r FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Section ^^3^ OP THE BOOK OF PSALMS; IN WHICH As attempt is made to accommodate them TO THE grORSHIP OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, -i-S k VARIETY OF MEASURES NOW IN GENERAL USE, BY THE SEK WILLIAM GOODE, M.J. ftector of St. Andrew, Wardrobe, and St. Aim, Blackfriars ; Lecturer of St. John of Wapping; and Lady Camden's Tuesday Evening Lecturer at the Church of St. Lawrence Jewry, THIRD EDITION. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE AUTHOR, AND SOLD BY SUTTABY, EVANCE, AND CO. 2, STATIONERS' COL'AT ; BALDWIN, CRADOCK, AND JOY, 47, PATERNOSTER ROW ; AND RV ALL THE BOOKSELLERS, 1816. C. Baldwin, Printer, New Bridge-street, London. PREFACE. Th . HE first design of the Author of the following work was only to modernize some passages of the Old Version^ which appeared to retain more accurately the true sense of the Ori- ginals. He was^ however, soon induced to extend his views still further, from a conviction, long felt in his own mind, and in which he does not appear to be singular, that a regular Version of the Psalms, suited to Christian worship, was as yet a desideratum in the Christian Church ; since the Versions now in use are very inadequate for the purposes of devotion. The language of the Old Version is entirely obsolete, and often offensive to a modern ear; the New Version, though beautiful and devotional in particular passages, is, as a whole, very defective ; that of Mr, Merrick is too poetical, elegant, and intricate, for a general congregation ; and in none of our Versions is that true sense of many of the Psalms retained, which corresponds with the clearer light of the Christian dis- pensation. The Version of Dr. Watts is, indeed, accom- modated to New Testament views, but, however simple and elegant, it professes only to bp " an Ttnuaiion of the Psalms of David in New Testament language,'*'' In the present work the Author designedly writes for the TYiany,* He has attempted what Mr. Merrick declares was not his design ; " to accommodate the Psalms to the uses of Public Worship ; to write in such language as the common sort of people may understand, and to confine himself to stanzas ;" adopting the various measures now in general use* These considerations will justly bespeak the candour of the readers. He has also regularly followed the order of ideas as they presented themselves in the Psalms. In pursuing these objects, he has at least endeavoured to observe the following rules. First, to keep as closely as possible to the Originals ^ in the language and sentiment of the Psalms. Secondly, to preserve the utmost simplicity of language^ and, a^far as possible, to exclude every word tliat may be unintelligible to a common capacity, except in those Psalms which are the least suited to general worship ; or in a second or third version of the same Psalm in a more intricate mea- sure; the greatest simplicity being always observed in the first, * See the preface to the first Edition, for a full account of the Author's design. And thirdlv, to express with clearness the typical intent of the Psalms fn the corresponding view qf the New Tetta' ment dispensation ; convinced that the only method of ren- dering the Psalms acceptable to a Christian congregation h to make them Christian. The Prophetic Psalms are, there- fore, for the most part considered as already fulfilled in Christ, The prophecies of the worh and srufferin^s of Christ must indeed necessarilj, liefore their accomplishment, have been delivered in the Jewish church, in the language of prediction^ but cannot bear the same relation to us ia the Christian Churchy as they did to them originally, unless rendered in such manner as to direct our views to the same ob- jects ; as now accomplished. In his interpretations the Author's views generally, though not invariably, concur with those of Bishop Home, and, with him, indeed, of the best writers of the Christian church, both in antient and modern times. The variety of measures, beyond what has been before at- tempted in a similiar work, is designed Cor the accommoda- tion of those congregations which are in the habit of more ex- tensive singing. Each Psalm is also divided into Parts^ as short as the nature of the Psalm itself would admit, to prevent improper selection. Several Versions are given of the Tnost devotional : and in the longer Psalms, instead of distinct ver- sions, each part is icni\e'r(=^ in 7\. different mensiure ; which, while it distinguishes the parts, gives also a variety to the whole. The many testimonies of approbation, both of the design and the execution of the work, which the Author has received, since the publication of the First Edition, from some of the^r8. God'8 delizht in it, 263 — 267, .S93, 417. His presence in it, 160, 413 — 116. Creatures, no trust in, 99, 191 — 193,467, 458. All praising God, 317, 464 — 468, 471—474. Death, of saints and sinners, 2, 3, 44, 46, 152. Deliverance from, 368. Enenaies, prajed for, 1«9, 348. Evening Psalms, 10, 11, 442. Fast day, 57, 188. Funeral, 123, 278,250. <5|(Bntiles given to Christ, 5, 6, 65, 66, 294—296, God, his eternity, 278, 280, 287. Omniscience, 432, 435. Faithfulnes?, 204, 272, 327, 330. Gospel, its glory and success, 340. A joyful sound, 273. Grace, prayer for, 263, 264, 877. Heaven, or separate state, 44, 46. Humiliation, 412. Judgment, 154, 156. Israel recalled, 300, 301. Life, short and feeble, 123. liord's-day Psalms, 253, &c. 284 — 387, 369^374. Man, his vanity as mortal, 123, 277, 2 78, 451, 457, 458. Curiously made, 433—439. Mariner's Psalm, 337. Mercy, hope in, 34, 93, 94, 172, 175, 443—450. Missionary, 52,66, 67, 204,205, 222—225, 294—297, 43#, 431, 453—457. Morning, 7, 8, 11, 13, 447, 448, 450. Murmuring repressed, 114 — 118. National deliverance, 2.? 3. Judgments, IS 7. Original sin lamented, 35, 119, 160, 163, 165, 170. Papal power destroyed, 429. JPardoning Mercy, prayer for, 159 — 169, 262. Rejoicing in, 408 — 412, CONTENTS. VU Providence wisely conducted, 112, 113, 227, 235. Redemption, 152, 279, 281, 354, 356, 425, 426. Resurrection of saints, 38, 40, 153. Righteousness from Christ, 221, Sabhath, see Lord's-day. Safety in God's care, 282, 393 — 396. Sacramental, 125, 161, 164, 166, 168, 203. Saints corrected, but saved, 202, 275, 290, 334, 336, 401, 402. Seasons, 201, 421. Spring, 199, &c. 460, Summer, autumn, and harvest, 319, 324, 338, 403, 404, 452. Winter, 199, &c. 461, 463. Shipwreck, 337, 342. Thunder and storm, 84, 85, 421. Thanksgiving, day of, 461, 463. Triumph, 345, 346. Victorj-, 57, 58, 451. Vows paid in the church, 363 — 365, 369—375. Worship, daily, 175, 442. Family, 265, &c. Public, delight in, 76, 79, Absence lamented, and longing for it, 139, 134, 135, 193, 196, 396. Word of God above all things, 54, 56, 178, 375—392. AN ENTIRE NEW VERSION OF THE BOOK OF PSALMS. PSALM I.— Part. I. THE First Psalm is a description of the Perfect Matty under the image of a Tree, supplied with continual moisture for vegetation, from the runnius stream, by the side of which it is planted ; and therefore flourishing in continual verdure to its topmost branches. — it is applicable, in its full oxteat, only to the God-Man, the Re- deemer, the true Tree of Life, and to His people, as united with Him, and deriving life and grace from Him. With him the ungodly are contrasted; light and unsubstantial as the chaff, and rapidly borne, by the judgments of God, to destruction. It should be sung in a consciousness of dependance upon Christ, and with prayer for the grace of His Spirit to conform us to His pattern.— Jo/in xv. 1. Gal. ii. 20. Rev. xxii. 2. 1 xIaPPY the man -who fears to stray Where men ungodly meet ; Nor stands where sinners crowd the way ; Nor fills the scorner^s seat, 2 Thy Word, my God, his chief delight, There all his thoughts abide ; His solace thro' the glooms of night, ^' By day his constant guide. 3 Like some tall Tree, in strength array'd, By copious rivers fed, Large swells its fruit; broad spreads its shade; And verdant is its head. 2 PSALM 1. 4 Thus, with the Lord in union join'd, The happy Christian grows : While holy influence fills the mind, His works his state di^clo.se. 6 With full supplies to bless his roof?, His verdure never dies: Laden with leaves and timely fruits, He ripens for the skies. PART II. 6 Not so th' ungodly — as the wind Drives the light chaff on high, Urg'd swiftly on, to wrath consign'd, Their hopes and honors die. 7 In judgment, 'waking from the dust, Behold the impious band ! Say, in th' assembly of the just Shall such presume to stand ? 8 No — for the Lord His saints discerng, And crowns with endless days: But sinners to destruction turns. To perish in their ways. PSALM I.— Ver. II.— Part T. 1 How blest the man, by grace inclin'd. Who from base cowwse/^ turns his mind; Who shuns the sinner s beaten road ; IsVr sits where scorners mock their God. 2 His heart renew'd the law approves, His heart the sacred precept loves ; There finds by day its sweet delight ; There rest his happiest tlioughts by night- 3 So, planted where the river flows, Some Tree in constant verdure grows, Lifts on its top its vigorous shoots, Enrich'd with seasonable fruits. 4 [Thus Jesus prov'd His holy lovr ; Thus tp.e blest Tiee of Lifi above, Where streams of Paradise abound. Spreads its wide shade and fruits around.] PSALM 1. 5 So this blest man his branch shall raise, Water'd by ceaseless streams of grace : The Church his prosp'rous state shall see, Till fruits of glory load the tree. PART ir. 6 Not so the wicked — from his head Hope's faithless blossoms quickly fade ; Like chaff before the wind he flies^ Borne swift — and in a moment dies ! 7 But, when the sovereign judge commands, When round His throne creation stands. No sinner then shall venture near, Nor midst the righteous throng appear. 8 He knows His saints, their ways approves ; Then will He own the souls He loves : Sinners shall see their crowns of light. And sink — o'erwhelm'd in endless night. PSALM I.— Ver. III.— Part I. J Happy he who fears to stray Where th' ungodly lead the way ; Who the path where sinners meet Shuns ; nor fills the scorner^s seat, 2 On Thy W^rd his thoughts abide, This, my God, his constant guide. Thro* the day his chief delight. Solace thro' the glooms of night. 3 See yon Tree, by rivers fed, How aloft it lifts its head ! Timely fruits its boughs supply, Nor its beaut'ous leaves shall die. 4 Thus the man, by grace restored, Join'd in union with the Lord, From His virtue fruitful grows, Pious works his state disclose. 5 From the fountain round him pour Streams of grace, that life secure ; B 2 4 PSALM 2. Leaves and fruits, which timely rise, Shew him rip'ning for the skies. PART II. 6 But as chaff, which tempests bear, Urg'd resistless thro' the air, Quickly drives and floats away ; So the sinners' hopes decay. 7 Summon'd round the judgment-seat. Soon the impious throng shall meet ; But, amidst His chosen band, Say, shall such presume to stand ? 8 No — the Lord, with endless love, Will His Church, His saints, approve ; "While, impell'd by vengeance down, Sinners perish at His frown. PSALM II.— Part I. THE first of those Psalms which are properly called prophetic ; repre- seuting the certain exaltation of the Lord Jesus Christ to the throne of glory, in the itice of all opposition, and over all His ene- mies. Let us sing it •wich faith in the Kingdom and Governmeut of the risen and ascended Redeemer; and witli that entire suhmis- sion to His authority, which is required in the latter verses. For this purpose it is appointed hy the Chnrch to make part of its worship on Easter Sundayy to express our adoration of the risen Saviour.—' Acts iv. 24—28. 1 Why did the Gentiles, in disdain, With IsradVs race engage ? Rulers and kings exert in vain Their impotence of rage ? 2 Their tongues Jehovah's pow'r defy : Their hands th' anointed slay ; " Come, let us break Their bands," they cry, " And cast Their cords away." 3 The Lord shall all their rage deride. He mocks their vain design ; From Heav'n He scorns their impious pride, Tho' angry crowds combine, i He speaks — and vengeance from His throne Shall all His foes confound : PSALM 2. " Let men th' anointed s^F/oi/H owD, *' Ere judgments pour around.'* 5 " Yet," says the Lord, " on Zion^s hill " My KING His throne maintains : ** 'Tis fix'd— My purpose I'll fulfil ; ** Jesus, Messiah, reigns ! " PART ir. 6 Now I'll declare, says ZiorCs kiso, Th' immutable decree ; The Lord commands, your offerings bring, Let earth submit to ]\Je. 7 ** Thou art My sos ; this day 1 own '* Thy glory thro' the skies : ** Up from the grave, to fill the throne, '* My FIRST-BEGOTTEN riSC. 8 '* Ascend Thy seat ; before Me live ; *' And claim the iieathen race : ** Ask — and th' inheritance I'll give, ** Ask — and the earth possess. 9 " Thine arm shall all Thy foes dismay, " Thy iron rod subdue, ** Crush'd as the brittle vase of clay, ** Which art can ne'er renew." 10 Lo ! at Thy feet, eternal king ! Thy pow'r and grace we own : Let the whole earth their otf 'rings bring, Submissive to Thy throne, part III. 1 1 Ye Kings be wise : — and ye that bear The sceptre or the sword : His image and His powW ye share. Yet bow beneath the Lord, 12 With sacred fear before Him sit, Ye rulers of the land ; Your sceptres to His cross submit. Your swords to His command. 13 With ho\y Joy approach His throne, With sacred fear draw nigh, b3 6 PSALM 2. Do homage to iW iscARyATE soy^ Lest in His wrath ye die. 14 His anger, kindling to a flame, In ruin shall descend : Blest are the men who trust His name. And on His grace depend. PSALM II.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 Tho' sinners boldly join, Against the Lord to rise. Against His ciirist combine, Th' AsoiNTED to despise; Tho' earth disdain I Vain is their ragcr. And hell engage, | Their counsel vain. 2 *' We hate the Lord's commands," The bold transgressors say ; " We'll break Their odious bands, " And cast Their cords away ;" From Heav'n shall God, I And bow their pride^ Their- wrath deride, | Beneath His rod. 3 Jescts the s^F/OTR reigns ! On Zion is His throne; The Lord's decree sustains liis own begotten Son : Up from the grave 1 And mount the skies, He bids Him rise, | With pow'r to save. 4 His kingdom is complete, This day exalts His name ; Before His father s seat. He makes His righteous claim ; Gentiles adore, I His hands possess His pow'r confess, | From shore to shore. 5 Beneath His vengeance broke, His arm His foes shall slay. As, crush'd beneath the stroke. The vase of brittle clay : Before His face I For mercy call, Let sinners fall, | And trust His grace. PSALM 3. PART II. 6 Ye sov'reign Kings be wiFe, And ye who bear the sword ; When ye to judgment rise, Instnirted by the Lor^D ; Low at His feet, I OVr all His name, ^Vho reigns supreme, j Your praise repeat. 7 Oh serve the Lord with fear. And rev'rence His command ; With sacred Jo?/ draw near, AVith solemn trembling stand: Kneel at His throne, I His })ow'r declare, Your hom.age bear, j And kiss the Son. S If e'er by vengeance seiz'd. Who can His wrath allay ? His anger sligluly rais'd, Ye perish from the way : They, they are blest, 1 Who on His grace 0"er all their race, | Securely rest. PSALM III.— Part T. AMIDST the accusations and assaults of numerous cncBiies, the Christian is here instructed where to fly, aud on whom he imy place his trust. The Psalmist records his own success; and gives us an example of that peaceful serenity, which faith produces in the mind, when reposing itself upon tlie God of Salvation. — Q, Sam. XV. 30,&ic six. 15— 43. 1 XjORD, view my num'rous foes. Against my soul they rise ; *' Where is his help ?" they boasting cry ; ** His God no help supplies." "2 But Thou, O Lord, iny shield, Thine arm shalt round me spread : Thy glory shall adorn my soul. Thy hand exalt my head. 3 Now shall my voice ascend, Till God my cries fulfil : Behold, He hears ; He bows to save. From Heav'c, His holy hilh 8 PSALM 3. 4 Safe thro' the shades of night I laid me down and slept ; Thy wakeful eyes survey'd me round, And all my slumbers kept. 5 My frame, to life renew'd, Thy early call obeys ; Thy watchful care my life sustained, And claims my morjiing; praise. PART II. 6 Now I forbid my fears, Now shall my faith be strong; Against my soul let thousands rise, Ten thousands round me throng. 7 Arise, O Lord, to save, My God, Thy pow'r display, Cru<^h'd by Thine arm, my conquered foes Thy w ord of pow 'r obey. 8 Salvation, Lord, is Thine, And on Thy word attends : Thy blessing, endless as Thy love, On all Thy saints descends. PSALM in.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 Lord, how my numerous foes increase? Excite ray fears ! disturb my peace ! The pow'rs of hell against me rise. And " God," they cry, '' His help denies." 2 But Thou, my glory and my shield^ My God, Thy ])ow'rfQl aid shalt yield : On Thee my steadfast hopes repose. To lift my head o'er all my foes. 3 To God I cried, my evening pray'r Humbly implored Jehovah's care ; He bow'd, my wishes to fulfil. And heard me from His holy hill. 4 Then, with His guardian mercy blest, I laid my weary frame to rest ; Sweet slumbers clos'd my peaceful eyes, Nor foes molest, nor fear-i surprise* PSALM 4. Ij Again the shades of darkness flee, I wake, sustain'd, nay God, by Thee : Thy guardian care renews my days, And claims my morning song of praise. PART II. 6 Now shall my heart its fears disclaim, I trust in faith Jehovah's name: Tho' round my soul ten thousands rage, The Lord shall in my cause engage. 7 Rise, O my saviovr, rise and spread Thy shield, the shelter round my head : Thy Cross the serpent's teeth hath broke. And Satan falls beneath Thy stroke. 8 Salvation to the Lord belongs, His vict'ry claims my highest songs : His blessing all His saints shall share ; Then let His saints his praise declare. PSALM IV.— Part I. FROM his former experience of God's goodness, the Psalmist rejoices in hope ; encourages the godly to confidence in the Divine fayour and protection ; and calls sinners to retirement and reflection. In opposition to the general spirit of the world, he professes his convic- tion of the vanity of all its enjoyments, and the superior happiness of those who enjoy the Divine favour. Tliey, like him, may lie down and sleep in peace, till they lie down as peacefully in their graves, waiting for the joyful morning of the resurrection. 1 Hear me, O God, when near Thy throne My earnest cries ascend : I plead Thy righteousness alone. And on Thy grace depend. 2 Oft has that grace enlarg'd my heart, Distress'd with anxious care ; Again Thy mercy. Lord, impart. Again regard my pray'r. 3 Why should the sons of men, in spite. To shame my glory try ? In scenes of yanity delight, And glory in a lie ? 10 PSALM 4 4 Know, that, the man who loves the Lord, He marks him for His own : Soon shall Jlis arm my help afford. My pray'r shall reach His throne. 5 Let t!ie whole world before His face With holy awe draw near; Revere His name ; implore His grace ; And all transgression fear. PART II. 6 When shades of night around me spread, I'll all my ways rehearse, In silent stillness on my bed. And w ith my heart converse. 7 To God my sacrifice shall rise Of righteousness and praise, W'hile on His name my heart relies, And pleads the saviovr's grace. 8 *' AVhere — where shall any good be found ! The thoufi;htles3 many cry ; Lord, let Thy light my soul surround, And lift my triumphs high. 9 Cheer'd by Thy face, my joyful heart Hath here confirm'd its choice : Nor corn nor lume can e'er impart Such pure, such heav'nly joys. 10 Safe in Thy guardian care, 1 close My weary sleeping eyes : Safe shall my slumb'ring dust repose, Till Thou Shalt bid it rise. PSALM IV.— Ver. II.— Part I. \ Hear when I call. Thou God most jvst ! My God, Thy righteousness 1 trust : Oft has Thy grace reliev'd my care, Again let mercy hear my pray'r. ^ How long will men their counsel frame, To turn my confidence to shame ? How long their fruitless hopes renew. And vanities and lies pursue ? PSALM 5. Jl 3 Xow let the world assured know The Lord regards His saints below ; He marks the men who fear His name, And bids their faith His mercies claim. 4 Hear, sinners, hear — with holy awe, Before him stand ; observe His law : In silence on your bed rehearse His acts ; and with your heart converse. 5 Thus let your pray'r and praise arise. Thro' Christ, th' accepted sacrifice : And, while His righteousness ye claim, Obey His will, and trust His name, PART II. 6 The world, with anxious toil and pain, Search far for bliss, but search in vain ; While, still deceiv'd, the many cry, ** Who, who can any good descry ?'* 7 They grasp the shadows in their flight, Delusive forms of false delight ! But let Thy presence round me shine. My God, and nobler bliss is mine ! 8 Thy favour, gracious Lord, impart, With sacred joy, to cheer my heart; Then let their corn and icine increase, Earth ne'er can yield such heav'uly peace. 9 With Thy protection kindly blest, I'll lay me down in peace to rest, S^fe in Thy care ; from danger free ; To wake on earth, or wake with Thee. PSALM v.— Part I. THE solemn vows, and earnest supplications, expressed in tliisPsnlm, are often in the heart, and npon the lips, of him who is devoted iq prayer. And, while looking by faith to the Bedeemtr, as tbs Psalmist to the Temple, that eminent type of His persDD, glories, and blessings, he may triumph with tqual confidence over all the counr«'$ •and stratagems ofhis spiritual eneaiief, and in the assurance ofDivni* favour and protection. ! -l-/ORf), hear my word';, my spirit see, When wrapt in solemn thoughts of Thee : 12 PSALM 5, My KINS, my God, ray cries attend, To Thee my suppliant pray'rs ascend, 2 Whene'er the morning rays appear, Thou, Lord, my early voice shalt hear ; To Thee my lifted hands shall rise, And faith look up with longing eyes. 3 O CioD, Thy pure unsullied mind In tents of sin no joy can find: Far from Thy throne shall evil flee, Nor e'er inhabit, Lord, with Thee, 4 Fools, who in vanity delight. Shall ne'er continue in Thy sight: And sinners, who Thy laws defy, Are doom'd beneath Thy wrath to die. 5 Those who in lies their lips employ, Shalt Thou, the righteous jl dgje, destroy: Nor shall the persecutor flee Thy just award, abhorr'd of Thee. 6 But I — by boundless mercies led. Thy temple's sacred courts will tread ; Up to Thy house with joy repair ; Thy mercies shall surround me there ! 7 Prostrate I'll bow — Thy fear imprest With awe profound inspires my breast : And faith, while yet my pray'rs arise, Firm on the saviovpJs name relies. PART II. 8 Oh lead me, lest my footsteps stray, See how my foes observe my way : Thou, righteous Lord, my cause maintain, And make ray path of duty plain. 9 Lo ! how their lips from truth depart, For deep corruption fills their heart: Their throat sepulchral horror hides. And flatt'ry on their tongue resides. 10 O Lord, their ways Thy vengeance call. By their own counsels doom'd to fall : Their num'rous sins their doom shall seal, Their hearts untam'd rebellions steeL PSALM 5. 11 But happy they, with transports blesf, "VVho stedfast on Jehovah rest ! In shouts of joy their praise ascends, For Thine Almighty arm defends. 12 How blest, — whose love, a holy flame, Burns with delight to hear Thy nauie ! Their heart with heav'nly joys shali glow. From Thee their boundless raptures flow I 13 Thy blessing, Lord, shall crown his days. Whom Thine own righteousness arrays: Thy favour as Iiis shield be S])read, "^'ith glory circling round his head. PSALM v.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 My gracious Lord, Thine ear incline, When, wrapt in thoughts of things divine. My words intreat Thy care : Oh hear my cries, w liich reach Thy throne. For Thee, my king, my God I own; I'll raise to Thee my pray'r. 2 While yet tlie morning rays appear, Thou, Lord, my earnest suit shalt Jicar, My voice to Thee shall rise ; I stretch my hands, by early light. And faith, Tiiy mercies to invite, Looks out with longing eyes. 3 My God, no guilt delights Thy mind, No sin can e'er indulgence find. Nor silvers near Thee stand : The men of fjlsehood and of blood Shall sink to death, abhorr'd of God, And fall beneath His hand. 4 But as for me — Thy courts I'll tread, There by Thy boundless mercy led. With all Thy mercies blest ! W^ith holy fear T\\ worship there, In Jesus' name present my prayV, And on Thy promise rest. 14. PSALM 6. PART ir. 5 Thou righteous Lord, my footsteps guide, In Thee, my s.iyioin^ I confide. My safety to maintain : Lo ! how my foes my steps survey ! They watch my feet ; observe my way ; Oh! make my duties plain. 6 For see, their lips from truth depart, Corruplioa dwells within tiieir heart, Their throat's an open grave. Their flatt'ring tongues what lies employ? Their counsels shall themselves destroy, Nor bold presumption save. 7 How blest are they, whose hope relies On Thee, my God! their bliss shall rise. And run thro' endless days: In shouts of joy their praise ascends. For thine Almighty arm defends The men who trust Thy grace. 8 How blest are they, who love Thy name I Thy love their triumph shall inflame. And ceaseless raptures yield : Thy saints, with all Thy mercies crown'd, Thy endless /ai'o?ir shall surround, Their everlastiag shield ! PSALM V[.— Part I. THE first of the penitential Psalms.— Tlie penitent wiU find it suitabl* to his case under deep connrtions of sin ; and the Christian in time* of trial and temptations of the eneir.y. In the use of it the bilUx^*^ vf\\\ find, like the Psalmist, that the prayer ot repentance and faith will at length terminate in the songs of praise. \ XvEBUKE me not, Thou gracious Lord, While wrath directs Thy hand ; Nor bid me, while Thine anger burns, Eeneath Thy chast'ning stand, 2 Let mercy guide th' afflictive stroke. And soften ev'ry pain ; Fast sinking to the grave, restore Mv trembling bores a^ain. PSALM 6. 15 H Beliold, my contrite spirit fails, With iium'rous fears opprest ; How long, Thou gracious Lord, how long ■ Oh give the promis'd rest. 4 Lord, since Thy mercy's rich and free, Return, my soul to save : For who shall mention Thee in death, Or praise Thee in the grave ? PART II. 5 Weary with groans, my spirit faints, O'erwhelm'd with guilty fears? By night my restless bed is bath'd, My couch bedew 'd, with tears. 6 Dark'ning with grief, my weeping eye Scarce feels the cheering ray, Grows dim, and sinks like withering age, While numerous foes dismay 7 But hence my enemies depart, Behold, my safjour^s nigh ! He hears. He hears my plaintive voice, He sees my weeping eye. 8 The Lord, the Lord Jehovah hears, The Lord accepts my pray'rs: His mercy with delivVance flies, His arm salvation bears. 9 I'll triumph with the voice of praise, My guilt and fears are fled ! Now shall my foes return asham'd, Salvation crowns my head ! PSALM VL— Ver. IL 1 O MY God, with anger burning, From Thy fierce rebukes refrain ; From Thy hot displeasure turning, Now Thy chast'uing hand restrain : In the depths of kind compassion. Pity, Lord, a frame so frail, Heal my soul with Tiiy salvation, Or my trembling bones will faiU c 2 16 PSALM 7. *2 Guilt, and fears, anil hell, oppressing, How my soul afflicted lies! When, my God, those fears releasing. Wilt Tiiou bid Thy mercies rise? Lord, return, with grace infold me. Ere I die let mercy save ; For in death can none behold Thee, Nor adore Thee in the grave. fj Weary with my ceaseless groaning. Night but aids my anxious fears ; On my bed my griefs bemoaning, Watered with my floods of tears; While my pow'rful foes assail me. Trembling at their mighty rage, Lord, mine eyes with weeping fail me. Sink depress'd like with'ring age. 4 But ray faith shall trust my saviouRj Fly, ye foes of Zion^ fly ! He surrounds me with His favour. He hath watch'd my weeping eye: Now the Lord, my God, will hear me. Now the Lord receives my pray'r, Fled asham'd, my foes shall fear Thee, And confess my soul Thy care. PSALM yil.— Part I. THE writer appeals, from the malice and false accusations of his ene- mies, to the truth and justice of the heart-searching God ; who kneir him to be clear from that p riicular fault which they laid to his charge. — Verse 3 Though the Redeemer alone can make tliis a,)- peal in its full exteaf, l /*ef. li. iQ. the Cirisiiaii, conscious of sin- ceritift amidst many imperfections and failings, shail rise above the false charges of the great accuser, or his malicious enemies. — The Lord, the Judge, will vindicate His sai.its, and manifest their faith and love to be jrenuine, by bringing their eftVcts to light before the assembled world; Matt. xxv. when the wicked liave prepared themselves, by their wickedness, for their own d'^'structioa. Thus shall the righteousness of God be manifested in all His w-iys towards His people; and the believinJ^ expectation of it should excite tijcir songs of praise — Verse 17. 1 O LORD, my God, my hopes repose Firm on Thy name ; from all my foes, PSALM 7. 17 AVho rage with persecuting breath, Rescue mj' soul, and save from death. 2 Like the fierce Lion, rousM to rage, Behold, til' unequal war they ^vage, On death intent : — my danger^see. For none can rescue, Lord, but Thee. 3 O Lord, my God, their censures view, Say, did 1 e'er such act'; puisue? Sliall their false charge unnotic'd stand ? Was e'er such evil in my hand ? 4 If e'er my soul, in treach'rous part, Dealt falsely with the fi icndly heart (How base the charge ! I boast to show- Compassion to my causeless foe.) 5 Then mis,ht they hate, pursue, surround, Mi^i.t tread my life out on the ground, And lay, with indignaiiou just, My deep-stain'd honour in the dust. (i Rise then, O Lord, with just disdain, The anger of ray foes restrain ; To judgment wake : on Thy command Justice and Truth securely tand. 7 Rise— and the people round Thy seat, In crowds, with holy joy shall meet: And, since en Thee our hopes rely. Return, and fix Thy pow'r on high. PART II. S The Lord is judge: before His throne All nations shall His justice own : Oh may my soul be found sincere, And stand approv'd with courage there, 9 Then shall th' ungodly sinners fall, IS or e'er their thoughts or hopes recall j No more their deed^ the just annoy, Confirm'd in everlasting joy. 10 The Lord, in righteousness array'd, Surveys the world His hands have mnde ; Pierces the heart, and tries the reins, And judgment from on high ordains, c 3 18 PSALM 8. 1 1 My God, my shield ! around me place The shelter of the safiovu''s grace ; Then, when Thine arm the just shall save. My life ^liall triumph o'er the grave. PART III. 12 Our God, unchangeable His reign ! Shall in his cause the just maintain. While daily, jealous of His name, His anger kindles to a flame. 13 For sinners, who beneath His word Refuse to turn, He'll whet the sword ; Lo ! vengeance waits His just command. The bow already feels His hand. 14 See, His high arm Indignant rear d ! For death the instruments prepar'd ! On the drawn string His arrows wait, Ordain'd to fix th' oppressor's fate! 15 Th' oppressor ! — mark ! with lab'ring throes, Guilt in his breat to vigour grows : jMischicf and crimes conceiv'd within, The birth is vanity and sin. 16 In the same pit his hands have made, In just return, behold him laid : Aim'd to disturb a brother's breast. His mischiefs in his own shall rest. 17 Lord, as Thy righteousness, I'll raise To Thee th' eternal song of praise: Jehovah, Lord most high ! Thy name With endless honours I'll proclaim ! PSALM VIII.— Part I. THE design of this Psalm may be seen in Hefc. ii.6, &c. ^Iierc the Apostle refers it to the humiliation of the JRedeemer, and His exaltation in our nature, as a pledge of the exultation of His Church, to eternal dominion over all creation, in the kingdom of Heaven. Well may we, in consideration of these wonderful subjects, .join in the adoring exclamation, " O Lord, our Lord Jesus, how ex cellcnt is Thy name in all tlie earth !" Our Church doubtless con- sidered it, and intended to direct our views to it, in the same light, when she appointed it to be read on ^jceJiiioH Day; for the services ef which it is thus peculiarly suited. PSALM 8. 19 1 O LORD, our Lord, exalted high, How v.'ondrous is Thy name ! Abroad throngh earth Thy glories fly, And fill the heav'nly frame. 2 Ordain'd from infant lips, Thy praise In sweetest strains shall flow, Thy arm the feeblest saint c;in raise, To sink th' oppressor low. .3 Wlien heav'n, with all its »rbs of ligbt, Detains my wond'ring eyes ; The moon that silvers o'er the night ; . And stars that deck the skies : 4 (These are Thy works ! Thy fingers w rought The vast stupendous plan !) Surpris'd, in ecstasy of thought, Vvhat, Lord, (I cry,) is man ! 5 Why should his sons, from ancient date, Thy thought- of love employ ? "VVhy (condescension vast and great •) Thy visits here enjoy ? PART ir. 6 But next beneath the angels made, His race enjoys Thy cares : Yet greater mercy stands displayed ! Thy soy our nature wears! 1 Aii'hile beneath th' angelic forms He stoops, our race to save. Allied to dust, allied to worms, And humbled to the grave. 8 But rais'd by Thee, w ith glory crown'd. He re-ascends His throne: ^Vhat honours shall that race surround, In nature like His own ! 9 O'er all Thy works. Thy high commands Exalt the Man to reign I "Which wing the skies, or range the land?^ Or glide the wat'ry plain. 20 PSALM 8. 10 Jescs, our LORD, exalted high. How wondrons is Thy name ! Thy glories thro' t!ie earth shall fly : Let earth resound Thy fame. PSALM VIII,— Ver. II.— Part I, 1 O Lord, our lord, in pow'r divine, How great is Thy illustrious name! Thro" all the earti: Tliy glories shine, Plac'd high above the heav'nly frame, 2 The lisping babes proclaim Thy praise, By Thee ordain'd Tiiy strength to show r Thy arm the feeblest saint can raise, To lay the proud oppressor low. 3 When to Thy henv'ns I turn my eyes, The work Thy skilful fingers wrought ; And view the moon adorn the skies, Or Stan beyond the reach of thought: 4 Lord, what is man! amaz'd, I cry. Thus notic'd with Thy kindest love? Why should his sons, but born to die, Thy condescending visits prove ? PART IT. 5 Down from His throne Thy soy Jesceiids, A little time our form to w ear : Beneath th' angelic hosts He bends. Our sufT'rings and our guilt to bear, 6 But lo ! Thy pow'r exalts Him high, In glorious dignity enthron'd ! He bears our nnttire to the sky. Overall Thy work- the ruler crown'd, 7 Jesus, the Man, in glory sit^, Creation at His feet obeys : To Him each living tribe submits. Natives of earih, or air, or seas, 8 Jesus, our xord, in pow'r divine, How great is Thy illustrious name ! Thro' all the earth Tiiy g.ories shine : Let the whole earth resound Tbv fame. PSALM 8, 21 PSALM VIII.— Yer. III. Jehovah, wondrous name ! Thro' all the earth adorM ; The Iieav'ns Thy glories shall proclaim, O Lord, our Lord ! From infant lips Thy praise In highest strains shall flow. Thy arm the feeblest saint can raisc^ T' avenge the foe, "When o'er those orbs of light Thro' heav'n I turn my eyes. The moon and stars w hich gild the night. And deck the skies ; (Thy skilful fingers wrought The vast majestic plan !) I cry — in ecstasy of thought, " What^ Lord, is Man V^ Why should his feeble race. Thy thoughts of love employ } Thy condescending acts of grace. On earth enjoy ? Th' angelic hosts of ligM^ Those ever-glorious forms, But next above (though heav'nly bright) Such dust and worms t But, Oh I the love, how great I When stooping from His throne. The Son of God, in humble state^ Awhile comes down ! He bows. He dies — to save. Our sufF'ring nature wears, Our guilt beneath the cross and grave. The Victim bears, J But glori) crowns His head ! The Lord exalts Him high : Jesus, from regions of the dead. Ascends the sky : Lo ! on the throne He sits, The Man the sceptre swaj s sj All nature at His feet submits, The world obeys I 22 PSALM 9. 6 O'er all, at Thy commantl, The Man exalted reigns, Which wing the air, or range the land, Or wat'ry plains : Jesds, Thou wondrous name ! High o'er the heav'ns ador'd : Let the whole world resound Tiiy fame, O Lord, our lord ! PSALM IX.— Part L A Psalm of prais* for victory. But it it only in the victory of the Redeemer upon Mount Calvary, and in His eternal government upon Mount ZioJit that the destructions of the enemy are completed, or '♦ brought to a perpetual end." — Verse 6. Hence He is held up as the Refuge of His Church iu ever}' time of troubler The Psalmist concludes with a triumphant exultation in the righteous judgment of God, and in the destruction Of all the spiritual enemies of His people. Tlie heliever, raised from the gales of death, to rejoice in the gates of Zion, will with his whole heart join the song. 1 W ITH my whole heart, eternal Lord! My lips shall celebrate Thy praise, The wonders of Thy love record, In all its varied acts of grace, 2 On Thee, my joys^ unfailing spring ! With holy transport I rely ; The praises of Thy name I'll sing, Saviovr all^graciovs! Lord most high ! 3 Thy arm my humbled foes subdu'd, On Calvry^s consecrated ground : They turn'd — they fled — (Thy presence view'd,) And perish'd — scatter'd all round. 4 Jesus, Thy mighty arm alone There in Thy grace maintain'd my cause : The Lord avenging, from His throne. The injur'd honour of His laws. 3 Thro' heathen lands Thy pow'r has spread, Beneath Thy hand their idols fall; On their proud necks Thy feet shall tread, Nor time their impious names recall." PSALM 9. 23 PART II. g Great Tyrant o'er a fallen race I Hear from the cross thy final doom : *' On Calv'ry all thy triumphs cease, *' Thy long predicted end is come ! 7 " Oft have we seen (thy arts employed) " Proud cities to the dust recline ; ** Their mem'ry t\ ith their place destroy 'd, *' But now th' eternal ruin's thine!" 8 Behold the Lord, the s^f/ouk, rise, Triumphant in His arm alone ! His reign the waste of time defies, For judgment He prepares His throne, 9 Hail, righteous judge ! array'd in powV. The world Thy righteousness shall prove; Thy juftice shall Thy foes adore. But saints behold Thy richest love. PART III. 10 In Thee th' opprest a hefvge find. Thou Lord of boundless majesty ! "When troubles roll, th' afflicted mind Still finds its reflge tower in Thee. 1 1 ]n Thee will all Thy people trust, Who know Thy name, all-gracious Lord! Since Thou hast ne'er forsook the just, W ho seek Thy face, and love Thy word. 12 Sing to the Lord, His glories tell, Wide let His fame and praise resound, In Zion^ where His glories dwell, And spread thro' all the nations round. 13 To judge th' oppressor and th' opprest, When ro;ind He casts th' inquiring eye, His servants in Hi.- "mem'ry rest, He'll not forget the mourner's cry. 14 Jesus, Thy mercy I implore, 0 save me — wit!: a. trembling breath 1 cry, oppress'd by Satan's po^'r. Thou SAVIOUR fro/n ihs gates of death I i4< PSALM 9. 15 Then shall the gates of Zion ring, And echo to my grateful voice : Then, while Thy victories I sing, In Thy salvation I'll rejoice. PART IV. 16 Deep in the pit themselves have raadc. Ungodly sinners sink and die; In toils their artful malice laid, Their stumbling feet entangled lie. 17 The Lord His glorious name makes known, By judgments on the nations brought : And sinners shall His justice own, Snard in i\\e works their hands have wro-aght. 18 Within the desolate abode Of sorrow shall th' ungodly dwell : The nations which forget our God, Doom'd by His wrath, shall sink to hell. 19 He'll not forget your suppliant pray'r. Ye humble souls, awhile opprest ! The poor His plenteous grace shall share. Nor hope deceive th' afflicted breat. ^0 Rise then, Thou great redeemed, rise. Shall man, presumptuous man, prevail? Before Thine all-discerning eyes Let the proud tyrant's counsels fail. *21 Aw'd by the terrors of Thy pow'r. Thy fear the nations shall restrain. Till all the lands Thy name adore, And men confess themselves but men. PSALM IX.— Ver. II.— Part T. 1 With my whole heart, eternal kisg ! Thy works, Thy wondrous works, I'll siflg. My praise shall reach the skies : In Thee, my saviour^ I'll rejoice, Thy na7ne in praise exalts my voice, Redeemer^ God most high! 4 PSALM 9. 2 Thine arm, on Calvary's sacred hei^hf, Turn'd all my vanquish'd foes to flight ; They fell, and perish'd there! Thy presence there maintain'd my cause, While the great judge aveng'd His laws, His holy arm made bare ! 3 Beneath Thy stern rebuke afraid. Thro' heathen lands with guilt dismay'd, The impious sinners fall : Their idol gods, with rights profane, No more their guilty altars stain, No more those rights recall. 4 Hear, Mighty Foe, for deaths renown'd ! On Calvry, fix'd the fatal wound, The Lord thy conquest rends : Did nations fall, (thy arts employ'd ?) Their titles with their place destroy'd ? Thy vast destruction ends ! 3 I see the Lord, my saviour^ rise, He claims His throne beyond the skies, Eternal as His days : For judgment He prepares His seat. The trembling w orld His j ustice meet, But saints enjoy His grace. PART II. 6 Whene'er by sins and fears opprest, A REFUGE, where His saints may rest, Jehovah w ill afford : In times, w hen threatening tempests roll, A TOW^R OF REFUGE tO the SOUl Is our Almighty Lord. T They who have know^n Thy name, recline Securelv on Thy arm divine ; L^nchangeable in grace ! Since Thou, w hose mercies endless prove, Hast ne'er forsaken of Thy love The men who seek thy face, 5 In Zion, then, your voices raise, Where He resides pronounce His praise, D 26 PSALM 9. Proclaim His wonders far : When justice, rous'd,for blood inquires, AVithin His wings the just retires, Who hears the mourner*s pray'r. 9 Have mercy, Lord, my foes repress, See how they hate, afflict, distress, With persecuting breath ! But Thine Almighty arm can save, As once it triumph'd o'er the grave, And brake the gates of death, 10 Then shall the gates of Z Ion ring, Responsive to the praise I sing, Salvation lifis me high ! While sinners, in the pit they made, In the same net themselves had laid, In deep confusion die. 1 1 By judgments froni His lofty throne, Hurl'd round the world, the Lord is known. And justice leads the train : In vain ungodly sinners rise In counsels aiin'd against the skies, In their own purpose slain. 12 The wicked, long by mercy spar'd, Doom'd to the pit their guilt prepar'd, Shall meet the fires of hell : The nations which forget our God Shall perish in that same abode, With spirits which rebel. 13 But 3Iercij — attribute divine ! Will ne'er the sruppliant's pray'r decline, Tho' long by guilt opprest ; His Merry will the poor relieve, Nor shall those humble hopes deceive. Which on the saviolr rest. 14 Rise then, redeeming Lord, and show Man shall not rule supreme below, PSALM 10. 27 That pow'r and judgment's Thine ! Let fear Thy enemies restrain, Till men confess themselves ^w^Twen, And own Thy hand divine ! PSALM X.— Part I. A deicription of the hatred, infidelity, pride, and profaueness, of the uicked ; — especiaHy applicable to that anti-christian papal power, which hath ever hated and persecuted the Church of God. But the might and grace of the eternal King of Zion shall be the salvation of His defenceless, destitute, and despised, servants, whenever tbey pra/ unto Him.— Verse 17. 1 V'V HY, gracious Lord, remov'd afar, Why from Thy Church withdraw Thy care ? When troubles rise Thy arm reveal, Why from Thy saints Thyself conceal ? 2 The wicked, in his pride elate, Pursues the poor with envious hate; Deep in his heart his projects burn, But on himself his rage shall turn. 3 The man of sin ^ with sensual mind. Boasts of the joys his heart desigu'd. Commends himself — his hoarded stores, And in his heart the Lord abhors ! 4 In self-applause, w ith haughty breast, His pray'r to God he ne'er addrest : Nor with a willing thought surveys His works. His nature, or His ways ! 5 Borne prosp'rous, with a tide of joy, Thy judgments ne'er his thoughts employ, High rais'd from sight ! — his ardour grows, And breathes contempt on all his foes. 6 His heart, in vain delusion, cries, '* No changes in my state shall rise; *' To life's last stage, no evil near, " No sad adversities I'll fear." 7 His mouth with curses is replete, Practis'd in fraud he works deceit ; Beneath his tongue the poison lies, Mischief, and guile, and vanities* - d2 28 PSALM 10. 8 Where innocence defenceless strays, In covert hid, his toils he lays ; To death, of secret murder sure. His eyes devote th' afflicted poor. 9 As the fierce Z/fon lurks, nor quits His dark retreat — he waitins^ sits, The poor to seize ; the poor he spoils, Seduc'd within his artful toils. 10 He crouches, and his state lays low, Pride in his heart, tho' meek his show ! Such artful fraud his mind employs. Till his strong grasp the poor destroys, 11 His erring heart confirms his ways, " God has forgot,'* he boasting says, *' He hides His face, nor turns again *' To overlook the ways of men," PART ir. 12 Arise, O Lord, Thyself display, Rise, and Thine arm with might array ; . Nor e'er, in solemn judgment set, Thy humble saints on earth forget. 13 Why should the sinner's lies profane Thy pow'r ; — Tliy providence arraign ? " Ne'er shall the LoRD,"he boldly says, *' Require my sins, nor search my ways." 14 Delusive boast ! Thy piercing eyes Mark all the crimes which men devise ; Thine eyes have seen, — Thy hands engage Swift to reward their impious rage, 15 To Thee tlve poor for safety flee. And leave their friendless cause with Thee ; On Thee the fatherless depend, Thou, Lord, their helper, and their fries d I 16 Thy pow'r the tyrant's arm shall break, And bend the sinner's haughty neck; Thy vengeance shall his sins explore, Till strictest justice find no more. PART III. 17 Jehovah reigns : — your tribute bring; Proclaim the Lord th' eternal king : PSALM lU 29 Crown Him, ye saints, with holy joy, His arm shall all your foes destroy, 18 Thou, Lord, ere yet the humble mind Had form'd to pray'r the wish design'd, Hast heard the secret sigh arise, While, swift to aid, Thy mercy flies. 19 Thy SPIRIT shall tlieir heart prepare; Thine ear shall listen to their pray'r : Thou righteous Judge ! Tiiou POtv''R divine ! On Thee the /a^Aer/eis recline. 20 The Lord shall save th' attiicted breast, His arm shall vindicate th' opprest ; Earth's mightiest tyrant feel His pow'r, Nor sin nor Satan grieve them more. PSALM XI.— Part I. THE Psalmist encourages himself in the government and provit1enc« of God, in the midst of the injustice, oppression, and violence of men. Tlie trial of the righteous is a proof of his love to them, and desii^iird for their purification ; hut the destruction of the wicked is secured by the justice of God, and Ilis love towards His people. 1 JLdO ! on the Lord my soul confides ; In vain th' oppressor cries, " Fly like the timid bird, that hides '* Where lofty mountains rise, 2 " See, how the bow's unfailing spring " The daring sinner bends : *' His arrow, bounding from the string, *' Against the just descends. 3 " When law^ when justice prostrate lies, '' From their deep base o'trthrown, " What can the righteous enterprize, " Unaided and alone ?" 4 Still on the Lord my soul depends, His Church shall see His grace : JNIy sAvioi It! — from the skies He bend?, And fills Uio holy place ! o3 30 PSALM 11, PART ir. J The Lord in TIeav'n His throne prepares, There all His glories shine ; Thence the whole earth Ilis wisdom shares, With Providence Divine. 6 His piercing eye, with one vast view, O'er all creation runs: His eye-lids search, his eyes pursue Man's bold presumptuous sons. 7 Though by His hand the just are tried, Still fai'thfulis His love: But sinners, arm'd with powV and pride, His holy hatred move. S Lo ! o'er their souls the fatal snares And sulph'rous deluge pour : Their cup th' eternal Lord prepares, Where endless tempests roar. 9 In righteousness the righteous Lord Hath plac'd His whole delight ; And saints His mercy shall record. In realms of endless light. PSALM XI.— Ver. II. 1 Fix'd on the Lord my hopes rely, Why should the proud oppressor cry ? " Fly to yourmouniain, haste away ; (" As by thekeen-ey'd Fu/^wre view'd, ♦' Swift flies the bird, in flight pursu'd,) " Nor midst th' impending danger stay, 2 " For see — the bow obeys its spring, " The arrow trembles on the string, " Aim'd at the just, 'midst dark'ning shade ; *' What can the righteous enterprize, *' When law, when ^ws^zceruin'd lies, " Thrown from their base and prostrate laid?' 3 Yet still my soul on God rely. Still, tho' unseen, the Lord is nigh ; PSALM 12. 31 His Church beholds his richest ^race : But high in Heav'n His throne He rears, There all His i>/fljesle rest ? Who, protected by Thy love, Dwell on Zion's mount above ? 2 He who, with an heart sincere, Walks directed by Thy fear : RuU'S of righteousiie-s divine Daily in his practice shine, 36 PSALM 15. 3 Ne'er from truth his lips depart, Sacred held within his heart; Slauders ne'er his tongue employ, Nor another's fame destroy. 4 He will not his neighbour wrong. By his actions or his tongue : Inliis breast reproaches die. He nor makes nor spreads the lie. 5 Wicked works provoke his hate, Cloth'd in ornaments of state : All his honours he'll afford. To the men who fear the Lord. 6 Lo ! he swears — he never breaks What he once in promise speaks: Tho' his inj'ry thence arise, Ne'er his plighted vow denies. 7 Never shall his hands be stain'd With the gold by av'rice gaiu'd : Tho' the bribe allurement spreads, Innocence no danger dreads. 8 He, who thus his ways approves^ Never from Thy favour moves : — Jesu's glories here we see, Teach us, Lord, to copy Thee, PSALM XV.— Ver. IL 1 Jehovah — who, in bliss supreme, Shall his eternal dwelling claim Within th' ethereal dome ? Who fix with Thee, beyond the skies. Where Zion's sacred hills arise. His everlasting home ? 2 The man who, fill'd with sacred awe, Directs his conduct by Thy law ; His heart and words sincere: His soul abhors the sland'rous joy. That dares a neighbour's fame destroy, Nor lends th' indulgent ear. PSALM 16. 37 3 Tho'arm'd with pow'r, or cloth'd in state, Ungodly deeds provoke his hate, He scorns the scorner's smile : But loves to seek the humble cot, Of pious poverty the lot, Its sorrows to beguile. 4 Reswears — nor shall His word be broke, His promise stands — 'twas truth that spoke, Tho' dangers spread the way : He loathes the gold which av'rice gains, Nor — for his hand the in^e disdains, Will Innocence betray. 5 The man who thus Thy law obeys, Secur'd, my God, in all his ways, Thy holy hill shall see: 'Tis Jesus — thus Thy glories shine. My saviour! spotless and divine I Conform my soul to Thee. PSALM XV r.— Part L THE humiliation, prayer, praise, and confidence,expr€Ssecl in thisPsalm, may at all tinus be the language of the believer, through Christ. But, as it is applied Tn Acts ii. 25, aud xiii. 35, it must be considered as a Sjliloguy of the Redeewtr, as to the nature of His work, with its effects upou His people, and His own deliverance from death and the grave. The first of the versions now offered to ine reader en- deavours to unite both these views; in the second version it is referred to the believer ; in the third to the Redeemer alone, which will he found suitable for Easter Sunday. 1 Almighty God, preserve my soul, I trust Thy arm divine : My stedfast faith. Thou Lord of all. Delights to call Thee mine. 2 My goodness cannot reach Thy throne, Thy glories to increase ; The saints alone its influence feel, Alone its pow'r confess. 3 Thy saints on earth with joy discern Its rays of heav'nly light ; On them, with all Thy grace adorn'd, I fix my whole delight. E S8 PSALM Ui. 4 Their sorrows shall eternal Hun, Who other Saviours choo<, His warning voice Directs my doubtful way : In shades of night my chasten'd reinb Instruct me to obey. PART iir. 8 1 set the Lord before My sight, (The dying saviovr said :) Near My right-hand My cvjrdias siandv When sinking midst the dead. 9 My heart is glad, My soul exults, Myjl&sh in hope shall rest ; Soon shall my frame triumphant wakr. With lifea-nd glory blest I 10 Not //e^Metains My rapturM soul, His love shall set Me free : Thy JUST, Thy holy one shall rise, Nor e'er corruption see. 11 Up from the tomb, the patli of Vd'c My faithful God shall show ; At thy right-hand, before Hhy fate. Eternal pleasures flow ! PSALM XVI.— Ver. II.— Part i \ Preserve my soul, O God most high ! On Thee securely I rely : Thou art " my Lord," Thou Lord svpreue ! Afid faith shall glory in the name. PSALM 16. f 2 But Iiow shall human virtues rise, To meet the trial of Thine eyes ? Impure — te Thee in vain they flow, Tho' grateful to Thy saints below. 3 Thy saints — who all on earth excel ! Midst them as friends I love to dwell ; To them my confidence impart, The choice aftcctions of my heart. 4 But mis'ries shall their path bestrew, Whose hearts the idol-world pursue : What vanity their mind allures? Their joys decay — their guilt endures ! 5 The Lord their sorrows shall increase. Who slight th' appointed saviour's ^vace ; His mercy spurn — elate with pride, Or seek a righteousness beside. 6 Ne'er shall their self-wrought off'ring? rise, By Him presented to the skies : To plead their names His lips refuse : Nor let ray heart their friendship choose. PART II. 7 Jehovah, (wondrous is His name !) My vast inheritance I claim ! Th' eternal Lord Hzmse?/^ bestows, And with His grace my cup o'erflows. 8 'TisHe maintains my happy lot; His line has mark'd the favour'd spot : What pleasures round my dwelling spriog ! His guardian providence I'll sing ! 9 Where'er His presence shines around, A Paradise on earth is found ; But, in His Heav'n, and near His seat, My soul's best heritage I wait. 10 I'll bless the Lord — Thro' all my days, His counsels guide my doubtful ways: My chasten'd reins rejoice by night. Instructed bv His heavenly I'ght, Eg 40 PSALM 1(1 PART III. 11 Before my eyes the Lord Til place, Ne'er shall my soul forj:et His grace: JS'ear my ngtit-hknd, my gvard confest, My God — on whom unmov'd 1 rest ! 12 What tho" I yield my fainting breath, And, sinking 'midst the shades of death, My body to the tomb resign? I ana the Lord'5, the Lord is mine! 13 iMy heart exults — with dying voice My soul (my glory) shall rejoice ! Soon shall 1 triumph o'er the g^ave, Since Thou hast sov'reign pow'r to save. 14 From thence the Lord my saviour rose, There shall my flesh in hope repose 5 My rising lord, by faith I see, Secures tiiat victory to ine, 15 Soon shall my soul His conquests tell, And quit the shades where spirits dwell : Thy pow'r shall raise the sleeping just, Nor leave my body in the dust. 16 From its long sleep my flesh shall wake. Shall rise — and death's dominion break : Jesus hath led the wondrous way To life — to bliss — to endless day ! IT There joy's full plenitude is known. Before Thy face, around Thy throne : At Tny right-hand — a boundless store ! "Where pleasures flow for evermore I PSALM XVI.— Ver, III.— Part I. 1 OGoD, preserve My sinking soul, When waves of trouble round Me roll. The humble saviour cries : My heart prefers its stedfast claim Calls Thee " My Lord," Thou Lord supreme ! And on Thy arm relies. PSALM 16. 41 2 My work Thy glory, Lord, displays. Its higher splendours who can raise ? All pure ! — all infinite ! My saints the gracious influence feelj In them — who all on eartli excel, I fix My whole delight. 3 Their sorrows shall eternal rise. Whose hearts some idol -god devise, Or other Saviours choose : I'll not present their rights profane, When by their hand the victim's slain ; Their names My lips refuse, 4 Jehovah, Lord of ^i,L,is Mine^ My portion — heritage divine! 'Tis He My cup supplies: 'Tis His own arm maintains My loty How pleasant is the chosen spot. In which My dwelling lies ! 5 ril bless the Lord, His gracious voice Has counsell'd oft My happy choice. And fix'd My stedfast mind : "My chasten'd reins, when troubles spread, Dark as the night, around My head, Are to His will resign'd. PART II, 6 I set the Lord before My sight. Near My right-hand, array'd in might, My heav'nly guardian stands: Unshaken, I resign My breath, , And mingle with the shades of death, For 'tis His word commands, 7 My heart exults. My soul in joy Shall all its active pow'rs employ, My flesh in hope shall rest : From hellMy raptur'd somZ shall rise, Thy pow'r recalls it to the skies. With endless ^/or]/ blest. S Then shall my mortal frame awake, Triumphant thro' the grave I'll break, e3 42 PSALM 17. From death's dominion free ; Thy HOLY oTiE^ the good, the jvst. Shall rise — nor mingle t^ ith the dust, Nor e'er corruption see. 9 Thy hand the path of life shall show, "Where joys before Thy presence flow, A full, a boundless store ! At Thy right-hand, (My blissful seat !) My ])leasures shall be all complete, And flow for evermore ! PSALM XVII.-^Part I. THE Psalmist here makes his appeal to God, from the false accusations and calumny of his enemies ; and thence urges his prayer for Divine protection. The character of the worldly-minded is emphatically described, and tlie superior happiness and hope of the Believer, ex- pecting to behold the facty and to be formed into the iiAieneii, of his Lord. — 1 John iii. 1, 2. 1 XX EAR, Lord, the right — my cause defend, My soul from falsehood clear : • ^y P^'^y'^» my earnest cry, attend, That flows from lips sincere. 2 I wait my sentence from Tiiy throne. From Thee, Thou judge supreme ! Thine eye regards the truth alone, Let justice weigh my claim. 3 Thy piercing eye my heart has prov'd. Beneath the night's deep shade : What secret sin, allow'd or lov'd. Has Thy strict search survey'd ? 4 'Tis fixM — my lips shall not transgress — From works of men profane. Taught by Thy Word, my soul shall cease, Which lead to endless pain, PART II. 5 Lord, on Thy a'-m my hopes confide, Uphold me in Thy ways. Lest my deluded footsteps slide, Unaided by Thy grace. PSALM 17. 43 6 Up to Thy throne my pray'r ascends, For Thou my pray'r wilt hear : There will I wait, whence Mercy bends Its oft indulgent ear. 7 O Thou, my God, exalted high ! The men who fear Thy name, Amidst their foes on Thee rely, And Thee their refuge claim. 8 How wide, how vast, Thy Mercies flow ! Thy promised grace is sure : To me Thy wondrous kindness show, And fix my hopes secure, 9 Tome such watchful care afford, As quickly guards the eye : Extend Thy wings, all-gracious Lord, Safe in their shade 111 lie. 10 By foes encompass'd and opprest. Malignant to destroy ; On Thee, with stedfast hope, Til rest, Till vict'ry crown my joy. 11 With pamperM flesh the wicked rise. And vent their boasting breath. Urge round the just, and set their eyes, And mark the souls for death. 12 So the young Lion seeks his pr^y. Insatiate in his rage ; Or lurks unseen, with quick survey, His hunger to assuage. 13 Awake, arise. Eternal Lord, Let all their hopes be vain : They fall beneath Thy pow'rful word. Nor rise to life again. J4 Lord, save me, and their wrath assuage- When wicked men combine. Theirs is the malice and the rage, The sivord, the hand, is Thine» 4.dt PSALM 17. PART IV. 15 On earth the sinner's portion lics> By Thee with treasures blov'd : But what is all that earth supplies, Compar'd with Thee, my Lord! 16 Tlieir sons their hoarded heaps possess. Arising in their stead: Alas ! what vanity th' increase ! Themselves amidst the dead ! 17 But as for me — when sov'reign grace Shall these frail pow'rs refine, I shall behold my saviovr^s face. In righteousness divine! 18 "When from the grave of death I wake, In thy resemblance drest ; My soul Thy glory shall partake, \\\i\i full contentment blest ! PSALM XVII.— Ver. II.— Part I. I Hear, Lord, when truth and justice plead, "VVhile at thy throne I intercede : From lips sincere my prayVs arise, Oh save me from deceit and lies. 5 Conscious of guilt, I dread Thy sight ; Yet, crush'd beneath malignant might, I w^ait my sentence from Thy throne, "Whose eyes regard the truth alone, 3 To Thee in midnight shades expos'd. Thy trial has my heart disclos'd ; But, when Thine eyes have searched me thro', What secret sin arose to view ? 4 'Tis fix'd — my lips shall not transgress, The solemn vow I'll not release : Aw'd by Thy Wordy my soul has fled The dang'rous paths which sinners tread. PART IT. h With conscious weakness prone to stray, Lord, let Thy grace uphold my way ; PSALM ir. 45 Be Thou my leader^ Thou my gvidb^ Else my unstable feet shall slide. 6 To Thee the praifr of faith shall rise, Oft hast Thou heard my suppliant cries: Again Thy gracious ear incline, And aid me with a pow'r divine. 7 O Thou All-gracious Lord, most high Thy servants, who on Thee rely, Though earth or hell beset them round, In Thy right-hand have vict'ry found. 8 How rich the grace! — the love how great ! Which daily near Thy servants wait ! To me — while sojourning below. Thy wondrous loving-Jdndness show. 9 To me Thy watchful care apply, Quick as the shade which guards the eye s While round my soul Thy mercy flings The shelt'ring shadow of its wings. 10 Then from my foes (tho' long opprest) Thy pow'r and grace shall give me rest ; Nor 5a^«n more his arts employ, My peace or safety to destroy. PART III. 11 The wicked 'midst their feasts recline, And fed with pamper'd lux'ry shine : Their swelling words bespeak their state, With pride and vanity elate. 12 Encircling round our paths they spread. And watch the very steps we tread ; Quick cast about their treach'rouseyes, In death their victim to surprise. 13 The Lion thus, with sure survey, Marks and devotes his destin'd prey ; Lurks yet unseen, with ardent blood, Impatient for th' expected food. 14 Rise, Mighty Lord, their hopes confound, Cast their vain projects to the ground ; Nor to vile men my soul consign. Thy hand — a righteous sword of Thine ! 46 PSALM 18. PART IV. 15 Rehold th' indulgent sons of reirth, Their joy, their portioo, fix'd on earth ! Thy hand bestows the jjoarded store, How bright ! how vain ! — but adds no more. 16 If children rise, and heirs increase, 'Tis but to fill their vacant place ; The same delusive paths to tread ; Themselves, unconscious, 'midbt the dead. 17 But, as for me — my hopes arise, Beyond the grave ; above the skies : To see Thy face in glory sliine, Array'd in righteousness divine ! 18 When from the dust of death I wake, INIy soul Thy Image shall partake ; And, in Thy glorious likeness drest. Shine bright, with full contenttiient blest. PSALM XVIII. THIS Psaltn was no doubt composed to celehrate the victories of Dartrf, Q Sara. xxii. 1. Bnt it represents stiU further, in language highly me- taphorical, the work, victories, and triumphs, of the Redeemer. The division of Bishop Horne, into ten parts, is here followed, and tbt version composed to direct the Church to the consideration and ac- knowledgment of the glories of her ric;umptnous stray : Break their dominion from my soul. And guide me in Thy way,' i6 Thus, taught by Thee, my watchful heart The great offence shall shun ; AVhile in Thy way^, from day to day, My willing footsteps run. 17 Then, let the tcords my lips pronounce. Or secret thoughts devise, Jesus, my rock, rjedeever, lord^ Thro' Thee accepted rise. PSAL.M XtX.—VER. II.—Part I. Applie«l to Christ, as in Rom.x. iS. 1 The varied heav'ns proclaim abroad The glories of their maker, God ; While, thro' the vast expanse of air. His works in wondrous ranks appear; And night to day, and day to nignt. Proclaim His tcisdom and His inight^ 2 Silent they move, at His command. Yet teach His name to ev'ry land : There ("fix'd his tent) the orb of day y Deck'd in a Bridegroom'' s rich array. Comes forth, and with a gianfs pace, Rejoices in his boundless race. 3 Thence, rising on the darken'd earth. He gives the op'ning morning birth ; And, while to heav'n's remotest ends, With rapid course his circuit bends. His heat, through all created things, In varied life and 6eaw^^ springs. o6 PSALM 19. 4 But brighter o^lory far remains, 111 liigher Heav'ns where mercy reigns ; Sweet beams of Majesty and Grace Shine from the sr.v of righteoussess : So from the east His glories rise, And hatsten to the ices/ern skies. J Shine on, Thou orb of heaf^slv ligut^ And scatter all the shades of night ; Let life Thy healing rays attend, And spread to earths remotest end : Thro' all the world Thy grace display, Then rise in everlasting day. PART II. 6 Thy Lav: converts the soul to Thee, Great God, perfection there we see 5 Sure are Thy testimonies^ Lord, There for the simple wisdom's stor'd • AVhile all Thy statutes jmi and true, The joys of Heav'n on earth renew. 7 Thy pure commands restore the sight, And bless my eyes w ith sacred light i Thy fear ^ all spotless and serene, Eternal as Thyself is seen ; While in Thy judgments we confess Unerring truth and righteousness, 5 Thy TVordy Great God, is all divine! To guide my paths its glories shine ! Not the fine gold^ in radiance bright Can e'er so captivate my sight ; Nor honey from the comb afford So sweet a relish as Thy Word. 9 Instructed by this heavenly guide ^ From Thee the pol-vt of truth supplied. Thy servant, list'ning to Thy voice. Finds the rich boon of conscious joys : Since Thy rich grace descends to fill The hcar4 which loves and docs Thy wilL PSALM 20. 57 PART III. 10 Lord, who can all his errors learn ? Or his first wand'ring tlioughts discern ? Can search thro' ev'ry sin's disguise. Or trace the mazes where it lies ? Its pow'r destroy, its snare release. And cleanse my soul, riiou FoVi^T of GRACE ! 11 From each presumptuous way restrain, Nor on my heart let guilt remain, Why should my soul, absurdly bold, With sin deceitful dalliance hold ? Tiien shall my spirit stand sincere. From guilt's allow'' d dominion clear, 12 Lord, let my words and thoughts arise To meet th' approval of Thine eyes : Jesu?, my rock, my strengt ii, bestow The grace whence holy actions flow : While all my hopes and humble claim Rest, GREAT REDEEMER, ou Thy namc. PSALM XX. A prayer for the King : but especially, of the Church for the Kini^ Messiah ; in whose power and victory she determines to trust and triumph. It is rendered conformably to each of these views resjicc lively, in the two ditfereot versians. I i\ OW may the Lord, with gracious care, Hear in distress our Sov'reigrCs pray'r ; The NAME of JacoVs God defend. And strength and aid from Zion send, S Now may his grateful off^in^sf rise, As incense mounting to the skies i Great (ioD, his arms with victVy bless. And crown his counsels with success. 3 Then in his conquests we'll rejoice, And lift to Tree our thankful voice ; Our banners in Th)^ name shall stand. Lord, hear the King : — Thy strength comuiaud* 58 PSALM 20. 4 Now shall our faith triumphant rise, Jehovah hears — His strength supplies ; He saves, and from His heavenly throne, Will His anointed servant own. 5 Vain is the chariot form'd for war. In vain the navi/'s thunders roar, The fiery steed — theglitt'ringj sword. Are ail but vain — we trust the Lord. 6 Here will we stand, our refuge sure, His pow'r our victories shall secure, When those who on Me/rarms rely Fall back, and in confusion die, 7 O save, Jehovah ; hear our prayV, And make our Sov reign's life Thy care ; Then in Thy pow'r b.\\6. favour blest, Safe on his care Thy Church shall rest. PSALM XX.— Ver. II.— Part I. Applied to tlie King Messiah.. 1 The Lord Messiah's prayV attends. When all our /^uilt afflicts His soul : The NAME o^ Jacob's God defends, When o'er Pfis head the billows roll. 2 Lo ! from His sanctu'ry in the skies. His strength the suffering lord sustains: Tho' on the cross the saviovr dies. His cause from Zion He maintains. 2 On Calvary's mount, consuming fire Tir accepted sacrijict declares, There He completes His heart's desire. And to His throne the glory bears. 4 Messiah reigns on Zioris hill. There shall His Church His triumphs prove: He reigns — His purpose to fulfil, His counsels of eternal love ! PART ir, b Jesus, with Thy salvation blest, We yield the glory to Thy name: PSALM '21. 59 FixM in Thystreiigth our banners resf. With joy Thy victTy we proclaim. 6 Jehovah hears, Rehears Thy prayV, The pray'r on which our hope relies j Thy cross salvation shall piepare, From His right-hand Thy vict'riea ri.^r, 7 Let men the rattling chariot trust, Or the swift steed, with courage stord. In Thee our confidence we boast, Jesus, Messiah, conqring Lord ! 8 Safe shall we stand, nor yield to fear, When sinners with their hopes shall fall . Save, Lqrd, O king Messiah hear, Hear, Mighty Syed, iii iti ser- vices, on Good Friday. \ ''Mr God, my God, why thus forsook?'' The dying savjour said ; " Far from My help, no gracious look *' Revives My sinking head. PSALM 22. 63 • '• O God, My urgent sorrows rise, *♦ The day beholds My pray'r; '« The night is witness to My cries ; " And yet Thine ears forbear. 3 *' But still, Thou majesty ad0r'd ! " Thy holiness I own : " And Israel's praise, Eternal Lord, *' Surrounds Thy glorious throne. 4 " In Thee our fathers plac'd their trust, " To Thee their sorrows brought ; " Thy faithful arm, O God most jvst! " Their sure deliv'rance wrought. 5 " Their cries arose, their cries prevailed, " Nor was Thy help denied : " Their waiting hopes have never fail'd, " Who on Thy word relied. 6 ** But I— despisM — in human form, *' No human pity prove; ** Held viler than the reptile worm!" — Jescjs how vast Thy love ! ! 7 Lo ! round the cross where Jesus dies. The noisy crowds are borne, They shoot the lip, and laughing rise. And shake the head in scorn. 8 " This is the man who boasts," say they, ** The Lord's paternal care ; " Now let the Lord His help display, " If such the love He bear." 9 ** But, Lord, Thy hand dispos'd my frame, *' And from the womb withdrew ; *' My help still resting on Thy name, " As on the breasts I grew. 1,0 *' Cast on Thy care, thro' infant years " Thy goodness round me flow'd, " Still, as my God, Thy grace appears, '• Thro' all my life bestow'd.'* g2 64 PSALM 22, 11 Thus on (he cros^^ with anojnish pain'd, The s^reat Rr.nEEMER cried ; !M V suff'rifig lord my guilt sustained, For me, tor me^ he died ! ! PART III. [dies: 12 Here let me stand, where Christ my saviour What scenes of w onder strike th' astonish'd eyes ! To (ioD, His God, Io I urgent for relief, AVhen none could help beside. He pours His grief : *' Stand not afar, nor all My woes disdain: ** Nor let Thy son^ My God, implore in vain ! (Or (0 the Tune of the Oldsoth Psalm.J Stand not afar, my agonies flisdainiug; Nor leave Tliy Son in hopeless griefs complaining, 13 Behold th' indignant scribe, the priestly band. Like Bashan's fiery Bulls, around Him stand ! "With open mouths the rav'ning Lions rest, Infuriate, on the saviour's spotless breast: Jesus, siceet innocence! their rage defies, Meek heavnly Lamb ! beneath our guilt He dies, (Or) 3 es\ys, svi-eet Innocence! their rage defying; Meek heav'nly Lavib ! beneath our sorrows dying? 14 Urg'd by the barb'rous arm, the massy spear Strikes to the heart — the mingled streams appear: Like useless torrents, (balm of human woes!) Th' atoning bloody the mingled water flows : His bones disjointing, as His strength devolves. Like melting wax His dying heart dissolves. (Or) His bones disjointed, an«l His strength devolving, His djing heart like melting \vax dissolving. 15 The vig'rous moisture fled, the with'ring frame Dries like the ])otsherd in the burning flame: His parched tongue in thirsty stiffness lies: Lo ! sinking to the grave, my saviour dies ! While barking Dogs surround the scene of death; And sinners crowd t' insult His dying breath! (Or) Like barking Dogs, the Priests and Scribes exulting, Th' ungodly crowds His dying breath insulting. PART IV. 16 On the cros5, where sorrows meet, Piere'd His hands, and pierc'd His/e^f, PSALM 22. 63 Sinners mock the safiour^s groans. Number all His starting bones. 17 See His garments, as they stand. Parted 'midst the barb'rous band: AVhilethe lot His robe decides, Seamless robe, which none divides. 18 Then to God my saviour cries ; Swift to aid Jehovah flies ; To His soul His strength affords. Falling 'midst the murd'rous swords, 19 Priests and Scribes like Dogs engage, How the rav'ning Lions rage: Yet triumphant, lo ! He's borne. O'er the Reem's destructive horn. •20 God and Man in thee unite, Object of the Lord's delight ! Hail, my God ! my satiovr rise, Where Thy glory never dies ! PXRT V. 21 Behold, the Lord, His vict'ry won. His rising honours bear ! *' Thy name," He cries, (and takes the throne) ** Jehovah, I'll declare, 22 " My brethren of the sons of men " Thy wondrous grace shall know : '^ Rais'd from the grave, Thy praise again ^' 'Midst crowded courts I'll show." ?S Kow let the Church, with sacred joy, Jehovah's grace proclaim ; In praise their noblest pow'rs employ, And fear and trust His name. 24r When sorrows o'er th' afflicted roll'd, The Lord His aid supplied : He heard, nor would His light withhold. When Christ, the s^FJorR, cried. 55 His Gospel shall His grace display, While full assemblies hear; Let saints their solemn vows repay. Devoted to His fear, « 3 66 PSALxM 22. 26 The meek His table shall enjoy, With richest mercies stor'd : And praise, in endless life, employ The men who seek the Lord. PART vr. 27 Blest sAFiovR, by Thy spirit taught, Earth's utmost coasts shall flee; (Thy grace in sweet remembrance brought In holy haste to Thee. 28 Nations shall worship at Thy throne ; The Kingdoms, Lord, are Thine! Thine is the sov'reignt^y- alone. The right, the grant, divine ! 