Q d z i. < (0 z IL z III 2 1 >• UJ m 2 u. -» < c Y HI lY O ICAL ffl < n i UJ f r; -J ui rf M I < lU L. S h UJ I ^" iiu S •- z S ° U. 52 m ul 5 u z 3 i > SC/V u. /,^/5 1 SABBATH-SCHOOL HYMN-BO COMPILED l{)E T^EC 2o ^935 ■i'".. ■ : u5 MONTEEAL CAjS'ADA ^KES.BM- teeia:n' sabbath-school association 1 |P\ Co i^4L A«L. MONTREAL : PEllfTED BY KYTE, HIGGINS & CO. 1872. PREFACE. This collection of Children's Hymns has been compiled by a Committee of the Mon- treal Sabbath-School Association, in connec- tion with the Canada Presbyterian Church, for the use of the Schools under the care of the Association. It is hoped that it will be found better adapted to the wants of these Schools than any other low-priced collection. The range of subjects will be found very exten- sive, and great care has been taken in selec- tion. The arrangement is believed to be at once the simplest and most useful for a col- lection of its size, as the purely alphabetical arrangement of first lines makes the book an index in itself. While the collection has been prepared spe- cially for the Schools of the Association, the Committee will rejoice if it shall prove more widely serviceable in the cause of Sunday- School Hymnology throughout the Church and country. HYMNS. 1 Another liappy, golden year Has Lrishtly smiled and passed away ; With pastor, friends, and teachers dear, We hail our anniversary day ! Our welcome anniversary day, Our joyful anniversary day, With pastor, friends, and teachers dear, We hail our anniversary day I 2 With grateful hearts to God above, We gladly join our festive lay ; We thank Him for the tender love That crowns our anniversary day, ■ Our welcome, etc. 3 Our growing numbers still we view, With every week that glides away, While blessings fall like pearly dew, On this our anniversary dav. Our welcome, etc. 4 Though some who once were with us here £[ave gone to fairer climes away, i^ haps their spirits, hovering near, Behold our anniversary day. Our welcome, etc. 6 5 And when those mortal scenes are past, When one by one they fade away, 1 may we meet in heaven at last, To spend a long- eternal day. Our welcome, etc. 1 Abide with me ! fast falls the even-tide : The darkness deepens ; Lord, with me abide ! When other helpers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, abide with me ! 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day ; Earth's joys grow dim ; its glories pass away ; Change and decay in all around I see ; Thou, who changest not, abide with me ! 3 Not a brief glance I beg, a passing word, But as Thou dwell'st with Thy disciples. Lord, — Familiar, condescending, patient, free, — Come, not to sojourn, but abide, with me ! 4 I need Thy presence every passing hour : What but Thy grace can foil the tempter's power ? Who like Thyself my guide and stay can be ? Through cloud and sunshine, abide with mu! lear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless : Ills have no we'^^ht, and teais no bitterness : Where is death's stJng? where, grave, thy victoiy ? 1 triumph still; if Thou abide with me I 6 Eeveal Thyself before my closing eyes 1 Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies 1 Heaven's morning breaks, and earth's vain shadows flee ; — In life, in death, Lord, abide with me 1 3 1 Again, we meet, Lord, Again we fill this place," To hear Thy holy word, To ask Thy promised grace ; To thank Thee for the gifts we share, The children of Thy love and care. 2 Grant us the listening ear, The understanding heart, The mind and will sincere. To choose the better part ; To take the learner's lowly seat And gather wisdom at Thy feet. 3 Through this, and every day, Teach us Thy paths to tread : Nor let our feet astray By Satan's wiles be led ; But keep us in the narrow road The road to glory and to God 1 A FEW more years shall roll, A few more seasons come, And we shall be with those who rest, Asleep within the tomb. 2 A few more suns shall set O'er these dark hills of time, nd we shall be where A far serener clime. 3 A few more storms shall beat On this wild rocky shore, And we shall be where tempests cease, And surges swell no more. 4 A few more struggles here, A few more paTtj'ings o'er ; A few more toils, a few more tears, , And we shall weep no more. 5 A few more Sabbaths here Shall cheer us on our way ; And we shall reach the endless rest, The eternal Sabbath day^ 6 Then, my Lord, prepare My soul for that great day ; wash me in thy precious blood, And take my sins away. 5 1 Awake and sing the song Of Moses and the Lamb ; Wake every heart and every tongue, To praise the Saviour's name. 2 Sing of H>is dying love ; Sing of His rising power ; Sing how He intercedes above For those whose sin? He bore. 9 3 Sing on yonr heavenly way, Ye rausom'd sinners, sing ; Sing on, rejoicing ev'ry day In Christ, th' Eternal King. 4 Soon shall ye hear Him say, " Ye blessed children, come"; Soon will He call you hence away, And take Hia pilgrims home. 1 Around the throne of God in heav'n, Thousands ot children stand ; Children whose sins are all forgiven, A holy, happy band. Singing, Glory, glory, Glory be to God on high. 2 In flowing robes of spotless white, See every one arrayed ; Dwelling in everlasting light, And joys that never fade, Singing, Glory, glory, glory. 3 What brought them to that world above, That world so bright and fair, Where all is peace and joy and love ? How came those children there ? Singing, Glory, glory, glory. 4 Because the Saviour shed His blood To wash away their sin : Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean, Sioging, Gloiy, glory, glory. 10 On earth they sought the Saviour's grace, On earth they loved His name ; So now they see His blessed face, And stand before the Lamb, Singing, Glory, glory, glory. 1 All hail the power of Jesus' name I Ye angels prostrate fall ; Bring fortli the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. 2 Crown Him, ye martyrs of our God, Who from His altar call ; Extol the stem of Jesse's rod, And crown Him Lord of all. 3 Ye saints redeemed of Adam's race, From sin and Satan's thrall. Hail Him who saved you by His grace, And crown Him tord of all. 4 Oh that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall ! Join in the everlasting song, And crown Htm Lord of all. 8 1 Arabia's desert ranger To Christ shall bow the knee j The Ethiopian stranger Rib gloiy coxae to see j 11 Ships from the Isles shall meet, To pour the wealth of ocean In tribute at His feet. 2 Kings shall fall down before Him, And gold and incense bring j All nations shall adore Him — His praise all people sing ; For He shall have dominion O'er river, sea, and shore ; Far as the eagle's pinion Or dove's lip-ht wing can soar. To Him shall prayer unceasing, And daily vows ascend ; His kingdom still increasing ; A kingdom without end. The heavenly dew shall nourish A seed in weakness sown, Whose fruit shall spread and flourish, And shake like Lebanon. He on His throne shall rest ; From age to age more glorious ; All blessing and all blest. The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand for ever,— His great, best name of Love. 12 9 1 Beab the cross and follow Jesus, Let His goodness be our song ; If we falter He will help us ; "We are weak, but He is strong, 2 Bear the cross and live for Jesus, Though at times 'tis hard to bear ; He will make the burden lighter, He will hear the children's prayer, 3 Bear the cross without repining, Joy will yet our toil repay ; Bear it with a cheerful spirit, Meekly bear it day by day. 4 Bear the cross and work for Jesus, Precious promise he hath given ; If we love him and are faithful. Sweet will be our rest in heaven. 10 1 Blest be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love ; The fellowship of kindred minds Is like to that above. 2 Before our Fathers throne, "We pour our ardent prayers ; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. 13 3 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear ; And often for eacli other flows, The sympathizing tear. 4 When we asimder part, It gives us inward pain ; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. 