Nfet- ^. FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY SeB 5(^60 THB ^IV OF PR/,V^^^ BOSTON COLt^i v^M^ SACRED AND DEVOTIONAL ^^mm : INTENDED TO ACCOMMODATE CHJ^JSTUNS ON SfECUL AND STATED OCCASIONS* Sing unto the Lord a new (bng, and his praifc In the coi- ^cgatign of faints. Psaim cxlix. Let the inhabitants of the Rock iing. Iiaiab xlii Bofton : PVBLISHED BY MANNING AND LORING, N«.ftj eORNHILL, 1808. DlflrlB of MaJachttfettSi to wit : BE IT REMEMBERED, that on the twenty-fccond day ©f January, in the thirty fecond year of the independence of the United States of America, Mannjng b" Loring, of the faid diftridl, have depofited in this ofBce the title of a Book, the right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words following, to ivit : " f he Bofton Colle«ftion of facred and devotional Hymns : intended to accommodate Chrif- tians on fpecial and ftated occafions. Sing tinto the Lord a new fong, and his praife in the congregation of faints. Pfal, cxlix. Let the inhabitants of the Rock fmg. Ifa. xlii." In conformity to the A<9: of the Congrefs of the United States, entitled, " An Ad for the encouragement of learn- ing, by fecuring the copies of maps, charts, and books, to . the authors and proprietors of fuch copies, during the times therein mentioned ; " and alfo to an A«St, entitled, *' An Adk fupplementary to an A61, entitled, * An AA for the encour- agement of learning, by fecuring the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of fuch copies, during the times therein mentioned;' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of defigning, engraving, and etching hiftorical and other prints." WILLIAM S. SHAW, Cleri of the DiJIrl^ of Majfafbuftit:, ADVERTISEMENT. This CoUeaiion of Hymns on Baptifm was compiled principally with a view to accommodate the Baptift Churches in Bofton and its vicinity, who have long defired fuch a colleftion, for the purpofe of finging at the adminiftration of that ordinance. The Jiynins on the Lord*s Supper, and or other fubjedls, were added as being fultable to "be ufed by Chriftians in focial meetings, Boston, > Jan. j8o8. A TABLE To find any Hymn by the firjl line. Pags AH ! tell us no more - - 94 Ah! whence that hollow groan - iji Ail giory and praife - - " "^o All the converted train - - ^^^ All ye that pafs by - - - 9" All you that in the flood - - 5\ All you that in the facred flood - - 5^ Almighty God of truth and love - - '23 Almighty Love, infpire our fouls witK facred fire 139 And canft thou then believe, my foul - '3^ And did the holy and the juft - - .95 And fhall we be afliam'd to own - - .3| Arife, my -ove, my urdefil'd - - ^^ As birds their infant brood ^rotccl - 112 As lambs among wolves, Jetus' minlfters go 126 At fara'd Philippi's riv.^r fide - - ^7 Attend, ye childrci of your God - 39 BEFORE Eiiftia's gate - ' %^ Behold I the bright morning appears - «9 Blefi'd be the Father, and his love - 7^ Bury'd in bapiifm with our Lord - - "5 By what amazing way§ - - " ^\ COME, all ye cholen faints of God - 105 Come, all ye humble fons of grace - 53 Come, all ye fons of grace, and view - 5^ Come, ev'ry pious heart - - ^^ Come, friends and relations, let's join heart and hand 128 Come, lowly fouls, that mourn - - 47 Come, fee on bloody Calvary - - 74 Come, welcome this new year of grace - ^45 Come, ye redeemed of the Lord - " 34 Come, ye fiimers, poor and wretched - *'^)M DEAR Lord, and will thy pard'iiing love - 3/^ Defcend, celeflial Dove - - 37 l)o we uot know that folemn word -^ 33 TABLE OF FIRST LINES. FATHER of heav'n, thee we addrefs From whence does this union arife GO, teach the nations, and baptize Great God, we in thy courts appear Great High Priefl, we view thee ftooping HAIL the day that kes him rife Hail, thou once defpifed Tefus Hark ! hark ! ye faints, 't'is Jefus fpeaks Heav'nly raptures fill my foul He comes ! he comes ! the Jud^ fevere He dies! the Friend of finners dies Here at thy table, Lord, we meet Hope is a grace divine How can I fleep, when angels fing gow great, how folemn is the work How rich and fovereign is the gaace How tedious and taftelefs the hours Humble fouls, who feek falvation IF we would enter in I long for a concert of heavenly pralfe •In evil long I took delight In Jordan's tide the Baptift (lands In Juda's dreary wildernefs In planted grain we view In fuch a grave as this I fee the pleafant bed I fing the reign of grace JESUS, and fhall it ever be - - Jefus, I love thy charming name Jefus, lover of my foul Jefus, mighty King in Zion Jefus, my all, to heav'n is gone Jefus, my Saviour and my King, Jefus I O word divinely fweet Jefus, the friend of man Jefus, the man of love, we fin^ Jefus, thy blood and righteoufnefs {efus, when faith with fixed eyes /ET each believer hear Lc* us love, and fing, and wonder Lo, God is here ! let us adore Lord, am I thine, entirely thine Lord, at thy table I behold TABLE OF FIRST LINES. Page Lor<3, may the meflengers of peace - 28 Lord of abounding grace - ' - 13 NEVER does truth more (hine - - 22 No longer then will 1 lie here - - I32 No more, dear Saviour, will I boaft - 95 Now begin the heav'nly theme - - 116 Now far above thefe flarry {kies - "77 Now let each happy gucft - - I07 Now let our faith grow ftrong, and rife" - 93 Now, Lord, before we leave thy courts - 32 Now, thou exalted Prince of Peace - 29 O BRETHREN, don^t you view him - 155 Of him who did falvation bring - - J 42 O God of all grace - - - 89 O how happy are they - - - 40 O kind Redeemer ! in thy fide - - 60 On Jordan we would often mufe - 52 O fir, we would fee Jefus - - ' 117 O tell me no more - ' - * ^44: Our Lord, when cloth'd with mortal flefli 43 O when {hall I fee Jefus , - - HQ O ye blood-wafti'd, ranfem'd finners - 27 O ye immortal throng - - - 113 PROCLAIM, faith Chrift, my wondrous grace 42 REPENT and be baptiz'd - - 54 .Ris'n with Chrift, our glorious Head - 48 Rock of Ages, fteker me - - 109 SEE how the willing converts trace - - 33 See in what place our Jefus lay - - 58 See- the* Lord of Glory dying - - <)9 See ! the Lord to death furrenders - 87 So fair a face bedew'd with tears - - 75 Soldiers of Chrift, arif.: - - - 146 Stay, f^tys ihe world, and tafle a while - 08 Stretch'd on the crofs., the Saviour dies - loo Such are our God's appointed ways - 53 T'HAT was an hour of deepeft gloom - io« The day is pall and gone - ^ " 149 The fields are all white, and the harveft is near 125 The fountain of Chrift; Lord, help us to fing 21 The fuMncfs of time had' elaps'd - f,o 'i he great Redeenaer we adore - - 3^ The holy eunuch, when baptiz'd - - 4^ The Kins of Hcav'n his tabic fpreads - %• TABLE OF FIRST LINES. There is a fountain fiU'd with blood - 67 The facred body of cur Lord " " 45 The facred word to man makes known - 111 The Saviour, what a noble flame - - fi6 The Sun of Righteoufnefs appears - 76 The voice of free grace cries, Efcape to the mountain 130 This is the feaft of heav'nly wine - 101 Thou dear Redeemer, dying Lamb - 104 Though not with mortal eyes we fee - 91 Thou great incarnate God - - 46 Thus it became the Prince of Grace - 31 Thus was the great Redeemer plung'd - 32 Thus we commemorate the day - "74 'Tis Jefus doth fave - - - 3° 'Tis Jcfus, from the mercy-feat - - 23 To Jefus, oar exalted Lord - "93 To know that Chrift is mine - - 137 To our Redeemer's glorious name - 86 'Twas long by works of righteoufnefs - 17 'Twas the commiflion of our Lord - 15 WAND'RING pilgrim.s, mourning Chrifiians 13<} We dare no longer ftand - , 3$ We fing the Saviour's love - - 107 What are thofe rays of fhining light - 66 What condefcending grac6 - * 59 Whate'er to thee, our Lord, belongs - 70 What heav'nly Man, or lovely God - " 73 When from Egyptian flavery - . • 18 When Ifraei's tribes were parch' d with tbirft I04 When the eternal Son of God - - ao When the old v;orld God's patience try'd 62 When we baptize, we fee the mode - 16 While Philip fcann'd the facred page - 19 Who will ope the iron gate - - 115 With plearure,.dear brethren, come let us record 129 With what a meek and humble mind - 63 YE happy faints, the Lamb adore - "49 Ve fervanis of God, your Matter prockim 121 Ye that pafs by, behold the man • - 79 Ve who the higheft joys would prove - i»2 e. wretched, hungry, ftarving poor - 7^ oiir rock can never fhake - • t4^ ^gmn0. BAPTISM. Hymn i. h. m. burnha.m» Invocation hefor& immerjion, T ORD of abounding grace, Step from thy bending throne j With thy approving fmiles This inftitution crown ; in ftrains of rapture may we fmg, Whilft we confefs our Lord and King* Jordan we call to mind. Where Jefus was baptiz'd ; Where the eternal God Proclaimed himfelf well pleased \ Where brighteft rays of glory fhone Around the everlafting Son. Infpir'd with love and zeal. The grateful faints purfue Th* appointed pdths oT God, With Jefus in their view ! They own their Saviour ftrong to faVfl | They own him in the watery gr ave. Now, Jefus, come, and own This ordinance of thine ; O blefs thy waiting faints With comforts all divine j Give them a foul-refrefhing fight Of the bleft realms of heavenly ligkt- B ^f BAPTISM, HYMN 2. L. P. M- Chrijl baptized in Jordan. K TN Joi«dan's tide the Baptift ftands^ Immerfing the repentmg Jews i The Son of Goi^ the rite demands, ' Kor dares the holy man refule ; Jesus defcends beneath the wave. The emblem of his future grave. 3 Wonder, ye heavens ! your Maker lie^ In Jeeps concpaPd from human view j Ye faints, behojd him fmk and dfe ; A fit example this for you : The facred record, while you read. Calls you to imitate. the deed. 3 But 16 ! from yonder opening fkies, .What beams of dazzling gloiy fpread I Dove-like the Eternal Spirit flies. And lights on the Redeemer's head ; AmazM they fee, the power divine Around the Saviour'^ temples jQiine. 4 But hark, my foul, hark and adore ! What founds are thofe that roll along, Not like loud Sinai's awful roar, But foft and fweet as Gabriel's fong I *« This is my well-beloved Son, f* I fee well-pleas'd what he hath done.". 5 Thus the Eternal Father fpoke. Who fhakes creation with a nod ; Through partin^^ fkies the accents broke> And bid us hear the Son of God : O hear the awful word to-day ; Hear, all y^ nations, and obey ! ' baptism; ii HtMN S. L. M. Watts. Chrlfi^s commtffton to his mmtjiers, 'HPWAS the commiffioh of our Lord, " Go, teach the liations and baptii«. The nations have received the word Since he afcended to the fkies. " Repent and be baptized," he faith, " For the remiifion of your fins ;'* And thus our fenfe affifts our faith. And fliews Us what his gofpel meansi Our fouls he wafhes in his blood. As water makes the body clean ; And the good Spirit frotti our God Defcends like purifying rain. Thus we engage ourfelves to thee. Obedient follow Chrift our Lord ; O may the great eternal Three . In heav'n our folemn vows record i / HYMN 4. CM. Beddome. Morning before baptifm ; or, at the 'water fide-, Pfalm cxix. 32. TJOW great, how folemn is the work, ^ ^ Which we attend to-day ! Now for a holy, folemn frame, O God, to thee we pray. C may we feel, as once we felt. When, pain'd and griev'd at heart, Tky kind, forgiving, melting look . Reliev'd our every fmart. Let graces then in exercife E^ exercis'd again j 16 BAPTISM, And, nurtur'd by celeftial power, In exercife remain. 4 Awake our love, our fear, our hope. Wake fortitude and joy ; Vain world, be gone ; let things Hbov© Our happy thoughts employ. 5 Whilft thee, our Saviour and our God, To all around w^e own. Drive each rebellious, rival luft. Each traitor from the throne. € Inftru<5t our minds, our wilb fubdue, To heaven our pafllons raife ; That hence our lives, our ^11 may be Devoted to thy praife. HYMN 5. L. M. BURNHAM, Immerfion the appointed mode, 1 '\^7'HEN we baptize, we fee the mode In honoured Jordan's fwelling flood | We*re deaf to vain tradition's voice ; The way Chrifl: chqfe becomes our choice. 2 Down in the ftream they both defcend. And John immersM the fmner's Friend ; Out of the water (Iraightway came The church's Head, th' obedient Lamb.. 3 The Baptift faw the heavenly Dove Defcend from opening heavens above ; And now the Father's voice is heard, " Approving thus th* Incarnate Word : 4 " This, this is my beloved Son, " Well pleas'd am I with what he's donci <« In ail things he my will obeys, « Then hear and truft wh^te'er he f^y^." BAPTISMo . If 5 Now, ye believing fouls, regard Th* example of your glorious Lord ; , Walk in his honoured paths, and prove How much your fouls his precepts love. HYMN 6. Sevens. Original. The candidate's fdliloquy before his immerfiori, i I-IEAVENLY raptures fill myfouli '*• - While I gaze on Jefus* tomb ; There no waives of trouble roll. In its bofom there is room. 2 Long I fought, but fought in vai% How I might evade his call. Till at length my will was flain^ Jefus now is all in all. 3 Precious fouls, who linger ftill. Or who wait for clearer lights All that's wanting is a will, Gofpel truth is ihining bright. 4 Take the Bible, read with care^ Heed no argument befide : Follow Jefus, live in prayer. Let the Spirit be your guide, HYMN 7. L. M. ~ or.ckal. Duty pieafant, X 'T'WAS long by works of righteoufnefs -*- The favour of the Lord 1 fought. Till, ftruck with force of truth divine. My mind to folemn paufe was brought. ? The law condemn'd my foul to hell ; Oaafcience pronounc*d the fentence juft' t' B?, IS BAi^TISM, All hope from C4*?atures wholly fled, Myfelf I view'd entirely loft ! 5 To God with fearful heart I cry'd, * Lord, fave ; I perifh in thy wrath ;' « Behold the Lamb," the Baptift faid, ** He faves the foul condemn^ to death.** 4 With joy my foul the word received, My heart to Jefus quickly fled ; In him true liberty I found, And confcienee from his wrath was freed, '^_ 5 Now precious are his fweet commands ! And, wafh'd in his atoning blood. My confcienee bids me follow him, Who was iramersM in Jordan's flood. $ In this bled ordinance I behold A type of his illuftrious grace, Which, like a fountain, overflows. To cleanfe the foul it doth embrace. 7 His death and refurredion too Appear, to draw r^ foul to God : My confcienee feels a facred peace, Relying on his precious blood. HYMN 8. CM. S. Stennett, The cloud ami the fea. 1 \T7HEN from Egyptian flavery ^' The Hebrews were rcdeem'd, The parted feas and covering cloud A grave to Ifrael feem'd. 2 But foon the joyful tribes emerge, And {land upon the fliore ; With grateful hearts and tuneful tongue* Their Saviour's name adore. % He made th' obfequious waves retire. His favourite tribes to fave ; BAPTISM, • 19 Made them a way to liberty, ' Where Egypt found a grave. 4 Thus Jacob's ions, baptizM of old To Mofes i;i the fea, Sav'd by God's arm, tliemfelves devote His ftatutes to obey, , 5 So from the bondage of our fins, Redeemed by fovereign grace, We through his watery fepulchre Owr Saviour's footfteps trace. 6 Our fins, the word of enemies, Are in a figure, drown'd ; To a new life our fouls are rais'd, With tender mercy crown'd. 7 To thee, O Jefus, may we, live. Devoted to thy fear ; Thee will we love, thee will we pralle, And all thy laws revere. HYMN 9. CM. Oricinal. Profeffion of faith necsjfary before admiitt/l ration, I \yl7"HII-E Philip fcann'd the facred page * The eunuch juit had r-ead, A certain water rofe to view, And tlius the Ethiop' faid : ■i * See here an emblematic flood, * And what doth hinder me < To be baptiz'd, as Jefus taught, * And bear his crofs with thee I* 3 Tlie faithful preacher thus reply'd, *♦ If thou believe, thou may'lt;*' < I do,' be faid — they quick dcfcend. And to the water haile. 20 t/^pTlSM. 4 Intent On duty's call, they go Down through the yielding ftream i And ftraight the eunuch was baptiz'd In Jefus' precious name. 5 So now the willing converts prefs To hear the joyful found j And thofe who hear and live, are all In fweet obedience found. HYMN 10. L. M. Trials after pie ajant obedience, i Vy HEN the eternal Son of God Had been baptiz'd in Jordan's floodp To the lone defert he repairs, And fore temptation firmly bears. 2 Should you that have been now baptiz'd Be thus with Satan's darts furpris'd ; Lift up to heaven your joyful eyes, Your hope, your help in Jefus lies. 3 Never prefume to think or fay The fiream has waih'd your fins away : Never depend on what's your own. Nor truft to works nor duties done. 4 Each rite, which truth and love ordain, Points to the Lamb that once was flain ; Our wand'ring thoughts to him they calK The centre and the foul of all. 5 Baptiz'd with Chrift, be this your aim. To dignify the Chriftian name ; With him afpire to things above, And put on Chrifl in faith and lare. BAPTISM, 21 IITISIN 11. 5 8i6. Hart. Fountain opened for fmners* %ec* xiii. J. I T^HE fountain of Chrift, -*- Lord, help us to fing, The blood of our Prieft, Our crucify'd King ; The fountain that cleanfes From fm and from filth. And richly difpenfes Salvatipn and {lealtb;. |5 This fountain fo dear He'll freely impart ; When pierc*d by the fpear, It flowM from his heart With blood and with water ; The firft to atone. To cleanfe us the latter : The fountain's but one. 4 This fountain from guilt Not only makes pure, #«"»^*" And gives, foon as felt. Infallible cure j But if guilt removed Return and remain, Its power may be proved Again and again. 4 This fountain unfeal'd Stani^ open for all Who long to be heal'd. The great and the fmall ; Here's ilrength for the weakly That hither are led ; Jipre's health for the fickly. And Jlfe for the d^<^' 2^ B^PTISMc 'P 5 This fountain, though ricfc ^rom charge is quite clear,; ( The poorer the wretch , The welcomer here : Come needy, and guilty. Come loathibme, and bare ; Though leprous and filthy, Come juft as you are. S This fountain in vain Has never been try'd. It takes out all ftain Whenever apply'd : The fountain flows fweetly With virtue divine. To cleanie fouls completelyj Though leprous as mine. HYMN 12. H. M. The praSice of ancient Chrtflmns, 'VfEVER does truth more fiilne With beams of heavenly light, Than when the fcriptures join To prove it plain and ri^ht ; Than when each te?:t doth each explaii And all unite to fpeak the fiime. Thus Peter, who obey'd What Jefus faid, was wife, And preach'd as he "vvas led. Repent, and be baptiz'd ; Thus Philip did t' the eunuch fay^ If you believe in Chrift, you may. Paul preachM the word ofgrace,. Whole houfeholds dfid believe. #. BAPTISM. Q^ And were baptiz'd to Chrift, Whofe gofpel they'd received ; ^^^. Thus Chriftians were qF ancient date, '-' As facred hillory does relape. 