vv •' F-452^| FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY gectlo. SP'O "X- t- Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Calvin College http://www.archive.org/details/additionalhymnstOOevan ADDITIONAL HJJMNS o THE jyL 281936 COLLECTION OF FOR TliE USE OF EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN CHURCHES. ri'BMSHED BY ORDER OF THE ENANOEHCAL LUTHERAN MIJIISTEBIUM OF THE STATE OF NEW-YOKK. \te.A. Lv|L:1kV\e.rA. A - .1 ry .-V I ■• NE W'YORK : PRINTED AND SOLD BY HENRY LUDWIG, Corner of Greenwich auid Vesey-streets. Sold also by N. B. HOLMES, No. 262, Greenwich-st., Xno-York ;— Rev. F. G. MAYER, No. 25, Montgomery-street, ^//wny ,— GEORGE W. MENTZ triisl for the Evangelical 1-ntiieran iMiiiisleriurn of the State of New-York and adjacent parts, in tlie Clerk's Office of the Dislrifl Court of ilie l.'nued States for the Southern District of iNew-York.] N R W - Y O R K ; bTKI.KorVI-KD i:V' IIKNKY W, P.EE;', A TABLE TO FIND ANY HYMN IN THIJ APPENDIX BY THE FIRST LINE.* A CHARGE to keep I have Again our ears have heard the voice Alas, what hourly dangers rise . Almighty God, thy word is cast Almighty God, in humble prayer Am I a soldier of the cross As body, when the soul has fled As every day thy mercy spares As parch'd in barren sands ... As when the weary trav'Uer gains . . At ev'ry moment, ev'ry breath A voice from the desert comes awful and shrill Awake, my drowsy soul, awake BEHOLD my servant, see him rise Behold the man ! how glorious he Behold the mountain of the Lord Behold the Saviour on the cross Be still, my heart, these anxious cares Blessed state, and happy he . . . Blest hour, when virtuous friends shall meet Blest is the mem'ry of the just Blow ye the trumpet, blow CHILDREN of the Heav'nly King . Clav to clav, and dust todust . Come, Blessed Spirit, source of light Come, thou fount of ev'ry blessing . Come to the house of prayer . Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish DO flesh and nature dread to die ENOUGH of life's vain scenes I've trod Eternal pow'r, whose high abode Exert thy pow'r, thy rights maintain FARfromtheworld, OLord, Iflee Far from thy fold, O Lord, my feet . Father of all, whose sov'reign will . Father of eternal },'race .... Father of lights, we sing thy name Father of mercies, bow thine ear Father, thy jiaternal care . . , ■ Forgive, Lord, for thy mercy's sake Forth from the dark and stormy sky * The folios are the same as they are in the new and enlarged edition of Hymns, IV TABLE OF FIRST LINKS. From ev'ry stormy wind that blows From ev'ry thought and wish imjuire From Greenland's icy mountains GIVE me the wings of faith to rise Glorious things of thee are spoken Glory to God who reigns above God of the morning, at whose voice God reigns, events in order flow Go to dark Gethseraane Great God of wonders ! all thy ways Great God ! what do I see and hear Guide me, O thou great Jehovah HAIL ! to the heav'nly pow'r which broke Hail ! to the Lord's anointed Happiness, thou lovely name . Happy the man whose cautious steps Hark ! a voice divides the sky Hark! the song of Jubilee Hark ! what mean those holy voices Hasten, sinner, to be wise Hear what God the Lord hath spoken Heav'n is a place of rest from sin Heirs of unending life Here, in a world of doubts Holy Ghost ! dispel our sadness How bless'd the righteous, when he dies How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord How oft, alas ! this wretched heart . How shall the young secure their hearts How sweetly flowM the gospel's sound Howwond'rous and great thy woiks, God of praise I CANNOT shun the stroke of death I would not live alway, I ask not to stay If all our hopes, and all our fears In the soft season of thy youth Is there on earth a nobler name JERUSALEM, my happy home Jesus ! I my cross have taken . Jesus ! when faith with fixed eyes , LET others boast their ancient line Let Zion's watchmen all awake Like shadows gliding o'er the plain . Lord, forever at thy side Lord God of armies, who can boast Lord of hosts, to thee we raise Lord of the harvest, God of grace . Lord of the sea, thy potent sway ^ . Lord, should we leave thy hallow'd feet TABLE OF TIIR FIRST MNES. Lord, teach iij? how to pray aright . Lord, what is man ? extromos how wide Lord, wirhglowiiii^r heart I'd praise thee Love divine, all love excelling MAY the grace of Christ our Saviour Mighty Gud ! another day My God, I thank thee, may no thought My God, my strength, my hope My God, the steps of pious men My gracious God, I own thy right . My soul with patience waits My spirit looks to God alone . NOT by the terrors of a slave Now may he who from the dead OBOW thin 'J ear. Eternal One . O draw me. Father, after thee . O from the world's vile slavery O God, accept the sacred hour O God, how free thy mercies flow O God, mine inmost soul convert O hapi)y day, that stays my choice . Oh help us. Lord, each hour of need Oh praise ye the Lord, his greatness proclaim Oh thou, bv long experience tried O Spirit of'the living God O thou from whom all goodness flows O thou, who art above all heights O thou, who hast at thy command . O where shall rc.-t be'found PEOPLE of the living God Praise, everlasting praise be paid QUIET, Lord, my froward heart RETURN, my soul, unto thy rest Rise, my soul, and stretch thy wings SAFELY through another week Searcher of hearts, to thee are knowi See how he lov'd, exclaim'd the Jews See the vineyard thou hast planted . Sing, ye redeemed of the Lord Sinner, art thou still secure Sleep, sleep to-day, tormenting cares Sometimes alight surprises Songs of praise the angels sang Sovereign Ruler of the skies . Spirit of truth, on this thy day Stand still, refulgent orb of day Sweet peace of conscience, heav'nly guest TABLE OF FIRST LINKS. TEACH me, my God and King That day of wrath, that day of dread The angel conies, he comes to reap . The day is far spent, the evening is nigh The day is past and gone The glorious universe around The God of glory walks his round The Lord, how tender is his love The Lord my Shepherd is The Lord will come, the earth shall quak( The morning dawns upon the place The righteous Lord, supremely great The Saviour, ere he breathed The Son of God goes forth to war . The Spirit, in our hearts "^rhe time draws near when thou, my soul They who on (he Lord rely This child we dedicate 1o thee Through all the changing scenes of life Through shades and solitudes profound Thus far on life's perplexing path Thus shall thou love th' Almighty Lord Tooether let us plead To God, of ev'ry good the spring To keep the lamp alive UNGRATEFUL mortal, whence th Unite, my roving thoughts, unite Unveil thy bosom, faithful tomb WEAK and irresolute is man Welcome, sweet day of rest What cheering words are these What must it be to dwell above What various hindrances wc meet When before thy throne we kneel When Israel through the desert pass When, Lord, to this our western land While, with ceaseless course, the sun Who are these in bright array Who is this that comes from Edom Whom have we, Lord, in lieav'n but thee Why mournest thou, iny anxious soul Why thus impatient to be gone YE faithful souls, who Jesus know . ZEAL is that pure and heav'nly flame ADDITIONAL HYMNS Hymn 521. p. m. is. Songs of Praise. 1 O ONGS of praise the angels sang, ^3 Heav'n with hallelujahs rang, When Jehovah's work begun, When he spake and it was done. 2 Songs of praise awoke the mom, When the Prince of peace was bom ; Songs of praise arose, when he Captive led captivity. 3 Heav'n and earth must pass away ; Songs of praise shall crown that day. God will make new heav'ns and earth ; Songs of praise shall hail their birth. 4 And shall man alone be dumb. Till that glorious kingdom come i No : — the church delights to raise Psalms, and hymns, and songs of praise. 5 Saints below, with heart and voice, Still in songs of praise rejoice ; Learning here by faith and love, Songs of praise to sing above. 6 Borne upon their latest breath, Songs of praise shall conquer death : Then, amidst eternal joy, Songs of praise their pow'rs employ 352 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 522. p. m. los & iis. Revelation xv. 3, 4. 1 TTOW wondrous and great thy works, God of JLJL praise ! How just, King of saints, and true are thy ways ! O who shall not fear thee, and honour thy name ? Thou only art holy, thou only supreme ! 2 To nations long dark thy light shall be shown ; Their worship and vows shall come to thy throne. Thy truth and thy judgments shall spread all abroad, Till earth's ev'ry people confess thee their God. Hymn 523. p. m. los & ns. Adoring Praise. Psalm civ. 1 ^~\ PRAISE ye the Lord, his greatness proclaim : V^ Jehovah, our God, how awful thy name ! How vast is thy power, thy glory how great ! Lo, myriads of spirits thy mandates await ! 2 Thy canopy's heav'n, in splendour so bright; Thy chariot the clouds, thy garment the light. The works of creation thy bidding perform ; Thou ridest the whirlwind, directest the storm. 3 What wisdom is shown, what power display'd In all that thy hand hath fashion' d and made ! The earth full of riches, in beauty complete ; The fathomless ocean, with wonders replete. 4 O thou, our great God, Redeemer, and King ! With hearts full of love to thee will we sing ; To life's latest moment our voices we'll raise, And join in the chorus of blessing and praise. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 353 Hymn 524. l. m. God exalted above all Praise. 1 "C^ TERNAL Pow'r ! whose high abode i^i Becomes the grandeur of a God ; Infinite lengths beyond the bounds Where stars revolve their little rounds ! 2 Far in the depths of space, thy throne Burns with a lustre all its own : In shining ranks beneath thy feet, Angelic pow'rs and splendours meet. 3 Lord, what shall feeble mortals do ? We would adore our Muker too : With lowly minds to tliee we cry, The Great, the Holy, and the High. 4 God is in heav'n, and man below : Short be our tunes, our words be few : Let sacred rev'rence check our songs, And praise sit silent on our tongues. Hymn 525. l. m. God's Power and Majesty. 1 r ORD God of armies, who can boast I i Of strength or pow'r like thine renown'd? Of such a num'rous faithful host. As that which does thy throne surround ? 2 What seraph of celestial birth To vie with Israel's God shall dare? Or who among the gods of earth With our Almighty Lord compare ? 3 Thine arm is potent, high thy hand : Yet, Lord, thou dost with justice reign. 354 ADDITIONAL HYMNS, Possess' d of absolute command, Thou truth and mercy wilt sustain. 4 With rev'rence and religious dread, Thy saints shall to thy temple press ; Thy fear through all their hearts shall spread, Who thine almighty name confess. 5 And in thy strength shall they advance ; Their conquests from thy favour spring : The Lord of hosts is their defence, And Israel's God is Israel's King- Hymn 526. l. m. The Presence of God makes every Place delightful, 1 /^H thou, by long experience try'd, V>F Near whom no grief can long abide ! All scenes alike engaging prove To souls impress' d with sacred love. 2 I can be calm and free from care On any shore, since thou art there ; And with my God to guide my way, 'Tis equal joy to go or stay. 3 Could I be cast where thou art not, That were indeed a dreadful lot : But regions none remote I call. Secure of finding thee in all. Hymn 527. p. m. ss. God Omnipresent and Omniscient. 1 ^1E ARCHER of hearts! to thee are known k^ The inmost secrets of my breast. At home, abroad, in crowds, alone. Thou mark' St my rising and my rest, ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 3fi5 My thoughts far off) through ev'ry maze, Source, stream, and issue — all my ways. 2 No word that from my mouth proceeds, Evil or good, escapes thine ear. Witness thou art to all my deeds — Before, behind, for ever near. Such knowledge is for me too high : I live but in my Maker's eye. 3 How from thy presence should I go, Or whither from thy Spirit flee ; Since all above, around, below, Exist in thine immensity, And feel thine all-controlling will, While thy right hand upholds them still ? 4 How precious are thy thoughts of peace, O God, to me ! how vast the sum ! New ev'ry morn, they never cease; They were, they are, and yet shall come. In number and in compass more Than all the sand of ocean's shore. 5 Search me, O God, and know my heart ; Try me, my secret soul survey ; And warn thy servant to depart From ev'ry false and evil way; And let thy truth my guidance be To life and immortality. Hymn 528. l. m. Divine Mercy and Compassion. 1 /^ GOD, how free thy mercies flow ! yj But thy reluctant wrath, how slow ! High as the bright expanded skies, Thy vast, unbounded mercies rise. 2 As distant as creating pow'r Has fix'd the east and western shore, 31 356 ADDITIONAL HYMNS So far our num'rous crimes remove At the sweet voice of pard'ning love. 3 The tend' rest yearning nature knows, A father's love, too faintly shows The ever-kind, indulgent care, Which God's obedient children share. 4 His mercy with unchanging rays For ever shines, while time decays; And children's children shall record The truth and goodness of the Lord. Hymn 529. p. m. 8s. The Pardoning God, Micah vii. 18. 1 ^ RE AT God of wonders ! all thy ways VX Are matchless, heav'nly and divine : But the bright glories of thy grace More godlike and unrivall'd shine. Who is a pard'ning God like thee? Or who has grace so rich and free ? 2 Sins of such horror to forgive, Such guilty, daring worms to spare — This is thy grand prerogative. And none shall in thine honour sh^re. Who is a pard'ning God like thee? Or who has grace so rich and free ? 3 Angels and men resign their claim To pity, mercy, love, and grace : These glories crown Jehovah's name With an incomparable blaze. Who is a pard'ning God like thee ? Or who has grace so rich and free ? 4 In wonder lost, with trembling joy We take the pardon of our God — Pardon for sins of deepest dye, A pardon seal'd with Jesus' blood. ADDITIONAL TIYMNS. 357 Who is a pard'ning Gwl like thee? Or who lias grace so rich and free? 5 O may this vast, this matchless grace, Tliis f^odhke miracle of love, Fill the wide earth with grateful praise, And all th' angelic clioirs above ! Who is a pard'ning God like thee? Or who has grace so rich and free ? Hymn 530. l. m. Lord, loliat is Manl \ T ORD, what is man? Extremes how wide I i In liis mysterious nature join ! The flesh, to earth and dust allied ; The soul, immortal and divine ! 2 Lord, wiiat is man, when grace reveals Pardon and hope through Jesus' blood? A pow'r, a life divine he feels. Despises earth, and walks with God. 3 And what, in yonder realms above. Is ransom' d man ordain' d to be; With honour, holiness, and love Adorn' d, and ever dear to thee? 4 In endless bliss and rapt'rous song, Shall man his hallelujahs raise ; While hosts of angels round thee throng, And swell the chorus o^ thy praise. Hymn 531. l. m. Providential Bounties improved, 1 |il ATHER of lights ! we sing thy name, Jl Who kindlest up the lamp of day : Wide as he spreads his golden flame, His beams thy pow'r and love display. 358 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 2 Fountain of good ! from thee proceed The copious drops of genial rain, Which, o'er the hill and through the mead, Revive the grass and swell the grain. 3 Through the wide world thy bounties spread, Yet millions of our guilty race, Though by thy daily bounty fed. Affront thy law, and spurn thy grace. 4 Not so may our forgetful hearts O'erlook the tokens of thy care; But, what thy lib'ral hand imparts, Still own in praise, still ask in pray'r. 5 So shall our suns more grateful shine, And show'rs in sweeter drops shall fall, When all our hearts and lives are thine. And thou, O God, enjoy' d in all. Hymn 532. s. m. God our Shepherd. Psalm xxiii. 1 r 1 1 LIE Lord my Shepherd is, JL I shall be well supplied : Since he is mine, and I am his, What can I want beside? 2 He leads me to the place Where heav'nly pasture grows. Where living waters gently pass. And full salvation flows. 