' \}tx $r*0k ssi If MB < .' I] . T ^ Division FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY SCR 'Kst/^- / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/sundayschOOwald r -f thb ,^ APR 14 1937 Sunday School Liraycr oofc. K/ UY J. TREADWELL WALDI RECTOE OP OnUI OHUBOB, NORWICH, CONN. B O 8 T O N : 1 P. DUTTON AND COMPANY, (TtJurcb iSootistore, 18( Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by J. Treadwell "Walden, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Connecticut. riverside, Cambridge: stereotyped and printed by h. 0- houghton. Miimm.ktmwn, March 4, l v I ii.wi: examined, with a good deal of care, the Sunday- School Prayer-Booi of the Iv-v. Mr. Walden. It Beema to me eminently calculated to cultivate, in the young, liturgi- cal ' a and ha nd to train them to enter early into an appreciation and practical >f the Book of Common Bra the spirit of which it has thoroughly imbibed. I am happy to anticipate for it a wide and growing usefulness : and give it ordiallv my approval. JNO. WILLIAMS, Assistant BUkop of Oomn CONTENTS. PAGE PREFACE 5 TABLE OF LESSONS 8 THE ORDER FOR OPENING SCHOOL 11 A Praver for the Children as a Congregation 13 THE LITANY 14 A General Thanksgiving 16 THE COMMANDMENTS.. 17 A Collect for Grace to fulfil the Promises made in Baptism ... 19 A Collect identical with the Lord's Prayer 19 THE ORDER FOR CLOSING SCHOOL'. 20 The Creed. 20 The Lord's Praver 21 THE COLLECTS 22 For the First Sundav in the Month 22 " Second " " " 22 " Third " " " 22 " Fourth " " " 23 " Fifth " u " 23 Advent 23 Christmas 24 Epiphanv 24 Lent 24 Sunday next before Good Friday 25 Easter ". 25 Ascension 25 Whitsunday 26 Trinity Sunday 26 For the inward and spiritual Grace of Baptism 26 For those about to be Baptized 27 In view of Confirmation 27 For those about to be Confirmed 27 For a sick Child 28 Thanksgiving for a recovery from Sickness 28 Prayer to be read at or after the Funeral of a Child 29 For S. S. Festivals, Picnics, &c 29 At a Meeting of Teachers 30 THE PSALTER 31 PREFACE Thbri is no provision made in the Book of Common Prayer for worship in the Sunday-School, and the multitude of published Liturgies would seem to be sufficient evidence that a prayer-book, especially adapted to children, is a uni- ts] want in the Church. The more the Sunday-school I tern is perfected, the more will this want be felt The chili dren practically form a congregation by themselves, with a woi>hip and teaching of their own. They need, therefor- prayer-book of their own — not by any mean- SS a substitute tor the great manual, (any more than attendance at Sunday- school is a substitute for attendance at church.) but rather as an introduction to it — a sort of primer prayer-book, closely resembling it inform and arrangement a^s toeng their interest and affection, and yet so childlike in character as to be outgrown with childhood. The difficulty of preparing such a work will be appreciated when it i- considered how much it involves. In the first place it must retain all the effective and attractive features of its model — even the familiar names. In the next place it must be minutely accurate in doctrinal expression. It" it undertakes to follow the circle of the Church year it must untold the panoramic IcsSOn of the Church, ami bring into y striking event in the lite of Christ, every doctrine of th> pel, ami every particular of Christian duty. In order t<> Sective and attractive it must be constantly . animated, interesting, and in>pii-itiuL r . and yet be so simply constructed as to be nsed with facility by children of all ages. It must likewise be ><> brief as to occupy but a vi PREFACE. small fraction of the time spent in the session of the school. Finally, the same humble, devotional, and fervent spirit must pervade it which makes its great model so powerful in culti- vating the spirit and habit of prayer. The writer offers the present work as an attempt more to suggest than to realize the above ideal. It is based upon a work prepared nearly three years ago for his own Sunday- school, and which has been in successful use ever since. But sensible of the many imperfections in its first form he has long contemplated the issue of this edition. In its preparation, besides availing himself of the suggestions made by its prac- tical working under his own observation, he was able also to ascertain the mind and necessity of the Church at large by dispersing hundreds of copies over the country, sending them to bishops, clergy, and superintendents known to be interested and experienced in the Sunday-school work, and requesting the most free and candid criticism. The application was met in the spirit that it was made, and he would gratefully acknowledge the obligation under which he has been placed by eminent authorities from all quarters. The suggestions of chief value were those relating to the construction of the de- votional forms according to liturgical rules, and sometimes to the niceties of doctrinal statement, without which no real re- semblance to the prayer-book could be attained. For this his obligation is so great that he cannot forbear to mention the names of Bishops Williams, Whittingham, Alfred Lee, Alonzo Potter, Bowman, and Burgess, and the Reverend Drs. Coxe, Howe, F. D. Huntington, and Muhlenberg. The whole work has been rewritten and reconstructed, and not a little labor has been spent in the endeavor to reach some degree of the sweetness, density, and spiritual unction of our forms of prayer, wherever there would be no sacrifice of the specific character which ought to belong to the petitions of a child. The general plan is very simple, and yet it provides for the greatest variety, as may be seen by exam- ining the rubrical directions. A fixed form for opening, cor- responding to the morning service, (not without several mov- PKI.i A< 1 . vii able pieces,) k followed by either of two ortices as the Reader mar choose: one based on the Litany, and so entitled — the on the ante-communion service, and entitled M The tnmandmenta." This Latter b made oat of the Catechism, as are scvit.i1 of the collects, The only " pla> to be found by the children are the selection in the Psalter and the hymn. Th> rice is so responsive throughout that they are kept constantly interested and on the alert It •will be noticed thai it is scarcely ten or twelve minutes long, 1 may be modi even shorter by the omission of any part not thought essential. Etectors and superintendents will also what an appropriate service for anniversary O by skilfully combining the different por> and introducing the miscellaneous eolle. The author d< it of sufficient importance to add that it was _ned to issue this edition, like the first, in the same handsome and rather COStly form in which most of the works for children are now published. u There is true philosophy in making hooks for children outwardly attractive," wrote late Bishop Bowman when strongly recommending that this should not be forgotten even in the cheap edition. There .o doubt but that in being given a sensible important' book of this character would increase in spiritual influence. . it has been thought best, in order to bring it within ach of all, to diminish its size and co>t by taking out the portions relating to the private Christian life of the child, and to readmit them in another issue to accompany this. For the same reason, although beauty of typography hat ired for, nearly all other ornament in printing and binding hai been omitted. In its present form it goes before the Church for trial on it- intrinsic merits alone, and may the bit f (icxl go with it. NOBWICBj Conn. I 1862. J. T. \V. 8 THE TABLE OF LESSONS. v ~ K <3 8-0 h « 8^ o o ** ^ 2^ *» <» w .2 o 52 »•* as -si ^>>§.§ I fl g g »> 5 & oj e« "» *> <3 2 •"*> ij ft« ii • ■£ 2 I*. If* d=l k^-o sisuasi ass jixiss^^i js si si ja si si & si J~sisi si S 5 5* «9 u ft o - 8 js ~s^i3 ^^'O Q 9 ^ wj *9 ^^- .a *. , a H-'a .§^1.2 1:15 § is §§ fjis „§2 iHNCO^UrHNWr-ICSlCO^iOCOaiCC 0?r-H NW^iaWHH Pi Ol +j en OS W Vl 0> ■«J %- te Oj * ^ 0) a THE rABLE OF LESSONS. . . ■_ - - - S ~ - - -. — - b - — • • j: : • - -= 'r - -r .r -if - • ■ ■ - ■ — z ~ z. ~- ~ — ~ _ "_" * J\ S - 3 * " ' " "' - . - ■- ~ "" L ': ~ ."; **. *-. — : — *-. — #«• — — — e» — *- ^ ^ —. *■. — *: a - ■r = - — • r i -"i-»ftfltf THE ORDER . OPENING SCHOOL. % The I r shall begin by reading one or mem of the following ripture, the children rising. YKN a child is known by his doings, whether hi- work be purr, and whether it be right. Pru>\ \\. 11. Show Thy servants Thy work, and their children Thy glory. J }< xc. l That our sons may grow up as the young plants, and that our daughters may be Bfl the polished corners of the temple. Ps. cxliv. 1 2. 11 ill feed His flock like a Bhepherd: Se -hall gather the lambs with Hi- arm, and carry them in His bosom. A. \1. 1 1. Jesus said, u Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not : for of such is the kingdom of GocL took them up in His arms, put His hands upon them, and blessed them. Mark \. 16- r Then the Header -hall say. O Loitn. open Thou our li; ( Hii.dhi \. And our mouth shaM show forth Tkuprah Re \di.k. Praise ye the Lord ! ( bildr] \. The Lord's Name lepra % Then -hall bfl -aid or RUIg the followio It may bfl -aid by the reader an«! children altenuUelj intiphonaJlj by two choirs the children. If pn 1, a hymn may be m chants. THE LITANY. T To be said by all kneeling. GOD, our Father in Heaven ; Bless and watch over Tliy children, O God our Saviour, Son of the Father, who didst take little children in Thine arms ; Suffer ns to come to Thee, O God, our Sanctifier, proceeding from the Father and the Son, of whom we are born again ; Keep us ever in spirit as little children, O Holy Trinity, Father, Saviour, Sanctifier, Three in One; Make us also one in Thee, Remember not, Lord, our offences, but forgive us our sins ; forgive Thy children whom Thou hast redeemed ; Forgive us, good Lord, From all evil and adversity ; from sin ; from the temptations of the devil, the world, and the flesh ; and from everlasting death ; Good Lord, deliver us. From all wickedness of heart ; from evil thoughts ; from envy, selfishness, and vanity ; from hatred and anger ; from malice and jealousy ; Good Lord, deliver us. From all wickedness of speech ; from idle words ; from evil speaking and lying ; from slandering and swearing ; Good Lord, deliver us. From all wickedness of life ; from evil habits ; from idleness and bad company ; from Sabbath-breaking ; from covetousness and stealing; Tin: LITANY. Lfl Good Lord) d> liver \ From disobedience to our parents, disrespect to our chers, inattention to our lessons, and irreverence at ehureh, Qood Lord, deliver in. By Thy Birth and Holy Childhood; by Thy submis- D to Thy parent- ; by Thy love and praise of chil- dren, and by their call, embrace, and blessing, \od L<>rd, deliver us. In all time of trouble or joy, in work and in play, in sickness and in health, in this life and in the life to con Good Lord, deliver us. AVe b h Thee to hear us, O Lord God, and pray Thee to bless this Sunday-school and Church ; Jl h Thee to hear us, good Lord. We pray Thee to bless our pa Study Thy Word, and to keep Thy Command- ment- : We beseech Tliee to hear us, good Lord. That we may be sorry when we do wrong, and try to improve; that we may love Thee more and serve Thee better every day ; We beseech Thee to hear to, good I^ord. That we may feel tor the poor, the sick, and the un- happy, and try to relieve them ; that we may be gentle, 1, tender-hearted, and ever ready to deny ourseh for others ; Wi beseech Thee to I<rd. 1 u we may do unto Others a- we would they should do unto os, and be merciful and forgiving to other-, aa we hope tor mercy and forgiveness from Thee; I!- ch Thee to hear us, good Lord. Ule-sed Saviour, we be hear us. JUessed v mr >rc beseech Titer to hear us. 16 THE LITANY. A General Thanksgiving. TVTE thank Thee, most Merciful Father, for all Thy " goodness to us ; for keeping us alive, for giving us food to eat, clothes to wear, a house to live in, kind friends to take care of us, kind teachers to instruct us ; but above all for sending Thy dear Son into the world to save us from sin and eternal death, and for giving us this Church and this Sunday-school in which to learn our duty towards Thee ; and we beseech Thee, to give us grace, that we may show our thankfulness by living so as to please Thee both in will and deed ; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honor and glory world without end. Amen. 2 Cor. xiii. 14. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, be with us all evermore. Amen. Tf Here shall be sung a hymn, when the service is concluded, unless the Lesson for the day, as appointed iu the Table, be read. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ safe THE COMMANDMENTS. •M 1 HE ( Ai! CHISM. ^ To be said by the reader standing, the children kneeling. READER. lOD who spake, in time past, th<- Ten Com- mandments by ^1 &es Hifl servant, hath In these days given the whole law in two com- pandmentfl by 1 1 is Son. Hear what our Lord Jesas Christ saith : Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy >oul. and witli all thy mind. I bildrbn. 