1 Pet. 2: 19. Testimony of, a source of joy. 2 Cor. 1:12. iJno. 3:21. Of others, not to be ofiFended. Rom. 11:21. 1 Cor. 10:28-32. Ministers should commend them- selves to thai of their people. 2 Cor. 4:2. 2 Cor. 5:11. Of the wicked, seared. 1 Tim. 4: 2. Of the wicked, defiled. Tit. 1 : 15. Without spiritual illumination, a false guide. Acts 23:1, with Acts 26:9. Contempt. Sin of. Job 31 : 13, 14. Pro. 14 : 21. Folly of. Pro. 11:12. A characteristic of tlie wicked. Pro. 18:3. Isa. 5:24. 2 Tim. 3:3. Forbidden towards Parents. Pro. 23 : 22. Christ's little ones. Mat. 18: 10. Weak brethren. Rom. 14 : 3. Yoving niiiiisters. 1 Cor. 16: 11. Believing masters. 1 Tim. 6: 2. The poor. Jas. 2 : 1—3. Self-righteousness prompts to. Isa. 65:5. Luke 18: 9, 11. Pride and prosperity prompt to. Psa. 123 : 4. Ministers shoukl give no occasion for. i Tim. 4: 12. Of ministers, is a despising of God. Luke 10 : 16. 1 The. 4 : 8. Towards the church Often turned into respect. Isa. 60: 14. Often piuiished. Eze. 28:26. Causes saints to cry unto God. Neh. 4 : 4. Psa. 123 : 3. The wicked exhibit towards Christ. Psa. 22 : 6. Isa. .53 : 3. Mat. 27 : 29. Saints. Psa. 119: 141. Authorities. 2 Pet. 2 : 10. Jude 8. Parents. Pro. 15 : 5, 20. Theaiflicted. Jobl9:18. The poor. Psa. 14 : 6. Ecc. 9 : 16. Saints sometimes guilty of. Jas. 2 : 6. Exemplified. //(/(/« r. Gen. 16: 4. Chil- dren of Belial, 1 Sam. 10: 27. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25: 10, 11. Michal, 2 Sam. 6: 16. Sanballat, cC-c. Neh. 2 : 19. Neh. 4 : 2, 3. False teachers, 2 Cor. 10 : 10. Contentment. With godliness is great gain. Psa. 37:16. ITim. 6:6. ilAINTS SHOULD EXHIBIT In their respective callings. 1 Cor. 7 : 20. With appointed wages. Luke 3 : 14. With what things they have. Heb. 13 : 5. With food and raiment. 1 Tim. 6: 8. God's promises should lead to. Heb. 13: 5. The wicked want. Isa. 5: 8. Ecc. 5 : 10. Exemplified. Barzillai, 2 Sam. 19: 33—37. Shunamife, 2 Kin. 4: 13. David, Psa. 16: 6. Agur, Pro. 30: 8, 9. Paul, Phi. 4 : 11, 12. Conversion. By God. 1 Kin. 18: 37. Jno. 6: 44. Acts 21 : 19. By Christ. Acts 3: 26. Rom. 15: 18. By t he power of the Holy Ghost. Pro. 1:23. Is of grace. Acts 11 : 21, with verse 2.3. Follows repentance. Acts 3 : 19. Acts 26: 20. Is the result of faith. Acts 11: 21. Through the instrumentality of The scriptures. Psa. 19:7. Ministers. Acts 26 : 18. 1 The. 1 : 9. Self-examination. Psa. 119: 59. Lam. 3: 40. Affliction. Psa. 78: 34. Op sinners, a cause of joy. To God. Eze. 18 : 23. Luke 15 : .32. To saints. Acts 15: 3. Gal. 1: 2.3, 24. Is necessary. Mat. 18:3. Commanded. Job 36 : 10. Exhortations to. Pro. 1 : 23. Isa. 31 : 6. Isa. 55:7. Jer. 3: 7. Eze. 33: 11. Promises connected with. Neli. 1 : 9. Isa. 1:27. Jer. 3:14. Eze. 18:27. Pray for. Psa. 80: 7. Psa. 85 : 4. Jer. 31:18. Lam. 5: 21. Is accompanied by confession of sin, and prayer. 1 Kin. 8:35. Danger of neglecting. Psa. 7: 12. Jer. 44:5, 11. Eze. 3:19. Duty of leading sinners to. Psa. 51: 13. Encouragement for leading sinners to. Dan. 12 : 3. Jas. 5 : 19, 20. Of Gentiles, predicted. Isa. 2: 2. Isa. 11:10. Isa. 60:5. Isa. 66:12. Of Israel, predicted. Eze. 36 : 25—27. Counsels and purposes of God, The, Are great. Jer. 32 : 19. Are wonderful. Isa. 28: 29. Aro immutable. Psa. 33:11. Pro. 19: 21. Jer. 4:28. Rom. 9: 11. Heb. 6:17. Aro sovereign. Isa. 40: 13, 14. Dan. 4: 35. Are eternal. Eph. 3: 11. Are faithfulness and truth. Isa. 25 ; 1. cou. 54 COU. None can disannul. Isa. 14 : 27. Shall be ijerformed. Isa. 14:24. Isa. 4iJ: 11. The sufferings and death of Christ were according to. Acts 2: 23. Acts 4:28. Saints called and saved according to. Rom. 8: 28. 2 Tim. 1 : 9. The union of all saints in Christ, is according to. Eph. 1 : 9, 10. The works of God according to. Eph. 1:11. Should be declared by ministers. Acts 20:27. Attend to. Jer. 49: 20. Jer. 50: 45. Secret not to bo searched into. Deu. 29:20. Mat. 24:36. Acts 1:7. The -wicked Understand not. Mic. 4:12. Despise. Isa. 5 : 19. Eeject. Luke 7 : 30. Courts of Justice. Have authority from God. Rom. 13: 1-5. SCPEEIOE COURT Held first by Moses alone in the wilderness. Exo. 18 : 13— 20. Consisted subsequently of priests and Levites. Deu. 17 : 9, with Mai. 2:7. Presided over by the governor or the high priest. Deu. 17 : 12. Jud. 4 ; 4, 5. Held at the seat of government. Deu. 17 : 8. Decided on all appeals and diffi- cult cases. Exo. 18 : 2G. Deu. 1 : 17. Deu. 17: 8, 9. Decisions of, conclusive. Deu. 17 : 10.11. Inferior, In all cities. Deu. 16:18. 2 Chr. 19 : 5-7. Held at the gates. Gen. 34 : 20. Deu. 16:18. Deu. 21:19. Job 5: 4. Judges of, appointed by the govern- or. Exo. 18: 21, 25. Deu. 1 : 9-15. 2 Sam. 15:3. All m inor cases decided by. Exo. 18:26. 2 Sam. 15:4. All transfers of property made be- fore. Gen. 23: 17-20. Ruth 4: 1.2. Re-established by Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 19:5— 10. Re-established by Ezra. Ezr. 7 : 25. Sanhedrim or court of the sev- enty Probably derived from the seventy elders appointed by Moses. Exo. 24 : 9. Num. 11 : 16, 17, 24—30. Mentioned in the latter part of sa- cred history. Luke 22:66. Jno. 11:47. Acts 5: 27. Consisted of chief priests, &c. Mat. 26 : .57, 59. Presided over by high priest. Mat. 26 : 62-66. Sat in high priest's palace. Mat. 26:57, .58. Of the Romans in Judea Presided over by the governor or deputy. Mat. 27: 2, 11. Acts 18:12. Place of, called the hall of judg- ment. Jno. 18 : 28, 33. Jno. 19 : 9. Never interfered in any dispute about minor matters or about re- ligion. Acts 18: 14, 15. Could alone award death. Jno. 18:31. Never examined their own citizens by torture. Acts 22 : 25—29. Appeals from, made to the emperor. Acts 25:11. Acts 26:32. Acts 28 : 19. Generally held in the morning. Jer. 21:12. Mat. 27:1. Luke 22:66. Acts 5: 21. Sometimes held in synagogues. Mat. 10 : 17. Acts 22 : 19. Acts 26 : 11. Jas. 2:2. (Greek.) Provided with Judges. Deu. 16:18. Officers. Deu. 16:18. Mat. 5:25. Tormentors or executioners. Mat. 18 : 34. Judges of. Called elders. Deu. 25:7. 1 Sam. 16: 4. Called magistrates. Luke 12:. 58. Rode often on white asses. Jud. 5:10. To judge righteously. Lev, 19:15. Deu. 1 : 16. To judge without respect of per- sons. Exo. 23:3, 6. Lev. 19: 15. Deu. 1:17. Pro. 22:22. To investigate every case. Deu. 19:18. Not to take bribes. Exo. 23 : 8. Deu. 16:19. To j udge as for God. 2 Chr. 19 : 6 J, 9. To decide according to law. Eze, 44 : 24. To promote peace. Zee. 8 : 16. Sat on the judgment-seat while hearing causes. Exo. 18:13. Jud. 5:10. Isa. 28:6. Mat. 27:19. Examined the parties. Acts 24: 8. Conferred together before giving judgment. Acts 5:34—40. Acts 25:12. Acts 26: 30, 31. Pronounced the judgment of the court. Mat. 26: 65, 66. Luke 23: 24. Acts 5: 40. Both the accusers and accused re- quired to appear before. Deu. f^: 1. Acts 25 : 16. Causes in, were opened by The complainant. 1 Kin. 3: 17—21, Acts 16 : 19—21. cou. GOV. Au advocate. Acts 24 : 1. The accused Stood before the judge. Num. 35: 12. Mat. 27:11. Permitted to plead their own cause. 1 Kiu. 3: 22. Acts 24: 10. Acts 26:1. Mi^ht have advocates. Pro. 31 : 8, SI. Isa. 1 : 17. Exhorted to confess. Jos. 7 : 19. Examined on oath. Lev. 5:1. Mat. 26 : 63. Sometimes examined by torture. Acts 22: 24, 29. Sometimes treated with insult. Mat. 26 : 67. Jno. 18 : 22, 23. Acts 23:2,3. The evidence of two or more wit- nesses required in. Deu. 17 : 6. Deu. 19:15. Jno. 8:17. 2 Cor. 13:1. Witnesses sometimes laid their hands on the criminal's head before punishment. Lev. 24 : 14. False witnesses in to receive the pun- ishment of the accused. Deu. 19 : 19. Corruption and bribery often prac- tised in. Isa. 10:1. Amos 5:12. Amos 8 : 6. The judgment of, Not given till accused was heard. Juo. 7 : 51. Recorded in writing. Isa. 10:1. (marg.) Immediately executed. Deu. 25 : 2. Jos. 7 : 25. Mar. 15 : 15-20. Witnesses first to execute. Deu. 17 : 7. Acts 7 : 58. Allusions to. Job 5 : 4. Psa. 127 : 5. Mat. 5:22. Illustrative of the last judgment. Mat. 19:28. Eom. 14:10. 1 Cor. 6:2. Covenants. Agreements between two parties. Gen. 26:28. Dan. 11:6. Designed for Establishing friendship. 1 Sam. 18:3. Procuring assistance in war. 1 Kin. 15:18,19. Mutual protection. Gen, 26 : 28, 29. Geu. 31 : .50—52. Establishing peace. Jos. 9: 15, 16. Promoting commerce. 1 Kin. 5: 6-11. Selling land. Gen. 23: 14— 16. Conditions of. Clearly specified. 1 Sam. 11 : 1, 2. Confirmed by oath. Gen. 21 : 23, 31. Gen. 26:31. Witnessed. Gen. 23:17,18. Ruth 4:9-11. Written and sealed. Neh. 9:38. N eh. 10:1. God often called to witness. Gen. 31 : .50, 53. When confirmed, unalterable. Gal. 3:15. Made by passing between the pieces of the divided sacrifices. Gen. 15 : 9-17. Jer.34:18, 19. Salt a sign of perpetuity in. Num. 18:19. 2Chr. 13:5. Ratified by joining hands. Pro. 11: 21. Eze. 17:18. Followed by a feast. Gen. 26: 30. Gen. 31 : 54. Presents given as tokens of. Geu. 21 : 27—30. iSam. 18:3,4. Pillars raised in token of. Gen. 31 : 45, 46. Names given to places where made. Gen. 21 : 31. Gen. 31 : 47—49. The Jews Forbidden to make, with the ua^ tious of Canaan. Exo. 23: 32 Deu. 7:2. Frequently made with other na^ tions. 1 Kiu. 5 : 12. 2 Kin. 17 : 4. Condemned for making, with idol atrous nations. Isa. 30: 2—5 Hos. 12:1. Regarded, as sacred. Jos. 9 : 16—19, Psa. 15:4. Violated by the wicked. Eom. 1 : 31 2 Tim. 3:3. Illustrative Of the contract of marriage. Mai. 2:14. Of God's promises to man. Gen. 9 : 9-11. Eph. 2:12. Of the united determination of a people to serve God. 2 Kin, 11 : 17. 2 Chr. 15: 1-2. Neh. 10: 29. Of good resolutions. Job 31 : 1. (With death and hell,) of carnal security. Isa. 28: 15, 18. (.With stones and beasts of the earth,) of peace and prosperity. Job 5: 23. Hos. 2:18. Covenant, The. Christ, the substance of. Isa. 42:6. Isa. 49:8. Christ, the Mediator of. Heb. 8:6. Heb. 9:15. Heb. 12:24. Christ, the Messenger of. Mai. 3: 1. Made with Abraham. Gen. 15:7— 18. Gen. 17: 2-14. Luke 1:72-75. Acts 3: 25. Gal. 3:16. Isaac. Gen. 17 : 19, 21. Gen. 26 : 3, 4. Jacob. Gen. 28 : 13, 14, with 1 Chr. 16:16,17. Israel. Exo. 6:4. Acts 3 : 25. David. 2 Sam. 23: 5. Psa. 89:3, 4. Renewed under the gospel. Jer. 31 : 31-33. Rom. 11:27. Heb. 8:8— 10, 13. Fulfilled in Christ. Luke 1 : 68-79. GOV. CRE. Confirmed in Christ. Gal. 3 : 17. Ratified by the blood of Christ. Heb. 9:11—14,16—2.3. Is a covenant of peace. Isa. 54 : 9, 10. Eze. 34:25. Eze. 37 : 26. Is unalterable. Psa. 89:34. Isa. 54: 10. Isa. .59:21. Gal. 3:17. Is everlasting. Psa. 111:9. Isa. 55:3. Isa. 61:8. Eze. 16:60-63. Heb. 13: 20. All saints interested in. Psa. 25 : 14. Psa. 89 : 29—37. Heb. 8 : 10. The wicked have no interest in. Eph. 2:12. Blessings connected with. Isa. 56: 4—7. Heb. 8 : 10—12. God is faithful to. Deu. 7:9. 1 Kin. 8:23. Neb. 1:5. Dan. 9:4. God is ever mindful of. Psa. 105 : 8. Psa. Ill : 5. Luke 1 : 72. Be mindful of. 1 Chr. 16: 15. Caution against forgetting. Deu. 4: 23. Plead, in prayer. Psa. 74:20. Jer. 14:21. Punishment for despising. Heb, 10: 29, 30. Covctoosncss. Comes from the heart. Mar. 7 : 22, 23. Engrosses the heart. Eze. 33: 31. 2 Pet. 2:14. Is idolatry. Eph. 5 : 5. Col. 3 : 5. Is the root of all evil. 1 Tim. 6 : 10. Is never satisfied. Ecc. 5 : 10. Hab. 2:5. Is vanity. Psa. 39:6. Ecc. 4:8. Is INCONSISTENT In saints. Eph. 5:3. Heb. 13:5. Specially in ministers. 1 Tim. 3: 3. Leads to Injustice and oppression. Pro. 28: 20. Mic. 2:2. Foolish and hurtful lusts. 1 Tim. 6:9. Departure from the faith. 1 Tim. 6 : 10. Lying. 2 Kin. 5:22— 25. Murder. Pro. 1 : 18, 19. Eze. 22 : 12. Theft. Jos. 7 : 21. Poverty. Pro. 28 : 22. Misery. 1 Tim. 6:10. Domestic affliction. Pro. 15 : 27. Abhorred by God. Psa. 10:3. Forbidden. _ Exo. 20: 17. _ A characteristic of the wicked. Rom. 1:29. A characteristic of the slothful. Pro. 21 : 26. Commended by the wicked alone. Psa. 10:3. Hated by saints. Exo. 18:21. Acts 20:33. To be mortified by saints. Col. 3:5. Woe denounced against. Isa. 5 : 8. Hab. 2:9. Punishment of. Job. 20:15; Isa. .57: 17. Jer. 22: 17-19. Mic. 2:2, 3. Excludes from heaven. 1 Cor. 6 : 10. Eph. 5: 5. Beware of. Luke 12 : 15. Avoid those guilty of. 1 Cor. 5:11. Pray against. Psa. 119 : 36. Reward of those who hate. Pro. 28: 16. Shall abound in the last days. 2 Tim. 3:2. 2Pet. 2:1— 3. Exemplified. Laban, Gen. 31 : 41. Achan, Jos. 7 : 21. EWs sons, 1 Sam. 2 : 12—14. SamuePs sons, 1 Sam. 8 : 3. Saul, 1 Sam. 15:9, 19. Ahab, 1 Kin. 21 : 2, &c. Gehazi, 2 Kin. 5 : 20—24. Nobles of the Jcxvs, Neh. 5 : 7. Isa. 1 : 23. Jewish People^ Isa. 56:11. Jer. 6:13. Babylon, Jer. 51:13. Young man, 19:22. Judas, Mat. 26: 14, 15. Jno. 12 : 6. Pharisees, Luke 16 : 14. Ananias, £-c. Acts 5:1 — 10. Felix, Acts 24:26. Balaam, 2 Pet. 2:15, with Jude 11. Creation. The formation of things which had no previous existence. Rom. 4: .17, with Heb. 11 : 3. Effected By God. Gen. 1: 1. Gen. 2: 4, 5. Pro. 26 : 10. By Christ. Jno. 1 : 3, 10. Col. 1 : 16. By the Holy Ghost. Job. 26: 13. Psa. 104 : 30. By the command of God. Psa. 33: 9. Heb. 11 : 3. In the beginning. Gen. 1:1. Mat. 24:21. In six days. Exo. 20 : 11. Exo. 31 : 17. According to God's purpose. Psa. 135 : 6. For God's pleasure. Pro. 16: 4. Rev. 4:11. For Christ. Col. 1 : 16. By faith we believe, to be God's work. Heb. 11:3. Order of; First day, making light and divid- ing it from darkness. Gen. 1 : 3-5. 2 Cor. 4:6. Second day, making the firmament or atmosphere, and separating the waters. Gen. 1 : 6—8. Third day, separating the land from the water, and making it fruitful. Gen. 1:9-13. Fourth day, placing the sun, moon, and stars io give light, &c. Gen. 1 : 14 -19. Fifth day, making birds, insects, and fishes. Gen. 1 : 20-23. Sixth day, making beasts of the earth, and man. Geu. 1 . 24, 28. God rested from, on the severxth 4ay. Gen. 2:2, 3. CRE. DAN. Approved of by God. Gen. 1 : 31. A subject of joy to augels. Job 38 : 7. EXHlIilTS The deity of God. Rom. 1 : 20. Tho power of God, Isa. 40: 26, 28. Rom. 1:20. The Klory and handiwork of God. Psa. 19:1. Tho wisdom of God. Psa. 104: 24. Psa. 136:5. The goodness of God. Psa. 33: 5. God as the sole object of worship. Isa. 45: 16, with 18 v. Acts 17: 24, 27. Glorifies God. Psa 145: 10. Psa. 148:5. God to be praised for. Neh. 9: 6. Psa. 136:3 9. Leads to confidence. Psa. 124: 8. Psa. 146:5,6. Insignificance of man seen from. Psa. 8:3, 4. Isa. 40: 12, 17. Groaueth because of sin. Rom. 8 : 22. Illustrative of The new birth. 2 Cor. 5 : 17. Eph. 2:10. Daily renewal of saints. Psa. 51 : 40. Eph. 4: 24. Renewal of the earth. Isa. 65 : 17. 2Pet. 3:11, 13. Creditors. Defined. Philemon 18 v. Might demand Pledges. Deu. 24: 10, 11. Pro. 22:27. Security of others. Pro. 6:1. Pro. 22 : 26. Mortgages on property. Xeh. 5 : 3. Bills or promissory notes. Luke 16:6,7. To return before sunset, garments taken in pledge. Exo. 22: 26, 27. Deu. 24 : 12, 13. Eze. IS : 7, 12. Prohibited from Taking millstones in pledge. Deu. 24 : 6. Violently selecting pledges. Deu. 24 : 10. Exacting usury from brethren. Exo. 22 : 25. Lev. 25 : 36, 37. Exacting debts from brethren dur- ing sabbatical year. Deu. 15 : 2, 3. Might take interest from strangers. - Deu. 23: 20. Sometimes entirely remitted debts. Neh. 5 : 10-12. Mat. 18 : 27. Luke 7 : 42. Often cruel in exacting debts. Neh. 5 : 7—9. Job. 24 : 8—9. Mat. 18 : 28-30. Often exacted debts By selling the debtor or taking him for a servant. Mat. 18:25, with Exo. 21 : 2. By selling tho debtor's property. Mat. 18:25. By selling the debtor's family. 2 Kin. 4 : i. Job 24 : 9. Mat. 18 : 25. By imprisonment. Mat. 5:25,26. Mat. 18 : 34. From the sureties. Pro. 11 : 15. Pro. 22 : 20, 27. Were often defrauded. 1 Sam. 22: 2. Luke 16 : 5—7. Illustrative of God's claim upon men. Mat. 5 : 25, 26, with Mat. 18 : 23, 35. Luke 7 : 41,47. The demands of the law. Gal. 5 : 3. Daily Sacrifice, The. Ordained in mount Sinai. Num. 28:6. A lamb as a burnt offering morning and evening. Exo. 29: 38, 39. Num. 28:3,4. Doubled on the sabbath. Num. 28: 9,10. Required to be With a meat and drink offering. Exo. 29 : 40, 41. Num. 28 : 5—8. Slowly and entirely consumed. Lev. 6:9—12. Perpetually observed. Exo. 29:42. Num. 28: 3, 6. Peculiarly acceptable. Num. 28:8. Psa. 141 : 2. Secured God's presence and favor. Exo. 29:4.3, 44. Times of offering, were seasons of prayer. Ezr. 9:5. Dan. 9:20,21, with Acts 3:1. Restored after the captivity. Ezr. 3 : 3. The abolition of, foretold. Dan. 9: 26, 27. Dan. 11 : 31. Illustrative of Christ. Jno. 1 : 29, 36. 1 Pet. 1 : 19. Acceptable prayer. Psa. 141 : 2. Dan, The Tribe of. Descended from Jacob's fifth son Gen. 30:6. Predictions respecting. Gen. 49:16 17. Deu. 33:22. Persons selected from, To number tlie people. Num. 1 : 12. To spy out tho lancl. Num. 13 : 12. To divide the land. Num. 34 : 22. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1 : 38, 39. Led the fourth and last division of Israel. Num. 2:31. Num. 10:25. Encamped north of the tabernacle. Num. 2:25. Offering of, at dedication. Num. 7: 66—71. Families of. Num. 26 : 42. Strength of, entering Canaan. Num. 26 : 43. On Ebal, said amen to the curses. Deu. 27 : 13. DA1N. 58 DAY. Bounds of its inheritance. Jos. 19: 40—46. A commercial people. Jud. 5 : 17. Eze. 27 : 19. Restricted to the hills by Amorites. Jud. 1:34. A PART OF Sent to seek new settlements. Jud. 18:1,2. Took Laish and called it Dan. Jos. 19:47. Jud. 18:8-13, 27-29. Plundered Micali of his idols and his ephod. Jud. 18 : 17—21, 27. Set up Micah's idols in Dan. Jud. 18:30.31. Reproved for not aiding against Si- sera. Jud. 5: 17. Sampson was of. Jud. 13 : 2, 24, 25. Some of, at coronation of David. 1 Chr. 12:35. Ruler appointed over, by David. 1 Chr. 27 : 22. Darkness. Created by God. Psa. 104 : 20. Isa. 45:7. Originally covered the earth. Gen. 1:2. Separated from the light. Gen. 1 : 4. Called night. Gen. 1 : 5. Caused by setting of the sun. Gen. 15:17. Jno. 6:17. Inexplicable nature of. Job 38: 19, 20. Exhibits God's power and greatness. Job 38 : 8, 9. Degrees of, mentioned; Great. Gen. 15:12. That may be felt. Exo. 10 : 21. Thick. Deu. 5:22. Joel 2: 2. Gross. Jer. 13:16. Outer or extreme. Mat. 8 : 12. Effects of; Keeps us from seeing objects. Exo. 10:23. Causes us to go astray. Jno. 12 : 35. 1 Jno. 2:11. Causes us to stumble. Isa. .59:10. Often put for night. Psa. 91 : 6. Called the swaddling band of the sea. Job. 38 : 9. Cannot hide us from God. Psa. 139: 11, 12. The wicked The children of. 1 Tlie. 5 : 5. Live in. Psa. 107 : 10. Walk in. Psa. 82 : 5. Perpetrate their designs in. Job 24:16. Are full of. Mat. 6 : 23. MiRACL'LOUS, On mount Sinai. Exo. 19:16, with Heb. 12:18. Over the land of Egypt. Exo. 10: 21, 22. At the death of Christ. Mat. 27 : 45. Before the destruction of Jerusa. lem. Mat. 24:29. Illustrative of Greatness and unsearchableness of God. Exo. 20: 21. 2 Sam. 22 : 10, 12. 1 Kin. 8: 12. Psa. 97: 2. Abstruse and deep subjects. Job 28 • 3 Secrecy. Isa. 45: 19. Mat. 10: 27. Ignorance and error. Job 37 : 19. Isa. 60:2. Jno. 1:5. Jno. 3:19. Jno. 12:35. Acts 26: 18. Anything hateful. Job 3 : 4—9. A course of sin. Pro. 2 : 13. Eph. 5 : 11. Heavy afflictions. Job 23: 17. Psa. 112 : 4. Ecc. 5 : 17. Isa. 5 : 30. Isa. 8 : 22. Isa. 59:9. The power of Satan. Eph. 6 : 12. Col. 1 : 13. The grave. 1 Sam. 2 : 9. Job 10 : 21, 22. The punishment of devils and wicked men. Mat, 22:13. 2 Pet. 2:4,17. Jude6, 13vs. Day. The light first called. Gen. 1 : 5. Natural, from evening to evening. Gen. 1:5, &c. Lev. 23:32. Artificial, the time of the sun's con- tinuance above the horizon. Gen. 31 : 39, 40, Neh. 4 : 21, 22. Prophetical, a year. Eze. 4:6. Dan. 12:12. Artificial, divided into Break of. Gen. 32 : 24, 26. So. of Sol. 2rl7. Morning. Exo. 29:39. 2 Sam. 23: 4. Noon. Gen. 43: 16. Psa. ,55: 17. Decline of. Jiid. 19 : 8, 9. Luke 9 : 12. Luke 24 : 29. Evening. Gen. 8: 11. Psa. 104:23. Jer. 6:4. Sometimes divided into four parts. Neh. 9: 3. Latterly subdivided into twelve hours. Mat. 20 : 3, 5, 6. Jno. 11 : 9. Time of, ascertained by the dial. 2 Kin. 20:11. Succession of, secured by covenant. Gen. 8 : 22. Made for the glory of God. Psa. 74 : 16. Proclaims the glory of God. Psa. 19:2. Under the control of God. Amos 5: 8. Amos 8: 9. A time of judgment called a dav of Anger. Lam. 2:21. Wrath. Job. 20: 28. Zep. 1: 15, 18 Rom. 2: 5. Visitation. Mic. 7 : 4. Destruction. Job 21 : 30. Darkness. Joel 2: 2. Zep. 1: 15, Trouble. Psa. 102 : 2. DAY. 59 DEA. Calamity Deu. 32: 33. Jer. 18: 17. Adversity. Pro. 24 : 10. Vengeaiico. Pro. 6 : 34. Isa. 61 : 2. Slaughtor. Isa. 30:2,-). Jor. 12:3. Evil. .Jer. 17 : 17 Amos 6 : 3. Eph.6 : 13. Tlio Lord. Isa. 2: 12. Isa. 13: 6. Zep. 1 : 14. A TIME OF MERCY CALLED A DAY OF Salvation. 2 Cor. 6 : 2. Redemption. Eph. 4 : 30. Visitation. Jer. 27: 22. 1 Pet. 2: 12. God's power. Psa. 110:3. A TIME OP FESTIVITY CALLED A Good day. Est. 8:17. Est. 9:19. Day of good tidings. 2 Kin. 7: 9. Day which the Lord has made. Psa. 118 : 24. Solemn day. Num. 10: 10. Hos. 9: .5. Day of gladness. Num. 10: 10. The time for labor. Psa 104: 23. Jno. 9: 4. Wild beasts hide during. Psa. 104: 22. Illustrative of Time of judgment. 1 Cor. 3: 13, withl Cor. 4: 3. Spiritual light. 1 The. 5: 5, 8. 2 Pet. 1 : 19. The path of the just. Pro. 4 : 18. Dead» The. They who have departed this life. Gen. 23 : 2. Gen. 25 : 8. Job 1 : 19. Terms used to express; Corpses. 2 Kin. 19: 35. Nah. 3:3. Carcases. Num. 14: 29, 32, 33. 1 Kin. 13: 24. Those who are not. Mat. 2 : 18. Deceased. Isa. 26: 14. Mat, 22: 25. Characterized by Being without the Spirit. Jas.2:26. Being incapable of motion. Mat. 28:4. Rev. 1:17. Ignorance of all human affairs. Ecc. 9:5. Absence of all human passions. Ecc. 9: 6. Inability to glorify God. Psa. 115:17. Retuvn not to this life. Job 7 : 9, 10. Job 14 : 10, 14. Eyes of, closed by nearest of kin. Gen. 46 : 4. Were washed and laid out. Acts 9: 37. Were wrapped in linen with spices. Jno. 19: 40. Mourning for, often Very great Gen. 37 : 35. Jer. 31 : 15. Mat. 2:18. Jno. 11: 33. Loud and clamorous. Jer. 16:6; Mar. 5 : 38. By hired mourners. Jer. 9:17, 18, Amos 5 : 16. W'itli plaintive music. Jer. 48:36. Mat. 9:23. Testified by change of apparel, 2 Sam. 14:2. Testified by tearing the hair. Jer. 16:7. Testified by covering the head, 2 Sam. 19:4. Testified by rending the garments. Gen. 37:34. 2 Sam. 3:31. Lasted many days. Gen. 37 : 34. Gen. 50:3, 10. Regard often shown to the memory of. Ruth 1:8. Too soon forgotten. Psa. 31 : 12. Ecc. 9:5. Heathenish expressions of grief for, forbidden. Lev. 19:28. Deu. 14:1,2. All offerings to, forbidden. Deu. 26: 14. Touching of, caused uncleanness. Num. 19:11,13, 16. Num. 9:6,7. In a house rendered it unclean. Num. 19:14, 15. Even bones of, caused uncleanness. Num. 19 : 16. See 2 Chr. 34 : 5. A priest not to mourn for, except when near of kin. Lev. 21 : 1 — 3. Eze. 44 : 25. High priest in no case to mourn for. Lev. 21 : 10, 11. Nazarites not to touch or mourn for. Num. 6:6, 7. Those defiled by, removed from the camp. Num. 5: 2. Uncleanness contracted from, re- moved by the water of separation. Num. 19:12,18. Idolaters Tore themselves for. Jer. 16 : 7. Offered sacrifices for. Psa. 106: 28. Invoked and consulted. 1 Sam. 28: 7,8. Consecrated part oftheir crops to. Deu. 26: 14. The Jews looked for a resurrection from. Isa. 26 : 19. Acts 24 : 15. Instances of, restored to life before Christ. 1 Kin. 17: 22. 2 Kin. 4: 34 -36. 2 Kin. 13:21. Instances of, restored by Christ. &c. Mat. 9 : 25. Luke 7 : 15. Jno. 11 : 44. Acts 9: 40. Act? 20: 12. Illustrative of Man's state by nature. 2 Cor. 5: 4. Eph. 2:1,5. A state of deep affliction, &c. Psa. 88 : 5, 6. Psa. 143 : 3. Isa. 59 : 10. Freedom from the power of sin. Rom. 6:2, 8, 11. Col. 3:3. Freedom from the law. Rom. 7: 4. Faith without works. 1 Tim. 5:6. Jas. 2:17,26. Diviners, &c. Isa. 8: 19. Impotence. Gen. 20:3. Rom. 4:19. Death, Eternal. The necessary consequence of sin. Rom. 6: 16, 21. Rom. 8: 13. Jas. 1:15. DEA. 60 DEA. The wages of sin. Eom. 6: 23. The portion of the wicked. Mat. 25: 41, 46. Eom. 1 : 32. The way to, described. Psa. 9: 17. Mat. 7: 13. Self-righteousness leads to. Pro. 14 : 12. God alone can inflict. Mat. 10: 28. Jas. 4: 12. Is DESCRIBED AS Banishment from God. 2 The. 1 : 9. Society with the devil, &c. Mat. 23 : 41. A lake of fire. Rev. 19 : 20. Rev. 21:8. The worm that dieth not. Mar. 9:44. Outer darkness; Mat. 25 : 30. A mist of darkness for ever. 2 Pet. 2:17. Indignation, wrath, &c. Rom. 2: 8,9. Is CALLED Destruction. Eom. 9: 22. 2 The. 1:9. Perishing. 2 Pet. 2:12. The wrath to come. 1 The. 1 : 10. The second death. Rev. 2 : 11. A resurrection to damnation. Jno. 5 : 29. A resurrection to shame, &c. Dan. 12: 2. Danination of hell. Mat. 23 : 33. Everlasting punishment. Mat. 25 : 46. Shall be inflicted by Christ. Mat. 25 : 31, 41. 2 The. 1 : 7, 8. Christ, the only way of escape from. Jno. 3:16. Jno. 8:51. Acts 4: 12. Saints shall escape. Eev. 2:11. Rev. 20 : 6. Strive to preserve others from. Jas. 5 : 20. Illustrated. Luke 16 : 23—26. Death, Natural. By Adam. Gen. 3: 19. 1 Cor. 15: 21, 22. Consequence of sin. Gen. 2: 17. Rom. 5:12. Lot of all. Ecc. 8 : 8. Heb. 9 : 27. Ordered by God. Deu. 32:39. Job 14:5. Puts an end to earthly projects. Ecc. 9:10. Strips of earthly possessions. Jobl: 21. 1 Tim. 6:7. Levels all ranks. Job 3: 17—19. Conquered by Christ. Rom. 6 : 9. Rev. 1 : 18. Abolished by Christ. 2 Tim. 1 : 10. Shall finally be destroyed by Christ. Hos. 13:14. 1 Cor. 15:26. Christ delivers from the fear of. Heb. 2:15. Regard, as at hand. Job 14:1, 2. Psa. 39 : 4, 5. Psa. 90 : 9. 1 Pet. 1 : 24. Prepare for. 2 Kin. 20:1. Pray to be prepared for. Psa. 39 : 4, 13. Psa. 90:12. Consideration of, a motive to dili- gence. Ecc. 9:10. Jno. 9:4. When averted for a season, is a mo- tive to increased devotedness. Psa. 56:12, 13. Psa. 118:17. Isa. 38: 18, 20. Enoch and Elijah were exempted from. Gen. 5: 24, with Heb. 11: 5. 2 Kin. 2: 11. All shall be raised from. Acts 24: 15. None subject to, in heaven. Luke 20: 36. Rev. 21 : 4. Illustrates the change produced in conversion. Rom. 6: 2. Col. 2:20. Is DESCRIBED AS A sleep. Deu. 31 : 16. Jno. 11 : 11. The earthly house of this taber- nacle being dissolved. 2 Cor. 5 : 1. Putting off this tabernacle. 2 Pet. 1:14. God requiring the soul. Luke 12 : 20. Going the way whence there is no return. Job 16 : 22. Gathering to our people. Gen. 49:33. Going down into silence. Psa. 115:17. Yielding up the ghost. Acts 5: 10. Returning to dust. Gen. 3:19. Psa. 104 : 29. Being cut down. Job 14 : 2. Fleeing as a shadow. Job 14: 2. Departing. Phi. 1 : 23. Death of Christ, The. Foretold. Isa. 53:8. Dan. 9: 26 Zee. 13:7. Appointed by God. Isa. 53: 6, 10, Acts 2: 23. Necessary for the redemption of man. Luke 24: 46. Acts 17: 3. Acceptable, as a sacrifice to God. Mat. 20 : 28. Eph. 5 : 2. 1 The. 5 : 10. Was voluntary. Isa. 53: 12. Mat 26: 53. Juo. 10:17, 18. Was undeserved. Isa. 53:9. Mode of Foretold by Christ. Mat. 20:18, 19. Jno. 12 : 32, 33. Prefigured. Num. 21: 8, with Jno. 3:14. Ignominious. Heb. 12:2. Accursed. Gal. 3 : 13. Exhibited His humility. Phi. 2:8. A stumbling block to Jews. 1 Cor. 1: 23. Foolishness to Gentiles. 1 Cor. 1: 18, 23. Demanded by the Jews. Mat. 27: 22, 23. Inflicted by the Gentiles. Mat. 27 : 26-35. DEA. 61 DEC. In tho company of malefactors. Isa. 53: 12, with Mat. 27: 38. Accompanied by preternatural signs. Mat. 27:45, , '51-53. Emblematical of the death unto sin. Rom. 6: 3-8. Gal. 2:20. Commemorated in the sacrament of tho Lord's Supper. Luke 22: 19, 20. 1 Cor. 11 : 26—29. Death of Saints, The. A sleep in Christ. 1 Cor. 15:18. 1 The. 4:14. Is blessed. Rev. 14:13. Is gain. Phi. 1:21. Is FULL OF Faith. Heb. 11:13. Peace. Isa. 57: 2. Hope. Pro. 14 : 32. Sometimes desired. Luke 2: 29. Waited for. Job 14 : 14. Met with resignation. Gen. 50: 24. Jos. 23:14. 1 Kin. 2: 2. Met without fear. 1 Cor. 15 : 55. Precious in God's sight. Psa. 116: 15. God preserves them unto. Psa. 48 : 14. God is with them in. Psa. 23: 4. Removes from coming evil. 2 Kin. 22:20. Isa. 57:1. Leads to Rest. Job 3: 17. 2 The. 1 : 7. Comfort. Luke 16: 25. Christ's presence. 2 Cor. 5 : 8. Phi. 1:23. A crown of life. 2 Tim. 4: 8. Rev. 2:10. A joyful resurrection. Isa. 26: 19. Dan. 12: 2. Disregarded by the wicked. Isa. 57 : 1. Survivors consoled for. 1 The. 4: 13-18. The wicked wish theirs to resemble. Num. 23:10. Illustrated. Luke 16: 22. Exemplified. Abra}iain, Gen. 25:8. Isaac, Gen. 35: 29. Jacob, Gen. 49: 33. Aaron, Num. 20 : 28. 3Ioses, Deu. 34 : 5. Joshua, Jos. 24: 29. Elisha, 2 Kin. 13. 14, 20. One thief, Luke 23: 43. Dorcas, Acts 9 : 37. Death of the Wicked, The. Is in their sins. Eze. 3 : 19. Jno. 8 : 21. Is without hope. Pro 11 : 7. Sometimes without fear. Jer. 34: 5, with2Chr. 36: 11—13. Frequently sudden and unexpected. Job 21 : 13, 23. Job 27 : 21. Pro. 29 : 1. Frequently marked by terror. Job 18 : 11-15. Job 27 : 19-21. Psa. 73 : 19. Punishment follows. Isa. 14: 9. Acts 1:25. The remembrance of them perishes in. Job 18: 17. Psa. 34: 16. Pro. 10: 7. God has no pleasure in. Eze. 18: 23, 32. Like the death of beasts. Psa. 49: 14. Illustrated. Luke 12: 20. Luke 16: 22, 23. Exemplified. Korah, <&e.. Num. 16: 32. Absalom, 2 Sam. 18: 9, 10. Ahab. 1 Kin. 22: 34. Jezebel, 2 Kin. 9:33. Athaliah, 2 Cbr. 23: 15. Hainan, Est. 7 : 10. Belshazzar, Dan. 5 : 30. Judas, Mat. 27 : 5, with Acts 1 : 18. Ananias, &c.. Acts 5: 5, 9, 10. Herod, Acts 12: 23. Death, Spiritual. Alienation from God is. Eph. 4: 18. Carnal-mindedness is. Rom. 8: 6. Walking in trespasses and sins is. Eph. 2:1. Col. 2:1.3. Spiritual ignorance is. Isa. 9: 2. Mat. 4:16. Luke 1:79. Eph. 4:18. Unbelief is. Jno. 3:36. IJno. 5:-12. Living in pleasure is. 1 Tim. 5: 6. Hypocrisy is. Rev. 3:1,2. Is a consequence of the fall. Rom. 5 : 15. Is the state of all men by nature. Rom. 6: 13. Rom. 8: 6. Tho fruits of, are dead works. Hob. 6:1. Heb. 9:14. A call to arise from. Eph. 5:14. Deliverance from, is through Christ. Jno. 5: 24, 25. Eph. 2: 5. 1 Jno. 5 : 12. Saints are raised from. Rom. 6: 13. Love of the brethren, a proof of being raised from. 1 Jno. 3 : 14. Illustrated. Eze. 37: 2, 3. Luke 15 : 24. Deceit. Is falsehood. Psa. 119:118. The tongue, the instrument of. Rom. 3 : 13. Comes from, the heart. Mar. 7 : 22. Characteristic of the heart. Jer. 17:9. God abhors. Psa. 5:6. Forbidden. Pro. 24:28. 1 Pet. 3:10. Christ was perfectly free from. Isa. 53:9, with! Pet. 2:22. Saints Free from. Psa. 24 : 4. Zep. 3 : 13. Rev. 14:5. Purpose against. Job 27 : 4. Avoid. Job 31: 5. Shun those addicted to. Psa 101 : 7. Pray for deliverance from those who use. Psa. 43:1. Psa. 120: 2. Delivered from those wlf" use. Psa. 72 r 14. Should beware of those who teach. Eph. 5:6. Col. 2:8. DEC. 62 BED. Should lay aside, in seeking truth. IPet. 2: 1. Ministers should lay aside. 2 Cor. 4:2. 1 The. 2:3. The wicked Are full of. Rom. 1:29. Devise. Psa. 35: 20. Psa. 38: 12. Pro. 12 : 5. Utter. Psa. 10:7. Psa. 36:3 Work. Pro. 11:18. Increase in. 2 Tim. 3:13. Use, to each other. Jer. 9:5. Use, to themselves. Jer. 37: 9. Oba.3:7. Delight in. Pro. 20:17. False teachers Are workers of. 2 Cor. 11 : 13. Preach. Jer. 14:14. Jer. 23:26. Impose on others by. Rom. 16:18, Eph. 4:14. Sport themselves with, 2 Pet. 2:13. Hypocrites devise. Job 15 : 35. Hypocrites practice. Hos. 11 : 12. False witnesses use. Pro. 12: 17. Pro. 14:5. A characteristic of Antichrist. 2 Jno. 7. A characteristic of the Apostacy. 2 The. 2 : 10. Evij, OP Keeps from knowledge of God. Jer. 9:6. Keeps from turning to God. Jer. 8:5. Deads to pride and oppression. Jer. 5 : 27. 28. Leads to lying. Pro. 14:25. Often accompanied by fraud and in- justice. Psa. 10:7. Psa. 43:1. Hatred often concealed by. Pro. 26: 24-28. The folly of fools is. Pro. 14 : 8. The kisses of an enemy are. Pro. 27:6. Blessedness of being free from. Psa. 24:4,5. Psa. 32:2. Punishment of. Psa. 55:23. Jer. 9: 7-9. Exemplified. The devil. Gen. 3: 1, 4, 5, with Jno. 8: 44. Rebecca and Jaoob, Gen. 27:9, 19. Laban, Gen. 31: 7. Joseph's brethren, Gen. 37: 31, 32. Pharaoh, Exo. 8 : 29. David, 1 Sam. 21 : 13. Job's friends. Job 6 : 15. Doeg. Psa. 52: 2, compared with the title. Herod, Mat. 2: 8. Pharisees, Mat. 22 : 16. Chief Priests, Mar. 14 : 1. Decision. Necessary to the service of God. Luke 9 : 62. Exhortations to. Jos. 24: 14, 15. Exhibited in Seeking God with the heart. 2 Chr. 15: 12. Keeping the commandments of God. Neh. 10:29. Being on the Lord's side. Exo. 32; 26. Following God fully. Num. 14: 24. Num. 32: 12. Jos. 14:8. Serving God. Isa. 56 : 6. Loving God perfectly. Deu. 6: 5. Blessedness of. Jos. 1 : 7, Opposed to A divided service. Mat. 6:24. Double-mindedness Jas. 1 : 8. Halting between two opinions. 1 Kin. 18: 21. Turning to the right or left. Deu. 5: 32. Not setting the heart aright, Psa. 78:8, 37. Exemplified. 3Ioses, Exo. 32: 26. Cakb, Num. 13:30. Joshua, Jos. 2i: 15. ijM^i, Ruthl: 16. Asa,- 2 Chr. 15 : 8. David, Psa. 17 : 3. Peter, Jno. 6:68. Pai(7, Acts21: 13. Abraham, Heb. 11 : 8. Dedication. Consecration of a place of worship. 2 Chr. 2:4. Solemn confirmation of a covenant. Heb. 9: 18. Devoting any thing to sacred uses. 1 Chr. 28: 12. Subjects of; Tabernacle. Num. 7 ch. Temple of Solomon. 1 Kin. 8: 1—63. 2Clir. 7:5. Second temple. Ezr. 6:16, 17. Persons. Exo. 22: 29. 1 Sam. 1: 11. Property. Lev. 27 : 28. Mat. 15 : 5, Spoils of war. 2 Sam. 8: 11. 1 Chr. 18: 11. Tribute from foreigners. 2 Sam 8: 10, 11. Walls of cities. Neh. 12:27. Houses when built. Deu. 20: 5, Psa. 30, title. By idolaters in setting up idols. Dan. 3:2, 3. Things dedicated to God : Esteemed holy. Lev. 27 : 28. 2 Kin. 12:18. Placed with the treasures of the Lord's house. 1 Kin. 7 : 51. 2 Chr. 5:1. Special chambers prepared for. 2 Chr. 31:11, 12. Levites placed over. 1 Chr. 26: 20, 26. 2 Chr. 31:12. Applied to the repair and mainte- nance of the temple. 2 Kin, 12: 4, 5. 1 Chr. 26 : 27. For support of priests. Num. 18: 14. Eze. 44 : 29. Given to propitiate enemies. 2 Kin. 12:17, 18. DED. 63 DEL. Law respecting the release of. Lev. 27 cb. Of property often perverted. Mar. 7 : 9-13. Illustrative of devotedness to God. Psa. 119: 38. Defilement. Forbidden to the Jews. Lev. 11 : 44, 45. Things liable to ceremonial; The person. Lev. 5:3. Garments. Lev. 13:59. Furniture, &c. Lev. 15: 9, 10. Num. 19:14,15. Houses. Lev. 14 : 44. The laud. Lev. 18 : 25. Deu. 21 : 23. The sanctuary. Lev. 20: 3. Zep. 3:4. Ceremonial, caused by Eating unclean things. Lev. 11:8. Acts 10: 11, 14. Eating things that died. Lev. 17: 1.5. Touching a dead body or a bone. Num. 9:6, 7. Num. 19: 11, 16. Touching a grave. Num. 19 : 16. Touching a dead beast. Lev. 5:2. Lev. 11 : 24-28. Being alone with a dead body. Num. 19: 14. Mourning for the dead. Lev. 21: 1-3. Having a leprosy. Lev. 13: 3, 11. Num. 5: 2, 3. Having an issue, &c. Lev. 15: 2. Num. 5: 2. Touching anything defiled by an is- sue, 5. Oil. Deu. 12 : 17. Pro. 21 : 17. Eze. 16:13. Vinegar. Num. 6: 3. Ruth 2: 14. Wine. 2 Sam. 6: 19. Jno. 2: 3, JO. Water. Gen. 21:14. Mat. 10:42. Expressed by bread aiid water. 