4 We fee *tis no new thhig. To teach, and then baptize : Thus faints did firft begin 0. Chrift's ordinance to prize ; This makes us cheerfully obey, And follow as they led the way. HYMN 13. G. M. Newton. Self- dedication. I 'HTIS Jefus, from the mercy-feat, "■■ Invites me to his reft ; He calls poor finners to his feet. To make them truly bleft. 3 Approach, my foul, to wifdom*s gate, While it is call*d to-day ; No one who watches there, and waits. Shall e^er be turn'd away. 3 He will npt let me feek in vain. For all who truft his word Shall everlafting life obtain, And favour from the Lord. 4 Lord, I have hated thee too long, And dar'd thee to thy face ; I- ve done my foul exceeding wrong In flighting all thy grace. 5 Now i would break my league with de:ath^ /ind live to thee alone ; O l^t the holy life of faith Evince rae for thine own. 24* BAPTISM* 6 Let all the faints aflembled here^ ^^1^ let all heav*n rejoice ; Thi@f begin with this new rite To make the Lord my choice. HYMN 14. CM. Hart. ^ Looking to God in the ordinance, 1 "pATHER of I^eav'n, thee we addrcfs i "*" (Obedience is our view) Accept us in thy Son, and blefs The work we have to do. 2 Jefus, as water well applyM Will make the body clean ; So in the fountain of thy fide ~ Wafli thou the foul from fm. 3 Celeftial Dove, defcend from high. And on the water brood ; And with thy quickening pow*r apply The water and the blood. 4 Great God, Three One, again we callj And our requeft renew, Accept in Chrift, and blefs withal The work we've now to do. HYMN 15. S. M. Hart. Cleanfing hy the blood of Chrifl, 1 T3 Y what amazing ways, The Lord is pleased t' explain The "wonders of his fovereign grace Towards the fons of men ! 2 He ihews us firft, how foul Our nature's made by fin. SAPTISM. 2^ Then teaches tlie believing foul The way to make it clean. ^ 3 This ordinance declares What need we have to cleanfe. Then liiews that Chrift to all God's heirs Can purity difpenfe. 4 Water the body laves ; And, if 'tis done by faith. The blood of Jefus furely faves The finful foul from death. ^ Water no man denies : But, brethren, reft not there ; *ris faith in Chrift that juftifies. And makes the confcience dear, 6 Baptiz'd into his death^ We rife to life divine : The Holy Spirit gives us faith j And water is the fign. HYMN IG. L. M. Hart. Looking unto Jfefus. 1 TJURY'D in baptifm with our Lord, ^^ We rife with him, to life reftor'd. Not the bare life in Adam loft. But richer far ; for more it coft. 2 Water can cleanfe the flefli, we own ; But Chrift well knows, and Chrift alone, How dear to him our cleanfmg ft cod, BaptizM with fire, and bath'd in blood. 3 His was a baptifm deep indeed, O^er feet and body, hands and heai. He in his body purged our fin : A little water makes us olsan. C ^6 BAPTISM, 4 We tafte, 'tis true, his bitter cup, Bat ^ly he could drink it up ; To burn for us was his deiire, And he baptizes us with fire. 5 This fire will not confume, but melt ; How foft, compar'd with that he felt 1 Thus cleans'd from filth, and purgM from drofs, Baptized Chriftian, bear the crofs. HYMN 17. C. M. Newton. Chnjl hajlening to his haptifm of fufferings. ■ I T^HE Saviour, what a noble flame -*■ Was kindled in his breaft, When, hading to Jcrufalem, He march'd before the reft ! ? Good will to men and zeal for God His every thought engrofs : He longs to be baptized with blood ; He pants to reach his crofs. 3 With all his fnff'rings full in view. And woes to us unknown, Forth to the talk his ipirit flew : 'Twas love that urg*d him on. 4 Lord, we return thee what we can ! Our hearts fhall found abroad Salvation to the dying Man, And to the rifing God 1 5 And while thy bleeding glories here Engage our wond'ring eyes, We learn oar lighter crofs to bear, And haften to the fliies. o BAPTISM. 2? Ht MN 1'^. S &C7, B U R xN H A M. Love the e [fence of obedience, YE blood- walh'd, ranfom'd liniiers, Highly favour'd of the Lord, Now ye prove your love to Jefas, By regarding his bleft woid. See his watery tomb before you : Hear him echo — " Follow me ;" For beneath the dreams of Jordan Chritt, your great Redeemer, lay. Yes — beneath thofe- hononr'd waters Was immers'd the Lord we own ;■ As he rifes God pronounces " This is my beloved Son.'* Love conftrains you all to follow Jefus to his liquid grave ; Now look up, expecfl hk prefence, Which he promis'd you fhould have. Jefus, come ; thine approbation May we gladly fee and feel ; Caufe, O caufe the heavens to open. And thy v;ondrous love reveal. HYMN 1I>. L.M. _ Ohi(,inal. Lydia^s prompt obedience. 1 A T fam'd Philippi's river fide, ^ -^ Where humble Chriftians often came^ Looking to Him who anfwers piay'r. Through Jefas' ever-precious name. 2 T|-ie blell difciples, on the day Wiien faints aifembled truth to hear, L^i^^x^d. to pubhlh glorious grace, the women gathered there. jf Jmis, the redeeming God, j'l'tnr i^ithful fouls and tongues were fail :; 23 BAPTISM. And Lydia's open*d heart rece'>*d The gracious words declar'd ])j PauL 4 BaptizM, obedient to the truth And great example of her Lord, The place a Bethel now appeared In which her heart embraced the word. 5 Delighted with thefe faints of God, In fellovvihip with them, (he faid, «' If me to Chrift ye faithful judge, *' Come to my houfe and there abide.'* 6 Thus when the Saviour opes the heart. Enlarging it to duty's call, The humble foul his children loveS, And kindly greets and welcomes all. ti , .,.,.., ,, .. HYMN .20. C. M. BURNHAM. The authority and prefence of Chr'ijl, I T ORD, may the mefTengers of peace "*^ Thy blefled truth proclaim ; And, fway'd by force of fovereign grace, Baptize in thy great name. ^ Lord, while thy faints thus follow thee, Thy glory is their aim ; Conftrain'd by love, they long to be Baptized in thy great name. 3 Come, Jefus, in thy flaming car. Thy mercy now proclaim ; Smile on thy children, while they are Baptiz'd in thy great name. 4- Lord, bid our every fear be gone, Support each weaker frame ; Blefs'd with -thy prefence, we'll go on, Baptizing in thy name. BAPTISM* ^^ HYMN 21. L. M* Profejfion of faith neceffary before Immerfiori. 1 « j^^ O, teach the nations, and bapti2re,'* ^-^ Aloud th' afcending Jefu> cries : • His glad apoftles took the word. And round the nations preached their Lord» 2 Commiffion'd thus, by Zion's King, We to his holy laver bring Thefe happy converts, who have known And trufted in his grace alone. 3 Lord, in thy houfe they feek thy face, O blefs them with peculiar grace : Refrefh their fouls with love divine ; Let beams of glory round them fhine. HYMN 22. L. M. BurnLm. " Defir'ing ChrifVs prefmce, 1 1V[0W, thou exalted Prince of Peace, ■^^ Behold the fubjei^s of thy grace ; Drawn by the pleafmg cords of love. In wifdom's ways they fweetly move. 2 When in the water they defcend. There may they meet the fmner's Friend, Smiling from yonder blifsful throne, Sending immortal bleflings down. 3 O may they find beneath the vsrave, That Chrlft is in the liquid grave ; May they fmk deep in love divine, A::d feel the death of felf and fm. 4 IV hen from the honour'd ftream they rife, '/' '3 view the pleafant op'ning fkies, ^'^j - tlie bright beams of light appear, ■ ■'■■•Z the Lord is truly here* Ca so BAPTISM* HYMN 23. L. M. J.Stennett. Dying and rifing ivith Chrijt. 1 nPHE great Redeemer we adore, Who came the loft to feek and fave ; Went humbly down from Jordan's fhore, To find a tomb beneath its wave ! 2 " Thus it becomes us to fulfil ** All righteoufnefs/' he meekly faid ; Why fliould we then to do his will, Or be afham'd, or be afraid ? 3 With thee into thy watery tomb. Lord, 'tis our glory to delcend : 'Tis wondrous gr;ice that gives us room To lie interr'd by fuch a friend. 4 Yet as the yielding waves give way, To let us fee the light again j So on the refurrediion day, The bands of death prov'd weak and vain. 5 Thus when thou (halt again appear, The gates of death fhall open wide ; Our diul thy mighty voice fhall hear, And rife and triumph at thy fide. HYMN 24. 5 & 11. BURNHAM. The aripwcr of a good confcicnce, I 'TTTS Jefus doth fave. The vvitnefs we have, When bury'd with him in the watery grave. ? And when we arife, We lift up our eyes, And fee, with amazement, tlie opening fkiej BAPTISM. $1 Jehovah comes down, The precept to own, [crown. And doth with his prefence the ordinance And fweetly we prove, By whifpeis of love, That we Ihall foon meet in the regions above. HYMN 25. C. P. M. Norman. Thus it hecomdb us, ^c. Matt. iii. i5- 1 T'HUS it became the Prince of Grace, ^ And thus Ihould all thd favoured race High Heaven's beheft fulfil ; For that the condefeending Co^ , a a Should lead his followers through the flood, Was Heaven's eternal will. t 'Tis not as led by cuftom's voice, ^ We make thefe ways bur favoured choice, And thus with zeal pUrfue : No ; heaven's eternal fovereign Lord Has, in the precepts of his word, Enjoin'd us thus to do. ^ And iliall we ever dare defpife The gracious mandate of the Ikies, Wliere condefeending Heaven ^ To fmful man's apoftate race, in matchlefs love, and boundiefs grace, His will reveal'd has given ? 4. Thou everlafting, gracious King, ' Afiift ^s now thy grace to fmg, And ftill direa our way To thofe bright realms of peace and reft, Vv-^here all th' exulting tribes are blefs'd With one great choral day. S2 BAPTISM. HYMN 26. CM. J.Stennett. Come, fee the place We offer grateful praife ; For flill do we prove The wonders of love. While walking in Jefus's ways. 2 Surely thy prefence fills the place. Thy flately fleps we fee ; And happily find Sweet peace in the mind, While Jefus's word we obey. 3 O ble/fed Lord, this great command. To every heart proclaim ; Thy mercy difplay. While thoufands obey, And cheerfully follow the Lamk BAPTISM. 33 HYIV'IN 28. L. M. Watts. Believers buried with their Lord. 1 Y\0 we not know that folemn word, -*-^ That we are bury*d with the Lord ; Ba'ptiz'd into his death, and then Put off the body of our fm ? 2 Our fouls receive diviner breath, RaisM from corruption, guilt, and death : So from the grave did Chrift arife, And lives to God above the Ikies. 3 No more let fm nor Satan reign Over our mortal fieih again ; The various lufts we ferv'd before Shall have dominion now no more. HYMN 29. L. M. j. Stennett Walking in theppi of Jefus. 1 CEE how the willing converts trace *-^ The path their great Redeemer trod \ And follow through his liquid grave, The meek, the lowly Son of God ! 2 Here they renounce their former deeds, And to a heavenly life afpire ; Their rags for glorious robes e3^chang'd> They fiiine in clean and bright attire I 3 O facred rite, by thee the nam^ Of Jefus we to own begin : This is the refurre, t.tke up the croG; And do it cheerfully. BAPTISM. 37 HYMN 35. C. M. The hve of Chrijl conjlrainlng to a hutnble imitation of his examples. 1 'PjEAR Lord, and will thy pardoning love *^ Embrace a wretch fo vile ? Wilt thou my load of guilt remove. And blefs me with thy-fmile ? 2 Haft thou the crofs for me endur'd, And all its fhame defpis'd ? And fhall I be ailianiM, O Lord, With thee to be baptizM ? 3 Didft thou the great example l6ad, In Jordan's fwelling flood ? And Ihail my pride difdain the deed" That's worthy of my God ? 4 Dear Lord, tlie ardour of thy love Reproves my cold delays : And now my willing footfteps move In thy delightful ways. HYMN 36. H. M. To the Holy Spirit, TAESCEND, celeftial Dove, And make thy prefence known i Reveal our Saviour's love, And feal us for thine own. ^ Unblefs'd by thee, our works are vain, Ker can we e'er acceptance gain. When our incarnate God, The fovereign Prince of Light, In Jordan's fwelling flood Receiv'd the holy rite 5 D 38 BAPTISM. In open view, thy form came down, And dove-like flew, the King to crown, 3 The day was never known Since time began its race, On which fuch glory fhone, On which was fhewn fuch grace, As that which Ihed, in Jordan's ftream, On Jefus' head the heavenly beam. 4 Continue ftill to fhine, And fill us wfth thy fire : This ordinance is thine, Do thou our fouls infpire ! Thou wilt attend on all thy fons, <' Till time fliall end," thy promife runs. HYMN 37. S.M. s. Stenxktt. ** Arije^ and he baptl%ed, and luq/Io aiuay thy Jim I TN fuch a grave as this -^ The meek Redeemer lay, When he our fouls to feek and fave, Learn' d humbly to obey. 3 See how the fpotlefs Lamb Defcends into the ilream, And teaches us to imhate What him fo well became* 3 Let fmners waQi away Their fuis of crimfon dye ; Bury'd with him, their vileft fms Shall in oblivion lie. 4 Rife, and afcend with him, A heavenly life to lead \ Who came to ranfom guilty men From regions of the dead. BAPTISM. S9 Lord, fee the ftnner's tears ! Hear his repenting cry ! Speak, and his contrite heart (hall live ; Speak, and his fms fhall aie. Speak with that mighty voice, Which llrall hereafter fpread Its fummons through the earth and fea. To raife the fleeping dead. ' HYMN 38. CM. DR.DODDRlbCE. Prailical improvement of the ordinance. Col. iii, i, 1 A TTEND, ye children of your God, '^^ Ye heirs of glory, hear ; I^or accents fo divine as thefe Might charm the duUeft ear. 2 BaptizM into your Saviour's death, Your fouls to fin muft die ; With Chrift your Lord ye live anew. With Chrift afcend on high, 3 There by his Father's fide he fits. Enthroned divinely fair ; Yet owns himfelf your brother ftill, And your forerunner there, 4. Rife from thefe earthly trifles, rife On wings of faith and love ; Above your choiceft treafure lies, And be your hearts above. - Y ut earth and fin will drag us downj 'When we attempt to fly ; Lord, fend thy ftrong, attra<5live power %o raife and fix us high. 40 BAPTISM. HYMN 39. ,6 8c 9. The new convert. I r\ HOW happy are they ^^ Who the Saviour obey. And have laid up their trealure above I Tongue can never exprefs The fweet comfort and peace Of a foul in its earlieft- love ! 3 That fweet comfort was mine. When the favour divine I fir ft found in the blood of the Lamb ; When my heart it; believM, What true joy I received, What a heaven'^n Jefus's name ! 3 'Twas a heaven below, My Redeemer to know ; And the angels could do nothing more Than to fall at his feet. And the ftory repeat, And the Lover of fmners adore. 4 Jefus all the day long Was my joy and my fong ; O that all his falvation might fee ! He hath lov'd me, 1 cry'fl, He hath fufFer'd and dy*d, To redeem fuch a rebel as me. 5 On the wings of his love, I was carry*d above All ray fm, and temptation, and pain ; And I could not believe That I ever fiiould grieve, That I ever (hould fuffer agaio^ $ ^« I then rode on the fky. Freely juftify*d I, BAPTISM. 41 ^or did envy Elijah his feat ; My glad foul mounted higher In a chariot of fire, And the world was quite under my feet. ! the rapturous height Of that holy delight, Which I felt in the life-giving blood ! Of my Saviour pofTeft, 1 was perfe<5lly bleft, As if fiU'd with the fullnefs of God. HYMN 40. CM. Bp.ddome. ^ RefeBlons of a baptized heUever. — « He went on his ivay rejoicing.^* Ads viii. 9. 1 nPHE holy eunuch, when baptiz'd, -^ Went on his way with joy : And who can tell what rapturous thoughts Did then his mind employ ? 2 " Is that moft glorious Saviour mine « Of whom I lately read ? « Who, bearing all my fms and griefs, " Was number'd with the dead ? 3 « Is he who, burfting from the grave, <* Now reigns above the fky, " My advocate before the throne, " My portion when I die ? 4, " Have I profefs'd his holy name f " Do I his gofpel bear "^ " To Ethiopia's fcorched lands, '* And (hall I fpread it there ? V \ BlefsM pool ! in which I lately lay, '*.And left my fears behind ; '■' What an unworthy wretch am I ^ *'And God profufely kind* Bit 42 BAPTISM. 6 ** BlefsM emblem of that precious blood ** Which fatisfy'd for fm ; " And of that renovating grace, " Which makes the confcience clean." 7 This pattern, Lord, with facred joy- Help us to keep in view ; The fame our work, the fame, Q make Our confolation too. HYMN 41. CM. Newton. After immerfion, Mark xvi. i6. « PROCLAIM," faith Chrift, " my wondrous -'' *♦ To all the fons of men ; [grace " He that believes, and is baptiz'd, " Salvation Ihall obtain." Let plenteous grace defcend on thofe, Who, hopmg ill thy word, This day have publickly declar'd That Jefus is their Lord. With cheerful feet may they advance And run the Chriftian race ; And through the troubles of the way Find all-fufficient grace, HYMN 4.2. H. M. Newton. Grace leach to Chriji, "DEFORE Ehfha's gate The Syrian leper ftood. But could not brook to wait, He deem'^ himfelf too good : *He thought the prophet would attend, And not to him a meflage itxid. BAPTISM. 43 Leprous and pr6ud as he, To Jefus thus I came, From fm to fet me free, When firft I heard his £kmt : Surely, thought I, my pompous train Of vows and tears will notice gain. My heart devised the way Which I fuppos'd he'd take ; And when I found delay. Was ready to go back : Had he fome painful talk enjoinM, I to performance feem'd incjin'd. When by his word he fpake, " That fountain open'd fee ; " ' Twas openM for thy fake, « Go waili, and thou art free ;*' ! how did my proud heart gainfay, 1 fear'd to truft this fimple way. At length I trial made, When I had much endur'd ; The meffage I obey'd, I waih'd, and I was curM : Sinners, this healing fountain try. Which cleansM a wretch fo vile as I. HYMN 43. L. M. S. Stennett. Ckavfing by Chrl/Vs atonement, /^UR Lord, when cloth*d with mortal fleih, -^ Tliough free from every fmful (lain, v/;>uid be baptiz'd, that men to trace faered fteps might not difdain. ~>iy Tuore- — he was all plung'd in tears, vi bath'd in bloody fufferin^s too : 44 SAPTiswr. what fountain was required to vvalli Our guilty fouls, his wounds will lliew ! 