^ j a. i .^* , n^ .^» ^1. _s ..'** _a. ^ -o to ^--^ , "3 l-D j= .0 Q- J" ^ O 5 o o C ^'^^ r_i < ^ (U ^' o 3 M s CO Ah 1 -Q s ^ ■o 'a v CL> ^^i rofanation of God' s scripture- pourtrayed water-baptism '■ and is a part of the abomi- nation, set up in Zion, that maketh desolate. Dan. xi. 31, and xii. 11. " Standing in the Holy Place." Mat. xxiv. 15. Which the ancient orthodox declared in " the unction of the Holy One," is ivorse than Popery, and a turning from the ministerial mission and com- mission, and from the holy commandments, given by the Lord God to all his ministers. See Mat. xxviii. 19, 20; 2 Peter ii. 21. Thus the anabaptists of this nineteenth century, far exceed in profanation of God's ordinances, all the ancient anabaptists, represented in the plate, with which I am sent to prove in the will of the Lord God's lamenting over all the living anabap- tists, i)raying God to convert them, especially His election. Whilst the following words encourage and comfort me, namely : " If any of you do err from the truth, and one convert him ; let Mm know that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way, shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multi- tude of sins." James v. 19, 20. O Lord God, if it be thy pleasure, render this book the same blessing as Martyr John PhiliDot's ministry was of old, that con- verted many, and the anabaptist in prison, in Queen Mary's reign. Great Britain, A.D, 1555 ; so that we may see and hear of an extensive conversion of ana- baptists, in this and other nations, and also the con- sumption of anabaptism. Amen. CHAP. II. OF DOCTRINAL AND PRACTICAL ERRORS— OF THE ANABAPTISTS AT THEIR RISE, A.D. 250, AND PROGRESS, POURTRAYED IN THE PRINT; MORE AWFUL THAN THEIR MODES OF BAPTI- ZING AND RE-BAPTIZING. Their first error was, rejecting the Bible, '^ after the working of Satan." The second error was, a denial that God the Son, Jesus Christ, was the haptizer of unbaptized parents, on their believing, and their households, by pouring, shedding, sprinkling water ; and so they recorded their doctrinal error, first in Africa, and their practical error also in opposition to God the Son, and his Apostles, to Polycarpe, Trenseus, and others, to Justin Martyr, and others, to Cyprian, from A.D. 97 to A.D. 140, to A.D. 250 ; as proved by their faithful writings. The third error, after all warnings, was, their separating themselves, from the orthodox, declaring, in defiance of the holy command- ment of God the Son, to baptize all nations. Mat. xxviii. 19, 20; they were opposed to Scripture doc- trine, and Scripture practice. And that was " the first falling away" from the faith, and acts of God the Son, and his Apostles, and their successors, which Paul by the spirit of prophecy foretold ; and thus, about A.D. 250, " the man of sin ivas revealed." See 2 Thess. ii. 3, by the iiniofi of thejirst anahaptists, and " that man of sin " grew for years in anabaptism, and became most furious about A.D. 380, and onwards, before the rise of the Pontiff of Rome, the man of sin, his Beast, and the harlot. A.D. 666. See Rev. 13th and 17th chap- ters. Now, let it be noticed, that the anabaptists, and all the powers of the man of sin, the Beast, and the Harlot, Mahomet, the false prophet, and his myriads, ivere in union, in the three errors aforesaid : that is, — against the Bible — against God the Son — against the orthodox, and the ordinances of ri^ht baptism and the Lord's Slipper. See Mat. xxviii. 19 & 20; 1 Cor. x. 1, 2, 3, 4 ; Rev. xxii. 14, 16, 17, 21. Yet, in order to deceive the people of nations, they became opposed to each other, in various unscriptural, antichristian forms of doctrines and worship, persecuting the ortho- dox, and making war with God the Son, the Lamb. Rev. x\di. 14. And yet, no members of the man of sin, and mystery of iniquity, ever denied the right of infant baptism, or ever made a coyicision to law, to cut infants off from that ordinance, as the present-day anabaptists cut off; until A.D. 1505, and onward, as fully proved in my book, " The Rescue." For which cause and other wicked deeds, anabaptists were de- clared by Luther, and all the orthodox in Luther's days, worse than Papists, and were more cruel and wicked, even so, that Martyr John Philpot declared and wrote, in A.D. 1 555, " that anabaptists were an inordinate kind of men, stirred up by the Devil, to the destruction of the Gospel." And we say, that in no act or deed of the anabaptists, did they in their pro- gress, strive so universally for the destruction of the Gospel, to the present-day anabaptists, than by cutting off infants from baptism, and by jmblishing like the present-day Philpot, in " The Gospel Standard," " that the very nature of the Gospel, by the spirituality of its ivorship, by its very genius and spirit, infants are pre- cluded from its ordinances.'''' Oh, what an awful sen- tence ! Thus the present-day anabaptist leader in Great Britain, labours by preaching and by editorial lying vanities, to persuade us and all peoples, that no infants or little children, from the fall to John Baptist, and to this day, were renewed, and that neither Adam, Eve, and others, to Noah, Abraham, and Sarah, and others, to Zacharias and Elizabeth, to the Apostles, or their successors, and their families, had not any of their infants or children baptized with water, although Justin Martyr proves in his Apology, A.D. 140, in union with all the orthodox, that men and women of sixty and seventy years of age, to infants, were bap- tized, and had the gospel, as we have this year 1847- But our libellers declare the gospel is only with ana- baptists, who cut off infants of believers, from water baptism, and believers, from what they call their feast, the Lord's Supper, even if they have been baptized in God the Son's way of pouring, shedding, sprinkling, except they will profane that baptism, and be re-bap- tized, or dipped into, and be cast backwards and under water ; declaring (and publishing in magazines,) that mode was, and is, "the command — the law — the order of the Lord God." Oh, what false doctrine, and peri- lous presuming : taking the name of the Lord God in vain. Oh, ye erroneous men, we beseech you view and read the ancient plate in this book; and see there, as you have rejected the Bible, and the God of the Bible, that your anabaptist ancestors, from 250, their rise and growth to 380, to 1 505, and onward, proves your state perilous and unprecedented, as we say your doctrine and practice is anti-scriptural ! Oh, what a veil is spread over you anabaptists •' May the Holy Ghost, I pray, for Christ's sake, destroy the veil. Isa, xxv. 7- That you may see and know, that God the Son, before and after his time-incarnation, was and is, the particular and general circumciser, and baptizer of peoples: as you read, from Gen. iii. 2 — 15, to Gen, 17th chap, and Gen. 2 1 st chap.; to Ex. xii. 37, and xiv. 22 ; to Romans xv. 8 ; 1 Cor. x. 1, 2. " Now, I say, that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers." See Romans 8 XV. 8. And Jesus Christ, God the Son, was an ad- ministrator of baptism wilh water, through the Old and the New Testament dispensation, not only sjnri- tual, but outward ; as it is written, " Jesus made and baptized more disciples than John, though Jesus him- self baptized not, but his disciples." See John iv. 1, 2. Which signify that Jesus, by his apostles, in his hand and counsel, made more disciples, and baptized more with water, than John Baptist. See John iv. 1,2; Acts i. 5. And as a proof that outward baptism with water came in the room and stead of outward circum- cision, which anabaptists deny ; and the Lord's Sup- per came in the room and stead of the passover, behold, outward circumcision did not vanish away, until after Christ was ascended into heaven, and glo- rified in humanity ; nor, until Paul, in Christ's hand, had circumcised Timothy. See Acts xvi. 3. Then outward circumcision gradually vanished away. See Gal. ii. 3; Heb. viii, 13. We, the orthodox, testify you learned anabaptists do