1 Kin. 13:9,16. Generally prepared by females. Geu. 27 : 9. 1 Sam. 8 : 13. Pro. 31 : 15. Was taken In the morning, sparingly. Jud. 19:5, with Ecc. 10:16, 17. At noon. Gen. 43 : 16. Jno. 4 : 6, 8. In the evening. Gen. 24: 11, 33. Luke 24 : 29, 30. Often sitting. Gen. 27:19. Gen. 43: 33. Often reclining. Amos 6 : 4. Jno. 13 : 23. With the hand. Mat. 26: 2.3. with Luke 22: 21. Thanks given before. Mar. 8: 6, Acts 27 : 35. Purification before. 2 Kin. 3: 11. Mat. 15:2. A hymn sung after. Mat. 26: 30. Men and women did not partake of, together. Gen. 18: 8, 9. Est. 1 : 3, 9. Articles of, often sent as presents. 1 Sam. 17 : 18. 1 Sam. 25 : 18, 27. 2 Sam. 16:1,2. DIL. 69 DIS. Diligence. Christ, au example. Mar. 1 : 35. Luke 2:49. Re^ljued by God in Seeking Him. IChr. 22:19. Heb. 11:6. Obeying Him. Deu. 6: 17. Deu. 11:13. Hearkening to Him. Isa, 55:2. Striving after perfection. Phi. 3: 18, n. Cultivating Christian graces. 2 Pet. 1: 5. Keeping the .soul. Deu. 4 : 9. Keeping the heart. Pro. 4 : 23. Labors of love. Heb. 6: 10—12. Following every good work. 1 Tim. 5:10. Guarding against defilement. Heb. 12:15. Seeking to be found spotless. 2 Pet. 3: 14. Making our calling, &c., sure. 2 Pet. 1: 10. Self-examination. Psa. 77 : 6. Lawful business. Pro. 27 : 23. Ecc. 9:10. Teaching religion. 2 Tim. 4 : 2. Jude 3. Instructing children. Deu. 6: 7. Deu. 11 : 19. Discharging official duties. Deu. 19:18. Saints should abound in. 2 Cor. 8: 7. In the service of God .Should be persevered in. Gal. 6: 9. Is not in vain. 1 Cor. 15 : 58. Preserves from evil. Eso. 15 : 26. Leads to assured hope. Heb. 6:11. God rewards. Deu. 11 : 14. Heb. 11 : 6. In temporal matters, leads to Favor. Pro. 11 : 27. Prosperity. Pro. 10:4. Pro. 13:4. Honor. Pro. 12 : 24. Pro. 22 : 29. Illustrated. Pro. 6 : 6—8. Exemplified. Jctcob, Gen. 31 : 40. Ruth, Ruth 2: 17. Hezelciah, 2 Chr. 31 : 21. Nchcmiah, dkc. Neh. 4: 6. Psalmist, Psa. 119:60. Apostles, Acts 5: 42. Apollos, Acts 18: 25. Titus, 2 Cor. 8: 22. Paul, 1 The. 2 : 9. Onesiphorus, 2 Tim. 1 : 17. Discipline of the Cfaurch. Ministers authorized to establish. Mat. 16: 19. Mat. 18:18. Consists in Maintaining sound doctrine. 1 Tim. 1:3. Tit. 1:13. Ordering its affairs. 1 Cor. 11 : 34. Tit. 1: 5. Rebuking offenders. 1 Tim. [5:20. 2 Tim. 4: 2. Removing obstinate offenders. 1 Cor. 5 : 3—5, 13. 1 Tim. 1 : 20. Should bo submitted to. Heb. 13: 17. Is for edification. 2 Cor. 10: 8. 2 Cor. 13 : 10. Decency and order, the objects of. 1 Cor. 14 : 40. Exercise, in a spirit of charity. Cor. 2:6-8. Prohibits women preaching. 1 Cor. 14: 34. 1 Tim. 2:12. Diseases, Often sent as punishment. Deu. 28: 21. Jno. 5:14. Often brought from other countries. Deu. 7 : 15. Often through Satan. 1 Sam. 16; 14—16. Job 2: 7. Regarded as visitations. Job 2: 7 — 10. Psa. 38:2, 7. Intemperance a cause of. Hos. 7 : 5. Sins of youth a cause of. Job 20: 11. Over-excitement a cause of. Dan. 8: 27. Were many and divers. Mat. 4: 24. Mentioned in Scripture; Ague. Lev. 26 : 16. Abscess. 2 Kin. 20: 7. Atrophy. Job 16 : 8. Job 19 : 20. Blindness. Job 29 : 15. Mat. 9 : 27. Boils and blains. Exo. 9 : 10. Consumption. Lev. 26:16. Deu. 28 : 22. Demoniacal possession. Mat. 15 : 22. Mar. 5 : 15. Deafness. Psa. 38: 13. Mar. 7 : .32. Debility. Psa. 102 : 23. Eze. 7 : 17. Dropsy. Luke 14 : 2. Dumbness. Pro. 31 : 8. Mat. 9: 32. Dvsentery. 2 Chr 21 : 12—19. Acts 28:8. Emerods. Deu. 28: 27. 1 Sam. 5: 6,12. Fever. Deu. 28:22. Mat 8: 14. Impediment speech. Mar. 7 : 32. Itch. Deu. 28:27. Inflammation. Deu. 28:22. Issue of blood. Mat. 9 : 20. Lameness. 2 Sam. 4: 4. 2 Chr. 16 : 12. Leprosy. Lev. 13:2. 2 Kin. 5:1. Loss of appetite. Job 33: 20. Psa. 107 : 18. Lunacy. Mat. 4:24. Mat. 17:15. Melancholy. 1 Sam. 16: 14. Palsy. Mat. 8:6. Mat. 9:2. Plague. Num. 11 : 33. 2 Sam. 24 15, 21, 25. Scab. Deu. 28: 27. Sunstroke. 2 Kin. 4: 18—20. Isa. 49:10. Ulcers. Isa. 1 : 6. Luke 16 : 20. Worms. Acts 12 : 23. Children subject to. 2 Sam. 12:15c 1 Kin. 17:17. Frequently Loathsome. Psa. 38:7. Psa. (41:8. DIS. DIV. Painful. 2 Chr. 21 : 13. Job 3.3 : 19. Tedious. Deu. 28 : 59. Jno. 5 : 5. Luke 13: 16. Complicated. Deu. 28: 60, 61. Acts 28:8. Incurable. 2 Chr. 21 : 18. Jer. 14 : 19. Physicians undertook the cure of. Jer. 8 : 22. Mat. 9 : 12. Luke 4 : 23. Medicine used for curing. Pro. 17 : 22. Isa. 1 : 6. Art of curing, defective. Job 13: 4. Mar. 5 : 26. God often entreated to cure. 2 Sam. 12:16. 2 Km. 20:1-3. Psa. 6: 2. Jas. 5:14. Not looking to God in, condemned. 2 Chr. 16:12. Those afflicted with, Anointed. Mar. 6:13. Jas. 5:14. Often laid in the streets to receive advice from passers by. Mar. 6: 56. Acts 5: 15. Often divinely supported. Psa. 41:3. Often divinely cured. 2 Kin. 20: 5. Jas. 5: 15. Illustrative of sin. Isa. 1 : 5. Disobedience to God. Provokes His anger. Psa. 78 : 10, 40. Isa. 3:8. Forfeits His favor. 1 Sam. 13 : 14. Forfeits His promised blessings. Jos. 5:6. 1 Sam. 2:30. Jer. 18:10. Bi-ings a curse. Deu. 11 : 28. Deu. 28:15, &c. A characteristic of the wicked. Eph. 2:2. Tit. 1:16. Tit. 3:3. The wicked persevere in. Jer. 22:21. Heinousness of, illustrated. Jer. 35 : 14, &c. Men prone to excuse. Gen. 3: 12, 13. Shall be punished. Isa. 42:24, 25. Heb. 2:2. ' Acknowledge the punishment of, to be just. Neb. 9 : 32, 33. Dan. 9 : 10, 11,14. Warnings against. 1 Sam. 12 : 15. Jer. 12:17. Bitter results of, illustrated. Jer. 9 : 13, 15. Exemplified. Adam and Eve, Gen. 3: 6, 11. PItaraoh, Exo. 5 : 2. Nadab, i-c. Lev. 10:1. Moses, <&c. Num. 20:8, 11, 24. SnuU 1 Sam. 28:18. The prophet, 1 Kin. 13: 20—23. Israel, 2 Kin. 18 : 9—12. Jonah , Jon. 1:2,3. Divination. An abominable practice. 1 Sam. 15:23. (mai-g.) All who practised it, abominable. Deu. 18:12. Practised by Diviners. Deu. 18: 14. Enchanters. Deu. 18 : 10. Jer. 27 : 9. Witches. Exo. 22:18. Deu. 18:10. Charmers. Deu: 18:11. Wizards. Deu. 18: 11. iSam. 28r3. , Consulters of familiar spirits. Deu. i 18:11. ] Magicians. Gen. 41:8. Dan. 4:7. ] Astrologers. Isa. 47: 13. Dan. 4: 7. j Sorcerers. Jer. 27:9. Acts 13: 6,8. Necromancers. Deu. 18:11. Soothsayers. Isa. 2 : 6. Dan. 2 : 27. False prophets. Jer. 14 : 14. Eze. 13 : 3, 6. Effected theough Enchantments. Exo. 7 : 11. Num. 24:1. Sorcery. Isa. 47 : 12. Acts 8 : 11. Observing times. 2 Kin. 21 : 6. Observing heavenly bodies. Isa. 37:13. {marg.) Raising tlie dead. I Sam. 28: 11, 12. Inspecting the inside of beasts. Eze. 21:21. The flight of arrows. Eze. 21:21, 22. Cups. Gen. 44:2, 5. Rods. Hos.4:12. Dreams. Jer. 29:8. Zee. 10:2. Connected with idolatry. 2 Chr. 33 : 5, 6. Books of, numerous and expensive. Acts 19: 19. A lucrative employment. Num. 22 : 7. Acts 16: 16. Those who practised. Regarded as wise men. Dan. 2 : 12, 27. Regarded with awe. Acts 8: 9, 11. Consulted in difficulties. Dan. 2 : 2. Dan. 4:6, 7. Used mysterious words and ges- tures. Isa. 8: 19. A system of fraud. Eze. 13 : 6, 7. Jer. 29:8. Frustrated by God. Isa. 44 : 25. Could not injure the Lord's people. Num. 23:23. The law Forbade to the Israelites the prac- tice of. Lev.l9:26. Deu. 18: 10. 11. Forbade seeking to. Lev. 19:31. Deu. 18:14. Punished with death those who used. Exo. 22: 18. Lev. 20: 27. Punished those who sought to. Lev. 20:6. The Jews prone to. 2 Kin. 17:17. Isa. 2:6. Divisions. Forbidden in the church. 1 Cor. 1 : 10. Condemned in the church. 1 Cor. 1: 11—13. 1 Cor. 11 : 18. Unbecoming in the church. 1 Cor. 12:24,25. DEV. DOC. Are contrary to the Unity of Christ. 1 Cor. 1 : 13. 1 Cor. 12:13. Desire of Christ. Jno. 17 : 21—23. Purpose of Christ. .Jno. 10: Ifi. Spirit of the primitive churcli. 1 Cor. 11 : 16. Are a proof of a carnal spirit. 1 Cor. 3:3. Avoid those who cause. Eom. 16: 17. Evil of, illustrated. Mat. 12: 2.j. Divorce. Law of marriage against. Gen. 2 : 24. Mat. 19:6. Permitted By the Mosaic law. Deu. 24 : 1. On account of hardness of heart. Mat. 19 : 8. Often sought by the Jews. Mic. 2 : 9. Mai. 2:14. Sought on slight grounds. Mat. .5: 31. Mat. 19:3. Not allowed to those who falsely ac- cused their wives. Deu. 22 : 18, 19. Women Could obtain. Pro. 2: 17, with Mar. 10:12. Could marry after. Deu. 24 : 2. Responsible for vows after. Num. 30: 9. Married after, could not return to first husband. Deu. 24:3, 4. Jer. 3:1. Afflicted by. Isa. 54:4, 6. Priests not to marry women after. Lev. 21 : 14. Of servants, regulated by law. Exo. 21:7,11. Of captives, regulated by law. Deu. 21:13,14. Forced on those who had idolatrous wives. Ezr. 10: 2—17. Neh. 13: 23,30. Jews condemned for love of. Mai. 2: 14—16. Forbidden by Christ except for adul- tery. Mat. 5 : 32. Mat. 19 : 9. Prohibition of, offended the Jews. Mat. 19:10. Illustrative of God's casting off of the Jewish church. Isa. 50:1. Jer. 3:8. Doctrines, False. Destructive to faith. 2 Tim. 2 : 18. Hateful to God. Rev. 2 : 14, 15. Unprofitable and V~din. Tit. 3: 9. Heb. 13:9. Should be avoided by Ministers. 1 Tim. 1 : 4. 1 Tim. 6 : 20. Saints. Eph. 4:14. Col. 2: 8. All men. Jer. 23 : 16. Jer. 29 : 8. The wicked love. 2 Tim. 4 : 3, 4. The wicked given up to believe. 2 The. 2: 11. Teaciier.s of Not to be countenanced. 2 Jno. 10. Should be avoided. Rom. 16: 17, 18. Bring reproach on religion. 2 Pet. 2:2. Speak perverse things. Acts 20 : .30. Attract many. 2 Pet. 2 : 2. Deceive many. Mat. 24:.">. Sliall abound in the latter days. 1 Tim. 4:1. Pervert the gospel of Christ. Gal. 1 : 6, 7. Shall bo exposed. 2 Tim. 3 : 9. Teachers of, are described as Cruel. Acts 20: 29. Deceitful. 2 Cor. 11 : 13. Covetous. Tit. 1 : 11. 2 Pet. 2 : 3. Ungodly. Jnde 4, 8. Proud and ignorant. 1 Tim. 6 : 3, 4. Cori-upt and reprobate. 2 Tim. 3: 8. Try, by Scripture. Isa. 8: 20. 1 Jno. 4:1. Curse on those who teach. Gal. 1 : 8, 9. Punishment of those who teach. Mic. 3:6,7. 2Pet. 2:1, 3. Doctrines of the Gospel, The. Are from God. Jno. 7 : 16. Acts 13: 12. Are taught by Scripture. 2 Tim. 3: 16. Are godly. 1 Tim. 6 : 3. Tit. 1 : 1. Immorality condemned by. 1 Tim. 1 : 9—11. Lead to fellowship with the Father and with the Son. 1 Jno. 1:3. 2 Jno. 9. Lead to holiness. Rom. 6: 17 — 22. Tit. 2:12. Bring no reproach on. 1 Tim. 6:1. Tit. 2:5. Ministers should Be nourished np in. 1 Tim. 4: 6. Attend to. 1 Tim. 4: 13, 16. Hold, in sincerity. 2 Cor. 2 : 17. Tit. 2:7. Hold steadfastly. 2 Tim. 1 : 13. Tit. 1:9. Continue in. 1 Tim. 4:16. Speak things which become. Tit. 2:1. Saints obey, from the heart. Rom. 6:17. Saints abide in. Acts 2 : 42. A faithful walk adorns. Tit. 2: 10. The obedience of saints leads to surer knowledge of. .Jno. 7 : 17. Those who oppose, are Proud. ITim. 6:3, 4. Ignorant. ITim. 6:4. Doting about questions, &c. 1 Tim. 6:4. Not to be received. 2 Jno. 10. To be avoided. Rom. 16:17. Not endured by the wicked. 2 Tim, 4:3. DOG. DEE. Dog, The. Despised by the Jews. 2 Sam. 3 : 8. Desceibed as Impatient of injury. Pro. 26: 17. Unclean. Luke 16: 21.. 2 Pet. 2: 22. Carnivorous. 1 Kin. 14:11. 2 Kin. 9:3.'5, 36. Fond of blood. 1 Kin. 21: 19. 1 Kin. 22:38. Dangerous and destructive. Psa. 22 : 16. Infested cities by night. Psa. IJ9: 14 15. Nothing holy to be given to. Mat. 7:6. Mat. 15:26. Things torn by beasts given to. Exo. 22:31. Sacrificing of, an abomination. Isa. 66:3. Price of, not to be consecrated. Deu. 23 : 18. When domesticated, Employed in watching flocks. Job 30: 1. Fed with the crumbs, &c. Mat. 15: 27. Manner of, in drinking alluded to. Jud. 7 : 5. Illustrative Of Gentiles. Mat. 15: 22, 26. Of covetous ministers. Isa. 56: 11. Of fools. Pro. 26 : 11. Of apostates. 2 Pet. 2 : 22. Of persecutors. Psa. 22 : 16, 20. Of obstinate sinners. Mat. 7 : 6. Rev. 22: 15. Of false teachers. Phi. 3 : 2. (Dumb,) of unfaithful ministers. I'^a. 56:10. (Dead.) of the mean, 1 Sam 24: 14. 2 Sam. 9:8. Dove, The. Clean and used as food. Deu. 14: 11. Offered in sacrifice. Gen. 15 : 9. Lev. 1:14, Impiously sold in the court of the temple. Mat. 21 : 12. Jno. 2: 16. Characterized by Simplicity, Mat. 10: 16. Comeliness of countenance. So. of Sol. 2:14. Softness of eyes. So. of Sol. 1 : 15. Sweetness of voice. So. of Sol. 2 : 14. Richness of plumage. Psa. 68; 13. Mournful tabering of, alluded to. Nah. 2:7. Dwells in rocks. So. of Sol. 2: 14, Jer. 48 : 28. Frequents streams and rivers. So. of Sol. 5: 12. Sent from the ark by Noah. Gen. 8 : 8, 10, 12. Why considered the emblem of peace. Gen. 8:11. The harbinger of spring. So, of Sol, 2:12. Illdstkative Of the Holy Ghost. Mat. 3 : 16. Jno. 1:32. Of the meekness of Christ. So. of Sol. 5:12. Of the church. So. of Sol. 2: 14. So. of Sol. 5 : 2. Of mourners. Isa. 38: 14. Isa. 59: 11. Of converts to the church. Isa. 60:8. (In its flight,) of the return of Is- rael from captivity. Hos. 11 : 11. Dragon, The. Often of a red color. Rev. 12 : 3. Described as Powerful. Rev, 12 : 4. Poisonous, Deu. 32 : 33. Of solitary habits. Job 30 : 29. Its mournful voice alluded to. Mic. 1:8. Its wailing alluded to. Mic. 1 : 8. Its snufHng up the air alluded to. Jer. 14 : 6. Its swallowing of its i^rey alluded to. Jer. 51 : 34. Found in The wilderness. Mai. 1 : 3. Deserted cities. Isa. J3 : 22. Jer. 9:11. Dry places. Isa. 34 : 13. Isa. 43 : £0. A species of, in rivers. Psa. 74: 13. Isa. 27:1. Illustrative Of cruel and persecuting kings. Isa. 27 : 1. Isa. 51 : 9. Eze. 29 : 3. Of enemies of the church, Psa. 91 : 13. Of wicked men. Psa. 44 : 19. Of the devil. Rev. 13:2. Rev. 20: 2,7, (Poison of,) of wine. Deu. 32 : 33. Dreams. Visions in sleep. Job 33: 15. Dan. 2:28. Often but imaginary. Job 20: 8. Isa. 29:8. Excess of business frequently leads to. Ecc. 5 : 3. God's will often revealed in. Num. 12 : 6. Job 33 : 15. False prophets Pretended to. Jer. 23 : 25— 28. Jer. 29:8. Not to be regarded in. Deu. 13: 1— 3. Jer. 27:9. Condemned for pretending to. Jer. 23 : 32. Vanity of trusting to natural. Ecc. 5: 7. The ancients Put great faith in. Jud. 7 : 15. DRE. 73 EAG. Often perplexed by. Gen. 40: 6. Gen. 41:8. Job 7:14. Dan. 2: 1. Dan. 4 : .'>. Anxious to have, explained. Gen. 40:8. Dan. 2:3. Consulting magicians on. Gen. 41 : 8. Dan. 2 : 2- 4. God the only interpreter of. Gen. 40 : 8. Gen. 41:16. Dan. 2 : 27—30. Dan. 7: 16. Mentioned IN Scripture, of Abimelech. Gen. 20:3-7. Jacob. Gen. 28 : 12. Gen. 31 : 10. Laban. Gen. 31:24. Josepli. Gen. 37 : 5—9. Pharaoh's butler and baker. Gen. 40:5-19. Pharaoh. Gen. 41 : 1—7. Midianite. Jud. 7 : 13—15. Solomon. 1 Kin. 3: 5 — 15. Nebuchadnezzar. Dan. 2: 1, 31. Dan. 4 : 5, 8. Daniel. Dan. 7 eh. Joseph. Mat. 1 : 20, 21. Mat. 2 : 13, 19, 20. Wise men. Mat. 2:11,12. Pilate's wife. Mat. 27 : 19. Illustrative of Prosperity of sinners. Job 20: 5—8. Psa. 73:19, 20. Impure imaginations. Jude 8 v. Enemies of the church. Isa. 29: 7, 8. Drink Offering. Afltiquity of. Gen. 35: 14. Sacrifices accompanied by. Sxo. 29: 40. Lev. 23:13. Quantity appointed to be used for each kind of sacrifice. Num. 15: 3-10. For public sacrifices provided by the state. Ezr. 7:17. Eze. 45 : 17. Not poured on the altar of incense. Exo.30:9. Omission of, caused by bad vintage. Joel 1 : 9, 13. Idolatrous Jews Offered to the queen of heaven. Jer. 7:18. Jer. 44: 17-19. Reproved for offering, to idols. Isa. 57: 5, 6. Isa. 65: 11. Jer. 19: 13. Eze. 20 : 28. Idolaters often used blood for. Psa. 16:4. Vanity of offering, to idols. Deu. 32 : 37, 38. Illustrative op the Offering of Christ. Isa. 53 : 12. Pouring out of the Spirit. Joel 2 : 28. Devotedness of ministers. Phi. 2: 17. {Greek.) Drunkenness. Forbidden. Eph. 5:18. Caution against. Ljike 21 : 34. Is a work of the flesh. Gal. 5 : 21. ' Is debasing. Isa. 28:8. Is inflaming. Isa. 5:11. Overcharges the heart. Luke 21 : 34. Takes away the heart. Hos. 4: 11. Leads to Poverty. Pro. 21 : 17. Pro. 23: 21. Strife. Pro. 23:29,30. Woe and sorrow. Pro. 23 : 29, 30. Error. Isa. 28: 7. Contempt of God's works. Isa. 5 : 12. Scorning. Hos. 7:5. Rioting and wantonness. Rom. 13: 13. The wicked addicted to. Dan. 5: 1-4. False teachers often addicted to. Isa. 56:12. Folly of yielding to. Pro. 20 : 1. Avoid those given to. Pro. 23: 20. 1 Cor. 5:11. Denunciations against Those given to. Isa. 5:11,12. Isa. 28:1^3. Those who encourage. Hab. 2: 15. Excludes from heaven. ICor. 6: 10. Gal. 5:21. Punishment of. Deu. 21: 20, 21. Jo- el 1 : 5, 6. Amos 6: 6, 7. Mat. 24:49 -51. Exemplified. Noah, Gen. 9 : 21. A«- bal, 1 Sam. 25: 36. Uriah, 2 Sam. 11: 13. Elah, 1 Kin. 16: 9, 10. Beri- hadacl, 1 Kin. 20: 16. Belshazzur, Dan. 5. 4, Corinthians, 1 Cor. 11 : 21. Eagle, The. A bird of prey. Job 9: 26. Mat. 24: 28 : nclean. Lev. 11 : 13. Deu. 14:12. Different kinds of. Lev. 11: 13, 18. Eze. 17 : 3. Called the eagle of the heavens. Lam. 4: 19. Described as Longsighted. Job 39 : 29. Swift. 2 Sam. 1 : 23. Soaring to heaven. Pro. 23:5. Strength of its feathers alluded to. Dan. 4 : ,33. Greatness of its wings alluded to. Eze. 17:3,7. Peculiarity of its flight alluded to. Pro. 30 : 19. Delights in the lofty cedars. Eze. 17:3,4. Dwells in the high rocks. Job 39: 27, 28. Feeds her young with blood. Job 39 : 29, 30. Illustrative Of wisdom and zeal of God's min- isters. Eze. 1 : 10. Rev. 4 : 7. Of great and powerful kings. Eze. 17:3, Hos. 8:1. EAG. ■> (Renewed strength and beauty of,) of the renewal of saints. Psa. 103 : 5. (Mode of teaching her young to fly,) of God's care of His church. Exo. 19:4. Deu.32:ll. (Wings of,) of protection afforded to the church. Rev. 12 : 14. (Upward flight of,) of the saint's rapid progress toward heaven. Isa. 40:31. (Swiftness of,) of the melting away of riches. Pro. 23 : 5. (Swiftness of,) of the swiftness of hostile armies. Deu. 28 : 49. Jer. 4:13. Jer. 48:40. Lam. 4:19. (Height and security of its dwell- ing, 1 of the fancied but fatal se- curity of the wicked. Jer. 49: 16. Oba. 4 V. (Increased baldness t.f, hi the moulting season,) of calamities. Mic. 1: 1(1. (Hasting to tlie prey,) of the swift- ness of man's days. Job 9 : 26. Was the standard of the Roman ar- mies. Mat. 24 : 15, with 28 v. Ear, The. The organ of hearing. Job 13 : 1. Job 29:11. Capable of trying and distinguishing words. Job 12: 11. God Made. Pro. 20: 12. Planted. Psa. 94 : 9. Opens. Job 33 : 16. Job 36 : 10. Judicially closes. Isa. 6: 10, with Mat. 13: 15. Christ opens. Isa. 35 : 5. Isa. 43 : 8, 10.. Instruction received through. Isa. 30:21. That hears and receives the word of God, blessed. Exo. 15: 26. Mat. 13:16. Should Seek knowledge. Pro. 18 : 15. Be bowed down to instructions. Pro. 5:1. Be inclined to wisdom. Pro. 2: 2. Be given to the law of God. Isa. 1:10. Receive the word of God. Jer. 9- 20. Hear and obey reproof. Pro. 15 : 31. Pro. 25:12. Not satisfied with earthly things. Ecc. 1 : 8. Of the wicked Uncircumcised. Jer, : 10. Acts 7:51. Itching. 2 Tim. 4:3. Not inclined to hear God. Jer. 7 : 24. Jer, 35: 15. EAR. Turned away from God's law. Pro. 28:9. Stopped against God's word. Psa. 58 : 4. Zee. 7 : 11. Not to be stopped at cry of the poor. Pro. 21 : 13. Blood put on the eight eae of Priests at consecration. Exo. 29: 20. Lev. 8 : 23. The healed leper in cleansing him. Lev. 14:14. Often adorned with rings. Eze. 16: 12. Hos. 2: 13. Of servants who refused to leave their masters, bored to the door. Exo. 21:6. Deu. 15:17. Early Rising. Christ set an example of. Mar. 1 : 35. Luke 21 : 38. Jno. 8 : 2. Requisite fob Devotion. Psa. 5: 3. Psa. 59: 16. Psa. 63:1. Psa. 88:13. Isa. 26:9. Executing God's commands. G,.n. 22:3. Discharge of daily duties. Pro. 31 : 15. Neglect of, leads to poverty. Pro. 6 : 9-11. Practised by the wicked, for Deceit. Pro. 27: 14. Executing plans of evil. Mic. 2: 1. Illustrates spiritual diligence. Rom. 13: 11,12. Exemplified. Abraham, Gen. 19: 27. Inaac, d-e. Gen. 26: 31. Jacob, Gen. 28: 18. Joshua, &c. Jos. 3: 1. Gideon, Jud. 6: 38. Samuel, 1 Sam. 15: 12. David, 1 Sam. 17: 20. Mary, &c. Mar. 16: 2. Apostles, Acts 5: 21, Earth, The. The world in general. Gen. 1 : 2. The dry land as divided from waters. Gen. 1 : 10. God Created. Gen. 1:1. Neh. 9:6. Laid the foundation of. Job 38: 4. Psa. 102:25. Formed. Psa. 90: 2. Spread abroad. Isa. 42: 5. Isa. 44 : 24. Suspended in space. Job 26: 7. Supports. Psa. 75:3. Establishes. Psa. 78:69. Psa. 119; 90. Enlightens. Gen. 1: 14—16. Jer. 33 : 25. Waters. Psa. 65: 9. Psa. 147: 8. Makes fruitful. Gen. 1: 11. Gen. 27 : 28. Inspects. Zee. 4 : 10. Governs supremely. Job 34: 13. Psa. 135:6. Reigns in. Exo. 8.- 22. Psa, 97: 1. EAR. EDI. Shall bo exalted in. Psa. 46: 10. Is the Lord's. Exo. 9:29. 1 Cor. 10: 26. Created to be inhabited. Isa. 45: 18, First division of. Gen. 10: 25. Ideas of the ancients respecting the form of. Job 11 : 9. Job 38 : 18. Pro. 25 : 3. Diversified by hills and mountains. Hab. 3:6. Full of minerals. Deu. 8: 9. Job 28: 1-5, 15—19. Described as God's footstool. Isa. 66: 1. Mat. 5 ■ 35 Full of God's goodness. Psa. 33: 5. Full of God's riches. Psa. 104: 24. Full of God's mercy. Psa. 119: 64. Full of God's glory. Num. 14 : 21. Isa. 6:3. Shining with God's glory. Eze. 43: 2. Trembling before God. Psa. 68 : 8. Jer. 10:10. • Melting at God's voice. Psa. 46: 6. Burning at God's presence. Nah.l : 5. Man Formed out of. Gen. 2: 7. Psa. 103:14. Given dominion over. Gen. 1 : 26. Psa. 115:16. By nature is of. 1 Cor. 15 : 47, 48. By nature minds the things of. Phi. 3:19. Brought a curse on. Gen. 3 : 17. Shall return to. Gen 3: 19. Psa. 146:4. Subject to God's judgments. Psa. 46:8. Isa. 11:4. Corrupted by sin. Gen. 6: 11, 12. Isa. 24:5. Made barren by sin. Deu. 28:23. Psa, 107 : 34. Made to mourn and languish by sin. Isa. 24:4. Jer. 4:28. Jer. 12:4. Hos. 4:3. Satan goes to and fro in. Job 1:7. 1 Pet. 5 : 8. Shall be filled with the knowledge of God. Isa. 11:9. Hab. 2:14. Once inundated. Gen. 7:17 — 24. Not to be again inundated. Gen. 9: 11. 2Pet. 3:6, 7. To be dissolved by fire. 2 Pet. 3: 7, 10, 12. To be renewed. Isa.*65: 17.2Pet. 3:13. Saints shall inherit. Psa. 25: 13. Mat. 5: 5. Earthquakes. Islands and mountainous districts liable to. Psa. 114:4, 6. Rev. 6: 14. Rev. 16: 18, 20. Frequently accompanied by Volcanic eruptions. Psa. 104 : 32, Nah. 1:5. Convulsion and receding of the sea. 2 Sam. 22: 8, 16. Psa. 18: 7,- 1.5. Psa. 46:3. Opening of the earth. Num. 16: 31, 32. Overturning of mountains. Psa. 46:2. Zee. 14: 4. Rending of rocks. Mat. 27 : 51. Are visible tokens of God's power. Job 9 : 6. Heb. 12 : 26 God's presence. Psa. 68:7, 8. Psa 114:7. God's anger. Psa. 18: 7. Psa. 60 2. Isa. 13: 13. Men always terrified by. Num. 16 34. Zee. 14:5. Mat. 27:54. Rev. 11: 13. Mentioned in Scripture; At Mount Sinai. Exo. 19: 18. In the wilderness. Num. 16:31,32. In strongholds of Philistines. 1 Sam. 14: 15. When Elijah fled from Jezebel. 1 Kin. 19:11. In Uzziah's reigu. Amos 1:1. Zee. 14:5. At our Lord's death. Mat. 27 : 51. At our Lord's resurrection. Mat. 28:2. AtPhilippi. Acts 16: 26. Before destruction of Jerusalem, pre- dicted. Mat. 24 : 7. Luke 21 : 11. At Christ's second coming, predicted. Zee. 14:4. Illustrative of The judgments of God. Isa. 24 : 19, 20. Isa. 29 : 6. Jer. 4 : 24. Rev. 8 : 5. The overthrow of kingdoms. Hag. 2:6,22. Rev. 6:12, 13. Rev. 16: 18, 19. Edification. Described. Eph. 4 : 12—16. Is THE OBJECT OF The ministerial office. Eph, 4: 11, 12. Ministerial gifts. 1 Cor. 14: 3—5, 12. Ministerial authority. 2 Cor, 10: 8. 2 Cor. 13 : 10. The Church's union in Christ. Eph. 4:16. The gospel, the instrument of. Acts 20:32. Love leads to. 1 Cor. 8 : 1. Exhortation to. Jude 20, 21. Mutual, commanded. Rom. 14:19. 1 The. 5: 11. All to be done to. 2 Cor. 12: 19. Eph. 4 : 29. Use self-denial to promote, in others. lCor.lO:23, 33. The peace of the Church favors. Acts 9: 31. Foolish questions opposed to. 1 Tim, 1:4, EDO. 76 EGY. Edomites, The. Descended from Esau. Gen. 36:9. Dwelt in Mount Seir. Gen. 32: 3. Deu. 2:4,5. Were Called Children of Esau. Deu. 2 : 4. Brethren of Israel. Num. 20: 14. Governed by dukes. Gen. 36 : 15—30, 40—43. Exo. 15 : 15. Afterwards had kings. Gen. 36 : 31— 39. Num20:14. Under a deputy or viceroy while subject to Judah. 1 Kin. 22 : 47. Character of; Wise. Jer. 49: 7. Proud and self-confident. Jer. 49: 16. Oba. 3 V. Strong and cruel. Jer. 49:19. Vindictive. Eze. 25 : 12. Idolatrous. 2 Chr. 25 : 14, 20. Superstitious. Jer. 27 : 3, with 9 v. Carried on extensive commerce. Eze. 27 : 20. Country of, Specially given to them. Deu. 2: 5. Fertile and rich. Gen. 27 : 39. Mountainous and rocky. Jer. 49: 16. Mai. 1 : 3. Traversed by roads. Num. 20: 17. Well fortified. Psa. 60: 9. Called Mount Seir. Eze. 35 : 2. Called Mount of Esau. Oba. 21 v. Called Dumah. Isa. 21 : 11. Called Idumea. Isa. 34: 6. Mar. 3 ' 8 Called Edom. Isa. 63:1. Cities of; Dinhabah or Dedan. Gen. 36: 32. Jer. 49 : 8. Avith. Gen. 36:35. Pau. Gen. 36:39. Bozra. Jer. 49 : 22. Amos 1 : 12. Teman. Jer. 49 : 7. Eze. 25 : 13. Ezion-geber, a sea port. 1 Kin. 9: 26. Implacable enemies of Israel. Eze. 35: 0. Israel forbidden to hate. Deu. 23: 7. Israel forbidden to spoil. Deu. 2: 4, 6. 2 Chr. 20 : 10. Might be received into the con- gregation in third generation. Deu. 23:8. Eefused Israel a passage. Num. 20: 21. Jud. 11 : 17. Saul made war against. 1 Sam. 14: 47. David subdued, &c. 2 Sam. 8:14. 1 Chr. 18:11, 13. Slaughter of, by Joab and Abishai. 1 Kin. 11:16. 1 Chr. 18:12. Took refuge in Egypt. 1 Kin. 11: 17-19. Returned after David's death. 1 Kin, 11 : 21-22. Were stirred up against Solomon. 1 Kin. 11 : 14. Confederated with enemies of Israel against Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 20: 10. Psa. 83:4-6. Miraculous overthrow of. 2 Chr. 20: 22. Revolted from Joram, king of Judah. 2 Kin. 8 : 20—22. 2 Chr. 21 : 8-10. Re-conquered by Amaziah. 2 Kin. 14: 7, 10. 2 Chr. 25 : 11, 12. The Jews ensnarecl by the idols of, and punished. 2 Chr. 25 : 14, 15, 20. Rebelled against Ahaz. 2 Chr. 28 : 17. Aided Babylon against Judah. Psa. 137:7. Oba. 11. Predictions respecting; Subjection to Israel. Gen. 25:23 Gen. 27 : 29, 37. Revolt from Israel. Gen. 27: 40. Israel's occupation of their coun- try. Num. 24: 18. Oba. 17—19 vs. To share in the punishment of the nations. Jer. 9: 26. Jer. 25:15—27. Eze. 32 : 29. Punishment for persecuting Israel. Isa. 34:5— 8. Isa. 63:1— 4. Lam. 4 : 21. Eze. 25 : 13, 14. Amos 1 : 11, 12. Oba. 10, 15 vs. Exterminating slaughter of. Oba. 18 V. Utter desolation of their country. Isa. 34 : i)— 17. Eze. 35 : 7—15. The king of Babylon an instrument of their punishment. Jer. 27 : 3 -6. Israel an instrument of their pun- ishment. Eze. 25 : 14. Oba. 18 v. Their ruin to be an astonishment. Jer. 49:17, 21. Their future subjection to the Jews. Isa. 11:14. Amos 9: 12. Remarkable persons of. Doeg, 1 Sam. 22 : 18. Hadad, 1 Kin. 11, 14, 19. EUphaz, Job 2: 11. Egypt- Peopled by Mizraim's posterity. Gen. 10:6,13,14. Boundaries of. Eze. 29:10. Dry climate of. Deu. 11 : 10, 11. Watered by the Nile. Gen. 41 : 1—3. Exo. 1 : 22. Inundations of, alluded to. Amos 8 : 8. Subject to plague, &c. Deu. 7:15. ^ Deu. 28:27, 60. Sometimes visited by 'famine. Gen. 41 : 30. Called The land of Ham. Psa. 105 : 23. Psa. 106 : 22. The South. Jer. 13: 19. Dan. 11 : 14, 25. Sihor. Isa. 23:3. Rahab. Psa. 87: 4. Psa. 89: 10. House of Bondmen. Exo. 13, 3, 14. Deu. 7:8. Celebrated foe Fertility. Gen. 13 : 10. Gen. 45. 18. EGY. 77 EGY. Wealth. Heb. 11 : 26. Literature. 1 Kin. 4: 30. Acts 7: 22 Fiuo horses. 1 Kin. 10: 28, 29. Fine linen. &c. Pro. 7 : 10. Isa. 19: 9 Commerce. Gen. 41 : 57. Eze. 27 : 7. Religion of, idolatrous. Exo. 12:12, Num. 33 : 4. Isa. 19 : 1. Eze. 29 : 7. Idolatry of, followed by Israel. Exo, 32:4, withEze. 20:8, 19. Magic practised in. Exo. 7 : 11, 12, 22 Exo. 8: 7. Ruled by kings who assumed the name of Pharaoh. Gen. 12: 14, 15. Gen. 40:1,2. Exo. 1 : 8, 22. Under a governor. Gen. 41 : 41—44. Had princes and counsellors. Gen. 12:15. Isa. 19:11. As A POWER WAH Proud and arrogant. Eze. 29:3. Eze. 30:6. Pompous. Eze. 32:12. Mighty. Isa. 30:2, 3. Ambitious of conquests. Jer. 46: 8. Treacherous. Isa. .36: 6. Eze. 29: 6, 7. Inhabitants of. Superstitious. Isa. 19: 3. Hospitable. Gen. 47 : 5, 6. 1 Kin. 11 : 18. Often intermarried with strangers. Gen. 21:21. 1 Kin. 3:1. 1 Kin. 11 : 19. IChr. 2:34, 35. Abhorred shepherds. Gen, 46: 34. Abhorred the sacrifice of oxen, &c. Exo. 8:26. Not to be abhorred by Israel. Deu. 23:7. Might be received into the congre- gation in third generation. Deu. 23 : 8. Mode of entertaining in. Gen. 43: 32-34. Diet used in. Num. 11 : 5. Mode of enbalming in. Gen. 50: 3. Often a refuge to strangers. Gen. 12: 10. Gen. 47:4. 1 Kin. 11:17, 40. 2Kin. 25, 26. Mat. 2:12, 13. TflE ARMIES OF, Described. Exo. 14 : 7—9. Destroyed in the Red Sea. Exo. 14 : 23—28. Captured and burned Gezer. 1 Kin. 9: 16. Besieged and plundered Jerusalem in Rehoboam's time. 1 Kin. 14: 25, 26. Invaded Assyria and killed Josiah who assisted it. 2 Kin. 23: 29. Deposed Jehoahaz and made Judea tributary. 2 Kin. 23: 31-35. Assistance of, sought by Judah against the Chaldees. Eze. 17: 15, with Jer. 37 : 5, 7. History of Israel in; Their sojourn in it, foretold. Gen. 15:13. Joseph sold into. Gen. 37: 28. Gen. 39:1. Potiphar blessed for Joseph's sake. Gen. 39:2— 6. Joseph unjustly cast into prison. Gen. 39 : 7-20. Joseph interprets the chief baker's and the chief butler's dreams. Gen. 40 : 5-19. Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams. Gen. 41 : 14—32. Joseph counsels Pharaoh. Gen. 41 : 33—36. •Joseph made governor. Gen. 41 : 41-44. Joseph's successful provision against the years of famine. Gen. 41 : 46—56. Joseph's ten brethren arrive. Gen. 42 : 1-6. Joseph recognizes his brethren. Gen. 42:7,8. Benjamin brought. Gen. 43:15. Joseph makes himself known to his brethren. Gen. 45 : 1 — 8. Joseph sends for his father. Gen. 45:9—11. Pharaoh invites Jacob into. Gen. 45:16—20. Jacob's journey Gen. 46: 5—7. Jacob, &c., presented to Pharaoh. Gen. 47 : 1—10. Israel placed in the land of Goshen, Gen. 46:34. Gen. 47 : 11, 27. Joseph enriches the king. Gen. 47: 13-26. Jacob's death and burial. Gen. 49: 33. Gen. 50:1— 13. Israel increase and are oppressed. Exo. 1:1— 14. Male children destroyed. Exo. 1 : 15-22. Moses born and hid for three months. Exo. 2:2. Moses exposed on the Nile. Exo. 2 : 3,4. Moses adopted and brought up by Pharaoh's daughter. Exo. 2 : 5—10. Moses slays an Egyptian. Exo. 2: 11, 12. Moses flies to Midian. Exo. 2: 15. Moses sent to Pharaoh. Exo. 3: 2—10. Pharaoh increase's their afl3iction. Exo. 5 ch. Moses proves his divine mission by miracles. Exo. 4 : 29—31. Exo. 7 : 10. Egypt is plagued for Pharaoh's ob- stinacy. Exo. 7: 14, to Exo. 10 ch. The passover instituted. Exo. 12: 1-28. Destruction of the first-born. Exo. 12 : 29, 30. Israel spoil the Egyptians. Exo. 12 ; 35, 36. Israel driven out of. Exo. 12 : 31—33. Date of the Exodus. Exo. 12: 41, Heb. 11:27. EGY. 78 EMB. Pharaoh purs-ues Israel and is mi- raculously destroyed. Exo. 14 : 5-25. Prophecies respecting ; Dismay of its inhabitants. Isa. 19: 1. 16, 17. Infatuation of its princes. Isa. 19: 3, 11—14. Failure of internal resources. Isa. 19 : 5—10. Civil war and domestic strife. Isa. 19:2. Armies destroyed by Babylon. Jer. 46:2-12. Invasion by Babylon. Jer. 46: 13, 24. Eze. 32:11. Destruction of its power. Eze. 30 24, 25. Destruction of its cities. Eze. 30 14—18. Destruction of its idols. Jer. 43 12, 13. Jer. 46: 25. Eze. 30: 13. Spoil of, a reward to Babylon for services against Tyre. Eze. 29 18—20. Captivity of its people. Isa. 20:4. Jer. 46 : 19, 24, 26. Eze. 30 : 4. Utter desolation of, for forty years Eze. 29:8— 12. Eze. 30:12. Eze 32:15. Allies to share its misfortunes Eze. 30:4, 6. The Jews who practised its idola try to share its punishments. Jer 44.7-28. Terror occasioned by its fall. Eze 32 : 9, 10. Ever to be a base kingdom. Eze 29:15. Christ to be called out of. Hos. 11 1. Mat. 2:15. Conversion of. Isa. 19: 18—20. To be numbered and blessed along with Israel. Isa. 19: 23-2.5. Prophetic illustration of its de- struction. Jer. 43 : 9, 10. Eze. 30 : 21,22. Eze. 32:4-6. Election. Of Christ, as Messiah. Isa. 42:1. 1 Pet. 2:6. Of good angles, t Tim. 5:21. Of Israel. Deu. 7 : 6. Isa. 45 : 4. Of ministers. Luke 6: 13. Acts 9: 15. Of churches. 1 Pet. 5: 13. Of Saints, is Of God. 1 The. 1:4. Tit. 1:1. By Christ. Jno. 13 : 18. Jno. 15 : 16. In Christ. Eph. 1 : 4. Personal. Mat. 20: 16, with Jno. 6:44. Acts 22: 14. 2 Jno. 1 : 13. According to the purpose of God. Eom.9: 11. Eph. 1: 11. According to the foreknowledge of God. Rom. 8:29. 1 Pet. 1:2. Eternal. Eph. 1 : 4. Sovereign. Rom. 9: 15, 16. 1 Cor. 1: 27. Eph. 1 : 11. Irrespective of merit. Rom. 9:11. Of grace. Rom. 11:5. Recorded in heaven. Luke 10:20, For the glory of God. Eph. 1 : 6. Through faith. 2 The. 2 : 13. Through sanctiflcation of the Spirit. 1 Pet. 1 : 2. To adoption. Eph. 1 : 5. To salvation. 2 The. 2 : 13. To conformity with Christ. Rom. 8:29. To good works. Eph. 2 : 10. To spiritual warfare. 2 Tim. 2:4. To eternal glory. Rom. 9: 23. Ensures to Saints Effectual calling. Rom. 8:30. Divine teaching. Jno. 17:6. Belief in Christ. Acts 13 : 48. Acceptance with God. Rom. 11 : 7. Protection. Mar. 13:20. Vindication of their wrongs. Luke 18:7. Working of all things for good. Rom. 8:28. Blessedness. Psa. 33: 12. Psa. 65: 4. The inheritance. Isa. 65 : 9. 1 Pet. 1:4,5. Should lead to cultivation of graces. Col. 3:12. Should be evidenced by diligence. 2 Pet. 1 : 10. Saints may have assurance of. 1 The. 1 : 4. Exemplified. Isaac, Gen. 21 : 12. Abram, Neh. 9: 7. Zerubbabel, Hag. 2: 23. Aiwstles, Jno. 13: 18. Jno. 15:19. Jacob, Rom. 9: 12,13. iJ«/«s, Rom. 16 : 13. Paul. Gal. 1 : 15. Embalming. Unknown to early patriarchs. Gen. 23:4. Learned by the Jews in Egypt. Geu. 50:2,26. Time required for. Gen. 50: 3. How performed by the Jews, i^ Chr. 16 : 14. Luke 23 : 56, with Jno. 19 : 40. Not always practised by the Jews. Jno. 11 : 39. An attempt to defeat God's purpose, Gen. 3:19. Emblems of the Holy Ghost, The. Water. Jno. 3 : 5. Jno. 7 : 38, 39. Cleansing. Eze. 16:9. Eze 36:2.5. Eph. 5:26. Heb. 10:22. Fertilizing. Psa. 1:3. Isa. 27:3. 6. Isa. 44:3, 4. Isa. 58:11. Refreshiag. Psa. 46 : 4. Isa. 41 : 17, 18. Abundant. Jno. 7 : 37, 38. EMB. 79 ENT, Freely given. Isa. 55: 1. Jno. 4: 14. Rev. 22:17. Fire. Mat. 3:11. Purifying. Isa. 4:4. Mai. 3:2,3. Illuminating. Exo. 13: 21. Psa. 78:14. Searching. Zep. 1:12, witb 1 Cor. 2:10. Wind. Independent. Jno. 3:8. 1 Cor. 12 : 11. Powerful. 1 Kin. 19: 11, with Acts 2:2. Sensible in its effects. Jno. 3 : 8. Reviving. Eze. 37: 9,10,14. Oil. Psa. 45:7. Healing. Luke 10: 34. Rev. 3:18. Comforting. Isa. 61 : 3. Heb. 1 : 9. Illuminating. Mat.25:3, 4. 1 Jno. 2:20,27. Consecrating. Exo. 29: 7. Exo. 30:30. Isa. 61:1. Rain .\nd dew. Psa. 72 : 6. Fertilizing. Eze. 34:26,27 Hos. 6:3. Hos. 10:12. Hos. 14:5. Refreshing. Psa. 68:9. Isa. 18: 4. Abundant. Psa. 133:3. Imperceptible. 