3 Thy blood, dear Lord, can cleanfe from firij- This in our baptifm we confefs ; 'Tis for its cleanfing virtue we Our prayers and vows to thee addrefs. 4 BuryM with great folemnity In thy baptifmal fepulchre. We are reviv'd, and rais'd again, White robes of righteoufnefs to wear. 5 And, as thy facred word declares, At the great refurredcion- day Our bodies fhall be rais'd and chang'd, And be adornM with bright array. '^ HYMN 4 HYMN 49. L. M. Dr. Baldwin. Come, fee the place where the Lord lay. Matt, xxviii, 6. 1 Y E happy faints, the Latnb adore, * "*• Who lov'd our race all time before ! Ere man from God had gone aiiray, Ke in his Father's bofom lay, 2 Joyful he left the realms of light. And downward bent his wondrous flight, Aifum'd a body formed of clay, And in the humble m.anger lay. 3 To Jordan's ftream tlie Spirit led. To mark the path his faints ftiould tread ! They love to trace this facred way. And fee the place where Jefus lay* 4 The holy Baptift lifts his eyes : " Behold the Lamb of God !" he cries ; Then down he led the liquid way ; Come, fee the place where Jefus lay. 5 Immers'd by John in Jordan's wave, Rifmg he left his wat'ry grave ; Heav'n own'd the deed, approv'd the way. And blefs'd the place where Jefus lay. 6 Come, all who love his precious name ; Come, tread his fteps and learn of him : Happy beyond expreflion they Who find the place where jfefus lay. 7 EuryM with Chrifl, they die to fm ; Then rife, with him to live ?ind reign ; 1< 'Icing, ftill go on their way, ■ leave the place ivhere jfefis lay. tr-d by grace, at length they come j\' rv.O:, in their eternal home j Kifiri^ tp heav'n, they drop their clay, In the cold tomb, where Jefus lay. so BAPTISM. HYMN 50. Eights. Original. The Pattern. 1 HTHE fullnefs of time had elapsM, Which prophets of old had declared, When Jefus, defcending from heav'n. Took on him the body prepar*d. 2 The ihadows and types difappearM, According to ancient decree ; When, lo! the great fubftancc became « An objedl for mortals to fee ! , 3 Then John, the forerunner, proclaimed The kingdom of heaven at hand ; Repentance he urg'd, whilft he taught Submiifion to ev'ry command. 4 Now Jefus from Galilee comes ; In Jordan the rite he receives : The opening heavens confirm The facred example he gives ! 5 While thofe who rejefted the Lamb, In darknefs and error remain'd, The converts, confeffing their fins, This pledge of their pardon obtained. 6 In ev*ry command of his lips, To us an exa:,.ple is giv'n : The Pattern \ve follow is true. For Jefus receiv'd it from heaven. HYIMN 51. S. M. Oricinal. For If ive have been planted^ ^c. Rom. vi. $. TN planted grain we view A figure plain and clear — Chrift's death and his . immerfion toft Unitedly appear. BAPTISM. z ImmersM from human fight, In likenefs of our Lord, His refurre(ftion gives us light ; By his is our^s aiFur'd. 3 This glorious Lord of All Said, ere he rofe on high, " " Except a corn of wheat Ihall fal! ** Into the ground and die, 4 ^* No fruit (hall thence be feen, " Nor increafe in the field ; ** But if it die, 'twill rife again, "And plentifully yield." 5 Thou art this corn of wheat,* Jefus, from thee we fpring : The number of thy faints is great. Who fhall in glory fing. 6 Ere thou upon the tree For finners vile didft bleed. Thy faithful Father promised thee That thou fhouldft fee thy feed. 7 Thee we extol in fongs Of endlefs joy and praife : To thee this glorious pow'r belongs From fin our fouls to raife. 8 Now from a facred love To Chrift, who lovM us firft. The kindnefs of his laws we prove, And in him fully truft. 9 Baptiz'd into the name Of Him who left the dead. And rofe to endlefs pow*r and fame,- We Ihall be like our Head. * The Jewifh corn wa» remarkably produdlivc. '51 53 BAPTISM. HYMN 52. L.M. Chr'ift^s lowly and exalted Jlate. 1 f~^ OME, all ye fons of grace, and view ^^ Your bleeding Saviour's love to you : Behold him fmk with heavy woes. And give his life to fave his foes ! 2 When you behold the facred wave, You fee the emblem of his grave : Come, all who would his laws obey. And view the place where Jefus lay. 3 But not death's adamantine chain Could long the mighty Lord detain ; Behold him cheer tlie heavy gloom. And rife refulgent from the tomb. 4 When you afcend above the flood. Then call to mind the rifmg God : Ye faints, lift up your joyful eyes, Exulting fee your Saviour. rife. 5 Ye too are bury'd with your Lord, Who in the water own liis %yord, And joyfully behold therein. An emblem of your death to fin, 6 Frefh from the ft ream, and fiU'd with love. Far from the tents of fm remove ; Nobly from ftrength to ftrength proceed, And rife to every wortliy deed. HYMN 53. CM. « Burnha.v Chri/l the Head and King of Z'lon. 1 /^N Jordan we would often mufe, ^^ And view the Lamb of God* With John defcending in tlie ftream. And plung'd beneath the flpod- BAPTISM. While great Jehovah's voice is heard From the pure realms of light ; " This is my well-beloved Son, ^ « In whom is my delight." Thus Chrift tlie great example gives : All heav'n approves the deed ! Thus the dear faints purfue the path Of Zion's glorious Head. Dear Lord, when thefe, thy ranfom*d faints, Are in thy name baptiz'd. Shine from thy glorious throne of grace. And Ihew thyfelf well pleas' d. Honoured with God's approving fmile^ And bleffings from above, Thett fet the world with anger frown. We'll pity, pray, and love. I All the commands of Z ion's King We'll cordially embrace ; For all iiis ways are pav'd with love. And all his paths are peace. HYMN 54. CM. Saints invited to duty, COME, all ye humble fons of grace, Who feel the weight of fm, Confefs before Jehovah's face How vile your hearts have been. If you fincere repentance feel For every hateful (lain, Teftis your broken hearts will heal, Jefus will make you clean. K e 54 BAPTISM. 3 To the baptifmal w^ter come, Chrift's own appointed way. The emblem of your Saviour's tomb : O, come ""Without delay. 4 Welcome you are, and you alone, This facred rite to fhare ! To nat'ral men can ne'er be known What Heaven has taught us here. 5 Here with admirhig eyes we view Our dying, rifmg Lord : Through grace refolve to live anew, Obedient to his word. 6 Eternal God, thy power difplay To wound and heal the heart : Thee may thy people all obey, Nor from thy will depart. h HYMN 55. ». M. B.r.sham. The two Jirft go/pel requ'ifites. "O EPENT and be baptized, •*-^ Saith your redeeming Lord ; Ye all are now apprized That 'tis your Saviour's word : Arife, arife, without delay, And his divine commands obey. Ye penitential race, Who fall at Jefus' feet, Sav'd by his glorious grace. Come, to his will fubmit ; And be baptiz'd without delay. And his divine command obey. Come, ye believing train, No m6re this truth withdand ; BA?TISM. 55 No longer think It vain T' obey your Lord's command : l^vBut hafte, arife, without delay, And be baptized in Jefus' way. 4 Jefus, thou Prince of Peace, To thy great name we pray ; Make the converted race Thine ordinance obey ; O may thy love their fouls overcome. And draw them to thy liquid tomb. HYMN 56., S. M. Uni'verfal obedience, A LL you tliat in the flood '^^^^ave own'd your holy Lord, And to his people joined yourfelves, . According to his word ; Ifi Zion you mud dwejl^ Her altar ne'er forfake ; Muft come to all her, folemn feaft?, And all her joys partake. She mud employ your thoughts. And your unceafing care ; Her welfare be your conftant wi(h, And her iacreafe your pray'r. With humblenefs of mind, Amongft her fons rejoice : A rneek and quiet fpirit is With God of highell price, 'i'ver offend nor grieve ^ir brethren in the way ; the dark abodes of llrife, :.ildren of the day. 56 BAPTISM. 6 Highly in love efteem Your paftors in the Lord ; The means &£ life on them beftow, Who labour in the word. HYMN 57. L. M. Saint and hypocrite contrajled, A LL you that in the facred flood *^^ Have humbly ownM your Saviour God, His great command lies on you ilill ; All righteoufnefs you muft fulfil. With fcrup'lous care the hypocrite Attends to each external rite, While juftice, truth, and faith depart. And aU religion of the heart. For weightier matters of the law He feels no zeal, nor love, nor awe ; And feeks by rituals to atone For fins and follies he has done. But the enlighten'd foul purfues The call of God with different views ; He round a nobler centre moves, Obeying Chrift becaufe he loves. If he attend the preached word, He waits a vifit from his Lord ; Or at each ordinance appear. He humbly hopes to meet him there. And if Immanuel (hev/s his face, Blefling the feafon wiih his grace, With llrength renew'd, the faint proceeds In heav'nly love and righteous iditQ^^, ' BAPTISM. t HYMN 5S, L. M. Original John Ba^tt/Ps preaching, 1 TN Juda*s dreary wildernefs -■■ The herald Baptift preaching came, Commiffion'd from the Father^s throne To teach repentance in his name. 2 His raiment was of camel's hair, A leathern girdle *bouthis loins ; Locuft and honey were his meat, And gofpel baptifm he enjoins — 3 « Ye who of Abraham are the feed, " Who look for bleffings in his name, <' Of fm repent — believe in Chrift — « This ordinance you then may claim. 4 " In the new kingdom of our Lord " No claims like your's can e'er be known ; ** Your hearts muft be renewed by grace, « Or you will feel God's righteous frown.*^ 5 " Unto the root of ev'ry tree <* The ax of juftice now is laid ; « Fruits, of repentance meet, bring forth, « Or all your branching hopes wiU fade. 6 " In Jefus' winnVing hand is held « His fan ; his floor he'll throughly purge, " Into his gamer bring the wheat, " And burn the chaff with fiery rage." 7 Praife to the Spirit's wondrous grace, Who led me to the bleeding Lamb, Who taught my foul in liim to truft By faith in his moft glorious name. I Baptiz'd with him beneath the wave, Each of his fteps I long to trace : I :\ all his ways my foul delights, Wi:en quick^u'd by his fovereign grace. 5S BAPTISM. HYMN 59. L. M. Jordan honoured. 1 CEE in what place our Jefus lay, Before he flied atoning blood ; Chriftians ! for you he marked this way ; Behold your great redeeming God ! 2 The Sun of Righteoufnefs his beams (Though fo divinely fair and bright,) Immers'd in Jordan's fwelling ftreams, And fhed fweet glory on this rite ! 3 O Jordan ! honoured oft before ! What greater glory would' ft thou have. Than Chrift, defcending from thy fhore, To find in thee a liquid grave ? 4 Thy ftreams retir'd on either fide. And for the ark once form'd a way ! Elijah too did thee divide ; His mantle taught thy ftreams t' obey I 5 PlungM by the holy Baptift's hand, BuryM in thee our Saviour lies : Did not tly waters wond'ring ftand. To fee him fmk, and fee him rife ? 6 Bleft fepulchre ! where Jefus lay. Which Jefus for us fan<5tifies ! Bleft flood ! to wafti our fms aw^ay. And fuik them fo as ne'er to rife, HYMN 60. L. M. E. Jones God's precepts tndifpenfabk, I CUCH are our God's appointed ways, Where walk'd the faints in ancien: day . This path divine apoftles trod, 'Twas honoured by the Son of God. BAPTISM. 59 3 Thtts we obey as God hath bid, And do as the Redeemer did ; And thus enjoined, we would not dare With men, or fleHi, or blood confer. 3 So we our faith and hope exprefs, In pard'ning and in cleanfmg grace ; So we the folemn fignal give, We're dead to fm, to God we live. 4 To God ! What infinite delight To faints and feraphs is the fight ! Thefe Chriftians thus their fms difown. And put the badge of Jefus on. 5 Behold the youth, while in their bloom, To Jefus Chrirt the Saviour come ; Behold they come without delay, Walking in God's commanded way, 6 All hail, ye fouls of happy lot ! To Jefus all your pow'rs devote : He that hath done fo much for you, Hath ftrength and will to bear you through. HYMN 61. H. M. The glory of Chrlfl^s immerjlon, I "X^lTHAT condefcending grace Did our dear Lord difplay At Jordan's flowing ftreams. On his baptizing day ! Here, Lord, we fee thy glory bright. And follow thee with great delight. iiehold the man of God At humble diftance ftands, And to baptize his Lord Withholds his aring : Thou art all glorious in my eyes : On tliee my whole dependence lies. Thou haft been flaui, O Lamb of God, Thou haft rede .T.'d mc with thy blood I Thine arm al^ne can fet me free ; My whole falvation refts on thee. I will not build on \vha:*s my own. Nor truft to works nor duties done ; On thee alone my hopes 1 place, My only refuge is thy grace. Not mine own arm can me fuftain ; Nor outward waihings make me clean : No works of mine my debt can pay ; No tears can wafh my ftains away. No ordinances can atone ; They only make my Saviour known ! They may as emblems brightly fhine, But all the work, my God, is thine. The fountain thou haft ever been, Whofe ftrearns can wafh away my fui ; Walh me, O wafh me in that flood. That ever-cleanfmg ftream, thy blood. HYMN 66. L. M- OR^CI^^AL. John ahaftng him/elf and exaliing Chrljl, \f'jlV\\ what a meek andjiumble mind "* pid John announce his glorious Lord ; " This, this is he of whom I fpake, *' Before me is he mucn preferr'd." 64 BAPTISM. 2 When afkM by many, « Who art thou V To them moft freely he confeft, " God's harbinger to you I am, "But trulf'I am not the Chriit. 3 « The glory of this wondrous Chrift, " With riling beams, appears divine : " But i his willing fervant own " That mine will fho;'»]y ceafe to fiiine, 4 " The latchet of his Ihoes t' unloofe " Unworthy are my finful hands ; " So far furpaffing is my Lord " The meffenger whom he commands. 5 " But while my glory fades with time, " In him believing, I rejoice ; *' This Lamb of God my triumph is, ** The objed of my happy choice. 6 " This Jefus, whom I've now baptizM, " And laid beneath the yielding flood, " Will raife me to his heav'nly home, ** Through his moft efficacious blood.** HYMN 67. L.M. Original. T/j2 PhU'ippian jfailsr ; ovy Paul and Silas in pri/on* 1 l-J OW rich and fovereign is the grace '*■ Wliich God extends to feeble faints ; ' Nor bars, nor bolts, nor guarded place His prefence with them e'er preventis. 2 When Paul and Silas were confined, And fcourg'd, to ftill the people's rage. Although their feet in flocks they find. Their fouls in pray'r and praife engage. BAPTISM. 65 « The prisoners heard their midnight pray'r, And witnefsM their loud fongs of praile, While God his glory made appear In terrible and gracious ways ! 4 The bold foundations of the jail An earthquake totters from their Jbafe ! Each hardy centinel turns pale ! Amazement ftrikes each prisoner's face ! 5 Nor bolts nor locks their hold can keep, Now opes each mafly door at will ; The jailer, waking from his fleep, His fword unftieaths himfelf to kill. 6 Paul cries, the mefTenger of peace, < Thyfelf touch not ; each prisoner's here ; The jailer, trembling, fues for grace, «« How can my foul from guilt be clear V* 7 Taught by God's Spirit truth to fpeak, Thefe heralds fay, ' Believe in Chrift ; « In him true peace of confcience feek, « On his atonement fully reft.' S In faith, the jailer hears the voice Of mercy, and is ftraight baptiz'd ; His houfehold too in Chrift rejoice, With him immers'd, as duty priz'd. Q Behold the jailer's love to God ! Behold tlie work of faith with pow'r ! Quick he refreih'd thefe faints with food . Their ftripes he walh'd in that fame honv \ lo O what a wondrous gift is grace ! It lifts the foul to God above, Huilies the raging heart to peace, Bifrolvlng it in holy love I F2 66 BAPTISM. . HYMN eS, CM. BURKHAM. Duty's glorious reward. 1 V^HAT are thpfe rays of fhrning light, That ftreain from yonder hill ! "While we behold the wondrous fcene, Pleafures divine we feel. 2 Surely Jehovah is well pleasM, Elfe why thefe beams of love ? While we obey this high command, Wliat growing joys we prove I HYMN 69. L. M. Gregg. Not afiamed rf Chr'ffl, 1 TESUS, and fhall it ever be ! *J A mortal man alham'd of thee ! Afham'd of thee, whom angels praife, Whofe glories fhine through endlefs days \ 2 Afham'd of Jefus ! fooner far Let evening bluih to own a ftar ; He ftieds the beams of light divine, 0*er this benighted foul of mine. 3 AfiiamM of Jefus ! juft as foon Let midnight be afham*d of noon ; 'Tis midnight with my foul, till he. Bright moming-ftar, bid darknefs flee, 4 Afliam'd of Jefus ! that dear friend On whom my hopes of heav'n depend ! No : when I blufh — be this my fhame, That I no more revere his name. 5 Afliam'd of Jefus ! yes, I may, When I've no guilt to wafli away, No tear to wipe, no good to crave. No fears to (juell, no fpul to fave. ^ BAPTISM. 67 6 Till then— nor is my boafting vain— Till then, I boall a Saviour flain ! And O, may this my glory be, That Chrift is not afham'd of me 1 7 His inftitutions would I prize, Take up my crofs, the (harne defpifc ; Dare to defend his noble caufe, And yield obedience to his laws. HYMN 70. CM. CowpER. Chrijl the fountain, 1 "y HERE is a fountain filled with blood, -^ Drawn from Immanuel's veins ; And finners plung'd beneath that flccd Lofe all their guilty ftains, 2 The dying thief rejoic'd to fee That fountain in his day ; O may I there, though vile as he, Wafh all my fnis away ! 2 Dear dying Lamb, thy precious bleed Shall never lofe its pow'r, Till all the ranfom'd church of God Be fav'd, to iin no more. 4 E'er fmce, by faith, I faw the ftreanj Thy flowing wounds fupply, iledeeming love has been my theme. And fliall be till I die. ■^ .hen this lifping, ftammering tongue alent in the grave. a nobler, fweeter fong ng thy povv'r to fcive. 6S BAPTISM. HYIVTN 71. CM. Rylaxd, jun. Difficulties in the ivny of duty Jurmounted. 