29 Earth's sccptr'd kings shall prostrate fall, And own Thy pow'r to save : Thy voice alone from dust can call, My frame shall quit the grave I 30 RaisM by Thy pow'r, a chosen race Their tribute shall afford, Blest objects of redeeming grace, The servants of thje Lord. 31 From age to age, their joyful tongues Thy righteousness shall praise : Children unborn shall join their songs, And celebrate Thy grace. PSALM XXIL— Ver. IL— Part I. " Mv God, my God," (the accents roll Deep from the saviour's troubled soul,) " JVhy thus forsaken, thus deny'd " Thy help, when none can help beside? " "NVhy 'midst My anguish thus delay? ** Behold, My cries consume the day, *' Nor silent thro' the gloom of night, ** Oft they prevent the dawning light. " But still Thy huliness I own, *' The sure associate of Thy throne : " O Thou, who dwell'st, thro' endless days, ^* Surrounded with Thine JsraeVs pmise, PSALM 22. 67 4 ** To Thee, O God, our fathers sought, " Thy mercy tlieir deliv'rauce wroui:jlU: " Nor e'er to doubtful fear consign'd, " The hope that on Thy Word recVm'd, 5 " But I — despised — in human form, " Held viler than the reptile worm ; " Sink deep to save a guilty race I Jesus, my lord, how vast Thy grace! For Part II. III. and IV. see Ver. I. PART V, 2} Jesus, the Lord, His vict'ry won, Shouts, as He rises to His throne, '' 'Midst men Thy praises I'll fulfil, " Dear to My heart — My brethren still. 22 " Ye crowded courts, that fear the Lord, *' In your high songs His praise record, *' His glories let your lips proclaim, *' And Israel's setid revere His name. 23 " Ne'er did His hand oppress th' opprest ; " He ne'er despis'd th' afflicted breast ; " Nor hath the Lord His light denied, " But listen'd when His Servant cried." 24 Now let the Church proclaim His grace. And in His cross their vict'ry trace: Ye saints, wliere full assemblies meet. Oh praise him; and your vows complete. 25 Thewee^-to fulness shall be fed, With richest grace His table's spread : Your hearts His praises shall record, In endless life, who seek the Lord, PART VI. 26 Blest SAVIOVR, by Thy spirit taught, Thy grace in sweet remembrance brought, Earth's utmost coasts shall hear, and flee In holy ecstacy to Thee. 27 Soon shall they worship at Thy throne. Thine is the Kingdom^ Thine alone; Thou Lord of all ! by grant divine. The world's high sov'reignty is Thine! GS PSALM 23. 28 Earth's mightiest sons Thy name shall bles5, Her sceptrM kings Thy right confess ; Thy voice alone from dust can raise ; My soul shall live to speak Thy praise ! 29 Thus, while Thy siirit life supplies, Thro' earth a num'rous seed shall rise j Their w illing tribute to afford. Known as the servants of the Lord. 30 From age to age, their joyful tongues Shall praise Thy righteousness in songs; Transmit to distant times Thy name, Till earth's last sons Thy work proclaim^ PSALM XXIII. THIS beautiful Pastoral represents the care of the Lori Jesu« over His Church, uuder the character of the good Shepherd; and His attention to the safety and provision of His flock. In this character the Re- deemer Himself seems to have delighted. — John x. 11, &c. Sec. Com- pare Is. xl. 10,11-, Ez. xxxiv. 11— 16.— Therefore the Believer here rejoices, assured of all safBcient supplies ; of deliverance from temp- tatioD-and trial; of support in death; and iu the hope of eternal glory beyond 1— John x. 28, Qg. 1 A HEAR my shepherd^s voice, And in His care confide: In Thee, Jehovah, I rejoice. My wants are ail supplied. 9 Where living pastures grow, He bids mc sweetly rest ; Where gentle streams of mercy flow. My weary soul's refresht. 3 He kindly brings me back, Whene'er I run astray, And leads me, for His own name's sake^ In His own righteous way. 4 When death'i dark gloomy vale My laboring footsteps tread. Why should my doubtful courage fail, Tho' irinking 'midst the dead ? PSALM 23. 69 My sHFPHERD^s with me there, His rod my path shall guide : His staff my fainting spirits bear. With comforts well supplied. My table Thou hast spread, In presence of my foes : With richest oil Thou cheer'st my head, My cup with joy o'erfiows. Thus, all my future days Thy mercies shall attend: Till in Thy courts above I raise The songs which never end ! PSALM XXIIl.— Vbr. IL 1 Beneath Jehovah's watchful eye, I own my shepherd^s care : My wants indulgent to supply, His pastures He'll prepare, 2 He bids me feed, He makes me rest, yihere fields in verdure grow ; My soul, when weary, is refresht. Where streams of mercy flow. 3 'Tis He restores my wand'ring feet, Whene'er I go astray ; And leads me (for His mercy's great !) In His own righteous way. 4 Soon shall I tread the valley thro'. By shades of death opprest : His rod my comforts shall renew, And on His staff I'll rest, 5 His rich provision's round me spread, In presence of my foes : His hand with oil anoints my head ; My cup with joy o'erflows. 6 Goodness and mercy so divine Shall bless my future days ; Till, in His house above, I join Their everlasting praise ! 70 PSALM 23. PSALM XXIII.— Ver. III. 1 Jehovah I boast as my shepherd become, No want shall distress me, He'll ^uide me safe homr« In pastures of pleasure I lie down at ease ; He leads me by rivers soft flowing with peace. 2 How often, alas ! does my soui run astray ! But Jesus restores me, and shows rae His way: I see all His glories, and walk in his laws ; His name and His 7nercy alone are the cause ! S.Tho' soon I shall tread in the dark gloomy vale, Thro' the shadows of death, aud ray flesh and heart fail: No fears shall alai m me, my shephehd's still nigh ; His rod and His staff shall my comforts supply. 4 My table He spreads, His provisions abound, Before all my foes, tho' they rage all around ; My head He anoints with the oil of His grace. My cup full of blessings runs over apace. 5 His goodness aad mercy have followed me long. They shall follow me still, as my joy and my song; My SHEPHERD shall guide me to glory above 1-^ May I ever inherit that/o/d of His love. PSALM XXIIL—Ver. IV. 1 Jehovah, my shepherd and guide^ In w ant shall His bounty bestow ; His pastures my soul have supplied, "Where rivers so peacefully flow : My soul He restores when I stray. And bids me to wander no more ; His righteousness marks out my way. His name and His grace I adore. 2 When walking thro' death's gloomy vale, Amidst its dark shades I descend, No terrors my soul shall assail. For there shall Jehotah befriend : My sAViovR the passage hath trod, And He shall ray comforts renew, His Presence, His ^toff, and His Rod^ Shall lead me triumphantly thro\ PSALM 24. S My table Jehovah hath spread. And fed me in sight of my foes ; His oil hath anointed my head ; My cwj? with His bounty o'erflows: Mis goodness and mercy I trust, My life has been crown'd with His love, And for ever, when rais'd from the dust, I shall dwell in His temple above I PSALM XXIV.— Part I. THE description of the perfect man, which is here given, (and in Psalm xv) as ascending to the hiU of the Lord, if at all applicable to the sincere Christian, is to be applied principally (as is evident from the latter part of the Psalm) to the Incarnate God, our lie deemer. Here He, whose is the earth and its fulness, by right of creation, having, in our nature , '* fulfilled all righteousness,'' and conquered every enemy, claims, in that nature, as the King of Glory, in right of His [obedience and victory, admission to the throne of Heaven, to carry on His mediatorial government *' over all things for His Church.^'— Is. liii. 10—V2, ; Acts i. 9— 11. ; Matt, xxviii. 18. This Psalm is appointed with peculiar propriety by our Church to cou- stitute a part of its worship on Ascension Day. 1 X HE earth is Thine, Almighty Lord ! With all its varied stores; This rolling Orb obeys Thy word, And man Thy right adores. 2 O'er liquid seas Thy hand has spread Its arch'd foundations sure ; On the deep floods Thy wisdom laid Its solid base secure. 3 But who shall climb Thy hill supreme. Beyond th' ethereal dome ? Who, in Thy heav'nly temple claim His everlasting home ? 4 'Tis he, whose hands and heart are pure. Whose vows no idol greet ; 'Tis he, whose plighted faith is sure. Whose heart disdains deceit. 72 PSALM 24. 5 Eternal blessiugs from the Lord Around his soul shall How, And God, salvation to alt'ord, Shall righteouaness bestow, 6 These are, my God, the chosen seed, The men who seek Thy face : Like Jacobs wrestlinj; as they plead, They find Thy promis'd grace. PART If. 7 Lift up your heads, eternal gates! Lift your vast doors on high ! Behold ! the kis(x of glory waits His entrance to the sky ! ! 8 Why a>k, ye PoicVs of Glory, vcho ? And what His wondrous name? What Ki.vG OF GLORY, from belowy Can these high honours claim ? 9 'Tis Jesus — Lord of boundless might ! Hi^ victories who can tell ? The Lord — the Cunquror in (he fight, O'er all the pow'rs of hell. 10 Lift up your heads, eternal gates ! Lift your vast doors on high ! Behold! the king of glory waits His entrance to the sky ! ! 11 Why ask, ye Pow'rs of Glory, icho? And what His wondrous name? W^hat KING OF GLORY, from below. Can these high honours claim ? 12 Jehovah, Lord of heaf^nly hosts ! Bow, bow your sceptres down ; Jesus aloi:e this glory boasts, The KING of glory crown ! ! PSALM XXIV.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 The earth, thov majesty divine ! Its fields, its floods, its stores, are T/une: Thine is the world, and Thine the race Whose dwcUiugs fill its ample space. PSALM 24. 73 "2 Where the deep seas retiring fled, Thy hands its arch'd foundations spread ; O'er liquid floods Thy high command Bade its firm base unshaken stand. 3 But, who shall e'er ascend the hill, Great God ! which all Tliy glories fill? Who in Thy temple's hallow'd dome Secure his everlasting home? 4 Whose hands are clean ; whose heart sincere ; Whose purpose pure ; whose actions clear ; Whose soul no vanity allures; And truth his plighted vow secures. 5 'Tis he the blessing shall receive, The blessing which the Lord shall give; Salvation from his God shall flow ; And righteousness His hand bestow. 6 These are the men, the chosen seed. Like Jacob, wrestling as they plead ; They seek, my God, they seek Thy face, And wait and find the promised grace. 7 Lift, lift, ye gates, your heads on high, Ye doors of vast eternity ! Behold the king of glory rise, And claim His entrance to the skies! 8 Why ask, ye Pow'rs, who dares to claim, From earth, the king of glorv^s name? Lord of all might ! He stands alone. The strength of battle is His own! 9 Lift, lift, ye gates, your heads on high, Ye doors of vast eternity ! Behold the kisg of glory rise, And claim His entrance to the skies ! 10 Why a.k, yc Poiv'rs, who dares to claim The KING of glory's awful name ? The Lord of hosts! — your tribute bring, Of glojy crown immanvel king ! 74 PSALM 25. PSALM XXV.- Part. I. A SUITABLE pattern and form of humble siipplicatiou and earnest intercession; wbich the Believer will frequently adopt, with holy delight; and wh^ch God will always hear and fulfil, for His loving- kindness and for His Name's sake- 1 U P to the Lord, with strong desires, I lift my soul and fly : To Thee, my God, my heart aspires, On Thee my iiopes rely. 2 Then let not shame my face o'erspread. Nor triumph crown my foes ; While sinners hide their guilty head. On Thee Thy saint.s repose. .^ Show me Thy ways, Thou fount of grace ! I long Thj paths to fiud : Then in Thy trrth my footsteps place, And teach my erring mind. 4 Oft, rry salvation to complete. Hast Tht.u Thy pov\V displayed ; On Thee from morning light I'll wait, Till the dark ev'ning >hade. 5 Thy fovin^-kindness, O my God, Thy tfnd rest mercy show : Thro ev'ry age Thy grace has flow'd, And shall for ever flow. 6 Then blot in> follies from Thy sight, Nor youthful sins record : Let mercy (mercy^s Thy delight !) Still plead my cause, O Lord* 7 The Lord \^ good, the Lord is just, His promise to fulfil ; And sinners, who His mercy trust. Shall hear and know His will. 8 His wisdom ^hall the humble guide. His judgments to discern; And, while on Him the meek confide. The meek His ways shall learn. PSALM 25. 9 The truth and mercy of the Lord Direct His darkest ways, To bless the men who keep His Word^ And trust His cov'nant grace. 10 Then let my soul Thy pardons prove, Tho' great my guilt and blame ; I plead the safiour's cross and love. The honour of Thy name. PART III. ] 1 Where is the man w ho fears the Lord ? To him Hi? gr-ce is near, To teach the doctrines of His fFordf, And make his duties clear, 12 Peace shall his tranquil soul possess, And mercy there reside ; His num'rous seed the Lord will bless, And spread th3ir dwellings wide. 13 The secret couvsels of Hie delayei', faith shall keep him from dejection. He is eu.'Kuraged fmm former experience, from the knoicn gooilnesSf and the faithful promise of God, to rontinue waiting in faith, patience, and prayer, till he obtain the eternal victory. 1 Thee, lord, I boast, with great delight, My soul's etr^rnal FoViyr of light! Thee, my salvation ! always near, Whom shall my stedfast spirit fear ? 2 Strength of my life ! with Thee my stay, What dangers can my soul dismay ? My foes, tho' eager to devour. Stumble and fall beneath Thy pow'r. 3 Tho' num'rous hosts o'erspread the field. Ne'er shall my heart its coura^re yield ; Tho' war in gloomy terrors rise, Thy arm my confidence supplies, 4 One wish my pray'r to God iaspires, And ^ill my ardent soul it fires, 78 PSALM 27. To dwell thro' life before Thy face. Lodg'd in the temples of Thy grace. 5 There would I see Thy beauty shine, And view the Majesty Divine ! Inquire Thy will, and learn my way, Up to the realms of endless day. PART II. 6 My God, when troubles rise, will spread His fair pavilion o'er my head ; "Will safely in His arms inclose, And hide me from my threatening foes. 7 Jesus — (salvation to His name !) My ROCK OF STRENGTH Hc bids me claim, On Him in confidence to stand ; And faith shall rest at His command. 8 So shall ray head in triumph rise, Uplifted o'er my enemies ; Tho' all around their hosts they place, My refuge is the safiovr's grace. 9 Then 'midst Thy Church (O sweet employ !) I'll shout the sacrifice of joy ; I'll ?ing (let all Thy saints accord), I'll praise my SjiriouR and my Lord ! PA.RT III. 10 Hear me, O God, whene'er to Thee With suppliant voice'l bend my knee ; And, while my cries Thy throne assail. Let mercy plead, and pray'r prevail. 11 When first I heard Thy voice of grace Kindly invite to seek Thy face, *' rilseeky"* obedient to Thy word. My heart replied, *' Thy face ^ O Lord!" 12 Thy face — where mercies rise and shine ! Oh ne'er conceal those beams divine; Let not Thy wrath my soul dismay. Nor frow n Thy servant far away. 13 In sweet remembrance I record, Thou wast my help, All-Gracious Lor]:> * PSALM 27. 79 Then leave me not, to Thee I fly, God, my salfatiox, still be nigh. 14 When comforts fail, or friends forsake. Beneath His wings the Lord will take; If parents die, in Him we share More than the tend'rest parent's care. PART IV. 15 Teach me Thy way. Thou fol.vt of light ! Oh guide my erring feet aright : And, while my envious foes survey, Let no suspense perplex my w ay, 16 The povDvs of hell around me rise, Inspir'd with cruelty and lies ; Thou gracious God, preserve me still, JsTor yield Thy servant to their will. IT Oft had my fainting s| irit fail'd, 'Bni faith reviv'd, and hope prevail'd. Thro' life Thy goodness, Lord, to view ; And faith has prov'd thy promise true. IS Wait then, O Israel^ on the Lord, And rest with courage on His fVord ; Wait — for His arm will strength impart. Till endless triumph glad your heart. PSALM XXVIL— Vi:r. IL—Part L 1 Thou, the Lord, my fount of light! What shall then my soul dismay ? Thou, my saviour and my Imight ! Thou, my life's eternal stay ! Now I yield no more to fear, Tho' the wicked round me stand, Watching, urging, wasting, near, Prostrate, they shall own Thy hand. 2 Spreading o'er the world's wide field, Tho' the hosts of hell arise. Shall my heart its courage yield. When Thy hand its aid supplies? 80 PSALM 27. Tho' its terrors all combine. War itself ihaW ri>e in vain. While Thy ^race and ponV divine My high confidence sustain. 3 One desire — (I ask no more) FiiU my heart and tires my pray'r; In Thy temple to adore, All my days inhabit there; There to see the bright display, "Which Thy heav'nly beams impart; View Thy face; — and a?k Thy way Till I see Thee as Thou art. 4 While I tread this vale of woes, When around me troubles spread, God His fair pavilion shows, Mercy, shelt'ring o'er my bead I >!e in safety shall conceal, AVhere His holy dwelling tow'r, To my soul the rock reveal, Jesus, rock of ewdless Pofv^Rl J He, my enemies all slain, Shall my head triumphant raise,- Jesus shall my hopes sustain, Jesus shall have all my praise : Now the sacrifice of joy, Shouting in His courts, I'll bring: Praise Jehovah ; (sweet employ 1) Praises to the savioir sing. 6 When my cries ascend to Thee, Hear, Jehovah, from afar ; Let Thy tender mercies be Still propitious to ray pray'r : When Thou bad'st me seek Thy face, Quickl> did my heart reply. Resting on Thy Word of grace, ** Thee 1*11 seek, O Lord, most high I' 7 Glory in Thy presence dwells, Hide no more ih' enliv'ning ray ; PSALM 28. 81 Nor, while frowning wrath repels, Cast Thy servant far away : Sweet the hours, to meraVy dear, "When Thy hand its help display'd ; God, my safiovr, still be near, Nor withdraw Thy pow'rful aid, 8 Should the world deceitful prove, When no more its help I share ; Tho' decay'd a mother's love ; Tho' withdrawn a. fathers care; Then Jehovah's guardian eye Shall my orphan state defend, Shall a partiiVs place siii)ply, He my gvardias ! father ! FRiEyD / PART III. 9 Gracious Lord, disclose Thy way, In Thy path my feet sustain ; While my foes ray steps survey, Make the path of duty plain : Nar my fainting spirit yield To the foes which round me rise ; From the Great ^^ccw^er shield, Cruel pow'r, or sland'rous lies, 10 Had not faith reviv'd my breast. Oft my soul had sunk in woe ; Now, thro' life, assur'd I rest, All Thy goodness. Lord, to know : Wait, then, Israel, on the Lord, Still with courage cheer Thy heart : Wait—for faithful is His Word, He will grace and strength impart. PSALM XXVIIL—Part I. HE vrho thus humbly supplicates at the throne of grace, shall find hi* prayer also changed into the language of praise. — And, when tritiBiph- ing in the enjoymeot of God's salvation, I«t us not forget the Yoice of intercession for His Church militant with us on earth. 1 O LORD, my rock, to Thee Til cry, My soul's eternal stay ! Thy gracious answer ne'er deny. Nor frown my pray'r away. 82 PSALM 28. 2 If silent, while my cries ascend. Thy sjrace refuse to save, Soon shall my «oul 'midst those descend Who slumber in the grave. 3 But hear, Oh hear, my suppliant pray'rs, Directed to Thy seat, Where the great advocate appears, His mercies to complete. 4 Then,never withth' unge'llyrace Assign my soul its part, Peace on their lips, and words of grace. But mischief in tlieir hrart. 5 Thy justice has their doom prepar'd, Their guilt that doom secures : As their vile deeds is thfir reward, And as their guilt endures, 6 When men profane Thy works despise> Regardle?? of Thy ways, Soon shall Thy hand in judgment rise, And close thejr impious days. PART II. 7 Oh bless the Lord ! my thanks are dne, Joy tunes my grateful heart ! My pray'r He heard ; His grace anew He hastened to impart. 8 My STRENGTH ! my shield ! — I trust His power. His arm my help supplies : Then let my thankful heart adore, And songs of praise arise. 9 The Lord's our strength : th' asointed Ki2f& At His command arose: Now shall His power salvation bring, And raise me o'er my foes. 10 Rise, rise to save, to bless, to feed, * Thine own peculiar race; And thro' Thy richest pastures lead. To everlasting grace. PSALM 28. 83 PSALM XXVIIT.— Ver. II.— Part I. i God, my rock, to Thee complaining, Suppliant at Thy throne I'll pray : Never, Lord, my pray'r disdaining. Turn with silent scorn away : Lest, if silent while I cry. Sinking, 'midst the dead I lie. 2 Hear my cries, to Thee ascending. While I lift my suppliant hands, Where, my humble suit depending. Near Thy throne my saviour stands: Nor 'midst sinners fix my part, Speaking peace with hostile heart. 3 Sinners — ye who, boldly daring, Still Jehovah disobey, God, ilis mighty arm preparing. Shall your stoutest crimes repay ; Justice shall the doom afford. As your work is your reward. 4 All His wonders round you rising, Why His powW and name disown? Why, His ^romc?c«ce despising. Tempt the vengeance of His throne? He, His providence to show, Shall your boldest works o'erthrow. 5 Now my soul its triumph raises, Bless Jehovah's guardian care ! He will not disdain my praises. For His grace hath heard my pray'r : He hath all His pow'r reveal'd, He my STRENoiHy and He my shield ! 6 When in faith on Him I waited. Then the Lord to help me fled ; Now my heart, with joy elated, * Now ny tongue His praise shall spread ; He their strength, His Church to save, Rais'd th' anointed from the grave ! 84 PSALM 29. 7 Bless Thy Churchy Almighty saviovr*. Let thy saints salvation know ; In the pastures of Thy favour, Feed them near Thy fold below : Till Thy love Thy Church shall own, Plac'd ifor ever round Thy throne ! PSALM XXIX. IS thisPsalra " most oT those qualities and perfections \\'ht«h consti- *• tute 5u6li7»u*y will be found in a very high degree;" and '• the *♦ sublimity of the matter is perfectly equalled by the uoaffected " energy of the style." It ce!el)rates the yoicer and glory of the Voice or fVord of God, in its wonderful effects ; — as the great agent in crea- tio:t, and in conducting the concerns of Providence. The same may be said of th( fVord of His Gospel. To this an allusion is made in th« second rer.'ion, which is therefore put into an easier measure, as being more suiteti lo tiw; purposes of worship, in the congregation. Refarred to the voice of God in nature. 1 ^ONS of Might', your off 'rings bring, Jehovah's praises own; Strength and glory, as ye sing, Aycnbe before his throne : Strength alone in Him confess, Olory to His name belongs. In IJ'S holy t'^mple bless, Exalt His name in songs. 2 Hark ! the Found (Jehovah speaks !) O'er the waters rolls : God of glory ! hear ! it breaks In thunders round the poles! When ab ve the waves he rode, Bade the surging billows rest, 'Twas Thy Voice. Thou Mighty God ! The yielding deep comprest. 3 Hark ! Jehovah's Voice is pow'r! It rolls in majesty ! O'er where Lebanon's high tow'r Invades the wond'ri:;g sky : PSALM 29. 8? Lo ! the crash its cedars rends ; Like the rapid heifers borne, S/r/on joins — it flies — it bends, Swift as the unicorn. 4 At the Voice of Heav'ns high Lord, The flaming li«;htninjf^ flie^ ; Deserts shake beneath i\h Word^ Where Kadesk* summits rise : Trembling, at His. Voice afraid, See th' uprooted oaks lie low ; Forests bar'd and disarray'd, Their deep recesses show. 5 Li His holy temple thron'd, Jehovah's glories dwell ! There His saints. His wonders own'd. His vast perfections tell ! O'er the floods exalted high, Still the Lord Jehovah reign«, Sits in awful Majesty^ And regal state maintains ! 6 Beams of endless glory shine Around the king supreme : Thron'd on high, with pow'r divine, His Church adore His name ! "While the floods His JForc? confess, Ruling nations as He please, Mercy shall His people bless With strength and endless peace. PSALM XXIX.— Ver. II. Referred to the power of the IVord of God, or His I'oiu in Hie ChunV- 1 Sons of the Mighty! rise and bring Your olF'rings to th' Eternal uiyG; Own 'tis Jehovah, while you ris'% Your glory and your strength supplies. 2 The glory His — confers the claim. And yield due honours to His name : And, while His holy courts ye throng;, Swear to Jehovah in your song. 86 PSALM 30. J Tho' rough as waves which sweep the main. His Voice the people can restrain : The God of glory ! o'er our souls His Word, like solemn thunders, rolls. i His Word, all powerful to fulfil Th' eternal counsels of His will, With awful Majesty array 'd, Subdues the world His hand has made, 5 The mountains bow, the cedars rend,' Lo ! at His high command thej' bend ! So thro' the world His Gospel ran. And bow'd the rebel heart of man. 6 His Word, like lightning from the skies. Strikes deep — and quick conviction flies- The Gentiles tremble and adore Thro' earth, to its remotest shore. 7 Stript of his glory, when He calls, Man's tow' ring pride reluctant falls; His Word with piercing search reveals Where guilt its secret haunt conceals, 8 Now in His temple, round His throne, His prostrate Church their Lord shall own ; Tho' sinners rage against His name. High o'er the floods He sits supreme. 9 Jesus is ki\g t enthron'd on high. He reigns thro' all eternity ! His glory shall His Church increase, With strength divine, and endless peace i PSALM XXX.— Part I. THE Psalmist, rejoicing in the auswer of his prayer, and his own I'.e ^ liverancp, extols the goodness of the Lord, and encourages others to trnst in Him ; since His displeasure, however distressing to the Be- liever, is but for a ynoment; but His favour lure and eternal. From his own experience he teaches us tb*t sdf confidence must be brought low ; but the leturniug spirit of humiliation and prayer shall soon be anfwered with returning favonr. I Lord, I extol Thy name. Thy hand has rais'd me high ; PSALM 30. S7 Before Thy face (their hopes o'erthrown) My foes reluctant fly. 2 To Thee, the Lord, wj/ God, With suppliant voice I cried ; Tliy grace its heav'niy influence shed, And health asd strength supplied, 3 Now from the depths of hell, The sorrows of the grave. My soul redeem'd with joy proclaims Thy mighty pow'r to save. 4 Ye, who His mercy find, Sing praises to the Lord ; Declare the honours of His name. His holiness record 1 5 A moment is His wrath, No change His love destroys; Slmrt is the night where sorrow weeps. The morning dawns with joijs I PART H. 6 Once blest in prosp'rous state. And cheer'd with heav'niy love, Elate with confidence I cried, ** My soul shall ne'er remove. ♦ *' Thy favour, gracious Lord ! ^'' Has fix'd my mount so strong ; ** That favour will my soul secure, '' And all my joys prolong." 8 Alas ! my heedless steps I Thy face its light withdrew ; My fears arose, the darkness spread^ Around the tempest flew. 9 Then with a humbler voice Again I bent the knee; To Thee, Eternal Lord, I cried. And rais'd my pray'r to Thee, ID " When to the grave I sink, '-^ What honour wilt Thou bear ? " Say, shall the dust Thy praise proclaim f ^'' Or death Thy truth declare ?'* i2 88 PSALM 80. il Lord, in Thy merr> liear, And pard'ning love altord, Thine own Almightyaid supply. Thou ever-gracious Lord ! 12 O God, Thy love divine Has turn'd my mourning voice, Has chan^'d my gloomy weedj^ of grief, And girt me round with joys, 13 My Glory shall adore, Nor silent rest my tongue; My Lord, 7ny God, to Thee I'll raise The everlasting song ! PSALM XXX.— Ver, II.— Part I. 1 Lord, Thy arm my soul exalting, I'll extol Thy name in praise! O'er my foes, with rage assaulting. Did Thy hand to vict'ry raise : When my cries to Thee ascended. Thee the Lord my God I found ; Since on Thee my soul depended. Life and health embrace me round, 2 O'er the grave my spirit hover'd, Helpless o'er the pit I hung ; But Thy word to life recover'd, And my tongue Thy praises sung: All ye saints, your voices joining. Now with me exalt the Lord ; Grateful hearts and songs combining, All His holiness record ! S Tho' His righteous anger rises, Anger in a moment dies : Mercy still His heart devises. Life withiij His favour lies ; Tho' in gloomy shades of sorrow. Weeping thro' the night prevail, Joy shall ri-e upon the morrow, And the cheerful morning hail! PSALM 31. 89 PART II. 4 Once, with treach'rous joy elated, Flusli'd witli hope, in prosperous state, Thus T cried (how falsely rated I) *' For my soul no changes wait ! '* Stroni^ my mount ! Thy grace hath bless'd me„ " And my glory shall sustain:" But, alas ! what fears oppre^s'd me ! When Thy face was veil'd again. 5 Then more humbly 1 adore Thee ! To Thy throne my pray'r arose : " Shall my blood promote Thy glory, *' If the grave around me close ? *' Will the dust delight to praise Thee ? " Death, or hell. Thy truth declare :" Hear, O Lord, let mercy raise me. Great delif'rer, answer pray'r. 6 Gracious Lord ! how quick my mourning Has Thy voice to triumph turn'd ? With the robes of joy adorning. When w ith guilt and fears I mourn'd ! Rise my glory, shout His praises. Nor in silence lie, my tongue : Lord, my soul its tribute raises. Endless praise shall fill my song ! PSALM XXXI.— Part I. THE first part of this Psalm contains a prayer for help, prouaded ob ?lie characters under which God hath revealed Himself tc His people. The Psalmist then consoles himself under great oppression, affliction, or temptation, by the consideration of the providence of God, as su- perintending and directing all his concerns. And, recollecting the great goodness He hnd rescrred for,, and made over by promise to, all who trust in Him ; hence he encourages the love and holy fortitude cf His saints. INIany parts of this Psalaa are literally true of David's Antitype ; (see verse 9 — 13, Part III. of the present version ;) and verse -, was pronounced by the Saviour Himself, when expiring on the cross* 1 J.N Thee, O Lord, my trust I place. Protect my soul from shame; I plead the promise of Thy grace, The honour of Thy name. \ n 90 PSALM 31. 2 Swift from Thy Ileav'ns, O God, descend, And bow th' indulgent car : Be Thou my rock, my soul defend ; Oh haste, ray s.^yjouRf near. 3 My God, my rock^ my fort^ I claim ; There safely I repose : Oh guide me, thro' that ^radous NAMEy Whence all salvation flows. 4 Oh save me from the powers of hell, My STRENGTH, Thy aid prepare; Sin's soft enchanting charms dispel. And pluck me from the snare. 5 To Thee, Thou God of truth, w faith, My spirit 1 resign ; Thou hast redeem'd my soul from death, Its pow'rs shall all be Thine. PART II. 6 How false the world's alluring joys! In vanity they close : I hate the sinner's sensual choice, On Thee my hopes repose. T Thy mercy thro' my thankful breast Shall heav'niy Joys impart : The ^race, which sav'd me when distresf Shall still revive my heart. 8 When sore temptations round me lay, Thy hand my foes restrain'd; Secur'd my feet ; enlarg'd my way ; And all my hopes sustain'd. PART III, 9 Let Thy mercy, O my God, Heal the chast'nings of Thy rod : Trouble melts my eyes away. And my soul and flcah decay, \0 For my life in sorrow flies. Years are wafted on my sighs. And my strength and bones opprest Labour in my guilty breast. PSALM 3L 91 11 Keen reproaches wound my heart, Foes and friends the strokes impart : Social bands my presence dread, Lo! the passing stranger's fled ! 12 As the dust to death consigned. None my name recalls to mind : So the vessel on the ground Spreads its broken fragments round, 13 Yet their slanders meet my ear, Whither can I flee from fear? For their counsels strike dismay, And my life's their desiin'd prey. PART IV. 14 In Thee I trust, All-gracious Lord, I said, sfill resting on Thy Word, '' Thou art my God :" admit the claim. And faith shall triumph in the name. 15 My times Thy purposes fulfil, My joys and griefs obey Thy will : Oh let Thy arm my foes restrain, And earth and hell sha.\\ rage in vain, 16 Thy presence to my soul display, And shine my gloomy fears aw ay : Let mercy to my thankful heart Its saving health and joys impart, 17 From guilt and shame my soul defend, Since up to Thee my pray'rs ascend : But 'tis Thy justice strikes, when death Closes in shame the sinner's breath. 18 The lying lips, which utter wrong, The sland'ring, proud, contemptuous tongue, That dares blaspheme and grieve the just, Shall sink to silence and the dust. 19 How rich, how vast, All-bounteous Lord, The treasures of Thy grace ! The mercy rolling thro' Thy Word^ In boundless promises ! 92 PSALM 31. 20 The triumphs of Thy cross proclaim The wonders of Thy love: Thence all who fear and trust Thy name, Eternal blessings prove. 21 Briojht beams, that from Thy presence shine. Inclose Thy servants round : Nor shall the sons of pride combine To break the sacred bound. 22 There, (blest pavilion 'J there they dwell, And lift their joyful songs. Safe shelter'd from the pow'rs of hell, Or strife of slaud'rous tongues. 23 I'll bless the Lord, how oft to 77ie His wondrous grace is shown ! Where, in His Churchy His majesty. And all His glory's known ! PART VI. 24 Blind unbelief my soul distresf. In dang'rous haste I cried. No more Thy grace will calm my breast, Thy mercy is denied, 25 But, let 771 y faith on God rely, And in His truth rejoice ; When to His throne I rais'd my cry, He heard my suppliant voice. 26 Ye saints adore and love the Lord, His hand preserves the just; But measures out a full reward, And makes the proud accurst. 27 With holy courage in your breast, Your heav'nly way maintain ; Your hearts, who nn His promise rest. His mercy shall sustain. PSALM XXXII.-Part I. THE pTOgreis of a penitential spirit is here described in a most interest- ing manner, form the first convictiou of sin, tiU itissue in au auurrJ sense of pardoning mercy. This is presented as an encouragement to th e prayer of the humblCj and of thost who fear God. Th* exprciSiOK ot I PSALM 32. 93 reliance is followed with a promise of Divine instruction and gnidaiac, and a caution against that brutal obstinacy, or that senseless disobedi . ence, which requires the severity of correction — Siu will certainly bring sorrow ; but the penitent sinner shall as surely be happy in for- giving' grace .'—This only is the blessed man. 1 JHoW happy is the man, Whose guilt is found no more I Whose sins forpving mercy gain, By mercy cover d o^er ! 2 How happy, whom the Lord Absolves from ev'ry sin ! Whose heart with grace divinely stor'd Conceals no guile within I 3 While conscious guilt supprest In silence lay conceal'd, What anguish fiird my aching breast I My bones their firmness yield ! 4 By night I felt Thy hand ; My fears oppressed the day; Weary I faint, as parched land Beneath the summer's ray. 5 Before the heav'nly throne I spread my guilt abroad ; I said, " my num'rous sins I'll own, " Nor hide them from my God." 6 Swift as the humbling thought, (Thou MAJESTY divine!) Thy sovereign grace its succour brought^ And seal'd forgiveness mine. 7 Thy mercy'' s rich display The penitent shall hear, Thar trembling lips may learn to pray, While mercy bows its ear. 8 When guilt or sorrows roll, Like mighty waves on high. Thy werc?/shall redeem his soul. Nor let the floods come nigh. 94. PSALM 32. PART II, 9 Thou art my hiding place^ My SAVIOUR, and my lord, Tho' troubles rise. Thy sovereign grace Shall songs of joy aftord. !0 My heart has heard Thee say, (Thy goodness I adore !) *' My eye shall guide thee in the way, " And all thy paths explore. 11 *' The senseless horso and mule, " Reluctant to the rein, *' Yield to its force, averse to rule; *' Let lovemy saints constrain," 12 "While for the guilty head Unnumber'd griefs are stor'd, Still mercy's guardian tcings are spread Round those who trust the Lord, !3 Ye, nho the Lord revere. Oh triumph in His name. His praises, with a heart sincere. In shouts of joy proclaim. PSALM XXXIL— Ver. If.— Part T. 1 How bless'd the man, supremely bless'd, Whose s\ns forgiveness prove ! Whose guilt, with penitence confess'd, Is covered o^er with love. 2 How bless'd the man, the righteous God In righteousness arrays ; Nor e'er imputes the guilty load. The charge which justice lays ! 3 Whose spirit, humble and sincere. No treach'rous purpose hides; From guile his inmost thoughts are clear. And truth his practice guides. 4 While conscious guilt within my breasf In silence lay conceal'd, My anxious spirit knew no rest. My bones their firmness yields PSALM 32. 6 Beneath Thy hand, to sorrow doom'd, By day, by night, I lay; As the parchM land, by drought consumed, Faints in the summer's ray. 6 Before ray heav'nly Father'^s throne I spread roy sins abroad; I said, *' I'll all my wand'rings own, " Nor hide them from my God." 7 Oh wondrous love ! the humbling thought Had scarce rrpentant fled, AVhen sovereign grace forgivencs'^ brought. And rais'd my fainting head. 8 This shall the penitent behold, And chide his gloomy fear ; Shall near Thy seat his griefs unfold, Wkile were]/ wails to hear. 9 The' floods of guilt around him spread. Thy hand shall lift him high ; From the rough billows screen his head. Nor let the waves come nigh. PART II. 10 My HIDING TLACE^ my SAFE RETREATy In Thee, my God, I find : Thy grace, when storms around me beat, £3[alts my thankful mind. 11 In humble faith, Thy voice I hear, *' I'll all thy ways explore, '' ril make thy paths of duty clear, " My eye shall pass before. 12 " The senseless horse, the stubborn mule, *' The reins reluctant stay : ** Their mouths undisciplined to rule; — " But let My saints obey." 13 What sorrows, numberless and great, Are for the wicked stor'd ! yVhWe mercy^s sheWring wings await Round those who trust the Lord ! 96 PSALM 32. 14 Ye righteous, in His najiie rejoice, Devoted to His fear : In shouts of joy exalt your voice, With lips and heart sincere. PSALM XXXIl.— Ver. III.— Part I. 1 How bless'd the man, with mercy crown'd. Whose sins have all forgiveness found ! AVhose deep transg;ressions, cover'd o'er With pard'ning blood, are seen no more ! 2 How bless'd the man, to whom the Lord Doth His own righteousness afford I Whom mercy clears from ev'ry sin, Whose heart conceals no guile within. 3 My guilt with conscious fear supprest. What anguish fiU'd my aching breast I My soul in gloomy silence lay, And groan'd the tcdioiis hours away. 4 By night Tiiy heavy hand I bare, . Nor could the day relieve my care; With drought consum'd, my vigour flies, As the parch'd fields, by summer's skies. 5 I made my guilt and sorrows known, With deep contrition, at Thy throne: I said, " I'll all ray sins confess : ** And seek Thy grace and righteeusness." 6 Scarce had my breast the thought conceiv'd, Thy grace my anxious fears reliev'd ; Cleans'd my whole soul with blood divine. And seal'd Tiiy pard'ning mercy mine, 1 Oh boundless love ! the rich display Shall teach the trembling lips to pray ; The penlteni, with godly fear, Shall plead — while 7ncrcy waits to hear, S Tho' floods of guilt and sorrows roll. Like mighty waters, round his soul. O'er all the Lorh shall lift him high. Nor let the rushJii^ waves come nigh. PSALM 33. 97 PART II. 9 My HIDING PLACE ! mv griefs resign'd, In Thee a safe retreat I find : Bless'd saviour! Thou wilt aid impart, While songs of triumph fill my heart ! 10 With humble faith, I heard Thee say, *' My SPIRIT shall direct thy way ; " My searching eye shall pass before, *' And ev'ry doubtful path explore, 11 The senseless horse, the stubborn mule, *' Their mouths undisciplin'd to rule, *' Reluctant feel the curbing rein ; *' But let My love My saints restrain." 12 Around the wicked, tho' in state, Sorrows unknow^n, unnumber'd wait: While mercy's guardian wings afford Safety to those who trust the Lord. 13 Ye, who adore Jehovah's name, With cheerful gratitude proclaim His mercies ; and, with holy fear, Shout to His praise, with hearts sincere. PSALM XXXIII.— Part. I. A Psalm of triumphant praise to God, for His faitiifulness to His wor J, and His ability to perform it, confirmed by His works of Creation and Providence. The Church, from these coiisidf rations, determines to r^- joirc in Him, and supplicates the continxtance of His mercy- 1 XvEJOICE — your voice in triumph raise. Ye righteous, who the Lord revere; How comely is the voice of praise. From cheerful lips, and hearts sincere. 2 Your praises to the Lord belong, Let all your instruments combine ; To His great name renew the fcong, With skilful arts your voices join. 3 His Word, our everlasting stay. His Justice and His Truth secure : His Works Hh faithfulness display, Rich is His grace. His promise sure. 98 PSALM 33. 4 He Judgment love> — but Mercy nedr Unites with Justice in His Word: He bids the earth His Gospel hear, FilVd with the goodness of the Lord. PART II. 5 Thy fvoRD, Eternal God ! Spake — at the high command. The heav'ns their beauteous arch abroad Spread o'er the land ; Thy SPIRIT, Breath divine ! With pow'r creative flies, Their hosts of light innum'rous shine. O'er all the skies. 6 At Thy command, the deeps Beneath the mountains pour ; Thy hand in mighty conduence keeps The treasur'd store : Let earth adore it= Lord ! Down to its caverns hurl'd, He binds ; — or calls them with His word, And drowns a world ! T Let all the earth draw near. And bow with awe profound; The Lord Jehovah claims your fear, His praise resound : He spake — Lo ! earth and skies Their perfect forms disclose. He bade the beauteous order rise, An Order rose ! 8 Their counsels He"ll restrain And heathen lands assuage ; He makes their deep devices vain, And vain their rage : The counsel of the Lord Stands — nor resistance fears ; Firm are His thoughts, and fix'd His word. Thro' endless years. 9 . Supremely blest their coasts, Beyond the lands : broud, Who claim Jehovah, Loud of hosts^ Their covenant God ; PSALM 33. 99 'Midst whom, th' Etern^al Lord, Selected for His own, Proclaims His grace, reveals His Wordy And builds His throne. PART III. 10 Jehovah, Lord most high ! From Heav'n, with boundless gaze. Casts wide His all-discerning eye. And Man surveys : Where hign enthron'd He dwells. In the bright realms of light, Earth all its peopled lands unveils, Before His sight. 1 1 His hand creative made, With nice discerning art, Man's form divine: and life obey'd The springing heart: His praise He'll not divide, Alone He builds the frame; From Him no work, no thought, can hide, O^ER ALL SUPREME, 12 Let Kings Jehovah know. His will their arms can bless. Alone the vict'ry can bestow : His powW confess ! In vain the num'rous host Spread o'er th' embattled field, In vain their strength the mighty boast, With courage steel'd. 13 The horse inur'd to war, In combat his delight, Views the fierce battle from afar. And courts the fight : His strength and courage vain ; Proud, 'midst the hostile bands, He falls — the marshall'd legions slain; When God commands ! k2 100 PSALM 33. PART IV. 14 O'er the earth the Lord inspecting, (Fix'd His providential care) To His saints His eye directing, These His special bounty share ; Those who fear Him still beholding. On their souls His glories shine ; JVerc^in its wings infolding Those on Mercy who recline. 15 He, of life the Lord and giver ^ Shall their gvardias God be found, Shall from pestilence deliver, Spreading plagues and deaths around : He, when want and famine rages, * Guards and rescues from the grave, Love divine thro' endless ages. Shall their ransomM spirits save. 16 Thee, Jehovah, Thee adoring. Prostrate at Thy throne we bend, Humbly there Thy grace imploring. Waiting till Thy grace descend : Thou our HELP, Almighty safiovr! Let Thy arm be still reveal'd, Cast around Thy grace and favour^ Spread the everlasting 5/iieW.' 17 In Thy love our heart rejoices. While Thy promises we claim ; Thee we praise with cheerful voices, Trusting in 2'hy holy name : Lord, Thy mercy withoi:t measure Fills the cnv'nant of Thy grace I Pour on us that heav'nly treasure, For on Thee our hopes we place ! PSALM XX XI v.— Part L FROM a remarkable interposition of Jehotak in behalf of His ««r- vant, recorded l Sam- xxi. la, &c. the Psalmist encourages himself and otliers to prayer and confideuce in Gody in evtry time of perplexity and danger. For this purpose also he describes the dangerous sUte of the wicked, as resting under the frowns of Divine displeasure; and the security of PSALM 34. 101 the righteous, as blest with the presence, guarded by the pouer, and par- takers of the mercy, of Jehovah. From hence he triumphs, through faith, iu the final and certain deliverance of all His servants out of all their troubles. 1 -T ROM day to day, while life revolves, I'll bless my heav'nly Lord ; His praise my grateful heart resolves, My thankful lips record. 2 With holy joy, with cheerful voice, His wonders I'll declare ; Till humble ^enz7en^s rejoice, And in my triumph share. S Exalt the Lord — in songs of praise With me His grace proclaim ; Uniting in His courts to raise Fresh honours to His name. 4 Whene'er His heav'nly aid I sought. With sorrow in my heart, His grace, which my deliv'rance wrought, Bade all my fears depart, 5 Thus all His saints, before His throne, Have urg'd their humble claim ; 'Till beams of glory round them shone, Nor left their hopes to shame. 6 To Him the poor His griefs disclos'd, With anxious care opprest ; He heard, andev'ry fear compos'd, And calm'd th' afflicted breast. PART II, T The ANGEL of Jehovah nigh Protects his Church around : More than the marshall'd hosts that lie Spread o'er the tented ground. 8 Oh taste and see how rich His love! What kindness fills His breast ! The men who trust the Lord shall prove How all His saints are blest, k3 102 PSALM 34. 9 Before His throne tv ith rev'rence stand : His providential eye Shall guide His saints, His bounteous hand Shall all their wants supply. 10 Young Lions roani the desert wide. And search in vain for food ; But God will ev'ry saint provide AVith ev'ry needful good, PART HI. 11 Ye youthful minds, whose hopes are high, Let truth arrest your ear ; My lips instruction shall supply, And teach Jehovah's fear. 12 Where is the man whose soul aspires To life and length of days ? Whose mind substantial goud desires, And joy that ne'er decays ? 13 Thy guarded tongue by grace restrain Prom ev'ry evil word ; Thy lips from vanity refrain, Nor let a lie be heard. 14 From sin's alluring paths depart. His precepts to obey ; Peace the fix'd object of thy heart. The tenor of thy way. 15 For God, with ever-watchful eyes, Will all His saints regard ; To listen to their plaintive cries His mercy stands prepar'd. 10 But the stern vengeance of His face, The terrors of His frown, Shall sweep the sinner from his place. To endless ruin down. PART IV. IT His saint?, when sinking in distress, To God direct their cry ; He hears them, and commands redress, And brings delivTance nigh. PSALM 34. 103 IS The broken heart, to grief resign'd, Shall His kind pity feel ; And contrite spirits quickly find How mercy loves to heal, 19 What num'rous scenes of varied grief His saints and servants share ? But mercy quickly sends relief, And makes their bones its care, 20 His justice shall for vengeance call, And stop the sinner's breath ; Soon shall the persecutor fall In everlasting death. 21 Then their bedcjbmer and their Lord His servants shall approve, Nor leave one saint, who trusts His word, Deserted of His love. I PSALM XXXIV.— Ver. IT.— Part I. 1 Now shall my heart and thankful tongue Thro' life Jehovah's praise prolong : Nor will my lips decline His praise. Thro' changing scenes of future days. 2 My soul, so oft by Him restor'd, Shall speak its triumph in the Lord ; Till humble sinners hear my voice, And in His pard'ning love rejoice. 3 Oh now with me exalt His name, With me Jehovah's praise proclaim ; Heliiiteu'd, as I rais'd my pray'r, And scatter'd all my fears afar. 4 Thro' ev'ry age, in ev'ry place, His saints have sought, and found His grace : Nor, while His mercy beam'd around, Could all the potc'rs of hell confound, b Thcpoo7% who knows no help beside, To Him in hopeless sorrow cried ; He heard him, and in calm repose, Plac'd him on high o'er all his foes. 104. PSALM 3*. PART II. 6 Around the men, who own His fear, The Ay GEL of Jehovah's near : ZS'ot tented hosts, that spread the field. Such safety or such triumph yield. 7 Oh taste and see how vast his love ? How rich the grace His servants prove ! How happy, how divinely blest, The men who on His promise rest! 8 Ye saints, with fear, before His throne His providential bounty ow n : Their numerous cares to Him resigu'd, Who fear the Lord no want shall find. 9 Young Lions o'er the desert plain, By hunger urg'd, may roam in v^in : But they who seek the Lord shall know His hand can cv'ry good bestow. PART III. 10 Children^ your parents call obey. Hear, and let wisdom guide your way ; Your hearts to sacred truth atford, And learn from me to fear the Lord, 11 Where is the man whose mind aspires, And life and length of days desires ? Who seeks substantial good to gain, So sought by man, but sought in vain ? 12 From sland'rous w ords withhold thy tongue ; Nor dare pronounce the thing that's wrong ; From falsehood let thy lips refrain. Which God abhors, and Men disdain. 13 In action pure ; sincere of heart ; From all iniquity depart : Thro' life, to 'less its last review, In peace delight, and peace pursue. 14 For, lo! the Lord, from out the skies, Views all His saints with watchful ejes ; And, when their sorrows urge their pray'r. He bows, and makes their wants His care. PSALM 34, 105 I J But sinners who transgress His word, Shall meet the terrors of the Lord : His frowning face shall blast theirmirth, And blot their meni'ry from the earth. PART IV. 16 When sorrows rise, or fears oppress, From God the righteous seek redrcas, He hears ; and, as their cries ascend, Bids every storm of trouble end. 17 The broken hearty tli' afflicted sigh, Will call the Lord's compassion nigh ; He bids the contrite spirit rest, In His own love securely blest. 18 How various are the scenes of woe ! What num'rous griefs the righteous know? But God will ward th' afflictive stroke, Nor shall one bone of theirs be broke. 19 Behold ! the wicked, who rebel. Shall sink beneath His wrath to hell ; And daring sinners die accurst, Who hate and persecute thejust, 20 Then shall his arm His servants save, And raise His ransom'd from the grave; Nor shall one soul, that trusts His word, Be left deserted of the Lord. PSALM XXXIV.— Ver. IIL— Part. I. 1 Now my fix'd resolve is taken, To exalt Jehovah's praise ; Grateful songs o^ faith unshaken Shall attend my future days : God, my God, in Thee I'll glory. Raise to Thee my cheerful voice, Till the humble fall before Thee, Hear Thy mercy and rejoice. 2 Oh ye saints, exalt the safjour. Lift with me His name on high, Him who, with unbounded favour, Bow'd indulgent to my cry ! 106 PSALM 34^. When in humble supplication At His throne my pray'r He heard. He, the God of my salvation j Sav'd m}/ soul from all I fearM. 3 Saints of old, when woes oppress'd them, Rais'd their eyes to Him alone ; He from all their fears released them, While ilis favour round them shone: When the needy suppliant near Him, Poor and wretched, sought relief, Mercy bow'd its ear to hear him. And rcdeem'd from all his grief, PART II. 4 Lo ! the Lord around them standing, ^NGEL of Jehovah near, All His raarshall'd hosts commanding. Saves the men who own His fear ; Sinners, now, reclining on Him, Taste and see how great His love ! Bless'd are they that trust upon Him, Sweet the peace His servants prove, 5 Oh, ye saints of God, before Him Let your grateful praises How ; Love Him, trust Him, and adore Him, For His saints no want shall know : Youthful I/ions, hungry, roaring. Wander oft in vain for food ; But the men His aid imploring Ne'er shall want a thiug that's good, PART III. 6 Children — ye whose hearts are tender. Listen with attentive ear. Foolish hopes and joys surrender, Learn from me Jehovah's fear: Ye, who?e minds aloft aspiring Long for life and length of days ^ Honours, riches, fame, desiring, Ev'ry good which life displays ; PSALM 34. 107 7 If you seek substantial pleasure. Sought so oft by man in vain, Let your tongues no slander treasure. And your lips from lies restrain ; Piety is sweet employment, Sin and folly end in woe ; Follow ^eace (how rich th' enjoyment !) Peace with God, and Man below. 8 For the Lord, in endless favour, O'er the just directs His eye ; He their FRiEiVD, their guide, their safjoub^ Bows His ear whene'er they cry: But, when sinners disobey Him, On His face what frowns arise? All His terrors round array Him, Till their place from mem'ry dies. 9 "When the just, their fears unfolding, Spread before Him all their grief. Then the Lord, on high, beholding, Quickly sends the kind relief: Near the wounded spirit standing, Mercy pities ev'ry cry, Grace, its speedy help commanding, Loves the penitential sigh. 10 Num'rous waves of trouble rolling. Oft His humble saints oppress ; But the Lord, their rage controlling, Saves His servants from distress ; He, of life and health the giver. Will avert th' afflictive stroke. Will from ev'ry fear deliver, Lest one bone of theirs be broke. 1 1 Bold transgressors, vengeance daring, In His wrath shall die accurst ; They shall perish, deep despairing. Who with bate pursue the just : 108 rSALM S5. But the Lord's eternal favour All His ransom'd Church shall prove, Nor shall one^ who trusts the sArioun^ Be deserted of His love. PSALM XXXV.— Part I. THE sorrows and pray< rs of Da cid, in the midit of his enemies, inu*t here be considered as typical of tlie humiliatinn of Chrittt and His «arnpst supplication* to His heaxtnly Father; in which He wai heard and answered. — Heh. v. 7, 8. in this also H«' is our pnttfrn, At well as the Author of our falration. Let iLe redeemed therefore rejoice iu His victory, and magnify' the Lordj for His delight in Hi» people. 1 lrLEAD,plead,My cause— 'midst powerful foes, Messiah cries, Thy pow'r oppose ; Eternal Lord ! where battles ra^^e, Firm for the fight, Thy arm engage. 2 Hold, holfl the shield, the buckler bear. To Thee belong the lance^ the sptar ; My God, My enemies control, And speak salvation to My soul. 3 Then shall the men who seek My life, Confounded in th* unequal strife, Asham'd return ; their arts malign, Thy hand to ruin shall consign. i Thus shall My enemies all fly, As chaff that's scatter'd o'er the sky : And thro' their j)aths, expos'd to view, The Angel of the Lord pursue. 5 There, as their slipp'ry footsteps stray, Yet shall Thine Angel urge (heir way ; Till oVr the earth, 'midst scorn and dread. The wretched fugitives are spread. PART II. 6 The Priests 2iX\A Scr/^f5, with causeless hate. Around the dying saviour wait, And vent their impious joys: Their ruin hastens unawares ; Their deep device themselves ensnares : And the whole race debtroys. PSALM 35. 109 7 Nor Priests, nor Scribes, amidst the slain, Nor Pow'rs of Hell, His soul detain, Which throng the cross around j Joyful in God, the savjovr cries, *' ^Tisfinislidr — and ascends the skies, With God's salvation crown'd ! S Jehovah, majesty diviise ! Who shall compare his arm with Thine ? Omnipotent to save I Tho' earth and hell Ji'is soul opprest, By Thee He rises to His rest, And triumphs o'er the grave ! 9 This let the poor afflicted see. And place their confidence in Thee, Thou boundless source of grace ! Safe on that pow'r His saints repose, By which the Lord, their saviour, rose. And there my hopes I place. PART III. 10 Behold, the Great redeemer stands. Surrounded by the treach'rous bands, Abhorr'd — with secret crimes revil'd. Which not His spotless thought defil'd. 1 1 Their malice, as His mercy strong, His kindness recompens'd with wrong: Thro' life His varied sorrow flows. Till on the cross those sorrows close. 12 What mercies can with His compare. Who all our sins and sorrows bare I For us He fasts — for us arise His pray'rs — nor will the Lord despise. 1^ AYhat kind compassions fill His mind?. More tlian sl friend in Him we find : Not brethren's sympatiiy so great. Nor son?, which weep a mother'' s fate. 14 Yet, where His griefs were sharp and strong. The impious crowd with triumph throng : While the vile rabble's coarsest breath Adds icsuit to the pangs of death. no PSALM 35. 15 There, as our weight o( guilt He bare. The nails His sacred body tear; And, round His cross, the abject band Gnash with their teeth — and scornful stand. 16 Jehovah sees — His son to save, He haates, and rescues from the grave: Bids Hio united manhood rise, And bear its vict'ries to the skies. 17 Then let the Church His grace proclaim, And spread Jehovah's pow'r and name : Jesus— Thy cross our life we own, And hail the triumphs of Thy throne. PART IV. 18 Jesus bows His dying head ; Crowds insulting 'round Him spread ; Wink the eye with causeless hate ; And in barb'rous triumph wait. 19 Peace their murd'rous hearts disdain^ Nor their faithless lips restrain : Those whom peaceful arts delight, Objects of their sportive spite. 20 "Words of malice, words of pride, Jesus, spotless Lamb^ deride : " Ah ! aha! our watchful eye " Mark'd the secret guilt," they cry. 21 Now the Lord His son beholds. Nor His lengthen'd silence holds : Now He hears the s^r/ot/R'spray'r, Nor regardless stands afar. 22 Now Jehovah, Mighty Lord, Bids His truth confirm His word: Righteous judgments blast their joy, And their faithless hopes destroy. 23 Tho' their hearts insulting say, *' So we'd haveit — rise and slay ;" God His dying son shall own, Rais'd to till th' eternal throne. PSALM 36. Ill PART V. ^24 Lo ! the Lord, the Might j' sAriovRy Quits the grave, the throne to claim ; Object of His endless favour, God o'er all exalts His name : Those who hate Him Cloth'd with everlasting shame. 25 Shout for joy, with songs of praises, Ye who in His name delight ; Shout — 'tis God our saviour raises To His throne, in endless might ! 'Tis Jehovah, Crowns our Lord in realms of light !'' 26 God His Servant Whs to glory, Bids Him all His honours share : Now, Jehovah, we adore Thee, And Thy righteousness declare ; Endless praises Shall His ransom'd Church prepare. PSALM XXXVI.— Part I. THE uivkedness nf matij arising from a want of the fear of God, is here contrasted H-ith the Divine mercy and loving kindness. From hence the Psalmist encourages his prayer for the Church at large, and for bis own deliverance in particular ; assured that he shall finally triumph, when all his enemies shall be destroyed for ever. So shall the Believer be " more than a conqueror, through Him who hath laved ** Him!" 1 W^ITHIN my heart I spake, (There the great guilt I saw) The wicked, Lord, Thy fear forsake, *' Then boldly break Thy law." 2 With self-delusion blind, He hides his crimes within ; Till God by strict inquiry find, And manifest his sin. 3 His words from truth depart, Deceit is on his tongue. And, wisdom banish'd from his heart, He hastes to practise wrong. L 2 112 PSALM 36 i Deep, on his bed, he lays His mischievous d«'signs. And marks and plans his impious ways, Nor secret guilt declines. PART II. 5 Thy mercy^ Lord, transcends The heav'ns exalted high ; Fix'd o'er the clouds. Thy truth extends Beyond the changing sky. 6 Firm as the mountain's base Thy righteousness we own ; Who can Tny wondrous judi^ments trace? Those sacred depths unknow n I 7 Thy providential care The race of man sustains ; And beasts Thy daily bounty share, Pour'd o'er the fertile plains. 8 How excellent Thy love. In all Tliy works displayed ! Thy vcings the sons of Adam prove Their everlasting shade. 9 With rich provisions stor'd, Thy house our taste invites ; There, from the promise of Thy TFordf Flow rivers of delights ! 10 My God, alone in Thee Life like a. fountain dwells ! Thy Lights by which the light we see, The darkest shade dispels. 11 To such as know Thy way Let all Thy love appear; To thoseThy righteousness display, Whose hearts are found sincere, 12 The sons of pride assail ! — Their impious rage control ; Nor let the pow'rs of hell prevail To shake my stedfast soul. PSALM 36. lis 13 I see the sinner fall ! My foes shall rise no more; No more their triumph they recall : Thy mercy I adore ! PSALM XXXVI.— Ver. II.— Part I. WATcraNG o'er my wand'ring heart, There the source of guilt I found j Sinners from Thy fear depart, Thence their daring sins abound : Lo ! the man of impious mind, Bold in self delusion grows ; But the Lord his guilt shall find. And his hidden deeds disclose. In his words deceit he hides, Mischief dwells upon his tongue, For his heart no wisdom guides, Prone to think and practise wrong : On his bed his schemes he lays. Hails his mischievous designs, Marks and plans his impious ways, Nor the secret crime declines. PART II. Lord, Thy mercy, vast and high. O'er the highest heav'ns ascends ! O'er the clouds, beyond the sky, Fix'd secure, Thy truth extends I Firmer than the mountain's base, Lord, Thy righteousness we own : Who can all Thy judgments trace? Heights UDseen I and depths unknown! While Thy providential care Man's high-favour'd race sustains, Still for beastsThy hands prepare Fruitful tields, and flow'ry plains : But, 7ny Goo, how rich the love. Thro' Thy ways of grace displayed ! Safe we trust, and shelter prove, In Thy vsing's protecting shade. 114. PSALM 2,7. 5 Blessinsrs in Thy house abound, There Thy saints Thy fulness know Streams of mercies rise around, Pleasures\\\ie a river flow : There Thy servants sweet employ, Sweetest satisfaction, find ; Drinking, with a sacred joy, At i:\'d source of bliss recliu'd. 6 Fount of life! alone in Thee Life's perpetual fountain dwells I In Thy Light we light shall see. Light, wiiich ev'ry shade dispels : Let the men who know Thy name All Thy boundless kindness share : Own the humble sinner's claim, And Thy righteousness declare. 7 Shall th^ foot of pride prevail, Lifted o'er my prostrate breast? Shall my fainting spirit fail. By the poufrs of hell opprest r Let Thy arm my foes destroy. Till they fall to rise no more : Then, my God, with holy joy, Mercy — Merci/, I'll adcre I PSALM XXXVIL— Part I. TWE mystery of Providence is htre nnioldedf zud sinful anxiety at the prosperity and power of the angorllj reprovfd, by the consideration of the care of God over His people; the sure protection He affords them, tl'OMgh unseen ; tlieir certain restoration and d' li\er-^nce ; and the speedy termination of all earthly glory. Thus s-ipported, let faith rest, through every perpVxing dispensation, in stedfast reliance upon the tcord and frut/i of God, and His faithfulness shall fulfil the be- lieving expectation of His people. jL HY anxious cares, my soul, resign, Tho' pro-p'roi's sinners rise to state: Nor, vex'd with envious thoughts, repine, "NVhen men profane grow rich and great. 2 Quick, like the springing grass, they rise, As quick their transient glories fade: PSALM 37 11; So the frail /ZoicV of morning dies. Cut down before the evening shad e. 3 Firm on Jehovah's arm recline, His precepts thy perpetual care, Then God thy dwelling shall assign Safe in the land — and feed thee there. 4 On Him, thy soufs supreme delight ! Fix with content thy stedfast mind ; Then shall thy wishes, form'd aright, From Him their full enjoyment find. 5 Commit to Ilim thy doubtlul way. Rest on His care, and trust His hand : His goodness shall thy path display, And soon a prosp'rous end command. . 6 Clear as the /igJif thy truth shall shine, And clouds of malice vanish soon : Thy righteousness and pure design Bright as the beams which blaze at noon, PART II. 7 Safe in the Lord His saints may rest, And calmly wait His will; The' prosperous sinners, rich and blest, Their purposes fulfil. 8 No more with angry mind arraign The goodness of the Lord : My soul, th)' murm'ring thoughts restrain, Lest I transgress His word. 9 Th' ungodly, 'midst his pride and state. Oft meets his sudden doom : Whilst they who on Jehovah wait Secure a peaceful home, 10 Short is the sinner's boasted reign, Tho' honours round him pour. Search, search afar — alas ! 'tis vain, His place appears no more ! U Then shall the meek thro* earth extend Their heritage secure ; And peace o'er all their steps descend. Till Mcavn thct peace ensure. 116 PSALM 37- PART iir. \2 Around the just the tempter lays His unsuspected toils ; Watches, unseen, his doubtful way?, And marks the destined spoils. 13 Jehovah smiles — His arm on high Shall all His servants guard : He sees the day of vengeance fly, The sinners just reward. 14 The sword unsheath'd, he aims the blow. The righteous to destroy: The poison'd arrow on the bow, His secret arts employ. 15 In vain — for from His servants breast The Lord shall ward the stroke : Id their own heart their sword shall rest, And ev'ry bow be broke. PART IV. 16 Better is the scanty fare AVhich the pious poor supplies. Than the wealth the w icked share, Tho' to splendid state they rise : Cod their lifted arm disdains. Quick their broken glory falls ! But His pow'r the just sustains, Strength renew s and peace recalls. 17 'Tis the Lord observes their days, Orders all their times in love, Holds their steps, and guides their ways, To PI is endless joys above : When around diseases fly, Then Jbhovah safely leads; Plagues and famine stalking nigh. Still His hand protects and feeds! 18 Noarish'd for the sacred fires, See the fatted victim dies : Quick the rapid flame aspires. Quick away the vapour flies : Thus the wicked, Mighty Lord ! Perish at Thy wrathful stroke ; PSALM 37. 117 All Thy foes, before Thy word, Vanish as the altar's smoke. 19 While the sinner, basely low, Borrows, but returns no more, Mercy will the righteous show, Gen'rous to diffuse his store : When the Lord for blessing calls, Blessings round His servants spread ; But His curse, w^here'er it falls, Sinks to death the guilty head. PART V. 20 Now let the j«st in God confide, His wisdom all his steps shall guide, He loves his paths to see : Th' exulting foe exults in vain. He falls but to arise again, Sustain'd, O Lord, by Thee. $1 Ne'er have I seen, tho' age invade, A saint deserted of His aid, His sons an alms implore : While mercy guides his lib'ral hands. Blest is his seed, since God commands His blessing on his store. 22 Then from the ways of sin depart, And let His precepts guide your heart, W^ho guards your dwellings round : Justice and Truth the Lord approves. Nor from His saints His eye removes, Till plac'd on heav'nly ground. 23 Soon shall the wicked sink from view. Their seed His justice shall pursue, And on their tents remain : But then the righteous shall arise, Possess the earth, posses the skies, And endless glory gain ! PART VI. 24 When sacred knowledge fills the mind, What sweet delight His servants find ? The just, his lips with w isdom stor'd, Proclaims Thy judgments, Mighty Lord ! 118 PSALM 38. His willing steps sliall not depart, Tliy law engrav'd upon his heart. 25 See, envious of his happy state, Around his path the wicked wait : "With murd'rous arts ihe Tempter stands : But God shall rescue from his hands ; Nor, when before His throne, refuse To clear His saints, tho' hell accuse. '26 Wait on the Lord, and keep >lis way ; His Word thy guide ; His arm thy stay ; Then, while on earth with safety blest, Heav'n shall secure thy endless rest ! Thine eyes the sinners fate shall see, Safe shelter'd thro' eternity I PART VII. ^7 Like the Green Bay, which, verdant grown, In its own soil, no change has known, I saw the wicked rise to pow'r : Quickly he pass'd — his place I sought, I sought again, alas ! ^tvcas not ! Quickly he pass'd, to rise no more ! 28 But, mark the man of mind sincere, Th' Eternal God his only fear. How peaceful is his dying breath ! He bids the welcome moments fly. His peace secure beyond the sky, When sinners sink to endless death. 29 Salvation, heav'nly Lord, is Thine, Firm on Thy strength Thy saints recline, Thine arm their glory shall sustain : From sin, from Satan, and the grave, Thou, Great deliverer. Thou wilt save : la Thee they trust, nor trust in vain. PSALM XXXVIIL— Part I. THIS Psalm, though cousidered as one of the Penitential Psalms, do«» not appear, in many parts ef it, to be applicable to David ; nor as safh adapted to the use of the Christian Church. But part of it ii» applied to Christ, by the best expositors, and the whole may be un- derstood as accomplished in Him. It is, howsver, first rendered as -a PSALM S8. 119 Penitential Psalm, and then referred to the Redeemer's passion, and as already so fulfilled. In this sense it will be peculiarly suited to lUc Christian Church and worship, and assist our solemn meditatious, when looking by fiith at Him, ♦* who was wounded for our tranF>{reft- ♦' sions, and bore the chastisement of our peace.'' 1 X HY vengeance, righteous Lord, remove, See, whelm'd with grief, I stand: Nor in Thy fiercest wrath reprove. But with a Father's hand. 2 Thy darts infix'd, what pain and smart Runs thro' my conscious mind ! Thy hand lies heavy on my heart, To ceaseless griefs consign'd. S Health from my tortur'd body flies, Thy anger in my breast : And, while my sins to mem'ry rise, I seek in vain for rest. 4 Lo ! o'er my head my sins remain, Great God, Thy servant spare: The weight unable to sustain, Or all Thy wrath to bear. FART II. 5 Like wounds corrupting in my frame, By guilt and anguish torn, Oppress'd with sin, o'erwhelm'd with shame, My foolishness I mourn. 6 Thy terrors all my soul dismaj'. And bow my spirit down : While clouds of sorrow shade the day, Beneath Thy angry frown. 7 In deep recesses of my heart The foul contagion lies, O'er euVj/^oicV, in evrypart^ The lep'rous stains arise. % Feeble and faint, alas ! no more Or health or ease 1 find : My constant plaints around I pour, With a disquiet mind. 1 120 PSALM 38. 9 Yet, gracious God, before Thy Throne Shall my desires arise : Let mercy soften ev'ry groan, And pity all my sighs. PART III. 10 How pants my heart, with fear dismayed 1 How fast its vigour flies! Death spreads around its gloomy shade, And darkens o'er my eyes. 11 Once bless'd with friendship (sweet delight!) I haiTd the sacred flame : No mr)re ! — far fleeing from my sight, Not breth'ren own the name. 12 While the base foes, who seek my life, With snares surround my feet, Their mischiefs plan, or counsel strife, Or meditate deceit : 13 Deaf are my ears, and dumb my tongue, While men their rage fulfil ; Patient I bear, resigned to wrong, And bid ray lips be stili. 14 On Thee alone my hopes recline, On Thee, the Lord, I wait ; My God will hear — His grace w ill shine, And change my mournful state. PART IV. 15 Hear me, O Lord, lest men deride, And giory in my shame, Lest, if my feet to folly slide. Their triumph they proclaim. 16 For lo I my languid spirit faints, My fearful steps decline, Mv sorrows and my sad complaints In quick succession join. IT Yet, humbly waiting at Thy throne, ril all my sins declare ; My great iniquities I'll own, And pour my sorrow a there. 2 PSALM 38. 121 18 But, Lord, my foes, with vigour strong, In numbers still increase ; With causeless hate around me throng, Still hostile to my peace. 19 They who for good my hurt devise Their envious pride display, Since on Thy Word my soul relies. And loves to tread Thy way. 20 Then ne'er my fainting soul forsake. For Thee my God, I claim : My God will not His promise break, While resting on His name, 21 Haste to my help — my stedfast mind Shall still on Thee repose ; Salvation in Thy arm to find. And triumph o'er my foes. PSALM XXXVI 1 1.— Ver. II.—Part 1 Rfbuk'd, chastis'd. Thy wrath sustain'd, What griefs the safiolr^s sou] dismay ! Thire arrows in His heart remain'd, Thy hand, O Lord, afflictive lay. 2 His bones within His tortur'd frame, RackM with continued anguish, fail'd; Thine anger wak'd the burning flame, When guilt, but not His own, prevailed. 3 Beneath cur num'rous sins He stood. Their burden rolling o'er His head : How great the weight ! how vast the load I The GoDsustain'd, the manhood bled ! 4 Deep were the wounds our folly gave. The wounds the dying saviour bore, When, bovv'd in agonies to save, Life llow'd from ev'ry bleeding pore. 5 Beneath our guilt His loins opprest. His flesh the dreadful torment bare, Feeble and broke. His anguish'd breast, Pour'd to Thine ear the dying pra^'r. 122 PSALM 38. 6 Thy throne receives His earnest cries. His groans Thy kind compassion move; Now on Hi5cro5s Thy Church relies, And thro' His death implores Thy love, PART II. 7 With panting heart, and vigour flown, Light from His failing eyes withdrew: His friends th' endearing bonds disown, Nor 'midst His griefs the saviour knew. 8 No friendly sympathy prepares Its aid — when foes around Him meet, When hatred spreads its fatal snares. In miscliiefs speaks, or plans deceit. 9 But, silent 'midst the foul disdain. Deaf are His ears, and dumb His tongue; His lips no base reproaches stain: Nor censures to His heart belong. 10 On Thee, O Lord, his hopes reclin'd. To hear ; to vindicate His name: Thy hand sustain'd His sinking mind : Then hear, thro" Him, our humble claim. PART m. \ 1 Oh hear my prayV, the s^fiovr cried, Lest o'er My soul My foes rejoice : *' Behold, behold, His footsteps slide ! !'' His foes exclaim, with boasting voice. 12 Sorrow and guilt their load prepare, And o'er His breast unceasing roll : Nor did my Lord refuse to bear The sins and burdens of my soul ! 13 Behold His pow'rful foes arise, With causeless malice round Him throng ; They evil for his good devise ; And His kind loie repay w ith wrong. li He asks — Jehovah's pity flows. Swift to uphold His God appears ; His great salvation Fie bestows, His Church with joy His vic^'rj hear5. PSALM 39. 123 PSALM XXXIX.—Part I. IN consiileration of the vanity of life, the Psalmist determines not to comylain in murmurings to man, but to present bis humble and fier- T«nt supplications to Cod; intreatiug wisdom to improve by his afflic- tions, pardon for their sinful cause, and a speedy removal of them. He then pxpresses his submission to the Divine ifvill, but earnestly pleads for a mitipation of his sorrows, and a delay oi" the final senteuce, tUi more prepared for the solecaii change, i ItXY heart its ftx'd resolve declar'd. Its inurm'riiigs to repress : I said, " My cautious w;tys I'll guard, *' Nor shall my tongue transgress. 2 '* While sinners round my soul remain, " And all my ways observe, ** Fix'd on my lips I'll place therein, " Nor shall my purpose swerve." 3 In cautious silence long 1 stood, Nor grief nor joy exprest : Till sorrow^ like a whelming load, Lay heavy on my breast. 