2 Sam. 17: 12, with Mar. 4:26-28. A DOVE. Mat. 3 : 16. Gentle. Mat. 10: 16, with Gal. 5: 22. A VOICE. Isa. 6:8. StJeaking. Mat. 10:20. Guiding. Isa. 30: 21, with Jno. 16: 13. Warning. Heb. 3:7-11. A SEAL. Rev. 7:2. Securing. Eph. 1: 13,14. Eph. 4: 30. Authenticating. Jno. 6:27. 2 Cor. 1:22. Cloven Tongues. Acts 2 : 3, 6—11. Enemies. Christ prayed for His. Luke 23:34. The lives of. to be spared. 1 Sam. 24:10. 2 Sam. 16:10, 11. The goods of, to bo taken care of. Exo. 23:4, 5. Should be Loved. Mat. 5 : 44. Prayed for. Acts 7 : 60. Assis-ted. Pro. 25: 21, with Rom. 12 : 20. Overcome by kindness. 1 Sam. 26: 21. Rejoice not at the misfortunes of. Job 31 : 29. Rejoice not at the failings of. Pro. 24:17. Desire not the death of. 1 Kin. 3: 11. Curse them not. Job 31 : 30. Be affectionately concerned for. Psa. 35 : 13. Tbe friendship of, deceitful. 2 Sam. 20 : 9, 10. Pro. 26 : 26. Pro. 27 : 6. Mat. 26:48, 49. God defends against. Psa. 59: 9. Psa. 61 : 3. God delivers from. 1 Sam. 12: 11. Ezr. 8:31. Psa. 18: 48. Made to be at peace with saints. Pro. 16:7. Pray for deliverance from. 1 Sam. 12:10. Psa. 17:9. Psa. 59:1. Psa. 64:1. Of saints, God will destroy. Psa. CO: 12. Praise God for deliverance from. Psa. 136:24. Entertainments. Often great. Gen. 21 : 8. Dan. 5: 1. Luke 5: 29. Given on occasions of Marriage. Mat. 22: 2. Birthdays. Mar. 6: 21. Weaning children. Gen. 21. 8. Taking leave of friends. 1 Kin. 19^ 21. Return of friends. 2 Sam. 12: 4. Luke 15 : 23, &c. Ratifying covenants. Gen. 26: 30. Gen 31 : 54. Sheep-shearing. 1 Sara. 25: 2, 36. 2 Sam. 13; 23. Harvest home. Ruth3:2— 7. Isa. 9 ' 3 Vintage. Jud. 9:27. Coronation of Kings. 1 Kin. 1 : 9, 18, 19. 1 Chr. 12: 39, 40. Hos. 7: 5. Ottering voluntary sacrifice. Gen.- 31 : .54. Deu. 12 : 6, 7. 1 Sam. 1 : 4, 5, 9. Festivals. 1 Sam. 20: 5, 24— 26. National deliverance. Est. 8: 17. Est. 9: 17-19. Preparations made for. Gen. 18: 6, 7. Pro. 9 : 2. Mat. 22 : 4. Luke 15 : 23. Kinds of, mentioned in Scrip- ture; Dinner. Gen. 43: 16. Mat. 22: 4. Luke 14 : 12. Supper. Luke 14 : 12. Jno. 12 : 2. Banquet of wine. Est. 5:6 Under the direction of a symposi- arch or master of the feast. Jno. 2 : 8, 9. Served often by hired servants. Mat. 22:13. Jno. 2:5. Served often by members of the fam- ily. Gen. 18:8. Luke 10: 40. Jno. 12:2. Invitations to, Often addressed to many. Luke 14 : 16. Often only to relatives and friends. 1 Kin. 1:0. Luke 14: 12. Often by the master in person. 2 Sam. 13:24. Est.5:4. Zep. 1:7. Luke 7 : 36. ENT. 80 EPH. Repeated through servants when all things were ready. Pro. 9: 1 —5. Luke 14 : 17. Should be sent to the poor, &c. Deu. 14: 29, with Luke 14: 13. Often given in The house. Luke 5 : 29. The air, beside fountains. 1 Kin. 1:9. The court of the house. Est. 1 : 5, 6. Luke 7 : SG : 37. The upper room or guest chamber. Mar. 14:14, 15. Guests at. Saluted by the master. Luke 7: 4.-). Usually anointed. Psa. 23: 5. Luke 7 : 46. Had their feet washed when they came a distance. Gen. 18: 4. Gen. 43: 24. Luke 7:38,44. Arranged according to rank. Gen. 43 : 33. 1 Sam. 9 : 22. Luke 14 : 10. Often had separate dishes. Gen. 43:34. 1 Sam. 1:4. Often ate from the same dish. Mat. 26:23. Forwardness to take chief seats at, condemned. Mat. 23:6. Luke 14: 7,8. A choice portion reserved in, for principal guests. Gen. 43: 34. 1 Sam. 1:5. 1 Sam. 9: 23, 24. Custom of presenting the sop at, to one of the guests, alluded to. Jno. 13 : 26. Portions of, often sent to the absent. 2Sam. 11: 8. Neh. 8:10. Est. 9:19. Offence given by refusing to go to. Luke 14: 18, 24. Anxiety to have many guests at, al- luded to. Luke 14: 22, 23. Men and women did not usually meet at. Est. 1: 8,9. Mar. 6: 21, with Mat. 14:11. None admitted to, after the master had risen and shut the door. Luke 13:24,25. Bej,'an with thanksgiving. 1 Sam. 9: 13. Mar. 8:6. Concluded with a hymn. Mar. 14: 26. None asked to eat or to drink more than he liked at. Est. 1:8. Music and dancing often introduced at. Amos 6: 5. Mar. 6:22. Luke 15: 25. Often scenes of great intemperance. 1 Sam. 25 : 36. Dan. 5 : 3, 4. Hos. 7 : 5. Given by the guests in return. Job 1 : 4. Luke 14: 12. Envy. Forbidden. Pro. 3:31. Rom. 13:13. Produced by foolish disputations. 1 Tim. 6:4. Excited by good deeds of others. Ecc. 4: 4. A work of the flesh. Gal. 5 : 21. Jas. 4 : 5. Hurtful to the envious. Job 5 : 2. Pro. 14 : 30. None can stand before. Pro. 27 : 4. A proof of carnal-mindeduess, 1 Cor. 3:1,3. Inconsistent with the gospel. Jas 3: 14. Hinders growth in grace. 1 Pet. '''■ 1, 2. The wicked Are full of. Rom. 1:29. Live in. Tit. 3 : 3. Leads to every evil work. Jas. 3: 16. Prosperity of the wicked should not excite. Psa. 37: 1, 35. Psa. 73:3, 17—20. Punishment of. Isa. 26: 11. Exemplified. Cain, Gen. 4: 5. Phil- istines, Gen. 26: 14. Laban^s sons. Gen. 31 : 1. Josej^li's breDiren, Gen. 37: 11. Joshua, Num. 11: 28, 29. Aaron, <£e. Num. 12: 2. Knrah, £-c. Num. 16: 3, with Psa. 106: 16. Saul, 1 Sam. 18:8. Sanballat, d-c. Neh. 2 : 10. Haman, Est. 5 : 13. Edomitcs, Eze. 35 : 11. Princes of Babylon, Dan. 6:3, 4. Chief Priests, Mar. 15: 10. Jeics, Acts 13: 45. Acts 17 : 5. Ephod, The. The emblem of the priestly office. Hos. 3: 4. Worn by The high priest. 1 Sam. 2: 28. ' 1 Sam. 14:3. Ordinary priests. 1 Sam. 22 : 18. Persons engaged in the service of God. 1 Sam. 2: 18. 2 Sam. 6:14. Generally of linen. 1 Sam. 2: 18. 2 Sam. 6 : 14. For the high priest. Commanded to be made. Exo. 28:4. Made of offerings of the people. Exo. 25: 4, 7. Made of gold, blue, purple, scarlet, &c. Exo. 28:6. Exo. 29: 2,3. Shoulders of, joined by onyx stones engraved with names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Exo. 28 : 7,9-12. Exo. 39: 4, 6, 7. Had a girdle of curious work. Exo. 28:8. Breastplate of judgment insepar- ably united to. Exo. 28: 25—28. Exo. 39:20, 21. Worn over the robe. Exo. 28: 31. Lev. 8: 7. Fastened on with its own girdle. Lev. 8: 7. Worn or held by him when consult- ed. 1 Sam. 23:6, 9-12. 1 Sam. 30: 7,8. EPH, EVE. Used by idolatrous priests. Jud. 8 : 27. Jud. 17:5. Jud. 18: 14. Israel deprived of, for siu. Hos. 3: 4. Ephraim, Tribe of. Descended from Joseph's second son adopted by Jacob. Gen. 41 : 52. Gen. 48 : 5. Predictions respecting. Gen. 48: 20. Deu. 33:13-17. Persons selected from, To number tlie people. Niuu. 1 : 10. To spy out the land. Num. 13: 8. To divide the land. Num. 34: 24. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1 : 32, 33. Led the third division of Israel. Num. 10:22. Encamped west of the tabernacle. Num. 2:18. Offering of, at the dedication. Num. 7 : 48 -53. Families of. Num. 26: 35, 36. Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num.26: 37. On Gerizim, said amen to blessings. Deu. 27 : 12. Bounds of its inheritance. Jos. 16 : 5—9. Could not drive out the Canaanites but made them tributary. Jos 16: 10. Jud. 1 : 29. Assisted Manasseh in taking Bethel. Jud. 1 : 22-25. Deborah and Barak against Sisera. Jud. 5: 14. Gideon against Midian. Jud. 7: 24, 25. Remonstrated with Gideon for not calling them sooner against Midi- an. Jud. 8:1— 3. Quarrelled with Jephtha for not seeking their aid against Ammon. Jud. 12 : 1—4. Defeated and many slain. Jud. 12: 5, 6. Some of, at coronation of David. 1 Chr. 12:30. Officers appointed over, by David. 1 Chr. 27: 10, 20. The leading tribe of the kingdom of Israel. Isa. 7:2 17. Jer. 31 : 9, 20. Many of, joined Judah under Asa. 2 Chr. 15:9. Many of, joined in Hezekiali's pass- over and reformation. 2 Chr. 30: 18. 2 Chr. 31 : 1. The tabernacle continued a long time in Shiloh, a city of. Jos. 18: 1. Jos. 19: 51. One of Jeroboam's calves set up in Bethel, a city of. 1 Kin. 12: 29. Remarkable persons of. Joshua, Num. 13: 8. Jos. 1: 1. Abdon, Jud. 12: 13—15. Zichri, 2 Chr. 28 : 7. Euphrates, The. A branch of the river of Eden. Gen. 2:14. Called The river. Exo. 23: 31. Neh. 2: 7. Psa. 72:8. The great river. Gen. 15 : 18. Deu, 1:7. The flood. Jos. 24:2. Waters of, considered wholesome. Jer. 2:18. Often overflowed its banks. Isa. 8: 7,8. Assyria bounded- by. 2 Kin. 23: 29. Isa. 7: 20. Babylon situated on. Jer. 51 : 13, 36. Extreme eastern boundary of the promised land. Gen. 15 : 18. Deu. 1 : 7. Deu. 11 : 24. Egyptian army destroyed at. Jer. 46: 2, 6, 10. Frequented by the captive Jews. Psa. 137:1. Captivity of Judah represented by the marringof Jeremiah's girdle in. Jer. 13:3— 9. Prophecies respecting Babylon thrown into, as a sign. Jer. 51 : 63. Shall be the scene of future judg- ments. Rev. 16 : 12. Evening, The. The day originally began with. Gen. 1 : 5, &c. Divided into two, commencing at 3 o'clock, and sunset. Exo. 12: 6. (marg.) Num. 9: 3. (marg.) Called , Even. Gen. 19:1. Deu. 28:67. Eventide. Jos. 8 : 29. Acts 4 : 3. Cool of the day. Gen. 3 ; 8. Stretches out its shadows. Jer. 6:4. The outgoings of, praise God. Psa. 65 : 8. Man ceases from labor in. Ruth 2: 17. Psa. 104:23. Wild beasts come forth in. Psa. 59: 6, 14. Jer. 5 : 6. A SEASOX FOR Meditation. Gen 24 : 63. Prayer. Psa. 55 : 17. Mat. 14 : 15, 23. Exercise. 2 Sam. 11 : 2. Taking food. Mar. 14: 17, 18. Luke 24 : 29, 30. Humiliation often continued until. Jos. 7: 6. Jud. 20: 23, 26. Jud. 21: 2. Ezr. 9:4, 5. Custom of sitting at the gates in. Gen. 19:1. All defiled persons unclean until. Lev. 11 : 24-28. Lev. 15 : 5—7. Lev. 17:15. Num. 19: 19. Part of the daily sacrifice offered in. Exo. 29 : 41. Psa. 141 : 2. Dan. 9 : 21. Paschal lamb killed in. Exo. 12 : 6, 18. EVE. EXC. The golden candlestick lighted in. Exo. 27: 21, with Exo. 30: 8. The sky red in, a token of fair weather. Mat. 16 : 2. Example of Christ, The. Is perfect. Heb. 7 : 26. Conformity to, required in Holiness. 1 Pet. 1: 15, 16, with Rom. 1:6. Righteousness. IJno. 2:6. Purity. 1 Jno. 3 : 3. Love. Jno. 13:34. Eph. 5:2. 1 Jno. 3: 16. Humility. Luke 22 : 27. Phi. 2 : 5, 7. Meekness. Mat. 11 : 29. Obedience. Jno. 15 : 10. Self-denial. Mat. 16: 24. Rom. 15: 3. Ministering to others. Mat. 20: 28. Jno. 13: 14,15. Benevolence. Acts 20: 35. 2 Cor. 8:7,9. Forgiving injuries. Col. 3:13. Overcoming the world. Jno. 16: 33, with 1 Jno. 5 : 4. Being not of the world. Jno. 17 : 16. Being guileless. 1 Pet. 2 : 21, 22. Suffering wrongfully. 1 Pet. 2: 21—23. Suffering for righteousness. Heb. 12:3,4. Saints predestinated to follow. Rom. 8:29. Conformity to, progressive. 2 Cor. 3:18. Excellency and Glory of Christ, The. As God. Jno. 1 : 1-5. Phi. 2 : 6, 9, 10. As the Son of God. Mat. 3:17. Heb. As one with the Father. Jno. 10 : 30, 38. As the First-born. Col. 1 : 15, 18. As the First-begotten. Heb. 1 : 6. As Lord of lords, &c. Rev. 17 : 14. As the image of God. Col. 1 : 15. Heb. 1:3. As Creator. Jno. 1 : 3. Col. 1 : 16. Heb. 1:2. As tlie Blessed of God. Psa. 45 : 2. As Mediator. 1 Tim. 2 : 5. Heb. 8 : 6. As Prophet. Deu. 18: 15, 16, with Acts 3 : 22. As Priest. Psa. 110: 4. Heb. 4: 15. As King. Isa. 6: 1—5, with Jno. 12: 41. As Judge. Mat. 16: 27. Mat. 25: 31, 33. As Shepherd. Isa. 40: 10, 11. Jno. 10:11,14. As Head of the Church. Eph. 1 : 22. As the true Light. Luke 1 : 78, 79. Jno. 1:4, 9. As the foundation of the Church. Isa. 28: 16. As the way. Jno. 14:6. Heb. 10: 19, 20. As the truth. 1 Jno. 5 : 20. Rev. 3'. 7. As the life. Jno. 11:25. Col. 3: 4. 1 Jno. 5 : 11. As incarnate. .Jno. 1 : 14. In His words. Luke 4 : 22. Jno. 7 : 46. In His works. Mat. 13: 54. Jno. 2: 11. In His sinless perfection. Heb. 7 : 26-28. In the fulness of His grace and truth. Psa. 45 : 2, with Jno. 1 : 14. In His transfiguration. Mat. 17: 2, with 2 Pet. 1:16-18. In His exaltation. Acts 7: 55, 56. Eph. 1 : 21. In the calling of the Gentiles. Psa. 72:17. Jno. 12:21, 23. In the restoration of the Jews. Psa. 102 : 16. In His triumph. Isa. 63: 1—3, with Rev. 19:11,16 Followed His sufferings. 1 Pet. 1 : 10,11. Followed His resurrection. 1 Pet. 1:21. Is unchangeable. Heb. 1 : 10—12. Is incomparable. So. of Sol. 5:10. Phi. 2:9. Imparted to saints. Jno. 17: 22. 2 Cor. 3 : 18. Celebrated by the redeemed. Rev. 5:8-14. Rev. 7:9—12. Revealed in the gospel. Isa. 40: 5. Saints sliall rejoice at the revelation of. 1 Pet. 4 : 13. Saints shall behold, in heaven. Jno 17 : 24. Excellency and Glory of the Church, The. Derived from God. Isa. 28:5. Derived from Christ. Isa. 60: 1. Luke 2: 34. Result from the favor of God. Isa. 43:4. God delights in. Psa. 45 : 11. Isa. 62 3-5. Saints delight in. Isa. 66: 11. Consist in its Being the seat of God's worship. Psa. 96:6. Being the temple of God. 1 Cor. 3:16,17. Eph. 2:21,22. Being the body of Christ. Eph. 1 : 22, 23. Being the bride of Christ. Psa. 45 : 13,14. Rev. 19:7, 8. Rev. 21:2. Being established. Psa. 48:8. Isa. 33 : 20. Eminent position. Psa. 48: 2. Isa. 2: 2. Graces of character. So. of Sol. 2:14. Perfection of beauty. Psa. 50: 2. EXC. 83 FAI. Mombcrs being righteous. Isa. 60: 21. Rev. 19:8. Strength and defence. Psa. 48: 12, 13. Sanctification. Eph. h : 20, 27. Augmented by increase of its mem- bers. Isa. 49: 18. Isa. 60: 4—14. Are abundant. Isa. 66:11. Sin obscures. Lam. 2 : 14, 15. Eye, The. Tlie light of the body. Mat. 6:22. Luke 11 : 34. God Made. Pro. 20:12. Formed. Psa. 94:9. Opens. 2 Kin. 6 : 17. Psa. 146 : 8. Enlightens. Ezr. 9 : 8. Psa. 13 : 3. Frequently fair. iSam. 16:12 (marg.) Sometimes tender. Gen. 29: 17. Sometimes blemished. Lev. 21 : 20. Parts of, mentioned in Scripture ; The apple or ball. Deu. 32: 10. The lid. Job 16: 16. The brow. Lev. 14 : 9. Actions of, mentioned in Scrip- ture. Seeing. Job 7 : 8. Job 28 : 10. Winking. Pro. 10:10. Weeping. Job 16:20. Psa. 88:9. Lam. 1: 16. Directing. Num. 10:31. Psa. 32:8. The light of, rejoices the heart. Pro. 1.") : 30. Not satisfied with seeing. Prov. 27 : 20. Ecc. 1 : 8. Not satisfied with riches. Ecc. 4 : 8. No evil thing to be set before. Psa. 101 : 3. A guard to be set on. Job 31 : 1. Pro. 23:. 31. Made red by wine. Gen. 49 : 12. Pro. 23:29. Grows dim by sorrow. Job 17 : 7. Grows dim by age. Gen. 27 : 1. 1 Sam. 3:2. Consumed by grief. Psa. 6: 7. Psa. 31: 9. Consumed by sickness. Lev. 26:16. The .Jews Wore their phylacteries between, Exo. 13: 16, with Mat. 23: 5. Not to make baldness between. Deu. 14:1. Raised up, in prayer. Psa. 121:1. Psa. 123:1. Cast, on the ground in humiliation. Luke 18 : 13. The Jewish women often painted. 2 Kin. 9:30. {marg.) Jer. 4: 30. imarg.) Eze. 23:40. Often put out as a punishment. Jud. 16:21. ISam. 11:2. 2 Kin. 25:7. Punishment for injuring. Exo. 21 : 24, 26. Lev. 24 : 20. Mat. 5 : 38. Illustrative Of the mind. Mat. 6: 22. 23. (Open,) of spiritual illumination. Psa. 119:18, 37. (Anointing with eyesalve,) of healing By the Spirit. Rev. ?; 38. Faith. Is the substance of things hoped for. Hob. 11:1.' Is tlie evidence of things not seen. Heb. 11:1. Commanded. Mar. 11:22. 1 Jno. 3:2.3. The objects of, are God. Jno. 14:1. Christ. Jno. 6 : 29. Acts 20 : 21. Writings of Moses. Jno. 5 : 46. Acts 24 : 14, Writings of the prophets. 2 Chr. 20 : 20. Acts 26 : 27. The gospel. Mar. 1 : 15. Promises of God. Rom. 4: 21. Heb. 11:13. In Christ, is The gift of God. Rom. 12:3. Eph. 2:8. Eph. 6: 23. Phi. 1:29. The work of God. Acts 11: 21. 1 Cor. 2 : 5. Precious. 2 Pet. 1 : 1. Most holy. Jude 20. Fruitful. 1 The. 1:3. Accompanied by repentance. Mar. 1 : 15. Luke 24 : 47. Followed by conversion. Acts 11 : 21. Christ is the Author and Finisher of. Heb. 12:2. Is a gift of the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 12:9. The Scriptures designed to produce. Jno. 20:31. 2 Tim. 3: 15. Preaching designed to produce. Jno. 17 : 20. Acts 8 : 12. Rom. 10 : 14, 15, 17. 1 Cor. 3:5. Through it is Remission of sins. Acts 10: 43. Rom. 3: 25. Justification. Acts 13: 39. Rom. 3:21,22,28,30. Rom. 5: 1. Gal. 2:16. Salvation. Mar. 16: 16. Acts 16: 31. Sanctification. Acts 15: 9. Acts 26 : 18. Spiritual light. Jno. 12: 36, 46. Spiritual life. Jno. 20: 31. Gal. 2 : 20. Eternal life. Jno. 3: 1.5, 16. Jno, 6: 40,47. Rest in heaven. Heb. 4 : 3. Edification. 1 Tim. 1:4. Jude 20. Preservation. 1 Pet. 1 : 5. Adoption. Jno. 1: 12. Gal. 3: 26. .\ccess to God. Rom. 5: 2. Eph. 3:12. Inheritance of the promises. Qal. 3:22. Heb. 6: 12. PAL FAI. The gift of the Holy Ghost. Acts 11: 15-17. GaL 3: 14. Eph. 1: 13. Impossible to please God without. Heb. 11 : 6. Justification is by, to be of grace. Rom. 4:16. Essential to the profitable reception of the gospeL Heb. 4 : 2. Necessary in the Christian warfare. 1 Tim. 1:18,19. 1 Tim. 6: 12. The gospel efi'ectual in those who have. 1 The. 2 : 13. Excludes self-justification. Rom. 10: 3,4. Excludes boasting. Rom. 3 : 27. Works by love. Gal. 5: 6. ITim. 1: 5. Phile. 5. Produces Hope. Rom. 5:2. Joy. Acts 16: 34. 1 Pet. 1 : 8. Peace. Rom. 15:13. Confidence. Isa. 28: 16, with 1 Pet. 2:6. Boldness in preaching. Psa. 116 10, with 2 Cor. 4 : 13. Christ is precious to those having 1 Pet. 2:7. Christ dwells in the heart by. Eph 3:17. Necessary in prayer. Mat. 21: 22 Jas. 1:6. Those who are not Christ's have not Jno. 10:26, 27. An evidence of the new birth. 1 Jno 5:1. By it saints Live. Gal. 2:20. Stand. Rom. M: 20. 2 Cor. 1:24. Walk. Rom. 4:12. 2 Cor. 5:7. Obtain a good report. Heb. 11 : 2. Overcome the world. 1 Jno. 5: 4, 5. Resist the devil. 1 Pot. 5: 9. Overcome the devil. Eph. 6:16. Are supported. Psa. 27: 13. 1 Tim. 4:10. Saints die in. Heb : 11 : 13. Saints should Be sincere in. 1 Tim. 1:5. 2 Tim 1:5. Abound in. 2 Cor. 8 : 7. Continue in. Acts 14 : 22. Col. 1 : 23. Be strong in. Rom. 4 : 20—24. Stand fast in. 1 Cor. 16:13. Bo grounded and settled in. Col. 1 : 23. Hold, with a good conscience. 1 Tim. 1 : 19. Prav for the increase of. Luke 17:5. Have full assurance of. 2 Tim. 1 : 12. Heb. 10:22. True, evidenced by its fruits. Jas. 2: 21—25. Without fruits, is dead. Jas. 2: 17, 20, 26. Examine whether you be in. 2 Cor. 13:5. All difficulties overcome by. Mat. 17:20. Mat. 21:21. Mar. 9:23. All things should be done in. Roin. 14: 22. Whatsoever is not of, is sin. Rom. 14:23. Often tried by affliction. 1 Pet. 1 : 6,7. Trial of, works patience. Jas. 1 : 3. The wicked often profess. Acts 8 : 13, 21. The wicked destitute of. Jno. 10: 25. Jno. 12:37. Acts 19: 9. 2 The. 3:2. Protection of, illustrated. A shield, Eph, 6: 16. A breastplate, 1 The. 5:8. Exemplified, CaZeb, Num.13: 0. Job, Job 19: 25. Shadrach, dtc. Dan. 3: 17. Daniel, Dan. 6: 10, 23. Peter, Mat. 16 : 16. Woma^i who was a sin- ner, Luke 7 : 50. Nathanael, Jno. 1 : 49. Saj/if(H(ar!s, Jno. 4: 39. Martha, Jno. 11:27. The DisciplcK, Jno. 16: 30. Thomas, Jno. 20: 28. SteiJhen, Acts 6: 5. Priests, Acts 6 : 7. Ethio- pian, Acts 8 : 37. Barnabas, Acts 11 : 24. Sergius Parilus, Acts 13: 12. Fhilippian jailor, Acts 16: 31, 34. Romans, Rom. 1 : 8. Colossians, Col. 1 : 4. Thessalonians, 1 The. 1 : 3. Lois, 2 Tim. 1:5. Pok/, 2 Tim. 4: 7. Abel, Heb. 11 : 4. Enoch, Heb. 11 : 5. Noah, Heb. 11: 7. Abraham, Heb. 11 : 8, 17. Isaac, Heb. 11 : 20. Jacob, Heb. 11: 21. Josej^h, Heb: 11: 22. Moses, Heb. 11 : 24, 27. Rahab, Heb. 11 : 31. Gideon d-c. Heb. 11 : 32, 33, 39. Faithfulness. A characteristic of saints. Eph. 1 : 1. Col. 1 : 2. 1 Tim. 6 : 2. Rev. 17 : 14. Exhibited in The service of God. Mat. 24 : 45. Declaring the word of God. Jer. 23:28. 2 Cor. 2: 17. 2 Cor. 4:2. The care of dedicated things. 2 s Chr. 31:12. Helping the brethren. 3 Jno. 5. Bearing witness. Pro. 14 : 5. Reproving others. Pro. 27 : 6. Psa. 141 : 5. Situations of trust. 2 Kin. 12:15. Neh. 13:13. Acts 6: 1-3. Doing work. 2 Chr. 34: 12. Keeping secrets. Pro. 11 : 13. Conveying messages. Pro. 13: 17. Pro. 25 : 13. All things. ITim. 3:11. The smallest matters. Luke 16: 10—12. Should be unto death. Rev. 2 : 10. Especially eequired in Ministers. 1 Cor. 4:2. 2 Tim. 2 : 2. The wives of ministers. ITim. 3: 11. PAI. FAM. Tlie cliildren of ministers. Tit. 1 : 6. I iitiicuUy of finding Pro. 20: 6. riie wicked devoid of. Psa. 5 : 9. \ssociato vvitli tliose wlio exhibit. Psa. 101 : 6. Blessedness of. 1 Sam. 26: 23. Pro. 28 : 20. Blessedness of, illustrated. Mat. 24 : 4.1,46. Mat. 25:21,23. Exemplified. Josepli, Gen. 39:22,2.3. Closes, Num. 12: 7, with Heb. 3: 2, 5. David, 1 Sam. 22: 14. Hananiali, Neh. 7: 2. Abraham, Neh. 9: 8. Gal. 3:9. Daniel, Dan. &: i. Paul, Acts 20: 20, 27. Timothy, 1 Cor. 4: 17. Tychicus, Eph. 6: 21. Epaphras, Col. 1: 7. Onesimus, Col. 4: 9. Sill-anus, 1 Pet. ."): 12. Antipas, Rev. 2:13. Faithfulness of God, The. Is part of His character. Isa. 49:7. 1 Cor. 1:9. 1 The 5 : 24. Declared to be Great. Lam. 3:23. Established. Psa. 89:2. Incomparable. Psa. 89:8. Unfailing Psa. 89: 33. 2 Tim. 2: 13. Infinite. Psa. 36:5. Everlasting. Psa 119: 90. Psa. 146 : 6. Should be pleaded in prayer. Psa. 143:1. Should be proclaimed. Psa. 40:10. Psa. 89:1. Manifested la His counsels. Isa. 25 : 1. In afflicting His saints. Psa. 119: 75. In fulfilling His promises. 1 Kin. 8: 20. Psa. 132: 11. Mic. 7: 20. Heb. 10:2.3. In keeping His covenant. Deu. 7: 9. Psa. 111:5. In His testimonies. Psa. 119: 138. In executing His judgments. .Jer. 23:20. Jer. .51: 29. In forgiving sins. 1 Jno. 1 : 9. To His saints. Psa 89: 24. 2 The. 3:3. Saints encouraged to depend on. 1 Pet. 4 : 19. Should be magnified. Psa. 89: 5, Psa. 92: 2. FaU of Man, The. Uy the disobedience of Adam. Gen. 3:6, 11, 12, with Rom. 5: 12,15, 19. Through temptation of tlie devil. Gen. 3: 1—5. 2 Cor. 11:3. ITim. 2:14. Man in consec^uence of; Made in the image of Adam. Gen. 5:3, with 1 Cor. 15:48,49. Born in sin. Job. 15: 14. Job. 25: 4. Psa. 51: 5. Isa. 48: 8. Jno. A ciiiid of wrath. Eph. 2: 3. Evil in heart. Gen. 6: 5. Gen. 8: 21. Jer. 16:12. Mat. 15:19. Blinded in heart. Eph. 4:18. Corrupt and perverse in his ways. Gen. 6:12. Psa. 10: 5. Rom. 3: 12-16. Depraved in mind. Rom. 8: 5—7. Eph. 4:17. Col. 1:21. Tit. 1:15. Without understanding. Psa. 14: 2,3, with Rom. 3: 11. Rom. 1:31. Receives not the things of God. 1 Cor. 2:14. Comes short of God's glory. Rom. 3:23. Defiled in conscience. Tit. 1 : 15. Heb. 10:22. Intractable. Job 11: 12. Estranged from God. Gen. 3: 8. Psa. 58 : 3. Eph. 4 : 18. Col. 1 : 21. In bondage to sin. Rom. 6: 19. Rom. 7:5, 23. Gal. 5: 17. Tit, 3: 3. In bondage to the devil. 2 Tim. 2: 26. Heb. 2:14, 15. Constant in evil. Psa 10:5. 2 Pet. 2:14. Conscious of guilt. Gen. 3 : 7, 8, 10. Unrighteous. Ecc. 7 : 20. Rom. 3. 10. .-Vbominable. Job 15: 16. Psa. 14:3. Turned to his own way. Isa. .53:6. Loves darkness. Jno. 3:19. Corrupt, &c. in speech. Rom. 3: 13, 14. Devoid of the fear of God. Rom. 3:18. Totally depraved. Gen 6:5. Rom. 7:18. Dead in sin. Eph. 2 : 1. Col. 2 : 13. All men partake of the effects of. 1 Kin. 8:46. Gal. 3:22. 1 Jno. 1 : 8. 1 Jno. 5: 19. Punishment consequent upon. Banishment from Paradise. Gen. 3:24. Condemnation to labor and sorrow. Gen. 3:16, 19. Job. 5:6, 7. Temporal death. Gen. 3:19. Rom. 5 : 12. 1 Cor. 15 : 22. Eternal death. Job 21: 30. Rom. 5:18,21. Rom. 6: 23. Cannot be remedied by man. Pro. 20:9. Jer. 2:22. Jer. 13:23. Remedy for, provided by God. Gen. 3:15. Jno. 3:16. Families. Of saints blessed. Psa. 128 : 3—6. Should Be taught the Scriptures. Deu. 4: 9,10. Worship God together. ICor. 16: 19. FAM. FAS. Be duly regulated. Pro. 31 : 27. 1 Tim. 3:4, '>, 12. Live in unity. Gen. 45: 24. Psa. 133: 1. Live in mutual forbearance. Gen. 50:17—21. Mat. 18:21,22. Rejoice together before God. Deu. 14 : 26. Deceivers and liars should be re- moved from. Psa. 101 : 7. _ Warning against departing from God. Deu. 29:18. Punishment of irreligious. Jer. 10: 25. Good — Exemplified. Abraltam, Gen. 18:19. Jacob, Gen. 35: 2. Joshua, Jos. 24: 15. David, 2 Sam. 6: 20. Job, Job 1 : 5. Laza7'us of Bethany, Jno. 11: 1-5. Cornelius, Acts 10: 2, 33. Lydia, Acts 16: 15. Jailor of Philippi, Acts 16: 31— 34. Crispus, Acts 18: 8. iofs, 2Tim. 1: 5. Famine. Sent by God. Psa. 105 : 16. Often on account of sin. Lev. 26: 21, 26. Lam. 4: 4—6. One of God's four sore judgments. Eze. 14:21. Caused ey God's blessing withheld. Hos. 2: 8, 9. Hag. 1 : 6. Want of seasonable rain. 1 Kin. 17:1. Jer. 14:1-4. Amos 4: 7. Eotting of the seed in the ground, Joell: 17. Swarms of insects. Deu. 28: 38, 42. Joel 1 : 4. Blasting and mildew. Amos 4: 9. Hag. 2:17. Devastation by enemies. Deu. 28: 33, 51. Often long continued. Gen. 41 : 27. 2 Kin. 8:1,2. Often severe. Gen. 12:10. 1 Kin. 18: 2. Jer. 52 : 6. Expressed by Taking away the stay of bread, &c. Isa.3: 1. Cleanness of teeth. Amos 4 : 6. The arrows of famine. Eze. 5: 16. Often accompanied by war. Jer. 14: 15. Jer. 29:18. Often followed by pestilence. Jer. 42:17. Eze. 7:1.5. Mat. 24:7. Things eaten during ; Wild herbs. 2 Kin. 4 : 39, 40. Ass's flesh. 2 Kin. 6:25. Ordure. 2 Kin. 6 : 25. Lam. 4 : 5. Human flesh. Lev. 26:29. 2 Kin. 6 : 28, 29. Provisions sold by weight during. Eze. 4:16. Suffering of brute creation from. Jer. 14 : 5, 6. Caused Burning and fever. Deu. 32: 24. Blackness of the skin. Lam. 4: 8. Lam. 5: 10. Grief and mourning. Joel 1 : 11—13, Faintness. Gen. 47 : 13. Wasting of the body. Lam. 4 : 8. Eze. 4:17. Death. 2 Kin. 7:4. Jer. 11:22. God provided for His people during. 1 Kin. 17 : 4, 9. Job 5 : 20. Psa. 33: 19. Psa. 37 : 19. Instances of, in Scripture; In the days of Abraham. Gen. 12: 10. In the days of Isaac. Gen. 26:1. In the days of Joseph. Gen. 41 : 53— .56. In the days of the Judges. Ruth 1:1. In the reign of David. 2 Sam. 21 : 1 In the reign of Ahab. 1 Kin. 17 : 1 1 Kin. 18: 5. In the time of Elisha. 2 Kin. 4 : 38. During the siege of Samaria. 2 Kin. 6:25. Of seven years foretold by Elisha. 2 Kin. 8:1. In the time of Jeremiah. Jer. 14 : 1. During the siege of Jerusalem. 2 Kin. 25:3. After the captivity. Neh. 5 : 3. In the reign of Claudius Csesar. Acts 11 : 28. Before destruction of Jerusalem. Mat. 24:7. The Jews in their restored state not to be aflaicted by. Eze. 36:29, 30. Illustrative of A dearth of the means of grace. Amos 8: 11, 12. Destruction of idols. Zep. 2 : 11. Fasting. Spirit of, explained. Isa. 58: 6, 7. Not to be made a subject of display, Mat. 6:16— 18. Should be unto God. Zee. 7: 5. Mat, 6:18. For the chastening of the soul, Psa. 69:10. For the humbling of the soul. Psa. 35 : 13. Observed on occasions of Judgments of God. Joel 1 : 14. Joel 2: 12. Public calamities. 2 Sam. 1:12. Afflictions of the Church. Luke 5 33—35. Afflictions of others. Psa. 35:13. Dan. 6: 18. Private afflictions. 2 Sam. 12 : 16. Approaching danger. Est. 4: 16. Ordination of ministers. Acts 13: 3. Acts 14 : 23. Accompanied by Prayer. Ezr. 8: 23. Dan. 9: 3. Confession of sin. 1 Sam, 7: 6. Neh. 9: 1, 2. Mourning. Joel 2 : 12. FAS, FEA. Humiliation. Deu. 9: 18. Neh. 9: 1. Promises connected with. Isa. 58: 8—12. Mat. 6:18. Of hypoceites Described. Isa. 58: 4, 5. Ostentatious. Mat. 6: 16. Boasted of, before God. Luko 18 : 12. Rejc^cted. Isa. 58: 3. Jer. 14: 12. Extraordinary — Exemplified. On r Lord, Mat. 4: 2. Mn^cs, Exo. 34:28. Deu. 9: 9, IS. Elijah, 1 Kin. 19: 8. National— Exemplified. Israel, Jud. 20:26. Ezr. 8:21. Est. 4: 3, 16. Jer. 36: 9. Men of JabesU-yilead, 1 Sam. 31: 13. Xinevites, -Jon. 3: 5—8. Of Saints -Exemplified. David, 2 Sam. 12: 16. Psa. 109: 24. NeJte7niah, Neh. 1 : 4. Esther, Est. 4: 16. Daniel, Dan. 9: 3. Disciples of John, Mat. 9: 14. >l)inn, Luke2:37. Cornelius, Acts 10: 30. Primitive Cliristmns, Acts 13: 2. Apostles, 2 Cot. 6:. 5. Paul, 2 Cor. 11:27. Of the wicked— Exemplified. Elders of Jezreel, 1 Kin. 21: 12. Ahab, 1 Kin. 21: 27. Pharisees, Mar. 2: 18. Luke 18:12. Fatherless, The. Find mercy iu God. Hos. 14:3. God will Be a father of. Psa. 68: 5. Be a helper of. Psa. 10:14. Hear the cry of. Exo. 22 : 23. Execute the judgment of. Deu, 10: 18. Psa. 10:18. Punish those who oppress. Exo. 22: 24. Isa. 10: 1 .3. Mai. 3: 5. Punish those who judge not. Jer. 5 : 28, 29. Visit in affliction. Jas. 1 : 27. Let them share iu our blessings. Deu. 14 : 29. Defend. Psa. 82: 3. Isa. 1 : 17. Wrong not, in judgment. Deu: 24: 17. Defraud not. Pro. 23 : 10. Afflict not. Exo. 22:22. Oppress not. Zee. 7 : 10. Do no violence to. Jer. 22:3. Blessedness of taking care of. Deu. 14 : 29. Job 29 : 12, 13. Jer. 7 : 6, 7. The wicked Rob. Isa. 10:2. Overwhelm. Job 6: 27. Vex. Eze. 22 : 7. Oppress. Job 24 : 3. Murder. Psa. 94:6. Judge not for. Isa. 1 : 23. Jer. 5 : 28. A curse on those who oppress. Deu. 27 : 19. Promises with respect to. Jer. 49:11. A type of Zion in affliction. Lam. 5:3. Exemplified. Lot, Gen. 11: 27, 28. Daughter of Zelophehad, Num. 27: 1 —5. Jothnm, Jud. 9: 16—21. Mephib- osheth,2 Sam. 9: 3. Joash, 2 Kin. 11 : 1—12. Esther, Est. 2: 7. Favor of God, The. Christ the especial object of. Luke 2:52. Is THE SOURCE OF Mercy. Isa. 60:10. Spiritual life. Psa. 30:5. Spiritual wisdom leads to. Pro. 8:35. Mercy and truth lead to. Pro. 3 : 3, 4. Saints Obtain. Pro. 12:2. Encompassed by. Psa. 5: 12. Streni,'thened by. Psa. 30: 7. Victorious through. Psa. 44: 3. Preserved through. Job 10: 12. Exalted in. Psa. 89: 17. Sometimes tempted to doubt. Psa. 77:7. Domestic blessings traced to. Pro. 18 : 22. Disappointment of enemies an as- sured evidence of. Psa. 41 : 11. Given in answer to prayer. Job 33: 26. Pray for. Psa. 106:4. Psa. 119: 58. Plead, iu prayer. Exo. 33: 13. Num. 11 : 15. To be acknowledged. Psa. 85: 1. The wicked Uninfluenced by. Isa. 26: 10. Do not obtain. Isa. 27:11. Jer. 16: 13. Exemplified. Naphtali, Deu. 33:23. Samuel, 1 Sam. 2: 26. Job, Job 10: 12. The Virgin Mary, Luke 1 : 28, 30. David, Acts 7 : 46. Fear, Godly. God is the object of. Isa. 8 : 13. God is the author of. Jer. 32: .39, 40, Searching the Scriptures gives the understanding of. Pro. 2 : 3—5. Described as Hatred of evil. Pro. 8:13. Wisdom. Job 28: 28. Psa. Ill: 10. A treasure to saints. Pro. 15: 16. Isa. 33: 6. A fountain of life. Pro. 14: 27. Sanctifying. Psa. 19: 9. Filial and reverential. Heb. 12:9, 28. Commanded. Deu. 13: 4. Psa. 22: 23. Ecc. 12:13. IPet. 2:17. Motives to The holiness of God. Rev. 15: 4. The greatness of God. Deu. 10: 12, 17. The goodness of God. 1 Sam. 12:24. The forgiveness of God. Psa. 130: 4, Wondrous works of God. Jos. 4 : 23. 24. Judgments of God. Rev. 14 : 7. A characteristic of saints. Mai. 3: 16. Should accompany the joy of saints. Psa. 2:11. Necessary to The worship of God. Psa. 5: 7, Psa. 89:7. FEA. FEA. The service of God. Psa. 2 : 11. Heb. 12 : 28. Avoiding of sin. Exo. 20: 20. Righteous government. 2 Sam. 23 : 3. Impartial administration of jus- tice. 2 Chr. 19 : 6—9. Perfecting holiness. 2 Cor. 7 ; 1. Those who have Afford pleasure to God. Psa. 147 : 11. Are pitied by God. Psa. 103:13. Are accepted of God. Acts 10 : 35. Receive mercy from God. Psa 103: 11, 17. Luko 1 : 50. Are blessed. Psa. 112:1. Psa. 115:13. Confide in God. Psa. 115:11. Pro. 14:26. Depart from evil. Pro. 16 : 6. Converse together of holy things. Mai. 3:16. Should not fear man. Isa. 8: 12, 13. Mat. 10:28. Desires of, fulfilled by God. Psa. 145 : 19. Days of, prolonged. Pro. 10: 27. Should be Prayed for. Psa. 86:11. Exhibited in our callings. Col. 3: 22. Exhibited in giving a reason for our hope. 1 Pet. 3 : 15. Constantly maintained. Deu. 14: 23. Jos. 4:24. Pro. 23:17. Taught to others. Psa. 34:11. Advantages of. Pro. 15:16. Pro. 19: 23. Ecc. 8:12, 13. The wicked destitute of. Psa. ,36:1. Pro. 1 : 29. Jer. 2: 19. Rom. 3: 18. Exemplified. Abraham, Gen. 22:12. Joseph, Gen. 39: 9. Gen. 42: 18. Obadiah, 1 Kin. 18:12. Xehemiah, Neh. 5 : 15. Job, Job 1:1, 8. Primifive Christians, Acts 9 : 31. Cornelius, Acts 10:2 Noah, Heb. 11 : 7. Fear, Unholy. A characteristic of the wicked. Rev. 21:8. Is DESCRIBED AS A fear of idols. 2 Kin. 17 : 38. A fear of man 1 Sam. 15:24. Jno. 9:22. A fear of judgments Isa. 2:19. Luke 21: 26. Rev. 6:16, 17. A fear of future punishment. Heb. 10:27. Overwhelming. Exo. 15 : 16. Job 15:21,24. Consuming. Psa. 73: 19. A guilty conscience leads to. Gen. 3 8,10. Psa. 53:5. Pro. 28:1. Seizes the wicked. Job 15: 24. Job 18 11. Surprises the hypocrite. Isa. 33 : 14, IS The wicked judicially filled with Lev. 26: 16, 17. Deu. 28: 65-67. Jer, 49:5. Shall be realized. Pro. 1 : 27. Pro. 10: 24. God mocks. Pro. 1 : 26. Saints sometimes tempted to. Psa. 55 : 5. Saiuts delivered from. Pro. 1 : 33. Isa. 14:3. Trust in God, a preservative from. Psa. 27:1. Exhortations against. Isa. 8: 12. Jno. 14:27. Exemplified. Adam, Gen. Z: 10. Cain. Gen. 4: 14. ilidianites, Jud. 7 : 21, 22, Philistines, 1 Sam. 14 : 15. Saul, 1 Sam. 28: 5, 20. Adonijah''s guests, 1 Kin. 1 : 49. Haman, Est 7 : 6. Ahuz, Isa. 7:2. Belshazzar,'Ds.n.h:&. Pilate, Jno. 19 : 8. Felix, Acts 24 : 25 Feast of Dedication, The. To commemorate the cleansing of the temple after its defilement by Antiochus. Dan. 11 : 31. Held in the winter month, Chisltu. Jno. 10:22. Feast of Jubilee, The. Held every fiftieth year. Lev. 25: 8,10. Began upon the day of atonement. Lev. 25:9. Called the Year of liberty. Eze. 46 : 17. Year of the redeemed. Isa. 63:4. Acceptable year. Isa. 61 : 2. Was specially holy. Lev. 25 : 12. Proclaimed by trumpets. Lev. 25: 9. Psa. 89 : 15. Enactments respecting ; Cessation of all field labor. Lev. 25:11. The /ruits of the earth to be com- mon property. Lev. 25 : 12. Redemption of sold property. Lev. 25 : 23-27. Restoration of all inheritances. Lev. 25 ; 10, 13, 28. Lev. 27 : 24. Release of Hebrew servants. Lev. 25:40,41,54. Houses in walled cities not redeemed within a year, exempted from the benefit of. Lev. 25 : 30. Sale of property calculated from. Lev. 25 : 15, 16. Value of devoted property calculated from. Lev. 27:14—23. Illustrative of the Gospel. Isa. 61 : 1, 2. Luke 4 : 18, 19, Feast of the New Moon, The, Held first day of the month. Num. 10:10. Celebrated with blowing of trumpets. Num. 10: 10. Psa. 81:3,4. FEA. FEA. Sacrifices at. Num. 28: 11— 15. A SEASON FUR Iiuiuiring of God's messenerers. 2 Kin. 4:23. Worship in God's house. Isa. 66: 2.3. Eze. 46:1. Entertainments. 1 Sam. 20: 5, 18. Observed with preat solemnity. 1 Chr. 23:31. 2Chr. 2:4. 2 Chr. 8: 13. 2 Chr. 31:3. ■ Restored after captivity. Ezr. 3: 5. Noh.l0:33. Mere outward observance of, hateful to God. Isa. 1 : 13, 14. Disliked by the ungodly. Amos 8: 5. The Jews deprived of, for sin. Hos. 2:11. Observance of, by Christians, con- demned. Col. 2:16, with Gal. 4:10. Feast of Pentecost, The. Held fiftieth day after offering first sheaf of barley harvest. Lev. 23: 15,16. Deu. 16:9. Called the Feast of harvest. Exo. 23:16. Feast of weeks. Exo. 34 : 22. Deu. 16:10. Day of the first fruits. Num. 28:26. Day of Pentecost. Acts 2 : 1. To be perpetually observed. Lev. 23: 21. All males to attend. Exo. 23: 16, 17. Deu. 16: 16. A holy convocation. Lev. 23: 21. Num. 28:26. A time of holy rejoicing. Deu. 16: 11, 12. The first fruits of bread presented at. Lev. 23:17. Deu. 16:10. Sacrifices at. Lev. 23: 18, 19. Num. 28:27-31. The law given from Mount Sinai up- on. Exo. 19: 1, 11, with Exo. 12: 6,12. The Holy Ghost given to apostles at. Acts 2: 1-3. Observed by early church. Acts 20: 16. 