7V//.s- is the first and great commandment Rl LDSR. And th ond i- like unto it: Thou shalt e thy neighbor as thyself. ( BILDREN. (hi these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. READER. My good Child, know thi< ; that thou art al>l<- to do these things of thyself, nor to walk in the commandments of God, and to serve Him, without His special grace, which thou mu< ^ and incline our / tku law. \m k. (II.) Thou -halt worship Him, and give Him thank 1 put thy whole trust in Him, and call upon Him. ( hildki \. I^ord, have md incline our hearts t<> keep this law. 18 THE COMMANDMENTS. Reader. (III.) Thou shalt honor His holy name and His word, and serve Him truly all the days of thy life. Children. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Reader. (IV.) Remember that thou keep holy the Sabbath day. Children. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Reader. (V.) Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy- self, and do to all men as thou wouldst they should do unto thee. Thou shalt love, honor, and succor thy father and mother ; honor and obey the civil authority ; submit thyself to all thy governors, teachers, spiritual pastors and masters ; and order thyself lowly and reverently to all thy betters. Children. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Reader. (VI.) Thou shalt hurt nobody by word or deed, and bear no malice nor hatred in thy heart. Children. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Reader. (VII.) Thou shalt keep thy body in temper- ance, soberness, and chastity. Children. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Reader. (VIII.) Thou shalt keep thy hands from picking and stealing, and be true and just in all thy dealings. Children. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Reader. (IX.) Thou shalt keep thy tongue from evil speaking, lying, and slandering. Children. Lord, have mercy upon us, and incline our hearts to keep this law. Reader. (X.) Thou shalt not covet nor desire other men's goods, but learn and labor truly to get thine own living, and to do thy duty in that state of life unto which it shall please God to call thee. Children. I^ord, have mercy upon us, and write all these Thy laws in our hearts, we beseech Thee. THE COMMAXDMI A l'<. 19 e to fulfil thr Prom\$e$ made in Baptism. tOM im < \ i i I RI8X. f\ MERCIFUL God, grant us Thy gracious help that ^-^ wi' 1 1 1 . i \ believe and do as our sponsors promised for Q8| in our baptism : that we may renounce the devil and all his works, the pomps and vanity of this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of the flesh; believe all the ar- ticles of the Christian faith; keep Thy holy will and mmandments, and walk in t he same all the days of our life; and wo heartily thank Thee, our Heavenly Father, that Th<»u hast called ua to this state of solvation, through Jesus Christ our Saviour, and we pray Thee to us Thy grace, that we may continue in the Bame unto our life's • id. All which we a-k in the name and for the ike of Thy Son Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. 1[ Or th A Collect ia\ ple, that wo may worship Thee, serve Thee, and ol Thee as v. » do. And we pray Thee to -end us all thiriL r - that are needful both for our souls ami bodies • to be merciful unto us, and forgive as our >in< ; to save and us from all Bin and wickedness, from our spiritual any, and from everlasting death. Grant this of Thy mercy am! ~. through our Lord Jesus Christ. Ax '1 < far. \iii. 1 1. r PHl ■ of our Lord JesUS Christ, and thr -*■ God, and the fellowship of the Holy Ghost, he with us all evermor . \"t> u. \ Here shall be rang a hymn, when the nerri included, unlets the Lesion tor the r the day, and titer that the [led fur the daj pointed in ti c. Any of the following iooal collects :»nr. it' i»r»*- iVm-il. at tin* conclusion of tin ler for Opening School;* 1 but thie service shall always end with the Lord'i Praj fkUB Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy ^- Name. Thy kingdom oome. Thy will be dour on earth. Afl it ia in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us oar trespasses, A- we forgive those who trespass against us. Ami lead us not into temptation ; Bui deliver us from evil : For Thine i^ the kingdom, and the power, and tlic glory, forever and Amen. The Blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, be upon US, and remain with us forever. Amen, COLLECTS FOR SUNDAYS, FESTIVALS AND ESPECIAL OCCASIONS. FOR THE FIRST SUNDAY IN THE MONTH. BLESSED Jesus, our Teacher, our Saviour, and our Lord, who, when Thou wast twelve years old, didst sit in the midst of the Doctors, both hearing them and asking them questions, and didst astonish them with Thine understanding and an- swers; Be graciously pleased to make our childhood like Thine, that, by learning and understanding Thy holy Word, we may be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh us a reason for the hope that is in us. Grant this, O blessed Jesus, who art with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen. FOR THE SECOND SUNDAY. C\ LORD, our heavenly Father, whose dearly beloved ^-^ Son left us an example, that we should follow His steps, who did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth ; Give us grace that we may walk, even as he walked in His holy Childhood, and also increase in wis- dom as we increase in stature, and in favor with God and man ; through the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. FOR THE THIRD SUNDAY. f\ ALMIGHTY God, grant that like Thy servant ^^ Timothy, who, from a child, knew the Holy Scrip- tures, we may have grace and power diligently to search and study them, and so to become wise unto salvation, lb ra through faith which is in Christ Jesus; who liveth and gneth with Thee and tin* Holy Ghost, ever one God, rid without end. Amen, rOi i in: i "i 1:1 H Bl M'AV. /\ MERCIFUL God, in who-*' temple the prophet ^^ Sainud ministered, being a child, girded with a linen ephod, to whom, when but a child, Thou didst call in the rht, and reveal Thyself; make us also, we earnestly •h Thee, Thy chosen children ; make u< alwi glad to be in Thy temple ; speak to as also by Thy Holy Spirit; and may we know Thy voice, and ever irken to Thy word, and ever live to Thy glory, through J Christ our Lord. Amen, FOB mi: 1 II III si NDAY. 1YTOST Merciful Father, who, when the Hebrew lit- x ^- tie one- were perishing, didst -end out Pharaoh's daughter to find the infant M< i, to adopt him as her md to make him learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians : Grant that all children, now cast away in a wicked world, may be rescued by Thy Holy Apostolic Church, taken to be her children, instructed in the knowl- _•• of Christ, and in all the wisdom of God; that like Moses, they may hecoine earnest follower- of Tl. and leaders of others in Thy way ; through the same mi- Christ our Lord. Amen. ADVENT. f^i HEAVENLY Father, we humbly beseech Tl ^^ to grant that a- John the Baptist was born of same kindred as Jesus, and was a child when JestlS was a child. BO W6, who by baptism were made inemh of the Family of Christ, when, !,y i i of our tender ve knew Him not. may not only n-alize now that He v nee youii" as we are young, but also, when like John, we have grown and waxed Btrong in spirit, may die r more and more that He is One mightier than we, who>e .-hoe's latchet we ai thy to un- 24 COLLECTS. loose, and who shall ever baptize us with the Holy Ghost, the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. CHRISTMAS. f~\ HOLY Jesus, who, as at this time wast born of ^-^ the Virgin Mary, and didst become a child not only to save us, but to be as one of us ; Grant us grace that we may never forget that we have precious souls to save, and may never cease to love Thee who came to save them, and always remember that, as Thou wast once of our stature, so we are to grow up to the meas- ure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Spirit, ever one God, world without end. Amen. EPIPHANY, AND THE SUNDAY AFTER. (~\ BLESSED Lord God, who, by a star didst re- ^^ veal to the heathen that Christ the Sun of Right- eousness had risen ; Give us the heart to earnestly desire that Thy Name shall be known through all the earth, Thy saving health unto all nations ; and make us, we be- seech Thee, so ready to give and so ready to work, that our offering may become like a glad star, revealing the Saviour to them who know Him not ; all which we ask through the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. LENT. (~\ HOLY Jesus, who wast forty days and forty nights ^-^ in the wilderness, tempted of the devil, and who didst cast him behind Thee, when angels came and ministered unto Thee ; Give us strength, we earnestly beseech Thee, to withstand the temptations which beset us ; to resist the devil that he may flee from us, and to believe Thine own word, that the angels of such weak and little ones do always behold the face of Thy Father in Heaven ; and if it be Thy will, may they become ministering spirits and guardian angels unto us ; Grant this, O blessed Jesus, w T ho with the Father and the Holy Ghost art one God, world without end. Amen. s. THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE GOOD FRIDAY. A LMIGHTY and everlasting God, we praise and -^^- bless I hy holy Name, for Thj tender love to 01 and all mankind, in giving Thine only begotten Son Jesus Chris! for our redemption, who was betra] into the hands of wicked men, and Buffered death upon the cross, that by Hi- blessed death and sacrifice, all who in Him should not perish but have everlasting lit And ire earnestly beseech Thee to forgive ds all our sins past, and grant us grace to serve and please Thee in newness of lite, for the sake of the Bame Thy d, our Saviour Jesus Christ Amen* EASTER. i\ GOD, who, by Thy prophet Elijah, didst raise the ^^ widow's child from the dead, and, by Thy prophet Elisha, didst raise the son of the Shnnammite to lite, but, through Thine only begotten Son, didst ra m the dead the little daughter of Jairua; Grant, if any of US should die while we are yet children, that, WC being raised by Thine almighty power, through Thy blessed S n. who once Himself died, and ro-«- again for US, may r live with Him who i- the Resurrection and the Lite, the same our Lord Je-u- Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, ever (me God, world without end. Amen. AS< ENSION OR THE SUNDAY AFTER. f\ LORD Jesus Christ, who didst take little children ^-^ in Thine arms and bless them, and to whom the children in the temple cried Hosannal now that Thou -cended up to the right haii 1 of the Father, let Thy tinue with 08, lift OS up in the arm- of Thy mei make ns glad to SlOg Thy praises in the sanctuary, and How Thee faithfully all the day- of OUT Kv< whom with the Lather ami the Holy Ghost we worship and glorif) • God, world without end Awsw. 26 COLLECTS. WHITSUNDAY. (~\ GOD, Holy Ghost, who, as at this time, wast sent ^S down from Heaven upon the disciples, and didst be- come that other Comforter, who should teach them all things ; Make us ever mindful that Thou wast present at our baptism, and wilt hereafter teach us all things, if we be ready to learn, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Grant this, O blessed Spirit, whom with the Father and the Son together, we worship and glorify as one God, world without end. Amen. TRINITY SUNDAY. f\ ETERNAL God — whom no man hath seen at ^-^ any time, and whom no one may behold and live — who dwellest in a light no man may approach unto — and yet whom our souls may see, through Thy Son Je- sus Christ, and our hearts may feel, through Thy Holy Spirit — who art the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, — three persons, and one God — make us to stand in awe of Thee as Thy creatures, and yet love Thee as Thy children, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. A Collect for the Inward and Spiritual Grace of Baptism. FROM THE CATECHISM. C\ GOD the Father, who hath made us and all the ^-^ world ; O God the Son, who hath redeemed us, and all mankind ; God the Holy Ghost, who sanctifieth us, and all the people of God ; Grant that we who have received the outward and visible sign of Baptism, in the Name of the ever blessed Trinity, may receive the ful- ness of its inward and spiritual grace: and may indeed die unto sin, and live unto righteousness, that we, who are, by nature, born in sin, and the children of wrath, may be made, more and more, the children of grace ; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. OLLBCT& 27 A C<>!/' r those about to l» Baptized, ADAPTED FROM mi: BOOK 01 COMMON PRAT] A LMIJ5HTY and everlastin God, heavenly Father, -^- we L r i humble thanks, that Thou hast vouch- ill u> to the knowledge of Thy grace, and faith in 'Hue : [ncrease this knowledge and confirm tlii- faith in u »nnore : Give Thy Boly Spirit to this chilit who i- about to be received into the congregation flock, that he may be horn again, and be made an a of everlasting salvation. (.rant that, !