4 Kid in my heart, while musing long, The fire reluctant burn'd. It burst the bounds — it fir'd my tongue. From Man to Thee I turn'd, PART II. 5 ** Teach me, O Lord, the destined end " Which all my days shall close, " What frailties ev'ry stage attend ! *' How swift the current flows I 6 " Life's but a span ! Man's longest years *' Are nothing. Lord, to Thee ! '* When fix'd in glory he appears, " What splendid vanity ! T *' Earth's shad'wy forms his ardour gain, '"' He toils with useless cares : *' He heaps his treasur'd stores in vain» '* Nor knows his future heirs. S ** Great God ! from vanities like these '* What can my soul desire ? m2 124. PSALM 40. ** To Thee my longing spirit flees, ** To Thee my hopes aspire. ^ *' Tiiou gracious Lord, let mercy risCj *' And all my guilt remove : " Nor let the world my hopes despise, *' Supported by Thy love.*' PART III, 10 Silent I stood beneath Thy rod, And silent still I'll stand ; Thy right I own — 'twas Thee, m^GoD, I own Thy chast'ning hand. 11 But shall that hand, severely just, To me destructive prove ? Oh, from this feeble dying dust Thy vengeful stroke remove. 12 When with rebukes Thy justice flies, To close his narrow span, Crush'd like the moth, his beauty dies ; Such vanity is man ! 13 Then let my cries arrest Thine ears, Nor still Thy help deny, "While, weeping in this vale of tears, Beneath Thy hand I lie. 14 A stranger on this distant shore. From stage to stage I go : As all my fathers were before, Short sojourner below ! 15 Then cease Thy hand, my strength repair, Ere to the grave I fall : My God, 'midst my foes, O God, I fiee; So pants ray weary soul for Thee. 2 iMy soul a! hirst, with strong desires, To God, the living (ioD, aspires: When shall I enter, Lord, and know The joj^'i which from Tliy presence, flow ? 3 For here, while banisli'd from Thy sifht: Ti^ars are njy food, by day, by night: Wluie scorner?, as T breathe the sigh, *' Where^ tvheres thy Goc ?** insulting cry. PSALM 42. 1S3 4 Oppress'd, to anxious thoughts consign'd, 1 pour the sorrows of my mind To Thee: while in my mem'ry rise The scenes which once rejoic'd my eyes, 5 How sweet the times, when 'midst the throng. Up to Thine house, with grateful song, I Jed their steps; — to praise and pray, And worship on the festal day ! 6 Why then with griefs o'erwhelm'd ray breast ? Why with disquietude opprest? Hope thou in God — His smiles shall raise, And yet renew my songs of praise. 7 See, O my God, my fears arise, My soul in deep affliction lies; And, while th' insulting foe prevails, Within my breast my spirit fails. 8 Thrust from Thy courts, and driv'n afar. In the wide world I trust Thy care ; My God, Thy mercies I adore, Still distant from the heav'nly shore. 9 Deep calls to deep, the threat'ning cloud Bursts from on high, and, thundering loud, Pours all around — the billows roll, And wave on wave o'erwhelms my soul ! 10 Yet still I'll trust; — Jehovah nigh His loving-Jdndness will supply : He claims my song — He claims my pray'ry. The God who makes my life His care ! 11 ** My God, my rock,'^ V\\ humbly say, " Why thus forsaken while 1 pray ? " Forgotten, mourning, here I go, '* Oppress'd beneath th' indignant foe !" 12 Their keen reproach, their venom'd word«. Pierce to the soul like sharpen'd swords : My hope, my fainting hope, they shame. And, ** }f here's thy God" again exclaiuj. 131. PSALM 42. 13 But why with griefs oerwhelm'd my breast? Why with disquietude oj^prest? Hope Thou in God, His praise abroad My soul shall speak — my health ! my God ! PSALM XLII.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 As the hart^ thro' deserts flyin», Pants the cooling stream to see, Urg'd — fatigu'd — and deeply sighing — So my soul, O God, for Thee : So ray soul — w ith thirst unceasing, God, the living God, to view ; When, ah when, Thy glories tracing, Shall Thy courts my jojs renew ? 2 Banish'd far those scenes of pleasure, Dearest to my longing soul, Streaming tears, which know no measure. Freely flow, w ithout control : How can sorrow cea>e complaining ? Lo I my tears my food supply ! While my foe?, my griefs disdaining, '' Where's thy God ?*' insulting cry. 3 Mem'ry former joys reviewing, To my God my soul I pour; Pleasing scenes in vain renewing, Scenes which now delight no more: Happy seasons! — when ascending To Thy house I led the throng; Crowds the festal day attending, AVith the voice of joy and song! 4 W^hy, my soul, with fears distressing, Thus to anxious thoughts resign'd ? Why, disquietude oppressing, Whelm'd in grief my downcast mind ,* Hope in God — for. He my saviour ! In His love my soul shall rest ; Still rejoicing in Wh favour ; And His praise inspire my breast. PSALM 43. 135 PART II. 5 O my God, by Thee forsaken, Prostrate in the dust Hie; Faith by gloomy terrors shaken, All my hopes within me die: Yet, ray soul, in Thee confiding, Meditates Thy mercy still, Tho' on earth's dark coasts abiding. Distant far from ZiorCs hill. 6 Deep to deep responsive calling, Thunders roar — the torrents roll ; Bursting clouds around me falling, Wave ou wave o'erwhelms my soul : Yet the Lord, his grace commanding. Will with mercies crown my days; He my guardian, near me standing, Cheers my nights with prayer and praise, T God, my rock, Thy grace restraining, Why forget my troubled breast ? While, in hopeless griefs complaining. By the pow'rs of hell opprest ? Sharp as swords, my spirit wounding. Words of deep reproach they aim ; While, with envious joy surrounding, " Where's thy God ?" my foes exclaim, 8 But my seul, with fears distressing, Why to anxious thoughts resign'd r Why, disquietude oppressing, Whelm'd in grief my downcast mind? Hope iu God — His light SLnd favour Shall my lips to praise recall ; He my everlasting saviour I God my health ! my God ! my all ! PSALM XLIII. A continuation of the former Pitalm, and of the same subject. 1 tJ UDGE me, O God ; from men profane My righteous cause defend : Amidst th' assaults of hell sustain, And kind deliv'rance send. n2 136 PSALM 44. 2 O God, my stre.vgt//, Thy aid bestow ; Forsaken and opprest, Wliy should my soul still mourning go, And griefs o'er whelm my breast ? 3 Thy Light and Truth, my God display, And all my hopes fulfil ; Direct my steps, and guide my way, Up to Thy holy hill. 4 In worship, at Thine altars there, ril all my pow'rs employ : My willing soul shall songs prepare, My God, my BovyoLEss joy ! 5 The organ's sacred swell shall join, In concert with my son/; O God, my God, the sounds divine Shall pour Thy name along. 6 Why then should gloomy thoughts distress ? Why inmost troubles roll ? Why deep disquietude oppress My downcast, trembling soul ? 7 Hope thou in God, my grateful tongue Shall yet His praise recall : And own Him in my cheerful song. My God, my health^ my all ! ! PSALM XLIV.— Fart I. THE Church, recounting the former mercies of God to her, and ascrib- ing all her victories to His own sovereign (pace and favour, still hopes for His salvation. In the midst of great distress and trouble, conscious of integrity in His service, she intreats tWe Lord's appear- ance in her belialf. 1 Oft have our ears, Great God, been taught, What for our fathers Thou hast wrought ; While, with adoring mind?, they told The wonders of Thy works of old I 2 When Thine own arm Thy people led, The heathen race from Canaan fled : The tremblint; nations driv'n afar, Thy chosen tribes were planted there. PSALM 44. 137 3 >iot by their sword the land tliey gain'd, Xot their own arm their right sustained ; Thy gracious presence, and Thy hand, Bade them possess the promis'd land. 4 O God, command— Thou still our k/ag, Thy Church deliv'rances shall sing : While, thro' Thy name, we boldly tread O'er prostrate hosts, beneath us spread. 5 Still we disclaim our bow or sword^ And wait salvation from the Lord ; On Him we trust ; His mercies claim ; Whose presence puts our foes to shame, 6 From morning dawn till evening close, Firm on our God our hopes repose : Our s^FioTJRy to Thy name we'll raise The tribute of eternal praise ! PART IT. 7 Why Lord, forsaken of Thy aid, Cast from Thy care, with shame dismay'd. No more our troops, (Thy presence nigh) With ardour fir'd, to vict'ry fly? 8 But, quick retreating from the field, Thou bid'st their wonted courage yield : While the fierce foe, whose malice burns, Triumphant to the spoil returns, 9 Like sheep beneath the slaught'ring hand, Destin'd for food, we trembling stand ; Dispers'd we fly ; or captive sold For nought — Thy foes Thy servants hold. 10 Lord, while Thy wrath to vengeance grows, The neighboring realms their rage disclose; Our Bame the proverb and the sneer ^ Of nations which despise Thy fear. \ 1 Confusion rushes o'er our heads. And fierce derision round us spreads; Yet will we not forget Thy name, Nor e'er Thy cov'nant oath disclaim. 12 Ne'er shall our hearts rebellious stray » Nor wander from Thy sacred way, K 3 138 PSALM 4.5. Tlio' 'midst th' oppressor's fiery breath, Or cover'd with the g:looms of death. 13 Great searcher of the inmost heart, If e'er from Thee our thoughts depart, If e'er to other gods we turn, Shall not Thine eyes the guilt discern ? 11 But, lo ! while men for vengeance call, 'Tis in Thy cause our armies fall ; Devoted in th' unequal strife. Like victims to the slaught'ring knife, PART III. 13 Almighty Lord, Thy slumb'rings break, AVhy sleep Thine eyes ? to justice wake: Arise — nor, casting from Thy care, Sink Thine own people in despair. 16 ^Vhy should Thy face, where mercies dwell, Its beams of majesty conceal ? Regardless of the woes that wait Around our long atUicted state? 17 Behold ! our soul w ith sorrow bends, And down to dust our life descends ; And, w hile Thy arm its aid denies, Prostrate on earth deserted lies. 18 Rise for our help, Eternal Lord i Salvation shall attend Thy w ord : On Mercy, Lord, alone we claim, Redeem us: and exalt Thy name! PSALM XLV.— Part L THE glorj- of the Ktvg 0/ saitits. His beauty aud eloquence, His victory, and eternal dominiou, a« God over all, &c. are here described ; ^nd the Churcn is invited to leave all her earthly and carnal hope«^, for ilie •rjoyment of His favour. A figurative repri=:^ntation then fullow» of the glory which He has prepared for her, the bouonr she should ob- tain, and the succession of her members from the Jewish to the Christian Church. The heart of even Bclie>-er will rejoice thus to celebrate His fame and pay Him honour in {lis Church below, till time shall end, and in His Church ab presence our secure resort ; In troubles always ni^h. ? Then shall my soul disdain to fear, Tho' earth remove away ; Tho' the torn hills convuls'd appear, And rush be; eath the sea. 3 Tho' round their baseiti; waters break. And ratlin 5 billows roar; Tho' mountains at the swelliiii: >hake, Dis^ever'd from the shore. 4 Still Zion, City of our God, No dang'rous storms shall know ; There grace its r/i^ry spreads abroail. And streams of yFarcij flow, •J Within her sacred TcrnpUv know n, Her heav'nlN I, opd abides : And 'midst }Jis ?aints, w hich crowd Hi! lliroii In majesty reside*! 6 Ne'er shall her tirm foundation- move, ^His pow'r her sTREycTn and fui^ His uid is faithful as III- luit\ Nor shall that aid decay, 7 Oft have her foes, w ith rao:e inspir'd. The furious tumult stirr'd : He spake — the earth itself reiir'd, And melted at His w ord. I With us the . Coir.e view His works — behold I 'iii Go» ! He wakes ilie w orld to arms ; He bids desiraction stalk abrt^ad, • ADd war die world alcumi. PSALM 46. 145 10 He speaks — thro' all the earth afar, Th' ensanguin'd battles cease : The bow, the spear, the burning car. Yield to the arts of peace. 11 He bids me — 'tis His high command, " Tho' troubles rise, be still : "Know Me as God — confess My hand, " Resign'd to all My will. 12 '* O'er heathen lands afar I'll reign, "And there exalt My sway ; " Thro' earth My glories I'll maintain, *' And make the world obey." 13 "With us the ^r v Divine we boast, Jehovah is His name ! And Jacob's Mighty God of HosTSy Our lasting refuge claim. PSALM XLVI.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 The Mighty God our refuge stands. He in our aid His strength commands, Our present help wtien trouble's nigh ! My heart no more shall yield to fear, Tho' the torn earth convuls'd appear. And 'midst the wild cf^nfusion fly. 2 Still in Jehovah's grace" we trust, Tho' from their base the mountains burst, And in the stormy ocean hide ; Tho' its high waves tumultuous roar, And rocks, dissever'd from the shore. Sink deep beneath the swelling tide 3 The City of our God below No desolating storms shall know. Rivers of love glide gentl)' by : Sweet streams of everlasting grace Flow from His throne, and bless the place, Thy holy Temples, God most high ! 4 There in the midst her God resides, His glory o'er her courts abides, U6 PSALM 46. Nor shall her firm foundations move: Quick, for her aid, /ler God shall rise, Nor all iier enemies surprise. Surrounded by Eternal Love, 5 The heathen rsL^'d — her foes rejoice. To tumult stin'd — before His voice Earth tremble? and dissolves away r With us the Lord of hosts we claim, The God of Jacob is His name ! Our REFUGEy our ETERNAL STAY ! PART II. 6 Come, view His works — behold ! tis God ! War, at His word difl'used abroad, O'er earth in dire destruction turns: He sp':aks — and battles disappear; He breaks tiie bow ; He snaps the spear ; And bids tne useless chariots burn, 7 *' Be still,'"— He cries, " on Me rely, " KnovN Me as Goo—exalt Me high, '* Earth shall confess My sov'reign sway : With us the Lord of hosts we claim, The GoD of Jac b is His name ! Our REFVGEy our ETERNAL STAY t PSALM XLVI.— Ver. Ill— Part I. 1 Jehovah, our refvge and rock^ In trouble His help .-hall supply; Tho' earlli be remov'd w ith a shock. Still GoD, our REBEEyiER^ is nigh : Then why should we tremijle or fear, Tho' mountains be plung'd in the sea ? Tho' its waters in tumult appear ? And the rocks 'midst the conflict should flee > 2 His Church, yet secured from above, Stand? firm, as the City of God; There the streams of His covenant love Flow peaceful and fruitful abroad ; PSALM 46. 147 In his tent the most high shall reside, In the midst will Jehova^h remain. Unshaken her walls shall abide. He'll help — nor a moment refrain. How often w ith tumult and noise Did her foes their fierce malice display ? He spake — and, behold ! at His voice Earth trembled and melted away I With us is Jehovah of hosts, Our God, as in Jacob of old : Our soul of His faithfulness boasts, And in God we our refuge behold ! 4 Oh come and contemplate His hand, The Lord in his wonders adore; Thro' earth, at His sov'reign command. War and conquest their ravages pour: He bids — and the earth in His fear From the battle's fierce tumult retires; He breaks both the bow and the ?pear^ And consigns the war car to the fires, 5 'Tis His voice, (how delightful the strain !) *' Be still, and confess Me as God ; " O'er the heathen exalted I'll reign, " Exalted o'er earth all abroad :" With us is Jehovah of hosts. Our God, as in Jacob of old ; Our soul of His faithfulness boasts, And in God we our refuge behold ! PSALM XLVII.— Part I. A triumphant song, in which all people are called to join, for the ascension o/ Messiah to His throne, in His mediatorial andiiniversal Kinsdom ; with ^^ all power in Heaven and earth " placed in His hands; and all His eneniips beneath His feet. The images are bor- rowed from the ascent of the ark to Mount Zion, and it is with great propriety appointed by our Church as part of its worship on Ascension Day. 1 V_/LAP, clap your hands, ye people round, In concert with the choral sound ; o 2 148 PSALM 47. Sing to our God ; His praise prolong, Let holy triumph fill (he song. Sing to our God I 2 Jesus the Lord ascends on high ! He reigns in glory o'er the sky I Let the whole earth its otf'rings bring, Exalt His name — proclaim Him king ! Jesus ascends ! S Wide thro' the world He sj)reads His sway, And bids the heathen lands obey, His Church with willing ofTrings greet. And bend submissive at her feet He rules the world ? 4 On high th' inheritance divine His hand shall to His Church assign. And fix on Canaan^s coasts above The objects of His endless love. Those realms of rest. PART II. 5 God is gone up ! — the shouts on high Attend the saviour through the sky : Jesus the Lord ! The trumpet's sound Hails Him arising from the ground. God is gone up I 6 Sing to our God, His praises sing, And hail, Oh hail Immanuel king ! O'er the whole earth His sceptre sways. And claims your most distinguish'd praise. Imx>ianuel's king! 7 His reign the heathen lands shall own, His holiness secures His throne ; And earthly Princes gather round, Where AbrlianCs race and God are found. O'er all He reigns. 8 Princes by Him their pow'r extend, Earth's mighty shields to Jesus bend : He bids them rule — He bids them rfi>, Himself o'er all exalted high ! The PRINCE supreme ! PSALM 47. M9 PSALM XLVII.— Ver. II.— Part I. J Xow let your lifted hands Clap to the choral sound ; Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands, And shout around : Jesus, the Lord most high! (O'er earth Hi- terrors hurl'd) Confirms His throne above the sky. And rules the Avorld ! 2 The people shall obey, His Church with off'rings greet, And Gentile lands their honours lay Bc-neath her feet: He for His Church prepares Th" inheritance of light^ The object of His endless cares, His chief delight. I Jesus ascends on high ! And shouts our God surround ; The trumpets hail Him thro' the sky, With solemn sound : Sing praises to our God ! United praises sing ! Your praise repeat, and shout abroad, Im Manuel's king ! O'er all th' obedient earth Our God exalted reigns: To Him devote with skilful mirth The solemn strains : Let heathen lands adore, His just dominion own, While endless holiness and pow'r Secure His throne. Ye sov'reign P^zncesjoin AVith Ahr' ham^ s favour'' d race. Where Abraham's God, with power divine, Displays His grace : o3 150 PSALM 48. Earth's mightiest shields are His, By Him they rule — or die: Jesus ascends — He reigns in bliss, Exalted high ! PSALM XLVIII.— Part I. THE beauty, glorj', and security, of the Church in the presence ant^ protection of her God; at the sight of whom all her enemies trem- ble and flee away. All around are called to observe her bulvuarks and her palaces, but her great strength and security is in the eternal care of God, her God. Ilente it is very properly used by our Church ou IV hit -Sunday. Compare it with Psalm xlvi. 1 vxREAT is the Lord ; His glories claim Our high acknowledgments of praise; His Church shall celebrate His fame, His Church, the City of His grace. Great is the Lord, exalt His fame, His works your bvundless honours claim ! or, Great is His aicful name, Jehovah's praise proclaim, 2 His heav'nly beauties spread around, What mount with Zion^s mount compares ? Joy flows from thence thro' earthly ground. There the great king His throne prepares. Great, S^C. (Repeat as bfjQve.J 3 There, in her palaces, her God His grace and majesty makes known ; Jle spreads His pow'r and love abroad. And builds her refuge in His throne. Great, ^c, 4 Earth's sov'reign Kings their armies led, Against the Church their pow'rs combine: They saw ! — they wonder'd ! — trembled ! — fled I While round His Church Plis glories shine. Greuty ^c. o Their dauntless courage yields to fear, ' And more than laboring women's pangs, PSALM 48. 151 Broke as the navy's pride, when near O'er the dark sea the tempest hangs. Great, ^c, 6 We've heard Thy promise, Lord of hosts! And seen Thine ar7n fulfil Thy Word: Thence Zion her foundation boasts Secure as her Eternal Lord ! Great, 5)C. PART II. 7 O God, within Thy Temple's gate, Thy loving-kindness we adore : Great is Thy name; Thy praise as great, Shall sound thro' earth from shore to shore. Great, S^c. 8 Thy hand Thy righteousness displays. In Thee let Zion's sons rejoice, Let Judah^s daughters rise to praise Thy judgments, with a cheerful voice. Great, b)C, 9 Go, view the City of His grace. And walk her mighty walls around : Go, number thro' the sacred place The tow'rs which guard the favour'd ground. Great, ^c, 10 Mark well her bulwarks ; heav'nly pow'r And mercy in her cause engage : See, where her stately Temple's tow'r, And tell the fame to every age. Great, S^c, 11 For God, whom Zfon boasts her friend, Our God unchangeably is known ; Our GUIDE — who will our steps attend, Till death advance us to His throne. Great, 6fc. PSALM XLIX.— Part I. THE vanity of riches and worltllj' power are here proved, from their total insufficiency to redeem au immortal soul. The prosperous man may bless-himself in life, and be accounted bleis«d by oiliers ; 152 PSALM 49. but death will put an pnd to all his happinrss and i;Iory. In the grave the wise and the unwise lie equally undiscerned and undistin- guished ; nor can hum^n power or glory follow their possessors, be- yond the limits of tlie grave, into another wi»rlil. He, therefore, 'who hath no higlierhope or enjoyment than earthly and sensual de- lights, lives and dies like the hrates which perish. From these view* the Psalmist argues against the fear of man, however rich or po\^ erful. 1 IjET earth thro' all its limits hear, The world attentive bend. Both high and low^ with willing ear. The rich, the poor^ attend. 2 For wisdom shall direct my tongue. Thro' all my thoughts it flows; I'll on my harp in sweetest song ^ly parable disclose. 3 Why should I fear in gloomy days. When wickedness grows great? Tho' false supplanters watch my ways. And sinners round me wait ? 4 Flushed with success, in wealth and pride. They boast their hoarded gain ; In their vast treasur'd heaps confide, But, ah ! the trust how vain ! 5 None dan preserve his brother's breath, Nor the high ransom give ; Redeem the mortal frame from death, And bid corruption live ! 6 But vast and boundless is the price, Th' immortal soul's esteem ! What human pow'r or wealth suffice, From ruin to redeem ? 7 Behold ! 'tis done ! His wonders tell ; Jesus the Lord can save ! 'Tis He redeems the soul from hell! He ransoms from the grave ! PART II. 8 The wise, the fools, the brutish mind. Alike to death descend: They leave their treasur'd heaps behind. For which their heirs contend. PSALM 49. 15S 0 They build, they plant, and vainly hope To fix a lasting fame : They raise their stately mansions up, And there inscribe their name. 10 But man, in all his honours drest, 'Midst all his honours flies, Knows no delay — no place of rest. Till like the brute he dies. 11 The folly of their vain design Their thoughtless children view ; To their false maxims still incline, And the same path pursue. 12 Till death, like flocks to slaughter led^ Sweeps the whole race away: And, in the grave's dark wormy bed, Consumes the mould'ring prey, 13 Yet soon the glorious morn shall break, The just shall rise to reign : But sinners to destruction wake. And everlasting pain ! 14 Then shall my God redeem this clay. And raise it from the grave. Receive my soul to realms of day, And into glory save ! 15 Let not thy /ears thy faith confound, Tho' man in wealth be blest ; Tho' pow'r and glory clothe him round, And on his children rest. 16 He dies — his honours and his care* With all his hopes are fled : No more his dignity he bears. Descending 'midst the dead. 17 Deceiv'd by life's delusive views, He bless'd his happy days : And him, who worldly good pursues, The sensual world will praise. 154^ PSALM 50. 18 But soon he sinks, where, join'd in death, His Fathers sunk before : Where, mingled 'midst the shades beneath, They see the light no more. 19 For man, in all his glory drest, In i^enseless folly lies; Unconscious of the heav'nly rest, Till like the brute he dies ! PSALM L.— Part I. A sublime description of the glor>' of God our Saviour, in the promtil- gation of His Gosptl, and the destruction of His enemies in the Jeit- ish state. Or, the gloi7 o^ the God of Judgment, in the introduction of His eternal kingdom, and the gathering of His saints to Him. And, as the Lord delights not in ceremonious observances, without the sincere worship of the heart, hypocrites are called upon to consider their ways, lest they perish in everlasting destruction ; and His people to offer the tribu/e of grateful praises, aud to direct their conduct by His precepts. 1 JL HE Mighty God, Jehovah, speaks ; To earth, while 'round His thunder breaks. He calls; from where the rising Sun Hastes till his western race is run. 2 From Zion, glory of the skies! Where beauty's full perfections rise. He bursts in majesty abroad, And shines o'er all ; th' Eternal God ! 3 He comes, He comes, our God behold ! No more His lips their silence hold : Devouring^re prepares His way, And clouds and tempests round Him play. 4 To Heavn He calls — the Heav'ns shall hear, The souls beneath His throne appear : To earth the mighty summons cries, " Now let the sleeping dust arise. 5 " My throne for judgment I command, " Let the whole earth before Me stand : *' But tirst My saints around Me place, *' Bless'd objects of redeeming grace 1 PSALM 50. 155 6 *' Those who on earth, with humble mind,. " Alone on covnant grace reclin'd ; " With sacrifice before Me stood, *' Best sacri/ice, the saviour's blood P^ 7 Now Judgment shall His Truth proclaim. And vindicate His awful name 5 The Heav'ns His righteousness declare, For God, Himself the judge, is there ! PART II. 8 Hear, O My people, Israel hear, God, thine own God, demands thy fear r ** Hear, while thy follies I arraign, " My justice shall the charge maintain. 9 *' I'll not reprove thy sacrifice, " Nor bid increasing victims rise : '* Thy stated forms have not declin'd ; " Vain sacrifice without the mind ! 10 " Nor goats nor bullocks I'll require, " To thin thy flocks, or feed My fire : *• The forest beasts My powV obey, ** And flocks on thousand hills which stra}, 11 " Form'd by My hand each fowl I claim, *' I know their nature ; call their name ; ** Mine are the beasts which o'er the plain *' Wild in destructive fury reign. 12 " If hunger could My soul invade, " Shall My complaint to thee be made ^ ** When the whole world, with all its stores, ** Is mine — and at ?tly feet adores! 13 ** Say, shall I ask thy herds for food ? *' Or drink thy goats or bu'lock's blood? *' Up to my throne ]et praises fly, *' And vow and pay to God most high ! 14 *' Tn the dark day, when troubles rise, " To Me direct thy earnest cries ; " I'll send deliv'rance from My throne, ^^ And thou shalt make My gloi^ known,'" 156 PSALM 50. PART III. 15 *' Why (says the Lord) should sinners dare *' To preach My Word ; My laws declare ? " Why should the men, who hate My name, " My grace, My covnant gracty proclaim? 16 ** Long has thine ear refused to bend *' To counsel — or my voice attend : *' Ne'er could My words attention gain, " Cast still behind thee with disdain. 17 '^ When the vile thief his arts displays, *' Thy treach'rous heart approves his ways : *' Nor has thy mind indignant fled '* Th' impure aduWrer's lawless bed. 18 ^* Thy mouth its ill-designs proclaims; ** Thy tongue deceit and malice frames ; " Thou sit'st, and, w ith a treach'rous smile, ** Thy lips a brother's fame revile. 19 '' Oft has thy heart these deeds renew'd ; " Forbearing long I silent stood : " Till, bold in impious folly grown, " Thou thought'st My purpose like thine own. 20 ** But soon to Judgment I'll arise, *' And place thy guilt before thine eyes, " Thy deep hypocrisy reveal, " Nor from th' assembl'd world conceal. 21 " Hear, sinners, hear My faithful word, " Ye who have long forgot the Lord ! ** Hear, lest My anger round xMe rend, " When none can save — when none defend." 22 He, who presents his praise on high, Will best Jehovah glorify : And he, who guides his steps aright. In God's salvation shall delight. PSALM L.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 Lo ! the Mighty God appearing. From on high Jehovah speaks ! 2 PSALM Z>0. 157 Easttrn lands the summons hearing:, O'er the West His thunder breaks : Earth beholds Him ! Universal nature shakes ! Zion all its light unfolding-, ^GoD in glory shall display : Lo ! He comes ! nor silence holding, Fire and clouds prepare His v,ay : Tempests round Him, Hasten on the dreadful day ! To the Heavens His voice ascending, To the earth beneath He cries : " Souls immortal now descending, *' Let the sleeping dust arise, " Rise to Judgment, " Let My throne adorn the skies ! '' Gather first My saints around Me, '* Those who to My covenant stood : " Those who humbly sought and found Isle, " Thro' the dying savjovr's blood: *' BleSS'd REDEEMER ! *' Sweetest sacrifice to God ! !" Now the Heav'ns on high adore Him, And His righteousness declare : Sinners perish from before Him, But His saints His mercies share: Just His Judgment, God, Himself the judge, is there 1 PART U. " Hear, My people, Israel hear Me, ** While thy follies I reprove : " I am God, let Israel fear Me ; *' I'm thy God, let Israel love ; *' I'll accuse tlice, '* Why from Me thy heart remov?? " I'll not blame thy sacrifices, ** W^anting from the sacred fire: ** Forms abundant man devises, ** Forms cannot to Me aspire: p 158 PSALM 50. '^ I'll no oflTrin^ '* From thy diirVent herds require, S '' Mine the h-'asts thro'' forests roving, *' Flocks o'er thousand hilfs that stray p *' Fowls the mountains' summit loving, " Beasts for food, or beasts of prei/y " My creation, *' Known to Me, My word obey, 0 *' High o'er all in glory reigning, '* If to hunger I incline, " Shall I sit to thee complaining, ** When the world itself is Mine? " Shall I feed on '* Blood of goalSy or flesh of kine? 10 *' Thanks are My best sacrifices, " Vows perform'd to God most high ' " In the day when trouble rises, " To My throne direct thy cry ; " I'll deliver, " Thou My name shalt glorify." PART in. H "Why, O sinner, Me profaning, " Why (says God) My statutes name? *' Why, .My covenant grace disdaining, ** Still My covenant grace proclaim ? " Hating counsel ; *' All My laws expos'd to shame. 12 *' When thine eyes the L^/e/ observed, *' Then thy heart approv'd his ways ; ** With the base adulCrer swerved, *' And thy tongue deceit displays, " Speaks in slanders, *• And thy brother's life betrays. 13 '* Long in silence I have waited, *' Long thy guilt in secret grown ; " Till thy heart, with pride elated, '* Thouojht My counsels like thy own: *' I'll reprove thee, '' Till thy crimes exact are known," PSALM 51. 159 14 Sinners, hear Jehovah speaking ! Ye who, thoughtless, God despise! Hear, lest, in His wrath awaking. Vengeance rend you as it flies; None can save you, If His arm to Judgment rise. 15 He, who offers grateful praises, Best exaUs Jehovah's name ; He, whose mind His law embraces. Will aright his conduct frame: God's salvation Shall the humble sinner claim. PSALM LI.— Part I. THIS penitential Psalm will need no explanation to the mind of the penitent sinner. It exemplifies the true characters and progress of a repentant spirit. " The heart appears in every line, and the bitter ** anguish of a wounded coiiscieuoe discovers itself by the most natu> *' ral and affecting symptoms." — " The soul of shame, of sorrow, ani *' of remorse, of sincere repentance and bitter anguish, under the *' agonies of guilt, breathes strong and fen'ent through every line of *' this hallowed composition." The Psalmist first supplicates for -mercy, with an acknowledgment of the justice oi' God in condemna- tion ; then follows a confession of the depravity of nat^ire as the cause of all sin, a prayer for regenerating grace, returning peace, and joy, znd future preservation. But true grace is generous and enlarged; the supplicant, in the experience of rrurcy himself, will instruct others in the right way of the Lord, and commend the whole Church to His favour and care. " If we learn from this sad example of what the *' Scripture calls the deceitfulness of sin, to be cautious of the first •' beginnings of it, and not to indulge those sensual appetites, which, *' when given Avay to, draw men insensibly into crimes tbey would ** have once trembled at the thoughts of committing, we shall make ** the best and wisest improvement of this melancholy part of David's *' history, and be real gainers by his sorrows." And " it is, perhaps, ** David's greatest consolation, at this moment, when he blesses God *• for the providential effects of his fall, that those crimes which *' wrought his shame, and sorrow, and infamy, have, in the humi- •* lity, the piety, the contrition of them, (in this and several other *' Psalms upon the same occasion) rescued and reformed millions." 1 O'ERWHELM'D with guilt, O Lord, Thy mercies I intreat ; 160 PSALM 51. I plead the promise of Thy IVord:-^ Thy grace and truth complete, 2 Thy mercies who can count ? Those memes, Lord, display; With blood divine^ tho' great tir amount, Blot all my crimes away. 3 Oh wash my soul from sio, Cleanse ev'ry secret part ; And put Thy spirit's grace within, To purify my heart. 4 My sins, Thou gracious God, Before Thy face I'll set ; I'll spread them to Thine eyes abroad, Nor e'er my crimes forget. 0 Against Thy laws they rise, The honours of Thy throne ; Nor floods of sorrow from my eyes Can the vast guilt atone. 6 But, tho' condemn'd I fall, Thy justice I revere : Thy sentence jMS^ and right I'll call, In Judgment Thou art clear. PART II. 7 Pollution, guilt, and shame, Defil'd my infant breath ; Conceiv'd in sin, my shapeless frame Grew with the seeds of death. U But, lo ! Thy laws demand A heart and conscience pure ; ^Tls Truth sincere alone can stand Thy trial to endure. 9 Then let Thy wisdom, Lord, My inmost soul refine ; Form my intentions by Thy Wordf And to Thy laws incline. 10 As by th' atoning bloody With hyssop sprinkled round, The ^eper unpolluted stood^ Nor guilt nor spot was found : PSALM 51. 161 11 So, since the /oM/i^am flows, Oh purge my guilty stains. Till whiter than the purest snows. Descending o'er tlie plains. 12 Oh let me hear Thy voice, Whencejoy and gladness rise, Then shall my broken hones rejoice ; When mercy health supplies. PART iir, 13 No more behold my sin, But blot my guilt from sight, Create my spirit clean within, And form my heart aright. 14 Oh, bid me not, dismay'd, Far from Thy presence fly. Nor yet Thy holy spirit's aid Eternally deny. 15 Distress'd, to Thee I flee, Thy saving joys restore. And let Thy spirit, gen' rous^ free. Guard me to fall no more. 18 Then will I teach Thy ways. And bid transgressors hear: Till sinners turn to seek Thy grace. And trust, and love, and fear, IT Save me from guilt of blood, 3Jy saviour^ and my Lord, Then shall I speak Thy truth abroad. The promise of Thy Word. 18 My trembling lips release, Long clos'd in guilt ,ind shame ^ So shall my mouth exult, nor cease Thy praises to proclaim. PART IV. !9 No offering God recfuires. Nor victims please His eye. Else should His iiltars blaze with fires, And Jlocks and herds should die, p3 162 PSALM 51. 20 The humble contrite breast, The spirit's broken si^hs^ Are gifts on "vvhich His love can resf, Nor will the Lord despise. 21 Thy Mercies from above, ** To Zion, liORu, extend : Built by Thy pow'r, and watch'd >vith love, Now let her walls ascend. 22 Well pleas'd, Thou then shalt see Her prayrsand praise arise. Presented with the Crossto Thee, That perfect sacrifice ! PSALM LI.— Ver. IL— Part f. 1 Great God, Thy Mercies I intreat, For boundless is Thy ^race ! Thy Mercies num'rous are, and great, There all my hopes I place. 2 Compassion in Thy bosom reigns, And i¥ercy.sThy delight; Then cover o'er my guilty stains, And blot them from Thy sight. 3 Purge me, O God, from secret guilt, From ev'ry stain within ; The blood divine xny s^kjolr spilt Can cleanse from ev'ry sin. 4 To Thee, w hile on my heart it lies, I'll all my burden j)oiir; I'll spread ray sins before Thine eyes. Nor e'er forget them more. 5 Aim'd at the honours of Thy throne. My crimes Thy name disgrace: What can the mighty guilt atone, Which dar'd provoke Thy face ? 6 My God, condemn'd before Thy sig'.it, Thy justice I revere: I own Thy sentence jws^ and right y In Judgment Thou art clear. PSALM 51. leC: PART 11. 7 Born in pollution ; guilt and shame Defil'd my infant breath ; In si-n concew''d^ my shapeless frame Receiv'd the seeds of death, S But truth sincere alone can stand The trial of Thine eye ; Can meet Thy law'? severe demanJ, Thy solemn icriUiuy ! 9 Then let Thy-toisdom, gracious Lord, My innaost soul refine ; Form my intentions by Thy ^vord, And to Th\' laws incline. 10 As hyssop once, with rites of blood, Sprinkled the leper o'er ; Till undetil'd the offVer stood, Nor found pollution more : 11 So, while the stream from Calu'ry flow?. Oh cleanse my lep'rousstaijis^ Till whiter than the purest snows. Descending o'er the plains. 12 Oh, let Thy heart-reviving vt>ice Its healing grace command, Then shall the bones again rejoice, Once broke beneath Thv hand. 13 Thy face averted from my sin, Lord, blot my g'-iilt from sight : Create my spirit clean within, And form my heart aright. 14 No more reject me from Thine eye, Nor cast my soul afar ; Nor ever to my heart deny Thy spirit's guardian care. 15 Those joj/5, my God, which once I knew. Those saving joys restore : Thy spirit's free ! His grace.renew, Kor let me wander more. 164 PSALM 51. 16 Tiien ^y\\\ I call transpjrebsors near, Wliile I (lecl;ire Thy ways : The h\\m\}\e penittnt shall licar, And seek Thy proiais'd i^race. 17 Far off the guilt of blood remove, My SAVIOUR and my '-od! Then shall my tongue declare Thy love^ And speak Thy truth abroad, 18 Lonfij seal'd in silence and in shame. My trembling lips release ; So shall my mouth Thy praise proclaim^ In songs that never cease. PART IV. 19 Mo sacrifice my God requires, Klse s lould th-" victims die ; But offerings in the sacred fires Can ne'er delight Thine eye. 20 Tlie trembling sighs^ the contrite breast^ Are (Jod's best sacrifice : The broken hearty with guilt opprest. The Lord will ne'er despise. 21 Now let Thy Cnurch afar extend. With merdcsfrom above: And bid her sacred walls ascend, Surrounded by Thy love, 22 Then shall Thine eyes dHighted see Her prayWs and praise arise. Presented at the throne to Thee, With Jesu's sacrifice. PSALM LT.— Ver. III.— Part 1. 1 Have mercy. Lord— with guilt opprest, I on Thy loving kindness rest : Ne'er was Thy grace (I here confide) To /tumble penitence dp'iVied, 2 Who can Thy tender Mercies count ? So vast, so infinite th' amount ! Then, Lord, (for Mercy s Thy delight) Blot my transgressions from Thy sight. PSALM 5i. Wn 3 Oh wash me, till no guilty stain, Purg'd by th' atoning blood, remain : Ami let Thy spirit cleanse my mind, Nor leave one favour'd sin beliind, 4 With deep remorse, before Thy throne. My great iniquities I own : Nor can tlieirmem'ry e'er depart, Engrav'd in sorrow on my heart. 5 Against Thee, Lord, my sins arise, Aim'd at Thy throne, they meet Thine eyes Thy righteous sentence I revere, I am coHdemn'd, but Thou art clear. PART II. 6 Behold ! the stain of nature's sin, Fix'd in my birth, remains within. Conceived in guilt, of impious race, Deep in pollution and disgrace. 7 But truth sincere alone can stand, To meet Thine eyes' severe demand . Then let Thy wisdom, Lord, control, Renew, and purify, my soul. 8 As undefiTd the leper stood, Sprinkled with hyssop and with blood. So purge me, till no spot be seeii, Till my whole heart be pure and clean. 9 Oh wash my guilty crimes away, Lo ! Calvary can the grace display, Can make me, while its fountain flows, White as the fresh-descending snows. 10 Then let me hear Thy sov'reign voice, Which bids the trembling heart rejoice : So shall Thy mercy's healing pow'r IMy broken bones to health restore. PART III. 11 Lord, hide Thy face, lest wrath arise, Nor place my guilt before Thine eyes : My deep transgressions cover o'er, And blot them to appear no more. 166 PSALM 51. 12 My God, restore my 2:»'Ity state. And a cUan heart within create: My spirit by Thy grace renew, And form it upright, pure, and true. 13 Cast not my trembling; soul away. Far from Thy life-reviving ray ; Thy HOLY sPiRiT^s aid impart, Nor let His grace forsake my heart. 14 Tho' yet Tiiy absence I deplore, Thy saving joys again restore ; And let Thy spirit, gen rous 1 free ! Uphold my future steps with Thee. 15 Then I'll proclaim Thy love abroad. Thy boundless mercies, O iny God I And sinners, while Tny grace they learn. To Thee, with holy joy, shall turn. 16 God, jny salvation ! kind and good ! Oh cleanse me from the guilt of blood ; Then shall my tongue aloud record The truth and promise of Thy Word. 17 Oh let my lips, l(>ng seal'd w ith shame. By Thee releas'd, Thy mercies claim ; So shall my mouth its silence break, Enraptur'd, and Thy praises speak. PART IV. 18 No sacrifice the Lord desires. Else should the altar^s sacred fires With slaughter'd victims rourt Hi$ sight; But otFrings ne'er can GoDdrlight, 19 The contritespirit's iremhWn^.slgUSy Are God's best gifts insarnfice; He'll not despise ihe broken hearty Nor bid His kindnesses d»*part. 20 Let Zion, with Thy favour blest. Extend her glory aiui her re>t ; Tiiy Church with sacred walls surround, And guard iier consecrated ground. 21 Then shall T;.inee\es delighted see Her pray Ts and praise ascend to Thee: PSALM .31. 167 Her faith presenting to the skies, The SAVIOUR'S perfect sacrifice. PSALM LI.— Ver. IV.— Part 1. 1 Mercy, heav'nly Lord, extend, Let me all Thy kindness know : Kindnesses which know no end From Thy throne unceasing flow : Who can all Thy mercies count ? Who their numbers can display? Vast and infinite th' amount I Blot my sins and guilt away. 2 Thro' my soul, thro' ev'ry part. Let Thy cleansing influence spread ; Purge and purity my heart With the bloud the saviozr shed : All my sins to Thee confest, Prostrate at Thy throne I fall; Grav'd in sorrow on my breast, Still their mem'ry I recall, 3 (iracious Cod, before Thy throne, High in guilt my crimes arise ; Aim'd at Thee — at Thee alone, Tho' around their mischief flies : Righteous are Thy w ays, O Lord, All Thy judgments I revere ; Just Thy Laws, and just Thy Word,^ Tno' I perish. Thou art clear. 4 Form'd in sin, by birth unclean. Guilt defil'd my infant breath, First conceiv'd with guilty stain, Life matures the seeds of death : But, my God, a heart sincere. Truth alone Thine eyes approve ; Let me then Thy wisdom hear, In my heart implant Thy love. 5 As of old the hyssop round Sprinkled the atoning h'ood^ Till no more the spot was found ; Cleans'd the grateful leper stood : 4 168 PSALM 51. So, since Calurys fountain flows, Puro:emy heart from ev'ry sUin, Till I vie with whitest snoic\»-, Fresh descending o'er the plain, PART ir. 8 Gracious safjovr, let Thy voice Spread its s;ladness o'er my heart ; Then shall broken bones rejoice, While Thy words their health impart : Turn Thy face, nor view my sin, Blot my follies from Thy sight, Clean create my heart within. Form my spirit pure and right. 7 Rid me not, with guilt dismay'd, Hopeless from Thy presence fly ; Nor Thine holy spirit's aid Ever to my soul deny : Tho' withdrawn, to Thee I flee, All Thy saving joys restore ; Let Thy spirit, gen' rous ! free ! Hold me, that I fall no more. Sl . Then around I'll teach Thy ways, While the bold transgr'^ssors hear ; Sinners shall adore Thy grace; Humbly turn ; devoutly fear : Save me from the guilt of blood, Thou mysAViovRy and my lord ! . Then Fll speak Thy truth abroad, Faithful to fulfil Thy Word, PART III, 9 Open, Lord, my lips to praise, Long fast clos'd with guilt and shame, Then to Thee the song Fll raise, All Thy glories to proclaim : God no sacrifice desires, Offerings ne'er can please His eye, Or Id -end the sacred fires, Nam'routy^oc/lcs or herds should die. 10 But, my God, the contrite breast, Trembling pray'rs, and broken si^hs, PSALM 52. 16^) Jleart'felt groans, with sin opprest, Are Thy sweetest sacrifice : To the broken contrite heart God shall all His grace display, Never shall His love depart, Turn'd with silent scorn away. 1 1 Bid Thy Church afar extend, Bless'd with Mercies from above : Let her walls secure ascend, Built by everlasting love : Then her prayers and praise shall rise. While Thine eyes delighted see, With the sjviovR^s sacrifice, JMore than all her Jlocks to Thee, PSALM LIT.— Part L THIS Psalm, under an allusion to the character and conduct of Doeg} the EdomitCf (1 Sam xxi.) represents the malice of the Anti christian Power against the Church; or of Satmij the great enemy of Man- But the C/iurc/i, and every individual Believer, shall triumph over all their enemies; and flourish in everlasting beauty in the Paradiie above. 1 Mighty Tyrant, great and strong, Why, with insolence and wrong. Boasting, as thy arts profound Pour in wide destruction round ? 2 Lo ! Jehovah, Mighty God ! Spreads His mercies all abroad ; Bids the world His goodness trace. Great in pow'r ! yet rich in grace ! 3 But thy tongue, replete with lies. Active mischiefs to devise, Plots unknown, and works unseen, Like the sharpen'd razor keen ! 4 Goodness ne'er allures thy mind. Still to wickedness resign'd ; Truth thy treach'rous heart forsakes, And thy mouth in falsehood s]^ea.ks. Q 170 PSALM 52. 5 Piactis'd in deceitful smiles, ^Vhile thy tonsjue the meek beguiles, Still thy words, with ranc'rous joy, Aim in secret to destroy. 6 But the Lord shall vengeance take, Bow thy pride, thy sceptre break: Pluck thee from thy native place, Plung'd in sorrow and di>grace. 7 As o'erturn'd the stubborn oak Prostrate lies, by tempests broke, Thus the Lord thy life shall lay, Rooted from the earth away. 8 Then the just shall see and fear, God, the righteous judge, revere, And, secur'd, with fearless voice. O'er thy fallen pow'r rejoice. FART II. 9 Behold the man of impious mind. The man, wiio ne'er on God reclin'd, "Whose heart on treasur'd stores relied, In the vain confidence of pride, 10 "NVhile high in wealth and state he grew, He bade his heart its way pursue, Vainly secure — for God shall rise. And, lo ! the fated victim dies ! 11 But I shall in His courts be seen Fre?h as the Olive, ever green^ ^Vhile tliere ou His unchanging grace My everlasting hopes I place. 12 No\V I'll proclaim Thy praise abroad. Thine arm has conquer'd, .Mighty God ! Thy mime I'll tru-t, its pow'r confess. Thy saints delis:ht that name to bless. PSALM LIIL— Part I. [Se« Psalm XIV.] 1 ±HE fool, with insolence and mirth. Vents his profane desires : PSALM 53. 171 " There is no God who rules the earth, " Nor strict account requires." 2 Thence, from a heart corrupt and vile, The deeds of guilt arise ; Their daring crimes their soul defile, And each Thy law defies. S The Lord from Heav'n survey'd the ground, His eye inquir'd abroad, *' Where is the man of wisdom found ? *' The man that seeks his God ? 4r " Alas ! the heart perversely strays, " O'er a?/ corruption reigns! *' Not one My sacred law obeys! *' Not one My fear restrains !" PART ir. 5 Is wisdom lost, to turn no more. From men of sensual joys ? Who, as their bread, I'is saints devour, 'Midst vanity and noise ? 6 Ne'er did their pray'r to God arise. In youth and prosp'rous days : But numerous causeless fears surprize. When health and strength decays. 7 The sinners, who His CAwrcA enclose, The Lord shall scatter far : He scorns the raging of her foes. And sinks them to despair. 8 Now let salvation rise and spring From Zion's chosen seat : To Israel's sons, Eternal king ! Thy thoughts of love complete. 9 Let Grace a guilty world restore. And liberty proclaim: Then shall Thy Church with joy adore, And shout the saviour's name ! PSALM LIV. THE Believer is, in this world, a stranger and a pilgrim: and, as in an enemy's land, he feels the opposition of the worldj ihe flesh, and the Q 2 i:2 PSALM 5i. Devil. But let him rejoice in fJod his Helper, and offer the tacrifiIes, and crowned with everlasting victcry- Our Church, contideriug tbii i'salin as applicable to the sufferings and victory of Christ, baa ap- pointed it to b* read on Good- Friday- 1 i>xY God, Thy srrvant save, For gracious is Tliy name ; Thy strength can raise me from the grave, Then hear my humble claim. 2 To Thee I lift my cries, Thy sov'reign aid prepare, For potv''rs of earth and hell devise To bink me in despair. .S Where shall my spirit hide ? AVhere from th' oppressor fly ? Fearless of God, His pow'r denied, Who dares His arm defy ! i Lo ! God, my gvardian^ near, Will all my foes control : The Lord in mercy will appear With those who help my soul, 5 My mighty foes enrag'd His mightier arm will slay: His truth and promise stand engag'd, His judgments to display. 6 With cheerful mind, O Lord, I'll all Thy praise proclaim : 'Tis sweet, 'tis pleasant, to record The wonders of Thy name. T Jesus, Thy pow'r divine From ev'ry grief will raise, Will all my foes to shame consign, While I behold and praise ! PSALM LIV.—Ver. 1L 1 Preserve me, Jehovah ; my God, in Thy name 1 fix all my trust, and Thy Mercy 1 claim : Thy Mercies in Jesus, that hame all Divine ! T\\'ai STRENGTH OF sALVATioSfOn whom 1 recline. PSALM 55. 17S 2 My pray'r, O my sAviovR^my sorrows, attend, Thine ear to my cries in Tliy faithfulness bend ; For strangers are risen, their arts they employ. And Satan and hell watch my soul to destroy. 3 I feel their oppression, ah ! who can secure ! Ah! how shall my soul thro' the conflict endure ! I sigh and I tremble when'er they appear, Since God they despise, nor His terrors revere. 4 Lo, God is my helper ! Jehovah is nigh ! He'll save, and His strength to my helpers supply, My God is Almighty — His tryth is my stay, My foes shall all fall, for He'll cast tifem away. 5 My God, all Thy praises I'll freely proclaim, My SAVIOUR^ 'tis sweet to exalt Thy great name : Redeem'd from all trouble. Thy grace I'll adore; Mine eyes shall behold till my foes are no more! PSALM L v.— Part I. AMIDST scenes of outward trouble and inward temptation, the Be- liever longs for the uings of a dove, to fly away to his heavenly rest : but as yet i)e must seek his relief in prayer, and hy faith cast his burden on the Lord, waiting in patient hope till he obtain that rest above. Part of this Psalm is applied to Christ (verse 13, 14), and the whole may be considered as His language in the days of His flesh, as a pattern to His Church in the midst of her afflictions. 1 ItXy God, Thine ear indulgent bend. Nor hide Thy face away : From Heav'n my earnest cries attend, While in distress I pray. 2 My soul, on waves of trouble borne, Pours out its deep complaint: Loud as the noisy storm I mourn, And 'midst the conflict faint. 3 By earth dismay'd, by hell oppresf ; My foes with malice blame : They load with guilt my anxious breast, And their mad rage proclaim. 4 My heart is pain'd ; the shades of death Their terrors round me spread ; q3 174 PSALM 55. While fearful tremblin;::s seize my breath, And horrors whelm my head. 5 Thii> from withiu the bursting sigh Mounts to the throne above : *' Oh thatmv boul on wino^s could fly, " And emulate the dove. 6 *' Swift I'd escape; I'd flee afar, *' Some secret place to find, ** Hid from the world's wide scene of care, " And rest my troubled mind. 7 *' I'd stretch my everlasting flight, " And bid the world farewell ; *' From sin and strife, to realms of light, " Where peace and quiet dwell/' PART II. S Sons of violence and strife In lawless pow'r confide ; God shall close their dang'rous life, Their counsels He'll divide: 'Midst His Church throughout the day, . Lo ! their arts His saints confound ; Thro' the night they spread dismay, And walk her walls around. 9 There — for righteousness is fled, Once guardian of her peace ; Mischief lifts hermurd'rous head, And sorrows fill the place : O'er the Church the wicked reigns, Practis'd in deceitful arts ; Guile its secret purpose gains, , Nor from her streets departs, 10 Had the man, my foe avow'd, Consign'd my soul to 5«corn, Heedless 'midst the rage I'd stood, With equal spirit borne : Had the man, with hatred fir'd, Urg'd his insolence and pride, I had sought, in peace retir'd, Some secret shade to hide. i PSALM 55. 175 1 1 But, 'tis he, my guide, my friend^ (Ah how misnam'd !) betrays ! On my life his arts descend, Once partner of my ways ; Mutual counsels sweetly join'd Did our mutual bliss complete; Or we sought with joyful mind, The crowded temple's gate. 12 Now my Goi> His arm shall raise, And now my cause defend ; Death the sudden prej' shall seize, And swift destruction send : Earth of old its centre clave. While alive the rebels fall, Thus shall God prepare their grave, Their sins His vengeance call ! 13 O'erwhelm'd with sorrows and with fears. To Thee, my God, I'll pray ; Thou, Lord, shalt save — Thine arm appears My everlasting stay. 14 My pray'r shall burst the evening shade, And with the morning rise, At noon my otfrings shall be paid. For God will hear my cries. 15 When strong temptations urg'd me round, When sinking to despair, In Him my soul deliv'rance found, And lost its anxious care. 16 His arm shall all my sorrows close, . And rescue from tlie grave, High rais'd in vict'ry o'er my foes, Omnipotent to save ! God their threat'ning voice shall hear» And bow their spirit down ; He of old was Israel's fear, Eternal is His throne ! 176 PSALM 56. Since, unchan^'d, in prosp'rous state, With thetide of life tlicy roll, Ne'er on Israels God they wait, Nor fear His just control, 18 Lo ! their tyrant arms arise, The sons of peace to wound, Truth their erring; hearts despise, B\ faith nor promise bound : Smooth as oil their peaceful words, War pervades their hostile heart, Fal>e the peace — the sharpen'd swords Wound with a real smart! PART V. 19 Still on the Lord thy burden roll, Nor let a care remain ; Plis mighty arm shall bear thy soul, And all thy griefs sustain. 20 Ne'er will the Lord His aid deny. To those who trust His love : The men, who on His grace rely, Nor earth nor hell shall move. 21 But Thou, my God, wilt crush my foes. Slain by Tny arm divine : Half ?pent the sinner's days shall close. While I on Thee recline. PSALM LVI.—Part L THE peculiar beauty of this Psalm consists in the aoimated view tbe Psalmist takes of ihe truth, faithfulness, and glory, of tbe JVfrrd of God; directing the Believer to the proper grounds of his confidence, in all his trials, persecutioris, and afflictions —Let us, in singing it, recollect the Divine promises, which are *' all Yea and Atnenin Christ Jesus," and take comfort. 1 Joe merciful, my God, And set my sou at rest ; Beneath destructive malice trod, By daily foes opprest. 2 Still watchful to devour Both earth and hel{ are nigh ; PSALM 56. 177 Behold their numbers and their powV, Jehovah, God most high ! 3 In times when fears arise, I'll place my trust in Thee, Safe on Thy Word my faith relies. The Refuge where 1 llee. 4 Thy Word, on which I rest. My sinking hope shall raise; Thy ^ord with triumph fills my breast, And claims my highest praise. 5 In God my trust I'll place. While here His love 1 view. Nor fear, supported by His grace, What^es^ or sense can do, PART II. 6 Unceasing thro' the day They wrest the words I speak ; Deep in their thoughts their mischief lay, And muf d'rous counsels take. 7 Around my ways they spread, And secret ambush place ; They mark, unseen, I'le steps I tread, And wait my soul's disgrace. 8 Thou God of truth and might. Shall guilt Thy arm withstand ? Shall the bold sinner scape Thy sight. Or vengeance of Thy hand ? 9 When justice shall awake. The terrors of Thy frown - Will all their pow'r united break, And cast the people down. PART iir. 10 Observ'd, my God, by Thee, From stage to stage I rove, Thine eyes my various changes see, And number each remove, 11 Preserve my falling tears. And on my sorrows look, 178 PSALM 56. Are not my dangers anil my fearj Recordt d in Thy book ? 12 Whene'er to Thee I cry, My foes shall backward flee, Assur'd I trust — fur God is nigh, And wit Ids His arm for n^.e. 13 My God, Thy faithful Word Shall mv high triumph raise ; Blest in Ttiv love, Eternal Lord ! Thy Word hath all ray praise. 14 In God my trust I'll place, "While here His love 1 view ; Nor fear, supported by His grace, What earth or hell can do. PART IV. 15 Thy vows, my gracious God, Constrain my willing mind ; My heart si. all speak Thy praise abroad, By gratitude inclined. 16 When near the shades of death, And sinking to the grave, Thy mercy, Lord, prolong'd my breath, 1 felt Thy pow 'r to save. IT Will not 7ny God appear, And still r,phold my ways ? Then shall 1 pa?s, Thy presence near, Thro' life to endless days. PSALM LYI.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 My God, ray gracious God, to Thee, TJrg'd by devouring foes, I flee, To Thee for Mercy cry ; Oh view me in Ih' unequal fight, Oppress'd by numbers; aw'd by might; Jehovah, God most high! 2 In times when fears ala'-m my breast, Still on Thy faithful Word I'll rest, And there my hopes renew : PSALM 56. 179 Tby Word, my God, demands my praise, In Thee I'll trust thro* all my ways, Nor fear what flesh can do. 3 They wrest my words, with vile design, In secret arts and counsels join. And watch the steps I tread : Shall daring guilt evade Thy frown ? Thy wrath, my God, shall ca>t them down, To perish 'midit the dead, 4 Thine eyes observe the path 1 go. Rest on my ways, my \^ and'rings know. And niunbereach remove : Thy bottle holds my falling tears ; Thy book hath register'd my fears ; So lender is Thy love ! PART II. 5 "When to the Lord I lift my cry, My foes dismay'd shall backward fly, For God my cause maintains : My faithful God I'I'U praise Thy JVord, Thy promise, O Eternal Lord, Firm as Thy throne remains ! 6 On God my confidence I stay, Nor terrors shall my soul dismay, Tho' earth and hcU combine: My soul, with aratitud^ infiam'd, Fulfils the vows Thy mercv olaim'd. And ail my praise is Thine. T For Thou, my God, when shades of death. Hung round my soul, preserv'dst my breath, Tho' sinking to the grave : Shall not Thy hand my steps befriend ? Oh lead me, guide me, to the end. And to Thy glory save. PSALM LVII.—PikRT I. MERCY is the only plea of a sinner in the midst of^ilt acd sorrovj . And the ii>m§^s of tue Chsrubim, (representing the Icve and prefect ion •f the Father^ Son, and Spirit, anitinf with tl»« Man Chri$i Jesus i« 180 Ti^ALM 57. t\if Covenant cf Reiieniption^) are bis sure Kefnce. Here m/Tcy an* truth meet together; Itere they are hichly exalted above the (leavens, and beyond the mutable clouds; for which the redeemed w*ll Tor ever glorify and exalt their God and Saviour. 1 v^ GOD, Thy ?«frr^ 1 iiitreat, So bountiful and free I On Thee with humble trust I wait. That inercii grant to me. 2 Thy shelt'ring wings around rae cast, The Refuge oftJC opprest ; Till ev'ry cloud of sorrow's past, I'll there securely rest. 3 O God most high! 'midst threai'ning storms, To Thee 1 lift my cries ; My God, who e\Wy wish performs, And ev'ry want supplies. 4 When foes reproach, when sorrows rend, My God from Iloav'n shall save. From Heav'n His truth and mercy send, And rescue from the grave. 5 Like hungry Liom, poic'rs of lull Against my soul engage : 'Midst men of fiery minds I dwell, Whose angry passions rage. 6 Their teeth like pointed spears; their tvortU Sharp as the fl\ ing dart ; Their sland'rous tongues as piercing swords. Which penetrate the heart. T O God, exalted l)e Thy name, Exalt Thy glory high! Thro' the whole earth extend Thy fame. And thro' the boundless sky ! PART II, 8 Around my steps their nets they spread ; AVhat fears my soul pervade ! But God shall sink their guilty head In the same pit they made. PSALM 57. 181 9 My heart is fix'd — O God, Thy namp My willing; soul adores: 'Tis fixM — the grateful song I'll frame, And join th* immortal pow'rs. iO Awake my tongue-^my 5om/ awake, Join evTy sounding string: I'll rise before the morning break, Thy praise, mi/ God, to sing. 1 i Thro' earth's wide frame, from shore to shore^ The world the sounds shall hear: AVhile heathen lands Thy name adore, And all the nations fear. 12 Higii o'er the Heav'ns Thy mercy reigns. Beyond tlie distant skies : Thy truth immutable remains, VVliere not a cloud can rise. I3^0 God, exalted be Thy name, Exalt Thy glory liigh ! Thro' the w hole earth extend Thy fame. And thro' the boundless sky! PSALM LVII.— Ver. II.— Part T. 1 Whe.v gathering storms around me spread, My gracious (Jod, command Thy aid : Let Mercy's guardian care inclose, Since on Thy mercy I repose. 2 Beneath Thy shade my troubled mind Its Refuge and its Rest would find : Beneath Thy wings my soul IMl cast. Till life's last gloomy hour be past. S Up to Jehovah, God most high ! Thro' earth's dark clouds i urge my cry, Whose mercy can assuage the storm, And all I want or Kisk perform. '\ From Ileav'n my God l\U aid shall send, i'roni ev'ry eusMny defend, liis mercy and His truth display. Nor let my fiercest foes (iismay. 182 PSALM 58. 5 Like Lions^ 'midst the pow'^s of hdl. And men of angry minds, I dwell : 1 dread the persecutor's words, Arrows, and spears, and sharpen'd swords ! 6 Be Thou exalted, O my God, Above the Heav'ns, Thy high abode ! O'er all the glories earth can claim Extend the honours of Thy name ! [For Version II. of Tart II. .sec Psalm CVIIl.] PSALM LVIII. A Reproof to unjust and wicked judges. The wickedness of man is here traced up to its source in the depravity ol nature; and the judg- ments of God upon sinners are described, under several expresiive images. Thus, notwithstanding present appearances, the siiperin- tcndance and justice of a righteous Ood will ultimate!}- be discovered hetore all the world. 1 JL E who surround and guide the state, Does jwitice on your counsels wait ? Ye Judges, w ith impartial laws, Does truth maintain the righteous cause? 2 Ah, how perverse mankind is grown ? Your hearts the deeds of mischief own; Your lawless mind and fearless hand Spread acts of rapine thro' the land. S Averse by nature to obey, See from the womb the wicked stray ; Their tongue its infant accents tries. And lisps in falsehood and in lies. 4 Their heart the serpent's poison holds : Like tne deaf adder\n her folds. Fast clos'd th' unvcVling ear is found. To the sweet charmtr''s sweetest sound. 5 The Lord the LiorCs teeth shall break, And from the jaw the grinders shake ; Their life like running streams shall flow, Or snapp'd like arrows on the bow. 6 They like the sHmy snail decay. Which passing melts its life away : PSALM 59. 183 A» births before the months are run Consume, nor e'er behold the sun. 7 Before the thorny blaze can rise. The bubbling cauldron to surprise, His angry storms shall o'er them bend, And living to destruction send. 8 Then shall the just ^ no more afraid. In judgment view His arm display'd, Shali raise their holy triumphs high. While sinners fall, and bleed, and die. 9 So shall th' astonish'd world declare, " The just a sure reward shall share: ** Yes — there's a God, whom men shall know, " The J17DGE thro' all the earth below I" PSALM LIX. A description of the malice of Anti christian poicerSf or the various enemies of the Church and the Believer; but the God of Mercy i% their defence. His mercy goes before to anticipate all the designs of their enemies, and His pou'er shall accomplish His purposes of love. His pouer and mercy therefore claim, and will employ, their eternal songs of praise I As but few verses of this Psalm are suited to the worship of a Christian congregation, these are rendered in a measure different from the others ; and may thus be easily selected for that purpose, as they for a connected sense. 1 Save me, O God, Thine arm display, And bid my foes Thy pow'r obey : When hosts of hell my soul invade, Rise, rise, my all-sufficient aid. 2 Save me from the impious mind. Men to evil deeds inclin'd ; Let me from the blood-stain'd band Safe beneath Thy shelter stand, 3 Lo ! in secret ambush nigh, Waiting for my soul they lie; See the mighty gath'ring round, Tho' nor crime nor guilt they've found. 4 See, they run — their arms prepare ; Causeless is the hate they bear : R 2 154^ PSALM 59. Kise, my (ion, Tliy help aft'ord, jMark their malice, gracious Lord ! 5 Thou, the Lord of iifav'^sly hosts, God of Israel's favotir'd coasts, When Thy justice shall awake, O'er the world i^hnU Judgment, break ! 6 Cast o'er heathen lands, Thine eye, Watchful, shall their ^uilt espy ; Nor Thy boundless mercy e'er Sinners unrepentant spare. 1 Fierce as wolves with ra.s:e they burn, And at evening shade return : Or as dogs, w ith howlins; sound, Run the sacred city's round, S Pourins: forth their faithless words, On their lips are sharpen'd swords : ** Who," they cry, in slanders bold, " Hears in secret while 'tis told?" 9 Tnor, Jehovah, wilt deride; Who from Thee his guilt can hide ? Thou their folly shalt expose, And despise Thy crafty foes. 10 Their strength my dread, I trembling flee. And rest in humble faith on Thee ; I'll call the Lord my si re DEFESCEy And draw my holy triumph thence. 11 Thou God, whose ;?ierc«es round me flow, Thy presence shall before me go. Prepare my way, and bid me rise, To view my conquer'd enemies. 12 Lord, our shield, destroy them not. Lest th' example be forgot : Spare them, as Thy liarning spare, Scatter'd thro' the earth afar. 13 There Thy hand shall search their pride, Tho' on falsehood they relied : Those who curs'd, with impious joy. There Thy curses shall destroy. PSALM 59. 185 14 Wrath still foU'wing as they fly, Till the fated rebels die ; Till to Jacob's God they bend, Killing to earth's utmost end, 15 Tho' like wolves with rage they burn. Then at ev'ning they'll return ; Or as dogs, with howling sound, Run the sacred city's round. 16 Restless, wand'ring to and fro. Thro' the earth tho vagrants go, Seeking wealth with sordid mind, Doom'd nor rest nor home to find. 17 Now to Thy pow'r the song I'll raise. My God ; Thy Mercy claims my praise; I'll lift on high my early voice, While in Thy Mercy I rejoice. 18 In the dark day when troubles rose, I b^de my soul on Thee repose : Thine arm of everlasting pow'r My SURE DEFEfiCE, my REFVGE TOW''r! 19 To Thee, my strength ^ the song I'll frame, Thee still my svre defence I'll claim; And, while Thy Mercies endless flow. My God, Thy endless praise I'll show. PSALM LX.— Part I. THE Jewish Churchy oppressed with enemies, recollects the exaltation of David's throne, secured by promises of victory and perpetuity, ns a banner under which they are to tight. So let the Church remember the true David i\x His cross, and upon His throne. Under His banner displayed in the Gospel, His Church is secure; and, where the powers of nature fail. His grace shall give the victory. 1 Cast from Thy sight, by Thee opprest, My God, Thy wrath we feel : Return Thou source of sacred rest, Again Thy grace reveal. Broke by Thy pow'r, Thy saints, afraid. In fearful tremblings lie; r3 186 PSALM 60. Oh heal the wounds Thy hands have madr. Lest nature sink and die. 3 What sorrows round Thy people spread ! Thy hands tlieir sorrows bind : Like mingled icinc the auful dread O'erwhelms th' astonish'd mind. 4 But, lo ! the sacred banners rise, The saviovr's cross we view ! There all Thy saints direct their rye.;, And there their hopes rene^v. 5 In humble faith, Thy chosen bands In Thine their vict'ry trace : Display'd the glorious ensign stands,' For truth confirms the grace! 6 Now let Thy Church, which claims Thy love. This conq'ring ensign bear ; Let thy right-hand victorious prove. And hear Thy servant's pra\'r. PART II. 7 Hark ! the Lord Jehovah speaks, From His lips the sentence breaks. Now His HOLY ONE shall rise, And proclaim His victories. 8 *^ Strains of triumph shall ascend, " While iNIy steps to conquest bend : " Shecheni shall INIy hand divide, " And the line o'er Succoth £;uide ; 9 " Succoth's vale, where beauties shine. " Gz/eo^rs balmy fields, are Mine; " Thro' Manasseh's peopled coast " Willing servitude I boast. 10 '* Ephraini's numVous tribe shall bend, " And its strength My steps attend : " Judahy w ith religious awe, *' Forms and executes the law. 1 1 ** But w hen Moab's host I meet, " 'Tis the vase to wash ]My feet : " Soon o'er Edom's vanquish'd land ** Shall My conq'ring footsteps stand. PSALM 60. IS7 !> '' Shout Philistia^ bo»ist thy might! ** Triuraph o'er Me in the fight ! ** O'er Fliillstia shouts shall rise, •' And My triumph rend the skies !" PART III. l.'> Who shall my soul to vict'ry lead, O'er all my powTful foes ? What arm my cause triumphant plead. From whence salvation liows ? 1 4 Will not our Cod our cause maintain, Tho' long at distance cast ? Tho' long deserted in disdain. Shall judgment ne'er be past ! 15 Vain is the strengtlj which nature boasts, WHien siJis or troubles rise : Help us, Jehovah, God of hosts! On Thee our hope relies. 16 Bold in our God we'll onward go. And ev'ry danger meet : The SAVIOUR s arm shall bind the foe. And crush beneath our feet. PSALM LX.— Yer. II.— Part I. . Rendered in reference to national corrections. Sec 1 O God, rejected from Thy care. By Thee oppress'd, condemn'd to bear Thy chast'ning scourge ; Oh hold Thy Iiand, And turn in mercies o'er the land. 2 Beneath Thy heavy judgments broke, It reels and trembles at t{ie stroke : Our breaches heal, our fears abate. For dangers shake the tott'ring state. 3 Just are Thy chast'ning^;, tho' severe. Which bid th' astonish'd people fear : The mingled ivine \U stupor sheds, And round the dire amazement spreads, i But still Thy banner guides the fight. There all who fear Thy name unite : 188 PSALM 60. Thy Gospel-banner stands display'd, On truth's eternal basis stay'd ! 5 Then let Thy Church, ^vhich boasts Thy love. In Thee her sure deliv'rance prove : Thy own right-hand in triumph rear, And hear, Oh hear, Thy servant's prayV, part II. ail before. PART III. 6 Who shall our troops to victory lead ? What arm our cause triumphant plead ? Tliro' the strong fortress bid them break. And all their ancient courage wake ? 7 W^ill not our God His arm display, Tlio' long beneath Thy wrath we lay ? Will not the Lord our help prepare, Tho' long deny'd Thy guardian care ? 8 Rise, rise, Jehovah, God of hosts! Vain is the strength the nation boasts : Vain are out fleets, our armies vain, Without Thy favour to sustain. 9 Bold in our God, we'll onward go, Assur'd of vict'ry o'er the foe : His word our conquest can complete, And bring the nations to our feet. PSALM LXT.— Part I. THE Church, and every individual Believer, restiug o.. the Rock of Agesy shall stand secure amidst the stronjrest floods of guilty fears, antiidst afflictions, teraptations, and ihe powers of hell, which shall ouly dash themselves and break in pieces at its base. There the Be- liever prays to be led, and fixed on hi^h above them all. Under a beautiful allusion to the Tabernacle and the rxings oi the Cherubim (see F'salni Ivii.) the Psalmist represents his security ; so let the Believer trust in the covenant lore and prottction of Father, Son, aud Spirit, our God in Christ Jesus. And in the iangusge of the €hurch of old, when praying for the prosperity of the King of Israel, his heart may express its delight in the eternal exaltation of the king Messiah, I O GOD, my cry attend, ^^ceive my earnest pray'r ; PSALM 61. 189 Hear, while from earth's remotest end I supplicate Thy care. 2 With stormy tempests broke, AVhen ovcrwhelm'd I lie, Oh lead me to that living rock, That's higher far than I ! 3 Oft in Thy shelt'ring shade My soul has found repose, By Thee, my totv'r of refuge^ made Triumphant o'er my foes. 4 Still would my soul abide Where all Thy glories shine ; Beneath Thy wings securely hide. And peacefully recline. 5 Thine ear bath not disdain'd The humble vows I frame ; Thy grace my heritage ordain'd, With those who fear Thy name. PART IT. 6 Omnipotent to save, Thou didst my saviour raise. His years prolong beyond the grave, Thro' everlasting days, 7 His hands the sceptre bear, Eternal is His reign ! Thy 77iercy and Thy truth prepare, And His high throne maintain. 8 So shall Thy name arise, In songs of endless praise ; While on His grace my soul relies, And daily off'rings pays. PSALM LXI.— Ver. ir. 1 liORD, hear my voice, my pray'r attend. From earth's far distant coasts I bend, With supplicating cry: When tlie dark ston-^ overwhelms my breast, Then lead me on the rock to rest, That's higher far than I! 190 PSALM 62. 2 Long has my soul T ly shelter found, And Thee I boast, when foes surround, The TOfv'R of my defence ! Still in Thy presence lil abide, Beneath Thy wings securely hide, And none shall pluck me thence. 3 Thou, gracious Lord, my vows didst hear, And 'midst the men w ho own Thy fear. My heritage ordain : Thine arm has rais'd ray saviovr high, Enthron'd Him a/.vg o'er earth and sky, And bid His years remain ! 4 Eternal shall His throne endure, Mercy and truth His reign secure. In the bright realms of day \ My God, my lips exalt Thy name. Salvation from His grace I claim. And daily vows repay. PSALM LXII.— Part I. ^^ HEN the malice of enemies devises the destruction of the BelicTer, to whom shall he go but unto the God of salvation ? Upon Him he must wait, till His deliverance arrives, and in so doing, his faith shall increase, like that of the Psalmist. Verse 1, I shall not be greatly moved ; but, verse 6, I shall not be moved. Here then he, and all the Church, must tnist at all times; on ffmi who is their Rock, their Strength, their Refuge. Men, both hif(h and low, are but vanity ; oppression will soon return upon the oppressor ; but power and mercy belong unto the Lord, who will, intheeud, make the right«»us dis- tribution. 1 JVlY waiting soul on God relies, To patient hope resign'd ; He sends salvation from the skies, To raise my sinking mind. 2 My rock! my saviour! my defence! My EVERLASTING STAY ! Not all my foes shall pluck me thence, Nor move me far away. 3 Why should my foes consult my fall ? Quick, when my God shall rise. I PSALM 62. 191 Like the frail fence, or bending wall, Your prostrate ruin lies ! 4 With envious purposes they wait, The righteous to destroy, To cast him from His high estate, His holiness and joy, 5 Their treach'rous mind delights in wrong, Their lips from truth depart; With blessings constant on their tongue, But curses in their heart. PART II. 6 On God, my soul, with patient hope, Resign'd in silence wait; He bears my sinking spirit up. Then let thy hopes be great. 