11 1 Blest Jesus, ever at my side. How loving must Thou be ! To leave Thy homo in heaven to guard A ]ittle child like me. 2 Tliy beautiful and shining face I see not, though so near ; The sweetness of Thy soft, low voice I am too deaf to hear. 3 I cannot feel Thee touch my hand, With pressure light and mild, To check me, as my mother did, I When I was but a child. U But I have felt Thee in my thoughts, . Fighting with sin for me ; And when my heart loves God, I know- That love is all from Thee. 5 And when, dear Saviour, I kneel down, Morning and night to prayer, 14 Something there is within my heart Which tells me Thou art there. 6 Yes ; when I pray thou prayest too, — Thy prayer is all for me ; But when I sleep Thou sleepest not, But watchest patiently. 12 1 Breast the wave, Cliristian, when it is strongest ; ' Watch for day, Christian, when night's long- est; Onward and onward still ; be thine endea- vour, The rest that remaineth shall be for ever. 2 Fight the Fight, Christian, Jesus is o'er thee ; Eun the race, Christian, heav'n is before thee; He who hath promised faltereth never ; The love of eternity flows on for ever. 3 Eaise the eye, Christian, just as it clos-.3th ; Lift the heart, Christian, ere it reposeth ; Thee from the love of Christ nothing shall sever ; Mount when thy work is done, — upraise Mm for ever I 15 13 Beactifcl Zion, built above ; Beautiful city, that I love ; Beautiful gates of pearly white ; Beautiful temple, God its light ; — He who was slain on Calvary Open those pearly gates to me ! Beautiful heav'n, where all is light ; Beautiful angels, clothed in white ; Beautiful harps through all the choir ; Beautiful strains that never tire ; — There shall I join the chorus sweet, "Worshipping at the Saviour's feet ! Beautiful crowns on every brow ; Beautiful palms the conquerors show ; Beautiful robes the ninsom'd wear ; Beautiful all who enter there ; — Thither I press with eager feet ; There shall my rest be long and sweet. Beautiful throne of Christ our King ; Beautiful songs the angels sing ; Beautiful rest, all wanderings cease ; Beautiful home of perfect peace ; — There shall my eyes my fcraviour see, — Haste to this heavenly home with me. M Blessed Jesus, ere we part, Speak Thy blessing to each heart. Blessed Jesus, Saviour, blest 1 Breatli§ Tliy peace tbrougii every breast. 16 2 When this night our eyelids close, Let us in Thine arms repose. Blessed Jesus, Son of God, Wash us in Thy precious blood. 3 Blessed Jesus, J^aviour dear I Through the darkness be Thou near. Blessed Jesus, Light Divine 1 Let Thy presence round us shine ; 4 By our couch Thy station keep, Guard from evil while we sleep. Blessed Jesus, Saviour bright 1 Guide us safe to realms of light. 15 1 Br cool Siloam's shady rill, How s^^^et the lily grows ! How sweeT^the breath beneath the hill Of Sharon's dewy rose 1 2 And such the child whose early feet The path of peace hath trod ; Whose secret heart, with influence sweet, Is upwards drawn to God. 3 By cool Siloam's shady rill The lily must decay ; The rose that blooms beneath the hill Must shortly fade away. 4 Thou who givest life and breath, We seek Thy grace alone, In childhood, manhood, age, and, 4eatli, To keep us still Thine own. 17 16 1 Blow ye the trumpet I blow, The gladly solemn sound ; Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound, — The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 2 Exalt the Lamb of God, The sin-atonini^ Lamb ; Redemption by His blood, Through all the lands proclaim : The year, &c. 3 Te who have sold for nought Your heritage above, j^ Shall have it back unbdljht ; The gift of Jesus' love. The year, &c. 4 The Gospel trumpet hear, The news of pardoning grace ; Ye happy souls, draw near, Behold your Saviour's face. The year, &c. 5 Jesus, our great High Priest, Hath full atonement made ; Te weary spirits, rest ; Ye xnomnlDg souls, be glad. The year, &c. 18 17 1 Childhood's years are pasrgiiig' o'er tfs^ Youthful days will soon be done ; Cares and sorrows lie before tis, Hidden dangers, snares unknown. 2 Ob, may He who, meek and lowly, Trod Himself this vale of woe, Make us His, and make us holy, Guard and guide us while we go. 3 Hark ! it is the Saviour calling, " Little children, follow Me !" Jesus ! keep our feet from falling ^ ' Teach us all to follow Thee. 4 Soon we part, — it may be never, Never here to meet again ; Ob, to n}!a|t in heaven forever ! Oh, the^rowu of life to gain I 18 1 Come, let us sing of Jesus, While hearts and accents blend ; Come, let us sing of Jesus, Tlie sinner's only Friend. His holy soul rejoices. Amid the choirs above, To hear our youthful voices, Exulting in His love. 2 We love to sing of Jesus, Who wept our path along; 19 We love to sing of Jesus, The tempted and the strong. None who besought His healing, He passed unheeded by ; And still retains His feeling, For us above the sky 3 "We love to sing of Jesus, Who died our souls to save ; We love to sing of Jesus, Triumphant o'er the grave ; And in our hour of danger. We'll trust His love alone. Who once slept in a manger, And now sits on the throne. 4 Then let us sing of Jesus, While yet on earth we stay, And hope to sing of Jesus, ^ Throughout eternal day ; For those who here confess him, He will in heaven confess ; And faithful hearts that bless him. He will for ever hleis. 19 1 Come to Jesus, little one ; Come to Jesus now ; Humbly at His gracious throno, In submission, bow. 2 At His feet confers your sin | Seek forgiveness there ; 20 For His blood can make you clean ; He will hear your prayer. 3 Seek His face without delay ; Give Him now your heart ; . Tarry not, but, while you may, Choose the better part 20 1 Come, labour on ! Who dares stand idle on the harvest plain ? While all around him waves the golden grain And to each servant does the Master say "Go work to-day !" 2 Come, labour on ! Claim the high calling angels cannot share,— To young and old the Gospel-gladness bear Redeem the time ; its hours too swiftly fly, The night draws nig 3 Come, labour on ! Away with gloomy doubts and faithless fear No arm so weak but may do service here ; By feeblest agents can our God fulfil His righteous will. 4 Come, labour on ! No time for rest, till glows the western sky While the long shadows o'er our pathway li And a glad sound comes with the settiL ' sun, — \ " Servants, well done I" 21 6 Come, labour on I The toil is pleasant, the reward is sure Blessed are those who to the end endure • How full their joy, how deep their rest shall he, . Lord, with Thee I 21 1 Comb, we that love the Lord, And let our joys be known : Join in a song with sweet accord, And thus surround the throne. 2 The men of grace have found Glory begun below : Celestial fruits on earthly ground . From faith and hope may grow, 3 The hill of Zion yields A thousand sacred sweets, Before we reach the heavenly fields Or walk the golden streets. ' Then let our songs abound. And every tear be dry ; We^re marching through Immanuel's ground lo fairer worlds on high. 22 1 Children of the Heavenly King, As ye journey sweetly sing ; Smg your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in His works and ways I 22 2 We are travelling home to God, In the way the fathers trod : They are happy now ; and we Soon their happiness shall see. 3 Shout, ye little flock, and blest! You on Jesus' throne shall rest ; There your seat is now prepared, There your kingdom and rewardl 4 Lift your eyes, ye sons of Light I Zion's city is in sight : There our endless home shall be. There our Lord we soon shall see. 5 Fear not, brethren ; joyful stand On the borders of your land ; Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, Bids you undismayed go on, 6 Lord ! obediently we go, Gladly leaving all below ! Only Thou our leader be, And we still shall follow Thee I Let us to Thy bliss ascend ; Let us to Thy kingdom come I Lord I we long to be at home. 23 1 Comb, my soul, thy suit prepare; Jesus loves to answer prayer ; He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay. 23 2 Thou art coming to a King, Large petitions Avith thee bring j For His grace and power are such, None can ever ask too much. 3 With my burden I begin, — Lord, remove this load of sin ! Let Thy blood, for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt. 4 Lord, I come to Thee for rest ; Take possession of my breast ; There Thy blood-bought right maintain, And without a rival reign. 