not read and pray fervently over the Bible, for the Godhead's blessing, but fancy you can carry all things, erroneous and doctrinal j)oints, to the confusion of the orthodox, and so you deceive and harden the ignorant ministers and congrega- tions. Therefore, in all Christian charity, we say, verily, the Sciiptures prove that baptism ivith water, more especially after Christ's ascension into heaven to be glorified in humanity, came in the room of outward circumcision, and is called " circumcision without hands," or without the cutting knife in the hands. Col. ii. 11. Thus, water poured, shed, and sprinkled on the head and face, (see 1 Cor. x. 1, 2 ; Acts i. 5,) descending down the persons. Ex. xxix. 4. And as baptism with water is called circumcision, so the Lord's Supper is called the passover ! Because one followed the other ! See 1 Cor. v. 7, 8. And when " the veil is destroyed,'^ (Isa. xxv. 7?) the anabaptists will see their errors, and be ashamed, and in self loathing before God, burn their books of curious arts •' and shut 9 their mouths ! See Isa. Hi. 15; Acts xix. 19. And then the anabaptists praising God for his Bible, especi- ally the renewed, will purchase the books of the ancient and modem orthodox, and have their infants baptized, and come bending to the orthodox ministry, saying, We should wish to receive the Lord's Supper from your hands ! Such is the case, at this day, in Provi- dence Chapel, Staplejield, Sussex, and in other chapels in Great Britain and other nations. So is the in- crease of God the Son's government, and peace under heaven, and will be, until anabaptism, and all anti- christianism, with their concision laws and bigotry, shall be consumed. " The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this."" Isa. ix. 7 ; Mat. xxviii. 19, 20 ; 2 Thess. ii. 8 ; Rev. xxii. 16, 17, and 21. Now, mai'k ye, my readers, that in all our exposition of the errors of anabaptists, and condemnation of their deeds, la- menting over them, and labouring for their conversion, we have not one word to say or publish against immer- sion baptist ministers, who do not demand re-baptism of believers, who in their infancy, or after, as believing adults, have been baptized with water, by pouring, shedding, sprinkling ; Ezek. xxxvi. 25 ; I Cor. x. 1 , 2, 3, 4, and who have 7io concision laws to ctit be- lievers off, or thrust them from the table and Supper of the Lord, but receive us, the Lord's ministers, and all believers, as Paul received all who came to him ; (see Acts xxviii. 30,) delivering to them gladly the Lord's Supper ; (see 1 Cor. xi. 23 — 26,) as John Bun- yan did of old, and many others do this year, to Dr. Cox, of London, Mr. Blackstock, and many other godly immersionists. No, verily, we have not a word against them, for you must know, that from the com- mencing of immersion or dipping, A.D. 250 to A.D. 258, and onward, God, and his orthodox in his willing and doing, have allowed immersion baptist?ij and in some cases, immersion baptism is used in the national Protestant Established Church of Great Britain. May God bless such immersionists, Amen. To all those, B 10 we speak by and through the Spirit of truth and love, in the language of the Apostle John, saying : " that which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye may also have fellowship with us : and truly, our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ." 1 John i. 3. But against this fellow- ship all the anabaptists you see figuratively pourtrayed in the print, and the anabaptists of this year 1847, were and are opposed, (yes, yes, they hate godly fellow- ship,) and contemn the orthodox, as their publications assure us. Therefore, I am to manifest more of the ancient and modern errors of anabaptists, so that "peoples, and nations, and kings," may be warned. Rev. X. 11. May the Lord render the same a bles- sing. Amen. CHAP. III. OF MORE ERRORS OF ANABAPTISTS, RESPECTING JESUS CHRIST. They hold, preach, and publish, " that Sonship per- tains only to the human nature of Jesus Christ.'''' That error keeps them from fellowship with the orthodox, and is a deadly sin, by the lying spirit Satan, working in them, to reject the Bible, and resist the Holy Ghost. Therefore, the Holy Ghost by John, calls them, as one in Satan, " a liar, and antichrist ; " and adds, by way of warning, " Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father." 1 John ii. 22, 23. That is, such men have not the Father in God, and the Godhead, to spiritually beget them with his word, James i. 18; or the Son to infuse fi'om his fulness, grace, John i. 16 ; nor the Holy Ghost to sanctify them for the Son's sake through the truth. John xvii. 17- They are deniers of the Eternal Son in God ! Awful heresiarchs ! Such is the fearful state of John Stevens*, one of the eldest anabaptist minis- * Joliu Stevens died whilst this work was in the Press, in great anguish, and did not confess his awful errors. See John viii. 24. 11 ters in the metropolis of Great Britain, and that man has corrupted and seduced many ministers and con- gregations into his awful errors. And what to us is exceedingly distressing, and the cause of general lamentations among the orthodox, the generous Mr. Silver, of London, whiht he condemns the pre-emstina- rianism of John Stevens, denies the eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ ! Oh, how awful ! Behold all these anabaptist and mingled erroneous congregationalists, for whom we would, God willing, lay down our life to convert and rescue, labour, " after the working of Satan," to " destroy the foundations," Psalm xi. 3. And when they gain proselytes to believe in their false Christ, they dip them, as John Stevens did, into an idol, that is, a pool of water, and into the names of thi'ee unscriptural imagined persons, a false God ! And then bringing them through that baptism, or anabaptism, profaning God's baptism with water, they bring them to their table and anabaptist /ea^if, which they call the Lord's Supper ! So they profane that ordinance by denying the eternal Sonship of Jesus Christ, and are in danger of sudden destruction ! Oh, my readers, look ye, and see what a mark and appellation the Holy Ghost puts on them, as one in Satan, namely, " a liar and Antichrist^ 1 John ii. 22, 23. And the Father says the same. Whilst the Son Jesus Christ says, " Whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I deny before my Father which is in heaven." Matt. x. 33. O Lord, most gracious Father, we pray thee for thy dear Son's sake, Jesus Christ, to convert those ministers, if it be thy pleasure, and their congregations. Amen. There are other errors of the anabaptists, as God- provoking, truth-denying, and orthodox-condemning, as the last stated, that is : " « denial of original sin'' By and in that error, they say, elect infants in concep- tion, natural birth, and dying, need not the sanctifica- tion, or regeneration of the Spirit, as a meetness for the soul's entrance into the heavenly glory, because, 12 they say, ** the Person of Christ was, and is, their im- puted sanctijication ; " even as Christ's righteousness was, and is imputed to them, for justification without works. So anabaptists deny the Holy Ghost's cove- nant power and blessing, and condemn the everlasting covenant of the Holy Ghost, and the Father, and Christ, one God, the Godhead. See Gen. iii. 12, 15, 21 ; Isa. xliv. 3 ; Eph. ii. l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ; Col. i. 12 ; 1 Peter i. 2 ; Rev. xxii. 21. Moreover, there were of old, and are now, anabap- tists, and their mingled confederates, who go further in errors than the above stated, by declaring and publishing, " that all infants, of all mothers, either the chaste and godly, or reverse, in all their abominations, possessed hy devils, even infants who are idiots ! All are saved" Because, say they, " the Person of Christ was, and is their imputed ivisdom ! imputed righteous- ness ! imputed sanctification ! imputed redemption ! " Oh, how dreadful are those errors of anabaptists, inasmuch as they deny the need of God the Father's spiritual begetting, (James i. 18) and conformation to the Son, (Rom. viii. 29) as they deny the need of all imparted and infused grace, from the Son's fulness, (John i. 1 6 ; Eph. iv. 16) and deny also the power of the Holy Ghost to possess the infants, and to cast out devils ; nay, they deny the need of the sanctification of the Spirit ; and condemn the Bible. Jude 11. So they add to God's Bible, and are in danger of all God's plagues written in the Bible. See Rev. xxii. 18. Behold the denial of original sin, which was Adam's with Eve, as the sinful fallen natural root of all the human race, is a most awful error, a great sin ! Whilst God assures the orthodox, that in the natural begetting and con- ception of every son and daughter, original sin being imputed, there is also inherent sin in soul and body ; yes, the whole person, and God's elect, as the rest, are defied and filthy. Ps. xiv. 3. " By one man, sin entered into the world, and death by sin ; and so death passed upon all, for that all have sinned." Rom. v. 12. 