>♦ line ned with the sign of the Cross, hereafter he shall not ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified, but manfully fight under His banner, against sin, th<* world, and the devil : and continue Christ's faithful soldier and vant unto his life's end ; through the same our Lord us Christ, who liveth and reigneth with Th md the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen. A Colt"' in view of Confirmation* rBOH no ( mi < HI8M. C\ MERCIFUL and gracioufi God, grant as Repent- ^-J ance whereby we may forsake sin, and Faith, where- we may steadfastly believe Thy promises made to OS in baptism, that we, who by reason of our tender lid then make a solemn promise and vow by our sureties, may lx* able ourselves to perform them, and be . ly. before the congregation, to ratify and confirm the same, and acknowledge ourselves hound to beli< and to do all those things, which our sponsors then undertook ii- : through our Lord Jesus Christ, who, with Ti and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, ever one ( I ild without end. Alien. A ( those about to be Confirmed* •AIM ED I BOM l Hi- !■."<>:. 0MMO2I y\: \ \ \ ALMIGHTY and ever-living God, we make our -*-*- hum' applications unto Thee for these Thy \ant-. upon whom, after tl cample of Thy holy •ties, Thy servant the Hi-hop will soon lay his hand-, to certify them, by this sign, of Thy favor and 28 COLLECTS. gracious goodness toward them. Let Thy fatherly hand, we beseech Thee, ever be over them ; let Thy Holy Spirit ever be with them ; daily increase in them Thy manifold gifts of grace : the spirit of wisdom and under- standing, the spirit of counsel and ghostly strength, the spirit of knowledge and true godliness, and fill them, O Lord, with the spirit of Thy holy fear, now and forever ; through our Lord Jesus Christ, who with Thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth, ever one God, world without end. Amen. For a Sick Child. ADAPTED FROM THE BOOK OF COMMON FRAYER. \ LMIGHTY God, and merciful Father, to whom -*"*- alone belong the issues of life and death ; Look down from heaven, we humbly beseech Thee, with the eyes of mercy, upon the child now lying upon the bed of sickness, and for whom our prayers are desired. Visit him, Lord, with Thy salvation. Deliver him, in Thy good appointed time, from his bodily pain, and save his soul, for Thy mercies' sake ; that if it should be Thy good pleasure to prolong his days here on earth, he may live to Thee, and be an instrument of Thy glory, by serving Thee faithfully, and doing good in his generation. Or else receive him into those heavenly habitations, where the souls of those who sleep in the Lord Jesus, enjoy per- petual rest and felicity. Grant this, O Lord, for the love of Thy Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen. Thanksgiving for a Recovery from Sickness. ADAPTED FROM THE BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER. f\ GOD, who art the giver of life, of health, and of safe- ^-^ ty ; we bless Thy Name, that Thou hast been pleased to deliver from his bodily sickness, this, Thy child, who now desireth to return thanks unto Thee, in the presence of all Thy children. Gracious art Thou, O Lord, and full of compassion to the children of men. May his heart be duly impressed with a sense of Thy merciful goodness, and may he devote the residue of his days to an humble, holy, and obedient walking before Thee ; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. I ollei ra -0 A , the Funeral of a Child. 0)1), Thou hast taken one from the midst of us* fls lias gone before, and we are left behind Lord! make us to know our end. and the measure of our dajS, what it is, — that we may know how frail we are ! r our day- are determined — the number of our month* i- with Th< Thou hast appointed our bounds that we cannot pass. We may at any moment die. Thou, only, knowest which of U8 Shall L r <> next. And Thou, only, know- who of Ufl -hall live to L r n>w up. Blake Ufl to lay this to heart, and begin now to li\«- above the world, to -e<-k Th rly, to remember Thee in the day- of our youth, and to lead BUch a life, that, by the blessing of Thy Holy Spirit, our gracious Lord and Saviour, who died to redeem us, .-hall -ay unto us, when we are called away: - Come ! ye blessed children of my Father!" u Forbid them not, for of Buch is the kingdom of Heav- en !' Grant us this for His Name's sake. Amen* A Collect for Sunday- School Festival** TO BE USED AT PI< RICB, i.\ DIBITS HIS, ,V < , "A IP MST gracious and merciful God. who by Thy -*-"-■- prophet Zechariah didst foretell of Jerusalem that it should be full of boys and girls playing in th- thereof and whose blessed Son our Saviour a ( Ini-t didst observe the children playing in the market-place, we heartily thank Thee for our health and strength, and for all the blessings of our happy youth ; and we • -tly 1 h Thee to grant that in all our amusements and enjoyments we may avoid those things ths contrary to Thy will, so that in our laughter and joy, in our pastimes and games, we may feel that Thou looking on to 1"\ ( - and bless us, and wilt finally bring u- into tin* streets of the heavenly Jerusalem, there to be happy er in the presence and joy of Thy Bon, our Saviour, Jesus Christ, to whom be gkury and | forever and ever. A no 30 COLLECTS. At a Meeting of Teachers. f\ BLESSED and merciful Saviour, we who have ^-^ met together as co-workers with Thy Ministry, in Thy holy Church, most earnestly beseech Thee to be now in the midst of us. We feel our unworthiness to hold this sacred office. We have Thy treasure, but we are earthen vessels. As we undertake to instruct the i°;- norant, to guide the erring, to mould the hearts of little children, to point out the way of salvation to those who know Thee not, O instruct us, who can never know the length, and breadth, and depth, and heighth of Thy knowledge ; guide us who so often wander astray ; mould us, who would ourselves be as little children. Teach us what we ought to do. Help us in what we have undertaken to do. Give us a spirit superior to any failure, and a purpose strong as that with which Thou didst fill the first teachers of Thy truth. And grant us good success ! Make Thy little ones as ready to receive as we are to give. Open their un- derstandings, soften their hearts, quicken their affections, rouse their consciences, and let the scales fall from their eyes, that they may discover that it is not we, but Thou who art their real Teacher ; that Thou art the Saviour of the world, the Head of the Church, the Sal- vation of every believing soul, and the same Master, who of old, didst take little children in His arms. And make us, we beseech Thee, always ready and anxious to meet these open minds, these softened hearts. Make us earnest, laborious, and faithful in the trust we have assumed. And grant that we may see the fruit of our work ! O let it come soon ! Make these children to grow up earnest disciples of Thee, — earnest members of Thy body, the Church, — earnest men and women in the world, — lights shining forth, — the salt of the earth, that shall never lose its savor. Grant us this, O blessed Jesus ! and accept us, as we would have Thee accepted by others ; for Thine, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for- ever and ever. Amen. TIIK PSALTER T The* 9 na may )>•• soarf by tho Reader and children alternately, ■£ antiphonally by the children themselvi 1 1 - ctiona the Festivals and Fas in two parts. The First Part, (which i- the scriptural delineation "t" the tart or doctrine comroemorat* ill In- $aid by the Ri ader and children. I be Second Part \n bicfa is from appropriate Psalms, shall immediately follow, either said, as the other, or sung antiphonally. Tin ond Parts may be used inde- idently throughout tin- year, tin- Reader appointing any of them iu tlif place <>t" the Selection lor the Sunday in the mouth j in which i he snail announce it thus : Selection , Second Part, in thia sray iriety can be given t<> the senri< SELECTION FIRST. FOB TIIK FIRST SINDAV I\ THE MONTH. From Psalms cxlvii., czlviii. (JTREAT ifl our Lord, and great is His power; )'• '. and Hii lorn is infinite. O sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving ; ng pi i upon the harp unto our God; Who oovereth the heaven with cloud-. And 'irrtft rain for the earth ; And maketh tin* grass to grow upon the mountains, And Jk rbfor the > f dm n ; Who giveth fodder unto the cattli An th the young ra thai call upon Him* Lord's delight La in them that fear Him, \d put their trust in Hii >-y. Pi ai td" Lord, Jerusalem I Prut **' thy God, Zic For He hath made fast the ban of thy gat And hath blessed thy children within t 32 THE PSALTER. O sing unto the Lord a new song ! Sing unto the Lord, all the whole earth ! Sing unto the Lord and praise His name ! Be telling of His salvation from day to day ! Declare His honor unto the heathen, And His wonders unto all people. For the Lord is great and cannot worthily be praised ; He is more to be feared than all gods. O praise the Lord of heaven ! Praise Him in the height ! Praise Him, all ye angels of His ! Praise Him, all His hosts ! Praise Him, sun and moon ! Praise Him, all ye stars and light ! Praise Him, all ye heavens ! And ye waters that are above the heavens ! Let them praise the Name of the Lord : For He spake the word and they were made ; He com- manded and they were created. He hath made them fast forever and ever ; He hath given them a law which shall not be broken. Praise the Lord upon earth, Ye dragons, and all deeps ! Fire and hail ; snow and vapors ; Wind and storm fulfilling His word ! Mountains and all hills ; Fruitful trees and all cedars ! Beasts and all cattle ; Worms, and feathered fowls ! Kings of the earth, and all people ; Princes, and all judges of the earth ! Young men and maidens ; Old men, and children ! Praise the Name of the Lord ; For His Name only is excellent ; and His praise above heaven and earth. He shall exalt the horn of His people, All His saints shall praise Him ; i hi: P8ALT] Even the children of Israel, ///>- />< <>y>/,- th 'h Him. <. v be to the Fat: Mid to the Son, anw and ever shall rid wit/ . Amen. SELECTION m:. FOK Tin: BSGOND BUNDAI EN mi: MONTH. Psalm xxx iv. 1 WILL always give thanks unto the Lord ; His praise shall ever be in mg mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the Lord ; The humble shall hear thereof] and be glad* praise the Lord with a* A nagnifg His Name together. 1 'it the Lord and He heard me ; Ten, 11* ii ed me out of all my fear. They had an eye unto Him, and were lightened; And their fa >ot ashamed, Lo. tlir poor crieth, and the Lord heareth him; Yea y and I i him out of all his troubles. The angel of the Lord tarrieth round about them that fear Ilim. And deliver -eth them. O taste, and see, how gracious the Lord is : Blessed is Ote man that trusteth in Him. O fear the Lord, ye that are Bis saints ; For they that tear Him lark nothing. be lions do lack and suffer hanger; But they who do seek the Lord shall want no manner of thing th gOOd children, and hearken unto me: / will t< fou //< r of the Loud. What man i- he thai lusteth to lii And n see good days Keep thy tOl from evil. Ana thy lips, thai they Te* 34 THE PSAJ.TER. Eschew evil and do good ; Seek peace, and ensue it. The eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, And His ears are open unto their prayers. The countenance of the Lord is against them that do evil, To root out the remembrance of them from the earth. The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth them, And delivereth them out of all their troubles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a contrite heart, And will save such as be of an humble spirit. Great are the troubles of the righteous ; But the Lord delivereth him out of all. He keepeth all his bones, So that none of them is broken. But misfortune shall slay the ungodly ; And they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. The Lord delivereth the souls of His servants ; And all they that put their trust in Him shall not be destitute. Glory be to the Father, &c. SELECTION THIRD. FOR THE THIRD SUNDAY IN THE MONTH. From Psalms cxxxix., xix. \J LORD, Thou hast searched me out and known me ; Thou knowest my doivn-sitting and mine up-rising ; Thou understandest my thoughts long before. Thou art about my path, and about my bed ; And spiest out all my tvays. For lo, there is not a word in my tongue, But Thou, Lord, knowest it altogether. Thou hast fashioned me behind and before, And laid Thine hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful and excellent for me ; I cannot attain unto it. Whither shall I go then from Thy Spirit ? Or whither shall I go then from Thy presence ? I ill: P8ALT1 35 If I climb op into heaven, Thou art then If I vri tfu re ah I I take ih*' wings of the morning. And remain in the uttermost />• f the a Even il. tlao shall Thy hand l»:i a I wake >//>, / a with Thee. Try me, O God, and seek the ground of my heart ; J id examine my thoughts'. Look well it' there be any way of wickedness in me; And h ad no in tk >'crlasti)ig. The law of the LOBD Ifl an undefiled law converting the soul ; Thi testimony of the Lord is sure, and givtth wisdom ■ simple. T - of the Lord are right, and rejotee the bean The t t of the Lokd is / light unto t teu f the Lokd h clean, and endureth I intents of the Loed an ind righteous altog* ' 36 THE PSALTER. More to be desired are they than gold, yea than much fine gold. Sweeter also than honey, and the honey comb. Moreover, by them is Thy servant taught ; And in keeping of them there is great reward. Who can tell how oft he offendeth ? cleanse Thou me from my secret faults. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, Be alway acceptable in Thy sight, Lord, my strength and my redeemer. Glory be to the Father, &c. SELECTION FOURTH. FOR THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN THE MONTH. From Psalms cxxxvi., ciii. \J GIVE thanks unto the Lord, for He is gracious : And His mercy endureth forever. O give thanks unto the God of all gods : For His mercy endureth forever. O thank the Lord of all lords : For His mercy endureth forever. Who only doeth great wonders : For His mercy endureth forever. Who by His excellent wisdom made the heavens : For His mercy endureth forever. Who laid out the earth above the waters : For His mercy endureth forever. Who hath made great lights : For His mercy endureth forever. The sun to rule the day : For His mercy endureth forever. The moon and the stars to govern the night : For His mercy endureth forever. Who remembered us when we were in trouble : For His mercy endureth forever. And hath delivered us from our enemies : For His mercy endureth forever. i THE PSALTER Who -iveth food to all 1 1« — 1 1 : / ' 11 > /,■ reg ' dun ih ( I gil e thank- unto the I I 1 of 1 ;i : Wot Hit r. O L r iv<- thanks unto the LORD of lord- : / ' // s turret/ ( tldun fh J r. The Lord is lull of compassion and merry, Lonn as the wind goeth over it, it i- gone; And the place thereof shall know it im more* But the merciful goodness of the Lord endoreth for- ind ever apon them that fear Him; And J Us righteousness upon children's children ; Even upon such as keep His covenant, And thiuh upon His commandments to do them* I . lory be to the Father, 4 selection run i. FOi: mi: i n in SUNDAY in Tin: month. I ; DB PMlflM xi-. xiii. 1 1 1 E Lord is in Hi- holy temp. Thr Lokd's seat is in h> > 38 THE PSALTER. His eyes consider the poor, And His eyelids try the children of men. The Lord alloweth the righteous ; — But the ungodly, and him that delighteth in wickedness doth His soul abhor. Upon the ungodly he shall rain snares, fire and brim- stone, storm and tempest : This shall be their portion to drink. For the righteous Lord loveth righteousness ; His countenance will behold the thing that is just. Consider, and hear me, O Lord, my God; Lighten mine eyes, that 1 sleep not in death. My trust is in Thy mercy, And my heart is joyful in Thy salvation, I will sing unto the Lord because He hath dealt so lovingly with me ; Yea, 1 will praise the Name of the Lord Most Highest, I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, with my whole heart ; I will speak of all Thy marvellous works, I will be glad and rejoice in Thee ; Tea, my songs will I make of Thy Name, TJwu Most Highest. For Thou hast maintained my right and my cause ; Thou art set in the throne that judgest right. And they that know Thy Name will put their trust in Thee; For Thou, Lord, hast never failed them that seek Thee. O praise the Lord, who dwelleth in Zion ; Show the people of His doings. Thy mercy, O Lord, reacheth unto the heavens, And Thy faithfulness unto the clouds. Thy righteousness standeth like the strong mountains ; Thy judgments are like the great deep. Thou, Lord, shalt save both man and beast; How excellent is Thy mercy, God! The children of men shall put their trust under the shadow of Thy wings, They shall be satisfied with the plenteousness of Thy house. ran paALTKa 39 Thou shall give them drink of Thy pit IS out of tin r. /■' /• with Thee is the well of tif< ; and in Thy light shall It)/, ( I oontinae forth Thy loving kindness unto them that know Tin And Thy righteommeti unto them that are true of heart. Glory be to the Father, A SELECTION SIXTH. FOR ANY DAY IN* ADVENT. TAUT I. JlHERE was in the days of Herod a certain pri gamed Zacharia J/ is wife teas of the daughters of Aaron, and her name tea 7 teth. e both righteous before God. And theg had no child. And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lokd, Standi at/ on the right side of the altar of < M. The angel said, u Fear nut Zacharias, fur thy prayer is heard ; •■ Thy wife Elizabeth shall bear thee a sun and thou shah call his name Join Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, Came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness, And savi at ye ! Repent ye ! for the kingdom of hi at hand ! •• /- ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight . A.i men mused in their hearts of John, Whether tie were t/ie Christ or n John answered : •• Th- math One, mightier than I, • Whose shoes la The next day he seeth Jesus I tith : " Uphold the Lamb o\' God I This is He of whom I spake I »■ 40 THE PSALTER. How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings ! That publisheth peace ! That bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation, That saith unto Zion " Thy God reigneih ! " Awake ! awake ! put on Thy strength O Zion ! Put on thy beautiful garments, Jerusalem ! Behold ! the Lord God will come, with a strong hand ; And His arm shall rule for Him. Behold ! His reward is with Him. And His work before Him. He shall feed His flock like a shepherd, He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom. Glory be to the Father, &c. T Then shall follow immediately the Second Part of this Selection. SELECTION SIXTH. PART II. From Psalm i. A HE Lord, even the most mighty God, hath spoken and called the world, Prom the rising up of the sun unto the going down thereof. Out of Zion hath God appeared in perfect beauty. Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence ; There shall go before Him a consuming fire, And a mighty tempest shall be stirred up round about Him. He shall call from the heaven above, And the earth, that He may judge His people. Gather My saints together unto Me ; Those that have made a covenant with Me with sacrifice. And the heavens shall declare His righteousness ; For God is Judge Himself. Hear, O my people, and I will speak; I myself will testify against thee, Israel. tiii: P8ALT1 11 I will not reprove thee because of thy sacrifices, or lor thy burnt offerings | />' * v were not alway > me, ( >ffer unt 1 thanksgivin thy vows unto the Most Highest* :i upon me in time of troubl s i will I hearth* d thou shak praise me. Whoso oflereth Me thanks and praise, he QODOreth Me ; And to him that ordereth his co nv e rsa tion right, will I show the salvation of God* Glory be to the Father, &C. selection seventh. PART I. FOB CHRISTMAS AND THE SUNDAY 4VTBB. UNTO us have been brought good tidings of great into ns is born a *^ /r, which is Christ, the Lord ! Unto us a ehild is born ! I a Son is given The government shall be upon 11 is >houlder, J lis Nam* shall be called — Wonderful, Counsellor, Tlte Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. He was the root and offspring of David, The bright and morning star. He f und i babe in Bwaddling cloth- Lgi\ a manger. The shepherds returned glorifying and praising God, For all the things that they had htard and seen. When He was brought into the temple Simeon took Him in his arm-. And Anna, a ss, gave thanks likewise unto the Loud. 11 r was seen in tl. And wise men came from the East to worship Him. 42 THE PSALTER. When He was twelve years old, He sat in the midst of the Doctors, Both hearing them, and asking them questions. And all that heard Him were astonished At His understanding and answers. He went down to Nazareth with His parents, And was subject unto them. He increased in wisdom and stature, And in favor with God and man. They brought young children to Him, That He should teach them. And he said " Suffer the little children to come unto me u And forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God." He took them up in His arms, Put His hands on them, and blessed them. For this the glory of Lebanon hath come unto us, The fir tree, the pine tree, and the box together. To beautify the place of His sanctuary, To make the place of His feet glorious ! We are children crying in the temple Hosanna to the Son of David! As Jesus said, " Yea, have ye never read : " Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings Thou hast 'perfected praise ! n Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, Good will toward men. Glory be to the Father, &c. 1f Then shall follow immediately the Second Part of this Selection. SELECTION SEVENTH. PART II. From Psalms xlv., lxxxv., lxxii. JL HOU art fairer than the children of men ; Full of grace are Thy lips, because God hath blessed Thee forever. Gird Thee with Thy sword upon Thy thigh, O Thou Most Mighty, According to Thy worship and renown. THE PSALT] 43 luck have Thou with Thine honor: Rid the word of truth. u basl loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; Wi Thy God. hath annninted Thee with the oil of' gladn Thy follows. Thou hast forgiven the offence of Thy people, And c< I all their sins. Thou has| taken away all Thy displeasure, And turned Thyself from Thy wrathful indignation* Turn us then, () God our Savkmr, And lei Thine anger ex from us, ^ii(»w u> Thy mercy, Lord, And grant us Thy sulfation. Bfercy and truth an met together; Righteous and peace hare kissed each other. Troth shall flourish out of the earth, A xs hath looked down from heaven. Y a, the Lord shall .-how loving kindness j And OUT hind shall increase. Right rasnesfl shall go before Him, And He shall direct His going in the way. He shall come down like the rain into a fleece of WOol. /■/•■ i as the drops that water A f h. In His time shall the righteous flourish; d ab nee of peaces so long as the nioon h. His dominion shall be from the one sea to the other, And from th I unto the worl \a\ All kings shall tall down before Him; A'l motions shall do Him s e ruu I r He shall deliver tl. it when he crieth, 77l I am with you alway, M Even unto the end of the world! " So the earth -hall ho fall of the knowledge of the Loud As th r the sea I The wolf >hall dwell with the lamb, ixird shall lie down with the kid. The calf, the young lion, and failing together. And a little child shed I lead them. Glory he to the Father, cv . ^ Then shall follow immediately the Second Part of this Selection. SELECTION EIGHTH. PARI II. From P-alms xlvii., xlviii. \J CLAP your hand- together, all ye people ! sin>d with a voice of melody, r the Lord i- high, and to 1m- feared ; //• is thr groat King upon all the earth, \\*> shall Bubdae the people under us, And the nation* under our fox lb- -hall choose out a heritage for as, of .1 whom Bb I'"'' d. le up with a merry voice, Lord with thr sound of the trump. 