1 CTAY, fays the world, and tafte a while *^ My every pleafant fweet ; Hinder me notf my foul replies, Becaufe the way is great. 2 Stay, Satan, my old m after, cries, Or force fhall thee detain ; Hinder me not^ I will be gone. My God has broke thy chain. 3 In all my Lord's appointed ways, My journey I'll purfue ; Hinder me not, ye much-lov'd faints, For I mull go with you. 4 Through floods and flames, if Jefus lead, I'll follow where he goes ; Hinder me not, fliall be my cry. Though earth and hell oppofe. 5 Through duty, and through trials too I'll go at his command ; Hinder me not, for I am bound To my ImmanuePs land. 6 And when my Saviour calls me home, Still this my cry Ihall be. Hinder me not, come, welcome death, I'll gladly go with thee. HYMN 72. CM. Hoi den. Dialogue between Chrijl and the Church, I « A RISE, my love, my undefil'd, " And make no longer fray " The dreary winter's fled at lad, " Make haftc and come away. BAFTISM. 69/ 2 ** The rain is paft, the vernal year "Is cloth'd in fweet array : <* The pleafant fruits invite your tafte : *« Arife, and come away. 5 " With gentle voice and plaintive flraiss « The turtle chides your flay : ** The early birds invite my love <* To rife, and come away." 4 « Thy voice we hear, and thine alone, » Dear Saviour, we'll obey : < Be like a roe, nor from us part * Until the dawning day. 5 < O turn thou not till Bether*s mount * Become a level way . * Like a young hart, O tarry not, * Arife, and come away.' HYMN 7S. 8 & 7. Newton. Prai/e fo Him luho tvq/hes his faints in his blood, I T ET us love, and fmg, and wonder, -■^ Let us praife the Saviour's name ! He has hufh'd the law's loud thunder, He has quench'd mount Sinai's flame : He has wafh'd us with his blood. He has brought us nigh to God. " i,?t us love the Lord who bought us, Pity'd us when enemies ; ■ r'd us by his grace, and taught U5, ^ .vye us ears, and gave us eyes : He has wafh'd us with his blood, He prefents our fouls to God. 70 BAPTISM. 3 Let us fmg, though fierce temptations Threaten hard to bear us down ! For the Lord, our ftrong falvatlon, Holds in view the conqueror's crown. He who wafli'd us with his blood, Soon will bring us home to God. 4. Let us wonder 1 grace and juftice Join and point to mercy's ftore ; When through grace in Chrift our truft is, Juftice Imiles, and alks no more. He who wafli'd us with his blood Has iecur'd our way to God. 5 Let us praife, ^nd join the chorus Of the faints, enthron'd on high ; Here they trufted him before us, Now their praifes fill the fky : *' Thou haft wafh'd us with thy blood, " Thou art worthy. Lamb of God T* 6 Hark the name of Jefus founded Loud, from golden harps above ! Lrrd, we blulli, and are confounded. Faint our praifes, cold our love. Wafh our fouls and fongs with blood. For by thee we come to God. HYMN 74. L. M. Single verfes on the ordinance, X X7HATE'ER to thee, our Lord belongs, ^ ^ Is always worthy of our fongs : And all thy W'orks, and all thy ways, .Demand our wonder and our praife. BAPTISM. Beddome. Hofanna to the church's Head, Who fuiFer'd in our room and flead ! He was immers'd m Jordan's flood, And then immcrs'd in fweat and blood ! J. Stennett. Behold the grave where Jefus lay. Before he fhedhis precious blood ! How plain he marked the humble way To finners, through the my (lie flood. Beddome. All ye that love Immanuel's name, And long to feel th' increafmg flame, 'Tis you, ye children of the hght! Th« Spirit and the Bride invite. H. F. Ye who your native vilenefs mourn, And to the great Redeemer turn. Who fee your wretched lliate by fm, " Ye bleifed of the Lord, come in." H. F. Jefus, my Saviour, and my all, Methinks I hear thy gentle call ; Thefe are the founds that chide my ftay;> " Arife, my love, and come awav.'* H. F. Amazing ,c:race ! and fliall I ftill Prove difobedient to thy will ? Ah, no : dear Lord, the watery tomb Brf'k^ngs to thee, and there I come. H. *p Apoilles no J thiisholy ground. This' is the road believers go ; i^Ty J^fus in tliis way was found, h at ^e IV. y fo ul to tread it too. 72 BAPTISM, J. Stennett. With lowly minds, and lofty fongs, Let all admire the Saviour's grace. Till the great riling day reveal Th' immortal glory of his face. G. To Father, Son, and- Holy Ghoft, We humbly dedicate our powers : If with Jehovah's bleiliug crown' d, Immortal happinefs is ours. HYMN 75. L. M. Watts, Doxology, 1 DLESS*D be the Father, and his lov^ To whofe celeftial fource we owe Rivers of endlefs joys above. And rills of comfort here below, 2 Glory to tliee, great Son of God ! i^rom whofe dear wounded body rolls A precious ftream of vital blood. Pardon and life for dying fouls. 3 We give thee, facrcd Spirit, praife. Who, in our hearts of fm and wo, Mak'ft living fprings of grace aiiie. And into boundleis glory flow* ^ Thus God the F;ither, God the S.oiv And God the Spirit, we adore, That fea of hfe and love unkaowru Wiihou; a Uoitonj &t jl liiorr*. lord's supper. 73 LORD'S SUPPER. HYMN 76. L. M. Watts. J preparatory thought for the Lord^s Supper, in imitation ©/"Ifaiah Ixiii. i — 3. 1 \X/HAT heavenly Man, or lovely God. ^ ^ ^ Comes marching downward from the iki«s, Avray'd in garments roll'd in blood, ,._,With joy and pity in his eyes ? 2 The Lord ! the Saviour ! yes, *tis he, I know him by the fmiles he wears ; Dear glorious Man that dy'd for me, Drench'd deep in agonies and teafs. 3 Lo ! he reveals his fhining breaft, 1 own thofe wounds, and I adore ! Lo ! he prepares a royal feaft, Sweet fruit of the Iharp pangs he bore. 4 Whence flow thefe favours fo divine 1 ^ Lord ! why fo lavifli of thy blood ? Why for fuch earthly fouls as minei This heavenly wine, this facred food ? 5 *Twas his own love that made him bleed, That nail'd him to the curfed tree ; *Twas his own love this table fpread For fuch unworthy guefts as we. 6 Then let us tafte the Saviour's love ; Come, faith, and feed upon the Lord ; With glad confent our lips fhall move, And fw^et hofannas crown tlie board. G 74 lord's supper, HYMN 77. L. M. J. Stexnett. ** Thy hingdom ccme.''* 1 T^HUS we commemorate the day On which our deareft Lord was (lain ; Thus we our pious homage pay, Till he appears on earth again. 2 Come, great Redeemer, open wide The curtains of the parting fky : On a bright cloud in triumph ride, And on the wind's fwift pinions Hy. 5 Come, King of Kings, with thy bright traia, Cherubs, and feraphs, heav'nly hofts ; f^ AfTume thy right, enlarge thy reign, As far as earth extends her coafts. f Come, Lord, and where thy crofs once ftood. There plant thy banner, fix thy throne ; Subdue the rebels by thy word. And claim the nations for thy own. HtMN 78. L. M. Meditating on the crofs of Chrift, . [ f^ OME, fee on bloody Calvary, ^-^ Sufpended on th* accurfed tree, A harmlefs fuff'rer cover'd o'er With fiiame, and welt'ring in his gore ! I Is this the Saviour long foretold, To ufher in the age of gold ? To make the reign of forrow ceafe, Artd bind the jarring world in peace ? 5 'Tis He, 'tis He, — he kindly fhrouds His glories in a night of clouds. That fouls might from their ruin rife And heir the unperilhable ikies. lord's supper. 4 See to their refuge and their reft, From all the bonds of guilt releas'd, Tranfgreifors to his crofs repair, And find a full redemption there. 5 Jefus, what millions of our race Have been the triumphs of thy grace, And millions more to thee Ihail fly, 'And on thy facrifice rely. 6 That tree, that curfe-empoifonM tree, Which prov'd a bloody rack to thee, Shall in the noble ft bleflings Ihoot, And fill the nations with its fruit. 7 The forrow, fhame, and death were thine. And all the ftores ot wrath divine ! Our's are the glory, life, and blifs : What love can be compar'd to this I HYMN 79. L. M. Beddome, Jefus ivept, John xi. 35. SO fair a face bedew'd with tears ! What beauty e'en in grief appears ! He wept, he bled, he dyM for you ; What more, ye faints, could Jefus do? Enthroned above with equal glow His warm aff"e6tions downward flow ; 111 our diftrefs he bears a part, ^rid feels a fympathetic fraart. .U his compaflTions are th« fame, i le knows the frailty of our frame ; CHtr heavieft burdens he fi-iftains, in oui' forrows, and our pains. 76 lord's supper. HYMN 80. CM. J ejus ^^the refur region and the life,^* 1 'X'HE Sun of Righteoufnefs appears, To fet in blood no more ! Adore the Scatt'rer of your fears ; Your rifing Sun adore. 2 The faints, when he refignM his breath, Unclos*d their fleeping eyes ; He breaks again the bands of death, Again the dead arife. 3 Alone the dreadful race he ran. Alone the wine-prefs trod ; He dy'd and fuffer'd as a man. He rifes as a God ! 4 In vain the (lone,, the watch, the feal Forbid an early rife To Him who breaks the gates of hell. And opens paradife. HYMN 81. CM. Steele. yin invitation to the go/pel feajl, Luke xiv. 2 2. 1 \^E wretched, hungry, ftarving poor. Behold a royal feaft ! Where mercy fpreads her bounteous (lore For every humble gueft. 2 See, Jefus (lands with open arms ; He calls, he bids you come : Guilt holds you back, and fear alarms ; But fee, there yet is room — 3 Room in tlte S.aviour*s bleeding heart ; There love and pity meet ; Nor will he bid the foul depart, That trembles at his feet. lord's supper.* "7"^ L In him the Father reconcil'd Invites your fouls to come ; The rebel {hall be call'd a child. And kindly welcom'dhome. r O come, and with his children taae The bleffings of his love ; While hope attends the fweet repaa Of nobler joys above. 6 There, with united heart and voice, Before th' eternal throne, ^ ^ Ten thoufand thoufand fouls rejoice, In.ecftafies unknown. 7 And yet ten thoufand thoufand more Are welcome ftill to come : Ye longing fouls, the grace adore ; Approach, there .yet is room 1 HYMN 82, L.M. D.T.K^.K. Chriji's exaltation. OW far above thefe ftarry ikies Our Jefus fills his brighter throne, Invifible to mortal eyes, But not to humble faith unknown. The countlefs hoft that round him ftand. The fubjeas of his fovereign pow r. Fly through the world at his command, Or proftrate at his feet adore. ,n and all his rebel crew, , ra^M to pull his kingdom down, riu{h'd''w his hand in ruin, now Lie ticmbling at his awful frown. ' N°J '6 G 78 lord's supper. 4 His name above all creatures great, He all fuftalns and all controls ; Yet from his high^exalted ftate, Looks kindly down on humble fouls. 5 Though in the glories he pofTefs'd Long ere this world, or time began. He ihines the Son of God confefs'd. Yet owns himfelf the Son of Man. 6 Here once in agonies he dy'd, Now in the heav'ns he ever lives j Of joy there pours th' eternal tide. Here faves the fmner who believes. 7 All hail ! thou great Immanuel, hail ! Ten thoufand bleffings on thy name ! While thus thy wondrous love we tell, Our bofoms feel the facred flame. S Come, quickly come, immortal King ! On eartli thy regal honours raife. The full falvation promis'd, bring, Then every tongue fhall fmg thy praife ! HYIMN 83. 5 2>^\\, The Lamb /lain, 1 A ^-l^ glory aiid praife -^ ^ To th' Ancient of Days, Who was born and was flain to redeem a loft race. 2 ' Salvation to God, Who carry'd our load, And purchased our lives with the price of his bloo.d. 3 And fliail he not have The lives which he gave Such an infinite ranfom forever to fave r i.ord's supper. ''^ 4. Yes, Lord, we are thine, And eladly refign , . Our fouls, to be fill'd with the fuUnefs divmc. e ■ How, when it ftiall be We cannot forefee ; But O ! let us live, let us die unto thee ! HYMN 84. L. M. Whitefield'sCol. BeholJ the man, John xix. 5. 1 VE that pals by, behold the nian, ^ The man of giief condemn^ tor you 4 The Lamb of God for fniners flam, Weeping to Calvary purfue. 2 His facred limbs they ftretch, they tear, With nails they fatten to the wood ; His facred limbs— expos'd and bare, Or only cover'd with his blood. 2 See there his temples crownM with thonvj. His bleeding hands extended wide, His ftreaming feet transfixed and torn, The fountain guOiing from his fide. 4 Thou dear, thou futTering Son of God, How doth thv heart to fmners niove . Sprinkle on us thy precious blood, And melt us with thy dying love ! c The canh could to her centre, .ConvulsM, when her Creator dy'd •, O may our inmoil nature ihakc. And bow with Jefus crucify'd I ': >.t thy laft gafp, the graves difpby'd •': ..-ir horrors to the iipper Ikies ; ' '' ihat our fouls might burft the ihsdi^ And, quicken'd by thy death, fiiife'. 80 lord's supper. 7 The rocks could feel thy powerful death, And tremble, and afunder part; O rend, with thy expiring breath, The harder marble of our heart. HYMN 85. CM. Dr. Doddridge. Tei there is room* Luke xiv. 22. 1 'P'HE King of Heaven his table fpreads. And dainties crown the board ; Not paradife, with all its joys, Could fuch delight afford. 2 Pardon and peace to dying men, And endlefs life are given ; Through the rich blood that Jefus flied To raife the foul to heaven. 3 Ye hungry poor, that long have flray'd In fm*s dark mazes, come ; Come, from your mofl obfcure retreats. And grace fhall find you room. 4 Millions of fouls, in glory now. Were fed and feafted here ; And millions more, flill on the way, Around the board appear. 5 Yet is his houfe and heart fo large. That millions more may come ; Nor could the whole aflembled world 0*er-fill the fpacious room. 6 All things are ready, com.e away, Nor weak excufes frame; Crowd to your places at the fearc, And blefs tlie Founder's nanr^. lord's supper. 81 HYMN 86. H. M. S.Stenxett. Song of pralfe to Chriji, /^OME, every pious heart ^^ That loves the Saviour's name, Your nobleft powers exert To celebrate his fame : Tell all above, and all below, The debt of love, to him you owe. Such was hig zeal for God, And fuch his love for you, He nobly undertook What Gabriel could not do : His every deed of love and grace All words exceed, and thoughts furpafs. He left his ftarry crown. And laid his robes afide ; On wings of love came down. And wept, and bled, and dy'd : What he endurM, O who can tell ? To fave our fouls from death and hell. From the dark grave he rofe, The manfion of the dead; And thence his mighty foes In glorious triumph led : Up through the fky the Conqueror rod*. And reigns on high, the Saviour God. From thence he'll quickly come, H.ii chariot will not (lay, 'And bear our fpirits home \"Ci realms of endlefs viay ; :e. ihall we fee his lovely face, \i ever be in his embrace. S2 lord's supper. 6 Jefus, we ne'er can pay The debt we owe thy love : Yet, tell us how we njay Our gratitude approve ; Our hearts, our all, to thee we give : The gift, though fmall, thou wilt receive. HYMN 87.. L. M. Watts. Chrijl dying J rifing, and reigning, 1 T-TE dies ! the Friend of fmners dies 1 Lo ! Salem's daughters weep around ! '' A folemn darknefs veils the fkies ! A fudden trembling fhakes the ground ! 2 Come, faints, and drop a tear or two For him who groan'd beneath your load j He fhed a thoufand drops for you, A thoufand drops of richer blood ! 3 Here's love and grief beyond degree ! The Lord of Glory dies for men ! Buc lo ! what fudden joys we fee 1 Jefus the dead revives again ! 4 The rifmg God forfakes the tomb ; Up to his Father's court he flies ; Cherubic legions guard him home. And fhout him welcome to the fkies. 5 Break off your tears, ye faints, and tell How high our great Deliverer reigns : Sing how he fpoil'd the hofts of hell. And led the monfter, Death/in chains. 6 Say, " Live forever, wondrous King, " Born to redeem, and ftrong to fave !" Then afk the monfter, " Where's thy ii'mg • " And where's thy vid'ry, boafting grave V LORD'ji SUPPER. 83 HYMN 88. L. M. Madan's Coil. The Lord our rtghteoufriefs. Jer. xxlii. 6. 1 TE8US, thy blood and righteoufners J My beauty are, my glorious drefs ; 'Iwidfl flaming worlds, in thefe array'd. With joy fliall I lift up my head. 2 When from the dud of death I rife To take my manfion in the ikies, E'en then Ihall this be all my plea, "Jefus hath liv'd and dy'd for me.'* 3 Bold (hall I ft and in that great day. For who aught to my charge fhall lay ? While through thy blood abfolvM I am ;^, From fin's tremendous curfe and ffiame. ?<* 4 Thus Abraham, the friend of God, Thus all the armies bought with blood, Saviour of Tinners thee proclaim, Sinners, of whom the chief I am. 5 This fpotlefs robe the fame appears When ruin'd nature finks in years ; No age can change its glorious hue, The robe of ChriS: is ever new. 6 0! let the dead now hear thy voice, Bid, Lord, thy banifh'd ones rejoice ; Their beauty this, their glorious drefs, Jefus, *' the Lord our righteoufnefs." HYMN 89. CM. J.Stexn.;tt, Bu.iqiiet of love. I T „OED, at thy table I behold The wonders of thy grace ; •ft (noil of all admire that I iihould find a welcome place ;-— 34 LORD*S SlfPPER. 2 I that am all defilM with fm, A rebel to my God ; I that have crucify'd his Son, And trampled on his blood. 3 What ftrange furprifing grace is tliis, ** That fuch a foul has room ! My Saviour takes me by the hand. My Jefus bids me come. 4 " Eat, O my friends," the Saviour cries, " The feaft was made for you : ** For you I groan'd, and bled, and dy'd, " And rofe, and triumph'd too.'* 5 With trembling faith, and bleeding hearts. Lord, we accept thy love : *Tis a rich banquet we have had ! What will it be above ? 6 Ye faints below, and hofts of heaven, Join all your praifmg powers : No th*me is like redeeming love, No Saviour is like our's. 7 Had I ten thoufand hearts, dear Lord, I'd give them all to thee : Had I ten thoufand tongues, they all Should join tlie harmony. HYMN 90. L. M. Beddom^. Holy admiration and joy ^ 1 JESUS, when faith with fi.^ed eyes •> Beholds thy wondrous facrifice. Love rifes to an ardent flame. And we all other hope difclaim. 