3 If e'er I go astray, He doth my soul reclaim. And guides me in his own right way, For his most holy name. 4 While he affords his aid, I cannot yield to fear : Though I should walk thro' death's dark shade, My Shepherd's with me there. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 359 5 The bounties of his love Shall crown my foil" wing days; Nor from his house shall I remove, Nor cease to speak his praise. Hymn 533. p. m. 73. All from God. FATHER! thy paternal care Has my guardian been, my guide. Ev'ry hallow' d wish and pray'r Has thy hanfl of love supply d. Thine is ev'ry thought of bliss, Left by hours and days gone by ; Ev'ry hope thine offspring is, Beaming from futurity. Ev'ry sun of splendid ray; Ev'ry moon that shines serene; Ev'ry morn that welcomes day; Ev'ry evenings twilight scene; Ev'ry hour which wisdom brings; Ev'ry incense at thy shrine; These — and all life's holiest things; And its fairest — all are thine. And for all, my hymns shall rise Daily to tliy gracious throne : Thither let mine asking eyes Turn un weary' d — righteous ojie ! Through life's strange vicissitude There reposing all my care ; Trusting still, througli ill and good, Fix'd, and cheer'd, and counsell d there. Hymn 531. p. m. s«. The Mariner's Hymv. LORD of the Sea ! thy |X)tent sway Old Ocean's wildest waves obey. 31* 360 ADDITIONAL lIYiAlNS. The gale that whistles tli rough the sliroiuls, The storm that drives the frighted clouds, — If but thy whisper order peace, How soon their rude commotions cease ! 2 Lord of the Sea ! the seaman keep From all the dangers of the dec;p ! When high the white-capp'd billows rise, When tempests roar along tlie skies, When foes or shoals awaken fear — ■ O in thy mercy be thou near ! 3 Lord of the Sea ! a sea is life Of care and sorrow, wo and strife! With watchful pains we steer along. To keep the right path, shun the wrong. grant, when here we cease to roam, To us an everlasting home ! Hymn 535. p. m. ts. Our times in the hand of (rod. 1 OOV'REIGN ruler of the skies, k3 Ever gracious, ever wise ! All my times are in thy hand, All events at thy command. 2 Thou did'st form me by thy pow'r; Thou wilt guide me, hour by hour : All my times shall ever be Order' d by thy wise decree : — 3 Times of sickness, times of health ; Times of penury and wealth ; Times of trial and of grief; Times of triumph and relief. 4 O thou gracious, wise, and just ! Unto thee my life I trust. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 361 Have I somewhat dearer still 1 I resign it to thy will. 5 May I always own thy hand * Still to thee surrender'd stand; Know that thou art God alone ; I and mine are all thine own. Hymn 536. c. m. God sends both Prosperity and Adversity 1 r I ^ HE Lord ! how tender is liis love ! JL His justice, how august ! Hence all her fears my soul derives ; There anchors all my trust. 2 He show'rs the manna from above, To feed the barren waste ; Or points with death the dreadful hail, And famine waits the blast. 3 Crowns, realms, and worlds, his wrath incens'd. Are dust beneath his tread : He blights the fair, unplumes the proud, And shakes the learned head. 4 He bids distress forget to groan. The sick from anguish cease : In dungeons spreads his healing wing, And softly whispers peace. 5 For me, O Lord ! whatever lot The hours commission' d bring: Do all my with' ring blessings die, Or fairer clusters spring : 6 O grant that still, with grateful heart, My years resign' d may run : 'Tis thine to give or to resume; And may thy will be done ! 362 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 537. c. m. God's Providence, and the Folly of Self-depend- ence. 1 /^ OD reigns ; events in order flow, VJT Man's industry to guide : But in a diff'rent channel go, To humble human pride. 2 The swift not always, in the race, Shall seize the crowning prize ; Not always wealth and honour grace The labours of the wise. 3 Fond mortals but themselves beguile. When on tliemselves they rest : Blind is their wisdom, vain their toil, By thee, O Lord, unbless'd. 4 Evil and good before thee stand, Tlunr mission to perform : The sun shines bright at thy command, Thy hand directs the storm. 5 O Lord, in all our ways we'll own Thy providential pow'r; Ejitrusting to thy care alone The lot of ev'ry hour. Hymn 538. p. m. hs. Ckrisfs Adventy " Prepare ye the loay of the Lordr 1 \ VOICE from the desert comes awful tuid Jl\. shrill: The Lord is advancing! prepare ye the way ! The word of Jehovah he comes to fulfil, And o'er the dark world pour the splendor of day. 2 Bring down the proud mountain, thougli tow' ring to heav'n, And be the low valley exalted on \\\^\i : B ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 363 The rough path and crooked be made smootlie and even; For, Zion ! your King, your Redeemer is nigli. 3 The beams of salvation his progress illume; The lone, dreary wilderness sings of her I.ord; The rose and the myrtle there suddenly bloom, And the olive of peace spreads its branches abroad. Hymn 539. cm. Chrisfs Character foretold. EHOLD my servant, see him rise Exalted in my might ! Him have I chosen, and in him I place supreme delight. 2 Gentle and still shall be his voice ; No threats from him proceed ; The smoking flax shall he not quench, Nor break the bruised reed. 3 The feeble spark to flames he'll raise ; The weak will not despise ; Judgment he shall bring forth to truth, And make the fallen rise. 4 The progress of his zeal and power Shall never know decline, Till foreign lands and distant isles Receive the law divine. Hymn 540. p. m. ss & 7s. Song of the Angels at Bethlehem. 1 TXARK ! what mean those holy voices, JLX Sweetly sounding through the skies? Lo ! th' angelic host rejoices ; Heavenly hallelujahs rise. 364 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 2 Listen to the wondrous story, Which they chant in hymns of joy : " Glory in the highest, glory ! Glory be to God most high ! 3 " Peace on earth, good-will from heaven. Reaching far as man is found : Souls redeemed and sins forgiven : — Loud our golden harps shall sound. 4 "Christ is born, the great anointed : Heav'n and earth his praises sing ! O receive whom God appointed For your prophet, priest, and king." 5 Let us learn the wondrous story Of our great Redeemer's birth ; Spread the brightness of his glory, Till it cover all the earth. Hymn 541. l. m. Prophecy fulfilled in Chrisfs birth. 1 /^ LORY to God who reigns above, vX Who dwells in light, whose name is love ; Ye saints and angels, if ye can, Declare the grace of God to man. 2 Messiah's come : with joy behold The days by prophets long foretold. Judah, thy royal sceptre's broke. And time still proves what Jacob spoke. 3 Daniel, thy weeks are all expir'd, The time prophetic seals requir'd : Cut off for sins, but not his own. Thy Prince, Messiah, did atone. 4 We see the prophecies fulfill' d In Jesus, God's most " holy child." His birth, his life, his death combine. To prove his character divine. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 365 Hymn 542. p. m. 7s. & 6s. Psalm Ixxii. HAIL to the Lord's Anointed, Great David's greater Son ! Hail, in the time appointed, His reign on earth begun ! He comes to break oppression, To set the captive free ; To take away transgression, And rule in equity. He comes with succour speedy To those who suffer wrong ; To help the poor and needy. And bid the weak be strong : To give them songs for sighing; Their darkness turn to light, Whose souls, condemn' d and dying, Were precious in his sight. He shall descend like showers Upon the fruitful earth ; And love, joy, hope, like flowers. Spring in his path to birth. Before him, on the mountains. Shall peace, the herald, go ; And righteousness, in fountains, From hill to valley flow. For him shall pray'r unceasing And daily vows ascend ; His kingdom still increasins^, A kingdom without end. The tide of time shall never His covenant remove ; His name shall stand for ever ; That name to us is — love. 366 additional hymns. Hymn 543. l.m. ' ' Salvation through Jesus. 1 f I JO God, of ev'ry good the spring, JL The tribute of your praises bring, For grace and truth through Jesus giv'n, Mercy and peace and hopes of heav'n. 2 Grateful the joyous news proclaim, Salvation is in Jesus' name. Salvation ! shout the glorious sound, Proclaim it to the world around. 3 Tell ev'ry fearful, trembling soul, The word of Christ will make him whole. Invite the hungry poor to come ; • : At Jesus' feast there still is room. 4 Jesus ! that name shall calm their fears, Dispel their doubts, and dry their tears, Give ease to ev'ry throbbing breast, And to the sorrowing mourner rest. 5 Jesus, our Prophet, Saviour, King ! For Jesus grateful praise we bring To thee from whom his blessings flow'd; To thee, our Father and our God. H Hymn 544. l. m. Jesus teaching the People, OW sweetly flow'd the gospel's sound From lips of gentleness and grace, When list'ning thousands gathered round. And joy and rev'rence fiU'd the place. 2 From heav'n he came, of heav'n he spoke, To heav'n he led his foll'wers' way : Dark clouds of gloomy night he broke, Unveiling an immortal day. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 367 3 "Come, wand'rers, to my Father's home; Come, all ye weary ones, and rest ! " Yes, sacred Teacher, we will come, Obey thee, love thee, and be blest. 4 Decay, then, tenements of dust ! Pillars of earthly pride, decay ! A nobler mansion waits the just, And Jesus has prepared the way. Hymn 545. c. m. Christ, the Way, the Truth, and the Life. 1 T ORD, should we leave thy hallow' d feet, I J To whom could we repair? Where else such holy comforts meet, As spring perennial there '? 2 Thou art the way — through thee alone From sin and death we flee : And he who would the Father seek, Must seek him, Lord, by thee. 3 Thou art the truth — ^thy word alone Sound wisdom can impart : Thou only canst inform tlie mind. And purify the heart. ' 4 Thou art the life — the rending tomb Proclaims thy conqu'ring arm: And those who put their trust in thee, Nor death nor heil shall harm. 5 Thou art the way, the truth, the life : Grant us that way to know, That truth to keep, that life to win, Whose joys eternal flow. Hymn 546. c. i\t. Excellency of the religion of Jesus. I TS there on earth a nobler name M- Than Jesus « 2 To this the joyful nation's round. All tribes and tongues shall flow: ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 377 "Up to the hill of God," they say, "And to his courts we'll go." 3 The beams that shine on Zion's hill Shall lighten ev'ry land: The King who reigns in Zion's tow'rs, Shall all the world command. 4 No longer hosts encount'ring hosts, Their millions slain deplore ; They hang the trumpet in the hall. And study war no more. 5 Come, then — Oh, come from ev'ry land, To worship at his shrine ; And, walking in the light of God, With holy beauties shine. Hymn 560. p. m. The spread of Chrisfs Kingdom, to be desired and promoted. I I j1 ROM Greenland's icy mountains. J? From India's coral strand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down their golden sand ; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain. They call us to deliver Thek- land from error's chain. H What though the spicy breezes Blow soft o'er Ceylon's isle; Though ev'ry prospect pleases, And only man is vile : In vain with lavish kindness The gifts of God are strown : The heathen, in his blindness, Bows down to wood and stone. 378 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 3 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high, Shall we to men benighted The lamp of life deny ? Salvation ! O salvation ! The joyful sound proclaim. Till each remotest nation, Has learn' d Messiah's name, 4 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory. It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er our ransom' d nature The Lamb for siimers slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to reign. Hymn 561. l. m. 1 1^ SPIRIT of the living God! v^ In all thy plenitude of grace, Where'er the foot of man hath trod, Descend on our benighted race ! 2 Give tongues of fire and hearts of love, To preach the reconciling word ; Give pow'r and unction from above. Where'er the joyful sound is heard. 3 Be darkness, at thy coming, light ; Confusion, order, in thy path ; Souls without strength inspire with might : Bid mercy triumph over wrath. 4 Convert the nations : far and nigh The triumphs of the cross record ; The name of Jesus glorify, Till ev'ry people call him Lord. additional hymns. 379 Hymn 562. l. m. Daniel ii. 45. 1 T7^ XERT thy pow'r, thy rights mamtain, Xli Insulted, everlasting King ! The influence of thy crown increase, And strangers to thy footstool bring. 2 We long to see that happy time, That promis'd and expected day, When countless myriads of our race The second Adam shall obey. 3 The prophecy must be fulfill' d, Though earth and hell should dare oppose ; The stone cut from the mountain's side. Though unobserv'd, to empire grows. -4 Soon shall the blended image fall. Brass, silver, iron, gold, and clay ; And superstition's gloomy reign To light and liberty give way. 5 In one sweet symphony of praise, Gentile and Jew shall then unite ; And infidelity, asham'd, Sink in th' abyss of endless night. *6 From east to west, from north to south, Immanuel's kingdom shall extend; And ev'ry man, in ev'ry face. Shall meet a brother and a friend. Hymn 563. p. m. s, s, & 6s. Spread of the Gospel in the New Settlements of the United States. •w HEN. Lord, to this our western land. Led by thy providential hand. Our wand' ring fathers came : 33 380 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Their ancient homes, their friends in youth, Sent forth the heralds of thy truth, To keep them in thy name. 2 Then, through our soHtary coast, The desert features soon were lost ; Thy temples there arose : Our shores, as culture made them fair, Were hallow' d by thy rites, by pray'r, And blossom' d as the rose. ^ And, O ! may we repay this debt To regions solitary yet Within our spreading land ! There, brethren from our common home Still westward, like our fathers, roam ; Still guided by thy hand. 4 Father ! we own this debt of love : O shed thy Spirit from above. To move each Christian breast ; Till heralds shall thy truth proclaim, And temples raise to fix thy name Through all our desert west. Hymn 564. p. m. ts. Revelation xiv. 2, 3. ARK ! the song of Jubilee 'H Loud as mighty thunders roar, Or the fulness of the sea. When it breaks upon the shore. S Hallelujah ! for the Lord God omnipotent shall reign. Hallelujah ! let the word Echo round the earth and main. 3 See Jehovah's banner furl'd, Sheath'd his sword : he speaks — ^'tis dohe; ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 3Sl And the kingdoms of this world Are the kingdoms of his Son. 4 He shall reign from pole to pole With ilHmitable sway : He shall reign, when like a scroll Yonder heav'ns have pass'd away. 5 Then the end : — beneath his rod Man's last enemy shall fall. Hallelujah ! Christ in God, God in Christ, is all in all. Hymn 565. p. m. ss&ts. The Church, the City of God. Psalm Ixxvii. 3. Isaiah xxxiii. 20, 21. 1 f^ LORIOUS things of tliee are spoken, v3r Zion, city of our God ! He whose word cannot be broken, Form'd thee for his own abode. 2 On the rock of ages founded. What can shake thy sure repose? With salvation's walls surrounded, Thou may'st smile at all thy foes. 3 See, the streams of living waters. Springing from fiternal love, WeU supply thy sons and daughters. And all fear of want remove. 4 Who can faint, while such a river Ever flows tliy thirst t' assuage ? Grace, which, like the Lord, the giver, Never fails from age to age. Hymn 566. c. m. For Whit Sunday. \ O PIRIT of tmth, on this thy day k3 To thee for help we cry, 382 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. To guide us through the dreary way Of dark mortality ! 