1 I -i:._ r praises, sing praises an God; wing . ■ s unto our King, I i- the K ing of all the earth : Sit th undt 46 THE PSALTER. God reigneth over the heathen ; God sitteth upon His holy seat. The princes of the people are joined unto the people of the God of Abraham ; For God ivho is very high exalted, doth defend the earth as it were with a shield. Great is the Lord, And highly to be praised in the city of our God. The hill of Zion is a fair place, And the joy of the whole earth ; Upon the north side lieth the city of the great king ; God is well known in her palaces as a sure refuge. For lo, the kings of the earth are gathered, And gone by together. They marvelled to see such things ; They were astonished and suddenly cast down. We wait for Thy loving kindness, O God, In the midst of Thy temple. O God, according to Thy Name, so is Thy praise unto the world's end ; Thy right hand is full of righteousness. Let the Mount Zion rejoice, And the daughter of Judah be glad, because of Thy judgments. Walk about Zion, and go round about her; And tell the towers thereof Mark well her bulwarks, set up her houses, That ye may tell them that come after. For this God is our God forever and ever ; He shall be our guide unto death. Glory be to the Father, &c. SELECTION NINTH. PART I. FOR ANY SUNDAY IN LENT. JESUS being full of the Holy Ghost Was led by the Spirit into the wilderness ; Tin: P8ALTI& U Ami II 3 there forty 10 and i vilhave our yean i But Thou art full of compassion, and gracious, Low, "■ ring, p in mercy*. K& ping mercy for thousand Forgiving iniquity* transgression, and sin. Oh, remember not the sins of our youth ; According to Thy mercy* rememher Thou h Glory be to the Father, &C ^f Then shall follow iinnudiatcly the Second Part of this Selection. SELECTION NINTH. I'AKT II. dm li. JlAYK mercy upon me, O God, after Thy great go< js ; According to the multitude of Thy mercies do away ■ Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness, 'isc i up from my ft For I acknowledge my fault And my i Against Thee only have I sinned, As i in Thy sigh 48 THE PSALTER. That Thou mightest be justified in Thy saying, And clear when Thou art judged. Behold I was shapen in wickedness, And in sin hath my mother conceived me. For lo, Thou requirest truth in the inw T ard parts, And shalt make me to understand wisdom secretly. Thou shalt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean ; Thou shalt wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Turn Thy face from my sins, And put out all my misdeeds. Make me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from Thy presence, And take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. O give me the comfort of Thy help again, And stablish me with Thy free Spirit. Then shall I teach Thy ways unto the wicked, And sinners shall be converted unto Thee. Thou shalt open my lips, O Lord, And my mouth shall show Thy praise. For Thou desirest no sacrifice, else would I give it Thee; But Thou delightest not in burnt offerings. The sacrifice of God is a troubled spirit : A broken and contrite heart, God, shalt Thou not despise. Glory be to the Father, &c. SELECTION TENTH. PART I. THE SUNDAY NEXT BEFORE GOOD FRIDAY. cJ UDAS Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the Chief Priests, To betray Jesus unto them. And Jesus went forth with His disciples unto a place called Gethsemane, And Judas knew the place. SALTER. And J( :. u My soul is exceeding sorrowful, even unto death, ■•'/'■ md watch with Ami 11 went forward a little and kneeled down, And }>, . that if it W< ssible the hour might pass I Him. Ami being in an agony, He prayed more earnestly, ! as it were great drops of blood fall- in' 4 i to the grou Then ootneth Jodas with a band of men and ollicei With lanterns, and t r, and weapon And they took Jesas, and l»ound Him, and led Him away to the High Pi - hou- Then all tk I forsook Him and fid. And the men that held Him mocked Him and smote Him : e beg> spit on Him, and others smote Him with the palms of their ha /ids. And they led Him away, and delivered Him to Pon- tius Pilate the governor, And Piiate toot Jesus and scourged Him. Then the Boldiera stripped Him, and put on Him a scarh-t rol They platted a crown of thorns, and put it on His Ti it a reed in His right hand. And they I the knee unto Him, and mocked ir in. B _. •• Hail ! King of the Jews ! " they I Hnn with their hands, 1 :. upon Him, and took the reed, and smote Him on the head. ople ' 'di Him .' Away I Hi i Hin Crucify Him .' And tl. k off the pnrplt md led Him out to crucify 1 1 im. When they were come to a jdacc called Calcary, there tin 4 50 THE PSALTER. Then the soldiers took His garments, and made four parts, to every soldier a part, And for His coat, which was without seam, they cast lots. And the people stood beholding, and the rulers with them derided Him ; The soldiers also mocked Him. And they that passed by reviled Him, and railed on Him, wagging their heads, And saying, " If Tlwu be the Son of God, come down from the cross I " He trusted in God ; let Him deliver him now, if He will have him ! " The thieves also which were crucified with Him, cast the same in His teeth. And there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And Jesus cried with a loud voice, " My God ! my God ! why hast Thou forsaken me ! " They gave Him vinegar to drink mingled with gall, And when Jesus had received the vinegar, He said, " It is finished ! " When He had cried again with a loud voice, He said, " Father, into Thy hands 1 commend my spirit." And having thus said, He bowed His head, and gave up the ghost. And behold ! the vail of the temple was rent in twain, from the top to the bottom. And the earth did quake, and the rocks rent, and the graves were opened. And all the people, beholding the things which were done, smote their breasts and returned. And Joseph of Arimathea, a good man and a just, being a disciple of Jesus, Went boldly unto Pilate, and craved the body of Jesus. He wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, And laid it in his own new tomb which he had hewn out in the rock. THE PSALT] 51 IT. rolled a groat stone to the door of the Bepolchi and departed. And Mary Magdalene, ami Mary tin mother of J beheld where 1I> was laid. Greater love hath no man than this : Thai a man lay down his I if for kti He was wounded for our trane dons, // I for 0Hr iniyvitii be chastisement of our peace was upon Him, .1 id with Bis $tripe$ uh an healed, Tli- S D of Man came not, to be ministered unto, but to minister, And to (jive His i imfor many. In whom we have redemption through His blood. Evi n cjiveness of sins. II Himself for OS, that He might redeem us from all iniquity, And purify unto Himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works. God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself, Noi imputin . r tresjx mto tin in. God d the world that lit- gave His only begot- Son, That whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting li ; Tl a none other Name under heaven given among men Whereby we must be saved. J be to the Father. & . •j" Then shall follow immediate!/ the Second Part of thi S ctioo. 52 THE PSALTER. SELECTION TENTH. PART II. From Psalms xxii., lxix., xl. 1V1 Y God ! my God ! Look upon me ; why hast Thou forsaken me? And art so far from my health, and from the words of my complaint ? And Thou continuest holy, O Thou Worship of Israel ! But as for me 1 am a worm, and no man, a very scorn of men, and the outcast of the people. All they that see me laugh me to scorn ; They shoot out their lips, and shake their heads, say- ing, He trusted in God, that He would deliver him ; Let Him deliver him, if He will have him. The counsel of the wicked layeth siege against me ; They pierced my hands and my feet. They stand staring and looking upon me. They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture. But be not Thou far from me, O Lord ; Thou art my succor, haste Thee to help me ! I am become a stranger unto my brethren, Even an alien unto my mother's children. For the zeal of Thine house hath even eaten me ; And the rebukes of them that rebuked Thee are fallen upon me. I looked for some to have pity on me, But there was no man, neither found 1 any to comfort me. They gave me gall to eat ; And when 1 was thirsty, they gave me vinegar to drink. O Lord, my God, great are the wondrous works which Thou hast done. Like as be also Thy thoughts, which are to us-ward ; THE PSALTER If I should declare them, and speak of them, '*y would he more than I am able I Sacrifice and meat-offering Thou wouldesf not, Bui mit i Thou op Burnt offeri . and sacrifice for >in hast Thou not quired : 'd I. Lo, I conu In the volume of the book it is written of m< Thai I should fulfil Thy will, my Cud. I am content to do it : Thy law is within my heart. Lord, lei it be Thy pl< asure to deliver me ; Make haste, Lord, to help n . L( : all those that seek Thee be joyful and glad in Tl. And let gueh as love Ylnj salvation, say alwk, When it w t dark. Am it began to daun 1 ::. Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary, i see the sepulchre. And they Baid among themselves, "Who shall roll away the stone from the door?" And when they looked, tiny the stone was rolled away. A; rig into the sepulchre, they saw a young man >ittii,_ And lu sn{d, - flt not affrighUa\ ye seek Jesus of Naz- areth, 54 THE PSALTER. " He is risen ! He is not here ! " Christ is risen from the dead ! and become the first fruits of them that slept. For since by man came Death, By man came also the Resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, Even so in Christ shall all be made alive ! The Lord is risen indeed ! May we be risen in Him ! For we were buried with Him, by Baptism, that, like as Christ was raised up by the glory of the Father, Even so we should walk in newness of life. So the promise that was made to the fathers, God hath fulfilled to us their children. Give unto the Lord the glory, The glory due unto His name ! Bring offerings ! Bring offerings, and come into His courts ! Glory be to the Father, &c. H Then shall follow immediately the Second Part of this Selection. SELECTION ELEVENTH. PART II. From Psalms lvii., cxvi., cxviii., xvi., xvii. AWAKE up, my glory ! Awake, lute and harp ! 1 myself will awake right early ! I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord, among the people ; And 1 will sing unto Thee among the nations. For the greatness of Thy mercy reacheth unto the heavens, And Thy truth unto the clouds. Set up Thyself, Lord, above the heavens ; And Thy glory above all the earth ! I am well pleased that the Lord hath heard the voice of my prayer ; Therefore will I call upon Him as long as 1 live. THE rsAi.n 55 The BDai loath com] I ma round about. And the pai lull (/(it hold upon me. I igain then unto thy rest, my boo! ; /'//• tl<> Lord hath Thou hasl delivered my boo! from death, /•/// 100ft 5 (fa Lord in the land of the living. I will receive the cup of lalvation, And call upon the Name of the Lord* J will pay my vows now in tin* presence of all His peopl Right dear in the sight of the Loud is the death of Hie so The Lord i- my strength and my song; "/ is been/if //> hath me over unto death. Open me the gat* m <>f righteousness that I may go into in, And give thanks "nt<> the Lord. 1 ii- i- the gate of the Loud, 1 -hall r,,t, /• into it. I will thank Thee, t<>r Thou hast heard me, And art became my ealvation. The same stone which the boilden refined A heconu the head-etone in the oomcr* This i- the Lord's doing, And i i.s man . .,,- , >/es. This is the Day which the Lord hath made; We will rejoice and ; ji it. Help me now, ( ) Lori (J LORD >o prosperity. 56 THE PSALTER. Thou art ray God, and I will thank Thee ; Thou art my God, and 1 ic ill praise Thee. give thanks unto the Lord ; For He is gracious, and His mercy endureth forever. 1 have set God always before me ; For He is on my right hand, therefore 1 shall not fall. Wherefore ray heart was glad, and my glory rejoiced ; My flesh also shall rest in hope. For why ? Thou shalt not leave my soul in hell ; Neither shalt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to see corrup- tion. Thou shalt show me the path of life ; in Thy presence is the fulness of joy ; And at Tliy right hand there is pleasure for evermore. I will behold Thy presence in righteousness ; And when I wake up after TJiy likeness, I shall be sat- isfied with it. Glory be to the Father, &c. SELECTION TWELFTH. PART I. ASCENSION DAY, AND THE SUNDAY AFTER. _1J_E showed Himself alive after his passion, Being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. He led them out as far as Bethany, and after He had spoken unto them He lifted up His hands and blessed them. And it came to pass w r hile He blessed them, While they beheld — He w r as parted from them — A cloud received Him out of their sight ! He was received up into Heaven, And sat on the right hand of God, Angels, and Authorities, and Powers, Being made subject unto Him. And while they looked toward heaven, Two men stood by them in white apparel, THE PSALT] ."'7 Who -aid : u Why 6 Dp into 1 :i ? .A nu, i v fafc // upfront " Shall i come in like manner, /////* >/<> into // And they returned from Mount Olivet, /'w and bl( ssitig God. \\ li«n Ilf ascended uj) on h|gh, Ih / /)firify dipt it In Bk Father's boose an 4 many man-ion- : He is gom to prepan a place t'<>r u It was expedient that He Bhould L r <> aws That the Comforter should com* unto us. Ev< ii the Spirit of Troth (tin* Holy Ghost), Who should teach us nil things. Hi- Name -hall endure forever, His ^n high} M For John, truly," Baid J< ism, B baptized wiih wok ••/»' i ;. shall he hdptiz< na ." When the day of Pentecost was fully come. They were all with om accord in one plf And there came a sound from Heaven, Am of 'i rushing mighty wind, And it tilled all the house where they were sitting. And tit npeared unto them cloven tongues, like as of fa And they were all filled with the Ilolv Grhost, And began t<> speak with other tongues as the Sjjirit gave than utterca u Likewise the Spirit helpeth our iiilirmit i- F< /• 100 know n<>t what we thouldpray fi \ we ought, Hut the Spirit inaketh intercession lor 08, Even the Spirit of Truths whom the world seeth not, tit knoweth, Bui we know Him, For He dweOeth with us, >m' tin it Of man. which is in him ! .