5 While I am a pilgrim here, Let Thy love my spirit cheer ; As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend, Lead me to my journey's end. 6 Show me what I have to do ; Every hour my strength renew ; Let me live a life of faith ; Let me die Thy people's death. 24 r Costs, let us all unite to sing, God is love, God is love ! Let heaven and earth their praises bring, God is love, God is love ! Let every soul from sin awake Each in his heart sweet music make, And sing with us, for Jesus' sake, Godisloyel 24 2 Oh 1 tell to earth'sf Temotest bound, God is love 1 In Christ we have redemption found I God is love ! His blood has wash'd our sins away, His spirit tum'd our night to day : And now we can rejoice to say, God is love I 3 How happy is our portion here I God is love I His promises our spirits cheer ; God is love 1 He is our Sun and Shield by day, Our Help, our Hope, our Strength, and Stay : He will be with us all the way : God is love I 4 What though my heart and flesh should fail ! God is love I Through Christ I shall o'er death prevail, God is love ! Though Jordan swell I need not fear. My Saviour will be with me there, My head above the waves to bear, God is love ! 5 In Zion we shall sing again, God is love 1 Yes, this shall be our highest strain, God is love ! Whilst endless ages roll along. In concert with the heavenly throng, This shall be still our sweetest song, God is lOYQ I 25 25 1 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing, Tune my heart to sing Thy grace ; Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it, Mount of Thy redeeming love ; Teach me some melodious sonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above. 2 Here I raise my Ebenezer, Hither by Thy help I'm come. And I hope, by Thy good pleasure. Safely to arrive at home. Jesus sought me when a stranger, Wandering from the fold of God : He, to rescue me from danger, Interposed His precious blood. 3 0, to grace how great a debtor. Daily I'm constrained to be ! Let Thy goodness, like a fetter, Bind my wandering heart to Thee. Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, Prone to leave the God I love : Here's my heart, take and seal it. Seal it for Thy courts above. 26 1 Creator, Preserver, Ptedeemer of man, Divine Intercessor above, when shall the song of Thy praises begin, Or how Bhtill I speak of Thy love ? 26 Heaven is telling, And earth is revealing, What wonders Thy mercy can prove. 2 And do I not love Thee, Saviour divine. The Chief of ten thousands to me ? Yes, infinite beauty and glory are Thine,. Whose brightness no mortal can see. Angels shall bless Thee, And man shall confess Thee; All worlds shall acknowledge Thy sway. 3 Thine, thine is the kingdom, the wisdom,,and power, The glory and honour supreme ; For ever and ever my soul would adore The unspeakable worth of Thy name \ For ever and ever, O glorious Saviour, I'll dwell on the rapturous theme. 27 1 Come, children, hail the Prince of Peace, Obey the Saviour's call ; Come, sing aloud his glorious grace,. And crown Him Lord of all. 2 This Jesus will your sins forgive, He now invites us all ; For us He died that we might liye. And QiQwn Um Lord oi aU» 27 3 Oh, let our hearts receive our King, No more refuse his call : That so in heaven we still may sing^ And crown Him Lord of all. 28 1 CoMH, children, join to sing. Halleluiah! Amen! Loud praise to Christ our King, Halleiuiah! Amen! Let all with heart and voice, Before His throne rejoice : Praise is His gracious choice. Halleluiah! Amen! 2 Come lift your hearts on high, — Hal., Sf-c. Let praises fill the sky, — Hal.^ ^'c. He is our Guide and Friend : To us He'll condescend : His love shall never end, — Hal., S^c. 3 Praise yet the Lord again, — Hal., ^'c. Life shall not end the strain, — Hal., S^c. On heaven's hlissful shore His goodness we'll adore : Singing for evermore, — Hal., ^x, 29 1 Child of sin and son-ow, Fill'd with dismay, Wait not for to-morrow : Yield thee to-day. 28 Heav'n bids thee come While yet there's room ; Child of sin and sorrow, Hear and obey. 2 Child of sin and sorrow, Why wilt thou die ? Wait not for to-morrow • Jesus is nigh. Grieve not that love Which from above, Child of sin and sorrow, Life can supply. 3 Child of sin and sorrow, Where wilt thou flee ? Through that long to-morrow, Eternity ? Exiled from home, Darkly to roam,— Child of sin and sorrow, Where wilt thou flee? 4 Child of sin and sorrow, Lift up thine eye : Joy knows no to-morrow in heaven high. 0, sinner, come W hile yet there's room ; Child of sin and sorrow, To Jesus fly. 29 30 1 Comb to Jesus, come tu Jesus, Come to Jesus just now : Just now come to Jesus, Come to Jesus just now. 2 He will save you, He will save you, He will save you just now ; Just now He will save you, He will save you just now, 3 believe Him, believe Him, believe Him just now : Just now O believe Him, believe Him just now. 4 Hallelujah, Hallolujah, Hallelujah, Amen. Amen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Amen. 31 1 Come, ye sinners, poor and wretched. This is your accepted hour, Jesus ready stands to save you, Full of pity, love, and power : He is able, — He is willing, doubt no more. 2 Come ye weary, heavy laden, Lost and ruin'd by the fall I If you tarry till you're better, 30 You will never come at all. Not the righteous, — Sinners, Jesus came to call I 3 Let not conscience make you linger, Nor of fitness fondly dream : All the fitness He requireth, Is to feel your need of Him : This He gives you, — 'Tis the Spirit's rising beam I 4 Lo ! th' incarnate God, ascended, Pleads the merit of His blood: Venture on Him, venture wholly,— Let no other trust intrude : None but Jesus Can do helpless sinners good. 32 1 Come, Holy Spirit, come 1 Let thy bright beams arise t Dispel the sorrow from our minds. And open all our eyes. 2 Cheer our desponding hearts, Thou Heavenly Paraclete ; Give us to lie, with humble hope, At our Redeemer's feet. 3 Revive our drooping faith, Our doubts and fears remote ; And kindle in our breasts the flamo Of never-dying love. 31 4 Convince us ^f our sin^ Then lead to Jesus' blood : And to our wond'ring view reveal The secret love of God. 5 'Tis Thine to cleanse the heart, To sanctify the soul, To pour fresh life in every part, And new-create the whole. 6 Dwell Thou within our hearts ; Our minds from bondage free ; — Then shall we know, and praise, and love, The Father, Sou, and Thee. 33 1 Courage, brother, do not stumble, Though thy path be dark as night ; There's a star to guide the humble ; " Trust in God, and do the right." Do the right, do the right, " Trust in God, and do the right." 2 Tet the road be rough and dreary, And its end far out of sight. Foot it bravely 1 strong or weary, " Trust in God, and do the right." Do the right, etc. 3 Perish policy and cunning ! Perish all that fears the light t Whether losing, whether winning, « yrust in God, and do the right." i>o the rightj. et«!p 32 4 Trust no party, Beet, or faction ; Trust no leaders in the fight : ■•t, in ev'ry word and action, '' Trust in God, and do the right." Do the right, etc. 5 Simple rule, and safest guiding. Inward peace, and inward might, Star upon our path abiding, " Trust in God, and do the right." Do the right, etc. 6 Some will hate thee, some will love thee, Some will flatter, some will slight ; Cease from man, and look above thee, " Trust in God, and do the right." Do the right, etc, 34 1 Death has been here, and borne away A [sister]* from our side : Just in the morning of [herjf day, As young as we, [shcjj died. 2 Not long ago [she] fiU'd [her] place, And sat with us to learn ; But [she] has run [her] mortal race, And never can return. ^ Perhaps our time may be as short, Our days may fly as fast ; Lord, impress the solemn thought, _ That this may be our last. ♦ Or, brother. f Or, hi$, % Or, Atf. 33 4 We cannot tell who next may fall Beneath Thy chastening rod: One must be first : oh, may we all Prepare to meet our God. 6 All needful help is Thine to give ; To Thee our souls apply For grace to teach us how to live, And make us fit to die. 35 1 Day by day the little daisy Looks up with its yellow eye, Never murmurs, never wishes It were hanging up on high. And the air is just as pleasant, And as bright the sunny sky To the daisy by the footpath, As to flowers that bloom ou high, 2 God has given to each his station; Some have riches and high place, Some have lowly homes and labour,— All may have his precious grace. And God loveth all ITis children, Eich and poor and high and low ; And they all shall meet in heaven, Who have served Him here below. 