1 Cor. 16 : 8. Feast of Purim, or Lots, The. Instituted by Mordecai. Est. 9: 20. To commemorate the defeat of Haman's wicked design. Est. 3: 7— 15, with Est. 9: 24-26. Began fourteenth of twelfth month. Est. 9:17. Lasted two days. Est. 9 : 21. Mode of celebrating. Est. 9 : 17-19, 22. The Jews bound themselves to keep. Est. 9:27, 28. Confirmed by royal authority. Est, 9: 29—32. Feast of Sabbatical Year, The. A sabbath for the land. Lev. 25 : 2. Kept every seventh year. Exo. 23: 11. Lev. 25: 4. Surplus of sixth year to provide for. Lev. 25 : 20—22. Enactments respecting; Cessation of all field labor. Lev. 25:4, 5. The fruits of the earth to be com- mon property. Exo. 23:11. Lev. 25 : 6, 7. Remission of debts. Deu. 15:1—3. Neh. 10:31. Release of all Hebrew servants. Exo. 21 : 2. Deu. 15 : 12. Public reading of the law at feast of tabernacles. Deu. 31: 10—13. No release to strangers during. Deu. 15 : 3. Release of, not to hinder the exer- cise of benevolence. Deu. 15 : 9—11. Jews threatened for neglecting. Lev. 26 : 34, 35, 43. Jer. 34 : 13—18. The seventy years' captivity a pun- ishment for neglecting. 2 Chr. 36: 20, 21. Restored after the captivity. Neh. 10:31. Feast of Tabernacles, The. Held after harvest and vintage. Deu. 16:13. Began fifteenth of seventh montli. Lev. 23 : 34, 39. Lasted seven days. Lev. 23: 34, 41. Deu. 16:13,15. Called the feast of ingathering. Exo. 34:22. All males obliged to appear at. Exo. 23:16, 17. First and last days of, holy convoca- tions. Lev. 23: 35, 39. Num. 29: 12, 35. Sacrifices during. Lev. 23: 36, 37. Num.29: 13-39. To BE OBSERVED With rejoicing. Deu. 16: 14, 15. Perpetually. Lev. 23: 41. The people dwelt in booths during. Lev. 23: 42. Neh. 8: 15,16. The law publicly read every seventh year at. Deu. 31 : 10—12. Neh. 8: 18. Customs observed at; Bearing branches of palms. Lev. 23:40. Rev. 7: 9. Drawing water from the pool of Siloam. Isa. 12: 3. Jno. 7: 2, 37—39. Singing hosannas. Psa. 118: 24—29. Mat. 21 : 8, 9. To commemorate the sojourn of Is- rael in the desert. Lev. 23 : 43. FEA. 90 FEA. Kemaekable celebrations of; At the dedication of Solomon's temple. 1 Kin. 8: 2, (5.j. After the captivity. Ezr. 3: 4. Neh. 8: 17. Feast of the Passover, The. Ordained by God. Exo. 12 : 1, 2. Commenced the fourteenth of the first month at even. Eso. 12: 2,6, 18. Lev. 23:5. Num.9: 3. Lasted seven days. Exo. 12: 15. Lev. 23 : 6. Called the Passover. Num. 9: 5. Jno. 2: 23. Jew's passover. Jno. 2: 13. Jno. 11 : 55. Lord's passover. Exo. 12: 11, 27. Feast of unleavened bread. Mar. 14:1. Luke 22:1. Days of unleavened bread. Acts 12:3. Acts 20: 6. All males to appear at. Exo. 23:17. Deu. 16:16. Paschal lamb eaten first day of. Exo. 12:6,8. Unleavened bread eaten at. Exo. 12 : 1.5. Deu. 16:3. Leaven Not to be in their houses during. Exo. 12:19. Not to be in any of their quarters. Exo. 13:7. Deu. 10:4. Nothing with, to be eaten. Exo. 12 : 20. Punishment for eating. Exo. 12: 15, 19. First and last days of, holy convoca- tions. Exo. 12:16. Num. 28: 18, 25. Sacrifices during. Lev. 23:8. Num. 28 : 19-24. The first sheaf of barley harvest of- fered the day after the Sabbath in. Lev. 23: 10-14. To commemorate the Passing over the first-born. Exo. 12:12,13. Deliverance of Israel from bondage of Egypt. Exo. 12: 17, 42. Exo. 13:9. Deu. 16:3. To be perpetually observed during the Mosaic dispensation. Exo. 12: 14. Exo. 13:10. Children to be taught the nature and design of. Exo. 12: 26, 27. Exo. 13:8. Purification necessary to the due ob- servance of. 2 Chr. 30: 15—19. Jno. 11 : 55. Might be kept in second month by those who were unclean at the ap- pointed time. Num. 9: 6—11. 2 Chr. ,30:2, 3. 15. No uncircumcised person to keep. Exo. 12:43, 45. Strangers and servants when circum- cised might keep. Exo. 12: 44,48. Neglect of, punished with death. Num. 9: 13. Improper keeping of, punished. 2 Chr. 30: 18,20. Remarkable celebrations of: On leaving Egypt. Exo. 12:28,50. In the wilderness of Sinai. Num. 9 : 3—5. On entering the land of promise. Jos. 5:10,11. In Hezekiah's reign. 2 Chr. 30:1. In Josiah's reign. 2 Kin. 23:22,23. 2 Chr. 35:1,18. After the captivity. Ezr. 6:19,20. Before the death of Christ. Luke 22:15. Moses kept through faith. Heb. 11 : 28. Christ always observed. Mat. 26: 17-20. Luke 22: 15. Jno. 2:13,23. The people of Jerusalem lent their rooms to strangers for. Luke 22: 11, 12. The Lord's Supper instituted at. Mat. 26: 26-28. Custom of releasing a prisoner at. Mat. 27 : 15. Luke 23 : 16, 17. The Sabbath in, a high day. Jno. 19:. 31. The day before the Sabbath in, call- ed the preparation. Jno. 19: 14, 31. Illustrative of redemption through Christ. 1 Cor. 5 : 7, 8. Feasts of Trumpets, The. Held the first day of seventh month. Lev. 23: 24. Num. 29: 1. A memorial of blowing of trumpets. Lev. 23:24. A holy convocation and rest. Lev. 23:24,25. Sacrifices at. Num. 29 : 2—6. Feasts, The Anniversary. Instituted by God. Exo. 23 : 14. Enumerated. Exo. 23 : 15, 16. Called •Appointed feasts. Isa. 1:14. Feasts of the Lord. Lev. 23 : 4. Solemn feasts. 2 Chr. 8:13. Lam. 1:4. Solemn meetings. Isa. 1 : 13. Were eucharistic. Psa. 122:4. All males to attend. Exo. 23: 17. Exo. 34 : 23. Children commenced attending, when twelve years old. Luke 2: 42. Females often attended. 1 Sam. 1 : 3,9. Luke 2:41. The Jews attended gladly. Psa. 122 : 1,2. The Jews went up to, in large com- panies. Psa. 42: 4. Luke 2: 44. FEA. FIG. Tlio clangers and diflicultics encount- ered ill going up to, alluded to. Fsa. 84 : 6. 7. The land divinely protected during. Exo 34:21. Offerings to bo made at. Exo. 34: 20. Deu. 16: IG, 17. Were SEASONS OF Joy and gladness. Psa. 42:4. Isa. 30:29. Sacrificing. 1 Sam. 1:3, IKin. 9: 2.-). 2Chr 8:13. Entertainments. 1 Sam. 1 : 4, 9. The teu tribes seduced by Jeroboam from attending. 1 Kin. 12 : 27. The Jews dispersed la distant parts often attended. Acts 2; 5—11, Acts 8:27. Christ attended. Jno. .5 : 1. Juo. 7 : 10. Rendered unavailing by the impiety of the Jews. Isa, 1:13, 14. Amos 5:21. Illustrative of general assembly of the church. Heb. 12:23. Feet, The. Necessary members of the body. 1 Cor. 12:15, 21. Parts of, mentioned in Scrip- ture; Heel. Psa. 41 : 9. Psa. 49: 5. Hos. 12:3. Sole. Deu. 11 : 24. 1 Kin, 5 : 3. Toes. Exo. 29:20. 2 Sam. 21:20. Dan. 2:41. Often ewift. 2 Sam. 2: 18. 2Sam. 22:34. Were LIABLE to Disease. IKin. 15:23. Swelling from walking. Deu. 8: 4. Injury from stones, h, Gen. 50:20, 21. David, 1 Sam. 24:7. 2 Sam. 18:5. 2 Sam. 19 : 23. Solomon, 1 Kin. 1 : 53. Stephen, Acts 7 : 60. Paul, 2 Tim. 4 : 16. Forsaking God. Idolaters guilty of. 1 Sam. 8: 8. 1 Kin. 11 : 33. The wicked guilty of. Deu. 28:20. Backsliders guilty of. Jer. 15 : 6. Is FORSAKING ■ His house. 2Chr. 29:6. His covenant. Deu. 29:25. 1 Kin. 19:10. Jer. 22:9. Dan. 11:30. His commandments. Ezr. 9 : 10. The right way. 2 Pet. 2 : 15. Trusting in man is. Jer. 17 : 5. Leads men to follow their own devices. Jer. 2: 13. Prosperity tempts to. Deu. 31: 20. Deu. 32: 15. Wickedness of. Jer. 2:13. Jer. 5:7. Unreasonableness and ingratitude of. Jer, 2:5,6. Brings confusion. Jer. 17:13. Followed by remorse. Eze. 6:9. Briugs down His wrath. Ezr. 8: 22. Provokes God to forsake men. Jud. 10 : 13. 2 Chr. 15 : 2. 2 Chr. 24 : 20, 24. Resolve against. Jos. 24: 16. Noli. 10:29—39. Curse pronounced upon. Jer. 17 : 5. Sin of, to be confessed. Ezr. 9: 10. Warnings against. Jos 24 : 20. 1 Chr. 28:9. Punishment of. Deu. 28: 20. 2 Kin. 22: 16, 17 Isa. 1: 28. Jer. 1: 16. Jer. 5:19 Exemplified. Children of Israel, 1 Sam. 12: 10. Saul,l Sam. 15: 11. Ahab, 1 Kin. 18: 18. ^mon, 2 Kin. 21 : 22. Kingdom of Judah, 2 Chr. 12 : 1,5. 2Chr. 21: 10. Isa. 1 : 4. Jer. 15:6. Kingdom of Israel, 2 Chr. 13: 11, with 2 Kin. 17: 7—18. 3Iany disciples, Jno. 6: 66. Phyaellus, cC-c. 2 Tim. 1 : 15. Balaam, 2 Pet. 2 : 15. Fortresses. Places strong by nature. Num. 24: 31. Places fortified by art. Jer. 51 : 53. The security of a nation. Isa, 33: 16. Dan. 11:10. Places used as; Cities. Jud. 9: 31. Neh. 4:2. Strong-holds. Jud. 6: 2. 2 Chr. 11:11. Forts. 2 Sam. 5:9. Isa. 25:12, Strong towers. 2 Chr. 26: 9. Afforded protection in danger. Jud, 6:2. Defended against eue-nies. Nab. 2: 1. Often Entered bv the enemy. Dan. 11 : 7. Spoiled. Hos. 10: 14. Levelled. Isa. 25: 12. Deserted. &c. Isa. 34: 13. Destruction of, threatened. Isa. 17:3. Illustrative OF God's protection. Psa. 18:2. Jer. 16:19. Christ, the defence of saints. Isa. 33 : 16. Protection afforded to ministers. Jer. 6:27. Foundation. The lowest part of a building, and on which it rests. Luke 14: "29. Acts 10 : 26. Figuratively applied to The heavens. 2 Sam 22 : 8. The earth. Job 38: 4. Psa. 104:5. The world. Psa. 18: 15. Mat. 13: 35. The mountains. Deu. 32 : 22 The ocean. Psa. 104:8. Kingdoms. Exo. 9: 18. Laid for Cities. Jos. 6: 26. 1 King IS: 34. POU. 97 FEU. Walls. Ezr. 4 : 12. Rev. 21 : M. Houses. Luke 0: 48. Temples. 1 Kin. 6: .ST. Ezr. 3: 10. Towers. Luke 14 : 28, 29. Described as Of stone. 1 Kin. 5: 17. Deep laid. Luke 6: 48. Strongly laid. Ezr. 6 : 3. Joined together by corner stones. • Ezr. 4: 12, with 1 Pet. 2: 6, and Eph. 2:20. Security afforded by. Mat. 7: 25. Luke 6: 48. Illustrative of Christ. Isa. 28: 16. .1 Cor. 3: 11. Doctrines of the apostles, &c. Eph. 2:20. First principles of the gospel. Heb. G:l, 2. Decrees and purposes of God. 2 Tim. 2: 19. Magistrates. Psa. 82 : .5. The righteous. Pro. 10: 25. Hope of saints. Psa. 87 : 1. Security of saints' inheritance. Heb. 11:10. Fountains and Springs. Created by God. Psa. 74: 15. Psa. 104 : 10. God to be praised for. Rev. 14 : 7. Come from the great deep. Gen. 7: 11. Job 38: 16. Found in hills and valleys. Deu. 8: 7. Psa. 104:10. Send forth each but one kind of water. Jas. 3: 11. Afford Drink to the beasts. Psa. 104:11. Refreshment to the birds. Psa. 104 : 12. Fruitfulness to the earth. 1 Kin. 18:5. Joel 3: 18. Frequented by travellers. Gen. 16: 7. Abound in Canaan. Deu. 8: 7. 1 Kin. 18:5. Sometimes dried up. Isa. 58:11. Drying up of, a severe punishment. Psa. 107:3.3, 34. Hos. 13:15. Constantly flowing Especially esteemed. Isa. 58: 11. Could not be ceremonially defiled. Lev. 11: 36. Sometimes stopped or turned off to distress enemies. 2 Chr. 32 : 3, 4. Mentioned in Scripture; Ifl the way to Shur. Gen. 16:7. Of the waters of Nephtoah. Jos. 15:9. Of Jezreel. 1 Sam. 29: 1. OfPisgah. Deu. 4:49. Upper and nether springs, Jos. 15 : 19. Jud. 1 : 15. Illustrative Of God. Psa. 36: 9. Jer. 2: 13, Jer. 17:13. Of Christ. Zee. 13:1. Of the Holy Ghost. Jno. 7: 38, 39. Of constant supplies of grace. Psa. 87:7. Of eternal life. Jno. 4: 14. Rev, 21: 6. Of the means of grace. Isa. 41 : 18. Joel 3: 18. Of a good wife. Pro. 5:18. Of a numerous posterity. Deu. 33 : 28. Of spiritual wisdom. Pro. 16: 22. Pro. 18: 4. Of the law of the wise. Pro. 13 : 14. Of godly fear. Pro. 14 : 27. (Sealed up,) of the church. So. of Sol. 4:12. (Not failing,) of the church. Isa. 58:11. (Always flowing,) of unceasing wickedness of the Jews. Jer. 6: 7. (Corrupt,) of th« natural heart. Jas. 3: 11, with Mat. 15: 18, 19. (Troubled,) of saints led astray. Pro. 25 : 26. Fox, The. Found in deserts. Eze. 13:4. Abounded in Palestine. Jud. 15: 4, Lam. 15: 18. Described as Active. Nell. 4: 3. Crafty. Luke 13: 32. Carnivorous. Psa. 63:10. Destructive to vines. So. of Sol. 2: 15. Dwells in holes. Mat. 8: 20. Luke 9:58. Illustrative of False prophets. Eze. 13:4. Cunning and deceitful persons. Luke 13: 32. Enemies of the church. So. of Sol. 2:15. Used by Samson for annoying the Philistines. Jud. 15:4— 6. Frtiits. The produce of corn, &c. Deu. 22: 9. Psa. 107 : 37. The produce of trees. Gen. 1:'29. Ecc. 2: 5. Called the Fruit of the ground. Gen. 4: 3. Jer. 7:20. Fruit of the earth. Isa. 4:2. Increase of the land. Psa. 85: 12. Given by God. Acts 14: 17. Preserved to us by God. Mai. 3:11. Require A fruitful land. Psa. 107 : 34. Rain from heaven. Psa. 104: 13. Jas. 5 : 18. Influence of the sun and moon, Deu. 33: 14. Produced in their due seasons. Mat. 21 : 41. First of, devoted to God. Deu. 26 : 2. FRU. GAL. Divided into Hasty or precocious. Isa. 28:4. Summer fruits. 2 Sam. 16:1. New and old. So. of Sol. 7 : 13. Goodly. Jer. 11 : 16. Pleasant. So. of Sol. 4: 16. Precious. Deu. 33 : 14. Evil or bad. Mat. 7:17. To be waited for with patience. Jas. 5: 7. Often sent as presents. Geu. 43: 11. Often destroyed In God's auger. Jer. 7 : 20. By blight. Joel 1 : 12. By locusts, &c. Deu. 28: 38, 39. Joel 1:4. By enemies. Eze. 25:4. By drought. Hag. 1 : 10. Illustrative Of effects of repentance. Mat. 3: 8. Of works of the Spirit. Gal. 5: 22, 23. Eph. .5 : 9: Of doctrines of Christ. So. of Sol. 2: 3. Of good works. Mat. 7 : 17, 18. Phi. 4: 17. Of a holy conversation. Pro. 12: 14. Pro. 18 : 20. Of praise. Heb. 13: 15. Of the example, &c. of the godly. Pro. 11 : 30. Of effects of industry. Pro. 31: 16, 31. Of the reward of saints. Isa. 3: 10. Of the reward of the wicked. Jer. 17 : 9, 10. Of converts to the church. Psa. 72: 16. Jno. 4 : 36. (Bad,) of the conduct and conver- sation of evil men. Mat. 7:17. Mat. 12: 33. Gad, The Tribe of. Descended from Jacob's seventh son. Gen. 30:11. Predictions respecting. Gen. 49: 19. Deu. 33:20, 21. Persons selected from. To number the people. Num. 1 : 14. To spy out the land Num.13: 15. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1 : 24, 25. The rear of second division of Israel in their journeys. Num. 10:18—20. Encamped south of the tabernacle under the standard of Reuben. Num. 2: 10,14. Offerhig of, at the dedication. Num. 7: 42-47. Families of. Num. 26 : 15—17. Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num.26: 18. On Ebal, said amen to the curse. Deu. 27:13. Sought and obtained its inheritance east of Jordan. Num. 32 : 1—33. Bounds of its inheritance. Jos. 13 : 24—28. Cities built by. Num. 32 : 34—36. Assisted in conquest of Canaan. Jos. 4:12,13. After the conquest, returned home. Jos. 22 : 9. Assisted in building the altar of wit- ness, which excited the jealousy of Israel. Jos. 22 : 10— 29. Many from other tribes sought refuge with, from the Philistines. 1 Sam. 13: 7. Eleven of, swam the Jordan, and joined David in the hold. 1 Chr. 12:8-15. Some of, at coronation of David. 1 Chr. 12 : 37, 38. David appointed rulers over. 1 Chr. 26 : 32. Spoiled the Hagarites. 1 Chr. 5 : 18 22. Subdued by Hazael king of Syria. 2 Kin. 10: 33. Taken captive to Assyria. 2 Kin. 15: 29, with 1 Chr. 5 : 22, 26. Land of, seized by the Moabites and Ammonites. Jer. 48: 18—24. Jer. 49:1. Galilee. Separated from Judea by Samaria. Jno. 4:3,4. Upper part of, called Galilee of the Gentiles. Isa. 9:1. Mat. 4:15. Lake of Gennesaret, called the sea of. Mat. 15 : 29. Luke 5:1. Kadesh the city of refuge for. Jos. 21 : 32. Inhabitants of. Called Galileans. Acts 2 : 7. Used a peculiar dialect. Mat. 26: 73. Mar. 14:70. Despised by the Jews. Jno. 7: 41, .52. Opposed the Roman taxation. Acts 5:37. Cruelly treated by Pilate. Luke 13:1. Twenty cities of, given to Hiram. 1 Kin. 9:11. Conquered by the Syrians. 1 Kin. 15 : 20. Conquered by the Assyrians. 2 Kin. 15 : 29. Jurisdiction of, granted to Herod by the Romans. Luke 3:1. Luke 23: 6,7. Supplied Tyre, &c. with provisions. Acts 12:20. Christ Brought up in. Mat. 2: 22. Luke 2 : 39, 51. Despised as of. Mat. 26: 69, with Jno. 7 : .52. Chose His apostles from. Mat. 4: 18, 21. Jno. 1 : 43, 44. Acts 1 : 11. GAL. 99 GAR. Preaching in, predicted. Isa. 9: 1, 2. Mat. 4: 14, 15. Preached throughout. Mar. 1: 39. Luke 4: 44. Commenced, and wrought many miracles in. Mat. 4: 2.3, 24. Mat. 15:29-31. Kindly received in. Juo. 4 : 45. Followed by the people of. Mat. 4 : 25. Ministered to by women of. Mat. 27 : 55. Mar. 15 : 41. Luke 8 : 3. Sought refuge in. Jno. 4:1,3. Appeared in, to His disciples after His resurrection. Mat. 26: 32. Mat. 28:7. Modern towns of; Accho or Ptolemais. Jud. 1 : 31. Tiberias. Jno. 6:23. Nazareth. Mat. "2: 22, 23. Luke 1:26. Cana. Jno. 2:1. Jno. 21 : 2. Capernaum. Mat. 4 13. Chorazin. Mat. 11 : 21. Bethsaida. Mar. 6:45. Jno. 1: 44. Nain. Luke 7 : 11. Cesarea. Acts 9: 30. Acts 10: 24. Cesarea Philippi. Mat. 16: 13. Mar. 8:27. Christian churches established in. Acts 9 : 31. Gardens. Often made by the banks of rivers. Num. 24:6. Kinds of, mentioned in Scrip- ture; Herbs. Deu. 11 : 10. 1 Kin. 21 : 2. Cucumbers. Isa. 1:8. Fruit trees. Ecc. 2 : 5, 6. Spices, &c. So. of Sol. 4: 16. So. of Sol. 6:2. Often enclosed. So. of Sol. 4 : 12. Often refreshed by fountains. So. of Sol. 4 : 15. Taken care of by gardeners. Jno. 20:15. Lodges erected in. Isa. 1 : 8. Often used for Entertainments. So. of Sol. 5: 1. Retirement. Jno. 18: 1. Burial places. 2 Kin. 21: 18, 26. Jno. 19: 41. Idolatrous worship. Isa 1: 29. Isa. 65:3. Blasting of, a punishmeut. Amos 4:9. Jews ordered to plant, in Babylon. Jer. 29 : 5. 28. Of Eden Planted by the Lord. Gen. 2:8. Called the garden of the Lord. Gen. 13:10. Called the garden of God. Eze. 28:13. Had every tree good for food. Gen. 2: 9. Watered by a river. Gen. 2:10— 14. Man placed in, to dress and keep. Gen. 2:8, 15. Man driven from, after the fall, Gen. 3: 23, 24. Fertility of Canaan like. Gen. 13: 10. Joel 2 : 3. The future state of the Jews shall bo like. Isa. 51 : 3. Eze. 36 : 35. Illustrative Of the church. So. of Sol. 5:1. So of Sol. 6:2, 11. (Enclosed,) of the pleasantness^ fruitfulness, and security of this church. So. of Sol. 4:12. (Well watered,) of spiritual pros- perity of the church. Isa. .58: 11. Jer. 31 : 12. (When dried up,) of the wicked. Isa. 1:30. Garments. Origin of. Gen. 3:7,21. Called Raiment. Gen. 28:20. Deu. 8:4. Clothes. Pro. 6 : 27. Eze. 16 : 39. Clothing. Job 22: 6. Job 31 : 19. Vesture. Gen. 41 : 42. Rev. 19: 16. Materials used for. Wool. Pro. 27 : 26. Eze. 34 : 3. Silk. Pro. 31:22. Linen. Lev. 6:10. Est. 8:1.5. Camel's hair. Mat. 3:4. Skins. Heb. 11:37. Sackcloth. 2 Sam. 3: 31. 2 Kin. 19:1. Not to be made of mixed materials. Deu. 22:11. Of the sexes, not to be interchanged. Deu. 22:5. Colors of, mentioned; White. Ecc. 9:8. Blue. Eze. 23:6. Purple. Eze. 7 : 27. Luke 16 : 19. Scarlet. 2 Sam. 1 : 24. Dan. 5 : 7. Different colors. Gen. 37: 3. 2 Sam. 13:18. Were often fringed and bordered. Num. 15:38. Deu. 22:12. Scribes and Pharisees condemned for making broad the borders of. Mat. 23:5. Worn long and flowing. Luke 20: 46. Rev. 1:13. Girt up during employment. Luke 17 : 8. Jno. 13 : 4. Mentioned in Scripture; Hyke or upper garment. Deu. 24: 13. Mat. 21:8. Burnoose or cloak. Luke 6: 29. 2 Tim. 4:13. Tunic or coat. Jno. 19: 23. Jno. 21:7. Girdle. 1 Sam. 18 : 4. Acts 21 : 11. Bonnet or hat. Lev. 8 : 13. Dan. 3 : 21. Shoe or sandal. Exo. 3 : 5. Mar. 6:9. GAR. 100 GAT. Vail. Gen. 24:6.5." Liable to plague and leprosy. Lev. 13:47-59. Cleaused by water from ceremonial uncleanness. Lev. 11 : 82. Num. 31 : 20. Of the rich. Of the finest materials. Mat. 11 : 8. Gay. Jas. 2:2, 3. Gorgeous. Luke 7 : 2,"). Acts 12 : 21. Embroidered. Psa. 45: 14. Eze. 10:18. Perfumed. Psa. 45:8. So. of Sol. 4:11. Multiplied and heaped up. Job 27 : 16. Isa.3:22. Often moth-eaten. Job 13: 28. Jas. 5:2. Of the poor, Provided specially by God. Deu. lb : 18. Vile. Jas. 2:2. Used as a covering by night. Deu. , 24 : 13. Not to be retained in pledge. Deu. 24 : 12, 13. Grew old and wore out. Jos. 9: 5. Psa. 102 : 26. Of Israel preserved for forty years. Deu. 8: 4. Were often changed. Gen. 35: 2. Gen. 41: 14. Of those slain with a sword not used. Isa. 14:19. Given as a token of covenants. ISam. 18:4. Given as presents. Gen. 45: 22. 2 Kin. 5:22. Often rent in affliction. 2 Sam. 15: 32. Ezr. 9:3,5. Illustrative (White,) of righteousness. Mat. 28:3. Rev. 3:18. (Rolled in blood.) of victory. Isa. ' 9: 5. (Washed in wine,) of abundance. Gen. 49: 11. Gates. Design of Isa. 62:10. Made of Bras.s. Psa. 107 : 16. Isa. 45: 2. Iron. Acts 12 : 10. Often two-leaved. Isa. 45:1. Fastened with bars of iron. Psa. 107:16. Isa. 45: 2. Made to Cities. 1 Kin. 17:10. Houses. Luke 16 : 20. Acts 12 : 14. Temples. Acts 3: 2. Palaces. Est. 5 : 13. Prisons. Acts 12: 10. Camps. Exo. 32:26. Rivers. Nab. 2:6. Of cities Chief places of concourse. Pro. t : 21. Courts of justice held at. Deu. 16: 18. 2 Sam. 15: 2. Pro. 22: 22, 23. , Land sold at. Gen. 23: 10, 16. Land redeemed at. Ruth 4: 1. Markets held at. 2 Kin. 7 : 1, 18. Proclamations made at. Pro. 1: 21. Jer. 17:19. Councils of state held at. 2 Chr. 18:9. Jer. 39:3. Conferences held at. Gen. 34: 20. 2 Sam. 3:27. Public commendation given at. Pro. 31 : 23, 31. Public censure passed at. Job 5: 4. Isa. 29:21. Shut at night-fall. Jos. 2:5. Neh. 13:19. Chief points of attack in war. Jud. 5:8. Isa. 22:7. Eze. 21 : 15. Battering rams used against. Eze. 21 : 22. Experienced officers placed over. 2 Kin. 7: 17. Troops reviewed at, going to war. 2 Sam. 18: 4. Often razed and burned. Neh. 1: 3. Lam. 2: 9. Idolatrous rites performed at. Acts 14 : 13. Criminals punished at. Deu. 17: 5. Jer. 20: 2. Custom of sitting at, in the even- ing, alluded to. Gen. 19: 1. Of the temple Called gates of Zion. Lam. 1 : 4. Called gates of righteousness. Psa. 118: 19. Called gates of the Lord, Psa, 118 : 20. Overlaid with gold. 2:Kin. 18: 16. One specially beautiful. Acts 3: 2. Levites the porters of. 2 Chr. 8: 14. 2 Chr. 23:4. Charge of, given by lot. 1 Chr. 26: 13-19. The treasury placed at. 2 Chr. 24: 8. Mar. 12:41. The pious Israelites delighted to enter. Psa. 118: 19, 20. Psa. 100: 4. Frequented by beggars. Acts 3: 2. Of JERUSALEM, High gate of Benjamin. Jer. 20: 2. Jer. 37: 13. Fish gate. 2 Chr. 33 : 14. Neh. 3 : 3. Sheep gate. Neh. 3: 1. Jno. 5: 2. (mani.) Gate of Miphkad. Neh. 3 : 31. Gate of Ephraim. Neh. 12 : 39. Valley gate. 2 Chr. 26: 29. Neh. 2:13. Watergate. Neh. 3:26. Neh. 8:3. Horse gate. 2 Chr. 23:15. Neh. 3:28. Old gate. Neh. 3:6. Neh. 12:39. Corner gate. 2 Chr. 26 : 9. Dung gate. Neh. 3: 14. Neh. 12: 31 Gate of the fountain. Neh. 3: 15. GAT. 101 GIB. Carcase of sin-offering burned with- out. Lev. 4:12. Heb. 13: 11— 13. Criminals generally punished with- out. Lev. 24:23. Jno. 19: 17, with Heb. 13 : 12. Illustrative Of Christ. Jno. 10:9. (Of heaven,) of access to God. Gen. 28:12-17. (Of hell,) of Satan's power. Mat. 16:18. (Of the grave,) of death. Isa. 38:. 10. (Strait,) of the entrance to life. Mat. 7:14. (Wide,) of the entrance to ruin. Mat. 7 : 13. Genealogies, The Jews reckoned by. 1 Chr. 9: 1. 2 Chr. 31 : 19. Public registers kept of. 2 Chr. 12: 15. Neh. 7:5. Of Christ Given. Mat. 1:1— 17. Luke 3: 23 —38. Prove His descent i from Judah. Heb. 7:14. Priests who could not prove their own, excluded from the priesthood. Ezr. 2:62. Neh. 7:64. Subject of, to be avoided. 1 Tim. 1 : 4. Tit. 3:9. Illustrative of the record of saints in the book of life. Luke 10: 20. Heb. 12:23. Rev. 3:5. Gentiles. Comprehend all nations except the Jews. Rom. 2:9. Rom. 3:9. Rom. 9:24. Called Heathen. Psa. 2 : 1. Gal. 3 : 8. Nations. Psa. 9:20. Psa. 22:28. Isa. 9: 1. Uncircumcised. 1 Sam. 14:6. Isa. 52:1. IJncircumcisiou. Rom. 2:26. Greeks. Rom. 1:16. Rom. 10: 12. Strangers. Isa. 14:1. Isa. 60: 10. Ruled by God. 2 Chr. 20: 6. Psa. 47:8. Chastised by God. Psa. 9:5. Psa. 94 : 10. Counsel of, brought to nought. Psa. 33 : 10. Characterized as Ignorant of God. Rom. 1: 21. 1 The. 4:5. Refusing to know God. Rom. 1 : 28. Without the law. Rom. 2 : 14. Idolatrous. Rom. 1 : 23, 25. 1 Cor. 12:2. Superstitious. Deu. 18:14. Depraved and wicked. Rom. 1 : 28 —32. Eph. 4 : 19. Blasphemous and reproachful. Neh. 5 : 9. Constant to their false gods. Jer. 2: 11. Hated and despised the Jews. Est. 9: 1, 5. Psa. 44: 13, 14. Psa. 123: 3. Often ravaged and defiled the holy land and sanctuary. Psa. 79: 1. Lam. 1:10 The Jews Not to follow the ways of. Lev. 18 3. Jer. 10 : 2. Not to intermarry with. Deu. 7:3. Permitted to have, as servants. Lev. 25 : 44. Despised, as if dogs. Mat. 15 : 26. Never associated with. Acts 10: 28. Acts 11 : 2, 3. Often corrupted by. 2 Kin. 17 : 7, 8. Dispersed amongst. Jno. 7 : 35. Excluded from Israel's privileges Eph. 2:11,12. Not allowed to enter the temple. Acts 21 : 28, 29. Outer court of temple for. Eph. 2: 14. Rev. 11:2. Given to Christ as His inheritance Psa. 2: 8. Christ given as a light to. Isa. 42: 6. Luke 2 : 32. Conversion of, predicted. Isa. 2:2. Isa. 11:10. United with the Jews against Christ. Acts 4: 27. The gospel not to be preached to, till preached to the Jews. Mat. 10: 5. Luke 24: 47. Acts 13: 46. First special introduction of the gospel to. Acts 10: 34 45. Acts 15 : 14. First general introduction of the gospel to. Acts 13: 48, 49, 52. Acts 15 : 12. Paul the apostle of. Acts 9: 15. Gal. 2:7, 8. Jerusalem trodden down by, &c. Luke 21: 24. Israel rejected till the fulness of. Rom. 11 : 25. Gibeonites. Descended from the Hivites and Amorites. Jos. 9: 3, 7, with 2 Sam 21 : 2. A mighty and warlike people. Jos. 10:2. Cities of. Jos. 9:17. Israel Deceived by. Jos. 9:4 — 13. Made a league with. Jos. 9: 15. Spared on account of their oath. Jos. 9 : 18, 19. Appointed, hewers of wood, &c. Jos. 9:20— 27. Attacked by the kings of Canaan. Jos. 10: 1—5. Delivered by Israel. Jos. 10: 6—10. Saul sought to destroy. 2 Sam. 21 : 2. GIB. 102 GIR. Israel plauged for Saul's cruelty to. 2 Sam. 21:1. Effected the destruction of the remuaut of Saul's house. 2 Sam. 21:4-9. The office of the Nethinim probably orginated in. IChr. 9:2. Part of, returned from the captivity. Neh. 7 : 25. Gift of the Holy Ghost, The. Bv tlie Father. Neh. 9 : 20. Luke 11 : 13. By the Son. J no. 20: 22. To Christ without measure. Jno. .3: 34. Given According to promise. Acts 2 : 38, 39. Upon the exaltation of Christ. Psa. 68 : 18. Jno. 7 : 39. Through the intercession of Christ. Jno. 14:16. In answer to prayer. Luke 11 : 13. Eph. 1:16, 17. For instruction. Neh. 9: 20. For comfort of saints. Jno. 14 : 16, To those who repent and believe. Acts 2 : 38. To those who obey God. Acts 5 : 32. To the Gentiles. Acts 10:44, 45. Acts 11 : 17. Acts 15 : 8. Is abundant. Psa. 68: 9. Jno. 7: 38,39. Is permanent. Isa. 59: 21.; Hag. 2: 5. 1 Pet. 4:14. Is fructifying. Isa. 32:15. Eeceived through faith. Gal. 3: 14. An evidence of union with Christ. 1 Jno. 3:24. 1 Jno. 4: 13. An earnest of the inheritance of the saints. 2 Cor. 1 :22. 2 Cor. 5:5. Eph. 1:14. A pledge of the continued favor of God. Eze. 39:29. Gifts of God, The. All blessings are. Jas. 1 : 17. 2 Pet. 1 : 3. Are dispensed according to His will. Ecc. 2:26. Dan. 2:21. Rom. 12:6. 1 Cor. 7 : 7. Are free and abundant. Num. 14:8. Rom. 8:32. Spiritual, Christ the chief of. Isa. 42 : 6. Isa. 55 : 4. Jno. 3 : 16. Jno. 4 : 10. Jno. 6 : 32, 33. Are through Christ. Psa. 68:18, with Eph. 4: 7,8. Jno. 6:27. The Holy Ghost. Luke 11:13. Acts 8: 20. Grace. Psa. 84:11. Jas. 4:6. Wisdom. Pro. 2:6. Jas. 1. 5. Repentance. Acts 11: 18. Faitli. Eph. 2:8. Phi. 1:29. Righteousness. Rom. 5: 16, 17. Strength and power. Psa. 68: 35. A new heart. Eze. 11: 19. Peace. Psa. 29: 11. Rest. Mat. 11:28. 2 The. 1:7. Glory. Psa. 84 : 11. Jno. 17 : 22. Eternal life. Rom. 6: 2,3. Not repented of by Him. Rom. 11 : 29. To be used for mutual profit. 1 Pet. 4:10. Pray for. Mat. 7:7, 11. Jno. 16: 23, 24. Acknowledge. Psa. 4 : 7. Psa. 21 : 2. Temporal, Life. Isa. 42:5. Food and raiment. Mat. 6:2.5—33. Rain and fruitful seasons. Gen. 27: 28. Lev. 26:4,5. Isa. 30:23. Wisdom. 2Chr. 1:12. Peace. Lev. 26: 6. 1 Chr. 22: 9. All good things Psa. 34: 10. 1 Tim. 6:17. To be used and enjoyed. Ecc. 3: 13. Ecc. 5:19, 20. 1 Tim. 4:4, 5. Should cause us to remember God. Deu. 8:18. All creatures partake of. Psa. 136: 25. Psa. 145:15, 16. Pray for. Zee. 10:1. Mat. 6:11. Illustrated. Mat. 25: 15-30. Girdles. Worn upon the loins. 1 Kin 2: 5. Jer. 13: 1, 11. Worn by priests about the breasts. Rev. 1 : 1.3. Made of Fine linen. Eze. 16:10. Twined linen with blue,'purple, &c. Exo. 39 : 29. Gold. Rev. 1:13. Rev. 15:6. Leather. 2 Kin. 1 : 8. Mat. 3: 4. Sackcloth. Isa. 3:24. Lam. 2:10. Made for sale by industrious women. Pro. 31 : 24. Used for Strengthening the loins. Pro. 31 : 17. Isa. 22:21. Isa. 23: 10. (marfir.) Girding up the garments when walking. 1 Kin. 18: 46. 2 Kin. 4:29. Girding up the garments when working. Luke 12 : 37. Luke 17 : 8. Jno. 13:4. Suspending the sword. 2 Sara. 20: 8. Neh. 4:18. Suspending the inkhorn. Eze. 9: 2. (marg.) Holding money. Mat. 10:9. Mar. G: 8. (Greek.) Taken off when at rest. Isa. 5 : 27, with Jno 13: 4. Given as A token of friendship. 1 Sam. 18: 4. A reward of military service. 2 Sam. 18:11. Illustrative of Strength. Psa. 18: 39. Isa. 22:21. Gladness. Psa. 30:11. Righteousness of Christ. Isa. 11:5, GIR. jo:^ QLO. Faithfuluess of Christ. Isa. 11 : 5. Trnch. Epb. G:14. Glorifying God. Commaaded. 1 Clir. li',: ?8. Psa. 22: 2;j. Isa. 42 : 12. Due to Him. IChr. 16:29. Fur His Holiness. Psa. 99: 9. Rev. 15: 4. Mercy aud truth. Psa. 115. 1. Rom. 15 : 9. Faithfuhiess and truth. Isa. 25-, 1. Wondrous works. Mat. 15 : 31. Acts4:21. Judgments. Isa. 25: 3. Eze. 28: 22. Rev. 14:7. Deliverance. Psa. 50:15. Grace to others. Acts 11: 18. 2 Cor. 9:13. Gal. 1 : 24. Oblij^atiou of saints to. 1 Cor. 6: 20. Is acceptable through Christ. Phi. 1:11. 1 Pet. 4:11. Christ, an example of. Jno, 17: 4. Accomplished by Relying on His promises. Rom. 4:20. Praisini,' Him. Psa. 50: 23. Doing all to Him. 1 Cor. 10:31. Dying for Him. Jno. 21 : 19. Confessing Christ. Phi. 2: 11. Suticriug for Christ. 1 Pet. 4: 14:16. Glorifying Christ. Acts 19: 17. 2 The. 1 : 12. Bringing forth fruits of righteous- ness. Jno. 15:8. Phi. 1:11. Patience in affliction. Isa. 24: 15. Faithfulness. 1 Pet. 4:11. Required iu body and spirit. 1 Cor. 6 : 20. Shall be universal. Psa. 86:9. Rev. 5 : 13. Saints should Resolve on. Psa. 69:30. Psa. 118:28. Unite iu. Psa. 34 : 3. Rom. 15: 6. Persevere iu. Psa. 86: 12. All the blessings of God are designed to lead to. Isa. 60:21. Isa. 61:3. The holy example of saints may lead others to. Mat. 5: 16. 1 Pet. 2:12. All, by nature, fail in. Rom. 3: 23. The wicked averse to. Dan. 5: 23. Rom. 1 : 21. Punishment for not. Dan. 5:23, 30. Mai. 2 : 2. Acts 12 : 23. Rom. 1 : 21. Heavenly hosts engaged in. Rev. 4:11. Exemplified. 7)ai-if7, Psa. 57: 5. The Multitude, Mat. 9: 8. Mat. 15: 31. The Virgin Mary, Luke 1: 46. An- gels, Luke 2 : 14. Shepherds, Luke 2 : 20. Man sick of the Palsy, Luke 5 : 25. Woman icith infirmity, Luke 13: 13. iciJt'c, Luke 17 : 15. Blind man, Luke 18: 43. Centurion, Luke 23: 47. The Church at Jerusalem, Acts 11: 18. Gentiles at Antioch, Acts 13: 48. Abraham, Rom. 4: 20. Paul, Rom. 11 : 36. Glory. God is, to His people. Psa. 3: 3. Zee 2:5. Clirist is, to His people. Isa. 60: 1 Luke 2 : 32, The gospel ordained to be, to saints. 1 Cor. 2 : 7. Of the gospel, exceeds that of the law. 2 Cor. 3 : 9, 10. The joy of saints is full of. 1 Pet. 1 : 8 Spiritual, Is given by God. Psa. 84: 11. Is given by Christ. Jno. 17 : 22. Is the work of the Holy Ghost. 2. Cor. 3 : 18. Eternal, Procured by the death of Chi'ist. Heb. 2:10. Accompanies salvation by Christ. 2 Tim. 2: 10. _ Inherited by saints. 1 Sam. 2: 8. Psa. 73 : 24. Pro. 3 : 35. Col. 3 : 4. IPet. 5: 10. Saints called to. 2 The. 2: 14. 1 Pet. 5 : 10. Saints afore prepared unto. Rom. 9 : 23. Enhanced by present afflictions. 2 Cor. 4 : 17. Present afflictions not worthy to be compared with. Rom. 8:18. Of the Church shall be rich and abundant. Isa. 60: 11— 13. The bodies of saints shall be raised in. ICor. 15:4.3. Phi. 3: 21. Saints shall be, of their ministers. 1 The. 2 : 19, 20. , Temporal, Is given by God. Dan. 2: 37. Passeth away. 1 Pet. 1 : 24. The devil tries to seduce by. Mat. 4:8. Of hypocrites turned to shame. Hos. 4:7. Seek not, from man. Mat. 6: 2. 1 The. 2:6. Of the wicked Is in their shame. Phi. 3:19. Ends iu destruction. Isa. 5 : 14. Glory of God, The. Exhibited in Christ. Jno 1 : 14. 2 Cor. 4 : 6. Heb. 1 : 3. Exhibited in His name. Deu. 28:58. Neh. 9: 5. His majesty. Job 37: 22. Psa. 93: 1. Psa. 104*: 1. Psa. 145 : 5. 12. Isa. 2:10. His power. Exo. 13: 1, 6. Rom. 6: 4. His works. Psa. 19: 1. Psa. Ill : 3. His holiness. Exo. 15:11. Described as Great. Psa. 138: 5. Eternal. Psa. 104:31. GLO, 104 GOD, Rich. Eph.3:16. Highly exalted. Psa. 8: 1. Psa. 113:4. Exhibited to Moses. Exo. 34 : 5—7, with Exo. 33 : 18—23. Stephen. Acts 7: 55. His Church. Deu. 5 : 24. Psa. 102 : 16. Enlightens the Church. Isa. 60: 1, 2. Rev. 21 : 11, 23. Saints desire to behold. Psa. 63: 2. Psa. 90 : 16. God is jealous of. Isa. 42 : 8. Reverence. Isa. 59:19. Plead in jjrayer. Psa. 79: 9. Declare. 1 Chr. 16: 24. Psa. 145: 5, 11. Magnify. Psa. 57:5. The earth is full of. Isa. 6 : 3. The knowledge of, shall fill the earth. Hab. 2:14. Gluttony. Christ was falsely accused of. Mat. 11 : 19. The wicked addicted to. Phi. 3:19. Jude 12. Leads to Carnal security. Isa. 22: 13, with 1 Cor. 15 : 32. Luke 12 : 19. Poverty. Pro. 23:21. Of princes, ruinous to their people. Ecc. 10:16, 17. Is inconsistent in saints 1 Pet. 4: 3. Caution against. Pro. 23:2, 3. Luke 21:34. Rom. 13:13, 14. Pray against temptations to. Psa. 141 : 4. Punishment of. Num. 11 : 33, 34, with Psa. 78:31. Deu. 21:21. Amos 6: 4, 7. Danger of, illustrated. Luke 12: 45, 46. Exemplified. Esau, Gen. 25: 30—34, with Heb. 12 : 16, 17 Israel, Num. 11: 4, with Psa. 78: 18. Sons of FM, 1 Sam. 2: 12 — 17. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:1. Goat, The. Clean and fit for food. Deu. 14: 4, 5. Offered in sacrifice. Gen. 15: 9. Lev. 16 : 5, 7. The male, best for sacrifice. Lev. 22: 19. Psa. 50:9. First-born of, not redeemed. Num. 18:17. Jews had large flocks of. Gen. 32: 14. 1 Sam. 23:2. Most profitable to the owner. Pro. 27 : 26. Milk of, used as food. Pro. 27 : 27. The young of. Called kids. Gen. 37:. 31. Kept in small flocks. 1 Kin. 20: 27. Fed near the shepherds' tents. So. of Sol. 1:8. Not to be seethed in milk of moth- er. Exo. 23 : 19. Offered iu sacrifice. Lev. 4: 23. Lev. 5 : 6. Offered at the passover. |Exo. 12: 5. 2 Chr. 35 : 7. , Considered a delicacy. Gen. 27 : 9. Jud. 6 : 19. Given as a present. Gen. 38: 17. Jud. 15:1. The haibof. Offered for tabernacle. Exo. 25:4. Exo. 35 : 23. Made into curtains, for covering the tabernacle. Exo. 35 : 26. Exo. 36 : 14-18. Made into pillows. 1 Sam. 19: 13. Skin of, often used as clothing. Heb; 11:»7. Bashan celebrated for. Deu. 32:14. The Arabians traded in. Eze. 27 : 21. Flocks of, always led by a male. Jer. 50:8. When wild dwelt in the hills and rocks. ISam. 24: 2, Job 39:1. Psa. 104:18. Illustrative Of Macedonian empire. Dan. 8: 5, 21. Of the wicked. Zee. 10: 3. Mat. 25 : 32, 33. (Flock of,) of the church. So. of Sol. 4:1. God. Is a spirit. Jno. 4 : 24. 2 Cor. 3 : 17. Is DECLARED TO BE Light. Isa. 60:19. Jas. 1 : 17. 1 Jno. 1 : 5. Love. 1 Jno. 4 : 8, 16. Invisible. Job 23 : 8, 9. Jno. 1 : 18. Jno. 5 : 37. Col. 1 : 15. 1 Tim. 1 : 17, Unsearchable. Job 11 : 7. Job 37 : 23. Psa. 145 : 3. Isa. 40: 28. Rom. 11 : 33. Incorruptible. Rom. 1 : 23. Eternal. Deu. 33:27. Psa. 90:2. Rev. 4 : 8—10. Immortal. 1 Tim. 1 : 17. 