2 We ask not, Lord, the cloven flame, Or tongues of various tone : But long thy praises to proclaim With fervour in our own. 3 We mourn not, that prophetic skill Is found on earth no more : Enough for us, to trace thy will In scripture's sacred lore. 4 No heav'nly harpings soothe our ear, No mystic dreams we share: Yet hope to feci thy comfort near, And bless thee in our pray'r. 5 When tongues shall cease, and pow'r decay, And knowledge empty prove, Do thou thy trembling servants stay With faith, and hope, and love. Hymn 567. s. m. The Divine Spirit, the Teacher, Supporter, and Comforter. 1 f B IHE Saviour, ere he breath'd JL His tender, last farewell, A Guide, a Comforter, bequeath'd, With us on earth to dwell. 2 He came in tongues of flame, To teach, convince, subdue : All pow'rful as the wind he came. To sense as viewless too. 3 His is the voice we hear, Soft as the breath of ev'n, That checks each fault, that calms each fear, And speaks to us of heav'n. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 383 4 Eacli virtue we possess, Each vict'ry we have won, And ev'ry thought of hoUuess, Are his, and his alone. 5 Spirit of might and grace, Our weakness pityhig see : O make our hearts thy dwelling-place, A temple worthier thee. Hyi\in 588. L. M. Teachings of the Spirit. 1 /^ OME, blessed Spirit, source of light, V_y Whose pow'r and grace are unconfiii'd, Dispel the gloomy shades of night. The thicker darkness of the mind. 2 To mine illumin'd eyes display The glorious truth thy word reveals ; Cause me to run thy heav'nly w^y ; The book unfold, unloose the seals. 3 Thine inward teachings make me know, The myst'ries of redeeming love, The emptiness of things below. The excellence of things above. 4 While through this dubious maze I stray, Spread, like the sun, thy beams abroad. To show the dangers of the way. And guide my feeble steps to God. Hymn 569. p. im. as & 7s. Comforts of the Holy Spirit. OLY Ghost ! dispel our sadness, H Pierce the clouds of nature's night: Come, thou source of joy and gladness, Breathe thy life and spread thy light. 33* 384 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. ti Come, thou best -of all donations God can give, or man implore ! Ilavinf^ thy sweet consolations, We need wish for nothing more. 3 Author of the new creation! Come with unction and with pow'r; Make our hearts thy habitation; On our souls thy graces show'r. 4 Manifest thy love for ever ; Fence us in on ev'ry side; In distress be our reliever; Guard and teacli, support and guide. 5 Hear, oh, hear our supplication. Blessed Spirit ! God of peace ! Rest upon this congregation With the fulness of thy grace. Hymn 570. s. m. Man^s Dependence, on Divine Saccout 1 ^ J ^ O keep the lamp alive, i With oil we fill the bowl : 'Tis water makes the willow thrive, And grace that feeds the soul. 2 The Lord's unsparing hand Supplies the living stream : It is not at our own command, But still deriv'd from him. 3 Man's wisdom is to seek His strength in God alone ; And e'en an angel would be weak, Who trusted in his own. i Retreat beneath his winj';s, And in his grace confide : This more exalts the King of kings, Than all your works beside. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 385 5 In God is all our store ; Grace issues from his throne. Whoever says, " I want no more," Confesses he has none. Hymn 571. s. m. Philippians ii. 13, 13. 1 TTEIRS of unending life, jn While yet we sojourn Mere, O let us our salvation work With trembling and with fear ! 2 God will support our souls With might before unknown. The work to be perform' d is ours; The strength is all his own. 3 'Tis he that works to will, 'Tis he that works to do : His is the pow'r by which we act; His be the glory too ! Hymn 572. p. m. 7s. The Fruitfulness and Happiness of the Godly spring from God. Psalm i. 3. 1 X>LESSED state, and happy he, _b3 Who is like that planted tree ! Living waters lave his root ; Bends his bough with golden fruit. 2 Thine, O Lord! the pow'r and praise, Which a sight like this displays. Pow'r of thine must plant it there : Praise of thee it should declare. 3 Thou must first prepare the ground,- Sow the seed, and fence it round. 386 ADDITIONAL HYMNvS. Streams that water, suns that shine, Each and all are ever thine. 4 When the seedling from its bed First lifts up its timid head, Ministry of thine must give All on which its life can live. 5 Show'rs from thee must bid it tlirive; Breath of thine must oft revive ; Light from thee its bloom supplies; Left by thee, it fades and dies. Whose, then, when a tree up-grown, Should its fruit be, but tlime own? And thy glorious heritage Is its fadeless leaf hi age. Hymn 573. l. m. The Scriptures our Light and Guide. 1 \^%7~HEN Israel through the desert pass'd, T f A fiery })illar went before. To guide tliem through the dreary waste, And lessen the fatigues they bore. 2 Such is thy glorious word, O God ! 'Tis for our light and guidance giv'n : It sheds a lustre all abroad, And points the path to bliss and heav'n. 3 It fills the soul with sweet delight, And quickens its inactive pow'rs : It sets our wand' ring footsteps right ; Displays thy love, and kindles ours. 4 Its promises rejoice our hearts ; Its doctrines are divinely true : Knowledge and pleasure it imparts ; It comforts and instructs us too. 5 Ye favourM lands, who Lave this word ! Ye saints, who feel its saving povv'r! ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 387 Unite your tongues to praise the Lord, And his distinguish' d grace adore. Hymn 574. c. m. Instruction from Scripture, 1 TTOW shall the young secure their hearts XJ_ And guard their lives from sin 1 Thy word the choicest rules imparts, To keep the conscience clean. 2 When once it enters to the mind. It spreads such light abroad, The meanest souls instruction find. And raise their thoughts to God. 3 The starry heav'ns thy rule obey. The earth maintains her place ; And these thy servants, night and day, Thy skill and power express. 4 But still thy law and gospel, Lord, Have lessons more divine : Not earth stands firmer than thy word. Nor stars so nobly shine. 5 Thy word is everlasting truth ; How pure is ev'ry page ! That holy book shall guide our youth, And well support our age. Hymn 575. c. m. The Seed of the Word. 1 T ORD of the harvest, God of grace ! I i Send down thy heav'nly rain : In vain we plant without thine aid, And water too in vain. 2 May no vain thoughts, those birds of prey, Defraud us of our gain ; 38R ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Nor anxious cares, those baleful thorns, Choke up the precious grain. 3 Ne'er may our hearts be like the rock, Where but the blade can spring; Which, scorched with heat, becomes bj'^ nocjii, A dead, a useless thing. 4 Let not the joys thy gospel gives, A. transient rapture prove ; Nor may the vi^orld by smiles and frowns Our faith and hope remove. 5 But may our hearts, like fertile soil, Receive this heav'nly word : So shall our fair and ripen'd fruits Their hundred fold afford. Hymn 576. c. m. God our Portion here and hereafter. 1 \^L7~tI01VI have we, Lord, in heav'n but thee, ▼ ¥ And whom on eartli beside? Where else for succour can we flee, Or in whose strength confide? 2 Thou art our portion here below, Our promis'd bliss above : Ne'er may our souls an object know So precious as thy love. 3 When heart and flesh, O Lord, shall fail, Thou wilt our spirits cheer, Support us through life's thorny vale. And calm each anxious fear. 4 Yes, thou shalt be our guide through life, And help and strength supply ; Sustain us in death's fearful strife, And welcome us on high. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 389 Hymn 577. s. m. God, the All-suffxient Good. 1 TTERE, in a world of doubt, X JL A sorrowful abode, O how my heart and flesh cry out For thee, the living God ! 2 As for the water-brooks ' The hart expiring pants : So for my God my spirit looks ; Yea, for his presence faints. 3 I know thy joys, O earth ; I've tasted of thy cup. And mingled in thy scenes of mirth, And leaned upon thy hope. 4 But, ah ! how sighs and fears Those transient joys succeed ! That cup of mirth is mixed with tears, That hope is but a reed. 5 What have I then below, Or what but thee above ? Great God ! O let thy creature know The fulness of^y love ! Hymn 578. c. m. Solomon's Prayer for Wisdom. 1 4 LMIGHTY God, in humble pray'r -LM- To thee our souls we lift : Do thou our waiting minds prepare For thy most needful gift. 2 We ask not golden streams of wealth Along our path to flow ; We ask not undecaying health, Nor length of years below. o 390 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 3 We ask not honours, which an hour May bring and take away ; We ask not pleasure, pomp, and pow'r, Lest we should go astray. 4 We ask for wisdom : — Lord, impart The knowledge how to live : A wise and understanding heart To all before thee give. 5 The young remember thee in youth, Before the evil dny ! The old be guided by thy truth In wisdom's pleasant Avay ! Hymn 579. p. m. ts. True Happiness only in God. 1 TTAPPINESS! thou lovely name, JLA Where's thy seat I O tdl me where? Learning, pleasure, wenlth, and fame, All cry out, " It is not here." 2 Lord, it is not life to live, If thy presence thou deny. Lord, if thou thy presence give, 'Tis no longer death tc^die. 3 Source and giver of repose. Mine it is, if thou art mine. Singly from thy smile it flows ; Peace and hapj^ness are thine. 4 Whilst I feel thy love to me, Ev'ry object yields me joy. Here O may I walk with thee, Then into thy presence di?. 5 Let me but thyself possess. Real bliss [ then shall prove — Total sum of happiness, Heav'n below and heav'n above ! ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 391 Hymn 580. p. m. ss. The Christian Israel. 1 r 1 1 HUS far on life's perplexing path, jL Thus far thou, Lord, our steps hast led. Snatched from the world's pursuing wrath, Unharm'd, though floods hung o'er our head Like ransom' d Israel on the shore, Here then we pause, look back, adore. 2 Strangers and pilgrims here below. Like all our Fathers in their day, We to the land of promise go, Lord, by thine own appointed way. Still guide, illumine, cheer our flight, In cloud by day, in fire by night. 3 Protect us, through the wilderness, From e v' ry peril, plague and foe : With bread from heav'n thy people bless, And living streams, where'er we go : Nor let our rebel hearts repine. Or follow any voice but thine. 4 Thy holy law to us proclaim, But not from Sinai's top alone : Hid in the rock-cleft, be thy name And all thy goodness to us shown : And may we never bow the knee Or worship any God but thee. 5 When we have number'd all our years, And stand at length on Jordan's brink. Though the flesh fail witii mortal fears, O let not then the spirit sink : But strong m faith, and hope, and love. Plunge through the stream, to rise above. 34 392 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 58 1 . p. m. s, 7, & 4s. Prayer for Direction and Support 1 /^ UIDE me, O thou great Jehovah ! Vir Pilgrim through this barren land : I am weak, but thou art mighty, Hold me with thy pow'rful hand. Bread of heaven, Feed me till I want no more ! 2 Open thou the crystal fountain, Whence the healing streams do flow : Let the fiery, cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through. Strong Deliv'rer, Be thou still my strength and shield ! 3 When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside: Death of death and hell's destruction, Land me safe on Canaan's side. Songs of praises I will ever give to thee. Hymn 582. p. m. ss Prayer for God's Love. 1 1^ DRAW me, Father ! after thee, V^ So shall I run and never tire. With gracious words still comfort me; Be thou my hope, my sole desire. Free me from ev'ry weight: nor fear Nor sin can come, if thou art here. 2 From all eternity, with love Unchangeable thou hast me view'd. Ere knew this beating heart to move, Thy tender mercies me pursu d. Ever with me may they abide, And close me in on ev'ry side. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 39?^ 3 In suff'ring, be thy love my peace; In weakness, be thy love my pow'r : And when the storms of life shall cease, My God ! in that important hour, In death as life be thou my guide, And bear me through death's whelming tide. Hymn 583. c. m. Lord^ remember me. 1 /^ THOU, from whom all goodness fluwa, V-^ I raise my soul to thee : In all my sorrows, conflicts, woes, • Good Lord, remember me ! 2 When on my aching burden'd heart My sins lie heavily ; Thy pardon grant, new peace impart ; Good Lord, remember me ! 3 When trials sore obstruct my way, And ills I cannot flee ; O let my strength be as my day : Good Lord, remember me ! 4 When worn with pain, disease, and grief, This feeble frame shall be; Grant patience, rest, and kind relief: Good Lord, remember me ! 5 When in the solemn hour of death I wait thy just decree : Be this the pray'r of my last breath, Good Lord, remember me ! 6 And when before thy throne I stand And lift my soul to thee : Then, with the saints at thy right hand, Good Lord, remember me ! 394 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 584. c. m. Prayer for Divine Help. 1 /^H, help us, Lord, each hour of need, V^ Thy heav'nly succour give : Help us, in thought, and word, and deed. Each hour on earth to live. 2 Oh, help us, when our spirits bleed, With contrite anguish sore; And when our hearts are cold and dead, Oh, help us, Lord, the more ! 3 Oh, help us, through the pray'r of faith More firmly to believe ! For still the more the servant hath, The more shall he receive. 4 Oh, help us, Father, from on high ! We know no help but thee : Oh, help us so to live and die, As thine in heav'n to be ! Hymn 585. c. m. Preservation from the power of Sin implored. ROM ev'ry thought and wish impure, F Great God ! preserve my soul May ev'ry rebel passion bow To thy divine control ! Sin has a thousand treach'rous arts, To lead the soul aside : O teach me all its arts to shun, And be my constant guide ! Ne'er let me venture to begin . The gay, enchanted round. Where, in a thoughtless, guilty maze, The slaves of sin are found. ADD1TI0NA.L HYMNS. 395 4 O grant me thine assisting grace, Where'er I'm call'd to go ! Upheld by thee, my cautious feet The paths of peace shall know. 5 Through all the dang'rous scenes of life, Deign, Lord ! my way to trace ; And after death, may I behold With joy, thy holy face ! Hymn 586. c. m. 1 \ LAS, what hourly dangers rise ! -ljL What snares beset my way ! • To heav'n, O let me lift mine eyes, And hourly watch and pray. 2 O gracious God, in whom I live ! My feeble efforts aid : Help me to look to thee and strive, Though trembling and afraid. 3 Increase my faith, increase my hope. Lest foes and fears prevail : And bear my fainting spirit up. Or soon my strength will fail. 4 Whene'er temptations fright my heart, Or lure my feet aside : My God, thy pow'rful aid impart, My guardian and my guide ! 5 O keep me in the heav'nly way, And bid the tempter flee ; And let me never, never stray From happiness and thee. Hymn 587. c. m. Human Frailty. 1 "'^^^7'EAK and irresolute is man : T ? The purpose of to-day. 396 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Woven with pains into his plan, To-morrow rends away. 2 Some foe to his upright intent Finds out his weaker part : Virtue engages his assent, But pleasure wins his heart. 3 Bound on a voyage of awful length, Til rough dangers little known — A stranger to superior strength, Man vainly trusts his own. 4 But ours alone can ne'er prevail To reach the distant coast : The breath of heav'n must swell the sail, Or all the toil is lost. Hymn 588. s. m. Trmt of the Wicked and Righteous compared. \ A S parch' d in barren sands, Jl'\. Bene.lth a burning sky, The worthless bramble with' ring stands, And only grows to die : 2 Such is the sinner's case, Who makes the world his trust, And d:ires his confidence to place In vanity and dust. 3 A curse destroys his root, And dries his moisture up : He lives awhile, and bears ilo fruit, Then dies without a hope. 4 Blest he, whose hopes depend Upon the Lord alone ! "he soul that trusts in such a friend, Can ne'er be overthrown. 