7 My ROCK I my saviour! my defence I My EVERLASTING STAY I Not all my foes shall pluck me thence. Nor move my soul away. 8 God my salvation shall complete; From Him my glory springs : Rock of my strength ! my soul shall wait Its refuge in His wings. 9 Ye saints, whene'er with griefs opprest, Recline upon His pow'r ; Disclose to Him your anxious breast : God is our refuge TO/f'R.' PART III. 10 Vain are the men of low degree. And men of wealth a lie : Lighter than airy vanity, If truth its scale apply. 11 Trust not in might, nor dare oppress, Tho' pow'r pervert the law : If wealth with rapid tide increase. Thy confidence withdraw. 12 Once. hath the Lord proclaim'd abroad, And twice the fame I beard : 192 PSALM 62. ** Eternal might belongs to Gon, " And ;7oic'r attends His IVordI'' 13 But mercy in its rich display, Unites to fill Thy throne! Thon, Lord, the just reward shall pay, And all Thy servants own. PSALM LXII.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 IMy soul, to patient hope resign'd, "NVaits at His throne, my God to find ; From His high arm salvation flows. And bids me triumph o'er my foes. 2 He is my rock, His pow'r I ow n : He is my sAviouRy He alone: In Him I boast my sure DEFEycE, Nor hell shall far remove me thence. 3 Why should my foes my hurt devise ? My faith beholds my s.irjovn rise ! Thro' Him my enemies all fall. Like the frail hedge, or bending wall. 4 Lo ! round the just the wicked wait, •Still envious of his high estate ; His sacred honours to destroy, Hi^ peaceful hopes, his holy joy. 3 Their falsehoods with delight they frame, Unseen th' insidious slanders aim : Their tongue its blessings round imparts. Deceitful curses in their hearts ! PART ir. 6 My soul, to patient hope resign'd. Wait at His throne, thy God to find : On Him my stedfast hopes r«ly, Nor shall my God those hopes deny. T He is ray rock! His pow'r I own, He is my s.^r/ouR, lie alone ! In Him I boast my sure defesce, Nor sin nor hdl shall move me thence. 8 God, my own God, salvation brings. From Him my boundlcas glory springs ! PSALM 62. li)[^ Rock of my stresgth! with endless poAv'i : Mif God, my refuge^ I adore! 9 Now let the people trust His name, In ev'ry time His mercy claim : Pour out your heart before His face. Our REFUGE is the God of Grace, PART III. 10 Vain are the men of low degree. And wealth and pomp but vanity ; When truth its equal scale applies. Lighter than vanity they rise. 1 1 Trust not in pou)*r^s oppressive hand. Nor uro;e by force th' unjust demand ; When riches pour a flowing tide, Let not thine heart in wealth confide. 12 Once hath my God proclaimed the word^ And twice the solemn sounds I heard : " Exalted on th' eternal throne, *' Almighty pow'r is Mine alone J" LS But Mercy with His Pow'r is join'd, T^ie Refuge of the humble mind : Thy hand shall share the jnst reward. And own Thy servants, gracious Lord I PSALM LXIII.— Part L THE wilderness o( Judah, where David wrote this Psalm, was but a type of the wilderness of this world, where the Believer finds no tountains of joy, nor streams of spiritual consolations. This endears to him the house of the Lorih where he beholds His povuer and glory ^ IS satisfied with the lotmg-kindness of the Havioury and derives en- couragement for his warfare, and cniifideuce of victory over all his enemies. Aud, while Christ their Xing' is exalted, they who trust in Him may glory, but His enemies shall be eternally confounded. 1 kJ god, whence all my comfort springs, My soul its early off 'ring brings To Thee; while faith and hope combine With holy joy to call Thee mine, 2 How thirsts my Jlesh ! my spirit faints ! To meet Thee 'midst th' assembled saints ; 194. PSALM 63. Since in this thirsty, weary ground, No streams of sacred joy are found, 3 Thy glory there, with sweet surprise. Thy pow'r, has fix'd my wond'ring eyes ! Again, descending from above, Renew those visits of Thy love. 4 Thy love, than life itself more sweet! Where all delights in union meet ! Oh let my soul this bliss enjoy. And praises shall my lips employ. 5 My pow'rs shall all unite to praise. While life and breath prolong my days : For life no pleasure can afford, But ble?s'd in Thee, most bounteous Lord I PART II. 6 With hands uplifted to the skies, Lord, in Thy iv^ME my pray'rs arise: That NAME, the sum of all desires, Jesus, the name which Heav'n admires ! 7 Within Thy house a willing guest, . What holy joy has fiU'd my breast? The board where festive lux'ries flow Not half such pleasure can bestow. 8 My grateful soul, with rapture filled. Shall from my lips its tribute yield : On Thee I'll think, with sweet delight, 'Midst the still watches of the night. 0 Since, thro' each threat'ning danger brought, Thy povv'r has oft deliv'rance wrought, I'll stilly beneath Thy shadowing wingy Securely hide, and gladly sing. 10 'TIsTree, my God, 'tis Thee alone, My heart pursues, and fixes on : Thy own right-hand shall hold my feet, And all my hopes and joys complete. This last verse in singing may be repeated to iatroduc* PART III. 'Tis Thee, 7ny God. k^^. 2' PSALM 63. 195 ri While they, whose malice seeks my death^ Sink to earth's centre deep beneath, Their life amidst Thy judgments close, A portion to their crafty foes : 12 In God the king His joy maintains; Jesus the kz.yg exalted reigns ! Thy pow'r secures His throne on high, And bids His Church on Him rely. 13 The men, whose heart, whose vows, are Hii. Shall triumph in eternal bliss ! But the vile mouih, to falsehoods bred, Is doom'd to silence 'midst the dead. PSALM LXIII.— Ver. II.— Part 1, 1 O Thou God of pow^r and graccy Humbly let me call Thee mine : Early will I seek Thy face. Early let Thy glories shine : Thirsts my fainting soul for Thee; Longs my flesh with ardent sighs ; In this weary land I see No refreshing fountains rise. 2 Yet, within Thy Temple plac'd. Lord, Thy pow'r and glory dwell ; There Thy glory oft I've trac'd, There again Thyself reveal : Sweet the joys Avhich life bestows. Sweeter far Thy smiles of love; From my lips my heart o'erflows, Lifts its grateful praise above, 3 While I life and breath enjoy, I devote that life to Thee ; Praises shall my breath employ, Raise my hands and bow my knee : lu the NAME Thy people prize. In the NAME to Th^e most dear, Lo ! my hands uplifted rise, Lord, my pray'r and praises hear, s2 \ lOR PSALM 63. PART IT. 4 Lot file sensual boast drli^^ht?, AVhere the splendid banquet's found, Join in riot thro' the nis^hts, While the u^ine am] joy go round; Sweeter satisfaction, Lord, In Thy presence I shall find, Than around i\\e festive boardy With ihe sons of mirth reclin'd. b This the luxury I taste, While my mouth its praise renews ; Thoughts of Thee the night shall haste. Glory thro' the gloom dilFuse: Since Thy help was ne'er denied, Still beneath Thy wings I'll stay; Thee I seek, in Thee confide. Thy riglit-hand upholds my way. 6 But the dark insidious foe, He whose malice seeks my soul. Falls to earth and sinks below. O'er his head Thy judgments roll ; By the murd'ring sword destroy'd, See, the murd'rer bows to death. By the cunning he employ'd, Hurried to the shades beneath. 7 But the KING, beyond the sky, JESrS, KING OF GLORYy FCigUS ; In His God exalted high, He His holy joy maintains ! They, v. hoj^e vows to Him arise. Triumph, on His |)ow'r repos'd ; V/hile the mouth defil'd with lies '^oon in silence shall be clos'd. PSALM LXIV. T[ir cnPTTiie« «f th€ Church shall fall before the prayer offaithf whiA secures the arm of Jehovah in her defence, an is prepared hy the/r'j»f»and sutrching rains ni vnntvr, M-hich is cherished by the showers of spring:, and matured, bj th« summer's heat, into fruit/nlnets and abundance, in the seaton of 1 For Thee, O God, in Zzon'^ gates, Our praise in silent vconder waits ; To Thee Thy Church her vows shall pay. And all Thy fait/tfuhiess displaj'. 2 O Thou, whose ear delighted bend*;, AVhere'er Thy people's pray'r ascends. Let all mankind Thy name adore. And altara rise from shore to shore. 3 Against our souls our sins prevail. How deep their guilt ! their numbers fail * But Mercy still o'er all shall rise. Thy Mercy b(»undless o'er the skies ! 4 Their vast felicity we own. Chosen and placed around Thy throne! While we, with sweet enjoyment know Thy goodness in Thy Church below. 5 Tho' oft, in righteousness array'd. There hare Thy terrors stood disj)layM: And, while salvation cloth'd Thee lound. Our pray'rs a fearful answer found : 6 Yet still the earth, with well-plac'd trust. On Tpiee shall rest, the good / the just I The distant seas Thy name shall bear, Aud isles remote Thy praise declare. 7 Girded with pou'r. Thy mighty hand. Bids on their base the mountains stand: By TfiEE the swelling sea.s., supprest, Hesign their noisy icaves to rest. S Like them, by mad'ning fury seizM, iiee the blind crowds in tumult rais'd, 4 PSALM 65. ]()<) Again, submissive and resign'd, Thy secret influence calms their mind. 9 Thro' all the earth Thy tokens spread, And fill th' astonish'd world with dread; The rising East obeys Thy voice. And Western climes in Thee rejoice. PART III. 10 Thou glorious Lord ! from Heav'n above, Earth feels the visits of Thy love : While from Thy stores the waters flow, T' enrich the thirsty lands below. il The corn its plenteous harvests bears, Tiiy hand the gen'rous food prepares : Its springing life in safety hides, And moisture for its growth provides. 12 Thro' the hard earth, while winter reigns. Thy waters deluge o'er the plains : The ridges break — the furrows rise, And settle to more genial skies. 13 The vernal shou:''rs, at Thy command, Soften and bless the springing land : In varied forms Thy goodness near Thro' ev^ry season crowns the year, i4 Thy cloudy paths in drops distil. And the parch'd land with plenty fill ; "While thro' the waste the pasture grows, From circling hills the concert flows. 15 O'er the rich fields or verdant jneads His nurnrous flocks the shepherd leads : The waving vales their harvest raSse.^ And shouty and join the general praise. PSALM LXV.— Ver. IL— P^rt I. 1 Wrapt in silent adoration^ Praise for Thee in Zion waits : Lord, accept the ju^t oblation, OfFer'd vows in Zinn's gates : O our God, our pray'r ascending. Bow to pray'r a list'ning ear; 200 PSALM 65. Till, before Thy throne attending;, All mankind with joy appear. ? Mourning oVr our great transgressions, Lord, behold Thy people pray; List'ning to our deep confessions, Purg;e our num'rous sins away : Vast their sum ! — their numbers failing ! Yet o'er all siiall Mercy rise ; Mercy evermore prevailing, Mercy boundless o'er the skies! 3 Bless'd are they — how bless'd in glory ! Chosen by Thy sov'reign love! "Who around Thy throne adore Thee, Dwelling in Thy courts above ! Humbly we, at distance bending^ Worship in Thy Church below ; But while iiere. Thy love descending. Holy joys to trau-port grow ! 4 Yet, Thy righteousness revealing, Oft Thy terrors there appear ; Dark'ning clouds Thy grace concealing, Answer'd pray'r excites our fear: Still, O God of our saloation^ Siill our help in Thee is found, Confidence of ev'ry nation, To the sea's remotest bound, PART II. 5 Lord of pow'^r! with might surrounded, Rising forth at Thy command, By Thy strength securely founded, On their base the mountains standi Seas^ in mighty tempests raging, Sink, beneath Tiiy word supprest ; BoisVrous storms, Thy voice assuaging, Lull their noisy waves to rest. G Thus when, mad'ningj^assion^ rising, Tumults wild the people seize, He unseen — with pow'r surprising, Calms the tumult into peace; PSALM 65. 201 Distant lands. Thy tokens fearing. Tremble at Thy pow'rfnl voice ; But, Thy sov'ieign grace appearing, Makes the East and West rejoice. PART iir. 7 Lord, Thy Mercies round us shining, Bid the morn and eve rejoice ; East aT\d West^ in praise combining, Shall obey Thy pow'rful voice : From Thy throne of glory bending, Earth Thy gracious visits knows, While, from out Thy stores descending, Lo 1 the plenteous water flows» iJ Tast and full the copious river Rises from the throne of God ; Rich the stream, from God the giver, On the thirstij earth bestow 'd : Hence, beneath the clods confided, See the corn in yerdure rise; By His bounteous care provided, Gen'rous earth, and genial skies ! When the hardy clods congealing, Mock the weary ploughman's hand, Then the wint'ry torrent pealing, Pours its rivers o'er the land ; Earth receives th' abundant blessing, On the soffning ridges shed, While, its genial pow'r confessing. See the settling /wrroit'5 spread, \0 Softly now, all nature sing^ing, Showrs descend from vernal s}^\es ; At thy word, to bless the springing. All Thy works to life arise : Di ft*' rent seasons onward rolling. Mercies still in each api)ear ; Life its variou* forms unfolding: 'Tis Thy goodntss crowns the year ! II Thus Thy cloudy paths distilling. Drop in fatness o'er the land ; 1^02 PSALM 66. Pastures rich the desert filling, Rising hills exulting stand : Thro' the verdant meadows straying, Nuni'rousy7oc/j5 delighted graze ; Vales, their harvest's fruits displaying, Join the universal praise. PSALM LXVI.— Part I. AN exhortation to praise the Lord our Redietntr, for all FIi« wonderful works towards His Church, similar to tbose wrought for Israel of old. Let our lips join the solemn vow of dedication to Him, and offer up the saaifice of praise to God, through the great atoning sacrijice of the Cross; then shall we soon have reason to iavite others to hear the groodtiess, uisdorHf And f aithfulness, of God, in our deliverance. For, though He will reject the prayer of the hypocrite, he will assuredly hear the crj of the humble, and answer with His mercy. 1 f I ESUS demands the voice of joy, Loud thro' the lands let triamph ring ; His honours should your songs employ. Let glorious praises hail the king. 2 Shout to the Lord, adoring own, " Thy works Thy wondrous might disclose, " Thy arm victorious pow'r has shown, " Thus did Thy cross confound Thy foes I 3 " Low at that Cross the w orld shall bow, " All nations shall its blessings prove, ** While grateful strains in concert flow, *' To sing Thy potcer, and praise Thy lovej'^ 4 Come, view the wonders of His hand, Wonders of grace for man He wrought ! So, thro' the seas. His high comraaud The joyful tribes to Canaan brought. 5 Now, rais'd in triumph o'er His foes, Jesus ascend^ to rule the skies ; Let no rebellious thought oppose His reign — but praise eternal rise. PART II.' 6 Oh bless our God, ye nations round, People and lands rehearse His name; PSALM 66. 203 Let the glad voice thro' earth resound, Which speaks His praise^ and spreads Hhfame, 7 From His command our life proceeds, Our souls renewed His favour share. Our steps His heav'nly wisdom leads, . His hands our fainting strength repair* 8 But, Lord ! how wondrous are Thy ways, To try our faith, our souls refine ? So, passing thro' the furnace* blaze. The silver flows more pure to shine. 9 Bound in Thy net, ©ur loins opprest, Proud troops still trampling o'er our head, Thy fires were kindled in our breast, Thy waves of trouble round us spread. 10 But, Lord, triumphant we arise. Thro' all Thy guiding hand we trace ; Thy love for songs has chang'd our sighs, And brought us to a wealthy place. Jl My pray'' Ty with holy ardour warm'd, My praise, shall in Thy temple wait: The voivs, in times of trouble form'd, I'll there with holy joy complete. PART III. I have offered a paraphrase of verse 15th, as most suited to the Chrig- tian Dispensation, and must exactly conveying the meaning of the Psalmist. 12 Here, Lord, upon Thy altars slain. The bleeding sacrifice I see ; Faith views, and here presents again That bleeding sacrifice to Thee. 13 Nor Rams nor Guats could e'er atone ; Nor blood of Bullocks, ofter'd whole; Nor incense, rising round the throne. Could please the Lord, or cleanse the soul. 14 But here, my safiovr, here I view Thy alUatoning sacrifice ; I cease my fears, my hopes renew. The LAMB OF God for sinners dies t iOt PSALM 66. 15 jEiLS, the pRiESTf still intercedes. And bears the biood before the throne: My faith that perfect ransom pleads. And rests secure on Christ alone] PART IV. 16 My grateful song attend, Ye saints who fear tiie Lord; What for my soul His grace hath done I'll thankfully record. 1 7 To Him ray pray'r was made. In sorrows' gloomy days; lie listen'd while my soul complain'd. And turn'd my pray'r to praise, IS Yet, if my doubtful heart In secret sin rejoice, JJow shall I dare approach His throne? He'll not regard my voice. 19 Ikit, peace my gloomy fears, My faithfiil God has heard; Oft as my voice to Heav'n arose. His hand fulfilTd His word, to To bless His wondrous name Let all His saints agree : Ily praj/r He never twin d from IJim^ Xor turn'd JJis grace from me. PSALM LXVII. LET the Ciinstian Church in /aif/» join this prayer of the Cfcurd^f Old, tur the universal extension u( the Redeemer's KingdoiOf till «U nations submit to His authurlty; adore His name; aud rejoice is liis hlessiugs. 1 Almighty God, with beams of grace, To bless Thy Church incline; And let the glories of Thy face In all her temples shine. •J Thy uays of mercy, far and near. Thro' all the earth proclaim, Till distant regions, as they hear. Adore the «-rfrJorja'iiiaaie, PSALM 67. . 20o o To Thee, thro' all the nations round. Let men one chorus raise ; Till all mankind Thy name resound, With shouts of gen'ral praise! 4 Proclaim, proclaim the joyful strain, Earth with the triumph ring;; Jesus in righteousness shall reign, The universal king ! 5 To Thee, thro' all the nations roand, Let men one chorus raise ; Till all mankind Thy name resound, With shouts of gen'ral praise! G Then fertile fields, with vast increase, Thy influence shall confess ; And God, our God, with endless peace, His num'rous Church shall bless. 7 Our God His blessing shall extend, Diffus'd from shore to shore, Till all, to earth's remote-tend. The saviour's name adore I PSALM LXVIl.— Vek. H. O God, to earth incline, W^ith mercies from above ; And let Thy presence round us shine, With beams of love: Thro' all the earth below, Thy li-ays of grace proclaim, Till distant nations hear and know The sAriovR^s name. Now let the world agree One gen'ral voice to raise ; Till all mankind present to Thek Their songs of praise ! Oh let the nations round Their cheerful pow'rs employ. And earth's far distant coasts resound With shouts of joy \ T 206 PSALM 68. 3 In justice Thou shalt reign. By all the lands ador'd ; O'er the whole earth Thy throne maintaiD, Jesus, our Lord ! Oh let the world agree One gen'ral voice to raise ; Till all 7iiankind present to Thee Their songs of praise ! 4 Then earth, Thy grace confest. Shall pour its fruits abroad ; By Thee Thy num'rous C/mrck be blest, O God, our God ! Thy blessing shall extend, Thy saving grace appear, And all, to earth's remotest end. The sAFioLR fear! PSALM LXVIII.— Part I. THIS Psalm, most probably composed at the removal of the ilrk tg Mount Zion, and sung ou that occasion, celebrates the glory of Jehovah, and His care of His Church. To this " mountaiH of tht house of the Lord'' all others must submit, because of the ascendtd Sariow*-. From the typical circumsUnce the Psalmist is led to describe, ia animated langruage, tlie glor>' and benefits of the Redeemer's ascension ; calls His Church to celebrate it in their songs of praise; and to re- joice in the prospect, that soon all the lieathen shall submit to His authority and dominion. It is appointed by the Church for fVhit- Sntidavf on which day these gifts nere first poured out in rich abund- ance on His .Vfu' Testament Church. 1 JLiET God arise, His foes repel. And scatter all the potc'rs of hell: "While from His face, in deep dismay, The men who hate Him flee away. ^ As smoke that's scatter'd in the air, Thy breath shall drive Thy foes afar; And sinners at Thy sight expire, As melting wax before the tire. 3 But let thejustj who know His grace. His works wiih sacred rapture trace: O'er all that holy joy should rise, Our all-sufficient God supplies. PSALM 68. 207 4 Sing to onr God, His praise proclaim, By Jah, Jehovah — matchless name 1 O'er Heav'n He rides in solemn state, Ye saints with joy His presence wait. 5 In Him ihe fatherless shall find A FATHER bountiful and kind ! The widow, suppliant at His feet, In God shall her protector meet i 6 He bids the desolate abound. And spread their num'rous households round ; He breaks the prisoner's galling chain, But rebels in distress remain, PART II. 7 When, Mighty God ! before Thy bands. From Egypt's coasts, thro' desert lands, Thy cloud and glory led the way, Earth's centre shook — it fear'd — and fled ; Theheav'ns their show'rs dissolving shed ; On Sinai stood the grand display ! She trembled all the load to bear. For God, for Israel's God was there ! 8 O God, o'er all the thirsty plain. Thy grace diffus'd its gen'rous rain ; The heav'nly bread around them fell ; Thy fainting hosts, with sweet surprise, Reviving, taste Thy rich supplies, And 'midst Thy lib'ral bounty dwell: Thou gracious God ! Thy boundless store, Spreads its provision for Thy poor, 9 Then, urg'd to conquest, at Thy word. Thy marshall'd hosts unsheath'd the sword, Lo ! prophets publish Thy decree ! Hark ! how iheir numerous bands proclaim ; *' Kings with their vanquish'd hosts, in shame, " Before Thy conq'ring armies flee ; " And she who in her tents abides, " The spoils of victory divides. 10 " Tho', in a dark and gloomy state, " Like abject slaves condemn'd to wait, t2 208 PSALM eS. ** Obscur'd amidst the plots ye lay, " Yet like the dove ye soon shall fly, *' Who spreads her silver icings on hi^h, *' Mingled with gold, (a rich display!)" When God th* almighty crush'd her foes. Then Zion shone, like Salmon's snows. 1 1 Can Bashan's craggy rock compare With Zion ? Lo ! the Lord is then ! Can Bashans height His presence claim ? Why leap, ye hills, in mystic dance ? Why downward cast the envious glance? On Zion God records His name ! There, (mountain of Jehovah's love!) He dwells — nor w ill His feet remove. PART III. 12 Thousand chariots God attending, Countless thousands press His throne, As on Sinai's top descending, There Jehovah shines alone; So with glory In the CHERUBIM He shone ! 13 Lo ! His enemies subduing, Christ the Lord ascends on high ! Heav'nly hosts, the triumph viewing, Hail Him rising thro' the sky ! See the conq'ror Captive leads captivity ! lit Jesus, Thou, the gifts receiving, Dost Thy gifts on 7uan bestow 5 Rebels from their guilt relieving ; Rebels now Thy Mercy know : God, all-gracious. Dwells again with man below. 15 Bless our God, His grace confessing. Whom His Church above adores ; Who, with daily loads of blessing. From on high His spirit pours : God our saviour For His Church salvation stores! PSALM 6S. 209 PART IV. 16 Him in whom a^ God we glory, God our saviour we proclaim ; Life and deat/i^ O Lord, adore Thee, yielding at Thy awful name : Thou shalt triumph, And th' eternal vict'ry claim! 17 At His feet, while prostrate falling, Jesus breaks the serpenfs head ; He, for mighty vengeance calling. On His stoutest foe shall tread : Thou, the co-Vq'ror, Shalt Thy Church to vict'ry lead. 18 As of old, from Bashan guiding, So their saviour leads their way, His high arm, the waves dividing, Still conducts them thro' the seai More than conq'rors, All our foes Thy word obey ! PART III. repeated in Long Measure. 12 Around our God, in solemn state, Ten thousand thousand chariots wait; On Sinai thus Jehovah shone, Or made the cherubim His throne. 13 Lo ! while His armies fill the sky, Jesus the Lord ascends on high ! Thine arm captivity has led Thy captive; — marching at their head. 14 Thy hands receiv'd, and still bestow The gifts of God on man below : In Thee for rebels gv3.ce is stor'd, And earth again beholds its Lord. 1 5 Jesus, Thy Church proclaims Thee blest, While daily blessings round them rest ; How vast the load ! how rich the stores His SPIRIT from Jehovah pours ! 16 In Thee, the Mighty God ! alone. Our SAVIOUR, and our God we own ; Death yields its conquests at Thy word, And life is Thine, Eternal Lord ! t3 •210 PSALxM 68. PART IV. 17 Jesus shall crush the serpent's head. And o'er His f.)es triumphant tread ; His hai/d the rebel shall subdue, Who dares the guilty path pursue. 18 " ril bring," lie cries, " My ransoni'd hosts, " As Israel once from jBasAr/n'.v coasts : " Again My arm shall lead their way, *' Thro' X\\c deep channels of the sea. 19 ** In Me their vict'ries are complete, " Sin^ Deaths and Hell, beneath their feet : " Their powV in endless triumph led, *' O'er all their foes My saints shall tread." PART III. repeated as Common Measure. 12 ^Myriads of chariots, near our God, Surround th' eternal throne ; So Sinai blaz'd ; so once abroad In CHERUBIM He shone ! 13 Ascending high, our coa'^'r/^vg head His glorious vict'ry shows ; Captivity as captive ledy . He triumphs o'er His foes. j4 Jesus, Thy hands receiv'd the grace. And gifts on men bestow : And rebels view again Thy face, Thou gracious God, below ! 15 Bless ye the Lord, He loads our heart With mercy's boundless stores: Our God, salvation to impart, From Heav'n His spirit pours. 16 Blest SAVIOUR, {Thee owr God we own) On Thee our souls recline ; Death yields its conquest at Thy throne, And end'.ess life is Thine. PART IV. 17 Jesus His vict'ry shall maintain. And crush the SerpenCs head ; And sinners who in guilt remain Beneath His footstool tread. PSALM es. 211 IS '* Again," He cries, " from Bashan's coasts " My arm shall lead the way : " I'll guide My Church, as Israel's hosts, *' Safe thro' the yielding sea, 19 " My saints their vict'ries shall complete, ** And holy joys recall ; " Till dtaih and hell beneath their feet " In endless ruin fall." PART V. 20 Lord, Thy Church hath seen Thee rise, To Thy temple in the skies : God my, saviour ! God my kisg I While Thy ransom d round Thee sing, 21 Noblest harmony of sounds, Heav'nly kisg^ Thy throne surrounds. Sweeter than the choral bands. Or the harp in virgin hands. 2^ Ye, who your high birth can trace, From the Fount of Israel's race, "Midst the Church His name confess, Bless our God, Jehovah bless, 23 Round His throne let Princes throng, Join the harmony of song : Ye, who itisrfom's depths explore, Bow to Jesus and adore, 24 In His Church the saviour stands, He thy God thy strength commands: Hear us, and from Heav'n, Thy seat, Ail Thy works of grace complete. 25 When, in glories all divine. Thro' the earth Thy Church shall shine, Kings in pray'r and praise shall wait, Bending at Thy Temple's gate. PART VI. 26 Jesus, Thy mighty arm display, Rebuke the foe ; the Dragon slay ; Tho' like the beast whose terror spreads Over the JSile's vast reedy beds» 212 PSALM 68. 27 In pity view a fallen race^ Whose arms their idle gods embrace, Whose feet, that dance the mystic round. With tinkling ornaments resound. 28 See the vain race ; alas ! how blind ! What folly holds the human mind ? Let grace renew, or scatter far The people that delight in war. 29 Let Egypt's sons Thy glory own, Her Princes bending at Thy throne : Thy grace let Ethiopia see, And stretch her w illing hands to Thee. PART VII. 30 Proclaim, proclaim, Lmmandel's praise, Ye various realms your voices raise, Thro' the whole earth exalt Him high, Who rides in glory o'er the sky ! 31 The Heav'n of Heav'ns His state maintains, From all eternity He reigns ! He sends His voice, His voice alone, Almighty, shall support His throne! 32 Yield to Jehovah strength divine ! O'er Israel all His glories shine ; High in the Heav'ns His pow'r abides. All nature and the Church He guides. 33 Jesus, Thy glories pour'd abroad, Bid all the world confess Thee God ! Thy awful arm, from Heav'n diz;play'd. Shall strike — and make Thy foes afraid. 34 Thus IsraeVs God, enthroned on high, Shall to His /srae/ strength supply : Then let Immanuel's name resound. With endless blessings pour'd around ! PSALM LXIX.— Part I. THIS Psalm corresponds witb the Twenty second. It describe! the offerings of Christ, and adds to the prophetic circnmstances attend- ing His crucifixion. It is therefore appointed l)y the Church for PSALM 69. 213 iiocd- Friday. It foretels, also, the destrnction of all his enemies, and His exaltation to His throne, for the benefit of the meek and humble, the poor> the despised, and the oppressed. They also, through His exaltation, shall be preserved and exalted to His kingdom. 1 " Preserve Me, o My god, '' The mighty waters roll ; *' They rush resistless all abroad, " And burst upon My soul. 2 ** In the deep clay My feet *' No resting-place have found ; " I sink — the waves of trouble meef, '* And floods My head surround." 3 While thus the saviour cries, His weary lips grow pale, His throat with burning anguish dries, His eyes with waiting fail. 4 Then death its gloom prepares, While foes around Him spread, More num'rous than the countless hairs Which clothe and shade the head. 5 Th* indignant sons of might Their causeless hate employ : And earth a.n(\ hell their arts unite. Malignant to destroy, 6 Yet, let my soul adore — When sinking to the grave, The Pains, the Cross, the Curse, He bore, Shall all His ransom'd save ! PART II. 7 Thy Cross, my saviour, bas restored The injur'd honours of the Lop.d ; Paid the vast debt of guilt unknown, AVhich willing mercy made Thine own. 8 On Thee, mv Surety's sacred breast, Did all my guilt and fully rest : There did mv God that guilt pursue, And justice vindicate its due! 9 But, 'midst His groans and deep complaints, Jih pity yet regards Plis saints : 214 PSALIVI 69. These — objects of His tend'rest care^ Thus from His heart incite His pray'r, 10 " Jehovah, God of hosts Thy name! *' Put not Thy \^aiting saints to shame ; '* Nor let the men, who seek Thy face, " Thro' My dishonour, meet disgrace. 11 " Since, for Thy sake, reproaches spread '* Their venom'd shafts around My head ; " O Israel's God, ray soul sustain, *' Or Israel's pray'r shall rise in vain." 12 The Lord my saviour's cry attends. There all my hope, my life, depends : Then, since our guilt and griefs He bare, Our ransom' d soulSy Jehovah, spare. PART in. 13 A stranger 'midst His native race, Nor earth nor Heav'n atford One pitying look, one smile of grace, To cheer th' incarnate lord f 14 Thy house profan'd, what love and zeal His holy breast inflame ! While men around reproaches deal, The men who hate Thy name. 15 He weeps l^^our sorrows ur£;'d the tears, Yet men those tears despise ; He fasts ! — our chastisement He bears. Yet sinners scorn His sighs. 16 While humbly in our nature drest. Around th' ungodly crowd : His lowly state their impious Jes/, The jp/'oucr J of the proud^ IT The scorn of Princes in the gate ; The senseless drunkard's song ; Yet at His Cross in faith I'll wait, And bid my hopes be strong. PART IV. 18 Hark ! mj soul, those groans attend. Listen to the saviour's cries ; PSALM 69. 215 From tli« Cross His pray'rs ascend^ Thence for us accepted rise : *' God of boundless mercy ^ hear, ** Bid Thy soy salvation know ; ** Let thy faithfulness appear ; " Raise Me from these depths of woe. s9 " Sorrows, like the miry clay, " Round My sinking feet are bound ; *' Friends neglect, forsake, betray, " While the floods of guilt surround : " Tho' th' imputed guilt I bear, *' From th' o'erwhelming vengeance save^ " Nor resign My soul, Thy care, '' Pris'ner to an endless grave, 20 " Hear, Oh hear, My suppliant cry, '' Pleading thro' Thy boundless love; ' " Tho' /or men accurs'd I die, " Still Thy loving-kindness prove: *' Oh return ; nor hide Thy face, *' As beneath the Cross I bend ; ** Since Thy everlasting grace " Knows no number ! finds no end ! 21 *' Swift to aid, My God, appear, *' Bid My foes reluctant flee" Lo ! He comes — Jehovah near. Crowns His Cross with victory : Jesus o'er th' infernal powers Triumphs with an arm divine ! Lord, Thy victory is ours ; And on Thee our souls recline. PART V. 22 Again, my soul, the scene renew ; Again the dying saviour view ; And hear His mournful cry : " To Thee, My God, My shame is known^ *' The deep dishonour round Me thrown, " While on the Cross I die. 23 " Surrounded by the powers af hell, " All known lo Thee— to Thee I'll tell 216 PSALM 69. ** The sorrows of My breast ; '* While, bitt'rer anguish to impart, ** litproaches rend IVIy stricken hearty *' By earth and hell opprest. "24 '* Then, whelm'd in grief. My lab'ring breath " Pants in the heaviness of death; '' My dying eyes look'd round : *' They look'd — v/Uence pity might descend, " But, ah! — no geifrous pitying Friend^ *' No kind consoler found ! "25 " Their hands for food the gall prepare; '' The pungent vinegar they bear, '' To mock My dying thirst:" — Thy love, my SAviovRy 1 adore, AVliich on the Cross my sorrows bore, Beneath my guilt accurst ! "26 Lord, Thy hand with vengeance stor'd, Turns to snares their festal board : All their vows, for peace designed, Shall perplex their doubtful mind. '21 Darkness (they the light desi)ise) Veils their heart, and blinds their eyes : On their tott'ring loins shall lie Sorrow's bitt'rest agony. 28 Thou wilt bind their weight of woes, 'Tis Thy hand the vengeance throws ; Wrath pursues their doubtful ways, Wrath the fugitives shall seize. 29 Desolate at Thy command Shall their splendid palace stand. Nor their tents, which void remain, See th' inhabitant again, 30 For, w ith envy's murd'rous view, They Tny Smitten One pursue ; Pierce with bitter words still more Those Thy shafts have pierc'd before. PSALM 69. 217 SI Sin to sin shall onward lead, Guilt to further guilt* proceed^ Never, Lord, the rebel race Will Thy righteousness embrace. 32 From Thy book of Life above, Register of endless love, Thou their hated name wilt blot ; Never 'midst the righteous wrote. PART VII. 33 Deep from His heart the accents pour, *' My God, the Man of Sorrows own :" He hears Him in the mournful hour. And sends salvation from Hi-; throne ! ^i Lo ! rising from the conquered grave, 'Tis Jesus leads the rapt'rous song : Let those, who feel His pow'r to save, The triumph join ; the strain prolong. 33 The Lord beholds His Cross and Crown ; He views, thro' Him, our pray'rs arise; And looks with sweeter pleasure down, Than on the slaughter'' d sacrifice. .16 Then check your sorrows as they flow, Ye humble sinners — bless His grace : Jesus will endless life bestow On all who seek Jehovah's face. PART vrii, S7 When the humble poor complaining Raise to Heav'n their suppliant cry, Then, o'er all Jehovah reigning, Never will His aid d^ny ; Nor i\\t prisoners chains despise. Plaintive groans, or broken sighs. 38 Heav'n and earth aloud adore Him : Roaring billows of the seas; All creation fall before Him, And thro' earth pronounce His praise : Ye, His providence who prove, Speak His universal love. 218 ,. PSALM^TO, ■A S9 But, for Zion is His nation, Zion's Hh peculiar cart*; For His Church, His j^reat salvation Will (he Heav'nly Loru prepare : City where He loves lo rest, By His saints on earth possest. 40 There, surrounded with His favour, Shall the seed of Israel dwell ; AU who love Thy name, my sjkiuiR, There secur'd Thy glories tell: Till established in the skies. Where Thy litav'nly cities rise. PSALM LXX. TfllS Psalm is i repetition of the concluding part of the Fortietfir Tsalni, whith represents the victory zr.d triumph of the lUd-^twer, zhtT li\% sufferings. Let the Believer adopt the same triumphant IsH^age, and confidently follow the foopsteps of his Hedtemery through sufferin^-p to glor>'. {Frrr another Version of this Psalm, see Psalm xl. 13 — 17.] 1 JLiASTE, haste, O my God, to my aid. My sins and my sorrows control ; Let those be dismay'd and afraid, \ W ho wait but to ruin my soul : Command, and my foes sliall retreat, And turn with confusion away ; Thine arm shall their malice defeat, Thy hand shall deliver the prey. 2 What malice my foes can inflame, W'ho lonof my destruction to prove ? Oh ! backward return them with shame, But let me rejoice in Thy love : J'Yom earth and from hellihey are nigh, And vaunt with the voice of disdain. But speak, and my foes shall all fly. And their glory and boast shall be vain. 3 Let all in Thy favour rejoice, Y\'ho seek Thee with diligent pray'r; Thy servants ihall Tift the. glad voircj Anrd anthems of triumph prepare : PSALM 71. 21^ Lei those who the saviour adore, Who love His salvation, still cry ; *' Exalt ye His grace and His pow'r, '* Let God be exalted on high .'" 4 But I am affiidcd and poor^ With 5m and with sorrow opprest. Then haste, O my God, and secure My REFVGE, where sorrow may rest: Thou, Thou art my helper alone, O Thou, mi/ deliverer, be near : Jehovah, oh! bow from Thy throne, And quick for salvation appear. PSALM LXXI.— Part I. THE language of this Psalm is peculiarly suited to iLe wants and de- sires of the Believer, under oppression, in temptation, or labouring under the debility of old age. He, who, in such circumstances, trust- ing only in the Lord, presents before His throne tlie petitions here re- corded, shall in the end have reason to join the Psalmist's song af praise to the truth of God, and to unite with him in celebrating His faithfulness to His promise. 1 In Thee, Thou gracious Lord, My confidence I place, Then let Thy hand its aid afford, Nor sink me in disgrace. 2 Thy righteousness prepare, And set my spirit free, Oh save ! indulgent to my pray'r. And bow Thine ear to me. 3 Be Thou my strong abodes Where I may safety find : To Thee I'll fly, Almighty Goo ! And rest my troubled mind, 4 Has not Thy faKhful fVord Made my salvation sure ? And Thou, my rock^ my FORTRESSy L^rd^ My refuge shalt secure, 5 Deliv'rance now command, For Thee my God I claim ; v2 220 PSALM 71. From potcWs of hell^ who round me staady And snares dcsinictive frame. 6 Thou art my only hope, Jehovah, God most high ! Thou from my youth hast held me up. On Thee I still rely. 7 Since from the vcomb I came. Thy arm embrac'd me round ; Thy hand educ'd my infant frame; Thy pmises I'll resound ! 8 The many wond'ring see My sta'e distressed iind poor ; But Thou shalt still my refuge be. Almighty and secure ! 9 So shall my lips display In fullest notes Thy praise. And to Thy honour, all the day. My songs of triumph raise, 10 Then, Lord, when age appears, Deny me not Thy care ; Nor fail me, when declining years My toti'ring strength impair. PART III, 11 My foes with envious hate, Enrag'd against mc speak, "While watching for my soul they wait, And murdVous counsels take. 12 *' His God withdraws (they cry) *' None can his soul defend, " Pursue — overtake — oppress — destroy, ** Deliv'rance none shall send." 13 O God, my constant pray'r To Thee, my God, is made ; Then leave me not, nor stand afar, But haste with present aid. 14 Then shall my foes retire. Thy pow'r shall all confound; PSALM 71. 221 And they, who still my hurt conspire, With shame be coverM round. 15 But my unchanging hope On Thee, my God, relies; My praises still ascending up, Increasing as they rise. 16 Now, while hope sustains my frame, Praises shall increasing flow ; I'll Thy righteousness proclaim, All Thy truth and mercy show : Thy salvation thro' the day On my thaniiful tongue shall dwell, Who can all its grace display ! Heights, or depths, or numbers-^ tell ! 17 O Jehovah, God most just! In Thy strength I'll still pursue, In Thy promts'' d grace 1 trust, While Thy righteousness I view : This shall fill my grateful song. Lord, Thy righteousness divine JNever shall my thankful tongue Boast a righteousness but Thine T'* 18 Thou, O God, with tend'rest care, Didst instruct my growing youth, ^et Thy wonders I declare. Works of mercy and of truth ; Now, when hoary hairs depend. Silvering o'er my furrowed brow^ Still my tottering steps befriend, As wirii weight of years I bow. 19 Till Thy strength. Eternal God I Till Thy glory, 1 proclaim. And, from age to age, abroad Celebi;iite Thy n-ondrous name ; O my God, Thy righteousness Rising over all we see! Great Thy works ! and great Thy gracel Who, O God J compares with Thee \ v3 222 PSALM 72. 20 Deep with sin and scrrow stricken, Troubles overwhelm my heart ; But Thy grace my soul can quicken. And again aw cet peace impart : Thou to honour canst restore me, Tho' amidst the dust I lie ; Thou canst raise to life and glory y Comforts all around supply. 21 Kov/, with instruments combining, I'll the grateful tribute raise ; "With the choir in concert joining, 'Tis Thy IVuthy 7ny God, I praise: Sweetest sounds in concord framing, To Thy ?^AME my gifts I'll bring ; Thee, my saviour. Thee proclaiming, IsraeVs holy one, and Kiyn! 22 Sacred joys, my heart inspiring, Bid my lips in triumph move ; All my soul with rapture firing, Ransom'd by Thy boundless love ! Thro' the day, Thy Truth enjoying, I'll Thy righteousness declare ; While Thy arm, my foes destroying, Makes my soul Thy triumphs share. PSALM LXXII.— Part I. SOLOMON was only a type of Him who is here celebrated: The King and the King'i Son .' God and the Son of God ! His kingdom secnres the blessedness of His poor and needy subjects ; is gracious aed benign in its benefits, as shoicers upon the grats ; shall increase as long as the Sun and Moon endureth ; and flourish eternally beyond the reach of time. All nations shall at length »j«icc in Hit government, and bless Him in the enjoyment of His blessings. In the falfilnient of thes* erentt the prayers of all His people, as well as of Davidf the jon •/ Jesse, are coHsum mated. 1 Jesus is kin^, Great God afford Thy judgments to support His throne; And let thy justice, Mighty Lord ! Direct the Kingdom of the son. PSALM 72. 22^ 2 AH nations shall His rule obey, Bless'd in His truth and righteousness f The poor beneath His gentle sway His equity and grace confess. 3 Peace shall adorn His endless reign, As dews from lofty mountains shed ; And pltnty, with its cheerful train, O'er the high hills in verdure spread. 4 The poor in Him their guardian find, The sons of need His grace enjoy ; His arm th' oppressor's rage shall bind. And si7i and Satan's pow'r destroy. PART ir. 9 Jesus o'er all the earth shall reign. His honours lasting as the Sun ; Long as the Moon shall wax or tjcane, Or ages in succession run. 6 As rain upon the grass new-mown^ His grace shall shed sweet influence round : Or showers, by mildest zephyrs blown, AVhich drop in life o'er all the ground, 7 His favour shall the righteous know, And rise to honours in His sight ; And ^eace in rich abundance flow, Long as the Moon directs the night, £ Jesus, Thy pow'r, from sea to sea^ Shall govern to the utmost shore ; Euphrates^ sons shall bow to Thee, And earth's remotest ends adore. 9 Tne heathen lands Thy grace shall view. And fill Thy courts, and crowd Thy seat ; But vengeance shall Thy foes subdue, Prostrate in dust beneath Thy feet, PART III. 10 Far as the Isles extend, To the vast Ocean's bound, Let Kings to Jesus bend, And pour their off'rlngs round : 224 PSALM 72. Arabia raise I And y/fy/c join, The song divine, | T' exalt His praise. 11 All Princes shall adore, And gifts and honours bring, To hail the saviour's pow'r, To crown Immanuel k/ag; Remotest lands I And earth obey Shall homage pay, | His high commands. 12 He bows His throne on high, AVhene'er His C^wrc/i complains ; The needy suppliant's cry His richest grace obtains : The poor, consign'd I Whom none will know, To helpless woe, | His help shall find. 13 His eye w ith pitij spares I'h' afflicted and th' opprest ; The humble sinner shares His Mercy''s sweetest rest: He from on hii^h I Their soul defends, Salvation sends, | And hears their cry. 14 'Twas He their ransom gave. And still redeems their soul ; From all deceit He'll save, And Satan's pow'r control : Dear is their blood, I 2'heir guilt V atone, For which His own, j Abundant flowed. PART IV. 15 Jesus the ki^g shall live^ Shall reign for evermore ; To Him her gold shall Sheba give, Her treasures pour : For them, his ceaseless prayer. Like sweet perfume, shall rise ; AVhile ev'ry day his praise shall bear Above the skies, 16 As seed on mountains shed. His rising Church shall grow ; Like trees on Lebanon s high head, Itfc harvest's show ; PSALM 72. 225 Her sons, a num'rous train. In ZioiCs gates shall spread, As grass that fills the verdant plain, And clothes the mead. 17 Jesus the s a noun's name For ever shall endure, Long as the Sun His matchless fame Shall stand secure : Thro' earth Man's gen'ral race His glory shall confess, And, bless'd with all His richest grace, His name shall bless. 18 Jehovah, God most high ! We spread Thy praise abroad ; Thro' the whole world Thy fame &haU fly. Thou Israel's God ! Wonders of grace and pow^r To Thee alone belong; Those wonders shall Thy Church adore. In endless song ! 19 O Israel bless Him still, His name to honours raise; Let the whole earth His glory fill, 'Midst songs of praise: Amen our lips repeat, Amen we shout again : Here all our wishes are complete. Let Jesus reigrt I PSALM LXXIII.— Part I. THE prosperity of the wicked is oftentimes an encouragemeat to their pride, and the source of unbelieving fears to the Church. But, in the sanctuary of Gorf, their dangerous situation and awful end are dis- covered, so as to satisfy the inquiring mind, and clear up the doubts of ignnrance zrA unbelief . There, also, the Believer discovers that the Lord is his guide through life ; will be his support in death ; and his eternal portion beyond. 1 ^ OW have I known — experience proyes, The Lord is good; and Israel loves ; 226 PSALM 7$. lie loves the heart sincere ; But 1 — alas! m\ faithless mind ! How nearly had my feet declin'd ! The fatal brink how near ! 2 I saw the foolish sinnner rise, 1 gaz'd — I view'd with envious eyes The wicked rise to pow'r : Xo pangs the sinner's death await. No silent griefs their strength abate, Till life at once is o'er. 3 Untroubled is their peaceful head. No clouds of sorrow o'er them spread. Nor plagues which others wound: From thence their pride, like glitt'ring chains, AVreath'd round their stately neck remains, And outrage clothes them round, 4 With bloated flesh, their starting eyes. Thrust forth, in pamper'd lux'ry rise. Desire can ask no more : With wealth beyond their wishes crown'd, Corru})t in heart, their words resound With all the pride of pow'r. 5 Aim'd at the Heav'ns, as round them poured, Their blasphemies insult the Lord, Thro' earth their slanders iiy : While, toss'd about .with griefs and fears. His people fill their cup with tears. Wrung from their weeping eye. 6 " Doth God," the bold blasphemers say, '' Who dwells on high, the earth survey, *• And know the things below r" Yet these — th' ungodly and profane. The world's high prosp'rous summit gain, And rich and pow'rful grow ! 7 Then sure His vain, His vain, I cried, 1 place Thy purity my guide, With heart and hands sincere; PSALM 73. 227 Plagu'd and chastis'd from morn to morn : Lut shall my heart thus faithless :Corn Those hopes Thy children cheer ? PART II. S I sought the tcffvs of God to know. The paths of providence belo\\ , But griefs the search attend : Dark were the doubts ! — the pain how great * Till in Thy courts I view'd their state. And saw the sinners' end. 9 High on a slipp'ry summit plac'd, Thy hands their sure destruction haste, Swift flies their fleeting breath : A moment — and their glory's gone ! Consum'd by terrors from Thy throne, In everlasting death ! 10 As the vain shadow of a dream, Scatter'd before the morning's beam, Their empty triumph dies : Yet griev'd, perplex'd, my heart diimay'd Its foolish ignorance betray 'd, Like the brute beast unwi;e. 11 While men in vanity delight, I dwell for ever in Thy sight, My hand by lliine upheld : Then, Lord, shalt guide my doubtful way, Thy counsels lead me, lest I stray, Till glory be reveal'd. 12 Who, who, throus^bout the worlds above. So well deserves my highest love ? V/ho, Lord, in Heav'n, but Thee? What beaut'ou? forms on earth can claim My h^^art's de-ire — atTectiou's flame, Or so enrapture me ? 13 When he^rt ^vA flesh ^ith sorrow break. And UtYs exhausted springs forsake ; When my faint spirit dies: 228 PSALM 73. Then shall my God His strength impart, His presence cheer my sinking heart. My portion in the skies ! 14 Lo ! they who wander from Thy way, Whose hearts to idol-follies stray. Shall Thy just judgments share: But 'tis my bliss, Thou gracious Lord ! T' approach Thy throne, to trust Thy Word^ And all Thy works declare. PART III. repeated as Common Measar*. 1 1 While men in vanity delight, Thy glories round me shine : I dwell for ever in Thy sight, My hand upheld by Thine. 12 Tnou, Lord, my footsteps shalt befriend, Thy counsels lead my way, Till, crown'd with glory, I ascend To realms of endless day. 13 Who, who, throughout the worlds above, 'Midst those around Thy throne. So well deserves my highest love As Tuou, my God, alone ? J 4 What beauteous forms on earth can claim My heart's desire like Thee? What creatures thus my love inflame. Or so enrapture me ? V5 When my frail flesh with anguish breaks, And yields its lab'ring breath, Wlien heart grows faint, and life forsakes. And spirits fail in death ; 16 Then shall my God His strength impart, An undiminish'd store! Shall still uphold my sinking heart. My portion evermore ! IT Lo ! (hey who wander from Thy way Shall 'midst Thy Judgments stand : And sinners, who in folly stray, Sink down beneath Thv hand. PSALM 74. 229 18 But '^tis my s:\oTy, gracious Lord ! Before Thy throne t' appear ; There will I wait, and trust Thy JVord^ And all Thy works declare ! ■ ■ ' ■' ♦ PSALM LXXIV.— Part I. THE Church complnins iu the midst of desolating judgments, \vdi pleads with God for His interposition, and for her own deliveranto, on account©' His former wonders ; the reproaches of the enemy ; and His own covenant relation and promises. 1 ^W^HY does Thy Church, thus cast afar, Mourn, Gracious Lord, Thy absent care ? Why should Thy ceaseless anger sprea<3j Against the flock Thy pastures fed ? 2 Remember stili th' eternal grace. Which purchased once Thy chosen race! Th' Almighty PowW I the blood divine! And claim th' inheritance b.s Thine, S No more Thy ransom' d Church deny The kind protection of Thine eye ; Nor let Thy Zion be o'erthrown, Where once Thy dwelling place v;^s known; 4 Lift up Thy feet, and march around ; Destruction wastes the sacred ground ! See, where the foe its ruin spreads. And o'er Thy fallen Temples treads. 5 Thine enemies tumultuous roar. And round Thy congregations pour Their hosts in arms: — their standards rise, Sad emblems of their victories! PART II. 6 Once the wise, with skilful hand, Where the trees thick shading stand^ O'er the boughs the axe inclin'd. For the Temple's use design'd. 7 But, alas! with impious stroke, Now its beauteous frame is broke; Torn from off its sacred walls, Carv'd with art^ its glory falls. 230 PSALM 74. fi Hurl'd on hi?h (he fires consume, Spreading; o'er the sacred dome ; While, defird. Thy Temples round Fall in ruins to the ground. 9 " Come,'' they cry, (oh ! impious joy !) ** Let us all the race destroy ;" Thus our church 2s thro' the land Burn beneath the waster's hand. 10 Now no more our signs appear. Tokens of Thy presence near: From the jpries^ we nsk in vain "When Thy grace shall turn again. 11 Oh! how long! O God, how long ! Shall Thy foes' insulting tongue Slander and reproach Thy name. And Thy righteousness blaspheme? 12 Shall Thy hand w itlidrawn, at rest, Sleep regardless in Thy breast ? Pluck it forth— exalt U high. Nor Thy Church Thy aid deny. PART III, 13 God is our k/.vg, from days of old His wonders did His Church behold ; Thro' all the earth His saints shall know His arm salvation can bestow. 14 Once did His strength the sea divide, As IsraeVs Kiya, as IsracVs guides . He brake the Dragon's raging pow'r, Plung'd in the deep, to rise no more. 15 Stern as Leviathan, His stroke Th' Egyptian haughty tvrant broke; . Whilst o'er his pride, with cheerful voice, His tribes in desert lands rejoice. 16 He elave the roclc^ the fountains rise I The^ot'i the ivilderness supplies: Or mighty streams His word obey, Retire, and make His people way. PSALM 74. 231 17 His is the day and His the night: He spake — and instant beams of light Spread o'er the earth ! — His Sun combines Its rays, and thro' its circuit shines. 18 In Thee Tve trust, whose pow'rful hand Divides its bounds to ev'ry land : Who bids the summer'' s ardour glow. Or clothes the wintry fields with snow, PART IV, 19 Hear, Mighty God, our deep complaints, See how Thy foes reproach Thy saints. And fools in mad'ning rage blaspheme, And vent their malice on Thy name. 20 Save, save the object of Thy love. Thine unprotected Turtle Dove Forget not ; — lest, with impious joy. The world th' afflicted Church destroy. 21 Regard, O God, Thy cov'nant grace. Earth is a dark and cruel place, AVhere saints can find nor joy nor rest, By all i\\e powers of hell opprest. 22 Oh save Thy mourning Church from shame, Tlien shall the humble praise Thy name ; Plead Thine own cause; O God, arise, Tho' fools Thy pow'r and grace despise* 23 While men with threat'ning malice rage, Let Thy own Church Thy care engage ; The tumults of Thy foes increase, But Thou canst still the storm to peace. PSALM LXXV. THE justice and security of the GovenuTicnt of King ]}Tessiah are h«re shadowed forth by thai of David; in which the wicked shall be de* Btroyed, and the righteous triumph. Applied to David's Son, the King Messiah, 1 i- O Thee, Eternal God, we raise The tribute of repeated praise : My lips Thy wonders shall proclaim. And spread the glories of Thy name ! il2 6 '232 PSALM 75, *Z Jesus, Immaxuel, david'sson^ Is seated on Flis Father's throne ! To His own care His Church consign'^, \\\s justice, diT\^ \\\% truth sliall find. H Earth trembles to its utmost bound. And ^uilt dissolves the nations round : His arm alone, His people's i* )pe, Bears the world's mighty pillars up ! 4 Let not the fool His pow'r defy, Nor fiuners lift their horn on high, Agairst His just dominion speak, With lofty and unbending neck. 5 'Tis not from chance that lionours flow. Nor East, nor West, nor South bestow, God is the jvDVrE ; — His pow*r alone Can humble or exalt the throne. 6 To vindicate His hi^^h command. See in ihc Lord's avenging hand The cupj fali-charg'd with wrath divine, Like mixture of the redd'ning wine, 7 H^ poars tne iiaming torrent wide. And spreads His wrath on ev'ry side; Sinners the bitter dregs sh-iil drain, And drink them out in cnJless pain, 8 But Jesus, ZiotCsking alone, Shall triumph on His Heav'nly throne. Shall break the rebel horn of pow'r, While saints on high His grace adore ! PSALM LXXVI.— Part I. THE wonderful \Torks which God has displayed, for the preserv!»tio» and defence cf His Church, are here proposed as an encouragement still to expect tbelsame interpositions, which shall turn even the txrath of man to fulfil His own purposes, and promote His glory. 1 XN Judah God was known, Of old His antient seat ; His NAME let Israel own, For there His name was great: PSALM 16. 233 His tents He chose f In Zlon found On SalenCs ground, | His Temple rose. 'Twas there th darts He brake, The bow^ the sword, the shield; To JsraeVs cause awake, He bade the battle yield : His Church below, I Shall glorious rise Tho' pow'r despise, ] O'er ev'ry foe! Behold the mighty spoil'd, To death's dark sleep consign'd : Her foes, their counsels foil'd, !No more their hands shall find : O God, Thy pow'r ! The horse, the car^ Shall bid the war, \ Awake no more I PART ir. Thy glories, Mighty God! Alone our rev'rence claim: Thy terrors spread abroad, How awful is Thy name ! Thine anger shown, I Who dares appear. Thy jud^ients near, j Before Thy throne ? Thou vengeance didst command. From Heav'n the voice was heard : See earth in silence stand, For all the nations fear'd : "When God arose 1 Hear their complaint?. To save His saints, | And crush His foes. > Let man His anger raise, With persecuting rage, His tvraih shall work Thy praise, The rest Thy hands assuage ; Then still obey I Your off'rings bring ; Th' Eternal KmG ; j And vows repay* [ Let all, who round His throne "With holy gifts draw near^ There lay their oti''rings down, Jehovah claims their fear: Before His word, | And Princes know The world shall bow, | Thy terrors. Lord I x3 231 PSALM 77. PSALM LXXVIl.— Part L IN ^reat distress and despnudenc>-, the I'saimist repre«eiiU the drptlii of his sorrow^ and iherariuus drtubtsnhicb agiUted bii trund ; ?a«l for a long season prevented his receiTin» anj- consolation. At l^n^, by the consideration of the fo-mer vorlct am". u>«'t/f^ri o* Cod^ .le is coa« ■yinced that his dcspondirj; fears rrose from hit own infinnity, and re- solves to cherish the recollectioo,and dismiss bis UBl>elie-.:i.g ippre> hensions. Let the Church, when in afflictioHS and tri^U, adopt bis tupp1icatioiM» and imitate liis faith 1 X O God I cried aloud. To God I poui'd ray sighs. From Heav'n His gracious ear He bo\v*d, And listened to my cries. 2 Thro' all the mournful dajs, When troubles round me spread, I sought the Lord ; I ask'd His grace ; To Him for Refuge fled. " S By night I sunk in grief. Nor did ray groan ;n2:s cease ; T ' tretch'd ray hands to seek relief. Still indispo^'d to peace, 4r T fix'd my thoughts on God, Yet fears disturb'd my breast ; The waves of trouble o'erme flow'd, Nor could my spirit rest. 5 Thou bid'it my sleep depart, -4nd hold'st my waking eyes : Nor can my lips their words impart. So quick my sorrows rise, 6 Then I recall 'd Thy ways Of old, in antient years: T bade my heart review Thy grace, And check its growing fears, T I call'! the songs to mind, ^Vhich cheer'd my nights of woe: I view'd my heart, some guilt ut, while their mouths the food retain, See, by His wrath the mighty slain, And Israel's choicest sons expire I Yet faithless still ; the stubborn racf , Nor oKcl by powW, nor won by grace ! 22 Hence, by the Lord's avenging doom, Their days in vanity consume. And sorrow loads their shortening years ; Jehovah's arm uplifted high ; Whelm'd in His wrath, their thou.-andsdie ! And, while His arm provoke? their fear?. Quick tbey return — their vows prepare. And ponr to Heav'n their early pray'r. 23 Then their deceitful hearts profest God was their rock^ their hope, their rest. He their reedemer^ God most high ! Their tongues the faithless promise seal. Their treach'rous minds deceit conceal, Deep hid beneath the flatt'ring lie ; They scorn His laws, His just command, Nor faithful to His covenant stand. 24 But Jehovah, all compassion ! Their iniquities forgave; He— the God of their salvation^ Ne'er — refus'd His Church to save : Oft, His righteous vengeance moving, Mercy bade His anger stay, Check'd His wrath, their sins reproving, Turn'd th' uplifted arm away. 25 He, His mercy still renewing, Saw X\\*;\y fraV.lies, mark'd i\\t\T frat)ie^ Still iu tend' rest pity viewing, Fraifty all ihRtJlesh can claim ! Man to vanity consigned, Quickly gone I :i fleeting breath ! 2W PSALM 78. Once again to dust resigned, Never more returns from dealh. 26 Israel yet would not believe Him, Fiird with mercies from His hand. Still provoking, still they griev'd Him, All along the desert land : Still rebellious — still backsliding, God's forbearance long they trie>d, And, no more in Him confiding, Israel's HOLY one denied. 97 Tho' His hand in pow'r exalted Oft to Israel vict'ry gave, In the day w hen foes assaulted. Still Omnipotent to save ; Yet, His mighty arm forgetting, Then their sins provoking grew ; We alas ! their sins repeating, Lord, repeat Thy mercies too. *2S Once did the Lord His signs command, Astonish'd Egypt fe\i His liand, Thro' Zoan's desolated plain : With hloodihQW tainted fountains pour. Their crimson'd rivers flow with goie. And thirst provokes the draught in vain : Flies spread their swarms, or frogs annoy, By GoDcommiasion'd to destroy. '2% Before the caferpillar trail). Spring's op'uing beauties burst in vain, Fresh as they rise the swarms devour ; O'er their vain toil the locusts fly. Their broken vines unfruitful die, Beneath the haily rattling show'r: And, nipt by blackening frosts, no more Appears the beauteous sycamore. 30 The beU'wiug herd, while falls around The stony storm, bestrews the ground. Struck by the vivid lighfrnng's blaze : PSALM 78. 241 Abroad ih' unerring bolts He throws. Fierce as the flame His anger glows, And vengeance all its pow'r displays ! Angels of wrath His word obey, Swift messengers of dire dismay. 31 Now anger — He its way prepares, Rush'd furious on, nor mercy spares. Nor love^ nor grace. His arm restrain : Lo ! o'er the land the Mighty God Pours His dread ^es^z'Zence abroad, And Egypt weeps her first-born slain ! Hani's proudest strength, indignant broke, Falls prostrate at Jehovah's stroke ! PART VII, 32 Then with joy their s^rioi/ji's hand Israel brought from Egypt 's land ; He their shepherd, at their head, Thro' the pathless desert led. 33 Safe beneath His Guardian care^ Israel fears no danger there, When the sea'^s o'erwhelming tide Sinks their foes presuming pride. 34 Now their happy tribes surround Canaan's consecrated ground. Mountain where Jehovah reign'd ; His right-hand their vict'ry gaiu'd. 35 Lo ! before Jehovah's host, Fled their long-devoted coast, Gentiles their lov'd seats resign. Trembling at the arm divine. 36 Heathen nations cast afar, Israel owns Jehovah's care, There His hand divides their rest. Of their vacant tents possest. part VIII. 87 How long shall Israel, God, most high / Thy wrath provoke, Thy patience try ? Perverse, regardless of Thy law ! Y 242 PSALM 78. Their guilt in Cnnaan they reucw., Their father's faithless track pursue, Tho' wonders of His pow'r they saw: As the false bote deceitful slides, And mocks the skilful hand which guides. 38 "With altars, blazing to the skies, On ev'ry hill tlieir oflf'rings rition. art recalled to our remembrance. A caution is then added, to remind ns, that obedience is the constituted means of victory aad spiritual cBJoy- Tiieut- 1 X O God, our strength, your voice aloud In strains of glory raise ; High te Jehovati, Jacob's God, Exalt the notes of praise. 2 With Psalnis of honour and of joy, Let all His temples ring ; Your various instruments employ, And songj of triumph sing. 3 Now let the Gospel Trujnpct blow, On each appointed Fea^f, And teach His waiting Church to knov%- The Sabbat It's sacred rest. 4 This was the siatutt of the Lord, To Israel's favourM race : And yet His courts preserve His Word, And there we wait His grace, paut ti. 6 To Joseph's seed, in Egupfs land. He made His counsels known ; "When thro' the coasts, with lifted hand. He claimed them for His own. C " There did my servant," saith the Lord, *' Tlieir unknown gods obey, «< While with disdain their vows I heard. " Yei bade my anger stay."" PSALM 81. 249 7 When sinking 'midst a load of care, He set his shoulders free ; And bade his hands no longer bear The toils of slavery. 8 Then in distress His IsraeVs cry Ascended to His throne ; He sent deliv'rance from on high, And bade their fears be gone. 9 He answer'd from the sacred place, 'Midst thunders solemn sound : The cloudy pillar veil'd His face, On Sinai's awful ground ! 10 Lo ! from the reck the fountains rise, A faithless race to prove : And still His Church His patience tries, And still beholds His love ! PART III. 11 " Hear," says the Lord, " My people hear, " My counsels safely guide ; " Let no vain idol claim your fear, " Nor know a god beside. 12 " I am Jehovah, I your God, *' My arm from Egypt brought : " Still let My Church proclaim abroad " The wonders I have wrought, 13 " Wide let your vast desires extend, *' And raise your wishes high ; " My grace, which knows nor bound nor end, " Shall all your wants supply. 14 " But if, reluctant to obey, " My glory ye disdain, ** I'll give you to your lusts a prey, ** In your own counsels slain." PART IV, 15 " Oh that my saints, with holy dread, " Would hear Me," saith the Lord, " My paths with sacred rev'rence tread, " Obedient to My Word. 250 PSALM 8^. 16 *^ Soon should My hand, with pow'r divinf, '" Your fears and foe> subdue ; ** Let earth unite, and hell combine, ** Your triumph Fd renew." 17 The men, who dare det.pise the Lord, Shall find their hopes are vain. But they, who fear and trust His Word, Immortal glory gain ! IS Here, on their board, His hand shall spread The finest of the flour : And from above His heavenly bread In vast abundance pour. 19 Sweet as the honeys rich supply. The gifts His hands bestow ! But richer gifts, from Christ on high, The ROCK OF AGES, flow ! PSALM LXXXII.— Part I. AN expostulation with wicktd JuJges, in consideration of the invisibl/ presence of Godf the final Judge; the uncertainty of life; and the certainty of death, to all men, however great their present authority aud-honours. 1 JL E Princes hear ; — the Lord commands, Lo! 'midst the Sojis of Might He stands : And, while as gods their thrones they place. His eye their judgments shall retrace. 2 How long — while God indignant sees. Will men confirm th' unjust decrees! Allur'd by pride, their sentence give, Or bid the mighty sinner live. 3 Behold the poor — his cause defend, The weeping fatherless befriend ; Bid justice to th' afflicted fly. Nor let th" oppress' d unheeded cry. 4 In pity view the sons of need. For poverty, tho' friendless, plead, From lauiltss pcio'r the poor release. And make the proud oppressor cease. PSALM 82. 251 PART II. Alas! to heav'nly knowledge blind, What darkness veils the human mind ? Nor will the Princes Jws^^ce learn, Nor in the ways o^ truth return. Still, still perversely bent to stray, They love the dark and treachVoiis way ; Earth's deep foundations are displac'd, Nor on the base ol Justice rest. Once, " ?/e are gods^^ we boldly said, When equity your counsels led ; Own'd, when ye sat \i,-\ih justice nigh, The children of the Lord most high ! But, let the pruud oppressor know, Death is the doom of man below : Your life shall pass, to rise no more, And Princes fall as those before. Rise, IMiGHTY God, Thy truth maintain, O'er all the world in justice reign ; Thy Gospe? spread, wilh pow'r divine. Thro' earth ; for all its lands are Thine. PSALM LXXXIII.—Part I, THE oppusitiou and combination of spiritual and outward enenript excite tUe prayer of the Churdi, for the interposition of Divide power asid grace ; that nil the world may know and acknowledge that the Lord on high is Lord of all the earth! 1 O GOD of r/^y^^eousrte.^s awake, Thy long: protracted silence break. Nor let Thy hand supinely rest. Regardless of Thy Churchy opprcst. 2 For, lo ! with tumult's clam'rous noisf, Thy foe Thy weeping Church destroys : And the vain men, w^ho hate Thy name, Their pride with lifted head proclaim. 3 Their secret arts, with subtle care, As:ainst Thy people they prepare; Vain rage I — Thy Church shall safely stand, Hid in the shelter of Thy hand. ^52 PSALM 83. 4 '* Come, let us join,'" they proudly cried, '* The Church our arm iaviour; till, v with glory shine. And spread Thy beams abroad ; How rich the joy ! the place divine ! The dwelling of my God ! 12 One day^ while waiting at ihe gate^ A thousand far excels ; Tho' sp pnt in splendid tents of state,. Wherp pride wilh foliy dwells. PSALM 84. 255 13 God is my sun ; how bright His light! My shield; how vast His pow^r! He shines I — my soul has sweet delight ! He saves ! — I want no more. 14 The Lord will grace and glory grant, And ev'ry ^oorf supply : No blessing which His people want His bounty can deny. 15 O Lord of hosts ! o'er all supreme ! How highly blest is he, Who loves Thy ways, who fears Thy name, aA-nd trusts his cares with Thee ! PSALM LXXXIV.— Ver. II.— Part L I O Lord of hosts ! what beams benign O^ glory thro' Thy Temples shine ! Thy courts my fainting sc^wMesires, To these my ^es/z, my heart, aspires; For Thee, the Living God, I cry. And lift my fervent pray'rs on high. *2 The sparrow there her place prepares. The swallow and her infant cares. Safe shelter'd in their downy nest, Around Thy friendly altars rest : There would I find my safe abode. Thou, Lord of hosts ! my Kiya ! my God ! 3 How blest, how greatly blest are they, Who in Thy Temple wait and pray ! Thy presence there exalts their joys, And ceaseless praise their lips employs ! How blest, who to Thy fear resign'd. Fix on Thy ways their stedfast mind ! 4 Thro' this dark rafe their passage lies, But, lo ! the friendly fountains rise ! Thy grace in fruitful show''rs descends, And Mercy ev'ry step attends ; From strength to strength shall each remove, Till plac'd on Zion's mount above, z2 256 PSALM 84. PART 11. 5 Jehovah, Lord of boundless poir'r ! Th»' heav'nly hosts Thy name adore, Yet still Tli> Church enjoys Thy care. Then hear, oh hear, my humble prayV: O God, our shield ! Thy grace renew, Thine own asointed sayiovr view. 6 While in Thy courts Thy presence dwells, One day a thousand far excels ; Thu' humbly there, at Thy command, I tend the door^ and waiting stand, No tents of sin, amidst the great, Shall tempt me from that blissful seat, 7 The Lord my God a siy is found ! He spreads His beams of glory rt)und; A shield! His mighty strength t' oppose, And guard me from surrounding foes: With thG.t my iight ; with this my shade ; Fearle.-s thro' ev'ry path 1 tread. S The Lord with grace His saints supplier, Tin grace in endless glory rise ; All^ tiiat in wisdom Heapproves, He freely grants to those He loves : O Lord of hosts I how blest is he, Who trusts his ev'ry care with Thee! PSALM LXXXIV.— Ver. III.— Part I. Oh how amiable and fair, Lord of hosts, Thy temples are ! Fainting with intense desires, To Thy courts my soul aspires : Where appear Thy ti'uth and grace^ Beaming rom the safiovr's face, There my Jlesh and heart agree. Calling, Living God, for Thee. There the sparrow finds her rest, Builds aloft her wonted nest ; And til ' wandering swallow there Lays secure her infant cars: PSALM 84^. 257 Where Thine altars rise they lie Safely lodg'd ; — and shall not I Rest within that calm abode? Thou my Kiya, and Thou my God ! 3 Oh how bless'd, with peaceful mind. Who Thy courts their dwelling find ! There their grateful songs they raise, Thou their ^/zemc/ ihe'ir joy ! their praise I Bless'd the man Thy ways inspire, Glowing with intense desire; Thou his strength, his footsteps move Onward to Thy courts above, 4 Baca''s weeping valley thro', Safe their journey they pursue; While around (oh sweet surprize !) Fountains of salvation rise : Showers of mercy, from on high. Peace, and joy, and strength supply ; Till on Zion each "reclines. Where, Great God, Thy glory shines ! PART II. 5 Hear, Jehovah, while I pray. Thou, whom heav'nly hosts obey ; Let my pray'r delight Thine ear, Jacob's God, my sTREyGTH, appear: Thou, O God, my shield, defend ; When Thy servant's cries ascend. Then behold my safiovr's face. High ANOINTED FOUNT OF GRACE ! 6 Happier far one sacred day, Wiiile within Thy courts 1 stay. Where my gracious God resides, Than a thousand days besides : Tho' before the door I stand, There I'll wait at Thy command. Happier while iny God's within, Than in splendid tents of sin, 7 God the Lord, my sin, will shine On my soul with beams benign ! z3 258 PSALM 85. lie my siiteld; IJis ])rcsence near Guards me from inipcndmt;; fear! In Thy promise, T.ord, I trace Paithful pledges of Thy grace ; Till that f^ract., beyond the skies, Into endless ^Zor]/ rise ! 8 All alon!£ the dreary way, On Thy promises 1 stay ; JVolfuug which the upright prize, Nothing goody the Lord denies: Lord of Hosts! on Tuee reclin'd, Safely rests my willins; mind : Lei it be by allconfe^s'd, He who trusts in Thee is bless'd ! PSALM LXXXV.— Part L THE burden of this Psalm is the hicarnation and Sa/tnhoii of Chri^tf so beautifully represented in the latter part of it. In Him " 3/trry and truth raeei together, righteousness nnd prcce embrace each other." Wr<*pi>ed in the pleasing consideration of these sublime subjects, the Pfcilinist begins with an acknowledgment of the Divine M&rcij, and a pra\>r for grace to turn and embrace it. This is followed by an hum- ble surrender of the heart to God, and the Psalm closes w itb a view »f the Saviours exaltation, iucousequenceof Hiscom;>iett' obedience, and the exaltation of His people through him. 1 JL^ORD, we adore Thy boundless grace, That grace Thy Churcli shall see : Thou, Thou hast favour'd Jacob's race, And set his captives free. 2 Great as our crimes, Thy pard'ning love Forgiveness has bestow'd ; Our inim'rous sins Thy Mercy prove, Hid by th' atoning blood. 3 No more Thy drea led w rath awakes The thunders of Thy throne ; No more Thy pow'r in vengeance breaks, BuL Me/Tj/ reigns alone. 4 O God, our saviovr^ pity'ng see; Our sin and suiU release : PSALM 85. 259 Turn, turn our wand'ring hearts to Thee, And bid Thine anger cease. PART II. 5 Lord, shall Thy arm Thy wrath fulfil, Nor end, nor measure, find ? From age to age rush onward still. Nor Mercy e'er be kind ? 6 Shall not Thy pow'r our souls renew ? Thy life-restoring voice? Till saints Thy grace and justice view. And in Thy love rejoice > 7 Swift on the wings of mercij fly. And all Thy pow'r display : Send Tliy salvalion from on high, And chace our fears away. 8 To God the Lord, with willing ear, And cheerful heart, we bend ; His word of grace submissive hear, And to i is laws attend. 9 Sweet is the voice of heav'nly peace. Which spreads F^is Gospel o^er : Then let His servants trust His grace, Nor turn to folly more. PART III. 10 He comes ! — the saviour we proclaim, Jesus, the Lord, will stand Near those who fear and love His namej His glory fills the land. 11 Mercy and Truth united shine In our ImmA-VUEl's face ! There Peace and Righteousness divine . With smiles of lave embrace ! 12 See, sprung from earth, th' Incarnate Gob> In Truth's bright form arise ! See Righteousness thro' earth abroad Look downward from the skies ! 