2 With cold affections who can fee . The thorns, the fcourge, the nails, the ^fftT;, lord's supper. o Thy iUowing tears, and purple fweat, , Thy bleeding hands, and head, and feet ? Lock, faints, into his op*mng fide, The breach how large, how deep, how wide! Thence ilfues forth a double flood. Of cleanfmg water, pardoning blood. Hence, O my foul, a balfam flows, To heal thy wounds and cure thy woes: Immortal joys come flreaming down, Joys, like his griefs, immenfe, unknown I Thus I could fit, and ever fiing The fufF'rings of my heavenly King j With growing pleafure fpread abroad The myfl'rics of a dying God. HYMN 91. CM. J.Sten^nett. T6c power of Jefus. JESUS ! O word divinely fweet ! How charming is the found ! What joyful news ! what heavenly fenfe In that dear name is found. Our fouls, all guilty, and condemn^. In hopelefs fetters lay ; Our fouls, with num'rous fins depravM, To death and hell a prey. Jefus, to purge away this guilt A willing victim fell, /.ad on his crofs triumphant broke iije bands of death and hell. • 'av fo^s were mighty to deftroy ; ' T mighty was to fave : .'\'d, but could not long be hel(j ^ pris'ner in the grave. S6 jlord's supper, 5 Jefus ! who mighty art to fave, Still pulh thy conquefts on ; Extend the triumifhs of thy crofs, Where'er the fun has Ihone. 6 O Captain of Salvation ! make Thy pow*r and mercy known ; Till crowds of willing converts comfe And worfliip at thy throne. HYMN 92. CM. Steele. Praife to the Redeemer* 1 T^O our Redeemer's glorious name Av/ake the faered fong ! O may his love (immortal flame!) Tune every heart and tongue. 2 His love, what mortal thought can reach X What mortal tongue difplay ? Imagination's utmoft ftretch In wonder dies 4way. 3 He left his radiant throne on high. Left the bright realms of blifs, And came to earth to bleed and die !<— Was ever love like this ? 4 Dear Lord, w^hile we adoring pay Our humble thanks to thee ; May evVy heart with rapture fay, "The Saviour dy'd for me." 5 O may the fweet, the blifsful theme Fill every heart and tongue ; Till Grangers love thy charming llamei Aad JQia the faciei fon^\ lord's supper. 87 HYMN 93. 8&7. Oricinai,. Penitent vieiv of Chrifl\s death. <* And all the people that came together to thttt fight, behcld'tr.g the things ivhich 'were done, fmote itpon their breajls^ and returnedJ^ Luke xxiii. 48. 1 C EE ! the Lord to death furrenders, ^ On the painful crofs depreft : Thofe who witnefs'd that day's wonders, Tum'd away and fmote their breaft ! 2 Shall not we, who know his favour, Who now celebrate his feafl, And have felt his name's fvveet favotir, Melting, fmite upon our breaft ? 3 View, believers, fin's great evil ; Look to Him on whom 'twas caft ! Knowing that your nature's fniful, Sin detailing, fmite your breaft. 4 When we view the grief of Jefus, With our load of guilt opprell ! We behaving, know him gracious, And would humbly fmite our breaft. 5 Penitent, for Jefus panting, Never may we fmful reft ; But, while holinefs is w^anting. Ever fmite upon our breaft. 6 Never till our habitation Is in heav'n, from fm releas'd, 3hally^"e find complete falvation, But have caufe to fmite our breaft. \\ our forrows all fliall vanifh ! ^'^ ftiall dwell amongft the bleft ! ' love all fear fhall banifh ; i.ovsi jhall BU each happy breaft. SS lord's SUPP£R. HYMN 94. 8 &: 7. Gratitude for th'e atonements 1 UAIL, thou once defpifed Jefus, Hail, thou Galilean i&ing ! Thou did ft fuffer to releafe us ; Thou didft free falvation bring. 2 Hail, thou agonizing Saviour, Bearer of our fm and fhame ! By thy merits we find favour ; Life is given through thy name. 5 Pafehal Lamb, by God appointed, All our fins on thee were laid : By Almighty Love anointed. Thou haft full atonement made. 4 All thy people are forgiv'n. Through the virtue of thy blood : Open'd is the gate of heav'n ; Peace defcends to man from GocL 5 Jefus, hail, enthron'd in glory, There forever to abide ! All the heav'nly hoft adore thee. Seated at thy Father's fide. 6 There for finners thou art pleading, There thou doft our place prepare ; Ever for us interceding, Till in glory we appear. 7 Worfhip, honour, pow*r and bleffing Thou art worthy to receive : Loudeft praifes, without ceafmg. Meet it Is for us to give. 3 Help, ye bright angelic fpirits ! Bring your fweeteft, nobleft lays ; Help to fmg our Saviour*s merits ; Help to chant Immanuei's prai(e. tORD*S SUPPEP.. S9 HYMN 95. Eights. Hart. The refurreSion and glory of Chrlfl. 1 T>EHOLD ! the bright morning appears, -*-^ And Jefus. revives from the grave 1 His rifing removes all our fears. And proves him Almighty to fave. 2 How ftrong were his tears and bis cries i The worth of his blood how divine ! How perfe(5l his great facrifice, Who rofe, though he fufFer'd for fm ! 3 The man who was crowned with thorns. The man who on Calvary dyM, The man who bore fcourgin^ and fcorn, Whom fmners agreed to deride ; 4 Now blefTed forever is made, And li^has rewarded his pain; Now gipy has crowned his head ; This is the true Lamb that was flain ! 5 Believing, we fliare in his joy, By faith ^'Q partake of his reft ; With him we can cheerfully die. For with him we hope to be bleft. 6 'Tis Jefus, the firft and the laft, Whofe Spirit (hall guide us fafe home ; We'll praife him for all that is paft. And truft him for all that's to come ! HYMN 96. 5 & 11. Exulting in falvatlon, X r\ GOD of all grace, ^^ Thy goodneis we praife ; Thy Son thou haft given to die in our place H 2 90 lord's supper. 2 With joy we approve The defign of thy love ; 'Tis a wonder on earth, and a wonder ab«ve. 3 He hath ranfom'd our race ; O how ftiall we praife, Or worthily ling thy unfpeakable grace ? 4 Nothing elfe' will we kpow In our journey below, Bnt finging thy grace, to thy paradife ge. 5 Nay, and when we remove To the manfions above, Our heav'n {hall ftill be to iing of thy love. 6 Thrice happy employ ! We there fhall enjoy A fullnefs of pleai'ure that never can cloy. 7 O haften the day ! Thou wilt not delay. But quickly return, and condu(5l us away. 8 Ere long we fhall fly To the regions on high. For IfraePs Strength cannot vary nor lie. »■ * — ' ■ — •— HYMN 97. Sevens. Wesley's Coll. Chrifi^s refurreSion. 1 "LJAIL the day that fees him rife, '*■ Ravifh'd from our wifhful eyes J Chrift, a while to mortals giv'n, Reaicends his native heav'n. 2 There the pompous triumph waits : IJft your heads, eternal gates ! Wide unfold the radiant fcene, Take the King of Gloiy in ! lord's supper. 91 3 Him though higheft heaven receives. Still he loves the earth he leaves : Though returning to his throne, Still he calls the faints his own. 4 Still for us he Intercedes ; Prevalent his death he pleads : Next himfelf prepares our place, Harbinger of human race. 5 Mafter, (may we ever fay) Taken from our head to-day ; See thy faithful fervants, fee, Ever gazing up to thee. 6 Grant, though parted from our fight, High albove yon azute height ; a^ Giant hearts may thither rife,. "^ Following thee beyond the ikies. 7 Ever upward let us move. Wafted on the wings of love : Looking when our Lord fliall come, Waiting, longing for our home. t There we {hall with thee remain. Partners of thine endlefs reign ; There thy face unclouded fee. Find our heav'a of heav'n in thee. HYMN 98. P. M. ^r/jotn having not f ten, ye love., ^c. l Pet. i. %* V'/iOUGH not with mortal eyes we fee Our denr Immanuei's face ; . ci we behold him on the tree By-fiiith — and, cry, lo, this is he Vvho fuifer'd our difgr;tce \ 92 lord's supper. 1 Lo, this IS he, that fpotlefs Lanib» Our facrrfice for fin ! Believing hearts, with love's pure flame, On earth rejoice in Jefus* name. And feel their heav'n begin. 3 His courts below they love to tread. And long to meet him there, To have their fouls divinely fed With rich fupplies, from him their head, Drawn in by faith and pray'r. 4 Yet, O how oft corruptions rife. And fiery darts affail ; But thofe who are divinely wife Will keep in view the heav'nly prize, And faith lliall ftill prevail. 5 Kind Author of each blifs we ptove, Thy goodnefs we adore, Till, with thy ranfom'd race above, We fee thy face, and fing thy love, And praife tliee evermore. HYMN yg. L. M. Watts. Lon)e on a crofs and a throne, "VTOW let our faith grow ftrong, and rife, ^ ^ And view our Lord in all his love j Look back to hear his dying cries. Then mount and fee his throne above. See where he languifli'd on the crofs ; Beneath our fms he groan'd and dy*d ; See where he fits to plead our caufe By his Almighty Fatlier's fide. If we behbld his bleeding heart. There love in floods of forrow reignr * LORD S SUPPER. He triumphs o'er the killmg fmart, And feals our pleafure with his pains. Or if we climb th' eternal hills, Where tlie dear Conqu'ror fits enthron'd ; Still in his heart compalTion dwells, Near the memorials of his wound. How fhall vile pardon'd rebels lliow. How much they love their dying God ? Lord, here we'd banilh every foe, We hate the fms that coft thy blood. Commerce, no more, we hol-d with hell, Our deareft lufts Ihall all depart ; But let thine image ever dwell Sumpt as a feal on every heart. 93 HYMN 100. L. M. Steele. Exercife of Chr'iftian graces defired, TO Jefus, our exalted Lord, (Dear name, by heav'n and earth ador'd i) Fain would our hearts and voices raife A cheerful fong of facred praife. But all the notes which mortals know, Are weak and languifhing and low ; Far, far above our humble fongs, The theme demands immortal tongues. Yet while around his board We meet, And humbly worlhip at his feet ; O let our warm affedions move, i n glad returns of grateful love ! L*?L faith our feeble fenfes aid, To fee thy wondrous love difplay'd, rhy broken fleili, thy bleeding veins, Thy dreadful agonizing pains. 94 lord's supper. 5 Let humble penitential wo, "With painful, pleafing anguifh, flow; And thy forgiving fmiles impart Life, hope and joy to every heart. HYMN 101. 5 & 11. Comfort in obedience • 1 A ^ ' ^^^^ "^ ^^ more "^^ The fpirit and pow'r Of Jefus our God Is not to be found in this life-giving food. 2 Did Jefus ordain His fupper in vain. And fumilh a feaft,* For none but his earlieft fervants to tafte ? 3 Nay 5 but this is his will, (We know it and feel) That we fhould partake The banquet for us he fo freely di d make. 4 In rapturous blifs He bids us do this, The joy it imparts Hath witnefs*d his gracious defign in our hearts. 5 'Tis God we believe. Who cannot deceive ; The witnefs of God Is prefent, and fpeaks in the myflical blood. ( Receiving the bread, On Jefus we feed ; It doth not appear His manner of working ; but Jefus is here. LORi:)'s SUPl^ER.- ^5 HYMN 102. CM. Steele. The 'wonders of Kedemptlon, 1 A ND did the holy and the juft, ■^^ The Sovereign of -tlie fkies, Stoop down to wretchedners and du£l;, That guilty worms might rife ? 2 Yes, the Redeemer left his throne^ His radiant throne on high, (Surprifmg mercy 1 love unknown !) To fufFer, bleed and die. 3 He took the dying traitor's place. And fuffer'd in his ftead ; For man, (O miracle of grace!) For man, the Saviour bled ! 4 Dear Lord, what heavenly wonders dwell In thy atoning blood ! By this are finners fnatch'd from hell. And rebels brought to God. 5 Jefus, my foul adoring bends ., To love fo full, fo free ; And may I hope that love extends Its facred power to me ? 6 What glad return can I impart For favours fo divine ? O take my all — this worthlefs heart, And make it only thine. HYMN 103. L. M. S. Stennett. TJje triumphs of the crofs, N5 O niore, dear Saviour, will I boaft Of beauty, wealth, or loud applaufe : The world hath all its glories loft, Amid the triumphs of thy crofs. 96 lord's supper. 2 In ev'ry feature of thy face, Beauty her faireft charms difplays ; Truth, wifdom, majefty and grace Shine thence in fvveetly mingled rays. 3 Thy wealth the pow'r of thought tranfcends ; 'Tis vaft, immenfe, and all divine : Thy empire, Lord, o'er worlds extends ; The iun, the moon, the flars are thine. 4 Yet, (O how marvellous the fight !) I fee thee on a crofs expire ; Thy Godhead veil'd in fable night ; And angels from the fcene retire. 5 But, why from thefe fad fcenes retreat ? Why with your wings your faces hide ? He ne'er appear'd fo good, fo great, As when he bow'd his head and dyM. 6 The indignation of a God On him avenging juftice hurPd : Beneath the weight he firmly ftood. And nobly fav'd a falling yrorld. 7 Thefe triumphs of ftupendous grace Surprife, rejoice, and melt my heart ; Lord, at thy crofs I ftand and gaze. Nor would I ever thence depart ! HYMN 104.. 5 8i 11, Wi lliam>' Coll jf^fus the atoning Saviour, Lam. i. I2. A LL ye that pafs by. To Jefus draw nigh ; To you is it nothing that Jefus (hould die ? Our ranfom and peace, ^ Our furety he is. Come, fee if there ever was forrow like his ! lord's supper. 97 The Lord, in the day ^ Of his vengeance, did lay Our fnis on the Lamb, and he bore them away. He dies to atone For fms not his own ; [done. Our debt he bath paid, and our work he halk For you and for me He pray'd on the tree ; The pray'r is accepted, the fmner is free^ My pardon I claim, A fmner I am, A fmner beheving in Jefus's name. With joy we approve The plan of his love ; A wonder below, and a wonder above ! When time is no more. We ftill (hall adore That ocean of love, without bottom or fhoie ! HYMN 105. CM. S. Stenn£tt. My pP is meat indeed, ^c. John vi. 53, 54, 55, 1 TJERE at thy table, Lord, we meet, -*^ To feed on food divine : Thy body is the bread we eat. Thy precious blood the wine. 2 He that prepares this rich repaft, Himfelf comes down and dies ; And then invites us, thus to feaft Upon the facrifice. 3 The bitter torments he endured Upoa the fliameful crofs, I 915 lord's supper. For us, his welcome guefts, procar'd Thefe heart-reviving joys. 4 His body torn with rudeft hands. Becomes the fineft bread ; And with the blefling he commands. Our ftobleft hopes are fed, 5 His blood, that from each opening veiii In purple torrents ran. Hath fiU'd this cup with generous wine. That cheers both God and man. 6 Sure there was never love fo free, Dear Saviour, fo divine ! Well thou may*ft claim that heart of m*^ Which owes fo much to thine. .. 7 Yes, thou (halt furely have my heart, My foul, my ftrength, my all : With life itfelf I'll freely part, My Jefus, at tliy call. HYMN 106. S. M. Dr. DoDURiDGK. Love to Cbrtji and faints* JESUS, the friend of man. Invites us round his board ; The welcome fummons we obey. And ovv^n our gracious Lord. Here we furvey that love Which fpoke in every breath, Wivch crown'd each a*5tion of his life. And triumph'd in his death. Here let our powers unite. His honoUr'd name to ralfe ; Plfeafure and joy fill ev'ry mind. . And ev'ry voice be praife. lord's supper. ^^ And while we (liare tlie gifts His bounteous hands beftow. Let ev'ry heart, in friend fhip jeinM, With kind "afFeaions glow* Let love infpire each breaft. And diftate ev'ry thought; Be angry paffions far remov'd, And felfith views forgot. Our fouls expanded wide By our Redeemer's grace, Shall, in tlie arms of fervent love, All heaven and earth embrace. HYMN 107. 8 & 7, peculiar. J ejus' death and glorious dignity, SEE the Lord of Glory dying. See him gafping, hear him crying;, See his burden'd bofom heave ; Look, ye fmners, ye who hung him, Look how deep your fms have ftung him ; Dying fmners, look and live. See the rocks and mountains fhaking. Earth unto her centre quaking. Nature's groans awake the dead ; Look on Phebus, ftruck with wonder, While the peals of legal thunder Smite tlie bleft Redeemer's head. . Heaven's bright melodious legions, Chanting to the tuneful regions, Ceale to trill the quiv'ring firing : Songs feraphic, all fufpended, Till the mighty war is ended By the all-viPER. 101 The vitdl ftream, how free it flows. To fove -ind cleanfe his rebel foes 1 To fuflfer in the traitor's place, To die for man, furprifingf grace ! Yec pals rebellious angels by— • O why for man, dear Saviour, why ? And didlt thou bleed, for fmners bleed ? And could the fun behold the deed ? No ! he withdrew his fickening ray, And darknefs veiPd the mourning day. Can I furvey this fcene of wo. Where mingling grief and wonder flow ; And yet my heart unmovM remain, Infenlible to love or pain ? Come, dearell Lord, thy grace impart, To warm this cold, this ftupid heart ; Till all its pow'rs and paffions move In melting grief and ardent love. HYMN 109. CM. CowpER. Welcome to the table. npHIS is the feaft of heav'nly wine. And God invites to fup ; The juices of the living vine Were prefs'd to fill the cup. \ O blefs the Saviour, ye that eat, With royal dainties fed : M.')t heav'n affords a coftlier treat, For Jefus is the bread ! . 1 ii€ vile, the loft, he calls to them. Ye trembling fouls appear ! '; !ic fij.>litec'us in their own efteem, - v-e no acceptancs here. 102 lord's supper^ 4 Approach, ye poor, nor -dare refufe The banquet Ipread for you ; Dear Saviour, this is welcome news> Then I may venture too. 5 If guilt and fm afford a pj^^a, And may obtain a place ; Surely the Lord will welcome me, And I fhall fee his face. HYMN 110. CM. Original, The glory of Chrlft in his humiliation, 1 "T^HAT was an hour of deepell gloom, Appalling Jefus' friends, When he, a facrifice'for fin, Was left to hellilh fiends ! 2 Yet he declar'd to "murd'rons men, (A fubjeift of their pow'r) •* Againft me ye could not prevail « Unlefs 'twere Satan's hour. 3 « My heav'nly Father I could pray ; " He always hears my cry : «< Legions of angels would he fend, " And your vain rage defy." 4 Forthwith is feen the pow'r of Chrift; ! A band of men appear ; With majefty his foes he meets. And ftrikes their hearts with fear ! 5 He a'Acs, « Whom feek ye ?" They reply, * Jefus the Nazarene ;' « If me ye feek, behold I AM !". And ftraight THE GOD is leen^ 6 His Godhead's rays of glory Ihone Thefe guilty men around : lord's supper. 10$ They backward went, and^ 'maz'd with awe. Fell proftrate on the ground ! But Chriitmu/i die ! Himfelf he yields, Loft fmners to redeem ! His powV, and love, and grace difplayM, Should be our conftant theme* Freely he gave his life for our's ; He lives to give us grace : Let all our pow'rs of heart and tongue His name forever praife. HYMN 111. CM. N.wTON, Looking at the croft, I 1 N evil long I took delight, * Unaw'd by fhame or fear. Till a new objed: ftruck my fight. And ftopp'd my wild career. 