5 So thrives the tree whose roots By constant streams are fed : ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 397 Array'd in green, and rich in fruits, It rears its branching head. Hymn 589. p. m.ts. Prepare to meet thy God. 1 ^< INNER, art thou still secure'^ i^ Wilt thou still refuse to pray? Can thy heart or hands endure In the Lord's avenging day % 2 See, his mighty arm is bar'd ! Awful terrors clothe his brow ! For his judgment stand prepar'd : Thou must either break or bow. 3 Who his advent may abide ? You that glory in your shame, Will you find a place to hide. When the world is wrfipp'd in flame? 4 Lord, prepare us by thy grace ! Soon we must resign our breath, And our souls be call'd to pass Through the iron gate of death. 5 O may we our day improve, Listen to the gospel voice. Seek the things that are above, Scorn the world's pretended joys ! Hymn 590. c. m. God's Goodness and Long- Suffering should lead to Repentance. 1 TTNGRATEFUL mortal, whence this scorn VJ Of God's long-sufF'ring grace? And whence this madness that insults Th' Almighty to his face ? 2 Is it because his patience waits And tender mercies move, 398 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Thoa multiply'st transgressions more, And scorn'st his ofFer'd love? 3 Dost tliou not know, self-blinded man, His goodness is design' d To wiike repentance in thy soul, And melt thy harden'd mind? 4 And wilt thou rather choose to meet Th' Almighty as thy foe, And treasure up his wrath in store Against the day of wo ? 5 Soon shall that dreadful day approach. That must thy sentence seal, And righteous judgments, now unknown, In solemn pomp reveal : 6 While they, who, full of holy deeds, To glory seek to rise. Continuing patient to the end. Shall gain th' immortal prize. Hymn 591. r. m. 7s. To-day, the Season of Mercy. 1 TTASTEN, sinner, to be wise ; JUL Stay not for the morrow's sun : Wisdom if you still despise, Harder is it to be won. 2 Hasten, mercy to implore ; Stay not for the morrow's sun : Lest thy season should be o'er. Ere this ev'ning's stage be run. 3 Hasten, sinner, to return; Stay not for the morrow's sun : Lost thy lamp should cease to burn, K'e salvation's work is done. 4 Haslen. sinner, to be blest ; Stay not for the morrow's sun : ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 399 Lest perdition thee arrest, Ere the morrow is begun. Hymn 592. s. m. Gospel invitations to Repentance. 1 nri HE Spirit, in our hearts, J.. Is whisp'ring, "Sinner, come:" The bride, the church of Christ, proclaims To all around her, " Come !" 2 Let him that heareth, say To all about him, "Come !" Let him that thirsts for I'ighteoiisness, To Christ, the fountain, come ! 3 Yes, whosoever will, O let him freely come, And freely drink the stream of life : 'Tis Jesus bids him come. 4 Lo ! Jesus, who invites, Declares, " I quickly come ;" Lord, even so ! I wait thine hour ; Jesus, my Saviour, come ! Hymn 593. p. m. The Gospel Jubilee. 1 T> LOW ye the trumpet, blow JL^ The gladly solemn sound ! Let all the nations know. To earth's remotest bound. The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom' d siimers, home. 2 Ye slaves of sin and hell, Your liberty receive ; And safe in Jesus dwell. And blest in Jesus live. 400 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom' d sinners, home. 3 The gospel-trumpet hear, The news of pard'ning grace ; Ye contrite souls, draw near, Behold your Saviour's face. The year of jubilee is come ; Return, ye ransom' d sinners, home. Hymn 594. s. m. Efficacy of Repentance. 1 " nnOGETHER let us plead, A O sinner," saith the Lord : " Give to the voice of wisdom heed, And trust my faithful word. 2 "Like scarlet though they glow, Or like the crimson bright. Your sins shall soon be pure as snow, As fleecy vestures white." 3 By penitence and pray'r. The wondrous change is wrought ; They soothe the pangs of dark despair, And heal the wounded thought. 4 Bath'd in the hallow'd dews Of deep compunction's tears, The soul her health and strength renews, And meet for heav'n appears. 5 There all the joyful host, With acclamations high From death her glad recov'ry boast, And welcome to the sky. R additional hymns. 401 Hymn 595. l. m. The Soul returning to God. ETTJRN, my soul, unto thy rest, From vain pursuits and madd'ning cares; From lonely woes that wring thy breast, The world's allurements, toils, and snares. 2 Return unto thy rest, my soul. From all the wand rings of thy thought; From sickness unto death made whole ; Safe through a thousand perils brought. 3 Then to thy rest, my soul, return. From passions ev'ry hour at strife. Sin's works, and ways, and wages spurn; Lay hold upon eternal life. 4 God is thy rest : with heart inclin'd To keep his word, that word beheve. Christ is thy rest : with lowly mind His light and easy yoke receive. Hymn 596. c. m. Preparation of the Heart implored. 1 X ORD, teach us how to pray aright, JLJ With rev' rence and with fear : Though dust and ashes in thy sight, We may, we must draw near. 2 Burden' d with guilt, convinc'd of sin, In weakness, want, and wo, Fightings without, and fears within, — Lord, whither shall we go? 3 God of all grace, we come to thee With broken, contrite hearts : Give, what thine eye delights to see, Truth in the inward parts. 402 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 4 Give deep humility — the sense Of godly sorrow, give : — A strong desire, with confidence To hear thy voice and live : — 5 Patience to watch, and wait, and weep, Though mercy long delay : — Courage, our fainting souls to keep, And trust thee, though thou slay. 6 Give these — and tlion thy will be done. Thus strengthen'd with all might, We, by thy Spirit and thy Son, Shall pray, and pray aright. Hymn 597. p. m. is. Ckoosijig the Heritage of GocTs People. \ "pEOPLE of the living God! -IT I have sought the world around. Paths of sin and sorrow trod. Peace and comfort nowhere foimd. Now to you my spirit turns. Turns, a fugitive unblest. Brethren ! wliere your altar burns, Oh, receive me into rest. 2 Jjonely ( no longer roam, Like the cloud, the wind, the wave. Where you dwell, shall be my home: Where you die, shall be my grave. Mine the God whom you adore : Your Redeemer shall be mine : Earth can fill my soul no more ; Ev'ry idol I resign. Hymn 598. c. m. Jeremiah iii. 22. Hosea xiv. 4. 1 TJ|"OW oft, alas ! this wretched heart A A FJas wander' d from the Lord ! ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 403 How oft my roving thoughts depart, Forgetful of his word ! 2 Yet heav'nly mercy calls, " Return ;" Great God, and may I come ? My vile ingratitude 1 mourn : Oh, take the wand'rer home ! 3 And canst thou, wilt thou yet forgive, And bid my crimes remove ? And shall a pardon' d rebel live, To s[)eak thy wondrous love ? 4 Almighty grace, thy healing pow'r How glorious, how divine ! That can to life and bliss restore So base a heart as mine. 6 Thy pard'ning love, so free, so sweet. My Father, I adore. Oh, keep me at thy sacred feet. And let me rove no more. F Hymn 599. p. m. ss. Seeking Refuge. ORTH from the dark and stormy sky. Lord, to thine altar's shade we fly : Forth from the world, its hope and fear, Father, we seek thy shelter here : Weary and weak, thy grace we pray ; Turn not, O Lord, thy guests away ! 3 Long have we roam'd in want and paiu ; Long have we sought for rest in vain ; ' Wilde r'd in doubt, in darkness lost. Long have our souls been tempest-toss'd : Low at thy feet our sins we lay ; Turn not, O Lord, thy guests away. 35 404 additional hymns. Hymn 600. l. m. Forgiveness and Peace of Conscience. 1 O WEET peace of conscience, heav'nly guest! k^ Come, fix thy mansion in my breast. Dispel my doubts, my fears control, And heal the anguish of my soul. 2 Come, smiling hope and joy sincere, Come, make your constant dwelling here : Still let your presence cheer my heart, Nor sin compel yon to depart. 3 Thou God of hope and peace divine, O make these sacred pleasures mine ! Forgive my guilt, my fears remove, And send the tokens of thy love. 4 Then shall mine eyes, without a tear See death, with all its terrors near ; My soul in thee, my God, rejoice, And raptures tune my fait' ring voice. Hymn 601. p. m. a^. Imploring Forgiveness and Neiviuss of Life. 1 X^ORGIVE, Lord, for thy mercy's sake, JD Our multitude of sins forgive ! Us for thine own possession take, And help us to thy glory live — Live in thy sight, and gladly prove Our faith by our obedient love. 2 To ev'ry soul forgiveness seal, And all thy mighty wonders show ' Our hidden enemies expel, And conq ring them to conquer go, Till all of pride and wrath be slain, And not one evil tliouscht remain ! ADDITiONAL HYMNS. 405 put thou in our inward parts Tlie living law of perfect love ! Write the new precept on our hearts ! We shall not then from thee remove, But in thy glorious image shine, Thy people, and for ever thine ! Hymn 602. s. m. Waiting for GotVs Mercy. 1 ^V/TY soul with patience waits _LtJL For thee, the living Lord : My hopes are on thy promise built, Thy never-failing word. 2 My longing eyes look out For thine enliv'ning ray. More duly than the morning watch To spy the dawning day. 3 In thee I trust, my God ! No bounds thy mercy knows — The plenteous source and spring, from which Eternal succour flows. 4 Thy friendly streams to us Supplies in want convey : A healing spring, a spring to cleanse And wash our guilt away. Hymn 603. p. u. ss & 7s. Gratitude for Recovery from Sin. LORD, with glowing heart I'd praise thee For the bliss thy love bestows, For ti)e pard'ning grace that saves me, A.nd the peace that from it flows. Help, O God, my weak endeavour; This dull soul to rapture raise : 406 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Thou must light the flame, or never Can my love be warm'd to praise. 2 Praise, my soul, the God that sought thee, Wretched wand' re r, far astray; Found thee lost, and kindly brought tliee From the paths of death away. Praise, with love's devoutest feeling. Him who saw thy guilt-born fear, And, the light of hope revealing. Bade the blood-stain' d cross appear. 3 Lord, this bosom's ardent feeling Vainly would my lips express : Low before thy footstool kneeling, Deign thy suppliant's pray'r to bless. Let thy grace, my soul's chief treasure, Love's pure flame within me raise : And, since words can never measure, Let my life show forth thy praise. Hymn 604. l. m. 1 TT^ AR from thy fold, O God, my feet -Ij Once mov'd in error's devious maze; Nor found religious duties sweet. Nor sought thy face, nor lov'd thy ways. 2 With tend' rest voice thou bad'st me flee The paths which thou couldst ne'er approve. My soul was gently drawn to thee With cords of sweet, eternal love. 3 Now to thy footstool, Lord, I fly, And low in self-abasement fall : A poor, a helpless worm, I lie ; And thou, my God, art all in all. 4 Dearer, far dearer to my heart Than all the joys that earth can give ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 40' From fame, from wealth, fi'om friends I'd part, Beneath thy countenance to Hve. 5 And when, in smiHng friendship dress d, Death bids me quit this mortal frame, Gently reclin'd upon thy breast. My latest breath shall bless thy name. 6 Then mine unfettered soul shall rise And soar above yon starry spheres, Join the full chorus of the skies, And sing thy praise througii endless years. Hymn 605. c. m. The Highway to Zion. Isaiah xxxv. 8, 9, 10 ING, ye redeemed of tlie Lord, ^S Your great Deliv'rer sing; Pilgrims, for Zion's city bound, Be joyful in your King. 2 See the fair way his hand hath rais'd, How holy and how plain ! Nor shall the simplest trav'ller err, Nor ask the track in vain. 3 No rav'ning lion shall destroy. Nor lurking serpent wound ; Pleasure and safety, peace and praise, Through all the path are found. 4 A hand divine shall lead you on Along the blissful road, Till to the sacred mount you rise. And see your Father, God. 5 There garlands of immortal joy Shall bloom on ev'ry head. While sorrow, sighing, and distress, Like shadows all are fled. 35* 408 ADDTTfOiNAL HYMNS. 6 March on in your Redeemer's strength, Pursue his footsteps still; And let tlic prospect ciieer your eye, While lab' ring up the hill. Hymn GOG. c. xM. God speaking Peace to his People. 1 TTNITE, my roving thoughts, unite \J In silence soft and swt;et : And thou, my soul, sit gently down At thy great Sov' reign's feet. 2 Jehovah's awful voice is heard, Yet gladly I attend : For, lo ! the everlasting God Proclaims himself my friend. 3 Harmonious accents to my soul The sound of peace convey ; The tempest at his word subsides, And winds and seas obey. 4 By all its joys, I charge my heart To grieve his love no more ; But charm'd by melody divine. To give its follies o'er. Hymn 607. cm. The Reward of the Righteous. Psalbi xxxvj Y God the steps of pious men 'M Are orJer'd by thy wil Though they should fall, they rise again: Thy hand supports them still. 3 The Lord delights to see their ways ; Their virtue he approves ; He'll ne'er deprive them of his grace, Nor leave the men he loves. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 409 3 The heav'iily heritage is theirs, Th'^ir portion and tlieir home; He feeds tliem now, and makes them heirs Of blessings loi;g to come. 4 Mark well the man of righteousness ! His several steps attend : True pleasure runs through all his ways, And peaceful is his end. Hymn 608. c. m. Encouragement from the Experience of God's Goodness to his Servants. 1 rriHROUGH all the changing scenes of life, X. In trouble and in joy. The praises of my God shall still My heart and tongue employ. 2 Of his deliv' ranee I will boast, Till all who are distress' d From my example comfort take. And charm their griefs to rest. 3 The hosts of God encamp around The dwellings of the just ; Protection he affords to all Who on his succour trust. 4 O make but trial of his love : Experience will decide, How bless' d are they, and only they, Who in his truth confide. 5 Fear him, ye saints; and you will then Have nothing else to fear : Make you his service your delight— He'll make your wants his care. 410 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 609. p. m. 8,6, &8s. Adoption. 1 John iii. 1, 2, 3. 1 "J" ET others boast their ancient line, i i In long succession great : In the proud list let heroes shine, And monarchs swell the state : iJescended from the King of kings. Each saint a nobler title sings. 2 Pronounce me, gracious God, thy son; Own me an heir divine : I'll pity princes on the throne, When I can call thee mine. Sceptres and crowns unenvy'd rise, And lose their lustre in mine eyes. 3 Content, obscure, I pass my days, To all I meet unknown ; And wait till thou thy child shalt raise, And scat me near thy throne. No name, no honour here I crave, Well-pleas' d with those beyond the grave. 4 Jesus, my elder brother, lives ; With him I too shall reign : No hostile pow'r, while he survives, Shall make the promise vain. In him my title stands secure. And shall, while endless years endure. 5 When he, in robes divinely bright, Shall once again appear. Thou too, my soul, shalt shine in light, And his full image bear. Enough ! I wait th' appointed day : Blest Saviour ! haste and come away. i 'E additional hymns. 411 Hymn 610. l m. Blessedness of Communion with God. NOUGH of life's vain scene I've trod; Sweet is the interval of rest : With cheerful heart I meet my God ; His presence makes me truly blest. Father and Friend ! relations dear, Rejoicing to the human soul ; — They lift us above ev'ry fear, And ills (if ills there be) control. Pleasant is life, and sweet the light That pours from the bright orb of day. Revealing to our raptur'd sight The world in all its rich display. Pleasant is life, and sweet its ties, The touching charities of man : Friend, fellow, child, and parent rise, Endearing life's progressive plan. But life and light would soon be vile. And all their dearest pleasures fall, Nor sun would shine, nor life would smile, Without thy presence gladd'ning all. T Hymn 611. l. m. Influence of Religion, HROUGH shades and solitudes profound The fainting trav'ller wends his way: Bewildering meteors glare around, And tempt his wand' ring feet astray. Welcome, thrice welcome to his eye The sudden moon's inspiring light. When forth she sallies through the sky, The guardian angel of the night. 