13 Jehovah views — His blessings round Pour o'er the fertile plains ; '2G0 PSALM 85. Rich fruits of mercy bless the sjronnd, S-nce our Immam el reigns ! 14 His Righteousness prepares His way, On high before Him gone ; We'll trace His step^; His word obey; And follow to His throne. PSALM LXXXV.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 Lord, we adore the grace. The everlasting love, "Which favour'd Jacob's race, Which all Thy servants prove: His captives free, I With pow'r divine, Their bonds resign, j Redeem'dhy Thee. 2 Thy pardoning lote forgave, Our guilt appears no more. Thy mercy prompt to save, Our sins has covered o^er: Since Jesls died, I That sacred flood, Th' atoning blood, \ Our crimes shall hide. 3 Th}^ wrath remov'd afar. No more surrounds Thy throne. Thy thoughts no vengeance bear. There 7nercy reigns alone : Thy mighty hand 1 Nor wakes our fears, Disarmed appears, | At Thy command. 4 O God, our saviour, rise, From all transgression free ; Look gracious from the skies, And turn our hearts to Thee : Oh frown no more, 1 And smiles of peace, Let anger cease, | Our souls restore. PART ir. 5 Lord, shall Thy wrath alone Nor end, nor measure, find ? Shall Justice fill the throne, Nor Mercy e'er be kind ? Shall vengeance wide, I With trembling dread, Thro' ages spread, | Its swelling tide ? PSALM 85. 261 6 Oil speak, Almighty Lord, And bid Thy servants live : Shall not Thy qiiick'ning word Its mighty influence give? Till saints, who view I In songs to Thee, Thy grace so free, j Their joys renew. 7 Thy mercy, O our God, To all T;iy CAurc^ display : Proclaim Thy grace abroad. And spread the Gospel day : High on Thy throne, I And quickly send Our pray'rs attend, | Salvation down, S To God the Lord we bow, How sweet His voice of peace ! Let all His servant.^ know His TVord \yroc\a.\ms His grace: Ye saints adore ; I Nor vainly turn His precepts learn ; | To folly more. PART III. 0 Jnsus the saviour's nigh To those who fear His name; He comes! — His praise on high Let ail His Church proclaim ! His footsteps still I And all the land On earth shall stand, | His glory fill. 10 Now Truth and M^rcy meet, In Jesu's face thoy shine ; And Peace and Justice greet, With smiles of love divine : With heav'nly grace, i They join again 'Midst sons of men, | Their kind embrace, 11 Th' Incarnate God appears ! Yrom earth behold him rise! Truth's beaut'ous form He w ears, The glory of the skies ! While cTus^ice round, , With smiles of love. From Heav'n above, | Surveys the ground. 12 The Lord His blessing pours Arouud our favour d la^d j 262 PSALM 86. Jlis grace like gentle sliouPrs Descends at J lis command : Or all the plains I The rich supplies. Sweet fruits arise, | Since Jesus reigns. 13 His Righteousness alone Prepares His wondrous way ; He rises to His throne, In realms of endless daj ! His steps we trace, I And, Heav'n in view, Hii path pursue, | Adore His grace. PSALM LXXXVI.— Part 1. THE various petitions of this Psalm, and the grounds of encoungenient wiiich it assumes, are suited to the present state of the Belierer, who will therefore frequently find great delight in singing it, in thekous* «f his pilgrimage. 1 ItIy God, my prayV attend. Oh bow Thine ear to me. Without a hope, without afriendy Without a help, but Thee. 2 Oh guard my soul around, AVhich loves and trusts Thy grace 5 Nor let the powers of hell confound The hopes on Thee I place. 3 Thy 3Iercy I in treat, Let Mercy hear my cries. While, humbly waiting at Thy seat, My daily pray "rs arise. 4 Oh bid my heart rejoice. And ev'ry fear control ,• Since at Thy throne, w ith suppliant voice, To Thee I lift ray soul. h For Thou, O Lord, art goody Thy pardons quickly fly ; Thy phnVous mercy is bestow'd, Whene'er Thy servants cry. PART II. 6 Lord, Thy gracious ear prepare, Listen to my suppliant pray'r ; 1 \ PSALM 86. 26?> Hear the voice of all my sighs. Nor ray plaintive groans despise 7 When the storms of trouble fall. Then to Thee, my God, I'll call : Ne'er shall sorrow plead in vain, Thou hast heard, wilt hear again, 8 Thou, Jehovah, God overall! Idol gods to Thee shall fall ; None Thy wondrous works can share ; None with Thee in might compare ! 9 Form'd by Thy creative hand, Let the nations round Thee stand. Prostrate at Thy throne confess. And adore the Saviour's grace. 10 Great in pow'r ! Thine arm divine! Round the world Thy wonders shine: Bid the world Thy glories own, God of gods, and God alone ! PART III. 11 Thou great instructor, lest I stray, Oh teach my erring feet Thy way : Thy truth, with ever fresh delight. Shall guide my doubtful steps aright, 12 How oft my heart's affections yield. Scattered o^er all the worlds'' wide field? My vagrant passions. Lord, reclaim, Unite them all to fear Thy name. 13 Then, to my God, my heart and tongue. With all their pow'rs, shall raise the song: On earth Thy glories I'll declare, Till Heav'ri^th' immortal notes prepare. 14 Thy mercies claim the song I raise, The tribute of eternal praise ; And there the wondrous grace V\\ tell, W!iich sav'd me from the depihs of hell I PART IV, 15 Mark, my God! the ^rowrf surround me, Persecuting rage control ; 2(3i PSALM 86. Satan's subtle arts confound mc, Watching; to destroy my goul : Earth and hell, their pow'rs uniting, On their lawless might rely, In the scenes of deatli delighting, Nor regard Thy piercing eye. 16 But, Thou God of my salvation, No\N Thy pow'rful aid impart ; Thou the Lord art all compasbion S j^nd all-gracious is Thy heart ! In Thy long forbearance waiting. Still averse Thy wrath to show, Streams of mercy unabating, AVith Thy truth abundant flow. 17 Gracious God, in mercy turning. Bid me triumph in Thy love ; Now, Thy breast witli pity yearning. Guard mr, strengthen from above : 'Tis Thy servant waits before Thee, Pleads m faith that honour d name ; Let Thy handmaid's son adore Thee, And Thy great salvation claim. 18'Rise, my gracious God, and saviour. Let Thy grace be now reveal'd ; Some sweet token of Thy favour To Thy trembling servant yield : Then shall all my fo'S behold me, And with shame Thy love confess ; Own Thy povSrful arms infold me. And Thy kindest mercies bless! PSALM LXXXVII.— Ver. I. THE glory of the Church ; or rather, An Ode on the Incarnation of Chrin. 1 have here introduce*! a new translntion of this Psalm, on wl.ich the second and third versions are formed, and which v%iU he found perfectly literal; as the principal difference consists in a dit- ferent rendering of the word C^^'j. , Tins may either be considered 39 a particle of place, signifying*" there,'' as in our translation, upon the authority of the Masoretic f^oiuts ; or as a noun iubstantive, signify- ini " tb* Same.'' But, us the authority of the HasQrttig ji^mts m at PSALM 87. 265 fetsf fallible, and, as the other rendering seems most analogois to tli« general terms of the Psalm, I cannot but greatly prefer it. •♦ The Name" is an Old Testament title of jMtssiahf and fVtqucnt'y occurs through the Psalms in this sense; nor, without rendering n thus, can we enter into the full meaning of many of them. Accoidirg to this interpretation, we have a sublime Ode on the Birth of Messiah, the glory of Zion; Immaiiuel^ God with us; the Man, but the Highest . Verse I. Its foundations are upon the holy mountains! 2 Jehovah loveth the gates of Ziotif more than all the dwellings of Jacob : 3 Glorious things are spoken of thee, O City of God ! 4 I will cause it to be remembered, O Rahub and Babylon, of (or among) those who know me ; Behold, O Philistia and Tyre with Ethiopia, This (Man) the name was burn ! 5 And of Zion, it shall be said, A Man, even the Man, was born in her ? And He Himself, the Most High, shall establish her: 6 Jehovah shall reckon it, iu registering the people, that This (3Ian) the name was born! 7 And the singers and performers on instruments shall say, ^^ All my springs are in Thee !" 1 Jc IX' D w here the holy mountains rose. The Lord of old His Temple chose : There did its ^rm foundations rest, His presence there His people blest, 2 Still He beholds, with great delight, Wliere praying families unite ; But loves the gates of Zion more, Where in His courts His Church adore. 3 Zion, thou City of our God, Thy name shall spread thro* earth abroad j What glorious things exalt Thy fame ! Thy CiOD thy glory shall proclaim. 4 " Let Egypt hear ; — let Babel know ; *' Philistia; Tyre; each coast below ; " Here," says the Lord, '* My saints are born, *' My Church a hcav'nly race adorn." 3 But here, the wonder of the earth ! Zion proclaims Immanuel's bir{h : The Man I— the (ion! — o'er all His reign, In glory shall His Church sustain. 2 A 266 PSALM 87. 6 When He recounts His saints on liiijb, From hence He'll l)ring His chosen nigh, And'enflless glory ble>-> the race Born here — the children of His grace. 7 Then shall His Church their harps emplo\. In songs of everlastinfr joy ; And ev'ry harp and heart resound, '' In Thee our springs of life are found I '' PSALM LXXXVII.— Ver. II. Fix'd on the sacred hills. Its firm foundations rest : The Lord His Temple fills, With all His glory blest ! He waits where'er His saints adore. But loves the gatts of Ziun more. O Zzon, sacred place I Thy Name shall spread around ; The City of His grace^ His wonders there abound: Thy glories shall Thy God declare. And earth Thy fame resound afar. '* Where Egijpfs sons adore, *' Where Babel's idols reign, " I'll there reveal My pow'r, " j\nd bid My grace remain; '' The fact record, the grace proclaim, " In Zion's born the wondrous name!'* Philistia, now behold, Thro' Tyre the message runs, His glory shall be told To Ethiopia's sons : Zion no more shall sink to scorn, The Man, the Man, in her was born! ( ' 'Tis He, the Lord most high! His Zion shall de'end. Shall all her foes defy. And save her to the end : PSALM ST. 267 A.roand His throne shall all proclaim, Imwanlel's born! the proyDRous njmeI From llim the plan arose Of everlastinor grace; Jesus the plan shall close, 'Midst endless songs of praise: While heav'nly harps on high resound, " uilly all my aprings in Thee are found I '' PSALM LXXXVII.— Ver. Ill, 1 As the Temple s sure foundation On the holy mountains lay, So, amidst His chosen nation, Jesus will His pow'r display' : He, who chooses Jacob's dwelling. Loves the gates of Zion more; There His boundless grace revealing. Where His waiting Church adore, 2 Zion f hence thy giory rises, Glorious things of thee are told ! Citi/ which our God so prizes, He thy glory sbr.li unfold : *' Egypt's sona shall fall before Me ; '''- BaheVs coasts My house adorn ; " They, remembTing, shall adore Me, " Tluit the A.tf.vE Himstlf ii-as born! 3 **■ See PJiUistia—Tyre confess Him ; " Ethiop's sable race attend : ** In yowr songs, ye Gentiles^ bles? Him, '^ Saviovr ! and the Gentile's Friend l'"^ Now thro' Zion 'tis proclaimed, liO ! the Man, the Man, is born! He fUmself most high is namedy Nor shall Zion leave forlorn. 4 When Jehovah we ad; re Thee!) Rang'd the Book of Life above, Th^n He fix'd His Cliurch to glory^ Objects of His boundless love: ^6S PSALM 88. "When, in glory never ceasing, All His baints His throne adorn; This secures th' eternal blessing, Jesus, fvo\DRovs \ame^ was horn t 5 All His saints, their voices joining. Shall Imm.wuel's grace proclaim j All the harps above cotnbining To exalt the safiovr's name : FoL \T OF SLEssisd'i ! whllc Thy praise Thro' the hcav'nii/ courts resound, This on earth my triumph raises, jdll my springs in Thee are found! PSALM LXXXVIII.— Part I. THE deep and sorrowful coinplaiots poured out, in the most affecting manner, in this Psalm, may be adopted by the Believer in the scasens of conviction, temptation, or desertion ; nor can they be fully under- stood but \y those, who have felt the sorrows which !»ttend the deep exercises of a truly repetpnt spirit. The whole, also, is peciiliarly adapted to the unexampled sorrows of the Lord Jesxis, from the manger lo the Cross. So it was understood by most of the ancient expositors, and no doubt onr Church viewed it ia the same light^ when appointing it to be read on Good Friday. 1 yJ LORD, my G.>d, whose arm alone Sem]ii Thy :,a'vation from Thy throne, While day and nigh my cr'es ascend, Thine ear in kind attention bend. 2 For troubles, (ah ! the measure's full) Dow n to the grave oppress my soul : The pit expectant waits my fall. Nor can my life its strength recall. 2 Free 'midst the dead, and with th' opprest, In the dark grave I -eek my rest. With those who there oblivion find, By Thine own hand to death consign'd. 4 In lowest glooms of sorrow laid, Darkness and deeps overwhelm my head ; Thy floods of vengeance o'er me roll, And all Tliy waves afflict my soul. PSALM 88. 269 5 Friends flee afar, nor pitying view, But hate the man Thy strokes pursue ; Vvhile my sad heart, oppress'd with woe, Sor finds nor hopes redress below, PART ir. 6 Mine eye, thro' grief and guilty fears. Mourns — and dissolves in floods of tears ; Yet daily to Thy throne I flee, And stretch my lifted hands to Thee. T Say — shall the dead Thy vconders know ? Tlie dead arise Thy praise to show ? Thy kindness sliall the grave display ? Thy righteousness where all decay? 8 Lord, shall Thy ivonders meet our eye. Where shades of endless darkless lie ? Unchang'd Thy righteousness remain, "Where dark oblivion spreads its reign ? 9 But, Lord, to Thee, witli humble mind. Oft has my soul its grief resign'd ; And still my pray'r to Thee shall rise. Before the dawn o'erspreads the skies. PART rir. 10; Lord, let me plead, behold me pray. Why cast my trembling soul away ? Why hide the glories of Thy face ? Thy beams of everlasting grace ? 11 With anxious cares, with griefs renew 'd. From youth on death's dark brink I stood ; Thy gloomy terrors, spread around, Distract my soul — my hopes confound. 12 Thy wrath overwhelms ray laboring breath, Thy terrors sink my soul to deatli ; Guilty sorrow^ fear, around me pour. Like waves that dash upon the shore. 13 Ah [ sinking midst these floods of woe, 1^ or friend, nor guide, nor help, I know ! To darkness by Thy hand consign'd, Unpitied griefs oppress my miod* 270 PSALM 88. PSALM LXXXVllI.— Ver. II.—Part I. Applied to Chiist. 1 *' O Lord, My, ^iod, with pow'r divine '* Thy arm can make salvation Mine :" Thus cried our auff'ring Lord, ** By night, by day, My craseles pray'r *' lla« sout^ht in j^rief Thy Guardian care, ** O God, Thine aid alFord." 2 What anguish fill'd His dying soul ! Behold the cup of mis'ry's full I His life draws lear the grave: By lawless pow'r conKign'd to death, Lo ! on the Cross He yields His breath. As impotent to save. 3 Free, *midst the regions of the dead, His spirit flies; his guilth'ss head Beneath our curse declines. Amidst the slain, whom none deplore, AVhose hated name revives no more. Whom God to death consigns. 4 Down sinking to the lowest pit. Darkness and deeps around Him meet. And wrath o'erwhelms His soul : The sorrows wiiich our sins impart, With wave on wave oppress His heart. And ceaseless o'er Him roll. 5 Disciples ^ed, a.nd friends 3,fiir , No pity'ng eye His griefs to share. By Priest and Scribe abhorr'd ; Jesus our weighty guilt sustains ! The Mighty dies! — the tomb detains ! We bless our dying lord, PART ir. 6 Lo ! in G^/7isemcfne's dark shade, Our sins upon the saviour laid. He pours His tears and cries: Thro' life oppressed with ceaseless woes, But now in blood these sorrows clobe, , Wliilc thus^His pray'rs arise. PSALM 88. ij7i 7 " Say, shall the dead Thy Avonderssee? *' Shall death its captive pris'ners free, *' Thy praises to display ? ** Say, shall Thy kindnesses be shown, *' Unchang'd T)i\ faithfulness be known, " Where all things else decay ? 8 '* Lord, shall Thy wonders meet our sight, " Where darkness, in eternal night, *' Its sable throne maintains ? " Thy righteousness be there confest, ** W^ierc all unseen, forgotten, rest, " And deep oblivion reigns ? 9 *• Oft did My morning pray'rs arise; ^' Before the ddwn o'erspread the skies, *' I sought Thy aid divine: " Why, O my God, w ithdraw Thy love ? *' Father, the bitter cup remove '• But silent 1 resign f 10 Hail, Man of sorrows! we adore The love which all our sorrov, s bore. From the first infant breath ; But now the Lord His terrors spread, His wrath hangs heavy o'er His head. And sinks his soul in death. 11 Like mighty billows rolling near. Around Hi? Cross His foes appear ; His Friends, His God, afar ! But f!)r our guilt His Cross atones, He triumphs in His dying groans^ And we His vict'ry share ! PSALM LXXXIX.— Part I. J'HE covennnt mercy of God is here celebrated, in terms CJ^lcHlated t» excite our admiratiou and confi-ieiice, as eternal in its duration ; flecuv^'l by Hi* power and truth ; discovered in the appoiniment of rhe Almighty Redeemer; andiinchsncreabiein its manifestation'; to His C/i rr/i Theretore deep lament.it;ons ►■( distress are closed with the lan^^iiMge of grateful praise. It is appointed bj the Church to be r»a** «n Chr-semasDcy, ^72 PSALM 89. 1 JL'LL sin* the Mercies of the Lord, In an eternal >ong ; His Ti-ulh to di>tant climes record, Till earth the btrain prolong, 2 With holy confidence 1 cry, How rich Thy ^race appears! Thy covenant Mercy^ built on high. Shall rise thro' endless years! 3 Thy faithfulness shall stand secure. Firm as the Heav'ns above ; Tlie promise of Thy grace is sure. Unchangeable Thy love! 4 '' Once," says the Lord, ** 1 David chose, " To him," My servant, sware: *• And now My love Messiah knows, " And shall enjoy My care. 5 " His seed (My promise T engage) " For ever shall remain : " I'll build His throne from a^je to age, " And fix His lasting reign." G Angels above exalt His fame. Let Heav'n His u:unders show, While in His courts His saints proclaim His faithfulness below. 7 Who, in the Heav'ns, Thou Lord alonr, "Midst tho!;e who stand ])efore Thy throne. Will dare comparison with Thee ? What ^ons of mighl — on earth ador'd. Can vie w ith Heav'n's Eternal Lord, High thron'd in awful majesty? 8 When in His courts His saints appear. He claims their reverential fear: Then bow and worship at His feet : Lord God of hosts! what lords below. Or lords above, such strength can show, Such Truth as blazes round Thy scat? PSALM 89. 27^ 9 Tliy voice controls the raging sea. Its swelling waves Thy word obey, And rise or rest at Thy command : The pride of mighty Egypt broke, Fell like the slain beneath Thy stroke, Thy foes ail scatter'd by Thy hand. 10 The Heav'ns are Thine ! — with all its stores The world Thy sov'rcignty adores, Founded by Thy creative voice: The distant Polea Thy hands have spread, TTomEast to West, with tow'ring head. The mountains in Thy name rejoice, 11 Thine arm is might! — and strong Thy hand ! Justice and judgment waiting stand Around Thy throne, exalted high I But, 'midst the glories of Tliy face. Thy Mercy and Thy Truth we trace, Sweet mingl'd rays which call us nigh, PART III. 42 How bless'd are they, who know the sound -The Gospel Trumpet spreads aroun-i ! Sweet strains! that speak the satiovr's name^ And Heavn^s high Jubilee proclaim ! 13 Thy light and grace o'er all their way Cast the bright beams of heav'nly day ; Thy Name their joy, till o'er the skies Blest thro' Thy Righteousness they rise* 14 In Thee, the glory of their might, Their souls exult with sweet delight : And in Thy endless /«t'owr find The triumph that exalts the mind, 15 The Lord our sure defence will prove ; We trust His arm, and bless His love ; Ye saints, eternal off'rings bring To hracVs holy ose^ our king! PART in. repeated as P.M. 12 Bless'd are the men who know The GospeVs cheerful sound, 274 PSALM 89. Who hear the Tnimptt blow. Which spreads salvation round : Thy beams di"ine, I O'er all tiicir ways Of heav'iily gjrace, | Perpetual ahine. 13 Thy nciyne from day to day Employs their thankful voice. Thy glory to displ.iy Their sjrateful hearts rejoice: Thy righteousness I Their songs they raise. Their boast! their praise! I Thy name to bless. 14 For Thou, All-gracious Lord ! The glory of their might ; Art by Thy Cliurck ador'd. With ever fresh delio;ht: Thy grace below 1 Till raisM on high Exalts their joy, j O'er ev'ry foe, 15 The Lord enthron'd above W^ill be our sure defence. In everlasting love, He sends salvation thence: His HOLY ONE j Our thanks wc bring Is IsraeVs king^ j Before His throne 1 PART IV. 16 Once did the Lord in vision speak, His holy prophet heard ; *' My covenant with My Christ I make, " Let siimers trust My Word, 17 " On ONE ALMIGHTY to redeem *' I lay your help alone; *^ Jesus I choose, from men, supreme, " And raise Him to the throne. 18 '^ I bade My servant David reign, " My oil upon his head ; *' But Jesus endless rule shall gain, *' O'er all His empire spread. 19 " My hand, which rais'd His throne on high, " Shall make His throne endure: *' My arm eternal strength supply, " And fix His kingdom sure. PSALM 89. 275 20 '' Nor jpottjV shall crubli, uor art deceive, " !Nor Satan vict'ry gain ; " I raise Him Conqror o'er the grave, " Aad hell assaults in vain. 21 '« His foes I'll drive before His face, " Beneath His arm they fall ; *' And on the men, who hate His grace, " For fearful mis'ries call. 22 *' But yet My Faithfulness sliall rest, '' And Mercy, on My son: " My Name — to make His people blest^ " Shall still exalt His throne." PART V. 23 Jesus shall reign!— His pow'rful hand Shall rule the Islands of the Sea; O'er the vast rivers, or the land : Till all the world His pow'r obey. 24 Humbly he cried (and bare the stroke That heals our guilt, and cures our woss), " My God, My father, and My rock, ** From Thee complete salvation flow s." 25 " Now," says the Lord, " of heav'nly birth, " My Christ, My first-born son, I'll raise *' O'er all the Kings that rule the earth ; " O'er heavenly Pow'rs exalt His praise. 26 " For Him I'll send My iMerey forth, *' Thro' endless ages to endure : " With Him My covenant and My oath *' Shall stand immntahly secure. 27 " His seed a num'rous race shall rise, '' To Him the just reward is given : " His throne I'll fix above the skies, *' Eternal as the days of Hcav'n ! '' But, if His sons i\Iy laic forsake, *' And wander from jMy icay, " Shall dare My holy statutes break, " Nor My commands obey. 276 PSALM S9. 29 " Then shall My rod their sins reprove, " Till they their "iiilt bewail ; *' Vet will I ne'er withdraw My love, ** Nor leave My Truth to fail. ^0 ** My cov'nant stands for ever sure, *' Nor shall My fVord be broke; '' I fix My />romiif. ssecuro, *' Nor ciiange the thing I spoke. 31 " Once nave I sworn to David's LorVj '* And rais'd My hand on high, ** My holiness confirms My ff'orrf, *' Nor shall my promise lie. 32 " Thro' ev'ry age His seed shall rise, *' Nor shall His throne decay, " Long as the Sun adorns the skies, '' And runs its heav'nly way. 33 '' While the pale Moon its crescent bends, " His kingdom sh:ill increase ; " Or heav'n its varied Bow extends, *' The Kitness of xMy grace /" PART VII. 34 Rut, abhorr'd and cast afar, All Thy wrath condemn'd to bear, Now th' anoiwed kisc. we see. Once belov'd, secur'd, by Thee. 35 Is Thy promis'd Mercy vain ? Lord, Thy hands His crown profane, On the ground contemn'd it lies. Men His sacred pow'r despise. 26 Zion now no walls surround. Broken, scatter'd o'er the ground : Mighty /or jfs which rais'd their iiead. Now in fearful ruins spread. 37 Passengers, who heedless stray, Vaunting bear his spoils awa\ , Neighb'ring states revere no more. But around reproaches pour. 38 Ravafi'd by the hostile bands, (For Thy jowV su-tains their hands) PSALM 89. 277 Still we hear iW insulting voice, VictVy bids the foe rejoice. 59 IsraeVa sword (t!ie stroke is vain) Blunted, back rebounds asiain ; Lo, his faith and courage yield. Flying from the bloodless field. 40 Thou hast made his glory end, Bid his throne to earth descend : 'Midst his youth his life declines, And Thy hand to death consigns. 41 Lord, how long shall Israel mourn ^ Shall Thy presence ne'er return ? Wrath like fires increasing spread ? Send, oh send, Thy promised aid. PART VIII. 42 Rememb«^r, Lord, life's narrow space, How short my time ! how quickly gone i Why, why should man's degen'rate race Be form'd for vanity alone ? 43 Where is the man, so fix'd on high. Who holds secure his fleeting breath ? Nor dreads the grave, where tliousands lie, Uprais'd beyond the reach of death ? 44 Wiiere are Thy mercies^ gracious Lord ! The love Thy promises declare ? Shall not Thy Truth confirm Thy Word ? Tiien, Lord, Thy dying servants spare. 45 Oh view the wrongs which wound our breast?, What taunts from impious sinners flow ; While in the Heav'ns the saviour rests, Nor hastes His long'd return below. 46 But, lo I — for Judgment He appears, Jescs the SAVIOUR comes again ! Then ble.>s the Lord thro' endless years, Let earth resound, ^men, Amen I PSALM XC— Part I. Tins Psilm, composed l>y Mosef:, contains nn affectin|» representatiom *>( the frailty of huinan life, comiected w'nh earnest supplication fwl 2b 278 PSALM 90. wisdom to improve it, and the manifestation of Divine fatour to com- fort usiu its rapid iiight, aud to sustain our hope of eternal life be- yond. 1 The shelter of Thy throne, O God, Tliy s<1int^ their Refuge elaim : Thro' ages past their safe abode, Thro' ev^ry age the same. 2 Before Thou forai'd^t the hills on Iiigli, Or earth, witli all its store, Thou Art ! — from all Eternity ! And God for evermore ! S But Man — his fleeting days how vain ! Thy word recalls his breath ; *' Return,^'' Thou say'st, '' ye sons of men,"' And man returns in death ! 4 A thousand years (so swiftly flown !) In Thine all-piercing sight Are but as yesterday when gone, Or the short icatch by night. 5 Time, like a strong resistless stream, Bears the whole race aw ay ; His life's a visionary dream, That's vanish'd ere the day. 6 Like grass he springs ; — lufow'rs array'd, Its morning beauties rise, Cut down before the ev'ning shade, It droops — and falls — and dies ! PART II. 7 Great God, beneath Thy angry frown. How quick our frame decays ? Our years to death are hast'ning down, And sorrow loads our days, 8 Thou bid'st our sins and follies lie All open to Thy sight: Our secret crimes before Thine eye Arc all expos'd (o light. 9 Our days with grief and sorrow fail, While Thy displeasures ri:>e ; PSALM 90. 279 Our years a transitory tale, Which quick from niem'ry flies. 10 Threescore and ten Man's years at best ! Or, if they eighty gain, They hasten to their end opprest With cares, and fears, and pain. 11 But who, Almighty God, can know ? Who all Thy pow'r declare ? The vengeance of Thine arm can show ? How great Thy terrors are I 12 Teach us to count. Thou heavenly guide, Our days, as on they lend ; Let wisdom o'er our hearts preside. And fit us for their end, PART III, 13 How long ! O Lord ! return, return, And change Thj wrath for grace ; Propitious, while Thy servants mourn, Oh save a guilty race. 14 Early, I\Iy God, Thy Mercy send, And fill our souls with joy ; Then praise shall all our steps attend, And all our days employ, 15 Now let Thy love our peace restore, Proportiou'd to our tears; Nor let Thy just displeasure more Afflict our foll'wing years, 16 Thy work to all Thy servants show. Redemption, work divine! And let Thy glory here below Around their children shine. IT Let all Thy grandeur beam abroad. By all Thy Church ador'd. The beauties of the Lord our God, Tiiy glory in Thy Word. 18 Our w ork confirm, our labour bless, Till from our toils we rise ; And crow n our warfare with success Eternal in the skies ! tiSO rSALM 90. PSALM XC— Ver. H.—Part I. 1 Jehovah, Teiou, tli' Eternal CJod ! Hast been Thy children's safe abode, Their refuge to^v'r, thro' ages past. And shalt, ivhile time itself shall last. ? Before the mountains sprang to birth. Before Thy hands had form'd the earth, From everlasting Thou, svpremEj Art CloD ! to endless years the same ! 3 But Man — how fleeting is his breath ! At Thy command sinks down to death : '* Return,'^ Thou say'^t, *' ye sons of men ^^ And Man returns to dust again. 4 A thousand years (an swift they flee), Are but as yesterday to Tnee ; Like the short wat( bes of the night. Forgotten ere theop'ning light. 5 Time, like a sweeping current strong, Bears the whole race of man along: Ifis days a visionary sleep, "Which unperceiv'd their tenor keep. 6 Like ^rass he springs — at morn 'tis seen Array'd in verdure ^resh and green^ Cut down, how quick its beauties fade, And w ither, ere the evning shade ! PART II. 7 Thine anger, (Lord, Thine anger's just !) Has doom'd our guilty race to dust: Thy wrath perpetual round us flows. And spreads the path of life with woes, S Our guilt can ne'er escape Thine eye, Thou bid'st our sins before Thee lie ; Thy piercinj: beams our paihs survey, And bring our secret crimes to day. 9 Load^u with sorrow and with care. Our da^ s Thy just displeasure bear ; Our years a tale, which flies apace, Nor mem'ry can the facts retrace. PSALM 90. 281 10 Threescore and ten life's full amount ! Or if, thro' strength, we eighty count, The rest what anxious fears attend? And swift they hasten to their end ! 11 But who, Great God, Thy judgments round. Trembles upon the vast profound ? Who can Thine awful pow'r declare. Or knows how great Thy terrors are ? 12 Thou GREAT INSTRUCTOR, gracc bestow ; Teach us to count our days below : Let ivisdom guide and guard our way. Then welcome death and endless day. 13 Return, return, Thou God of love ! How long ! — Shall judgment ne'er remove ? Change Thy just varath for sovereign grace^ Propitious to a fallen race. 14 Early, my God, let mercy rise. Fresh beaming from the morning skies 5 Till, in the faith of heav'nly joys. Praise all our future days employs. 15 Long has Thine anger fill'd our years, With griefs and sorrows, toils and fears : So let Thy grace our joys restore, Proportion'd to our tears before. 16 Redemption to Thy servants show. That ti'ork of wonder here below ! Here let their faith secure recline. And triumph in the hand divine. IT Thus let our sons Thy glory view, From age to age Thy love renew. And bid Thy grandeur shine abroad. The beauties of the Lord our God ! 18 Our work confirm ; our labour bless ; And crown our warfare with success : Till from our sins and toils we rise, F'lx'd in Thy glory in the skies, 2b3 282 PSALM 91. PSALM XCI.— Part I. Tins Psalm may properly be called " the Charter of the Christian's Priviles^es." In its fullest sense it is applicable to Christ, and so part ef it Mas applied by Sntan in his temptation in the wilderness. But it thHll also be realized in the preservation and ultimate salvation of every true Believer in Hin>. 1 JiE ^vho hath made his nwELLiSG-PLACEy ^ God most high ! Thy riiRoyE of GRACEy Wlio seeks that rest to j^ain, Shall find, wide shelt'ring o'er his head, Th' yilmighty icing's extended shade, And there secure remain, 2 Then, in the Lord Jehovah's name. His soul its SIRE DEFENCE shall claim, " My REFUGE and my roff'R! ** My ROCK ! my fortress I and my God ! *' In Him I'll fix my safe abode, " And trust Hh guardian poivr T^ 3 "SVhen Satan spreads his toils around, He'll guid'^ thee o'er the dang'rous ground, Safe from tlie Foicler's snare ; Preserve thee from the fatal breath, When pestilence blows thick with death, Or errors pois'nous air. 4 The parent bird, with anxious breast, Stretches her feathers o'er her nest, Her wings protection yield : So let thy ope on God rely. His truth and promise i>hR\\ supply. Thy Buckler and thy Shield, 5 Tho' terrors of the night dismay, Tho' burning arrows spread by dai/, Serene thy refvge claim : Nor fear, tho' dire diseases nigh In darkness move, or swiftly fly Upon the noon-day beam, n Tho' thousands perish at thy side. Ten thousands near thy tents have died, He'll waft it far from thee : PSALM 91. 2S3 Tliine eyes, while trustino; in the Loiio, Siiall see the sinner's sad reward, But distant only see ! 7 Since thou hast made th' Eternal God Thy REFVCrE ; and thy sure abode Jehovah, God most high ! No evil >!iall befal thy head, Nor plagues their fatal influence shed, Thy favour'd dwelling nigh. 8 His Angels, Messengers of grace f Their charge receive, they guard thy way?, Their eyes thy steps attend : Their hands thy mortal frame shall bear, Thy feet be tlieir perpetual care, Nor shall a stone otFend, 9 Jeshs, the Man of God's delight, F(»ird on the Cross tiie Lion's might, And bruis'd the Serpent's head ; Now lei x\\e powrs of hel. ssail. Still shall His Church with Him prevail, And on the Serpent tread. PART III. 10 '' Since I His highest love possess, *' I'll still My SON with vict'ry bless, ** And save Him," saith the L>rd; '* Since He hath known and fear'd My name, " I'll place Him high, o*er all supreme^ " By earth and Heav'n ador'd. .11 " His pray'r, d'rected to My tl rone, " WHU kind returns of love I'll own, ••' Thro' all His mournful days : *' Tho' gnilt and sorrows o'er Him roll, *' My presence shall sustain Hi^ soul, " \ni high io honours raise, 12 '* Eternal daj/s I'll then bestow, *' Tiie fulness of My bliss; and show " How strong My arm to save : 284. PSALM 92. " Then with their Lord His Church shall risr, *' To endless ^l(trif in tlie skies, " And triumph o'er the grave." PSALM XCII.— Part I. THIS Psalm descriWs the duties and privileges of the Sabbath ; the de- lights of which tlic heart of sinners, Mhose enjoyments are all of a sensual nature, can never relish. But a constant attendance upon the ordinances of the ChHrch is the appointed means of spiritual growth and fruitfuluess ; hy which the Christiau ripens for everlasting glory. 1 xloW pleasant, with a thankful tongue, To lift the heart, to raise the song, O God most high ! to speak Thy name. And in Thy courts Thy praise proclaim I 2 How pleasant with the earh/ day Thy loving-kindness to display ! Or constant, as the evenings c\ose, Upon Thy faithfulness repose ! 3 Now, while the choir responsive rings, Attune to prai'^ethe varied strings; The harp^ w ith melody divine ; And let the solemn organ jo\n, 4 Thy ivorks, O Lord, with holy joy, Thy works of grace my thoughts employ; And, while Thy wonders there I view, My soul its trium|)h shall renew. PART II. 5 How great Thy icorks ! how just Thy Word! How deep Thy counsels I Mighty Lord ! But sinners, like the brutes unwise. Can ne'er to heav'nly knowledge rise. G Like grass they spring, they flourish wide. Elate with vanity and pride : Till, when Thy hand their breath recall, Down to eternal death they fall. 7 But, Lord, Tliv throne, exalted high, Stands fix'd to all eternity : Thy foes shall pensh—at Thy sight Scatter'd in everlasting night. PSALM 92. 285 € Then shall my horn^ by Thee sustained. Rise high — th' eternal vict'ry gaiii'd ; Thine oil of grace, shall o'er me flow, And hcav'nly joys on earth b( stow, i) Soon shall I lift riy grateful eyes. And view my conquer'd en'^mies: Nors/w, nor hell, again control, The holy triumph jf my soul. PAPT III. 10 IIow bless'd, how fni.tful, is the Just! Jehovah's pc-JwV and grace his trust ! So the high Palm erects its head. Or Lclmncn^s tall Cedars spread. 11 Like h?av''nly plants on earth below, AVithin Thy courts Thy servants grow. And, constant in Thy temple found, There spread their fruitfal branr:h s round. 12 Timesliall m.tUre the plants of grace ^ And a^eiheir rip'ning frmt-^ increase, A\\\\ faitn, and love, an J hope arise. And .(' / prepare them lor the ikies. 13 Then shall the Lorh, my rock .' my stat ! His endless faithfulness display : The good! the true! the ivise! the just! None shall in vain His promise trust. PSALM XCIL— Ver. IL—Part I. Oh how grateful is the song. Thankful hearts and voicc9 raise, To advance, amidst the throng, God most high ! Thy name in praise ! All Thy kindness to d' clare. With the morn, in lig-it array'd ; Or Thy faith fulness and care. As the evening nks in shade. While the choir responsive rings, Let the noble Psaltry\oin, Instruments of various strings, Harp with melody divine j 286 PSALM 92. Let the lofty Organ round Loudly peal, or softly swell, And, in sacred solemn sound, On Jehovah's praises dwell. 3 Thou, O Gon, with holy joy, Do>t my soul to triumph raise, AVhen Thy works my thoughts employ, Works of nature or of grace! Oh how wire their vast design ! Great in wonder ! Mighty Lord ! Deep in myst'ry all divine, Are Thy counsels and Thy Word ! 4 But, with foolish unconcern. Like the senseless brutes unwise, Sinners ne'er this knowledge learn. Pools can ne'er to wisdom rise: "When, their glory plac'd on high, Like theflow'ring herb they bloom, Quick they perish, quick they die, Meet their everlasting doom. 5 But o'er all, Eternal Lord ! Tliou hast plac'd Thy glorious throne; Thro' eternity ador'd, Thou art God, Thou God alone ! Lo! Thy foes, at Thy command, Lo ! Thy foes resign their breath, Scatter'd by Thy mighty hand, Piung'd in everlasting death. 6 Then Thy pow'r my horn shall raise. And my dreaded foes destroy ; O'er my head Thj^ oil of grace Shall dilfuse a sacred joy : Soon mine eyes shall turn and see, Landed on the heav'nly shore. Mil fear' d subdu'd by Thee, Sin^ and deaths and grief no more. As the beauteous Palm Tree grow?, As its stately branches rise, PSALM 93. 287 Lebanon^ high summit shows Cedars tow'ring to the skies. So, upon the mount of God, See the holy one and jvst Spread His branches all abroad, In Jehovah's grace His trust. They who in His house abide. Planted by th' Almighty hand. In His courts with grace supplied, As the Trees of Life shall stand : Time matures the plants of grace. Age, when all things else decaj^ Shall their deathless fruits increase, Rip'ning for eternal day. Faiths and hope, and holy jot/. Sacred fruits of heav'nly love. All their hearts and thoughts employ. Rising to the worlds above ; Thus the Lord, my rock, shall show How His truth and grace remain ; None His breach of truth shall know, None shall trust His Word in vain. PSALM XCIIT. THE kingdom, majesty, yovcer, and glory^ of the liedeemer; in which His people arc encouraged to trust, and to worship Him in the beatity of holiness. This and the following Psalms to the Hundredth are considered by most Commentators as peculiarly referring to the king dom of Christ, 1 Jehovah reigns, exalted high. O'er earth and Heav'n His throne; Cloth'd in Almighty Majesty, Eternal and alone! 2 Jesus the Lord, in strength array 'd. Triumphant mounts above; He once the world's foundation laid, Nor shall His Church remove. 3 Thy Throne, Thou Everlasting Lord, Of old asserts its claim ; 28S rSALM 93. T/lou Art ! — from endless years ador'd ! To ei;d;c>«. years the same I 4 Like nois} lioods the nations, rose, Lo, round the Lord they stand : Ti.eir nii-ghty uaves His peu'r oppose, But mightier is His hand. 5 He mounts above : — the sta submit?, He triumphs o'er the grave : Still o'er the Jloocls on high He sits, OjJinipofcnt to save ! 6 Sure i? the Promise of Thy Tfordy Th' ticrnal grace is sure ; And huUntss^ Eteriial Lord ! Should in Tiiy house endure. PSALM XCHI.— Ver. IL Jehovah alone, .Majestic in might. Appears on His throne. In vestments of light ! With strength He's surrounded. While ruling above ; The earth He has founded. No powT can remove. Our Jj->us on high Enthron'd we behold. His povvT o'er the sky, Establish'd of old ; All majesty casting Beneath Thy great name, Thou from everlasting Art always the same I With tumult and noise. High roiling arouiid, The floods lift their \oiec, . Their billt>\vs resound : The nati^is a-saulted Thy throne in d4>dai«. But !-!gh'ti.ieiaUed». 0>r all to rec^aiH. PSALM 94;. 289 Our Jesus above Their billows defies, Tho' earth should remove, Or seas meet the skies ; Thy promise shall never Deceive nor decay ; And holinesa ever Thy house should display. PSALM XCIV.— Part I. IN the prosperity, and under tiie oppression of the wicked, the Psalniiet: pleads for the interposition of the wisdom and power of God, whose chastenings are all directed for the improvement and peace of HJs people. He therefore encourages his confidence in the Divine mercy, assured thai God will preserve His Churchy and finally de- stroy all its enemies. 1 Vengeance is Thine, Eternal Lord! Thine arm alone the bolt can aim ; Shine forth — Thou judge o'er earth ador'd ! Rise — o'er the ;>roMd Thy judgment claim, 2 How long shall sinners, Lord, how long; Shall sinners triumph o'er (lie Just, With words of cruelty and wrong? And in their works of evil trust ? 3 Crush'd by their pow'r Thy people lies, Their looks th' afflicted Church disdain : The widoiv^s tears, the orphan^s sighs. Nor sf /anger's pray'r, their swords restrain, 4 Yet, " can the Lord discern ?" they cry, " Does GoD above observe below ?" Ah, why like brutes His pow'r deny ? When will X\\t fools io wisdom grow ? 5 Who/jr'rf the ear to sounds so true, Shall not He hear what sinners say ? Who/orm'^ the eye His works to view, Shall not His eye o'er all survey ? % He sends His jud;g'menfs from above, And bids mankind His wis^^mlt^^rik i 8 « 290 PSALM 94. Shall not His arm their crimes reprove? And ven;i;cance o'er the guilty turn ? 7 He knows, the Lord Jehovah knous, How quick the sinner's counsels llee : Vain is (he gaudy pomp he shows, Aiid his high thoughts are vanity. PART II, 8 Bless'd is the man the Lord corrects, 'Tis love that guides a Father's hand : Bless'd is the man Hi? Word directs^ Sweet peace His Gos^e/ shall command. 9 On His kind arm He makes them rest. In times when tr»;ubles round them flow ; AVhen sinners sink, by guilt opprest, Down to the pit of endless woe. 10 What tho' the Lord their sins reprove, He'll not destroy His mourning saints ; He'll ne'er withdraw His tend'rest love, Nor leave His own inheritance. 11 His judgment shall His Church sustain, Till all His n^^^eousneAs confess ; Thejust shall follow in His train, And His own arm His saints shall bless. PART III, 12 Who shall arise my cause to plead ? Lo, earth and hell my hurt conspir'd ; Had not the Lord been oft my aid, To silence had my soul retir'd. 13 " Alas !" in dang'rous paths, I cried, " Alas! my slipp'ry bi.eps decline!" But Mercy s^iWX its aid supplied, And held me with a pow'r divine ! 14 When mournful thoughts within me roll'd, And rush'd upon my lab'ring breast, Thy comforts yet my heart consol'd. While on Thy promises I rest. 15 Say, shall Thy hand support the state. Where law-protected crimes abound ? rSALM 95. 291 Lo! round the just proud sinners wait, And innocencs with guilt confound. 16 BiU Thou, Jehovah, my defencd, Shalt spread Thy arm o/\poujV abroad : Not all my foes shall pluck me thence. My ROCK OF REFUGE IS my God ! IT His hand shall all my foes subdue, In their own snare their fate they meet; His i>/ercj/ shall my joys renew, With earth and ^e/^ beneath my feet. PSALM XCV.— Part I. A solemn inyitatiou to the worship nf Jehovah, the rock of salvation-, in the assemblies of His Church. Our faith iu His salvation is upheld by the display of His Almighty power as Creator; and His character as the shepherd of Ihs flock. A caution is then givsn us against the neglect of Hiswaraings, f,'rounded upon His correction of the Ijra«I ites for their unbelief and rebellion. 1 v_yOME, let our hearts and voices join, And strains of triumph raise: Sing to the Lord in songs divine. Our RocA'j the sAFiovRy praise. 2 Come, where His glory He displays, Your lips iu thanks employ; And speak the wonders of His grace, In Psalms of sacred joy. 3 Jehovah reigns, the God supreme ! Your noblest otTrings bring : OVr all who dare usurp the name. The everlasting kisg ! 4 He holds in His capacious hand. The deeps nf earth unknown ; Fonn'd by Hispow'r the mounfains stand. Sustained by Him alone. 5 He spread the migiity Ocean wide. Its waves the earth surround ; And o'er t!i^^ ever rolling tide Fast fix'd the socfrf ground. 2 c 2 292 PSALM 95. 6 Come, prostrate fall around His throne. Come, fioic before the Lord; Kneclf and the great creator own, By all His works ador'd. 7 He is our God; His hand shall lead. And cv'ry want supply : HhJIock shall in His pasture feed, And on His care rely. PART ir. 8 Sinners, to-day His voice attend, Accept His promised grace ; Nor let your hearts refuse to bend. Like IsraeVs harden'd race. 9 Oft they rebell'd, provok'd, and tried His patience and His love, His truth contemn'd, His pow'r denied. Yet still His wonders prove 1 10 In guilt thro' forty years they stray'd. And His kind sPiR/r ^rieve : ** They love their wand'ring ways,'* He said, ** Nor w ill My words believe I " 11. Then in His righteous wrath He sware, (Hear, sinners, and be wise,) " Ne'er shall the rebels enter there, *' Who dare My rest despise." PSALM XCV.— Ver. 1L— Paiw-X 1 Come, let our songs united raise Their tribute to Jehovah's praise: Our ROCK, our saviolr, shall employ Our highest notes of sacred joy. 2 Oh come, where glory fills His courts. Where near His seat His Church resorts ; Thro' all His house let thanks rewound. And Psalms of triumph pour around. 3 Jehovah (awful is His name !) Is the Great God, o'er all suprsme ! Ye gods above, and gods below, His universal empire know. PSALM 95. 295 4 His hand the deeps of earth contains, His arm the mountains' strength sustains, The ocean flow'd at His command," His word confirm'd the solid land, 5 Come, prostrate fall, with awe profound ; And bow with holy rev'rence round ; Come, kneel, and, at His dreadful throne, Jfhov^ah the creator own, 6 He is our God ; His ^race we prove, The people chosen of His love : His hand divine His flock shall lead, And bless the pasture where ihey feed. PAPvT II. 7 To-day — ere yet to-day shall end. Hear, and His awful voice attend ; Nor let your hearts refuse His grace. Like Israel's harden'd, faithless, race. 8 *' Oft they provokM Me," saith the Lord, " And tried jMy tove, and prov'd My Word, " While, wand'rin^ o'er the desert land, " Tney saw the wonders of My hand. 9 " My soul thro' forty years they g;rieve, '• Nor will the race My word believe; " Their hearts, still prone to disobey, *' Nor know My works, nor learn My way, 10 ''• Then did IMy Word My truth engage, '' (Let sinner? hear thro' ev'ry age,) *' My wrath no more shall be represt, " Nor rebels enter to My rest." PSALM XCV.— -Ver. III.—Part I. [Attempted in the iNIeasure of tlfe Portuguese Hymn.] 1 Oh come, let our triumphs sound throughout creation. Oh come, let us magnify the Lord our kitxq Jesus adoring, rock of our salvation! Till with our joyful voices all nature ring. 2c3 294. PSALM 96. 2 Oh come in His presence; He demands thanks- ffivin^, Let earth ring triumphantly, with Psalms of praise; Great is Jehovah, God the EVEn-Lirisr. ! High o'er their idol-deities His throne He'll rai»e. 3 For His are the treasures, deep in secret places, By Him, all majestic form'd, the mountains stand : Rolling its billows, earth the sea embraces, He form'd the deeps of ocean : He form'd the land. 4 Oh come, let us worships bow with adoration, Oh kneel, and with gratitude our maker bless: God over all! with holy acclamation, [press. The flock His pasture nourishes His praise ex^ For PART II. see Version I. and II. PSALM XCVI.— Part I. AN exhortafton to pnblish the glorj- of Jehovah, the God of Salvation^ Lefore the heathen ; ^vhose poicer and majesty are above all their idol- gods, and to render Him the worship which is His due- 1 he Psalmist then takes a prospectire view of His coming to f stahlish His kingdom upon e5iith, in His humiliation; or, in Heaven, in His glory; in which all creation is called to rejoice. 1 ^ OW let your songs arise, In new exalted strains ; Let earth repeat it to the skies, The Lord, the savjoli^ reigns ! '2 Sing to the Lord our God, And bless His sacred namo, ills great salvation all abroad From day to day proflaim. 3 'Midst heathen nations place The gjories of His throne; And let the wonders of His grace Thro' all the earth be known. 4 Great is th' eternal Lord, And great must be His praise : O'er all the gods, on high ador'd, His mightier arm He'll raite. PSALM 96. 295 ^ The gods the heathen boasts Nor hcm\ nor see, nor move ; Jehovah is the Lord of hosts, Who spread the heav'ns above I 6 "What honours round Him wait ! His Majesty's divine! Beauty and strength in heav'nly state. Within His temple shine ! PART. II, 7 Thro' earth Jet ev*ry tribe. Let ev'ry nation sing; Glory, and grace^ and might, ascribe To onr Eternal king! 8 Tliat highest glory pay, Which to His name belongs; Your ofi^'riiigs in His temple lay. United with your songs. 9 Come, and His grace confess. Your praises round Him pour; In beauty of His hofincss^ Let all the earth adore. 10 Tell it thro' heathen lands. The Lord the saviovr reigns ! The world, establish'd by His hands^ Firm and unmov'd remains. 11 On high He placd His throne, He rules His Church w ith love, Soon shall He come for judgment down, And lift His saints above. PART iir. 12 Ye higher heav'ns rejoice. Let earth His presence greet. And Ocean pour, with roaring voice, Its fulness at His feet, }S He comes ; — yonr joy proclaim, Ye yieWs, with all your store; Bend, ye taW forests, at His name, Crtation's Lord adore. 296 PSALM 96. 14 Rejoice before His face, The sAFiotR stoops below ; He conies on messages of grace, Salvation to bestow ! 15 Tlio' humble is His birth. Exalted is His throne: Soon shall He rise to judge the earth, And make His justice know n. PSALM XCVI.— Ver. II.~Part I. 1 SixG, to the Lord Jehovah sing, Let a new song your lips employ ; Ye distant lands your tribute bring. Let earth resound witli shouts of joy, His great salvation to display, And bless His name from day todaj', 2 His glory to the heathen show. Till heathen lands His name embrace; To all the various tribes below Proclaim the wonders of His grace : Great is the Lord ! ye gods revere, Exalt His praise, extend His fear. S What are the gods the heathen boasts. But idoh — deaf, and dumb, and vain ? Jehovah is the Lord of hosts, He made the heav'ns with all their train ; Their various orbs His word obey. His hand directs their pathless WRy, 4 What honour guards His heav'nly throne ! Who all His majesty can tell ! On, earth His mighty ^oicV is known ; What beauties in His temple dwell ! Ye nations in His praise accord, Give strength and glory to the Lord. 5 Give to Jehovah glory due. Come, in His courts your oflTrings bring. Where all His beauties rise to view, The holy beauties of your king : 5 PSALM 96. 297 Let the whole earth His glories hear, Let the whole earth the saviour fear. PART II. 6 Proclaim it wide thro' heathen lands, Proclaim, the Lord the saviour reigns I The world, establish'd by His hands, Firm on its base unmov'd remains : His righteousness sustains His throne. And all His Church His truth shall own. 7 Ye heav'ns, with all your orbs, rejoice. He comes — let earth His presence greet ; And Ocean, with its roaring noise, Pour all its treasures at His feet : Ye fiu\t(u\Jields your joy proclaim. And bend, ye forests, at llis name! 8 Before the Lord the saviour bow. He comes — salvation to obtain ; Tho' mean His birth, on earth below His Church shall triumph in His reign : Lo ! soon for judg7nent from His throne. He'll haste, and make his justice known. PSALM XCVII.—Part L THE Kingdom of Messiah is the ^lory and joy of the earth ; and, though His ways are past finding out, they will all in the end appear to have been directed by His truth and righteousness, and His power will support His dominion. In His approach to earth, in His incarnation f Angels from Heaven declared His coming, and shall do it, when He comes again to judgment. In the prospect of this His Church may re- joice ; and, amidst scenes of darkness and distress, in a believing and obedient spirit, w^it the happy issue. 1 J EHOVAH reigns ! — w ith sounds of joy Let earth approach the Lord, And distant isles their songs employ. His honours to record. 2 Darkness and clouds around Him wait. His ways are all unknown ; Yet truth aiid grace support His seat^ And justice is His throne. 298 PSALM 97. .3 He comes— the flames His way prepare, For judgment see Him come; His enemies His wrath shall bear, And meet their final doom. 4 Around the world His lightnings fiy, His awful thunder rolls, Earth views the dreadful signs on high. And trembles to the Poles. 5 The hills like wax before His face In liquid fire are pour'd ; Let all, amidst the gen'ral blaze, Adore Creation's Lord. 6 The heav'ns His righteousness declare. And Angels hail His birth ; His Gospel shall His glories bear, Around tji' admiring earth. 7 Ye idol?!, prostrate on the ground, Th' Incarnate God adore ; His arm your worship shall confound, And all who trust your powV. S Ye j4ngels bow — at God's command Let songs ascend the skies ; He bids you all adoring stand. Where our iiedeemer lies. 9 Zion with holy triumph hears, The Church proclaims her joys. Her SAVIOUR for her aid appears, And praise her lips employs. 10 Jesus, her s.4F/opjRand her Lord, O'er all the earth shall reign : O'er highest pow'rs in Heav'n ador'd. Eternal empire gain. PART III. 11 Ye, who the saviovr's love profess. To fear His name begin : Hate ev'ry fault ; each crime repress; And flee from ev'ry sin. PSALM 97. 299 12 His grace shall on His saints descend, And place their souls secure ; From earth and hell His arm defend, And make their vict'ry sure. 13 The seeds of light, 'midst toils and fears, Are for the righteous sown. Soon shall they spring for endless years, And bloom in worlds unknown, H Rejoice, ye righteous, in the Lord, Nor yield to sorrow more ; His name with thankful songs record. His holiness adore. PSALM XCVII.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 Jehovah reigns ! — let all the lands rejoice. Ye num'rous isles unite your cheerful voice ; Tho' clouds '.in6 darkness round His presence wait, His ways mysterious, and unseen His state, Justice and judgment, with secure foundation. His throne confirm, and build His habitation. 2 Lo ! from before H'lm fire prepares His way. He comes — and judgme7it shnW His foes dismay ; His lightnings flash — His awful thunder rolls, Earth sees, and hears, and trembles to the Poles ! The melting hills like wax their substance pouring. Let earth fall prostrate, nature's Lord adoring ! 3 But lo ! He waits ; and first His grace to bear He comes — The lieav'ns His righteousjiess dec\iire: By heav'nly sonj^s on high His birth is told, And all the world His glory shall behold ; See, by His arm the idol gods confounded. By all their worshippers His praise resounded. 4 Ye Angels bow ; — 'tis God's supreme command ; Around th' Incarnate Lord adoring stand ; Let Zion hear, the Church her joy proclaim. And Judah's daughters shout the savjovr^s name : 300 PSALM 97. lie comes— His terrors spread thro' ev'ry natiou, His Church in judgment sees her own salvation! PART II. 5 For Thou, Almighty Lokd, beyond the sky, O'er all tlie rartli hast fix'd Thy throne on high ; O'er g:ods below, or gods above, Thy claim ; Bow all ye heavniy poic'rs at Jesus' name ; Exalted high, beheld the safiour sitting, Thrones, pow'rs, dojuinions^ at His feet submitting I 6 Ye, who on earth His holy love profess. Hate ev'ry crime : each secret sin suppress: His eye o'er all His saints in mercy bends, Their sure salvation from His thione descends; His arm (of vict'ry He alone the giver) From earth and hell shall all His saints deliver. 7 The seeds of light, 'midst tears and sorrows sown, Shall spring and ripen in the worlds unknown ; There hope shall rise in everlasting joy, And songs of gladness all the just employ: Rejoice, ye righteous, God the saviour blessing, Jehovah's holiness in praise confessing. PSALM XCVIII.-— Part I. A triumphant song of joy, celebrating the victories of the Rtdeemert as the rl::ht-}kand and ann of Jehovah. His Churck is callrd upon to rejoice iu His mercy and truth, and all nature to celebrate His praise, till He comes again to judi^meat, and to reign eUmally with Hii people. 1 I^IXG all ye nations to the Lord, Let a ncvc song His praise record ; Exalt on high the siviouji's name: Wide as His wonders spread His fame. 2 His own right-hand hath slain the foe, And laid the p overs of darkness low: His holy arm triumphant rais'd, From death and hell the vict'ry seiz'd. S Thro' earth He bids, enthron'd ou hig^i. The tidings of salvation fly ; PSALM 98. 301 Let heathen lands behold His grace. And triumph in His righteousness. 4 His Truth and Mercy from His throne To IsraeVs race shall soon be known : And earth thro' all her coasts abroad, View the salvation of our God. PART II. 5 Shout to the Lord, with raptur'd voice, Let earth thro' all her coasts rejoice. The SAVIOUR comes — aloud proclaim His honours; and exalt His name. 6 Now tune the Harp to strains divine, In the loud Psalm your voices join. The Trumpet sound, the Cuniet bring, And let His Church proclaim Him king. ^ Let Ocean roar, His presence greet, And pour its fulness at His feet; Th* adoring world His praises tell, And all who on its circuit dwell. 8 Ye floods, whose waves salute the sky, Ascend, and clap your hands on high! Ye hillSf with joy your summits bend, And view th' Ixcarxate God descend ! 9 Thro' all the earth the saviour reigns ; Th' Eternal judge His Church sustains ; But lo ! injustice soon He'll come, And fix the world's eternal doom. PSALM XCVIIL— Ver. IL— Part I. 1 Songs anew of honour framing. Sing ye to the Lord alone ; All His wondrous wcrks proclaiming, (Jesus wondrous works hath done !) Glorious vict'ry His right-hand and arm hath won ! 2 Now He bids His great salvation Thro' the heathen lands be told. Tidings spread thro' ev'ry nation, ■2d 302 PSALM 98. And His acts of grace unfold : All the heathen Shall His righteousness behold, 3 Once the word by Mercy spoken, Israel soon shall know ilis grace: Never shall His truth be broken, Faithful still to IsmeVs race: God's salvation Earth's far distant coabt^ embrace. 4 Shout aloud, and hail the SAriouRy Jesus lord of all proclaim ! As ye triumph in His favour. All ye lands declare His fame : Loud rejoicing, Shout the honours of His name I PART II. 3 With the Harps sweet notes combining, Psalms of endless honours sing; Loud the silver trumpet ]iy\n']ns;; And the sounding Cornet bring ; Hail the safjour, F^et His Church adore their Kisa, 6 Let the sea, its billows roaring. Pour its fulness at His feet : Nature prostrate ; all adoring, Let His works before Him nieet : All ye nations Worship ; and the saviour greet. 7 Let the nohy floods ascending riap their joyful hands on high ; Loftv hills, your summit*? bending. While the sAFrouR bends the sky ; Bow b 'fvue Him, Lo ! th' INCARNATE GOD is nigh. 8 O'er the earth our Jesus reigning' Shall His Church with grace uphold ; But again, His pow'r maintaining, See the judge the heav'ns unfold : All the nations Shall His righftousness behold ! PSALM 99. 30S PSALM XCIX.— Part I. THE glory of Christ's Kingdom must be a cause of terror to His euf - mies, but of triumph to His Church. And His mercy and truth, manifested to His people of old, should excite us to obedience, and to magnify the great and holy Name «f our God. 1 J EHOVAH reigns ! the sovereign lord ! Let earth with rev'rence hear : Ye nations, tremble, at His word, And let the people fear. 2 He makes the cherubim His seat. Where saints His gfoiy see : But sinners (awful is His state !) Before His terrors flee. 3 Great is the Lord ; His Church hath known The wonders of His grace ! High o'er the world He plants His throne. And builds His dwelling-place, 4 Then let His Church His praise resound. Let earth repeat His fame ; He clothes His arm with terror? round, And holy is His name, 5 Th' Eternal king, in strength array'd, Delights His truth to show : Thy righteousness, thro' earth display'd. Shall guide Thy Church below. 6 Exalt the Lord our God on high. Let all His truth proclaim ; With rev'rence at His footstool lie. For holy is His .v-4Me / T When Moses 'midst His Zs/v/eZ plead?. When Aaron was W\s priest. When holy Samuel intercedes. How quick His anger ccas'd ! 8 They call'd — they humbly sought His grace. The Lord Jehovah heard ; The cloudy pillar veil'd His face. But thence He spake His word. 2d2 304 PSALM 100. 9 His grace with holy influence draws, His statutes to obey, Their grateful hearts observe His laws^ Their steps pursue His May. ^0 Thy mercy heard ; Thy mercy flies Thy pardoning grace to bear ; Yet did Thy rod their guilt chastise, Nor would their follies spare. II Exalt the Lord our God, and still Be IsraeVs ki.\g ador'd : Oh, worship at His holy hill, For holy h the Lord ! PSALM C. ALL the world is here exhorted to praise Jehovah in His courts, for H:» esaeutial Godhead; His works of crea^'ou; His pastoral care; Uift giodness; nud His ttcrnal mercy and truth. 1 iShOUT all ye lands in sounds of joy. To praise the Lord your voice employ ; And, while ye worship at His seat, - With cheerful songs His presence greet, 2 Now let Jehovah's name be known. Thro' all the earth, as God alone: Not frcm ourselve? our being rose. His sov'rcign hand the gift bestows. S We are the people of His mi^ht, He claims His creatures as His right: ilisjlock^ — repos'd beneath His care ; His love our pasture shall prepare. 4 Then, as v/ithin His gates ye throng, Sound thro' His courts the grateful song; His praise with thankful lips proclaim, The glories of His awful name ! 5 The Lord is good; beyond the skies His 7nercy shall eternal rise : His truth, from age to age ador'd, Fulfils the promise of His Word! PSALM 101. 305 PSALM CL—Part I. THE Psalmist here, as the Master of a Familj', or a puhlic Magistrate, determines to walk aright, as an example to others: aud for the Le- nf fit of his family, and of the state, to put away the 7ingcdly, xlander- fry, liars, and deceitful persons, from both. Let Magistrates and Heads of families he careful to imitate his example, for the ge; eral peace aud tranquillity of the world and of the Church. 1 JuDG3IENT~Mercy— themes d'wine I In Thy ways, Great God, they join : To Thy name the strains belong, To Thy name I'll raise the song, 2 All perfection^ heav'nly Lord, Are the doctrines of Thy Word: There Thy icisdum I discern, Wisdom there my soul shall learn. 3 "When shall I Thy presence see ? Visits of Thy grace to me ? I'll Thy perfect vcay pursue, And my house my steps shall view, 4 Now no more before mine eyes Folly's dreams in fajicy ri>e ; When the hypocrite shall stray. Still my soul shall love Thy way. 5 Men profane, perverse in heart, From my presence shall depart : Sinners, who to folly grow, Never shall my friendship know. 6 Slanderers, who a friend betray, Shall the sword of justice slay : Haughty looks, and heart of pride, In my tents sliall not abide. PART II. 7 When I seek my house to place. Then I'll choose the faithful race : Men who make Thy laws their care : They shall dwell protected there. 8 He who loves Thy perfect vcay, Loves Thy statutes to obey, 2d3 306 PSALM 102. To his care my house consisjn'd, He my confidence bhall find. 9 But the men ^liowork deceit In my house find no retreat : Tuey in falsehood wlio delight Fly afraid, and sjhun my sight. 10 Thus shall sinners be represt, And Thy land from evil rest: Till Thy Church be peace and love^ As Thy purer Church above. PSALM CII.— Part I. THE deep sorrows of th« Psalmist correspond vfith those of the Be- liever, in seasons of affliction or temptation: and the allnsions here used to represent them are most beautiful and aflPecting. But the jiromise and truth of the Lord secure the salvation of His Church, and in His appointed time all His servants shall obtain deliverance. In the shortness and uncertainty of the present state, the Eternity of the Jiedeemei's person, gloi'y, and kingdom, together with His creatimj power, are subjects of meditation, calculated to support and solace tlie believing miud. To Him this Psalm is applied by the Apostle^ Heb. I. 10. 1 -IjORD, hear my pray'r, my voice attend, While to Thy throne I flee : And let my louder cries ascend Accepted, Lord, to Thee. 2 No more, my God, conceal Thy face, The storm around me falls; >'or in distress withhold Thy grace, Whene'er Thy servant calls. 3 My gloomy days, like clouds of smoke^ All vanish as thry rise: As the hurnt brandy beneath Thy stroke, j\Iy strength exhausted lies. 4 Guilt smites upon my trembling heart, And lays my comforts dead : Like withering grass my joys depart^ AJy lips forget their bread. PSALM 102. SOY 5 My labVing breast, with ceaseless groans, Laments its guilt and sin ; While, starting thro' my flesh, my bones Cleave to the parched skin. 6 \Jlee — and solitude I hail, Sweet to my troubled breast 5 As Bitterns in the desert wail, Or Owls on ruins rest. 7 I ti'alch — I wait the dawn of hope, (But ah ! my hopes are fled !) As the lone sparrow on the top Of some sequester'd shed. 8 For earth and hell around my soul Their keen reproaches pour; What hand their madness can control, When God befriends no more ? 9 Humbled to dust — in ashes laid, They mingle with my food ; And tears ^ my briny portion made. Fall down a ceaseless flood. •10 Beneath Thy vengeance here I lie, And dread Thy angry frown: Thy hand hath rais'd my soul on high. To plunge me deeper down. PART Ii. 1 1 From vanity to vanity JMy days of sorrow pass ; Swift as thejleeting shadows fiy, And wither as the grass. 12 But Thou, my saviour^ and my Lord^ For ever shalt endure ! Firm stands the record of Thy Word^ Thro' ev'ry age secure. IS Thou shalt arise, with grace replete, And Zion see Thy p(»w'r ; Nor shall Thy prc7n?s'd mercy wait Beyond th' appointed. hour^ :308 PSALM 102. 14 T!i> saints, who in Thy mercy Inist, Cast round their longing eyes ; (They love her stones, they love her dusi^) To see lu r glories rise. 15 The Gentiles then Thy name shall fear. My SAFiOLR and my Lord ! Thy glory thro' the world appear, By all her Kings adord. PART UI. 16 Soon, when Jehovah bows the skies, To build His Church below. His glories shall around Him rise. And eartii His glories know. 17 The helpless penitents shall find Th' Almighty saviour's care; Their sorrows to His ear consigned, He'll not despise their pray'r. IS His grace thro' evVy sacred page His promises record ; That distant lands, in ev'ry age, Itlay trust and praise the Lord. 19 Lo ! from His sanctury's high place He look'd, and earth survey'd : He piiied, and the fallen race Beliolds His grace displayed. 20 He hears the groaning prisoner s voice, He hears the faU'iing breath: Their bonds resign'd, the slaves rejoice. The captives doom'd to death, 21 Then let His Church in songs divine The safiovr's name repeat, Till distant kingdoms haste to join. And worship at His seat. PART IV. 22 Lord, w hen Thy stroke corrective falls How sw ift my strength decays ? Thy word my fleeting life recalls, And shorten* half my days. PSALM 102. 309 23 Spare me, my God, I fainting cry, Nor thrust me down to death ; Ere youth matures behold I die, And yield my shorten'd breath, 24 Thou Art ! — Eternity Thy date! Unchanging years are Thine ! No age Thy glories can abate, From age to age they shine. PART V. 25 Of old, Thy hand, Eternal God ! The world'' s foundation laid, Stretch'd the wide heav'ns o'er earth abroad, And all their pomp display'd. 26 The heav'ns shall perish, Mighty Lord ! Thy glory still secure : T!r name, eternally ador'd, Eu^rnal shall endure. 87 Like a rich vesture, changed and old, Their beauties shall decay ; Thy hands th' expanded heav'ns shall fold, While earth dissolves away. 28 But Thou, Jehovah, art the same, Immortal are Thy years ! Jesus th' eternal tlirone shall claim. When nature disappears! 29 Then shall His Church in realms 6f light, His pow'r and glorj' view : And saints, established in His sight, Eternal songs renew. PSALM CII.— Ver. IE— Part I. Hear my pray'r, Jehovah, hear, Listen to my plaintive cries : See, the day of trouble's n^r, Heavy on my soul it lies : Hide not then Thy gracious face. When the storm around me falls ; Hear and hasten with Thy grace, In the time Thv servant calls. 310 PSALM 102. 2 As the smokj; cloud my dayg Darkly rise, and fly as soon ; From my bones — as in the blaze Brands consume — iheir moisture's gone: Guilt, and sorrow smite my heart. As tlie vvithVing grass it dies; All my joys and hopes depart, And my food neglected lies. S While my voice ascends in groans, Urg'd by sorrow and by fenr. Thro' my ilesh my starting bones To my wrinkled skin adhere: So the Bittern vents its cries. Roaming thro' the desert land ; Or the midnight Owl, which flies AVhere the gloomy ruins stand. 4 As the Sparrow sits alone. Flitting from the haunts of men. So I watch — but, mercy gone. When shall hope return again ? Earth and hell their censures pour. Madly rage against ray soul; When my God appears no more. Who their fury can control ? 5 Deep in gloomy sorrows laid. Ashes mingle with my food; Tears, my briny portion made. Failing in a ceaseless flood : 'Twas Thine anger mix'd my cup. Bade me tremble at Tny frown ; 'Twas Thine hand that rais'd me up, Lord, Thine hand hatii plung'd me dovrn. 0 Swift as declining shadows pass, I\Iy days in quick succession fly ; And, transient as the with' ring grass^ Amidst my youthful hopes I die. 7 But Thou, m> sAnoiRy shalt endure ; Thy years unchang'd, Kternal Lord! PSALM 102. 311 Thy grace thro' ev'ry age secure ; Sweet is the promise of Thy Word! 8 Thou shalt arise, Th) grace display, y\nd Zion triumph in Thy pow'r; Nor shall Thy promised mercy stay Beyond Thine own appointed hour. 9 Thy servants for that mercy wait, And lift to Thee their iocr earth extends, His mercy all our sins transcends; Far as the East from Western climes He casts the guilt of all our crimes. PART lU. 1 1 As the kind parentis bosom moves, In pity, o'er the child he loves, So will the Lord His servants view, He loves His pity to renew. 12 He knows the frailty of our frame, Weakness and vanity our claim : He knows corruption, earthy and dust^ Are all our feeble race can boast. 13 Man ! — like the grass his fleeting days ! A flower which blossoms and decays ! Quick flies the blasting breath around, 'Tis gone ! — nor can its place be found, 14 But, Lord, from everlasting rose The mercies which Thy hand bestows ; To those who fear and love Thy name, Thro' everlasting years the same ! 15 His righteousness with beams divine Shall o'er our children's children shine, PSALM 103. 317 Who on His covenant mercy stay, And love His precepts, and obe3\ 1 6 High o'er the heav'ns, supreme, alone, Th' Eternal Lord prepares His throne: O'er all His kingdom He'll extend, Beyond a limit or an end. n Bless ye the Lord, His glories tell. Ye Angels who in might excel, Who do His will, who hear His voice, And in His high commands rejoice. 18 Bless ye the Lord, proclaim His state, \e heavnly hosts^ who round Him wait, Quick to perform His acts of might, His pleasure your supreme delight, 19 Bless ye the Lord, His v/orks around : Creation with His praise resound : My soul the gen'ral chorus join, Aud bless the Lord in songs divine. PSALM CIV. A solemn invitation to bless the Lord, in which let our hearts delight ti> concur, for His essential Majesty ; His vjorks of creation; and His providential care. This last is then beautifully described by His pro- vision for the ;jro5Tess o/ v^g-eMtion through the earth — by ihe rising and stetting Sun; and the rariations of the Moon in the heavens; together with the interchanges of day and ni^ht, so suitable and griteful to man and beast; — by the wouiers of the Ocean; — and by the quickening influence of His Spirit in the spring, to restore the de- cays ufwinta'. For all which let us join iu the Psalmist's holy deter- mination to bless the Lord Jehovah. It is appointed by the Church for fVhit-Sunday — no doubt in allusion to the similar exertions «:f His power in the new creation; and in the formation, preservation, and blessing of His Church. Creation. 1 v^H bless the Lord ; my soul proclaim The goodness of Jehovah's name : My God, Thy glory clothes Thee round. And majesty in awe profound, 2 e3 318 PSALM 104. 2 With lights Thy radiant robCy arrayM, Nature unform'd Thine eye survey 'd t Then did Thy uord, m hile darkness fled, The hcav'ns Thy bright pavilion spread. 3 On the thick tcaters of the skies, Thy beams are laid, Thy chambers rise ; The clottds Thy chariots onward spring; Thou walkest on the air's swift wing, 4 TVinds wait above Thy high command, Aud flaming fires Thy servants stand : While Spirits pure Thy orders bear, Brighter than light ; more swift than air, 5 Firm as Thy Truth its basis made. Thy word the earth's foundation laid; The di'ep around its garment throws. And the hi^h mountain's top o'erflows. 6 Then did Thine eye the waves rebuke. They fled — Thy voice the waters shook : Thy thunders did the deeps dismay. They heard, and trembling rush'd away. 7 High from the mountain's top they flow^ And urge their rapid course below ; The rallies feel the rushing flood, Till where Thy band prepar'd they stood, 8 There did Thy word the^oorf^, confine, To depths unseen their bounds assign : There shall their watTy stores remain. Nor deluge o'er the earth again* The Providence of God displayed through the Earth. 9 Thro' secret paths th' abyss supplies, 'Midst fertile vales the springs arise. And fountains flow in copious rills, O'er the high tops of parched hills. 10 The beasts, which range the field or wood, Drink with delight the crystal flood; O'er the clear streams wild asses bray, With joy their burning thirst t'allay, PSALM 104. 319 1 1 By these, where shady groves arise, Dwell the winged tenants of the skies, From spray to spray their notes prolong, AVhile nature echoes with their son^, 12 God from His chambers pours around His blessings o'er the fertile ground ; Earth feels Thy bounty as it show'rs, And yields its fruits ; or spreads its flowers* 13 He clothes with grass the vernal mead. And Jlocks and herds to fulness feed : Or bids the earth its herbs produce, For food or medicine's various use. 14 The clusfring vines their juice impart, To cheer the solitary heart : The beauteous olives flow, and shed Tbeir/ra^ran^ oil t'anoint the head. 15 He bids the corn luxuriant rise, And His best gift to man supplies i Pours the rich harvest q'qt the plains. And strength'nin*^ bread Man's heart sustains. 