< ii 90 the things of God knoweth no man, U the Sj God, Now ire ha. 1. not the Bpirit of the world, but the Spirit which i- of ( rod- / fht know the ' ' are freely n lis of G 60 THE PSALTER. Hereby know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us ; Because He hath given us of His Spirit, Quench not the Spirit, And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God. Glory be to the Father, &c. Tf Then shall follow immediately the Second Part of this Selection. SELECTION THIRTEENTH. PART II. From Psalms lxviii., civ. \J GOD when Thou wentest forth before the people ; When Thou wentest through the wilderness, The earth shook, and the heavens dropped at the pres- ence of God ; Even as Sinai also was moved at the presence of God. Thou, God, sentest a gracious rain upon Thine in- heritance, And refreshedst it when it ivas weary. Thy congregation shall dwell therein ; For Thou, God, hast of Thy goodness prepared for the poor. The Lord gave the Word ; Great was the company of the preachers ! Thou art gone up on high, Thou hast led captivity captive, and received gifts for men ! Praised be the Lord daily, even the God who helpeth us, And pour eth His benefits upon us. He is our God, even the God of whom cometh sal- vation ; God is the Lord, by whom we escape death. Thy God hath sent forth strength for thee ; Stablish the thing, God, that Thou hast wrought in us. Sing unto God, O ye kingdoms of the earth. sing praises unto the Lord ! THE I'S.M.rr.i;. Gl Who h in the heavens 01 lh from the begin- ning : L > .' 11 H i t/fft a mighty vo Aacril jre the power to Gk>d over brae] ; /. thip (ut'l strength is in the cloud* O Lokd in; G id, Thou art become ding glo- riou- Tkou art clothed with majesty and honor .' Thou deck If with light as with a garment, And spreadest out the heart us lib a em-tain. Who layeth the beam- of I lis chambers in th<- watei And maktA the clouds Ms chariot, and walketh upon the if of fhr wind. Be maketh Hi- angels spiri And His //a' nisters a Jia/niny fire. He briogeth forth grass for the cattle, And green herb for the service of men ; That lie may bring food out of the earth, lh glad the heart of man ; And oil to make him a cheerful oountcnaiM And bread to strengthen man's heart. The lions roaring after their prey Do seek their n m God. Lord, how manifold are Thy works ! in wi.-dom hast Thou made them all ; t earth is full of Thy riches. So is the l and wide Bea al-o, Wh are things ; >>'tti;i> fM will. I i i>. And iki Word r ^ ( .« • The W« »ki» was made flesh, And dicelt among ns. Greed > the mystery of godliness, G li ia manifi in tho flesh ! God was in Christ, reconciling (/<■ rid u\ I I Km- V«t no man can -ay Jesil the LORD but by the Holt Ghost, For there are Thbeb thai bear record in Heaven^ Tin: Pathi b, ran Word, and tiu: Holy Ghost; Aeai Three are ( >NK ! The Father, of whom arc all thing-, Awl we in Him. Je-u- Christ, by whom arc all thing And Wt by Him. The Holy Ghost, who dwelled] with us, And shall be iti I For thu- nith the High and Holy One. that inhabiteth :nity. Ji hose . i : I dwell in the High and Holy Place! " With him, also, that is of a contrite and humble We mm k Him, feel alter Him. and find Him, Though He be not far from any > f vs. \'< r in Him we live and niov- . And have our \ He ifl our Fathei II i are II H - •:. Father, are His brethr- He is the spirit ek < . d, We are the temples of the Hohf Qhoi Ti. { our Lord, J - Christ, And the Lore D, 64 THE PSALTER. And the Fellowship of the Holy Ghost, Be with us all, evermore. Amen. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Tf Then shall follow immediately the Second Part of this Selection. SELECTION FOURTEENTH. PART II. From Psalms cxiii., lxxii., xviii., lxxi., Ixxxiv. VV HO is like unto the Lord our God, that hath His dwelling so high, And yet humbleth Himself to behold the things that are in heaven and earth ! The Lord is my light and my salvation ; Whom then shall I fear ? The Lord is the strength of my life ; Of whom then shall I be afraid.? One thing have I desired of the Lord, which I will require : Even that 1 may dwell in the House of the Lord all the days of my life, To behold the fair beauty of the Lord, And to visit His temple. I will love Thee, O Lord, ray strength ! The Lord is my strong rock, and my defence, my Saviour ; My God, and my might, in whom I will trust ; My buckler, the horn also of my salvation, and my refuge. For who is God, but the Lord ? Or who hath any strength, except our God? Thou, O Lord God, art the thing that I long for : Thou art my hope even from my youth. PHK PSALTER C5 Through Thee have I been holdeh op ever >ince I m born ; Mjf pr ■ ahr Thou, O God, hast taught me from my youth op until no\. 77 '11 IteU of Thy wondrous worl B i is the man wh strength is in Thee! In who* tri are Thy ways. For the Lord God is a light and defence ; The Lord wittgith grace and worshij And n<» good thing shall II»' withhold from thrin Thai live a godly lij Rejoice in the Lord, () ye righteous!' /• it becometh well thi rt to be thankful. p the word of the Lord is trn And all Jlis worl IhfuL By the word of the Lord vrere the heavens made : And all the i. them by th ath of His mouth, B 1 arc the people who is the Lord Jeho- B : And blessed are the folk that He hath chose n to Him to be Ills inl Glory be to the Father, & HYMNS. ♦— THE BIBLE. Hymn 1. IV. 5. THE Bible! the Bible! more precious than gold The hopes and the glories its pages unfold ; It speak< of a Saviour, and tells of His love ; It shows as the way to the mansions above. 2 The Bible ! the Bible ! blest volume of truth, How sweetly it smiles on the season of youth ! It bid- us seek early the pearl of great price, Ere the heart is enslaved in the bondage of vice. 3 The Bible ! the Bibb- ! we hail it with joy, It- truths and its glories our tongues -hull employ; Well sing of its triumphs, we'll tell of its worth, And send its glad tidings afar o'er the earth. 4 The Bible! the Bible ! the valleys -hall ring, And hill-top- reecho the notes that we sing; Our banners, inscribed with its precepts and rules, Shall long wave in triumph, the joy of our schools. Hymn >. WE'LL not give up the Bibl ( tod's holy book of truth ; The bk\--«-d -tall" of hoary The guide of early youth ; HYMNS. The sun that sheds a glorious light O'er every dreary road ; The voice that speaks a Saviour's love, And calls us home to God. 2 We'll not give up the Bible For pleasure or for pain ; We'll buy the truth and sell it not For all that we might gain. Though man should try to take our prize By guile or cruel might, We'll suffer all that man can do, And God defend the right ! 3 We'll not give up the Bible, But spread it far and wide, Until its saving voice be heard Beyond the rolling tide ; Till all shall know its gracious power, And, with one voice and heart, Resolve that from God's sacred word x They'll never, never part ! RELIGION IN YOUTH. • i Hymn 3. CHILDREN can you tell me why Jesus left His home on high ? Left the glorious angels there, For this world of tears and care ? Left His Father's glorious face For this dark and sinful place ? Tell me, children, tell me why Jesus came to bleed and die. HYMN 3 2 Oh. it was for yon lie came \ml endured th<- crosa and sham 1 u the thorns He wore, 'Tv i the cross H< Tu;i> because He \o\ ed you That He bore His dying woe; Yes that you with >in defiled Might I a holy child. 3 Seek Him then, dear children now. Low in prayer before Him bow ; Trust your precious souls to llim, lie can pardon all your sin. He ran give you joy in dyii If in Hifl dear arm- you're lying; Oh, dear children, this is why Jesus came to bleed and di Hymn 4. LITTLE children, love the Saviour, Turn your wayward hearts to Him, lie will guide you. He will had you Through life's pathway, dark and dim ; an on Him when you are weary, I [ell support you with fond He'll pro! ad love and bless you, For like you His angels an 8 Far away from mortal vision, Li land celestial bright, Where i band of white-robed seraphs ChaBe away the shades Of night ; W r comes a thought il T i disturb the holy calm ; For God shields His precious children all Fear of troubling harm. HYMNS. 3 Jesus died for you, dear children, Died that you might happy be ; That you might from sin and anguish Be at last forever free. Can you, will you slight His goodness, Walk in sinful pleasure's ways ? And forget your daily duties, Offering Him your prayers and praise. 4 Oh ! there's joy in rightly doing, Never found in vice or sin ; Then obey the risen Saviour, If a home in heaven you'd win. Read the Bible : it will point you To bright scenes of bliss on high, Where there's rest for all the weary, And our loved ones never die. PRAYER. Hymn 5. II. 2. NEVER may I forget to pray, Whate'er the business of the day ; If happy thoughts have blessed my sleep, Or startling dreams have made me weep, With prayer I will begin the day : Never may I forget to pray. 2 To Him by whom the birds are fed I'll raise my prayer for daily bread : If wealth her bounty should bestow, I know from whom all blessings flow ; If He who gave should take away, Let me not then forget to pray. HYMNS. Hymn A C. M. Vf^IIF.X daily I kn \vn to pray, " " A- I am taught to do, God doefl not eare for what I -ay, I nless 1 feci it too. I Yi t foolish thoughts my heart beguile, And when I pray or >in_ I'm often thinking all the while About some other thing. 3 Oh, let me never, never dare To act the triflert part ; Or think that God will hear a prayer That comes not from the heart ! 4 But if I make His ways my choice, As holy children do. Then while I seek I lira with my voice, My heart will love Him too. THE LORD'S DAY. Hymn 7. IV. 4. HOW sweet ifl the day of the Lord and i t, The day of tin* week which we >urely love 1m This morning our Saviour a from the tomb, And took from tl ;ve all its terror and gl<»ora. 2 Oh, let us be thoughtful and prayerful to-da; And n nd a moment in trifling or plaj Remembering the Sabbath wafl .. noddy giv< To draw u3 from earth, and prepare Dfl for heaven. HYMNS. 3 Behold us, our Father ! though children we be, We are not too young to be noticed by Thee ; Be our guardian and guide, through life's early days, Let us give Thee our hearts, and live to Thy praise. Hymn 8. PRESERVED by Thine Almighty power, O Lord, our Maker, Saviour, King, And brought to see this happy hour, We come Thy praises here to sing. Chorus, — Happy day, happy day, Here in Thy courts we'll gladly stay, And at Thy footstool humbly pray, That Thou wouldst take our sins away. Happy day, happy day, When Christ shall wash our sins away. 2 We praise Thee for Thy constant care, For life preserved, for mercies given, Oh, may we still those mercies share, And taste the joys of sins forgiven. Chorus. — Happy day, &c. 3 We praise Thee for the joyful news, Of pardon through our Saviour's blood : O Lord, incline our hearts to choose The road to happiness and God. Chorus. — Happy day, &c. 4 And when on earth our days are done, Grant, Lord, that we at length may join Teachers and scholars round Thy throne, The sons: of Moses and the Lamb. o Chorus. — Happy day, &c. () II THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. Hymn <>. II. <1<» not be discouraged, For J< 9U9 ia your friend ; He will gii i grace to conquer. And kt Q to the end. Ch I. — I am glad I'm in this army. lea I'm glad I'm in this army. And I'll battle tor the BchooL 2 Fight on, ye little Boldii The battle you shall win, t the Saviour is your Captain, And He has vanquished -in. turns. — I am glad I'm in this army, &c. 3 And when the conflict's over, Before Him yiiii -hall Stand : You shall sing His praise forever, In Canaan's happy land. Chorus. — I am glad I'm in this army, A Hymn 10, WE love the Sundaj <>ol, — the pi.. ( )ur youthful feet have trod; Where we have heard of wisdom's wa; That lead to ; and ( rOiL 2 W< . • •• - boo] ; 'ti- tht . - there we bow tin* knee in pray* I iod our heavenly Ki: 8 HYMNS. 3 We love the Sunday-school, — where we The Holy Bible read, Which tells of Christ, who came to be A Saviour in our need. 4 Oh, that, when earthly cares are past, Our teachers we may meet Upon those blissful plains, and cast Our crowns at Jesus' feet. N MISSIONS. Hymn 11. OW be the Gospel banner In every land unfurled, And be the shout, Hosanna ! Reechoed through the world ; Till every isle and nation, Till every tribe and tongue, Receive the great salvation, And join the happy throng. 2 Yes, Thou shalt reign forever, Thou Jesus, King of kings ! Thy light, Thy love, Thy favor, Each ransomed captive sings. The isles for Thee are waiting ; The deserts learn Thy praise ; The hills and valleys greeting, The song responsive raise. Hymn 12. II. 6. FROM Greenland's icy mountains From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand ; HYMN 9 From many an Ancient river, I": -n many a palmy plain. Tl Jl OS U) < 1 « 1 i \ Their land from error's chain. 2 What though the spicy l>r< Blow Bofl o'er Ceylon's is] Though every prospect pleases, And only man is vi! In vain with lavish kindn Tl jifts of i Sod are Btrown ; The heathen, in his blindness, B >WS down to wood and stone. 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? Salvation ! oh ! salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim. Till earth's remotest nation Ha- learned Messiah's name! H ADVENT. Hymn 1* III. 3. AIL! Thou Ion Jesus, Born to set Thy people fi From our - aid fears release y> Lei us find our rest in Thee* h and consolation, Hope of all the saint- Thou art ; Lon^r desired < vy nation, Joy of every waiting heart. 10 HYMNS. 