412 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 3 Thus, mortals blind and weak, below, Pursue the phantom bliss in vain : The world's a wilderness of wo, And life's a pilgrimage of pain;— 4 Till mild religion from above Descends, a sweet engaging form, The messenger of heav'nly love, The bow of promise 'mid the storm, 5 Ambition, pride, revenge depart, And folly flies her chast'ning rod; She makes the humble contrite heart A temple of the living God. 6 Beyond the narrow vale of time, Where bright celestial ages roll, To scenes eternal, scenes sublime. She points the way and leads the soul, 7 Baptiz'd with her renewing fire. May we the crown of glory gain; Rise, when the hosts of heav'n expire; And reign with God, for ever reign ! Hymn 612. l. m. Light of Religion. 1 "I'F all our hopes and all our fears i Were prison'd in life's little bound; If^ trav'Uers through this vale of tears, We saw no better world beyond : — O what could check the rising sigh 1 What earthly thing could pleasure give? Who then in peace could ever die ? Or who would breathe a wish to live? 2 Yet such were life, without the ray From our divine religion giv'n. 'Tis this that makes our darkness day; 'Tis this that makes our earth a heav'n ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 413 Bright IS the golden sun above, And beautiful the flow'rs that bloom; And all is joy, and all is love. Reflected from a world to come. Hymn 613. s. m. It shall he well with the Righteous. Isaiah iii. 10. 1 '¥X7'HAT cheering words are these ! 11 Their sweetness who can tell? In time and through eternity 'Tis with the righteous well. '2 In ev'ry state secure, Kept by Jehovah's eye, 'Tis well with them while life endures, And well when call'd to die. -5 'Tis well, when joys they taste ; 'Tis well, when sorrows flow; 'Tis well, when darkness veils the skies, And strong temptations blow. 4 'Tis well, when on the mount They feast on heav'nly love; And 'tis as well, in God's account. When they the furnace prove. 5 'Tis well, when summon' d hence, From earth to heav'n they rise, Join'd with the hosts of holy souls, Made to salvation wise. Hymn 614. p. m. ss&ts. The Happiness of forsaking all to folloio Christ "ESUS ! I my cross have taken, J All to leave and follow thee , Self renounc'd and sin forsaken: Thou alone my guide shalt be. 414 ADDITIONAL HYMNS 2 Perish, ev'ry false ambition — All, the world has lov'd or known : — Yet how rich is my condition ! God and heav'n are siill mine own. 3 Go then, earthly fame and treasure Come, disaster, scorn, and pain : In thy service pain is pleasure ; With thy favour, loss is gain. 4 Know, my soul, thy full salvation ; Rise o'er sin, and fear, and care; Joy to find in ev'ry station Something still to do or bear. 5 Think, what spirit dwells within thee; Think, what father's smiles are thine; Think, tliat Jesus died to win thee : Child of heav'n, canst thou repine? 6 Haste thee on from grace to glory, Arm'd by faith and wing'd by pray'r. Heav'n's eternal day's before thee; God s own hand shall lead thee there. 7 Soon shall close thine earthly mission ; Soon shall pass thy pilgrim days: Hope shall change to glad fruition. Faith to sight, and pray'r to praise. Hymn 615. c. m. Holy Fortitude. 1 A M I a soldier of the cross, _ZjL a foll'wer of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name ? 2 Must I be carry' d to the skies On flow'ry beds of ease? While others fought to win the prize, And sail'd through bloody seas ! ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 415 3 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this wild world a friend to grace, To help me on to God ? 4 Sure I must fight, if I would reign; Be faithful to my Lord; And bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. 5 The saints, in all this glorious war, Shall conquer, though they die ; They see tlie triumph from afar, And seize it with their eye. ^6 When that illustrious day shall rise, And all thine armies shine In robes of vict'ry through the skies, The glory shall be thine. Hymn 616. s. m. The Christian's Charge, 1 \ CHARGE to keep I have; _ljL a God to glorify ; A' never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky ; To serve the present age ; My calling to fulfil :— O may it all my pow'rs engage. To do my Master's will ! 2 Arm me with jealous care, As in thy sight to live ; And, oh ! thy servant, Lord, prepare The strict account to give. Help me to watch and pray, And on thyself rely : Assured, if I my trust betray, I shall forsaken die. 36 416 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 617. c. m. Christian Watchfulness. 1 \ WAKE, my drowsy soul, awake, -ljL And view the threat'ning scene : Legions of foes encamp around, And treach'ry lurks within. 2 'Tis not this mortal life alone These enemies assail : How canst thou hope for future bliss. If their attempts prevail ? 3 Then to the work of God awake — Behold thy Master near — The various, arduous work pursue With vigour and with fear. 4 The awful register goes on ; The account will surely come ; And op'ning day or closing night May bear me to my doom. 5 Tremendous thought ! how deep it strikes \ Yet like a dream it flies, Till God's own voice the slumbers chase From these deluded eyes. Hymn 618. p. m. ts. Image of God and Christ in Man, ATHER of eternal grace, F Glorify thyself in me ! Meekly beaming in my face, May the world thine image see. Happy always in thy love, Though unfriended or unknown, Fix my thoughts on things above ; Stay my heart on thee alone. ADDITIONAL HYxMNS. 417 3 Humble, holy, all resign' d To tliy will, — thy will be done ! — Give me, Lord, the perfect mind Of thy well beloved Son. 4 Counting gain and glory loss, May I tread the path he trod, Die with Jesus on the cross, Rise with him to thee, my God. Hymn 619. l.m. Service of God. 1 IV/TY gracious God, I own thy right _LyjL To ev'ry service I can pay. O make it my supreme delight, To hear thy dictates, and obey. 2 What is my being, but for thee, Its sure support, its noblest end? Thine ever-smilhig face to see. And serve the cause of such a friend? .3 Thy work my hoary age shall bless, When youthful vigour is no more; And my last hour of life confess. Thy love hath animating pow'r. Hymn 620. c. m. Christian Zeal. ZEAL is that pure and heav'nly flame The fire of love supplies ; While that which often bears the name, Is self in a disguise. True zeal is merciful and mild. Can pity and forbear; The false is headstrong, fierce, and wild, And breathes revenge and war. 418 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 3 While zeal for truth the Christian warms, He knows the worth of peace ; But self contends for names and forms, Its party to increase. 4 Self may its poor reward obtain, And be applauded here ; But zeal the best applause will gain, When Jesus shall appear. 5 O God, the idol self dethrone, And from our hearts remove ; And let no zeal by us be shown. But that which springs from love. Hymn 621. cm. Alacrity of Christian Obedience Romans viii. 15. 1 IVTOT by the terrors of a slave, _L^ Do saints perform thy will ; But with the noblest pow'rs they have. Thy blest commands fulfil. 2 They find access at ev'ry hour To God within the veil ; Hence they derive a quickning pow'r. And joys that never fail. 3 O happy souls ! O glorious state Of thy abounding grace ! To dwell so near their Father's seat, And see his blissful face ! 4 Lord, I address thy heav'nly throne ; Call me a child of thine; Send down the Spirit of thy Son, To form my heart divine. 5 There shed a fervent love abroad, And make my comfort strong; ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 419 That I may say, "My Father God," With an unwav'ring tongue. Hymn 622. l. m. Christian Decision and Dedication to God. (Confirmation.) 1 ^~\ HAPPY day, that stays my choice . \-J On thee, my Saviour and my God ! Well may this glowing heart rejoice, And tell thy goodness all abroad. 2 O happy bond, that seals my vows. To him who merits all my love ! Let cheerful anthems fill his house. While to his sacred throne I move. 3 'Tis done, the great transaction's done; I am the Lord's, and he is mine. Help me, great God, to follow on. Obedient to thy voice divine. 4 Now rest, mine oft-divided heart ; * Fix'd on this blissful centre, rest. With ashes who would grieve to part, When call'd on angels' food to feast? 5 High heav'n, that heard the solemn vow, That vow renew'd shall daily hear; Till in life's latest hour I bovi^. And bless in death a bond so dear. Hymn 623. s. m. Prayer for Christian Principles. 1 IV/FY God, my strength, my hope, -LTJL On thee I cast my care. With humble confidence look up, And know thou hear'st my pray'r. Give me on thee to wait, Till I can all things do ; 36* 420 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. On thee, almighty to create, Almighty to renew. 2 I want a sober mind, A self-renouncing will, That tramples down and casts behind The baits of pleasing ill: A soul inur'd to pain, To hardship, grief, and loss — Bold to take up, firm to sustain The consecrated cross. »J 1 want a godly fear, A quick discerning eye. That looks to thee when sin is near, And sees the tempter fly; A spirit still prepar'd. And arm'd witli jealous care, For ever standing on its guard, And watching unto pray'r. 4 I want a true regard, A ^ngle, steady aim, Unmov'd by threat' ning or reward, To thee and thy great name; A zealous, just concern For thine immortal praise; A pure desire that all may learn And glorify thy grace. 5 I rest upon thy word ; Thy promise is for me : My succour and salvation. Lord, Shall surely come from thee. But let me still abide. Nor from my hope remove, Till thou my patient spirit guide Into thy perfect love. o additional hymns. 421 Hymn 624. l. m. Prayer for Christian Improvement, THOU, who hast at thy command The hearts of all men in thy hand ! My wishes and desires control ; Mould ev'ry purpose of my soul. Be with me, Lord, where'er I go; Teach me what thou wouldst have me do; Suggest whate'er I think aLd say ; Direct me in the narrow way. Prevent me, lest I harbour pride, Lest I in mine own strength confide : Show me my weakness : let me see, I have my pow'r, mine all from thee. Assist and teach me how to pray ; Dispose my nature to obey; What thou abhorr'st, that let me flee, And only love what pleases thee. And while I to thine honour live. May I to thee all glory give, Until the summons, Lord, shall come, That calls thy willing servant home. •P Hymn 625. l. m. The Energy of Faith. RAISE, everlasting praise, be paid To him, who earth's foundation laid; Praise to the God, whose sov' reign will All nature's laws and pow'rs fulfil. Praise to the goodness of the Lord, Who rules his people by his word ; Where faith contemplates his decrees, And ev'ry gracious promise sees. 422 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 3 O for a strong and lasting faith, To credit what th' Ahnighty saith ; T' embrace the message of his Son, And call the joys of heav'n our own ! 4 Then sliould the earth's vast pillars shake, And all the wheels of nature break. Our steady souls should fear no more Than solid rocks when billows roar. 5 Our everlasting hopes arise Above the perishable skies; And firm their basis shall remain, When these to chaos sink again. Hymn 626. p. m. 7s. Simplicity of Faith in God's Word. 1 T ORD, for ever at thy side A— A Let my place and portion be ! Strip me of the robe of pride, Clothe me with humility. 2 Meekly may my soul receive All thy Spirit hath reveal'd. Thou hast spoken — I believe. Though the oracle were seal'd. 3 Quiet as a weaned child, Weaned from the mother's breast ; By no subtlety beguil'd. On thy faithful word I rest. 4 Saints, rejoicing evermore, In the Lord Jehovah trust : Him in all his ways adore, Wise, and wonderful, and just. Hymn 627. l. m. Faith without Works is Dead, 1 /% S body, when the soul has fled, — JTjL As barren trees, decayed and dead, ADDITIONAL HYMNS 423 Is faith — a hopeless, hfeless thing — If not of righteousness tlie spring. 2 To doers only of his word, Propitious is th' all-seeing Lord : He hears their cries, accepts their pray'rs, And heals their wounds, and soothes their cares. 3 In true and active faith, we trace The source of ev'ry Christian grace: Within the pious heart it plays, A living fount of joy and praise. 4 Kind deeds of peace and love betray Where'er the stream has found its way : But where these spring not rich and fair, The stream has never wander d there. Hymn 628. l. m. Faith of the Ancients. Hebrews xi. 33, 34. 1 TJLEST is the mem' ry of the just, -13 And sweet their slumbers in the dust ! Though lost, long lost to mortal eye, Their wcll-earn'd fame shall never die. 2 In life's fair book the Patriarchs live ; Prophets and saints instruction give ; Though dead, they speak the truth divine, And in example brightly shine. 3 My soul, these ancient heroes view ; Their faith, their love, their zeal pursue. Warm'd by each word, and glorious deed, In the same blessed path proceed. 4 O may I in their triumphs share. When the great Saviour shall appear, To raise them up to high renown And give them an immortal crown ! 424 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 629. p. m. hs Precious Promises. 1 TjrOW firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, JLl Is laid for your faith in his excellent word ! What more can he say, than to you ho hath said, Wiio unto Jehovah for refuge have fled 1 2 "Fear not, I am with thee, O be not dismay'd; For I am thy God, and will still give thee aid. ril strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my righteous, omnipotent hand. 3 "When through the deep waters I call thee to go, The rivers of sorrow shall not overflow : For I will be with thee, thy troubles to bless, And sanctify to thee, thy deepest distress. 4 "When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace all-sufiicient shall be thy supply. The flame shall not hurt thee, I only design Thy dross to consume, and thy gold to refine. 5 "The soul that on me humbly leans for repose, I will not, I will not, desert to his foes. That soul, though all hell should endeavour to shake, I'll never — no never — no never forsake." Hymn 630. p. m. ts & 6s. Faith aspiring to Heaven, 1 13 ISE, my soul, and stretch thy wings, JlV Thy better portion trace ] Rise from transitory things Tow'rd heav'n, thy native place. Sun, and moon, and stars decay ; Time shall soon this earth remove : Rise, my soul, and haste away To seats prepar'd above. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 425 2 Rivers to the ocean run, Nor stay in all their course ; Fire, ascending, seeks the sun ; Both speed them to their source. So a soul that's born of God, Pants to view his glorious face ; Upward tends to his abode, To rest in his embrace. 3 Cease, ye pilgrims, cease to mourn ; Press onward to the prize : Soon the Saviour will return Triumphant m the skies. Yet a season, and you know Happy entrance will be giv'n; All your sorrows left below. And earth exchangd for henv n. Hymn 631. p. m. :^ Rejoicing in Hope. 1 /CHILDREN oftheheav'nly King, \y As ye journey, sweetly sing : Sing your Saviour's worthy praise, Glorious in his works and ways. 2 Ye are trav'lling home to God, In the way the fathers trod : They are happy now, and ye Soon their happiness shall see. 3 Shout, ye little flock, and bless' d ; You near Jesus' throne shall rest. There your seats are now prepar'd — There your kingdom and reward. 