3 I faw one hanging on a tree. In agonies and blood ; Who fix*d his languid eyes on me. As near his crofs I ftood. 3 Sure, never to my lateft breath Can I forget that look ; It feem'd to charge me with his death, Though not a word he fpoke. 4 My confcience felt, and own'd the guilt. And plungM me in defpair ; I faw my fms his blood had fpilt. And help'd to nail him there. - : Us ! I knew not what I did, Biit now my ttfars are vain ; '.Vhere (hall my trembling foul be hid ? For I the Lord have flain. i(H lord's &UPPER. 6 A fecond look he gave, which fald, ** I freely all forgive ; ** This blood is for thy ranfom paid ; " ril die, that thou may'ft live." HYMN 112. CM. Whitefield'sCol. Rejoicing in the name of Jejus> 1 T^HOU dear Redeemer, dying Lamb, We love to hear of thee ; No niufic like thy charming name. Nor half fo fweet can be. Z O may we ever hear thy voice In mercy to us fpeak ! And in our Prieft will we rejoice. Thou great Melchifedec. 3 Our Jefus (hall be ftill our theme. While in this world we ftay ; We'll {\v.^ our Jefus' lovely name. When all things elfe decay. 4 When we appear in yonder cloud, With all his favoured throng, Then will we fmg more fweet, more loud. And Chrift ftiall be our fong. HYMN 113. L. M. Newton. That rock nvas Chrifl, i Cor. x. 4. : V^lTHEN Ifr'ePs tribes were parch'd Vvith thirft. Forth from the rock the waters burft : And all their future journey through Yielded them drink and eofpel tool 2 In Mofes' rod a type they faw Qf his ievetQ and fiery law ; lord's supper. 10^ The fmitten rock prefigurM him. From whofe pierc'd fide all bleflings ftream. 3 But ah ! the types were all too faint, His forrows or his worth to paint : Slight was the ftroke of Mofes* rod, But he endur'd the wrath of God. 4 Their outward rock could feel no pain, But our*s was wounded, torn, and {lain ; The rock gave but a wat'ry flood, But Jefus pour'd forth ftreams of blood. 5 The earth is like their wildernefs, A land of drought and fore diftrefs ; Without one ftream from pole to pole, To fatisfy a thirfty foul. 6 But let the Saviour's praife refound ; In him refrefhing ftreams are found. Which pardon, ftrength, and comfort give, And thirfty fmners drink and live. HtMN lU. L. M. WiLLIAMS'COLL. A glanci at Gethfemane, 1 r^ OME, all ye chofen faints of God, ^^ That long to feel the cleanfmg blood. In penfive pleafure join with me. To fmg of fad Gethfemane. 2 'Twas here tlie Lord of Life appeared. And figh'd,and groan'd,and pray'd, and fearM; Bore all incarnate God could bear. With ftrength enough— and none to fpare ! 3 Difpiitch'd from heav'n, an angel ftood, Ama:?'d to find Him bath'd in blood, Ador'd by angels, and obey'd. Bat lower now than angels made. 106 lord's supper* 4 He ftood to ftrengthexi, not to fight — Juftice exa^v . - SACRED HYMNS. Ill MISCELLANEOUS. [The following Hymns are not arranged under dilVind heads ; but an index of fubjeifts is given at the endj to which the reader is refen-ed.] HYMN 122. L. M. Burnham. T/je Trinity in Unity » nPHE facred word to man makes known, ■^ God's glorious Effence is but One ; But, O ye faints, with wonder fee, The One great God exifts in Three ! Thefe Perfons Three, in God fupreme. Are one in nature, one in name ; And tlie bright oracles declare, Thefe Perfons all co-equal are. Though not the higheft faint can tell The mode, how Three in One can d\vell i Yet the grand truth will ever fhine Clear as the fun to faith divine. Yes ; 'tis a truth divinely bright, A truth in which the faints delight ; Here their melodious notes they raife, And give each Perfon equal praife. Yea, all the great angelic hoft Praife Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft ; -Krivifh'd with each endearing name, ■'■^ fongs the myftery proclain^ :hee, thou great eternal Gcd, ; y we approach, through Jcfus' bleed , : .2 Triune Majefty adore T'or ever and for evermore. 112 SACRED HYMNS. HYMN 123. L. M. BURNHAM. The eternity of God^s lo'oe, 1 VE who the highefijoys would prove, O thuik on everlafting love ! Before all worlds it did exift, In great Jehovah's glorious breaft. 2 Then, O how ancient is the date. How free, and how fupremely great I So great, that mortals here below Ne'er can exprefs nor fully know ! 3 Eternal love join'd Abraham's feed To Jefus, their eternal Head, Stor'd his rich fullnefs witli all good ; Thence we receive the choicefl food. f All the vafl: bleffings time can bring, Frcm this eternal fountain fpring ; The facred ftreams yield heav'nly peace, Celeftial joy and growing blifs, J This love abundantly confirms The waV'ring faith of feeble worms ; O, 'tis an everlafting rock For all the dear Redeemer's flock. 6 Now, Lord, this precious love impart To ev'ry broken, contrite heart ; May each repenting fmner prove The joys of everlafting iove. HYMN 124. L. M. Cowp.£h. The Lord's prefence. Ezek. xlviii. 35, * A S birds their infant brood proteft, •^^ And ij)read their wings to Ihelter thcrn Thus faith the Lord to his ele(n;, "So will 1 guard Jerufalem.^' •8ACRE© HYMKS* IIS 3 And what then is Jerufalem, This darliiig objea of his care? Wh(;re is its worth in God's efteem ? Who built it ? who inhabits there > 3 Jehovah founded it in blood, The blood of his incarnate Son ; There dwell the faints, once foes to God, The finners v/hom he calls his own. 4 There, though befiegM on every fide, Yet much belov'd and guarded well j From age to age they have defy'd The utmoft force of earth and hell. 5. Let earth repent, and hell defpair ; This city has a fure defence ; Her name is calPd, " The Lord is there,*' And vyho has pow*r to drive them tlieuce. HYMN 125. H, M. Dr.Doddhidce, jfefus fieri of angels. I Tim. iii. 1 6. 1 f^ YE immortal throng ^^ Of angels To\md the throne, Join with our feeble fong To make the Saviour ' known ; On earth ye knew His wondrous grace, His beauteous face In heav'n ye view. 2 Ye faw the heav'n-born Child In human flelh array'd, Benevolent and mild, While in the manger laid i And praife to God, And peace on earth, K 2 114 SACRBD HYMNS. For fuch a birth, Proclaimed aloud. 3 Ye in the wilder nefs Beheld the tempter IpoiPd, Well known in every dreis, In every combat foil'd ; And joyM to crown The Vidor's head. When Satan fled Before his frown. 4 Around the bloody tree Ye prefs'd with ftrong defire, That wondrous fight to fee. The Lord of Life expire; And, could your eyes Have known a tear. Had dropp'd it there In fad furprife. 5 Around his facred tomb A willing watch ye keep ; Till the bleft moment come To roufe him from his fleep : Then roll'd the ftone. And all ador'd Your rifmg Lord, With joy unknown. 6 When all array'd in light The fliining Conqu'ror rode, Ye hiiil'd his rapturous flight Up to the throne of God ; And wav'd around Your golden wings. And Itruck your firings Of fweeteft found,. SACRED HYMNS, 115 The warbling notes purfue, And louder anthems raife ; While mortals ling with you Their own Redeemer's praife : And thou, my heart, With equal flame, And joy the fame, Perform thy part. HYMN 126. Sevens. • Holden Peter* s releafe ; or, the ejjicacy of prayer, 1 " '\ y\7H0 will ope the iron gate ? " Who will fet the prisoner free ? «* Who will break the maffy chains, '* Cruel Herod bound on me V* 2 Peter thus in bondage lay, Hopelefs, yet without a groan : But the prayers of all the church Ceafelefs rofe before the throne, 3 Jufl: before the cruel Jews Were to fee their victim flain, Lo I an angel from above Loos'd the captive from his chain. 4 " Rife up quick,'* the angel cry'd, (While the light around him fhone) " Gird thyfelf and follow me." But he wift not what was done. 5 Now he 'wakes and looks around — Nothing fees to give him fear ; '-'' Of a furety," Peter cries, *^ God hath fent his angel here.** ► " Where's the prifon and the bars ? ■'* Where the gloomy dungeon too I 116 gACRED HYMKS. <« Yonder orb and friendly ftars «« Tell me I am free from you.** 7 Sinners, this is juft. your cafe ! JBound in Satan's flavifh chain ; Till the Saviour fet you free, You in prifon will remain. HYMN 127. Sevens. Rippon's Coil Redeeming love. 'VrOW begin the heav'nly theme, -^^ Sing aloud in Jefus' name ; Ye, who his falvation prove, Triumph in redeeming love. Ye, who fee the Father's grace Beaming in the Saviour's face. As to Canaan on ye move, Praife and blefs redeeming love. Mourning fouls, dry up your tearsj Baniih all your guilty fears ; See your guilt and curfe remove, Cancell'd by redeeming love. Ye, alas ! who long have been Willing (laves of death and fm, Now from blifs no longer rove. Stop and tafle redeeming love, "Welcome all, by fni oppreft. Welcome to his facred red ; Jsiothing brought him from above, Nothing but redeeming love. . When his Spirit leads us home, When we to his glory come. We thall all the fullnefs prove Of oar Lord's redaeniing love. SACRED HYMNS. 117 7 He fubdu*d th' infernal powers, Thoie tremendous foes of our's, From their curfed empire drove ; Mighty in redeeming love. I Hither, then, your mufic bring. Strike aloud each cheerful ftring ; Mortals, join the hoft above, ^ Join to praife redeeming love. HYMN 128. 7 & 6. Chrijl'ians addrejfing the go/pel minijler» 1 f~\ SIR, we would fee Jefus, ^^ The bleifed Prince of Love, He only can relieve us, And all our griefs remove. O tell us as a preacher. Where Jefus Chrift doth dwell, Defcribe his charming feature. His glowing beauties telL 2 O fir, we would- fee Jefus, The fmner's conllant Friend, We know he won't deceive us, But love us to the end ; His bleifed word affures us. His hidden ones fhall ftand, His mighty arm fecures us. From all the hoftile band. O fir, we would fee Jefus, The glorious King of Grace, fight of him would eafe us. And fill our fouls with peace ! *^ e would behold his beauty. And run into his arms, 118 SACREt) HYMNS, And learn the Chriftian's duty. Amid ft thole bleffed charms. 4 O llr, we would fee Jefus, As Prophet, Prieft and King ; We hope he will receive us, Though we are poor and mean ; For in the holy fcriptures, This facred truth we find, He faves fuch wretched creatures, Of meek and lowly mind. j[ O fir, we would fee Jefus, And at his feet adore ; His ways although myfterious, We humbly would explore ; O tell us were to find him, And how we may him know 5 Where does this Rofe of Sharon, This fpotlefs Lilly grow ? 6 O fir, we would fee Jefus, And hearken to his voice, O this would greatly pleafe us And make our hearts rejoice : This found is fo inviting, It brings the dead to life ; This found is fo tranfporting, It ends the finner's ft rife. 7 O fir, we would fee Jefus, Defcending from above. And making up his jewels. The objects of his love ; ^ The fun and moon in moumii'g, , The ftars of heaven fall; The awful trumpet founding The miiverfal call. SACRED HYMNS. 119 6 O fir, we would fee Jefus ! On that great burning day He'll take up his believers, And carry them away To their bright feats in glory, Forever there to fing. And I ell the ble/led ftory Of Jefus Chrill their King. PAUSE. 9 O when fhall I fee Jefus, And reign with him above ; And from that flowing fountain Drink everlafling love ? When iliall I be delivered From this vain wcrld of fm, And with my bleifed Jefus Drink endlefs pieafures in I 10 But now I am a foldier, My Captain's gone before. He's given me my orders, And bid m.e not give o'er ! Flis faithful word has promis'cl A righleous crown to give, And all his valiant fdldiers Eternal life fliall have. 1 1 Through grace I am determined To conquer, though I die, And then away to Jefus, On wings ot love, I'll fly. Farewell to (in and forrow, 1 bid you all adieu ; .^nd O my friends, prove faichfulj And on your way purfue. 120 SACRED HYMNS. 12 And If you meet with troublts And trials on your way, Then caft your care on Jefus, And don't forget to pray. Gird on the heav'nly armour Of faith, and hope, and love ! • Then, when the combat's ended. He'll carry you above. 13 O do not be difcourag'd, For Jefus is your friend ; And if you want more knowledge, He'll not refufe to lend : Neither will he upbraid you, Though oft'ner you requeft ; He'll give you grace to conquer, And take you home to reft. 14 And when the laft loud trumpet Shall rend the vaulted ikies, And bid the deeping millions From their cold beds arife. Our ranfom'd dull, revived,' Bright beauties fliall put on. And foar to the bleft manfion Where our Redeemer's gone. 15 Our eyes fhall then with rapture The Saviour's face behold ; Our feet, no more diverted, Shall walk the llreets of gold : Our ears Ihall hear with tranfport The hofls celeftial ung : Ouv tongues fhall chant the gLmes Of our immortal 'King. SACRED HYMNS. 121 1 6 There we fhall reign triumphant Upon the blifsful fhore, And fhout with the redeemed, " Our trials all are o'er ; " The wicked ceafe from troubling^, " Our weary fouls have reft ; " We now ftiall live with Jefus " Eternal ages bleft." 1 7 We fhall outvie the angels With the redeemed throng, And fhout aloud, " Salvation ! ** 'Twill be our endlefs fong. They fmg creating goodnefs. But we redeeming love ; ^Tis this fhall be our glory In realms of joy above. HYMN 129. 5 & 6. Madan's Coll. $alvation to Chr'iji our King. Rev. vii. 9—^12. I \^ E fervants of God, Your Matter proclaim, And publifh abroad His wonderful name. The name all viiarp fickle;] appear To reap down the wheat, and to itort: it ui Cuan , But th' wild plants of nature muft evermore Din a. it Come then, O my foul, meditate on that day When all things in nature Ihall ceafe and decay,. When th' trumpet (hall found, and the angels appcur, To reap down the earth,both the wheat and the tai e. 1 But hear the fad cry that afcends to the ficy, Of thofe in diftrefs, that have no where to Uy 1 They'll call on the rocks and the mountains to :a.. Upon them, to hide from the great Judg/- of a-.i . A But 'twill be in vain ; for the mountains mu'it fkt^» I'he rocks fly like hailltones, and ihall no mor^ Qt ; The earth too fiiall quake, the broad L^as mall rctn - And this folid world fnall then all be on fire I r But hear the kind Judge in that great day's alai iV., " *< Firft gather my faints and bring them to nr/ ?.v.v.f^ That th' feven laft plagues maybe pour'd out on tbne •' Who've blafphemM my name and my faints have oppos'd.*' "'^^ . Thcu, O wretched mortals, look up, and t fpy "''' 'e glorious Redeemer defcend from the llcy ; ,1 a chariot offirc to the earth he is, ^ ' '.'ith a guard Sebright angels attenduij^- arcua., I, s 126 SACRED HYMNS. 7 " Come hither, ye nations, your fcnt^pce receive, No more fnall my word you invite to believe ! My judgment is right, my great fentence is juft ; Come hither, ye blcfsM ; but depart, all yecurs'd/' 8 O finners, take warning, and fcek ye the Lord, i have not been jefting, it is Chvift's own word, Thatthofe who've done good in his glory (iiall Hand, But thole who've done evil, fhall fureiy be damn'd. 9 So farewell, I leave you to ponder your way, May th' Lord feal inftnidion from what I now fay, Our fouls to his throne let us pour out in pray'r. That all be prepared to meet Chrift m the air. HYMN 134.. Elevens. T/je mintfler's trial and rel'iff, I A S lambs amor)g wolves, Jefus' minifters %o, J^ Befet by a vain world, and eveiy foe. Great dangers appearing, and forrows arife. And tempefts of trial oft darken their fkies. a Flefh, and Satan, and world, difturb his repofc y What forrowful feafons the minifter knows ! His own imperfections difcourage his heart ; And fianders of brethren to grief add their part. 3 Oft when he goes forth to proclaim the glad news, DiftrefsM he looks back and his family views, Who need his kind help and affiftance at home, And long for the time when their helper will corae» 4 The church oft negleft him in times of diftreff:> The w^orld will defpife too his humble addrefr, ; He*s a fool and impoftor in infidel's eyes. Who fcofFwhen he tells them the dead ihall a;;'-;, Diftrefs'd he looks round upon pcrifhing foiiisv Wlvilft vengeance and wrath in loudthundcri;v: And threatens the fmner witlij|||ift overthrow . iri rt'gions of darknefs and hon-^r bels^r S AG R^D HYMN S. 1 2 T ty Th€ diurchi>refents o^ a forrowful feene ; For parties arife and great jarR be between ; Some formal and lifekfs ; fotrie will not be led ; And others with vifions and foncies are Jed. 7 Thus while he looks round upon fuiner and faint, Hi8 heart is borne down, almoft ready to faint ; In all the diftrefles and forrows he knows, Where fliall be apply for found joy and repole . 8 To God his c^ood friend ! who has ^^^e this decree, *' That as thy days are, ever Ihall thy ftrengthbe , 'Tisioyful indcfdfor his poor heart to find His confcience approving, and God to him kind. He fee?^, thou-h poor fmners the goipel deride, ^ Make fongs of the faints, & loud boaft m their pndc ; Their triumphs are fleeting, they^ll end in the grave ; A portioa 'in this life is ail tliey will have. 10 Impenitent finner^ arc doom'd ^o depart 1 'Tis iufc ; for they finaed with hand and wuh heart, ^Gainft (udgmentsand callings, 'gamft confcience " and vows, L^^ows. 'Gainft warnings .tr.d mercies, which God now ne- 11 He fees, though the faints often ftumbie andftray, And often in parties fall out by the way ; ^ Yet whole in their Surety, they'll foonbtyxoove The frailties cf nature, tranrportcd i^ love, J a The Spirit of grace which his God doth impai-t. Is often Ihed dov>-n to rejoice his weak hear: ; It ftrengthens his hope, and his patience and love ; His zeal then takes fire, and his faith foais abov-. 1 1 He hopes in a lliort time the war will be o- ei, '"His foul will ther reft upon Canaan's f«ir fhore ; The joys of tholvr manfions will richly rcs\^»d ^^ His.crciVes and trials in foil* wing Ks Lord. '^^ Then cheerful Til travel to meet every fee, \ iHoyful march onwards where God biCs me go, i u work white|§klay I and then i-eft when 'tis night, Jsi manfiOTS of^ory and endleia delight. 