3 Born Thy people to deliver, Born a child yet God our King, Born to reign in us forever, Now Thy gracious kingdom bring. 4 By Thine own eternal Spirit, Rule in all our hearts alone ; By Thine all-sufficient merit, Raise us to Thy glorious throne. H CHRISTMAS. Hymn 14. ARK the angels singing, wake the happy morn, Joyful tidings bringing, " Christ, the Lord is born " Sisters dear, and brothers, sing, oh sing away ! This, of all the others, is the children's day. "Where's a chorus meeter, for His advent here ? Where a carol sweeter to His gentle ear ? 2 In a lowly manger (this shall be the sign,) See the new-born stranger, hail the Babe divine ! Hear the blessed story, — Once as young as we, Christ, the Prince of Glory, slept on Mary's knee. None can come so near Him, the Holy, Undefiled, None so love and fear Him, as a Christian child. Hymn 15. CM. GLORY to God the angel said ; Good tidings, lo ! I bring : In David's city is a babe, Your Lord and Saviour- King ! HT1D 11 i I Hory to God and \> I . od-wiD to man is Bhown ; Lei heavenly joy at Jesus' birth through the nation- known. 3 ( rlory to ( rod ! lei man reply, Por ChrisI the Lord is oom< Bohold Him in a manger li A Btable is Hi- hom< . ■I i ( lod for love so mild ! How wonderful the plan That Jesus ooce became a child To Bavi -llious man ! 5 Glory to God | let all the earth Join in the heavenly Bong; And praise Him for the Saviour's birth In every land and tongm . B KIM I'll ANY. Hymn 10. BIGHTEST and best of the BODS of the morning! Dawn 00 our darkness and lend Dfl thine aid: Star of the East, the horizon adornii Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid ! 2 Cold on His cradle th<* dew-drops are ahinh Low Liei His head with the beasts of the stall ; Angels adore Him in slumber redinin Maker, and Monarch, and Saviour of all ! 3 S hall 1 Him, in costly devotion, Odo; Bdom, and offerings divim Gem- of the mountain, and pearls of the ocean, Myrrh from the Id from til 12 HYMNS. 4 Vainly we offer each ample oblation ; Vainly with gifts would His favor secure : Richer by far is the heart's adoration ; Dearer to God are the prayers of the poor. 5 Brightest and best of the sons of the morning ! Dawn on our darkness and lend us thine aid Star of the East, the horizon adorning, Guide where our infant Redeemer is laid ? B LENT. Hymn 17. III. 2. Y Thy Birth, Thou Holiest One, Very God, yet Mary's Son, Seen in swaddling bands arrayed, And in Bethlehem's manger laid ; Born for us a little child, Cleanse, and keep us undefiled. 2 By the Angel words that led Shepherds to Thy lowly bed, Teaching us the songs of heaven, Unto whom a Son is given ; Born for us, &c. 3 By Thy duteous reverence still Subject to Thy parents* will, Winning both from God and man Favor such as childhood can ; Born for us, &c. 4 Look upon us, Lord, for we Ask but to resemble Thee, Treading in Thy footsteps here, Walking in our Father's fear ; Lowly, loving, undefiled, Followers of the Holy Child. M BTMNa 13 EASTER Hymn IS III. 1. LRY to tin- Saviour's tomb II ted at the early dawn ; Spice she brought and Bweef perfume, Hut the Lord she loved had gon 2 For a while >he lingering stood, Filled with sorrow and surprise; Trembling, while a crystal flood [ssued from her weeping 3 But her sorrows quickly fled When -he heard His welcome voiee Christ has risen Gram the dead ; 2s ow He bid- her heart rejoice! 4 What a change His word can make, Turning darkness into day ! Ye who weep for Jesus' sake, lie will wine your tear- away. ASCENSION-DAT. Hymn 19. C. M. COMK. children, hail the Prince of peace, Obey the Saviour's call; Con. k Hi- face, and taste Bis gra . And crown Him Lord of all. 2 Ye land)- of Ch .our tribute bring, Xe chfldn ind -mall, Hoti anna si HIT Kin. Oh, crown Iliiu Lord of all. 14 HYMNS. 3 This Jesus will your sins forgive, Oh, haste ! before Him fall ; For you He died, that you might live To crown Him Lord of all. 4 All hail, the Saviour, Prince of peace, Let saints before Him fall ; Let sinners seek His pardoning grace, And crown Him Lord of all. o WHIT-SUNDAY. Hymn 30. C. M. UR heavenly Father bids us ask The blessings of His grace ; And it should never be a task, To seek our Father's face. 2 He looks on us with thoughts of love, And promises to send The Holy Spirit from above, To be our guide and friend. to' 3 How much do we His guidance need, Who are so prone to stray ! The Spirit will to Jesus lead, And teach us how to pray. 4 And he will show us heavenly things, And form our hearts anew, To serve and love the King of kings, As saints and angels do. 5 Lord ! that promised gift bestow, And fill us with Thy love ; That we may serve Thee here below, And dwell with Thee above. IIYMX3. IS TRINITY SUNDAY. Hymn 21. III. 1. GLORY to the Father I rod in wlium we move and li\ Children's prayers 1I«- deigns to hear. Children's Bongs delight His ear. 2 Glory to the Son we bring, Christ our Prophet, Priest, and King; Children, raise your BWeeteSi strain To the Lamb, tor He WES .-lain. 3 Glory to the Holy Ghost, He reclaims the sinner lost ; Children's minds may He inspin Touch their tongues with holy lire. 4 Glory in the highest be To the blessed Trinity, For the Gospel from aboi For the word that u God is love." L DEATH AND FUNERALS. Hymn gg, ITTLE travellers Xionward, Bach one entering into rest In the kingdom of your Lord, In the mansions of the blest, There with welcome Jesos wail 1 - His followers win ; Lift your 1 •• golden - — Lei the little travellers in ! 2 16 HYMNS. 2 Who are these whose little feet, Pacing life's dark journey through, Now have reached that heavenly seat They have ever kept in view ? " I from Greenland's frozen land ; I, from India's sultry plain ; I, from Afric's burning sand ; I, from islands of the main. 3 " All our earthly journey past, Every tear and pain gone by, Here together met at last, At the portal of the sky." Each the welcome " Come ! " awaits, Conquerors over death and sin ; Lift your heads ye golden gates — Let the little travellers in ! Hymn 23. S. M. j WHEN sickness, pain, and death Come o'er a Christian child, How sweetly then departs the breath ! The dying pang how mild ! 2 It gently sinks to rest, As once it used to do, Upon its mother's tender breast And as securely, too. 3 The spirit is not dead, Though low the body lies ; But, freed from sin and sorrow, fled To dwell beyond the skies. 4 That death is but a sleep Beneath a Saviour's care, And He will surely safely keep The body resting there. c I1YM 17 Hymn '->4. C. M. ILLM on the thy ( I "t . a spirit rest thee noi :i while with 08 tl. p trod, BLia aeal r n thy brow. *J Dost to it- narrow bouse beneath ! Soul lo it*- }>' -n high ! that ha\» i thy look in death » more ma r to die. Lone are the paths, and sad the hoWS, Since thy m (pint's gon< Bat, oh. a brighter home than our-, In heaven is now thine own ! HEAVEN. Hymn g& IV. 2. E speak of the realm- of the blest, Of that country so bright and so fair ; And oft are its gloric 1 : liut what most it be to be tlier w _' We -p»*ak of it- pathway _ r - »ld, ( )\ itfl wall- decked with i<-wel- BO rare; Of its wonders and pleasures untold : .t what mu.-t it be to be tl. .'J W ak of it in from -in. Prom sorrow, temptation, and — Prom trial- without and within: Bat what most it be to be tl. 18 HYMNS. 4 We speak of its service of love, Of the robes which the glorified wear, Of the church of the first-born above : But what must it be to be there ? 5 Do Thou, Lord, midst gladness or woe, Still for heaven our spirits prepare, And shortly we also shall know, And feel, what it is to be there. Hymn 26, JOYFULLY, joyfully, onward we move, Bound to the land of bright spirits above ; Jesus, our Saviour, in mercy says, Come, Joyfully, joyfully, haste to your home. Soon will our pilgrimage end here below, Soon to the presence of God we shall go ; Then, if to Jesus our hearts have been given, Joyfully, joyfully, rest we in heaven. 2 Teachers and scholars have passed on before, Waiting, they watch us, approaching the shore. Singing to cheer us, while passing along, Joyfully, joyfully, haste to your home. Sounds of sweet music there ravish the ear, Harps of the blessed, your strains we shall hear, Filling with harmony heaven's high dome, Joyfully, joyfully, Jesus, we come. 3 Death with his arrow may soon lay us low, Safe in our Saviour we fear not the blow ; Jesus hath broken the bars of the tomb, Joyfully, joyfully, will we go home. Bright will the morn of eternity dawn, Death shall be conquered, his sceptre be gone : Over the plains of sweet Canaan well roam, Joyfully, joyfully, safely at home. HYMHS 19 Hymn 27. BEAU IIPUI Zion built a! Beautiful city thai I Id Beautiful of pearly whip Beautiful t « * n^i j >1 « * — God it- light ! He who was -lain on Calvary, Opens those pearly j to me. 1 Beautiful heaven, when all is light, Beautiful angels clothed in whit- . Beautiful -trains that never tin Beautiful harps through all th<- choir; There shall I join the choru< sweet, Worshipping at the Saviour's teeU 3 Beautiful crowns on every brow, Beautiful palms the conquerors show ; Beautiful robes the ransomed wear, Beautiful all who enter there ; Thither I press with eager feet, There shall my re-t be long and sweet. 4 Beautiful throne of Christ our King, Beautiful song- the angels sing Beautiful rest, all wanderings Beautiful home of perfect p There -hall my S the Saviour B$ Haste to this heavenly home with me. A IIVMV !>S. BOUND the throne of God in heaven, housand children stand ; Children who-** -in all fo D ; A holy, happy hand. lory, glory, gl<>ry he to God on high. 20 HYMNS. 2 In flowing robes of spotless white, See every one arrayed : Dwelling in everlasting light, And joys that never fade. Singing glory, &c. 3 What brought them to that world above ? That heaven so bright and fair, Where all is peace, and joy, and love ; — How came those children there ? Singing glory, &c. 4 Because the Saviour shed His blood, To wash away their sin ; Bathed in that pure and precious flood, Behold them white and clean ! Singing glory, &c. 5 On earth they sought the Saviour's grace, On earth they loved his name ; So now they see His blessed face, And stand before the Lamb. Singing glory, &c. MOKNING AND EVENING. Hymn 29. III. 1. NOW the dreary night is done, Comes again the glorious sun ; Crimson clouds and silver white Wait upon his breaking light. 2 Child of Mary, Thou dost know What of danger, joy, or woe Shall to-day my portion be, — Let me meet it all in Thee. BYMN& 21 Thou wast meek and undefiled — Make me holy too, and mild ; Thou didst foil the tempter's power — Help me in tempi hour. 4 Tlmii didst I Thy mother here — Mak< : :■ _■ ntle, kind, and dear : Thou wast subject to her word — Teach me to obey, Lord. 5 Fretful feelii o, pride \ \ er did with Thee abidN Make me watch mjself to-day, That they lead me do! astray. Hymn 30. L. M. GLORY to Thee, my God, this night, For all the blessings of the light ; Keep me, oh, keep me, King of kin. Under Thine own aim wings. 2 ive me, Lord, for Thy dear Son, Th( ill- that I this day have don< That with the world, myself, and Thee, I. I deep, at peace may be. 3 Teach me to live, that I may dread The grave as little as my bed ; T< i h me to die that bo I may Triumphant rise in the last day. •1 Oh, may my boqI on Thee repo d may p min<* eyelids <"1<>- Sleep that may me more vigorous ma! i I awal When in t! My >oul with h oly thoughts Bupply; 22 HYMNS. Let no ill dreams disturb my rest, No powers of darkness me molest. 6 Oh, when shall I, in endless day, Forever chase dark sleep away ; And hymns divine with angels sing, Glory to Thee eternal King ! Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him all creatures here below ; Praise Him above, ye angelic host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Hymn 31. III. 3. JESUS, tender Shepherd, hear me, Bless Thy little lamb to-night ; Through the darkness be Thou near me, Watch my sleep till morning light. 2 All this day Thy hand has led me, And I thank Thee for Thy care ; Thou hast clothed me, warmed me, fed me, Listen to my evening prayer. 3 Let my sins be all forgiven, Bless the friends I love so well ; Take me, when I die, to heaven, Happy there with Thee to dwell. ANNIVERSARY. Hymn 32. E gather, we gather, Dear Jesus to bring, The breathings of love 'Mid the blossoms of spring. w w HYMN- 23 Our Maker I B mer I \\ itefully rai>e Our hearts and our voi© In hjmnin g Thy praifl 2 When stooping to earth From tli*» brightn f heaven, Thy blood for oar ransom So freely was given ; Thou deignedst to listen While children adored, With joyful hoeannaa, The bkasM of the Lord ! 3 Tl. inn-, which embraced Little children of old, Still love to encircle The lambs of the fold ; That grace which inviteth The wandering home, Hath never forbidden The youngest to come. 4 Hosanna I bosanna I 1 1 real Teacher I we rai-<- Our hearts and our voic In hymning Thy prai- For | j>t and promie So graciously {given ; For blessings of earth And glories of heaven. Hymn jft E bring no glittering I N gems from earth's *\t'*-\) mine ; We come with simple measure To chant Thy 1<»\»- divine. 24 HYMNS. Children, Thy favors sharing, Their voice of thanks would raise ; Father, accept our off 'ring, Our songs of grateful praise. 2 The dearest gift of Heaven, Love's written word of truth, To us is early given, To guide our steps in youth ; We hear the wondrous story, The tale of Calvary ; We read of homes in glory, From sin and sorrow free. 3 Redeemer ! grant thy blessing ! Oh, teach us how to pray, That each, Thy fear possessing, May tread life's onward way ; Then where the pure are dwelling, We hope to meet again ; And sweeter numbers swelling, Forever praise Thy name. o Hymn 34, NCE was heard the song of children, By the Saviour when on earth ; Joyful in the sacred temple Shouts of youthful praise had birth ; And hosannas Loud to David's Son broke forth. Palms of victory strewn around Him, Garments spread beneath His feet, Prophet of the Lord they crowned Him, In fair Salem's crowded street, While hosannas From the lips of children greet. i HYMNS. 25 «1 G r all in h« i av in_r. We this day Thy glory sing j Nut with palm- Thy pathway -tivwiii We would loftier tribute bring — Glad hosann. To our J^rojJnf, Priist, and A '/< join in the heavenly throng; To sing of Hi- mercy, t<> bright harps of L r <»M. Forever and ever His glory behold. Hymn 38, A TV days are gliding swiftly by, -^▼-*- And I, a pilgrim stranger, Would not detain them a< they fly, — Those hours of toil and danger ; C/torus. — For now we stand on Jordan's strand, Our friends are passing over; And, just before the Bhining shore We may almost discover. 2 Our absent king the watchword L r a\<-. •• Lei every lamp be burning ; " We look afar aero— tin* wai ( )ur distant home discerning : Chorus. — For now we stand, &c. 3 Should coming days be dark and cold. We will not yi