4 Fear not, brethren — -joyful stand On the borders of your land. Jesus Christ, your Father's Son, Bids you undismay'd, go on. 426 ADDITIONAL lIYMiNS. 5 Lord, obediently we'll go, Gladly leaving all below. Only thou our leader be, And we still will follow thee. Hymn 632. l. m. Glorying in God alone,, Jeremiah ix. 23, 24. 1 fTlHE righteous Lord, supremely great, jL. Maintains his universal slato; O'er all the earth his pow'r extends, All hcav'n before his footstool bonds. 2 Yet justice still with pow'r presides. And mercy all his empire guides ; Such works are pleasing in his sight, And sucii the men of his delight. 3 No more, ye wise, your wisdom boast ; No more, ye strong, your valour trust ; Nor let the rich survey their store. Replete with heaps of shining ore. 4 Glory, my soul, m this alone. That God, thy God, to thee is known ; That thou hast own'd his sov'roign sway, That thou hast felt his cheering ray. 5 My wisdom, wealth, and pow'r I find In one Jehovah all combin'd. On him I fix my roving eyes, Till all my soul in rapture rise. 6 All else which I my treasure call, May in one fatal moment fall : But wiiat his happiness can move, Whom God the bless;jd deigns to love? additional hymns. 427 Hymn 633. l. m. Love to God. 1 " rwy HITS shalt thou love th' Almighty Lord— JL. With all thy heart, and soul, and mind." — So speaks to man that sacred word, For counsel and reproof design' d. 2 "With all thy heart" — no idol thing, Though close around the heart it twine, Its mterposing shade must fling, To darken that pure love of thine. 3 "With all thy mind"— each vary'd pow'r, Creative fancy, musings high, And thoughts that glance behind, before, These must religion sanctify. 4 "With soul and strength" — thy days of ease While vigour nerves each youthful limb. And hope and joy, and health and peace. All must be freely brought to him. 5 Thou Pow'r Supreme, in whom we move ! Vouchsafe thy servants, in their day, The mind t' adore, the heart to love. And strength to serve thee, while they may. L Hymn 634. p. m. ss & ts Joyful Love to God implored. OVE divine, all love excelling. Joy of heav'n, to earth come down! Fix in us thy humble dwelling. All thy faithful mercies crown. Father ! thou art all compassion ; Pure, unbounded love thou art : Visit us wit'i thy salvation, Enter ev'ry longing heart. 37 428 ADDITIONAL HYMNS 3 Breathe, O breathe thy blissful spirit Into ev'ry troubi'd breast ! Let us all in tliee inherit, Let us find thy promised rest. 4 Come, Almighty to deliver, Let us all thy life receive , Graciously come down, and never, Never more thy temples leave. 5 Change from glory into glory, Till in heav'n we take our place, Till we cast our crowns before thee, Lost in wonder, love, and praise. Hymn 635. p. m. 8s&7s. Grateful Affection to God. 1 ^*^OME, thou fount of ev'ry blessing. \y Tune my heart to sing thy grace. Streams of mercy, never ceasing, Call for songs of loudest praise. 2 Here I raise mine Ebenezer ; Hither by thy help Fnfi come; And I hope, by thy good pleasure, Safely to arrive at home. 3 O ! to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm constrain' d to be ! Let that grace, now, like a fetter. Bind my wand'rmg heart to thee. 4 Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it — Prone to leave the God of love — Here's my heart : O, take and seal it, Seal it for thy courts above. Hymn 636. l. m. FROM the world's vile slavery, Almighty Father! set me free; o ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 429 And as my treasure is above, Be there my thoughts, be there my love. 2 But oft, alas ! too well I know, My thoughts, my love, are fix'd below. In ev'ry lifeless pray'r I find The heart unmov'd, the absent mind. 3 O what that frozen heart can move, That melts not at a Saviour's love? What can that sluggish spirit raise, That will not sing its Father's praise? 4 Yet earthly pleasure still hath charms, And earthly love my bosom warms; Though cold my heart to love divine, And cold, my bleeding Lord, to thine ! 5 O draw my best affections hence. Above this world of sin and sense ; Cause them to soar beyond the skies, And rest not till to thee they rise. Hymn 637. s. m. Doing all to the Glory of God. 1 rpEACH me, my God and King, -I- In all things thee to see : And what I do in any thing. To do it as for thee ! 2 To scorn the senses' sway. While still to thee I tend : In all I do, be thou the way — In all, be thou the end ! 3 All may of thee partake :, Nothing so small can be, But draws, when acted for thy sake, Greatness and worth from thee. 4 If prompted by thy laws. E'en servile labours shine : 430 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hallow' d is toil, if this the cause, The meanest work divine. Hymn 638. l. m. Prayer. 1 '¥^E7"HAT various hindrances we meet, 11 In coming to a mercy-seat ! Yet who that knows the worth of pray'r. But wishes to be often there ? 2 Pray'r makes the darken'd cloud withdraw; Pray'r climbs the ladder Jacob saw ; Gives exercise to faith and love; Brings ev'ry blessing from above. 3 Restraining pray'r, we cease to fight; Pray'r makes the Christian's armour brigf, / And while he stands with arms spread wi (^ C. Success is always on his side. 4 Were half the breath that's vainly spent To heav'n in supplication sent : Our cheerful song would oft'ner be, **Hear what the Lord has done for me." Hymn 639. l. m. The Mercy- Seat. 1 IjI ROM ev'ry stormy wind that blows, X- From ev'ry swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat ; 'Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a scene where spirits blend, Where friend holds fellowship with friend. Though sunder' d far, by faith they meet Around one common mercy-seat. 3 Ah ! whither could we fly for aid, When tempted, desolate, dismay' d 1 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 431 Or how the hosts of hell defeat, Had suff'ring saints no mercy-seat? 4 There, there on eagle's wings we soar, And sin, and sense, seem all no more ; And heav'n comes down our souls to greet, And glory crowns the mercy-seat. 5 O let my hand forget her skill, My tongue be silent, cold and still, This bounding heart forget to beat, If I forget the mercy-seat. Hymn 640. p. m. ns & los. Prayer, the Refuge of the Disconsolate. 1 /^ OME, ye disconsolate, where'er you languish, V_y Come to the mercy-seat, fervently kneel. Here bring your wounded hearts, here tell your anguish : Earth has no sorrows, that lieav'n cannot heal 2 Joy of the comfortless, light of the straying; Hope, when all others die, fadeless and pure ; Here speaks the Comforter, in mercy saying, Earth has no sorrow, that heav'n cannot cure. 3 Here see the bread of life, see waters flowing Forth from the throne of God, pure from above. Come to the feast of love, come, ever knowing, Earth has no sorrows but heav'n can remove. Hymn 641. c. m. Religious Retirement, and Secret Prayer. 1 Tjl AR from the world, O Lord ! I flee, JL. From strife and tumult far ; From scenes, where sin is waging still Its must successful war. 37* 432 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 2 The calm retreat, the silent shade, With pray'r and praise agree; And seem by thy sweet bounty made For those who follow thee. 3 There, if thy Spirit touch the soul, And grace her mean abode : with what peace, and joy, and love She communes with her God ! 4 There, like the nightingale, she pours Her solitary lays; Nor asks a witness of her song, Nor thirsts for human praise. 5 What thanks I owe thee ! and what love, A boundless, endless store, Shall echo through the realms above, When time shall be no more ! Hymn 642. p. m. 7s. Filial Confidence Supplicated. 1 ^UIET, Lord, my froward heart; V^ Make me teachable and mild, Upright, simple, free from art; Make me as a weaned child ; From disti'ust and envy free, Pleased with all that pleases thee. 2 What thou shalt to-day provide, Let me as a child receive ; What to-morrow may betide. Calmly to thy wisdom leave. 'Tis enough, that thou wilt care ; V/liy should I the burden bear? 3 As a little child relies On a care beyond his own, Knows he's neither strong nor wise. Fears to stir a step alone ; ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 433 Let me thus with thee abide, As my Father, guard, and guide. 4 Thus preserv'd from ev'ry wile, Safe from dangers, free from fears, May I hve upon thy smile, Till the promisd hour appears, When the sons of God shall prove All their Father's boundless love. Hymn 643. p. m. 7s & es. Divine Light and Comfort. 1 O OMETIMES a light surprises )i3 The Christian, while he sings; It is the Lord, who rises With healing on his wings. When comforts are declining, He grants the soul again A season of clear shining, To cheer it after rain. 2 In holy contemplation We sweetly then pursue The theme of God's salvation, And find it ever new. Set free from present sorrow. We cheerfully can say, Let the unknown to-morrow Bring with it what it may. 3 It can bring with it nothing, But he will bear us through : — Who gives the lilies clothing, Will clothe his people too. Beneath the spreading heavens, No creature but is fed : And he who feeds the ravens, Will give his children bread. 434 ADDITION A.L HYMNS. 4 Thougli vino nor fig-tree neither Their wonte.l fruit should bear ; Thougli all the fields sliould wither, Nor flocks nor herds be there : Yet God the same abiding, His praise shall tune my voice; For, while in him confiding, . I cannot but rejoice, Hymn 644. l. m. Trust, not in Creatures, hut in God. 1 IVTY spirit looks to God alone ; _Lt_I_ My rock and refuge is his throne : In all my fears, in all my straits, My soul OR his salvation waits. 2 Trust him, ye saints, in all your ways, Pour out your hearts before iiis face : When helpers fail, and foes invade, God is our all-sufficient aid. 3 False are the men of high degree ; The baser sort are vanity : Laid in the balance, both appear Light as a puff" of empty air. 4 Make not increasing gold your trust, Nor set your heart on glitt'ring dust. Why will you gra&p the fleeting smoke, And not believe what God hath spoke ? 5 Once has his awful voice declar'd, Once and again my ears have heard : "All pow'r is his eternal due; He must be fear'd and trusted too." Hymn 645. l. m. Contentment and Ti-ust in God, - 1 11 E still, my heart ! these anxious cares -13 To thee are burdens, thorns, and snares ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 435 They cast dishonour on thy Lord, k And contradict his gracious word. 2 Brought safely by his hand thus far, Why wilt thou now give place to fear ? How canst thou want, if he provide ? Or lose thy way with such a guide ? 3 Did ever trouble yet befall, And he refuse to hear thy call 1 And has he not his promise pass'd, That thou shalt overcome at last 1 4 Though rough and thorny be the road, ft leads thee home apace to God : Then count thy present trial small, For heav'n will make amends for all. Hymn 646. l. m. Submission and Trust 1 IVTY God, I thank thee ! may no thought JLtJ- E'er deem thy chastisement severe: But may this heart, by sorrow taught, Calm each wild wish, each idle fear. 2 Thy mercy bids all nature bloom ; The sun shines bright, and man is gay : Tliine equal mercy spreads the gloom, That darkens o'er his little day. 3 Full many a throb of grief and pain Thy frail and erring child must know : But not one pray'r is breath' d in vain, Nor does one tear unheeded flow. 4 Thy various messengers employ ; Thy purposes of love fulfil : And 'mid the wreck of human joy. Let kneeling faith adore thy will. 436 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 647. c. m. Isaiah xl. 27—31. 1 XylT'HY mournest thou, my anxious soul, ▼ ? Despairing of relief^ As if the Lord o'erlook'd thy cares, Or pity'd not thy grief? 2 Art thou afraid, his power will fail In sorrow's evil day ? Can the Creator's mighty arm Grow weary or decay 1 3 Supreme in wisdom, as in pow'r, The Rock of ages stands : Thou canst not search his mind, nor trace The working of his hands. 4 He gives the conquest to the weak, Supports the fliinting heart ; And courage in the evil hour His heav'nly aids impart. 5 Mere human energy shall faint. And youthful vigour cease : But those who wait upon the Lord, In strength shall still increase. 6 They, with unweary'd step, shall tread The path of life divine ; With grov/ing ardour onward move, With growing brightness shine. Hymn 648. c. m. Moderation. 1 TTAPPY the man, whose cautious steps JLJL Still keep the golden mean ; Whose life, by wisdom's rules well fbrm'd, Declares a conscience clean. AlDDITional hymns. 437 What blessings bounteous heav'n bestows, He takes with thankful heart ; With temp' ranee he both eats and drinks, And gives the poor a part. ■^ To sect or party his large soul Disdams to be confin'd : The good he loves of ev'ry name. And prays for all mankind. His business is to keep his heart ; Each passion to control; Nobly ambitious well to rule The empire of his soul. Not on the world his heart is set ; His treasure is above : Nothing beneath the so v' reign good Can claim his highest love. Hymn 649. p. m. ss&es. The Parent's Prayer. F Hath called thy servant to fulfil The parent's tender part ! With gifts and graces from above, With calmest care and wisest love, Instruct my sknple heart. O may I ev'ry moment see Th' important end for which to me Thou hast my children giv'n ! A blessed instrument divine, Through thee, to make and keep them thine, And train them up for heav'n. Help me, great God ! their souls to rear, And, principled with holy fear, In virtue's path to load; 438 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. The hunger after thee excite, And stir them up with all their might To seek the living bread. 4 Thou, Lord, my ev'ry fault prevent, And guard whom thou to me hast lent, And guide them by thine eye. Conduct, or to thyself receive : O let them to thy glory live, Or in thy favour die ! Hymn G50. c. m. Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace, 1 rilHE glorious universe around, JL The heav'ns with all their train, Sun. moon, and stars, are firmly bound In one mysterious chain. 2 Grod in creation thus displays His wisdom and liis might ; While all his works with all his ways Harmoniously unite. 3 In one fraternal bond of love, Ofie fellowship of mind, The saints below and saints above Their bliss and glory find. 4 Here, in their house of pilgrimage. Thy statutes are their song ; There, through one bright, eternal age, Thy praises they prolong. 5 Lord ! may our union foi-m a part Of that thrice-happy whole ; Derive its pulse from thee, the heart; Its life from thee, the soul. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 439 Hymn 651. p. m. ts. Lords-day Morning. 1 CI AFELY through another week, k5 God has brought us on our way : Let us now a blessing seek, Waiting in his courts to-day ; — Day of all the week the best, Emblem of eternal rest. 2 Mercies, multiply' d each hour, Through the week, our praise demand ; Guarded by thy mighty pow'r. Fed and guided by thy hand. From our worldly cares set free, May we find repose in thee ! 3 May the gospel's joy fid sound Conquer sinners, comfort saijits; Make the fruits of grace abound ; Bring relief for all complaints. * Blest may all our sabbaths prove, Till we join the church above ! Hymn 652. s. m. Invitations to God ' s House, 1 ^OME to the house of pray'r, Vy O thou afflicted, come : The God of peace shall meet thee there, He makes that house his home. 3 Come to the house of praise, Ye who are happy now : In sweet accord your voices raise. In kindred homage bow. 3 Ye aged, hither come, For ye have felt his love : Soon shall your trembling tongues be dumb, Your lips forget to move. 38 440 ADDITiONAl, HYMNS. 4 Ye young, before his throne, Come, bow, your voices raise : Let not your hearts his praise disown, Who gives the pow'r to praise. 5 Thou, whose benignant eye In mercy looks on all ; Who seest the tear of misery, And hear'st the mourner's call ; 6 Up to thy dwelling-place Bear our frail spirits on, Till they outstrip time's tardy pace. And heav'n on earth be won. Hymn 653. s. m. Delight in Ordinances. 