16 See, how the stately forest grows. Thro' the high branch full moisture flows : Thus Lebanon^ tall cedars stand. High planted by th' Almighty hand. IT There Birds of various feather rest^ There build aloft their airy nest: The Stork 'midst gloomy Fir Trees flies. And there her sacred mansions rise. !S All nature His design fulfils; See the wild Gouts possess the hills, There seek their refuge, there confide, While rocks the feebler Conies hide. The ProviJence of God displayed in the HeavrD.* 19 He fix'd the varying Moon to show The months and seasons as they go : The rising Sun His word obeys. Or fills the TVegt with setting rai/Xt S20 PSALM 104'. 20 Then darkness and the night apace Rush onward o'er tli" expanded space, When, from their gloomy forest bed, The wand'riui^ beasts the desert tread. 21 Hark! the deep sounds! around they pour; With youthful voice the Lions roar ; In search for prey they roam abroad, Dependant on Thy care, my God. 22 Again the Sun its beams displays, O'er the wide world he pours his rays ; Quick to their dens they speed their fli^t, Andslumb'ring shun th' approach of Irght. 23 Then Man secure, with sleep refresh'd, Comes forth again, in vigour bless'd ; His labours and his arts pursues. Till night the welcome shade renews, 24 O Lord, how various, and how wise, Are all Thy works, which round us rise ! Let earth, w hich all Thy bounties bless, Thy voisdom and Thy povor confess. The Providence of God displayed through the Ocean, Stc 25 How vast the Ocean ! nature's pride ! Stretch'd o'er the world, so broad ! so w ide \ Where num'rous tribes in safety creep, Or glide unseen the boundless deep. 26 Beneath the mighty Monsters lie. Or lesser forms which 'scape the eye; There the tall navies^ Britain's boast ! Triumphant ride from coast to coast. 27 Leviathan his huge mass lays Secure ; and hold in pastime plays ; Thou bid'st him tliere dominion know, Sole monarch of the deeps below. 28 On Thee Thy various creatures wait, How vast Thy pow'r! how great Thy state! Thro' the w hole earth abroad they share The bounties which Thy bands prepare. PSALM 104. 321 29 They gather as Thy gifts arise, Thine op'ning hand llieir wants supplies: Wide round the world, from ample stores. Thy providence Thy blessings pours, 30 Thy face withdrawn, all nature mourns. Thou call'st their breath, their breath returns ; They die ! — Great God I Thy mandate's just ! When nature moulders back to dust, 31 But, when from Thee Thy Spirit flies, What glories thro' creation risel Earth blooms afresh, renew'd again lis fields f or woods, or beasts, or men! The subject sununed up, and closed with the Songol Praise, 32 Eternal Lord ! Thy glories claim The tribute of immortal fame : Thy boundless works, with endless joy, Thine own eternal mind employ. 33 He looks — the trembling hills are broke! He touches — and the mountains smoke ! How great His grace ! how vast His powV ? Let all His prostrate works adore. 34 Long as I live, All-bounteous Lord ! My song Thy glories shall record : Thy praise, my God, shall fill the strain. While life or being shall remain. 35 Sweet are the thoughts which fill my breast, When on Thy various w orks they rest : God my creator lifts my voice ! In God my saviour I rejoice! S6 Soon shall His arm His foes dismay, And sweep the guilty race away : And, while His Church His pow'r adore, The wicked sink to rise no more. 21 Then, oh my soul, Jehovah bless, Hh providence and grace confess : Let all His works their tribute raise; And triumph in Jehovah's praise* 322 PSALM 104. PSALM CIV.— Ver. H.-Part 1. 1 My soul the Lord adore, And speak His praise abroad ; How vast 'I'li^ viajtsty and povSr^ O Lord my God ! Wlio all Thy glory knows ? In honour Ttiou art drest : Rays of eternal light compose Thy radiant Vest, 2 When rising from Thy throne, To give creation birth, Th' expanding heavens Thy hand alone Stretch'd o'er th' earth : There Thy pavilion stood, In waters of the skies ; On beams, upon the deep spread flood, Thy chambers rise. 3 The clouds Thy chariots wait, And high Thy glory bear ; Thou walkest on in solemn state On wings of air : The winds Thy servants stand ; And^res with blazing light: Pure Spirits wait Thy high command, More swift ! more bright ! 4 Thy hand, Eternal Lord! The earth s foundation laid, For ever on Thy faithful word It? basis siay'd : Around the shapeless mass The deep its garment throws; O'er the high hills its waters pasF, Its waves repose. 5 Then did Thine eye rebuke, They fled in wild dismay ; While earth beneath Thy thunders s\\Qok ; And rush'd away : \ PSALM 104. 323 From the high mountains prest, The valleys feel the flood, Till, where Thine hanil preparM their rest, Condens'd they stood. 6 There did Thy high command The restless ^oods confine ; And there Thine own almighty hand Their bounds consign : Thine eyes the deep restrain, Nor shall their wat'ry store Rush o'er the buried world again, Nor deluge more. PART II. T Thro' their secret channels led, Paths unseen to mortal eyes. O'er the fertile valleys spread. See the bursting springs arise : High upon the lofty hills Streaming /oMnfains break around ; Dusky plains the verdure fills, Spreading o'er the parched ground, 8 Beasts that range the desert land Drink the crystal as they stray ; There wild Asses snuflSng stand. And their burning thirst allay : Where the verdant groves arise, Water'd by the living spring. Winged songsters of the skies On the branches sit and sing. 9 God His bounteous blessings pours O'er the lofty hills around. From His chambers plenteous show'rs Soft descend and bless the ground : Fields their verdant grass produce, Flocks and herds the bounty share ; Herbs for man, of various use, Speak His universal care. 10 See the fruitful clust'ring Vine, Richits juices to impart, 524* PSALM 104, Juices of the gen'ioiis icine. Cheering to the fainting heart ; Beauteous is the Olive's grace, Where in verdant ?trength it grows. Thence to cheer the gladdened face, OH in rich abundance flows. 11 O'er the fields the harvests rise, Goodness fills tiie fruitful plains ! Bread His bounteous hand supplie*, And the heart of man sustains : O'er the lofty branching trees Rising juices copious flow ; Lebanon its Cedars sees By His liaiiti luxuriant grow. 12 Lo ! the heav'nly songsters there Build secure their lofty nest, "Midst the Firs the Storks prepare Ciloomy seats of sacred rest: Goats upon the craggy steep Wildly for iheir refuge fly ; While beneath the Conies creep. Where the rocky caverns lie. PART in. 13 Behold the Ileav'ns ! immensely bright ? There rides the Moon, w ith varying light y The varying seasons to display ; The Sun hii daily circuit flies, To spread vipon the tcestei-n skies The glories of his setting ray. 14 Then darloiess all creation veils. And beasts, ichile night the world conceals. From deep gloom'd forests creep abroad : Hark ! o'er the w ilds young Lions roar, The desert trembles as they pour Their voice for prey, to Thee, my God. 15 AjraJn his beams their liglit display. Quick to their dens they haste away, Where the deep thickets round them clo5>: PSALM 104. 325 Then Man refresird his work renews, His labours and his arts pursues. Till ev'ning shades invite repose. 16 O Lord, how various are Thy ways ? Thy num'rous works our wonder raise, There all Thy pow^r and wisdom shine ! Bless'd with T\\y bountif s richest store, Let earth Thy providence adore, And rest upon the hand divine. PART IV, 17 Behold the Sea! how great! how wide! In its vast depths huge monsters hide, Or creeping insects stray : There go the navies, Brifain's boast ! They spread their sails from coast to coast, And ride the pathless way. 18 Leviathan's huge mass below Spreads wide ; unconscious of a foe; And playful pastime keeps : Thou bid'st him thro' the wat'ry plains Roll on secure : — By Thee he reigns Sole monarch of the deeps. 19 On Thee Thy various creatures wait. Great is Thy pow^r! Thy goodness great ! Thy words their food prepare ; They gather as Thy gifts arise, Thine op'ning hand their want supplies. And all Thy bounty share. fO Thy face withdrawn, creation mourns. At Thy command their breath returns. They die — to dust decline: But, when from Thee Thy Spirit flies. All nature lives — fresh beauties rise. And thro' creation shine ! PART V. ?1 Lord, eternal is Thy glory. Praise shall lift our thankful voice; All Thy wonders plac'd before Thee, In Thy works Thy thoughts rejoice j 3f 326 PSALM 104. Lo! He looks — and earth retiring Trembles at His awful stroke! Lo ! He touches — mountains tiring Roll on high their cloudy smoke I 22 Long as God, w ith sweet enjoyment. Shall my life and health afford, This shall be my soul's employment, To adore th' Eternal Lord : All His works with wonder seeing, Still the triumph I'll prolong; While thro' Him I hold my being, To His name I'll raise the song, 23 All Thy works, my God, reviewing, There my thoughts delighted rove, Still the wondrous theme pursuing. Till my soul is lost in love: God I praise, my great creator^ While His bounties Vift my voice; But in Thee, for merdes greater, God, my safiovr, I rejoice, ?4 Soon His arm, its pow'r displaying, Cloth'd with majesty divine, Shall, His rebel foes dismaying. Guilt to endless death consign: But, my soul, Jehovah blessing, All His pow'r and grace adore : All His works, the Lord confessing, Shout His praise for evermore ! PSALM CV,— Part I. AN invitation, to seek and to praise the Lord, in remembrance of Hii wonders manifested to the Patriarchs; and to /^raf Zin £g-ypf , and in the Wilderuess ; all of which were designed to teach them aad u% the lesson of cheerful obedience lo His will. 1 An solemn strains of grateful praise, Invoke Jehovah's name ; Declare the wonders of His grace, And teach the world His fame. PSALM 105. 327 2 Sing to the Lord ; your songs employ His honours to rehearse ; And 'midst His saints, with sacred joy, O er all His works converse. 3 With holy triumph in the sound, His sacred name record ; And let the heart withjoy rebound, That humbly seeks the Lord. 4 Seek ye the Lord ; adoring stand Where He His pow'r displays ; Wait till H'u presence He command. The glories of His face. 5 With sweet delight His works review. And all His grace rec«ird, Ye saints, who Abrd'ni's faith pursue. The chosen of the Lord. PART ir. 6 Jehovah is the Lord our God ! Then let His Church adore : 'i{\% judgments o'er the earth abroad His jMs< award shall pour. 7 His covenant, in His changeless mind. Stands like Himself secure ; His Church tiiro' ev'ry age slmll find His iVord of Promise sure. S Once His eternal oath He sware To Abra'm and his race, And plac'd His laws and statutes there. The types of richer grace. 9 " ril fix thy happy rest," He said, " On Canaan s fruitful ground," Wheu,/"M) RnA feeMer still, they stray'd As strangers wand'ring round, 10 Helpless, unknown, from land loland, From realm to realm they rov'd ; His pow'r restrain'd th' oppressor's hand, And their proud kings reprov'd. 2f 2 328 PSALM 105. 11 " Touch not the men My ail hath blest, ** Nor do My prophets harm:" Thus fetill He leads His Church to rest, Protected by His arm. PART iir. 12 He call'd, and, at His just command, Pale /amine thro' the wasted land Exhausts the long collected store ; Yet did His providential care In Joseph future aid prepare. And send His chosen prince before: A slave, by envious brethren sold, A Saviour, IsraeVs race t' uphold. 13 Lord, how mysterious are Thy ways ? What envious hate Thy servant layy In darkness and the galling chains ! But, say, shall righteousness opprest Beneath the scourge unheeded rest ? Lo ! innocence triumphant reigns ! The monarch yields ; — he owns his plea : The prince commands the captive free. 14 Rais'd from the prison near the throne, He bids him rule his house alone, And next in regal pow'r preside : The Prince, his counsels to fulfil, To bind his Rulers at His will, His Senators w ith tcisdom guide : Till Israel, near his Joseph fed, To Ham's proud coasts his household led. PART IV. 15 Then, for Israel was His care, God His promise view'd. Bade His Israel flourish there, By Egypt's hate pursu'd : By His pou:'r unseen they rise, Stronger than their m'ghty foes, Mercy still its aid supplies, Tho' murderous arts oppose. 16 Moses bears His high command. And Aaron was His choice, PSALM 105. 329 See, 'midst Egypt's sons they stand, Jehovau's earning voice : Then His wondrous signs appear, Darkness spreads the gloomy field. Ham's de\oted children fear, And forc'd obedience yield. 17 Now again His anger burn'd, He lifts His arm on high ; Lo, to blood their ivniers tuin'd. Their sitv'ry tenants die: Frogs in secret chambers spread. Flies suspend their swarming hosts, Or the Liccy inconscious b'^ed. Creep o'er the tainted coasts, 18 Heav'n He calls t' avenge the ground. The stormy heav'n obejs: Rattling /iaz7 descends around. And vivid light'nings blaze : Mourn, ye Vines — your clusters break ! Ah ! ye beauteous Fig Trees mourn! O'er the land the Forests shake. By the strong tempests torn I 19 Locusts y svy arming at His word, And caterpillars spread, Nature, herbs and fruits devour'd, Beholds its verdure fled : Earth and heav'n their wonders show, Vain the scourge; the warning vain : Egypt must His vengeance know She weeps her First-born slain ! PART V. 20 From Egypt's]a.nd see Israel led, Enrich'd with Egypt's store: Not one tlmCs feeble or afrcidy Led by Almifi;hty pow'r. 21 Egypt is glad — in deep dismay She saw Jehovah's might : His cloud is Israel's guide by day^ Hisjire directs by night, Sf3 380 PSALM 105. 22 They ask'd— and show^s of quails afonnd Fell near their tents abroad : The heav'iily manna strews the ground, They eat the bread of God ! 23 The flinty rock His mandate knows, And bursts at His command, And the full stream bei'ide them flows Thro' all the tirirsty land. 24 Thus, thro' the world's wide desert place, His hand His Church supplies: From Christ our rock the streams of grace^ In rich abundance rise. PART VI. 25 How true, how faithful is the Lord ! His promise ne'er was broke : He'll not forget His sacred w^rd, The word to AbrtCm spoke. 26 Hence at His own appointed hour His tribes behold His grace ; And march, triumphant in His pow'r, From Egypt's hated place. 27 The heathen lands, His arm confest, Yield at His just command, Till Jirae/ enters to His rest, In Canaan's fruitful land. 28 Then let His laics His saints employ, The statutes of His w ord : Still shall His Church His care enjoy. Let Israel praise the Lord ! PSALM CVL— Part I. AFTER a beautiful prayer, io vrbicV the Psalmint intf*irt« to hart hit place amongst the people of Godf whose psrnliar happin«»s ii d#- •cribed, this Psalm carries on tlie subject of the last. The Psalmist laments over the ingratitude of Isi-ael^ and their own imitation of •uch rebellious conduct; and concludes with an earnest prayer for deliverance and salvation, that they might exalt His praise.— *-Many parts of this Psalm may he considered as applicable to ourselres, and shanld lead us to deeper humiliation, and excite the ff rrency (>f prayer, aod the eUvktioas cf praise. PSALM 106. 331 1 Praise ye the lord : while life remains Exalt Him in your ihankfui strains ; His goodness thr •' creation fiow-s No end His boundless mercy knows, 2 Who can Jehovah's acts proclaim ? Who as his works extend His fame ? What tongue, what eloquence can raise A tribute equal to His praise? 3 Bless'd are the men, Eternal Lord ! Who keep the Judgments of Thy fVord: Who, swift to tread the heav'nly way. Love all Thy precepts, and obey. 4 Lord, with Thy kind remembrance blest, Now let Thy favour o'er me rest, And for my longing soul prepare, The grace which all Thy people share. 6 Bid Thy salvation to my heart Its blessings and \Ujoys impart : That goodness to my soul renew. Which in Thy courts Thy chosen view, 6 Then shall my soul, with bliss divine^ The triumph of Thy nation join ; And 'midst Thine heritage rejoice, With holy rapture in my voice ! PART II, 7 The children of a faithless race, How have our sins provok'd Thy face ? Tlius Israel, when from Egypt brought, Forgat the works Ttiy hands had wrought. 8 At the Red Sea, their guilt renew'd. Again His saving hand they view'd : His mighty arm, in strength array'd. For His own xame its pow'r display'd. 9 He spake — rebuk'd the waters fled, Thro' the dried depths His Church He led*: Thro' parting floods, in paths below, Th' astonish'd tribes securely go. 10 See, Israel on the margin stands Exulting I while the hostile bandi 352 PSALM 106. Rush on ; and backward rolls the wave, Nor one escapes the wat'ry grave. 11 Then they believe^ they trusLHis word. Exalt His name — and shout ** the Lord 1" Yet, ah ! how soon His works deny. Nor wait the guidance of His eye! 12 Their hearts inflam'd with lustful fires, They tempt their (iod with wild desires; He hears, and to their cry attends, But with His gifts His wrath descends. 13 Then let our hearts — His Truth ador'd. Believe^ and tc«z7, and trust the Lord ; Nor let, my God, 1 hy gifts oppress, But grace bestow^ and luve possess. 14 Again the camp, with envy fir'd, Against their P/mce and Priest conspird, Against their God their murm'rings breathe; Then did the earth with vengeance rend. It open'd — DatharCs tribes descend, And clos'd Jbiram\ host beneath • His kindling^rcs around them fell, And burn the wicked down to hell. 15 Lo ! while their hearts rebellious stray. What follies urge their guilty way ! The golden god in Horeb shone ! Around the calf the dancers pour, And charm'd with Egypfs rites, adore; — Where is Jehovah's glory gone ? Forgetful of their safiovr^s name, Their lips the idol ox proclaim. 16 Yet 'twas Jehovah's mighty word O'er the whole land His wonders pour'd, And forc'd unwilling Ham to yield : The sea His awful terrors knew, There did His arm their foes pursue; But now had IsraeVs doom been seal'd, Had not His chosen Moses stood, And in the breach withheW the flood. PSALM 106. 33S 17 Safe, by His mercies led, they stand On Canaan's coast — but spurn the land, Nor trust His truth ; nor fear His 'povc'^rx They murmur— nor His voice obey ; Dooni'd to retrace the desert way, WhWe judgments thro' the camp devour: His lifted hand their children see, And 'midst the hostile nations fiee, 18 To Pear's hateful idols joxn'd^ Their daughters to their lusts resignM, 'Midst their dead deities they feast : His wrath inflicts th' avenging stroke, Till Phineas^ sword to justice 'woke, And laid His angry plagues at rest : The righteous act the priesthood crowns, And age to age the justice owns. 19 Around the rock the rebels stood, Where Meriiah's contentious flood From the twice stricken flint arose : There Moses sinn'd ; what wrath betrays? "What crimes ? when meekness disobeys ? When his otvn God with anger glows? And, while provok'd resentments rise, His lips th' incautious words surprise i 20 Behold, within the promised land. Still faithless to tne Lord's command. The long devoted nations spar'd : Plac'd 'midst their tribes their works they learn, To their vain helpless idols turn, Their souls in heathen guilt ensnar'd : The demon gods their worship gain. In their base rites their children slain. 21 Sweet innocents! your blood was shed, Beneath a parentis hand ye bled, To Canaa?i's murderous idols pour'd ! Around the crimson torrent flows, The reeking earth polluted grows. What judgments for His land are stor'd 1 33 1- PSALM 106. StainM by the follies they devise, Th' adultVous race His wrath defies. ?2 Thy wrath. Great God ! no more delays, Mo more Thy grace Thy justice stays, Its kindling rage Thy land abhors ; Thou bid'st the heathen victVy gain, In terror o'er Thy people reign, — The hostile host Thy land devours : Thy saints in vile subjection rest, Beneath relentless foes opprest. PART IV. 23 Oft did the Lord to Israel prove His mighfest potc'r — His kindest love; Oft, by their sins provok'd, withdrew, An4 Israel deep affliction knew. 24 But, when again He hears their pray'r, Again His Church beholds His care; Their cries ascending to His throne. He makes their griefs ai.d /ears His own, 25 His covenant truth recall'd to mind, He turns— repents — to grace incliu'd : He saves— and bids compassion rest In the stern victor's haughty breast, 26 Thus, Mighty God! Thine aim awake. The povc'rs of hell and Satan break ; Then to Thy name our songs we'll raise, And triumph while Thy grace we praise. 21 Jehovah, Israel's God proclaim, With euvll'ss blessings on His name! Earth in the loud Amen accord, And shout in praises to the Lord. PSALM CVIL— Part I. THE redeemed of the Lord are here exborted to praise Him, for Hi« redeeming power nnd grace These are iUustrated by a reference t© His conduct towards travellerSf or the Israelites in the wilderness ; by the state of miserabV captivti delivered I y His hand ; l>y His at- tention to the prayer of men in deep njffltction, under chastisement for their sin ; by the deliverance of Mariners in a storm ; and by th« various changes in His providence, in His correction* for guilt, •» PSALM 107. 335 TestoratioB upon repentance. Each part concludes with the same beautiful chorus, or invitation to all mankind to praise the Lord for His goodtiessf &c. The whole closes with a declaration that the wist will consider, and shall understand, the various dispensations andl ways of the Lord. 1 With grateful songs surround His throne, Whose goodness o'er the earth is known ; Whose mcrcy^ boundless as His name, Flows thro' eternity the same ! 2 Ye ransom''dy whom His love secures, Yours is the grace ; the strains be yours : By Him redeemed, His mercy tell, Who sav'd you from the pow'rs of hell, 3 From East to Wesfy from South to Northj His goodness sent His Gospel forth : He call'd ; and, as His^r«ce inclin'd, Bow'd to His truth your willing mind. 4 When IsraeVs tribes, condemn'd to stray, Wander the desert's dreary way, With hunger faint, with thirst oppresf, No shelt'ring city yields its rest. D Then, 'midst their sorrows, urg'd by fear, Their louder cries engage His ear : And still His Church behold His powV, W^hich saves them in the dang'rous hour. ^ He leads them, tho' unseen His hand, In the best way to Canaan's land ! His wisdom all His Church shall guide, Where near His ihrone His saints reside. 7 Oh that the sons of men would raise Their tribute to Jehovah's praise ! Would speak His goodness^ and declare The wonders which their children share ! 8 The holy thirst that pray'r incites, He'll satiate with His best delights: He bids the hungry soul abound. And pours His goodness all around. S36 PSALM 107. PART II. 9 In darkness and the shades of death How sinners waste their vital breath ! Bound in affliction s iron chains, What anguish o'er their soul remains ! 10 Their hearts rebel against the Lord, Refuse His gract ; despise His Word ; The warnings of His love defy ; The counsels of tlie Lord most high! 11 He bids His anger o'er them rest, And guilt disturbs the conscious breast, They fall ; no friendly aids console ; Nor hope sustains the trembling soul. 12 Then, urg'd by helpless grief and care, With importunity of prayV, To God they fly His sov'reign grace Hears and relieves them from distress, 13 His mercy beaming from on high, Darkness and death's deep shadovcs fly; The Prisoner, with exulting mind. Leaps into day — his bonds resign'd. 14- Oh that the sons of men w^ould raise Their tribute to J"ehovah's praise ; Would speak His goodness ; and declare The wonders which their children share! 15 The gates of brass obey His hand. Nor bars of steel His arm withstand. Nor sin nor guilt shall grace delay, When weeping penitents ca.n pray. PART III. 16 Alas ! the sorrows of the mind To vanity and sin resign'd ! Fools in their griefs their folly see, And strew their path with misery. 17 What anguish do their vices store I Their lothing souls their food abhor : They sink dismay'd — (what sorrows rend 1) And to the ^ates of death descend. PSALM 107. 3.-^7 18 Then, urg'd by helpless grief apd care. With importunity of pray'r, To God they fly ; His sovVeign grace Hears and relieves them from distress. 19 He sends His Word — how kind the voice ! The weeping penitents rejoice : Plis promise bids their fears depart, And heals and saves the wounded heart, 20 Oh that the sons of men would raise Their tribute to Jehoyah's praise! Would speak His goodness ; and declare The wonders which their children share. 21 AVbere'er His holy altars rise Present your grateful sacrifice ; And, glory 'ng in the s^riovR^s name^ The wonders of His grace proclaim. PART IV. 22 Lo ! o'er the sea, in towVing pride, The stately ships majestic ride : The navy all its thunders bears, Or the light feet its freight prepares. 23 Bold are the men, whose nature braves With firm contempt th' uncertain waves ; These, Mighty Lord! Thy works survey. Thy wonders in th' unfathom'd sea. 24 He speaks ; the stormy winds arise, Up mount the billows to the skies, They touch the heav'ns : — then backward flow. And rush upon the depths below, 25 The stout heart melts — the terror feels, See to and fro the sailor reels ; As men by wine oppress'd they roll, Nor skill nor courage fills the soul. i26 Then, urgM by helpless grief and care, With importunity of pray'r. To God they fly ; His sov'reign gracti Hears and relieves them from distress, 2« 338 PSALM JOT. 27 He speaks — 'tis calm — the winds repose, No more the stormy tempest blows : The silent waves their station keep, Diflusd upon the peaceful deep. 28 The mariner, his cares resign'd, With grateful joy, with tranquil mind, The ways of Providence adores, Till guided to the wish'd-for shores. 29 Oh that the sons of men would raise Their tribute to Jehovah's praise! Would speak His goodness; and declare The tDonders which their children share I 30 Sav'd from the deep, His call obey; Withifl His courts your vows repay; Oh praise Him; — aud exalt His name, Where all His saints His grace proclaim. 31 When guilt lies heavy on the land. His works obey His just command, His scorching heat consumes the ground, . And spreads a wilderness a.TO\ind, 32 The channel of the copious stream Stands dry — nor 'midst the sultry gleam Flows the sweet spring ; all nature dies, And earth a dreary desert lies. .S3 But, when a«;ain, His judgments known, His penitents surround His throne. With shoic'rs of blessings from on high, His streams the parched grounds supply. 34 Thro' the rich land the rivers flow, The fields with /rwi7 luxuriant grow. There cities rise — the people rest, With peacc^ and laws, and commerce blest, 35 Then, o'er the ever fertile soil, The husbandman renews his toil. He sows, he plants, and o'er the field His vines ihe'ir fruit and fragrance yield. PSALM 107. S3» 36 'Tis God — His blessing He commands, And spreads abnndance o'er the lands ; Their Jlocks and herds His hand confess, And crowd the Jields with vast increase. 37 Then, lest around the sword He send. Oh praise Him ; and on Him depend ; Lest pow'r oppress^ and sorrows spread, Your comforts with His favour fled. 38 When Princes, with their pow'r elate, Forget the meanness of their state. He scorns their pride, their boasted birth, And casts them wand'rers o'er the earth. 39 Yet still the poor afflicted find TAn providence benignly kind; Their num'rous seed to honours grow, And wealth and/ame His hands bestow, 40 The just shall dwell upon the sight. With sacred joy and sweet deligbt : While sinners with amazement gaze, Aw'd into silence at His ways. 41 Here will the wise ihe'iT faith renew, They search His works ; His wonders view $ And thus, with rich instruction stor'd. Shall know how gracious is the Lord ! PSALM CVII.— Ver. II.—Part 1, 1 With songs of grateful praise Surround Jehovah's seat, His goodness and His ways Thro' all the earth repeat : His mercy rose I And from His throne Ere time was known, j Eternal flows ! 2 Ye ransom'd of the Lord, To you the strains belong. His boundless grace record^ In a triumphant song : 2g2 340 PSALM 107. That mercy tell, I Your ransom paid, Whose^^oicV displayed | From death ^vlA htlL S He bade His light arise, And sent His Gospel forth ; From East to West it flies, And fills the South and Ntrth : His sovereign grace | And willing hearts Its pow'r imparts, | His truth embrace. 4 Thro' the waste desert led, His chosen Israel goes, No city lifts its head. No shade invites repose: With hunger pin'd, I Their fainting breast With thirst opprest, | To death reclin'd« 5 Then, urg'd by anxious fear. To G^D they rais'd their cry. He bade His grace appear, His sov"* reign mercies fly : Then in the hour | Their tribes confess Of deep distress, j His saying pow'r! 6 So thro' the desart land Where countles*s dangers hide, His wisdom and His hand In the right way shall guide : Till all above | Where saints remain : His C%gain, j Sweet realms of love! 7 Oh then that Men would raise Their tribute to His name. Would speak Jehovah's praise^ His goodness to proclaim : His wonders show ; I Which round our rac« Wonders of grace ; J Abundant flow ! 8 His works of nature prove His providential care ; He answers in His love The just desires of pray'r: An endless round I And bids the soia His ^oodne^f runs, | Of want abound. PSALM 107. 34i PART II, 9 Sinners oft in darkness rest, Guilty fears becloud the mind. By afflictive sorrows prest, Iron chains of mis'ry bind : 'Tis Thy wrath against them flies, When Thy warnings they df^fy. When Thy counsels they despise, And reject the Lord most high ! 10 Then the trembling conscious heart Bows beneath Thy angry stroke: Peace, and joy, and Ao2)e depart ; All the springs of life are broke : Press'd by sorrow, urg'd by pain. Sinners, sinking to the grave. Look around, but look in vain. None will pity — none can save! 11 Then to Thee, my God, they cry. Then Thy povor and truth confess, While Thy grace and mercy fly Swift to save them from distress ; Ileav'nly light surrounds the mind, Death'' s incumbent shadows flee, Ail their bonds of guilt resign d, Grace proclaims the prisoner /re«. 12 Oh that Men their songs would raise, All His goodness to declare ; All Jehovah's wonders praise. Wonders which their children share! Gates of brass or bars of steel Shall no more His grace delay, He His mercy will reveal. When the penitent can pray. PART iir. 13 Ah, while fools regardless rove, Wand'ring from the ways of God, Ah what griefs, what fears they prove. From the Lord's correcting rod : Vice, with pain and mis'ry stor'd. Big with guilt, the conscience rends, 2g3 342 PSALM 107. Till the soul, its food abhorr'd. To the gates of death descends. 14 Then to Thee, my God, they cry. Then Thy poicr and truth confess. While Thy grace and mercy fly Swift to save them from distress: Sweet the promise of Thy Word^ Healing to the wounded heart. There Thy wierr]/, giacious Lord, Waits salvation to impart, 15 Oh that Men their songs would raise. All His goodness to declare 1 All Jehovah's wonders praise, Wonders which their children share! Where His holy altars rise, Let His saints adore His name ; There present their sacrifice. And with joy His works proclaim! 18 Lo ! o' er the stormy main, The manners prepare The arts of cojumerce to maintaiif. Or tempt the tear: With native courage stor'd, Their pathless way they keep. And view the wonders of the Lord, Thro' all the deep. 17 He speaks — the tempest fliesj Borne on the rapid cloud ! Up mount the billows to the skies, Above they crowd : Then back retorted pour, Till down the currents flow. And sweep, with a tremendous roar. The depths below I 18 No more the melting soul The dreaded tempest braves ; Toss'd to and fre the sailors roll Amidst the wavei : PSALM 107. Si5 Tuey reel from side to side. As men by wine opprest, Kor courage aids, nor skill can guide Th' uncertain breast, 19 Then to the Lord they cry. Again His arm appears, He sends deliv'rance from on high^ And sooths their fears : He bids the storm be still. No more the tempest blows, Tis calmy the sea obeys His will. Its waves repose. to Thro'^ all their dangers brough^y Their tears and cares resigo'd, Their sorrows and their /ears forgot, J^y fills the mind : His mercies they adore, \]\> providence they prove. Till safe npon the icisk'd-for shorty The^or^ they love. tl Oh let the Human Race Jehovah's goodness show. Those wonders of His poic'r and grae§ Their children know : SavM from the wafry deepy The heav'nly call obey, And, where His saints their Sabbaths keep-. Your lEOws repay. S2 When o'^er the Jand, with gnilt opprest^ Jehovah's righteous judgments rest, He bids their streams be dry ; He spreads a mlderness aroaud, Kor springs adorn the barren graund, 'Sor fruiis delight the eye* Again He hears His supplianfs cries, '^Midst desert lands His streams arise, And rich the vcrdurt grows; 344. PSALM 107. There cities spread — the people rest, AVith peacCy and laws, and comnieicz blest. And all that art bestows. 21 The husbandman prepare- the soil. He soics — lie plants ; nor vain his toil | His i'/«e.v abundant yield : 'Tis CIoD — the land His bounties bless. He bids ihejiocks and herds increase, And crowd the grassy field. 25 But, lest around his vengeance pour. The foe oppress, the plague de\'bur, Confess His gracious hand : Soon, if He turn His face away, AJlictions rise ; tlie sicord shall slay ; And sorrows spread the land, PART vr. 26 When Princes, T\ith their pow'r elate, P'orget the meanness of their state. He scorns their pow'r and pride: He scorns the glory of their birth. And bids them wander o'er the earth. Or in the desert hide. 27 Then shall the poor, to want consign'd. His providential bounty find, And know His gen'rous care : Their num'rous seed Wke flocks shall grow. His hand its honours shall bestow, And icealth and fame prepare. 28 This shall the jus^ with joy discern. While sinners aw'd His justice learn, And gaze w ith silent shame : The tvise, whose minds the theme pursue, The kindness of the Lord shall view, And all His love proclaim. PSALM CVIII.— rARTl. THIS Psalm begimvith the closing part ot Psalm LVII. vewc 7— II, and clostg whh the latter part of Psalm LX vers* 5—12: which see.— Tha Psalmist would elevate his ova heart and ours to praiM Cod, f«r PSALM 108. 545 the exaltation of His viercy and truth. And, in remembrance of Hit promise to Flis Messiah, lie triumphs in the assurance of victory and 9iilvati»Hf. where human power end wisdom are vain, and must ior ever 1 ]VI Y heart is fix'd : Eternal God ! I'll sound Tliy honours all abroad : My glory shall exalt the song, My willing soul inspires my tongue. 2 Awake my lute, my harp awake, I'll rise before the morning break. My strains of gratitude prepare, And thro' the lands Thy praise declare, 3 Beyond the heav'ns, a boundless height* Thy Mercy reigns in realms of light j Thy Truth above the cloudy plains Unchanging as Thyself remains* 4 Be Thou, O God, exalted high. Extend Thy name above the sky, O'er all the earth Thy glory raise. Let all the earth pronounce Thy praise. ^ So let Thy Church their triumph prove. Thy Church, bless'd object of Thy love ! Thy own right-hand for strength prepare. And hear, oh hear, Thy servant's pray'r. PART II. as before. Psalm LX. 12 Who shall my soul to vict'ry lead ? What arra my cause triumphant plead? The powrs of earth and hell control. And with salvation bless my soul ? 13 Will not my God his aid afford ? We mourn Thy absence, gracious Lord: When all the pow'rs of hell unite, Wilt Thou not arm us for the fight ? 14 Save us, Jehovah, God of hosts! Vain is the strength which nature boasts j When guilt, or fears, or troubles rise. Id vain our hope on man relici. 346 PSALM 108. 15 'Tis God who holds our courage up; Supports our arm ; sustains our hope: Jesus, who crush'd the Serpents head. On high o'er evVy foe shall tread. PSALM CVIII.— Ver. II.— PartI. 1 My heart is fix'd; — AU-gradous God, To Thee I'll rai>e the song: My glory I'll frame, Thy praise to proclaim, And join both my heart and my tongue^ 2 Awake my lute, awake my harp; Ere yet the morning rise, His praises to speak, My slumbers I'll break, And shout with my voice to the skies. 3 Thy honours I'll proclaim abroad, To all tiie nations round ; My voice I'll prepare. Thy praise to declare. Till the lands with Thy glory resound. 4 Beyond the heav'ns, a boundless height! Thy sovereign Mercy reigns: Thy Truth fix'd on high, O'er the clouds in the sky, Unchang'd as Thy nature remains! 5 Be Thou exalted, O my God, O'er heav'ns expanded frame : To earth's utmost end Thy glories extend. Exalt o'er the earth Thy great name, 6 So let Thy Church del iv' ranee prove, Bless'd object of Thy love ! Thy victory show, Salvation bestow y And answer my pray'r from above, TART II. as before. PSALM 108. 347 PART III. 13 What mighty arm my cause can plead, Or save my trembling soul ? Behold, how my foes My spirit enclose, What hand can their fury control? 14 Will not m^/ God His pow'r display, Tho' earth and hell unite ? Thine absence we mourn. My SAVIOUR return. And arm us ; and crown in the fight, 15 Save us, O God, Thine aid afford, When storms of trouble rise; Thine arm is divine ! But 'tis vain to recline On the arm of a creature that dies! 16 'Tis God our courage shall sustain, And make our victVy sure : Our SAviouRy our God, On the Serpent hath trod. And in Him our salvation's secure. PSALM CIX.— Part I. UNDER a prophetic allusion to Judas and the Jevcs, a denunciation is passed on all the enemies of Messiah; the whole of v,hich should be read in the future tense. Here the Redeemer complains of His bitter reproach and miseries, and the helpless state of His human nature, in His sufferings; but prays for deliverance, and triumphs in the confi- dence of it, through the poveer and truth of God. In this the Believer may join, as Rom> vii. 14, to end ; and viii. 1, &c. 33, &c. 1 X HOU glorious theme of all My praise. While to Thy throne My cries I raise. Great God, no more in silence wait, Regardless of My dang'rous state. 2 Around My soul the wicked throng, The treach'rous lips, the lying tongue; Thus the redeemer's plaints arose, Amidst the malice of His foes. 4 Si^S PSALM 109. 3 Their words a flaming torrent flovr. But causeless is the hate they show : The Scribe and Priest their rage impart^ But love and pity melt His heart. 4 Still for His foes His pray Vs arise, *' Fjther^ forgive ;' the sjfiour cries t Tho' for His ^race with wrath they burn. And hatred for His love return, [Supplemcntan,-.] 5 Taught by my dying Lord, I'll show^ Forgiveness to my bitterest foe : And 'midst their rage, with humble nikid. Be gentle, pitiful, and kind^ PART lU 6 But, while rage His foes unites. He whom wickedness delights, Satan, their accuser^ stands: Dread the charge, ye impiocs bands. 7 Lojthe treacherous leader comes. Justice first his ruin dooms : God, for justice is His care, . Turns abhorrent from his pray'r. 8 While against the just he prays. Guilt shall soon complete his days. None the limit shall enlarge. But another take his charge. 9 Then no more a. father s care Shall his helpless orphans share. And his tci/e, in wldow'd state. Weep — distress'd! disconsolate! iO O'er the solitary way. Shall the hated vagrants stray ; There their scanty bread implore. Or by rapine seek for more. tl There th' oppressor, with disdain. Forces back their ill-got gain : Vain their care, and vain their toils, Strangers riot in their spoils. P5ALM 109. 5VJ 1? None their mercy shall extend, Nor his orphan race defeDd : Quick they yield their fated lives, Nor their name the age survives. 13 Never by the Lord forgot All the crimes his parents wrought^ Till the race, so stain'd in birth. Perish ; blotted from the earth. 14 Mercy, stranger to his breast, Never pitied the distrest: He with hate pursues the pooi% Breaks the broken heart still more. 15 As he loves the curse to call. Curses on his seed shall fall : Blessings ne'er delight his mind, Nor shall he the blessing find. 16 Curses from his lips abound. As his garment clothes him round : While the Lord, with griefs and cares, Mixture of His wrath prepares. 17 God His vengeful anger sheds. Thro' his bones as oil it spreads; As his robe around him flows, Or as girdles fast inclose. 18 Thus the Lord shall blast their joy ^ Thus Messiah's foes destroy : Vengeance on their head shall fall, Who on Him for vengeance call. PART IT. 19 " Almighty God, Jehovah, rise, " Maintain my cause," the saviour cries j '* For Thine own name Thy pow'r display;" And thus like Him His servants pray. 20 Sweet is Thy Mercy, heavenly Kiivc, Haste, let Thy arm salvation bring ; For helpless, poor, with guilt opprest. My heart lies wounded in my breast, Sst 350 PSALM 109. 21 M-days, which move unnotic'd on, Swift as the cvning shades are gone; By guilt and fear my soul is cast As locusts on the stormy blast. S2 Scarce can my trembling knees sustain, Or raise my sinking frame again : By fastings worn, my flesh decays, The shadow of my former days. 23 Lo ! while Thy judgments o'er me roll, They pour reproaches on my soul : Around they throng, by malice borne, And gazcy and shake their heads in scorn. 24 Rise, Mighty God ! Thy help prepare. Abundant as Thy Mercies are ! And, thro' the world, in pow'r divine, Show that my injured cause is 2'hine, PART V. 25 With curses round His cross they press, But God shall still His serfant bless, Till shame o'er all His foes shall spread, And joy and victWy crown His head. 26 They, who my injury conspire, From their vain rage asham'd retire : Back on themselves their malice thrown, They bind their own confusion on, 27 To Thee, Eternal Lord, I'll raise The noblest tribute of my praise ; To wond'ring crowds Thy grace proclaim. Till sinners bless the saviour^ s name. 28 Jehovah near, frora«v'ry charge, Set the REDEEMER'S soul at large; So shall the poor His care enjoy. Nor sin condemn^ nor hell destroy ! PSALM ex.— Part I. THE exaltation of the Redeemerio the throne of His kiogdom ; His »ic- tory over the hearts of His people, whereby they become His vailUng suiject*;— the nature and eternitu of His jjviesthood; His sHfferinj(< PSALM 110. 351 !iy the way; — flis conquest and exaltation. It is appointed by the Church for Ckristmns-Day. Let us sing it with holy joy and confi- dence, through the humiliation and exaltation of our Redeemery Adv^- tate, and King. 1 tTEHdV.\H 5peaA:s ,•-— while Heav'n attends, Jesus, my Lord, His throne ascends : At His right-hand He bids llim sit, Till at His feet His foes submit. 2 Cloth'd nith the strength Thine arm suppliei, In Zion shall Thy sceptre rise : Thence s!iall Thy spirit and Thy Word Extend Thy Kingdom, Mighty Lord ! 3 Rule, GREAT REDEEMER I 'midst Thy foes The triumphs of Thy cross disclose : Thy people, when Thy pow'r is known, "With willing hearts shall crowd Thy throne. 4 In rohes of holiness arra\'d, How beauteous round Thy Church display'd ! A numerous seed Thy grace shall view, More than the drops of morning dew. 5 The Lord hath sworn ; — His w ord shall stand; He ne'er repents His high command : " Thou Shalt th' Eternal Priesthood take, " In order of 3Ielchisedec." 6 Eternal God ! we see Him rise, Jesus the Lord ascends ihe skies; At Thy right-hand He sits supreme, And prostrate Kings adore His name. 7 O'er Gentile lands He spreads His sway, The world shall perish, or < bey : Its Princes shall His Truth embrace, Orf»el His wraths or own His grace, S He deeply drank the streams of woe; The torrents all His path overflow : But from His cross, ihe triumph won, He rises to th' eternal throne ! ^ 2 h2 552 PSALM 110. PSALM ex.— V«R. H.—Patit I. 1 Jehovah spake the word, Heav'n hears the his;h command, He calls to Christ, my Lord, " Ascend to My right-hand^ '* There sit supreme, I " Thy foes submit, «» Till at Thy feet, | « And bail Thy name. 2 ** Thy sp/Kir's|?ot£?Vand grace, *' Thy sceptre shall sustain ; •' From Zioii's sacred place; " And fix Thy endless reign : " Thy Truth shall shine | " And nation? know *' Thro' earth below, j *' Thy pow'r divine.** 6 Jesus, ascend Thy throne. And all Thy foes dismay ; "Where'er Thy pow'r is showB, Thy people shall obey : Thy sov'reign hand I And willing hearts Its grace imparts, j Adoring stand, 4 Then as Thy poor's display'd. In holiness They shine. How beauteously array'd ! Their glories arc divine ! Their off'rings rise I And monnt above In faith and /owe, | These lower skies. 5 Thy grace^ disclosed anew, A nuni'rous seed shall yield, As drops of morning dew^ Which glitter o'er the field : F.ternal Lord \ I Thy pow'r display, Oh, haste the day, \ And own Thy Word, PART II. 6 The Lord Jehovah sware. Nor will His oath disclaim ; " Thou shalt the Priesthood bear, *' Eternal as Thy name : " His order take, | " The type of Thine, " Whose glories shine, | " 3lelchii€dec»'* PSALM 111. 353 7 At Thy right-handy my God, I see the saviovr rise ; He spreads Hi; pow'r abroad, Who dares oppose Him dies : The Gew/zVe lands I And Kings obey Shall own His sway, | His high commands. 8 His vengeance or His grace Shall bend His stoutest foe : Princes His I'ruth embrace, Or all Uh judgments know : His arm shall wield I And to His Word Th' eternal sword, j The nations yield, 9 The streams of sorrow rose, Thro' ail His path they stood ; Around the ^orren^ flows, He drank the bitter flood: His love alone I But thence He gains The cross sustains, J Th' eternal throne ! PSALM CXI.— Part T. AN exhortation to praise God for His glorious works of Creation, Provi- dence, and Redemption. From which the Psalmist justly infers that no one begins to be truly wise, till he fears and serves God. It is appointed by our Church for Easter- Day, when we celebrate the completion of all these wonders. 1 C/H praise th' Eternal king, My heart shall join the song, Where friends ihe'ir private offerings bring, Or where His courts they throng. 2 In all His works and ways His greatness strikes the sights There all His saints His wonders trace, With ever-fresh delight. 3 But, oh, what wonders meet. And in redemption shine! There all His honours are complete, His glories are divine i 4 His righteousness appears, And stands for ever sure, 2h3 354 PSALM 111. 'Tis everlasting as His years, And shall His Church secure! 5 Let saints His work record. Nor e'er forget His ways: Mark how His sacred rites afford Memorials of His ^race. 6 How gracious is His name f His waiting saints shall find Jesus their Lord is still the same. Compassionate and kind ! 7 They shall His bounty prove, Who rev'rence His commands; Nor w ill He e'er forget the love On which His covenant stands. S His pow'r on earth displayed Shall all His saints supply, Overall their foes triumphant made; But glory waits on high I PART III. t His works how just their frame t And His commands how sure ! Tht promises His lips proclaim For ever stand secure. 10 His truth and justice shine. In all His works confest: But boundless grace and glories ^o\ny And in redemption rest ! 1 1 The Son the message bears, Jesus the ransom gives; The Gospel all His grace declares. The sinner hears and lives. 12 His covenant and His Word For ever stand the same ; How holy is th' Eternal Lord ! How rev'rend is His name I 13 'Tis wisdom'' s first concern To fear ^ and keep His vray» ? PSALM 111, 355 The highest lesson Man can learn :— Eternal be His praise! PSALM CXI.— Ver. II.—Part I. 1 Praise ye the Lord : ray heart and tongue In willing strains shall join the song; Where'er the private band resorts, Or 'midst His saints, who crowd His courts, 2 In all His works what glories shine, And speak His majesty divine! His saints, who dwell upon the sight. There search His wonders with delight. 3 But, in His work of saving powW^ Hii highest glories we adore ; There all His n^A^cowsness appears, And shines thro' everlasting years ! 4 In kind memorials of His gra<:e His Church His loorks of wonder trace : Jehovah, all His saints shall find, Is loving y pitiful, and kind! 5 lie feeds His saints, their 5^ren^?/i completes j Nor e'er His promises forgets : On earth they taste His grace and lovcy But endless glory waits above! PART If. C The Lord in all His works and ways }i\s judgment and His powW displays: HowjMs^, how holy. His commands ! His Word thro' endless ages stands. 7 There all His truth and jMs-^/ce shine; His glories in redemption '^om : He sends the sAviovn from His throntfj And makes His boundless mercy knowu. S In HIM He fix'd His covenant sure. His promises remain secure, Thro' all eternity the same ; Holy and r^v'nnd ia Hi» name i 356 PSALM 112. 9 To fear Jehovah, and obey, Are ihi' Jirst steps in wisdom's way ; The highest knowledge gain'd below : Then let His praise eternal flow. PSALM CXII. THE blessedness of the upright and benevolent man, of whom a charac. ter is given, applicable iu its iuUest extent to the God-man^ the/ou«. tnxn of benevolence and grace, and, in a mOre limited sense, to His saints who follow His example. They are most blessed who are most like Him. 1 JL RAISE ye the Lord: the man is bless'd, "NVhose heart, with sacred fear impress'd, By His commands directs its way, His highest pleasure to obey : His seeji on earth shall rise to fame, And fix a blessing on their name. 2 His house, with vceallh and riches stor'd, Shall taste the bounties of the Lord ; His heav'n-taught soul, by grace sincere, Shall in His righteousness appear: Thro' endless ages brighter grows. The righteousness the Lord bestows, 3 When round the Just afflictions rise, And sorrows darken o'er his skies, Some beam shall break — some heavnly ray. Shall turii the darkness into day : The heart that's gracious, just, and kind. The Pity of the Lord shall find. 4 He, who with genWous goodness g]o\vs, His bounty on the poor bestows ; To tott'ring credit yields the loan, And with discretion guards His own : - Secure he stands — his name remains ; The Just immortal mem'ry gains! 5 No tidings shake his steadfast soul, Who fears the Lord; the tempests roll, Unmov'd his heart;— no fears surprize j He boldly on the Lord relies : PSALM 113. Serene, while here his hopes repose. He views the ruin of his foes. fj Around his charity he deals, The poor his gen'rous bounty feels ; Like Him, whose everlasting love Pours endless blessings from above, And bids a race of sinners know The bounty which His hands bestow ! 7 Array'd in righteousness divine. His saints thro' endless years shall shine ; Plac'd on His throne, His just reward, They shall be near and like their Lord ; There from their foes triumphant rest. With everlasting honours blest I 8 Then, while the Just their joys renew. The wicked shall their triumph view ; With grief their glorious state survey. And gnash their teeth — and melt away: Their hopes and guilty wishes fled, 'Midst endless darkness and the dead I oOi PSALM CXIIL AN exhortation to all creation to praise the Lord, for His glory ; for Hi« condescension ; tor His exaltation of the poor and needy to be the Kings and Priests of our God; and for the displays of His power iu causing the barren to hecome fruitful . This may b« considered as an. emblem of the barren state of the Gentile nations, and tJ»e aniazin t^ displays of His power in their conversion, and Ihe establishment of the Christian Church among them, by rendering them fruitful iu numer- ous converts. — See Is. liv. i ; Gal. iv. 27, 8ic. Surely our Church en- tertained this view 0/ it, when she appointed it as part of her serric* on Easter-Day. 1 J7 RAISE ye the Lord ; your oflf'rings bring, Ye servants of th* immortal kijnr ; Jehovah, Israel's God, adore! Unite His honours to proclaim, With endless blessings on His namEj Till time and nature are no more. 2 Thro' the whole world extend His praise. Where'er the Hun^s refulgent rays 358 PSALM 113. From East to West encircling move: Hi^h o'er the earth His glories rise. Unbounded by the lower skies. Or brighter Heavens unseen above. 3 What Ileavniy Powers, w hat Angel, dare With Israel's God, the Lord, compare? Beyond their view enthron'd on high.' He bows His state His throne He ben(h. While Ileav'ns exalted praise ascends, Yei doii:n to earth directs His eye. 4 The poor His providence may trust, He lifts the needy from the dust, Rais'd from the dunghill to the throne: He hears thti peni lent :>^ complaints, Plac'd midst His children and His saints, The heirs of an immortal crown ! 5 When nature progeny denies, He bids a num'rous offspring rise. And turns a mothers grief to joy : So to the Church a numerous seed From Gentile nations shall proceed ; Then let His praise your songs employ! PSALM CXIII.— Ver. II.— Part I. 1 Praise ye the Lord : His praise record, Ye servants of the Eternal Lord : Jehovah's pow'r and grace proclaim, With endless honours on His kame! 2 Jesus, the xame which Angels bless. In strains of noblest praise confess: Ye saints, your rising Lord adore. Thro' time, till time shall be no more, S His HAME your highest songs should raise, Where'er the Sun its beams displays; Where all His morning glories rise. Or where he sinks in western skies. 4 Far rais'd o'er all created things. He sits : th' Eternal king of KingSi ! PSALM 113. 359 And spreads His glory and His fame Above the heav'n's expanded frame. PART II, 5 What Powers above^ what Angel, dare "With our exalted Lord compare ? High o'er their thrones, a boundless height ! He dwells in uncreated light ! 6 He bows, in condescending love, To view th' adoring hosts above ; Yet down to earth directs His eyes, Nor His^rs^ care to man denies ! 7 He lifts the poor (He hears their groan) From dust and dunghills to a throne ; Amidst His saints prepares their rest, With crowns of endless glory blest. 8 At His command the barren bears, The mother's breast her joy declares : So thro' the earth His Church shall raise A num'rous seed : — exalt His praise I PSALM CXIV. BY an allusion to the reverence manifested Ly inanimate nature, et the presence and power o{ Jehovah^ when leading His chosen tribes to Canaan, the Psalmist would raise up our aiinds to the fear and wor- ship of the Lord, and to adoring gratitude for the greater wondtrs of redemption. Ho our Church intended that we sliould consider itj when using it, according to her direction, on Easter-Day, 1 W HEN IsraeVs tribes, in firm array. From Egypfs coasts pursue their way, Where a strange tongue they heard ; Jehovah, majesty divine! In Judah bade His presence shine. And Israel own'd their Lord. 2 The Ocean saw ; the Ocean fled ; And Jordan backward to its head RoU'd its retorted flood : Like rams the lofty mountains leap : And lesser hills, Wke feebler sheep ^ In playful dancings stood. 3150 PSALM 115. 3 AVhat poT\*r diauia^'d, when Oceoji fled ? Vihy Jordan backward to ihy head Roll thy retorted flood ? AVhy like the rams ye mountains leap ? Or lesser hills as feebler sheep ? They own the present God ! 4 Tremble thoo earth before the Lord ; His presence, in His CAwrc/i ado r'd, Shall save His chosen race : Forth from the flint the founlains broke, At His command ; — And CiiitisT our uoct. Pours endless itreains of grace i PSALM CXV.— Part L |^Tb» with the Psalmist renounce all seU-dftpcnd-inc*, and gif* th« glory of our irifrctiow alone to the merctj and truth nf God. in th» JRedeemer. Then we may trutt His power, wbcse gl«r>' i» above all the idoU oi the heathen, or the false tlepcnJauce* of tbe «lnner. While He is our confidence, we may join to bUss ilinij aflSMttl of blessings from Him. 1 ]N OT to ourselves, Thou God of grace f Not to ourselves we give the praise : Nor strengthy nor i^ighteousness, we claim, We yield the glory to Thy name, 2 We plead Thy Mercy, Gracioas Lmid ! Rest on Thy Trtttk, and trust Thy Word: Why should onr foes exultina: say, *' Where's notjc their God remov'd away ?"' 3 Our God in Heav'n His throne maintains ; Our God o'er earth and nature reigns : And, when His ways are most unknown, Thro' the whole world His will is done. 4 But, lo ! their golden idols stand, The labour of a human hand : Their lips ne'er break the stated mould. Nor eyes their worshippers behold. h Prayer ne'er pervades their senseless ear^ And vain the odours risins; near, Vain are iheir liands^ their /ee/ are vain, Kor work, nor walk — uor speech tbey gain* PSALM 115. 361 6 Like them, as senseless and as blind, Who form a god without a mind, The creature of a creature worm ! How vain to trust the lifeless form ! 7 Let Israel in Jehovah trust. All-wise, all-powerful, good, and just ! Let priests and saints on Him recline, Our help! our shield ! whose arm's divide I 8 His saints Jehovah's bounty share. The objects of His constant care : And o'er His Church His blessings rest, Pour'd on the people and the priest* 9 The men nho fear His name shall know The bounties which His hands bestow: In Him the strong their safety find, The REFUGE of the feeblest mind. 10 His saints, who taste His richest grace^ In faith, aud hope, and joy, increase ^ Tiieir seed shall join the sacred mirt» Bless'd of the Lord of Heavn and earth. 1 1 The Heavn of Heax^i'ns expanded high Is His — His throne of majesty ! The ear^^ He gives, with bounties stor'd. To May} — creation's lower lord, 12 What sorgs can rise, with grateful breath. In silence, or the shades of death ? But God our sleeping dust shall raise, To speak His everlasting praise ! PSALM CXVI.— Part I. A song of praise, suiled to tlio?e, who, like the Psalmist, have found deliverance from scenes of peculiar distress. Let such adore the Lord for the grace of His nature ; rest upon Him as their only place of «e- surittj ; eucouTzge themselves in the faithfulness of His promistf when faith is about to fail; devote themselves to Him in His courts, and at His attar; and render the returns of gratitude and praisS' 2 I 362 PSALM 116, 1 I LOVE the Lord ; — 'midst grief and fear, He heard my mournful voice ; Down to my pray'r He bow'd His ear, And bade my soul rejoice. 2 Long as I live I'll seek His face, Whene'er my troubles rise : Before His seat my griefs I'll place, And there renew my cries. 3 "When the deep waves around me spread, And pains of death drew on, When /ears of hell my soul dismayed, My pray'r besieg'd His throne. 4 " My God, Thy mercy can control, " And cleave the 'whelming wave ; ** Lord, 1 beseech thee, save my soul. " And rescue from the grave." 5 How good, how gracious, is the Lord I How righteous, and how just! My Cod, how merciful Thy Word, On which Thy servants trust ! 6 The feeblest of His waiting saints May trust His guardian eye ; From loicest depths He heard my plaint?. And brought salvation nigh. PART ir. T Return, my soul, on God repose^ Thy sacred source or rest! His richest bounty round Thee flows. In Him again be blest. 8 Thy Meraj did my life recall. When near the grave I lay, JV'or left ray sliding feet to fall. But wip'd my tears away. 9 I'll spend the remnant of my days, Devoted to Thy love ; And, where the living speak Thy praise^ My gratitude approve. PSALM 116. 36S 10 'Twas faith my sinking mind sustain'd, And rais'd me from despair : My soul anew Thy help regain'd, In confidence of pray'' r. 11 But ah, in haste 1 silence broke ! And thus my murm'rings flow, '' How false (he words Thy Prophets spoke ?^^ But now Thy truth I know. PART III. 12 What shall I render to the Lord, Or how His praises spread, For blessings so profusely pour'd O'er all the paths I tread ? 13 I'll to His sacred altars haste. My gratitude proclaim : The cup of saving blessings taste, And thus invoke His name. 14 Amidst His saints, who worship there, I'll keep the solemn day, Present my praise, and urge my pray'r. And all my vows repay. 15 Thy saints are Thy delight, ray God, Thy hand preserves their breath : Dear is their life! and dear their blood! And precious is their death ! PART IV. 16 Lord, I am Thine, Thy servant see, And own Thy handmaid^ s son : Thy cross has set Thy servant free, And ransomed as Thy own, 17 My praise, a grateful sacrifice. Thy goodness shall proclaim : And in Thy courts my songs shall rise, "While I invoke Thy name. 18 Amidst Thy saints who worship there, I'll keep the solemn day. Present my praise, and urge my prayV^ And all mv vows repay, 2 I 2 364. PSALM 116. 19 Zion shall hear, the notes approve, And join the thankful son^ : Ye saints below, ye saints above, The grateful strains prolong. PSALM CXVI.— Veu. II.~Part I. 1 My soul will its love to Jehovah declare, Who heard when I mourn'd with my voice ; When I pour'd out my sorrows in fervour of pray'r, He reviv'd me, and bade me rejoice : His ear He inclin'd — Oh how rich was His grace. When in Mercy He bow'd from His throne ! As long as I live, in the time of distress, I'll call on Jehovah alone. 2 Encompass'd with sorrows of death and the grave, I sank, with the billoKs opprest, [wave. While the terrors of hell^ 'midst the deep rolling Picrc'd deeper, and harass'd my breast : I call'd on Jehovah (His name be ador'd !) Who alone conld my dangers control ; Oppress'd and afflicted, I cried to the Lord, *' Oh haste, and deliver my soul." 3 Jehovah, my saviovr^ is gracious and kind! His ways are all righteous and just! [mind ! How boundless the Mercy that dwells in His In His truth and His mercy I'll trust : Tho' feeble, tho' simple. He'll never despise, His saints shall e:xperience His aid ; From the depths of my sorrows He bade me arise. And His love in my triumph display'd. PART ir. 4 Return, O my soul, to thy fountain of re^t^ His bounties still round thee remain ; From tlie borders of death, when by sorrows opprest, He rais'd me to vigour again : He wip'd all my tears, as they fell from my eyes, Nor suffer'd my footsteps to slide ; PSALM 116. 365 In the land of the living His praise shall arise. And my steps in His way shall abide. 5 It was faith which snpported my soul in distress, Tho' sharp and severe was my grief ; I prayed — and my lips shall Thy Merey confess, For Thy Mercy commanded relief: [stroke. But in haste, when afflicted and griev'd by Thy My miirm'rings impatiently rose, ** How delusive the words which Thy Prophets have spoke P' But now on Thy truth I repose. PART III, 6 Oh, what shall I render, Jehovah, my Lord, For blessings of nature and grace! The cup of salvation His mercy hath pour'd My lips shall with triumph embrace: His name I'll invoke, and before all His saints I'll render my vows with delight, [plaints, His saints are His joy — for He hears their com- And how precious their death in His sight ! 7 Jehovah, my Lord, 'tis Thy servant adores, I'hy servant — I boast in the name ! The son of Thy handmaid Thy mercy implores, And Thy covenant promise I claim : Thy cross hath redeem' d me; Thy servant is free, And ransomed from guilt and from death ; My oft^'rings of praise are devoted to Thee, And my pray'r shall ascend w ith my breath. B In the 'midst of Thy saints I'll repay all my vows, And surrender my soul to the Lord ; I'll haste with delight to the courts of Thy house, AVherc Thy name and Thy mercy s ador'd i I'll bow in their worship — and join in their song, And my gratitude there I'll approve ; Ye saints in your anthems His praises prolong, Till ye praise Him still better above, 2iS 366 PSALM 117. PSALM CXVII.— Ver. I. AN exhortktioH to all iiatioDs to praise Godf for His Mercy and His Truth. These united form the glory of Redemptiotif and therefor* they so frequeutly occur in the Book of Psalms, as the uuitcd subjects of praise. 1 JLiET songs of endless praise From ev'ry nation rise, Let all the lands their tribute raise, To God, who rules the skies. 2 His Mercy and His Love Are boundless as His Name, And all eternity shall prove His 2'ruth remains the same ! Hallelujah ! PSALM CXVIT.— Ver. II. 1 Let all the lands, with grateful songs, To God their tribute raise: And earth, with all its various tongues, Rehearse Jehovah's praise. 2 His Mercy, in a boundless stream. Flows from His throne above: His Truth\ eternal as His Name, And endless as His Love. HaL PSALM CXVII.— Ter. IIL 1 Now to Jehovah's glory raise Thro' the whole earth the songs of praise ; People and lands of various name Record His acts — rehearse His fame. 2 Thro' all the world His Mercy s known, His Truth's eternal as His throne : To Him your highest praise belongs, Exalt the saviour in your songs. JlaJ, 1 PSALM CXVII.— Ver. IV. Praise the Lord with sounds of joy, AJl ye nations shout His praise, PSALM IIY. 367 Let His NAME your songs employ, And your noblest tribute raise : For His Mercy knows no bound, All His caints His kindness prove, And His Truth shall still be found Everlasting as His Love ! Hal, PSALM CXVII.— Ver. V. Praise the Lord thro' ev'ry nation, jVIan's whole race Shout His grace. Hail His great salvation! Oh, how rich His boundless Favour! Nature past. His Truth shall last. Praise th' Eternal saviour! Ilal, PSALM CXVIII.— Part L A fervent exhortation to praise God for His Mercy, confirmed by the Psalmist's own experience of the truth and gfoodness of the Lord, in his deliverance from trouble, and from all His enemies ; and in his exaltation to the throne. The whole is so indited as to be applicable to the Lord Messiah ; that " right-hand of Jehovah, which hath done ''valiantly,'' for tlie jo\ and triumph of His Church; that stone of heauty and gloi'v, \aid amidst the opposition of enemies, as the head' sioni^ of the corner, and the support of the Spiritual Temple. This fait cannot but excite our uond<'r, and deserves our confidence and praise. It is peculiarly suited for Easter Day, for which the Church hath appointed it. 1 W ITH grateful hearts Jehovah praise, The FovNTAiy of eternal grace! Thro' evry age His Mercy floras, Nvr distant end, nor limit, knoKS, 2 Now let His Church the triumph join, Shout, and proclaim in songs divine, *' Thro"* ey'ry age,^^ ^c. 3 Ye who the sacred priesthood bear, Thro' earth the joyful sounds declare, '' Thro' ev'ry age,'' S^c% 368 PSALM 118. 4 Ye saints, who /ear and love the Lord, Say, as His praise your hearts record, *' Thro' evry age,''^ bsc 5 I'll bless His name; — from deep distress 1 sought the Lord ; I ask'd His grace ; He heard me, and my soul enlarged, And from the bonds of guilt discharg'd. PART II. 6 Jehovah now my aid appears. Nor earth nor hell shall move my fears ; His arm my helpers shall sustain, And bid my soul its purpose gain. 7 'Tis better on the Lord to trust, Than rest on Man ; such dying dust ! 'Tis safer on His name to stay, Than Princes, whom the world obey. 8 Tho' num'rous foes surround my soul, His SAAfE their fury shall control : When hostile ranks around me pour, His NAME my vict'ry shall secure. 9 Like angry swarms, my raging foes Rise, and my trembling soul enclose : But perishM as the thorny flame. O'er all Til triumph in His name, PART m. 10 Ye powers of hell, your pointed dart, Aim'd with disdain, had reach'd my heart: Soon had I sunk, o'erwhelmM with fear, Had not the Lord, my help, been near, 11 AUpow'r and grace to God belong; He is my strength, and He my song ; He comes, ray saviour, from His throne, He comes to bring salvation down. 12 Lo ! rising from the tents of men, The voice of joy resounds again : His saints with Him the triumph claim, And shout salvation to His name, 13 His own right-hand its strength displays. In acts of valour and of ^racc : PSALM 118. 369 The cross, the tomby the throne, declare How vast His pow^r and glory are ! 14 For us Re conquers, tho' Jle dies; Behold the Mighty saviour rise! His own RIGHT-HAND ou high displays Its acts of valour and of grace! 15 I shall not die — Jehovah's care Exhaostrd nature shall repair ; My life prolong ; my health restore; His works of wonder to adore. 16 His hand, with chastisement severe. Had sunk w.y frame ; and rais'd my fear ; Yet did His love revive my breath, Nor yield me to the shades of death. 17 Then open to my grateful mind The gates for sacred acts des'gn'd ; I'll enter where His altars rise, With pray'r aud praise my sacrifice. 18 Jehovah, 'tis Thy Temple-Gate^ Where all Thy saints in worship wait: I'll praise Thee ; for Thou heard''st my pray'r 5 And own Thee my Sanation there. PART v 19 Behold the stone to honour rise! The STONE the erring world despise : Cast by the Builders in disgrace, It fills the Corners noblest place. 20 Jesus, whom Scribes and Priests disdain, Burst from the grave, o'er all shall reign : He rises;- by His Church confest Their rock! their confidence! tUelr rest ! 21 Lord, 'tis Thy work! — the pow'r is Thine, Which bids the grave its prey resign, Which bids the dying saviour rise ; We view the scene with w ond'ring eyes I S70 PSALM lis. "22 This is the day the Lord hath made. The day His rconders are display'd ! Ocr souls shall dwell upon the sight With holy joy, and sweet delight ! 23 Hosanna to the rising Lord ! By all His wond'ring saints ador'd ! Save w>\ we pray — all grace bestow, And bless, oh bless Thy Church below ! PART VI. 24 His head with endless blessings crown. Who comes from God the Father down: Ye, who within His temple wait, Adore His grace — His praise repeat. 25 God is the Lord, whose heav'nly light Dispels the gloomy shades of night : His grace and truth o'er earth arise, And beams of glory bless our eyes, 26 Now let His Church, with grateful mind. Their offerings at His altars bind ; For Him thsir sacrifice prepare ; The grateful sounds o^ praise and pray" r, 27 Thou art 7ny God ; to Thee I'll bring My noblest praise, immortal king ! My sAFiovR, Thee my God I own ; And bow, and w orship at Thy throne ! 28 Let grateful hearts Jehovah praise, The FOUNTAIN OF ETERNAL GRACE ! Thro" ev^ry age His Mercy flows, Nor distant end nor limit knows ! PSALM CXVIII.— Ver. II.— Part V. [Repeated in S. M-] 19 Behold the living stone To endless honours rise! There shall His Church recline alone, Tho' Priests and Scribes despise. 20 The Builders in disgrace Had cast this stone awav ; PSALM 118. 371 But now it fills the noblest place, And tiiere my hopes I lay. '21 The building it sustains, And binds the structure sure ; Head of the Corner it remains, Eternally secure ! 2^ O Lord, the act is Thine ! Thou bidst the saviour rise ! Thou bidst the grave its prey resign ! *Tis wondrous in our eyes 1 93 This is the glorious day Jehovah made His own ! Our holij triumph we'll display. And worship at His throne. 24 To Thee in highest songs Hosanna we proclaim ; Jesus, to Thee the praise belongs, Salvation to Thy name ! 25 Lord, hear our humble pray'r^ Oh save us from above, And let Thy Church enjoy Thy care, And prosper in Thy love. PART VI. 28 Ye saints aloud proclaim, The great redeemer's praise. Descending in His father's name, With messages of grace. 27 His waiting saints are blest, His Church with bounty stor'd. On Thee let endless blessings rest, Our S.4FI0VR and our Lord ! "28 Our God the Lord we own, And from His Word we trace The light uhich makes His glory known, Bright beams of Truth and Grace, 29 Then at His altars bind Your grateful sacrifice ; With willi!]g heart and cheerful mind, Let ^raifr and praise arise. 372 PSALM 118. 30 Jesus, Thy name I bless, And Thee my God adore: Let all the earih Thy pow'r confess, Till Heavn exalt Thee more. 31 Oh thank tir Eternal Lord ; Thro' earth \\'\% goodness flows ; The Mercy by Hi- Church ador'd Nor end nor measure knows. PSALM CXVIII.— Ver. III.— Part V. [Repented in C M.] 19 Behold the sto.se Jehovah chose! Tho' Priests and Scribes despise : Plac'd midst the hatred of His foes, The sure foundation lies. 20 Tho' Jewish Builders with disgrace This living stose disdain, It fills the Angle's noblest place, And shall His Church sustain, 21 The \vork, Almighty Lord, was Thine ! We view with wond'ring eyes The grave its victory resign ! The dying SAVIOUR rhe I 22 This is the day Jehovah made, With all His honours blest : Jesus to-day His pow'r displayed, And enter'd to His rest ! 23 Let earth rejoice; let shouts of joy Thro' all His Temples ring ; Our songs of triumph we'll employ, And hail th' ascended king ! 24 Hosanna to our rising Lord ! Thy glorious vict'ry show : Save us, we pray ; — in Heav'n ador'd. Oh bless Thy Church below. PART VI. 25 AH blessings on His head proclaim, Who leaves His heav'nly throne, PSALM lis. 373 Descending in His father's name. To bring salvation down. 2els the shades of night, And spreads His glory round. 28 Come, bind your grateful sacrijiccy And at His altars bend ; Let holy praifr and praise arise. And in His courts ascend. §9 Thou art my God, Thy name I'll bless, Thy praise employs my tongue : My Gou my SAvior:R I confess, Let Pleav'n renew the song. 50 Praise ye the Lord — The Lord is good; Exalt the thankful strain : From endless years His mercy fiow'd, And endless shall remain ! PSALM CVIIT.— Ver. IV.— Part V. [Repeateii in P. M.J 19 See the stone of God's salvation^ By the Builders cast aside ; Yet 'tis made the sure foundation, In the Angle to abide : Jews, and Scnbes, and Priests abase it, Cast it from them with disdain, But the Lord on high shall place it, There our hopes secure remain. 20 'Tis the Lord ! we view and wonder, 'Tis His work ! — His pow'r divine Bursts the bonds of death asunder, Bids the grave its prey resign ! 2k ^74 PSALM 118. Jesus, wliom the world despises, (God's almighty pou'r displayed) From the tomb and death arises. As the sure founduliun laid ! ^i Hail the daif —so bright in glory. When the great rldeemer rose ! Uailtlie day, when saints adore Theet Day of rest and calm repose: By Jehovah's grace allotted, All His wonders to display. Now, to holy joy devoted, Praifr and praise shall fill the day. iJS Shout Hosanna to the sjfjour, In your noblest strains beiow^ Life eternal, endless favour. From His cross and victory flow; Let Thine ear in mercy bending. Great redeemer, hear our cries: And, Thy richest grace descending, Bless Thy Church with full supplies. 