36 1 Dare to do right ! Dare to be true I You have a work that no other can do j Do it so bravely, bo kindly, so well, 34 .Angels will hasten the stofy t6 tell. Dare, dare, dare to do right. 2 Dare to do right ! Dare to he true ! Other men's failures can never save you ; Stand hy your conscience, your honor, your •faith; Stand like a hero, and hattle till death. Dare, dare, etc. 3 Dare to do right ! Dare to he true ! God, who created you, cares for you too,— Treasures the tears that His striving ones shed. Counts and protects ev'ry hair of your head. Dare, dare, etc. 4 Dare to do right ! Dare to he true ! Keep the great judgment-seat always in view ; Look at your work as you'll look at it then, Scanned by Jehovah, and angels and men Dare, dare, etc. 5 Dare to do right ! Dare to be true 1 Jesus, your Saviour, will carry you through : City, and mansion, and throne all in sight, Can you not dare to be true and do right ? Dare, dare, etc. 37 1 Eternal God, incline Thine ear, Accept the tribute we would pay ; While once again assembled here, We hail with joy this sacred day. 35 2 Our hearts and voices we would raise, In gratitude, Lord, to Thee ; ■ Accept our cheerful song of praise, And let us all Thy children he. 3 Be with us in Thy temple, Lord ; There let devotion fill each heart ; And may Thy ever blessed word Eternal life to all impart. 4 may our future conduct show, Instruction has not been in vain : Do Thou, Lord, Thy grace bestow, And make our path of duty plain. 38 1 Ere to the World again we go. Its pleasures, cares, and idle shoxf, Thy grace, once more, God, we crave, From folly and from sin to save. 2 May the great truths we here have heard- The lessons of Thy holy word — Dwell in our inmost bosoms deep, And all our souls from error keep. 3 Oh, may the influence of this day Long as our memory with us stay, And as an angel guardian prove, To guide ua to our home above. 36 39 Fadiks, still fading, the last beam is shining ; Father in Heaven, the day is declining ; Safety and innocence fly with the light ; Temptation and danger walk forth with the night. From the fall of the shade till the morning bells chime, Shield me from danger, and save me from crime. Father have mercy, Father have mercy, Father have mercy, thro' Jesus Christ our Lord. Father in heaven, 0, hear when we call ; Hear, for Christ's sake, who is Savionr of all ; Feeble and fainting, we trust in Thy might, In doubting and darkness Thy love be our li^ht; Let us sleep on Thy breast while the night taper burns, And wake in Thine arms when morning re- turns. Father, have mercy, etc. 40 1 Ton a season called to part, Let us now ourselves commend To the gracious eye aud heart Of our ever pr If I love Him, when I die He will take me home on higi^L, Oh, I would, &c. 82 1 Jetxsalkm, my happy home I Name ever dear to me ! When shall my labours have an end, In joy and peace and thee ? 72 2 When shall these eyes thy heaven-huilt walls, And pearly gates behold ? Thy bulwarks with salvation strong, And streets of shining gold ? 3 There happier bowers than Eden's bloom, Nor sin nor sorrow know : Blest seats 1 through rude andjstormy scenes I onward press to you, 4 Why should I shrink from pain and woe, Or feel at death dismay ? I've Canaan's goodly land in view. And realms of endless day. 5 Apostles, martyrs,, prophets there Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ below Will join the glorious band. 6 Jerusalem, my happy home ! My soul still pants for thee ! Then shall my labours have an end, When I thy joys shall see. 83 Jesus ! the name I love so well. The name I love to hear 1 No saint on earth its worth cacL-tell, No heait conceive how dear. 73 2 It bids my trembUngsonl rejoica And dries each rising tear ; It tells me in a still small voice, To trust and not to fear. 3 This name shall shed its fragrance still Along this thorny road ; Shall sweetly smooth the rugged hill That leads me up to God. 4 And there with all the blood-bought throng, Froru sin and sorrow free, I'll sing the new, eternal song Of Jesus' love to me. 84 1 Jesus, standing by the sea, With His faithful, chosen band, Said to Peter, " Lov'st thou Me ?" When He gave him this command, " Feed my lambs." 2 On the young His watchful care, Like a shield is kindly spread ; Sweet to Him the children's prayer; Surely 'twas to them He said, " Feed my lambs." 3 To our Father's throne of grace, By our teachers we are led ; Early taught to seek His face, They remember He has said, " Feed my lambs." 74 Lambs of Jesi'/S, such are we, By Ilis tender mercy led ; Still our Shepherd He will be, He who once to Peter said, " Feed my lambs." 85 1 Jerusalem the golden ! With milk and honey blest ; Beneath thy contemplation Sink heart and voice opprest. I know not, oh 1 I know not, What joys await us there ; What radiancy of glory, What bliss beyond compare. 2 They stand, those halls of Zion, All jubilant with song, And bright with many an angel, And all the martyr throng j The Prince is ever in them, The daylight is serene ; The j)asture3 of the blessed Are decked in glorious sheen. 3 There is the throne of David ; And there, from care released, The shout of them that triumph. The song of them that feast ; And they who with their Leader Have conquered in the fight. For ever and for cVcr Are clad in robes of white. 75 4 Oh, sweet and blessed country, The home of God's elect I Oh, sweet and blessed country, That eager hearts expect I Jesus, in mercy bring us To that dear land of rest ; Who art, with God the Father, And Spirit, ever blest. 86 1 Jesus Christ is passing by, Sinner, lift to Him thine eye r As the precious moments flee, Cry, '• Be merciful to me." 2 Lo 1 He stands and calls to thee, " What wilt thou then have of Me T Eise, and tell Him all thy need ; Pwise, He calleth thee indeed. 3 "Lord, I would Thy mercy see 1 Lord, reveal Thy love to me 1 Let it penetrate my soul, — All my heart and life control I" 4 Oh, hoV sweet ! the touch of power Comes, — it is salvation's hour ; Jesus gives from guilt release, — Eaith hath saved thee, go in peace." 5 Glory to the Saviour's name I He is ever still the same ; To His matchless honour raise Never-ending songs of praise, t •76 87 1 Joyfully, joyfully, onward we more, Bound for the land of bright spirits above : Jesus, our Saviour, in mercy says " Come 1" Joyfully, joyfully, haste to your home. Soon will our pilgrimage end here below ; Soon to the presence of God we shall go ; Then if to Jesus our hearts have been given, Joyfully, joyfully, rest we in heaven. 2 Death with his arrow may soon lay us low, Safe in our Saviour, we fear not the blow ; Jesus hath broken the bars of the tomb, Joyfully, joyfully, we will go home 1 Bright will the mom of Eternity dawn. Death shall be conquer'd, his sceptre be gone; Over the plains of sweet Canaan we'll roam. Joyfully, joyfully, safely at home ! 3 Friends fondly cherish'd have pass'd on be- fore, Waiting, they watch us approaching the shore, Singing, to cheer us while passing along, " Joyfully, joyfully, haste to your home!" Sounds of sweet melody fall on the car ;• Harps of the blessed, your strains we can hear. Filling with harmony heaven's high dome : Joyfully, joyfully, Jesus, we cornel 77 88 1 Jesus little children blesses, Oh, how He loves ! Fondly He each lamb caresses, Oh, how He loves I "Would you wish to go to heaven ? Ask, and have your sins forgiven ; None from Him were ever driven. Oh, how He loves ! 