es rin Pr ise for 7 32 HYMNS. 2 Come to that happy land, Come, come away ; Why will ye doubting stand, Why still delay ? Oh, we shall happy be, When from sin and sorrow free, Lord, we shall live with thee ; Blest, blest for aye. 3 Bright, in that happy land, Beams every eye ; Kept by a Father's hand, Love cannot die. Oh then to glory run, Be a crown and kingdom won ; And bright, above the sun, We reign for aye. G Hymn 44, O, when the morning shineth, Go, when the moon is bright, Go, when the eve declineth, Go in the hush of night ; Go with pure mind and feeling, Send earthly thoughts away, And in thy chamber kneeling, Do thou in secret pray. Remember all who love thee, All who are loved by thee ; Pray for those w r ho hate thee, If any such there be ; Then for thyself in meekness A blessing humbly claim, And link with thy petition Thy great Redeemer's name. HYMNS. 33 ( )r if 'ti p denied tl. In Bolitode to pray, Should holj thoughl one o'er thee, When friends are round thy way. E'en then the silent breathii Of thy spirit raised Will reach His throne of glory, Who i- M< Truth, and I 4 Oh ! noi a joy or blessii With tl mpare, — The power that He bath given da To pour our MHllfl in prayer. Whene'er thou pin'sl in sadn< ssj Before His footstool tall. And remember in thy gladnefl His grace who gave thee all. Hymn 1ft, IN the vineyard of our Father, I )aily work we find to do : d gleanings we may gather, Though we ar«- hut young and few ; Little clusters 1 1 (.dp to fill the garners, too. 1 Toiling early in the morning, tchmg moments through the day, Nothing .-mall or lowly BCOFQing, Bo along our path we Btray ; ( fathering Jadly Free-will offerings by the way. 3 Not for selfish ] lory, Not tor ol nothing worth — But to Bend the bh-sr y • >: impel o'er I irth — 1 _ mortals Of our Lord and Sa\iour's birth. 34 HYMNS. 4 Up and ever at our calling, Till in death our lips are dumb, Or till — sin's domiuion falling — Christ shall in His kingdom come, And His children Reach their everlasting home. 5 Steadfast, then, in our endeavor, Heavenly Father, may we be ; And, forever and forever, We will give the praise to Thee ; Hallelujah ! Singing all eternity. Hymn 46. THE LORD'S PRAYER. IN VERSE. OUR Heavenly Father, hear our prayer ; Thy name be hallowed everywhere ; Thy kingdom come ; Thy perfect will In earth, as heaven, let all fulfil ; Give this day's bread that we may live ; Forgive our sins as we forgive ; Help us temptation to withstand, From evil shield us by Thy hand ; Now and forever unto Thee, The kingdom, power, and glory be ; Amen. CAKOLS. BRISTMAS. LBOI 1. WELCOME, Christmas I welcome here ! Happiest n of the year I Fir*'- are blazing, Thee to grfeet, Families together meet: Brothers, sisters, circle round. Joyously each greeting sound-. And the Church delights t<» All her children welcome Tip 2 Welcome, Christina- ! tor thy voice dls upon as to rejoice ; Not with foolish, idle mirth. Born and perishing on earth : Far !)•- the ungrateful thought! Our- are blessings dearly bought ; Dearly bought, bnl freely b • n, By the Lord of earth and 1 n. 3 Fix ire then on Christ our i M iy v. S tvionr nigh ! around the board, All rejoicing in the Lord ! B ' i»abe of Bethlehem near ; Ifay His -mile tie -on cheer; A: i • •:. gladdened bn arl and tongue, Join the Angel's Christmas Song. 36 CAROLS. Carol 2. CAROL, carol, Christians, Carol joyfully ; Carol for the coming Of Christ's Nativity ; And pray a gladsome Christmas For all good Christian men ; Carol, carol, Christians, For Christmas' come again. 2 Go ye to the forest, Where the myrtles grow, Where the pine and laurel Bend beneath the snow ; Gather them for Jesus ; Wreathe them for His shrine ; Make His temple glorious With the box and pine. 3 Wreathe your Christmas garland, Where, to Christ, we pray ; It shall smell like Carmel On our festal day. Libanus and Sharon Shall not greener be Than our holy church, On Christ's Nativity. 4 Give us grace, O Saviour, To put off in might, Deeds and dreams of darkness, For the robes of light ! And to lie as lowly, As Thyself with men, So to rise in glory, When Thou com'st again. II LROU CaMGL :\. I >W grand and how bright Was that wonderful night, When Angel j to B thlehem can* They bars! forth like i They -truck their gold Ij re A nl mingled their Bound with the flame. The Shepherds were 'mazed, — The pretty Lambs gazed, At darkness thus turned into light ; e heard From man. beast, or bird, So sudden and solemn the Bight "All glory to Go&? Who laid by His rod, To smile on the world thro' His Son; •• And peace be on earth/' For this wonderful birth Most wonderful conquests has won. '• And good-will to man," Though life's but a -pan, And his >oul is all sinful and vile; — Then pray. Christians, pray, And let Christmas-d Have a tear as well as a .-mile. Ca&OE 4. ONDEBFTJI night! Angels and shining immortals, Thronging thine ebony portals, Fling out their banners of Light: Wonderful nieh w Wonderful night ! Dreamed of by prophef ages! 38 CAROLS. Manhood redeemed for all ages, Welcomes thy hallowing might, Wonderful night ! 3 Wonderful night ! Down o'er the stars to restore us, Leading His flame-winged chorus, Comes the Eternal to sight : — Wonderful night ! 4 Wonderful night ! Sweet be thy rest to the weary, Making the dull heart and dreary Laugh in a dream of delight ; Wonderful night ! 5 Wonderful night ! Let me, as long as life lingers, Sing with the cherubim singers, " Glory to God in the height ! " Wonderful night ! Carol 5. CAROL, brothers, carol, Carol joyfully ; Carol the good tidings, Carol merrily. Carol, brothers, carol, Carol joyfully, Carol the good tidings, Carol merrily ; And pray a gladsome Christmas, For all good Christian men. Carol, brothers, carol, Christmas-day again. Carol, but with gladness, Not in songs of earth : On the Saviour's birthday CAROLS. 89 Hall I be our mirth ; While a thousand blessing 11 our hearts with Christmas-day we'll keep The Feasl of Charit Carol broth« ra, occ. 2 At the merry table, Think of those whoVe none, Tin* orphan and the widow, Hungry and alone. Bountiful your oth-rings To thr Altar brill Let the poor and needy Christinas carols sing. irol, brothers, &c. 3 Listening angel music, Discord Bure most cease — Who dare hate his brother On this day of peaa While the heavens are telling To mankind good-will, Only love and kindness Every bo.-om till. Carol brothers, &e. 4 Let our hearts, responding To the Seraph Band, Wish this morning's sunshine Bright in K'wvx land, — Word and deed and prayer Speed tli»* grateful sound, T . _ •• Merry Christina All the world around ! 40 CAROLS. EPIPHANY. Carol 6. WE Three Kings of Orient are, E earing gifts, we traverse afar Field and fountain, Moor and mountain, Following yonder Star. Chorus, — O Star of Wonder, Star of Night, Star with Royal Beauty bright, Westward leading, Still proceeding, Guide us to Thy perfect Light. Gaspard. 2 Born a King on Bethlehem plain, Gold I bring to crown Him again, King forever, Ceasing never Over us all to reign. Chorus, — O Star, &c. M ELCHI o, 3 Frankincense to offer have I, Incense owns a Deity nigh : Prayer and praising All men raising, Worship Him God on High. Chorus, — O Star, &c. Balthazar. 4 Myrrh is mine ; its bitter perfume Breathes a life of gathering gloom ; — Sorrowing, sighing, Bleeding, dying, Sealed in the stone-cold tomb. Chorus, — O Star, &c. C 3. 41 5 Gloriooi now behold Him arisen K in... U)d ( h>i>, and S L< km i< IE ; I [eav'n I lalhdnjah : Hallelujah the « •: i i"t 1 1 repli . — () Star, &C. H EASTER, Carol 7. K h risen ! II«' is risen ! TeD it with a joyful voice ; He has burs! his three days 1 prison, Lei tin* whole wide earth rejoice : Death is conquered, man is Ire . Christ has won the victory. i TeD it to the sinner-, weeping Over deeds in darkness don* Weary last ami vigil keepinj Brightly breaks their Easter snn ; Blood en wa.-h all -ins away, Chris! has conquered hell to day. 3 Come, ye sad and fearful-hearted, With glad smile and radiant brow; Lent's long -hailows have departed, All His woes aiv over now. And the glorious form 1 1«* bei •Iortal ill- can wx no BOOH 1 (\»me, with h'e_di and holygladne Chant our Lord's triumphal lay : X : one touch of twilighl Midi ess Dim- 1 1 - Resurrection I >t < Brightly dawns the radiant East, Brighter tar our 1 r Feast 42 CAROLS. 5 He is risen ! He is risen ! He has oped the eternal gate ; We are free from sin's dark prison, Risen to a holier state ; Soon a brighter Easter beam On our longing eyes shall stream. Carol 8. THE world itself keeps Easter Day, And Easter larks are singing ; And Easter flowers are blooming gay, And Easter buds are springing : Alleluia ! The Lord of all things lives anew, And all His works are rising too : Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Praise the Lord. 2 There stood three Maries by the tomb, On Easter morning early, When day had scarcely chased the gloom, And dew was white and pearly : Alleluia ! With loving, but with erring mind, They came the Prince of Life to find : Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Praise the Lord ! 3 But earlier still the Angel sped, His news of comfort giving ; And " why," he said " among the dead Thus seek ve for the Living ? " Alleluia ! " Go, tell them all, and make them blest ; Tell Peter first, and then the rest." Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia ! Praise the Lord ! CARnr.S. 43 4 TI, rid itself kee] r Day, Ail !:i>lrr lark- an- sin^in And Baster flowers are blooming gay, And Baster birds are springin Alleluia I The Lord is risen as all things tell, Good Christian-, Bee ye rise as \\«-ii! Alleluia ! Alleluia ! Alleluia I Praise the Lord ! A TABLE OF FIRST LINES. T This collection < -. Hymns c om p ris es only those which hav adapted to music. Some of them hare been introduced on account of tin- great popularity of tin ir tunes with children. The music iund in u The ChildrensH bant and Tune Honk," published by the P. 1 - & bool Union, and in other well known works < similar character. HI Around the throne i I in heaven utitiil Zion, built above 87 -t of the 6 I the mornii g 16 rhy birth, Thou Boli 17 ( aim on the boeom «>t' thy (i<>«- Joyfully, ioyfully, onn 26 Little children, fove th< ur i Little tr.iv.ll / award v t<« tl. S tomb M M\ gliding swiftly by.. .. . 38 i ly 5 banner 11 Ireary night is <1<-:h- i »h. do not tx • B hiMn-n.. ;.!;. I ather bids us a-i Our snly Fall ur our pi 46 Out on an ocean all boun< 41 46 TABLE OF SUBJECTS. HYMN Preserved by Thine Almighty power 8 The Bible ! the Bible ! more precious than gold 1 The Lord is my Shepherd, how happy am 1 37 There is a happy land 43 Watchman, tell us of the night 39 We bring no glittering treasures 33 "We gather, we gather ■ 32 We'll not give up the Bible 2 We love the Sunday-school, — the place 10 We speak of the realms of the blest 25 When daily I kneel down to pray 6 When sickness, pain, and death 23 A TABLE TO FIND HYMNS SUITED TO PARTICULAR SUBJECTS AND OCCASIONS. ♦ HYMNS The Bible 1, 2 Religion in Youth 3, 4 Praver 5,6 The Lord's Day 7, 8 The Sunday School 9, 10 Missions 11, 12 Advent 13 Christmas 14, 15 Epiphany 16 Lent -17 Easter 18 Ascension 19 Whitsunday 20 Trinity Sunday 21 Deaths and Funerals 22-24 Heaven 25-28 Morning and Evening 29-31 Anniversary 32-34 Miscellaneous 35-46 wVh " V - ' v . . . ■ uuv