13 Therefore, the prophet David, as a sinner under imputed original sin, and feeling inherent sin, and defilements, although " renewed in the spirit of his mind," said, in heart and soul-distress, unto the Father of mercies, in and through the Son, Jesus Christ, whilst he was chastened sore for his sins under the divine rod; Psalm xciv. 12; "Behold, I was shapen in iniquity, and in sin did my mother conceive me." Then he cried, and prayed fervently, saying to God, " Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean : wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow," Psalm li. Such have been the confessions and prayers of the orthodox in all ages, under the feelings of the evils of original, inherent, and actual sin ; as soon as delivered from the power of darkness, and from a death in sin, by and in God the Father's power, Isa. liii. 12, for the Son's sake. Gen. iii. 12 — 15; in this spiritual begetting and infusing grace and truth from the Son's communicable fulness, James i. 18 ; John i. 16 ; when the Holy Ghost also possesseth and sanctifieth, or setteth us apart for Himself — " issues from death," Psalm Ixviii. 20. Then, as Christ's righteousness was and is imputed to the election unto life, without works and for justifying righteousness, Rom. iv. 6 ; the elect infants who die in infancy, possessed, sanctified, and regenerate, have an heart given them to know God, and have the life of grace, truth, faith, hope, love, as the aged in degree, and their filial prayers ascend in groans by the power of the Holy Ghost, unto the Father, in and through Christ, with acceptance, see Jer. xxiv. 7; and xxxii. 39; Ezek. xi. 19; Rom. viii. 26, 27. Thus we say, in the unction of the Holy One, in opposition to all anabaptists and their mingled confederates, whose errors have been, and are as fore- stated — that elect infants, and " they only (as infants) are saved, called, washed, sanctified, and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God," 1 Cor. vi. 11. "The election hath obtained it, the rest are Minded," Rom. xi. 7. In those bless- 14 ings, an elect infant or child renewed, is as perfect as the aged. Yes, " the child shall die an hundred years old, but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed." Isa. Ixv. 20. Thus, we find anabaptists from their rise, A.D. 250, as pourtrayed in the print, and in their progress to this year, 1847, are proved erroneous, as are their mingled confederate authors of renown, whose books are open before me ! even to that scripture perverter, heresiarch, and learned wrangler, John Gumming, D.D., who, encouraging the murder of infants by heathen and idolatrous mothers, says, "God overrules the Hindoo mother forgetting her infant, and the Ghinese mother sacrificing hers, to be the means of infants' translation to a place of perpetual happiness and perennial joy ; " these are heresies pub- lished A.D. 1847- May God wound and heal these heresiarchs, Amen. Now, in weeping and lamenting over heresiarchs in their fore-stated heresiarchial errors, not doubting but some of them are God's elect, and renewed, but beguiled by Satan, we say to them, scripturally and ex- perimentally, if they are God's elect they shall have the gift of repentance and pardon of sin ; God says, '^^ I will pardon them whom I reserve.'' Jer. 1. 20. Thus we find all the election of God shall be saved, and when re- newed, feeling the spirituality of the law of God reproving, convincing, and wounding for sin, as sin abounds, behold the election's filthiness is felt and seen like poison and filthy garments, in and upon bodi/, soul and spirit, so that all, especially those fore- ordained to be pastors after God's own heart for Churches, Jer. iii. 15; John xvi. 8 to II; stand before God m filthy garments, Zech. iii. 3, yet believing by and in the sanctification of the Spirit, that the Son in God, Jesus Christ, eternally in foreview of sin, and at the rising of anger and vindictive wrath in God and the Godhead, against sin and sinners, did, by covenant engagements eternally, see Job xxxiii. 24 ; Zech. ix. 11, as he did really in time, after His incar- 15 nation, reconcile the Father to the elect by His iniquity-bearing, and meritorious suffering, bleeding, and law-fulfilling in life and death, in his flesh, upon Calvary's cross at the end of thirty three years, and did not only make reconciliation for iniquity of all the election., but brought in everlasting righteousness, not only imputed, to put on as a robe, but to be imparted, infused, inherent righteousness in the election, and ever be flowing with all grace into the election to immortality and glory, see Psalm Ixxxiv. 11 ; Dan. ix. 24 ; 1 Cor. i. 30 ; 2 Thess. ii. 13, 14. So we believe and know that the Father in God and the Godhead being pacified and reconciled to us his elect, in and through his dear Son, Jesus Christ, our Flusband, Surety, Saviour, and Hope, at the set time, takes away the filthy garments of all, as from Joshua ; and unto him. He said (as to me) " Behold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I will clothe thee with change of raiment." Zech. iii. 4. We find, my readers, that all ministers and pastors, from Adam to Noah, Daniel, Job, and others, to the apostle Paul, and others, to Calvin the Frenchman, Luther the German, and others, to John Bunyan, and unto Huntington, Hawker, and all God's orthodox ministers, have expe- rienced the above blessings, and were, and are scrip- turally and experimentally opposed to the anabaptists and all the heterodooc. Behold, moreover, that at the set time of having " the change of raiment," Zech. iii. 4 ; the atonement is applied, that is, the blood of sprink- ling, (as I did blessedly experience,) and faith is wrought in us by the Holy Ghost, to put on the raiment, the best robe, the imputed righteousness, brought nigh by God, in his word, Gen. iii. 21 : Luke xv. 22. Which faith and blessing is properly called by the orthodox, '^^justification by faith y As heing justified by faith, and so we have peace with God, even the Father, through our Lord Jesus Christ ; by whom we also have access by faith into this grace, wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Rom. 16 V. 1, 2. These are the benefits of reconciliation, re- demption^ and salvation, in and by Jesus Christ. So that with Adam, Noah, Moses, and Paul, we know, feel, and enjoy, and now preach and publish, that Christ was the Reconciler, Redeemer, and Saviour, and that " Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth." Rom. x. iv. This is Bible theology. And we testify with all the ancient godly orthodox, " that through this man, Christ Jesus, (who saw no corruption,) is preached unto you, the forgive- ness of sins I And by Him, all that believe are justi- fied from all things, from which ye could not be jus- tified by the law of Moses." Acts xiii. 37, 38, 39. But yet, withal, we are assured, that on account of original and inherent sin, in our souls, bodies, and