1 Tim. 6: 16. Omnipotent. Gen. 17: 1. Exo. 6: 3. Omniscient. Psa. 139: 1—6. Pro 5:21. Omnipresent. Psa. 139: 7. Jer. 23 : 23. Immutable. Psa. 102: 26, 27. Jas. 1:17. Only-wise. Rom. 16: 27. 1 Tim. 1:17. Glorious. Exo. 15:11. Psa. 145:5. Most High. Psa. 83 : 18. Acts 7 : 48. Perfect. Mat. 5 : 48. Holy. Psa. 99:9. Isa. 5:16. Just. Deu. 32 : 4. Isa. 45 : 21. True. Jer. 10:10. Jno. 17:3. Upright. Psa. 25:8. Psa. 92:15. Righteous. Ezr. 9: 15. Psa. 145: 17. Good. Psa. 25:8. Psa. 119:68. Great. 2 Chr. 2:5. Psa. 86:10. GOD. 105 GOO. Gracious. Exo. 34:6. Psa. 116:5. Faithful. 1 Cor. 10: 13. 1 Pet. 4 : 19. Merciful. Exo. 34:6, 7. Psa. 86:. 5. Loug-sufferiug. Num. 14:18. JVIic. 7:1. Jealous. Jos. 24 : 19. Xah. 1 : 2. Compassiouate. 2 Kin. 13:23. A consuming fire. Heb. 12:29. None beside Him. Deu. 4: 35. Isa. 44:6. None before Him. Isa. 43:10. None like to Him. Exo. 9:14. Deu. 33 : 26. 2 Sam. 7 : 22. Isa. 46 : 5, 9. Jer. 10:6. None good but He. Mat. 19 : 17. Fills heaven and earth. 1 Kiu. 8: 27. -Jer. 23:24. Should be worshipped in spirit and in truth. Jno. 4: 24. Gold. Found in the earth. Job 28: 1, 6. Abounded in Havilah. Gen. 2:11. Ophir. 1 Kin. 9:28. Psa. 45:9. Sheba. Psa. 72: 1.5. Isa. 60:6. Parvaim. 2Chr. 3:6. Belongs to God. Joel 3 : 5. Hag. 2 : 8. Described as Yellow. Psa. 68:13. Malleable. Exo. 39: 3. 1 Kin. 10: 16, 17. Fusible. Exo. .32: 3, 4. Pro. 17:3. Precious. Ezr. 8: 27. Isa. 13: 12. Valuable. Job 28: 15,16. Most valuable when pure and fine. Job 28: 19. Psa. 19: 10. Psa. 21 : 3. Pro. 3: 14. Refined and tried by fire. Zee. 13: 9. 1 Pet. 1:7. Working in, a trade. Neh. 3:8. Isa. 40:19. An article of commerce._ Eze. 27: 22. The patriarchs were rich in. Gen. 13:2. Imported by Solomon. 1 Kin. 9: 11, 28. 1 Kiu. 10: 11. Abundance of, in Solomon's reign. 2 Chr. 1: 15. Offerings of, for tabernacle. Exo, 35: 22. Offering of, for temple. 1 Chr. 22: 14. 1 Chr. 29: 4, 7. Used as money. Mat. 10: 9. Acts 3: 6. Priestly and royal garments adorned with. Exo. 28: 4-6. Psa. 45: 9, 13. Was used foe Overlaying the tabernacle. Exo 36 : 34. .38. Overlaying the temple. 1 Kin. 6: 21, 22. Overlaying cherubims in temple. 2 Chr. 3: 10. Overlaying the ark, &c. Exo. 25: 11-13. Overlaying floor of temple. 1 Kin. 6:30. Overlaying throne of Solomon. 1 Kin. 10: 18. Mercy seat and cherubims. Exo. 25: 17, 18. Sacred candlesticks. Exo. 25: 31. 2 Chr. 4 : 7, 20. Sacred utensils. Exo. 25 : 29, 38. 2 Chr. 4: 19-22. Crowns. 2 Sam. 12 : 30. Psa. 21 : 3. Sceptres. Est. 4: 11. Chains. Gen. 41:42. Dan. 5:29. Rings. So. of Sol. 5: 14. Jas. 2: 2. Earrings. Jud. 8:24, 26. Ornaments. Jer. 4 : 30. Shields. 2 Sam. 8: 7. 1 Kin. 10: 16, 17. Vessels. 1 Kin. 10: 21. Est. 1 : 7. Idols. Exo. 20: 23. Psa. 115:4. Dan. 5: 4. Couches. Est. 1 : 6. Footstools. 2 Chr. 9: 18. Estimated by weight. 1 Chr. 28:14. Given as presents. 1 Kin. 15: 19. Mat. 2:11. Exacted as tribute. 1 Kin. 20: 3, 5. 2 Kin. 23: 33, 35. Taken in war, dedicated to God. Jos. 6:19. 2 Sam. 8:11. 1 Kin. 15: 15. Kings of Israel not to multiply. Deu. 17: 17. Jews condemned for multiplying. Isa. 2: 7. Vanity of heaping up. Ecc. 2: 8, 11. Liable to Grow dim. Lam. 4:1. Canker and rust. Jas. 5 : 3. Illustrative of Saints after affliction. Job 23: 10. Tried faith. 1 Pet. 1:7. The doctrines of grace. Rev. 3: 18. True converts. ICor. 3: 12. Babylonish empire. Dan. 2:38. Goodness of God, The. Is part of His character. Psa. 25:8. Nah. 1:7. Mat. 19:17. Declared to be Great. Neh. 9 : 35. Zee. 9 : 17. Rich. Psa. 104 : 24. Rom. 2 : 4. Abundant. Exo. 34:6. Psa. 33: 5. Satisfying. Psa. 65: 4. Jer. 31 : 12, 14. Enduring. Psa. 23 : 6. Psa. .52 : 1. Universal. Psa. 145:9. Mat. 5:45. Manifested To His Church. Psa. 31: 19. Lam. 3:25. In doing good. Psa. 119: 68. Psa. 145 : 9. In supplying temporal wants. Acts 14:17. In providing for the poor. Psa. 68: 10. In forgiving sins. 2 Chr. 30: 18, Psa. 86 : 5. Leads to repentance. Rom. 2 : 4. Recognize, in His dealings. Ezr. 8: 18. Neh. 2:18. GOO. 106 GRA. Pray for the manifestation of. 2 The. 1:11. Despise not. Rom. 2 : i. Reverence. Jer. 33:9. Hos. 3:5. Magnify. Psa. 107 : 8. Jer. 33 : 11. Urge others to confide iu. Psa. 34 : 8. The wiclced disregard. Neh. 9 : 35. Gospel, The. Is good tidings pf great joy for all people. Luke 2 : 10, 11, 31, 32. Foretold. Isa. 41 : 27. Isa. 52: 7. Isa. 61 : 1—3. Mark 1 : 15. Preached under the old testament. Heb. 4:2. Exhibits the grace of God. Acts 14: 3. Acts 20: 32. The knowledge of the glory of God is by. 2 Cor. 4 : 4, 6. Life and immortality are brought to light by Jesus through. 2Tim. 1 : 10. Is the power of God unto salvation. Rom. 1:16. 1 Cor. 1 : 18. 1 The. 1 : 5. Is glorious. 2 Cor. 4 : 4. Is everlasting. 1 Pet. 1 : 25. Rev. 14 : 6. Preached by Christ. Mat. 4: 23. Mar. 1:14. Ministers liave a dispensation to preach. 1 Cor. 9: 17. Preached beforehand to Abraham. Gen. 22: 18, with Gal. 3:8. Preached to The Jews first. Luke 24 : 47. Acts 13 : 46. The Gentiles. Mar. 13:10. Gal. 2: 2,9. The poor. Mat. 11 : 5. Luke 4 : 18. Every creature. Mar. 16: 15. Col. 1:23. Must be believed. Mar. 1 : 15. Heb. 4:2. Brings peace. Luke 2: 10, 14. Eph. 6:15. Produces hope. Col. 1 : 23. Saints have fellowship in. Phi. 1 : 5. There is fulness of blessing in. Rom. 15 : 29. Those who receive, should Adhere to the truth of. Gal. 1 : 6, 7. Gal. 2:14. H Tim. 1:13. Not be ashamed of. Rom. 1: 16. 2 Tim. 1:8. Live in subjection to. 2 Cor. 9 : 13. Have their conversation becoming. Phi. 1:27. Earnestly contend for the faith of. Phi. 1:17, 27. Jude 3. Sacrifice friends and property for. Mat. 10: 37. Sacrifice life itself for. Mar. 8:35. Profession of, attended by afHictions. 2 Tim. 3: 12. i'romises to sufferers for. Mar. 8; 35. Mar. 10:30. Be careful not to hinder. 1 Cor. 9: 12. Is hid to them that are lost. 2 Cor. 4 : 3. Testifies to the final judgment. Rom. 2:16. Let him who preaches another, bo accursed. Gal. 1 : 8. Awful consequences of not obeying. 2 The. 1 : 8, 9. Is CALLED, THE Dispensation of the grace of God. Eph. 3:2. Gospel of peace. Eph. 6: 15. Gospel of God. Rom. 1:1.1 The. 2 : 8. 1 Pet. 4: 17. Gospel of Christ. Rom. 1 : 9, 16. 2 Cor. 2:12. 1 The. 3:2. Gospel of the grace of God. Acts 20 : 24. Gospel of the kingdom. Mat. 24: 14. Gospel of salvation. Eph. 1 : 13. Glorious gospel of Christ.l 2 Cor. 4 : 4. 4 Preaching of Jesus Christ. Rom. ^ 16:25. ' Mystery of the gospel. Eph. 6: 19. Word of God. 1 The. 2:13. Word of Christ. Col. 3: 16. Word of grace. Acts 14: 3. Acts 20: 32. Word of salvation. Acts 13 : 26. Word of reconciliation. 2 Cor. 5: 19. Word of truth. Eph. 1 : 13. Jas. 1 : 18. Word of faith. Rom. 10: 8. Word of life. Phi. 2: 16. Ministration of the Spirit. 2. Cor, 3:8. Doctrine according to godliness. 1 Tim. 6:3. Form of sound words. 2 Tim. 1:13. Rejection of, by many, foretold. Isa. 53:1, with Rom. 10: 15, 16. Rejection of, by the Jews, a means of blessing to the Gentiles. Rom. 11 : 28. Grace. God is the God of all. 1 Pet. 5 : 10. God is the Giver of. Psa. 84 : 11. Jas. 1:17. God's throne, the throne of. Heb. 4 : 16. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of. Zee 12:10. Heb. 10:29. Was upon Christ. Luke 2: 10. Jno. 3: 34. Christ spake with. Psa. 45:2, with Luke 4:22. Christ was full of. Jno. 1 : 14. Came by Christ. Jno. 1: 17. Rom, 5: 15, Given by Christ. 1 Cor. 1 : 4. Foretold by the prophets. 1 Pet. 1 :10. Riches of, exhibited in God's kind- ness through Christ. Eph. 2: 7. Glory of, exhibited in our acceptance in Christ. Eph. 1 : 6. Is DESCRIBED AS Great. Acts 4 : 33. Sovereign. Rom. 5; 21, GRA, 107 GEO. Rich. Epli. 1:7. Eph. 2:7. Exceeding. 2 Cor. 9:14, Manifold. 1 Pot. 4 : 10. AU-.suHicictit. 2 Cor. 12:9. All-abundant. Rom. 5: 15, 17, 20. Glorious. Eph. 1:6. The gospel, a declaration of. Acts 20:24,32. Is THE SOURCE OF Election. Rom. 11 : 5. The call of God. Gal. l:ir). Justification. Rom. 3:24. Tit. 3:7. Faith. Acts 18: 27. Forgiveness of sins. Epli. 1 : 7. Salvation. Acts 1.5: 11. Eph. 2:5, 8. Consolation. 2 The. 2:16. Hope. 2 The. 2:16. Necessary to the service of God. Heb. 12:28. God's work completed in saints by. 2 The. 1 : 11, 12. The success and completion of the work of God to be attributed to. Zee. 4:7. Inheritance of the promises by. Rom. 4:16. Justification by, opposed to that by works. Rom. 4:4, 5, Rom. 11:6. Gal. 5:4. Saints Are heirs of. 1 Pet. 3:7. Are under. Rom. 6: 14. Receive, from Christ. Jno. 1: 16. Are what they are by. 1 Cor. 15: 10. 2 Cor. 1 : 12. Abound in gifts of. Acts 4:33. 2 Cor. 8: 1. 2 Cor. 9:8, 14. Should bo established in. Heb. 13 : 9. Should bo strong in. 2 Tim. 2: 1. Should grow in. 2 Pet. 3: 18. Should speak with. Eph. 4: 29. Col. 4:6. Specially given To ministers. Rom. 12: 3, 6. Rom. 15 : 15. 1 Cor. 3 : 10. Gal. 2 : 9. Eph. 3:7. To the humble. Pro. 3:34, with Jas. 4 : 6. To those who walk uprightly. Psa. 84:11. Not to be received in vain. 2 Cor. 6: 1. Pray for. For yourselves. Heb. 4: 16. For others. 2 Cor. 13: 14. Eph. 6: 24. Beware lest you fail of. Heb. 12 : 15. Manifestation of, in others, a cause of gladness. Acts 11 : 2.3. 3 Jno. 3 : 4. Special manifestation of, at the sec- ond coming of Christ. 1 Pet. 1:13. Not to be abused. Rom. 3: 8. Rom. 6:1, 15. Antinomians abused. Jude 4. Grass. A green herb. Mar. 6: 39. Called Grass of the earth, Jlev. 9: 4, Grass of the field. Num. 22: 4. Springs out of the earth. 2 Sam. 23 : 4. God Originally created. Gen. 1 : 11, 12, The giver of. Deu. 11 : 15. Causes to grow. Psa. 104:14, Psa. 147:8. Adorns and clothes. Mat. 6: .30. Often grew on the tops of houses, Psa. 129:6. When young, soft and tender. Pro, 27 : 25, Refreshed by rain and dew, Deu. 32: 2. Pro. 19 : 12. Cattle fed upon. Job 6: 5. Jer. 50: 11. Ovens often heated with. Mat. 6: .30. Destroyed by Locusts. Rev. 9 : 4. Hail and lightning. Rev. 8:7, Drought, 1 Kin. 17:1, with 1 Kiu. 18:5. Failure of, a great calamity. Isa. 15 : Sufferings of cattle from failure of, described. Jer, 14:5, 6. iLLnSTRATIVE Of shortness and uncertainty of life, Psa. 90:5, 6. Psa. 103:15, Isa. 40:6, 7. 1 Pet. 1 : 24. Of prosperity of the wicked, Psa. 92: 7, (Refreshed by dew and sliowers,) of saints refreshed by grace. Psa. 72: 6, Mic. 5: 7. (On tops of houses,) of the wicked, 2 Kin, 19:26, Isa, 37: 27, Groves. Antiquity of. Gen. 21 : 33. Often on tops of hills. 1 Kin, 14 : 23. Hos. 4: 13. Often used as resting places. 1 Sam. 22:6. {marg.) Idols were worshipped in, Deu, 12 : 2. Not to be planted near God's altar, Deu. 16: 21, Of Canaan ites, to be destroyed. Exo. 34:13, Deu. 7:5. Deu. 12:3. For IDOL WORSHIP planted ByAhab. 1 Kiu. 16:33. By Manasseh. 2 Kin. 21 : 3. By Israelites. 2 Kin. 17: 16. Fondness of Israel for._ Jer. 17: 2. Punishment for making and serv- ing, 1 Kin, 14: 15, Isa. 1:28, 29, Mic. 5: 14, Destroyed by Gideon. Jud.6:25— 28. Hezekiah. 2 Kin. 18:4. Asa, 2Chr. 14:3. Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 17 : 6. Josiah. 2 Kin. 23: 14. 2 Chr. 34: 3.7. God promised to wean Israel frotn. Isa, 17:7, 8. HAI. 108 HAN. Hair, The. The natural covering of the head. Psa. 68:21. Innumerable. Psa. 40: 12. Psa. 69: 4. Growth of. Jud. 16:22. God Numbers. Mat. 10:30. Takes care of. Dan. 3: 27. Luke 21 : 18. Black, particularly esteemed. So. of Sol. .i: 11. White or gray, A token of age. 1 Sam. 12 : 2. Psa. 71:18. A token of weakness and decay. Hos. 7 : 9. An emblem of wisdom. Dan. 7:9, with Job 12: 12. With righteousness, a crown of glory. Pro. 16:31. To be reverenced. Lev. 19 : 32. Man cannot even change the color of. Mat. 5:36. Of women Worn long for a covering. 1 Cor. 11:15. Plaited and broidered. 1 Tim. 2: 9. 1 Pet. 3:3. Well set and ornamented. Isa. 3: 24. Neglected in grief. Luke 7: 38. Jno. 12 : 3. Sometimes worn long by men. 2 Sam. 14:26. Men condemned for wearing long. 1 Cor. 11 : 14. Often expensively anointed. Ecc. 9:8. Of Nazarites Not to be cut or shorn during their vow. Num. 6: 5. Jud. 16: 17, 19, 20. Shorn after completion of vow. Num. 6:18. Of the healed leper to be shorn. Lev. 14:9. Color of, changed by leprosy. Lev. 13:3,10. Cut off in affliction. Jer 7 : 29. Plucked out in extreme grief. Ezr. 9:. 3. Plucking out of, a reproach. Neh. 13:2.-). Isa. 50:6. Judgments expressed by Sending baldness for. Isa. 3: 24. Jer. 47 : 5. Shaving. Isa. 7 : 20. Hands, The. Necessary members of the body. 1 Cor. 12:21. Parts of. mentioned; The palm. Isa. 49: 16. Mat. 26: 67. The thumb. Exo. 29:20. Lev. 14- 14, 17. The fingers. 2 Sam, 21: 20. Dan. 5:5. God strengthens. Gen. 49:24. God makes impotent. Job 5 : 12. Operations of, mentioned; Feeling. Psa. 115: 7. 1 Jno. 1: 1. Taking. Gen. 3 : 22. Exo. 4 : 4. Holding. Jud. 7:20. Rev. 10:2. Working. Pro. 31:19. 1 The. 4: 11. Writing. Isa. 44:5. Gal. 6:11. Making signs, Isa. 13:2. Acts 12: 17. Striking. Mar. 14: 65. Jno. 19:3. Distinguished as The right. Acts 3: 7. The left. Gen. 14: 15. Acts 21:3. Many alike expert with both. 1 Chr. 12" 2 Many had more command of the left. Jud. 3:15, 21. (marg.) Jud. 20 : 16. The right hand. Place of honor. 1 Kin. 2:19. Psa. 45:9. Place of power. Psa. 110:1. Mar. 14:62. Signetworn on. Jer. 22 : 24. Given in token of friendship. Gal. 2:9. Used in embracing. 2 Sam. 20:9. So. of Sol. 2: 6. So. of Sol. 8:3. Sworn by. Isa. 62:8. The accuser stood at, of the ac- cused. Psa. 109:6. Zee. 3:1. Of priests touched with blood of consecration-ram. Exo. 29: 20. Lev. 8: 23, 24. Of healed leper touched with blood of his sacrifice. Lev. 14:14, 17, 25. Of healed leper touched with oil- Lev. 14:28. The Jews carried a staff in, when walking. Exo. 12 : 11. 2 Kin. 4 : 29. The Jews eat with. Mat. 26 : 23. Were washed Before eating. Mat. 15:2. Mar. 7:3. After touching an unclean person. Lev. 15:11. In token of innocency. Deu. 21 : 6. 7. Mat. 27:24. Custom of domestics pouring water _ upon, alluded to. 2 Kin. 3 : 11. Servants directed by movements of. Psa. 123: 2. Kissed in idolatrous worship. Job. 31 : 27. Treaties made by joining. 2 Kin. 10: 15. Pro. 11:21. Suretiship entered into by striking. Job 17: 3. Pro. 6: 1. Pro. 17: 18. Pro. 22:26. Were lifted vp In prayer. Psa. 141 : 2. Lam. 3 : 41. In praise. Psa. 134:2. In taking an oath. Gen. 14: 22. Kev. 10: 5. HAN. 109 HAP. lu blessiii;,'. Lev. 9:22. Often spread out iu prayer. Psa. 68: 31. Isa. 1 : 1,5. Placed uuder the thigh of a person to whom an oath was made. Gen. 24 : 2, 3. Gen. 47 : 29, 31. Clapped together in joy. 2 Kin. 11 : 12. Psa. 47:1. Smitten together in extreme auger. Num.24: 10. Eze. 21 : 14,17. Stretched out in derision. Hos. 7 : ,5. Zep. 2 : 15. Imposition' of, used in Transferring guilt of sacrifices. Lev. 1 : 4. Lev. 3 : 2. Lev. 16 : 21, 22. Setting apart the Levites. Num. 8:10. Conferring civil power. Xum. 27: 18. Deu. 34 : 9. Blessing. Gen. 48:14. Mar. 10: 16. Ordaining ministers. Acts 6: 6. 1 Tim. 4: 14. Imparting the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Acts 8: 17. Acts 19:6. Imposition of, a first principle of the doctrine of Christ. Heb. 6:1,2. Should be employed Industriously. Eph. 4: 28. 1 The. 4:11. In God's service. Neh. 2:18. Zee, 8:9,13. In acts of benevolence. Pro. 3: 27. Pro. 31 : 20. O' THE WICKED, DESCKIBED AS Bloody. Isa. 1 : 1.5. Isa. 59: 3. Violent. Psa. .58:2. Isa. 59:6. Mischievous. Psa. 26:10. Mic. 7:3. Slothful. Pro. 6 : 10. Pro. 21 : 25. Ensnaring to themselves. Psa. 9 : 16. Tie wicked recompensed for the work of. Psa. 28: 4. Pro. 12: 14. Isa. 3: 11. Saints blessed in the work of. Deu. 2:7. Deu. 30:9. Job 1 : 10. Psa. 90:17. Criminals often Bound by. Mat. 22:13. Deprived of. Deu. 25:12. 2 Sam. 4:12. Mutilated in. Jud. 1 : 6, 7. Hung by. Lam. 5 : 12. Illustrative Of power. 1 Kin. 18: 46. 2 Kin. 13 : 5. (Lifted up against another,) of re- bellion. 2 Sam. 20:21. (Opened,) of liberality. Deu. 15: 8, Psa. 104 : 28. (Shut.) of illiberality. Deu. 15: 7 Right hand, Illustrative Of strength and power. Exo. 15 : 6 Psa. 17: 7. (Holding by,) of support. Psa. 73, 23. Isa. 41:13. (Standing at,) of protection. Psa 16:8. Psa. 109:31. Psa. 110: 5. (Full of bribes,) of corruptiou. Psa. 26: 10. (Full of falsehood,) of deceitful- ness. Psa. 144:8, 11, see Isa. 44: 20. (Withdrawn,) of support withheld. Psa. 74 : 11. (Cutting off,) of extreme self-deni- al. Mat. 5:30. Happiness of Saints in this Life. Is in God. Psa. 73: 25, 26. Only found in the ways of wisdom. Pro. 3 : 17, 18. Described by Christ in the beati- tudes. Mat. 5 : 3—12. Is DERIVED FROM Fear of God. Psa. 128: 1, 2. Pro. 28:14. Trust in God. Pro. 16:20. Phi. 4: 6,7. The words of Christ. Jno. 17: 13. Obedience to God. Psa. 40: 8. Jno. 13 : 17. Salvation. Deu. 33: 29. Isa. 12: 2, 3. Hope in the Lord. Psa. 146 : 5. Hope of glory. Rom. 5 : 2. God being their Lord. Psa. 144: 15. God being their help. Psa. 146:5. Praising God. Psa. 135 : 3. Their mutual love. Psa. 133:1. Divine chastening. Job 5: 17. Jas. 5:11. Suffering for Christ. 2 Cor. 12 : 10. 1 Pet. 3:14. 1 Pet. 4:13, 14. Having mercy on the poor. Pro. 14:21. Finding wisdom. Pro. 3 : 13. Is abundant and satisfying. Psa. 36: 8. Psa. 63: 5. Happiness of the Wicked, The. Is limited to this life. Psa. 17: 14. Luke 16:25. Is short. Job 20: 5. Is uncertain. Luke 12: 20. Jas. 4: 13, 14. Is vain. Ecc. 2:1. Ecc.7:6. Is DERIVED FROM Their wealth. Job 21 : 13. Psa. 52: 7. Their power. Job 21 : 7. Psa. 37:35. Their worldy prosperity. Psa. 17: 14. Psa. 73:3, 4, 7. Popular applause. Acts 12: 22. Gluttony. Isa. 22 : 13. Hab. 1 : 16. Drunkenness. Isa. 5: 11. Isa. 50: 12. Vain pleasure. Job 21 : 12. Isa. 5: 12. Successful oppression. Hab. 1 : 15. Jas. 5 : 6. Marred by jealousy. Est. 5:13. Often interrupted by judgments. Num. 11:3.3. Jobl5:2L Psa. 73: 18—20. Jer. 25: 10, 11. Leads to sorrow. Pro. 14 : 1^. Leads to recklessness. Isa. 32 : ISw HAP. 110 KAT. Sometimes a stumbling-block to saints. Psa. 73: 3, 16. Jer. 12: 1. Hab. 1:13. Saints often permitted to see the end of. Psa. 73: 17— 20. Envy not. Psa. 37:1. Woe against. Amos 6: 1. Luke 6: 25. Illustrated. Psa. 37 : 35, 36. Luke 12 : 16—20. Luke 16 : 19-25. Exemplified. Israel, Num. 11: 33. Ha- man. Est. 5: 9—11. Belfhazzar, Dan. 5: 1. Herod, Acts 12: 21—2.3. Hart, The. Clean and used as food. Deu. 12 : 15. Deu. 14:5. Often bunted. Lam. 1 : 6. Female of, Called the hind. So. of Sol. 2 : 7. Delights in freedom. Gen. 49:21. Kind and affectionate. Pro. 5 : 19. Brings forth at appointed time. Job 39: 1,2. Brings forth with difficulty. Job 39:3. Brings forth at the voice of God. Psa. 29:9. Forsakes her young in famine. Jer. 14: 5. Young of, abundantly provided for. Job 39: 4. Illustrative Of Christ. So. of Sol. 2 : 9, 17. So. of Sol. 8:14. Of converted sinnerst Isa. 35:6. (Sure-footednessof.) of experienced saints. Psa. 18:33. Hab. 3:19. (Panting for water.) of afHicted saints longing for God. Psa. 42 : 1,2. (Without pasture,) of the per- secuted. Lam. 1:6. Harvest, The. Ingathering of fruits of the fields. Mar. 4: 29. To continue without intermission. Gen. 8: 22. Called the Appointed weeks of harvest. Jer, 5: 24. Harvest time. 2 Sam. 23: 13. Jer. 50:16. Fields appeared white before. Juo. 4 : 35. Of barley at the passover. Lev. 23: 6, 10. Euth 1 : 22. Of wheat at Pentecost. Exo. .34:22. 1 Sam. 12: 17. M^n and women engaged in. Ruth 2 : 8, 9. Peeson.s engaged in. Reapers. Ruth 2: 4. Binders. Gen. 37: 7. Psa. 129: 7. Called harvest-men. Isa. 17:5. Called ]aborer.s. Mat. 9 : 37. Fed by the husbandman during. Ruth 2: 14. Received wages. -Jno. 4 : 36. Often defrauded of their wages. Jas. 5: 4. Former and latter rain necessarv to abundance of. Jer. 5: 24. Amos 4: 7. Patience required in waiting for. Jas. 5: 7. Not to be commenced until the first fruits had been offered to God. Lev. 23: 10, 14. A time of great joy. Psa. 126: 6, Isa. 9:3. Omitted in the sabbatical year. Lev. 25 : 5. Omitted in year of jubilee. Lev. 25: 11,12. The Sabbath to be observed during. Exo. 34:21. Legal provision for the poor during. Lev. 19: 9, 10. Lev. 23: 22. Deu. 24:19. Failure of. Occasioned by drought. Amos 4: 7. Occasioned by locusts. Joel 1 : 4. Sometimes continued for years. Gen. 45 : 6. A cause of great grief. Isa. 16: 9. Joel 1 : 11. A punishment for sin. Isa. 17: 10, 11. Slothfulness during, ruinous. Pro. 10:5. Miraculous thunder, &c. in. 1 Sam. 12:17,18. Illustrative Of seasons of grace. Jer. 8 : 20. Of the end of the world. Mat. 13: 30, 39. Of a time when many are ready to receive the gospel. Mat. 9: o7, 38. Jno. 4: 35. Of a time of judgment. Jer. 51 : 33. Hos. 6: 11. Of ripeness for wrath. Joel 3: 13. Rev. 14: 15. (Dew in.) of God's protection, &c, Isa. 18: 4. (Cold in,) of a refreshing message, Pro. 25 : 13. (Rain in,) of honor given to fools. Pro. 26: 1. Hatred. Forbidden. Lev. 19: 17. Col. 3: 8 Is murder. 1 Jno. 3:15. A work of the flesh. Gal. 5: 20. Often cloaked by deceit. Pro. 10: 18. Pro. 26:26. Leads to deceit. Pro. 26 : 24, 25. Stirs up strife. Pro. 10: 12. Embitters life. Pro. 15: 17. Inconsistent with The knowledge of God. 1 Jno. 2: 9, 11. The love of God. 1 Jno. i : 20. HAT. Ill HEA. Liars prone to. Pro. 26:28. The wicked exhibit, Towards God. Rom. 1 : 30. Towards saiuts. Psa. 25:19. Pro. 29 : 10. Towards each otlier. Tit. 3: 3. Christ experienced. Psa. 'i't: 19, with Jno. 7 : 7. Jno. l.j : IS, 24, 2.j. Saints should Expect. Mat. 10: 22. Juo. 15: 18, 19. Not marvel at. 1 Jno. 3 : 13. Return good for. Exo. 23:5. Mat. 5:44. Not rejoice in the calamities of those who exhibit. Job 31 : 29, 30. Psa. 35: 13, 14. Give no cause for. Pro. 25:17. Punishment of. Psa. 34 : 21. Psa. 44 : 7. Psa. 89:23. Amos 1:11. We should exhibit against False ways. Psa. 119: 104, 128. Lying. Psa. 110: 1G3. Evil. Psa. 97:10. Pro. 8:13. Backsliding. Psa. 101 : 3. Hatred and opposition to God. Psa. 139:21,22. Exemplified. Cain, Gen. 4: 5, 8. Esaxt, Gen. 27 : 41. Jutscjjli's brethrci), Gen. 37: 4. 3Icn of Gilcacl, Jud. 11: 7. SiniM Sam. 18:8, 9. Alwb, 1 Kin. 22: 8. Hainan, Est. 3: 5, 6. Ene- mies of the Jews, Est. 9:1,5. Eze. 35 : 5,6. Chahlcans, Dan. 3: 12. Ene- mies of Daniel, Dan. 6 : 4 — 15. Hero- (Has, Mat. 14: 3, 8. Tlic Jews, Ads 23:12,14. Hatred to Christ. Is without cause. Psa. 69:4, with Jno. 15 : 25. Is on account of His testimony against the world. Jno. 7:7. Involves Hatred to His Father. Jno. 15 : 23, 24. Hatred to His people. Jno. 15 : IS. Punishment of. Psa. 2:2,9. Psa. 21:8. No escape for those whonersevere in. 1 Cor. 15 : 25. Heb. 10 : 29—31. Illustrated. Luke 19 : 12-14, 17. Exemplified. Chief Priests, d-c. Mat. 27 : 1, 2. Luke 22 : 5. Jews, Mat. 27 : 22, 23. Scribes, dc. Mar. 11: 18. Luke 11 : 53, 54. Head. The uppermost and chief member of the body. I^-a. 1 : 6. 2 Kin. 6:31. All the other members necessary to. 1 Cor. 12:21. The body supported and supplied by. Eph. 4 : 16. Put for the whole person. Gen. 49: 26. Pro. 10 : 6. Put for the life. Dan. 1 : 10. 1 Sam. 28:2. Parts of, mentioned; The skull. 2 Kin. 9 : 35. Mat. 27 : 33. The crown. Gen. 49:26. Isa. 3:17. Tlie forehead. 1 Sam. 17:49. Eze. 9 : 4. The temples. Jud. 4:21,22. So of Sol. 4:3. The face. Gen. 48 : 12. 2 Kin. 9 : 30. The hair. Jud. 16:22. Psa. 40:12. The scalp. Psa. 68:21. Often anointed. Ecc. 9:8. Mat. 6: 17. Bowed down In worshipping God. Gen. 24:26. Exo. 4:31. As a token of respect. Gen. 43: 23. In grief Covered up. 2 Sam. 15 : 30. Est. 6 : 12. Shorn. Job 1:20. Sprinkled with dust. Jos. 7: 6. Job 2:12. The hands placed on. 2 Sam. 13: 19. Jor. 2:37. Priests forbidden to shave, &c. Lev. 21 : 5, 10. Nazantes forbidden to shave. Num. 6:5. Derision expressed by shaking, &c. 2 Kin. 19:21. Psa. 22:7. Psa. 109: 2.5. Mat. 27:39. The Jews censured for swearing by. Mat. 5 : 36. When hoary with age to be respected. Lev. 19 : 32. Liable to Leprosy. Lev. 13 : 42—44. Scab. Isa. 3: 17. Internal disease. 2Kio. 4:19. Isa. 1:5. Baldness. Lev. 13 : 40, 41. Isa. 15 : 2. Of the leper always uncovered. Lev. 13 : 45. Of women generally covered in pub- lic. Gen. 24 : 65. 1 Cor. 11 : 5. Of criminals often cut off. Mat. 14 : 10. Of enemies slain in war, often cut off. Jud. 5 : 26. 1 Sam. 17 : 51, 57. 1 Sam. 31 : 9. Illustrative Of God. 1 Cor. 11:3. Of Christ. 1 Cor. 11 : 3. Eph. 1 22. Col. 2 : 19. Of rulers. 1 Sam. 15: 17. Dan. 2: 38. Of chief men. Isa. 9: 14, 15, Of the chief city of a kingdom. Isa. 7:8. (Covered, 1 of defense and protec- tion. Psa. 140:7. (Covered,) of subjection. 1 Cor. 11: 5, 10. (Made bald,) of heavy judgments. Isa. 3:24. Isa. 15:2. Isa. 22:12. Mic. 1 : 16. (Lifted up,) of joy and confidence. Psa. 3: 3. Luke 21 : 28. (Lifted up,) of pride. &c. Psa. 83 : 2. HEA. 112 HEA. (Lifted up,) of exaltation. Gen. 40: 13. Psa. 27:6. (Anointed,) of joy and prosperity. Psa. 23:5. Psa. 92: 10. Heart, The. [isues of life are out of. Pro. 4: 23. God. Tries. 1 Chr. 29 : 17. Jer. 12 : 3. Knows. Psa. 44 : 21. Jer. 20: 12. Searclies. 1 Clir. 28 : 9. Jer. 17 : 10. Understands the thoughts of. 1 Chr. 28:9. Psa. 139:2. Ponders. Pro. 21 : 2. Pro. 24 : 12. Influences. 1 Sam. 10: 26, Ezr. 6: 22. Ezr. 7 : 27. Pro. 21 : 1. Jer. 20 : 9. Creates a new. Psa. 51: 10. Eze. 36 : 26. Prepares. 1 Chr. 29 : 18. Pro. 16 : 1. Opens. Acts 16: 14. Enlightens. 2 Cor. 4 : 6. Eph. 1 : 18. Strengthens. Psa. 27 : 14. Establishes. Psa. 112: 8. 1 The. 3: 13. Should be Prepared unto God. 1 Sam. 7:3. Given to God. Pro. 23: 26. Perfect with God. 1 Kin. 8: 61. Applied unto wisdom. Psa. 90:12. Pro. 2:2. Guided in the right way. Pro. 23: 19. Purified. Jas. 4:8. Single. Eph. 6:5. Col. 3:22. Tender. Eph. 4: 32. Kept with diligence. Pro. 4 : 23. We should Believe with. Acts 8: 37. Rom. 10:10. Serve God with all. Deu. 11 : 13. Keep God's statutes with all. Deu. 26 : 16. Walk before God with all. 1 Kin. 2:4. Trust in God with all. Pro. 3 : 5. Love God with all. Mat. 22 : 37. Return to God with all. Deu. 30: 2. Do the will of God from. Eph. 6: 6. Sanctify God in. 1 Pet. 3 : 15. Love one another with a pure. 1 Pet. 1 : 22. N'o man can cleanse. Pro. 20: 9. Faith, the means of purifying. Acts 15:9. Renewal of, promised under the gos- pel. Eze. 11 : 19. Eze. 36 : 26. Heb. 3 : 10. When broken and contrite, not de- spised by God. Psa. 51 : 17. Tlie pure in, shall see God. Mat. 5: 8. Pray that it may be Cleansed. Psa. 51 : 10. Inclined to God's testimonies. Psa. 119: 36. United to fear God. Psa. 86: 11. Directed into the love of God. 2 Tha 3 • 5. Harden not, against God. Psa. 95: 8, with Heb. 4: 7. Harden not against the poor. Deu. 15: 7. Regard not iniquity in. Psa. 66:18. Take heed lest it be deceived. Deu. 11: 16. Know the plague of. 1 Kin. 8 : 38. He that trusteth in, is a fool. Pro. 28: 26. Heart, Character of the Renewed. Prepared to seek God. 2 Chr. 19 : 3. Ezr. 7:10. Psa. 10: 17. Fixed on God. Psa. 57: 7. Psa. 112: 7. Joyful in God. 1 Sam. 2 : 1. Zee. 10: 7. Perfect with God. iKin. 8: 61. Psa. 101 : 2. Upright. Psa. 97: 11. Psa. 125: 4. Clean. Psa. 73:1. Pure. Psa. 24: 4. Mat. 5: 8. Tender. 1 Sam. 24: 5. 2 Kin. 22:19. Single and sincere. Acts 2 : 46. Heb. 10:22. Honest and good. Luke 8: 15. Broken, contrite. Psa. 34: 18. Psa. 51 : 17. Obedient. Psa. 119: 112. Rom. 6:17. Filled with the law of God. Psa. 40: 8. Psa. 119:11. Awed by the word of God. Psa. 119: 161. Filled with the fear of God. Jer. 32 : 40. Meditative. Psa. 4: 4. Psa. 77: 6. Circumcised. Deu. 30: 6. Rom. 2: ?9. Void of fear. Psa. 27 : 3. Desirous of God. Psa. 84:2. Enlarged. Psa. 119 : 32. 2 Cor. 6 : 11. Faithful to God. Neh. 9 : 8. Confident in God. Psa. 112 : 7. Sympathizing. Jer. 4: 19. Lam. 3: 51. Prayerful. 1 Sam. 1 : 13. Psa. 27 : 8. Inclined to obedience. Psa. 119: 112. Wholly devoted to God. Psa. 9:1. Psa. "119 : 10, 69, 145. Zealous. 2 Chr. 17:6. Jer. 20:9. Wise. Pro. 10:8. Pro. 14: 33. Pro. 23 : 15. A treasury of good. Mat. 12 : 35. Heart, Character of the Unrene'wed. Hateful to God. Pro. 6:16, 18. Pro. 11:20. Full of evil. Ecc. 9:3. f Full of evil imaginations. Gen. 6:5. Gen. 8:21. Pro. 6:18. Full of vain thoughts. Jer. 4:14. Fully set to do evil. Ecc. 8: 11. Desperately wicked. Jer. 17 : 9. Far from God. Isa. 29: 13, with Mat. 15 : 8. Not perfect with God. 1 Kin, 15:3, Acts 8: 21. Pro. 6: 18. ..iiA. hEA, Not prepared to seek God. 2 Chr. 12:14. A treasury of evil. Mat. 12 : 35. Mar. 7:21. Darkened. Rom. 1 : 21. Prone to error. Psa.95: 10. Pniae to depart from God. Deu. 29: 18. Jer. 17: 5. Impenitent. Rom. 2: 5. Unbelieving. Heb. 3:12. Blind. Epb. 4: 18. Uncircumcised, Lev. 26:41. Acts 7: 51. Of little worth. Pro. 10: 20. Deceitful. Jer. 17 : 9. Deceived. Isa. 44 : 20. Jas. 1 : 26. Divided. Hos. 10:2. Double. 1 Chr. 12 : 33. Psa. 12 : 2. Hard. Eze. 3:7. Mar. 10: 5. Rom. 2:5. Haughty. Pro. 18:12. Jer. 48:29. Influenced by tlie devil. Jno. 13:2. Carnal. Rom. 8: 7. Covetous. Jer. 22 : 17. 2 Pet. 2 : 14. Despiteful. Eze. 25: 15. Ensnaring. Ecc. 7 : 26. Foolish. Pro. 12 : 23. Pro. 22 : 15. Froward. Psa. 101: 4. Pro. 6: 14. Pro. 17 : 20. Fretful against the Lord, Pro. 19: 3. Idolatrous. Eze. 14:3, 4. Mad. Ecc. 9:3. Mischievous. Psa. 28:3. Psa. 140: 2. Proud. Psa. 101 : 5. Jer. 49 : 16. Rebellious. Jer. 5:23. Perverse. Pro. 12: 8. Stiff. Eze. 2:4. Stony. Eze. 11 : 19. Eze. 36: 26. Stout. Isa. 10 : 12. Isa. 46 : 12. Elated by sensual indulgence. Hos. 13:6. Elated by prosperity. 2 Chr. 26:16. Dan. 5 : 20. Studieth destruction. Pro. 24: 2. Often judicially stupified. Isa, 6: 10. Acts 28: 26, 27. Often judicially hardened. Exo. 4:21. Jos. 11 : 20. Heathen, The. Are without God and Christ. Eph. 2:12. Described".as Ignorant. 1 Cor. 1 : 21. Eph. 4 : 18. Idolatrous. Psa. 135:15. Rom. 1: 23, 25. Worshippers of the devil. 1 Cor. 10 : 20. Cruel. Psa. 74 : 20. Rom. 1 : 31. Filthy. Ezr. 6: 21. Eph. 4: 19. Eph. 5:12. Persecuting. Psa. 2:1, 2. 2 Cor. 11 : 26. Scoffing at saints. Psa. 79: 10. Strangers to the covenant of prom- ise. Eph. 2:12. Having no hope. Eph. 2 : 12. Degradation of. Lev. 25 : 44. Have Evidence of the power of God. Rom. 1:19, 20. Acts 17: 27. Evidence of the goodness of God. Acts 14 : 17. The testimony of conscience. Rom. 2:11,15. Evil of imitating. 2 Kin. 16:3. Eze. 11:12. Cautions against imitating. Jer. 10: 2. Mat. 6: 7. Danger of intercourse with. Psa 106 : 35. Employed to chastise the Church Lev. 26 : 33. Jer. 49 : 14. Lam. 1 : 3. Eze. 7:24. Eze. 25:7. Dan. 4: 27. Hab. 1 : 5-9. The Church shall be avenged of. Psa. 149: 7. Jer. 10: 25. Oba. 15. God Rules over. 2 Chr. 20: 6. Psa. 47: 8. Brings to nought the counsels of. Psa. 33: 10. Will be exalted among. Psa. 46: 10. Psa. 102: 15. Punishes. Psa. 44:2. Joel 3 : 11— 1.3. Mic. 5:15. Hab. 3:12. Zee. 14:18. Will finally judge. Rom. 2 : 12—16. Given to Christ. Psa. 2:8. Dan. 7: 14. Salvation of, foretold. Gen. 12: 3, with Gal. 3:8. Isa. 2:2— 4. Isa. 52:10. Isa. 60:1— 8. Salvation provided for. Acts 28: 28. Rom. 15:9-12. The glory of God to be declared amongst. 1 Chr. 10: 24. Psa. 96: 3. The gospel to be preached to. Mat. 24:14. Mat. 28:19. Rom. 16:26. Gal. 1:16. Necessity for preaching to. Rom. 10: 14. The gospel received by. Acts 11:1. Acts 13 : 48. Acts 15 : 3, 23. Baptism to be administered to. Mat. 28 : 19. The Holy Ghost poured out upon Acts 10: 44 45. Acts 15: 8. Praise God for success of the gospel amongst. Psa. 98 : 1—3. Acts 11:18. Pray for. Psa. 67:2— 5. Aid missions to. 2 Cor. 11:9. 3 Jno. 6,7. Conversion of, acceptable to God. Acts 10: 35. Rom. 15:16. Heaven. Created by God. Gen. 1 : 1. Rev. 10: 6. Everlasting. Psa. 89: 29. 2 Cor. 5: 1. Immeasurable. Jer. 31 : .37. Higli. Psa. 103:11. Isa. .57:1.5. Holy. Deu. 26:15. Psa. 20:6. Isa. .57 : 15. God's dwelling-place. 1 Kin. 8: 30. Mat. 6:9. HEA. 114 HEE. God's throne. Isa. 66: 1, with Acts 7 : 49. God Is the Lord of. Dan. 5 : 23. Mat. 11 : 25. Reigns in. Psa. 11 : 4. Psa. 135 : 6. Dan. 4: 35. Fills. 1 Kin. 8: 27. Jar. 23: 24. Answers His people from. 1 Chr. 21:26. 2 Chr. 7:14. Neh. 9:27. Psa. 20:6. Sends His judgments from. Gen. 19:24. 1 Sam. 2:10. Dan. 4:13, 14. Rom. 1 : 18. Christ As Mediator, entered into. Acts 3: 21. Heb. 6:20. Heb. 9:12, 24. Is all-powerful in. Mat. 28:18. 1 Pet. 3 : 22. Angels are in. Mat. 18 : 10. Mat. 24 : 36. Names of saints are written in. Luke 10: 20. Heb. 12:23. Saints rewarded in. Mat. 5 : 12. 1 Pet. 1:4. Repentance occasions joy in. Luke 15:7. Lay up treasure in. Mat. 6: 20. Luke 12 : 33. Flesh and blood cannot inherit, 1 Cor. 15:50. Happiness of, described. Rev. 7 : 16, 17. Is CALLED A garner. Mat. 3:12. The kingdom of Christ and of God. Eph. 5:5. The Father's house. Jno. 14 : 2. A heavenly country. Heb. 11 : 16. A rest. Heb. 4 : 9. Paradise. 2Cor. 12:2, 4. The wicked excluded from. Gal. 5: 21. Eph. 5:5. Rev. 22:15. Enoch and Elijah were translated into. Gen. 5:24, with Heb. 11: 5. 2 Kin. 2:11. Heave-offering. To be brought to God's house. Deu. 12:6. Consisted of First fruits of bread. Num. 15: 19 —21. Right shoulder of peace offerings. Lev. 7 : 32. Part of the meat offering of all peace offerings. Lev. 7 : 14. Shoulder of the priest's consecra- tion-ram. Exo. 29:27. Tenth of all tithes. Num. 18: 26. Part of all gifts. Num. 18 : 29. Part of spoil taken in war. Num. 31 : 26—47. To be the best of their kind. Num. 18 : 29. To be heaved up by the priest. Exo. 29: 27. Sanctified the whole offering. Num. 18:27,30. Given to the priests. Exo. 29: 28. Lev. 7 : 34. To be eaten in a clean place. Lev. 10:12—15. Hedges. Antiquity of. 1 Chr. 4:23. Designed for protection. Isa. ,5: 2. Often made of thorns. Mic. 7: 4. Placed around Gardens. So. of Sol. 4: 12. Lam. 2: 6. (maig.) Vineyards. Mat. 21:33. Mar. 12:1. Difficulty of breaking through. Pro. 15 : 19. Danger of breaking through. Ecc. 10: 8. Desolation caused by removing. Psa. 80:12, 1.3. Filled with grasshoppers. Nab. 3: 17. Poor travellers sought rest under. Luke 14 : 23. Afforded protection in danger. Jer. 49:3. Making up gaps in, alluded to. Eze. 13 : 5. Eze. 22 : 30. Illustrative Of God's protection. Job 1:10. Of numerous afflictions. Job 3: 23. Job 19: 8. Of heavy judgments. Lam. 3: 7. Hos. 2 : 6. Of holy ordinances, &c. Isa. 5: 2. Mat. 21 : 33. Of the way of the slothful. Pro. 15 : 19. (Broken down,) of the taking away of protection. Psa. 80: 12. Isa. 5 : 5. Heedftilness. Commanded. Exo. 23: 13. Pro. 4: 25-27. Necessary In the care of the soul. Deu. 4 : 9. In the house and worship of God. Ecc. 5 : 1. In what we hear. Mar. 4 : 24. In how we hear. Luke 8 : 18. In keeping God's commandments. Jos. 22 : 5. In conduct. Eph. 5: 15. In speech. Pro. 13 : 3. Jas. 1 : 19. In worldly company. Psa. 39: 1. Col. 4:5. In giving judgment. IChr. 19:6, 7. Against sin. Heb. 12: 15, 16. Against unbelief. Heb. 3:12. Against idolatry. Deu. 4:15, 16. Against false Christs, and false prophets. Mat. 24 : 4, 5, 23, 24. Against false teachers. Phi. 3: 2. Col. 2:8. 2Pet. 3: 16, 17. Against presumption. 1 Cor. 10: 12. Promises to. 1 Kin. 2 : 4. 1 Chr. 22 : 13. HEL. HIG. HeU. 1. The place of disembodied SPIRITS, Acts 2: 31. Which Christ visited. Luko 23 : 43. Acts 2: 31. 