1 "VirELCOME, sweet day of rest. T ▼ That saw the Lord arise ; Welcome to this reviving breast. And these rejoicing eyes ! 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts his saints to-day : Here we may sit, and see him here. And love, and praise, and pray. 3 One day amidst the place Where my dear Lord hath been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Of pleasure and of sin. 4 My willing soul would stay In such a frame as this. And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 441 Hymn 654. c. m. The Sabbath of the Soul 1 CI LEEP, sleep to-day, tormenting cares, k3 Of earth and folly born! Ye shall not dim the light that streams From this celestial morn. 2 To-morrow will bo time enough To feel your harsh control : Ye shall not violate this day, The sabbath of my soul. 3 Sleep, sleep for ever, guilty thoughts ! Let fires of vengeance die ! And, cleans' d from sin, may 1 behold A God of purity ! Hymn 655. p. m. ts. Humble Worship. 1 "^^7" HEN before thy throne we kneel, ¥ T Fill'd with awe and holy fear, Teach us, O our God, to feel All thy sacred presence near. 2 Check each proud and wand' ring thought, When on thy great name we call. Man is nought, is less than nought ; Thou, our God, art all in all. 3 O receive the praise that dares Seek thy heav'n-exalted throne; Bless our offerings, hear our pray'rs, Infinite and Holy One ! Hymn 656. c. m. After Sermon. 1 4 GAIN our oars have heard the voice, At which the dead shall 1 ive: 442 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. O may the sound our hearts rejoice, And strength immortal give ! 2 And have we heard the word with joy ? And have we felt its pow'r ? To keep it be our blest employ, Till Hfe's concluding hour. Hymn 657. c. m. After Sermon, 1 \ LMIGHTY God, thy word is cast S\. Like seed into the ground : Now let the dew of heav'n descend, And righteous fruits abound. 2 Oft us the precious seed is sown, Thy quick' ning grace bestow; That all whose souls the truth receive, Its saving pow'r may know. Hymn 658. p. m. 7s. Benediction. 1 IVrOW may he, who from the dead _L^ Brought the Shepherd of the sheep, Jesus Christ, our King and Head, — All our souls in safely keep. 2 May he teach us to fulfil What is pleasing in his sight ; Perfect us in all his will, And preserve us day and night. Hymn 659. p. m. 8s&7s. Benediction. 1 1V/3~AY the grace of Christ, our Saviour, _LtJL And the Father's boundless love, With the holy Spirit's favour. Rest upon us from above. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 443 Z Thus may we abide in union With each other and the Lord ; And possess, in sweet communion, Joys which earth cannot afford. Hy:mn 660. L. M. At the Baptism of a Child. 1 nn HIS child we dedicate to tliee, JL O God of grace and purity ! Sb.ield it from sin and threat' ning wrong, And let thy love its life prolong. 3 O may thy Spirit gently draw Its willing soul to keep thy law ! May virtue, piety, and truth Dawn even with its dawning youth ! 3 We, too, before thy gracious sight, Once shard the blest baptismal rite; And would renew its solemn vow With love and thanks and praises now. 4 Grant that with true and fiithful heart We still may act the Chrislian part ; Cheer' d by each promise thou hast giv'n, And lab' ring for the prize of heav'n. Hymn 661. c. m. At the Close of the Communion. 1 ^r\ GOD, accept the sacred hour V^ Which we to thee have giv'n ; And let this hallow' d scene have pow'r To raise our souls to heav'n. 3 Still let us hold, till Ufe departs, The precepts of thy Son; Nor let our thoughtless, thankless hearts, Forget what he has done. 38* 444 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 3 His true disciples may we live, From all corruption free; And humbly learn, like him, to give Our pow'rs, our wills to thee. 4 And oft, along life's dang' reus way, To smooth our passage througii, Wilt thou, as on tliis holy day, For us this scene renew ! Hymn 662. l. m. Morning Hymn. 1 /^ OD of the morning, at whose voice VX The cheerful sun makes haste to rise. And like a giant doth rejoice To run his journey through the skies ; 2 O like the sun may I fulfil Th' appointed duties of the day, With ready mind and active will Marcli on and keep my heav'nly way. 3 Lord ! thy commands are clear and pure, Enlight'ning our beclouded eyes; Thy threat' nings just, thy promise sure; Thy gospel makes the simple wise. 4 Give me thy counsel for my guide. And then receive me to thy bliss. All my desires and hopes beside, Are faint and cold, compar'd with this. Hymn 663. p. m. ss. Morning or Evening. 1 A ^ ev'ry day thy mercy spares, -ljL '^Vi]l bring its trials or its cares, O Father, till my life shall end. Be thou my counsellor and friend ! ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 445 Teach mt; thy statutes all divine, And let t!iy will be always mine. 2 When each day's scenes and labours close, And weary' d nature seeks repose ; With pard ning mercy richly blest, Guard ms, my Father, while I rest : And as each morning sun shall rise, bad me onward to the skies ! 3 And at my life's last setting sun, My conflicts o'er, my laboui's done — Father, thy heav'nly i-adiance shed, To cheer and bless my dying bed ; And from death's glooni my spirit raise, To see thy face and sing thy praise. Hymn 664. s. m. Evening. 1 rjl HE day is pass'd and gone, _fl_ The ev'ning shades appear : O may I ever keep in mind. The night of death draws near ! 2 I lay my garments by, Upon my bed to rest : So death will soon disrobe my souJ Of what is here posse.ss'd. 3 Lord, keep me safe this night, Secure from all my fears : Protect and guard me, while I sleep, Till morning-light appears. 4 And when my days are pass'd. And I from time remove, Lord, may I in thy bosom rest, The bosom of thy love. 446 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 665. r. m. 7s. Safety in God. Morning or Evening. 1 TW^ MEY who on the Lord rely, -SL Safely dwell/though danger's nigh. Lo, his shell' ring wings are spread O'er eitch faithful servant's head. 2 Vain is ev'ry wily snare; Christians are Jehovah's care : Harmless flies the shaft hy day, Or in darkness wings its way. 3 When they wake, or when they sleep, God in safety them will keep." Death and danger may be near. Faith and love have nought to fear. Hymn 666. p. m. 7s. Evening Hymn, IGHTY God ! another day Me hath sped along my way. Nearer to my grave I've come, Nearer to mine endless home. 2 Thanks for life's extended length, For continued health and strength, Food and raiment, sun and air, Still provided by thy care; 3 Powers of soul and body still Guarded from each threat'ning ill; Friends to love, and good to do, Truth to seek, and heav'n pursue. 4 Gracious God ! my thanks sincere Kindly deign in heav'n to hear. Bid them gush, full, warm, and free, From a spirit fill'd with thee. ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 447 5 Round me close the shades of iiight ; Gird me with thy presence bright. Darkness comes not where tliou art : Dwell thou ever in my heart ! Hymn 667. p. m. ts. New- Year, 1 "V^7"HILE, with ceaseless course, the suii Y ¥ Hasted through the former year, Many souls their race have run, Never more to meet us here ! Fix'd in an eternal state, They have done with all below : We a little longer wait ; But how little, none can know. 2 As the winged arrow flies. Speedily the mark to find ; As the lightning from the skies Darts, and leaves no trace behind : Swiftly thus our fleeting days Bear us down life's rapid stream. Upward, Lord, our spirits raise ; All below is but a dream. 3 Thanks for mercies past receive ; Pardon of our sins renew ; Teach us, henceforth, how to hve With eternity in view. Bless thy word to young and old ; Grant us. Lord, thy peace and love ; And when life's short tale is told, May wc dwell with thee above ! s Hymn 668. cm. Sun, stand thou still Joshua x. 12. TAND still, refulgent orb of day !" The Jewish victor cries : 448 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. So shall, at last, an angel say, And tear It from the skies. 2 A. flame, intenser than the sun, Shall melt his golden urn ; Time's empty glass no more shall run, Nor human years return. 3 Then, with immortal splendour bright, That glorious orb shall rise, Which through eternity shall light The new-created skies. 4 His moral triiim[)hs then complete, Jesus, our Lord, shall place Before his heav'nly Father's seat The heirs of life and grace. 5 Unceasing flows the mortal tide ; Unceasing let it flow : If thou, O Lord, our guard and guide, Wilt dady grace bestow. 6 Then, sun of nature ! roll along And bear our years away : The sooner sliall we join the song Of everlasting day. HYxMN 669. p. M. 7r,. On opening a Place for IVorship. 1 "B~ ORD of hosts, to thee we raise § J Here a house of pray' r and praise. Thou thy people's heart prepare Here to meet for praise and pray'r ! 2 Let the living here be fed With thy word, the heav'nly bread; Here, in hope of glory bless' d, May the dead be laid to rest. 3 Here to thee a temple stand, While the sea shall gird the land ! ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 449 Here reveal thy mercy sure, While the sun aiid moon endure. 4 Hallelujah ! — earth and sky To the joyful sound reply ; Hallelujah ! — hence ascend Pray'r and praise, till time shall end. Hymn 670. l. m. Dedication of a House of Worship, 1 /^ BOW thine ear, Eternal One ! V-r On thee our heart adoring calls ; To thee the foll'wers of thy Son Have rais'd, and now devote these walls. 2 Here may thine honour dwell ; and here As incense, let thy children's pray'r, From contrite hearts, and lips sincere, Rise on the still and holy air. 3 Here be thy praise devoutly sung ; Here let thy truth beam forth to save, As when of old thy Spirit hung On wings of light, o'er Jordan's wave. 4 And when the lips, that with thy name Are vocal 'now, to dust shall turn. On others may devotion's flame Be kindled here, and purely burn. Hymn 671. l. m. At the Ordination of a Minister. 1 /^ THOU, who art above all height ! VJ^ Our God, our Father, and our Friend ! Beneath thy throne of love and light, Let thine adoring children bend. 2 We join in praise, that here is set A vine that by thy culture grew ; 450 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. We join in pray'r, tliat thou wouldst wet Its op'ning loaves with heav'nly dew. 3 Since thy young servant now hath giv'n Himself^ his pow'rs, his hopes, liis youth, To tlie great cause of truth and heav'n. Be thou his guide, O God of truth ! I And may his doctrines drop like rain. His speech like Hermon's dew distil, Till green fields smile, and golden grain, Ripe for the harvest, wait thy will. 5 And when he sinks in death, — by care, Or pain, or toil, or years oppressed — O God ! remember thou our pray'r, And take his spirit to thy rest. Hymn 67^. c. m. For a Meeting of Ministers. ET Zion's watchmen all awake, And take th' alarm they give ; Now let us from the mouth of God Our solemn charge receive. 'Tis not a cause of small import The pastor's care demands ; But what might fill an angel's heart, And fill'd a Saviour's hands. All to the great tribunal haste, Th' account to render there : And shouldst thou strictly mark our fatJits, Lord, how should we appear? May we, that Jesus whom we preach, Our own Redeemer see ! And watch thou dail}'- o'er our souls, That we may watch for thee. L additional hymns. 451 Hymn 673. l. m. Prayer for Ministers. 1 iilATHER of mercies, bow thine ear, JO Attentive to our earnest pray'r. We plead for those, who plead for thee : Successful pleaders may they be ! 2 How great their work ! how vast their charge! Do thou their anxious souls enlarge ! Their best acquirements are our gain ; We share the blessings they obtain. 3 Clothe, then, with energy divine Their words, and let those words be thine : To them thy sacred truth reveal, Suppress their fear, inflame their zeal. 4 Teach them to sow the precious seed ; Teach them thy chosen flock to feed ; Teach them immortal souls to gain — Souls that will well reward their pain. 5 Let thronging multitudes around Hear from their lips the joyfid sound ; In humble strains thy grace implore, And feel thy new-creating pow'r. ^ Let sinners break their massy cliains ; Distressed souls forget their pains ; Let light through distant rcalnis be spread. And Zion rear her drooping head. Hymn 674. p. m. ss & 7s. Prayer for a Congregation, as the Lord^s Vineyard, 1 Cl^^ ^^^^ vineyard thou hast planted, >3 God of mercy. Lord of hosts ! Let thy people's pray'r be grantod — Keep it safe from h.ostile boasts. 39 452 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hear, O hear us, when we pray — Keep thy vineyard night and day ! 2 Droopijig plants revive and nourish ; Let them thrive beneath thy hand ; Let the weak grow strong and flourish, Blooming fair at thy command; Let the fruitful yield thee more, Laden with a plenteous store. 3 Further, Lord, be thou entreated ; Plant the barren WEiste around. Let thy work be tlius completed, And no fruitless spot be found. Let the earth a vineyard be, Consecrated, Lord, to thee. Hymn 675. c. m. Rememhrance of the Creator in Youth. 1 TN the soft season of thy youth, JL In nature's smiling bloom, Ere ago arrive, and trembling wait Its summons to the tomb ; 3 Remember thy Creator, God ; For him thy pow'rs employ; Make him thy fear, thy love, thy hope. Thy confidence, thy joy. 3 He shall defend and guide thy course Through life's uncertain sea, Till thou art landed on the shore Of blest eternity. 4 Then seek the Lord betimes, and choose The path of heav'nly truth : The earth affords no lovelier sight Than a religious youth. ADDITION AJ, HYAiNS.. 453 Hymjn 676. p. ]M. 10s & lis. Prayer for the Aged. 1 rri HE day is far spent, the evening is nigh, JL When I must kiy down this body and die : Great God I I surrender my dust to thy care; Do thou for the summons my spirit prepare. 2 The hours that remam, O with me abide, And in the dark vale of deat'n be my guide. Through hfe's weary journey thou ever wast near* And in my last moments, Lord, for me appear. 3 Though rayless the night, thougli starless the sides, Exthiguish'd all light, and deatli on my eyes; An unclouded morning shall rise on the tomb. Before whose bright dawning shall vanish its gloom. 4 O day long foretold, v/hen wilt thou appear ? Thy approach I behold with hope and with fear. O righteous Judge, spare me; from sin set me free- And daily prepare mo to stand before thee ! Hymn 677. l. m. The present mordent, that of Decision. 'A T ev'ry momerit, ev'ry breath, Life trembles on the verge of death ; A taper's flame that upward turns, While downward to the dust it burns, 3 A moment usher'd us to birth, Heirs of the commonwealth of earth. Aloment by moment years are past ; And one, ere long, will be our last. 3 'Twixt that which struck us into light, And that whicli shall eclipse in night, There is a point no eye can see, Vet hangs on it eternity. 454 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 4 God for our portion then we choose, Or him ungrateful then refuse. Where is that point of wo or bliss ? — Gone by ? — ^to come ? — no, here, — 'tis this. 5 This is the moment, which begins; Now, let us cast away our sins. This is the moment ; on its end. Will pain or paradise depend. 6 The past is fled, the future not ; The present is our only lot. O God, henceforth our hearts incline, To see no other way but thine ! Hymn 678. l. m. True hngth of Life. 1 T IKE shadows gliding o'er the plain, JLi Or clouds that roll successive on, Man's busy generations pass, And while we gaze, their forms are gone. 2 " He lived — he died :" behold the sum, Tile abstract ofth' historian's page! Alike in God's all-seeing eye, The infant's day, the patriarch's age. 3 O Father ! in whose mighty hand The boundless years and ages lie ; Teacli us the boon of life to prize, And use the moments as they fly ; 4 To crowd the narrow span of life With wise designs and virtuous deeds : So shall we wake from death's dark night, To share the glory that succeeds. Hymn ()79. l. m. " Why stand ye here idleV^ 1 r I ^ HE God of glory walks his round, -i- From day to day, fi'om year to year: ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 455 And warns us each with awful sound, "No longer stand ye idle here." 2 *'Ye whose young cheeks are rosy brlglst, Whose hands are strong, whose hearts are clear, Waste not of hope the morning light ! Ah, fools ! why stand ye idle h>ere ? 