spirits, that even our souls cannot cease to sin, in union with our bodies and animal spirits, until the temporal death of our bodies ! Then it will cease to sin for ever. Psalm xlix. 8. Therefore all the renewed sanctified elect, as set apart for God, " vessels of mercy," need the inabiding gracious operations and ministrations of the Holy Ghost, to subdue indwelling iniquity and sins; Micah vii. 19. And through the Holy one, we " mortify the deeds of the body, and live." Rom. viii. 13. In which blessing, although sinners, hating sin, loving God and his law, whilst Satan bruises us, and stirs up strifes in us, and we say, " Oh, wretched men that we are, who shall de- liver us from the body of this death." Rom. vii. 23, 24. We are then stayed and comforted by the Holy Ghost, the Comforter, who says of Satan, in his hatred to us, ''^Hatred stirreth up strifes^ but love (that is, the love of God the Father, in and through Christ,) covers all sins." Pro. x. 12. And so a Father recon- ciled unto us, in and through his Son Jesus Christ, gives us reconciling grace, restoring grace, and all grace, and assures us, he hath not imputed our tres- passes unto us, to damnation ! as to the reprobates ! See Rom. xi. 17 ; 2 Cor. v. 19, So we say to God 17 the Father, in and through the Son^ by and in the Spirit of grace and adoption. Isa. hx. 21 ; Rom. viii. 14, 15 : '^ Thine anger is turned away, and thou comfortest me." Isa. xii. 1. This is the benefit of the blessing and knowledge of 7'econciUation ! in which the orthodox ministers, as ambassadors for Christ in all nations glory. And in these benefits of reconciliation, and given spiritual knowledge of the Holy Ghost, and the Father, and Christ, one God, the Godhead, in eternal, everlasting, infinite relation in Himself, and relation to us, the election ; we, in the Holy Ghost, pro- ceed from glory to glory. See 2 Cor. iii. 18. Therefore, ministers, pastors, and missionaries, say in and to the churches, and all peoples, " We are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us, we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God," that is, the Father. " For he hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that ive might be made the righteous- ness of God in Him." 2 Cor. v. 20, 21. In this view of Jesus Christ, who once suffered and died, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, even the Father, 1 Peter iii. 18 ; and who was buried and rose again, and ascended into glory, whom we appre- hend by faith, that worketh by love, exalted in glorified humanity ; Heb. i. 9 ; we are assured, that from his fulness as our meritorious and ministering Head, and fulness of communicable covenant blessings, the Fountain on the Father's right hand. Psalm Ixxx. 1/, 19 ; Psalm xxxvi. 9 ; Acts vii. 56 ; We shall have the blessings of final perseverance in grace to glory ! For so meritoriously and ministerially Christ Jesus is unto us wisdom and righteousness, and sanctification and redemption. 1 Cor. i. 30. In him, Christ Jesus, we glory, as all the ancient orthodox gloried ; and as Paul gloried, in his latter days, when he said to Timo- thy, " the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me, unto his heavenly kingdom : to whom be glory, for ever and ever. Amen. 2 Tim. iv. 18. Thus we find experimentally as we preach, and c 18 publish doctrinallt/, although dnners, " we are more than conquerors " of sin, and also, of the power of darkness, "through Christ that loved us.." Rom. viii. 37. For in and through Christ, we have the gracious inabiding and encircling power of the Holy Ghost, Isa. lix. 21, and the light of the Father's countenance, Psalm xlii. 1 1 . Thus we find, in all our castings down, under Satan's oppressions and bruisings, called, " the power of darkness ;" Luke xxii. 53 ; Col. i. 13 ; the Spirit of the Lord, that is, the l^ord the Spirit, the Holy Ghost, lifts up a standard against "the power of darkness," the leader of whom is called Satan ! And now the Holy Spirit stills that enemy and the avenger. See Psalm viii. 2; Isa. lix. 19. So, my readers, the Holy Ghost endears himself to us ; and we sing, blessing the Holy One, saying, " Thou hast been a strength to the poor, a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat, when the blast of the terrible ones, is, as a storm against the wall." Isa. xxv. 4. Therefore, we testify to our beloved christian read- ers, opposed to anabaptists, who deny original and inherent sin ; and who testify, that " the person of Christ is the election's imputed sa7ictiJication" that, they are heresiarchs in heresies. Awful errors, lead- ing peoples on, if God prevent not, to accept of the master-piece of "the doctrines of devils," preached and published by Mr. Triggs, a minister of renown in London, namely, that " sin is a nonentity.'" By that doctrine, after the working of Satan, the man of sin revealed, and the mystery of iniquity united^ are " doing despite to the Spirit of graced Heb. x. 29. Tn lamenting therefore, and weeping over anabaptists, and their confederate heresiarchs, we declare, that their doctrinal and practical errors, heresies, and pro- fanations of God's ordinances, have greatly increased in Great Britain, since the days of the zealous, godly, contenders for the faith, Flavel, Bunyan, Barry, Whitefield, Romaine, Toplady, Huntington, and 19 Hawker And moreover, lamenting, we say, there are but few of the nwat learned Episcopalian, Presby- terian, Independent, or Congregational, living minis- ters, who boldly tmite with mi/self, and certain other orthodox ministers, pastors, witnesses, and watchmen, in these days, contending to check, or scripturally stop, by spiritual sword cuts, the whole heterodox, aforesaid, in their war against God the Son, Jesus Christ, (See Gen. iii. 15; Rev. xvii. 14;) his truth and ordinances. Therefore, Lord God, our heavenly Father, we pray thee for Christ's sake, stir up all thy orthodox ministry, and editors of magazines, to fight, and so save thy children. Isa. xlix. 24, 26 ; Jude 3, 4 ; Rev. iii. 10, 11, 12, 13. Amen. liCt all editors of magazines in Great Britain, remember the warning which the aged, orthodox. Independent pastor, the Rev. Thomas Oxenham, gave Zion, to flee from Mr. Triggs, and his awful and dreadful doctrines, especially, '' that sin is a nonentity.'' " Lord, direct us.'' Amen. CHAP. IV. OF SOME NEW ERRORS OF A CERTAIN ANABAPTIST OF RE- NOWN, WHICH WE HAVE NOT DISCOVERED IN THE ANCIENT ANABAPTISTS. The new errors are preached and published by the anabaptist, James Wells, in London, namely, — " that no renewed believer ever did, or can, backslide." Thus, instead of warning the wicked and the right- eous, by and in the Holy Ghost, he, in the spirit of error, resists the Holy Ghost, rejects the Bible, and condemns the orthodox, and their writings, be- guiling the peoples, in London, and all places in the counties, where he goes forth to preach anniversary sermons. And moreover, he preaches against the eternal deity and Sonship of Jesus Christ ! And bold- ly asserts, that Jesus Christ was not eternally brought forth, or set up, in all His communicable fulness, as the 20 Holy Ghost declares, in Ps. ii. 6, 7 ; Ps. iv. 5 ; and Pro. viii. ' "The King, Eternal, Immortal." "The Power of God", and, " The Wisdom of God." 1 Cor. i. 24 ; 1 Tim. i. 17 ; Col. i. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. This chapter will inform christians, who read my book, as well as anti-christians, that having myself, read James Wells' works, (in part) and being, very recently, in London, walking with an elder godly brother, lament- ing over the anabajjtists, in their errors, and over certain other ministers, mystically united with anabap- tists, — the brother said to me, suddenly, we are oppo- site James Wells' chapel ! Will you go, and hear him, this evening ? I said, yes, and we entered the chapel ; when I found Mr. Wells' subject, was, " The wisdom of God in a mystery,''' " the hidden wisdom."" And after, by preaching, he had condemned all the orthodox, testifying very falsely and presumingly, they had made a mistake respecting the eternal deity and Sonship of Jesus Christ — and of his being Wisdom dwelling with prudence, or with the Father and Holy Ghost, finding out knowledge of witty inventions, (Pro. viii. 12) and set up from everlasting as One brought up with the Father and Holy Ghost, was all a mistake ! " For, I assure you," said Mr. Wells, ^'the Wisdom there declared, was the wisdom of God personified ! " Thus, the errroneous presuming ana- baptist raged, and was confident, saying, the wisdom of God, in a my stevy, personified, was daily God's delight, rejoicing, always before him : rejoicing in the habitable part of God's earth ! And personified Wis- dom's delights (said Wells) were tvith the sons of men ! But mind you, that wisdom personified, was not, I say, Jesus Christ. Pro. viii. 31. Alas, that error, presump- tion, ignorance, and absurdity of the preacher, James Wells, was to me so grievous ! And his denying my Lord and my God, Jesus Christ, the King Eternal, Immortal ; the Power of God, and the Wisdom of God, was so provoking to me, that I could not sit but a short time to hear him. Therefore, I rose up 21 gradually from my seat, with my eyes fixed on his eyes, and taking my hat, I went slowly out of the chapel, lamenting over James Wells, and his congre- gation ; and being out of the chapel, and passing along a narrow short passage, lined with people, I said to them, passing, in the anguish of my soul, and pressed in spirit, shocking ! shocking ! shocking ! Now, if any of my readers think or say, I am not " justified in my deeds," of declaring and publishing these facts, expo- sing James Wells, the anabaptist, and his errors, piercing him and his confederates, mystically and spiritually, with " the Lord's sharp two-edged sword — the law and testimony," Isa. viii, 20 ; Eph. vi. 13, 17 ; whilst praying for their conversion to God, ver. 18. My reply is, I am ^'^ justified hy God^ in my deeds,'' whilst God's word speaks upon my heart, saying, " Cursed be he that doeth the work of the Lord de- ceitfully, and, cursed be he that keepeth back his sword from blood." — Jer. xlvii. 10. Thus, having God's command, as one of his called, and chosen, and faithful soldiers, (Rev. xvii. 14) I ask, my friends and foes, publicly, how can erroneous anabaptist, or other ministers, and their churches, be converted from Satan, and from error, to God, except God by His orthodox, convince them of errors, and wound them — then persuade, and ivin them ? Know ye, that such has been, and now is, my labours and warfare in the Lord, the Spirit, and with the Lord Jesus, my Leader and Commander, Read Rev. ii. 26 ; xviii. 14. Which revelation of God, is, as far as in our days, the anabaptists, and all the united mystery of iniquity, have proceeded in errors, heresies, and war against the Lord God. Therefore, I have been, and am now, their antagonist, in union ivith all the ortho- dox. See Rev. xvii. 14. May God, the eternal Father, I pray, by the eternal Holy Ghost, in and through the eternal Son, Jesus Christ, render this work a means of converting his election among anabaptists, and other erroneous ministers, and be a means of checking 22 human reprobates, and for bruising Satan's head of influence. Gen. iii. 15; Rev. xxii. 15, 18. This I write, in lamentations and weeping, in prayer to God, Amen. O Lord, my God, lead me, and guide me in thy truth, to be a blessing to thine election. Amen, and Amen. CHAP. V. THE EXPOSITION OF THE ERRORS OF THE ANABAPTIST, JAMES OSBOURN, THE NATURALIZED AMERICAN MINISTER, AT PRESENT IN GREAT BRITAIN. This Mr. Osbourn is declared to be "the revivalist" of the anabaptist churches in Great Britain. And, I say, having read some of his writings, I believe, that many years past, God renewed him, and at first, he believed, if he writes truly, in the Lord Jesus Christ, and preached Him, but being deluded by Satan, he now says, " Christ Jesus was mortal,''' " And became accur- sed to embrace every point, every thing, every vile throe, evil passion, and every thing ever found in the heart of man''' These are indeed, awful errors, exceeding the errors of the sixteen anabaptist ministers, which my readers have seen, figuratively, in the antient plate, and quite as perilous, if not exceeding all the errors and heresies of the anabaptists and their confederates, fore-named in my previous chapters in this book. If Mr. Osbourn is aji elect, renewed man ! which, with my companions, I dare not deny ! as I dare not determine the state of any of the anabaptists afore-named ! And as I know not one person that I am certain hath " sinned the sin unto death." 1 John v. 1 6. I do love, and can, with all the orthodox, lament over, and pray for Mr. Osbourn' s conversion or re-conversion, as for all anabaptists. Now unto Mr. Osbourn, I say, if Christ Jesus could have possibly become mortal ! and accur- sed in his time-incarnation, then his life and death in the flesh, would not have been meritorious ! or of more value than mortal, or sinful, accursed Adam the 23 First ! or the mortal man ! whom the Holy Ghost sets forth by Moses, who committed a sin, and was accursed, and hanged ! Deut. xxi, 22, 23. Know ye, Mr. Osbourn, that you have preached and published awful errors ! For, by declaring " Christ Jesus " was mortal and accursed, you resist and condemn the Holy Ghost, and the Father, reject and condemn the Bible, and doctrinally labour to prove Christ Jesus a deceiver ! Who said eternally, and in time, and now says, to His pastors and churches, " I am the Lord, your Holy one, the Creator of Israel, your King." Isa. xliii. 15. " A just God, and a Saviour." Isa. xlv. 21. "The Holy and the Just One." Acts iii. 14. And who says, " I am He that liveth, and was dead, and behold, I am alive for evermore. Amen ; and have the keys of hell and of death." Rev. i. 18. If Christ Jesus had been mortal and accursed, he could not have died voluntarily himself, rose, and revived, and lived! See 1 Cor. xv. 3, 4. If Christ Jesus was mortal, and accursed, where then, was the Church's Rock, in the days of His humiliation ? Or, how could there have been any merit or justifying righteousness in his jMssive and active life ? from his circumcision, smarting, suffering, bleeding, and law- fulfilling ; and obedience unto death, even the death of the cross! Or how, if Christ Jesus had been mortal and accursed, could he, bi/ imputation, took on Him, as the Father laid the iniquities of us all ? See Isa. liii. 6. And how could Christ, at his death on Calvary's cross, if mortal and accursed, finish the transgressions — make an end of sin — make reconciUation for the elects iniquity, in God, and the Godhead, and bring in everlasting righteousness for the whole election ? Dan. ix. 24. Moreover, if Christ Jesus had been mortal and accursed, his humanity would have been a corrupt thing! like Cain's offering to God, not acceptable! Gen. iv. 4, 5. But, his flesh did not see coi-ruption ! Acts ii. 31. If his flesh could possibly have been mortal or corruptible — and that 24 could have possibly been united with an accursed soul, in union and 07ie with the Divine Person ! — then, Christ Jesus could not have been an acceptable ran- som, or ever redeemed the election from the curse of the law! Gal. iii. 13. But the Holy and Just one proceeded to the obtaining eternal redemption for us. See Heb. ix. 12, 13. And "the propitiation for our sins." 1 John ii. 1, 2. We expect Mr. Osbourn to ponder these verities, and may God enable him to see, feel, and publicly confess and forsake his errors. 1 John i. 9. To that end, Mr. Osbourn, we pray you to consider, that there is a great difference between Christ Jesus being voluntarily made a curse for the election, in his time-incarnation, as agreed in eternity, in the everlasting covenant of redemption and grace, (Gen. iii, 1 5 — 2 1 ; 2 Sam. xxiii. 5 ; Job xxiii. 