1 Pet. 3:19. Contains, a place of rest, Abra- ham's bosom. Luke 16: 23. Paradise. Luke 23: 43. And a place of torment. Luke 16: 23. i. The place of future punish- ment. Destruction from the presence of God. 2 The. 1 : 9. Described as Everlasting punishment. Mat. 2,") : 46. Everlasting Are. Mat. 2.5:41. Everlasting burnings. Isa. 33 : 14. .K furnace of fire. Mat. 13: 42, 50. A lake of fire. Eev. 20:15. Fire and brimstone. Rev. 14:10. Unquenchable fire. Mat. 3:12. Devouring fire. Isa. 33: 14. Prepared for the devil, &c. Mat. 25: 41. Devils are confined in, until the judg- ment-day. 2 Pet. 2 : 4. Jude 6. Punishment of, is eternal. Isa. 33: 14. Rev. 20 : 10. The wicked shall be turned into. Psa. 9:17. Human power cannot preserve from. Eze. 32 : 27. The body suflers in. Mat. 5: 29. Mat. 10:28. The soul suffers in. Mat. 10: 28. The wise avoid. Pro. 15:24. Endeavor to keep others from. Pro. 23:14. Jude 23. The society of the wicked leads to. Pro. 5:5. Pro. 9: 18. The beast, false prophets, and the devil shall be cast into. Rev. 19: 20. Rev. 20:10. The powers of, cannot prevail against the Church. Mat. 16: 18. Illustrated. Isa. 30: 33. Herbs, &c. Called the green herbs. 2 Kin. 19: 26. God Created. Gen. 1:11, 12. Gen. 2:5. Causes, to grow. Job 38:27. Psa. 104 : 14. Each kind of, contains its own seed. Gen. 1 : 11, 12. Given as food to man. Gen. 1 : 28, 29. Gen. 9: 3. Found in The fields. Jer. 12:4. The mountains. Pro. 27:25. The marshes. Job 8: 11. The deserts. Job 24:5. Jer. 17: 6. Cultivated in gardens. Deu. 11 : 10, 1 Kin. 21 : 2. Cultivated for food. Pro. 15: 17. Heb. 6:7. Require rain and dew. Deu. 32: 2. Job 38: 26, 27. Mode of watering, alluded to. Deu, 11 : 10. Mentioned IN Scripture; Aloe. So. of Sol. 4: 14. Anise. Mat. 23:2.3. Barley. Exo. 9: 31. 2 Sam. 14:3C\ Beans. 2 Sam. 17 : 28. Bulrushes. Exo. 2: 3. Isa. .58: 5. Calamus. So. of Sol. 4 : 14. Cummin. Isa. 28:27. Mat. 23:23. Cucumber. Num. 11:5. Isa. 1:8. Fitches. Isa. 28: 25, 27. Flag. Exo. 2:3. Job 8: 11. Flax. Exo. 9:31. Garlic. Num. 11: 5. Gourds. 2 Kin. 4 : 39. Grass. Num. 22:4. Heath. Jer. 17 : 6. Jer. 48: 6. Hyssop. Exo. 12: 22. 1 Kin. 4:33. Leeks. Num. 11 : 5. Lentiles. Gen. 25:34. Mandrakes. Gen. 30: 14. So. of Sol. 7 : 13. Mallows. Job 30: 4. Millet. Eze. 4 : 9. Melon. Num. 11:5. Mint. Mat. 23: 23. Myrrh. So. of Sol. 4: 14. Onions. Num. 11 : 5. Reeds. Job 40 : 21. Isa. 19 : 6. Rushes. Job 8: 11. Rye. Exo. 9:32. Saffron. .So. of Sol. 4:14. Spikenard. So. of Sol. 4: 14. Tares or Darnel. Mat. 13 : 30. Wheat. Exo. 9:32. Jer. 12:13. Bitter, used at passover. Exo. 12 : 8. Num.9: 11. Poisonous, not fit for man's use. 2 Kin. 4:39,40. Destroyed by Hail and lightning. Exo. 9: 22— 25. Locusts, &c. Exo. 10: 12, 15. Psa. 105 : 34, 35. Drought. Isa. 42: 15. Titlieable among the Jews. Luke 11 : 42. Were sometimes used instead of ani- mal food by weak saints. Rom. 14: 2. Illustrative Of the wicked. 2 Kin 19 : 26. Psa. 37 : 2. (Dew on,) of grace given to saints. Isa. 18:4. High Places. Used for idolatrous worship. 1 Kin. 11:7, 8. God sometimes worshipped on.l Sam. 9; 12. 1 Kin. 3: 2, 4. 2 Chr. 33: 17. HIG. 116 HIG. Mentioned IN Scripture; Gibeon. 1 Kin. 3:4. Arnon. Num. 21 : 28. Baal. Num. 22: 41. Tophet. Jer. 7:31. Bamah. Eze. 20: 29. Aven. Hos. 10: 8. 'Adorned with tapestry. Eze. 16: 16. Surrounded with groves. 1 Kin. 14 : 23. Built by Solomon. 1 Kin. 11 : 7. Jeroboam. 1 Kin. 12: 31. Jehoram. 2 Chr. 21 : 11. Ahaz. 2 Chr. 28:25. Manasseh. 2 Kin. 21 : 3. 2 Chr. 33 : 3. People of Judah. 1 Kin. 14 : 23. People of Israel. 2 Kin. 17 : 9. Priests ordained for. 1 Kin. 12: 32. 1 Kin. 13 : 33. Sacrifices and incense offered to idols upon. 2 Kin. 12: 3. 2 Kin. 16: 4. Enchantments used upon. Num. 23:3. Num. 24: 1. Of the Canaanites to be destroyed. Num. 33 : 52. The Jews Built, in their cities. 2 Kin. 17 : 9. Built, in all their streets. Eze. 16: 24, 31. Condemned for building. Eze. 16: 23-35. Provoked God with. 1 Kin. 14: 22, 23. Psa. 78:. 58. Threatened with destruction of. Lev. 26 : 30. Punished for. 2 Kin. 17 : ll,with 18 v. Destroyed by Asa, partially. 2 Chr. 14 : 3, 5, with 2 Chr. 15:17. Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 17 : 6. Hezekiah. 2 Kin. 18: 4. 2 Chr. 31:1. Josiah. 2 Kin. 23: 8. 2 Chr. 34: 3. Not removed by Jehoash. 2 Kin. 12: 3. Amaziah. 2 Kin. 14: 4. Azariah. 2 Kin. 15: 4. Jotham. 2 Kin. 15:35. High Priest, The. Specially called of God. Exo 28: 1, 2. Heb. 5 : 4. Consecrated to his office. Exo. 40: 13. Lev. 8:12. Was CALLED The priest. Exo. 29 : 30. Neh. 7 : 65. God's high priest. Acts 23 : 4. Ruler of the people. Exo. 22:28, with Acts 23 : 5. The office of, hereditary. Exo. 29: 29. Next iu rank to the king. Lam. 2: 6. Often exercised chief civil power. 1 Sam. 4:18. Duties of; Offering gifts and sacrifices. Heb. 5:1. Lighting the sacred lamps. Exo. 30:8. Num. 8:3. Making atonement in the most holy place once a year. Lev, 16 oh. Heb. 9:7. Bearing before the Lord the names of Israel for a mem(.>rial. Exo. 28: 12, 29. Enquiring of God by Urim and Thummim. 1 Sam. 23 : 9—12. 1 Sam. 30: 7,8. Consecrating the Levites. Num. 8 11-21. Appointing priests to offices. 1 Sam 2 : 36. Taking charge of money collected in the sacred treasury. 2 Kin. 12: 10. 2 Kin. 22 : 4. Presiding in the superior court. Mat. 26:3, 57-62. Acts 5: 21-28. Acts 23 : 1—5. Taking the census of the people. Num. 1:3. ^ Blessing the people. Lev. 9: 22, 23. Sometimes enabled to prophesy. Jno. 11 : 49-52. Assisted by a deputy. 2 Sam. 15:24. Luke 3: 2. The Deputy of, Called the second priest. S Kin. 25: 18. Had oversight of the tabernacle. Num. 4:16. Had oversight of the Levites. Num. 3:32. To marry a virgin of Aaron's family. Lev. 21: 13,14. Forbidden to mourn for any. Lev. 21 : 10-12. To be tender and compassionate. Heb. 5 : 2. Needed to sacrifice for himself. Heb. 5 : 1—3. Special garments of; Ephod with its curious girdle. Exo, 28 : 6, 7. Girdle. Exo. 28:4, 39. Broidered coat. Exo. 28 : 4, 39. Robe of the ephod. Exo. 28: 31—35. Breastplate. Exo. 28 : 15-29. Linen mitre. Exo. 28:4, 39. Plate or crown of gold, &c. Exo. 28 : 36-38. Made by divine wisdom given to Be- zaleel, &c. Exo. 28:3. Exo. 36:1. Exo. 39: 1. Were for beauty and ornament. Exo. 28:2. Worn at his consecration. Lev. 8:7,9. Worn seven dajs after consecra- tion. Exo. 29:30. Descended to his successors. Exo. 29 : 29. Wore the ordinary priest's garments when making atonement in the holy place. Lev. 16 : 4. Office of, promised to the posterity of Phinehas for his zeal. Num 25; 12, 13. HIG. HIT. Family of Eli degraded from office of, for bad conduct. 1 Sam. 2: 27 — 36. Sometimes deposed by the kings. 1 Kin. 2:27. Office of, made annual by the Romans. Jno. 11 : 49—51, with Acts 4:6. TvpiFiED Christ in Being called of God. Heb. 5: 4,5, His title. Heb. 3:1. His appointment. Isa. 61 : 1. Jno. 1 : 32-34. Making atonement. Lev. 16: 33. Heb. 2:17. Splendid dress. Exo. 28; 2. with Jno. 1:14. Being liable to temptation. Heb. 2:18. Compassion and sympathy for the weak and ignorant. Heb. 4 : 15. Heb. 5:1,2. Marrying a virgin. Lev. 21 : 13, 14. 2 Cor. 11: 2. Holiness of ofTice. Lev. 21 : 15, with Heb. 7 : 26. Performing by himself all the serv- ices on day of atonement. Lev. 16 ch. with Heb. 1 : 3. Bearing the names of Israel upon his heart. Exo. 28: 29, with So. of Sol. 8:6. Alone entering into most holy place. Heb. 9: 7, with 12, 24 vs. and Heb. 4:14. Interceding. Num. 16: 43— 48. Heb. 7:25. Blessing. Lev. 9:22, 23. Acts 3: 26. i'NFERXOE TO CHRIST IN Needing to make atonement for his own sins. Heb. 5:2, 3. Heb. 7: 26-28. Heb. 9:7. Being of the order of Aaron. Heb, 6:20. Heb. 7:11— 17. Heb. 8: 4, 5j withl, 2, 6 vs. Being made without an oath. Heb. 7 : 20-22. Not being able to continue. Heb. 7 : 23, 24. Offering oftentimes the same sac- rifices. Heb. 9 : 25, 26, 28. Heb. 10:11,12,14. Entering into holiest every year. Heb. 9: 7, 12, 25. High-ways, Roads for public use. Num. 20: 19. Deu. 2 : 27. Called th« king's highway. Num. 20: 17. Marked out by heaps of stones. Jer. 31:21. (Jenerally broad. Jud. 20: 32, 45. Mat. 7:13. Generally straight. 1 Sam. 6: 12. Isa, 40:3. Made to all cities of refuge. Deu, 19 : 2,3. Often made in deserts. Isa. 40: 3, Infested with Serpents. Gen. 49:17. Wild beasts. 1 Kin. 13 : 24, with Isa, 35 ■ 9 Robbers. Jer. 3:2. Luke 10 : 30— 33. Beggars sat by sides of. Mat. 20: 30. Mar. 10:46. Often obstructed. Jer. 18 : 15. All obstructions removed from, be- fore persons of distinction. Isa. 40: 3, 4, with Mat. 3:3. By-paths more secure in times of danger. Jud. 5: 6. Desolation of, threatened as a pun- ishment. Lev. 26 : 22. Isa, 33 : 8. Illustrative Of Christ. Jno. 14 : 6. Of the way of holiness. Isa. 35 : 8. Of facilities for the restoration of the Jews. Isa. 11 : 16. Isa. 62:10. (Made in the deserts,) of facilities for the spread of the gospel. Isa. 40:3. Isa. 43:19. (Narrow,) of the way to life. Mat. 7:14. (Broad,) of the way to destruction. Mat. 7: 13. Hittitcs. Descended from Canaan's son, Heth. Gen. 10:15. Called the Sons of Heth. Gen. 23 : 3, 20. Children of Heth. Gen. 23 : 5. One of the seven nations of Canaan. Deu. 7:1. Dwelt in Hebron. Gen. 23 : 2, 3, 19. Governed by kings. 1 Kin. 10:29. 2 Kin. 7:6. Land of, promised to Israel. Gen. 15 : 20. Exo. 3 : 8. Israel commanded to destroy. Deu. 7:1,2, 24. Part of their land given to Caleb. Jos. 14: 13. Not entirely destroyed by Israel. Jud. 3: 5. The remnant of, made tributary in the reign of Solomon. 1 Kin. 9: 20, 21. Luz built in the country of. Jud. 1 : 26. Intermarriages with, by Esau. Gen. 36:2. Solomon. 1 Kin. 11: 1,2. Israel after conquest of Canaan. Jud. 3:5, 6. Israelites after the captivity. Ezr. 9:1. Descent from, illustrative of the degradation of the Jews. Eze. 16: 3. HIT. 118 HOL. Remarkable persons of. Ephron, Gen. 49: .30. Abimelecli, 1 Sam. 26: 6. Uriah, 2 Sam. 11: 6,21. Hivites. Deseeuded from Canaan. Gen, 10: 15, 17. Supposed to be the ancient Avim, or Avites. Deu. 2:33. Jos. 13:3. One of the seven nations of Canaan. Deu. 7:1. Dwelt near Lebanon. Jud. 3: 3. The Shechemites a people of. Gen. 34:2. The Qibeonites a people of. Jos. 9: 3, 7. Esau intermarried with. Gen. 36:2. Land of, promised to Israel. Exo. 3: 8. Exo. 23 : 23. Israel commanded to destroy. Deu. 7:1,2, 24. A part of, left to prove Israel. Jud. 3:3. Remnant of, made tributary in the reign of Solomon. 1 Kin. 9 : 20, 21. Holiness. Commanded. Lev. 11 : 45. Lev. 20: 7. Eph. 5:8. Col. 3: 12. Rom. 12:1. Christ Desires, for His people. Jno. 17: 17. Effects, in His people. Eph. 5: 25-27. An example of. Heb. 7:26. 1 Pet. 2:21,22. The character of God, the standard of. Lev. 19: 2, with 1 Pet. 1 : 15, 16. Eph. 5:1. The character of Christ, the stand- ard of. Rom. 8: 29. 1 Jno. 2: 6. Phi. 2:5. The gospel the way of. Isa. 35 : 8. Necessary to God's worship. Psa. 24 : 3, 4. None shall see God without. Eph. 5:5. Heb. 12:14. Saints Elected to. Rom. 8: 29. Eph. 1 : 4. Called to. 1 The. 4:7. 2 Tim. 1 : 9. New created in. Eph. 4: 24. Possefes. 1 Cor. 3 : 17. Heb. 3 : 1. Have their fruit unto. Rom. 6:22. Shbuld follow after. Heb. 12: 14. Should serve God in. Luke 1:74, 75. Should yield (heir members as in- struments of. Rom. 6: 13, 19. Should present their bodies to God in. Rom. 12: 1. Should have their conversation in. 1 Pet. 1:15. 2 Pet. 3:11. Should continue in. Luke 1 : 75. Should seek perfection in. 2 Cor. 7: 1. Shall be presented to God in. Col. 1:22. 1 The. 3:13. Shall continue in, for ever. Rev. 22:11. Behavior of aged women should be as becomes. Tit. 2:3. Promise to women who continue in. 1 Tim. 2:15. Promised to the Church. Isa. 35 : 8. Oba. 17. Zee. 14:20, 21. Becoming in tlie Church. Psa. 93: 5. The Church is the beauty of. 1 Chr. 16 : 29. Psa. 20 : 2. The word of God the means of pro- ducing. Jno. 17: 17. 2 Tim. 3: 16, 17. Is THE RESULT OF The manifestation c f God's grace. Tit. 2:3, 11, 12. Subjection to God. Rom. 6 : 22. God's keeping. .Jno. 17 : 15. Union with Christ. Jno. 15 : 4, 5. Jno. 17 : 9. Required in prayer. 1 Tim. 2:8. Ministers should Possess. Tit. 1 : 8. Avoid everything inconsistent with. Lev. 21:6. Isa. 52:11. Be examples of. 1 Tim. 4 : 12. Exhort to. Heb. 12 : 14. 1 Pet. 1 : 14—16. Motives to; The glory of God. Jno. 15 : 8. Phi.. 1: 11. The love of Christ. 2 Cor. 5 : 14, 15. The mercies of God. Rom. 12: 1, 2. The dissolution of all things. 2 Pet. 3: 11. Chastisements are intended to pro- duce, in saints. Heb. 12 : 10. Jas.. 1 : 2, 3. Should lead to separation from the' wicked. Num. 16: 21, 26. 2 Cor, 6:. 17, 18. The wicked are without. 1 Tim. 1 : 9,. 2 Tim. 3:2. Exemplified. DarW, Psa. 86:2. Israel, Jer. 2:3. John the Baptist, Mar, 6: 20. Prophets, Luke 1 : 70. Paul, 1 The. 2:10. Wives of Patriarchs, 1 Pet. 3:5. Holiness of God, The, Is incomparable. Exo. 15: 11, 1 Sam. 2: 2. Exhibited in His Character. Psa. 22:3. Jno. 17: U.. Name. Isa. 57 : 15. Luke 1 : 49. Words. Psa. 60 : 6. Jer. 23 : 9. Works. Psa. 145:17. Kingdom. Psa. 47 : 8. Mat. 13 : 41. Rev. 21:27. ICor. 6:9, 10. Is pledged for the fulfilment OF' His promises. Psa. 89: 35. His judgments. Amos 4: 2. Saints are commanded to imitate. Lev. 11 : 44, with 1 Pet. 1 : 15, 16. Saints should praise. Psa. 30:4. HOL., 119 HOL. Should produce reverential fear. Kev. 15 : 4. Requires holy service. Jos. 24:19. Psa. 93:5. Heavenly hosts adore. Isa. 6: 3. Eev. 4:8. Should be magnified. IChr. 16:10. Psa. 48 : 1. Psa. 99 : 3, 5. Rev. 15 : 4. Holy Ghost, the Comforter, The. Proceeds from the Father. Jno. 15 : 26. Given By the Father. Jno. 14 : 16. By Christ. Isa. 61 : 3. Through Christ's intercession. Jno. 14: 16. Sent in the name of Christ. Jno. 14:26. Sent by Christ from the Father. Jno. 15: 26. Jno. 16: 7. As SUCH He Communicates joyto saints. Rom. 14 : n. Gal. 5 : 22. 1 The. 1 : 6. Edifies the Church. Acts 9:31. Testifies of Christ. Jno. 15 : 26. Imparts the love of God. Rom. 5 : 3—5. Imparts hope. Rom. 15:13. Gal. 5 : 5. Teaches saints. Jno. 14 : 26. Dwells with, and in saints. Jno. 14:17. Abides for ever with saints. Jno. 14: 16. Is known by saints. Jno. 14: 17. The world cannot receive. Jno. 14 : 17. Holy Ghost, The, is God. As Jehovah. Exo. 17 : 7, with Heb. 3: 7—9. Num. 12:6, with 2 Pet. 1:21. As Jehovah of hosts. Isa. 6 : 3, 8 — 10, with Acts 28: 25. As Jehovah, Most High. Psa. 78: 17, 21, with Acts 7 : 51. Being invoked as Jehovah. Luke 2: 26-29. Acts 4: 23—25, with Acts 1: 16, 20. 2 The. 3 : 5. As called God. Acts 5 : 3, 4. As joined with the Father and the Son in the baptismal formula. Mat. 28:19. As eternal. Heb. 9: 14. As omnipresent. Psa. 139: 7 — 13. As omniscient. 1 Cor. 2 : 10. As omnipotent. Luke 1: 35. Rom. 15 : 19. As the Sj^irit of glory and of God. 1 Pet. 4: 14. As Creator. Gen. 1 : 26, 27, with Job ,33 : 4. As equal to, and one with the Fa- ther. Mat. 28:19. 2 Cor. 13 : 14. As Sovereign Disposer of all things. Dan. 4: 3.5, with 1 Cor. 12: 6, 11. As Author of the new birth. Jno, 3: 5, 6, with 1 Jno. 5: 4. As raising Christ from the dead. Acts2:24, withl Pet. 3: 18. Heb. 13: 20, with Rom.l: 4. As inspiring Scripture. 2 Tim. 3: 16, with 2 Pet. 1:21. As the source of wisdom. 1 Cor. 12: 8. Isa. 11:2. Jno. 16: 13. Jno. 14: 26. As the source of miraculous power. Mat. 12: 28, with Luke 11: 20. Acts 19: 11, with Rom. 15: 19. As appointing and sending ministers. Acts 13: 2, 4, with Mat. 9: 38. Acts 20:28. As directing where the gospel should be preached. Acts 16 : 6, 7, 10. As dwelling in saints. Jno. 14 : 17, with 1 Cor. 14: 25. 1 Cor. 3: 16, with 1 Cor. 6 : 19. As Comforter of the Church. Acts 9 : 31, with 2 Cor 1:3. As sanctifying the Church. Eze. 37: 28, with Rom. 15: 16. As the Witness. Heb. 10: 15, with 1 Jno. 5:9. As convincing of sin, of righteous- ness, and of judgment. Jno". 16: 8 —11. Holy Ghost, The, Personality of. ■ He creates and gives life. Job 33 : i. He appoints and commissions minis- ters. Isa. 48:16. Acts 13: 2. Acts 20:28. He directs ministers where to preach. Acts 8 : 29. Acts 10 : 19, 20. He directs ministers where not to preach. Acts 16: 6, 7. He instructs ministers what to preach. 1 Cor. 2: 13. He spoke in, and by, the Prophets. Acts 1:16. 1 Pet. 1:11, 12. 2 Pet. 1:21. He strives with sinners. Gen. 6: 3. He reproves. Jno. 16:8. He comforts. Acts 9: 31. He helps our infirmities. Rom. 8: 26. He teaches. Jno. 14:26. 1 Cor. 12:3. He guides. Jno. 16:13. He sanctifies. Rom. 15: 16. 1 Cor. 6:11. He testifies of Christ. Jno. 15 : 26. He glorifies Christ. Jno. 16: 14. He has a power of His own. Rom. 15:13. He searches all things. Rom. 11 : 33. 34, withl Cor. 2: 10,11. He works according to His own will. 1 Cor. 12: 11. He dwells with saints. Juo. 14 : 17. He can be grieved. Eph. 4 : 30. He can be vexed. Isa. 63: 10. He can be resisted. Acts 7 : 51. He can be tempted. Acts 5 : 9. HOL, 120 HOL. Holy Ghost, the teacher, The. Promised. Pro. 1 : 23. As the Spirit of wisdom. Isa. 11 : 2, Isa. 40:13,14. Given In answer to prayer. Eph. 1 : 16, 17. To saints. Neh. 9: 20. ICor. 2: 12, 13. Necessity for. 1 Cor. 2:9, 10. As SUCH He Reveals the things of God. 1 Cor. 2 : 10, 13. Reveals the things of Christ. Jno. 16:14. Reveals the future. Luke 2: 26. Acts 21: 11. Brings the words of Christ to re- membrance. Jno. 14 : 26. Directs in the way of godliness. Isa. 30: 21. Eze. 36: 27. Teaches saints to answer persecu- tors. Mar. 13: 11. Luke 12: 12. Enables ministers to teach. 1 Cor. 12:8. Guides into all truth. Jno. 14: 26. Jno. 16:13. Directs the decisions of the Church. Acts 15 : 28. Attend to the instruction of. Rev. 2: 7, 11,29. The natural man will not receive the things of. iCor. 2: 14. Holy Land. Extremely fruitful. Exo. 3 : 8. Num. 13: 27. Deu. 8: 7— 9. Deu. 11 : 10—12. Abounded in minerals. Deu. 8: 9. Deu. 33: 25. Called The land. Lev. 26 : 42. Luke 4 : 25. The Lord's land. Hos. 9:3. Land of Canaan. Gen. 11: 31. Lev. 14 : 34. Land of Israel. 1 Sam. 13: 19. Mat. 2:20,21. Land of Judah. Isa. 26 : 1. Land of the Hebrews. Gen. 40: 15. Land of promise. Heb. 11 : 9. Land of Immanuel. Isa. 8:8. Pleasant land. Psa. 106:24. Dan. 8* 9 • Good'land. Num. 14: 7. Deu. 3: 25. Glorious land. Dan. 11 : 16. Palestina. Exo. 15: 14. Isa. 14: 29, 31. Original inhabitants of. Gen. 10: 15—20. Deu. 7:1. Inhabitants of, expelled for wicked- ness. Gen. 15:16. Exo. 23: 23. Lev. 18:25. Deu. 18:12. Promised to Abraham. Gen. 12: 7. Gen. 13:15. Gen. 17 : 8. Isaac. Gen. 26: 3. Jacob. Gen. 28: 13, 15. Gen. 35: 12. Given by covenant to Israel. Exo. 6:4. Extent of. As promised. Gen, 15:18. Deu. 1: 7. Jos. 1:4. As at first divided. Num. 34 : 1—12. Under Solomon. 1 Kin. 4: 21, 24. 2Chr. 9:26. Twelve men sent to spy. Num. 13 ch. Conquered by Joshua. Jos. 6 ch. to Jos. 12 ch. Divided by lot. Num. 34: 16—29, with Jos. 13 : 7—14. Allotment of, specified. Jos. 14 ch. to Jos. 19 ch. All inheritances in, inalienable. Lev. 25 : 10, 23. A sabbath of rest appointed for. Lev. 25:2— 5. Obedience the condition of continu- ing in. Lev. 26 : 3, &c. Deu. 5 : 33. Deu. 11 : 16, 17, 22—25. Divided into Twelve provinces by Solomon. 1 Kin. 4 : 7—19. Two kingdoms in the time of Reho- boam. 1 Kin. 11: 35, 36. 1 Kin. 12 : 19, 20. Four provinces by the Romars. Luke 3: 1. Numerous population of, in Solo- mon's reign. 1 Kin. 3: 8. 2 Chr. 1:9. Extensive commerce of, in Solomon's reign. 1 Kin. 9: 26— 28. 1 Kin. 10: 22—29. Prosperity of, in Solomon's reign. 1 Kin. 4 : 20. Was the burial place of the patri- archs. Gen. 49: 29— 31. Gen. 50:13, 25. Jos. 24 : 32. A type of the rest that remaineth for saints. Heb. 4: 1, 2, 9. 1 Pet. 1 : 4. Holy of Holies. Divided from the outward tabernacle by a vail. Exo. 26 : 31— 33. Was called the Sanctuary. Lev. 4: 6. Psa. 20:2. Holy sanctuary. Lev. 16: 33. Holy place. Exo. 28: 29. Lev. 16: 2 3. Most" holy place. Exo. 26: 31—33. Holiest of all. Heb. 9:3. Oracle. 1 Kin. 6: 5, 16, 20. Contained Ark of testimony. Exo. 26 : 33. Exo. 40:3, 21. Mercv-seat. Exo. 26: 34. Cherubim. Exo. 25 : 18— 22. 1 Kin. 6 : 23—28. Golden censer. Heb. 9:4. Pot of manna. Exo. 16: 33. Heb. 9:4. Aaron's rod. Num. 17 : 10. Heb. 9:4. HOL. 121 HOP. i written copy of the divine law. Deu. 31:2ti. 2 Kin. 22:8. Ood appearediu. Exo. 2.'): 22. Lev. 16:2. The high priest Not to enter, at all times. Lev. 16: o Alone to enter, once a year. Heb. 9:7. Entered, in ordinary priest's dress. Lev. 16: 4. Entered, not without blood of atonement. Lev. 16: 14, 15. Heb. 9:7. Offered incense in. Lev. 16:12. Made atonement for. Lev. 16:15, 16, 20, 33. The priests allowed to enter, and prepare the holy things for re- moval. Num. 4: 5. Laid open to view at Christ's death. Mat. 27:. 51. A type of heaven. Psa. 102:19. Heb. 9:12,13,24. Saints have boldness to enter the true. Heb. 10:19. Homicide. Distinguished from murder. Exo. 21: 13, 14. Num. 35: 16-21, with 25 V. Justifiable, described as Killing persons condemned by law. Gen. 9 : 6. Exo. 35 : 2. Lev. 24 : 16. Killing a thief in the night. Exo. 22 ■ ' Killing enemies in battle. Num. 31 : 7 8. Killing a manslayer by next of kin. Num. 35:27. Unjustifiable, described as Killing without enmity. Num. 35 : 22. Killing without lying in wait. Exo. 21:13. Num. 35: 22. Killing by accident. Num. 35:23. Deu. 19:5. The avenger of blood might slay those guilty of unjustifiable. Num. 35 : 19, 27. Protection afforded in the cities of refuge to those guilty of unjustifi- able. Num. 35: 11, 15. Confinement in the city of refuge the punishment for unjustifiable. Num. 35 : 25, 28. Honey. God the giver of. Psa. 81 : 16. Eze. 16:19. Gathered and prepared by bees. Jud. 14:18. Found in Rocks. Deu. 32:13. Psa. 81:16. Woods. 1 Sam. 14: 25, 26. Jer. 41:8. Carcases of dead animal's, Jud. 14:8. Sweetness of. Jud. 14 : 18. In the comb sweetest and most valuable. Pro. 16:24. Pro. 24:13. Abounded in Egypt. Num. 16: 13. Assyria. 2 Kin. 18:32. Canaan. Exo. 3: 8. Lev. 20: 24. Deu. 8:8. Esteemed a wholesome food. Pro, 24:13. Moderation needful in the use of. Pro. 25 : 16, 27. Loathed by those who are full. Pro. 27:7. Was eaten Plain. iSam. 14:25, 26, 29. With the comb. So. of Sol. 5: 1. Luke 24 : 42. With milk. So. of Sol. 4: 11. With butter. Isa. 7 : 15, 22. With locusts. Mat. 3 : 4. Mar. 1 : 6. Mixed with flour. Exo. 16 : 31. Eze. 16:13. Not to be offered with any sacrifice. Lev. 2:11. First fruits of, offered to God. 2 Chr. 31 : 5. Often sent as a present. Gen. 43:11. 1 Kin. 14:3. Exported from Canaan. Eze. 27 : 17. Illustrative of The word of God. Psa. 19 : 10. Psa. 119: 103. Wisdom. Pro. 24: 13, 14. Holy speech of saints. So. of Sol. 4:11. Pleasant words. Pro 16 : 24. Lips of a strange woman. Pro. 5: 3. Hope In God. Psa. 39 : 7. 1 Pet. 1 : 21. In Christ. 1 Cor. 15 : 19. 1 Tim. 1 : 1. In God's promises. Acts 26: 6, 7. Tit. 1:2. In the mercy of God. Psa. 33 : 18. Is the work of the Holy Ghost. Rom. 15:13. Gal. 5:5. Obtained through Grace. 2 The. 2:16. The word. Psa. 119:81. Patience and comfort of the Scrip- tures. Rom. 15 : 4. The gospel. Col. 1 : 5, 23. Faith. Rom. 5:1,2. Gal. 5:5. The result of experience. Rom. 5: 4. A better hope brought in by Christ. Heb. 7:19. Described as Good. 2 The. 2:16. Lively. 1 Pet. 1 : 3. Sure and steadfast. Heb. 6:19. Gladdening. Pro. 10:28. Blessed. Tit. 2:13. Makes not ashamed. Rom. 5 : 5. HOP. 122 HOR. Triumphs over difficulties. Rom. 4: 18. Is an encouragement to boldness in preaching. 2 Cor. .3 : 12. Saints Are called to. Eph. 4 : 4. Rejoice in. Rom. 5: 2. Rom. 12: 12. Have all, the same. Eph. 4 : 4. Have, in death. Pro. 14 : 32. Should abound in. Rom. 15 : 13. Should look for the object of. Tit. 2:13. Should not be ashamed of. Psa. 119:116. Should hold fast. Heb. 3 : 6. Should not be moved from. Col. 1 : 23. Should continue in. Psa. 71:14. 1 Pet. 1:13. Connected with faith and love. 1 Cor. 13 : 13. Objects of; Salvation. 1 The. 5 : 8. Righteousness. Gal. .5 : .5. ■ Christ's glorious appearing. Tit. 2:13. A resurrection. Acts 23 : 6. Acts 24 : 15. Eternal life. Tit. 1 : 2. Tit. 3 : 7. Glory. Rom. 5:2. Col. 1:27. Leads to purity. 1 Jno. 3 : 3. Leads to patience. Rom. 8: 25. 1 The. 1:3. Seek for full assurance of. Heb. 6: 11. Be ready to give an answer concern- ing. 1 Pet. 3 : 15. Encouragement to. Hos. 2:15. Zee. 9:12. Encourage others to. Psa. 130: 7. Happiness of. Psa. 146: 5. Life is the season of. Ecc. 9 : 4. Isa. ,38: 18. The wicked have no ground for. Enh. 2:12. Of the wicked Is in their worldly possessions. Job 31 : 24. Shall make them ashamed. Isa. 20:5,6. Zee. 9:5. Shall perish. Job 8: 13. Job 11 : 20. Pro. 10 : 28. Shall be extinguished in death. Job 27:8. Illustrated by, An Anchor, Heb. 6:19. A helmet, 1 The. 5: 8. Exemplified. David, Fsa. S9: 1. Paul, Acts 24: .15. ^braTiam, Rom. 4: 18. Thessalonians, 1 The. 1 : 3. Horns. Natural weapons on heads of ani- mals. Dan. 7 : 20. Animals with, mentioned; The ox. Psa. 69:, 31. The ram. Gen. 22:13. The goat. Dan. 8:5. The unicorn. Psa. 22 : 21. Psa. 92 : 10. Tusks of the elephant so called. Eze. 27 : 15. Used offensively. Exo. 21 : 29. Eze. 34:21. Were used For holding oil. 1 Sam. 16:1. 1 Kin. 1 : 39. As musical instruments. Jos. 6: 4, 5. IChr. 25:5. Representations of, placed at the four corners of the altars. Exo. 27 : 2. Exo. 30 : 2. Wearing of, alluded to. Psa. 75 : 5, 10. Illustrative Of power of God. Psa. 18: 2. Hab. 3:4. Of power of Christ. Luke 1 : 69. Rev. 5:6. Of power of Ephraim, &c. Deu. 33 : 17. Of power of the wicked. Psa. 22 : 21. Psa. 75 : 10. Of kings. Dan. 7 : 7, 8, 24. Dan. 8 : 3, 5, 20. Of antichrlstian powers. Rev. 13: 1. Rev. 17: 3, 7. (Budding of,) of the commence- ment or revival of a nation. Psa. 132:17. Eze. 29:21. (Raising up,) of arrogance. Psa, 75: 4,5. (Exalting,) of increase of power and glory. 1 Sam. 2 : 1, 10. Psa. 89 : 17,24. Psa. 92:10. Psa. 112:9. (Pushing with,) of conquests. Deu. 33:17. 1 Kin. 22:11. Mic. 4:13. (Bringing down,) of degradation. Job 16 : 15. (Cutting off,) of destruction of power. Psa. 75: 10. Jer. 48: 25. Lam. 2:3. Horse, The. Endued with strength by God. Job 39: 19. Described as Strong. Psa. 33: 17. Psa. 147: 10. Swift. Isa. 30: 16. Jer. 4: 13. Hab. 1: 8. Fearless. Job 39 : 20, 22. Fierce and impetuous. Job 39:21, 24. Warlike in disposition. Job 39 : 21. Jer. 8 : 6. Surefooted. Isa. 63: 13. Want of understanding in, alluded to. Psa. 32:9. Hard hoofs of, alluded to. Isa. 5 : 28. Loud snorting of, alluded to. Jer. 8: 16, with Job 39: 20. Colors of, mentioned ; White. Zee. 1:8. Zee. 6: 3. Rev. 6: 2. Black. Zee. 6:2, 6. Rev. 6:5. HOE. 123 HOU. Red. Zee. 1:8. Zee. 6: 2. Rev. 6:4. Speckled. Zee. 1:8. Bav. Zee. 6:3, 7. Grisled. Zee. 6:3,6. Pale or ash color. Rev. 6:8. Fed on grain aud herbs. 1 Kin. 4 : 23, IKin. 18:5. Used foe Mounting cavalry. Exo. 14 : 9. 1 Sam. 13: 5. Drawing chariots. Mic. 1 : 13. Zee. 6:2. Bearing burdens. Ezr. 2:66. Neh. 7:08. Hunting. Job 39: 18. Conveying posts, c&c. 2 Kin. 9 : 17—19. Est. 8 : 10. Kings and princes rode on. Est. 6: 8-11. Eze. 23:23. Governed bv bit and bridle. Psa. 32: 9. Jas. 3:3. Urged on by whips. Pro. 26: 3. Adorned with bells on the neck. Zv- 14:20. Numbers of, kept for war. Jer. 51 : 27. Eze. 20 : 10. Prepared and trained for war. Pro. 21: 31. In battle protected by armor. Jer. 46:4. Vanity of trusting to. Psa. 33:17. Amos 2: 15. The Jews Forl)idden to multiply. Deu. 17: 16. Imported from Egypt. 1 Kin. 10: 28, 29. Multiplied in Solomon's reign. 1 Kin. 4:26. Condemned for multiplying. Isa. 2: 7. Not to trust in. Hos. 14: 3. Condemned for trusting to. Isa. 30: 16. Isa. 31:3, Brought back many, from Babylon. Ezr. 2 : 66. Notice of early traffic in. Gen. 47: 17. Sold in fairs and markets. Eze. 27: 14. Rev. 18 : 13. Often suffered Front blindness. Zee. 12: 4. From plague. Zee. 14: 15. From murrain. Exo. 9: 3. From bites of serpents. Gen. 49: 17. In the hoof from prancing. Jud. 5: 22 In^battle. Jer. 51: 21. Hag. 2: 22. Dedicated to the sun by idolaters. 2 Kiu, 23: 11. Illustrative of Beauty of the church. So. of Sol. 1 : 9. Zee. 10:3. Glorious and triumphant deliver- ance of the church. Isa, 63: 13, A dull headstrong disposition. Psa. 32: 9, Impetuosity of the wicked in sin. Jer. 8:6. Hospitality. Commanded, Rom, 12: 13, 1 Pet. 4:9. Required in ministers. 1 Tim. 3:2. Tit. 1 : 8. A test of Christian character. 1 Tim. 5:10. Specially to be shown to Strangers, Heb. 13:2, The poor. Isa. 58:7. Luke 14: 13. Enemies. 2 Kin, 6:22, 23, Rom, 12 : 20, Encouragement to, Luke 14 : 14. Heb. 13:2. Exemplified. Melchi^edek, Gen. 14: 18. Abraham, Gen. 18:3— 8, Lot, Gen. 19: 2, 3. Laftan, Gen. 24: 31. Jethro, Exo. 2: 20. Manoah, Jud, 13 : 15, Samuel, 1 Sam, 9 : 22, David, 2 Sam, 6:19, BarziUai, 2 Sam, 19: 32, Shunammite, 2 Kin, 4:8. Nehe- miah, Neh, 5 : 17. Job, Job 31 : 17, 32. Zaccheus, Luke 19:6. Samaritans, Jno, 4:40. Lydia, Acts 16: 15. Ja- son, Acts 17 : 7. Mnason, Acts 21, 16. People of Melita, Acts 28 : 2. Publius, Acts 28 : 7. Gaius, 3 Jno. 5, 6. Houses. Antiquity of. Gen. 12:1. Gen. 19:3. Deep and solid foundations required for. Mat. 7:24. Luke 6: 48. Sometimes built without foundation. Mat. 7:26. Luke 6: 49. Built of Clay. Job 4: 19. Bricks. Exo. 1 : 11—14. Isa. 9 : 10. Stone and wood. Lev. 14:40,42, Hab, 2:11, Hewn or cut stone, Isa, 3 : 10, Amos 5:11, In cities, built in streets. Gen, 19:2, Jos, 2:19, Often built on city walls, Jos, 2: 15, 2 Cor. 11 : 33. The flat roofs of, Surrounded with battlements. Deu. 22:8. Had often booths on them. 2 Sam. 16:22. Neh. 8:16. Pro, 21 : 9. Had often idolatrous altars on them. 2 Kin. 23: 12. Jer. 19:13. Zep. 1 : 5. Used for drying flax, &c. Jos. 2 : 6. Used for exercise, 2 Sam. 11 : 2, Dan. 4 : 29. Used for devotion. Acts 10: 9. Used for making proclamations. Luke 12:3. Used for secret conference. 1 Sam. 9 : 25, 26. Resorted to in grief. Isa. 13 : 3. Jer. 48:38. Often covered with week grass. Psa. 129:6, 7. Accessible from the outside. Mat. 24:17. HOU. 124 HUM. The courts of, large aud used as apartmeats. Est. 1 : 5. Luke 5 : 19. Entered by a gate or door. Gen. 43: 19. Exo. 12:22. Luke 16: 20. Acts 10:17. Doors of, low and small for safety. Pro. n : 19. Doors of, how fastened. 2 Sam. 13: 18. So. of Sol. 5:5. Luke 11: 7. Admission to, gained by knocking at the door. Acts 12 : 13. Rev. 3 : 20. Walls of, plastered. Lev. 14 : 42, 43. Serpents often lodged in walls of. Amos 5: 19. Custom of fastening nails, &c. in walls of, alluded to. Ecc. 12 : 11, Isa. 22:23. Had often several stories. Eze. 41 : 16. Acts 20: 9. Divided into apartments. Gen. 43: 30. Isa. 26:20. Apartments of, were often Large and airy. Jer. 22 : 14. Ceiled and painted. Jer. 22: 14. Hag. 1:4. Inlayed with ivory. 1 Kin. 22:39. Amos 3: 15. Hung with rich tapestries. Est. 1 : 6. Warmed with fires. Jer. 36:22. Jno. 18: 18. Upper apartments of, the best, and used for entertainments. Mar. 14:15. Had often detached apartments for secrecy and for strangers. Jud. 3: 20-23. 2 Kin. 4 : 10, 11. 2 Kin. 9 : 2, 3. Lighted by windows. 1 Kin. 7 : 4. Street windows of, high and dan- gerous. 2 Kin. 1:2. 2 Kin. 9: 30, 33. Acts 20: 9. Of the kich. Great. Isa. 5:9. Amos 6: 11. 2 Tim. 2 : 20. Goodly. Deu. 8:12. Pleasant. Eze. 26 : 12. Mic. 2 : 9. Of BRICK OR CLAY, Plastered. Eze 13: 10, 11. Easily broken through. Job 24: 16, Eze. 12:5. Often swept away by torrents. Eze, 13:13,14. When finished were usually dedica- ted. Deu. 20:5. Psa. 30, (fi»f). For summer residence. Amos 3: 15. Liable to leprosy. Lev. 14 : 34—53. Not to be coveted, Exo, 20:17. Mic. 2: 2. We'rehired. Acts 28 : 30. Were mortgaged. Neh, 5:3. Were sold. Acts 4: 34. Law respecting the sale of. Lev. 25 : 29-33. Of criminals, desolated. Dan, 2: 5. Dan. 3 : 29. Desolation of, threatened as a pun- •ishment. Isa. 5: 9. Isa. 13: 16, 21, 22, Eze. 16:41, Eze. 26:12. Often broken down to repair city walls before sieges. Isa. 22 : 10. Illustrative Of the body. Job 4: 19. 2 Cor. 5:1. Of the grave. Job 30: 23. Of the church. Heb. 3: 6. 1 Pet. 2:5. Of saints' inheritance. Jno. 14: 2. 2 Cor. 5:1. (On sand,) of the delusive hope of hypocrites. Mat. 7 : 26, 27. (On a rock,) of the hope of saints. Mat. 7 : 24, 25. (Insecurity of,) of earthly trust. Mat. 6: 19.20. (Building of,) of great prosperity. Isa. 65:21. Eze. 28: 26. (Built and not inhabited, )of calam- ity. Deu. 28: 30. Amos 5: 11. Zep. 1 : 13. (To inhabit those, built by others,) of abundant blessings. Deu. 6: « 10, 11. Human Nature of Christ, The. Was necessary to His mediatorial office. 1 Tim. 2 : 5. Heb. 2 : 17. Gal. 4 : 4, 5. 1 Cor. 15 : 21. Rom. 6 : 15, 19. Is PROVED BY His Conception in the Virgin's womb. Mat. 1:18. Luke 1 : 31. Birth. Mat. 1: 16, 25. Mat. 2: 2. Luke 2: 7, 11. Partaking of flesh and blood. Jno. 1:14. Heb. 2:14. Having a human soul. Mat. 26: 38. Luke 23: 46. Acts 2: 31. Circumcision. Luke 2 : 21. Increase in wisdom aud stature. Luke 2 : 52. Weeping. Luke 19 : 41. Jno. 11 : 35. Hungering. Mat. 4 : 2. Mat. 21 : 18. Thirsting. Jno. 4 : 7. Jno. 19:28. Sleeping. Mat. 8 : 24. Mar. 4 : 38, Being subject to weariness. Jno. 4:6. Being a man of sorrows. Isa. 53:3, 4. Luke 22: 44. Jno. 11:33. Jno. 12:27. Being buffeted. Mat. 26:67. Luke 22:64. Enduring indignities. Luke 23: 11. Being scourged. Mat. 27:26. Jno. 19:1. Being nailed to the cross. Psa. 22: 16, with Luke 23: 33. Death. Jno. 19:30. Side being pierced. Jno. 19:34. Burial. Mat. 27 : 59, 60. Mar. 15 : 46. Resurrection. Acts 3: 15. 2 Tim. 2:8. Was like our own in all things ex- cept sin. Acts 3: 22. Phi. 2: 7, 8. Heb. 2:17. Was without sin. Heb. 7:26, 28. 1 Jno. 3:5. 1 Pet. 2:22. Heb. 4: 15. Jno, 18:38. Jno. 8:46. HUM. 125 HUS. Was submitted to tlip evidence of the seuses. Luke 24: 39. Juo. 20: 27. IJuo. 1: 1, 2. Was of the seed of The woman. Gen. 3:15. Isa. 7 : i. Jer. 31:22. Luke 1:31. Gal. 4:4. Abraham. Gen. 22 : 18, with Gal. 3 : 16. Hcb. 2: 16. David. 2 Sam. 7:12, 16. Psa. 89: 3.5,36. Jcr. 23: 5. Mat. 22: 42. Mar. 10: 47. Acta 2: 30. Acts 13: 23. Rom. 1: 3. Genealogy of. Mat. 1: 1, &c. Luke 3:2.3, &c. Attested by Himself. Mat. 8: 20. Mat. 16: 13. Confession of, a test of belonging to God. Jno. 4:2. Acknowledged by men. Mar. 6: 3. Jno. 7:27. Juo. 19: 5. Acts 2: 22. Denied by Antichrist. 1 Jno. 4 : 3. 2 Jno. 7. Humility. Necessary to the service of God. Mic. 6:8. Christ an example of. Mat. 11: 29. Jno. 13: 14, 15. Phi. 2: 5—8. A characteristic of saints. Psa. 34:2. They who have. Regarded by God. Psa. 138: 6. Isa. 66:2. Heard by God. Psa. 9: 12. Psa. 10:17. Enjoy the presence of God. Isa. 57: 15. Delivered by God. Job 22 : 29. Lifted up by God. Jas. 4 : 10. Exalted by God, Luke 14: 11. Luke 18: 14. Are greatest in Christ's kingdom. Mat. 18: 4. Mat. 20: 26-28. Receive more grace. Pro. 3: 34, Jas. 4: 6. Upheld by honor. Pro. 18: 12. Pro. 29 : 23. Is before honor. Pro. 15 : 33. Leads to riches, -honor, and life. Pro. 22 : 4. Saints should Put on. Col. 3:12. Be ciotlied with. 1 Pet. 5: 5. Walk with. Eph. 4: 1,2. Beware of false. Col. 2: 18, 23. Afflictions intended to produce. Lev. 26:41. Deu. 8:3. Lam. 3:20. Want of, condemned. 2 Chr. 33: 23. 2 Chr. 36:12. Jer. 44:10. Dan. 5:22. Temporal judgments averted by. 2 Chr. 7: 14. 2 Chr. 12:6, 7. Excellency of. Pro. 16 : 19. Blessedness of. Mat. 5:3. Exemplified. Abraham, Gen. 18: 27. Jacob, Gen. 32: 10. 