128 SACRED HYMNS. 15 The prophets in old time did labour more hard. But goat-fkins and dens they received for reward ; Chrift and his apoftles wrought much in their day, And dungeons and gibbets they had for their pay. 16 We labour far lefs, but have much better fare ! Then banifh complaining, and all anxious care ; Confide in that God who hears young ravens cry. Be ftedfaft in duty till death lliall draw nigh. HYMN 135. Elevens. Redemption in Chrijl. 1 f~^ OME, friends and relations, let's join heart and hand ; V^ The voice of the turtle is heard in our land I Let's all wallc together, and follow the found, And march co the place where redemption is found. a The place it is hidden, the place 'tis conceal'd, Nor can be known fully until 'tis reveal'd ; The place is in Jefus, to him we will go. And there find redemption from fin, death, and wo, 3 The place it is hidden, by reafon of fin, For ann'.Ts fee not the fad flute they are in ; They're blinded, polluted, in prifon and pain : O how can fuch rebels redemption obtain ! 4 But if yqu^el wounded and bruis'd by the fall, Then looff^ip to Jefus, 'tis you he doth call ; And if you are tenipted to doubt or dcfpair, llien come home to Jefus, — redemption is there. 5 And you, my dear b 'cthren, that love my dear Lord. Who've witnefs'd free pardon by faith in his v.'orr., Let patience attend you wherever you be, Your Saviour hath given redemption moft free. 6 Scon will the archangel the bft trumpet found, And wake all the dead that fleep under the gro»i:d , The found or that trumpet will bid ynu arlfe. To meet your redemption with joyful furpr.T . 7 O ! tlien loving Jefus our fouls jjjji^ receive, f^-oin bond« ©f conuption eur fcwncs relieve; SACREB HYMNij. 12S Then we fijall be perfeS, and we fhall be free : We'll fing of redemption wherever we be. 8 Redeemed from fin, and redeemed from death. Redeem 'd from corruption, redeem'd from the earth, Redeem'd from damnation, redeem'd from all wo; We'll fijig of redemption wherever we go. 9 Redeem'd from all fm, and redeem'd from diftrcfs ; ' - The fruits of redemption no tongue can exprefs : Redemption we ow^e to our Jefus's love ; We'll fmg fweet redemption in glory aboyc. HYMN 136. Elevens. The theme of redempttoru 1 "T X7"ITH pleafure, dear brethren, come let us record V V The mauifoid mercies of Jefus our Lord, Who lov'd us, redeem'd us from fin, death, and Wd, That we migiit his glory and mercy all know. ft This myft'ry, which Jefus our Saviour above Difplay'd in redemption, tlxrough izifiuite love. No bemg that's living, nor mortals of old, Kor angels, nor feraph?, can ever unfoid. 3 Our fouls, deep in ruin, quite loft, did he fpy, And down he defcended from manfions on high ; His love was fo woucirous, his pity fo p*eat,ife: He luffer'd for Tinners, atopemcnt to make. 4 And then he afcended, exalted on high. No more now to fufFcr, or forrow, or die ; Then down did he fend the good Spirit of Grace, Salvation to work in the hearts of our race. J The love of our Jefus, who did tis redeem, A:^d mercy, was then all our joy and our theme ; ^jSweet aathenie, abounding with pleafure, we fung, *^ ' " glory to Jefus was rais'd from each tongue. n, then, ye Chriftians ; come, let us renew Tne of redemption • with pleafure purfuc ' h of obediencej through labours of love, fhall arrive in fair Canaan ab^vc. ISO SACRED HYMNS. HYMN 137. P.M. The voice of free grace. X ^' I 'HE voice of free grace cries, Efcape to the mountain, X For Adam's Joft race Chrift hasjopeu'd a fofintain. For fio, and tranfgreflion, and every pollution; The blood flows mod freely in ftreams of lalvation. Hallelujah to the Lamb, who has blefa'd us with pardon, And we'll praifc him again when we pafs over Jordan. 0, This fountain fo clear, in which all may find pardon, From jefus' fide flows, a plenteous redemption ; Though your fins were as great and as high as a mountaifli The blood it flows freely, in ilreams of falvation. Hallelujah, &c. 3 O Jefus, ridaon ! thy kingdom is glorious; Over fm, death, and hell thou wilt make us vldorloiu : Thy name fhall be praisM in the great congregation, And faints (hall delight in afcribiiJg falvation. Hallelujah, &c. 4 When on Zion we fland, having gain'd the bleft (hore9 With our harps in our hands, we will praife evermore ; W c'll range the bleft fields, on the banks of the river. And fing halldkijah forever and ever. Hallelujah, &c. HYIS^ 1|8. S. M. Original.- Hope mahth not ajhamed. Rom. v. 5. I |_1 Oi^E is a grat^ divine ; ^ -*■ It faves the foul from Ihame, Becaufe God's love is flied abroad, And burns, a holy flame. 3 Like ancient chaos, dark Is ev'ry fmner's heart ; The Holy Spirit's pow'r and grace A glorious light impart. 3 Whilll thofe who fear not God Are bound in willing chains SACRZD HYMNS, 131 Of bondage to theit luft and pride, The faint full freedom gains. Jefus his guilt removes ; His pardon's fign'd with blood : Delivered from all fears of wrath. He hopes to dwell with God. To Chrift within the vail He looks for perfed joy : Tempefts of fin, and Satan's. rage. This hope can ne'er deftroy. It refts on truth divine ; God's promifes fecure A crown of righteoufnefs to faints, That always will endure. HYMN 139. CM. Night thought, TTOW can I fleeg, when angels fmg, ^ -*■ And all the faints on high Cry glory to the eternal King, The Lamb that once did die. When guardian angels fill the room, And, hov'ring round my bed. Clap their glad wings in love to him Who is my glorious Head ; O how can I inactive lie. And thoughtlefs all the night. When thofe celeftial fpirits praife The Lord with all their might ! Thofe joyful fpirits never fleep ; Their love is always new ; Then, O my foul, no longer ceafe To lov» aad praife him too. 132 SACRED HYMNS, 5 For I, of all the race that fell. Or all tlie heav'nly hoft. Have greateft caufe with humble foiil To love and praife him moft. 6 Did God the Father love men fo. As to bellow his Son A ranfom, linners to redeem, And fave from wrath to come ! 7 Did Jefus leave the Father*s brea(l, That heav'n of heav'ns on high, And come to earth, this world of wa, For guilty men to die ? 1^ And has the Holy Ghofl apply 'd The blood of Chrid to me. To cleanfe my guilty foul from fin, And fet my fpirit free f ) With me, O heav'n and earth admire Who am of all the race The chiefeft finner, and deferve In hell the hotted place. I o Yet mercy here and truth can mefet, ^ And God can juftify. Through Jefus Chrid's moft precious blood, So vile a wretch as L PAUSE. » I NO longer then will I lie here, But rife, to praife and pray; And join to fmg, while I enjoy A glimpfe of heav'nly day. iz I'll view the glories of the Lord, And ferve him all my days : For what he in his e /fence is, My foul ihall fing his praife. SACfRED HYMNir, l$$ I J His glories bind my foul to him^ While them by faith I fee, For u^hich adore him, O my foul. And for his gifts to thee. 14 Thanks to the Father for the Soa | To Chrift for righteoufnefs j And to the Holy Spirit, who BeftowM this heav'nly drefs. 15 Lord, give me ftrength to die to Cm-j And run the Chriftian race ; To live to God, and glorify The riches of his grace. 1 6 My lovely Jefus, while on eartk, Arofe before *twas day^ And to a foHtary place Departed, there to pray. 17 I'll do as did my blefTed Lord, His footfleps I will trace ; I long to meet him in the grove. And view his fmiling face. 18 And when my foul hath found my Icvtj, I'll let him go ho more j But bring him to my Father's houle. That all may him adore. 19 Now let all drowfinefs be gone, Let me enjoy my Lord, And let my mind be fwallow'd u^ In his eternal word. ftb If meditations all divine At midnight fill my foul. Sleep Ihall no longer all my pow'rs And faculties control. M 154 SACRED HYMNS. 2 1 But 1*11 arife, and fing, and przj. And fpend fuch hours of joy- In praiiing him whole glorious name My heart and tongue employ. 22 Yet if my nature fhould require In lleep a little reft ; Dear Jefus, let it be no more Than thou fhalt think is befti HYMN 140. Sevens. Madan's Coll. Temptedy but Jlying to Chrlfi the refuge* 1 TESUS, lover of my foul, J Let me to thy boibm fly. While the nearer waters roll, While the tempeil ftill is high I 2 Hide me, O my Saviour, hide. Till the dorm of hfe be paft ; Safe into the haven guide ; receive my foul at laft. 3 Other refuge have I none. Hangs my helplefs foul on thee ; Leave, ah ! leave me not alone. Still I'upport and comfort me. 4 All my truft on thee Is ftay*d. All my heip from thee I bring ; Cover my defencelefs head With the Ihadow of lay wing. 5 rhou, O Chriif , art all I want ; Ail in all, in thee I find ; Raife the fallen, cheer the faint. Heal the fick:, and lead the blind. € Jufl: and holy is thy name, 1 am all unii2:hteoafners, SACRl© MYMNS. 13S Vile and full of fm I am, Thou art full of truth and grace* ^ Plenteous grace with t\}ee is found, Grace to pardon all my fm ; Let the healing ftreams abound, Make and keep me pure within. $ Thou of life the fountain art ; Freely let me take of thee : Spring tliou up within my heart ; Rife to all eternity. HTMN 141. 8 & 7. Seekers of ihi Lord encouraged, ^ T^And^iing pilgrims, mourning Chriftlans, Weak and tempted lambs of Chrift, " Who endure great tribulation. And with fms are much diftrefs'd j 2 Chrift has fent me to invite you To a rich and coLly feaft ; Let not ftiame nor pride prevent you j Come, the fwect provifion tafte. 3 If you have a heart lamenting, And bemoaii your v/retched cafe, Come to Jefus ChriR repenting, He will give you gofpel grace. 4 If you want a heart to fear him. Love and ferve him all your days, Only come to Chrift and alk him. He will guide you in his ways. If your heart is unbelieving. Doubting Jefus' pardoning love. Lay hard by Bethefda waiting, Till the troubled waters more ; 186. . SACRED HYMNS. 15 If no man appears to help you, All their efforts prove but talk, Jefus, Jefus he will cieanfe you ; Rife, take up your bed and wal^» 7 If like Peter you are fmking, In the fea of unbelief, Wait with patience, always praying, Chrift will fend you fweet relief. B He will give you grace and glory. All your wants fhall be fupply'd, Canaan, Canaan lies before you ; Rife, and crofs the fwelHng tide, 5 Death (hall not deftroy your comfort, Chrifl fhall guard you through the gloom, Down he'll fend a heavenly convoy. To convey you to his home. 10 There you'll fpend your days in pleafure, Free from ev'ry want and care ; Come, O come, my blefled Saviour, Fain my fpirit would be there. HYMN 142. CM. Original. The young converfs meditation refpe£tin^ (f profefj^cn of religion. i A ND can ft thou then believe, my foul, ^^ That Jefus is thy frf^id ? Tliat he his love -hath fix'd on thee \ That love which cannot end ? a If thou in truth his powV haft known> And felt his changing grace, Thy duty 'tis his church to join, And give him »11 the praife. SACRIP HYMNS. 137 3 He fayg to each regen'rate foul, « Confefs thy Saviour God :" His great command I will Obey ; I love his holy word. 4 But will the faints, the fons of God, Believe that I, fo vile, Have felt thy fovereign love, my. Lord, And feen thy gracious fmile ? 5 What fhall I do, if they refufe, And fay I know thee not I Dear Saviour, wih thou fmile on me, If this fliould be my lot ? 6 My cafe I humbly leave with tliee ; Duty alone is mine ! In duty's pleafant path I fhall Behold thy heavenly fhine. J- PU praife thee through my pilgrimage. With voice and heart and tmigue ; « Jefus, my ftrength and righteoufnefs," Shall be my cheerful fong. HYMN U3. H. M. EuRNH. Ktwwledge of Ghr'ijl. J TTO know that Chrift is mine, '*' To view his fmiling face. To fee his glory ihine, Gives pure and perfecl peace ; O may I ever fmg, and lay, Jefiis the Saviour dy'd for me. Z To ME, how wondrous kind ; On MS, what bleffings fall ; Ki'^ crofs delights m.y mind ; ir.o love tranlports my foui : SB sax: RED HYMNS, V/hilfl: on his bofom I recline, He tells me aU he has is mine. 3 Mike, his atoning blood ! And MINE, his righteoufnefs 1 Mine, all the grace of God ! And MINE, the gofpel peace ! Mine, ev'ry promife in the word I And mine, the fuilnefs of the Lord ! 4 Jefiis, I now adore, Salvation now I prove ; Lord, may I never more Sufpedt thy dying love ; Let none deprive me of this pleii, ** The gre4t Redeemer dy'd for me ! '' PAUSE, 5 ALL the converted train Know the great Shepherd's voice, Feel the Meffiah's reign. And in his death rejoice : The heav'n^born faint Ih all fmg, and d-] " The great Redeemer dy'd for me. " S For ME, for me, he fills The Mediator's throjie ; For ME, he now prevails, 'i'hat bleffings may- come down ; BleiTings defcend, bleflings diyipe. Thus do I prove my Jefys mine. 7 Mine, all the fruits of love ! And MIME, the /hining throne ! Mine, all the joys above I Ar.d MINE, tlie glorious crown ! All Jeiiis is and has is mine, And I with him fhall ever InJae* SACRED HYMNS. 139 Ye (eekers of the Lord, Believe the promife true ; O take him at his word, And fing, 'Tis all for you : Bury your fears in Galv'ry's blood. And fhout the dying Lamb of God. HYMN 144^. PcM. M hlejfings through Chr'ijl, A LMIGHTY Love, infpire "^^ Our fouls with facred fire. And animate defire, Our journey to purfue ; To thee we'll join in praifes While in thefe thorny mazes, Until we fee thy traces In the ether'al blue. O Jefus, may we rife To thee above the fkies. Thy love is what we prize ! We're in ourfelves undone ! No feraph could retrieve us. No angel could redeem us. No creature's arm relieve us, But thy free grace alone. When ruinM, loft, and dead, ^ Ke came our Covenant Yi^-^A^ And in our room and ftead Gave up his foul to God ; By him redeemed from hf>:Tor, And everlafting forrow, Vs^e, to his waftlcfs treafure, iJave free accefs by blood. 140 SACRED HYMNS. 4 O thou, the fmner's friend, My feeble prayer attend. And fave me to the end, From evil that's to come ; O grant to me the favour. Which i/Tues from thy pleafure. And O forfake me never. But take me to thy home. 5 Thy prefence here I pray, O do not tell me nay ! For here I cannot ftay, Unlefs thou with me dwell I Thou art alone my teacher. And thou my only leader, O thou art my great Saviour, From fear, from fm and hell. 4 But patiently I'll ftay. And wait the ble/fed day, When thou call me away. To manfions bright above ; There to enjoy thy favour. And thy unwafting treafure, And fhout in higheft meaiure, The vid'ries of thy love. HYMN 1 45. CM. D r . D o d d r i d Chrijl precious to the believer. I Peter ii. ' JESUS, I love thy charming name ; Tis raufic to my ear; Fain would I found it out fo loud. That earth and heav'n might hear. Yes, thou art precious to my foul, My tranfport, and my truft : SACRED HYMNS. 141 Jewels to thee are gaudy toys, A»d gold is fordid duft. 3 All my capacious pow'rs can vndi In thee moft richly meet : Nor to mine eyes is light fo dear, Nor friend fnip half fo fweet. 4 Thy grace (hall dwell vtpon my heart, And fhed its fragrance there ; The noblefl: balm of all its wounds. The cordial of its care. 5 rU fpeak the honours of thy name With my lad lab' ring breath ; Then dying clafp thee in mine arms. The antidote of death. HYMN U6/ 8 7 4. Come and 'welcome to Jefus Chriji, Ifaiah Iv. I. 1 r^ OME, ye fmners, poor and wretched, ^^ Weak and wounded, fick and fore 1 • Jefus ready (lands to fave you. Full of pity join'd with power : He is able. He is willing : doubt no more ! 2 Come, ye thirfty, come, and welcome ; God's free bounty glorify : True belief, and true repentance, Every grace that brings us nigh— Without money, Come to Jefus Chrift, and buy. ^ Let not confcience make you linger, Nor of fitnefs fondly dream ; All the fitnefs he requijreth, Is to feel your need of him : 142 SACRED HYMNS. This he gives you ; 'Tis his Spirit's rifing beam. 4 Come, ye weary, heavy laden, Loft and ruin'd by the fall ! If you tarry till you're better, You will never come at all : Not the righteous. Sinners Jefus came to call. 5 View him proftrate in the garden ! On the ground your Maker lies I On the bloody tiee behold him ; Hear him cry, before he dies, « It is finifh'd : " Sinner, v/ill not this fufEce ? $ Lo th' incarnate God, afcended. Pleads the merit of his blood : Venture on him, venture wholly. Let no other trufl: intrude ', None but Jefus Can do helplefs. fmners good. 7 Saints and angels, joln'd in concert, Sing the praiies of the Lamb : While the blifsful feats of heaven Sweetly echo v?ith his name. Hallelujah ! Sinners, here, may fing the fame. HYMN 147. L. M. Madan's Cqll. Glory to Gad for Chrift. f\^ him who did falvation bring, Lord, may we ever think and fmg : Arife, ye guiity, he'll forgive : Arife, ye needy, he'll relieve. SAeRED HYMNS. l^iB 2 Etenial Lord, Almighty King, All heaven doth with thy triumphs ring ! Thou conquer' ft all beneath, above, Devils with force, and men with love • 3 To purge our fms, Chrift flied his blood,. He dy*d to bring us near to God : Let all the world fall down and know, That none but God fuch love could Ihow. HYMN US, Eights. Newton. Creation unjatufying 'without Chrifl. I UOW tedious and taitelefs the hours, -*^ When Jefus no longer I fee ; Sweet profpeas, fweet birds, and fweet flow r^ Have loft all their fweetnefs with me. z The midfummer fun Ihines but dim, The fields ftrive in vain to look gay y But when I am happy in him, December's as pleafant as May. 3 His name yields the richeft perfume. And fweeter than mufic his voice ! His prefence difperfes my gloom, Aad makes all within me rejoice. 4 I ftiould, were he always thus nigk. Have nothing to wifli or to fear ; No mortal fo happy as If My fummer would laft all the year. 5 Content with beholding his face. My all to his pleafure refign'd ; No changes of feafon or place Would make any change in my mind. 6 While blefsM with a fenfe of his love, A palace a toy would appear j 144} SACRED HYMNS* And prifons would palaces prove, If Jefus would dwell witli me there. 