24 ; Isa. xlii. 21 ; Zee. ix. 11.) and his becoming mortal and accursed ! A^erily, Mr. Osbourn, lamenting over you, with all the orthodox, I say, you err most awfully, and if you are an elect reneived man, your present doctrines respecting Christ Jesus, are gifts from the spirit of error — Satan ! who has deceived you ! Now let the apostle Paul, by and in the Holy Ghost, con- firm my declarations respecting Mr. Osbourn. Paul says, " Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant — wherefore, I give you to understand, that no man, speaking by the Spirit of God, calleth Jesus accursed. And no man can say, (that is, by pure knowledge) that Jesus is Lord, but by the Holy Ghost." 1 Cor. xii. 1—3. Thus, as Jesus is the Lord, he never was, or is mortal ! or accursed ! Behold, no writings of men, or sayings of men or devils, can revoke the above sentence of the Holy Ghost, by Paul. Therefore, Mr. Osbourn, we testify you have preached and published "a false Christ," (Mat. xxiv. 24) — another Jesus — another Spirit — another gospel. 2 Cor. xi. 4. Profaning also the ordinance of water baptism, administered from Christ's hand ; and you profane also his Supper — for 25 you are presenting corrupt flesh and blood, or mortal flesh and blood, instead of the Lord's to your pro- selytes at your table. Oh, Mr. Osbourn, how can you venture to make such a bad use of Concordances, so as to go from the Holy Ghost's doctrines by Paul respecting Christ, the holy and just One, who never sinned, yet was made sin for all the elect, 2 Cor. v. 21, and a curse to re- deem us from the curse. Gal. iii. 13. And then run back to what the Holy Ghost, by Moses says, of a mortal man^ who committed a sin worthy of death, whom you compare to Christ, for which sin the mor- tal man was hanged, and accursed of God, Deut. xxi. 22, 23. Yerily, verily, your hunting after words in Concordances and Lexicons to get and to put toge- ther, labouring thereby to make the blessed, immortal God the Saviour, Jesus Christ, mortal and accursed! are awful errors, deadly deeds ! We find no such errors or deeds in your " La^vful Captive Delivered." Or of your condemning the orthodox, or of your being an anabaptist to the back-bone ! We beseech you to acknowledge your error, and renounce anabaptism, and unite with us, pouring, shedding, sprinlding, God-directed baptizers, and also with the God-allowed immersion baptists, who like John Bunyan of old, and Dr. Cox of this year, and Mr. Blackstock, with many more, now living, with us, hold out preHminaries of peace, union, and fellowship, with all godly believers, pastors, and churches of both modes of baptism. And receive the Lord's Supper, together. If so, you will go back to America indeed, " the lawful captive delivered," of which you dreamed about in America, but was never delivered, if you always believed that Christ was mortal and accursed^ as you now publish. May the Lord God, if it be his pleasure, deliver you, and effect peace, union, and church fellowship, universally, among believers. Amen, and Amen. 26 CHAP. VI. OF THE WILL OF GOD THAT ANABAPTISTS FEOM THEIR RISE AND PROGRESS, NEVER DID AND NEVER SHALL, HAVE NATIONAL ASCENDENCY IN CHURCH AND STATE OF NATIONS. The cause is, first, their despising and rejecting the Bible for their rule of faith and practice, and despis- ing the dominion of Jesus Christ, denying his eternal sonship. Secondly, because they deny that he was, and is, the baptizer of the discipled, believing peoples of all nations, and their households, to infants, not before baptized, by pouring, shedding, sprinkling wa- ter on their heads, and faces, running do^vn their per- sons. See Exod. xii. 37; xiv. 22; 1 Cor. x. 1, 2. Giving his supper to all believers, 1 Cor. xi. 23, 26 ; Rev. xxii. 17. Thirdly, because they condemn Jesus Christ's protestant monarchy, and national established protestant religion and polity, in church and state union, under his divine sovereignty, as king, priest, prophet, judge, and lawgiver. Gen. i. 1 — 26; iii. 15; Isa. xxxiii. 22; to Rev. xix, and xxii. chapters. Fourthly, because they strive, by aU means, after the working of Satan, to " break the Lord's bands, and cast aAvay his cords " of religious and civil society, the bands and cords of nations, Ps. ii. 3. For all peo- ple to be in subjection to the higher powers, ordained of God the Son, the Lord Jesus. And be subject to the ordinances of man for the Lord's sake. See 1 Pet. ii. 13, 16, 17. To which the anabaptists object and rebel against, in all nations, as separatists from the Lord's apostles, and all the orthodox, and so in rebel- lion, teach libertinism, and republicanism, in churches and states, like Cain, Balaam, Core, and others. See Gen. iv. ; Jude 11; Rev. xxii. 18. Fifthly, because they speak evil of dignities, that is, of the three persons. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one God ; 27 who demands and commands, his ministers to the end of the world, " to baptize all nations;" but the anabaptists mil be particularists in rebellion, and so change the word of God, nations to particular persons ! making concision laws, to cut off from baptism, and the Lord's supper, all people whom they will ! Thus, as far as they possibly can, they exalt themselves as one man of sin, revealed this year, 1847, as at their rise, A.D. 250, " above aU that is called God," 2 Thess. ii. 4. So Luther and his protestant com- panions of old, declared, as we now declare, that the anabaptists are worse than the papists, and we defy all men to refute our declaration. Sixthly, because they continually sow discord among christian, God- fearing, obedient, brethren and pastors, and churches, condemning the Bible ordinances of baptism with water, and the Lord's supper. Thus they live and move in one of the seven abominations, which God hates, Prov. vi. 19. Anabaptism is one of the most awful abominations upon earth, see Matt, xxviii. 19, 20. Seventhly, Anabaptists from their rise, A.D. 250, and in their progress to tliis year, 1847, have bound themselves, by earthly, sensual, devilish vows and laws, as their publications prove, not to be in union, peace, and fellowship with the orthodox, God-blessed, God-sent ministers, pastors, witnesses, and mis- sionaries, in the nations, who in the hand, and by the will and counsel of God the Son, are discipling the nations, and baptizing with water, by pouring, shedding, and sprinkling water on aU unbaptized beheving parents, and others, from kings, queens, princes, nobles, judges, and all, to the poorest parents and their households, to infants, see Matt, xxviii. 19, 20; Isa lii. 15. For proofs read the Missionary ac- counts of God's ways among all nations, east, west, north, and south, this year, 1847, although con- demned by anabaptists, as their publications prove, now open before us, to our grief and lamentations. Thus the anabaptists are manifest scorners, and scof- 28 fers. Prov. xix. 29; 2 Pet. iii. 3, in all nations and more violently so this year, 1847, than in previous years, because the leaders and heads of anabaptists are enraged., by seeing many anabaptists converted to God, and because anabaptism, as anti-monar- chial and seditious, is gradually consuming. See Dan. vii. 26, 27; Matt, xxviii. 