3Ioses, Exo. 3: 11. Exo. 4 : 10. Joshua, Jos. 7 : 6. Gideon, Jud. 6: 15. David, 1 Chr. 29: 14. irezekiah,2Chr. 32: 26. Manassch, 2 Chr. 33 : 12. Jusiah, 2 Chr. 34 : 27. Job, Job 40: 4. Job 42: 6. Isaiah, Isa. 6: 5. Jeremiah, Jcr. 1 : 6. John the Baptist, Mat. 3: 14. Centurion, Mat. 8:8. \Vo»ian of Canaan, Mat. 15 : 27. Elizabeth, Luko 1 : 43. Peter, Luke 5: 8. Paxil, Acts 20: 19. Humility of Christ, The. Declared by Himself. Mat. 11 : 29. Exhibited in His Taking our nature. Phi. 2: 7. Heb, 2 : 16. Birth. Luke 2: 4— 7. Subjection to His parents. Luke 2: 51. Station in life. Mat. 13: .55. Jno, 9: 29. Poverty. Luke 9: 58. 2 Cor. 8: 9. Partaking of our infirmities. Heb. 4:15. Heb. 5:7. Submitting to ordinances. Mat. 3: 13—15. Becoming a servant. Mat. 20: 28. Luke 22: 27. Phi. 2:7. Associating with the despised. Mat.9: 10,11. Luke 15: 1,2. Refusing honors. Jno. 5:41. Jno. 6:15. Entry into Jerusalem. Zee. 9: 9, with Mat. 21: 5, 7. Washing His disciples' feet. Jno. 13:5. Obedience. Jno. 6:38. Heb. 10:9. Submitting to sufierings. Isa. .50: 6. Isa. 53: 7, with Acts 8: 32. Mat. 26:37-39. Exposing Himself to reproach and contempt. Psa. 22:6. Psa. 69:9, with Rom. 15: 3. Isa. .53: 3. Death. Jno. 10: 15, 17, 18. Phi. 2: 8. Heb. 12 : 2. Saints should imitate. Phi. 2:5—8. On account of, He was despised. Mar. 6:3. Jno. 9:29. His exaltation, the result of. Phi. 2:9. Husbands. Should have but one wife. Gen. 2: 24. Mar. 10:6— 8. 1 Cor. 7:2-4. Have authority over their wives. Gen. 3:16. 1 Cor. 11 : 3. Eph. 5: 23. Duty of, to wives; To respect them. 1 Pet. 3:7. To love them. Eph. 5:25, &c. Col. 3:19. To regard them as themselves. Gen. 2: 23, with Mat. 19: 5. To be faithful to them. Pro. 5: 19. Mai. 2: 14, 15. To dwell with them for life. Gen. 2:24. Mat. 19:3-9. To comfort them. 1 Sam. 1 : 8. To consult with them. Gen. 31: 4—7. HUS. 126 IDL. Not to leave them, though unbe- lieving. 1 Cor. 7 : 11, 12, 14, 16. Duties of, not to interfere with their duties to Christ. Luke 14 : 26, with Mat. 19 : 29. Good— Exemplified. Isaac, Gen. 24 : 67. Elkanali, 1 Sam. 1 : 4, 5. Bad— Exemplified. Solomon, 1 Kin. 11 : 1. Ahasuerus, Est. 1 : 10, 11. Hyke or Upper Garment, Law respecting fringes of. Num. 15: 38. Deu. 22 : 12. Used by the poor as a covering by night. Exo. 22 : 26. 27. Deu. 24 : 13. Burdens often bound up in. Exo. 12 : 34. The skirts of, used to hold things in. 2 Kin. 4 : 39. Neh. 5 : 13. Hag. 2 : 12. Luke 6 : 38. Probably used by women as a vail. Ruth 3: 15. Required to be girt up For running. 1 Kin. 18:46. For labor. Luke 17: 8. Often laid aside. Mat. 24: 18. Mar. 10:50. The Jews said to be naked when without. 2 Sam. 6 : 20. Mar. 14 : 51, 52. Jno. 21 : 7. Was the garment Rent in token of anger. Mat. 26: 65. Rent in token of grief. Joel 2:13. Of Samuel rent by Saul. 1 Sam. 45 : 27. Of Saul which David cut. 1 Sam. 24:4,5. Of Jeroboam rent by Ahijah. 1 Kiu. 11 : 30. Laid aside by Christ. Jno. 13 : 4. Spread before Christ by the Jews. Mat. 21:8. The Jews 'condemned for making broad the borders of. Mat. 23 : 5. Hypocrites, God knows and detects. Isa. 29: 15, 16. Christ knew and detected. Mat. 22: 18. God has no pleasure in. Isa. 9:17. Shall not come before God. Job 13 : 16. Described as Wilfully blind. Mat. 23: 17, 19, 26. Vile. Isa. 32:6; Self-righteous. Isa. 65 : 5. Luke 18:11. Covetous. Eze. 33:31. 2 Pet. 2:3. Ostentatious. Mat. 6: 2, 5, 16. Mat. 23 : 5. Censorious. Mat. 7 : 3—5. Luke 13 : 14, 15. Regarding tradition more than the word of God. Mat. 15 : 1—3. Exact in minor, bjit neglecting im- portant duties. Mat. 23 : 23, 24. Having but a form of godliness. 2 Tim. 3: 5. Seeking only outward purity. Luke 11 : 39. Professing but not practising. Eae. 33:31,32. Mat. 23: 3. Rom. 2: 17—23. Using but lip-worship. Isa. 29 : 13, with Mat. 15 : 8. Glorying in appearance only. 2 Cor. 5 : 12. Trusting in privileges. Jer. 7 : 4. Mat. 3:9. Apparently zealous in the things of God. Isa. 58:2. Zealous in making proselytes. Mat. 23:15. Devouring widows' houses. Mat. 23:14. Loving pre-eminence. Mat. 23: 6, 7. Worship of, not acceptable to God. Isa. 1 : 11—15. Isa. 58 : 3—5. Mat. 15 : 9. Joy of, but for a moment. Job 20: 5. Hope of perishes. Job 8: 13. Job 27:8,9. Heap up wrath. Job.36: 13. Fearf ulness shall surprise. Isa. 33 : 14. Destroy others by slander. Pro. 11 : 9. In power, are a snare. Job 34 : 30. The Apostacy to abound with. 1 Tim. 4:2. Beware of the principles of. Luke 12:1. Spirit of, hinders growth in grace. 1 Pet. 2:1. Woe to. Isa. 29:15. Mat. 23:13. Punishment of. Job 15:34. Isa. 10: 6. Jer. 42 : 20, 22. Mat. 24:51. Illustrated. Mat. 23: 27, 28. Luke 11 : 44. Exemplified. Cain, Gen. 4: 3. Ab- salom, 2 Sam. 15: 7, 8. The Jetvs, Jer. 3:10. Pharii'i'es, &c. Mat. 16: 3. Judas, Mat. 26: 49. Herodians, Mar. 12: 13, 15. Ananias, Acts 5: 1—8. Simon, Acts 8 : 13—23. Idleness and Sloth, Forbidden. Rom. 12:11. Heb. 6:12. Produce apathy. Pro. 12: 27. Pro. 26:15. Akin to extravagance. Pro. 18 : 9. Accompanied by conceit. Pro. 26: 16. Lead to Poverty. Pro. 10: 4. Pro. 20: 13. Want. Pro. 20 : 4. Pro. 24 : 34. Hunger. Pro. 19: 15. Pro. 24:34. Bondage. Pro. 12:24. Disappointment. Pro. 13:4. P:o. 21 : 25. Ruin. Pro. 24: 30, 31. Ecc. 10:18. Tattling and meddling. 1 Tim. 5: 13, IDO. -127 IDO. Effects of, afford instruction to others. Pro. 24 : 30—32. Eemonstraiico against. Pro. 6:6,9 False excuses for. Pro. 20: 4. Pro, 22:13. Illustrated. Pro. 26: 14. Mat. 2: 18, 26. Exemplified. Watchmen, Isa. 56: 10, Alhcnians, Acts IT : 21. Thessalonian 2 The. 3:11. Idolatry. Forbidden. Exo. 20:2, 3. Deu. 5:7. Consists in Bowing down to images. Exo. 20 : r.. Deu. 5 : 9. Worshipping images. Isa. 44: 17. Dan.3:5, 10, l.-j. Sacrificing to images. Psa. 106: 38. Acts 7: 41. Worshipping other gods. Deu. 30: 17. Psa. 81:9. Swearing by other gods. Exo. 23: 13. Jos. 23:7. Walking after other gods. Deu. 8: 19. Speaking in the name of other gods. Deu. 18 : 20. Looking to other gods. Hos. 3:1. Serving other gods. Deu. 7 : 4. Jer. 5:19. Fearing other gods. 2 Kin. 17:. 35. Sacrificing to other gods. Exo. 22: 20. Worshipping the true God by an image, &c. • Exo. 32 : 4 — 6, with Psa. 106:19, 20. Worshipping angels. Col. 2 : 18. Worshipping the host of heaven. Deu. 4:19. Deu. 17:3. W%)rshipping devils. Mat. 4:9,10. Rev. 9 : 20. Worshipping dead men. Psa. 106: 28. Setting up idols in the heart. Eze. 14:3,4. Covetousness. Eph. 5 : 5. Col. 3 : 5. Sensuality. Phi. 3: 19. Is changing the glory of God into an image. Rom. 1 : 23, with Acts 17 : 29. Is changing the truth of God into a lie. Rom. 1 : 25, with Isa. 44 : 20. Is a work of the flesh. Gal. 5 : 19, 20. Incompatible with the service of God. Gen. 35: 2, 3. Jos. 24 : 23. 1 Sam. 7: 3. 1 Kin. 18: 21. 2 Cor. 6: 15, 16. Described as An abomination to God. Deu. 7 : 25. Hateful to God. Deu. 16 : 22. Jer. 44:4. Vain and foolish. Psa. 115: 4—8. Isa. 44: 19. Jer. 10:3. Bloody. Eze. 23 : .39. Abominable. 1 Pet. 4:8. Unprofitable. Jud. 10:14. Isa. 46: 7. Irrational. Acts 17: 29. Rom. 1: 21—23. Defiling. Eze. 20:7, Eze. 36:18. They who practice, Forget God. Deu. 8 : 19. Jer. 18 : 15. Go astray from God. Eze. 44 : 10. Pollute the name of God. Eze. 20: .39. Defile tlie sanctuary of God. Eze. 5:11. Are estranged from God. Eze. 14 : 5. Forsake God. 2 Kin. 22: 17. Jer. 16:11. Hate God. 2 Chr. 19:2,3. Provoke God. Deu. 31 : 20. Isa. 65 : 3. Jer. 25 : 6. Are vain in their imaginations. Rom. 1:21. Are ignorant and foolish. Rom.l: 21,22. Inflame themselves. Isa. 57: 5. Hold fast their deceit. Jer. 8:5. Carried away by it. 1 Cor. 12: 2. Go after it in heart. Eze. 20: 16. Are mad upon it. Jer. 50: 38. Boast of it. Psa. 97:7. Have fellowship with devils. 1 Cor. 10:20. Ask counsel of their idols. Hos. 4 : 12. Look to idols for deliverance. Isa. 44:17. Isa. 45: 20. Swear by their idols. Amos 8: 14. Objects of, numerous. 1 Cor. 8 : 5. Objects of, described as Strange gods. Gen. 35; 2, 4. Jos. 24 : 20. Other gods. Jud. 2:12, 17. 1 Kin. 14:9. New gods. Deu. 32:17. Jud. 5:8. Gods that cannot save. Isa. 45 : 20. Gods that have not made the heavens. Jer. 10: 11. No gods. Jer. 5 : 7. Gal. 4 : 8. Molten gods. Exo. 34: 17. Lev. 19:4. Molten images. Deu. 27:15. Hab 2:18. Graven images. Isa. 45 : 20. Hos. 11:2. Senseless idols. Deu. 4:28 Psa 115:5,7. Dumb idols. Hab. 2: 18. 1 Cor. 12: 2. Dumb stones. Hab. 2 : 19. Stocks. Jer. 3 : 9. Hos. 4 : 12. Abominations. Isa. 44: 19. Jer. 32 : 34. Images of abomination. Eze. 7 : 20. Idols of abomination. Eze. 16: .3(". Stumbling blocks. Eze. 14 : 3. Teachers of lies. Hab. 2 : IS. Wind and confusion. Isa. 41 : 29. Nothing. Isa. 41 : 24. 1 Cor. 8 : 4, Helpless. Jer. 10: 5. Vanity. Jer. 18:15. IDO. 128 IDO. Vanities of the Gentiles. Jer. 14: 22. Making idols for the purpose of, de- scribed and ridiculed. Isa. 44: 10 —20. Obstinate sinners judicially given up to. Deu. 4:28. Deu. 28:64. Hos. 4:17. Warnings against. Deu. 4:15 — 19. Exhortations to turn from. Eze. 14 : 6 Eze. 20:7. Acts 14: 15. Eenouuced on conversion.! The. 1 : 9. Led to abominable sins. Bom. 1: 26,27—32. Acts 15: 20. Saints should Keep from. Jos. 23: 7. 1 Jno. 5: 21. Flee from. 1 Cor. 10:14. Not have any thing connected with, in their houses. Deu. 7 : 26. Not partake of any thing connect- ed with. ICor. 10:19, 20. Not have religious intercourse with those who practice. Jos. 23: 7. 1 Cor. 5:11. Not covenant with those who practice. Exo.34: 12, 15. Deu. 7: 2. Not intermarry with those who practice. Exo. 34:16. Deu. 7:3. Testify against. Acts 14 : 15. Acts 19 : 26. Befuse to engage in, though threat- ened with death. Dan. 3:18. Saints preserved by God from. 1 Kin. 19: 18, with Bum. 11: 4. Saints refuse to receive the worship of. Acts 10:25, 26. Acts 14: 11— 15. Angels refuse to receive the worship of. Eev. 22 : 8, 9. Destruction of, promised. Eze. 36: 25. Zee. 13:2. Every thing connected with, should be destroyed. Exo. 34 : 13. Deu. 7 : 5. 2 Sam. 5:21. 2 Kin. 23:14. Woe denounced against. Hab. 2: 19. Curse denounced against. Deu. 27:15. Punishment of; "Judicial death. Deu. 17 : 2—5. Dreadful judgments which end in death. Jer. 8:2. Jer. 16:1— 11. Banishment. Jer. 8:3. Hos. 8:5 —8. Amos 5: 26, 27. Exclusion from heaven. 1 Cor. 6: 9,10. Eph. 5:5. Eev. 22:1.5. Eternal torments. Bev. 14 : 9 — 11. Bev. 21 : 8. Exemplified. IsraeU Exo. 32:1. 2 Kin. 17:12. P/u7i-.sft)i('s, Jud. 16: 23. lllicah, Jud. 17: 4, 5. Jeruboum, 1 Kin. 12:28. Maachah, 1 Kin. 15:13. Ahab, 1 Kin. 16:31. Jezebel, 1 Kin. 18:19. Sennacherib, 2 Kin. 19:37. Manasseh, 2 Kin. 21 : 4 — 7. Avion, 2 Kin. 21 : 21. Ahaz, 2 Chr.28: 3. Jwrfo/i, Jer. 11 : 13. Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 3:1. Belshazzar, Dan. 5:23. Peo- ple of Lystra, Acts 14: 11, 12. Atheni- ans, Acts 17 : 16. Ephesians, Acts 19 : 28. Zeal against— Exemplified. Asa, 1 Kin. 15: 12. Josiah, 2 Kin. 23:5. Jehoshaphat, 2 Chr. 17 : 6. Israel, 2 Chr. 31 : 1. il/ana^scft , 2 Chr. 33 : 15. All forms of, forbidden by the law of Moses. Exo. 20:4, 5. All heathen nations given up to. Psa. %: 5. Bom. 1 : 23, 25. 1 Cor. 12: 2. Led the heathen to think that their gods visited the earth in bodily shapes. Acts 14: 11. Led the heathen to consider their gods to have but a local influence. 1 Kin. 20:23. 2 Kin. 17:26. Objects of; The heavenly bodies. 2 Kin. 23:5, Acts 7 : 42. Angels. Col. 2: 18. Departed spirits. 1 Sam. 28 : 14, 15. Earthly creatures. Bom. 1: 23. Images. Deu. 29: 17. Psa. 115:4. Isa. 44:17. Temples built for. Hos. 8:14. Altars raised for. 1 Kin. 18:26. Hos. 8:11. Accompanied by feasts. 2 Kin. 10: 20. 1 Cor. 10:27,28. Objects of, worshipped With sacrifices. Num. 22: 40. 2 Kin. 10 : 24. With libations. Isa. 57 : 6. Jer. 19 : 13. With incense. Jer. 48: 35. With prayer. 1 Kin. 18:26. Isa. 44: 17. With singing and dancing. Exo. 32: 18, 19. 1 Kin. 18: 26. (marg,) 1 Cor, 10:7. By bowing to them. 1 Kin. 19: 18. 2 Kin. 5:18. By kissing them. 1 Kin. 19: 18. Hos. 13:2. By kissing the hand to them. Job 31 : 26, 27. By cutting the flesh. 1 Kin. 18: 28. By burning children. Deu. 12: 31. 2 Chr. 33: 6. Jer. 19: 4, 5. Eze. 16:21. In temples. 2 Kin. 5 : 18. On high places. Num. 22:41. Jer. 2: 20. In groves. Exo. 34 : 13. Under trees. Isa. 57 : 5. Jer. 2: 20. In private houses. Jud. 17 : 4, 5. On the tops of houses. 2 Kin. 23: 12. Zep. 1:5. In secret places. Isa. 57: 8. Bites of, obscene and impure. Exo. 32:25. Num. 25:1-3. 2 Kin. 17:9. Isa. ,57 : 6, 8, 9. 1 Pet. 4 : 3. Divination connected with. 2 Chr. 33: 6. Victims sacrificed in, often adorned with garlands. Acts 14:13. Idols, &c. mentioned in Scriptuee; Adrammelech. 2 Kin. 17: 31. Anammelecli. 2 Kin. 17 : 31. Ashima. 2 Kin. 17:. 30. Ashtoreth. Jud. 2: 13. 1 Kin. 11 : 33. Baal. Jud. 2: 11—13. Jud. 6: 25. IDO. 129 INC. Baal-berith. Jud. 8: 33. Jud. 9:4, 46. Baal-peor. Num. 2'>: 1—3. Baal-zebub. 2 Kin. 1 : 2, 1(5. Baal-zephon. Exo. 14 : 2. Bol. Jor. r)0:2. Jer. ,51 : 44. Cliemosh. Num. 21 : 29. 1 Kia. 11 :33. Chiun. Amos 5: 26. Dagon. Jud. 16: 23. 1 Sam. 5:1-3. Diana. Acts 19: 24, 27. Huzzab. Nah. 2: 7. Jupiter. Acts 14: 12. Mercury. Acts 14 : 12. Molecli or Milcom. Lev. 18: 21. 1 Kin. 11 : .5, 33. Merodach. Jer. 50:2. Nergal. 2 Kin. 17: 30. Nebo. Isa. 46: 1. Nibhaz and Tartak. 2 Kin. 17: 31. Nisrocb. 2 Kin. 19:37. Queen of heaven. Jer. 44 : 17, 25. Remphan. Acts 7 : 43. Rimmon. 2 Kin. 5: 18. Succoth-benoth. 2 Kin. 17 : 30. Tammuz. Eze. 8: 14. Objects of, carried in procession. Isa. 46 : 7. Amos 5 : 26. Acts 7 : 43. Early notice of, amongst God's pro- fessing people. Gen. 31 : 19, 30. Gen. 35 : 1-4. Jos. 24 : 2. The Jews Practised, in Egypt. Jos. 24:14. Eze. 23:3, 19. Brought, out of Egypt with them. Eze. 23 : 8, with Acts 7 : 39—41. Forbidden to practice. Exo.20: 1—5. Exo. 23:24. Often mixed up, with God's wor- ship. Exo. 32 : 1—5. 1 Kin. 12 : 27,28. Followed the Canaanites in. Jud. 2:11-13. 1 Chr. 5:2.5. Followed the Moabites in. Num. 25: 1—3. Followed the Assyrians in. Eze. 16: 28— .30. Eze. 23:5-7. Followed the Syrians in. Jud. 10:6. Adopted by SolonK>n. 1 Kin. 11 : 5—8. Adopted by the wicked kings. 1 Kin. 21:26. 2 Kin. 21:21. 2 Chr. 28:2-4. 2Chr. 33:3. 7. Example of the kings encouraged Is- rael in. 1 Kin. 12:30. 2 Kin. 21:11. 2 Chr. 33:9. Great prevalence of, in Israel. Isa. 2: 8. Jer. 2:28. Eze. 8:10. A virtual forsaking of God. Jer. 2: 9-1.3. The good kings of Judah endeavored to destroy. 2 Chr. 15 : 16. 2 Chr. 34 : 7. Captivity of Israel on account of. 2 Kin. 17:6— 18. Captivity of Judah on account of. 2 Kin. 17 : 19—23. Ignorance of God. Ignorance of Christ is. Jno. 8:19. Evidenced by Want of love. 1 Jno. 4 : 8. Not keeping His commands. 1 Jno. 2:4. Living in sin. Tit. 1 : 16. 1 Jno. 3 : 6. Leads to Error. Mat. 22 : 29. Idolatry. Isa. 44: 19. Acts 17: 29, 30. Alienation from God. Eph. 4: 18. Sinful lusts. 1 The. 4 : 5. 1 Pet. 1 : 14. Persecuting saints. Jno. 15 : 21. Jno. 16: 3. Is no excuse for sin. Lev. 4 : 2. Luke 12 : 48. The wicked, in a state of. Jer. 9 : 3. Jno. 15 : 21. Jno. 17 : 25. Acts 17 : 30. The wicked choose. Job 21 : 14. Rom. 1:28. Punishment of. Psa. 79: 6. 2 The. 1:8. Ministers should Compassionate those in. Heb. 5: 2. 2 Tim. 2: 24, 25. Labor to remove. Acts 17 : 23. Exemplified. Pharaoh, Exo. 5: 2. Is- raelites, Psa. 95: 10. Isa. 1 : 3. False prophets, Isa. 56: 10, 11. Jeu-s, Luke 23 : 34. Nicodemus, Jno. 3 : 10. Gen- tiles, Gal. 4 : 8. Paul, 1 Tim. 1 : 13. Incense. Brought from Sheba. Jer. 6:20. Called frankincense. So. of Sol. 4: 6, 14. An article of extensive commerce. Rev. 18:13. Common, not to be offered to God. Exo. 30:9. For God's service mixed with sweet spices. Exo. 25 : 6. Exo. 37 : 29. Receipt for mixing. Exo. 30: 34 — 36. None but priests to offer. Num. 16: 40. Deu. 33 : 10. Offered In censers. Lev. 10: 1. Num. 16: 17, 46. On the altar of gold. Ex. 30: 1, 6. Exo. 40:5. Morning and evening. Exo. 30: 7: 8. Perpetually. Exo. 30:8. By the high priest in the most holy place on the day of atonement. Lev. 16: 12,13. With fire from oil the altar of burnt-ofiFering. Lev. 16: 12. Num. 16; 46. Offering of, allotted to the priests. Luke 1 : 9, The Jews prayed at time of offering. Luke 1 : 10. Designed for atonement. Num. 16: 46, 47. Put on meat offerings. Lev. 2 : 1, 2, 15,16. Lev. 6:15. Levites had charge of. 1 Chr. 9 : 29. Used in idolatrous worship. Jer. 48: 35. INC. 130 INJ. The Jews Not accepted in offering, on ac- count of sin. Isa. 1: 13. Isa. 66:3. Offered, to idols on altars of brick. Isa. 65:3. Punished for offering, to idols. 2 Chr. 34 : 25. Nadab and Abihu destroyed for of- fering, with strange fire. Lev. 10 : 1,2. Korah and his company punished for offering. Num. 16 : 16—35. Uzziah punish for offering. 2 Chr. 26 : 16—21. Presented to Christ by the wise men. Mat. 2:11. Illustrative of The merits of Christ. Rev. 8 : 3, 4. Prayer. Psa. 141 : 2. Mai. 1 : 11. Rev. 5:8. Industry, Commanded. Eph. 4: 28. 1 The. 4: 11. Required of man in a state of in- nocence. Gen. 2 : 15. Required of man after the fall. Gen. 3:23. To be suspended on the Sabbath. Exo. 20:10. Characteristic of godly women. Pro. 31 : 13, &c. Early rising necessary to. Pro. 31 : 15. Requisite tc supply Our own wants. Acts 20: 34. 1 The. 2: 9. Want's of others. Acts 20: 35. Eph. 4:28. The slothful devoid of. Pro. 24 : 30, 31. Le.\ds to Increase of substance. Pro. 13:11. Affection of relatives. Pro. 31 : 28. General commendation. Pro. 31 : 31. Illustrated. Pro. 6:6— 8. Exemplified. Rachel, Gen. 29: 9. Jacob, Gen. 31 : 6. Jetliro''s daughters, Exo. 2 : 10. Ruth, Ruth 2 : 2, 3. Jeroboam, IKin. 11:28. David, 1 Sam. 16: 11. Jeivish elders, Ezr. 6 : 14, 15. Dorcas, Acts 9 : 39. Paul, Acts 18 : 3. 1 Cor. 4: 12 Indwelling of the Holy Ghost» The. In His Church, as His temple. 1 Cor. 3:16. In the body of saints, as His temple. 1 Cor. 6 : 19. 2 Cor. 6 : 16. Promised to saints. Eze. 36 : 27. Saints enjoy. Isa. 63 : 11. 2 Tim. 1 : 14. Saints full of. Acts 6: 5. Eph. 5: 18. Is THE MEANS OF Quickening. Rom. 8: 11. Guiding. Jno. 16 : 13. Gal. 5 : 18. Fructifying. Gal. 5 : 22. A proof of being Christ's. Rom. 8: 9. IJno. 4: 13. A proof of adoption. Rom. 8: 15. Gal. 4:5. Is abiding. 1 Jno. 2 : 27. Those who have not Are sensual. Jude 19. .\re without Christ. Rom. 8: 9. Opposed by the carnal nature. Gal. 5 : 17. Ingratitude. A characteristic of the wicked. Psa. 38:20. 2 Tim. 3: 2. Often exhibited By relations. Job 19: 14. By servants. Job 19 : 15, 16. To benefactors. Psa. 109: 5. Ecc. 9: 15. To friends in distress. Psa. 38: 11. Saints avoid the guilt of. Psa. 7 : 4, 5. Should be met with Prayer. Psa. 35 : 12, 13. Psa. 109 :4. Fathfulness. Gen. 31 : 38—42. Persevering love. 2 Cor. 12 : 15. Punishment of. Pro. 17 : 13. Jer. 18 : 20, 21. Exemplified. Laban, Gen. 31 : 6, 7. Chief butler. Gen. 40: 23. Israel, Exo. 17:4. Men of Keilah, 1 Sam. 23: .5, 12. Saul, 1 Sam. 24: 17. Nabal, 1 Sam. 25:5 — 11,21. Absalom, 2 Sam. 15:6. Joash,2 Chr. 24:22. Ingratitude to God. A characteristic of the wicked. Rom. 1:21. Inexcusable. Isa. 1 : 2, 3. Rom. 1 : 21. Unreasonable. Jer. 2: 5, 6, 31. Mic. 6:2,3. Exceeding folly of. Deu. 32 : 6. Guilt of. Psa. 106: 7, 21. Jer 2:11—13. Prosperity likely to produce. Deu. 31: 20. Deu. 32: 15. Jer. 5: 7—11. Warnings against. Deu. 8:11—14, 1 Sam. 12:24,25. Punishment of. Neh. 9: 20-27. Hos. 2:8,9. Illustrated. Isa. D: 1—7. Eze. 16:1-15. Exemplified. Israel, Deu. 32 : 18. Saul, 1 Sam. 15: 17—19. David, 2 Sam. 12: 7 — 9. Nebuchadnezzar, Dan. 5:18 — 21. Lepers, Luke 17 : 17, 18. Injustice. Forbidden. Lev. 19: 15, 35. Deu. IG: 19. Specially to be avoided towards The poor. Exo. 23 : 6. Pro. 22 : 16, 22, 23. The stranger and fatherless. Exo. 22: 21, 22. Deu. 24: 17. Jer. 22: 3. Servants. Job 31 : 13, 14. Deu. 24 : 14. Jer. 22: 13. Of the least kind, condemned. Luke 16:10. IRO. 131 IRO. God Regards. Ecc. .5 : 8. Approves not of. Lam. .3: 35, 36. Abominates. Pro. 17 : 15. Pro. 20: 10. Hears the cry of those who suffer. Jas. 5: 4. Provoked to avenge. Psa. 12:5. Brings a curse. Deu. 27 : 17, 19. A bad example leads to. Exo. 23:2. Intemperance leads to. Pro. 31 : 5. Covefousncss leads to. Jer. 6: 13. Eze. 22:12. iMic. 2:2. Saints should Hate. Pro. 29:27. Testify against. Psa. .58: 1, 2. Mic. 3:8,9. Bear, patiently. 1 Cor. 6: 7. Take no vengeance for. Mat. 5 : 39. The wicked Deal with. Isa. 26: 10. Judge with. Psa. 82:2. Ecc. 3:16. Hab. 1:4. Practice, without shame. Jer. 6 13,15. Zep. 3:5. Punishment of. Pro. 11: 7. Pro. 28: 8 Amos 5 : 11, 12. Amos 8: 5, 8. 1 The 4:6. Exemplified. Potiphar, Gen. 39: 20, Sons of SaniMel, 1 Sam. 8 : 3. Atiab, 1 Kin. 21 : 10, 15, 16. Jews, Isa. 59 : 14 Princes, t&c. Dan. 6: 4. Judas, Mat 27 : 4. Pilate, Mat. 27 : 24—26. Priests, ili-c. Acts 4 : 3. Festus, Acts 24 : 27. Insects. Created by God. Gen. 1 : 24, 25. Divided into Clean and fit for food. Lev. 11 : 21, *'2 Unclean and abominable. Lev. 11 : 23, 24. Mentioned in Scripture; Ant. Pro. 6:6. Pro. 30: 25. Bee. Jud. 14:8. Psa. 118:12. Isa. 7:18. Beetle. Lev. 11 : 22. Caterpillar. Psa. 78:46. Isa. 33:4. Cankerworm. Joel 1: 4. Nah. 3: 15, 16. Earthworm. Job 25: 6. Mic. 7: 17. Flea. 1 Sam. 24:14. Fly. Exo. 8 : 22. Ecc. 10 : 1. Isa. 7 : 18. Gnat. Mat. 23:24. Grasshopper. Lev. 11:22. Jud. 6: 5. Job 39 : 20. Hornet. Deu. 7 : 20. Locust. Exo. 10 : 12, 13. Bald locust. Lev. 11 : 22. Lice. Exo. 8 : 16. Psa. 105 : 31. Maggot. Exo. 16:20. Moth. Job4:19. Job 27: 18. Isa. 50:9. Palmer-worm. Joel 1 : 4. Amos 4 : 9. Spider. Job 8: 14. Pro. 30:28. Fed by God. Psa. 104 : 25, 27. Psa. 145:9,15. Inspiration of the Holy Ghost, The. Foretold. Joel 2: 28, with Acts 2; 16—18. All Scripture given by. 2 Sam. 23: 2. 2 Tim. 3:16. 2 Pet. 1 : 21. Design of; To reveal future events. Acts 1 : 16. Acts 28: 25. 1 Pet. 1:11. To reveal the mysteries of God. Amos 3: 7. 1 Cor. 2:10. To give power to ministers. Mic. 3:8. Actbl:8. To direct ministers. Eze. 3: 24—27. Acts 11: 12. Acts 13:2. To control ministers. Acts 16 : 6. To testify against sin. 2 Kin. 17: 13. Neh. 9: 30. Mic. 3: 8. Jno. 16:8,9. Modes of; Various. Heb. 1:1. By secret impulse. Jud. 13: 25. 2 Pet. 1 : 21. By a voice. Isa. 6:8. Acts 8: 29. Rev. 1 : 10. By visions. Num. 12 : 6. Eze. 11 : 24. By dreams. Num. 12:6. Dan. 7:1. Necessary to prophesying. Num. 11: 25—27, 2Chr. 20:14— 17. Is irresistible. Amos 3: 8. Despisers of, punished. 2 Chr. 36 : 15, 16. Zee. 7 : 12. Iron. Dug out of the earth. Job 28 : 2. Described as Strong and durable. Job 40: 18. Dan. 2:40. Fusible. Eze. 22:20. Malleable. Isa. 2 : 4. Of greater gravity than water. 2 Kin. 6: 5. Admits of a high polish. Eze. 27: 19. Hardened into steel. 2 Sam. 22: 35. Job 20: 24. Of small comparative value. Isa. 60: 17. The land of Canaan abounded with. Deu. 8: 9. Deu. 33: 25. (marg.) From the north hardest and best. Jer. 15:12. Used from the earliest age. Gen. 4:22. Made into Armor. 2 Sam. 23 : 7. Rev. 9 : 9. Weapons of war. 1 Sam. 13: 19. 1 Sam. 17: 7. Chariots. Jud. 4:3. Implements for husbandry. 1 Sam. 13:20,21. 2 Sam. 12:31. Tools for artificers. Jos. 8:31. 1 Kin. 6:7. Graving tools. Job 19: 24. Jer. 17: 1. Gates. Acts 12: 10. Nails and hinges. 1 Chr. 22 : 3. Bars. Psa. 107 : 16. Isa . 45 : 2. IRO. 132 JER. Fetters. Psa. 105 : 18. Psa. 149 : 8. Yokes. Deu. 28 : 48. Jer. 28 : 13, 14. Idols. Dan. 5 : 4, 23. Bedsteads. Deu. 3:11. Pillars. Jer. 1 : 18. Rods. Psa. 2:9. Rev. 2:27. Sharpens things made of it. Pro. 27: 17. Working in, a trade. 1 Sam. 13:19. 2 Chr. 2 : 7, 14. An article of commerce. Eze. 27 : 12, 19. Rev. 18:12. Great quantity of, provided for the temple. 1 Chr. 22 : 3, 14, 16. 1 Chr. 29 : 2. Taken in war often dedicated to God. Jos. 6 : 19, 24. Mode of purifying, taken in war. Num. 31:21—23. Miraculously made to swim. 2 Kin. 6:6. Illustrative Of strengtli. Dan. 2: 33, 40. Of stubbornness. Isa. 48:4. Of severe affliction. Deu. 4 : 20. Psa. 107 : 10. Of a hard barren soil. Deu. 28 : 23. Of severe exercise of power. Psa. 2:9. Rev. 2:27. (Seared with,) of insensibility of conscience. 1 Tim. 4 : 2. Islunaclitcs, The. Descended from Abraham's son, Ish- mael. Gen. 16: 15, 16. 1 Chr. 1 : 28. Divided into twelve tribes. Gen. 25 : 16. Heads of tribes of. Gen. 25 : 13—15. 1 Chr. 1 : 29-31. Called Hagarites. 1 Chr. 5 : 10. Hagarenes. Psa. 83:6. Arabians. Isa. 13:20. Original possessions of. Gen. 25 : 18. Governed by kings. Jer. 25 : 24. Dwelt in tents. Isa. 13 : 20. Rich in cattle. 1 Chr. 5 : 21. Wore ornaments of gold. Jud. 8: 24. Were the merchants of the east. Gen. 37 : 25. Eze. 27 : 20, 21. Traveled in large companies or car- avans. Gen. 37 : 25. Job 6 : 19. Waylaid and plundered travellers. Jer. 3:2. Often confederate against Israel. Psa. 83 : 6. Overcome by Gideon. Jud. 8: 10—24. Reubenites and Gadites, 2 Chr. 5 : 10, 18—20. Uzziah. 2thr.20:7. Sent presents to Solomon. 1 Kin. 10: 15. 2 Chr. 9:, 14. Sent flocks to ' Jehoshaphat. 2 Chr. 17:11. Peedictions respecting ; To be numerous. Gen. 16 : 10. Gen, 17 : 20. To be wild and savage. Gen. 16:12. To be warlike and predatory. Gen. 16 : 12. To be divided into twelve tribes. Gen. 17 : 20. To continue independent. Gen. 16: 12. To be a great nation. Gen. 21 : 13, 18. To be judged with the nations, Jer. 25:23—25. Their glory, &c. to be diminished. Isa. 21 : 13—17. Their submission to Christ. Psa. 72: 10,15. Probably preached to by St. Paul. Gahl:17. Issachar, The Tribe of. Descended from Jacob's fifth son. Gen.30:17, 18. Predictions respecting. Gen. 49:14. 15, Deu. 33 : 18, 19. Persons selected from. To number the people. Num. 1:8. To spy out the land. Num. 13: 7. To divide the land. Num. 34: 26. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. 1:28,29. Num.2: 6. Encamped under the standard of Judah east of the tabernacxe. Num. 2: 5. Next to and under standard of Judah in the journeys of Israel. Nuai. 10:14, 15. Offering of, at the dedication. Num. 7 : 18—23. Families of. Num. 26:23,24. Strength of, on entering Canaan. Num. 26: 2.5. On Gerizim said amen to the bless- ings. Deu. 27 : 12. Bounds of their inheritance. Jos. 19 : 17—23. Assisted Deborah against Sisera, Jud. 5: 15. OtBcers of, appointed by David. 1 Chr. 27: 18. Officers of, appointed by Solomon. I Kin. 4:17. Some of, at David's coronation. 1 Chr. 12: 32. Number of wariors belonging to, iu David's time. 1 Chr. 7 : 2, 5. Many of, at Hezekiab's passover. 2 Chr. 30 : 18. Remarkable persons of. Jud. 10:1. 1 Kin. 15:27. Jerusalem. The ancient Salem. Gen. 14: 18. Psa, 70:2. The ancient Jebusi or Jebus. Jos, 15:8. Jos, 18:28. Jud. 19:10. JER. JER. Tho king of, defeated and slain by Joshua. Jos. 10 : 5 -23, Allotted to the tribe of Benjamin. Jos. 18:28. Partly taken and burned by Judah. Jud. 1 : 8. The Jebusites Formerly dwelt in. Jud. 19: 10. 11. Held possession of, with Judah and Benjamin. Jos. 1.j:63. Jud. 1:21. Finally dispossessed of, by David. 2 Sam. 5 : 6—8. Enlarged by David. 2 Sam. 5:9. Made the royal city. 2 Sam. 3:9. 2 Sam. 20:. 3. Specially chosen by God. 2 Chr. 6: 6. Psa. 1.35:21. The seat of government under the Romans for a time. Mat. 27: 2, 19. Roman government transferred from, to Caesarea. Acts 23 : 23, 24. Acts 25 : 1-13. Called City uf God. Psa. 46:4. Psa. 48:1. Citvof th.> Lord. Isa.60:14. City of Ju.lah. 2 Chr. 2.-) : 28. City of the great king. Psa. 48.2. Mat. 5 : 5 City o'f solemnities. Isa. 33 : 20. City of righteousness. Isa. 1 : 26. City of truth. Zee. 8:3. A city not forsaken. Isa. 62:12. Faithful city. Isa. 1:21, 26. Holy city. Neh. 11: 1. Isa. 48:2. Mat. 4 : 5. Throne of the Lord. Jer. 3 : 17. Zion. Psa. 48 : 12. Isa. .33 : 20. Ziou of the holy one of Israel. Isa. 60:14. Surrounded by mountains. Psa. 123 : o Surrounded by a wall. 1 Kin. 3 : 1. Protected by forts and bulwarks. Psa. 48 : 12, 1.3. Entered by gates. Psa. 122 : 2. Jer. 17:19—21. Hezekiah made an aqueduct for. 2 Kin. 20 : 20. Spoils of war placed in. 1 Sam. 17 : 54. 2 Sam. 8:7. De,scribed as Beautiful for situation. Psa. 48: 2. Compact. Psa. 122:3. Comely. So. of Sol. 6: 4. The perfection of beauty. Lam. 2: 13. Joy of the whole earth. Psa. 48: 2. Lam. 2: 13. Princess among the provinces. Lam. 1 : 1. Great. Jer. 22 : 8. Populous. Lam. 1:1. Full of business and tumult. Isa, 22 : 3. Wealth, &c. in the time of Solomon, iKin. 10:26,27. Protected by God. Isa. 31 : 5. Instances of God's care and protec- tion of. 2 Sam. 24:16. 2 Kin. 19: 32-34. 2 Chr. 12:7. The temple built in. 2 Chr. 3: 1. Psa. 68:29, The Jews Went up to, at the feasts. Luke 2:42, with Psa. 122:4. Loved. Psa. 137:3, 6. Lamented the affliction of. Neh. 1 : 2-4. Prayed for prosperity of. Psa. 51 : 18. Psa. 122:6. Prayed towards. Dan. 6: 10, with 1 Kin. 8 : 44. Wickedness of. Isa. 1:1—4. Jer. 5: 1—5. Mic. 3 : 10. Idolatry of. 2 Chr. 28: 24. Eze, 8: 7—10. Wickedness of, the cause of its calamities. 2 Kin. 21: 12-15, 2 Chr. 24:.18. Lam. 1: 8. Eze. 5: 5-8. Was the tomb of the prophets. Luke 13: 33, .34. Christ Preached in. Luke 21 ; 37, 38. Jno. 18 : 20. Did many miracles in. Jno. 4:4.3, Publicly entered, as king. Mat. 21 : 9, 10. Lamented over. Mat. 23:37. Luke 19:41. Put to death at. Luke 9 31. Acts 13:27, 29. Gospel first preached at. Luke 24 : 47. Acts 2 : 14. Miraculous gift of the Holy Ghost first given at. Acts 1 : 4. Acts 2 : 1—3, Persecution of the Christian church commenced at. Acts 4: 1, Acts 8:1, First Christian council held at. Acts 15 : 4, 6. Calamities of, mentioned; Taken and plundered by Shishak. IKin. 14: 2,3,26. 2 Chr. 12:1—4. Taken and plundered by Jehoash king of Israel. 2 Kin. 14:13,14. Besieged but not taken by Rezin and Pekah. Isa, 7:1. 2 Kin. 16:5. Besieged but not taken by Sen- nacherib. 2 Kin. 18: 17, and 2 Kin. 19 ch. Taken and made tributary by Pharaoh-Xecho. 2 Kin. 23: 33— 33. Besieged by Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Kin. 24: 10,11. Taken and burned by Nebuchad- nezzar, a Kin. 23 ch. Jer. 39: 1—8. Threatened by Sanballat. Neh. 4: 7,8. Rebuilt after the capivity by order of Cyrus. Ezr. 1 : 1—4. JER. 134 JEW. Prophecies respecting, To be taken by king of Babylon, Jer. 20 : 5. To be made a heap of ruins. Jer. 9:11. Jer. 26:18. To bo a wilderness. Isa. 64 : 10. To be rebuilt by Cyrus. Isa. 44: 26-28. To be a quiet habitation. Isa. 33 : 20. To be a terror to her enemies. Zee. 12:2,3. Christ to enter, as king. Zee. 9:9. The gospel to go forth from. Isa, 2:3. Isa. 40:9. To be destroyed by the Romans. Luke 19: 42-44. Its capture accompanied by severe calamities. Mat. 24: 21, 29. Luke 21:23,24. Signs preceding its destruction. Mat. 24:6-15. Luke 21:7-11,25, 28. Illustrative Of the church. Gal. 4:25, 26. Heb. 12 : 22. Of the church glorified. Rev. 3: 12. Rev. 21:2, 10. (Its strong position,) of saints un- der God's protection. Psa. 125: 2. Jews, The. Descended from Abraham. Isa. 51: 2. Jno. 8:39. Divided into twelve tribes. Gen. 35: 22. Gen. 49:28. Called Hebrews. Gen. 14: 13. Gen. 40: 15. 2 Cor. 11:22. Israelites. Exo. 9:7. Jos. 3:17. Seed of Abraham. Psa. 105 : 6. Isa. 41:8. Seed of Jacob. Jer. 33 : 26. Seed of Israel. 1 Chr. 10 : 13. Children of Jacob. 1 Chr. 16 : 13. Children of Israel. Gen. 50: 25. Isa. 27 : 12. Jeshurun. Deu. 32:15. Chosen and loved by God. Deu. 7: 6,7. Circumcised in token of their cove- nant relation. Gen. 17: 10, 11. Acts 7:8. Separated from all other nations. Exo. 33: 16. Lev. 20: 24. 1 Kin. 8: 53. Described as A peculiar people. Deu. 14: 2. A peculiar treasure. Exo. 19: 5, Psa. 135 : 4. A holy nation. Exo. 19: 6. A holy people. Deu. 7: 6. Deu. i4:21. A kingdom of priests. Exo. 19:6. A special people. Deu. 7:6. The Lord's portion. Deu. 32:9. Sojourned in Egypt. Exo. 12: 40, 41. Brought out of Egypt by God. Exo. 12:42. Deu. 5:15. Deu. 6:12. In the desert forty years. "Num. 14: 33. Jos. 5 : 6. Settled in Canaan. Num. 32: 88. Jos. 14:1—5. Under the theocracy until the time of Samuel. Exo. 19 : 4—6, with 1 Sam. 8:7. Desired and obtained kings. 1 Sam. 8 : 5, 22. Divided into two kingdoms after Solomon. 1 Kin. 11: 31, 32. 1 Kin. 12 : 19, 20. Often subdued and made tributary. Jud. 2:13, 14. Jud. 4:2. Jud.G:2, 6. 2 Kin. 23:33. Taken captive to Assyria and Baby- lon. 2 Kin. 17: 23. 2 Kin. 18:11. 2 Kin. 24:16. 2 Kin. 25:11. Restored to their own land by Cyrus. Ezr. 1 : 1—4. Had courts of justice. Deu. 16: 18. Had an ecclesiastical establishment. Exo. 28: 1. Num. 18: 6. Mai. 2: 4—7. Had a series of prophets to promote national reformation. Jer. 7 : 25. Jer. 26 : 4, 5. Jer. 35 : 15. Jer. 44 : 4. Eze. 38: 17. The only people who had knowledge of God. Psa. 76: 1, with 1 The. 4: 5. Psa. 48: 3, with Rom. 1 : 28. The only people who worshipped God. Exo. 5: 17, with Psa. 96: 5. Psa. 115:3, 4. Jno. 4:22. Religion of, according to rites pre- scribed by God. Lev. 18: 4. Deu. 12:8-11. Heb. 9:1. Religion of, typical. Heb. 9: 8—11. Heb. 10:1. Their national greatness. Gen. 12 : 2. Deu. 33 : 29. Theirnational privileges. Rom. 3:2. Rom. 9: 4, 5. Their vast numbers. Gen. 22: 17. Num. 10:36. National character of; Pride of descent, &c. Jer. 13: 9. Jno. 8 : 33, 41. Love of country. Psa. 137 : 6. Fondness for their brethren. Exo. 2:11,12. Rom. 9: 1—3. Attachment to Moses. Jno. 9: 28, 29. Acts 6: 11. Attachment to customs of the law Acts 6 : 14. Acts 21 : 21. Acts 22 : 3. Fondness for traditionary customs. Jer. 44: 17. Eze. 20: 18, 30, with 21 V. Mar. 7 : 3, 4. Stubborn and stifl'necked. Exo. 32: 9. Acts 7: 51. Prone to rebellion. Deu. 9: 7, 24, Isa. 1 : 2. Prone to -backsliding. Jer. 2: 11 —13. Jer. S : 5. Prone to idolatry. Isa. 2: 8. Isa, 57 : 5. JEW. 135 JEW. Prono to formality in religion, Isa. 29 : 13. EzG. 33 : 31. Mat. 15 : 7—9. Self-righteous. Isa. 6.5: 5. Kom. 10:3. Unfaithful to covenant engage- ments. Jer. 3 : 6-8. Jer. 31 : 32. Eze. 16:59. Ungrateful to God. Deu. 32: 15. Isa. 1:2. Ignorant of the true sense of Scrip- ture. Acts 13 : 27. 2 Cor. 3 : 13-15. Distrustful of God. Num. 11: 11. Psa. 78:22. Covetous. Jer. 6:13. Eze. 33: 31. Mic. 2:2. Cowardly. Exo. 14: 10. Num. 14: 3. Isa. 51 : 12. Trusted to their privile#ss for salva- vatiou. Jer. 7:4. Mat. 3:9. Distinction of castes amongst, no- ticed. Isa. 65: 5. Luke 7: 39. Luke 15:2. Acts 26: 5. Degenerated as they increased in national greatness. Amos 6:4. Often displeased God by their sins. Num. 25:3. Deu. 32:16. 1 Kin. 16: 2. Isa. 1: 4. Isa. 5:24, 25. A spiritual seed rf true believers al- ways amongst. 1 Kin. 19:18. Isa. 6:13. Rom. 9:6, 7. Rom. 11: 1, 5. Modern, divided into Hebrews or pure Jews. Acts 6: 1. Phi. 3:5. Hellenists or Grecians. Acts 6:1. Acts 9: 29. Many sects and parties. Mat. 16: 6. Mar. 8: 15. An agricultural people. Gen. 46: 32. A commercial people. Eze. 27 : 17. Obliged to unite against enemies. Num. 32: 20-22. Jud. 19: 29, with 20 ch. 1 Sam. 11 : 7, 8. Often distinguished in war. Jud. 7: 19-23. 1 Sam. 14:6-13. 