2S Crown His head with endless blessing, Who, in God the Father's name, W ith compassions never ceasing, Comes salvation to proclaim: ail ye saints, who know His favour^ Who w'ithin His gates are found 1 Hail ye >aints th' exalted saviovr. Let His courts with praise resouud. 24 Lo ! Jehovah, we adore Thee, Thee our s^f/olr/ Thee our God! From H's throne His beams of glory Shine thro' all the world abroad! In His fford His light arises, Brightest beams of Truth and Grace! Bind, oh bind your sacrijices. In His courts your off'rings place. 5?5 Jesus, Thee owr s^f/our hailing, Thee our God in praise we own; FS ALM 119. 575 Hiijhest honours never failing Rise eternal round Thy throne : Now, ye saints, His pow'r confessing^ In your <;rateful strains adore ; Jor His Mercy, never ceasing^ Flows and flows for evermore I ?SV PSALM CXIX.— Part I, CTfDE'R a varietj of names, dtnotingits difiVrent parts anri prcpertie^, the Psa!iiiist expresses liis iove to, and delight in, tiie Divine Hhrd, and the consolations he deriTed from it ; — declares his past obedifcace, «r prays for grace to practise it, for the time to come. 8<» did the Redeemer perfectly ; and the Btliever, who strives to imitate His ex- ample, will find great deliglit in singing every part of this devotioBaS fsaina.-. 1 BlESS'D are the men, whose hearts sincere^ Thy lams, O Lord, obey ; "Whose cautious steps, with holy fear, Pursue the heavenly way. S BlessM are the men who keep His Word, Yv- hich makes Ills statutes know u : With their whole hearts they seek the LoRi>> And worship at His throne, 3 Their minds, by heav'fily wisdom \e^^ No secret guilt approve : With holy joy His w ays ihey tread. Directed by His love. 4 Tis Thv command — (my heart prepare. Nor let my passions swerve) With stedfast zeal, and hoi}- care^ Thy precepts I'll observe, 5l Oh that my v^ays were form'd aright. And gaided by Thy w ill. Till all my best desires unite Thy statutes to fulfil. 6 Then shall my anxious fears depart^ Nor siiame my face o'crsprcad, "When all Thy precepts 2;uide my bear^» Bv holy inlluence led. 2k2 376 PSALM 119. 7 I'll praise Thee, O Eternal Lord! With graiitucle sincere, When Thou hast ta»io;ht me in Thj- JVord^ And made Thy jj/Jj^me/j/.v clear. 8 My heart resolves (Thy aid 1 sought) Thy statutes to obey ; Then, O my God, forsake me not, Nor cast my soul away. tj. PART II. 0 llow shall the young, in dangVou"^ d^^ys Secure their hearts, and cleanse iheir ways? Thy JVord aflf.»rds a heav'nly light. To guide their erring steps aright. 10 With my whole heart, before Thy seat. Thy aid, Jehovah, I intreat ; Then in Thy ways ray soul restrain. Nor let my footsteps err again. )1 Deep treasur'd in my watchful mind. To mem'ry's faithful care consign' J, Thv TVord:i I'll hide ; nor thence remove; Lest I otTend the God / love, 12 BleSS'd FOUNTAIN OF ETERNAL GRACE I 'Tis on Thy aid ray hopes I place ; Then let Thy spirit^ O my Lord ! Teach me the statutes of Thy Word, 13 iMy lips Thy judgments shall declare; How holy ail Thy precepts arc ! With joy these treasures I behold, ]\Iore than the miser''s heaps of gold* 14 My soul shall meditate Thy laiv^ Thy icays my clo?e attention draw. Thy statutes make my joys complete, Nor shall my mind Thy TVord forget, y, part III. 15 Grant me Thy richest grace. Thou ever bounteous Lord ! Then shall I live. Thy love to trace. Observant of Thy TVord. PSALM 119. 15 Mine eyes from darkness free^ Illnm'd -with light divine 5 And let my soul those t^ ondrrs see. Which in Thy statutes shiae, JT A stranger here below, Do Thou my foolsteps guide * My feet the heav'uly journey show5 Nor Thy commandments hide. 18 My longing soul aspires Thy judgments to discern ; It breaks with ardour of desires, And waits Thy will to learn, 19 How awful Thy rebuke I The proud Thy curse shall know ,- And wandering sinners, at Thy stroke^ Sink down to endless woe. 2© But, Lord, from me remove The shame which sinners feel ; Thy laics I keep. Thy -ioords I lo^e^ Thy wonders they reveal, SI Tho' Princes near me sit. And vent their scornful rage. Yet shall Thy statutes with delight Thy servants heart engage, 22 What joy Thy Words, impart r 1 svveetly there confide ; Eest counsellors ! they cheer my heart. And ev'ry step shall guide. "1. PART IV. 23 fxracious Lord, my spirit view. Prostrate, cleaving to the dust 5 By Thy quickening grace renew. For Thy faithful Word I trust : When my dangers, griefs, and care, Hnmbly at Thy throne I pour'd, Thou, all gracious, heard'st my praj'r ; Teach me then Thy statulis, Lord. 24 To my heart Thy laws reveal, FovriTAIN OF ETERNAL LIGHT.* 2k3 378 PSALM 119. Tiien my lips, with holy zeal. In Thy wondtrs shr.ll delight: But, alab ! my heavy heart Melts within my lab'ring breast ; Yet, my (iod. Thy strength imparl. For upon Thy Word 1 rest. 25 Let not error o'er my mind Spread its false de.usive glare, But, to all Thy will inclin'd. Place Thy laws, Jehovah, there: Truth, my God, my heart pursues. Near my eyes Thy Word I lay. To direct Miy mental views : Mark my path; and guide my way, 26 To Thy precepts I adhere, There my stedfast love I place, Let not shame excite my fear. Shame the hypocrite's dis2:race: Then I'll run, alert and free ; Then 1*11 all Thy ways approve, When my heart's enlarg'd by Thee, Rais'd hy faith to hopes ah o\e. p. PART V. 2T Teach me, O Lord, Thy heav'nly way^ The way Thy statutes tend ; Then shall my soul Thy Word obey. And keep it to the end. 28 Grant me the wisdom to discern. The grace to do Thy w ill ; Thf n my whole heart Thy laws shall learn, Desirous to fulfil. 29 Make me to go where Thy commands Direct my steps arig it : And let my head, and heart, and hands, There find their chief delight. SO With holy zeal my soul inspire, And to Thy laics incline -. Nor let one covetous desire Pollute my soul's design. PSALM 119. 379 31 Froin vanity withdraw my view. Nor Jet me idly g^aze; But with Thy quickening grace renew^ And make me know Thy ways* 32 Confirm the promise Thou hast spoke. And let Thy truth appear ; TJ»y servant waits a gracious look^ Devoted to Thy fear. S3 I dread the sinner^s harsh disdain. My soul from sfiame withdraw ; And let Tiiy grace my steps restrain. For hol^ is Thy law. 34 I long Thy precepts to obey. Thy quickening influence sjive : My God, Tliy righteousness disj)Iay, And bid Thy servant live. % PART VI. 35 O Thou, on whom my hopes repose, With mercies let my soul be blest ; The mercies whence salvation fio\\ s, For on Thy faithful Word I rest ; Then, tho' revil'd, my answer's plain, " 1 trust Thy Word, nor trust in uain," 36 Forbid me not, j^reat God, to speak Thy Word, wiiere I'ruths eternal shine; Nor let Thy judgments e'er forsake My lips, where all my hopes recline : Then in my heart Tin Laic V\\ hide, My constant and my faithful guide. 37 Since in Thy ways m> feet have trod, There shall my steps sv>,'€et freed 07n find ; I seek Thy precepts, O my God, They yield rich pleasures to my mind : To Kings Thy statutes I'll proclaim, Unaw'd by poiv^r ; unmov'd by shame, 38 My heart, with ever fresh delight, Shall love and practise Thj commands, Tliy words are true, Thy judgments right, To them I lift my active hands ; 380 PSALM 119. Oh how divine Thy statutes arc ! I'll fix my meJitation there. T. PART vri. 39 Thou God of Truth, indulgent look, Remember wiiat Tliy Word Ivdih spoke; For there, instructed by Thy grace. My hopes, my stedfast hopes, I place. 40 From thence what sacred con-iforts flow, 'Midst these afflicting scenes of woe ? Oft has Thy Word, when sorrows spread, Rais'd from the dust my drooping head ! 41 The proud, whose joys from earth arbe, Deride my faith, my hopes despise; Yet from Thy laves I'll not decline. Thy laws, my God, are all divine! 42 Thy former judgments I explore, 1 trace Thy icaijs and conduct o'er. And, while Thy faithfulness I view. My faith, and hope, and joz/s renew. 43 What fears, what horrors, seize my mind. When sinners, to their guilt consign'd, Spread their profane contempt abroad, And trample on the laws of God ! 44 Thy statutes, with a heav'nly song. Have oft insplr'd my willing tongue, Have cheer'd me in this house of woe! This wretched pilgrimage below ! 45 Thy name, my safiour and my Lord, Rich treasure in my mem'ry stor'd ! 'Midst midnight glooms has fix'd my mind, While to Thy laws my heart inclin'd. 46 Thus, with Thy light and presence blest. Sweet peace again has filPd my breast, Dispers'd the shades, and cheer'd the night For in Thy precepts I delight. p. PART VIII. 47 " Thou art my portion, O my Lord, " I love Thy ways, I'll keep Thy Word^'' 'Twas thus mv lot I chose ; PSALM 119, CSi Thy favour is my chief de»ire, To taste Thy mercy I aspire. Which from Thy promise flows. 48 My raiud its former ways revoWes, With holy love my heart resolves No more my feet shall stray : Thy grace ray willing spirit draws "With ciieerful haste t' obey Thy laws^ Nor shall my steps delay, 49 Tho' sinners, in a hostile band, To rob my soul, around me stand, I'll hold Thy precepts still t In midnight shades, with wakeful eyi??. To Thee my thankful songs shall rise. For righteous is Thy will. 50 Those who obey and fear Thy name, My friends in social bonds I'll claim. Companions of my way : The earth, with all Thy Mercy stor'd. Proclaims Thy bounty, gracious Lord ! Then teach me to obey, jr. PART IX, 51 Thro' all the paths 1 tread, Thy bounties round me flow ; Whatever Thy lips in promise said^ Thy mercy doth bestow, 52 With views of things divine Oh form my judgment just ; My taste to heav'niy joys refine. For Th^' commands 1 trust, 5S Before I felt Thy rod I wander'd from Thy i^^ay. Bat now I learn Thy Wordy my Goo, And hasten to obey, 54 Thou good and gracious Lori>, The earth Thy bounties fill, Teach me the statutes of Thv Word^ And I'll obey Thy will'. S82 PSALM 119. 55 The proud with artful lies Have for^'d th' envenom'd dart; But, Lord, Thy precepts ^i\\\ I prize, And place them in my heart. 56 Where pamper'd lux'ry draws, Hovv sensual is the mind ? But I'll retire to learn Thy latcs, There my delight I find. 5T In ev'ry chastening stroTce^^ Thy goodness I discern, Thus, taught by Thee, from earth I look. And thus Thy statutes learn. 58 What truths Thy laws unfold ! I love those wonders more Than thousands of the finest gold^ Or mines of silver ore, \ PART X. 59 My God, at Thy command This frame arose from dust. From Tliy creating hand Each part minutely just : With Kisdom still | Thy ways to find. Exalt my mind, | And learn Thy wilL €0 Tiie men who fear Thy name. When my estate they view, Will songs of triumph frame, And own Thy promise true: For on Thy Word I Thy Word is sure, I rest secure, | All-gracious Lord! 61 Thy judgments, O my God, Are righteous, true, and just. And, tho' I feel Thy rod, Thy faithfulness I trust : Then, from Thy face I From Heav'n bestow Let ca;«/or^5 flow, | Thy promts' d grace, 62 My God, my soul revive, With tenffrest mercies bless. Then shall Thy servant live. Thy goodness to confess : PSALM 119. SS3 'Tis sweet employ I FroQi thence I draw To read Tliy lawy j ]My noblest joy. 63 The proud, who 'gainst me rise, Shall soon retire in shame ; They slander and despise, And causeless hate proclaim: Yet, 'midst their rage, I Thy precepts still rU seek Thy will ; | My thoughts engage. 64 Let those who fear the Lord In social bonds delight ; And those who love His J'Vord Their hearts with mine unite; Oh make my heart I Then guilt nor fear And acts sincere, [ Shall shame impart. t^. PART XI. 65 For Thy salvation, O my Lord, My spirit faints and dies; Yet on the promise of Thy Word My stedfaat hope relies. 66 Mine eyes w Tth longing ardour fail, Thy promised grace to view ; When w ill Thy love o'er all prevail, Thy comforts to renew? 67 Like bottles w ith'ring in the smoke. My flesh consumes away ; Yet have I not Thy laws forsook, Nor lov'd to disobey. 6S How transient are my days on earth! Swift flies the passing hour ! When wilt Thou send Thy glory forth, And break th' oppressor's po^v''r : 69 The men of insolence and pride, Still wait t' ensnare my soul. In wealth, and pow'r, and pomp confide, Nor can IViy laws control. 70 AH Thy commands are just and true, My ever righteous Lord : With causeless malice they pursue, My God, Thy aid afford. 38^i PSALM 119. 7 1 Beneath the persecutor's rage. My soul drew near to death ; Yet did Thy latcs my thoughts engage, Thy praise employ my breath. 12 Oh let my soul Thy kindness prove. And feel Thy quick' ning grace; Then shall I keep the laws I love, And all Thy Truth embrace. '7. PART Xlf. 73 Th ro' endless years, Eternal Lord ! Thyself the same ; the same Thy Word, Fix'd o'er the heav'ns, on high remains; From age to age Thy Truth shall stand, The world's foundation bv Thine hand Unmov'd its destin'd place maintains, 74 The htavnly orbs obey Thy will. Their rounds Thy fix'd decrees fulfil, Thy servants, at Thy word they go : But, Lord, Thy laws are my delight, They set my erring feet aright, Else had I sunk to endless woe. 75 With cords of fervent love I bind Thy precepts to my grateful mind, Thence I derive such quicWning grace: Lord, lam Thine — Thy rflrnsomV own, Command salvation from Thy throne, My heart Thy precepts shall embrace. 76 While sinners watch me, to destroy, Thy testimonies are my joy, I view them — and adoring stand! But earth no solid bliss can claim, Perfection is an empty naine. For i^'ide and vast is Thy command ! I )2. PART XIII. 77 O how I love Thy holy law ! Thence all my choicest rules I draw; There fix my thoughts thro' all the day, To cleanse my heart and guide my way. PSALM 119. SS5 78 Thou great instructor, o'er my sight Thy precepts shine with heav'iily light; Like these my foes no wisdom find, ril bear thera ever on my mind. 79 By these instructed to be wise, I far beyond ray teachers rise ; Nor a^e such knowledge can attain, As from Thy holy Word I gain. SO Withdrawn from ev'ry evil way, My feet thy precepts shall obey ; Nor from Thy judgments shall depart, Since Thou hast taught my wand'ring heart. 81 Led by Thy grace, Thy words afford My richest feast, all-bounteous Lord ! With grateful taste Thy words I meet. Not honey to the mouth so sweet. 82 Thy precepts light and grace bestow, 1 thence to Heav'nly wisdom grow, From each delusive way I've fled, Nor wish the dang'rous path to tread. 3. PART XIV. S3 Thy Word is a lamp to my feet^ A light to enlighten my way, I have sworn, and my vows will complete. My soul shall Thy judgments obey : Tho' deep in affliction I lie, With guilt and with sorrow opprest, Yet, since on Tiiy Word I rely. Lord, revive me, and comfort my breast. 84 Accept both my prayer and my praise^ From willing obedience they flow ; I love the high tribute to raise, Then teach me Thy judgments to know : Tho' dangers beset me around. Thy law shall still dwell on my heart ; Tho* Satan with snares spread the ground, ril not from Thy precepts depart, 2l 386 PSALM 119. 85 The glories and hopes of Thy Word My soul its inheritance claims, What holy delight they afford I The prospect m} ardour inflames ! My heart, by Tliy spirit inclin'd ! Shall still to Thy statutes attend, I'll treasure them up in my mind, And observe them with joy to the end. D. PART XV. S6 I hate the thouj^hts of sin, Which thro' my bosom rove ; But, by Thy grace renew 'd within. Thy holy Lam I love. 87 Thou art my hiding-place^ And my Almighty shield! My God, thy Word oi sov'reign grace Sweet confidence shall yield. S8 Let sinners then depart, Who guilty paths have trod, I'll still preserve within my heart The precepts of my Goo. 89 Uphold me by Thy power ; Thy promises I claim : With quick'' ning grace my soul restore, Nor turn my hope to shame. 90 Sustain ray feet aright. My safety is Thy care : Then in Thy statutes I'll delight, And run with ardour there, 91 The men who love to stray Shall fall beneath Thy feet t The folly of their wand'ring way Shall work their own deceit. 92 Sinners Thy judgments prove. Cast like tlie dros^ aside; Thy testimonies then I'll love. And in their truth confide. PSALM 119, 387 93 My flesh with trembling stands Before Thy presence, Lord, Observes with awe Thy just commands, The judgments of Thy Word. y. PART XVI, 94 Tho' my foes with falsehood grieve me, Still I truth and justice love ; Never to their malice leave me, Let me. Lord, Thy kindness prove : God, my God, my surety stand. Save me from th' oppressor''s hand, 05 For Thy great salvation waiting, While Thy promises delay, Lo, mine eyes, their strength abating, Fail, and sink, and fade away : Let Thy mercies round me flow. Teach me, Lord, Thy will to know, 96 Lord, Thy servant waits before Thee, Now my soul with wisdom fill ; As Thy servant I adore Thee, Let me learn and love Thy will: Lord, 'tis time in pow'r to rise, Since the world Thy Law despise ! 97 More than in the gold mo^t precious, In Thy precepts 1 delight ; All Thy statutes, Lord, are gracious^ All Thy laws and precepts rigtit : I'll no more in error stray. Hating each delusive ^\ay. 2. PART XVII. 95 Thro' all Thy Word y\'hat wonders shine, Where Thou reveal'st Thy will! Then shall mj^ willing soul incline Thy statutes to fulfil. 99 Like early beams of morning light. Whene'er Thy Words arise. They scatter all the shades of nighty And make the simple wise. 2 L 2 388 PSALM 119. 100 My op'nino; mouth, my pantiag breasf. My strong affections prove: My willing feet will run with haste. For Tliy cot}wiands I love. 101 Oh view Thy servant from Thy throne. Thy mercies to proclaim, The mercies which Thou long hast sbowo To those who love Thy name. 102 My steps uphold, my ways restrain. And order by Thy Word ; Nor let unc sin dominion ^ain. Subdued to Thee, my Lord, 103 When men with impious rage oppress. In peace my soul withdraw : Then shall my mouth Thy goodness Mess, And I'll observe Thy Law, 104 With all the glories of Thy face. Around Thy servant shine : Teach me the statutes of Thy grace. So wondrous and divine ! 105 What rivers from my w eeping eyes In ceaseless torrents flow, While men Thy sacred laws despise. And to profaneness grow. 1?, PART xviir. 106 Thou Everlasting Lord, How righteous is Thy name f Th* eternal judgments of Thy Word Thy truth proclaim : The works Thy lips command Thy grace and justice prove, Thy faithful witnesses they stand, To speak Thy love, lOT My holy fervour growSf Till all within me dies. When sinners, tho' roy biti'rest foes. Thy LaiD despise : PSALM 119. • 389 Thy Word refines our joys, 'Tig pure celestial light ; Thy servant there his thoughts employs^ With sweet delight ! 108 Tho' men of pomp and pow'r Drspise my humble state, ril never, in my lowest hour, Thy Law forget : Thy Righteousness shall shine Thro' everlasting years ; And in Thy I/atu, thro' ev'ry line, Thy Truth appears. 109 Tho' griefs, a heavy load ! O'er my sad spirit roll, Still Thy commands, my gracious GiOD, Delight my soul : Thy promises, O Lord, Both grace and glory give. Grant me the knowledge of Thy Word^ And I shall live. p« PART XIX. 1 10 With my whole heart I urg'd my cries, Before Thy throne my pray'rs arise. Oh hear me, and, with holy joy, Thy statutes shall my steps employ. 111 With importunity of pray'r I sought Thy face, implor'd Thy care, Oh save me, and Thy goodness prove, Thy testimonies then I'll love. 112 My God, before the dawning light. My earnest cries Thy grace invite: What ardent hope inspires my breast, While on Thy promises I rest ! 113 Ere yet the eanier Watches take Their nightly rounds, my eyes awake Shall lead my willing thoughts, O Lord I O'er all the u^onders of Thy Word, 114 Oh hear my voice, and let me prove The sweets of Thy eternal love ! 2l3 590 PSALM il9. Lord, let Thy promis'd grace, he mine, And raise my soul to life, divine. 115 Around me, see, the wicked stand. An impious, an ungodly band ! But Thou art near, o'er all to raise, T own the truth of all Thy ways. 116 Lons; have I known, Eternal Lord ! The truths and glories of Thy fVord ; Unchanged the firm foundations rest. To make Thy Church fo.- ever blest. "). PART XX. 117 Lord, behold, what woes oppress me, Griefs and fears my soul beset ; Yet with Thy salvation bless me. For Thy Law Til not forget : Plead my cause, my soul deliver. Raise me to the fife divine. Thou, O Lord, of life the giver! On Thy promise I recline. 1 18 Far remov'd from Thy salvation. Wrath upon th' ungodly lies, Hast'ning to their condemnation. Since Thy statutes they despise: But Thy mercies ever flowing Bid the humble sinner live ; Lord, Thy promis'd grace bestowing, With Thy pow'r my soul revive. 119 Earth and hell my steps pursuing, Num'rous foes their rage display. But, my God, Thy promise viewing, Still my soul would keep Thy way: Fiird with grief a.nd deep compassiony Sinners my attention draw, But T burn with indignation. When they hate and break Thy Law. 120 Sec, my God, with ardent spirit, How Thy holy Law I love 1 Let me all Thy grace inherit. All Thy quick*nivg influence prove : PSALM 119. 3.91 Lord, the TVord Tliy lips have spoken Truth, eternal truth^ can claim ; Nor one promiae shall be broken^ To eternity the same. \i;. PART XXI. 121 When men of pomp and pow'r Their causeless hate renew. Still, in the persecuting hour, Thy precepts I'll pursue. 122 The doctrines of Thy Word More joy and transport yield, Than richest spoils can e'er afford, Won from the conquer'd fieldo 123 I hate the way of lies, From error I'll depart. Thy Law of Truth delights my eyeSj And shall direct my heart. 124 Seven times a day I'll stand The songs of joy to raise. Thy Word and providence demand The tribute of my praise. 125 How great the peace of those, Who in Thy Law delight ! No /?oi£jV shall break their calm repose^ Nor foes, nor fears, affright, 126 On Thy salvation, Lord, My hopes secure depend ; I love the precepts of Thy Word, And keep them to the end. 127 With ever ready mind, I've run Thy sacred way ; And still my sweetest joy I find, Thy precepts to obey, 128 My feet with great delight Thy heav'nly paths have trod ; For all my ways, before Thy sight. Are known to Thee, my God. 392 PSALM 119. p. PART XXII. 129 Thou gracious Lord, now let my cries Before Th\ face accepted rise; My mind w itli hcuvnly wisdom fill, The wisdom to discern Thy will. 130 While at Thy throne I pour my pray'r. Oh make my constant wants Thy care : Around mc let salvation shine, For on Thy Word ray hopes recline. 131 My lips in thankful strains shall flow, When taught by Thee Thy will to know ; My tongue Thy precepts shall declare, Alljust^ all right. Thy precepts are ! 132 Now let Thine own Almighty band Rise for uiy help ; my aid command: Since I have made Thy Latos my choice, And in Thy precepts I rejoice. 133 For Thy salvation I aspire, W^ith ardent love ; with strong; desire : Thy sacred Law detains my sight. My wonier ! my .supreme delight ! 134- My soul to life and vigour raise. Then shall I triumph in Thy praise; To Thee I'll all my ivants confide. Thy grace and providence my guide. 135 My God, my steps have wander'd far. And left my lender shepherd's care, Like sheep which from the pasture stray, Nor e'er retrace tiieir wand'ring way, 136 Thy lost, Thy erring sheep restrain, And bear me to Thy fold again ; 'M\6st fields with heavnly pastures stor'd ; For I have not forgot Thy Word, PSALM CXX. FALSEHOOD anddemf are most hateful to God, and shall meet from Him with their just reward; yet are they most common in this cor- rupted sute of man, and often produce the utmost confusion iu the PSALM 120. S9S presiut state of society. But the Christian is a t7ian of peace. He longs for, and woiila jjrouiote, peace on earth ; ^^ ns much as in him lies, he lives peaceably u:ith aii men ;" but most ardently desires th« kingdom of perfect and ettrnal peace above. i W HEN sinking: in distress, -From God 1 sought redress, He iieard me, and aveng'd my wrongs*. From lying lips^ I cried. My soul in safety hide. The slander oi deceitful tongues, 2 Vf\mi judgments shall the Lord In righteousness award The sland'ring tongue vf\\exe falsehood" s fram'd? Sharp arrows shot abroad, Aira'd from the Mig!it3f God, And burning coals, with wrath inflam'd, 3 Ah why, 'midst scenes of woe, Depress'd so long below. Far from the sweet abodes of love ? On earth my dwelling lies. Where sinners peace despise. Nor can my harass'd soul remove, 4 Sweet peace ! ! with tranquil mind, I long the bliss to find. And spread the Ileav'nly blessing round : But, when 1 peace invite, The world in war delight : When shall I tread the Heavnly ground! PSALM CXXT. THEY are safe who are under the protection of JieAoi;aA, the God oi Israel. By night or by day, at licnne or abroad^ at rest or on the most distant journies. He will be equally present, as tljeir defence and their security. Let us then to Him alone direct our eyes, and on Him aloue place our confidence. i JL O Zion's hills I lift my eyes. From thence descends my aid : On Him my soul for help relies. Who earth and heav'n hath made. 394 PSALM 121. 2 Nor art, nor pow\ thy foot shall move. His hand^ shall safely bear: He ne'er remits His ^vatchful love, Nor slumbers o'er His care, 3 Lo ! IsracVs glardia\, in repose Shall still His Israel keep, Nor slumbers shall His eye-lids close. Nor yield His eyes to sleep. 4 Israely thy guardian is the Lord, Jehovah, ever near! His shelf ring wings thy shade afford ; Then what shall Israel fear ? 5 Nor Swn, with pestilence by day, Shall smite upon thy head : Nor paler Moon, with sickly ray. Pollute the midnight shade. 6 His providence from ev'ry snare Shall ev'ry step defend ; Thy soul shall prove His constant care^ Till ev'ry danger end. 7 Safe shall thy feet at distance roam, And thy return be blest ; Till Heav'nhe thine eternal home, Thine everlastins; rest ! PSALM CXXI.— Ver. IL 1 Up where th' Eternal hills arise, My faith directs its longing eyes; There all my Immble hope depends. And thence alone my help descends. 2 Jehovah's boundless love hath made His own Almighty arm my aid : He form'd the earth, He spread the skies^ On whom my soul for strength relies. S He'll not permit thy foot to slide ; He, IsraeVs guardian, IsraeVs guide. Nor yields to slumber, nor to sleep. Still watchful His lov'd charge to keep. PSALM 121. 395 4 Israel^ the Lord, thy keeper, near Shall guard thee safe from ev'ry fear; The Lord, thy shade, above thy bead His kind protecting cloud shall spread. 5 No burning Sun shall smite by day, Nor dart his pestilential ray : 'S or sicJdy Moon, with paler light, Shed baleful influence o'er the night. 6 Jehovah, with perpetual care. Shall keep thy steps from ev'ry snare i His Guardian Eye preserve thy soul. And all t\\e pow'rs of hell control, 1 Safe shall thy feet at distance roam, And safe regain thy peaceful home : Thy life with His protection blest. Till Heav'n secure thy endless rest. PSALM CXXL— Ver. IIL I In /az7A I lift my longing eyes. Up to the heavnly hills they rise ; There all my hope depends ; Where God 7ny saviour sits above, Enthroned in pow'r; and cloth'd with love; From thence my help descends. 12 He whom th' Angelic Orders fear. My HELPER, and my guide, is near, Creation's Mighty Lord 1 He hung the keav'nly orbs on high ; He bade ihe earth's foundation lie Fix'd on His^sov'reign word ! o Thy steps in safety He shall guide, Nor fe'er permit thy foot to slide, Intent thy Avays to keep : Ne'er shall His care from Israel cea-se^ Nor slumber shall His eyes oppress, Nor can His eye-lids sleep, 4 Israel, thy keeper is the Lord, The God by heav'nly hosts ador'd. Thy SHELTER and thy shads! i 396 PSALM 122. Nor bnrning Sun shall smite by day, Nor Moon with pestilential ray Strike thy defenceless head. 5 Thus shall the Lord Jehovah's care Preserve thee safe from ev'ry snare. In His protection blest : His Mercy shall thy soul defend, In ev'ry vary'ng scene thy friend. Thy REFUGE ! and thy rest ! ^ Safe shall thy steps their way pursue. Again thine e>es thy dwelling view, In quietude and peace : God thy redeemer's Guardian Eye Thro' life shall guide ; till Heav'n supply The joys that never cease! PSALM CXXII.— Part I. now" acceptable andckrlightful to ihe spiritually minded Christian, is the invitation of his brethren to the ordinanres of the house of G«d, and the services of tlie Sabbnfk. TTie welfare of the Church excites hit most cordial desires, for there the Lord is kin^; there are his Christian brethren, partakers of the san:e/n^th and hope, and ^- the stratagems of the itorld, the ^Ci/i, and the Devil. Tlius the Believer learns where securely to place his confidence, and blesses the God of his salvation. 1 -Had not the Lord our cause maintain'd, May joyful Israel say ; Had not the Lord their rage restrained, When foes around us lay : 2 Their wrath, while life still warm'd the frame, Had thrust us to the grave; Quick kindling as the burning flame, Or like the swelling wave. 3 Their rage, like mighty billows spread, Which o'er the Ocean flow. While gath'ring proudly o'er our head. Had sunk us deep below. 4 Bless'd be the Lord Jehovah's grace; 'Twas His Almighty poni'r^ Which bade the foe the prey release. Nor let his teeth devour. 5 As, from i\\e fowlers yielding snare, The bird exulting flies ; So, bless'd redeemer, in Thy care, irom Satan's toils we rise. 6 Thine own Almighty arm our aid. On Thee our souls rely, Whose hand the world: s foundation laid, And spread the Ileavns on high ! PSALM 124^. 401 PSALM CXXIV.— Ver. II. 1 Had the Lord been regardless, may Israel con- fess, When Satan and sinners arose to oppress ; Had Jehovah refus'd in our cause to engage, Alive we had perish'd, absorbed in their rage ! 2 Their wrath, like the^ames, in destruction had spread, As the waves of the Ocean, had roll'd o'er our head ; The proud swelling waters had whelm'd us below, And our souls had sunk down to the regions of woe. 3 But, bless'd be Jehovah, the fountain op GRACE ! He commands — and the Lion his prey must re- lease : O'er all shall His servants exult in His care, Our soul is escaped, as the bird from the snare. 4 The ^0275 are all broken ; to freedom we spring; And the Lord our salvation^ our UELPERy we sing ; 'Tis He who created the earth and the skyy And His arm, still Almighty, our aid shall supply- PSALM CXXV. THE 8«'curity of the Church, in the constant presence aud eternal poiL-er of Jehovah, 16 here represented by the safety of Jerusalem, surrounded by its sfreHg- niountaius, wJ^i*^'^ formed a natural and impregnable de- fence to that holy Citij. For the Tjtrd will not Buffer His Church to be oppressed by the " rod of the wicked," or tempted by tlie power of the enemy beyond the proper season, or b&yond its strength. In punishinj the wicked, He will preserve the peace of His people. 1 JL HEY who in God confide, Who trust Jehovah's love. Shall safe as Zion's mount abide, Whose base no storms remove : 2 As round the sacred place, Where Salem's city rose, 2m3 402 rSALM 125. Strong mountains ihe'ir foundations trace, And lofty hills enclose ; 3 So, where His Church is found ^ Jehovah's presence nigh, With glory shall His saints surround, And all their foes defy. 4 Nor shall the Tempter^s pow'r The Just too long oppress, Lest, fainting in the dang'rous hour. Their heart or hands transgress. 5 Thou God of boundless love! Now let Thy grace appear; Let all Thy saints Thy goodness prove, Whose hearts are found sincere. 6 But they, who from the Lord Perversely turn aside, Shall meet His wrath, their just reward, W^here guilty souls abide. 7 Then shall His servants know His goodness and His grace; His hand His glory shall bestow, And everlasting peace ! PSALM CXXV.— Ver. II. 1 They, who the Lord Jehovah trust, Shall find their highest hopes are just : What storms can Zion's mount remove ? Or shake the rock of endless love ? 2 His /presence shall His Church enclose. As once the lofty mountains rose, Round Salem's seat : His arms engage Their sure defence from age to age. 3 Tho' sinners prosperous pow'r employ, Their rod shall not too long destroy ; Lest, w hile their rage His saints oppress, They faint, and tremble, and transgress. 4 Thy goodness, gracious Lord, display. To those who love and keep Thy way : PSALM 126. 403 Who walk, directed by Thy fear. And serve Thee with a heart sincere, 5 But men perverse, of impious mind, Amidst His foes the Lord will bind, Led by His wrath to endless pains, When larael peace and glory gains. PSALM CXXVL— Part L IN celebrating the deliverance of Israel, from his bondage in Babylon (as well as in Egypt), the Church beholtis a just representation of the power and grace displayed in her deliverance, **/7-om i/ie bondage of Satan, into the glorious liberty of the children of God." Great and wonderful is this deliverance to all who observe it, and especially so 10 the Believer himself, who experiences it. Hence he is encouraged to pray for the calling of others, and their return to God, till the whole Church be brought in ; and to expect that the seeds of giace, sown with tears of repentance and sorrow, will spring np in an harvest of ever- lasting joy and glory. 1 ^VhEN God's Almighty arm on high Redeem'd our captive state^ We fear'd 'twas visionary joy , We thought the work so great. 2 With smiles of triumph on our face, Th' amazing «cif we view ; Our tongues proclaim the wondrous grace, And songs of praise renew. 3 Th* astonish' d world the tidings hear, " How vast ! how great I" they cry, " How wondrous doth the Lord appear '' To bring salvation nigh !" 4 Our lips the grateful strain shall join, With a triumphant voice ; *' Great was His love ! His pow'r divine I " And great shall be our joys !" 5 Restore, O God, our captive soul. And let Thy ransomed flow. As torrents from the mountains roll, To fill the plains below. 404 PSALM 126. 6 They >vho their seed expectant fling, With sorrow's weeping eyes ; Shall see with J03/ the produce spring, And a rich harvest rise. 7 The man, who oft, thro' storms and rain. Throws the pure grain abroad, Shall oft with joj/ return again, And the full harvest load. 8 Tiius, sown 'midst sorrows, griefs, and ca/Y, The seeds of faith and love Shall spring, and richer harvests bear, In brighter worlds above. PSALM CXXVI.— Ver. II. I When Jehovah arose in His might, Our bondage ofsinio relieve, We thought 'twas the dream of the nighty The work was too great to believe : But we own 'tis the act of His grace, It claims our delight and our joy, The. smile beams afresh on our face, And His praises our tongues shall employ. 2 The tcorWmust His glory behold, Corapeird all His wonders to own ; " For His C/iurch (and His fame shall be told) '' What wonders Jehovah hath done !" But for us, by His arm from abo^ e, Doth Jehovah these wonders complete 5 Oh how great is His pow'r and His love! Let our joy and our tnumph be great. 3 Then return, and our bondage restore, Thy ransom' d Thy call shall obey. As the streams of the mountains which pour, And bear all resistance away : So they, who, with sorrows and tears, Still scatter the grain o'er the soil. When the joy of the harvest appears. Shall reap the reward of their toil. PSALM 127. 405 4 The man, who, thro' storms and thro' rairiy Throws the life-yielding seed o'er the land. Shall rejoice while again and again He bears the full sheaves in his hand : So the seeds, which with sorrow are sown, Of faiihy and of hope, and of love, Shall rise into glories unknown, And bear a rich harvest above ! PSALM CXXVII. THE Lord Jehovah is the only sure preserver of His people. His bless* ing alone can ^\\e peace anxd tranquillihj ; can raise up, or supply, a numerous family, and render them comforters and supporters to their pious parents ! 1 V AIN is the builders^ toil and care, The well-fram'd structure to preparie, If God His aid deny : Who can secure the City keep ? In vain the watch refuse to sleep, Without Jehovah's eye ! 2 'Tis vain to rise ere morning light, With lengthen'd cares curtail the night, And eat the bread of grief : He loves His saints ; in calm repose He bids sweet sleep their eyelids close, And sends a kind relief. 3 Lo ! from the Lord, a numerous seed^ The noblest heritage, proceed ; He grants the just desires ; As arrows in the mighty hand. The youthful race in order stand, The glory of their sires. 4 Happy the man whose quiver's stor'd To fullness, by the bountetjus Lord, Plis honours shall be great : While round his duteous bands appear. He meets the foe without a fear, Exulting in the gate. 40G PSALM 123. PSALM CXXVllT. A teriri of proraises to the man who fears the Lord : that he shaH Ti« renJcrcd fjraspcrous in his concerns; happy in his domestic relations ; «nd especially in spiritiial blessings, ami in beholding the prosperity of the Church. — ^These, under the Christian dispensation, must he m\- derstood witli such limitations, as may, hy the direction of Divine wisdom, promote the spiritual wel/cre, and the salvation, of Hi* people. 1 He shall countless blessings find, He, who with astedfast mind Fears Jehovah and obeys, And delights in all His ways. ^ Thou — for Goi> thy work shall bless, Yield thy labour rich increase; Thou shalt, from thy fruitful lands, Eat the labour of thy hands. 3 Peace and happiness are thine. Heavenly hopes, and joys divine : Still ihro^ life thy bliss shall grow, BlessM in all thy paths below. 4 As the vine luxuriant spreads. And thy wall with clusters shade?, So thy wife shall fruitful prove. Virtuous hope of wedded love, 5 Thence a tiurnrous infant race Shall ari'^e thy board to' grace, As the plants of Olive grow. Sweetest bliss that Parents know. G Thus, for him who fears the Lord, All His choicest bounty's stor'd, God shall bless thee from above. With the gifts of endless love. 7 Thdu shalt see, with joyful eyes, Salem's City prospVous rise : View thy children's long increase; And the Church adorn'd with peace. PSALM 129. 407 PSALM CXXIX. niUS may the aged Believer review his various deliverances, from th« malice of ail liis enemies ; and thus shall all the persecutors of the Church perish, like the withering grass upon the roof, which never grows to perfection, but is suffered to die away disregarded, a« uii worthy of attention, and altogether unprofitable. 1 VJFT, from my youth" $ first dawning day, Afflicted, griev'd, (may Israel say) My soul, with deep temptations torn, Woes' sad variety hath borne. 2 Oft, as from youtKs first years I grew. With numerous griefs they pierc'd me thro'; But vain their rage, Jehovah's povo'r Plas sav'd me in the dang'rous hour. 3 The Flowers lengthen'd furrows made. Deep on my back their stripes were laid ; Thou, righteous Lord, their cords hast broke* And bid Thy Mercy heal the stroke. 4 When bands of persecutors rise, Oppress His Church, His saints despise, God shall confound their rage and pride, And turn their purposes aside. 5 So scatter'd blades of grass, which spread O'er the house-top, quick spring, and fade ; The mower^s hand no fruit receives, Kor the poor gleaner binds the sheaves, t) No passenger^ with friendly pray'r, Intreats the Lord's preserving care ; No blessings in His name arise : 'Tis thus the persecutor dies ! PSALM CXXIX.—Ver. II. I Oh how oft, from lifers first stages, Satan^s snares have griev'd my breait J Oh how oft (what malice rages !) From my youth my soul opprest I But his treach'rous arts have fail'd^ Nor against my soul prevail'd. 408 PSALM 130. 2 As the plow-share deeply driven, On my back the stripes w ere laid ; Then, to grief and sorrow given, Deeply sunk the wounds they made: But the just, the righteous Lord Heals the wound, and breaks the cord. 3 Zion's foes in vain surround them, All their rage and counsel's vain ; God shall in His wrath confound them. Backward turn their steps again : As the grass the roof supplies, Quickly springs, and quickly dies ! 4 Never shall the mower press it, Nor the gleaner'' s bosom bear. Nor the passing stranger bless it. Nor entreat Jehovah's care : Thus the foes of Zion fall, None Jehovah's aid shall call. PSALM CXXX.— Part I. FROM tbe deeps of affliction, ofguilt, or of temptation, the Believer, likethe Psalmist, cries unto the Lord, and deprecates the teverity of His righteous judgment. Faith points him to forgiving yiercy ; tbi« encourages his obedience, and excites his patient waiting for the full enjoyment. Let all the Church, by the ?lercy here recorded, be en- couraged to hope in Him, whose grace is all-sufficient, and whose pr«- niise secures complete and eternal redemption, 1 J[]S gloomy deeps opprest, To Thee my cries arose : Lord, let my pray'r Thine ear arrest, Indulgent to my woes. 2 If Thou our sins arraign, In righteousness severe, Who 'midst the guilty sons of men Can at Thy bar appear ? 3 But, gracious God ! w ith Thee Are boundless pardons stor'd, That sinners, who Thy mercy see, May learn to fear the Lord. PSALM 130. 409 PART 11. For Thee, my God, I wait, And lift my longing eyes : Thy promise shall my hopes complete, For there my soul relies. As Watches of the night Expect the dawning day, So waits my soul Thy heav'nly light, And more intent than they. Ye saints, in God alone Your hopes securely place, Eternal Mercy fills His throne, And everlasting grace! The Cross proclaims His love, Thence the vast current flows ! Israel the saviour's grace shall prove. Redeem'' d from all his woes. PSALM CXXX.— Ver. II.— Part I. Out of the deeps to Thee I cried, Fast sinking to despair : To Thee my trembling soul applied. In fervency of pray'r. All-gracious Lord ! my voice attend, Nor cast my sighs away : Thine ear with kind indulgence bend. And hear Thy servant pray. If Thou, O Lord, in wrath severe, Should'st mark transgressions down, \Vho at Thy bar could e'er appear, Or stand before Thy frown ! But i\\eve's forgiveness, Lord, with Thee, The Cross secures the claim ; That sinners, who Thy mercy see, May learn to /ear Thy name. PART II. 1 wait the glories of Thy face ^ Thou ever-gracious Lord ! 2n 410 PSALM 130. My hopes Thy promises embrace, And rest upon Thy Word, 6 As xcakcful Guards, thro' glooms of night, Expect the daicning day ; So waits my soul Thy heav'uly light, More anxious far than tliey. 7 Now let His Israel in the Lord Their /io/>es securely place, With Him eternal Mercy's stofd, \nd everlasting grace ! S See, from the Cross how copious flow* The rich atoning stream ! Jesus from all their sins and icoes His Israel shall redeem ! PSALM CXXX.— Vlu. IIL— Part L i Up from the deep abyss of woes, To Thee, ray Gon, my cries arose: My plaintive voice indulgent hear, And liiten to my humble pray'r. S If Thou, all holy^ j^^sf, and trucy With vengeance should'st our sins pursue, Sliould'st mark our guilt witli rig'rous hand, Who at Thy bar, Great God, could stand? 2 But there's forgiveness at Thy throne. Bought with the blood of Christ Thy son ; That sinners, while Thy grace they claim. May learn to love a.m\ fear Thy name. For God I look-r-with strong desires, To God my ardent soul aspires : And hope, still waiting for the Lord, Rests on the promise of His IVord, As wakeful Guards, thro' shades of night, Wait the first dawn of early light. So waits my soul, ray Goi5, for Thee, More anxious still Thy grace to see. PSALM 130. 411 6 Let Israel on the Lord recline, His Mercifs boundless and divine? See, from the Cross how wide it flows^ Beyond th' extent of all our woes 1 7 Rich was the blood the ransom paid I Rich is the Mercy still display'd ! His poiv^r, as boundless as His love. Shall all our guilt and griefs remove I PSALM CXXX.—VER. IV. From the gloomy depths of woes. Where in long suspense I lay^ Up to Thee my cries arose. Lord, observe Thy servant pray ^ Let my groans Thy pity gain ; 3"or, if Thou with vigorous hand Mark our sins, our guilt arraign. Who before Thy bar can stand ? But, my God, Thy heart delights Richest Mercy to bestow ; Near Thy throne Thy grace invites. Where Thy boundless pardons flow ; Sinners, who that Mercy claim. At the Cross those pardons prove 5 There constrained to fear Thy name. Tasting there Thy boundless love l Lord, the glories of Thy face Raise the ardour of my breast ; On Thy Word my hopes I place. On Thy promises I rest : As the Watches of the night Long the early dawn to see, So my soul, with more delight. Waits and longs, my God, for Tiiee. Israely let thy hopes abide, Fix'd on IsraeVs God secure 5 All His ways His Mercies guide, And thy highest hopes insure : 2 N 2 412 PSALM 131 See, salvations copious stream ! From the Cross how wide it flows ! Israel sliall His arm redeem, Sav'd from all their sins and woes. PSALM CXXXI. TIIE Psalmist appeals to God, from the false accusations of bis enemiet^ for the simiilicity ofliis owu mind, and his Jinmble acquiescence iu the Divine will ; and encourages us to do the same.— The Lo>d grant us grace to copy the example. 1 JLiORD, when Thine eyes my heart survey. Does there amhiiiun hide ? Or does some haughty air betray Its vanity and pride ? 2 Say, do my lofty eyes aspire, Still aiming io be great? Or wealth, or pow'r, or pomp desire, Beyond my humble state ? 3 'Tis fix'd — (let grace subdue my mind,) From proud desires I rest ; As the sweet babe, its will resign'd, . Weau'd from the mother's breast. 4 Let Israel in Jehovah trust, And on His love depend : His ways are wise ; His counsels just ; His Mercies never end. PSALM CXXXI.— Ver. II. 1 Lord, Thy grace hath made me lowly^ Humbled all my swelling pride ; Fallen, guilty, and unholy. Greatness from my eyes I'll hide : I forbid my vain aspiring, Nor at earthly honours aim, No ambitious heights desiring, Far above my humble claim, 2 As the weaned child, repining, Weeps upon the mother's breast, PSALM 132. 41: Then, its hopeless griefs resigning, SmlleSy and yields, and sinks to rest : So my soul, the conflict stronger, Yet at last to Thee submits ; Gracious (iod I resists no longer. Owns Thy tcill — and patient sits. Wean*d from earth's vexatious pleasures. In Thy love I'll seek for mine ; Piac'd in Heaven my nobler treasures. Earth I quietly resign : Israel, tiius the world despising, On the Lord alone rely ; Then, from Him thy joys arising, Like Himself shall never die. PSALM CXXXIL—Part L THIS is generally considered as tbe last of the Prophetic Psalm». In al- lusion to David's care for the ark, and his prayer at its removal, an intimation is given as to the place of the Redeemer's birth, and the presence of Jehovahf in the mystical ark, or temple of His b^tdt). From hence the Psalmist reviews the promise of Messiah's exaltation to the kingdom; the blessedness of the Church in His love ; the de- struction of His enemies ; and His eternal goverument. It was, no doubt, in this view of its design that it was appointed by our Church to be read on Christmas- Day, the festival of His Incarnaiion. 1 XjORD, in Thy kind remembrance bear. When David's troubles rose, To Jacob'^s JVIiGHTY God he sware. And vow'd amidst his woes. 2 *'^ I'll shun my palaces of state, *' Nor to my couch arise ; " No slumber shall my eyelids wait, " Nor sleep refresh my eyes; 3 " Till to my view the sacred place " Jehovah shall disclose ; " (The MiGHTT God of Jacob* s race) " Where He His dwelling chose." 4 Lo ! 'tis His voice — it fills the skies, 'Tis His ditine command, 2 N 3 414 PSALM 132. *' Near Ephratah My courts shall ri§f, *' IV ear BethV hem's fields shall stand. 5 " There all JNIy ghrics shall be shown, '' My Temple to adorn; *' But greater glories hasten down, *' When there Immanu el's dorn.'* 6 Jesus, in Thee Jeeiovah's poic'r With infant weakness meet : W^e bow such glories to adore, In wonder at Thy feet ! PART II. 7 Up to Thy courts, with holy joy, Our willing feet shall tend ; Thy worship shall our lips employ, And at Thy throne ascend, S Rise to Thy resty Eternal Lord ! Thou and Thine Ark Divine: More than the ark with glory stor'd The SAVIOUR* s glories shine. 9 Now bid Thy priests y \u justice drest, His righteousness proclaim : Thy saints with holy joy be blest. In their redeemer's name. 10 See, on the throne, and near to Thee, Thine own beloved stand ; Great intercessor I hear His plea. And i'ight and grace command, PART III. 1 1 Once did the Lord to David swear, Nor will His word disown, ** Thy seed shall thy dominion bear, " I'll fix Him on thy throne, 12 '* Jesus, My son, whom Ileav'n adores, " Shall rise t'adorn thy race; " O'er earthly Kings, o'er Heavenly Powers, '* His higher seat I'll place. 13 *^ His children, who My covenant love, *' And in My laws delight, PSALM 132. 415 ** I'll raise around His seat above, *' On thrones of endless light, ^^ PART IV. 14 Thy Lord on Zion fix'd His choice, His Church is His desire; He loves to hear their lifted voice In praifr and praise aspire. 15 " Here,'' says the Lord, *' I'll find My rcst^ *' For ever here I'll dwell; " I love to make My Temples blest, *' And there My grace reveal. 16 " I'll bless her food ; — with rich supplies " My servants shall be fed ; " Her poor shall view with wond'ring eyes, '* And feast on heav'nly bread, 17 *' iSa?u«^/on shall her ^nes^s array, " My saints shall own the grace; ** And here their holy joy display, " In sacred songs of praise. IS " Immanuel, majesty divine ! *' Shall here His honours gain : *' Here shall My grace and glory ihine, *' And My ANOINTED reign. 19 " His foes I'll bow reluctant down, " With endless shame opprest : " But He shall wear th' eternal crowriy " To make His subjects blest." PSALM CXXXII.— Ver. IL— Part f. 1 Lord, let the mem'ry ne'er depart Of David^s griefs and pious care : When, 'midst the sorrows of his heart, To Jacob's Mighty God he sware. 2 ** Fix'd is the von: — I'll not repose, ** Nor in my stately palace rest ; *' Nor shall my watchful eyelids close, " On my high couch with sleep refresht ; ne PSALM 132. 3 ** Till for Jehovah, Miciity God ** Of Jacob's race, a. place I find ; " Till there He fix His sure abode, *' The presence of th' lsbovsded misd! V^ 4 Lo ! from the Heav'ns a voice we hear, Jehovah gives tlie liigh command, ** In Ephratah JNIy Temple rear, *' In BeththeirCs fields ^\y nourts shall stand. 5 " There all My glory and My grace " Shall bless My saints' adoring eyes, *' But brighter glories fill the place, " When there th' lycARNATE safjovr lies* 6 " His sacred body I'll prepare, *' Where all Jehovah's glories meet : '* Bless'd Temple, whence your praise and pray'r ** Shall rise most grateful to my seat.'' 7 AVe'll enter then this Temple gate, Je?us our Lord our safiovr own : And humbly at Thy footstool wait, Secure of blessings from Thy throne. S Rise to Thy place, possess Thy rest. Thou and T/tine Ark — Eternal Lord! Here be the safiovr's name confest, Tliat Ark with aV Thy glory stor'd ! 9 Here in Thy courts His grace display. The Lord our Rightenusness proclaim; Here clothe Thy Priests in rich array, And saints shall triumph in His name, 10 Behold Thy k/.vg ascend His throne. Thro' Him regard Tiiy waiting saints; View Thy beloved — 'tis Thy sojv, Nor turn Thine ear rrom our complaints. li Once hath the Lord to David 5Worn_, His truth confirms the word He sware ; *' I'll bid thy seed thy throne adorn, ** Plac'd with immortal glories there. PSALM 132. 417 12 " His children to their latest race, *« While on My covenant love they rest, " Observe My Word, and keep My ways^ *' Shall on His throne with Him be blest." PART III. 13 The Lord on Zion, His abode, Hath fix'd His everlasting choice; There dv^'ells Jehovah, Mighty God! There in His Church will He rejoice. 14 " Here," says the Lord, " My rest I'll find, ** No more My presence to remove, '* Here will I dwell — My steadfast mind *' Hath here confirm'd its endless love. 15 '' Here shall My choicest bounty spread, " My richest blessings here I'll give ; " Her poor shall feast on heav'nly bread, " And 'midst the rich abundance live. 16 " Sfl^t^a^'ort shall My Priests array, *' Sweet from their lips the message flows ! *' While on My Mercy s rich display *' My saints with holy joy repose. 17 " Jesus, the horn of David's might, *' Shall flourish glorious and divine! " And, round th' anointed, beams of light, " And rays of grace and glory, shine. IS " I'll bid His foes to shame descend, *' But on HIMSELF His crown sliall rest ; " Thro' endless years His pow'r extend, *' And make His name and servants blest." PSALM CXXXIII. THE happy family.— The Communion of Saints.— The blessedness of the Church on earth, and especially on Mount Zion above, in the Di- vine favour. The effects of this spiritual union are repiesented by the beautiful similitudes of the holy anointing oil and the refreshing dew , Behold the scene divine! How pleasant is the sight, 418 PSALM 133. "When Friends in mutual concord jo'in^ And Breth'ren's hearts unite ? 2 'Tis like the oil most sweet, On Aaron s sacred head, Down from his beard it reach'd his/eef, And o'er bis ^armen^s spread, 3 'Tis like the copious dews Which rose from Herman s hill. Their «;hovvVs on Zion to ditfuse, And the rich verdure fill, 4 O Ziun^ sacred place, Where all His saints adore ! There does the Lord command His jrcc And life for evermore* PSALM CXXXIII.—Ver. IL 1 Behold [ ho\v glorious is the sight ! How pleasant and divine! "When Brethren's hearts in love uniief And Friends in concord join. 2 'Tis like the oil on Aaron s head. The rich perfum9 how sweet ! "Which o'er his beard and garment spread, Down flowing to h\s feet. 3 So oft, T\ here Herman meets the sky, And clothes its top with deics. The clouds toward Zion's inountains fly, And fruitful skow'rs ditfiise. 4 Zion^ thy state securely stands, Exalted o'er thy foes : His blessing there the Lord commands, And endless life bestows. PSALM CXXXIII.—Ver. III. Behold ! the scene how pleasant ' How sweet is the cemmunion, PSALM 134. 411) When Brethren prove Their mutual love. And dwell in sacred union! 'Tis like the oil most fragrant. The holy rich anointings, O'er Aaron\ head Profusely shed, His yriestly rank appointing. Down on his ftearj majestic Its costly streams bestowing, His broidcr^d vest The fragrance blest, Around his footsteps flowing. So, from its lofty summit, On Herman's top depending. The copious dews Their show'rs ditFuse, On Zion^s mounts descending. There on His Church rejoicing He pours His htav'nly blessingy Jehovah stands. And life commands, And glory never ceasing. PSALM CXXXIV. THEY, who blest God in His Temples, with their hearts, in the song« of praise, shall be blessed of Him, with grace and glory. 1 JlJeHOLD His wond'rous grace I And bless Jehovah's name : Ye servants of the Lord, His praise By day and night proclaim. 2 Ye who His cowr^s attend, There lift your hands on high, And let your songs of praise ascend, In strains of sacred joy, .5 He form'd the earth below^ He form'd the Heavns His throne: ]^lh grace from Zion He'll bestow, And pour His blessings down. 420 PSALM 134.. PSALM CXXXIV.— Ver. II. 1 Behold and adore The grace and thepowjV Of Jehovah our saviour^ and bless evermore ! 2 Ye servants o/God, W'xsfame spread abroad, "Who by night in His courts have continually trod, 3 Your hands in His praise In His sanctuary raise, [plays. And Jehovah still bless, where His grace He dis- 4 O'er the earth, spread on high He expanded the sky; [p^y* And to you, while ye worship, His grace will sup- PSALM CXXXIV.— Ver. III. Bless the Lord, ye saints adore Him, As ye stand, At His command. Day and night before Him, Lift your hands, His glory viewing, In His house. Pay your vows. Songs of praise renewing. At Jehovah's word created, Heaven and earth Sprang to birth, In His gifts completed. So His Church, in God their safiour. From above Bless'd with love. Shall behold Hh favour. PSALM CXXXV.— Part I. THE essential goodness of God in His nature; the power of God dis- played in His uorks ; His former dispensations in behalf of His Church; His eternity; His vindication of His people; His righteous judgments ; and His exaltation over all idol gods ; arc here cele- brated in n strain of holy admiration. Let them be the constant sub- jects of our contemplation, and excite, as they deserve, our highest ad- miration and praise. PSALM 135. 421 1 Jl RAISE ye the Lord ; aloud proclaim The glories of Jehovah's name : Ye servants of th' Eternal Lord, His honours in your songs record, 2 Ye saints, who worship in His house, Present your pray' rs, and pay your vows, And, rais'd to solemn sounds of joy, Your voices in His courts employ. 3 Praise ye the Lord ; His goodness reigns O'er all creation's ample plains ; While 'tis His name your notes prolong, How sweet the Diusic and the song I 4 Once Israel was His chosen care, He fix'd His choicest treasure there; And still, peculiar in His sight, His Church is His supreme delight. PART II. 5 Great is the Lord, His pow'r I own, His glories thro' His Church are known ; The Lord we serve His state maintains, O'er all created gods He reigns. 6 What'er His sov'reign purpose willsy His active thought alone fulfils : In Heav'n, or earth, or depths, or seas. All nature His command obeys, 7 Thick vapours at His word ascend From earth, and o'er the skies extend : His rapid light, and yielding air. The icater's cloudy path prepare. 8 Tiien round His winged lighfnings fly. While rains in torrents from the sky Rush down — and, from His treasur'd stores, Abroad His mighty winds He pours. Almighty God ! Thy arm display'd Made Egypt's haughty sons afraid ; Hev first-born slain — amidst their graves. Trembles her Tyrant, and his slaves* 2 o 422 PSALM 135. 10 His arm prepares His IsraeVs way ; His hands the potorful nations slay : Jle bids their haughty princes yield, And strews w ilh death ih' embattled field. 1 1 When for revenge proud Sihon calls, In Ueshbon see tlie mighty falls ! Or Og, in conquer'd Bashan slain, Asserts his giant bulk in vain I 12 He drove the tribes of Canaan far, And plac'd His chosen Israd there, The land with all His goodness blest. Long proraib'd as His people's rest. 13 Thy name, O Lord, shall ever stand ; The ceaseless wonders of Thy hand, From age to ageTliy Church shall trace. And own Thy potcW, and trust Thy grace. 14 The LordHimself, their J f7 JOG E, their FR/EAn, From Heav'n His people shall defend ; His justice shall their cause maintain, And bid th' oppressor rage in vain. 15 Quick on His suif'ring saints He looks, His heart repents His gentlest strokes ; Nor shall trie foe their griefs despise, lie pities while His hands chastise. 16 But the vain gods the heathen boast, Or saints^ a legendary host, AVith silver or with gold oerlaid, Are w orks which human hands have made, 17 Ne'er did their lips with utt'rance sound, Nor eyes behold their vot'ries round. No voice th' unconscious ear records, • Nor breath its vital potc'rs affords. 18 Like them, as blindy and deaf^ and vain. The men whose confidence they gain ; Who form their gods oi glitfring dusty Or dare the senseless image trust. 1 PSALM 136. 423 10 Bless ye the Lord ; let IsraeVs race Extol His pow^Ty and own His grace; And ye, who round His altars stand, Like y^aron's consecrated band. 20 Ye Priests, ordain'd to speak His Word, Rise iH His courts and bless the Lord : And saints, who fear His name, unite To make His praises your delight. 21 From Zion let Hiis name be blest, His Church is His eternal rest ; There dwells Jehovab; — rise and sing Loud Hallelujahs to your king 1 1 PSALM CXXXVI.— Part I. AN exhortation to praise God for the eternity of His Mercys displaying itself in His various dispensations to His Church; and issuing in it;i eternal redemption. 1 JN OW to the Lord Jehovah raise Your noblest strains of sjrateful praise : His Mercy flows a boundless stream. Thro' all eternity the same ! 2 With thankful songs His name address, Whom gods the God of gods confess : His Mercy, S^'c, 3 Lord of all lords, on high He reigns, Exalt Him in your thankful strains : His Mercy, 6fc. 4 Great are the wonders of His hand, All nature bows at His command ; Whose Mercy, S^c, PART ir. 5 Oh praise His name, th' Almighty God, Whose wisdom spread the heav'ni abroad : His Mtrcy, ^c. 6 Who bade the earth its station keep, Stretoh'd out above the icat^ry deep : His Mercy, Ss'c, 2o2 424 PSALM 136. 7 He hung the greater lights on high. The brightest glory of the sky : His Mercy ^ b)C. 8 By Hiin the Sun's all-quick" ning ray Pours its refulgence o'er the day: His Mercy, &^c, 9 And Moon and Stars, with milder lights Rule o'er the gloom, and cheer the night : His Mercy, ^c, PART III. 10 What thanks are His eternal due, Who Egypt's sons, her first-born, slew ! His Mercy, S)C. 11 Then Israel, captives now no more, In triumph leave the hated shore : His Mercy, &^c. 12 His mighty hand His people led. Above His stretch'' d-out arm He spread: His Mercy, &;c. 13 The sea obedient hears His word, -Divides, and owns 'tis IsraeVs Lord: His Mercy, 6^c, 14 ho ! safe w ithin the parting deep. Their wondrous way His Israel keep : His Mercy, ^c. 15 While the proud Tyrant, and his host. Are whelm'd, and in the deluge lost: His Mercy, b^c, 16 Then thro' the desert land He leads, His bounty there His Israel feeds : His Mercy, ^c. 17 He lays the mighty Monarchs low, Nor pow'r, nor fame, averts the blow : His Mercy, i^c. 18 See, Sikon falls, in Heshbon's fields, And Og's gigantic stature yields : His Mercy, ^c. PSALM 136. i,25 19 Their lands His chosen Israel share, Fix'd in secure possession there : His Mercy^ ^c. PART IV. 20 All-gracious God, Thy pity'ng eye View'd the low state in which we lie; And, mindful of a fallen race, Confirm'd the purpose of Thy grace ! Thy Mercy flows a boundless stream. Thro' all eternity the same I 21 Tliy hand redeeming pow'r displays ; Thy SON the mighty ransom pays ; His arm omnipotent to save. From sin, from sorrow, and the grat^e ! His Mercy, ^c. 22 Creation with His bounty fed. He feasts His Church with heavnly bread! Oh raise to Cmod your thankful strains, Who o'er the heav'ns exalted reigns : His Mercy flows a boundless stream, T'hro* all eternity the same ! PSALM CXXXVI.—Ver. II.— Part 1. To God, who reigns above. Your thankful tribute raise. His goodness and His love Surmount your highest praise : His Mercy rose, I And from His throne Ere time was known, \ Eternal flows. Give glory to His name, The God of gods adore : The Lord of lords supreme ! Proclaim His endless pow'r : His Mercy rose, 8^c, The wisdom of our God, So wondrous and divine, Spread the wide heav'ns abroad, Where all His glories shine : His Meray rose, S^c, 2o3 426 PSALM 136. 4 Above the watVy deeps, He stretch'd the solid earth ; His hand the structure keeps. And brings its beauties forth: His Mercy rose, ^c. 5 He spake — His light display'd Shot thro' th' expanded sky ; His hand, in might array'd. Hung the great orbs on high : His Mercy rose, 6fc. 6 The Sun to rale the day; The Moon, v,\ih paler light ; And Stars^ of gentler ray. To cheer the shades of night : His Mercy rose, S^c, PART II. as before. PART III. 12 How wondrous and how great Is God's eternal love ! He view'd our low estate. What kind compassions move ! His Mercy rose, 8^c. 13 He saw our ruin'd race In guilt and bondage lie, And sent, in sovereign grace, Redemption from on high : His Mercy rose^ ^c. 14 Redeeming love display'd. He heals our mortal woes ; Since Christ the ransom paid, And triumph'd o'er our foes : His Mercy rose, S^c. 15 'Tis He our food provides; By Him all nature lives: But, to His saints besides, He life eternal gi\es : His Mercy rose ^c. 16 To God in Heav'n above Your thankful tribute rais*, PSALM 137. 427 His goodness and His love Surmount your highei«t praise: His Mercy rose I And from His throne Ere time was known, \ Eternal flows, PSALM CXXXVIL THE Jewish Churchf oppressed iu the Babylonish Captivity, lamentf, in a most beautiful aurt impressive manner, its afflicted state. Let ut consider it as an emblem of the Church, in its present circumstances of distress, affliction, and oppression ; and then, under the destruction of Edom and Babylon, we shall see the dovmfall of the Romish Anti- Christian pou'er celebrated, as the most joyful event to the Christian Church. 1 JN EA.R BaheVs proud currents, resign'd To grief and affliction, we sat ; We wept, as we cast in our mind O'er Zion^s disconsolate state : Our harps both unbent and unstrung, (What songs can the captives prepare ?) On the low bending willows we hung, And bade them hang uselessly there. 2 For the captors, who Zion destroy, 'Midst oppression, and insults, L,nd wrongs, Demanded the accents of joy, " Come and sing one of Zion's sweet songs ;" Ah ! how shall the soul that's opprest Tune the strings to the heart-cheering strain ? Or, where idols His glory contest, The songs of Jehovah profane ? 3 If e'er the remembrance depart Of Salem, which weeps on the ground, Let my fingers, depriv'd of their art, Forget how the strings to resound : Let my tongue to my palate adhere. Nor her songs e'er my triumphs employ, If I hold not her mem'ry most dear, Above all that enlivens myjoy. PART tr. 4 Rise then, Jehovah, mighty Lord, arise, Their pride remember, and their rage suppr«l 428 PSALM 137. Hear how the envious for malignant cric?. And Edom vaunts in Zions deep distress: Ne'er let thine ear forget th' exultino; sound, ** Rase her foundations^ vast them to the ground^ b Oh Babylon's proud daughter, stately pow'rf Hear, for 'tis fix'd, Jehovah's dread decree, Thy^Fa4^ercomes,s^viftha^testh'appointed hour, Before his steps th' a^tonish'd nations flee : Blest is the hand thy cruelties repays. Blest, who thy children on thy pavement sla^?. PSALM CXXXVII.— Ver. II.— Part I. Applied to the present state of the Church. 1 Far from Zion, far from home, Earth beholds a captive band. Wretched strangers here we roam, Thinking on our native land: Tears of n oe the floods increase, While our tuneless harps unstrung, 'Midst this solitary place, On the willow'd banks are hung, 2 5m and gwlt the sigh compel, While we drag !he bondage chain : Earth, and sense^ and pow'rs of hcll^ First allure, and then disdain : ** Rise," they cry, " ye weepin;^: saints, •* Tui'iC your harps^ and tune your tongues^ " Sing^ and cease your saJ complaints, *' One of Zion^s boasted songs.^' 3 How hall we, oppress'd on earth, Raise our thoughts lo joys above ? Tune our harps to sarr d mirth ? Triumph in the savjovr's love ? Silence suits the pensive mind, Eiil'd from the heav'nly shore ; Or, to patient grief res\^n'd, Still its sorrows to deplore. PSALM 137. 129 i If, 'midst scenes of sensual joi/, Or by gloomy cares opprest. Earth should my desires employ, Thoughtless of my heavenly resty Let my hand, bereft of skill, Ne'er its useless art regain ; Nor its vain attempt fulfil To educe the melting strain. 5 If, estrang'd from heav'nly song. Sensual bliss delight my mind. Fix my false deceitful tongue^ And my tips in silence bind ; Zion, seat of endless rest, Shall my thoughts and songs employ, Dearer to my longing breast Than my dearest scenes of joy. 6 Behold the impious band, Great God behold. Where pow'rs of papal Antichrist combine ; While o'er thy desolated church they hold The murd'ring sword, and to their wrath consign. 7 Her deep distress provokes their envious mirth ; While Zion weeps, with impious joy they cry, " Rase her foundations from the yielding earthy^ But heav'n's high voice has seal'd thy destiny. H Thy Conqueror comes— the Lord protects his way. From his stern pow'r thy just rewards descend; His slaught'ring arm thy infant race shall slay, And thy long rule^ and pomp, and triumph end. PSALM CXXXVIII.— Part L A beautifitl son* of praise; in which the heart of the Christian wi.I cordially unite. Looking to the Lord Jesus, the Antitype of the Jewish Temple, he wiU offer, in Him and through Him, the sacrifice of a willing heart, in prayer and praise. May all the kings and nations of the earth join in the soag, when hearing tlie tidings of His mercyy the gospel of His salvation. The Lord's former answers to prayer, and the greatness of His conde 430 PSALM 13$. ccension, excite the hope of the Believer, that He will eoiHimie tf mfford deliverance ; and nrt^er formke His people, till He hith perfected them, and all their believing expectations, in the Kingdom of Hi» glory. 1 JMlY heart, my Heav'nly king. Unites its pow'rs in praise ; To Thee before the gods I'll sing, And songs of honour raise. 2 Of old Thy Temple drew The Jews^ believing eyes ; So shall my faith ihe saviour view. Thro' Him my off^ritigs rise. 3 Thy Mercy I'll record, And all Thy Truth proclaim; Thy Truth o'er all exalts Thy Word^ O'er all Thy wondrous narne, 4 When to the Lord I cried, Thy grace the answer gave, My fainting soul with strength supplied. And prov'd its pow'r to save. 5 Now let Thy GospeVs light Shine on from shore to shore, Till nations view with great delight. And all their Kings adore. 6 Let Princes hear Thy Wordy And triumph in Thy ways ; Great is Thy glory^ heav'nly Lord ! And great shall be Thy praise. PART II. T The Lord, enthron'd on high. Makes humble souls ll\s care ; But bids the proud His presence fly. And scorns them from afar. 8 When in the gloomy ways Of deep distress I tread, Jesus, my Lord, Thy saving grace Shall raise my fainting head. PSALM 138. 431 H When potvrs of hell surround, Thy Mercy shall restrain ; Thine arm shall all their might confound, And bid them rage in vain. 10 Thine arm ray soul shall save, And all my hopes complete, Shall raise me conquWor o'er the grave. And place me near Thy seat, 1. 1 Thy grace the promise spake. Thy truth eternal stands ; Let mercy ne'er the work forsake Of Thy creating hands. PSALM CXXXVIII.— Ver. I L— Part I. 1 With all my pow'rs Thy name I'll sing. Thy narne I'll praise, immortal KijyfG ! Let Prznces join, and Angels heart My pray'r, directed to thcskies, Shall tow'rds Thy holy Temple rise. For Christ my advocate is there! 2 Thy Truth and Mercy I'll record ; Thy Truth, my God, exalts Thy Word, O'er all the wonders of Thy name : When in distress to Thee I cried, Thou heard'st my pray'r, and strength suppliedj And still Thy promised grace I'll claim. 3 Let the glad sounds, at Thy command, Thy Gospel spread from land to land. Till all their list'ning Princes hear : Till in Thy ways, with sweet delight. To praise Thy name their hearts unite : Lord, Thy great glory claims their fear I part II. 4 Jehovah, (boundless is His love 1) Tho' high enthron'd He reigns above. Still makes the lowly mind His care : But, ah, ye proud {your pomp how vain !) He views your state with just disdain, And scorns your glory from afar. 432 PSALM 139, 5 Tho^ with a trembling step I trrad The gloomy paths where troubles spread, Thy Mercy shall my soul restore : StretchM o'er myf-oul, Thy mighty hand, My SAFJOLRy shall their rage withstand, And save me, till I fear no more. 6 The Lord shall all my /lopcs complete, Great is His pow'r^ His mercy great Thro' everlasting years shall rise : My God, Thy word the promise spake, Let not Thy grace Thy work forsake, Till crown'd with glory in the skies. PSALM CXXXIX.— Part L THIS Psalm is of unparalleled dignity and beauty. Thp Omnipresente and Omniscience of Jehovah ; the wonders of His wiidmn and pou'er in the formation of man ; H\6 f;oodness in providence ; and the great- ness of His mercies in redemption ; are here sublimely described, to excite our grateful love, and willing obedience. Let us join then the Psalmist's prayer, that His Omniscience may search and detect the most latent evils of our heart, in order for its purifica- tion and salvation. 1 Omniscient Lord ! Thy piercing light Hath search'd my spirit thro' ; My inmost soul before Thy sight Stands all expos'd to view. 2 Where'er I sif^ whene'er I me, 'Tis known, my God, to Thee: The thought unformed all open lies, While yet unknown to me. 3 Around my path, around my bed^ Thy boundkss presmcc s\.'A\s : With Thee I rest; by Thee I'm led; And known are all my ways. 4 Thou know'st the yet unuiter\l sounds. Ere from my lips they flow t Behind, before^ Thy hand surrounds. And rests v/here'cr I jio. PSALM 139. 43S S Oh wondrous knowledge ! wondrous pow^r ! Too vast for mortal view ! My thoughts in vain the depths explore, Nor dare the heights pursue. PART II. G Oh -where, Thou infinite !^vnkn own ! Shall I Thy spirit fly ? Beyond thebound'ries of Thy throne ? Or w here escape Thine eye ? 7 If up to Heaven my steps I bear, Thy glory strikes my soul : Should I in hell my bed prepare, Thy terrors round me roll. 8 If, swift upon the morning ray, With beams of rapid light, Beyond the limits of the sea, I wing my distant flight ; 9 Beneath Thy hand I still remain. Unconscious, Thou my guide : Thy pow'r, Almighty to sustain, Spread round on ev'ry side. 50 If e'er, my folly to conceal, I wrap myself in night. Thy glory rends the midnight veil. And turns the shades to light. i 1 Thro' deepest glooms Thine eye pervades. Thro' darkness round me thrown : Before Thy sight the ten-fold shades Shine bright as beams of noon. 12 Darkness and li_q-hf, to Thee the same Roll round ai Thy command : Then will I fear Thy awful name Nor dare provoke Thy hand. PART III. 13 My God, Thy pow'r my reins possesr, When in the womb 1 lay : There did Thy hand prepare my rest. And there Thy love displa,v 2 p 434? PSALM 139. 14 Thy praise my grateful lips shall fill, How fearful is my frame ! I live — the tconder of Thy skill! And tremble Jit Thy name. 15 There did Thine eyes, and none but T/iincy The secret chambers view, Where foim'd, and wrought by art divine, My curious structure grew. 16 O'er the rude mass Thy plastic ijiind Kmploy'd its forming care ; Then in Thy book my frame designed, And wrote each member there. 17 From day to day, Thy Jingers tracM" Thy own mysterious plan, Each part in beautzous order plac'd, Till nothing rose to 3Ian. 18 How vast the jnercies I recount I How rich Thy thoughts to rae I More than the sands iheir vast amount, Which bound the rolling sea, 19 Thus, when the morning rays appear, 1 wake, Thy grace to prove : I feel Thy pow'r and presence near, And meditate Thy love! PART IV. 50 The awfui terrors of my God Shall seal the sinner's shame, Then l.ence depart, ye men of blood, Your friendship 1 disclaim. 