3 " O, as the griefs ye would assuage That wait on life's declming year, Secure a blessing for your age. And work your Maker's business here. 4 " And ye, whose locks of scanty grey Foretell your latest travail near ; How swiftly fades your worthless day ! And stand ye yet so idle here 1 5 " One hour remams, there is but one ! But many a shriek, and many a tear Through bitter years the guilt must moan Of moments lost and wasted here !" 6 O thou, by all thy works ador'd. To whom the sinner's soul is dear, Recall us to thy vineyard. Lord ! And grant us grace to please thee here ! Hymn 680. p. m. us. ''I would not live alwayJ^ Job vii. 16. WOULD not live alway : I ask not to stay. Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way. I would not live alway : no, welcome the tomb ; Since Jesus hath lain there, I dread not its gloom. I would not live alway, thus fetter' d by sm; Temptation without, and corruption within : E'en the rapture of pardon is mingled with fears, And the cup of thankso^iving with penitent tears. 39* l 456 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 3 Who, who would hve alway, away from his God,' Away from yon heaven, that bUssful abode? Where the rivers of pleasure flow o'er the bright plains, And the noon-tide of glory eternally reigns: 4 Where the saints of all ages in harmony meet, Their Saviour and brethren transported to greet; While the anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul. Hymn 681. c. m. Impatience for Death sinful. 1 1lj^7"HY thus impatient to be gone 1 V V Such wishes breathe no more : Let him who lock'd thy spirit in, When meet, mibolt the door. 2 Why wouldst tliou snatch the victor's palm, Before the conquest's won? Or wish to seize th' immortal prize, Ere yet the race is run '? 3 Inglorious wish, to haste away And leave tiiy work undone ! To serve thy Lord, will please no less Than praising round the throne. 4 Whilst thou art standhig in the field, For bliss thou' It riper grow : Then wait the Lord's appointed time, Till he shall bid thee go. Hymn 682. l. m. Death of the Righteous. OW bless' d the righteous, when he dies! When sinks a weary soul to rest, How mildly beam the closing eyes ! How gCiitly heaves th' expiring breast ! ADDITIONAL HYiMNlS. 457 2 So fades a summer' cloud away ; So sinks the gale, when storms are o'er; So gently shuts the eye of day ; So dies a wave along the shore. 3 A holy quiet reigns around, A calm which life nor death destroys : Nothing disturhs that peace profound, Which his unfetter d soul enjoys. 4 Farewell, conflictmg hopes and fears, Where lights and shades alternate dwell ! How bright th' unchanging morn appears ! Farewell, inconstant world, farewell ! 5 Life's duty done, as sinks the clay, Light from its load the spirit flies ; While heaven and earth combine to say, "How bless' d the righteous, when he dies !' Hymn 683. l. m. Fear of Death overcome. 1 X CANNOT shun the stroke of death :— X. Lord, help me to surmount the fear ; That when I must resign my breath, Serene my summons I may hear. 2 'Tis sin gives venom to the dart : — In me let ev'ry sin be slain ! From secret faults. Lord, cleanse my heart j From wilful sins my hands restrain. 3 May I, my God, with holy zeal, Closely the ends of life pursue ; Seek thy whole pleasure to fulfil. And honour thee in all I do ! 4 Let all my bliss and treasure lie, Where in thy light I light shall see : That man may freely dare to die. Who longs to be possess' d of thee. 458 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 5 Say, thou art mine, and chase the gloom Thick hanging o'er the vale of death : Then shall I fearless meet my doom, And as a victor yield my breath. Hymn 684. l. m. Death, a blessing to the Righteous. 1 T^O flesh and nature dread to die? .1-^ And tim'rous thoughts our minds enslave? But grace can raise our hopes on high, And quell the terrors of the grave. 2 Do we not dwell in clouds below, And little know the God we love ? Why should we like this twilight so, When 'tis all noon in worlds above? 3 When we put off this fleshly load, We're from a thousand mischiefs free; For ever present with our God, Where we have wish'd and long'd to be. 4 No more shall pride or passion rise, Or envy fret, or malice roar, Or sorrow mourn with downcast eyes, And sin defile our eyes no more. 6 'Tis best, 'tis infinitely best, To go where temi)ters cannot come ; Where saints and angels, ever blest. Dwell and enjoy their heav'nly home. 6 O for the mighty help of God To drive my fears of death away, And aid me through this darksome road To realms of everlasting day ! Hymn 685. l. m. Home in view. 1 AS when the weary trav'Uer gains JTJl The height of some o'orlooking hill, ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 459 His heart revives, if 'cross the plains He eyes his home, though distant still : 2 Thus, when the Christian pilgrim views, By faith, his mansion in the skies, The sight his fainting strength renews And wings his speed to reach the prize. 3 The thought of home his spirit cheers ; No more he grieves for troubles past; Nor any future trial fears. So he may safe arrive at last. 4 Father ! on thee out hopes we stay, To lead us on to thine abode : Assur'd thy love will far o'erpay The hardest labours of the road. Hymn 686. l. m. At the Funeral of the Righteous. 1 I" TNVEIL thy bosom, faithful tomb ! \J Take this new treasure to thy trust ; And give these sacred relics room To slumber in thy silent dust. 2 No pain, no grief, no anxious fear Invade thy bounds ; no mortal woes Can reach the peaceful sleeper here. While angels watch its soft repose. 3 So Jesus slept ; God's dying Son Pass'd through the grave and bless' d the bed. Then rest, dear saint, till from his throne The morning break and pierce the shade. 4 Break, sacred morning, from the skies ! Then, cloth' d anew in bright array. Immortal form ! to life arise. And swell tlie song of endless day. 460 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 687. r. m. ts. At a Funer'ol. 1 ^~^ LAY to clay, and dust to dust ! \_y Let them mingle — for they must ! Give to earth the earthly clod, For the spirit's fled to God. 2 Upward let us turn our view; Peace is there and comfort too : There shall those we love be found, Tracing joy's eternal round. Hymn 688. p. m. m. The happy Dead. 1 XXATIK ! a voice divides the sky : — JL_L Happy are the faithful dead ! In the Lord who sweetly die, They from all tlicir toils are freed ! Tliem the Spirit hatii declar'd Blest, unutterably blest. Jesus is their great reward : Jesus is their endless rest. 2 Who can now lament the lot Of a saint in Christ deccas'd? Let the worhl that knows us not, Call us boneless and unbless'd. When from flesh the spirit freed Hastens homeward to return ; Mortals cry, "A man is dead ! " Anffels sino^, "A child is born ! " 3 Born into the world above, They our happy brother greet ; Bear him to the throne of love, Place him at the Saviour's feet. Jesus smiles, and says, "Well done, Good and faithful servant thou ! ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 461 Enter and receive thy crown ; Reign with me triumphant now ! " Hymn 689. s. m. The issues of Life and Death. 1 ^ WHERE shall rest be found, V>r Rest for the weary soul ? 'Twere vain, the ocean's depths to sound, Or pierce to either pole. 2 The world can never give The bliss for which we sigh, 'Tis not, the whole of life to live, Nor all of death to die. 3 Beyond this vale of tears, There is a life above, Unmeasur'd by the flight of years; And all that Hfe is love. 4 There is a death, whose pang Outlasts the fleeting breath. O what appalling horrors hang Around "the second death ! " 5 Lord God of truth and grace ! Teach us that death to shun ; Lest we be banish' d from thy face And utterly undone. Hymn 690. p. m. ss &7s. The final Judgment. GREAT God ! what do 1 see and hear! The end of things created ! The Judge of mankind doth appear, On clouds of glory seated ! The trumpet sounds ! the graves restore The dead which they contain' d before ! Prepare, my soul, to meet him ! 462 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Hymn 691. c. m. The Last Account. 1 rri FIE time draws near, when thou, my soul, JL Thy last account must give ; When thy whole hfe shall be survey'd By him who bade thee live 2 How many talents, O my God ! Hast thou bestow' d on me ! But yet how few can there be found Devoted, Lord, to thee ! 3 My health, my time, my worldly store, And thy more precious word, The talents are for which I must Account to thee, my Lord. 4 Much of my time, alas ! I've lost, And much have I mispent : How careless of my grand concern ! On trifles how intent ! 5 O may the slothful servant's doom, My holy care excite ! Each talent may I well improve. And in thy work delight ! Hymn 692. p. m. ss & fs. Expectation of Judgment. 1 /^ GOD, mine inmost soul convert ! V>^ And deeply on my thoughtful heart Eternal things impress. Give me to feel their solemn weight, And tremble on the brink of fate ; Wake me to righteousness. 2 Before me place in dread array The pomp of tlmt tromei^dous day, When thou witli clouds shalt come ADDITIONAL IIYJJNS. 463 To judge the nations at thy bar; And tell me, Lord, shall I be there To meet a joyfid doom ? 3 Be this my one great bus'ness here. With serious industry and fear Eternal bliss t' insure ; Thine utmost counsel to fulfil, And suffer all thy righteous will, And to the end endure. 4 Then, O my God, my soul receive, Transported from this vale, to live And reign with thee above ; Where faith is sweetly lost in sight. And hope in full supreme delight And everlasting love. Hymn 693. l. m. The Last Day. 1 fTlHAT day of wrath, that dreadful day, JB.. When heav'n and earth shall pass away, What pow'r shall be the sinner's stay? How shall he meet that dreadful day ? 2 When shriv'lling like a parched scroll, The flaming heav'ns together roll ; When louder yet, and yet more dread, Swells the high trump that wakes the dead : 3 Lord ! on that day, that wrathful day, When man to judgment wakes from clay. Be thou the trembling simiers stay, Though heav'n and earth shall pass away. Hymn 694. c. m. The Last Harvest. 1 r 1 1 HE angel comes, he comes to reap J. The harvest of the Lord ! 40 464 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. O'er all the earth, with fatal sweep, Wide waves his flaming sword. 2 And who are they, in sheaves to bide The fire of vengeance bound 'l The tares, whose rank luxuriant pride Chok'd the fair crop around. 3 And who are they, reserv'd in store God's treasure-house to fill? The wheat, a hundred fold that bore Amid surrounding ill. 4 O King of mercy ! grant us pow'r The fiery wrath to flee ! In thy destroying angel's hour, O gather us to thee ! Hymn 695. l. m. Preparation for Heaven. 1 TXEAV'N is a place of rest from sin : JLX But all who liope to enter there, Must here that holy course begin. Which shall their souls for rest prepare. 2 Clean hearts, O God, in us create ; Right spirits. Lord, in us renew : Commence we now that higher state, Now do thy will as angels do. 3 In Jesus' footsteps may we tread, Learn ev'ry lesson of his love; And be from grace to glory led. From heav'n below to heav'n above. H Hymn 696. p. m. ss & 7s. Peace and Glory of Heaven. EAR what God the Lord hath spoken O my people, faint and few, ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 465 Comfortless, afflicted, broken — Fair abodes I build for you. Scenes of heartfelt tribulation Shall no more perplex your ways : You shall name your walls salvation, And your gates shall all be praise. There, like streams that feed the garden, Pleasures without end shall flow ; For the Lord, your faith rewarding, All his bounty shall bestow. Still in undisturb'd possession. Peace and righteousness shall reign : Never shall you feel oppression, Hear the voice of war again. Ye, no more your suns descending, Waning moons no more shall see ; But your griefs for ever ending. Find eternal rest in me. God shall rise, and shuiing o'er you. Change to day the gloom of night: He, the Lord, shall be your glory, God your everlasting hght. Hymn 697. c. m. The Heavenly Jeinisalem. ERUSALEM ! my happy home ! J Name ever dear to me ! When shall my labours have an end In joy, and peace, and thee ? 2 When shall these eyes thy heav'n-built walls And pearly gates behold ? Tiiy bulwarks with salvation strong, And streets of shining gold ? 3 There happier bow'rs than Eden's bloom, Nor sin nor sorrow know. 466 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. Bless' d seats ! through rude an stormy scenes I onward press to you. 4 Why should I shrink at pain and wo? . Or feel at death dismay? I've Canaan's goodly land in view, And realms of endless day. 5 Apostles, prophets, martyrs there, Around my Saviour stand ; And soon my friends in Christ below, Will join the glorious band. 6 Jerusalem ! my happy home ! My soul still pants for thee. Then shall my labours have an end, When I th- joy: shall see. Hymn 698. p. m. ts, Revelation vii. 9 — 17. 1 '\WrHU are these in bright array ? ¥ i This innumerable throng. Round the altar night and day Tuning their triumphant song? "Worthy is the Lamb, once slain, Blessing, honour, glory, pow'r, Wisdom, riches to obtain. New dominion ev'ry hour." 2 Tliese through fiery trials trod ; These from great affliction came : Now, before the throne of God, Seal'd with his eternal name, Clad in raiment pure and white, Victor-palms in ev'ry hand, Through their great Redeemer's might More than conquerors they stand. 3 Hunger, thirst, disease unknown, On immortal fruits they feed : w ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 467 Them the Lamb amidst the throne Shall to living fountains lead. Joy and gladness banish sighs ; Perfect love dispels their fears ; And for ever from their eyes God shall wipe away their tears. Hymn 699. p. m. ss. Foretaste of Heaven. HAT must it be to dwell above, At God's right hand, where Jesus reigns, Since the sweet earnest of his love O'erwhelms us on these earthly plains ! No heart can think, no tongue explain, What bliss it is with Christ to reign. When sin no more obstructs our sight, When sorrow pains our hearts no more, How shall we view the Prmce of light. And all his works of grace explore ! What heights and depths of love divine Will there through endless ages shine ! This is the heav'n I long to know : For this with patience I would wait, Till, wean'd from earth and all below, I mount to my celestial seat, And wave my palm, and wear my crown, And with the elders cast them down. Hymn 700. cm. Re-union of the Good in Heaven, LEST hour, when virtuous friends shall meet. Their earthly sorrows o'er; And with celestial welcome greet, B On an immortal shore ! 468 ADDITIONAL HYMNS. 2 Tho parcMt fiiius bis long-lost child; Brothers on brothers gaze : The tear of resignation mild Is chiuig'd to joy and praise. 3 Each tender tie, dissolv'd with j-aiii, With endless bliss is crownM. All that was dead, revives again ; All that was lost, is found. 4 And while remembrance, ling'ring still, I) laws joy from sorrowing houis : New j)rospects rise, new pleasures fdl The soul's expanding pow'rs. 5 Congenial minds, array'd in light, High thoughts shall interchange ; Nor cease, with ever-new delight. On wings of love to range. 6 Their Father marks the gen'rous flanic And looks complacent down : The smile, that owns their filial claim, Is their immortal crown. 5 5'