7 Dear Lord,' if indeed I am thine. If thou art my fun and mj fong ; Say, why do I languifli and pine, And why are my winters fo long ? S O drive thefe dark clouds from my iky. Thy foul-cheering prefence reftore ; Or take me unto thee on high. Where winter and clouds are no more. HYMN 149. 5&11. Madan'sColl. Crucifixion ts the 'world, 1 r\ TELL me no more ^^ Of this world's vain (lore i The time for filch trifles witli me now is o'er. 2 A country Pve found, Where true joys abound ; To dwell I'm d.3termin*d on that happy groimd. 3 The fouls that believe. In paradife live ; And me in that number will Jefus receive. 4 My foul, don*t delay, Ke calls thee away ; Rife, follow thy Saviour, and bleft the glad day. 5 No mortal doth know What he can bel^ov/, fi::^, \Vhat light, ilrcngth, and comfcii; : go after 6 And when I'm to die, " T^^eceive me," I'll cry ; For Je-rus hith lov'd nie, I cannot "fay SACRED HYMNS, 145 7 And noTX^ I'm in care My neighbours may fhare [dare ? Thefe bMmgs : to feek them will none of you 8 In bondage, O why ? And death, will you lie. When one here aflures you free grace is fo nigh ? HYMN 150. CM. Dr. Baldwin. The year of the redeemed, 1 ^OME, welcome this new year of grace, Proclaim'd through Jefus* blood ; The happy year of our releafe, To feal our peace with God. 2 We early wander'd from our God, In the dark maze of fin ; The year of the redeemed is come. To bring us back again. 3 We once could offerM grace. And flight a Saviour's charms ; The year of the redeeni'd is come, To call us to his arms. 4 We hear the gofpel's joyful found Proclaim the jubilee ; The year of the redeem'd is come. To fet the ranfom'd free. 5 Ye aged faints, who long have figh'd To fee this happy day ; The year of the redeem'd is come. To wipe your tears away. Ye lovely youth, who late have knowi? The fweets of pard'ning grace, 'The year of the redeem'd demands Your nobleft adls of praife. 146 SACREB HYMNS. f Now you can tell a fcoffing world Their threats are all in vain ; The year of the redeem'd is come To recompenfe your pain. 8 But, O ye carelefs, Chriftlefs fouls, Who fcorn the happy few ! The year of the redcemM will come. And take them all from you. 9 Then will you mourn, and fay at laft, " We did inftru(5lion hate ; " The year of tha redeemed is paft, " And now it is too late." 10 When Gabriel burfts the vaulted tomb, And bids the dead arife, We'll fmg the year of th'e redeemed, And lift our joyful eyes. HYMN 151. S. M. The Chrijl'tah armour, llph. vi. lo — 1 8. 1 COLDIERS of Chrift, arife, ^ And gird your armour on ; Strong in the fuength which God fupplies. Through his eternal Son. 2 Strong in the Lord of Hofts, And in his mighty pow'r ; Who in the ftrength of Jefus truds, Is more than conqueror. 3 Stand, then, in his great might. With all his ftrength endu'd ; And take to arm you for the tight, The panoply of God. 4 That having all things docc, And all your conflids part, SACRED HYMNS. 147 Ye may o'ercome through Chrift alone, And ftaiid fecure at laft. 5 Stand, then, againft your foes. In clofe and firm array ; Legions of wily fiends oppofe, Throughout the evil day. 6 But meet the fons of night. But mo€k their vain defign ; ArmM in the arms of heav'nly light, Of righteoufnefs diviHe. 7 Leave no unguarded place, No weaknefs of the foul ; Take ev'ry virtue, ev'ry grace, And fortify the \vhole. 8 Indiflblubly join'd, To battle all proceed ; But arm yourfeives with all the mind That v/as in Chrift your head. 9 Let truth the girdle be, That binds your armour on ; In faitlifu}, firm (incerity, To Jefus cleave alone. 10 Let faith and love combine To guard yoar valiant bread: ; The plate be righteoumefs divinCj Imputed and impreit. 1 1 Still let your feet be fhod, Ready his will to do ; tleady, in aU the ways of God, His glory to'puriue. Ruin Is fpread beneath ; 'i'he gofpel ihoes put on ; , i nd fife, througii ail the fnares of deatk^ To life eternal run. 14S SACRED HYMNS. PAUSE, 1 3 YOUR rock can never (hake .; Hither, he faith, come up ; The helmet of falvation take, The confidence of hope. , 14 Hope for his perfedl iove, Hope for his people's reft, Hope to fit down with Chvift above, And fhare the marriage feaft, 15 Brandifli in faith, till then, The Spirit's two-edg*d fword, Hew all the fnares of fiends and men In pieces with the word. 1$ Ready for all alarms, Stedfaftly fet your face. And always exercife your arms, And ufe your evVy grace. 17 Pour out your fouls to God, -And bow them with your knees. And fpread your hearts and hands abroad, And pray for Z ion's peace. 18 Your guides and brethren, bear Forever on your mind : Extend the arms of mighty pray'r In grafping all mankind. 19 From ftrength to rtrengtli go on, Wrelil^ a»d fight, and pray ; Tread all the pcw'rs of darknefs down, And win the well-fought day. 2D Still let the Spirit cry, In all his foldiers, " Come ;" Till Chnft the Lord defcends from high, And takes the conquerors home. 5ACRED HYMKS. If HYMN 152. S. M. Evening hymn, nPHE day is paft and gone, ^ The evening fhades appear ; O may we all remember well The night of death draws near. We lay our garments by. Upon our beds to reft I So death v/Ill Toon difrobe us all Of what we here pcifefs. Lord, keep us fufe this night, JSecure from ail our fears ; May angels guard us while we fleep, Till morning light appears. And if We early rife. And view th' unweaji'd fun, May we fetoat to win the p.nie. And after glory run. And when our days are paft, And wc from time remove, O may we in thy biuom reft, The bofom of ihy love. HYiviN 153. Eights. 7V3(? unioju y^R-OM whence does this uni.op arife, "^ That hatred is conquered by love : It faftens our fouis with fuch tiesj That diilance nor time can't remove^ It cannot in Eden be found, Nor yet in a paradifj loit ; it grows on Immanuers ground. And Jefus' d«ar blood it did cpft. 150 SACRED HYMNS. 3 M7 friends all fo dear are to me. Our fouls fo united in love. Where Jefus is gone we fhall be. In yonder bleft manfions above. 4 Oil ! why then fo loth now to part. Since we fhall ere long meet again ? Engrav'd on ImmanuePs heart, At diftance we cannot remain. 5 And when we fhall fee that bright day, And join with the angels above, Releas'd from vile bodies of clay, Our fouls Ihall be filPd with his love, ^ With him we fliall evermore reign. His loftieft glory fhall fee, And fmg. Hallelujah, amen ; Amen, even fo let it be. HYMN 154. L. P. M. Th gate of heaven. Gen. xxviii. 16, 17. 1 T O, God is here ! let us adore, ^^ And own how dreadful is this place ! I^et all within us feel his pow*r, And filent bow before his face : Who knows his pow'r, his grace who prove. Serve him Avith awe, with revVence love, 2 Lo, God is here ! Him day and night Th* united choirs of angels fmg ; To him, enthroned above all height, Heav'n's hoft their nobleft praifes bring : Difdain not. Lord, our meaner fong, Who praife thee with a ftanmi'ring tongue. 3 Being of beings, may our praife Thy courts with grateful fraojrance fill ; SACRED HYMNS. 1, Still may we ftand before thy face, «- Still hear and do thy fovereign will - To thee may all our thoughts arife, Ceafelefs accepted facrifice. HYMN 155. S*M. Original. Tht expiring reprobate^ /V H ! whence that hollow groan I It comes from yonder bed ; A gafping rebel finks oppreft ; His joys and hopes are fled \ That awful fcene arrives, Which impioufly he dar*d ; He now muft ftand before his Judge, And knows he's not prepar'd 1 See what a clammy fweat Bedews his pallid face ! Each feature now is fadly chang'd ; No comfort there we trace ! Thofe eyes, fufFus*d with tears. Are caft witli anguilli down ; To heav'n he dares not lift them up, Expe<5t:ing thence a frown ! His tongue and quivering lips Their filence ftrangely keep ; Nor rail, nor fcolF at humble fouls# Becaufe for fin they weep. No more with blafphemy His rattling throat diftends : Forgotten now his noify mirth. And all his mirthful friends ! His tortured mind no more On trifles now can reft ; 152 SACRED HYMNS. He feeks relief from weeping friends, But feels the more diftreft. 8 Mid ft fobs, and doubts, and fears I faw him breathe his laft ! Forthwith to God, the righteous Judge, Th' immortal fpirit pafs'd ! ^ Come ye, who loudly boaft, And make a mock at fm. Who eager join the revel rout. To take new pleafures in ; lo See what a baleful end Awaits your mad career ! Turn, and forfake your darling fms, Whilfl; mercy iliii is near. HYMN 156. S. M. Original. T^£ expiring faint. T SEE the pleafant bed X* Where lies the dying faint : Though in the icy arms of death. He utters no complaint. His afpecl is ferene ; He fmiles in joyful hope ; He knows that arm on v^hicli he reil's Is an unfailing prop. He lifts his eyes in love To his Almighty Friend, Whofe pow'r from ev'ry fej^r fecures^, And guards him to the end. He fpeaks of dying love. Which his kind Lord difplay'd ; And trufts, though conquered now by deatli. He ihall like him be mddt.' SACRED HYMNS. 155 He knows his Saviour dy'd, And from the dead arofe : He looks for vidl'ry o'er the grave, And death, the laft of foes. His happy foul is walh'd In fin-atoning blood : Exulting in eternal love. He wings his way to God { Is this the blefled end Of thofe who love the Lord ? Then will I leave the finner's wsj. And hear the Saviour's word. The Saviour's word of grace Is flrong, the foul to fave : On him ril truft in life and death. And triumph o'er the grave* HYIMN 157. P.M. Madan'sColl. The laft judgment. Rev. xu 15 — 19. TLTE comes ! he comes ! the Judge feverc» **• The feventh trumpet fpeaks him near ; His lightnings flafh, his thunders roll, He's welcome to the faithful foul ; Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome. Welcome to the faithful foul. From heav'n angelic voices found, See th' Almighty J^fus crown'd ! Girt with omnipotence and grace. And glory decks the Saviour's face ; Glory, glory, glory, glory. Glory decks the Saviour's face. Defcendiiig on his azure throne. He claims the kingdoms for his own : 154* SACRED HYMNS. Thft kingdoms all obey his word, And hail him their triumphimt Lord ; Hail him, hail him, haii him, hail him> Hail him t^eir triumphant Lord. 4 Shout all tlie people of the iky, And all the laiats. of the Moft High : Our God, who now his right obtains. Forever and forever reigns ; Ever, ever, ever, ever. Ever and forever reigns. 5 The Father praife, the Son adore. The Spirit blefs for evermore ; Salvation's glorious work is done, We welcome thee, great Three in One j Welcome, welcome, welcome, vrelcome, Welcome thee, great Three in One. HTMN 158. S. M. ORicniTAi. Conference meeting. T ET each believer hear ^^ The word which Jefus fays, — «* Wherever t]ivo or three appear, *' In pray'r to join and praife ; ** My prefence fills the place, *' My blefiing Ihall defcend ; <* From all diflreliing fears, my grace *< And love Ihall you defend.'* The truth of thy good word Our hearts have often felt : To thee alone we look, dear Lord, Our ftoney hearts to melt. When thou art pleas' d to cheer, A^d fill our fouls with peace. SACRE© HYMNS. ISS We're favM from ev*ry flavifli feaf, And ftraight our joys increafe. All etil then departs : We join to fing and pray ; Mounting above, our willing hearts In love would foar away. HYMN 159. 7 & 6, peculiar. Fiew of Chrifl, 1 r\ BRETHREN, don't you view him ? ^^ O brethren, don't you view him I O brethren, don't you view him Mo ft precious to your fouls J Then life and give him glory. Then rife and give him glory. Then rife and give him glory, . For glory is his due. 2 O fifters, don't you view him ? O fifters, don't you view him ? O fifters, don't you view him Moft precious to your fouls I Then rife and give him glory. Then rife and give him glory. Then rife and give him glory. For glory is his due. 3 We're on- our way to glory. We're on uur way to glory. We're on our way to glory. To th' New Jerufalem : We'll fliout and give him glory, Weil (hout and give him glory. We'll fliout and give him glory, When we i^rive at home. 156 SACRED HYMNS. HYRIN 160. L. M. Cknmck, Jtjus Chrifl the way to Cod. John xiv. 6. 1 TESUS, my all, to heav'n is gone, •i He whom I fix my hopes upon ; His track I fee^ and I'll purfue The narrow way, till him I view. 2 The way the holy prophets went, The road that leads from banifhment^ The king's highway of holinefe 1*11 go, for all his paths are peace; 3 No ftranger may proceed therein. No lover of the world and fm, No lion, no devouring care, No fm nor forrow Ihall be there* 4 No, nothing may go up thereon, But travelling fouls, and I am one ;: Way-faring men, to Canaan bounds Shall only in the way be found. 5 This is the way I long have fought, And mourn' d becaufe 1 found it not ^ My grief, my burden long has been, Becaufe I could not ceafe from fin. 6 The more I ftrove againft its pow'r, I fmn'd and ftumbled but the more. Till late I heard my Saviour fay, <* Come hither, foul, I am the way. "^ 7 Lo ! glad I come, and thou, blefs'd Lamb, "^ Shalt take me to thee as I am ; Nothing but fm 1 thee can give, . NotliJng but love lliall 1 receive. 8 Then will I tell to finners round What a dear Saviour I have found ; I'll point to thy redeeming blood, Aad fay, « Behold the way to God. " INDEX. Hymn. ACCESS to God by Chriil . • 88 A Addrtfs to the Holy Spirit - - 36 to the gofpel minifter - - 128 Admiration and joy - - ▼ - go AJliBions fan£lified _ - - - 140 Armour of the Chriftian • - 151 Afcenfion of Chrift - - - 97 Atonement of Chrift 15, 43, 47, 62,91, 94, I04, I15 Authority and prefence of Chrift, - - 20 Backjliders invited to return - - 85, 146 Baptifm ^ ' - - - t—75 of Chrift Imitated - - " *5 of fufferings - - - 17 reprcfents the wafiiirig away of fin • 15, 37 Believers buried with Chrift m baptifm a8, 33 Boldnejs, holy - - • 88 Candidate^ foliloquy before immerfion - 6 Chriji a prieft - ' - - 115 a refuge . - - - 1^0 baptized in Jordan - . - 2 his afcenfion . • • 97 his commiffion to his minifters - - 3i 45 the rock fmitten - - - 113, 120 the falvation of his people - - 129 the way to God - - - 16a his refurrcOion • " 87, 95 his fecond coming - - 133, 1.57 our righteoufnefs - - 88 the believer's glory - - • - 69 ihe bread of life - - - J05, 109 the Head and King of Zion - • .53 unfeen, yet beloved - - - ^8 INJ5EX. ** NyviM. €hrijiian union • - . 153 Chi-ch^ her fafety - • * 124 Cleanfing bv the blood of Chrlft 15, 43, 47, 62, 70, 73 Cloud and lea - - - _ 8 Conference meeting * - - 138 Ccrtfefirg Chrift in baptifm - - 34, 44 Conjiitutmg a gofpel cfiurch - 124, 132 Corn pianr':d, a figure - - - '51 Creation unfatisfying without Chrift 148, 149 Cr: of Chrift • 87, 93, 107, I08, lib of -hr faint • - - 156 of vhf fmner - - - 1^^ Diabi-ue be' ween Chrift and the Church - 72 Difficulties furmounted - - - 71 Doxology - - . - 75 Duty pleafaht - " 7» 27, 46, lol i'.s reward - • - - 68 Encouragement and invitation - 81, 85, 141, 146 Eternity of God's love - - 123 Evening hymn • _ - ■» - 152 Excitation of Chrift - - >- 82 Fear of God - - , - 131 Tcllowjkip^ ChriHian - - 153 Fountain opened for iinners » 11, 42, 70 Gtthfemane - - - - 1J4 Glory of Chrift in his humiliation and exaltation 52, 87, 107, no, 118, 121^ God^& prefence « - - 154 Go/pel - - - 81, 146 Grace, free - •» J 37 Harveji^ or end of the world - - 133 Heaven longed for • - 120 Holinefsy its neceflity - • - 132 Hope - - - 138 Humiliation oi Chn^i - - - no Immerjion the mode of baptifm - 3» ^ Jnjiitutions of the gofpel pomt tq Jefus - 6,5 Intercejion of Chrift - - ^ 94, 9> Invitation - - 81, 85, 146 to follow the Lamb - •? 3W 64» "3 bivocation, 10 the Trinity - - ii 4* Hymn* Jailer's conv^rfion - . , _ 67 Jejus compaffionate - - 79 iVen of anettls - • - 123 the refurreaion and the life - - 80 Jchn haptijiy his humility - - ^^ his preaching . • . - ^8 Jordan honoured - - - 59i 61 Joy - - - 40, 00, 1 12 Jubilee - - - . 150 Judgment, dajj of * , 133» 157 Kingdom of Chrift - - 77 Knowledge of Ghrift - - 143 Lamb flam - - - , - 8.T LazVy moral, honoured by Chrift - 88 Legal obedience precedes evangelical - 7 Longing to praife Chrift - * loo, 121 Lord^s Supper - - - 76 — 121 Lave the eftence of obedience - 18, 35, 98 of Chrift 10 his fiiints 89? S9> ^06, 116, 127 to Chrift - - - 145 to faints - - ig6, 153 Lydia^s baptlfm - ^ - - 19 Meditation - - - 70 Mini/ier's trial and relief - - 134 Morning before baptifm ; or, at the wat( r-fide 4 New convert - - - 39» ^4 ■■ Newnejs of life - "^ - 32, 48 Night thought - - - • " ^39 Noah\ ark - - 1 - 64 Cbtditme^ evangelical - 19, 30, 56, lot Pardon - - ' • 94. io4» 1^5 Pattcin - - - - ^o .-Peace and duty conneftcd - - 27 Penitence and hope. See Repentance, Peter's releafe - - - - 126 Place where the Lord lay - - 26, 49 Practical improvement of baptlfm - - 3H Pradice of ancient Chriftians - - 13 Praife 73, 86, 92, 94, 96, 100, 112, 117, 121, f 47 Prayer . . > - . 126 preparatory thought for the Lord's Supper - 76 Prejence of Chrift defired - 22, 124, 128 J^^^J^Jfion f faith neceftary before baptifm 9, 21 INDEX. ^^fnption - 51, 102, n8, 127, 135, 136, 144,^59 Refleatons of a baptized believer . - f' Rngn of grace - - , ,J^ Repentance - - re «« Reprobated death . , ' , -5^' ^3 Refurrtaion of Chrift - , q- ^r Safety of the faints - . "3' J^^ 5a?77/ and hypocrite contraaed . . JL C^amt'fi death ... ^% Salvation conneaed with faith - - f, Self-dedication - - . 10 ito &«^/e verfes on baptifm - . '^' -^ Sinner's death - . . ^* Soliloquy before baptifm - ^g 5je^^ of death taken away by Chrift ' ,56 Sufferings of Chnft . '' . 8^ iXc Temptation - . - . "^^ J^-^ Trials after pleafant obedience - . 10 Trinity and unity of God - . - io» rm.^^. of the crofs ^ . ^. ,03, 118 Walking in the fteps of Jefus * - *^o j^fflA- of the redeemed - . . . j ^o Young convert's meditation - - ifg 'rt^d'n :