1 Sam. 17: 32,33. Neh.4:16-22. Strengthened By God in war. Lev. 20: 7,8. Jos. 5:13,14. Jos. 8: 1,2. Under God's special protection. Deu. 32: 10, 11. Deu. 33: 27-29. Psa. 105: 13—15. Psa. 121:3-5. Enemies of, obliged to acknowledge them as divinely protected. Jos. 2: 9—11. Est. 6:13. Prohibited from Associating with others. Acts 10: 28. Covenanting with others. Exo. 23: 32. Deu. 7:2. Marrying with others. Deu. 7 : 3. Jos. 23: 12. Following practices of others. Deu. 12:29-31. Deu. 18:9—14. Despised all strangers. 1 Sam. 17: 36. Mat. 16:26,27. Eph. 2: 11. Held no intercourse with strangers. Jno. 4 : 9. Acts 11 : 2, 3. Condemned for associating with other nations. Jud. 2 : 1—3. Jer. 2 : 18. Received proselytes from other na- tions. Acts 2: 10, with Exo. 12:44,48. Gentiles made one with, under the gospel. Acts 10: 15, 28. Acts 15: 8, 9. Gal. 3:28. Eph. 2: 14-16. All other nations Envied. Neh. 4:1. Isa. 26:11. Eze. 35:11. Hated. Psa. 44 : 10. Eze. 35 : 5. Oppressed. Exo. 3:9. Jud. 2:18. Jud. 4:3. Persecuted. Lam. 1 : 3. Lam. 5: 5. Rejoiced at calamities of. Psa. 44: 13, 14. Psa. 80: 5, 6. Eze. 36: 4. None hated or oppressed, with im- punity. Psa. 137 : 8, 9. Eze. 25: 15, 16. Eze. 35 : 6. Oba. 10-16 vs. Christ Prt)mised to. Gen. 49: 10. Dan. 9: 25. Expected by. Psa. 14: 7. Mat. 11-: 3. Luke 2 : 25, 38. Jno. 8: ,56. Regarded as the restorer of nation- al greatness. Mat. 20:21. Luke 24: 21. Acts 1:6. Sprang from, Rom. 9: 5. Heb. 7: 14. Rejected by. Isa. 53:3. Mar. 6:3. Jno. 1 : 11. Murdered by. Acts 7 :.52. 1 The. 2 : 15. Imprecated the blood of Christ upon themselves and their children. Mat. 27 : 25. Many of, believed the gospel. Acts 21: 20. Unbelieving, persecuted the Chris- tians. Acts 17 : 5, 13. 1 The. 2 : 14-16. Cast off for unbelief. Rom. 11 : 17, 20. Scattered and peeled. Isa. 18 : 2, 7. Jas. 1:1. Shall finally be saved. Rom. 11 : 26, 27. Punishment of, for rejecting and killing Christ, illustrated. Mat. 21: 37-43. Descendants of Abraham. Psa. 105:6. Isa, ,51 : 2. Jno. 8 : 33. Rom. 9 : 7. The people of God. Deu. 32:9. 2 Sam. 7 : 24. Isa. 51 : 16. Separated to God. Exo. 33: 16. Num. 23:9. Deu. 4: 34. Beloved for their fathers' sake. Deu. 4: 37. Deu. 10: 15, with Rom. 11 : 28. Christ descended from. Jno. 4:22. Rom, 9:5. The objects of God's love. Deu. 7:8. Deu. 23:5. Jer. 31 : 3. God's choice. Deu. 7 : 6. God's protection, Psa. 105 : 15. Zee. 2:8. The covenant established with. Exo, 6:4. Exo. 24:6— 8. Exo. 34:27. Promises respecting, made to Abraham. Gen. 12:1— 3. Gen. 13: 14—17. Gen. 15:18. Gen. 17:7, 8. Isaac. Gen. 26:2— 5, 24. Jacob. Gen. 28 : 12—15. Gen.35 : 9—12. Themselves. Exo. 6:7, 8. Exo. 19: 5,6. Deu. 26:18, 19. JEW. 136 JOR. Privileges of. Psa. 76: 1, 2. Rom. 3: 1,2. Rom. 9:4, 5. Punished for Idolatry. Psa. 78: 58— 64. Isa. 65: 3-7. Unbelief. Rom. 11 : 20. Breaking covenant. Isa. 24: 5. Jer. 11 : 10. Transgressing tbe law. Isa. 1 : 4, 7. Isa. 24:5, 6. Changing the ordinances. Isa. 24:5. Killing the prophets. Mat. 23 : 37, 38. Imprecating upon themselves the blood of Christ. Mat. 27 : 2.5. Scattered among the nations. Deu. 28 : 64. Eze. 6 : 8. Eze. 36 : 19. Despised by the nations. Eze. 36: 3. Their country trodden under foot by the Gentiles. Deu. 28:49— 52. Luke 21 : 24. Their house left desolate. Mat. 24:38. Deprived of civil and religious privi- leges. Hos. 3: 4. Denunciations against those who Cursed. Gen. 27 : 29. Num. 24 : 9. Contended with. Isa. 41:11. Isa. 49:25. Oppressed. Isa. 49:26. Isa. 51: 21-23. Hated. Psa. 129 : 5. Eze. 35 : 5, 6. Aggravated the afflictions of. Zee. 1 : 14, 15. Slaughtered. Psa. 79: 1—7. Eze. 35 : 5, 6. God, mindful of. Psa. 98 : 3. Isa. 49 : 15, 16. Christ was sent to. Mat. 15 : 24. Mat. 21 : 37. Acts 3 : 20, 22, 26. Compassion of Christ for. Mat. 23: 37. Luke 19: 41. The gospel preached to, first. Mat. 10:6. Luke 24: 47. Acts 1:8. Blessedness of blessing. Gen. 27 : 29. Blessedness of favoring. Gen. 12 : 3. Psa. 122:6. Pray importunately for. Psa. 122: 6. Isa. 62 : 1, 6, 7. Jer. 31 : 7. Rom. 10 : 1. Saints remember. Psa. 102:14. Psa. 137 : 5. Jer. 51 : .50. Promises respecting. The pouring out of the Spirit upon them. Eze. 39 : 29. Zee. 12 : 10. The removal of their blindness. Rom. 11 : 25. 2 Cor. 3 : 14—16. Their return and seeking to God. Hos. 3 : 5. Their humiliation for the rejection of Christ. Zee. 12:10. Pardon of sin. Isa. 44 : 22. Rom. 11:27. Salvation. Isa. 59:20, with Rom. 11 : 26. Sanctification. Jer. 33:8. Eze. 36: 25. Zee. 12:1,9. Joy occasioned by conversion of. Isa. 44 : 23. Isa. 49 : 13. Isa. 52 : 8, 9. Isa. 66:10. Blessing to the Gentiles by conver- sion of. Isa. 2:1 — 5. Isa. 60:5. Isa. 66:19. Rom. 11 : 12, 15. Re-union of. Jer. 3:18. Eze. 37: 16, 17, 20-22. Hos. 1:11. Mic. 2: 12. Restoration to their own land. Isa. 11:15, 16. Isa. 14:1— 3. Isa. 27: 12:13. Jer. 16:14,15. Eze. 36: 24. Eze. 37:21, 25. Eze. 39:25, 28. Luke 21 : 24. Gentiles assisting in their restora- tion. Isa. 49 : 22, 23. Isa. 60: 10, 14. Lsa. 61 : 4—6. Subjection of Gentiles to. Isa. 60: 11, 12, 14. Future glory of. Isa. 60: 19. Isa. 62 : 3, 4. » Zep. 3 : 19. 20. Zee. 2 : 5. Future prosperity of. Isa. 60:6, 7, 9, 17. Isa. 61 : 4—6. Hos. 14 : 5, 6. That Christ shall appear amongst. Lsa. 59:20. Zee. 14:4. That Christ shall dwell amongst. Eze. 43:7, 9. Zee. 2:11. That Christ shall reign over. Eze. 34 : 23, 24. Eze. 37 : 24 25. Conversion of, illustrated. Eze. 37: 1—14. Rom. 11: 24. Jordan, The River. Eastern boundary of Canaan. Num. 34 : 12. Often overflowed. Jos. 3:15. 1 Chr. 12 : 15. Overflowing of, called the swelling of Jordan. Jer. 12 : 5. Jer. 49 : 19. Empties itself into the Dead Sea. Num. 34:12. The plains of, Thickly wooded. 2 Kin. 6 : 2. Exceeding fertile. Gen. 13:10. Infested with lions. Jer. 49: 19. Jer. 50:44. Afforded clay for molding brass, &c. 1 Kin. 7:46. 2 Chr. 4:17. Chosen by Lot for a residence. Gen. 13:11. Fordable in some places. Jos. 2: 7. Jud. 12: 5,6. Ferry boats often used on. 2 Sam. 19:18. Remarkable events connected with; Division of its waters to let Israel pass over. Jos. 3 : 12—16. Jos. 5 : 1. Return of its waters to their place. Jos. 4 : 18. Slaughter of Moabites. Jud. 3 : 28, 29. Slaughter of the Ephraimites. Jud. 12 : 4—6. Its division by Elijah. 2 Kin. 2 : 8. Its division by Elisha. 2 Kin. 2 : 14. Healing of Naaman the leper. 2 Kin. 5: 10, 14. Baptism of multitudes by John tbe Baptist. Mat. 3: 6. Mar. 1: 5. Jno. 1 : 28. JOR. 137 JOY, Baptism of our Lord. Mat. 3: 13, 1.'). Mar. l:y. Passage of Israel over, Promised. Deu. 4:22. Deu. 9: 1. Deu. 11 : 31. In ail appointed order. Jos. 3: 1—8. Preceded bv priests with the ark. Jos. 3:6, II, 14. Successfully effected. Jos. 3: 17. Jos. 4:1,10, 11. Commemorated by a pillar of stones raised in it. Jos. 4: 9. Commemorated by a pillar of stones in Gilgal. Jos. 4: 2—8, 20 -24. Alluded to. Psa. 74:15. Psa. 114: 3,5. A pledge that God would drive the Canaanites, &c. out of their laud. Jos. 3:10. The Jews had great pride in. Zee. 11:3. Despised by foreigners. 2 Kin. 5: 12. Moses uot allowed to cross. Deu. 3: 27. Deu. 31:2. Joy. God gives. Ecc. 2 : 26. Psa. 4 ; 7. Christ appointed to give. Isa. 61: 3. Is a fruit of the Spirit. Gal. 5 : 22. Tho gospel, good tidings of. Luke 2: 10, 11. God's word aflords. Neh. 8: 12. Jer. 15 : 16. The gospel to be received with. 1 The. 1: 6. Promised to saints. Psa. 132:16. Isa. 35:10. Isa. 55:12. Isa. 56:7. Prepared for saints. Psa. 97 : 11. Enjoined to saints. Psa. 32: 11. Phi. 3:1. Fulness of, in God's presence. Psa. 16:11. Vanity of seeking, from earthly things. Ecc. 2 : 10, 11. Ecc. 11 : 8. Experienced by Believers. Luke 24 : 52. Acts 16 : 34. Peace-makers. Pro. 12:20. The just. Pro. 21 : 15. The wise, and discreet. Pro. 15: 23. Parents of good children. Pro. 23 : 24. Increased to the meek. Isa. 29 : 19. Of saints is In God. Psa. 89: 16. Psa 149: 2. Hab. 3:18. Rom. 5:11. In Christ. Luke 1 : 47. Phi. 3: 3. In the Holy Ghost. Rom. 14: 17. For election. Luke 10: 20. For salvation. Psa. 21 : 1. Isa. 61 : 10. For deliverance from bondage. Psa. 105 : 43. Jer. 31 : 10-13. For manifestation of goodness. 2 Chr. 7 : 10. For temporal blessings. Joel 2: 23, 24. For supplies of grace. Is* 12; 3. For divine protection. Psa. 5:11. Psa. 16:8,9. For divine support. Psa. 28: 7. Psa. 63:7. For the victory of Christ. Jno. 16: 33. For the hope of glory. Rom. 5 : 2. For the success of the gospel. Acts 15 : 3. Of saints, should be Great. Zee. 9 : 9. Acts 8 : 8. Abundant. 2 Cor. 8 : 2. Exceeding. Psa. 21:6. Psa. 68:3. Animated. Psa. 32: 11. Luke 6: 23, Unspeakable. 1 Pet. 1 : !.'.. Full of glory. 1 Pet. 1:8. Constant. 2 Cor. 0: 10. Phi. 4 : 4. For evermore. 1 The. 5 : 16. With awe. Psa. 2: 11. In hope. Rom. 12: 12. In sorrow. 2 Cor. 6 : 10. Under trials. Jas. 1 : 2. 1 Pet. 1 : 6. Under persecutions. Mat. 5 : 11, 12. Luke 6 : 22, 23. Heb. 10 : 34. Under calamities. Hab. 3 : 17, 18. Expressed in hymns. Eph. 5:19. Jas. 5 : 13. Afflictions of saints succeeded by. Psa. 30: 5. Psa. 126: 5. Isa. 35: 10. Jno. 16 : 20. Pray for restoration of. Psa. 51 :8, 12. Psa. 85: 6. Promote, in tho afflicted. Job 29 : 13. Of saints, made full by The favor of God. Acts 2 : 28. Faith in Christ. Rom. 15:13. Abiding in (Christ. Jno. 15: 10, 11. The word of Christ. Jno. 17 : 13. Answers to prayer. Jno. 16 : 24. Communion of sainty. 2 Tim. 1: 4. 1 Jno. 1 : 3, 4. 2 Jno. 12. Saints should afford, to their miuis- ters. Phi. 2: 2. Phile. 20. Ministers should Esteem their people as their. Phi. 4:1. 1 The. 2:20. Promote, in their people. 2 Cor. 1 : 24. Phi. 1 : 25. Pray for, for their people. Rom. 15: 13. Have, in the faith and holiness of their people. 2 Cor. 7: 4. 1 The. 3: 9. 3 Jno. 4. Come to their people with. Rom. 15 : 32. Finish their course with. Acts 20: 24. Desire to render an account with. Phi. 2:16. Heb. 13:17. Serve God with. Psa. 100: 2. Liberality in God's service should cause. 1 Chr. 29: 9, 17. Is strengthening to saints. Neh 8: 10. Saints should engage in all religious services with. Ezr. 6: 22. Psa. 42: 4. Saints should have, in all their undertakings. Deu. 12 : 18. JOY. 138 JUD. Saints shall be presented to God ■with exceeding. IPet. 4: 13, with Jude 24. The coming of Christ will afford to saints, exceeding. 1 Pet. 4 : 13. Shall be the final reward of saints at the judgment-day. Mat. 25: 21. Of the wicked Is derived from earthly pleasures. Ecc. 2:10. Ecc. 11:9. Is derived from folly. Pro. 15:21. Is delusive. Pro. 14 : 13. Is short-lived. Job 20 : 5. Ecc. 7 : 6. Should be turned into mourning. Jas. 4:y. Shall be taken away. Isa. 16:10. Holy— Illustrated. Isa. 9: 3. Mat. 13:44. Holy— Exemplified. Hannah, \ Sam. 2: 1. Vavirl, 1 Chr. 29: 9. Wixe »ne)i, Mat. 2:10. The Virgin Mary, Luke 1: 47. Zacchens, Luke 19: 6. Converts, Acts 2: 46. Acts 13: 52. Peter, &c. Acts 5: 41. Samaritans, Acts 8: 8. J(H7or, Acts 16: 34. Joy of God over His People, The. Greatness of, described. Zep. 3 : 17. On account of their Repentance. Luke 15 : 7, 10. Faith. Heb. 11:5, 6. Fear of Him. Psa. 147:11. Praying to Him. Pro. 15 : 8. Hope in His mercy. Psa. 147 : 11. Meekness. Psa. 149:4. Uprightness. 1 Chr. 29: 17. Pro. 11 : 20. Leads Him to Prosper them. Deu. 30:9. Do them good. Deu. 28: 63. Jer. 32:41. Deliver them. 2 Sam. 22 : 20. Comfort them. Isa. 65:19. Give them the inheritance. Num. 14:8. Illustrated. Isa. 62:5. Luke 15: 23, 24. Exemplified. Solomon, 1 Kin. 10: 9. Judah, The tribe of. Descended from Jacob's fourth son. Gen. 29:35. Predictions respecting. Gen. 49: 8— 12. Deu. 33:7. Persons selected from, Tonumber the people. Num. 1 : 7. To spv out the land. Num. 13: 6. To divide the land. Num. .34 : 19. Strength of, on leaving Egypt. Num. l:2t;, 27. Num. 2: 4. Encamped with its standard east of the tabei-nacle. Num. 2:3. Led the first division of Israel in their journeys. Num. 10: 14. Offering of, at dedication. Num. 7: 12-17. F'unilies of. Num. 26 : 19—21. Strength of on entering Canaan. Num. 26:22. On Gerizim said amen to the bless- ings. Deu. 27: 12. Bounds of inheritance. Jos. 15- 1 —12. First and most vigorous in driving out the Canaanites. Jud. 1 ; 3—20 Went first against Gibeah. Jud. Furnished to Israel the first judge. Jud. 3 : 9. Aided Saul in bis wars. 1 Sam. 11: 8. 1 Sam. 15: 4. After Saul's rebellion appointed to furnish kings to Israel. 1 Sam. 13: 14. 1 Sam. 15: 28. 1 Sam. 16: 6, 13. 2 Sam. 2: 4. 2 Sam. 7: 16, 17. The first to submit to David. 2 Sam. 2:10. Reigned over alone by David seven years and a half. 2 Sam. 2:11. 2 Sam. 5:5. Officer placed over by David. 1 Chr. 27:18. Reproved for tardiness in bringing back David after Absalom's rebel- lion. 2 Sam. 19: 11— 15. Other tribes jealous of, on account of David, 2 Sam. 19:41— 43. 2 Sam. 20:1,2. With Benjamin alone adhered to the house of David. 1 Kin. 12 : 21. The last tribe carried into captivity. 2 Kin. 17: 18,20. 2 Kin. 25:21. Our Lord sprang from. Mat. 1: 3-- 16. Luke 3 : 2.3—33. Heb. 7 : 14. Rem<': 16. Rom. 5:17— 21. In the name of Christ. 1 Cor. 6:11. By imputation of Christ's right- eousness. Isa. 61: 10. Jer. 23:6. Rom. 3: 22. Rom. 5: 18. 1 Cor. 1 : 30. 2 Cor. 5 : 21. By the blood of Christ. Rom. 5: 9. By the resurrection of Christ. Rom, 4 : 25. 1 Cor. 15 : 17. Blessedness of. Psa. 32: 1,2, with Rom. 4 : 6—8. Frees from condemnation Isa. 50: 8, 9. Isa. 54: 17, with Rom. 8 : 33, 34. Entitles to an inheritance. Tit. 3 : 7. Ensures glorification. Rom. 8: 30. The wicked shall not attain to. Exo. 23:7. By faith Revealed under the old dispen- sation. Hab. 2:4, with Rom. 1 : 17. Excludes boasting. Rom. 3: 27. Rom. 4:2. 1 Cor. 1 : 29, 31. Does not make void the law. Rom. 3:30,31. 1 Cor. 9:21. Typified. Zee. 3: 4, 5. Illustrated. Luke 18: 14. Exemplified. AbraJutm,' Gen. 15: 6. Paul, Phi. 3 : 8, 9. Kenites, The. Originally a people of Canaan. Gen. 15:19. Connected with the Midianites. Num. 10:29, with Jud. 4: 11. Dwelt in strongholds. Num. 24:21. Had many cities. 1 Sam. 30:29. Moses Intermarried with. Exo. 2: 21, with Jud. 1:16. Invited, to accompany Israel. Num. 10 : 29—32. Part of, dwelt with Israel. Jud. 1 : 16. Jud. 4:11. Part of, dwelt with the Amalekites 1 Sam. 15: 6. KEN. 142 KIN. Stowed kindness to Israel in the desert. Exo. 18 ch. 1 Sam. 15: 6. Not destroyed with Amalekites. 1 Sam. 15 : (5. The Rechabites descended from. 1 Chr. 2 : 55. Sisera slain by Jael one of. Jud. 4: 22. Jud. 5 : 24. David Pretended that he invaded. 1 Sam. 27 : 10. Sent part of the spoil of war to. 1 Sam. 30:29. Ruin of, predicted. Num. 24:21,22. Kings. 'Israel warned against seeking. 1 Sam. 8:9-18. Sin of Israel in seeking. 1 Sam. 12: 17—20. Israel in seeking, rejected God as their king. 1 Sam. 8 : 7. 1 Sam . 10 : 19. Israel asked for, that they might be like the nations. 1 Sam. 8: 5, 19, 20. First given to Israel in anger. Hos. 13:11. God reserved to Himself the choice of. Deu. 17:14, 15. 1 Sam. 9:16, 17. 1 Sam. 16:12. When first established in Israel, not hereditary. Deu. 17 : 20, with 1 Sam. 13:13,14. ISam. 15:28, 29. Rendered hereditary in the family of David. 2 Sam. 7 : 12— 16. Psa. 89: 35—37. Of Israel not to be'foreigners. Deu. 17:15. Laws for the government of the king- dom by, written by Samuel, 1 Sam. 10:2.5. Forbidden to multiply Horses. Deu. 17 : 16. Wives. Deu. 17 : 17. Treasure. Deu. 17 : IT. Required to write and keep by them, a copy of the divine law. Deu. 17: 18—20. Had power to make war and peace. 1 Sam. 11 : 5—7. Often exercised power arbitrarily. 1 Sam. 22:17, 18. 2 Sam. 1:1.5. 2 Sam. 4 : 9-12. 1 Kin. 2 : 23, 25, 31. Ceremonies at inauguration of; Anointing. 1 Sam. 10: 1. 1 Sam. 16: 13. Psa. 89: 20. Crowning. 2 Kin. 11:12. 2 Chr. 23: 11. Psa. 21:3. Proclaiming with trumpets. 2 Sam. 15 : 10. 1 Kin. 1 : 34. 2 Kin. 9 : 13. 2 Kin. 11:14. Enthroning. 1 Kin. 1 : 35, 46. 2 Kin. 11 : 19. Girding on the sword. Psa. 45 : 3. Putting into their hands the books of the law. 2 Kin. 11 : 12. 2 Chr. 23:11. Covenanting to govern lawfully. 2 Sam. 5:3. Receiving homage. 1 Sam. 10: 1. 1 Chr. 29 : 24. Shouting " God save the king." 1 Sam. 10:24. 2 Sam. 16:16. 2 Kin. 11:12. Offering sacrifice. 1 Sam. 11: 15. Feasting. 1 Chr. 12 : 38; 39. 1 Chr. 29 : 22. Attended by a body-guard. 1 Sam. 13: 2. 2 Sam. 8: 18. 1 Chr. 11: 25. 2 Chr. 12:10. Dwelt in royal palaces. 2 Chr. 9: 11. Psa. 45:1.5. Arrayed in royal apparel. 1 Kin. 22: 30. Mat. 6 : 29. Names of, often changed at their ac- cession. 2 Kin. 23:34. 2 Kin. 24:17. Officers of; Prime minister. 2 Chr. 19 : 11, with 2 Chr. 28 : 7. First Counseller. 1 Chr. 27 : 33. Confidant or king's special friend. 1 Kin. 4:5. 1 Chr. 27:33. Comptroller of the household. 1 Kin. 4:6. 2 Chr. 28:7. Scribe or secretary. 2 Sam. 8:17. 1 Kin. 4:3. Captain of the host. 2 Sam. 8:16. IKin. 4:4. Captain of the guard. 2 Sam. 8: 18. 2 Sam. 20:23. Recorder. 2 Sam. 8: 16. 1 Kin. 4:3. Providers for the king's table. 1 Kin. 4 : 7—19. Master of the wardrobe. 2 Kin. 22: ■ 14. 2 Chr. 34 : 22. Treasurer. 1 Chr. 27 : 25. Storekeeper. 1 Chr. 27 : 25. Overseer of the tribute. 1 Kin. 4: 6. IKin. 12:18. Overseer of royal farms. 1 Chr. 27 : 26. Overseer of royal vineyards. 1 Chr. 27 : 27. Overseer of royal plantations. 1 Chr. 27 : 28. Overseer of royal herds. 1 Sam. 21 : 1. 1 Chr. 27 : 29. Overseer of royal camels. 1 Chr. 27 : 30. Overseer of royal flocks. 1 Chr. 27:31. Armor-bearer. 1 Sam. 16:21. Cup-bearer. 1 Kin. 10: .5. 2 Chr. 9: 4. Approached with greatest reverence. 1 Sam. 24: 8. 2 Sam. 9: 8. 2 Sam. 14:22. IKin. 1:23. Presented with gifts by strangers. 1 Kin. 10: 2, 10, 25. 2 Kin. 5 : 5. Mat. 2:11. Right hand of, the place of honor. 1 Kin. 2:19. Psa. 45:9. Psa. 110: 1. Attendants of, stood in their pres- ence. 1 Kin. 10 : 8. 2 Kin. 25 : 19. KIN. 113 KIN. Exercised great hospitality. 1 Sam. 20 : 2.1—27. 2 Sam. 9 : 7—13. 2 Sam. 19:33. IKiu. 4:22, 23, 28. Their revenues derived from Voluntary contributions. 1 Sam. 10:27, with 1 Sam. 16:20. 1 Chr. 12:39,40. Tribute from foreign nations. 1 Kin. 4:21,24, 2.5. 2 Chr. 8:8. 2 Chr. 17:11. Tax on produce of the land. 1 Kin. 4: 7—19. Tax on foreign merchandise. 1 Kin. 10:15. Their own flocks and herds. 2 Chr. 32:29. Produce of their own lands. 2 Chr. 26 : 10. Sometimes nominated their suc- cessors. 1 Kin. 1 : 33, 34. 2 Chr. 11 : 22, 23. Punished for transgressing the divine law. 2 Sam. 12: 7— 12. 1 Kin. 21 : 18-24. Who reigned over all Israel; Saul. 1 Sam. 11 : lo, to 1 Sam. 31 ch. 1 Chr. 10 ch. David. 2 Sam. 2: 4, to 1 Kin. 2:11. 1 Chr. 11 ch. to 1 Chr. 29 ch. Solomon. 1 Kin. 1 : 39, to 1 Kin. 11 : 43. 2 Chr. 1 ch. to 2 Chr. 9 ch. Rehoboam. (first part of his reign.) 1 Kin. 12: 1—20. 2 Chr. 10:1—16. Wtio reigned over Judah; Eehoboam, (latter part of his reign.) 1 Kin. 12: 21— 24. 1 Kin. 14 : 21—31. 2 Chr. 10 : 17, to 12 ch. Abijam orAbijah. 1 Kin. 15:1— 8. 2 Chr. 13 ch. Asa. 1 Kin. 15 : 9-24. 2 Chr. 14 ch. to 2 Chr. 16:14. Jehoshaphat. 1 Kin. 22 : 41—50. 2 Chr. 17 ch. to 2 Chr. 21:1. Jehoram or Joram. 2 Kin. 8: 16^ 24. 2 Chr. 21 ch. Ahaziah. 2 Kin. 8: 25— 29. 2 Kin. 9:16-29. 2Chr. 22:1— 9. Athaliah, mother of Ahaziah(usur- per.) 2 Kin. 11 : 1-3. 2 Chr, 22 : 10-12. Joash or Jehoash. 2 Kin. 11 : 4, to 2 Kin. 12 ch. 2 Chr. 23 ch. 2 Chr. 24 ch. Amaziah. 2 Kin. 14 : 1-20. 2 Chr. 25 ch. Azariah or Uzziah. 2 Kin. 14:21, 22. 2 Kin. 15 : 1-7. 2 Chr. 26 ch. Jotham. 2 Kin. 15 : 32—38. 2 Chr. 27 ch. Ahaz. 2 Kin. 16 ch. 2 Chr. 28 ch. Hezekiah. 2 Kin. 18 ch. to 2 Kin. 20 ch. 2 Chr. 29 ch. to 2 Chr. ,32 ch. Mauasseh. 2 Kin. 21: 1—18. 2 Chr. 33 : 1-20. Amon. 2 Kin. 21 : 19— 26. 2 Chr. 33:21-25. Josiah. 2 Kin. 22 ch. 2 Kin. 23 : 1 —30. 2 Chr. 34 cli. 2 Chr. 35 ch. Jehoahaz. 2 Kiu. 23: 31— 33. 2 Chr. 36: 1-4. Jehoiakim. 2 Kin. 23: 34—37. 2 Kin. 24:1—6. 2 Chr. 3G : .5— 8. Jehoiachin. 2 Kin. 24 : 8—16. 2 Chr. 36 : 9, 10. Zedekiah. 2 Kin. 24 : 17—20. 2 Kin. 25:1-7. 2 Chr. 36: 11-21. Who reigned over Israel ; Jeroboam. 1 Kin. 12: 20, 25, to 1 Kiu. 14:20. Nadab. 1 Kin. 15 : 25—27, 31. Baasha. 1 Kin. 15: 28— 34. 1 Kin. 16:1—7. Elah. 1 Kin. 16:8-14. Zimri. 1 Kin. 16: 11, 12, 15 20. Omri. iKin. 16:23— 28. Ahab. 1 Kin. 16: 29, to 1 Kin. 22: 40, Ahaziah. 1 Kin. 22: 51—53. 2 Kin. Ich. Jehoram or Joram. 2 Kin. 3 ch. to 2 Kin. 9:26. Jehu. 2Kin. 9:3, to 2 Kin. 10:36. Jehoahaz. 2 Kin. 13 : 1—9. Jehoash or Joash. 2 Kin. 13: 10 — 25. 2 Kin. 14 : 8—16. Jeroboam the Second. 2 Kin. 14: 23—29. Zachariah. 2 Kin. 15 : 8—12. Shallum. 2 Kin. 15 : 13 — 15. Meuahem. 2 Kin. 15 : 16—22. Pekaliiah. 2 Kin. 15 : 23-26. Pekah. 2 Kin. 15: 27-31. 2 Kiu. 16 : 5. Hoshea. 2 Kin. 17: 1-6. Called the Lord's, anointed. 1 Sam. 16 : 6. 1 Sam. 24 : 6. 2 Sam. 19 : 21. Conspiracies against; Absalom against David. 2 Sam. 15: 10. Adonijah against Solomon. 1 Kin. 1 : 5—7. Jeroboam against Rehoboam. 1 Kin. 12:12, 16. Baaslia against Nadab. 1 Kin. 15 : 27. Zimri against Elah. 1 Kin. 16: 9, 10. Omri against Zimri. 1 Kin. 16:1 1. Jehu against Joram. 2 Kin. 9: 14. Shallum against Zachariah. 2 Kin. 15 : 10. Menahem against Shallum. 2 Kin. 15:14. Pekah against Menahem. 1 Kin. 15: 25. God chooses. Deu. 17 : 15. 1 Chr. 28 : 4-6. God ordains. Rom. 13: 1. God anoints. 1 Sam. 16: 12. 2 Sam. 12 : 7. Set up by God. 1 Sam. 12 : 13. Dan. 2: 21. Removed by God. 1 Kin. 11 : 11. Dan. 2: 21. Christ is the Prince of. Rev. 1 : 5. Christ is the King of. Rev. 17 : 14. KIN. 144 LAM. Eeign by direction of Christ. Pro. 8 : 15. Supreme judges of nations. 1 Sam. 8:5. Resistance to, is resistance to the ordinance of God. Rom. 13: 2. Able to enforce their commands. Ecc. 8:4. Numerous subjects the honor of. Pro. 14 : 28. Not saved by their armies. 33: 16. Dependent on the earth. Ecc. 5:9. Should Fear God. Deu. 17:19. Serve Christ. Psa. 2:10— 12. Keep the law of God. 1 Kin. 2: 3. Study the Scriptures. Deu. 17 : 19. Promote the interests of the Church. Ezr. 1 : 2—4. Ezr. 6 : 1—12. Nourish the Church. Isa. 49:23. Rule in the fear of God. 2 Sam. 23:3. Maintain the cause of the poor and oppressed. Pro. 31:8,9. Investigate all matters. Pro. 25:2. Not pervert judgment. Pro. 31: 5. Prolong their reign by hating covet- ousness. Pro. 28 : 16. Throne of, established by righteous- ness and justice. Pro. 16:12. Pro. 29: 14. Specially warned against Impurity. Pro. 31:3. Lying. Pro. 17: 7. Hearkening to lies. Pro. 29: 12. Intemperance. Pro. 31 : 4, 5. The gospel to be preached to. Acts 9 : 15. Acts 26 : 27, 28. Without understanding, are oppress- ors. Pro. 28: 16. Often reproved by God. 1 Chr. 16: Judgments upon, when opposed to Christ. Psa. 2:2, 5, 9. When good. Regard God as their strength. Psa. 99: 4, , Speak righteously. Pro. 16:10. Love righteous lips. Pro. 16: 13. Abhor wickedness. Pro. 16 : 12. Discountenance evil. Pro. 20:8. Punish the wicked. Pro. 20:26. Favor the wise. Pro. 14 : 35. Hont)r the diligent. Pro. 22:29. Befriend the good. Pro. 22 : 14. Are pacified by submission. Pro. JO: 14. Pro. 25:15. Evil counsellors should be removed from. 2 Chr. 22: 3, 4, with Pro. -5 : 5. Curse not, even in thought. Exo. 22 • 28. Ecc. 10:20. Speak no evil of. Job 34: 18. 2 Pet. Pay tribute to. Mat. 22:21. Rom. 13:6, 7 Be not presumptuous before. Pro. 25: 6. Shodld be Honored. Rom. 13: 7. 1 Pet. 2:17. Feared. Pro. 24: 21. Reverenced. 1 Sam. 24: 8. 1 Kin. 1:23,31. Obeyed. Rom. 13: 1, 5. 1 Pet. 2: 13. Prayed for. 1 Tim. 2: 1,2. Folly of resisting. Pro. 19:12. Pro. 20:2. Punishment for resisting the lawful authority of. Rom. 13: 2. Guilt and danger of stretching out the hand against. 1 Sam. 26:9. 2 Sam. 1 : 14. They that walk after the flesh de- spise. 2 Pet. 2: 10. Jude 8. Good— Exemplified. Dcivid, 2 Sam. 8: 15. Asa, 1 Kin. 15: 11. Jehosluxphat, 1 Kin. 22: 43. Amaziah, <&c. 2 Kin. 15: 3. Uzziah, &c. 2 Kin. 15: 34. Hezekiah, 2 Kin. 18: 3. Josiah, 2 Kin. 22* ' Lambt The. The young of the fJock. Exo. 12: 5. Eze. 45 : 15. Described as Patientr. Isa. 53: 7. Playful. Psa. 114:4, 6. Exposed to danger from wild beasts. 1 Sam. 17: 34. The shepherd's care for. Isa. 40: 11. Used for Food. Deu. 32:14. 2 Sam. 12: 4. Clothing. Pro. 27 : 26. Sacrifice. 1 Chr. 29: 21. 2 Chr. 29:. 32. Considered a great delicacy. Amos 6: 4. Offered in sacrifice Males. Exo. 12:5. Females. Num. 6:14. While sucking. 1 Sam. 7 : 9. .\t a year old. Exo. 12: 5. Num. 6:14. From the earliest times. Gen. 4:4. Gen. 22: 7,8. Every morning and evening. Exo. 29:38,39. Num. 28: 3, 4. At the passover. Exo. 12 : 3, 6, 7. By the wicked not accepted. Isa. 1:11. Isa. 66:3. Numbers of, given by Josiah to the people for sacrifice. 2 Chr. 35 : 7. The first-born of an ass to be re- deemed with. Exo. 13: 13. Exo. 34 : 20. An extensive commerce in. Ezr. 7; 17. Eze. 27:21. Tribute often paid in. 2 Kin. 3: 4. Isa. 16: 1. Covenants confirmed by gift of. Gen. 21 : 28-30. The image of, was the first impres- sion on money. Gen. 33: 19. (marg.) Jos. 24:32. (marg.) LAM. 145 LAN. Illustrative Of purity of Christ. 1 Pet. 1 : 19. Of Christ as a sacrifice. Jno. 1 : 29. Rev. 5: 6. Of any thing dear or cherished. 2 Sam. 12:3, 9. Of the Lord's people. Isa. 5: 17. Isa. 11 : 6. Of weak believers. Isa. 40: 11. Jno. 21 : 15. (Patience of,) of the patience of Christ. Isa. 53 : 7. Acts 8 : 32. (Among wolves,) of ministers among the ungodly. Luke 10: 3. (Deserted and exposed,) of Israel deprived of God's protection. Hos. 4:16. (Brought to shiughter,) of tiie wicked under judgments. Jer. 51 : 40. (Consumed in sacrifice,) of com- plete destruction of the wicked. Psa. 37 : 20. Lamps. Design of. 2 Pet. 1 : 19, Described as Burning. Gen. 15 : 17. Shining. Jno. 5:35. Lighted with oil. Mat. 25 : 3, 8. Oil for, carried in vessels. Mat. 25: 4. Sometimes supplied with oil from a bowl through pipes. Zee. 4:2. Required to be constantly trimmed. Alat. 25 : 7. Used for lighting The tabernacle. Exo. 25 : 37. Private apartments. Acts 20: 8. Chariots of war by night. Nab. 2: 3,4. Marriage processions. Mat. 25:1. Persons going out at night. Jno. 18:3. Often kept lighting all night. Pro. 31:18. Placed on a stand to give light to all in the house. Mat. 5 : 15. Illumination of the tents of Arab chiefs by, alluded to. Job 29: 3, 4. Probiiblo origin of dark lantern. Jud. 7: h). Illustrative Of tlie word of God. Psa. 119: 105. Pro. 6 : 23. Of omniscience of Christ. Dan. 10: 6. Rev. 1 : 14. Of graces of the Holy Ghost. Rev. 4 : 5. Of salvation of God. Gen. 15: 17. Isa. 62:1. Of God's guidance. 2 Sara. 22: 29. Psa. 18: 28. Of glory of the cherubim. Eze. 1 : 13. Of spirit of man. Pro. 20 : 27. Of ministers. Jno. 5 : 35. Of wise rulers. 2 Sam. 21: 17. {mara.) Of severe judgments. Rev. 8: 10. Of a succession of heirs. 1 Kin. 11 : 36. 1 Kin. 15 : 4. (Put out,) of destruction of the wicked. Job 18: 5, 6. (marg.) Job 21: 17. (marg.) Pro. 13:9. (Totally quenched,) of complete destruction of those who curse parents. Pro. 20:20. Language. Of all mankind one at first. Gen. 11 1,6. Called Speech. Mar. 14: 70. Acts 14:11. Tongue. Acts 1 : 19. Rev. 5 : 9. Confusion of, A punishment for presumption, &c. Gen. 11 : 2-6. Originated the varieties in. Gen. 11:7. Scattered men over the earth. Gen. 11: 8,9. Divided men into separate nations. Gen. 10:5, 20.31. Great variety or, spoken by men. 1 Cor. 14 : 10. Ancient kingdoms often compre- hended nations of different. Est. 1:22. Dan. 3:4. Dan. 6:25. Kinds of, mentioned; Hebrew. 2 Kin. 18 : 28. Acts 26 : 14. Chaldee. Dan. 1:4. Syriac. 2 Kin. 18 : 26. Ezr. 4 : 7. Greek. Acts21:37; Latin. Luke 23: 38. Lycaonian. Acts 14: 11. Arabic, &c. Acts 2: 11. Egyptian. Psa. 81 : 5. Psa. 114:1. Acts 2: 10. Of some nations diflScult. Eze. 3: 5, 6. Tlie term barbarian applied to those who spoke a strange. 1 Cor. 14: 11. Power of speaking different, A gift of the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 12:10. Promised. Mar. 16:17. Given on the day of Pentecost. Acts 2: 3, 4. FoUovk'ed receiving the gospel. Acts 10 : 44—46. Conferred by laying on of the apostles' hands. Acts 8: 17, 18. Acts 19 : 6. Necessary to spread of the gospel. Acts 2: 7— 11. A sign to unbelievers. 1 Cor. 14: 22. Sometimes abused. 1 Cor. 14: 2—12, 23. Interpretation of, Antiquity of engaging persons for. Gen. 42: 23. A gift of the Holy Ghost. 1 Cor. 12:10. LAN. 146 LAW. Most important in the early church. 1 Cor. 14 : 5, 13, 27, 28. The Jews punished by being given up to people of a strange. Deu. 28:49. Isa. 28:11. Jer. 5:15. Laver of Brass. Moses was commanded to make. Exo. 30 : 18. Wisdom given to Bezaleel to make. Exo. 31 : 2, 9. Made of brazen mirrors of the women. Exo. 38:8. Was placed in the court between the altar and the tabernacle. Exo. 30: 18. Exo. 40: 7, 30. Was anointed with holy oil. Exo. 40:11. Lev. 8:11. The priests washed in, Before consecration. Exo. 40: 12, Before entering the tabernacle. Exo. 30 : 19, 20. Before approaching the altar. Exo. 30 : 20. One made by Solomon for the temple. 1 Kin. 7 : 23-26. 2 Kin. 3o : 13. Called the Brazen sea. 2 Kin. 25 : 13. Jer. 52: 17. IlijUstrative of Christ the fountain for sin. Zee. 13:1. Eev. 1:5. Regeneration. Tit. 3:5, with Eph. 5:26. Law of God, The. Is absolute and perpetual. Mat. 5 : 18. Given To Adam. Gen. 2: 16, 17, with Rom. 5:12— 14. To Noah. Gen. 9:6. To the Israelites. Exo. 20: 2, &c. Psa. 78:5. Through Moses. Exo. 31 : 18. Jno. 7:19. Through the ministration of angels. Acts 7 : 53. Gal. 3 : 19. Heb. 2 : 2. Described as Pure. Psa. 19:8. Spiritual. Rom. 7 : 14. Holy, just, and good. Rom. 7:12. Exceeding broad. Psa. 119:96. Perfect. Psa. 19:7. Rom. 12:2. Truth. Psa. 119:142. Not grievous. 1 Jno. 5 : 3. Requirt s obedience of the heart. Psa. 51:6. Mat. 5:28. Mat. 22:37. Requires perfect obedience. Deu. 27: 26. Gal. 3: 10. Jas. 2:10. Love is llie fulfilling of. Rom. 13: 8, 10. Gal. 5:14. Jas. 2:8. It is man's duty to keep. Ecc. 12: 13. Man, by nature, not in siubjection to. Rom. 7 : 5. Rom. 8 : 7. Man cannot render perfect obedi- ence to.. 1 Kin. 8:46. Ecc. 7:20. Rom. 3: 10. Sin is a transgression of. 1 Jno. 3: 4. All men have transgressed. Rom. 3: 9,19. Man cannot be justified by. Acts 13: .39. Rom. 3:20, 28. GaL2:16. Gal. 3:11. Gives the knowledge of sin. Rom. 3:20. Rom. 7:7. Worketh wrath. Rom. 4:15. Conscience testifies to. Rom. 2 : 15. Designed to lead to Christ. Gal. 3: 24. OBEDrENCE TO A characteristic of saints. Rev. 12: 17. A test of love. 1 Jno. 5:3. Of prime importance. 1 Cor. 7 : 19. Blessedness of keeping. Psa. 119:1. Mat. 5: 19. 1 Jno. 3: 22, 24. Rev. 22 : 14. Christ Came to fulfil. Mat. 5 : 17. Magnified. Isa. 42:21. Explained. Mat. 7:12. Mat. 22: 37 -40. The love of, produces peace. Psa, 119:165. Saints Freed from the bondage of. Rom. 6:14. Rom. 7:4, 6. Gal. 3:13. Freed from the curse of. Gal. 3: 13. Have, written on their hearts. Jer. 31 : 33, with Heb. 8 : 10. Love. Psa. 119:97, 113. Delight in. Psa. 119: 77, Rom. 7i 22. Prepare their hearts to seek. Ezr, 7:10. Pledge themselves to walk in. Neh. 10 : 29. Keep. Psa. 119:55. Pray to understand. Psa. 119: 18. Pray for power to keep. Psa. 119: 34. Should remember. Mai. 4 : 4. Should make the subject of theii conversation. Exo. 13:9. Lament over the violation of, by others. Psa. 119:136. The wicked Despise. Amos 2:4. Forget. Hos. 4 : 6. Forsake. 2Chr. 12:1. Jer. 9:13. Refuse to hear. Isa. 30:9. Jer. 6: 19. Refuse to walk in. Psa. 78 : 10. Castaway. Isa. 5:24. Is the rule of life to saints. 1 Cor. 9: 21. Gal. 5:13, 14. Is the rule of the judgment. Rom, 2:12. To be used lawfully. 1 Tim. 1 : 8. Established by faith. Rom. 3 : 31. Punishment for disobeying. Neh. 9: 26, 27. Isa. 65 : 11—13. Jer. 9 : 13-16. LAW. 147 LAW. Law of Moses, The. Ts the law of God. Lev. 26 : 46. Given lu the desert. Eze. 20:10, 11. AtHoreb. Deu.4:10,15. Deu. 5:2. From the Mount Siiiai. Exo. 19: 11,20. By disposition of angels. Acts 7 : 53. Through Moses as mediator. Deu. 5 : 5. 27, 28. Jno. 1 : 17. Gal. 3 : 19. To the Jews. Lev. 26:46. Psa. 78 : 5. After the exodus. Deu. 4:45. Psa. 81 : 4, 5. To no other nation. Deu. 4 : 8. Psa. 147 : 20. None to approach the Mount while God gave. Exo. 19: 13, 21—24. Heb. 12:20. . Remarkable phenomena connected with, at giving of. Exo. 19: 16—19. Terror of Israel at receiving. Exo. 19: 16. Exo. 20: 18—20. Deu. 5: 5, 23-25. Additions made to, in the plains of Moab by Jordan. Num. 36: 13. C.\LLED A fiery law. Deu. 33:2. Word spoken by angels. Heb. 2: 2. Ministration of death. 2 Cor. 3: 7. Ministration of condemnation. 2 Cor. 3 : 9. Lively oracles. Acts 7: 38, Roval law. Jas. 2:8. Book of the law. Deu. 30: 10. Jos. 1:8. Book of Moses. 2Chr.25:4. 2 Chr. 35:12. Rehearsed by Moses. Deu. 1 : 1—3. Entire of, written in a book. Deu. 31:9. Book of, laid up in the sanctuary. Deu. 31 : 26.. Tables of, laid up in the ark. Deu. 10:5. Divided into Moral, embodied in the ten com- mandments. Deu. 5:22. Deu. 10:4. Ceremonial, relating to manner of worshipping God. Lev. 7 : 37, 38. Heb. 9:1-7. Civil, relating to administration of justice. Deu. 17:9— 11. Acts 23: 3. Acts 24: 6. A covenant of works to the Jews as a nation. Deu. 28: 1, 15, with Jer. 31 : 32. Taught the Jews To love and fear God. Deu. 6:5, Deu. 10:12,13. Mat. 22 : 36, 38. To love their neighbor. Lev. 19: 18. Mat. 22 : 39. Strict justice and impartiality. Lev. 19:35, 36. All punishments awarded accord- ing to. Jno. 8: 5. Jno. 19:7. Heb. 10:28. All Israelites eeqdired To know. Exo. 18:16. To observe. Deu. 4 : 6. Deu. 6 : 2. To lay up, in their hearts. Deu. 6: 6. Deu. 11:18. To remember. Mai. 4:4. To teach their children. Deu. 6:7. Deu. 11:19. Kings to write out and study. Deu. 17:18, 19. Good kings enforced. 2 Kin, 23:24, 25. 2 Chr. 31:21. . Priests and Levites to teach. Deu. 33:8-10. Neh.8:7. Mai. 2:7. Tlie scribes were learned in, and ex- pounded. Ezr. 7 : 6. Mat. 23 : 2. Public instruction given to youth in. Luke 2 : 46. Acts 22 : 3. Publicly read At the feast of tabernacles in the sabbatical year. Deu. 31 : 10—13, By Joshua. Jos. 8:34, 35. By Ezra. Neh. 8:2, 3. In the synagogues every Sabbath day. Acts 13 : 15. Acts 15 : 21. A means of national reformation. 2 Chr. 34:19— 21. Neh. 8: 13^18. A shadow of good things to come. Heb. 10:1. Could not give righteousness and life. Gal. 3: 21, with Rom. 8: 3, 4. Heb. 10:1. A schoolmaster to lead to Christ. Gal. 3: 24. Christ Made under. Gal. 4 : 4. Circumcised according to. Luke 2:21. Rom. 15:8. Came not to destroy but to fulfil. Mat. 5:17, 18. Attended all feasts of. Jno. 2: 23. Jno. 7 : 2, 10, 37. Fulfilled all precepts of. Psa. 40:7,8. Fulfilled all types and shadows of. Heb. 9 : 8, 11—14, Heb. 10 : 1, 11-14. Magnified and made honorable. Isa. 42:21. Bore the curse of. Dou. 21 : 23, with Gal. 3:13. Abrogated, as a covenant of works. Rom. 7:4. Was not the manifestation of the grace of God. Jno. 1 : 17. See Rom. , 8:3,4. Could not disannul the covenant of gracG made in Christ. Gal. 3 : 17. Primitive Jewish converts would have all Christians observe. Acts 15:1. The Jews Zealous for. Jno. 9: 28, 29. Acls21:20. Held those ignorant of, accursed. Jno. 7 : 49. From regard to, rejected Christ, Rom. 9 : 31—33. I.AW. 148 LEP. Accused Christ of breaking. Jqo. 19:7. Accused Christians of speaking. Acts 6: 11-14. Acts 21: 28. Broke it themselves. Jno. 7: 19. Dishonored God by breaking. Rom. 2:23. Shall be judged by. Jno. .5:45. Rom. 2: 12. Was a burdensome yoke. Acts 13 : 10. Darkness,