2 He will listen to your prayer, — Oh, how He loves 1 Although feeble, if sincere. Oh, how He loves 1 He became a child, to sever You from sin and batan ever ; Those who come He'll cast out never. Trust him — He will ne'er forget you. Oh, how He loves ! His Almighty arm protects you. Oh, how He loves 1 Truly, He will ne'er forsake you. But, to endless glory take you. Ever, ever happy make you, Oh, how He loves I 89 1 Jesus, we love to meet. On this Thy holy day. We worship round Thy seat, ' Or this Thy holy day. 78 Thoti tender, Heavenly Friend, To Thee our prayers ascend ; O'er our young spirits bend, On this Thy holy day. 2 "We dare not trifle no"w, On this, &c. In silent awe we how. On this, &c. Check every wandering thought, And let us all he taught To serve Thee as we ought. On this, &c. 3 We listen to Thy TVcrd, On this, &c. Bless all that we have heard, On this, &c. Go with us when we part, And to each youthful heart Thy saving grace impart, On this, &c. SO 1 Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me. Bless Thy little lamh to-night ; Through the darkness bo Thou near me, Watch my sleep till morning light. 2 All this day Thy hand hath led me. And I thank Thoc for Ihy care ; Thou hast kept, and clothed, and fed me, Listen to my humble prayer. 3 Let my sins be all forgiven^ Bless the friends I love so wdl ; Take me, ■svhen I die, to heaven, Happy there with Thee to dwell. 91 1 Jesus yet shall reign victorious, All the earth shall own His sway ; He will make His kin2:dom glorious, — He shall reign through endless day. See the ancient idols falling, Worshipp'd once, but now ahhorr'd! Men on Jesus now are calling, Zion's King by all adored, 2 Then shall Zion, long dispersed. Mourning, seek the Lord their God ; Look on Him vrhom they have pierced, Own and kiss His chast'ning rod. Then shall Israel all be saved. War and tumult then shall cease, When the promised Son of David Rules a conquer'd world in peace. 92 1 Jesus, Lover of my soul. Let me to Thy bosom fly, While the nearer waters roll, While the tempest still is high. Hide me, my Saviour, hide, Till the storm of lifo be past ; Safe into the haven guide, receive my soul at last. 80 2 Otljer refuge have I none, Hangs my helpless soul on Thee ; Leave, oh 1 leave me not alone, Still support and comfort me. All my trust on Thee is stay'd, All my help from Thee I bring ; Cover my defenceless head With the shadow of Thy wing. 3 Plenteous grace with Thee is found ; Grace to pardon all my sin ; Let the healing streams abound, Make and keep me pure within. Thou of life the Fountain art, Freely let me take of Thee ; Spring Thou up within my heart, Else to all eternity. 93 1 Jesus shall reign where'er the sun Does his successive journeys run ; His kingdom stretch from shore to shore. Till moons shall wax and wane no more. 2 For Him shall endless prayer be made, And princes throng to crown His head ; His name like sweet perfume shall rise. With every morning sacrifice. 3 People and realms of every tongue, Dwell on His love with sweetest song ; And infant voices shall proclaim Their early blessings on His name. 81 4 Blessings abound •where'er He reigns ; The pris'ner leaps to burst his chains j The weary find eternal rest, And all the sons of want are blest. 5 Let every creature rise, and bring Peculiar honours to our King ; Angels descend with songs again, And earth repeat the long Amen I 94 1 Just as I am — ^without one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me. And that Thou bid'st me come to Thee. Oh, Lamb of God, I come I 2 Just as I am — and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, ToThee whose blood can cleanse each spot, Oh, Lamb of God, I come 1 3 Just as I am, though toss'd about With many a conflict, many a doubt. Fightings within and fears without, Oh, Lamb of God, I come I 4 Just as I am— poor, wretched, blind ; Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in Thee I find. Oh, Lamb of God, I come I 5 Just as I am — Thou wilt receive^ Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because Thy promise I believe. Oh, Lamb of God, I come I 82 6 Just as I am — Thy love unknown Hath broken every barrier down, Kow, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, Oh, Lamb of God, I come I 95 1 Jesus, to Thy dear arms I flee, T have no other help but Thee ; For Thou dost suffer me to come ; O take a little wanderer home. 2 Jesus, I'll try my cross to bear, I'll follow Thee, and never fear ; From Thy dear fold I would not-roam ; take a little wanderer home. 3 Jesus, I cannot see Thee here, Yet still I know Thou'rt very near ; O say my sins are all forgiven, And I shall dwell with Thee in heaven. 4 And now, dear Jesus, I* am Thine, be Thou ever, ever mine ; ; From Thee let me never roam j take a little wanderer home. 96 1 Lord, look up.on a little child, By nature sinful, rude, and wild | Oh 1 put Thy gracious hand on me. And make me all X ought to be. « 83 2 Make me Thy child, a child of God, Wash'd in my Saviour's precious bloodj And my whole heart from gin eetfree,— * A little vessel full of Thee 3 A star of early dawn and bright, Shining within Thy sacred light ; A beam of grace to all around, A little spot of hallow'd ground. 4 Oh ! Jesus, take me to Thy breast, And bless me, then I shall be blest ; Both when I wake and when I sleep, Thy little lamb in safety keep. 97 1 Lord, teach a little child to pray, Thy grace betimes impart. And grant Thy Holy Spirit may Renew my sinful heart. A sinful creature I was bom, And from iny birth have stray 'd ; I must be wretched and forlorn Without Thy mercy's aid. 2 But Christ can all my sins forgive, And wash away their stain ; Can fit my soul with Him to live. And in His kingdom reign. To Him let little children come, Tor He has said they may ; His bosom then shall be their homej Their tears He'll wipe away. 84 98 1 Lord, we come before Thee now, At Thy feet we humhly bow ; Oh, do not our suit disdain ; Shall we seek Thee, Lord, in vain ? 2 Lord, on Thee our souls depend ; In compassion now descend ; Fill our hearts with heavenly grace. Tune our lips to sing Thy praise. 3 In Thine own appointed way, Now we seek Thee, — here we stay ; Lord, we know not how to go, Till a blessing Thou bestow. 4 Send some message from Thy word That may joy and peace afford j Let Thy Spirit now impart iPull salvation to each heart. 99 1 Lift up your hearts to God, And hail His sacred day ) In joyful songs of praise Your cheerful worship pay : Welcome the day the Lord hath bless'd, Emblem of heaven's eternal rest. 2 On this the promised morn The Lord of life arose ; He burst the bars of death, And conquered all our foes : And now He pleads our cause above, f And reaps the fruit of all his love. 85 I All bail 1 triumphant Lord ; Heaven with hosannas rings, And earth in humble strains Thy praise in concert sings ; " Worthy the Lamb that once was slain, Througll endless years to live and reign." 100 1 Little drops of water, Little grains of sand, Make the mighty ocean, And the pleasant land. 2 Thus the little minutes Humble though they be, Make the mighty ages ^ Of eternity. 3 Thus our little errors Lead the soul away From the path of virtue. Far in sin to stray. Little words of love, Make our earth an Eden Like the heaven, above. 101 L Little children, Jesus calls you! Listen to His blessed voice : Sinners try in vain to shun it, Christians hail it and rejoice. 86 Come then, children, join to sing Glory to our Saviour King. 2 Little children, come to Jesus ! See Him still inviting stand! Hark ! He bids you leave destruction,— Calls you to the better land ! Come then, children, join to sing Glory to our Saviour King I 3 Little children, look to Jesus 1 Look to Jesus ! look and live 1 Jesus suffered death to save you I Freest pardon He mil give. Come then, children, join to sing Glory to our Saviour Eong I 102 1 Loos, ye saints, the sight is glorious I See the Man of Sorrows now ; From the fight return'd victorious, Every knee to Him shall bow : Crown Him ! crown Him 1 Crowns become the Victor's brow. 2 Crown the Saviour ! angels crown him ! Kich the trophies Jesus brings ; In the seat of power enthrone Hyn, * While the vault of heaven rings. Crown Him ! crown Him I Crown the Savipur King of kings I $1 3 Sinners in derision crowned Him, Mocking thug; the Saviour's claim 5 Saints and angels crowd around hiai, Own His title, praise His name : Crown Him I crown Him \ Spread abroad the Victor^ikiae. 