19, 20; 2 Thess. ii. 8. Who then of the orthodox, can refrain from lament- ing, and weeping over the anabaptists; and from praying God for their general conversion, when we see their erroneous, fearful state, in the nations of the earth, and receive national reports of their rebel- ion, and republicanism in the nations. It is well known in Germany, what an awful condition they are viewed in, and declared for their former cruel, wicked laws, acts, and deeds, as stated in my " Compendiums on Baptisms," and " The Rescue," Section 7. And they are condemned in other nations also, as liber- tines, see Section 19, of " The Rescue," page 33. Wliilst in Denmark, anabaptists, of all nations, are out-lawed, and dare not, (but at the risk of their lives) preach, or practise anabaptism in Denmark. Moreover, we have this year received a lamentable account of anabaptist libertinism, republicanism, and rebellion against the government and national laws of France, as foUows : " Certain British anabaptists, by and in anabaptism, drawing together, accompanying in their erroneous exercises, that was known libertin- ism, rebellion and republicanism, and which is scrip- turally declared, resisting the truth and the powers, Rom. xiii. 1, 2. They incurred pains and penalties, and refused to submit to the government and laws of France; that refusal and rebellion, was and is, the spirit of anabaptism. However, they were by force, brought to trial by the monarchial powers, and the judgment of the tribunal of Laon, March 26th 1847, according to the penal code, article 290, declared, that anabaptists are a sect beyond the pale of religions authorised by law, an illicit association r Thus the 29 anabaptists in France, were justly condemned, for their libertine, rebellious, republican deeds, as they were in Germany, A.D. 1536, and put to open shame and contempt, as an unlawful association^ in rebellion against God, rejecting his Bible laws, and ordinances, and resisting his monarchs on earth, and Bible mo- narchial national laws, stirring up sedition, and rebellion, and sowing discord in churches and states of nations ; such is anabaptism, and the lamentable state of anabaptists. See Gen. iv. 8; Prov. viii. 16; Rom. xiii. May God, if it be his pleasure, convert them. Amen. But if God's design is, to let anabaptists of Great Britain, continue in their fury of anabaptism, as preached and published by pastors and editors, in malicious libels against himself, and his Bible, his laws and ordinances, despising dominion, speaking as pubhshing evil of dignities ; Jude 8 ; making open seditions and rebeUions, and publicly condemning most falsely, the episcopalian, presbyterian, independent and congregational protestant orthodox ministry, and con- gregations, from the highest to the lowest ; then God, by the government of Great Britain, as in other nations, mQ make new laws for the ruling of anabaptists ; for the preservation and defence of dignities in church and state, and for the protection of the loyal protestant dissenting pastors and congregations. For the bible laws of God and God's national laws therefrom, were and are made for the disobedient and rebellious pro- faners, idolators and murderers. See Exod. xx j Rom. xiii; 1 Tim. i. 9, 10. For my own part and my orthodox brethren, all loyal God-praising protestant dissenters, I declare we have often been in danger of being killed by the anabaptists, and their hired blaspheming fierce libertine republican bands : as Stephen and Paul were in danger of old at their own dwellings, and in places to which the Holy Ghost led them to preach the glorious gospel. See Acts vi. 9 ; ix. 23, 24. Thus new laws are necessary to rule the raging anabaptists, and prevent their plots 30 and purposes of destroying the godly, and from break- ing protestant God-given bands asunder, and casting away his cords from them. Psahn ii. 3. ' God save Queen Victoria.' Amen and Amen. CHAP. YII. A GOD-GIVEN BIBLE WAENING TO GODLY PASTORS, MIN- ISTERS AND MISSIONARIES. AGAINST ANABAPTIST AND LIBERTINE CONFEDERACY, AND AGAINST ANABAPTISM AND LIBERTINISM, " HEAR THE WORD AT MY MOUTH (SAITH god) and give THEM WARNING FEOM ME." EZEK. IIL 17; REV. II. 14, 15. Having proved in previous chapters that anabaptists from their rise, A. D. 250, separated from God's ortho- dox, rejecting God and his bible, becoming libertines, and " turned from the holy commandment delivered unto them;" Matt, xxviii. 19,20; Luke xxii. 19,20; 2 Peter ii. 21. so I say is the state of the present day anabaptists, who, if they cannot proselyte godly pastors, ministers and missionaries into anabaptism, or destroy them by libels, they crouch and humble them- selves in conversation and correspondence with the or- thodox godly ministry, especially young men; and by all deceivableness in unrighteousness, they labour to persuade them to leave water baptism entirely to themselves, and hold fast only the ordinance of the Lord's supper, to deliver unto believers in their con- gregations. And in that Satan-devised net and snare, many godly ministers are taken; see Prov. xxix. 6, 7 ; Eccles. ix. 12; and so become libertines, having " turned from the holy commandment delivered unto them by God." See Matt, xxviii. 19, 20; Luke xxii. 19, 20; 2 Peter ii. 21. For my own part, as an in- dependent minister and pastor, sent of God to disciple people by preaching and publishing, "the law and testimony," Isa. viii. 20, for twenty-seven successive years, preaching Jesus and the resurrection, repentance 31 and faith ; and not only by the holy commandment written in the Scriptures, but spoken in and upon my heart by the Holy One ; He commanded me to bap- tize believers (not previously baptized) and their house- holds, to infants, and deliver the Lord's supper to all godly believers ; see Matt, xxviii. 19, 20; Luke xxii. 19, 20; which I did in full assurance I was in the di- vine ministerial line, that the Holy Ghost led the apos- tle Paul. See 1 Cor. x. 1, 2, 3, 4; xi. 23, 26. But soon I was tempted by anabaptists either to be rebap- tized by being cast backward into and under water, or to give up the ordinance of baptizing with water be- lievers and their infants, and deliver the Lord's supper only to godly believers ; leaving water baptism as a disputed, undecided point to anabaptists. But God the Holy Ghost alarmed my soul by saying, " Obey the voice of the Father and Son." Matt, xxviii. 19, 20; Luke xxii. 19, 20. And the voice of the Fa- ther alarmed me, saying of Jesus Christ, my beloved Saviour, " Hear ye him." Matt. xvii. 5. When the voice of the Son, my Saviour, my rock and refuge, whom I knew was with the Father and Holy Ghost, one God, the Godhead, stayed my soul, and fixed me in his glorious gospel, and the ordinances of baptism with water, and his supper, saying, " Obey my voice, keep my charge ; if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him." Heb. x. 38. " Hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations." Rev. ii. 25, 26. " This do in remembrance of me." Luke xxii. 19. When manifesting himself unto me in his word, " The root and the offspring of David, and the bright and the morning star;" Rev. xxii. 16. to strengthen and encourage me in my ministerial course, I could not refrain from baptizing with water, believers (not previously baptized) with their households, unto infants. Delivering also bread and wine to all godly believers, as the symbols of Je- sus* holy, sinless, or umnortal flesh and blood : John 32 vi. 54 : receiving it myself, by faith that works by love. John vi. 56, 57. ^ Yes, " The love of Christ con- strained me ! " whilst the following words delighted my soul, and now delights me in my old age, namely, " And the Spirit and the bride say, come; (come, Lord Jesus) and let him that heareth, say, come; and let him that is athirst, come : and whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely." Eev. xxii. 17. In these blessings I became assured in the Lord, I was one with Luther and Calvin, and one with the immersion baptist, John Bunyan, and other ministers, who had open communion, and had no concision laws. And I read Bunyan's works mth great comfort, and Barry's and Flavel's, ErsMne's and other orthodox works, assured, as I am now, that anabaptists and libertines, were and are in the delusive snare of the devil. May God render this chapter a means of their conversion. Amen. Know ye my readers, that Mr. Fowler, a God-blessed regenerate man, and minister of Gower-street chapel, London, some years past, whose soul is now in glory, singing God's praise with all the ransomed in heaven, and mth the elect holy angels; (see Eev. v.) was snared by anabaptists to reject baptism with water, and not baptize, either believing unbaptized discipled believers, or their infants ; but left water baptism en- tirely to anabaptists, or to the national established protestant church. Thus the blessed Fowler drew back, and gave up water baptism, as the anabaptists advised him ; and