21 Thy foes revile Th^e, Mighty Lord ! Thy gTories they profane : They scorn the doctrines of Thy Word^ And take Thy name in vain, 22 Do not 1 hate the impious race. Who thus my Cod despise? What griefs my trembling soul distress, When men against Thle rise! 28 Whene'er their rage and scorn I §ee^ My holy hatred grows ; PSALM 139. 435 t coimt them enemies to mc, Who dare my Lord oppose, 24 Great searcher of the human heart! My soul before Thee lay : Search, search me throi* ; prove ev'ry part ; My secret thoughts survey. 23 Where'er unconscious follies hide. The latent guilt descry : In Thine own way my footsteps guide. Nor endless' life deny. > PSALM CXXXIX.- Ver. II.— Part I. 1 Thou/Lord, hast searched thro' ev'ry part, And tried, and proved, and known my heart: Where'er I sit, whene'er I me, I meet th' observance of Thine eyes. 2 Long ere the rising thought I find, ^Tis present to Thy boundless mind ; Around my steps, around my bed. Thou know'st each secret path I tread. 3 Unform'd to sound, each purposed word Is known to Thee, OirvisciENT Lord I Behind, before. Thy hand, my stay, Guides, or controls, or guards my way, 4 Oh wondrous knowledge ! how divine i Far, far beyond these pow'rs of mine ; Above my thought, on high it soars. Lost in the view ray soul adores. PART II. 5 Where shall I go, Omniscient God ! Beyond Thy spirit" s bright abode r To what remotest corner fly. To shun the presence of Thine eye ? 6 If up to Ileavn I take my fiight, Thy glories there confound my si^ht t Should hell my gloomy bed prepare. Thou dwell'st in terrors round me there, 7 If on the morning* s wings I fiee Beyond the bound'ries of the sea^ 9 p 2 136 PSALM 139. There shall Thy hand surround and guide. And hold my steps on ev'ry side. 8 If e'er I call the darkness round. To wrap me in its deep profound, Thy light the ten-fold gloom pervades, And pours refulgence thro' the shades, 9 From Thee no darkness hides ; Thy ray Turns midnight to the blaze of day : All-seeing God ! to Thee the same Darkness and light : how great Thy name ? PART III, Thy hand, my God, with pow'r divine, Form'd and possess'd these reins of mine, When, in the womb, enclosed around, i\Iy speck of life a shelter found. 11 Thy glories all my praise demand, I live — the wonder of Thy hand ! So fearful, so divinely wrought, My soul stands trembling z,i the thought • 12 Safe shut within my close abode, . From all conceal'd but Thee, my God, Thou jaw'st, when, wrought with curious skilly My rising for?7i obey'd Thy will. 13 There did Thine eyes the mass survey. While yet unformd my substance lay : Then in Thy book each member plac'd. Each' finer nerve, each feature trac'd. 14 From day to day, Thy pow'r divine Form'd and arranged Thy wise design ; Till, as Thy hands each part compose, This wondrous frame from nothing rose, 15 Lost in the wonders of Thy grace, I aim in vain Thy thoughts to trace. Those thoughts of love, so vast to me ! More than the sands which bound the sea : 16 Each morn, that wakes my sleeping eyes, Beholds Thy mercies round me rise: I feel Thy presence near me move. And w onder as I view Thy love. PSALM 139. 4S7 PART XT. 17 The Lord, His day of vengeance come. Shall strike — and fix ihe sinner^sdoomj Then hence ye peisecutors fiee. Your social hours be far from me. 18 Behold, my God, to wrath consigned. Their words proclaim their impious miud:; Hostile to Thee, the faithless train Thy iruik revile, Thy riame profane, 19 Does not my soul, their ways abiiorr*dj Abhor the men who hate the Lord ? Griev'd when their impious ra^e 1 see. Who dare, my God, be foes to Thee ? 20 When infidels Thy truik oppose. My grief to holy hatred grows : I bid my soul their paths decline. And count Thine enemies as mine. 181 Search me^ O God, and kn(^m my heart, With strict S7trvey try ev'ry part. Nor let my thoughts^ as yet they ris?. Pass unobserv'd before Thine eyes. 22 If guilt unknown my heart conceal. Before my eyes that guill reiyeal: Correct, re fine ^ and guide my way. In paths of everlasting day. PSALM CXXXIX.— Ver, IIL— Part I, 1 Omniscient Lord ! Thy piercing view Hath tried^ and prov'd^ and searched me thro' Whene'er I rise or rest, I stand all open to Thine eyes ; Thou see'st my thoughts before they rise^ Still latent in my breast. 2 Around my busiest paths by day, Around my bed. Thine eyes survey My chamber of repo'ie : N"o secret acts Thy si«;iit evade. To Thee each purposed wnrd'^s betray'd^ Ere from my lips it tlows. 2p3 438 PSALM 139. 3 Where'er I turn, before^ hehindy In all my present God I find : His hands my steps sustain : 0 tjcondrous knoickdgc ! wondrous pow'r! Lost in the prospect I adore, And tempt the heights in vain ! PART IF. 4 Where shall I go, tiiou great rNK\o}rs : Beyond the bound'ries of Thy throne ? Or from Thy spirit fly ? Where, when with guilty fears opprest. Seek shelter for my treml^ling breast ? Or sl:un th' all-seeing eye ? 3 If up to Heav'n my steps incline, There all Thy glories round me shine : A blaze of dreadful day! If deep in hell my soul prepare Its gloomy bed, Thy terrors there 3Iy trembling soul dismay ! 6 If, borne on wings of morning lig/Uf Swift as its beams, I guide my flight Beyond the distant sea, Yet, as beneath Thine eye I stand, 1 feel Thine all-sustaining hand, Which still directs mj- way, 7 If e'er I call the midnight veil, My guilt in darkness to conceal, Thy rays pervade the night : I stand exposed : — The noon-day beam Thro' midnight shines : — To Thee the same The darkness or the Light! PART III. 8 Thou, great Creator, ever blest, Hast form'd my heart, ray reins possest, Thy glory to display : Thy love the shelter did prepare, And made my speck of life Thy care, When in the womb I lay. 9 My lips Thy praiges shall proclaim, IVIy God, so fearful is my frame, PSALM 139. 439 The wonder of Thy hands ! What powW, and /ore, and wisdom shine In all Thy works ! — the skill divine My gratitude demands, 10 In earth's low chamber darkly laid, Thine eyes my shapeless mass surveyed, As secret there I grew : My substance wrought with nicest art, While yet unform'd, in ev'ry part Lay open to Thy view. 11 Thy book inscrib'd th' exact design, Mark'd ev^ry member, ev'ry line. And drew th' amazing plan : Till, day by day, from nothing rose, This curious structure to compose, The lineaments of man. 12 How rich, how vast, Thy thoughts of grace ! In vain I seek those thoughts to trace, More countless than the sand: Whene'er the 7norn awakes my pow'rs, My God is near — my soul adores The wonders of Thy hand ! PART IV, 13 Shall not th' ungodly quickly die ? Then hence ye persecutors fly. Your friendship I disclaim: See the bold infidels arise, Thy truth revile. Thy icorcZ despise, And vainly use Thy name. 14 Does not my soul indignant see. The men, my God, who rage at Thee ? Griev'd at their vain design ? My grief to holy hatred grows: And, while Thine enemies oppose. My soul accounts them mine! 25 Search me, O God, my spirit try, Thy strictest scrutiny apply. My secret thoughts survey ^ 440 PSALM 140. Briii^all unconscious guilt to view. My sins forgive — my soul renew, And lead to endless day. PSALM CXL.— Part I. 5 supplication f«r deliverance from the pertecutovy %lnndfrtY, and proad oppressor. In the recoUectioH of past deliverance*, the Psalmist a*- surcs himself of future protection and preservation, in which thepaer^ the afflicted, and the upright, shall partake, for their eternal utWa* tion. 1 When th' ungodly round me staod, Lord, redeem me from their hand; Mark the persecutor' s rage. In my cause Thy arm engage. t Gloomy thoughts of mischief rest, Lab'riiig in their sullen breast: "While the hostile ranks they join. And against my soul combine. 3 Sland'rons speeches pour along. Piercing as the serpenfs tongue : Hid beneath their lips they place Poison of the viper''s race. 4 Gracious Lord, Thine aid command, Save me from th' oppressor's hand : All the rage of hell control, AVatching to destroy my soul. 5 Lo ! the proud conceal the snare. Spread their cords, their nets prepare, Secret gins insidious lay : Guard, oh guard, my dang'rous way. PART 11. • Jehovah, God .vosT /f/GH/ 'Tis Thou 771^ God I own: Then let my supplicating cry Be heard before Thy throne, T O God the Lord, Thy pow'r Salvation can impart: Thy shield, in ev'ry dangVons hour, Has sheltered o'er my heart. PSALM 140. 441 S Still all my foes repel, Their dark designs restrain, So shall the powers of earth or hell Assault my soul in vain. 9 If, urg'd by Satan's hand, My trembling soul be lost. How will my foes exulting stand. And o'er Thy p/Qmise boast. 10 Mark the persecutors' way^ Tho' around they spread dismay, Mischiefs which their lips devise Shall th' ungodly race surprize. 11 Burning coals shall blast their joy, Fires the fiery tongue destroy, Pits where flames eternal burn, AVhence the guilty ne'er return. 12 Never shall the slandWous tongue Fame or confidence prolong : Mark i\\e persecutor's fate. Terrors all his steps await .' 13 Thy Mercy, O my Lord, Shall vindic.ite th' opprest : The humble poor may trust Thy Word^ And on Thy promise rest. 14 The just shall praise Thy name, And men of heart sincere Before Thy throne Thy love proclaim, And dwell/or ever there. PSALM CXLT.— Part 1. THE Psalmist here f arnestly supplicates that his prayer may be aeeept- able ; his mouth guarded from improper language; and his heart kept from secret inclinations to evil. He solicits the generous and friendly reproof of the righteous; and, in the midst of persecution and oppression, reminds his enemies of his kindness to them in times of danger; directs his eye to Cod; and rests in confidence upon His protection.— An example to us of sinctrity, meeknessf and /aiffc. 442 PSALM 141. 1 IjORD, at Thy throne I urge my cry, Swift to mv aid let Mercy tly ; Oh I'^t my voice Th> pity meet, ^Vhell, suppliant at Tny awfui seat. My bighs asceni. S As clouds of incense to the skies, So let my morning prayW arise: And thus my lifted hands by nighty As evening offWings, meet Thy sight ; Sweet sacrifice ! 3 My God, Thy presence I implore, To watch my lips^ and guard the door; Nor let my words be light or ram, Nor heart incline to guilt again ; Aw'd by Thy fear, 4 Tho' sinners tempt my feet astray, Ne'er let me tread their daug'rous way ; Nor let their works my hands employ, A stranger to their impious joy ; Ah vain delight! 5 Let righteous men my faults reprove, Their words are s^eet, their censures love ; Their sharpest chidings are benign; Their stripes my purity design. They cleanse my soul. 6 Sweet balmy influence they impart. Nor break my heady but heal my heart; And, while their words my health devise, For them to Heav'n my pray'r shall rise. In all their woes. 7 So once, tho' enemies to me, I set their murdVous Princes free, From the dark cave my words they heard, Forgiving^ gracious, as my Lord : Rich FOUNT OF Lormi 9 See, gracious God, with pitying eye. How nature^ 8 ruins round us lie : PSALM U2. 44^5 Each opening grave proclaims its spoils, hike fragments of the woodman's toils, Wiiicti spread the ground. 9 But, while amidst these scenes 1 mourn, My God, the Lord, to Thee 1 turn ; I raise my eyes ; I urge my pray'r ; And rest dependant on Thy care; My HEAVENLY GVIDE I iO Still on Thy promises I trust ; And, tho' my flesh return to dustj Then to my soul Thy pow'r display, Nor leave me to the grave a prey. In glooms of death. il When earth and hell their arts prepare. Preserve my feet from ev'ry snare ; Amidst temptations round me spread. Thro' all my foes in safety led : Thy pow'r I'll praise. \2 But, when to death the sinner falls, Yfh^w justice for destruction calls. Then let my soul escape away From death's dark scenes, to endless day ; By Jesus borne. PSALM CXLII. IN the midst of troubles, if the Believer fly to any other refuse tha* ** the hope set before him in the Gospel^" he will find it but a deceitful confidence. From hence he must turn to the Lord the Saviour. He ■alon« is the iure refuge, and the eternal portion of His Church. H« will enlarge the souls of His people, and deliver them from everf •cene of perplexity and distress, till all of them behold His mercy and Kis faithfuljiess, in their final victory over all their enemiei, an* «mte to praise His name, in the Kingdom of His glory. 1 JL O God I make my pray'r, From God I seek relief; I'll tell to Him my anxious care. And show Him all my grief. 2 O'erwhelm'd my spirit lay. Yet He ray path discern'd, .444 PSALM 142, The secret snares which spread the way, Where'er my footsteps tuni'd, 3 I look'd around for aid, But none my sorrows knew : All refuge faii'd ; perplex'd, disraay'd, No pitying eye to view. 4 Then, with a humble heart, To Thee my hopes aspire ; " Thou, Lord, my only refuge art, '* The PORTION I desire." 5 IVIy God, my cries attend, When in distress I lie, From all the poivrs of hell defend, More ;?oii'V/w;/ar than I. 6 By guilt and sorrow bound, My soul from prison free. Then shall my lips Thy name resound, And praise ascend to Thee. 7 Redeem'd from ev'ry fear, By Mercies so divine, The righteous round shall crowd to hear, And in my triumph join. PSALM CXLII.— Ver. II. 1 The Lord my suppliant voice shall hear. To Him my cries appeal : I'll pour my sorrovcs\i\ His ear, And all my griefs reveal. 2 When, 'midst perplexity of woe, O'erwhelm'd my spirit lay, Thou, Lord, my doubtful path didst kirow. The snares which spread my way. 3 Behold, to guilt and death consign'd. No ADVOCATE is nigh : ^o friendly refuge here I find, No sympathizing eye, 4 To Thee I cried ; my God, be near, For faith oa Thee relies : PSALM 142. 445 " Tfiou art my only refuge here, *' My PORTION in the skies." 5 Indulgent Lord, my pray'r attend. My deep afflictions see : From all the pow'rs of hell defend. The pow'rs too strong for me. 6 From bondage^ g^iHy and fear^ release, My God, Thy name to praise : Then shall the righteous round me press. And view and trust Thy grace. PSALM CXLII.— Ver. III. 1 The Lord shall hear my humble pray'r, To Him my heart disclos'd its care ; I'll pour my sorrows at His seat, And all my griefs and fears repeat, 2 O'erwhelm'd with woe my spirit lay. Yet still my God observ'd my way ; Thine eyes the secret snares discern'd, Spread round my steps where'er I turn'd> 3 Lo ! on the right, amidst ray fears, No aidy no Advocate appears r No friendly re/wgehere I find, No gen''rous pity cheers my mind. 4 Hopeless on earth, by all forsook, Jesus, my Lord, to Thee I look : " Thou art my refvge here," I cry, *' My PORTION in the worlds on high.'* 5 Oh bow, attentive to my pray'r. Else shall I sink in deep despair : Let all my foes, too strong for me. Own my almighty friend in Thee. ^ Enlarge my soul, imprison'd round, Then shall my praise Thy name resound, -^nd righteous men around me throng, To view Thy grace, and join my song. 2(i 446 PSAL]M 145. PSALM CXLIir.— Part I. THIS is tbe lut and raost beatttiful of the penittntial Psalms. In dtfp distress, ovenvbelnied by the power of the memij, sunk down int* darkness as gloomy as the shadovD of dialk, the Psalmist prays to be apared in judgnicnt, as an act oi sovereign grace. By the rememhranc* of the /or»n«- mercies of God to His Church, he is encouraged in hit earnest applications for speedy help, leat he thowld perish beyond recovery. The substance of the prayer is recorded verses 7 to 12, suited to the wants and desires of every Believer, when in the experience of such aa afflicted stale. 1 AjORD, let Thine ear observe my cries. While prostrate at Thy seat ; In all Thy righteousness arise. Thy promise to complete, 2 Call not Thy servant to Thy bar, T\iy judg/nent to display : For who can stand acquitted there. Or bear Thy strict survey ? S My foes in hostile rage unite. My life to dust they tread : I dwell where darkness veils ray sight, As 'midst the long-lost dead. 4 O'erwhelm'd beneath a load of woes. My spirit finds no rest : My heart, so desolate it grows. Desponds within my breast. 5 Yet I recall the days of old, Sweet days of sacred joy ! Thy works of grace, which saints have told, My wond'ring thoughts employ. iS Then cheer'd by hope, my willing hands, Stretch'd at Thy throne, remain ; For Thee I long, as thirsty lands For shuwWs of gen'rous rain, 7 Oh haste ! my failing strength recall^ I faint without Thy grace: ,\nd down to endless death I fall, Jf Thou withdraw Thy face. PSALM 143. 447 S Whene'er the morning lights the skies, Thy beamsy O Lord, display. And let Thy loving-kindness rise. To bless the early day, 9 In thee 1 trust, Thy light afford. And let my path be known, I lift my soul to I hee, my Lord, My pray'r before Thy throne, 10 From all my foes, Thy pow'r displayed. Oh set Thy servant free : i seek Thy mercy's friendly shade. And hide myself with Thee. 11 Thou art my God, Thy will express. And teach me to obey ; And let Thy spirit, rich in grace i Direct me in Thy way, h2 oil raise me to the life divine^ My SAVIOUR^ s name I plead : And, Lord, since righteousness is Thiiie, From ev'ry trouble lead, 1$ Let Mercy all my foes subdue ; (Thy Mercy I'll adore ;) !yor sense, nor sin, their arts renew. To vex Thy servant more. PSALM CXLIII.— Ver. II.~Part I. i Lord, hear my pray'r, my humble cries. Borne to Thy throne on heavy sighs j And let Thy truth, from Heav'n Thy seat. The promise of Thy Word complete, S Call not Thy servant to Thy bar. Severe, Thy judgment to declare ; For who, as righteous in Thine eye. Can bear that strictest scrutiny ? 3 The powWs of hell, wi'ithont control. With dangerous arts pursue my soul;> 2q 2 HS PSALM US. Till, sinking in the dust, opprcst. My life scarce lingers in my breast, 4 From guilt what gloomy clouds arise. And veil Thy Mercies from my eyes 1 Sweet Merafs heav'nly light is fled, I dwell in darkness as the dead. V Aw'd by Thy frown, o'erwhelm'd with fear, ;^Iy trembling soul scarce ventures near: My heart Kcs desolate within, Broke with the weight of j^We/and sin, ^ Yet I recall the ancieiit days, When once I kiiew and felt Thy grace : I meditate Thy works of old, The wonders by Thy servants told. 7 Then,rais'd to hope, I stretch my hand=. And long for Thee, as ihirsly lands : Thy grace, lilcc* shouyrs of genial rain^ Can sweetly cheer my heart again. 5 Haste, O my saviour, while I pray. My spirit fails, if Thou delay; Nor hide Thy presence, lest J dwell With guilty souls thrust down to hell. PART II. Lord, let me hear, when morning breaks. The words Thy loving-kindness speaks ; With opening day let Mercy shine, For on Thy promise I recline. 10 My HEAVENLY GUIDE, indulgent show The path my doubtful feet should go: For to Thy throne my pray'rs arise, A daily morning sacrifice. il In Thy salvation, Lord, descend, From ev'ry enemy defend : Beneath Thy sheWring wings I flee. And, trembling, hide my soul with Thee. 12 Thou art jmj God, Thy sacred will Reveal, and teach me to fulfil j PSALM 143, 4.4^ And let Thy spirit, rich iv grace. Lead to the land of righteousness, 13 With qnicWning powW renew my breast^ For on Thy name my hopes I rest : Thy Truth perform, Tby Mercy show. And raise me from these scenes of woe. 14 Lo ! 'tis Thy servant at Thy seaf. Who waits Thy Mercy to entreat : My foes destroy, my soul restore, And bring me where they grieve no morc- PSALM CXLIIL—Ver. III.— Part I. Hear, Jehovar, hear my cries. Mournful voice and suppliant pray'r. To Thy thnme I heave my sighs ; Pour my load of sorrows there : To Thy promise I appeal, Let Thy Truth confirm Thy Word: Can Thy truth or promise fail ? Hear and answer, gracious Lord. Call me not, with strict commands^ Unprotected to Thy bar. Where eternal justice stands, Righteous judgment to declare ; Who, with conscious guilt dismay'd. Dare Thy awful terrors meet ? Who his righteousness can plead, Ail unveiVd before Thy seat ? Urg'd by earth and pow'rs of hell. By the Tempter's arts o'erthrowu, Prostrate in the dust I dwell. All the sweets of life are gone : Fears, a melancholy train, Round my soul their terrors spread. And in solemn darkness reign, Deep as glooms which veil the dead« O'er my spirit, as they rise, Swelling floods of sorrow flow 5 2 Q 3 450 PSALM U3. While my heart desponding lies, Nor expects sweet peace below : Yet Thy loorArs of ancient days, In my grateful mind I'll bear ; All Thy works of poic'r and grace Bid me rise above despair. 5 Then to Thee I'll stretch my hands, Longing for Thy grace and love. As the dry and parched lands Thirst the genial show'rs to prove : Hear, oh hear me, while I call, Or my spirit fails and dies ; jr Thy face be hid I f^n Whence the guilty ne'er arise. When the morning rays appear, Lord, Thy beams of light display; Let Thy loving-kindness near Shine, and bless the op'ningday; Thou, my heav'nly guide and friend^ Make my path of duty known, For to Thee my pray'rs ascend. As the incense round Thy throne. From my foes, Thy presence nigh. Set Thy waiting servant free ; For to Thee alone I fly, Sheltering all my cares with Thee: To Thy will, my God, resigned. Teach me all Thy will to do ; Let Thy spirit, gracious^ kind^ Lead me till Thy courts I view. Lord, Thy quickening pomr impart. While I plead the saviour's name; Calm my griefs, and heal my heart, For Thy promised truth I claim : 'Tis Tiiy servant asks Thy grace^ Let my foes before Thee fall. And my soul in glory place, Rais'd triumphant o'er them all. I PSALM 144. 4.51 PSALM CXLIV.— Part I, I'NDER a variety of names the Psalmist celebrates the goodness of fi'trrl to him, and admires that goodness as displayed to so unu-orlhy a crea ture as man I — Thus he encourages his earnest supplication for com- plete deliverance from all his enemies. In the hlessint; of the Lmd Jehovah a Nation shall he blessed ; nor can they fail to be happy who have Jehovah for their God, 1 Eternal blessings on the Lord, And be my God, ray strength y ador'd ; He grants me skill, He gives me mighty And arms me for the dang'rous fight, 2 My GOODNESS ! He His §race bestows ; My FORTRESS ! guards me from ray foes ; The tojf'r of refuge ! where I fly ; My great deliverer ! always nigh, 3 I'll love the Lord : His arm my shield. He bids my strong corrupiians yield ; I'll trust His pow'r, and own His grace^ In songs of everlasting praise. FART II, 4 Lord, what is Man 9 so greatly blest i Thine eyes attentive o'er him rest : Or what the Sons of Men, to prove Th' eterntil honours of Thy love ! 5 Why fix on him Thy high esteem ? Why take ^25 nature to redeem ? Born from the dust, in all his pride, To earth and vanity allied, 5 Like the vain shadows fleeting on, His days scarce enter'd ere they're gone ; Yet shall this vanity arise, Form'd for Thy glory in the skies ! PART I If. 7 Great God, descending from on higli, Bow at Thy feet th' ethereal sky ; Come down : — the mountains shall retivo And at Thy touch in smoke aspire^ 452 PSALM 144.. S Dress Thee in lighVnings awful blaze. Its rapid beam T[\y hand obeys: Cast far and near, Tliy arruics spread. And sink Thy foes amidst the dead, 9 But, gracious God, from Heav'n above. To mf^ extend Thy hand of love: Withdraw me from the threat'ning wave. And from t!i' d'erwheltiiing waters save. 10 From men profane my spirit free. The impious race estrang'd from Thee: Their idol vanities display'd, They trust an arm unskiU'd to aid. 11 To Tliee, my God, my song I'll raise. In a new strain of grateful praise; My nol)lest instruments shall join, And aid ray voice with sounds divine, 12 His arm alone salvation yields. Alone the mightiest Princes shields: O'er all He tix'd xMessiah's reign, Thro' endless ages to remain ! 13 From men profane my spirit free. From impiou!5 men estrang'd from Thee; Their idol vanities display'd. Who trust an arm unskiU'd to aid, PART IV. 14 Lord, let our vigorous sons be seen. Like plants in youthful verdure green : Our daughters virtuous, graceful, fair. As columns dcck'd with sculptured carew 15 Let the rich harvest^ from the field, To the fulljloor abundance yield : Our garners fill'd with varied store, Tiie hope and refuge of the poor, 16 Our teeming eioes, by thousands told. Add their ten thousands to the fold : The laboring oxen^ strong for toil, Qraze o'er the 7ncad, or work the soiL FSALM 145. 45f^ !T Then sliaTl no foes irruptive break, No tribes their native shores forsake j ^ or murni' rings thro' the land resouncf. But sweet content spread all around, IS Happy the people thus at rest, With loKSy and peace^ and commerce blest j Then happier vce^no good deny'd. Who claim the Lord our Got* beside! PSALM CXLV.— Part I. JJEHOVAH is here extolled for His Name ; His greatness; His niajestij; His v:orks; anil His greai goodness. The glory of the Redeemer's Jcinsdom, His universal providence over all flesh, and His eternal daati- nion as the •** head OTer all things to His Churchy" are especially cele- brated, as deserving of on* highest praise, and the praises of all creation. — Haste» tjie time, O Eternal Spirit, vrbeii the kingdoms oi this •world shall become the kingdoms of cur God, and of His Chrict, that they may thus knova and scorify Him. 1 J\1y God, my safiour, and my KJ.vff, Thy glories I'll proclaim ; Thro' all eternity I'll bring Fresh honours to Thy name, 2 From day to day, in thankful soii^, Thy wonders I'll adore, And still the grateful strain prolongj When thne shall be no mere, 5 Great is the Lord, His praise be great i His g^iories are nn known ! Vast and unsearchable His stale ! And boundless is His throne I A From race to race Thy wonders told Their praises shall invite : And future ages still behold Fresh wonders of Thy might, 5 I'll speak the glories of Thy powV, What honours round Thee shine ! Thy works of Majesty adore. Which show Tny hand divine I 454. PSALM 145. 6 While earth proclaims, with trembling awe^ The terrors of Thy rod, My heart shall meditate Thy Lato, Thy greatness J O my God! 7 But sweeter songs, of sweeter souudy Shall celebrate Thy grace; And tell, to ail the world around. Thine endless righteousness ! 8 The Lord is gracious ! in His breast What kind compasion glows I His anger by His ^race represt. How wide His Mercy flows ! 9 The Lord is good! His boundless lov» His various creatures share : His works thro' all creation prove His Mercy s tend' rest care, 10 Let all Thy works, Almighty Lord! Thy poicr and praise proclaim : While saints, who know and trust Thy TVord^ Unite to bless Thy name. 11 Sweet from their lips, the thankful strain Shall distant lands invite, To view the glories of Thy reign. The wonders of Thy might! 12 Jesu=, the honours of Thy throne Thro' ev'ry age shall shine ! Thy glory thro' the earth be known. And all its coasts be Thine ! 13 Thy kingdom shall eternal stand. Thy wide dominion spread : Till Heav'n, and earth, and seas, and [cuid, yV'iih time itself be fied i PART ni, 14 Tho' dang'rous paths betray His saints^ He lifts His servants up : He holds the fallen when he faints. And thus renews his hope. PSALM 145, 455 15 To Thee creation's numerous train Direct their Availing eyes ; Thy orp'ning hands with food sustain. And pour the full supplies. 16 Just is the Lord in all His ivays^ How righteous His design ! His MercieSy in their rich displays. In all His conduct shine ! IT When at His throne His servants cry, "With heart and lips sincere. Then, for the Lord Himself is nigh, He bids His grace appear. 18 He bows indulgent from His seat. To hear the suppliant voice ; His arm salvation shall complete, While all His saints rejoice, 19 The men, who love the Lord, shall find How safe His servants are : But sinners, to His wrath consign'd, Shall perish in despair. 20 My thankful lips shall speak His praise, Let men the strains prolong ; And with united voices raise One everlasting song ! PSALM CXLV.— Ver. II.— Part L 1 To Thee, my God, my kjng^ I'll raise The tribute of eternal praise : From day to day Thy name adore. Till time itself shall be no more, 2 Great is the Lord, thro' earth and skies Great as His name His praise should rise : What brightest Seraph round the throne Can make His searchless glories known? 3 Each passing age shall raise the song ! And bid the next Thy praise prolong : Succeeding times adoring stand. And view the wonders of Thy band. 1^36 PSALM uru 4 ni speak Thy honours all abroad. Thy glorious Majesty^ my God ! And men with me Thy ads shall sing, Thy terrors. Thou Almighty kisg! .1 But, in Thy courts, Thy Church shall tracr Th' abundant mcniry of Thy grace : And there Thy righteousness employ Their sweetest songs of sacred joy. PAUT II. % The Lord is gracious to impart The fuH compassions of His heart i His anger slow, averse to rise, His Mercy boundless o'er the skies. 7 The Lord is good! His bounty round Flows to creation^ s utmost bound : His various works His praise proclaim, But saints with joy should bless His name! 5 Immortal Kiyc! my safiovr God! Thy saints shall speak Thy fame abroad. The glories of Thy reign rehearse, And o'er Thy acts of powW converse^ 9 Thy acts of vict'ry to declare. Thro' the whole earth Thy name they bear; Their songs Thy Majesty display, Whom earth, and Heav'n, and hell obey. 10 Jesus, Thy throne, o'er all supreme. Stands fix'd, eternally the same: From age to age Thy pow'r extends, Nor thro' eternal ages ends. 1 1 His strengih'ning grace the Lord supplier, And holds the fallen till they rise : His arm sustains their sinking hope, And lifts the trembling spirit up. 12 On Thee creation's num'rous train Expectant wait, nor wait in vain: Thy op'ning hand around tliem pours The full supply, from boundless storps. PSALM U6. 4^1^ 13 Jehovah, just in all His ways, Eternal righteousness displays : So wise, so gracious their design, In all irJis works His Mercies shine. 14 When at His throne, with heart sincere.. His servants call, the Lord is near : His hands their just desires supply, He hears, and saves, whene'er they cry, 15 The men who love the Lori> shall know What powV His mighty arm can show r Safe in His care His servants dwell, While sinners fall accurs'd to hell. 16 My thankful lips Thy praise shall sing. My Lord, my safiovRj and my king / Let all Thy sacred name adore, Thro^ timcy till time shall be no more. PSALM CXLVL—Part I. THE heart of the Believer will cheerfully «nter into this solemu engag* ment to praise Jehorahy while life and being are continued. He ii. the proper object of a creature's confidence. Tlie highest of the sonb ©f u»en are but a passing bretUk. The Lord^Jehovah alone iaunchange- able and everlasting. His a-eation of Heaven and earth, the jxistice and tneraj of His providential dispenstLtions, and the eternity of Hi^ Kingdom, are here displaj-ed, to encourage our trust in Him ; and t«* show the happiness aud seciiriiy of all those who arc interested ift His care and lone. 1 -It RAISE ye the Lord, ye saints below ; Ye choirs above His glories show : My soul, thy noblest pow'rs incite, And in the sacred work unite: 2 Long as I live, Eternal Lord T My lips Thy honours shall record ; To Thee, my God, the song I'll raise, While I have powers to pray or praise, 3 Trust not in Princes born to die, Nor on the Sons of men rely. In all their 2?oie;'r and pomp array'd, False to the hopes which trust their aid, 2r 458 PSALM 146. 4 Dependant on a fleeting breath, He hastens to the shades of death ; Jih hopes, h\s glories, he resigns, And vanish'd are his best designs. 5 Happy the man, securely blesf, Who finds in Jaceb's God his rest ; Whose hope, when threat'ning dangers rise, Firm on Jehovah's pow'r relies. 6 He form'd the skies, the seas, the groundy And spread their ample stores around : His truth and promise stand secure, And endless as His throne endure. PART II. 7 The Lord, while judgjnents round Him rest, Is swift to vindicate th' opprest : His bounteous hands the hungry feed, He grants whate'er His people need. 8 He bids the captive loose his chain. And life and liberty regain : The Lord restores the blind to sight, And o'er the mind pours heav'nly light. 9 When in the dust the mourner lies. Again He bids th' afiflicted rise ; The righteous Lord the righteous loves. Nor from His saints His aid removes. 10 He sees, and marks the stranger's fears ; The orphan's cries — the widow's tears ; He turns their mourning voice to joy : But sinners shall His wrath destroy. 11 Jehovah fills th' eternal throne, Zion, thy God thy saviour own : From aire to age triumphant raise Your Hallelujahs to His praise. PSALM CXLVL— Ver. IL— Part I. 1 Now let the Church, in strains of praise, Their tribute to Jehovah raise ; My soul the triumph join : PSALM 146. 459 Long as Hive I'll praise my KJiVG, Till with im7norial pow'rs I sinj^. Where all His glories shine. 2 Trust not on Princts^ nor rely On a uain mortal, born to die. So inapoteni to save: His breath returns — amidst the dead. His thoughts are in a moment fled, All vanish'd o'er the ^rave. 3 Happy the man, wnose hopes recline On Israel's God — with p< w'r divine He stretch'd tlie heavens above ; He spread the seas ; He form'd the land; He fili'd their stores : — His truth shall stand Unchanging as His love ! 4 The Lord shall vindicate th' opprest; His Mercy heals tne wounded breast; And feeds the hungry poor: He breaks the pris'nerh galling chain, The captives life and peace regain, In liberty secure. 5 The Lord restores the blind to sight. And pours the floods of heav'nly light Around the wond'ring eyes : The soul, oppress'd with guilt or grief. Still finds iu Him its kind relief; He bids the fallen rise, 6 He loves His saints — the stranger's fears. The orphan's cries — the widow's tears ; Incite His tend'rest care : But, in the height of all their joys. His wrath th' ungodly race destroys, And sinks them to despair. 7 The Lord, Jehovah, ever reigns, ZioUy thy God thy cause maintains. Nor shall His throne remove ; 2rS 160 PSALM 147. From age to age exalt His praise, His Church a nobler song shall raise^ In brighter worlds above. PSALM CXLVII.— .Part I. Tll'E Lord's care of His C^urc?i,- His co»descfnsion to the con. Ye reptilts join : but sweeter far, High oil the wing, ye tribes of air, Praise Hini, from morn till closing day. PART III. 9 Ye Potentates, on earth supreme, Bow prostrate-to Jehovah's name, And bid your Killing realms adore ; Let Princes bend ; and ye, who bear Th' avenging sicord, His name declare, On earth the image of His pow'r, 10 Ye youthful bands, in vigour strong, Begin the strain ; and join the song Ye virgin choirs, with sweeter grace : Let hoary age its off'rings bring, And infant voices join to sing, Till the whole earth exalt His praise, 11 Let His great Name, from ev'ry tongue, Resound in harmony of song, His Name, all-glorious ! and alone ! Above th^earth, beyond the skies, His everlasting glories rise, Encircling His eternal throne. \2 His mighty arm His saints shall raise ; He makes Himself His people's praise, Bless'd as they triumph in His love; Dear to His heart, they near Him dwell ; Then let His Church His praises tell. Till Heav'n the grateful song improve. PSALM CXLIX.—Part I. I>IE Church is here called upon to praise and rejoice in her Maktr^ in &ll the services oF Flis house; ^vhoee delight is in Hif: people, anrf whose salvation shall adorn the humble. In assurance of the victory \%hich such shall obtain, the Psalmist rejoices ; so will every Believer, erpecially when he awakes from the bed of death and the grave, llien shall the whole Church approve the sentence of the Redeemer upmr all His and tbeir enemies, and adore Him for His righteous judgment. This is the hunour reserved for all His saints, who trust in Him now, •And will then pTais« Him for ever, who i« " above all blessing an^ PSALM 149. 469 -CiXALT Jehovah's name, In a new song of praise ; Amidst th' assembled saints proclaim The wonders of His grace. Let Jew and Gentile joiUy Their maker's pow'r to sing; And all the Church on earth combine. To triumph in their king. In His great Name delight. Ye, who His temple throng; Your sweetest instruments unite In harmony of song. To Him His saints are dear, And in His love they rest ; How beauteous shall the meek appear, In His salvation drest ? He'll bring His Church with joy To glory in the skies : And praise shall all their pow'rs employ, iVhen from the grave they rise. High let your lips resound The praises of the Lord : While in your hands His Word is found; The SPIRIT^ s conqWing sword. His arm with pow^r divine In vengeance shall destroy, His saints shall in lAX?, judgment ^o'm^ And rise to endless joy. When Kings His justice know. When Nobles feel His hand, His Church shall triumph o'er the foe, And in His presence stand. Thus all His saints are blest, With honours in the skies ; Then, from the seats of heav'nly rest, Let endless praise arise, 2s 470 PSALM 149. PSALM CXLIX.— Ver. II.— Part 1, 1 Prepare a new song, Jehovah to praise. Amidst the full throng, His honours to raise : O Israel, for ever Thy MAKER adore, Exult in Thy saviovr. Thy KING, evermore ! 2 Encircling His throne, With sacred delight, Let Jesus alone Your praises invite: Your voices combining, Touch ev'ry sweet string, In harmony joining. The SAFJOUR to sing- 3 His people have found The love He hath borne ; Salvation around The meek shall adoFD : Exalted in glory, His servants He'll save, My God, they'll adore Thee, When rais'd from the grave. 4 Ye saints of the Lord, As round Him ye stand, His two-edged svsordy His Word, in your hand. To sound His high praises Your voices employ ; To victory He raises. And crowns you with joy, ^ In vengeance He comes. The nations draw near. His throne He resumes. His jud§?nents appear : PSALM 150. 4f71 Their Kings shall adore Him, Nor Princes rebel, And sinners before Him Sink trembling to hell. Then, rais'd from the dust, His Church shall proclaim, " Thy judgments arejusty " And faithful Thy name ;" This honour for ever His saints shall attend. Let praise to the saviour In triumph ascend ! ! PSALM CL. J LET the Lord ottr Redeemer be praised in Heaven and in ettrthf for W* is worthy, because of His wonders of crmiiott, providencef and re^ demption. Let iJistruments of every kind unite with the voices of the redeemed, till every breath promote His praise. Thio is the exbortatica of the Psalmist, with which is closed this i"~3'.nn "^ij'C fx»>h of proise*.— This is the desire of every Believer ; and, when the melody of the heart unites with the song, it shall lie a *• sacrifice well pleai» •♦ ing- to God, throiigh Jesus Christ.'* Ameru Hallehijah. 1 J: RAISE ye the Lord, His name adore Thro' all His courts below : Ye heav'nSy which speak His wondrous pow'r^ His nebler praises show. 2 Aloud His mighty acts proclaim. The wonders of our God ! And, great and glorious as His naiTie, Resound His praise abroad. S Now let the martial trump invite, His honours to advance : The psalfry and the harp unite. The timbrel and the dance, 4 Ye tuneful strings, in notes divine. With organs pealing round. Your noblest strains in concert join<) With cymbaVs lofty sounds 2s2 472 PSALM 150. 5 Let all your instruments accord, To raise His glory high ! But still more grateful to the Lord The heart's sweet melody. 6 Let nil that breathe, let evWy breathy Jkhovah's praise proclaim ; Till, plac'd beyond the reach of deatli, We shout the saviour's name. PSALM CL.— Ver. II. 1 Praise ye the Lord ; exalt His name. Within His courts His praise proclaim ; Ye heav'ns, the wondrous theme prolong; Form'd by His pow'r, ye worlds of light. Exalt Him in His acts of might; High as His glories raise your song, 2 Now let the martial trumpet sound. And pour His honours all around, While timbrels lead the sacred dance^ The harp, with melody divine, Shall with the sounding psalt'ry join, Let ev'ry string His praise advance. 3 Thro' the wide choir ye organs roll Your solemn sounds : uplift the soul ; Devotion's sweetest strains impart : From cymbals loud His praise be heard ; But still more grateful to the Lord The 7nusic of a grateful heart. 4 Let all that breathe, let ev'ry breath. Declare His piaise: nor cease in death Hi? eudless glories to proclaim: Let the whole Church, below, above. Exalted in the safiqur's love, Shout Hallelujahs to His name. PSALM CL.— Ver. III. O PRAISE ye the Lord, Ye saints i^ His house, PSALM 150. 47» His wonders record, And pay Him your vows ; Ye Angels adore Him, Who worship on high, Fall prostrate before Him, Whose pow'r built the sky i- His wonders adore. As great as His name ; As wide as His pom^r^ His glory proclaim : With trumpets surrounding, Let psaWries unite. And harpsy sweetly sounding. In praises delight. The <2m&reZ shall join. And lead the loud song, The organ combine The sounds to prolong. Devotion inviting, His praise to inspire; Our voices uniting. To fill the wide choir. On each sounding string His praises prepare. Your instruments bring, His grace to declare : How sweet are the pleasures Such accents impart ! More grateful the measures Which flow/rom the heart. Then all which have breathy Each breath shall accord, Nor cease beyond death Exalting the Lord: In loud adoration Advancing His praise, The Lord of creation ! The FOVNTAJN OF GRACE I 2s 3 474 PSALM 150. PSALM CL— Ver. IV. 1 Praise ye Jehovah's name, Praise thro' His courts proclaim; Rise and adore: High o'er the heav'ns above Sound His great acts of love. While His rich grace we prove Vast as His powV. 2 Now let the trumpet raise Sounds of triumphant praise. Wide as His fame: There let the harp be found, Organs with solemn sound Roll your deep notes around, Fill'd with His name. 3 As His high praise ye sing. Shake ev'ry sounding string. Sweet the accord ! He vital breath bestows ; Let evry breath which flows His noblest fame disclose ; Praise ye the Lord! ESD OF THE PSALMS, \:iO DOXOLOGIES. T ^• O EHOVAH, Thee we praise, The Father and the Son, Join'd with the Spirit, Fount of Grace, And own the Godhead One, 2. In highest songs our lips can raise, The Father's love we own, Adore the Son, the Spirit praise, On one eternal throne. 3. Now let united songs proclaim The glory of the Father's name ; The Son adore ; the Spirit praise ; One God, of everlasting grace ! 4. The Father and the Son And Spirit we adore ; Ascribing at the throne The glory and the pow'r : Ere time His praise | And still shall rise Spread o'er the skies j | Thro' endless days. 5. Our songs Jehovah bless, The Father, and the Son, With Thee the Spirit, Source of grace ! In Godhead One! Ere time arose Thy name Was o'er the lleav'ns ador'd, So let eternal songs proclaim Th' Eternal Lord ! 6. Jehovah we praise, Tte Father and Son, 5 176 DOXOLOGIES, And Spirit of grace, In Godhead but One: So Angels before Thee Of old did adore, We'l) shout to Thy glory. When time is no more. 7. Thze, Jehovah, Thee we praise, God the Father, God the Son, God the Spirit, Fount of Grace! One in Three, in Godhead One : As thro' endless ages past, Now Jehovah we adore; Let His praise eternal last, Still increasing evermore ! 8. Let the Father praise inherit. Equal glory to the Son, Join'd with Thee, Eternal Spirit, . One in TJiree, and Three in One: As it was frona everlasting, Thee, Jehovah, we adore ; So let all, while time is hasting, Heav'nly choirs for evermore. Q. Then give to the Father His praise, Give glory and praise to the Son, And shout to the Spirit of grace. The Three in Jehovah but One : As in the beginning of old. So now be Jehovah ador'd : Thro' earth let His praises be told, And world without end evermore. 10. Then give to the Father -Eternal His praise. And raise your high tribute of praise tathe Son, The Spirit adore for His fullness of grace. The Three in Jehovah, in Essence but One: As in the beginning from ages unknown. So now shall our anthems Jehovah adore; DOXOLOGIES. 477 His glory and praise thro" creation be shown, And flow without ceasing in Heav'n evermore, 11. In highest strains which earth can raise, Now let His Church Jehovah praise ; The Father, Sox, and Spirit own, One GpD, on one eternal throne ; As ages past ador'd His name^ Let endless years His praise proclaim, 12. Their noblest strains our lips prepare, Thy Name^ Jehovah, to declare ; We bless th' Eternal Father's love. Thy grace we own, immortal Son, Join'd with the Spirit, Three in One, But wait for nobler songs above. 13., Eternal Fattier, Gracious Son, Immortal spirit. Three in One, To Thee our songs we raise : Thy Name, Jehovah, we adore. Thus shall Thy Church for evermore Prolong the notes of praise, 14. Lo ! Jehovah, we adore Thee : God the Father ; God the Son ; God the Spirit ; join'd in glory On the same eternal throne : Endless praises. To the Three in Godhead One, 15. In noblest strains which earth below can raise, Now let His Church Jehovah's glories praise, The Father bless, ihe Son and Spirit own, One God supreme, on one eternal throne : As ages past. Thy Church will now adore Thee, Till endless songs ring thro' the realms of glory. 16. Thy name, Jehovah, we adore; The Father and the Son, 478 DOXOLOGIES. The Spirit of grace We join in our praise. The Three in Jehovah but One, 17. Thee Jehovah we adore ; The Father and the Son, With the Spirit, Source of Pow'r, The Three in Godhead One : As thro' endless ages past. Let the Church their anthems raise: And, while endless ages last, Prolong the notes of praise, 18. Heav'nly Father, we adore Thee, Equal honours yield the Sov, With the Spirit, Lord of Glory, One in Three and Three in One : So Thy praises, as of old. Shall thro' endless years be tolcl, 19. Our anthems we raise, Jehovah to praise, The Father, the Son, and the Spirit of grace : Of old so ador'd. His name we'll record, Let his Church shout/or ever the praise of the Lord. 20. Now to the Father raise Songs of immortal praise : Praise ye the Son ; Spirit of Grace adore. Fount of Almighty powW ; One God for evermore, Great Three in One. MORNING HYMN.. 47^ MORNING HYMN. Awake, my soul, and with the sun Thy daily course of duty run ; Shake off dull sloth, and early rise, To pay thy morning sacrifice. Glory to God, who safe hath kept, And hath refresh'd me while I slept : Grant, Lord, that, when from death I wake^ I may of endless bliss partake. Lord, I my vows to Thee renew ; Disperse my sins as morning-dew ; Guard ev'ry spring of thought and will, And with my heart be present still. May all my converse be sincere; My conscience as the noon-day clear ; For Thy all-seeing eye surveys My secret thoughts, and all my ways. Direct, control, suggest this day, All I shall do, or think, or say ; That all my pow'rs, with all their might, In Thy sole service may unite. Praise God, from whom all blessings flow , Praise Him all creatures here below, Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, THE SINNER'S PRAYER, JLiORD^ T approach Thy throne of grace. Where mercy doth abound. Desiring mercy for my sin, To heal my soul's deep wound. But, Lord, I need not to repeat The boundless gift I crave ; For Thou dost know, before I ask, The thing that I would have. Mercy, good Lord, mercy I ask, This is the total sum : For mercy^ Lord, is all my suit, LoRDj let Thy mercy come. 480 EVENING HYMN. EVENING HYMN, 1 GrLORY to Thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light : Keep me, Oh keep me, King of kings, Under Thy own Almighty wings. 2 Forgive me. Lord, for Thy dear Son, The ills which I this day have done; That, with the world, myself, and Thee, I, ere I sleep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; Teach me to die, that so I may With joy behold the judgment-day ! 4 Should death itself my sleep invade, Why should I be of death afraid ? Protected by Thy saving arm, Tho' he may strike, he cannot harm : 5 For death is life, and labour rest. If with Thy gracious presence blest: Then welcome sleep or death to me, I'm still secure, for still with Thee. praise God from whom all blessings floWy Praise Him all creatures here below^ Praise Him above, ye heav'nly host, Praise Fajher, Son, and Holy Ghost^ FINIS. LIST OF FIRST LINES. Pas^e Above the heavens on high 314 Again, my soul, the scene renew 215 Against the Lord they murm'ring cry 238 Again the camp ^^ith envy fir'd 332 Ah! while fools regardless rove .. 341 Alas! the sorrows of the mind 336 Alas! to heavenly knowledge blind 251 All blessings on his head proclaim 372 All glorious is the church within 143 All gracious God, thy pitying eye 425 All-seeing God, thy church opprest 244 Almighty God, Jehovah, rise 349 Almighty God, preserve my soul 37 Almighty God, thy arm display 421 Almighty God, with beams of grace 204 Almighty Lord, thy slumb'rings break 138 Arise, my soul, Jehovah bless 313 Arite, O Lord, ih^^self display 2S Around my steps their nets they spread 180 Around my Saviour's soul 47 Around our God, in solemn state 209 Around the just, the tempter lays ..,.» 116 Around the men, who own his fear 104 As the beauteous palm tree grows 286 As children pity claim 314 As the chas'd hart, 'midst sultry gleams ...... 132 As the hart, thro' deserts flying I33 As the kind parent's bosom moves 316 A stranger, mid'st his native race 214 As the temple's sure foundation 267 Before my eyes the Lord I'll place 40 Before my throne ye saints appear 236 Behold and adore 420 Behold, how glorious is the sight -,. 418 2 T 482 LlliT OF FIRST LTVES. Behold hi? wondrous grace 419 Behold the ^reat Redeemer stands 109 Behold t!ie lieav'ns, imniejisol y bright 324 Bi^hold the impious band, c;reat God, behold. 429 Behold th' indulgent sons of mirth 46 Behold the kins; of Zion reigns 59 Behold the living stone 370 Behold the Lord his vict'ry won 65 Behold the man, of impious mind 170 Behold the scene how pleasant 418 Behold the scene divine 411 Behold the sea, how great, how wide! 325 Behold the stone Johovah chose 372 Behold the stain of nature's sin 165 Behold the stone to honour rise 36f> Be merciful, my God 176 Beneath Jehovah's watchful eye 69 Bolter is the scanty fare 116 Bless the Lord, ye saints adore him 420 Biest are the men, what tongue cau tell 254 Blest are the men, who know 273 Blest are the men, whose hearts sincere 376 Blest is the man, whose gen'rous mind 129 Blest is the man, whose hopes divine 125 Blest is the man the Lord corrects 290 Blest Saviour, by thy Spirit taught 66, 6T Blind unbelief my soul distress'd 92 Born in pollution, guilt, and shame 163 But abhorr'd, and cast afar 276 But as chaff, which tempests bear 4 But if his sons my law forsake 275 But Jehovah, all compassion 239 But next beneath the angels made 19 But while la^e his foes unites 318 By judgments from his lofty throne 26 Cast from thy sight, by thee opprest 185 Children, ye whose hearts are tender 106 Children, your parents' call obey 104 Clap, clap your hands, ye people round .... 147 Corae, let our hearts and voices join 291 Come, let our songs united raise 292 Come view his works, behold 'tis God 144 Cfown feis head with endless blessing 374 4 LIST OF FIRST LINES. 48S Peep from his heart the accents pour 217 Deep in the pit themselves have made 24 Deep with sin and sorrows stricken 222 Descending from above 48 Do^wn from his throne, thy Son descends .... 20 Eternal blessings on the Lord . , 451 Eternal Lord, thy glories claim 321 Exalt J thovah's name 469 Exalted Prince, thy vengeance rais'd 60 Far as the isles extend 223 Far from Zion, far from home 428 F'lx'd on the sacred iiills 266 Fix'd on the Lord my hopes rely 30 Fix'd where the holy mountains rose 265 Forgotten, Lord, of thee 32 For God I look with strong desires 410 For thee, my God, I wait , 409 For thee, O God, in Zion's gates 198 For thou, Almighty Lord, beyond the sky . . . 300 For thy salvation, O my God 383 Fi om day to day, while life revolves 101 From Egypt's land, see Israel led 329 Fro-m the gloomy depths of woe 411 From vanity, to vanity 301 Girded with pow'r, thy mighty hand 198 Glorious Prince, thy hand upraisM 61 God is gone up ! — the shouts on high 148 God is our king from days of old 230 God is our refuge and support 144 God, my rock, to thee complaining 83 God their threat'ning voice shall hear 175 Gracious Lord, disclose thy way 81 Gracious Lord, my spirit view 377 Gracious Saviour, let thy voice 168 Grant me thy richest grace 376 Great God, beneath thy angry frown 278 Gn»at God, descending from on high 451 Great God, thy mercies I entreat 162 Great is the Lord, his powT I own 421 Great is the Lord, his glories claim 150 Great Tyrant o'er a fallen race 23 Held not the Lord our cause maintained 40(? 2 T 2 4<54 LIST OF FIRST LINES. Had the Lord been regardless, may Israel confess 401 Happy the man who fears to stray 1 Happy's the man whose mind 180 Hark ! my soul, those groans attend 214 Hark ! the Lord Jehovah speaks 186 Haste, haste, O my God, to my aid 218 Have mercy, Lord, with guilt oppressed .... 164 Hear, Jehovah, hear my cries 449 Hear, Jehovah, while 1 pray 257 Hear, Lord, the right, my cause defend 42 Hear, Lord, when truth and justice plead ... 44 Hear me, O God, my voice attend 196 Hear me, O God, whene'er to thee 78 Hear me, O God, when near thy throne 9 Hear me, O Lord, lest men deride 120 Hear, mighty God, our deep complaints .... 231 Hear, my people, Israel hear me 15T Hear my prayer, Jehovah, hear 309 Hear, O my people, Israel hear 1 55 Hear, says the Lord, my people hear 249 Hear when I call, O God, most just 10 He caird, and at his just command 328 He comes, the Saviour we proclaim 259 He fix'd the varying moon, to show 319 Here let me stand, where Christ my Saviour died 64 Here, Lord, upon thine altars slain 203 He shall countless blessings find 406 He who hath made his dwelling place 282 High let your lips resound 469 High o'er the heav'ns, supreme, alone 317 Him in wliom as God we glory 209 His head with endless blessings crown 370 His saints Jehovah's bounty shaie 361 His saints, when sinking in distress 102 His strength'ning grace the Lord supplies 456 His works, how just their frame 354 Honour, majesty, and glory 61 How blest are they, who know the sound . .. 272 How blest, how fruitful is the just ....»-.. 285 How blest the man, by grace inclin'd 2 How blest the man, supremely blest 94 How blest the man, with mercy crown'd .... 96 LFSr OF FIRST LINKS. 48.> H'ow false the world's allurin.:^ joys ..,..,.. 90 liow glows my raptur'd heart 139 How great thy works, how just thy word 284 Mow happy he, who fears to stray 3: How happy is the man , 93 Kt)w long, O Lord, return, return 279 How long, thy visits Lord forborne 33 How long shall Israel, God most high 241 How pants my heart, with fear dismay'd .... 120 How pleasant, with a thankful tongue 284 How rich, how vast, all bounteous Lord .... 91 How shall the young, in dang'rous days .... 376 How true, how faithful, is the Lord 330 How vast the ocean, Nature's pride ........ 320 How wondrous, and how great 426 Jehovah alone 288 Jehovah, boundless is his grace 38 Jehovah, boundless is his love 431 Jehovah, God most high 440 Jehovah I boast, as my shepherd become. ... 70 Jehovah is the Lord our God 327 Jehovah, Lord of boundless pow'r 256 Jehovah, Lord most high 99 Jehovah, my shepherd and guide 70 Jehovah now my aid appears 368 Jehovah, our refuge and rock 146 Jehovah reigns, exalted high 287 Jehovah reigns, let all the lands rejoice 299 Jehovaii reigns, the sov' reign Lord 303 Jehovah reigns, with songs of joy 297 Jehovah reigns, your tribute bring 28 Jehovah spake the word 352 Jehovah speaks, while heaven attends 351 Jehovah, thou th' eternal God 280 Jehovah, who in bliss supreme 36 Jehovah, wondrous is hi» name 39 Jehovah, wondrous name 21 Jesus ascends on high 149 Jesus bows his dying head 110 Jesus demands the voice of joy 202 Jesus is king, great God afford 222 Jesus his vict'ry shall maintain 210 Jesus o'er all the earth shall reign . . , 223 2 T 3 486 LIST OF FIRST LINES. Jesus shall crush the serpent's head 210 Jesus shall reign, his pow 'rful hand 215 Jesus the king shall live 224 Jesus the Lord his vict'ry won 67 Jesus the mighty God we own 142 Jesus the Saviours nigh 261 Jesus thy mighty arm display 211 Jesug, with thy salvation blest 58 I hate the thoughts of sin 386 I hear my Shepherd's voice 68 I'll sing the mercies of the Lord 272 I love the Lord, 'midst grief and fear 362 In all thy ways of povv'r or grace 235 In darkness and the shades of death 336 In faith I lift my longing eyes 395 In gloomy deeps opprest 408 In Judah God was known 232 In solemn strains of grateful praise 326 In thee I trust, all-gracious Lord 91 In thee, O Lord, my trust I place 89 In thee th' oppress'd a refuge find 23 In thee, thou gracious Lord 219 In the fervour of prayV 398 I set the Lord before my sight 38, 41 I shall not die, Jehovah's care 369 Isr'el, a race of stubborn mind 237 I sought the ways of God to know 227 Is wisdom lost, to turn no more 171 Judge me, O God, from men profane 1 35 Judge me, O Lord, tho' men defame ... 76 Judgment, mercy, themes divine 304 I wait the glories of thy face 409 Let all the lands, with grateful songs 366 Let Britain praise Jehovah's name 461 Let earth Jehovah's praise declare 467 Let earth through allits limits hear 152 Let earth to heav'n aspire 465 Let God arise, his foes repel 206 Let not thy fears thy faith confound 153 Let saints his work record 354 Let songs of endless praise 366 Let the sensual boast delights 196 Let thy mercy, O my God 90 Lift, lift, ye gates, your Iieads on high 73 LIST OF FIRST LIl^TES, 48T Lift up your heads, eternal gates 72 Like the green bay, which verdant jrrown . . 118 Like wounds, corruptino: in my frame 19 Lo, Jehovah, mighty Lord 24^ Lo, in Gethsemane's dark shade 270 Lo, oVr the sea, in tow'ring pride 337 Lo, o'er the stormy main 342 Lo, o'er the world Jehovah reigns 49 Lo, on the Lord my soul confides 29 Lord, at thy throne T urge my cry 442 Lord, behold what woes oppress me 390 Lord , eternal is thy glory 325 Lord God of hosts, Jehovah hear 254 Lord God of hosts, while Israel mourns 246 Lord, hear my pray'r, my humble cries 447 Lord, hear my pray'r, my voice attend 306 Lord, hear m^^ voice, my pray'r attend 180 Lord, hear my words, my spirit see 11 Lord, hide thy face, lest wrath arise 165 Lord, how my num'reus foes increase 8 Lord, I am thine, thy servant gee 363 Lord, 1 delight to find my place 76 Lord, I extol thy name 86 Lord, in thy kind remembrance bear 413 Lord, let me hear when morning breaks .... 448 Lord, let me plead, behold nae pray 269 Lord, let the raem'ry ne'er depart 415 Lord, let our vig'rous sons be seen 452 Lord, let thine arm arise to save 31 Lord, let thine ear observe my cries 446 Lord of mercy, just, and kind 34 Lord of pow'r, with might surrounded 200 Lord, on thy arm my hopes confide 42 Lord, shall thy arm its wrath fulfil 259 Lord, shall thy wrath alone 260 Lord, shall thy words to death consign 312 Lord, thy arm my soul exalteth 88 Lord, thy church hath seen thee rfee 211 Lord, thy gracious car prepare 262 Lord, thy grace hath made me lowly 412 Lord, thy mercies round us shining 201 Lord, thy hand with vengeance stor'd 216 Lord, thy mercy vast and high 113 Lord, view my num'rous foes 7 488 LIST OF FIRST LINES. Lord, what is man ? so greatly blest 451 Lord, when foes and fears combine 132 Lord, when thy eyes my heart survey 412 Lord, when thy stroke corrective falls 308 Lord, who can all his errors learn 37 Lord, w ho can all his wand'rings know 55 Lord, we adore the grace 260 Lord, we adore thy boundless grace 258 Lo, round the cross where Jesus dies 63 Lo, the Lord, around them standing 106 Lo, the Lord, Jehovah livcth 52 Lo, the Lord, the mighty Saviour HI Lo, the mighty God appearing , 156 Mark, my God, the proud surround me 263 Mark the persecutor's way , 441 Mercy, heav'nly Lord, extend 167 Mercy, stanger to his breast 349 Messiah from the grave arose 51 Mighty tyrant, great and strong 169 Mine ese, thro' grief, and guilty fear 269 My foes combine, revile, defy 129 My foes, with envious hate 220 My God, alone in thee 112 My God, at thy command 382 My God, my G.)d, the accents roll 66 My God, my God, vvhy thus forsook , 62 My God, my gracious God, to thee 178 My God, my pray'r attend 262 My God, my Saviour, and my king 453 My God, thine ear indulgent bend 173 My God, thy pow'r my reins possest 433 ?Jy God, thy servant save 172 My God, thy tender mercy show 127 My God, when troubles rise, will spread .... 78 My gracious Lord, thine ear incline 13 My grateful song attend 204 My lieart a lofty theme shall sing 141 My heart is t\ \'d, all gracious Lord 346 My heart is ti\'d, eternal God 345 Wy heart its fix'd resolve declared 123 My heart, my heav'nly king 430 My hiding place, my griefs rcsign'd 97 My hiding place, my safe retreat 95 My humble pray'r I long preferr'd , 127 LIST OF FIRST LINES, 489 Myriads of chariots near our God 210 My soul to patient hope resigned 192 My soul the Lord adore 322 My 50ul will its love to Jehovah declare .... 364 My soul with sweet delight 312 My waiting soul on God relies 190 jNear Babel's proud currents, resigned ..... 42T No beasts, to sacrifice consign'd 125 No God, the fool, the sinner cries 35 No more behold my sin 161 No ofF'ring God requires 161 No sacrifice my God requires 164 No sacrifice the Lord desires 166 Not richest gifts in sacrifice , 12T Not so the ungodly ; as the wind 2 Not so the wicked ; from his head 3 Not to ourselves, thou God of grace 360 Now have I known, experience proves .... 225 Now I forbid my fears 8 J^i^iw I'll declare, says Zion's king 5 Now let your pray'rs for Zion's peace 397 Now let the church, in strains of praise 458 Now^ let the just in God confide ........... 117 Now let your lifted hands : . 149 Now let your songs arise 294 Now may the Lord, with gracious ear 57 Now my fix'd resolve is taken 105 Now my soul its triumph raises 83 Now shall my heart and thankful tongue .... 103 Now shall my heart its fears disclaim 9 Now to Jehovah's glory raise 36G Now to the Lord Jehovah raise 423 Now while hope sustains my frame 221 Observ'd, my God, by thee 177 O'er the earth, the Lord inspecting 100 O'erwhelm'd with guilt, O Lord 159 O'erwhelm'd with sorrows and with pains. . 172 Of old, oh God, thv lifted hand 246 Of old thy hand, eternal God 309 Oft did the Lord to Isr'el prove 334 Oft from my youth's first dawning day 407 Oft have our ears. Great God, been taught . , 136 O God, my cry attend 188 O God of righteousness awake 251 490 LIST OF FIRST LINES. O God, preserve my sinking soul 40 O God, rejected from thy care 18T O God, thy mercy I entreat 180 O God, to earth incline, and see 205 O Gad, whence all my comfort sj»ring;s 193 O God, within thy temple's gate 151 Oh, bless our God, ye nations round 202 Oh, bless the Lord, my soul proclaim S17 Oh, bless the Lord, my thanks are due 82 Oh, come, and contemplate his hand 141 Ob, come, let our triumphs sound throughout creation 293 Oh, hear my pray'r the Saviour cried . . . . , 122 Oh, how amiable, and fair 256 Oh, how grateful is the sound 285 Oh, how i love thy holy law 384 Oh, how oft, from life's first stages 40T Oh, lead me, lest my footsteps stray 12 Oh, praise his name, th' Almighty God . , . 423 Oh, pl-aisc the eternal king 353 Oh, praise the Lord on high 464 Oh, praise ye the Lord 472 Oh, that my saints, with holy dread 249 Oh, what shall I render Jehovah my Lf'fd . . . 365 Oh, where, thou infinite, unknown 433 O Israel's shepherd, Joseph's guide 246 O Jesus, mighty God i 139 O Lord, my God, my hopes repose 16 O Lord, my rock, to thee I'll cry 81 O Lord, my God, whose arm alone 268 O Lord, my God, with pow'r divine 270 O Lord of Hosts, what beams benign 255 O Lord of Hosts, what beams of grace "ioS O Lord, our Lord, exalted high 19 O Lord, our Lord, in pow'r divine 20 Omnipotent to save , 189 Omniscient Lord, thy piercing light 432 Omniscient Lord, thy piercing view 437 O my God, by thee forsaken 135 O my God, with anger burning 15 Once bless'd, in prosperous state 87 Once did the Lord his signs command 240 Once did the Lord in vision speak 274 Once did the Lord to David swear 414 MST OF FIRST LINES. 4(fl Once the wise with skilful hand 229 Once to the sous ut^ Jacob s race 237 Once with treacherous joy elated 89 On earth the sinner's portion lies 44 Ob God, my soul, with patient hope. ....... 191 On my God my spirit stays 50 On the cross where sorrows meet 64 Open, Lord, my lips to praise 168 O thou God of pow'r and grace 195 O thou, on w horn my hopes repose , 379 O thou, who dweii'st, a wondrous height . . . 398 Our God, unchangeable his reign 18 O virgin daughter hear 140 O virgin daughter, in his fear 142 Out of the deeps to thee I cry 409 O Zion, to Jehovaii raise AQ3 Plead, plead my cause, midst pow'rful foes. . 108 Pollution, guilt, and shame 160 Praise ye the Lord, aloud proclaim ........ 421 Praise ye the Lord, exalt his name 472 Praise ye the Lord, his name adore 471 Praise ye the Lord, his praise record 358 Praise ye the Lord, my heart and tongue. . . . 355 Praise ye the Lord, the man is blest 356 Praise the Lord thro' every nation 367 Praise ye the Lord, 'tis good to join 460 Praise ye the Lord, 'tis good t' employ 462 Praise the Lord, with songs of joy 366 Praise ye the Lord, while life remains 331 Praise ye the Lord, ye realms of light 466 Praise ye the Lord, ye saints below 457 Praise ye the Lord, yo\ir ofF'rings bring .... 357 Prepare a new song 470 Preserve me, Jehovah, my God, in thy name 172 Preserve me, O my God -. 213 Preserve ray soul, O God, most high 38 Proclaim it wide thro' heathen lands 297 Proclaim, proclaim Immanuel's praise 212 Rebuk'd, chastis'd, thy wrath sustained.... 121 Rebuke me not, thou gracious Lord 14 Rejoice ! — your voice in triumph raise 97 Remember, Lord, life's narrow space 277 Restore, O God, our captive soul 403 Return, my gracious God, return, ......... 75 492 LIST OF FinST LINES. Return my soul, on God repose 362 Return, O my soul, to thy fountain of rest . . 364- Return, return, thou God of love 281 Rise then Jehovah, mighty Lord, arise 42T Rise to thy place, possess thy rest 416 Rising from his cross and passion 60 Safe in the Lord his saints may rest 115 Save me, O God ! thine arm display 183 See, gracious God, with pitying eye 442 See how Edom's tents arise 252 See, my foes in malice cry ISl See, O my God, my fears arise 133 See, the stone of God's salvation 373 Shall not th' ungodly quickly die 439 Shout to the Lord, with raptured voice 301 Shout all ye lands, in sounds of joy 304 Silent I stood beneath thy rod 124 Since I his highest love possess 2i&3 Since thou hast made, eternal God 283 Sing, to the Lord Jehovah, sing 296 Sing all ye nations to the Lord 300 Sing to the Lord, with thankful songs. . . 460 Sing to the Lord, with thankful voice 463 Sinners oft in darkness rest 341 Sinners to day his voice attend 292 Songs anew of honour framing 301 Sons of Might, your ofi^'rings bring 84 Sons of the Mighty, rise and bring S5 Sons of violence and strife 174 Soon when Jehovah bows the skies 308 Still on the Lord thy burden roll 176 Swift as declining shadows pass 310 Teach me, O Lord, the destined end 123 Teach me, O Lord thy heav'nly way 378 Teach me thy way, thou fount of light 79 The angel of Jehovah nigh 101 The awful terrors of my God 434 The children of a faithless race 331 The Church divinely fair 140 The earth is thine, Almighty Lord 71 The earth, thou majesty divine 72 The fool with insolence and mirth 170 The heav'ns, thro' all their varied frame ... 58 The heav'ns his righteousness declare 293 LIST OF FIRST LINES. 493 The Lord I boast, with great delight 77 The Lord enthron'd on high 480 The Lord hath sworn, his word shall stand . . 351 The Lord himself, their Judge, their Friend. , 422 The Lord, his day of vengeance come 437 The Lord his righteous servant loves 49 The Lord Jehovah sware 3S2 The Lord is good, the Lord is just 74 The Lord is gracious, in his breast 454 The Lord is gracious to impart 456 The Lord is Judge, before his throne 17 The Lord in all his works and ways 355 The Lord in heaven his throne prepares 30 The Lord my suppliant voice shall hear. ..... 444 The Lord on Zion fix'd his choice 415 The Lord on Zion his abode 417 The Lord shall hear mv humble prayer 445 The Lord shall vindicate th' oppress'd 459 The Lord, while judgments round him rest . . 458 The Lord Messiah's pray'r attends 58 The mighty God, Jehovah, speaks 154 The mighty God our refuge stands 145 Then the trembling earth amaz'd 47 Then with joy their Saviour's hand 241 Then, for Israel was his care 328 The priests and scribes with causeless hate .. 180 The shelter of thy throne, O God 278 The varied heav'ns proclaim abroad 55 The wicked 'midst their feasts recline 45 The wise, the fools, the brutish mind 152 The World with anxious toil and pain 11 The}' who in God confide 401 They who the Lord Jehovah trust 402 Thine angler, Lord, thine anger's just 280 'Tis thee my God, 'tis thee alone 194 Tho' sinners boldly join 6 Thou art my hiding place 94 Thou art my onl^' hope 220 Thou art my portion, O my Lord 380 Thou everlasting Lord ! 388 Tho' my foes with falsehood grieve me 387 Thou glorious Lord, from heaven above .... 199 Thou glorious theme of all my praise 34? 2u 494 LrST OP FIRST LINES. Thou God of truth, indulgent look 380 Thou gracious God, and kind 244 Thou gracious God, when Satan's power.,., I'^O Thou gracious Lord, now let ray cries 392 Thou, Lord, hast searched thro' every part 435 Thou great creator ever blest 438 Thou great instructor, lest I stray 263 Thou righteous Lord, ray footsteps guide. ... 14 Thousand chariots God attending 208 Thou the Lord, ray fount of light 79 Thro' all the paths I tread 381 Thro' all thy word what wonders shine 387 Thro' earth let every tribe 295 Thro' earth the Saviour's name shall spread . . 52 Thro' endless years, eternal Lord 384 Thro' secret paths th' abyss supplies. 318 Thro' their secret channels led 323 Thy anxious cares my soul resign 114 Thy cross my Saviour has restor'd 213 Thy -church, thy vineyard, Lord, behold.... 247 Thy face averted from ray sin 1 63 Thy glories, mighty God 233 Thy hand, my God, with power divine 436 Thy law convert? the soul to thee 56 Thy law, O God, converts the soul 54 Thy mercy, Lord, transcends 112 Thy vengeance, righteous Lord, remove 119 Thy vows, my gracious God 178 Thy word, eternal God 98 Thy words, thou Majesty divine.. 32 Thy w ord is a lamp to my feet 384 To day, ere yet to day shall end 293 To God I cried aloud 234 To God I make my pray'r 443 To God our strength your voice aloud 248 To God, who reigns above 425 To heaven 1 rais'd my earnest cries 125 To him, in pow'r supreme 466 To Joseph's seed, in Egypt's land 248 To Moses he reveal'd his name 316 To thee, eternal God, we raise 231 To thee mine eyes are lifted 399 To thee, my God, my king, I'll raise 455 To Zion'shillsl lift my eyes 393 LIST OF FIRST LINES. 495 Unceasing thro' the day 177 Up from the deep abyss of woes 410 Up to the Lord, with strong desires 74 Up to thy courts, with holy joy 414 Up where th' eternal hills arise 394 Vain are the men of low degree 191, 193 Vain is the builder's toil and care 405 Vengeance is thine, eternal Lord 289 Watching o'er my wandering heart 113 Weary with groans my spirit faints 15 What glories round the Saviour spread 60 What holy joy, what sweet delight 398 What mighty arm my cause can plead 349 What thanks are his eternal due 424 What shall I render to the Lord 363 When dangerous paths betray his saints 454 Whene'er by sins and fears opprest 25 Whene'er the morning lights the skies 447 When gathering storms around me spread. ... 181 When God shall from his seat descend 311 When God's almighty arm on high 403 When guilt 1 ies heavy on the land 388 When Jehovah arose in liis might 404 When I seek my house to place 305 When Isr'el's tribes, in tirm array , 359 When men of pomp and pow'r 391 When, mighty God, before thy bands 207 When Moses midst his Israel pleads 303 When Moses near him stood 313 When my cries ascend to thee 80 When o'er the land with guilt oppress'd .... 343 When princes with their pow'r elate ... .339, 344 When sacred knowledge fills the mind 117 When shades of night around me spread ... 10 When sorrows rise, or fears oppress 104 When sinking in distress 393 When the humble poor complaining 217 When the just, their fears unfolding 107 When the morning rays appear 450 When th' ungodly round me stand 440 When to the Lord I lift my cry 179 Where is the man who fears the Lord 75 Where shall I go, omniscient God 435 2u2 496 LIST OF riRST LINES, Where shall I go, thou great unknown 4i^ While men in vanity delight. . „ 227 Who, great God, with favour bless'd 35 Who in the heav'ns, thou Lord alone 272 Who shall arise my cause to plead 290 Who shall my soul to vict'ry lead 187,345 Who sLiall our troops to vict'ry lead 188 Why did the gentiles in disdain 4 Why, graci('Us Lord, remov'd afar 27 Why is thy church thus cast afar 229 Why, Lord, forsaken of thy aid 137 Why, O sinner, me profaning ,. 158 Why, says the Lord, should sinners dare ..^. 156 With all my pow'rs thy name ril sing 431 With conscious weakness, prone to stray.... 44 With curses round his cross they press 350 With grateful hearts Jehovah praise. 367 With grateful songs surround his tiirone 335 With guilt and sorrow bound 245 With hands uplifted to the skies 194 With holy delight 397 Within ray heart I spake Ill With ray whole heart, eternal king 24 With my whole heart, eternal Lord 22 With my whole heart I'll love thy name 46 .With my whole heart I urge my cries 389 With pamperM flesh, the wicked rise 43 With panting heart, and vigour flown 122 With songs of grateful praise 339 With the harp's sweet notes combining 302 Wrapt in silent adoration 199 Ye higher heav'ns, rejoice 295 Ye kings, be w ise, and ye that bear S Ye princes, hear ; the Lord commands 250 Ye potentates, on earth supreme , . . . 468 Ye powTs of hell, your pointed dart 368 Ye saints, aloud proclaim , 371 Ye saints, of the Lord 470 Ye sovereign kings, be wise 7 Ye, who surround and guide the state 182 Ye who the Saviour's love profess 298 Ye J outhful minds, whose hopes are high. ... 102 C. 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