4 Hark ! those bursts of acclamation ! Hark ! those loud triumphant chordeU Jesus takes the liighest station j Oh, what joy the sight affords I Crown Him 1 crdwn Him 1 King oi kings, and. Lord of lardM 103 1 LoED of the worlds above;;; How pleasant and how fair Tlje dwellings of Thy love, "Thine earthly temples are I To Thine abode my heart aspires. With warm desires to see mj <5oi 2 happy souls thatjpray Where God appoints to' hear ! Oh happy men that pay ^rheir constant service there I They praise Thee still ; and happy ihey That love tho way to Zioii's Mil B They go from strength to' strength, Tlirou^tliO dark vale>of tears, 88 Till each arrives at length, *rill each iu heaven appears^ Oh glorious seat, when Grod cur King Shall Ibither. bring our-svUlins fcet^ 104 h Like mist on the mountain, like ships on the sea. So swiftly the years of our pilgrimage flee ; In th' grave of our fathers how soon wo shall lie ! Dear childi'en, to-day, to a Saviour fly. 2 How sweet are the flowerets in April and May 1 But often the frost makes them wither away. Like flow'rs you may fade >— arc you ready to die ? While " yet there is .room," to a Saviour fly. 3 "When Samuel was young, he fij-stJinew the Lord, Ho-slept in His smile and rejoiced in IL's word, So most of God's childi*en are early hrought nigh ; Oh, seek Hitn in youth — to a Saviour fly. 4 Do you ask me for pleasure ? then lean on His breast, For there the sin-laden and weary find rest ; In th' Valley of Death you will triumphing cry — " If this he called dying^^tis pleasant tadiel" 81) 105 L Lam? of our feot, whereby wo trace Our path when apt to stray ; Stream, from the fount of heavenly grace, Brook, by the ti'aveller's way : 2 Bread of our souls, whereon we feed, True manna from on high ; Our guide and chart, wherein we read Of realms beyond the sky : 3 PiUar of fire, through watches dark, And radiant cloud by day ; When waves would whelm our iossipg bark, Our anchor and our stay : 4 Word of the Everlasting God, AVill of His glorious Son ; Without Thee how could earth he trod, Or heavon iisclf be won ? 5 Lord, grant us all aright to learn The wis^lom it imparts ; And to its heavenly teaching tiu"i3, "With, simple, cblldliko hearty 106 aid an to sin; Tlipu art great, and high, and holv, Oh t-laow solemn we should be I liORD, a little band and lowly, We are come to sing to Thee 1 90 I'ill our hearts with thoiights of Jesus^ And of heaven where He is ga'aG.j Ajid let nothing ever please us ;He would grieve to look upou. 2 Por we know the Lord of glorr Always sees what children ao. And is writing now the story* Of our thoughts and actions. io(X L^ our sins be all forgiven, Jilake us fear whate^r is wrongj Lead us on our way to heaven, Tliere ia^tirig ja noblQZ soo^ tot 1 Lo! He comes, with clouds descendiog, Once -for favour'd sinners slain : Thousand, thousand saints attenoing, Swell the triumph of His train. Halleluiah! Halleluiah I Jesu^ comes—and comes to-xeigal 2 Now redemption, long expected, iSee in solemn J)omp appear I All His saints, by tnan rejected. IlLse to ;meet Him, free fromhar. Halleluiah I Halleluiah I Shouts of welcome greet His-ear. i^ Yes, Amen ! let all adore Thco, High, on Thine eternal throne ! Sa^riour, take the power aiui. glory, 91 Make Thy rigMeous sentence known, come quickly 1 come quickly l Clai^joilie iiugdom iox TiuuG own. 108 1 LtTTLE travellers Zionwarcl, !Eacli one entering into rest In the kingdom of your Lord, In the mansions of the blest. There to welcome Jesus waits, Gives the crowns His followers 'mn. j Lift your heads, ye golden gatss, Let the- little- iravellers in I 2 Who are they whose little feet, i'acing life's dark journey through^ Now have reach'd the heavenly ge^t ^hey had ever kept in view ? " I from Greenland's frozen land j" *' I from India's sultry plain f " I from Afric's barren sand j'' ^ I fi'oiii Islaads of the.;iiain," 3 "^1 our earthly journey past^ Every tear and pain gonje by, We're together met at last, At the ^portal of the sky," Each the welcome " come " a\vait8 Conquerors over death and sin j Lift your heads, ye golden gates, Let tUe- UttleJ^Tellcia ial 02 109 1 LoHD, dismiss us -with Tliy Llessing, Fill our hearts with joy and peaccj ' . Let us all, Thy love possessing, Triuuiph ia red^emiqg grace, 110 1 Lord, I hear of showers of blessing Thou art scatt'ring full and free ; Showers, the thirsty Jland refreshing ; Let sorae droppings fall on xnc— 2 Toss me not, God my Father I Sinful though my heart may he ; Thou might'st leave me, but the rather Let Thy mercy light ou me 1— Even vie. 5 Pass me not, gracious Saviour I Let me live and cling to Thee ; Oh, I'm longing for Thy favour : Whilst Thou'rt calling, oh, call me— Even me. 4 Pass mc not, mighty Spirit! Thou canst make the blind to sec ; Witnesser of Jesus' merit, S|>eak some word of power to me-%» Even nw. 93 5 Have I long in sin been sleeping—. Long been slighting, grieving Thee ? Has the world my heart been keeping ? Oh, forgive and rescue me !^^ Even ma 6 Love of God — so pm'e aiid changeless ; Blood of Christ-^so rich, so free ! Grace of God — so strong and boundless,- Magnify it all in me ! — Even me. 1 Pass me not — Thy lost one bringing. Bind my heart, Lord, to Thee. . Whilst the streams of life are springing, Blessing others, oh, bkssjue — • Even me. Ill 1 My soul, be on thy guard, Ten thousand foes arise : And hosts of sin are pressing hard To draw thee from the skies. 2 Oh, watch, and fight, and pray I The battle ne'er give o'er ; Kenew it boldly every day, And help divine implore. 3 Ne'er think the victory won. Nor once at ease sit down ; Thy arduous worli will not be don© Till thou obtain thy crown. 94 4 '^ ight on, my soul, till death Shall bring thee to thy God I ^e'll take thee at thy parting-breatli, Up io -His blest abode, U2 1 Make haste, man, to live, For thou so soon must die ; Time hurries past thee like the bree£e ; How swift its moments fly I 2 To breathe, and wake, and sleep, To smile, to sigh, to grieve, To move in idleness through earth— This, this is not to live. 3 Make haste, man, to do Whatever must be done ; Thou hast no time to lose in sloth, Thy day will soon be gone. 4 Up, then, with speed, and work ; Fling ease and self away — This is no time for thee to sleep- Up, watch, and work, anjl pray ! 113 1 Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free ? No : there's a cross for every one, And there's a gross for me. 95 2 How happy are the saints abore, Who once went sorrowing here I But now they taste unmingled love And joy without a tear. 3 The consecrated cross 111 bear Till death shall set me free, And then go home, my crown to wear ; For there's a crown for me. 114 1 My God ! my Father ! while I stray Far from my home in life's rough way, Oh teach me from my heart to sa;y, '< Thy will be done l" If Thou shouldst call me to resign What most I prize ; — it ne'er was mine 3 I only yield Thee what is Thine, " Thy will be done l'^ 3 Should pining sickness waste away My life in premature decay, ♦' My Father," still I'll strive to-say, " Thy will be done l" 4 Renew my will'from day to day, Blend it with Thine, and take away Whatever makes it hard to say, " Thy will be done 1" 5 Then when on earth, I breathe no more The prayer oft mix'd with tears before, I'll sing upon a hai)pier shore, "ThywiUbedonel" 9G 115 My Saviour dear ! my Saviour dear I I love to think of Thee ! FaiiiAvould I sound,tlirougli all earth's "bound, Tliy matchless love to me. Thy life and death, while I have breath, My constant theme shall he ; And all my ways, throughout my days, Shall speak Thy love to-me. My Saviour dear I my Saviour dear I I long, I faint to see Thy lovely face, in yon blest place Thou hast prepared for me. There, clothed in light, with^ngels bright, I'll worship and adore ; And love and praise, through en-iless days, A trophy of tills power. 116 1 lit faith looks up to Thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary, Saviour divine I Now hear me while I pray, Take all my guilt away, let me from this day Be wholly Thine. 