delivered the Lord's supper to be- lievers, who were beguiled to join his church. Thus he became a luke-warm libertine, in anti-christian league with anabaptists. But God visited him with various afflictions, warning him of hbertinism, even by unworthy me, and by other orthodox ministers ; yet he was so snared by anabaptists, and so became their servant, even as Jehoshaphat became servant to Satan and Ahab, that Mr. Fowler was persuaded to write against the God-blessed judicious Barry and his book 33 on " the Falseness and Unscripturalness of Anabap- tism." But God in mercy, sent me with a friend and christian brother to his house, to prevent his wicked deed. The affair was, as follows : ' the brother that pressed me to go to Mr. Fowler mth him, was an aged member of the blessed Huntington's church, who hav- ino" heard Mr. Fowler to his comfort, after Hunting- ton's death, wished to join his church, and he signed, or had his name signed as a member in his church book. But finding Mr. Fowler had given up the ordi- nance of water baptism, he lamented in grief, and pressed me to go with him to Mr. Fowler's, to blot his name as a member, out of his church book. That being done, Mr. Fowler addressed me as a minister, and a pouring, shedding, sprinkling baptist, and con- demned me with all the ancient orthodox, to Hunt- ington and Hawker. But as in the Spirit of truth, I resisted and refuted him ; he became angry, and said, I am writing against Bariy, especially the doctrine of his book, entitled " The Falseness and Unscriptural- ness of Anabaptism," and then presented his manu- script, and began to read it aloud to me, and the afore- said brother, and all in his house. When I found Mr- Fowler erred, not understanding the blessed Barry's God-directed Scriptural doctrines of that incompara- ble book, never to be refuted, and worth its weight in gold ; I said, sir, if you print and publish what you have read in your manuscript, you will sin against God, and falsely condemn the godly, learned, judicious James Barry, as you condemn me falsely, -with Hunt- ington, Hawker, and all the orthodox, and will ruin yourself, scatter your congregation, and bring heavier judgments of God upon yourself then you have at present in your libertine, lukewarm state; Rev. iii. 15, 16 ; and so become like the mcked, who hate the righteous and be desolate. Psalm xxxiv. 21. That warning of God by unworthy me, entered Mr. Fow- ler's soul and heart, and he ceased to read his manu- script, and dropped his paper on his knee, and burst 34 into tears, as did all the persons in his house, with myself; and he said, I shall give it up. Thus Mr. Fowler was prevented mth the blessing of God's good- jiess, from publishing against Barry ; and he blessed me, and the brother in parting, who blotted his name out of his church book : and never printed his er- roneous manuscript. But Mr. Fowler lived and died in sore affliction under God's rod, saved, yet so as by fire: but his work (said God) shall be burnt. See 1 Cor. iii. 15. Nay it was burnt, his church could not be suffered to remain in libertinism, or in the robbery and oppresion of anabaptists. But the church now at Gower-street chapel, is in sore affliction, lamenting between two erroneous bands, namely, anabaptists and libertines, A. D. 1847. Lord, " save thy people, and bless thine inheritance, feed them also, and lift them up for ever." Psalm xxviii. 9. Amen, and Amen. Most assuredly, anabaptism and libertinism, God -svill grad- ually consume. 2 Thess. ii. 8; Dan. vii. 27. Oh ye pastors, ministers and missionaries of God, I am sent in his blessing, lamenting, bold in my God, to warn you all against anabaptism and libertinism, and from saying a confederacy with anabaptists and libertines. May God enable all his pastors, ministers and mission- aries, to preach Jesus and the resurrection, repentance and faith, out of the law and testimony ; and keep the ordinances of baptism "with water, and the Lord's sup- per. So will you all be blessed with the Lord's in- visible, comforting presence and approbation in all na- tions, and your churches mU be comforted and fed with the fatness of his house. See Gen. iii. 15, 21; iv. 4; to Psalm xxxvi. 8; Matt, xxviii. 19, 20; John vi. 48, 54, 57; Acts xx. 27, 28; Rev. xxii. 17, 21. But we, the orthodox, are grieved and greatly lament to see and hear the converted, zealous Jew, George Abrahams, the preacher in London, in perilous libertinism, scoffiing at all the orthodox, from his Fa- ther Abraham to the Apostle Paul, his relations in the 35 Lord Jesus, and shamefully also dishonouring all the orthodox and their ministry, from Polycarp and Iren^eus, to Justin Martyr, to Calvin, Luther and others, to John Philpot the mart}T, to Wliitheld, Romaine, and others, to Huntington, Hawker, and the God-blessed, God-sent pastors and ministerrs, now living "with myself in Zion, namely, the Rev. B, Isaac, the Revs. J. Irons, Luckin, Cartwright, Gittens, and hundreds more godly pastors, ministers, missionaries and authors, in the united kingdom of Great Britain. Testifying "there is not one drop of water commanded by the Lord to be used for baptism on believers, who have not been previously baptized, or on their infants or children." Oh thou Jew, although I love thee as a renewed man, and have been comforted by hearing thy preaching a part of the glorious gospel of the blessed God. I am to inform you that your course is perilous, you have lied and spoken against the Lord by denying the use of water, to be poured, shed or sprinkled on unbaptized, believing parents, their in- fants and children. Read, we pray you, for the proofs of your perilous course; Matt, xxviii. 19, 20; Actsi. 5; Acts ix. 18; and ponder what your ancient rela- tion Peter said, by the Holy Ghost, and now says to you and all Jews and Gentiles, namely, " Can any man forbid water?" that is, to unbaptized Cornelius, a be- lieving gentile, his household, and gathered friends and neighbours. How then dare you forbid water? or testify, you are justified by objecting to use water for christian baptism ? Peter gave the challenge and re- corded it, and neither Jew or Gentile replied ! No, not one man was so bold in falsehood as George Abra- hams, when Peter said, " Can any man forbid water that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we ? and he commanded them to be baptized." Acts x. 47. May God enable you to do his revealed will, if it be his pleasure. Amen. What ? And who are you ? Mark ye, " the pro- mise was, and is, to us and our children." So water 36 baptism shall continue to the end of the world ! God the Son by us, being the baptizer mth Avater, see Matt, xxviii. 19, 20; John iv. 1, 2; Acts ii. 39; 1 Cor. i. 2; Rev. ii. 26; and Rev. xxii. 14, 16, 17, 21. Moreover, we testify in conclusion, that the God- blessed, learned, and judicious Dr. John Owen, says, sciipturally, " The right of the infant seed of belie- vers unto water baptism, as the united seal of the covenant, stands on the foundation of the faithfulness of Christ, as the messenger of the covenent and mi- nister of God for the confirmation of the truth of his promises," see Mai. iii. 1, to Matt. iii. and iv. chap- ters, to John iv. 2, to Rom. xv. 8 ; 1 Cor. ^di. 14. So the blessing of Abraham in the room of circum- cision is the baptism mth water, the sign and seal of regeneration. Gal. iii. 8, 9, poured, shed, or sprinkled, (says Owen) on the offspring of us, believers, our buds, our little tender ones, our infants ! Exod. xxiv. 7, 8; Isa. xliv. 3, and Ixi. 9, and Ixv. 23; Matt. xxviii, 19, 20; Acts ii. 39. Alleluia: for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. May he, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the blesser, baptizer, and the salvation of all elect Jews and Gentiles, the Judge, Lawgiver, and King of all, render this work an extensive blessino; in Zion. Amen, and Amen. "^Q FINIS. London : E. Palmer and Son, Printers, IS, Paternoster Row. > f,-' ■V i -. ' i^ ! \ : 1 1; {■'''■, /. 7 ^ V* : '■ '"'^ ^~'- ; ; /J (< 'i V' I i •