2 May Thy rich grace impart Strength to my fainting heart," My soul inspire ; As Thou hast died for me, 97 may my love to Thee Pure, warm, and changeless be, A living fire 3 When Life's dark maze I tread, And griefs around me spread, Be Thou my guide. Bid darkness turn to day, Wipe sorrow's tears away. Nor let me ever stray From Thee aside. 4 When ends Life's transient dream, When Death's cold sullen stream, Shall o'er me roll ; Blest Saviour then in love, Fear and di>v"trust remove, bear me safe above — A ransom'd soul. 117 1 My days are gliding swiftly by, And I a pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them as they fly I Those hours of toil and danger. For now we stand ou Jordan's strand. Our friends are passing over, • And, just before, the shining shore We almost may discover. 2 Our absent Lord has l-ft us word. Let every lamp bj burning ; With eye of faith wc look afar. Our happy home discerning. For now, &g. 98 3 Should coming days be cold and dark, T\'c need not cease our singing ; That perfect rest nought can mole^t^ Where golden harps ai-e ringing. For B-Qw, &c. 4 Let sorrow's rudest tempest rise, Each cord on earth to sever ; There, bright and joyous in the- skies, Thjerc is our Home for ever. For now, &c. lie 1 Mighty God, while angels bless Thee, May an infant lisp Thy name? Lord of men as well as angels, Thou art every creature's theme. Halleluiah 1 Amen I 2 Lord of every land and nation, Ancient of eternal days ; Sounded through Thy wide dominioa Be Thy just and lawful praise. Halleluiah ! Amen I 3 Brightness of the Father's glory, Shall Thy praise unutter'd be ? Flee, my soul, such guilty silence, Sing, the Lord who died for Thee. Halleluiah 1 Amen I 119 1 My home is in heaven, my rest is not here, Then why should I murmur when trials are near ? Be hushed, my dark spirit, the worst that can come. But shortens my journey, and hastens thee home. Cho. — Home, home, sweet, sweet home, Prepare me, dear Saviour, for glory, my Iiome. 2 It is not for thee to be seeking thy hliss, And building ihx hopes in a region like this ; I look for a city which hands have not piled, I pant for a country by sin undefiled. Home, home, &c. 3 The thorn and the thistle around me may grow, I would not recline upon roses below ; I ask not my portion, I seek not my rest, Till I find them forever on Jesus' breast. Home, home, &c. 120 1 Never be afraid to speak for Jesus, Think how much a word can do ; . Never be afraid to own your Saviour, He who loves and cares for you. Never be afraid, never be afraid, Never, never, never ; 100 jesus is your loving SavioUfj Therefore never be afraid. Never be afraid to work for Jesus, In His vineyard day by day ; Labour with a kind and willing spirit, He will all your toil repay. Never be afraid to bear for Jesus, Keen reproaches when they fall } Patiently endure your every trial, Jesus meekly bore them all. Never be afraid, &c. Never be afraid to live for Jesus : If you on His care depend, Safely shall you pass thro' every trial, He will bring you to the end. Never be afraid, &c. Never be afraid to die for Jesus : He, the Life, the Truth, the Way, Gently in His arms of love will bear yoU To the realms of endless day. 121 1 Nothing but leaves ; the Spirit grieves Over a wasted life, O'er sin committed while conscience sleptj Promises made but never kept, Folly and shame and strife. 101 2 Nothing but leaves ; no ripened sheaves Gamer'd of life's fair grain : We sow our seed — lo, tares and weeds, Words, idle words for earnest deeds ; Reaping, wo find with pain Nothing hut leaves, 3 Nothing hut leaves ; and memory weaves No veil to hide the past ; And as we trace our weary way Counting each lost and misspent day, Sadly we find at last Nothing hut leaves. 4 And shall we meet the Master so, Bearing our withered leaves ? The Saviour looks for perfect fruit ; Stand we before Him sad and mute, Waiting the word He Ijreathes, " Nothing but leaves l" 122 1 Nearer my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee ; Ev'n though it be a cross That raiseth me ; Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. 3 Though like a wanderer. The sun gone down, ~ \ness comes over My rest a stone j 102 Yet in my di-eams I'd be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. 3 Here let my way appear Steps unto Heaven, All that Thou sendest me, In mercy given : Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. 4 Then, with my waking thoughts Bright with Thy praise ; Out of my stony griefs Bethels I '11 raise, — So by my woes to be Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. • 5 And when on joyful wing Cleaving the sky. Sun, moon, and stars forgot, Upwa,rd I fly — Still all my song shall be, Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to Thee. 123 ], Now that my journey's just begun, My course so little trod, I'll stay, before I further run. And give myself to God. 103 2 What sorrows may my steps attend, I cannot now foretell ; But if the Lord will be my Friend, I know that all is well, 3 If I am rich, He'll guard my heart Temptation to withstand ; And make me willing to impart The bounties of His hand. 4 If I am poor, He can supply Who has my table spread ; Who feeds the ravens when they cry, And fills His poor with bread. 6 And, Lord, whatever grief or ill For me may be in store, Make me submissive to Thy will, And I would ask no more. 6 Attend me through my youthful way, Whatever be my lot ; And when I'm feeble, old, and gray, Lordj forsake me not. 124 1 THAT the Lord would guide my ways, To keep His statutes still ; that my God would grant me grace To know and do His will. 104 2 send Thy Spirit down to writ© Thy law upon my heart ; Nor let my tongue indulge deceit, Nor act the liars part. 3 From vanity turn off my eyes ; Let no corrupt design, Nor covetous desires arise . Within this soul of mine. 4 Order my footsteps by Thy word, And make my heart sincere ; Let sin have no dominion, Lord, But keep my conscience clear. 5 Make me to walk in Thy commands, 'Tis a delightful road : Nor let my head, or heart, or hands. Offend against my God. 125 1 0^-CE was heard the song of children. By the Saviour, when on earth ; Joyful in the sacred temple, Shouts of youthful praise had birth ; And hosannas Loud to David's Son break forth. 2 Palms of victory strewn around Him, Garments spread beneath His feet ; Prophet of the Lord they crowned Him, In fair Salem's crowded street ; While hosannas From the lips of children greet. 105 God o'er all, in heaven reigning, Wo this day thy glory sing ; Not with palms thy pathway stretving, We woukl loftier tribute bring,— Glad hosannas To our Prophet, Priest, and King. Oh, though humble is our offering, Lord accept our grateful lays, These from children once proceeding, Thou didst deem them "perfect praise ;" Now hosannas, Saviour Lord, to Thee, we raise. 126 1 Oh, come let us sing To the God of salvation. To Jesus our King, Who hath brought consolation ; Who in His own body Hath opened a fountain To cleanse all our sins, Though as high as a mountain. Halleluiah to the Lamb, Who hath bought us a pardon : We will praise Him again When we've pass'd over Jordan. 2 Though our hearts are depraved, Though with sin we are burden'd, Our souls may be sa ed. And our sins may be pardon'd ; And Jesus, our Saviour, 106 Eatli promised to bless us, And free us forever From those that oppress us, Hallfcl'iiah, &c. 3 The hour may be nigh, When our bosoms, faint heaving, Shall breathe their last sigh In the peace of believing : And Thou from our pillow All darkness dispelling, Wilt calm the rude billow Of Jordan's proud swelling. Halleluiah, &c. 127 1 Oh, for a closer walk with God I A calm and heavenly frame ; A light to shine upon the road That leads me to the Lamb. 2 Where is the blessedness I knew, When first I saw the Lord ? Where is the soul -refreshing view Of Jesus and His word ? 3 What peaceful hours I once enjoyed ! How sweet their memory still ! But they have left art aching void The world can never fill. 4 Keturn, O Holy Dove, return, Sweet Messenger of rest ; I hate the sins that made Thee mourn, And drove Thee from m^ breast. 107 128 1 Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing My dear Redeemer's praise ; The glories of my God and King, The triumphs of His grace. 2 Jesus, the name that calms our fears, That bids our son'ow cease ; 'Tis music to our ravished ears ; 'Tis life and health and peace, 3 He breaks the power of reigning sin, Ho sets the pris'ner free ; His blood can make the foulest clean- His blood availed for me. 129 1 Oh worship the King, All glorious above ; Oh gratefully sing His power and love. Our Shield and Defender The Ancient of Days, Pavillioned in splendour, A lid girded with praise. 2 Oh tell of His might. Ok sing of His grace, Whose robe is the light. Whose canopy, space : His chariots of wrath The deep thunder-clouds form, And dark is His path On the wings of the storm. 108 3 Thy l)Ountiful care What tongue can recite ? It hreathes in the air, It shines in the light ; It streams from the hills, It descends to the plain, And sweetly distils In the dew and the raio. 4 Frail children of dust. And feeble as frail, In Thee do we trust, Nor find Thee to fail ; Thy mercies how tender, How firm to the end. Our Maker, Defender, Eed,eemer, and Friend I 130 1 Onward, Christian, though the region Where thou art be d^ar and lone ; God has set a guardian legion Very near thee ; press thou on. 2 Listen, Christian, their hosanna RoUeth o'er thee ; '' God is love." Write upon thy red-cross banner, " Upward ever ; heaven's above." 3 By the thorn-road, and none other, Is the mount of vision won ; Tread it without shrinking, brother j Jesu3 trod it ; press tJ^ou ojj. 109 4 Be this world the wiser, stronger, For Thy life of pain and peace ; While it needs thee, oh ! no longer Pray thou for thy quick r«lease. 5 Pray thou, Christian, daily rather, That thou be a faithful son ; By the prayer of Jesus^ " Father, Not my will, but Thine, be done." 131 Our home is on high, ■ The home of joy unchanging | Here sowow's cloud Our joys may shroud, As night veils the sky ; But there^ where happy saints repose, Around them bright and brighter glows The day which ne'er shall close. In our home on high. Our home is on high, The home of love unchanging ; Here those we love May faithless prove. Forsake us — or die I But there the blessed, joined in heart, Can never change, can never part. Nor feel beree,vemenfs smart, In their home on high. no 132 1 One is kind above all others, 0, how He loves I His is love beyond a brother's, 0, hoAv He loves ! Earthly friends may pain and grieve thee, One day kind, the nest day leave thee, But this Friend wM ne'er deceive thee, 0, how He loves I 2 Blessed Jesus ! would'st thou know Him 0, how Ho loves ! Give thyself entirely to H'm, 0, how He loves ! Is it sin that pains and grieves thee ? Unbelief or trials seize thee ? Jesus can from all release thee, 0, how He loves ! 3 He's thy friend ! He died to save thee, 0, how He loves ! All through life He will not leave thee, Oj how He loves ! Think no more of friendships hollow, Take His easy yoke and follow, Jesus carries all thy sorrow, 0, how He loves 1 4 All thy sins shall be forgiven, 0, how He loves 1 Backward all thy foes be driven, 0, how He loves I Ill Ereiy blessing He'll provide thee, Nought bui good shall e'er betide hee, i^afe to glory He will guide th«e. 0, how He loves I 133 1 Oh I what has Jesus done for me ? He came from the land of Canaan • He groan'd and died upon the tree, ' That I might go to Canaan In that bright land of Canaan • Apalmofroyal vict'rytoo; Come let us go to Canaan Canaan, bright Canaan, The glorious land of Canaan ; Oh Canaan is a happy place, Come let us go to Canaan. ' ^'?n^f J shall join that blessed throng In the glorious land of Canaan, ^ w-/;^.?\^''^* Redeemer's song With the happy saints of Canaan. i^x<ed high in Canaan • ^^^^^^S^^" His children home. To dwell with Him in CanaaL. Canaan, &c. i Come, sinner, turn and go with me, For Jesus waits in Canaan, •ypftU the joys of Canaan, 112 Come freely to salvation's streams j They sweetly flow in Canaan ; There everlasting glory beams Around His throne in Canaan, Canaan, &c. 134 1 Only waiting till the shadows Are a little longer grown, Only waiting till the glimmer Of the day's last beam is flown, Till the night of earth is faded From the heart once full of day- Till the stars of heaven are breaking, Thro' the twilight soft and gray. Waiting, waiting, waiting till the shadows Waiting, waiting, waiting till the shadows Are a little longer grown. 2 Only waiting till the reapers Have the last sheaf gathered home : For the summer-time is faded. And the autumn winds have come. Quickly, reapers, quickly gather Tho last ripe hours of mj'^ heart, For the bloom of life is withered, And I hasten to depart. Waiting, waiting, &c, 3 Only waiting till the shadows Are a little longer grown, Only waiting till the glimmer Qi tlje day's last beam is done | 113 Then from out the gathering (krknesa Holy, deathless stars arise, By whose light my soul shall gladly, Tread its pathway to the skies. Waiting, waiting, &o. 135 1 COME, let us sing unto the Lord, Let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, And show ourselves glad in Him with psalms. 2 For the Lord is a great God ; And a great King above all gods. In His hand are all the corners of the earth ; And the strength of the hills is His also. 3 The sea is His, and He made it ; And His hands prepared the dry land. come, let us worship and fall down, And kneel before the Lord our Maker. 4 For He is the Lord our God ; And we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness ; Let the whole earth stand in awe of Him, 5 For He cometh, for He cometh to judge the earth ; And with righteousness to judge the world, and the people with His truth. 114 136 1 Oh, let our Sabbatli evening song Like Holy incense rise ; And let the y^raises of our tongue Ascend the lofty skies. Through all the dangers of the day, Thy hand was still our guard i And still, to keep each want away, Thy goodness was prepared, 2 Thy richest blessings from abovo Encompass'd us around ; But yet how few returns of love Hast Thou, our Father, found. Oh, wash from sin our guilty heart, When to the cross we flee ; And let thy Spirit grace impart, That we may live to Thee. 137 1 YE who feel each other's woes I Who will go ? Go tell poor sinners Jesus rose, Who will go? Go preach the Saviour's boundless gracej Go point out Christ, the Hiding-place, To every soul of Adam's race. Who will go ? 2 Go forth to Afric's teeming land. Who will go ? Midst China's myriads take your standj 115 Tell India's millions " Jesus reigns,'^ Let countless Isles resound the strains, From rocks and vales, or hills and plains. Who will go? Go seek the scatter'd tribes which roam, Who will go? Oppress'd, despised, without a home, W^ho will go ? Tell the poor Jews Messiah's come. And in that heart they pierced, there's room For all who flee the impending doom ! Who will go ? Proclaim Immanuel's power to save, Who wiii go ? From sin and Satan and the grave, Who will go ? The silver trumpet swestly blow. The great salvation plainly show To black and white, to friend and foe. 5 Lift up the Gospel standard high. Who will go ? nise, Zion"s watchman ! rise and cry, Who will go ? " Behold ! behold your Saviour King 1" . His praise rehearse, His triumph sing, Till earth with hallelujahs ring, Who will go ? il9 138 1 HAPPY day, that fix'd my choice On Thee, my Saviour and my God ! "Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell its raptures all abroad. Happy day I happy day I When Jesus wash'd my sins away, He taught me how to watch and pray. And live rejoicing every day. Happy day ! happy day ! When Jesus waah'd my sins away, 2 happy bond, that seals my vows To Him who merits all nly love I Let cheerful anthems fill Bis house, While to that sacred shiine I move, Happy day, &c. 3 'Tis done— the great transaction's done^ I am my Lord's, aad He is min« ; He drew me, and I foUow'd on, Charm'd to confess the voice divinai Happy day, &c. 4 Now rest, my long divided heart ; Fix'd on this blissful centre rest, Nor ever from thy Lord depart, With Him of every good possess'a* Happy day, &c. 5 High Heaven, that heard the solemn VOW, That vow renew'd sfeall daily hear j Till in life's latest hour I bow, Aad bless, in death, a bead SO